1. In his campaign to become President of the US Barack Obama promised change, “time for change”, he said.

2. He promised to close down Guantanamo Detention Camp.

3. He promised to stop trials of detainees by Military Courts.

4. He promised to pull out from Iraq and Afghanistan.

5. And many more.

6. Now four years into his first term he has failed to keep his promises.

7. Guantanamo is still holding so-called terrorists; still torturing them. No military courts but no trials by civilian courts either.

8. Instead of pulling out from Iraq and Afghanistan he approved a “surge” in the troops sent to this area. Later he pulled out some troops but American soldiers are still in the two countries.

9. Making promises during campaigns for elections is easy. Keeping them is a different matter. The best hope is that people’s memory is short. They would normally forget the promises.

10. Now the opposition in Malaysia have copied Obama and is promising change.

11. Give them a chance they say. The BN has ruled this country for 55 years. It is time to change. They will change this into a welfare state. Everything will be free. No fees for education. No tolls. Large subsidy for petrol. 20% royalty to oil producing states etc..etc.

12. The Socialist and Communist have tried this welfare state idea. They failed. Malaysia has no ideology. But the reality is that all Governments need money in order to develop the country and to subsidise living cost for the people. But when Government foregoes taxes, tolls and fees, it will have less money. But it will still have to spend money on running and maintaining utilities, expressways, schools, hospitals, operational and development cost, pension, subsidies, etc.

13. So where does the Government get necessary funds.

14. Borrowing is okay if the money is invested and giving a return to repay the loans. But borrowing money in order to just spend will lead to non-payment of debts.

15. That’s what happened to Greece. It’s bankrupt now. The whole of Europe cannot put it back together again.

16. Admittedly the BN has ruled this country every since independence. But look at the record and compare it with other countries which gained independence at the same time. Compare it even with the developed West. They are in deep financial trouble and try as they might, they have not been able to overcome the crisis.

17. Remember 1997- 8 crisis. The then Deputy PM and Minister of Finance tried the IMF solution without the IMF loans. Banks and companies were faced with the threat of bankruptcy from non-performing loans. Imports cost more. Cost of living shot up.

18. The track record of the Minister of Finance then was bad although there is a fondness of claiming success brought about by other people as his success. PNB, UIA and Islamic banking were part of the claim.

19. Now as leader of the Opposition he is claiming to bring about change. What good change did he introduce when he was in the Government. All he was interested in was getting up the leadership ladder of UMNO in order to become Prime Minister. How he achieved his objective does not bear scrutiny.

20. Five years for the Anwar or Hadi-led opposition to govern is dangerous. Many things can be destroyed in five years. We have some experience of this. Besides the Opposition as Government will ensure there will be no return for the BN. Officer in the Government will be used to “gempar” (threaten) whoever tries to change Government. We know this has happened before.

21. Already we see this person who claims to fight for free speech suing and resorting to the courts to shut the mouths of his critics. Other powers of the Government will be similarly abused. Nepotism and cronyism will be employed as indeed they are in the party he now heads.

22. The record is there. Malaysians must not allow themselves to be hoodwinked as I was hoodwinked by the appearance of religious piety in the past.

23. The BN has listened to the people and has changed many laws and policies. All that the people need to do is to urge the BN to carry out whatever change the people desire. But changing the Government can and will result in this country becoming unstable and unable to grow.

136 thoughts on “CHANGE”

  1. islamist/wahabi extremist/salafi extremist di anuti malaysia partai pas indonesia partai muhammadiyah egypt islamist/wahabi extremist america bilal plhilip islamist/wahabi extremist india zakir naik islamist/wahabi extremist al qaeda islamist taleban islamist al shabab islamist tunisia islamist boko haram islamist azwad islamist/wahabi extremist wahabi extremist anti music anti nasyeed antitakwil anti mutashabihat anti democracy and they are persecutring the true muslims please advise

  2. Tun

    For amin tan (I am surprised at you) and for MrHBT456(I am not surprised). Since you both defended your Holy Grail, Lee Kuan Yew at all costs. Just for you two alone since you asked and I have a thick skin. I have better grades at the entrance through the 500 year old oak gate of my college which is still the best whilst your Lee Kuan Yew went into Fitzwilliam House the lowest ranking college without taking an entrance examination and Latin by the back door. You either read his book or ask him.

    Both of you should not be dazzled by the great achievements of great men or women. There is always a motive or reason for doing things especially by great men. Look at the mistakes of Winston Churchill. He made many great mistakes too and was accepted because he regretted his actions.

    Why Lee Kuan Yew went an inspected his Oppostion troops in the Malaysian hinterlands in April 2008 when he was and still is the Master Mentor of the Government of Singapore, a foreign country through and through ? Both of you please explain because I assume you do not have bank accounts or folks in good old Singapura and you are misled but true Malaysian patriots at heart.

    Vote BN. All Malaysians especially the Malaysian Chinese. You can vote BN as led by the UMNO and the 14 component parties as well as love your favourite Lee Kuan Yew in your hearts and Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad too ! No one will know !

  3. Dear Tun,

    BRAVO, my fair lady HBT456. Let me congratulate you for such accurate depiction of the actual and real political scenario. Keep it up, lady HBT456.
    Sorry to say, Mr Mubarakchan is out of topic, no substance, keep on harping Lee Kuan Yew repetitively. In Bahasa Malaysia it is called ‘TERKELUAR TAJUK’

    January 22, 2013 at 7:37 AM | Permalink
    Sir Mubarak Chan, calling yourself great supporter of Tun Dr MM after damaging our Malaysian pride, you must pray hard that you can win votes because DAP, PAS, PKR also need votes in GE 13th to cari makan politically and economically in KL, Petaling Jaya/Damansara/Puchong, Shah Alam and Subang Jaya.

    Do Malaysians feel sorry for you, a sagging ball like you down there who thinks Mr Lee Kuan Yew can be bought with political money without efforts?

    Next time, you should pursue yourself with a MBA if you really think that you are as good as Mr Lee Kuan Yew.””

    amin tan

  4. Sir Mubarak Chan, calling yourself great supporter of Tun Dr MM after damaging our Malaysian pride, you must pray hard that you can win votes because DAP, PAS, PKR also need votes like in GE 13th to cari makan politically and economically in KL, Petaling Jaya/Damansara/Puchong, Shah Alam and Subang Jaya.

    Do Malaysians feel sorry for you, a sagging ball like you down there who thinks Mr Lee Kuan Yew can be bought with political money without efforts?

    Next time, you should pursue yourself with a MBA if you really think that you are as good as Mr Lee Kuan Yew.

    This song is dedicated to all Chinese political leaders who call themselves as Malaysian 1st thinking our politics is a fashion trend that can be changed as and you like.

    Namewee, a Johorean, should be ashamed of himself who could bought politically even though he is a tertiary graduate in ROC Taiwan by downgrading the wisdom of Penangites, Malaysians, Malays, Chinese, Indian/Punjab, Indonesia, Bumiputra.

    Nameweek’s TOKOK, could be hired to TALK COCKS assuming Malaysians are stupid and still living up the tree, what has he got as a MAN in My Way?

  5. Tun

    It is pathetic for me to note the number of Malaysians especially the Malaysian Chinese are not aware of the dangers which face them with a change of the Government at Putrajaya. They still think that it is a tea party without giving due consideration of the fact of the characters and ultimate motives with the hidden hands behind this sinister play to come which we call the General Elections.

    My vision of the things to come is that if the Opposition will be able to form a Government, the number of sacking of Civil Servants and those of the GLCs. There will be witch hunts to settle old scores. Time will not be spend in governing but to cull through the files in order to wreak revenge on as many personalities as possible. This will go on for years without ending so that the BN as led by the UMNO and the 14 component parties is reduced from a tiger to a cat through this emasculation.

    To this day, there is no pronouncement of the Cabinet line up of the Government by the Opposition, of its Domestic and Foreign Policies. All they do is to magnify little or nothing into something sensational to catch the eye easily. And in their Blogs, now and then Lee Kuan Yew popped as the God of Supreme Reputation in support of their legitimacy. Obviously, they worship a foreign god to impress the ignorant and those weak in mind and heart that the awesome and great titan is behind them. Of course, this was the fact when Lee Kuan Yew made his Julius Caesar like tour of Singapore’s well-trodden hinterlands now controlled by his cohorts in April 2008. But lo and behold ! By October 2008, Lee Kuan Yew lost US$ 108 Billions (RM 350 Billions ) of his citizens Trust (CPF) money which was as much as Malaysia’s reserves on Wall Street. Some pundits find my continuous repetition of the titanic mistakes if boring. My intention is to brainwash them with the real facts of what can happen to Malaysia since the Opposition has sworned by the mighty Lee Kuan Yew who has a starred Double First Law degree from Cambridge and probably a Thrid Class in the Bar Finals London and none of the leading members of the Opposition has anything which come close to this Lee Kuan Yew intellect. And yet , Lee Kuan Yew made all those mighty mistakes over his one man 50 year rule over Singapore with the total population under his command.

    Sometime, the multiple gains which Singapore had from Malaysia since their Independences and never the other way round, have to be researched, studied and tabulated for all to see and understand the seriousness of why Singapore as led by Lee Kuan Yew takes such an abiding interest in the failure of the BN as led by the UMNO and the 14 component parties. And why some Malaysians especially the Malaysian Chinese treats him with such awe and adulation. The true story has to be told. The conclusion can only find that someone has been stupid ! It is even clear at this juncture that Lee Kuan Yew is no Santa Claus in disguise !

    What hope has Malaysia got which some call Tanah Melayu and some like me want the legitimacy of the BN as led by the UMNO and the 14 component parties to continue to rule according to the conventional practices and tradition within the backdrop of the Malays Royal heritage and legacies, the Islam religion with the other religiions, the life-style as we know it as fostered to all Malaysians by the BN.

    Life will change drastically under the Opposition to all Malaysians’ detriment because the Pandors’s Box has been opened !

    Therefore, all Malaysians especially the Malaysian Chinese rise, unite and vote only for the BN as led by the UMNO and the 14 component parties which are genuinely Malaysian and for you, your family and friends for now and the future. No apologies to the crypto Lee Kuan Yew admirers with bank accounts or folks in Singapore and find my warnings boring. Do not be misled and brainwashed by the thick smoke and opaque mirrors now performing every day by the Opposition in the Malaysian firmament, obviously on behalf of Lee Kuan Yew and his DAP and other interfering foreigners.

    This weakens the BN as led by the UMNO and the 14 component parties resolve to win if we are complacent and not careful with the pitfalls to come.

  6. Tun

    For Amin Tan. I accept your opinion wholeheartedly. No hard feelings. This is what it should be. Why Lee Kuan Yew and my apparent obsession ? There are lots and lots of information that should be in the public arena except what I could cull from the Singaporean media. Let this be so. The obsession is that of the triumvirate of DAP, PKR and PAS, DAP is the weakest being the paper tiger of its master, you know who. DAP exists because its counterparts should have done their jobs well. In realpolitik, we do not fight shadows ? Pour la vous Francais ? Have you experienced what it was like right in the middle of the riots with your baby age 6 months even though you have 7 guns ? Have you ever got sprayed by machine-gun bullets from a low flying Mitsubishi Betty ? Have you ever heard the all night rumbling of high flying bombers over Tapah ?

    Most of us Malaysians have been so well looked after by the BN as led by the UMNO and the 14 component parties, that we become restless. This is politics of life and death not a tea party.

    Vote the BN. Especially the Malaysian Chinese. If my fellow compatriots want me to explain why this is that or why this is this, I am only too happy to explain with facts as I experienced it.

  7. Dear Tun,

    Please take notice that Mr Mubarakchan has been harping on Lee Kuan Yew and Singapore in his every posting repetitively like a man possessed. Mr Mubarakchan is obsessed with Lee Kuan Yew and Singapore. I think it is a case of reversed psychology. Lee Kuan Yew must have been your great icon, hero, superman, and you seem to know everything about Lee Kuan Yew. I just want you to confirm or deny why are you so obsessed with Lee Kuan You so much so that you want to get me and HBT456 involved in your personal fantasy and wet dreams with Lee Kuan You. Why must you embarrass me and HBT456 BY DRAGGING us in your idol worshipping of Lee Kuan Yew. What is so great about a kafirun like Lee Kuan You? Only you, Mubarakchan and nobody else, not me not HBT457 admire or adore Lee Kuan You. We do not know Lee Kuan You. He is not important to us. You know him very well. You say so. Lee Kuan You is your friend, not ours. Please do not push us or introduce us to Lee Kuan You.

    “”We cannot just say ‘Ah ! Lee Kuan Yew is the greatest. He is a great man. The perfect icon. He does not make mistakes’. To tell you the truth, there were many of his aides who behaved like you chaps and those mistakes which have now erupted in Singapore were due to the ‘yes -men or women’ who surrounded him. If he had advisers with the courage or hearts made of steel, all those faults which I culled from the Singaporean media would not have happened, even the triumphant tour of April 2008 of his victorious troops on the Peninsula. In fact, if Lee Kuan Yew had done otherwise, he would have gone down in history as a legend. Man proposes. God disposes.””

    amin tan

  8. Tun

    For Amin Tan. In a democratic society like ours in beloved Malaysia, you and HBT456 and other Lee Kuan Yew admirers are entitled to your opinion. By the tradition and conventional practices of great democracies we recognise differences in opinions especially in the public arena for the good of all.

    Dear compatriots, the history of our beloved country especially the history and the political governance through the ages did not begin with our Y.A.B. Dato Seri Najib bin Tun Abdul Razak or Y.B. Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim. We cannot, and definitely cannot say that all those ladies and gentlemen who played a large part in the serious business of Malaysian politics did not exist which in your thinking should include our dear Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad. To be a credible politician, it pays to look back in history to see the achievements, the warts, the fault lines of the good and the great etc. We learn from the mistakes of others. We cannot just say ‘Ah ! Lee Kuan Yew is the greatest. He is a great man. The perfect icon. He does not make mistakes’. To tell you the truth, there were many of his aides who behaved like you chaps and those mistakes which have now erupted in Singapore were due to the ‘yes -men or women’ who surrounded him. If he had advisers with the courage or hearts made of steel, all those faults which I culled from the Singaporean media would not have happened, even the triumphant tour of April 2008 of his victorious troops on the Peninsula. In fact, if Lee Kuan Yew had done otherwise, he would have gone down in history as a legend. Man proposes. God disposes.

    Those politicians who ignore the great history of Malaysia as formed by the Royal Sultans, the British, the Malayan Spring of 1946, the early Malay patriots, Tun Tan Cheng Lock, the BN as led by UMNO and the 14 component parties with the 6 distingushed Prime Ministers, do so at their own peril. With your permission, even the ‘ one swallow does not make an Indian summer ‘ scenario which began after 2003 is a lesson which taught us something good for the future of our beloved Malaysia.

    In loyalty, person should not be a fence sitter ! And jump to the side that wins ! In time, we have no friends and no enemies.

  9. Tun,

    For Amin Tan and others who admire Lee Kuan Yew secretly in their heart of hearts ! In a democratic country like our beloved Malaysia, different opinions are accepted properly without rancour or abuses.

    But with due respect, I like to point out that the long history of our beloved country did not begin with our distinguished Prime Minister YAB Dato Seri Najib bin Tun Abdul Razak or YB Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim. We must also not forget those ladies and gentlemen who through their sweat, toil and tears contributed wholeheartedly in the political life of this diverse country without reward. And last but not least and the most important, the Royal Sultans, the British, the participants of the Malayan Spring of 1946, the patriots from UMNO, Tun Tan Cheng Lock, the BN as led by the UMNO with the 14 component parties and the 6 distinguished Prime Ministers, and we on the way to elect the 7th. Malaysia was not born out of a rock but through the efforts of people through the ages.

    And the 22 year long Administration of Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad was exceptional for many things and especially, he safeguarded our beloved country’s Sovereignty, National Interest and Self-Esteem
    and did not sell our grandmothers down river for money, money money !

    It pays for those politicians to look back in history of the good and the great who were human beings like us. Their mistakes, the fault lines, the warts etc were normally revealed after they were gone. We learn from the mistakes of others. It does not mean that ‘Ah ! Lee Kuan Yew is the greatest. He is the icon. He can do no wrong. He is always right. The top leaders of the World go to Singapore to consult him ‘! It was the ‘yes’ men which surrounded him that mistakes which could be avoided were made. These facts you can easily cull from the Singaporean media. A person with courage or a heart of steel would have advised him accordingly. I believe only Dr Goh Keng Swee and maybe S. Rajaratnam could do so. In fact, I would be the first person to say Lee Kuan Yew is a legend if not for all those eruptions which you can discern in Singapore today. The missing vital ingredient was compassion ! For Lee Kuan Yew who ruled alone for over 54 years over the destiny of a group of people, I am sure being a Cantabrigian he recognises the pitfalls of the past.

    Loyalty must never be misplaced. Those with courage do not sit on a fence. See the courage of Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad. If he had taken all those money, do you think he would willingly give up his luscious job to another person with all those amazing powers ? To find fault is very easy, to achieve something is something else. This is why politics could be a successful career for someone with no capital but with a quick turn of mind and the gift of the gab !

