2. The huge borrowings by the currency traders enable them to manipulate the market; pushing the value of the currency up or down. When the value of the currency changes the traders make a profit. Since the currency traders control trillions of dollars, their profits would be huge, and so would the dividends paid to the investors.
3. The trade in currency is estimated to be 20 times bigger than total world trade. The earnings per dollar invested would be higher than the dividends from production and trading in goods and provision of services. The investors and traders would therefore earn far more than what they would expect if they were to invest only the money they really have.
5. The trade in currency is not in order to finance business or trade. It is for gambling on the appreciation or depression of the particular currency. Either way the bettor (trader) would make a profit. Since the profit is from 30 times more than the investors’ money, both the traders and the investors would make far more than if they trade in the real amount invested.
6. The profits earned by the traders and the investors would one way or another go into the calculation of the GDP and per capita income of the country.
Without currency trading the world was still in the Stone Age. I can’t see the world developing without currency or stock trading.
Fallacy of the current MONETARY SYSTEM:
Please wiew this great documentary website on the “economic meltdown”. Other linked articles should be viewed too, to understand the goings-on in the world today.
http://www.youtube. com/watch? v=WD3KCCrYVk0
(Interview with Master Money Producer)
http://www.youtube. com/watch? v=cziN3gt- hic&feature=related
(Interview with Ron Paul)
Seems so easy to earn huge profits.But this type of speculation is dangerous if you don’t have the hard cash ready for it.If you borrow to do currency trading you still need to service the loans.The higher returns come with higher risk & it’s true conversely.I will be happy to have a regular income in order to have a comfortable life– I don’t need so much money just to live one life.In short I don’t want to be so GREEDY!!!
Many people have differing views on this subject. It may be a casino, a professional living or an over leveraged fraud. It all depends on a person
Dear Tun,
Some of us have asked; what is gambling. Let me try to define it here;
Gambling is forbidden
In the holistic definition of gambling, it is the act of making a conscious choice of taking a chance on the future
Dengan Izin Tun…Terima kasih..
Abg Kamal Ahmad..
I really really respect you and salutes your contributions..But in regards of Nik Abdul Aziz requests of Kementerian Kewangan…I must says what kind of balooney of first orders..
Bila Allah memilih Rasul,Nabi,Wali dan orang pilihannya kita dapati mereka-mereka ini ialah orang-orang yang telah terbukti.Very much proven in all aspects sehinggakan the very serious detractor pun tetap hormat kepada all these individuals.
By contrast…Bila Nik Abdul Aziz memerintah Kelantan, apa yang orang-orang awam dapat dari segi ekonomi dan kemajuan?
Lebuhraya yang baik dari Kuala Kerai ke Gua Musang usaha siapa? Nik Abdul Aziz atau Kerajaan Pusat ?
Jalan tanah merah dari Dabong ke Gua Musang usaha siapa ? Nik Abdul Aziz atau Kerajaan Pusat ?
Kekurangan aktiviti ekonomi di Kelantan sehingga banyak anak Kelantan merantau ke negeri lain salah siapa? Nik Abdul Aziz atau Kerajaan Pusat?
Kegagalan Bank Islam PAS ( BIP ), Kad Kredit PAS ( KKP ), Hypermarket PAS, barangan Muslim PAS, Koperasi Islam PAS ( KIPS ) Makro dan Mikro Ekonomi Pas salah siapa? Nik Abdul Aziz atau Kerajaan Pusat ?
Penduduk Kelantan sanggup hidup di dalam keadaan zuhud di bawah pemerintahan Nik Abdul Aziz..
Tetapi jika bebola ikan PAS ( BIP ), Majerin PAS ( MAP ) and Sardin PAS ( SAP ) pun tak laku di Hypermarket seperti Giant,Carrefour dan Tesco tidak kah PAS patut berasa malu?
Apakah tuntutan fardu kifayah itu?
Mesti ada segolongan Umat Islam yang bertindak memenuhi keperluan umat Islam itu sendiri.
Tidakkah cukup Allah menghina kita dengan kegagalan demi kegagalan?
Tetapi masih berasa layak untuk memikul lagi amanah?
Pada masa mikraj Rasulullah s.a.w Rasullulah s.a.w melihat seorang memikul beban…Beban itu tidak terdaya di pikulnya..Dia ambil beban yang lain cuba di pikul keseluruhannya pula…
Ada apa ini ya Jibril?
Inilah dia umat mu dahulu di dunia..Tidak sanggup memikul amanah tetapi di mintakan lagi amanah…
Mari lah kita semua renung-renungkan..
Dengan Izin Tun..Terima kasih
//Manipulation of currency trading case of power corrupts. Privileges manipulation by Umno another corrupting power. Look at the parallel in development. We must arrest this the same way we control currency trading//
It have been arrested.Clear cut case in somebody known as Anwar Ibrahim.
//Ill-equipped bumiputeras grab projects many times above their business capability (cos their
Analyst predicts four to five more by-elections are on the cards
PETALING JAYA: Four to five more by-elections have been lined up by Opposition Leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim before the country goes to the next polls, said a political analyst.
Apa strategi BN? Patutkah BN melayan rentak strategi Anwar Ibrahim? Pada pendapat saya inilah satu cara untuk Anwar terus menghidupkan “obornya” untuk mengadakan kempen berterusan hingga kePRU13.
Anwar rasakan kalau dia tak dapat “jual ubat” dijalanan maka “barangan” yang dijajanya akan mula luput tarik lakunya dan akhirnya tidak laku dijual.
Salam Berbahgia TUN.
TUN, nak tanya sikit. Awat nya la ni TUN ‘slow’ sikit buat posting baru. Kekadang sampai hampir seminggu baru ada posting baru. Dan komen2 juga lambat disiarkan. TUN semacam dah tak minat lagi nak tulis sejak dua menjak kebelakangan ini. Ya lah semenjak ‘kerajaan’ baru.
Tun tulis apa saja topik, nanti kami2 warga dan peminat2 chedet kat sini akan sambung atau kupas atau membuat ulasan seterus nya.
Saya yakin maseh ramai yang setia dengan Blog TUN. Kami maseh ingin berkongsi cerita, pengalaman dan pandangan serta hujah2 yang membina di laman Blog TUN.
Agak berlainan ‘feel’ bila melayari blog lain. Bukan kerana blog2 itu tak hebat. Mereka pun penulis2 hebat2 juga dengan pelbagai tajuk dan hujah. Yang membezakan ‘feel’nya bila berada di blog TUN dan beriteraksi dengan kekawan lain disini semacam berada dalam satu forum yang TUN sendiri hadir berasma2. Itulah kelainan nya.
Boleh dilihat bagaimana bersemangat nya para komentor2 mengeluarkan pendapat dan hujah2 samaada yang menyokong mahupun yang membangkang.
Sekian terima kaseh.
Dear Tun, salam mesra moga sihat sejahtera. Kiriman saya dgn izin…
Manipulation of currency trading case of power corrupts. Privileges manipulation by Umno another corrupting power. Look at the parallel in development. We must arrest this the same way we control currency trading.
Ill-equipped bumiputeras grab projects many times above their business capability (cos their
salam Tun
ape kabar kpd warga blog
dah sampai mase sistem kewangan islam dilaksanakan dgn sepenuhnyer
dengan melibatkan penggunaan mata wang dinar “emas” seperti yg Tun tahu ia stabil dengan keadaan semasa..
hope tok najib boleh kekalkan BN utk PRU13 atau wujudkan sahaja kerajaan campuran dengan PAS serta mengamalkan perundangan islam
forex memang menguntungkan, mujurlah pihak Bank Negara melalui beberapa akta dpt memantau aktiviti forex dan seumpamanya yg melaibatkan currency trading
mujur juga tanah melayu semenanjung emas dan jantung kepada dunia ini sebuah negara yag kayaraya melimpah ruah hasil bumi dan sebagainya, jika tidak sudah tentu kite terpakse meminjam dengan ALONG antarabangsa IMF
kalau kite tak kawal Ringgit sudah tentu jatuh teruk akibat daripada ape yg sedang berlaku didalam malaysia ni
akhir posting
moga malaysia dapat mencapai V2020 dengan cemerlang gemilang
guide lah tok najib dengan ape yg telah dirancang selama ini
Fazly Mohd
Kota Anggeriks
Sudah tiba masanya dagangan antara negara dibuat melalui dinar dan dirham.
Dear Tun,
The arguments by ‘Donplaypuks’ that Tun’s view on the above has been erroneous is very true indeed, BUT that is in so far as ‘on-balance sheet’ activities are involved.
As highlighted by ‘Donplaypuks’, I very much agree that the double entry accounting or rather the conventional accounting procedures would capture all those transactions and report them in the bank’s balance sheet.
I may not be at par with Tun’s lateral thinking but my guess is that Tun is referring to bank’s earnings derived from ‘off-balance sheet’ activities.
The ‘off-balance sheet’ activities refer to those which involve contingent commitments which would not be captured as assets or liabilities under conventional accounting procedures.
A loan transacted by banks would be captured as an asset on the bank’s balance sheet. Whereas a promise to make a loan is a contingent liability: it’s an obligation to provide funds should the contingency be realised, and it does not appear on the bank’s balance sheet until after that occurance. For this reason ‘off-balance sheet’ banking is sometimes referred to as ‘invisible banking’ or rather if I may borrow Tun’s thinking as ‘thin-air banking’.
Some ‘off-balance sheet’ activities created by banks may be sighted as follows:
1 Unused overdrafs and credit lines
2 Revolving lines of credits
3 Note issuance facilities and revolving underwriting facilities
4 Repurchase agreements
5 Asset sales with recourse
6 Acceptances
7 Standby letters of credit
8 Commercial letters of credit
9 Forward foreign exchange transactions
10 Currency futures
11 Currency options
12 Interest rate options
13 Interest rate caps and collars
14 Interest rate and currency swaps.
These ‘off-balance sheet’ activities are very risky to the banks, ie, the contingent liability involved is an asset risk to the bank. But banks are able and ever willing to take these risks for reason of the fee generated is very substantial. Citicorp, for example, derived 35 percent of its revenue in 1984 from these fees. One can imagine how much this income-base has increased in subsequent years after 1984!
It’s the motive to generate more of these fees that banks have replaced prudent managers with greedy and innovative bank managers. Above all, banks have been driven too far at the risk of violating established accounting conventions, and the consequences are for every ones to see with our very eyes.
Last but not least, may I bring in, equally the role played by those in power, for it needs two to tango, rather than blaming the greedy bank managers alone. The setting up of Labuan for the establishment of offshore banking is a sure way for bankers to escape regulatory barriers in order to increased leverage imposed by deposit insurers, prudent supervisors, and thwart their intentions of limiting bank risk exposure.
Salam Tun,
Malaysian should appreciate the gold…currency is just a speculation…and a piece of paper….however, times really appreciate the gold value…
from now we hv to do it on ur way…
Dear Tun,
World war 3 happening.
What ive learned is that everything in the world requires financing. Businesses, infrastructure, currency trading, war, just about anything. And financing earns interest, just for doing nothing. With interest, u own people/nations. To make them take up finance from you, have very similar war strategy, divide them and conquer. Or in other words, make them compete. And when they compete, you finance both. Whom ever wins, both pays interest. If they can’t pay, make them borrow more. And if they refuse, u cut supply and create recession, depression, stock market crash, or any sort of crisis. When they comply, u become richer. If they still dont, well…crisis is mostly transfer of wealth and not lost of wealth, i supposed most would be transferred to the creator of the crisis.
In real world, any crisis comes due to contraction in terms monetary fund circulating. Even when interest near 0, there’s still shortage to pump up businesses. International Bankers that controls Feds(printing money of thin air), IMF(holding 2/3 of Gold reserve)World bank,Bank of England, created all this nonsense, part of agenda for New world order. After 70 years we now know 1929 depression was caused by Feds which is owned by Int bankers. Yet after many crisis Amer.Congress still believe its too big too fail. As long interest exists, fractional banking system used, we too r in and using the same system. And we should play it well or fall later. And nobody knows this game better than Daim.
Theres 2 possibilities, America becomes iceland or america pays it debt.
most likely they will be soon forced to pay of their debts. But they wont pay if its gonna lead to inflation. Obama will have a hard time paying off debts with printing money while maintaining monetary funds circulating. Unless ofcoz if they put an end to fractional banking system and increase their reserve held. Only that way, to control money supply. I dont think US gonna go back to Gold standards or accept ur dinar ideas. Their so called gold collection at Fort Knox are now collateral for American’s debts with the Feds. 25% world trade by US, all they want/need is to make ppl trust them and their currency.
I hope najibs prepared for all this. Wondering why our stimulus packge credit not cash. Govt no cash or Kj spent too much. ahahaha.
Well…anyway, i have faith in my govt, just hope
they are ahead of ppl like Rockefeller, JPMorgan and known associates.
Salam Sejahter Y. Bhg Tun
Apakah wawasan 2020 yang Tun ilhamkan itu akan dapat dicapai?
Jika dilihat kepada hala tuju ekonomi Malaysia di kala ini, tidak kelihatan kita menuju ke wawasan tersebut. Koridoraya2 ekonomi yang dicipta oleh Pak La dan menantunya, langsung tidak mencerminkan tindakan mengatasi 9 cabaran Wawasan 2020. Di tambah lagi dengan kekalutan ekonomi dunia di kala ini.
Apakah Pak Lah tidak dapat menilai niat dan usaha kita membina KLCC, MSC, Projek Bakun, Putrajaya, menaik taraf sistem pengangkutan dan sebagainya.
Tolonglah Y. Bhg. Tun, nasihati DS Najib akan hal ini, Wawasan 2020 adalah lambang mercu tanda orang MELAYU.
Semoga Y. Bhg. Tun Sekeluarga sentiasa sihat dan bahagia.
Salam Tun
You are brilliant Tun
Dear Tun,
Apa Khabar?
One concern….tidak kah merbahaya jika liberalisasi perbankan kita akan suatu hari membuatkan bank2 kita dikuasai proxy2 Rothschild or Zionist?
If one day they control all our banks.they can decide to loan less to bumi/muslim companies or hold back liquidity in the country.
Akan kekalkah sovereignty negara kita,dan ketuanan melayu?
Apakah new economic model ni sebab nak buck trend negara jiran?
Mungkin Mathematics New Economic model ni menarik dan nampak Sexy.Tetapi apakah kesannya pada perjuangan Islam/Melayu?
Adakah economist kita terikut2 trend Milton Friedman just because Puan Zeti is American trained?
Apa kurangnya dengan Keynesian model? Yang penting kita lahirkan Technopreneur2 bumi yang hebat yang menghasilkan value add product or services.
Mungkin Tun dah maklum,Hongkong masa serah balik kat China depa tak serah perbankan pada Govt. Tapi central bank depa owned by Private Bankers.Begitu juga South Africa. Itu sebab politicians depa kena ransom.
Mungkinkah suatu hari Bank Negara di hak milik oleh Private Bankers juga?..Seperti di Amerika,Hong Kong dan South Africa?
Hong Kong mungkin boleh absorb sebab penduduk depa enterprising.
President Andrew Jackson dari America pernah berkata,kalau rakyat tahu apa kesan muttakhir Federal Reserve di hak milik oleh Private Bankers(Zionist)…akan berlaku ‘riot’ keesokan harinya…
Please ask them (the powers that be)to read buku ‘Web of Debt’ by Ellen Hodgson
Azuwar Adib
Tun Mahathir: The Real Economic Sifoo of Malaysia
Salam kasih dan salam hormat Ayahanda Tun.
Begging your kind intellectual indulgence once more on this non economic topic of mine Tun.
The three series are riba. The current money system is manipulating, cheating, stealing and gambling. Money in the form of note or paper is becoming a commodity, the difference of notes traded is interests of loan/deposit or gain/loss in swap trade currency. How could notes or money become a commodity? In Islamic system, dinar is gold whereas gold is pure commodity and have its value. Therefore, gold or dinar can be traded or exchanged by other needs, or payment as well. There won’t be any difference on the trade. Dinar value will increase as gold demand increase. So, no one will be cheated or suffered loss.
The other profit that may result in their GDP by current money system is the owner of printing money. Just imagine how much Fed, the authorized printing US Dollar note in the US, make money since US Dollar dominates world money market. How much profit Fed will make gain since Fed agreed to inject US trillion dollars by printing money to recover financial losses caused by their own created derivatives transactions. They want to keep their assets value not devalued and let the banks start in normal operation again. There won’t be any inflation or deflation, because US Dollar controlled by them. However, let’s see how they handle their financial losses.
