1. There has always been corruption in Malaysia but for years after independence the scale was small. A country where corruption is rampant can never be developed. But Malaysia developed at a good rate.

2. At the time of independence Malaysia was a poor third world country. All development work was done by the Government through the JKR (Public Works Department) with its own staff.

3. But as Malaysia developed rapidly the Government machinery was unable to cope with the development of infrastructure such as roads and railways, Government offices and buildings and staff housing, generation of power and water supply, ports and airports, telecommunications etc. So contracts had to be given to the private sector.

4. The contest for contracts by the private sector created opportunities for corruption. The bigger the contracts the bigger would be the amount of illegal gratification offered.

5. However, the political leaders in the Government were not obviously involved initially. Then came Najib who believes in “Cash is King”. This is just another name for influencing decision on the basis of money to be gained for the decision makers. As the contracts grew bigger the leverage and decision of the decision makers became more valuable. Unscrupulous contractors would offer bigger and bigger amounts in order to get the contracts. It came to a stage when the decision maker accepts higher cost in order to include his sweetener for the contract. In fact many are aware of demands for 30% share in the project if the contracts are to be approved. Of course proxies are used. And the gratification for getting the contracts can go into billions of Ringgit. Government had to pay more than the real cost of the project.

6. The decision makers collect lots of money. Getting proofs or evidence for cases of corruption is very difficult. No contractor would come forward to give evidence because he would be marked and his business and future contracts would be affected. Good contractors may withdraw and so do good officers. But they would never come forward to give evidence especially when their bosses and powerful people are involved. The more powerful their bosses the less would they be inclined to make reports on corruption. The Government says it will protect whistle blowers but only if the person exposed are not powerful.

7. The best way for the anti-corruption commission to act would be to audit the life-style of the suspects. Are they living within their means? If it is beyond their means a thorough investigation must be made on all sources of income of the suspect.

8. Although the Commission is free and can investigate even the Prime Minister but an unscrupulous Prime Minister can frustrate the Commission in many ways. Malaysian Prime Minister, Ministers and high officials are not very highly paid but with all the perks such as housing, payment of water and electricity bills, traveling allowances, motor cars and even aeroplanes, they can have a decent life in keeping with their official status.

9. But if their life-style is lavish, owning luxurious homes and mansions in the country and abroad, their shopping involve buying of high priced things occupying crates and crates, their personal entertainment such as weddings etc very lavish and if they have money in the banks or elsewhere very much in excess of their sources of income, then it can safely be assumed that they may be in receipt of illegal gratification. The source of great wealth needs to be investigated by the authorities and institutions of the country.

10. The Inland Revenue Board was set up as an independent authority so that they can act without fear or favour. It is within their right to investigate everyone including the Prime Minister.

11. Of late we are seeing clear interference with the functioning of the Anti-Corruption Commission. Since the Board of Inland Revenue appeared not to be doing their duty in a case involving the Prime Minister, principally the ownership of the 2.6 billion Ringgit in his private account in Ambank, this amount of money is obviously beyond what a Prime Minister of Malaysia can have, investigations need to be made.

12. Because of the status of the Prime Minister concerned authorities set up a special powerful task force to investigate the source of this money. There was to be no fear or favour. The task force consist of the Attorney General, the Inspector General of Police, the Governor of the Central Bank and the Anti Corruption Commission.

13. Malaysia is fortunate in that officers of Government are professionals. They do not get involved in politics. They simply take orders from the elected Government. But what if the Government ask them to break the law? Well they did not think this would happen. But this has happened. They are in a quandary. But better obey orders than refusing orders and have to face unpleasant consequence.

14. Today Malaysia is listed among the 10 most corrupt countries in the world. No doubt the involvement of Dato Seri Najib in the formation and management of huge sums of borrowed money for 1MDB with clear support from the Government and the subsequent loss of a big portion of this money, the buying of Independent Power Plants at inflated prices, the commission of 10 per cent to Goldman Sachs as well as the interest rate at 5.9 per cent, the inability to repay the loans, the 2.6 billion Ringgit in Najib’s personal account, plus lots of other unsavoury stories and the publications in foreign press, lead to Malaysia becoming one of the 10 most corrupt in the world. Saying that it is all untrue and the Attorney General has cleared Dato Seri Najib does not carry water. Only a full investigation including the identification and questioning of the donor or donors, sources of income and the documentary evidence of money transfer to Najib’s account would clear the air.

15. The AG has no credibility at all after his dismissal of the reports by Bank Negara and the MACC. He proposes life imprisonment for leaking Government information – a sure indication that he is hiding the truth.

16. As a good Muslim he should swear on the Quran in a mosque witnessed by mosque officials and the public that the reports did not implicate Najib in any way. He should not try to cheat by vowing in his heart something else, and swearing aloud something else. That would be a double sin. He will go to a worse hell.

17. And the new publicity chief suggests I am doing this because I want to be arrested. That is as clear a warning as can be of the wish to arrest me.

18. And so Najib’s Cash is King creed must be promoted because it advocates corruption as a means of holding on to power. The country is now one of the 10 most corrupt countries but don’t say anything about 1MDB and the 2.6 Bilion Ringgit if you wish to remain free.

180 thoughts on “CORRUPTION IN MALAYSIA”

  1. salam tun & rakan2

    saya ingin tujukan pantun ini kepada najib, rosmah & kuncu2nya..

    ‘sepandai-pandai tupai melompat, akhirnya jatuh ke tanah jua..andaikata kamu terlepas didunia, di akhirat kamu akan di adili jua’

    saya bersyukur kepada Allah saya tidak dilahirkan menjadi dikalangan kamu, biarlah miskin dari kaya seperti kamu wahai najib..i wish u guys good luck..

  2. Salam YAB dan Yang DiKasihi Tun,

    1. Haji Hadi sekarang ’rapat’ dengan PM Najib yang telah dilabel oleh majoriti rakyat sebagai PM yang KORUP.

    2. Memang matang dan dewasa sungguh pemikiran Haji Hadi (Presiden PAS) dan penyokong2 tegar beliau.

    3. Dahulu, Tun M yang terbukti ’Bersih, Cekap, dan Amanah’ amat ditentang olej Haji Hadi. ’Amanat Haji Hadi’ jelas mengkafir ahli2 UMNO; dalam erti kata lain Tun M pun dikafirkan sekali. Penyokong2 taksub Hj. Hadi pula sokong membuta-tuli; ini pun agaknya salah satu dari elemen ’penting’ bagi mereka yang bersikap matang…alahai..kurang kemahiran berfikir..

    4. Apa pun saya amat suka melihat Pembangkang di kebanyakan negara2 maju di mana Pembangkang amat bersikap profesional & matang – tidak seperti Pembangkang kita yang kegemaran mereka ialah memburuk-buruk & memfitnah NEGARA dan parti pemerintah semenjak dari dulu lagi (contohnya, pemimpin mereka yang ada di penjara; bila dipecat dari UMNO terus mengutuk /menfitnah Tun M /UMNO/ BN di seluruh negara dan juga di serata dunia). Semasa Tun M Perdana Menteri pun Pembangkang hebat memburukkan negara dan pemimpin negara di luar negara. Pembangkang kita memang tidak berkualiti.

    5. Biasalah, hakikat sebenar (realiti) amat pahit. Penyokong2 Pembangkang dan Rejim Najib sama2 dalam ’denial’. Mereka serupa.

    6. Saya suka cara Tun. Tun bersikap amat profesional terhadap musuh2 politik Tun walaupun pelbagai cara mereka lakukan untuk mengalih ’tumpuan’ Tun semasa Tun PM termasuk memfitnah Tun dan keluarga. Setiap projek Tun diburuk-burukkan dan dibangkang (oleh Pembangkang). Tapi, kini mereka menggunakan apa2 yang dibangunkan oleh Tun tanpa ada perasaan MALU. Jika dulu Tun ikut kehendak mereka, memang kita jauh tertinggal di belakang.

    7. Sekarang Tun (mengapa bukan Ketua Pembangkang yang melakukan tugas ini?) menggerakkan kumpulan pendesak untuk menyingkirkan PM Najib @ Ah Jib Gor. Tun memang seorang yang berjiwa besar – sanggup membiarkan diri Tun dicerca oleh penyokong/ pembodek DSN yang menyerang Tun dengan lebih agresif – adalah satu kebod*han bila mereka menjadikan Tun musuh nombor satu rejim DSN apabila Tun mula mengkritik DSN. Pembangkang boleh BEREHAT dari menghentam Tun M sebab kerja ini sudah diambil-alih (di sub-contract; percuma) oleh rejim DSN. Memang bod*h sebab mereka turut memburukkan UMNO/BN (menghakis sokongan kepada UMNO/BN) dengan cercaan / tohmahan mereka terhadap bekas Presiden UMNO (Tun) @ PM yg paling berjaya.

    8. I am waiting for Ku Nan & UMNO MT to sack both TS Muhyiddin and DS Mukhriz.

    Terima kasih Tun.

    *** Semoga Allah S.W.T. sentiasa melindungi Tun sekeluarga ***

  3. Corruption has no statutory definition in Malaysian Law. It is moral turpitude by its linguistic definition something the majority of Malaysian lawyers and politicians alike are terribly ignorant of.

    After years of crossing swords with “eminent lawyers’ in Malaysia on the issue Zaid Ibrahim writes an article admitting to the point in an English law firms website.

    The Tun himself has an aversion to lawyers although to some extent that is excusable but not a reason enough not to inform himself of legal issues.

    Now he lies alongside political dogs like Ambiga and the Malaysian Bar. Mariah Abdullah Chin and Anwar Ibrahim.

    On another front Vincent Tan a man who benefited immensely from the Tun snipes at him using his street journals to implicate many of the Tun’s offsiders in corruption whilst keeping himself at a safe distance from these claims.

    If the Tun like his many new found allies and friends is able to identify a single case of “corruption” as he now joins others in claiming is rife involving the government, then the best place for it is the courts. If not the Tun must accept blame for the introduction and support of those elements that precede a destructive phenomenon like ISIS in those developing countries now in the grip of civil wars. That predecesor to the likes of ISIS and civil war is “civil societies”.

    Credibility Tun takes decades to build and a moment of unguarded foolishness and anger to destroy forever.

    The good we do people find hard to remember. The mistakes we make they find hard to forget.

  4. Salam YAB dan Yang DiKasihi Tun,

    Nampaknya DS Nazri Aziz dari ‘Parti Najib’ sudah mula tuduh TS Muhyiddin telibat dalam konspirasi menjatuhkan PM Najib @ Ah Jib Gor.

    Macam tiru ‘gaya’ si ketua penipu dari Pembangkang saja – semuanya KONSPIRASI.

    Banyak sungguh DSN belajar dari si ketua penipu. Mungkin DSN ingin ambil alih ‘gelaran’ tersebut.

    Si ketua penipu dulu pun memang terkenal dengan ‘politik wang’ semasa dalam UMNO.

    Presiden Obama pun bukan main baik lagi dengan DSN. Mungkin dah putus harapan dengan si ketua penipu…

    Mungkin jika Tun Razak masih ada, beliau pun MALU untuk berada dalam UMNO yang sekarang ini diketuai oleh seorang Presiden yang korup.

    Terima kasih Tun.

    *** Semoga Allah S.W.T. sentiasa melindungi Tun sekeluarga ***

  5. Salam YAB dan Yang DiKasihi Tun,

    1. I fully support Tun’s decision for quitting UMNO, which now ‘informally’ belongs to PM Najib @ Ah Jib Gor.

    2. Now we have ‘Parti Najib’, ‘Parti Anwar’, ‘Parti Lim Kit Siang’, ‘Parti Hadi / Isle?’, etc…Hidup Malaysia!

    3. It is now ‘war’ between the ‘rakyat’ and ‘Parti Najib’.

    4. Tun’s decision is for the rakyat’s benefit, not for Tun’s personal gain.

    5. As expected, those who are very ‘loyal’ (setia membuta-tuli) to DSN already started giving all kinds of stup*d statements. They failed to realize that Tun has many ‘loyal rakyat’ (not blind supporters) who are willing to be with Tun even though Tun is no longer Malaysian PM.

    6. I agree that TS Muhyiddin (TSMY) should also quit UMNO. Sooner or later he is going to be expelled if he continues to criticize PM Najib and gang. Be proactive…tiru macam Tun M.

    7. DS Mukhriz (DSMM) can follow suit. DSMM’s future in UMNO is predictable (no future) as long as DSN is UMNO President. I believe that both TSMY and DSMM will not be nominated again during PRU-14. To ‘Parti Najib’, they are history.

    8. No need to form a new party. Just be ‘calon bebas’ during PRU-14.

    9. DSN is currently in Jeddah. Didn’t he just visit Jeddah (Saudi Arabia) in Jan 2016 (about 2 months ago)? Is he using his own money to perform ‘Umrah’ again? I hope he would be given some ‘ilham’ to resign while performing his ‘tawaf – umrah’.

    10. I hope Tun is successful in toppling PM Najib, Malaysia’s most CORRUPT leader/PM.

    Thanks Tun.

    *** Semoga Allah S.W.T. sentiasa melindungi Tun sekeluarga ***

  6. 93. Jika mahu main politik, main dengan hati yang baik.

    94. Mahathir way, pak lah way atau najib way, apabila terhilang undi, mereka kena berundur pada setiap pilihan umun.

    95. Integration of all races in the name of malaysia is a must have in any nations including the usa.

    96. When there is danger, there is always opportunity.

    97. If you are sincere and never take things for granted and stick to your belief and principle, you will succeed in whatever you do even if your are at the bottom of the chain.

    98. It would be better off for the whole family of tdm to resign umno.

    99. Why?

    100. You cannot have daddy and mummy in supporting opposition parties while the children is with ruling party.

    101. This is hypocripcy in politics.

    102. Even if opposition parties win out in next ge, they would face alot of uncertainties.

    103. Trust is the most valuable gift from God.

    104. If you dont have, you will bound to fail in this human world.

    105. Whoever chosen by the parties to contest in next ge, I wish them all the best.

    106. Once again, I thank tdm for allowing my thoughts to be read by the readers and contributers here.

    107. Whoever become the next pm, I wish him or her best of luck and success in every step he or she takes.

    108. To be or not to be, our future generation will decide.

  7. I can only say this, i.e. we have passed the point of no return. When Tun was PM, you shld hve setup a powerful independent commission against corruption, for the good of the nation as human do greeds. Maybe next to the regal seat, called Royal ICAC. They shld be above & separate from Govt, ideally. Now all walks of life are only keen to be better than next financially, thru the easy way.

  8. Salam Tun,

    Menurut salah seorang penulis disini, pembangkang hanya berpolitikkan keluarga yakni hanya wujudnya mereka semata-mata untuk perjuangan ahli keluarga dan gemar menaburkan fitnah.

    Baiklah. Tak perlu adakan parti pembangkang langsung. Apa-apa sahaja yang diputuskan oleh pemerintah, kita semua ikut 100%. Jika ada salah laku pun, kita biarkan sahaja kerana kita tidak boleh membangkang! Yakni semua tindak tanduk kerajaan adalah betul belaka.

    Bilalah kita nak jadi dewasa ni Tun? Kenapalah kita berfikiran sempit sangat ni? Adakah kerana ‘cinta’ kita pernah ditolak suatu ketika dahulu? Entahlah.

    Saya kira, baik UMNO/BN, PKR, DAP,PAS, PAN dan pelbagai lagi parti politik yang lain, baik yang sedang berkuasa ataupun yang sedang membangkang, mempunyai niat yang baik iaitu memajukan Negara ini dimana kekayaan Negara dapat diselaraskan kepada semua Rakyat.

    Sekiranya mereka semua hanya beria-ia mendapatkan jawatan demi wang ringgit yang halal, maaf lah, gaji MP baru lebih kurang rm5000 sahaja dan yang sebetulnya gaji Perdana Menteri kita hanya sekadar rm23 ribu sahaja. Senang bicara, gaji pekerja golongan professional senang-senang melebihi pendapatan ini. Jadi, adakah pendapatan ahli politik serendah ini menjadi tarikkan untuk seseorang menceburi bidang ini?

    Kalau yang benar-benar ikhlas, niat mereka tetap satu yakni menambah baikkan Negara.

    Terima kasih Tun.

    p/s nasib baik sesetengah kita cukup dewasa untuk mengakui bahawa pihak pembangkanglah yang mula-mula membawa berita penyelewengan yang kita semua tahu hari ini.

  9. Salam YAB dan Yang DiKasihi Tun,

    Terima kasih Saudara ’Daeng’ (Feb 28,2016 1:46 PM).

    1. UMNO mesti diselamatkan dari mereka yang korup / rasuah / menyalah-guna kuasa. PM Najib @ Ah Jib Gor mesti ditumbangkan kerana beliau telah memalitkan UMNO dengan skandal2 PERIBADI beliau yang menjijikkan.

    2. DSN sedang jadikan UMNO milik ’peribadi’ beliau seperti yang kita lihat berlaku dalam parti2 Pembangkang…PKR milik keluarga Anwar…DAP milik keluarga Lim Kit Siang…PAS milik mereka yang anggap ’Islam milik peribadi mereka saja – mendakwa orang Islam di luar PAS bukan Islam sejati’.

    3. Di Malaysia parti2 Pembangkang dipenuhi (majoriti) dengan ahli2 yang ’taksub’ kepada pemimpin2 mereka. Adakah mereka ini menegur / mengkritik pemimpin2 mereka yang buat salah? Sudah terbukti bersalah pun masih dipertahan/dipuja!. Sebab itu dari dahulu lagi saya samakan penyokong2 Pembangkang dengan penyokong2 PM Najib @ Ah Jib Gor. Ahli2 yang mengkritik pemimpin2 dicantas (DSN sedang buat perkara sama). Pemimpin mesti disokong secara membuta-tuli.

    4. Jadi, adakah jaminan yang bila Pembangkang naik, perkara sama (mempertahan pemimpin korup/bersalah) tidak berlaku? Ini kerana sekarang pun belang Pembangkang sudah nampak!

    5. Dulupun bertan-tan kutukan dan FITNAH yang Pembangkang lemparkan terhadap Tun M (rasuah/ mahazalim/ mahafiraun, etc.). Saya memang sukar untuk percaya kepada mereka yang ’hipokrit’.

    6. Satu perkara yang kita sedia maklum ialah Pembangkang ada ramai PAKAR dalam hal fitnah-memfitnah. Tun M & keluarga pernah DIFITNAH memiliki akaun2 di bank di Singapore dengan jumlah duit ’berjuta-juta ringgit / Singapore dollar’, dan macam2 fitnah lagi. Bolehkah mereka yang tidak segan-silu memfitnah/berbohong dipercayai?

    7. Para ’Pentaksub’ DSN yang mempertahan beliau patut tahu perbezaan antara Tun M dan DSN. Tun M tidak pernah menerima duit ke akaun peribadi beliau dari pihak2 yang mencurigakan, manakala DSN pula sudah TERBUKTI menerima wang beribu JUTA ringgit ke akaun2 peribadi beliau. Ini BUKAN FITNAH. Ini fakta.

    8. Memandangkan Pembangkang pun ada persamaan dengan rejim Najib, saya masih berharap agar UMNO berjaya dipulihkan oleh TS Muhyiddin (TSMY), DS Mukhriz, DS Shafie, dan pemimpin2 UMNO lain yang tidak korup.

    9. Kepada TSMY & gang, jangan bimbang dipecat. Tun M yang dipecat dari UMNO akhirnya jadi PM yang paling berjaya setakat ini.

    Terima kasih Tun.

    *** Semoga Allah S.W.T. sentiasa melindungi Tun sekeluarga ***

  10. Tun Dr. Mahathir,

    At this juncture you know how painful & embarrassed general Malaysian are.

    Recently, I do see your boosted eagerness to see a better Malaysia functioning. As you are ready and willing to scarify for the nation, this energy must be guided and focus for fast & best result.

    I suggest that Tun start putting up a list of known Malaysian wishes with your stands affirmed along it. This include exposing your self, necessary correction right up to our constitution.

    I believe by doing this you will gain more supports to propel for better Malaysia.

    I am ready to assist if required. But, it is more appropriate for Tun to do it your self as I do not know how far you are ready to scarify.

    Salam Sejahtera.

  11. Pemimpin umno kata, gantung jawatan ds muhyiddin, maka umno akan lebih kuat, bersatu, kerja lebih fokus.

    Lebih fokus sangatkah sekarang ni ?

    Untuk semua,
    alang-alang menyeluk pekasam, biar sampai ke pangkal lengan, alang-alang mandi biar basah, menggenggam bara api biar sampai jadi abu

    Baki 2.3 billion tu, sama ada atas nama derma mahupun investment, betul2 ke dah dipulangkan, rakyat takkan percaya macam tu je, sedangkan dakwaan 2.6 billion tu pun ramai yang tak mau percaya mcm tu saje, yang ia dimasukkan dalam akaun peribadi ds najib. Mereka yang awalnya tidak percaya dengan menyatakan “takkan la perdana menteri bodoh sangat nak masukan duit banyak tu dalam akaun peribadi beliau”. Bila dah mengaku iye, ada masuk 2.6 billion dlm akaun peribadi, terus banyak pula suara yang menyatakan tak salah terima derma.

    Kemudian bila pihak yang memberi menyatakan untuk tujuan pelaburan, tak ada pula suara yang membicarakan soal pelaburan apa. Masih lagi yang dibicarakan ‘derma’, maka halal bg perdana menteri

    Yang lebih pelik, dipulangkan pula kepada pihak yang memberi.

    Kalau saya, alang-alang satu dunia dah tau hal tu, buatlah satu projek besar, yang memang boleh dibanggakan, dengan duit baki tu. Dan tak perlu makan sorang la ds najib, satu dunia dh tau, makan la ramai2. Kalau ia memang pelaburan dari arab saudi, gunakan saja dalam satu syarikat yang memang dah terbukti menghasilkan keuntungan.

    Atau masukkan saje derma dalam perbendaharaan negara, gunakan utk belanja pembangunan

    Memang kena tutup cerita ni terus, berhenti dulu jadi presiden umno, buat egm, pau baru, serah ahli untuk pulihkan parti, pencalonan dan pemilihan wajib dari peringkat cawangan, bukan hanya dari bahagian, pastu berundur dari post perdana menteri, tutup cerita, dah tak perlu dakwa mahkamah untuk ds najib dah, dia dah terima hukuman yang setimpal

    Tak termasuk malu lagi sebagai perdana menteri yg pertama dalam sejarah malaysia terima duit, diam senyap2 nak makan sorang. Apa yang dia dah guna beratus ribu tu, kita semua rakyat Malaysia halalkan je lah, lagipun dia dh ganti dengan projek yang bagus untuk pembangunan malaysia dengan duit baki tu.

    Kalau nak duk Malaysia, tanggung malu terus, silakan. Kalau nak berhijrah ke luar negara, itu lebih baik

    Uish.. cakap macam senang saje ye.. hehe

  12. Assalamualaikum Tun.

    Saya bersetuju dengan pandangan Hajar dengan komen terbaru “bertanding kerusi bebas”.

    Pengamatan saya dalam politik sekarang pada PRU14 akan datang, sesiapa yang bertanding kerusi mewakili BN peluang menang hanya 10% hingga 20% sahaja.

    Ramalan saya mereka yang bertanding mewakili BN dan terlalu membodek Najib, sudah pasti orang inilah bakal ditolak rakyat.

