1. All praise for democracy, the best system for politics ever invented by man. But being invented by man, it is not free from imperfections. It works only if you know these imperfections and their limitations.

2. It is fine to determine everything by majority vote and not by consensus. It is fine only if the loser accepts the winner. But when the loser refuses to accept the decision of the majority and launches a campaign to undermine the party, the only result would be a split and therefore a weakening of the party.

3. With UMNO the loser took the case to court and the party was made illegal. When revived it lost a huge chunk of the members.

4. But for Liong Sik, the MCA President who headed BN, accepting UMNO Baru and not Semangat 46, life would have been difficult for me.

5. Fortunately the voters in the General Election restored UMNO Baru’s credibility and strength. Otherwise UMNO Baru would have become Peking Duck, deader than the Dodo.

6. History has many lessons for us. As George Santayana said: “those who forget the lessons of history will be punished by making the same mistakes over and over again” or words to that effect.

7. But we never like to learn from history. We think our case is different.

8. No. Actually our case is the same.

9. You can interpret this any way you like.


  1. Dear Dr Mahathir,
    I must say, hats down to you for being a leader who can retrospect on yourself to this extend.
    Perhaps there are other unique systems being used by different groups around the world that a think tank could study in Malaysia.
    This may enable our society to leap forward in maturing to govern at a higher level.
    A non profit think tank that looks into 2020 Malaysia Governance, is definitely worthy. How do we mature our society beyond pettiness?, how to we mature our leader? , what does it take to have this growth in their mindset?
    While these may seem like wishful thinking, everything in the world of great inventions started with a thought !
    Wishing you a Merry Christmas, Thanks & Gos bless,
    Nash K,

  2. Dear SIR,
    A democracy which makes or even effectively prepares for modern, scientific war must necessarily cease to be democratic. No country can be really well prepared for modern war unless it is governed by a tyrant, at the head of a highly trained and perfectly obedient bureaucracy. Thank you……………!

  3. My dear TUN,
    The leaders who work most effectively, it seems to me, never say “I.” And that’s not because they have trained themselves not to say “I.” They don’t think “I.” They think “we”; they think “team.” They understand their job to be to make the team function. They accept responsibility and don’t sidestep it, but “we” gets the credit. This is what creates trust, what enables you to get the task done.

  4. Dear RD,
    you cukup-cukup tak faham my comments.
    i am one of Tun M’s biggest fan….
    You are not the only one anak polis…kita serupa…
    RAMAI ORANG MELAYU YANG TAK PRODUCTIVE macam Geng memali….alangkah baiknya TENAGA dan Minda mereka disalurkan untuk ugama, bangsa dan negara???
    Batu api ni memang ada tak kira gender…kalau tak mau guna istilah tu kita guna TUKANG KARUT OK?
    I hanya nak focus kepada isu orang melayu Islam yang tidak membawa kesan positif dan produktif kepada masyarakat…bangsa lain duk sibuk buat duit macam nak hidup seribu tahun lagi…(ingat tak kata-kata ini?) dan beribadat macam nak mati esok…..TAPI orang kita asyik tepuk dada nak jihad dengan PDRM dan Kerajaan la, Mat Rempit, Dadah, Rogol, Bohsia, Ponteng Sekolah, ajaran sesat,dsbnya……TAK PRODUKTIF….
    RD…tak baik sexist ataupun racist ?! Wasallam.

  5. Before we praise Democracy we must identify what we mean by the term democracy. The original Greek concept was hardly what we could today call a democracy. It favoured powerul classes of men over others. (Nitsche is believed to have acquired the seeds of his theory about the ubermenschena nd the untermenschen from this idea. Evidence though shows he borrowed from the Indian Manu)
    Black slaves had no rghts and therefore had no voice. The same applied to women and children.
    The Jews claim they had a concept which was fairer and freer but not called democracy because as one would expect that was a Greek word. Theirs was the Senhedrin.
    It goes on. Most people when asked what is meant by a democracy answer the old cliched way “a government of the people”. What a load of Hogwash? there has never been a government of the people by the people anywere.
    I believe that whats described here as democracy is the idea of universal franchise followed by the right to the secret ballot to exercise the right to choose.
    In most western and pro western countries it means exercising a right to vote for one of two parties. At least in this respect Robert Mugabe and the BN are less hypocritical.
    In the US as it is in Britain, neither of the two major political parties are ideologically different. They sing the same lyrics to a different beat or tune. Thats about the extent of their pluralistic differences.
    East Germany under Erik Hoenecker called itself the German Democratic republic. Was it democractic? well maybe as democratic as the southern states such as Alabama and Mississippi were to black Americans or parts of India to its Muslim citizens and lower castes and Pakistan to anyone even Muslims yes.
    It is time we imbued in our youth the obligation to efficiency and self reliance. Not democracy just because others are likely to pat us on our backs and say well done for opening the door to division.
    In fact if anything at all, Asia’s examples of their two true democracies (India and the Phillipines ) when compared to the limited democracies such as the 5 tigers and Malaysia reveal the need to eschaew this concept which is revered as almost a religious principal. The two democracies are perhaps the most corrupt and inefficient when compared to the others.
    What we have in Malaysia is the extension of the Panchayats and the Village tribunals from our customary democratic practices.
    The idea that constitutional government and democracy is a British import is as much of a distortion of the truth as the idea that democracy is good for you.
    Singaporeans are also meant to be democratic like China and Japan. Read about Ketuanan Melayu the original Malay constitution and decide.
    Gopal Raj Kumar

  6. Tun,
    I am sorry but I have to disagree with you, democracy is what put you as who you are today, and what has saved us all. Without democracy, and freedom. We would be in a total monarch, or tyrannical government.
    But I agree with you that democracy has its flaw, and imperfections. This is why we should find solutions, and ways to make it as perfect and adaptable as possible.

  7. Salam Tun yang dikasihi………..
    Ironinya, para pendukung kebebasan bersuara, demokrasi penuh dan (atau) refomasilah yang masih lagi melaung-laungkan suara sumbang mereka, sana sini menjajah cerita yang terang-terang telah tidak diterima pengundi semasa PRU12. Walaupun cerita itu secara teknikal dan legalnya tidak wujud namun orang-orang ini tetap meriah menyuarakannya dan sana-sini ingin menunjuk perasaan kunun cerita itu benar, semuanya kerana retorik terbilang yang mempunyai kekuatan untuk menarik para pendengar datang, seterusnya menaikkan semangat pendengar berkobar-kobar hingga sanggup mati katak. Hitler, Sukarno adalah contoh pe’retorik’ yang agung dan DSAI adalah tidak jauh utk setanding dengan mereka. Namun peretorik yang terkemudian itu tidak mempunyai kerja yang boleh dibanggakan untuk negara. Dahulu dengan retoriknya dia berupaya mengumpul orang dan wang untuk menjayakan sekolah murid2 tercicir juga berjaya menubuhkan ABIM tapi itu sahaja kekuatannya mengumpulkan orang, sekarang kedua-dua pertubuhan ini hanya punya nama sahaja. Berbanding Najib dia tidak punya sumbangan besar kepada kementerian yang dipegangnya kecuali memulakan pemberian bonus ( itupun ditafsirkan pembangkang sebagai rasuah politik)
    Ana pernah menikmati Retorik indah ini, sangat seronok, sangat mengujakan bahkan berkobar-kobar semangat dalam dada ingin keluar, kalaulah masa itu dia suruh gayang indonesia, pasti ana bersedia untuk melilit kepala dengan selendang merah menyahut seruannya. Kerana itu ana faham pemuda-pemuda dan yang bukan lagi muda, bila telah pergi ke perhimpunan retorik ini, akan sanggup melakukan apa saja tanpa rasa malu!!. Mereka ini tidak tahu malu langsung hingga tidak menghormati keputusan rakyat yang telahpun membuat pilihan di PRU12. 5 negeri tumbang namun kita tidak pernah menunjuk perasaan kita hormati keputusan rakyat negeri itu.
    kini tinggal 4 sebab satu telah menjadi mercu tanda kejayaan 16 September.
    suatu masa dahulu ana adalah salah seorang dari mereka yang berkobar-kobar itu. Tapi bila ana semakin dapat mengawal emosi dan sentiasa merasa bersukur maka retorik indah itu hanyalah retorik dan tidak lebih daripada itu.
    Malangnya pada mereka, berfikiran seperti ini kurang inteleknya padahal ianya bukanlah mengenai intelek tetapi jiwa pemuda yang dahagakan cabaran. ‘Pemuda¦ kerja keras adalah energi kita ¦
    kerja keras adalah energi kita ¦

  8. Dear beloved Tun. Dr.M
    1. “All praise for democracy, the best system for politics ever invented by man. But being invented by man, it is not free from imperfections. It works only if you know these imperfections and their limitations”.
    You’re absolutely right, Sir.
    In a poly-ethnic & religious society, such as ours, democracy must be administered wisely. An individual’s democratic rights and freedom of expression must not be used in a way that is detrimental to the harmony of society, at large.
    Therefore, ISA is the best available avenue, to safeguards peace and harmony. Of-course, a review of its policy should be made to prevent careless use people, such as our former PM, and to dismiss the negative perception, it’s name should be changed to, e.g., PSA (Public Security Act).
    By the way Tun;
    Since the Malaysian Bar Council has been steadfast in supporting the judges whom they perceived have suffered a gross injustice in 1988, don’t you think the Bar should do the same, to families of the Memali victim, if somebody initiate a lawsuit against the Govt., on their behalf?
    Even Hindraf file a lawsuit, on the British Govt., just because the British brought them to Malaya, say a hundred years ago..
    After all, the judges are wealthy people and got richer by a few millions. The Memali victims though, should be grateful, by as much less, without the legal fees.
    Thank You my beloved Tun Dr.M.

