1. There has been much talk by certain people of a conspiracy to overthrow Dato Sri Najib as Prime Minister.

2. Is there a conspiracy? Is there someone or some group conspiring i.e moving in secret in the underground to overthrow Najib. There could have been before but apart from people complaining privately about their dissatisfaction with Najib’s administration, no one was planning his overthrow. That is not to say that they did welcome the idea of his resigning or vacating his post. But active underground planning and action there was none.

3. What we do know now is that I had openly called for his stepping down. No conspiracy. Just open declaration to the whole nation that I would like to see Najib cease to be Prime Minister.

4 So if any investigation is to be made, there is no need for detectives or special agents. That there is a move or push for Dato Sri Najib to step down is known to everyone.

5. So again where is the conspiracy!! It is all in the open. There is no need to conspire. There is open campaigning for his ceasing to be Prime Minister.

6. Lately we are seeing many funny statements. The Utusan loudly proclaimed that the Prime Minister had taken action against the Wall Street Journal.

7. Actually it was not legal action or suing for defamation. Just politely asking the Wall Street Journal why do they publish the article.

8. Is there a need to ask that silly question? Isn’t it obvious that as a newspaper the information obtained by Wall Street Journal was sensational. Any newspaper, convinced of the authenticity of the information would have printed it. Of course the local mainstream papers will not for obvious reasons.

9. To ingratiate themselves with the Prime Minister they would rather mislead people. The sub-editors are good at writing misleading headlines. For example when a statement is made to let the task force of four do their work this is headlined as support for the Prime Minister.

10. Then there was a minister who, after saying that the interim report shows nothing wrong with 1MDB, then went on to advise people not to say anything about 1MDB until the report is out. But he himself had made a premature statement.

11. To all comments made against 1MDB, the standard answer is to deny, to say “No it is not true.” It is like somebody upon being asked whether he had stolen the money as alleged, simply denies that he had stolen, expecting the judge to acquit him simply because he denied.

12. There is no denial that money was deposited in the private account. The explanation to UMNO is that it was for the elections. UMNO seems satisfied. Don’t they know that Government money cannot be used to help a political party to win elections? But the money was from donation. Who donated 2 billion Ringgit? No answer.

13. But what about BR1M? Isn’t it Government money, all 7 billion Ringgit and more. That was clever. It is not for elections but given before any election, with the promise of more if the party wins, isn’t it about using Government money to win elections?

14. Truly cash is king!!

15. Then there is this insistence that since Najib was elected, no one has any right to demand he should step down.

16. How short is their memory. Don’t they remember Abdullah who was also elected being asked by Najib to step down. And he did.

17. And I myself, also an elected PM, did step down in 2003.

18. All over the world elected Presidents and Prime Ministers have been asked or forced to step down and they all did. In fact in some countries, if something untoward happens, Ministers, Prime Ministers step down.

19. So don’t be silly and demand that since Najib was elected, no one has a right to ask him to step down. Abdullah won more seats in 2008 than Najib in 2013. If Abdullah was prepared to step down, Najib after his poor performance in the general election should not even offer to be the PM. He should resign from being President of UMNO and head of BN and let somebody else lead and become PM.

20. There is this suggestion that the amendment to the election rules in UMNO was meant to make it more democratic. Very many more members would vote in the UMNO elections than the 2,000 or so delegates to the UMNO General Assembly.

21. Actually the intention is to limit the number of entities involved in the election. The winners would be those getting the biggest number of divisions voting for. Effectively this means the real electors have been reduced from 2,000 to about 190 UMNO divisions. The number of members voting for a candidate is nullified. Far from making UMNO elections more democratic, Najib has actually restricted the right to vote from ordinary members to just the divisions. And Najib has a strangle-hold over most of the division heads.

22. So much for more democracy in UMNO.



1. Terdapat banyak perbicaraan oleh orang-orang tertentu tentang konspirasi untuk menggulingkan Dato Sri Najib sebagai Perdana Menteri.

2. Adakah terdapat konspirasi? Adakah terdapat seseorang atau beberapa kumpulan bersubahat, iaitu bergerak secara rahsia di bawah tanah untuk menggulingkan Najib? Mungkin terdapat sebelum ini, tetapi selain daripada orang-orang yang mengadu secara peribadi tentang rasa tidak puas hati mereka dengan pentadbiran Najib, tidak ada orang yang merancang menjatuhkan beliau. Itu bukan menyatakan bahawa mereka sebenarnya mengalu-alukan idea beliau meletakkan jawatan atau mengosongkan jawatannya. Tetapi perancangan bawah tanah yang aktif dan tindakan tidak ada.

3. Apa yang kita tahu sekarang adalah bahawa saya telah secara terbuka menggesa beliau meletak jawatan. Tiada konspirasi. Hanya pengakuan terbuka kepada seluruh negara bahawa saya ingin melihat Najib terhenti menjadi Perdana Menteri.

4 Oleh itu, jika ada apa-apa penyiasatan mahu dibuat, tidak ada keperluan untuk detektif atau ejen khas. Ujudnya langkah atau desakan untuk Dato Sri Najib berundur diri diketahui semua orang.

5. Jadi sekali lagi, di mana konspirasinya!! Ini adalah semua terbuka. Tidak ada keperluan untuk bersubahat. Terdapat kempen terbuka untuk beliau berhenti daripada menjadi Perdana Menteri.

6. Akhir-akhir ini kita melihat banyak kenyataan yang melucukan. Utusan dengan lantang menyatakan bahawa Perdana Menteri telah mengambil tindakan terhadap Wall Street Journal.
7. Sebenarnya ini bukan tindakan undang-undang atau saman malu. Ianya hanya tertanya dengan sopan kepada Wall Street Journal mengapa mereka menerbitkan artikel itu.

8. Adakah keperluan untuk menanyakan soalan yang bodoh itu? Bukankah ianya jelas bahawa sebagai akhbar maklumat yang diperoleh oleh Wall Street Journal adalah sensasi. Mana-mana akhbar yang yakin dengan kesahihan maklumat itu pasti mencetaknya. Sudah tentu akbar-akbar utama tempatan tidak akan berbuat demikian atas alasan-alasan yang jelas.

9. Untuk mendamping diri dengan Perdana Menteri mereka lebih sanggup menyesatkan orang. Sub-editor pandai menulis tajuk utama yang mengelirukan. Sebagai contoh, apabila kenyataan dibuat untuk membiarkan pasukan petugas empat orang melakukan kerja mereka, ini ditajuk utamakan sebagai sokongan kepada Perdana Menteri.

10. Kemudian ada pula seorang menteri yang selepas mengatakan bahawa laporan interim menunjukkan tidak sebarang yang salah dengan 1MDB, kemudiannya menasihatkan orang ramai supaya jangan berkata sebarangan mengenai 1MDB sehingga laporan itu disiarkan. Tetapi dia sendiri telah membuat kenyataan terlebih awal.

11. Bagi semua komen yang dibuat terhadap 1MDB, jawapan standard ialah menafikannya, mengatakan “Bukan, ia tidak benar.” Ia ibarat seseorang apabila ditanya sama ada dia telah mencuri wang seperti yang didakwa, hanya menafikan bahawa dia telah mencuri, mengharapkan hakim akan membebaskannya kerana ia menafikan.

12. Tidak ada penafian bahawa wang telah didepositkan ke dalam akaun peribadi. Penjelasan kepada UMNO adalah bahawa ia adalah untuk pilihan raya. UMNO nampaknya berpuas hati. Tidakkah mereka tahu bahawa wang Kerajaan tidak boleh digunakan untuk membantu parti politik memenangi pilihan raya? Tetapi wang ini adalah dari sumbangan, Siapa yang menyumbangkan 2 bilion Ringgit? Tiada jawapan.

13. Bagaimana pula dengan BR1M? Bukankah is wang Kerajaan, semua 7 bilion Ringgit itu dan banyak lagi. Itu bijak. Ianya bukan untuk pilihan raya tetapi diberikan sebelum mana-mana pilihan raya, dengan janji lebih jika parti menang, bukankah ini hal menggunakan wang kerajaan untuk memenangi pilihan raya?

14. Sesungguhnya tunai adalah raja !!

15. Kemudian terdapat desakan bahawa oleh sebab Najib dipilih, tiada siapa pun mempunyai sebarang hak untuk menuntut beliau berundur.

16. Betapa pendek ingatan mereka. Tidakkah mereka ingat Abdullah yang juga telah dipilih diminta oleh Najib untuk berundur. Dan dia lakukannya.

17. Dan saya sendiri, juga seorang PM yang dipilih, berundur pada tahun 2003.

18. Di seluruh dunia Presiden yang dipilih dan Perdana Menteri telah diminta atau terpaksa berundur dan mereka semua melakukannya. Malah di sesetengah negara, jika sesuatu yang tidak diingini berlaku, Menteri-menteri, Perdana-Perdana Menteri akan meletak jawatan.

19. Janganlah jadi bodoh dan menuntut bahawa oleh sebab Najib dipilih, tiada siapa yang mempunyai hak untuk meminta beliau untuk berundur. Abdullah memenangi lebih banyak kerusi pada tahun 2008 daripada Najib pada tahun 2013. Jika Abdullah bersedia untuk meletak jawatan, Najib selepas prestasi buruk dalam pilihan raya umum sepatutnya tidak menawarkan diri untuk menjadi PM. Dia harus meletakkan jawatan daripada menjadi Presiden UMNO dan ketua BN dan biarkan orang lain memimpin dan menjadi PM.

20. Terdapat pandangan ini bahawa pindaan kepada peraturan pilihan raya dalam UMNO adalah bertujuan untuk menjadikannya lebih demokratik. Lebih ramai ahli akan mengundi dalam pilihan raya UMNO daripada 2,000 atau lebih perwakilan ke Perhimpunan Agung UMNO.

21. Sebenarnya niatnya adalah untuk menghadkan bilangan entiti yang terlibat dalam pilihan raya. Pemenang adalah mereka yang mendapat bilangan terbesar undi bahagian. Keberkesanannya bererti pemilih sebenar telah dikurangkan dari 2000 kepada kira-kira 190 bahagian UMNO. Bilangan ahli yang mengundi untuk calon dibatalkan. Jauh daripada membuat pilihan raya UMNO lebih demokratik, Najib sebenarnya telah menghadkan hak mengundi ahli-ahli biasa kepada bahagian sahaja. Dan Najib mempunyai pegangan ke atas sebahagian besar ketua-ketua bahagian.

22. Begitulah untuk demokrasi yang lebih dalam UMNO.

349 thoughts on “CONSPIRACY”

  1. hi..
    nice speech and opinion bro..
    but do u ever think ’bout it n ur’ really troll and ‘MEMASLANKAN’ urself..
    thinking wisely bro..
    Only n let, Tun doing his job right now…

  2. Assalam Tun.

    This comment was earlier placed at the wrong entry….

    To that long forgotten Ahmad,
    We all realised since you first started making “I enjoyed getting ridiculed” comments in chedet sometime ago, and now you proudly admitted to everyone that your wife also has noticed, that you are a supermoron!!!

    Ahmad the foreigner???
    Nak berbohong pun tak reti!!
    Kah kah kah…

  3. Dear Ahmad,

    It such a pity you address Tun as Dato Sri or maybe you are just another troll. Pls reveal more of your country of origin so that we all can comment of your leader or your past leaders , just to be fair to our Malaysian leaders.

    Good nite

  4. i for one had the same opinion as you once but Tun always kept the country going strong unlike the current PM .Country is now in massive debts , beyond imagination and turning for the worst..

  5. I do hope you won’t send my comments to trash! I see praise all over and that’s quite unnatural!

  6. Dato Sri, I am a foreigner who stayed in Malaysia for fairly long time. I have witnessed massive corruption during your tenure. Everyone melting money including your party and family. Institutions weak enough to prevent. May be you remember, you lost delegate election. I know why you did. The system of manipulation you build worked against you when you are on other side!

    Najib is more corrupt and definitely stupid. Forgive me for using this word which is controversial. I am well aware that its a reference to ‘one community’.

    My wife who is a Malay,offers Tahaud prayers to oust Najib.

    I asked her why did not you do that when Mahatir build institutions which are open to manipulation? She can not understand what that MEANS!

    Dato Sri, I have utmost respect for you. You build this nation from scratches. I have seen your family house and am well aware that your son is now 3rd richest person in Malaysia.

    You tried to restrict mental advance to your nation and focused on infrastructure advance. Your nation is known to be S*******. You killed their mental and physical abilities.

    How do you expect to stand up against Najib today ? These slaves and brain dead you created to rule for 25 years! Oh no, they would never get the courage to topple Najib!

  7. Ah, RM2.60 billion did indeed go into PM Najib’s bank account. If it was so simple, why didn’t the Prime Minister say so when the WSJ article hit the air waves? Where the money went should be a good tell tale sign of whether this money was for party (some of it, I’d guess) or for personal use (most of it, I’d guess).

    Meanwhile, GLCs in Malaysia are doing so well – according to this NST Report –

  8. Dear Tun and All,

    PAC investigation on 1MDB postpone indefinitely. Our Government said they wanted a fair trial, ask the Rakyat to be patient, let the Authority investigate the issue and on the other hand they the one making it to drag and postpone. Funny, those who raise voice on this issue, get sack, arrested including those who were given green light to investigate also being detained after only a month of investigation.

    What happen to those who are into this scandal? It’s been years this whole issue before the media alerted the whole nation/World. They were given ample of time, more than a month to face PAC, at the end, the Government is in no hurry to get the case investigate and done as soon as possible, they postpone it. Not to mention, some of them have already ran away or migrated to other Country without trace accept our poor PM who is fighting so hard for his position back here.

    1) What’s the point? How many people now got faith in you and your new Cabinat?

    2) What’s the point? Indirectly already confirmed by your own people you did received 2.6+ Billion in your account. (After weeks of thinking of a way how to tell the Nation/World since you cannot delete a bank’s data base)

    3) What’s the point, it takes you one month to admit it. More over, what a lame excuse it was.

    4) What’s the point, you as UMNO President are also dragging the beloved UMNO into you scandal. Trustee account!!?? (Guess you will back dated the file and put your name and account into UMNO data base or whatever to proof it.)

    5) What’s the point, we all know the money is from this guy Jlo Low you and your wife trusted so much but already regretted knowing him. He donated it to you ka?? USD700 Million?

    6) What’s the point, this donation come from Singapore and overseas, we Malaysian you can fool us, will other Country keep quiet about it? Don’t they know the money trial? Don’t they know where the Money come from?

    7) What’s the point of arresting those who are try to investigate the case but not the real crooks who are behind this whole issue?

    8) What’s the point, the more you and your Cabinet make statements, the more the Rakyat and the World will laugh at it.

    I sincerely wishes you and your Cabinet good luck, let’s see how long still this Cabinet can last. Enjoy your PM status while you can. Once a new PM is chosen by the Rakyat maybe soon or latest by the next GE (Ah, you also can drag the GE for about one year late), regardless the new PM is from UMNO, Barisan or opposition party, those MPs who are so color blind now will follow DNS down for sure. May GOD bless the whole Nation. Truth will prevail soon. DSN BOLEH! DSN BOLEH! DSN BOLEH!

    Worried & Sad Malaysian

  9. Dear Tun,

    Now MACC declare the 2.6 Bliion is from donation pula!! Why don’t the Goverment declare DSN is MACC director better!! This type of lies they also dare to report.

    Jho Low donate the 2.6 Billion for Umno/Barisan… using money from where?? What is the MACC doing? Is this called transparent? Proof us 2.6 Billion is from where.

    Anyway, they are telling the whole Malaysia/World DSN did received the money in his private account, which means the media did not make false report.

    What next the Government got to say now? What our new DPM/Home Minister got to say? They wrongly banned the media.

    Worried Malaysia

  10. For Amin Tan:

    “We can clearly see for ourselves that these are biased, half truth and unsubstantiated bad mouthing of the government of Malaysia.”

    Thanks Amin for the tip. However, I cannot see as clearly as you can. I don’t know what to believe or who to believe. All I can say is things don’t seem to add up.

    The WSJ has reported that RM2.60 billion was banked into the PM’s Ambank accounts based on what they believe to be factual documents that they have obtained. Is this true? I/We do not know. If it is not true, why is it so difficult for the PM to order Bank Negara and Ambank to categorically deny the contents of WSJ’s report? Prime Minister Najib and his lady wife are suing members of the opposition for much, much less. The WSJ report goes all over the world insinuating that the Prime Minister is corrupt and he stands idly by? Oh, by the way, the WSJ report did not categorically state that the RM2.60 billion came directly from 1MDB. They did not identify the source. I think they are saying “Malaysians, do your own homework”.

    The Sarawak Report has been accused of tampering emails stolen by Justo. Again, why haven’t we seen any side-by-side comparison of the originals and the tampered versions? Isn’t this a wonderful, cheap and expedient way to pour scorn over The Sarawak Report and shame the perpetrators for good? And of course also sue Clare Rewcastle Brown’s skirt off.

    Now a Malaysian Minister has claimed that it is A-OK for the leader of UMNO to have a trust account in his name on behalf of the party. Perhaps even Tun Mahathir had done the same thing. Can you see how sick this comment is? Someone in the desert in the Middle East just gives RM2.60 billion to UMNO via the Prime Minister’s private bank account. No strings attached. Just take it because the giver just loves UMNO and the PM. If you believe that can be the case, then I am willing to believe elephants can fly.

  11. Salam Tun dan semua pembaca,

    betul seperti kata Joetamci, semua berlaku secara tiba tiba….tetapi ahli parlimen UMNO masih tidak ada apa apa perasaan dan pemahaman, lena diulit mimpi indah….sedikit pun tidak ada simpati kepada yang kena pecat… begitulah ragam manusia……cash is the king

  12. Tun

    It is magnificent and magnanimous of you to permit all and sundry to comment on your distinguished Blog without censorship except for vulgarities.

    When I first appeared here in September 2011, I knew I would be the lightning rod which attracts all the hard-core brainwashed worshippers of the crooked conman the Dictator Lee Kuan Yew (1959-2015) who would use their vulgar best to bully me into submission and silence. I already had a full taste of their foul mouths in the Opposition Blogs. I even advised them that if they become more civil to other opinions, they would gain traction with the international cyberspace. I noted that they have done so.

    As a lightning rod which attracts the lightning, as all Bloggers have observed, I stuck steadfastly to facts only. Whilst these Cyberspace thugs employ the only method they know which is the third degree verbal violence on the innocents. I bear no hatred for anyone because I realise everyone has a motive for his/her actions.

    Because I realise long long ago when I attended the Dewan Rakyat sessions in 1964-1965, I observed that Lee Kuan Yew was very keen to be a ruler of Malaysia against all the antecedants of our long history. And our beloved Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad was the only person who jousted with the PAP led by Lee Kuan Yew, who wanted to replace the British in lieu of the incumbent Ruling Royal and Political Hierachy from the tiny isle of Singapore. He tried in the General Elections of 1964 and was beaten ignominously by our great Tunku. The rest is history. This was not the end of the story. It was the beginning. All the actions which took place thereafter happened outside the official media of Malaysia not excluding the Chinese media.

    From then, all that which the Malaysians saw, heard and thought about Lee Kuan Yew, came from the Ministry of Information, Singapore. On our part, we kept to our side of whatever the arrangement then to this day. We became ignorant of the true facts concerning Singapore and her leadership because our media was compartmentalised. From then we never interfered in the domestic affairs of any kind in Singapore.

    But I already observed that forever Lee Kuan Yew was ready to make a big putsch into the very heartland of Malaysia which happened after 2003. Two high profile events took place after we forgot unlike Tun, OUR SOVEREIGNTY, OUR NATIONAL INTEREST, OUR SELF-ESTEEM. First, a PAP cadre with a lush Sime Darby contract on his lap, was appointed as the Chief Editor of the UMNO owned naive friendly and hospitable the New Straits Times and, second, in June 2009, Lee Kuan Yew at the age of 85 traipsed into the Ulus exhorting his spies, digits, cohorts, tycoons, journalists and drank tea in a KL salon. We now know why. He had Obama’s support of his poisoned chalice for Malaysia, the TPPA in his pocket. Thereafter, Malaysia went into 19 ultra secret TPPA negotiations until exposure in 2013. Without the TPPA, Singapore within 15 years has to consider 4 Options. eg. 1. Merge with the United States as the 53rd State. 2. Become a British Colony. 3. Re-merge with Malaysia. 4. Maintain Status Quo with the World’s highest cost of living and a humongous military of mercenaries. The TPPA has so far failed. Man proposes. God disposes.

    Until I highlighted the Political System of Singapore in 2014 after I began to study how it functions, no one in Malaysia except our beloved Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad was aware what it was all about. We thought it was something to do with abang adek politics to the amusement of Lee Kuan Yew the creator and student of political philosophies.

    Singapore has the GODLESS ULTRACOMMUNIST POLITICAL AND SOCIAL SYSTEM IMPOSED ON THE CITIZENS BY HIS APPARATCHIKS aka MERITOCRATS. With this knowledge, I went to the basics of studying Lee Kuan Yew’s Public Policies which are finest revelations of a Public Figure’s success or failures. I HAVE NEVER BEEN INTERESTED IN THE PERSONAL AFFAIRS OF ANYONE. It is not my business. And I would not condemn anyone with vulgarities to demean myself.

    Now that I discovered that the Godless Ultra Communist Political and Social System as created by Lee Kuan Yew, I went further to find out whether the West outside of Malaysia and Singapore knew about this or not because all I read about was about this brilliant fellow Lee Kuan Yew in Western books written by academicians or journalists. Lo and behold ! I found that the West already knew Lee Kuan Yew’s Godless Ultra Communist Political and Social System as old as the hills. My description is more specific. But the West in full abettment with Lee Kuan Yew and in turn created the biggest political conspiracy ever in the 20th Century had fudged the label by calling it the Singapore Model or the authoritarian capitalism or benign dictatorship (no such thing as all Dictatorships are cruel) or rich Cuba without the havanas but the bananas. Only the enslaved Singaporeans and us the brainwashed Malaysians are IGNORANT !

    I produced these facts (unpalatable to the Lee Kuan Yew worshippers) for all Malaysians to digest and to understand because through my discovery of the Lee Kuan Yew Godless Ultra Communist System, I found our own Political System which is the FREE MALAYSIAN STYLE DEMOCRACY WITH OPEN CAPITALIST CHARACTERISTIC AND A MALAY BIAS which is a true Western type of Democracy and has been tested and found to be reliable with our focus on our LOYALTY AND DEVOTION TOWARDS OUR BELOVED YANG DI PERTUAN AGONG AND THE ROYAL SULTANS AND OUR CHERISHED CONSTITUTION WHICH SAFEGUARDS ISLAM AND THE OTHER RELIGIONS.

    And to add further to our wonderful Political System, our peoples from 3 ancient civilizations living in a strategic geo-political location (not Singapore) which is astride 2 strategic waterways, the Straits of Melaka and the South China Sea, full of natural resources and ideas to progress not yet implemented !

    With the above mentioned facts in hand, I felt I was duty bound to all my fellow compatriots to comment with the TRUTH AND THE FACTS that WE ARE ONE OF THE UP AND COMING DYNAMIC NATIONS IN THE WORLD AND NOT SOME FELLOWS LOOKING FOR ‘LOW HANGING FRUITS’.

    And the present financial conundrum ? No problem! At first, this concerned only with the copy cat policies of MONEY MONEY MONEY Lee Kuan Yew’s GLCs of Singapore. This MONEY MONEY MONEY DISEASE WHICH HAS NOW AFFECTED NEARLY EVERYONE IS EASY TO RESOLVE.


    This is the reason why I brought out the unpalatable facts about Lee Kuan Yew and his shenanigans of a life-time (1959-2015)just by studying his Public Policies. I have no hatred for Lee Kuan Yew, or any Singaporean or any Malaysian or any other person.

    Like our beloved Tun, I definitely have no hatred for HBT. TWOG, MNM, yusof 12, the rocket scientist from Singapore, sexykorma etc.

    Like our beloved Tun, I love all my fellow compatriots, wajaperak, amin tan, hajar, farouck, sri sense, balance, TWOG, etc and I want them to know all that is good and great about our beloved Malaysia for us and our descendants.

    And as long as our Political System is not FRACTURED AND THEN DESTROYED, all parties will PREVAIL FOR THE BETTER, the Opposition included. It takes two to tango !

    I am a born optimist who look at this present little hiccup as a human problem which can definitly be resolved because it concerns a foreign political element which was inadvertently inserted into our renowned Western but Malaysian Style Democracy. Every person makes mistakes. And it concerns only MONEY MONEY MONEY which can be recovered through sound economic activities.

    No problem. We just return to NORMALCY AND WE WILL BE UP AND RUNNING and shoot like a rocket up to the Moon and the Stars !

    MALAYSIA BOLEH ! MALAYS BOLEH ! MALAYSIANS BOLEH ! Malaysia will be around for a few thousand years !

  13. Tun,

    Assalamualaikum. Saya melihat Tun sebagai pejuang Islam. Tun selama ini telah berusaha sedaya upaya untuk memartabatkan Islam walaupun tanpa mengangkat senjata. Sebagai pejuang Islam, dugaan serta cabaran amat banyak dan amat sulit. Dan sebagai pejuang Islam, istilah putus asa dan kecewa itu tiada dan sebaliknaya terus dan terus berusaha. Do not despair Tun. Walaupun mereka mereka yang sebelum ini selalu mengadu kepada Tun tetapi kini membelakangkan Tun, biarkan mereka. Allah s.w.t nak tunjuk siapa diri mereka yang sebenarnya. Teruskan perjuangan Tun. Saya bukan orang UMNO tetapi rasa malu juga menebal apabila nama UMNO dipandang sebegitu jijik sekali sekarang walaupun suatu masa dahulu, UMNOlah yang memungkinkan orang Melayu dapat memerintah negara ini. Jaga kesihatan Tun berdua. Saya tidak putus berdoa supaya Tun berdua dipanjangkan umur dan diberi kesihatan yang baik. Arwah datuk saya meninggalkan dunia ini pada umur 102 tahun dan sehinggalah nafas yang terakhir masih mempunyai pemikiran yang tajam. Saya harap begitu juga Tun malahan lebih baik lagi untuk Tun. Ia tidak mustahil.

  14. Salam Aidil Fitri Para Pembaca, Komentar, Ahli Fikir & Penyokong Che Det,
    BluePrint bagiStrategi Barisan bagi PRU14 telah dipintas, namun 40 Ribu Bangladesh tidak dapat di kesan. Teknologi halimunan mungkin digunakan ke atas bangladesh tersebut.

    Terima kasih

  15. Assallammualaikum Tun.
    Saya mohon ruangan.

    [Maka janganlah kita gentar untuk.., Tegakkan yang Hak dan lawan yang Batil..!]
    Cuma saya ingin mencelah..

    Dan katakanlah:” Telah datang kebenaran (Islam), dan hilang lenyaplah perkara yang salah (kufur dan syirik); sesungguhnya yang salah itu sememangnya satu perkara yang tetap lenyap”.
    (Al-Israa’ 17:81)

    Cuma kita jangan terlupa untuk mencapai kebenaran itu perlu lah menelan banyak korban sehingga ada yang disikat dengan sikat besi,ada yang digergaji sehingga terbelah kepala,ada yang dibakar api di dalam parit dan ada yang di campak hidup hidup kedalam periuk yang mendidih..

    Kalau tak sanggup sila jangan memperkatakan apa yang kamu tidak perbuat..
    Untuk semua para pahlawan dan pejuang..
    Teruskan perjuangan..
    Ingat pesan seorang sahabat saya..



    Terima kasih Tun.
    Perjuangan terus menerus sehingga aku binasa atau berjaya kepadanya..

  16. Assallammualaikum Tun.
    Saya mohon ruangan.
    [Mr balance..
    But blaming LKY for every little things become irritating and unreasonable]
    You still don’t get it..don’t you?..:)
    What is happening in Singapore nowadays is prelude to what happening in Malaysia TODAY!!!
    Singapore is ‘owned’ by only an elite few.
    Malaysia is going downhill the same route..
    LKY is responsible in shapeshifting the Singapore that we know today..
    And our AHEM!..
    Is irresponsible responsible in getting Malaysia the same path of the route..
    And you and your ‘comrade’ asks and keep asking what LKY got to do with our current issue??
    But we are free to agree and disagree..
    Malacca was once the best entreport in the world.
    The western traders feel fit to kill and ravage for their lust for power of spice trade.
    And the destination is Mallaca port.
    The basis to overcome the local Mallacan is to disrupt the peace and harmony.
    It was then.
    It is now.
    The basis to conquer Malaysia is..
    You are seeing them now..


    Terima kasih Tun.

  17. Nampaknya Tun pun telah membisu?

    Kerana kecut atau pun mengatur langkah seterusnya? hehe

  18. Dear Tun,
    Please allow me to respond to balance.
    Mr Balance, you have been sensible and your posting is acceptable and moderate. On the other hand, I find other social media are full of exaggeration, unfounded rumours and malice. these are mostly foreign funded outfit like Malaysian Insider, Sarawak report, Malaysian Chronicler and a few others. We can clearly see for ourselves that these are biased, half truth and unsubstantiated bad mouthing of the government of Malaysia.
    With regards to Singapore, I do agree with you, TWOG, MC THAT WE NEED TO BE CAREFUL BUT NOT TO KEEP ON REPEATING THE SAME ISSUEs so that they do not become annoying and irritating, like 1MDB and TPPA.
    amin tan

  19. Assalamualaikum Tun.

    1. Pejabat PDRM di Bukit Aman terbakar baru-baru ini angkara atau arahan siapa? Mencurigakan.

    2. Ketua Cawangan Khas Bukit Aman ditukar juga atas arahan siapa? Mencurigakan.

    3. Muhyiddin dan Shafie Apdal digugurkan perancangan politik siapa? Mencurigakan.

    4. Ahli Parlimen yang membodek dan dinaikkan pangkat percaturan siapa? Mencurigakan.

    5. Isu 1MDB yang diperkatakan dan wang RM 2.6 billion masuk dalam akaun pemimpin dan dipersendakan di seluruh dunia, angkara siapa? Mencurigakan.

    6. Kes MH370 dan kes MH17 dilihat kesan dari percaturan seseorang pemimpin yang lemah, siapa? Mencurigakan.

    7. Kes pembunuhan Altantuya arahannya dtangnya dari orang atasan, arahan siapa? Mencurigakan.

    8. Kedaulatan Malaysia di Lahat Datu diceroboh, kesan dari kelemahan pentadbiran siapa? Mencurigakan.

    9. Bala banjir besar melanda Kelantan, Terengganu dan Pahang, kesan dari kelemahan pentadbiran siapa? Mencurigakan.

    10. Matawang negara menurun sejak setahun yang lalu angkara siapa? Mencurigakan.

    11. Pembelian jet eksekutif kerajaan dikala ekonomi meruncing, angkara siapa? Mencurigakan.

    12. Gelombang kebencian rakyat terhadap pemimpin no 1 sekarang, angkara siapa? Mencurigakan.

    13. Semua menteri dan ahli politik yang menyokong Najib dan dibenci rakyat, angkara siapa? Mencurigakan.

    14. Pengurusan kewangan negara yang boros dan tidak cekap, angkara siapa? Mencurigakan.

    15. First lady yang lebih berkuasa angkara siapa? Mencurigakan.

    16. Merudumnya ekonomi Malaysia sekarang ini, angkara siapa ? Mencurigakan.

    17. Hancurnya UMNO / BN pada PRU14 angkara siapa? Mencurigakan.

    Hanya rakyat bijak dan peduli tentang kesejahteraan negara sahaja yang tahu akan jawapan semua persoalan di atas.


  20. Salam SatuMDB!

    Saya dengan ini MENGHASUT Tun Mahathir, Tan Sri Muhyiddin serta semua media tempatan dan luar negara, rakyat Malaysia serta siapa-siapa sahaja di dalam dunia ini supaya tidak berhenti dari membicarakan tentang 1MDB sehingga kebenaran dapat dibongkar. Dengarlah hasutan saya ini!

    Najib nak tutup mulut kita semua… Dah jadi macam negara komunis pulak Malaysia ni.

  21. Good Evening Tun,

    Will you be silent and let our country in full of scandal and corruption? please do something for sick of all malaysian

  22. #cutpaste

    Tiba tiba….

    1.Tiba-tiba Peguam Negara tetiba sakit dan diganti serta merta selepas ( dengan orang yang lebeh tua dari nya ) mengetuai badan penyiasat 1MDB. Penggantinya pun tetiba orang itu.

    2. Tiba-tiba Ketua Cawangan Khas Bukit Aman ditukar juga

    3. Tiba-tiba TPM ditukar selepas menegur isu 1MDB dan terus disungkit isu 1Bestarinet

    4. Tiba-tiba org yg kritik TSMY dapat jadi menteri.

    5. Tiba-tiba dilapurkan org penting isu 1MDB Jho Low dan Nik Fausal Jamil tidak ditemui.

    6. Ttiba-tiba pengerusi PAC di parlimen yg siasat 1MDB diangkat jadi menteri

    7. Tiba-tiba Bangunan Bukit Aman terbakar

    8. Tiba-tiba keluar berita Gabenor Bank Negara terlibat korupsi .

    9. Tiba-tiba langkahku terhenti … Sejuta tangan telah menahanku …. Ingin ku maki …. Mereka berkata …. Tak perlu kau berlari …. Mengejar mimpi yang tak pasti …. Hari ini juga mimpi …. Maka biarkan ….
    Ia datang ……… !!! ?
    tiba – tiba jumpa plak bangkai kapalterbang..khikhi

  23. Salam Tun,

    Few comments to share today,
    1. Malaysia is becoming a iron-fist governing country trying to tell their citizen what to do and what to think. I think Tun better be careful with what you write and what you speak in very near future.

    Salleh’s threat to throttle ‘lawless’ Internet

    Ahmad Zahid: Liars must pay ‘hefty price’

    2. Those suspected in the disappearance of money in 1MDB is not investigated and those who are exposing this out to the public is being harassed!! Why is the big amount of money being deposited into our dear PM and dear first lady
    personal account not being investigated? In other country, those involved in these scandal would have resigned and let go of their position. Opps.. did i talk about something illegal here when I touch about 1MDB. I better watch out for my back.
    Trio only brought in to facilitate 1MDB investigation, says Ahmad Zahid

    3. The moral of the story for this is so amusing. I slap you on your face, then I say thank you for not fighting back.
    Najib thanks sacked ministers for sticking with Umno

    4. Don’t say anything about 1MBD, it is illegal now or you will get into trouble! Even if you see clearly that there is something very wrong with it. Just keep quiet and shout “I love my PM!”. There is everything to gain to stick with the PM than to be on the opposite side. Personal gains overrules everything including people’s concience.

    Bukit Aman confirms DPP’s office searched, Special Branch not involved

    5. It is depressing to see the state where our country is today but this is the fact! Good luck to my beloved Malaysia!

  24. YABhg. Tun Dr.,

    I am sure you have heard of this phrase, as below:-

    “All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing.” – (Edmund Burke)

    And.., I believe you are truly a very good man.

    So.., please do not be disheartened nor discouraged when there are those who had come to see you and then begged you to do something about our country’s failing leadership and wrongdoings.., however only now that they have instead distanced themselves away from you, since our country’s top leader had acted even more more dictatorial during the past few days.

    You have done a great deal of good for the people and nation (even though you had felt all alone) ever since you had raised queries about the very controversial issue of 1MDB.

    However.., when good men do nothing, they get nothing good done. To be good, one must do good. Thus, when good men do nothing, evil triumphs. The evil and corrupted ones must be opposed. God Almighty commands those who are good, not just to avoid evil but actively oppose it.

    On the other hand.., there are some of those who are willing in assisting for evil to triumph. In the context of the 1MDB issue, we can identify who they are. They have that ‘disease’ for the love of this temporary and material world.., i.e. they have that – ‘Penyakit Wahn’.

    In this regard.., as good people we must not allow evil to triumph. We must not sit by and do nothing. We must stand up and be counted, speak out against those evil ones and their wrongful deeds.

    The great deception, lie and the seeds of evil had long been planted on the inception of 1MDB’s so-called ‘Sovereign Wealth Fund’ and ‘Business and Development’ endeavour. Thus, those who have planted the evil seeds shall surely reap what they have sowed. One surely cannot plant evil and hope to reap what is good.

    As an end note.., even to our last breath, let us not be deceived and allow for evil to triumph.

    Maka janganlah kita gentar untuk.., Tegakkan yang Hak dan lawan yang Batil..!


  25. Assalamualaikum Tun.

    Saya bukan orang yang terlibat dengan politik dan tak mungkin akan ditanya oleh wartawan pasal politik negara.

    Tetapi jika ditanya setakat mana saya mahu melihat UMNO mempersembahkan dirinya maka jawab saya adalah :

    Saya mahu melihat UMNO kembali berdiri sepertimana saya telah dilatih sehingga ke satu tahap tidak berfikir waras dan dengan sengaja cuba melanggar belakang kereta dengan niat untuk kemalangan dengan teruk.

    Walaubagaimanapun, dengan izinNya, handle motor saya membelok dengan sendirinya dan mencelah di antara dua kereta yang rapat.

    Tindakan ini berlaku hanya kerana marahkan kereta yang brek mengejut di hadapan lampu isyarat kerana ingin membelok ke kiri tetapi terlepas simpang.

    Najib kata orang nak jatuhkan kerajaan.

    Tetapi menggugurkan Tan Sri Muhyiddin dan Shafie Afdal itu hanyalah biasa biasa sahaja.

    Saya harap saya dah menjawab soalan wartawan alam maya saya itu.

    Berpantang Ajal.

    Terima kasih Tun.

  26. Salam YAB dan Yang DiKasihi Tun,

    1. Dalam usaha untuk memutar-belit fakta berkenaan kemasukan wang RM2.63 Billlion ke akaun DSN, timbul lah pula berita kononnya Presiden UMNO boleh ada ’akaun Amanah’ untuk menerima duit bagi pihak parti, dan kononnya Presiden2 UMNO terdahulu juga ada ’akaun Amanah’. Dalam erti kata lain PM2 terdahulu pun pernah ada akaun peribadi yang kononnya ’akaun Amanah’ di mana duit sumbangan/derma (kononnya duit derma; kita pun tak tahu duit apa; entahkan duit ’haram’) boleh disalurkan kepada parti.

    2. Tun M kena beri penjelasan mengenai dakwaan ini. Jika ianya ’BOHONG’, harap diperbetulkan supaya pembohongan ini tidak berterusan.

    3. Semasa mula2 isu wang deposit RM2.63 Billion (ke akaun DSN) ditimbulkan, tidak pula ada sesiapa yang kata akaun2 DSN tersebut adalah ’akaun Amanah’. Agaknya baru sekarang dapat ’IDEA putar-belit’ baru.

    4. Jika benar ’akaun Amanah’, mengapa 2 akaun bank peribadi DSN dibuka semata-mata untuk menerima deposit duit dan selepas itu ditutup seolah-olah mahu menutup kesalahan ’pecah Amanah’ yang dilakukan? Jika betul ’akaun Amanah’ biar sajalah ianya aktif sebab sudah tentu semenjak DSN menjadi Presiden UMNO pasti ada ’duit / derma’ yang perlu disalurkan melalui Presiden UMNO (kononnya lah).

    5. Bagaimana pula dakwaan wang RM2 Juta yang didepositkan ke akaun peribadi DS Rosmah dalam tempoh dua bulan? Adakah isteri Presiden UMNO juga boleh buka ’akaun Amanah’ dan terima wang bagi pihak UMNO?

    6. Rakyat dan pemimpin2 UMNO/BN dilarang bercakap mengenai 1MDB dan menegur aktiviti2 ’pelik/jelik’ dalam 1MDB, tapi DSN dalam setiap perjumpaan UMNO tidak habis2 bercakap tentang 1MDB yang kononnya membawa kebaikan.

    7. Aset yang dibanggakan oleh DSN yang 1MDB ada ialah tanah2 yang dibeli dari Kerajaan dengan harga ’ciput/ murah’. Jika tiada tanah ini, adakah aset 1MDB mencecah RM52 Billion? Dan untuk bayar hutang, tanah2 ini akan dijual kepada warga asing, dan ini yang laungkan sebagai kejayaan 1MDB.

    8. Saya harap 1,200 orang yang ditaja oleh Yayasan 1MDB untuk Haji 2015 sedar yang 1MDB berniaga dengan mengambil hutang dan masih berhutang keliling pinggang.

    9. Saya ahli UMNO, tapi saya tidak menyokong DSN. Jadi kepada DSN, hentikanlah cakap2 konon semua 3 juta ahli UMNO menyokong dan berdiri teguh di belakang anda. Pada rumah terbuka raya, kami yang kebetulan bercakap tentang politik semasa beranggapan bahawa PM Najib sudah ’g*la’.

    10. Yang patut dipecat dari jawatan ialah Dato’ Seri Mohd Najib bin Tun Abdul Razak kerana kesalahan MENCEMAR NAMA BAIK (imej) UMNO/BN/Malaysia di seluruh dunia dengan skandal PERIBADI beliau. Beliau patut dipecat dari jawatan Presiden UMNO dan PM Malaysia. Ini saja cara untuk menyelamatkan UMNO/BN/Malaysia.

    Terima kasih Tun.

    *** Semoga Allah S.W.T. sentiasa melindungi Tun sekeluarga. ***

  27. The drama for loyal people is P.m is preparing to sign TPPA,so IF All his people at cabinet easy to approved IT in By doing this as P.m said in 6months time P.m can solve 1mdb moral story of loyal people.muslims they doesnt want Yahudi product to Sell AT Malaysia but P.m need Yahudi and TPPA to pay 1mdb debts so is IT loyalty or P.m Smart move for pay 1mdb debts.

  28. Salam Tun.

    Wahai Najib yang bohong.

    1. Nak suruh parti politik membuat pengisytiharan dana politik mereka adalah akan mengambil masa.

    2. Tapi Najib nak mengaku tentang acc bank di AMBANK adalah atas kehendak diri sendiri serta tidak melibatkan pihak lain, bukan?

    3. Jika parti politik membuat pengisytiharan dana politik mereka, permasaalahan tuduhan WSJ terhadap Najib masih tidak berjawab.

    4. Rakyat nak tahu tentang tuduhan WSJ kerana ianya melibatkan amanah yang diamanahkan oleh rakyat kepada Najib.

    5. Rakyat nak tahu Najib pecah amanah ke tak?

    6. Kalau tak pecah amanah, sila jawab dengan mendedahkan tentang acc tersebut.

    7. Bila lagi nak “SAMAN WSJ”. Makin hari makin tidak kelihatan usaha Najib nak saman WSJ. MENGAPA HA?

    8. Takut lebih banyak yang terbongkar atau Najib takut kerana sebenarnya tidak ada kebenaran yang boleh pihak Najib pertahankan?

    9. WSJ buat fitnah ke? So saman lah atas dasar menegakkan keadilan untuk seluruh rakyat Malaysia.

    Wassalam Tun.

  29. Salam SatuMDB!

    Semakin ramai whistleblower ditangkap.

    Tindakan-tindakan Najib membuktikan memang Najib bersalah… Sehingga sekarang Najib tak saman WSJ, SW, The Edge dan Muhyiddin kan?

  30. The Umno constitution provides for the party president to have a trust account on behalf of the party, said Barisan Nasional strategic communications director Abdul Rahman Dahlan.

    He said it was not only Najib Razak who had a trust account on behalf of Umno but also the previous Umno presidents.

    “I wish to inform that the Umno constitution provides for the party president to have a trust account on behalf of the party.”

    Tun, is what Abdul Rahman Dahlan has said true? Did you have a trust account on behalf of the party?

    I trust it will soon be announced that the task force should be disbanded since the RM2.60 billion is now kosher.

  31. Assalamualaikum Dearest Tun,

    It has been almost 2 weeks since you last wrote in your blog and all of us felt so helpless without you championing the rakyat’s course 🙁

    Why, why and why?

    Any possibility that you have been advised, told or warned not to criticize 1MDB both in writing and public comments?

    I can understand that because the last time someone bashed 1MDB he got sacked and ironically he is the 2nd most powerful person in Malaysia!

    However there is another top gun who did not do the bashing publicly but he too received the same outcome.

    What about someone who suddenly being found to be too ill to handle the 1MDB case?

    Therefore his agenda is clear to sack anybody who is against his wrongdoings.

    New AG will take a longer time because he is new and need to study a lot of things.

    We won’t be seeing Arul and Shahrul of 1MDB this August. Come September Jho Low too will be excused and all because we need to have replacements for the PAC chairman and other committee members when Parliament sits this October.

    Obviously all has been done to delay the investigation of 1MDB and to cover up which or where is possible. Just imagine people within 1MDB is still there smiling whereas his critics got axed.

    Why can’t the UMNO G6 people see the trend here? Don’t you know that the 30 million rakyat is counting on the 3 million UMNO members because your boss says he will only listen to the 3 million UMNO members and no one else!

    Ayahanda Tun, it is now so scary and so undemocratic to see that a Prime Minister in Malaysia having such absolute powers all by himself and the word is prerogative. Maybe the next time amendments should be made to reduce such power so that there will be no abuse of power absolutely!

    Wasalam Tun.

    p/s – Dearest Tun, any provision for an UMNO EGM? Let the members decide whether Najib The Warrior or Muhyiddin The Old Guard to lead them and run the country.

  32. Salam sejahtera buat Tun Mahathir sekeluarga serta semua para pejuang Chedet.Setiap hari menteri-menteri kabinet menipu bagi pihak Pahlawan Bugis.Ismail Sabri memutarbelitkan fakta dalam berita TV di saluran ASTRO mengatakan pengguguran TPM adalah perkara biasa,kerana Dr.Mahathir semasa menjadi PM juga pernah buang 3 TPM.Ismail Sabri darjah berapa semasa kejadian itu,…..belum bersunat ke?Ketua Menteri Melaka juga buat kenyataan yang hampir sama dalam berita TV saluran ASTRO juga.Najib pula berkata 3 juta ahli UMNO menyokong dirinya sebagai Presiden UMNO dan PM.Penyokong Muhyiddin dan Shafie Apdal diminta jangan rosakkan parti UMNO.Benar,…..penyokong kedua-dua orang ini tidak akan merosakkan parti UMNO,kerana tugas merosakkan parti UMNO sedang dilakukan oleh Presiden UMNO dan kuncu-kuncunya.

  33. Assalam.. N good evening to all..
    My belove tun.. May Allah eases all our life..
    Im not going to write much..
    Sebak dalam hati kerana.. Sbgai rakyat biasa kamilh yg terkesan..too much has been said about our political situation…
    N yet nothing has been done to overcome wht we the normal rakyt face everyday..
    Everythng is skyrocketing… The price of everythng is too much..
    Im worried cnstntly everyday.. Would i b able to feed my chldren.. Would i b able to prvde fr them.. Its been knwn tht the median of household incme in east coast is about rm1300… N in kl around rm2500..
    Dnt tlk about those 5% millionaire s n super billionaire.. Tlk bout us the rkyt biasa.. Those who has to do double n trple job in order to survive to get mre mney in order to feed n raise the grwng fmly..
    Wth the political turmoil… You the gvermnt had put us into mre n mre trouble..
    Gst.. Mnyk yg mhl.. Beras yg smkin naik.. Sampaikn kdai 2 ringgit pun tiap brng ada gst 6%..
    Mkn kt food court.. Each food.. Ex sayur knkung pun ada 6% gst… Sakitnyer hti…
    Naik ktm.. Tiap hri bertur pnjng… Shows metht most people these days really r trying our hrdest to save up… Tkper susah skit.. Brtur pnjng.. Blik rmh lmbt sebab train penuh.. Just to save up costing.. N yet.. Gov.. Dgn senang hti memblnjakn wang n lesapkn duit tnpa fikir dua kli.. Ya Allh.. Betapa ujian Mu pda pemimpin..
    Tun u once said.. U r a mlay befre a malaysian… Ive seen melayu yg sgt2 daif.. Ive seen indians n chinese yg merempat.. I used to b those.. Ini tanah melyu but now.. I guess its every race survival.. We r malaysians who r dsprtly tryng to survive fr our nxt gneration..
    Dearest tun.. DUring ur terms.. My rm50 cn fill my basket when doibg my shopping nyet nw.. Rm200 is just enough fr my son’s milk n diapers..
    Wthe the house prce is so rdclsly high… Most nrml ctzen cnt affrd to buy…
    I love my country.. But rght nw i do hate the gov.. N deep hatred fr umno whom ive seen as my prty befre… The yes man line up.. Whom cn say anythng they wnt to say wthout even bther to undrstnd our situation..
    One mntri said.. Beljr buat sardin sendri..
    Wht a stupid statemnt cmng frm a menteri..

  34. Assalamualaikum Tun,

    Najib tetap anggap org Melayu bodoh dan senang di beli dgn duit. Hari ini dia dah kata ‘ I dont need smart people..I need people who is loyal to me ‘. Biasa lah.. kalau di beri duit jd loyal atau setia pada dia. Membuktikan org Melayu bodoh..itu yg dia lihat. Najib tahu org Cina dan India ‘ smart ‘. Misal nya Jho Low. DAN Jho Low Perbodohkan Najib..Melayu kan.

  35. Dear Tun and All,

    1) Look at today’s news, MACC prosecutor on 1MDB trail also arrested. What is this? They suppose to investigate 1MDB but either thrown out of their job or arrested. What’s the point of having MACC when police can also arrest them. Aren’t they suppose to be the one that arrest Police or any official for wrong doing? They are investigating our top officials but the top officials got them arrested.

    2) Those wanted a peaceful rally also get arrested before even the rally is held. More were arrested today!! Guess the put the wrong name for the rally.. # Tangkap Najib#. He is showing the power, he is untouchable, he will Tangkap all the Rakyat if any of you dare to go against him!!!

    3) All those important people, CEO, ex CEO, Jlo Low and you know who.. all involved in the case are still so free, not being arrested. The gave them months to prepare.

    What a laugh to the World. The Government is telling everyone, including the world, do not go against DSN. All the PMO, all authorities are so afraid of him. Why need Task Force, PAC etc etc. Dear Mr. PM and PMO, why not just declare to the whole Malaysia 1MDB case is closed. Do Not Mention anymore, who ever mention will go to jail without trail.

    He just declared he will stay on his job. 3 Millions supporters behind him… yes.. that was 2013, this is 2015… why not you declare you are so regretted listen to you wife, listen to her son who intro you Jho Low ?? Why not begged the whole nation give you another chance instead of making so much arrest, changes to the cabinet. The whole World is laughing at our Government handling of this issue. Mr. PM, please be a real man, tell the whole nation the truth. Anyway, we all already know the reason behind why he will not step down or go on leave, it shows very clearly for the past week. The only way he got now is RUN AWAY from the Country, no other way. 1MDB issue, personal account issue is an international issue, money laundering, corruptions the whole world are talking about. Look at the FIFA corruption case!! Compare to this case, FIFA case is just kacang putih case. How can he hide?? He cannot just delete all the files or burn them just like that. It involve so many countries. Just wondering is CIA, FBI, M.I.6 already open file on this case.

    Worried Malaysia

  36. amin tan Jul 31,2015 11:12 AM

    How are you? I know LKY is not an angel and i also know that singapore will use whatever ways to suppress Malaysia for their survival and it is not wrong as it happened and happening everywhere and in every corner of the world. But blaming LKY for every little things become irritating and unreasonable. If Malaysia were to fall into singapore trap then it is malaysia problem not singapore or LKY cleverness but our stupidity. The mentality of blaming other is a very bad attitude. We must learn to stand on our feet and any success or failure we take it head-on as a gentleman. This bad attitude of blaming other must not spread as we can see it is already spoiled our footballers and civil servants.

    MC is a smart man but he err on the blame game. It is very clear his err is due to his personal jealousy or hate and hurt with/without/about LKY and family. Only trying to help MC to realize it and dont continue to torture himself since LKY is dead and gone. Anyway to be blatant if MC is a better person as what he is trying to say then he should be the PM of Singapore. I am sorry to say it but then we are adults.

    Nice to hear from you

  37. Kenyataan fmt bahawa zahid akan pecat 3 orang menteri besar termasuk dato hj mukhris mahathir.
    Saya ni tak arif sangat akan hal perlantikan dan pemecatan untuk menteri besar negeri2. Boleh ke?

    Mentang mentang dato hj mukhris datang melawat tan sri muhyidin yassin…..

    Bro Azalina dah kenapa? Belajar tinggi2 tapi kenyataan dari mulutnya langsung tidak mengambarkan dia seorang yang bijak, mana pembangunan di desaru?. Dulu semasa pegang jawatan menteri pelancungan tahu pula dakwa dan hukum mana mana orang yang didapati menyelewengkan dana peruntukan untuk mereka majukan perniagaan, sekarang dah cakap lain pulak.
    Rahman dahlan dah macam budak kecil, tiba tiba nak cakap pasal akaun bank khas setiap parti, minta DAP dan PKR buktikan sumber wang lah, ketua umno dulu pun sama lah, kenapa tak cakap terus terang kau nak tuduh TUN pun sama?
    Apa kau ni, belajar tinggi2 di lantik untuk pegang jawatan tinggi dalam negara, ini saja hasil yang paling bagus untuk tunjuk kepada kami rakyat? Kebolehan dolak dalik saja yang nak di tunjuk? Tau tak ini standard macam budak sekolah rendah bergaduh kalau seorang dah mula cakap ” bapak kau” lepas tu lawannya pun cakap balik ” Kepala atok kau lah”. Apa ni ? Rahman dahlan ni sudah baligh dan mumayiz ke belum?

    Kepada rahman dahlan dan azalina cuba renung2 kan zaman korang sekolah dulu jika pernah lihat kawan2 bertengkar! Dan cuba renung muka lama lama di cermin sambil bercakap! Macam budak2 tak.

    Eeeeeeeeee malunya kami sebagai rakyat malaysia mempunyai pemimpin melayu yang tidak matang fikirannya……

    Dah lah diam diam sudah jangan buat kerja bodoh, ini hal najib jangaj kamu semua di lihat seperti “meludah ke langit”…….

    Tunjukkan kami kemampuan seorang tokoh anak tanah air berbangsa melayu seperti Mat Kilau, Dato Maharaja Lela dan Dato Bahaman dan lain lain Pahlawan bangsa…..jangan tunjuk kami kamu semua ini adalah pak pandir, pak kadok dan pak turut…..bazir duit kami bayar cukai, gst dan lain lain untuk mengajikan kamu tau.

    Mungkin ada di antara rakyat yang tidak menghalalkan untuk gaji bulanan kamu semua dari potongan cukai, gst dll agaknya. Tak bagus duit tu untuk anak anak kamu semua……..Bertugas biar jujur dan ikhlas untuk rakyat, berat tanggung jawab di bahu untuk di galas ya.

  38. mubarakchan Aug 1,2015 1:20 AM

    Genius & Legend! We know you are the best there is! Your great knowledge make us become as knowledgeable as you. We now know how LKY create and control everything in malaysia including natural disaster.

    No one disbelieve you it is only you dont believe that we believe you ha ha.
    Anyway do you know where is your nose and your toes located?
    Once again thank you very much for writing and telling us about LKY failures umpteen times and the reason is to unite people. Just learn that bad mouthing others and putting blames on others aimlessly and mindlessly can unite people. Apa sekolah you got your pengajian? When i grow-up i want to go to the same sekolah too.

  39. Salam Tun.

    Umno constitution provides for trust account under president’s name, says Rahman Dahlan.


    1. Rakyat mempersoalkan ” Personal ACC Najib” bukan trust account UMNO diatas nama Najib.

    2. Jangan cuba nak melibatkan keseluruhan UMNO pula.

    3. UMNO tak ada account kat bank ke? Wahai Rahman Bodoh?

    4. Kalau begitu segala urusniaga UMNO dengan pembekal kena lah Najib sain cek ke?

    5. Kalau trust Acc UMNO atas nama Najib, mengapa perlu di tutup?

    6. Mengapa tidak biarkan TRUST ACC tu di situ je? betul ke dok BODOH?

    7. Kenyataan anda yang BODOH ini, semakin menampakkan kesalahan dimana BNM boleh mengeluarkan kenyataan yang itu adalah Trust Acc UMNO. Bukan personal Acc Najib. Senang je nak bukan?

    8. Tapi jumlah yang besar yang dimasukkan kedalam Trust Acc sepatutnya dirujuk kepada BNM. Macan akaun pelabur asing juga.

    9. Semakin terdesak NAJIB dengan kenyataan BODOH anda.

    Wassalam Tun.

  40. Salam Tun.

    1. Nampaknya Najb amat liat untuk dijatuhkan kerana politik wang amat kuat dalam UMNO.

    2. Wang adalah “raja” dalam UMNO sekarang.

    3. Konsep Perjuangan Membela Rakyat telah dianak tirikan oleh UMNO? Hanya sedikit yang rakyat dapat berbanding dengan mereka yang menjadi ahli UMNO yang bertaraf “peniaga”.

    4. Negara yang maju suatu ketika dahulu telah terencat kemajuannya kerana semakin maju negara semakin besar habuan untuk ahli “peniaga” UMNO.

    5. Salah laku dan tuduhan WSJ tidak memberi kesan kepada UMNO kerana mereka ini tidak memikirkan kebenaran tapi lebih memikirkan “pendapatan” dari UMNO.

    6. Peniaga-peniaga UMNO ini akan membela penyokong -penyokong mereka dan akan mengarahkan penyokong-penyokong mereka untuk memberi sokongan kepada sesiapa yang difikirkan layak untuk di manipulasikan.

    7. Ahli-ahli UMNO sekarang rela berketuakan pemimpin yang dituduh korup kerana pemimpin yang dituduh korup ini adalah sumber kewangan mereka.

    8. Walaupun pemimpin tertinggi UMNO dituduh korup, tiada usaha dari Majlis Tertinggi Umno, Menteri Kabinet atau pun ahli biasa UMNO untuk menjelaskan atau merangka satu cara bagaimana untuk mencari “KEBENARAN”.

    9. Yang ada hanya kendengaran adalah suara mempertahankan PM dengan memgatakan PM adalah tidak bersalah terhadap tuduhan itu.

    10. Hanya menanggap dan mengatakan bahawa PM tidak bersalah dan semua tuduhan ini adalah bersifat jahat dan bertujuan untuk menjatuhkan pimpinan PM.

    11. Sekali lagi mereka semua ini kelihatan mempersetankan segala tuduhan itu dan tidak berminat untuk mencari “kebenaran.”

    12. Semua tindakan ahli UMNO ini telah mejelaskan, bahawa para peniaga UMNO telah menjadikan UMNO sebuah organisasi berasaskan keuntungan sahaja.

    13. Keseluruhan Kerangka UMNO sekarang adalah bersandarkan kepada Ringgit Malaysia semata-mata dan telah meminggirkan dasar asal penubuhan UMNO itu sendiri.

    14. Sebenarnya ahli-ahli UMNO adalah mengetahui semua permasaalahan pimpinan Najib ini, tapi di atas dasar meraka adalah ahli peniaga UMNO maka mereka merelakan korupsi ini berlaku.

    15. Boss mereka berniaga dengan mereka dan mereka adalah sekawan peniaga. Peniaga akan menjaga keuntungan yang bakal mereka perolehi tanpa mengambil kira permasaalahan orangramai.

    16. Sebenarnya keseluruhan ahli UMNO harus di persalahkan kerana mereka semua terlibat menjatuhkan UMNO dari dalam dengan sifat “berniaga”.

    17. UMNO tidak akan berkerajaan lagi selepas PRU14.

    Wassalam Tun.


  42. Tun

    It is satisfying to note that the facts which I have consistently presented about the Ruling Clique of Singapore have now raised the ire of these folks. This reaction is childish. Why ? Because the elites should have been aware that their attitude which they took on others whom they considered to be inferior will turn back on them without a DEFENCE. Indeed, this is what is happening.

    The Singaporean elites led by the crooked conman and Dictator Lee Kuan Yew (1959-2015) went on and on with their uppity airs (home-grown) not realising that there were many others like me who kept track of their fables and foibles waiting for the departure of the Dictator.