    Antaranya Mahadzir Khalid, Salleh Said Keruak, Zahid, Hishamudin, Ahmad Maslan, Ismail Sari, Jamil Khir, Anuar Musa, Reezal Merican, Azalina Jant*n, Ahmad Shabery Cheek, Abdul Azeez, Idris Haron, Sharizad ( jika bertanding ), Tok Pa, Pak Uban Shahrir, Ahmad Bashah dan ramai lagi.

    Justeru itu pada hampir PRU14 sewajarnya team UMNO yang sehaluan dengan Tun sewajarnya bertanding menentang UMNO bawah parti “bukan UMNO” dan bersatu dengan PAS. Saya percaya kumpulan ini lebih cerah masa depannya.

    Ini kerana rakyat di luar ini menganggap UMNO adalah parti yang menjijikkan dan sudah tidak releven mewakili “SUARA ORANG MELAYU”.

    Saya cukup yakin calun yang menentang UMNO/BN peluang kemenangan adalah 80%.

    Apa yang dirisaukan oleh Najib sekarang bukanlah pembangkang tetapi PENGIKUT TUN MAHATHIR.

    Saya melihat ada usaha Najib dan penjilatnya untuk memenjarakan Tun sebelum PRU14.

    Mereka terlalu khuatir, semakin hampir PRU14 semakin kuat PENGARUH TUN MAHATHIR dan semakin ramai yang menolak kepimpinan Najib.

    Oleh itu, Tun wajar lebih berwaspada dengan politik kotor Najib dan kuncu-kuncunya.

    Doa dan harapan semuga Tun diberi kekuatan memerangi dajal-dajal UMNO yang diketuai oleh Najib.


  13. 85. At this retirement age, it is very difficult for ts muyhiddin to make his most difficult decision in his life.

    86. I personally think his loyalty is his constituency with johor state first.

    87. Reading the thoughts by these so called jihadists, i mean justice seekers really sucked.

    88. The way these supporters in cursing, harrassing, and threatening pm ds najib and his cabinet including his family members made them no difference from the terrorists.

    89. Tdm went through this.

    90. Pak lah went through this.

    91. As opposition parties, of course they want umno to fall so that bn fall.

    92. Gst kicked off in less than one year, and if they still put their personal and party interests above the taxpayers, be prepared to loose more votes in populated states.

  14. Salam YAB dan Yang DiKasihi Tun,

    1. Saya cadangkan supaya TS Muhyiddin (TSMY) dengan AGRESIF gandakan kritikan terhadap rejim Najib dan DEDAHKAN apa2 fakta yang beliau tahu (semasa masih TPM) tentang skandal2 1MDB, ’derma’ RM2.6 Billion, dan SRCI.

    2. Habis2 pun rejim Najib pecat TSMY dari UMNO (Ku Nan pun sudah beri amaran). TSMY sudah tidak rugi apa2 pada tahap ini. Jika dipecat, saham TSMY akan naik. PRU-14, TSMY boleh bertanding sebagai calon bebas.

    3. Jika tidak dipecat, tapi tidak dicalon pada PRU-14, TSMY mesti juga bertanding sebagai calon bebas (pasti dipecat). Elok tanding DUN dan Parlimen (2 kerusi) seperti yang Pembangkang selalu buat.

    4. Saya yakin ahli2 akar umbi UMNO Pagoh akan mengundi beliau. Mereka tidak akan undi pemimpin KORUP/RASUAH tajaan rejim Najib.

    5. Jika rejim Najib tewas tipis atau 50-50 pada PRU-14 (most likely this is the scenario), mereka perlukan CALON BEBAS untuk menyokong mereka bagi membentuk Kerajaan atau untuk mengukuhkan parti jika sekadar menang tipis beberapa kerusi. Boleh ’demand’.

    6. Saya cadangkan supaya DS Mukhriz (juga mangsa rejim Najib) berbuat perkara yang sama pada PRU-14. Jika tidak dicalon pada PRU-14 (karier politik beliau akan terkubur), jadi calon bebas dan tanding DUN Ayer Hitam dan Parlimen Jerlun. Saya yakin DS Mukhriz akan menang kedua-dua kerusi. Mungkin DS Shafie Apdal pun patut buat perkara sama. Tidak perlu tubuh parti baru.

    7. Perasuah, pemimpin2 korup & yang bersubahat dalam rejim Najib mesti ditewaskan.

    Terima kasih Tun.

    *** Semoga Allah S.W.T. sentiasa melindungi Tun sekeluarga ***


    Habislah hilang segala daulat…?
    Dapat dibeli memanda keparat…!
    Diberinya peluang, join venture sykt…!
    Buat mendendang keturunan, kerabat…?



    Duit sudah menjadi raja…
    Maruah paduka dibeli memanda…
    Siapa yg kaya, siapa merana…?
    Siapa yg suka, siapa kecewa…?

    Tidaklah kita hidup selama…
    Mati juga tak semestinya tua…
    Hidup di dunia hanya sementara….
    Jgn beragan, kata ini dunia ana yg punya…!


  16. Salam YAB dan Yang DiKasihi Tun,

    1. TS Muhyiddin telah digantung jawatan sebagai Timbalan Presiden UMNO. Satu tindakan pengecut and khianat – membuat ahli2 akar umbi UMNO tambah meluat.

    2. Maknanya, Presiden UMNO, PM Najib @ Ah Jib Gor memang sah ’cakap tidak serupa bikin’.

    3. Kononnya, beliau (DSN) dilantik sebagai Presiden UMNO secara demokratik dan tidak ’patut’ didesak (boleh digantung keahlian – kesalahan besar) untuk berehat, apa lagi meletak jawatan sebagai Presiden UMNO.

    4. Ini lah demokrasi cara REJIM NAJIB. Pemimpin2 yang tidak ada SKANDAL digantung/dipecat jawatan, tetapi, PM Najib yang terpalit skandal2 memalukan UMNO / negara dikekalkan.

    5. Memang hebat penangan ’Cash is King’ dalam REJIM NAJIB. Semua jadi tunggang-terbalik.

    6. KORUPSI dihalalkan. Pengkhianat negara/UMNO dibela dan dikekalkan.

    7. Kepada pemimpin2 UMNO yang bersubahat dan bersekongkol dengan PM Najib (’Pengkhianat Negara – perasuah, pecah amanah, korup, etc.’), anda semua adalah juga PENGKHIANAT kepada UMNO, ’Agama, Bangsa dan Negara’.

    8. Tunggulah kehancuran anda semua pada PRU-14. Anda semua khianat terhadap AMANAH yang diberi rakyat semasa PRU lepas.

    Terima kasih Tun.

    *** Semoga Allah S.W.T. sentiasa melindungi Tun sekeluarga ***



    We felt the captioned “Corruption in Malaysia” is outdated
    Now its ” GREED in Malaysia”

    No wonder there’s no case of corruption against the Deranged Useless Mental Blockhead (DUMB) and there’s no Law against Greed..

    May Allah Swt sent to us his angels to protect this beloved country of ours..

    Ps.. Jangan dipagar pokok yang condong, buahnya jatuh kelaman orang

  18. Assalam Tun.

    1MDB telah membuat pinjaman melebihi RM40bilion, kebanyakan dalam matawang asing.
    Kira2 setengah dari wang tersebut diguna untuk beli tanah milik kerajaan yang amat strategik ditengah bandar Kuala Lumpur dengan harga yang amat murah, beli IPP dengan harga berbilion ringgit lebih tinggi dari harga pasaran, beli tanah di Pulau Pinang dengan harga yang terlalu tinggi, beli, beli, beli…..
    Lagi RM20 bilion yang dipinjam 1MDB entah kemana lesapnya….

    Bila sampai masa nak bayar faedah, dah mula gelabah bila duit dah tak ada/cukup.
    Terpaksalah jual sebahagian tanah kepada Tabung Haji dengan harga kira2 1000 kali ganda lebih tinggi dari harga yang dibeli dari kerajaan dengan bersyarat(?) BAYAR DULU tukar nama kemudian.

    Dalam masa yang sama, faedah pinjaman terus berjalan lancar, dan nilai ringit merosot teruk. Semestinya hutang 1MDB telah melimpasi RM50bilion!
    Kalau masa buat pinjaman dulu nilai ringgit ialah RM3.20 setiap US$1.00, kini nilai ringgit hampir RM4.3 setiap US$1.00.
    Jika 1MDB dah ambil pinjaman asing US$10bilion, nilai prinsipal pinjaman dengan sendirinya pun dah bertambah sebanyak RM11bilion!!!!!!

    Maka 1MDB terpaksalah jual lagi!

    Semua stesen janakuasa IPP yang dulu dibeli berbilion ringgit lebih tinggi dari harga pasaran terpaksalah dijual, walaupun modal belian dulu tak dapat balik sepenuhnya (rugi lah tu…). Dah tu dijual pulak kepada foreigner!!

    Kemudian jual pulak sebahagian besar tanah Airforce Base Sg Besi dengan harga beratus kali ganda lebih tinggi dari harga yang 1MDB beli dari kerajaan, jugak kepada syarikat yang jumlah besar sahamnya dimiliki foreigner!

    Maka dari hasil jualan2 diatas (jumlah dianggarkan RM15bilion) 1MDB menepuk dada sambil berkata,
    “Hutang 1MDb dah hampir diselesaikan sepenuhnya.”
    BETUL KE NI!!!!

    Yang pasti jumlah faedah dan penambahan pinjaman akibat nilai ringgit merosot je dah melebihi RM15bilion. Kalau betul ini bermakna nilai prinsipal pinjaman yang melebihi RM40bilion tu sikit pun tak berkurang.

    IPP jadi milik foreigner, saham Airforce Base di Sg Besi juga dah dimiliki foreigner, hutang masih tak kurang.
    Apa nak jadi!
    Apa dah jadi!

  19. Salam Tun,

    It was scheduled some 2 weeks before that on 24th and 25th of Feb 2016, the tabling of Auditor General final report on 1MDB financial.

    However it doesn’t happened due to some of the PAC members failed to attend this meeting. It requires at least 7 out of 14 of them to attend including the chairman in order to complete the minimum quorum for a meeting.

    “The PAC member said that committee chairman Datuk Hasan Arifin was among those who had gone abroad.”

    The report above shows the chairman is not here although he was the one who scheduled this meeting.

    Unless the reason for missing this meeting involving an emergency case such as a close family member involved in an accident or passed away, or the person himself having similar issue then there shouldn’t be any reason to miss this.

    This definitely doesn’t help us on the transparency of this investigation.

    Thank you Tun.

    p/s I’m trying very hard to have a positive thoughts on all these. Seriously.

  20. Kami sokong Tan Sri Rafidah Aziz, kami benci orang yang berpura2 seperti shahrizat, nazri dan menteri besar kedah yang baru.

  21. These is not just about Najib
    It’s the system run by Najib

    Very Redicule
    We Malaysian are look down very Low by our own Govt
    They treat us Malaysia as if we were born yesterday
    How can it be upon Najib own confession
    Money bank to his account are true
    Then he returns it back are true
    How can the Law justified it is close even before investigations starts
    Najib appointed a new AG to close the doubts was very Redicule
    We are not accusing him of anything
    But doubts have to be cleared for things to get better

    Law belongs to nobody
    Not the Police , The PM , Sultan not even the Head of AG
    They just represent the Law
    They are not the Law

    Recent comment on Proton and Tun
    Regardless of Malaysia produce our own cars are much later
    For facts Proton are Facts
    It is seen very clearly as much Malaysian are driving
    Yes it still have lots of rooms to improves
    It is physically seen

    What does it sells ?
    Founded by Najib
    Funded by Malaysia
    It Failed Malaysia takes its burden
    So if it is successful
    Does it belongs to Najib then ?

    Najib copy cat of S,pore PM Dynasty investment
    Just makes Najib the Clumsiest PM on Earth

    Did Obama ever ask Najib of the doubts of 1MDB ?
    Should interview Obama on his opinion on Najib
    Since they are Good Friends
    Let’s hear Obama also agreed that money was donated

  22. Assalam Tun.

    Enam bulan lalu bila balik kampung dan beritahu penduduk disana Najib punyai RM2.6bilion dalam bank, hampir semua mereka tak percaya.
    Sekarang hampir semua dah tahu cerita RM2.6bilion tu, dan ramai yang dah langsung tak mahu terima ada orang bodoh yang sanggup derma berkoyan2.

    Mereka bukan setakat dah tak percaya dengan Najib, UMNO pun mereka dah tak percaya!
    Memanglah, jika diperhatikan permainan politik gila kuasa dan pembabitan unsur2 rasuah dihampir setiap cawangan, amat mudah bagi mereka untuk membuat kesimpulan.

    Secara am, Najib telah membuka kotak Pandora. Duit RM2.6bilion dalam akaun Najib tu dah bertindak sebagai catalis untuk membongkar kegiatan2 salahlaku ketua2 UMNO dimerata2 tempat!
    Walaupun salahlaku ketua2 UMNO susah untuk diambil tindakan, ORANG2 KAMPUNG SEMUA DAH TAHU.

  23. Salam!

    Makin hari makin menariks cerita kekorupan Najib ni.

    Harap ada movie producer yang tergerak hati untuk buat pilem tentang kekorupan Najib.

  24. Salam Tun

    Baru baca news ini 🙂

    Police record Dr M’s statement over blog post

    PUTRAJAYA: Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad (pic) was questioned by the police over a posting on his blog.

    Three police officers went to the former prime minister’s office at Perdana Leadership Foundation here on Wednesday and spent half an hour to record his statement.

    Dr Mahathir was accompanied by five lawyers.

    “The police asked me about the allegations I made in my article. I did not answer any questions that were specific to the posting.

    “I told them I will only answer them in court if I am charged,” he told reporters after the statement was taken.


    Berita2 lain 🙂

    Keep investigating RM2.6 billion, MACC told

    After police questioning, Dr M says might share same cell with Anwar

    No skin off my nose, Rafidah says after labelled a ‘nobody’ by Nazri

    Higher Education Ministry: Don’t blame us for 156 retrenched professors


  25. Skrip, 1MDB
    Pelakon, PM, exPM
    Pelakon tambahan, ramai…
    Pentas, Malaysia
    Er.. mana satu watak hero mana satu watak crook

  26. Dearest YAB Tun,

    1. The ‘rakyat’ has lost faith in the A-G, ‘orang kuat PM Najib’. His (A-G) words carry no weight at all in convincing the public.

    2. I don’t think MACC had cleared DSN of all wrongdoings related to 1MDB / RM2.6 Billion donation / SRC International – RM42 Million. Didn’t the A-G recently cancel his meeting with MACC?

    3. The Oppositions are not serious (play safe) in toppling PM Najib @ Ah Jib Gor (even though he is so CORRUPT) because they need him to stay in power so that UMNO / BN can be TOPPLED easily during PRU-14. Just look at HBT456’s strong support for PM Najib. She (the Head) even said that DSN is the best PM so far (Why?). But of course she continues condemning UMNO/BN. Malays, and Muslims.

    4. Only Tun and other UMNO/BN veterans along with the ‘akar umbi’ members can force DSN to step down soonest possible. Of course ‘dengan izin Allah S.W.T.’

    5. The Oppositions are also in chaos. They are stabbing each others’ back. They don’t trust each other – ‘low class Oppositions’.

    6. Now, we have to choose between two evils.


    Tun saya doakan Tun sentiasa mendapat PERLINDUNGAN Allah S.W.T dari mereka yang sekarang ikut saja telunjuk ‘pengkhianat2 negara’ dan ‘Bapa Perasuah Negara’. Jika Tun diapa-apakan, mereka ini akan terima padah yang amat buruk dari majoriti rakyat. Tun, saya berasa amat sedih melihat (gambar) wajah dan renungan sayu Tun dalam link di atas.

    Thanks Tun.

    *** May Allah S.W.T. bless Tun and family ***

  27. Like bang daeng, im silent reader, im still reading and reading and still support Tun…

  28. Najib have dreams
    Dreams that he can improves Malaysia
    Saying differs differs from doings
    So as Ahmad Zahid saying
    It’s when the election comes is when and how one works on it
    This is just their dreams

    In reality in practice
    It is now the hardship begins
    It is now they have to earn every votes
    Voting is never like selling lelong product
    You lelong lelong just to finish the products then you are gone

    Voting is Commitment
    Voting votes the Future

    Najib is Gone
    So as his Gundus ,also the AG
    The whole Malaysia and World is pointing fingers at Najib
    No Trust Internationally and his own Malaysia

    Najib act of Foolishness is very Childish indeed
    You take then you put back
    Today this tommorow that
    Seems very likely an Offensives Doers

    We hope the Sultan of Malaysia
    All must come forward to be more responsible towards we Malaysian
    Not just lying around watching dramas
    We don,t need any Sultanage just for the sake

  29. Assalamualaikum Tun.

    Kepada Wahid “salah seorang penasihat ekonomi kepada Najib”, pujian kamu kepada Pengerusi dan Lembaga Pelaburan KWSP saya berterima kasih dan ianya wajar.

    Kepada Wahid juga, saya menasihati kamu agar mencontohi KWSP dan belajar dari mereka bagaimana untuk menyenangkan rakyat bukan menyusahkan rakyat.

    Kepada Wahid juga, dalam kebijaksanaan KWSP meningkatkan pulangan dividen 2015 kepada pencarumnya sebanyak 6.4% tiada erti jika kebodohan pengurusan ekonomi dalam kerajaan meningkat inflasi melebihi 6.4% dalam tahun 2015.

    Inflasi sebenar tahun 2015 yang diwar-warkan oleh kerajaan adalah penipuan semata-mata, dan saya yakin inflasi sebenar adalah melebihi 15% sepanjang tahun 2015 walaupun harga minyak menurun.

    Kita boleh bayangkan, jika harga pasaran minyak dunia dalam masa setahun dua kembali meningkat kepada USD 70 setong, agak-agak inflasi dalam negara kita berapa? Ini tanggungjawab kerajaan Najib bersama penyokong bahal*lnya dan jangan salahkan bekas pemimpin lalu.

    Dari kecik tak mahu mamp*s dah besar menyusahkan orang saja.


  30. 0toq..oooToQ.. Buat selambaa…..
    ‘Nasib jelata’ lantak lah dia…?
    hidup selesa di singgahsana…!
    ini dunia ana yg punya…?


  31. Salam Tun,

    Hope you and Tun Hasmah are in good health. May Allah always protect both of you.

    A few days ago, Tauchu Nan, the Minister of Wilayah Persekutaun with DBKL threw a Chinese New Year open house and he handed out Cash Ang Pows to thousands that came for the Free makan. Generally those that attended were foreign workers, Malay , Indian and with a sprinkling of Chinese. The crowd became uncotrollable and chaotic. Some have to be rescued from the stampede rushing for the Ang pows.

    To me it clearly proved under Najib’s regime, CASH IS KING. Or Corruption made LEGAL

    Then yesterday a corrupted brain and mind opened his mouth i.e Nazri who said Tan Sri Rafidah is just an ordinary UMNO member now and it is NOT IMPORTANT now.

    So the 3 million ordinary UMNO members are actually NOT IMPORTANT at all. only those in Supreme Councils are important.

    There is a Chinese proverb…When yhe head is Rotten, the Body and tail start to rot too.

    Since Najib has openly showed to the 30 million Rakyat that he is Corrupted by the Billions, do not be surprised that those below like the ordinary Police Constable, the JPJ Penguatkuasa, even the Office boy in the Land office, the Enforcement officers of the local council such as DBKL , etc are also corrupted. The amount may be small as per person but x 10 person a day it could be anywhere between RM500 – RM1000. Depending the offender or giver how much they can afford to ‘ donate ‘

    This disease will continue even if Najib steps down as there is always somebody taking over.

    Last week Najib celebrated his 40th year as a Politician that was forced upon him out of sentiment and emotion of the Pekan voters. And if i can remembers, all those years he was just ‘ a follower ‘ in UMNO rather than creating or introducing something new to the people and country.

    I remembered once, when he was the Minister of Sports and i approached him in office to promote some sports relateded materials and equipment as at that time the Sports Ministry was toying the idea of installing Artificial Turf or field for Hockey. NOT ONCE did he asked me question be it technical or commercial related to the product. The meeting was just about 10 minute and he excused himself citing that his wife is waiting for him at home for lunch !! Hahaha. From that day onward I already knew who is really the BOSS !!!

    Our only hope to remove him is during the coming GE. That too I am not sure whetherr majority of the Rakyat will out vote him. I have a strong gut feelings, he will created some furor with Race and Religion issues knowing how the Malay Muslim weaknesses on these two matters.

    Dear Tun, I think if you and other past UMNO leaders that are not happy with najib’s leadership do a ‘ Walkabout ‘ say from Dataran Merdeka to Mesjid Negara, I am very very sure there will thousands even hundreds of thousand malay, Chinese, Indians, Dayak, Iban, etc joining you in the walkabout. You only have to get Tan Sri Sanusi, Tun Ling Liong Sik, Tan Sri Rafidah, TSMY, Dato Seri Afdal, etc,etc to join you. I am very sure they will agree to that. Once at Mesjid Negara, all Muslim can do a ‘ Solat Hajat ‘. i believed it can work.


  32. 75. Umno can open as many mara colleges as they want.

    76. No one including their members will stop them.

    77. Has mara chairman ever thought of hiring lecturers to teach in these colleges is impossible since malay lecturers have choices to teach in places they prefer?

    78. Umno can blame social media abuse.

    79. They also can blame the portugese, prostitution, chinese, communists or americans.

    80. The indian minority is already been marginalized, demoralized and humiliated by their own politicians.

    81. Muslim lawyers thinking of helping the conversion case will only make them more angry.

    82. Increasing mp seats in sarawak will only weakened umno further.

    83. As ruling party, if they put party interest above the people, they are bound to fail.

    84. Even feudalism and communism no longer relevant.

  33. Raja Raja Malaysia pun duk senyap je
    Macam Tak Dengar Berita dan kemarahan rakyat Fasal pentakbiran kerajaan Sekarang
    Tunjukanlah Kedaulatan Raja Melayu
    Janganlah semua Buat Bodoh je
    Nak Tunggu apa Tok ?
    Nanti dah Mudarat Tak Guna Tok

  34. Assalamualaikum Tun.

    Mengapa beberapa pembodek Najib asyik menjerit-jerit sejak ke belakangan ini Tun?

    1. Zahid “menteri harapan Bangla”
    2. Nazri “menteri harapan Cina”
    3. Idris Haron “menteri harta karun”
    4. Puad Zarkashih “bekas ahli parlimen yang tidak disokong rakyat Batu Pahat”

    Mereka nampak marah-marah pada Muhyiden yang mengkritik Najib nampak melucukan.

    Kepada ke empat-empat ini, kalau Najib dan kamu yakin kamu ini bagus, sila sarankan adakanlah PAU.

    Hanya pertandingan PAU sahaja adalah penentu seseorang pemimpin UMNO itu releven pada masa sekarang atau sebaliknya.

    Sebelum mereka ini menjawab saranan saya ini biar saya berikan jawapannya iaitu mereka ini serupa dengan ketuanya Najib tidak berani adakan PAU sebelum PRU14.

    Sekian Tun.

  35. Assalam Tun.

    Si Nazri tu memang nak tayang kat rakyat Malaysia bahawa dia pengampu tegar Najib.
    Pelancong yang datang ke Malaysia dah banyak berkurang dan terus berkurang, tapi dia macam tak ambil peduli pun! Asyik nak tunjuk kat Najib yang konon2 dia hebat.

