1. I have been accused of contradicting my own stand in my response towards alleged sexual improprieties affecting a member of my Cabinet in 1998 and the on-going sex video issue linking another member of my current Cabinet.
2. There is no contradiction.
3. The action taken in 1998 was not based on the video clip. That came later. The court had already made its decision. The subsequent videos did not influence the court or anyone else. It did not influence me.
4. In this recent case, the video came first. Obviously it is an attempt to blacken the name of the particular person in order to blight his future.
5. If I were to take the action expected of me I would become an accessory to the plot. I have no intention to become the instrument of the plotters. I will not be a part of such dirty politics.
Salam Tun
You’re correct to distance yourself from the Semburit scandal.
It seems you’re always ten steps ahead of your detractors. Your simple approach solves complicated problems by staying above them.
Your enemies will never overcome you, insyallah.
Salam Dearest YAB PM Tun Dr. Mahathir,
Allow me Tun:
‘Buy Malaysian’, don’t boycott non-Muslim products, Putrajaya says
Oh really?
Please walk the talk!
Only recently they (PH leaders) decided to buy TOYOTA CAMRYS for their state officials / state cabinet members.
It’s so disgusting to see a bunch of shameless and hopeless hypocrites talking about ‘Buy Malaysian’!
They never (seldom) walk their talk.
They also don’t believe in whatever they preach! Who wants to believe them now?
We have our National car, but instead they prefer imported cars over our own National car.
They should be ashamed of themselves. 🙁
They are using the rakyat’s money to buy those cars.
Now they want to promote ‘Buy Malaysian’…So pathetic / laughable!
P/S: At least I am using my own money to buy whatever I want, and I am free to buy from whomever. No one can stop me from using my own hard-earned money (halalan toyyiban) to buy anything I want from any parties / entrepreneurs (Muslims / Non-Muslims).
Thank you Tun.
– May Allah SWT bless Tun and family –
Ms Adele lim is not hepi about pay inequality?
Pete is a nice guy, and made noise in media?
What’s her problem?
Go back to malaysia and whack the public fund, oops i mean tarik harga, so that she can ask more, since thats entertainment industry.
She is not the 1st, and she is not the last.
Hope she can make good and lasting fortune out of disney brand jv with malaysian federal government, and not ended up culture syiok, hard selling and lsly at the end.
P/s: i sure hope sibotak knows his stand clearly, and not being used by the enemies to counter him in kampung.
Japanese got trapped in this situation too during the 80s, and i believe china manufacturing industry learned their lesson too in this american factory movie, and have 2nd thought in investing in usa manufacturing plant, or plant outside china.
They too will opt for export to usa market via their ports at east coast.
Sri sense
Ada sini kata ada seorang itu suka sangat komen apa I tulis kat wall ini. I tak tau. I tak baca komen2 darinya. To me tak penting.
I akui I ada baca tulisan seperti Mubarak Chan, twinpeaks, hajar, sibotak, asahamat, musato, sudin, tamchi, but never that polan tulis. Sebab I tau dia akan memutar belit ayat sesiapa saja. Ramai sini pun tak suka dia.
So jangan harap la I nak baca tulisan merepeknya. Dia nak meratib nama I pagi petang siang malam also I don’t care.
Tak kisah la samada dia team PH menyamar ka, tiga suku ka, setengah tiang ka, biul ka. I don’t care hahaha
How can she care when her reputation is already bankrupted by her own greed? finding the truth and root cause are never important in boleh land, all they care is to win, then bikin. when they treat voters as dedak, obviously, voters also treat them as dedak. no need to feel sorry or whatsoever. perdana menteri come and go too, it is up to dsai, next perdana menteri in waiting whether to accept umno baru and pas in their coalitions or not.
Alios, sayonara.
“Oh, men! Behold, We have created you all out of a male and a female, and have made you into nations and tribes so that you might come to know one another. Verily, the noblest of you in the sight of Allah is the one who is most deeply conscious of Him. Behold, Allah is All-Knowing, All-Aware” (Quran 49:13) #QuranVisualization”
This is a Beautiful Verse None you can find in any Scriptures
It informs us to Co-Exits of each existence with Respects
With Rule & Regulations. The Do’s & Don’t
It is not just between { Male , Female
Nothing stated on Transgender or LGBT }
Tribes, Nation it’s even between
The young & old, The Normal & The Handicapped, The Black & White
It’s Beautiful We can be together all in One, Not differentiating between Caste , Rich nor Poor
When we were in a crowded area
The key point to our Existence is Patience & Sincerity
We bound to bump on the Elderly who walk like Zombies, The WheelChaired person, The Deaf, The Blind, Male, Female
It’s not just us
Imagine if every of us did not acknowledge each existence
What will the Crowded Market Place, Shopping Mall be Like then?
The problem with World today
The existence of Greedy People, Well Educated people who Look down on others
People on the Highest Floor who forget after the next
Highest Floor is the ground floor.
Nations like Israel, United States Of America
Felt they are above other Nation
Felt they they are Superiority
Felt they are the Chosen One
A person like P.Ramasamy whom he thought with his post can exaggerate
A person like Mody who befriended Nethanyahu that believes they are Superior
They are Wrong
They Lied too many to the World
They are the Destructions of World Peace & Harmony
Bak kata, bagi bukit emas pun tarak guna.
Until today, they still have the guts to ‘boikot’ non bumiputra and non islamic products as if only malay muslim can decide, dll mesti ikut?
When other races did well, they rasa dengki, and sabotaj, memang tak anih pun.
P/s: jika ingin sangat zone outside putrajaya yang hanya untuk muslim saja, ngo can go see tabung haji to get funding. they can go see felda chairman and kerabat negeri for land issues, why play with boikot of non bumiputra and non islamic products again and again to make themselves haram in the eyes of malaysians?
Is there any difference with water disruption in water crisis in selangor due to contaminated water supply when pkr took over selangor, dll man made disasters facing the taxpayers cum voters?
Jho low from penang is the master of manipulator?
Those who allowed them to steal, rob and rape are as guilty as those who stole, robbed and raped.
salaM YAB dan DiSanjungi PM Tun Dr. Mahathir,
Mohon izin Tun:
Semalam saya tonton di TV mengenai isu boikot produk orang bukan Islam.
Memang dari dulu lagi saya sudah boikot kedai makan bukan Islam.
Suka hati sayalah. Tak berdosa pun malahan boleh membantu menjana ekonomi orang Islam.Malaysia negara demokratik kan…Negara Islam pula…
Masa belajar di sebuah negara barat, memang kami diberi panduan apa bahan-bahan (ingredients) yang ada lemak haiwan dan haiwan haram (pork). Jadi memang memang kena bacalah apa bahan2 dalam makanan sebelum dibeli.
Kalau setakat dapatkan sijil halal semata-mata kerana mahu menarik pelanggan Islam (kerana wang) saya masih lagi ada rasa was-was. Biasalah, tipu sikit2 tak apa maa…
Terima kasih Tun.
– Semoga Allah SWT sentiasa merahmati Tun sekeluarga –
This song was a hit, 2 decades after post ww2 in 1969. At that time, social media does not exist. You still see them doing this in their favorite spots in streets of london until today. Does her race know why students major in multimedia journslism today? I bet she is not aware, why? she too, just like umno, pkr and pas mps are too indulge with their political power until they forgot what is halal and what is haram as mps representing their states at federal parliament.
Singapore now have a minister in charge for aged population. the reason for this is singapore population is aging whereby the young ones do not want to have too many children like their nenek moyang. using taxpayer monies to take care of the old ones for sure will lessen the burden of the young so that these young talents can focus in jobs that required high degree of meritocracy, more challenging and more difficult tasks to earn income revenue for their country. sini, entah since malay and muslim supremacy is a must, dll hanya ikut rentak saja.
Ada sini kata ada seorang itu suka sangat komen apa I tulis kat wall ini. I tak tau. I tak baca komen2 darinya. To me tak penting.
I akui I ada baca tulisan seperti Mubarak Chan, twinpeaks, hajar, sibotak, asahamat, musato, sudin, tamchi, but never that polan tulis. Sebab I tau dia akan memutar belit ayat sesiapa saja. Ramai sini pun tak suka dia.
So jangan harap la I nak baca tulisan merepeknya. Dia nak meratib nama I pagi petang siang malam also I don’t care.
Tak kisah la samada dia team PH menyamar ka, tiga suku ka, setengah tiang ka, biul ka. I don’t care hahaha
Salam Tun Mahathir
I share link tempat makan Shah Alam yang kami sekeluarga gemari https://whims2016.wordpress.com/jot2/
Thank You.
Assalamualaikum wmwbt Tun.
Pls go fast in improving the present GOM Public Relationship issues. Approaches, substances and medium should b look at carefully n fast. Just don’t repeat BN style. Jgn kuat sangat ampu, jangan kuat sangat kutok. Biar PR Kerajaan = penuh PENERANGAN yg benar dan jujur. SERANG secara PENJELASAN professional. Gunalah kakitangan Kerajaan yg professional utk buat kerja ini.
(2) Jgnlah dok layan sangat PEMBANGKANG. Sampai mampuish kita tak dan nak buat kerja nanti. Focus bersihkan Negara. Negara bersih, In Shaa Allah depa lenyap n duit kita terbelanja elok2.
(3)Secondly, in the past you could pulled the rakyat to b with you due to your iconic mega projects eg KLIA, Lebihraya, Putera Jaya, macam2. Now, since all those r there,there will b nothing more mega about whatever megas that Kerajaan going to do. Your Putera Jaya is the most mega. Lain2 akan nothing mega. Kereta Nasional 2 ke, ECRL ke, apa saja, the rakyat will not get excited as in the past. You can go a head with what ever mega things, but those will b just a normal economic initiatives. Ibarat di saat Giant Three Pyramid dah terbangun, to the Eygptian, so the rest is nothing exciting.
(4) But I believe you can do better mega projects than those mega economic initiatives that you r working on, just that the substances will b totally different. I believe apart you can do lots of incoming mega economic initiatives, let at this stage you balance your focus to putting the best foundation tentang perpaduan dan keharmonian kaum. Malaysia kena bersatu. Work hard on it.
(5) GOM PR harus boleh menjelaskan secara terang harapan masa depan rakyat dan Negara, but most important now ialah membawa perkara perpaduan bangsa dan negara ke tingkat terbaik. Hentikanlah politicking. Tak perlu kita berbantah2 tapi kerja tak buat. Menteri kena faham kedudukan mereka di upper hand. Biarlah BN yg sudah under dog, bersikap selayaknya mereka, Kerajaan harus focus pd kerja dan membawa Negara ke arah perpaduan sejati.
(6) Pls b mindful, you need to think n work hard to semai n semarak perpaduan antara Sabah, Sarawak dan Malaya. Inisiatif perpaduan persekutuan mantap harus ada kelihatan di Sabah dan Sarawak. Jgnlah hanya Malaya mengapai langit, Sabah n Sarawak melata dalam semak.
Jaga diri, jaga kenegarawanan Tun. TQVM
Sri sense
Salam Tun
I nak cerita sikit.
I dah 2 kali lihat lelaki India minta duit dari lelaki Melayu.
First time I lihat dalam satu tempat parking kawasan supermarket. Lelaki ini minta pada hubby. Hubby tak kasi. Lepas itu dia minta duit kat lelaki Melayu lain yang baru keluar kereta.
Second time I lihat kat tempat orang jual goreng pisang. Lelaki India tunggu situ minta duit dari pembeli lelaki Melayu. Ada lelaki Melayu beri 5 ringgit. Lelaki India masih tunggu situ, mungkin dia nak collect duit dari lelaki Melayu yang lain pula.
Buat I terfikir, ini trend apa? Trend PH administration ka?
I kat seremban, i nampak lelaki india tua yang kurang upaya mungkin kuat minum illegal alcohol, bekerja sebagai penolong penjaja di tapak durian cina, dapat upah rezeki. I nampak, lelaki india muda dan tua hindu yang berupaya pun ada minta parking fee di kawasan bukan supermarket di kl. I pun nampak lelaki india tua hindu minta rezeki in kl, not only indian local, foreign indian muslim pun ada buat macam ini sebagai sales rep to sell things to all kedai makan. Yang hairannya, kini, foreign muslim workers beli best price products from hypermarket and sell it to the local kedai makan to earn extra money using theid hard earned upah adakah kaum sri sense boleh buat kerana takda orang buat komplen, dll tak boleh buat kerana kaum sri sense buat komplen?
Sibotak wants to whack public fund, please go see khazanah which is strictly control and favor dasar pembangunan negara under perdana menteri and pmo in putrajaya.
Zero tolerance policy for truly asia is being played again under tdm, you rasa mustahil?
Saya tak rasa mustahil pun since khazanah sovereign wealth committee team is chosen by the perdana menteri of the day, jika not hepi, then, she can get her grassroot leaders to sebarkan fake news to frighten voters to vote pembangkang bah.
P/s: adakah itu fake news? ministries concerned has choice to make media statement in prime news. when they did not make any statements, it means they are okay with fake news to be passing around.
Salam YAB dan DiSanjungi PM Tun Dr. Mahathir,
Mohon izin Tun:
Semalam saya tonton di TV mengenai isu boikot produk orang bukan Islam.
Memang dari dulu lagi saya sudah boikot kedai makan bukan Islam.
Suka hati sayalah. Tak berdosa pun malahan boleh membantu menjana ekonomi orang Islam.
Malaysia negara demokratik kan…Negara Islam pula…
Masa belajar di sebuah negara barat, memang kami diberi panduan apa bahan-bahan (ingredients) yang ada lemak haiwan dan haiwan haram (pork). Jadi memang memang kena bacalah apa bahan2 dalam makanan sebelum dibeli.
Kalau setakat dapatkan sijil halal semata-mata kerana mahu menarik pelanggan Islam (kerana wang) saya masih lagi ada rasa was-was. Biasalah, tipu sikit2 tak apa maa…
Terima kasih Tun.
– Semoga Allah SWT sentiasa merahmati Tun sekeluarga –
Pasaran islam?
It would be better off for the chinese diplomats to raise their flag in the public to show their support for the finger that fit them rather than plot a terrorist attack to show their hatred and anger by biting the finger that fit them.
Beijing and chinese nationals did not support military retaliation when negotiation failed.
What they want is a fairer platform for bilateral trades in global economy to keep trades going with diplomacy ties.
Time has come for china to slow down in investing their hard earned yuan in the global economy to generate export and consumer markets to run mainland china economy since mr donald trump is pushing for to make america great again, this time.
This is not the 1st slogan of usa president, it is neither the last slogan of usa president to make america hepi just to earn votes to stay relevant.
Pasaran islam with all top top top decision makers in federal, state and glc are hold by malay muslim, still not islamic enough, sibotak?
If they are still not happy and nasional enough, then, they really need to ask are they not rich enough, or are they not powerful enough?
Apa yang susah2 sangat ini?
Jika tak hepi, then, tunggu giliranmu for the next countdown of pru.
Just rigged those candidates who stand and protect pasaran islam in federal and your home state, is that so hard, sibotak?
Why make it so complicated?
The party leaders are adult, they are not orang kurang upaya mahupun cacat otak dan organ who need to be tongkat and protected by instigating protests.
The umbrella protesters turned violent, and doing their very best to force PLA troops to go into hong kong, dont you think they are no difference for those nembers of malay political parties in forcing the bekas perdana menteri dsn to interfere with emergency law iaitu daururat similar to those of the 60s, dll leaders keep their head low, and mind their own business?
Jika dipaksa2kan, apa2 bonding pun boleh pecah.
Home sweet home will ended up as home not sweet anymore.
Hence, general election must be called to get the mandate from the taxpayers at federal and state levels for malaysia.
P/s: Islamic Malaysia, or Secular Malaysia? The choice is with the political parties in divides to decide before next pru date is set. I am not malay, and me too have the basic right to cast vote in my birth state when general election is called just like all of you here.
Salam Tun
I nak cerita sikit.
I dah 2 kali lihat lelaki India minta duit dari lelaki Melayu.
First time I lihat dalam satu tempat parking kawasan supermarket. Lelaki ini minta pada hubby. Hubby tak kasi. Lepas itu dia minta duit kat lelaki Melayu lain yang baru keluar kereta.
Second time I lihat kat tempat orang jual goreng pisang. Lelaki India tunggu situ minta duit dari pembeli lelaki Melayu. Ada lelaki Melayu beri 5 ringgit. Lelaki India masih tunggu situ, mungkin dia nak collect duit dari lelaki Melayu yang lain pula.
Buat I terfikir, ini trend apa? Trend PH administration ka?
Sri sense
I beli barang kat supermarket mesti ada halal sign. Kalau tak ada tanda halal (product overseas) hubby baca ingredients samada boleh makan atau tidak. Hubby akan check kat link jabatan agama.
Oh ya I juga rajin beli kat Pasar Tani, lebih rajin dari dulu. Takan itupun salah.
Tak salah, she is muslim, she has the right to support the political party that favor her using sijil halal malaysia to bail her out, kan mereka ini sama2 oku jugak?
She can berhijrah to the constituency hold by umno baru wakil rakyat dewan negara yb nor omah, why ask a rather stupid question in here?
Frankly speaking, when umno-pas chanting for unity merger, saya lagi tak ada konfiden dengana penjanaan eknomi negeri selangor mahupun wilayah persekutuan.
There will be a lot of defects in infra-structure project punya and by the end of the day our future generations will pay the price due to gutter politik tanahair.
Defects in service apartments, landed properties, tanah runtuh, jalan raya pecah, klia 2 banjir, banjir kilat di kl, subang, puchong, man made and natural disaster due to change of main contractors kerana bossmu.
To the wannabes, it is still about vote counts, it was never about seriousness in making a greater kl for all.
Apabila ada masalah besar, they will hide under sarung, baling batu and appeal in courts hoping to get away with it with isu perkauman agama rasmi and malay supremacy to whack the public fund.
Does non-bumiputra products exist?
P/s: to make america great again is the political slogan of DT this time, and canada is north of usa, latin america is south of usa. you think canada and countries in latin america can unite under single america continent just like africa continent, india continent and middle-east asia continent, and let mr trump to decide their national and international interests this time? for china, the bottom line is 1 country, 1 nation. It wont be surprise beijing may decide to abandon jet fighters and army airline ‘made in china’ in PLA spending budget by opting direct purchase from usa this time to improve bilateral trade of sino-usa defense budget. kenapa korea, jepun dan taiwan boleh, kenapa beijing china tak boleh?
Saya bertanya tanya Siapa atau Negara mana
yang mula gunakan Sijil Halal Makananan
Sedangkan mereka tidak mampu memerhatikan Ketulinan Halal
Sijil Halal Makanan dinini hari lebih pada
Mendorong si Kafir memasukan hidangan makanan mereka ke pasaran Islam
Dari Sijil Makanan ini membantu mengesahkan Makanan ini Tulin Halal
Jika Hukum Allah bolih kita Sijilkan
Maka saya sarankan Sijil Haram perlu diterap di tempat Maksiat seperti di Casino, Club , Hotel bagi mereka yg Islam ingat bahwa tujuan niat mereka kesini adalah Haram
Isu memeberi Sijil Halal pada yg bukan Islam perlu didalami
Sebab utama mereka adalah mengambil kesempatan akan Pasaran Islam
Bukan mementingkan Ketulinan Halal
I beli barang kat supermarket mesti ada halal sign. Kalau tak ada tanda halal (product overseas) hubby baca ingredients samada boleh makan atau tidak. Hubby akan check kat link jabatan agama.
Oh ya I juga rajin beli kat Pasar Tani, lebih rajin dari dulu. Takan itupun salah.
Assalamualaikum wmwbt Tun.
(1) Tahniah kerana Tun sudah sedar, masalah Kerajaan sekarang adalah soal PR. PR yg ada tidak membantu dlm mengerakkan rakyat utk bersama Kerajaan. PR yg ada, menjadikan rakyat utk lebih berpolitik dari bekerja keras. Kelemahan PR sekarang adalah pd Bernama dan segala sistem berkait dgnnya. Govin tidak sesuai utk pikul tugas PR Kerajaan.
(2) Tun juga harus sedar, PR di kalangan Menteri2 juga sangat buruk. Misalan, cicak bagi sebahagian adalah buaya, ada yg kata cicak adalah biawak, ada pula kata cicak adalah mengkarung. Tidak semua Menteri melihat cicak sebagai cicak, dan at last all those reflect on your weaknesses not able to control your Cabibet. Ini jadi bahan tohmahan hebat Pembangkang. Menteri2 kena ada PR yg sesuai dgn kedudukan mereka sebagai Menteri dan Kerajaan. Mereka perlu kursus PR.
(3) Saya syorkan, cepat2 aturkan dan gerakkan segala gerak kerja kpd pegawai2 Kerajaan. Gunalah mereka dgn baik. Ingat zaman Razak, Husein malah @ your first round. Pegawai Kerajaan diberikan tanggungjwb yg jelas dan besar. Bila para pegawai Kerajaan aktif dan gigih, banyak perkara akan bergerak baik dan rakyat dapat merasakannya. Biarlah Menteri jaga hal2 dasar dan buat monitoring n evaluation. Menteri jadi facilitor n pusher dari terlibat dgn perlaksanaan. Jgn guna orang2 politik utk jadi perlaksana program2 Kerajaan. Tun perlu sedar, di saat pegawai Kerajaan tak ada kerja, mereka akan berpolitik. So Malaysia boleh kacau.
(4) Sekali lagi jgn guna istilah Kerajaan BN bila merujuk kpd BN. Jika hendak merujuk pasal BN, just guna saja istilah BN. Lebih berkesan jika mereka digelar saja sebagai PEMBANGKANG. Juga jgn guna istilah Kerajaan PH bila merujuk hal PH @ Kerajaan kini. Jika hendak merujuk Kerajaan sediaada, guna saja istilah KERAJAAN. Please fahami kesan saikologinya kpd rakyat jika Kerajaan dan PH sedar mengenai perkara ini.
Jaga diri Tun. Jaga kenegarawanan Tun. In Shaa Allah Malaysia akan baik2 jika kita sentiasa bervuat terbaik.
Untuk seluruh umat Islam, “SELAMAT MENYAMBUT MAAL HIJRAH 1441H”. Semoga umat Islam di Malaysia (seluruh dunia) bersatu, dan menjadi ummah yang berjaya dunia-akhirat.
Even the ruling elite of saudi arab needs strong presense of usa military troop as back-up to avoid being attacked or bullied by neigbouring countries in moslem in middle-east asia, you think her bersatu parti can do it alone to unite umat islam di seluruh dunia?
Dia tak takut nanti kena sanction and boikot from her neigbouring muslim majority states in malaysia?
If i am her, i for sure do not want malaysia to be the centre of attraction for those countries that hate usa.
Hate usa means hate allies of usa, do you agree?
The war against terrorism after 911 attacks is the most expensive and longest war ever fought by usa army in their history.
I believe beijing is aware, and they already decided to go for long march to minimise debt traps incurred by road and belt initiative should there be further sanctions and tarrifs from usa.
Malaysia was never an islamic nation, therefore, dont change the demographic of this country just to increase population of moslem in this country.
Mahu dengar atau tidak, it is up to umno, pas and pkr to decide.
Salam YAB dan DiSanjungi PM Tun Dr. Mahathir,
Selamat “MENYAMBUT HARI KEMERDEKAAN YANG KE-62” kepada seluruh rakyat Malaysia.
Untuk seluruh umat Islam, “SELAMAT MENYAMBUT MAAL HIJRAH 1441H”. Semoga umat Islam di Malaysia (seluruh dunia) bersatu, dan menjadi ummah yang berjaya dunia-akhirat.
Abaikan saja tohmahan pihak ultra rasis yang mengatakan bahawa jika orang Melayu Islam bersatu, ia tidak baik untuk Negara yang berbilang kaum kerana ia tindakan yang rasis.
Suka hati kamilah samada mahu bersatu atau mahu berpecah. Jangan menyibuk jaga tepi kain orang lain…
Terima kasih Tun.
– Semoga Allah SWT sentiasa merahmati Tun sekeluarga –
Nokia smart phone with phone calls and messages already went into northern china market.
You rasa chinese nasionals cannot afford to buy different pre-download apps with seperate eco-systems to cater north, south, east and inner mainland china?
You think india can do that in next 10 years with google since they are the champions of democracy?
It is alright to look down on chinese products as malaysians, and i sure hope you should never underestimate the unity and patriotism of chinese race, a huge market ready to be tapped by locals and foreign owned companies friendly to beijing central of administration.
P/s: terrorism is defined as the unlawful use of violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims. what have you seen in the past 10 years?
Chinese from mainland and outside china is about 1% of the total population, obviously, china, is the easiest target for mr trump to hit back democrat, right?
United States of America is the land of immigrants, and the congress of USA is formed by their forefathers of the past generations in identifying human races in terms of skin color, at least as one among several physiological characteristics, has been common since …. colloquialisms. In the 1970s the term black replaced Negro in the United States.
How would congress of the forefathers in identifying code for asians who have shades of mexican at southern border, not white, not yellow, not black?
Will the forefathers of usa immigrants who championed liberty and democracy as role model allow mr trump to stay more than 2nd term after nuclear war erupted in ww 2 in the name of patriot and honor because they are the champions of domestic policy to protect sovereign wealth of united states of america which is so diversified and inter-connected throughout the world just because he wants to make america great again assumming everyone must listen to him because he is the chosen one?
I am not american, and i think americans like asia too especially those countries that allow free trades without bureaucratic or nationalist measures that curb mobility of fair trades with healthy competition minus corruption behind back door that could damage their status of developed country in G25, G7 and other trade agreements.
When recession hit usa, perhaps mr donald trump is the chosen one to keep usa safe, what is the easiest and best tested option that he learned from his forefathers in containing nuclear war from repeating.
I think he will utilize patriot act to absorb farmers who are out of jobs into usa army frontline, and place them all over the world in which usa has sovereign interests fought by their forefathers borne by their taxpayers in usa.
Americans are curious too, and think grass on the other side is greener which is no different from those of other nationalities.
Pendek kata, usa president must get mandate from their taxpayers through presidency election, either they support mr trump, or they support candidates from republican and democrat whom touched their hearts at this moment of their time.
P/s: merger of umno-pas is meaningless on paper just to show numbers as pak turut. apabila dapat masuk kabinet, mereka pasti akan culture syiok dan lupa diri, and start main politik berunsur perkauman kerana aku melayu negeri ini, aku melayu negeri itu, mana ada masa nak menjanakan ekonomi negeri mahupun negara? have they changed? I doubt so.
Assalamualaikum Tun.
Pasal boikot memboikot. Ada kata bukan boikot, tapi cuma menyokong.
Saya nak komen dalam berita online. Tapi nak tuliskan dalam tu, mungkin sensitif sikit kot.
Nanti polis kata lawan Tun M, PM Malaysia😎
Jadi saya tulis kat sini je la.
Pedulikan kata Tun M yang ia tidak berkesan, malah cuma menimbulkan kemarahan.
Kita bangkang dan luahkan, maka tugas kerajaan seterusnya adalah untuk selesaikan bangkangan kita itu.
Terima kasih Tun.
Aiyoh HBT
Asal marah marah……Sri Sense kacau ke ?
Mubarak kacau u ke ? Tun M kacau u ke ?
Relax lah .Nanti kena Heart attack ……Saya hilang satu kawan pula
Marah Sri Sense dan Mubarak kerana kacau, dan Tun kacau I ?
Sibotak rasa saya ini pengundi kaum cina biasa, nanti kena Heart attack, u rasa saya boleh dapat pas istimewa vvip masuk wad IJM dan dapat liputan media tanahair?
Sibotak rasa dsn akan jadi kawan atau musuh negara based on ‘nambikei’ and ‘indian national blueprint’ kerana beliau berdarah melayu kampung pekan, pahang, dan bukan berdarah india chennai?
Adakah beliau tak akan mengaku kerana beliau rasa beliau adalah victim of political trap set up by his mentor beliau iaitu tdm?
Adakah itu political set up, atau nadi wawasan 2020?
I just want to say is when subsidy petrol dinaikkan, the hardest hit sector will be construction, manufacturing and logistic industries.
I just want to say is when ‘no subsidy petrol’ hanya ditargetkan kepada pengguna foreigners, it will affect tourism sector and the 2nd home buyer initiatives under dsn and his bn kabinet. Why? Mobility of human beings and cash flows would be limited, and make them less attractive.
I just want to say is when tol highway dihapuskan, kerajaan pusat putrajaya pasti akan bankrupt.
I just want to say is GST cannot be implemented when kafir is being targeted, but not local and foreign muslim since they have choice not to pay zakat kerana tidak mampu. Obviously, non muslim also can choose not to pay GST kerana mereka rasa tidak adil walaupun mampu bayar, tak gitu?
I just want to say is when SST is increased, the hardest hit industry is servicing, hotel liners and fine dining restaurant including franchise industry.
So, what are the options left?
Mr donald trump wants to build a wall at mexico border as promise.
When he faces tremendous pressure from democrat, he shifted his target to contain china.
Chinese from mainland and outside china is about 1% of the total population, obviously, china, is the easiest target for mr trump to hit back democrat, right?
P/s: Sibotak, do you think centralized international and inter-city transportation hub for commercial airlines, high speed train, coaches, local taxi, grab and gojet are impossible to be shared by peninsula, sabah and sarawak?
Assalamualaikum Tun,
Kali ini saya ingin bercerita tentang UMNO. UMNO sebuah parti melayu terbesar di negara ini. Iainya juga sebuah parti yang menjadi kerajaan sejak kemerdekaan. Iainya sebuah parti yang menentang Malayan Union, menuntut kemerdekaan daripada British, dan memimpin negara sehingga menjadikan Malaysia sebuah negara yang disegani ramai.
Namun, pada PRU lepas, UMNO buat pertama kalinya dalam sejarah gemilangnya kalah dan jatuh tersungkur. Pelbagai cara dilakukan oleh Najib, Presiden UMNO ketika itu untuk UMNO kekal menang, tetapi kalah jua.
Pada masa itu, rakyat amat tidak setuju dengan skandal 1MDB dan kos hidup yang tinggi. Bagaimana Najib menanangi masalah ini?
Ahli Majlis Tertinggi UMNO, wakil-wakil rakyat, menteri-menteri disuruh supaya tidak menyuarakan berkenaan 1MDB. Ini supaya mengekalkan disiplin parti. Mana-mana ahli yang menentang akan diambil tindakan. Tun sendiri, Tan Sri Muhyiddin dan Dato Seri Shafie menentang, maka tindakan diambil.
Apabila Tun berjumpa dengan Najib, Tun cuba menasihati Najib tentang skandal 1MDB, tetapi tidak berkesan. Bahkan dibalas oleh Najib bahawa “cash is king”. Tun ingin berjumpa dengan ahli-ahli UMNO, tetapi dilarang oleh kepimpinan parti. Tan Sri Muhyiddin berkata terdapat banyak kerusi marginal dan jika 3% pengundi berpaling arah, maka kerajaan UMNO akan tumbang. Tan Sri juga menyuarakan tentang 1MDB dimana belia sendiri melihat duit masuk ke dalam akaun Najib. Demikian juga Dato Seri Shafie menyuarakan kebimbangnnya tentang 1MDB.
Apakah kepimpinan UMNO lakukakan kepada mereka-mereka yang menyuarakan pendapat yang tidak sedap didengar? Tun mengambil keputusan keluar dari UMNO, Tan Sri Muhyiddin dipecat Timbalan Perdana Menteri dan Dato Seri Shafie dipecat.
Bagi mengekalkan kelangsungan kempimpinan, UMNO juga menangguhkah pemilihan parti. Jadi pemimpin sedia ada, sama ada baik atau tidak, kekal memimpin parti. Mereka-mereka yang ingin memasuki UMNO akan disekat, kerana dikuatiri menjadi ancaman kepada kepimpinan UMNO sedia ada.
Dengan ini Majlis Tertinggi UMNO, Bahagian dan Cawangan UMNO sampailah ke akar umbi terus kekal menyokong Najib walaupun tahu Najib buat salah.
Najib menjadi “untouchable”. Selepas kekalahan UMNO, KJ menyesal dengan perbuatan dia menjadi “yes man” Najib, dan jika masa diulang balik, pasti beliau akan bersuara. Dan sekarang jika UMNO berbuat salah, KJ akan bersuara. Apakan daya, UMNO telahpun kalah.
Media-media arus Perdana diarahkan supaya mengeluarkan berita-berita baik sahaja mengenai kerajaan Najib. Statistik-statistik dikeluarkan untuk mengatakan ekonomi negara berada dalam keadaan terbaik. Kadar kemiskinan berada dalam tahap rendah.
Mengenai kos hidup yang tinggi, Ahmad Maslan menjadi jurucakap bagaimana menangani kos hidup tinggi. Antara cadangannya ialah masak sendiri. Maka resipi-resipi dikeluarkan bagaimana masak. Belum cuba lagi, mungkin sedap.
Sebaliknya sesiapa yang menentang, akan diburukan media arus Perdana. Sasaran utama ketika itu adalah Tun. Tetapi Tun kekal dengan prinsip berani kerana benar dan terus menyuarakan skandal 1MDB dan masalah rakyat.
Bahkan Tun berkata UMNO akan kalah PRU, jika skandal 1MDB dan masalah rakyat tidak ditanggani dengan baik. Tentulah tiada siapa di dalam UMNO percaya dengan kata-kata Tun ini, sebab dalam UMNO semuanya “yes man” Najib. Bahkan mereka mengherdik Tun. Mana mungkin parti UMNO yang mempunyai 3 juta ahli, yang tidak pernah kalah PRU, kalah pada PRU ke-14.
Apakah yang boleh kita belajar dari kisah UMNO ini? Mungkin tiada apa-apa. Kata orang putih George Santayana mereka yang tidak belajar dari kesilapan lalu, akan disumpah untuk melakukan kesilapan yang sama.
There should be Strict Rules & Regulations of regulating Media
It should be controlled & supervised by an International Authorative Body
Not corrupted like The UN
News Today is Fraud
News Today is Fake
News Today is Nuclear Disaster today
Sept 11 is One BIG Lie
Designed by Israel
Produced by the US
Marketed by The West
Apporoves by UN
No wonder World is Never at Peace
They want you to listen & believes what they, the reporter supported by The Politicians to believe. It was not much of Truth
It is Cut & Paste
The very reason World today is Destroyed
The World can never attain Peace & Harmony
News are Lethal Weapons
Fake News by The West has Destroyed, Kills & Destruct Beautiful Nations
It Kills, It Spreads like Wild BushFire
News cannot be Assuming or Presuming
Assumptions or Presumptions
Is the caused of All The Mother Fxxcker
salam sejahtera, apa khabar..?
Sayangi Malaysia, panji berkibar..!
hari ni Jumaat, esok Sabtu…
Semoga dirahmat, tanahair ku..
Dear PM Tun Dr Mahathir,
Please allow me, and pardon me for posting the below article from another forum on Tun’s blog:
Last year, about three months after that fateful date May 9, a day I now regard as accursed, I went out and bought a national flag for the first time in my life.
I then flew that flag on a tall pole fixed to my gate’s pillar, just like many of my neighbours. The flag flying high was a sight that touched me with various arousing emotions – elation, hope, pride – and at the glorious change heading our way.
The surprise today is not that these beliefs of optimism seem to have disappeared but the speed at which our prime minister achieved this collapse. After all of his pious preaching and promises, we never reckoned with what really lay beneath his visage of benevolence.
He led us away from Umno and in its place, he installed Bersatu. People like Syed Sadiq Syed Abdul Rahman don’t really matter as he is a little boy who believes he has grown up and matured just because he prowls with more seasoned and cunning politicians.
And this year? My flag lies forsaken and hidden somewhere in my storeroom. After all that Mahathir and Bersatu wreaked on us, I will not be flying that flag. The sky in my neighbourhood looks so empty. (By vijay47)
So may I ask my fellow Malaysians what happened within this one year? Let’s us begin with Tun speech at 73rd UN General Assembly.
Quote, “Global Leadership and Shared Responsibilities for Peaceful, Equitable and Sustainable Societies” remains true to the aspiration of our founding fathers. The theme is most relevant and timely. It is especially pertinent in the context of the new Malaysia.
A new Malaysia emerged after the 14th General Election in May this year. Malaysians decided to change their government, which had been in power for 61 years, i.e., since independence. We did this because the immediate past Government indulged in the politics of hatred, of racial and religious bigotry, as well as widespread corruption.
Malaysians want a new Malaysia that upholds the principles of fairness, good governance, integrity and the rule of law. They want a Malaysia that is a friend to all and enemy of none. They also want a Malaysia that will speak its mind on what is right and wrong, without fear or favour. A new Malaysia that believes in co-operation based on mutual respect, for mutual gain.
The new Malaysia will firmly espouse the principles promoted by the UN in our international engagements. These include the principles of truth, human rights, the rule of law, justice, fairness, responsibility and accountability, as well as sustainability. It is within this context that the new government of Malaysia has pledged to ratify all remaining core UN instruments related to the protection of human rights. It will not be easy for us because Malaysia is multi-ethnic, multi-religious, multi-cultural and multi-lingual. We will accord space and time for all to deliberate and to decide freely based on democracy.” Unquote
Tun spelled out exactly what a new Malaysia supposed to be but alas it seems like when the going gets tough, the tough did not get going but choose an easier way out. Malaysia is multi-ethnic, multi-religious, multi-cultural and multi-lingual. So may I ask?
1. Did PH leaders firmly espouse the principles of truth, human rights, good governance, integrity, justice, fairness, responsibility, accountability and the rule of law, as well as sustainability?
2. How many PH leaders are pure incompetent, having same old UMNO’s mindset and playing the same old UMNO’s political card of hatred, of racial and religious bigotry?
3. Can PH’s New Malaysia government unite us as one Malaysian “One for all and all for one”?
4. If PH failed, what will become of my beloved Malaysia? It scared me to think about what the future hold when political and religious leaders espouse ideology of racial and religious supremacy.
Please allow me to remind PH leaders that GE14 is done and over with. PH won and is given a 5 years mandate by Malaysians to govern the new Malaysia. Please stop all the toxic divisive politics, the politics of one-upmanship and a very dangerous Machiavellian politics game of race, religion and numbers to consolidate political base for GE15. We vote for PH (PKR, BERSATU, AMANAH, DAP and WARISAN) and in PH we put our trust; quote “The flag flying high was a sight that touched me with various arousing emotions – elation, hope, pride – and at the glorious change heading our way” Unquote.
We expect PH government with Tun as PM and Ministers from PH component parties to set new political direction and standard for a more united and harmonious Malaysia. But alas either due to pure incompetent of Tun’s cabinet ministers or as the saying “old habits die hard”, PH itself is sliding toward divisive and toxic politics of hatred, of racial and religious bigotry. Tun, whom people trusted the most to lead the narrative of new Malaysia, appears immersed in Tun’s own political agendas. Tun appears unconcerned about maintaining and preserving unity and consensus with other PH component parties, or listening to the pulse and sentiments of the people on the ground.
Case in point: Third national car, that I’m not totally for it, what more the flying car, that is comical,” Rais said.
I earnestly beg with Tun’s cabinet ministers, please pull your socks up and start to think like Malaysian and work for Malaysians or else please ship out. There is no place for incompetent or bigot in this new Malaysia. Shape up or ship out, no two ways about it.
As for Tun who had crossed the age of 94, how much longer can Tun continue grappling with national’s problems of which some are self-inflicted? I can only pray that Tun does not overstay his welcome but make a gracious exit. We Malaysians would want to preserve and maintain Tun’s rich legacy and remember Tun as a true iconic statesman with whom Malaysia was blessed with and a true Malaysian son that we Malaysian are proud of.
To all Malaysians I pray for you:
Merdeka with a difference Wan Haron Wan Hassan – August 30, 2019 7:40 AM
Let us resolve to free ourselves from the trappings of an old mindset where race and religion control our views.
Let us liberate ourselves from all kinds of extremism and choose to walk hand-in-hand to build a new, united, peaceful and prosperous Malaysia.
We must realise that as Malaysians, we have no other option except to work together.
We could build up our strength, dynamism, resilience and resourcefulness through our diversity.
For the Malays, stop feeling insecured and threatened by the non-Malays. You have the numbers, the political power, the institutional support and enough safeguards in the constitution. Do not let irresponsible political masters and community leaders poison your minds and hearts with their toxic politics.
For the non-Malays, embrace the Malays as the dominant community and work with them for the betterment of all.
It is heartening to note that of late, even Utusan Malaysia is prepared to say sorry for stirring up racism and religious bigotry against the non-Malays.
Let us stop the blame game and stand united as Malaysians.
For the young people, especially the three million new voters who will be voting for the first time in the 15th general election, let the next three years serve as an opportunity to learn more about Malaysian politics, national development, and how they want to chart and shape the nation.
In truth, we are talking about their future and that of the generations after them. Let them rise to the occasion and discharge their duties responsibly.
Only then can we hope to one day build a truly egalitarian and democratic society of people whose government is of the people, by the people and for the people.
I wish all Malaysians, “Selamat Hari Merdeka, Selamat Maal Hijrah dan Selamat Hari Malaysia”
Thank you
Yours truly,
PS: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qMrO1kYxQJA
It’s official! Tun Mahathir sworn in as 7th Prime Minister
The Star Online: Published on May 10, 2018
Pakatan Harapan chairman Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad was officially sworn in as the seventh Prime Minister of Malaysia on Thursday night. He took his oath of office as Prime Minister before Yang di-Pertuan Agong Sultan Muhammad V at the Istana Negara at 9:57pm.
Watching the video again, I can’t hold back my emotion as tears start rolling down my face.
Why worry so much?
Pitching chinese to go against Chinese never work from then until now.
P / s: if they still don’t care, then, they really have to ask themselves, are they not rich enough, or are they not powerful enough. Not being in federal and state level government is not the end of the day as long as you have the birth rights to vote legally.
Aiyoh HBT
Asal marah marah……Sri Sense kacau ke ?
Mubarak kacau u ke ? Tun M kacau u ke ?
Relax lah .Nanti kena Heart attack ……Saya hilang satu kawan pula
Good evening Tun Mahathir
Selamat menyambut Hari Mederka dan Awal Muharram!
Debate for members of dap, mca and gerakan to watch?
I for sure wont waste my time to watch such programme since until today, none of you chinese leaders dare to voice out your stand.
You think we are still in surat khabar lama era whereby political parties decide who gets what, and who dont get what?
P/s: should you find yourself in a chronically leaking boat made of papan, energy devoted to changing vessels made of steel is likely to be more productive than energy devoted to patching leaks of boat made of papan, dont you think so?
Why worry so much?
Pitching chinese to go against chinese never work dari dulu hingga sekarang.
P/s: jika mereka masih tak hepi, then, they really have to ask themselves, are they not rich enough, or are they not powerful enough. Not being in federal and state level government is not the end of the day as long as you have the birth rights to vote legally.
Dulu, bumiputra malaysia boleh with rm200 per undi.
Selepas tu, islam malaysia with islamic policies.
Kemudian, malay malaysia with malay policies.
Kini, malaysian malaysia?
It would be best for mr lim kit siang to resign as dap supreme leader to mark the end of malaysian malaysia policy.
Dont ikut their rentak of appeal because lim kit siang is cina babi, when appeal sure kalah one.
Why made tdm headache and in dilenma at age 94 years old?
Pkr indian wr in klang filed police report for pariah remark.
No action would be taken one.
Masuk naga mulut tak ber baloi.
Masuk mulut keldai marah pulak.
Ini tak jadi, itu tak jadi.
Hakikatnya adalah semua salah kaum cina kerana kaum cina adalah pendatang haram di negara ini.
P/s: pariah ke, keling ke, ulat ke, ular ke, bugis ke, does it really matter? treat it as a blessing beh, no problem. why? when general election is called, then, everyone will know who is in and who is out?
Dunia Islam perlukan Pemimpin
Perlukan Imam
Untuk menyatu padukan Ummah
Umat Islam ramai serupa keluarga yg ramai tapi
bersepah berselerakan tanpa haluan
Mungkin tidak punya Imam , punca Kesensaraan
yg berlaku pada Umat Islam sekarang
Sudah di janjikan akan kedatangan Imam Mahdi
Adakah apa yg berlaku pada Umat Islam
sekarang pertanda kedatangan Imam Mahdi ?
Walau apa yg sudah ditulis diwaktu lahir
Makhluk yg dinamakan Manusia di beri keindahan menerajui Kehidupan sendiri
Keindahan ini adalah satu ujian yg bakal menerajui kita ke alam akhirat
Apabila Ummah punya Imam
Maka Suara Islam akan Lantang, akan Bergemuruh
Umat Islam tidak perlu tunduk pada musuh Islam
Maka saya menyeru dan berpendapat
Kita sesama Dunia Islam , perlu pentingnya
Kita berkumpul ,ziarah menziarah sesama Pemimpin Islam
Berusaha Menyatu Padukan Ummah
1. Sistem TAMS di KLIA lumpuh selama 3-4 hari. Hairannya mengapa tiada SISTEM SOKONGAN (BACKUP SYSTEM) yang boleh mengambil alih (operasi di KLIA) serta-merta bila berlaku kegagalan kepada SISTEM UTAMA?
2. Setiap sistem kritikal mesti ada sistem sokongan (backups). Ini asas dalam apa juga sistem rangkaian komputer (network systems).
3. Saya dengar ada yang kata (dalam TV) sistem baru diperkenalkan (mungkin syarikat lain ambil-alih TAMS KLIA). Jika ini benar, mengapalah bodoh sangat pihak yang bertanggung-jawab yang melakukan peralihan/pertukaran sistem ini?
4. Sistem lama mesti berjalan seiring (concurrently) dengan yang baru dalam apa jua pertukaran / peralihan sistem (jika mahu ditukar / upgrade), dan setelah keadaan stabil (bermaksud sistem yang baru berfungsi dengan betul/ baik/ lancar; thorough testings/evaluations have been done), barulah sistem lama dimatikan (disconnected). Namun demikian, ‘backup system’ mesti ada (bersedia) dan berfungsi secara otomatik jika diperlukan. Memang haru-biru jadinya jika orang tidak berpengetahuan luas mengurus sistem yang amat penting seperti TAMS KLIA.
5. Apapun bencana buruk ini berlaku semasa PH berkuasa. Tidak perlulah menuding jari ke arah orang lain di atas kegagalan TAMS KLIA yang amat memalukan ini.
What does she mean by no sistem back- up for TAMS di KLIA?
Did she read news on senior manager from MAHB pakai kerja time dan resources employer who lodged police report on MAHB sistem sabotaj since wang politik umno baru was frozen when tdm took over, correct me if i am wrong.
Alahai, she called this bencana buruk yang memalukan PH?
Dulu, bencana buruk yang amat menakutkan iaitu 2 biji boeing Malaysia Airline System terhempas, umno baru pakai wang politik to do bomoh ritual as sistem back-up, and Perdan Menteri pada masa itu buat doa selamat to be covered as prime news, kenapa hajar diam dan hantam saya di blog ini? Air Asia pun kena, and their back-up system was to expand fleet market by importing 100 unit Airbus pakai myr, you do the math yourself as investors, can or not?
P/s: dulu, i nampak female teenager of kaum melayu pakai baju kurung to do ice skating, fortunately, no accident happens. safety measures against man made accidents and crimes can never be eliminated in imperfect world, so how?
Rafidah urges govt to form crisis management team to cope with economic challenges
Salam YAB dan DiSanjungi PM Tun Dr. Mahathir,
Mohon izin Tun:
1. Sistem TAMS di KLIA lumpuh selama 3-4 hari. Hairannya mengapa tiada SISTEM SOKONGAN (BACKUP SYSTEM) yang boleh mengambil alih (operasi di KLIA) serta-merta bila berlaku kegagalan kepada SISTEM UTAMA?