  9. Dear Tun, salam mesra harap sihat sejahtera. Minta izin menjawab sebuah ulasan….
    …………PANDANGAN pada sdr ‘ Zulkiflee Bin Arip’ on November 26, 2009 8:03 AM
    Rasa hati.
    Sdr sendiri akui hujah tak berasas fakta dan rujukan tapi ikut perasaan. Ingat pepatah Melayu ‘ikut rasa binasa, ikut hati mati’. Baik turut nasihat Tun, cuba ikut fakta dan kebenaran seberapa boleh. Ikut akal pun baik dari ikut perasaan.
    Bebas bersuara.
    Tun mengamal kebebasan bersuara (mengkritik) krn dia pun banyak mengkritik orang (US, England, Israel, Jews, Pak Lah, Anwar, Nik Aziz, Zaid dan Umno bila keluar parti). Tun meremehkan Yahudi, US, Nik Aziz? Apa nak panas hati.
    Belajar dari BTN mengkritik (pendapat) pemimpin Melayu biadap? Tak boleh kritik pemimpin, dasar negara kuku besi! Nak kuku besi atau panas hati? Kalau Pak Lah yg kuku besi?
    Sila tunjuk mcm mana kaum lain memiskinkan Melayu. Perasuah Umno yg telan berjuta ringgit lebih dasyat memiskinkan Melayu. Satu juta tunai di tahan di Australia, 10juta dipindah ke luar negara. Berapa juta bina istana Pandamaran, mahligai Bali, robohkan rumah kolam renang lama bina baru di Pulau Pinang (si A…d)?

  10. Tun Dr.M yang saya hormati.
    Saya amat berbangga LIMA berjalan lancar dan dirasmikan oleh Tun. Dalam suasana economy dunia yang tidak baik ini, kita dapat juga menjayakannya, walaupun ada comment negatif dari seorang-dua pengunjung blog Tun.
    Saya yakin tujuan utama di adakan LIMA, bukan lah untuk memeperdagangkan peralatan senjata. Oleh itu, kurang penyertaan, bukan satu masaalah yang besar.
    Dengan izin Tun, benarkan saya comment sedikit, mengenai:-
    By LadyGAuthor Profile Page on November 30, 2009 12:40 PM
    Kata Lady G: “Gang MEMALI…MENYUSAHKAN……..AJARAN SESAT LA, GANAS BERSENJATA LA…..Bertindak salah! Tak bertindak salah! Melayu…melayu…Melayu….sangat memalukan…”
    > Kalau kerajaan tak serbu Kg.Memali, tiada sesiapa pun yang akan dapat susah atau serba-salah. Kalau pun ada ajaran sesat, ikut democracy, kita tak patut halang, lebih lagi secara membuta-tuli macam tu. Agama lain pun ada yang sesat. Orang kampung hanya ‘mempertahan’, bila tahu Polis nak datang tangkap Ustaz mereka.
    > Senjata yang polis guna tidak setanding dengan orang kampung.
    > Agaknya saudari Lady G, bukanlah orang Melayu. Jadi tak perlulah berasa malu atas tindakan bangsa Melayu, keatas orang Melayu sendiri. Saudari juga tidak baca dengan teliti comment yang kami, Gang Memali, tulis. Agaknya, kalau kami tak bagi salam dulu sebelum tulis dan guna nama pena yang seakan Mat Saleh, Cina atau India, baru dapat perhatian dengan lebih baik. Ini lagi satu Dilemma Melayu, Tun. Orang Melayu sendiri, tak respect Melayu.
    Kata Lady G lagi: “Senang depa cakap…asyik salah Tun M”.
    > Hanya ‘MemaliAuthor Profile Page on November 24,2009 9:50AM’ yang salahkan Tun.Dr,M. Saya RD. Saya amat sayangkan Tun.
    Sila baca dengan teliti:-
    1. By RDAuthor Profile Page on November 27, 2009 8:06 PM
    2. By RDAuthor Profile Page on November 25, 2009 5:08 PM
    Saya ambil kesempatan ini, untuk betulkan ayat berikut: (Saya tahu, kerana dalam tahun 70~80an ramai orang Melayu bela anjing di Baling dan hampir semua bela anjing jantan, pada mulanya.)
    Kata Lady G lagi: “Fikirlah kalau anda ditempat itu…tentu “pertempuran” adalah kaedah terakhir…lain kali ajak mat-mat yang pandai cakap kat sini….kalau mudah tak jadi macam tu la…pasai menggila tepuk dada dan nak jihad konon…………ni mesti ada batu api???”
    > Saya rasa saudari tak layak comment ni. Polis tak perlu serbu pun. Kalau setakat nak tangkap Ustaz Ibrahim Libya, takkan tak boleh tunggu. Banyak masa lain. Lagi pun dia bukan perompak bersenjata atau ada tahan tebusan yang tak berdosa, masa tu. Satu hari, bila dia nak pergi mana-mana, mesti lalu depan Balai Polis Baling.
    > Lady G, jangan buruk sangka. Orang perempuan kalau ada persengketaan, mesti syak ada ‘batu-api’. Ini satu helah untuk tutup pekong di dada.
    Nak tau pasai apa Polis ‘Serang’ orang Kampung?. (Kalau saya tulis dalam Inggeris saya sebut ‘massacre’).
    Masa tu ada ketegangan kaum. Nak redakan keadaan, itulah kaedahnya. Tutup masaalah dengan masaalah. Itukan kerja KDN & orang politik.
    Tahun 1987 pun sama, ada perbalahan mengenai penempatan guru-guru Melayu di SRJK(C). Masa tu, saya dan adik sewa bilik dengan keluarga Cina. Kami dok di KL, nak keluar pi kerja pun takut. Tuan rumah nasihatkan kami, jangan keluar rumah. Secara kebetulan, Prebet Adam mengamok di Chow Kit. Keaadan reda dengan tiba-tiba. Semua surat khabar alih tajuk utama. Tiada lagi sentiment perkauman. Zaman tu, internet tiada lagi kut. Kalau ada pun, orang kaya saja yang guna. Agaknya, apa jadi dengan Prebet Adam, sekarang.
    Masaalahnya bukan apa. Yang jadi pertaruhan, ialah orang Melayu sendiri. Kalau Kg.Memali di huni oleh bukan Melayu, sudah gerenti, polis tak serang. Sama juga sekarang, macam kes pemuda di Perlis tu. Kalau perompak India di tembak, polis di persalahkan. Guna kuasa berlebihan. Saya anak bekas polis. Adik saya, (yang lain) sekarang masih anggota polis. Dan saya amat mematuhi undang-undang & tiada sebab benci polis. Saya harap Polis, Safety First, teruskan tindakan tegas keatas semua penjenayah, tanpa mengira bangsa & agama.
    Jadi democracy boleh di salah-gunakan mengikut keadaan semasa.
    Terima Kasih Tun Dr. M yang saya kasihi.

  11. Dear Tun M and all,
    Gang MEMALI…MENYUSAHKAN……..AJARAN SESAT LA, GANAS BERSENJATA LA…..Bertindak salah! Tak bertindak salah! Melayu…melayu…Melayu….sangat memalukan…
    Senang depa cakap…asyik salah Tun M.
    Fikirlah kalau anda ditempat itu…tentu “pertempuran” adalah kaedah terakhir…lain kali ajak mat-mat yang pandai cakap kat sini….kalau mudah tak jadi macam tu la…pasai menggila tepuk dada dan nak jihad konon…………ni mesti ada batu api???

  12. Assalamualaikum Tun…
    As usual, I love reading your thoughts. And yes, we should learn the lessons from history. That is so very true. But people did not learn through it so they would never appreciate and always know nothing but to keep on pretending like they know everything. menyedihkan T_T

  13. Tun
    when you launched your “guided democracy” mantra – I was one of those followers…
    I believed as you still now preach that for democracy to succeed, it needs to be enforced and exercised responsibly.
    When you shut people up on the basis that their incessant rantings could unsettle Malaysia, I actually thought you were sincere.
    When you put the press and Media under scrutiny, I believed you did it for reasons of internal and economic security.
    However, post retirement, your personal agenda and double-standards became apparent. You claim you are vocal to “continue protecting Malaysia” – I say it’s to protect and enhance your personal stature.
    And this recent blog – if your blind supporters can’t see your double standards…I guess it shows how gullible people can be…
    Anyway, enjoy your golden years Tun – I guess you have truly “earned” it…

  14. Salam Tun,
    Tun selalu menentang kebebasan media barat, politik kotor barat, dan pemikiran yahudi.
    Baru saya tahu kenapa ini berkaitan.
    Illuminati adalah golongan elit yang menyambah syaitan..!!
    Bunyi yang tak masuk akal?
    Sila lihat 8 siri video ini untuk pengetahuan anda semua.
    Part 1:
    Part 2:
    Part 3:
    Part 4:
    Part 5:
    Part 6:
    Part 7:
    Part 8:

  15. Assalamualaikum to Tun and fellow bloggers.
    Sejak Tun berundur dari jawatan Perdana Menteri macam macam masalah yang timbul dan negara menjadi seperti tidak tentu arah.
    Kalau diAmerika ada Hollywood, diIndia ada Bollywood, diMalaysia ada Anwarwood. Semua yang berada dalam PAS dan PKR adalah pelakon semata mata dan mereka melakonkan watak mereka mengikut arahan dari Pelakon Terbaik tanah air. Pengarahnya sudah tentu seorang yang sangat berpengalaman dalam memecah belahkan umat Islam dan menjatuhkan kerajaan Islam supaya dapat digantikan dengan kerajaan sekular.
    Orang Islam dinegara ini kena bodoh bodoh dan kena tipu dengan lakonan ahli ahli politik ini.