    Hanya mereka yang rasa diri tak terror aje yang akan bertubi2 nak bodek boss. Apatah lagi kalau boss jenis dah terkulai nak jatuh dan sangat memerlukan untuk disokong supaya tak meliok mencium bumi.

    Sekarang dah nak ajak warga China ke Malaysia tanpa visa!!
    Dah lupa ke setiap tahun beratus ribu warga China yang daftar masuk tapi tak ada rekod keluar, mereka menyorok dan nak tinggal tetap di Malaysia!!!

    Sebab nak tunjuk terror sangat, dulu hampir jadi gaduh dengan Anifah sebab suka jaga tepi kain orang.
    Sekarang nak warning Muhyidin pula, last warning pulak tu!! Macam zaman kanak2 dulu, “aku bagi last warning tau!!!”.

  36. Salam Tun

    Nak share berita dari thestaronline :

    Malaysians more cynical, less trusting

    PETALING JAYA: Malaysians are becoming less trusting of the Government, businesses and media as they grow weary of scandals and the way they have been handled, according to the Edelman Trust Barometer 2016.

    Compared to the year before, trust in the Government fell seven points to 39% among the general population and 11 points to 34% among the informed public.

    Trust in media and businesses among the general public fell one point and two points respectively, to 45% and 58%.

    Among the informed public, however, trust in media increased 13 points to 59%, while there was no change in trust in businesses at 67%.

    Non-governmental organisations (NGOs) were standouts in the survey, posting a four-point rise among the informed public and two-point rise among the general public.

    This is the fifth survey on Malaysia conducted by the communications marketing firm. The results of the survey were released on Tuesday.

    On average, Malaysian trust in the institutions was 58% among the informed public and 51% among the general population. Globally, this reading stood at 60% and 50% respectively.

    Malaysians were also less trusting of content on social media, with a seven-point drop to 42% compared to 2015.

    Their trust in social media was at a high of 58% in 2013, before falling the subsequent years.

    The latest edition of the Edelman Trust Barometer surveyed more than 33,000 people in 28 countries between Oct 13 and Nov 16 last year.

    The sample size in Malaysia for the survey was 1,150 respondents for the general population and 200 respondents for the informed public.

    The informed public is aged 25-64, has tertiary education, is in the top 25% in household income per age group in each country, follows business and news media several times a week, and follows public policy issues in the news several times a week.

  37. Walaupun muda lagi namun sebagai pelapis negara saya perlu menyuarakan pendapat saya sebagai pewaris generasi yang akan datang.Jika Tun ada didepan saya angkah indahnya kerana Tun lah pemangkin saya serta idola saya.Saya doakan yang terbaik untuk Tun sekeluarga.

    Sajak Duit

    Siapakah dirimu,
    Adakah kau hanya kertas semata-mata,
    Mahupun sekeping besi bercetak,
    Apakah yang kau inginkan selama ini,
    Apakah kau pembantu,
    Atau penghancur,

    Keranamu ku perah melihat orang hilang arah,
    Adakah kau penyebabnya?
    Adakah kau menyebabkan si miskin tertindas?
    Adakah kau penutup suara keadilan,
    Atau penyebab pemimpin hilang haluan,
    Ada kulihat sanggup menjual haknya,
    Malah hak negara juga!…hanya untukmu,
    Atau kau meracun minda manusia!
    Mengubah keserdahanaan ke ketamakan,
    Adakah kau pemula perang,
    Pemecah penyatuan,pemusnah muafakat,
    Keranamu ada sahaja orang sanggup mengadaikan apa saja,
    Tanah air,ekonomi,maruah,tanah malah nilai amanah sera negara,

    Adakah kau pembela si miskin,
    Adakah kau penyelamat negara,
    Adakah kau pemulih ekonomi,
    Adakah kau pelindung,
    Adakah kau hanya sehelai kertas,
    Atau penerus nyaea dan jiwa

    Apajua gelaranmu ku tak kira,
    Kulihat kau boleh menjadi pembela,
    Atau menjadi penindas,
    Kau boleh menjadi pelindung,
    Kau boleh menjadi penutup rasuah dan masalah,
    Penutup kepada seribu penipuan,
    Kau baik dan bermakna,
    Tapi jatuhmu ditangan kejahatan,
    Boleh hanjur negara keranamu,
    Sehelai kertas yang bergelar DUIT,

    >>>>>>>DANIEL PT3<<<<<<<<

  38. Dear Tun,

    Have been a silent reader this past few postings of yours Tun – just can’t think of anything to say anymore – or should I admit discouragement has taken its toll leaving myself feeling a bit dispirited. Can’t access quite a number of blogs news sources. MCMC under Salleh Said Keruak is setting a world record. And with all the on going spinning of the government of Najib Razak my head too spins – with real headache. Really Tun. Plus some times I do feel fear of my family’s safety. Who doesn’t given this government now is a government of absolute power where anything is possible.

    I am glad that you still stand strong for us. Bless you Tun Mahathir. I don’t know for how long this Dato Najib will still cling on to his power even when his name is completely tainted with crap of his own doings. I think the rakyat have our last hope on you and Tan Sri Muhyiddin to expose it all, and I mean all literally, on this totally corrupted and shameless Prime Minister of ours.

    Will write again dearest Tun Mahathir. I never miss reading your thoughts even when I am lost for my own words to comment. Always love you Tun. Take good care.

  39. Assallammualaikum Tun.
    Saya mohon ruangan.

    Madam Housewife.
    Mungkin ucapan Raja Nazrin ini dapat memberi manafaat kepada kita.

    4th Asean Conference in Primary Health Care.
    Date : 18th March 2005
    Venue : Hotel Casuarina Ipoh.

    Remembering The Humanitarian Side Of Medicine.

    6. In the modern world,profession proliferate.But originally there were only three-the “Learned Professions” of Divinity,Law and Medicine.All were based on advanced learning.In all three we can distinguish between the body of knowledge upon which they were based,which is generic – and the practice,or the way the knowledge is applied to humanity and this can vary.

    7. Thus,just as Law, as exemplified by many distinguish father, is a discipline that serves as the ultimate purpose of Justice,so Medicine, a branch of learning with a strict code of conduct,is subject to moral purpose.The power to hea; serves a humanitarian end in caring for people,in compassion and in mercy.

    Ladies and Gentlemen

    8. I must be candid.My own perspective is that of layman,an occasional patient and a frequent observer.I have neither the intention,nor would I presume to intrude on your professionalism and your specialist knowledge and skill.You are masters of your trade,which will be given the respect it deserves,implicit in all I have to say.I shall be confining myself to the sphere of medical practice where our two worlds meet- a subject central to you and very close to my heart- a concern for humanity.Beyond technical profienciency there is a humanitarian dimension interwoven and indissolvably linked to your professional calling.

    9. The members of this audience are no strangers to this.It goes back to the distant origins of medicine.The title of this talk begins with the word ‘Remembering’.If we go back to ancient times,medicine could not be considered a science.But even if it did not have the developed knowledge and skills it may claim today,it did have from the outset its own integrity.Healing was then perceived as a service to humanity predicated on a belief of harmony.This will be readily understood by our Chinese compatriots because of their belief in their own traditional philosophy of harmony – in this case based on the balance of heaven,earth and the “middle kingdom” i.e. man.Medicine in Middle Ages was a means of restoring wholeness by harmonizing the body,the emotions,the mind and the spirit.In many ancient cultures the shaman and medicine man was both priest and healer,assigned to care for people by ministering to both their physical and their spiritual needs.There was no dichotomy between the sustenance of the body and the sustenance of the spirit.

    This was numbered 40.If there is a need I will continue.

    But Sultan Nazrin speech is apt for our current ‘altercation’

    Terima kasih Tun.

  40. Assalamualaikum Tun,
    Si nazri has neglected his duty as Tourism minister, so has the Igp, that’s why the Australian authorities issued a warning to travelers to be on alert for terrorism. So WAKE UP you all and stop playing politics too much.

    Tun tak perlu pameran berskala besar untuk mengingatkan rakyat betapa besarnya pengorbanan Tun selama 22 tahun menjadi PM Malaysia untuk memakmurkan negara. Dan dengan kemakmuran itu ramai yang telah jadi ‘kenyang’, Alhamdulillah. Rakyat dengan ikhlas tahu dan akan ingat diatas jasa2 Tun, InsyaAllah.

    Saya percaya Tun dah letak batu asa dan panduan2 yang begitu kuat dan kukuh untuk diikuti oleh mereka selepas Tun bersara supaya Malaysia terus bergerak maju kehadapan. Tetapi tak sampai suku jalan semua jadi terbantut. Kenapa? Apa dah jadi? Mungkin tiba2 mata mereka jadi kelabu, hati tiba2 jadi gelap…yang nampak hanya jalan nak cepat jadi k$y$. Atau mungkin ada yang berbisik2 kata, “lambat sangat nak maju ni, lambat sangat nak kaya ni kalau ikut cara Tun. Nah, ikutlah cara aku, lagi mudah lagi cepat…”, poof! lahirlah 1MDB dan ‘donation’ dalam masa yang cukup singkat. Tak payah tunggu Vision2020. Lambat sangat!
    Tun tidak ada kuasa lagi dalam kerajaan, bagaimana nak sekat, nak tegur pun tak mahu dengar. Salah Tun lagi!

    I’m a nobody Tun. I don’t socialize or mingle with so and so, thus I don’t actually get the opportunities to exchange ideas or thoughts. Only from your blog here that I get extra knowledge and learn something new. What bothers me I will write to you Tun. Sometimes I get answers sometimes I don’t. Unfortunately, some will say it is Tun’s fault for this and it is Tun’s fault for that. But WHY? It is always back to that BIG ?. No concrete answers. Just presumably and assumptions. As was said, everything was laid down so perfectly by Tun before Tun resigned…but SOMETHING HAPPENED ALONG THE WAY? by WHAT? by WHO? and the big WHY?

    Tun, perkara ini tak akan habis bermain-main di kotak fikiran saya sehingga saya mendapat jawapan yang menyakinkan. Ada jawapan, tiada jawapan…tersorok somewhere? Hope you’re not bored with me addressing the same questions.
    May Allah Bless you Tun. May Allah Protect you always Tun. May Allah grant you wealth in health, happiness and knowledge. Take extra care and Thank you Tun.

  41. 70. If you cant decide, then wait for next ge.

    71. We still have more than 2 years before next ge call.

    72. Let the current pm and cabinet do their work.

    73. Are they on the right track, let the political parties plan their strategy before next ge call.

    74. Whether voters are okay or not, the result will be known.

  42. 68. If you are not happy as moslem or not moslem, show your unhappiness in wilayah persekutan kerajaan di putrajaya, bukan wilayah persekutuan kuala lumpur.

    69. Why spike on voters in kl?

  43. Salam Tun,

    Izinkan saya menyentuh mengenai bangsa.

    Perkataan rasuah berasal daripada perkataan Arab “al-risywah”. Ini bermakna tiada perkataan yang tepat mengenai rasuah yang benar-benar berasal daripada Bahasa Melayu. Ya, kita ada simpulan bahasa yang mengambarkan perbuatan rasuah ini seperti ‘tumbuk rusuk’ dan ‘makan suap’ tetapi wujudnya simpulan bahasa ini hanya selepas sejarah bertulis.

    Apabila bahasa sesuatu bangsa itu tidak mengandungi perkataan yang tepat untuk menggambarkan sesuatu perkara itu, ini bermakna, perkara tersebut sebenarnya tidak wujud didalam kamus kehidupan bangsa tersebut.

    Dalam hal ini, bangsa Melayu yang sejati yakni yang benar-benar menjaga adab serta kesopanan bangsa tidak akan membiarkan diri mereka terjerumus kedalam kancah rasuah ini.

    Berbalik kepada perkara 13, ayat yang pertama dalam penulisan Tun,

    “Malaysia is fortunate in that officers of Government are professionals.”

    Ya, inilah perkara yang ingin saya tekankan disini. Walau apa pun kerjaya seseorang, baik professional ataupun tidak, sifat serta etika professional perlu ada pada semua orang. Etika ini perlu diketengahkan sebagai dinding untuk mengelakkan diri dari gejala rasuah.

    Terima kasih Tun.

  44. 59. Only extremesits will sack the excco.

    60. Donating cash to the football player is akin to tell him aim for money, not sportmanship nor pride.

    61. Igp asked why he was not informed the australian travel guides of isis attack has proven he does not read local and internatinal news.

    62. Lobby atau korupsi, itu terpulang kepada parti2 politik masing2.

  45. *
    Oi saudara kalau yapun….


    Begitukah juga tabiatnya melayu…?
    Kadang bersuara, Kadang membisu..!
    Kadang berkuasa, Kadang merapu..!

    Hidup bertuan $emenjak dulu….?

    Rasuah d Msia makin ketara…?
    Jd tontonan srata dunia…
    buat hiburan bahan ketawa…
    PMnya kaya hasil duit dermaaa…?



  46. dahulu Tun cakap demokrasi mainan mat salleh dan tidak sesuai di negara ini … pembodek-pembodek angkat tangan katakan “yes yes”

    sekarang terkejut dengar Tun katakan demokrasi amat diperlukan supaya kerajaan tidak salah laku … pembodek-pembodek pun angkat kaki katakan “yes yes”

    macam-macam pendirian pun ada … tukar-tukar pendirian …

    Tun nampak lebih kepada hendak menjatuhkan “perseorangan” daripada “menyelamatkan negara” …

    pilih seseorang kata dia baik, lepas itu tumbangkan kata dia tak baik, tersilap pilih … pilih lagi, silap lagi, tumbangkan lagi … nak sampai bila rangkaian ini perlu diteruskan? Tumbangkan apa-apa yang sedia ada, macam mana nak pastikan yang baru itu tidak salah pilih lagi?

    Bukankah revolusi pada sistem pentadbiran yang diperlukan agar ketelusan itu dapat dipupuk? Apakah sumbangan Tun selama 22 tahun dalam usaha ini? Apakah cadangan Tun dalam usaha menuju ke arah ini untuk memperbaiki apa yang kekurangan?

    Tiap-tiap hari pakcik depan rumah saya mengadu tepi jalan penuh dengan semak … terbeliak mata melihatnya, dialah punca semak hari ini kerana menyemai benih masa dia jadi ketua kampung dahulu …

  47. Oi saudara kalau yapun nak gaduh keluarlah dari blog ni
    Ni orang tengah sibuk pentingkan Negara
    Nak dapat duit serpihan dari Abang Jib
    Awak awak sibuk gaduh fasal doctor lah , proton lah apa apa benda lah

    Nilah macam mana melayu nak maju
    Baru cakap sikit dah nak tekan minyak

  48. Salam Tun,
    Tumpang laluan.

    Salam Saudara Wajaperak,
    Saya merujuk kepada tulisan saudara yang dibawah ini,

    “I would not say that I agree in certain manner that Tok Jangut and Mr Mubarak Chan ‘bash’ people but for goodness sake please respect their profession of MEDICAL DOCTOR that is a physician..

    Can we say that our achievement match those of them?
    Honestly no.

    We may agree or disagree but please have a thinking cap comprehension of how difficult it is to be a doctor.”

    Ya, diakui bukan mudah untuk menjadi seorang Pegawai Perubatan, tetapi bukanlah mudah juga untuk menjadi apa-apa sahaja didunia ini tanpa usaha yang gigih. Mungkin untuk menjadi penagih dadah atau sebagai agak mudah tetapi bila difikirkan, untuk membeli dadah mereka harus berusaha juga seperti mencuri, merompak dan sebagainya, mmm…. susah juga.

    Seterusnya saya mengulas serba sedikit mengenai penulisan ini,

    “I am sorry and would apologize for you in their behalf.
    Can I say something of their approach?
    Do you know how the Surgeon and Specialist ‘bash’ up their protege and junior Doctor’s?
    Very bad from the perspective of layman.Ask Tun,ask Mr Mubarak Chan and ask our not so ‘friendly’ Dr Tok Jangut..:)

    They almost shout at their ‘protege’ when doing ward round picking wrong here and there and all subordinate must respect them because they are God given to all of us.YOU WANT TO DEFIED GOD?..:))”

    Perkara-perkara kebiasaan yang dilakukan semasa ditempat kerja, kita seharusnya biarkan ianya disana sahaja. Apabila kita berhadapan dengan orang awam (seperti didalam blog ini), kita perlu menjaga adab sopan kita demi memertabatkan tahap ‘professionalism’ kita.

    Salam kembali Saudara Wajaperak.

    Terima kasih Tun.

    Umran Abdul Rahman
    [email protected]

  49. Salam Tun

    Nak kongsi berita menarik online hari ini

    MACC, Bank Negara, former A-G briefed me on RM2.6 billion, SRC, says Muhyiddin

    Nazri wants Muhyiddin suspended

    Rafidah applies more weight on government’s ‘flip-flop’ position

    Foreigners doing jobs that can be done by locals: MEF executive director

    Goodnight all! 🙂

  50. Assallammualaikum Tun.
    Saya mohon ruangan.

    Tuan umranrc
    [Apa yang saya cuba sampaikan, bidang yang dibesarkan-besarkan oleh saudara hanyalah sebahagian sahaja daripada tamadun dunia ini]

    Tak faham saya maksud tuan.
    Apa yang saya faham telah pun saya terangkan banyak di dalam Al Quran yang saya pelajari.
    Mereka yang tidak berdaya amatlah jengkel dengan kebenaran yang disebutkan Allah di dalam surah Al Fath.

    Muhammad ( s.a.w ) bersabda..katanya Musa ( a.s ) lebih banyak disakiti tetapi dia bersabar.Tetapi setau saya Muhammad ( s.a.w ) yang paling banyak disakiti.
    Mengapa kita tidak kembali ajaran agama Islam yang sebenar?

    Memanjangkan sillaturrahim?Bertukar-tukar fikiran di dalam E-MEL??

    Saya masih menunggu-nunggu alamat e mel tuan..

    Terima kasih tuan.
    Terima kasih Tun.

  51. Assalamualaikum Tun,
    Why is it Tun there are still people who are lamenting that it is because of you Vision 2020 will fail? After you resigned Tun they have almost 20 years to steer the country towards that vision. What happened along the way Tun? Did they abandon completely the very steps and foundations that you have prepared and set for them to follow? If they have then the new administration is to be blamed. They purposely crumbled it down. They wanted a new vision of their own. What is it Tun? Vision 1MDB? Vision RM2.6billion?

    Tun, does Tun Musa Hitam still holds a grudge on you? Now he’s blaming you for the failure of Vision 2020, he predicted it to be so. He said you removed potential political leaders, and instead you retained and trained followers. And these trained followers took over the leadership and are loyal to whoever sits at the top.
    Doesn’t he sound to you like someone frustrated because he did not achieve his dream? What is his intention? I thought he is your friend Tun. But he did admit you are brilliant Tun. So in other words Tun, your closest aides are to be blamed for all the failures after you resigned, and not you. Can anyone refute this claim? Tun Musa Hitam has indirectly indicated it is so. This is what I deduce from his statements.

    Maaf Tun, jika diizinkan saya ingin memanjangkan sedikit pemikiran saya.
    Saya percaya mereka (saya fikir Tun tentu tahu siapa mereka) ini sudah lama bertapak di blog Tun. Blog Tun seperti ‘rumah’ kedua mereka. Kalau Tun tak suka kepada mereka ini sudah tentu Tun tutup ‘pintu rumah’ Tun terhadap mereka. Tun sudah faham dengan gaya ‘perangai’ mereka, dengan gaya mereka ‘berkomunikasi’, dengan gaya mereka ‘menyampai’ dan dengan gaya mereka ‘berinteraksi’. Saya percaya ada diantara mereka sudah lama ‘mengenali’ antara satu sama lain. Mungkin pada tahun lepas dan tahun ini ‘pengenalan’ itu menjadi sedikit ‘rapat’ dan personal. Nampak Tun ok je dengan mereka.

    Kepada mereka yang masih baru ini mungkin mengundang ‘budaya kejutan’ dengan cara ‘aggressiveness’ mereka ini.
    Tetapi lama kelamaan kita dapat atau terpaksa menerimanya kerana itulah mereka, itulah cara mereka. Kita tak boleh mengubah mereka tetapi tak salah kita memberi sedikit teguran atau pendapat. Dan terpulanglah kepada diri kita sendiri (bukan mereka) bagaimana dan cara mana kita hendak menerima balik hujah atau kritikan mereka terhadap kita. Mereka yang sudah lama ‘berumah’ disini sudah membina keyakinan yang tinggi dan tidak gentar dengan sebarang serangan, berani tapi bukan bersifat sombong sebab sombong bukan dalam kamus mereka. Kita yang tidak faham dengan cara mereka akan ingat sebegitu. Sudah tentu kerana bersifatkan manusia kadang2 kita tak berapa suka dengan gaya atau kata2 mereka yang kurang manis. Tetapi kadang2 bak kata orang, kebenaran itu pahit dan pahit itu manis.

    Maka kepada yang baru masuk ‘rumah’ Tun atau yang ingin merasai ‘rumah’ Tun, janganlah rajuk dan ambil hati sangat dengan mereka. Sejukkanlah hati terhadap mereka yang telah terlebih dulu makan asam garam dunia ini. Hati orang muda cepat naik darah dan hati orang tua cepat tersinggung. Kadang2 orang yang lebih tua bercakap ada maksud yang tersirat atau untuk ‘testing’ orang yang muda saja. Orang yang banyak pengalaman begitu caranya. So buka minda dan lapangkan dada.

    So kalau bolehlah kita jaga hati antara satu sama lain barulah boleh duduk dalam ‘rumah’ Tun dalam suasana harmoni. Contoh yang paling baik, ikut cara Tun. Saya sendiri tak tahu bagaimana Tun boleh menerima dan menghadapi segala macam serangan yang disembur oleh pihak lawan dan kadang2 pihak kawan. Kalau tak ada ketabahan hati yang kuat, kalau tak ada keyakinan diri yang kental, kalau tak ada sokongan dan kepercayaan daripada keluarga dan kawan, sudah tentu Tun lama dah rebah. Alhamdulillah, Tun masih berdiri teguh kerana berada di pihak yang benar. Siapakah yang layak dan sama taraf dengan Tun?

    Maafkan saya Tun, saya bukan nak memandai-mandai, hanya nak berkongsi saja. Yang boleh terima Alhamdulillah, yang tak boleh tak perlu fikirkan sangat.
    May Allah Bless you Tun. May Allah Protect you Tun. May Allah grant you wealth in health, happiness and knowledge. Take extra care Tun and Thank you so much.

  52. Salam YAB dan Yang DiKasihi Tun,

    Maaf Tun, pembetulan – tertinggal ‘tahun’ (Feb 22,2016 12:31 AM )

    1. PM Najib @ Ah Jib Gor diraikan dalam majlis (tajaan UMNO?) sambutan ke-40 TAHUN beliau bergiat dalam politik.

    Saya harap Tun GANDAKAN USAHA DAN KRITIKAN untuk menyingkirkan PM Najib @ Ah Jib Gor. Beliau tidak selama-lamanya boleh berkuasa; namun adalah amat penting untuk menurunkan beliau secepat mungkin (soonest possible) sebelum beliau melakukan lebih banyak kerosakan kepada UMNO / BN khususnya, dan Malaysia amnya.