Salam eeveryone.
First of all, to Kwoonfai, not that everybody is perceiving the US$ as a strong currency, but everybody’s wealth is at ransom by the US$. The biggest yankee bond holders are China & Japan. What will happen if they pull out from an expensive us$?
It is called suicide, because cheaper US$ will give less bond return, and vice versa. So they have to keep it there, or even worse as the worse US economy is, more bonds have to be issued, and the more China and Japan’s wealth are being tied up to it, and obviously they are hoping for a higher US$. So the trick is to create another option for Yankee bond,then US$ can no longer hold the world at ransom!
Tun, Nowadays, Mukhriz sounds very much like you, with the checkmate statement, “i’ll be happier if I’m wrong” type of statement. Thanks for this big favor.
Dearest Dr M,
Looking at how the PM is managing the economy, we can find little comfort. We think you must give him some lessons in this area as you had been quite successful in the past crisis in 1998.
Regarding the monachy, you have amended the constitution to limit the excesses of the rulers and the right thinking people are with you. But now, Umno/BN is reversing what you have achieved.
Can you do something about this ?
Idea untuk mengurangkan harga ayam.
Salam Tun,
Diharap Tun sihat bersama keluarga.
Saya ingin meminta jasa baik Tun untuk membincangkan isu berkenaan kenaikan harga ayam.
Diharap Tun dapat memberi sedikit ‘insights’ berkenaan masalah ini dan cara-cara yang boleh dipertimbangkan oleh kerajaan untuk dilaksanakan.
Terima kasih.
Why cant we be more dependent on our own resource? When will we make a firm standing?
Hazman Abu Bakar
Syabas Tun,
Catatan Tun dalam
Assalamu’alaikum Tun & Family,
Tun please take good care of urself and Tun Hasmah…
Izinkan untuk berkongsi emosi bersama kawan kita kat sini.
By pakbelalang on April 30, 2009 10:56 PM
Nampak nya saudara seolah2 dah berputus asa dan kecewa melihat gelagat sebahgian kaum atau masyarakat melayu pada hari yang sudah tidak hiraukan lagi atau menyokong UMNO dan kerajaan yang dikuasai UMNO. Saya juga ingin berkongsi rasa kekecewaan itu.
Nak buat macam mana,memang ada jenis orang kalau dah senang dan mewah selalu nya akan selalu lah lupa diri. Kekadang lupa nak berterima kaseh pada orang yang telah berjasa.
Mana yang maseh sayang pada UMNO teruskan lah taat dan setia. Saya juga nak lihat sejauh mana kumpulan melayu yang dah merasakan mereka ini dah terlalu bijak dan pandai dan dah mampu untuk bersaing dengan kaum lain dalam pelbagai bidang. Tak payah lagi nak dilindungi dan diberi keutamaan kerana segala nya akan datang bergolek2 ke riba.
Tender2 akan melayang2 jatuh keriba. Tempat2 belajar anak2 mereka siap sedia untuk diisi. Kek2 ekonomi siap dipotong untuk diageh2 sama rata kepada mereka tanpa susah payah nak minta2. Duduk bersenang lenang segala2 nya akan terjadi dengan sendiri tanpa usaha, tanpa ada kuasa penentu. Tadah tangan berdoa sahaja tanpa ada usaha.
Mereka ingat semudah itu untuk mempertahankan apa yang telah dinikmati oleh kaum melayu selama ini akan terus dikecapi pada masa akan datang jika politik orang melayu akan jadi lemah.
Apakah mereka benar2 pasti akan kejujuran parti2 dalam PR terutama DAP itu lebih adil dan saksama terhadap kaum2 lain selain kelebihan akan diutamakan pada kaum nya.
Apakah PKR itu mampu mengujudkan “keadilan” pada semua kaum selain hanya menjayakan hajat Ketua nya untuk menjadi PM.
Apakah benar PAS berjuang dan berkemampuan untuk menegakkan sebuah negara Islam, sedangkan mereka sendiri di tunggang oleh DAP dan PKR.
Pejamkan mata sejenak dan tenangkan minda, fikir dan renung2 kan lah masa depan sendiri dan anak2.Kemana kah penyudah nya perjalanan ini jika Melayu tidah mahu bersatu. Melayu maseh mahu berpuak2 dan berpecah belah. Maseh tidak namapak kenyataan dan hakikat nya bahawa Melayu akan hancur jika terus berpecah belah berebut kuasa.
Assalamualaikum dear Tun,
I hope that you can reply on those comments by
– supersaint on April 28, 2009 10:46 AM
(To name a few, companies such as Microsoft, Dell, GE, Pfizer, P&G are all great companies but these have somehow slipped through your radar screen when you try to convince people of how manipulative are western countries in deceiving the world.)
– donplaypuks on April 28, 2009 11:42 AM
Dear Tun, as for donplaypuks you can just reply on his/her accusation against you.
Thank, hope to read you reply soon.
YABhg. Tun,
Thank you for the comprehensive crash course on the workings of the global financial markets. They are indeed invaluable to people like me. Anyway, I am waiting for your comments on the recently announced liberalisation of our own services sub-sectors (read: removal of bumi quota). Will appreciate if Tun could write on the decision made.
My humble take is as published in Utusan Malaysia 30April.
ARKIB : 30/04/2009
Hati-hati mansuh syarat ekuiti Bumiputera
MEMBACA pandangan pelbagai pihak mengenai pengumuman kerajaan berkaitan liberalisasi 27 subsektor perkhidmatan (lebih tepat pemansuhan syarat pegangan 30 peratus ekuiti Bumiputera) dalam akhbar, terutama media cetak bukan bahasa Melayu, adalah satu pengalaman yang amat menghinakan.
Walaupun terdapat beberapa kebenaran pada fakta yang diketengahkan tetapi keseluruhannya pandangan mereka menjurus kepada tuduhan bahawa syarat khas ini telah membantut perkembangan ekonomi dan menghalang negara daripada maju ke hadapan.
Seolah-olah syarat istimewa ini yang menjadi asas kepada Dasar Ekonomi Baru (DEB) yang diperkenalkan oleh Tun Abdul Razak itu tidak memberi sebarang kebaikan kepada rakyat dan negara.
Walaupun saya cuba bersikap rasional dengan mengambil kira dan memahami bahawa negara ini perlu mematuhi syarat keahlian dalam Komuniti Ekonomi ASEAN, Pertubuhan Perdagangan Dunia dan tidak boleh lari daripada persaingan dalam era globalisasi dan pasaran terbuka sekarang, saya masih berpendapat bahawa pemansuhan syarat ekuiti tersebut akan membawa lebih banyak kesan kepada bangsa Melayu sekarang.
Saya khuatir dengan sikap pihak tertentu, setelah berjaya mendesak pemansuhan kuota Bumiputera, mereka akan menggandakan tekanan kepada kerajaan untuk terus meliberalisasi bukan sekadar sektor ekonomi tetapi juga semua aspek kehidupan termasuk bidang pendidikan, pertahanan dan agama.
Perkara ini tidak mustahil kerana telah kedengaran suara-suara sumbang berupa tuntutan untuk memenuhi matlamat tersebut.
Adalah menghairankan kerana sebelum ini semua pihak dikatakan bersetuju bahawa inisiatif yang dianjurkan oleh DEB itu adalah perlu bagi mengagihkan kekayaan negara supaya dinikmati secara adil oleh semua kaum demi perpaduan rakyat di negara ini.
Mereka dikatakan cuma tidak berpuas hati kerana dasar tersebut telah disalahgunakan oleh pihak-pihak tertentu yang mempunyai kepentingan. Jika itulah pendirian ikhlas semua kaum, kenapa pula perlu dimansuhkan syarat ekuiti tersebut sekarang?
Bukankah lebih baik pihak yang bertanggungjawab memperbetulkan kesilapan lepas dan mengambil tindakan yang pragmatik termasuk memberi fokus kepada pemantauan yang rapi bagi memastikan kuota 30 peratus Bumiputera itu tercapai?
Saya berpendapat keputusan memansuhkan syarat khas ini dibuat kerana orang Melayu sekarang sudah berpecah-belah dan menyebabkan kuasa politiknya telah terhakis.
Pemimpin Melayu menghadapi tekanan yang kuat untuk memenangi semula kepercayaan kaum lain dan terpaksa mengambil tindakan yang populis walaupun mendatangkan risiko kepada orang Melayu.
Bagi mengatasi keadaan ini, orang Melayu wajar bersatu semula sebagai satu bangsa yang teguh dan berjuang secara ikhlas dengan berpaksikan agama Islam.
Saya juga berpendapat bahawa orang Melayu yang secara keseluruhannya masih ketinggalan dalam bidang ekonomi tiada kekuatan untuk menahan desakan kaum lain yang mahukan ekuiti 30 peratus dimansuhkan segera.
Bangsa Melayu menjadi lemah kerana terdapat ramai yang tamak serta malas bekerja dan rela menjadi sleeping partner sahaja. Tindakan mereka yang mengaibkan itu telah menyebabkan orang Melayu gagal memenuhi aspirasi DEB walaupun ia sudah dilaksanakan hampir 40 tahun.
Sewajarnya golongan yang mengkhianati bangsa ini dihukum agar mereka insaf atas kesalahan yang dilakukan. Bagaimanapun, bukan semua orang Melayu perlu dipersalahkan kerana kesilapan golongan tersebut.
Apabila syarat ekuiti ini dimansuhkan, adakah kita yakin kaum lain dan juga bangsa asing yang mempunyai tradisi berniaga yang jitu dan jaringan yang mantap akan berkongsi pengalaman dan peluang perniagaan dengan bangsa Melayu?
Adakah orang Melayu yang masih kekurangan dalam segenap aspek perniagaan terutama keperluan untuk mengadakan modal kewangan, mampu bersaing atas padang yang rata dengan bangsa lain?
Kita bukan takut pada bayang-bayang atau menolak perubahan tetapi kita perlu realistik mengenai kekuatan diri dalam keadaan semasa. Janganlah kita dibuai oleh kata-kata manis dan janji kosong oleh pihak yang berkepentingan tanpa menganalisisnya dengan terperinci.
Pengalaman silam telah mengajar orang Melayu supaya sentiasa berhati-hati, bekerja keras, bersatu padu dan memberi perhatian khas kepada pendidikan generasi muda agar kita menjadi satu bangsa yang bermaruah dan dihormati.
Kita sangat berharap para pemimpin negara akan mengkaji dengan sehalus-halusnya keputusan mengenai ekuiti ini dan melaksanakan inisiatif-inisiatif lain yang lebih konkrit agar orang Melayu tidak terus ketinggalan di tanah airnya sendiri.
Wangsa Melawati, Kuala Lumpur
Dear Tun,
Is there any alternative system which deemed suitable to substitute this current system which already failed (I think so). I believe this is the best time for us to promote Islamic financial and banking system. Your credibility and renowned person in Muslim countries should play key role in promoting this system. I’m not expert in this matter, as a start maybe you should using this platform (This blog) to explain the advantages of Islamic banking and financial system to the whole world. First of all, every citizen should understood on how the system works, what is the benefit they will get if using this system, what will benefit them as a whole as well. I’m sure you have vast knowledges about it.
Money…Money..Money…!Adalah satu ALAT..untuk “Life Manusia” agar
dapat tukar-menukar..supaya dapat ” Food For Life Manusia”!Ia Perlu
beralir-alir bertukar-ganti setiap waktu setiap masa supaya “Life
Manusia” dapat terus-menerus setiap waktu setiap masa…..!
Segala activiti telah dicipta di alam dunia moden kini yang digelar
sebagai EKONOMI DAGANGAN DUNIA..! Walau apa-apapun..diwujudkan..ia
tetap ada syarat-syarat dan terma-terma..beserta segala
peraturan-peraturan tertera..! Yang malang hakikatya ,tidak mungkin
semua “manusia hidup” akan mengikut segala-gala yang diperjanjikan
dipersyaratkan..diperkuasakan…!Kerana..KUASA yang termaktub dalam
lebih-lebih tepat dikenali sebagai ‘INSAN BERMAHA-KUASA” berstatus
pakar-ekonomi cuba sedaya-upaya segala-gala yang
dipertanggungjawabnya agar terus-menerus menyalahguna-kuasaNYA
sehingga boleh sampai sebuah Bank beratus-ratus tahun umurnya boleh
diseleweng-jatuhkan oleh seorang PEKERJA yang dinamkan BROKER ..!
Bolehlah percaya..TIADA seoang yang digelar BANKER terlibat langsung
atau tidak langsung..oleh seorang BROKER terhandal dunia sehingga
dapat keluar buku-buku dalam hidup-penjaranya…!Inilah DUNIA
EKONOMI…moden yang akan terus-menerus berlaku setiap dekap setiap
Segala yang boleh JUAL-BELI sama-ada REAL atat UNREAL..Etika atau
tidak Etika telah digelar diterima umum sebagai Ekonomi…sehingga
ternama sebagai “EKONOMI ANTARABANGSA” akan terus-menrus
berlaku..bertukar-ganti..setiap masa setiap saat…!Undang-undang
boleh terus berubah-ubah untuk mengawasi.mneghukum..mengharamkannya!
Akan tetap ..”Life Manusia” tidak akan berhenti membuat
“Pesong..Seleweng..Salah-laku”..Kerana Tiada yang Tersempurna
Ekonomi Life Manusia walau apa-apa sistem yang diguna-pakaiNYA..!
Inlah REALITI LIFE MANUSIA yang berjuang kehabis-habisan untuk
” KEADIALN DAN KEBENARAN” life manusia….!
salam Y Bhg Tun,
Mohon pandangan Tun tentang cadangan membenarkan pegawai kerajaan kumpulan A terlibat secara aktif dalam politik.
terima kasih
5. The trade in currency is not in order to finance business or trade. It is for gambling on the appreciation or depression of the particular currency. Either way the bettor (trader) would make a profit. Since the profit is from 30 times more than the investors’ money, both the traders and the investors would make far more than if they trade in the real amount invested.
Ps. Happy Workers’ Day and have a nice long weekend to all malaysians especially my Adik HBT, Mr. Dorai and my saudara Kamal Ahmad, Pakbelalang and Parpukari.. MAY ALLAH BLESS US ALL.
Dear Tun,
Can I know what is your opinion on taking advantage of this world economic crisis to amend the practices of bank and crrrency traders who are the real cause of inflation and untold suffering all over the world. I am of the believe that value should be given to that that adds to people lives and benefits the society or the world at large!
How can we go about making this a better world in terms of not doing the same mistakes we have made in the past. What the elected leaders can do is institute law to prevent unethical practices by currency traders and unworthy bankers who main goal is to enrich their coffers in the exepence of everyone else. Now this issue has taken a bigger significance in that the very ground that we depend on is taking revenge on us ungrateful humans ie: global warming.
Please give you thoughts Tun.
Thank You.
Dearest Tun Dr. Mahathir,
To prosper we have to be creative. This is part and parcel of the West
Just to share with you all a good article in regards to human greed and avarice. Shares, bonds, currencies are basically Jewish stuff and can be a health hazard if one does not know how to handle them. Just my 200 cents.
Datuk Dr. Syed Othman Alhabshi
Timbalan Ketua Pengarah
Institut Kefahaman Islam Malaysia
Masalah ekonomi umat Islam rata-rata pada masa ini tidak menggalakkan. Walaupun terdapat
banyak negara Islam yang dikurniakan dengan sumber minyak dan gas yang banyak, terutama di
Timur Tengah, belum ada sebuah negara Islam pun yang layak digolongkan dalam kumpulan
negara maju. Hanya lima negara Islam, dengan jumlah penduduk tidak melebihi enam juta orang,
kini dikira sebagai negara yang berpendapatan tinggi tetapi masih belum boleh dianggap sebagai
negara maju. Lebih dari dua puluh negara Islam, dengan jumlah penduduk melebihi enam ratus
juta, tergolong dalam kumpulan negara berpendapatan rendah dan dibelenggu pula oleh
kemiskinan. Ini bermakna bahawa cuma setengah peratus dari sejumlah satu ribu dua ratus juta
umat Islam sahaja yang boleh dikatakan kaya sementara lebih dari lima puluh peratus umat Islam
berada dalam keadaan miskin. Soalnya. adakah keadaan ini sebenarnya secocok dengan ajaran
Islam? Atau adakah Islam merupakan suatu agama yang mahukan umatnya hidup dalam keadaan
Sebaliknya, kita ketahui melalui sejarah bahawa Islamlah yang telah mengubah nasib umatnya
yang mundur pada peringkat awal sehingga menjadi satu masyarakat yang sungguh tinggi
tamadunnya. Masyarakat Islamlah yang telah mencapai kemajuan dalam pelbagai bidang,
terutama dalam memperluas dan mendalami berbagai ilmu, termasuk sains, matematik, falak,
perubatan, kejuruteraan, falsafah, pentadbiran, sains politik, ketenteraan, pembangunan ekonomi,
dan sebagainya. Masyarakat Islam jugalah yang telah berjaya menjelajah lautan dan muka bumi
bukan setakat memperluaskan jajahan takluknya sahaja tetapi yang lebih penting, menyibarkan
ajaran Islam serta ilmu pengetahuan ke mana sahaja mereka sampai.