  16. Salam Tun yang dikasihi………..
    Ironinya, para pendukung kebebasan bersuara, demokrasi penuh dan (atau) refomasilah yang masih lagi melaung-laungkan suara sumbang mereka, sana sini menjajah cerita yang terang-terang telah tidak diterima pengundi semasa PRU12. Walaupun cerita itu secara teknikal dan legalnya tidak wujud namun orang-orang ini tetap meriah menyuarakannya dan sana-sini ingin menunjuk perasaan kunun cerita itu benar, semuanya kerana retorik terbilang yang mempunyai kekuatan untuk menarik para pendengar datang, seterusnya menaikkan semangat pendengar berkobar-kobar hingga sanggup mati katak. Hitler, Sukarno adalah contoh pe’retorik’ yang agung dan DSAI adalah tidak jauh utk setanding dengan mereka. Namun peretorik yang terkemudian itu tidak mempunyai kerja yang boleh dibanggakan untuk negara. Dahulu dengan retoriknya dia berupaya mengumpul orang dan wang untuk menjayakan sekolah murid2 tercicir juga berjaya menubuhkan ABIM tapi itu sahaja kekuatannya mengumpulkan orang, sekarang kedua-dua pertubuhan ini hanya punya nama sahaja. Berbanding Najib dia tidak punya sumbangan besar kepada kementerian yang dipegangnya kecuali memulakan pemberian bonus ( itupun ditafsirkan pembangkang sebagai rasuah politik)
    Ana pernah menikmati Retorik indah ini, sangat seronok, sangat mengujakan bahkan berkobar-kobar semangat dalam dada ingin keluar, kalaulah masa itu dia suruh gayang indonesia, pasti ana bersedia untuk melilit kepala dengan selendang merah menyahut seruannya. Kerana itu ana faham pemuda-pemuda dan yang bukan lagi muda, bila telah pergi ke perhimpunan retorik ini, akan sanggup melakukan apa saja tanpa rasa malu!!. Mereka ini tidak tahu malu langsung hingga tidak menghormati keputusan rakyat yang telahpun membuat pilihan di PRU12. 5 negeri tumbang namun kita tidak pernah menunjuk perasaan kita hormati keputusan rakyat negeri itu.
    kini tinggal 4 sebab satu telah menjadi mercu tanda kejayaan 16 September.
    suatu masa dahulu ana adalah salah seorang dari mereka yang berkobar-kobar itu. Tapi bila ana semakin dapat mengawal emosi dan sentiasa merasa bersukur maka retorik indah itu hanyalah retorik dan tidak lebih daripada itu.
    Malangnya pada mereka, berfikiran seperti ini kurang inteleknya padahal ianya bukanlah mengenai intelek tetapi jiwa pemuda yang dahagakan cabaran. ‘Pemuda julung berkeris’ pengambarkan sindrom ini, dengan demikian mereka akan menyingkirkan pendapat orang-orang tua. pada mereka keadaan yang selama ini aman dan sunyi daripada kacau bilau politik adalah amat membosankan hingga sanggup mereka membuat tunjuk perasaan atas alasan yang paling kecil sekalipun, termasuklah kes PPSMI. Tidak pula mereka berkumpul untuk membantah cubaan Tok Guru menyamakan tarafnya dengan Nabi yang membolehkan mendahulukan kroni yang terang-terang qisasnya hanya bertujuan untuk kekal berkuasa. Padahal Sang Retorika dahulu menggunakan isu ini untuk meraih simpati.

  17. Dear Tun,
    Democracy is not working in any parts of the world, we like to believe that is it good but actually it is totally bad. Being man-made, democracy have many flaws and imperfections. People should not practice democracy because it is meant for those who are weak. I believe in strong leadership with good universal values. A ruler working for the good of his people. A leader who upholds his people as top priority. DSN might be able to do it if he puts on the right strategy. Unfortunately, UMNO needs MCA, MCA needs MIC, MIC needs UMNO and it goes round and round. DSN must strategize to be a strong leader, accepted by all walks of life. I cannot imagine a leader dependent on so many other external factors, he must stand by his own merits and abilities.
    Take care Tun and selamat hari raya aidil adha

  18. Dear Tun Mahathir,
    The ideas of our present PM Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak of one Malaysia concept I believe is a good one and will benefit our nation in the long run.To ensure to amplify the success of the one Malaysia ,steps must be taken to get the job done properly.I believe the citizens must not be identified as a Malay,Chinese,Indians or others but as a Malaysian.All political parties must serve to all Malaysians regardless their political,ideological or religious belief.All Malaysians are entitled to all the rights and freedoms according to the constituitions.Every Malaysians must be eligible to a fair share of every opportunities that available without bias or prejudice.All the responsible politicians must walk the talk and people friendly.I believe and God willing the ground work of your Vision 2020 and the concept of one Malaysia will elevate Malaysia as a nation to be respected globally in the future.

  19. Salam kasih dan salam hormat Ayahanda Tun.
    Fresh from the Kacang Putih Vendor Association Seminar (Perdana Series), I learned that 55% out of the whole total 100% is the percentage of Malay voters in Malaysia for electoral 2013. 90% of estimation says PRU13 would most likely be not in that year. 60% says it would be in 2011 while the rest goes for 2010. So there we have it; 55% to play with. Not plenty considering this was one Persekutuan Negeri-Negeri Tanah Melayu. I just don

  20. Democracy is evil as much as it seems ‘fair’. Rules made by man and for man is destined to fail due to the inherent weakness created in him. I am not purporting that Malaysia adopt a Shari’ah based governance all of a sudden, but Islam remains the only viable alternative to the turmoil we have seen in almost all countries around the globe who think they know better.

  21. Salam kasih dan salam hormat Ayahanda Tun. Alhamdullilah the old Nokia is still connecting people compassionately.
    Tun, you were PM for 22.3 years, and that

  22. Assalamuaikum Tun.
    I watched history channel that interesting. I feel lucky n shukur i’m born n grown under your goverm . What still confused why our central bank still controlled the islam banking n divident is to high rather than conventional banking. As business man we are looking low interest rate. This were take effect to promote our islam religous .If the non riba is promoting with low devident this is shown islam is supporting all person n very understanding.I feel upset all what you’ve been experianced befofe. In the last umno assembely one suggestion to introduce one Youth bank,this is radicullous. As the business man what we need is the get any bussiness to survive. All enterprenuers program is enought at this moment. I never heard to bring our product out side. Why they dont promote ” Our product world choices” . I think MITI shold work more harder to implement this. On our current economic situation this the right time the SME to developt their brand, it because after giant and speculator drop out. “when somebody falls must have somebody grown”.It because to play in local market it to tough, cause many player in small field.
    Thank You for introduce PUNB, Smidec and many enterprenurs prog.
    May allah give long lived to you.
    Thank you.
    Mad – Dho

  23. Assalamualaikum Tun yang amat saya hormati.
    Izinkan saya komen:
    By DIANA M.J: Author Profile Page on November 26, 2009 3:54 PM
    Saudari Diana M.J., (Micheal Jackson??) kelihatan seperti tiada belas kasihan terhadap saudara ‘Memali’. Memang peristiwa tu dah lama, (24 tahun) takkan tak boleh ungkit?. Tidakkah saudari terfikir, semasa kejadian tu, Sdr.Memali mungkin seorang kanak-kanak yang bapa/abang atau saudara terdekat, adalah antara 18 orang yang terbunuh. Yang tercedera tak di ambil kira. Dan saya juga tidak bersetuju dengan pendapat yang mengatakan, shahid mereka yang terbunuh.
    Daripada ayat yang Saudara Memali guna, dalam message nya, jelas beliau bukanlah penyokong kerajaan, atau peminat Tun Dr.M.. Namun beliau tidak mengecam, hanya nak penjelasan. Mungkin beliau juga seperti saya, beranggapan bahawa Tun Dr.M adalah seorang insan yang
    amat jujur. Jika Tun Dr.M memberi penjelasan yang boleh di terima oleh Saudara Memali, dia mungkin dapat memaaf dan akan memihak kepada memerintah, walaupun sampai sekarang, daerah/kampung Memali adalah kubu kuat PAS.
    Kata Saudari: “biar la dia org terus menyalak tun.anjing kalo lapar mmg mcm tue.”
    Dari nama pena saudari, saya anggap saudari pernah bela anjing, tapi anjing tidak selalunya menyalak kerana lapar. Kekerapan menyalak juga bergantung kepada jantina nya. Saya tahu, kerana dalam tahun 70~80an ramai orang Melayu bela anjing, di Baling dan hampir semua bela anjing jantan, pada mulanya. Yang betina, muncul apabila si jantan mula melolong, kerana gian. Jadi, menyamakan seteru dengan anjing, bukanlah jalan yang baik untuk kita bersatu.
    Saya adalah peminat besar Tun. Saya ambil MCE tahun 1976, tahun terakhir, semua mata-pelajaran di ajar dalam Inggeris. Tahun 1977, History & Geography mula diajar dalam bahasa Melayu. Tun DR.M, ketika itu Menteri Pelajaran. Saya telah baca hampir semua buku-buku Tun. (Malay Dilemma, The Challenge & New Deal for Asia, 2, 3 kali). Dan saya berhenti kereta tepi jalan dan menangis, bila Tun istihar nak berhenti jadi PM pada tahun 2003. Saya tak pernah ‘miss’ ucapan Tun semasa Tun berucap, terutamanya di Perhimpunan UMNO.
    Tapi saya tak puas hati, ‘kekuatan’ yang di gunakan kerajaan untuk menundukkan orang kampung, ketika itu. Zaman sekarang, Polis tembak perompak India yang bersenjata pun orang marah & bising. Kalau orang Melayu, angkat tangan pegang pisau, dah kena tembak, macam pemuda di Perlis tu. Bukannya Polis terserempah dengan dia. Dari subuh dah tau. Dia siap report Polis bila sampai, berjalan kaki, yang dia di aniaya oleh kawan2, di tinggalkan di Alor Setar. Kalau pujuk tak boleh & takut kena parang, cari jala, cekup. Mana boleh…, aim kat kaki, kena dada. Nanti orang kata tak cukup training pulak. Kalau dia terang-terang nampak seperti Cina @ India, dia mungkin masih hidup.
    Oleh yang demikian; Orang Melayu atau Siam, mesti berwaspada, jangan nak mengamok tak tentu hala. Maklumlah orang Siam, nampak sebiji, macam orang Melayu. Kita dengan tak sengaja, di aniaya oleh bangsa sendiri.
    Saya bukan racist. Saya berkawan dengan bukan Melayu lebih ramai dari Melayu, kebanyakan dari zaman persekolahan.
    Tun Dr.M yang amat saya kasihi.
    Kalau tiada risiko perundangan terhadap Tun,jelaskanlah apa yang sebenarnya berlaku, terutamaya siapa yang beri perintah ‘Serang’, di Memali.
    Terima Kasih