    Jika cuma pada PRU-14 beliau ditumbangkan, saya bimbang kehancuran sudah di tahap yang amat sukar untuk dipulihkan (too late…:( ) terutama dari segi tahap KORUPSI (corruption level) di Malaysia.

    Terima kasih Tun.

    *** Semoga Allah S.W.T. sentiasa melindungi Tun sekeluarga ***

  53. Tun

    When the Federal Government under your Prime Ministership appointed the Distinguished and Honourable Tan Sri Basir Ismail and myself to the Board of Bank Bumipuatra on 1st January 1984 to restructure the Bank, we bedame the bosses of the Chief Accountant who is the brother of isayso as he claims.

    I recall his brother was brilliant, competent and courteous who did not bully me, call me a quack doctor, bodoh, abuse, insult, assassinate my character, vilify me. No wonder he became one of the finest corporate chiefs wanted on both sides of the Causeway.

    On my proposed forums at the appropriate time on Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad and Lee Kuan Yew at Cambridge, I hope to get my friends the richest Muslim in India and Sir Martin Sorell of the World’s largest advertising firm to be the Moderators.


  54. UMNO Dalam Keresahan

    None of us wants UMNO to collapse
    Regardless of our unhappiness towards its Cabinet today not just Najib
    It’s goes with the package
    The good ones are gone UMNO will Decay if not preserves
    Najib have Mess UMNO despite his intentions to sustains UMNO
    His intentions is good as much as ours
    His doings is very wrong

    How possible Najib as a Head Leader of Malaysia
    Walk on Its own Land being despise , hated ,boo and look down
    It’s Humulations ? A Leader cannot walk and look up upon
    He made himself un popular and hated
    No wonder He is not often in public
    He senses it all .Need no punishment from the Law. He has receives his Karma

    What is going to happen to Malaysia here ?
    Not just having a very Bad leader
    The Good one are removes
    UMNO are stir with quiet separations amongst
    These is very Dangerous Najib

    You Failed too many
    You don,t deserves the seat
    Not just 1 MDB
    Yr submisission of our KTM Tanjung Pagar Land in Singapore
    Tells it all
    You don,t even stands for a Fight
    You don,t even Bargain for Negotiations
    You simply Submissives

    How can you simply agreed on giving up our vast of KTM land in return of 2 tiny lots
    And that 2 tiny lots was also to be shared between S,pore & Malaysia as Partners
    Seems you like the idea of sharing even yr personals
    I despise you on these very facts and from the very beginning
    I just loves to see you leaking on S,pore foot one day
    You are such a Horrible Leader

    No wonder S,pore Govt would prefer you to be in Govt
    Even they wish DAP Lim Kit Siang holds the seat
    They knows Lim Kit Siang is not easily bought

  55. Assalammualaikum Dearest Tun,

    For our beloved Uncle MC.

    It’s hightime that you Sir as the most learned and knowledgable blogger here to actually create your own blog.

    Not to worry Sir you now have a long list of followers from September 2011 to 21 February 2016 here in Tun’s blog and I rest assured you won’t be bullied ever again but praises all over there.

    Then again I rest assured nobody will belittle you in your own blog because everybody is sacred with one tall good looking guardian angel who wants to be a general among the rank and file there.

    What to worry with tons of money running by the hundreds of million hinggit you could actually reward them base on their entries and at last there is something in common with your Most Honourable and Distinguised Pee M slogan ‘Cash is King’.

    Lastly my 2 cents advise if ever you wants to donate to charity make sure don’t bank into anybody personal account even though he could be your England good friend you know who.

    Most Malaysian are not aware Sir that for an organisation to get tax exemption they will have to apply from IRD under Section 44(6) Akta Cukai Pendapatan 1967 and it doesn’t apply to individual meaning that when you donate to an individual he or she is taxable under the law.

    Anyway if you donates to your Pee M then it’s okay I guess because the last time he received some donations he was scot free from taxes!

    I wish you all the best Sir.

    Wassallam Tun.

  56. Salam YAB dan Yang DiKasihi Tun,

    1. PM Najib @ Ah Jib Gor diraikan dalam majlis (tajaan UMNO?) sambutan ke-40 beliau bergiat dalam politik.

    2. Bukankah majlis sebegini satu PEMBAZIRAN disaat ekonomi yang merudum?

    3. Orang lain yang telah bergiat dalam politik lebih lama (contohnya Tun M) pun tidak pernah buat majlis sedemikian. Tun M lagi hebat – berjaya jadi PM yg CEMERLANG selama 22 tahun!

    4. Lainlah kalau PM Ah Jib Gor dapat bertahan sebagai PM Malaysia selama 40 TAHUN, atau pun paling kurang 23 tahun. Ini memang pecah rekod, dan wajarlah beliau diraikan (jika menjadi hakikat).

    5. Tunku Aziz yang amat BERINTEGRITI apa khabar? Mengapa beliau senyap saja dalam isu ’derma RM2.6 Billion’ dan ’wang SRCI RM42 Juta’ yang masuk ke akaun2 peribadi PM Ah Jib Gor?

    6. AG (TS Apandi) pula buat helah ’batal / tunda / elak’ dalam isu skandal RM2.6 Billion dan SRC International. Takut? ’Everything to hide?’ Ataupun sedang siapkan ’skrip’ terbaru?

    7. Eloklah PM dan AG berterus-terang. Lama kelamaan KEBENARAN akan terserlah.

    8. Terimalah hakikat bahwa PM Najib @ Ah Jib Gor memang KORUP dan terlibat dalam KORUPSI dan PECAH AMANAH. Lebih baik LETAK JAWATAN sekarang sebelum keadaan jadi lebih parah.

    9. DS Salleh Keruak mesti ’block’ juga blog2 pro-Najib yang turut melanggar undang2 negara kerana memfitnah & menghasut; jangan CUMA BERTINDAK MENINDAS mereka yang tidak pro-Najib. Jika menghukum, mestilah ADIL dan SAKSAMA. Ataupun, memang benar kita sekarang berada di bawah UNDANG-UNDANG NAJIB?

    P/S: Amat mengjengkelkan yang blog Chedet sudah jadi tempat SEGELINTIR mereka yang ada agenda peribadi – masaalah2 peribadi dan untuk mempromosi diri/agenda sendiri. Seperti yang saya pernah bangkitkan, mereka ini memang tidak menghormati langsung pemilik blog & HAK PEMBACA2 LAIN – bodoh sombong. ’Ustaz’ sew*l pun ada – kerjanya menghukum/ menghina orang yang tidak sependapat dengan beliau – ’arguments’ pun hampeh. Maaf Tun…

    Terima kasih Tun.

    *** Semoga Allah S.W.T. sentiasa melindungi Tun sekeluarga ***

  57. Tun

    At the appropriate time, I will arrange two forums in Cambridge University, probably at my college.

    1. Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad – A World’s Statesman

    2. Lee Kuan Yew – A Man and his Myths.


  58. Salam Tun

    Mohon laluan untuk berbicara dengan Saudara Wajaperak.

    Salam Saudara Wajaperak,
    Dunia ini “besar”, kemajuan didunia ini boleh berlaku hanya dengan majunya pengetahuan kita tentang pelbagai perkara. Sebetulnya, bidang perubatan sendiri tidak boleh maju sekiranya tiada sokongan dari kemajuan sains dan teknologi.

    Apa yang saya cuba sampaikan, bidang yang dibesarkan-besarkan oleh saudara hanyalah sebahagian sahaja daripada tamadun dunia ini.

    Luaskan pemikiran minda kita, yakni lihatlah dari pelbagai sudut kehidupan. Sekiranya Pegawai Perubatan yang senior memaki hamun mereka-mereka yang baru itu adalah sebagai tradisi kerja mereka, tidakkah anda terfikir bidang-bidang lain juga begitu?

    Jawapannya YA. Ini adalah kerana kita tidak mahu mereka-mereka yang baru memulakan kerjaya dalam apa juga bidang sekalipun untuk melakukan kesilapan. Saya sampaikan sedikit contoh disini. Sekiranya seorang pegawai perubatan melakukan kesilapan, berkemungkinan seorang manusia akan kehilangan nyawa pada satu-satu masa. Sekiranya seseorang mekanik bas melakukan kesilapan semasa memasang sistem brek bas, tidakkah 44 orang boleh kehilangan nyawa?

    Maksudnya, kita semua mesti bertanggungjawab serta professional keatas kerja yang dilakukan. Untuk ini, setiap pelatih pekerjaan akan didedahkan dengan maki hamun supaya mereka beringat akan tanggungjawab masing-masing.

    Baiklah, sekarang kita semua sedar bahawa didalam apa juga bidang pekerjaan, perkara-perkara seperti itu berlaku. Akan tetapi bolehkah ianya dijadikan alasan untuk kita membuahkan pendapat kita secara kasar begitu dihadapan puluhan mahupun ratusan ribu Rakyat yang membaca ruangan ini? Disinilah kita sepatutnya membawa sifat professional kita. Tiada sesiapapun melarang untuk memberikan pendapat walaupun pendapat-pendapat tersebut berkemungkinan berlawanan daripada yang tercatat disini, akan tetapi kita harus lebih beradab dalam menyampaikannya.

    Salam Kembali Saudara Wajaperak.

    Terima Kasih Tun untuk laluan ini.

  59. Assallammualaikum Tun.
    Saya mohon ruangan.

    [Dear Mr Mubarak Chan.
    I will consider giving the RM 140 millions to charity]

    Our governments and state Hospital’s is in dire need.
    You must know because you practiced before.
    Among main issue’s is patient waiting time.
    Many have design software to facilitate this issue.
    MOH (Minsitry Of Health) have pledged that from the registration to first service provider the waiting time will be 30 minutes.

    I have got the permission from then Dato’ Dr Pratapha Senan to initiate a computer software to adress the issue in 2004.
    The main contention like always is the directive.
    It is not dead but I cannot ‘erect’ enough to perform.

    Currently in Perak,only HRPB is awarded the sofware but it is still very long way before it can actually help reduce patient waiting time.

    As a doctor you may have seen those patient waiting area when crowded.
    It is truly sad the lab result which can help making decision faster is ‘conditioned’ on certain policy.

    Dear Mr Mubarak Chan.
    When I went visiting Jabatan Kesihatan Negeri Sabah,Dr Nelbon the Deputy Director (Health) said thing is a lot worse in Sabah citing KK Luyang which daily attendance is 1,000 patient a day.

    He was interested in my sofware and ask for a paper work.
    I cannot grant him because Dato’ Dr Nurdiyanah our former State Director mum on my request.

    Prior to that I have asked Dato Dr Razin our former Sate Director for allocation of budget to commenced the trial run of my software alas I have been denied again by the panel.

    Consequently the number of patient increased every where daily in our outpatient department.
    If you can afford a little time maybe I can show you or anybody who cares that my software is feasible by commendation no less than our former State Director.

    If you happen to know ( I know you do ) any philantropist please consider time and space for the demonstration of my software for ‘Reducing Patient Time’ in Outpatient Department.

    Like Tun,you must take care of your health.
    I have been rude before and uncouth.But that is only my fulfillment of role as an Agent Provocateur.

    If ever I need to be contacted this is my email [email protected] or my hp

    Thank you for your consideration for the patient.

    Maybe Tok Jangut can help?..:)

    Terima kasih Tun.

  60. Salam,
    ada orang kaya melalui rasuah. Ada orang kaya tak perlu beri rasuah atau menerima rasuah untuk jadi kaya. Depa hanya perlu kenal orang saja.

    Anak dan rakan2 orang politik BN antara yang paling untung di bumi Malaysia.

  61. Tun

    For all Bloggers.

    The Net is a dangerous place if one is not careful.

    1. All the unsalubrious comments on the Net about me were left untouched for years by me so that these act as a trap for the unwary.

    2. I, the Plaintiff, has a forthcoming Suit for collusion, defamation, intent to destroy my years of hard-work and reputation by my wife of 47 years, my niece and brother, my son-in-law, my youngest brother and my nephew (also the nephew of Lee Kuan Yew), Why ?

    They stole my money amounting to nearly RM 100 millions and connived to do me in the hope that I die first. On 21 February 2016, I did not. They pay and pay. My claim for damages is for RM 140 millions. The biggest ever legal claim in Malaysia.

    3. Many thanks to isayso who did not mind his own business. He has become the Plaintiff’s key witness to his claim for damages of RM 140 millions through hi honest comments as a reputable Dato Seri very rich and qualified prominent personality of the Opposition whom the Plaintiff knew when he was only a junior executive of Sime Darby whilst a non-Executive Director of the Board – 1974-1992.

    4. I will consider giving the RM 140 millions to charity.

    5. If I am awarded the damages, I will contact the following and others who had supported me and our beloved Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad from September 2011 to 21 February 2016, sincerely and truly.

    1. Wajaperak.
    2. HouseWife
    3. Sudin
    4. Tok Jangut
    5. Others in the past whom I will check up.


  62. Assalamualaikum, Tun.

    Rakyat could see a big leap in addressing the issue of corruption, with the set-up of MACC, during the era of Pak Lah.

    Rakyat would like to see more big “fishes” caught and convicted, particularly those cases already divulged to public knowledge, such as NFC and Ministry of Education officer’s not channelling of allocations to schools, but somewhere else claimed to be for flood victims’ welfare etc.

    Rakyat would like to see the country’s leaders practicing “Leadership by Good Example”.

  63. Assallammualaikum Tun.
    Saya mohon ruangan.

    [Dear Mr Mubarak Chan.
    Glad to know you are from the medical world too. Many thanks]

    I cannot say that I am from exactly the medical world because I am the lowest from any rung of speciality.But one thing that I do is understanding.And I understands them correspondingly even by the lowest of the hierachy.

    Last night I was in Aman Jaya Convention Centre.I saw how Sultan Nazrin mingle with the crowd of his subject.I saw something different from what the critic’s say.The critic question role of the Sultans.But I say that they have performs their role ably.

    This go as well when we were invited for an occasion in Istana some time ago.
    I saw something in contrary what the critic says about role of the Palace.
    Some thing are just not meant for layman.

    Mr Mubarak Chan.
    Please continues highlighting your good deed in your anecdot medical practice’s.
    Forget and forgive the critic’s.
    I would like to say that your experience in ‘Tropical Medicine’ still happening to our junior Doctor’s.Imagine having to study in England,America Egypt and Europe and elsewhere only to stumble phenomenon not in their textbook defined as ‘Tropical Medicine’,Internal Cassification Of Disease’s 10 et cetera.
    But what is the best virtue of Medical Doctor that have been amply demonstrated by your goodself?

    The ability to improvise in the nick of time.
    That is what intelligence is all about.The practical intelligence.
    Dr Palaniyappan our ex Deputy Director said..

    ‘The Doctor might not be expert in many fields but our intelligence help us to any mitigating circumstance’s’.

    Thank you Mr Mubarak Chan sir.
    Terima kasih Tun.

  64. Assallammualaikum Tun.
    Mohon ruangan.

    [Mr isayso
    Cheap, gutter level insult from Harley Street doktor quack.
    Respect? Macam mana?]

    I am sorry and would apologize for you in their behalf.
    Can I say something of their approach?
    Do you know how the Surgeon and Specialist ‘bash’ up their protege and junior Doctor’s?
    Very bad from the perspective of layman.Ask Tun,ask Mr Mubarak Chan and ask our not so ‘friendly’ Dr Tok Jangut..:)

    They almost shout at their ‘protege’ when doing ward round picking wrong here and there and all subordinate must respect them because they are God given to all of us.YOU WANT TO DEFIED GOD?..:))

    The utterance and mutterance among the junior Doctor’s will be..
    ‘What is all this crap?We took the punishment in OT ( Operation Theather ),Labour Room,the ER ( Emergency Room ),Outpatient Department and the Clinics. We have trouble having decent meal,trouble with our spouses,children and the public and we have to put up with our bosses crap too?

    WHAT IS IT??

    This complaints is not new.
    They are ages as old as the medical profession.
    What the students did not realize behind those charade and facade of the ‘LORDING SPECIALIST’ is a very concerns of the quality of medical care and professional care.
    One Opthalmologist Dato’ Dr B who is Sultan Specialist and Consultant told me..
    We tried very hard to instill the old values in Medical Profession but I am afraid that they erodes away..

    Lemme tell you one story from my doctor friend account.
    His Dean failed him in the final exam by just a mere point.( One only ).
    He begged earnestly but the Dean insisted on failing him.

    I rather you fail me here than you fail me in the Operation Theater.

    Mr isayso..
    There is a lot in mind and thought of Medical Doctor’s.
    Mr Mubarak Chan have been generous enough in relating us his contribution in life saving patients.They are worth billion’s in earning but he instead chose to highlight another matter.
    Simply said he is a humble man.
    For all his contributions for Malaysia we must salute him.
    We might strongly object the abject nature of Dr Tok Jangut approach.
    But I believe he meant well.
    We all here agree to disagree.
    I disagree the way they glorified Najib and the gang.And the way the see certain issue’s.
    Respect have to be earned.
    Why not we give them the earning so..


    Terima kasih Tun.

  65. Assallammualaikum Tun.
    Saya mohon ruangan.

    Saudara faridina..

    Ish..Ish..malang sungguh..:))

    1)(يَا أَيُّهَا الَّذِينَ آمَنُواْ أَطِيعُواْ اللّهَ وَأَطِيعُواْ الرَّسُولَ وَأُوْلِي الأَمْرِ مِنكُمْ فَإِن تَنَازَعْتُمْ فِي شَيْءٍ فَرُدُّوهُ إِلَى اللّهِ وَالرَّسُولِ إِن كُنتُمْ تُؤْمِنُونَ بِاللّهِ وَالْيَوْمِ الآخِرِ ذَلِكَ خَيْرٌ وَأَحْسَنُ تَأْوِيلاً)

    “Wahai orang-orang yang beriman! Taatlah kepada Allah dan taatlah kepada Rasul, serta ulil amri diantara kalian. Jika kalian berselisih dalam suatu hal, maka kembalikanlah kepada Allah dan Rasul-Nya. Jika kalian benar-benar beriman kepada Allah dan hari akhir.Yang demikian itu lebih utama (bagimu) dan lebih baik akibatnya” (QS. An Nisa: 59).

    Boleh?..Ada berani??..:)

    2) Karena sesungguhnya bukanlah mata itu yang buta, tetapi yang buta, ialah hati yang di dalam dada.” (QS al Hajj [22] : 46)

    3) Apa itu maksud taraf?
    Taraf dan kompetensi seseorang itu dikira dari bagaimana dia dikurniakan Allah kefahaman tentang Al Quran.

    Pertama : Diizinkan Allah menyimpan sebanyak mungkin harta Allah yang Agung iaitu Al Quran di dalam dada.

    Kedua : Diizinkan berhujah dengan Ayat-Ayat Al Quran tersebut.Contoh: walaupun saya hafal Surah Yassin tapi saya tidak berdaya berhujah dengannya.Bermaksud Level 1.Diizinkan hafalan.Tidak sampai ketahap diizinkan berhujah dengannya.

    Ketiga : Diizinkan beramal dengan kefahaman Al Quran.Contoh : sebagaimana di ajar arwah Ustaz saya..Sampaikan dari Ustaz,bahawa kefakihan ilmu itu hendaklah sentiasa diuji dan mendapat pengiktirafan ulama-ulama semasa.Pada saya sekurang-kurangnya 40 orang Hafiz.

    4) Apa ‘contention’ saya dengan Musato dan anda??

    Ada seorang bogger di sini menyalahgunakan nama Allah..tetapi mengapa anda diam sahaja??


    Tuan Faridina..

    Saya terlatih seorang tentera.Kami tahu beberapa perkara yang orang awam tidak mengerti.Cuba faham konsep ini..



    Berapa ketinggian anda di dalam metrik?Satu cara mengukur piawai antarabangsa.
    Saya tinggi..
    Maksudnya saya yang berukuran tinggi 168cm lebih tinggi dari kebanyakkan orang yang saya jumpa.
    Adakah saya lebih tinggi dari anda?Atau anda lebih tinggi dari saya?

    atau ilmu saya lebih tinggi dari anda?..

    Hanya dengan berjumpa barulah kita dapat bersillaturrahim.
    Kebanyakkan blogger di dalam blog Tun pada pendapat saya ‘TIDAK BERANI’..Mungkin tidak jujur?..Ahem..

    Tujuan kita masuk kesini ialah untuk menyumbang.
    Saya ada cara tersendiri untuk menangani Pakcik tersayang Mr Mubarak Chan dan Dr Tok Jangut.
    Tolong ingat..

    The Sword of Damocles swinging all around..
    Toward Najib and gang..Toward Mr Mubarak Chan the Magnificent Duo..
    Toward you and our brethren..
    It have no eyes and a cold steel to struck heart beffiting the cold..
    The swinging started

    WITH ME..

    Terima kasih Tun.
    Dan alamat e mel anda adalah….??

  66. Tun,

    For Tok Jangut/Mubarakchan.

    Mahathir was making a serious thesis and you joked? You are belittling his thesis. You have no respect for Mahathir and for the time he spent on writing that post. When you gave your excuse for your frivolous remarks, I replied.

    I had hoped that reply would have made you grow up and realisee that there is time and place for a joke. But that was not the time. For reasons best know to you, you failed to refer to it.

    You said respect had to be earned. I am afraid you will not get any.

    Firstly, I must congratulate you for making an entry in this blog without insulting Tun. Suddenly, Tun’s post is now regarded an important thesis by you. Go through the entire post to remind yourself how you have insulted the thesis.

    I did not see the need to respond to your reply because my main point is your failure to read into a joke shows you are dumb ass and not a Harley Street doctor. In my comment yesterday, I said I made a joke and I readily accept it was out of context, flippant even, but it harmed nobody. It recognized your comment.

    I enjoy the respect I get from my family and friends, my workers and from my suppliers and customers. Why in heaven’s name would anyone want to be respected by a quack doctor so quick with cheap, gutter level insults? I have said this before to you: BODOH.

  67. Assalamualaikum Dearest Tun,

    For doc goat @ tok old goat.

    Your bank accounts are as thick as my Pee M but short by 2 billion ringgit try the Arabs next time okay!

    Wasalam Tun.

  68. Assalammualaikum Ayahanda Tun,

    Anakanda rakyat mohon ruangan berbicara dengan bro Zubir @ wajaperak yang sekarang ni di bawah naungan Dr pakar beri MC dan Dr kambing gurun sesat di negeri orang.

    Bro memang kelakor orangnya, nama samaran gempak tapi pendirian alahai lemah lembut gayanya (macam lalang) sejak dapat berkawan dengan para pegawai perubatan pencen kununnya.

    Olehkerana terlampau seronok diterima masuk dalam kumpulan pakcik-pakcik pencen (bukan ‘The 3 Stooges’ tapi up sikit ‘The 3 Musketeers’ barulah boleh berlengan dengan ‘The Magnificient 6’ versi terkini tanpa bro) maka bro lupa apa yang pernah dicoretkan bro tidak lama dahulu di bawah tajuk Malaysia’s Shame pada 8 Feb 2016 jam 7.21mlm;

    [ Oleh itu wahai kesemua blogger yang benar-benar sayangkan Tun dengan tulus ikhlas mari kita belasah Tok Jangut.. ]

    Setuju sangat dengan Isayso, Umranrc, Sudin dan Daeng bahawa “respect has to be earned” bukan hak mutlak seseorang Pegawai Perubatan dan tidakkah anda sedar bahawa waimanya seorang Perdana Menteri sekalipun tidak akan dihormati sekiranya banyak sangat terpalit dengan skandal dan salahlaku!