    Dear compatriots, have you noticed that my comments were specially designed for chaps like you so that you let us know whether you are fish or fowl, unwittingly. This is a time to stand up and be counted. A person sounds funny when he or she says ‘ I like the BN and I like the PR too ‘!

    Vote the BN. All Malaysians especially the Malaysian Chinese. All of us pass through this beloved Malaysia only once in a lifetime even though some of you might disagree !

  10. Dear Tun,

    Please allow me to disagree with Mr Mubarakchan’s views of the coming PRU 13 or the next General Election in Malaysia as quoted below,

    “”The next General Elections is the ultimate battle between the Nationalists of Malaysia’s runaway success in human terms and Lee Kuan Yew of the runaway failure of Singapore ! The lines are drawn very clearly across the political divide and billions of ringgits are ready as the cannon fodder !””

    Dear Mr Mubarakchan,

    The next General Election as I understand is between Barisan Nasional as headed by Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak and the Opposition is Pakatan Rakyat as headed by Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim. To be more relevant we should concentrate more on these 2 main personalities. Do not be ‘cuak’ talking about them for they are destined to be our next Prime Minister, the most powerful and influential person in our beloved country, Malaysia. Lee Kuan Yew cannot and will not be the next prime Minister of Malaysia, the most is minimum influence from him. If we must talk about Malaysian Chinese, it is father and son team of Lim Kit Siang and Lim Guan Eng and the charismatic Chua Soi Lek of MCA.

    ‘Billions of ringgit as the cannon fodder’ is true. But the money from BN is legal as it is passed through parliament in the form of BRM1(Bantu Rakyat malaysia satu) and BRM2, and development projects. On the contrary, the money from the Opposition especially PKR may be illegally obtained from foreign sources, especially from ‘the Open Society Foundation’ in America founded and funded by George Soros. This is admitted by Datuk Ambiga of Bersih in the open court that she received funding from George Soros. Malaysiakini is also funded by George Soros whose aim and purpose is to put Anwar Ibrahim in power. We should realise that should our Prime Minister be a puppet of America, then we will have ‘open Society’ as envisioned by George Soros. Gay marriage and homosexuality, prostitution would be legalised and be the norm.

    I agree with HBT456, that in spite of so much contribution Tun Dr Mahathir has given to the nation, one biggest honest mistake, very well intentioned, was to coach and appoint Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim as his Deputy to eventually take over as the Prime Minister of Malaysia. But Allah still loves Tun Dr Mahathir and Malaysia and Tun realised in time that Datuk seri Anwar Ibrahim is not suitable to be the Prime Minister of Malaysia and must be stopped at all costs. Tun Dr Mahathir had good intention(nawaitu) when he groomed and made him Tengku Mahkota of UMNO, not realising one day Anwar turned around and bite him, the hands that feed and crown him. It was the most ungrateful and hurtful bite of all, ibarat anak gigit bapa. This is the true meaning of ‘man proposes, Allah disposes’ or ‘Mahathir plans, but God decides’. Anwar durhaka pada Ayahanda Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad yang disayangi.

    amin tan

  11. Tun

    For Mr HBT456 and all crypto-Lee Kuan Yew admirers with etiher bank accounts in Singapore or have folks living there who call themselves Malaysians.
    You talk so much defending Lee Kuan Yew, DAP, PAS and PKR. Please tell me what have you done for our beloved country Malaysia ?

  12. Tun

    The next General Elections is the ultimate battle between the Nationalists of Malaysia’s runaway success in human terms and Lee Kuan Yew of the runaway failure of Singapore ! The lines are drawn very clearly across the political divide and billions of ringgits are ready as the cannon fodder !

    Vote BN. All Malaysians especially the Malaysian Chinese. Malaysia is the ultimate home for all of us. !

  13. SalamTun.

    The Star report,
    The Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) has been asked to investigate a recently retired judge.
    “A complaint was lodged with the Bar Council after the judge retired and we went to see Chief Justice Tun Arifin (Zakaria) about it,” said council chairman Lim Chee Wee.

    At last, after years of waiting, BAR Council finally agrees to be the “watchdog” of our legal system. Forget the amBIGa era, the most non-performing period of BAR Council’s no-performance index!
    Let’s hope they don’t continue the “choosy habit” when reporting events of public interest.

  14. Tun

    It is my earnest hope that the Malay middle income urban group and the Malaysian Chinese take the next General Elections seriously and vote the BN as led by the UMNO and 14 other component parties which has provided us with the peace, harmony and prosperity for over 55 years. This is the Humpty Dumpty as built by the BN and if destroyed, it could never be put together again.


    First, the BN as led by the UMNO and 14 component parties is a real alliance formed to contest elections unlike the PR which is 3 extremist political groups getting together to arrange of the allotment of seats amongst themselves to achieve a common victory to unseat the BN. There is no common banner to be hoisted by these 3 to propagate their beliefs. To garner votes, it is crystal clear that the attack is on the money and sex-wrong doings of political individuals all the time plus with the use of money (which the Opposition now has) to buy whatever is needed to do the job.
    These actions are what I always called the use of thick smoke and faulty mirrors to cover the real weaknesses of the PR which are that there is no Shadow Cabinet, no Domestic Policy and no Foreign Policy with the General Elections just around the corner.

    Second, it is of paramount importance to let all the Malaysian voters know what sort of Government the PR is going to form. Who are going to be the Prime Minister and the Deputy Prime Ministers? And the rest of the Cabinet. I can only discern 6 distinguished gentlemen as leaders of which 5 are over the age of 62 and only one is below this. What about the other 50 Cabinet Ministers to form the Government ?

    Third, with such a thin layer of human resources to cover the huge Government apparatus of the Civil Service, the Police and the Military by the as yet unknown and inexperieced politicos, what happens to the country if the Government Civil Servants are recalcitrant and unwilling to co-operate with a group which is the PR winning the Grandmother of all General Elections with the force of money, money and money alone. I reckon this time a figure of RM 8 Billions maybe estimated inclusive of what needs to be paid for the last elections by both sides – a huge industry by itself.

    Fourth, the DAP is famously known to be founded by Lee Kuan Yew. Thick smoke and faulty mirrors are produced to hide this God of Supreme Reputation to brainwash the minds for submission and surrender of all logic and reason. The strange thing about the DAP is that it firmly believed to remain in Opposition for 44 years. The PKR as could be discerned from the media has strong foreign financial backing and led by a rich family which now plays for the ultimate power to rule. The PAS has as always distinguished and pious and prays for its style of living.

    But their are no enduring ties or known common ties between these 3 redoubtable parties which are now making for the power to rule from Putrajaya !

    Fifth, all Malaysian voters should ask themselves how could they vote 3 separate entities in political terms to rule over themselves. We do not here of a major PR Congress but we do hear of winners could be losers and losers could be winners in the important elections of the DAP.

    So, who and what are the Malaysians really voting for ? A mirage in the desert ? A political show which is unsustainable but could only sustained by tons of money ? What sort of faceless individuals are going to govern our beloved Malaysia and taking over all successes from the sweat and toil of the BN as led by the UMNO and the 14 component parties for over 55 years ?

    And to takeover or change the incumbent BN Government, the PR action seems to be embarked on one big libel and slander attacl pm the sexual misdemeanours and money scandals by individuals, not by the BN Government. This is the difference because in political beliefs, there is absolutely no difference between the incumbent BN and the anaemic PR.

    Sixth, by traditional and conventional practice, the BN as led by the UMNO and the 14 components is a true political groupd well-prepared and well-placed to govern compared to the stand alone 3 parties of the PR which is just a temporary electoral arrangement to do in the BN.

    To put this crudely, any Malaysian with backing from a foreign billionaire or country can do the same as what the 3 parties, DAP, PKR and PAS are doing. To disrupt a peaceful, harmonious and prosperous country like our beloved Malaysia is that easy – any foreigneer or foreign country with US$300 Million = RM1 Billion through willing proxies, can turn all of us into refugees, the innocent men, women and children. Lee Kuan Yew has already said the gates of castle Singapore will be closed to such refugees.

    The payback is of course the well-built infrastructures, the human and natural resources now within the jurisdiction of our beloved country, Malaysia – which unwittingly due to good governance of the BN as led by the UMNO with the 14 component parties, has attracted the unwarranted attention of the great and the mighty, real or self-acclaimed because of her strategic geo-political position as the Mother of all choke-points ! Hence, Lee Kuan Yew’s enduring and abiding interest in Malaysia’s politics.

    Vote BN. All Malaysians especially the Malaysian Chinese. Do not break your own rice-bowl by voting otherwise. See the heavy hand of foreign interference in the next Elections. Money ! Money ! Money !

  15. Tun

    The way the Opposition has been going about preparing for the forthcoming General Elections to a bystander like me, is that there maybe a strong element of revenge if they win. And with the help of the latest methods of investigation from Singapore, the winners are determined to dig up everything about their enemies up to 3 generations ! This is the reality to come for the BN as led by the UMNO with the 14 component parties if they do not really make a fight of the next General Elections.

    The huge amount of money that has been stashed up by the Opposition which had been able to convince very rich people that they have a just cause e.g. the BN as led by the UMNO with the 14 component parties ruled for over 56 years, therefore, it is time for ‘Change’ on the Opposition terms. This is a dangerous line to take as all that is bad concerning the Opposition is white-washed and their beliefs are actually no different from that of the BN as led by the UMNO and the 14 component parties. Most important of all, the political parties of the United States and the United Kingdom have histories of more than 100 years and yet these are still dynamic and viable. In Malaysia’s case, there were 6 democratically elected Prime Ministers and another one will be elected soon, unlike Singapore’s Lee Kuan Yew’s grip on power eternally !

    In the Profumo’s scandal of the United Kingdom in the 1950s, the Conservatives did a self-cleansing exercise and were able to retain power many times thereafter but there was no threat of revenge or anything like that in British politics.

    The way money has been used to cull out so-called secret information is a good harbinger of the events to come which is somewhat like the McCarthyism hearings of the United States in the late 1940s and the 1950s. Richard Nixon took his first step to the White House from here.

    The time has come for the BN as led by UMNO and the 14 component parties to put their shoulders to the wheel and show the World what sort of politicians, the Malaysian politicians are really like and avoid the unexpected event of being called a laughing stock and subjected to their private lives being thrown to witch hunting by the victors !

    How could former 2nd and 3rd ranking ex-BN politicians with tons of money call the tune unless complacency sets in the BN ? This has already happened in 2008 and a week is a long time in politics.

    I honestly at this point in time cannot see how an anaemic Opposition with 6 distinguished gentlemen of which only one is below the age of 62 is going to administer this diverse and complicated country even with help from Singapore which in itself had imploded. Man proposes, God disposes !

    If the Opposition shouts loudly, then the BN led by the UMNO with the 14 component parties should shout loudest !

    It will be a sorry sight for all if the middle income groups of Malaysia vote in trouble and trouble for themselves by ignoring the good and the great BN as led by the UMNO and the 14 component parties. A saying which was thrown at me by a recalcitrant friend who had a nasty temper, ‘ this would be the most unkindest cut of all ‘.

    The PR Cabinet line-up, its domestic and foreign policies are still the great unknowns despite the fact the DAP, PKR and PAS have been chums since 2008. A clear line on what affects the different communities, not only their pocket but also their hearts and souls, is a must for the political socio-economic mosaic of our beloved Malaysia. What is reported all over the media are eye catching and easy to understand issues which are actually thick smoke and faulty mirrors with no real meaning and no real political substance. This is designed to catch the innocents and the unwary and interested foreigners by playing on the heart strings of their emotions. Some pundits might call this a political con-game.

    Vote BN. All Malaysians especially the Malaysian Chinese. This is an opportunity of a life-time to show that we are not mice but humankind not to be piped away by the Pied Pipers of Hamelin ! Vide. Grimm Brothers Fairy Tales of Germany. Heil Hitler !!!

  16. Tun

    For Mr HBT456, are you alright ? You call yourself a babi and a family woman ! You can either be only babi or a woman. For a moment I thought you said you are a woman attached to a family using the latter as an adjective which is a noun !

    For Super-powers who have an enduring interest in the strategic littoral Nation of Malaysia in geo-political terms, the Mother of all choke points, do not be misled by all these photogenic shows put on like those in Munich by Hitler in the 1930s to overcome and gain power. No one has done such acts until right now in our beloved Malaysia in the 21st Century. The World had learnt the hard lessons of that time and how many people were murdered by Hitler at that time ? Millions and millions of innocent men, women and children were killed. The present photo-display of the raucous crowds is just a reminder of past history of ethnic cleansing by Hitler – a terrible phrase if put into action and not words ! Heil Hitler !

    The United States of America the great Defender of Democracy – our beloved Malaysia is not for turning ! We have always been friends through the Communist Insurgency, the Vietnam War and the Cold War and even in this new world of globalisation, free trade and human rights ! Through the United Nations, we were in the Congo, East Timor, Iraq, Lebanon etc.

    For George Soros – you know world history much better than 99% of our innocent men, women and children. Even though the BN as led by the UMNO may have its faults due to human frailties which you would recognise, as one person who understands cycles of ups and downs, what is troubling the BN today is cyclical ! With the leadership of the BN as led by the UMNO, our beloved Malaysia will stand tall, proud and strong within the ranks of credible nations in time ! Ii is the innocent blood and flesh that is important not the money, money, and money ! Thanks !

    There is a story which goes like this. One fine day, President Harry S Truman ( my favourite American President, not because he dropped the bombs but for his humbleness ) was told by his aide, ‘ Mr President, everytime we send our money to China via the Marshall Plan, the next moment, this money appeared in the New York bank account of the Generalissimo ‘! The good President replied ‘ He is a bastard, but our bastard ‘!

    Vote BN. All Malaysians especially the Malaysian Chinese. Show this small World and our small beloved Nation the value of our votes.

  17. Tun

    For Mr HBT456. Of course I speak like a man. I am a man not a mouse !

    For those who hold the DAP in awe, the recent events of the past few months are as follows :-

    1. The fantastic money deal which had a value of hundreds of millions of ringgits by DAP majority Selangor and a very staunch supporter of the UMNO and the MCA. Chalk and cheese ?
    As it is alleged that when it comes to money, where is the principle, political princple ? Or as it was alleged that Lee Kuan Yew once said ‘ In trade, you might have to deal with the Devil !’

    2. Opaque land deals here and there.

    3. A Political Security Armed Squad to be formed like Hitler’s stormtroopers the Brown Shirts but in Malaysia, its yellow shirts, for stomping around the country. This could be easily expanded into an Army like Hitler in the 1930s and paid for by the taxpayers money. It is alleged Singaporean advisers are already in place in certain projects. Secession and condominium with Singapore ?

    4. A ‘technitcal glitch’ in the DAP elections by the made-in Singapore computer which was enabled for Singapore. The Registrar of Societies should be invited to review the 2 Wongs mistake for the sake of transparency and fairness to the winners or the losers ! Popular phrases ‘ Clean and fair elections ‘! or ‘ Losers can be winners, winners can be losers ‘ !

    5. The use of the Singapore Government owned Straits Times to demand that the honourable and distinguished Tuan Haji Hadi Awang to retract, condemn, refute, remove. negate his own words etc whatever he said sincerely and honourably years ago because his words cause a great discomfort to the DAP, shades of the awesome titan Lee Kuan Yew ! Or is it a hint, that something is amiss with the DAP operating in the Ulus not up to the world class standards of competency, efficiency and meritocracy a’la Malaysia ?

    Vote BN. All Malaysians especially the Malaysian Chinese. Facts are facts.

  18. Keep the comment to yourself, YAB.

    In politics, businesses, judiciary, families (social), welfare (lobby costs) or wars issues, we need to know our strengths and weaknesses, we need to know our enemy’s strengths and weaknesses if we want to win general elections to give hope, opportunities and challenges to new Malaysians.

    I like the American style is when they made mistakes, they are willing to spend to rectify the problems to keep the world safe again so that humankind can progress and live for decades.

    After being rule via dictatorship in Middle-east, EU, Russia and China whereby people fight among themselves to keep power, are moving to this direction too.

    Democracy is here to stay for years to come to transform the country to the next level….

    Good day, YAB.

  19. Tun,

    Obama’s a joke. After all, it’s nothing more than a political reality show. Those sheeples (sheep people) think they are voting a saviour. In fact, they are being slaughtered one by one with higher taxes, and inflation. That’s what you get and should deserve having lived the life of an entitled person. You see, they have this entitlement mindset, to think that they deserve everything: high pay, house, retirement benefits etc

    Sound very much like what Pakatan is promising also. Nothing is FREE. Eventually, someone’s gotta pay for it. If not through taxes, then inflation. Or else, even your cucu cicit have to pay.
    While Malaysia aint that bad yet, BN’s got to do something about this. Dilemma is, Pakatan is promising the rainbow, and if you don’t how to win votes?

    Hard to be responsible and win votes at the same time. If anyone were to find a solution, should be you, Tun!

  20. At last, you speak like a man, Mubarak Chan.

    Who are good, who are not good, voters know.

    Guan Eng is just copying what BN did in the past to get votes, no more, no less.

    Chinese, similar to Malays as the 2nd major race in Singapore, we too are being marginalized by majority race.

