Dear Kamaliuk1973…

Thanks for your comments (HAS TERRORISM SUCCEEDED – March 29, 2010 7:11 PM).

I have looked at the pictures. They show nothing.

But most interesting they are from the Holocaust Museum, United States. They are obviously Israeli propaganda.

The “Holocaust” happened 60 years ago. The Jews were killed by Nazi Germans. Why don’t the Jews punish the Germans instead of the Palestinians and Muslims?

Tribal wars take place in Sudan and most countries in that area since ancient time. Darfur was highlighted at a time when incarceration and torture of prisoners in Abu Ghraib was exposed. Obviously the intention was to deflect attention from Abu Ghraib.

Malaysian relief workers have gone to Darfur. They report no genocide, only a lot of starving people because of the tribal wars.

If you are interested I can send you pictures of torture of the genocide in Iraq where 500,000 children were killed by starvation and lack of medicine when sanctions were applied principally by the United States and Britain.

I agree there are no winners or losers in a war. That is why I have been campaigning to make wars of aggression a crime. Killing people in order to solve disputes is uncivilised and primitive. The right thing to do is to negotiate, arbitrate adjudicate in order to solve disputes.

74 thoughts on “Dear Kamaliuk1973…”

  1. ranunasalam,
    just critics, but no ideas.
    like, “tin kosong, lebih bunyi daripada isi”
    what did you do that made Malaysia proud? just gimme 5

  2. The United States and its lapdogs NATO are always looking for a country to ostracize and isolate. It almost seems as if they put the best candidates for invasion on a short list, and when an election looms in the US, we can expect displays of belligerence. Of course the main theory of conflict wit the US national security state is: never attack a country that can defend itself. It took over a decade of sanctions and aerial bombardments to weaken Iraq to the extent that they felt they could attack, invade and occupy it.
    Sudan has long been on the ‘short-list’ of US enemies, along with Syria, Cuba, Venezuela, No. Korea, and Iran. Never mind the fact that the US has already wrongfully attacked this country and interfered in order to keep the civil conflicts going–and expand them. All of the Sudanese people have been hurt by this, including many Muslims and people of other religions, such as Christianity, who have lived side by side with the Muslims in peace for many years.

  3. Assalamulaikum Tun,
    The no such thing as anti-semite. The term was created just to proctect bad and wrong doing of zionist jews…period!
    Seremban 220410 10:47am

  4. Rarunasalam, you are comparing bush, blair, howard to daim,lim leong sik, samyvellu and sanusi junid.
    How can you compare heads of states to ministers?are they on the same level? for sure not.
    Does Dr M calling them frauds or liars have anything to do with you? Did you get anything from them?
    KLIA, you are comparing a regional hub that was opened before the commonwealth games. How can you compare KLIA with an established airport i.e changi airport and bangkok airport that has been there for quite a while.
    If petronas wants to buy stake at perkapalan, its their call, it happens that Tun’s son is working with perkapalan. so does it matter to you? did you lose money when Petronas bought stake at perkapalan.
    Petronas or Petroliam Nasional Berhad is owned by the government. Our beloved Tun is only an advisor to petronas. Tun can only advise, government decides on what to do with the company.
    Why don’t you give an advise on what to do. Rather than telling people that they are hypocrites.
    22 years Tun was PM, he brought the country to a developed country status. Yes, there is flaws, but all humans make mistakes, nobody is perfect.
    Lets help build Malaysia together, work together. Improve the economy of Malaysia.

  5. To: wajaperak & (all the like)
    To: wajaperak & (all the like)
    Crawl back under the rock of Ignominy, from where you have dared to shamelessly Slither.
    This is where your incompetence shows, as your ignorance is your obvious Tether.
    Begone from this forum and never so foolishly ever venture Hither.
    Save what is left of your dignity before your miniscule brain may quickly Dither
    Your thoughts and knowledge are nothing but scattered clouds, lost in a gust of windy Weather.
    This was a medicine you needed to swallow, although the pills were certainly BITTER.
    Go and “Iqra” may God replace your brain with one that is, hopefully, BETTER.
    I ask for your forgiveness dear Tun, But confronting this shameless pretender was truly a Pleasure.
    A phony sham like this “wajaperak” fellow, has to be humbled as a fool who thinks he is Clever
    “wajaperak” is nothing but a pretender, whose lips must be sealed, so not even a word he may Utter.
    God Bless Tun and Family
    God Bless Malaysia

  6. non-jibaok
    okay – in case you didn’t understand what I meant by refering to Tun M. as hyprocite, it was “Tun M. does not practise what he preaches” – Period!
    Don’t get upset if I am calling your idol that – that is the fact.
    Tun M calls others frauds and manipulators i.e. Blair, Bush, Howard – tell me in his 22 years how many projects and people he has manipulated to carry out his bidding (Ling Liong Sik, Samy Velu, Sanusi Junid, Daim Zainuddin, etc etc)
    Tun M calls others mismanagers and corrupt – how does one interpret Petronas buying stake into Perkapalan, a company owned by his son.
    Tun M initiated a lot of projects with no clear business plan or return of investment or longevity – do you need examples – well I’ll give you one – KLIA. It performs below par for being a regional hub, much lower compared to Singapore or Bangkok.
    Tun M scolded his successor Tun Abdullah, called him names, all for benefiting his personal selfish self. But when Tunku criticised him when Tun M. was PM, what did he do? He ignored the elder gentleman and founding father. He censured him.
    Tun M calls for war on war – well, isn’t that massive hypocrisy? What happened to seeking peace?
    I can go on but it’s your blind devotion that sees my comment as insulting whereas if only you understood the context of the claim, it’s not an insult brother – Its a fact!
    So, pipe down and if you cant bear to read my comments, ignore them, thats your right. But it’s my right to write to Tun with my feedback which I convey responsibly (without name calling or racist comments from the likes of you).
    oh by the way, in case you didnt realise, I do have a blog –
    Do go on it and do give your comments. I am not unhappy to receive your negative comments. In fact there are those who have called me names in it. I dont get upset. I just shake my head and say tsk tsk for their anger and hatred.
    You really need to stop getting angry and if you want to counter comment – write why you believe Tun is not a hypocrite. That will show merit that you’re a sensible person, and willing to engage in the argument in optimal manner.
    And one more thing – putar belit means being inconsistent. I have always been consistent in my claims about Tun in his blogs… so get your facts right!