Apa yang telah berlaku kepada umat Islam terutama setelah dijajah berkurun-kurun lamanya
tidak langsung mencerminkan keunggulan Islam itu sendiri. Masyarakat Islam menjadi begitu
letih dan lesu, seolah-olah tidak langsong mempunyai kemampuan untuk meningkatkan kembali
imejnya yang sebenar.
Satu daripada sebabnya yang paling nyata ialah masyarakat Islam mementingkan hanya
kehidupan akhirat yang lebih kekal sehingga melupakan nasib mereka di dunia yang dikatakan
sementara. Islam sebagai ugama atau cara hidup yang sempurna telah tidak difahami atau
dihayati sepenuhnya. Kebanyakan daripada ajaran yang diturunkan kepada umat Islam turun
temurun memberi penekanan kepada kehidupan di akhirat. Ada juga yang terang-terang
menyatakan bahawa adalah lebih baik hidup dalam miskin daripada kaya kerana kekayaan itu
boleh membawa kita kepada lembah kedurjanaan. Rasulullah (s.a.w.) sendiri telah memilih
untuk hidup dalam kemiskinan, walaupun Baginda diberi pilihan untuk memperolehi segala
kekayaan yang dingininya. Oleh itu, mengejar kekayaan tidak dikira secocok dengan ajaran
Ajaran seperti inilah yang sebenarnya melemahkan semangat umat Islam untuk berkecimpung
dalam bidang ekonomi, perniagaan, perdagangan, perindustrian, dan lain-lain, walaupun kita
ketahui bahawa terdapat beberapa hadith Rasulullah (s.a.w.) yang mendorongkan kita untuk
berkecimpung dalam bidang seperti itu. Mithalnya:
“Didorongkan kepada kamu untuk berniaga kerana dalam perniagaan
itu terdapat sembilan daripada sepuluh pintu rezeqi”
(Hadith yang disebut oleh Imam al-Ghazali di dalam kitabnya Ihya ul
ulumuddin, Jld. 2)
“Saudagar yang benar dan amanah akan dikumpulkan pada hari
qiamat bersama para orang-orang yang benar, para syuhada’ dan
para nabi” (At-Tirmizi)
Kedua-dua hadith tersebut di atas begitu jelas mendorongkan umat Islam supaya berniaga. Dan
kita juga ketahui bahawa bidang perniagaan biasanya mampu menjadikan seseorang itu lebih
kaya dari makan gaji. Hadith kedua pula seolah-olah memberi para peniaga itu peluang yang
amat besar untuk mendapatkan taraf yang amat tinggi di hari akhirat nanti. Jelasnya, sekiranya
mereka itu benar dan amanah, mereka akan dikumpulkan bersama-sama para orang yang benar,
para syuhada’ dan para nabi. Ini menunjukkan betapa untungnya golongan peniaga dengan syarat
mereka itu bersikap benar dan amanah. Saya rasa ganjaran yang sangat besar yang dijanjikan ini
sepatutnya menjadi rebutan semua orang yang inginkan kebahagiaan di akhirat.
Allah (s.w.t.) juga telah berfirman di dalam Surah Al Qasas, ayat 77 yang bermaksud:
“Dan carilah, dengan apa (kekayaan) yang Allah telah kurniakan
kepada kamu, negeri (kehidupan) akhirat, dan janganlah kamu
lupakan bahagianmu dari (keni’matan) duniawi, dan berbuat baiklah
(kepada orang lain) sebagaimana Allah telah berbuat baik kepada
kamu, dan janganlah kamu berbuat kerusakan di (muka) bumi.
Sesungguhnya Allah tidak menyukai orang-orang yang berbuat
Ayat ini pun banyak kali disalahertikan. Menurut setengah pendapat ayat ini tidak menyuruh kita
mencari kebahgian di akhirat dan di dunia secara seimbang. Rasionalnya ialah ayat ini menyebut
kebahgiaan di akhirat dahulu sebelum mengingatkan kita supaya tidak melupakan kehidupan di
dunia. Oleh itu katanya, Islam menyuruh kita mencari kebahgiaan di akhirat dahulu barulah
boleh kita mencari kebahgiaan di dunia.
Sekiranya kita meneliti maksud ayat ini, ia menjelaskan bahawa kita harus mencari kebahgiaan
di akhirat melalui apa yang dikurniakan kepada kita. Ini bermaksud bahawa kebahgiaan di
akhirat harus kita usahakan di dunia ini dengan menggunakan segala yang dikurniakan oleh
Allah (s.w.t.) kepada kita. Yang dikurniakan oleh Allah (s.w.t.) kepada kita tidaklah terhad
kepada kesihatan badan, jiwa dan otak sahaja. Sebenarnya kita boleh besedeqah hanya dengan
memberi senyuman sahaja. Sekiranya demikian pegangan kita,
sedeqah kita hanyalah dalam bentuk senyuman sahaja kerana kita tidak mampu memberi lebih
dari itu. Sedangkan kesihatan badan, jiwa dan otak kita itu sepatutnya kita boleh gunakan
sepenuhnya dengan tekun dan gigih bagi mendapatkan ilmu pengetahuan, kemahiran,
ketrampilan, dan sebagainya. Kita pula boleh menggunakan ilmu, kemahiran dan ketrampilan
yang telah kita dapati ini untuk mencari segala harta dan kekayaan yang halal untuk kita
sedeqahkan atau waqafkan. Kita masih boleh sedeqah dengan senyuman, tetapi kita juga boleh
sedeqah dengan harta kekayaan, dan lain-lain. Pada lojiknya, sedeqah dengan senyuman dan
dengan harta itu sudah tentu lebih baik dari sedeqah dengan senyuman sahaja. Inilah sebenarnya
salah satu maksud ayat ini.
Apabila Allah (s.w.t.) mengingatkan kita supaya tidak melupakan kebahgiaan di dunia sebagai
sambungan kepada ayat ini sebenarnya boleh juga dimaksudkan bahawa dalam kita
menggunakan kurniaan Allah (s.w.t.) untuk mendapatkan ganjaran di akhirat, janganlah kita
gunakan kesemuanya untuk akhirat semata sehingga tidak langsung tinggal untuk kita ni’mati di
dunia ini. Misalnya, segala harta yang kita kumpulkan itu kita sedeqah atau waqafkan sahaja atau
kita sumbangkan untuk kebaikan. Sekiranya kita lakukan seperti ini, maka sebenarnya kita telah
melanggar ajaran Rasulullah (s.a.w.) yang tidak membenarkan kita mewasiatkan lebih daripada
satu pertiga harta kita kepada pihak lain daripada warisnya. Wasiat seperti ini pun tidak sah
Ajaran Islam juga amat jelas sekali menggalakkan kita membelanjakan harta kita kepada diri dan
keluarga kita dan juga kepada mereka yang memerlukan. Perkataan-perkataan terbitan dari
istilah nafaqa seperti anfaqu, yunfiqu, tunfiqu, dan sebagainya yang bermaksud belanjalah, dia
membelanjakan, anda belanja itu telah diulang dalam al-Quran tidak kurang dari tujuh puluh dua
kali. Ini menunjukkan betapa kuatnya dorongan yang diberikan oleh Allah (s.w.t.) untuk
menggunakan harta kita ke jalan yang disukai olehNya. Misalnya, apabila firman Allah di dalam
Surah Ali Imran, ayat 92 yang bermaksud:
“Kamu tidak sekali-sekali dikira mencapai kebaktian (yang sempurna)
sehingga kamu membelanjakan sebahagian dari harta yang kamu
cintai. Dan apa saja yang kamu belanjakan, maka sesungguhnya Allah
diturunkan, tidak ada seorang pun sahabat yang mempunyai harta ketika itu tidak mewaqafkan
harta mereka supaya dapat dimanfaatkan oleh orang lain semata-mata kerana ingin mencapai
kebaktian yang dimaksudkan. Bagaimana boleh mereka berbuat demikian sekiranya mereka
tidak punya harta?
Dorongan untuk berbelanja atau bersedeqah itu telah diberi beberapa lama sebelum perintah
untuk bersedeqah wajib atau zakat itu diturunkan. Ini bermakna bahawa, berbelanja untuk orang
lain itu dianggap suatu amalan yang sangat besar ertinya dalam ekonomi. Ia juga membawa
implikasi bahawa masyarakat Islam telah dilatih untuk bermurah hati dengan segala kekayaan
yang dikurniakan kepada mereka, supaya apabila perintah zakat diturunkan, mereka tidak
langsong mengalami sebarang keberatan melaksanakan perintah Allah (s.w.t.) itu.
Memberi sesuatu dari kurniaan yang paling kita cintai ini mempunyai beberapa peringkat.
Peringkat yang paling tinggi ialah mengorbankan nyawa untuk Allah (s.w.t.). Balasan orang
yang mengorbankan nyawa kerana Allah (s.w.t.) ialah syahid dan balasan para syahid ini tidak
lain dari syorga.
Peringkat kedua ialah apabila kita memberi diri kita dalam bentuk tenaga, fikiran, ilmu,
kemahiran dan ketrampilan. Balasan yang diperolehi dari pemberian seperti ini sebenarnya
adalah begitu besar sekali. Misalnya, setiap ilmu yang diperturunkan oleh seorang guru kepada
muridnya tidaklah dimanfaatkan hanya oleh muridnya sahaja tetapi ilmu yang sama itu akan
dimanfaatkan oleh murid kepada muridnya, dan seterusnya sehinggalah qiamat atau sehingga
ilmu itu tidak lagi diperturunkan atau diamalkan. Kita ketahui bahawa sehingga hari ini,
masyarakat Islam seluruh dunia masih lagi menggunakan kitab-kitab lama yang telah dikarang
oleh ulamak terdahulu. Contoh yang sangat jelas ialah kitab-kitab karangan Imam Malik, Imam
Syafii, Imam Hanafi, Imam Hanbali, Imam Ghazali, Imam Syatibi, Ibn Taymiyyah, Ibn Sina, Ibn
Rushd, dan banyak lagi. Tidakkah ulamak-ualmak seperti ini masih lagi mendapat ganjaran
setiap kali kitab yang mereka karang itu dibaca, lebih-lebih lagi jika diamalkan.
Peringkat ketiga ialah memberi harta, pendapatan dan kekayaan. Pemberian dalam bentuk harta
kekayaan ini juga amat besar pahalanya kerana manusia sememang cinta kepada harta dan yang
seumpamanya lebih dari banyak benda lain. Sekiranya harta yang diberi itu hanya dalam bentuk
wang tunai yang dipakai habis, misalnya, maka apabila harta itu habis dipakai, ganjarannya juga
terhenti. Sebaliknya, jika harta yang diberi itu adalah dalam bentuk harta bungkal seperti
bangunan (sekolah, hospital, masjid), tali air, jalan raya, ladang, dan sebagainya, yang akan
mengalirkan manfaat yang berterusan, maka sudah tentulah ganjaran yang akan didapati oleh
pemberi harta itu juga akan berterusan selama harta tadi memberi manfaat kepada yang
Dalam hal ini, agak jelas bahawa masyarakat Islam terdahulu lebih banyak memahami ajaran ini
dari masyarakat Islam pada hari ini. Saya berkata demikian kerana masyarakat sekarang jarangjarang
mewaqafkan harta mereka mungkin kerana ramai di antara kita yang tidak mampu berbuat
demikian. Dalam pada itu kita juga tidak boleh menafikan bahawa ada di kalangan mereka yang
kaya raya hari ini terus menyumbang kekayaan mereka untuk mendirikan masjid, madrasah dan
sebagainya. Malangnya, bilangan individu seperti ini masih kecil sekali jika dibandingkan
dengan bilangan umat Islam yang begitu ramai. Sebaliknya, jika kita dapat berganding bahu
secara beramai-ramai untuk melaksanakan amal jariah ini, kita juga akan dapat mewaqafkan
barang bungkal seperti masjid, madrasah dan sebagainya. Dengan berbuat demikian, jikalau kita
tidak mampu menyumbangkan harta secukupnya untuk mendirikan sebuah masjid misalnya,
sekurang-kurangnya kita telah menyumbangkan sebahagian dari tangga atau mihrab atau tiang
masjid yang didirikan itu.
Maka, dari perbincangan di atas, sekiranya kita benar-benar ingin berbuat bakti dalam bentuk
memberi sebahagian dari apa yang telah dikurniakan kepada kita dalam bentuk ilmu, harta atau
kekayaan, tidak boleh tidak kita perlulah memiliki ilmu atau harta kekayaan itu. Dalam lain
perkataan, umat Islam haruslah menuntut ilmu dan berusaha mencari harta dan kekayaan supaya
dengan ilmu dan harta tadi mereka dapat berbakti kepada Allah (s.w.t.) dengan cara yang lebih
berkesan lagi.
Menurut suatu riwayat, pada satu masa, apabila Rasulullah (s.a.w.) meminta sumbangan dari
para sahabat untuk persiapan bagi suatu peperangan, Sayyidina Umar (r.a.) telah membawa
sebahagian daripada harta yang telah dikumpulnya beberapa lama sebagai sumbangannya.
Apabila Rasulullah (s.a.w.) bertanya, sama ada Sayyidina Umar (r.r.) meninggalkan apa-apa
untuk keluarganya, ia menjawab, sumbangan yang dibawanya itu adalah separuh dari jumlah
hartanya. Sejurus kemudian, Sayyidina Abu Bakr (r.a.) pula membawa sumbangannya dan
Rasulullah (s.a.w.) pun mengajukan soalan yang sama. Sayyidina Abu Bakr (r.a.) menjawab,
“Saya telah bawa semua harta yang telah dapat saya kumpulkan selama ini dan bagi keluarga
saya hanyalah Allah dan RasulNya”. Rasulullah (s.a.w.) tersenyum lebar lalu menerima
sumbangan Sayyidina Abu Bakr (r.a.) itu. Riwayat ini menunjukkan bahawa untuk memberi
sumbangan yang banyak kepada jalan Allah (s.w.t.) kita perlu memiliki kekayaan yang banyak
juga. Kedua, dan yang lebih penting ialah, kedua-dua sahabat ini adalah individu yang
teristimewa dan kita hanya mampu mencontohi mereka dari segi kerelaan memberi sumbangan
tetapi tidak pula boleh mencontohi mereka untuk memberi segala yang ada pada kita, seperti
yang telah dilakukan oleh Sayyidina Abu Bakr (r.a.) tadi.
Sayyidina Umar (r.a.) telah banyak mewaqafkan hartanya dalam hidupnya. Salah satu dari harta
(dalam bentuk tanah) yang pernah diwaqafkan untuk keturunannya ialah sebidang tanah yang
luas di Palestin. Menurut Allah Yarham Profesor Ismail Raji al-Faruqi, harta tersebut masih lagi
mengeluarkan hasil dan beliau ketika hidupnya pernah menikmati hasil dari harta tersebut,
kerana beliau sendiri adalah keturunan Sayyidina Umar dan nama al-Faruqi itu adalah datang
dari gelaran yang telah diberi kepada Sayyidina Umar (r.a.) semasa hidupnya, iaitu Umar al-
Akhirnya, sebagai renungan bersama, Rasulullah (s.a.w.) sendiri mengajar kita berdoa supaya
dijauhi dari kekufuran dan kefakiran. Tidakkah sepatutnya kita berdoa demikian, semoga Allah
(s.w.t.) memberi kita segala ilmu pengetahuan dan kekayaan untuk kita gunakan bagi
meninggikan lagi syi’ar Islam. Wallahu a’lam.
It has always been your trait to blame others on every matter. How the western world transacts their daily financial system should be of no concern to us, however when Malaysia decided to partake in such transactions, no doubt with your blessings when you were the Finance Minister should be the main focus. Are you implying that you had no such knowledge when BNM decided to gamble on the forex market? When things went sour, you conveniently blamed George Soros. Had things not gone sour, I wonder who would have benefited? Malaysia… I don’t think so.