    It’s good to read news on Singapore PM Lee Hsien Loong to show us that no bias or prejudice in appointing the first Malay female as Dewan Speaker to set a good role modelling for Singaporeans to see.

    If BN prefers the old way of doing things, they can bankrupt the country in 2019.

    What’s the point of building great infrastructure when you hardly see us travelling on them?

    What’s the point of subsidizing rakyat just to make rakyat vote BN?

    Malaysia is a small country.

    Malaysia is vulnerable to any volatile global crisis that can force us to change the government.

    If BN members are unable to react quick and fast to these uncertainties, they will be voted out.

    Today, political uncertainties is not between Malays vs Chinese.

    Today, political uncertainties is between Malays vs Malays wrt to “Kalimah Allah”.

  21. Tun

    In the National Interest and since there is so much controversy concerning the DAP elections with the DAP leaders admitting their embarassment and others calling it something else, maybe the Registrar of Societies should step in to review the whole DAP elections process because it was alleged also that there were no qualified auditors, lawyers or other professionals in attendance to supervise, monitor or scrutinize these vital elections. Maybe DAP one day will govern all of us. And for this, I am sure the DAP will welcome the Registrar to perform his task !

  22. Salam Tun.

    I wish to refer to my earlier comment to Tun’s earlier entry,
    “SPEECH AT THE RAFIK HARIRI UN-HABITAT MEMORIAL AWARD” dated 02/10/2012, which was posted on 08/10/2012 @9:38 am
    I’m very much looking forward to Tun’s consideration.

    This comment was posted on October 8, 2012 at 9:38 am
    “Salam Tun.
    How I wish to be one having the capacity (and to be accepted/recognised) to bestow just one award, to one that’s most outstanding and influential, and whose achievement when compared to the rest combined that still only look a mere pale shadow of his.
    I’d undoubtedly have reserved that award for you.
    This coming PRU13, I wish that Tun will reconsider retirement in politic and to contest in Permatang Pauh.
    Knowing the parliamentary seat to be Anwar’s impregnable fortress, and even if the slim chance that Tun will lose is to happen, everyone will understand the situation.
    Tun has very little to lose if there’s an upset happening and Anwar wins, but with a huge reputation intact and getting stronger if Tun can win there, which I’m very optimist on Tun’s success.
    God willing, I’ll do my utmost best to change at least 100 fence sitters and opposition supporters to vote for Dr. Mahathir.”

  23. Sudin,

    Don’t simply slander me.

    Just because you are not happy, you blamed others but not yourself.

    As I said, I do not expect you to stand on your own immediately.

  24. Salam Tun.

    Thank you to Alfred Willner for correcting my wrong, even though there’s no medical report found anywhere that stated Hitler was a “MAD MAN, he was MENTALLY SICK and OBSESSED”.
    I very sincerely believe the statement from Alfred is just an echo of the true feeling of all Germans.

    If Alfred is not shy to reveal the regret and remorse of Germans to the extend of creating unfounded MENTALLY SICK accusation about Hitler just to show/emphasize their dislike of him, I salute them!
    How I wish the other races to follow the path taken by the Germans.
    I do hope HBT and gang learn something there.

  25. Hi Alfred,

    Thank you very much for clarifying the term “holocaust” to sudin.

    What I will do next time, if he as police, simply issue traffic offence to me, I will report to Ministry of Transport.

  26. sudin said on January 7, 2013 at 7:37 PM

    Another thing for HBT to ponder, and maybe Alfred Willner can correct me if I’m wrong,
    Hitler exterminated the jews because the latter’s greed show no bound!

    Dear Tun Dr. Mahathir,

    I believe I have said here before that I do not intent or mean to get involved in discussions over Malaysia’s forthcoming General Election as I am a foreigner to your lands and thus not entitled to comment on the subject and I never did.

    Since “sudin” addressed me here with the above comment of his and since the subject is not really an electoral issue, please allow me to respond:

    HITLER exterminated the jews because he was a MAD MAN, he was MENTALLY SICK and OBSESSED. No one should compare with him, use him as reference or use what he did as an example -not in Malaysia nor anywhere else in the world- for HIS DEED WERE EVIL.

    This is all that needs to be said in this regard.

    Salam, dear Tun!

    Alfred Willner

  27. Salam Tun.

    Berita terkini,
    Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad menyifatkan tindakan DAP mengadakan pengiraan semula undi bagi pemilihan Jawatankuasa Kerja Pusat (CEC) baru-baru ini, sebagai satu helah politik untuk menarik sokongan orang Melayu menjelang Pilihan Raya Umum ke-13.

    ”Kiraan itu betul tetapi bila mereka (DAP) dapati tidak ada langsung pemimpin Melayu dalam DAP, mereka kata mereka silap. Takkan begitu bodoh sekali, nak kira undi pun tidak tahu. Kalau tidak tahu kira undi, tidak usahlah jadi kerajaan,” katanya.

    Saya ingin memberi gambaran kejadian konon2 salahkira undi yang diumumkan oleh Kapal Sink.

    Bertempat di kamar guan eng,
    guan eng: “Berani itu delegate lawan gua punya perintah. Zairil, panggil Kapal sekarang.”
    Zairil: “Baik master.”
    Sebentar kemudian Zairil dan Kapal Sink masuk.
    guan eng: “Kapal, gua mahu itu undi kasi ubah, my puppeteer Zairil no.20”
    Kapal Sink: “Susah tuan, itu Pooi tak mahu tukar.”
    guan eng: “Guna itu ‘liar game’, awak kan expert! Lagi satu, itu Teresa selalu berkoKok, dia mahu Chairman baru, ramai delegate sokong sama dia. Hanya kit siang dan anaknya saja boleh suruh dia henti berkoKok. Awak paham.”
    Kerana takut jawatan Chairman ditentang orang2 Teresa, Kapal Sink terus menjawab,
    Kapal Sink: “Loud and clear tuan.”

    Several hours later, Kapal Sink enters kamar guan eng.
    Kapal Sink: “Semua settle tuan. Pooi saya suruh berhenti, Zairil no. 20, official announcement already made.”
    guan eng: “You dengar Zairil, lu jadi my favourite puppet. All dismissed.”

    Menyedari dia kurang popular dikalangan delegate, guan eng berkata sendirian: “I’ll show them, just wait.”

  28. salam Tun,

    Yo polo clown, you’re so full of it. Please comment with hard facts next time ok. See I told you already exposed yourself as an utter fool.
    Jangan marah ehehehe…


  29. Sudin just another sampah antara sampah. Just like your party. Pashit? It’s a shit by yourself. LOL.

  30. It does not matter whatever sudin wants to say.

    He can lied and cheat to make themselves look great.

    In their hearts, always Chinese at fault, but not them.

    We have learned the lesson long time ago.

  31. Salam Tun.

    It’s a funny world when the ‘haves’ keep accusing the ‘have-nots’ as corrupt.

    When the police stop HBT for breaking the law (speeding, road tax/license expire, crossing under pedestrian bridge, throwing rubbish anywhere, whatever), she will beg with the police not to issue summon. Finally like a magic BHT insert a RM50 note into the summons book, instead of signing it.
    The police is undecided whether to accept the money or issue HBT another summon for trying to bribe a police officer.
    But the officer happens to be a very reasonable man. He pities the dame, having to go to court or probably pay a much higher compound. So he takes the summon book together with the RM50.
    The incident does not stop there, because HBT decides to post in “chedet” accusing the police as corrupt!
    HBT is still not satisfied, so she tells to every Tom, Dick and Harry that the Malaysian police is corrupt!
    HBT will never mention to anyone of her wrongdoing.

    Throughout my working life I keep coming across people giving all kind of ‘offers’ for wanting something in return. Now, HBT please read these next words and ponder,


    Only the ‘haves’ are capable to offer huge bribes, and the 24% Malaysian Chinese population owns more than 70% of Malaysia’s riches!!
    They are the most corrupt race in Malaysia!!!
    Same as lawyers are Malaysia’s most corrupt professionals!

    Can you stop making sweeping statements by accusing the Malays are corrupt.

    Another thing for HBT to ponder, and maybe Alfred Willner can correct me if I’m wrong,
    Hitler exterminated the jews because the latter’s greed show no bound!

  32. Salam Tun.

    It’s a funny world when the ‘haves’ keep accusing the ‘have-nots’ as corrupt.

    When the police stop HBT for breaking the law (speeding, road tax/license expire, crossing under pedestrian bridge, throwing rubbish anywhere, whatever), she will beg with the police not to issue summon. Finally like a magic BHT insert a RM50 note into the summons book, instead of signing it.
    The police is undecided whether to accept the money or issue HBT another summon for trying to bribe a police officer.
    But the officer happens to be a very reasonable man. He pities the dame, having to go to court or probably pay a much higher compound. So he takes the summon book together with the RM50.
    The incident does not stop there, because HBT decides to post in “chedet” accusing the police as corrupt!
    HBT is still not satisfied, so she tells to every Tom, Dick and Harry that the Malaysian police is corrupt!
    HBT will never mention to anyone of her wrongdoing.

    Throughout my working life I keep coming across people giving all kind of ‘offers’ for wanting something in return. Now, HBT please read these next words and ponder,


    Only the ‘haves’ are capable to offer huge bribes, and the 24% Malaysian Chinese population owns more than 70% of Malaysia’s riches!!
    They are the most corrupt race in Malaysia!!!
    Same as lawyers are Malaysia’s most corrupt professionals!

    Can you stop making sweeping statements by accusing the Malays are corrupt.

    Another thing for HBT to ponder, and maybe Alfred Willner can correct me if I’m wrong,
    Hitler exterminated the jews because the latter’s greed show no bound!

  33. Tun

    It is indeed disturbing to read that the Penang State Government is setting up a Political Security force like Hitler’s Brown Shirts complete with jack boots. No doubt this will evolve into more than a division of extra-Federal control troops complete with arms and armaments trained by instructors from Singapore which will also supply the arms. A division has about 25,000 personnal.

    I believe there are already Singaporeans in the Penang State Government system advising on projects.

    Of course, these Penang Brown Shirts can go anywhere within Malaysia. Heil Hitler !

    In no time at all, the anti-Federal Government forces will outnumber our standing army and police with funding from we do not know where. As it is, the amount of money that is sloshing around the system in support of the Opposition must be giving the Government a big headache. GLCs money you know !

    What is the necessity for this ‘warlord’ type of behaviour by the DAP is beyond my imagination ?

    In fact, I propose that we should strengthen our police and armed forces and provide better amenities for their families. If Penang wants additional protection, then, the State should pay for it.

    Otherwise, the Penang State Government’s proposal is the most preposterous I have ever heard in all my life coming from politicians.

    Vote BN. All Malaysians especially the Malaysian Chinese. The desires to turn Malaysia into an authoritarian state is slowly, slowly evolving to everybody’s detriment !

  34. salam Tun,

    salam too Sdr Amin Tan,

    Thanks for suggesting a better nick for me, but I guess I like the irony and two pronged message the name ‘PAShit’ suggests.

    1. PAS is shit
    2. SHIT as in the novel by Shahnon Ahmad, who now ironically is criticizing his own party. Pulang paku buah keras lah katakan on behalf of Tun hehehe.

    Oh yeah and Polo is full of it too!


  35. Based on the latest evidences, it seems to me that you are the real person. Thus, although you may neither sue me nor ‘catch’ me if i refuse, I WOULD LIKE TO APOLOGIZE AND RETRACT MY PREVIOUS ALLEGATIONS ON YOU. I hope this satisfied enough.

    A P O L O G Y A C C E P T E D , as offered by fikrisoleh on January 7, 2013 at 9:39 AM – this is satisfactory albeit to see your real ID here as you and everyone else can see mine would have added additional credibility.

    Other than that, your explanations are long hauling and somewhat far fetched.

    Whoever deals with the public as we do in our undertakings to market Chinese cars in Europe will have the Press to deal with. The Spiegel-Article you bring to the attention of the followers here is an old issue – like you did here, they too have had to clarify and withdrawn certain points they made there at the time.

    In German we say “wo gehobelt wird, da fallen Spaene” meaning: When using a planer you will drop chips. Hazzards of the business. Competition is always out to hurt you wherever they can. At the end of the day it will be quality, service and price worthiness that will make your product make it on the market. In automotive industry the German Market is the toughest on the planet – if you make it there you’ll make it everywhere. Currently we are all in a reshuffling mode and the market in Europe will soon here more of Chinese Cars again. Already this year China will become the Number One car manufacturing country in the world.

    The World was sleeping while China was working.

    To the extent of your further credibility you can use my e-mail address to contact me at , now that you are satisfied that I am the real person. I can then forward an extract of our Articles of Association and my Power of Attorney as Managing Director for Euro Motors (Gibraltar) Limited to you just to satisfy whatever curiosity is remaining.

    Alfred Willner
    (Signing here with a Malaysian Smile 🙂 on my face)

  36. Dear Tun,
    Please allow me to congratulate PASHIT for his statement of TRUTH not fitnah.

    “”PAShitJanuary 7, 2013 at 2:27 PM | Permalink
    salam Tun,

    Yo polo clown,
    please compare the following statistics;
    ( taken from Outsyed the Box)

    Barisan Nasional:

    Dato Harun was jailed for corruption. UMNO kicked him out of office.
    Khir Toyo has been found guilty in Court.
    The PKFZ case is now in Court. If found guilty people will go to jail.
    Lembu Condo case is in Court. Shahrizat has lost her job. If guilty, people will go to jail.
    Mat Taib was found INNOCENT by an Australian Court. However Mahathir kicked him out. Slumberjack reappointed him.
    Anwar Ibrahim was found guilty of corruption by the Court and sentenced to six years jail. UMNO kicked him out.

    Pakatan Penipu Rakyat:

    The PKR can cheat in their party elections in 2010 its ok.
    The DAP can ‘adjust’ their election results, its ok.
    They can deal in billion Ringgit land scams (Selangor Darul Talam) thats ok too.
    They can sapu 10,500 acres of timber land – thats ok too.
    They can get caught buck naked (or butt naked) on tape with girls – thats ok too.
    Their wakil rakyat lawyers prepare false statutory declarations – all ok.
    N.ajis says vote for me and you will go to heaven. Thats ok too.
    Their people can get involved in sexual harrassment, thats ok
    they can offer RM30,000 bribes to tutup mata thats ‘a personal matter’
    they can offer Tunku Aziz RM50,000 – thats a stipend. Its ok.

    As for Scorpene, it’s a no brainer really. Suara Anak Haram have been exposed as big time liars!
    Rosmah’s 24m ring actually belongs to Jacob & Co, New York.

    THIS is the much publicised RM24 million ( I repeat it is RINGGIT MALAYSIA 24 million as stated in the Royal Malaysian Customs declaration forms).

    The Royal Malaysian Customs declaration form below is proof that the RM24 million diamond ring which was brought into our country for a private exhibition by its New York-based owners, Jacob & Co, was taken OUT of Malaysia on the 20th of April, 2011. – four days after arrival on the 16th of April, 2011.

    So its a fact that the much talked about ring was brought into the country.
    It is also a fact that the regional agent for Jacob & Co did use Datin Seri Rosmah Mansor’s name (it says ‘inspection by’) on the Customs declaration form.
    It is a fact that such fine jewellery, as this diamond ring OWNED by Jacob & Co, IS NOT a taxable item under the Malaysian LAW.
    It is also true that a private exhibition by Jacob & Co’s regional agent did take place in a private residence of a VVIP in Kuala Lumpur sometime between the 17th – 19th of April, 2011.

    NOW the interesting part …..

    It is NOT TRUE that the RM24 million ring owned by Jacob & Co was PURCHASED by any of the VVIPs who were present at the “private exhibition’.
    The RING IS NOW WITH ITS RIGHTFUL OWNERS – JACOB & Co in New York – Thank You.

    It is a BIG LIE that the Prime Minister’s wife Datin Seri Rosmah Mansor had purchased the ring with her savings as being propagated by some politicians and their desperate lackeys.


    Tuan PAShit,
    Kalau boleh jangan lah panggil diri anda “shit”. Gunalah nama yang lebih mulia seperti ‘SAIFULLAH’ username Khalid ibni Walid.

    amin tan

  37. salam Tun,

    Yo polo clown,
    please compare the following statistics;
    ( taken from Outsyed the Box)

    Barisan Nasional:

    Dato Harun was jailed for corruption. UMNO kicked him out of office.
    Khir Toyo has been found guilty in Court.
    The PKFZ case is now in Court. If found guilty people will go to jail.
    Lembu Condo case is in Court. Shahrizat has lost her job. If guilty, people will go to jail.
    Mat Taib was found INNOCENT by an Australian Court. However Mahathir kicked him out. Slumberjack reappointed him.
    Anwar Ibrahim was found guilty of corruption by the Court and sentenced to six years jail. UMNO kicked him out.

    Pakatan Penipu Rakyat:

    The PKR can cheat in their party elections in 2010 its ok.
    The DAP can ‘adjust’ their election results, its ok.
    They can deal in billion Ringgit land scams (Selangor Darul Talam) thats ok too.
    They can sapu 10,500 acres of timber land – thats ok too.
    They can get caught buck naked (or butt naked) on tape with girls – thats ok too.
    Their wakil rakyat lawyers prepare false statutory declarations – all ok.
    N.ajis says vote for me and you will go to heaven. Thats ok too.
    Their people can get involved in sexual harrassment, thats ok
    they can offer RM30,000 bribes to tutup mata thats ‘a personal matter’
    they can offer Tunku Aziz RM50,000 – thats a stipend. Its ok.