    We can see how hard the PAP cadres try to suppress the EXISTENCE AND EXPOSURE OF THE GODLESS ULTRA COMMUNISTIC POLITICAL AND SOCIAL SYSTEM IMPOSED ON THE CITIZENS BY THE DICTATOR LEE KUAN YEW (1959-2015). There is no other way to call this System.

    The hired hacks on this Blog took turns to wallop or vilify me, a NATIONALIST. They will not prevail. The TRUTH ABOUT THE CROOKED AND CONMAN DICTATOR MUST BE TOLD.

    As it is, this Godless Ultra Communistic Political and Social System has already gone past its expiry date when Uncle Sam pronounced, ‘ Globalization, Free Trade, Human Rights.’in 1990.

    The bad news for the Ruling Clique of Singapore is that their inspired, designed, created and promoted poisoned chalice for Malaysia, the TPPA is having a rough passage in Hawaii. This is their only hope to survive as a sustainable State. Or else they have to consider the four options within 15 years. ie. i. To merge with the United States, ii. To become a British Colony. iii. To re-merge with Malaysia. iv. To maintain status quo with the highest cost of living in the World and a huge military.

    However, the BIGGEST CONSPIRACY which hit our shores since June 2009 from the visit of the Dictator (1959-2015) to our Ulus, must be the 19 ultra secret negotiations dating from 2009 till its exposure in 2013.


    With your permission, the screaming headlines today.

    The Star Monday 27 July 2015 – ‘ High Price for Drugs if TPPA signed.’

    The Star Saturday 1 August 2015 – ‘ Ringgit Woes Continue.’


  43. Tun

    For TWOG. The Western Oriental Gentleman. Many thanks for giving me the publicity again. I am so happy that the facts I presented to all loyal Malaysian Bloggers are the truth because you have really turned into a sub-continent thug and not a TWOG at all by my TRUE AND UNVARNISHED FACTS.

    You have resorted to calling me all sorts of names. This is understandable in the light of my facts which are the truth and unpalatable to some.

    I like you to know also that I am exceedingly happy and contented. And not like you going round the Blogs vilifying, abusing and insulting innocents just because you are unhappy. You have no father or mother uh?

    Why are you so het up with me when all I did was to present the facts about your crooked conman and Dictator Lee Kuan Yew (1959-2015) ?


    Please note that I did not say anything bad about you except to ask you whether you have ever read the Sunday Bombay Illustrated Magazine. If you did, then you know what I am talking about your status under the Indian sun.

    In our Free Malaysian Style Democracy with Open Capitalist Characteristics and a Malay Bias, you can have your freedom to worship anyone whom you love. No problem. But please do not behave like a thug trying to shut up freedom and democracy by force. You will not prevail. Why you hide under a monicker if you are not a coward ?

    It is a SHAME THAT TO THIS DAY YOU STILL HAVE NOT PRESENTED A SINGLE IOTA OR SOLID SHRED OF EVIDENCE TO SHOW ALL BLOGGERS HERE WHY YOUR CROOKED CONMAN AND DICTATOR LEE KUAN YEW (1959-2015) IS YOUR HERO WORTH ANYTHING AT ALL. All you do is to bark like the jackals of Northern India. Have you ever heard them at mid-night ? Of course, you did as you are one of them.

    Your crooked conman and Dictator Lee Kuan Yew (1959-2015) produced 40 Failed Policies in his long Dictatorship, 56 years which you cannot deny. Have you asked yourself why you are barking mad like a jackal barking at mid-night on his behalf to stop me from presenting facts which anyone can garner ?



  44. Tun,

    I have been following up your blog since your first article, but this is the first time I am posting a comment.

    You are the only hope we have to remedy the current situation.

  45. tun dan kawan2 sini ada dengar tak al-kisah nak buang 4 MB? dengar cerita kedah, pahang, negeri sembilan, perak, i tak pasti ya ke tak

  46. To the bankrupt mubarak:
    Please ready slowly so that you can understand what I am saying.
    1) I agree with you 100%. LKY is a failure with his 108 failed policies.
    2) Singapore is a one-street failed state and a banana republic.
    3) Malaysia is a first-world country with vast natural resources.
    4) Its leaders are the best in the world.
    5) Anything that goes wrong in Malaysia is a direct result of copying Singapore’s failed policies, or due to Singapore’s sabotage.
    6) Malaysia boleh.

    So, everyone here knows where you stand and where I stand. No need to keep repeating the above message like a broken record. Bankrupt of ideas.

    Oh, no, please don’t repeat your drivel again. I already agreed with you how great Malaysia is and how pathetic Singapore is. Agreed 100% – so no more repetitions, okay? Malaysia is the greatest! Hidup Malaysia!!!

  47. salam tun

    and happy saturday to all here. tun dah malas nak menulis, jangan merajuk tun, semalam ada orang kasi tau communications office Mr you know who, ada 40 orang, OMG apa pasal ramai sangat, lantas I teringat satu korporat yang PR department seramai itu, kerja budak2 situ membodek boss, ekor boss kehulu kehilir, kerja lain ketepi, dari yang atas sampai kebawah, pasal itu banyak kesilapan sering mereka lakukan…hmmm

    tun, i kalau sipolan tak keluar dari jawatan, i tak vote bn lagi, anak beranak, adik beradik, saudara mara pun tak nak, walaupun i bukan orang johor, juga bukan orang pahang, tapi sipolan tu dah sorry tun, no more bn for us.

  48. Salam Tun,

    Tumpang lalu, terima kaseh.

    To Valued Readers,

    1. Let us focus lest we beget circus. Let us ignore those lies lest we beget hysterias. Let us return to normalcy lest we beget dormancy. Let us wait and see (how far Najib goes) lest we beget anarchy. Let us forget politics (for now) lest we beget no ethics.

    2. Thus far, there is no conspiracy. Except (amongst others) Najib has:-
    a) Lied in the Parliament;
    b) Absolved Jho Loh in the Parliament;
    c) Circumvented the Bank Negara Malaysia;
    d) Condoned the Tabung Haji’s land purchase;
    e) Dithered on the WSJ’s Report;
    f) Silenced on RM2.0 million deposits;
    g) Sacked the DPM, a Senior Minister, and the AG;
    h) Halted PAC;
    i) Suspended the Edge and the Edge Financial;
    j) Blocked the Sarawak Report;
    k) Sued MPs Tony Pua and Rafizi Ramli;
    l) Postponed UMNO election and SC meeting;
    m) Arrested dissenters.

    3. Yet, Najib is untouched by constitution, prosecution, and injunction.

    4. Hence, in the name of democracy, let us wait for Najib and his gang, at GE14. If emergency law declared instead, let us persevere until fourteens.

    5. Meanwhile, let us get on with our lives. Being incarcerated is no fun. Life is tough as it were, hence, let us not make it worse. Najib and his gang have admitted publicly that they are rich, so, who are we to complain?

    6. In the days of revolution, the people would have lynched Najib and his merry gang, but today, they have been elevated as warriors, leaders, and freedom fighters. Sigh.

    This comment is not meant to be seditious but merely to calm the existing situation that is tense. I have accepted my fate and thus, I hope that my fellow Malaysians would too. If it carries seditious connotation, etc. my humble apology thereof, for it was not my intention.

    Versi BM:

    Untuk Pembaca yang dihormati,

    1. Marilah kita memberi tumpuan jangan sampai kita melahirkan sarkas. Mari kita mengabaikan kebohongan jangan sampai kita melahirkan histeria. Mari kita kembali kepada keadaan biasa jangan sampai kita melahirkan pembaziran. Mari kita tunggu dan lihat (seberapa jauh Najib pergi) jangan sampai kita melahirkan anarki. Mari kita lupakan politik (untuk masa ini) jangan sampai kita melahirkan tidak ada etika.

    2. Setakat ini, tiada konspirasi. Cuma (antara lain) Najib telah: –
    a) Menipu di Parlimen;
    b) Melepaskan Jho Loh di Parlimen;
    c) Mengelakkan Bank Negara Malaysia;
    d) Membiarkan pembelian tanah oleh Tabung Haji;
    e) Gentar pada Laporan WSJ;
    f) Senyap terhadap deposit RM2.0 juta;
    g) Pecat TPM, Menteri Kanan, dan Peguam Negara;
    h) Memberhentikan PAC;
    i) Menggantung ‘the Edge’ dan ‘the Edge Financial’;
    j) Menyekat ‘Sarawak Report’;
    k) Menyaman Ahli-ahli Parlimen Tony Pua dan Rafizi Ramli;
    l) Menunda pilihan raya UMNO dan mesyuarat MT;
    m) Memberkas keingkaran.

    3. Namun, Najib tidak disentuh oleh perlembagaan, pendakwaan, dan perintah.

    4. Oleh itu, atas nama demokrasi, marilah kita tunggu Najib dan kumpulannya, di GE14. Jika undang-undang darurat diisytiharkan sebaliknya, marilah kita bersungguh-sungguh hingga empat belas keturunan.

    5. Sementara itu, marilah kita meneruskan hidup kita. Dipenjarakan adalah tidak seronok. Kehidupan sediada sudahlah sukar, justeru itu, janganlah kita menjadikannya bertambah buruk. Najib dan kumpulannya telah mengakui secara terbuka bahawa mereka kaya, jadi, siapalah kita untuk mengadu?

    6. Pada zaman revolusi, Najib dan geng akan digantung, tetapi hari ini, mereka diangkat sebagai pahlawan, pemimpin, dan pejuang kemerdekaan. Mengeluh.

    Sekian, Tun, terima kaseh. Wassalam.

    Catatan tambahan:
    Komentar ini tidak bermaksud untuk menjadi hasutan tetapi hanya untuk menenangkan situasi yang ada yang tegang. Saya telah menerima nasib saya, dan dengan demikian, saya berharap agar rakyat Malaysia begitu juga. Jika ia membawa kesimpulan hasutan dan lain-lain, saya merendah diri memohon maaf, kerana ia bukan niat saya.

  49. Assalamualaikum Tun,

    UMNO perlu kembali perjuangan asal. Untuk apa UMNO dijadikan? Untuk taat kepada pemimpin atau untuk rakyat?

    UMNO perlu ingat tanpa sokongan rakyat UMNO akan berkubur. Ahli-ahli UMNO perlu ingatkan pemimpin UMNO tentang mereka di atas bukan untuk mengkayakan diri atau keluarga. Mereka di atas adalah hasil sokongan rakyat untuk berkhidmat untuk rakyat.

    Adakah UMNO sekarang ini membela rakyat atau membela pemimpin? Jawablah dengan jujur. Tanya diri sendiri, untuk apa saya jadi ahli/pemimpin UMNO ni, saja untuk suka-suka ke, untuk kayakan pemimpin ke, atau untuk membela rakyat?

    UMNO perlu kembali kepada perjuangan asal iaitu membela rakyat.

    1MDB jelas menjadi kerisauan rakyat. Adakah salah jika ada pemimpin hendak bercakap mengenai 1MDB? Dah lah Najib dengan elegen silencenya, UMNO pun perlu elegent silence juga?

    Lihatlah feedback rakyat dalam sosial media mengenai cara kerajaan menangani 1MDB. Semuanya memberi respond negative. Dari tak tahu dimana RM42 billion, kepada 1 billion dalam unit di bank Singapura, kepada USD700 juta dalam akaun Najib, kepada elegent silence mengenai 1MDB, kepada perletakan jawatan anggota-anggota PAC, kepada persaraan awal AG di mana AG pun tidak tahu dia dah dipersarakan. Nampak sangat banyak yang tidak kena mengenai 1MDB.

    Jadi salahkah jika ada pemimpin-pemimpin UMNO untuk bersuara untuk rakyat mengenai 1MDB setelah semua ini berlaku?

  50. Assalamualaikum Ayahanda Tun yg dikasihi, semoga sentiasa berada dalam lindungan rahmat Allah swt.

    Melihat pd keadaan masa kini pelbagai usaha mendesak PM letak jawatan telah dilakukan dari setiap sudut. Gelombang demi gelombang desakan bertali arus dr dlm negeri dan luar negeri, namun PM kira masih kekal di takhta pemerintahannya.

    Ayahanda Tun telah pun berusaha, WSJ telah pun bersuara, TSMY juga telah mencuba. Tapi kelihatan PM kali ini lebih liat dari Paklah sebelum ini.

    Kenapa kita semua masih gagal?
    Adakah disebabkan kita terlalu percaya bahawa manusia mampu mencabut kuasa manusia yg lain? Mungkin inilah silap kita, kerana terlalu yakin pd manusia yg hakikatnya tiada mempunyai kuasa kudrat dan iradat.

    Pada hakikatnya sekira kita menilai dengan pandangan mata hati, Bumi Malaysia telah hilang keberkatannya.
    Ini berdasarkan kronologi bencana demi bencana besar yg menimpa bumi bertuah ini, seperti contoh:
    1. Kemarau berpanjangan yg berlaku tahun lepas.
    2. Puting beliung yg berlaku dibahagian utara Msia dan beberapa tempat lain seperti Port Dickson.
    3. Tragedi pencerobohan Lahad Datu yg telah mencemar kedaulatan negara yg mengakibatkan nyawa terkorban.
    4. Banjir besar yg menenggelamkan sebahagian kelantan, tganu dan pahang yg menyebabkan kehilangan harta benda dan nyawa.
    5. Kehilangan MH370
    6. MH17 ditembak jatuh
    7. Gempa Bumi yg meragut nyawa di Sabah.

    Ini tidak termasuk bencana2 kecil seperti peningkatan kadar jenayah yg menakutkan serta kejatuhan ekonomi yg merudum begitu teruk sekali dan peningkatan kos sara hidup yg mendadak begitu tinggi.

    Malaysia telah hilang keberkatannya. Mungkinkah Allah tidak lagi memandang Malaysia dgn pandangan rahmat-Nya. Seharusnya kita muhasabah diri…
    Kenapa kita ditimpa musibah2 besar ini semua sedangkan sebelum ini hidup kita aman tenteram harmoni dan tidak lagi kini.
    Adakah kerana maksiat rakyat jelata terlalu berleluasa? Atau disebabkan barisan Pemerintah dan penguasa yg zalim yg mengakibatkan kemurkaan Allah swt?
    Wallahu a’lam…

    Marilah kita semua mohon kepada Allah Taala, agar diampunkan dosa2 kita dan diberi jalan keluar dari segala musibah besar ini.
    Hanya Allah yg berkuasa dalam segala2nya. Dia yg memberi kuasa dan Dia jugalah mencabut kuasa. Kita semua hanyalah hambaNya yg tiada upaya melainkan pertolongan dari Allah.

    Mohonlah pertolongan Allah, sesungguhnya pertolongan Allah itu sgt dekat bagi hamba2Nya yg bersabar dan tetap dlm mendirikan solat.
    Apabila pertolongan Allah sampai, tiada siapa pun yg mampu menyekat ataupun menahannya.

    Dengan nama Allah yg Maha Pengasih dan Maha Penyayang…
    Allahu Robbi, kepada Mu lah kami sembah dan kepada Mu lah kami mohon pertolongan. Oleh itu Ya Allah, kami berlindung di bawah kekuasaan Mu dr segala kezaliman dan kejahatan yg nampak dan tidak nampak. Tiada daya upaya kami melainkan pertolongan dan izin dari Mu Ya Tuhan kami.
    Allahumma Aaminnnn Ya Robbal Alamin….

  51. ..DigerhayuTanahair-ku..
    Malaysia.! Malaysia.!

    Bulan 8, bulan merdeka..!
    Bulan 9, bulan Malaysia..!
    dia punya tema.!


    Apa di hati.? Apa di jiwa.?
    Apa kata hati.? Apa kata jiwa
    $iapa sakit hati.? $iapa sakit jiwa.?
    siKitol punya angkara…?
    “TamakHaloba” “KhianatDerhaka”


    58tahun merdeka…!!
    Ada harapan kena….
    Kena jajah semula…!

    Malaysia.! Malaysia.!
    Entah ke mana………..???
    Entah tinggal nama….???

    ………Daulat Tuanku………
    Hatta tersebut Hikayat Dahulu…
    Pernah termahsyur Tanah Melayu…


    Satu jiwa.! Satu hati.!
    Satu Malaysia, Satu MDB..!!

  52. Assalamualaikum.

    Tun, semuga diberi kesihatan dan keberkatan hidup dunia mahupun akhirat.

    1. Setuju dengan komen si botak dan novo terkini.

    2. RM 2.6 bilion masuk akaun Najib bukan isu besar, kata timbalan menteri Azalina Othman Said, bila ditanya wartawan tentang pendedahan TSMY.

    3. Memang saya setuju menteri-menteri, timbalan menteri dan senator pilihan Najib baru-baru ini adalah UMPAMA NAJIS MUGHALAZAH YANG DITAMBAH bersama najis yang sedia ada pada pemimpin no 1 bersama istrinya.

    4. Maksud saya najis berat samalah seperti dosa besar yang dilakukan seorang pemimpin dimana menteri dan senator tergolong mereka yang mengaminkan perbuatan salah laku Najib pada masa ini dan masa-masa akan datang.

    5. Saya mahu komen tentang kenyataan Azalina ni. Adakah perempuan berjiwa “jantan” ini pandai atau bodoh atau bodoh yang tidak boleh diajar?

    6. Persoalan dibenak fikiran rakyat seperti:

    i. Siapakah yang bermurah hati memberi wang sebanyak itu kepada Najib dan masuk ke akaun Najib?

    ii. Mengapa sipemberi memberi Najib?

    iii. Adakah pemberian itu atas alasan komisen untuk najib? Rasuah kepada najib yang kerana pernah menolongnya sesuatu atau perjanjian sesuatu perkara?

    iv. Tujuan apa wang sebanyak RM 2.6 bilion disalurkan ke akaun najib?

    7. Jika kita andaikan ianya adalah komisen / rasuah? Selalu yang saya dengar komisen ( maaf saya tidak pernah menerima rasuah ) tentang mendapatkan satu-satu projek adalah sekitar 5 – 10 % daripada nilai projek dan ada yang lebih. Jika kita andaikan 2.6 bilion adalah 6.5% daripada nilai projek, maka nilai projek dieri adalah RM 40 bilion.

    8. Angka RM 40 bilion hampir dengan sejumlah wang RM 42 bilion yang berkaitan kes 1MDB? Adakah ianya ada kaitan?

    9. Tun, saya yakin Najib adalah bapak rasuah dan pemimpin seperti ini tidak perlu ada dalam diri seorang yang beriman kepada Allah swt.

    10. Adakah Azalina berjiwa “jantan” ini dan menteri-menterinya sehaluan dengan najib, sewajarnyanya Malaysia diambang kehancuran kerana dipimpin oleh pemimpin-pemimpin yang ber”tuhan”kan rasuah dalam hidupnya.

    11. Sekian Tun.

  53. Pertanda Khiamat adalah Bangunan Tinggi Dan sebagainya

    Pertanda Pemimpin yg Tidak Layak

    1. Ingin membubarkan ISA Dan Sedition Act
    Sedangkan ini lah senjata Kerajaan bagi mengukuhkan Pentakbiran Kerajaan
    2. Menunduk pada Kehendak Dan Kepentingan Kerajaan Lain terutama Singapura
    Menyerahkan Tanah KTM Tanjung Pagar , Jembatan Bengkok Dan sebagainya
    Seolah Pemimpin sudah kena Kelong .
    3. Lembik tidak cekap menindas Pembangkang membuat Himpunan Demi Himpunan
    Mengata Keburukan Kerajaan Sewenangnya
    4.Kelihatan Takut Bini Dan Jadi Pak Turut
    MengImamkan Isteri dari memakmum kan Isteri

    Ini pertanda Malaysia nak Khiamat

  54. Kepada Pemimpin UMNO juga Anggota UMNO

    Melanggar Peraturan Persatuan UMNO
    Tidak mengikut arahan Pengetua , PM
    Membabitkan Kesalahan yg perlu Dan Harus di pecat
    Serupa apa yg berlaku dengan DPM Muhideen Yasin

    Berserkutu dengan PM juga melindungi Akan Kesalahan Besar Beliau jika terbukti
    Adalah Kesalahan dan bersubahat melanggar Hukum Allah
    Menkhianati Rakyat ,juga Malaysia pada Keseluruhan Nya

    Apa pendirian anda ?

  55. Assalamualaikum En Botak dan Tun.

    Memang benar pemimpin kita telah disalah pilih tetapi alhamdulillah saya tak terlibat dalam pemilihan pemimpin ini.Yang paling berkobar2 memilih dia ialah Tun sendiri.
    Sememangnya DSN dan isterinya tidak layak memimpin kita terutamanya untuk hal2 agama.Berapa kalikah kita biasa melihat DSN menjadi imam dalam solat atau sebarang acara agama?Seingat saya,Tun pun tak biasakan??Begitu lemahnya dia sehingga kanak2 sekolah pun mengalahkan dia bila dia[DSN]tidak dapat jawab soalan budak itu tentang najis mughallazah.Isterinya tak pernah menutup aurat,memeluk jantan bukan muhrim,berjoget atas pentas,etc…Semuanya dengan alasan PM harus bersama rakyat dalam semua acara sehinggakan upacara kaum Hindupun beliau ikut serta.Kalau benar prinsipnya,kenapa tak nak jadi imam dalam solat??Kenapa tak biasa dengar DSN bacakan walau sekelumit doa2 Islam?Itu termasuk isterinya juga!!Dimanakah kepimpinan melalui teladan??

    Sedarkah kita,bila kita mendiamkan diri dan bersama pemimpin sebegini,dosa dan balasan Allah akan terpalit pada kita juga??

    Setiap hari,DSN akan sibuk menutup kesalahan yang di lakukannya.Bilakah dia meluang masa untuk memajukan negara,bangsa,rakyat dan agama??Apakah kemajuan yang dia dan angkatannya bawa pada kita?Mereka hanya pandai melalak tunjuk pandai,bercakap kosong,tak henti2 menghukum orang yang tak berdaya,dan mencuri harta rakyat dan negara!Bila rakyat buka mulut,mereka sumbat dalam penjara!Kemudian ada kenyataan2 bodoh dari Zahid Hamidi yang siapa tak suka kepimpinan mereka,boleh keluar dari negara ini!!Tak tahulah sejak bila negara ini jadi negara bapa dia orang!!

    Kemajuan ugama tiada,ekonomi tiada,kemajuan rakyat tiada,jadi bukankah dia orang yang sepatutnya malu,letak jawatan dan keluar dari negara ini sebab menghancurkan negara ini??Yang peliknya,kenapa raja[agung]kita berdiam diri?Dia tak sedarkah kedudukkan dia lebih tinggi dari najis2 ini?Untuk menteri2 BN yang bodoh,kita di suruh hormat pada raja bukan PM,lebih2 lagi kalau PM itu “corrupted criminal”!!

    Kepada ahli2 UMNO yang jujur dan tidak boleh menerima keadaan ini,lebih2 lagi pada yang takut Allah,saya minta untuk buat sesuatu yang boleh memaksa DSN turun dari takhta yang dia rasa kepunyaannya.Mereka haruslah menarik diri ramai2 dari UMNO dan bila bilangan kerusi UMNO berkurangan dalam parlimen,nak atau tidak,si Najib terpaksa melepaskan jawatan PM.Ketika itu sahaja keadilan dapat di laksanakan.Ahli2 UMNO ini boleh join balik parti mereka selepas itu.Persoalannya,adakah mereka mahukan keadilan atau kekayaan haram seperti DSN?

    Walau apapun,kita berdoa saja agar Allah bersama kita..

  56. Salam Tun..
    Salam semua blogger chedet..

    Kalau nak cerita pasal jibby, jibby wife, 1mdb bla bla bla… memang smpai pru pun blom tentu habes..

    Saya tertarik dengan luahan saudara farock yg menyampaikan kekecewaan dan kemarahan rakyat marhaen macam saya dan ramai lagi terhadap menteri2 yg baghal tu..

    T.kasih saudara.. jimat masa saya nak tulis panjang.. selagi pemimpin berakhlak buruk, selagi tu la rakyat akan menentang. . Lagi2 yg kaki LGBT.

    T.kasih Tun.
    Cincai cincai tulis

  57. Tun

    For Balance, Saudara Amin Tan and all Bloggers.

    For a lifetime I held back about all the information on the political controversies in our beloved Malaysia or between Malaysia and Singapore.


    I want the truth to be told that academic achievements are not the only route to success or that a particular community is identified with anything at all.




    But most importantly, we must recognise that WE ARE DIFFERENT FROM EACH OTHER. I was surprised through my lifetime. I noticed that my friends always said they wished so and so were like them. How could this be when we are from different communities ? Once we recognise the real fact, stability, peace and harmony hold sway.

    We must take our hats off to the Yang Di Pertuan Agong and the Royal Sultans of old who were all wise men. Hence, there were very few bloody altercations on the Peninsula.

    It is alright, if some of the Bloggers do not believe what I said about Lee Kuan Yew (1959-2015). At least, they must ask themselves why he ruled singlehandedly for so long – 1959-2015. in a tiny isle.


    I am exceedingly happy and bear no hatred against anyone even though they abuse, insult or vilify me. I learnt from our beloved Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad how to achieve good health and happiness not based on MONEY MONEY MONEY which will get us nowhere !

    MALAYSIA BOLEH ! MALAYS BOLEH ! MALAYSIANS BOLEH ! We are all NORMAL, the Malaysians and the Singaporeans !

  58. Assalamualaikum Tun


    kadang-kadang fikir pelik, pahlawan bugis buang anak ulamak bugis

  59. Assalamualaikum. Apa khabar Tun? Diharap Tun ceria selalu. Di kesempatan ini saya ingin memohon maaf daripada Tun atas segala kesalahan dan kekurangan yang telah saya lakukan selama saya menjadi salah seorang rakyat di negara ini, lebih-lebih lagi semasa hayat saya di bawah era pimpinan Tun suatu ketika dahulu. Mungkin ada kewajipan yang tidak dapat saya tunaikan, ataupun amanah yang tidak saya saya jalankan. Yang paling utama jika ada kata-kata saya yang kurang elok berkenaan Tun, harap Tun dapat berlapang dada menerima kekhilafan tersebut. Semoga Tun dipermudahkan jalan untuk terus berjuang atas muka bumi ini. Dan semoga Tun juga diredai di sana kelak atas usaha ikhlas Tun selama ini. Terima kasih atas segalanya Tun. Sekian

  60. Allah memilh Rasulnya kerana Akhlak yg Mulia
    Yg Amanah , yg Beriman
    Begitu juga kita Harus memilih Pemimpin yg berkelayakan sedemikian

    Kita Salah memilih Pemimpin
    1. Berpendirian wang adalah segalanya
    Terbukti wang juga yg menghancurkan Najib Tun Razak
    2.Memilih Pemimpin kerana Bapanya berjasa pada Malaysia
    Juga kerana Image Beliau yg Segak . Terbukti kini ini lah akibatnya
    Masa Sudah Menentukan

    Namun 1 MDB Bukan satu Alasan untuk Pembangkang mengambil Kesempatan
    Kerana Najib satu orang , kenapa pula Kita hendak bakar Kelambu

    Rafizi Harus di Hukum kerana Beliau sedap mulut
    Beliau banyak mengandaikan bagi mengotorkan Kerajaan
    Sedangkan Akhlak Beliau serupa Akhlak Tuan Beliau Anwar Abraham
    Ini makhluk 2 Alam yg bakal di Azabkan
    2 in 1

    Yg perlu di Sedari Bukan Persoalan 1MDB
    Ini Biasa Kerajaan Singapura yg positive juga kehilangan BerBillion Dollar Perlaburan mereka di Luar Negara cuma mereka dapat memerah Dari Rakyat mereka sendiri tanpa soal jawab
    Di Malaysia banyak Malaikat Mungkar Nankir yg kita perlu Jawab

    Yang perlu di ber Perhatian adalah Perbelahan Ummah
    Dalam kita menempuh Dugaan ini
    Kita Harus Berumpun Satu Ummah
    SEBAB ini lah Kunci segalanya

  61. assalamualaikum…
    saya sangat musykil dgn inin kemusykilan keadaan la nim dgn pepatah omputih nim….kekdah katernyew..bila bertanya satu jenayah,kitew diperintah oleh penjenayah…errr..betoika maknanya cenggitew…yg saya faham gitew lerrr…ya Allah selamatkan negaraku Malaysia dr pemimpin yg munafik dan menyusahkan rakyatnya….amiiiin ya Allah aminnnnn…

  62. Tun

    For the Gang of worshippers of their failed crooked conman and Dictator Lee Kuan Yew (1959-2015) who now become personal and used snide remarks against me, in their defence of a crook WITHOUT THE FACTS eg. imbalance, TWOG, MNM, yusof12, rocket scientist from Singapore – the guy who said Malaysia made money out of sending water to Singapore, TBH9696, sexykorma, etc.

    Thanks to you all for giving me the publicity. I love it.


    Here is the spiel on the greatest CONSPIRACY in the 20th Century and the FACTS which go with it.

    1. Lee Kuan Yew entered the lowest rung non-college Fitzwilliam House by the back door without taking an Open Entrance Examination. He did not have Latin or Greek. He was overaged. He gained a Double First in Law at the University of Cambridge competing with a few war weary veterans. At the important Bar Council Finals Professional Examinations, London, he gained a Third Class whilst his wife was placed 3rd/2nd Upper Class.

    2. The Lee Family in October 1951 was poor. My mother told me they had no servants in the house.

    4. Lee Kuan Yew gained power in 1959.

    5. In 1962, our great Tunku sent down the topmost Advisor, Tan Sri Dr Too Chee Chiu, to the Federal Government on Anti-Communist Insurgency to advise Lee Kuan Yew and George Bogaars, the Police Commissioner over a two day period. Operation Cold Store took place which put Lee Kuan Yew firmly in power till 2015. When Tan Sri Too Chee Chiu (a Cantonese) retired in 1982, he was recommended for a Tan Sri-ship by Tun Musa Hitam. Tan Sri Too wrote personally to Lee Kuan Yew who was his Raffles College mate, for recognition and was ignored.

    6. In 1961, the UN economics expert Dr Alfred Winsemius, a Dutchman was engaged by the Singapore Government to advise on its infra-structural development which success we can see today eg. the glittering buildings, the reclaimed land, Jurong Industrial Park etc. The human resource development was left to Lee Kuan Yew who screwed down the indigneous population of 100% in 1959 to 62% in 2010. 300,000 of his supporters emigrated. Singapore now has 3.2 Millions indigenous Singaporeans, 1.2 Millions foreign workers and 900,000 permanent residents who paid S$ 1.3 Millions each.

    7. From 1959 to 2000, Lee Kuan Yew developed his own unique Godless Ultra Communistic Political and Social System imposed on the citizens by his Apparatchiks aka Meritocrats bolstered by the CPF-HDB-Quit Rent & Assessment-Income Tax-GST-Water Conservation Tax-COE-Traffic tolls & taxes-Public Utilities-Civil Servants-Judiciary-a Lend Lease Military manned by mercenaries etc.

    8. Lee Kuan Yew developed his unique Godless Ultra Communistic Political and Social System with full abettment of the United States and the Western Powers throughout the Cold War (1948-1989). This Police State continued on to 2015. Russia in 1990 and China in 1982, adopted partially this System – CENTRAL COMMAND (DICTATORSHIP) AND CAPITALISM. In September 2013, Russia awarded Lee Kuan Yew with an academic medal with four other academics. In 1992, Deng Xiao Peng commented, ‘ They administer well. But we will do better than them.’ To this day, there are exchanges of cadres between the two nations. The Singapore GLCs which are a unique creation of Lee Kuan Yew were established out of necessity in the early 1970s as I have explained in my previous comments. In Russia, we have the oligarchs, in China, the princelings and in Singapore, the siblings.

    9. This abettment of the United States and the West, the paragons of Freedom and Democracy with Lee Kuan Yew Godless Ultra Communistic Political and Social System, must be termed as the BIGGEST POLITICAL CONSPIRACY IN THE 20TH CENTURY. The poor Singaprean citizens were NOT ONLY CONNED. THEY WERE DOUBLY CONNED BY LEE KUAN YEW AND THE WEST.

    10. Lee Kuan Yew’s System was known to the United States, and the West which coined benign sounding labels for it as a smokescreen and brainwashing eg. the Singapore Model, authoritative capitalism, benign dictatorship (no such thing – dictatorship means all the cruelities which went with it.), rich Cuba without the havanas but the bananas. The Malaysian politicians except the DAP thought it is only abang-adek politics to the amusement of Lee Kuan Yew !

    11. As of the last count, Lee Kuan Yew had 40 Failed Policies from (1959-2015). The most notable being:-

    i. The 2 Child Family Policy of 1970s/1980s which brought down Singapore to its knees today. The mental cruelty, the abortions, the sterilizations, suicides etc were unannounced.
    ii. The penchant by Lee Kuan Yew to buy out tycoons eg. Thaksin Shinawatra to stop him from building the Isthmus of Kra Canal. This inadvertently split Thailand into two politically and caused the deaths or injuries of innocent men, women and children. Malaysia has no such blood on her hands.
    iii. The loss of US$ 108 Billions (RM 420 Billions) on Wall Street in October 2008 by the dysfunctional apparactchiks aka meritocrats with the smartest fellow on top.
    iv. And 37 other Failed Policies of Lee Kuan Yew vide. chedet archives. Malaysia according to LKY September 2010.

    12. The Festschrift ‘The Big Ideas of Lee Kuan Yew’ 2014. written and published by the ex-President, the ex-Chief Justice, the top politicians, civil servants and academicians to salaam the BOSS. This clearly shows there is no separation of Executive, Legislative, Judiciary powers in the tiny isle of Singapore. So how to be squeaky clean, Singapore ?

    13. In wealth, the Lee Kuan Yew is the only indigenous family who made their wealth, legally and honestly in Singapore from 1959-2015 to reach mult-billionaire status.

    14. Lee Kuan Yew was hard-working, frugal, honest, and seldom travel. When he did, he only travel with his wife. But he had a penchant for the information on the sexual peccadilloes and personal habits of his Ministers, underlings, and South East Asian types like the full blooded Malaysians etc.

    How did Lee Kuan Yew compared with the THREE GOLDEN ATTRIBUTES TO BE A PRIME MINISTER ?

    1. Commonsense – nil. If he had any commonsense, he would not have produced 40 failed policies and placed less emphasis on dotting the i’s and crossing the t’s !

    2. Ability to think out of the Box – Dr Alfred Winsemius (1961-1984) for all his efforts, was only rewarded with two medals, one of which was gold and a piece of parchment paper when he retired in 1984. Lee Kuan Yew being legally minded, never gave himself the freedom to THINK FREELY but to follow the Laws created by himself. He was vain, arrogant and ABNORMAL. If only he had taken the NORMAL path, he would have won the NOBEL PRIZE LONG AGO AND BE A GREAT STATESMAN OF THE WORLD LIKE OUR BELOVED TUN DR MAHATHIR MOHAMAD. Vide. TJS George Blog June 2011.

    3. Compassion. This word is not in Lee Kuan Yew’s vocabulary. It is alleged he once said, ‘ In crises, sometimes we may have to grow barnacles in our hearts. ‘ And our beloved Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad is a NORMAL person with an overdose of Compassion which has come to haunt him through the ungrateful recalcitrants.

    For all Bloggers, it is good, very good that we know the facts of the GOOD AND THE GREAT instead of swallowing hook, line and sinker what the Singaporean media or Chinese newspapers tell us.

    For the Gang of Worshippers of the crooked conman and Dictator (1959-2015), do not be dismayed because you can all be the ex-Worshippers. It is not too late. But if you want to vent your fury at my expose’ of the truthful facts about you HERO, the crooked conman and Dictator Lee Kuan Yew (1959-2015), please do so. I am the lightning rod (PETIR) to attract all the false fury. Imagine the ridiculous scenario of mature Malaysians defending a FOREIGN CROOKED CONMAN AND DICTATORE LEE KUAN YEW (1959-2015) WITHOU THE FACTS ! If this is not brainwashing, what is ?


    Finally, we have witnessed in our lifetimes, the World’s Greatest Political Conspiracy ever. The United States and the West conspired with the Godless Ultra Communist Political and Social Regime of the crooked conman and Dictator Lee Kuan Yew (1959-2015) who conned the citizens to enslave them and the whole World.

    Please note Communism means Dictatorship control of all business enterprises by the State. Ultra communist means only selected businesses (GLCs) are State owned. Fasciscm means a Dictatorship nurtures the businesses owned privately to support them.

    MALAYSIA BOLEH ! MALAYS BOLEH ! MALAYSIANS BOLEH ! The Free Malaysian Style Democracy with Open Capitalist Characteristics and a Malay bias for us Malaysians with our undivided loyalty and devotion towards our Yang Di Pertuan Agong, the Royal Sultans and our cherished Constitution which safeguards Islam and the other religions. No GLCs for us, we are not Communists !

  63. Kepada penari shuffle baru yang di lantik oleh ketua penari najib!

    Jangan lah bongkak dan perasaan yang anda semua di pilih ke kementerian bukan di sebabkan kecerdikan otak anda semua!

    Anda semua adalah menteri2 yang bodoh dan jahat sebenarnya.

    Tiada sedikit pun sinar aura ikhlas dan kebaikan di wajah anda semua.

    Penari2 shuffle baru najib adalah zahid hamidi, shahril samad, hishammuddin auw auw, salleh kruak gigi jarang, mas ermiyati, bro azalina othman juga, nurjazlan pengkhianat rakyat johor dan ketua AG.

    Jangan nak berangan, anda semua akan di tendang semua jika kepimpinan baru bertukar. Menteri lain yang senyap bukan bermakna mereka suka kepada anda.

    Ingat! Tan Sri Muhyiddin adalah seorang pemimpin yang jujur dan ikhlas untuk mimpin malaysia. Rajin2 lah amati ucapan terakhir beliau di Cheras.

    Kami sokong Tan Sri Muhyidin Yassin…….semuga allah memberkati beliau dan memberi balasan yang dahsyat kepada najib, rosmah, zahid hamidi, salleh kruak, mas ermiyati, shahril samad, hishammuddin bro azalina othman dan pemimpin2 yang busuk hatinya.

    Anda semua tak akan lama jika anda tidak berpegang kepada kejujuran, kebaikan dan tiada sikap pemimpin di mata masyarakat….

    Jika waktu terdekat najib dan anda semua tidak tersungkur… kami akan pastikannya pada PRU 14 anda tiada lagi di mata kami rakyat ini……

  64. Dear Tun,

    Saya setuju dengan pandangan saudara Daniel Noor 30 Julai 2015,11.22pm.

    Sesuatu mesti dilakukan segera kerana keadaan negara di bawah pentadbiran DSN ini semakin parah dengan tindakan-tindakan sesuka hati regim beliau seolah-olah negara ini milik peribadi beliau. Maruah serta harga diri bagi DSN adalah secondary. Yang utama baginya adalah political sustenance serta ‘kebal’ dari undang-undang selagi dia PM.

    Cengkaman taktik kotor DSN dan kuncu-kuncu beliau telah menjejas seluruh sistem kerajaan. Lumpuhnya seluruh sistem berjangkit-jangkit. DSN boleh melakukan sesuka hati – buang orang ini buang orang itu, tangkap muat orang-orang dari PAC dan MKT UMNO jadi menteri/timbalan menteri tanpa mengambil kira ianya beretika kah, mampukah orang-orang ini melaksanakan tugas? Saya terkenang tangkap muat seorang timbalan menteri kesihatan sebelum ini sebelum beliau ditukar ke portfolio lain. Bidang yang bukan bidang beliau dan maaf kalau nak jadi contoh kesihatan hendaknya seorang yang kelihatan sihat dari segi keterampilan. How can a huge person be talking about good health to others? Contoh tangkap muat kabinet DSN.

    Negara memang dalam keadaan haywire Tun. Kami rakyat biasa hanya mampu bercakap di alam maya ini. Silap sikit nanti ditangkap masuk lokap. Berhimpun nanti digari dicedera. Tun, TSMY, DSSA dan seumpama lebih mampu buat sesuatu. Sebelum terlambat Tun. Boleh tunggu sampai PRU-14, tetapi dalam waktu 2 ke 3 tahun dari sekarang macam-macam DSN dan regim boleh buat. Tengok-tengok dia juga PM lepas PRU-14!

    Terima kasih Tun Dr. Mahathir. Take good care now, whatever you do and wherever you are. Our thoughts and doa with you.

  65. As slm YAB Tun,

    Dengar khabar minyak nak naik lagi malam ni.Ya Allah….apa masalah najib nie tak habis2 Tun.macam sengaja ja nak buat kat rakyat.makin dikutuk,makinn menjadi jadi pulak natang tu.apa tak cukup puas ke tengok kami sengsara selama ni.

    Kalau dalam keadaan mcm ni pun dia masih tak boleh nak faham perasaan rakyat.DSN layak digelar firaun zaman moden.KEJAM!ZALIMM!! Biar mati excident pun rakyat tak hairan.

    Rindu saat saat Tun jd PM.

  66. Sudahlah..Cukuplah..
    Aku Khalid Al Walid..
    Aku dtg untuk memerintah kalau kamu takut untuk jadi pemrintah yg adil..
    Pengetahuanku cetek..Hanya berkemahiran dlm bidang aku sahaja..Peperangan dan berlawan pedang..
    Aku memerlukn cendiakawan bijak pandai utk bernaung di bawah aku..
    Dktor..Lawyer..Penasihat Ekonomi..Ustaz mahupun Ustazah..
    Biar aku menang majoriti..Aku gubal undang2 British yg ditapis utk bentuk kmerdekaan dahulu..
    Aku bentuk kerajaan Islam..Islam sbg agama rasmi Malaysia yg sejati..
    Bkn seperti kini..yg hanya sekadar atas kertas sahaja..
    Siapa nk lawan Khalid Al Walid??
    Dipersilakan..sebab umat Islam seluruh dunia bakal anda tempuhi..
    Org kafir dikenakan cukai rendah..
    Org Islam xpayah byr cukai..sbb Islam adalah agama rasmi Malaysia..
    Bukan lg mcm skrg..Istilah ‘paw ka liao’ digunakan..Sampai org miskin pun kerajaan paw jugak..
    Aku janji..Aku akn jd pmerintah yg adil..
    Janji aku..janji dgn tuhanku..
    Pedangku adlh Pedang Allah..
    Pilihlah aku..atau tinggallah kamu dibawah pemerintah yg zalim..

  67. SALAM TUN.

    1.Nampaknya Nur Jazlan berlari mengejar “habuan” dari mencari kebenaran dengan “PAC”.

    2. Saya merasa kesian kepada Nur Jazlan kerana “memperhambakan” dirinya untuk “habuan” dan meninggalkan “prinsip menegakkan kebenaran”.

    3. Rupa-rupanya, Nur Jazlan hanyalah “tong kosong” orangnya.

    Wassalam Tun.

  68. Dear Tun and All,
    Tun you are right on today’s comment not to talk about 1MDB anymore. I believe it is useless for us all to talk about it too. All those MPs especially from Barisan dare not even do anything, what’s there for us all to talk about?

    DSN will surely hold on his position for as long as possible, to be honest it’s really pointless as sooner or later he will face the justice too. Jail terms cannot run away for sure. How can he run away from this scandal? How can buy his way out with all the Billions he had kept overseas, being kept under Jho Low? The only way for him and his wife to escape Jail terms should be RUNAWAY from this Country or perhaps another safe place for him to hide is HELL.

    This beloved Country is going no where, getting worst and worst day by day, all the Rakyat are suffering, where are all the brave man of this Country since the old Malaya got independent from the British with those brave Heroes lead by the late Tengku Abdul Rahman. This time, 57 years later, again we need some brave Heroes to fight off the Evil, Devil, Selfish PM and his wife who only think of their pocket 1st. Someone who can betray the Country, selling the land for so cheap to 1MDB, make use of the Country’s fund and so many more.
    Wake up all you MPs, don’t you guys read the news, can’t u guys tell the difference of BLACK and WHITE? Why on earth will all those opposition parties, media, Tun and we Rakyat go against him if he did not do anything wrong? Why there is so much allegations, scandals towards him? Please wake up, help this Country, declare yourself as independent, force PM down, if he is not down, the whole Malaysia will go down.

    Worried Malaysian

  69. Bismillahhirrahmannirrahim.
    Salam Tun dan semua muslimin.
    Hari ini saya baca surat khabar kerajaan UMNO iaitu Berita Harian.Di dalamnya ada cerita[kalau UMNO semuanya “cerita”,bukan “berita”],berkenaan azalina .Dia kata kalau ada orang bagi derma kat dia untuk beri pada orang lain,dia akan terima derma itu dan pegang wang itu dengan amanah.Tak ada orang boleh persoal sebab itu hal antara dia dan penderma itu.

    Soalan saya,”Adakah awak [AZALINA]BODOH BANGANG atau nak bodohkan orang?”.Kalau dah pegang jawatan menteri {dulu menteri sukan,sekarang di jabatan PM},patut dia lebih maklum bahawa bila pegang jawatan itu,dia TIDAK di benarkan mengambil APA2 bentuk derma kewangan dari sesiapa,lebih2 lagi kalau masuk personal akaun seperti akaun DSN.Tambahan pula kalau berpuluh billion,derma apa namanya tu?Atau dalam UMNO,RASUAH di panggil DERMA?Bukankah masa nak ambil sumpah dah sain kontrak yang tertulis didalamnya pengambilan wang seperti ini TIDAK BOLEH?Bila ada duit masuk dalam akaun sendiri,orang berhak persoal dan sebagai menteri,anda MESTI jawab dan buktikan anda tak bersalah!!Atau,sejak si Najib PM,terms and condition telah di tukar dan sesiapa yang tak ambil rasuah akan di ambil tindakkan di pecat seperti yang berlaku pada Tan Sri Muhidin?Lepas tu?Nak buang dari parti?Azalina,adakah awak lebih baik dari Muhidin sampai kata dia tak setia pada parti?Awak rasa kami dah lupa yang awak menang pilihanraya 2kali dengan bagi duit pada pesaing awak supaya tarik diri pada saat2 terakhir?Dan bagaimana kes2 rasuah semasa awak Menteri Belia dan Sukan dulu?Bukankah sebab itu awak tidak dibenarkan memegang sebarang jawatan dalam kerajaan semasa Tun PM?Bak kata pepatah Cina,bila kamu menunding satu jari pada orang,empat jari lagi akan menghala pada kamu balik.Malulah sikit{malulah banyak}!!

    Untuk pengetahuan awak{Azalina},ofis saya terletak dibawah ofis awak di Damansara{beberapa tahun dulu}.Di pejabat saya ada beberapa perempuan “lesbian”,dan sewaktu mereka pergi ke persidangan lesbian semalaysia,cuba teka siapa presidennya???ALLAH lebih tahu!!

    Kalau nak bodekpun,bodeklah dengan jilat jubur DSN dan RM.JANGANLAH menyalak kuat2 macam anjing kat luar ni,pekak telinga kami!!Dahlah kat parlimenpun menyalak macam tak bertamadun,kat luarpun nak menyalak kat kami??Kau ni anjing gila ke anjing betina penuh kudis mengeliat sebab tak dapat jantan??Berhenti memekak boleh tak??Dahlah kerja satu apapun tak jalan,mulutpun tak tahu nak berhenti!!Apa kemajuan kau{Azalina}ada bawa pada rakyat dan negara,dari dulu sampai sekarang???Macam semua menteri BN,TIADA,……
    KOSONG!!Semuanya tin kosong!!Cuma pandai bodek dan makan rasuah!!Cakap kosong macam tin kosong,bunyi kuat tapi isi tiada.

    Kepada SEMUA menteri BN,terutamanya UMNO,tolong berhenti tunjuk pandai dan layan kami macam orang bodoh!!Kau semua belajar sampai mana nak tunjuk pandai??Kepandaian apa yang kau orang ada dan tiada pada kami??Kau semua cuma beratus otak tapi kami kat luar ni berpuluh juta otak,tahu tak??Atau kira2pun tak pandai??Jangan bodoh sombong!!Dahlah bodoh,sombong dan berlagak bukan main lagi!!

    Tak lama lagi,kau semua,pati kau orang dan presiden kau orang akan jatuh dan kami rakyat tunggu masa itu untuk baling telur busuk ke muka kau orang!!Dari aku “special”untuk DSN,RM,Azalina dan ZH,kan ku baling taik busuk keluaran aku sendiri,taik keluaran tempatan,[barangan nasional] ke muka kau orang!!Jangan risau,sebab kau orang menteri,aku tak akan kenakan GST untuk taik aku tu!!ENJOY THE SHIT BECAUSEA CHEAT DESRVE SOME SHIT!!


  70. Dear Tun,
    Please allow me to address Mubarakchan, balance, TWOG, Wajaperak on the issue of Singapore.
    With due respect, Mubarakchan should know better. He is related to the late LKY by marriage. To this please let me suggest to those who are interested to do deeper understanding of what Mubarakchan is trying to impart, you guys check it out in the internet. Go to ‘video on Singapore’s opposition’
    I am in agreement with Wajaperak and Mubarakchan.

    amin tan

  71. SALAM TUN.

    Points to Ponder.

    Tun, refer to the book title ” MY FOREVER SLEEPING KING “ on page 74.

    ” Sleep tight my king, not to worry about this kingdom and the fate of its people is solely lie in our own hand” say Ali.


  72. mubarakchan Jul 30,2015 10:24 PM

    Lets agreeeee to disagree and stop talking about history and LKY big big horrible terrible failures. LKY and Singapore failures are so noticeable until most can notice RM is so much higher value than S$.
    I read an article about Temasek losing USD40Bil. Let party and celebrate as we only lost RM42Bil.
    MC, I 100% agree now that you are correct about every little things and subject. Your views are really fantastic and all must not ignore those presented facts.

    Wish you Happy hating and envying a dead man

  73. Salam Tun.

    Dear Najib,

    1. Nobody want to “topple” your goverment at all, please understand it.

    2. What we are asking is just you alone to step down as Prime Minister.

    3. Your leadership bring to many mess and rakyat is burden with insecure state of mind in their daily life.

    4. As we all can see, there are a lots of weakness, corruption and abuse of power that are spearheaded by you.

    5. You failed to notice it because all your Minister and your PMO is full with the junk’s minded person.

    6. “Topple” is not our choice of word because your goverment is actually a “topless” goverment and we can see all the bad things you have done.

    7. Soon you will be a “naked” goverment.

    8. It’s taboo to see a “naked” person except for some cases.

    9. Please “GO” while you can or before you are chased by us to “GO” away.

    Wassalam Tun

  74. Dearest YAB Tun,

    ‘Penafian…’, as expected.

    /// The Star

    PETALING JAYA: The latest allegations by Clare Rewcastle Brown in Sarawak Report are false, says Attorney-General Tan Sri Mohamed Apandi Ali (pic).

    “The alleged charge sheets are not in and never reached the Attorney General’s Chambers. Furthermore, the format of the sheets is not correct or written by our Chambers,” said the newly appointed Attorney-General in a statement.

    “The Special Task Force investigation has not been completed. So it is not legally possible for charge sheets to be drafted in advance.”

    He was referring to Sarawak Report’s allegation that Tan Sri Abdul Gani Patail was sacked as Attorney-General on Tuesday because he wanted to take action against Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak.

    Mohamed Apandi said the alleged charge papers indicate that there was a conspiracy to topple a serving Prime Minister by criminalising him, and that the methods include doctoring and criminal leakage.

    “This plot represents a threat to Malaysia’s democracy and I will direct for all action possible to be taken to investigate. The full force of the law will be applied without exception to any that are found guilty,” he said.


    Well, now we have a new Attorney-General who sounds like one of DSN’s ‘pembodek’.

    I suggest DSN to sue SR for these latest false allegations.

    Thanks Tun.

    *** May Allah SWT bless Tun and family ***

  75. Salam YAB dan Yang DiKasihi Tun,

    Nampaknya MUNGKIN betul telahan saya mengenai mengapa TS Gani Patail dipecat dengan notis 24, kononnya atas sebab kesihatan (alasan ’bodoh’ sebab beliau masih lagi bekerja walaupun turun pangkat dan bukan terlantar sakit).

    Semalam tersebar ’draf’’ dokumen dakwaan pecah amanah terhadap ’Bos besar Kerajaan’ dan bila saya baca saya seperti tidak percaya (kerana maklumat pertuduhan agak lengkap).

    Takkanlah selepas berpuluh-puluh tahun bekerja Kerajaan, dan kini sebagai ’Bos besar’ pula, beliau begitu ’naif’ tentang hal yang boleh mensabitkan seseorang dengan aktiviti pecah amanah.

    Bagi saya ini satu kebodohan/kebangangan yang memakan diri sendiri (jika benar beliau jahil / bang*ng).

    Terima kasih Tun.

    *** Semoga Allah S.W.T. sentiasa melindungi Tun sekeluarga. ***

  76. I do agree with you bro…Mr Mubarak,can you stop talking abt Singapore and LKY?We are in Malaysia and we have a lot to talk abt whats happening in our country..Let the dead rest in peace and wait for our PM to die..

  77. Assalamualaikum Tun,

    Hopefully to see you at Mesjid Negara tomorrow.

    Since this guy Najib seems so stubborn to vacate the PM post and instead imposing various blockage to the mass media, I was thinking this is the only move that can shake and send shivers down his spine.

    Say, if 5-6 BN MPs pulled out and decide to become Independents, then the seats of BN will further reduced or even change hand to the Opposition.

    I am very sure there are a few MPs not only in UMNO but also in the component parties that are not really happy with Najib. What more if these MPs are supportive of TSMY and you.

    Just think about it. .

  78. Tun

    To TWOG. You are another one who have been brainwashed for as long as you were born by the crooked conman and Dictator Lee Kuan Yew (1959-2015).

    My job here is to DE-LEE KUAN YEWNIZE THE WHOLE LOT OF YOU NAIVE AND GULLIBLE MALAYSIANS WHO DO NOT KNOW WHICH SIDE OF YOUR BREAD IS BUTTERED. You remember the DE-NAZIFICATION OF THE GERMAN PEOPLE AFTER HITLER WAS DEFEATED IN MAY 1945. The Allies found that 100% of the German people were brainwashed and indoctrinated that they gave up after a few sessions and were forced to accept the fact to DE-NAZIFY would have been no easy task.

    Why are you so het up being associated with the crooked conman and Dictator Lee Kuan Yew (1959-2015) ? You should be proud after you steadfastly refused to accept the 40 Failed Policies which I discovered quite easiy in the media. I did not cook them up. Your Dictator did. If you think he was so great, why don’t you rebut why he promulgated the 2 Child Family Policy of 1970 to 1980s and brought down Singapore to its knees today ? With 3.2 Millions indigenous Singaporeans, 1.2 Millions foreign workers and 900,000 permanent residents who paid for each family S$ 1.3 Millions ?

    Why you TWOG who now speaks like a sub-continent thug jumps up to the ceiling and condemn me with all sorts of abusive insults WITHOUT FACTS TO SUBSTANTIATE WHY YOUR CROOKED CONMAN AND DICTATOR LEE KUAN YEW (1959-2015) WAS YOUR HERO. Why you get so angry with me when all I did was to present the facts as per HIS FAILED PUBLIC POLIICIES. Hey ! Do you know how to argue properly or not before losing control of yourself because you had become a brainwashed LKY node through his 2 decades of BLUFFOLOGY applied on suspecting individuals like you. Wake up TWOG !

    How can the crooked conman and Dictator Lee Kuan Yew (1959-2015) be compared with our beloved Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad, a Malay ? Why are you so very mad at me when all I did was to present the facts of the failed 40 Public Policies of a failed Dictator in a failed State.

    If you are a Malaysian and not from the Ministry of Information, Singapore, you are a very good example of the effects of brainwashing by the crooked conman and Dictator (1959-2015)who used the best methods from the Middle East and the West. Outside the borders of our beloved Malaysia, public affairs are taken very seriously by the citizens of any country who are not so easily brainwashed like you. Please do not let your frustration with our Malaysian way of life put vent on me. I am innocent but only like the Boy in Hans Christian Andersen Tale, ‘ The Emperor without clothes and the Boy’. If you tried to bully me out of this Blog, you are very wrong. Why ? Because you have exhibited your chidishness by losing your temper and called me names. Sorry for you, I have a very thick skin.

    Again I ask the question, why are you so het up with the honest presentation of the real facts FOR THE VERY FIRST TIME IN OUR BELOVED MALAYSIA ON THE CROOKED CONMAN AND DICTATOR LEE KUAN YEW (1959-2015) ?

    Is it because I am the only one who presents the true unpalatable facts that he was really a crooked conman and Dictator, this Lee Kuan Yew (1959-2015) ? Or is it you have been compromised by the crooked conman and Dictator ? Then you are in conflict of interests which underline the fact that whatever you say does not hold water.

    Insults, abuses, profanities, vulgarities, etc will get you nowhere, TWOG from the sub-continent.

    To stir your ire some more, I used to live in Bombay, New Delhi, Dehra Dun, Mussoorie and visited Agra. I spoke Urdu and Hindi too, TWOG. I respect and admire the Indians in India for the culture, civilty, hospitality and friendliness. Have you ever seen the Sunday Bombay Illustrated ?


  79. SR exclusive Ghani kena buang sebab issue arrest warrrant for Mr you know who and dr shamsul

  80. mubarakchan Jul 30,2015 2:09

    Pardon me if i am WRONG:-
    So now it is LKY that created 1MDB not someone else – If that is the case then TDM have been barking at the wrong tree.
    He should be going after LKY.

    All the GLC created and its debts are the doing of LKY?
    LKY suggested the formation of 1MDB?

    Sir, if you take 1 minute to think i may be helping you not attacking you. YES I must admit i am VERY JEALOUS of you because of your grasp, obsession and insanity about LKY and Singapore. Even me, as an accused by you to be LKY, Singapore and PAP supporter do not have so much dedication and devotion. Ha ha ha.

    Actually you are so wrong about me not seeing, doing and hearing evil. I see, do and hear devil and evil daily but i also do, see and hear the opposite of devil and evil (angel, good) daily. (cant call it god). Ha ha ha

    One of the way to be sure about oneself is to ask ourselves “who am I” & “is there something wrong with my mind” & “why am i repeating the same thing” & “how to connect LKY to 1MDB”

    Happy writing and reading.

  81. Dear Tun and All,

    I believe they all (Authorities) know of his wrong doing months or years back even before the media exposed all the details. He received the 2.6+ Billion in his accounts also being widely known by now . Why still nobody dare to STOP him. Now locally and overseas media already exposed the whole issue and also all his wife purchase, why the agency, Authority still turn blind on this case. Still dragging the time. What a waste of time and tax payer’s money on this issue.

    As a PM, he knows he has committed many wrong doing, so openly, the whole of Malaysia knows, even most Countries also know about all his wrong doing…. what a shame, he still dare to hold on his position like nothing had happen. Sack those against him! Does he really own this Country? No one can touch him? No one dare to touch him? All the PMO minister are so blind too? Because of you own good, own pockets, you all do not care of this Country getting worst and worst day by day. Do not care of this Country getting rotten, go bankrupt? May as well call off all investigation.

    What is the point of investigations when the main target is at loose, nothing can be done about him. Anyone who against him will be sack. You the Authority who investigate this issue dare to summon him? Dare to arrest him? Those 5 people arrested so far linked to 1MDB are being handcuff, arrested! For what reason? Money laundering? Channel those 2.6+ Billion to DSN account?? Then how come the main target is still at the loose?? He and his wife are above the law?? They are untouchable. What’s the point of all those investigations??

    He can received 2.6+ Billions to his account which is consider money laundering for sure and nothing can be done!!!??? Useless to summon all those small fishes that connected to this issue. They are only scrap goat for him. He cannot be touched, why waste time and man power to arrest this, arrest that person? At the end of the day, months or years later, this 1MDB case will be closed. Just like the Mongolian case. What’s the point.

    No wonder our beloved Malaysia produced so much timber, legally and illegally. This is a Country full of KAYU.

    Worried Malaysian

  82. Salam Tun.

    Najib OOOI!!!!!

    Sila saman Muhyiddin kerana membuat “fitnah”.