The U.S. Federal Reserve System which was created in 1910 and adopted by the U.S.Congress in 1913 (along with the personal income tax),in my opinion is the root cause of all the world’s problems and all the world’s wars. To learn more please read “The Creature from Jekyll Island” by Edward Griffin. This is relavent to us because we are all plugged into the U.S. economy.
Currency trading, stock market manipulation, etc.. are all innovations or off-shoots of the above system. Such “innovations” are driven by “ultra-greed” to say the least. Those innovators must be demons, they cannot be humans. Unfortunately the demons have influence over I dare dare say 2/3rd. of the world’s population including those so-called Islamic Countries. Where are we heading for? Can we go back to living with basics? I say it is impossible, even for me, we have all been corrupted so badly that it is almost impossible to do repair. One way or another we are all paying the price for corrupting the true way of life, i.e. non-interest based economy, a life base on real economy not borrowing and lending on interest, keeping the basic skill of farming, fishing and herding. Instead of holding on to our lands, we gave them up for industrialization. Please think, what can we do now, I say we go back to the Kampungs and learn to live the real life, leave the cities to the demons.
Dear Tun, salam mesra moga sihat sejahtera. Dgn izin..
This is a blow by blow parallel between currency manipulation (described by Tun) and privileges manipulation by Umno.
Currency traders trade many times above their fund capacity. Ill-equipped bumiputeras grab projects many times above their business capability (cos their
Dearest YAB Tun,
Superb analysis!
YB Tun, I share your happy moments when I read all the comments given in English. It seems that there are a lot of Malaysians can write good English. The comments in Bahasa Malaysia are also very good. As for me, I am British trained but I struggle to write in English. Congrats to all of you, I enjoyed reading your comments, especially that By Noor Mohamed b Mohd Yousof. I love your Arab proverb. If ever YB Tun calls you, please, please let me join you ! I belanja teh tarik !
Tak payah lagi 30% penyertaan bumiputra. Nak buat apa lagi. UMNO dah tak dapat sokongan lagi dari orang Melayu.
Orang Melayu dah tak menghargai lagi apa UMNO dah buat selama ini.
Sokonglah PKR PAS DAP. Mungkin mereka lebeh terer lagi dapat buat dasar baru untuk tolong orang Melayu.
Beramai-ramailah orang Melayu sokong PKR/PAS/DAP.
Best of luck to the Malays. You are great Malay race. Make no mistake about it. You don’t need UMNO anymore. Why should UMNO help you anymore. After all you don’t appreciate whatever UMNO have done for the Malays for the past 50 years.Now is the right time to move on and support other parties. That’s what the Malays want now. Go ahead. JUST DO IT.
Tak payahlah hendak hentam UMNO habis-habisan lagi. It is sickening !!!.
Pergilah jauh-jauh dari UMNO. UMNO dah MATI. Melayu jangan berpaut lagi kepada UMNO.Tak ada gunanya UMNO melayan kerenah orang Melayu. Tak ada hasil. Melayu sudah bijak clever dan tidak lagi bodoh stupid. Melayu dah boleh berfikir. Melayu dah tak payah dimanjakan lagi. Ayoh! apa tunggu lagi lebeh baik UMNO terus ditalkinkan. Apa tunggu lagi.
Go, go, go !!
Salam kasih dan hormat Ayahanda Tun.
This is a classic case for Pak Lah in retirement. Is the glass half full or half empty? See I don
Dear Tun Dr M,
All of us could notice that the moral decay has gone from bad to worse. I hope you would not mind me using your blog as the platform to put forward my view:-
Humans are supposed to be the most intelligent of all lives on this earth. However, I feel their intelligence and its products are vastly abused by humans lately. Some of the abuses are fatal and result in severe moral decay among humans.
You now come across news that are considered barbaric by human standard, as follows:-
a) Brother and his friend raping his sister.
b) Father raping daughter and gives RM1 for her services.
c) Father and his friend rape daughter.
d) Steep increase in teenage pregnancies.
e) Abnormal and unorthodox sexual practice.
f) Distribution of nude and sex material globally.
g) Profusion of cheating and dishonest cases.
What are the causes of all the above barbarous acts? The worst sexual offender of them all is the father who needs to be treated as a murderer by law. If we are able analyze, we could see a strong link between moral decay and the structure of the family institution.
Until the beginning of the century, only one parent goes to work (majority of male parents). The other takes care of the residence and the welfare of the children.
Under the above mutual agreement between the parents, most of the aspects of the family seem to be under control. The working parent has peace of mind knowing that the family is in the hands of the most trustable person. On the other hand, the parent at home could take care of the family affairs, including the upbringing of the children with care and love. Food prepared at home could be trusted to be nutritious, tasty, clean and most importantly, safe to consume.
However, what is happening now? About 75% of both parents are bread winners. This means that both parents are not at home to take care of the children and house. Hence, the children could do anything they want under the sun, without being controlled or supervised.
Now, during this modern information age, the children could easily abuse such information technology. This would definitely tempt them to indulge in morally unaccepted activities.
Of course, some may argue that they have employed maids to take care of the household chores and the children. However, would your conscience accept the food cooked (if any) by the maid and the children taken care by the maid is of safe standard?
I have frequently heard of working parents installing CCTVs in their homes. Those who can
Asallammualaikum Tun,
I had myself witnessed the launching of 3 Online Foreign Trading Exchange platforms in the Middle East cities, first one on June 2007, second one on April 2008 and recently the final one on Jan 2009. There were two more launching which I was not involved. The respond from the Arab community are tremendously extraordinary. Belief it or not, most of these Foreign or Currency Exchange Trading Platforms belong to the Sheikdoms. These companies that provided with this platform are regulated by international financial bodies & organization, therefore they are subjected to the rules & regulation just like in the stock exchange. The beauty part in this trading is that you could leverage your Margin In Volume up to 100 times the amount, therefore you are eligible to loan 100 times of your margin in amount & it is not 30 times like you had mentioned. However, this lending depending on which Principal or market maker (the Foreign Exchange Platform provider) you trade your money with, and it is found that today some Principals provided even up to 400 times. The procedure to initiate in the engagement of this trading is very simple as you can open the trading account direct online. You are also given the privilege to download the trading software for free and you can even learn and train yourself from the software to get familiar with the technique on how you are to engage in the foreign exchange trading market in all conditions. The procedure of registering is not a simple matter as most of the Principals require your full personal details, the copy of your house or office electric bill, copy of your passport or national identity cards of company registration certificates and sometimes they will request you to declare your assets and income status. Then they will also ask the origin of the money you margin into the system as they want to ensure that your money is complying with the International Money Laundering Act. They strictly entertain bank to bank transfer and not a cash margin in. It is a strict procedure, but it
Dear Tun,
1. Stealing From The Future Generation Wealth
1.1 I just realized that what you’ve explained to us about the cause of the current economic crisis is from the system created to steal the future generation wealth just to fulfill the pleasure of greed by a few “behind the curtain” robbers at worldwide scale.
1.2 The outcome not only crush the economic stability, it also eliminate the number of a good quality of wealth community which is returning the small portion of their profits to improve social and mankind future advancement.
1.3 There will come in time where majority of the each government from the world nations will forbid any new fantasy system that lead to quick rich schemes by forcing a new measure of rule in economics sectors.
2. The Return of Old Style Trading and Services
2.1 To gain a momentum from the current economic crisis, the only way out is holding on businesses based on affordable, authentic (originality) and quality products/services.
2.2 It’s like a good movie making business. If the the quality and the originality of the story is good, it will gain more viewers and profits. Almost everyone in the world afford to go to the cinema either you rich or poor.
3. Investment for the future economy
3.1 Any businesses which are making a lots of profits could contributes a small portion of it to ensure the continuity of the future profit by investing in education and human resources advancement.
3.2 An improved education based on new innovations to simplify the process of production and improve a quality of products, will increase establishment through generations.
3.3 A trained human resources from the above type of education will help new economy businesses reduce production time and cost effective to strengthen the profits which could give a new level of GDP indicator for any nation.
4. Conclusion
My observations conclude that nation leaders should take serious look into current cause of economic crisis and push for prevention action to the economic threats which could make their nation forever in-debt to these greed economics robbers.
Tumpang lalu;
1. You are neither super nor saint, SUPERSAINT!
2. Tun is talking about ‘what led to the current financial crisis,’ LOL!
3. He was not talking about your ‘SUPERSAINTS!’like Microsoft, P&G, & stuff?
4. In fact, did you not already know that one of your ‘Saints’, i.e. Microsoft, which had been slapped with millions of dollars of lawsuits in the EU, for wanting to monopolizes & controls the Cyberspace?!
5. People like you are the one who ‘licks these peoples’ asses, blindly and doggedly!’ without know why you are doing that to yourself!
6. As a matter of facts, I wonder if they, your ‘SUPERSAINTS’, would even care to look at you, if you were lucky enough to be anywhere near them!
7. Silly, Supersaint!
Tq, Tun, and May Allah continues to bless you, Tun Dr Siti Hasmah & your whole family!
1. I read with interest comment and views of Noor Mohamed b Mohd Yousof. I must say it is very enlightening. Although I realized that he
YABhg Tun,
ass..laikom tun
setahu saya ekonomi global di kuasai oleh Amerika Syarikat tiap kali Si uncle Sam mencetus perang & boikot sesebuah negara mesti ada kos nya yg perlu bayar oleh global mengikut sejarah modern terkini uncle sam memberi tekanan ekonomi kepada semua yang tak sebulu dengannya selepas gagal mereka terus perang kalau negara nampak lemah dan tiada sokongan dari negara lain.
apa yang berlaku sekarang ialah cara dan teknik yang selalu berubah supaya kita keliru yang tak sedar tindakan Uncle Sam.Saya menharap Tun dapat menyakinkan negara Asia melalui EAEC kuasa Ekonomi tidak menjadi kuasa Tunggal begitu juga lah OIC sepakatan idea kuasa pakatan tentera seperti NATO. Semasa tanah Gaza ceroboh negara Islam hanya O.I.C.dan masa yang jangan menharap sangat alat tentera dari barat kerna negara Islam pun mampu membuat senjata
To all quota loving Bumiputra who still thinks they are all exclusive and getting to be illusive while at it too, please do this: look into a child
Salam kasih dan hormat Ayahanda Tun. I have no economic topic to comment. As far as I can say, I won
Izinkan nak sentuh sikit keadaan PAS waktu ini sedang kecuh issu ‘Kerajaan Perpaduan’ yang konon nya sedang di polopori UMNO dan diberi perhatian oleh Tuan Guru Hadi selaku Presiden.
Saya lihat pada hakikat nya satu langkah baik untuk di mulakan oleh kedua pehak.
Namun ada pehak dalam PAS yang tidak bersetuju dengan sebahagian pemimpin2 mereka yang mahu perkara ini diberi perhatian. Maka timbul lah ugut mengugut, cabar mencabar untuk berebut jawatan dalam perhimpunan mereka pada June akan datang.
Kumpulan yang akan cuba menerima cadangan ini pasti ditentang oleh kumpulan yang tidak mahu menerima usaha ini.
Dan sekarang kita lihat pemimpin2 PAS sedang bertelagah diantara mereka dalam issu ini.
Saya nak nasihat pada PAS, tak payah lah nak gaduh2 dalam soal ini. Walau pun pemimpin UMNO yang cuba mulakan usaha ini untuk kebaikan ummah tapi jika PAS tak mahu terima dengan ikhlas, saya rasa UMNO juga tak lah hadap sangat dengan sokongan mereka jika ada antara mereka tidak mahu menerima nya. UMNO dah pasti tak mahu ada masaalah lain timbul pada kemudian hari.
Saya beranggapan ada pemimpim2 PAS melihat survival parti mereka lebih berjaya berada dalam PR. Berkongsi kuasa dengan DAP dan PKR.
Mereka PAS lebih rela duduk semeja dengan parti2 ini dari duduk dalam saf bersama2 pemimpin2 dan ahli2 UMNO yang dah tentu antara prinsip parti nya menegakkan dan mempertahankan Islam.
Tapi mereka tidak dapat melihat dengan jelas arus perubahan masyarakat(atas pagar) telah menurun memihak dan menyokong mereka pada hari ini. Mereka PAS maseh berhayal akan sokongan rakyat pada mereka sebgaimana pada PRU 12. Mereka lupa pada PRU 12 itu adalah undi protes rakyat pada BN.
Tuan Guru Hadi melihat perkara ini, kerana itu beliau menyokong usaha kearah kerajaan perpaduan ini.
Dah pasti lah DAP dan PKR akan kecewa jika ini berlaku. Kuda tunggangan mereka tidak lagi berkhidmat dengan mereka. Mereka dah pasti tidak akan dapat undi dari ahli2 PAS selama ini memberikan undi pada calun2 mereka.
Fikir2kan lah wahai saudara2 ku ahli2 PAS. Kearah mana yang nak dituju. Bersama2 dengan saudara2 muslimin dan muslimat dalam UMNO atau maseh mahu bersekongkol dalam PR yang diketui oleh Annuar, Lim Kit Siang dan Karpal ‘Tenggelam’. Jika dilihat mereka ini sebenar nya hanya memandang sebelah mata sahaja pada pemimpin2 dan ahli2 PAS.
Tidak pada UMNO, walaupun tidak sokong PAS tapi maseh rasa hormat pada Tok Guru Nik dan Tuan Guru Hadi sebagai ‘ulamak Islam’, saudara sesama Islam.
Salam Tun,
Najib has been dismantling the NEP at breakneck speed. the foreign equity ownership in banks increased by 70 percent. What is going on?
Will Melayus/Islam be again reduced to peons on their own nation? Even doing business in Dubai/Oman, you can see the Arabs fiercely protecting the equity requirements and still the investors came in droves.
And we were worried abt DAP. Look at Najib.
Some info on Bank Negara’s forex scandal:
In 1995, a book on international high finance, The Vandal
Dear Tun,
All that you have said ARE TRUE.
This is the basis of the CAPITALIST ECONOMY or what is more accurately called Capitalist financial system.
Economy is as much an Art as a Science. But Capitalism is not an an art nor a Science. It is a system introduced by people in the believe that it will make the economy better.
As have been proven upteen times. The capitalist system does not make the economy better or in other words – make the world a better place.
Market Economy and Capitalist Financial Systems are entirely different things, yet many people – even the highly educated professors confuse them as one and the same.
Tun you have highlighted the sickness in the present financial system. But let me suggest that we should start a movement or effort to find a better way and a solution out of the present cycle of deceit and abuses.
I have suggested it before (here) but let me approach it from a proposal of an implementable system.
1) We can start a NGO – getting “donations” as investments to be used for real trading (buying and selling) investments. On risk sharing basis – profits from dividends only. Fund which will not be invested will be deducted the zakat amount.
2) Start an investment institution/house working similarily on real investments on risk sharing and payout by dividends only. Those fund the owners do not wish to be invested the zakat will be deducted after 1 year.
Liquidity has a price and it is zakat payouts.
These will be real places for real practicing MUSLIMS who fear Allah and want to practice their financial lifes according to the tenet of Islam to put their money and savings.
For those who worship money for money itself..there is no recourse as they will say the capitalist system is ok.
But they fail to see the forest from the trees – they do not see the BIG picture.
Allah sees it all and have given us a financial system to use that will make the economy better for this world.
If readers do not understanding what I have said it is ok…BUT TUN knows it very well.
Thanks TUN.
The most respected Tun,
Many years ago, you quarreled with George Soros over currency trading. Many think you are right.
However, a year or two ago, you patched up with Soros which disappointed many of us.
Why ?
Yang berbahagia Tun,
Sekarang kita tahu kemungkinan dolar USA mungkin tidak akan berguna lagi dalam tempoh terdekat.
Ini merupakan satu “Turning point” dalam bidang ekonomi.
Kita juga tahu melalui sejarah setiap krisis yang besar merupakan titik tolak kepada bermulanya era baru.
Oleh itu sebagai seorang yang brpandangan jauh, dapatkah Tun melihat apakah perubahan-perubahan tersebut?
Apakah yang kita perlu lakukan sekarang untuk merebut peluang2 tersebut? Sebagai contoh, mungkin ini merupakan masa yang sesuai untuk menyatukan dunia Islam untuk menggunakan satu matawang dinar secara bersama. Tun sebagai seorang yang berpengaruh bolehlah melobi usaha ini.