2. Setiap sistem kritikal mesti ada sistem sokongan (backups). Ini asas dalam apa juga sistem rangkaian komputer (network systems).
3. Saya dengar ada yang kata (dalam TV) sistem baru diperkenalkan (mungkin syarikat lain ambil-alih TAMS KLIA). Jika ini benar, mengapalah bodoh sangat pihak yang bertanggung-jawab yang melakukan peralihan/pertukaran sistem ini?
4. Sistem lama mesti berjalan seiring (concurrently) dengan yang baru dalam apa jua pertukaran / peralihan sistem (jika mahu ditukar / upgrade), dan setelah keadaan stabil (bermaksud sistem yang baru berfungsi dengan betul/ baik/ lancar; thorough testings/evaluations have been done), barulah sistem lama dimatikan (disconnected). Namun demikian, ‘backup system’ mesti ada (bersedia) dan berfungsi secara otomatik jika diperlukan. Memang haru-biru jadinya jika orang tidak berpengetahuan luas mengurus sistem yang amat penting seperti TAMS KLIA.
5. Apapun bencana buruk ini berlaku semasa PH berkuasa. Tidak perlulah menuding jari ke arah orang lain di atas kegagalan TAMS KLIA yang amat memalukan ini.
Terima kasih Tun.
– Semoga Allah SWT sentiasa merahmati Tun sekeluarga –
I know pmo has the absolute say in federal budget, and i stand up in here to say ‘no’ to federal budget allocation for the moe portfolio in giving free sarapan pagi to all national schools under the watch of moe, which is no different from kedai 1malaysia, klinik 1 malaysia.
I hope penjaja melayu atau malay hawkers at the designated outside school compound gazetted under moe and state directive to continue to sell nasi lemak, kueyteow, mi mamak, mihun, daging dan kuih muih tradisi orang melayu because they dont need to pay rental to keep their prices affortable to the parents’ of pupils.
Designated school compound must be approved by jabatan kementerian pengangkutan because only this ministry has the data of trafic offenses and road accidents resulted in deaths. Their job is not to issue saman, then bagi diskaun, just to please their perdana menteri saja kerana takut kena pecat.
I know in here, no one dare to stand up to say no to the portfolio hold by all ministries concerned, and i have no doubts of their loyalty to the elected perdana menteri since he is your bossmu, and dont forget, kakitangan kerajaan pusat dan negeri also makan gaji similar to the private sector.
When mr donald trump answered the question raised by journalist wrt hong kong, he shown his concern and hope the repeat of military violent crack down of authorithy against these young protestors similar to that of 64th student movement in tian-an-men square, beijing, shall be prevented.
I fully understand his concern as president of usa, and his concern is similar to that of president xi, president putin and other leaders in the world including prime ministers in the world.
Any violent crack downs, riots and protests could lead to unrest whereby someone might get hurt or died that would send wave of panic and shock via social media today.
I will never never exploit or glorify such situation to be the hero to make my poliical stands in social media platform as registered voter, what about members of the political divides who are also registered voters?
P/s: hang seng index wont plunge with sharp drop since mr donald trump is the current president of usa. in fact, there are enough trained manpower in handling such white collar fraud in hang seng across the pacific ocean, which is no different from usa stock markets. what about malaysian malaysia today?
Sri sense
Hari dah malam, I baca ini
Court dismisses Dr Mahathir’s appeal over forex losses suit
Sebagai rakyat biasa, I rasa kalau Tun tak puas hati, boleh lah Tun jumpa Agong sendiri. Tun dah PM. 2017 Tun bukan PM. Apa yang masuk dan tak masuk, hmmm complicated bunyinya.
Another court case SIS tak silap, semalam I baca, I sampai pening baca heading, satu kata gini, satu kata lain.
I don’t think any of the court ruling salah. It is actually fair – in both cases.
Either you are with dasar pandang timur asia tdm atau dasar pandang barat tengah asia dsn. When national and state fatwa are being touched, then i am out.
When voting age lower to 18 years old just to increase vote banks, i am out.
To curb hate speech and intolerancy, it has to start from the hearts of those in the political parties via media statement.
To prevent repeat of 1998 financial crisis, both of the political divides can debate maturely in parliament with facts and cases.
I sure hope they dont turn intolerance because he is bossmu, bukan bossku.
Warren Buffett quote on investment: Should you find yourself in a chronically leaking boat, energy devoted to changing vessels is likely to be more productive than energy devoted to patching leaks.
P/s: sensitive issue, or zero tolerance policy, we just have to watch closely whereby the same old question would be asked in their hearts, kenapa beliau boleh buat, kenapa aku tak boleh buat, dll hanya ikut rentak saja.
Hari dah malam, I baca ini
Court dismisses Dr Mahathir’s appeal over forex losses suit
Sebagai rakyat biasa, I rasa kalau Tun tak puas hati, boleh lah Tun jumpa Agong sendiri. Tun dah PM. 2017 Tun bukan PM. Apa yang masuk dan tak masuk, hmmm complicated bunyinya.
Another court case SIS tak silap, semalam I baca, I sampai pening baca heading, satu kata gini, satu kata lain.
I don’t think any of the court ruling salah. It is actually fair – in both cases.
Goodnight Tun. Sleep tight.
Salam YAB dan DiSanjungi PM Tun Dr. Mahathir,
Mohon izin Tun:
Astaghfirullah…Bingung betul pihak yang buat laporan polis terhadap Tun.
Perkataan ‘pariah / paria’ sudah lama ada dalam Kamus Dewan.
Apa hal pula ada orang bukan Islam yang meroyan sakan marahkan Tun sebab Tun guna perkataan pariah? Bukannya Tun kata mereka pariah.
Alahai…Sensitif betul golongan ini.
Kalau dah sensitif sangat, mengapa tidak sensitif pula bila melibatkan isu pencerobohan tanah hak milik orang lain bila membina kuil (banyak kes2 sebegini)? Bila diminta keluar (kes kuil di SJ), boleh pula merusuh dan menyebabkan kematian seorang ahli Bomba Melayu Islam!
Terima kasih Tun.
– Semoga Allah SWT sentiasa merahmati Tun sekeluarga –
MARKET NOT SO GOOD. VERY SAD. I SHARE MY LINK https://whims2016.wordpress.com/
I see you are so intelligent. So HBT what is yr advice on Hong Kong, China, Taiwan?
Hong kong belongs to china under 1 country 2 systems, and the citizens of hong kong can choose their wakil rakyat whom they feel comfortable to represent them.
As for position of chief minister, the ruling elites must recommemd few names whom they have confident for beijing to go through, and approve.
For taiwan, when general election is called, it is up to their voters cum taxpayers to cast votes either to current ruling party of democratic progressive party, opposition conservative koumintang party and dll independent parties.
The elected ruling party of taiwan can be friendly to or hostile toward beijing, but the president of taiwan cannot represent people’s republic of china.
Anything else, you want to know, sibotak?
P/s: After more than 60 years of merdeka, these malay wannabes still use poverty as factor to whack uneaned federal budget for their selfish welfares, it simply means they make malay supremacy look bad and ugly. dont forget, malay is islam.
Frankly speaking, to preserve kodomo in indonesia, it would be best for them to look at united nation, or northern china.
Look at china, to preserve the distinction of panda, they forge panda’s multilateral diplomacy in un, how were they treated?
Look at china, many of the ancient buildings and infra-structures that built china of what they are today, they spent their budget to preserve such works, thus, create jobs for their historians and huge work force.
The main task of people’s liberation army is to curb political power struggling that could pave the way for the re-birth of emperor system in modern china.
The difference between pla and usa patriot act, pla does not rent or be hired to protect the sovereign wealth of foreign countries be it in terrorism or military wars.
The function of pla is clear cut, that is to protect sovereign wealth of chinese in mainland and 9 dashed line in south east and silk road of the west asia in the name of multilateral friendship.
Pla main tasks involve preparation for military confrontation and rise of natural disasters caused by climate change.
Chinese race is neutral and dont take side when comes to eating behaviour, what about you?
The student protests in hong kong is not new chinese history, and i believe modern beijing would not interfere by force unless madam carrie lam as cm of hk sar asked sos from them.
I already said, when islam supremacy is being re-play, then, i have no choice but to cast a tak nak vote to them.
P/s: i think president indonesia cannot get funding from indonesia, and even beijing wont support such massive clearance of forest in kalimantan. Look at fire forest at brazil, you will know even china wont support, or offer their friendship. Mind our own business, you think china dont have such proverb?
HBT456 Aug 26,2019 6:47 PM
I already said, by the end of the day, only indian muslim, hindu and bumiputera are with bersatu and ph.
I see you are so intelligent. So HBT what is yr advice on Hong Kong, China, Taiwan?
I already said, by the end of the day, only indian muslim, hindu and bumiputera are with bersatu and ph.
P/s: import made in usa beef to feed japanese aging popupation, export top rated beef made in japan at highest price to cater greater china market, japanese pandai kira, it means chinese and koreans also pandai kira. malay memang slow in counting, and like twinpeaks said, they are pampered. indian politicians rasa mereka adalah yang paling bijak, so to speak. i dont rasa dengki, and when gutter politics are being continued, bersatu pakatan harapaN also end with alphabet N, just like umno baru barisan nasionaN. There is no secret in politics too, and being the next wannabes, vote counts is a must.
sri sense
Baru baca kat theedge apa barang yang dah turun harga.
I ternampak gambar Marigold HL Milk. Dulu I beli harga RM5.85, satelah naik RM6 lebih, I tak beli lagi, I beli Dutch Lady or Godday full cream milk. Sebab dua brand ini boleh dapat RM5 lebih.
Since rumah I dekat dengan beberapa supermarket, I usually beli mana yang murah.
Ikan fresh memang tak jumpa unless pergi wet market, but my daughter kata ikan kat wet market pun bukan ikan fresh, frozen. Then again kita tinggal di bandar, mana la nak dapat ikan fresh turun dari perahu nelayan.
Portfolios hold by ministers dearest to tdm would lead to vote loss of the grassroot voters.
Penny wise, pound foolish.
P/s: after the move of national feetlot, national salmon breeding, banned straw and single use plastics use, this portfolio hold by moe is another haprak portfolio that would lead to penjajah kaum melayu kita bagi undi rosak dan undi tak sokong bersatu dan ph.
Good morning PM Malaysia
Baru baca kat theedge apa barang yang dah turun harga.
I ternampak gambar Marigold HL Milk. Dulu I beli harga RM5.85, satelah naik RM6 lebih, I tak beli lagi, I beli Dutch Lady or Godday full cream milk. Sebab dua brand ini boleh dapat RM5 lebih.
Since rumah I dekat dengan beberapa supermarket, I usually beli mana yang murah.
Ikan fresh memang tak jumpa unless pergi wet market, but my daughter kata ikan kat wet market pun bukan ikan fresh, frozen. Then again kita tinggal di bandar, mana la nak dapat ikan fresh turun dari perahu nelayan.
Addendum 4 to my skeletal summary of my Life.
For his bum efforts in calling me ” A MALAY BUM-SUCKER ” as a Chinese Leader who could remit S$ 100 million in the mid-1980s via my friend from Singapore to his girl friend’s Hong Kong bank account after less than 10 years in public service and pretended to be poor by borrowing from billionaires for his legal fees after being caught as a convicted felon on both sides of the Causeway, the Singaporean Puppet Corrupt and Uncaring BN Government and its equally corrupt elite and GLCs, ennobled this deserving fellow in 2017.
Likewise, the President of the SME was ennobled for supporting the BN Government in its quest to have the Malaysia/Malays/SME Killer ratified in Singapore’s interest and not our beloved Malaysia’s National Interest.
And likewise, the most senior Civil Servant in the TPPA ultra secret negotiations, was ennobled whose spouse was employed by the Singapore Government whose profession Russia, China, Egypt, Iran, Myanmar, North Korea love to jail.
The word ‘ TREASON ‘ looms large with certain Public Servants when it comes to SELF-INTEREST AND NOT NATIONAL INTEREST. How to build a nation like this when its all front and no backsides ?
Malaysia Boleh Tun as always. No problem
Salam sejahtera, selamat petang..
Apa nk cerita.. apa disembang..😉
sama2 tuan musato
Asalamualaikum semua
Your political party is bersatu or berpisah? Still in supremacy mode and you will destroy this country.
Addendum 3. to the skeletal summary of my Life.
It is alleged the SIME DARBY FOUNDATION ( an illegal loop hole created by the BN Government 2004-2018 ) IS ILLEGAL BECAUSE A TRUST, PNB IS FORBIDDEN TO PERMIT ITS ASSETS TO BE MANAGED BY ANOTHER TRUST. The Sime Darby Foundation was established during 2004-2018 under the Singaporean Puppet Corrupt and Uncaring BN Government and its equally Corrupt elite and GLCs to serve its manifold purposes.
Vide. Ahmad Farouq Amir. “Duties of Trustees”. NON-DELEGATION OF DUTIES. THE GENERAL RULE IS THAT A TRUSTEE (PNB) CANNOT DELEGATE HIS DUTIES RELATING TO THE MANAGEMENT TO ANOTHER PERSON. Lord Westbury in Robson v Flight/1865 ‘ such trust and powers are supposed to have been committed by the settlor to the trustees he appoints by reason of his personal confidence in their discretion and it would be wrong to permit them to be exercised by another.”
Malaysia Boleh Tun as always. No problem.
The sooner we think like a developed country, the sooner we can be one.
Assalamualaikum Tun.
Tq joetamchi dan yang berkaitan kerana sudi jadi rakan fb saya.
Terima kasih atas link yang diberikan. Ia membantu saya membaca.
FB saya : Musthasor mukhtar
Ye la semenjak Tun jadi PM
Tun sudah tidak brapa active menulis kat blog ni
Yg bikin Topik baru pun kami dengan Topik semasa
kami pandai pandai karang sendiri
By the way
Shukur Alhamdulillah , Syed Sadiq anda melangkah pada langkah yg bertanggung jawab ,menziarah Zakir Naik bersama Keluarga beliau
Ini langkah Islam yg perlu dan Wajib diperkekalkan
Langkah yg Mulia
Sebenar pun Zakir nyata tidak buat apa Kesalahan
Semua insiden ada dalam Video, tak payah nak mengendurkan benang yg kering
Di dalam sidang Parliament kita lihat lagi teruk lagi
Maki hamun sesama , menghina sesama dalam satu sidang yg terhormat lengkap dengan Speaker Negara pun masih Kecoh
Kenapa tidak suruh mereka berhenti hujah seperti Zakir Naik dihentikan berceramah . Dan tidak seharusnya Zakir disuruh berhenti berceramah . Yang harus diheret olih PDRM ,adalah mereka yg Memfitnah Zakir di depan mata kita, sampai Zakir di fitnah menyebar idealogi fahaman Wahabi
Nyata Zakir di Fitnah dan dihukum tanpa sebab
Yg memfitnah harus di heret ke muka Keadilan
Kita pun mahu insiden ini di hentikan segara
Tidak siapa yg mahu benda buruk
Yg benar tetap benar
Halal tetap Halal
Haram is Haram
The Second Addendum to my skeletal summary.
1. Sime Darby presented the finest copy of 1 of 5 in the World by LT. Anderson, ” THE POLITICAL AND COMMERCIAL CONSIDERATIONS OF PRINCE OF WALES ISLAND AND KEDAH ” 1709 to the Tunku. When he saw the only etching of his great-great-grandfather in the frontispiece, the Tunku tore it out and presented it to the Kedah Museum and the picture-less book to the National Museum.
2. Sime Darby presented the only copy of Munshi Abdullah’s work published in Singapore in 1827, ” HIKAYAT KHALIL AND DIMNA ” to Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad who in turn presented it to the National Library.
Both of these exceptionally rare books came from my Collection of 3,000 copies of Malaysiana which I began to collect in 1954 before the Americans intervened in Vietnam in the 1960s.
Addendum to the skeletal summary of my Life.
In 1973, at a moment’s notice, three Malay friends requested me to raise RM 1 million within one hour to place as deposit with Bank Negara Malaysia so that they could get release of the Discount House Licence granted to them. They got the money which took them 7 years to repay. One of them became so rich that she avoided UMNO and only socialized with Kuwaiti princesses in London according to her. We did not meet again for decades.
Malaysia Boleh Tun as always. No problem. Live and let live. We are Malaysians.
Salam Tun,
I was reading the news in malaymail today and came across this. Allow me to make some suggestions here,
1. Change in Education ministry is a must for our next generation survival.
2. Splitting the current Education Ministry to two ministry has everything to gain and nothing to lose. There will be one more slot for navigation and allow each the two ministry to focus on each area. Both ministry needs to be working closely to ensure continuation and needs to be accountable for their own performance to ensure proper measurable KPIs are delivered. For example, improvement in our well established higher learning world ranking for our local university like University Malaya. We started off on the same footing as NUS. Look at where we are now.
3. Improvement in our Public Higher Learning will not be difficult to achieve if we can’t feed the institution with high quality, critical thinking students. This is where our education policy in our primary and secondary is very critical. As it stands today, I can honestly say that our public education is not our Malaysian parents’ first choice. If given financial capability to enroll in private schools, they will do that, why is that so?
4. Few areas of improvement instead of changing the color our of school shoe and adding unnecessary new subject which is completely unnecessary. Here are few of the improvement that I think is crucial,
– Improvement of the teaching resource quality (both in primary, secondary and higher learning). Policy to encourage passionate and capable person to consider taking up teaching as their career.
– Syllabus change needs inline with what the job market needs to equip our next generation with skills that is required
– A good school result will always need close interaction with parents. Encouraging a strong PTA (Parent Teacher Association). A strong PTA to work with the schools on helping to raise extra funds for schools for some meaning activities for the children would be most likely to help. I will most likely vary from location to location but this will help.
5. If there should be a reshuffle of the Education ministry, allow me to propose the ex-Senator in the family & community development ministry to lead on the Education Ministry and move the current one over to higher learning. A very bold step. Tun can review the track record of the person being the senator in the past and the tasks that are taken on in the current ministry as well as the work in the person’s constituency. Very well managed, focus and sharp capable person.
Thank you for taking the time to read and listening. May you blessed with good health!
It is good you keep your distinguished Blog opened to all, from the sublime to the ridiculous, from the good mind-sets to the bad-hats.
I like to remind all that I have always been a Constitutionalist and not a Communalist since 1954.
I have around a long time dealing with public affairs sometimes. If I am 21 years old, you all may accuse me of being arrogant and boastful with the events which I now present as a MALAYSIAN and also a CHINESE. To give the curious to have an idea how old I am, my sister just died at 100 years old.
1. 1960 December. After spending a life time studying very hard to achieve my academic goals, I decided to visit my mother in KL before going on to Stanford to do research in therapeutics. I found ALL my money stolen by my eldest brother in whom I trusted as a surrogate father.
2. 1961 January. I did not scold, sue, do a due diligence on the amount my eldest brother stole from me. I knew I was stuck in KL with NO MONEY. With not much ado, I just took up the house-man’s job at the KLGH at RM 401 per month and move on.
3. 1961 January. My first emergency case was a Malay boy 12 years old from Kampong Baru. He was comatose. I a fresh medic from UK where no clinical student was permitted to do invasive procedures on a patient, was covered with cold sweat and a pair of shaking hands attempting to introduce a drip into a young boy’s collapsed fine veins. My consultant was constantly peering over my shoulder. It took me nearly an hour to find the right vein. This was my greatest sense of achievement to this very day which happened as though it was yesterday. 10 more serious and dying emergency cases followed and all of them survived. I did 100 cases of D & C as well.
4. 1962-1970. During this period, I was appointed a Founder Trustee of the National Art Gallery Malaysia and I was one of the leading supporters of the Malaysian artists in a nascent cultural activity of the Nation. There were not more than 5 of us, all non-Malays with 4 Chinese.
5. 1965. SEAP GAMES. By chance I was requested to set up an International Shooting Range at Subang on 10 acres of land within 2 weeks. There were only 2 of us, Chinese, who completed the job on time. I was there at 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. during that period.
6. 1966. Tun Abdul Razak, the President of the Olympic Council of Malaysia requested me to re-structure the Selangor Shooting Association controlled by 33 Hakkas with guns. In 2019, the Selangor Shooting Association has 2,000 to 3,000 members and RM 2 Million in its coffers. Its members won the Gold Medal Asian Games for Trap Shooting at Teheran in 1972. From then, many troupes of international shooters represented Malaysia. The teams were always dominated by the Armed Forces and the Police to this very day.
7. 1972. I presented the World’s Finest and Only Collection of Gold and Silver Malay Sultanates Coins to Bank Negara Malaysia.
8. 1972, Out of the ashes of the 13 May 1969, I formulated the Concept to fast trek the Bumiputeras into Big Business by the acquisition of Sime Dwrby PLC which had the support of the Prime Minister Tun Abdul Razak and YBM Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah. The reason was because it was impossible to begin a greenfield big business without IMPINGING ON THE OTHER BUSINESS GROUP THE CHINESE and at 13 May 1969, the British had 70% of Malaysia’s best assets, the Chinese with a handful of towkays, 25% of the 3rd rate AND THE MALAYS HAD JUST 2% ! The Malays ran out of money after spending RM 23 Million. Through the brilliant Singaporean lady lawyer, 2 Singaporean corporates pushed Malaysia to the winning line by December 1975. My Concept was to get Sime Darby to do all that was essential and necessary like an industrial combine which was happening in South Korea and Taiwan, in support of ventures like Proton, power stations, highways, ships etc. But the Malaysian Management turned Sime Darby into a fine British type of trading company selling for others to this very day. From this, Sime Darby was bankrupted TWICE 1997 and 2010 with no tangible results in the NATIONAL INTEREST TO THIS VERY DAY.
FOR MY EFFORTS CONCERNING SIME DARBY A CHINESE LEADER CALLED ME A MALAY BUM-SUCKER SO THAT HE COULD WALLOPED SIME DARBY’S BEST ASSETS NOT ONCE BY THRICE. Man proposes. God disposes. This fellow was jailed twice and pretended he had no money by borrowing from billionaires. The fact was my friend remitted S$100 Million from Singapore to his girl friend’s account in Hong Kong after less than 10 years in public service. In their gratitude, the Malaysian Management KICKED ME OUT AFTER 18 YEARS OF NO BANKRUPTCIES SO THAT THE COULD DO BUSINESS WITH CROOKED CHINESE AND WENT BANKRUPT TWICE ! It’s a strange, strange World, Tun !
9. 1972-1981. There was GOLD in BNM and its account in a sharebroking firm in Ney York was closed down in 1972 !
10. 1972-1982. As Treasurer of the Scouts Associatiion of Malaysia, it took me 10 years to balance its accounts.
11. 1975. I proposed the establishment of the NATIONAL SAVINGS BANK.
12, 1982. I persuaded George Tan of Carrian Hong Kong to repay HK$ 150 Million but HSBC wanted HK$ 300 million in the BMF Affair.
13. 1975-1984. To this day, I am the only person who turned round the biggest scandal and corporate bankruptcy case in the 1970s WITHOUT A SINGLE SEN FROM THE MIDF CONSORTIUM OF BANKS. For 9 years, this textile bill ran smoothly with 1,200 Malay workers 3 shifts in the Kamunting constituency of Taiping. At the end, the Consortium collected all their money without loss and walked away as though nothing had happened.
15. 1982-1983. I presented two World’s Best Coin Collections of the Straits Settlements, Malaya, Sarawak and North Borneo. One to Bank Negara Malaysia and another to Maybank. Each has the only GOLD Straits Settlements 1/4 1/2 3/4 and 1 cts in the World.
16. 1989 -1990. A political organisation borrowed from me 9 Million Renong shares without security.
17. 2000. There was one more gigantic corporate re-structuring to do in the National Interest, the Multi-Purpose Holdings. Thereafter, our beloved Malaysia Leadership 2004-2018 sank into the depths of SELF-ENJOYMENT AND SELF-INDULGENCE to ruin our beloved Malaysia.
18. 2009. I presented the World’s Best Collection of Malaysiana consisting of 3,000 books to a university.
In my Life I was also scolded by 13 Tengkus and Datos. I did not run away to join the DAP because my information stood me in good-stead. These fellows had no information.
These scoldings did not change my principles or view or beliefs in our beloved Malaysia and her peoples either. Hence, I am with this distinguished Blog writing factually only on subjects I am conversant with – a PRIVILEGE NOT A RIGHT.
And to remind my friends, I AM STILL A CHINESE WHO THINKS 99% OF MALAYS, CHINESE, INDIANS, IBANS, KADAXANS AND ALL ARE BORN GOOD. I am just an ordinary Chinese who spent his LIFE in our beloved Malaysia without seeking anything special but to work normally in conjunction with his fellow country men or women.
For the curious, it took me 10 years to recover RM 1 Million and at the end, I accepted what money my eldest brother said he took from me without question or query.
TODAY I AM EXCEEDINGLY HAPPY AS ALWAYS. A person must appreciate the joys and wonders of LIFE in our beloved Malaysia.
Malaysia Boleh Tun as always. No problem.
I do not understand why TWIN PEAKS labelled the Chinese as moaning and groaning. Far from this, I really enjoyed my living and giving in our beloved Malaysia for so long. My sister just died at 100 !
On a completely different topic, should anyone feel the urge to learn more about how the global economy works in 5 minutes, and it doesn’t really matter who you are (… man/woman on the street, professors, economists, senators and MPs, federal and state ministers, white, blacks, yellows, etc.), feel free to browse my website
Cheers !
Salam YAB dan DiSanjungi PM Tun Dr. Mahathir,
Mohon izin Tun:
1. Tentang GO-JEK dan Dego Ride, ini langkah ke belakang (langkah mundur).
2. Kononnya mahu jadi Negara Maju.
3. Lebih banyak keburukan dari kebaikan.
4. Yang paling buruk ialah masalah KEMALANGAN (keselamatan) dan PENCEMARAN UDARA / BUNYI (bingit). Kemalangan maut melibatkan motosikal kerap berlaku – amat berisiko.
5. Takkanlah kita mahu lihat permandangan di sekitar bandar2 di Vietnam dan Indonesia (dll.) berada di depan mata kita. Motosikal banyak betul dan pencemaran udara memang teruk! Sesak nafas dibuatnya…Ada HARAPAN mati cepat!
6. Yang lebih memualkan ialah perangai ahli-ahli Kabinet Tun yang dahulunya menentang apa saja yang BN/UMNO lakukan, tetapi sekarang boleh pula dengan muka tidak tahu malu menyokong dan mempromosi perkara (projek) yang dahulunya mereka bantah/kutuk sekeras-kerasnya. Contoh lain ialah AES (AWAS), Lynas, dan banyak lagi.
They (PH leaders – majority) are CONTRADICTING themselves! Honestly, they look really stupid and incapable @ useless!
Terima kasih Tun.
– Semoga Allah SWT sentiasa merahmati Tun sekeluarga –
Good morning Tun
Isu Zakir Naik, I setuju dengan Rockybru. Melayu bandar akan setuju dengan Rockybru. Samada Zakir ada or tidak bukan isu besar sangat.
Cuma masaalah yang jelas, speech Zakir Naik telah disalahguna oeh pihak tentu. I pernah sebut I letak tulisan Faisal Tehrani sini tapi lepas tu lain jadinya. Ada certain pihak guna dengan memetik sebaris ayat, serangkap kata untuk tujuan mereka berkempen walau penulis tersebut cakap lain.
Serupa juga dengan kes Pos Malaysia jawab pertanyaan tentang keris, tiba2 jadi isu besar, bila ada yang lompat2 kata lain.
Baru2 ini I baca, bila DAP Perak kena kes rogol, dah pulak ada suara kata sebab DAP Federal tak baik dengan DAP Perak. I think mereka ini semua tak minat buat kerja tapi rajin berpolitik.
Salam YAB dan DiSanjungi PM Tun Dr. Mahathir,
Mohon izin Tun:
1. https://www.utusan.com.my/berita/nasional/tun-m-tetap-pendirian-zakir-naik-tidak-dihantar-pulang-1.958437
Alhamdulillah, Syukur!
Sekarang, pihak Polis tolong soal siasat pula golongan penghasut yang menghasut rakyat supaya membenci Dr. Zakir dan Islam, serta menyala dan menyemarakkan api perkauman. Berlaku adillah.
2. Masalah utama kaum Melayu dan Bumiputera (termasuk yang Liberal) ialah masalah mengawal emosi bila melontarkan pendapat/ komen. Contohnya, jika mereka mengutuk/ mencela/ mengkritik orang Melayu/Bumi, seolah-olah Melayu/Bumi ini tidak berguna langsung, dan hampeh sehampeh-hampehnya. Eloklah berfikir sebelum memberi komen mengutuk / mencela kaum sendiri. Berpada-padalah dan jangan melampaui batas. Mereka lupa yang mereka pun Melayu/ Bumi /Islam. Bersorak-sorailah orang bukan Islam dan bukan Bumiputera. Siapa salah jika orang bukan Bumiputera menyambut kutukan/ celaan/ hinaan dari kaum Bumiputera sendiri?
Terima kasih Tun.
– Semoga Allah SWT sentiasa merahmati Tun sekeluarga –
Who is Zakir Naik?
See Zakir Naik, Yusuf Estes, Ahmad Deedat and many more in the Youtube
They are the Meet & Match to fill your Blanks by The Quran & Hadiths
He is a comparable religious student seeking the Truth. He understands the Bible, The Torah when most or all Christians Pastor don’t.
He understands the Hindu Scripture when the Priests himself don’t
He made deep efforts in religious study and is sharing the Truth
Shinning lights for Free
Many Reverts has filled their Blanks embracing the Quran & Hadiths
Introduce by Zakir Naik
Many Reverts are Thankful to Zakir Naik
Perhaps throughout their Generations to come than being drifted and empty
And most of these Reverts are much better Muslims than the born Muslim today
Some even being an Uztad/Uztazah, Dai, Preacher for Islam
Those feared The Truth, Judge Zakir as a Liar
A Money Launder, Racist and many more accusations that they feel appropriate to Defame Zakir Naik
Total Agreed with twinpeaks regards The Bumiputra
Buka saja Anak Bumi , Pemimipin Melayu , Sultan pun saya kellihatan
Hidub Nak Senang tanpa Usaha
Semua nak di Baby feed , then after salahkan orang lain
Macamanalah Kerajaan Malaysia tidak berhutang Keliling Pinggang
Seharusnya Malaysia ada Reserves
Sebab kita ada Hasil Bumi yg melimpah
Malah yang sering kita dengar hutang sana , sini
Nak tingkatkan Pertahanan pun tak mampu
Tidak nampak Kecanggihannya
Dimana lemahnya orang Melayu ?
Malas….tak juga
Bodoh….tak juga
Tidak Berilmu ?……..Ya ya yaa
Tidak ada modal ?……ya, ya ,ya macamana nak ada modal belanja lebih dari pendapatan
Tidak Bersatu ….. itu pun satu dari nya
Sikit sikit ank gaduh ,nak tekan minyak
Melayu susah nak Bergabung satu sama lain. Kenapa eh ?
Suka banyak gurau semasa berkerja…. sering kita lihat Melayu suka bersembang , suka borak borak ,cakap fasal peribadi dan kesalahan orang lain
Oh percaya sangat pada benda benda ghaib. Memang Melayu NO 1
Asal gagal….kena buat orang
Asal gagal…oh kena aniaya
Boros….memang no 1 . Tengok Najib dan Rosmah saja , sudah
Suka meremeh pad benda yg kecil . Seperti kini Salah naik Bendera
Kasi adjust sajalah … tak payah nak emosi
Persoalan Zakir Naik semua kecut sedangkan ni persoalan Akidah dan Agama
Lagi bukannya Zakir menyeleweng Akidah Islam atau Songsang
Setakat terkasar bahasa saja ,menyinggung perasaan si Manja Hitam Berlegam
Apa kurang di Parliament kita ,
lagi Rabak saya lihat. Maki Hamun dah macam Budaya
The Bumiputeras, on the other hand, are not blameless either. Knowing that they are the sons of the soil in Malaysia, they start Acting Big in front of non-Bumiputera Malaysians. They start showing off. Their politicians are very loud in Parliament, shooting from their hips, and laughing at non-Bumiputera misfortunes. The biggest crime Bumiputeras in this country commit is they feel that they are born to be looked after from cradle to grave, to be worshiped by non-Bumiputeras wherever they go. To be saluted. To be able to make as much noise as they want with their religion as expect to escape action taken against them by the authorities. They say that they are sons of the soil, so no one can touch them except their own Bumiputera masters. They start throwing insults at the DAP and Chinese leaders, as if the latter had broken into their homes to steal what measly possessions they have accumulated through decades of sleeping and dreaming, while the Chinese community literally single-handedly built the Malaysian economy. If we take away the Malaysian government sector, almost ALL the Malaysian private sector had been the result of non-Bumiputera blood and sweats. Non-bumiputeras had worked and worked without any complaint of non receiving a single government assistance, as all that assistance was given from yesterday until today to the so-called business community of the Bumiputeras, which raougly is made of crooks looking for Chinese business partners to complete what they had been asked to do by their Bumiputera-controlled government.
That is the price of being sons of the soil in this country. Almost every single old and young Bumiputera (Malays and Boreno natives) is already spoilt from birth. It takes a lot of courage for a Bumiputera not to let this nonsense to go to his or her head. But that prospect is very slim. Almost non-existent.
We are getting tired of the constant moaning from non-Bumiputeras in this country. Let me just put this way and please listen very carefully if you are non-Bumis.
This country was created by the Malays and the Borneo natives, and merged to form a country we have today. We were colonised by the various European powers and they brought in the immigrant races like the Chinese and the Indians. Then there are traders like the Arabs and what have you.
The purpose of nation-building is so that we have an identity and a unifying element to bind us all together for moving ahead in an increasingly challenging world. We are not alone in this, all the countries in the United Nations have the same purpose.
If you are Chinese, Indians, Arabs, or whatever else, please remember that when the Federation Constitution was enacted, everyone who was already in this country was welcome to stay permanently as citizens.
Nation-building is not about race or religion. We are not asking you to leave and go back to your countries of origin. We simply ask you to blend into the ways of your adopted country. You are free to leave and migrate if you wish, it is a free world. But remember that once you give up your Malaysian citizenship, I don’t think you can ever get it back. So think carefully.
Malaysia is more open than almost ALL other countries in this world. We allow vernacular education to carry on until today. Vernacular education has no place in modern Malaysia, and it should be abolished. Period. Whichever leader says that it cannot be reversed is either not a leader at all or ignorant.
Let me put it this way. Malaysia is consistent with the best practices in the world, whether it is economic system or political system. If the Chinese and Indians can give me one country in the developed world that practices vernacular education like we unwisely do, then I will eat my words.
Good morning Tun
My husband pun dapat banyak message loan haram ini. Cara dia melawan bila dimasukkan dalam group yang dia tak kenal, dia asyik post macam2 bende sampai orang situ jadi letih, buang dia dari grup tersebut hahaha
Tumpang letak link : https://whims2016.wordpress.com/
Thank You So Much!
HBT you need Help Not Sri sense
” Semalam I terima message Ms Wong dari HLB Bank nak bagi loan 250K. I terus blocked. Nak bagi I loan? Come on la. Taukah berapa usia I? Giler ke apa. Desperado ”
You HBT, Miss Wong, Govind, and yr DAP Ministers should seek Zakir Naik advice
After all, you guys already accused him with No evidence, pure assumptions and defamation to Zakir Naik so also Najib as accused being an International
Ah Long, Money Launderers.
Miss Wong loan. You need to pay a lot of ” Riba ”
” Riba ” until you ” Rabak ”
That will destroy you and yr family
In Islam. It’s Haram
Haram is never Good for Mankind
That’s the reasons you Guys, HBT, Miss Wong, Govind, M.Kulesegaran not forgeting Modi, Badly needs Zakir Naik or his White American Friend an ex Christian Preacher, Yusuf Estes if don’t like Black people.
You mean mr obama, black people?
Today is mr trump, white people.
Tomorrow is mr or madam so and so, but there are americans, not malaysians.
I am not indian muslim, so by having zakir naik in malaysia is not an issue me.
Sri sense is not worth my effort to get mad or angry since she is trained to be racist and extreme to keep her political masters happy.
No matter what you do, i wish you all the best.
HBT you need Help Not Sri sense
” Semalam I terima message Ms Wong dari HLB Bank nak bagi loan 250K. I terus blocked. Nak bagi I loan? Come on la. Taukah berapa usia I? Giler ke apa. Desperado ”
You HBT, Miss Wong, Govind, and yr DAP Ministers should seek Zakir Naik advice
After all, you guys already accused him with No evidence, pure assumptions and defamation to Zakir Naik so also Najib as accused being an International
Ah Long, Money Launderers.
Miss Wong loan. You need to pay a lot of ” Riba ”
” Riba ” until you ” Rabak ”
That will destroy you and yr family
In Islam. It’s Haram
Haram is never Good for Mankind
That’s the reasons you Guys, HBT, Miss Wong, Govind, M.Kulesegaran not forgeting Modi, Badly needs Zakir Naik or his White American Friend an ex Christian Preacher, Yusuf Estes if don’t like Black people.
Assalamualaikum Tun
Saya suka baca ulasan buku bacaan WandyCaswady.
Saya tahu perkara yang sama sebelum ini.
Dulu masa umur belia saya bermusafir ke Melaka, saya telah diberitahu perkara yang sama berkenaan lemah lembut (alim) dan darah kesatria (panglima) setelah dibaca tapak tangan jarak jauh i.e seperti upacara rasmi istana.
Atas dasar itu juga, saya rakamkan berkenaan peristiwa MH17.
Hati saya berkata, apa yang diceritakan itu adalah benar belaka.
Inilah bumi jawi. Bumi yang bertuah.
Selamat Menyambut Hari Kemerdekaan!!
Terima kasih Tun.
Semalam I terima message Ms Wong dari HLB Bank nak bagi loan 250K. I terus blocked. Nak bagi I loan? Come on la. Taukah berapa usia I? Giler ke apa. Desperado.
Sri sense
Much ealier I dimasukkan dalam Grup whassapp Ah Long. I terus marah china2 disitu. I kata, if you don’t know me, you better don’t simply add add me. Lepas sound I keluar grup, report dan block. Ada juga lepas itu gatal tangan buat grup lain add lagi, I serang lagi, report dan block.
I juga sering dapat messages ah long nak bagi loan. Macam I sebut earlier desperado. Blocked. Lepas datang dari nombor lain pula.
My phone hanya untuk those I nak bercakap with. And my phone boleh identify strange phone nos, spam dll. Kalau tak kenal I takan jawab.
She must be the mother snakes of all races hiding inside her thick bushes.
Why umno youth lokman nor adam went to uk to do forensik on behalf of azmin ali?
I for sure wont vote her race, and if she likes mr donald trump to play with her, by all means go a head.
She can organize ceramah sini, ceramah sana to anti-china, np.
It is up to her to to choose the candidate based on her race to contest in next general election, no one will stop her.
P/s: the job of perdana menteri very very very tough, so pandailah for those who called themselves as perjuang dan pendekar. good luck, and all the best.
Salam Pagi Tun Mahathir
Semalam I terima message Ms Wong dari HLB Bank nak bagi loan 250K. I terus blocked. Nak bagi I loan? Come on la. Taukah berapa usia I? Giler ke apa. Desperado.
Much ealier I dimasukkan dalam Grup whassapp Ah Long. I terus marah china2 disitu. I kata, if you don’t know me, you better don’t simply add add me. Lepas sound I keluar grup, report dan block. Ada juga lepas itu gatal tangan buat grup lain add lagi, I serang lagi, report dan block.
I juga sering dapat messages ah long nak bagi loan. Macam I sebut earlier desperado. Blocked. Lepas datang dari nombor lain pula.
My phone hanya untuk those I nak bercakap with. And my phone boleh identify strange phone nos, spam dll. Kalau tak kenal I takan jawab.
Ss lee
Nationalism, Racialism, Patriotism, Being Chinese
Opportunity is as we make of it.
So, pardon us if we feel obliged to make a better place for ourselves in this country we call home.
It is in our DNA to progress forward for a more comfortable life.
But if history were to be our teacher, look around this globe.
Every country has a Chinatown (seriously) but how many government/countries are ‘taken’ over by the Chinese people.
Don’t be afraid of us overwhelming your majority, we are not looking to conquer.
If we have moved away from China and Chinese governed countries, we are NOT looking for another country to administer.
Our representatives are only there to look after our collective welfare. They are duty bound.
Hong kong eventhough being colonized by the british for 99 years, the 7 million citizens of hong kong do not cast votes directly to appoint their chief minister.
The chief minister was appointed by the british colonial masters.
After the return of hong kong to mainland china, hong kong special administration region was formed,
The decision of appointment for cm now is chosen by beijing central authorithy, and was agreed and signed by the british colonial masters to end british colonial rule willingly with terms and conditions agreed by both of the representatives.
Why after 22 years of return to mainland china, these young protestors demanded beijing central authorithy to return people’s central authourity of chinese to the rule of british colonial again, and make people’s chinese authorithy government looks weak, and unable to administered?
Being a chief minister in hong kong is very very very tough job, and the question that i want to ask ss lee, you can favor a chinese ethnic street fighter to be your chief minister, i have my voting right to cast a tak nak vote to you at federal and state levels, am i not being not malay enough, malaysian enough, chinese enough?
Apa lagi cina mahu?
Jika tanya saya, i do not want race and religion conflicts being played to favor their political masters only.
Ss lee claimed their representatives are only there to look after our collective welfare. They are duty bound, but you are not a malay and muslim, and biologically you are orang bawah colonial masters, and you cannot choose.
I can choose since i am not a mp and wr, and i can choose to vote, spoil vote and not vote, is it haram?
Creating a man made perfect storm at southern region, voters will berhijrah to northern region, dont you think that is childish?
P/s: HBT 3/4 Thanks for that Childish advice. We Muslims here are not Goons
Wandy Caswady already offered sibotak the advice as muslim brotherhood, so dont ask me since i am not a mp or wr. I am not here to give advice, i am here to give my view and thought as voter in this blog just like others.
Whoever is the lord of malacca has his hands on the throat of venice. – Di tulis oleh tome pires, doktor kepada anak raja portugal masa itu.
orang melayu adalah bangsa yang menerima islam secara baik,
orang melayu boleh sebut bahasa Arab dengan Fasih,
orang melayu menggunakan bahasa Arab dalam percakapan walaupun ia tidak sedar seperti sabar,kubur,sihat,mati,mayat,dan lain2 lagi,kenapa? sebab kita berasal dari bangsa Arab yang hilang dalam peperangan kerajaan Sargon lama sezaman nabi Ibrahim,dan keturunan nenek kita lari ke semenanjung emas selepas dibadai ombak kapal di hanyut,kalau dari darat,india,burma ,dan siam ,baru sampai ke semenanjung emas ,tetapi kita asal dari belayar,bukan datang dari darat.
Saidina Ali Karamahwajhah telah berkata ketika nazak selepas ditikam ibnu Muljan semasa waktu subuh,katanya pergilah wahai saudaraku leparkan belanti ku ke sungai Furat kerana bansa Arab tiada ada kesatuan sehingga kiamat melainkan ada satu kaum yang hilang akan kembali pada satu bendera mereka berada di timur,sebab itu Muauwiyah telah menghantar utusan ketanah melayu dan jawa,untuk melihat apa agamanya,dan begitu juga para pendakwah dari seluruh arab,yaman,gujrat,datang ke semenanjung Emas dan Jawa.
Tanah Jawi – ialah gelaran kepada Tanah Melayu
Orang Jawi – ialah gelaran orang Arab kepada orang Melayu
Tulisan Jawi – ialah tulisan yang digunakan oleh orang Melayu
Masuk Jawi – berkhatan iaitu salah satu amalan yang diajar Nabi Ibrahim dan menjadi amalan orang jawi zaman berzaman.
Ketahuilah sesungguhnya terdapat satu kajian bahawa bangsa Melayu adalah berasal dari keturunan Nabi Ibrahim dari isteri ketiga yang bernama Siti Qaturah@Keturah. Sebelum meninggal dunia Nabi Ibrahim AS telah mewasiatkan kepada anak-anaknya untuk mencari sekeping tanah semenanjung di hujung dunia. Kerana di sana nanti akan lahir dari keturunan ini satu Raja akhir zaman bernama al Mahdi.
Diceritakan juga al Mahdi akan pulang semula ke tanah asal bersama kaumnya dan akan memusnahkan bangsa Yahudi. Wasiat ini dilaksanakan oleh anak-anak Nabi Ibrahim dan kisah ini dicatit dalam kitab-kitab Yahudi. Sejarah berlalu zaman berzaman. Kisah ini juga diceritakan oleh Rasulullah SAW kepada para sahabat. 60 para sahabat mengembara ke Timur mencari Bani Jawi.
Akhirnya Bani Jawi menerima Islam tanpa peperangan. Bani Jawi terkenal dengan akhlak dan kelemah lembutan mereka kerana mereka berdarah bangsawan dan kesatria perang yang dihormati. Jawi atau Jiwi ikut bahasa sanskrit Ji=satu & Wi=Tuhan. yakni maksud nya bangsa yg percaya kpda 1 Tuhan (mentauhidkan Tuhan). Dimanakah negara dihujung dunia ini yang masih beramal dengan mempercayai adanya Tuhan yang satu??
Wahai Bani Jawi, wahai keturunan kaum yang hilang. Rahsia bangsa misteri ini masih terpelihara di dalam Kotak Tabut rahsia sejak beribu-ribu tahun. Tiada siapa yang tahu dari mana asalnya bangsa ini. Bagaimana bangsa ini boleh wujud di tanah paling selatan benua Asia, ’di penghujung dunia.’ Wallahualam
Reference to SS.LEE
Tun, betulkah Melayu malas? Tajuddin Rasdi – January 4, 2019 7:00 AM
On the surface, every race, anyone has it’s Good & Bad
Its Weakness & Strength, Its own Black Sheep
Dusbin, A Lawyer takes the bus daily to work
Guan Peng sells Pork in the Market….driving Mercedes
People will on the surface, says
Ini Apek Guan Peng eh banyak Pandai oh.
Itu lawyer Dusbin Banyaaaak Bodoh
PAS in Kelantan are label as Unprofessional, Kampung ways of ruling
DAP in Penang are advance, modern, capable & progressive
On the Surface Not All
Malay / Muslim is seen as Poor, Improvident and Lazy
Chinese are Richer, Improves and Hardworking
How one defines one success that matters
To HBT3/4 He wants to buy The Moon The Stars
Dig here Dig there until People Land also want to Dig
To the last hole, He died Digging
To me Si Botak Handsome
Food, Clothing, comfortable shelter, Time for my Creator, Time with my family, friends, Society is Success. I say Alhamdullilah
IT is Success to me
To Malay / Muslim in accordance to also to PAS & DAP
What is yr destination that matters
” Ilmu manusia tidak akan Kekal
Malah ia Bakal memudaratkan Manusia ”
Though we are Poorer, We filled the Gap
Islam filled the Blanks
On Azan call, We were call
To go for our Prayer, Submit to Allah
To seek for Success in lIfe
We seek both
We are not bothered, Guys like HBT, Guan Beng or Govind
are much Richer than us
The problem is you Guys goes Overboard
You Guys ask too much
Zakir Naik did not look down on any religion
He was told as a Guest, Malaysia should send him back to India
He answered it correctly and Agreed on every word he says
If None tells him to go home, this issue will not be raised
The problem is these Liars Did not or never watch Zakir Naik Video
If you don’t like it, Perhaps you should watch Ahmad Deedat
The Bottom line is
They feared the Truth shined by Zakir Naik. He has Reverts many to Islam
Today Riduan Tee, Firdaus Wong, Ameera Lee, Felixia Yeap, and many Reverts
Are Grateful and Thankful to be Muslim today
Many of these Reverts are Professional, Celebrities, Super Star, Judge, Doctors, Prostitute who are not ashamed to come forward, Layman, you name it.