    Nak saman WSJ susah kerana jauh kan.

    Tapi saman Muhyiddin tak susah, satu negara je.

    Rakyat akan tertanya-tanya.





    Wassalam Tun.

  83. Assalamualaiukm Tun.

    1. Umum sedar bahawa TSMY tidak lagi sebagai TPM bekerja dengan Najib sebagai PM. Ianya kita sedar itu hak Najib sebagai PM sebab dia melantik TPM.

    2. Umum juga sedar dalam UMNO, Najib adalah presiden yang dipilih ahli UMNO, TSMY adalah timbalan presiden yang dipilih ahli UMNO. Di sini Najib tidak berhak menurunkan jawatan timbalannya.

    3. Episod baru bermula di mana presiden UMNO dan timbalan UMNO tidak sehaluan bermula 27 July 2015.

    4. Persoalan, bolehkah presiden dan timbalan presiden UMNO bekerjasama sehingga PAU ( PEMILIHAN AGONG UMNO ) baru dilakukan? Bilakah PAU akan dilakukan?

    i. Adakah Najib ingin melakukan dalam sebulan terdekat ini? Mustahil !!!
    ii. Setahun ? Boleh jadi tapi beranikah Najib ?
    iii. Selepas PRU14 ? Mungkin agak mustahil kerana 2 orang kuat UMNO ini tidak mungkin boleh bekerjasama. Tempoh yang agak panjang dan tiada kerjasama mungkin merugikan parti.

    5. Pada saya demi kebaikan parti UMNO, PAU perlu diadakan dalam tempoh 6 bulan dari sekarang. Persoalannya ADAKAH NAJIB BERANI?

    6. Persoalan lain, adakah Najib mahu menunggu TSMY dengan suka rela melepaskan jawatan dalam parti? Rasanya tidak mungkin.

    7. Kemungkinan lain, Najib mencari kesilapan Muhyiddin untuk menggugurkan keahliannya. Di sini, Muhyiddin dan yang lain seperti Shafie Apdal perlu berhati-hati kerana Najib dan kuncunya sanggup buat apa saja asalkan orang yang berani menentangnya “berkubur” dari parti.

    8. Doa serta harapan kita agar kumpulan penegak kebenaran dalam UMNO lebih berani dengan pendirian “JATUHKAN NAJIB SEBAGAI PRESIDEN UMNO” dahulu kerana selagi Najib presiden UMNO, selagi itulah populariti UMNO di mata masyarakat Melayu semakin hari semakin luput.

    9. Doa juga agar Najib mempercepatkan PAU dalam masa 6 bulan dari sekarang adalah tempoh yang rasional. Najib tidak boleh memanjangkan lagi tempoh mengadakan PAU kerana semakin lama PAU semakin merugikan UMNO bukan merugikan Najib seorang tetapi UMNO keseluruhannya kerana penyatuan UMNO boleh berlaku selepas ahli UMNO membuat keputusan siapa yang wajar mengemudi UMNO untuk PRU14 kelak.

    10. Sebenar keputusan PAU Najib terpaksa minta perkenan kepada permaisurinya ( queen control )dahulu.

    11. Saya cukup yakin dalam hal ini, Najib dan kuncunya akan bermain kotor iaitu akan mencipta helah untuk kumpulan yang bakal menentangnya dalam PAU akan disingkirkan dari UMNO sebelum PAU diadakan.

    12. ATAU Najib akan menggunakan tektik kotor dalam PAU kerana Najib dan Rosmah adalah pengotor iaitu sejenis najis berat ( najis mughalazah )malah lebih kotor dari tahi anjing atau babi.

    Sekian Tun.

  84. Assalamualaikum Dearest Tun,

    I thought Joetamchi dialog about the kitchen cabinet is funny but I have got even better creative story which I got from my wife whatsapp group written by who else if not your favourite daughter Marina.

    I would like to share with all of you, enjoy reading this;



    It is so difficult to find a good cabinet nowadays.

    The cabinet I now have is full of termites. Apparently it is made of plywood.. Despite looking stylish and sharp, when knocked, it sounds hollow. It sounds like a tin kosong.

    I tried getting them renovated and visited a store called GE13. They offered various custom made compartments and were made of different types of wood. There were many options for the cabinet doors ─ metal, composite, laminate, and thermofoil. All good options, to be honest. I decided to give it a try and placed my order.

    But for some reason, the order never came through. Maybe someone offered a better price for it. Sigh.

    The truth is, they don’t make cabinets like they used to anymore like the cabinets we had back in my kampong. They were all made by my dad. He singlehandedly picked and chose every part of the cabinet. The workmanship was rough since dad was merely a hobby carpenter but he knew how to pick the woods and make the edges meet.

    We’ve had those cabinets for more than 40 years now. The red meranti still stands firmly on my mom’s kitchen walls – slightly worn, but well kept. Even the paint is in good condition. And no matter how hard my crazy rough brother bangs the doors shut, not a single splinter comes off. The only thing that gets broken every now and then are the made in china door hinges.

    But then again, the cabinets were made by a mamak – which explains its durability.

    The truth is, when it comes to kitchen cabinets, you get what you pay for. There is the cheap plywood kind teeming with insects (like the one I have in my kitchen) of low durability but surprisingly sturdy and good looking.

    Then you have laminates which are basically a thin layer of solid wood over an inner core of chipboard. The wood covering is deceiving, misleading and in the end the chipboard doesn’t last that long.

    I don’t want that type of cabinets anymore. I need something solid. Something durable. Something with quality.

    Seriously, I need to change the cabinets in my home. The IKEA ones look nice – quite pricey though, but nice nevertheless. However, I wonder if it can fulfil the real purpose of a cabinet.

    You see, what I do know is that peddlers at furniture malls who want to sell me cabinets, try to distract me so that I forget the real function of a cabinet. Cabinets must serve a purpose and I know getting the wrong one means that the purpose is not achieved. On top of that you are left with a heck of a lot of trouble.

    And I also know that a homeowner who keeps changing cabinets just for show should not be trusted completely. I mean, why would a homeowner change his/her cabinet(s) around Syawal? What is he/she trying to accomplish? Is he/she hiding some deep rot by refurbishing it with some good looking chipboard cabinet with an oak overlay?

    Like I said, I hate my cabinet. Besides the termites eating away at the wood I paid for, I hate the fact that some of the doors which are made of dark shaded wood keep dark secrets. And I also hate that the old drawers in the cabinets don’t slide in easily. I think drawers should never fight with their master.

    To be honest, I don’t think any amount of renovation or refurbishing or reshuffling can cover the unpleasantness of having this cabinet in my kitchen. It just needs to go. All of it.

    I would really like to replace it with a nice, new, gleaming cabinet. Maybe one with transparent sides or a transparent glass door. One that will let some sun in so that everyone can see that it is not messy on the inside.

    I want a cabinet with doors that don’t creak loudly every time they’re opened or shut.

    I want a cabinet that doesn’t store candies and cookies in its’ recesses….hidden away from the kids.

    And I want a cabinet with classy, durable, functional containers – not one screaming with red Tupperware and cheap plastic containers in pastel colours.

    I guess I should start shopping for a good cabinet before it’s too late. As of now, one side of my cabinet is full of termites and the other side is also corrupted from absorbing too much water and dampness that didn’t belong in the cabinet in the first place.

    Hopefully by 2018, I will get my cabinet replaced. Maybe with a meranti, maybe a jati. But definitely never a plywood or a chipboard ever again. I know it won’t be easy – good wood is hard to come by despite living in a tropical climate.

    But then again, we must be willing to put in the effort if we want to enjoy having a good quality cabinet in the house.


    Wasalam Tun,

    p/s – Good day too to our 2 nation’s heroes. We all adore you because you chose to be with the rakyat no matter what. Keep it up! Good job!

  85. Dear Tun,

    Im worried of Malaysian’s future.I totally agree and stand firm behind you.

  86. Salam Tun

    Wah macam macam news. Parti lain buat something, we are not doing anything. We better fight for Muhyiddin.

  87. Dear Tun and All,

    What a shame this our beloved Country Malaysia is. The PM stupidly received 2.6+ billion in his account ! (Already confirmed by Muhyiddin) IS THIS COUNTRY AUTHORITY BLIND?? WHY IS HE STILL IN POWER?

    1) Why the Task Force cannot take any action towards him?
    2) PAC after investigation for so long, don’t they know as well?
    3) Why he is not summon to answer it.
    4) Why he is not remanded to assist at all?
    5) As a PM, he knows he did received so much money, damn he still dare to be PM?
    6) Aren’t this all Money Laundering ?
    7) Where on earth can a PM received 2.6+ Billion in his personal account?
    8) Why not 1MDB just transfer a USD100k to anyone’s account, see what will happen to the person?

    You can ask Any, just Any Country in this world, any PM that received so much money in his account, what will happen? The Task Force, BNM should be very well aware of this issue, but still no action been taken towards him….. just because he is the PM?? Are they all corrupted. Shame on this Country.

    You will never see DNS surrender for sure. Next Election he will need to bring in at least 1.4 billion USD to fight for his place. WHO CAN STOP HIM NOW? Can the Sultans’ or King?

    Worried Malaysian

  88. Tun

    For Imbalance. Your long comment did not state anything factual or substantive. You have no logic. You try to take the !MDB a GLC copy cat business outfit of Singapore’s Dictator Lee Kuan Yew (1959-2015) out of context. The Singaporean GLCs failed together with the Dictator’s Godless Ultra Communistic Political and Social System imposed on the citizens by his Apparatchiks aka Meritocrats.


    You keep on saying you do not understand this and that. If you do not have a clear thinking mind please do not say so. Your comments embarass me no end that I am communicating with a person who sees no EVIL, hears no EVIL and speaks no EVIL. Have you been released from some monastery or a equivalent from somewhere or from the Moon, a moonie ?

    Facts are most important in the formulation of history in which our beloved Malaysia must put great emphasis on. Everyone must have a history unlike you Imbalance who speaks to confuse and be personal.

    HAVE YOU ASK YOURSELF IMBALANCE WHY YOU ARE ATTACKING THE GOOD MUBARAKCHAN ? Why you do it ? Are you jealous ? Are you confused in your old age ? Are you unhappy because you have family problems ? Are you PAP ?

    I say again that I am exceedingly happy unlike you Imbalance.

    And it is obvious you love our beloved Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad and your conman and Dictator Lee Kuan Yew (1959-2015) as your dearest HERO. You said it, not me. Why you want to insist that your crooked conman and Dictator Lee Kuan Yew (1959-2015) with a Double First Law degree from the University of Cambridge, was pure as the virgin snow ? This must be just a figment of your confused mind. Take more Vitamin B !


  89. /// mubarakchan Jul 29,2015 6:30 PM
    For Imbalance, dont be small minded, TWOG, MNM, yusof12, rocket scientist from Singapore, sexy korma and similar ilk from the Ministry of Information, Singapore. ///

    murabakchan – I have refrained from replying to your rabid posts, but now that you have roped me in – let me return the favour.

    You are a bankrupt and bankrupt of ideas. I pointed out many of your wrong facts and you tried to weasel out.

    You are a broken record that keeps repeating itself. In every topic, you have to drag a dead man into the picture. Be a decent man and let him rest in peace.

    Why are you so hung up about LKY and Singapore? With his 8 failed policies, then 18 failed polices, then 28, then 40 and then 108 failed polices, Singapore will self destruct. So, why are you so worked up? In fact, with so many failed policies, Singapore is now a failed state where most of the politicians are stealing public fund. Singapore is now a banana republic and as you so aptly put it – a one street country. A little red dot which is doomed to die a painful death. So, why are you so worried about the little red dot that you have to start a one-man crusade?

    Your beloved Malaysia is doing so well with its abundant natural resources and all the talented politicians who claimed to put Malaysia first. It is a first world country that Singapore cannot ever be.

    So, the current 1MDB scandal must be master-minded by LKY from his grave. And your hero is also bad-mouthed by LKY through his proxy Dan Slater who is remotely controlled by LKY from the grave.

  90. oops article tu Malay Mail bukan Malaysian Insider
    banyak sangat Malay Malaysia Malaysian online 🙂

  91. Salam Tun,

    Sundays at last for workaholic Muhyiddin, says son after Cabinet axing – Malaysian Insider

    After reading this, I teringat I pernah buat kerja untuk Muhyiddin di MOA, nothing big, just part of the team for that particular event. I just bagi him points, Muhyiddin boleh elaborate. Masa tu I fikir, wah this guy really knows his product well.

    I really hope dia terus berjuang untuk UMNO. He is one of those leader yang appearance tak outstanding but boleh buat kerja.

  92. PAC hearing on 1MDB should be held after Justo testifies in Thai’s Court because only then the Malaysian police can question him about possible involvement of a PAC member in doctoring documents to bring down the government.


  93. mubarakchan Jul 29,2015 6:30 PM

    I wanted to say “read my lip” but I cant so i say read what I wrote again and PLEASE do it with easy and open heart. What about LKY education, his failure or his great success, and now his wife education and your wife education got to with 1MDB.
    I never say you are not telling the truth as a matter of fact i said you wrote good articles about the country history and advancement.
    Please slow down a little to understand what others are saying. Dont use/put negative perception into other people words and intentions. Dont do it, it is called delusion. Like you said loud and clear “i dont know you” and now think again why should i dislike you? Could it be that I am only trying to understand you and learn something from you.
    If willing then answer the questions directly.
    What is the relationship between LKY and 1MDB?
    Why you keep comparing LKY and not others
    What is the hidden message or reasons you are trying to send out about LKY?
    What can be learned from LKY failure or success?
    Are you trying to tell us about your personal life stories and asking us to appreciate your contribution to the country?

    Thanks have a great day

  94. Good day Tun i wanna Go out from country anything can help me pls do Tun save my self.need to Go out and do something from There.i am meeting tonight ur people i need to save my self before anything bad happen to me.

  95. Assalamualaikum Tun.

    Syabas TSMY dan Syafie Apdal, anda adalah wira.

    Perjuangan penyatuan UMNO belum selesai.

    Manusia seperti Najib umpama najis yang berat, agak sukar dicuci tapi masih boleh dicuci dengan bantuan semangat manusia yang tidak pentingkan diri seperti kami.

    Kami di belakang anda ddan berdoa demi kebaikan rakyat dan negara kesuluruhannya.

    Najib menegakkan benang basah menggunakan wang dan kuasa berbanding kita berjuang dengan semangat untuk negara.

    Teruskan perjuangan mu. Kami doakan yang terbaik untuk 2 wira yang dianggap Najib sebagai bukan dipihaknya.

    Biarkan menteri lain yang maruahnya dibeli dengan pangkat hanyut dengan dunianya. Mereka semuanya bodoh dan tiada prinsip.

    Sekian Tun.

  96. Walau Sekira Najib didapati Bersalah
    Tidak Bermakna Pembangkang nak Tunjuk Toncang

    Tunjuk Perasaan hanya dikendalikan untuk Pembangkang Bukan Rakyat
    Rakyat nak Tidur
    Najib perlu diHukum jika sabit Kesalahan bersama Rosmah

    Yg perlu Kita laksanakan adalah Ummah Melayu perlu Bersatu
    Wallah Ada senketsengketsengketa diantara Pemimpin
    Ini perlu kita Java
    Hanya Pembangkang saja yg Bermuka mucks untuk Agenda mereka

  97. Assalamualaikum Ayahanda Tun,

    The so called conspirancy now works the other way round but it’s okay this is even better because both of you sir are now heroes to the rakyats and finally you are not alone ayahanda Tun so let the game begins.

    Why not the three of you symbolicly play the traditional game of takraw such an interesting game to play because there will be a tekong, a feeder and a killer.

    See the difference here the last time someone got sacked he has to play an individual game all by himself and at an away court.

    Now look at the positive side of it we can now play as a team on home ground.

    Both TSM and DSSA is still an UMNO member and they can devote more time to strengthen the party, after all they now have all the time in the world right?

    Wasalam Tun.

  98. Salam Tun.

    Ada sebuah buku baru yang berada di pasaran sekarang.

    Buku itu berjudul ” MY FOREVER SLEEPING KING “.

    Harap Tun sudi membaca buku ini. Sedih ceritanya Tun kerana King itu tidur nenyak buat selama-lamanya.

    Bukan macam cerita “The Sleeping Princess” keluaran 1939,dimana Princess tu adalah “sedar” juga akhirnya.

    Cerita buku ini mengkisahkan tentang seorang “King” yang kerja utamanya adalah “tidur” semata-mata. Bermula dengan tidur dan diakhiri dengan raja ini “tidur” sampai mati.

    Menangis sakan saya dibuatnya Tun. Amat sedih dan “touching story”.

    Hope Tun enjoy reading this book and pray you don’t go to sleep like the “KING”.


  99. As’salam & Salam Sejahtera.

    Agreed.There is no conspiracy to overthrow the current leadership.What we have is an open call by all nation-loving citizens for the leadership to cease to exist! Give way to other leadership who is better capable to bring our great nation to greater height. Imagine that more than 10 years ago our great nation was ahead of other Asian nations in term of technological advances & vision. Now,even Vietnam had left us far behind! What a shame! I strongly believe that we have many good citizens among the rakyat to lead this great nation of ours. We do not need all these pengkhianat rakyat,agama,bangsa & negara to lead us! Let face the current fact,democracy in UMNO is dead.So does democracy in Government.One can easily be a menteri just by being an avid ass-kisser.Other could continue being a menteri by being the puppet of the corruptor. No need for any love towards the rakyat or patriotism for the nation. Cash is the king of the day. So,could we still rely on UMNO and Barisan Nasional to save this great nation? Sadly to say,the answer is No. I have shared my humble thought previously that we need for another alternative. Our opposition is not a good alternative. They cannot even unite by themselves!What else to unite our great nation & lead us all to greater height. We really need an alternative platform.The one that we all nation-loving citizen could vote for to represent us. We need a platform with real leaders. Leader that would put the nation’s interest above all. Leader that is transparent in all matters. Leader that would not live in a huge mansion when there are rakyat living under the bridge. Leader who would not eat when there are rakyat without food. Leader that will only live & die for the nation. Is it impossible for our great nation to have leaders such as this? InsyaAllah,it is not impossible.


  100. Assalam Tun.

    Berkemungkinan besar tujuan Najib memberhentikan Tan Sri Muhyiddin dari jawatan Timbalan PM adalah merupakan “plan B” supaya keselamatan dia dan Rosmah akan terjamin.

    Seandainya segala tipu helah yang Najib perkenalkan untuk membersihkan dirinya dari didapati bersalah dalam kes 1MDB tidak berjaya, Najib mungkin telah diberi jaminan semasa perbincangannya dengan Zahid agar setiap kesalahan yang dilakukan dilupakan saja ataupun dimaafkan oleh PM baru iaitu Zahid.

    Perkara sedemikian berkemungkinan besar telah pun dilakukan sendiri oleh Najib tatkala Pak Dol PM5 memanggilnya sebelum mengumumkan akan meletakkan jawatan sebagai PM dan dimana Najib mengambilalih tugas menjadi PM6.
    Oleh sebab itulah banyak isu2 mega rasuah yang Tun M timbulkan terhadap Pak Dol langsung lenyap, tidak satu pun yang kedengaran setelah Najib jadi PM!!!

    Muhyiddin tidak mungkin akan memberi ruang untuk Najib dimaafkan atau kesalahan Najib ditutup rapi sekiranya terbukti bersalah.

    Yang bersalah mesti dihukum!

  101. YABhg. Tun Dr.,

    Apparently, this is the reason why Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin was ultimately sacked as Deputy Prime Minister, as per this video URL below:-
    (Ucapan Peresmian Mesyuarat UMNO Bahagian Cheras oleh Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin)

    Nampak gayanya Dato’ Seri Najibaok sudah semakin terdesak apabila mengambil tindakan tergesa-gesa menggugurkan Tan Sri Muhyiddin sebagai Timbalan Perdana Menteri tanpa memberi suatu sebab atau alasan yang wajar dan munasabah. Apakah salah-silap Tan Sri Muhyiddin selain berkata yang sepatutnya diujar oleh seorang Timbalan Perdana Menteri yang bertanggung jawab dan berani bersuara yang benar.

    Itulah dia DS Najib iaitu sejenis pemimpin Jibaok yang hanya pandai mentadbir negara berasaskan konsep bahawa ‘Cash is King’ walhal ramai rakyat sudahpun melabelkan beliau sebagai pemimpin ‘KangKung’..!

    Silap-silap haribulan si Najibaok tu sudahpun termakan terlalu banyak ‘Nasi Kangkang’ agaknya. Nauzibillah minzaliq. Wallahu’alam.

    Namun demikian.., semoga dengan tergugurnya Tan Sri Muhyiddin sebagai Timbalan Perdana Menteri mungkin ada suatu hikmah disebaliknya ataupun suatu ‘Blessing in Disguise. Mudah-mudahan.


    Yang anehnya.., walaupun Tan Sri Muhyiddin sudahpun digugurkan sebagai Timbalan Perdana Menteri.., namun begitu mampukah DS Najibaok berdepan dengan Tan Sri Muhyiddin pada setiap mesyuarat Majlis Tertinggi UMNO apabila mereka pastinya akan duduk bersebelahan pada mesyuarat-mesyuarat Majlis Tertinggi UMNO kelak. Apatah lagi mereka juga terpaksa berdepan dengan ahli-ahli perwakilan UMNO pada setiap Perhimpunan Agong UMNO setiap tahun.

    Kena masaklah si Dato’ Seri Najibaok apabila beliau nak kena jawab kepada para-perwakilan UMNO iaitu kenapa kini pula suatu keadaan yang pelik dan gonjeng sudahpun berlaku apabila seorang Naib Presiden UMNO sudah menjadi Timbalan Perdana Menteri walhal seorang Timbalan Presiden UMNO pula tiada apa-apa jawatan dalam Kerajaan. Apa hal..!?

    Anyway.., setinggi tahniah kita ajukan kepada Ketua UMNO Bahagian Cheras (Dato’ Syed Ali Al-Habshee) kerana sudi menjemput Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin untuk meresmikan Persidangan UMNO Bahagian Cheras. Semoga UMNO Bahagian-bahagian yang lain akan berani turut mencontohi UMNO Bahagian Cheras dan menjemput Timbalan Presiden UMNO (Tan Sri Muhyiddin) untuk meresmikan persidangan tahunan Bahagian-bahagian mereka pula.., demi menegakan yang Hak dan melawan yang Batil..!

    Sekian.., Wassalam.

  102. Dear Tun and All,

    What a shame this our beloved Country Malaysia is. The PM stupidly received 2.6+ billion in his account ! (Already confirmed by Muhyiddin)
    1) Why the Task Force cannot take any action towards him?
    2) PAC after investigation for so long, don’t they know as well?
    3) Why he is not summon to answer it.
    4) Why he is not remanded to assist at all?
    5) As a PM, he knows he did received so much money, damn he still dare to be PM?
    6) Aren’t this all Money Laundering ?
    7) Where on earth can a PM received 2.6+ Billion in his personal account?
    8) Why not 1MDB just transfer a USD100k to anyone’s account, see what will happen to the person?

    You can ask Any, just Any Country in this world, any PM that received so much money in his account, what will happen? The Task Force, BNM should be very well aware of this issue, but still no action been taken towards him….. just because he is the PM?? Are they all corrupted. Shame on this Country.

    You will never see DNS surrender for sure. Next Election he will need to bring in at least 1.4 billion USD to fight for his place. WHO CAN STOP HIM NOW? Can the Sultans’ or King?

    Worried Malaysian

  103. Desas Desus
    Najib Akan Tumbang dengan Isteri kesayangan Beliau

    Behind a Succesful Man is always a Women
    Behind a Failed Man is also a Women

    Apa pun jua Pembangkang tidak Bolih di Izinkan mengambil Kesempatan ini
    Sampai nak buat Tunjuk Perasaan Besar besaran
    Yg nak tunjuk perasaan sebenarnya siapa ?

    Pembangkang yg nak kan Kuasa Atau Rakyat

    Walau Najib Akan di dapati Bersalah tidak Bermakna UMNO juga bersalah
    Kerugian Investment Kerajaan juga berlaku di Singapura juga BerBillion Dollar Amerika lagi
    Sama juga yg menjadi Director mereka pun Bukan orang lain
    Suku Kerabat juga
    Bezanya Malaysia ……. Kita Ada Hak Bersuara

    Tak Perlu Malaysia nak Adakan Tunjuk Persaan Besar besaran ?
    Janganlah lah Pembangkang nak Jadi macam aouta Keling macam

    Kita hanya perlu naikan Muhideen Yasin……….Itu Saja

  104. Salam Tun

    Muhyiddin, Shafie Afdal out. Gani Patail pun. Apa la. Sape dia advisor? Resident British? Lagi satu yang pelik apa pasal lately I asyik dengar perkataan ini “public perceptions”, why are they talking about public perceptions to the general public..

    I baru baca SR about Mrs you know who shopping therapy, diamonds and so so, anything below a million boleh bayar on spot, puluhan million bayar by stages, melalui bank account the not so handsome guy.

    SR also nasihatkan Cameron jangan datang sini. And Time Magazine pula nasihatkan Obama jangan kawan lagi dengan Mr you know who.

  105. If only the UMNO diehard Najib supporters knew … Piecing it together – David Cameron is obediently following the cue of Obama – just another Tony Blair – to serve the hidden selfish agenda of the USA, with the UK as its main cheerleader. The cue is taken from the USA’s unexplainable and puzzling upgrading of Malaysia to Tier 2 on the Human Trafficking Watch List (despite clear breaches with death camps and all). If this holds true, hence, Najib is emboldened as he cannot go wrong as long as he is an “asset” to the USA/UK especially as the proposed Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) trade deal (which is the collar placed around Najib’s neck) would give USA a notch up against China in the bigger (and financial conquest) picture ( – “the economic arsenal of Washington’s (supposedly) strategic pivot to Asia, the fundamental aim of which is to contain China. Thus TPP is above all a geopolitical ploy with trade as a decoy”). You really think that Obama or Cameron care two hoots about 1MDB and the suffering Malaysian Rakyat over its never ending economic conquest game against China? USA cares for USA, whilst UK loves to bend backwards for the USA. Obama needs Najib and if he is eliminated or replaced, the next Malaysian PM may not play ball with USA, and the more desperate the PM, the better and more obedient servant he is to the USA. Hence no money laundering investigations initiated by the USA or UK although the tainted money flowed gracefully through these countries which has the best anti-money laundering laws and systems. Is the TPP good for the Bumiputeras? Read the Forbes article and ask Dr M

  106. Dearest YAB Tun,

    We are currently witnessing ‘1MDB scandal LAUNDERING…’

    The main problem is that we have people who can be bought with money/positions.

    The new cabinet cannot ‘undo or repair’ all the damage done by PM Najib @ Ah Jib Gor as long as the main culprit (suspect) is still busy giving orders. What a big joke!


    P/S: Baguslah, TSMY redha dengan ketentuan ALLAH (mesti ada hikmah), bukan macam yang seorang lagi (bekas TPM) yang sehingga sekarang masih lagi meroyan.

    Thanks Tun.

    *** May Allah SWT bless Tun and family ***

  107. Dear Tun,

    Last time the Economic Hitman tried to get u to bow down with the Asian Financial Crisis but they aren’t able to with your strict currency controls, luckily u realised that Anwar Ibrahim wanted to sell the sovereignity of the country to the IMF and World Bank and u stepped in with Daim Zainuddin. N we witnessed what happened to Suharto with indonesia.

    But this time u were bit too late lah tun, the damaged already done with the bungling fool PM taking on a debt of 42billion through 1MDB which of course becomes the burden of the nation itself. What will Malaysia lose this time to the Zionists? An arm, a foot? Penang? Putrajaya? Langkawi? This is all because of the Zionists cleverly crept in via an Economic Hitman Jho Low. All with the zionists grand scheme of usury that brought down countries and empires like the Ottoman, countries like greece, iceland and countless of South American and middle east countries.

    If Malaysia is not careful, the country will be sold away to these Zionists.

  108. Tun

    For Imbalance, dont be small minded, TWOG, MNM, yusof12, rocket scientist from Singapore, sexy korma and similar ilk from the Ministry of Information, Singapore.

    Since I presented only half the facts on your Dictator Lee Kuan Yew (1959-2015) on how he conned his way into the University of Cambridge through the lowest rung non-college Fitzwilliam House without Latin or Greek, I now highlight certain facts on his ability to carry on his brilliant ways at the Bar Council Finals organised by the Inns of Courts, London.

    The ultimate examination for a law graduate from any British university is the Bar Council Finals Examinations held twice a year in London. This examination is conducted by legal experts from the Inns of Courts, London like the Middle Temple, Gray’s Inn, Lincoln;s Inn, and Inner Temple. It is impossible for a candidate to FRATERNIZE WITH THE EXAMINERS !To get a First Class at these Bar Finals is well-nigh impossible because of the highest standards maintained in the home of Parliamentary Democracy.

    In the Bar Finals, Mrs Lee Kuan Yew, a brilliant scholar, obtained an Upper Second and placed 3rd in her year which probably had 200 candidates in 1950.

    My wife obtained a Lower Second and was placed 7th out of 700 candidates.

    It is extremely difficult to be placed within the first ten results because all the candidates are very capable.

    Lee Kuan Yew who never mentioned about his Bar Council Finals Examinations result was placed 3rd Class amongst the hoi-polloi.

    This bit of his academic history is never mentioned because even though he attained a Double Star First in Law at the University of Cambridge, his Cantabrigian achievement was an academic one and not a PROFESSIONAL achievement which is of utmost importance in any PROFESSION. Having said that, he could have hung up his Double Star First Law Degree from Cambridge for a life-time and yet he could not have practised Law without a paas in the Bar Council Finals Examinations London conducted by INDEPENDENT LEGAL EXPERTS who are out of reach for FRATERNIZING.

    Imbalance and your ilk who are fond of denigrating others personally WITHOUT FACTS, here is one more unpalatable fact for your digestive systems. I do not HATE ANYONE. I JUST PRESENT THE FACTS. no lies.


  109. Dear Tun,

    TSMY digugurkan hanya kerna pendirian beliau berkenaan isu 1MDB. Sebab tak menyokong PM berkenaan isu satu ini maka beliau dibuang.

    Semalam kami bersedih marah kerana TSMY, DSSA (Shafie Apdal) diperlakukan sedemikian. Hari ini kami tak sedih lagi. Kerana dalam diri ini semakin kuat semangat untuk bangkit membetulkan semua yang sudah tidak betul dek tingkah dan onar yang dibuat oleh DSN.

    Tun, pendapat kami yang tak sepertinya ini – UMNO semakin hanya tinggal nama, gah hanya tinggal pada nama sahaja kini. UMNO dibawah teraju orang yang salah, orang yang bakal membawa UMNO rebah. UMNO bukan lagi menjaga kepentingan bangsa Melayu. Orang UMNO yang teratas pun sudah beri greenlight untuk teroka buat filem lucah. UMNO sudah jadi parti liberal. UMNO sudah jadi parti golongan elit yang angkuh sebab siapa jadi orang besar UMNO boleh kaut untung banyak, pendapatan melimpah ruah. Tetapi orang bukan dalam UMNO? Hidup kami makin susah. Nasib baik juga anak-anak kami didik supaya pandai belajar, berjaya dalam pelajaran. Jangan pikul beban yang serupa keturunan bangsa melayu yang susah.

    Tun, DSN rombak tukar kabinet baharu. Tukar-tukar menteri pegawai sesuka hati hanya kerna mereka yang tahu rahsia perbuatan jahat beliau menipu dan menyapu duit negara. Asyik tukar menteri pegawai- belum sempat pun mereka berkhidmat belum nampak pun hasil yang dijana dari tugas – sudah diganti lagi dengan orang baharu, yang nampaknya boleh buat kerjakah? Kabinet baharu DSN yang asal tangkap muat. Sorry we haveno confidence in this new cabinet. The new members cannot hide their true colours- cakap besar (new DPM & new SKMM minister), yang lain pula dari PAC melompat ke kabinet macam kera dapat botol minyak wangi. Apahal tugas yang dipikul kat PAC? Tinggal saja sebab dapat habuan besar? Nampak sungguh tidak bertanggungjawab.

    Tun, begini keadaannya kami redhalah, sepertimana TSMY dan DSSA redha dibuang dari kabinet dapur DSN. Tetapi Tun, PRU ke 14 akan kami nanti dengan doa dan harapan, semoga perubahan besar akan berlaku untuk keadilan bangsa dan rakyat Malaysia. Kalau PRU waktu itu telus tak tercemar tipu helah, rasuah, kami akan memangkah parti selain BN untuk membawa perubahan kepada negara ini. Sadly yes Tun. Kalau DSN masih teraju negara ini kami terpaksa melakukannya. Walau hati kami tidak akan pernah melupaimu Tun Mahathir.

  110. Salam Tun.

    1. Najib tak peduli UMNO?

    2. Semua Menyeri Kabinet tak peduli UMNO?

    3. Wakil rakyat Umno pun tak peduli Umno?

    4. Wanita, Pemuda dan Puteri Umno tak peduli UMNO?

    5. Bahkan ahli-ahli UMNO pun tak peduli UMNO?


    7. Apa mereka semua peduli.





    12. Peduli apa aku jika UMNO tidak berkerajaan lagi.

    13. Sama-samalah kita tidak PEDULI kepada UMNO.

    Maaf Tun.

  111. Assalam Tun,

    A desperate man does a desperate act.
    But he cant run away from his shadow, which will follow him to the grave he is digging.

  112. Salam Tun

    Yesterday jam 12.41 am, I dpt whatsapp from a friend “dgr major event tmrw tpm to be sacked”. I jawab “nyampah dengan pm”. Semalam pagi I kena pergi outstation, saw the news kat tv masa tengah makan tengahari, berita sedih tapi tak gempaq…hmmm

  113. Salam Tun.

    1. Prime minister’s “prerogative” – drop his deputy

    2. Voters “PREROGATIVE” – drop Najib and UMNO out of Putrajaya
    by voting PAS.


  114. Tun

    Despite all the gloom and doom comments here, there and everywhere, I am of the opinion that as NORMAL Malaysians we will be able to sort out all the Humankind, MAN-MADE OR WOMAN-MADE PROBLEMS afflicting our beloved Malaysia today.

    This present episode of our history is not the end of the World. It is the beginning of a NEW ERA of understanding and co-operation amongst us Malaysians with our undivided loyalty to our Yang Di-Pertuan Agong and the Royal Sultans and our beloved Constitution – the arbiters of a peaceful and harmonious Malaysia.

    All Humankind make mistakes, big and small. In a small country like ours with intelligent and peace-loving peoples from 3 ancient civilizations, it pays to ponder and sort our this unnecessary MONEY MONEY MONEY GLC problem which we took in hook, line and sinker from the now proven Dictator Lee Kuan Yew (1959-2015) Singapore with his self-created Political System of Godless Ultra Communistic Political and Social beliefs which was imposed on the citizens by his Apparatchiks aka Meritocrats.

    As I had warned many times, we Malaysians should do our own thing and not ape small-timers like this small Dictator. If we want to emulate, let us emulate solid examples of freedom and democracy like Switzerland and Japan, the closest paragons of civil behaviour to us. The former had over 800 years of experience whilst the latter, 3,000 years !

    OK. All this MONEY MONEY MONEY involves only paper MONEY MONEY MONEY which we could recover in time through economic activities and move on. As I said before, 50 years ago, a few thousand ringgits would create a scandal. In 2015, it took many billions of ringgits to wake us up like Rip Van Winkle. So be it.

    It is only MONEY MONEY MONEY which can be printed and dished out. No big deal.

    IT IS OUR POLITICAL AND SOCIO-ECONOMIC WELL-BEING AS PRACTISED UNDER OUR UNIQUE FREE MALAYSIAN STYLE DEMOCRACY WITH ITS CAPITALIST CHARACERISTICS AND MALAY BIAS which is utterly important to guide us and for us to listen to our WISE LEADERS. As I said before our loyalty and devotion must be towards the Yang Di Pertuan Agong and the Royal Sultans, and our beloved Constitution which safeguards Islam and the other religions as well. And with all these, the virtues of NORMAL human behaviour like ethics, propriety, filial piety, etc become the NORM again. And of course, our undying safeguard of our SOVEREIGNTY, NATIONAL INTEREST, SELF-ESTEEM which our distinguished and honourable Prime Ministers of past and present had in their minds and actions.

    We must realize we are citizens of a unique country, a unique Nation in a unique Political and Geographical location with much natural resources- THE DEEP ENVY OF SOME TROUBLEMAKERS AND OUTSIDERS. Hence, we must be cautious in our internal dealings with one another that we do not fall prey exactly to the very desire of these recalcitrants who have none of our beloved Malaysia at heart. Beware of Greeks or abang adeks bearing gifts !

    OK again ! The conundrum is only about MONEY MONEY MONEY. An abstract piece of paper which used to be as big as a bullock cart wheel made of stone in the Stone Age. Let us sort this stupid Singaporean GLC thing amongst ourselves and see the light of progress out of this tunnel which we can either make it very long or very short. Let the hot dust settle and all of us be reasonable about mistakes being made or already made or did not make. Be forgiving and move on.


    I must apologise for saying all these as I am a born optimist like our beloved Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad, a Great Statesman of the World who is definitely not a CROOK OR A CONMAN OR A DICTATOR. He is our HERO.


  115. Assalamualaikum Tun
    Assalamualaikum warga chedet.

    Apa la nak jadi ngan kerajaan skarang ni Tun..?

    Suka-suka je beliau sorang tu porak perandakan Sistem yg ada kat Malaysia ni..

    Beliau lebih takut akan bini dan orang2 belakang tabir instead dari takut kepada Allah..

    Sejarah Tanah Melayu seringkali berulang sejak berabad lalu.. Pemimpin tak pernah nak belajar dari sejarah. . Orang yg bijak akan selalu di pijak. .

    Orang bodoh dan tamak akan selalu menjual maruah demi kekayaan dan pangkat..Pemimpin pulak akan lupa diri ngan kemewahan dan perempuan.

    Itulah punca kejatuhan empayar kesultanan melayu melaka..

    Dan zaman ini,era ini… mereka yg duk diatas nak cuba ulangi kesilapan yang sama.. Dan meletakkan negara dalam ambang kejatuhan..

    Dulu zaman Tun ramai orang luar nak jatuhkan Malaysia.. Tapi zaman ni, pemimpin sendiri yang serang ekonomi dan kesejahteraan negara..

    Harap Tun buat sesuatu.. kami rakyat tak sebijak dan sekuat pasukan Tun. Kami rakyat hanya boleh buat apa yg termampu. Tapi yang pasti.. tiada lagi Undi utk UMNO dan Barisan Nasional..
    Kami jijik tengok orang2 tamak dan baghal dalam parti tu..

    Sekian luahan saya..
    T.kasih Tun

  116. as salam Joetamchi…i loike ur comment!!!

    “Rosmah : Abg, nak gi mana tu?
    Najib : Nak kluar jap tukar kabinet.
    Rosmah : Yeayy..Mah nak suma kayu tau..
    Najib : Jgn isaw, abg tuka suma memang kayu!!”


  117. Assalamualaikum Tun,

    I don’t understand why:

    1. The proponent of exposing the 1MDB wrongdoings were sacked.
    2. Public Accounts committee(PAC) chiefs and members accepted their appointment as deputy ministers while high profile case with national interests is hot in their hands.
    3. 1MDB probe is being halted.
    4. AG has been removed on the same day as the new cabinet is announced, 1MDB probe being halted and PAC chief and members becoming deputy ministers.

    By the way, congratulations to all newly elected ministers. Daulat Tuanku for the blessings.

  118. Salam Tun,

    Nampaknya Najib dah terdesak sangat dah sekarang. Dia dah tak tahu malu dah. Pada pendapat saya, apa yang Najib dan anjing-anjing dia buat sekarang ni ialah mengubah jalan cerita hilangnya duit 1MDB dari fakta sebenar berdasarkan apa yang SR dan The Edge bentangkan. Sebab tu dia tak berani nak bercakap sebab ceritanya dalam pembikinan.

    Manusia yang jujur, tak perlu ambil masa begitu lama dan buang mana-mana menteri untuk beri penerangan. Orang yang bercakap benar jawapannya tetap sama. Tapi penipu ni jawapan dia berubah-ubah.

    Konon kerah Audit Syarikat bawah diri sendiri. Lepas tu pilih barisan juru audit tali barut sendiri. Lepas fakta diseleweng upah jadi menteri. Hai… BEBAS nya PAC ni buat audit. Saya cadangkan Najib edarkan borang banci pada menteri-menteri dalam BN untuk tengok siapa yang masih sokong dan siapa yang tidak. Yang tak sokong tu boleh buang dan digantikan dengan mana-mana anjing. Baru nampak mantap kat Parlimen.

    Kalau macam ni lah gayaya … kita sambut jer lah Hari Kemerdekaan bila Najib bukan lagi PM. Baru betul-betul rasa merdeka.

    Tak sabarnya nak tengok pemilihan UMNO akan datang…

  119. selamat pagi Tun,

    only 1 i ask from TUN, please make Najib stand out from PM position.
    he truly think about himself and don’t want to step out from the PM position.
    find a true leader for malaysian. we want merdeka,bukan kemunduran.
    it’s good if rosmah also can step out from politic business.

    thank you Tun.

  120. Salam Tun.


    The battle lines are drawn.

    and please fought the WAR.


  121. Assalamualaikum Tun DM dan semua pejuang UMNO,

    Ketika ini tiada lagi pantun, madah, shair atau sindiran yang perlu kita lakukan……

    hanyalah satu tindakan yang tepat dan berkesan untuk menentukan UMNO tidak berkubur sperti UMNO asal dulu.

    kita semua telah lalui saat getir bila mahkamah kata UMNO asal telah berkubur.

    lakukan lah sesuatu wahai pejuag UMNO demi Malaysia yang tercinta sebelum nasi menjadi bubur….Allah hu Akbar!!

  122. Assalam Tun,

    1.Sudah tertulis kesemuanya perjalanan sesebuah negara ada yang baik dan ada yang cela.Tapi Yang Maha esa tidak akan mengubah keadaan selain kita selaku rakyat itu sendiri.

    2.Isu itu dan ini yang melibatkan PM hingga ada yg mendesak PM melepaskan jawatan tetapi berlaku sebaliknya.

    3.Rakyat dalam kerajaan mana yang tidak sayangkan Perdana Menteri ?..Tapi rakyat juga takut dan gusar sekiranya kebenaran itu ada.

    4.Namun sebagai rakyat biasa yang hanya mengikuti segala perkembangan tidak seperti orang buta dan tuli malah semakin matang menilai.

    5.Adakah kerajaan yang bermasalah?. Adakah parti yang bermasalah? Adakah orang kanan dan dalaman yang menyuarakan kebimbangan bermasalah? Atau ibarat yang kuat pasti memelihara yang tahu tapi berpura pura asalkan kedudukan terpelihara? ” Tak apalah…janji jawatan terjaga ok lahh…”

    6.Andainya Benar dan ada kesalahan isu yang dibangkitkan, Kerajaan,Parti dan Umno sendiri pasti Hilang kepercayaan hingga ditelan zaman entah sampai bila..Jika terbukti isu yang dibangkitkan terbukti sebaliknya..kerajaan yang dipimpin masa kini lebih di sanjung lagi..itu kalau..!!

    Moga kerajaan yang dibentuk telus.sebagai rakyat mengharap kehidupan lebih baik bukan ditekan dan tertekan.

    Kasihilah rakyat..buktikan lah pemimpin berjiwa rakyat.


  123. Salam SatuMDB!

    Saya rasa susah untuk Tun komen tentang pemecatan menteri kabinet Najib ni. Atau mungkin memang Tun yang provoke Najib kot?

    Kalau dah macam-macam cara masalah tak selesai jugak, saya cadangkan supaya kita cari seorang isteri baru yang muda dalam lingkungan 23 tahun, yang ada degree in Accounting & Finance, yang cantik tak perlu cucuk-cucuk botox, kulit putih melepak serta gebu, body dan bibir yang seksi macam J Lo (tapi bukan Jho Low Yat OK!), tinggi lampai, kurus slim, solehah, lemah lembut, pandai memasak serta melayan suami serta pandai dandan rambut sendiri dan pakai kasut sendiri.

    Kelemahan Najib ialah pada perempuan. Nanti mesti Najib lebih dengar cakap isteri muda dia daripada cakap Rosmah.

  124. Assalam o Alaikum,
    Sir, I am from Pakistan and biggest fan of you and I firmly believe that the leader of your class should not bound himself to a region rather they should lead the nations.

  125. As slm YAB Tun,

    Makin hari makin pelik tindak tanduk najib sekarang.makin menjadi jadi pulak.gila kuasa tak payah cakap la 1malaysia tahu.macam cacing kepanasan saja sekarang.

    Saya rasa najib ni tak boleh ditegur lah.mungkin setelah beliau jadi PM,beliau rasa beliau rasa dirinya tersangat la hebat konon nya.jenis syok sendiri biasalah kan.mana tahu mengalah.dia saja yang betul.nampak sangat ketaksedaran diri beliau dan tak tahu malu.sanggup lakukan apa sahaja demi kuasa,disamping isteri tercinta yang ntah macam cl*k* saya tengok.

    Tahniah kepada penjilat2 dsn.anda berjaya jugak membodek sehingga mendapat haan yang di impikan walaupun kadangkala petikan2 bodoh saja yang ingat,Allah tu maha adil.

    Alhamdulillah buat Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin dan Datuk Shafie Afpdal..anda lah Pendengar Denyut Nadi rakyat yang sebenar.kami sedar anda ikhlas perjuangkan hak rakyat demi agama,bangsa dan negara tercinta ini.terharu atas pengorbanan Tun,TSMY,DSA etc.

    Rakyat tak bodoh Dsn..!! Satu saat anda pasti akan tersungkur.bukan lama mana dahh. .kaut la dulu puas2.zalimi lah kami.ugut lah kami dengan undang undang rekaan kamu demi kepentingan peribadi anak dan bini.

    Dunia itu bulat Dsn.hhahahahaa

    Moga Tun sekeluarga dilindungi Allah selalu.
    Syg kami pada Tun kerana Allah.bkn kerana duit pangkat atau jawatan.


  126. salam tun,
    nampaknya tarihk Umno/BN memerintah ada nombor.
    tak lama lagi Umno/BN takkan nampak lagi da undi rosak pada pru 14 nanti.
    sebaliknya umno/BN akan nampak rakyat akan menolak Umno/BN.
    Kami rakyat biasa saja,kerja gaji pun tak tinggi tapi tetap sokong Umno/BN.
    Tapi sejak kebelangkangan ni sejak Dato seri najib memerintah.Saya duk tengok kerajaan ni boros berbelanja.Dah la tu kerajaan buat urus niaga pun semua bayar lebih langsung tak da tawar-menawar.Lama da dengar pasal ni sebelum 1mdb lagi.
    Kerajaan di bawah kepimpinan DS Najib janji saja manis,cakap punya indah tapi ada tak yg dijanjikan tercapai? cakap terus terang kami tak nampak pun.Tak cukup dengan tu DS Najib bagi la BRIM(Bribe ME) fuh kaya sungguh kerajaan ni.Tak pa la dah PM DS najib yg selaku menteri kewangan kata ekonomi bagus.
    selogan DS Najib rakyat didahulukan,percapaian diutamakan.
    Fuh indah sungguh slogan…
    Tertiba je muncul GST siap dengan 6% pulak tu.
    Kerajaan di bawah kepimpinan DS Najib dan menteri2nya kata tak laksanakan GST malaysia boleh bankrap.Malaysia perlu berhutang untuk memajukan negara.Maju? korang semua nampak malaysia maju tak?kami tak nampak pun.
    Sebaliknya menteri2 di bawah kepimpinan DS Najib duk promote la GST.Harga barang dikatakan murah dan GST baik untuk ekonomi negara.kata menteri la.
    Fuh tapi yg hebatnya laksana GST gaji menteri terus naik.
    Padan la menteri kata GST bagus.
    Kami rakyat ni rakyat biasa je kami tengok depan mata harga barang turun? makin naik lagi ada la.Bil elektrik,telefon,air semua naik.
    Kami rakyat kena bayar lebih.Kuasa beli kami rakyat semakin berkurangan.Kami rakyat dicukai hari2.
    Apa guna kerajaan DS Najib bagi BRIM(Bride ME).BRIM terima setahun sekali je rakyat dicukai hari2.
    Bagi golongan orang kaya tak pa la.Bagi golongan orang miskin camana?
    GST target sampai ketegori orang miskin yg papa kedana.Diorang pun nak kena cukai ke? ni kerajaan apa? Mana perdana menteri yg sepatutnya bela rakyat? oh lupa pulak PM pun menteri kewangan.
    Kami rakyat duk hairan apasal la kerajaan DS Najib dan menteri2nya beria-ia nak melaksanakan GST.
    Kaji punya kaji la pasal GST ni fuh muncul pasal 1mdb.
    1mdb syarikat dibawah naungan kerajaan malaysia.1mdb ciptaan DS Najib menteri kewangan yang juga perdana menteri malaysia.1mdb yg dikatakan pemancu ekonomi negara tapi berniaga atas hutang.42 billion lesap? duit rakyat lesap macam tu je?
    Padan la kami rakyat duk bingung apasal kerajaan melaksanakan GST rupa2nya nak bayar hutang 1mdb.Rasuah berleluasa di bawah kepimpinan DS Najib.Cash is King.Tv,Surat khabar pun jadi propanganda da.Propanganda kerajaan di bawah DS Najib.Kami rakyat tak percaya da kat surat khabar,berita tv tempatan malaysia.
    Kerajaan malaysia duk bandingkan malaysia dengan indonesia.Tapi tak berani bandingkan dengan singapura.Sebab singapura maju kedepan dah malaysia dah ketinggalan kebelakang.
    Kami rakyat tengok Umno/BN tak relevan da.Cakap indah memperjuanglan bangsa,agama dan negara.Last2 makan duit bangsa sendiri.MARA..









  128. Dalam Kabinet kayu…
    Ada sayur kangkong…
    Hancur Tanah Melayu…
    Akibat menteri tongong..!


    Malaysia Terumbang, Maruah Terlambong


  129. Assalammualaikum Tun,

    Berita yang dikeluarkan hari ini,
    menyentuh serba sedikit perasaan saya dan saya percaya bukan sahaja saya tetapi hampir keseluruhan rakyat Malaysia.

    Kami mohon pendapat Tun diatas isu pemecatan Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin.

    We believe and trust in your opinion dear Tun.

    #Proud to have your name.
    #Thanks to my parents that admire you Tun.

  130. Salam Tun
    Berapa lama lagi kita kena tahan dgn semua ini?Bukankah org2 dari parti yg Tun banggakan ini yang sedang buat semua ini?Apakah tiada Raja dalam negara ini?Kalau ada,kenapa benarkan semua ini berlaku??Bila dan di mana kesudahannya??

    Si najib dah buat sesuka hati tanpa peduli kan orang lain.Yang lebih menyedihkan,dia tak habis2 guna nama rakyat untuk menghalalkan semua perbuatan dan tindakkan dia!!Untuk sekali Tun,sila jawab dan beri kami panduan apa yang harus dilakukan!!Apakah mahkamah antara bangsa tidak boleh membantu kita dari di jajah sebegini rupa?!Sekarang saya rasa lebih elok kita di jajah orang asing dari berada di bawah seorang diktator yang melakukan jenayah terhadap kita secara terbuka.

    Kita tidak boleh hanya bercakap kosong seperti ini tanpa ada penyelesaian.Tun ada pengaruh dan kenalan.Tolonglah gunakannya untuk membantu kami.Saya dah benar2 kesempitan wang.Nak beli apapun untuk anak,semuanya ada GST.Segala galanya mahal.Nak ambil duit dari EPF pun macam2 alasan dia orang.Kami sekeluarga dah terduduk ni.

    Kereta sayapun dicuri.Jenayah bermaharajalela.Cikgu sekolah tak habis2 minta duit.Nak kerja lebih,tak dapat sebab tak ada orang nak bagi kerja kat saya yang dah tua.Makin lama makin teruk sebab duit simpanan dah nak habis.Anak2 saya nak buang mana Tun?

    Walaupun saya dari keluarga susah,tak biasa keadaan saya begini teruk! Tak lama lagi ramai akan berada dalam situasi saya.Masa tu,jenayah akan berlaku secara terbuka.Anak2 kami nak jalanpun susah.Takkan nak tunggu sampai tu?Tak bolehkah kita ganti tentera untuk ambil alih sebagai penguat kuasa?

    Kepada Tun,Kepada Agung,Kepada tentera,Kepada Allah,saya minta…TOLONGLAH KAMI!!!

  131. Dear Tun,

    DSN’s cabinet reshuffle only points the gun at himself.

    The four PAC member’s appointment in new cabinet is a clear case of bribery! Shameless bribery for shameless people!

    DSN’s government is a mockery to civilization. His government has become a government for the uncivilized.

    YDP Agong has become innocent victim of DSN. DSN uses the monarch for his own gain to save his skin.

    TSMY is better off now that his hands are freed from DSN’s choking grip.

    TSMY must be brave to torch the light for Malaysia, for what is left of UMNO and BN!

    We are all still speechless for what DSN has done today.

    TSMY must help Malaysia. Free us from the wolves wearing sheep clothes.

    Today is a sad day for us. The country has become a bloody mess.

    Thank you Tun Mahathir. Help us Tun.

  132. Tun

    Imbalance. You LOST in your personal allegations against me and in your defence of the CONMAN and DICTATOR LEE KUAN YEW (1959-2015) without presenting an iota or shred of solid evidence. You just blah, blah, blah like a small kid who wanted to win badly.

    You an aged retiree should be ashamed of yourself that you put it upon yourself to be personal and crude just like the Opposition sub-continent thugs I used to joust with many moons ago.

    You have become the riff-raff representing a CONMAN and DICTATOR LEE KUAN YEW (1959-2015) who brainwashed you for life. You just ad-libbed what you swallowed hook line and sinker without thought.

    I am exceedingly happy. Why should I be jealous of a CONMAN AND DICTATOR who enslaved the citizens and diddled our beloved Malaysia throughout his lifetime. By his actions, he made himself a dishonourable graduate of the University of Cambridge. He did it, not me.

    Here is some home truths for you, confused and irrational IMBALANCE.


    IMBALANCE you are not fit to talk on anything concerning your CONMAN, HERO AND DICTATOR (1959-2015) as you know peanuts about him.

    And as for your allegation that I am full of hatred for your CONMAN, HERO AND DICTATOR LEE KUAN YEW (1959-2015), please do not make me laugh that you are so confused when you read my comments WHICH NEVER INSULT, ACCUSE OR BE PERSONAL WITH ANYONE. I always present the FACTS. I have no hatred in my heart against anybody including you, confused IMBALANCE.

    I am sorry that your hero the CONMAN DICTATOR LEE KUAN YEW cannot be described as great anymore because of his many failings.

    I now present the FACT that you are an ignoramus on the subject of your CONMAN, HERO, DICTATOR (1959-2015) LEE KUAN YEW.

    Just a thought for you. If this fellow is so good, why the United Nations did not laud him to show to the World how to administer a country ? Use your right head, IMBALANCE !


  133. Kami semua tak suka zahid hamidi dan salleh kruak. Kami akan pangkah selain umno akan datang selamat tinggal umno…

    Semua kerana najib, zahid hamidi dan salleh keruak…

  134. Yang si Rafizi ni kurang cerdik lak. Hang jangan KO kan dia sekarang. Let the status quo and let him live in his delusional state for a short while until the voters crash n burn them all.

  135. Dia nak tutup salah dia la tu. Plain for all to see. Bila plain for all to see, election nanti KO ler. As simple as that. Itu pun tak boleh pikiak ke. Kalau hang semua tak nak KO nanti, hang KO kan dia sekarang. Bodoh betul puak2 ni.

  136. Rosmah : Abg, nak gi mana tu?
    Najib : Nak kluar jap tukar kabinet.
    Rosmah : Yeayy..Mah nak suma kayu tau..
    Najib : Jgn isaw, abg tuka suma memang kayu!!

  137. Assalamualaikum Tun,

    Berita terbaru berkenaan pemecatan Muhyiddin dan Shafie Apdal dari barisan menteri kabinet.

    Pada sayalah, pemecatan mereka berdua bukanlah sesuatu yang perlu disedihkan. Sememangnya ianya adalah hak Perdana Menteri untuk melantik menteri kabinetnya. Biarlah Najib dengan menteri kabinetnya.

    Bagi saya, pemecatan tersebut adalah satu ‘badge of honor’ bagi mereka berdua. Ianya satu pengorbanan pemimpin demi menegakkan kebenaran bagi pihak rakyat.

    Saya harap mereka tidak patah asa. Di dalam perjuangan, ada kala kita di atas, ada kala kita di bawah.

    Pada saya, yang penting jawatan dalam parti bukan jawatan menteri kabinet. Saya rasa ada rahmat di sebalik tersingkirnya Muhyiddin dan Shafie.

    Dengan adanya jawatan parti, dan tidak lagi menjadi menteri kabinet Najib, Muhyiddin dan Shafie kini lebih bebas bersuara dengan lantang menegakan kebenaran bagi rakyat.

    Kalau dahulu ahli-ahli UMNO semua terpaksa menyokong Najib kerana semua pemimpin tertinggi UMNO sokong Najib, sekarang ahli UMNO terutama yang tidak bersetuju dengan Najib sudah ada pilihan untuk memilih pemimpin lain yang tidak sehaluan dengan Najib.

    Najib telah menambahkan lagi bilangan pengkritik beliau. Alhamdulillah.

  138. Assalamualaikum.


    1. Pemecatan TSMY sudah boleh diramal setelah ada ura-ura Najib mahu buat rombakan kabinetnya.

    2. Saya percaya ada hikmah untuk rakyat dan TSMY disebalik pemecatan Datuk Shafie Afdal dan Peguam Negara GHani Patail.

    3. Pemecatan peguam negara ada sesuatu tak kena kerana disebalik siasatan 1MDB Ghani Patail digugurkan, manakala seorang lagi penyiasat dalam kes 1MDB iaitu Nur Jazlan pula dilantik sebagai senator? Mungkinkah seorang memihak kepada Najib dinaik pangkat sebagai senator, dan yang tidak memihak kepada Najib diturunkan sebagai peguam negara.

    4. Ada baiknya kerana Ghani Patail tahu banyak kes berkaitan dengan Najib seperti kes Altantuya dan 1MDB.

    5. Bagusnya TSMY dan Datuk Shafie Afdal dipecat, bolehlah kedua-duanya mencatur peluang bertanding presiden UMNO dan Timbalan presiden UMNO selepas ini.

    6. Yang pasti kesan tindakan Najib kali ini akan mengundang tindakan lebih berani masej ahli UMNO terhadap ketidakpuasan hati mereka terhadap Najib. Sebelum ini mereka takut-takut tetapi selepas ini sudah pasti sebaliknya. Tungguuuuuu.

    Sekian Tun.

  139. Tun

    I found it unbelievable that the following screaming headlines appeared altogether in one day which was yesterday – 5 years after the ultra secret negotiations began.

    The Star, Monday 27 July 2015. ” HIGH PRICE FOR DRUGS IF TPPA SIGENED.”

    The Star, Monday 27 July 2015. ” TPP’s SECRECY FUELS WORRIES.”

    NSTP Monday 27 July 2015. ” TPP’s FINAL DASH TO FINISHING LINE.”


    First, let the above screaming headlines be self-explanatory.



  140. Malaysian pls learn how to speak lies,example has given for speak the truth.anything also Tun,TSMY my support always There need to take Some action sir.truth never dare to speak the truth.not lies.

  141. Perang Perang ku sangkakan tempur…?
    Kisah rambut yg ingin di nyata..!
    Si rambut putih, dah mula mencatur..!!
    Utk menutup masalah negara..!

    Rompak rompak ku sangka jenayah..?
    Harta Malaysia hancur ditarah..
    Rombak kabinet, tanSri dibalah…?
    Najib berkuasa..?
    Dia aje betul…! Yg lain semua salah..?????