    As for Scorpene, it’s a no brainer really. Suara Anak Haram have been exposed as big time liars!
    Rosmah’s 24m ring actually belongs to Jacob & Co, New York.

    THIS is the much publicised RM24 million ( I repeat it is RINGGIT MALAYSIA 24 million as stated in the Royal Malaysian Customs declaration forms).

    The Royal Malaysian Customs declaration form below is proof that the RM24 million diamond ring which was brought into our country for a private exhibition by its New York-based owners, Jacob & Co, was taken OUT of Malaysia on the 20th of April, 2011. – four days after arrival on the 16th of April, 2011.

    So its a fact that the much talked about ring was brought into the country.
    It is also a fact that the regional agent for Jacob & Co did use Datin Seri Rosmah Mansor’s name (it says ‘inspection by’) on the Customs declaration form.
    It is a fact that such fine jewellery, as this diamond ring OWNED by Jacob & Co, IS NOT a taxable item under the Malaysian LAW.
    It is also true that a private exhibition by Jacob & Co’s regional agent did take place in a private residence of a VVIP in Kuala Lumpur sometime between the 17th – 19th of April, 2011.

    NOW the interesting part …..

    It is NOT TRUE that the RM24 million ring owned by Jacob & Co was PURCHASED by any of the VVIPs who were present at the “private exhibition’.
    The RING IS NOW WITH ITS RIGHTFUL OWNERS – JACOB & Co in New York – Thank You.

    It is a BIG LIE that the Prime Minister’s wife Datin Seri Rosmah Mansor had purchased the ring with her savings as being propagated by some politicians and their desperate lackeys.


  38. salam Tun,

    haha the pre – schooler clown Polo ( who got hit by a polo stick on his / her head thus suffering from mental sickness no brainer low IQ disability ) is back to entertain us with his / her utter rubbish. Once in a while clowns like this appear on this esteemed blog to make the rest of us laugh at his / her sheer stupidity.
    Not so long ago, circa 2007 – 08, there were plenty of clowns like this loitering around Tun’s blog like dogs but were consistently shot down by level headed commentators and pretty soon they disappeared!
    Yo Polo you fool! Would you like for me to help you get a good doctor to treat your ailment?


  39. What so wrong with some criticism of UMNO or any party?
    If afraid of criticism then dont come out to the forefront! Staying inside a box will avoid or stop all criticism.
    Without criticism and feedback life will be like a one-way-street which is bad for everyone including orang melayu.
    See criticism as something that will make UMNO into a better party and serve the people better.

    Closed Heart and Mind will see/interpret criticism as bitter enemy or anti-Govt or anti-this and that.
    Opened Heart will see/interpret criticism as information or “I wish you well” or “I want to work with you” or “can it be better”.

  40. Still Malay supremacy race issues after seeing them burned so much of the country’s hard wealth earned.

    Has Sibotak ever think that the Malays themselves are the one to be blamed for corruptions that made us not to try them anymore?

    After 55 years, don’t expect Malaysians and Singaporeans to belas kesihan you guys.

    Opportunities are given, but you guys cannot perform.

    UMNO, PAS, Gerakan, PKR atau DAP, please choose which parties fix you.





  42. (Slm Tun. As this is your blog, pls allow me Tun to correct my ‘allegation’ on Mr. Alfred Willner)

    To Mr Willner,

    My allegation was based on ‘fact’ and what was evident from your interactions online (i.e. on Thus i might be correct, and also might be wrong. But as to fulfill my social obligation, I have to take the risk by accusing the user ‘Alfred Willner’ on attempting fraud/scam to avoid many more to become the victims of the existing incidents/cases.

    To prove you are the real owner of Euromotors, you should have came up with better evidence or credible authorization than just providing ‘dangling’ website with anonymous contact person (?!). I was also not convinced by the recent reply. However, lucky for you, just recently i found this ‘evidence’ that ‘Alfred Willner’ is the true owner of Euromotors based on Gibraltar ( and combined with the email address on you provided, should be convincing enough (at least in case you are only using his identity, you are not authorized to use his email).

    My allegation was actually focusing on ‘identity theft’, rather than accusing ‘Alfred Willner as international criminal’. These are two different things. U should realize that this ‘preemptive’ action is important on internet, not only to protect people to become a victim to the scammers, but also to protect the owner of the real identity. In case you are not the real Alfred Willner, at least any of the interested person may contact the real Alfred Willner for confirmation. Any other intention is not in my interest.

    Based on the latest evidences, it seems to me that you are the real person. Thus, although you may neither sue me nor ‘catch’ me if i refuse, I WOULD LIKE TO APOLOGIZE AND RETRACT MY PREVIOUS ALLEGATIONS ON YOU. I hope this satisfied enough.

    p/s: it is also unreasonable and baseless to claim my ‘allegation’ as ‘un-Malaysian’. My act was based on individual opinion and action, to help others. As i’m concern, there’s no standard Malaysian way to interact with foreigner (except with a smile)! i’m a responsible person, not like the Opposition or PR YB’s who like to accuse and make damages without the feeling/guilt to repair the damage that they have done!

  43. Even if BN loses Pahang, Lynas Plant must continue to prove to DDIs and FDIs that Malaysia Government is here to transform our economy into the next level in this Malay dominated state.

    BN has been so afraid of loosing votes politically, they keep subsidizing the rakyat until the rakyat feel that we do not need to work and improve ourselves to the next level to sustain our lifestyle via increasing taxes in property and vehicle taxes.

    For those who think that they can attack me, please go ahead.

    General election is around the corner.

  44. Salam Hormat Yg Bhg Tun,

    Nampaknya kepimpinan Pas tak sekata pasal isu penggunaan Kalimah Allah dalam Bible Kristianiti versi bahasa melayu yang dibagkitkan oleh Setiausaha Agong DAP baru-baru ni. Mat Sabu (Timb. Presdiden Pas) kata boleh guna Kalimah Allah yang diminta oleh Lim Guan Eng, manakala segelintir kepimpinan Pas yang lain menolak dengan alasan Kalimah Allah adalah exclusive untuk orang MUSLIM sahaja seperti yang telah diputuskan oleh pihak yang berwajib mengenai agama Islam.
    Mat Sabu mungkin senada dengan kumpulan Anwarinas yang hanya mementingkan kepentingan politik menjelang PRU ke 13 untuk nak pikat undi bukan Islam. Demi terlalu taksub mahu memperolehi kuasa diperingkat persekutuan kepentingan agama Islam dipinggirkan atau ditolak sama sekali oleh Mat Sabu. DAP khususnya YAB Lim Guan Eng dah dapat sokongan moral yang kuat dari Mat Sabu untuk menyokong permintaannya supaya Kalimah Suci Allah boleh digunapakai dalam Bible Kristianiti Versi Bahasa Malaysia.

    Sama=samalah kita renungkan sebagai umat Islam, adakah pendirian Pas itu betul demi kepentingan Islam dalam banyak perkara yang dibangkitkan, UMNO KAFIR, SESIAPA YANG MENYOKONG UMNO KUFUR, UMNO MENOLAK ISLAM, LEBIH BAIK BERKAWAN DENGAN SYAITAN DARIPADA BERBAIK DENGAN UMNO dan sebagainya.

    Sekian, terima kasih dan Wassalam.

  45. Salam Tun.

    Bila lah budak ‘polo’ tu nak cerdik?
    That’s the typical PKR follower, kolot, sikit pun tak berubah. Tak habis2 buat tohmahan.
    Anwar’s usual “I can fool all of my followers all of the time”.
    Amat memalukan.

    Adik ‘polo’ type reply bila nak jumpa, dimana2 jua kat Malaysia Barat ni, I’ll be there. Just give 2-day notice.
    Jangan takut nak jumpa macam dtan, middleages, andytay,…..

  46. Salam,

    1. Kemajuan Negeri2 Jajahan Pakatan Rakyat
    Dulu di Selangor, depa pasang papan rentang merata2 minta rakyat bagi depa peluang perintah satu penggal. Maka rakyat Selangor punya kesian bagilah peluang. Rupa2nya kerajaan Pakatan Rakyat Selangor adalah kerajaan koboi campuran PKR-DAP menunggang kuda PAS.

    Kemajuan yang dibuat opleh kerajaan BN depa teruskan. Masa sama depa tolong rakyat buat kerja SPRM cari mana2 aktiviti2 rasuah yang boleh dibongkarkan sebagai modal ehsan untuk PRU akan datang. Yang mana projek terbengkalai , kumpulan The Three Amigos tembak BN. Semua salah BN. yang mana berjaya semua pencapaian Pakatan. Kalau kita lihat ahli2 politik Pakatan di Selangor di kawasan awam, kita akan nampak waklil rakyat dan ADUN PAS hanyalah Mat Sengih kerja dia tersengih2 . Sebab tak ada kuasa. Apa tah lagi di Pulau Pinang, jadi Mat Batang Pisang. Di Perak nasib baik, dah dapat kat BN . Kalau tidak kerja depa tolong polis buat sekatan jalan raya dengan baring berguling2 di jalanraya. Ada antara depa tak main lebai2 hoi, mesti ikat tali kat kepala macam cerita ‘Ninja Turtle’. PAS Perak ‘ngam’ ma!

    Di Kedah, dengar cerita pemimpin PAS duk kerja pukul nyamuk. Bendang ok ? Ayak ok? Ada banyak mineral tak?

    Di Kelantan, Menteri Besar mungkin masih tak sedar dia menerajui sebuah negeri yang penduduknya di situ dan di merata2 Malaysia bersemangat kenegerian ‘kawe anak Kelate’ . Asabiyah tak?

    2. Kaum Bukan Melayu bagaimana?
    Kaum bumiputera sudah pasti kebanyakanya bersama BN dari awal hingga khr, InsyaAllah. Kaum India dah nampak kembali semula ke pangkuan BN.

    Kaum Cina bila pulak? Janganlah bandingkan Malaysia dengan singapura. tanya sama kawan di Singapura, i orang pangkat tinggi di Singapore semua orang Singapore ke? Kerajaan Singapore itu kerajaan penyayang ke? Kerajaan Singapore anggap rakyat sebagai manusia atau pekerja syarikat. Ada fikir tak kerajaan Singapore memerintah negara seprti sebuah syarikat. Tak ada itu hapiness but stress all the time. Sebab itu orang Singapore kalau pandu kereta selepas Tambak Johor, macam masuk itu Taman Bahagia. Kebahagiaan tiada di Singapore. Gaji banyak, hati susah. Sudah tua, tak ada siapa peduli.

    Memang orang Cina kalau ada banyak wang tiada masalah. Orang ahli politik BN pun ada juga apply PR (permanent residency bukan Pakatan Rakyat) di negara kaya. Ada wang semua boleh.

    Saya tak risau kalau orang cIna kaya tak sokong BN. Sebab sudah kaya mahu lagi kaya la. Saya hanya risau kalau orang Cina miskin tak sokong BN. Orang Cina miskin selalu kena tipu sama juga dengan orang Melayu dan India miskin. Ada satu parti selalu menakutkan orang Cina seolah2 rugi sangat kalau sokong MCA kerana MCA itu adalah UMNO. Janganlah salahkan UMNO jika orang Cina miskin tak dibantu kerana BN guna konsep perkauman. Bumiputera dijaga oleh UMNO, orang Cina oleh MCA dan Gerakan, orang India oleh MIC, Gerakan, PPP dan lain2. Kalau orang MCA tak mahu bantu orang Cina , bagitahu sama Perdana Menteri .

    Malaysia perlu keamanan untuk mencapai kemakmuran.

    Ada banyak soalan boleh tanya kepada Pakatan rakyat tapi sikit contoh soalan cukuplah:

    1.Adakah negara boleh aman sekiranya Pakatan Rakyat memerintah malaysia. Di Selangor sudah terbukti, tiada kesefahaman antara parti Pakatan Rakyat. Dah rasa bertamabh selamat ke tinggal di negeri jajahan PAkatan Rakyat? Jenayah dah kurang? Jangan salahkan polis, kerana tanpa polis lagi teruk lagi keadaan. APA LANGKAH2 TELAH DIAMBIL OLEH KERAJAAN NEGERI UNTUK MENGURANGKAN JENAYAH ?

    2. Adakah negara boleh bebas rasuah sekiranya Pakatan Rakyat memerintah negara? Jangan lupa kebanyakan pemimpin Pakatan rakyat juga aadalah ahli politik yang kebanyaknanya masih sayang dunia.

    3. Adakah negara boleh jadi negara akhlak mulia sekiranya pakatan rakyat memerintah. Pemimpin PAS mungkin kot tapi parti lain tak tentu lagi. Kelantan dan kedah dah bebas maksiat?Penang dan selangaor bertambah atau berkurang?

    4, adakah kronisma tak akan wujud jika Pakatan rakyat memerintah. Nak dapat gamabaran boleh ramalkan jika lihat senarai nama pemimpin utama dalam PKR dan DAP terlebih dahulu.

    5. Adakah negara lebih maju sekiranya pakatan rakyat memerintah? Dalam masa hampir 5 tahun selepas PRU , tolong senaraikan kejayaan di selangor, Kedah, Penang ,Kelantan?

    Dengan fikiran tenang, gambarkan bagaimana Malaysia dibawah pemerintahan Pakatan Rakyat. Jangan seperti beberapa cerita gadis yang dilamar oleh lelaki yang pandai bergaya dan berkata2, lepas kahwin baru tahu perangai dia yang sebenar. Mula2 semuanya manis. Bakal Pak Mertua dan Mak Mertua ingat tu pesanan Orang Lama!!!

  47. fikrisoleh
    January 6, 2013 at 11:30 PM | Permalink

    Gentlemen, there are several international scamming syndicates lurking around on the internet searching for victim by using false identities. Some of them are also active in social network service i.e. facebook, hunting rich and wealthy people. I found this ‘Alfred willner’ shows the pattern of the common modus operandi.








    Alfred Willner, Managing Director,

  48. Dear Tun
    Whatever devil or angel u mention, BN is a party full of operators of LEGAL corruption, prostitution, rapists, and murderers. Do I need to mention 2.5 billion lembu-condo? Rosmah’s cincin? Altantuya? Teoh Beng Hock? French Submarine? Engine jet hilang? Former Melaka CM raping a 15 yr old? Chua CD’s sex tape? Datuk T use fake anwar face, khirtoyo mansion, your jet?
    If Lynas operates, Malaysia will be the largest manufacturer of the deadliest substance far worst than any drugs in the world, and its radioactive.

    All mentioned above are LEGAL in the name of 1Malaysia 1UMNO, 1TAHI..

  49. Hi Tun.

    This coming election is not about janji manis mu. This time around is about malays vs chinese.

    I can say 98 percent dap candidates WILL win. Like pas, pkr, bebas they all be gone this time around. Umno will win this time around as well but other bn components parties will win a little.

    What afraid me most, lompat katak and umno may win but kampung tergadai.

    Well, people like me, Tuntuah, is the first one to get chop if other races win the elections.

    Tht why change is no good for me.

  50. Gentlemen, there are several international scamming syndicates lurking around on the internet searching for victim by using false identities. Some of them are also active in social network service i.e. facebook, hunting rich and wealthy people. I found this ‘Alfred willner’ shows the pattern of the common modus operandi.
    (bukan semua perkara itu politik. Ada masanya kita kena tolong menolong atas rasa tanggungjawab dan peri kemanusiaan tanpa mengira fahaman politik)

  51. Tun

    Mr HBT456. You have finally ummasked yourself Sir/Madame. Your heart is with your Singapore sugar daddy. You are a crypto using the well-known tactic of buttering up us fellows up-country !

    Vote BN. All Malaysians. Especially the Malaysian Chinese. Many months ago I had already identified Kuala Lumpur as the leading espionage centre in this region. We must stick together to vote BN for the sake of our sanity and ourselves and families.

  52. Mubarak Chan,

    You can think what you want.

    We have general elections in every 5 years.

    If BN has improved, I am sure Malaysians will be delighted to vote them again.

    If BN makes the same mistakes again, PR will re-write the history for Malaysia.

    Even Singapore PAP has done badly in last general election.

    What is Rukun Negara?

  53. Tun

    For Mr HBT456. Whenever I raised the topic of Lee Kuan Yew, Singapore and DAP, Madame, you hit the roof. I doubt you are a woman and could be a man, a cat amongst the pigeons.

    Vote BN. All Malaysians. especially the Malaysian Chinese. From the personal attacks on me for no reason whenever I raised the above subjects, Mr HBT 456 exposed himself in this serious political game of cyberspace. See the desperation. See the importance of the Grandmother of all General Elections. See the destiny of the 6 distinguished gentlemen of the Opposition. Look after your own best interests which are with the BN always !