It’s from all over the World
We had it all even Tony Blair sister in law
And I dare to say me as a born Muslim
These Reverts are much better Muslims than the Born Muslims
Is the Malay / Muslims Lazy?
Most Muslims wake up early morning, Subuh, every day to Prostate
Do our Prayers 5 times a Day, Daily to Allah, cannot ‘hutang’
Sometimes those submissive at very late Night they pray and pray
Does that say they are lazy & improvident when HBT is having his Good Sleep
Even if he wakes up in the Morning
I believe it is because of Money
Wake up think Money, Sleep also think Money
As if Money is God
Unfortunately upon the Death invitation
My Doa he is prepared. Ameen
Thus as ManKind, ackowledging the Existence of each with Respects
It is utmost important. I am sharing this. I am not belittling you guys
You Guys should see Zakir Naik Video or Late Ahmad Deedat Video
No Compulsion, No Fee. No Rasuah. No 1MDB
Dear PM Tun Dr Mahathir,
Please allow me to response to HBT456,
I am Kedahan when watching football match between Kedah and Selangor. I am Malaysian when talking to all my foreign colleagues, friends, customers and suppliers. I am Malaysian Chinese when talking to other Nation Chinese colleagues, friends, customers and suppliers.
When I am invited to Hari Raya, Christmas or Diwali function, I have no problem joining them in praying. But in private I am Confucianism, Taoism and a Buddhist.
I agree with Martin Jacques’s view on Hong Kong and China.
My opinion on Hong Kong and China:
Hong Kong government is basically a typical colonial administration without any leadership direction. It is run by Hong Kong tycoon to serve only their interest (Similar to British colonial system). The economy is monopoly by elite business tycoon and the tycoon only care to divide up the spoils between themselves at the expense of ordinary Hong Kong citizen. The Hong Kong working class had been oppressed and abused by the monopolistic business tycoon and had to work hard and long hour for their whole life just to own a roof over their head.
The People’s Republic of China is governed by the CPC top elite, elected by the CPC members but for the people of China.
China economy system is basically Capitalism/Socialism with Chinese Characteristics. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beijing_Consensus
China’s economic strategy is creating free-market capitalism with an authoritarian one-party state that prioritizes political stability. The three broad guidelines for economic development are:
1. Commitment to innovation and constant experimentation.
2. Sustainability of the economic system and an even distribution of wealth.
3. Policy of self-determination.
The western democratic government is slowly turning into Government of the 1% business elite, by the 1% business elite, for the 1% business elite.
A democratic government with free market-based approach economy (sometimes described as market fundamentalism or neoliberalism) has given rise to oligopolistic and monopolistic economy where the rich will get richer and poor become poorer.
Basically China rapid economic advance is due to stability provided by CPC government and their commitment to innovation and experimentation. Experimentation, constant evaluation, adjustment and adaptation to suit local and global conditions/demands are the key to China success.
Back to Malaysia economic policy/model, I would like to quote:
“Insanity is doing the same things over and over again and expecting a different results”- Albert Einstein
In a special address on the first anniversary of ‘Malaysia Baharu’ which commemorates the country’s first change in government since its inception, Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad announce a new economic model which advocates shared prosperity with the aim of providing a ‘decent standard of living for all Malaysians’ by 2030 across economic class, race and geographic location. The “shared prosperity 2030” will replace the Vision 2020 model which was used in the past decade but failed to accomplish its mission and is no longer achievable
The new economic Model “Shared Prosperity 2030” is achievable provided we Malaysians are prepared to adopt a mindset change starting with racial unity and getting our education priority right for knowledge-based economy. An education that prepared Malaysian for Industrial Revolution 4.0 and an education that open mind, empower our children with the ability to think critically, logically, wisely and to make their own informed decisions, no matter the situation. We must raise a new generation of inclusive leaders and great thinkers able to understand and empathy across the racial divide.
Thank you
Yours truly,
Nationalism, Racialism, Patriotism, Being Chinese
Opportunity is as we make of it.
So, pardon us if we feel obliged to make a better place for ourselves in this country we call home.
It is in our DNA to progress forward for a more comfortable life.
But if history were to be our teacher, look around this globe.
Every country has a Chinatown (seriously) but how many government/countries are ‘taken’ over by the Chinese people.
Don’t be afraid of us overwhelming your majority, we are not looking to conquer.
If we have moved away from China and Chinese governed countries, we are NOT looking for another country to administer.
Our representatives are only there to look after our collective welfare. They are duty bound.
Mca please do not make malaysia a pariah country at federal level just for vote counts that could lead malaysia being less favored, criticized, banned and sanctioned internationllly.
Berani buat, berani tanggung, jangan lari, dan jangan buat tak tahu!
Never bite the finger that feed.
Being a friend is hard, being an enemy is easy.
P/s: i hope new malaysia’s consensus or kongsi formula is a mixture of miniters from different component parties that can complement each other strenghts and weaknesses to level up malaysia to the next economic challenges and opportunities for our future generations. the new team is to solve problems of fdi, taxpayers, income contributors and voters. their job is not to please the perdana menteri saja.
I fully support you nicole wong of mca, and i think the next umno president in waiting at n9 for sure will support you.
I do not want street fighters to be the perdana menteri and timbalan perdana menteri, i sure hope you know who they are.
Thank you mca for not giving up on us.
Good morning PM Malaysia
tumpang letak link https://whims2016.wordpress.com/
Thank You!
Ss lee
Dear PM Tun Dr Mahathir,
Please allow me to response to HBT456,
You can read below blog on my opinion about Hong Kong.
An inconvenient truth on Hong Kong summer of unrest!
I dont feel surprise for mr donald trump as american citizen outside china in saying he is worried that beijing may send strong arm forces to crack down the protestors in hong kong similar to what happened in 64th student protests at tian-an-men square, beijing, that lasted for almost 2 months from april 15 and ended june 4, 1989.
I was in guangzhou under ministry of trade hold by ts rafidah aziz after the crack down 64th student movement, and i could felt the panic, fear, hopelessness and vulnarability of the young generation of my age who were so wanted to have freedom, equality and fairness whereby locals are not allow to enjoy priviledge similar to those of foreigners with passports.
In fact, i felt sorry for this young educated generation, but what to do, china was still poor and in reformation era under mr deng as communist supreme party leader during that time made an iron fist policy to execute the open door policy to attract foreign companies to invest in mainland china along east china coast seperated by japan, korea and taiwan.
Walking on the street alone in guangzhou during that era, i saw many family men and women in the age of lingkungan umur 30 -40 lepak along the streets with tidak apa attitudes, but the young generation age from 20-30, especially those who wanted change so much gets drunk, frustrated, panic and hopeless.
I dont know why, during that era, i have a very strong feeling that china will rise again and improve the welfare of their people as we move on.
My perspective is different from you ss lee, maybe i see myself as malaysian, not political party member as chinese or muslim.
Hate politics happens in any countries including that of usa, and malaysia too, it is very common.
I had this feeling too during reformasi movement launched by DS Anwar Ibrahim in 1998, and i am glad i broke through the barrier of race and religion conflicts as malaysian by holding my principle as malaysian until today.
Perhaps, i know chinese nationals more than you, ss lee, and i have confident Beijing cabinet under the presidency of Xi Jin-peng in handling their internal affairs in honouring the treaty of 1 country, 2 systems for granting 50 years autonomous power of authority to SAR Hong Kong signed by prime minister madam margaret thatcher of uk and premier mr deng-xio-peng china.
Beijing too under presidency of mr xi jin-peng may grant another 50 years of automous power to hong kong because he himself knew that would be the best for china and the world, but, can the old commies who see themselves as emperor or feudalists in their ranking in communist party willing to let go, we just have to watch closely since this is chicken and egg issues.
Frankly speaking, chinese presidency, just like usa presidency too, is senang dibaca jugak.
If you ask me, why beijing sent riot force troops to guangdong province border that seperate hong kong and macau from guangdong province, i would say, it is a stern warning to guangdong province not to embarass beijing to make them look bad, oppressive and gila kuasa.
Hong kong population size is 7 million, guangdong province population size is 104 million.
Since ss lee is orang kedah first, want to by pass me, you think i will cast my undi to you.
Pushing malay supremacy to raise the welfare of kaum melayu, i still can take it.
Pushing islam supremacy to raise welfare of malaysia, this i cannot take it.
Which way to go?
To deport Dr Zakir Naik, or to grant him asylum, this tricky 22 catch up, i will leave it for tun dr mahathir mohamad to think deeply as age is catching up with him.
P/s: do you know cybertroopers too are hired by the ruling government of the day in the world via media to push their borderless world in the name of information technology so that all of us can share no matter where we are?
Salam YAB dan DiSanjungi PM Tun Dr. Mahathir,
Mohon izin Tun:
1. Ish..Ish..Ish…Dahsyat betul penangan Dr. Zakir Naik. Di Media sosial pun beliau dihalang berceramah. Berblog macam Tun, Kit Siang dll. boleh ke Tun?
2. Elok campak ke longkang saja laungan @ slogan KEBEBASAN BERSUARA oleh PH yang sebelum jadi Kerajaan bukan main lagi menuduh Kerajaan BN menyekat kebebasan bersuara. Maksudnya PH lebih teruk dari BN dari segi ini. Alahai…
3. Tun sudah tontonkah video ceramah Dr. Zakir di Kelantan? Jika belum elok Tun tonton dengan fikiran yang terbuka.
4. Memang benar, ianya satu salah faham. Tahap kefahaman setiap individu berlainan.
5. Saya lihat Dr. Zakir cuba memberi penjelasan tentang tuduhan (menjawab soalan) yang mengatakan bahawa Islam disebarkan menggunakan PEDANG (sword). Banyak kali beliau tanya ‘Which Muslims Army invaded..blah..blah…’ dalam ucapan tersebut.
6. Tentang isu kesetiaan orang Hindu/India Malaysia terhadap Modi (lebih dari setia kepada Tun) ia merujuk kepada keputusan Tun membenarkan Dr. Zakir tinggal di Malaysia dan tidak menurut kehendak Kerajaan Modi yang mahu Dr. Zakir diserahkan kepada India. Dr. Zakir cuma merujuk kepada sokongan mereka terhadap kehendak India yang dipimpin oleh Modi (dalam isu Dr. Zakir). Memang benar mereka tidak menyokong pandangan Tun (tidak menyerahkan Dr. Zakir kepada India). Ini fakta.
7. Isu ‘tetamu’ timbul semasa Dr. Zakir menjelaskan tentang kedatangan ‘tetamu2 lama’ ke Tanah Melayu yang asalnya dihuni oleh orang Melayu/Bumi yang majoritinya beragama Islam. Kita boleh nampak nada sedih Dr. Zakir bila dia kata ‘ada orang panggil dia tetamu’. Dr. Zakir manusia biasa yang ada perasaan. Bagi saya tiada isu jika dia pun balas apa yang mereka kata kepada dia. Adil dan saksama.
8. Masalah sebenar ialah dalam PH ada banyak pemimpin2 yang bersikap rasis.
9. Lagi satu, walaupun berfikiran Liberal golongan rasis ini sebenarnya tidak bersikap terbuka walaupun mereka fikir mereka bersikap terbuka dan menuduh orang lain jumud dan menyokong membuta tuli.
Terima kasih Tun.
– Semoga Allah SWT sentiasa merahmati Tun sekeluarga –
Salam sejahtera, selamat hari rabu..!
Demi negara..! Siapa ambil tahu..?
Nama saja Malaysia Negara Islam
Nak jaga satu Dai, Satu perjuang Islam
Malaysia sudah Kendur
Tak payahlah Tun nak tunjuk handal di PBB
Nak memperjuangkan Nasib Palestine
Kenapa Malaysia tidak izinkan Zakir membuat Forum beliau lagi ?
Apa kesalahan beliau . Jika ia Benar heret Zakir ke Mahkamah
Dayus Malaysia sebagai Nagara Islam tunduk pada si Kafir tanpa sebab
Itu Dong Zong pergi ambil tindakan
Itu Koon Yiew pergi ambil tindakan
Itu HBT 3/4 kita sayang sama dia
Ala Cayang, Mari Gua Timang, mari
Cukup-cukuplah desak pasal BEKU AKAUN UMNO. UMNO mengambil kesempatan menangguk di air keruh atas polemik utusan ini.
Eventhough monarchy political systems are eliminated, the tradition and cultures still remained and would be passed down to the future generations.
To maintain, or to eliminate the political system brought down, it would be the voters to decide since general election must be called to get the mandate from voters in peninsula and sabah, except sarawak, to elect the perdana menteri via political parties of the divides registered in ros to represent all of us to lead us in the next 5 years.
Divide and rule?
Unite and rule?
Why empower a demagogue like Zakir Naik?
By Dennis Ignatius
To be fair I read the above article.
My only comment is that it’s full of lies (sh*t / bullsh*t?).
Frankly speaking in the past I had no desire to read anything that this person had to say, but I was curious.
The author seems to be experiencing some sort of panic/anxiety attacks! So delusional too!
Most of the things that he mentioned in the article were really absurd to the point that he obviouly was inciting hatred towards Dr. Zakir Naik (and Islam).
Dennis Ignatius must be investigated under the SEDITION ACT. Yeah Tun, ‘Rule of Law’.
P/S: Beliau sebenarnya MENGHASUT rakyat Malaysia untuk membenci Dr. Zakir Naik dan telah berjaya melakukannya. Maaf cakap Tun, saya tidak akan membenarkan kezaliman dilakukan ke atas mana2 individu, terutamannya umat Islam. Semasa Tun dizalimi, saya bersama Tun dan saya dituduh sebagai pembodek tegar Tun. Mungkin episod Dr. Zakir Naik akan membuktikan yang saya tidak pernah taasub terhadap Tun.
If i am mp, i wont read sampah articles of freemalaysiatoday.
Dennis Ignatius must be investigated under the SEDITION ACT. Yeah Tun, ‘Rule of Law’, huh?
Alahai, freedom of press is tarik balik lagi just because hajar felt the article is a threat to her boss today?
Tak nak tak apa, jangan hasut, jangan sabotaj.
Tak mampu tak apa, jangan curi, jangan rampas, jangan rogol.
In the entire world, there left with very few monarchy political systems.
Korea, indonesia, pakistan and india too have eliminated the monarchy system in their countries too.
Which way to go, so pandai2lah mereka yang mengelarkan diri mereka sebagai perjuang dan pendekar, i rest my case.
Tun yang amat saya hormati dan sanjungi,
Assalamualaikum. Kami memahami tekanan yang dikenakan terhadap Tun tentang isu Zakir Naik ini. Kami , majoriti yang berugama Islam menyokong Tun untuk terus mempertahankan Zakir Naik. Tun tidak keseorangan di atas sana. Mungkin dalam banyak-banyak amal kebajikan yang Tun lakukan, mungkin ini yang dikira Allah SWT sebagai yang terbaik, tetapi saya harap banyak amal kebajikan lain yang Tun lakukan juga diterima Allah SWT. Ini dugaan Allah SWT kepada Tun untuk berjihad dalam darjat yang lebih tinggi dibandingkan usaha-usaha Tun yang lain untuk agama Islam. Jangan lupa pesan Imam Syafi’i ” Carilah ulama’ yang paling dibenci oleh orang-orang KAFIR dan MUNAFIK, dan jadikan Ia sebagai Ulama’ yang membimbing Mu, dan jauhilah Ulama’ yang dekat dengan orang KAFIR dan MUNAFIK kerana Ia akan menyesatkan mu, menjauhi mu dari Keredhaan Allah”. Dari pandangan saya Zakir Naik menepati ciri-ciri ulamak sebegini. Ilmu beliau tinggi, seorang yang zuhud, berani kerana benar. Berapa kerat diantara kita yang mempelajari perbezaan agama dalam dunia ini. Mungkin beliau telah melampaui batas dalam percakapannya baru-baru ini. Tetapi beliau juga manusia biasa yang membuat kesilapan. Bantu lah dia Tun kerana Allah tidak sewenang-wenangnya meletakkan Tun di pucuk pimpinan semasa krisis ini berlaku. Allah tidak meletakkan orang yang bodoh dan lemah serta sombong atau tidak tahu berpolitik. Kita membantu Zakir Naik ini tidak langsung melanggar hak bukan Islam. Sekarang ini mungkin masa yang sesuai untuk menyedarkan rakyat kita , tidak kira lah Islam atau bukan Islam supaya tidak terlalu emosi dan sensitif tak tentu pasal. Saya rasa terkilan dengan menteri dan timbalan menteri yang dah lah tak perform, tak ada penambahbaikan dalam usaha kerajaan untuk memperbaiki kesedaran sivik dan hidup rakyat,and yet boleh mengapi-apikan rakyat. Bukan ke sepatutnya sekarang ni dah jadi pemimpin, perlu meredakan keadaan dan cari jalan untuk menyatukanpadukan rakyat? Barulah nampak bijak dan berilmu. Saya tertarik dengan kata-kata Wilson Cheah, our own hero, that the problem lies with us, not Zakir Naik, not Tan Sri KYY etc. Kita perlu lebih usaha untuk memahami dan menghormati sesama kita dan sejarah negara ini. Mungkin perlu lebih dana juga untuk para pengkaji sejarah, manuskrip dan artifak kita yang dicuri keluar sejak beratus tahun dahulu dikembalikan dan banyak lagi kempen kesedaran yang perlu diadakan. Benda-benda sebegini nampak remeh tetapi penting untuk membentuk jati diri dan sikap toleransi. So, maybe menteri2 di jabatan perdana menteri dan sumber manusia tu , boleh tak bijak sikit dan berfikiran jauh sikit? You’re a leader so you should to have an aerial view!Sedih!
Sekian Tun, semoga Tun berdua dirahmati Allah SWT sentiasa dan dikurniakan usia yang diberkatiNya.
Here is my opinion on that preacher fellow. Since he has apologised in full for his harmful speech and the police has banned him from public speaking nationwide, perhaps we can just let the case considered closed. The police will surely keep a watch on him as well as anyone actually behind his presence (and activity) in this country in the first place.
Tun has more important economic issues to deal with.
The crazy and mad Hainanese Hock Beng Teoh 630 has nothing to say but to attack one commentator after another in this distinguished Blog to gain a forum. Since I am convinced that this yellow slimy spineless Hainanese worm is crazy and mad, I will not respond to the coward hiding behind a fake name anymore.
Malaysia Boleh Tun as always. No problem
Whenever i see myself as malaysian, my choice is more simple, less complicated and happier because i do have to choose between chinese and malaysia.
Correction: Whenever i see myself as malaysian, my choice is more simple, less complicated and happier because i do not have to choose between chinese and malaysia.
YOU ARE A LAO FROM INDO-CHINA. Every morning pat your head at the back. It’s FLAT. DOH RE ME !
Are you saying, head at the back, it’s flat, then, i am born female chinese from elite or common family, and i must be the chosen emperess by the emperor?
But i do not want to be the chosen emperess, is it haram, will i be cursed being a chinese in this country name malaysia?
Racism, terrorism, activisms and extremism happens every second, every minute and every hour, no one can solve these problems until today because we are living in imperfect world.
What we can do at this era of our time is to predict the pattern of climate change through science breakthrough as a world itself caused by insanity of using nuclear war to kill nature and innocent lives in ww2 and civil wars that lead to mass clearance of forest for industrialization, plantation and cattle farming to feed the world population regardless of nationality, race and religion.
Which alternatives are less harming, or more safer when comes to vote counts in malaysia as policy makers?
Being in here, i just want to find out what trigger dr mm to implement look east policy by sacking anwar ibrahim from umno baru with full support from barisan nasional component parties by appreciated (not depreciated) ringgit malaysia (rm2.40) to malaysian ringgit myr3.80 to trading us dollar us$1.00 c/w capital control policy with bumiputra status policy in the 90s that left so many average families caught unaware, loosing their sole breeders in feeding their families, including myself during late 90s.
I dont mind being label as yellow slimmy worms as voter by mubarakchan since i do not have any intentions to join any political parties or to set up new political party to split votes.
I just hope in whatever you do, think, pause and put yourself in their shoes too, can you do that just because you want to win?
Whenever i see myself as malaysian, my choice is more simple, less complicated and happier because i do have to choose between chinese and malaysia.
I am not a muslim, and when i embrace islam, i get hak istimewa, i rather not do that.
Not being in government is not the end of the world for me.
Salah takpa, berani buat, berani tanggung, to all mps of the divides.
Happy contesting or Bitter contesting?
If you ask me, life was never perfect, why not happy contesting to make imperfect life happier?
P/s: jika bonding dipaksa2kan, apa2 bonding pun boleh patah. absolute power corrupt absolutely, similarly, absolute freedom corrupts absolutely. which principle of democracy will you hold as perdana menteri of malaysia when you are appointed by coalitions that have trust, confident and faith on you to make their life happier, more equal and more fairly?
It is because of this Surah, in the Holy Quran
“Oh, men! Behold, We have created you all out of a male and a female, and have made you into nations and tribes so that you might come to know one another. Verily, the noblest of you in the sight of Allah is the one who is most deeply conscious of Him. Behold, Allah is All-Knowing, All-Aware” (Quran 49:13) #QuranVisualization”
That saves the Non-Muslims even in the Terrorists blamed Land, Iran
that shelter, that House, that Generates the Non-Muslim in all parts of the Muslim land all over the World
It is only Ungrateful Bitch like HBT, The Racists Mama Putik MP’S
That exaggerates to meet their Lusts & Desires
Look at Kashmir, Rakhine in Mynamar, Malawi in the Phillipines and many more
Just because the Muslim Minority is on the economic rise, they felt threatened
They start all nonsense & excuses
My Thanks to Our Malaysia Reverts Riduan Tee, Firdaus Wong, and the many Revert & Ustad. Wow ….. they are not just Reverts they are Ustad
Mashallah and these Uztad are moving forward for Zakir Naik
If the Ex UMNO disciples, Tun called them Pemakan Dedak
I did not know what is the best expression for Raiz Yatim,
Syed Sadiq though I personally admire him in this blog
I am flipping away from Pakatan Harapan though I hate Najib
And Tun is still my Idol
Good Morning Tun Mahathir!
I suka the Edge. Retail investors dan IB memang suka the Edge. As long you tak cerita pasal politik lebih2 I suka. Banyak artikel business, bursa disitu. Kalau kurang mereka letak cerita business Singapore. Malah I juga dapat digital copy. I juga beli printed copy bila hujung minggu. I sekarang dah kurang minat dengan the Star. I mula rasa the Star dah nak jadi macam Malaysiakini.
Masa zaman BN dulu, I ingat the Star sebagai satu suratkhbar yang baik. Cara membuat liputan tidaklah over2. Kalau bab membantu orang, MCA cukup rajin buat kerja tanpa mengira kaum. I pernah terfikir satu masa dulu, kenapa UMNO, asyik MCA je buat kerja.
Ramai mungkin bersorak Utusan nak tutup business esok. I sedih kerana akhbar Melayu pertama nak ditutup. I teringat jasa2 mereka membuat kakak I di Sg Petani gembira setiap hari. Membuat I gembira satu masa dulu dengan tulisan hujung minggu Juwie, BAM. I juga teringat kenalan di Jalan Chan Sow Lin dulu.
Kalau earlier kita dengar masaalah Bernama, sekarang Utusan pula. Bagaimana tu Tun?.
Salam Dearest YAB PM Tun Dr. Mahathir,
Allow me Tun:
Why empower a demagogue like Zakir Naik?
By Dennis Ignatius
To be fair I read the above article.
My only comment is that it’s full of lies (sh*t / bullsh*t?).
Frankly speaking in the past I had no desire to read anything that this person had to say, but I was curious.
The author seems to be experiencing some sort of panic/anxiety attacks! So delusional too!
Most of the things that he mentioned in the article were really absurd to the point that he obviouly was inciting hatred towards Dr. Zakir Naik (and Islam).
Dennis Ignatius must be investigated under the SEDITION ACT. Yeah Tun, ‘Rule of Law’.
P/S: Beliau sebenarnya MENGHASUT rakyat Malaysia untuk membenci Dr. Zakir Naik dan telah berjaya melakukannya. Maaf cakap Tun, saya tidak akan membenarkan kezaliman dilakukan ke atas mana2 individu, terutamannya umat Islam. Semasa Tun dizalimi, saya bersama Tun dan saya dituduh sebagai pembodek tegar Tun. Mungkin episod Dr. Zakir Naik akan membuktikan yang saya tidak pernah taasub terhadap Tun.
Thank you Tun.
– May Allah SWT bless Tun and family –
Assalamualaikum wmwbt Tun.
Perbaiki cepat cara Public Relationship, PR Kerajaan. PR yg ada sudah kian mirip BN dulu2. PR yg digembar gembur dlm dunia sosial, sudah kian menuju ke arah “memaki hamun”. Perlahan2 rakyat akan muak dan tutup telinga dgn PR Kerajaan. Akibatnya, dakyah BN akan mengantikan tempat PR Kerajaan.
(2) Cuba mintak YADIM n JAKIM tengok cara PR SAW bila Islam dihenyak semasa beliau. Saya yakin MENERANGKAN adalah jln terbaik dari menyerang.
(3) Mulalah belajar guna KERAJAAN shj utk gantikan apa yg kini disebut sebagai KERAJAAN PH. Mulalah gunakan BN sahaja dari menggunakan KERAJAAN BN. Cuba minta pakar2 saikologi Komunikasi utk meluhat apa kesannya jika sebutan Kerajaan PH disebut sebagai KERAJAAN dan Kerajaan BN hanya disebut sebagai BN sahaja.
Race base policy, or nasional policy, ss lee?
I cant stop you, and wont stop you.
You are not the first, and you wont be the last since there are many general elections a head.
Men of different principles can never act together.
I wish you all the best, ss lee.
For the absolutely crazy and cowardly Hainanese yellow worm Teoh Beng Hock 876, hiding behind a fake name. A racist and religious bigot. Your filthy snide remarks on me to gain kudos with your comments is just an old Hainanese trick. Go back to your Hainan Island the Convict Island of Imperial China and continue with your incestuous ways. Do not ever claim you are a Chinese which you are not. YOU ARE A LAO FROM INDO-CHINA. Every morning pat your head at the back. It’s FLAT. DOH RE ME !
Dear PM Tun Dr Mahathir,
Please allow me to response to HBT456,
You can read below blog on my opinion about Hong Kong.
An inconvenient truth on Hong Kong summer of unrest!
As of Penang’s application for RM10 billion in federal funds to cover the initial costs of its ambitious transport master plan (PTMP) may take five years to be approved.
May I ask you below questions?
1. Should this projects take priority against others (eg: Pan Borneo Highway) when Malaysia government is short of fund?
2. What will be the economic causes, effects and benefits of this project?
3. Any other cheaper alternative? https://www.bettercheaperfaster.my/penang-island
If you ask my opinion on development of Penang, my opinion is for long term quality of life for Penang people. Penang airport should move to mainland and the electronic industries too should move to Batu Kawan so as to free up space for Penang Island. Penang Island should be promoted as Island of Paradise for tourist and hospitality industries.
I agree with Pak sibotak, “Nevertheless, I agreed. We Malaysia of different races should acknowledge the existence of each other with respect. There is Verse in the Quran that reads “Oh, men! Behold, We have created you all out of a male and a female, and have made you into nations and tribes so that you might come to know one another. Verily, the noblest of you in the sight of Allah is the one who is most deeply conscious of Him. Behold, Allah is All-Knowing, All-Aware” (Quran 49:13) #QuranVisualization”
Hence please allow me to introduce myself.
I was born in Kedah among the “Padi Field and Mangrove Palm” where our Malay brothers and sisters work in the padi field and waving the mangrove palm leaves into attap roof of traditional Malay house.
I am grateful to my many teachers who taught me among others; my mother tongue, my Chinese culture, Bahasa Malaysia, English, Math, Science, History, Geography and etc in Chinese Vernacular School: SJK(C) Keat Hwa (H), Alor Setar. http://chedet.cc/?p=2387#comment-136954
I am blessed that I am able to mix with teenagers from different race for my secondary study in: SMJK St Micheal, Alor Setar, SMJK Dato’ Syed Omar, Alor Setar and SMJK Keat Hwa, Alor Setar.
I am fortunate and thankful to my parent and government for supporting and providing me with an affordable tertiary study for my degree in Chemical Engineering in University Malaya, KL.
I am forever in debt to Mr. Wong for given me my first job as production executive. And I would like to thank my many Malay subordinates who believe in me not to take extreme confrontation actions in demanding for more wages but to improve oneself with knowledge, taking on more responsibility and aiming for higher post. Many of them willingly attending my after work training and today I am glad that many of my former plant operators are now holding a higher position post and getting a better pay and they call me “Sir” when they see me.
I agree with Pak twinpeaks, “But I consider myself a Malaysian first, and a proud Sabahan too. Anyway, like any religion, Islam serves a useful psychological purpose to us, in the same manner that Christians pray to give them a sense of hope. We all need that sense of hope when things are tough. And believe me, things ARE tough for a lot of Bumiputeras. I travel to Kelantan quite often, and I can sense the dire poverty in that state. Religion is a vital way to experience a sense of hope, otherwise as humans we will simply melt away.”
My fellow Malaysian, please feel for our fellow Malaysians who are in dire poverty or in B40 and please do not insult us that my fellow Malaysians are lazy. Just ask any airport taxi driver how many hours they had to work per day in order to provide for their family necessities?
Tun, betulkah Melayu malas? Tajuddin Rasdi – January 4, 2019 7:00 AM
We need to understand that no two persons are same. We inherit half their DNA from each parent and we have been brought up in different environment, different religion and different culture and heritage. We varied in many things by nature and nurture hence we see and react to things differently. Everyone has certain gifts and talents hence a multi-ethnic, multi-religious, multi-cultural, multi-heritage society should draw upon their strength of diversity in building a truly progressive and just society where the prosperity of the nation can be enjoyed together in a fair and equitable manner. A “shared destiny, shared responsibility and shared prosperity” is the only way forward for Malaysia. To achieve this a mindset change is needed for Malaysian to rise above race and religion and come together as one nation, one heart, one mission and one Malaysian to be an enabler in achieving the goal of having a progressive fiscal policy, an administration with high integrity, an effective government institution delivery, better education, monetary stability, a comprehensive Big Data mechanism, as well as a civil and knowledgeable community.
The very important step to achieve above is getting our education priority right for knowledge-based economy. An education that prepared Malaysian for Industrial Revolution 4.0 and an education that open mind, empower our children with the ability to think critically, logically, wisely and to make their own informed decisions, no matter the situation. We must raise a new generation of inclusive leaders and great thinkers able to understand and empathy across the racial divide.
Thank you
Yours truly,
PS: Dear HBT456,
Please do not disturbed Pak mubarakchan, he is an elder and had contributed his fair share for the development of this country. He has many histories to tell and let him tell his stories at peace.
For the crazy Hainanese slimy yellow worm.
Never bite the finger that feed you.
Rule no 1, never loose money.
Rule no 2, never forget rule no 1.
The investment mindset of poor dad, rich dad always exist, during ups, and during downs.
I sure hope you have peace eventually, mubarakchan.
When a trust was betrayed, it might take a decade or 2 to rebuild the trust.
When a trust is being betrayed again, it might can never be rebuilt.
P/s: no matter how bad was the storm, the rain will stop. sunny days shall come.
What will happen, it will happen. What will not happen, it will not happen. Today is gift, thats why it is called present tense, tomorrow is mystery , its called future tense, and each of us need to find out ourselves as there is no short cuts in success.
WHo ask to go back to their origin as a guest first?
Zakir or The DAP Minister?
Zakir answered the Minister question correctly But The Minister
felt offended thus they played racial cards against Zakir
Then after these Hindu Indian Minister exaggerate as you see in Tamil Movie
They fight from Home, into River Nile then Suddenly they are at the peak of the Mountain. The one and only you can get in Hindi Film
Reasons Zakir was Wanted by Indian Authority is as Good
as most Muslim Leader being framed of
Saddam Hussein, Gaddafi, Osama Bin Laden and so on
We Muslim knows these
We also know these are the Time
And the Time will come
It is all written, And its no big deal to us, The Muslim
I write this on again
Is because of supporting to Mubarak
With Regards to
Hainanese slimy yellow worm.
Believe his referring to HBT
You ask SS.LEE
” May i ask ss lee, you think this ambitious plan of Penang island can work in 5 years at federal level with all those things that you mentioned?
Do you really know what is going on in hong kong?
Is it because i am chinese being born in kuala lumpur, i am biologically a commie? ”
Never did I like to answer for SS.LEE
But I am also a Kepo like you, HBT
No ,no ,no you are not a commie
You are just an Idiot
Guys like you don’t deserves nice languages
For the crazy Hainanese slimy yellow worm.
One thing i admire mr donald trump is he is honest, and he does not hide his ambition for his slogan to make america great again.
He has already started his next slogan of he is the president for america, he is not president for the world.
I guess he cant give you the answer right now because he himself also not sure, but he is going to press on this slogan hoping average americans in republican and democrat stronghold states to like him again by cast vote to favor him to be their 2nd term president since he is the 1st american in saying he is the president for usa, not the world?
It is legal to speculate what he will do, but it is illegal for those advisers or policymakers surrounding him to manipulate the situation to rich themselves under doj, and bear in mind, americans aint easily fool.
You know, ss lee, for average chinese in mainland china, they perceive mr trump’s slogan as to whack the people’s money to stage military war at china.
And thats politics, and tricky for xi-trump to play their parts.
What will happen next i am not sure, what i am sure is politics was never a career can rich you overnight, and politics was never a career that can never bankrupt you overnight.
Are you a white knight, ss lee?
Are you a black knight, mubarakchan?
I am not sure, but what i can see now is both you support tdm and dsai in pakatan harapan at surface, but inside i am not sure.
What will happen next?
Will slogan of struggles being continue after malayan declaration of independence since 1957 as merdeka day for malaysians?
Will slogan of struggles being continue to expel singapore from malaysia day when dsn looses his term?
Such unavoided threats are beyond my control, i wont discuss with my children.
They are just too young to understand, and they will understand when they are at my age.
Being a mother, it is my obligation to make sure they have stable career, good life and form their own families when they are ready to commit.
I wont and cant influence other mothers to think like me, but i strongly believe no mothers in the world would want to abandon their children unless they had no choice due to environment factors beyond their control. When new infants being murdered and found, do you think is a remeh isu?
May i ask ss lee, you think this ambition plan of penang island can work in 5 years at federal level with all those things that you mentioned?
Do you really know what is going on in hong kong?
Is it because i am chinese being born in kuala lumpur, i am biologically a commie?
Majority of the chinese outside china think china has no democracy, and must be commie, and in pepatah melayu, they too have the chinese proverb of katak dibawah tempurung.
Do you know what islamization and kafir really means ss lee, when jawi is being re-activated?
I just want to ask you a question, is islam a beautiful and peaceful religion in malaysia?
Can you answer me?
My answer is no.
Islam is being used as a political tool to force everyone to embrace their way of life in both soften and harden measures to favor themselves to dictate the federal budget until today.
Do you support mr zakir naik to preach in malay majority pas constituencies?
I dont, what about you ss lee?
I borrow this phrase from ex-igp, tan sri rahim noor, and i personally think he is doing his duty as tan sri too, and want his state and malaysia to progress, and thats no question about it.
Ex-igp, tan sri rahim noor said “he must be responsible for his actions and face it, as the Malay says, ‘berani buat, berani tanggung” (reap what you sow)”.
From now on, mr zakir naik wont speak, and i thinks he is being warned not to stir up controversial issue in telling chinese old guests to go back to china first, and the rest is only talk cock session.
He didnt mention india old guests to go back to india, he just said hindu here enjoy 100% rights more than indian muslim in india.
He also said, hindu here look up at prime minister modi, not perdana menteri tun dr mahathir mohamad, why?
Will the local culprit who brought him in to be named and shamed, and to be punished fairly and equally too?
As long as the local culprits are not being named, then, be prepared for another cycle of uncertainty in malaysia and outside malaysia.
P/s: civil war might erupted in aghan, and i believe, mr trump as the 45th usa president under patriot act would have no choice but to send their soldiers to stop this civil war from happening. why? it is definitely would be safer to help their allies there to avoid another organized terrorist attacks in usa and their allies than to build a wall at mexico border.
I wont take side whether to support usa or china, but being a chinese, it is my obligation too to make sure civil war wont happen in china and across the straits of taiwan, what about you, ss lee?
Salam Pagi Tun
Satu kapal satu nakhoda. Tapi kapal yang Tun jadi nakhoda, ramai anak kapal kaki berontak. Tidak tau kenapa mereka berontak. Mungkin sebab dulu mereka memang pemberontak atau mungkin juga mereka ada calon lain jadi nakhoda.
For that reason I sokong dan sayang Sultan2 dan Raja2 Melayu.
Share my link https://whims2016.wordpress.com/
@Hajar, ingat you dah ada tempat lain. Sure glad nampak you sini.
I think that there is a very serious lack of two way communication between your government and the Malaysian public.
Dissatisfaction, feedback as well as suggestions can also be voiced in the channel if it is provided.
As it is, it is almost impossible for members of the public to voice their dissatisfaction with the services, like bus services, telco services, services provided by institutions like DBKL as well as any type of government services at the ground level.
I hope that his deficiency can be rectified as soon as possible and please make it as easy as possible for us to do so.
According to a Malay Mail Online news story on 8th August, 2019 Dr M was quoted as saying “Malaysia cannot force Lynas to leave the country after inviting them to start their business here”.
That excuse cannot hold water because it was a corrupted “Money Is King” government that didn’t love the country or its people that did the invitation.
Secondly, this company started operations about a decade ago and its radioactive wastes has already reached almost 600,000 tons.
If it continues storing its wastes in our country at this rate, a lot of valuable land in this country will have to be turned into storage depots for this purpose.
You must realise that we are not such a massive country that we can afford this!!
On the other hand, Australia is so massive that it is not called an island but a continent by itself.
And its population is minuscule compared to its land mass!
So storing the radioactive wastes WILL DEFINITELY NOT BE A PROBLEM FOR THEM.
It must also be noted that the rare earth mine is located in Australia and the ore was mined and shipped for processing in Malaysia.
So, in effect, anything that is radioactive is inherent in the ore and comes from Australia, not Malaysia.
So, this is another reason why the radioactive wastes must go back to its country of origin!!!
According to the Aussies the wastes is benign even though it is radioactive; so why are they so recalcitrant about having it in their own backyard?
Don’t forget that once it is here,we will have a massive and growing quantity of radioactive material that will soon smother our country!!!
Also, according to some “experts” the wastes can be utilised for many other benign purposes – another reason why it must go back for their own benefit.
Perhaps the Aussie government can build houses with this radioactive wastes for its cabinet!
President Trump has been criticised for an awful lot of things but one thing that can be said about him is that he knows when a treaty is against America’s interest, like the anti nuclear proliferation treaty signed by his predecessor and he promptly abrogated it.
Finally, I must say that if we commit our country to detrimental agreements, OUR CHILDREN WILL CURSE US FOREVER FOR HANDING OVER TO THEM A CURSED COUNTRY!!!
Salam YAB dan DiSanjungi PM Tun Dr. Mahathir,
Mohon izin Tun:
1. “Terlajak perahu boleh diundur, terlajak kata buruk padahnya”. Mohon maaf pun tiada guna sebab nampak macam lakonan saja. Kata-kata nista cukup menggambarkan isi hati sebenar.
2. Jika Kerajaan ambil tindakan terhadap Dr. Zakir Naik kerana kenyataan beliau yang dikatakan rasis, ambil jugalah tindakan terhadap orang yang memprovokasi Dr. Zakir. Dr. Zakir pemastautin tetap (PR), dan turut tidak wajar dipanggil ‘tetamu / guest’. Jika gelaran ‘tetamu’ dianggap menghina golongan yang berasa terhina, dan rasa lebih terhina bila dicadangkan supaya balik ke negara asal, maka jagalah juga perasaan orang lain. Kerajaan mesti KONSISTEN dan ADIL.
3. Saya berpandangan bahawa Dr. Zakir Naik tidak faham bahawa di Malaysia orang Melayu / Islam (termasuk ‘tetamu’) walaupun majoriti, mesti lebih berhati-hati bila bercakap. Mungkin Dr. Zakir fikir kalau orang Cina/India boleh suruh dia berambus, dia pun boleh suruh orang Cina/India berambus (sama-sama bukan Melayu / Bumiputera). Apapun Dr. Zakir tetap tidak boleh dikecualikan dari didakwa di bawah undang2 Negara.
4. Di Malaysia, orang Cina / India boleh tuduh orang Melayu/Islam pendatang, dan suruh orang Melayu balik kampong atau balik ke Indonesia (dan terlepas dari tindakan), tetapi jika orang Melayu/Islam menuduh orang Cina / India sebagai pendatang memang bakal mengundang padah sebab orang Melayu/Islam ada HAK KEISTIMEWAAN yang termaktub dalam Perlembagaan Malaysia (fikirkan), dan oleh kerana itu mesti lebih prihatin terhadap sensitiviti kaum2 lain… 🙁 Yelah, kononnya mereka sentiasa ditindas dan dianiaya dan kononnya dilayan dengan buruk sebagai warganegara kelas kedua / ketiga.
Terima kasih Tun.
– Semoga Allah SWT sentiasa merahmati Tun sekeluarga –
Dear PM Tun Dr Mahathir,
Please allow me to post Mr. Koon’s apologies letter:
Dear Malaysians, My Sincere Apologies: By Koon Yew Yin Posted on August 14, 2019
Dear fellow Malaysians,
Regrettably, I would like to retract the statement I made in my blog on 12th August 2019. I claimed that the Malaysian Armed Forces (MAF) personnel does nothing but eat and sleep, and this is untrue.
To this end, I would like to extend my deepest and sincerest apologies to every person who has served and is currently serving the MAF proudly.
I regret the tone of the statement but it was not my intention to defame or belittle the army. I completely retract my statement and apologize for my mistake.
It was never my intention to cause this much ruckus and to insult the army.
I am proud to be a Malaysian and I am forever grateful for unwavering loyalty and dedication of our army.
Having been through World War II myself when I was a kid, I experienced first hand the sacrifices that our army made to defend their fellow citizens and our beloved country.
It was really, really foolish of me to momentarily forget all that during the heat of the moment when I wrote the article. Reflecting back on it now, words cannot describe how truly sorry I am. Again, I would like to apologize.
Alas, I know actions speak louder than words. Thus, moving forward, I will thoroughly reflect on my actions, and make sure that I’ve gotten all my facts right before saying such comments again.
Respectfully yours,
Koon Yew Yin
Both Tan Sri Harris Salleh’s and Mr. Koon’s statements are “regretful”, “misguided” and one that is formed by “sheer ignorance or sheer foolishness”.
I do not condone wrongdoing nor do I deceive myself by pointing to other’s wrong to justified two wrongs make a right. To err is human to forgive divine. It takes a strong person to say sorry and an even stronger person to forgive. Let’s the hypocrite politicians, (Who in the past had said worst things toward fellow Malaysians) who is without sin among you, let him cast the first stone.
Back to another topic, I am totally dumbfounded that my fellow Malaysians were allowing a foreign preacher wanted by his own country and cannot speak Bahasa Malaysia a free hand in commenting about Malaysia foreign policies, talking about other religions that are not his, questioning the royalty of our Indian Malaysians, labeling Chinese Malaysians as old guests and if you want the new guest to go, first ask the old guest to go back. And worst of all split Malaysian Malay Muslim into Malay first or Muslim first. How about we are all Malaysian first?
Islam is beautiful and so are all religions. Every religion is scared to the believers. Many preachers in Indonesia whether it is Muslim, Christian, Buddhist or Hindu are preaching the beauty of their respective religions. So may I ask our Muslim brothers and sisters in Tun’s blog, is this foreign preacher, preach in Bahasa Malaysia and only preach about the beauty of Islam? Can our Malay brothers and sisters that packed the stadium understand what this foreign preacher said in English?
Dennis noted that many others had similarly voiced out against Dr Zakir.
“I might add that I am not alone in my views ― several ministers, former ministers, politicians and thousands of ordinary citizens from across all Malaysia’s ethnic and religious groups have also spoken out against him. Indeed, there are currently more than 100 police reports against him.
“Even the prime minister was recently quoted as saying, “We will need to take action to prevent him from making such speeches, which pit the races against each other. Sarawak has also reiterated its entry ban on him for the same reasons. I am not sure if he plans to file police reports against them all as well,” he said.
Our neighbor country Indonesia just celebrated their independent day on August 17 and on August 31 it will be our turn Malaysian to celebrate our Merdeka Day. So please reflect on our coming together as a nation for more than 60 years and what have we achieved or not achieved?
Once we were beautiful Art Harun, TMI: On Jul 24, 2013
Years of political posturing utilizing religion and race have now begun to show its ugly consequences. The so-called Islamisation that we embark upon, which is shorn of any meaningful spiritual understanding of the religion, but rather born out of political necessities, convenience and mired in political one-upmanship has now produced a nation which is unsure of itself and a people who are fractious, angry, suspicious and at odd with each other.
We need to take a real good look at ourselves and examine our ways. And we need to reboot our operating system if we want to avoid a total crash. And we need to reboot fast
“Insanity is doing the same things over and over again and expecting a different results”- Albert Einstein
PH Government must have the political courage and will to implement many different things to reform and rebuild our country, and set it on course towards unity, justices, shared prosperity and shared responsibility. Or else we will be left far behind by our ASEAN neighbor countries and a day will come Malaysians will be a cheap labor source for ASEAN countries.
Thank you
Yours truly,
PS: An Indonesia’s Puisi for us to reflect: https://www.wattpad.com/story/118172024-indonesiaku-indonesiamu
Tanah tempatku dilahirkan
Disana, dimana aku dibesarkan
Ditengah hamparan sawah dan ladang
Aku menghabiskan waktu sambil berdendang
Kudendangkan lagu kekagumanku padamu
Ibu pertiwi tanah tumpah darahku
Maha karya indah dari yang Kuasa
Sang empunya alam semesta
Kini, puluhan tahun tlah berlalu
Ku arungi hidup dalam dekapanmu
Sebuah negeri yang sangat kucinta
Dan takkan pernah bisa kulupa
Negeriku yang dikagumi banyak bangsa
Kini sedang mengalami banyak derita
Bukan dari kaum penjajah nun jauh disana
Tapi anak – anak bangsa yang saling mencerca
Hatiku pilu, melihat bangsaku yang gaduh
Berebut posisi dan tak peduli saudaranya jatuh
Berbeda beda tapi satu, semboyan yang mulai memudar
Berganti caci maki yang makin sering terdengar
Kemana perginya janji dan sumpah setia
Yang dahulu telah merekatkan kita
Satu nusa, satu bangsa dan satu bahasa
Indonesia, yang kita cinta
Semoga derita ini segera berlalu
Karena kita sedang bergerak maju
Menjadi sebuah bangsa yang patut ditiru
Janganlah kita saling berseteru
Aku, dia, dan kamu. Kita adalah satu
Hentikan semua sengketa itu
Selamanya kau adalah saudaraku
Karena kita bukanlah seteru
Demi Indonesiaku dan Indonesiamu
Assalamualaikum Tun.
Jika ada peluang saya bertemu Tun. Tentulah saya akan pergi bertemu.
Samada melalui jalan politik atau pun perniagaan.
Itu pun jika berpeluang.
Mungkin melalui perniagaan oversea. Mana tahu.
Terima kasih Tun.
Assalamualaikum Tun.
Jika ada peluang saya bertemu Tun. Tentulah saya akan pergi bertemu.