  24. You had 20 years to lead & mould the country like a father raising and coaching a son to adulthood. If the man Malaysia today is a disappointment you have to admit a failure in carying out your duty as a father.
    When in power you were too proud to learn from the West where democracy was practised longer & still evolving. Intoxicated by power you modified the democracy practised in Malaysia thumping your nose at the West & dismantled the checks & balances built in the constitution. After May 13 Razak started it but you are the one that adulterated it the most. The rot was already setting in when you were in power but the world economy was good & material well being kept the population at peace (President Clinton even had time to play with cigars during working hours). The prosperous years were squandered although many Malaysians were unable to discern this even today & credit you with the achievement for a few highways, a twin tower & numerous shopping centres. You could have built more schools so one building won’t need to house a morning plus an afternoon classes – which developed country is that lacking in such resources & Malaysia is shooting for 2020. Malaysia has 1000’s of unemployed Malay graduates who can’t get jobs in the private sector because they can’t oommunicate in English. Many intelligent & educated Malaysian emigrated to the Western countries & S’pore. And how is Malaysia positioned to get favored treatment from China as it takes over the economic engine from US at least for the Asian markets. I don’t see Malaysia is prepared at all! Pray we discover more oil, we can then imitate our Arab brothers.
    The bad attitudes live on but you are angry watching from the sideline. But that’s your legacy of bring up an undisciplined child. You could have strenghtened those institutions like the judiciary, independant press, proud & honest civil service – these are all part & parcel of a healthy democracy. Democracy is not just an election of a party to form government & then do what they like! Even the principle of one man one vote is badly compromised in Malaysia where a rural constituency needs a fraction of the number of voters to send a MP to parliament compared to a city constituency – the ratio is out of whack to suit the BN. All these are corruptions, small or big. So why are we surprised if the cops extract their 20 ringgits on their beats – they don’t have access to bigger bites!!
    As one of your blogger lamented, Malaysia is withering. Yes, more distinct as we see previously shackled nations like Vietnam & Cambodia participating in the world economy. You don’t see your past mistakes & Malaysia continues to bicker over the seats unaware the train has already left.

  25. After going through what the bloggers wrote once more, I read an amusing comment By checker(though his quality in English is of suspect), In fact all that he wrote about Krish should be directed at himself, childish and naive.
    Though not very much related to the topic of “Democracy” I think what Krish wrote is for the good of the country and ultimately the Rakyat, but obviously not good for UMNO as they have deep pockets and need plenty to fill them up. Either he has a stake in the grand project or he is a guy who can shoot faster than he can think.

  26. Yes democracy is not free from imperfections. That is why during yor time as Pm you practiced Guided Democracy, a hybrid of democracy and autocracy. With that you rule for 22 years and manage to cover your tracks by your malignant non-transparency and and backtrack the country by lack of meritocracy. The only master skill that UMNO had perfected is corruption, engineered to utmost efficiency.
    Thanks for you lecture on the half baked democracy.

  27. salam Tun,
    to Krish,
    you microscope you!
    you so confidently think you can predict the outcome of the next GE?
    you mean to imply we should vote the opposition in?
    I don’t think so.
    At best the PR is a power crazy strange bedfellows devilish pact.
    I’ve had it with PAS,they are just using religion to suit their ambitions.They can sleep in the same bed with DSAI as long as they can benefit from him.
    PKR is a one man show joke,people have started to realise their follies in voting for the PR last time.
    DAP is a musang berbulu ayam trying to fool some gullible Malays that they are adhering to Khalifah Saidina Omar R.A. tenets.I call on them to embrace Islam if they are really sincere!
    Now that Pak Lah has finally retired,we will support DSNR.
    We already know what to do!

  28. Salam Tun..
    In an astounding reply to the Parliament and to reporters at the Parliament, the Minister of International Trade and Industry (MITI), Datuk Mustapa Mohamed claimed that:
    Matrade is not putting up a single cent. Otherwise we have to beg and steal and borrow from the government. But maintenance is, of course, ours. That building, when it is completed in four years, is going to be ours. We are getting the building for free, otherwise we have to pay RM628 million, which is a big amount of money.
    The usually composed and competent Minister fondly known as Tok Pa, must have had a moment of madness for claiming that the Government will get Malaysia’s largest convention and exhibition centre

  29. Dear Tun,
    You are right in pointing out that democracy is the best system for politics ever invented BY MAN. It is good, but not perfect. There are too many loopholes that are considered ‘undemocratic’ in democracy itself. We should never go for TOTAL democracy.
    From the perspective of Islam – it has never promoted a TOTAL democracy, where everything is decided through majority votes. Some decisions are really best left to those qualified on the subject matter and through due consideration. Be it in education, trade, economics, religion, policies, etc.
    For those insisting on total democracy – think twice. If you have a beautiful daughter, how would you feel if we run a vote on who gets her, irregardless if you like it or not? For your monthly salary – let’s vote on how you should be spending them, irregardless if you like it or not.
    But on those areas that could be put on voting – be prepared to accept defeat. Because that’s how it is. At the end of the process, there will be winners & there will be losers.

  30. Tun,
    ,,,you’r my man ! my salute to you forever buddy. Dah lama tak buat comments kat sini-lah hehehe.
    ,,,but unfortunately democracy has taken a different route since your time, i see people getting carried away nowadays, taking things for granted and thinking that they can get away even with murder !!. Well, the police personnel are blowing ladies apart ?? and that’s for real in this merciful/beautiful country of ours, Malaysia..Geee !! Respect & Fear the Laws of Justice and Humanity but if those who are supposed to up-keep the Law are the law-breakers themselves, indeed we are in capital TROUBLE right now ??.
    ,,,finally Tun, if you have fail you must still find the courage within yourself to pick up the pieces and go on… BUT I don’t think you have ever failed in my books !!. You have always given your BEST for the nation, we win some we lose some at times-lah.
    ,,,o.k. keep healthy and sweet dreams Tun..and Selamat Hari Raya Haji.

  31. Dear Tun, salam mesra menyambut Hari Raya Aidil Adha pada Tun sekeluarga. Moga diberkati selalu. Minta izin memberi komen dan ucapan……
    Selamat menyambut HARI RAYA AIDIL ADHA pada semua umat Islam di M’sia. Juga ucap selamat pada yg sedang mengerjakan haji. Moga hasrat disempurnakan dan kembali dgn selamat.
    Winning by one vote
    > Own win – win by one vote is still a win.
    > Others win – must learn to read the message
    > When winning – winner takes all
    > When losing – winner has only 50% of support
    Post election
    > Winner – goes on witch hunt
    > Loser – goes on hunt for loopholes and hidden messages
    > When incumbent – Sneers at other’s accusation of intimidation
    > When challenger – Smears others with accusation of intimidation
    > In power – Must have a strong govt
    > No power – Must have strong opposition
    When there is no clear winner, democracy means you share. If cannot, give back to voters. Don

  32. salam tun, saya setuju dng ekin(24nov).saya pun mengalami nasib yang sama dng ekin,dimanakah hendak mengadu?

  33. Assalamualaikum Tun
    Maaf kaeluar tajuk,
    1.Ingin mengucapkan Selamat Hari Raya Aidil Adha buat Ayahanda Tun dan Bonda Siti Hasmah.
    2.Bila tiba musim haji teringat masa melontar kat Jamrah iaitu semasa bertugas dengan Pasukan Perubatan TH dua dan tiga tahun yang lalu.
    3.Teringat akan bertapa selesanya melontar di Jamrah baru berbanding dangan dahulu.
    4.Ramai orang Malaysia dan orang Islam tidak tahu yang idea pembinaan Jamrah baru Mina adalah datangnya dari Tun.
    5.Ramai juga yang tidak tahu bahawa kontraktor Malaysia ada terlibat sama dalam pembinaan Jamrah tersebut.
    6.Hanya Allah sahaja yang akan membalas segala usaha dan idea yang Tun sumbangkan bagi mempermudahkan urusan jemaah haji di Tanah Suci.
    7.Kepada yang belum menunaikan Haji jangan tangguh-tangguhkan dan jangan sengaja lewat-lewatkan untuk ke sana.Disamping itu dapat melihat Jamrah baru, suatu idea bernas dan praktikal.

  34. Salam kepada semua.
    saya cuma nak mengulas skt kenyataan saudara “MEMALI”.apalah masalah awak ni.peristiwa tue dah lama takkan nak ungkit lg.hello kita sekarang patut fikir apa sumbangan kita untuk anak cucu kita masa dtg bkn nak tanya tun pasal peristiwa lah melayu soh p sekolah taknak pastu dok menyusahkan org.kalo yang dah berjaya plak masa susah dok mntk tlg kerajaan bl senang lupa diri.patutnya Allah tarik blk rezeki korang baru tau.Tun kadang2 diam itu bukan bermaksa salah dan kadang-kadang tidak semua perkara kita patut ceritakan.biar la dia org terus menyalak tun.anjing kalo lapar mmg mcm tue.saya tak ksh benar ke salah janji malaysia aman masa zaman tun memerintah.kepada memali tue nik aziz ngan anwar tue lagi mcm2 benda pelik yang syirik di org buat tak plak awak soalkan.suka sgt cari salah org mcm dia bgs sgt.wassalam.

  35. ASSALAMULAIKUM ayahanda tun dan bonda siti hasmah.
    Ini sedikit terkeluar tajuk tetapi dalam linkungan politik.
    Dalam Parlimen baru-baru ini Lim Kit Siang mempersoalkan tentang penggunaan pesawat TUDM dan helikopter Nuri.
    Beliau sepatutnya bertanya Anwar Ibrahim dahulu kerana ketika Anwar DPM dia juga guna Helikopter Nuri.
    Barangkali tiada isu hendak dibangkitkan atau pun nakal, sinis, sengaja menimbulkan perkara yang tidak perlu dalam Parlimen untuk menunjuk-nunjuk pembangkang bercakap…kosong pun tak apa lah..