    Betul.! Salah.! Salah.! Betul.!

    Ada seketol…..

    Benar.! Benar.! Alhamdulillah
    Salah.! Salah.! MasyaAllah
    …….Allah Maha Benar…….

    ………Daulat Tuanku…….

  142. Hope Tun understand Now 1mdb cash,Petronas fund All when where and the reason of TPPA going underground All cause of mh370?hope police dont catch me Now after this post sir.can anyone offer me a job i almost lost everything including my house cause of mh370?

  143. Tun

    For dont be small minded. Please take note that within 15 years if our beloved Malaysia does not signe the Singapore poisoned chalice for Malaysia, the TPPA which was inspired, designed, created and promoted by Singapore, your beloved Singapore will :-

    1. Merge as the 53rd State of the Union of the United States of America.

    2. Become a British Colony again.

    3. Re-merge with Malaysia

    4. Remain status quo with the highest cost of living in the World and a humongous military with Lend Lease hardware manned by foreign mercenaries.

    The reason is because the Dictator created the Godless Ultra Communistic Political and Social System imposed on the citizens by his Apparatchiks aka Meritocrats. With his departure, this System has or will collapse like those of Hitler, Mussolini, Franco, Stalin, Mao, Tito etc who were World Class Dictators and not a self-promoted one in a tiny isle the size of Lake Geneva, Switzerland !

    Already within 3 months of his departure, an additional 2,000 pigs were peermitted to be imported from Sarawak after a ban since 1997 ! It is not corruption. It is the rule of the law.

    MALAYSIA BOLEH ! MALAYS BOLEH ! MALAYSIANS BOLEH ! As long as we treat these troublemakers as jokers, we Malaysians will prevail as history finally shows !

  144. Dear Tun and All,

    Look at what happen today!! DSN n PMO are in such a mess. Yesterday PMO said let the Authority time to do their investigation. Today they sack and removed those who they think threatening to DSN position.

    I believe this blog will soon too be block and all of us who gave negative comments will also be his targets. He is acting too ridiculous, he thinks he is above all, being PM is elected to serve this Country, not use this Country for his personal wealth. This is a Country, this land does not belong to DSN. This Country this land belongs to Sultans, the King and all Rakyat. You think you really are the ONE, your wife really are 1st Lady? They have been over abused the power for years !!

    Worried Malaysian

  145. Tun,

    Deputy PM replaced. If Malaysia is truly Asia, I am very sure Japan, Singapore and China want no part in being part of Asia.

    Malaysia’s true colours finally show their light.

  146. Tun

    For Dont Be Small Minded. So you have emerged from the Ministry of Information, Singapore. I thought you have disappeared for good. Where are your fellow travellers MNM, yusof12, rocketscientist from Singapore, sexykorma, TWOG etc.

    What is so good about Singapore which you sing praises about ?

    Your hero and late Dictator Lee Kuan Yew (1959-2015) is not only a CONMAN but a FAKE, grabbing power to maintain his hold on the cituzens for 56 years without a blush ! What sort of Cambridge graduate with TWO DOUBLE FIRSTS IN LAW WAS HE ?

    He forgot the important and eternal principles of the FREE DEMOCRATIC WORLD which the venerable Cambridge University represents i.e. FREEDOM OF SPEECH, FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION, FREEDOM OF THOUGHT. He abetted with the West to enslave the citizens for 56 years without remorse and did business with the Devils as well.

    No wonder you are small minded, don’t be small minded. You have to be personal in order to brainwash the filthy dirt which was accumulated down in squeaky clean Singapore for over 56 years. You will not succeed because the 40 Failed Policies of the Dictator Lee Kuan Yew (1959-2015) are in print all over Singapore and the World.


    You talk about the brilliant minds at work in Singapore. Where are they, the real Singaporeans ? What nonsense you talk about ? Your PAP Government White Paper on Population 2011 admitted that there are 3.2 Millions indigenous Singaporeans, 1.2 Millions FTs and 900,000 Permanent Residents who each family paid S$ 1.3 Millions to stay. Without the foreigners, DONT BE SMALL MINDED, where is Singapore and her GDP ? You may talk to the US Marines.

    And in 2013, after the dysfunctional brilliant elite with the smartest fellow on top lost US$ 108 Billions (RM 420 Billions) on Wall Street in October 2008, two Senior Ministers announced that in future, applicants for jobs and promotions will not only be considered on their academic merits but also on their hidden talents. SINGAPORE MERITOCRACY KAPUT, DONT BE SMALL MINDED, SMALL MINDED !

    Do you know how many Singaporeans live quietly in Malaysia, dont be small minded to get away from the suffocating air in police State, Singapore ? I am not telling. At least I know , 300,000 supporters of the Dictator emigrated during his Dictatorship.



    dont be small minded, dont tell me your Singapore fiction anymore. IT DOES NOT JIVE IN 21ST CENTURY MALAYSIA. PLEASE GO HOME TO SINGAPORE WHERE YOU COME FROM.

    If you long for your CONMAN AND DICTATOR LEE KUAN YEW (1959-2015), go and read all his arrogant and small minded speeches made during 1959-2015. His speeches did not come up to the Cambridge Standard which should befit him as a once brilliant scholar. He sounded like an ordinary Singapore Thug, dont be small minded !


  147. Tun,

    Cabinet reshuffle is outrageous . You have contributed to Malaysia’s success in the past. Please do Malaysia one last favor to set back on its course . Please do something Tun, I’m extremely sad, embarrassed and disheartened by the current state of Malaysia.

    Thank you.

  148. mubarakchan Jul 28,2015 1:13 PM

    There you go again TEMPER TEMPER, GUILT GUILT, ALWAYS RIGHT and MUST WIN. Your ego must be as big as the Sun. I may be imbalance but i have LOVE in my heart for others.
    Did I use funny names on you or say that you are delusional?
    Your hatred and jealousy of LKY is so intense until you become in/sub-human. I strongly suggest that you meditate to reduce or remove those emotions before it is too late. LKY is dead and he is free of physical and mental suffering while you are not. Forgiving is for ourselves not for others.

    Anyway thanks for your great reply and love reading your comments.
    Sayang MC more ++++++++ less —-
    MC boleh! Malaysia tidak boleh
    Joking, laughing and being happy is MC way

  149. Salam YAB dan Yang DiKasihi Tun,

    1. Tan Sri Muhyiddin (TSMY) sudah digugurkan dari jawatan TPM. Ini sudah dijangka; DS Shafie Apdal juga disingkir. Salleh Said Keruak (pembodek tegar PM) dilantik jadi Menteri (upah lumayan…).

    2. Namun perlu diingat, TSMY masih lagi Timbalan Presiden UMNO.

    3. TSMY kena kuatkan semangat dan pada PAU akan datang (jika DSN masih lagi PM), sila cabar beliau.

    4. Nampaknya, sesiapa yang mengkritik kepimpinan dan kelemahan DSN berhadapan dengan risiko dipecat dan disingkir. Inilah demokrasi ciptaan DSN @ Ah Jib Gor.

    5. TS Gani Patail (AG) pula dengan tidak semena-mena dipecat serta-merta. Adakah ianya berkaitan dengan skandal 1MDB yang beliau kendalikan yang ternampak tidak memihak DSN?

    6. Apapun yang pasti, lambat laun DSN akan tersingkir juga, dan ’platform’ yang paling tidak boleh dielak ialah pada PRU-14.

    7. Malang bagi DSN kami rakyat Malaysia yang juga pengundi tidak boleh dipecat sebagai pengundi oleh beliau walaupun beliau PM, tapi kami (rakyat) boleh pecat/singkir beliau pada PRU nanti.

    8. Dan saya doakan DSN akan dihadapkan ke muka pengadilan di atas segala pengkhianatan yang beliau lakukan kepada bangsa Melayu/ Bumiputra /Islam /UMNO /BN khususnya, dan rakyat Malaysia amnya.

    Terima kasih Tun.

    *** Semoga Allah S.W.T. sentiasa melindungi Tun sekeluarga. ***

  150. Assallammualaikum Tun.
    Mohon ruangan.

    NAJIB MEMANG CARI MAUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    Tun ada banyak resources dan pengaruh yang kuat.


    KURANG AJAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Minta maaf Tun.
    Terima kasih..

  151. Dear Tun,

    Latest update from The Scribe Datuk A. Kadir Jasin DSN has replaced TSMY with Ahmad Zahid Hamidi DAZH as DPM.

    DSN kini full swing tibai habis demi mempertahankan sustenance serta survival beliau. Apa nak jadi, jadilah!

    Help us Tun. Help us Allah.

  152. Dear Tun,

    Look who’s actually conspiring – with all his might and till death do us part. The sun of a gun has eliminated one by one the people who are in his way. Block SR, suspend Edge, now replaced the A-G prematurely even though his full term is due in Oct. What comes after this is most probably the sacking of TSMY and a few other cabinet ministers. This morning DSN has met YDP Agong – to present his new list of reshuffled cabinet? After this would you be the iron fist’s next victim Tun?

    Tun, I feel sad and demoralized how such things could be happening in front of our very eyes in this country we so dearly love. How could one goddamned predator armed only with a few goddamned no shame army tools be so goddamned powerful? Total abuse of power and corruption sown in their souls. Even God in unable to help them. But will God also let us suffer from the paralyzing grip of this predator when all we seek is His grace to free us and let us live the peaceful life we used to live before 2004?

    Take good care Tun Dr. Mahathir.

  153. Mubarakchan,
    By repeating other’s `failed’ policies, does that make one feel better? Those `failed’ polices have brought a `one-street town’ to where they are now : S$1 = RM2.81. World ranking in airport, airline, seaport, financial centre, banking system, education and people development, universities ranking, healthcare, success in anti-corruption. Low crime rate.
    They must have done something right to achieve these outcomes, right? Why can’t we be open minded to recognise that? Is it so difficult to realise our own shortcomings? Did they force us to setup GLC?
    The well-trained and brightest mind in this region will allow themselves to be dictated by a dictator? All these `suffering’ Singapore `digit’ would have flee long ago if it is such a terrible place. The truth and facts speak for themselves and there is really not productive for Malaysia to keep on accusing others for our own shortcoming: lack of a credible leadership – A leadership that can bring positive outcomes for the country.

  154. Tun

    For IMBALANCE. I am sorry to note your mind is totally confused on whatever you have written on this distinguished Blog.

    I am against any GLC owned by any Democratic Government in the World.
    Only the Communist States and the failed Republic of Singapore have GLCs.

    You agree IMBALANCE that only a Communist Government owns business enterprises and has central planning. This was PRECISELY WHAT THE WORLD’S GREATEST CONMAN THE LATE DICTATOR LEE KUAN YEW (1959-2015) did.

    Therefore on what principle does our beloved Malaysia which has a Free Malaysian Style Democracy with Capitalist Characteristics and Malay Bias, has the right to establish these 100 GLCs if it was not a CONSPIRACY by a few individuals without the knowledge of the whole country ?

    In your spiel, you rambled confusedly that I should have taken this action or that action as a Civil Servant. I WAS NEVER A CIVIL SERVANT EXCEPT FOR A SHORT SPELL OF 12 MONTHS WHEN I WAS PAID RM 401 a month !

    If you do not know a person, please do not open your mouth. It is embarassing to listen to nonsense or rubbish.


  155. Tun

    For IMBALANCE. I remember I called you IMBALNCE many moons ago when you became personal and mentally imbalanced. Please do not waste your precious time as a retiree trying to make up for all the horrible faults of your hero the late Dictator Lee Kuan Yew (1959-2015)- a SUBJECT IN WHICH YOU KNOW NOTHING !

    When you could not present a single iota or shred of fact to bolster your hero worship, you lean on the fact that you are also a TDM supporter. You are just a TYPICAL FENCE SEATER.

    I have no quarrel with you because it is a waste of time trying to undo brainwashed hardened bloodvessels in your brain.

    If you want to argue and be personal, do not accuse me of being DELUSIONAL WHEN YOU ARE THE PERFECT SUBJECT OF A DELUSIONED PERSON COMPLETELY DELUDED BY THE GREATEST CON-MAN FROM THE UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE WHO WAS THE DICTATOR LEE KUAN YEW (1959-2015). Why you fight so hard for him, even though he paid you nothing and did not know you from Adam ?



  156. Kami menyokong100% kenyataan Muhyiddin Yassin, semuga allah memberi semangat dan memberkati beliau.
    Tidak seperti shahril samad tua tu yang tiada apa apa sumbangan pada bangsa johor.
    Tidak seperti salleh keruak pengampu dan pembodek tegar seangkatan dengan zahid hamidi. Hishammuddin lembik auw auw. Si tua perlis sahidan kassim, nazri aziz dan lain lain yang sekutu dengan pembodek.
    Semuga Muhyidin akan menjadi PM kami doakan…semuga pembodek2 cepat cepat di berikan balasan di dunia ini…

  157. mubarakchan

    It is very funny how a Clear or Delusional mind works. I only ask a simple question what, how 1MDB is connected to LKY/Singapore fail policies. The reply i get is I am a LKY admirer and the repeat of all the failure of LKY and Singapore, which by now i also become expert and know very well. I can say firmly, confidently and finally I dont have special feelings for LKY or Singapore. I am a TDM and his achievements admirer but admiring someone dont have to be necessarily worshiping that someone. TDM is as human as you, me and many others and all make mistakes. TDM is sincere and brave enough to talk about his failure too and he even tell the public about his salary. That is what make him a true gentleman and statesman. I salute TDM as great human and leader and hope more can be like him.
    The funny thing is that there were huge GLC long before there was Najib as PM, why dont we mention about it?!! Actually you said you setup one too, correct?
    Since you said you know that civil servant are not accountable, not responsible and smart enough to head and run GLC why dont you stop it when you are in the govt but instead you encourage it ?

    My opinion is that GLC is a way to “cari makan” and it is one of the ways to distribute MONEY. GLC are suppose to be the catalyst of economy activities not monopoly. Only when politicians or napoleon take charge of those GLC, they turn it into cash-lembu or cash-kambing or cash-anjing or cash-tikus for themselves.

    Nobody is kowtow-ing singapore or USA or whoever, it is just the malaysian way of “cari-makan” by creating this or that GLC. The people that created GLC are not that stupid to copy-cat singapore or the the fail policies of LKY. They know that by copy-cat-ing they will not get big personal benefits but just only get a SALARY. If they actually 100% copy-cat singapore fail policies then we would not have 1MDB or Mara or XYZ problems. (pls dont say i admire singapore again, Ha Ha just conversation ok)

    Love this blog for the variety of comments and views.
    Have a nice day and selamat hari raya

  158. Assalamualaikum.

    Tun yang dihormati,

    Saya bersetuju denga Hajar tentang:

    6. Saya bimbang negara kita tergadai kerana Ketua Kerajaannya boleh di UGUT kerana ada banyak ’kerangka dalam almari’ (skandal)…Tanah KTM telah tergadai. Apa kebaikannya kepada kita? Pemimpin bodoh (atau ‘kotor/korup’?) saja yang bersetuju dengan perjanjian berat sebelah yang menyebelahi Singapura.

    7. TPPA adalah perjanjian yang mana mesyuarat/perjumpaan mengenainya pada mulanya dilakukan secara senyap2. Agaknya, bolehkah PM kita di UGUT (kerana banyak skandal) untuk bersetuju menandatangani TPPA?

    8. Jika TPPA dipersetujui, memang benarlah DSN ialah proksi (’proxy’) bangsa asing (’foreigners’). Kita akan balik ke era sebelum Merdeka. Kita akan RUGI banyak. Singapura pula akan UNTUNG banyak.




  159. farock
    July 25, 2015

    Ros*** bukan calang orang
    Dalam luar sangat garang
    Duit banyak simpan kat balang
    Perangaipun macam bin*tang..!

    roslina nama diberi…
    Ada menghantar cerita mati…
    Hai Obat…..!!!!!!!


  160. Tamu diMajlis, Majlis di Cheras
    dapat isi, jelas..? tinggal hampas…?
    Hampas di adjust.. Kadang jadi gas…!

  161. Dear Tun and all,
    Wow!!!! Another new news exposed by Sarawak report!!!

    Below 1 million purchased at their house is paid in cash!! Wow… There are secret wall safe in the house with full of cash!!?? Search Warren and search the house, why wait? Look for all those jeweleries and cash.

    Sound like Mrs Marcos……

    Worried Malaysian.

  162. Salam YAB dan Yang DiKasihi Tun,

    1. Dua akaun berkaitan 1MDB di Singapura telah dibekukan.

    2. Sebenarnya pihak berkuasa di Singapura telah tahu mengenai aktiviti2 meragukan yang berkaitan pemindahan wang ke akaun2 1MDB berkenaan (mungkin sudah lama).

    3. Mungkinkah aktiviti ’penyucian wang (haram)’ (’money laundering’) telah berlaku?

    4. Siapakah mereka yang terlibat?

    5. Adakah wang RM2.63 Billlion yang didakwa disalurkan ke akaun peribadi DSN wang yang suci bersih?

    6. Saya bimbang negara kita tergadai kerana Ketua Kerajaannya boleh di UGUT kerana ada banyak ’kerangka dalam almari’ (skandal)…Tanah KTM telah tergadai. Apa kebaikannya kepada kita? Pemimpin bodoh (atau ‘kotor/korup’?) saja yang bersetuju dengan perjanjian berat sebelah yang menyebelahi Singapura.

    7. TPPA adalah perjanjian yang mana mesyuarat/perjumpaan mengenainya pada mulanya dilakukan secara senyap2. Agaknya, bolehkah PM kita di UGUT (kerana banyak skandal) untuk bersetuju menandatangani TPPA?

    8. Jika TPPA dipersetujui, memang benarlah DSN ialah proksi (’proxy’) bangsa asing (’foreigners’). Kita akan balik ke era sebelum Merdeka. Kita akan RUGI banyak. Singapura pula akan UNTUNG banyak.

    9. Akan lengkaplah kebang*ngan & penkhianatan yang dipertontonkan kepada rakyat Malaysia.

    Terima kasih Tun.

    *** Semoga Allah S.W.T. sentiasa melindungi Tun sekeluarga. ***

  163. Dear Tun and all,

    It’s not surprised they PAC still cannot find Jho Low…… Hrmmm… PAC now asking Ministry of Finance to help?? Are they MoF doing the job or just put the file on the table? MoF will surely drag for weeks or months again, they too will said they cannot find or do not wish Jho Low to be found? Who is MoF boss by the way?

    My opinion to PAC…. summon DSN lah …. sure he got his contacts, if not Rosmah lah! If they don’t have, they also can ask their Son, sure he have Jho Low contact. Jho Low is their family friend !!! Simple as that. Tapi, will DSN let the Authority knows his where about? I doubt so too… this fatty Jho Low is enjoying his life somewhere in this world. Billions he have which can last for generations, why he wants voluntarily come back? DNS & wife may plan to join him soon too as they are good business partner and good family friend :).

    Why is the main person, main issue of 1MDB, main person who the media shown his bank account that received billions in his personal account are not being ask by the PAC or Task Force for questioning? If the allegation is false, why the Authority never tell the whole Malaysia/World that the media is wrong? Why they still keep quiet? Why the PMO never stand out for their boss to clarify the issue and show the Statement? Why he himself never deny it? Commonsense will tell, anyone, who are accused of swindle some money to his account of which he did not commit, he will surely proof to he is innocent. DSN is Malaysia’s No1, PM, Finance Minister……. The whole Malaysia/World are waiting for the answer!! 2.6 Billion!! Why even a dispatched personal of a company can also be detained for 4 days but 1MDB CEO, ex CEO and founder are still so free to travel around the world ? By the way, not to mentioned they are so busy they cannot attend the query that needed PAC to postpone the hearing. What is all this rubbish?

    The biggest scandal of Malaysia History. Hopefully PMO do not get involve with the PAC and the Task Force. Hopefully PAC and Task Force act fast and do not side DSN. Malaysia depends on them. The longer they drag… the worst our beloved Country will be.

    Worried Malaysian

  164. Salam Tun.

    1. PAC probe into 1Malaysia Development Berhad (1MDB) will last forever Tu?

    2. Everybody who will be summon to attend the PAC probe will flee like ghost?

    3. It seen as a” Delaying Tactic” and Najib hope to drag his adminstration to the final moment where PRU 14 is just around the corner.

    3. He wish for rakyat to oust UMNO as a whole and not just him alone.

    4. He will pawn UMNO as a bet?

    5. To me, he have the evil intention.

    Wassalam Tun.

  165. Salam Tun.

    To wajaperak via Tun.

    Your question : ” WHO LET THE DOGS OUT??”

    My answer : LKY and Mr balance had let theirs dogs out.

    Why??? Because LKY and Mr balance is getting totally mad at their own dogs which keep on barking for non stop.( Both of the dogs is male)
    Actually the dogs is barking at the owner but the owner seem don’t realise it.
    Even when the dogs is free from the dog leash, theirs behaviour is keep on barking madly.

    As a result LKY ask Mr balance for his opinion.

    And Mr balance gave his gullibility advice which is ” With due respect, i think we must marry ours dogs so they will stop barking.

    And LKY nod his head as he is totally agree with Mr balance opinion.

    Do i answer your question?

    Wassalam Tun and wajaperak

  166. Tun

    For balance. When I first appeared in this distinguished Blog in September 2011, there was already a lot of condemnation of the good works of our beloved Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad. It was much worse before this date.

    I was curious why Lee Kuan Yew with his proclaimed Double Star First in Law from the University of Cambridge was so high and mighty and why our beloved Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad who created the 3 Millions Malay Income Group in his time was treated like so. Tun achieved much more.

    In time, I found that it was the non-stop vicious propaganda which was generated out of the Ministry of Information, Singapore, was doing the mischief together with the spy network of swallows, ducks, tycoons, journalists, academicians,etc as confirmed by Wikileaks.

    And as a trained person, I looked further into the Policies of Lee Kuan Yew, the paragon of all that was good and great. To my horror, I found that all his Policies failed for the simple reason these were geared towards his own self-glorification or beliefs.

    To begin with, I found out only about 7 Failed Policies but as I progressed along and at the latest count, there were 40 Failed Policies engendered either by his arrogant neglect or whatever. Corruption in Singapore is the Ultra Communistic Type of Corruption like in the Communist countries.

    Balance, I refer you to my list of 40 Failed Policies of the Dictator Lee Kuan Yew (1959-2015) in my comments in chedet Archives “Malaysia according to LKY.” September 2010. The three worst were Policies :-

    1. To buy up Thaksin Shinawatra business at a high price to prevent him from building the Isthmus of Kra Canal. This inadvertently killed or injured innocent men, women and children. Two Juntas appeared during this period. Malaysia has no such blood on her hands.

    2. The Two Child Family Policy of 1970s and 1980s brought Singapore to her knees today. The abortions, the sterilizations etc were never properly recorded. This went against the natural grain of Asians. 300,000 of his supporters emigrated in protest.

    3. The loss of US$ 108 Billions (RM 420 Billions) of the CPF Trust money by Temasek and GIC on Wall Street in October 2008 by the dysfunctinal Apparatchiks aka Meritocrats. This was due to the high level type of flattery on the Dictator and he fell for it hook line and sinker laid out by his best friends ! You see he never worked, lived or played amongst them. I did.

    Balance ask yourself how a brilliant graduate from the venerable University of Cambridge could stoop so low as to promulgate 40 Failed Policies over a period of 56 years which were to the disadvantage of the citizens. I honestly think it is a GREAT SHAME which the Dictator brought upon Cambridge. And at the point of his departure, he was still the MP for Tanjong Pagar.

    balance, you may ask more questions if you wish. But before you do this please read my comments in “Malaysia according to LKY” first.


  167. Dear Tun,
    Finally DMP speaks out… and finally PMO responded. They are asking the whole Malaysia keep quiet. Don’t make any comment. I hope PMO are not involve in the 1MDB issue as well because their boss is the main issue here! Their boss should be the one they give advice to, tell the truth. Not asking opposition leaders, not asking Tun, not asking DPM or anyone to keep quiet about the issue. Where is our freedom and democracy of speech? Even a communist Country, the citizen still do have the rights to speak out. To stop use all from giving comments… Bagun la, wake up la.. DSN… be a man…. SIMPLE.. show the whole world your real (yes real because he too many tempered the statement) ambank statement. Give us the reason why you sold the land so cheap to 1MDB?
    I recon PMO should be the one keep quiet not the rest of us, because they are the one involved in the scandal!! PAC, Task Force should not make any report to PMO, perhaps they should directly report to our KING and all sultans instead. PMO surely have no rights to be part of the investigation or the 1st party to know the out come of the investigation.

    Worried Malaysian

  168. Dearest YAB Tun,

    1. TS Muhyiddin has spoken again…hopefully this time he maintains his momentum and be consistent in what he actually would like to achieve. Jangan ‘hangat-hangat tahi ayam’.

    2. TS Muhyiddin can be our next PM for a few years until the next PAU (Pemilihan Agung UMNO).

    3. I really hope DS Mukhriz will become our PM one day. I believe he will be a good PM and will continue Tun’s legacy (hopefully he is not like the current PM who is currently destroying his father’s legacy…so shameful).

    4. DS Nazir (DSN’s brother) is Pro-Opposition. It looks like both DSN and DS Nazir are pro-Opposition (that’s why DSN abolished ISA/EO, and almost abolish Sedition Act, not so keen of NEP/DEB, etc.). Both are very liberal in their approach. DSN still ‘kowtow’/’bodek’ the Chinese (despite ‘Tsunami Cina’), and also pro-Singapore/US/western countries. Is he a proxy to these countries?

    5. DSN also seems like he is the Oppositions’ proxy. That is why many BN/UMNO supporters are not satisfied with his leadership. He ignores his supporters (mostly Malays/Bumiputra) even though in PRU-13 he won because of their votes. This is so pathetic.

    6. And now with 1MDB issues/scandal, DSN is losing more support from the ‘rakyat’.

    7. DSN must step down immediately.

    Thanks Tun.

    *** May Allah SWT bless Tun and family ***

  169. Dear Tun,

    It is obvious why they came out with Conspiracy theory, so that najib can order the relevant authority to arrest. They can create any types of threats based on the theory! Without Conspiracy theory, they can’t take any action!

    Time to relax and keep yourself healthy by visiting the following site

  170. Tun

    For balance, who thinks that the late Dictator Lee Kuan Yew (1959-2015) was an honourable and distinguished ex-Prime Minister.

    Here is the low-down on the two Political Systems, Malaysia’s and Singapore’s. Except for those in the top DAP leadership, I doubt if any Adun is aware that we have two DIAMETRICALLY OPPOSED Politial Systems. Hence, when the politicians from both sides of the Causeway met, the Malaysians thought we all practise abang-adek poliitcs to the great amusement of the late Dictator. How can we have a Government without a Political System ?

    What is the Malaysian Political System, balance ? We practise the Free Malaysian Style Democracy with Open Capitalist Characteristics and a Malay bias. This System arose out of the Constitution which was the result of centuries of living together in peace and harmony with our loyalty and devotion towards the Yang Di Pertuan Agong and the Royal Sultans, And all the religions and Islam are safeguarded by the Constitution. OK. balance.

    Our Malaysian Political System being a democracy is governed by checks and balances which are supposed to be provided by the elected digits or aduns. If these digits turn awry or recalcitrant, we have a great mess or conundrum which will take us sometime to clean up. With politics, we might be pretend that everything is OK.

    But with the sensitive MONEY MONEY MONEY – time and tide waits for no man or woman. Hence, there is a sense of urgency in the cognoscenti and complacency in the ignorants.

    Also, balance do you notice that everyone in Malaysia wants a say on any controversial subject. There is no fear unlike in Singapore – to quote the great American President Franklin D Roosevelt,” Only thing we have to fear is fear itself.” Pour le vous americanese, balance ?

    The Dictator (1959-2015) created the Godless Ultra Communistic Political and Social System imposed on the citizens by his Apparatchiks aka Meritocrats bolstered by the CPF-HDB-Quit Rent & Assessment-Income Tax-COE-Traffic tolls & taxes-Water Conservation Tax-Free water from Malaysia-GST-Public Utilities-the Civil Service-the Judiciary-the foreign manned Lend Lease military etc.

    All the monies are legally collected. CPF buys Singapore Government Bonds for 3+% interest per annum.

    According to the top Civil Servant, Ngiam Tong Dow in the September issue of the Singapore Medical Journal, the Dictator wanted to maximise money collection from the populace in the mid-1980s. By this time, the Dictator had tuned up his Political System which is Communistic and not Fascist because all the businesses are owned by the Singapore Government and formed part of the central planning.

    In Fascism, businesses are privately owned and nurtured by the Government. Therefore in Singapore the Dictator Lee Kuan Yew (1959-2015) controlled everything including the money in the GLCs.

    What are GLCs ?

    Until the early 1970s, the Singapore Government had no GLCs of note. After the ejection of Singapore out of the Federation because the Dictator was ignominously defeated by the great Tunku, the UN economics expert Dr Alfred Winsemius advised the establishment of the Jurong Industrial Park, the sea reclamation, the Asian Dollar market etc.

    The first generation of traders turned industrialists failed at Jurong eg. Fair Lady Fashion, EUPOC, Starlite Ceramics, Regency Wigs etc except for Far East Levingston, Singapore Textiles, Diaward Military Software, etc where these have the markets. I had a biscuit factory with the latest Swiss machinery which could not sell because of the lack of a brand and the small Singapore mart. But a Japanese brand tookover and made money from day one.

    By the early 1970s, the Singapore Government was forced to step in because of rising unemployment and falling revenues. From here, we have the likes of SIA, Neptune Orient, Sembawang Shipyard, Keppel, DBS (it employs many Singaporean Malays like the Jurong factories) HDB etc.

    The hard working, frugal and honest Dictator counted every legally collect cent in the GLCs. Only trusted cronies were deployed. He had a penchant for the sexual peccadilloes of his underlings and Senior Ministers. One Minister found to be corrupt in the HDB committed suicide. This put the fear of the Dictator and his way with Income Tax investigations and the Judiciary into the hearts and minds of all to this day !

    THE GLCs as created by the Dictator (1959-2015) can only work with his personal touch and close scrutiny UNDER A DICTATORSHIP. He did not have Civil Servants in GLCs running wild or consultants or closest aides or party boys or unqualified cartoonists – eunuchs. He did not trust any of them except himself with his knowledge of the Emperors of China and their eunuchs. He was brutal and precise when dealing with public MONEY MONEY MONEY. This is not a job for a NICE GUY, balance. He knew when things go awry under his watch, he had to pay in spades for his insouciance and complacency. This was the Dictator, balance.

    The GLCs only work in the Singapore Godless Ultra Communistic Political and Social System which is also called the Singapore Model, the authoritarian capitalism, benign dictatorship (no such thing) or rich Cuba without the havanas but the bananas.

    This System is adopted by Russia who gave the Dictator an academic medal with 4 other academics in September 2013 and China. In 1992, Deng Xiao Peng commented, ” They administer well. But we will do better than them.” China sends cadres to Singapore to study their grassroots to this day. And recently, China adopted Confucianism which was introduced by the Dictator in 1992 as the way out for over-emphasis on MONEY MONEY MONEY. In Russia, we have the oligarchs, in China the princelings. In Singapore we have the siblings !

    Balance, we copied cat the Dictator’s GLCs since 2003 and we now have at least 100 GLCs incurring a debt with the Federal Government’s of nearly ONE TRILLION RINGGITS (Not Loss).

    WE HAVE NO DICTATOR TO COUNT THE MONEY MONEY MONEY because our Political System does not provide for one.

    By inserting GLCs into our System, we have a free-wheeling Frankenstein which gobbled up MONEY MONEY MONEY at the expense of the Private Sector. Not only that. these GLCs are controlled by Civil Servants without business experience, ownership or accountability.

    Singapore’s System has already gone TOXIC with the GLCs.

    First, Temasek and GIC lost US$ 108 Billions (RM 420 Billions) in October 2008. Second, at least 50% of the CPF contributors want their money returned.

    Balance, what do you think will happen to the 100 GLCs in Malaysia when the Fed raises just 25 basis points ?


    MALAYSIA BOLEH ! MALAYS BOLEH ! MALAYSIANS BOLEH ! No Singapore type GLCs for us, we are Malaysians !

  171. #MajlisDiCheras

    Bunyi hanya sekadar bunyi…!
    Bunyi ada… Mananya aksi…?
    Tiada aksi….kelak kan rugi….!
    …Majlis DiRaja ….ingin disaksi…!!

    Andai di Majlis tidak di jemput…
    Tak perlu risau… Jgn merungut…

    Pohon lah mengadap..Jgn lah sombong..
    Biar aja sekarang, pipi yg tersorong…
    Asal kan nanti tidak melopong…
    Pohon lah mengadap DiPertuan Agong…
    Rakyat Bekerja Berganti Hari
    Utk Belanja Bayar GST…

  172. Tun

    For balance. I will answer patiently all your queries on why this and that about the late Dicatator Lee Kuan Yew (1959-2015). I will convince you that the Dictator cannot be compared with our beloved Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad at all. It is like comparing chalk with cheese. Please read carefully :-


    During the same period, it was the United Nations economic expert Dr Alfred Winsemius, a Dutchman who advised the Dictator (1959-2015) on the glittering buildings and other infrastructural developments etc which you see today like Jurong Industrial Park, sea reclamation, etc. The development of the human resources were left to the Dictator who screwed down the indigenous population from 100% in 1959 to 62% in 2010 through his famed 2 Child Family Policy. Now, Singapore has a population of 3.2 Millions indigenous Singaporeans, 1.2 Millions FTs and 900,000 Permanent Residents who paid S$1.3 Millions to reside there.
    If you remove all the foreigners, Singapore will have a NEGATIVE GDP !

    My take on just this event is that on the one hand, our beloved Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad was focussed on Nation Building and National Development. He was NOT INTERESTED TO FURTHER HIS HOLD ON POWER but created the thinking people in the MIDDLE INCOME GROUPS which provide the stability today but also they ask many questions on this and that like you balance ! Since we are FREE, I shall fight lies with FACTS.

    On the other hand, the late Dictator (1959-2015) was only interested to keep his hold on POWER and his control over the citizens. To him these citizens were all digits on paper. Hence, he screwed down the very people who supported him. AND 300,000 OF HIS SUPPORTERS EMIGRATED. Vide. Singapore Government White Paper on Population. 2011.

    Here is a very rare and independent comment specially for you, balance, courtesy jesscscott.Blog because the Western journalists were mainly paid hacks.

    TJS George Blogspot June 2011.

    ” The West has spread the impression that Singapore’s Lee Kuan Yew is Asia’s outstanding economic miracle man while Malaysia’s Mahathir as a cantankerous ogre, hater of white people and dictator to boot. Both are dressed up portraits. What makes Mahathir special is that while pursuing economic progress, he never lost sight of the larger picture of human values. That cannot be said of Lee Kuan Yew and certainly not of Indonesia’s Suharto or Thailand’s Thaksin Shinawatra.” Sprecken zie deutsche, balance ?

    I did not say this the famous journalist of India. TJS George said it independently without fear or favour. He continues to fight against social injustice, corruption and political anarchies through his columns in India – the largest democratic Nation in the World.

    The Dictator (1959-2015) had no commonsense, the ability to think out of the box and had no compassion unlike our beloved Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad, a MALAY, a great Statesman of the World who had all three Golden Attributes to be a Prime Minister.

    Balance, you will have to decide for yourself that you can only either like the Tun or the Dictator. You cannot like both if you know the POLITICAL SYSTEMS WHICH THEY REPRESENT.


  173. Salam 10 Syawal,
    Semoga Ayahda & Bonda dalam keadaan Sejahtera & Bahagia
    Maklumat “Strategi BN” bagi #PRU14 telah di pintas.

    If you know the enemy and know yourself you need not fear the results of a hundred battles. Sun Tzu

    Maklumat “Strategi BN” bagi #PRU14 telah di pintas.
    Dollar Plate, Dollar Note, New 100 Dollar Bill
    Selamat Hari Raya!

  174. oh ya,

    and semalam baca SR


    SR went to the Sunday Times, who then used their own computer experts to finally open the material. It was a copy of this decrypted material from the Sunday Times that was finally returned to SR to utilise. The Sunday Times still has the original de-crypted copy…

    …SR had by then given its original copy of the material gained in Singapore (retrieved from the Sunday Times, who retain their decrypted copy) to a team of official investigators from the United States, who came to London to take a statement from SR…

    OMG! Rosak!!

  175. Salam Tun

    Astro Awani TV on my website. On this issue, mula-mula I taruh Star TV, tapi snip snip cut cut, I jadi tak faham, so taruh Astro Awani instead, lebih clear what’s it all about.

  176. Assallammualaikum Tun.
    Saya mohon ruangan.
    [Mr balance.
    Can you please let me know why, what and how LKY or Singapore policies is related or connected to 1MDB issues]
    You directed this questionnaire to Mr Mubarak Chan.
    I would like to interject a bit even if you do mind..:)
    I believe that it is all about gullibility.
    Singaporean actually does not own it country.
    It belongs to the “Big Power’.
    It was rule by a proxy by a man named LKY.
    Of course we can believe all what we like and wants to believe..
    But the malay have a saying..
    And nowadays you see all kind of dogs running here and there..
    They roam on their own or doing the bidding of their master?
    The pertinent question will be..


    Terima kasih Tun.

  177. Tun

    For Balance. In reply to your query, I remember you are one of those who have a fond memory of the late Dictator Lee Kuan Yew (1959-2015). I thank you very much for asking relevant questions like what the 1MDB has got to do with the Dictator Lee Kuan ? Or talk about him while he is dead ?

    Public figures cannot escape the public’s scrutiny. With all due respect, I am sorry to say you have been thoroughly brain-washed by the Dictator using the very best methods from his Middle East friends and that of the West. The whole political contraption in Singapore is geared to perpetuate his Power and his hold on the citizens. He got away with this during the Cold War. But with the double whammy of Uncle Sam’s hegemonic spiel, ‘ Globalization, Free Trade, Human Rights.’ and the Transformation of the World’s economy, the Dictator was caught with his pants down. All his boastful sayings whatever have now come home to roost. The general economy of Singapore fell to less than 4% since the turn of the 21st Century. All Singapore’s dysfunctional elite could produce was the poisoned chalice for Malaysia the TPPA, two failed casinos and the International Arbitration Tribunal in anticipation for the careless Malaysians who forget to dot the i’s and the t’s in international agreements.

    You imagine about this Dictator Lee Kuan Yew (1959-2015) from faraway.

    But I happened to observe him from close quarters since my elder brother married his only sister in October 1951 before the founding of the PAP in 1965. To this day, I met him once in 1956 at my University’s dinner which we hosted for him. He was in David Marshall’s delegation to Whitehall on Singapore’s self-governing Colony status. Further, I avoided sitting next to him at two family wedding dinners. I did not turn up. Also, I sponsored the 1st Exhibition of Straits Chinese Gold Jewellery at the National Museum, Singapore in 1992. The Dictator and our Permaisuri Agong were present. But I absented myself as I explained to the Curator that I am a Malaysian and should not get involve in a Singaporean show. My observations and assessment of the Dictator Lee Kuan Yew turned out to be correct. I NEVER WENT NEAR HIM. But I knew his brilliant wife quite well.

    Why I take this attitude ? The facts concerning his behaviour and his ambitions which knew no bounds confirm that I was right to keep clear of him. My view of graduates of OXBRIDGE is that they should not be CROOKS CAPTIALISING ON THEIR POWER WHEN THEY HOLD PUBLIC OFFICE. In the case of the Dictator Lee Kuan Yew (1959-2015), he captialized on his fine legal mind to take advantage of the citizens through legal means. This is terrible by taking advantage of those hapless citizens who put their trust in him. There are others from OXBRIDGE who used their political power to steal the Rakyat’s wealth. From the University of Cambridge, there were only three British traitors, Blunt, Burgess and Maclean. And now the Dictator Lee Kuan Yew (1959-2015). I recall there was only one crook from Oxford in the 1970s.

    ANY OXBRIDGE GRADUATE WHO DOES DISHONOURABLE ACTS ARE NOT FIT TO BE FROM OXBRIDGE. They would have let down the side ! And it is a small World.

    Balance, I suggest you access our beloved Tun’s chedet archives on “Malaysia according to LKY” September 2010 and read all my comments therein based on facts. I HAVE NOTHING PERSONAL ABOUT THE DICTATOR LEE KUAN YEW (1959-2015). BUT I AM TOTALLY AGAINST HIS POLICIES BECAUSE HE TOOK ADVANTAGE OF OUR SOVEREIGNTY, NATIONAL INTEREST, SELF-ESTEEM WHEN OUR POLITICAL LEADERSHIP WAS WEAK EXCEPT BEFORE 2003. Yet before this date, he succeeded in taking advantage in many ways concerning MONEY MONEY MONEY.

    On 1MDB which is a GLC a’la Singapore _ GLCs are the creation of the Dictator Lee Kuan Yew (1959-2015). BEFORE THE RETIREMENT OF OUR BELOVED TUN DR MAHATHIR MOHAMAD, THERE WAS NOT A SINGLE SINGAPORE TYPE GLC IN MALAYSIA. BUT NOW WE HAVE AT LEAST 100 GLCS CONTROLLED BY CIVIL SERVANTS WITH NO ACCOUNTABILITY, NO OWNERSHIP AND NO BUSINESS EXPERIENCE. For more on these GLCs, read my comments in Malaysia according to LKY or elsewhere. I am surprised you suddenly woke up like Rip Van Winkle after all these years since 2011 ! This shows the brainwashing of so many Malaysians especially the Chinese by the Dictator Lee Kuan Yew (1959-2015). The Dictator Lee Kuan Yew has never been for the Malaysian Chinese whom he thinks we are corrupt.


  178. Asslamualaikum ,

    Ybhg. Tun,

    Harap Tun dapat ulas mengenai perjanjian Trans Pasifik yang bakal menjerumus masalah lebih besar. Desakan Amerika semata mata untuk menutup 1MDB.

  179. Salam Tun.

    !!!!!! You still look ‘handsome” in 3 piece suit!!!!!!!!

    1. Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin is “talking” now.

    2. It’s high time to talk Muhyiddin.?

    3. We had enough with your silent before.


  180. Salam Tun.

    Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin have came out of his hibernation? As for a Alaskan brown bear, came out from hibernation mean times to get stronger by killing the solomon fish.

    1. And now’s you talk Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin.

    2. But you should and ‘wajib” finish your paragraph by sentenced Najib to step down as PM.

    3. Should you ask Tun to draft the said paragraph?

    4. The answer is definitely NO.

    5. This is not Tun’s war but it’s your war.

    6. Please be the Malay warlords and defeat the Panglima Bugis.

    Wassalam Tun.

  181. Salam Tun

    Najib will turn to a taciturn person when the question of 1MDB arise.

    He always give laconic reply on matters with regards of 1MDB and his account at Ambank.

    and his laconic reply is “conspiracy”, “conspiracy”, “conspiracy”.

    Wassalam Tun

  182. Assalamualaikum Ayahanda Tun,

    Pardon me some correction here, someone should have wrote and meant this way instead not too long ago,

    Tun my humble opinion
    Now you should not stay low with regards of 1MDB , Najib

    Its yr sincere and our sincere efforts
    To put up for the Truth We are also seen as The Good Samaritans

    The danger here Najib have indirectly been the tool of the opposition
    This is what they want it to happen
    As in the news whatever you blog against 1MDB
    Its is seen more of the news IT is Spiced to make it Hotter
    And you still be looked as the Good guy with regards to yr Good Sincere Intentions not matter What

    It is seen as more of Tun Mahathir against 1MDB as in the News
    Rather than Tun Mahathir is putting matters right on all wrong doings
    But I guess it’s Okay


    Been keeping this correction for sometime but not until my bro keep singing the same song till now thus I would like to stress that ayahanda Tun is no tool to nobody never will he be with his stature as a great wise statesman for half of the world what not. That statement insults the way I think about my dearest Tun. Sorry bro you have been a seasoned and respected blogger I presume as I’m new and just an ordinary commentator but sometimes it’s easy to identify black and white not so for something greyish.

    I use to tell my sons if I may relate before I even start commenting in Tun’s blog long before Tun’s bashing of 1MDB that Najib has indirectly became the tools of the opposition by all the wrong things for the wrong reasons he had done you name it from 1MDB, withdrawal of fuel subsidy and GST. To be frank with you, even if ayahanda Tun doesn’t come into the picture in the first place, the opposition don’t have to campaign for the next GE and will still wins!

    Wasalam Tun,

    p/s – To saudara Del Amitri well said from you too but a good leader will always have a final say coming out from his own conscience and intelligence no matter how many advisors he may have. Looking at the current scenario a bit scary you know – clearly remember what Tun’s used to say about the days before independence – Ruler that doesn’t rule but advisors who is suppose to advise rules..

  183. Salam Tun.

    Petikan kata BODOH hari ini.

    Tourism and Culture Minister Datuk Seri Mohamed Nazri Aziz says,

    “The government’s move to suspend The Edge has not shocked the world, as although Malaysia backs press freedom, it does not mean that the media can publish allegedly innaccurate reports.

    The facts are, the ‘inaccurate reports” as you say,
    1. Is very burdensome for your boss, Najib to handle it?

    2. Is hunt and haunted Najib’s adminstration as a nightmare.

    3. It show clearly the culprits name for the missing money in 1MDB.

    4. It show that Najib as a “prominent failure person”.


    5. It also show that you and Najib are “dumb and dumber” of Malaysia

    Which part of the reports that you are referring as inaccurate, stupid Nazri ?

    Wassalam Tun.

  184. I hope Tun Mahathir is cautions of his concern of 1MDB
    Regardless of Tun has his own views of Najib in1MDB
    It is also seen Opposition is taking advantage and narrowing Tun to be the Dirty Man
    I hope Tun realize this and not to be a tool of Opposition Intention
    Believes Tun is Smart of Balancing this

  185. mubarakchan Jul 26,2015 1:46 AM

    You wrote a many long story about MONEY MONEY MONEY policies of the late Dictator Lee Kuan Yew (1959-2015). Please forgive me to say that I am confused and cannot understand what is the connection or relationship between 1MDB and LYK. That man is dead and gone why mentioned about him or blame him. Can you please let me know why, what and how LKY or Singapore policies is related or connected to 1MDB issues.

  186. Salam sejahtera Tun,

    I have been following your musings and thoughts for a long time but have not been inclined to comment preferring to be a silent witness and observer until your post: Malaysia Tanah Air Ku. It affected me emotionally. I felt very moved by the obvious plea for Malaysia to rise up and be the nation it can be.

    First and foremost I am not a Malaysian..but I am a proud Malay and a great admirer of your vision for Malays. People with vision and ability to lead like yourself are extremely rare and I dare say once gone would be hard pressed to find gentlemen of the same mould. Suharto and LKY for all their flaws are I think among those with vision..not just for the forsee able future..but for things 20 years down the road.

    What is happening now in Malaysia is truly regrettable..and the urban legen regarding UMNO might actually turn out true. I do not wish to meddle in the political affairs of Malaysia however I would just like to offer a thought. What all these..DSN is really clueless? I mean he already surrounds himself with people that he assumes would advise him and seeing he is obviously a person who only makes decisions when advised..what if all these 1MDB debacle were decisions made by him in name only? And the real executors were those he entrusted and ultimately abused his trust? DSN is obviously clueless..and will not give out statements unless prepared by someone or somebody..and that I think is why he isn’t prepared to answer his detractors..because he does not know what is going on.

    Finally kepada saudara Faridina..your comments are spot on..however all is not lost..there is yet a small piece of land in SG that belongs to Malaysia..more accurately to JDT. It is where the Masjid Temenggong sits. I hope it remains to remind us in SG not to forget. Seperti mana Tun kata..Melayu Mudah Lupa.

  187. Salam Tun: Only ikan bilis in 1MDb are being arrested. Clearly a conspiracy to hide the masterminds

  188. Salam Tun

    I ada letak StarTV – Tun – a bittersweet birthday wish – on my website

    My website ini ada masaalah 2 months ago hackers dapat masuk. Bila bukak hitam bendera turki terpacak. Strange though the free ones (blogspot, google+, i3investor) no problem, yang bayar pulak ada problem. Kena buang files, kena buat balik semula, Adoooi.

    Theedge? I guess pasal letak muka tak handsome Low Taek Jho kat frontpage. I ada tengok video forum Nothing to hide, Tun sebut aje name Low Taek Jho, polis datang kacau Tun. Masa tu I fikir aneh, sebut nama Najib ok, nama dia pulak jadi hal. Orang2 Low Taek Jho pernah marah SR letak gambar kat website, so SR go and ganti with gambar Low Taek Jho with badak sumbu… hahaha so funny!

    My website tak pernah ada gambar Low Taek Jho, pasal tak handsome kalau komen pasal hal lain2 hanya satu page aje the rest investment, investment, FA & TA.

    I nak sentuh sikit about those yang ditangkap setakat ini, 1. Jerome Lee 2. Dr Shamsul 3. Ariffin Ismail Shahul Hameed 4. Datuk Rosman. Ok kita tau Jerome Lee dan Datuk Rosman dari Putrajaya Perdana. I tak kenal but tau company ini dulu dibeli UBG. Taib Mahmud, UBG, RHB, the list goes on and on. A friend of mine pulak kenal Datuk Rosman katanya dulu his immediate boss kat MAHB. Another friend kata proxy Cendana Destini. Dr Shamsul I met him once tapi tak kenal sangat. It so happened dia duduk sebelah I masa makan malam. Tapi seingat I dulu dia based kat another public listed company, so pasal terkejut I go and ask my son “Is this your ex-boss company?” (his ex-boss famous for having like 70 companies) My son jawab No. A friend yang kenal rapat dengan Dr Shamsul pula kata “Kan Dr Shamsul dah deny haritu”. Mana saya tau…

    Oh yeah, kalau I nak jumpa Tun say hello macam mana. Appreciate kalau bagi address kat my email. I am staying around Klang Valley.

    Assalamualaikum and Happy Sunday to all.

  189. Salam YAB dan Yang DiKasihi Tun,

    1. DSN @ Ah Jib Gor dipersilakan untuk meletak jawatan. Anda gagal dan yang paling menyedihkan anda seorang PM yang di ’mata rakyat’ teramat korup.

    2. Mengenai 1MDB, bagaimana syarikat yang modal berbayarnya cuma RM 1 juta sahaja boleh meminjam sehingga RM42 BILLION dalam tempoh 5-6 tahun? Magik? Salah-guna kuasa? Ini baru betul ’konspirasi’, sebab bila ’skandal’ 1MDB terbongkar, ahli2 kabinet ’blur’ bila disoal, dan masih lagi ’blur’ tentang 1MDB. Urusniaga berjalan senyap2 seperti pembelian tanah TRX oleh Tabung Haji (bayar tunai sebaik sain S&P; siapa dia yang bodoh bayar tunai jika boleh selesaikan ’balance’ dalam tempoh beberapa bulan?). Bolehkah dapat pembeli ’tunai’? Bukan kah ’Cash is King’?

    3. Kepada pemimpin2 UMNO/BN, sedarlah dan bangkitlah sebelum terlewat.

    4. Masaalahnya, pemimpin2 UMNO yang ada seolah-olah tidak ada keyakinan diri langsung. Jika demikian, BERUNDURLAH dari jawatan masing2 dan beri laluan kepada yang lebih berwibawa, bersih, cekap dan amanah, serta ada keyakinan tinggi terhadap kebolehan diri sendiri.

    5. Tiada guna memegang jawatan tinggi dalam UMNO jika keyakinan diri amat rendah. Buat malu parti saja.

    6. Sebab itu, walaupun pemimpin tertinggi sudah ditolak majoriti rakyat, pemimpin2 di bawah beliau masih lagi terkial-kial untuk bertindak sebab tiada keyakinan diri untuk mengambil alih.

    7. Takkanlah Tun M juga yang mesti menamakan pengganti DSN. Nanti jika yang dinamakan berubah menjadi korup atau memang tidak berkebolehan (baru tahu bahawa jawatan PM tidak mampu digalas dengan baik), Tun M juga yang dipersalahkan; walhalnya, ’perangai seseorang manusia bergantung kepada diri sendiri…’.

    8. Tun M tidak harus dipersalahkan di atas kelemahan2 PM-5 dan PM-6 kerana yang mengangkat kedua-duanya sebagai pemimpin adalah para perwakilan dan ahli2 UMNO (juga pengundi2). Yang boleh dilakukan sekarang ialah bila PM yang dilantik tidak menunjukkan prestasi yang bagus (lemah), atau sudah dicop sebagai ’korup’ dan bergelumang ’skandal’, eloklah beliau diganti.

    9. Ganti atau ubah, selagi belum dapat yang berwibawa, bersih, cekap, dan amanah.

    Terima kasih Tun.

    *** Semoga Allah S.W.T. sentiasa melindungi Tun sekeluarga. ***

  190. Ternanti suaranya memanda tanSri…
    Suara yg berbunyi bersamanya aksi…
    Janganlah hanya berbunyi di hati….
    Umpama diri semacam tak berisi…!!!

    Berpuasa sudah, beraya pun sudah…
    Tabahkanlah diri, jalannya diredah
    Apa lagi yg hendak dilengah…?
    Nak tunggu terantuk baru nak tengadah..??


    Andai tanSri masih membisu…
    Andai aksinya masih lesu…
    Kuasa rakyat menjadi penentu…
    Bukan konsprasi, tapi hak PRU…!!


    UMNO & BN tidak lagi kan disokong…
    Memanda tanSri kelak melopong…
    Itu jam, pipi jangan tersorong sorong….


    wahai Para Memanda berakal….
    Jam Siapa Yang Paling Mahal…?
    Siapa Yg Beli, Siapa Yg Bekal…?
    Jawatan memanda belum tentu kekal….!!!


  191. Tun

    The temperature concerning our beloved citizens, the multi-media and the adoption of the failed MONEY MONEY MONEY policies of the late Dictator Lee Kuan Yew (1959-2015) rises every day.

    How to cool this problem of the angst of the majority against the purported official minority’s malfeasance with the public’s MONEY MONEY MONEY ? Simple.

    All human problems are Humankind made.

    Even at this jucture of the Malaysian melodrama now being played across continents in nanoseconds by a single click, we have much common ground in terms of real space between different groups. So what are the common denominators in which we have no serious quarrel apart from the Singaporean Toxin known as MONEY MONEY MONEY ? We must not lose sight of the trees from the wood.

    It is this, thus,

    1. The Yang Di Pertuan Agong. the Royal Sultans and the beloved Constitution. This our citizens most important line of loyalty and devotion and our religious devotion as well.

    2. Our tested FREE MALAYSIAN STYLE DEMOCRACY WITH OPEN CAPITALIST CHARACTERISTICS AND MALAY BIAS which actually grew out of the centuries of living together as different communities, side by side. under the aegis of the Royal Sultans. This is confirmed every night on TV which shows bloody deaths and destruction from human fables and foibles.

    3. Right up to 2003, the sacrifice and contributions of the distinguished and honourable Prime Ministers, each of them were instrumental in making our beloved Malaysia stronger and stronger as regards of politics and socio-economics. How many of us know that a Tan Sri went to jail for 3 years for criminal breach of trust during the administration of the strong-man Prime Minister of Malaysia, Tun Hussein Onn ?

    4. The geo-political position of Malaysia which stands astride a distance of over 1,000 km encompassing one of the most important air and sea routes in the World. It is not Singapore. IT IS OUR BELOVED MALAYSIA !

    5. The valuable human resource which originated from three ancient Civilizations through the centuries living peacefully and harmoniously in a land, of wood and water, full of natural resources. We plant a fruit tree in the ground, we get the fruits tomorrow. This was why the PAP cadres came looking for ‘low hanging fruits’ after 2003.

    I am certain that no citizen of sound mind and body would give up all the above mentioned facts based on emotions which maybe caused by troublemakers, domestic or foreign.

    And the present fracas on the adoption of the GLCs of MONEY MONEY MONEY from the failed State of the Republic of Singapore, this copy-cat idea has obviously failed. But the present fracas is not the first. And it is definitely not novel and would not be the last. Let me tell you a true story.

    In 1966, I was holding a large block of shares of a Kuala Lumpur based listed company after the stock market crashed in 1964 because of the inception of the Indonesian Confrontation. In those days under British Currency Board Rules, the Malaysian economy was slow and sluggish. I would ponder about my future looking up to the deep blue sky with its beautiful white cumulus clouds and thought to myself, lounging in my verandah on a Sunday afternoon. ” If I earn RM 75,000 this year, in ten years time, I would be a millionaire.” But that was my wish. The following morning the stock market crashed and I had to begin all over again. This is business for you and me, ordinary folks.

    However, in 1966, because of adverse market trading condtions I had this large block of shares which I could not unload. The next best thing was to form a syndicate to take over the listed company which I did. In order to get majority control, I went round the whole country with my list of the shareholders seeking their support. I would knock on any door, early in the morning or late at night. This was how I found that our fellow Malaysians are naive, hospitable and friendly.

    To begin, I would introduce myself first. Then, I would tell them the story of how their Chairman and his Directors were having a fine time gamboling every night in the company’s mess (that was the Stone Age) over wine women and song. Even the company was small, there was a top of the range Mercedes Benz. To a man ( I did not meet any lady shareholder in those days ), they replied to my disappointment,’ We understand that our Directors worked very hard for us and need to relax at night. As long as, we are paid 1% per annum, we should be satisfied and grateful.’ At first, I was taken aback by such an innocent reply. But with a quick turn of mind, I countered and said, ‘ If you kindly sign on the proxy form here giving me your vote, I will endeavour to give you 2% per annum dividend.’ I got all the 70% proxies. Then I made peace with the Chairman. From then, I declared a 5% dividend every year for the shareholders.

    In those days like the present scenario, Directors, Trustees and others committed malfeasance of public money to the extent of a few thousand ringgits. That was yesterday or 1966.

    With a quantum leap, we are now tearing out our hair and scream at all and sundry when BILLIONS AND BILLIONS OF PUBLIC MONEY MONEY MONEY are found missing. This problem a human problem is still very much the same as the genesis of the Chairman and his Directors gambolling for a few thousand ringgits every night in the company’s mess.

    There is no mystery in resolving the present copy-cat MONEY MONEY MONEY problems from the late Dictator’s Lee Kuan Yew (1959-2015) tiny isle of the Republic of Singapore.

    The solution is just common sense and a clear understanding by all the limits of the extent of this human created financial melodrama which was CAUSED by the Civil Servants in GLCs, the closest aides,the consultants, the party boys, the unqualified cartoonists – eunuchs.

    At the end of the day, when all the parties concerned realise that it is better for our beloved Malaysia to emulate Switzerland and Japan than the failed State of the Republic of Singapore with its late Dictator Lee Kuan Yew (1959-2015), the better. Switzerland and Japan are solid examples of freedom and democracy for their peoples. This we must attempt to emulate even though the task might take us 1,000 years.
    The Swiss Confederation was established over 800 years ago. Japan is a civilization of 3,000 years. It is never to late to start.



  192. Fikir lah sendiri najib, rosmah, salleh kruak, rahman dahlan, shahril samad, nazri dan sahidan kassim, apa korang dah buat pada negara kita ni hinggakan orang johor dah mengaku mereka bangsa johor dan orang serawak sudah sarawakian dan ada sambutan hari kemerdekaan sendiri.
    Semasa Tun dahulu kami rakyat boleh bersatu walau berbeza pendapat…..baik nama nama di atas lepaskan jawatan sahaja….kami semua dah tak suka melihat muka kamu semua….

  193. Dear Tun and all,

    I think below are what our Government should do..

    1) Buy over all media group that publish news papers and magazine. (Reason is they do not want the rakyat to know the truth)

    2) Buy over all telecommunication networks. (Reason is they do not want the rakyat to know the truth, stop words and news from spreading out)

    3) Buy over all TV stations. (Reason is they do not want the rakyat to know the truth, tell all Malaysian they are the best, brain wash the Country by putting DSN & his wife photos telling the Rakyat how great they are.)