Itu contoh usaha secara kolektifsemua negara Islam. Apa pula yang bagus kita lakukan secara individu?
Terima kasih atas sebarang nasihat.
Tun, agree with you.
Real business makes money by adding value to society, be it raw material, derivative products or services.
Currency trading is nothing more than just a gambling, manipulating and plundering.
Those who’re involve:
Aren’t you feel ashame of yourself that you’re contributing damage to society at large? Ask yourself honestly and listen to your authentic inner voice. Your soul is dying.
Assalalmualaikum Ayahnda Tun n Bonda,
Capitalism at its peak…
Someone touched on the inability of the Bumis to grab ASW offered to us. I admit that I am unable to do so n can never do so. I wish I could buy the shares but as a person who earns not more than 4K monthly n have 5 children, all girls, 6yrs to 21 yrs old to care for, where can I have XTRA RM to invest??? My spouse, a minor clerk, only earns
Assalamualaikum Tun Mahathir,
First and foremost, thanks for the instalment of articles. They are simple but informative. I think you are among a few who is able to present complex things in a simple, easy-to-understand manner. The word a few there is speculative actually as I don’t know of anyone else at the moment.
After reading through your articles and the comments, I do hope you can still enlighten us all on the economy subject. Personally I don’t think you are BLAMING others, especially the west. You are merely stating the facts (well, facts do hurt sometimes) and that is the way to go. We all need to know the facts. Then and only then can we find a way towards the solution for the better.
Currency trading has always been about something intangible. Now we have seen the impact and the effect of the trading. I wonder if this kind of trading is Halal in the first place..
Keep it up Tun.
Terima Kasih Tun Mahathir
Duit pada asalnya hanya lah sebagai perantara perdagangan. Tapi kenapa di perdagangkan. Itu sudah melawan tabii..
tapi kan Tun,Allah swt kurniakan pada Tun, kesihatan, ketajaman fikiran dan ingatan serta pelbagai lagi kelebihan yang Allah swt anugerahkan. Pada pemerhatian saya pakcik-pakcik di kampung saya, saya perhatikan pakcik-pakcik ni kalau lah pada sebaya Tun, dah lama pakcik-pakcik ni pencen dan duduk di rumah dan ulang alik ke masjid.
Rasa-rasanya Tun ni ada tugas yang belum selesai ni….. Rasa-rasanya ape dia tugas yang belum selesai tu ya Tun?
Dear Tun,
Thank you for releasing my second comment on banking and false economy. I will never forget that fateful night in 1997 when you appeared in prime time tv to explain the capital control you were about to enforce to save the country from virtual collapse and bankruptcy from the predators of currency traders. You out smarted and defeated them. After days and weeks of watching the collapse of our stock market and fast depreciating ringgit, I was over joyed that you came out with the perfect solution against the devils out to slaughter us. The nation owes you so much on this one score, even though some would like to play it down and put you in negaive light.
However bank negara lost rm9 billions in currency trading during the tenure of Allahyarham Jaafar Hussein. There is a syndicate out there waiting to swallow any freshy that strays into teir path. I can understand your abhorrance of currency trading
Selamat petang Tun,
Doing black-marketing will not add in the GDP and does not have to pay tax, and spending more on military will increase the rate of country’s GDP eventhough the country is lack behind.
Sure true this “country wealth metrics” contradict to one another.
Dear Tun
I don’t know what I have said that is not right that my lengthy response to your blog was deleted / not published for some reason.
Anyway, I respect you as our country greatest Prime Minister. Since you still have the popularity among the Malaysian, I think you should not take the opportunity to deceive the fellow Malaysians with a narrow view of the financial market. I think that is very irresponsible.
Leveraged product, be it Forex, Mortgage, Insurance, Commodity Options, Spreadbetting, CFD, Share Options, Warrant, they are financial tools designed to protect or enhance our investment. Just like knives, you can use knives to cut vegetable, or to murder a person. Knife on itself is not evil. And neither can you demonise someone who uses knives, branding them as evil-doer.
I hope you get the message this time
Best regards
Simon (Kuching)
Salam Tun dan bloggers semua
Syabas di atas penerangan yang terperinci dan memberikan kefahaman kepada kami semua.
Jika saya tak silap, ni seperti PERNIAGAAN BELON.
Bayangkan modal niaga sebenarnya hanya sekeping belon yang kecil.
Kemudian belon di tiup sehingga besar sekali sampai 10, 20 kali saiz sebenar.
Begitulah kekayaan hasil dari perniagaan matawang dan saham yang merupakan hanya persepsi atau rekaan semata dan bukan sebenarnya.
GDP atau per capita income sesuatu negara itu boleh nampak sungguh cemerlang.
Dan bila belon meletup, apa yang tinggal?
Hanyalah cebisan cebisan belon itu. Dan kita dapat lihat kembali saiz sebenar belon itu. KECIK JEK…..
Begitulah perniagaan yang dijalankan. Bila meletup, semua bertanya mana duit-duit itu pergi?
Sebenarnya, memang TIDAK ADA duit pun daripada mulanya.
Demikian perumpamaan yang PANDAI-PANDAI yang saya terfikirkan.
Sebuah luahan tulus dari selatan
Assalamualaikum Tun Dr Mahathir(chedet)
U are Brilliant! TDM.
A clear heart will see things transparently.
Thank You TUN.
When we hit with financial crisis in 97, i started to read about what is money and financial system. i still remember that this 2 videos (The Capitalist Conspiracy, zeitgeistmoive) help me a lots to understand what it is about.
From the origin of world financial system, i developed interest to know more about the origin of other system in the world (socialism, communism, democracy, marxism, etc). I dont know, but i somehow get the picture that everything happen today can be linked back to the origin of the 12 tribes.
Salam Tun,
saya setuju dengan pernyataan “maya”, kita harus segera untuk memperkenalkan mata uang dinar
Dinar terbuat dari emas yang relatif stabil nilainya di pasaran dunia dibandingkan mata uang lainnya. Seperti halnya uni-eropa yang telah menerapkan mata uang EURO di kawasannya. Kita pun bisa melakukan hal yang sama untuk menerapkan mata uang dinar dan dirham di negara-negara muslim. Sehingga ketergantungan kia terhadap mata uang $ menurun dan akan lebih mempererat jalinan persahabatan dengan negara-negara muslim lainnya
Saya kurang arif pasai dagangan matawang. Pendapat TUN mana lebih buat untung di antara berniaga matawang ,pasar malam, berniaga kain batik. Atau pun buka kilang IKS.
FOREX tu apa pulak. Macam mana pulak perniagaan nya?
ALONG dan CETI tu macam mana pulak? Semua ini pun melibatkan wang.
Ada wang semua boleh jadi.
Dalam dua tiga hari ini, Tok Ajib PM kita dok asyik bentang pasai dasar kewangan. Nampak nya PM kita ni bijak juga dalam dasar2 kewangan. Harapan rakyat untuk melihat kejayaan negara kembali sebagaimana di era TUN.
Gitu lah juga harapan pada menteri2 yang dah dilantik tu agar kuat berkerja dan mencari apa2 nilai tambah yang baru untuk memacu kementerian masing2 kearah lebih cemerlang. Jangan lah maseh berpolitiking dan hanya bercakap untuk sedap telinga yang mendengar. Dah buat dan behasil barulah panggil Press.
Saya dapat lihat rakyat keyakinan rakyat pada PM sedang bertambah dan mengembang. Jangan lah pulak ada sorang dua pemimpin yang buat hal dimana akan menjejaskan keseluruhan struktur yang baru nak dibina oleh Tok Ajib.
Assalamualaikum Tun.
Tentulah currency trading ini pun satu masalah dan satu sistem yang tidak boleh digunapakai dalam sistem kewangan Islam kerana ketidaktentuan harganya, walaupun boleh disalahkan kepada orang yang tamak kerana selalu memanipulasi mata wang.
Kalau pun saya nak menjalankan urus niaga mata wang, saya perlu korbankan masa yang banyak dan dalam masa yang sama mesti menjaga rumah dan tangga.
Oleh itu, saya akan membuat keputusan untuk membela seekor anjing bagi melindungi rumah dan tangga saya ketika saya sibuk berurus niaga mata wang di luar.
Saya tidak minat pada anjing tetapi perlu membelanya.Kenapa? Sebab keperluan untuk menjaga rumah dan tangga saya.
Kesimpulannya, okey kita untuk membela seekor anjing.Seekor anjing untuk setiap rumah.
Terima kasih Tun.
Latest from BBC NEWS UK Main Headline
29 April 2009 Wednesday
The Foreign Office had already rejected the possibility of an inquiry
Evidence about a 1948 massacre of unarmed Malaysian villagers by British troops is to be reviewed by the UK government, the BBC understands.
Government lawyers have written to survivors asking for evidence and testimony about the killing of 24 villagers in Batang Kali.
The Scots Guards raid, near the capital Kuala Lumpur, was meant to target communist insurgents.
In January, the UK rejected activists’ call for an inquiry into the massacre.
Most of the evidence to be examined is testimony from villagers and soldiers who witnessed the killings.
A handful of survivors are seeking a judicial review, and also pursuing a court bid for compensation and an apology.
In January, the Foreign Office rejected demands for an inquiry put forward in a petition, citing a lack of new evidence.
At the time, a spokesman said: “The matters have been considered previously by investigations into the Batang Kali massacre in 1949 and 1970 and those investigations found insufficient evidence to pursue prosecution.”
There has never been a full inquiry into the massacre.
Last December, a demonstration in Kuala Lumpur marked the 60th anniversary of the killings.
The country – then known as Malaya – was under British rule at the time.
The incident occurred on 12 December 1948, six months into a 12-year campaign to crush the largely ethnic Chinese communists who were trying to drive out British colonialists.
Official accounts describe villagers being killed as they escaped into the jungle, having been warned they would be shot if they tried to flee.
However, survivors recall victims being led out of their homes and shot in the back.
The massacre remained largely forgotten until the People newspaper in 1970 ran an account of the killings, featuring sworn affidavits by several soldiers who admitted the villagers were shot in cold blood.
Good morning Ayahanda Tun,
//By pakpandir08 on April 28, 2009 12:02 PM//
Hello Macha,
Now you talk like a Malaysian, except the statement of “when other
countries are working hard to catch up the world trend, we are still at the phase of blaming others …”
Our government and Malaysians are working hard to stabilize our politics and economics landscape stirred by Tun Lah & his SIL + PR (fusions of PKR, DAP, PAS & PPP) in these past 4 years now so that we can catch up with the world trend, of course in the name of Malaysia. Now, the rakyat dah hilang mood, rasa geram nak lihat “the Comedy Court” shows put up by PR. Luckily BN has learned from their mistakes in the previous by-elections, “less talk more serious work” is the right direction to make sure rakyat votes BN in next PRU 13. Finger pointing dah outdated Lah!!!
Now I am confused whether petroleum will last for 30 or 50 years? My children argued that petroleum may last for decades because there are still many oil fields in Middle East countries. Siapakah yang betul ini????
So my advice to you is to refer back to our Rukun Negara so that you will not be blinded by your hatred, greed and jealousy due to emotion. Work Hard tambi and you will be alright…..
That’s all for today Ayahanda Tun.
Dr Mahathir,
We Malaysians, should forever be indebted to your ingenuity in dealing
with the Asian Crisis of 1997-98. Malaysia came out of the malaise
with one or two banks on crouches.
Before the crisis, Malaysia with some of the East Asian countries notably,
Japan and South Korea have been dubbed as the Tiger Economies.
As we practised tight controlled on financial markets, Washington
is not happy. Henceforth she asked these countries to open up to
free capital flows, supposedly in the interest of “level playing
When Japan and other East Asian countries abide to this, the institutional
speculators went on the attack. These speculators were being funded by
a group of international banks one of them being the Citigroup. (Pse
refer to Web of Debt by Ellen Brown).
This explains why Citigroup now has been one of the banking institutions
being bailed out by Washington.
Malaysia is still recuperating from this currency attack. All because order was
given asking the Tiger Economies to open up their doors for foreign participations.
The economic virus which had caused a pandemonium in 1997-98 did not stop
dead. It was put on pause. It’s being cultured into a slightly different strain than
Malaysia it seems is tackling this problem headstrong. So much so the reason
for Malaysia being in this slow state of economic recovery was due to hindrance
in expansion. Lack of foreign investments.
Our new PM has dealt this by giving several blows on the Bumiputra front.
You seemed to be unpertubed to this phenomena.
Are you in agreement to these actions?
Or have you been warned just like what happened when you
commented on DS Najib’s cabinet line-up i.e on Dato Nazri Aziz and
Dato Johari Baharum.
Have you been put on “mute”?
Are you going to leave UMNO again if DS Najib proved to be worst than Tun Abdullah?
Dearest Tun,
What is the purpose of trade?
Exchange of goods/currency/services to bring about prosperity to both or all parties.
However, when this understanding is violated where it enriches the few at the expense of the many, something is definitely not right.
Currency trading is such a trade and hence need to be controlled.
Dear Sir,
The dollar
there’s a lot of trend nowdays that they persuade people to invest in currency trading. Whether it is legal to invest in non banking companies? they project huge profit by investing through their company. is it advisable?
just wonder about currency speculative bubble trading…
is it a dynamic bubble?
without this type of speculative bubble, can african become the most rich country in the world?
no wonder pegging can make it stabilizing…
yang untung semua orang putih, orang kita cuma ikut2 saja. Kena tipu depan mata pun kita tak perasan!.
“Banks would lend as much as 30 times the amount of investors’ money held by the traders.”
How do we know this, real fact?
“5. The trade in currency is not in order to finance business or trade. It is for gambling on the appreciation or depression of the particular currency. Either way the bettor (trader) would make a profit. Since the profit is from 30 times more than the investors’ money, both the traders and the investors would make far more than if they trade in the real amount invested.
6. The profits earned by the traders and the investors would one way or another go into the calculation of the GDP and per capita income of the country.”
If there is HIGH PROFIT, there will be HIGH RISK.
The profit is earn from some one who lose. Means 50% of win and 50% of lose. If 30 times, means 97% of earning belong to the capital from the bank. But, the profit is 100% belong to the traders/investor. If wins, maybe the bank can gain some charges from the LEND. But, if lose, the bank will bear all the lose by the Traders. Is it how this logic run?
If so, how come the bank will lend 30 times money more than the trader have?
If really can earn money in this way, why come it charge into the GDP. I think there is nothing wrong since it is taxable.
Dear Tun,
I did read your book titled “The Malaysian Currency Crisis – How And Why It Happen”, that book is well elaborated and good to be read by everyone. It also has similarity with this issue. That book have elaborate quiet precisely in the manner how government has taken some drastic measure to curb the problem.
One of the key factor in contributing to it success is the level of your deep knowledges on how the system works and your leadership quality which also the key factor especially during those time as you were attacked inside and out. Since then my deep appreciation and self respect toward you has grown even larger. Your success not only put the country out of turbulence but also received thumb up by the whole world including your worst enemy George Soros. This thing has been part of our history and should be though to every citizens that to remain independent it doesn’t come cheap. It about sacrifice, love toward your country, being highly understood and having deep knowledge on current affairs in order to deal with it successfully.
I will keep that book to let my future generation read it in hoping that they realize on how our forefathers has contributed and sacrifice with their life for ours. Hopefully, they will do the same thing for their grandchildren either.
For me you have done your part to wake we up and to keep us alert on negative influence which come from outside or inside even if it would detiorate your health.
Asm Tun,
Thank you for enligthning the financial element of trading done by developed nations. Certainly the few factors that you have already mentioned contributed to the GDP and percapita income . However in these financial crises situation , in my opinion, these are the first wealth that are likely to be wiped out first. These ‘non-real’ wealth are very fragile. However real asset such as building, cash, etc will be able to withstand the crises. After the crises then they ( developed nations) will know where they really stand.
Assalammualaikum W.B.T
Dear Dr Mahathir
I hope this email finds you well.
I am very grateful to be able to have this opportunity to share my thoughts with you.
First and foremost let me intro my humble self. My name is Mohammed Zulhaisham. i am from Singapore. happily married with 2 kids,Elysah 11 and Harith 7.
First and foremost Dr, you need to know that:
There will only be 1 Dr. Mahathir Mohamad
Please forgive those that you find are not to your expectations as they are not you and will never be like you. Its not that they are incompetent or less capable, they just do not have or share the same visions and mindset that you have. I am an avid reader and I came across this book entitle “Personality Plus” by Florence lithaur. After reading through that book, I can understand why sometimes you just have to stand up to make things they way they should be even after your retirement. I highly recommend you get that book Dr.