Samada melalui jalan politik atau pun perniagaan.
Itu pun jika berpeluang.
Mungkin melalui perniagaan oversea. Mana tahu.
Terima kasih Tun.
Assalamualaikum Tun.
Beberapa isu yang yang berlaku menampakkan tentang bagaimana non bumi mahu menguasai politik negara.
Kuasa PM turut dibangkitkan.
Politik Malaysia sedikit sensitif dan kompleks.
Maka menteri menteri yang fikirnya patriotik tidak dapat menjangkau perihal politik yang sebenarnya tiada patriotisme di kalangan non bumi.
Isu isu yang timbul hanyalah untuk keuntungan kaum mereka.
Mereka sendiri masih menganggap kaum mereka adalah pendatang. Tetapi marah apabila kita katakan mereka pendatang.
Begitulah politik Malaysia dulu dan kini.
Melayu terlalu berlembut. Kasar yang terlalu nampak. Kekurangan dakwah.
Dalam suasana kompleks dan sensitif keperluan menarik rambut dalam tepung amatlah perlu.
Tapi usahlah kita tertipu dalam soal kepercayaan keimanan dan ketakwaan.
Jangan jadi bodoh dalam perjanjian.
Terima kasih Tun.
Semalam I baca about capital Indonesia yang baru. I baca terus I letak catitan kat whims2016.wordpress.com
Hari ini I baca kat the STAR ada gambar Jokowi pakai baju tradisi. Actually berita ini datang dari Reuters/AFP.
SS Lee
Islam is the fastest-growing religion today
Despite it being framed with Hatred, with Bombs
After Sept 11, Islam spreads across
Thanks to Bush & Blair. They made it happen
Are you saying Islam spread across rapidly today due to revenge after the attack of Sept 11, thanks to Bush & Blair, they made it happen?
Are you saying violence and revenge are the only way out, ‘you burn, your enemy burn’?
The malay and islam biased policy are not born today.
There were born since 911 attack.
In the past, i am worried that someone might get hurt really bad that could lead to destroy of their family kinships due to changing hands at the highest level without knowing.
Today, i aint no worry.
When political camps launches attacks on the next perdana menteri for their playboy acts and sexual orientation as moral issues, these camps will win in the name of official religion.
Issue macam ini saya tak akan pening kepala, yang pening kepala adalah parti2 politik tempatan termasuk kerabat negeri masing2 including sabah and sarawak.
Asian tiger?
Malaysian tiger?
It depends what tdm wants, and those who are with him know his style of politics.
Nevertheless, whoever obtain majority votes, they will dictate the federal budget of who gets what, and who dont get what.
I already said, when syariah mps outnumbered non syariah mps, it is time to bid selamat tinggal to this country name malaysia.
The call for banning dong zong via online by associate prof. dr asri mohd asri zainul abidin from perlis is meaningless.
I am not a member of any political camps or parties, and i dont know whats in their mind, can they do it, i am not sure.
But one thing i am sure is the gutter politics of zero sum game is very real in this country due to malay and bumiputra vote counts based on kongsi formula of ruling and shadow governments, or in hidden meaning, lending and borrowing governments.
Contest between Dsn vs Dsai for next perdana menteri?
Contest between Ds hisham vs Ds Aa for timbalan perdana menteri?
Ds Mukhirz and Ds Khairy are reserved for these 2 positions, no need to bertanding, that i am not sure, but for political stability, they might not need to contest.
Which camp you prefer ss lee?
I am babi, is it an issue to you?
I am a kera, is it an issue to you?
I am a panda, is it an issue to you?
I am a raindeer, is it an issue to you?
I am a crocodile, is it an issue to you?
I am an ostrich, is it an issue to you?
I am conservative, is it an issue to you?
I am liberal, is it an issue to you?
I am a democrat, is it an issue to you?
I watched lion king, first thing that popped into my mind is the land under the watch of lion king, cannot hunt all animals for food.
How they survive?
They have option to eat insects and worms from trees.
In movies, it depends on the script writer and the director hired to make their point, and you may call them self-satisfaction as long as the movies make money, loose money or break-even.
Not being in the government is not the end of the world.
You may remain silent, or you may choose to make noise, it depends on the quality of your silent and noise making, and i just want to say is be careful of what you say because not everyone of us in this country can accept, especially those political party members with intolerance mindset.
Benefit of doubts is always there.
But, can they do it?
It is very much depend on the result of general election when it is called.
Hakuna matata.
As voters, when you are not hepi with the ceramah, you can vote opposition, dont vote or spoil votes, tak da orang peduli pun, kan tu duit ahkong, tak gitu?
Good luck, and all the best to the wanabes.
Good morning PM Malaysia
I nak bagi link, semalam I baca http://www.rockybru.com.my/
Assalamualaikum wmwbt Tun.
Imej buruk dan semakin buruk Kerajaan sekarang adalah bertitik tolak kepada Poor Public Relation yang Kerajaan sekarang ada. Sebaran Am Kerajaan sangat lemah dan tidak mendokong.
(2) Pertama2, kenapa dok guna Istilah Kerajaan PH bila meujuk kpd Kerajaan? Kenapa tak guna istilah KERAJAAN saja bila becajap dan merujuk kpd KERAJAAN sekarang. Kalau nak tunjuk silap salah BN, just kata BN. Tak perlu kata Kerajaan BN. Biar rakyat jelas, Kerajaan adalah Kerajaan yg ada, n BN adalah perosak.
(3) Terus2 mengunakan istilah Kerajaan PH dan Kerajaan BN, sebetulnya you keep reminding the rakyat and making them not to forget “the good things of Kerajaan” BN. Secara psikologi, ibarat sang ibu yg terus2 bercerita prihal suami dulu kpd anak2nya yg sudah ada bapa tiri. A very stupid n naive move. So
(3) Ganti Govin @ dia perlu dibantu dgn mereka yg
lebih bijak dalam membuat PR. Bab Legal Govin boleh, but dlm PR dia banyak kelemahan. Cuma jgnlah buat PR bernada BN dulu2. Kaki bodek. Menghina tanpa batas. PR Kerajaan harus menumpu dlm memberikan maklumat sebenar dan apa yg Kerajaan buat sudah mula berjaya.
(4) Cepat ubah PR Kerajaan dan jgn ulang PR memuakkan. Setiap ketika perlu ada benda baru yg boleh membebas fikiran dan jiwa rakyat dari politik karut marut.
Jaga diri dan jaga kenegarawan Tun.
Tak payah lah nak ber cerpen
Nak berpuisi atau sebagainya
Tak payah nak step rational
Every each of us has our very own agendas
Like I said to HBT
How beautiful yr words are, which is meant to fool
We Muslim here are not Goons
In the very first place, Zakir issues should never be brought to PM attentions
Tun has better things to do
The Kera is worth a Thousand Babi like you in Malaysia
Even if this Babi was born in Malaysia
What did this Kera do wrong?
* Excuse me …Mind my word Babi as you already start with Kera. So when should we slow this heat ” You burn, I burn ”
I would say Koon remarks of Askar Melayu Malaysia
Are more sarcastic than what one would say about Zakir remarks
And his remark is of intention with purpose
When it came to the attention he flips to an apology
It, not an easy acceptance as it was intended with a purpose
And he has a history of it
Why none of the DAP members bring Koon remarks to Tun attention or in Parliament?
Nevertheless, I agreed
We Malaysia of different races should acknowledge the existence of each other with respect
There are Verse in the Quran that reads
“Oh, men! Behold, We have created you all out of a male and a female, and have made you into nations and tribes so that you might come to know one another. Verily, the noblest of you in the sight of Allah is the one who is most deeply conscious of Him. Behold, Allah is All-Knowing, All-Aware” (Quran 49:13) #QuranVisualization
In the very first place
When The Organizer of Zakir open his Speech
It is free to come. No compulsion
Those interested are Welcome
Those Not Stay where you are. Do what you want
And those non-Muslim that came is on their own willingness
Seeing and believing the Truth
They accepted it with No Compulsion
Out on their own free will
You should go Youtube for Reverts
I would say They are much Thankful to Zakir today
The facts are many has Reverted to Islam feared people like Modi, Govind
Not just Indian even Westerners, Americans, Russian throughout the World
Islam is the fastest-growing religion today
Despite it being framed with Hatred, with Bombs
After Sept 11, Islam spreads across
Thanks to Bush & Blair. They made it happen
Both may be a good political planner to destroy Islam
By God will, He is the Best of all planners
Kerja bodoh; kera di hutan disusukan anak di rumah mati kebuluran.
Adakah itu kerja bodoh, atau kerja pintar, it depends who is bossmu, ss lee.
To them, vote counts is more important, and thats politics that you cannot deny.
When you think its not fair, you can also join them in the game, but, you must remember, your base votes are not malay, muslim, or hindu.
No one know what will happen next, but, the way umno wannabes in drumming up the marches, you know the symptom had began again for religion supremacy.
Either you are with them, or you are their rivals.
It would be best to let umno, pkr, pas to decide who they prefer to be bossmu.
There are many options for dll kaum to choose, dont you think, thats the blessing?
You can either agree to disagree, disagree to agree, tidak apa attitude, reject, accept, resign or set up new political parties to split votes.
Absolute power corrupts absolutely.
Absolute democracy corrupts absolutely.
Malaysian ringgit tetap MYR, tak boleh tipu atau ubah punya.
PBOC depreciates yuan to stimulate export is within expectation.
Is it because DT drum out to make american great again, then, manufacturing jobs in usa will increase immediately?
Chinese new subway carts start operation 2 days ago in boston.
Bak kata, tak nak takpa, tapi jangan hina, jangan sabotaj.
Whoever become the perdana menteri, i am okay.
But, whoever still drum up the marches of race and religiom supremacy, they will loose my vote, itu saja.
P/s: anti-lynas plant is being pushed again this time, and lead by chinese dap when tdm is re-elected, dont you think dap is making chinese look bad in the eyes of australians? Bodoh itu apa? Bodoh tu maksud bodoh la. you rasa dap cina is smarter? If dap thinks i am a traitor, by all means go a head. why? because kerja bodoh ini never interest me.
Salam Dearest YAB PM Tun Dr. Mahathir,
Allow me Tun:
Irrelevant foreigner?
But then, how come so many PH Ministers and leaders / supporters are behaving like ‘cacing kepanasan’?
Is it because Dr. Zakir Naik is so irrelevant?
I think Tan Sri Rafidah is now talking nonsense! Her time is up. She has become irrelevant. Too bad…
P/S: @Sri Sense, 🙂 I was busy…
Thank you Tun.
– May Allah SWT bless Tun and family –
Salam Tun,
Allow me to a few words here,
1. Division between different race has not gone any better but worse that what it was before. Look at those who are in the 50-60’s, they can easily mingle around different races. The differences isn’t as wide was the generation nowadays and we put our focus on the need for a change in education to fix the problem but does it mean that the education system back in th 50-60’s are better than what we have today. Something to ponder upon? What has really changed? Malay has gotten more educated compared to 50 years ago?
2. Even within our fellow Malay, the division has widened so much.
3. So much time and effort is spent on dealing with Zakir that divides our fellow Malaysians even more and this is undesired and unnecessary.
4. If we think that those who hide in the jungle and plan something bad needs to be dealt with immediately, think again! More dangerous are the ones who promotes extremism are as they creeps into the society undetected until it becomes obvious.
5. On another topic on implementing Jawi in the school, this is another completely unnecessary storm that is brought up by completely incompetent leader. I’ve given chance and time for our fellow education minister to observe relevant policy change that he will bring. High hopes but implementation are slow and policy change are nothing but short of any good impact in our education system. In fact for this one, it is completely not needed.
6. Our fellow education minister seems to be sleeping and living in a completely different world. We can’t even implement teaching Science and Math in English (which in the universal language to acquire knowledge) and can’t deal with the resource issue and now we want to take on another activity which requires planning in term of the teachers’ resource, quality of teaching resource, students’ burden, etc. I have few more questions here,
– Is it really necessary? Have excel in all the important areas that we have the luxury to work on this?
– Do we know how much burden our current students load is?
There are more pressing issues that needs to be addressed than implementing this. It’s time for a change for the education ministry. Enough time wasted. If we continue on like this, we will just lag behind others in term of competitive with Vietnam, Thailand & Indonesia. Forget about catching up with Singapore.
+ Need to enforce moderation and reject extremism.
+ Freedom comes with responsibility.
+ Time to be honest and look at what is important to build up the country and look at what matters.
For Hainanese Hock Beng Teoh 876. I told you to stop using my name you yellow slimy worm of a cowardly Hainanese hiding behind a fake name. Go back to Hainan, the Convict Island of Imperial China where you came from. Continue your incestuous acts whilst your spouse worked in the fields This is the reason why you are not only CRAZY but also MAD. You yellow slimy worm of a cowardly Hainanese hiding behind a fake name,
Malaysia Boleh Tun as always ! No problem.
Dear PM Tun Dr. Mahathir,
Please allow me to post what Malaysia mean to me and my hope for the new generation of Malaysians.
Berbilang Bangsa,
Berbilang Agama,
Berbilang Budaya,
Berbilang Pusaka.
Disinilah tempat aku dilahirkan,
Disinilah tempat aku dibesarkan,
Disinilah tempat aku pertaruhkan nyawa,
Disinilah tempat akan aku dikebumikan.
Aku adalah wargamu,
Menjunjung taat setia Raja dan Perlembagaan,
Rela berkorban membangkit Negaraku,
Menjadi perwaris Negaraku nan satu.
Aman, damai dan saksama,
Di bawah payung Rukun Negara,
Rakyat hidup berbilang budaya,
Perpaduan dan kesefahaman tetap terpelihara.
Oh Anak Malaysiaku,
Satu mulut, satu hidung, dua mata, dua telinga, dua kaki dan dua tangan,
Tiada beza antara kita.
Jangan tergoda nafsu tamak haloba, kuasa dan kekayaan,
Jangan berfikiran kusut dan mudah terhasut dengan sebaran kebencian.
Anak Malaysiaku,
Harungi hidup penuh amanah, adil dan telus, bersuara rakyat dan berjiwa Malaysia.
Anak Malaysiaku,
berbilang Bangsa, berbilang Agama, berbilang Budaya dan berbilang Pusaka,
Kini bergantung pada mu wahai permimpin masa depanku,
Ke arah mana akan kau bawa Malaysiaku,
ke puncak kejayaan atau lurah kehancuran?
Kau tetap dalam doaku agar sentiasa aman, damai dan sejahtera.
Thank you
Yours truly,
PS: https://kadirjasin.blogspot.com/2019/08/kerja-bodoh-bergaduh-kerana-zakir-naik.html
Friday, August 16, 2019: Kerja Bodoh Bergaduh Kerana Zakir Naik: A Kadir Jasin
Saya rasa orang Islam Malaysia sekarang pecah-belah bukan kerana politik saja tetapi juga kerana dogma agama yang di bawa balik oleh penuntut kita yang belajar di negara-negara gagal (failed states) dan oleh pendakwah asing dari negara-negara Islam yang gagal.
Sekali lagi saya merayu. Cukuplah kita membazirkan masa ke atas perkara-perkasa remeh-temeh dan melayan idealisme songsang dan pemikiran tidak rasional.
Maaf cakaplah kalau saya kata, cara sesetengah orang kita mempertahankan Zakir Naik ini seolah-olah dia seorang lebih penting daripada berjuta orang peneroka Felda, pekebun kecil Felcra, penanam padi, nelayan dan penduduk PPRT.
Kerja bodoh; kera di hutan disusukan anak di rumah mati kebuluran.
He came back from haj, and he can do this to a woman?
Wong shu qi, atau shu qi ini?
Do you know who is shu qi, and what she had gone through?
I am not a fan of her, but she is a taiwanese tough lady in which i truly admire a big name in yellow slimmy worm entertainment industry, jap and koreans also like her.
Cheating crime done by her mother in mainland china caused her to split with her canadian fiancee who is a public figure in representing canada government, correct me if i am wrong.
At the end, they split in goodwill.
DT campaigned his slogan to make america great again and won the presidency election by declaring tariff to chinese products, and in 4 years, he claimed he has created thousand of jobs for average americans, you believe him?
Now DT wants to re-contest for 2nd term, maybe with his slogan to keep america safe because he likes it, you think he can do it in next 4 years?
Perhaps, after that DT wants to challenge the impeachment law of the federal because he likes challenges, and he wants to re-contest for 3rd term and make himself president for life because he likes it.
Mana tahu, president DT may ask average americans, kenapa president xi prc dan president putin of rusia boleh, kenapa beliau usa tak boleh?
In reality, average americans think DT is not the problem, DT is the sympton of white supremacy.
mubarakchan, you hate chinese?
HBT Marah?
Just dream you can slap me one day
If you meet me, you don’t slap me
You are a mother of 1 The father of 10
They said they were going to pay 10,000 pound sterling but they dont pay. Bad faith. They offended all Malaysians. Just ignore them from now on.
Koon Yew Yin. Mohon Maaf keran menghina Askar Melayu
Mohon maaf beliau tidak bolih diterima sebab beliau sengaja dan apabila padah tiba, barulah beliau nak minta maaf .
Saya yakin jika beliau dia biarkan tanpa di tampar , mulut beliau akan celupah
Maaf bagi yg tidak berniat dan sengaja. Koon memang sengaja membuat liputan ini bertujuan politik
Apa beza Kesalahan ucapan Koon dan Zakir yg perlu Zakir di usir ?
You hate jewish because you pro-palestine state, sibotak?
Can you differentiate jewish and palestinian, sibotak?
I can differentiate, what about you?
It is not a secret today that moslem palestine state government under their prime minister and ruling president in un also want to share the pie of juruselam, ancient city, of israel.
Mr koon is a yellow slimmy worm for being jujur and you hate him, and you think he deserves to be tampar?
I also can tampar you sibotak since this is about my race, but i know i cannot do that, so how?
When comes general election, i just dont vote ppbm ph pas since i am not a beggar.
In post internet era, you can throw stones in the glass house so that everyone can share, but can we accept or not, it depends on our maturity in writing our comments, tak gitu?
But, throwing stone under the sarung with hands behind, that horrendous.
P/s: i guess george clooney is a jewish. you think yellow slimmy worm like me cannot handle jewish? i can even sell muruku as chinese to prc nasionals, you think malaysian of other races cannot handle indian hindu and indian muslim in this country name malaysia?
Time and time again we have seen the Chinese in our beloved Malaysia who became rich either through their own efforts or cheating claimed to come from humble backgrounds like wanton mee seller, lorry driver, store-keeper, rubber tapper etc. The fact of the matter is the propensity for these tycoons to cheat the LHDN or bribe the authorities or cheat their partners or do underhand tricks is without any doubt assisted them to riches. Nowadays, we have young ennobled Chinese in their twenties.
And in recent times, a couple of these Chinese tycoons including many who were given the chance by our beloved Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad in his 22 year Administration, betrayed his trust and friendship for more filthy lucre.
In recent weeks, one ordinary Chinese, a publicity seeker who forever trying to donate his millions of ringgits but found no takers was alleged to have libelled and slandered the Malaysian Armed Forces. Believe it or not.
This ordinary Chinese who claimed he is a multi-billionaire and paid all his taxes with no tax evasion or bribery in his former profession as a contractor was alleged to have insulted the whole Malaysian Military by accusing them of doing nothing but eat and sleep.
Now he thinks he is a self-made tycoon who can insult those he believed to be at a lower status than him. Without Government Contracts, how to make money in our beloved Malaysia ?
For this ordinary Chinese to libel and slander the Armed Forces of Malaysia, IT SHOWS CLEARLY THAT HE IS NOT ONLY IGNORANT AND ARROGANT BUT ALSO VERY STUPID.
As I always said that there are some Chinese WHO ARE SO VERY CLEVER THAT THEY BECOME STUPID.
I can quote so many cases of Chinese arrogance and ignorance as a result of their stupidity.
There was one Chinese political Leader who could remit S$100 Million from Singapore to his girl friend’s Hong Kong bank account after less than 10 years in the business. My friend remitted this money for him who pretended to be poor after the Causeway Governments ‘tangkap’ him. He borrowed from household named billionaires for his meagre legal fees.
And for the EDIFICATION OF ALL CHINAMEN WHO LOOKED DOWN ON THE ARMED FORCES OF OUR BELOVED MALAYSIA LIKE THE YELLOW SLIMY SKIN WORM EMBEDDED HERE IN THIS DISTINGUISHED BLOG, here is the TRUTH why the Government of Malaysia, the Malaysian Civil Service and the Armed Forces are paramount for these ordinary Chinamen to garner their riches either through their own efforts or cheating big time.
Why is this ordinary publicity seeking Chinaman exposed the illegal dealings of his fellow countrymen ? DOES HE KNOW THE HISTORIES OF MOST OF THESE CHINESE TYCOONS ? Did he pay his INCOME TAX as a contractor from DAY ONE.
My relatives Tun Sir Henry H.S Lee and his son Tan Sri Alex Lee served the Yang Di Pertuan Agong and the Country well. So that this arrogant and ignorant ordinary Chinese can make his money.
So did my other relative, Tan Sri Dr C.C. Too, the World’s expert on Counter-Insurgency who not only lectured to the Senior Officers of our beloved Malaysia’s Armed Forces at the Military College, Kuala Kubu Baru but also at Fort Benson, USA and was an Adviser to the United States Army in Vietnam.
Tan Sri Too was the Head of the Psychological Warfare Unit, PDRM. His bosses were the Tunku, Tun Abdul Razak, Tun Hussein Onn, Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad, Tun Ghazali. To them he would give his daily briefings on the information flow to the insurgents in Malaysia from Yunnan every night at 8 p.m. 1950-1980s. The instructions in Communist code could only be de-ciphered by Tan Sri Too because he was highly qualified in the Chinese language. The Malaysian Government could foresee the future moves of the insurgents to come and more.
Further, in 1962, Tan Sri Too was specially despatched by the Tunku to advise Lee Kuan Yew ( my brother-in-law through marriage ) to lock-up the leftists because Lee Kuan Yew did not know what to do according to Tan Sri Too. Operation Cold Store was initiated after the visit.
Finally, my cousin was a Police DSP during the Emergency and a younger cousin was a radio operator in a jungle squad. He told me he was really scared every time he went on patrol in the jungle.
My advice to this ordinary Chinese who claims to be a multi-billionaire who made his riches from Government contracts and paid his Income Tax as a contractor I presumed, that in this wonderful World of ours there are lots of information which are beyond our reach.
Especially in our beloved Malaysia, we Malaysians are either related or good friends, we cannot run away very far. IT’S A SMALL WORLD.
When I was very young, I learnt my lesson in not shooting off from my mouth whatever I wanted to say. This created embarrassment for me. It was like shooting bullets out of a gun because I could not retrieve the spoken words. Now I do not speak at all. If I do, I let my frontal lobes vet the words first.
Malaysia Boleh Tun as always ! No problem as long as all of us are aware that sometimes, IT IS THE GOVERNMENT OF THE FEDERATION OF MALAYSIA WHICH MADE US RICH 1957-2003 and ALWAYS PROVIDED THE PEACE AND HARMONY AND THE SECURITY VIA THE ARMED FORCES TO DO SO. 1957-2003. After this, the Rakyat saw this Government money defying gravity by flowing up the Power Pyramid to the personal pockets at the apex. 2004-2018.
As I always said too,’ The Chinese are just like any other people. Nothing special. ‘
Tentang Zakir Naik. Masa interview kat Turkey Tun kata Zakir unwelcome guest. I fikir Tun cakap gitu bagai pepatah pukul anak sindir menantu. Sebab earlier Turkey terima pelarian Islam dari China melalui Malaysia.
Good morning Tun
Tentang Uncle Koon. I kenal dia dalam investment forum. Dia memang pro company yang ada link dengan China. Bila dia berkempen suruh beli sesuatu kaunter dia saja yang betul, orang lain cakap tak betul. Dia juga ada blog sendiri. Dia juga ada FB sendiri. Anotherbrick pun ada menulis dalam blog tentang Uncle Koon baru2 ini. I ada tulis sebaris dua baris ayat, itu pun dah lama.
And yes Uncle Koon penyokong PH. Dia bagi duit untuk semua parti yang bangkang BN sejak dari dulu. Dia penyokong tegar DAP. Dia beri duit pada Rafizi too.
I tidak tau how kaya dia ini walaupun I anak Perak. I juga tidak pernah follow stock recommendation yang dia beri. Ada kawan ikut sebab dah tau taktik cara permainannya, untung sikit lari, kalau tak lari kena makan. Uncle Koon ini margin account besar anytime dia boleh ngap you. Dia kira big shark la, small shark kena makan.
I tidak bersetuju dengan Uncle Koon’s statement berkenaan askar. Dengan meminta maaf tidak boleh ubati luka. Sebagai orang tua lingkungan usia hampir sebaya Tun, dia sepatutnya berhati hati bercakap keliling agar tidak menimbulkan kebencian dan cercaan.
Itulah pendapat I sebagai individu investor atau lebih dikenali sebagai retail investor.
Tujuan Tun tubuhkan Pakatan Harapan dari awal adalah untuk singkirkan Najib
Bukan tujuan tumbangkan UMNO walau itu harganya
Dengan bergabung dengan Parti lain BERSATU, PKR , PRIBUMI ,DAP
PH berjaya menumpaskan Najib sekali gus dengan UMNO
Di ini hari saya berbau PH adalah DAP
Tidak saya dengar suara Pribumi, PKR , BERSATU
Anggota DAP mungkin lebih banyak berkecimpung dalam PH
PH sedang mengahala pada haluan DAP
This are the Signs
Mungkin sudah tiba masanya Tun menunaikan janji Tun pada Anwar
Biar Anwar meneraju tujuan Pakatan Harapan untuk Malaysia bukan untuk Parti yg Berselimutkan Musang tidak Berjangut
HBT akan bangkang dan tidak senang akan hujah saya ini
Ini Perjuangan saya demi Bangsa dan Agama
Saya cukup masak akan tipu helah mereka
Tidak perlu Bersandiwara
Cerita Zakir sudah bukti akan tujuan mereka
Sedangkan Zakir tidak menghasut sesiapa
Soalan pertama dan utama apabila sesaorang ingin Bersahadah
Zakir akan bertanya seperti Malaikat
Did anyone force you ?
Is it on your own free will ?
Repeat after me
Ashadu Allah Illaha Illahllah
Wa Ashadu Muhammadarrasullulah
I bear witness there is No God except Allah
And Prophet Muhammad p.u.h is the messenger of Allah
Allahuakhbar Allahuakhbar Allahuakhbar
No Compulsion
Those Not Happy Simply Don’t attend
Those that have Reverts
I believe today they are Grateful & Thankful to Zakir Naik
Saya mengalu alaukan kedatangan Yusuf Estes dari Amerika
Juga Sahabat Zakir jemput kesini
Koon Yew Yin. Mohon Maaf keran menghina Askar Melayu
Mohon maaf beliau tidak bolih diterima sebab beliau sengaja dan apabila padah tiba, barulah beliau nak minta maaf .
Saya yakin jika beliau dia biarkan tanpa di tampar , mulut beliau akan celupah
Maaf bagi yg tidak berniat dan sengaja. Koon memang sengaja membuat liputan ini bertujuan politik
Apa beza Kesalahan ucapan Koon dan Zakir yg perlu Zakir di usir ?
Suruh DAP tanya Modi kenapa menzalimi Umat Islam di Kashmir
Perhaps sibotak can answer why new delhi bombing on july 2016 is listed as terrorism in india?
Suruh tanya President China nasib kaum Uyghurs
The central authorithy in china already invited press of concerned parties contohnya, un, to find out themselves and take pictures, do video recording with interview so that they can release press for the coverage with cautions and highly alerted safety measure to make sure foreign journalists would not be targeted by the separtists, or activists.
Suruh tanya Trump nasib Umat Islam di Palestine
Mr trump just tweeted and said palestinian activists hate israel. Reason he as usa president to officially recognize juruselam as capital of israel?
P/s: why anti-lynas movement is being pushed? To save dap? even myself as chinese malaysian, i dont have faith with dap, mca and gerakkan in protecting the chinese race, i am not sure other races have faith or not especially the malay.
Salam YAB dan DiSanjungi PM Tun Dr. Mahathir,
Mohon izin Tun:
/// Quoted:
In regard to Zakir case, please have a good advice. All this while, Malaysian Muslims are well respected in the world for being moderate and going well by the Islamic teachings. Nabi preached to be in good relations with others too.
There is no point using an outsider who has been so notorious in the eyes of the whole world to preach our young generation in a sarcastic and racist manner. “Break and rule” will only kill this nation.
Think logically. Should we just accept whosoever concealing under the Muslim name, committing troublesome acts, to be our “brother”? If a criminal commits crime and claims to be Muslim, should we just close an eye, and protect him blindly?”
1. Inilah perangai buruk si Kafir yang fikir dia boleh tipu semua orang; nama samaran pun mengalahkan nama orang Islam; siap ada perkataan Islam lagi. Kerjanya ialah menyamar, menipu, memfitnah dan menghasut. Imej Islam turut jadi buruk kerana si Kafir menyamar sebagai orang Islam. Kurang ajar tahap gaban si Kafir ni. Pengecut pula.
2. Saya berasa hairan mengapa ada yang kata Dr. Zakir yang menjadi penyebab masalah (trouble maker) perkauman di Malaysia. Pada 1969 (hari malang 13 Mei) agaknya berapakah usia Dr. Zakir? Tidak mungkin Dr. Zakir menjadi dalangnya. Ini fakta.
3. Ketegangan kaum menjadi-jadi sejak dahulu lagi (sebelum Dr. Zakir wujud di Malaysia) kerana kita ada golongan2 tertentu yang suka menipu, memfitnah, dan menghasut dan bersikap rasis (tetapi menuduh orang lain rasis) serta sentiasa menuduh orang lain mengamalkan ‘break and rule’ (inilah retorik si Fariq Kafir sejak dulu lagi). Saya harap Tun ambil maklum sebab Tun dituduh oleh si Kafir ini berkali-kali melakukan ‘break and rule’. Tapi sebenarnya mereka ini yang melakukan ‘break and rule’ dengan menabur fitnah dan menghasut agar orang Melayu Islam berpecah-belah dan senang ditakluk. Mereka pula bersatu di bawah DAP.
4. Saya nampak ada pihak yang mahu menjadikan Dr. Zakir sebagai kambing hitam untuk mencapai objektif mereka dari segi politik dan juga dari segi mengekang perkembangan Islam di Malaysia (dan dunia). Mereka cuba mengalih perhatian rakyat Malaysia dengan menyalahkan Dr. Zakir di atas kelemahan dan perangai buruk mereka.
5. Malangnya ada orang Melayu / Islam (jahil) di Malaysia yang terpedaya dengan segala tipu helah dan fitnah serta hasutan dari golongan musuh Islam ini.
Terima kasih Tun.
– Semoga Allah SWT sentiasa merahmati Tun sekeluarga –
Tun you the Boss here
Here is the Challenge
I am not a Lawyer
But I will not be Stupid for a person like HBT, Lim Kit Siang, Govinda, etc
Its a Racist Religious Card played by most DAP, supported by HBT 3/4
What did Zakir do that he deserves to be Kick out?
He is a PR today. He is not a Guest
He is not an ISIS member
He did not instigate any Racial Dis Harmony
He did not steal Malaysia money
He did not mislead Islam
Perhaps as a Public speaker, he did say Wrong or not nice words
So did you, Tun. So did Lim Kit Siang. So did Govinda
Of such if he did wrong, Charge him in Court
Don’t Malaysia Not has a Judiciary system?
Govinda is a Super Lawyer, He knows to apply this
But he knows where it stands, the reasons he needs to Fool you
I,m seeing they placing you in between as much as they placing that Malay DAP Lawyer to revoke Zakir PR
Govind himself can do a better job than suddenly this DAP Malay Lawyer
Why need Prime Minister attention?
It is as if Zakir has caused Chaos in Malaysia
It is them, most DAP member is playing Religious Racist not Zakir Naik
Again, What did Zakir did wrong that he deserves to be Kick out?
Charge him in Court . Sent him a Notice, Charge him ISA, Advice him
Why suddenly all so Manja needs Prime Minister,
Parliament attention
HBT 3/4 Thanks for that Childish advice. We Muslims here are not Goons
Are you a fan of george clooney? I am not, what about you? Even his sister caught drunk driving in singapore, she has to face the law of singapore, tak kisah dia ini siapa, tak gitu?
Our capital city, federal territory of malaysia welcome tourists, fdi or local from all states including sabah and sarawak to drink and smoke.
When you know you want to get drunk for any occasions, there are few choices you can choose, you get your ahmad, or chauffeur, to drive you there when your are rich and exclusive, but when you dont want or dont have such previlege, or premium, go get a room, taxi or grab. When you want to smoke, please smoke at those zones that allow you to do so.
The behaviour of george clooney’s sister reminds me the proverb of brit, penny wise, pound foolish, meaning making a bad decision not only embarass her nasionality, it also could caused his brother being risked of loosing the fund to do his activism works.
I sure hope those who have loyar degree obtained in uk, or local, to understand what this proverb means.
Farid Islam
In regard to Zakir case, please have a good advice. All this while, Malaysian Muslims are well respected in the world for being moderate and going well by the Islamic teachings. Nabi preached to be in good relations with others too.
There is no point using an outsider who has been so notorious in the eyes of the whole world to preach our young generation in a sarcastic and racist manner. “Break and rule” will only kill this nation.
Think logically. Should we just accept whosoever concealing under the Muslim name, committing troublesome acts, to be our “brother”? If a criminal commits crime and claims to be Muslim, should we just close an eye, and protect him blindly?
He is an invited guest, and who recommended, hired, and gave him pr and permit to preach under which ministries? Frankly speaking, i didnt know why he was being made a superstar in terengganu, now i understand.
You want to save your face, opps, i mean embarrassment of pakatan harapan, then he must be given a stern warning by pdrm to show the world islam is not a political tool to cause hatred among races by telling chinese malaysians to gk home. Also, he must apologize sincerely and would be on radar by pdrm on parole basis to show good behavior.
Deporting him just to save votes, dont you think these ph mps are lawless, oops, i mean above the income contributors and taxpayers, which is no different from umno baru?
With this kind of sikap, will you vote these mps?
Are you a fan of george clooney? I am not, what about you? Even his sister caught drunk driving in singapore, she has to face the law of singapore, tak kisah dia ini siapa, tak gitu?
Now zakir naik is suddenly not wanted as if he is a pariah, so where to deport him, bersatu and dap?
If you ask me, the taxpayer, perhaps langkawi is a good place for mr zakir naik to stay and clear his notourous sins in humiliating chinese malaysians, and i sure hope he wont cross theat racial line again.
The rest is history.
Assalamualaikum, Tun.
In regard to Zakir case, please have a good advice. All this while, Malaysian Muslims are well respected in the world for being moderate and going well by the Islamic teachings. Nabi preached to be in good relations with others too.
There is no point using an outsider who has been so notorious in the eyes of the whole world to preach our young generation in a sarcastic and racist manner. “Break and rule” will only kill this nation.
Think logically. Should we just accept whosoever concealing under the Muslim name, committing troublesome acts, to be our “brother”? If a criminal commits crime and claims to be Muslim, should we just close an eye, and protect him blindly?
I can see that the main cause of division in this blog is religion, not race. I am not really sure why, but the moment religion comes into the picture, everyone takes one side or another. The moment that preacher fellow landed in this country, Malaysians start fighting when there was none before he landed. I can only surmise that, as religion is a sensitive matter, something that is close to the person, an attack on a religion is taken to be an attack on a person too. It is the reason why religion cannot and should never be introduced into politics. Politics is a dirty arena, it is a battlefield where contestants try to win power for whatever purpose they say. Carrying that religion identity as your mascot risk you losing not just the power, but also your personal pride. In the west, since the end of the middle ages and Renaissance, they have ensured that the Church of various denominations were No longer involved in politics. Yes, world wars still took place but for distinctly colonial reasons, not religion. In the UK, when Labour loses to the Tories and vice versa, the losers lost power but never their pride. Their religion was never involved in politics in the first place.
In the Middle East, these countries align themselves along the Sunni-Shia divide. When they were just deserts under the Ottoman Empire days, no one fought each other but just petty sheikhs grabbing loots from each other for fun. Today, the Middle East is the single most dangerous region in the world. The Saudi-Iran confrontation is as bad if not worse than the India-Pakistan rivalry. Israel of course is blamed for every problem the Arabs faced between themselves, and between them and the rest of the world.
In Malaysia, we have an important choice to make. If we decide to remain in the dark ages, then we should just remain as we are now, pitting one another along the religious-race cards… UMNO along with PAS, and PH along with DAP. Losing or winning an elections thus is not only about power, but also personal/racial pride. It is literally fight to the death. The Middle Eastern way.
But if we want to become a fully developed mature country, then we can take the route of western countries and Japan. Do not involve or allow religion into politics. Parliament must unanimously amend our Constitution to that effect. If I was a Member of Parliament, I would without hesitation table this Motion. Dragging religion into politics WILL delay the nation’s ascension to become an OECD member country, as we are not seen fit or mature politically, despite the economic success.
Salam YAB dan DiSanjungi PM Tun Dr. Mahathir,
Mohon izin Tun:
1. Tun wajib membela nasib Dr. Zakir Naik. Beliau seorang Islam yang bercakap BENAR.
2. Kebenaran memang pahit.
3. Takkanlah kita sebagai Melayu Islam asyik mengalah sahaja kepada orang kafir!
4. Dalam blog Chedet ada orang kafir menyamar sebagai seorang ISLAM (Fariq Kafir). Tujuannya ialah untuk memecahbelahkan umat Islam secara halus. Yelah…Kononnya dia menulis sebagai seorang Islam. Jadi dia bukannya RASIS dan tidak bersikap perkauman. Orang sebegini memang teramat JIJIK. Inilah sikap sebenar orang kafir yang licik. Orang ini patut dibuang negara dan dilucutkan kewarganegaraan.
5. Tun fikirlah masak-masak tentang Dr. Zakir Naik. Tolong jangan buat apa yang orang kafir dan segelintir orang Islam yang jahil (termasuk Rais Yatim dan Syed Saddiq) mahukan.
6. Dr. Zakir seorang yang amat berilmu. Beliau bukan sekadar faham tentang Al-Quran, tetapi juga amak celik/faham (seorang pengkaji) tentang agama-agama lain dan kitab-kitab suci mereka.
7. Sanggahlah beliau dengan fakta dan ilmu (jika mampu).
8. Orang kafir memang menentang Dr. Zakir kerana beliau berjaya meyakinkan ramai orang untuk memeluk Islam.
Terima kasih Tun.
– Semoga Allah SWT sentiasa merahmati Tun sekeluarga –
Why humanitarian aids was given to pakistan? I guess that humanitarian aid was an in exchange for obama’s life for his attack in collapsing twin tower and pentagon
Correction:Why humanitarian aids was given to pakistan? I guess that humanitarian aid was an in exchange for osama’s life for his attack in collapsing world trade tower and pentagon under the presidency of mr bush junior in 9.11. 2001.
Sophisticated atau advance technology of cross border, atau borderless hedeous and serious crimes that lead to collapse of many countries due to political power struggling, terrorism, mass protests turned violent bloodshed, we have read so much news on such happenings.
Why hong kong sar termed it as riot, not terrorism?
You want terrorism to be spread in china, east asia and asean if you are the leaders of these countries?
You think president xi would meet president trump after going through all these ugly, prejudice and biased news headlines in media?
In any trade negotiations, the one who requested the meeting first shown act of desperation.
Jika niat mereka adalah murni, mereka pasti akan nampak cahaya di hujung sana.
Jika niat mereka adalah tidak murni, mereka pasti tidak akan nampak cahaya di hujung sana.
To be or not to be, that is not the question.
Able or not, we will see as we move along.
Unite malaysia strong.
Disunite malaysia weak.
Which way to go?
You do the math, not me.
Assalamualaikum wbt Tun.
Lama tak jengoi. Tun nampak sehat dan cergas. Alhamdullilah.
(2) Your past biggest mistake which I can’t forgive adalah bila you letak jawatan. Right or wrong, factor Anwar had done too bad to the Nation, which made you to step down. Now, angin and angan2 faktor Anwar sekali lagi is going to pull you down.
(3) Secara tegas, I have no respect to Anwar and worse Najib. But also not Azmin. But neither I’m with Mukriz. Both need more time. What I can see and believe, you must manage the Nation until things stabilize ie economically, political, social and institutionals.
(4) Anwar must wait. Anwar must know people surrounding him are just hungry hyienas. If he has no patience to wait, then Anwar must be killed. He is not for the Nation but himself and those surrounding him. Anwar must realised and knew deep in his heart, Melayu belum mahu dia jadi PM kini.
(5) PH akan tumbang, jika Anwar jadi PM sebelum 2023. UMNO dan PAS kali ini akan mengukuh jika Anwar jadi PM sebelum 2023. Dia patut hanya jadi PM, selepas PRU15. Anwar jgn lupa, prihallama dia, jika betul @ tidak, akan mrmbunuh dia.
(6) Ini bukan soal PH. Ini soal Negara. Tahniah kerana factor PH, harga minyak kira2 sudah stabil sejak Sept 2017 sehingga hari ini. Stabil dan derakkan ekonomi kita. Mantapkan segera semua institusi kita. Tun kena belerja rapat dgn kakitangan awam. Jgn lupa @ singkirkan nereka. Jgn buat musuh dalam swlimut Tun. Kika semua ini berlaku pantas, In Shaa Allah Ringgit juga akan stabil. Ini, In Shaa Allah akan stabilkan banyak perkara lain.
(7) Tun, pls this time you must not give in to Anwar factor. Just do your work n In Shaa Allah, Allah ada.
TQ. Jaga diri dan jaga kenegarawan Tun.
PM sebelum 20
Oh HBT ….. My Dear
Have you read the Quran with the English or Chinese translations
Or perhaps Google The Quran Surah with translation
If you did not read or try to read
You will miss something very valuable, very priceless, very precious
Spread it to yr friends, find faults in the Quran
Made comparison with the Bible, The Scriptures, etc
Get your friends and DAP members along
Then you understand why Zakir Naik made the comparisons
Making comparisons does not mean insulting another
It’s searching for the Truth
It’s filling up the emptiness, the Gaps in yr Life
Most Chinese are wealthier than the Malay Muslim here
But did you see the difference? They are contented, happy and filled
That is the purpose of their life
Fulfilling the Five pillars of Islam serves the purpose
in this ” Dunia ” here life
Iqraq……. Read
Asalamualaikum, salam sejahtra..
Semoga Malaysia aman sentosa…
Allah hu akbar walillah ilhamd..
Allah Maha Besar dengan segala kebesaran, segala puji bagi Allah dengan sebanyak-sebanyak puji, dan Maha suci Allah sepanjang pagi dan petang, tiada Tuhan melainkan Allah dan kami tidak menyembah selain kepada-Nya, dengan memurnikan agama Islam, meskipun orang-orang kafir membencinya. Tiada Tuhan melainkan Allah dengan keEsaan-Nya, Dia dzat yang menepati janji, dzat yang menolong hamba-Nya dan memuliakan bala tentara-Nya dan menyiksa musuh dengan ke Esaan-Nya. Tiada Tuhan melainkan Allah dan Allah Maha Besar, Allah Maha Besar dan segala puji hanya untuk Allah.
Apa ditakbir, apa terzahir…
Apa difikir, siapalah zakir..
Ucap sejahtra, selamat hari Jumaat..
Semoga negara Malaysia dirahmat..
HBT ….You forget to comment my these remarks which I repeat 2 time
Sekali lagi
Ini adalah Dugaan dari Allah untuk menjaga seorang Dai , seorang Perjuang Islam yg Tulin …………. bukan Tuntutan DAP
Adakah itu debt trap kerana mr trump said so?
Adakah itu investment for our future generations kerana tdm said so?
It is impossible to make a baby in 1 month by making 9 women pregnant.
Road accidents, natural disasters, banjir kilat, tanah runtuh, samun, rompak dan banyak kes lagi merungsingkan rakyat, the wannabes also cannot solve, so salah fdi, taxpayers, income contributors, but not ministers?
Mass shooting in usa happened all the time in usa, was it patriot act, immigration policy, gun control policy, entertainment, freedom of expression atau hate speech, can their president solve?
You think putting a malay perdana menteri favored by the middle-men, opps, i mean, parties’ leaders, then scandal immediately will hilang?
Bak kata, bagi bukit emas pun tarak guna, jangan kata ah choo takut, nanti ah kow pun lari.
Ini dia punya, itu dia punya, yang bukan dia punya dia pun kata dia punya.
Apabila ada masalah, semua hide under sarung thinking malaysian malaysia can solve the problems?
Kafir buka Casino, tempat pelacuran ,tempat Maksiat sana sini di Malaysia
Orang Islam tak pun bunyi bising , Ni nak kasi makan seorang Perjuang Islam yg tidak menyelewengkan Akidah Islam . Kita nak tunduk pada DAP ? Eh apa punya Pemimpin Islam dah …..
Tak payah lah lagi nak berucap kosong di PBB tentang nasib Palestine
Baru kena gertak DAP , Pemimpin Islam PH sudah Goyang
Kenapa tak suruh China serahkan Jho Low balik ? Takut ?
Pada Pemimpin Islam PH , juga Pemimpin Islam , PAS, UMNO ,BERSATU, PKR , PRIBUMI .
Ini adalah Dugaan dari Allah untuk menjaga seorang Dai , seorang Perjuang Islam yg Tulin …………. bukan Tuntutan DAP
Suruh DAP tanya Modi kenapa menzalimi Umat Islam di Kashmir
Suruh tanya President China nasib kaum Uyghurs
Suruh tanya Trump nasib Umat Islam di Palestine
Sekali lagi
Ini adalah Dugaan dari Allah untuk menjaga seorang Dai , seorang Perjuang Islam yg Tulin …………. bukan Tuntutan DAP
Sini bukan pakistan, atau india. Sibotak tak tahu during the last election between mr trump and mrs clinton, mr obama as usa president instructed russian ambassador to pack up and leave new york immediately. Selepas mr trump menang election, beliau kata mr obama stupid for providing humanitarian aids of entah berapa billion to pakistan. Why humanitarian aids was given to pakistan? I guess that humanitarian aid was an in exchange for obama’s life for his attack in collapsing twin tower and pentagon.
Itu lah sebabnya saya kata when lantern is made of cow skin, it can never produce light. It means, no matter how you explain, sibotak will not understand one. Should zakir naik be kept in here? Why was it linked to jho low? Yup, the gate was opened up for these fugitives, poor and hungry people went into your home, akhirnya, rumah umno baru tertumpang. Is zakir naik a king maker or time bomb for pas? The decision must be made by the next perdana menteri in waiting since other malay from other states also want to be the perdana menteri. you as non malay mps, will you be okay with this arrangement?
Assalamualaikum, Tun.
Dalam era Tun dulu, Tun mungkin memperguna isu perkauman untuk memanjat tinggi dalam arena politik.
Dalam era ini, Rakyat berharap Tun dapat memperbetul taktik berpolitik yang berdasarkan perkauman.
Dalam dunia akirat nanti, kita semua kena menghadapi pengadilan.
Rakyat berterima kasih kepada Tun kerana “membersihkan” Malaysia daripada perasuahan. Rakyat akan terus mengingati Tun sebagai tokoh mulia sekiranya Tun dapat mengekalkan dan mempertingkatkan lagi perpaduan antara kaum di Negara buat selama-lamanya seperti Allahyarham Tunku Abdul Rahman.
Tak usahlah isu seremeh Khat diperbesar-besarkan sehingga persaudaraan yang dihayati selama ini termusnah!