  7. AAK
    thanks for skimming thru my comments – obviously you didnt read them OR you have a misconception as to what is an insult and as to what is an accusation.
    I am not insulting Tun M or at least have no such intention. I am however accusing Tun of being a hypocrite…and that is fact. Tun M is a hypocrite. That is not an insult. An insult is if I was rude by calling him names. I have and would not do such thing.
    And it’s your prerogative to not read my comments as these are in response to and directed to Tun’s attention.

  8. Salam Tun & Fellow CheDet’s Bloggers
    Thank to you, Mr John Byrne. I know I should have 30 questions for the test. Yes, that was the missing question. Do you think Mr Hannan will still fail this simple test even though I have given all the answers to those question? I bet he will fail.
    May God bless all of us

  9. ranunasalam,
    I find it particular that you are calling people out for their blind devotion when you yourself are the bent on discrediting Tun. I’m not trying to pick a fight with you but its obvious that all your post are aimed at insulting Tun. Even when he makes a post about something totally non-govermental like war or just post an opinion about something thats not related to politics, you still find a way to belittle his post.
    I would actually take your comments more seriously if you werent so repetitive and easy to predict. These days if I see your name, I’ll just skip to the next commentor. I believe I’m not the only one who does this.

  10. It was the Germans who inflicted sufferings on the Jews. For atonement, it is only logical that the state of Israel should be created on part of Germany and not Palestine.

  11. Prof ridicully
    I am impressed in how you position your argument…a question to you – if by what you claim that Muslim’s wear this unfortunate tag is indeed true, then why is that you see a lot of Christian’s continue conducting business and support transactions in the Middle East, Indonesia, Pakistan and in parts of the world highly populated by Muslims?
    Could it be more than just for the sake of making money, that indeed people of other faith have a sense of camaraderie regardless of one’s ethnicity and religious association?
    Agreed that in the last 10 years, the world has severely criticised extremists and fanatics…and unfortunately those extremists and fanatics did it in the name of Islam. But that is exactly the point that one should note that the rejection is based on the extremism these groups subscribe to as well as their modus operandi. Nothing to do with any religion whatsoever.
    Being the educated person you sound to be…is it better for you to be the sponsor of integration of people and highlighting irregularities of fact, rather than emphasise on data that is circumstantial?
    I appreciate your writing and enjoy reading your thoughts so do keep your nuggets coming…and wish you the best sir!

  12. Salam Tun,
    A war is a situation where the army can test a new invented weapon or bomb in real situation. Selling weapon is good business, weapon manufacturers can increase its sales, etc etc…
    Events in Gaza, Iraq and Afghanistan shows a new technology of WMD. The experiment were shown by media, thanks to Al-Jazeera, Wikileaks and others. Although they try to hide it, this things still leaked to the world.
    Now we know about Israel’s bombing in Gaza.
    Now we know about MOAB in Iraq.
    Now we know about the attitudes of US and Nato soldiers towards Muslim in Iraq and Afghanistan.
    Now we know about children of Israel writing at bombs before “sending” them to Lebanon.
    Now we know about Israeli “camping tour” to watch attack on Gaza.
    Now we know about “compensation” in Afghanistan to keep Afghans to “silence”.
    Now we know about Egypt “tied hand”.

  13. Dear Checker..
    You are absolutely correct..
    But U forgtot to ask another Most Important Question..
    Which race of the world that killed all prophets of their own brethen?
    Yet they claim they are the chosen ones..
    Haha Jocker!!

  14. Misbah
    you say my opinion has been poisoned by hatred and assumption.
    You’ve assumed wrong my friend.
    You’re under the illusion that Tun M. is faultless…I am merely stating everyone has faults.
    I have faults, you have faults….Tun M’s faults are many.
    My comments are not malicious or out of hatred – at least my comments are no different to what Tun M. has served on Tun Abdullah.
    It’s a pity, we won’t get an open and transparent view of all that is Tun. M
    But you’re more than welcome to maintain your blind devotion. That’s your right to stay ignorant.
    JJJ – too bad mate you have this severe case of diaorhea. You should stay away from spicy food. Does you no good, plus leaves you with bad breath.

  15. salam Tun
    Amerika adalah bapa segala bapa perang..
    Mereka memulakan di Vietnam
    Iraq dan lain-lain…
    PBB mcm NATO
    no action talk only…
    Palestin diganyang lebih 40 tahun…
    arab2 yang kaya lepak tonton berita….