  54. Tun

    For Memsahib HBT456. It is obvious that your minder had given you instructions to go for me because I have presented the true facts about Lee Kuan Yew and Singapore from my first day on this distinguished Blog. I speak loudly and clearly on the true facts. If you have any better facts, please present them here. You must either be fish or fowl. You are either loyal to our beloved Malaysia or Singapore. You cannot be both. If you pardon me for saying ‘ Madame, your slip is showing !’

    Vote BN. All Malaysians especially the Malaysian Chinese. Be proud, tall and strong. To be called a Chinaman is a virtue not an insult. Do not be hoodwinked by Madame HBT456 who does not know if she is fish or fowl. Sorry lah !

  55. Assalamualaikum WBT Yg Bhg Tun,


    Looking at the current situation in Malaysia, whereby the past and present government (Barisan Nasional) is doing their roles and responsibilities for the development of the country and communities in a right path and very much relevant to the needs of the country for the past 55 years ago since MERDEKA. We consistently live in peace and harmony. Every citizen of Malaysia are free to earn their living, practice their own believe in culture and religious with no resistance. As a result do we really needs a change/Tukar to a new government as what the opposition (Pakatan Rakyat – loose combination between PKR, DAP & pAS) is trying to highlight to the rakyat, in which they are accusing that the present government (BN) not doing well, and the leaders are corrupted. Till to date there are no concrete evidence imposed by the opposition (DAP, PKR & Pas) to all their bad accusations towards the present government (BN).

    The opposition claiming that their combination (Pakatan Rakyat) are doing very much better than BN, and free from doing any mistake. As far as human being is concerned no one is 100% excellent. BN also did some mistakes, and openly admitted by the present BN number one leader YAB Dato’ Seri Mohd Najib Tun Razak, but keep their promises to deliver without fail.

    DAP top leader requested the government (BN) to permit to use of the word “ALLAH” in the Kristianity Bible with Malay Version. As very well known in accordance to the MUSLIM SYARIAT and to the public the word “ALLAH” is only relevant to the MUSLIM. This issue has strongly opposed by the MUSLIM communities, and it may increase the emotional feelings of the MUSLIM and cause resistance to the present feeling of excellence harmony between different religious believers. Religious issue is very sensitive in Malaysia and world wide.

    Another current hot issue was “AMANAT HAJI HADI” the present President of PAS who accused UMNO KAFIR since 1981. The serious impact of the issue (caused damages to relationship between families, friends and relations especially between two believers UMNO and Pas) daily revealed by the former Pas supporters via various media. MAJLIS FATWA KEBANGSAAN FOR MUSLIM RELIGIOUS has publicly declared in the year 1984 and again in the year 2002 that the AMANAT HAJI HADI is clearly against the MUSLIM SYARIAT, and no one (Muslim communities) should be influenced and practice the perspective amanat by Hj. Hadi.

    We should make our-self clear especially being a truly Malaysian and fully understand the needs of the stability in peace and harmony, political stability and stable government, so that the country consistently develop for the needs of the RAKYAT.

    Think wisely, and choose the right government in PRU 13 i.e Barisan Nasional.

    Salam Hormat dan Terima Kasih Tun.

  56. Just because you are Mubarak Chan, don’t overestimate yourself by calling others as Chinamen or Indianmen because they are Malaysians just like you and me who have the rights to vote in every 5 years.

    Remember, all MCA, Gerakan and Chinese political parties have lost all Chinese dominated constituencies in Malaysia in 2008.

    Even yourself as MCA member has given out on MCA.

    You can claimed what you want as you are a politician.

    They say, today, America is built by the blacks, but owned by Chinese.

    Happy New Year, Ah Gor (Abang), Mubarak Chan.

  57. Tun

    It is as clear as crystal that the DAP only see Chinamen in our beloved Malaysia. In Singapore,
    the PAP see Chinamen and visualise some Indiamen. What a democratic and meritocratic joke for 2013 ! Read Financial Times London. Gillian Tett ‘Chinese lessons for America’ 4 January 2013′
    Her excellent proposal was practised by the BN as led by the UMNO since 1957 !

    Vote BN. All Malaysians especially the Malaysian Chinese. Rest assured you will not be hoodwinked by smoke and mirrors. Do not be afraid. The BN as led by the UMNO will look after your interests normally.

  58. Salam Tun.

    The liar lawyers from DAP are back!

    This time Kapal Sink unashamedly lied to all Malaysians and to the world, that their vote count in their recent CEC elections was purportedly wrong, when in fact the vote count was MANIPULATED to be wrong so that Zairil can become the sole Malay rep in the CEC!!!
    DIRTY LIARS!!!!!

    DAP was willing to sacrifice their election director Pooi Weng Keong and also the TRUE winning candidate at 20th spot in the initial count in order to accommodate a MALAY PUPPET!!!
    And in the process DAP created the MOTHER OF LIES!!!

    In the most unlikely of scenarios, Kapal Sink revoked the number of votes due for puppeteer Zairil from 305 to 803, just suffice to put the puppeteer at 20th and last spot!!!

    Malaysians are so stupid that the DAP blatantly can play their infamous lying games anytime, anywhere, anything!!



    The air of Amanat Haji should not be aired as Malaysia is no longer Malay land.

    PAS in the past has used “Allah” issue that not only brought down Malay leaders, Onn Jaffar, Tunku Abdul Rahman, Tun Razak, Tun Hussein Onn and Tun Pak Lah.

    Only Tun Dr Mahathir has escaped this issue when he used ISA.

    Since DAP Lim Guan Eng, as the son of Lim Kit Siang, has decided to raise this “Allah” issue in George Town, he better think twice as Chinese, should he merges with PAS and PKR just to garner votes based on his sentiments by anti-BN just to cure his hatred?

    GE13th is just around the corner.

    The ex-President of Taiwan, Mr Chen Sui Bein, is an example for him to re-think again as street fighters.

    That’s all, no more, no less.

  60. Selamat pagi YAB,

    I do not want to cheat YAB my own feeling as Malaysian.

    I believe YAB is a gentleman whom have no choice but to sack your DPM cum Minister Finance, Anwar Ibrahim, when you realized he was not the right man to be the PM.

    You have made the right choice.

    Hence, our share index, commodity, Forex, property value and inflation rate keep increasing since we do not have any borrowings from IMF or World Bank to protect our national sovereign wealth.

    Today, Malays are evolving and they too have become wiser and smarter to choose which coalition fit to represent them.

    Once again, I thank YAB to create this blog for us to unblog.

    If they think that they are not ready to accept change but prefer to remain stagnant, they should vote whichever party that they see fit to represent them in the governments.

    General election is about emotion, sentiment and feel good factors which can change as time moves on especially for those Malaysians who are holding the VVIP posts to find out for themselves
    the result of their implementation and execution.

    PM Najib cannot get carry away with these human factors because these factors may prevent him from transforming our economy to the next level.

    General election is not about who have more votes.

    General election is for us to get the results for what went wrong.

    If DAP does not merge with PKR and PAS, as Chinese, I will vote them because I do not want to see Chinese who do not speak English and Bahasa become more and more anti-Malay Government.

    If DAP merge with PKR and PAS to topple BN power, I will not cast vote on them because they are 55 years behind BN.

    Good day, YAB.

  61. Hi Alfred,

    The usual feedback is that we get is when we voice our concerns, some of them feels threaten.

    I really want to see what can they do if they loose this time when the world is watching them nakedly.

    It’s general election and all of us has the right to voice out.

    So being a foreigner, it would be better off for you not to get yourself involve until we can see the clear result.

  62. alfred wilner, or whoever u r,
    i believe u r from africa.
    i’ve lodge a police report against u. hv a nice day 😉

  63. In defense of president Obama and his promises the Tun makes comment on I must say his failures in this regard to follow on his promises may be directly connected to the “short term government syndrome” the US and other liberal democracies suffer from. The 4 or 5 year term was created when we lived in a world which required 4-5 years to complete projects and to fulfil promises especially in developed western nations. The mistake was for us to adopt and accept these “short term governments” in our developing world.

    The fact remains that in the US, a nation with a more complex political system than is admitted to , in reality what in theory is a “government of the people by the people” is a government for “some people by some people”.

    Obama has only so much capacity to control events and institutions such as military adventures and the defense establishment in that country. The army in the US has been privatised and where required to circumvent the law, they use contractors. This is the case in Iraq and in Afghanistan. Contractors (if one accepts the legal fiction they represent) are individually (as opposed to vicariously) liable for their unlawful actions. It can’t (again a fiction) be imputed to the principal , the state that engages them.

    Somehow I doubt that President Obama, a brilliant Harvard educated lawyer with the unlimited resources of the wealthiest state on the world, would not have known of the power and influence of the military industrial establishment prior to taking office. He must have known prior to taking office that many of his promises could not be fulfilled, let alone even considered seriously during his term of office.

    Obama allowed Hilary Clinton to undermine his presidency and engage in the assassination of a foreign leader in Muammar Ghadafi in breach of international law and conventions and to encourage if not actively support the undemocratic overthrow of states and governments in the middle east. Egypt, Tunisia, Syria and Libya immediately come to mind in this context.

    The destruction of the international financial and banking system as we have come to know it may not have been something that Obama is directly responsible for. It is a disaster that was engineered and executed by very powerful interests, narrow interests, in the banking and financial system in the USA.

    In October of 1987 the same groups of powerful and well connected bankers brought not just Wall Street but all of the international financial systems to their collective knees with “black Friday”. It appears that the lessons of that disaster were lost or never fully realised by the western capitalist system. Michael Milken and Drexel Burnham Lambert, Ivan Boesky were to be replaced by George Soros, with the tacit and political support of the likes of Alan Greenspan and the US Treasury. The question we therefore ask is why? why are powerful people allowed to rob, rape, pillage and plunder public resources anywhere with relative impunity?

    The answer to this question is perhaps correlated to the growth of radical Islam even in the west. People need certainty in their lives however harsh a cost that certainty may come with. We live in a consumer society where material wealth alone is the sole determinant of how good, how great, how intelligent and how respectable we are. Well at least in a western capitalist sense.

    Obama is the other side of the same coin that gave us George Bush snr and jnr, Kennedy, Nixon and even Abraham Lincoln. As the statement in the US dollar bill says “In God we trust”. (all others please pay cash).

  64. Dear YAB Tun and others,

    After reading almost all of the postings related to Tun’s remarks on change…I can safely say;

    1. some based their arguments on facts and there are some who gave opinions without solid evident or supporting facts.

    2. tension is building and patience is running low with more confrontations and running down of fellow bloggers, as compared to earlier postings

    3. everybody is right in his/her own ways – based on their perceptions;

    a. the racist chinese believed that DAP can fulfill their dreams of taking over Malaysia from the malays, because they believed that they are more superior than the malays and the malays needed them but not otherwise. One typical example of DAP’s teachings (just like Amanat Hadi for UMNO supporters); a female chinese friend shared her worriness about her husband and their children supporting DAP and all of them do not have malay friend/s – is this true for all DAP supporters? Obviously those chinese who have been brought up with full of hatred towards the malays will go for DAP. Democratically, this is not wrong, but…malays have feelings too and famous for amoks! (checkout the dictionary for amok – it derives from malay word ‘mengamuk’). Be like the MCA people, they fight for chinese rights and privileges and they achieved their goals, but still remain friendly with the malays. The malays (except those cheated by their malay leaders in PAS and Keadilan) are kind-hearted people who respect others, that is why they did not harrassed the successful chinaman. But DAP may be pushing their lucks too much and not good for plural society in Malaysia. PAP in Singapore until today, showed how they used their powers to ‘rob’ the malays of their privileges (Lee Kuan Yew promised to help the malays in 60s) and DAP has shown their copy-cat attitude too.

    b. the so-called ‘Islamist’ believed they are not Malays, but Islamists and therefore uphold PAS principles, including Amanat Hadi. So they go all out to convince the malays that they are more Islamic if they are with PAS. Then, there is another group in PAS which I supposed being planted by anwar way back many years ago, who did not bother about Islam, but just to support anwar. Unlike the DAP’s supporters (who intentionally wants to rob from the malays), PAS supporters are being cheated by their leaders who give the impression that Islam (PAS) will lead when PR wins but the leaders know very well PAS is nothing if PR wins. PAS leaders cheated, lied to their followers and when they collect PAS supporters votes, they will pass to DAP to make it stronger and strangle the malays in return. The leaders do not feel ashamed or guilty because they believed they are not malays.

    c. the so-called keadilan group are simply working hard to put their leader as PM – why he should become PM? Dont know, he wants to become PM…so give it to him. clearly he is the enemy of the state…look at his anti-Malaysia actions, read what the judges who released him said (no need to read when he was prosecuted)…therefore he should not even become a YB. Why so many people (initially his good friends and supporters)left him? why all the lawyers in first sodomy left him (except for that little indian boy?)?

    Therefore when these 3 groups joined together and promised us changes…I dont trust them..yaya I know, some of you disagree with me …well, like I’d said, if you based your arguments on opinions, we will never stop arguing or debating – check your facts, then come back and discuss. In the meantime, ‘you and your religion, me and mine…’

  65. Tun

    Some DAP leaders admitted that the recent important DAP Election is an embarassment. I am of the opinion that in addition, the leaders should be held accountable for being incompetent, inefficient and intolerant. They felled down on the mere counting of a few pieces of paper and yet they want to ape Lee Kuan Yew who has a starred Double First Law degree from the University of Cambridge and a one man over 50 year ruler of Singapore which is a runaway failure because of his failed policies as compared with the runaway success of Malaysia over the same period. Over this time, Malaysia had 6 democratically elected Prime Ministers. The Hare and the Tortoise ?

    Vote the BN. All Malaysians especially the Malaysian Chinese. It is just like put money in the right investment for yourselves, your family, your parents and your friends.

  66. Selamat Tahun Baru to All!

    I see you very engaged here in the discussions over the forthcoming GE HBT456.

    As a foreigner I do not want to participate in this for I feel it wouldn’t be right albeit me being quite familiar with many aspects of political life in Malaysia but I am not a resident there and am thus not entitled to dispute. If you care to exchange opinions on other matters you may want to contact me directly by E-Mail at and this way you may want to let me know your name too.

    Best wishes and thank you very much again for your kind assistance in the translation!

    Alfred Willner

  67. HBT seorang ibu yang gembira meluahkan pendapatnya mengenai Malaysia.

    Jelas sekali HBT seorang yang tidak suka memandang serong dan tidak suka pada pemikiran yang buruk.

    Tetapi berita buruknya,saya setuju dengan kenyataan Sudin pasal Karpal Singh.

    Bila saya menyatakan Anwar mengambil kesempatan ketika ekonomi Malaysia sedang merudum untuk meruntuhkan kepimpinan negara,saya memang bermaksudkan itu.

    Contohnya seperti apabila saya mengetengahkan isu porno saya telah dicop sebagai ‘fasik’ (orang yang tidak boleh dipercayai).

    Maksudnya,isu yang dipilih itu adalah jijik dan tidak dilakukan oleh orang biasanya.

    Begitu jugs politik.Seorang pemimpin melihat sesuatu dari sudut yang tidak elok tetapi membuat keputusan pentadbiran yang elok bagi mengelakkan perkara tidak elok terjadi.

    Dan pernahkah Tun menulis perkara perkara yang positif lebih dari negatif dalam blog ini?

  68. Salam Tun.

    “20. Five years for the Anwar or Hadi-led opposition to govern is dangerous. Many things can be destroyed in five years. We have some experience of this. Besides the Opposition as Government will ensure there will be no return for the BN. Officer in the Government will be used to “gempar” (threaten) whoever tries to change Government. We know this has happened before.”

    Yes, indeed the harrowing 5-year experience with Pak Dol ‘no quality’ PM5 & s.i.l. budak kurang _jar(KJ) team almost caused BN to lose PRU12. The all-round hatred by voters towards those two “cleaners of government coffers” overrode the pitiful consequences of their protest votes.
    But still, that rude kid KJ is widely heard to be considering contesting Pak Dol’s Kepala Batas seat!
    If PM Najib allows budak KJ to contest for BN during PRU13 in any constituency, I’ll cast the same “spoilt votes” as in PRU12!
    PM Najib must realise that the KJ kid is the opposition’s greatest secret weapon to win PRU13.

    While mentioning the word ‘secret’ just now, I’m appalled to read this line by The Hidden Secret:
    “Eeee… memang takut betul nak tukar gomen ni. Bahaya betul!”
    There’s a ‘sotong’ in our midst!!
    Anwar maniac must truly love that line!

  69. Tun

    For Ma’am HBT456. The MCA should invite Tunku Abdul Aziz as Advisor (Special Duties) to the President. An honourable and respected gentleman for all time. By these acts, at one stroke, the MCA would have taken the first step to show its potential for the next 50 years and release itself from the straitjacket of racialism or chauvinism. What say you, Madame ? Hidup Malaysia ?

  70. Tun

    For Madame HBT456. I understand the Ministry of Information. Singapore Government is stacked up with ex-Penangites so that they keep a baleful on us Malaysians.

    For MCA. The President should invite Khairil Johari an honourable and highly principled gentleman, to be his Special Advisor (General Duties). A definite plus for Malaysia !

    Vote BN. All Malaysians especially the Malaysian Chinese. The more noise and abuse which come from the Opposition the better. This means they are losing ground with no proper proposals to CHANGE the BN Government as led by the UMNO which has always been friendly to all and the super-powers but not to super-financiers. This is important to note.