Kafir buka Casino, tempat pelacuran ,tempat Maksiat sana sini di Malaysia
Orang Islam tak pun bunyi bising , Ni nak kasi makan seorang Perjuang Islam yg tidak menyelewengkan Akidah Islam . Kita nak tunduk pada DAP ? Eh apa punya Pemimpin Islam dah …..
Tak payah lah lagi nak berucap kosong di PBB tentang nasib Palestine
Baru kena gertak DAP , Pemimpin Islam PH sudah Goyang
Kenapa tak suruh China serahkan Jho Low balik ? Takut ?
Pada Pemimpin Islam PH , juga Pemimpin Islam , PAS, UMNO ,BERSATU, PKR , PRIBUMI .
Ini adalah Dugaan dari Allah untuk menjaga seorang Dai , seorang Perjuang Islam yg Tulin …………. bukan Tuntutan DAP
Suruh DAP tanya Modi kenapa menzalimi Umat Islam di Kashmir
Suruh tanya President China nasib kaum Uyghurs
Suruh tanya Trump nasib Umat Islam di Palestine
Sekali lagi
Ini adalah Dugaan dari Allah untuk menjaga seorang Dai , seorang Perjuang Islam yg Tulin …………. bukan Tuntutan DAP
Twin Peaks you are correct. Focus on the socio-economic issues to be on the right track again for Malaysia. Do not be distracted by minor issues like racism, Lynas, Khat, religious fire-brand etc which should be under the Rule of the Law and let the Law prevails.
Twin Peaks you have my support.
Malaysia Boleh Tun as always. No problem.
And that preacher Zakir whatever should leave or deported if necessary. The country does need another trouble maker. We already have plenty (!) Wait until we are a fully developed economy for several decades in future, then he can come back and visit Malaysia. Maybe then, he is no longer a trouble maker. Everyone else, Muslims and non-Muslims, should just stay focus and think about the future of your own children and grandchildren. Being a pious religious person will prepare you the hereafter, but it will Not put food on your table. NOW is what matters.
Assalamualaikum yang dikasihi YAB TUN DR MAHATHIR MOHAMMAD.
Malaysia nampak dan dengarnya macam dah mula kelamkabut. Rakyat dah jelak dengan berbagai isu yang ditimbulkan Adun dan Ahli Parlimen pembangkang.
Puncanya adalah kerana sumber kewangan sudah tersekat dan dana negara sudah mengosong.
Kerajaan dulu dikepalai oleh DS Najib dengan tipu daya telah mencuri dan merampas semua wang dan aset harta rakyat nya sendiri bernama Ablen Ibram Hamid (AIH) yang disimpan di bank2 tempatan dan Bank Negara Malaysia sebagai Dana Tabung Trust bagi pembangunan negara. DS Najib juga melakukan perkara sama pada harta AIH yang ada di Union Bank of Switzerland (UBS). Tapi tak sempat habis curi semuanya. AIH sempat menyedarkan UBS dan menghalang pengalehan semua wang dan aset AIH ke dalam akaun Kerajaan Malaysia.
Di sini DS Najib licik… wang yang dikebas di jadikan wang negara Malaysia. Beliau jadikan negara sebagai pencuri atau perampas harta AIH. Itu sebab beliau berani kata beliau tak curi.
Sekarang AIH failkan kes ini kepada Mahkamah Dunia (International Court of Justice) dan menuntut semua wang dan aset AIH yang ada disimpan dan dicuri oleh Malaysia (termasuk yang disimpan di 74 buah negara di dunia dikembbalikan.
ICJ telah sedia untuk buat penyerahan di Haque tetapi Malaysia mohon untuk buat penyerahan di Mahkamah Malaysia. Jika Malaysia gagal menyerahkan semua wang dan aset AIH seperti syarat yang dikehendaki AIH maka Malaysia akan menghadapi tindakan muflis.
(Sepatutnya penyerahan dibuat sebaik saja kerajaan bertukar tangan sebab perkara ini telah dimaklumkan kepada YABhg Tun semasa beliau masih jadi pembangkang lagi. Dengan melambat-lambatkan penyerahan telah menyiksa kehidupan AIH. Kalau tindakan itu dibuat besar kemungkinan AIH tidak bertindak sekeras ini – menuntut semua wang dan aset secara nyata bukan dalam bentuk janji bagi aset yang tak dapat dikembalikan).
Berdoa dan berserahlah kepada Allah agar pada masa penyerahan kelak (dijangka pada suku ke 3 tahun ini) AIH boleh pertimbangkan kelonggaran. ALLAH MERANCANG DAN ALLAH JUA MELAKSAKAN.
Semoga YAB Tun menyedari perkara ini
Terima kasih
In my opinion, the Education Minister should just shelve the Khat calligraphy policy for now. It has distracted Tun when the prime minister has more important socio-economic issues to deal with. In any case, why on earth are the various races looking for a fight when there is none? Remember, our main focus is to be recognized officially by international institutions like the World Bank and IMF, as a developed economy. On this score, if we a have not already done so, the government should start the ascension process to become an OECD member country. It will take some time and the process is very tedious. Religions and racial tensions can delay the ascension process, as the international community may simply say that Malaysia is not yet ready to be called a developed country despite its robust economy.
So, my point is, Focus.
Good evening Tun
My cousin brother baru ini kata banyak wedding invitation. Belah iserinya dan juga kawan lama Ansonian Horley Methodist.
Since I juga dulu sekolah mubaligh macam my cousin brother, I can say that orang Islam masih orang Islam walau dimana sekolah mereka masuk.
I think isu yang besar bila ada golongan bukan islam masuk islam kerana cinta, dah tu bercerai nak balik agama yang sebelum islam. Adat orang bercerai selalunya berebut rebut anak lepas tu. I sokong tindakan Raja2 Melayu sebab kita negara Islam. Keutamaan harus diberi pada Islam.
Politician boleh bercakap apa pun, I tak peduli, cuma jangan mimpi I vote you or your parti nanti.
This is out of the above topic. I just need to say, please let Zakir Naik stay in this country. Please don’t let the unreasonable Malaysians influenced your judgment or intimidate you. I regretted my decision last time when an Indonesian muslim worker asked for my assistance to help her escape her non muslim employer who refused to let her pray and fast. I decided that because I wanted to maintain ‘good relationship’ with her boss. Looking back, there was no relationship at all. Thankfully, she managed to escaped on her own. So please Tun, please maintain your decision not to send Zakir Naik out of this country. He is our brother, dunia dan akhirat. We never know, he could be the one who would pull us out from hell and take us to heaven. Please don’t listen to those unjustified reasons by those unreasonable people. I think you as a wise man with vast knowledge and experience would know Zakir Naik’s character and even his soul. Please help Dr Zakir Naik. It’s tough and difficult but it’s a burden that you could handle.
Doa saya untuk Tun berdua supaya sentiasa dirahmati Allah SWT dan diberkati usia.
She managed to run away? I am sure her owner needs to buat report at the agency that sent her to become maid. Recently, there is a case of staircase runtuh in rawang during renovation, and whoever hired the foreign contractors to do the jobs to ubah suai rumah mereka, the reason for such action as owner?
Muslim brotherhood, not aware of renovation safety atau upah lebih murah?
Unfortunately, tragic happened, all was killed due to collapse of staircse, and it was reported in news.
Will there be any actions taken upon the owner?
Can you guess?
We were at the dusun in n9 wanting to try out durian at the dusun there. While driving the curvy, dangerous and narrow road that fit 1 car at one time along the bukit with thick bushes, i said i will never go there again, it is just too dangerous, and i am sure about others.
When reached the gate, it was closed, and i called up the ownner and were informed the dusun is closed for 2 weeks due to this unfortunate case of this missing irish girl.
I am not sure who would present the forensic report to the media, and i am not sure who would be handled the script for pic (person in charge) to announce as media statement.
In here, i just wanted to say, malang tak berbau, i sure hope her family would be given space to grieve, and arrange her funeral as soon as possible.
I am not sure sibotak aware or not leonardo da vinci is a gay?
Does sibotak know the malay folklore story of sang kancil?
In fact, sang kancil is pelanduk, means in english, it is name as mousedeer.
Is it because of nationalizing the story of sang kancil, then, other folklore stories must be outlawed, and banned, can you answer me, sibotak?
Is it because you are muslim, then, all must follow?
You want mega project to be done, but bumiputra status contractors cant do the job.
When they failed, what did you see?
Semua adalah salah kaum cina.
P/s: you want ecrl? it would be better off for china to do the whole project for you so that material, manpower and cost of operating can be controlled because china has the technology, material and man power to do it, but japan, they dont have this advantage today even with nep. Which way to go, itu kena tanya bnm. mahu minum susu tak semestinya kena bela lembu. mahu makan pisang tak semestinya kena pokok-pokokkan pisang. all you need to ask is nak atau tak nak. lepas itu, baru you tanya mampu atau tidak. pendek kata, never count chicken before eggs hatched by blaming everyone but not themselves.
Dear Tun,
This is out of the above topic. I just need to say, please let Zakir Naik stay in this country. Please don’t let the unreasonable Malaysians influenced your judgment or intimidate you. I regretted my decision last time when an Indonesian muslim worker asked for my assistance to help her escape her non muslim employer who refused to let her pray and fast. I decided that because I wanted to maintain ‘good relationship’ with her boss. Looking back, there was no relationship at all. Thankfully, she managed to escaped on her own. So please Tun, please maintain your decision not to send Zakir Naik out of this country. He is our brother, dunia dan akhirat. We never know, he could be the one who would pull us out from hell and take us to heaven. Please don’t listen to those unjustified reasons by those unreasonable people. I think you as a wise man with vast knowledge and experience would know Zakir Naik’s character and even his soul. Please help Dr Zakir Naik. It’s tough and difficult but it’s a burden that you could handle.
Doa saya untuk Tun berdua supaya sentiasa dirahmati Allah SWT dan diberkati usia.
Subotak, tdm dah bagi tau pihak media tempatan bahawa beliau dream that he can fly from klia to london in 3 hours via MAS this time.
Sibotak erti apakah mimpi itu?
Itu lah sebabnya under loyar umno ts shafee abdullah, beliau masih tetap akan mempertahankan kes rasuah ds najib dengan alasan bahawa ds najib kena ambil sick leave kerana mata beliau ada sakit kanta mata, something like that.
Dll punya, either you are with bersatu tdm, anwar dan azmin, atau umno, ku li, hisham dan khairy.
I dont support both of the coalition at federal level.
Until now, chinese is still being labelled as pendatang haram by sibotak and the geng, but still no action taken.
Yup, extradiction bill is death in sar hong kong, but not withdrawn permanently.
Sibotak, what did you see in the potrait of last supper?
I saw human betrayal by jesus’s closet aides at the highest level in western europe.
I am a yellow slimmy worm, and i can never deny my skin colour no matter where i go.
Therefore, i sure hope those who still think they can change, i sure hope they would never cross that racial line of no return.
Never judge a book by its cover.
Similarly, never judge the heart of men and women because what they have gone through is not similar to what you have gone through.
You can copy them, but you are not them.
I sure hope you can differentiate of what can be done, and what cannot be done.
Good luck, and all the best, and happy contest.
P/s: zero sum game never works dari dulu hingga sekarang. know your strenght, know your enemy’s weakness when in military wars because there is no 2nd take, and you need to kill in order to survive in ancient world, but today, we dont have to do that since we can see and feel it in entertainment industry.
I turut bersedih dengan kematian Irish teen. Bila ibunya keluar dalam video ucap terima kasih pada pasukan terlibat, I terus berdoa pada Allah agar cepat temui anaknya. Lat 2 hari selepas itu dah dapat temui.
I memang dah anggap teen ini dah mati. Bukan apa Tun, I biasa tonton CI Astro, ada banyak siri polis US dalamnya, kalau missing person usually dalam 48 hours kena jumpa that missing person, selepas itu besar kemungkinan missing person dah mati. Ada juga tak sampai 48 hours dah mati, depending on situation.
Walau apa pun sebagai ibu I bersedih dengan kematian ini.
Good morning Tun
I think orang kalau nak cari pasal, akan cari pasal walau dengan sebaris ayat.
Lately I baca berita Syed Saddiq sokong hantar Zakir Naik out. Wah budak ini pro DAP. I juga baca Rais Yatim kata benda yang sama. Bior betul2 sikit orang tua ini, tak ada isu lain ka nak dibentang. Then I baca statement Kadir Jasin. Ini orang yang makan gaji dengan jawatan Media Advisor Tun tapi masih menulis kat blog dengan coretan kontroversi.
Tun, I ingat masa Tun letak jawatan dulu. I tonton tv masa tu. Esoknya ada berita luar negara keluar tajuk It’s my party, and I’ll cry if I want to. I juga ingat bagaimana Rafidah Aziz berlari kepentas sampai tercabut tumit kasut.
Selepas itu Pak Lah dapat jawatan PM. Sebab Pak Lah Timbalan Presiden UMNO, right?
Tapi sekarang dengan isu janji janji PM ini, I setuju dengan kenyataan Dato’ Taki. Dalam isu Khat I setuju dengan pendapat Tok Mat. Because both of them lebih sensible dari cakap2 orang DAP, PKR and god knows who.
@Hajar. Nice to see you again.
Kemarin Menteri Pertahanan kita , Hishamuddin
Kononnya beria ia , bersungguh sungguh Malaysia Bersedia mempertahankan Jerusalem
Di ini hari Raiz Yatim menyuruh Zakir Naik sebaiknya pulang ke India
Baru nak jaga seorang Pensyarah Terkemuka Zakir Naik sudah Takut
Bukannya Zakir Naik menyelewengkan Agama Islam
Takut pada Ngo Keling yang tentunya mereka menyeru seruan PM Modi
Kenapa tidak Raiz Yatim bersuara di PBB fasal Kashmir atau tanya PM Modi
Nasib Umat Islam di Kashmir ?
Siapa kata Melayu tidak bolih Bersatu
Siapa kata Dunia Islam tidak bolih Bersatu
AlQuran jelas
” Berpegang Teguh Tali ALLAH dan Tidak Berpecah Belah antara Ummah ”
Perlu Keikhlasan
Setiap Perbuatan ada Niat
Setiap Niat perlu Ikhlas dan Kesabaran
Ini Kunci utama untuk kita Bersatu padu
Bertapa Erat kita , Kita akan diduga
Kita akan di Fitnah, Kita akan dipecah belahkan
Kita akan dihasut secara lembut juga kasar
Tidak kita , Anak Bini kita juga akan di uja
Maka ini perlu difahamkan
Perlu di bubuh dengan Ilmu . Dengan pupuk isi kandung AlQuran
Saya sokong , sanjung ceramah yg diberi Uztad Kazim
Askar Melayu dok jaga dalam Hutan
Dan juga Kejian terhadap Askar Melayu yg di luahkan olih Koon Yew Yin
August 13, 2019 Editor Isu Viral
KUALA LUMPUR, 13 Ogos – Ahli perniagaan, Koon Yew Yin menggesa kerajaan Pakatan Harapan untuk mengambil langkah sewajarnya untuk mengurangkan perbelanjaan perkhidmatan awam yang disifatkan terlalu besar. ”
Ini ucapan Koon Yew Yin yg Biadab & Kurang Ajar . Seharusnya di Tampar dan Harap Askar Melayu ambil tindakan pada Beliau
Uztad Kazim bercakap Benar
Melayu terlalu beri muka pada mereka .Dan ada Melayu yg menyokong mereka kerana mempertuankan mereka. Makan Dedak berisi Babi
Maka saya berpendapat dari awal. Pakatan Haranpan Tun tidak perlu bergabung dengan DAP.Dengan gabungan pada DAP hanya memberi mereka muka .
PAS ,UMNO, PKR, Pribumi ,Parti Amanah Bergabung
Malaysia tidak perlu lagi PRU
Tak perlu Hypocracy
Tak perlu Bermuka muka Seperti Talam Dua Muka
Perkauman wujud tapi perlu saling menghormati dengan
mengaku akan kewujudan Kaum lain
Sila Berjuang Uztad yg lain bagi memperhebatkan Suara kita
Jangan sampai dah kasi peha nak betis baru kita bertindak
Salam Dearest YAB PM Tun Dr. Mahathir,
1. If Tun (Cabinet) makes the decision to deport Dr. Zakir Naik, then please also deport (revoke their citizenship) Lim Kit Siang, Waytha, Gobind, Kulasegaran, and those who like to incite hatred towards Malays/ Bumiputera/ Muslims, etc.
2. These so called Malaysians are worst than Dr. Zakir Naik. As Malaysian citizens, they are supposed to know our laws and Federal Constitution better.
3. Kula said that Malays are ‘PENDATANG’.
4. Waytha made false allegatons about how Indians were being badly treated (tortured?) in Malaysia, and their temples (thousands?) were demolished when BN was in power (for 22 years Tun was the PM under BN). Waytha lied, but he got away with all his lies. In fact he’s rewarded for lying to the whole world! Amazing!
Thank you Tun.
– May Allah SWT bless Tun and family –
Assalamualaikum Tun,
Saya menyokong penuh kepimpinan Tun dan berharap Tun akan terus menerajui negara kita ini. Sejak kebelakangan ini puak extrimis Cina memulakan langkah menyerang Tun menggunakan dua isu utama iaitu isu tulisan khat dan Zakir Naik. Melalui dua isu ini, ada pula pihak PKR menangguk di air keruh meminta Tun melepaskan jawatan Perdana Menteri.
Tulisan khat hanyalah tiga muka surat. Mengapa puak extrimis rasis berasa terancam dengan tiga muka surat ini? Apakah tiga muka surat ini mampu mengubah pegangan agama mereka? Lim Kit Siang dan Wee Kah Seong juga mempelajari Jawi dan iainya tidak mengubah pegangan agama mereka.
Puak extremis rasis ini tidak berpuas hati dengan Tun sebenarnya. Dalam komen-komen di Malaysiakini, mereka mengatakan mengapa DAP dan PKR perlu dengar kata Tun, sedangkn kerusi DAP dan PKR lebih banyak dari Bersatu. Apa yang mereka mahu sebenarnya? Mereka mahu DAP melaksanakan Malaysian Malaysia dan Tun adalah halangan kepada usaha ini. Hal tulisan khat tiga muka surat ini hanyalah alasan untuk menyerang kepimpinan Tun.
Mereka boleh pula “spin” bahawa tulisan khat ini adalah konspirasi Tun sebenarnya untuk melemahkan DAP selepaskan melemahkan PKR melalui kes Azmin Ali. Sedangkan didalam kedua-dua perkara ini Tun tidak terlibat langsung. Ianya hanyalah alasan untuk menyerang kepimpinan Tun.
Saya hanyalah ahli Bersatu biasa sahaja. Saya hanya mampu memberi nasihat dan semangat di laman chedet ini. Kalaulah saya pemimpin, tentu saya telah bantu Tun. Tetapi saya hairan dikala Tun diserang oleh puak rasis dan puak ambil kesempatan ini, tiada pula pemimpin-pemimpin Bersatu, PKR, dan Amanah datang membela Tun. Apabila semua senyap, nampak seolah-olah puak pelampau in betul.
Saya harap Tun kuatkan semangat dan tabah diri. Bukan kecil tugas kita
meneruskan perjuangan kemerdekaan kita. Perjuangan kita belum selesai.
Dear PM Tun Dr. Mahathir,
With a very heavy heart and holding back my tear please allow me to remind right/fair minded Malaysian that we had set aside our differences, our past distrust and come together, united irrespective of ethnicity, religion and region in GE14 to vote out the corrupted Najib lead BN’s decadent, kleptocratic government. We promise that we will build an inclusive PH government that will reform and rebuild our country, and set it on a course towards unity, justice and prosperity.
Tun’s “Shared Prosperity 2030” is the road map toward such inclusiveness.
Moving forward, Dr Mahathir says the government has adopted the approach where “the nation’s development today provides shared prosperity to the rakyat”. This translated to stronger purchasing power for the people and narrowing the income and wealth gap and the extreme disparity in supply chain not just between classes, races, and territories, but within those categories as well.
Dr Mahathir said, “In its simple definition, the efforts towards shared prosperity will allow Malaysia to be a nation that grows continually and sustainably concurrent with fair and inclusive equitable growth across the value chain, classes, ethnicity and geography until it results in stability and harmony among the people by 2030.”
The 93-year old interim Premier then outlined the three main objectives of the shared prosperity model:
1. Overcoming the wage and wealth gap
2. Creating a progressive economy that hinges on knowledge and value with participation from all Malaysians
3. Turn Malaysia into a leading economy in Asia
To establish this, Dr Mahathir outline seven key pillars of the approach. These are:
• better structuring of and improving the nation’s business and industry ecosystems such as via adoption of Industrial Revolution 4.0
• application of digital economy, and adding more high-skilled jobs
• exploring new growth sectors, and turning Malaysia from a consumer nation to one that produced more international standard products
• reforming human capital, to improve labour market and wages
• strengthening social well-being through needs-based policies
• inclusive territorial development
• improving society capital, combined with strong social support mechanisms.
To achieve these goals, Dr Mahathir also noted the need for a progressive fiscal policy, an administration with high integrity, an effective government institution delivery, better education, monetary stability, a comprehensive Big Data mechanism, as well as a civil and knowledgeable community.
Separately, Dr Mahathir also used this opportunity to issue a reminder to the four parties that form the ruling coalition that unity is key. He said that failure to set aside their differences would result in Malaysia become a “failed state”.
He warned, “These four parties came together to help topple the previous Barisan Nasional administration under Datuk Seri Najib Razak. But if we cannot put aside our differences, things will get worse.”
Yes things are getting worse because the past ghost is catching up with us and very sadly politicians are more interest in consolidating their power base than serving the people. It seems no one in Tun’s cabinet ministers, administration, PH politicians neither are interest nor understand what, why, where, when and how to implement Tun’s vision of “Shared Prosperity 2030”.
The politics of old ugly past decades of indoctrination of race and religion, born out of political expediency, convenience and mired in political one-upmanship which had produced a nation which is unsure of itself and people who are fractious, angry, suspicious and at odd with each other are now rearing its ugly head again. Gutter politics, politics of race and religion, politics of confusion, detraction, anger, hatred, racism are now the order of day with even Tun is caught with anger, ugly name calling and adding more political confusion/instability rather than rise above the noise, detraction, hatred and being a respected statesman to provide political clarity, direction and stability.
Are we “Malaysian First” when conditions required us to come together for our common cause or facing our common enemy. And we then relegated our “Malaysian First” to the back seat and unapologetically proclaim our self as fearless/noble defender of our race and religion when dealing with the hard question of race and religion and for one political expediency and political one-upmanship.
• Are we Malaysians able to rise above our race and religion and truly call ourselves Malaysian?
• Are we Malaysians can truly embrace and celebrate our diversity where different ethnicity, religions and cultures live in peace and harmony with mutual understanding, respect and acceptance?
• Are we Malaysians able to harvest the best of every race/ethnicity to build a truly progressive and just society where the prosperity of the nation can be enjoyed together in a fair and equitable manner?
• Are we Malaysians able to ensure that our children and grandchildren will live in a nation where they will be judged by the content of their character and not by the colour of their skin or religion?
• Are we Malaysians able to rise up and live up the true meaning as proclaim by our Nation Founder Father Tunku Abdul Rahman at Independent day and Malaysia day: “forever a sovereign democratic and independent State founded upon the principles of liberty and justice and ever seeking the welfare and happiness of its people / ever seeking to defend and uphold peace and harmony among its people.”?
• Are we Malaysians able to rise from the dark and desolate valley of racial divide, oppression and injustice to the sunlit path of racial unity, liberty and justice?
• Are we Malaysians able to lift our nation from the quicksand of race and religion divide to the solid rock of brotherhood?
To PH Cabinets Ministers please listen to veteran newsman A Kadir Jasin advice: https://www.freemalaysiatoday.com/category/nation/2019/08/01/enough-succession-talk-kadir-says-in-veiled-dig-at-azmin/
“Mahathir has said repeatedly that a Cabinet reshuffle is not on the cards and that he will keep his promise of transferring power to Anwar,” he said.
He added however that ministers should not “feel assured and continue with their moribund ways”.
“Maybe this is the prime minister’s way of saying, you chaps better shape up or ship out when I am no longer around to defend you.
To Education Minister Dr Maszlee Malik
Malaysia has failed because the government, through the education ministry, has not gotten its priorities right in focusing its efforts on the fourth Industrial Revolution (IR 4.0), says Daim Zainuddin, Putrajaya’s chief adviser
Dear PM Tun Dr Mahathir,
Many people has loss their confident on your Cabinet Ministers and not helping is your many U turn and confusion policy:
To achieve Tun’s vision “Shared Prosperity 2030” a mindset change is needed for Malaysian to rise above race and religion and come together as one nation, one heart, one mission and one Malaysian to be an enabler in achieving the goal of having a progressive fiscal policy, an administration with high integrity, an effective government institution delivery, better education, monetary stability, a comprehensive Big Data mechanism, as well as a civil and knowledgeable community.
Thank you
Yours truly,
PS: No one can advice Tun what to do next but perhaps Tun should talk to Tun daughter Datin Paduka Marina Mahathir as of what is best for Malaysian.
The fact 2 DAP representative has to ask Parliament to Kick Zakir Butt out
Is not and never did Zakir look down nor pin down on any religion
Be it Jews, Christian, Catholic, Hindus & others
Yes, he made the comparison on Bible, Scriptures, Quran, etc as a Learned Comparable Religious Study. As a man who learned depth into religion, he has to open up the Truth. The facts this 2 Minister Govind Singh and Kulasgaran cannot handle the facts and the Truth. Fear of their Racial & Beliefs turn to & Reverts to Islam
Zakir speech was always on the Open Forum, approves by The Govt, Videotaped
No Bollywood nor Hollywood stunts around
To the extends Zakir himself will convert to Christianity nor any religion if any can provide him the Truth based on Facts & Evidence. Not assumptions nor just Faith . But none of the contestants can provide any proofs nor evidence
It is also most Islamophobia who often accused Islam of so many Nonsense cannot and can never provide any proofs to proof . Even when they tell Lies about the Quran when offered to proof in Public in the Open with the Quran given to them personally. None able to stand the Truth. Likewise The Western, US lies against Islam
Indeed I would suggest these 2 Minister & HBT should meet Zakir to Thank Him personally when Zakir share his knowledge & Truth to Mankind
Actually , they feared the Truth. And the Truth today
Islam is the Fastest Growing religion today despites all those Lies being thrown to Islam without any Bases
Today the professional of the West, US, Professors, Doctors, Lawyer, Reverand, Father, Pastors, Hindu Priests, Buddhist Priests, Famous Celebrities,
Popular Singers, you name it. Most Reverts to Islam as they know and accepted the Truth. And there is No Compulsion on their Reverts
See yourself in the Youtube how most these Reverts are not just Reverts
These Reverts today are indeed far better Muslims than the Born Muslims
When the West accused Islam Oppress the Muslim Women
Facts & figures prove today most of the Reverts are indeed The Western Women and most are professional & educated
Check it out on yr Youtube, Google it to Know the Facts
Don’t just listen to Lies
And always made Assumption like HBT always did
HBT One gentle questions
Have you read the Quran?
Get yourself The English or The Chinese translation of the Quran
Share it with our Two Ministers or whoever
Assalamualaikum, Tun.
Kalau dunia diserang raksaksa, maka manusia akan bersatupadu menentang musuh.
Begitu juga dengan taktik “pecah dan perintah” di mana Tun membuat sesuatu seolah-olah Cina mengancam hak-hak Melayu supaya Melayu bersatupadu menentang Cina.
Secara ikhlas, tulus dan telus, taktik sebegini membawa kemusnahan dan kepincangan masyarakat majmuk Malaysia. Jangan ikuti jejak Indonesia yang bersifat perkauman satu ketika dulu, sehingga kolot ke tahap mengeksport warga-warga ke Negara asing jadi buruh! Di mana harga diri dan maruah bangsa?
Dalam isu Kat ini, Kementerian yang mewujudkan api yang seterusnya menghuru-harakan keadaan. Kita tak nampak keperluan memperkenalkan Kat di sekolah jenis kebangsaan. Isu ini semata-matanya mengalirkan focus rakyat ke arah isu perkauman. Isu-isu yang lebih penting diketepikan.
Walaupun saya yang telah bersara tidak setua Tun, saya berharap tokoh-tokoh politik kita lebih berfokus ke arah membuat sesuatu yang baik untuk Negara dan setiap bangsa.
Which side will you flip?
At least japan monarchy already issued reiwa via ldp japan, prime minister, abe san in east asia.
As for north korea, it would be best to let president xi for life to deal with it.
As for northern europe, it would be best to let president putin for life to deal with it.
As for usa, it would be best to let republican or democrat to deal with it.
As for middle-east, it would be best to let israelis prime minister to deal with it.
As for india and pakistan, it would be best to let uk to deal with it.
The rest is history as we are approaching a new malaysia today.
P/s: twinpeaks no need to do anything one, why? mindshft of chinese race already shifted long long time ago, so it is imposible for them to maintain and retain chinese vernacular schools with or without mca, gerakan, dap or supp. Why? no one knows what will derhaka jebat will do when muslim and malay biased policy is being played again.
Yes, I agree that Dong Zong should be banned in Malaysia. Such organisation that perpetuates isolation of the Chinese from mainstream Malaysia has no place in this country. I have always opposed the existence of vernacular schools. This nonsense would not have been tolerated in any neighboring country of Asean, including Singapore itself ! Vernacular schools are the single most important cause of perpetual isolation of successive generations of Chinese community in this country. The Chinese in Malaysia are just Chinese until today. They cannot be called Malaysians, not even Malaysian Chinese. They are just Chinese, and are happy to remain isolated. It is ridiculous. This isolation must be ended by Parliament by whatever means necessary.
The most important thing is that vernacular schooling is ended once and for all. The vital task of the Education Ministry is to replace it with a viable alternative that takes account of the competitive needs of the current and future generations of Malaysian school children, so that we can compete together As Malaysians against the best of the world. Politics cannot be permitted ever again to destroy the education system.
Dong zong as protector for 2nd largest chinese race education is being label as racist is not malaysian citizen, and need to be on the radar by pdrm according to tdm.
Zakir Naik as protector for minor indian muslim protector wanted by ruling india hindu authorithy is malaysian citizen, no need to be on police radar because he is a moslem even when mic hindu does not welcome?
Dealing with indian politics is not as easy and simple as you think, why?
They are the champions of democracy in the world or in other words, cakap tak serupa bikin.
I rather deal with chinese authorithy because kinship, nationalism and patriotism can never be bought by fame and cash.
Even when you know the truth, there is nothing you can do.
I rest my case, and i always believe good deeds always outnumbered evil deeds.
When political, economical and social factors are weigh into nasional policies of winner takes all, losers take all, then, you know the game of zero sum game is real in this country.
Because mps of the divides could be rigged, and only think of making laws to favor themselves, janji menang, then bikin.
1 + 1 = 5?
1 + 1 = -5?
2 x 5 = 10
5 x 2 = 10
What is complement?
1. a thing that contributes extra features to something else in such a way as to improve or emphasize its quality.
2. a number or quantity of something, especially that required to make a group complete.
3. one or more words, phrases, or clauses governed by a verb (or by a nominalization or a predicative adjective) that complete the meaning of the predicate. In generative grammar, all the constituents of a sentence that are governed by a verb form the complement.
4. a group of proteins present in blood plasma and tissue fluid which combine with an antigen–antibody complex to bring about the lysis of foreign cells.
What is compliment?
a polite expression of praise or admiration.
politely congratulate or praise (someone) for something.
When general election is called, just vote wisely so that the mps and wr can hear your voice and stand.
Adakah melayu mudah lupa lagi?
Dong Zong adalah Racist
Sudah terang Lim Kit Siang juga HBT akan mendukung Dong Zong
Dan baru kini ucapan dari Koon Yew Yin
” Askar hanya makan tidur, tak pernah menembak, baik kerja ladang FELDA – Ahli Perniagaan
August 13, 2019 Editor Isu Viral
KUALA LUMPUR, 13 Ogos – Ahli perniagaan, Koon Yew Yin menggesa kerajaan Pakatan Harapan untuk mengambil langkah sewajarnya untuk mengurangkan perbelanjaan perkhidmatan awam yang disifatkan terlalu besar. ”
Brapa Sen cukai pendapatan dan cukai Perniagaan yang beliau bayar
Yang lantang sungguh berani beliau tegur seolah Askar hanya makan tidur….serupa beliau mengucapkan Askar Melayu hanya makan tidur
Askar Melayu bersengakang di Hutan , dengan cabarab Binatang Liar, Nyamuk, Ular , Panas Terik sebagainya sedangkan Belia Cina yg bayar cukai pun menipu berkerja di Office dengan Keseleseaan Air con sebaginya
Ini adalah contoh Kenapa saya tidak yakin DAP bersekutu dengan PH
Meraka seperti Yahudi, mereka bersifat Racist, berperangai Racists dengan menuduh orang lain Racist. Perbuatan dan Kenyataan bergini amat sensitive dan kurang ajar dan bakal membinasakan Kerharmonian Kaum
Good evening Tun
Baru baca
Cops tracking down social media users who claimed to have witnessed Sungai Besi road rage incident
I sebenarnya dah baca semalam kat blog. Since polis dah cakap about it, I kasi link disini
I also agree with sudin.
Salam Dearest YAB PM Tun Dr. Mahathir,
Dong Zong going against the law by instigating M’sians, says Dr M
PETALING JAYA: If Chinese educationist group Dong Zong keeps instigating the people by playing up issues pertaining to Chinese education, then it is going against the law, says Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad.
The Prime Minister said legal action could be taken against Dong Zong if it keeps inciting people against each other.
“It is going against the law. We have freedom of speech, but we are always sensitive about not instigating people to fight with each other.
“Dong Zong is only talking about one community, forgetting that this is a multi-racial country.
“It is for the police to decide (to ban Dong Zong), ” said Dr Mahathir.
He was asked to comment on the petition by a youth movement, Gerakan Pengundi Sedar, to ban Dong Zong for opposing the teaching of Jawi in vernacular schools.
Dr Mahathir repeated his statement that Dong Zong is a racist organisation and that it only fought for the Chinese and not for all races.
“It has never fought for Malaysians but only for one race. This is a multi-racial country.
“You must also take care of the feelings of other people. When we do something, we must think what other races will say, and if they are not happy, we must accommodate.
“Dong Zong has never said a word about Malaysia but always about Chinese education.
“Even when I proposed the Sekolah Wawasan (Vision Schools) to bring people together, they objected to that because it made Malay children mix with Chinese children.
“It’s a very racist way for the children (not to mix). What is wrong with Chinese and Malays mingling together?
“When I was in school, there were all races – it was okay. According to Dong Zong, the children of all races must not get near each other. To have an assembly where all tree schools are together, is an anathema to Dong Zong.
“It is a racist organisation devoted to entirely to racial propagation, ” said Dr Mahathir.
Dr Mahathir was speaking to the media after gracing the 21st anniversary celebrations of the Kuala Lumpur International Airport organised by Malaysia Airports Berhad here on Tuesday (Aug 13).
On the issue of preacher Dr Zakir Naik, who said that the Hindus of Malaysia are more loyal to the Indian Prime Minister, Dr Mahathir said that one should ask Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi if this was so.
He also said Malaysia could not deport Zakir to his home country where he was wanted, as he ran the risk of being killed.
“If any country wants to have him, they are welcome to,” said Dr Mahathir.
Bravo! Well said Tun! Very consistent too…
Thank you Tun.
– May Allah SWT bless Tun and family –
Assalam Tun.
I fully agreed to your labelling of dong zong as racists, and to take action against them for instigating the non-Muslims to go against the khat decision.
Dong zong has always been the worst thorn towards achieving racial unity in Malaysia.
Kan sri sense cakap bohong dengan mata terbuka, dan kata kedai bos jepun cermin mata lebih suka pada dia, bagi dia dikaun, dia gelak ha ha ha.
Toilet revolution?
Jamban atau toilet bowl revolution?
Kenapa saya tanya macam ini?
Jepun dll developed countries dah tak pakai jamban dari dulu2 in their public toilets, bukan toilet swasta, for public use to release urine, najis, cuci dan mandi, mubarakchan tak tahu ke?
PBOC in fact can print yuan ala QE to inject into hong kong economy, but, they wont do that again just because DT wants them to do, betul tak?
Usa presidency paling senang di baca iaitu welfare, advance technology or millitary and drilling of wars.
DT kini adalah 44th or 45th usa president?
When count by male, DT is the 44th president, meaning BO is 43rd.
When count by male and female, then DT is 45th, then BO is 44th + 1st African President for USA.
Asian american also want to contest fot USA presidency since they are also american citizens what.
Able or not, i am not sure, but at least they have the guts to contest what.
Sini, entah.
Sekejap ini, sekejap itu, masih kekal race and religion conflicts for vote counts, janji menang, itu saja.
When you put the fdi, taxpayers, voters and country above your party interests, you will know what to do.
But, when you put your party interests above all, then, be prepared to loose votes.
P/s: court of hk sentence young protestors for 10 years jail without fair trial, of course, hk citizens get angry and stage peaceful protests until semua pun angry including triads. apabila isa was replaced by sos ma, maka terhilang undi 2/3 kerusi di tahap wilayah persekutuan, akhirnya , bn under umno baru terhilang kuasa pemerintahan for the 1st time. Changing law is tough since no one knows what mps do when they change law to favor themselves. Will you feel safe and comfotable when mps of the divides are doing this to favor themselves only? Henceforth, general election must be called in every 5 years so that everyone is aware. Which side of the coin will you flip today?
Good morning Tun
MP Keluang kata tulisan jawi karang buku porno dan kitab kristian. Barangkali dia ini peminat tulisan Faisal Tehrani or mungkin DAP peminat wall Tun. I kata begini sebab I yang taruh link to tulisan Faisal Tehrani disini.
Baik I letak link ini https://whims2016.wordpress.com/
Evidence of HBT Racist and wanting to become Sultan HBT of Malaysia
He mentioned
‘ The question is are leaders of political parties willing to sacrfice their political interests for the sake of a unified modern malaysia?
Pak lah rises because of tun dr mahathir factor.
Pak lah falls because tun dr mahathir resigned as umno baru 1st member.
Najib rises because of tun dr mahathir factor.
Najib falls because tun dr mahathir set up new political party.
Anwar rises because of tun dr Mahathir factor.”
My blow to HBT
HBT did not mention DAP rises today because of tun Dr Mahathir
HBT did not mention today, Lim Kit Siang becomes Finance Minister because of tun Dr. Mahathir
HBT always thinks he can fool the readers her
HBT Do you know the Chinese here becomes Rich because of UMNO
Tun yr formation of PH is a Rightful Choice
The regrets are bringing DAP is inviting trouble
HBT is a good example
You should or your predecessor should not bring in DAP into PH
DAP in PH already caused Stir and Opposition UMNO has made DAP as the platform
My views are next PH is No DAP
UMNO without Najib nor Zahid will raise
Like I say UMNO, PH with No DAP, PAS, PKR
The combination of this Malaysia Need No PRU
It will be a Walkover.
HBT will be left behind and may I suggest HBT helps Hong Kong Today
Which is going about a Turmoil
If not careful or if it is instigated with flames by US
We will see Chinese Spring
Assalammualaikum Dr. ,
Just to convey my thoughts about khat and jawi.
Chinese extremist has mistakenly took jawi as “islamisation”.
The fact – “jawi” is not equal one to one with arabic language because in “jawi” , Malay has introduced the character “nga” which is non-existence in arabic world, and jawi pronounciation is similar to Malay language and not similar to Arabic pronounciation.
Jawi is more a Malaysian culture and not Arabic culture. In the Sultanate days pre-independence, letters are written in jawi, which does not have any meaning if it is translated into arab. In fact, post independence, Utusan Melayu was also written in Jawi and Jawi words are written in many venues previously.
The Malay which considered the difficulties of the Chinese to understand Malay, initiated the use of Roman characters or Roman-ji which is foreign to Malaysian culture. Is it wrong if the Malaysian government wanted to re-introduce the long forgetten Malay language culture for the benefit of everyone ? Dont they want to learn as well ?
Why one who is obsessed with Kan-ji must one act with mistrust if only a few pages of Jawi is introduced in Malay language text book ? Too much obsession can be labelled as extremist.
Santiago oh santiago, were you hiding under sarung too all this while?
I am not a mp, i cannot guess what is in your heart, but one thing i know is i hope when you accumulated your riches in twisting our federal constitution, please just leave quietly to your dream western country and not to still another bee nest in malaysia just to cover your supreme race just because you are good in law.
Will lynas be forced out of malaysia because gebeng is ph constituency today by blaming mca and gerakan, but not tdm, umno baru, pas, pkr dll spliter political parties in pahang?
When lynas malaysia gets pissed off with this political inteference of flip flop, they declare bankruptcy, who will bear the cost?
Of course voters and taxpayers will bear the cost, why?
Coalition of political parties are above the law because they are the lawmakers what for national policy what.
Lynas is dealing with radiation toxic waste, and is dangerous for the employees and those living near the plant at pkr gebeng contituent because lynas is jv of malaysian government with lynas australia?
Petronas too is dealing with explosive chemical plant and processing, then, is it not dangerous to the employees and those living near the plant of pas constituency because petronas is the jv of malaysian government and petronas malaysia bhd?
Which way to go?
Issue macam ini saya tak akan pening kepala, the sovereign land owner has the absolute say on this nak, atau tak nak?
I rest my case, and tiap2 kali pun macam ini, flip then flop, janji menang.
When rugi, these wanabes will flip then flop lagi as if always got tomorrow because they are the lawmakers, treating voters and taxpayers like dedak because they decide who gets what, and who dont get what.
I hope those who have been victimized due to racism slur to move on, and be smarter and wiset not to take voters and taxpayers for granted because no one know what shall happen when political parties of the divide will do to manipulate the sentiment of their voters to favor them when the official religion and malay supremacy are being played again in the name of hard core national policies.
Investment is a not a rocket science field whereby EQ 16 beats EQ 13.
Cakap besar, semua pandai.
Sue here, sue there, semua mps pun pandai.
I already said, never bite the fingers that feed you.
Politics, just like other field of studies, was never a career that can make you rich overnight.
Politics, just like other field of studies, was never a career that can never bankrupt you.
To move forward?
To gostan?
To pusing sini sana?
The choice is with the mps of the divide.
Good morning Tun Mahathir
Hari Raya dibandar tak sama macam hari raya di pekan kecil atau kampung.
Masa I muda dalam musim raya, rumah arwah mak dan ayah sentiasa terbuka, tak perlu canang open house, sekian waktu, sekian masa.
Kenalan dan saudara mara akan datang tanpa diundang dari pagi sampai malam. Rumah sentiasa terbuka tanpa ada kad jemputan. Juadah hari raya sentiasa terhidang diatas meja sampai 3 hari raya berturut-turut.
Since I tinggal dibandaraya, hari raya amat jauh beza dari dulu. Pertamanya kita tidak begitu kenal jiran tetangga, kalau kenal pun tidaklah seperti kenal kawan sekolah, kawan sekampung, kawan sepekan dll. Kalau datang rumah tanpa diundang adalah budak2 yang mencuri masuk bila guard lalai. Tujuan mereka hanya nak kutip duit raya.
Not only that, I rasa terkejut dan jangkal, bila ada jiran dekat rumah beritahu, dia dah bercerai dengan suaminya berbulan-bulan yang lalu. Ada jiran belakang rumah pula undang majlis kawin, ingat anaknya kawin, rupanya dia yang kawin baru.
If sedara mara or kawan terdekat nak datang rumah, I selalu suruh mereka call dulu. Bukan apa, I tiada orang gaji dan kalau hari cuti I dan suami rajin keluar. Kami jarang ada dirumah. Bila ada yang talipon beritahu nak datang boleh lah I siap sedia menyambut tetamu yang datang dengan juadah tersedia.
So raya tak sama semasa I kecil, semasa muda, semasa tua. I like to kata tua, tapi my dealer kata, mana ada you tua hahaha I fikir mungkin sebab Tun 94 tahun masih bekerja, so I ini muda remaja la hahaha
Corrected: Which side of the coin will voters flip?
There is always 2 sides of a coin, tdm has flipped his side.
What about you?
Industrialize malaysia?
Malaysian malaysia?
Umno malaysia?
PAS malaysia?
The question is are leaders of political parties willing to sacrfice their political interests for the sake of a unified modern malaysia?
Pak lah rises because of tun dr mahathir factor.
Pak lah falls because tun dr mahathir resigned as umno baru 1st member.
Najib rises because of tun dr mahathir factor.
Najib falls because tun dr mahathir set up new political party.
Anwar rises because of tun dr mahathir factor.
Will anwar fall because of tun mathatir factor?
Which side of the coin will sibotak and ss lee flip this time?
Absolute power corrupts absolutely.
Absolute freedom corrupts absolutely.
Will side of the coin will voters flip?
Subsidy or industrialize malaysia since high income malaysia is proven a klectocracy by DOJ in USA?
In this 10 years, what did you see?
Which side of the coin will you flip as member of political parties when general election is called?
I am sure both of the sides still hold the card of by calling a spade a space in the name of official religion and race.
Call a spade a spade is defined as to address or describe the true nature of someone or something, even if it is unpleasant. The term originated from a translation of an ancient Greek phrase, but is considered offensive by some due to the later use of the word “spade” as a racial slur.
It is still come back to chicken and eggs issues at wilayah persekutuan kuala lumpur, state level, and now wilayah persekutuan kerajaan di putrajaya.
I dont support khat atau jawi to be implemented at wilayah persekutuan kuala lumpur.
When syariah mps outnumbered non-syariah mps, as non malay muslim, you know it is time to bid selamat tinggal to this country name malaysia.
P/s: mps of different races can flip their coin either to support islamic khat or coding, the basic question is are their party members ready to support such controversial issue? we will see as we move along because no one know what they will they do to manipulate the sentiment of the voters at party level, we just have to wait it out for them to call the short.
Muslim World did not have a Leader to lead them on
Every each Muslim Nation is being waved by the directions of the Sea
Not much able to navigates to their direction
Their direction is often pushed by the West, US influence & breezes
Muslim World needs a Leadership
Muslim World needs to produce its own weapons
Not rely nor shoulder on the West, the US which proven are never sincere of placing Peace, Harmony & Democratic
Palestine, Rakhine, SEPT 11, Syria, Iraq and many are Proves of it all
Muslim World needs Coalition, Cohesion between themselves
How can we fight the Enemy that indeed supply us their weapons
They must have a Bigger Better weapon for the reasons they sell Weapons to us Even then The Muslim World is always cheated when buying these weapons
They sell more expensive price, let leftover with the quality, the software for that machine hardly to go to War
Worshipping, Submitting, praying to Allah
Is a Must. Is the strength & pillars for all the Muslim
Equipping themselves with proper, professional Militarilized Weapons
Is also A Must
Like wee see the weakness of our Khalifah today
Walking, braving the sands with Slippers, No Helmets
No Military training Nor Network
Yet They are called Terrorists
Dear PM Tun Dr. Mahathir,
Please allow me to congratulate and thank twinpeaks, our Muslim Brother from East Malaysia reassuring words that he considers himself as Malaysian first and a proud Sabahan too. Me too, I am Malaysian first and a proud Kedahan.
GE14: I HAVE A DREAM; Democracy, Liberty, Justice, Unity and Prosperity. Apr, 27th 2018
I have a dream; I dream of a day where I shall call myself Malaysian and if you insist that I put in more detail in front of Malaysian, I will say I am a Proud Kedahan Malaysian.
To me all religions are beautiful
The main thing about a religion is, all religions are based on faith; that is belief without evidence. Religions make us feel connected to the Creator. When we are sad or distressed, the first thing for religious people to do is pray. I just want to say that every religion is sacred to the believers. Religion to me is like a multi-facade lamp shade. Though the shade has various angles, the source of the light is all the same. It is this light that illuminates all the religions. No one religion can claim the exclusivity of the Source.