    4) Stop the whole Malaysia from going ONLINE. (Reason is they do not want the rakyat to know the truth, let’s go back to the 70’s, 80’s)

    5) Pull back all passports issued. (Reason is stop all from going overseas since they want to ban innocent people from going overseas, why not stop all rakyat accept those who work or related to 1MDB and support DSN can go overseas.)

    Let’s let our beloved Malaysia rotten, let all the Rakyat go “blind”.

    Dear PM, Finance Minister… why are you being so coward, being so quiet, worst than a 3 year old children, dare not answer all the allegation? Why did you sell those land so cheap to 1MDB ? Where is your Ambank account statement? Why your bodyguard without knowing she is Chinese or Mongolian can carry out such cruel murder? Yeah, you just sumpah you never did all that, your words can be trusted? You said you do not know Jho Low, yeah, Holiday photos together enjoying holiday/business discussion on luxury yacht (how you wished you never listen to you beloved wife and her son, your stepson now!)… many more words from you over the years, your promises to the Rakyat… all been down the drain! As a PM, as the Finance minister, as a jantan, as your beloved father’s son, as a woman’s 2nd husband.. face the reality, don’t hide anymore, the country is getting worsen day by day. You cannot BE COOL anymore, YOU cannot HIDE anymore. Your account being monitored for sure, all you millions/billions cannot be transfer to Malaysia anymore, NO MORE CASH IS KING, it’s a matter of time your people turn their back on you. Better you surrender now than they betray you soon. This time is NO WHERE TO HIDE not NOTHING 2 HIDE.

    Worried Malaysian

    Worried Malaysian

  194. Dear Tun,

    Let’s make a vote.. will this Jho Low dare to come back to assist Task Force and PAC??

    I sincerely doubt so. He will never come back. DNS will never want him to come back either. What can the Country do? Look for Interpol, world wide arrest warrant on him?

    Worried Malaysian

  195. Dear Tun,
    Our beloved Malaysia is in the worst shape since 1957. There are NO leader now, the leader are so busy trying to play hide & seek. Trying to buy his way out of this 1MDB issue. Received billions in his personal account which he said he did not used for personal gain. He did not deny his personal accounts received those money.

    I believe Task Force should have the answer by now which they still dare not disclose to the Public. WHY? Why are they detained those small fishes that connected to all this, they are just scrap goat. Why are all the main player behind all this are still so free to travel or can we say already gone into hiding, accept DSN.

    DSN got no where to run to now, he will also never step down for sure, he is the Country No.1, he is also linked to other unsolved cases. He dare to step down? NO, he will not step down for sure. He will try to buy yes buy (cash is King) his way out. He will fight all the way. 2nd option for him, MIA, runaway from this country since he got millions/billions so called commissions he and his wife earned over the years. Take along the 24 million rings, not to forget all those Hermes begs, all those can be sold for cash too! You are already in your 60s, not many people can be as healthy as Tun, enough is enough, all those millions or billions are more than enough for you to retired. If you do not runaway, all allegation turn up to be true, including the Mongolian case… guess what will happen to your millions/billions and all the money your children have from you?

    There are no MPs, no UMNO, no Barisan people who dare to act against him, reason they themselves do not trust each other, deep inside, the know DSN has done many things wrong, made the Country in such a poor position now but WHO dare to stand out to point the finger at their boss? NO ONE.

    The opposition party, The Edge, Sarawark report…. who dare to stand out.. see what have happen? Tun blog should be the next, I wonder we all who gave comments will also be call up too?

    Very funny, the Authority already start arresting those small fishes from the companies mention by the media, why those big fishes still on the loose? If Sarawak report and the Edge post or tempered, why the made all those arrest?. If he did not received the billions in his personal accounts, why they keep quiet about it, make the whole Malaysia/World keep guessing? If he did receive those billions, who have the power to ask him step down or temporary on leave? The answer should be only ONE PERSON in this Country that can make it happen. Not Tun, not the opposition MPs not UMNO not Barisan members.

    Let’s just all pray this issue will be over soon. This Country need a new leader. If those MPs really care for the Country, act now, even it’s already late, it’s better than never. YOU MPs know who to go to.

    Negara Ku

    Worried Malaysian

  196. Tun yang kami hormati – Pagi tadi kami telah berkumpul seperti amalan Biasa Untuk sessi Kopi dan Nasi Lemak.
    Kumpulan kita terdiri dari SEMUA BANGSA MALAYSIA (MELAYU CINA INDIA). Topik yang bincang ADALAH
    TENTANG 2.6 Billion yang terdapat dalam Akaun Persendirian PM Najib. Tun telah menasihatkan supaya BELIAU
    Undur dari JAWATAN PM DAN diganti DENGAN orang lain dari UMNO. TETAPI malangnya Nasihat Ikhlas Tun telah
    Diabaikan. SEKARANG Topik tersebut telah ubah tajuknya MENJADI KONSIPIRASI.
    Isu tersebut Tidak PERLU berlanjutan JIKA PM Najib menjawab soalan yang Mudah ia ITU Wang 2.6 Billion yang
    Terdapat dalam Akaun Persendirian KEPUNYAAN BELIAU ATAU Tidak. ITULAH kehendak Tun yang TULUS.
    Rakyat SEKARANG mengikuti perkembangan tersebut sehingga Topik tersebut ADALAH perbincangan harian

  197. Salam Aidilfitri,

    Cyber troopers najib is started in destroying
    Your legasy tun.. one of it named suhainin suhaibul..please jgn jgn ambil pusing di psywar..

  198. Assalamualaikum Tun,

    1. Kepada saudara ku Suhainin Suhaibul, terima kasih sedikit ulasan dari saya walaupun saudara tidak menjawab 3 soalan mudah dari saya sebelum ini.

    2. Saya mengamati tulisan saudara dan komen tentang Tun dalam masa yang sama ingin menyelami apa masalah kamu terhadap Tun.

    3. Itu yang saya gambarkan diri saudara seperti “ada hajat yang tidak kesampaian”, itu pun jika betullah pengakuan kamu pernah berurusan kerja dengan Tun tahun 2003 dan sebelum. ATAU jika sebaliknya saya anggap kamu seorang yang “tidak siuman” seperti pengalaman ringkas yang saya ceritakan tentang orang seperti kamu sebelum ini.

    4. Jika kebenaran hajat kamu yang tidak kesampaian seperti andaian saya, saya ingin jelaskan pendirian saya terhadap kamu bahawa kamu seorang yang tidak tahu mengenal budi atau seorang pekerja yang mengharapkan habuan “besar” sedangkan kuasa Allah lebih besar mengatasi usaha dan pemikiran manusia seperti Tun iaitu penentu rezeki manusia, jodoh/pertemuan, ajal/maut, dan semuanya. Saya mahu saudara ku Suhaimin Suhaibul BERSYUKUR dan REDHO apa yang Allah swt kurniakan kepada kamu di alam sementara, dan yang abadinya adalah akhirat. Saya juga berharap dan berdoa agar diri saudara tergolong dalam golongan insan mulia yang IKHLAS menolong seseorang semasa hayatnya. Muga Allah swt tidak menyesatkan saudara ku seperti Suhainin Suhaibul dengan leka mengejar kebendaan dunia yang dia sendiri tidak pasti. Dunia adalah tempat sementara manakala akhirat jua yang abadi. Saya sekadar mengingatkan agar kita sama-sama tidak lupa tentang kebenaran Allah swt menjadikan kita manusia ( bukan haiwan ) di dunia ini.

    5. Kepada saudara suhainin Suhaibul, kamu, Tun dan saya adalah manusia biasa di dunia ini. Tetapi pengalaman dan lebih tepat lagi ketentuan Allah swt yang membezakan kita. Realitinya diri kamu dan rezeki kamu adalah ketentuan Allah swt seperti yang kamu peolehi hari ini, rezeki Tun Mahathir adalah seorang doktor, seorang ahli politik yang berjaya dan dikenali dunia, manakala saya seorang prefesional yang biasa-biasa dan tidak dikenalli ramai tetapi saya yakin diri saya bukanlah seorang yang tamak lebih-lebih lagi mengambil hak orang lain. Saya redho dengan apa yang saya perolehi hari ini dan sentiasa berterima kasih kepada Allah swt denngan rezeki yang diberiNya mampu saya menjaga ibu/bapa yang dulunya susah, bersedekah kepada orang susah dan hampir dalam hidup saya. Saya juga cukup yakin bahawa saudara suhainin suhaibul bukan orang yang susah dan mungkin rezeki “sementara” tuan lebih banyak dikurniakanNya dari saya. Bila mati, rasanya kita dan Tun tetap sama tidak membawa sebarang harta dunia melainkan bekalan amalan, sedekah jariah semssa hayatnya dan anak-anak yang soleh yang mendoakan kesejahteraan kita di akhirat.

    6. Justeru itu kepada saudara ku suhainin suhaibul, marilah kita sama-sama muhasabah diri dan tidak menyalahkan orang lain khususnya ketententuan yang Allah swt telah tetapkan dimasa-masa lalu. Mustahil ketententuan “2003” tersebut boleh berubah kecuali perkara yang akan datang yang kita semua mampu dalam kontek “berusaha” demi membetulkan keadaan seperti menegur kesilapan pemimpin yang ada sekarang ini. Saya cukup yakin kamu ada aura bersama berjuang bersama-sama kami ke arah itu.

    7. Dengan sedikit aura dari kamu dan semangat juang kami, mudah-mudahan kesilapan pemimpin-pemimpin terdahulu boleh kita perbetulkan dengan memilih kepimpinan sekarang dan akan datang ke arah Malaysia yang lebih makmur hendaknya.

    8. Saya tersangat berharap dan sentiasa mendoakan kepada pemimpin baru PM Malaysia selepas Najib akan lebih adil dan bijak menjaga hati rakyat di seluruh Malaysia khususnya negeri Sabah, Sarawak dan Kelantan.

    9. Kalau kita asyik mennghadirkan “roh” kita ke arah kisah silam, mustahil kita mampu mengubahnya.

    10. Semuga saudaraku suhainin suhaibul faham maksud saya yang biasa-biasa ini tetapi tegas dengan pendirian “pemimpin no satu mesti bijak dan adil untuk semua rakyat”.


  199. Najib bukan orang Melayu
    Dekat rumah macam kayu
    Jadi PM merayu rayu
    Ekonomi kita jadi layu.

    Rosmah bukan calang orang
    Dalam luar sangat garang
    Duit banyak simpan kat balang
    Perangaipun macam lalang.

    Najib dilantik oleh Tun
    Perangai jahat muka lantun
    Kuat bohong ibarat katun
    Bila cakap selalu berpantun.

    Orang Cina selalu kena
    Nasib Melayu tak terbina
    Orang India tidur tak lena
    Kami semua hidup terhina.

    Najib bila nak mati
    Dosa sudah berkati kati
    Engkau bukan lelaki sejati
    Turun cepat PAS ganti.

    Hari hari kami gigit jari
    Cakap banyak kena gari
    Takut bini pakai sari
    Itu PM bugis mari.

    Kami di sini macam tetamu
    Duit kami jadi duit kamu
    Jangan sampai kita bertemu
    Ku baling telur tanpa jemu.

    Sudah banyak kami cakap
    PM kami, tak cekap
    Bila cakap masuk lokap
    Kecuali Najib UMNO dakap’

    Duit habis kau ambil
    Tapi kerja sambil sambil
    Kesalahan Najib sudah ditampil
    Di kata tak salah, surat di kepil.

    Penguat kuasa tak takut Tuhan
    Kami pula rasa tak tahan
    Nak paut pokok tak ada dahan
    Kesianlah kami wahai Tuhan!!

  200. Bekas bosku pernah berpesan … Ko dah pandai ne jangan sesekali menipu orang hari ne ko tipu orang esok orang tu tau ko tipu dia tak ke mana hidup ko orang tak kan percaya lagi tapi kalau nak menipu biarlah sampai kemati orang tak tau ko menipu dia…

  201. Dear Tun,

    What is there to conspire when all is done in the open. No one individual is conspiring with others to topple the king of cash. To unravel the truth and expose the ill-doings of people who are entrusted with the country’s well being are in fact a responsibility all of us must shoulder together. There is no conspiracy. Only in the minds of the evil-doers there is a conspiracy for fear of being toppled and being revealed of their dirty handiworks to strip naked this country off all that it’s got.

    There is no need to conspire when the book is laid open in broad daylight. It is only the cornered bound to be found guilty culprit/s that are harping the conspiracy theory to save his/their own skin.

    Take good care Tun Dr. Mahathir and goodnight dear sir.

  202. Assalamualaikum Ayahanda Tun,

    I would like to ask my dearest Tun about our relations with our neighbouring country particularly down south that is Singapore and why PM Najib seems at ease kowtowing to them?

    You have been labelled by the late LKY as an ultra Malay, you never kowtow to them when you were PM and you even gave orders not to sell sands to Singapore which stop the physical enlargement of Singapore territory planned by LKY, you often intimidate them with water issue in retaliation if any which LKY says can lead to war and lastly you never agree on Point of Agreement (POA) which became deadlock for decades.

    Suddenly after 2 years becoming Prime Minister not only Najib kowtow to Singapore with regards to the crooked bridge, he even surrender back our historical KTM land to Singapore!

    If there is this water agreement that is not easy for Malaysia to revoke likewise for KTM land agreement which will be ours until we cease to operate train services to Singapore.

    Why we should have kept that land is because it’s symbolic, it cuts Singapore into two, it’s history written on tracks for as long as it’s there. But Najib is the culprit and today Singapore can rewrite history if they want to because that precious evident is gone.

    Can’t stop wondering whether all this got to do with the current issue of Singapore might have known something beforehand?

    Wasalam Tun.

    p/s – Surprise to know that LKY vision of Malaysian Malaysia by PAP before adopted by DAP was a failure in Singapore context!!

  203. Dear Suhainin,

    Since you are not denying you are a paid troll, you should be ashamed of your self. Pls follow my recommended titles of zombie kg pisang or zombie kilang biskut to distress yourself. Such a pity you are still barking at the wrong tree yet again. Maybe I should ask Luca or Tom Hagen to send you to timbuktu rather than to the night watch. Otherwise, just like our Samy Vellu, you will be calling the pot black again, again and again.

    Valar Maghaelis, ( as a paid troll you should check your spelling and grammar Suhainin)

    Good nite everyone and gomo tetap gomo.

  204. Tun
    Sorry . You r wrong when you pick Najib because of his late father
    You r wrong to pick Najib because of his appearance as what u mention
    He is tall , has images to represent Malaysia

    Malaysia need Strong Stern Leader
    Image or his Just his Dad is someone
    Is not the eligibility to be elected as our PM

    PM post is a serious post
    He need to be able to control his own men
    Before he can manage Malaysia
    A strong leader can never be Killed
    As you have to Kill his name his reputation
    The he will Die

    We need a Capable , Smart ,Disciple and many more good factors
    Aboves all He is a Men that can put Malaysia above his interest
    PM is not A Career
    It is someone with Perserverance towards the Nation
    With Sincerity with Morals and Spirits
    It will shine by itself
    It’s not someone we can tailored

  205. Assalamualaikum Tun.

    Bercerita tentang kematian, suatu masa saya fikir dengan berenang saya dapat mengurangkan ketakutan pada kematian.

    Rupa rupanya dengan sentiasa bangun malam setiap 4 pagi untuk bekerja, ia lebih dapat mengurangkan ketakutan kepada kematian.

    Ia bukan bermaksud untuk tidak ingat kepada kematian. Tapi rasa takut kematian itu dapat ditukarkan kepada semangat positif untuk terus berusaha di dunia.

    Saya belum pasti lagi apakah itu kebenarannya seperti yang dinyatakan dalam Al Quran bahawa sentiasa bangun malam dapat menguatkan jiwa.

    Semasa remaja saya seorang yang naif sentiasa berfikir dan bertindak merendah diri kepada sesiapa sahaja kerana berharap dapat menjumpai Wali Allah pada satu masa akan datang.

    Apabila melalui proses kesulitan yang melampau, saya berharap dapat bertemu dengan Rasulullah s.a.w supaya mendapat bimbingan dari baginda dalam menempuh ujian yang berat sebagai seorang manusia. Bukan sebagai malaikat.

    Alangkah ruginya mereka yang tidak berharap untuk mendapat syafaat dari Rasulullah s.a.w serta mengambil berkat dari orang orang yang soleh mahupun dari Wali Allah.

    Hanya maniam mengenal permata.

    Tuntunilah hatiku wahai Allah. Alangkah ruginya manusia manusia yang melepaskan peluang.

    Masa tidak akan kembali.

    Terima kasih Tun.

  206. Component parties of BN especially MCA..MIC..Gerakan..etc should advise Najib to at least take leave. These component parties must realised failing to do so will only further erode their supporters faith and confidence. Eventually leading to demise of these parties just like Semangat 46. Also one must remember Najib was given the mandate by only 300 odd members of UMNO to become President and PM and not the 30 millio rakyat. Therefore the component parties should be brave enough to advise Najib NOW

  207. Salam SatuMDB!

    Sarawak Report da kena… The Edge pun da kena… Mungkin lepas ni pula.

  208. Assalamualaikum Tun……

    Daeng… Assalamualaikum…

    Saya menyukai nama “Daeng” – ‘Daeng’ dalam bahasa Kadazandusun bermaksud “daun Sireh” atau “Sireh”.

    “Sireh” amat Sinonim dengan perubatan tradisional Melayu serta adat resam dan keraian Melayu… Sangat menarik…

    Tidak hairan lah jikalau pemilik nama ini mempunyai pemikiran tajam dengan karisma yang tinggi.

    Tuan Daeng – Sebagai makluman buat Tuan Daeng ; Negeri Sabah dan Negeri Sarawak tidak sama tarafnya dengan negeri-negeri lain dalam Malaysia. Sabah dan Sarawak bukan sebahagian daripada negeri-negeri dalam Tanah Melayu. Biar sejarah diputar belitkan…tetapi… Fakta ini tetap tidak akan luntur.

    “Persetiaan 1963” (Janji ketika “Sabah dan Sarawak” Membentuk “Malaysia” bersama Malaya) – tanpa “Janji” itu belum tentu Sabah dan Sarawak mahu bersama “Malaya”).

    Mungkin akan membentuk “Perikatan Borneo” bersama “Brunei”.Sabah dan Sarawak bukannya tidak pernah bersekutu dengan Brunei. Malangnya…(Tidak diizinkan Allah)… Allah mengetahui apa-apa yang tidak diketahui oleh segala makhluknya.

    Perkara 20(Sabah) dan Perkara 18(Sarawak) menyatakan dengan jelas, bahawa Sabah dan Sarawak merupakan “RAKAN KONGSI SAMA RATA” (50-50) bagi “Malaya”(Semenanjung Tanah Melayu). Bermaksud : Jikalau hasil terkumpul “Malaysia” berjumlah RM 3.00 – Sabah dan Sarawak berhak menuntut :- RM 1.00 bagi Sabah dan RM 1.00 juga bagi Sarawak.

    Pun Rakyat Sabah bukannya pendesak yang tamak kerana masih mempertimbangkan Kepentingan bersama serta Kebajikan Rakyat “Malaya” (Semenanjung Malaysia) atas semangat dasar persaudaraan “Perikatan Malaysia” – Apakah rakyat “Malaya” menganggap Sabah dan Sarawak sebagai “Saudara”? Hanya sindiran sinis dan ejekan memperlekehkan yang kami sentiasa terima selama ini… 50 tahun kami bersabar… sedangkan Berbillion-billion Hasil Mahsul Sabah dan Sarawak dialirkan ke “Malaya”.

    Sabah Dan Sarawak turut memberikan peluang pekerjaan kepada ribuan kakitangan Awam “Rakyat Malaya” untuk bertugas bagi sektor kerajaan di Sabah dan Sarawak. Kami boleh dan mampu buat sendiri jikalau kami tidak menghiraukan semangat “Persekutuan Malaysia”.

    Hasil Mahsul daripada Sabah dan Sarawak lah yang paling banyak digunakan untuk membina “PETRONAS Twin Tower”…etc… sebagai contoh.

    Walau pun Sabah dan Sarawak sepatutnya rakan kongsi sama rata bagi Malaya….tetapi… kami sudah amat bersyukur biar pun kerajaan Malaysia sekarang ini; Mempertimbangkan serta menjanjikan kajian tentang pemberian 40% hasil mahsul Sabah, diberikan kembali kepada Sabah. 60% daripada Sabah dan 60% daripada Sarawak (Coming soon): akan diserahkan kepada “Kerajaan Persekutuan”. Memang tidak memadai jikalau
    merujuk kepada “Janji 1963” tetapi ianya sudah membuatkan keyakinan dan kepercayaan kami terhadap “Malaya” perlahan-lahan terubat.

    Nyatakan siapa yang tidak tahu bersyukur dan tidak berterima kasih sekarang ini?

    “Malaya” sanggup tak menunggu sehingga 50 tahun sebagaimana yang dilakukan Sabah dan Sarawak demi menghormati semangat “Persekutuan dalam Malaysia”?

    Siapa yang memakan hak siapa sekarang ini?

    Jikalau “Malaya” masih mahukan “Sabah” dan “Sarawak” bersama dalam Malaysia sebagai “Saudara” senegara…maka… Pelajari dan ketahui lah segalanya tentang Sabah dan Sarawak.

    Sebenarnya Sabah tidak kesah dan tidak risau pun jikalau terpaksa menarik diri daripada “”Persekutuan Malaysia”; sebagaimana yang dilakukan Singapura dahulu.

    Apakah “Malaya” sangka kami gembira dan bahagia bersama “Malaysia” selama ini…cumanya… Rakyat Sabah ini tahu “Mengenang Budi”.

    Tiada istilah “Bodoh” dalam kisah ini. Sabah Sekadar cuba melunasi pepatah Melayu ini ” UMPAMA MENARIK RAMBUT DALAM TEPUNG; RAMBUT TAK PUTUS DAN TEPUNG PUN TAK BERSELERAK”.

    Bangun wahai saudara-saudaraku “RAKYAT SABAH”… Pasangkan “Jamur” kita dalam gelap pekatnya malam. …”Hidup MALAYSIA”…

    “Tak Kan ‘Borneo’ Hilang Di Dunia”…

    Assalamualikum Warahmatullahi Wabarkatuh…

  209. Salam Tun,

    Selamat Hari Raya kepada Tun sekeluarga. Tidak lupa kepada semua bloggers..Selamat Hari Raya, Maaf Zahir Batin.

    Ada blogger yang bagi perincian Melayu pegang jawatan itu jawatan ini. Menarik. Cuma kalau boleh, cuba perincikan pegangan kuasa ekonomi Melayu atau Bumiputera boleh tak. Barulah para pembaca nampak gambaran sebenar keadaan Melayu dan bumiputera sekarang ini.

    Terima kasih Tun.

  210. Assalamualaikum Tun….

    Dearest Doncorleone… nice knowing you…

    Kumusta kana Doncorleone ?

    Hindi kita “magputul-putul” sa balai Tun Dr. Mahathir. Mahal na Mahal kita Doncorleone…. Gracias….

    Magingat ka…….

    Correction :

    1. Valhala -its not- Varhalla
    2. Valar Michaelis -not- Valar Maghaelis

    Doncorleone… Walang Pera,Walang Quarta that I’ve pocketed from “Them”… Do A “Trillionaire” as me, needs money from “Them”?

    “Walang personalan trabaho lang – Trabaho lang walang.”

    Have a nice day Brad…….

  211. Assalam Tun.

    Wall Street Journal has replied to Najib’s enquiry, the almost $700 millions that were transferred to Najib’s personal bank account as reported earlier by them is correct.
    Now, why is Najib still not taking any further action?

    Najib should has decided what action to be taken during the 2-week period given to WSJ to respond to Najib’s queries.

    Janganlah tunjukkan pada rakyat kalau pun lembab, nanti bertambah pula ketidakpuasan rakyat panda Najib.
    Atau pun saja nak beli masa, nak melewatkan suasana sementara tipu helah baru boleh dicipta.

    suhainin suhaibul, roslina, dan rakan2 sekepala dengan mereka diharapkan sangat supaya boleh to long Najib dapatkan alasan nak bohongi rakyat.

  212. Assalamualaikum Ayahanda Tun,

    With regards to WSJ, PM Najib action has obviously became a laughing stock among the legal community here.

    Where are the likes of KJ, Zahid and Nazri? Is this good enough to fool the rakyat? You guys are good for nothing ministers and should be ashamed of yourselves.

    Wasalam Tun.

  213. Tun

    It is now high noon in OK Corral or the home of the Good, the Bad and the Ugly, 300 miles from the Equator ! We have been shooting each other with the strongest of words all to no avail. Words like CONSPIRACY, LIES etc.

    This unusual escapade of sorts which arose from the aping of the MONEY MONEY MONEY GLCs from the Kingdom of the late Dictator Lee Kuan Yew (1959-2015) will definitely leave an indelible mark in our short history of political events in the 21st Century.

    In the 20th Century, our beloved Malaysia was a boring and placid place which even the most sanguine of tourists by-passed it for the temptations of Bangkok or the false glitter of ye olde Singapura of Bob Hope and Dorothy Lamour in ” Road to Singapore.”

    But what a change with the inadvertent adoption of the GLCs and the creation of at least 100 GLCs since 2003 in the land of boredom and no excitement. In recent times all these mistaken beliefs have changed.

    And these GLCs have given our distinguished and honourable PRIME MINISTER YAB Dato Seri Najib bin Tun Abdul Razak a headache CAUSED BY the Civil Servants in GLCs, the closest aides, the consultants, the party boys, the unqualified cartoonists, fellow travellers etc – eunuchs. THEY LET THE PRIME MINISTER DOWN !

    Certain people amongst us are threatened with taking part in conspiracies when NO SUCH EVENT COULD EVER TAKE PLACE IN OUR BELOVED MALAYSIA BECAUSE WE ARE EITHER CLOSE FRIENDS OR RELATED TO ONE ANOTHER. Hence, I always said we cannot runaway very far.

    But with time, uninterested bystanders have now become more interested in the subject called GLCs, these curious people want to know what this fuss is all about.

    Let us beginning from the distant past when the Dictator Lee Kuan Yew (1959-2015) was ejected out of the Federation of Malaysia in 1965 after he and his PAP were ignominously defeated by our great Tunku at the General Elections in 1964.

    At the point of the ejection of Singapore from the Federation of Malaysia in 1965, Singapore was a sleepy colonial entreport with a colourful history. Trishaws still abound. Its inhabitants were traders and a large population of manual workers. Many of the workers worked in the Keppel docks, loading and unloading cargo under the harsh tropical sun shining on their bare-backs. This was tough and very hard work.

    But since 1961, the Singapore Government engaged the United Nations economics expert Dr Alfred Winsemius, a Dutchman, to advise on the infra-structural development of the entreport of Singapore with the view of creating a cosmopolitan city out of this colonial creation.

    The opportunity came with the creation of the Republic of Singapore in 1965. Dr Winsemius advised on the establishment of the Jurong Industrial Park for new industrial undertakings. By 1969, Jurong was up and running with most of its factories founded and owned by Singapore’s first generation of entrepreneurs, the traders. But in time, by 1970, it was found that many of the industries failed for lack of a market or had quality problems. Those failed included Fair Lady Fashion, EUPOC, Starlite Ceramics, Regency Wigs, etc. Far East Levingston which managed to hang on was founded then. What to do ? An ambitious plan went awry.

    At this juncture, the Singapore Government was forced to step in to establish businesses which provided employment and revenue. This was a risk and went against the principles of Free Democracy and impinging into the black arts of Communism. The Dictator went ahead with the founding of the Asian Dollar Market, SIA, Neptune Line, HDB, DBS (in which many Singaporean Malays are employed) Sembawang Shipyard, Keppel Shipyard, Chartered Industries etc. Some businesses succeeded but many failed.

    By the 1980s, the Dictator Lee Kuan Yew (1959-2015) coined the name Government Linked Companies (GLCs) for these Government owned businesses closely monitored and the money carefully counted by him alone. He trusted no underling and had a firm hold on their weaknesses or failings. IN OTHER WORDS, HE TOLERATED NO MONKEY BUSINESS.

    A Senior Minister in charge of HDB was caught for corruption during the early period. He committed suicide. This put the fear of the Dictator Lee Kuan Yew into the hearts of all his underlings. He did not tolerate Civil Servants in GLCs, consultants, closest aides, party boys, unqualified cartoonists, fellow travellers – eunuchs anywhere in his Kingdom. There was no free lunch for any one especially hangers-on.


    The CPF money entered the Government coffers and came under the aegis of the Secrets Act. But it may deduced that this money eventually found its way into Temasek or GIC which disbursed the money accordingly to the different business concerns. – The Government money now was called SOVEREIGN FUNDS which brought much unhappiness to Singapore at the Crash of October 2008.- This methodology comes within the ambit of Singapore’s Trust Laws which are regularly revised and up-dated UNLIKE THE TRUSTEES ACT 1949 OF MALAYSIA WHICH HAS NEVER BEEN REVISED SINCE 1949 – for 66 years !

    From the above facts, we know that the Dictator Lee Kuan Yew (1959-2015) suffered no clowns or fools in his establishment, that the GLCs were established by accident to fill a national void in the interest of jobs and revenue and that anything to do with MONEY MONEY MONEY was closely watched by him who was honest, frugal and hard-working.

    Willy-nilly, the Dictator (1959-2015) created the Godless Ultra Communistic Political and Social System imposed on the citizens by his Apparatchiks aka Meritocrats bolstered by the CPF-HDB-Quit Rent & Assessment-Income Tax-COE-Traffic fines & tolls-Water Conservation Tax-free Malaysian Water-Public Utilities-the Civil Service-the Judiciary-the foreign manned Lend Lease Military. etc. An all-legal ensemble’.

    In Malaysia, there were no GLCs of any kind before the retirement of Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad. It was not the NATIONAL POLICY to have them because these GLCs encroached on ALL SECTORS OF PRIVATE BUSINESS ESPECIALLY FINANCE and we were not a COMMUNIST STATE. So far so good.

    After the crash of 1997, Danaharta was established for the bailing out of the important businesses which owed the banks many billions of ringgits. As the bailed out companies returned to NORMALCY, the Government just kept them and called them GLCs without informing the general public that it had turned into a Government which does businesses with GLCs – the sort of businesses which the Private Sector is doing eg. property development, plantations, engineering works etc. No one can really tell when these TRANSFORMATION took place except the adherents themselves.

    In future, the historians might label this period as the HI-JACK of bailed out Private Enterprise companies by Civil Servants.

    All such bailed out companies should be returned to the Private Sector in keeping with Free Democratic tenets. By keeping them, the Government has become COMMUNISTIC IN ACTION BUT CAPITALISITC IN WORDS. And worst of all we have no honest, frugal and hard-working Dictator to monitor and count the money for the Rakyat ! WHERE ARE YOU UNCLE SAM ?

    The United States of America returned all the giant bailed out businesses, AIA, GM, Chrysler, the banks, etc to the private sector after 2008 – quickly and efficiently like hot potatos!

    The Malaysian methodology of funding the GLCs is through the PUBLIC TRUSTS or direct loans from the Government or banks.

    The Trustees Act 1949 which has not been revised since 1949 is very onerous and strict on what investments the Trusts like EPF, Tabung Haji or other Trusts may undertake in their investments. I am not aware of any infringement or breach of the Trustees Act 1949 by the funding of the GLCs. As we have noted the funding of the Singaporean GLCs were done properly and legally.

    In the case of our beloved Malaysia in which everything the politics, the socio-economy is balanced on a fine edge, there is NO NECESSITY WHATSOEVER TO HAVE A SINGLE GLC.

    Our Government had promised us that we must eradicate poverty and also that we must not identify a community through what business they do. Hence, we must have BIG BUMIPUTRA AND NON-BUMIPUTRA BUSINESSES TOGETHER AT PLAY.

    To have these GLCs managed by Civil Servants with no business experience, no accountability and no ownership have proven to be not only one BIG PROBLEM ON MONEY MONEY MONEY FOR ALL OF US but hopefully, NOT ONE BIG DISASTER TO COME. And if we compound this heady mix with the closest aides, the consultants, the party boys, the unqualified cartoonists, fellow travellers etc – eunuchs, we surely cannot have a Hollywood film ending.

    MALAYSIA BOLEH ! MALAYS BOLEH ! MALAYSIANS BOLEH ! No GLCs for us Malaysians, we are not Communists or Singaporeans. We are free Democrats !

  214. Salam Tun,

    Najib & his cabinates is FUBAR (fuck-up beyond any repair). regardless he did it or not, he is not capable to lead a country. if he not stepping down, throw him away.

  215. Congratulation to HBT 456 “King of Distractor” and for now you and your master can have a good sleep!
    Also to Azlan 95,Pak Pandir08,Myungtae,Roslina,Samwill, Suhainin, Rarunasalam…….

    Let me summarize what you have achieved from many of your suggestion or wish that have been implemented by Najib government
    36. Najib will never resign and he have declared that his former mentor Tun M as his main enemy
    37. Parliament does not function as it is supposed to be when highest degree of scandal affecting the nation. MPs of both divide keep mum.
    38. No other mean to oust Najib by democratic way since he has vast executive power
    39. People sentiment does not carry weight to the government, they have become so exclusive even Tun M and one of the royalty critic are taken lightly. Its time to kill the messenger
    40. MCA,Gerakan,MIC and PPP are critically ill.
    41.Najib will never built the crooked bridge soTanjung Pelepas and Pasir Gudang port will be white elephant.Singapore can upgrade and built mega port to cater more export.
    42. Najib has postphoned UMNO party election and nobody can do anything
    43. Speed train project will be carried out and the last station will be in Singapore and a great advantage to her. Bye KLIA and Senai airport.Surely tourist and business will go to Singapore first.
    44. Depreciating ringgit have triggered Singaporean to be on shopping spree of the properties especially in Johor, Selangor,K.Lumpur and Penang
    45. Viewing the going on in Malaysia now, likely Najib will signed the TPPA.Advantage to Singapore and US interest. Singapore will be more influential in Malaysia’s affairs and policies.
    46.Najib can even postponed GE 14 for the sake of retaining power. With US backing for agreeing to their agendas, democracy will have different interpretation to them.
    47. US does not need Anwar , PR or regime change… Najib is the best choice available.
    48. Najïb has tested it, with all the fuss happening ..he is still in control.

  216. Open memorandum to Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin via Chedet
    Better late than never TSM …..before TPPA being signed!!
    you have the capacityand mean to change the scenarios….all you have to do is to instruct the Special Task Force to report directly to you and assure them that you are ready to take over the helm and not to worry of any political instability since UMNO and BN still be the government. As an inner circle you have most information than us the rakyat.You are abetting the crime if you have the knowledge about it but did not act.Please act before rakyat thinking of changing the goverment.STF cannot do their task properly if the prime suspect is still sitting as a PM.As a veteran politician you know what to do. Time to play it right now or better use Durex if you still want to play it save. Its you that will be PM not Tun M.Tun doesnt want to name you because he don’t want to be blamed for the fourth time if you fail to the rakyat expectation.Take over, terminate all the consultants and consult Tun when he is still available.Better still stop playing golf as people perception when a leader can afford to waste time golfing , its not a good leader.

  217. Dearest YAB Tun,

    1. It’s so funny that there are people who prefer to bring up old/past stories (‘lapuk dah…’) about PM-4 in order to ‘answer questions asked’ by PM-4 and the ‘rakyat’ about 1MDB and PM-6 scandals.

    2. We are asking what happened to all RM42 BILLION that 1MDB borrowed, and also what happened to the RM2.63 BILLION deposited into PM’s personal account (which he never deny).

    3. Just answer the above questions clearly.

    4. Bringing up ‘outdated issues’ regarding Tun M is futile, and just a waste of time. It will not solve the ‘real issues/ scandals’. No wonder our country is currently in a mess.

    5. Pro-PM accused Pro-Chedet of being ‘buta mata dan hati’. (Chedet is a well-known ‘nama gelaran’ for Tun M; most Malaysians know who Chedet is; it’s not the same as ‘nama samaran’; I think some people do not know the difference between ‘nama gelaran’ dan ‘nama samaran’.) I believe they (Pro-PM) are the ones who cannot differentiate between ‘diamond/ intan permata’ and ‘glass/ kaca’ (‘buta mata dan hati?’). Kasihan!

    6. Tun, please continue fighting for the people. We are with you and we love you. You are the only leader that can be trusted during this difficult time. The rest (leaders), ‘hampeh’, including the Oppositions.

    Thanks Tun.

    *** May Allah SWT bless Tun and family ***

  218. Tun,
    Read these articles and tell me your country is not a bloomin mess….

    Sue these publications for defamation, I doubt Najib can and will do anything. Bring it on Najib! Give the media titans, international auditors, press your best shot.. Looking forward to your silence… because we all know you are guilty guilty guilty. Bring on the French Revolution.. Viva La Malaisie.

  219. Salam…
    Hehehe..selamat petang…
    Apalaa komen komen dalam nie..
    Yang berdakwah pun ada..
    Yang sampaikan macam khutbah jumaat pun ada wakakakka..
    Yang terlalu ekonomi pun ada..wakakaka.

    1..Dalam Islam yg penting ialah buat 3 proses dulu iaitu tahu, faham Dan nilai..bukan terus nilai…
    2..Ramai yg baca Quran sekarang ttapi lupa akan pengisian dalam nya so jadi macam baca berita ajelaa…wakakaka..then sama jugak dgn masalh 1MDB nie..fahami dulu pengisian masalah, punca then baru selesaikan..sebab ia berlaku bukan start skrg tapi bermula Dr tahun 2008 lagi..
    3.Perkara paling mudah dilakukan oleh manusia ialah menyalahkan org lain..
    4. Cari musuh sebenarnya negara..sebab tak semestinya yg ada di depan mata itu adalah jawapanya..
    5.Dari segi ekonomi lak kalau nak buat pelaburan takan laa nak buat iklan mana nak laburkan adoii..kecuali nikah lain laa wakakka..nanti mesti kena sailang ngan competitor..( selama nie tak nampak pun yg company besar dunia lain bagitahu org lain nak labur hartanah di mana mana )
    6.Nantilaa pikirkan lagi sebab malass pulak nak bagi komen komen lebih Kang macam macam akta pulak kena..kalau akta kawin lagi takpe laa..wakakaka..


  220. Assalamualaikum Tun,

    1. Saya teramat bersetuju komen saudara novo tentang Roslina.

    2. Roslina adalah ahli umno sabah yang mana dari kacamatanya Tun mengabaikan Sabah semasa pentadbiran Tun.

    3. Kononnya Najib adalah hero masa kini kerana membina lebuhraya dari Sarawak hingga ke Sabah.

    4. Tetapi dia cetek tentang hal-hal lain kecuali copy paste ilmu agama yang cuba dikaitkan dengan orang yang dibencinya.

    5. Malangnya ia tiada kena mengena dalam isu negara yang kita bincangkan.

    6. Ustazah “celup” Roslina yang cuba mengajar orang lain agama sedangkan dirinya pun terlalu cetek dalam perkara tersebut.

    7. “Ustazah celup” Roslina ini masuk umno kerana ikut-ikut dan tiada prinsip memikir hal Malaysia dalam kontek yang lebih luas.

    8. Kerana kecetekan ilmunya, tidak faham ilmu ekonomi. ilmu pentadbiran, ilmu agama, dan berpolitik dalam skop yang sempit maka lahirlah “ustazah” Roslina yang membodek buah Najib tanpa dirinya sendiri tidak faham apa yang dilakukannya.

    9. Roslina sesat dalam dunia politik “sempit” yang di bawa oleh Najib.

    10. Justeru itu, tidak hairanlah Roslina umpama seekor kera sumbang dan seekor anjing “Najib” yang menyalak bukit.

    Wassalam Tun.

  221. Assalamualaikum Ayahanda Tun,

    PM Najib must be joking,let me and the rakyat @ ground level tell you that there is no conspiracy to bring you down. But the rakyat has spoken publicly and make our intentions crystal clear that you PM Najib should step down because you are not fit to be our PM for what you have done to our beloved country!

    Please do step down if you really care about the rakyat and before things get even worse, we are begging you.

    Personally I don’t think PM Najib will ever care to listen to the rakyats wishes and therefore i’m counting on TSM and DSSA to initate something. TSM you have got nothing to lose but a lot to gain..

    Wasalam Tun.

    p/s – Dear TSM & DSSA, ayahanda Tun have done a lot alone and at the receiving end alone for the sake of the party, please do hold the bull by its horn before it’s too late!!

  222. Assalamualaikum Tun…..

    Anyway…. Sometimes we “Just” have to smile and “look trough deep inside” “ourown” heart…ask then smile…ask again and make a huge “Sweet Smile”… then sing a song…

    (Bob Marley – since 1963)

    Dr. Mahathir Mohamad and Marcos Joke…

    Shortly after Dr. Mahathir Mohamad became Prime Minister of Malaysia, he made a study trip to the Philippines to consult Marcos on how he (Marcos) had enriched himself off his nation’s (Phillipines) wealth.

    Flattered, Marcos took Dr. Mahathir to the top most floor of his office building in Quezon City, went to the window, pointed out to all the skyscrapers out there and said, ‘See those buildings. Those Government buildings were built on grossly inflated costs. The surplus cost is mine. Privately owned buildings only approved after I’m taken care of’.

    Dr. Mahathir thanked Marcos for the lesson.

    Years later, Dr. Mahathir extended an invitation to Marcos to visit Malaysia to see for himself how well Dr. Mahathir had learnt from that one visit to the Philippines.

    Dr. Mahathir took Marcos to the top most floor of his office building, went to the window, pointed out and said, ‘See those buildings. Government buildings built on grossly inflated costs’.

    ‘But there are no buildings out there’, a bewildered Marcos replied.

    ‘I know. The entire building cost is mine’, a smiling Dr. Mahathir replied.

    Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh…

  223. Tun

    This morning a centre-fold Chart concerning the GLCs was produced in the UMNO owned naive hospitable and friendly NSTP.

    The Chart does not say that the collection of companies so mentioned are State owned by the Government of Malaysia. This is important because the man or lady in the street does not know the meaning of this. The meaning is our beloved Malaysia now has a coterie of an estimated 100 GLCs (Government Linked Companies) owned and managed by a handful of Civil Servants controlling an immense amount of what used to be Private Sector money or assets.

    Also, the Chart does not explain that all the companies which are represented there are the best of the 100 GLCs.

    And Sime Darby is actually majority owned by a Trust, PNB which is NOT GOVERNMENT OWNED. This is the Star amongst the few gems so presented. And Sime Darby should be taken out of the equation in the Chart. Why ?



    2. THE 1MDB EMPIRE since 2009


    Each of the three financial empires are controlled and managed exclusively by a few Civil Servants.

    As I have said before Tun, before the insertion of the GLCs which should have been returned to the Private Sector after the bailing outs like the United States of America, a democratic Nation, our beloved Malaysia INSTEAD CHOSE TO APE THE FAILED POLICIES OF THE LATE DICTATOR LEE KUAN YEW (1959-2015) WITH HIS SELF-CONTROLLED GLCs, by retaining the GLCs controlled by Civil Servants like a Communist State. No other democratic country in the World does this.

    The principle is whether we want to continue to be like a Communist State like the late Dictator’s Singapore or do we want to be a Free Malaysian Style Democracy with Open Capitalist Characteristics and a Malay bias. And our loyalty towards the Yang Di Pertuan Agong and the Royal Sultans and our beloved Constitution !



  224. Dear Suhainin and Roslina,

    Are you being paid to be a troll? Have you seen the movie zombie kilang biskut?

    Valar Mangaelis!

    Have a beautiful Friday Tun.

  225. SALAM TUN.

    To roslina via Tun

    “Dahsyatnya Proses Sakaratul Maut”

    1. Wah bertapa tajubnya saya kerana.

    2. Pencacai Najib BERTUKAR kepada penceramah agama.

    3. Baguslah tu untuk “ayam serama kacukan belaan” Najib dan Rosmah.

    4. Tapi yang BODOH nya si roslina ni dia ingatkan Tun sahaja mengenai mati.

    5. Diri sendiri tak mati ke atau dah penuh dengan amalan akhirat?

    6. Saya dapat rasakan, Najib teringin nak makan daging “ayam serama kacukan” kebelakangan ini.

    7. Itu lah adat pahlawan Bugis sebelum masuk gelangang perang di mahkamah. “Makan daging ayam serama kacukan”.

    8. Itu pasti mengerikan untuk anda, betul tak roslina. Kerana si rosmah tu dah asahkan pisau sembelih untuk penuhi adat perang Pahlawan Bugis.

    Wassalam Tun.

  226. Assalamualaikum Tun,

    Kepada saudara suhainin suhaibul, mengapa tidak menjawab 3 soalan mudah dari saya kepada kamu?

    Pemerhatian saya tentang orang politik, kebanyakannya khususnya bermula era Anwar Ibrahim, ramai orang yang bergiat aktif politik adalah mereka yang amat mementingkan diri sendiri. Mereka lebih mementingkan habuan “projek” dan sebagainya demi keuntungan peribadi berbanding keuntungan majoriti.

    Saudara suhainin suhaibul yang saya amati tulisannya bukanlah seorang yang bijak sangat tetapi bukanlah seorang individu yang bodoh sangat. Dia cuma manusia yang biasa-biasa saja seperti kebanyakan kita tetapi otak ada “mereng” sedikit. Cuma saya merasakan dalam dirinya semacam ada sesuatu hajat yang tidak kesampaian seperti habuan yang diharapkan tidak menjelma seperti yang dihajatkan.

    Saya tertarik dengan manusia seperti suhain suhaibul ini tetapi menganggapkan dia ini seorang individu yang kalau diberi kuasa seperti jawatan PM pun popularitinya biasa-biasa saja. Hanya pembodek saja yang suka bekerjasama dengan orang sepertinya. Manusia yang kaki bodek boleh hidup di bawah PM seperti Najib tetapi kaki bodek tidak boleh sehaluan dengan manusia seperti Tun. Suhainin satu ketika dulu adalah pembodek yang mengharapkan imbuhan sesuatu “2003” daripada Tun. Bagi saya Tun ketika fasa melepaskan jawatan PM ketika itu mungkin lebih mementingkan masa depan negara secara keseluruhannya bukan memikirkan nafsu seorang individu benama suhainin suhaibul. KALAU SAYA DI TEMPAT TUN, SAYA JUGA TIDAK MELAYAN KEHENDAK MANUSIA SEPERTI INI. Suhainin Suhaibul ini “mungkin” kedudukannya hampir sama dengan Azmin Ali tetapi Azmin Ali perjudiannya mengikut Anwar Ibrahim lebih cerah.

    Kesimpulannya terlalu sedikit manusia di dunia ini yang diberi “kebijaksanaan” atau “kuasa” atau “kedudukan tinggi” sedikit yang mana datangnya dari Allah swt dan pergunakan kedudukan “sementara” demi untuk kebaikan manusia lainnya tanpa menyusahkan atau mngambil hak orang lain.

    Saya beranggapan suhainin suhaibul ini seorang pekerja yang mengharapkan imbuhan yang lebih dan menyesal dan tidak tahu bersyukur apa yang Allah swt kurniakan selama ini. Dia lupa diri dan lupa bahawa semua yang terjadi adalah kuasa Allah swt yang maha besar. Suratan dan takdir dari yang maha berkuasa tiada seorang pun yang boleh mengubahnya. Nasihat saya kepada suhainin suhaibul ( jika dia percaya kebesaran Allah swt dan rezeki itu di tangan Allah swt ) maka sepatutnya redho dengan ketentuan Allah swt. Mudah-mudahan kehidupan dan mati kamu juga aman hendaknya. Insya Allah. Jikalau kamu seorang kafir atau syirik atau murtad, maaf saya bukan orangnya untuk menasihati kamu. Carilah sami atau paderi, mungkin mereka boleh menasihati kamu agaknya.

    Kepada Roslina,

    Saya beranggapan kamu seorang yang bodoh dan bahalol seperti Najib. Kalau kamu PM di tempat Najib sekarang pun saya yakin kamu mentadbir negara cara Najib atau lebih bahalol dari Najib.

    Tun mentadbir negara, dia memandang semua sudut. Dia memikirkan kesejahteraan negara dan negeri di bawah KM atau MB masing-masing pada ketika itu. Dia sebagai PM terpaksa mengukuhkan asas pembangunan negara , asas perindusterian negara, asas pendidikan negara dan banyak lagi agar PM yang mentadbir Malaysia selepasnya “senang” dan “kukuh” kedudukannya berbanding masa pentadbirannya. Pada masa awal era Tun, ekonomi negara bukanlah sehebat penghujung era pentadbirannya. Kalau kita fahami zaman awal 80an berapa kerat kilang-kilang yang ada di Malaysia. Pada masa itu saya berusia belasan tahun dan dibesarkan dari keluarga susah dan ibu bapa serta datuk nenek saya buta huruf. Taraf pengangguran terlalu tinggi. Saya lihat majoriti kaum lelaki terpaksa berhijrah ke bandar-bandar, ke luar negara untuk mencari rezeki dan pekerjaan yang terhad di kampung. Pada masa itu, status seorang pekerja kerajaan posmen lebih elok dari seorang pekerja kilang.

    Dengan usaha Tun menarik pelabur-pelabur asing membina kilang di Malaysia, di hujung era Tun kita dapati banyak kilang-kilang berterabur di serata pelusuk di negara ini. Kalau dahulunya, majoriti lepasan sekolah berhijrah ke bandar-bandar, ke luar negara untuk mencaari rezeki tetapi keadaan menjadi sebaliknya. Peluang tiada pekerjaan boleh dikatakan sifar tetapi di hujung era Tun, kita terpaksa import pekerja luar untuk bekerja di negara ini. Status seorang posmen kalau dulu lebih elok dari pekerja kilang tetapi hujung era Tun, kebanyakan gaji seorang pekerja kilang lebih elok dari seorang posmen.

    Pembangunan sesebuah negeri:

    Kita tidak nafikan pembangunan sesebuah negeri agak perlahan dalam Malaysia seperti Kelantan, Sabah dan Sarawak. Ada banyak faktor yang menjadi kekangan ketika pemerintahan Tun.

    Kelantan, sumber asli yang kurang dan politik adalah masalah utama pembangunan.

    Sabah dan Sarawak, keluasan 2 buah negeri ini lebih besar dari 11 buah negeri di semenanjung. Walaupun sumber aslinya banyak tetapi dengan bentuk mukabumi Sabah dan Sarawak ditambah taburan penduduk yang berselerak untuk membina infrastruktur memerlukan belanja yang amat besar. Jika antara 13 negeri, kerajaan persekutuan memberi peruntukan amaun yang sama banyak, apa yang kerajaan negeri Sarawak dan Sabah boleh lakukan wang sebanyak itu berbanding negeri-negeri lain di Semenanjung? Jika agihan peruntukan kerajaan pusat kepada kerajaan negeri ikut formula bilangan penduduk adakah ianya adil? Atau agihan ikut keluasan negeri, adakah adil? Bagi saya peranan kerajaan pusat dan dibantu kerajaan negeri amat perlu. Ringkasnya, Ketua Menteri Sabah pada ketika era Tun turut memain peranan bersama dengan PM ketika itu iaitu Tun.

    Usahlah menuding jari kepada Tun kerana Sabah ketika itu mundur atau ketinggalan sedikit berbanding semenanjung.

    Kalau asas ekonomi yang semakin kukuh sekarang bukanlah usaha Najib tetapi usaha pemimpin terdahulu iaitu Tun Mahathir. Jika era Tun Mahathir tidak membina asas ekonomi yang kukuh dan andaikan era Tun M dan Tun Abdullah “tiada pembangunan” atau “sekata” seperti era Tun Razak, sudah tentu pembangunan Malaysia tidak seperti yang kita lihat sekarang ini. Mustahil era Najib boleh dan berjanji membina lebuhraya Borneo sekarang ini.

    Kalaulah Roslina yang “bijak” dan seorang PM katakan mahu membina keretapi berkembar di Sabah dan Sarawak seperti di semenanjung, adakah pulangannya menguntungkan? Atau buat saja apa yang dibangunkan di Semenanjung dengan Sabah / Sarawak tanpa membuat kajian kesannya dalam tempoh masa panjang samada untung atau rugi? Lainlah penduduk Sabah dan Sarawak 30 juta orang, barulah pembinaan keretapi / jalanraya bertol boleh dibuat di Sabah dan Sarawak. Jika kita mengharapkan penduduk Sabah dan Sarawak sekitar 5 juta ( maaf jika tidak tepat ) menaiki keretapi jalan berkembar di sana, alamatnya rugilah kita. Adakah Roslina yang mahu bayar kerugian tersebut? Usahkan mahukan keuntungan yang dicari, malangnya nak cover penyelenggaraan keretapi dan landasan pun tidak mencukupi.

    Kesimpulannya, Roslina ni lebih bodoh dari cerdik. Belum saya ulas tentang BR1M dan GST idea bodoh Najib.

    Wasssalam Tun.

  227. Tun

    I am duty bound, Sir, to report to my fellow Bloggers on this Blog the international financial news which have come to hand over last 6 hours.

    First, it was reported by Bloomberg that the Bank Negara Malaysia’s foreign reserves have fallen down to US$ 100.5 Billions – the lowest since 5 years ago. There must be something wrong with the adoption of the late Dictator Lee Kuan Yew’s (1959-2015) failed GLCs since 2003.

    America has returned all the bailed out mega-companies, AIA, GM, Chrysler, banks etc to the Private Sector since 2008.

    On the other side of the coin, it is estimated that the 100 GLCs together with the Federal Government may have incurred an estimated ONE TRILLION RINGGITS OF DEBT (Not Loss)since 2003 equal to approximately US$ 360 Billions at today’s foreign exchange rate.

    Singapore’s dysfunctional elite with the smartest fellow on top lost US$ 108 Billions in October 2008 on Wall Street.

    Second, the market capitalization of Amazon was US$ 258 Billions after Wall Street closed today which overtook Wal-Mart’s US$ 234 Billions and also the market capitalizations of GE and JP Morgan.

    I brought out these financial facts for all to put into perspective that our beloved Malaysia of 30 millions is not a super-duper Nation with tons and tons of money to throw around especially buying 3rd rate assets in faraway countries at over the hill prices which no one wanted or from tycoons just about to abscond.

    I will say no more except that as a free and democratic Nation of 30 millions without a Dictator but a constitutional Monarch, our Yang Di Pertuan Agong and the Royal Sultans, and our tested and reliable Free Malaysian Style Democracy with Open Capitalist Characteristics and a Malay bias, maybe the financial hygiene could be improved up without the Civil Servants in GLCs, consultants, closest aides, party boys, unqualified cartoonists – eunuchs just like Uncle Sam’s America the home of the Free, Democracy and the American Dream.

    But in our beloved Malaysia we do our own thing and not ape the Dictator Lee Kuan Yew’s (1959-2015) of a tiny isle, failed handiwork, the GLCs without study or understanding of his motives and intentions. This has brought our once stable, peaceful and harmonious land MONEY MONEY MONEY PROBLEMS which we do not require.



  228. SALAM TUN.

    To roslina via Tun.

    Siapakah mahathir suka suka nk ds najib meletakkan jawatan?

    1. Takpayah kaitkan dengan Tun.

    2. Aku yang miskin ini pun dah lama nak suruh Najib letak jawatan kerana,

    3. Najib adalah pemimpin dan PM yang BODOH di ofis dan LEMBIK di rumah.

    4. Najib dan Rosmah bagi roslina sekeluarga makan apa hari ini. Makan jagung hancur ke atau makan mess dedak?

    5. Air si Najib bagi tu dalam tempurung kelapa ke atau dalam bekas plastik terpakai?

    Wassalam Tun.

  229. SALAM TUN.


    1. Didalam kemelut PM Najib dimana pimpinan beliau telah dipersoalkan oleh rakyat jelata, tapi dimanakah

    2. Raja saya?

    3. Kami rakyat hanya mahu hidup dalam ketenangan demi mencari sesuap nasi untuk keluarga.

    4. Ketenangan ini telah semakin hilang dan mungkin akan lenyap sama sekali jika tiada penyelesaian terhadap isu-isu seperti 1MDB dan tuduhan WSJ.

    5. Kebelakangan ini banyak “jentera siasatan” yang di tubuhkan oleh PM Najib bagi mencari jawapan terhadap persoalan rakyat jelata, tapi

    6. Mampukah keputusan ini diterima oleh rakyat? Menenangkan hati saya?

    7. PAC dan Ketua Audit Negara telah diarahkan untuk melihat permasaalahan urustadbir di 1MDB.

    8. Tapi mampukah itu mendatangkan ketenangan dalam hidup saya?

    9. Keputusan Interim Audit Report- 1MDB oleh Ketua Audit Negara telah diterima PAC tapi ianya di kelaskan “Bukan untuk orangramai”.

    10. Jadi apakah relevannya keputusan Interim Audit Report- 1MDB itu kepada ketenangan yang saya cari?

    11. Tidak ada keketenangan yang akan saya perolehi dari Interim Audit Report- 1MDB ini.

    12. Boleh saya katakan Interim Audit Report- 1MDB ini di buat secara “cincai” kerana melihat kepada cara ianya di bukukan dan dipersembahkan.

    13. Tergamak Ketua Audit Negara, Tan Sri Ambrin Buang menggunakan Format O-RING dalam membukukan Interim Audit Report- 1MDB ini?

    14. Dan dengan senyum lebar Ketua PAC, Datuk Nur Jazlan Mohamed menerimanya.

    15. Itulah STANDARD yang diamalkan oleh Ketua Audit Negara Tan Sri Ambrin Buang dan Ketua PAC,Datuk Nur Jazlan Mohamed sekarang?

    16. Kalaulah saya menjadi Ketua Audit Negara adalah saya amat malu untuk mengakui bahawa saya adalah Ketua yang bertanggungjawab keatas Interim Audit Report- 1MDB itu.

    17. Dan kalaulah saya menjadi Ketua PAC, maka saya akan membuang dan menolaknya mentah-mentah diatas sebab report itu boleh diubahsuai kandungannya dengan senang sekali kerana setiap helaian adalah tidak dijahit. Mungkin.

    18. Walaupun Interim Audit Report dikelaskan “Bukan untuk orangramai” tapi mengapakah Datuk Seri Ahmad Husni Hanadzlah telah “membocorkan kandungannya”?

    19. Hinggakan tanpa sedar saya telah memanggilnya seperti dibawah didalam post saya dibawah tajuk Whistle Blower pada 15 Julai 2015.


    21. Sekali lagi kedamaian saya digugat oleh tindak tanduk Datuk Seri Ahmad Husni Hanadzlah yang telah manipulasikan Interim Audit Report- 1MDB itu.

    22. Dengan cepat Datuk Seri Ahmad Husni Hanadzlah mengeluarkan kenyataan bahawa,

    23. “The preliminary report by the Auditor-General investigating 1MDB’s activities has found no evidence of wrongdoing, and therefore the reckless allegations by some parties including the ‘disappearance’ of RM42 billion and transfer of US$700 million to certain individual does not arise.”

    24. Mengapakah beliau tidak diambil tindakan diatas mengeluarkan kenyataan yang berada dibawah “Akta Rasmi Kerajaan”

    25. Demi Najib kah tindakan beliau itu, atau demi mencari kebenaran?

    26. Banyak salahlaku berlaku akibat dari kemelut IMDB ini kerana disetiap lapisan permasaalah adanya manusia yang bernama Najib ini.

    27. Dialah orang yang hendak disiasat, dialah juga sebagai PM, sebagai Pengerusi 1MDB dan sebagai Menteri Kewangan juga.

    28. Jadi segala siasatan akan terbatas kerana kekangan ini. Saya dapat merasakan tiada akan ada keputusan yang akan menenangkan hati saya yang bakal di perolehi.

    29. Satu lagi contoh, siapakah mengarahkan penubuhan Special Task Force yang terdiri dari PDRM, Bank Negara, SPRM dan Peguam Negara?

    30. Keempat-empat mereka ini adalah berhierarki di bawah PM dan melapurkan kepada PM sahaja. Oleh itu saya ingin kepastian , jika ada maklumat mengenai salahlaku PM, kepada siapa mereka semua ini akan lapurkan?