  16. Salam Tun & Fellow CheDet’s Bloggers
    Let us sit for this test. Maybe Mr Hannan will get zero mark for wrong answer.
    1. Which country alone in the Middle East has nuclear weapons? Answer: Israel.
    2. Which country in the Middle East refuses to sign the nuclear non-proliferation treaty and bars international inspections? Answer: Israel.
    3. Which country in the Middle East seized the sovereign territory of other nations by military force and continues to occupy it in defiance of United Nations Security Council resolutions? Answer: Israel.
    4. Which country in the Middle East routinely violates the international borders of another sovereign state with warplanes and artillery and naval gunfire? Answer: Israel.
    5. What American ally in the Middle East has for years sent assassins into other countries to kill its political enemies (a practice sometimes called exporting terrorism)? Answer: Israel.
    6. In which country in the Middle East have high-ranking military officers admitted publicly that unarmed prisoners of war were executed? Answer: Israel.
    7. What country in the Middle East refuses to prosecute its soldiers who have acknowledged executing prisoners of war? Answer: Israel.
    8. What country in the Middle East created 762,000 refugees and refuses to allow them to return to their homes, farms and businesses? Answer: Israel.
    9. What country in the Middle East refuses to pay compensation to people whose land, bank accounts and businesses it confiscated? Answer: Israel.
    10. In what country in the Middle East was a high-ranking United Nations diplomat assassinated? Answer: Israel.
    11. In what country in the Middle East did the man who ordered the assassination of a high-ranking U.N. diplomat become prime minister? Answer: Israel.
    12. What country in the Middle East blew up an American diplomatic facility in Egypt and attacked a U.S. ship, the USS Liberty, in international waters, killing 34 and wounding 171 American sailors? Answer: Israel.
    13. What country in the Middle East employed a spy, Jonathan Pollard, to steal classified documents and then gave some of them to the Soviet Union? Answer: Israel.
    14. What country at first denied any official connection to Pollard, then voted to make him a citizen and has continuously demanded that the American president grant Pollard a full pardon? Answer: Israel.
    15. What Middle East country allows American Jewish murderers to flee to its country to escape punishment in the United States and refuses to extradite them once in their custody? Answer: Israel.
    16. What Middle East country preaches against hate yet builds a shrine and a memorial for a murderer who killed 29 Palestinians while they prayed in their Mosque? Answer: Israel.
    17. What country on Planet Earth has the second most powerful lobby in the United States, according to a recent Fortune magazine survey of Washington insiders? Answer: Israel.
    18. Which country in the Middle East deliberately targeted a U.N. Refugee Camp in Qana, Lebanon and killed 103 innocent men, women, and especially children? Answer: Israel.
    19. Which country in the Middle East is in defiance of 69 United Nations Security Council resolutions and has been protected from 29 more by U.S. vetoes? Answer: Israel.
    20. Which country in the Middle East receives more than one-third of all U.S. aid yet is the 16th richest country in the world? Answer: Israel.
    21. Which country in the Middle East receives U.S. weapons for free and then sells the technology to the Republic of China even at the objections of the U.S.? Answer: Israel.
    22. Which country in the Middle East routinely insults the American people by having its Prime Minister address the United States Congress and lecturing them like children on why they have no right to reduce foreign aid? Answer: Israel.
    23. Which country in the Middle East had its Prime Minister announce to his staff not to worry about what the United States says because “We control America?” Answer: Israel.
    24. What country in the Middle East was cited by Amnesty International for demolishing more than 4000 innocent Palestinian homes as a means of ethnic cleansing. Answer: Israel.
    25. Which country in the Middle East has just recently used a weapon of mass destruction, a one-ton smart bomb, dropping it in the center of a highly populated area killing 15 civilians including 9 children? Answer: Israel.
    26. Which country in the Middle East routinely kills young Palestinian children for no reason other than throwing stones at armored vehicles, bulldozers, or tanks? Answer: Israel.
    27. Which country in the Middle East signed the Oslo Accords promising to halt any new Jewish Settlement construction, but instead, has built more than 270 new settlements since the signing? Answer: Israel.
    28. Which country in the Middle East has assassinated more than 100 political officials of its opponent in the last 2 years while killing hundreds of civilians in the process, including dozens of children? Answer: Israel.
    29. Which country in the Middle East regularly violates the Geneva Convention by imposing collective punishment on entire towns, villages, and camps, for the acts of a few, and even goes as far as demolishing entire villages while people are still in their homes? Answer: Israel.
    If you read The Quran, Surah (Chapter) 17, Al Isra’ , Verse 3, “And We gave (clear) warning to the Children of Israel in the Book, that twice would they do mischief on the earth and be elated with mighty arrogance (and twice would they be punished)! ”
    This is no surprise!
    Some may ask why then Allah let this to continue? Answer: Allah is giving the opportunity for all of us the faithfuls ( Yang Beriman )to obey to anything but to Allah’s command and distance for all what He forbids and be united through strong faith in Allah the Creator, Merciful, Knowledgeable and Benevolent( berpegang kepada tali Allah )and not to worry, you will saved.
    May Allah protect us all.

  17. Hi from Singapore.
    Well said Tun. Don’t look far.. Look at South East Asia.. Why don’t you champion for war tribunal for Asian crooks who violated human rights.. like those in Indonesia: Suharto, Prabowo, Sutanto, members of the Gerakan Aceh Merdeka, Abu Bakar Bashir etc. Thailand: Thaksin etc. Singapore: LKY, LHL, GCT etc. Myanmar: the members of the Junta etc. Cambodia: members of the polpot etc. Malaysia: Dr Anal Ibrahim (punt intended)..

  18. Assalamu Alaikum Tun,
    To rarunasalam.
    You assume yourself as critical against any idea propagated by Tun Dr Mahathir?. Actually you don’t. Your opinion has been poisoned by hatred feeling and assumption. You can’t argue only based on assumption. People will laugh at you. Critical person doesn’t simply belief from hearsay.

  19. salam Tun,
    to ‘blinded with hate’ Rarunasalam,
    We,and by that I mean many of us here believe that you are a pompous self-regarding individual with devious intentions.Please enlighten us with your accusations.Don’t just talk blindly.Better still why don’t you file police reports.
    As it is Tun remains the ONLY so-called dictator in the world who stepped down voluntarily and commpletely (unlike a certain leader down south).
    Nobody with skeletons in their closet will step down voluntarily.They will prefer to die with their boots on.
    Tun has issued a challenge for a thorough study to be conducted by an independent third party about allegations from people like you and S.Tan about the unfair policies of the NEP.You dare take up the challenge?
    excerpts from a newspaper report;
    “KUALA LUMPUR 27 Mac – Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad mencadangkan supaya satu bancian komprehensif dibuat bagi mendapatkan kebenaran berhubung pelbagai tuduhan kononnya orang Melayu membolot segala-galanya.
    Beliau yang merupakan bekas Perdana Menteri berkata, bancian berkenaan amat diperlukan kerana sudah terlalu banyak tuduhan tanpa fakta dan hanya bersandarkan tanggapan dibuat pihak tidak bertanggungjawab.
    Katanya, bancian itu lebih sesuai dilakukan oleh pihak yang bebas manakala fokus kajian itu perlulah mencakupi sektor swasta dan perkhidmatan awam.
    “Ada banyak desakan yang bukan-bukan, kononnya semua biasiswa diberikan kepada bumiputera, semua ini betulkah? Kita kena tahulah (fakta), cakap sahaja tak boleh.
    “Ini negara berbilang bangsa, kita perlu berkongsi dan hidup bersama-sama, tetapi jika kita mula menuduh satu sama lain tanpa fakta, ia akan menyebabkan ketidakstabilan yang akhirnya menjejaskan semua orang,” katanya.”
    Tun wouldn’t have issued the challenge if he doesn’t know the facts.The question is DO YOU KNOW THE ACTUAL FACTS?
    Sarang tebuan jangan dijolok.