  71. Jangan celupar, is it so difficult for you to behave when writing, Mr Mubarak Chan as a man?

    If the Chinese grass-roots are good in English and Bahasa, they do not need you to represent them in the past.

    Today, their children are our children, so, please write like a truthful man.

    We are talking about national polls, why linked PR with Lee Kuan Yew?

    Why Chinese hate MCA?

    Ask your party members.

  72. Tun

    For Madam HBT456. Why are you so mad at me ? I have stated facts which are only in the National Interest on the 88th Floor and nothing personal about anyone. Even on Lee Kuan Yew who had a nation’s life and destiny in his hands and he ruined it with his policies over a one man rule of 54 years till 2013. Please join us on the 88th Floor even though it is a long climb from the basement. This was a lifetime climb for me.

    Vote BN. All Malaysians especially the Malaysian Chinese. From the rantings of Madame HBT456 it is all the more so that all facts be revealed and avoid a Hitlerite trap for us Malaysians.

  73. Sudin,

    What you want to say to cover your ego using Mubarak Chan, I am not interested.

    Next time, watch your mouth because each of us have the right to choose how we feel.

    You want to pull down your standard, aku tak kisah.

    Jangan celupar, the advice from abang thaiso.

  74. Tun

    For all Malaysians. The complete answer to all the debates on the BN’s purported failings in sex and money scandals and the weakness of the PR’s proposed governance based on Lee Kuan Yew’s method of meritocratic governance, is to be found in the Financial Times London. Gillian Tett’s ‘ CHINESE LESSONS FOR AMERICA’. 4 January 2013. Briefly, she brought out the virtues and failings of both China’s and America’s governance at the present time and her proposal how to improve it.

    I like to point out that the BN Government as led by the UMNO is ALREADY PRACTISING what she proposed since 1957 !

    This is why I always say there is no NECESSITY FOR CHANGE but the moment we assume normality the BN Government as led by the UMNO will bounce back proud and strong for all the RAKYAT.

    Really the PR has NO GROUNDS TO CHANGE the incumbent Government. The best is for all to join the BN and make our beloved Malaysia a shining example of human compassion, tolerance and accomodation – even for the embattled Palestinians, Syrians and the Israelis.

    DAP, PAS and PKR too ! Join the BN ! The whole wide world will look upon the BUMIPUTRAS as unique in historical terms and all of us the MALAYSIANS will stand proud, tall and strong too.

    What we human beings seek is just normality in the things we do. In short, what beloved our parents taught us. No more. No less !

    Vote BN. All Malaysians especially the Malaysian Chinese. The BN as led by the UMNO has already been practising since 1957 precisely what Financial Times London’s Gillian Tett proposed for China and the United States to improve their governance today. There is nothing the PR with the DAP and Lee Kuan Yew can teach us.

    What our parents taught us is more important !

  75. The 13th General Election is for the whole country to vote, except Sarawak.

    Who knows, maybe in the 14th general election, the CM of Sarawak is ready and has confident to join Peninsula to have one General Election for 1 Malaysia to share the same multi-cultural market to form the next new Federal Government Cabinet.

    Nothing is impossible if there is will.

    What’s the point of being the lonely richest man on earth just to get rid off his rivals via water issue?

    No doubt, MB Khalid can claimed what he wants since Tun Lim Kheng Yaik is no longer with us about the water issue.

    People change and progress as time moves on.

    If without BN ambitious national blueprint, many Malaysians are still living below property line.

    The loosing of 2/3 majority in 12th is the wake-up call for BN to work as TEAM, not to quarrel among themselves who have more votes.

    Good luck PM Najib and BN, and you have my votes.

    I am signing out for this topic.

  76. Dearest YAB Tun,

    For “The Hidden Secret”,

    You forgot to include something very IMPORTANT in your list (should be at the TOP – highest priority), which is:

    1a. If PR wins in GE-13, Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad will be brought to court for all his wrongdoings & misuse of power while being Malaysia’s PM for 22 years.

    Thanks Tun.

    *** May Allah SWT bless Tun and family ***

  77. Peace!

    What is the worst thing that will happen to Malaysia if PR wins in GE 13?

    MAYBE these are some of the possibilities which will happen :-

    1. The Malays will go down the drain. The Chinese will rule Malaysia. As a fake Malay, Anwar and Nik Ajis will sell this country to Lim Kit Siang. As a pure Malay, only Najib and UMNO can protect the Malays – Maybe GOD did say this? PAS and PKR are incapable of protecting the interest of the Malays – Maybe GOD said this also?

    2. Malaysia will go bankrupt like Greece. Look at Penang, Selangor and Kelantan. These two states are almost bankrupt. Now, their accounts are in deficits. There is no more development in these states. Nik Ajis can’t even build a flyover in Kota Bharu. Can he? Khalid, Nik Ajis and Guan Eng are not good MB/CM. Khir Toyo is 100 times better than them. Khalid, Nik Ajis and Guan Eng did not learn accounting and finance but Khir Toyo and Rosmah did.

    3. All the Malays will denounce Islam and become Christians. Anwar is an agent of Christian movement. Christianity will become the official religion of Malaysia.

    4. PR will sell this country to America and Israel. Anwar is a CIA agent. Malaysia will never ever be able to sell her high quality crude oil to Iran. America’s military base will be opened in Malaysia. Our children will have the chance to marry with Americans. We will have the chance to have beautiful Caucasians, Blacks and Latinos grandchildren.

    5. Corruption will increase because all the intah darat like Anwar, Nurul Izzah, Wan Azizah, Nik Ajis, Guan Eng and Khalid are in the goverment. Malaysia needs more UMNO people like Khir Toyo (currently on unpaid leave), Isa Samad (Felda), Rahim Thamby Chik (Risda), KJ, Musa Aman, Taib Mahmud and family, Shahrizat and family, Raja Nong Chik and family, Nazri Aziz and son and last but not least, Najib and his beloved wife. These UMNO people will bring Malaysia high to the next level.

    6. There will be no hospitals, no schools, no roads and highways, no public transport, bus stations, train stations, airports and ports will be closed down. Only UMNO and BN know how to develop Malaysia – Maybe GOD did say this also.

    7. Price of good and services will increase due to the increase of fuel subsidy. It’s like eating durian in Malaysia but at the price of buying the durian in UK.

    8. The following states… Sabah, Sarawak, Terengganu, Kelantan and Pahang will become poor due to the increase of oil royalty given to these states.

    9. Nurul Izzah will become the richest woman in Malaysia because Anwar Ibrahim will award all Petronas contracts to her. Anwar will also ‘confiscate’ beras, gula, roti, gas, electricity, kelapa sawit, bank, books and magazines, airport, ports, cars, DRB, MMC, POS Malaysia, keretapi (coming soon) etc. to Nurul Izzah.

    10. Khalid will become the richest man in Selangor. He will overtake the water business in Selangor, KL and Putrajaya for his own interest. He will increase the water tariff and stop giving free water to the people.

    11. Nik Ajis and Hadi Awang will endorse Anwar to have gay TV channel @ Astro, gay beauty pagent @ Kota Bharu, gay parade @ Kota Bharu, gay brothels @ Kota Bharu and same sex marriage also. Nik Ajis and Hadi Awang themselves will become gays and marry with each other.

    12. All our children will become Christian LGBTs.

    13. Utusan, NST and TV3 will publish and produce more stories and news about liw*t and sodo*y, liw*t 2.0, sodo*y 2.0, liw*t 3.0, sodo*y 3.0 etc.

    14. Anwar will put Malaysia at # 1 position in the world in term of illicit money outflow. Naik dua anak tangga dari tangga ke tiga di belakang China dan Mexico.

    15. Anwar will create a new division in JPM… The new division will be called FLOM division (First Lady of Malaysia Division).

    16. Macam-macam lagilah….!!!

    Eeee… memang takut betul nak tukar gomen ni. Bahaya betul!

    We should then follow the step of Singapore, China and Russia. They never change their government and their people are living happily ever after. These three countries have a very stable, strong and untouchable governments. Long live PAP, Communist Parti of China, United Russia and UMNO! These are good apple to apple comparison between Malaysia and these countries – Never change governments and happy with it.

    There is no apple to apple comparison between the following countries and Malaysia. The only comparison available between these countries and Malaysia is durian to pisang comparison. Malaysia and her people are unique. There is no other country and its people like Malaysia and Malaysians. We cannot compare Malaysia with these countries. We should not follow the steps of Thailand, Indonesia, UK, Japan, USA, France, Australia, New Zealand, Turkey, Palestine, Egypt, Syria and many more countries which had already changed their government. Now their people are living in misery. There is no more development in these countries. No more schools, no more hospitals, no more shopping malls etc. All these countries are going bankrupt and haywire because they changed their governments.

    Let us all give our support to Khir Toyo (currently on unpaid leave), Rahim Thamby Chik (Risda), Isa Samad (Felda), KJ, Musa Aman, Taib Mahmud, Shahrizat Jalil, Raja Nong Chik, Nazri Aziz, Najib and Rosmah! Don’t change anything!


  78. It’s general election time.

    Is Anwar Ibrahim that important to you?

    The state, Sarawakians have voted CM Mat Taib and BN mandate for another 5 years, weren’t they?

    The Bar Council’s sole responsibility is to investigate is there any misconducts in the case, no more, no less.

    The President represents the Power of Authority by Barristers.

    What you heard down there, I do not know.

    What I have seen with my own eyes, any lawyers regardless of races will desert any politicians if they found out that they are not worth to be protected, mungkin mereka ni tak bayar loyar fi kut.

    Sabar, dugaan hidup.

    If they did not get themselves burnt, they will never know pain.

    There are issues that we can’t solve.

    Even if we know the truth, why get angry?

    There are many good people in Malaysia.

    So, don’t yell just because they are not Muslim Indians or Muslim Malays.

    Keranamu, Malaysia…

    Who knows ambitious Mr Bad guy can be the PM since Mr Nice guy is only interested to jaga tepi kain sendiri kerana takut hilang populariti

    Let BN, PAS, PKR and DAP decide who they want to appoint to contest in Parliament and Wakil Rakyat seats.

    Our obligation to the country is to vote in general elections, no more, no less.

    Happy New Year, Sudin.

  79. Salam Tun.

    To mem HBT,

    Hi mem!
    Look at Kapal Sink, that no principle and perpetual liar lawyer. Even after knowing fully well Anwar’s most nauseating “bisexual all-rounder to both front & backside” character, he still defended him!
    Typical liar lawyers, how can he be into politics and hope become my leader to LEAD MALAYSIA!!!!
    Of course, that ever-hungry little shark called ‘ikan yu’ created a PAP splinter called DAP, and to strictly have ONLY LIAR LAWYERS as the leaders!

    Do you know that Sarawak’s DAP representatives comprise 90% liar lawyers?
    When they refused to wear the songkok during opening of state assembly, they automatically lied by reason that they are not Muslims!
    After realising songkok not a compulsion in Islam, they unanimously concurred to a bigger lie & issued a public statement “We don’t wear the songkok because to save the money to develop Sarawak!!!”
    Typical DAP liar lawyers.
    I’ll tell you more on lies by the joker Ngeh and the gangster Ronnie Liu some other time, but I’m very optimist you’re not interested.

    Remember Anwar’s “liwat 1.0” court case?
    Initially Anwar engaged close to a dozen respectable and experienced Muslim lawyers to lie for him in denying his sodomy adventures with Azizan, Sukma, Munawir, Azmin(?),……
    Unlike Kapal Sink and the cheewee/ambiga liar lawyers, those Muslim lawyers all deserted Anwar even before reaching the halfway stage of “liwat 1.0” hearing. They knew Anwar did sodomise those men and they won’t lie for him!
    Unlike the liars Kapal Sink & the cheewee/ambiga gang, those Muslim lawyers have MORAL.

    How dare someone without moral like chee wee to comment on the Indian Bar council’s decision!!

  80. salam Tun,

    honestly DTan,

    The country will definitely do MUCH WORSE under Pakatan Penipu Rakyat! Why you could even have your hands chopped off!

    4 years of utter regret still fills my conscience for having voted Pakatan Penipu in the last GE12 due to my hatred of Pak Lah.

    NOW ITS PAYBACK TIME! The Malays in Penang have also learnt their lessons (oh yeah…and the Indians in Penang too) and we’ll see how it goes this time around ok?

    The Chinese will remain with DAP as deep down inside MANY ( not all ) of them are racist bigots to the core bent on winning a zero sum game.


  81. salam Tun,
    yo Polo! I’ve not never of UNMO before. Is this a new party? Or did you mean ANGMO?

    Please improve your English before you start commenting lest you be exposed as a fool.


  82. Dearest YAB Tun,

    1. Agree with Tun. There is no need to change the current Government. PR is not a good alternative. Their leaders “bikin tak serupa cakap..” Nepotism & cronyism berleluasa dalam PR, tapi ada hati untuk menuduh BN yang nyata lebih baik dari segi ini. Yang gila kuasa dan duit/harta pun ramai dalam PR. Ini berlaku sebelum mereka berkuasa sepenuhnya ke atas Malaysia. Bila berkuasa, lagilah RAKUS.

    2. PR suka membuat janji manis, tapi asyik mungkir janji. Mereka yang suka MUNGKIR JANJI, kaki kelentong dan tidak bercakap benar memang tidak wajar dilantik menjadi pemimpin.

    3. One more thing, their lawyers can always sue the “rakyat” for small matters and can also make the “rakyat” bankrupt this way. If they are willing to sue individuals to stop them from talking freely regarding some issues, they can also do the same to the “rakyat”.

    4. In conclusion, BN is still the best choice. Vote BN!

    Thanks Tun.

    *** May Allah SWT bless Tun and family ***


    DAP is willing to confront media accusations before the rally for the 13th general election is kick of to clear the air first, winning or not winning is not important anymore.

    Not like UMNO in PAU, they covered-up their vote counting for youth in the 11th GE despite many UMNO members were not happy about the result until they lost 2/3 majority in 12th GE.

    Why this happened?

    It’s about the past politics via ceramah to gain more votes, they will be rewarded handsomely by the central board.

    Can they deliver when they are rewarded?

    After all, the main motivation for them is to join politics is get government projects without ROI in mind in the past since they can get money politics via PM so easy.

    If the projects given out are not successful, they would end up as the public fund wastage ala white elephant projects that would be reflected in Audit Negara if nothing is done right now, just like what is happening in USA now.

    Since Greater KL is going to kick-off, please bear in my mind that there are no secrets in politics as people who heard the news will spread among themselves.

    Not only huge populations countries like Russia and India, China also has such cases.

    If we add in the cases out to get the average number, Malaysia may be one of the highest.


    Flip flop kut just win own race votes?

  84. Setahu saya,website lucah india amat aktif.

    Begitu juga website russia.semuanya adalah free.

    Tapi porno US perlu dibayar.

    Website melayu juga diusahakan menjadi aktif 2,3 tahun lepas.

    Tapi saya fikir kerajaan telah menyusahkan pengusaha website tersebut apabila sendiri menulis terdapat halangan dari pihak berkuasa.

    Saya dah lama tak check apa yang kerajaan dah buat selepas itu terhadap website porno melayu.

    Semenjak Datuk Rais Yatim bagi thumb up to Tun pasal hal porno di internet.

    Sama samalah jaga negara.

    Tak lama dulu,terdapat remaja Melayu berusia 18 tahun telah dirogol ketika menghadiri parti Bahasa Inggeris semasa belajar di Russia.

  85. Are you a lawyer, sudin?

    If you are not, why despise them?

    If they have solid proofs and strong support from the people like in India, you think they will keep quiet?

    If you are not happy, get yourself qualified to be the lawyers in Bar Council.

    People are not stupid.

    People like you with the take it easy attitude, who wants to work hard in protecting the country?

    And does Islam encourage His people lazy and unmotivated to seek truth by yelling others as liars?

    Is this what you and Islam want us to do for the country?

    Just close one eyes off and let the culprits run away?

  86. Salam Tun.

    Today’s news,

    “THE Malaysian legal fraternity is questioning the decision of their New Delhi counterparts in refusing to defend the men accused of savagely raping a 23-year-old medical student on a moving bus.
    The savagery of the assault that eventually led to her death last week had enraged India and the world.
    Sanjay Kumar, a member of the Saket District Bar Council, had said no lawyer would defend the five accused, as it would be immoral to do so.”

    Way to go bro Sanjay Kumar. We salute you.

    The Malaysian BAR has become a pain in the ass by continually behaving in a most big-headed and gangster-like attitude as shown by chee wee and his predecessor the oversize ambiga!
    They unashamedly and proudly behaved in the most obvious of BIAS situations just to achieve cheap publicity.
    They trampled the watchDOG tag entrusted to them. as though they are actually the fiercest of DOGS!
    They are the best examples of LIAR LAWYERS!!

  87. Abang Taisho,

    Saya buat translation untuk comment mu kerana Alfred.Willner ingin tahu apakah yang abang telah tuliskan mengenai namanya.

    Greeting, Tun

    Alfred.Willner possesses trouble when his comment on article Palastine is ‘waiting for Approval’.
    I have a problem also when my comments is ‘thank you for comment!’ No waiting for Moderation or autonomy approval. I like my own blog ….