And my last request is, please take care of your health Dr. You have contributed so much for Malaysia to become what it is today. Dont bother about matters so much until it effects your health. Its time for you to enjoy the fruits that you labour. Family and health is your no 1 priority now. Let the next generation run Malaysia and see the outcomes. We just have to pray for the best.
thats all I have to share with you Dr. I hope nothing that i’ve said here will hurt your feelings, if so I sincerely apologise. I want you to know that when my kids grow up, and when their kids grow up, and when their kid kids grow up, I want them to know that there will always be 1 Dr. Mahathir Mohamad. And that is YOU.
Warm Regards
Mohammed Zulhaisham
Salam Sejahtera buat Tun dan Keluarga,
Only those who have knowledges and good understanding, able to speak and write.
Well I hope a long outstanding senior minister like Nazri Aziz could think and write atleast a few words on this topic.
Although “Orang Tua” but your vision are about 20 years ahead from “Orang Muda”.
Dear Tun,
Forex trading is a zero sum game as most know. A win overhere means a loss ovethere, somewhere. Among the big players, the losing sides were inevitably the central bankers or tending towards those. The winners were the Soroses of the world, the “street smart speculators” or is it “manipulators”??. Perhaps the “talents” tend to gravitate towards the private capital management firms/hedge funds where the rewards are spectacular, rather than the central banks, where the pay is a mere fraction of the former. After all, the name of the game is ‘greed’, isn’t it. When central banks incur losses, it hits the national reserves, hence the ‘rakyat’ indirectly. Some countries were even driven towards the brink.
This game has been going on for so long it has becomes normal – part of life. With electronic tradings, the little guys has joined the band wagon, a few making a decent income, even fewer becoming millionaires, but most ended up losing their shirts. Speculating on currency fluctuations or pip-chasing is not an easy game to play. A well prepared and successful trader knows most of the tricks of the trade – reading the market, knows his macroeconomics well, a skillful analyst of both the fundamental and technical disciplines -either having been a former trader/analyst with a financial house or having immersed himself in years of self study. So, to these traders, what they do is not gambling per se. They see it as pitting their finely honed skills and discipline against the market. The loser (sore or otherwise) at the other end is a willing participant, hence the basis is still business – willing seller/willing buyer.
Its a high probability game, not quite unlike poker, which is ‘gambling’ only to the novices. In poker, when your hand is lousy you fold, as early as possible. You only go all the way when you figure that your probability of winning is high enough or you know that your bluff will carry the day.
Gambling on the other hand is simply plunging in hoping that luck will bail you out. In the casinoes, the dice are loaded against you, with the concommitant possibility of hitting the jackpot once in a few thousand or millions throws/lever pullings. Even in blackjack, a cards counter if caught will be promptly thrown out of the gaming hall and banned from the premises for life. Such is the paranoia of the casino operator against skilled players, who will play havoc with their ‘fixed’ margin of winning probability. To be very technical, the casinoes are not actually where people gamble, but a place where the ‘gamblers’ hand over their money for some entertainment or fun of getting ripped-off. The odds are skewed against them by design, which again by right should be called manipulation.
The difference between the little guys in forex and the Soroses is that the big players commanding billions tend towards manipulation, as stated by Tun, while the former relying on his small capital base, skillset and discipline is the true speculator.
My point here is that speculation is not the same as gambling. The former is highly skilled in high risk-reward games, and the latter is simply hoping to win based on luck in a variety of games involving randomness. We have to nderstand the mechanics of each of these endeavors before condemning one as the other. Right or wrong, the individual has to decide or alternatively, the government has to decide.
Salam Ayahanda dan Bonda Tun berdua.
Semoga Ayahanda Tun dan Bonda Tun di dalam keadaan sihat walafiat dan di rahmati Allah. Secara jujur ikhlas, saya mengaku pertama kali berjumpa Ayahanda dan Bonda Tun berdua serta berjabat tangan di Majlis Makan Malam 1000 Kenangan anjuran Persatuan Bekas Polis Malaysia di PWTC tempohari. Alhamdulullah, saya amat bersyukur ditemukan di majlis ini. Ianya hanya kebetulan sahaja sebagai tetamu jemputan oleh rakan saya. Sudah sekian lama saya berhajat bertemu ayahanda, namum ketetapan Allah jua yang mengizinkanNya walaupun hanya seketika secara berpandangan mata.
1. Terima kasih kepada pihak kerajaan Malaysia kerana mengumumkan enam pakej liberalisasi teras sektor kewangan negara. Saya berharap pengumuman ini serentak dengan perancangan negara mengujudkan satu Pusat Dagangan Serantau (Central Trading House) yang berfungsi sebagai pusat dagangan dan sebagai pemantau sistem kewangan Islam antarabangsa.
2. Perlunya ditubuhkan sebuah Pusat CTH ini kerana ianya akan membantu mengukuhkan sistem kewangan negara di samping menambah baik sistem perundangan dan polisi sediada di dalam sistem kewangan antarabangsa.
3. Pembangunan Pusat CTH ini mustahak didirikan sekarang memandangkan ianya selaras dengan pelan perancangan dan perlaksanaan Wawasan 2020 taraf negara maju.
4. Kebaikan pusat pentadbiran CTH ini bakal merealisasikan impian negara menggunakan sistem kewangan berteraskan DINAR EMAS. Perancangan terperinci ini menyambut baik slogan PM melaksanakan Projek Aplikasi Teknologi Tinggi – ‘Advanced Technology Based Economy Projects’ di dalam menjana ekonomi dan pentadbiran Malaysia.
5. Kita sudah tertinggal 5 tahun kebelakang bagi mencapai dan mengejar realisisi Wawasan 2020. Sudah tiba masanya, banyak pembangunan infrastruktur bertahap teknologi tinggi yang seumpama ini perlu dibina dan disiapkan segera.
6. Jika dibandingkan dengan negara jiran seperti Vietnam, Malaysia agak terbelakang bagi mencapai perancangan dam pembangunan wawasan 2020. Pelaburan Terus Negara Asing, FDI mencapai tahap rendah berbanding dengan mereka ini. Kita perlu mengkaji secara terperinci untuk mencari kelemahan dan seharusnya ajensi kerajaan serta pihak kementerian terbabit berusaha menawan balik pelabur-pelabur asing ke negara kita semula!!
7. Apakah wajar melihat negara kita dijajah oleh negara asing di dalam mentadbir, mengawal dan memantau sistem kewangan Islam?? Siapa lagi kalau bukan Malaysia sebagai Negara Islam sebagai Pengurus Sistem Kewangan Islam!!
Saya mendoakan kesejahteraan Ayahanda Bonda berdua. Semoga anakanda dapat bertemu Ayahanda Bonda berdua kembali di dalam merealisasikan hasrat anakanda membantu membangunkan perancangan wawasan 2020. InsyaALLAH.
Dear Tun ,
I believe you managed to upset these traders with your unconventional methods, of course with the help of your supporters and the rakyat. This shows that they can be toppled with the right approach and the right person to do it.
Jadi sebenarnya Barat tidaklah sekaya yang mereka gembar-gemburkan…
salams dear Tun,
No wonder these countries GDP growth is high..
Anyway, care to comment about Datuk Johan Jaafar’s appointment as Media Prima’s new Exec. Chairman?
Thank u & take care.
Dear Tun,
I find our articles very precise to the cause of the present global crisis. Your views are very much in line with what I have studied with respect to Islamic Finance and the principles behind it.
Tq and rgds
The monetary system is the base value that is used to calculate others economic indicator i.e. GDP, Consumer Price Index, Inflation, Tax Revenue etc. The liberation of world trading not only liberate the trading of Goods, its also liberate the virtual value of currency within neighboring country, within economic block and within geographical continent. At the moment, most developing countries such as Malaysia which is not net Food producer are not ready for economic liberation that eventually will sacrifice her own domestic industry.
The Jews Protocol clearly demonstrate their intelligent not in economics, politics or technologist. The Jews are the expert in philosophy. They are always aware the Do
well, the main problem is still coming from the current conventional banking system. want to change it?
Gold trading is also not save as history of Britain-France showed to us.
Then go back to square 1, use Islamic way. Same goes for the swine flu.LOL 😛
Dear Tun Dr M,
The multiplier effect of money is bound to happen as the money is invisible. It is also difficult to control effectively as it warrants wide supervision and control.
The only way stop all this is by going back to the basics i.e. Either use Barter Trade (Exchange of goods or services without money being involved)or Use materials a money i.e. gold or anything else valuable.
However, if there is going to be any change, it would bring about a lot of criticism and will involve mega overhaul of the monetary system. It might create much more worse financial crisis.
Dear Tun,
I read your blog with great interest. However, what I don’t get my head around is your condemnation on leveraged products and account deficits.
Suppose an individual these days can buy a Kancil with very little money down, perhaps only RM200 for a car worth RM40,000. That particular individual do not have RM40,000 in hand to afford the car. Suppose if you can justify that individual can leverage his money by 200x, then why with the same justification, the leveraging cannot be applied to other form of investment, say mortgage?
Very few individuals have deep enough pocket to afford to buy a property with cash. Most individual approach the bank and borrow some 90% towards the purchase. The house buyer would be leveraging his money by 10x or 20x. I don’t think it is fair to demonise people who leverage their money. By similar margin, a bank who has the rest of the 90% held in bricks and mortar has a lot of illiquidity in its book. Naturally, the bank want assets that they can trade easily. I don’t think it is illegitimate for banks to sell their loan in exchange for equity that is more fluid.
Third scenario, suppose if I own a mine. As a managing director of the mining company, I foresee my ore price to have peaked in the coming months. I need to make a decision to enhance my cash position, preparing for a downturn. I sell commodity option. Suppose a contractor who is about to undertake a major construction project and would require a lot of my material. He cannot afford the price of his building material to fluctuate, he bought the commodity option that I have written. In other word, he is hedging against a price increase. I think these are all legitimate reasons to buy and sell options.
Forth scenario, suppose if I have bought fire insurance for my house. The premium that I pay for my insurance is only a fraction of the value of my house. I am not hoping that my house do get burnt down. But this is only an insurance policy that I would like to take up in case a mishap happen. Similarly, there are genuine investors who would buy this sort of insurance – “warrant” for their shares. Yes, the premium is a fraction of the actual share value. But I think is unfair to demonise people who need these service. Similarly, there may be traders out there who is on a 60 days credit and is expected to make their payment in 2 months time. The trader need to insured their position in case the currency rate move against him. He paid a premium for insuring his position. Again, the insurance premium is only a fraction of the total value he is transacting. A slight move in the currency rate can quickly affect the insurance he has paid. I can see he legitimately needed this service.
You mentioned about dubious origin of the money, suspected that they magically “created” money. I beg to differ. When the printing press do issue “new” money, the government issue bond/gilt by the same amount. These bond/gilt are sold throughout the world. At the moment, China soaked up most of the American’s deficit. Similarly in 1997, just before Malaysia had its worst economic crisis, Malaysia was borrowing heavily, dipping into its deficit that estimated around 7 – 8% of its GDP. Where does the money come from? Through government issued bond sold all around the world, i.e. borrowing.
In another article, you mentioned about going back to the golden standard. I think this is going to be disasterous. The benefit of a fiat system is that the government has the power to expand and contract the money in circulation. In an economic crisis, the government can devalue their currency by either lowering their interest rate or expanding the money in circulation [Quantitative Easing] by printing more money and issuing bonds at the same time. The government can push through many construction project at the time of crisis to encourage employment in the construction industry. Suppose if we revert back to the gold standard, the government has no means to expand or contract the money in circulation. The value of money is tied to the value of gold. Suppose an economic crisis does hit, the government, who already had little money, would have its hand tie to its back, hopelessly watching their people suffering from the crisis. I am sure you don’t want to see this happen to our fellow Malaysian.
Tun Dr.,
Your series of articles seem to suggest Malaysians have acquired much knowledge in the financial market, forex trading and only to lack behind in funding mechanism.
Bank Negara, Khazanah & PNB are catalyst to these financial development.
Nevertheless, very soon, Form 3034 ICC 500, Standby Letter of Credit and roll over programs would be Islamized by arabic rebranding.
Is Malaysia taking the lead role?
salam Tun dan pembaca che det sekelian,
(Tumpang lalu…)
1. Pakatan Rakyat tetap nak teruskan pembinaan tugu demokrasi di bawah pokok di Ipoh…
2. Selalunya orang-orang ISLAM tak akan mahu dilihat bersama-sama dengan SEBARANG BINAAN di bawah pokok… (Normally, Moslems would not want to be seen associated with any kind of monuments built under trees)
3. Tetapi bagi orang-orang PAS, dah jadi no hal berada bersama-sama kelompok yang suka membina ‘tugu’ di bawah pokok nih…
4. Ya lah… Tok guru tak kata apa-apa…. tak haram lah…
5. Cuba kalau orang UMNO yang duduk bersama-sama dengan sesiapa saja kat bawah mana-mana pokok untuk bina apa-apa tugu….
6. (HAH!!! Siap engkau!!!)
Kurafat! Haram! Syirik! Sesat! SYAITAN! HIZBUT TAGHUT!!!
dan macam-macam lagi lah kannnn…. tapi bila mai waktu depa yang buat….????!!!! apa kata mereka…..?????
7. demokrasiiii……… (pelan jer bunyi nyer…)
begitulah… bila agama jadi modal politik …
Astaghfirullahal `adziiim..
Semoga kita semua sentiasa takut kepada kemurkaan ALLAH SWT, dan marilah kita sama-sama berdoa agar ALLAH SWT Yang MAha Pengampun dan Maha Penyayang sentiasa tetapkan hati kita atas kebenaran agamaNya.
Tak ada manusia yang maksum melainkan Nabi-Nabi a.s dan Rasulallah SAW. Ulamak tak terkecuali… sedarlah tuan-tuan…
Jaga diri, Jaga solat semua… Ingat-memperingati itu bermanfaat bagi orang-orang mukmin (Mafhum ayat al-Qur’an al Karim).
-insan kerdil-
si kenit
Dr. Mahathir penyubur system riba.
Catatan Tun dalam
Dear Tun,
A factual error Tun,
The leverage in Forex trading is not only 30 times Tun. Traders could open an account with Forex brokers and they are automatically given a leverage of up to 400 times. Yes, you just need USD 2500 to control 1 million.
That is why it was a great blunder for Bank Negra Malaysia trying to defense the Pound Sterling in 1992 when Soros and currency traders leveraged to the hilt and shorted the Pound.
But seriously, I have one big question to ask you here Sir. I do hope you will reply.
Currency trading is traded 24 hours a day and the volume is reported to be more than 3 trillions daily. As a country we have foreign reserved in various currencies. We are also borrowing Yen, USD Pound etc.I still remember you were shouting about Endaka when the Yen was around 80 to a USD and we have to pay yen loan.
Recently Bank Negara Malaysia reported that 5 billions disappeared just because of the exchange rates. TNB and Airasia also reported huge losses the same way.
Now it is obvious that we are just like idiots standing idle for foreigners to make tons of money from our blood and sweat. And we dont want to participate in it, or we rather participate reluctantly after we get burnt seriously the last time Bank Negara ventured into Forex trading.
My questions to you Tun, if we have to face the consequences weather we participate in Forex trading or not. Why don’t we also take part actively and making money from it as well?. I am not only talking about currencies. In fact crude oil prices, rubber and Palm oils are all subject to market manipulators. Just imagine how much richer we could be had we sold futures contracts of Crude Oil at USD 140 or palm oil at RM4000 instead of at current prices.
I would be hounoured to meet Tun on this subject just to get clearer picture of your thinking on this Sir. It is really sad Tun that we are victims just because we are not playing the games that everyone else are playing.
Kata orang Tun, kalau kita terpaksa bermain ombak walaupun kita tidak mendirikan rumah di tepi pantai, lebih baik kita sama sama bermain ombak.
Salam hormat and am really looking forward to your reply.
Siam Kedah. ( Kubang Pasu)
Dear Tun
I strongly believed and support your point of views regard the currency trading. Perhap It would be better making it as a compulsory subject in our nation education syllabus. Prior to that at least it opens our students a chance of making our nation richer
and more richer.
Thanks you Tun and may god bless you.
Dear Tun,
I’m not an expert in all these financial thingy that you have been blogging about in your past few entries.
What I know and confidently say is, the system for all these financial systems are not wrong. It is the HUMAN BEINGS whom got more greedy to earn a living that created such problems within the system.