  20. Salam dan dengan izin Tun,
    It looks like Kamaliuk fell for Zionist propaganda and swallowed the whole disinformation of the Holocaust industry hook, line and sinker. The raison d’etre of the Holocaust museum/s is to increase Israel’s leverage on world affairs.
    Nobody denies the atrocities against the Jews of Europe in World War 2 and it is a blot on humanity that it happened, but to manipulate the tragedy of the Holocaust in order to further a political agenda — that of Israel — is another matter.
    With regards to USHMM, it is interesting that it doesn’t contain any information on the other “peoples” that were targeted by the Nazis, namely the gypsies (Roma) and the handicapped. The USHMM, however, does take the trouble to document the genocides of Rwanda, Bosnia and Darfur, although there is not a word on the Armenians or even the Rape of Nanking where hundreds of thousands of Chinese were killed by Japanese soldiers and tens of thousands of Chinese women were raped.
    Is it a coincidence that Armenia and Nanking are not mentioned or does it have to do with the fact that the USHMM being an American institution, it has to be sensitive to the fact that two strong US allies, the Turks and the Japanese, won’t be happy if the genocides were to be immortalised in an American institution?
    It is classical propaganda: serve half-truths, appeal to prejudices, repeat the message ad nauseaum, and use the ‘guilt by association’ [to Hitler in this case] fallacy on anyone questioning the propaganda.
    And well-meaning people like Kamaliuk will fall for it.
    Objective Q
    Thank you for your apology [philosophical sense] on behalf of Islam. I enjoyed reading it and it gave me pause for thought.
    It is pretty obvious that Islam is under attack both internally and externally, with the external attacks gaining momentum post-911.
    Muslims are used to being labelled by their enemies. Prophet Muhammad ص

  21. Salam Tun,
    To Idea,
    You are sorely mistaken about Spell Cast. This program is from Singapore produced by the Singapore Government controlled MediaCorp. The lone Malay contestant you saw in the program was just a show that the Singapore PAP government does not discriminate the Malays. If you watched and followed the program as I did, the Malays were always given difficult words to spell compared to the Chinese and Indians to make sure that they will not succeed to the end. I am certain that it it will disgust you. Watch the program at 7:30 pm Tuesdays on NTV7 to believe.
    Regarding Miti, if what you said is true, then Najib must do something about it before we lose our patience. He should also check why SOCSO CEO is an Indian.
    May Allah bless TUN M and Malaysia.

  22. Salam Tun & Fellow CheDet’s bloggers,
    The mention of word “JEWS” , will draw a lot of criticism from many like Mr.Hannan and other non-jewish and will label such a person as anti-semitic. What so special about about this race call JEWS? Nothing to be surprised about it why people hated the JEWS so much. The answer can be found in Quran for anybody who are interested to find the truth out curiosity.
    The European and USA are happy that they had finally managed to get rid of them by giving a state of its own as far away from them. They washed their hand clean. Then they need to keep the status quo by continue to support its existance in any circumstance so that their countries economy will be not be “disturbed” and will be good reason to fulfill their colonisation agenda. They are and will prove wrong as the Jews will not be satisfied and will continue to haunt everybody until the end of the world. Israel will be USA and European’s biggest liability to serve as the leader of the civilised world.
    May Allah bless us all.

  23. Mis-bah
    I am not sure what you’re getting at?
    I guess your blind devotion looks at my comment as being constantly critical of our former PM…
    If you look at Tun’s blogs about every other government except his, he is constantly critical of them.
    Best part is he doesnt acknowledge that while he might be preaching about ethics…he has lots of skeletons in his closet which he refuses to acknowledge.

  24. Assalamu Alaikum Tun,
    To rarunasalam,
    Why you can only see bad things about our leaders that had let you breath until today. You did not even appreciate a single good thing they had done to you.
    What kind of human being are you. Do you think you are perfect? You too a “mudah lupa” person. Be appreciative if you want people to appreciate you. This is the right thing to by civilised people. Are you civilised?

  25. Salam buat Ayahanda Tun,
    Buat apa kita nak bertengkar tentang kezaliman kat negara orang, kat kejiranan kita pun banyak.. Saban minggu ada kes ‘melupuskan’ bayi.. Yang ni gajah kat depan mata kita..

  26. Asalamua’laikum Tun,
    Dengan izin.
    Dear readers, you might want to read “Confessions of an Economic Hit Man” a biography by John Perkins to understand how the US uses consulting firms and so called aid agencies to subvert the economy on countries that they have strategic interest or importance.
    Then you might not be so quick to judge others of so called conspiracy theorist

  27. Dear Tun,
    Thank you very much for taking the time to reply to my comments.
    It might surprise you to know that I believe that 9/11, while not necessarily a blatant CIA plot as some people might advocate, was nevertheless an anticipated opportunity used by the neo-conservative elements of the US Government to further its Middle East colonial policy. This was unashamedly stated in the infamous Project for the New American Century’s report, Rebuilding America’s Defenses.
    Like you and many others, I too am angry at the blatant one-sidedness of most major Western Governments in their address of the issues in Palestine. However, I also see that other Arab states need to shoulder also some of the blame for not giving generations of Palestinian people any other option than one of armed struggle, despite their oil-rich wealth. In observing the the billions of dollars of wastage that these oil-related states like Dubai had sqaundered in its empty mega projects over the past few years, one can’t help wonder if some of this could have been channeled to better the lives of the Palestinian people. But this is an argument for another forum.
    I am also well aware of the agenda of economic colonisation of the developing nations by the West including ours, under the pretext of financial liberalisation, and while I feel that your advocacy of an islamic dinar is economically simplistic within the present financial reality, I too share your concerns on unfettered globalisation. Dinar advocates are trying to climb the hill of creating a new currency system yet fail to see that Malaysia’s regulatory authorities are quite happily opening the floodgates into the domestic financial system to the very Western banks they so despise. Such is the hypocrisy.
    However, to attract any sense of credibility in criticising the injustices of the West, one also needs to play a balanced hand when addressing other injustices against humanity and democracy, including those which may fall under the banner of regimes Malaysia may consider allies, which includes Sudan and Zimbabwe.
    Even the alleged ‘anti-Muslim’ United States Congress for all its evils, in 2005 passed a resolution declaring that “the Serbian policies of aggression and ethnic cleansing meet the terms defining genocide” in order to condemn Serbian aggression against Bosnian Muslims, leading NATO to take action in putting an end to the aggression. In fact, the Holocaust Museum also has testimony and pictures of the crimes against humanity committed against Bosnian Muslims on it’s website.
    Are these stories also Israeli propaganda?
    On Sudan, the UN Commission of Inquiry on Darfur had in its final report concluded that while the Government of Sudan had not pursued a policy of genocide, its forces and allied militia had

  28. Assalamu Alaikum Tun,
    To Kamaliuk1973, we from developing countries should always double even triple check any information channeled to us by western media. Most of information form there are biased..