    31. Tidak ada kepastian maka tidak ada ketenangan pada pihak saya.

    32. Banyak rakyat mempersoalkan yang keempat-empat agensi ini adalah bersekongkol dengan PM.

    33. Pandangan rakyat yang tidak meyakini keempat-empat agensi ini akan menambahkan lagi ketidak percayaan kepada keputusan yang di buat.

    34. Terdengar SPRM takut untuk bertindak dan Bank Negara pula menyembunyikan maklumat kewangan.

    35. Manakala terdengar PDRM hanya mencari salah mereka yang mendedahkan maklumat dan Peguam Negara mencari helah untuk tidak mensabitkan kelakuan jenayah.

    36. Ini semua tidak menenangkan hati saya.


    38. Di dunia dan akhirat aku mencari ketenangan dengan ALLAH semata-mata.
    39. Tapi tidak salah jika di dunia ini aku memohon kepada Raja ku untuk memberi ketenangan kepada ku di dalam kemelut duniawi PM ini.



    Wassalam Tun

  230. Dahsyatnya Proses Sakaratul Maut

    “Demi Allah, seandainya jenazah yang sedang kalian tangisi bisa berbicara sekejab, lalu menceritakan (pengalaman sakaratul mautnya) pada kalian, niscaya kalian akan melupakan jenazah tersebut, dan mulai menangisi diri kalian sendiri”. (Imam Ghozali mengutip atsar Al-Hasan).

    Datangnya Kematian Menurut Al Qur’an :
    1. Kematian bersifat memaksa dan siap menghampiri manusia walaupun kita berusaha menghindarkan resiko-resiko kematian.
    Katakanlah: “Sekiranya kamu berada di rumahmu, niscaya orang-orang yang telah ditakdirkan akan mati terbunuh itu ke luar (juga) ke tempat mereka terbunuh”. Dan Allah (berbuat demikian) untuk menguji apa yang ada dalam dadamu dan untuk membersihkan apa yang ada dalam hatimu. Allah Maha Mengetahui isi hati. (QS Ali Imran, 3:154)
    2. Kematian akan mengejar siapapun meskipun ia berlindung di balik benteng yang kokoh atau berlindung di balik teknologi kedokteran yang canggih serta ratusan dokter terbaik yang ada di muka bumi ini.
    Di mana saja kamu berada, kematian akan mendapatkan kamu, kendati pun kamu di dalam benteng yang tinggi lagi kokoh, dan jika mereka memperoleh kebaikan, mereka mengatakan: “Ini adalah dari sisi Allah”, dan kalau mereka ditimpa sesuatu bencana mereka mengatakan: “Ini (datangnya) dari sisi kamu (Muhammad)”. Katakanlah: “Semuanya (datang) dari sisi Allah”. Maka mengapa orang-orang itu (orang munafik) hampir-hampir tidak memahami pembicaraan sedikit pun? (QS An-Nisa 4:78)
    3. Kematian akan mengejar siapapun walaupun ia lari menghindar.
    Katakanlah: “Sesungguhnya kematian yang kamu lari daripadanya, maka sesungguhnya kematian itu akan menemui kamu, kemudian kamu akan dikembalikan kepada (Allah), yang mengetahui yang gaib dan yang nyata, lalu Dia beritakan kepadamu apa yang telah kamu kerjakan”. (QS al-Jumu’ah, 62:8)
    4. Kematian datang secara tiba-tiba.
    Sesungguhnya Allah, hanya pada sisi-Nya sajalah pengetahuan tentang Hari Kiamat; dan Dia-lah Yang menurunkan hujan, dan mengetahui apa yang ada dalam rahim. Dan tiada seorang pun yang dapat mengetahui (dengan pasti) apa yang akan diusahakannya besok. Dan tiada seorang pun yang dapat mengetahui di bumi mana dia akan mati. Sesungguhnya Allah Maha Mengetahui lagi Maha Mengenal. (QS, Luqman 31:34)
    5. Kematian telah ditentukan waktunya, tidak dapat ditunda atau dipercepat
    Dan Allah sekali-kali tidak akan menangguhkan (kematian) seseorang apabila datang waktu kematiannya. Dan Allah Maha Mengetahui apa yang kamu kerjakan. (QS, Al-Munafiqun, 63:11)
    Dahsyatnya Rasa Sakit Saat Sakaratul Maut
    Sabda Rasulullah SAW : “Sakaratul maut itu sakitnya sama dengan tusukan tiga ratus pedang” (HR Tirmidzi)
    Sabda Rasulullah SAW : “Kematian yang paling ringan ibarat sebatang pohon penuh duri yang menancap di selembar kain sutera. Apakah batang pohon duri itu dapat diambil tanpa membawa serta bagian kain sutera yang tersobek ?” (HR Bukhari)
    Atsar (pendapat) para sahabat Rasulullah SAW .
    Ka’b al-Ahbar berpendapat : “Sakaratul maut ibarat sebatang pohon berduri yang dimasukkan kedalam perut seseorang. Lalu, seorang lelaki menariknya dengan sekuat-kuatnya sehingga ranting itupun membawa semua bagian tubuh yang menyangkut padanya dan meninggalkan yang tersisa”.
    Imam Ghozali berpendapat : “Rasa sakit yang dirasakan selama sakaratul maut menghujam jiwa dan menyebar ke seluruh anggota tubuh sehingga bagian orang yang sedang sekarat merasakan dirinya ditarik-tarik dan dicerabut dari setiap urat nadi, urat syaraf, persendian, dari setiap akar rambut dan kulit kepala hingga kaki”.
    Imam Ghozali juga mengutip suatu riwayat ketika sekelompok Bani Israil yang sedang melewati sebuah pekuburan berdoa pada Allah SWT agar Ia menghidupkan satu mayat dari pekuburan itu sehingga mereka bisa mengetahui gambaran sakaratul maut. Dengan izin Allah melalui suatu cara tiba-tiba mereka dihadapkan pada seorang pria yang muncul dari salah satu kuburan. “Wahai manusia !”, kata pria tersebut. “Apa yang kalian kehendaki dariku? Limapuluh tahun yang lalu aku mengalami kematian, namun hingga kini rasa perih bekas sakaratul maut itu belum juga hilang dariku.”
    Proses sakaratul maut bisa memakan waktu yang berbeda untuk setiap orang, dan tidak dapat dihitung dalam ukuran detik seperti hitungan waktu dunia ketika kita menyaksikan detik-detik terakhir kematian seseorang. Mustafa Kemal Attaturk, bapak modernisasi (sekularisasi) Turki, yang mengganti Turki dari negara bersyariat Islam menjadi negara sekular, dikabarkan mengalami proses sakaratul maut selama 6 bulan (walau tampak dunianya hanya beberapa detik), seperti dilaporkan oleh salah satu keturunannya melalui sebuah mimpi.
    Rasa sakit sakaratul maut dialami setiap manusia, dengan berbagai macam tingkat rasa sakit, ini tidak terkait dengan tingkat keimanan atau kezhaliman seseorang selama ia hidup. Sebuah riwayat bahkan mengatakan bahwa rasa sakit sakaratul maut merupakan suatu proses pengurangan kadar siksaan akhirat kita kelak. Demikianlah rencana Allah. Wallahu a’lam bis shawab.
    Sakaratul Maut Orang-orang Zhalim
    Imam Ghozali mengutip sebuah riwayat yang menceritakan tentang keinginan Ibrahim as untuk melihat wajah Malaikatul Maut ketika mencabut nyawa orang zhalim. Allah SWT pun memperlihatkan gambaran perupaan Malaikatul Maut sebagai seorang pria besar berkulit legam, rambut berdiri, berbau busuk, memiliki dua mata, satu didepan satu dibelakang, mengenakan pakaian serba hitam, sangat menakutkan, dari mulutnya keluar jilatan api, ketika melihatnya Ibrahim as pun pingsan tak sadarkan diri. Setelah sadar Ibrahim as pun berkata bahwa dengan memandang wajah Malaikatul Maut rasanya sudah cukup bagi seorang pelaku kejahatan untuk menerima ganjaran hukuman kejahatannya, padahal hukuman akhirat Allah jauh lebih dahsyat dari itu.
    Kisah ini menggambarkan bahwa melihat wajah Malakatul Maut saja sudah menakutkan apalagi ketika sang Malaikat mulai menyentuh tubuh kita, menarik paksa roh dari tubuh kita, kemudian mulai menghentak-hentak tubuh kita agar roh (yang masih cinta dunia dan enggan meninggalkan dunia) lepas dari tubuh kita ibarat melepas akar serabut-serabut baja yang tertanam sangat dalam di tanah yang terbuat dari timah keras.
    Itulah wajah Malaikatul Maut yang akan mendatangi kita kelak dan memisahkan roh dari tubuh kita. Itulah wajah yang seandainya kita melihatnya dalam mimpi sekalipun maka kita tidak akan pernah lagi bisa tertawa dan merasakan kegembiraan sepanjang sisa hidup kita.
    Alangkah dahsyatnya sekiranya kamu melihat di waktu orang-orang yang zalim (berada) dalam tekanan-tekanan sakratulmaut, sedang para malaikat memukul dengan tangannya, (sambil berkata): “Keluarkanlah nyawamu”. Di hari ini kamu dibalas dengan siksaan yang sangat menghinakan, karena kamu selalu mengatakan terhadap Allah (perkataan) yang tidak benar dan (karena) kamu selalu menyombongkan diri terhadap ayat-ayat-Nya. (QS Al-An’am 6:93)
    (Yaitu) orang-orang yang dimatikan oleh para malaikat dalam keadaan berbuat lalim kepada diri mereka sendiri, lalu mereka menyerah diri (sambil berkata); “Kami sekali-kali tidak mengerjakan sesuatu kejahatan pun”. (Malaikat menjawab): “Ada, sesungguhnya Allah Maha Mengetahui apa yang telah kamu kerjakan”. Maka masukilah pintu-pintu neraka Jahanam, kamu kekal di dalamnya. Maka amat buruklah tempat orang-orang yang menyombongkan diri itu. (QS, An-Nahl, 16 : 28-29)
    Di akhir sakaratul maut, seorang manusia akan diperlihatkan padanya wajah dua Malaikat Pencatat Amal. Kepada orang zhalim, si malaikat akan berkata, “Semoga Allah tidak memberimu balasan yang baik, engkaulah yang membuat kami terpaksa hadir kami ke tengah-tengah perbuatan kejimu, dan membuat kami hadir menyaksikan perbuatan burukmu, memaksa kami mendengar ucapan-ucapan burukmu. Semoga Allah tidak memberimu balasan yang baik ! “ Ketika itulah orang yang sekarat itu menatap lesu ke arah kedua malaikat itu.
    Ketika sakaratul maut hampir selesai, dimana tenaga mereka telah hilang dan roh mulai merayap keluar dari jasad mereka, maka tibalah saatnya Malaikatul Maut mengabarkan padanya rumahnya kelak di akhirat. Rasulullah SAW pernah bersabda, “Tak seorangpun diantara kalian yang akan meninggalkan dunia ini kecuali telah diberikan tempat kembalinya dan diperlihatkan padanya tempatnya di surga atau di neraka”.
    Dan inilah ucapan malaikat ketika menunjukkan rumah akhirat seorang zhalim di neraka, “Wahai musuh Allah, itulah rumahmu kelak, bersiaplah engkau merasakan siksa neraka”. Naudzu bila min dzalik!
    Sakaratul Maut Orang-orang Yang Bertaqwa
    Sebaliknya Imam Ghozali mengatakan bahwa orang beriman akan melihat rupa Malaikatul Maut sebagai pemuda tampan, berpakaian indah dan menyebarkan wangi yang sangat harum.
    Dan dikatakan kepada orang-orang yang bertakwa: “Apakah yang telah diturunkan oleh Tuhanmu?” Mereka menjawab: “(Allah telah menurunkan) kebaikan”. Orang-orang yang berbuat baik di dunia ini mendapat (pembalasan) yang baik. Dan sesungguhnya kampung akhirat adalah lebih baik dan itulah sebaik-baik tempat bagi orang yang bertakwa, (yaitu) surga Adn yang mereka masuk ke dalamnya, mengalir di bawahnya sungai-sungai, di dalam surga itu mereka mendapat segala apa yang mereka kehendaki. Demikianlah Allah memberi balasan kepada orang-orang yang bertakwa. (yaitu) orang-orang yang diwafatkan dalam keadaan baik oleh para malaikat dengan mengatakan (kepada mereka): “Assalamu alaikum, masuklah kamu ke dalam surga itu disebabkan apa yang telah kamu kerjakan”. (QS, An-Nahl, 16 : 30-31-32)
    Dan saat terakhir sakaratul mautnya, malaikatpun akan menunjukkan surga yang akan menjadi rumahnya kelak di akhirat, dan berkata padanya, “Bergembiaralah, wahai sahabat Allah, itulah rumahmu kelak, bergembiralah dalam masa-masa menunggumu”.
    Wallahu a’lam bish-shawab.
    Semoga kita yang masih hidup dapat selalu dikaruniai hidayah-Nya, berada dalam jalan yang benar, selalu istiqomah dalam keimanan, dan termasuk umat yang dimudahkan-Nya, selama hidup di dunia, di akhir hidup, ketika sakaratul maut, di alam barzakh, di Padang Mahsyar, di jembatan jembatan Sirath-al mustaqim, dan seterusnya.
    Amin !

  231. Adakah tun tidak takut kpd Allah? Adakah tun tidak takut kpd SAKARATUL MAUT? Saya amat amat takut tun.. Tun tak takut ke?? Klu apa yg tun kata tak benar

    Kalaulah ada bisikan ghaib tapi tun tak dengar.. Bisikan itu Pula sentiasa mengingati tun.. Tapi tun masih alpa.. bisikan itu berbunyi seperti ini…

    Bukan masanya lagi mengejar keduniaan Tun.. Bukan masanya lagi mengejar keduniaan Tun..Bukan masanya lagi mengejar keduniaan Tun..Bukan masanya lagi mengejar keduniaan Tun..Bukan masanya lagi mengejar keduniaan Tun..Bukan masanya lagi mengejar keduniaan Tun..Bukan masanya lagi mengejar keduniaan Tun..

    TAPI TUN MASIH ALPA…… masih sibuk dengan urusan keduniaan.. Sibuk dengan mencari salah orang.. Sdgkn di depan yg menunggu semua umat manusia adalah sakaratul maut! Alam barzakh! Mungkar nakir! Akhirat!

    YA ALLAH… Bagaimana lah nk mengadap kesemua itu klu sibuk dengan mengadu domba, memburuk burukkan sesama manusia, sesama islam.. Ya Allah KAU AMPUNKANLAH DOSA DOSA KU, DOSA DOSA KEDUA IBU BAPAKU, DATUK KU NENEKKU, DOSA TUN MAHATHIR DAN KELUARGA, DOSA UMAT ISLAM.. Ya ALLAH JIKALAU TUN MAHATIR terlalu mengikut hawa nafsunya dlm berbicara , KAU sekatkan lah hawa nafsunya yg membuak buak kpd keduniaan itu ya ALLAH dan kpd aku serta sedara2 seislam ku juga YA ALLAH. Sesungguhnya siksa mu pedih YA ALLAH.

  232. Salam..
    Ermm..saya nie org biasa biasa aje..
    Saja seronok..
    Saya tahu ia akan di edit dulu oleh mas apa benda tah namanya.tapi start huruf M buat briefly ajelaa..wakaaka
    Begini :
    Biasanya yang nampak di zahir bukan pengisiannya yg sebenarnya..tujuan tetap satu tapi proses boleh jadi pelbagai.( bermadah pulak dah..wakakaka)
    1. Konspirasi tu kita tahu sebenarnya dtg Dr luar..cth: khazanah Malaysia skrg jadi khazanah perancis..ehh bukan kita tahu tapi saya aje wakakaka
    2.Tun cuma bimbangkan masa depan tanah melayu Dan bangsa melayu kan sebab sekarang menunjukkan proses pengulangan sejarah. Seperti Lagu sejarah akan berulang..hahahaha
    3.Kepentingan tanah melayu amat utama kan sebab pergelutan 2 kuasa asing skrg iaitu US Dan China, termasuklaa UK, Rusia dan perancis..yahudilaa tu..adoii..wakkaakka.Masa cari kapalterbang hilang tu China boleh free aje kan tolong cari..dasyat betul..wakakakak..ini semua sebab faktor geografi..baik Thailand yg berada dibawah paras laut Dan masalah air..hehehe
    4. Tuan hanya nak Ingatkan najib kan sebab najib nie suka populariti mcm artis kan..bukan nak jatuhkan dia pun pada mulanya tapi dah tanggungjawap tak buat mana yg penting Dan tidak..pastu sekongkol pulak ngan yahudi hehehe..agaknya laa..
    5.Ramai yg tak tahu maksud Tun bila nak buat jambatan bengkok Dan ramai yg tak bertanya Tun apa penting jambatan bengkok tu kan..ermm.cuma rasanya saya tahu..agaknya laa wakakaka..bukan kemudahan sangat pun tapi strategi…nantilaa jumpa sembang betul ke tak..hehehe..zaman skrg sebab masa pendek manusia terlupa nak Tanya hehehehe…kejar masa..
    6. Pencarian wali tu memanglaa kena sbb dah sepatutnya Melayu kena ada..
    7.Thailand ngan Australia pun boleh tahan jugak game nya ngan Malaysia nie kan..
    8.ohh yea..lupa lak..pemimpin yg hebat kan selalunya boleh meramal Dr semua sudut..betul tak? Sebab tu kalau ada ulamak di belakang kita lagi bagus..
    9. Hanya Tuan Dan group Tuan aje tahu maksud saya..Dan perjuangkannya..cuma jalan penyelesaian aje Tuan tak dapat lagi kan kan kan..wakakaka
    9. Maaf laa merepek nie..walaupun akan di tapis Dan tahu dah yg Tun tak dapat baca sekurang kurangnya org kanan dia nilai balik laa apa yg saya cakap kosong nie..ada masa kita sembang..hehehe..tak tahu laa tahun bila..wakakaka..
    10. Setiap persoalannya mesti ada jwpkan kan..cuma cari org yg betul aje laa..dapatlaa jawapan betul..tapi bukan kita cari mana salah atau betul tapi Mencari mana yang benar krn yg salah blm tentu salah Dan betul jua begitu sebab keadaan kekadang mempengaruhi keputusan namun yg benar tetap benar..
    Apa pun wasalam Dan demi masa depan umat melayu Islam..


  233. Salam Tun.

    1. Najib apa rasa sekarang?

    2. Amat memalukan apabila mendapat jawapan dari pihak WSJ kerana kebodohan anda sendiri.

    3. Biasanya di zaman Tun Mahathir, beliau memalukan “orang putih” tapi sekarang orang putih memalukan PM Malaysia pula.

    4. Kan susah untuk mempertahankan kesalahan kita sendiri?

    5. Apa yang kita sendiri buat, kita patut tahu. Tak payah tanya orang lain.

    6. Saya tidak sakit hati apabila PM Najib dimalukan oleh WSJ kerana ianya adalah diatas kebodohan dan kedangkalan beliau sendiri.

    7. Najib adalah PM kepada suhainin suhaibul dan roslina.

    8. suhainin suhaibul dan roslina sila lah mendaftar untuk menjadi lawyer bagi pihak Najib.

    9. Jangan hanya berkokok di sini sahaja kerana PM Najib anda dalam kesusahan sekarang.

    10. Kalau saman WSJ, maka akan terbongkar semua kerja kotor tapi jika tak saman aku didapati bersalah di mata rakyat. Persoalan jiwa?

    11. WSJ telah bagi pertunjuk untuk Najib menyaman nya di bumi Malaysia.
    Tentu suhainin suhaibul dan roslina kan selalu pergi ke mahkamah untuk mengikuti prosiding kes tersebut.

    12. So, pahlawan Bugis apa lu tunggu lagi?

    13. 3 pilihan untuk anda.

    1. Chow lah dari PM walaupun anda di pilih secara demokratik.

    2. Saman WSJ

    3. Minta pendapat “bernas dan bernanah” suhainin suhaibul dan roslina

    Wassalam Tun

  234. Tun

    There is no need for any ‘Conspiracy’ to harm any party in our beloved Malaysia.

    When you first raised your concerns as a Senior Statesman of our beloved Malaysia, I was aware that you had the foresight on what could have taken place in the event of any international catastrophy to come. This was just after the 2013 General Elections.

    But international pundits and others like the well-known Blog ‘Future Fast Forward.’ had already for some years before 2013 had predicted the stark international financial future to come. Unfortunately, they have not been wrong.

    I seek your permission to compare how the late Dictator Lee Kuan Yew (1959-2015) managed his self-created GLCs with the 100 Malaysian GLCs now in play in our beloved Malaysia incurring together with the Federal Government an estimated ONE TRILLION RINGGITS OF DEBT (not LOSS).

    Why did the late Dictator Lee Kuan Yew counted every cent which was legally collected by the PAP Government and utilised as capital in the GLCs created by him ?

    The answer is he did not trust Civil Servants, closest aides, consultants, party boys, unqualified cartoonists etc – eunuchs. He was too well-versed in the shenanigans of the Emperor’s Court which brought the downfall of Dynasties one after another through profligacy, decadence, corruption, complacency, waste, neglect of the populace etc. He abhorred laziness and gave up the 19 holes of golf in the 1980s. He was frugal, hard-working even though he got up late in the mornings, honest, highly motivated with a zeal to succeed, and trusted no one but himself when it came to MONEY MONEY MONEY. How the Dictator treated MONEY MONEY MONEY when he dealt with the greedy tycoons is another story ?

    Why did the Dictator behave like this as mentioned above ?

    No fun and games when he had all the power and MONEY MONEY MONEY to make a fool of himself. He seldom travelled and when he did, his wife always was by his side. His wife hair-style was just a hair-clip holding her hair together. She dressed simply in an ordinary hand-made cheong-sam.

    The Dictator was aware that the tiny isle of Singapore and its future was dependent on him to make good while he was around. Arising from this duty and responsibiity, he knew that when the Republic of Singapore ran out of money, HE WOULD HAVE TO PAY THE PRICE OF INSOUCIANCE AND COMPLACENCY leading to utter shame and disgrace.

    Hence, he worked very hard to create a cushion of MONEY MONEY MONEY for Singapore and its PAP Government. It was alleged he threatened, ‘ I would arise, if the reserves of Singapore are abused !’

    With the above-mentioned logic which was rationalised in his Cambrdge educated mind, the Dictatro Lee Kuan Yew (1959-2015) created the Godless Ultra Communistic Political and Social System imposed on the citizens by his Apparatchiks aka Meritocrats. Every cent legally collected by his Government. Every cent he counted. There was no WASTE OR INEFFICIENCY. One Senior Minister who was caught being corrupt, committed suicide.

    In the failed State of the Republic of Singapore, there are only a handful of GLCs which were all closely monitored by the Dictator who had a penchant for the sexual peccadilloes of his underlings even on the Senior Ministers around him.

    However, in our beloved Malaysia, since 2003, there are an estimated 100 GLCs actively borrowing money to lose money more often than not. These are all manned by Civil Servants with no accountability, no ownership and no business experience.

    One GLC lost its battle in the West and now want to do business in the East after committing the Rakyat’s MONEY MONEY MONEY by the hundreds of millions of ringgits.

    We have no Dictator Lee Kuan Yew (1959-2015) to count every sen for us and keep a stern eye on the underlings because our Political System is based on checks and balances.

    It is the FREE MALAYSIAN STYLE DEMOCRACY WITH OPEN CAPITALIST CHARACTERISTICS WITH A MALAY BIAS. We have no Dictator. But we are loyal to our Yang Di Pertuan Agong and all the Royal Sultans.


    To adopt the GLCs into a free Democratic System without understanding and studying what were the late Dictator (1959-2015) motives and intentions could only be fraught with unseen dangers which would arise unexpectedly at anytime.


    To avoid the Civil Servants in GLCs, closest aides, consultants, party boys, unqualified cartoonists etc – eunuchs, the faster we return to NORMALCY THE BETTER.

    The GLCs maybe disposed as promised by the Government in the past thus :-

    1. To sell to the new Bumiputras and their partners.

    2. To sell back to the previous owners if they have not broken the laws.

    3. To sell to the incumbent Management and their partners.

    A special Monitoring Unit be set up in the Prime Minister’s Office to ensure that proper business is undertaken in these former GLCs.

    MALAYSIA BOLEH ! MALAYS BOLEH ! MALAYSIANS BOLEH ! No GLCs for us, we are Malaysians, not Singaporeans !

  235. Assalamualaikum Tun.

    Seperti selalu alasan bahawa ramai orang menemui Tun untuk meminta melakukan sesuatu sentiasa menjadi alasan bagi menunaikan tabiat diri sendiri yang suka menolong orang.

    Bilamana bekas bos saya telefon bagi menutup kelemahan department beliau, sedarkah beliau bahawa beliau memanggil penasihat Tun Mahathir untuk bekerja?

    Sanggupkah beliau menerima saya seperti Tun menerima saya selama di sini?

    Terima kasih Tun.

  236. I noticed that this Suhainin Suhaibul exist during this 1MDB issue. Before that he seems not to exist. Its ok if he want to rant on evetything as Mubarakchan said. Biar lah dia syok sendiri dan tetus merapu. Readers after reading 2 lines will skip his comment. As for Yang Mulia Tun, jgn terlalu upset with this guy. We need clowns sometime to make us laugh. Anyway, the real people that are conspiring before,now and thereafter are Najib’s people. I am sure they are conspiring how to share the loot and let Najib n Rosmah standing only with their underwears.

  237. Salam Tun.

    To roslina via Tun

    “Zaman ds najib nie barulah rkyt Nmpk sgt dibela…”

    1.Rakyat nampak sangat dibela oleh Najib,

    2. Atau Najib membela rakyat seperti membela ayam kampung sebagaimana Najib membela roslina sekeluarga sekarang?

    3. Jadi lah roslina sekeluarga sebagai sereban ayam kampung peliharan Najib bersama Rosmah.

    4. Mungkin roslina ini jenis ayam kampung kacukan ayam serama, dimana mempunyai bulu yang cantik serta berekor cantik panjang mengurai,

    5. Tetapi disebalik ekor yang cantik roslina, terletak jubur yang penuh dengan tahi.

    6. Mungkin cogankata roslina ialah “Membela rakyat dengan GST”

    7. Sebelum GST, kerajaan mengatakan barangan yang dahulunya dikenakan 10% cukai SST akan turun harganya kerana cukai GST hanyalah 6% sahaja.

    8. Tapi realitinya bagaikan ekor roslina yang cantik tu tapi ada tahi tahu!!!!!

    9. Najib hanya memberi BRIM kepada 7.2 juta rakyat yang di bela tetapi mengenakan GST kepada 30 juta rakyat Malaysia termasuk yang diberi BRIM.

    10. Adakah itu perkiraan yang “BAIK”

    11. Apakah itu seperti roslina katakan rakyat di bela?

    12. Tapi itu yang saya katakan, Ekor cantik mengurai tapi jubur penuh dengan tahi yang busuk.

    Salam perkenalan buat roslina.

  238. Ex Trengganu MB Ahmad Said asked …

    UMNO had ruled Msia for 57 years and still crying to safeguard Malay special rights … Malays under threat … Malays living under poverty etc etc.

    He asks …. for 57 years, UMNO ruled the country, Islam is National religion, what had UMNO been doing if Malaysia and Islam is under threat?

    He said the facts are:-

    1) Malaysia has 9 Sultans and a king and they are Malays.

    2) PM & DPM, holding Malaysia’s topmost powerful posts are Malays.

    3) Since 1974, Minister of Finance is always a Malay.

    4) Other than Penang, all CMs & MBs are Malays.

    5) Majority of Federal Ministers are Malays, and influential and crucial Ministries are headed by Malays.

    6) Out of 222 MPs, more than 50% are Malays.

    7) More than 93% of Gov’t Depts, from lowest to highest posts, are Malays.

    8) NEP was designed and implemented for Malays.

    9) 80% of Uni quota are reserved for Malays.

    10) Special discount for house and stocks purchase are for Malays.

    11) Top posts in all sectors and branches of the Armed Forces and Police are held by Malays.

    12) GLCs are controlled and run by Malays.

    He asks just how could the Malays (who are already in absolute control of all the crucial institutions and pillars of political, economic, and societal life) be threatened, and are facing the danger of being harmed and ousted by the minority races ?

    It is actually UMNO leaders & their cronies who — with their never-ending greed — continue to bully & lie to Malays by blaming the Chinese and Indians, and making them as scapegoats.

    Ahmad Said urges Malays to wake up and see the evil intentions of UMNO Warlords.

  239. Assalamualaikum Tun…

    (“Capsule”?); … sure… promise…
    “The Melothria Mukia Maderaspatana Capsule”

    Former Malaysian Prime Minister Tun Dato’ Sri Dr. Mahathir is well known for being vocal in his opinions and he doesn’t back down easily from any challenge. However we certainly didn’t expect Dr. Mahathir to take up the challenge of something which doesn’t have much relation with politics—acting (although some might say that the world of politics has a lot to do with putting up an act as well).

    Image Credit: Singapore Management University© Provided by Vulcan Post Image Credit: Singapore Management University If you’re interested to see Dr. Mahathir flaunt his acting skills on screen, you can catch him on in local movie Kapsul (directed by late Martias Mohd Ali), which will be released on September 17, 2015.

    Dr. Mahathir will be appearing in the movie for 5 scenes, including one with Faizal Hussein (local Malaysian actor). Amru Najmi Osman, the producer of Kapsul said that Dr. Mahathir’s appearance in the movie has nothing to do with the current political situation. Nevertheless, he decided to accept the role because the story portrays the struggle of the Malays since pre-independence times.

    Faizal Hussein (Image Credit:© Provided by Vulcan Post Faizal Hussein (Image Credit: Faizal Hussein (Image Credit:
    “I believe his appearance will give an impact to the film as a whole, as it has a meaningful message and not merely just for the sake of producing a film,” Amru Najmi told The Sun Daily.

    Plot of Kapsul (2015)

    The story revolves around Zohri (Faizal) a young man who travels back in time to the year 1942. He helps defend the country from the Japanese soldiers and because of that he got to experience first-hand the suffering of the Malays before Independence Day.

    The film was inspired from Dr. Mahathir’s vision regarding Wawasan 2020.

    Image Credit: themalaysiantimes© Provided by Vulcan Post Image Credit: themalaysiantimes
    A total of 10 popular artists and 30 supporting actors were involved in the making of the film, including Shaharuddin Thamby and a special appearance by Internet millionaire, Irfan Khairi.

    Grab your popcorn and watch Kapsul which will be screened nationwide on September 17.

    The post Dr. Mahathir Will Star In Local Film Screening This Sept—And It’s Not About 1MDB appeared first on Vulcan Post.

    ( Powered by -Strangers in the night-)
    Former Malaysian Prime Minister Tun Dato’ Sri Dr. Mahathir is well known for being vocal in his opinions and he doesn’t back down easily from any challenge. However we certainly didn’t expect Dr. Mahathir to take up the challenge of something which doesn’t have much relation with politics—acting (although some might say that the world of politics has a lot to do with putting up an act as well).

    Image Credit: Singapore Management University© Provided by Vulcan Post Image Credit: Singapore Management University If you’re interested to see Dr. Mahathir flaunt his acting skills on screen, you can catch him on in local movie Kapsul (directed by late Martias Mohd Ali), which will be released on September 17, 2015.

    Dr. Mahathir will be appearing in the movie for 5 scenes, including one with Faizal Hussein (local Malaysian actor). Amru Najmi Osman, the producer of Kapsul said that Dr. Mahathir’s appearance in the movie has nothing to do with the current political situation. Nevertheless, he decided to accept the role because the story portrays the struggle of the Malays since pre-independence times.

    Faizal Hussein (Image Credit:© Provided by Vulcan Post Faizal Hussein (Image Credit: Faizal Hussein (Image Credit:
    “I believe his appearance will give an impact to the film as a whole, as it has a meaningful message and not merely just for the sake of producing a film,” Amru Najmi told The Sun Daily.

    Plot of Kapsul (2015)

    The story revolves around Zohri (Faizal) a young man who travels back in time to the year 1942. He helps defend the country from the Japanese soldiers and because of that he got to experience first-hand the suffering of the Malays before Independence Day.

    The film was inspired from Dr. Mahathir’s vision regarding Wawasan 2020.

    Image Credit: themalaysiantimes© Provided by Vulcan Post Image Credit: themalaysiantimes
    A total of 10 popular artists and 30 supporting actors were involved in the making of the film, including Shaharuddin Thamby and a special appearance by Internet millionaire, Irfan Khairi.

    Grab your popcorn and watch Kapsul which will be screened nationwide on September 17.

    The post Dr. Mahathir Will Star In Local Film Screening This Sept—And It’s Not About 1MDB appeared first on Vulcan Post.

    Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh…

  240. Assalamualaikum Tun…..

    Product of Mahathirism “The untouchable” – Not “intel Atom inside”…its.. “Al Capone inside” .

    Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad took responsibility for Ops Lalang, the 1987 security crackdown that saw a number of opposition politicians and government dissenters detained under the Internal Security Act (ISA).

    Dr Mahathir.storyimage-1For years, government critics have pressed for the former prime minister, who was in office from 1981 to 2003, to accept accountability for the operation that saw over 100 opposition leaders and social activists rounded up and detained without trial at Kamunting, under the now-defunct ISA, purportedly to prevent a racial riot from breaking out in the national capital here.
    “Even if the decision was made by somebody else, it is in the Cabinet and I accept responsibility.

    “What we did was to ensure stability and peace in this country,” Dr Mahathir told reporters after officiating the Global Peace Foundation Chair for Global Peace at the International Islamic University Malaysia in Gombak.

    Last Sunday, Dr Mahathir’s old foe and DAP adviser, Lim Kit Siang, accused the country’s longest-serving prime minister of trying to disavow his role in the 1987 security crackdown.

    Referring to a report in Chinese vernacular newspaper Nanyang Siang Pau in which Dr Mahathir denied he was home minister or even in the country at the material time, the Gelang Patah MP said the former was again displaying “selective amnesia”.

    Lim also disputed Dr Mahathir’s assertion that he was in China at the time of Ops Lalang, saying the latter had been in Canada for the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting (CHOGM) prior to the crackdown.

    The 1987 edition of CHOGM was held in Vancouver from October 13 to 17, while Ops Lalang began on October 27.

    Dr Mahathir blamed old age for being mistaken about the dates.

    “If I made a mistake, I made a mistake.

    “As you know, I’m an old man, 90 years old, prone to forgetting and I forget my dates,” said the Kedah-born who will be a Filem Star on September 2015.”… “Kapsul”…

    Ops Lalang is again in the spotlight after the issue was resurrected in apparent attempts to link Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim to the event ahead of the Kajang by-election, where four in every 10 voters in the state seat are Chinese.

    The Ops Lalang crackdown took place after Chinese discontent over alleged interference in vernacular schools culminated in a 2,000-strong public demonstration involving both DAP and MCA. Over 100 mainly-opposition figures were detained.

    Dr Mahathir also said at a forum that Anwar played a “key role” in Ops Lalang by dint of his position as deputy prime minister then.

    Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh…

  241. Dear Tun,

    I have noticed that a certain individual or group of paid individuals using the name of suhainin suhaibul is using this blog to discredit and dishonour you. Even though you or chedet admin do not feel the least affected by these badasses but the majority of us the readers and followers of this blog of yours do not feel easy with the entries posted by this ‘person’ – the menace that this ‘person’ is causing to other readers is such that we feel disturbed after reading such entries containing repetitive unclear blurred messages of threats and highly biadap words. For other readers info this ‘person’ has been using vulgar threats not only towards Tun Mahathir but also to other users.

    I hope we all will use the opportunity to write our thoughts in this blog of Tun Mahathir with RESPECT. It doesn’t mean that you need to kiss Tun but at least have a little RESPECT for him as orang tua yang lagi banyak jasa daripada kamu suhainin suhaibul! Apapun yang engkau atau kerabat engkau tak puas hati dengan Tun silalah berkomunikasi dengan jelas serta terang, jangan berlapik berbelit bahasa kamu kononnya sebab nak bersopan bahasa tetapi sebaliknya amat biadap dan kurang ajar. Belajarlah dahulu budi bahasa kerana sesungguhnya bahasa yang keluar daripada mulut kamu adalah cerminan hati dan diri kamu yang sebenar. Jangan asyik nak takutkan orang lain dengan ugutan-ugutan kamu. Jangan cemarkan negara ini seolah ia sama dengan jiran kamu di selatan Filipina boleh cowboy sesuka hati. Bertaubatlah wahai saudara kalau benar kamu tu Islam walau kamu bukan melayu kerana orang Islam yang tahu agama sesungguhnya tinggi budi pekertinya! Ranau dan gunung suci kamu pun sudah diberi amaran oleh Tuhan, takkan kamu mahu ibubapa sanak saudara kamu yang masih di sana ditimpa musibah sekali lagi dek kerana mulut yang tidak dapat dikawal? Bermuhasabahlah saudara/saudari.

    Thank you Tun for giving me this space to reply to obviously one of your fanatic fans turned psycho hahaha! For every demonising word that is slashed at you Tun we only LOVE YOU MORE! Take good care Tun Dr. Mahathir, the scumbags would have to walk over our dead bodies first or they would be the ones to become the walking dead!

  242. Siapakah mahathir suka suka nk ds najib meletakkan jawatan? Adakah dia igat dialah yg paling berkuasa dalam negara Malaysia nie yg boleh mengarah sana sini, menentukan jawatan org, menentukan org tu bagus org nie tak bagus melebihi kuasa rakyat dan agung? Jadi mmg betullah suatu masa dulu pembangkang mengatakan mahathir nie firaun’. klu mcm ini baik angkat mahahir jadi agung je….

  243. Siapakah mahathir suka suka nk ds najib meletakkan jawatan? Adakah dia igat dialah yg paling berkuasa dalam negara Malaysia nie yg boleh mengarah sana sini, menentukan jawatan org, menentukan org tu bagus org nie tak bagus melebihi kuasa rakyat dan agung? Jadi mmg betullah suatu masa dulu pembangkang mengatakan mahathir nie firaun’. klu mcm ini baik angkat mahahir jadi agung je..

  244. Dear Suhainin and Roslina via Tun,

    Reading the comments posted by both of you in this blog, make me realise that the possibility of both of you are actually low borns from the city of Braavos ( a city in the game of thrones) . My apologies for using this term on both of you. If politic is too much for you, I would suggest a movie ” zombie Kampung pisang” or ” zombie kilang biskut” to relieve you from stress. Even my henchman, Luca Brassi can’t stop laughing at your comments. Lol!

    Have a good day everyone

  245. Salam Tun,

    This country is becoming a joke to the world. Totally ridiculous?!

    1. The suspect who is being suspected of cheating BILLIONS of $$ is free to travel anywhere, anytime. But, the ones who are exposing the scandal are being barred from leaving the country. Where is the logic

    2. The “brilliant” head of BN communication came up with the so called reliable counter attack and the reliable source turns out to have been listed as bankrupt in the past. Oh dear.. The “smart” minister taught us to concentrate only on the message and not the person. How illogical this is? He can’t even understand that the information provided by unreliable person is not worth considering and listening and yet he asked us to do otherwise. How brilliant he is! Oh gosh, it turns out that they got the pictures of the so-called forger pictures wrong! What else can you get wrong.

    3. Where is other Malay leaders that can stand up and put the national interest before their own? Is there much hope still? By just merely changing the leader, history will not repeat itself? There is something fundamentally wrong about the system and anyone succeeding from the same side is not going to make much inroad toward any significant change. When there is none here, it’s time to look for alternatives else where…

  246. Salam Tun. You, citizens of chedet, please enter Tun’s ‘house’ politely and give salam if you’re muslim with sincerity. Tun has been kind enough to allow you to enter his ‘house’ and gives you all the freedom you’re longing for, where else can you get absolute freedom, you express in whatever way and language you want. Tun, your blog has been invaded by these so called ‘I know what you did last as PM’ people. Your blog has become their battle ground to achieve their agenda..whatever it is. Tun is human and humans do make mistakes, don’t we all. The issue is NOW not the past. Please give concrete better ideas on how to mend our almost broken country so our children can have a peaceful better lives than today. When you address Tun please do not be so rude, sarcastic or arrogant. Tun is now very old and fragile. Do you talk to your own father, whatever disagreement you may have, like this. I want to say you the uncivilised uneducated unmorally people..but you are not. You all have fully gained from Tun’s era. So do please make fully use of Tun’s generosity but think of the consequences of your writings whether they are beneficial or detrimental. Mind you, Tun’s blog is read by all ages. Students do peep chedet and I won’t want chedet to be rated ‘this blog contains some undesirable elements so parental guidance is advised’. I wish to see good intellectual comments, statements, whether agreements or disagreements, where everyone can benefits from them. Enough of these bickering which only result in headaches, heartaches and animosity. Please excuse me Tun, out of topic. It is just that I want your blog back to its old self. I want te read without stress. Take care Tun. Don’t take heart on what they say about you. Please forgive them and always ask Allah to lead to a straight path as Allah is All Merciful and All Forgiving.

  247. Assalamualaikum.

    Tuan Suhainin Suhaibul nama diberi, 3 pertanyaan saya dan jawab dengan ikhlas, pendek dan tepat:

    1. Kalau kamu diberi pilihan memilih seorang sebagai PM Malaysia, siapakah kamu pilih antara Najib atau Tun Mahathir? Tun / Najib;

    2. Pada pengamatan anda, apakah range populariti Najib sebagai PM Malaysia (sekarang ) dimata rakyat Malaysia:

    A. 86%-100% B. 71%-85% C. 56%-70% D. 41%-55% E. <=40%

    3. Adakah anda beranggapan Najib mampu membawa Malaysia lebih cemerlang berbading era Tun Mahathir? Ya/Tidak.

    Sekian Tun.

  248. Assalamualaikum Tun…..

    The Malays are among the few people whose race is legally defined. Thus, the Malaysian Constitution states that a Malay is one who habitually speaks Malay, professes the religion of Islam and practises Malay customs. There is nothing said about the definitive culture of the Malays.

    It follows that changes in culture do not make a Malay person a non-Malay.

    Culture is made up largely of the value systems accepted, even if not actually practised by a people or a race. Observations have shown that the culture of a people determines whether they are successful or they fail….. …. Europeans, Asians, Africans and American Indians can all be successful and can all fail. It is, therefore, not the race or ethnicity which determines success. It is the culture.

    When I wrote The Malay Dilemma in the late 60s, I had assumed that all the Malays lacked the opportunities to develop and become successful. They lacked opportunities for educating themselves, opportunities to earn enough to go into business, opportunities to train in the required vocation, opportunities to obtain the necessary funding, licences and premises. If these opportunities could be made available to them, then they would succeed. ……

    …. But today, the attitude has changed. Getting scholarships and places in the universities at home and abroad is considered a matter of right and is not valued any more. Indeed, those who get these educational opportunities for some unknown reason seem to dislike the very people who created these opportunities. Worse still, they don’t seem to appreciate the opportunities that they get. They become more interested in other things, politics in particular, to the detriment of their studies. In business, the vast majority regarded the opportunities given them as something to be exploited for the quickest return. …… They learn nothing about business and become even less capable at doing business and earning an income from their activities. They become mere sleeping partners and at times not even that. Having sold, they no longer have anything to do with the business. They would go to the government for more licences, permits, shares, etc. ….

    …. Why has this thing happened? The answer lies in the culture of the Malays. They are laid-back and prone to take the easy way out. And the easy way out is to sell off whatever they get and ask for more. This is their culture. Working hard, taking risks and being patient is not a part of their culture. It should be remembered that in the past the Malays were not prepared to take up the jobs created by the colonial powers in their effort to exploit the country.

    Because the Malays were not prepared to work in rubber estates and the mines, the Indians and Chinese were brought in. At one time, the migrants outnumbered the Malays. Had they continued to outnumber the Malays, independent Malaya would be like independent Singapore.

    But the Malays have apparently learnt nothing from the near loss of their country in the past. Today, they are still unwilling to work and foreign workers are again flooding the country. And because they are not equipping themselves with the necessary education and skills, they have continued to depend on others. Their political dominance will protect them for a time. But that dominance is fading very fast as they quarrel among themselves and break up into small ineffective groups. Their numerical superiority means less today than at the time of Independence. ….

    …. The Malays, together with the other Bumiputeras, make up 60 per cent of the country’s population. But in terms of their political clout, it is now much less than 60 per cent. They are now more dependent on non-Malay support, both the government party and the opposition. Economically, of course, they have less than half the 30-per-cent share that has been allocated to them. If we discount the non-Malay contribution to the nation’s economy, Malaysia would be not much better than some of the African developing countries.

    To succeed, the Malays must change their culture. They must look towards work as a reward in itself. They must regard what they achieve through work as the true reward. There should be some financial reward but this must not outweigh the satisfaction obtained from the result of their work. ….

    …. Changing culture is far more difficult than changing the policies of government. It is easy enough to propose affirmative action but it is not easy to implement it. The recipients must have the right attitude if the results are going to be obtained. …. Unfortunately, their view is that their crutches are symbols of their superior status in the country. The sad thing is that they are not even using the crutches properly. As a result, they gain nothing or very little from the availability of these aids. ….

    …. So what is the new Malay dilemma? Their old dilemma was whether they should distort the picture a little in order to help themselves. The new dilemma is whether they should or should not do away with the crutches that they have got used to, which in fact they have become proud of. There is a minority of Malays who are confident enough to think of doing away with the crutches, albeit gradually. But they are a very small minority. Their numbers are not going to increase any time soon. They are generally regarded as traitors to the Malay race. ….

    …. There will be a host of protests over this generalisation about Malay attitudes. We read almost every day about blind Malay people and other handicapped Malays graduating with university degrees or driving cars or doing all kinds of work. This does not prove that the generalisation that I make is wrong. These are exceptions. They only prove that if the right attitude or culture is adopted, even the handicapped can succeed.

    The dilemma faced by those few who want to build a strong, resilient and independent Malay race without crutches is that they are most likely to end up becoming unpopular and losing the ability to influence the changes in the culture and the value system which are necessary. It seems that they should not try and yet they know that without the cultural changes, the Malays are going to fail.

    Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh….

  249. PADA Saya sebagai Rakyat Malaysia Biasa setelah mengikuti perkembangan tentang 1MDB, Saya berpendapat BAHAWA APA yang
    disoalkan oleh Tun Mahathir TIDAK dijawab tentang wang lMDB ( ia ITU wang RAKYAT – 2.6b) yang dimasuk dalam Akaun Diri PM NAJIB. MUDAH SAHAJA JIKA PM NAJIB menjawab soalan TUN Itu. ITULAH yang Rakyat Tunggu-tunggukan. Pada Rakyat
    Konspirasi ATAU Bukan Konsipirsi tentang wang Rakyat 1MDB dalam Akaun PM Najib SEPERTI yang ditimbulkan OLEH TUN HENDAKLAH dijawab.

  250. Dear Tun,

    What is Conspiracy means to them?? Funny, the are banning those opposition people from leaving the country. Why? They did not get the millions or billions from 1MDB, those who directly or indirectly pocketed the millions or billions are not banned from leaving the country (run away from Malaysia)!!?? Again, I believe not only me, the rest of Malaysian/world also would like to know why? Why are those people not banned from leaving the country. Why are those people still not being disclosed/named. Why are those accounts received millions, billions not mentioned?

    Openly, thanks to Sarawakpost and WSJ, the public already known who were the account holder, he n his wife but sadly, they still keep quiet about all this. I believe most Malaysian like me deep inside do not wish the husband and wife are really so greedy and so corrupted, took the people and the country so much money but from what we all can see day by day since July 2nd, it seems that all the accusation are TRUE. If it’s not true, will the Government, Task Force keep so quiet for so long? He is our country No.1 the whole Malaysia/World are talking about!! If YOU did not do anything wrong… will you stand up and fight all the way to clear your name? Show your account statement to the whole world YOU did not received the money. Oh, are YOU trying to buy your way to change the account statement? Can the Bank so easily change the system? Common, they are buying time, trying to play hide and seek. Wasting the tax payer’s money, dragging it for months or years. JUST STEP DOWN, SO MANY THINGS HE HAS DONE ALREADY PROOF HE IS NOT SUITABLE BEING THE COUNTRY NO.1. Why are those people still supporting him, still keep quiet about all this.

    They can banned sarawakpost, ban this, ban that, ban the Rakyat from readying the bad/shame news about him… why not stop the whole Malaysia from going online and going overseas? youtupe, facebook and many many more website are also talking about him not to mention Tun’s Don’t they know just by few clicks (dns jumper) we will be able to see those banned site?

    Ban those people who received millions or billions of 1MDB money from going overseas if you dare! Not those hero that dare to criticized the Government wrong doing! Is this a Democratic Country I wonder?

    Worried Malaysian

  251. Assalamualaikum Tun….

    The corruption of Mahathir: SOROS’ REPLY TO MAHATHIR –

    I have always said Dr Mahathir is a menace to his own people. Now only you can see the effects of his foolishness when the ringgit has halved its value overnight and your economy goes kaput. Single handedly you have caused hardship to millions of your own people. You have built useless mega projects at tremendous cost to the country.

    The telecoms tower in Kuala Lumpur and the highest building in the world show how stupid you are. Not only does it cause massive traffic jam, it has totally no purpose.

    If you need high ground for telecoms antennae a nearby mountain is there for free.

    This tower has no purpose from the ground up to 300 metres. The satelites make this totally unneccesary. A fool and his money are soon parted. The only thing is you are the fool and the money belongs to Malaysians. You make 20% in every project, you have real estate in Japan and billions of shares corruptly acquired.

    Your 3 sons are worth 8 billion US$. Where do they get this money? Of course, corruption.

    You are known as the Marcos of Malaysia, having enriched yourself to the tune of billions.

    You dare to shed crocodile tears during UMNO delegates meeting about the ills of corruption.

    Yet you are the most corrupt of all the prime ministers before you. A thief is crying thief and hopes people look the other way. Who dares to say anything when the chief is caught with his hands in the candy jar?

    You said wisdom is not the monopoly of the West. So is foolishness. You have more foolishness than most people would believe. Billions are used to build two high rise Petronas buildings that benefit nobody. They now stand tall, a symbol of stupidity and irresponsibility. Instead they just add on to traffic jams. What is this reclamation of 10 islands off Kedah? Totally absurd and stupid. Of course your benefit is 20%. And the bridge across from Malacca to Sumatra across international waters?

    Why not build a bridge to the moon? I am sure you still can get your 20%. You called me a Moron. How can a Moron make so much money. By allowing short selling and borrowing millions of shares from your banks we fund managers made millions out of your inexperience and poor regulations.

    You lose all Malaysians’ money, therefore you are the Moron. Now you know too late and start crying over spilt milk.

    In Australia you are known as the recalcitrant ego maniac; in UKthe corrupt bastard because of your stupid purchase of our movie studio and the 290 million ringgit Lotus racing car plant and the shady Pergau dam loans from the UK. They are useless to us and you still want to buy them.

    What about buying British reject submarines through your agent, of course. The agent/ broker is designed to make millions out of the Malaysian government..

    Your purchase of our battleships is at least 50% more than others are paying. Your purchase of 9 hospitals from UK lock, stock and barrel does not support your local architects or your industry and the British send you obsolete medical equipment. The design is atrocious, one end to the other is half a kilometer and there is no CT-scan, an absolute necessity.

    In the UK your face appears in no less than 17 newspapers as a corrupt dictator. In Malaysia you are known as the (IBM) International Big Mouth. In Japan they call you the ‘smallest one’ (brain size). In Pacific islands, the Santa Claus (giving advice left and right). In south America they call you the parrot (he talks a lot but does not know what it is about). In Manila the living Marcos.

    In Malaysia they are spending millions to lure tourists and you talk rubbish scaring every foreigner away. When he is dumb he is doubted a fool, when he opens his mouth it removes all doubt.”

    While I agree the West does not have the monopoly to wisdom, your actions are not the wisest either. Your EAEC has totally no support even in Asean. Your South-South dialogue meets with the same fate and what is this I hear of the Bridge from Peninsula Malaysia to Sumatra covering 20 miles across International shipping lane?

    How crazy can one get? Even the Japanese don’t have the money. This world’s stupidity seems to be concentrated in one man’s mind – yours.

    The multimedia super corridor – MSC -. Well in USA its Most Stupid Concept because we Americans, would have thought of it light years before. Even if it makes money, we can copy this concept can’t we?

    Why do you want to spend your hard-earned money doing questionable projects? It will be like the Bakun project. Abandoned fund wasted and another white elephant. I always say politicians should not be involved in business. Your ministers are also businessmen and almost every official is enriching himself. Look at Rafidah Aziz, selling thousands of Approved Permits (APs) for cars each worth 20-30 thousand Malaysian dollars. Why not your government sell them and make the money? She has acquired millions of shares meant for bumis for free before she agrees to list them.

    Look at your Selangor Chief Minister collecting millions for approving high rise buildings from businessman. He is worth a few billions. Unfortunately he was caught with a few million pocket money in Australia. Every Chief minister is awarding useless projects to his cronies then collecting secret pay offs on the side. The Land Development Boards and the Economic Development Boards are used to bail out any loses suffered by politicians. The profits they keep, the loses they force the Government bodies to absorb. How can your poor ever close the gap when every good deal is snatched by your politicians? How can your country get out of poverty if all the billions of corruption money is taken out of the country?

    Look at the Sarawak Chief Minister selling billions worth of timber concessions under the table; selling every piece of state land to businessmen without tender; using his own companies to obtain lucrative government contracts; selling approval signatures for a fee ‘you pay I approve’. He has 8 billion US stashed overseas. Thousands of acres of land are given to one or two companies while thousands of poor people still live in cardboard makeshift homes; have no water and shit into the river..

    Thousands of acres of land are sold to companies for plantations while the natives do not have even one acre to their name. He is selling sand near the beaches to one company for earth filling and then ask the government to spend millions to protect the coastline when erosion occurs.

    He lost 300 million of the Sarawak government money trying to make computer chips. He has built a port in Northern Sarawak town in water so shallow it needs dredging every year. The Prime Minister built highways without tender, your cronies get the deal and the price double. Your Langkawi airport runway was built double the cost by your own company, Ekran.

    The Malaysian nation has lost at least 30 billions during your last 10 years of corrupt rule. One billion lost from the purchase of phantom Skyhawk war planes nobody has ever seen (are they still in the Nevada desert, USA?). 3 billion lost from the London tin scandal (you thought you could corner the London tin market without knowing the Americans have a stockpile! Stupidity at its best. 6 billion Perwaja steel mill where nobody even knows where the money goes, 3 billion bank Bumiputra scandal when George Tan bribed all the bank officials to lend him the money.. 6 billion forex lost by Bank Negara (the fool and his money are soon parted) and 6 billion to build three of the world’s tallest buildings (built by Japanese and Koreans and furniture imported from France – not Malaysia) and 1 billion lost from purchase of British warships including fees paid to the broker and under the table.. Add the 10 billion you stole and 5 billion taken by Ministers.

    In the 1997 the World Journalists meeting voted Dr Mahathir the Prime Minister of the Decade. It sounded strange to everybody until it was revealed those who voted against are threatened by IRD officers and with losing their jobs. In New York the United Nations 1997 meeting, the most corrupt Prime Minister of the decade is President Suharto and second Dr Mahathir (Actually Dr Mahathir should take first place but bribed the Indonesians to take honour of Number One.

    There are Fifty thousand of your university students not given places in Malaysia but are good enough for places overseas resulting in billions of dollars lost. The British and the Australians are thinking how stupid. Your best students are sent overseas raising their standards while as in most countries the best are kept in local universities and the rejects sent overseas..A university student in Hong Kong is much more prestigeous than any Australian counterpart. You have been colonised by the British so long you cannot even educate your own people. Look at Hong Kong or Singapore, less than 5% study overseas. All the money saved. Your country could save billions if every student overseas is recalled to a local university, and at the same time raising your own standards.

    Your people are still without shoes, without land to farm, without homes, bathing in rivers shitting in holes in the ground, without water and electricity. Your cities are concrete jungles without greenery and open spaces. Your KL is jammed with traffic. Yet you still keep on building high rises. You should come down from the clouds and stop daydreaming and firmly plant your feet in the ground. Your schools are cramped 500 students to an acre and thousands of acres are given free to some politicians who leave them idle. Your parks are being taken by politicians to build shophouses and every cabinet minister is a land-grabbing businessman who builds roads only to their cronies’ land.

    The Malaysians’ Prayer, “Ya Allah, we thank you for your gifts of timber, oil and grain. But then the devil sent us corrupt Mahathir without a Brain and look we are back to square one again. So just take Dr Mahathir back to Hell And we will be alive and well.”

    In China people have been shot for embezzling one thousand dollars.With 8 billion you have stolen, therefore you would be shot 80 thousand times. Now you are leading an anti-corruption campaign. We all know what you should do. Look yourself in the mirror. You see the crooked you. Then use your left hand and handcuff your right hand. You have put the opposition leader and his son in jail when they said in parliament you are the richest PM in the world. And his colleague Mr Karpal Singh too for 2 years.

    So I get a reward or bribe if I now say you are the poorest PM in this world? Your 3 sons are sitting on the board of directors of more than 200 companies. They must have been educated in Harvard school of business and obtained distintions? Or is it “you don’t know me, you don’t do business in Malaysia” law that applies. Billions of ringgit of Employee’s Provident Fund and public Petronas funds are used to bail out your sons who make losses investing in every venture you thought you could make money. How unethical and corrupt. Every one of your politicians is sitting on the board of tens of companies making thousands without any effort, lending their VIP names to borrow millions from local banks without collateral.. Now these have become non- performing loans. Now you want 20 million Malaysians to sacrifice for the folly of ONE man? Why not the fool resign and admit he wasted and took most of the money. I could teach you how to put your economy on track but first you must apologize to the Malaysian people.

    George Soros

  252. Assalamualaikum semua terutama kepada Yang Dihormati Tun DM,

    membaca berita The Sun hari ini membuatkan hati saya sedikit lega kerana ada usaha penyiasatan TETAPI saya khawatir (pinjam nama siri tv Al Hijrah) siasatan tersebut sebagai satu lakonan dari satu skrip yang telah diolahkan secara slow and steady untuk menamatkan jalan cerita yang pada penamatnya ” tiada ada apa-apa bukti yang menyatakan IMDB bersalah”.

    jika itulah penamatnya maka tertawalah si Suhainin Sahibul bersama sama DSN dan DSR.

    Semoga Allah memberikan kekuatan kepada MACC untuk menegakkan kebenaran.

  253. Tun

    Further to my comment on ‘Conspiracy’ in Malaysia, I have already presented the facts that there is no such happening at all.

    The Oxford Dictionary defines ‘Conspiracy’ as a secret plan by a group to do something unlawful or harmful. There is no need for any ‘Conspiracy’ as we practise the FREE MALAYSIAN STYLE DEMOCRACY WITH OPEN CAPITALISITC CHARACTERISTCS AND A MALAY BIAS. Only those who are not aware that we have a Political System since 1957 would cry out ‘Conspiracy’ needlessly.

    But as always, Tun, the subject “CONSPIRACY” which you have now highlighted brings to my mind something more sinister and also interesting after considering all the facts which have been presented before us.

    THIS IS THE CONSPIRACY, OFFICIAL OR UNOFFICIAL BETWEEN THE DICTATOR LEE KUAN YEW (1959-2015) and the West led by the United States which abetted the existence of the GODLESS ULTRA COMMUNISTIC POLITICAL AND SOLCIAL SYSTEM IMPOSED ON THE CITIZENS BY HIS APPARATCHIKS aka MERITOCRATS SINCE 1959 – the LONGEST DICTATORSHIP IN THE WORLD ! Is this Dictatorship necessary to serve the interests of the West after the ending of the Cold War (1948-1989) and Uncle Sam’s hegemonic spiel,
    ” Globalization, Free Trade, Human Rights.” The Singaporean citizens still suffer.