    If there is not a bit happy to write stories about people who can marries more than one? Why Tun does not marry more than one?

    Ha .. ha .. later everyone can read.

    Of course, the message of Haji Hadi would annoy everyone. He himself was a great sin for issuing a fatwa in contravention of Islam.

    We Malays do not forget .. Observe our own behaviours and mouths. Never overdo. .Because of itchy/bad mouthing, we do not know with whom we have spoken to.

    Although CN Afghani primary schools’ teachers only know A, B, C, do not despise that person.. I am not somebody but only works as baking cakes and breads.

    When I tell a story about Sufism, remember that I’m back to 300 years ago when typing the word name Sheikh Abdul Malik 1650’s (Tok Pulau Manis), 100 years ago when I type the name Tokku Paloh, in 1818-1919 and 4 last year when typing Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad’s name.

    And like the fighter Afghanistan or Kashmir …. we are proud to be able to eat a living from our own hard-earned money without asking ask from others.

    And does Islam encourage His people lazy and unmotivated to seek work?

    Thank you Tun.

  88. Greetings, dear Tun Dr. Mahathir!

    As I said in my earlier postings, I am a foreigner to your lands and while I do speak English reasonably well which normally gets me around in Malaysia I do unfortunately not speak any Bahasa Malaysia and I can thus not read or understand the comments as posted by “thaiso January 4, 2013 at 11:25 AM” which refers to me.

    If there is any interest in me understanding what is said when my name is referred to, maybe someone in the blogger community will be good enough to translate for me what was said there so I can follow the discussion if need be.

    Thank you!

    Alfred Willner

  89. Assalamualaikum Tun n All,

    Tun, some suggestions for consideration.

    Currently in Malaysia the box office hits are … expose, accusations and claims.

    When they were in the government, never a wrong doing was exposed.
    Why one may ask?

    These are all selfish agendas of greedy people hunger for money and power.
    When they were fully fed, we didn’t even hear a burp! Now when there’s no food,
    their mouth rumble more than their stomach.

    ‘ Where in the world was Deepak 2 years ago?’

    All these Selfish greedy people should be given until the 31st Jan 2013(deadline) to lay down
    their expose, accusations and claims occurred before the 31st Jan 2013. All accused parties should reply and all matters should be settled.
    Those who bring about expose , accusation and claims occurred before 31st Jan 2013 after the deadline should be punished with imprisonment.
    That should put a stop to all parties hurling accusations.

    This should lead the road for a clean PRU13.
    What say fellow Malaysians……?

    The question is … why did all these guys never uttered a word earlier?
    Is it feng shui that these guys have to wait for the right time? or has these ‘guys’ been struck by bad feng shui?

  90. Dear Tun and others,
    1. Perceptions can be true and can be misleading but these perceptions influence our actions and reactions.
    2. It’s a pity when we let our emotion only, or logical thinking only to conclude what are true and not.
    3. Some prefer the long and hard way to discover the truth and some are very fast.
    4. There are thousands of hard evident, proofs out there about BN’s contributions and weaknesses, likewise, thousands too about PR’s contributions and weaknesses – go and check them out.
    5. We have to make decision/s almost all the time, in our case now, it seems like a dilemma…both BN and PR have got weaknesses…but rationally we better choose the one with lesser weaknesses or less dangerous, right?
    6. Some BN fellas are really corrupted (taking bribes, misusing power), giving empty promises, did not serve their constituencies, broken the laws, etc, but…
    7. When DAP clearly shows that they are not malay-friendly (MCA is also fighting for the chinese but malay-friendly), looks like anti-Islam….this is not a really good party for Malaysians – racial tensions may develop into serious troubkle
    8. When Keadilan agrees with its leader about liberalism and pluralism in religion, sexual orientation…this too are not the Malaysian ways…even in America, supposedly open and receptive, more people are against the idea of total freedom (and of course we have not discuss about the biased freedom of speech there)…so I cannot accept this party.
    9. When PAS keeps on changing its principles to accommodate its political struggles, not religious matter, this is totally hypocrisy…..look at the Amanat Hadi, a very destructive amanat…but PAS did not bothered at all…so this is just a political party, not really fighting for Islam.
    10. Therefore when these 3 parties formed the PR, they are not to be trusted…especially when they proposed the so-called changes.

    Just like Senior Mubarakchan says, vote BN.

  91. Tun

    Lee Kuan Yew who has a starred Double First Degree in Law from the University of Cambridge and probably a Third Class in the Bar Finals London and rule Singapore for over 50 years alone, has admitted some mistakes in a United States journal. These could only be titanic ones as he is a titan. During this same period, Malaysia has 6 democratically elected Prime Ministers and all retired at their own accord.

    In recent days, the media reported that the DAP miscalculated some votes at their key election for office bearers. It was something like 1 + 1 = 1. Apparently, a re-statement was made like in accounting. So, it is now 1 + 1 = 2. Oops ! Sorry folks it was a typo error !

    If the titan Lee Kuan Yew made titanic mistakes in his one man over 50 year rule of Singapore what can the DAP deliver as the No. 3 in a quorum of 3 in 5 short years in diverse and complicated Malaysia. For easy reference, the MCA is No.2 in the BN.

    I recommend the following especially Madame HBT456 for bedtime reading. The Star. Seah Chiang Nee Column.’The divisive, intolerant and quarrelsome phase’. 29 September 2012.

    Vote BN. All Malaysians especially the Malaysian Chinese. Do not miss the real issues concerning Governance. There is nothing Lee Kuan Yew and the DAP can teach us.

  92. Salam Tun
    Maybe what i request is a very sensitive issue but insyaallah you will understand
    Can you explain what happen in ‘The Memali Incident’?
    I’ve done my reseach but maybe it still not complete & this tragedy has been convert to become one of the big weapon to the tyrant that so call ‘the changers to a better Malaysia’
    I hope u can explain it for the newer generation so we can really understand & we will not be miss lead by some nonsense that been added to the emotion that project from the tragedy
    Thank you for every deeds that you share & grow for us
    Alhamdulillah 🙂

  93. Assalamualaikum Tun.

    Alfred.Willner punyai masalah bila komen beliau pasal Palastine ‘waiting for approval’.

    Saya punya masalah pulak bila komen saya ‘thank you for comment!’ tiada moderation atau waiting for approval.Saya punyai kuasa seperti blog saya sendiri….

    Kalau tak senang sikit nak tulis cerita apasal orang boleh kahwin lebih dari satu?Apasal Tun tak kahwin lebih dari satu?

    Ha..ha..nanti semua orang boleh baca.

    Yang pasti amanat Haji Hadi menyusahkan semua orang.Beliau sendiri menanggung dosa yang besar kerana mengeluarkan fatwa yang bersalahan dengan Islam.

    Kita orang Melayu jangan lupa..jaga tingkahlaku dan mulut kita.Jangan celupar sangat.Kerana kita tidak tahu dengan siapa kita berbicara.

    Walaupun C.N Afghani cikgu sekolah rendah hanya tahu A,B,C tapi janganlah menghina pekerjaan seseorang.Saya pun bukan somebody tapi cuma bekerja sebagai pembuat kek dan roti.

    Bila saya bercerita pasal tasawuf, ingatlah bahawa saya kembali ke 300 tahun lepas bila menaip perkataan nama Syeikh Abdul Malik 1650-an(Tok Pulau Manis),100 tahun lepas bila saya menaip nama Tokku Paloh, tahun 1818-1919 dan 4 tahun lepas bila menaip nama Tun Mahathir Mohamad.

    Dan seperti pejuang Afghanistan atau Kashmir….kami berbangga dapat makan rezeki dari hasil
    titik peluh kami sendiri tanpa meminta minta dari orang lain.

    Dan adakah Islam menggalakkan umatNya malas berusaha dan malas bekerja?

    Terima kasih Tun.

  94. Give them a chance they say. The BN has ruled this country for 55 years. It is time to change. They will change this into a welfare state. Everything will be free. No fees for education. No tolls. Large subsidy for petrol. 20% royalty to oil producing states etc..etc.






  95. Sudin,

    Anwar Ibrahim is a Muslim activist cum politician who hold the most critical portfolio, DPM and Minister of Finance in 1997.

    Some Malays were so fanatic and hoodwinked by him that even some of them were willing to go against the PDRM that made them lost their jobs which I have seen with my own eyes that made me so scared and frightened of Malays during that time.

    It is indeed great to read YAB’s point as the 4th PM of what YAB has gone through that critical moment at point 22. The record is there. Malaysians must not allow themselves to be hoodwinked as I was hoodwinked by the appearance of religious piety in the past.

    Today, people start to ask why PM Najib still hold the Minister of Finance portfolio.

    I told them, at the critical process of transforming our economy to the next level, PM Najib must hold this portfolio for the sake of Malaysians.

    PM Najib cannot do it alone if he wants to transform our economy base on ROI (Rate of Investment) if Malay politicians keep threatening him by not supporting him with Malay ala Muslim votes.

    PM Najib cannot do it alone if he wants to transform our economy base on ROI (Rate of Investment) if non-Malay politicians keep pressuring him with the attitude of wait and see.

    If PM Najib only interested to jaga Malay votes in the name of Ketuanan Melayu and Allah, he as UMNO President will loose support from other political parties and races.

    Rukun Negara was part of our national school syllabus that all primary and secondary students must read out loud with the head prefect during Monday’s assembly to shown our pledge to national unity and solidarity.

    23. The BN has listened to the people and has changed many laws and policies. All that the people need to do is to urge the BN to carry out whatever change the people desire. But changing the Government can and will result in this country becoming unstable and unable to grow.

    Can or not, it will depend whether programmes are workable or not.

    If feedback is not justifiable and worth it, they can have the sole right to close, rectify or modify
    the programmes so that it will not create a competition force to go against GLCs, Multi-national Corporation, International Corporations, small & medium entrepreneurs, opposition parties’ tax payers and individual tax payers.

  96. Talk about US politic and Obama… Compare to Malaysia politic…. Too difference… Can’t compared..

  97. Salam Tun.

    The first month Anwar maniac became MOF, Malaysia recorded trade deficit and the deficit continued/remained unchecked for well over 60 months, throughout his whole tenure as the MOF!!!
    Whenever reporters posed the question to him asking reasons for the deficit, Anwar maniac always giave the same idiotic reply,
    “Malaysia is going to become an industrial nation, so we have to keep importing machineries, services, whatnot…”

    Then Anwar began his long and never ending journey to sexual fantasies, which Tun greatly blundered when dismissing the daring few who managed to gather all their strength to report Anwar’s sexual adventures to Dr. M!
    Even in the midst of his defense to court hearing on “liwat 2.0”, Anwar still remain helpless to ward off his all-powerful urge, and left behind the Omega watch after the Cina doll scene.

    Not to worry though, kak Wan Jijah is ever ready to protect her “my husband anugerah Tuhan” with the “I have the Omega watch” nonsense. Of course, kak Wan is the best person who can proudly proclaim Anwar maniac as having God’s given lust!!!

  98. Salam Tun and Bloggers all

    I believe that people have felt the difference between your administration and the Pak Lah’s. He is incapable of resolving the fuel price hike 2008 where lives started to change as soon as he reduces the subsidies. Cost of living increases like never before. Then housing prices started to haunt people. Not enough of this, people are starting to get irritated by the news on scandals surrounding the government administration. It will be a tough decision for some to make because they want a way out, a quick one perhaps.

    And suddenly the opposition grow stronger. Now they promise change, a quick way out, more subsidy, lower housing price, cheaper cars, free toll, lower electricity bills, minimum wages amounted to RM1100, lower fuel price, increase in allowances for Dato’, abolish PTPTN, free WiFi, etc.

    This will be achieved with less country’s loan, lesser dividend from Petronas, higher oil royalty to Kelantan, lesser tax from imported and local cars, significant reduction on number of government staff and whatever else I may not know or remember.

    Not enough of this, the Opposition will also offer free corruption administration and people will be treated well, friendly and efficient government and above all no more Bumiputera quotas, fair treatement and free speech.

    In this new regime the LGBT will be given recognisation and will not be discriminated against, people can live free, liberal lifestyle side by side with PAS who would still be pursuing for hudud and intensive moral policing but with more ‘charity’. I was not informed on what is the real definition of charity here but it sounded very nice.

    I still think I have not listed all, but with the above offerings, it could be like a wish come true, a Godsent saviour, hitting a jackpot, all nice and heavenly living. Probem solved. It was like we have been cheated all this while, the money was spent for the BN chronies instead of being used to finance the above.

    The question is, am I stupid? Should I believe Tun Dr M or DS Anwar? I’m starting to think that stupidity has its connection with greed. That is why the Ponzi scheme is still flourishing…and the best part of Ponzi scheme is that you may not going to be 100% sure until you try. But it is the decision where all Ponzi scheme participant deeply regreted later. Your hard earned savings may vanished forever just because of a very short moment of greed. You may need to spend another cycle of life to get it back.

  99. Dear Tun Dr. Mahathir,

    in my earlier posting today I said

    PS: If this is published, you may want to get to the bottom of why my previous comment about your Palestine Posting was not. It’s still sitting there “awaiting moderation”.

    I have just checked it and I see that all my postings were now finally published. It took a long time – from 12 December 2012 till today- but finally it got done.

    I thank you an your administrator for attending this. Proves to show that there is no censoring of any kind here which I initially never thought there would be but then, as the publishing of my comments was dragging, I will admit that the thought had been creeping in my mind.

    The matter is cleared now. My positive perspective of Malaysia and its institutions have not deteriorated.

    Malaysia is a good country to live in!

    Salam, der Tun!

    Alfred Willlner

  100. if the promises are the issue, then who can keep their words?
    BN & opposition must show their sincerity rather than condemning each other
    The rakyat is smart enough…

  101. Tun

    You have hit the nail right on its head. The next General Elections is the Grandmother of all the General Elections for the struggle to gain power to control the Mother of all Choke Points which is our beloved Malaysia consisting of the Peninsula, Sabah and Sarawak. The littoral Nation controls one of the most important seaways in the world, the Straits of Malacca and the South China Sea.

    The history of the BN as led by the UMNO from its very beginning has been friendly to all the countries of the world especially the super-powers. Malaysia practises democracy of its own kind since 1954. Her Malaysian Chinese citizens are the best treated in the world, better than in Singapore, Hong Kong, Taiwan, China and the rest of the World. Yet, some of the Malaysian Chinese run around the streets of Kuala Lumpur and do the Long March with clean shirts and full stomachs in support of causes of others which have nothing to do with them. No other Chinese do this except Hong Kong and this only happened after the British master left. Further, China never practised democracy and human rights for 5,000 years up to 2013 !

    The BN as led by the UMNO has always delivered on its election promises. This is the reason why it is in power to this day. If the leader knew how to permit the goodies to flow down the iron pyramid of power, then Malaysia is easy to govern. But in recent years, this was forgotten and the slopes of the pyramid dried up leading to unhappiness and dissatisfaction with the Government. Once, as I always said, there is a return to normality, the whole country and its economy will bounce back !

    We do not need the PR to do this ! Even the Singaporean titan Lee Kuan Yew admitted recently he made some mistakes which could only be titanic ones of which I had enumerated some previously. Vide New York Times. And he was a one-man over 50 years ruler of Singapore which has a 75% homogenous population. What can 6 distinguished gentlemen of the PR do as only one of them is below the age of 62 in diverse and complicated Malaysia and with no resounding credentials like Lee Kuan Yew ? Lee Kuan Yew gained a starred Double First in Law at the University of Cambridge and probably, a Third Class in the Bar Finals, London. What can the PR do in short 4 years ?

    In the BN case as led by the UMNO, the normality can return in nanoseconds in real terms whilst the PR has still got to sort out what it really is because we have to consider the factors concerning the next General Elections now in play eg.

    1. Lee Kuan Yew – whose abiding obsession seems to be Malaysian Politics.

    2. The Super Powers – Each will watch each other if the other over reaches.

    3. The DAP – If only they had not been connected and brought up by Lee Kuan Yew…..!

    4. The PAS – The most distinguished political party of Malaysia which they view themselves.

    5. The PKR – A party of many parts with international connections.

    The main line of attack by the PR is over the money and sex scandals. The precepts of proper governance of a nation are glossed over with the use if smoke and mirrors overlaid with a very heavy dose of obscene, profane, vulgar verbiage with a sub-continent slant.

    What about the heavy stuff ? The PR Domestic Policy and the PR Foreign Policy ?

    We know something about how PR is going to govern us – like Lee Kuan Yew who is respected and admired by some Malaysian Chinese. But then, Singapore imploded with the loss of US$108 Billions (RM350 Billions) of her citizens’ Trust money in October 2008 on Wall Street. The much touted meritocratic pyramid with the smartest fellow on top was dealt a cruel hand by the riff-raff of Wall Street whom they trusted until then ! Further, Lee Kuan Yew’s 2 child family Policy of the 1970s and the 1980s sent the Singaporean Tribe reeling into extinction to this day with a procreation rate of 1:1.2 per 100 persons. This means in every generation the original Singaporean population is reduced by 50 percent ! Then, we have the Perfunctory Judiciary which is well-known world-wide eg. Admiral Canaris was stripped naked hy Hitler to demean him and later he was hanged naked with piano wires. The unfortunate and fortunate Dr Chee, The unfortunate and unfortunate Tan Koon Swan. The Australian and German drug mules. Dr Woffles Wu. Howard Shaw. etc.etc. And then, the one man more than 50 year rule by Lee Kuan Yew. And many other examples from the multi-media.