  29. YBhg Tun yang saya kasihi,
    Kita ashik berbincang pasal ekonomi, politik keganasan, kezaliman , pembunuhan dan berbagai-bagai hal lagi.
    Tahukah kita hasil yang baik adalah dari benih yang baik, jiwa yang bersih adalah dari hasil makanan yang bersih. Kenapa mereka macam tu ?
    Kita kaji hasil nya… Malaysia dah mula melaluinya Tun, rakyat tidak bersifat waras bunuh bayi, kanak-kanak, ibu bapa, rogol dan sebagainya sebab hasil yang jadi darah daging dari sumber yang kotor..
    Ini juga dikategorikan pengganas juga cuma dia orang tak pakai senjata api saja.
    Apa pun Yang Berbahagia Tun Pasti kan rakyat malaysia makan makanan yang halal iaitu kalau kilang mengeluarkan produk halal pastikan betul-betul halal di mana kilang dipastikan mengaji sekurang-kurang pekerja kelulusan menegah agama oleh kilang tersebut dan pegawai ini kena lapur ke JAKIM..Kalau keluarkan lesen pusat penyebelihan islam mistilah usahasama dengan JKIM memastikan pekerjanya adalah dikalangan orang berpegetahuan agama..barulah hidup selamat ISLAM SENTIASA DIHATI.. QURAN SENTIASA DIBACA DARI ROH MULUT MANUSIA YANG MEMBACA NYA.. BUKAN PAKAI TAPE…INSHAALLAH jiwa kita akan bersih dan tenang…amin.
    Terima Kasih sekiranya ayahanda sudi membaca comen saya ini..
    Nazeer Ahamed.

  30. Tun
    do you have any pictures of Sadamn and his merry band gassing the Kurdish in his attempt to stop their dissension?
    do you have any pictures of Sadamn and his merry band sending WMD to Iran during the Iran-Iraq war?
    do you have any pictures of Sadamn and his merry band killing Kuwaitis and torching their oil mines during their Kuwait invasion?
    do you have pictures of Sadamn and his merry band torturing innocent civilians in his Abu-Ghraib “theatre of terror” just because he was paranoid about traitors amongst his own people?
    I’ll like to see them as well Tun given you are hell bent on lambasting the Brits, Americans and Aussies…

  31. salam tun….
    to hanan…
    when someone did not believe holocoust happen you call them anti-semite..
    yet when some country/people kill thousands other’s citizen you say nothing…
    just nothing….
    that’s really who you are…
    jaga diri tun…

  32. Dear Readers,
    Please spare a moment to read Objective Q’s comment. It is a little long but very engaging. I agree very much with what he wrote and wish somehow that these type of writtings can be shared nation wide!

  33. Dear Tun,
    I am responding to the comment by JimmyHillhead.
    1. Last night, I watched Spell Cast, a spelling contest for kids, on NTV7. It was disappointing to see only one Malay kid in the contest despite the Malay’s being the majority. Are we still that weak in English?
    2. Somebody told me Miti, a government organization that is dealing with international trade negotiations, is dominated by the non-Malays. Somebody else might deny. The way I see it, the Malays are occupying the support positions. Many of the heads are non-Malays despite the Malay’s being the majority. Are we really this weak in English?
    3. I am disappointed. I am really, really disappointed.

  34. Dear Tun,
    I’m sorry and I know my comments are out of topic here but I would like to ask you if you know where I can seek help for funds to further my Masters in Germany. I received and offer letter for Masters in Business, Law and Economics in European Business School in Germany but it is very hard to get financial assistance to study Masters for needy students. Please advise.
    Thank you.

  35. Tun,
    The article written by Objective Q on March 31, 2010 4:48 PM and By non-jibaok on April 1, 2010 2:19 AM are so interesting and educational and I wonder why someone is calling and giving others names.
    Why! I believe it is political game created by American Organisation (maybe or maybe not Jews). The game is to conquer and own the world

  36. Assallammualaikumwarahmatullahiwabarokatuh..
    Semoga mendapat izin dan perkenan Tun..
    Objective Q
    [[No rational mind, logical sense or wise soul would ever, so unjustly, attack Islam if they are only to know more about its peaceful and harmonious teaching. It is therefore that the rigorous study of Islam

  37. Tun,
    Please.. you dont’t have to response to these people. They are just a few lots who are selfish who don’t see anything other than themselves. Let us continue to fight justice for mankinds and make this world a better place for all of us to live.

  38. Assalamualaikum Tun.
    Taktik Israel mudah untuk dibaca.Cuma yang dibezakan adalah kesungguhan yang ditunjukkan oleh Zionis mengikut rancangan pelan asal.
    Satu gerakan dan perlaksanaan yang tersusun.
    Gaya permainan Anwar Ibahim mirip kepada Israel.Tujuan menimbulkan isu adalah untuk memanipulasi keadaan.Tapi Anwar Ibrahim tetap mirip sahaja tapi tidak sama macam Israel.Ini bermakna Anwar Ibrahim tidak sehebat Zionis.
    Kelihatan Anwar Ibrahim terikut (maksud saya menciplak isu) dengan gaya Dr Mahathir dan sebenarnya ramai orang ingin menjadi macam Dr Mahathir.Fight with no fear.
    Tapi satu perkara yang orang tak tahu adalah ‘isu’ Dr Mahathir dah boleh dikatakan outdated.Jadi kesimpulannya Anwar Ibrahim dah out dated.
    Well,good luck to Anwar Ibrahim.Like RPK said in his ‘last posting’ long long time ago, “I TOLD YOU”.
    Terima kasih Tun.