  36. Dear Tun,
    History has a way of repeating itself. Humans do not learn their lessons well. It has something to do with our innate feeling of being special. We are always full of ourselves. We mostly do things to benefit us in one way or another. Even what seems like helping others may actually be we doing it to make oueselves feel good – “that we help this guys”!
    We easily forget that life is not about ourselves but our subservence to the creator of “this existance”.
    Why is Tun very bad at choosing or picking people for certain jobs. One very obvious reason is because Tun is very forgiving, two is because Tun “tak buruk sangka” or prejudge people and third is Tun assess people on face value. Tun can be said to be a lousy judge of character. Tun should have used a trusted person who is know to be a good judge of charater to help Tun make the right choices.
    Why did the voters place their confidence in UMNO Baru and not Semangat 46? Its quite simple, because the majority had faith in Tun’s leadership. They trusted Tun to do the RIGHT things, even though these things may seem draconian or hard. Successful Leaders don’t always do what is popular but do what is RIGHT.
    MCA needs to sort the leadership problem quickly and strengthen BN again. MIC needs a leadership revival and a new wawasan.
    UMNO; carry on doing the right things. Do not let off getting rid of the scumbags tarnishing the good name of UMNO.
    Najib we trust you can do it for the sake of Malaysia and its peace loving people. 1Malaysia here we come.

  37. Dearest YAB dan di Kasihi Tun,
    1. I TOTALLY AGREE with Tun, especially on points 4, 5, and 6. BN politicians must pay attention to these 3 points;

  38. Dear Tun Dr. Mahathir,
    Are you going to attend LIMA’2009 this year?
    The reduced participation in the aerospace segment was due to air shows in Dubai, Paris, Singapore, Brunei and Indonesia according to Defence Minister Datuk Seri Ahmad Zahid Hamidi.
    Is it showing that Advanced Nations biased against Malaysia?

  39. LIMA 2009:
    Western countries seems not intereted to support our LIMA now. Only Singapore and Australia sending their aircraft to Langkawi to support us, if not the Langkawi LIMA purely a local exhibition and should not be a international exhibition.
    Are you happy with the LIMA now? Because without western countries support, LIMA Langkawi will be Substandard if compared with Singapore Air Show, UAE Air Show and etc….

  40. MCA like MIC is done for. People can see its not about race. It’s all about money. UMNO is the perfect example. People know BN will continue to split Malaysian’s up using race to maintain their rule.
    Money, Money Money Money Money Money that’s all these people care about. How much money is enough, how much can they want. Maybe they will leave this country once the oil runs out.

  41. Assalamu’alaikum Tun,
    demokrasi yg berlebih-lebihan,seperti yg kita ada ini hanyalah membawa petaka.apabila semua orang diberi izin bercakap apa yg dia suka,akan ada segelintir yg bermulut gatal bercakap hal-hal yg orang lain tak boleh terima,yg memaksa pihak yg lagi satu mengambil pendirian yg lebih extreme.dan simulut gatal akan membalas dgn lebih extreme lalu kedua-dua belah pihak mula berbalas pantun extreme mereka.
    ketika Tun berkuasa,Tun membiarkan begitu banyak permainan dan permusuhan politik mengambil tempat atas alasan demokrasi.Tengku Razaleigh,DSAI,DAP,PAS dan banyak lagi kekecohan-kekecohan yg tidak sepatut nya terjadi telah terjadi kerana Tun mahu jadi demokratik.padahal kedudukkan Tun sebagai Perdana Menteri adalah untuk memastikan Malaysia kaya,kuat dan aman.tapi Tun telah menyuntik demokrasi yg keterlaluan sehinggakan orang-orang yg tak layak jadi makmum pun cuba rebut peluang untuk jadi Imam.kemudian jadilah seperti apa yg telah terjadi.beberapa kali Tun telah cuba dijatuhkan secara biadap.
    dan sesudah bersara ,diruang blog Tun ini pun,Tun bersikap terlalu demokratik dgn menyiarkan kritikkan-kritikkan biadap terhadap Tun.padahal Tun adalah Pemimpin Muslim-Melayu-Malaysia yg paling hebat yg pernah kita ada.cuba Tun bayangkan berapa panas nya hati orang melayu membaca komen krish nov 24 2009,atau S.Tan atau komen-komen lain yg sebiadap mereka?
    atas nama demokrasi,kita beri mereka kerakyatan dan hak mengundi.atas nama demokrasi kita beri mereka kerja dan berniaga,atas nama demokrasi,mereka menuntut hak untuk jadi tamak.atas nama demokrasi,mereka berhak pula memiskinkan kita dan meremehkan pemimpin-pemimpin kita.kemudian apa lagi yg patut kita ikut atas nama demokrasi?
    saya kasihkan Tun sebagaimana seorang rakyat kecil kasihkan pemimpin nya.tapi saya tidak bersetuju dgn pandangan-pengamalan sistem demokrasi Tun.cuba Tun bayangkan seandai nya Tun mengamalkan demokrasi ala Lee Kuan Yew,tak ada kebebasan bersuara,tiada penerbitan atau akhbar kecuali milik kerajaan,parti-parti pembangkang yg lebih miskin dari pasukan bolasepak kampung…saya rasa Malaysia hari ini sudah boleh sehebat France atau German.
    saya berharap suatu hari nanti pemimpin-pemimpin kita akan ikut pesanan Nabi Muhammad S.A.W bahwa TUNTUT LAH ILMU WALAU KE NEGERI CINA.di negeri cina tak ada demokrasi.hati komunis,otak kapitalis.tanpa bebanan Demokrasi atau hak-asasi,negara sebesar China hanya mengambil kurang 20 tahun untuk menjadi kuasa besar ekonomi.
    terimakasih Tun.selamat menyambut Hariraya AidilAdha untuk Tun sekeluarga dan seluruh umat Islam.

  42. dear tun,
    well wishes to you.
    Malaysians….rise and shine people… we can’t move forward if we do not know our past

  43. Dear Tun,
    i juz saw ur biography in astro n it was awesome.i reli appreciate wat u have done for our country. You are the best Prime Minister for me.. Im a huge fan of you. Thanx for wateva u have done for us and this country.Your ma idol.You give alot of influence for the younger generation lke me.
    I just wanna wish u all the best n always prosperous in every way.May God always bless you n ur family.UR THE BEST

  44. Assalamualaikum Tun
    Demokrasi ni cuma satu istilah atau rangkuman kepada :-
    1.Kebebasan bersuara,bertindak atau untuk mencerminkan kesanggupan
    kita menerima,menolak,bertolak ansur dan juga berbincang tentang
    semua perkara.
    Semua diwujud atau diilhamkan atas dasar untuk mencari kebaikkan.
    Seperti juga undang-undang yang lain yang telah diciptakan oleh
    manusia.Tujuannya sama untuk mencari kebaikkan.
    Tetapi malangnya ada manusia yang telah gunakan demokrasi dengan
    cara yang tidak sepatutnya atau lebih tepat lagi untuk kepentingan
    diri sendiri,keluarga,atau sebagainya.Buatlah keputusan dan tindakan
    yang untungkan diri,bangsa dan agama
    Pemimpin UMNO ingatlah semua ini.Buatlah perkara yang baik nescahaya
    kita akan dibalas dgn kebaikkan dlm berbagai bentuk. Umur panjang,dapat anak yang soleh,kesihatan yang baik dan banyak lagi.
    Dan pemimpin UMNO mesti juga mau ingat ,perkara yang baik dan buruk
    semua orang boleh tau atau dapat buat pertimbangan.Orang yang tak pergi sekolah pun tau menilai yang baik dan buruk.Walaupun kita tak
    pandai masak tapi kita tahu mana makanan yang sedap atau tidak.
    Akhir kata demokrasi tu bagus kalau betul caranya.Kita tak dapat puas kan hati semua orang,tapi kita mesti cuba berbuat baik pada semua orang.Yang penting hati mesti baik sebab hati yang baik menzahirkan
    perbuatan yang baik.
    Selamat menyambut AIDIL ADHA buat Tun sekeluarga.
    Sekian ,Akmal.

  45. Dear Tun,
    Anyone who cannot accept democracy after lost by majority votes against him is indeed a undemocratic politician / person. Democracy for him just a tool to gain political will for his own benefit which is not for the people he / she representing. Democracy by-far is the best invention ever created by human to serve the people, however it is not absolutely perfect at all. We have seen over the decades, socialism, communism and others social engineering was invented but fall down due to too much weakness its had. Plato use to symbolized democracy by saying that people voices are the god voices. It took 4000 years by west to implementing democracy with trial and error approach which has took a lot disasters and bloodshed along the way to present general acceptance of democracy by west.
    For those who seems can’t accept or in denial will always have version of interpretation about history as commented by some of your commenter’s, thus it is your prerogative to ignoring those views about this subject. God had given you wisdom and knowledge to make right decision which I truly believe you had done your utmost in make that thing happen.