So my question: Why a foreign religion preacher who cannot speak Bahasa Malaysia is welcome into Malaysia to preach his so called comparative religion preaching?
You had travelled through many parts of Malaysia and sense the dire poverty stricken families struggle to survive and put their faith and hope on religion.
By Tun’s own words:
Politik yang menyelamat
Menjadi politik yang menghancur
Pemimpin semakin tamak
Untuk tempat dan kedudukan tinggi
Perbuatan yang haram dihalalkan
Nama Allah diperalatkan, dijual untuk nikmat yang sementara di dunia
Ya Allah lindungilah bangsaku
Sedarkanlah mereka
Sedarkan mereka bahawa Engkau tidak akan mengubah nasib bangsa
Melainkan bangsa itu sendiri cuba mengubahnya
Mengubah sendiri, membendung nafsu
The viscous cycle of poverty can be only broken if we have education that open mind and empower people (teach them how to fish) and not education that indoctrinate and enslave people (give them the fish).
NEP in the New Malaysia: Education Reform
No Economic Policy can be effective if we do not first attack the issues at the educational level.
29. We are still arguing over whether we should teach Maths and Science in English, when the rest of the world has embarked on advanced curriculums that focus of Industrial Revolution 4.0 (IR4) so as to make their youth more competitive and relevant in a world that is going to be dominated by artificial intelligence and robotics.
30. To participate in IR4, we must go through a knowledge-based economy and here Malaysia has failed because the government, through the Ministry of Education, has not got its priorities right. The Education Ministry must not fail our nation.
31. While we are still mired in the political rhetoric of languages, others around us have moved beyond English or Mandarin or Bahasa Malaysia into the language of programming and coding. When will we realise just how far behind we are and lacking?
32. We have many things to consider when preparing our youth for the future – what are the uniquely human skills that we can develop for the future of the workplace? How can we work with technology to improve human life? How can we protect our country, and indeed our planet, against the effects of exploiting natural resources?
33. By asking the right questions and taking them into consideration in policy formation, we can create an environment where people are allowed to maximise their potential and pursue creative pursuits that are complemented by technology, not replaced by it.
34. While some are busy blaming “others” and foreigners of taking away our jobs, the reality is that technology will impact the most on future employment as robots replace humans in menial tasks. But where one window closes, another opens.
35. Fields such as Artificial Intelligence, Big Data, Robotics, Supply Chain Logistics, and Smart Manufacturing need skilled workers and indeed, the World Economic Forum has estimated that 133 million jobs will emerge as technology advances.
36. So the question is: “Are we in Malaysia ready for this leap?” Let’s be brutally honest here – we are not. In fact we are far from ready. We are still playing catch up with IR4 training when others are already gearing for the 5th Industrial Revolution.
37. But while we focus on skills, we must also not forget the education of the soul. How we teach religion to our young, and what sort of values we instill in them at home and at the school level, will impact greatly on the type of adults they evolve into.
38. We must empower them with the ability to think critically, logically, wisely and to make their own informed decisions, no matter the situation. We must raise a new generation of leaders and great thinkers, not of sheep and cowards.
39. Positive moral values must be inculcated amongst our youth, and emphasised in the Malaysian workforce. We must take pride in our work and in ourselves. It is not too late for those of us who are adults to start living with integrity.
40. Do we gain anything by teaching the young that they have the right of entitlement over all others simply because of their race? Is it right to be instilling in students the thinking that all other religions are inferior to yours?
41. Is it moral to drill into students that other students are not entitled to certain privileges simply because they are not of a certain race, even if they are economically disadvantaged? Is it right to think that if you are of a certain race that is economically successful, then you look down on others from a race that isn’t?
42. Is it right that you are taught to feel superior because the language you are taught in is also the language of an economically powerful nation?
43. There needs to be understanding and empathy across the racial divide.
Once we were beautiful Art Harun, TMI: On Jul 24, 2013
I am blessed.
So are many of my friends who are of or around my age.
So are many who are older than me.
As a child of the 60s, I went through my formative years in an English-stream school. It was a big school in town.
And there were hundreds of us Malays, Chinese and Indian boys (it wasn’t co-ed).
Our first headmaster was a Chinese gentleman who was as fierce as they came those days.
When he left, he was replaced by an Indian gentleman, who also was as fierce.
My first class teacher was Ms Leong, all long haired and short skirted.
And yes, armed with a wooden ruler, she would knock my knuckles for failing to properly write the number 8.
My first English sentence, learnt on the first day at school was to be uttered after raising my right hand, “Please teacher may I go out?”
That was to be said if any of us had to go to the toilet to do the normal stuffs we all do in the toilet (and not to eat).
Then there were Mr Linggam, Cikgu Aziz and wife, Sharom, Mr Lee the karate guy, Mr Khor, Cikgu Mutalib and various others.
We were a happy bunch. We played together, ate together, learned together and of course, at times, punished together.
And we were equal. In standard 5, I began fasting.
The school canteen stayed open for the whole month.
No renovation. No closure. Muslim and non-Muslim kids, who did not fast, ate as usual.
If they bought a proper meal, such like nasi lemak or mee goreng, they would eat at the canteen.
If it was some kind of snack, they would just eat while walking around, in the class or where ever.
No fuss. No issue. No problem.
My impressionable years were spent in a boarding school. It was the same scenario.
All of us, regardless of race or religion studied together, ate together, played together and at times, getting one or two rotan together.
Visiting a non-Malay house was not a problem.
Eating there was not a problem too. Sharing food with non-Muslims was not an issue.
Things have however, sadly, changed.
And change for the worse. Nowadays, non-Muslims don’t send their kids to national school anymore.
They prefer to send the kids to the vernacular schools.
The ones who could afford would send their kids to private schools.
National schools are almost invariably filled with Muslim/Malay students.
National schools would recite prayers before class begin in the morning.
Quranic verses and hadith would adorn walls in the canteen, school office and even classes.
Ustaz and ustazah would even ask school kids to raise their hands if their parents do not pray 5 times a day.
In secondary schools, the tudung is not compulsory for girls – according to the Ministry of Education’s circular, if I am not mistaken – but girls without tudung would be viewed askance by schoolmates and teachers alike.
Due to the small number of non-Muslim/Malay kids in national schools, the Malay kids do not have the opportunity to mix around and integrate with non-Malays in their formative and impressionable years.
The small number of non-Malay kids also gives a sense of false superiority complex to the Malay kids as well as teachers.
Thus, my race and my religion are more important than you, your religion and everything else.
Hence the closure of the school canteen during Ramadhan.
This is prevailing in many national schools. Apparently, this is done to “respect” the Muslim students who are fasting.
Forget the fact that non-Muslims do not fast and they, like any other human beings or animals, have to eat and drink.
Forget the fact that there are Muslim kids who do not fast.
Anybody who just about mentions the word “food” would have been taken as insulting Islam.
On Facebook last week, there were two guys admonishing a hotel which advertised its breakfast package on its page.
They viewed it as disrespectful.
But to be fair, the two were widely condemned by other Muslim facebookers.
The eating-in-the-changing-room debacle yesterday is just the surface of a far unhealthier trend in Malaysia.
Beneath that surface is a society which is fractious, intolerant, selfish and uncompromising.
The obvious question is how did we, as a nation, become like this? As a nation we started so well.
The Federal Constitution was agreed upon by consensus between three major races anchored to give-and-take and win-win camaraderie.
There was a blemish in 1969 but that was quickly nipped in the bud and we soldiered on.
In football, we were in the Olympic final in 1972 and 1980.
By the law of progression, we should be in the World Cup by now. By contrast, Japan and Korea, whom we used to beat, were already in the quarter-finals of the World Cup.
We now struggle to beat the likes of Vietnam and even Singapore.
Like our football team, the state of our racial integration and inter-faith relationship has moved in reverse gear.
Years of political posturing utilizing religion and race have now begun to show its ugly consequences.
The so-called Islamisation that we embark upon, which is shorn of any meaningful spiritual understanding of the religion, but rather born out of political necessities, convenience and mired in political one-upmanship has now produced a nation which is unsure of itself and a people who are fractious, angry, suspicious and at odd with each other.
We need to take a real good look at ourselves and examine our ways. And we need to reboot our operating system if we want to avoid a total crash. And we need to reboot fast
Now you should know what cause our nation to be unsure of itself and a people who are fractious, angry, suspicious and at odd with each other. And why vernacular schools view teaching of khat with suspicious, fear and at odd?
As of what happen to my home state Kedah:
http://chedet.cc/?p=2419#comment-137298 Jan 31,2017
As children we looked forward for each festival as during Hari Raya my father would bring back packets of Malay delicacies from his customers. We children will scour the packets in search of the most wanted “Ketupat”. During Deepavali our Indian neighbours would give us the best Indian delicacies and during Chinese New Year my mother would reciprocate with the kueh bakul, kueh kapit, bahulu and others. I don’ see that anymore these days. Sharing of self prepared festivities foods had been turned into a sensitive issue on the basic of food preparation. Thus the only melting pot nowadays is at politician’s open house, which make me wonders is it by design.
What have happened Tun?
In Tun’s own words, Quran advocates an Islamic community and not an Islamic country. In the Quran it is not the punishment that is stressed. Indeed Muslims are enjoined to forgive and be merciful. Unfortunately many “learned” Muslims are not quite happy with tolerance as taught by the Quran. They would prefer Islam to be stricter, more severe punishments (believing that the only thing that would qualify a country as Muslim is if we decapitate and chop off the hand of criminals. But that is an arbitrary criterion) and violently opposed to other religions. In fact a very learned mufti once told me that other than Islam, there is no other religion. I found this very disturbing.
Yes, Indeed very disturbing, with RUU355 up for debate in Parliament in the coming parliament session. What will be the outcome? Where will it lead Malaysia to?
Thank you
Yours truly,
In these bizarre times when every one had a view of how Malaysia should be governed. The exhortations of your good-self, your closest trusted friend, and DSAI are not taken seriously by some or taken as the norm by others.
Malaysia a country born out of the hard productive work of peoples rom 3 ancient civilizations and others without any means to begin with at the very beginning but could forge a FINE and WORLD CLASS ABODE FOR ALL AND MORE BY TODAY.
Yet, between 2004-2018, there were elected Leaders who thought otherwise and even said IT WAS THEIR RIGHT AND NOT THEIR PRIVILEGE TO SELF-INDULGE AND ENJOY AT THE RAKYAT’S EXPENSE.
Tun Tan Siew Sin once told me that people who hold POWER and RESPONSIBILITIES must be properly educated and come from proper backgrounds. In other words, CLOWNS AND MORONS ARE EXCEPTED.
It is now clear, very clear that a country like our beloved Malaysia between 2004-2018 was treated internationally by all and sundry as a shameful case of the bad up-bringing of her Leadership. History and no one can deny.
From my close observation of the Great Statesman, Tun Abdul Razak, his intellect, integrity and compassion could detect the most suitable candidate for the post of Prime Minister of Malaysia amongst the jostling and pushing crowd of close confidants, Malay elite etc.
He chose our beloved Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad for his understanding of the meaning of the words Tanah Melayu and the Constitution and the Royal Rulers and the Rakyat.
A political force born out of the failure of the abortive Malayan Union of 1945 and the rise of Malay Nationalism.
With the important recognition that all inhabitants who lived under the Malayan Sun should have the same loyalty to the land of their birth or abode and no other. Promises were kept. Promises were delivered. Hence, TRUST was attained between the Government of the Day and the Rakyat in full confidence of what the future would bring. Success and happiness for all in the Kingdom.
The fact that nowadays, most hoi-polloi think that they could be the next Prime Minister really show how much they do not know about the sacrifice, the pain-staking work and headaches which our distinguished Prime Ministers like the Tunku, Tun Abdul Razak, Tun Hussein Onn and Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad had to bear. THERE COULD ABSOLUTELY BE NO SELF-ENJOYMENT OR SELF-INDUGLENCE AT ALL.
That was the task laid out for them who all knew that it was not their right but a privilege to serve the Rakyat with integrity and sacrifice. And without fanfare, all of these Prime Ministers were humble and normal.
History will confirm that these 4 distinguished Prime Ministers if their records are to be examined were BORN TO BE PRIME MINISTERS, NOT MADE !
Malaysia Boleh Tun as always ! No problem.
Contradictions ! Contradictions ! Contradictions !
The World is full of contradictions ! The many contradictions now deliberately created to embarrass the New and Incorruptible Government led by our beloved Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad with DSAI and the Team of the young and the old, the good and the great by his side.
The recalcitrants being the naysayers, trouble-makers, detractors, bad hats and morons will not succeed.
We have only one such in this distinguished Blog, Mr Contradiction the Hainanese from the Imperial Convict Colony of Hainan Island, China.
How many of us good Malaysians have experienced the different styles of Governance by different administrations of our most distinguished Prime Ministers, the Tunku, Tun Abdul Razak, Tun Hussein Onn and our beloved Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad 1957 – 2003 ?
History will record that between 2004 to 8 May 2018, THE GOVERNMENT OF THE FEDERATION OF MALAYSIA DID NOT EXIST BECAUSE IT BECAME THE PERSONAL PROPERTY OF WHOEVER WAS AT THE TOP with the Singaporeans and personal friends rampant.
Under the Administration of the Tunku, my mind was at peace and went about attending sporting events and tattoos. How many of us remember the tattoos ?
Under Tun Abdul Razak’s Administration, the residual feelings of shock arising from the 13 May 1969 riots spurred me to do things with my Malay friends.
My siblings did not understand that what should have taken place by way of Federal Policies beginning with Merdeka 1957 were in place by 1971 with the NEP Policy !
There are still some remnants of such vestigial and primordial thinking to this very day amongst some non-Malays which reflect the ghettoes not only of their abodes but also of their minds arising from Colonization.
Further, Tun Abdul Razak a Great Thinker and Statesman was determined to place our beloved Malaysia and all its inhabitants on to a better platform of achievements and more with his Team of young Malay elite who had returned in the 1960s and found major components of British Rule still existed.
This was because of the lack of understanding of how the British ruled the land by the NON-MALAY members of Tunku’s Cabinet from 1957-1972 when the Currency Board of Malaya, Singapore, Sarawak, North Borneo and Brunei or Malaysia and Brunei was abolished.
Credit must be given to the young Malay elite who pointed out this flaw to Tun Abdul Razak who understood the meaning of the difference between a Currency Board and a Central Bank.
The Currency Board of Malaysia and Brunei was the left-over by the British of the Currency Board of Malaya, Singapore, Sarawak, North Borneo and Brunei.
A British Colonial Currency Board is the device by which the British controlled the money in the British Empire.
There were similar ones in each of their Colonies.
A Currency Board controlled by a Government will only spend what the colony earned.
Unlike a Central Bank which is i) Banker to the Government (can provide the Government with unlimited amounts of money vis-a-vis Malaysia’s Dark Age 2004-2018), ii) issues the Currency iii) safe-guards the currency.
One of the main factors of conflict between Lee Kuan Yew and the Federal Government between 1963-1965 was the fact that Singapore wanted the Currency Board to remain whilst the Federal Government wanted the Bank Negara Malaysia to achieve its full functions which will lead to POSSIBLE DEFICIT FINANCING OF THE GOVERNMENT’S BUDGET.
This loop-hole or flaw was exploited by the Singaporean Puppet Corrupt and Uncaring BN Government and its equally corrupt elite and GLCs between 2004-2018.
The Government ended up with a debt of over RM 1 Trillion not including the Private Sector.
These two personalities can do wonders together like between 1957-2003. Or EVEN THE PRIME MINISTER ALONE CAN KILL THE GOLDEN GOOSE THAT LAYS THE GOLDEN EGG AS WE HAVE SEEN BETWEEN 2004 – 2018. It is as simple as this. IT WAS A TREASONOUS ACT BY A PRIME MINISTER.
With the above mentioned facts, it is clear that the riots of 13 May 1969 were caused by a convergence of many factors which lit the flames of the tragedy. No one should take the blame because it was the strictures of the Currency Board Policy which carried on the Colonial Policy of only spending what the country earned. Hence, the rich became richer, The poor became poorer. This was only one factor amongst many others but may be considered a main factor.
At the point of the conflagration on 13 May 1969, the British owned 70% of the best assets, the Chinese and a handful of towkays, 25% of the 3rd rate and the Malays 2% !
This was 12 years after Merdeka in 1957. During this time, there were no OD. credit cards, car or housing loans. Not only the young Malay graduates felt aggrieved but also the young non-Malay graduates. Hence, a breaking point must come sooner or later. This happened on 13 May 1969.
In 1972, my proposal to fast trek the Malays with 2% of the country’s wealth into BIG BUSINESS was understood, accepted and supported by the Prime Minister Tun Abdul Razak and his confidant YBM Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah. If this did not happen, the Chinese businesses may be difficult in the near future.
This brought about the important acquisition of Sime Darby PLC with the assistance of 2 Singaporean corporates after I chatted up the brilliant lady lawyer of Singapore in January 1974. This we must never forget because the Malays ran out of money after RM 23 Million were spent. This was the cost of Sime Darby to Malaysia. No more. No less.
Today, even the infamous fat boy’s father has RM 42 Million cash and flunkeys who do no work have at least RM 2 Billion !
Thereafter, unfortunately Sime Darby reverted back to a fine colonial type of trading company like today.
Immense credit must be given to our Great Statesman Tun Abdul Razak because of his intellect, integrity and compassion for our beloved Malaysia that he listened to the advice of the young Malay elite around him. He took all of them into his confidence – such was the character of this Great Prime Minister in the NATIONAL INTEREST AND NOT SELF-INTEREST OR ENJOYMENT.
If not for him, we Malaysians ‘kena’ a thousand times over with complete destruction of our beloved Malaysia then.
Because of him and our beloved Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad, Malaysia held together and since 9 May 2018, it is now one of the 4 most important small countries of the World today being Britain, Japan, Switzerland and Malaysia ! Because of this change of circumstances, we the Rakyat has to work hard in keeping with our brand new status in the World. Where are you, Singapore ?
To the naysayers, trouble-makers, detractors, bad hats and morons, if not for the hard-work WITHOUT ENJOYMENT OF OUR TUNKU, TUN ABDUL RAZAK, TUN HUSSEIN ONN AND OUR BELOVED TUN DR MAHATHIR MOHAMAD UP TO 2003, where will be our beloved Malaysia and the Rakyat today ?
Because the good inhabitants of our beloved Malaysia understand and still remember the good times of the Past and the Future to come and with the firm knowledge that our beloved Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad with his closest friend and DSAI and the Team by his side, WE ALL PUT OUR TRUST IN TUN DR MAHATHIR MOHAMAD.
Have you noticed, fellow Malaysians ?
Unlike, those sneaky and crooked closest aides causing all the embarrassing scandals behind his back during those 22 years like collecting banks, Stradivarius violins at US$ 5 Million a piece, lands at Bukit Tunku, padded the purchases of wheel rims etc at Proton, kicked out his friend from Sime Darby, Cycle & Carriage Ltd, Cycle & Carriage Bintang Berhad using his NAME etc.
The closest aides said yes in front of the Tun and carried out their own sneaky crooked agendas behind his BACK and unfairly put the onus of the SCANDALS ON OUR BELOVED TUN.
I was the FIRST. I should know because I could not carry out the first task because I found I could not cross the red line of no return. I informed accordingly.
As the saying goes, ” ONCE BITTEN, TWICE SHY ”
Malaysia Boleh Tun as always ! No problem. In you we all TRUST. Keep smiling in your light colour suit amongst the MEN IN BLACK so that the good hormones flow unimpeded. Acheh !
Once the digits manning any System are corrupt, the whole System is CORRUPTED ! It’s not the System. it’s the corrupt digits ! For those who point the finger at the System, it is these digits who are the SUSPECTS !
It is strange that some participants today who worked in the NOC chaired by Tun Abdul Razak. YET THEY DID NOT SEE THE MEANING OF THE GREAT STATEMAN AND THE CIRCUMSTANCES WHICH LED TO THE FORMATION OF THE NEP. Not only that when the time for these ex-NOC fellows to rule, all was forgotten, Presto ! Its not the time for ruling but the time for ALL OUT ENJOYMENT from 2004 – 2018.
The critical period for the existence of our beloved Malaysia today was 1970-2003 which was held up by Tun Abdul Razak, Tun Hussein Onn and Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamd. Their combined Will to govern for the BENEFIT OF THE COUNTRY AND RAKYAT SAVED US MALAYSIANS FROM A FATE WORSE THAN DEATH. Think!
Good morning PM MALAYSIA!
Tun, pagi ni I baca Mayat Jawi yang belum dikafan dan muruku ikan Popo
Cara orang seni melihat isu dalam bahasa seninya, agak menarik. Kalau Tun berminat ini linknya https://www.freemalaysiatoday.com/category/opinion/2019/08/08/mayat-jawi-yang-belum-dikafan-dan-muruku-ikan-popo/
Bila sebut Jawi, I ingat arwah mak suka sebut muka macam Jawi Pekan. Tun Mahathir dan Tun Daim tentu faham apa maksudnya Jawi Pekan.
I ingat dulu ada seorang kawan pernah cuba sedaya upaya terangkan maksud Cina Buta kat investment forum. Memang sukar tapi lama2 mereka dari keturunan Cina faham erti sebenarnya.
SS Lee, we shouldn’t panic. Malaysia is not about to become a fanatical Islamic nation. But here is just what I think. Islam is a beautiful religion, and I say that not simply because I am a Muslim. I was born a Catholic but converted into Islam with the rest of my family, when I was just three years old, following our late father. Just a quarter of myself is Brunei Malay, the other three-quarters a mix of Chinese, Murut and Kwijau (the last one an almost extinct race). But I consider myself a Malaysian first, and a proud Sabahan too. Anyway, like any religion, Islam serves a useful psychological purpose to us, in the same manner that Christians pray to give them a sense of hope. We all need that sense of hope when things are tough. And believe me, things ARE tough for a lot of Bumiputeras. I travel to Kelantan quite often, and I can sense the dire poverty in that state. Religion is a vital way to experience a sense of hope, otherwise as humans we will simply melt away.
Turn to the politics of religion. Politicians are opportunists by nature, and parties like PAS thrive in poverty-stricken areas. In Sabah, home-grown parties like STAR and Warisan thrive because of the (imagined?) feeling of neglect, and I am pretty sure that Sarawakians are also heading that way too(!).
So, what I am trying to point out here, is this. Malaysians are moderate by nature, perhaps this is built into our value systems, perhaps it is due to the daily interactions that we experience at schools and the workplaces. We are not fanatical and religion is never going to be used to hurt another person. It is merely used to give people a sense of hope. I dare say that those who preach fanaticism in this country based on any ideology, whether it is fundamentalist Islam, or Communism, have very few supporters. Bemusement is more likely the response from ordinary Malaysians.
The government’s role, in my opinion, is simply to ensure that there is peace and prosperity for its citizens. In our case, peace has endured with the introduction of the New Economic Policy after the 1969 incident. And continuously high economic growth has been the direct result of that peace. It was watershed event that should not be forgotten by future generations, least of all by people who experienced that black day firsthand. I wasn’t born yet but I understand its importance in this nation’s history, as it gave birth to our national psyche. To deny this is a travesty upon ourselves.
Anyway, another way of looking at the NEP is this. If you give sweets to a little child, don’t you think he will kick you where it hurts if you try to take it back? Or would you rather let him grow up as he will stop eating sweets by then.
I know that I still eat sweets, so it doesn’t work with me.
Dear PM Tun Dr. Mahathir,
Salam Aidil Adha, Selamat Hari Raya Haji Pada Tun Dr. Mahathir Dan Sekelurga
PM Mahathir to overhaul Malaysia’s schools, saying too much focus on Islamic studies now
Published: Dec 22, 2018, 5:27 pm SGT Updated Dec 23, 2018, 2:49 pm
KUALA LUMPUR – Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad said Malaysia’s national school curriculum will be overhauled, as Islamic subjects are given heavy emphasis now rather than getting students to master subjects, such as the English language, that could land them good jobs later.
“They are all learning about the religion of Islam and not learning anything else,” he said late on Friday (Dec 21) at a dinner event.
“As a result, those who pass in schools are not very conversant with subjects that are useful for them to get jobs, but they are very good ulama (Muslim clerics).”
“And when you have too many ulama, they always differ from each other, and they mislead their followers and they quarrel with each other,” he added, according to MalayMail.com news site.
Face the truth, we are not out of the woods, warns Daim
Monday, 05 Aug 2019 3:11 PM MYT By Zakiah Koya
PETALING JAYA: Although the New Economic Policy (NEP) has polarised sections of the society, one would disregard it at Malaysia’s peril, warns former Council of Eminent Persons (CEP) chairman Tun Daim Zainuddin.
He said there were groups who had managed to sabotage the NEP with race, religious and language rhetoric.
Daim further said that the country must not succumb to those with vested interest, but must fix the education system and move ahead to ensure the NEP was implemented on a needs-base rather than race-base.
“While we look forward, it is also imperative that we look back. Are we getting our basics right? Are our fundamentals solid?
“Let us not be under any illusions. We are still far from being out of the woods. We are far from being ready for the changes happening around us. We are far from being a united people. We are far from being able to compete at the global level. We are far from being able to embrace differences and changes. And underpinning all of this unpreparedness is education.”
“If we do not first get education right, all these other challenges will suddenly become insurmountable. To borrow a quote from Alvin Toffler: “The illiterate of the 21st Century are not those who cannot read or write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn and relearn.” I would like to add to this by saying, “not only those who cannot learn, unlearn and relearn, but also those who refuse to learn.” said Daim.
Tun Daim Zainuddin is calling up to Tun to talk the talk and walk the walk. Time is not on Tun side and it is now or never for Tun not to placate but to do what needs to be done and lead for change. Please lead the change and make it much easy for you successor to carry on the reform needed to save Malaysia before it become insurmountable.
Thank you
Yours truly,
On your famous work ‘The Malay Dilemma’ which I presented two pristine copies for you to inscribe in 2010, I bought them at Donald Moore’s Singapore for only RM 5 each !
And who was the person who sold them to me – Cho Jock Kim ( a Hainanese ) who became rich by printing books for Africa with UN auspices under the brand name of McGraw Hill. I believe he made a bomb with his half share of the Kuala Lumpur Hilton to this very day.
He owned a Malaysian bank, Oriental Bank for just one day after he told the Gabenor of Bank Negara Malaysia that ‘ We Hainanese are the hewers of wood and drawers of water in Malaysia !’
After this incident, I told the Gebenor that at that material time, the richest Chinese in the World were two Hainanese, Madam Chiang Kai Shek and her brother, the ex-Minister of Finance under the KMT of China, T.V. Soong. He was one of the few in the World who owned a Comet jet and lived in Vancouver. He died after a piece of chicken bone got stuck in his throat at the ripe old age of 92 !
Later Lee Kuan Yew caught Cho Jock Kim committing a misdemeanour concerning 2 ships and a listed company which he on sold to another Hainanese.
After his sojourn in Changi Jail, he left these shores and never came back. He used to have a house in Maryland Drive, Singapore with a glass walled swimming pool which anyone could view from the road. There was an unfortunate incident concerning his family and that was the end of his living there after a great deal of unsolicited publicity.
Kudos to Cho Jock Kim who kept his Malaysian treasures to this day eg. his Petaling Jaya McGraw Hill factory and his interest in the Kuala Lumpur Hilton in Jalan Sultan Ismail, Kuala Lumpur. A great and colourful story of a Singaporean Hainanese.
And as for the 2 pristine copies of Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad’s opus magnum, ‘ The Malay Dilemma ‘, I told him I treasured it so much that I did NOT READ IT AT ALL FOR FEAR THAT MY EMOTIONS AND JUDGEMENT MAY BE UNDULY INFLUENCED !’ Tun, fell off his chair.
Malaysia Boleh Tun as always ! No problem.
Salam Aidil Adha ,Selamat Hari Raya Haji
Pada Tun Mahathir , Dr. Zakir Naik ,Jemaah yg kini mengerjakan ibadah Haji
Kepada Saudaraku di Palestine, Iraq, Syria ,Rakhine, Malawi, Kashmir,Afganistan dan Kesemua Umat Islam di Dunia
Rintihan , Kesedihan mu akan di Bela , Insyallah
Dunia Islam perlu Bersatu
Dunia Islam perlu Imam ,perlu Khalifah yg membimbing dan mengetuai
Dunia Islam perlu Pemimpin
Dr Zakir Naik is a Learned Person
He depth of knowledge not just in Islam but also of other religion
He understands the Bible more than The Christian Pastor at his fingertips
He understands the Hindu scriptures more than the Hindu followers nor the Hindu Priest
He understands it all
He is not Gifted But He works hard his way to seek the Truth
The Truth he sharing to Mankind today to his Best ability
Many Reverts to Islam not because of Zakir ability to convey his knowledge
Of his ability to verse the Bible, Scriptures or so on
Its The Truth of The Quran, The Hadiths and He whom he chose
Even if any Pastors, Priest nor any Learned Non-Muslim Scholars
Much able than Zakir Naik to convey, memorize Verse or Scriptures
They will never be able to override The Truth
Malaysia should invite Yusuf Estes, Yusuf Islam, Nouman Ali, Mufti Menk and many many more to Malaysia for The Unity of The Ummah
The Ummah needs The Ukhwah
Malaysia is an Islamic Nation
Dear PM Tun Dr. Mahathir,
Maybe Tun would like to revisit “The Malay Dilemma” and this time round has the political will and courage not to placate but to do what needs to be done and lead for change.
The real Malay dilemma Sunday, 26 Aug 2018 12:00 AM MYT By Siti Kasim
A progressive leadership will only be elected by a progressive society. The only reason the Pakatan Harapan government was elected was because the progressive societies of the non-Malays and the liberal Malay voted for it. We saved the nation, again. Unfortunately, that liberal segment is now forgotten and vilified. Malay liberals who are capable and focused on a productive life are labelled blasphemous and extremists, and shunned by the leadership in power, no matter who are in power.
The religious conservatives, on the other hand, are courted and coddled as if they will be the ever-lasting vote bank that must be assuaged. Think again on this paradigm. Malay swing votes are persuadable but only if the leadership shows the way.
If the leadership keeps to the racialist, feudalist, and religious-centric policies of the past, thinking this is what they need to do to keep the votes, they will just be repeating past mistakes of the Umno era. More of the Malay population will move to the right of centre towards the Mullahs. It is an inevitable outcome of such a policy. Islamisation was a counter to PAS, it only made Umno the old PAS, and PAS the new Taliban and a stronger party every year from that time onwards.
So, without a change from the religious-centric environment the Malay society is currently in, and an education system that indoctrinates rather than enhance critical thinking, Malay society will continually drift towards the insularity of religious conservatism and away from progressive capabilities to succeed in the modern world. And population demographic will ensure that a progressive Government will eventually lose out.
Would any of the Malay leadership be willing to change its society from a religious centric one to one that is progressive and modern in character?
Do you want our Malay society to continue to regress and be uncompetitive? Do you want it to drag the rest of us down the road of conservatism and economic ruin?
As Malay leaders, do you placate or do you lead for change? How do you lead that change?
Wishing all our Muslim Brothers and Sisters, “Selamat Hari Raya Haji” and for all, a “Happy Holiday”
Thank you
Yours truly,
For Hainanese Hock Beng Teoh 765. Stop using my name you little Hainanese yellow slimy spineless worm of no consequence hiding behind a fake name. Go back to Hainan the convict colony of Imperial China.
Malaysia Boleh Tun as always ! No problem.
Sri Sense, good on you for reminding us of the very possibility of an outcome that is very much welcomed and very sensible too ! But the question now is, WHO is the right candidate?
In my humble opinion though, the moment someone says that he will get rid of the New Economic Policy if he succeeds Tun, that person already (inadvertently perhaps and thus unwise) rules himself out of the race to become a future Prime Minister. It is a political suicide in Malaysia to say such a thing ! … for his party’s chances in future generals elections, and therefore himself as even continuing as party president. So, aspiring PM candidates should be careful before opening their mouth..
@twinpeaks, I agree with you!
Good Morning
Selamat Hari Raya Haji to Tun and family, to all Muslim friends and happy holidays to all fellow Malaysians!
It wont matter whether you pro-mubarak or pro -chan terkini.
It wont matter whether you pro-lynas or anti-lynas terkini.
As voters including smi bosses, will they vote policy makers that could lead them loss of jobs and businesses immediately without debate in federal parliment?
Dont forget, putrajaya is built built by petro subsidies, and 60% of the revenue comes from petrol revenue.
Abolish toll, can kah?
You think i will vote vote pakatan harapan under ppbm tdm?
I wont.
How could i vote a coalition that takes away jobs of the local because he said so?
Indians are much worst to deal with it, they travelled in big families and with babies with lots of luggages.
I sure hope those who have the mindset of pro-mubrarakchan is prepared to deal with it whether allow them breastfeed in mas, air asia or other domestic flights minus safety standards by ignoring international commercial airline safety and training.
Lambat takpa, janji selamat, tak gitu?
Sri Sense, good on you for reminding us of the very possibility of an outcome that is very much welcomed and very sensible too ! But the question now is, WHO is the right candidate?
In my humble opinion though, the moment someone says that he will get rid of the New Economic Policy if he succeeds Tun, that person already (inadvertently perhaps and thus unwise) rules himself out of the race to become a future Prime Minister. It is a political suicide in Malaysia to say such a thing ! … for his party’s chances in future generals elections, and therefore himself as even continuing as party president. So, aspiring PM candidates should be careful before opening their mouth..
Renungan saya terhadap Saudara se Agama saya Islam ….Muslimin Muslimat
Alhamdullilah Umat Islam di ini hari lebih berilmu ,lebih prihatin akan Ilmu & Ajaran Islam, Kaum Hawa lebih menjaga Hijab , Anak anak diluangkan masa dengan ajaran Agama ,kita sesama berhubungan lebih Beradab,keaadaan Hidup yg lebih bersih . Namun apa jua tetap ada kurangnya dan ada golongan yg tidak benar akan perjalanan
Wujud sengketa kita sesasama Ummah
Sengketa perantaraan landasan ,Perkauman , Fahaman , Sunni , Shia, Hitam , Putih dan sebagainya
Yg mengugat Dunia Islam di ini hari
Yg membinasakan ,menghancurkan Umat Islam adalah
Hasrat Dengki pihak musuh Islam , yg lempar batu sembunyi Tangan di belakang
Mereka yg punca segala Kezaliman yg diperlakukan terhadap Umat Islam yg sama sekali tidak berdosa.Dan Hujungnya mereka menyalahkan kita , Umat Islam
Sedangkan mereka yg merancang segala Musibah yg menimpa kita
Dengan Fitnah, Tipu Helah , menghura harakan kita sesama
Lihat kenyataan di Palestine ,Malawi ,Rakhine , Syria , Iraq
Mereka juga menggunakan Agama lain untuk menindas Islam
Di Kashmir mereka mengolakkan Hindu sesama Islam
Di Sri Lanka mereka membubukan kebencian terhadap Islam
Di Myanmar mereka mempergunakan Tok Samy Buddah untuk menindas Kaum Islam Rakhine
Di Phillipine , mereke menghacurkan menggunakan Tentera Thailand mermecah belahkan Malawi dengan kononya wujudnya ISIS
Di Negara Barat , Islam di Fitnah seolan Islam Pergerak segala Terrorist
Mereka memfitnah AlQuran seolah AlQuran dan Hadiths mengajar yg bukan bukan
Seperti Islam menyuruh dan mengalakan Pembunuhan , Penindasan Kaum Wanita,
72 Virgin menanti anda sebagai habuan yg mati Jihad dan macam macam lagi Fitnah mereka untuk mengotorkan Agama Islam
Untuk membenci AlQuran & Hadith
Mereka memfitnah Pemimpin Dunia Islam yg Tulin
Saddam Hussien, Gaddafi ,Imam , Uztad, Khalifa kita
Dan mereka di tuduh sebagai Pengganas
Adakan mereka ini sebenarnya Penganas ?
Adakan mereka ini memngugat manusia sejagat ?
Siapa Dalang di sebalik segala Fitnah yg berlaku terhadap
Dunia Islam diini hari ?
Kezaliman , Fitnah terhadap Dunia Islam wajib di bidas
Jangan Ummah di perbodoh bodohkan olih tipu helah mereka
Jangan kita Bodoh pula membenci Pejuang Islam kita yg Tulin
Yg sudah banyak Berkorban & Terkorban
Good evening Tun
@Mubarak Chan. Thank You So Much!
For Sri Sense, your comment is absolutely admirable and sensible as always. Please accept my support in the National Interest of our beloved Nation. We have all worked so hard, sincerely and honestly that it is a pity that the thirst for Ambition and Power over-rides our common sense and logic sometimes.
We all are Malaysians who stand proud, united and strong always.
Our beloved Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad is a fine iconic example.
Malaysia Boleh Tun as always ! No problem.
Good morning Tun Mahathir!
Pagi ini I baca;
BACK in the 1960s, a menteri besar and a very popular state assemblyman from his own party were embroiled in a political spat. Nothing as bitter as the one we are seeing now involving Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim and Datuk Seri Azmin Ali, but a spat nonetheless.
The demand by a big number of Umno members then was that the menteri besar be removed and replaced by the state assemblyman, who was known to be popular with the rakyat.
The situation reached a stage where then prime minister Tunku Abdul Rahman had to choose between the two. It was said that Tunku knew of the capability and popularity of the state assemblyman but at the same time, acknowledged that the MB was not without his supporters.
Choosing one over the other would damage, if not split, Umno. Hence, Tunku appointed someone out of the field to be menteri besar. A capable person, but someone who was considered a compromise candidate. It was a compromise not in a negative way, but one that was accepted by both the supporters of the MB and the popular YB as well.
The MB quit to make way for his successor while the YB was appointed speaker of the state assembly.
Now, coming to the Anwar-Azmin spat, if the feud becomes prolonged, will Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad choose a compromise candidate as his successor when he steps down?
Tun boleh baca seterusnya disini https://www.theedgemarkets.com/article/politics-and-policy-anwar-and-azmin-both-stand-lose-big
It is up to selangor mps to decide this time since pas tok hadi awang of terengganu had pushed through the debate of ruu355 at federal level before, but the act was delayed and postponed by yb azalina from johor, correct me if i am wrong.
You feel embarass as mp?
No need to feel embarass since each mps have different perspective, so no need to delay, just let mps representing their respective states to debate in selangor state assembly first, dare to take this challenge?
From there, each selangorian would be able to make political and economical judgement more accurately rather than just guessing.
As mps, when can do, you do.
As mps, when cannot do, dont force.
Zero sum games never work dari dulu hingga sekarang.
The basic question you need to ask is, are you prefared to go to the next level of mindset game?
The basic question you need to ask is, as mps, are you going to give up your birth right and federal constitution rights for the merger of umno-pas again via agree to disagree?
The basic question you need to ask yourself is, are you prepared to give up your future generations because you are afraid of the merger of umno-pas in other states except sarawak?
It can be very challenging, and stressful though.
Trust me, the satisfaction of solving such financial crisis are more rewarding mentally and economically when you have set your priorities correctly.
I already said, winning or loosing is not important, most importantly as mps you need to set the correct policies that can elevate your state to the next level so that your state is prepared to adapt to the future at state, federal and regional and international level.
Just allow the debate of unilateral conversion of minors in selangor, it is less costly, more simple and more stable.
The question now is, will tdm as perdana menteri allow such unilateral of minors to debate even other political parties, new political parties and ngo have mixed reactions?
It is either tdm faces this controversial, i mean, contradiction, issue that is against federal constitution today, or he will never find out himself.
To be or not to be, that is not the question.
Most importantly is to set the correct policies that can adapt and with stand any future economic crisis due to rise of military, or nuclear wars in the name of religion supremacy.
The decision is in the hands of mps of the divides.
Sri Sense
kongsi link https://whims2016.wordpress.com/
To dodoikan, bangsatkan dan galerikan the weak mindset of policymakers based on malay muslim supremacy is so mudah, easy jobs.
Bagi free aje, tak payah accountable for punya, tak da orang peduli pun is so common in gomen at federal and state levels.
Money easy come, easy go.
Bankers, investors and insurance companies know what to do pending directive from bnm.
For mps to see the financial crisis as opprtunities to get rich overnight, they might do something to hurt their rivals via religion and race supremacy.
When they saw successful people did well, they also think they can do it akin judging a book by its cover only.
So, their best way is to set national policies that favor themselves.
You feel surprise?
I dont feel surprise at all since i have gone through this ups and downs.
Weak, oops i mean, poor, mindset, policy makers, would be influenced by this link kongsi by her.
Look at the way she addressed tdm in full cap, then, you know she is starting to get bitchy, i mean gatal, again in 2019.
When global recession starts to slow down, obviously, national policy would be diutamakan to cushion global recession in 2016.
So, who would be the chosen ones to do this job again to set national policy after delayed of 2 years since 2016 due to cold war of mps of the divide?
PH under tdm won general election in may 9, 2018, and their term ends in 2023.
When there are opportunities, they are risks.
There is a huge different between gambler and chronic gambler.
Common gamblers play for fun, or as entertaintment.
Chronic gambler play to get super rich, they see gambling as the only way to get rich overnight.
Bear in mind, investors are not gamblers.
Each economic cycle occured is different.
Because no one knows who would ended up as the next president of the united states of america, and no one know what he or she will do when they get elected.
Political crisis that crippled honk kong economy in 2019 is nothing to be worried at all.
Those hong kongers who have lots of cash, they can migrate to any countries that they see future, including china.
Those hong kongers who dont have cash, they have no choice, they will stay united and re-build hong kong.
Problems can se settled by cash are not problems.
Problems that cannot be settled by cash, thats politics.
Are you ready?
kongsi link https://whims2016.wordpress.com/
Hello mahathiak,
1. Muka-muka sama saja comment sini. Hang bayak berapa $ elaun sebulan?
2. Buanglah masluu ni. Dia ni otak pelik.
3. Tok sah bagi kat karim lah. Tarak moral dia ni. Janji boleh tak ditetapi kalau janji tu tak selaras dgn agama. Azman pun dua kali lima juga.
4. Apa pasal ramai sangat bukan melayu pegang jawatan penting?
5. Apa pasal ramai hang punya ministers bisu dan menyorok dlm office je? Pi mai pi mai muka-muka sama saja yang nampak. Camera shy ka? Terkejut dapat gaji besar atau tak reti buat kerja? Or being realistik sebelum kalah selepas terkejut menang.
6. Solutionnya senang saja. Sumbat dalam jail kepala-kepala umno yang busuk tu dan bagi semula pada BN.
Singaporeans are famous for kiasu what, if not kiasu, then, their policymakers will become stagnant, compassion, and tidak apa attitude that would affect the voting behavior of this little red dot garden state country down south.
Calling by election is like throwing a dice, pap did that too after pap losses 40% of votes to their opponent, atau pembangkang.
Today, it is just too risky for singapore government to call for by election to test the sentiment of the voters since singapore is a melting pot socitey comprise of many foreign nationalities turned singaporeans via their national immigration policy to generate income and growth to their economy, you can call it kinship if you like, takda masalah.
Moreover, their national policy is shaped in the name of majulah singapura to cushion any external environment factors beyond their control since it is surrounded by big bullies, i mean, huge population countries.
The ruling party work hard, learn, adapt and always put their country positioning above national welfare to stay relevant.
The opposition party work hard, learn and always put singaporeans’ welfare above country positioning.
You may call it check and balance national policy, or inclusive of all policy for this country name singapore.
What about kuala lumpur?
Which way to go?
Pendek kata, when conflicts involve india and pakistan that could to lead to kesengsaraan dan kezaliman due to supremacy of keagamaan mereka masing2 again and again, i do not want to get involve too.
My only wish, i sure hope they would come to their senses not to kill one another too just to woos their country men and women to die for their supreme leaders to build their almighty military warfare in the name of religion when their people are still starving and poor in 21st century.
Are indian tourists better off or more civilize than prc or african tourists?
We just have to watch closely the statements or proposals of these malay muslim wannabes, i mean, pembodek bossku, had to say in media now, make sure you record those statements that they made, if not, they would ended up in saying you misunserstood their statements.
Each statement they made would affect the federal budget allocation via ministry level at putrajaya, and policies at state and federal level, are you prepare as wr?
Mps made law, but when they made laws, they broke the laws first, so how?
Malaysians too are as confused as those of americans, so how?
You have the right to remain silent, so to tunjuk your perasaan in social media or not, it is up to you to decide, bak kata, express at your own risk.
If those comments posted might embarass the ruling coalition, they might do something to punish you with their laws because they are the lawmakers what, and you must follow, if not, you dont love your country, can you accept such reasoning?
Jika tak hepi, vote pembangkang?
There is no free lunch in this world, it is either you pay your debts now, or your future generations will pay the debt you incurred today.
Deficit vs Surplus, what will you do when you prepare the next budget at state and federal levels?
Whats the point of re-implemnent jawi at federal level when it only create conflicts among races but not jobs at federal and state levels?
Tdm needs to sabar?
He doesnt need to sabar since he knows what he wants.
But, are his opponents sabar enough to wait for him to call it a day?
We just have to watch closely.
I semalam pergi to another stock broking company nak buka CDS account. Remiser ini terkejut I ada banyak CDS accounts.
Actually masa I mula2 buka CDS account in early 2000, I just nak buy and sell shares. After that I minat how good their customer service. Then I minat how low is the brokerage fee and the support the dealer/remiser boleh beri to me.
Is it hard to understand. hahaha
Good morning Tun
I baca ini pagi, so I share tulisan ini disini
Anwar Ibrahim: DPM By November 2020 And PM By May 2021
Kelihatan dan jika di renungi , di fikir dengan adanya bukti
Israel sedang berusaha mermecahbelahkan Dunia Islam di merata Dunia bukan saja di Timur Tengah
Lihat saja di Malawi, Phillipine. Rakhine , Myanmar ,di Sri Lanka,
Kocar kacir di Timur Tengah, sekarang di Kashmir , India
Ada satu Badan Israel yg di dukung Amerika yg mengerakan pergerakan memecah belahkan Dunia dan Umat Islam
Memang benar Ummah ada sengketa sesama ,begitu juga Hong Kong & China
Jika sengketa ini di batu api olih Israel, Amerika seperti yg berlaku di Timur Tengah ,HongKong & China akan berlaku Pergolakan seperti di Syira, Iraq
Begitu juga ancaman mereka terhadap perjuangan Zakir Naik
Zakir Naik tidak mengugat, mencaci mana mana Ugama
Tapi Zakir Naik berjaya membawa Kebenaran ,lantas ramai Kafir menganut Islam
Maka sebahagian rasa tergugat , lalu mereka perlu cari alasan untu singkir dan melemahkan Zakir
Perjuangan Zakir mesti , perlu di teruskan
Malaysia , Umat Islam harus di belakang Zakir
Tidak perlu Ragu . Tidak perlu fikirkan , Malaysia Kediaman Zakir
Yusuf Estes sahabat Zakir dan yg lain perlu di undang untuk berjuang bersama Zakir Naik
Kita perlu sesama untuk memperkuatkan Ukhwah Ummah
Harap Tun bersabar.
There is no contradiction. Runs agenda is the same. Only difference the people involved are different. The first case is still under a cloud of dubious conviction. The second case is under a cloud of manipulation. Why the two men in a homosexual act are not persecuted while the man in the first was persecuted without video evidence? Why chase after those allegedly circulate the video? Who will benefit most out of this drama? There is no New Malaysia with so many characters of dubious integrity. After 60 years, why still play around rather than fixing the economy, education and high tech development?
Are huawei oversea management staffs ready to cushion the blockage of 5 G in India?