  39. Ayahanda Tun,
    I totally agreed with you, but PLEASE do not respond to provocation. You may want to clear some issues but this species will not stop at nothing unless we subscribe to their values and belief. InsyaALLAH, we shall continue with our jihad.
    You had issued THE challenge to some of the species in Malaysia – PROVE THAT MALAY HAS GRAB NON-MALAY’S RIGHT – is still unanswered.
    I think they has no answer for that but I do think that you have plenty of reasons and answer to that particular question.
    I do think you should share your thought on that issue.
    I am having difficulties to answer some of my questions here but I do think you have the answers:-
    1. During Portuguese, Dutch and British collonisation (over 446 years), the Chinese and Indian were brought over to The Malay Peninsular to worked as coolie or labourer. History has seen that they become traders, businessman, lawyer, doctors, engineers, etc, etc. How come they ended as white collar? Did the British helped them? Did the British provide scholarship or assistance to them to enable them to become what they are now? Do we have the statistic? (I have had several conversations and discussions with some pre-war and post-war Malay professional. We will not get that facts as it was the policies at that particular time but Lee KY is still doing that.) Now “they” are asking us why we only give the scholarship to the Malay. I think we have to highlight this issue, otherwise they will keeping barking at this issue.
    2. Because of the above policy, most of the head of the Government Department was non-Malay. The policy was the same. Utamakan bangsaku dahulu sebelum menolong bangsa orang lain. When Tan Sri Ainuddin Wahid was appointed as the head of Institiut Teknologi Kebangsaan which was renamed as UTM, his first task was to increase the intake of Malay student. He found out that the application form from the Malay student was still on the floor unprocessed but “they” claimed that Malay was not interested in technologies and/or Malay did not make the cut to become the engineers. You never highlight this issue. Is it sensitive? I think you should tell the post-war kids regarding this issue, how they manipulate the fact etc, etc, otherwise even the Malays will not learn the actual history.
    Jimmy Hillhead.
    Johor Bahru
    [email protected]

  40. DessAuthor you said….
    By DessAuthor Profile Page on April 1, 2010 1:14 AM
    Dear Tun,
    Yeah..true as you’ve said. Why are the Jews punishing the Palestinians and the Muslims. The Muslims are the ones who gave shelters to the Jews when the Germans (Nazis) abolished them.
    Or were the Germans Muslims????
    i say…..
    the moslems and christians abused jews as 2nd class and dhimmis and made to pay jizya.
    Jews that chose to live in India since 500BC until today still regarded high and live well off than any previously in europe or middle east.
    except when some pakistani chose to target them and kill in the Chabad House Mumbai in November 2008.

  41. Dear Tun
    I wish that you don’t have to respond to such nonsense. There are few of them with the ‘purposely’ intention to provoke. Most of the allegation was merely baseless. Perhaps they got the information from definitely not reliable sources which they themselves didn’t know the real situation was. Yet they have these cruel intention that you must answer to all these allegations. These people only know how to criticize. They led not a successful life either. Because successful people posses this value we call positive thinking. Positive people do positive approached. Sometimes the truth is hard to swallow. And these people are very, very good at denying facts. To these people Tun, let it be. Only safe those who want to save themselves.
    Sorry Tun, my 2 cents.
    Take care ya..

  42. Salam Tun.
    I can’t understand someone giving comment with obviously biased & unfounded facts! Kamaliuk must be either a loyalist of the PKR adviser or anti-Islam or Jewish lobbyist or ignorant.

  43. “If you are interested I can send you pictures of torture of the genocide in Iraq where 500,000 children were killed by starvation and lack of medicine when sanctions were applied principally by the United States and Britain.”
    Does the United States and Britain owes Iraq a living? Where are Iraq’s Muslim brothers and Malaysia when Iraq needs them? Why blame United States and Britain when they themselves also did nothing!

  44. Normally, I do not prefer to give my comments on this forum but would rather browse through some of the comments as posted, merely for my own consumption. However, occasionally we do get some impertinent comments from some quarters (such as this

  45. Dear Tun,
    Yeah..true as you’ve said. Why are the Jews punishing the Palestinians and the Muslims. The Muslims are the ones who gave shelters to the Jews when the Germans (Nazis) abolished them.
    Or were the Germans Muslims????

  46. Assalamualikum Tun,
    Only a suggestion. Why dont you make those photographs public so that all of us can have a view of them. I am sure most of your followers here would agree with me.Or at least you may post them onto a blog and let the whole world know about it. Thank you and May Allah bless you and your family.

  47. A’kum Tun & izinkan saya menumpang lalu…
    >>> Dear Kamaliuk1973
    4. Or perhaps Tun thinks this is yet another fabrication of the West
    Aku tak tau la hang ni bangsa apa no…, tapi hang ni memang liuk dan lentok abih! YES it is indeed fabricated propaganda by the West, namely by Khajew (Khazarian Jew / Zionist). Just like other previous fabrications of 9/11, WMD of Iraq, Afghanistan and now Iran! The godless Khajews are the Master of Deception, and you should know that.
    FYI, appearance and reality are always differ. You have been duped, deceived and fooled by appearance, i.e. like those who support DSAI believing that he is The Saint!. Well that’s understandable knowing that we are living in the world where ‘time moves faster’…(read materialistic world).
    Lu Pikir la sendiri.
    Thank you.

  48. Dear Tun,
    Talking about Jews propaganda..we keep calling and being reminded that the Jews hammering of the Gaza Strip was a WAR.
    What WAR; its no WAR; it was a Massacre…thru and thru…Why are we calling is a WAR? Just because the Jews call it a War?
    It is a MASSACRE of the civilian population in GAZA, not matter how you look at it.
    USA you do not have the MORAL authority to lead our civilisation if you defend, support and keep Vetoing all UN resolution that is suppose to keep Isreal in line with the norms of all other nations of this world.
    USA and your Allies DO NOT HAVE THE MORAL AUTHORITY TO CALL OTHER NATIONS non-conforming or evil or inhuman or what ever…
    So you can take your moral high ground and stuff it.
    If you want China, Russia, North Korea, Iran, Afgan & Pakistan(general population – not the weak goverments) to work with you – EARN THEIR RESPECT AND RESPECT everyone’s right and view point including the Palestinian’s Right to NATIONHOOD and from being TERROISED by the JEWS Military, settlers, Sympathisers.