    Tahukah anda tangan kedua-dua pakcik pencen inilah yang banyak menfitnah dan menghina ayahanda Tun yang juga seorang bekas doktor perubatan.

    Bro Waja, saya bersetuju jika anda bermati-matian mempertahankan Ketua Pengarah anda Datuk Dr Noor Hisham Abdullah yang ramai orang tidak mengetahui masih melakukan pembedahan selaku pakar bedah walaupun berpangkat Ketua Pengarah.

    Terus terang saya katakan di sini bahawa saya telah hilang hormat pada pakcik MC yang mempersendakan amarah ayahanda Tun dan rakyat terhadap Najib dengan beliau masih mempertahankan dan menjulang Najib sambil memuji-muji Tun dari sudut yang lain.

    Bagi si kambing sesat itu beliau memang suka dijadikan “punching bag” dan selagi beliau menghina ayahanda Tun selagi itu kami akan terus membelasah beliau supaya beliau hilang tumpuan terhadap Tun dan biarlah kami jadi galang ganti untuk menerima cercaan dan makian dari beliau.

    Untuk perhatian anda ini adalah taktik dan strategi perang saraf dunia siber kami mempertahankan Negarawan yang dikasihi hanya sekelumit jika dibandingkan pengorbanan besar ayahanda Tun terhadap rakyat Malaysia keseluruhannya.

    Kepada sdr wajaperak pulanglah ke pangkal jalan dan janganlah terus-terusan menghina orang yang tidak setaraf dengan anda walaupun beliau hanya seorang pembuat roti bernama Musato saudara muslimin kita juga.

    Wassalam Tun.

  69. Assalamualaikum Tun,
    This is sure one big headache Tun. What is our policymakers doing? Aren’t they suppose to make our lives easier? They, the policymakers are like playing aci-aci with us. One day like this, one day like that.

    Oh dear, where exactly are they steering us towards to? Yesterday they steered us forward. Today they steer us backwards. Tomorrow they’ll steer us to the right. The day after tomorrow they’ll steer us to the left. Till they too become pening kepala they don’t know where to steer us towards next. Why are they so fickle minded? This is getting very tiresome and annoying. Are you feeling it too Tun?

    Tun, what is happening to them? One says this way, the other says that way. As if they are not in unison. Why propose a policy if they haven’t done enough study on it. They announced to put forward the proposal and then backtrack. And a non-Malaysian got the nerve to say on behalf of the Malaysian government that it is just an eyewash to cool down the local resentment. I think definitely we have a kabinet kayu. Why are they so silly to show to the people they are weak-minded? Why be angry and become so emotional just because the people disagree? They have to buckle up and not added more SHAME to Malaysia. Start acting wise in words and actions if they want to stay on.

    Now this 1MDB and donation issue is really getting complicated each day. This issue will forever be rewind and rewind until and unless DSN be brave enough to face and sue WSJ for criminal defamation and false allegations. If he wants to gain back the people’s confidence and trust he has to take this one and the only one wise action. The people want to know the answers. More questions popped up than answers. What are his advisers and lawyers doing now? They have to work around the clock to make sure he’s forever clean and be seen clean, as the most powerful person in the country he has to be until the next PRU.

    Please excuse me Tun, on another matter. As was said before, facts or false will reveal itself. Who to believe and what to believe is another matter. The strained relations here is a sad affair, to me especially. Would it be possible to forgive and to forget cause we don’t know when is our calling. To forgive is divine. It is a comforting feeling. It will lift our burdens from our heart and soul. It will make us see and think clearly. It will make us a better person than yesterday, InsyaAllah. Wouldn’t it be nice to be thankful and grateful and able (and some has) to share their most precious wealth ie. their life’s experiences with us, be they good or bad, as something useful to be learned so that we can be a better person. Our life’s experiences are our best teachers. I know it is easier said than done. But when we still have the will, that is given by the Almighty, do it before it’s too late. Sorry if what I say has offended anyone here. Thank you.

    May Allah Bless you Tun. May Allah Protect you Tun. May Allah grant you wealth in health, happiness and knowledge. Take extra care and Thank you Tun.

  70. Assalamualaikum Tun.

    Kita semakin sedari sejak akhir-akhir ini “balaci-balaci” Najib semakin hilang akal dan marah-marah bila berucap.

    Selain Salleh Said Keruak, terkini adalah Zahid Hamidi yang mengkritik dan marah-marah mengatakan bahawa “bekas pemimpin ibarat orang gila talak mengkritik kerajaan”.

    Saya mahu maklumkan bahawa “bekas pemimpin” yang mengkritik kerajaan bukanlah gila talak tetapi sebagai orang tengah kepada rakyat dan kerajaan.

    Mereka menyuarakan bantahan rakyat dan bukan bercakap tiada asas.

    Rakyat sedar bahawa “Dr” tiruan yang dimiliki oleh Zahid sekarang adalah bukan datangnya dari “kebijaksanaan ilmunya” tetapi adalah “dr” yang diperolehi ilmu “ampunya”.

    Dalam hal yang serupa, pingat yang membawa gelaran “dato'” atau “datuk” sekarang seolah-olah semakin hilang nilainya.

    Kepada Zahid dan Salleh Said Keruak, kami cabar kerajaan sekarang kalau tidak percaya teguran “bekas pemimpin” yang mengkritik dan menegur kerajaan itu adalah benar datangnya dari rakyat, sila adakan PRU14 sekarang. Jika takut, sekurang-kurangnya adakan PAU dalam tahun ini segera, kita lihat apa hala tuju pemimpin yang ahli-ahli UMNO mahu.

    Jika Najib, Zahid dan Salleh Said Keruak anak jantan, sila pastikan adakan PAU segera, bukan berdolak-dalik politik “kotor” yang bertiga ini amalkan selama ini.


  71. Tun

    For isayso. Many thanks. Very many thanks.

    Your harping and snide remarks on me and attempts at assassinating my reputation at me being the victim of collusion by my wife of 47 years, niece, son-in-law, nephew (your hero’s Lee Kuan Yew nephew) have turned your goodself into a key witness for me when I embark on a LEGAL SUIT OF RM 140 MILLIONS DAMAGES AGAINST THE AFOREMENTIONED PEOPLE !

    They stole nearly RM 100 millions of my money and made me a victim.


    You are a key witness of the damage done to me by them and your capitalization on it, a member of the public.

    Many thanks isayso, may Allah blesses you always !

    Your relevant remarks in support of the Defendants to defame me support my LEGAL SUIT against these relatives of mine who would be sued for
    RM 140 millions which I will donate to charity !


  72. Tun

    For wajaperak, a good friend and gentleman like those I admire and respect for a life-time. Glad to know you are from the medical world too. Many thanks.

    From now on every anecdote of my medical experiences I will dedicate it to you, The first……

    I was on emergency call as a houseman earning RM 401 per month in Ward 14 of the KLGH. I remember it was late afternoon and I was beginning to think of going off to have my bath and dinner and some rest. But as always when I thought about of sweet things when on call, up pop an unexpected real emergency case which would send all my pleasant thoughts of relaxation and leisure out of the window of my mind in a jiffy ! And what was this urgent emergency case ?

    Lo and behold ! As the patient was trolleyed in, I could see a very sick Indian woman patient groaning with discomfort. The nurses rolled her on to the bed without washing her body or changing her soiled clothes. To say she smelled a bit would be an understatement. I still remember how her odours of that moment ! She was a mine worker living with her family in the far outskirts of Kuala Lumpur.

    Her urgent predicament was that her left arm was swollen and taut as big as an elephant’s leg after being bitten in her left hand by a big black cobra while doing her ablutions by the side of a mining pool. Oh My !

    In all my years of intense medical study in the northern temperate country of England, there had never been a single reference to the treatment of tropical snake bites especially by the big black cobra in those voluminous medical textbooks which every medic endeavoured to remember. What to do ?

    In the London hospital where I was trained, no clinical student was permitted to apply invasive treatment on a patient for legal reasons. What to do ?

    To me this Indian woman patient with her left arm now swollen to the size of an elephant’s leg posed a real medical problem and dilemma to me. In my untested mind, it dawned on me vestigially that the patient needs an anti-dote of anti-snake venom serum fast, and very fast because she may succumb to heart and kidney failure and the symptomsand effects which go with toxic snake poisoning. What to do ?

    As always in us human beings, urgent conditions made our adrenaline flowed in greater quantities and faster. Suddenly, my mind clicked.

    I asked the Indian staff nurse, ‘ Staff nurse, what did the other doctors give to snake bite paitents. ‘ She replied loud and clear, ‘ They (some of the doctors were trained in India the land of over 500 types of snakes !) always prescribed this anti-snake venom serum made by the Institute of Anti-snake toxin serum in Calcutta.’

    I quickly scribbled off a note to the dispensary and soon this vital life saving bottle (not phial) of anti-snake venom serum arrived. It was about 250 cc. With great speed I read the descriptive label and injected the whole bottle of anti-snake venom serum into the groaning Indian patient. I went off after I made sure that the drip was in working order.

    After my nervous experience in applying the drip to my first emergency case of the 12 year old diabetic Malay boy with the collapsed veins, by now I could introduce the drip into any vein blind folded !

    The following day, the patient’s swollen arm had subsided and by the late afternoon she was discharged. Another ill and groaning patient took her place ! In those days, there were about 37 emegency patients in a day and night.


  73. To Isayso,

    If what mubarak chan said about you is true, you are an unscrupulous person. You have been made fat by him and his friends and you bit his hands. You have been fed by Singapore Government, and you bit that government’s hand. You are a whited sepulchre.

    When I rebuked you for your comments in “Everything is fine”, your derisory excuse were that they were jokes.

    Mahathir was making a serious thesis and you joked? You are belittling his thesis. You have no respect for Mahathir and for the time he spent on writing that post. When you gave your excuse for your frivolous remarks, I replied.

    I had hoped that reply would have made you grow up and realisee that there is time and place for a joke. But that was not the time. For reasons best know to you, you failed to refer to it.

    You said respect had to be earned. I am afraid you will not get any.

  74. Assalamualaikum Tun.

    Kepada Faridina, usahlah melayan Tok Janggut tu buang masa je.

    Samada dia tu Islam atau kafir, samada Melayu atau Cina, samada dia bercakap benar atau betul, ianya tidak memberi kesan pada kebaikan dan masa depan negara.

    Anggaplah dia ni seekor “iblis” yang wujud dalam dunia nyata kehidupan kita.


  75. Salam Tun,
    With your permission Tun, I would like to express my thoughts on some of the contributors here.

    I’m a Malaysian, I can speak well both in Bahasa Malaysia and English. In both languages, my writting ability is questionable yet I believed many can understand. Many writers here, although there are some English technical issues, the content of the writings still understandable by many. In view of this, the comments about “bad” English shouldn’t be made especially from a non-Malaysian. Lucky enough we’re in Malaysia, if somehow we’re Thai’s or Japanese for that matter, do not expect the locals to appreciate anything that has been written by foreigners if it wasn’t in their local language.

    I agree with the notion that “respect is earned”. Disregard whether you’re a Medical Officer or in any other field, you’ll be respected nonetheless if you earned it. Noticed that I used MO to describe “Medical Doctors” and not Doctors directly. It is simple fact actually, the title Doctor should be reserved for those who actually added something to the knowledge of the World i.e. those who got thru their Philosophical Doctorate Papers.

    For some foreigners who seems to bash up Tun on the past history, I simply do not understand it. Why? Were you denied of anything during Tun’s reign? Simply lost. The truth is, my personal self also doesn’t agree with some of the policies made by Tun, but that can’t be made a reason to bash up anyone! Very unprofessional yet we say we’re a leading medical practitioner in London and so and so….

    Another issue, I was looking for something new from writters here, unfortunately some simply playback what has been written time after time. For example, repetitively talking about “junior executive receiving huge amount of shares”, “family with Singaporean VVIPs” and many of this sorts.

    Yes, we need to know our history in order to move forward, but repeatedly saying the same thing will not help as I believe Tun’s motive in starting this blog is to provide constructive comments in moving this nation into a good and prosperous future.

    Thank you Tun.

  76. Assalam Tun.

    Untuk “sibotak”

    Itu A pandi…r bilang Najib dah pulangkan duit.
    Macamana agaknya Najib pulangkan duit tu yaaa!
    Penderma dah mangkat
    Duit tu pula dibekukan di Singapura

    Betul2 macam cerita pak pandir…

  77. Assallammualaikum Tun.
    Saya mohon ruangan.

    [Mr isayso
    You may not know but there are doctors among convicted murderers as well]

    Of course I do.
    In HBUK and Tampoi there is a certain ward that house only certain type of criminal.The criminally insane.
    They came from all walk of life and sadly from all kind of profession.

    Lemme see..
    Is a baker training worth million’s..:))
    From certain point of perspective it is true we must care only our own deed.
    From another there is something legal and binding role and function of muslimin namely Fardu Kifayah.
    In secular approach we would say social and civic obligation.

    At present najib and his henchperson running riot in Malaysia.
    We all must stand united and must do something meaningful to stop this rot.
    In another there is hadith that decree that Najib and his band of merry men might just be forgiven and we who hold ourselves mighty and haughty might not..

    So..we have to tread carefully.
    Some blogger is brazen here.
    They make fun of muslimin practices and yet have gall and cheek pontificating other’s of MUHASABAH..


    Let’s all agree to disagree.
    They who could not exchange e mail is a coward.
    But they have this right.
    But remember you are not practicing muslimin who are willing to die for their faith..

    So..bona fide..

    Your e mail adress..pleeze..

    Terima kasih Tun.

  78. Wajaperak,

    Tok Jangut/Mubarakchan kepada Faridina:

    To faridina,

    You are as thick as 2 short planks.


    Cheap, gutter level insult from Harley Street doktor quack.

    Respect? Macam mana?

  79. Psst….past …..psst !
    That money bank in to Najib account is actually
    Not Donations , Not MDB
    Najib kena 4D lah
    He ask Lee Hsieng Loong to buy for him in Singapore
    They buy BIG number leh ! Not small number
    Wah Najib very untung very lucky leh !

    Kan senang cakap kena lottery atau cakap je Jatuh Dari langgit

  80. Assalam Tun.

    Another flip-flop coming very soon….?

    The hopeful Banglas have their say….
    “Putrajaya’s temporary freeze on foreign worker intakes will not kill off its agreement to recruit at least some of the 1.5 million workers offered by Bangladesh, an official in Dhaka has asserted.

    Speaking to the Dhaka Tribune, Bangladesh Expatriates’ Welfare and Overseas Employment Ministry acting secretary Begum Shamsun Nahar also described the move as an “eyewash”.

    “The Malaysian government has made the announcement to calm local pressure groups who are opposed to recruiting foreign workers,” she was quoted as saying by the Bangladeshi newspaper.

    She then expressed belief that Putrajaya will honour the memorandum of understanding it signed with Dhaka on Thursday, just a day before it announced the moratorium, to recruit some of the 1.5 million labourers available.

    Deputy Prime Minister Datuk Seri Ahmad Zahid Hamidi yesterday announced that Putrajaya was suspending the intake of all foreign workers with immediate effect and urging employers to hire locals instead.”

  81. Tun,

    For wajaperak.

    please respect their profession of MEDICAL DOCTOR

    Respect has to be earned. Whether a person is a doctor or an astronaut makes no difference to me. Thus I will respect a taxi driver if he does not gouge his passenger and delivers his passenger safely to his/her destination. I will respect a businessman if he borrows money from a bank or a relative and repay the debt instead of running away for protection under the country’s laws.

    You may not know but there are doctors among convicted murderers as well.

  82. Tun

    For isayso. Thank you very much for giving me so much publicity which I do not deserve.

    Do you realise that at least 3 members of your family benefitted from the efforts of my family on both sides of the Causeway ?

    1. isayso became rich and wealthy from a huge allotment of shares by a Senior Minister after 1992 through his own efforts by using Sime Darby as a platform to touch base with the good and the great while he was a junior executive and ranked pari passu with the other 10 million Malays.

    In 1972, my concept of the ownership of Sime Darby by Malay interests to give the Chinese a leeway in business was supported by the Father of Development Tun Abdul Razak and YBM Tan Sri Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah. The acquisitiion of British assets were completed by our beloved Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad in 1992.

    2. isayso famous brother is now employed by his hero Lee Kuan Yew’s son the Prime Minister who is the son of Lee Kuan Yew who was my brother-in-law !

    3. isayso relative – “M” – appeared in a picture in The Edge 20 February 2016 as a senior member of the RHB Bank which is made up of Kwong Yik Bank (1913) founded by my father and his friends and Development and Commercial Bank (1961) founded by our prominent Malaysian brother-in-law.

    So you see isayso, 3 members of your family including your goodself benefitted from the efforts of the Father of Development, Tun Abdul Razak, YBM Tan Sri Tengku Razaleigh, our beloved Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad and my father, our prominent Malaysian brother-in-law. your hero our brother-in-law, Lee Kuan Yew, his son the Prime Minister and myself. Without their efforts, you would not be where you are today- ennobled, very rich, a family and a luxurious life-style with famous relatives. What more does a person want, the, faradina, isayso ?

    I am exceedingly happy. I do not understand why you kept on insulting, abusing, vilifying, bullying, harassing, walloping, put words into my mouth, etc me. I am a apolitical chinaman with no political powers to stop you and your Opposition Boss on your way to Putrajaya.

    Is it because I said the following Comments which did not meet with your approval after our beloved Tun the host here did not find anything untoward anyone because my comments have always been based on facts unlike your type of character assassination to kill me. Please remember I am a nobody.

    1. The Political System as created by the crooked conman and Dictator Lee Kuan Yew (1959-2015) is a Godless neo/ultra Communistic Political and Social System imposed on the citizens by apparatchiks aka meritocrats.

    2. Our Malaysian Style Democracy has capitalistic characteristics and a Malay bias with our loyalty and devotion towards our Yang Di Pertuan Agong and the Royal Sultans, and our cherished Constitution which safeguards Islam and all the other religions.

    3. The Three Golden Attributes to be a Prime Minister.

    i) Commonsense. ii) The Ability to Think out of the Box iii) Compassion

    4. The 47 Failed Policies of Lee Kuan Yew. Vide.

    6. Why the Opposition failed ?

    i) In 1997, if the Distinguished and Honourable (YAB) Deputy Prime Minister had taken a holiday in the United States, he would have returned as the Distinguished and Honourable (YAB) Prime Minister of Malaysia. One Easy Step.

    ii) In 2009, if the 32 Aduns had been sorted out BEFORE and NOT AFTER the 12th General Elections, the Opposition would have been in Putrajaya since. This would have cost them no money. One Easy Step.

    iii) In 2013, if the Opposition had boycotted the 13th General Elections, checked into the 1st Class Ward of the KLGH and declared a 100 day fast the Opposition would have been in Putrajaya since May 2013. One Easy Step.


    8. T.J.S. GEORGE a prominent journalist of Mother India from his Blogspot June 2010.

    ” The West has spread the impression that Singapore’s Lee Kuan Yew is Asia’s outstanding economic miracle man while Malaysia’s Mahathir as a cantankerous ogre, hater of white people and dictator to boot. Both are made up portraits. What makes Mahathir special is that while pursuing economic progress he never lost sight of the larger picture of human values. That cannot be said of Lee Kuan Yew and certainly not of Indonesia’s Suharto or Thailand’s Thaksin Shinawatra.”

    And further reading by Amartya Sen, one of India’s finest academicians and Nobel Prize Winner. ” Human rights and Asian values : what Lee Kuan Yew and Li Peng don’t understand about Asia ” Vide.

    I remember the ancient Malays had a saying about a black pea and its green pod !


  83. Assalam Run.

    1MDB, self-declared “we are specialist in telling half truths”
    Zahid “I’m warning you” Hamidi, now trying hard to follow the footsteps of that Pak Dol PM5 “flip-flop” ways.
    Salleh Keruak, the embarrassing one, just like “tok jangut” who greatly enjoys getting ridiculed.
    Ahmad Maslan, the previously non-stop talking freak claiming to be one smart Alex and admitted Najib gave RM2m, now has become mr quiet.
    Kah kah kah!!!

  84. Assallammualaikum Tun.
    saya mohon ruangan.

    [Mr isayso
    For Tok Jangut @ Mubarakchan or vice versa]
    I would not say that I agree in certain manner that Tok Jangut and Mr Mubarak Chan ‘bash’ people but for goodness sake please respect their profession of MEDICAL DOCTOR that is a physician..

    Can we say that our achievement match those of them?
    Honestly no.

    We may agree or disagree but please have a thinking cap comprehension of how difficult it is to be a doctor.
    Next to pilot and cosmonaut and few other’s that cost million to train and skillful achievement,Doctor are hard to come by.
    Every single of them.So have a respect for a profession only few can attain.
    They have steady hand,finger’s and nerve of steel to perform surgery.
    We need all those succesfull surgery done by physician and Dr.
    You would not have a BAKER holding a scalpel over you in OT ( Operation Theather ) would you??


    Let have a moment of stand doown here and everybody please say the magic word..


    Thank you MR Mubarak Chan.
    Terima kasih Tun.

  85. 55. Therefore, it would be better off for us to keep our head low, get real and adapt to rapid changes.

    56. Whenever they are caught locally and internationally for mismanagements, cbt or crimes, they can always get away.

    57. Their first target would be the chinese.

    58. For chinese politicians, it would be better off for them to keep quiet to maintain political and economical stability.

  86. 51. There is a difference between omlette and sago.

    52. Dap too would be another mca eventually.

    53. Why?

    54. Because you are chinese.

  87. 37. There is a difference between omlette and sago.

    38. Dap too would be another mca eventually.

    39. Why?

    40. Because you are chinese.

  88. My Opinion
    Corruptions happens everywhere even in Singapore
    As money is never King
    Money is Evil
    Money Blinded us not just Najib

    What I hate of my Govt
    Is the attitude of the Govt servant from Head to Toe
    The attitude of never stringent
    The attitude of too much Bodek the Leader

    When the head comes the body the tail
    Starts to wiggle
    Too much respect being given to these leaders
    Instead of looking into the very foundations of the organization
    The purpose of the organization
    The leader , when to much being Bodek
    He then feel He is on top of the world
    He feels he owes every body every thing
    These could be the reasons of Najib feelings
    The also reasons The AG thought the Law belongs to him

    Yes every of us has our own Agendas
    Lets no be hypocrites on these
    These agendas should be met with rules & regulations not suka suka

    Our Govt does not know how to do Business
    The reasons of our collapsed and Debt ridden
    Many foreigner have advantage and make Millionaire out of our Incompetency
    That has lacks us a lot

    Malaysia are indeed Rich in Natural Resources
    But Very Poor in Human Management
    The very Weak , Un disciple attitude

    That results to Corruptions
    The Tidak apa attitude
    The Asal Bolih attitude
    The Bodek Membodek attitude
    The Police , the Authority Officer not being respected by public
    The not sure knowledge of their scope of work
    The Ular attitude , go home while working
    The playing of HP whilst on duty and many others

    These contributes to Govt Failure
    It starts with the Leader and us all
    As these has been The Stupid Budaya Melayu

  89. Tun

    For isayso. The once courteous, affable and gentle Malay gentleman who was my ex-employee at Sime Darby, could obtain a huge allotment of shares from a Senior Minister (over and above the other 10 million Malays who ranked pari passu with him) and retired to wallop innocents like innocents as an Opposition closest aide. No wonder the Opposition lost every time.