I already forseen this would happen, why?
We dont have to go far, just look at the corak of our general elections, you see any differences with that of americans?
Mr trump praised google ceo, Indian-American Business Executive, mr sundar pichai recently, what is imran khan of pakistan thinking?
We already witnessed the protests of pro- icerd and anti-icerd right after yb anwar ibrahim won by election in n9.
Ds rais yatim said muslim must reject abrahaism, he meant malay parties must reject ds anwar ibrahim?
You can call mr trump a nasionalist, or racist, since he is the boss of united states of america, and he wants to stay 2nd term to keep america great, can kah?
He decides, but democrat or repbulican can voice out their opinions, and when president election is called, i believe perhaps less than 25% of the american population will come out to vote this time, may be lower than when mr trump vs mrs clinton.
Are you ready since mps of the divides could be rigged?
Chinese cekik haram nampak apakah mereka telah dicekikkan, tapi dll apabila mereka cekik haram, mereka mana ada takut punya, betul tak?
Adakah itu zalim?
Adakah itu sengsara?
When bully goes high, you go low, still remember who said this, fender?
When gutter politics of sodomy 3 is being played this timre, the one that distribute and involve in the video clip and anwar’s aide are being probed by macc, but not the other one that slept with him, face very blurr cannot recognize according to igp.
The aid of anwar after being released from macc, he was so courages and so sombong, opps i mean, so exicited in chanting reformasi for truth.
When bullies go high, you go low, you remember who said this, fender?
What is buffer means?
-a person or thing that reduces a shock or that forms a barrier between incompatible or antagonistic people or things.
-a solution which resists changes in pH when acid or alkali is added to it.
-a temporary memory area in which data is stored while it is being processed or transferred, especially one used while streaming video or downloading audio.
Buffer zone: an area of land that separates two other areas and that is designed to prevent fighting or harm coming to something – eg. There is a buffer zone between the wildlife sanctuary and the area where people live.
What will happen, it will happen.
What will not happen now , it can happen in future.
Just do your best, and whenever you get confuse, refer to rukun 5 prinsip, you will be alright.
P/s: i have no anger or frustration in heart, what about you?
There is no contradiction. Runs agenda is the same. Only difference the people involved are different. The first case is still under a cloud of dubious conviction. The second case is under a cloud of manipulation. Why the two men in a homosexual act are not persecuted while the man in the first was persecuted without video evidence? Why chase after those allegedly circulate the video? Who will benefit most out of this drama? There is no New Malaysia with so many characters of dubious integrity. After 60 years, why still play around rather than fixing the economy, education and high tech development?
HBT very poor seeking Fairness & Equality
This are True example of Ungrateful Human Being
He keeps on repeating corruption, Rasuah and on
As is the Chinese tak Cekik Duit Haram
I think you should be treated like what the Buddist treats the Rohingya
When the Myanmars failed to compete with the Rohingya economically
That’s the main reason of the Genocides
Same HBT always grieve of being the victim of Racial
I call him Ungrateful Bitch
It is up to you to decide, and is it corruption or lobby cost, itu terpulang to you to decide whether hanya chinese cekit duit haram, dll tak cekit duit haram pun.
I never grieve myself being the victim of racial.
You grieve, sibotak?
But, for those who grieve for being the victims of racial, may they find peace in their heart eventually.
It wont matter as long as you know who is that bitch, and who is that him.
Racism and extremism are very much alive in this country, and i guess being the successful politicians they must be able to manipulate the sentiments of the voters to favor their race base needs, janji menang, baru bikin.
Boleh means boleh.
Tak boleh means tak boleh.
Menang means menang.
Kalah means kalah.
Betul tetap betul.
Salah tetap salah.
Good luck, and all the best.
HBT very poor seeking Fairness & Equality
This are True example of Ungrateful Human Being
He keeps on repeating corruption, Rasuah and on
As is the Chinese tak Cekik Duit Haram
I think you should be treated like what the Buddist treats the Rohingya
When the Myanmars failed to compete with the Rohingya economically
That’s the main reason of the Genocides
Same HBT always grieve of being the victim of Racial
I call him Ungrateful Bitch
Grammar mistake: Cash not even grow from tree, it can grow from rocks, kata sri sense.
Correct grammar: Cash not only grow from tree, it can grow from rocks too, kata sri sense.
Peduli apa, takda orang tahu pun, sogok ke, rasuah ke, kan mereka ini adalah pembodek bossku.
I can never live up to her standard of politicking.
Jika nak, kata you nak.
Tak payah curi punya, atau pakai official religion one to force others to give up their birth rights punya, betul tak?
Its alright, not being a member of any political parties is not the end of the world.
When general election result is known officially, we will know who is in, and who is out.
Moral atau agama issues ini?
Will election commission use top down instruction to ros this time mengisytiharkan/to declare all political parties to replace their people’s own languages with jawi before next general election is called?
We will see since no one knows whats in the mind of these derhaka jebat.
Ikan yu in english is called shark.
Cash not even grow from tree, it can grow from rocks, kata sri sense.
What is the difference between bank governor and shark loan?
Can you differentiate?
P/s: korek lubang sini, korek lubang sana, but only got one penutup, so how? then, we will we see what issues will jebat derhaka play next time. no need to get angry or whatsoever when you know your birth rights guaranteed by the federal constitution.
I understand your political standing Tun, but it does not change the fact that you are surrounded by successors with moral issues. Your government is incompetent and the sentiment towards Islam as an official religion of Malaysia is not forthcoming.
Praise to Allah the Most Merciful, the Only God, Who created everything so beautiful and perfectly in order. Look at the ocean so beautiful, the sky so blue, wonderful variety animals, the green-oxygen emitting trees for us to breathe, the majestic mountain, the never-ending galaxies, the mysterious black-hole, the complex DNA, and never-ending complex, beautiful and mysterious creations we as a human had found it too difficult to comprehend and find all the answers. Believe me, we never could.
The Human with soul and desire so complex, we can’t even understand why are we here. What is our purpose of life? We chose our desire that we forget about our soul. This is our main conquest in life. This is what matters. To find the true meaning so that the life that we are having now would not be futile.
Believe, and you will find that one thing worth dying for.
P/s: I would prefer to stick with the main objective 🙂
Be strong, not over reacted, panic and please calm down, hongkong tourists.
Just wait it out, and bear with your hk civil government servants under sar in releasing their anger and frustration due these unbecoming protests.
No matter what happens, you, your grandchildren, great grandchildren, great great grandchildren are the children of mainland china.
Get a place to stay, or you can hang in our klia airports until further instruction, and please let our klia management team to make the best arrangement from you.
My niece asked, when mahb levied exit taxes on commercial airlene passengers, where do these taxes go?
I said common sense tells me that these levies would be used to maintain kuala lumpur international airport.
P/s: which way to go is is very much depend on the marurity and consensus of the coalition of the political divide. if they still stuck in dulu punya mindset by treating the taxpayers as dedak because thats ahkong money, not their atuk money, they will be left behind, and thats no question about it.
Daripada ajar khat yang hanya digunakan sebagai perhiasan lebih baik diajar programming language pada peringkat awal lagi…
Khat lebih cantik ditulis menggunakan komputer…
Dilihat pembawakan pendidikan malaysia semakin menuju ke belakang oleh kerajaan baru…
She really langsung tak rasa segan, and minta kat sini.
Youth and sport minister can rubber stamp her request, and mof will pay accordingly.
Sure hope later on, her rivals will not re-fatwakan trolley in supermarket to be separated by muslim and non muslim, and cause anger among wr within political coalitiomn.
P/s: programming adalah bahasa yahudi, tak takut nanti tema anti-yahudi dipermainkan kerana rasa dengki?
For the confirmed Hainanese Hock Beng Teoh 456 or half past six.
Do not claim you are a Chinese which you are not but a 4th rate Hainanese worm of the 4th Order. In all your comments, you leave us Chinese out because you are a Lao from the hill-tribes of Vietnam and Yunnan. Now that you have been exposed and stripped naked, you are not qualified to represent or say anything about the Chinese who are Han and not Lao. Hainanese Fake.
Thanks a million for using my name to publicise me. This is precisely what I wanted you to do. Stupid Hainanese. Why are you so stupid ?
Malaysia Boleh Tun as always. No problem
Daripada ajar khat yang hanya digunakan sebagai perhiasan lebih baik diajar programming language pada peringkat awal lagi…
Khat lebih cantik ditulis menggunakan komputer…
Dilihat pembawakan pendidikan malaysia semakin menuju ke belakang oleh kerajaan baru…
Correction: Will mubarakchan give up a strong unified population of 1.3 billion yellow slimmy spineless worms over 7 million yellow slimmy spineless worms?
For Hainanese Hock Beng Teoh 456 or half-past six.
Since you used my name again, I will call you a yellow slimy spineless worm of a Hainanese. As I explained before you are not a CHINESE BUT A 4TH RATE HAINANESE. All my Hainanese friends are FIRST CLASS HAINANESE.
For your limited and closed mind, China will trade with any one in the World. Stupid Hainanese Hock Beng Teoh 456 or half six. You forgot Admiral He Cheng and his Armada to Africa ?
Malaysia Boleh Tun as always ! No problem
Laksamana cheng ho, not parameswara or silat this time?
Will mubarakchan give up a strong unified population of 1.3 billion yellow slimmy spineless worms over 700 million yellow slimmy spineless worms?
Residences in hong kong are getting angry and frustrated with the protestors, and when they loose their temper and start to attack the protestors, will these protestors blame their government and police force for not protecting them?
Do these protestors pay taxes to their government?
Do you think hang seng index will plunge downward similar to the patern of black day of wall street during obama presidency when the situation in hong kong spiral out of control after they returned to mainland china 22 years ago?
If jawi is being re-introduce just to make rural malay happy, what will happen?
It would be best to let mps of ph and bn to decide because they know the consequences more than voters.
Home sweet home can turn home not sweet anymore.
P/s: ask yourself as muslim or hindu, is it fair to non muslim and non hindu taxpayers? Of course it is not fair because we pay taxes, not zakat. If it is not fair, as voters, will you support pakatan harapan or barisan nasional since both of the divides cannot decide? No matter how bad is the storm, the rain will stop, another sunny and bright sunshine day will come. Which way to go, you do the math yourself, not me.
For Hainanese Hock Beng Teoh 456 or half-past six.
Since you used my name again, I will call you a yellow slimy spineless worm of a Hainanese. As I explained before you are not a CHINESE BUT A 4TH RATE HAINANESE. All my Hainanese friends are FIRST CLASS HAINANESE.
For your limited and closed mind, China will trade with any one in the World. Stupid Hainanese Hock Beng Teoh 456 or half six. You forgot Admiral He Cheng and his Armada to Africa ?
Malaysia Boleh Tun as always ! No problem
Bear in mind, mubarakchan, mainland china only do trades with usa.
They never receive nor beg humanitarian aids, donation nor imf from usa, not like african continent, pakistan nor middle east moslem countries.
The protests in hong kong will last for months, and it wont be a surprise, pla will take over the role of their police force when violent bloodshed erupted, just like what happened in bangkok.
Adakah menteri pelajaran itu masih bodoh lagi in pushing jawi to be be added in bahasa malaysia this time, i am not sure.
Jika bahasa jawi dikenakan new syllabus under bahasa malaysia this time, bukan kekalkan bahasa melayu for unity of races, then, it would be a great news for bn pas and that would spell the end of the dream pair of anwar and azmin to take over mahathir and myuhiddin as per sudin’s wish.
Rob paul to pay peter, but taraf hidup rakyat biasa masih kekal, tak naik2 lagi, then, rob peter to pay paul again.
Bak kata, harap pagar padi, pagar makan padi.
Jika gutter politik along party line masih diteruskan, then, lebih baik dont vote.
If that can happen to usa, it wont be a surprise it will happen to malaysia too.
Bak kata, pandai2lah mereka yang mengelarkan diri mereka sebagai perjuang dan bangsa mereka masing2.
Good luck tun dr mm.
P/s: even when the lyric of negaraku is changed under tdm again, it makes no sense who can jual better.
Assalamualaikum Tun.
Saya masih punyai kelapangan di sini.
Ada masa saya dengar ceramah agama di fb dan youtube.
Dikatakan anggaran purata umur umat Rasulullah saw adalah antara 60-70 tahun.
Manakala dikhabarkan bahawa apabila ditanyakan tentang usia semasa kepada Imam Syafie dan Imam Malik, kedua duanya menyatakan adalah tidak sopan untuk menanyakan umur kepada orang alim.
Ini kerana, umur tidak menggambarkan tentang ketakwaan dan keimanan kepada Allah swt.
Jika diberitahu umur muda, dikatakan mentah oleh orang ramai. Jika diberitahu umur tua, akan dikatakan nyanyuk pula.
Oleh kerana memikirkan tentang umur purata hidup iaitu 60-70 tahun seperti yang diberitahu oleh Rasulullah saw, sedangkan usia saya pun dah 43 tahun (walau dikatakan masih muda), maka jika dihitung tolak tambah, masih ada bakinya 17 tahun untuk hidup lagi.
Alangkah ruginya jika baki hidup ini disia siakan.
Maka saya terfikir dan telah jalankan aktiviti permulaan saya dengan mula memberi komen di ‘jalanan’ terutama di akhbar online i.e berita harian dan sinar.
Ini kerana saya berpendapat kebanyakan komen warga netizen lebih menjurus kepada negatif. Terutama mengaitkan politik, walaupun isunya bukan politik.
Saya menggunakan FB saya Musthasor Mukhtar.
Terima kasih Tun.
For Hainanese Hock Beng Teoh 456 or tiga suku or half-past xix.
Malaysia Boleh Tun as always ! No problem. IN YOU WE ALL TRUST.
You are a sick man, mubarakchan, and you stir racial and religion disharmony for the sake of your vision even at the expense of your rakan perjuangan.
When i see your race contest, i just pangkah opposition coalition to menegakkan daulat islam malaysia, dan membina landasan yang lebih resillient, efisien, makmur aman dan selamat.
Adam and Eve refer Bible.
Adam dan Hawa refer Umno.
Ringgit malaysia to us dollar, refer forex.
I dont mind pangkah hajar race, but definitely not sri sense race,
It would be great for mr trump now to re-route its patriot act to pivot india.
Good luck mr trump, god bless america, and boieng this time.
As malaysian, refer to prinsip rukun negara then you will be alright.
P/s: hainese chicken rice shop? you think i am so calculative like you mubarakchan? poor does not mean you can rob. rich does not mean you can rape. if these so called pembodek agama dan bangsa think hutang negara tak perlu dibereskan because thats not their atuk money but ahkong money, then, when they cried wolf is coming again, no one will help them.
Salam alaikum YAB Tun Mahathir.Didoakan sihat dan afiat hendaknya. Komen ini ditujukan kepada YAB Tun. Kalau tak keluarkan pun tak hal.
1. Negara nampak tak ada duit. Tapi banyak hutang. Memang sangat terdesak. Inilah akibat perbuatan zalim yang dilakukan oleh Kerajaan UMNO-BN dulu.
2. Sungguh tidak beriman ketua kerajaan yang menganiaya rakyatnya sendiri. Sanggup merampas harta rakyat sendiri. Pads hal selama ini aset rakyat tersebutlah yang digunapakai bagai membangunkan negara.
3. Bukan negara ini saja yang guna aset rakyat tersebut malah negara laim juga bergantung kepada bantuan dari aset tersebut.
4. Kini pemilik harta telah bekukan aset tersebut dan melalui Mahkamah Dunia (ICJ) mendesak semua aset yang dicuri, dipinjamkan dan faedah penggunaan oleh semua negara dikembalikan sepenuhnya.
5. Proses penyerahan semua aset dan tunai pemilik ini banyak kali tergendala disebabkan karenah dari Malaysia sendiri.
6. Malaysia minta penyerahan dibuat di Mahkamah Malaysia. Percubaan pertama gagal kerana peemilik beri syarat ICJ mesti beri International Immunity ke atas diri dan keluarga Pemilik. Pemilik tak percaya pada jaminan dari Malaysia.
8. Adalah difahamkan, setelah segala syarat yang dikehendaki dipenuhi, pemilik sekarang setuju penyerahan disempurnakam di Malaysia (PENYERAHAN SAHAJA). Tetapi sebarang perundingan mesti dibuat di ICJ.
9. Dijangka penyerahan ini akan berlaku tidak lama lagi.
9. Malaysia diharap akan patuhi kehendak pemilik. Selama ini pemilik cuba sedaya upaya tidak terlintas rasa marah di HATI. Jika terlintas dikuatiri sesuatu yang tidak baik baik diluar kuasa pemilik menghalangnya akan berlaku.
10. Berlindung kita pada Allah yang empunya Qudrah dan Iradah. Buatlah sesuatu dengan ikhlas. Jangan ada niat hendak rampas harta yang bukan hak kita.
Wallahu’aklam. Terima kasih.
For Hainanese Hcck Beng Teoh 456.
You are a yellow slimy spineless useless Chinaman from Hainan China.
You deliberately draw attention to yourself by condemning our beloved Malaysia, the Rakyat, the Constitution, the Malays, the Muslims and try to bully me, You Stupid Idiot from Hainan of the First Order.
Strip yourself of your fake name. Show all of us what you have contributed to this beloved Malaysia WHICH YOU TALK SO BADLY ABOUT IDIOT.
Stop your idiotic sanctimonious nonsense of telling others what to do hiding behind a fake name, Hainan idiot.
From day ONE, you have been telling ALL that they are BAD and you are GOOD stupid hainanese.
Go back to Sanya and commit your incestuous activities.
Your lousy chicken rice will get you no friends or anywhere. Stupid.
Malaysia Boleh Tun as always. No problem. As I always said that Malayaia is a very small place, we are either good friends or related. We cannot get away very far. In the case of the stupid Hainanese HBT456, the worm thought he had the perfect quise to BELITTLE OUR BELOVED MALAYSIA WE ALL WORKED SO HARD TO BUILD UP, THE MALAYS AND THE ISLAM RELIGION AND MYSELF, A PROPER BLAST AT THIS IDIOTIC HAINANESE WHO FOR YEARS HAVE HAD A FREE REIN CONDEMNING ALL IS PROPER AND TIMELY. Hainanese HBT456, YOU HAVE NO FATHER OR MOTHER. Stop talking.
No problem, mubarakchan, why not re-colonize malaysia by importing low skill workers from your mother country to replace citizens of hbt since minister kula punya ancestors were also imported from india to do the layman jobs to build railway tracks in last century.
The race of sri sense would be more than happy to assist you, kan sama2 dari benua india what by playing with official religion card.
Malay are pampered.
Indians are smart, so to speak.
China man memang bodoh, dapat untung, they re-invest in this country but they are still being labelled as pendatang even from sabah bumiputra.
Issues macam ini saya tak akan pening kepada.
It would be best to let states’ sultan to decide.
Bak kata, tak nak tak pa, tapi jangan hina.
For HBT 456 of Hainan Island. As long as you mention my name, I will call you a yellow slimy spineless coward of a Chinaman from Hainan Island China.
You are so stupid as to use the moniker Teoh Beng Hock which exposes YOUR HAINANESE ANCESTORY IMMEDIATELY. And do you know, YOU HAINANESE ARE NOT HAN CHINESE BUT LAO FROM VIETNAM.
Malaysia Boleh Tun as always ! No problem.
It is time the Non-Chinese learn that different Chinese Clans behave in different manner. Outside of China, Malaysia has the most number of Chinese Clans. Thanks to the British ? The British in the 1930s despatched their Police Cadets to Canton, Amoy and Swatow for 6 months to learn the dialects and the behaviour of these Chinese clansmen. So meticulous were the British ! They even had the Office of the Protector of the Chinese, an euphemism, next to the Chinatowns of Penang, Kuala Lumpur and Singapore to keep a baleful eye on their political activities from mainland China during those tumultuous early days. Chinamen like HBT456 WOULD HAVE DEPORTED IMMEDIATELY BACK TO HAINAN, CHINA !
During culture revolution in the 40s, extreme communist leaders at highest level spread till the grassroot level did horrendous crimes onto their country men.
Correction: Japanese imperislist invasion was launched in China during the 40s as Furore of East Asia which marked WW 2. Cultural Revolution was launched from 1966 to 1976, a decade, by Extreme Communist leaders, or political figures, for communist party at that time who were very close with Chairman Mao, and newspapers in the world during that time named them as Gang of Four, and one of the gang is Chairman Mao’s 4th wife, a chinese actress named Jiang Ching. It was reported that she committed suicide at her home at age of 77 years old by newspapers of the world, true or not, no one knows.
Whatever mubarakchan wants to say, i sure hope he wont go to the extreme of no returns with his chronology of man proposed, god disposed with malay biased policy as hindu / buddhists still believe in karma of you sow what you reap. We are part of asian too.
The wife of general jiang kai sek is soong mei ling, or the famous 2nd sister of the 3 soong sisters during that era of turbulance if ww2.
One of the wife of dr sun yat sen is soong ching ling, youngest sister of the 3 soong sisters too. From wikipedia, dr sun has many wives, and there are Kaoru Otsuki, Haru Asada, Chen Cuifen and Lu Muzhen.
Until today, no china, hong kong, taiwan and singapore actresses can replace datuk michelle yeoh of malaysia, and this is something that no one can denied as movie goers.
Malaysia Boleh Tun as always ! No problem. In you we all TRUST. Keep smiling in your light colour suit amongst the MEN IN BLACK so that the good hormones flow unimpeded. Acheh !
Dear PM Tun Dr. Mahathir,
On July 29, Azmin thanked PAS and Umno for ignoring their differences with Mahathir in urging the prime minister to stay on until the end of the term.
Kadir said the stand by Umno and PAS should not be seen as a statement in support of Mahathir. “For the Umno-PAS combination, breaking up PH is a key objective,” he said.
He added that there are more pressing matters to attend to than discussing something which has already been agreed on.
“Mahathir has said repeatedly that a Cabinet reshuffle is not on the cards and that he will keep his promise of transferring power to Anwar,” he said.
Veteran newsman A Kadir Jasin has my utmost respect as he speak his mind without fear and favor and at time to his own detrimental, this is what a true adviser/friend for. Beware with those who praise you with their hidden agenda. “ada udang di balik batu”
Bangsa yang berjiwa kental, bersemangat besi
Diserang oleh nafsu dan perasaan tamak
Aku dapat apa dari kemerdekaan tanya mereka?
Mana bahagian aku?
Dan semangat pun menjadi luntur, tidak terdaya mengawal nafsu
Apa makna senang jika untuk mendapat sesuatu begitu susah
Dan nafsu dan perasaan tamak pun di peralat dan disogok oleh orang-orang politik dan orang kaya
Politik yang menyelamat
Menjadi politik yang menghancur
Pemimpin semakin tamak
Untuk tempat dan kedudukan tinggi
Perbuatan yang haram dihalalkan
Nama Allah diperalatkan, dijual untuk nikmat yang sementara di dunia
Ya Allah lindungilah bangsaku
Sedarkanlah mereka
Sedarkan mereka bahawa Engkau tidak akan mengubah nasib bangsa
Melainkan bangsa itu sendiri cuba mengubahnya
Mengubah sendiri, membendung nafsu
Tun, betulkah Melayu malas? Tajuddin Rasdi – January 4, 2019 7:00 AM
Saya tidak pernah lihat Melayu malas. Yang saya lihat Melayu perasuah, ramai. Yang saya lihat Melayu pagar makan padi, berlambak. Yang saya lihat pemimpin Melayu melaungkan ketuanan Melayu dan keagungan Islam, tetapi merompak khazanah negara yang boleh diagihkan kepada anak-anak Melayu, Cina, Kadazan, Orang Asli miskin, yang ini memang banyak dalam satu parti…tak salah saya, parti Tun sendiri suatu ketika dahulu!
Saya boleh bersetuju dengan Tun bahawa Melayu malas berfikir. Buat apa fikir pasal agama, ustaz kan ada, ustazah pun ada, dengar ceramah sajalah. Buat apa fikir Islam dan modenisasi, kenapa rajin pergi surau, selalu pergi umrah, kerap pergi haji, bersih putih masuk syurgalah Melayu semua.
Melayu malas berfikir tentang pelaburan jangka jauh, ini saya setuju dengan Tun. Memang Tun kata benar, kalau Melayu dapat duit banyak, tengok saja keretanya, barang kemas baju wanitanya, “shopping”, “travel” pun cukup hebat. Pelaburan pendidikan tak buat. Sebab? Tak apalah, ada Majlis Amanah Rakyat (Mara) dan Universiti Teknologi Mara (UiTM).
Sekarang, kita tengok kenapa Melayu tak boleh maju? Tun kata banyak program dilaksanakan, Felda, Felcra, Mara, Lembaga Padi dan Beras Negara (LPN) serta banyak lagi, tetapi siapa yang kaya-raya? Pemimpin Umno dan kakitangan kerajaan yang mengurus.
Pekebun tak kaya pun, yang teruk mengait buah kelapa sawit tak kaya pun. Peladang padi lebih kurang macam dulu juga.
Tun, sebenarnya kegagalan sistem politik dan pentadbiran Melayu yang bersekongkol membiarkan rasuah dan salah guna kuasa berleluasa.
Melayu tak malas. Pelajar Melayu tak malas, petani Melayu tak malas, guru Melayu tak malas, peniaga Melayu tak malas dan pensyarah Melayu pun tak malas. Kelemahan mereka adalah fikiran di bawah tempurung, tidak kritis, tidak luas dan tidak berfikir di luar kotak. Itu memang betul.
Tetapi, yang merosakkan peluang-peluang bagi orang Melayu berfikir, berpotensi dan berinspirasi adalah pemimpin-pemimpin Melayu Umno, PAS dan mungkin selepas ini, PPBM.
Yang mengkayakan diri dan seperti pagar makan padi adalah kakitangan kerajaan yang kebanyakannya Melayu. Ini sebenarnya penyakit orang Melayu. Tak payah buat kajian PhD, sudah terang-terang di depan mata kita.
Tetapi, orang Melayu masih terkongkong dengan penjilat, pembohong dan pemimpin politik, agama serta kerajaan Melayu yang asyik mendendangkan Melayu terancam oleh orang bukan Melayu dan Melayu masih tidak cukup kuasa ekonomi. Itu masalah sebenar Tun
Bukan orang Melayu malas Tun, tetapi sikap dan pemikiran sempit. Orang Melayu kalau nak berjaya senang saja, buang pemimpin Umno, PPBM (terutamanya Tan Sri Abdul Rashid Abdul Rahman) dan PAS yang mengongkong pemikiran dan sikap terhadap masalah sebenar orang Melayu.
Bila kepimpinan Melayu buat salah, cendekiawan Melayu di universiti diam membisu, dapat jadi naib canselor, naik pangkat profesor. Bila kepimpinan Melayu rasuah, orang agama tidak sentuh pun dalam khutbah Jumaat.
Melayu tak malas Tun, yang salah ialah kepimpinan Melayu seperti pepatah Melayu, harapkan pagar, tetapi pagar pula yang membaham padi. Bukan sedikit yang dibahamnya, tetapi banyak!
Tun, Tajuddin Rasdi seorang profesor di UCSI had said what needed to be said on the root cause of the many ills befalling Malaysia. It is now up to the good doctor Tun to prescribe the bitter medicine to cure the many ills of Malaysia. Quote,“Kita perlu telan ubat pahit untuk membaiki diri kita. Tetapi, kita perlu beli ubat daripada profesional, bukan daripada P Ramlee atau AR Tompel dalam filem klasik Melayu. Unquote”
Thank you
Yours truly,
For HOCK BENG TEOH 654. Ha Ha Ha !
So you are a confirmed flathead after all these years. Caught red-handed !
Your crazed and warped comments betrayed you short-circuit Flathead !
Do you know that during Imperial China, Hainan Island was the dumping ground for CONVICTS from all China like Australia ?
Do you know why your genes are so mixed up like rojak ? Incest of course, IDIOT !
Why ? Because in Hainan, only women worked in the fields. The men sit at home committing INCEST ! That’s why ! Your forefathers imported by the British brought the dirty genes into ye good olde Malaya. Don’t cry, IDIOT !
Your comments will get my grand-daughter her PH.D
Those who do not understand the word “INCEST”, the Oxford Dictionary defines as ‘sexual relations between people classed as being too closely related to marry.’
Do you know our beloved Malaysia’s First Finance Minister Tun Sir Henry H.S. Lee, Cantonese from Kwangsi was a Chinese Government Civil Servant on Hainan Island as his first job after Cambridge, IDIOT ?
Since you now have been exposed even HIDING BEHIND A COWARDLY FACADE, you are really the discarded stinking yellow slimy spineless gene of a useless Chinaman from Hainan.
And stop using my name to further your ambitions, CRAZY IDIOT from Hainan, China !
Malaysia Boleh Tun as always ! No problem with people with NORMAL MIND-SETS !
For Hock Beng Teoh 456. To-night make sure you are on the flight to the Moon or Mars. You stink, Filthy yellow spineless slimy useless Chinaman clown from Sanya, Hainan Island, China.
Malaysian Boleh Tun as always. No problem
You are such a great pretender, liar, selfish, heartless and sneakiest manipulator similar to that of sri sense, mubarakchan.
You under estimate the pride, nasionalism and patriotism of our country men in multi-ethnic malaysia of 14 different states.
I voiced out because i personally think it is very very very unfair for the future generations to pay for disasterous decisions made by the generation before them.
I just googled the images of sanya, hainan, china just now.
Sanya, a city on the southern end of China’s Hainan Island, has several bays with large beach resorts. Yalong Bay is known for upscale hotels, while Wuzhizhou Island and its coral reefs are destinations for scuba diving, surfing and other water sports. At the city’s expansive Nanshan Temple complex, a 108m-high Guan Yin bronze statue rises on an artificial island.
Hakuna matata, external political environment factors beyond the control of beijing central government wont affect the tourism industry in this city today.
During culture revolution in the 40s, extreme communist leaders at highest level spread till the grassroot level did horrendous crimes onto their country men.
Today, mana boleh since china is in post internet era whereby rule of law is ironed as per constitution for the people’s republic of china under president xi jinping for the future of china.
To err is human, to forgive divine.
You should not be too harsh with someone who makes a mistake, because all human beings make mistakes including ourselves.
To nail or delay, the decision is with AG at putrajaya.
I dont oppose, but that does not mean i must NASIONALIZE islamic atau khat, caligraphy on to my cucu what.
As the perdana menteri, tdm must be very senstive to religion faiths of multi-racial malaysia, he cannot pilih kasih.
Religion faith is very sensitive issues, just like a programme of brain biologically in born in human beings.
Unless, he does not want to be the perdana menteri of multi-ethnic malaysia.
If he wants to be the menteri besar for kedah state, he will sure get the majority votes from both umno and pas.
Anyway, like SS Lee pantunkan, beliau tetap akan pergi.
Which malay wants to be the next trillionaire?
Ramai, why worried, betul tak?
For Hock Beng Teoh 456. To-night make sure you are on the flight to the Moon or Mars. You stink, Filthy yellow spineless slimy useless Chinaman clown from Sanya, Hainan Island, China.
Malaysian Boleh Tun as always. No problem
HBT as the seems Loyal to Malaysia did not even mention about Jho Low crimes
Merely he talks about UMNO, The Malay now & then
Perhaps if HBT were to be Circumcise his Racist Hatred will subside
Is it because i am chinese ethnic in malaysia, then, i support jho low crimes? Why AMBANK BHD was chosen to transfer the fund from 1MDB to dato seri’ najib mohammad razak accounts? You think putting a khan in RHB, then, i must open an account in RHB? I already said, wealth cannot pass through 3rd generation due to political sabotage, it is so common in the world including usa. By the end of the day, the same old dedak question would be asked, kenapa beliau boleh, kenapa aku tak boleh in the name of bangsa dan agama.
What is the difference between to make america great again and to make united states of america great again? You think only arab got oil, other countries dont have oil? Macam ini pun tak boleh faham, now sibotak as fakir talk about sunat, then, chinese men talk about shaving hair to turn monk, izzit?
Bodoh itu apa?
Kata musato, bodoh itu maksud bodoh la.
” HBT THE COWARD hiding behind a fake name. I told you to STOP MENTIONING MY NAME, YOU YELLOW SLIMY SPINELESS IDIOTIC WORM OF A USELESS CHINAMAN who exploits other people’s comments to have a platform. ”
HBT has lots of time. He is a definite Racist who throws a stone and hides hands behind. He is like a Jew with many Lies . He intentionally tends to confuse the Truth, played his Rcaisl card then after blaming others for being racial. Believe me Guy like this will never come forward for truth. He will hide under the Sarung
How could you expect him to come forward for truth when the generation before him also do the same? You expect him to look at the mirror and shout, who is the most powerful man on earth, izzit? You think malaysia is egypt ar? so many unsolved scandals, inequality and unfairness happened in here due to mediocrity of pilih kasih, sibotak thinks zam zam water from ganges river of india can save malaysia?
Zakir Naik did not pose a Threat nor Harm Malaysia to which Lim Guan Eng should suggest Zakir to move out
He is not and was never a Terrorists
He is just being framed for Money Laundering and that is in India
Instead of asking Zakir to Moves out
Lim should by his many means drag Jho Low back to Malaysia
Jho Low has stolen Billions of Malaysian money
And No one seems to make the efforts to bring Jho Low back to Justice
HBT as the seems Loyal to Malaysia did not even mention about Jho Low crimes
Merely he talks about UMNO, The Malay now & then
Perhaps if HBT were to be Circumcise his Racist Hatred will subside
Zakir Speech is in the Open
It’s videotaped, invited to all, Transparent & No Compulsion
He laid Truth on the Table which Feared The Non-Believer
Many have reverted to Islam and its not just the commoner
It reverts the Professionals, Lawyers, Doctors & even The Christian Pastors, Priests & many more
The Truth feared the non-believer. The very reasons fabricated Lies of Money Laundering is put up against Zakir
They should do a better accusation instead.
Perhaps in Malaysia Zakir will be framed for Sodomy
Zakir well versed of Christians Bible, Hindus, Buddist, others religious scriptures better than The Pastors, the Priest showed Zakir is a True Believer
Imagine yourself facing thousands of strangers to answers questioned that you could not expect and what if you could not answer with references and facts
It will be sorry if Zakir Deep sincere knowledge of religion is not shared nor We seek to the Truth. Zakir offers if any verses or scriptures could impress him as in if Jesus says He is God, Worship him. Zakir himself will convert to Christian. Of course, after Death, perhaps every one of us will see the Truth but then it was too late
Perhaps, i put it this way, you will see clearer.
Are you arab ethnic or malay ethnic in malaysia?
Is preaching your profession now?
If foreigners ask you, where do you come from?
Will you say you are from penang?
When they check your passport, you are malaysian.
How will you introduce yourself then?
To impeach dato seri najib mohammad razak as perdana menteri, the decision is with AG at putrajaya. Once this impeachment is done by AG at putrajaya, then, the generation after najib will do the same to the malay leaders without the consent from other component parties that bind federated and unfedersted malaya stretching from penisula to sabah, then, to sarawak.
Question: are you pro-nasionalist? ya atau tidak?
Question: are you anti-nasionalist? Ya atau tidak?
How can you call a nationalist as racist, it doesnt add up, dont you think so?
Whenever i get confused, i always refer to 5 prinsip rukun negara so that i shall never cross that line.
To nail, or to delay, the decision is with AG at Putrajaya.
P/s: you know they could be bribed to favor their self interests, then, why you still do it? greed vs fear? itu terpulang kepada selera dan citarasa negeri masing2.
For HBT 456. For years you have been attacking me with insults, snide remarks, slander and libel without being provoked. Let me respond properly to you since you asked for it by picking on me by bullying me the only Chinese here who loves our beloved Malaysia WITHOUT QUESTION.
HBT you use this fake monicker in memory of TEOH BENG HOCK whom you thought was murdered but he could have committed suicide. You have turned up and gave donations at his memorial fests organised by his family. From this your hatred grew and grew because of your poor intellect. You decided to take revenge on the Malaysians who are Malays and the Muslims. All of them are culpable according to your crazed and warped mind.
I was really surprised that YOU SINGLED ME FOR ATTACK AND SPECIAL TREATMENT, IDIOT. YOU ARE A CLANSMAN WITH NO HEADS OF TEOH BENG HOCK. You are just a yellow slimy spineless useless Chinaman from Sanya, China.
HBT you are stupid and have no intellect even though you spent a life-time teaching in one of two large schools in Petaling Jaya either La Salle or the one near Paramount Garden. It is easy to check. You buy fresh meat from the wet market. Also easy to check. You have your car attended to in the same area. Also easy to check.
HBT. YOUR GOD IS LEE KUAN YEW ! Confirmed by your own comments over the years.
You have retired and now aged around 60 years old living alone in a bolt hole around your old school.
Your family has broken up. Your spouse and children have deserted you.
Whilst a teacher you did not have the character to tolerate and forgive others but kept all your negative feeling to explode here in this distinguished Blog, attacking innocents with REVENGE AND VENGEANCE. In Western countries you would have been a MURDERER WITHOUT A CAUSE.
Since you cannot live amongst us Malaysians and hate us the Malays, the Muslims and the innocents with Lee Kuan Yew as your god, have you ever thought of going to Mars or the Moon ? The journey is FREE FOR YOU IDIOT !
For those who are unaware, the clan from Sanya, China was imported by the British in the early 20th Century to serve the British men or women in the rubber estates, tin mines and their clubs, This was the Sanyans specialty, cooking up a storm !. The Hokkiens, Cantonese, Hakkas, Teochews, Foochows were imported in to trade, construct and build in the urban areas. The Sanyans seeped into the towns only after Merdeka 1957.
A few senior Sanyans were honourable, respectable and normal. They were my good friends.
The generation which came after them COMMITTED THE BIGGEST CORPORATE CRIMES IN OUR BELOVED MALAYSIA AND SINGAPORE BETWEEN 1971-2019 AND WERE CHRONIC LIARS !. Many of these corporate crimes have yet to be exposed. For example, there is one gigantic share-rigging over RM 1 Billion scandal which operated on the Bursa waiting to be exposed !
Because of the Sanyans close proximity with the British men or women in the lonely places of the tin mines, rubber estates and holiday hill-stations, THEY WERE KNOWN AMONGST THE HOKKIENS, HAKKAS, CANTONESE, TEOCHEWS, FOOCHOWS AS THE FIRST OR ORIGINAL BACK-SIDE FELLOWS OF MALAYA since 1920. NOT THOSE TWO NAKED CLOWNS IN 2019 ! Poor show !
HBT. Here is a TRUE STORY specially for you.
Amongst the Hokkiens, Hakkas, Cantonese, Teochews, Foochows it is generally known the female Sanyans would not hesitate to cut off the genitals of their wayward spouses given the opportunity with a rusty chopper.
In 1961, the Federal Government paid me RM 401 per month to work 24 hours a day each alternate week in the KLGH.
One fine day at noon as I was thinking of lunch at home with a churning stomach, an emergency surgery case arrived at the OT. The patient was a Sanyan cookie who worked in the kitchen of the Principal of the Pudu English Girls School, Jalan Pudu, Kuala Lumpur. And what was the injury ? HIS GENITALS WERE ABUSED BY HIS WIFE WITH A RUSTY CHOPPER. And what did I do to restore his damaged precious ASSET TO IT’S FORMER GLORY ?
First, I can still remember the smell of the blood, the semen and the gore as though it was only yesterday. Second, with the knowledge and duty that I would miss my lunch, I sat down on a stool and DILIGENTLY AND CAREFULLY RE-STRUCTURED THE SANYAN’S PRECIOUS ASSET AGAIN WHICH TOOK ME OVER AN HOUR AMIDST THE SMELL OF THE FLOWING BLOOD, SEMEN AND GORE. I believe I did a good job so that the Sanyan could procreate more Sanyans with the hope that his spouse regretted her dastardly act to MANKIND. There was no police case. And the good Principal continued to enjoy her bread and butter pudding, I presume.
Malaysia Boleh Tun as always ! No problem. Like you, I am exceedingly happy every day in this wonderful and beloved land called Malaysia..
What more do I want on something which money cannot buy ?
In you we ALL TRUST. Keep smiling in your light colour suit amongst the MEN IN BLACK so that the good hormones flow unimpeded. Acheh !
NB. The Wikipedia defines a Sanyan as an inhabitant of Sanya, Hainan Island, China.
Dear PM Tun Dr. Mahathir,
You are like a fatherly figure to us and you call a spade a spade. Hence please allow me to quote your past writing on what wrong with Malaysia.
On: “Agama, Bangsa. Negara, Pemimpin”
(Sajak dari Tun Dr. Mahathir)
• Aku akan pergi tak lama lagi
• Bangsa yang merdeka
• Bangsa yang mulia
• Sekarang sanggup menjual hak yang sedikit
• Hak memilih, hak mengundi
• Untuk mendapat kesenangan tanpa usaha, kesenangan yang sedikit
• Maruah dijual
• Bangsa dijual
• Tanahair dijual
• Segalanya dijual
• Untuk nikmat yang tidak kekal, nikmat yang sementara yang sedikit sahaja
• Politik yang menyelamat
• Menjadi politik yang menghancur
• Pemimpin semakin tamak
• Untuk tempat dan kedudukan tinggi
• Perbuatan yang haram dihalalkan
• Nama Allah diperalatkan, dijual untuk nikmat yang sementara di dunia
• Akan kembalikah bangsaku
• Menjadi bangsa yang dijajah, dihina dan diperhambakan
• Wahai bangsaku
• Begitu mudahkah kamu lupa
• Aku akan pergi tidak lama lagi
• Dapatkah aku pejam mata dan hembus nafas terakhir
• Kerana bangsaku
• Negaraku
• Masih mulia
• Masih bermaruah
• Masih dipandang tinggi
• Atau mataku terbeliak
• Nafas ku tersesak, terhenti, kerana segala yang diperjuangkan luput ditelan nafsu
• Ya Allah lindungilah bangsaku
• Sedarkanlah mereka
• Sedarkan mereka bahawa Engkau tidak akan mengubah nasib bangsa
• Melainkan bangsa itu sendiri cuba mengubahnya
• Mengubah sendiri, membendung nafsu
• Kerana Allah
• Kerana agama
• Kerana bangsa
• Kerana negara
• Biarlah aku pergi
• Mata terpejam rapat
• Nafas perlahan berhenti…
Tun’s book; “A Doctor in the House”
On chapter 36: Islam and Islamisation.
Tun had explained in length the golden era of Islamic Civilisation, where Islam emphasized on the need to read (Iqraq). Thus early Muslims apparently read the works of the Greeks, the Indian, the Chinese and the Persians. More than that, they carried out their own researches to add up to their body of knowledge in many fields. It was well documented that Muslim scholars are the one who pioneered astronomy, algebra, the study of disease and medicine, celestial navigation, and more.
For centuries, Muslims were well ahead of other civilisation in the mastery of the sciences, medicine and mathematics. But around the Fifteenth century, new interpretations began to spread, saying that (Iqraq) referred to the reading and acquisition of religious knowledge only. And unfortunately, Muslims and their religious teachers stress more on “fardhu ‘ain” (the performance of prayers, fasting, alms-giving and the Haj) which earns merit only for oneself is more important in the afterlife than the “fardhu kifayah”, the injunction which required that Muslim communities must have among them individually whose ability and actions will serve in the defend and promotion of the welfare of their communities and of Islam itself.
Almost immediately after such teaching, the Muslim civilisation regressed whereas the European Christians, who were then living in the Dark Ages, noticed the superiority of Muslim civilisation and decided to acquire the knowledge of the Muslim. They learnt Arabic and studied scientific and other books in the great libraries of the Muslim world and make translation first into Latin and then into other European language. Thus the European Christians rapid advancement in science and technology and with their much-improved weaponry, they were able to project their power in many Muslim lands and to the Far East.
On Chapter 58: Education
Although I was Minister of Education, the details of the Islamic syllabus were determined by Pusat Islam.
Unfortunately, the syllabus that was adopted neglected instruction in the Islamic way of life and its character-building values (ad-din). Emphasis was instead placed largely on the proper performance of the rituals. Islam was taught as a religion of ritual, of dos and don’ts of formalistic requirements and prohibitions, not as a religion of far-reaching human and moral responsibility, not as a way of life. Worse, many of the Islamic religious teachers were supporters of PAS, who took opportunity — and abused their position and public trust — to implant political creed and outlook into the minds of their young students.
Although religious teachers were of junior status in most school, they were powerful. Even the head teachers dared not discipline them for fear of being accused of failing to respect religion.
In Tun’s own words, Quran advocates an Islamic community and not an Islamic country. In the Quran it is not the punishment that is stressed. Indeed Muslims are enjoined to forgive and be merciful. Unfortunately many “learned” Muslims are not quite happy with tolerance as taught by the Quran. They would prefer Islam to be stricter, more severe punishments (believing that the only thing that would qualify a country as Muslim is if we decapitate and chop off the hand of criminals. But that is an arbitrary criterion) and violently opposed to other religions. In fact a very learned mufti once told me that other than Islam, there is no other religion. I found this very disturbing
Tun had been given a second chance to be PM of Malaysia. Is Tun has the political courage and will to prescribe a bitter medicine to cure the many ills of Malaysia?
Thank you
Yours truly,
Good morning PM Malaysia!
Berita 3 hari yang lalu – Controversial preacher Zakir Naik is an unwelcome guest in Malaysia but the country is facing difficulties sending him away.
The question Tun patut tanya diri sendiri “Have I tried everything possible?”
Tak perlulah LGE jawab on behalf of Tun, dia bukan orang Islam pun. Issue orang Islam biar orang Islam handle. Kita pun tak minat dengan isu agama mereka.
Tun tau tak barangan dapur selepas raya lebih mahal dari mula2 PH took over. Tun tau tak banyak syarikat tutup, ramai pekerja hilang pekerjaan. Kalau PH dibenci ramai I tidak terkejut. Kebencian itu bertambah bila ada terburu buru nak jadi PM melalui Tun.
I think calon PM sepatutnya pergi pada Tok Mat of UMNO. Najib dan Zahid, I anggap dah over, sebab banyak sangat court case. Ini sekarang Tun nak suruh I accept bekas banduan jadi PM. Dah tak ada orang Melayu Bumiputra lain lagi ka? Tak patut, tak patut. Kan Muhyiddin ada, kan Muhkriz ada. Syed Saddiq tak payah, suruh dia kawin beranak pinak dulu.
BTW I baca tulisn twinpeaks, mubarakcahan, botak, I setuju dengan pendapat anda!
Zakir Naik did not pose a Threat nor Harm Malaysia to which Lim Guan Eng should suggest Zakir to move out
He is not and was never a Terrorists
He is just being framed for Money Laundering and that is in India
Instead of asking Zakir to Moves out
Lim should by his many means drag Jho Low back to Malaysia
Jho Low has stolen Billions of Malaysian money
And No one seems to make the efforts to bring Jho Low back to Justice
HBT as the seems Loyal to Malaysia did not even mention about Jho Low crimes
Merely he talks about UMNO, The Malay now & then
Perhaps if HBT were to be Circumcise his Racist Hatred will subside
Zakir Speech is in the Open
It’s videotaped, invited to all, Transparent & No Compulsion
He laid Truth on the Table which Feared The Non-Believer
Many have reverted to Islam and its not just the commoner
It reverts the Professionals, Lawyers, Doctors & even The Christian Pastors, Priests & many more
The Truth feared the non-believer. The very reasons fabricated Lies of Money Laundering is put up against Zakir
They should do a better accusation instead.