  46. Assalamualaikum Tun,
    Bagan Pinang, BN menang 80/20, Nik Aziz kata orang Bagan Pinang tak berapa kenal dengan PAS, Salahudin nak buat ‘post mortem’ entah bila, Isa dah masuk dewan, walaupun menang besar, sikap tak puas hati PR tetap ada.
    Pilihan raya umum Iran, Ahmadenejab (maaf kalau salah ejaan) menang 60/40, ‘Oposition’ tak puas hati minta buat semula, komplot demontrasi, ada yang mati dan ramai ditangkap. Pilihan raya Pakistan, bom dah jadi macam mercun yang selalu kita lihat dan dengar di negara kita, tapi disana ragut nyawa. Kita disini cuma pesakit sementera aja.
    Seluruh dunia telah membuktikan bahawa yang bergelar manusia tidak akan berpuas hati jika apa yang dihajati tidak tercapai. ‘Confirm’.
    Kadang-kadang selalu kita lupa bahawa untuk menjadi macam Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamed bukannya mudah, banyak yang perlu dikorbankan. Tapi masih ramai yang mengimpikan. (impi aja) Beberapa kerat sahaja yang mungkin berjaya.
    Seperti kata sesetengah pendapat bahawa sicerdik akan memakan si bodoh, atau yang kuat akan memamah yang lemah.
    Sesetengahnya apabila dah dapat kuasa, prestasi kerja tak berapa, janji dulu tak tertunai, bila ditanya jawapannya sibuk menghadiri itu dan ini yang lebih penting. Bila dekat pemilihan, menghadiri itu dan ini tak lagi penting selain mendekati pemilih. Apa nak jadi. Tun aja yang tahu.
    Begitulah rencah kehidupan manusia. Secara jujur dan ikhlasnya, apakah kita sebagai manusia ini tidak ‘hypocrites’?. Apabila ada perselisihan politik, itu menunjukkan bahawa proses demokrasi dinegara berkenaan sedang aktif. Betulke?. Kalau negara yang tiada pula bagaimana?. Apakah penghuninya matang serta pintar berpolitik atau pemerintahnya kuku besi?. Entahlah.
    Saya belum lagi 50 tahun, tapi sepanjang itu Tun boleh senaraikan permasalahan yang melibatkan politik kerana Tun berada disana. Semuanya boleh diselesaikan, iye ke tidak Tun.

  47. Dear Tun, salam sejahtera harap sihat bahagia. Kiriman saya untuk tajuk ini dgn izin….
    Mahathirism. Anti democracy and pro ‘guarded’ democracy.
    Refuse to accept the decision of majority by launching campaign (Pak Lah)
    When at the peak wants strong govt, when by the lakeside wants strong opposition.
    A compliant press wearing noose of closure on its neck is a free press (A duck with tied feet is a free duck just cos it can walk!)
    Bonus votes, nomination quotas (Praise virtue as incumbent. When disadvantaged as challenger, claim abuse)
    Removing Royal assent (semarak campaign)
    Removing Lord President, sacking judges, threaten judiciary.
    Record of most ISA arrests and longest detention period
    Choking funds to dissident states (Kelantan, Terengganu)
    The hand in all 3 cases of resignation of PM (Tunku, Hussein, Abdullah)
    Poor memory of own actions but elephant memory of others actions (Lingam and Anwar)
    PM without PM office (IMF without IMF)
    Retired but not retired PM
    Blogging ex PM
    All the above practices are found in dictatorial states (except blogging)
    …………..TURNING POINT?
    Tun Lee Liong Sik should be recorded in history as the man who set present day M’sia. How different things would be if he aligned with the other group? Ku Li and Musa partnership vs Mahathir Anwar feud.

  48. Asalamualaikum Tun,
    This particular thread should have been awarded as Blog Oscar Award for

  49. The new book “Malaysian Maverick: Mahathir Mohamad in Turbulent Times” sound interesting

  50. Assalamualaikum Tun.
    Ingatlah bangsa Malaysia semua.Nyawa negara pernah berada di hujung tanduk.
    Undilah mana-mana parti masa pilihanraya akan datang.Itu tanggungjawab anda.Tunaikan tanggungjawab anda.Kalau asyik nak mengugut pun,lama-lama orang naik bosan.Cakap mesti ditunaikan.
    Islam tidak mengajar kita berbeza pendapat sampai berpecah-belah.Islam tidak membezakan antara nyawa-nyawa manusia.
    Jika anda Melayu,nak menyokong Melayu.Sokonglah.Kalau anda Cina,nak menyokong Cina.Sokonglah.Kalau anda India,nak menyokong India.Sokonglah.
    Tapi ingatlah,bahawa kita hidup bersama-sama sekian lama dengan aman damai dan dari satu generasi ke satu generasi.Sokonglah siapa yang anda mahu sokong.
    Tapi ketahuilah Islam tidak membezakan antara satu sama lain.
    Terima kasih Tun.

  51. Tun,.
    There’s a interesting book about you. How you masuk poket those money. The title of the book is “Malaysia Maverick”. from Barry, who is a former editor of the Asian Wall Street Journal,.
    Alrite alrite, i know u want to fact twisting again. U wan to say ppl wrong or bad. But you are good and hero all the time. Just put whatever fact-twisting in your next blog. I can’t wait to read your next blog. That’s your pattern.

  52. Assalamualaikum Tun yang sangat saya hormati.
    Izinkan saya komen sedikit pasai;
    By MemaliAuthor Profile Page on November 24, 2009 9:50 AM
    Masa kejadian Memali (19Nov.1985), saya di KL, tapi keluarga saya tinggal dalam Balai Polis Baling. Sehari selepas incident tu, askar telah kepong Balai Polis Baling, goncang pagar & siap bawa kereta perisai V150. Siap pakai Loud hailer “Kita sama-sama bersenjata, boleh tengok siapa berkuasa” Lebih kurang macam tu kot cakap mereka. Emak dan adik-adik perempuan saya menangis & berpelukan dalam ketakutan. Begitu jugalah, semua penghuni, 2 blok barrack polis Baling.
    Keadaan lega selepas TPM Musa Hitam guna heli, mendarat seberang jalan ke Lubuk Pedati, di padang Jam, tepi Masjid Baling dan bersebelahan Balai Polis.
    Tun Dr.M masa tu kat China. Dia bukan lari. Benda jadi masa dia tak dak kat sini. Nak balik, mungkin jauh dan tentu tak boleh sampai tepat pada masa genting tu. Lagi pun mungkin Tun boleh bagi arahan pada TPM/KDN, apa patut buat. Itu pun kalau depa ikut.
    Saya pun tak setuju kerajaan/polis serang orang kampung yang hanya bersenjatakan parang, kapak, pisau, buluh runcing & molotov cocktail yang diperbuat daripada minyak tanah dan petrol. Sepatutnya mereka boleh berkerjasama dengan Tentera, kepong kampung, 1,2 atau 3 minggu. Bila dah lapar & tak bermaya, boleh tangkap saja. Ini dak, pi tembak satu kampung, mana askar tak marah. Ramai anak orang Memali adalah anggota bersenjata. Saya pun bekas tentera laut, masa tu. Tapi SNLR. (Service No Longer Required)
    Masa dan keadaan menentukan segalanya. Dato Musa, masa tu, kata nak benteras ajaran sesat dan sesiapa yang nak menegakan negara Islam dengan senjata. Masa itu juga permusuhan perkauman jadi sensitif & tegang dan terus reda lepas terjadi Memali. Mungkin KDN, nak tunjuk yang kerajaan tak bagi muka, baik Melayu atau Cina.
    Saya simpati pada saudara/i Memali, jika kaum keluarga menjadi mangsa. Kalaulah kena batang hidung saya, saya tidak akan menyokong kerajaan sampai bila-bila. Oleh kerana Tun dipersalahkan, kerana jadi PM, masa tu, eloklah Tun cerita apa terjadi sebenarnya. Lagi pun peristiwa tu, baru saja 24 tahun berlalu.
    Selamat Hari Raya Aidiladha Tun & keluarga ,semoga Tun sentiasa sihat.

  53. Assalamualaikum Tun yang sangat saya hormati.
    Izinkan saya komen sedikit pasai;
    By MemaliAuthor Profile Page on November 24, 2009 9:50 AM
    Masa kejadian Memali (19Nov.1985), saya di KL, tapi keluarga saya tinggal dalam Balai Polis Baling. Sehari selepas incident tu, askar telah kepong Balai Polis Baling, goncang pagar & siap bawa kereta perisai V150. Siap pakai Loud hailer “Kita sama-sama bersenjata, boleh tengok siapa berkuasa” Lebih kurang macam tu kot cakap mereka. Emak dan adik-adik perempuan saya menangis & berpelukan dalam ketakutan. Begitu jugalah, semua penghuni, 2 blok barrack polis Baling.
    Keadaan lega selepas TPM Musa Hitam guna heli, mendarat seberang jalan ke Lubuk Pedati, di padang Jam, tepi Masjid Baling dan bersebelahan Balai Polis.
    Tun Dr.M masa tu kat China. Dia bukan lari. Benda jadi masa dia tak dak kat sini. Nak balik, mungkin jauh dan tentu tak boleh sampai tepat pada masa genting tu. Lagi pun mungkin Tun boleh bagi arahan pada TPM/KDN, apa patut buat. Itu pun kalau depa ikut.
    Saya pun tak setuju kerajaan/polis serang orang kampung yang hanya bersenjatakan parang, kapak, pisau, buluh runcing & molotov cocktail yang diperbuat daripada minyak tanah dan petrol. Sepatutnya mereka boleh berkerjasama dengan Tentera, kepong kampung, 1,2 atau 3 minggu. Bila dah lapar & tak bermaya, boleh tangkap saja. Ini dak, pi tembak satu kampung, mana askar tak marah. Ramai anak orang Memali adalah anggota bersenjata. Saya pun bekas tentera laut, masa tu. Tapi SNLR. (Service No Longer Required)
    Masa dan keadaan menentukan segalanya. Dato Musa, masa tu, kata nak benteras ajaran sesat dan sesiapa yang nak menegakan negara Islam dengan senjata. Masa itu juga permusuhan perkauman jadi sensitif & tegang dan terus reda lepas terjadi Memali. Mungkin KDN, nak tunjuk yang kerajaan tak bagi muka, baik Melayu atau Cina.
    Saya simpati pada saudara/i Memali, jika kaum keluarga menjadi mangsa. Kalaulah kena batang hidung saya, saya tidak akan menyokong kerajaan sampai bila-bila. Oleh kerana Tun dipersalahkan, kerana jadi PM, masa tu, eloklah, Tun cerita apa terjadi sebenarnya.
    Selamat Hari Raya Aidiladha Tun & keluaga ,semoga Tun sentiasa sihat.