    Don’t blame me for your failings, frustrations and unhappiness in Opposition politics. I am a chinaman with no powers. This Putrajaya show is a Malay show. Period.

    isayso do not victimize, harass, wallop and bully me, your ex-Boss in Sime Darby where you became very rich just because you can hide behind the mask as a dummy.


  90. Assalam,

    In my opinion, either corruption or no corruption, i can’t see any significant development or seeing Malaysia moving forward in any sectors.

    Yes, there are many so called “development” in every state of Malaysia. But most of them are left “vacant”. Why? Because its totally not affordable for 90% of Malaysians.

    How can we Malaysians be motivated when our fellow asean region worker working in Malaysian earning more income than Malaysian. Are we that lazy? Are them really hardworking?
    Please show some respect goverment. Not just when PRU you give us “candy” to chew on and spit back out once we know it rotten inside.

    Najib lose vote from this working class people who are been pushed to work extra mile for the lesser income and get robbed openly by implementing more and more taxes by the goverment.

    Do foreigner pay income tax? Road tax? House tax? Company tax? Or even zakat? While local need to pay all these. No wonder the money that flows out of the country reach billions.

    To be the TOP 10 out of 200++ country that existed in this world. It must be a heck amount of money that we are talking about here and take a lot of “effort” to get there. Even our football team are ranked 171 in FIFA ranking. I wish they could take examples from our goverment.

    For Malaysian Airlines, i hope you’ll get the “tender” to transport 1.5million bangladeshi to Malaysia. It will boost the revenue for the next 3 year(s).

    But, let look at the brighter side right, we are the United States of Malaya. We are united, live in harmony and multiracial tolerance.


  91. Assalammualaikum Dearest Tun,

    For one great liar cum fantasizer Mr Bloody Goat @ Tok Jangut.

    Now I understand why you chose a proton not because it is the safest car around but because it smells like a Rolls therefore in terms of smell Proton is 1st class hahaha.

    Yesterday you were a good friend to Bill Gates, today you are a leading doctor with tons of money and properties all over the world. What about tomorrow who could you be?

    Stop fantasizing ‘goat man’ and go look for many more donations in Singapore for your charity work and make sure it doesn’t end up in your personal bank account!.

    On a serious note, you really need help my goat because your FPP (Fantasy Prone Personality) is getting from bad to worse now.

    Do you understand my English or do you want me to write in Urdu?

    Wassalam Tun.

  92. Sebelum kamu balas komen saya… Pernahkah saya mengkritik dgn perkataan kasar pada kamu? Fikirkanlah tok janggut… Assalamuaalaikum.. salam sejahtera buat tok janggut… Jazakallah khairan kathira…

  93. Jika iya kamu sudah beriman… Jadi mengapa tidak mengikuti sunnah Rasulullah dlm perbezaan pendapat? Jawab pd saya sekali lagi… Apa agama mu? Siapa rasul mu? Najib atau Nabi Muhammad? Jadi mengapa berkata kata sedemikian rupa terhadap sesama islam kerana mengagungkan seseorang yg bukan nabi? Jawab jika kamu org yg berilmu dlm agama… Mengapa komen saya tidak di balas?

  94. Tolong jawab jika kamu benar2 orang yg benar… Apakah kamu sudah beriman tok janggut? Jawab pd saya!!!

  95. Jika Islam… Jawab pd saya… Bagaimana sunnah Nabi Muhammad itu dlm perbezaan pendapat? Nabi Muhammad itu ada parti politik?

  96. Tok Janggut ni org nya… Agama apa ya? Maaf kerana sy bertanya… Inikah cara islam mengkritik? Jawab pd saya…

  97. Najib is trap in the Spider web
    The more he struggle the more entangle he will be
    It,s his call anyway He has to face the music
    What more wrong if the AG protects Najib of sympathy nor favor
    Its worst than a true criminal
    Bottom line is
    Matters should be on the Table
    The Law does not belongs to the AG

    The issue is what,s going on here
    How can Big Huge sums of money just pass by without notice
    Where is the security check ?
    Why do we need to receives this news from foreign Swiss AG & WSJ
    Are we Malaysians that Dumb
    For Govt to survive
    Matters have to be put straight
    What done cannot be undone

    The blame should be more to the Head Accounts of Govt
    Be who the Minister is security is vital
    No on is in charge Blindly

    Muhideen confessions He is unaware
    as the practice is such .
    What kind of Govt practice is this ?
    Its an invitations to a person to be blinded
    Not just Najib
    Imam ,Pastor or Decent Religious Leader will be Blinded

    Huge amount as Big as Elephant
    None realizes so what about the small
    Pay this pay that . Where,s the change ?
    Invest here invest there
    Where is the investment ?
    Malaysia Govt system
    Money easy go out never comes back

    It is very wrong of our System
    That Needs to Revamp
    Its not the person in charge
    Its the System in Charge
    What is the system of Accounting did we practice ?
    Abacus , The OK tidak apa , wa caya sama lu or those buku tiga lima 555
    Or do we keep our States money under the pillow ?

    Matter have to be on the Table
    To put matters to rest
    Not instructions by nobody
    It has to be cleared to moves forward

  98. Assalamualaikum Tun,
    Another good article by Kunta Kinte in BH today Tun. It also got to do with the controversial issue about the need to bring in 1.5 million Bangladeshis to the country. I would like to quote a few lines (in Malay):
    “….sebagai negara membangun, ekonomi kita sebenar besar berbanding banyak negara yang sama taraf. Salah satu sebabnya adalah dari zaman penjajah lagi kita bergantung kepada buruh asing. Kerana tak cukup buruh tempatan atau buruh tempatan kurang sesuai, British bawa masuk buruh dari Cina, India dan Jawa untuk kerja di ladang2 getah, kelapa dan teh, lombong2 emas dan timah, perhutanan dan perkhidmatan awam. Jadi ekonomi kita lebih besar daripada yang boleh di tampung oleh tenaga buruh tempatan . Aliran ini berterusan sampailah hari ini. Yang buruknya adalah bila boleh bergantung kepada buruh asing, kita jadi malas dan cari jalan mudah. Ramai orang kita marah dengan kemasukan buruh asing. Tetapi nmereka lebih suka menganggur atau buat kerja ringan yang rendah gaji berbanding apa yang dibuat oleh buruh asing…..”
    …..”Cuma yang kita tak berapa seronok dengar adalah import pekerja asing ini dah jadi industri berbillion-billion ringgit dan dikuatiri sudah dijangkiti unsur salah guna kuasa dan rasuah. Ini yang kita tak mahu. Kita takut kerana ada orang buat duit atas angin, negara kita dibanjiri orang asing yang kita sendiri tak tahu latar belakangnya…..”

    Tun, if it’s alright with you I’ve something to speak out my mind. You can wallop me Tun if I’m out of boundary. Please not too hard Tun.
    Tun, is it wrong for me to say that this trading of humans for working purposes is like modern day slavery, with the exceptional that they are well taken care of according to labour laws and regulations agreed between the countries concerned. Maybe I shouldn’t say slavery…it’s too harsh. You have another word for it Tun?

    I presume people in all sectors of businesses know pretty well the importance of having skilled, hardworking and dedicated workers for the growth and development of their business. But have they really used up all available human resources here in Malaysia Tun? Had not our tok nenek moyang dulu-dulu did all these 3D jobs? We are forever thankful for their hard diligence and blood sweat and tears to bring us where we are now.
    But Tun, the question I want to ask is who make us, the Malays malas? Who segregated us into categories?…the Indians in the estates, jkr, pwd, the Chinese in mining town ares, ports, trades and of course the Malays in the kampong areas, fishing, farming and the civil services.
    Sad to say Tun, the Malays since the very beginning have been pampered and nurtured this way, easy going and complacent, by whom?…by the government at that time of course, before and after Independence. The Malay youths had no choice in terms of studies, they either were in the arts stream or the science stream. Then they were sent for further studies in the country or abroad and expected to work in air-conditioned offices. They were never told or taught in schools and higher learning the importance, the self-sacrifices and self-satisfaction of working under the sun for love of the country. I know Tun because I’m one of the product. I was ignorant, I just follow the course laid out by the authorities. What’s the outcome Tun? The stigma that the Malays are malas and choosy were thrust on our youths from that day on wards.
    So who’s to blame Tun? the authorities? our parents? or ourselves?
    Do we ever learn from past mistakes?

    The people are not against development but they are afraid because they had seen and learned from past mistakes when these foreigners in turn controlled their economy and lifestyles. This huge influx of foreigners or the import of human workers will surely lead to social ills, no doubt about that. The authorities even now cannot control or keep track of the many so many many millions already living here, how are they to clamp down another 1.5 millions Tun. What if these 1.5m (are they all males Tun?) marry and beranak pinak or bring their spouses, where are we going to place these many many millions plus the kacukans plus whatever there is to plus? Peninsular Malaysia will be taken over!
    Nay, we have brilliant DSN and his merry making (money?) men, to come with all the Plan Bs they have in the ‘kabinet’ to sooth the people’s insecurities and sentiments.

    Tun, what does this got to do with corruption? Hope it got nothing to do with corruption or misuse of rules of law. Hope the bringing in the many millions of them is just for the sake of recruitment for the development of our country, nothing else no hidden agenda, no ‘buat duit atas angin’, right Tun. Doing business is not an easy job, is it Tun?
    So many things to take care of. The main thing is everything done must equate with rules of law and honesty.

    May Allah Bless you Tun. May Allah Protect you Tun. May Allah grant you wealth in health, happiness and knowledge. Take extra care and Thank you Tun.

  99. 1MDB says:

    “Contrary to the Wall Street Journal’s baseless and unproven allegations, 1MDB has consistently maintained that it has not paid any funds to the personal accounts of the prime minister.

    “This has been reiterated by multiple lawful authorities, including the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission, attorney-general, and various reputable international publications, who have confirmed that these funds came from Saudi Arabia,” 1MDB said in a statement today.

    1MDB thinks people in Malaysia are stupid.

    WSJ never ever said monies were paid DIRECTLY into the accounts of the the Honorable and Distinguished Prime Minister Nabin Tun Abdul Razak.

    WSJ and the whole world is talking about money laundering, except for certain dolts in this blog.

  100. Tun

    For all. Bloggers especially for those who wanted to know more about the ‘closest aides’ and their scandals from me. I am not permitted to say what is forbidden by the Official Secrets Act. Hence, the true tales which follow have no name or chronological order. You will find these ‘closest aides’ funny to the core !

    Let us stop walloping one another and enjoy a few of these true tales from my treasury of a life-time ! For my friend wajaperak, I have a special one for you later !

    1. This closest aide not only did he made a North to South Pole fight, he circled the globe on the same trip as well. This is fortitude for you and me.

    2. This closest aide, a son of some occupying force in Asia, began life carrying brief-cases for his bosses in a tiny factory down South. In time, he established a platform from which he could sell trust properties cheap, cheap to his Kuala Lumpur and Hong Kong who were also my friends. Lucky him ! Whilst our precious ringgits take a dip, he now collects Sradivarius violins made in 18th Century Cremona, Italy at US5 millions a piece. He boasts he has many which he on lent to the Singapore Philharmonic but not the Kl Philharmonic. Maybe even the Shanghai Philharmonic.

    3. An eye-witness who was probably drunk and naked as well, told me that this closest aide who was naked as a new-born babe had a gala time in the penthouse suite of this 6 star hotel in Hong Kong.

    4. My phone rang in the early hours of the morning. My Swiss friend was on the line. He said, ‘ I just had dinner with your friend and his companion at the Beau Rivage Hotel.’ ‘ Oh yes !’ I replied. My Swiss friend was referring to my ‘closest aide’ friend who at his peak not only collected works of art but the Singapore Art Gallery with its owner as well ! Tis a small world !

    5. This snobbish ‘closest aide’ used to ignore my wife and daughter living in the same block of luxury flats behind Harrods Knightsbridge London along Sloane Street even though they were in the same tiny lift. This block of luxury flats has a fountain in front of the entrance. He was obviously not a Malay !

    6. This closest aide, my good friend, ran his brand new Aston Martin into the flooded road. He claimed to cycle into Malaysia with just a Straits Dollar and a screw driver in his pocket. I knew his brothers living in their mansion with a tennis court in Cairnhill Road, Singapore since 1948. Their fortune was made through the ingenuity of his father during the Korean War. Later, the Americans had a long memory.

    7. One closest aide invited me to fly with him in his private jet to Hanoi of all places. Wild horse will not drive me to fly by these private jets. No way. Tun Tan Siew invited me to fly with him in a single engined 8 seater Cessna. They landed in an emergency in Batang Berjuntai without me !

    8. There were so many ‘closest aides’ carrying the goodies who should be at work and not at play, walking along New Bond Street, Regent Street, Oxford Street, London whom I could observe from the upper deck of a London bus that these could make up a rugger team with reserves !

    9. One closest aide demanded from the lady communications manager on arrival in New Zealand, a companion. The lady manager who was my relative later arranged for this closest aide to be flown home in a stretcher !

    10. One closest aide bumped up his Board Meeting attendance allowance of S$350 per attendance to S$3,500 every time. The Finance Department had a good laugh every time.

    It is a small small World !


  101. Tun,

    For Tok Jangut @ Mubarakchan or vice versa,

    You [Faridina] and that Sudin chap must be related. You are a jackass and he is a donkey – both of you are laughable.

    The same could be said for you and Mubarakchan (MC). You two are so much alike in the way you insult people. Amazing likeness and manner of speech. More to this in a while.

    Back in November Tun had a post entitled “Everything is Fine.” I made a joke and I readily accept it was out of context, flippant even, but it harmed nobody. What I said was:

    “Everything is Fine” applies to Singapore as well.

    They fine you for unrinating in the lift, for jaywalking and even for chewing bubble gum.

    Your reply was what is so readily expected from you now, a Harley St doctor, made millions, have a Rolls and drive a third-rate car.

    Isayso – you are stupid. What is wrong with fining or punishing anti-social activities. I wish Malaysia has the same laws instead of the scandals that now p league the country.

    I replied I was shocked that a supposedly intelligent person like you could not discern a simple joke. I concluded you are an airhead. This may sound morbid, but if MC accidentally discharges his gun while cleaning it and the bullet goes into the middle of your forehead, the surgeon will find you survived because the bullet went clean through. There is nothing inside. Therefore, look in the mirror before you comment about the intelligence or standard of England of another person.

    Back to the odd couple if I may.

    I have wondered why MC and you have studiously avoided each other like the plague. You let loose on people who have made negative comments about Singapore and heaped insults on MC’s beloved Tun. And MC of course is well known for his hair dryer treatment of people who make positive statements about LKY or Singapore. One would expect some kind of faceoff. None whatsoever. Even people like me challenge you but not MC.

    MC offered this pure drivel response to me on why he is staying clear of TJ:

    There is no proof that Tok Jangut has not been set-up by the Opposition deliberately for the Opposition members embedded in this Distinguished and Honourable BLog to attack him/she to show that in 2016, they are all for the love and support of our beloved Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad. But what did the Opposition say about Tun from 2003 to 2015 ?

    Huh? There is no proof that the Magnificent 7 are politicians or opposition members and yet that does not stop the name calling and insults. The above response is so ridiculously lame.

    And now this similar naivete on monetary exchange policy (plus the usual insult, of course:

    Najib is brilliant and has done a lot for Malaysia. For example, a low ringgit is good for Malaysia. Malaysia’s exports are now cheaper. If exports are cheaper, Malaysia will sell more and soon the economy will improve. It might even help Mahathir sell his third rate Protons.

    Hello? The above comment is somewhat similar in effect to what MC has said more than once; that Malaysia adopted a monetary policy to facilitate exports. This is his reason whenever someone makes the point that the Ringgit/Singapore dollar has gone from 1:1 to 3:1.

    A case of ‘wise men think alike’? It can’t be because you Tok Jangut is a proven dumb box and wise businessmen don’t go bankrupt. Thus it is more likely a case of ‘fools make the same mistake’. Or could it be a case of two persons wearing the same trousers? Hmmmmmmmmm.

    It is more important to debunk the overly simplistic views spoken like the Gospel truth.

    I will offer facts that can be verified. I do not manufactured headlines or facts, hoping to convince a dolt.

    I refer readers to the Summary of Monthly Trade in 2015 compiled by MATRADE:

    The gap between exports and imports (balance of trade) was narrowest in July 2015 at a positive RM2.37 billion. The widest gap was recorded in October 2015, positive RM12.16 billion. The average monthly gap for 2015 was RM7.85 billion positive.

    The fact is Malaysia imports a lot. While a weak exchange rate benefits exporters, importers face a hefty increase in cost. A manufacturer who imports raw materials but sells its manufactured goods mainly in the local market must either absorb the higher cost or pass them on by increasing the selling price. This is why people are complaining about a rising cost of living. On top of this we have GST. Caviar must cost more these days, eh MC@TokJangut? Lucky for me, telur from ikan tenggiri is still affordable. That’s what BMW-chauffeured junior executives in a GLC can only afford. Never mind. Tastes good deep-fried.

    There can be offsetting effects of course. For example, a manufacturer who now pays more Ringgit for imported raw materials shall be able to recoup the increased cost if the manufacturer in turn exports its goods in US dollars, unchanged. The luckiest are sellers who use mainly local raw materials and sell a lot overseas. If the goods are normally priced in, say, US terms, they simple get more ringgit; 4.30 ringgit per US dollar now as opposed to 3.30 before.

    Exporters can also benefit if the demand and supply for a particular product is elastic. The weak ringgit is beneficial to exporters generally speaking because the buyer pays less of the foreign currency involved. On the other hand, a down to earth vegetable grower in Cameron Highlands will not sell more greens to a Casino hotel in Singapore because the hotel’s guests can only eat so much a day.

  102. To Hajar,

    If you think so lowly of PM DS Najib, why don’t you form a political party of like minded people and take him on in the next election? Stop wailing like a baby. It’s pathetic.

    As I said before, PM DS Najib is simply brilliant. He has now visited Telsa. Proton may have to close shop if he convince Telsa to set up a factory here. This is good as it will stop the of wasting public funds.

  103. To farina.

    No wonder Rafidah Aziz lamented that the standard of English is deplorable in Malaysia. Your comments are a confirmation.

    I have never said I can only afford a 2nd hand Proton. I said that when I bought a Toyota, it was stolen within 6 months. I now drive a Proton. It is the safest car because nobody wants to steal a 3rd rate car. The car thieves do not want to dirty their hand stealing a Proton. So unlike you, it is not because I can only afford a Proton that I buy one. I own a Rolls in London. I bet you have not smell the inside of such a car.

    I was a leading doctor in London in my field with a clinic in Harley Street. I have made more money than I can spend. That was the reason, I retired early. Unlike you, I do not need to find money for my family. They are already well provided for. I now do charity work in Indonesia, Pakistan and now among the refugees in Europe. I come to Malaysia to buy medicines for these poor people.

    Malaysia does not feed me. In fact, it is the other way round. I feed Malaysia by spending my moneys here. You think Malaysia will give residence to a poor person or a person without substance? Get real!!! For your information, I got residence in Hong Kong and Australia as well. I challenge you to and see if you can even get residence in Thailand.

    I do not have to insult your intelligence. You insult your own intelligence by the things you say. It is obvious from the way you express yourself that you did not have the intellect to go to a good university. Your English is so poor. That is why people like you have to work all your life because you are so poorly paid and can only afford, at best, a Proton. The cleverer ones go to Singapore and get paid much more and, with a low ringgit, automatically 3 times more. Therefore, you cannot perceive that I am not low class like you and that I do not need to work.

    You and that Sudin chap must be related. You are a jackass and he is a donkey – both of you are laughable.

  104. Simple Common Sense

    We know its a game played in Life
    Not just politician ,businessman , employee even in Mosques management these includes others religious management too
    There are Insulting , Defamation , Discrimination ,Lies ,Stealing , Bad Mouth
    Bad Stabbing and many others Satanic verses exists

    Having huge sum of money deposited into Najib personal account
    Simply it reveals two facts

    1. Najib being framed . We Malaysia will be behind him

    2. Najib knows what is going on .That builds up upon his luxurious and the whole family package lifestyles that he can never deny

    ITS WSJ now the second time news
    Swiss AG reveals so

    But nevertheless matters should be place on the table
    No such leniency on part of the AG

    No one is above the Law Not even the AG nor the Sultan
    If Politicians nor Sultanate nor any Rules is above the Law
    Najib is behaving like President Al Assad
    The Nation will Breaks down and shattered into pieces

    When one failed to pay his monthly car installment
    Finance will legally get Towing Service to Tow the said vehicle
    And if the said Tow vehicle also failed to pay their monthly installments
    The Finance will legally ask another Towing to Tow the unpaid Towing vehicle

    These is Foundations None can Rule

  105. Dearest YAB Tun,

    Allow me Tun:

    1, This ‘Tok Jangut’ thinks he’s so smart and very knowledgeable.

    2. But the truth is that he does not even know who TOK JANGGUT was. He misspelled ‘Tok Janggut’, but when someone pointed it out he claimed that he’s using an ‘avatar’ out of respect to the real ‘Tok Janggut’ – so he only used 1 ‘g’ in the avatar. Alahai…what a stup*d explanation to cover his own ignorance.

    3. He claimed that he’s a foreigner (and not a Malay); I believe he’s from Singapore since he loves Lee Kuan Yew so much.

    4. He also worships the Americans (‘orang putih’) – something that ‘Tok JANGGUT’ would never consider doing. This also proved that this fake ‘Tok Jangut’ has no idea who ‘Tok JANGGUT’ was.

    5. ‘Tok Jangut’ also thinks highly of our most CORRUPT PM, Najib @ Ah Jib Gor.

    6. To ‘Tok Jangut’, please stop making a fool of yourself here. Not only you look like an idi*t, you also show how ignorant you are to all the readers here.

    7. This fake ‘Tok Jangut’ MEMALUKAN the real TOK JANGGUT.

    Thanks Tun.

    *** May Allah S.W.T. bless Tun and family ***

  106. 37.

    38. It is not malaysian government, it is umno government in putrajaya that decided to go with this syriah compliance strategy.

    39. No man is an island.

    40. Such legacy started when tdm imposed capital control, depeg of rm against trading usdollar, sacked bank governor and jailed dsai with sodomy charges.

    41. Putrajaya represents umno and their interest only, not malaysians in general.

    42. Syariah compliance at putrajaya simply means nep, that is you must be a bumiputra.

    43. If you are not moslem, do not use arabic blessing eg asalamualaikum.

    44. You might get yourself landed in trouble with umno kdn and jakim.

    45. Money cannot buy power forever especially when voters know where they stand.

    46. If putrajaya and mof think meriocrity is the way to stay relevant by granting foreign moslem workers the basic right to vote just like what they did to sabah, they have committed treason.