Perhaps in Malaysia Zakir will be framed for Sodomy
Zakir well versed of Christians Bible, Hindus, Buddist, others religious scriptures better than The Pastors, the Priest showed Zakir is a True Believer
Imagine yourself facing thousands of strangers to answers questioned that you could not expect and what if you could not answer with references and facts
It will be sorry if Zakir Deep sincere knowledge of religion is not shared nor We seek to the Truth. Zakir offers if any verses or scriptures could impress him as in if Jesus says He is God, Worship him. Zakir himself will convert to Christian. Of course, after Death, perhaps every one of us will see the Truth but then it was too late
” HBT THE COWARD hiding behind a fake name. I told you to STOP MENTIONING MY NAME, YOU YELLOW SLIMY SPINELESS IDIOTIC WORM OF A USELESS CHINAMAN who exploits other people’s comments to have a platform. ”
HBT has lots of time. He is a definite Racist who throws a stone and hides hands behind. He is like a Jew with many Lies . He intentionally tends to confuse the Truth, played his Rcaisl card then after blaming others for being racial. Believe me Guy like this will never come forward for truth. He will hide under the Sarung
“SS Lee, do you know the maksud peribahasa of diberi betis hendak peha?”
Without a doubt this proverb applies to the HBTs in this country, too !
Perhaps mr twinpeaks can explain such ruling?
The worker is a foreign moslem who complained he is not allowed to pray in klang.
May i ask, mr twinpeaks, have members of federal parliament approve such ruling for MTUC to implement such policy that foreign workers enjoy same hak istimewa sama taraf dengan warganegara melayu malaysia?
May i ask, mr twinpeaks, is it because hond tat sdn bhd is owned by warganegara cina malaysia, they must extend prayer times to foreign moslem bypass federal of manufacturers, izzit?
Communists damaged cars, they smashed window, they destroyed public assets because they anti-nationalists, who told you communists belong to chinese only?
I voiced out not because i jealous mubarakchan.
I voiced out because mediocrity will create more problems for the future generations.
Decisions had to be made by adults, not teenagers.
When teenagers become adults, they feel proud when they look back at the decisions made by the generation before them.
Does mr twinpeaks feel proud when the malay crisis of leadership still haunt by sodomy?
I sure hope you can rectify this issue once and for all so that sodomy 4 will not be repeated.
Not only must justice be done; it must also be seen to be done so that everyone of us can see, no need to sorok, no need to sogok in post era of social media.
For HBT. It is obvious, very obvious you a yellow spineless slimy worm of a useless Chinaman WITH NO HEADS belong to the clan of the 2 Chinese crooks who were involved in the biggest corporate scandals of our beloved Malaysia. One is in Changi Jail with 238 charges of share-rigging. HBT A COWARDLY FAKE SINCE YOU KEEP ON ATTACKING MY FELLOW MALAYSIANS BECAUSE THEY WEER BORN MALAYS AND THE MUSLIMS, GO BACK WHERE YOU CROOKS CAME FROM, SANYA AND FACE YOUR ANCESTORS WHO WILL KNOCK YOUR STUPID HEADS IF ANY UNTIL IS FLAT ON ONE SIDE FOR SERVING BAD CHICKEN RICE. Remember your Madam Chiang Kai Shek ? What did she do to China ? IDIOT !
Why pick on me who look down on you with NO HEADS ?
Malaysia Boleh Tun as always ! No problem.
Malaysia Boleh Tun as always ! No problem.
Just kekal bahasa kebangsaan as bahasa melayu.
Jawi as seni khat caligraphy can be introduced as art subject whereby pupils in sekolah rendah including vernacular schools can learn caligraphy.
I have no issue for my cucu in learning jawi khat caligraphy since it is art but i think our indian races of hindu might not be happy with it since they always said they are being marginalized after more than 60 years of merdeka.
Until today, i still dont understand why indian political parties still think they are being marginalized since moe provide federal budget to built tamil schools too.
The young generation of indian just like the chinese cannot speak and understand english, but they can speak malay very well, why flip flop now?
To keep zakir naik in penang, the decision is with yang dipertua negeri penang, not dap lim guan eng, sibotak.
Mubarakchan sound like FRIENDS CALL ME MUBARAK ENEMIES CALL ME CHAN so the missing space in his statements made me wonder is he a lawyer by profession?
When official religion can make him rich, f.ck BN?
When racism can make him rich, f.ck PH?
Which way to go?
P/s: since indian hindu always said they are being marginalized, then, dap can pass the baton to indian dap, and i am sure gerakan has no issue with it. why make it so complicated?
“SS Lee, do you know the maksud peribahasa of diberi betis hendak peha?”
Without a doubt this proverb applies to the HBTs in this country, too !
If not even the most extreme Islamic country is willing to take the controversial preacher. Anyway, my view is simply this. There is a very heavy (long-term) economic price of being seen as a sympathetic nation to anything extreme, wherever the extremist ideology is from. The safest route is to be secular and moderate. Our foreign policies too must eventually reflect this as a step towards becoming a fully-developed economy. But of course this takes time as we are also expected to play our part as a member of the Islamic world. But let’s be moderate and don’t volunteer to be a champion of a good cause if we don’t have to. Let other nations take the risk. That’s their problem, not ours.
Our problem is that of still struggling to reach the developed economy status. All the hard work since independence will be in vain if we get distracted. Tun must not let this happen. The right legacy is important to the future generations to come in Malaysia. Even if the Prime Minister must see it through, himself. The trust is at all-time high in Tun Mahathir’s ability and vision, and the vast majority of the country’s population hope that trust will not be betrayed by Tun Mahathir passing the baton prematurely to someone else.
In the meantime, I would advise the various races to learn from the nation’s recent history, especially pertaining to race relations. It is very important to be pragmatic in our ways so as to keep peace. With peace, everyone will benefit.. not just the Bumiputera community. The Chinese community will too, as they are able to conduct their business activities without worrying if there is another race riot coming. It is so easy to lose the peace we enjoy at the moment, so please be pragmatic and keep the mouth shut if necessary.
For peace and harmony to prevail in a multi-religious society, preachers who go round sneering other religions – explicitly or implicitly- should be reined in. A multiracial society needs preachers who can help build bridges between faiths and not those who cause hatred and dissonance. Unquote”
After more than 6 decades of merdeka, still not bridged yet?
SS Lee, do you know the maksud peribahasa of diberi betis hendak peha?
Quote from mubarakchan
When I was very young I met Lorraine Osman of the BMF Scandal 1982 fame. I asked him how I should call him. He replied, ‘ MY FRIENDS CALL ME LORRAINE. MY ENEMIES CALL ME OSMAN ‘. For the curious, Lorraine Osman’s uncle was once a Kedah State Mentri Besar. His father was a doctor trained In Hong Kong University who married a Hong Kong nurse of mixed parentage !
Without his permission, and with a variation, when my friends asked me how they should call me, I replied, ‘ MY FRIENDS CALL ME DOCTOR. MY ENEMIES CALL ME DOC !’
You sound like a patient with split personality, mubarakchan, and i sure hope you find peace in your heart eventually.
I have enough with gutter politics, and whoever become the next perdana menteri, i wish them all the best.
Dont be too serious with politics, it is just only a game of number in this country.
All they care is menang dulu, then, only bikin.
If you are still feel dissappointed, then, dont vote is an option too.
Good luck, and all the best to the wannabes.
Dear PM Tun Dr. Mahathir,
Thank you for making our stand clear.
Quote, “Perdana Menteri Mahathir Mohamad mengaku tidak menginginkan keberadaan ulama popular India Zakir Naik berada di negaranya.
Mahathir mengatakan tidak mendukung pidato kebencian, tetapi pemerintahnya juga berkomitmen terhadap aturan hukum dan pengadilan yang adil bagi siapa pun, termasuk warga non Malaysia.
“Kami memiliki populasi multi-ras, multi-agama di Malaysia. Kami tidak ingin siapa pun yang datang dan membahas pandangan ekstrem tentang ras dan agama lain,” ujar Mahathir saat melakukan wawancara khusus dengan media Turki TRT World.
Namun, Malaysia juga mengalami kendala untuk mendeportasi Zakir ke negara lain.
“Banyak negara tidak ingin menerimanya,” ujar Mahathir.unquote”
Below is an article by Dr Moaz Nair (a reader of FMT) published in FMT
Rein in preachers who cause racial and religious discord
Moaz Nair – August 2, 2019 7:00 AM
Quote, “When the human race can see the commonalities and not the differences in religions only then can there be tolerance, understanding and harmony in a multiracial society. This does not only happen between religions but also within a single religion. The long schism between Sunni and Shia, and numerous other sects in Islam, can be compromised if the preachers and followers can see their commonalities and discard the differences. A society can only strive when people take into account their shared aims and not their differences. For this to take place they need to be educated in a worldly way with an analytical approach to religion.
If education in school is based on pure indoctrination, this will breed insular or inward looking citizens as they will grow up with a skewed mind looking always down upon values alien to them. Only if religion is approached with reason, and philosophically and not dogmatically, will it be able to create rationality in the minds of the people. Religion by itself is not a tangible entity. It’s an abstract entity built in one’s mind. Religion therefore has to be approached with a critical and open mind.
For peace and harmony to prevail in a multi-religious society, preachers who go round sneering other religions – explicitly or implicitly- should be reined in. A multiracial society needs preachers who can help build bridges between faiths and not those who cause hatred and dissonance. Unquote”
Thank you
Yours truly,
Hi ev1!
Assalamualaikum Tun.
Hi to sudin.
InsyaAllah Anwar jadi PM. Tun kata.
Dr. Zakir Naik is never a threat to Malaysia nor any Nation
He shed Truth to his Best of knowledge
Only The Devil will Fear The Truth
He is not and never a Terrorists
Terrorist produce Weapons
None of the Muslim Nation produce weapons
The US, Israel not only produce, distributes weapons
Weapons of Mass Destruction internationally
They also Breed Terrorists like the ISIS
They also specialize in producing & selling Lies that Kills
Lies that destruct a beautiful Nation
Lies that destroy World Peace and Harmony
Yet No one dares say it
No wonder World can never be at Peace
His speech is No Compulsion
His speech is based on his vast deep study of Islam and also other religion
He deep well, He made comparison with logic & science
that today He submit Islam is The Truth
He opens up to whoever that makes more sense, lay the facts
He Zakir Naik will be willing to embrace that religion even as a Christians
He is the student of late our beloved Sheik Ahmad Deedat
Lim Guan Eng and certain religious Kafir leader feared Zakir
Not because he is a Terrorist BUT They feared the Truth
Truth has to be spoken, Zakir spreads it on the Table openly
Imagine yourself facing thousands of questioners Live
One simple question you are unable to answer, you will be gone
He never blends his teaching, belief with Political Agendas
He knows the Bible, The Hindu Scriptures better than the Hindus, The Reverants nor The Pastors and he doesn’t need much help
It is all inside him. He is The Human encyclopedia
If Zakir is a Buddist Priest, a Pastor or a Hindu Samy
Lim Guan Eng or whoever non-Muslim believer will not voice him to moves out
India Govt wants him as they feared the Truth
Not because Zakir commit any offense of Money Laundering or what so ever
If Zakir is to be the victim of Malaysia politics
They will chase him after for Sodomy
They will frame the photo with a Girlboy in a Dark Room on the Bed
The room will be dark with the two dark
dark figure exposing one of them is Kumar
Today India Govt refuted the Triple Talaq
Single, double or Triple Talaq The Indian Govt must respect One’s religion not to interfere nor change the image of any particular religion teaching
Herein Malaysia The Govt never ever touch on whoever whatever religious beliefs. We find it weird, how can cow urine be a holy drink
How can one worship it? Our Govt did not interfere
Our Govt respect yr whatever belief as long as it does not physically hurt others
Dr. Zakir Naik, Plse make yourself and yr family at Home in Malaysia
Should try the Durian today
I was hoping any Malaysian could produce Durian Torns as a weapons
Muslim World must Hold together
Produce their own weapons
Never rely & lean on their own enemy for weapons
Its simply Stupid
Guan Eng mention Zakir Naik should voluntarily move out from Malaysia
Well I personally like to say this to Guan Eng
One Zakir is worth a thousand Guan Eng
Meaning Guan Eng …… You can GET LOST
Written by :
Imam Sayyed Ali Khamenei, Jun 26, 2017
The truth is that today, the Islamic Ummah is suffering from numerous problems. Certain wounds have been and continue to be inflicted upon the body of the Islamic Ummah. The deepest wound is the one caused by discord. Enemies of Islam are trying to create discord among Muslim groups with different methods. They want to create rifts and enmities among them, by means of ethnic and denominational differences, based on geographical disputes of territorial and border issues. Tools for carrying out these methods are available to them [those involved in disputes], and the enemy is, unfortunately, using them. We, officials of Islamic governments, have ignored this measure that the enemy has adopted.
As for fatwa to manage state, it would be best to let state’ sultan to decide.
As for fatwa to manage the country name malaysia, it is up to members of parliament to decide.
Each fatwa, iaitu hal ehwah orang islam di tahap negeri dan wilayah are made, it shall affect other religions.
Hence we need a perdana menteri di tahap wilayah, either from umno, pkr, pas and now ppbm to choose their menteri besar.
Why putrajaya and cyberjaya was built?
To minimise traffic congestion, to islamkan negara malaysia atau memperjuangankan bangsa melayu dan islam mereka to rich their cronies via nepotism of i help you, you help me i scratch your back, you scratch my back as forever got tomorrow one treating taxpayers like dedak?
What if tomorrow never comes?
Protes sekuat2nya, takda orang peduli pun in post internet era?
As i said, advance technology can never be benchmark against race and religion supremacy.
It is either we adapt now, or we will be left behind, and thats for sure.
If you are not muslim, will you feel comfortable to live in a country that implement malay and islam biased policies?
Siapakah yang tak betul?
The more the fatwa wannabes make noise, the more the perdana menteri pening, dll hanya menurut perintah saja.
Good luck, dato seri anwar ibrahim, iaitu perdana menteri in waiting, and tdm will pass down the baton to him, and thats the promise he had made.
P/s: drama2, nangis, sindir2, protes2 pun tarak guna, jik tak hepi, either you pass down the baton to the next president, resign, jump ship, set up new party atau retire, itu saja. Bak kata, coalition of political parties can choose, voters also can choose. Pandai2lah mereka yang mengelar diri mereka sebagai perjuang bangsa dan agama islam mereka masing2.
Good morning PM Malaysia
Suka tengok Tun dan isteri dengan Raja2 Melayu. Suka tengok Tun lepaskan ikrar taat setia pada Agong.
Suka tengok opposition dan ramai sokong Tun jadi PM sampai habis penggal.
Sekian Terima Kasih!
Assalamualaikum YAB Tun
Tulisan ini khusus untuk Tun … minta admin sampaikan
Saya ingin beri sedikit komen atas lawatan Tun baru-baru ini ke Turkey.
Untuk makluman Tun pada awal tahun 1970an dulu saya pernah diberitahu seorang guru agama (dah meninggal)…
…Bahawa satu hari kelak orang Islam yang berpecah akan bersatu (mungkin juga bermaksud mengikut parti Bersatu) semula. Maka pemerintahan Islam akan muncul semula dan orang China akan membuat kerja bagi Kerajaan Islam.
Dari mana datangnya harta Kerajaan Islam ini?
Harta Kepunyaan Kerajaan Islam dulu telah disimpan (atas nama Pemegang Amanah sehinggalah kelak diserah kepada Pemilik Sebenar) di Bank-Bank Pusat negara-negara bukan Islam dunia. Harta ini adalah untuk diguna sebagai “Colateral” oleh seluruh ummat di dunia.
Oleh kerana Bank-Bank tersebut pada ketika itu dikuasai oleh Kerajaan bukan Islam maka pengagihan penggunaannya tidak dilaksanakan secara adil. Malah ada negara telah menggunakan secara tidak amanah. Harta tersebut telah dicuri oleh pihak-pihak tidak bertanggungjawab (atas nama Individu / Kerajaan / Negara).Kecurian yang amat besar ini tercetus dengan penglibatan Pemimpin Malaysia sendiri.
Pemegang Amanah terakhir sebelum meninggal dunia membatalkan semua perjanjian penggunaan harta tersebut dengan semua negara terlibat (tak kurang dari 74 buah negara) dan menyerahkan semula Harta tersebut kepada Pewaris /Pemilik sebenar (rakyat Malaysia).
Sebelum Pemilik secara rasmi terima balik Harta tersebut dan mengadakan semula perjanjian baru dengan negara-negara berkenaan, beliau telah bekukan Harta tersebut. Pemilik arah Bank yang cuai / tidak bertanggungjawab keatas Urustadbir Akaun Harta tersebut mendapatkan balik keseluruhan kecurian yang telah berlaku.
Kes ini telah di failkan di Mahkamah Dunia (International Court of Justice -ICJ) di Haque. Proses penyerahan oleh ICJ banyak kali telah tertangguh disebabkan ada campurtangan Kerajaan Malaysia. Kini, oleh sebab bekalan kewangan sudah tersekat maka negara-negara terlibat menghadapi kesulitan menngurus negara masing-masing.
Ada kemungkinan, jika perkara ini tidak diurus dengan baik, negara-negara dunia berkenaan akan “serang” Malaysia.
Lagi kata guru agama tersebut … bahawa kalau perang (minta dijauhkan Allah) Turkey akan bersama Malaysia. Perang ini akan menggunakan senjata tapak tangan dari Turkey (nampak macam mengarut tapi kalau izin Allah semua boleh jadi).
Saya percaya Tun maklum perkara ini. Harta ini kepunyaan Allah. Harta ini mencari pemilik yang ditetapkan Allah. Sedarlah bahawa harta mesti disampaikan kepada Pemilik. Pemilik ini akan menggunakan berasaskan “LILLAHI TA’ALA”.
Terima Kasih
good thought. but you must have a stand on this.
CCTV Malaysia
Cuci Carpet
Bukan kah bahasa kebangsaan itu bahasa melayu, bukan bahasa malaysia, kenapa pulak bring out this issue, sri sense?
At least beijing central government is more sensitive to the needs of chinese moslem in china since the word ‘qing zhen’ means moslem in bahasa china since they are educated under national schools sampai university level what.
It would be best for them to do now rather than at later date, why?
Nanti repeat of gulf wars in middle east arab, china is not being blamed or dragged into it again what.
To negotiate with east asians are much much more easier since we share the same historical background eventhough different religions what.
To keep him is not an issue to chinese, but i am not sure about non chinese political parties in peninsula, takut nanti tdm takda, they will politicalize zakir naik issue ala baling batu, tapi with hands behind again.
Pitching chinse against chinese never works, i am not sure about other races.
Once bitten, twice shy.
When bitten many times, chinese also become smarter, wiser and more resillient.
Tiap2 kali pun macam ini, you think chinese ini donkey, coward, beggars or can be bullied all the time?
Ask yourself, if you are being treated this way, will you want to work hard for this country name malaysia?
P/s: if she thinks she can get state fund to tukar road sign to bahasa arab, it would be best to get the state sultan permit dulu, why? when state sultan allows, it means she can use state fund. as for federal budget, she must debate in federal parliament to state why she needs the fund for, and must be able to pay back, bukan to bailout her projects.
Good evening Tun!
Sign of the times: China’s capital orders Arabic, Muslim symbols taken down
Why you choose to answer in English? Saya tanya dia. Dia jawab, “sebab sekolah pun ajar dalam BI, so saya decide lah”.
Year after, few months later, he got in – my guess was, he is merely filling up the space left by parents who disagreed with the cambridge program.
Until today, we cannot erase the huge gap our heart felt, on that day we left him at the boarding school.
Years later, he did well. So, we indulged him,again, when he decided. Sebabnya, dia mahu merasa belajar dalam persekitaran multiracial. Lepas foundation, the same IPTS offered him degree program. And, he received jugak offer at two IPTA. We asked his preference, he chooses to continue at the IPTS where he did his foundation.
We told him that IPTS is expensive. Then, he ask us to allow him try eduloan with MARA, just to feel, where his effort takes him. He brought his offer letter to MARA for eduloan, they rejected him with reason being, do not support IPTS program. We sense his frustration. We asked him again, between those IPTA offer and IPTS, which do you prefer. He said IPTS. With that, we asked him to reply to the offer . Hahaha, our headache begins.
Saya suruh dia frame surat rejection itu – as drive for him to do well. Instead, dia remind saya pulak, “ibu, they rejected because they did not support IPTS program” . Sudut minda, inilah generasi baru pengundi!
Cerita kat sini, rezeki Tuhan (bukan Tuan) beri, yang penting dia dah berusaha. Sebagai parents kita kenalah sahut hasrat dia. Berusaha,mencuba, mencari, gagal, berjaya, dia kena merasa untuk tahu.
Sebab dia sudah boleh mengundi, maka ada naratif dia sendiri.Kami selalu diskus tentang hal semasa, what the public is thinking melalui ayat-ayat komen di media sosial tentang isu-isu semasa yang dibangkit penulis-penulis, just so dia tahu , bagaimana dan dimanakah untuk meletakkan dirinya. We invite him to throw his thoughts dan peranan kami hanyalah membuka minda dan sokong dia.
Dipergunakan? Insyallah jangan ye Tun. Macam our Abang Long, Tun hanya perlu decide.
Assalamualaikum. Semuga Tun dan Tun Siti sentiasa sehat sejahtera dan gembira selalu disamping keluarga tersayang.
Correction: Is sibotak saying malay civil government servants are wasting time to be stationed in Hong Kong, China, Singapore, via the name of the country named Malaysia under federal budget?
You keep playing the racial card, lame others for being racist
Typical Chinese character alike the Jews
They create problems here and there, blame others for their wrongdoings
Then after plays The Victim, The Mr. Nice Guy as if they had nothing to do with the problem. They throw a stone and hide hands behind
I cannot stop you from keep playing with racial cards, lame others for being racist or whatsoever too. Even as the 2nd major race to bring malaysia to where we are today, i must always remind myself not to cross that racial line. Even for those who champions minority rights for not keeping quiet, they too must behave and never cross that racial line. Like you said, sibotak, suddenly, they play the victim as Mr Nice Guy as if they had nothing to do with the problem. The worse scenario, they throw a stone, and hide hands behind. I sure hope you get my point here.
Don’t blame UMNO failure and accused of UMNO of being racist
UMNO failed because of Najib, because of Tun strong participation
as a feared contestant
You keep blaming UMNO of being racists yet yr Atuk has been safe under UMNO for many Donkey years. UMNO has made yr Atuk richer than the Bumi for being sympathetic, tidak apa policy unlike, yr Chinese ruling every ringgit counts
You know yr Ahkong come to Malaysia, settled in Malay Kampung, Welcome by the Malay, Mostly not paying any rent. UMO The Govt knows. The Malay knows
Yr intention and Racist conduct intends DAP to be the Lead
DAP has an advantage the combination with PH
The Chinese, Indians and the minority has been taken well off with PH and during UMNO. Yet most did not have satisfaction even the Bumi and The Malay
That is what it is. It happens everywhere
My atuk not your atuk meh? My ahkong not your ahkong meh? Is it because of my atuk and my ahkong, not sibotak atuk and ahkong, then, sibotak no need to pay is it?
Do you see Mynamar? Rohingya?
They are the minorities like you settling here for many years
NOT given even an identity. YET without NOTICE
In Humanly they are Genocides out
Here you have UMNO Shelter, Malaysia gives yr Atuk citizenship though you menumpang in Malaysia illegally initially, settling in Tanah Haram
Welcome and Peacefully sheltered by the Malays as long as you Jangan Kurang Ajar like you behaving now
Kurang ajar? The Rohingya refugee and Genocides, the best way is to let the United Nation and Myanmmar Prime Minister to deal directly because no one knows what is going in there as Malaysian.
YET today you the Cicit today
The Cicit today like you wants to be Sultan
I dont think my race want to be the Sultan, and i believe Sultan needs my race to develop their land, as saying goes, there is no free lunch in this world.
Go Hong Kong , Go China , Go Singapore
Why waste yr time here
Is sibotak saying malay civil government servants are wasting time to be stationed in Hong Kong, Singapore, via the name of the country named Malaysia under federal budget?
Sibotak keeps mentioning israel and jewists are bad people, i sure hope sibotak must realize palestine state with less than 5 million population is still under united nation’s observation, and still dependent on other states and countries surrounding them, so it would be best to let their prime minister and president to deal with it.
P/s: today, under 1 country 2 systems, hong kong chief minister finally got nod and support from beijing to train 600 young hongkongers combat skills on the soil of hong kong in the name of patriotism and love for hong kong, mainland china and the world.
Well said.., sibotak.
You keep playing the racial card, lame others for being racist
Typical Chinese character alike the Jews
They create problems here and there, blame others for their wrongdoings
Then after plays The Victim, The Mr. Nice Guy as if they had nothing to do with the problem. They throw a stone and hide hands behind
Don’t blame UMNO failure and accused of UMNO of being racist
UMNO failed because of Najib, because of Tun strong participation
as a feared contestant
You keep blaming UMNO of being racists yet yr Atuk has been safe under UMNO for many Donkey years. UMNO has made yr Atuk richer than the Bumi for being sympathetic, tidak apa policy unlike, yr Chinese ruling every ringgit counts
You know yr Ahkong come to Malaysia, settled in Malay Kampung, Welcome by the Malay, Mostly not paying any rent. UMO The Govt knows. The Malay knows
Yr intention and Racist conduct intends DAP to be the Lead
DAP has an advantage the combination with PH
The Chinese, Indians and the minority has been taken well off with PH and during UMNO. Yet most did not have satisfaction even the Bumi and The Malay
That is what it is. It happens everywhere
Do you see Mynamar? Rohingya?
They are the minorities like you settling here for many years
NOT given even an identity. YET without NOTICE
In Humanly they are Genocides out
Here you have UMNO Shelter, Malaysia gives yr Atuk citizenship though you menumpang in Malaysia illegally initially, settling in Tanah Haram
Welcome and Peacefully sheltered by the Malays as long as you Jangan Kurang Ajar like you behaving now
YET today you the Cicit today
The Cicit today like you wants to be Sultan
Go Hong Kong , Go China , Go Singapore
Why waste yr time here
You know Lifes are much Better here though it is not more develops,
more modern there
It’s just Pretty on the outside
If mca wanita chief could be called for questioning regarding missing case of exco rape case, then, i would like mr gorbind deo singh to take action on comedy court, or brownie court for making fund of other races.
One of the political main factor that lead to bn under umno baru pl looses 2/3 majority during the 2008 general election.
I sure hope ph under ppbm tdm takes the action, contohnya, warning, to show fairness is for all, no pilih kasih.
P/s: indian tourists shall be shaped by social media too, and thats no question about it, are you ready?
So be fair minded my fellow Malaysian and beware, if politicians portrayed themselves as the only savior of your race and religion, they have no intention to uplift or improve your life but are merely trying to fish for your vote so that they can rob you again and again. MALU APA BOSSKU!
How could you call a nationalist a racist, it doesnt make sense.
Patriotism is the quality of being patriotic; devotion to and vigorous support for one’s country.
I sing and understand each word of national enthem, so no need to hard sell patriotism to me.
I sure hope you get the point if you decided to contest for parliament or wr seats.
Pendek kata, contest belum bermula, they already started to campaign to support who and who to support, and to swap seats among themselves, do you think thats call fairness?
I personally think they dont trust themselves even from the same parties.
As long as race and religion supremacy cards is being played, then, you can forget about nationalism to make greater kuala lumpur.
道不同,不相为谋。(dào bù tóng, bù xiāng wéi móu.)
Men of totally different principles can never act together.
Which side are you with?
To jump ship, to set up new party, the decision is with the mp and wr individually as long as it allowed within legal framework.
P/s: do you really know tdm, and what he wants, mr ss lee?
Dear PM Tun Dr. Mahathir,
Please allowed and excuse me for speaking my mind on important of “Fairness”.
When someone shouts, “That’s not fair!” we are quick to respond with, “Too bad! Life isn’t fair.” And that’s the message, isn’t it? Don’t expect life to be fair. You’ve got to take what you can get, and if it’s unjust to another, so be it. But is this desirable? Just asks anyone growing up in a family where the head of the household play favoritism toward his wives and children, a sure recipe for discord, hostility and resentment among family members that lead to a broken family.
Capuchin monkeys have a strong sense of fairness and are of the philosophy that equal work demands equal pay. Capuchins compare what they are getting relative to what another is getting for the same amount of effort, and they refuse to participate if they think something is unfair. Not only that, but if they see another individual get more for the same amount of effort, or worse, get more for less effort, capuchins will flat out refuse to do the task in subsequent rounds of testing. They also don’t work together again with someone who was unfair. The key here is fairness.
So are we lesser being that Capuchin monkey in sense of fairness? We hate it when our boss in workplace plays favoritism then why we can accept unfairness when our country leaders play favoritism? The paradox is that we are capable of detecting inequality instantly and are extremely sensitive to fairness.
Fairness means dealing with others in a consistent, impartial, objective manner. Leaders who have a strong sense of fairness in their dealings with people tend to bring out the best in terms of initiative, innovation, and productivity. … Good leaders are open and honest about the reasons behind their decisions.
Fairness is important. It takes place in all our lives. If we did not have fairness our lives would be miserable. Fairness is when everyone is treated equally and no one is left out or left behind. People that are fair follow the rules. They are honest and trustworthy. They follow Eleanor Roosevelt’s quote “It is not fair to ask of others what you are unwilling to do yourself.” Fairness is very important in a community. Everyone needs to follow the rules, be respectful of one another and work together to build a strong and beautiful community. They can do this by getting together in a friendly way to solve problems and make rules that are fair to everyone.
Fairness includes learning to treat other with respect, compassion and kindness and growing to appreciate the important of sharing, stand up for each other, stand up for what’s right, and being honest. This required you to place yourself in other’s shoes and feel what it feel to be treated the way he/she been treated. Fairness required us to see things from different perspective and aroused our desire to act towards the greater good of those around us and contribute to a society that is better to live in.
So be fair minded my fellow Malaysian and beware, if politicians portrayed themselves as the only savior of your race and religion, they have no intention to uplift or improve your life but are merely trying to fish for your vote so that they can rob you again and again. MALU APA BOSSKU!
Thank you
Yours truly,
P/S: https://klse.i3investor.com/blogs/Sslee_blog/182509.jsp
Nationalism, Racialism, Patriotism, Being Chinese
Contradiction can be defined as hanging in there, or floating directionless, or neither here nor there.
I am not sure what will happen next, but i know india too is heading towarda hardcore nationalist mesasures via technology programme to stimulate domestic growth to make india great again.
It is either they are with prime minister modi, or they are with his opponents.-
Mr trump can choose, other leaders in other countries also can choose depending the result of the general elections.
P/s: those lawmakers cum agrressive protestors who broke the law of hongkong, they would ended up in prison, thats no question about it.
The flaws I observes in Malaysia Politics
Be it in Parliamnet or outside
Govt against Opposition
Is more of personal attacks than the point of building up the Nation
Even when a point is needed both the opposition and the govt will play around personal attack or party attack instead of the actual topic
A topic that benefits the Nation
Perhaps that’s the reason we are always pulled way aback
Sodomy, that guy is corrupted, that Datuk giving contracts to their fellowship, that MP having affairs, etc is common speech in Malaysia Politic Instead of the Topic itself of how to build the nation
The topic is still there but more of personal attacks occur instead of focusing on the matter. For instance, Anwar Sodomy matters, Najib corruption matters takes such a long time, fruitless, exergerating. Wasting our time, money .progress, development, etc
Instead of focusing on How we together The People, The Opposition, The Govt
The Sultan. We work cohesively towards Progress
It is more of The PakChik MakChik, Apek Nyonya Politic
Instead of behaving professionally
We can see in Parliament of How stressful the Speaker is
Yang Berhormat…..yg Berhormat …Ala…..Sila Duduk
Tuan Pembangkang …….Jangan gunakan kata yg lucah…blah..blah ..blah
This Malaysia must change
PAS is the king maker?
Is he sure?
Absolute power corrupts absolutely.
Good luck, and all the best.
In our Happiness and Joy to celebrate another traditional Installation of our beloved Yang Di Pertuan Agong of our beloved Malaysia, our beloved Constitution and citizens, here is something light-hearted for all.
When I was very young I met Lorraine Osman of the BMF Scandal 1982 fame. I asked him how I should call him. He replied, ‘ MY FRIENDS CALL ME LORRAINE. MY ENEMIES CALL ME OSMAN ‘. For the curious, Lorraine Osman’s uncle was once a Kedah State Mentri Besar. His father was a doctor trained In Hong Kong University who married a Hong Kong nurse of mixed parentage !
Without his permission, and with a variation, when my friends asked me how they should call me, I replied, ‘ MY FRIENDS CALL ME DOCTOR. MY ENEMIES CALL ME DOC !’
Malaysia Boleh Tun as always ! No problem.
Thats bullshit!
Will bahasa jawi be re-implemented in primary schools?
If it does, what will happen?
Pakatan harapan will ended up another haprak parti even with the merger of umno-pas.
Pendek kata, neither here nor there.
In our Happiness and Joy to celebrate another traditional Installation of our beloved Yang Di Pertuan Agong of our beloved Malaysia, our beloved Constitution and citizens, here is something light-hearted for all.
When I was very young I met Lorraine Osman of the BMF Scandal 1982 fame. I asked him how I should call him. He replied, ‘ MY FRIENDS CALL ME LORRAINE. MY ENEMIES CALL ME OSMAN ‘. For the curious, Lorraine Osman’s uncle was once a Kedah State Mentri Besar. His father was a doctor trained In Hong Kong University who married a Hong Kong nurse of mixed parentage !
Without his permission, and with a variation, when my friends asked me how they should call me, I replied, ‘ MY FRIENDS CALL ME DOCTOR. MY ENEMIES CALL ME DOC !’
Malaysia Boleh Tun as always ! No problem.
I am not sure who is writer for this article, but if the writer wants to put it as a family feud, then, so be it as long as the star readers read it.
Freedom of press must be honored, tak gitu?
P/s: being the children or grand children of lky, they have no choice but must put singapore and the government above family matters. it is either they resign from their political party, or government posts, or they set up new political party, and contest.
Only boleh land ada drama macam ini kut.
Sedarlah… Anak-anak muda kita! Janganlah terpedaya! Berusahalah! Majulah!
Are you the father?
If their parents also dont know, or dont seems to care, then, why should you care?
Mereka pun tak tahu mereka salah mana, mereka mana tahu insaf apa?
By the way, usa president when they passe the baton to the winner, they do it in a gentleman way.
They where got dramatic, nangis2 atau delay2 punya.
Only boleh ada drama macam ini kut.
If rule of the law also cannot ikut, how to lead?
Renung-renung lah wahai pembela bangsa melayu dan agama islam.
Assalamuailaikum, Tun.
Anak-anak Melayu kita terlalu “hebat”/hangat berpolitik atau mengambil berat tentang laung-laungan politik atas kepentingan/keistimewaan Melayu. Padahal, itu semua taktik sesebuah parti kerajaan dulu menipu demi meraih undi-undi Melayu.
Generasi muda kita kenalah berusaha lebih mengecapi kemajuan dan kekayaan. Sekadar menunggu subsidi/pertolongan kerajaan tidak akan membawa bangsa ke mana-mana, iaitu menampil ke depan. Berhentilah segala “permainan” bahawa DAP/orang Cina cuba mengikis hak-hak Melayu. Janganlah terbawa-bawa dengan tipu-helah/kutukan tak berasas.
Sedarlah… Anak-anak muda kita! Janganlah terpedaya! Berusahalah! Majulah!
Assalamualaikum, Tun.
Keadaan bergaduh-gaduh sekarang sesungguhnya tidak baik bagi ibu pertiwi.
Baik tokoh-tokoh politik kita menumpu perhatian ke atas strategi-strategi menyelamatkan Negara dari kegawatan/kemerosotan ekonomi.
Assalamualaikum, Tun.
Rakyat believe in “rule of law” in the era.
And, Rakyat were fed up with BN’s racism, “break and rule” politics and corruption in the past. Rakyat now opt for clean, trustable and “Nation’s interests above all” PH Government. Please assure that only clean, talented and trustable leader comes into power next.
Tun M was used as an accessory to their plots in 1998.
This was orchestrated by Najib for a shortcut to become the PM. Thus, could carry out the robbery.
So, it’s clear, how evil politics can influence the authorities to take wrong actions whilst legally correct. That’s dangerous! How this can be avoided?
Assalamualaikum Tun.
Tun Mahathir tidak dipergunakan oleh sesiapa pun.
Untuk menjalankan pentadbiran negara memang kita perlukan kepakaran dari semua pihak kepercayaan.
Sedikit demi sedikit berkaitan masa, soal moral akan diambil kira selain dari soal politik.
Kemenangan itu sudah pasti di pihak Tun, kerana Tun telah berjaya menjadi PM.
Malah Tun mencatatkan rekod sebagai PM kali kedua dan tertua menerajui kerajaan.
Suatu masa dulu, adakala saya terfikir ‘orang tua’ ini mahu apa lagi setelah Pak Lah turun?
Kenapa perlu menulis lagi segala macam masalah di sini selepas hajat mahu Pak Lah turun dah tercapai?
Namun kemudiaannya saya mengerti, permasalahan dan liku liku pentadbiran negara tidak akan terhenti walau sesaat pun.
Proses permasalahan ini akan beterusan selama lamanya. Sehingga hari kiamat.
Yang pergi akan tetap pergi. Yang datang akan mengganti.
Maka kitalah yang akan menerajui/menentukan masa depan kerajaan dan negara di kemudian hari.
Bersedialah mulai dari sekarang.
Terima kasih Tun.
if you cannot stop them, let them protest, and when protestors turned violent, then, drag them to court, habis cerita. as bush jr said, smoke them out via war against terrorism.
Have you learned?
Yes, it has to be that way since beijing central government had decided to liberalize mainland china, and will continue with their endless efforts in continuing to re-invest in technologies that would improve the welfare of prc nasionals.
What did hongkongers did in the past to mainland chinese, i sure hope they have not forget.
But, when comes to straits of taiwan, people’s liberal army (pla) is above koumintang, thats no 2 ways about it.
Same applies to xinjiang and tibet.
If no challenge, then, everyone is like a sleeping lo.
Contohnya, mps semua kuat tido, selepas tu, suddenly semua bz tunjuk perasaan, mana ada masa nak improve welfare kita, betul tak?
I am not sure will erdogan speaks or the foreign minister will speak in un or, but turkey for sure wont send minister of defense to speak, memang tak logik kerana un is not a place to declare military war what.
P/s: if strict parenting style is still being favored, then, be prepared to loose more votes too. hong kong protests secara kuat2nya apabila madam carrie lam spoke like a strict mother in implementing this extradition bill. if you can stop them, let them protest, and when protestors turned violent, then, drag them to cout, habis cerita. as bush jr said, smoke them out via war against terrorism.
nly you got beautiful daughters, others dont have? who wants to be the trillionaire?
Assalamualaikum Tun,
Saya ada terbaca bahawa Anwar akan laksanakan Dasar Ekonomi Baru yang berasaskan keperluan atau “need based’ dari sekarang yang berasaskan perkauman atau “race based”. Saya tertanya-tanya adakah ini satu lagi bentuk “1Malaysia” dari Najib atau iainya adalah “Malaysian Malaysia” DAP. Apakah DAP “Malaysian Malaysia” akhirnya terlaksana jua di bumi Malaysia ini?
Jika iainya dilaksanakan, bagaimanakah nasib orang-orang Melayu? Adakah kita akan menjadi seperti Melayu Singapura, bangga negara maju, tetapi orang Melayu kekal miskin? Saya undi PH kerana adanya Tun dan Bersatu yang saya percaya akan terus pertahankan hak-hak orang Melayu dan membela nasib kita.
Bagaimana agensi seperti Mara? Adakah iainya akan dibuka untuk membantu orang-orang bukan Melayu juga? Bagaimana dengan skim Amanah Saham Bumiputra? Bagaimana dengan Uitm? Bagaimana dengan Petronas? Semua ini adalah produk-produk Dasar Ekonomi Baru, adakah iainya akan dibuka kepada orang Bukan Melayu juga? DEB yang dulu digunakan untuk membantu orang Melayu ada sebabnya. Iainya untuk membantu orang Melayu supaya dapat bersaing dengan bangsa-bangsa lain.
jika iainya dibuka kepada semua bangsa, apakah akan berlaku kepada sosial ekonomi negara ini? Adakah iainya akan menyebabkan satu bangsa menjadi terlalu kaya, dan satu bangsa menjadi terlalu miskin?
Bukankah lebih baik dikekal DEB sekarang, tetapi pada masa yang sama membesarkan kek ekonomi supaya kenikmatan ini dapat dirasai semua kaum?
Saya faham jika Anwar menjadi Perdana Menteri, dia berhak tidak ikut cara Tun.Tetapi jika benar “Malaysian Malaysia” dilaksanakan, saya tidak dapat undi PH pada pilihanraya umum akan datang.
I hope to see Turkey, Erdogan
Speak up in the United Nation, TO The World
Of his stands regards US Illegal interferences in Iraq, Syria, Iran and many more
Of his stands towards Israel Genocides against Palestine
Saya lihat agak tidak sehat
Malaysia kini ada Satu Kerajaan tapi banyak Party
Dah macam Hong Kong dan China
Satu system 2 Negara
Mungkin serupa manusia Satu Bapa 2 Ibu
Bila wujud Perkongsian bergini. Adakah wujud Keikhlasan ?
Hujung hujung semua sama
Ada baik buruk , ada Plus Minus
Yang penting sesiapa yg masuk arena politik perlu Ikhlas
Niat sebenar mesti betul
Kalaulah ada mesin yg bolih membaca keikhlasan manusia kan senang hidup kita semua
Saya berpendapat yg layak mengganti Tun adalah
Datuk Mukhliz Mahathir
Bukan kerana beliau anak pada Tun
Tapi saya lihat beliau berkebolihan,tegas dan mungkin tidak suka mengapu
Belaiau lebih pada Straight Forward
Sekali lagi bukan kerana Mukhliz anak Mahathir
Selain beliau sebenarnya pilihan saya Syed Sadiq
Tapi Budak ini masih Muda lagi
Biarlan beliau Kawin dulu baru beliau lebih cenderung lagi
Sebenarnya Tun telah dipergunakan oleh Azmin Ali dan kuncu2nya termasuk Tun Daim dan kuncu2nya tanpa disedari.
Hi to musato.
“…seorang anak Azmin adalah hasil dari Anwar.”
Don’t be surprised if Azmin is cornered dia akan jatuhkan Anwar using that card.
It’s a grave mistake to give royal pardon to Anwar.
That sneakiest of snake in the grass.
A leopard will never change its spots.
2 days after Haziq was first detained by the police at KLIA, Rais Yatim was spot on when he said,
“If only the Malaysian people are made aware of what Haziq had told the police on the identity of the mastermind behind the scandal, politik Malaysia akan berterusan bergolak…”
Anwar not fit to be PM!!!
Then, sudin can lobby rais yatim to pakai logo bersatu to be the perdana menteri to replace anwar, or azmin of pkr, tak da orang peduli pun.
Selepas itu, hisham jadi perdana menteri, then, kj can be the timbalan perdana menteri, dll punya hanya layak jadi reserves saja.
Honeymoon is over.
Real politics is on, are you ready?
As per see, the would be next probable PM of Malaysia should publise more towards new ideas for the betterment way forward of Malaysia, not otherwise.
Hi to musato.
“…seorang anak Azmin adalah hasil dari Anwar.”
Don’t be surprised if Azmin is cornered dia akan jatuhkan Anwar using that card.
Assalam Tun.
It’s a grave mistake to give royal pardon to Anwar.
That sneakiest of snake in the grass.
A leopard will never change its spots.
2 days after Haziq was first detained by the police at KLIA, Rais Yatim was spot on when he said,
“If only the Malaysian people are made aware of what Haziq had told the police on the identity of the mastermind behind the scandal, politik Malaysia akan berterusan bergolak…”
Anwar not fit to be PM!!!
As the saying goes, Anwar not fit to be PM.
Sori to nyonya half past six, there goes your dream!
Never ending scandals…
Najib also got never ending scandals what…
You think put another malay perdana menteri up there, scandals will hilang meh?
Kan mereka sama2 kata mereka ini adalah perjuang dan pembela bangsa kaum melayu dan agama, just like you suddin, bukan?
P/s: my guess is the chief inspector in charge for overseeing the rule of hong kong basic law must be protected at all cost is pak brit under the request of her majesty, Elizabeth II, the Queen of the United Kingdom and the other Commonwealth realms. why? under the agreement signed to return hong kong to mainland china between prime minister of uk and premier of mainland china, both of the signatories must be honored by both countries in making sure hong kong remains to continue enjoy autonomous powe for 50 years. common sense tells me, belum sampai, 50 years, the tanggungjawab is still with the brits lo.
Assalamualaikum Tun.
Tun betul.
Tidak menyebelahi Azmin.
Ini adalah perbuatan dalaman PKR.
Setahu saya, ia adalah video filipina.
Anwar bermain politik. Mengambil kesempatan yang terhidang.
Dari dulu jika kita mengambil kira, moral Azmin boleh dipertikaikan.
Samada betul atau tidak apa yang berlaku, Azmin setakat pengetahuan saya tidak menidakkan apa yang dikata orang.
Terutama dalam ingatan saya, seorang anak Azmin adalah hasil dari Anwar.
Mungkin perlu Azmin jelaskan.
PKR ditubuhkan cuma kerana Anwar. Bukan kerana patriotik atau demi negara.
PKR adalah parti gila kuasa.
Tun mahu Melayu bersatu. Bergabung tenaga demi negara.
TS Muhyiddin amat bersungguh mahu memujuk PAS sertai PH bersama sama Bersatu sebelum memutuskan perjanjian PH.
Tetapi Hj Hadi menolak atas alasan ada DAP. Tapi pada saya, Hj Hadi tidak mahu duduk sekali dengan Tun Mahathir.
Usahlah riuh rendah cerita pasal penyatuan ummah, sedangkan diri sendiri tiada kemaafan sesama manusia.
Sememangnya fatwa Hj Hadi ketika masih muda amat memecahbelahkan struktur keluarga dan masyarakat ketika itu.
Di rumah famili tiada tv kerana ikut fahaman PAS. Maka tak ikutlah perkembangan semasa. Sembahyang asing asing. Suami isteri cerai berai.
Sekarang fahaman taksub masih berlaku. Mungkin bila sokong PAS boleh masuk syurga agaknya.
Tiada yang suci selain PAS. Parti agama kononnya. Tetapi tidak pandai berpolitik. Yakni tidak pandai mengurus masyarakat dan negara.
PAS masih dikepalai oleh orang yang memecahbelahkan struktur keluarga dan masyarakat.
Fatwa dan fahaman ini masih tidak diminta maaf dan ditarik oleh tuan punya lidah dan pemikiran.
Zahid Hamidi berkata ini adalah hak beliau untuk kembali jadi Presiden UMNO.
Seorang pemimpin yang didakwa lebih 80 pertuduhan di mahkamah telah melantik penasihat yang juga masih didakwa di mahkamah.
UMNO sekarang telah jadi parti politik simpati dan juga telah menjadi parti penyamun. Dan masih lagi.
Ikutlah mana mana.
Nak ikut parti ka, atau nak ikut siapa yang memimpin parti atau nak ikut PM kerajaan atau nak ikut kerajaan sahaja.
Tepuk dada tanya selera.
If we Malaysia could unite the Ummah
Maybe not All
Insyallah we will solve the many problems The Muslim World is facing today
We cannot rely on the United Nation
UN is a corrupt organization for Mankind
Muslim World must stands on its own Feet in One Ummah
Assalam Tun.
As the saying goes, Anwar not fit to be PM.
Sori to nyonya half past six, there goes your dream!
Never ending scandals…
Good morning PM Malaysia!
Yup. It is called dirty politics by the support of evil spirits.