  54. salam tun.
    maaf saya lari daripada tajuk.Tun apa pendapat tun berkenaan dengan kakitangan awam yang tdk berbakat tetapi memegang jawatan tinggi dlm kerajaan.saya tidak nafikan ada yang layak tetapi yang saya perhatikan ramai yang tidak malah lgsg tidak tahu tugas2 mereka pun boleh dilantik menjadi pegawai.nmpknya kerajaan malaysia sekarang mmg teruk.tun kita mmg mahu menolong orang melayu tetapi kt kena lah adil.tidak semestinya yang pandai itu boleh membuat kerja.satu lagi tradisi yang saya dapat lihat dan nyata ialah penyakit kenegerian.sekiranya bos tertinggi org kelantan maka dari keraninya sema mst dr kelantan.mmg tidak pendapat saya apa kata pihak kerajaan menilai semula prestasi penjawat awam dan sekiranya tidak memuaskan berhentikan sahaja mereka2 ini.bagi saya penjawat awam yang pemalas dan byk berckp ini sm sahaja mcm parasit.kepada pembaca blog yang tidak bersetuju maafkan saya.saya bkn kata yang anda semua tidak bgs tetapi sebahagian daripada anda.ini penilaian saya berdasarkan pergaulan saya dan pemerhatian dengan penjawat awam selama 5 tahun.sekian.terima kasih.

  55. Salam Tun & Fellow bloggers,
    I wish to direct this comment specifically to “krish” –
    In my view, you are one of the kind that have no intellactual capacity to express views in intelligent manner. You think you are good. I do not know who you really are but please, if you have the courage to debate on Tun’s standing as the greatest Malaysian leader, tell us an example of a Malaysian leader that can match Tun? Do not critise but advise. Man with corrupted mind will only know how to critise but only man with WISDOM know how to advise. Clearly you are the former type, period.
    Actually, you are a person who cannot see good things in life and who do not know how to be thankful for what the country has provided you but only dreams to be a perfect human being living in a perfect world. May be you are still a “child” reading Superman comic books. Wake-up man.
    Wish all Muslims ” Selamat Menyabut Hari Raya ‘Aidil Adha ”
    [email protected]

  56. Dear Tun,
    The five superpowers;
    1. Christian United States (Republic)
    2. Socialist Russia (Republlic)
    3. Communist China (Republic)
    4. Christian England (Constitutional Monarchy)
    5. Christian France (Republic)
    The major economic powers;
    1. United States (Christian)
    2. Japan (Buddhist)
    3. China (Godless)
    5. Germany (Christian)
    A common feature among all of them is that their people drink alcohol (generally the men at least).
    Pls convey my best regards to Marina. I salute her for speaking out. Right Thinking Malaysians are behind you.
    (I only commmunicate in your (Tun’s) blog, anonymously of course. I admit I am a coward but I prefer to be safe than sorry).
    Best Regards Tun,

  57. I can only speculate OTK secret agenda: To destroy MCA and fulfill the ONE Malaysia concept championed by Najib.
    If OTK fails miserably, he could follow CJM’s footstep and become a ministry when Pakatan takes over the Federal gov.

  58. Salam to Tun and semua,
    Dey KRISH?
    Tun M killed democracy? As simple as that? Who are you??? Where are you now??? What happened to you before and after Tun premiership??? Why are you so bitter??? What democracy are talking about? ala US? ala UK? ala India?
    This is Malaysia. This is DEMOCRACY ALA MALAYSIA…we are the silent majority and have chosen or voted for this government WHETHER YOU LIKE IT OR NOT we have chosen for this “DEMOCRACY WITH ISA” or “DEMOCRACY ALA MALAYSIA”.
    The malaysian people have spoken. We want you Krish etc. to RESPECT us the winning majority and if you and your friends are not happy…GO FLY KITES IN INDIA? US? UK? with your little democracy friends. See whether you can live with all the best Malaysia can offer elsewhere in the world……………………………

  59. Salam Tun
    Modern day democracy requires substantial sum to succeed. Just ask the PKR adviser & ex-PM ‘no quality’ Pak Dol’s son-in-law, and maybe that veteran from Gua Musang as well. So they decided to become ‘distinguish robbers of our national coffer’.
    While still holding the paramount guardian post to all the Finance Ministry coffers, the PKR adviser showered all his ‘young & handsome/attractive male lieutenants’ (Saiful, Ezam, former driver, Nala, to name a few, all decided that ‘enough is enough’) with specific ‘passwords’ that enable them to unlock all safe deposits and thus instant access to unlimited fortune. Just ask the PKR Dep President, Abrar Group, Lankhorst, the then Penang UMNO Youth, etc,etc.
    Unfortunately for them, Tun is too smart to dislodge, so the PKR ‘no. 1 thief’ adviser then uses his various armoury such as ‘thief shouting at another person “stop you thief” calls’, nepotism, cronyism, ‘nanti kau Dr M aku adukan kat Amerika biar padan muka’, ‘Soros, Al Gore, Estrada, …..dll semuanya kawan baik aku’, make himself look most pious of them all.
    So when all those still couldn’t bear fruit, he changed to long term strategy:
    1. “I’ll go back to my specialty as master in hipocracy since I’m still able to ‘fool most of my supporters all of the time’ tricks”
    2. “Orang2 Melayu sukakan fitnah, dan penyebar paling hebat. So i’ll ask my lieutenants to create numerous & sensational stories to badmouth Dr M, and my army of ‘can be fooled all of the time’ supporters can do the rest.
    So that’s how things are till today.

  60. Tun,
    Izinkan… krish, what’s wrong with you? Are u writing from a prison? If you are, must be a good one since they provide internet usage for prisoners. Apparently,not only Malays who ‘mudah lupa’ Learn your history very , very hard and try (though I doubt you can) to understand!
    fr: another DEB product(and a proffesional one)!Tq Tun, Ya Allah, panjangkan umur Tun berdua dan berikan mereka kesihatan yang sebaiknya.Amin!

  61. Recently, Datuk Nik Aziz’s son-in-law resigned for the alleged wrong-doing in PMBK. However, Khairy also committed similar deeds during his father-in-law’s (paklah) regime…..i.e. Libra, LCCT and Umno Youth elections etc……BUT, Paklah never asked him to stop………shame shame…..!?!
    Now, Datuk Seri Najib should remove Khairy from Umno Youth Chief’s post and SPRM must investigate his money politics during Umno Youth Elections. Thank You.

  62. ASSALAMUALAIKUM TUN yang di Hormati.
    In your biography on TV, Param cumaraswamy was indeed very rude and ungrateful to you. Well like you say Tun lawyers only see the legal and illegal aspects of things. But Medical Drs. would prefer to heal them by which ever method available. You are spot on Tun. Unfortunately legal proffessionals see things as the way the west has taught them to see only. After all present day legal aspect comes mostly from the west, so they put things according to THEIR perspective THEIR taste THEIR ways THEIR wish to suit them and at the same time to dominate us and the rest of the world.
    And here we have many lawyers in Malaysia submitting to the western ideology as though its Gods law.
    Lots of Malaysian wish you are still the PM today.
    You should be made the Khalifah of the Muslim Ummah.
    My wish is to meet you Sir and have a photo taken with you.
    May Allah grant my wish.
    May Allah bless you Sir and your Family.

  63. Dear Tun M.,
    During your school time, the teacher enter the classroom with social responsibility. So those of your age, are 1st class politician and administration because they also enter politics with vision, and social responsibility. Today our education system is declining, and is a failure. Teacher enter the classroom for the sake of the salary , benefit and welfare entitlement. Result of today, is what we taught in school 20 years ago.

  64. Mainstream media here in Malaysia are pro-government which means the average voter would not know about what is really going on if not for the independent new media. In fact, I have not read any of the very recent juicy and explosive revelations by PI Bala in any of the mainstream newspapers. Is his ordeal not newsworthy?
    Not everyone has access to the internet, especially in the rural areas where BN will have an easier chance of winning due to the block of access to information of the rural residents. Is this democracy? Apparently this is democracy, with Asian values.
    Thanks to the former Minister of Information who recently launched his book, we can confirm our suspicions that the post is essentially the head of the Ministry of Propaganda for BN’s survival.

  65. Salam Tun
    I think you striked the nail on the head with your very first sentence – “Democracy, the best system ever invented by man..”. Even after seeing democracy adopted by the BN based on British Constitution in 1957 and subsequently Sabah and Sarawak in 1963, I had already branded it as a system from the ‘orang kafir’.
    Why is it when we have the best system handed down to us and made known to us, that we failed to adopt it for our beloved country, which is, Islam? I blame BN for this and the early Malay supporters who gained “independence” for us. Who knows..perhaps if the British still ruled, perhaps Islam could have flourished properly in our country without the interference of politics and secularism? Only God Knows.
    Any Muslim Malay leader conversant in Islam would have immediately known that the ‘muzakarah’ principle and the ‘unanimous decision’ principle is the one adopted by Islam. Muzakarah means you hold a open discussion calling all the interested parties in order to resolve problems or make resolutions. ‘Unanimous decisions’ means everyone in the meeting has to accept the decision. If anyone party objects then the decision does not stand. So the majority will have to ‘persuade’ the minority to accept the decision and to see its wisdom. How clever this solution! If all parties accepts the decision, then there will be no dissent! And of course for all parties to accept, the decision has to be a wise and fair one without favouring a particular group.
    On other subjects, I watched with interest on Astro History Channel the program “Biography: Mahathir”. Clearly it showed you as a visionary leader and that you had full support from Datin Seri Dr Asmah and your daughter Marina. I can see Marina understands you very well inside and out! I must say I totally enjoyed the program but also felt sad that after 22 years being PM, the Malays still did not listen to your advise. In general however, the program did mention that you suppressed your opponents and there was a culling of the press. Perhaps there was good reasons for you to do this at that time.
    On another note, I am happy to see that the MACC has finally been forced to shut their doors at 5.30pm. Despite this, I still feel suspicious of the MACC as only after being forced by the courts, then only they are forced to work under normal hours. I am unsure whether the MACC is run fairly by good personnel.
    Another story I read in The Star Online today described how the warlord opponents in the Phillipines tried to stop a political candidate from filing his nomination papers by ambushing his convoy and killing his wife and children. 22 people were killed. There is no democracy in that area.
    My final story is that, after reading the exposure by The Star on the high, inflated price that the Government purchases from its vendors in IT tenders and quotations, over the years (exposed by The Star recently), I am deeply disappointed that this has happened and it has confirmed my suspicion about Government tenders and contracts. They should be totally open and transparent to the public. So far this has not been done.
    Finally, I would also like to register my disappointment that the stud on the collapse of the Highland Towers has been made an official Government Secret and so the public is not likely to know what happened. Who is the Government trying to protect? I am against all kind of secrets the Government keeps from the public. It is the public who chose and elected the Government and gave them power. How can the Government keep any kind of secrets from the public ?