In short, no one will miss out the opportunity to earn more money, especially the traders. Along the way when they took the risk, never they will realise the consequences in the case that “it didn’t work out”.
Just my dua sen.
Bankers are at the apex of the existance, they analyzed and analyzed and found out that…there is a way to make money…best still…in the name of risk…thus the future market was born.
But they forgot about one thing, there is another factor that they forgot…..greed. How to hedge against greed. We forgot to factor that in. Hai ya…cover up loh.
Every one in the industry and outside (with an ear to listen) knows…since beginning of last year. Why no one listens then…? Actually they are…but then again why admit then…clear your positions…let others loose, but not you.
And the story continues
1. Perdagangan mata wang sememangnya menguntungkan. namun begitu hanya pihak yang mendominasikan pergerakan dan pertukaran tersebut akan bertambah untung jika ianya dijalankan secara betul dan bijak.
2. Disyorkan agar matawang dinar di popularkan dan diketengahkan untuk kepentingan sejagat. Revolusi matawang bercirikan Islam harus diberikan peluang dan digunapakai oleh masyarakat dan perdagangan antarabangsa.
3. Aktiviti perdagangan diantara negara Islam,E.U.,USA dan Asia harus dimulakan dengan memasukkan pengaliran matawang Islam. Jika matawang dollar, yen, sterling dan Euro popular digunakan sudah sampai masanya pengaliran matawang bercirikan Islam mengambil tempat dan peranan untuk mecorak peningkatan dan kestabilan ekonomi dunia.
4. langkah bank negara untuk meliberalisasikan sektor kewangan dengan menawarkan lesen perbankan Islam baharu kepada peserta asing untuk tujuan perniagaan antarabangsa menunjukkan bahawasanya keupayaan sistem institusi kewangan Islam itu adalah benar dan ianya diredhai Allah.
5. Produk dan perkhidmatan yg bercirikan sifat-sifat Islamik dan halal ini akan mepertingkatkan lagi kedalaman serta keluasan bidang pasaran.
6. Sistem pertukaran wang asing haruslah tidak berat sebelah serta ia perlu fleksibel dengan keperluan serta keadaan faktor semasa. Pertukaran wang perlu diawasi dan diselia oleh mereka yang memahami serta mengetahui hukum hakam perundangan kewangan Islam. Bukan Islam juga boleh memainkan peranan bersama namun begitu mereka haruslah bersedia untuk tidak berpaksi kepada tekanan dan kehendak kepada permintaan dan keuntungan sesuatu matawang tersebut.
7. perdagangan matawang juga harus mengambil pakai keperluan dan permintaan yang tinggi serta lebih selamat jika ia di jalankan dengan sistem perdagangan Islamik.
8. Anggota negara OIC juga seharusnya bersatu hati dan bermuafakat untuk menjayakannya. Perdagangan minyak mentah dan hasil sumbernya jika didagangkan dengan menggunakan matawang Islam ianya akan pasti lebih berkat serta sudah pasti ianya diredhai Allah. Hasilnya tentulah keuntungan serta kemewahan kepada rakyat dan negara bertambah dan melimpah ruah.
9. Bersama kita berdoa dan berusaha agar ianya akan menjadi kenyataan serta mendapat syafaat dari Allah S.W.T
Dear Tun,
As mentioned in my comment in your earlier article, once money has been commoditised it creates a separate economy by itself.
Money is to assist in trading of real products and services as a means of exchange. However instead of being just that, money itself is being traded like products. What make it even worst, it also created a secondary market like currency derivatives which increase its multiplier effect.
Unfortunately with so many currencies in this world, it becomes apparent that there is an arbitrage opportunity and controlling the currencies becomes more and more difficult for every government. Free flow of capital or money without the free flow of people and products is not a reflection of a truly integrated globalise economy. That is why we should consider strengthening regional economies via regional currencies before fully integrating into a global economy.
Asallammualaikum Tun,
It is true that now online Forex Trading or Currency Trading had became very popular among our intellectual population. This trading originates from the most popular trading before, that is spot cash commodity trading. Despite the government is prohibiting this trading within the Malaysian territory, more and more people are putting more money into this sort of trading. Other developed countries have legalized this trading operating openly on their shores. From our side of the Malaysia story, we heard about people are loosing so much money in this trading, but we have not seen the reality of how international traders could make tons of tons of money from this platform. I am a trader myself originated from the previous spot cash commodity trading engaging in more volatile counters such as coffee, wheat, sugar etc. To be a trader is not a one day or a one month affair that you learn instantly and there you are, a professional and an expert trader. No! It takes few years for you to develop to be an outstanding trader. In our Malaysian environment, Traders come and go. That is the reason investor lost huge amount of money from such traders. This has given a negative effect on Malaysian as a whole. Malaysian Traders and investors do not believe that this profession could actually give them tons of tons of money, moreover they are not comfortable to continue with the profession as the government had taken stern action to close down those firms that provide with this trading facilities. So these traders, mostly graduates are out of jobs. Currency Trading is now a profession that could provide employment to graduates earning certain income depending on their ability. This is happening in most develop countries including the Middle East countries. A trader must first of all undergo an intensive training to understand the respective trading platforms found in the market and master the arts of BUYING & SELLING or SELLING & BUYING. The traders must know the right time for BULL, for them to engage in the BUY and when is the right time for BEAR, for them to engage in a SELL. Now we could find in the website, there are over 30 online currency trading platforms which are operating under the license of most developed countries. Our neighboring country, Singapore is one of them. I knew most of the traders in Malaysia and oversea as I travel a lot to meet outstanding traders to find out what are their secrets that had made them making tons & tons of money in the platform. What I knew, huge sum of our money, may be billions, had gone oversea which are kept in the banking systems for such trading. Imagine, if we were to have a company having such system in Malaysia legalized by the Malaysian government, are we not putting the money back into our own banking systems? Perhaps more international traders will then divert or channel their fund into our currency trading platform. That is how other developed countries now enjoyed the benefit of having this system. Today, online forex trading had registered an average of over USD1.5 trillion trading volume moving in the market daily. Compare this to the daily trading volume of our stock market.
Looking at it, ordinary Muslim could say that this is another form of gambling. But if we look at the scenario, we could not say online forex trading is gambling, as there is the principal of
Tun , betulkah ekonomi kita jatuh sebab Freemason? kenapa Freemason masih wujud kat Malaysia Tun?
semoga Tun panjang umur samapai tahun 2020
Assalamualaikum Tun.
I hope this does not turn into a debate but in a healthy way let us exchange our views on this matter which is close to my heart because I am a currency trader and forex trainer.
Let us look into this objectively and look into ways where can we identify limits. I sincerely believe that currency trading is not a sin in itself but the limits which traders open themselves to are the real culprit.
a] Who controls the currency market ?
The answer to this question is none. Currenty , the daily turnover for currency market is USD 11trillion per day and no one has that huge amount of money to even control the market.
As such, it has been referred to as the market closest to the ideal perfect competition, notwithstanding market manipulation by central banks.
b]What is so unique about currency market ?
The foreign exchange market is unique because of
* its trading volumes,
* the extreme liquidity of the market,
* its geographical dispersion,
* its long trading hours: 24 hours a day except on weekends (from 22:00 UTC on Sunday until 22:00 UTC Friday),
* the variety of factors that affect exchange rates.
* the low margins of profit compared with other markets of fixed income (but profits can be high due to very large trading volumes)
* the use of leverage
c] Profits in Currency Trading
The profits comes from the pips [ Performance Investment Point] earned during a given trading post. A post is an order made to the platform either to buy or sell the said currency pairs. The volume per pip is the determining factor how one make gains in the currency market. The various trading platforms have its own prudent mechanism to check and balance invested amount and how traders determine their trade volume per pip.
E.g – If my capital is USD 500 ,the rule of thumb is that, I am only allowed to use 0.2% of my total capital to set my volume per pip. That means, for USD 500 , my volume per pip = USD 1. Let say I am trading EURO/USD at the price of USD 1.2900….and I order a SELL post. The price drops to 1.2890 and that will be 10 pips. My profits would now be volume per pips x no.of pips gains = USD 1 x 10pips = USD 10.00.
For USD 500 I cant use a let say 10% volume in order to make extra gains cause I risk loosing my entire capital if the market reverse against my position. This is term as Margin Call.
If I want make extra profits, the prudent thing to do is to increase my capital.
Let us do the same calculation.
If my capital is USD 5 000 000.00…volume per pip of 0.2% of my capital would be USD 10000.00. Let say I am trading EURO/USD at the price of USD 1.2900….and I order a SELL post. The price drops to 1.2890 and that will be 10 pips. My profits would now be volume per pips x no.of pips gains = USD 10000 x 10pips = USD 100,000.00.
c] Currency trading is a real trading because it involves buying and selling of currencies. Likewise buying and selling of gold. The only thing is that you dont carry gold around with you when you do the trading as the value is reflected in your trading account online likewise currency trading. Indian Muslims have been doing currency trading for generations at first conventionally and later via online thanks to your administration.
d] The currency market treats all equally and there is none that is above the effects of markets forces. There are a lot of factors that effect currency trading. Among others ;
(1) International parity conditions
(2) Balance of payments model
(3) Asset market model
(4) Economic policy comprises government fiscal policy (budget/spending practices) and monetary policy (the means by which a government’s central bank influences the supply and “cost” of money, which is reflected by the level of interest rates).
(5) Government budget deficits or surpluses
(6) Balance of trade levels and trends
(7) Inflation levels and trends
(8) Economic growth and health
(9) Productivity of an economy
(10) Political conditions
(11) Market psychology
e) The Science of Currency Trading
Currency Trading is a science likewise medicine. Can you imagine what will happen if you allow layman to perform brain surgery just by reading out of a textbook [e.g Brain Surgery for Dummies]. What will happen ? Of course the patient will 100% die if left to the hands of untrained professional. Like wise currency trading.
There are 2 school of thoughts to Currency Trading.
1. Fundemental Analysis
2. Technical Analysis
On top of that , psychology of trading and money management plays a major role in determining profitibility.
f] Market participants
Unlike a stock market, where all participants have access to the same prices, the foreign exchange market is divided into levels of access. At the top is the inter-bank market, which is made up of the largest investment banking firms. Within the inter-bank market, spreads, which are the difference between the bid and ask prices, are razor sharp and usually unavailable, and not known to players outside the inner circle. The difference between the bid and ask prices widens (from 0-1 pip to 1-2 pips for some currencies such as the EUR). This is due to volume. If a trader can guarantee large numbers of transactions for large amounts, they can demand a smaller difference between the bid and ask price, which is referred to as a better spread. The levels of access that make up the foreign exchange market are determined by the size of the
In general – I have no objections to your views on the banking and currency trading past bad-practises.
I agree that financial institutions have a big obligation to maintain integrity and ethics in their quest to enrich their shareholders.
However I find it amusing and hypocritical that you who influenced non-competitiveness and lack of fair trading to champion this cause.
In your so called Buy Malaysian spiel, you not only ensured that Proton and Petronas pursue huge market share with your internal policies, but also enriched yourself by ensuring Proton could outsell other brands 3-to-1.
If you had ensured that Proton’s quality was of the highest standard, I may not be overly critical of your agenda. However, the cars manufactured by proton has a lot to ask for. And the price asked by proton is disgustingly high for such poor standard.
You can argue your point and spin this one any way you want Tun, but matter of fact is you have utilised Proton to your own benefits…I would love to hear your counter comments …Bet it will be defensive of nature…
Y.A.B Tun,
I strongly believe the world is going to be controlled by the same people for many more years in future. If we can’t beat them, I suggest we prepare our people to join their game. Why not we start with a program to send thousands of our best students to top business colleges in US or Europe to study their game and when they come back, they can joint our investments banks. If we continued to voice out our unhappiness with the system, no body would listen to us because we are too small in comparison to the magnitude of their sizes. Please Y.A.B Tun to start something along this line. Thank You.
1. Inilah dunia kapitalis yang akan mencari jalan melalui tipu daya untuk menipu dan memperdaya kumpulan yang lemah. Mereka akan menjadi mangsa penipuan kaum kapitalis sehingga tergadai jiwa raga dan tanah air. Lebih malang lagi ada yang mati kebuluran kerana angkara mereka.
2. Kaum kapitalis ini tiada perasaan belas kasihan. Mereka bergerak dengan terancang untuk menjajah dunia ini. Krisis demi krisis dicipta untuk menimbulkan rasa takut dan kebergantungan kepada mereka. Mereka juga mencipta kekayaan ilusi untuk mengambarkan kehebatan mereka. Kita pernah melalui ini semua dan melihat bagaimana kekayaan negara kita susut dan hilang diangin lalu.
3. Tiada apa yang istimewa jika kita lihat sistem kapitalis ini secara objektif. Mereka mencipta formula dan teori untuk menjadikan sistem mereka sukar difahami oleh kita semua. Mereka juga mencipta produk yang tidak produktif sebagai satu instrumen untuk menipu kita semua. Satu daripada produk tersebut adalah pasaran matawang. Mereka berjual beli matawang berasaskan spekulasi. Jika dilihat teori mereka, tiada langsung unsur spekulasi tetapi realitinya spekulasi adalah faktor yang dominan dalam mana-mana pasaran.
4. Marilah kita bersama-sama mempelajari dan mendalami ilmu kewangan ISLAM. Inilah kurnia ALLAH kepada kita semua demi memakmurkan bumi ini. AMANAH dan TAKWA adalah asas kepada sistem ini. Mengapa kita mengambil sesuatu yang jelas buruk dan merosakkan sedangkan telah tersedia satu sistem yang amat indah baik untuk semua.
5. Janganlah kita menjadi seperti Mohamad Sabu yang menjadikan ulama Syiah sebagai idola dan ikutan. Amat malang sekali jika kita memilih jalan ini kerana telah dipersetujui bahawa Syiah itu sesat dari segi akidah dan syariatnya. Hendaklah kita berhati-hati memilih pemimpin dan mengikut sesuatu kumpulan kerana daripada 83 puak dalam ISLAM ini hanya satu puak sahaja yang diakui benar.
6. Marilah kita kembali kepada kebenaran ISLAM. Melayu pernah cemerlang dahulu kerana ISLAM. ISLAM MELAYU, MELAYU ISLAM. Inilah bangsa yang terakhir lahir didunia dan namanya diberikan oleh WALI ALLAH. ISLAM adalah jati diri Bangsa Melayu. Kerana inilah Hang Tuah berani berkata ‘tak Melayu hilang di dunia’.
7. Jika UMNO memperjuangkan Melayu maka UMNO juga wajib berjuang menegakan ISLAM. Sudah pasti PAS wajib mempertahankan Melayu kerana ianya memperjuangkan ISLAM. Saya tidak nampak kenapa PAS dan UMNO perlu berselisih hingga tidak boleh duduk semeja berbincang dan berunding demi AGAMA, BANGSA dan NEGARA. Bersatulah demi keamanan dan keadilan untuk semua dibumi tercinta ini.
Salam Tun
I just would like to say that since you set up your chedet.com blog, I have found your articles to be one of the most informative I have ever obtianed from the Internet, particular in relations to the past history of Malaya/Malaysia or your opinions on economics and finance (including currency trading!)
I just have to say that not many Prime Ministers (or ex-PM’s!) have knowledge like you. Your articles are very well and clearly written and unbelievably concise. Excellent English! Tell me, did you really write it all by yourself without any editors?
Once again, this article has mind-boggling statistics on currency trading. Thank you for the read!
Tujuan utama pertukaran matawang asing adalah untuk memudahkan urusan syarikat multinasional dalam pembayaran gaji, barangan dan perkhidmatan daripada pembekal luar negeri. Namun ada pihak yang menyalah guna kemudahan ini untuk mebuat keuntungan segera secara spekulasi dan keterlibatan pihak-pihak sebegini adalah sebanyak 80% daripada jumlah pasaran ini.
Dear Tun,
Is currency trading same as playing forex? From my experience, forex is sucks because one day you make money and the next day you loose everything. Just like gambling. The guy who makes money is only the broker because either ways (I win or loose) they got commission.
Tun yang di hormati,
Rasa nya perdagangan matawang ni satu perniagaan yang bagus. Dengan modal sedikit, dan bantuan dari kewangan bank, pedagang matawang boleh berdagang matawang dengan banyak dan mungkin memperolehi untung yang banyak.
Rasanya ramai orang Melayu nak berniaga tak de modal. Nak buat pinjaman bank payah rasa nya. Nak kena ada cagaran. Nak minta Tekun, la ni MECD pun dah kena bubar. Tak tau la nasib nya.