    From the end of the Cold War, the Dictator (1959-2015) thought out all sorts of schemes to make his hold on power sustainable eg.

    1. The buying out of Thaksin Shinawatra’s business to stop him from building the Isthmus of Kra Canal. Inadvertently, this brought about two Junta Regimes thereafter and countless of innocent men, women and children were either killed or wounded. Malaysia has no such blood on her hands.

    2. The Singapore inspired, designed and promoted TPPA (Trans Pacific Partnership Agreement) which was launched in 2006. Then, Brunei, Chile and New Zealand were the only members. But after the Crash of October 2008, Uncle Sam was ready to grasp at any straw floating in the ocean of financial turmoil. The TPPA will only benefit the Dictatorial State of Singapore and will spell the death knell to all the hard-work of the citizens of free and democratic Malaysia at a moment when we were on the point of taking off in 2003 ! We certainly would like to return to the take-off point now or at anytime in the near future !

    It is intriguing to note that a self-proclaimed brilliant Double Star First graduate, the Dictator Lee Kuan Yew (1959-2015) from the venerable University of Cambridge could turn himself into a Singaporean thug as confirmed by his speeches and actions against the very finest principles as honoured by his Alma Mater – freedom of speech, freedom of thinking, freedom of action – the solid bulwarks of Western Democracy !

    His clever enslavement of the citizens to this day by his use of the Rule of the Laws, Executive powers which were subsumed into the Legislature and the Judiciary as confirmed by his Apparatchiks aka Meritocrats who lined up to salaam the Boss in the Festschrift, ‘ Big Ideas of Lee Kuan Yew.’ 2014. He made them rich, very rich.

    The Dictator (1959-2015) and his family was poor in October 1951. But in 2015, his family ranks as the ONLY INDIGENOUS SINGAPOREAN FAMILY which has a MULTI-BILLONAIRE STATUS through legal means during 1959 to 2015 !

    Comparatively, the World iconic figures of Pandit Nehru and Manmohan Singh of India who went up to Trinity College, Cambridge were not money minded. Also, my friend, Adnan Panyrachoon who was the Prime Minister of Thailand on two occasions, did not bother with MONEY MONEY MONEY. He was at Trinity as well.

    This is one of the many reasons which I presented the view that the Dictator (1959-2015) was obsessed with MONEY MONEY MONEY and the fear of losing his hold on POWER. To quote the great American President, Franklin D Roosevelt, in his 1933 Inaugural Speech,’ ONLY THING WE HAVE TO FEAR IS FEAR ITSELF !’ Fear was what drove the Dictator Lee Kuan Yew (1959-2015) on and on away from the age-old IDEALS of his venerable University of Cambridge.

    HE NOW RANKS WITH THE BRITISH TRAITORS OF THE COLD WAR FROM THE UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE BLUNT, BURGESS AND MACLEAN ! – for letting down the side. He was ABNORMAL as his character had shown and forced his will on the citizens who have now nothing to fall upon after his departure.

    And to quote TJS George, the famous columnist of India, courtesy of Jesscscott Blog :-

    ” The West has spread the impression that Singapore’s Lee Kuan Yew is Asia’s outstanding economic miracle man while Malaysia’s Mahathir as a cantankerous ogre, hater of white people and dictator to boot. Both are dressed up portraits. What makes Mahathir special is that while pursuing economic progress, he never lost sight of the larger picture of human values. That cannot be said of Lee Kuan Yew and certainly not of Indonesia’s Suharto or Thailand’s Thaksin Shinawatra.’

    TJS George also published ‘Lee Kuan Yew’s Singapore.’ 1973. He highlighted the shenanigans of the Dictator that long ago.


  254. Dearest YAB Tun,

    1. What does it mean by ‘an activity detrimental to Parliamentary Democracy?’

    2. Are we not allowed to criticize the PM and ask him to step down for failing to manage this country? Currently we have a PM who seems to be destroying the country…Are we supposed to just keep quiet?

    3. Are we not allowed to expose any wrongdoings of our leaders? Undemocratic?

    4. UMNO MTs! Please wake up before it’s too late! Jangan jadi pengkhianat parti dengan sokongan membuta tuli terhadap Presiden yang ternyata gagal dan korup.

    Thanks Tun.

    *** May Allah SWT bless Tun and family ***

  255. As salam Dearest Tun Dr M.

    Salam Aidil Fitri to you, your family & all fellow Malaysians too.

    Dear Suhaini, thank u for your so called history subject, which NOBODY CARES to read. But in the spirit of Aidil Fitri, we forgive you, minnalaidilwalfaizin.

    As for DSN, STEP DOWN. This is all we ask if you. After you step down, we should be able to recover in time through some hardship endured in time. Bottom line, STEP DOWN NOW!!!

    Dearest Tun, l regret that l live to see the days of Malaysia going down like a capsizing ship. Not any boat in mind. Malaysia, a truly magnificient ship of glory, built naul by nail, plank by plank, deck by deck, for 22 years by master builder Mahathir Mohamad.

    This auwsome ship, now awaits a sad and ruined future. Once carrying n flying proudly the Malaysia Jalur Gemilang, NOW CARRIES N FLIES the notorious black rag featuring skull n crossed bone, captained by the pirate internationaly named Captain Najib Rosak.

    SAVE MALAYSIA please…somebody..!!!

  256. Assalamualaikum buat YBhg Tun dan keluarga,

    Salam aidilfitri

    Saya juga bersetuju dengan Tun supaya DS Najib meletak jawatan sebagai Presiden UMNO dan Perdana Menteri. Pun begitu, sehingga kini tiada sesiapa yang boleh dikatakan layak untuk mengisi jawatan tersebut.

    Layak disini membawa maksud boleh menyelesaikan isu-isu yang berlaku ketika ini terutama sekali 1MDB, MH17, MH370 dan lain-lain. Sepertimana yang semua sedia maklum, jumlah yang dikaitkan dengan 1MDB adalah suatu jumlah yang besar. Penyelesaian ke arah membawa individu-individu tertentu ke muka pengadilan tidak akan menjelaskan hutang yang perlu dilunaskan oleh kerajaan Malaysia.

    Akan tetapi saya amat berharap Tun mempunyai cara dan idea tertentu untuk permasalahan ini yang boleh dikongsi bersama Perdana Menteri Malaysia yang baru.

    Pada hemat saya, PM yang mempunyai latar belakang kehidupan yang mewah, akan terus bermewah-mewahan. Mana pernah DS Najib merasakan hidup susah seperti YBhg Tun Razak, YBhg Tun Hussein dan YBhg Tun sendiri alami.

    Bukan senang BN untuk memenangi hati rakyat ketika ini. Saya percaya PRU yang akan datang akan memperlihatkan BN kehilangan lebih banyak kerusi di Parlimen dan mungkin kehilangan lebih negeri. Itupun kalau pembangkang boleh menyelesaikan isu 1MDB tanpa membebankan rakyat.

    Terlalu ramai yang mengisi kerusi Parlimen yang bagi saya sebenarnya tidak layak untuk berada disana. Kenyataan demi kenyataan yang celaru dan bodoh dikeluarkan saban hari. Maaf tetapi itu yang saya lihat berlaku ketika ini.

    Saya amat mengharapkan sesuatu yang baik akan berlaku bagi kami rakyat marhain, ekonomi yang lebih mantap, nilai RM yang lebih stabil dan yang penting sekali kurangnya penindasan keatas rakyat.

    KepadaMu Ya Allah, Aku bermohon….


  257. I sincerely believes Tun never wants Najib nor PakLah to steps down
    Why would he pick them then ask them to steps down later

    Tun cares for Malaysia
    The fact when a Leader is not just found Incompetency
    But kneel to foreign influence
    This leader has to steps down

    It is seen much in Najib and PakLah has kneel to S,pore every Request & Demand
    Malaysia are like Santa Claus
    I don,t have to be with them to know all
    Reading the news tells it all
    It’s different from Tun strong stands
    Tun never Kneels

    It seems very much we Malaysia
    Has not much problems towards our near neighbor Indonesia,Thailand , Phillipine except for S,pore
    S,pore are self centered Govt who wants everything for themselves even towards their own people
    We Malaysia has given them much
    The way I look at every agreement that we had with them
    We lose a lot in the long run
    There,s no quite Bilateral relations as it should have been a good neighbor

    It’s win win for them
    It’s lose lose for us

    The reasons I call for a Stronger Leader to lead this Weak Govt
    I see the need for Najib to steps down
    Not because of 1MDB or anything else
    Malaysia needs a Strong Tough Leader
    Though Najib & PakLah are taller ,younger more built than Tun Mahathir
    But Tun is a tough smiling Tiger

    This is the Leadership Malaysia now in Need
    If Najib can make up to this I,m Ok Tun Mahathir I believe will be Ok too

    But the fact this Strong Leadership is not something we can ask for
    It’s in them Its in one individual character that is there
    So my opinion Najib has to go
    The next Leader must be Stern on Foreign Affairs

  258. Maaf cakaplah… Sbnrnya org yg mengagung agungkn tun m nie adalah buta mata dan hati.. Bykn zaman mahatir Majoriti rkyt miskin terutama melayu seperti pendlm sabah swk.. Mahatir… Semuanya nk berkembar berkembar sajaaa.. Nk buat landasan berkembar, klcc berkembar.. Semua serba serbi berkembar
    Maaf cakaplah… Sbnrnya org yg mengagung agungkn tun m nie adalah buta mata dan hati.. Bykn zaman mahatir Majoriti rkyt miskin terutama melayu seperti pendlm sabah swk.. Mahatir… Semuanya nk berkembar berkembar sajaaa.. Nk buat landasan berkembar, klcc berkembar.. Semua serba serbi berkembar
    Sepang Circuit klu bole nk buat berkembar berkembar jugak agknya… Yg jadi presiden nya anak mahathir.. Apa yg rkyt dapat keuntungan drpd hasil keuntungan yg mahatir buat tu?
    Sampai skrg sampah!. Makin membebankn ekonomi negara dn rkyt sbb terpaksa membayar balik segala projek yg membazirkan rkyt dn negara tu..

    Zaman ds najib nie barulah rkyt Nmpk sgt dibela… Zaman Tun m rkyt dpt apa? Rkyt dibela tentang mana..? Baru skrg mahatir nk bela rkyt…? Dulu sebok mempropaganda melayu mudah lupa.. Tapi Skrg dia yg dah lupa.. Lupa nk perjuangkn melayu.. Skrg nk cerita bab perjuangan rkyt konon… Dia sudah pusing dari melayu ke rkyt pulak… Spin 360.. Masa mahatir Cuba ckp rkyt dpt apa? Dia buat klcc berbillion guna duit rkyt, tapi kbnykn Melayu tak boleh berniaga disana? Berbillion bhabis buat klcc, harga minyk ttp naik jugak.. Apa faedahnya? Rkyt dpt apa? Melayu dpt apa? Dia buat SIC sepang International Circuit beratus ratus juta guna duit rkyt, Melayu dpt apa? Apa faedah pada rkyt dn Melayu daripada circuit tu? Skrg nie Tun m bole pula nk mempersoalkan segala pentadbiran ds najib.. Kenapa? Tak ke busuk hati namanya.. Dia pecat anuar ibrahim dulu pasal apa? Ada mahatir dulu bgtahu pada semua rkyt? Ade? Ade? Adakah mahatir nak jadi raja dlm Malaysia nie?

    Dia (mahatir) buat klcc,sepang,Putrajaya semua tu adakah dapat dari persetujuan dari semua rkyt? Sdngkn rakyt Sabah swk bertapa punya susah nk dapatkn air bersih, bertapa punya susah nk melalui jalan raya kat pendlaman yg teruk berlumpur, berlopak sana sini dgn air, ank anak org Sabah swk pula dengan daif bersusah payah mengharungi lumpur berjam jam utk sampai ke sekolah Sdgkn mahatir sewenang wenangnya membelanjakan duit rkyt utk buat klcc,sepang yg anaknya Jd pengurusi di situ… Mana pergi pemikiran otaknya yg hebat tu? Ini yg dikatakn negarawan? Negarawan atau berlagak? Nk berlagak guna duit sndri takpe….

    Tapi ini berlagak guna duit rkyt utk mencipta namanya sdri supaya org sana sini julang sbg negarawan, wira kononnya.. Org yg berpandangan jauh takkan membiarkn rkyt hidup merana… Rkyt tanpa sedari mereka merana tapi masih menjulang nama si mahatir… Sbbnya rkyt pada masa tu hnya disajikn media pengampu 100 peratus nama mahatir… takde facebook,takde blog, dn anuar dipenjarakan supaya mahatir jadi selesa klu dia nk menipu pon takde sesape yg membangkang dgn hebat mcm anuar… Pasal itu rkyt berterusan di dipropagandakn di gula gula dgn ayt manis mahatir dgn kebaikn mahatir tanpa dpt info seperti skrg yg di banjiri dgn media sosial dn blog blog.. Klu zaman mahatir dah wujud media alternatif nie semua, lama dah tumbang belum sempat buat 2 biji batu nisan tu pun..

    apa yg hebat sgt dgn kata kata mahatir? Apa kebaikan yg mahatir buat? Mesti org ckp dia telah menyelamatkan negara dari soros, dgn memperkenalkan tambatan mata wang tu… Sini saya nk kata.. Lembu punya susu sapi yg dpt nama.. Sebenarnya pakar2 ekonomi negara yg mengajar mahatir tentang tambatan matawang pada masa tu… Klu tak mahatir blank…

    Hebat sgt kah mahatir atau dia syiok sdri? Sepatutnya dia membelanjakan duit rkyt utk mendatangkan faedah balik kpd rkyt tapi dia pegi belanjakn pegi buat 2 biji batu nisan klcc, sepang circuit yg tak berguna langsung kpd pembangunan rkyt dn negara… Skrg org langsung tak heran pon dgn 2 biji batu nisan dan sepang yg jarang digunapakai tu…. Dn sdikit masa lagi tinggal nama saja… Bukan kah ini satu pembaziran.. Bygkn Klu duit rkyt yg buat klcc, sepang tu digunakn utk disalurkn pd rkyt terutama di pendalaman ada jugak manfaatnya… org selalu kata mahatir pemimpin hebat? Hebat apa kebendanya klu pergi mengejar buat bangunan berkembar dn sepang yg tak berguna tu sdgkn rkyt dilupakn dibiarkn bersusah payah seperti mengejar monyet di hutan utk disusukn, anak biarkn mati kebuluran… Membangunkan klcc, sepang utk keuntungan tokey cina, dn pelancong selesa sdgkn rkyt bergelumang dgn lumpur di pendalaman dn kehausan air yg bersih.

    Tapi skrg Zaman dato seri najib nie barulah Nmpk rkyt Malaysia dibela.. Ade perubahan, ada pembelaan.. Dibatu dgn brim, PRIMA,KRIM, UTC,RTC… serta mcm mcm lg… Dn rkyt sabh,swk pula baru lah dpt merasa ada lebuhraya pan borneo.. Zaman mahatir…? Apa dpt? Buat klcc berbillion boleh..
    Nape buat jalan di pendalam sbh swk, penyaluran air bersih dn memperbanyakn perumah rkyt kos rendah tak boleh? Rakyat hnya telan air liur tgok klcc, sepang sambil mengharung lopak air dn minum air sungai kat kwsn pendlm kerana bekas perdana menteri yg paling hebat terlalu ghairah mengejar yg berkembar kembar saja… Sampaikn tak nampak atau mmg sengaja buat buat tak nampk jerih perih rkyt di pendalaman sabah dan swk.. Tapi bila time PRU brulah sebok…. Sebok menjaja mempropaganda dialah wira melayu dn bumiputera..
    Sekian.. Saya rakyat yg telah sedar dari segala penipuan.

  259. Sudah sudahlah tun m. Inikakn bulan baik.. Tak baik nak mengadu domba, buat fitnah.. Hormatilah sikit bulan bermaaf maafan ini.

  260. Salam Aidil Fitri Tun
    Mohon tumpang bicara. Kenapa lah saban hari kita dihidangkan dengan putar belit anjing anjing Pak Najis?. Memang tak dapat di nafikan yang Pak Najis memang memerlukan anjing anjing bodoh ini untuk melambat-lambatkan permainan. 2nd person pun diam ajer sebab dia percaya apa yang dia tahu. Tapi nak buat macam mana..tunggu jer la buah busuk tu gugur.

    Anjing-anjing Pak Najis pun dah tersengih-sengih2 tunggu tulang. Takut terlepas pulang tulang yang ada disebabkan bayang-bayang. Tu yang menyalak tak tentu arah. Sampai salah-salah. Takpe lah.. Yang bodoh jer yang tinggal. Yang dihantar meninjau ke blog ni pun ada. Kesian. Mungkin menyalak dirumah sendiri takde sambutan kot.
    Yang bijak tak nak jadi anjing dah. Sebab retak menanti belah…

  261. Salam Aidil Fitri Tun
    Mohon tumpang bicara. Kenapa lah saban hari kita dihidangkan dengan putar belit anjing anjing Pak Najis?. Memang tak dapat di nafikan yang Pak Najis memang memerlukan anjing anjing bodoh ini untuk melambat-lambatkan permainan. 2nd person pun diam ajer sebab dia percaya apa yang dia tahu. Tapi nak buat macam mana..tunggu jer la buat busuk tu gugur.

    Anjing-anjing Pak Najis pun dah tersengih-sengih2 tunggu tulang. Takut terlepas pulang tulang yang ada disebabkan bayang-bayang. Tu yang menyalak tak tentu arah. Sampai salah-salah. Takpe lah.. Yang bodoh jer yang tinggal. Yang dihantar meninjau ke blog ni pun ada. Kesian. Mungkin menyalak dirumah sendiri takde sambutan kot.
    Yang bijak tak nak jadi anjing dah. Sebab retak menanti belah…

  262. Hai, salam sejahtera…

    Suhainin…. Nama diberi…
    Dibuang Nin, yg tinggal Suhai…
    Dibuang lagi Su, yg tinggal hanya hai…

    Suhaibul… Nama diberi…
    Dibuang Bul, yg tinggal Suhai…
    Dibuang lagi Su, yg tinggal hanya hai…




  263. Salam, Tun

    When DSN, is put to rest…from his duties…as PM, same must apply to others in BN.

    All the top party leaders in BN must also vacate from the gov. Maybe only about two or three individual from the current cabinet can be considered but, only after they declare their wealth to the people.

    We need to retire the entire top gov officials, only then we can recover and heal…from this deadly disease of corruption, abuse of power and more sadly…crime involving murders.

    Politics of money and power must be replaced or balanced with the other core moral values.

    It should be end of the road for everyone in the gov, once DSN, is removed. We must not allow the new leadership to get trapped in the same situation with the same people.

    The damage done by BN leaders at all level is so severe…we must take back from them what is not rightfully theirs and give it back to the people.

    We must send a very clear message by taking serious action on those who has robbed this nation of its wealth for themselves, their family and cronies.

    We must never again elect anyone like in the current gov to govern us, anymore and forever…for the good of mankind. We must totally erase them from our society, leave no memories of them.

    Therefore, none are clean in BN to question others for any wrong doings. They’re all the same and will remain the same, only waiting for us to throw them out.

    We must save this country now! not later…or in the future. It must be now!!

  264. Assalamualikum Tun…

    Tuan Wajaperak… saya bersetuju dengan pendapat tuan…tetapi… marilah kita lihat sendiri corak berbahasa segelintir masyarakat Melayu disekeliling kita mutakhir ini? Rasanya ungkapan saya belum melangkau jauh batasan adab berbahasa berbanding kebanyakan mereka.

    Terimakasih kerana Tuan wajaperak sentiasa memperingati diri saya terutamanya, dengan Anjuran-anjuran yang benar mengenai Perintah Allah bagi seseorang mukmin. Saya amat menghargainya. Terimakasih kerana Tuan wajaperak sentiasa cekap memahami akan sesuatu situasi. Dimana hendak dicari saudara seagama seumpama Tuan Wajaperak.

    Tuan Daeng…..Assalamualaikum…

    Benar… saya umpama kera sumbang di “Rumah Tun” ini. Tun Mahathir Sendiri pun pernah menjadi “Kera Sumbang” dalam dunia “Negara Barat”…Tetapi… Tun tetap berenang mengharunginya bagi menyampaikan mesej yang Tun Mahathir yakin ada asas kebenarannya. Tun Mahathir berhasil melaluinya. Saya tidak mengatakan bahawa saya ini sehebat Tun Dr Mahathir…tetapi… sekadar mengaplikasikan “Kuliah Alam Sebenar” yang telah beliau berikan kepada kami; Ke dalam masyarkat sebenar.

    Tuan Daeng… Saya seperti kalian semua juga…”Manusia”. Cuma… agak bernasip baik kerana dipungut oleh Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad untuk melalui suatu kisah yang dinamai “Kisah 2003”. Usah terkejut dengan cara kami berbahasa…kerana… kami memang dilatih sedemikian rupa adanya. Tetapi… cuba pandang cara segelintir masyarakat mutakhir ini berbahasa, ianya jauh lebih menyimpangi adab berkomunikasi, berbanding bahasa yang telah saya luahkan.

    Ada banyak perkara dalam “kisah 2003” itu, yang belum boleh
    kami “Pertontonkan” kepada “Khalayak Masyarakat”. Buat masa ini kami semua umpama bersembunyi dalam “Peti Besi” bertutup rapat yang diliputi pula oleh “Bitumen” agar terhindar daripada pandangan “Khalayak Masyarkat”. Cuma…menjadi lumrah… bilamana ada satu atau dua daripada kami muncul dalam Khalayak Masyarakat (Buat Seketika); Bilamana keadaan memerlukannya begitu…Kalian akan memahaminya kelak…. insyaallah… Kami tidak kesah dengan pandangan kalian terhadap diri kami; apa yang penting bagi kami ialah “Kefahaman” anda terhadap sesuatu.

    Tuan Hj. Mohd Ehsa Saad…Assalamualaikum…

    Kami tidak perlu muncul sebagaimana orang lain, Tuan Hj.Mohd Ehsa Saad; Negara Malaysia dan beberapa Negara lain, Para Pemimpin negara termasuk Tun Dr. Mahathir dan Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi berserta Pemimpin Parti Pembangkang; Menyedari “Kewujudan” kami.

    Bagaimana pun… untuk tidak menghampakan Tuan Hj. Mohd Ehsa…
    Nama sebenar saya – SUHAININ SUHAIBUL – Berasal dari “Ranau,Sabah” – Beragama Islam tetapi “Bukan Melayu” – Tidak Gentar menyuarakan sesuatu yang ada “Akar Kebenarannya” tetapi tidak pula memperlekehkan buah fikir orang lain.

    – Tiada Anutan politik yang khusus (Bukan parti Pembangkang dan Bukan juga Parti yang Memerintah)….dalam bahasa kami :- “Tiada Kad Pengenalan serta tiada kewarganegaraan”. Kami bebas berada dimana sahaja di atas muka bumi ini.Dalam bahasa mudah – kami ini seperti “Hantu”…Tetapi… Bukan umpama “Syaitan”. Ada pihak yang mengumpamakan kami ini sebagai “Jin”.

    Bereaksi dalam situasi tertentu…tetapi… tidak menghiraukan pandangan dan tafsiran masyarakata terhadap diri dan kewujudan kami.

    Saya dibolehkan untuk terlihat dan berfungsi dalam keadaan “Malam atau pun Siang”. Sekelian kami yang lainnya, terdengar hanya umpama “Cerita Pari-Pari” di mata “masyarakat khalayak”. Ada yang muncul diwaktu malam dan ada pula yang muncul dimalam hari.(Bahasa Kiasan).

    Kami jikalau muncul pun… hanya ibarat “Sekelip Mata”…

    Muncul Seketika kemudian hilang kembali dari pandangan khalayak masyarakat, sehingga keadaan benar-benar memerlukan.

    Kami adalah golongan yang mengetahui hampir segala-galanya tentang Tun Mahathir serta beberapa pemimpin lain…cuma… Kami dipertanggungjawabjkan dengan “JANJI” dan “Prinsip”.

    Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarkatuh…

  265. Petition Count : Hanya kurang daripada 8000 daripada 30
    juta rakyat Malaysia sahaja yang sudah membantah TPPA!
    Dalam HANYA 3 HARI SAHAJA Menteri-Menteri Negara
    yang ingin sertai TPPA bakal memuktamadkan beberapa
    perkara yang akan mempercepatkan penyertaan negara
    kita ke dalam TPPA di sebuah Mesyuarat di HAWAII , USA.
    Bala yang lebih besar bakal menimpa 30 juta Rakyat
    Malaysia. Pemimpin dan Rakyat perlu disedarkan tentang
    kecelakaan ni.
    Mohon ajak semua rakan dan keluarga untuk
    Nasi dah jadi bubur tak ada gunanya…
    Kita mesti bertindak menzahirkan bantahan kita kepada
    Perdana Menteri Malaysia supaya menghentikan
    rundingan TPPA yang bakal
    1. Menggadai kedaulatan negara kepada kepentingan
    Amerika dan sekutunya.
    2. Menambah beban terhadap kos sara hidup.
    3. Hanya Menguntungkan Peniaga Luar berbanding
    4. Mengheret Malaysia ke kancah permainan Geopolitik
    Amerika dan China.
    Tolong laksanakan tugas anda sebagai rakyat Malaysia
    Jom #BantahTPPA melalui petisyen di
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  266. Assalamualaikum Tun…

    Tuan BuffonAngkasa…Assalamualaikum…

    Dikritik itu lumrah dalam saling bertukar-tukar pendapat dan ilmu.

    Perbualan kita tidak mencalarkan hati saya. kami pernah dilalukan dengan perkara yang jauh lebih teruk daripada perbualan kita ini.

    Berurusan dengan kebanyakan bangsa dalam alam ini bukan sesuatu yang mudah… tetapi kami pernah diperlihatkan dengannya.

    Tuan BuffonAngkasa… Nama Sebenar saya ialah Suhainin Suhaibul; Kesilapan Jabatan Pendaftaran mewujudkan suatu nama baru bagi saya…tetapi… segalanya itu merupakan rahmat bagi saya.

    Saya tidak menyalahkan Tuan BuffonAngkasa dalam kesukaran menerima kesahihan maklumat daripada saya kerana segalanya itu terlihat hanya umpama “Cerita Pari-Pari”. Terdapat banyak kisah yang belum boleh kami singkapkan untuk tontonan minda “Rakyat Kebanyakan”. Dunia memang bergelumang dengan rahsia.

    Kunci kesahihan kata-kata saya semalam : “Mohon Tanyakan sendiri kepada yang empunya diri – Tun Dr.Mahathir Mohamad dan seluruh Ahli Kabinet Parlimen Malaysia tahun 2003”.

    Sebenarnya saya menyenangi bual bicara dengan Tuan BuffonAngkasa…ianya mengimbau kembali kenangan yang pernah kami lalui.

    Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi wabarakatuh…

  267. Salam Tun

    Hope Tun berdua sihat waalfiat. Good morning to all. Well, well, nak censor sana sini, buang aje internet, smartphone, Najib boleh buat sesuka hati, MALAYSIA BOLEH!

    Bagus slogan MALAYSIA BOLEH especially untuk rakyat Malaysia tapi Tun, Najib semua TAK BOLEH hanya dia saja yang BOLEH. Slogan baru kita bagi NAJIB BOLEH! Ofcourse kita juga tau slogan ini pun out sebab in reality apa NAJIB ventured semua tak jadi dan bebankan rakyat. Since he is so hard up for love, NAJIB BOLEH!

    I sebenarnya pengikut Tun M kat facebook years ago, after that I buang facebook sebab terlalu sibuk dengan hal lain. I tak anti Tun M atau UMNO. Arwah dad dulu orang UMNO. I ingat lagi ada hantu raya guna gambar Tun dengan Bersih logo kat dahi. Kerjanya sama asyik post bende yang sama. Musim red bean army. Orang kata red bean army dapat good pay, really?! I wonder mana DAP dapat duit banyak. Concept memang sama dengan that one person here.


    4 So if any investigation is to be made, there is no need for detectives or special agents. That there is a move or push for Dato Sri Najib to step down is known to everyone.

    – Exactly!. Its not like we bincang bincang dalam gelap on how to curi musang king from kebun bijan, and malam buta hantar straight to ah ho. *wink* *wink* 🙂

    I read 2 days ago sarawak report suda kena spy, something like ENEMY OF THE STATE movie. By the way to those yang nak baca but can’t, try download betternet vpn or thor vpn. When comes to internet not everything MCMC can buat

    8. Is there a need to ask that silly question? Isn’t it obvious that as a newspaper the information obtained by Wall Street Journal was sensational. Any newspaper, convinced of the authenticity of the information would have printed it. Of course the local mainstream papers will not for obvious reasons.

    – They just want to buy TIME. TIME is money and lawyers charge by the hours.

    13. But what about BR1M? Isn’t it Government money, all 7 billion Ringgit and more. That was clever. It is not for elections but given before any election, with the promise of more if the party wins, isn’t it about using Government money to win elections?

    – I voted for BN in GE13, I tak dapat BR1M, my poor relatives dapat. I heard opposition supporters pun dapat, they are smart, hate to say this word, here it goes, NAJIB BODOH.

  268. Assalamualaikum Tun,

    Konspirasi Menjatuhkan Najib memang berbaloi jika di nilai wang sebanyak RM 42 billion dilabur untuk tujuan pembangunan, pendidikan, kesihatan, sukan dan kebaikan rakyat lainnya berbanding MEMIKUL BIAWAK HIDUP PM SEPERTI NAJIB:

    1. bina sebuah lagi KLCC = RM 6.08 bilion;
    2. bina sebuah lagi KLIA = RM 13.3 bilion;
    3. bina sebuah Jambatan Bengkok yang Najib batalkan = RM 4.5 bilion;
    4. beli pesawat Airbus A380-800 = RM 4.88 bilion;
    5. bina 14 hospital untuk rakyat di setiap negeri = RM 9.66 bilion;
    6. taja 1000 pelajar di Universiti Harvard bidang perubatan = RM 0.848 bilion;
    7. beri subsidi minyak ( elak harga barang naik/ inflasi ) = RM 2.732 bilion

    Jika nilai liabiliti PM bodoh seperti Najib berbanding RM 42 bilion untuk pelaburan 7 perkara di atas, agak-agaknya yang mana satu majoriti rakyat mahukan?

    Sekian Tun.

  269. Perubahan?! Perubahan yang bagaimana? Adakah perubahan dengan menggantikan pemimpin negara yang sedia ada dengan pemimpin yang lain? Ataupun membuat perubahan dengan menukar Barisan Nasional yang telah lama memerintah dengan parti pembangkang?

    Jika itulah bentuk perubahan yang ingin dilakukan, nescaya sebenarnya ia bukanlah perubahan yang berkesan dan hakiki. Tetapi ianya hanyalah perubahan yang bersifat sementara dan tidak akan dapat mengubah kehidupan yang sedia ada kepada kehidupan yang lebih baik seperti yang diharapkan.

  270. Assallammualaikum Tun.
    Saya mohon ruangan.

    [Suhainin Sahibul..
    Tun Mahathir ada berkata yang serupa ini maksudnya : “Saya menjadi Doktor bukan sebenar-benarnya untuk mengubati pesakit…tetapi… supaya kata-kata saya dituruti.”]

    Alangkah malangnya kini anda sudah benar-benar keterlaluan dan melampaui batas!!!!

    [Lihat jauh-jauh ke dalam kata-katanya itu, ini merupakan bahasa orang yang “Tidak Ikhlas” terhadap setiap yang dilakukannya serta apa yang disumbangkannya. Sentiasa melakukan gerak kerja untuk meraih keuntungan bagi dirinya sendiri]

    Sebagai manusia kita boleh terus bermusuhan,caci-mencaci malah berbunuhan antara sesama sendiri..
    Tetapi itukah tujuan Allah menjadikan manusia?
    Tahukah anda dan sedarkah anda Allah memilih peranan manusia tidak sama antara satu sama lain?
    Apa peranan anda untuk menilai Tun?
    Siapakah yang beranai memaki George Bush kerana menganiyai rakyat Palestin?
    Anda atau Tun yang ada tuduh tidak jujur?
    Untuk membeli kapal dan segala keperluan masyarakat Islam melalui Perdana Foundation memerlukan banyak dana.
    Duit anda kah yang menolong umat muslimin atau duit Tun?
    Kekayaan milik Allah disebarkan melalui tangan Tun..
    Apa pengiktirafan Allah terhadap anda yang paling agung?
    Saya tahu seorang muslimin pernah bermimpi mendapat surat dari Allah..
    Para muslimin yang tidak beramal akan mengkeji dan mencaci maki muslimin yang sebegini..
    Persoalannya GUA ADA..

    LU ADA???

    Suhainin Suhaibul..
    Sentiasalah manusia itu berselisih faham menyangka diri merekalah yang benar.
    Allah menawarkan perdamaian di antara kita semua..

    “Hai orang-orang yang beriman, taatilah Allah dan taatilah Rasul (Nya), dan ulil amri di antara kamu. Kemudian jika kamu berlainan pendapat tentang sesuatu, maka kembalikanlah ia kepada Allah (Al Qur’an) dan Rasul (sunnahnya), jika kamu benar-benar beriman kepada Allah dan hari kemudian. Yang demikian itu lebih utama (bagimu) dan lebih baik akibatnya. (QS al-Nisâ [4] : 59)


  271. Assalamualaikum Tun,

    Salleh Said Keruak dalam ulasannya “Tun Mahathir bukan mahu jatuhkan Najib tetapi UMNO sekali”:

    1. Pertamanya saya ingin ulas betapa gerunnya Najib, menteri-menteri di bawah Najib dan talibarut Najib tentang PENGARUH TUN MAHATHIR.

    2. Kedua, kenyataan Salleh Said Keruak itu umpama ORANG BODOH kerana bercakap ikut mulut saja. Ia seolah-olah mengajak semua ahli UMNO membenci Tun. Pada hakikatnya, dengan jelas Tun bercakap Najib patut meletak jawatan. Najib seorang, ini bukan bermakna turunnya Najib, hancyrnya UMNO.

    3. Ketiga, Salleh Said Keruak ni umpama katak bawah tempurung. Ini kerana cara dia bercakap seolah-olah dia sudah membuat kajian atau survey tentang perkara itu.

    4. Salleh Said Keruak ni seorang yang tidak cerdik lagi bodoh kerana tidak faham gelombang politik semasa di mana rata-rata rakyat kini membenci Najib dan Rosmah bukan kerana Tun yang hasut tetapi sikap degil sombong Najib sendiri.

    5. Salleh Said Keruak tidak memahami status ekonomi negara sepanjang pentadbiran Najib menyebabkan rakyat sengsara khususnya perlaksanaan GST ( goverment sangat tamak ) yang mengakibatkan tambahan inflasi iaitu harga barang/service naik. Ia mengecilkan pendapatan rakyat. Rakyat dari peminta sedekah, fakir miskin hinggakan orang kaya dipaksa membayar cukai dengan peratus kenaikan yang sama. Bijak atau bodoh Najib, jika mereka yang menyokong perlaksanaannya pun dianggap bersubahat bodoh sama. Bila harga barang/sevice naik, sampai bila-bila pun ianya tidak turun. Salleh Said Keruak pun BODOH.

    6. Salleh Said Keruak ni memang bodoh.


  272. Hai,

    karangnya masih panjang berjela…
    Tulisnya baur, bercampor campor….
    berselang seli English, Bahasa…
    Kadang menulis meluah takbor…


    Apa jadi pada Rakyat…?
    Siapa jadi memanda..? Apa rakyat dapat..?

    Pernah Harum… Lembar BerDaulat…!

    Perdana jadi keparat..?


  273. 23.

    24. With this kind of sikap, bn sure kalah.

    25. Dah salah, and need taxpayers to bailout, masih cakap besar, dan censor internet.

    26. Just because he is bumiputra, he can bully taxpayer, epf and socso contributors like the edge owner just because he is a malaysian chinese?

    27. The credibility of clare is higher than lester.

    28. She is born rich, so are the bn leaders’ children born rich too including tdm, pak lah an najib children.

    29. I hope part 2 maverick malaysia will not be continued and will lead to another massive losses to be bailout by the taxpayers via conspiracy of lester.

    30. The increment of mp seats in sabah via project ic aka look east policy already made the official religion ugly and poor.

    31. Poor robbing the rich via quantitative measure will only make malaysia a rogue country that produce low class talents.

    32. Wawasan 2020 is a vision, and it will continue by malaysians.

    33. A ruling coliation that loose popular votes will not be able to manage the government.

    34. Without support from state sultan, there is no way bn can lead.

    35. Like ds najib said, the era of government knows all is over.

  274. Wa’alaikummussalam warahmatullahiwabarakatuh sekali lagi Tuan Suhainin Suhaibul (nama sebenar)…

    Saya merasa cukup ‘bertuah’ & ‘terharu’ kerana dalam banyak2 kecaman sehari dua ni pada Tuan Suhainin Suhaibul/bol (not sure… who cares..), Tuan sangat TERKESAN dengan komen saya terhadap ‘komitmen tak kena tempat’ Tuan yg semata2 mencemar blog Ayahanda Tun ni, sampai ‘reply’ balik 1 post saya dgn 2 post Tuan. 😉 Siap acknowledged ‘kelibat kebolehan komunikasi’ saya. Jadi, sebagai orang Melayu yang TIDAK KURANG AJAR, TIDAK SOMBONG & TAHU MENGENANG BUDI, setinggi2 penghargaan saya rakamkan pada Tuan, nun di Negeri Di Bawah Bayu.

    Tuan Suhainin Suhaibul/bol rupanya kata nak ‘Pencerahan’ saja di blog ni.. Ingatkan apa, sampai ‘putus jari’ menaip cerita yg tiada siapa kisah dah pun. Caranya pun sungguh ‘mulia’.. Ungkit (& create) cerita backdated yg dah tak berbekas, tambah Aji No Moto (& racun Spark Monsanto) lalu menyerang Ayahanda Tun di sini, demi membela Bugis Warrior Yang ‘Maksum’ di matanya.. Sayangnya, Tuan Suhainin Suhaibul/bol pun nampak dibalut ‘Emosi’ : jelas sangat dalam post kedua komen ‘Cash Is King’ yg dituju pada saya. 😉

    Hidup berdendam ni memang menyiksakan Tuan.. Seperti maksud kata ‘Hajar’ dlm komennya yg juga menyelar Tuan. Sesuatu musibah yg menimpa diri kita dulu bukan hasil tangan2 manusia semata2. Dlm kes Tuan Suhainin Suhaibul/bol, mungkin tangan tu di’scapegoat’kan pada Ayahanda Tun.. Tangan manusia ni hanya perantara Tuan.. Semuanya takdir Ilahi, terimalah sebagai ujian atau balasan dosa2 kita yg silam. Selagi manusia yg terus dipersalah, kita pasti mati ditelan kesumat.. Biarlah hidup ber’Pemikiran Sehala’, dari hidup ber’Pemikiran Bercabang Lagi Songsang’ & akhirnya mati mata terbuntang!

    Seperkara lagi, yg pasti ‘Buffon’ bukan nama Jews macam ‘Benjamin’, tapi nama keluarga yg diguna majoriti warga Perancis, dan sebilangan warga Itali dari susur galur diraja Mediterranean.. Pelik juga Tuan tak kenal Kapten & goalie legenda Itali yg menang World Cup 2006, Gianluigi Buffon! ..Berkiblat BPL Tuan ni mungkin. Tak kisah la. Apa pun terima kasih sekali lagi kerana Tuan menganggap nama itu ‘macho’ bila digabung dengan perkataan Melayu (atau mungkin Bugis?) 😉 Lagipun, apa salahnya kan pinjam separuh unsur Mat Saleh wahai Tuan Suhainin Suhaibul/bol? Bugis Warrior pun buat.. Bukan saja pinjam unsur, siap ambil terus & ‘gaji besar’kan lagi 3 Mat Saleh utk menasihatnya kaedah mentadbir Malaysia yg tercinta ini selepas 58 tahun ‘Semenanjung Emas’ atau ‘Golden Chersones’ merdeka.. 🙂 Terlanjur cakap pasal pinjam juga, bukan ke meminjam (atau mengghaib?) berpuluh bilion dolar tu juga cara paling afdal utk ‘bangunkan’ negara jangka panjang. Macam hal kesesuaian pelaksanaan GST juga la, rakyat juga yg tak faham kan Tuan Suhainin Suhaibul/bol? ..Ya la, bukan semua rakyat Malaysia dapat CGPA 3.80. 😉

    Tak lupa, terima kasih juga pada Tuan Suhainin Suhaibul/bol, individu (out of all people) yg rupa2nya bertanggungjawab memberi gelaran BAPA PEMODENAN MALAYSIA kepada Ayahanda Tun.. Though it sounds like too good to be true, rakyat Malaysia seluruhnya amat menghargai jasa besar Tuan tu. Jadi tak perlu la menyumpit atau membunuh sesiapa pula ya Tuan Suhainin Suhaibul/bol? 🙂

    Last but not least, Janda Baik bukan di KL ya Tuan.. Lokasinya mmg tak jauh dari KL, tapi di negeri Pahang, cuma jauh juga la drp home’Town’ Bugis Warrior.



  275. If UMNO members does not want Najib to resign, then the other coalition parties such as MCA..MIC..etc should be brave enough to tell Najib to resign or these parties call for a vote of no cobfidence to Najib. Then not only Najib but UMNO itself will find they have no allies or support from other component parties. These component parties must realised should Najib destroy this country, their supporters too will be destroyed. These parties may even become extinct and only exist in the history of Malaysia just like Semangat 46.

  276. Assalamualaikum..
    rasa tak sabo nak nengok lakunan ayahanda tun dlm cerita kapsul…ingatkan pretender hanya wayang dan lakunan semata…ayahanda pretender sebenar di dunia nyata..serbaboleh..semua tugasan/kerja yg diberi dilakukan dgn jayanya…sangat bangga dgn ayahanda tun…

  277. Tun,

    Suhaimin shibu tak sangka beliau ada lah pencuci tandas untuk 1mdp ha ha tulis panjang jelar mcm orang nak baca sangat ha ha

  278. Dear Tun – Your intentions were good for the sake of the Rakyat and the Nation for the PM to go on your assessment that the country
    is going to run into many problems but then your advice has been not been adhered to. Now you see the many many problems
    Which are coming in the open vide WSJ.
    Tun and the Rakyat are all monitoring the ‘Circus’. Tun is a great PM who administered Malaysia for 22 years efficiently and the credit for what Malaysia is today with the fantastic development is your focus and direction.
    We wish you good health and look forward for the best you could do for our Country Malaysia we all Love.

  279. Whilst I do agree the demands of people like you and those in the opposition for Datuk Najib to stand down is gaining more legitimacy each day a comprehensive explanation and failure of disclosures about the Goldman Sachs deal Najib has bound the country to is not forthcoming there are some things that would make total support for that proposition a dangerous proposition for everyone.

    The evidence that the 1MDB fund and transfer to Najib of several hundreds of millions of dollars appears to be unreliable. In any event it is not evidence many including the opposition is convinced is sufficient to support action in a court of law.

    Just because people have been saying certain things about Najib does not make it true. Najib’s present position, many say is self inflicted. But till real proof is submitted as to his alleged financial ‘misconduct’ the attacks against his failure to respond is his greatest failing. As the old Malay proverb goes which is what many expect him to do:

    “Sesal Dahulu pendapatan, Sesual Kemudian apa guna nya?”

    Claire Rewcastle Brown attempted to get Rebehkah Brookes the convicted hacking conspirator in the Murdoch press (who now own the Wall Street Journal) to back and support her Sarawak Report. And it is widely believed she did get some backing for the Sarawak Report and its disinformation campaign.

    Whats also widely believed is that Claire Rewcastle Brown attempted to get a hacker to hack into Taib’s accounts and to even your own email accounts and telephone.

    The whole Claire Rewcastle Brown saga is the runt of the failed Blair Bush campaigns of world domination that failed.

    Najib asking the Wall Street journal why it printed the story if thats indeed true I agree was a stupid act. But why attack an entity as big as the Murdoch organization? Murdoch is a protected species in world politics the Queen of England, Scotland Yard and MI 5 leave him alone except for the occasional slap on the wrist for his major crimes.

    The Queen of England must be a bit stupid herself for not suing him would you not think? Murdoch and his darling Rebekah Brookes through their underlings hacked into the Queen’s security detail. Now how much more audacious can you get?

    The point I agree with you on is the way in which Najib has handled this entire affair. His public relations and his responses for which he pays millions are dead ducks, lame ducks and an embarrassment.

    The damage has been done. The rumours have become “credible” in the eyes of many. The same man you assisted in building his business when you were PM Lim Kwok Wing has asked you to not criticise Najib. Others like the betting and fast food millionaire with a soccer club in the UK who you also assisted has been a vocal critic of yours asking his investigative journals not to mention you by name although they adopt the same narratives of the opposition in indirectly blaming you for what they believe are the country’s woes.

    At this time of the nations crisis of confidence your criticisms are perhaps understandable. But by taking opportunity shots with Claire Rewcastle Brown you will do your image and your credibility no service at all. Your image and credibility would have been better served having a photo of you taken next to Donald Rumsfeld and Menachim Begin on either side of you. The following Malay proverb perhaps illustrates this point best is this:

    “Adah Ke Pernah telagah yang keroh mengalir ayer nya jerneh?”

    The way this entire matter has been handled speaks volumes for the people you educated. It appears that the majority of them succeeded in obtaining an academic orientation complete with a parchment on passing but in sum total they received no education at all.

  280. Dear Tun,

    If YES.. that’s means please step down or take a long leave, go to USA visit his step-son since he got a 100 million house there. Why is he still the PM when so many negative issue are mentioned towards him, non can be given a good explanation.

    Hello, this is Malaysia, not a poor African Country !! What are the rest of the cabinet doing? Sleeping? Can’t they tell RIGHT and WRONG?? Or shall we said they are involved as well? They dare not bring up the issue because they are in the same boat ??

    Ever since the 1MDB office being raided, I have notice there are not many words our form the Minister office or DSN himself, I guess they are working hard, overtime on how to cover up the whole thing. Why can’t the authority let the whole Malaysia/World know what we all waiting so anxiously for … DID HE OR DID HE NOT RECEIVED THE BILLIONS RINGGIT VIA HIS AMBANK ISLAMIC ACCOUNT ??? WHERE IS HIS ACCOUNT STATEMENT??? EVEN THE ACCOUNT IS CLOSED, YOU STILL CAN RETRIEVE THE STATEMENT JUST BY A FEW CLICKS. PLEASE DON’T TELL US THEY ARE INVESTIGATING IF THE FUND IS CLEAN OR NOT. SURELY AS A PM (ANY PM IN THIS WORLD) WILL NEVER HAVE SO HUGE FUND IN HIS ACCOUNTS!


    Worried Malaysian

  281. Dear Tun,

    Umno is blinded by greed. This was the Umno you created Tun.

    Its time to clean it up and rebuild it all over again on foundations of sincerity and courage for the Malays, Islam and Malaysia.

    If that does not happen soon. Umno will perish once and for all; and another will take over in its place.

  282. 1MDB are being investigated by 4 Superior Govt Authority

    If they failed to nail Najib or truly Najib is Innocent
    The next laps Opposition will accuse is all these 4 are instructed & corrupted by Najib . So what exactly Opposition want ?

    In Islam if you listen to Bad News and if you are unsure
    It is wise to know the truth then after you are allowed to spread the news
    1MDB has not conclude Oppositions has so many fantastic stories telling to the World

    1MDB has to settle among ourselves
    Foreign interference is inviting Disaster
    It meant No Good

    So go to International Court of Justice
    How justice is International Court of Justice ?
    When it is represented by Foreign Interest Lobbied by US , Israel Interest
    Like the Pulau Batu Putih ( Padra )
    Between S,pore & Malaysia
    If this disputes goes to Iran or Russia Court
    Malaysia will win

  283. Assalamualaikum Tun.

    Izinkan saya sambung manusia mirip suhainin suhaibul….

    Setelah saya study sikapnya antaranya mereka-mereka cerita mengikut hayalan sendiri atau pengaruh orang lain.

    Dia juga bersikap berpura-pura.

    Dia sanggup melakukan fitnah walaupun terhadap seorang ketua agama setempat.

    Kesimpulannya, andainya “suhainin suhaibul” sikapnya hampir serupa dengan orang yang saya kenal dahulu, maka tidak hairanlah saya “suhainin suhaibul” sanggup memfitnah Tun Mahathir.

    Sekian Tun, prinsip saya “tidak tumbuh tidak melata, tidak sungguh saya tidak kata”.

    Pandangan saya tentang saranan saudara novo, agar admin tidak menyekat tulisan “suhainin suhaibul” di blog chedet, saya serahkan atas kebijaksanaan Tun. Harap semua yang tertulis dalam blog ini, bukanlah fitnah tetapi bicara berdasarkan fakta dan pengalaman nyata.

    Semuga Tun sentiasa terpelihara dari orang yang membuat fitnah.

  284. Salam Tun

    Latest news

    Lim Kok Wing quits as Najib’s PR adviser after short-lived stint – See more at:

    Malaysia arrests Jerome Lee to help with high-level probe into 1MDB

    Sarawak Report I can access, latest news about the Melanyi video, it seems, the omputih in the video is actually the manager of National Bus Express, bus routes in the East of England. OMG! hahaha

    That day I jalan2 terbaca online, TV3 now orang panggil TV tiga suku, sementara penulis upahan hantu raya 🙂

    Assalamualaikum and Goodnight To All.

  285. Salam,

    Ringgit jatuh lagi. 1usd = rm4 iaitu 17.5% dalam masa kurang setahun. Dengan kejatuhan ringgit secara tak langsung harga komiditi minyak dunia akan kekal tinggi apabila ditukarkan dalam nilai ringgit. Jadi walaupun harga minyak dunia jatuh tapi di Malaysia masih kekal dengan harga yang sama.

    Rm jatuh tapi pelancong menolak untuk datang ke Malaysia atas dasar “keselamatan sosial”. Mereka lebih gemar datang ke Singapura, Indonesia dan Thailand. Malaysia hanya sekadar menjadi hub transit.

    Buat apa jadi negara pengeluar minyak jika harga minyak yang rakyat beli sama dengan harga negara bukan pengeluar? Kes penyeludupan minyak ditutup terus walhal amatlah berleluasa dengan penangkapan pegawai kastam di sempadan-sempadan negara.

    Rakyat sabah masih dikenakan perintah darurat. Apa komen saudara suhainin tentang negeri anda? Duit dah banyak belanja untuk ESSZONE dengan peralatan “canggih” kononnya, tapi lanun naik “tongkang” masih bebas. Orang ranau masih beraya dalam “khemah” tapi saudara suhainin sibuk dengan hal politik lapuknya. Inikah dasar yang diperjuangkan oleh suhainin?


  286. Dear Tun,

    I respect you for your wit and charisma. You are a true leader. You stand amongst the greatest world leaders, past and present. When you were PM, you were respected by supporters and haters alike. The kind of PM that the people, regardless of their political views, are proud to have.

    So sad that most of the current ministers we have now, are not blessed with your charisma and brain. When they speak, we cringe. Or laugh. Probably that is why one in particular prefers to keep mum. (It is not ‘elegant’ silence. Irritating, frustrating and perhaps exasperating are better adjectives for it).

    If only they have just a quarter of your qualities, Malaysia would be in a better condition.
    In my opinion, NONE of them can hold a candle to you.

    I hope that we will find someone like you. Soon.

  287. Salam,

    Kepada saudara suhainin, bagi saya apa yang Tun M lakukan memang gentle, terus terang dan straight-to-the-point. Bukan seperti anda yang berkhidmat bersama kerajaan, mendapat benefit kerajaan tapi menjadi musuh dalam selimut.

    Apa yang Tun M cuba tunjukkan ialah politik dalaman sebenar di dalam UMNO dimana semua berebut kuasa kerana sedar dengan platform yang telah disediakan dan diusahakan orang terdahulu boleh menjana self-profit.

    Jika benar Tun M ingin menaikkan Mukhriz apa masalah anda saudara suhainin? Najib buat benda yang sama pada Pak Lah tetapi dengan cara kotor dan licik (menggunakan KJ gila kuasa). Tun M gentle bawa permasalahan dalaman ke mata masyarakat.

    Inilah politik dan tiada konspirasi mengenainya. Pokoknya, bagaimana CARA, MASA dan KEBIJAKSNAAN dalam melakukan strategi politik.


  288. Assalamualaikum Tun,

    Kepada Suhainin Suhaibul ini saya mengamati sekali pandang ayat-ayat yang ditulis adalah copy and paste sebelum-sebelum ini yg mana saya banyak lupa dari mana sumbernya.

    Bila diamati lagi dia sama seperti perangai seorang nak katakan gila dia tak gila tetapi dia suka berfikir seolah-olah dirinya sama level atau bawah sedikit dari menteri.

    Pada mulanya saya tak faham tentang manusia ini tetapi bila saya kaji dan selidik orang tersebut rupa-rupanya dia terlalu berangan tinggi dan seolah-olah dia tahu serba serbi dan menjadi penasihat menteri. Kononnya pak menteri termasuk diri Tun Mahathir sering memanggilnya dan minta pendapatnya samada dalam hal politik hinggalah ekonomi.

    Rupa-rupanya dia cuma berkhayal dan mewar-warkan pada rakan-rakan yang dikenalinya kononnya Tun Mahathir sering mendapatkan nasihat darinya.

    Lama-kelamaan saya sedar tentang orang seperti ini bukannya seorang yang bijak tetapi hidup seperti ada “orang halus” mengawal tingkahlakunya.

    Saya percaya spesis ini ada di dunia dan ianya serupa dengan perangai “suhainin suhaibul”.

    Jadi tahap “gila” dan “tidak siuman” seperti “suhaimun suhaibul” usah diambil pusing sangat kerana dia sedang cuba “publish” dirinya dan jika kita ambil pusing, kita pun boleh “gila” dibuatnya.

    Saya harap sesiapa yang bersaudara dan mengenalinya tolonglah bawa dia ke hospital sakit jiwa kerana dia sewajarnyalah tinggal di tempat seperti itu.

    Sekian Tun.

  289. Greeting!!!

    Dear Tun,

    Firstly, I would like to wish Tun & Families.

    ##Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri##

    By here I would like to give some of quotes for those of our leaders. I hope them will understand what our felt right now.

    1. I have been given the authority over you, and I am not the best of you. If I do well, help me; and if I do wrong, set me right. Sincere regard for truth. ~ Abu Bakr Al-Siddiq

    2. When you seek advice, do not withhold any facts from the person whose advice you seek. ~ Abu Bakr Al-Siddiq

    3. Intentions count in your actions. ~ Abu Bakr Al-Siddiq

    4. Do not follow vain desires; for verily he who prospers is preserved from lust, greed and anger. ~ Abu Bakr Al-Siddiq

    5. If you want to control other people, first control yourself. ~ Abu Bakr Al-Siddiq

    I hope these quotes will make them better understand about the people and make the good action for peoples.

  290. Dearest YAB Tun,

    1. Last night I dreamt that PM Najib announced his resignation. I was so happy, but suddenly I woke up and realized that it was just a dream. I hope my dream will become a reality soon…Amin.

    2. It’s funny to see Salleh Said Keruak ‘meroyan’ – Sinar Harian

    Salleh is not a smart person – always talks nonsense/garbage; he only knows to ‘membodek’. He ignores the fact that PM Najib is the one who is destroying UMNO/BN with all kinds of scandals (not Tun M). He could not even comprehend Tun M’s simple article.

    Salleh and commenter ‘Su-su’ are alike – always ‘merapu/meraban’.

    Thanks Tun.

    *** May Allah SWT bless Tun and family ***

  291. Assalamualaikum tun..
    ketawa saya membaca tulisan tun kali ni.. mmg kna batang hidung org yg
    patut terkena. bila dia sebut konspirasi, mereka2 pun kelam kabut berkata konspirasi. tanpa ambil tau pun apa makna sbenarnya.
    dh mcm badut2 diatas pentas pulak dah.. tp prsembahan diaorg tak mlucukn tp bodoh.
    as for utusan, mana2 kdai yg saya pegi, brlambak2 naskah yg tak abis dijual brbanding newspaper lain. utusan kna muhasabah diri knapa pmbaca dh mcm geli dgn utusan.

    p.s;: suhainin suhaibul, udah2la tu. tulis pjg brjela tp isi kosong takdak sapa pun larat nk baca. nk tulis cmtu pi kat fb najib, dia msti happy dpt pujian dlm ramai2 yg mnghentam.

  292. Salam Tun.

    PER; KES saudara suhainin suhaibul

    1. Adalah diharap admin chedet tidak mengambil tindakan untuk memyekat setiap hasil tulisan manja saudara suhainin suhaibul ini.

    2. Walaupun Sarawak Report telah disekat aksesnya oleh PM kepada saudara suhainin suhaibul atas dasar dituduh mengeluarkan maklumat yang tidak disahihkan kebenarannya.

    3.Harapan saya ini agar saudara suhainin suhaibul tidak di sekat dari menulis di bolg chedet ini adalah diatas beberapa pertimbangan iaitu,

    4. “Mungkin” beliau mendapat upah, diatas segala penat lelah beliau didalam menghasilkan tulisan yang dipostkan di blog chedet ini.

    5. “Mungkin” upah itu dalam lingkungan RM 100 untuk setiap tulisan yang berjaya dipostkan.

    6. Atas sebab itu saya merayu agar sumber rezeki beliau tidak di sekat oleh admin chedet disini kerana

    7. Sanggupkah admin chedet melihat anak kepada saudara suhainin suhaibul berpakaian koyak rabak sambil memegang tin meminta sedekah?

    8. Sanggupkah admin chedet melihat isteri beliau mengambil upah membasuh pakaian warga asing yang berkerja di tapak binaan?

    9. Kalau isterinya pemilik kedai dobi,lain lah ceritanya pula. Bolehlah diatas budibicara dan mengikut Comment Policy pihak admin chedet untuk menyekat tulisan saudara suhainin suhaibul ini.

    10. Dan kepada semua pembaca dan penulis di chedet, anggaplah segala tulisan manja dan tidak berilmu dari saudara suhainin suhaibul sebagai satu sedekah kerana kita tidak melapurkan kepada admin chedet di atas ketidakpuasan hati kita terhadap tulisan beliau.

    11. Kalau kita melapurkan kepada admin, ada kemungkinan tulisan beliau akan di sekat atas dasar ” tulisan saudara suhainin suhaibul adalah terang-terangan bodoh” dan hanya layak dibaca oleh macai-macai Najib sahaja.

    12. Kan akan terputus sember rezeki saudara suhainin suhaibul dan seluruh keluarga beliau.

    13. Maka akan bergantunglah saudara suhainin suhaibul dengan bantu Jabatan Kebajikan Masyarakat dan BRIM.

    14. Atau kemungkinan beliau sakit hati dengan Tun diatas pendedahan IMDB kerana beliau sebenarnya kerja sebagai pencuci tandas di 1MDB.

    15. Atas rasa tergugat akan kehilangan kerja “suci” tersebut jika 1MDB ditutup, maka beliau bertindak menghemtam Tun.

    16. Kita sebagai pembaca dan penulis di sini mestilah fahami situasi jiwa dan ekonomi yang di hadapi oleh saudara suhainin suhaibul ini. Bayangkan jika NO.14 dan 15 diatas adalah situasi sebenar beliau ini.

    Wassalam Tun

  293. I don’t understand why some people were still bothering about the past years of tun as a pm. No one can ever turn back the time. No point for you to list all the wrong doing that tun has done. Im not backing up tun because I adore tun, but it is because the common sense of tun itself. Everyone make mistake. But why only now you wanted to conceal all the past mistakes that tun had done? Why only now? Yeah, everyone has the freedom of speech. So tun as well has the freedom of speech.

    One more thing, why most of the news over the tv keep troubling themselves by digging into a news that no one even care. All the Malaysian citizen now wanted a clear statement on the current issue. Instead of the tv trying to create a new news in order to take away the citizen attention, please stick to the issue. No one even care about the other crap. You don’t have to keep on avoiding about the issue of 1MDB, 42 Billion and all the scandal. This is the only thing that the citizen wanted to know.