  49. Dear Tun,
    It seems that the deal with ‘The one who controls in the dark’ had become common knowledge already. They were called by many names, and somehow they seem to control most of what we see, hear, and do. huh.. scary thought.
    Well, my point is, whoever they are, they are very, very smart people. Mereka datang sehalus-halusnya.. So smart you’d have to give credit to these brilliant people.
    Haha. It’s a funny feeling to have respect for the guys who are destroying us all. nevertheless, they are the enemy.
    You’re a smart man, Tun. What you did, promoting a warless world, and the idea of the dinar.. simple ideas, but are the very key to all of these mess.
    I’m a very young man, Tun. I’ve shaken hands with you once at my college. I love how you look at my eyes when we shook hands, to me, a stranger in the crowd.
    So Tun, How do we face these very, very smart enemy? Who seems to have all the resources in the world?
    Judging from you’re actions since you step down as the primer, it seems to me that you… know.
    I’m not pro-mahathir, or whatever is they call to those who supported you.
    I’m just a fan of smart people, and you sir, are a very, very smart man.

  50. Dearest YAB dan DiKasihi Tun,
    There is no point explaining things to Kamaliuk1973. This person obviously doesn

  51. Assalamualikum Dear Tun Dr. Mahathir.
    I’ll just comment shortly to expose how you are an anti Semite (Anti Jewish).
    1) When pictures are shown from the holocaust museum it is Israeli/Jewish propaganda. When pictures are shown by you or by your websites, this is not propaganda but reality.
    2) When you talk about the murdered Jews by the Germans you say “killed” but when when you talk about the “killed” Iraqis it is a “genocide”.
    3) 6,000,000 of Jews were just simply “killed” but 500,000 killed in Darfur is a genocide.
    The value of life is discriminated intentionally to brainwash people and you are a silent contributor to war and hatred while the mask is criminalizing war.
    I have no other way just to describe you as an anti-Semite, simple as that.
    I’m sorry being mistaken about you dear Tun and sorry of interrupting your blog for more than one year.
    Wassalam forever.
    Hanan, Jewish and a Zionist.

  52. Tun,
    Thank you for your saying what I’ve always wanted to say that “the Germans are the ones, the Jews , should go after”
    Seriously, what have the Palestinians do to them to deserve such a life.
    What did the Palestinians in Gaza and the Occupied Territories, had on their dining table today, I’m always wondering? So sad and so unfair ….Everyday, to not know if you would have food on the table.
    To know, when u go out of your country to look for a better life, that you are not to return ever to the land of your birth. How can anyone be subjected to that, how can that be?
    To know if you are ever going to be shot while looking for work on the way to some sites allowed.
    Didn’t Nazi Germanny subjected a race of people to the same conditions?
    We have not learn from the Holocaust, if at all…..

  53. Assalamualaikum Tun.
    First and foremost, you’re my HERO.
    And if you have your Sinatra Principle,”I did it my way”, mine is the Seekers principle, “I’ll never find another you”.
    I agree with your last line but in order to be able to achieve the desired goal, one must be strong and be prepared to go to war. Only when we are strong will our adversary be willing to talk with us and not TO us.
    One example is the Palestinians’ plight. The Americans have dragged the Palestinians round and round the bush for more than three decades with all kinds of promises,plans and maps. Yet nothing has come of them. And the Jews are still as blatant and brazen as ever and even MORE.
    My view is that until the Palestinians are truly strong, with all the Arabs putting their weight behind them, until they can have a godfather who can take on the americans,they will always be talked TO. For another 100 years?
    My sincere belief is that
    The Pen is Mightier than the Sword
    if there is a Bigger Sword behind the pen.

  54. The Muslims have sacrificed so much for the Jews in the past, they had helped the jews when they were hated by the European. This is mainly because they are our brother of Abrahamic religions. But look at how the Jews repay us?
    How many innocents child has to die, so that they would end the conflict?
    How many innocent woman needs to be killed, rape, and others?
    They are human too, just like the other way around.
    The problem with the west is that the failure to understand Islam, and the same goes to the Jews. There are delusive belief that Islam propagates hate, and war.
    I have limited knowledge of Islam but if Hanan wanted to know about the real Islam, feel free to find me here. [email protected]
    I’d be willing to explain to him, about Islam and why there are Jihadist. He’d cry foul when he finds out the truth.

  55. Dear TUN Dr M,
    “Genocide in Iraq where 500,000 children were killed by starvation and lack of medicine when sanctions were applied principally by the United States and Britain.”
    The statement extract from your comments is quite shocking. 1/2 a million innocent children were killed at no fault of theirs. It happened during our time, the “civilized” time. Whoever is responsible for this geonicide should be punished without any mercy.
    I am not a racist but facts are facts, the atrocities and holocaust caused during the 1800s and 2000s,in a “civilized” manner was by one race.

  56. Dear Tun,
    You are a good muslim, humble, honourable, engaging and courageous. You give time to individual like Kamaliuk 1973. Ular menyusul di kalangan akar tidak hilang bisanya. Like you, such was the attribute of our holy Prophet, Nabi Mohammad. May God bless you.
    One day, like me, may Kamaliuk 1973 convert to islam, insyaAllah.
    amin tan

  57. Salam Tun,
    I was one of the Malaysian volunteers who went and stayed in a village called AL GENINA in Darfur District,Sudan in 2004.
    Our organisation conducted static and mobile clinic around the village areas as well as in Internal Displaced camp(IDP).
    We also set up pre school in Kerinding camp for students age from 5 – 12 years old.About 500 student enrolled in our school and they are very keen and eager to learn.
    During my 0ne and a half months stay there it was peaceful and no genocide,massacre or mass rape as reported by international media such as CNN,BBC,ABC,REUTERS or ALJAZERA.These are all lies and propaganda with the aim to overthrow the current government.
    In the evening it is a routine for us to visit the District Hospital to hand over food to the sick patient and I notice theres not a single patient who is suffering from gun shot wound.Most patient are suffering from skin diseases and malnutrition.
    So please dont listent to all the lies being thrown by the foreign media,listen to those who have served in this area.