Rasa nya ada terbaca kat Internet, tentang “Kimono Trader”. Ramai surirumah kat Jepun pun dah pandai berdagang matawang. Mungkin kalau di boleh kan di Malaysia, suri rumah kat Malaysia boleh berdagang matawang. Sambil menimba pengetahuan, kalau untung boleh menambahkan pendapatan seisi keluarga. Mana tahu nanti ada gelaran “Kebaya Trader” kot.
Kalau untung ya Tun.
Dear Tun.
The world has been shown that communism, socialism and lately capitalism have failed miserably to offer solutions to the economic needs of humanity.
These man-made systems are traceable to Jewish’s ingenuity, and would it be fair to pinpoint to this race for all the blunders the world is facing ! I really do not know.
But these systems have had proven sucessful at one time or another but ultimately, undoubtedly are ending in disasters.
Where do we go from here? Let us forcibly open our eyes and have a look at the Islamic system enshrined in the holy Quran and the practices of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). Thank You.
Assalamu alaikum
YABhg Tun and all chedets “fellow.”
Currency trading were the among main contributions of “economy sick” todays. The trading player still survive whether the global economic under siege and recession. Could be described that, the currency traders are not productive types of group or community, they just used money as apparatus to create more money.
For an individual person, he/she could not borrow money from financial institution because he/she has nothing as a “mortgage.” If the financial institution allowed them to borrow, they might incurred with heavy burden such as unfair or unequal rules and regulation.
When I learn the financial market system in my semester 5, I found that the loopholes of currency trading failure is embodied from the complex currency trading rules and regulations, not the system.
The currency traders, many of them create the rules and regulations based on “compounded gains in the fulture” through “spinning methode.” It just similar to play bacarat or roulette in the casinos, where the gambler is always there. So, currency trading center is just alike “casino.”
In capitalist nations, the way them create wealth is the same like this.
Only, the remedy of this sickness, can be treat through Islamic finance and currency system, rules, and regulation. If all Islamic nations around the globe working together and create their own currency trading centre, means that we already vulnerable from the effect of “spinning” currency taders malpractice.
The Islamic nation such as UAE, Kuwait, Malaysia, Bahrain, and Saudi Arabia can play vital role to established their own currency trading centre.
The economy based on tangible wealth would most likely be stable and sustainable.
Currency should be based on tangible wealth too. Currencies backed by gold and silver reserves should be re-introduced.
Thank you Tun for sharing
I guess that perhaps one reason why European Union goes for a single currency, one of the benefit is to be less affected by the currency traders.
I don’t know if we can ever have a global currency, but there is one way to curb those that will make profit from thin air and get away with it. They just make millions from the comfort of their laptops and have the power to dictate (to a certain extend) the well being of a country.
We were blessed before to have you as the PM during the last economic crisis, to see it coming and did something about it. Nonetheless, with the issue at hand we must understand how these problems would come and take preventive actions to mitigate it. Roles played by Bank Negara is crucial and I do hope that the central bank will do what it can to safeguard our interest
Take care Tun.
JOHOR BARU: All 980 million additional Amanah Saham Wawasan 2020 units for non-Bumiputeras were snapped up in fewer than four hours yesterday.
Sales of the Bumiputera units are still on.
What does this reflect? It shows how strong the economic power of non-bumiputras.
Don’t the bumiputras feel embarrass? Or the bumiputras will have so many excuses why the units are not been taken up fully. Imagine 980 million units being taken up within 4 hours. Unbelievable!
Bear in mind the units allocated is not 30% but 51% of the total to bumiputras. Hopefully it will be fully taken up by the bumis.
If not fully subscribe then I think it is only fair to tranfer the units to non-bumis so that PNB could utilise the additional funds to generate higher invesment opportunity to earn higher dividends for investors.
Should we deny the non-bumis from investing more? Is that fair?
If I were PNB management I would offer the units to the non-bumis the balance not being taken up by bumis after a certain period of time. PNB should not lose the opportunity to create higher value in its investment portfolio to make more profits and earn better dividends for investors.
Askm Tun M,
Trading is a big part of a financial institution. Successful traders earn millions of dollars a year in bonuses. Their original purpose was to hedge financial institutions’ investments against the fluctuations of the market. But now they use trading as a substantial source of income.
1. The world financial system has been poisoned since early 1960’s when the Black and Scholes from MIT invented the option pricing model.
2. Since then all sorts of derivatives (vanilla and exotics) which are based on every single thing that can be traded were invented. Even interest rates and the volatility of stock market are being traded like a commodity.
3. Then bigger gambling houses (referring to hedge funds and investment banks) emerged. These financial institutions have debt several hundred times of its capital.
4. These institutions hire people with PhDs in Maths,Physics,Engineering,etc to model the market. In other words, the financial market has become the biggest place for sophisticated gamblers with trillions dollars of ‘artificial capital’.
The financial market has then become a world of complicated math models and complex computer programs. It’s not a financial market, it’s a sophisticated/advance gambling world.
Mohd Fadzli
MS Actuarial
Univ of Connecticut
Dear Tun.
The world has been shown that communism, socialism and lately capitalism have failed miserably to offer solutions to the economic needs of humanity.
These man-made systems are traceable to Jewish’s ingenuity, and would it be fair to pinpoint to this race for all the blunders the world is facing ! I really do not know.
But these systems have had proven sucessful at one time or another but ultimately, undoubtedly are ending in disasters.
Where do we go from here? Let us forcibly open our eyes and have a look at the Islamic system enshrined in the holy Quran and the practices of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). Thank You.
Salam Tun,
I have been reading on what you have been writing and it got me thinking, if the conventional banking that is used now is so unreliable and degrading, why than that many of us are just seeing the effects?
Virtual money is everywhere nowadays and i dont think this is a trend that can be change in a few years. If all people stop spending their virtual money, then all people will be homeless and lose their cars as most people loan to banks to purchase this assets nowadays. And even if you have the money to buy a house full in cash, even than this will not be done as it is impractical in the sense that you need truckloads of money to buy straight in cash.
Banking for me is acceptable if people who take out loan can pay them back with little to no interest like islamic banking. Islamic banking is heavily critised by people because its doing the same thing but in a different way. For me this is not true is one understands the rules of islamic banking and the conditions that must be met before a transaction can be done.
Anyhow,for me, this economic crisis will always haunt us. We now need to revamp and change the way we do business so that our economy will not suffer this crisis. Im not talking about Malaysian economy but the whole worlds economy needs to have a drastic change.
Salam Tun,
Kita perlu berani memperkenalkan dan menggunakan Matawang Dinar…
Peniaga yang mahu berniaga dengan kita wajib menggunakan matawang tersebut… Ianya lebih stabil dan para pengekspot dan pengimpot tidak perlu pening kepala dengan penurunan dan kenaikan US Dollar.. berniaga pada nilai sebenar barang bukan untung atau rugi atas perubahan mata wang..
Salam Tun,
The information you laid out in a very simple way for people like me to understand. Thank you very much.
Good afternoon Ayahanda Tun,
I do know that this kind of lending is not encouraged and not allowed in Malaysia as it is controlled by BNM. Illegal currency tradings (not through bank but through money changers) do exist in Malaysia, I believe it is still under control as BNM had stopped 19 licenses of Money Changers, 2 – 3 weeks back.
However, in Hong Kong (I think Singapore government allowed this lending too), lending of such money is encouraged and allowed because HK does not have natural resources .
Today, the people of Hong Kong (or China’s Special Adminstration Territory) needs to pay back for this so-called advance wealth accumulation through payments of very high rental for their housing, business offices or shops. Same goes to Singapore.
I do not know what we may get tomorrow by liberalizing our banking systems, but it seems like we are now back into the 90’s economics cycle but this time with different scenario:-
1. USA is unable to declare war on Iran nor North Korea at this point of time.
2. Swine flu outbreak (dulu bird flu, penyakit paru-paru juga, but different animal, in Asia, sekarang swine flu bermula di South America and north America) through electronic and print media. Do chemical (or biological) weapons exist in reality that can cause death through human lungs???
3. What will happen next? (dulu Tsunami in Aceh dan Asia), will there be a natural disaster in the West, namely USA (north and South)????? Was Tsunami happened in Aceh was due to bomb testing illegally in Asia by some countries (maybe….. by G7)???
It seems to me that these incidents are not coincidence or the repeating of historical economic cycle, but there are some how man-made incidents. Who are the culprits behind these so-called “The Repeat Of Economics Cycle”. I believe it was due to human greed and survival.
History told us that rich people do commit suicide because of sudden lost of wealth, will wealthy nations kill again through different methods to save their failing economies (or deficits) and to stabilize their currency values so that they sound healhty and wealthy in eyes of the world???
Whatever is it, I believe that “greed” is the main culprit in the heart of human beings. To control or not to control greed, it is subjected to the individual. I believe that Malaysia will not land in this situation because of “KEPERCAYAAN KEPADA TUHAN”, phew…. I rasa lega dan selamat sekarang selepas I tuliskan Rukun Negara di blog ini.
Take care Ayahanda Tun
Salam Tun and All,
1. Some may believe you,some may not. But back in 1997, when all seemed lost, you worked out a plan AFTER consulting those in the know, and you took us all out of the mess relatively unscathed.
2. That is how it was, and how it seems to be again. Those who are the ones in the business felt that you had misunderstood this (financial) game, and that you are not accurate in your writings.
3. But what they totally failed to grasp is that, you are on the outside looking in, with your doctor’s training and mind: diagnosing the sickness from the symptoms and synthesising the effects of the bad sides of the game. And of course, telling it all to our faces whether we like to hear it or not.
4. Why do we need a referee in a football game, and two linesmen to help him out?? Simply for the same purpose.. So that we have someone who is not too busy with the ball that they might lose sight of the rules as they are busy chasing that poor lone ball.
5. No doubt those who are in the financial game will want to justify their parts for being there and for trying their best to make the sale, but in their quest for profit, they often lose sight of their blatantly unscrupulous and damaging actions which are glaringly clear for others to see. It would do every one a lot of good, if those in this game would once in a while sit back and reflect, take the criticisms and improve. Surely that is not a totally bad idea, especially when the criticism comes from THE man himself???
6. Which is why, not every one can be a good Prime Minister, OR a good former PRIME MINISTER. Thank you Tun.
Jaga diri jaga solat, Tun and all.
Salam buat Tun berdua moga diberkati oleh Allah s.w.t.
1.Pelaburan melalui perdagangan mata wang inilah yang telah digunakan penyanggak mata wang seperti Soros ketika kemelesetan ekonomi dahulu.Rakyat Malaysia sepatutnya mengucapkan jutaan terima kasih pada TUN dengan cara yang diambil menanggani masaalah ketika itu.
2.Benarlah kata Allah s.w.t kita ini kerdil kalau hendak dibandingkan ilmu kita dengan Allah s.w.t umpama setitik air milik kita seluas-luas lautan di dunia ini milik Allah s.w.t.
3.Rahmah kepada Tun dapat menyelamatkan sipenyangak meneruskan niat jahatnya sesama manusia.Teori ini akan terus menjadi senjata jika malapetaka itu terjadi kembali.Namun kudrat kita cuma mencegahnya sahaja tampa dapat menghapuskannya terus sebab percangahan hukuman duniawi mengikut fahaman agama masing-masing.
4.Maafkan saya inzinkan sedikit mengaikkan dengan cara pimpinan yang diguna pakai sekarang.
5.Nabi kita s.a.w ialah seorang pemimpin yang patuh kepada Allah s.w.t dan hanya menyampaikan apa yang dikehendaki oleh Allah s.w.t.panduannya hanya pada kata-kata Allah s.w.t didalam al-Quran.
6.Sementara pemimpin yang ada sekarang memimpin manusia berlandaskan ilmu karangan manusia sendiri dan hanya menerapkan sedikit panduan al -quran secara memilih.Kalau begini caranya adakah anda sebagai pemimpin sebagai contoh ikutan akan tenteram untuk memimpin rakyat.?
7.Rakyat (Islam Siddiq) sentiasa membandingkan para pemimpin dengan akhlak nabi s.a.w berdasarkan hukum Allah sebab itu pemimpin serta kelurganya sentiasa diperhatikan penampilan dari hukum ke atas rambut hingga pergaulan sosial.
8.Pemimpin yang kuat perinsipnya walau pun anda betul tapi berlainan dengan kehendak Allah s.w.t akan ditolak melalui fitnah
atas kelalaiyan pemimpin tersebut.
when other countries are working hard to catch up the world trend, we are still at the phase of blaming others …
In Arab, wars always happen due to the bad intention from those mighty countries … to manipulate their resources … which is the petroleum …
30 years down the road, the globe will run out of petroleum … however, the mighty nations will still remain their luxury life and they will need alternative resources as a replacement for petroleum … when this situation occurs, Asean countries will be the next targets …
why? due to the improvement on bio-technology … plants can produce oils as a replacement for petroleum (eg: corn) .. and due to the weather and good condition for plants in Asia … the mighty nation will have their plan to manipulate the resources in these countries …
can you imagine wat will happen in this situation? …. when the asia countries do not have enough food to feed their own people … but there are huge amount of land planting with corns in these countries, to produce oils using bio-technology for luxury cars in the mighty countries …
with the relatively weak mindset of the people like this country … it is very easy for those bad mighty nation to stir up some fire, to mess up the entire country … so that they can manipulate the resources …
instead of always blaming others because we are not successful, better we put more effort in building up the country
Dear Tun
Some years ago, during your tenure as PM, Nor Mohd Yapkpop (currently Minister in PM’s Dept in charge of the EPU) was asked to leave Bank Negara as he was directly responsible for speculative forex trading losses of some RM 6 billion. Some say the actual figure was RM 30 billion and has been covered up. Can you please state the truth as to the actual amount of losses? And do not tell us you cannot do so because of OSA considerations. We have had enough of this kind of abject, pathetic cop out!
You were also responsible for the collapse of the tin market and losses amounting to some RM 3 billion?.
It is therefore obvious that Mlaysia has been deeply involved in these kinds of speculating forex and other casino-type trading. I believe that BNM still indulges in forex trading, way beyond what is required to hedge against our import/export necessities.
Are you saying you now have had a change of heart?
But, I agree with you that SPECULATIVE forex currency and futures trading should be internationally banned because it creates a breed of humans who want to make easy money and when in trouble leave the Governments and Taxpayers to pick up the bills (as also happened with you and the Bank Negara RM 6 billion and London Tin Council RM 3 billion of LOSSES!). Much of this ‘trade’ (read gambling) is due to GLOBAL UNMITIGATED GREED.
Trading in currencies and futures should therefore be restricted to genuine buyers and sellers of real products and services who wish to hedge against unforeseeable surges or collapse of currencies and their relative exchange rates, and not in the margin on currencies and futures indices themselves.
To me, currencies and future sare not commodities. I personally regards these kind of forex and futures traders as VERMIN!
The big question is , how can this greed be reined in and the system be changed internationally short of World War 3?
Dear Tun,
I’m on your side with regards to all 3 articles you produced but I’m just curious because you mention the term “gambling”. Gambling implies that there is a probability for BIG EARNINGS OR HEAVY LOSSES. A gambler/trader/invester will have magnified profits but it goes both ways. Please clarify why do they always seem to keep earning. If manipulating the market always works, why is it that they are the only ones doing it?
Salam TUN,
Ape komen tun pasal buang DEB oleh PM Najib??!!
Salam Tun..
“The profits earned by the traders and the investors would one way or another go into the calculation of the GDP and per capita income of the country”
This consideration normally comes from the Jew ideology and being utilised by our well-known
Dear Sir,
Although all these things you mentioned may be true, it is just a fraction of it and there are many things that the western countries invented that is worth our effort to emulate. Western economies like US and Britain are huge if compared to Malaysia. There are plentiful of companies doing real and good businesses that are helping to improve our living standard worldwide. To name a few, companies such as Microsoft, Dell, GE, Pfizer, P&G are all great companies but these have somehow slipped through your radar screen when you try to convince people of how manipulative are western countries in deceiving the world. I do hope you would say things that are unbiased and truthful and not deceive others so faithful to you into believing something that is not.
Masalah kegawatan ekonomi global perlu diatasi secara bijak dan berkesan agar semua rakyat tidak merasai dengan ketara keadaan itu.
Pemimpin perlu bijak menangani masalah ini.
Bagi orang kampung mungkin tidak merasa keadaaan ini tapi andainya mereka juga turus mendapat tempiasnya bermakna pihak kerajaan kurang prihatin tentang isu tersebut.
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