    If the Malaysian Chinese think they are smart and vote DAP, this is going against the grain of their beliefs and culture. This act will be most regretful because the BN as led by the UMNO has the legitimacy and traditional convention and the long proven record to lead. The PR can say anything about the money and sex scandals. But I hope they realise that Singapore’s horrendous loss of US$108 Billions (RM350 Billions) can be put down to developmental expenditure.

    So Singapore did not CHANGE their Government.

    The case for the PR to CHANGE the incumbent Government in Putrajaya is very weak because the leaders are percieved to be very rich eg. the mass photogenic demonstrations, unconfirmed land deals, world travel, glcs, world liberal democrats etc. etc. and espouse a very strong desire to be the Prime Minister of Malaysia with the same political socio-economic banner as the BN as led by the UMNO ! In other words, any one with tons of money can make a go at the Premiership which becomes a target of enterprising multi-billionaires or financiers, at home and abroad !

    Super powers please take note !!! Your friendly Malaysia for a long, long time, may be a different animal after the next General Elections if the citizens support the PR !

    Vote BN. All Malaysians especially the Malaysian Chinese to protect our heritage and life-style which is truly Malaysian. There is nothing Lee Kuan Yew and Singapore can teach us.

  102. 16. ………………………….. look at the record and compare it (Malaysia) with other countries which gained independence at the same time. Compare it even with the developed West. They are in deep financial trouble and try as they might, they have not been able to overcome the crisis.

    You are absolutely right there, Tun!

    I remember only too well how, way back in 1997 – 1998, you faced daemons like George Soro who had previously almost ruined Russia by betting against the Rubel. You faced them expelling them and their companies from Malaysia so they could do no harm there and you pledged the rate of exchange of the Ringgit to 3,80 to one USD, something the entire world said at the time that it was totally the wrong thing to do.

    What eventually happened is that the entire World was proven wrong.

    Malaysia came out of the Economic Down Turn stronger than it entered it and Malaysia is today in good shape while, as you also well mention to proper merit, the West is broke to no repair.

    It took wisdom and courage to do what you did then. History proved you right and you deserve to be praised for it. These are your merits.

    Whether they were also the merits of your political party is not for me to assess or to state as I am a foreigner to your lands – only I am a fan of your people and their life style.

    Malaysia does well.

    Hopefully Malaysians will keep it this way, with whomever at the helmet of power.

    This is not meant to be a political comment. Only I have then lived and seen what was done in Malaysia to face a crisis. I had praised your action only to find my comments dismissed by everyone I talked to in the West.

    You had at the time also warned Malaysians of complacency and it is precisely complacency which brought the West to their current deplorable state of affairs. Their children and children’s children only will learn the lesson – no immediate turn around is to be expected.

    I think I have mentioned it here before but I will not tire to repeat it: When I first came to visit Malaysia I told my friends there that I think that Malaysians live in paradise but that this they do not realize. It would be nice to have me proven wrong and that Malaysian will indeed recognize that they are living a blessed life which I think is first and foremost owed to each and every one of them themselves, their way to be, their way of life. Unity is strength I believe is your National Motto and as a foreigner one can see this being lived in Malaysia.

    Many a nation and people can look at Malaysia as an example of how to do things right.

    Salam, Tun!

    Alfred Willner
    PS: If this is published, you may want to get to the bottom of why my previous comment about your Palestine Posting was not. It’s still sitting there “awaiting moderation”.

  103. Salam hormat Yg Bhg Tun,

    They are still majority will support Barisan Nasional, as long as UMNO and of BN are moving in a right direction and consistently and firm with their hard work to implement various transformations for the needs of the country and the community. There are still many bad accusing against the government and party UMNO/BN as corrupted such as the issue of purchasing Kapal Selam Scorpin for TLDM. Opposition used this issue as one of their political weapon in conjunction with the General Election -13 to gain political influence from the public. But the opposition (PKR, DAP & Pas) are not able to produce any strong supporting evidence of the corrupt accusation against government in related to Kapal Selam Scorpin (especially the BN leader YAB Dato’ Seri Mohd Najib Tun Hj Abdul Razak). The issue is actually ZERO, because our Malaysians are not that stupid to be easily influence by such issue and many other issues not really proven true to the public, there are only political games.

    Be careful and think wisely, choose the right political parties who could honestly deliver for the needs of the country and the well being of the Rakyat, the only choice is Barisan Nasional.

    Thank you and Wassalam Tun.

  104. Assalamualaikum Tun.

    Hairan bin ajaib….yang kita duk sibuk sibuk pasal agama orang lain buat apa?

    Al Hijrah pada 6 petang sabtu dan ahad ada siarkan syarahan ustaz Zul Al Bakri (saya kira masih menjadi ahli jawantankuasa fatwa negeri Terengganu).

    Melalui sedutan syarahan,beliau akan memberikan syarahan berkenaan Kitab Hikam.Kitab yang terkenal di pondok-pondok.

    Jarang sekali syarahan syarahan tasawuf berpeluang keudara secara terbuka sebelum ini kecuali setelah Al Hijrah diwujudkan.Tahniah kepada yang berusaha.

    Dalam sedutannya beliau berkata, sembahyang dan puasa tidaklah penting.Tapi yang penting adalah kebergantungan kita pada Allah s.w.t dan bukannya kebergantungan kita pada amal -terjemahan berkenaaan sembahyang /hudud yang pernah saya tulis di sini tak lama dulu.

    Kerana kebergantungan pada amal menjadikan kita seorang yang riak dan angkuh pada manusia.Tetapi kebergantungan kita pada Allah s.w.t menjadikan kita sebagai hamba yang dikasihi Allah s.w.t dan manusia.

    Sepertimana ‘Time for Change’ yang mempertaruhkan amal untuk memikat hati rakyat.

    Mungkin ‘Janji Ditepati’ juga mempertaruhkan amal untuk memikat rakyat – teguran untuk penasihat penasihat cendikiawan Dato’ Seri Najib.

    Terimak kasih Tun.

  105. Assalamualaikum dearest Tun,

    In order to gain political power, making beautiful and fantastic promises (star & moon) is identified as one of the effective mechanism to influence voters and supporters. In Malaysia there are political leaders utilizing promises as their most effective weapon to attract the voters and strong supporters. DSAI is one of the current political leader practicing various promises, but very unfortunately many of the promises has not being fulfilled. BN Leaders also utilizing promises, but very fortunately they keep and fulfilled majority (almost 100%) of their promises.

    2. Mr. Barrack Obama continuously gain power over his opponent and remain the President of America for the next term. As mentioned by Yg. Bhg. Tun many of his earlier promises has not being fulfilled, but his influences still at the higher level in comparison with his challenger, may be there are other strong reasons (recognized by his supporters) as to why he is still supported by the majority. Why DSAI in Malaysia still retains certain percentage of supports from the public, especially from the Chinese voters who strongly supporting DAP and partially from the Malays supporting Pas and PKR. There are reasons as to why DSAI still gains certain percentage of supporters, one of them because he is practicing equalization to all nations of Malaysia (which is not proven yet), which means that there is no any special treatment any longer for Bumiputra if he is in full power (when PR won the PRU 13), he is indirectly supporting the movement of LGBT based on the concept of Democracy, whereby he may be strongly supported by those who strongly believe and practice LGBT in Malaysia/Globally.

    Lets us think deeply, and vote for the better government Barisan Nasional.

    Thank you Tun & Wassalam.

  106. Religion to me is faith between myself and divine power.

    How you want to make your religion works in your constituency and the people you mix around, it does not matter as long as you are happy and satisfy with what you have over there.

    I am living in a world that is different from yours.

    I don’t want to change your world, and you won’t be able changed my world.

    Maka kami, rakyat Malaysia, akan menumpukan…

    When comes to general elections, do what is right legally.

    After finding the truth of power abuse and flip flop that caused so many Malaysians like Tired bankrupt, that is nothing to yell.

    If I am you, I won’t splash salt on their wounds.

    Why not you forget and forgive them as human being in the name of “Allah”.

    Today, many of them may be in bankruptcy process due to your comments.

  107. We, Malaysian can see who is doing it the right way (for our next generation). Malaysia BOLEH! We will insha Allah continue to vote for them. Malaysia has developed ever since thanks to you, Sir. Suggestion of young new faces in the front line is excellent, possibly with more races involved, not just the Malays, Indian and Chinese, but also the Malaysian Pakistani and Arab should join in too. It will create harmony.

  108. Tun,

    “17. Remember 1997- 8 crisis. The then Deputy PM and Minister of Finance tried the IMF solution without the IMF loans. Banks and companies were faced with the threat of bankruptcy from non-performing loans. Imports cost more. Cost of living shot up.”

    1. I am a victim of the above statement; I am a bankrupt because the then DPM and FM in his haste to topple the then PM, purportedly, on advised of ‘his handlers’, declared the property sector as a ‘non-productive’ sector. This was supposedly done to weed-out those conies of the then PM. But what ensued, actually? I am sure we could still remember… However, I was not bothered by it, as I’m no politician, and I did get to where I was then by knowing or related to any of them! But what bothered me was when those banks, upon that declaration, stopped all loans to all property developers even if their projects were in “full-steam…” When queried and appealed for redemption, the answer offered was all the same,” the project must be profitable and sustainable (which they did not insist upon them when I submitted my loan applications…)” Typically,” bankers give you umbrella when it’s sunshine, but would take it away as soon as it rains!!!!”

    2. Today, in Malaysia, I live life worse than a Pariah!!!

    3. The moral of my story? Self-pity? Bad businessman? Dah tak ade rezeki? No, no, no! I accepted what befell unto me but I cannot accept what would happen to my children’s future…! With goods and services forever rising, I could not provide better educational opportunities for them except to send them to government schools. I cannot afford to send them for tuition, as I don’t have the monies to do that because I cannot secure a good enough job that would afford me to do that…

    4. Is this the type of life you guys are looking forward to? Leaving your fate in a hand of someone whose interest is just to further his ambition to become the PM of Malaysia? Are you ready for “this type” of change?

    5. Granted the current government is not perfect; who is? Unless you are an Angel…! I hate them because I know mostly, they are either corrupted monetarily or they are corrupting their powers no matter what race or party they are in…! But I know for sure that they won’t close down any schools, clinics, hospitals, etc., etc., for lacking of funds to maintain those facilities. Instead I am sure that they would continue to build more of them, as “without projects, there would be no monies…” Say what you like; but it’s like “a blessing in disguise”, if you may…

    6. I’ve been to and worked in those States that are being administered by the opposing parties. Unless you are dump, uneducated, or just plain ignorance, those States are pathetic looking at best while one State is busy with her “ethnic cleansing…”

    7. Do not support these oppositions! Look and experience it for yourself what they have done or not have done mostly! Talk is cheap! At least; no matter how corrupted the BN government is, as least I could still send my children to those fully funded government schools and walk the streets unharmed! Also, while it used to be with RM1 only I could survive or live for a day in this beautiful and blessed country, today, I too could appreciate the fact that the Mamak Coffeeshops too have ambitions to be listed on the KLSE….

    8. I really, really, really, hate the current government administration, as “Bersih, Cekap Dan Amanah” is not the Motto anymore! Instead it has since been replaced with KPI (Kencing Pi Intai) and KRA (Kunci Rumah Anda)…Alas, I would not change it for the sake of changing…I must be responsible for my children’s future, as much as how my parent has been responsible for my future (though it’s not glorious now…) The idiom, “I would rather sleep with a Devil that I know, than to be sleeping with an Angel that I do not know yet!”, is so true, relevant, and significant in this context…! You’ll agree with me once you’ve experience “those samplings…”

    Thank you, Tun. I miss your leadership.

  109. HBT 456..
    What is right and what is wrong?
    The right that you use to comment on my religion is wrong!!
    Refrain from commenting matter regarding Islam that you have no knowledge..
    It is abusing your right here in Tun blog..

    Terima kasih Tun..

  110. Assallammualaikum Tun..
    Moga diizinkan ruangan..

    Wow Polo..
    Congratulation because you are those many people who are going to hound down Abdullah Ahmad Badawi if..if..if your Pakatan win..
    Before you realizes your dream..I wonder why the deafening silence???

    Terima kasih Tun..

  111. Meow,

    North Korea, has only one political power resource, that is China market.

    North Korean President wants to copy South Koreans’ success in developing her economy and people.

    Can NK President do that alone without the support from South Korean President who happens to be the daughter of the assassinated wife of the 1st President of South Korea by the North Korean spy during the 50s?

    If South Koreans cannot accept the President, no one including Americans, Koreans Chinese can accept them.

    Don’t forget that Korean and Japanese are rivals in the past during WW2 until today via their presidents.

    Jangan salah faham that it was Americans who want to invade them.







  113. If we do not trust our PM Najib, Ministry and governments elected via political parties, who else can we turn to?

    Both BN and PR need votes via their election campaigns.

    BN is more unified and matured today after 4 years of being the opposition party.

    Today, BN realizes that “people” are “human capital resources”.

    In terms of political unity and financial support, BN is better off then PAS, PKR and DAP.

    PAS, PKR and DAP are more interest to topple BN due to past frustration to show the world that they are Mr Nice guys and are holier than thou in the name of justice ala zaman silam.

    Just like our body, BN needs to replace dirty blood with clean blood to make BN healthier and smoother internally for the sake of Malaysians and their parties’ members.

    Just like our skin, BN needs to replace aging skin with new skin for the sake of Malaysians and their parties’ members.

    Outdated policies should be updated and amended according to current trend as the world’s economic cycle is getting shorter and shorter to make Malaysia a better place to live, work and play.

  114. Malays, like other races, are evolving due to education and peer pressure.

    If it’s not because of YAB, Anwar Ibrahim could never be the DPM and Finance Minister.

    If it’s not because of Anwar Ibrahim and ISA, UMNO would not split into 2 political parties.

    Can Anwar Ibrahim become the PM?

    I think it’s quite impossible because his left hand, Rafizi is too mentah, directionless and do not respect P & C as whistle-blower rule of the law as PKR politician.

    I thinks it’s quite impossible because his right hand, Azmin is considered a anak derhaka by his family.

    Even Anwar Ibrahim becomes the PM, it will be short-lived.

    Today, political parties have 2 choices, either they choose Hadi Awang or Najib to be the PM.

    Like the Americans, why should Malaysians waste time, energy and capital resources to fight out who is right, who is wrong?

  115. People keep on criticizing towards each other and never appreciate on what the government has given to us. Even worse, they try to manipulate and corrupt the mind of youngsters to go against the government. To those people who like to put blames on others why not ask yourselves to be grateful on what the government has provided to our nation now.There are still a lot to do to make our country to change into a developed country but we can’t achieve this if there is no unity in our heart. Blame and curse will do nothing but respect and unity will make it success.Do not corrupt the mind of young generations but encourage them to make our country the best in the future. I am proud being Malaysian.

  116. Dear Tun,

    BN is in a better coalition looking from the holistic view point. They have been in power since before independence, well tested and proven workable.
    The Opposition coalition PR has component parties that has too diametrically opposing positions and ideologies. Just look at the band of brigands constituting the unholy collusion of failed politicians in PR. The Trinity of misfits among PAS, PKR and DAP conspire to usurp power of the country is frightening really and totally not sensible and unrealistic.
    I pray that we continue to enjoy peace, stability and harmony in the country, under Barisan Nasional rule.

    amin tan

  117. Tun,

    Honestly, can Malaysia do any worse with the Pakatan Rakyat.

    Why is change seem inevitable. Simply because people have
    become well to aware of the shrinkage’s in monies during the
    decades of BN rule.

    Why is cronyism and nepotism bad ? If you gave back pennies
    on the dollar to the rakyat and only the select Umnoputeras not
    Bumiputeras are bequeath benefits of being a ‘Pure’ Malaysian.
    The Rakyat will get restless when they see the few, chosen to
    drive around KL in Bugatti’s and a Class A education as result
    of a birthright rather than merit. You called it an affirmative
    action for a race. It became a privilege for the few.

    At the very least, you did not turn Malaysia into an oil rich
    Islamist nation like Nigeria that has overwhelming poverty.
    Malaysia is also not like Dubai where wealth is built on the
    Dhmmi’s and Abd’s backs.

    Maybe, its not to late for BN to change. By the Way, Tun if
    you are trying to feign being a humble person. Try not to
    travel around outside the country on private jets, yachts and
    perks with Petronas( Rakyats Money) resources. You do know,
    news outside Malaysia is uncensored.

    Shalom in Yeshua’s Name









  119. Hi Tun,
    I guess u r in very big trouble if opposition take place in GE13. That’s y u keep on spreading the bullshit around.
    Where the money goes?
    Ask your cronies. Submarine, Cow, Condo-cow, Khir-Mansion, 81 cam for 980k, and bla bla bla.
    BN are corrupted to the core!. Esp UNMO.

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