    47. Syariah compliance is akin to change the ownerships from the origin owners to moslem owners via company acts.

    48. If you think this is righteous, vote bn.

    49. If you think thid is wrong vote opposition parties.

    50. If you think both sides are wrong, then dont vote.

  107. Alamak ! Apa dah jadi ?
    WSJ buka tembelang lagi dah ?

    Najib pun satu
    Nak Tipu dengan si Penipu

    Berbelit belit
    Macam macam cerita keling
    Kalau ya pun professional lah sikit
    Macam budak budak ,bikin buang masa Malaysia saja

    Kata nak sue WSJ , sekarang WSJ bikin cerita lagi
    Lagi bertambah evidence , apa lagi
    Sue lah

    Macamana lah orang tua Tun Mahthir nak Rehat
    Kasihan Tun , Thank you
    Tun , Take a Good Rest Tun

  108. Assalammualaikum Dearest Tun,

    With your permission, for the self declared expatriate ha..ha..ha.. “Tok Young Goat” who can only afford a 2nd hand proton car and spent many weekends with fellow expatriate ha..ha..ha.. at the KLCC where the land given by God to the Malaysian.

    Don’t waste your time commenting in this blog, go to work get some descent income and send back to the love ones at home! After all that’s the reason you landed here.

    Be grateful at least you have a car to move around doing nothing and busying sending all this crap here. We Malaysians don’t give a damn but you are insulting our intelligence. Who knows Tun Mahathir better, if not we the Malaysians and who do you think you are?

    By practise an expatriate coming here to Malaysia is highly paid providing high end skills and expertise and they are professionals who will partly contribute to the growth of a nation and not doing something not so clever as one ‘Tok Young Goat’ who might not have his permit renewed or worse still he maybe an illegal immigrant.

    Don’t be like a dog, you let them free in return they bite you back! Or could it be, we fed the dog and in return it bites your hand!?

    Thank you to our Malaysian father and grandfather Tun Dr Mahathir, not yours okay!

    Wassalam Tun Berdua.

  109. To Ali Akbar Bin Hashim,

    The proverb is “where there is smoke, there is fire”. RPK is not mad just because you disagree with him. There a lot of things that he says has substance. Mahathir is no angel and neither is PM DS Najib. Mahathir’s diatribe on PM DS Najib is just the pot calling the kettle black.

    Najib is brilliant and has done a lot for Malaysia. For example, a low ringgit is good for Malaysia. Malaysia’s exports are now cheaper. If exports are cheaper, Malaysia will sell more and soon the economy will improve. It might even help Mahathir sell his third rate Protons.

  110. sistem kewangan kapitalis negara2 hebat seperti swiss, sg dan us dilihat mampu menghalalkan wang haram…

    dengan nilai yang cukup besar tanpa dikesan…ramai yang ingin turut serta andai sistem kewangan dan perundangan yang dicipta secara kompleks boleh menghalalkan wang haram…

    kredibiliti pusat2 kewangan dunia ini dilihat menjadi taruhan andai masaalah ini tidak diselesaikan secara tuntas…

    apa yang berlaku hari ini dilihat mampu menjadi punca pada kejatuhan sistem kapitalis…

    tidak mustahil satu hari nanti perkara ini di bawa ke icj dan pbb kerana melibatkan sistem dan jentera kerajaan banyak negara…

  111. Further thoughts on corruption in Malaysia vs Singapore.

    Evolutionary game dynamics realistically portrays oscillating reign of Dove/Bourgeois/Hawk which in my scheme becomes Pious/Bourgeois/Wicked where bourgeois serves as in between pious and wicked and bourgeois meaning government of legitimately rich who become complacent and oppressive (wicked) after some time only to be replaced in turn by the pious. So, we have God-is-King/Bourgeois-is-King/Cash-is-King. So if we compare Singapore and Malaysia, we can see Singapore’s inspiration comes not from God-is-King as Vision 2020 but from some more uthoritarian mold bordering on Cash-is-king on the right and therefore cannot be robust and free up potential talent. I think most governments try to operate a stable Bourgeois-is-King regime within a chaotic hysteresis. Native wisdom knows when ones’s actions are skewed to the left or right, but can’t really do anything if its going to be carried away as part of some hyper cyclical morphogenesis.

  112. You folks are getting too serious and hot under the collar. For a change, I think I will share a joke which I saw on the internet with you –

    A man dies..
    In heaven he sees a large Wall full of Clocks..!!
    He asks angel: “What are these for?”
    Angel answers: “These are Lie Clocks, every person has lie clock!
    Whenever you lie on earth, the clock moves..!!”
    The man points towards a clock and asks: “Whose clock is this??”
    Angel says: “Its Mother Teresa’s.. It never moved, showing that she never told lie..”
    Then The man asks: “Where is Najib’s clock?”
    Angel replies: “That one is in our office … We use it as TABLE FAN.”

  113. Dear Sir,

    The Mad Dog RPK without failed each day insinuated you to defend his Bugis Warrior

    Now he claimed Najib’s grandfather was a multi billionaire so that the reason why Najib’s entitled to a grand wedding to his daughter and no one should talk about it

    RPK is not Malay, he belittle Malay and his attitude towards Malay is just the same as “The White Rajah”, White Man is always superior than a stupid Malay

    At one point he said you failed on your Math regarding 1MDB issue but in comparison he is a failure in his business but you have built this nation from zero to hero!

    His interpretation on Islam too is very dangerous

    Obviously they are going to destroyed your legacy and MAKING A HISTORY in Malaysia where the former Prime Minister will be jailed

    The new law will be introduced and passed to give absolute power to a Prime Minister, no one can question on any things he did

    Just like royals, they are super immune to law and order and free what to do and no one should not asked

    In one state the peoples asking Allah each week in the mosque to bless the Royals and his family but if we seek help he just listen and keep in his heart

    No one should challenged the Royals and this absolute power too wanted by Najib, what a greedy

    Your big sin was you created and groom this monster

    Najib unforgiven sin was to implemented GST and lifted the oil subsidy for the peoples

    And he is now wanted to be a hero to American, capturing and executing Muslims that pray to the same God as him

    I wonder why the real terrorist i.e. the Jews and Americans was not captured, hunted and put on trial

    They are a big bully and killing Palestinian almost every day, no one see!

    End of the day nobody to blame because this government was elected by the peoples

    The peoples choose and wanted and truly love this government

    We are making so much noise about it but the government has fully support and endorsed by the peoples

    The oppositions are poor and crippled

    Where can we go?

  114. Let me complete my thoughts.

    5. Like operative memes elsewhere, corrupt have got in using religous, ethnic pretexts.

    18. Cash-is-King has to run its course until reigned in by Bourgeois-is-King (your vision), which approximates the God-is-King. The operative meme today is good governance (asabiya). While ethnic, religous ones are legitimate and even ‘good governance’ can be abused, we need a new operative meme today -not the abused, corrupted UMNO/BN.

  115. Hi tun

    This is the first time i am so worry to comments in any blog.

    I am no longer feel safe to talk on wan em…
    I am no longer to talk freely on the 2.6 billion thing
    To watsap freely
    There are eyes watching these day
    I am so afraid like i am living in other country
    I just like 3rd class citizen. Cannot talk anything i like. Cannot condemn things that are wrong

    What a life that i am living now.
    Am i still a malaysian?


    Now what i am goung to write

  116. Assalammualaikum Dearest Tun,

    When I was in primary school just after the ‘Peperiksaan Penilaian Darjah Lima’, I was selected to represent my school in the English Public Speaking contest at district level.

    Ironically till this day I still recall the topic given to me by my english teacher (but I’ve forgotten his name) which is “The 3 Cs” –
    Communism, Corruption and Chauvinism.

    Tun Razak was the Prime Minister of the day then and my teacher told me that this topic is one great speech by his honourable PM Tun Razak himself and I must deliver the best to catch the attention of the audience and the judges.

    Anyway Tun Razak has made known to us then that the 3 Cs are our biggest threats to national security!

    Wow minus 1 C there are still 2 Cs left which are still relevant today and Tun Razak really have got excellent visions here.

    Yes corruption is one of our biggest threats to national securities today but can you imagine that Tun Razak own bloodline is advocating corruption as a means of holding on to power as described by ayahanda Tun.

    Now I really need some help here to trace this popular 3 Cs speech and whether it’s really from Tun Razak or he was quoting from some other great leader? Anyone out there who is aware about this speech please post it here in Tun’s blog please..

    Wasallam Tun.

    p/s – This reminds me of a great movie S.W.A.L.K (sealed with a loving kiss) in the seventies and been asking friends whether they remembered this movie and only 9 years ago finally someone recalls it and we had the most wonderful time refreshing our memories with the storyline and could clearly visualise Mark Lester and Jack Wild. I should have kept the bookmark for the movie but can still enjoy the song Melody Fair.

  117. Assalamualaikum Tun.

    Jikalau ada orang bertanya kepada saya siapa penggantinya? Saya akan jawab saya tidak memilih sesiapa, ia terpulang kepada kebijaksanaan UMNO sendiri. Saya tidak mencampuri urusan itu. Kalau ada pertandingan maka adalah.

    Dulu pun saya tidak memilih Najib. Cuma mengikut sistem itulah pilihan Tun. Saya tidak menolak atau mengiakan.

    Mungkin ramai orang tidak tahu bahawa perkara utama yang membawa kepada Pak Lah bersetuju turun dari jawatan adalah kerana penyelesaian krisis minyak pada 2008 telah ditemui dan ia dirundingkan supaya Pak Lah setuju turun.

    Siapa yang rundingkan? Tentulah Najib. Hasil dari usaha Tun Mahathir. Masih ingatkah Najib guna kuasa whip ketika itu?

    Pada masa itu, saya sertai blog ini kerana Tun Mahathir dihina dan dikeji. Mungkin ia boleh dikatakan bahawa ‘sesuatu tugasan’ telah diberikan kepada saya.

    Seperti saya tulis sebelum ini, idea penyelesaian krisis minyak 2008 adalah hasil dari ilham ketika saya berada di kawasan cabang tiga, iaitu ditempat kelahiran Tokku Paloh (1818-1918) iaitu keluarga Sayyid yang dikatakan keluarga Ahlul Bait dari gelombang kedua ke Tanah Melayu setelah keluarga Ahlul Bait, Sharif Muhammad Al Baghdadi gelombang pertama ke Tanah Melayu.

    Beliau adalah nenek moyang kepada Syeikh Abdul Malek (Tok Pulau Manis) yang saya selalu sebutkan.

    Mereka mereka ini adalah berdarah pemerintah sejak turun temurun dan bertitisan sebagai Wali Allah dari moyang terus kepada datuk, anak dan cucu.

    Maka sekarang semua orang tahu bahawa itulah rahsia kepada kemasyuran kerajaan Abbasiyah berzaman lamanya. Kerana itulah sejarah Sharif Muhammad Al Baghdadi.

    Najib juga tahu dari mana idea penyelesaian krisis minyak 2008 ini datang.

    Malah dasar GST sekarang juga Najib cuba meniru cara penyelesaian 2008. Dan atas sebab itulah saya menulis panjang lebar tentang bagaimana cara penyelesaian 2008 itu berlaku.

    Untuk berada selama 7 tahun di blog chedet ini pun saya dah takut separuh mati. Najib tak takut ke terkena tulah?

    Kuasa Allah itu besar. Allah Maha Besar dan Maha Berkuasa.

    Sekarang kita diterangkan bahawa Najib ini adalah pecah amanah dan menipu. Jawatan Najib adalah Perdana Menteri Malaysia.

    Apa yang patut kita lakukan? Saya bukan politikus. Saya cuma baker (tukang buat roti).

    Dan saya tidak memilih sesiapa menjadi pengganti Najib. Terpulang kepada kebijaksanaan UMNO.

    Terima kasih Tun.

  118. 32. You can play politics, but never play until your critics are bankrupt or jailed in today’s world when we are well connected to the world.

    33. Dsai is a good example of political scapegoat in which umno can never deny.

    34. I sure hope such dirty politics shall never be happened again.

    35. Altantuya was murdered in brutal manner in this country involving the top guns.

    36. Her case will forever be a tainted mark to malaysisn leaders, especially umno.

  119. 19. Corruption can be perceived as lobbying.

    20. Lobbying can be perceived as corruption.

    21. Avoiding taxes can be perceived as not paying taxes.

    22. Money laudering can be perceived as investment.

    23. Investment can be perceived as donation.

    24. I think tdm can never be able to answer questions because he is not a mp nor an economist.

    25. Sibotak said compare apple with apple.

    26. Well, if you are moslem, you must compare yourself with moslem, right?

    27. If you are buddhist, you must compare yourself with buddhist, right?

    28. If you are hindu, you must compare yourself with hindu, right?

    29. If you are christians, you must compare with christians?

    30. What will happen in next decade?

    31. Why putrajaya was built?

  120. Assalam,

    LHDN sibuk kira GST la ni.
    IGP pun sibuk nak naikkan saman dan “ops selamat”.
    AG pun sibuk merancang untuk “jemaah haji”.
    KDN sibuk masukkan “kaum” baru dalam Malaysia.
    PM sibuk di LA nun meeting.
    RAKYAT sibuk cari “pasal”.

    Semua tengah “sibuk” sekarang.


  121. tok jangut Feb 16,2016 4:57 PM

    For me who build or contacted to build or joint-venture to build is not the point. Owning the project is the point. Tun may not be prefect or done many mistakes or power crazy but who is prefect or done no mistakes or dont like power. At least Tun did his best for the country or bring a better image then current situation. I also think what ever business deals using the country money was with good intention to grown the country. Some fail and some succeed and we should not expect 100% success only from Tun.
    For me Tun 1st mistake is to over-do or out-do PAS in using religion in Politics
    2nd mistake is not allowing certain type people to grow and learn naturally to become successful and a better life. Tun push forcefully and now the push become an expectation and greed which will bring down the hand that feed that certain type of people.

  122. Assalamualaikum Tun,
    IRB targeting the tax evaders. That’s right, irb go catch the real culprits. Why mention only the lawyers, the doctors, the artists? What about the politicians? The con-artists? They are well- known too. I bet there’re lots of DSN’s people who haven’t behave as good taxpayers. Mr Irb chief, have you sent them your ‘love letters’?

    Now, the job of Igp is to catch the real criminals. Why then does he want to probe on you Tun for criminal defamation? Oh yes, someone must have sent them to make the report.
    On what grounds? For telling the truth? Didn’t you make the statements and prediction came out truthfully? So what kind of defamation is there? They have no credible basis whatsoever to charge you Tun.

    Anyway, what criminal defamation? I don’t see mr new Ag’s reputation has been tarnished. In fact he got rewards for job done. His periuk nasi is still intact. Of course Tun criticise logically, so therefore Tun has done no damage whatsoever to mr new Ag’s reputation, right mr Igp.

    Tun, how many more mouths do they want to shut? What is their plan Tun?
    To wipe out all the dissents?
    Tun, you have a new platform now to voice out the peoples’ discontentment on DSN’s many unsavoury issues. We have seen how he administer this country, like its his own. And we don’t want a would-be dictator to rule us, do we Tun. He may not give a heed to the peoples’ grouses but has lost a huge chunk of percentage of the peoples’ trusts. It is said that his nama sudah tidak sedap disebut dan tidak sedap didengari. To mend it he has to do the wise thing, step down.

    May Allah Bless you Tun. May Allah Protect you Tun. May Allah grant you wealth in health, happiness and knowledge. Take care and Thank you Tun.

  123. Betulkan sistem yg dah rosak ?

    Ibarat membaiki kereta lama, atau komputer lama, terlalu lama, nak kena tukar part terlalu mahal

    Buang saje seluruh sistem lama, tukar baru, ibarat buang kereta lama terus ganti baru, semua puas hati, laju, selesa, siap warranty 5 tahun

    Er.. tapi sapa pulak yg nak jadi kepala sistem baru tu ye

  124. 3-4 While under your reign contracts may have been given in good faith, without any tolerance for corruption at the highest levels, that has not been the case after your tenure.
    5. The leaders up to and including yourself were effectively God-is-King. Thereafter, Cash-is-King: no fear of God in their eyes. Like other operative memes eleswhere, they (the corrupt) have used ethnic and religous pretexts to get in.
    6. Cash-is-King reigns, which detracts from we achieving our full potential.
    7-13 What can the auditor do if both client and owner are the same Cash-is-King and not God-is-King?
    14-16 Well, we are in a Cash-is-King phase and there is ony so much credibility we can place on oaths and promises. Only God knows.
    17 I wouldn’t be surprised if they did. Piety doesn’t come cheap. We all have to sacrifice. History is full of even more sordid stories.
    18. Cash-is-King has to run his course until the moderates and pious reign him in. Have we systematically interfered with the checks and balances inherent in a parliamentary monarchy to render them impotent?


    Tun teringat anwar cakap masa pilihanraya dulu 40 RIBU BANGLA di bawa masuk mengundi di pilihanraya umum yang lalu
    Sekarang kera jaan nak bawa masuk 1.5 JUTA BANGLA

    Adakah kenyataan Anwar ada kebenarannya??????????????????????????????????

  126. Salam YAB dan Yang DiKasihi Tun,

    1. CORRUPTIONS exist in all agencies / companies / governments / countries in this world since we have many people who adore / worship MONEY.

    2. Even that ‘small’ country (only a dot in the world map) near us also is NOT AN EXCEPTION.

    3. I wonder why that ‘small’ country did not investigate 1MDB’s accounts and those powerful ‘individuals’ involved in 1MDB scandal much earlier (happened since 2009)?

    4. Is the scandal being used as a weapon to ‘threaten’ certain ‘individual / individuals’ (held for ransom) to agree with ‘agreements / negotiations’ (including on-going and future negotiations) that definitely would benefit certain ‘parties’?

    5. Blaming UMNO members for all this mess created by PM Najib @ Ah Jib Gor will not bring any benefit – nothing will change by blaming one particular group. As we can see, PM Najib @ Ah Jib Gor & gang treat UMNO members WORSE than non-members just (to scare them off). Just look at how they ‘treat’ Tun M – Tun M is their number 1 enemy! Other UMNO members were also PUNISHED unnecessarily (look at DS Mukhriz’s case & other cases).

    6. To those who keep on saying that the UMNO members are ‘cowards’ / stup*d / corrupt, may be you can prove that all of you are not cowards and ‘smart people’ and of course NOT CORRUPT by making/lodging police reports against PM Najib and 1MDB.

    7. I would also like to suggest all of the BERSIH’s participants to lodge police reports against PM Najib and 1MDB to show that all of you really want him out of office ASAP.

    Terima kasih Tun.

    *** Semoga Allah S.W.T. sentiasa melindungi Tun sekeluarga ***

  127. Corruptions in Malaysia

    Is now halal , its Legal
    Theft , murder is also Halal

    The Haram is when you go against any wrong doings
    When you voice of any wrong doings of any Govt servant to the top man
    The Prime Minister even the AG
    Is illegal ,punishable by law and its Haram

    So Malaysia can go Party
    All of us can go naked in public

    Sodomy is also Halal not Haram
    Haram is when you disobey yr wife

  128. Assalamualaikum Tun.

    Semasa perbincangan topik mengenai Ronghiya saya memberi cadangan agar amalan zikir dilakukan termasuk dalam UMNO.

    Dan perkara ini mewujudkan qasidah selawat ke atas Rasulullah s.a.w yang berkumandang ke seluruh pelusuk negara.

    Tetapi bagaimana dengan UMNO?

    Melalui pembacaan saya dalam Terjemahan Kitab Hikam dijelaskan bahawa berzikirlah samada kita lalai ataupun tidak.

    Dan juga ada suruhan yang menyuruh bertanyalah pada ahli zikir.

    Qasidah yang berkumandang adalah selawat ke Rasulullah s.a.w oleh itu dengan cara lain berzikirlah kita semua kepada Allah swt kerana kita punyai jasad dan roh.

    Mungkin bacaan zikir sembahyang taubat juga elok untuk UMNO.

    Tentukan niat dan matlamat perjuangan.

    Bangkitkan jiwa kerana Allah swt kerana jika Tun Mahathir sudah tiada nanti, benarkah perjuangan kita ini kerana kebenaran dan kerana Allah swt semata mata?

    Terima kasih Tun.

  129. Simply when the people rejects Najib
    The cabinets still support Najib regardless of Najib visibly wrong doings

    Malaysia will have a hard time respecting the system as a whole
    A Bad tomato will rot the rest of the tomatoes

  130. Assalamualaikum Tun.

    Jika benar Tun dilantik sebagai GKCM UMNO, ianya saya anggap langkah yang bijak dan baik setelah demokrasi di dalam UMNO dan Malaysia semakin berkubur.

    Tetapi kumpulan ini wajarlah bergerak aktif dan pantas agar Najib mesti diturunkan setahun sebelum PRU14.

    Ini boleh memulihkan kembali keyakinan rakyat terhadap UMNO untuk menghadapi PRU14 nanti.

    Satu langkah baik jika ini menjadi kenyataan, pengganti PM adalah Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah memandangkan rekodnya agak bersih dan mesti ada hubungan baik dengan Tun sebagai penasihat pentadbiran kerajaan jika perlu.


  131. Salaam…. Tok janggut… Ermm bagaimanakah sunnah apabila berbeza pendadapt di dlm islam? Anak2 mcm sy ni bc.. tok janggut rasa.. apakah ini bahasa yg betul untuk dijadikan contoh kpd remaja? Sebelum itu ingin sy bertanya… Pernahkah sy mengutuk anda? Pendapat kamu ttg klcc adalah nasik yg sudah menjadi bubur… Dan. Bubur itulah yg pernah menjadi yg paling terlaris sehingga barulah dunia kenal apa itu bubur malaysia cap klcc… Barulah org kenal untuk berniaga dan berkeyakinan utk berniaga dgn msia..

    Sama jugak dlm kehidupan… Msia tidak kaya pd waktu itu… Tp mampu buat bubur terlaris kerana berhutang dan apa sekalipun yg anda katakan.. org msia kalu x berutang dgn seng heng… Courts mammoth.. rumah kita buruk… Sapa nak masuk? Komunikasi di k.l penting… Kerana ianya pusat bandar.. kenapa maki benda dah jadi? Xkan nak runtuhkan menara komunikasi dan klcc? Apa kata tok janggut bagi pencerahan sikit selain drpd mengkritik… Kerana malu lah sikit dgn sy yg umo setahun jagung tahun kuda ni… Ikut la cara nabi… Tegur cara elok.. baru org minat nak bc n dgr… Ok? Berapa umur pak janggut ya? Hehe… Salaam sejahtera ke atas cikgu yg sy hormati… Sila berikan tunjuk dan ajar kpd sy yg hina ini…

  132. Assalamualaikum Tun.

    Kita hargai kehadiran Mr Dinturtle di sini.

    Kita mengharapkan tekanan dari dalaman untuk menyedarkan penyokong Najib bahawa usahlah menyokong perkara yang tidak betul malah samar samar. Jika was was elok ditinggalkan.

    Saya faham berkenaan kenyataan yang dikatakan oleh Tun semasa perjumpaan dengan GKCM.

    Mungkin saya bukan ahli UMNO dan tidak dapat bergerak dari dalam. Maka kita berharap GKCM dapat menjayakan tekanan untuk kesedaran bagi yang gelap mata dengan habuan habuan.

    Walau berapa ramai sebelum ini telah berjumpa Tun, namun nasihat saya adalah Tun masih keseorangan dan saya fikir ia mempengaruhi Tun untuk membuat U Turn semasa itu.

    Kita memerlukan gerakan dalaman kerana ia adalah tanggungjawab bagi yang bekerja politik. Ia adalah amanah rakyat.

    Sedangkan bagi gerakan dari luar ia mungkin tidak begitu baik sekiranya kita mengambil hukum dalam Islam.