  58. Ayahanda Tun,
    When people are out off desperation, they will hire highly skilled and trained terrorists, for example, the 2 suicide bombings in Moscow, Russia.
    Even mother nature can be man made out off desperation too through paid fee to create fear and panic.
    When they are in desperation, they will do anything to dis-unite the Country’s peace, harmony and development.
    What will happen in future, it is UNknown.
    I sincerely hope that the new MCA’s Dr Chua will not be too carried away with his way of uniting MCA, and he only garnered votes of 901.
    All politicians are paid for a fee to fight for their political bosses’ agenda.
    This blogger Kamaliuk1973… is being nice to show you the pictures, so is donplaypuke. They have their perceptions and I can understand if I put myself in their shoes.
    What Obama preached is similar to what Bush has done, but with different strategy. His strategy may be backfired if he only fight for the eggs by killing the chickens.
    Khairul Dean is living comfortably, he will not be able to make a huge leap. Since he is comfortable, why should he leap? Human nature….
    Desperate people do desperate things. Strong medicine may not cure this desperation. Moderation is the best strategy.
    Good night Ayahanda Tun.

  59. mahathir,
    the nazis after war were punished and hanged for the holocaust. just because nazis killed, that doen not mean entire germans should be wiped out for the crime of the leaders.
    why u bring in jews on darfur, sudan.
    some of us know of your friendship with the sudan president and dealings with petronas there…. u put up a blind eye on darfur as long as your petronas can get contract there.
    that shows your double game.
    you are no better than the so called cunning jew….

  60. the jews didn’t punished the germans coz they have no interest on the germans. in addition, the germans are military stronger than the them..jews have interest on west bank n the palestinians give resistance to them..military wise, palestinians are weaker..that’s why they punished the palestinians. actually the jews are afraid..they have the guts bcoz of the americans..
    manusia biasa

  61. Steady Tun..
    There is only one Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamed..
    Only you can produce such accurate and brain teasing answer..
    What u think of the MEB tun???
    Because i am no professor or understading is that my per capita income will increase in near future to about $15000 usd..
    But how am i going to achieve it??? I hope the government can xplain the entire context of MEB in a very easy to understand language so that laymen like me and the entire malaysian public can understand.


  63. Salam Hormat kepada Tun dan keluarga.
    Tun kami sangat sanjung jasa dan budi Tun,
    Kami mengucapkan setinggi tinggi perhargaan kepada Tun suami isteri kerana sanggup melapangkan masa untuk memberi ucapan untuk mengukuhkan dan memartabatkan orang melayu di perhimpunan Perkasa tempoh hari.
    Shabas Tun Dr Mahathir dan Tun Dr. Siti Hasmah, dan tak lupa juga kepada Datuk Ibrahim Ali dan Datuk Mukhris.
    May Allah Bless all of you.

  64. salam Tun,
    Wow what a perfect formula!Even Einstein couldn’t have done it better!

  65. Salam Tun,
    it’s funny how some people try to twist Tun’s words to accuse him of many things.

  66. The right thing to do is to negotiate, arbitrate adjudicate in order to solve disputes.
    Salams Tun Dr M yang saya sanjungi..
    Memang kejam dalam peperangan. Price of war.. Sbb tu la..
    Baik kita semua Make Love not Wars.
    Samada di luar negara mahupun dalam negara.. Tapi kan Tun ini dah tersurat.. Ada yang baik dan ada yang tak baik..
    Ada yang beriman dan pasti yang tidak beriman.
    Dan ada yang percaya dan juga yang tidak percaya.
    Hilang kesemua perasaan sayang dan tinggal perasan benci..
    That of course lead to the DARK side.. pst pst.. MJ
    Bukan nyawa sahaja yang melayang tetapi maruah agama, bangsa dan tanah air juga hilang. Ekonomoney lagi la teruk..
    Dalam dunia yang moden ini.. Bermacam macam jenis peperangan kita kaum muslim nak kena hadapi..
    Krisis sana- krisis sini.. Yang kaya bertambah kaya.. Yang susah tambah lagi susah.. Rata- rata No Money No talk..
    You Talk.. Make sure You ready to put your money where your mounth is..
    Ini bersangkutan dengan sifat manusia itu sendiri.. Penuh dengan rasa cinta kepada dunia.. Nak lebih saja..
    Angkuh- kira dia betui saja sebab post yang di pegang.
    Riak- Kira nak orang nampak dan lihat saja apa baik yang dia buat..
    Cemburu- Orang dapat dia tak dapat.. haaa..
    Start la nak perang.. !!
    Sekarang ni rakyat nak tengok keikhlasan.. bukan sekadar cakap- cakap saja.. Keikhlasan ni pula tidak boleh dibuat – buat..
    Tipu orang OK, Tipu diri sendiri OK.. tapi boleh kah kita tipu Yang Maha Esa dan Maha Kuasa..
    Seperti yang Tun kupas kat sini iaitu sejarah.. dan apa yang sedang berlaku kini maka.. kita semua perlu sedar yang sekiranya kita cinta dunia lebih dari Allah maka bencanalah yang akan menimpa kita bukan seorang tetapi ramai… semua… Ingat nak jadi Khalifah kat muka bumi ni senang kaaa..?
    Allah Maha Adil dan Tiada Tuhan MelainkanNya..
    Salams Tun.. I still wish you well and happiness.. 50 sen..
    Perjuangan yang hampir selesai kOt..

  67. assalamualaikum..
    Tun.. i do agree with you.. but then i keep thinking.. what is the point of negotiate ( correct me if i was wrong in spelling )..
    every single day i heard in tv that this have been naegotiate.. that has been negotiate.. but it’s seem no improvement.. still having the war.. and currently.. our student almost get kill in the tren..
    by the time that being negotiate.. they will be thousand or even bad million people were killed.
    is there any process can make the negotiate more effective..
    i’m maybe not educated as all of u that have left your comment.. but i do know that.. my beloved country Malaysia is no peace anymore.. it’s all just a fake.. to cover our weakness..
    i’m so sad.. that my prime minister didnt see it.. take a good look at people back there.. TAKE A GOOD LOOK AT IT.. 🙁 I’M SO ASHAME..

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