    GenY nowadays are smart. We will stand for our right. We have the right to know. We may not have the power to be a leader, we will make sure that once we have the prove, YOU MUST STEP DOWN. Don’t ever think that we are stupid. Actually GenY now days are more powerful than your generation. We study hard to achieve what we want. Not to fulfil your stupid wish in such ‘don’t travel in order to reduce the fuel and toll consumption’.

    The major problem is what we are having now. You should bother more about the crisis now before it’s too late. About the 42 billion and 1MDB, I don’t mind if the money were going through a right platform for our own country. But where is the prove? How are we going to support you based on your verbally? Show us the prove of black and white. We pay gst every day. But where the money goes? We can’t see any improvement and action from the gov side. How long do we have to wait in order to receive an explanation from PM? Until bankruptcy occurs?

    We pay gst every day because it an ORDER from the gov. We do our part as a citizen. But you as a pm? You can’t even show us the prove of the truth. The fuel price keep on rising because you can afford to support the subside. Instead of spending the money to 1MDB, it is so much better for you to use the money for the subside. Everyone will be more than happy for that. As long as the necessity things is under control, then you can only take action on improving the country. what the point of being a modernize country if the citizen itself were still unable to feed themselves? Once you are able to control on the necessity need then only you are able to proceed with 1MDB or all the modernization.

    Malaysian population today is 30 million plus. If every day we pay gst of min rm1, by a month the gov will able to gain rm900 million. By year will be 10 billion of gst received from the citizen. It takes 4 years to paid the debt of 42 billion. Is it our fault for the gov to give such burden to the citizen? We did not receive anything in return but have to take the debt burden. This really pissed me off. How long do we have to wait? Tell me how long?

    Please argue with me if I’m wrong. Thankyou.

  294. Suhainin suhaibul
    So sign tppa bagus keh untuk negara,nak keh negara kita jadi negara haram macam USA.

  295. Dearest YAB Tun,

    Allow me Tun:

    ‘Suhainin Suhaibul @ Su-su’ is someone from the Oppositions, and is Pro-Anwar. He is just ‘menangguk di air keruh’.

    In the past (before Tun asked PM Najib to step down), he used to write all kinds of bad things about Tun M. He blamed Tun M & the federal Government for everything that happened to Sabah/Sarawak. From his past writings, I believe he is from Sabah. He accused the Federal Government of ‘robbing’ Sabah (‘Su-su’, if I am wrong, please correct me).

    Just ignore this ‘nyamuk / bug’. He just needs attention, and I believe he has some kind of ‘mental problem’.

    Lagipun, jika dilihat kepada penulisan2 beliau, beliau selalu ‘claim’ yang beliau tahu banyak perkara2 ghaib (beliau selalu cakap tentang ‘dunia lain’ selain dari dunia manusia) dan kononnya tahu macam2 rahsia Tun M yang orang ramai tidak tahu dan juga tahu macam2 perkara yang manusia lain tidak tahu. Cara beliau menulis seolah-olah orang MERACAU/MEROYAN, dan ini petanda manusia yang ada masaalah mental. ‘Su-su’ gembira jika Sabah/Sarawak keluar dari Malaysia (macam yang Anwar kempen)..

    To ‘Su-su’, please stop all this nonsense. If you think that Tun M is guilty of any wrongdoings, please just lodge a police report or ‘sue Tun M’, and please do not forget to bring along at least some proofs (of course not Barry Wain’s book..).

    ‘Su-su’ mungkin boleh dapatkan maklumat akaun bank Tun di mana ada duit ‘ber-billion/ million’ di deposit ke akaun Tun. Kalau dapat bukti ini, Tun M pasti tidak boleh melepaskan diri. Dengar cerita di Singapore ada akaun bank Tun M dan keluarga beliau. Mungkin Barry Wain boleh bantu ‘Su-su’?

    Remember, Tun M already challenged his detractors to go ahead and investigate him.

    P/S: Lagi satu, ‘Su-su’ kena menulis dengan jelas dan ‘straight to the point’. Tidak perlulah ingin bemadah-berhelah dan menulis berbunga-bunga teramat sehinggakan banyak perkara yang ditulis menjadi kurang jelas (berserabut). Cuba belajar menulis seperti Tun M – ringkas, padat, jelas dan mudah difahami. Dan, hormatlah sikit kepada Tun M sebagai orang tua; janganlah terlampau BIADAB. Ini kritikan ikhlas dari saya.

    Thanks Tun.

    *** May Allah SWT bless Tun and family ***

  296. Assalamualaikum Tun,

    suhainin suhaibul ….

    1. Siapakah “suhainin suhaibul”, jika ada yang kenal tolong perjelaskan. Saya langsung tidak mengenalinya.

    2. Apakah sumbangan “suhainin suhaibul” pada negara? Kalau tiada sumbangannya pada negara, usahlah jadi seperti “anjing menyalak bukit”.

    3. Adakah dia insan yang banyak pengalaman dalam politik? Kalau setakat pengalaman politik di peringkat kampung atau di kedai kopi, usahlah mempertikaikan pengalaman Tun.

    4. Adakah “suhainin suhaibul” insan yang sangat mahir dalam ekonomi? Kalau dia ni bagus tentang ekonomi, eloklah Najib tambah seorang lagi penasihat ekonominya. Jika ekonomi Malaysia tidak bagus jugak, elok lantik “suhainin suhaibul” sebagai pemandu lori tahi.

    5. Adakah “suhainin suhaibul” faham tentang istilah diktator? Ternyata cetek dan sempit pemikiran dia mengkelaskan Tun sebagai seorang diktator.

    6. Apakah kefahaman kronisme dalam hidup “suhainin suhaibul”? Juga bila mengkelaskan Tun seorang yang pentingkan kronisme, ternyata danggalnya pengetahuan “suhainin suhaibul” ini.

    7. Adakah “suhainin suhaibul” tahu apa yang dimaksudkan dengan “corruption”? Ternyata satu tuduhan yang liar dan “suhainin suhaibul” tidak faham apa yang dimaksudkan dengan “corruption”.

    8. Adakah “suhainin suhaibul” faham istilah “meminjam boleh membawa keuntungan”? Hanya manusia bodoh sahaja dalam dunia sekarang yang tidak berhutang, lainlah kamu lahir ke dunia ini datuk moyang kamu meninggalkan harta berjuta-juta kepada kamu. Hutang yang dianggap bagus ialah hutang yang mampu dibayar dan bukan menyusahkan rakyat.

    9. Adakah “suhainin suhaibul” adalah manusia yang amat luar biasa yang mampu menelah masa depan perangai insan? Cetek betul penilaian kamu dalam kontek ini. Cuba berlagak bijak malangnya ternyata bodoh bila membuat penilaian.

    10. Biarlah “suhainin suhaibul” ini meracau-racau dengan kenyataannya mengenai Tun yang mana saya sendiri boleh pertikaikan.

    Wassalam Tun.

  297. Wahai Suhainin Sahibul,

    jelmakan lah diri kamu untuk membuktikan dakwaan kamu adalah benar, jangan mengambil kesempatan ini untuk melindungi DSN. Jangan lah menjadi pahlawan Bugis yang tidak berani menjawab segala tuduhan dan menjelaskan kedudukan sebenar….

    Apa yang dijelaskan oleh Tun adalah bukan konspirasi, tapi persoalan yang perlu dijelaskan. kalaulah benar tubuhkan Suruhanjaya Di Raja….

    kepada Tun, teruskan usaha kerana jika dibiarkan nanti Malaysia mungkin jadi seperti Greece…. Semoga Allah memberi petunjuk.

  298. Tun

    Politics aside, what conspiracy in our beloved Malaysia known for its naive, hospitable and friendly peoples who have been constantly exploited by the PAP Government of the tiny Republic of Singapore and other jobless foreigners ?

    We were an Open Society from 1957 to 2003 until the folks became exclusive when they were overwhelmed by the Ali Baba’s treasure house which is our beloved Malaysia. The treasures were the results of hardwork, sweat and toil from generations of the Royal Rulers and the Rakyat through the centuries. This wealth did not come just like that in a jiffy.

    Let us compare the Dictatorial Regime of Lee Kuan Yew (1959-2015) which was imposed on the citizens through his creation the Godless Ultra Communistic Political and Social System by his Apparatchiks aka Meritocrats. It was a ONE-MAN show which was abetted by the Western Powers through the nexus of politics-industry-media. The hapless Malaysians were totally brainwashed by the very best brain laundry machines of the West to this day. Hence, we now have the Malaysian Chinese and some Malays hard-core worshippers of the Dictator Lee Kuan Yew in our midst.

    The tiny isle of Singapore is a Police State in which every person man, woman and child are monitored and controlled by the State which power rested in the hands of just ONE PERSON. It has its contrived electoral System which was concocted by the Dictator Lee Kuan Yew.

    There is no separation of the executive, legislative and judiciary powers as confirmed by the Festschrift published by his underlings in “The Big Ideas of Lee Kuan Yew.” 2014. They salaamed their Big Boss who made them rich, very rich.

    In parties or public places, whenever the name Lee Kuan Yew was mentioned, a Singaporean would turn his or her head to see anyone was listening in. This is FEAR inculcated deliberately in the minds of the citizens of the application of Income Tax measures etc on recalcitrant citizens.

    The over-reach of the Police State Apparatus on an intelligent teenage, Amos Yee who wrote good Anglo-Saxon words is a typical example of the all pervasiveness and its cruelty treatment of a digit by the Regime.

    The Dictator tailor fit the socio-economic environment of tiny Singapore to his personal needs as regards the sustainability of his power which he was forever fearful of losing.

    On the one hand, it was an absolute that all money is channelled legally to the State coffers monitored and controlled by the Dictator. On the other, an effective Spy System was at work even in the neighbouring countries to keep tab on important digits and their sexual peccadilloes. This Spy System works together with the Judiciary and the secret police which is different from the Police Force of which there are only about 4,000 personnel. The Spy System, the Secret Police and the Judiciary made sure everyone is locked in rich or poor by the Dictator.


    IT IS ONLY IN A PLACE LIKE THE POLICE STATE OF SINGAPORE CREATED BY THE DICTATOR LEE KUAN YEW THAT A CONSPIRACY HAD TO BE HATCHED. But to this very day, I have not heard of any conspiracy to overthrow the PAP Government despite its unusual sanguine attitude towards its citizenry.


    But from 2003, there have been attempts to ape the Dictator Lee Kuan Yew (1959-2015) without understanding or study of what he represented and his Dictatorial Legacy which is anathema to the precepts of his famous Alma Mater, the University of Cambridge. Like the Cold War British traitors, Blunt, Maclean and Burgess, Lee Kuan Yew was actually a traitor to the venerable University of Cambridge by his pursuit of dishonourable methods to cow the citizenry into submission. He was ABNORMAL. The craziest thing a Government can do is to ape the Dictator’s GLCs which he controlled and counted the money personally till his demise. WHO IS GOING TO COUNT THE MONEY MONEY MONEY NOW ?

    We should know our own beloved Malaysia. But most of us do not and are not aware what Political System we practise even the Aduns ! Why ?

    Because of the easy living which was presented to us from 1957 to 2003 by successive BN/Alliance Governments which practised our unique FREE MALAYSIA STYLE DEMOCRACY WITH OPEN CAPITALISITC CHARACTERISTICS AND MALAY BIAS.

    And now attempts are being made to ape the cruel Dictatorial Regime of the Dictator Lee Kuan Yew without understanding or study what he represented. HE REPRESENTED HIMSELF ONLY.

    By aping the ways and means of the Dictator Lee Kuan Yew without a study or understanding this Dictator WE ARE ACTUALLY TRYING TO TURN A GOOD OLD WESTERN STYLE DEMOCRACY LIKE OUR BELOVED MALAYSIA INTO A DICTATORIAL POLICE STATE LIKE THE FAILED STATE OF SINGAPORE. Uncle Sam where are you ?

    The first step was the creation of the 100 GLCs which together with the Government incurred nearly ONE TRILLION RINGGITS IN DEPT (not loss).This has never succeeded anywhere except by a REVOLUTION which cannot happen here because the ideals of FREEDOM AND DEMOCRACY ARE ALREADY BEEN INCULCATED DEEP IN ALL OF US CITIZENS. And our freedom to worship which is safeguarded by the Constitution.


    SINCE THE PROPER PRACTICE OF DEMOCRACY IS THROUGH A SYSTEM OF CHECKS AND BALANCES, anyone veering from this norm is bound to fail even though he/she might have irrational exuberance at the height of his/her apparent power which in our beloved Malaysia is now MONEY MONEY MONEY – a poisoned chalice copied from the failed State of Singapore which was based on MONEY MONEY MONEY !


    WITHOUT THE MONEY MONEY MONEY HOW ? Print some more ? Even Greece could not print some more !

    Therefore, in our beloved Malaysia it is nonsense to say that there is a conspiracy against anyone even the Government. A CONSPIRACY DOES NOT WORK IN OUR BELOVED MALAYSIA BECAUSE WE ARE VERY GOSSIPY AND NO ONE CAN KEEP A SECRET EVEN TOLD TO DO SO. So, how to conspire when all the walls have ears, including the toilets ?


    But it is easy for the Godless Ulra Communistic Political and Social System of the failed State of Singapore to be free and democratic. PLEASE ASK UNCLE SAM, HOW ?

    Please, Ladies and Gentlemen, when a person tells you that a conspiracy against the Government is on-going, ask him or she to go an fly kites ! THERE IS ABSOLUTELY NO SUCH THING. Ask yourselves, if the folks do not know what Political System we practise, how to conspire ?



  299. Assalamualaikum YBhg Tun,

    Bro suhainin, ko ni apa hal, asyik cut n paste tulisan orang lain je. Orang dah baca pun apa yang ko paste tu. So tak payah nak salin kat sini… buang masa aku je…

    Orang cerita pasa current issue and how to solve it, for the sake of our future, bukan nak bertekak… ko faham tak….

    Sori Tun…

  300. kamu memang bijak putar belit macam najib. yg jahat kamu sokong yg jujur kamu kutuk. jahat kamu memang jahat. agaknya kalau najib tak tubuh 1mdb, duit tak hilang dan cakap tak bebelit belit, adakah tun akan bersuara dan rakyat turut menyokong tun??. kalau kamu bangang, jangan hasut orang lain ikut biol. bodoh..

  301. Doc,

    Sir, the reason why the BN/UMNO Government are unable to follow through with their legal claim is because equally the WSJ, News Corp, Farifax would take the Malaysian Government to Court.
    The international media would love to ‘bring this on’. They would have a field day with Malaysia! Why?

    International courts do no operate like Malaysian courts. No bribes or tom-foolery. Truly independent judiciary. The truth would inevitably prevail.

    It is quite obvious, UMNO and Najib do not want independent auditors to fully scrutinise and audit precisely what has occurred. Hence the reason why Ernst Young, PWC, Deloitte do not want to even touch 1MDB for fear of international audit requirements/ benchmarks and standards reputational damage.

    Furthermore, you take Western media to court, they will have a field day at all of Malaysia’s corrupt practises. The fact that there are pockets / ISIS cells operating out of Malaysia, Taib corruption in Sarawak. It would bring Malaysia into the spot light. Does the government want this? Does it want investors to leave in droves like they are presently? This is all a game… a game of chess, and UMNO have placed down their Queen.

    Legal action would open up Pandora’s box. So we see, Najib and his party spewing hot air….. The corrupt unable to take control of their corruptness. Malaysia will one day run out of money because it has absolutely no self-sustainable industry, and has driven its entrepreneur base out to the developed world.

    Why? Because of Corrupt, incompetent, greedy, uneducated, selfish policy makers lining their own pockets with nepotism, chroni-ism, All the things that Anwar was fighting against.

    You should have let the man be PM. The biggest mistake you have made is to deny the Darwinian theory of natural selection. Let Democracy take its course without intervention.

    The question I have for you is, deep down inside your heart, Is there any regret?

  302. Salam Tun,

    Ada seekor kera sumbang dalam blog ini seperti kera yang termakan belacan.

    Nama penanya “suhainin suhaibul”.

    Apa yang dia mahukan kita pun tak jelas. Nyatakanlah apa yang dia mahu?

    Samada dia ni sedang “kepanasan” kerana sana-sini rakyat semakin hilang kepercayaan pada pemimpin pujangganya Najib atau marahkan Tun kerana kononnya Tun adalah penyebab rakyat bencikan Najib?

    Saya percaya dalam diri kera sumbang ni “suhainin suhaibul” ada saka Rosmah Mansor telah meresapnya membuatkan dirinya melalut tak tentu pasal.

    Kesian “suhainin suhaibul” …. Mungkin Najib boleh mengubatinya.

  303. Salam Tun, Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri to you and family. Dear Tun, so many statements and comments suddenly coming out of the blues from ‘who-where they come from people’. Are they talking on the majority? Whoever they are and whatever they say to to deflect the people’s attention from the main issue, ie what where how who lost the billions of $$$, I have lost faith in believing in them, all of them sitting in out besides up under DSN. Even my 17yr old son and his classmates have lost faith and trusts in the current leadership. Don’t think that these kids are ignorent, mind you they are your saviors, your future. So right now we are in a ‘distrust syndrom’. We just want to hear his appologies his admissions for listening to his not so clever advisors, but it seems he has a ‘so what’ attitude. Dear Tun, just to tell you this of how myself, my sons, his friends feel about the current government and especially Umno, it is so so sad that it has to come to this point where we are in a delima, to trust to believe or not. Take care Tun and always believe Allah is all Knowing and Merciful.

  304. Absolutely I see & sense Conspiracy
    A positive Conspiracy
    Unless we are Blind & Deaf not to identify

    Conspiracy not to topple PM Najib
    BUT Conspiracy to topple UMNO

    The grouping of DAP , PKR & PAS
    Is a conspiracy abetting with intentions to topple UMNO
    PM Najib is just part of the Package
    They will not hit the lower UMNO to Defame UMNO
    Defamation of UMNO is their Definite Agendas
    At all cost and all out War to topple UMNO

    You have seen these from day 1
    The slightest mistakes Govt did is a Headline
    Even their public supporters have challenge UMNO Video record their Handphone
    post it on social media against the Authority to make the Govt looks Ugly
    Why its happening because Authority are not Stern

    They even attempts to bring foreign interference , foreign media
    foreign comment to weaken the Govt
    Tun has experience this
    At one incident Al Gore of US Govt slants ” Reformasi ” in front
    of political Assembly in Malaysia itself
    It was a Barbaric act of Al Gore very unprofessional Politician
    Very Rude but I can understand him as his Parent never teach him manners

    Opposition abetting & inviting foreign interference
    They cannot fight their own battle Gentlemen with Honor

  305. Salam Tun

    I am on your side.

    Conspiracy. Seriously? Seriously?!

    Mana ada conspiracy. We want DSN to resign, loud and clear. Every election pangkah BN, after this no more. Slogan IM4U atau I love PM, hmmm … to lift low self esteem.

    Actually Sarawak Report, WSJ bukan play a big part, kita dah lihat macam-macam. Kalau ada peranan pun hanya mengiakan apa yang ramai dah teka.

    Overspending masa GE13 dan sikap orang UMNO acuh tak acuh, maaf Tun I nak tegur ini. Masa GE13, I lihat banyak banner gantung, PKR, BN. So I talipon kawan Wanita UMNO, kasi tau, how come banner BN not prominent, banner PKR prominent kat my area. Kawan ini buat tak tau. I think masaalah UMNO too sure mereka akan menang besar. Riak and sombong, apa kita kata no hal, tak jadi kudis pun!

    Zaman my arwah ayah jadi government servant dihormati, ayah pencen Tun M naik, government servant masih dihormati dan rajin pula bekerja, now rata2 my kawan2 dah tak hormati government servant. Pendapat kawan2, politician come and go, government servant buat kerja aja la.

    Bila sebut soal creativity dalam usaha berniaga, now no more. A young man I jumpa recently nak buka business, tanya kenapa, dia jawab sebab government suka belanja. A friend of mine sebelum puasa jumpa minum petang, dia kata nak buat proposal. I tanya government ada duit ka, dia jawab tu tengok belanja sana-sini.

    Loud and clear, I nak Najib berhenti, I hope Muhyiddin can do a better job. Nasib baik boleh menang besar GE14 nanti…hmmm

  306. Assalamualaikum Tun……

    Tun Mahathir ada berkata yang serupa ini maksudnya : “Saya menjadi Doktor bukan sebenar-benarnya untuk mengubati pesakit…tetapi… supaya kata-kata saya dituruti.”

    Lihat jauh-jauh ke dalam kata-katanya itu, ini merupakan bahasa orang yang “Tidak Ikhlas” terhadap setiap yang dilakukannya serta apa yang disumbangkannya. Sentiasa melakukan gerak kerja untuk meraih keuntungan bagi dirinya sendiri.

    Dia tidak memimpin untuk kepentingan rakyat tetapi sentiasa mencari ruang untuk memperoleh manfaat bagi diri dan keluarganya sendiri sahaja.
    Pemimpin ini kah yang sedang kita agung-agungkan? Dia tidak melakukan sesuatu tanpa imbalan terhadap dirinya sendiri tetapi mengerah orang lain agar menjadi “Sukarelawan” tanpa gaji dan imbuhan.

    Lihat….. Betapa culas dan kotornya pemimpin bergelar Tun Dr.Mahathir Mohamad ini. Dia hanya mementingkan diri sendiri dan agendanya sendiri sahaja. Tidak kesah pun jikalau orang mati bergelimpangan di kiri dan kanannya asalkan hajatnya untuk dirinya tercapai?

    Tun Mahathir tidak kesah untuk membunuh sesiapa sahaja demi mencapai niatnya. Tun Salleh Abbas sebagai salah satu contoh kecil:-

    “Everyone thought that the 1988 Tun Salleh Abbas case would be over after the PM announced that Tun Salleh and others would be given ex-gratia payment, in acknowledging the injustice done towards them since 1988.”

    Jikalau benar bersalah dalam menculasi “Kuasa”, mengapa perlu ada “Ex-Gratia Payment” ?

    Inikah Manusia (Tun Mahathir) yang mengatakan dirinya tidak pernah melakukan kesilapan sepanjang pemerintahannya? Mempergunakan dengan licik institusi Raja demi mencapai hajatnya?

    Deretan “Kontroversi” melanda Sepanjang pemerintahan Tun Mahathir dan Tun Mahathir menafikan dirinya bersalah. Dia sedar dan merasai bahawa dirinya tidak bersalah…maka… dia mempertahankan dirinya?

    Andai begitu mengapa hendak membunuh Najib dengan beberapa “Kontroversi” yang kesahihannya masih diragui. Najib turut mempertahankan dirinya kerana sedar dan merasai dirinya tidak bersalah.
    Najib berhak melakukan yang sebagaimana dilakukan Tun Mahathir untuk membela dirinya?

    Mengapa Tun Mahathir menembak dengan “Meriam Buluh”? Kenapa tak guna “Bom Atom” sahaja? Biar semuanya bergelimpangan mati terburai perut dan bersememeh otak?

    Nampaknya jauh di sudut hati Tun Mahathir masih tersimpan “Kasih Sayang” untuk anak murid kesayangannya ini(Najib). Anda semua Nampak tak akan aliran perasaan Tun Mahathir ini?



    Saya teringatkan permainan kanak-kanak di zaman dulu – “Main Tembak-Tembak” – Bukanya nak bagi mati betul-betul. Kemudian teringatkan pula “Latihan Tentera”…tapi… apa yang mereka lakukan ini iras-iras latihan tentera “Komando Elit”…ehehehe…

    “Rakyat”…Melopong…tetapi masih juga tidak mahu berfikir secara kritis. Sentiasa sahaja terpedaya dengan “Pandangan Mata” dan “Emosi”.

    Buka Mata luas-luas… ini merupakan persediaan akhir sebelum menjelangnya tarikh akhir “Misi 2020”. Ketika itu; bukan Tun Mahathir yang datang membawa “Banjir Besar” dan “Gempa Bumi”…tetapi… Mungkin “Diri Kita Sendiri” dengan “Bahan Bakarnya” daripada “Ideologi Luar” atau “Ciptaan dengan Saduran Ideologi merosakkan, lalu dilebelkan ‘MADE IN MALAYSIA’@’Musang Berjanggut P.Ramlee'”.

    Sedih rasanya jikalau “Mata” masih belum mampu melihat dengan jelas.

    Bangun…dan…Jaga lah wahai saudara-saudara senegaraku. Tanggungjawab ini terpikul dibahu semua, termasuk “Parti Pembangkang”.

    Tun suka tak menonton filem “Simba The Lion King” bersama kami?

    Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh…

  307. Effectively this means the real electors have been reduced from 2,000 to about 190 UMNO divisions.

    Perwakilan Titiwangsa dipecah-pecahkan untuk membuang undi di bahagian Bukit Bintang, Kepong dan seterusnya. Perwakilan Bukit Bintang pula boleh membuang undi di bahagian-bahagian lain. Dengan ini diharap 100,000 ini dapat memilih dengan bebas dan membuat pilihan terbaik.

    Semua ini bertujuan mengelak kelompok kecil 2000 yang ter’sequestered’ di PWTC.


  308. Suhainin sahibul,

    Saya bersetuju bila Tun minta orang beritahu apa kesilapan yang beliau lakukan supaya mudah beliau nak buat tesis.

    Saya juga begitu bila bos saya kondem saya. Saya akan kata ‘apa masalahnya?’.

    Saya boleh bagi jawapan pada soalan. Tun juga begitu beri jawapan bila ditanya?

    Jadi apa masalahnya?

  309. Assalamualaikum…
    najib nih jenis ati minda muka Teflon…ckp haper pon tak jadik haper..mcm orang orangan kena berak ngan burung pon buat tatao..tadak perasaan…org kata biaq perasan jgn tadak perasaan…selamat ari raya map zahir batin Ayahanda,admin dan semua warga chedet…lebiu ayahanda…smileyyyyy…

  310. Salam Tun.

    1. Rimba Emas pun rasa tiada ‘konspirasi’ untuk menjatuhkan PM tetapi datang dari nukilan seseorang yang merasa tertekan dalam keadaan semasa sekarang oleh tempiasnya kesalahan pengurusan wang kerajaan.

    2. Malah antara Rimba Emas dan Tun pun ada setengahnya tidak sependapat dengan tindakan kerajaan terhadap perkara seperti BR1M dan GST.

    3. Tun lebih kepada permasalahan 1MDB dan tidak bersetuju dengan pemberian BR1M manakala Rimba Emas berpendapat lain pula dalam soal BR1M dan GST.

    4. Persamaan kami hanya kemahuan pada seorang pemimpin yang berkebolehan menguruskan wang kerajaan dan Rimba Emas bersetuju dengan BR1M kerana memikirkan golongan bawahan yang gajinya setakat minima.

    5. Semuanya disebabkan GST yang pada Rimba Emas diadakan oleh kerajaan tampa pandangan mata hati dan lebih kepada soal untung rugi formula bagaimana memperolehi duit bentuk cukai tampa berjual beli.

    6. Mata hati dari kaca mata Rimba Emas selalu digunakan dengan memerhati gelagat manusia melalui cermin tingkap sebagaimana kita Tun pernah bertemu ketika Tun pulang bersembanhyang Jumaat di Masjid Negara bila Tun membuka tingkap kereta bahagian belakang sambil memerhati rakyat lain berjalan kaki yang hanya berkenderaan awam yang terpaksa bayar tunai harian.

    7. Sikap ini diteruskan sehingga kini dari satu kejadian yang lepas dari sisi tingkap dapat dilihat kelibat seorang lelaki memboncengkan tiga orang anak dengan motornya yang agak lama. Sambil menyelok-yelok saku pokit seluar sebelum kekedai mengira duit syiling. Akhirnya keluar dari kedai dengan anak merengget mungkin tidak mendapat benda yang dimahunya kerana ternampak satu buangkusan sahaja. Adakah GST setiap barangan membebankan yang memyebabkan barangan yang penting sahaja diutamakannya ?

    8. BR1M sekurang-kurangnya sebagai pengalak pembeli barang atau meringankan beban kewangan harian mereka disebabkan terbeban dengan GST harian dengan jumlah gaji yang diperolehi dalam bulanan atau harian yang makan gaji atau mungkin bekerja sendiri.

    9. Sebab itulah Rimba Emas takutkan para pembuat dasar GST ini adakah mempunyai pemikiran begini kerana mereka yang hidup berkeadaan seperti lelaki dengan tiga orang anak yang diceritakan tadi yang memahami situasi begini dalam sistem GST.

    10. Pesalah-pesalah yang menghilangkan wang 1MDB akan tetap bersalah walau pun usaha mengantikannya dilakukan. Kepada yang bersubahat menolong kerja-kerja salah ini ingatlah kata-kata Allah s.w.t bahawa yang dinilai pada hari pembalasan nanti ialah amalan-amalan dan kebaktian dalam kehidupannya dan juga pada hari pembalasan itu tiada kuasa yang berkuasa atas kuasa yang lain bermakna tiada siapa yang dapat menolong hanya kekuasaan Allah s.w.t semata-mata yang tiada kepentingan dan semua makhluk adalah sama disisi Allah s.w.t.


  311. Assalamualaikum Tun……

    Sebenarnya Mahathir sedang melihat cermin lama dalam dirinya bilamana cuba menikam dengan kejam serta menggunakan hanya “Satu Mata” bilamana mengadili pemimpin lain seperti Najib. “Satu Mata” hanya digunakan oleh sesuatu yang serupa dengan “Yakjuj dan Makjuj”.

    (By Nawawi Mohamad)-

    Former premier Mahathir Mohamad has criticized every prime minister of Malaysia from the late Tunku Abdul Rahman to the current leader Najib Razak, sparing no one except of course, himself. Mahathir has also criticized other world leaders including UK’s Tony Blair and of course George W Bush, the 43rd president of the United States.

    So far none of his local peers have swung back at him, which is not surprising considering that several are already dead and only Najib and 5th prime minister Abdullah Badawi are alive. As for the international leaders, they have largely ignored Mahathir’s existence, which only adds to his frustration, but there is nothing he can do to them. However, he can make life miserable for his successors here, and this he is already doing.

    When Mahathir retired in 2003, after 22 years as PM, there was talk about his ‘great’ legacy and he was even called Bapa Pemodenan or Father of Modernization. Some 9 years after his retirement, the excesses and sheer ill-judgement of his economic, social and political decisions have come back to wallop the nation with a backlash stronger than the ferocious tsunami of 2006 that devastated much of South Asia.

    At 86, Mahathir is now reviled by most Malaysians, blamed for the massive corruption that may soon bankrupt the country if no remedial economic action is taken, and for the apartheid-scale racial fissures amongst the various ethnic groups in the country.


    Just pick the New Economic Policy, which was the brainchild of the policymakers of the 1960s but which he abused to the maximum. This abuse alone is enough to ensure that he will stay in the Malaysian Hall of Villains rather than in the Hall of Fame which he still thinks he belongs in.

    His peers with better memories including former Finance minister Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah said last week that the NEP was never meant to create or to be used to incubate a class of Malay capitalists, but to address poverty and to raise the level of Malay participation in the economy. It was never meant to be abused by the government of the day to handpick a select group of Malay entrepreneurs, load them with sharply-discounted government deals and then expect them to prosper and create enough economic ripples to help lift the rest of the community.

    This was Mahathir’s first and major mistake. But was it really a mistake? Doubters and critics point to the enormous wealth he accumulated for his cronies and proxies through the money-making schemes hatched under the guise of the NEP, and by privatizing government assets to favored Malay entrepreneurs, one of whom is the disgraced former MAS chairman Tajudin Ramli. Not able to deal with the ‘instant success’ or the stress of big time business, many succumbed to debt during the 1998 Asian financial crisis. Tajudin and friends like Halim Saad fell from hero to zero, losing enormous amounts of money and requiring massive government bailouts.

    Cronies but the masses get nothing

    The second mistake Mahathir, in his foolishness, made was to pool the major part of the nation’s wealth in the hands of a few. This time he included non-Malays millionaires such as Vincent Tan, Robert Kuok and Ananda Krishnan. Tan has just announced his retirement, Kuok unhappy with the worsening racial system in the country has chosen to stay Hong Kong, while Ananda is wanted by the Indian authorities for allegedly having corruptly wangled a telecoms licence to buy into Aircel.

    This pooling of wealth in the hands of a few inevitably left the ordinary Malays and Malaysians with just a few crumbs to share amongst themselves, a slow-boil situation that has blown up to today’s red-hot disputes about social and economic fairness. Not only is there not enough money for scholarships, education, healthcare, employment and welfare for everyone, even the Malays who have been repeatedly told by Mahathir’s Umno party that they will get priority, have left in the lurch.

    Malays now form 96% of the poorest 40% lowest income earners in the country. As for the non-Malays, of course, they have felt the pinch more. Many have been forced to go overseas to work and to study. That’s right, educational and employment opportunities are scarce for the non-Malays in the country. Again, the only group that benefited were the elite in the Umno party, their families and cronies. So Mahathir – despite his self-praise – was in fact rather shortsighted. Money was far more important to him than he cared to admit.

    Trusting the wrong people

    The third mistake that Mahathir made was choosing the wrong people for the wrong jobs. He also trusted the wrong people. All of the Malays tycoons that he picked had no real business savvy but were merely the trusted aides of former Finance minister Daim Zainuddin. That is why guys like Tajuddin, Halim, Rashid Husein of RHB Bank, Mohd Noor Mutalib and Abdul Rahman Maidin of MRCB fared poorly in the end. Some have even been hauled to court to settle debts.

    Only Daim Zainudin remains ‘filthy’ rich. His nominees ended up owning all the various banks and business enterprises meant to be transferred into Umno Baru. Somehow, as the Umno legend goes, Daim managed to secure these for himself. This was obviously a huge letdown for Mahathir. Instead of ‘tricking’ people over to his point of view, for once, he had been had!

    Set Malaysia off on the borrowing habit

    Mahathir did not foresee that the National Debt could be as high as it is today, having ballooned to over RM450 billion. Despite several ‘begging’ trips to Singapore and Brunei, he was politely rebuffed. In the end, he borrowed from overseas by issuing bonds and ‘stealing’ every spare sen from Petronas and the other Government-Linked-Companies to fund his mega projects. Throughout his 22-year rule, Mahathir never saved a sen for Malaysia for a rainy day. And this was his fourth mistake.

    Weak grasp of economic principles

    Mahathir is just an ordinary doctor; a general practitioner and not a specialist. His understanding of economics is as rudimentary as the average Malaysian. His idea of increasing the equity of the Malays is so simplistic – use the GLCs. Mahathir’s vision of doing business is by profiteering through controlling shares in as many companies as possible without considering the possibility of losing money. Sad to say, real life businesses involves losses, not just profits.

    Mahathir’s economic policy was not based on any solid foundation and had never been tested in any country before. It was based on his opinions and viewpoints. If these had been any good or worked, many countries would have already implemented similar ideas centuries ago. Even established capitalist and communist economic systems have come under fire and economic collapse is a norm these days, part of a man-made boom and bust cycle. Several economists have even urged nations to revert back to gold-based currencies, an ancient and established type of monetary system, so what are Mahathir’s child-like economic concepts by comparison? His fifth mistake is therefore his skewed understanding of the economy. It led to the controversial de-pegging of the ringgit from the US dollar and the overnight closure of the CLOB share market trading in 1998 – two events that investors have still not forgiven Malaysia and Mahathir for.

    Dictator syndrome

    Mahathir’s ego and unconscious desire to be a dictator is his sixth mistake. He amended the constitution to weaken the Agong and the Sultans and then made sure that the law and enforcement bodies obeyed him. He sacked the Chief Justice Tun Salleh Abbas and closed both eyes when judges were openly bought by those who had money. It would be tough for Malaysians and their investors to fully trust the judiciary system again. This is why the Umno-BN has lost its integrity and the people their faith in the coalition. Malaysians will always distrust whatever Umno-BN does even if it may be well-intentioned.

    Racist policies

    To prevent the disintegration of his policies and his misdeeds from being exposed, Mahathir had to resort to his favorite racial politics. He had to convince the Malays that what he had done was necessary and in their interests. He kept for himself the great jewels and gave out the small chips so as to convince the Malays that the war against the other races was real. The non-Malays had to be kept back. Thus the budget allocations for places like BTN or the National Civics Bureau where Malay graduates and civil servants were openly taught to be suspicious of the other races.

    But not all the Malays bought it. Such teachings were against Islam and also against universal values. The Malays were left confused, while the non-Malays totally sidelined. So being racist is Mahathir’s seventh mistake.


    If Mahathir and Umno have been successful in making sure Malaysia achieves developed nation status by 2020, why does the record show so many serious faults to date. There are only eight years to go but the economy is still in a shambles with the national debt soaring, racial and religious harmony in disarray, and the political situation worsening with Umno-BN now openly resorting to physical violence to stop the opposition from holding their rallies.

    The education system is also leading nowhere, healthcare is getting worse and more expensive, the much-touted and corrupt 1Care already rejected before it can even come on-stream, law and order is still questionable, mismanagement and graft more entrenched than before in the Umno-BN government. Instant of all cylinders kicking in, and culminating into the realization of Vision 2020, Malaysia may go bankrupt instead. Not fighting corruption, but perpetuating it is Mahathir’s eighth mistake.

    Meddling with the running of the country

    The majority of the Malays are poor and still need government help despite 55 years of Umno “successes“ (read failures). The non-Malays have been patient enough and have given Umno enough chances. They have waited until the third generation after the nation’s independence in 1957 and they are now fed-up with Umno-BN. The same too is happening with the Malays. Those not in the direct line of the Umno gravy train, and this would be the great majority, are getting fed-up too. More have voted for the opposition and will continue to do so.

    When Mahathir realized that things were turning sour, he handed over the baton to Abdullah Badawi, thinking that he could still control the running of the government by ‘remote control’. But when things were not carried out as he had wished, Mahathir forced an ouster and replaced Badawi with Najib. Granted, the disorganized Badawi was in no capacity to lead Malaysia but Najib is just as incapable too. All through, instead of giving a helping hand, Mahathir continued to meddle with the running of the country. Interfering with the running of the country and disallowing the current leaders to put in solutions that suit the era is Mahathir’s ninth mistake.

    Causing trouble in Umno and pushing Mukhriz up the ladder

    Yet Mahathir stubbornly refuses to accept or to admit to his mistakes. This is one man who refuses to face up to reality. He is not really interested in the welfare of Malaysians at all, not even the Malays or Umno. He only wants to save his face and to make sure that his son Mukhriz will become prime minister no matter what deals he has to execute with the current batch of Umno warlords to effect this.

    Ruthless and completely selfish, Mahathir would think nothing of creating chaos just to fulfill that ambition. After all, he could de-register Umno just to stay in power. Imagine what he won’t dare to do to get Mukhriz in as Umno president. But it is this incessant interfering and trouble-making in Umno that will be his tenth and last mistake.

    Mahathir will doom Umno, and in imploding, Umno will very likely take Mahathir down for the count.

    Assalamualaikum warahmatulahi wabarakatuh……

  312. Assalamualaikum Tun…..

    Hanya orang yang rasa ‘Angkuh’nya tinggi ke langit sahaja yang mengaku tidak melakukan apa-apa kesilapan….umpama Firaun dan Haman… Apa Tun benar-benar tidak melakukan kesilapan?

    Dr Mahathir Mohamad said that he committed no mistakes during his time as prime minister, just days after he called for Prime Minister Najib Razak to resign for allegedly failing to perform well.

    When asked at a forum what his biggest mistake was, Dr Mahathir said he was at a loss for an answer, adding that he had never stole government money.

    “I’m still trying to find out what mistake that I did. I didn’t steal government money. I didn’t do quite a lot of things. You tell me what is my mistake,” he told a laughing audience.

    He said people had accused him of being an authoritarian, but he said that he had voluntarily stepped down as prime minister – something no authoritarian ruler would do.

    “I’ve been accused of being authoritarian. I’m not. If I was, I wouldn’t resign. I was enjoying life, you know, flying here and there, all paid for by the government.

    “So you can tell me where I went wrong. I would like to study it and write a thesis on it,” he said at a forum in Cyberjaya.

    He added that many people had told him his biggest mistake was to have resigned as prime minister, but he insisted today he had done the right thing in leaving the government.

    He said it was important for leaders not to overstay their welcome, no matter how popular they were.

    “By 2002 I thought, well, most things are okay now, financially okay, government is okay, party is okay, I can step down. But I did not expect, of course, what my successors would do.

    “So that was not a mistake, that was the right thing to do. Step down,” said the country’s longest-serving prime minister.

    He also contrasted his departure from the government with that of the late Lee Kuan Yew, who had stayed on in the Cabinet after stepping down as prime minister of Singapore.

    “Kuan Yew resigned but he was still there as senior minister and minister mentor… I don’t want to come back, I’ve had enough, 22 years,” said Dr Mahathir.

    Dr Mahathir added that one of his finest acts as prime minister was to ensure there was peace and no racial conflicts in Malaysia.

    “I give myself credit for doing the right thing, and I think the best thing I did was during my time, there were no racial conflicts.

    “You can’t stop extremists from saying all kinds of nasty things, but by and large the people lived in peace with each other.”

    When asked why Malaysia was not as well-developed as Singapore, Dr Mahathir said the island republic had less problems to deal with.

    “They don’t have to build many roads. They don’t have racial problems. We have racial problems. And they can forget about the minorities and do what they like.

    “We can’t do that here, we have to think about minorities, think about the rights of people, etc.

    “So there is a certain give and take that we have to do here which you don’t have to do in Singapore. So I would like to say that he (Lee) had a much easier time than I had.”

    Begini caranya seorang penipu dan pembohong berkata-kata. Jikalau anda mempelajari bidang “Psikologi” maka kata-katanya ini berpalit kepura-puraan yang penuh dengan “Helah Bela Diri”. Tidak menghairankan kerana Tun belajar daripada buku perang Tsun Tzu yang dilumuri helah dan tipudaya licik….. Lidah bercabang?

    Hanya “Allah S.A.W” yang tidak pernah melakukan apa-apa kesilapan… Apakah Mahathir itu sama upayanya dengan Allah? Lihat… Betapa sombong dan bongkaknya manusia bernama Mahathir Mohamad bergelar Tun Dr. ini?

    Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh…..

  313. Mana ada konspirasi nak menjatuhkan Najib.

    Takde arahan pun. Kalau jawab tohmahan, InsyaAllah semua masalah selesai.

    Masalahnya, Najib memang bersalah dan buat salah. Tetapi Najib sedang lena diulit oleh kesenangan dan sokongan orang sekeliling.

    Tanyalah Tun Mahathir bagaimana Tun pernah lena diulit suatu ketika dahulu oleh orang orang sekeliling dan mengagau mencari kebenaran.

    Alhamdulillah kerana perkara pertama yang diberikan Allah s.w.t pada hambaNya adalah keyakinan.

    Keyakinan yang bermaksud mengenali bahawa Islam itu benar.

    Tiada konspirasi. Semua hanya drama yang syok sendiri. Yang memuji muji diri dan merasa diri hebat menjadikan kenyataan yang keluar dari mulut menampakkan keangkuhan.

    Merasakan diri itu disayangi dan disanjungi padahal sebaliknya.

    Ia adalah istidraj. Nauzibillahiminzalik.

    Mungkin itulah yang dikatakan awal mengenal agama, adalah mengenal diri.

    Keyakinan mengenal Islam itu adalah benar.

    Datanglah ribut badai sekalipun, ia tidak menghakis apa apa sekalipun. Apa yang perlu dirisaukan.

    Allah s.w.t Maha Besar.

  314. IM4U najib-jika kau selam hati kami,pastinya engkau kan mengerti.btapa perit nya hidup kami sekarang ini

  315. Assalamualaikum Tun.

    1. Saya bersetuju dengan Tun, setakat ini tiada konspirasi atau perancangan rahsia untuk menjatuhkan Najib.

    2. Tun melafaskannya dengan jelas, kami juga melafaskannya dengan jelas untuk tidak menyokong Najib sebagai PM mahupun presiden UMNO.

    3. Kami dan Tun adalah sehaluan dalam perkara ini kerana kita nampak kepimpinan Najib selama enam tahun menunjukkan kemajuan yang negatif kepada ekonomi negara, kepercayaan rakyat terhadap kepimpinannya, ketidakyakinan tadbir urus kewangan negara, dasar-dasar dalam dan luar negaranya, tiada aura sebagai pemimpin kerana dia dibayangi aura “meluat” rakyat terhadap isterinya dan berbagai lagi.

    4. Seperti yang selalu saya perkatakan Najib ini seorang yang perasan dan tidak pandai menilai yang mana satu intan dan yang mana satu permata.

    5. Najib seorang pergaulannya terhad dari kecilnya, dia dikelilingi orang yang memujinya, orang-orang senang, orang-orang koperat, orang-orang yang berambitious politik tetapi tidak nampak dan tidak memahami golongan lainnya.

    6. Dia cuma mempelajari gelagat manusia selain dari di atas menerusi cerita orang lain, bacaan dan bukannya pengalaman bergaul terus dengan masyarakat.

    7. Kefahamannya salah terhadap masyarakat khususnya di Malaysia.

    8. Apabila dia menjadi pemimpin, dengan kefahaman yang salah, dia cuba menzahirkan keperluan dan kehendak rakyat ikut kefahamannya yang salah.

    9. Cetusan idea yang tidak betul diujudkan dihuraikan ikut kefahamannya seperti “rakyat didahulukan”, “BR1M”, “1Malaysia”, “mendengar denyut nadi rakyat”, “GST” dan sebagainya.

    10. Malangnya niatnya seakan betul seperti pembentangan kertas kerja seakan cantik hanya di atas kertas sahaja tetapi pelaksanaannya “tidak seindah rupa”. Apa yang dicakap lain, dibuat lain. Ini yang kita namakan “menipu rakyat tanpa diri dia sedari”.

    11. Selama 6 tahun pentadbirannya, rakyat kian bosan. Kini apa sahaja kenyataannya membuatkan rakyat meluat dan peluang untuk Najib membetulkan keadaan tiada lagi. Rakyat kini menhukum Najib dengan kesimpulan “tiada maaf bagimu”.

    12. Tiada konspirasi untuk menjatuhkan Najib melainkan cara terang-terangan.

    13. Najib kini saya percaya kian risau dan takut pada bayangnya sendiri.

    14. Kalau saya, orang seperti saya adalah penasihat Najib, saya akan menasihatkan dia letak jawatan sebagai PM dan presiden UMNO kerana pengamatan saya di luar hampir semua rakyat membenci Najib lebih-lebih lagi isterinya Rosmah Mansor.

    15. Rakyat tidak yakin dengan kredibiliti Najib sebagai PM.

    16. Ada kemungkinan nahas MH370 dan MH17 ada kaitan pemimpin luar yang berniat jahat dengan kemampuan dan kredibiliti Najib sebagai PM Malaysia. Saya seakan mempercayainya tetapi tidak cukup fakta untuk mengulasnya.

    17. Kesimpulannya, eloklah Najib berundur secara terhormat sebelum Malaysia lebih teruk dari sekarang.

    Sekian Tun.

  316. Dearest YAB Tun,
    Firstly and foremost, I would like to wish Tun & Family ##A Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri##. May you be in good health always.
    I am with “alex7877”.. on the delay in the findings of all the issues related to 1MDB which is related to the “yunno-who”.
    The “diverting tactics” doesn’t work here anyone as Malaysian is getting smarter by the days.
    The main issue is “where is the RM42b”?? Jst show us where is the fund and the subject is closed. Delaying and diverting the main issues would only caused the Rakyat to think that the funds are misused???
    Where is the transparency??? Worrying state of mind..

  317. Isu #1MDB ini pada tahap kritikal, ramai ahli intelektual bekerjasa untuk selamatkan #1MDB dan pelaburannya. News Corp yg edar video lokasi kejadian #MH17 yg dibedil roket Israel-Phyton oleh pesawat SU-25 milik tentera udara ukraine sama hebat dengan Wall Street Journal. Rupert Murdoch kembali setelah News of the World berkubur ekoran Skandal Godam Telefon di United Kingdom. Anehnya, News Corp & Wall Street Journal dimiliki oleh individu yang sama.

  318. Isu #1MDB ini pada tahap kritikal, ramai ahli intelektual bekerjasa untuk selamatkan #1MDB dan pelaburannya. News Corp yg edar video lokasi kejadian #MH17 yg dibedil roket Israel-Phyton oleh pesawat SU-25 milik tentera udara ukraine sama hebat dengan Wall Street Journal. Rupert Murdoch kembali setelah News of the World berkubur ekoran Skandal Godam Telefon di United Kingdom. Anehnya, News Corp & Wall Street Journal dimiliki oleh individu yang sama.

  319. Salam TUN.

    Look at a brighter side.

    1 . By blocking the Sarawak Report, it means that Najib tenure as a Prime Minister is getting shorter.

    2. Its show that, the Najib goverment is weakening by day. Their “denial strategy” is no longer seen as a effective means for them to counter back the question that had arose by WSJ and Sarawak Report .

    3. As to strengthen their grip on us and bar us from questioning further, they have move to the next stage. That is deny us the information on the basis that all Sarawak Report news is the “blatant lies” and also will effect national stability.

    4. But what about WSJ? Do you have all the guts to block their website after they blatant accused Najib as a KAKI SONGLAP DUIT KERAJAAN?

    5. Not to worry, the fall of Najib is on the card.

    Wassalam Tun.

  320. Salam,

    Bagi pendapat saya, teori konspirasi 1MDB lebih rakyat perlu tahu dari teori konspirasi menjatuhkan najib.

    Adakah jalan cerita 1MDB sama jalan ceritanya dengan filem “Wolf of Wall Street”. Jika di wall street dengan adanya konspirasi saham memang boleh naik turun tapi bagi seorang pemimpin hanya ada satu jalan iaitu turun.

    Najib masa anda di atas sudah cukup tibalah masa anda untuk turun dan disiasat dengan cara terhormat sebagai seorang bekas pemimpin bukan sebagai rakyat biasa.


  321. Salam,

    Jika benar dakwaan mengatakan terdapat konspirasi untuk memjatuhkan najib, tolonglah teruskan. Kenapa dengan teori konspirasi ni najib ni masih tak jatuh-jatuh. Teori konspirasi MH17 dah jatuh, teori konspirasi MH370 terus tiada khabar berita.

    Najib, ini soal masa depan anak bangsa MALAYSIA, tidak kira melayu, cina, india atau kaum-kaum yang lain. Sampai bila anda boleh lari dan berdolak dalih.

    Orang dah fed up/meluat/kecewa/sakit hati tengok berita/gosip anda dan keluarga anda. Rakyat dah jadi personal dari professional. Cukup lah.

    Boleh kah rakyat MALAYSIA hantar memorandum kepada Agong mengatakan rakyat menolak kepimpinan sekarang dan parlimen dibubarkan bagi melantik ahli-ahli baharu.

    Lebih baik adakan konspirasi rakyat dari mengadakan konpirasi politik. Jika cash is king bayarlah rakyat with a handsome amount of money. Bukan setakat rm100 sebulan.


  322. Assalamualaikum Tun,

    If my add, around the world not only are Prime Ministers forced to resign, they should take leave pending outcome of an investigation with him as a suspect.

    But Najib will be Najib. He says he will not resign as long as he has the support of his party and the people. For the a people, I know many wants him to resign. But my question is the party i.e UMNO.

    Based on my understanding, not one of the UMNO leaders be it cabinet ministers or high council members have asked him to resign. Yes, some have asked for audit report or investigation for 1MDB, but no direct asking for najib’s resignation. This is probably to show the people, look I’m on your side, should anything bad happen. At the same time, they would show support to the Prime Minister. This is clearly a play safe strategy.

    This observation that UMNO leaders support Najib is further strengthen with UMNO election be postpone 18 months which requires UMNO high council approval.

    I am wondering whether UMNO leaders are playing their part to protect the agama, bangsa dan negara. Or are they doing their part to protect Najib only.

    Looking at 1MDB, there is serious alegations against Najib, his wife and family, shouldn’t at least UMNO leaders ask Najib to take leave, pending outcome of the investigations.

    As I see it, they continue to play safe, looking like that are concerned about the rakyat’s interest, while at same time support the Prime Minister by not asking him to resign.

    They are depending only on Tun to force Najib to resign. If Tun succeed, the next Prime Minister will be amongst them. So they have nothing to lose.

    In a way, Tun was correct when Tun first said that Tun was alone in asking for Najib’s resignation. Tun was not refering to the rakyat, but UMNO leaders.

    I wonder whether this is the type of leaders who really cares about the rakyat.

    If these are the leaders UMNO are producing, which shows blind loyalty with no regard to the rakyat, then I wonder whether we should be voting them at all, even if Najib resign.

  323. By the way Tun I suggest you better not post that sway Jlo picture the minute his big fat face appears on front page of Sarawak Report they are ban, he is most powerful man in Malaysia the only guy capable calling UMNO spin master yet nobody fm UMNO dare to challenge him. He is a disgrace to chinese community putting all Msian on susah lifestyle. He is smilling all the way to bank and we as Msians r suffering all the way digging our piggy bank.

  324. Salam Tun,

    1MDB fiasco is getting complicated day by day if they refused to provide full disclosure of their accounts everything can be twisted to their favour. But no matter how its twisted n spin the fact remain 1MDB is facing severe cash flow problems and left many questions probed by Tun unanswered. I am wondering recent loan by IPIC of 1 billion is guaranteed by which collateral of assets owned by 1MDB? Imagine simple question like this cannot be verified by the public how else can we do as ordinary rakyat.

    I am praying hard TUN will prevail again under the most difficult atmosphere. But I believe in God eventually the truth will prevail. Meantime TUN pls be strong n stay cool not let any of this to effect yr health, sorry I mentioned this before I am selfish at other sites but Malaysia still needs you.

    And I would like you to know I am very grateful citizen for all you hv done for us during your time as PM. You are my idol till to my grave.

    Good Luck Tun and once again Selamat Hari Raya.

  325. Why is TPPA is going under ground cause of the mistake done by p.m on mh370 weapon sir and the China/Russia deal which p.m he him self is king.

  326. P.m doesn’t understand why he need to step down.its not we like to ask him to step down but for good purpose.he couldn’t understand or if he step down many problem will come to him I guess he thinking that.if he never step down then how to overcome the problem country facing now.its not country internal problem it’s outside country problem.not 1 many problem.

  327. Apabila kuasa disalah gunakan. Kesalahan terlalu jelas untuk dinafikan. Sebesar-besar kuasa kita ada pasti akan ada kuasa lebih berkuasa.

    Kuasa Rakyat > Kuasa Pemerintah

  328. Dear Tun,
    Firstly, I would like to wish Tun & Family & all ##Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri##

    Well, It seems they are working over-time looking high and low to cover up the whole issue. Now the News focus on Lester?? Some guy who said they paid for air-fare, hotel stay plus rm1000-rm2000 (paying him if without sign any payment voucher is it consider bribe?) to make video with any solid supporting proof. With this issue, all previous 1MDB story seem to be putting asid?? What happen to those accounts frozen, what happen to DSN accounts which were closed. Why are not disclose yet?

    Simple question, did or did not the accounts received the sum of money as stated? What happen to his wife account that accused received 2 million?? Why there are no report from it anymore? If this is some other people’s account or can I say opposition politician accounts, I believe within a day or two, they will tell the answer to the media.

    I personally believe by dragging it, they are thinking of a way how to cover up as all those accusation should be true. If it is not true, I believe they will immediately denied it rather than keep quiet or bring other news report to cover it up. What happen to the supposed to be transparent task force?

    Worried Malaysian

  329. Assalamualaikum Tun M dikasihi,

    Sebagai rakyat Malaysia, saya merasa sedih dengan keadaan politik negara yang dipimpin oleh DSN.
    Adakah rakyat Malaysia ini bodoh? Konpirasi untuk mejatuhkan DSN?
    Untuk PRU 14 kemungkinan besar saya tidak akan menyokong barisan nasional.

    Semoga Tun dipanjangkan umur dan kesihatan yang baik.

    Sekian terima kasih

  330. Dearest YAB Tun,

    // 5. So again where is the conspiracy!! It is all in the open. There is no need to conspire. There is open campaigning for his ceasing to be Prime Minister.//

    My comment: Exactly! Everything is done openly…no conspiracy at all. DSN is using Anwar’s strategy – ‘conspiracy’ lah kononnya.

    //19. So don’t be silly and demand that since Najib was elected, no one has a right to ask him to step down. Abdullah won more seats in 2008 than Najib in 2013. If Abdullah was prepared to step down, Najib after his poor performance in the general election should not even offer to be the PM. He should resign from being President of UMNO and head of BN and let somebody else lead and become PM. //

    My comment: This is what we call ‘muka tak tahu malu & tidak bermaruah’. PM Najib must step down immediately. I am just a voter who voted BN/UMNO during PRU-13 (I will not vote in PRU-14 if DSN is still UMNO President/PM).

    I believe PM Najib has become the biggest ‘liability’ to UMNO/BN, and the majority of ‘rakyat’ is more than happy to see him go. No one (‘rakyat’) is going to cry (or stop him) if he decides to resign tomorrow. In fact most people would definitely welcome/celebrate his resignation!

    Thanks Tun.

    *** May Allah SWT bless Tun and family ***

  331. My Salam to Tun and Tun Dr. Hasmah. We really dont care what WSJ says. For that matter we really dont care what any body says. WE JUST WANT TO KNOW WHERE ARE THE MISSING BILLIONS.

    This son of Tun Razak has brought shame to his father.

    Thank you, Tun. I miss your days as PM.

  332. Dear Tun,

    It seems Hypocrisy is our leaders principle. Everyone knows that there is a wound in middle of palm. They shouldn’t need anybody to show it. So there is no need task force, court or judge. Just Keep it Simple. Someone from UMNO must take over the PM post and hopefully he could settle everything. I think we wasting our time because day after day so many bad news published about Malaysia in International daily. It is unacceptable since we build our country so far; and as I know Tun is the utmost man to put Malaysia in world level.SO the answer is simple “MAJLIS TERTINGGI UMNO SHOULD DECIDE” as earlier as possible before this wound turn purulent.

  333. Assalam Tun,

    The word conspiracy is synonymous with Anwar maniac.
    It is either Najib & his yes-man UMNO no-hopers are trying to become Anwar copycats or they are Anwar’s sympathizers.

    These UMNO “boleh blah” no-hopers simply do not have any credibility, not qualified to be where they are.

  334. Dear Tun,

    Agree with u Tun:

    About BR1M, it is Government money, it is not for elections but given before any election, with the promise of more if the party wins, it using Government money to win election. Truly cash is king.

    Tun, Najib ni lebih bodoh dari cerdik. Dia ingat rakyat ni tak cerdik. Rupanya dia yang tak cerdik. Perasan 1000 kali perasan.

    Malang betul 1,000,000,000,000 kali malang rakyat Malaysia berPMkan Najib.

    Menyesal pangkah BN pada PRU13 yang lalu.

    Sekian Tun.

  335. Assalamualaikum WBT

    Dear Tun

    May God grants you strength and continuous health in this noble fight against the weak Government of Malaysia. I am a supporter of BN and UMNO, and have no intention to alter my allegiance to any other party as a mark of respect to what they have done in moulding me as I am now for the past 20 years. However, the weak administration of Dato’ Najib has somehow caused me to rethink my stance. If my leader is weak and fails to display his worthiness to lead me and the people to promising future, I deem him unfit for the post. There are plenty of good characteristics that make an ideal leader but I fail to notice that in my current PM. Avoiding an open debate on a ridiculous ‘security’ excuse; weak line-ups of Ministers, who are only satisfied with a 3.8 Bachelor’s degree; misusing the holy teachings of Islam as a facade only to defend himself; and empty promises – these factors only cause me to think that my elected PM is a coward. A coward has no value and function to a society. In a war, he only demoralises his troops, which signals the end of his people. If a leader commands the confidence of his people, his government and people will prevail. Confidence is definitely a must-have for a Government; yet our government favours cash over confidence. In this government, I have none.

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