    Saya tidak begitu fasih mengenai peraturan dalam UMNO dan ia begitu baik sekali sekiranya GKCM dapat menggunakan peraturan peraturan tersebut dengan bijaksana dalam mencari penyelesaian.

    Mungkin pendekatan saya ini sedikit berbeza dengan Tun, namun jika UMNO sendiri itu rosak, berbuatlah macam mana sekalipun hatta tukar Presiden Parti maka tiada gunanya.

    Rosak maksud saya, yang salah dikata betul, seperti sekarang.

    Bersihkan UMNO bagi saya itu lebih utama tujuannya dan secara tidak langsung Presiden Parti akan bertukar.

    Terima kasih Tun.

  133. Assalam Tun.

    Political corruption in Malaysia were started by the MOF.

    Ku Li & Lorraine’s BMF scandal and later the subsequent challenge by the former for the UMNO presidency’s post, which he almost won, using the unlimited funding at his disposal to buy votes.

    Later that Daim “diam” started to monopoly all mega projects and the stock market.
    Office boys, drivers, clerks were used to camouflage his activities. Many became directors of listed companies and owning huge chunks of shares.
    Never-heard-before contractors were awarded multi-million ringgit projects, all on direct nego.
    Fortunately for Tun M, “diam” was not ambitious politically, but he did drag down Tun’s name to a great extend.

    When Anwar maniac became MOF in 1992, he finetuned the word corruption, or for simplicity, corruption became an art!!
    The second board, contraktor berwibawa, turnkey projects were the new games in town. Long list of big time cronies became overnight millionaires, Ghafar Baba was whitewashed (except 1 in Banggi, Tun Mustapa’s constituency) in the Sabah UMNO divisional elections, Ghafar’s supposedly fortress, and Anwar was somehow allowed to practice vote buying as legally acceptable, but not to his critics/opponents.
    He had amassed enough votes and ready to face Tun M….
    Unfortunately for him, he’s also a sex maniac.

    Let’s try to forget Pak Dol PM5 and his then jobless s.i.l. budak KJ, when they acted openly to tell all Malaysians as though they owned the finance Ministry!!
    When Najib mentioned cash is king, just a reminder to all, budak KJ has the cash and he also wants to become king!

    The present scenario under Najib & Rosmah is the worst in our history….

  134. Salam Tun.

    1. Negara kita telah tersenarai dalam 10 negara teratas yang mengamalkan rasuah.

    2. Tun berkata rasuah ini dari dulu lagi berlaku dalam pentadbiran kerajaan dan swasta tetapi tidaklah berlaku dalam pucuk pimpinan yang berjumlah ‘berbillion’ ringgit.

    3. Malah disenaraikan bilamana cara menghapuskan gejala rasuah ini agak terasing dan berlainan bila perbandingan dilakukan dengan negara luar.

    4. Mungkin kita memandang rendah kepada orang asing kerana bangsa dan agamanya dalam menghapuskan gejala rasuah.

    5. Walau bagaimana pun mereka tetap beranggapan rasuah ini musuh kepada kehidupan manusia sejagat.

    6. Kepada umat Islam disini kita huraikan riwayat yang telah di tinggalkan kepada umat Nabi Muhammad s.a.w.

    7. Penyuap dan yang disuap tempatnya di neraka. Hadis riwayat Tabrani.

    8. Allah s.w.t mengutuk orang yang menyuap dan yang menerima suapan dalam menjatuhkan hukuman. Hadis riwayat Ahmad dan Abu Dawud.

    9. Dari Jabir: “berkata:”Kudengar dari Rasullullah s.a.w. bersabda: “Bagaimana dapat disucikan suatu ummat kalau tidak dapat diambil tindakan terhadap si kuat untuk mengembalikan hak si lemah dari ummat itu ?. Hadis riwayat Ibnu Hibbaan.

    10. Pendakwa harus memberi keterangan (bukti) dan si terdakwa harus bersumpah (kalau mungkir). Hadis riwayat Tabrani.

    11. Dan apabila kamu menjatuhkan hukuman diantara manusia, hendaklah kamu menghukum dengan adil. Al-Quran.An-Nisaa’ ayat 58.

    12. Ada tiga jenis hakim , dua di neraka dan satu di surga.

    13. Seorang hakim tau, mana yang benar dan yang salah, kemudian ia menghukum apa semestinya. Hakim ini tempatnya di surga.

    14. Seorang hakim tau yang benar dan siapa yang salah, lalu ia menghukum tidak adil. Hakim ini tempatnya di neraka.

    15. Seorang hakim tidak mengerti siapa yang salah dan siapa yang benar, kemudian hakim ini menjatuhkan hukuman tampa pengertian. Hakim ini tempatnya di neraka. Hadis riwayat Abu Dawud dan Tirmidzi.


  135. To balance

    Malaysians have nothing to be proud of KLCC.

    The building was built by Koreans. After completion, it was managed by Australians. The only contribution by Malaysia is the piece of land, even then, it is given by God.

    The article is not a silly article. It may be very strong but certainly not silly. The aphorism that “none is as blind as those who do not want to see” is a certainly true here.

  136. Tun Mahathir Mohamed
    The Best of all among Todays Malaysia Prime Minister
    Najib The Worst of all
    Perhaps Behind a Failed Man
    Is a women likewise behind a Successful man is also a women

    I dislike Anwar Ibrahim for his aggressiveness that stirred Malaysia
    But I now have to say this
    Perhaps Anwar Ibrahim is much much better than Najib

    PakLah is a Good Honorable Man
    But We need a Leader who simply is a different
    A Tiger of Malaysia

  137. Compare an Orange to an Orange
    Apple to an Apple

    Yes Malaysia We have corrupted Govt
    From top to toe
    S,pore not much corrupted as
    The minister don,t need corruptions as they are paid well
    It is small ,easy to manage and the people are more educated
    Educations plays a major role in an individual and nation buildings

    Comments from late LKY
    Johor has much crimes & thefts . It is very True
    The different is Johor only when you expose you got rob
    Singapore everyday , every split seconds from adults to children
    No matter how much you cautions You will be Rob legally
    I see no differences
    Only in Malaysia
    It goes into many small pockets
    There every cents goes to one Big pockets
    No rooms for small pockets

    Regardless Malaysia among Indonesia, Philippine , Burma , Thailand
    Are much in control as perhaps Islam deters much
    Again Cash is never King , Cash is Evil

    Much of our land are being robbed and looks legal
    By the facts there are much corruptions that involves
    The developer , the Gangster that spent few ringgits to the Authority
    The head , body and tail
    In returns of tremendous vast of land they earned from throwing a few ringgits
    Likewise we see in Najib 1MDB
    Why should our land be the loses of his failure ?
    It is his call not Malaysia to be accountable and to be burden

  138. Assalam Tun.

    To “zulfi_sg”, you dah silap.

    “tok jangut” tu bukannya Muslim. He’s the last known surviving eunuch in the world!
    Instead of doing circumcision he cut-off his genitals.
    Thus he acted funny and he also greatly enjoys getting ridiculed!!!

  139. Salam Tun,

    Just nak share apa I baca online

    Moved by ‘Ola Bola’, Nazir Razak hits out at corruption, racism

    – See more at:

    Kebanjiran pekerja asing kurangkan peluang kami, kata belia

    – See more at:

  140. tok jangut Feb 15,2016 9:27 PM

    The site you recommended us to visit is a nonsense site. The comments are just simply so stupid. KLCC is a wonderful project.

  141. Assalamualaikum Tun.

    Berkenaan kekurangan pekerja tempatan dalam bidang bidang tertentu, saya juga menghadapi masalah tersebut.

    Walau bagaimanapun, saya melihat ini sebagai satu kesilapan pengurusan sumber manusia dan operasi.

    Pada pendapat saya, walaupun pekerja berkemahiran berjaya kita lahirkan, tetapi mereka ini tidak semestinya berupaya dalam berfikiran mengurus.

    Mempunyai pengurus yang pandai dan adil serta boleh mencungkil kebolehan lain mereka ini amatlah penting.

    Di tempat kerja saya, terdapat peraturan tidak rasmi mesti kerja 12 jam untuk jawatan pengurusan yang mana saya tidak setuju.

    Ia menurunkan produktiviti dan membuatkan suasana tidak harmoni.

    Itu adalah cara pengurusan orang tempatan yang tidak bersekolah tapi penuh dengan pengalaman kerja selama 30 tahun.

    Namun sekarang, bos saya adalah orang Perancis. Kerja lebih masa sampai 9 jam dah kena halau balik.

    Syarikat tetap berjalan dan untung.

    Saya tidak bersetuju dengan Zahid Hamidi. Mengambil cara mudah untuk selesaikan masalah.

    Dalam realiti, saya juga sedang menghadapi dan selesaikan masalah ini.

    Ia memerlukan sedikit usaha yang perlu berfikir bukan dengan cari jalan mudah. Itu tugas pemimpin.

    Orang Melayu tidak malas. Orang Melayu bukan penakut.

    Lihatlah sekarang, Orang Melayu masih berdiam diri sehingga mana pemimpin pemimpin terus menerus menekan rakyat.

    Kerana kita tahu kita di Malaysia ada Pilihanraya. Berhati hati.

    Terima kasih Tun.

  142. Cash is King
    Is a religion much embrace by S,pore Govt
    Najib learned a lot from S,pore
    Can be seen when Najib gives our Malaysia KTM Tanjung Pagar land
    Without a fight , more of submission than a bargain

    1MDB is a copy cat of Capital Land , Tamasek Holdings and the many more of the S,pore Corpoartion
    Much partly also own by the Dynasty

    Whose the Shareholders or the Director of 1MDB
    Why when they did it in private , no one knows
    Even Deputy PM Muhiddin does not know
    When it becomes a failure , a tremendous failure indeed
    Malaysia as a whole the Govt and the people
    Has to burden and to absorbs the shits of 1MDM
    Our vast land again and again was being pounded
    So if it is a success , this success will goes to the called Shareholders

    Najib copy cat of S,pore is clearly seen
    They’d difference is S,pore makes it a success
    The success was owned by the Govt not the people
    Najib failed it and burdens it to Malaysia

    The first time I watched X Deputy Muhideen Yasin
    Speech in Johor ,Bluewave Hotel
    I was very much impressed y Muhideen foundations of Islamic foundations and his well experience in Politics
    Muhideen is the Right Man

    Tun it’s also yr mistake of appointing Najib as yr successor
    Just because He has the looks , the Height
    If you want looks and height you could have just appoint Our local actor who has height and looks
    And they are much younger , more physically muscle than our white flabby elephant

    We need the Sultan legislations and public voice
    To re elect our PM
    As it has proven to the worst
    Not just incompetency but a Messy Leadership
    Will destroy Malaysia as a Whole

  143. Assalamualaikum Tun.

    Harap Tun sihat dan tenang dengan dugaan terbaru siasatan polis kononnya Tun memfitnah “peguam negara terhutang budi pada Najib”?

    Di luar sini sekarang majoriti rakyat melihat tindakan menteri-menteri, tindakan polis, tindakan SPRM, tindakan Bank Negara, tindakan PACC dan banyak lagi, adalah tindakan yang tidak masuk akal.

    Hanya pru14 akan menjawab semua persoalan tersebut.


  144. While we have issues here in Malaysia, elsewhere Reuters reports a bomb blast in Istanbul killing ten. The Kurdish groups were blamed. Seems in retaliation Turkey has started bombing Syria.

    Hopefully the war does not escalate because wars benefit no one except gun and bomb makers.


  145. Tun berani kerana benar. Najib takut sebab salah. Tu yang ‘Nothing to Hide’ jadi ‘Hide Najib Hide’. Semoga Allah lindungi Tun sekeluarga. Amin.

  146. you are such an asshole…your country is going down and malaysian could not walk with heads high in other countries, but you kind of people are supporting the looters of people money. You better convert to other religion instead tarnishing the image of Islam.

  147. Assalamualaikum…

    Dear YABhg. Tun,

    The UMNO leaders do not simply think that they can forever do wonders. In actual fact, most of them are hopeless and useless! They probably forgot that they have to earn respect and trust from us, RAKYAT. In fact, they have lost both as well as their integrity.

    Everyone that I know (most of them are UMNO members), including government servants are against those clowns. Eventually, we will have the last laugh, right…

    Biarkan Luncai-Luncai terjun dengan labu-labu mereka dari puncak PTT / KLCC. A good friend of mine used to tell me that 95% of our worries will never happen. Wallahualam.

    Tak kan la depa sampai hati nak tangkap dan penjarakan Tun disebabkan Tun bercakap yang benar kan… The truth, nothing but the truth! Kecuali, akai depa kat lutut atau depa tak dak akai langsung. Orang Kedah kata, BUTA PERUT!

    Please take a superb care of yoursel, Tun.


  148. Assalamualaikum Tun..

    Sabarlah sat lagi ketentuan Illahi sampailah untuk kita semua. Janji Allah itu pasti. Setiap yang bermula pasti akan berakhir dan kita pun bukan hidup menongkat langit sambil tu menzalimi sesama makhluk.

    Sekian, terima kasih.

  149. Dearest YAB Tun,

    1. PM Najib @ Ah Jib Gor will be remembered as ‘Bapa Perasuah Negara’ @ ‘Bapa Pelingkup Negara’.

    2. He will also be remembered as the only PM of Malaysia who openly promotes ‘corrupt practices through examples’. Definitely, he sets such a bad example to Malaysians.

    3. I’m afraid that some day (under DSN) Malaysia will become like a few countries in this region where ‘cash’ (‘wang pelincir / rasuah’) must be given just to make government officers (or any officers/staff in any agencies) perform their duties /responsibilities – ‘no money no talk…’

    4. I wonder what happened to the police report (reports) against our PM & 1MDB? I thought the IGP would investigate any issues if a police report has been lodged – I just saw him on TV saying that he’s (police) going to investigate Tun’s blog contents after several people lodged police reports against Tun.

    5. Both our IGP and AG are HOPELESS 🙁 …

    6. How about IRB / LHDN? Also hopeless? 🙁 They only harass common ‘rakyat’.

    Thanks Tun.

    *** May Allah S.W.T. bless Tun and family ***

  150. Assalamualaikum Tun.

    Blog chedet ni Salleh Keruak nak tutup ke?

    Seingat saya, pasukan saya sentiasa diberi kemenangan. Kalau tak dapat juara pun, alhamdulillah dapat juga naib juara.

    Melainkan saya takde, sampai sekarang pasukan tak dapat masuk separuh akhir. Suku akhir pun kira dah mujur.

    Saya tak tahu kenapa beberapa minat saya cepat pudar. Panas hanya sekejap.

    Namun saya berada di sini adalah paling lama sepanjang perjalanan hidup saya. Tak pernah saya lakukan sesuatu secara konsisten paling lama melainkan menulis di blog chedet.

    Punca mencari rezeki dengan jadi baker pun tak selama berada di sini.

    Saya bertukar fikiran dengan seorang yang berumur 90 tahun dan dia adalah seorang pemimpin yang dikagumi oleh seluruh dunia termasuk Israel.

    Dan umur saya adalah hampir separuh dari umurnya yang amat berpengalaman.

    Jadi saya fikir itu adalah antara sebab kenapa saya cepat sejuk.

    Tolonglah panaskan hati saya wahai menteri menteri sekalian.

    Terima kasih Tun.

  151. Demokrasi perlulah mengelak keraguan.. syubhah kalau xsilap sy… Jd xboleh ke Timbalan Perdana Menteri Zahid Hamidi naik kejap ganti….sampai Nama Perdana Menteri kita dibersihkan… Barulah org puas hati… Xkira la sapa… Yg penting yg tertuduh yg kes xsettle settle sampai la ni… Xberada di atas undang2… Saya percaya Timbalan kita… Ini baru adil… Ok ka? Tp ni cuma cadangan… Harap sapa2 yg dok baca tu… Fikir fikirkan lah.. shalom ?

  152. He should not try to cheat by vowing in his heart something else, and swearing aloud something else. That would be a double sin. He will go to a worse hell.

    Is there a hell? Or hells? What is a worse hell – more hell fire and higher temperature? What about a worst hell?



    Si KERUAKKK tu dah mula nak sekat laman blog tun.
    Menjahanamkan kebebasan internet di Malaysia.
    Mula-mula diA sekat blog dan laman web lain KONONNYA atas nama kemudaratan awam tapi sebenarnya nak KONGKONG pemikiran rakyat.





    KALAU LAMAN BLOG TUN DISEKAT, cepat-cepat buat yang baru dan sebarkan pada penyokong tun.

    Kepada semua penyokong TUN DR M sebarkan kongsi melalui facebook ke atau apa pun media sosial alamat blog baru tun AGAR SIPENJILAT INI TIDAK DAPAT MENJAHIT MULUT TUN, SUARA RAKYAT MALAYSIA

  154. Salam Tun,
    First of all thanks for reiterating what I said previously as corruption may or may not be there all this while since our independent. All what has been written seems to tally with what is happening now.

    The only thing is, I tend to disagree with Tun on the last sentence of item 16. We are just another human where we can’t judge others although we knew the outcome if we don’t buck up ourselves. Let us leave it to Allah for that.

    Thanks Tun.

  155. Alahai Tun, kalau dok fikir memang pening 🙁

    Berita agak menarik online :

    Recent Blog? Proton ke 🙂

    MACC nabs trader over false claims 🙂

    Australian PM Turnbull losing shine ahead of elections

    Sarawak DAP says only seeking to deny BN two-thirds majority in state polls

  156. Assalamualaikum, Tun.

    Our Government needs to take stern actions against the officials involved in corrupt practices. We have National Audit Department and PAC, both doing their jobs quite well do far in disclosing malpractices. The Government should act accordingly, to penalize.

    Culture can’t be changed overnight, but with good leader installed, improvement can be seen from time to time.

  157. ASLKM…

    Yang Mulia Tun, saya mendoakan kesihatan yang baik untuk Tun & Tun Dr Hasmah.

    Kes-kes rasuah di zaman Tun pun banyak. Banyak juga yang terlepas di Mahkamah. Saya rasa zaman Tun dulu pun tak serius bab rasuah ni. sekarang ni, kebanyakan orang yang terlepas sedang memegang jawatan penting dalam kerajaan. Di zaman Pak Lah, jauh lebih teruk. seorang yang ditangkap dengan duit tunai terlepas di Mahkamah sekarang diberi gelaran Dato’ Seri dan menerajui persatuan sukan yang berprestij. Di dalam pentadbiran kerajaan, ada yang bil pergigian dibayar oleh kontraktor tetapi bebas di Mahkamah. Kes kes berprofil tinggi semua bebas…itu yang didakwa, yang tidak didakwa lagi banyak… yang kena kebanyakannya ikan-ikan bilis. sekarang ini kudis sudah menjadi barah…

    dan sebagai seorang doctor yang sepatutnya merawat kudis tersebut semasa bertugas gagal melakukannya menyebabkan ia merebak menjadi barah yang kritikal…

    Negara ini sudah rosak oleh tangan-tangan yang kotor dan mereka ini akan bebas lagi walaupun pemerintahan bertukar tangan…mana pernah mereka ini dikenakan tindakan. Yang kena hanyalah pesalah yang tidak di hati pemimpin lagi seperti bekas MB Selangor…

    Malu kita di Negara Islam ini rasuah menjadi isu paling teruk sedangkan Imam Ghazali berkata kedua-dua pemberi dan penerima rasuah di dalam neraka…nauzubillah.

    Orang yang tidak mahukan rasuah akan menjadi mangsa dan ketinggalan terutamanya di dalam perniagaan…isu pencegahan rasuah hanyalah retorik dari dulu hingga kini…pendakwaan kes rasuah menjadi bahan lawak jenaka kepada masyarakat…

  158. Assallammualaikum Tun.
    Saya mohon ruangan.

    [don’t say anything about 1MDB and the 2.6 Bilion Ringgit if you wish to remain free]

    What is exactly definition of free?
    If free meaning living like a dog,I would rather be dead a lion.
    Like always life is all about understanding and comprehension.
    In this understanding we have hierachy,degree and level.
    For the basic education we have

    1) Kindergarden
    2) Standard 1
    3) Standard 2
    4) Standard 3
    5) Standard 4
    5) Standard 5
    6) Standard 6
    7) Form 1
    8) Form 2
    9) Form 3
    10)Form 4
    11)Form 5
    12)Lower 6
    13)Upper 6
    14)Matriculation and all kind of Pre U
    15)3 years for a diploma
    16)5 years for a degree
    17)2 or 3 more year’s for Master or is it Monster?
    18)2 or 3 more year’s for Doctorate.

    Here is how you got Doctor Zahid Hamidi..:)

    In Islamic education you get all kind of mainstream and ‘sidestream’ education which ‘Hafazan’ is the best of them all.A Hafiz and Hafizah is Allah ‘GRANDSTAND LICENCE’ or Lesen Agung..

    My contention of issue will be

    1)Wahai Nabi, peransangkanlah orang-orang yang beriman itu untuk berperang. Jika ada di antara kamu dua puluh yang sabar, nescaya mereka dapat menewaskan dua ratus orang (dari pihak musuh yang kafir itu) dan jika ada di antara kamu seratus orang, nescaya mereka dapat menewaskan seribu orang dari golongan yang kafir, disebabkan mereka (yang kafir itu) orang-orang yang tidak mengerti.

    2)9-127: Dan apabila diturunkan suatu surah, sebahagian daripada mereka memandang sebahagian yang lain (sambil berkata): “Adakah sesiapa (dari kalangan orang yang beriman) melihat kamu?” Kemudian mereka berpaling pergi. Allah memalingkan hati mereka kerana mereka itu kaum yang tidak mengerti.

    3)“Dia jualah yang menurunkan Kitab kepada kamu. Sebahagiannya adalah ayat-ayat yang menghukum, yaitu ibu-ibu bagi Kitab, dan (sebahagian) yang lain adalah ayat-ayat yang perlukan takwil. Adapun orang-orang yang di hati mereka ada kesesatan mencari-cari apa yang ditakwil daripadanya kerana hendak membuat fitnah dan kerana hendak membuat takwilnya sendiri padahal tidak mengetahui takwilnya melainkan Allah dan orang-orang yang teguh kuat di dalam ilmu berkata, ‘Kami beriman kepadanya (kerana) semua itu daripada Tuhan kami’, dan tidak mengerti melainkan orang-orang yang mempunyai fikiran”. (Surah Imraan, ayat 7)

    Mereka yang mengerti dan


    Tun..mari kita semua teruskan perjuangan..
    Hingga kita berjaya..
    Binasa kerananya..

  159. As Salam Tun,

    Very bad. No 10 ranked in the world for corruption.

    Shame on The AG, the BNM, The Macc and Police for letting this happened in Malaysia.

    UMNO as the leader of BN pact also now must take the blame.

    I was given to understand by a friend who worked in Government sector that all administration and out-station expenses are to cut off.

    The problem is according to him, if the staff did not go out to survey on the price hiking and consumer household income, they were told to do it randomly and estimate according to percentage that might not reflected actual economy situation. I do not know what is the detail but surely whatever future economy indicator pointed out by the Government, it would not reflected on the actual figure happening on the ground.

    And to see the Government of the day working, i am not surprised if the data would be well cook just to pleased the people.

    Do you know that you need to spend RM10.00 for lunch? Last three years it was only RM5.00!

    Take care Tun.

    Thank you.

  160. salam all
    Please install tor browser to visit the website which is blocked by malaysia government.Welcome to the deep dark web.

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