  66. Salam Tun,
    You are very right. Its all the same, only in different name/form. Democracy is not an end, its only a very minor mean. Allah has shown and taught the way, but very few follow. People keep on making the same mistakes…..since day immemorial. Ever since the murder of Habil by Qabil, or even before that…. Eve’s consumption of the forbidden fruit, we know its all the same. Only in different name or form.
    Please learn history …. and go back to Allah.

  67. Assalamualaikum Tun
    Democracy as I interpret it … (I dare do so with this limited knowledge of mine,since it is man made) … is simply as follows:
    D e m o c r a c y
    Tun, I coined this up as soon as I woke up this morning… I believe the above is self-explanatory. Otherwise, others are free to make their own interpretation. Truthfully, I was inspired to write this bit after watching you on History Channel.I thus dedicate this to you for being so inspiring. Have a good day.

  68. Salam buat Ayahanda Tun..
    Politik ni macam duit.
    Yang menang duduknya kat muka depan, yang kalah duduk kat muka belakang. Masa bayar, orang akan susun ikut muka depan. Jadi, secara rasminya yang menanglah ada nilai muka.
    Yang kalah tu kenalah tahu kedudukan dan sedar dirinya – walaupun laku (a.k.a berjasa..!) tapi orang kurang minat nak pandang mukanya..

  69. Salam,
    *******Tun kata:*********
    It is fine to determine everything by majority vote and not by consensus. It is fine only if the loser accepts the winner. But when the loser refuses to accept the decision of the majority and launches a campaign to undermine the party, the only result would be a split and therefore a weakening of the party.
    ############Pandangan saya#######
    1.**** Semangat 46*****
    (mungkin dapat idea dari cerita P.Ramlee Keluarga 69, kot. Bergurau. jangan marah ye!)
    Orang Melayu memang susah nak terima keputusan kekalahan kecuali bolasepakperingkat antarabangsakot. Sebab tu bila puak Tengku Razaleigh kalah, ramai yang merajuk atau tersisih tubuh Semangat 46. Lepas tu depa kumpul tenaga bersama PAS serang UMNO baru habis2an sampai tak de peluru lagi. Mungkin berkat doa orang2 zaman dahulu, UMNO masih boleh bertahan sampai sekarang!
    La ni Tengku Razaleigh nampak masih mengidam jawatan PM. Terlepas berapa kali masih tak nampak bayang jadi PM.
    2. ****Parti Keadilan Rakyat***
    (Pemimpin ini mungkin banyak tengok cerita Tamil dan hindustan, menuntut keadilan akibat penindasan atau penzaliman)
    Dato Seri Anwar Ibrahim(DSAI) adalah cerita ulangan Tengku Razaleigh. Beliau lebih muda DSAI bersama PKR, masih juga mengidam jadi PM . Tak habis2. Yang mana pemimpin UMNO kalah jawatan peringkat Bahagian misalnya Tan Sri Khalid Al-Ijok, jika merajuk dan mungkin nak balas dendam kat UMNO, boleh lah join PKR.
    Kita berdoa agar UMNO masih kuat dan terselamat daripada pelbagai dugaan. sejarah menunujukkan berapa pemimpin baru yang uncul,lepas tu tenggelam dalam ombak politik.
    3.***Parti MCA******
    Komen sikit cukup. seba tiada kaitan dengan saya.
    berbeza dengan orang Melayu, Orang Cina di Malaysia dalam Parti MCA tetap bersatu walaupun diadakan pemilihan Presiden dan Majlis Tertinggi. Saya sebanarnya suka Dato Seri Ong Tee Keat terus jadi Presiden MCA. SDia ada kebolehan menyatu padukan orang Cina dan Melayu. Dia boleh nampak bagaiman Melayu terus dengan hak2 Melayu tanpa menggangu atau menghalang kejayaaan kaum Cina. Beliau melihat dari segi “win-win situation”dari segi konteks negara.
    Cuma Dato Seri Chua patut letak jawatan lah. Semua orang dah tahu hal dia. anganlah duk2 lama. Masih boleh berkhidmat untuk MCA tanpa pegang jawatan Naib Presiden. Serahkan kepada Dato Liow Tiong Lai. Seperkara lagi, saya amat kasihan kat Ketua Pemuda MCA, sentiasa nampak gambar menangi dia kat TV.Diulang2 berkali2. Kasihan, inilah namanya politik. Perlu pengorbanan.
    Jika tiada penyelesaian, MCA harus adakan pemilihan semua jawatan pemimpin . Jangan bimbang. Orang Cina MCA tetap akan bersatu walaupun siapa jadi ketua. depa tak mungkin tubuh Parti baru macam orang Melayu atau India. Disamping itu, saya tak berapa yakin MCA akan menang banyak kerusi PRU akan datang.
    Buat sesuatu dengan segera dan susunkan strategi MCA, MIC, UMNO, Gerakan serang Pulau Pinang habis-habisan. tumbangkan DAP dan PKR di Pulau Pinang, maka tumbanglah Pakatan Rakyat dan lenyap lah riwayat Pakatan Rakyat di bumi Malaysia ini.

  70. Hello Dr.M,
    Sorry i think this is slightly out of topic..
    I may not know much about politics as im only 16 this year but thats not the case,Sometimes i really wonder to my self which is worse school bullies or gangsters but now i see the real picture…
    Most politicians just outright childish(except you Dr.M i respect you allot for being outspoken)I just dont know are the current politicians doing some kind of power play or what not.
    It either they may have bodies of 40s but they are just downright childish and very much self centred idiots who knows they might have a 6 yr old brains stuck up in their numbskulls.
    Forgive me for being rude but all this political turmoil is turning most Malaysian citizens downright crazy..
    As im about to leave school after next year i do hope i dont turn dumber…
    Seriously now im thinking that im actually coming to school to get dumber….It pains me that i cant escape this rubbish Education system
    Day by day i begin wondering what are the current politicians doing about the education system…either they are blatantly disregarding us youngsters as trash or either they are just interested in the blame game in politics…
    You know what if this goes on i think the so called 2020 vision is really just “building castles in the air”
    Sometimes it really takes this saying into consideration…
    “Kill one to warn a thousand”
    I dont know how long this fancy game of political damnation is going to go on…
    Hope i can be heard from…

  71. Dear Tun,
    Semoga sihat wal’afiat dan panjang umur.
    Is it another theory of conspiracy by outsiders to pull down UMNO via BN members?
    Since UMNO getting stronger now, the only way to handcuff UMNO again is by weakening their BN members especially MCA and MIC.
    UMNO alone cannot fight for BN.

  72. Salam Tun,
    I have only little knowlegde about the Malaysian politics but i believe this is the only words i can comment on the what is said above that is – “Kalau kita tidak dapat apa yang kita suka,kita kena suka apa yang kita dapat” …baru rasa shukur dapat dirasa bersama dan rasa sifat “siapa saya” tidak lagi membuku didada….:)
    I’ve watched your Biography on History Channel it was really a good lesson for all of us…especially the Malays…but most of all that interest me is the comment you made to the world about the JEWS that was excellent!!!
    Rashidi Muhammad

  73. Assalamualaikum Tok Det..
    bloggers,tokdet cite pasal MCA ni..
    salah satu jalan penyelesaian ialah, semua pemimpin yang terlibat, step down.nanti sejarah berulang.jangan pikir diri sendiri.pikir untuk rakyat dan PRU akan datang.
    Buat la appoiment dengan Tun, mana tau kot-kot ada jalan penyelesaian yang baik..
    love u Tun..
    You’ll never walk alone..

  74. CheDet vs DSAI
    To my dearest Tun and followers of Che Det’s blog,
    1. Firstly, may I just wish my dearest Tun and family a blessed and healthy life.
    2. I have been following CheDet since it started and this is my first ever comment. What I have to say may not be related to the topic but I have had this comment in my had for a long time and I feel that I am obligated to share my opinion and comment to my fellow Malaysians.
    3. A true leader, Tun Mahathir is a true leader of the Malaysian citizen, an example leader to the Asian community, a responsible muslim leader for the Islamic community and a respected / admired leader of the world. For those who disagree with me must be educated on the true values and characters of a leader.
    4. A true leader of a country lead the country towards a positive development, ensure a fair economic distribution, stablise social gaps and ensure harmony within and outside the country and region. Tun Mahathir has managed to accomplished all this against all internal and international odds.
    5. A true leader is a decisive and selfless.
    8. With reference made to items (No.6) and (No.7) mentioned above. Can my beloved Malaysian brothers and sisters identify the leaders in Malaysia that has proven their qualities and values mentioned in (No.6) and (No.7)?
    9. I am not a politician nor am I affiliated to any politicians in Malaysia. But even an idiot can identify and admire the values of a true leader.
    10. How many times have Tun Mahathir proven is qualities? I must say countless, hence the ability to drive Malaysia to a level that is admired by the world.
    11. How many times have Malaysian and the world see Dato Sri Anuar Ibrahim deny his mistake? We witness 16 September mistakes? We all know and saw clearly with our own eyes how DSAI attempts to implement IMF’s policies during the 1997 economic crisis and he even convinced Malaysian that the policies is good for Malaysia.
    12. DSAI has repeatedly highlighted his leadership values mentioned in item (No.7).
    13. DSAI is a terrible leader. PROVEN
    14. DSAI is a ghastly leader. PROVEN
    15. DSAI is a leader to fear with the value of Dajal/Syaitan. PROVEN
    16. To my fellow Malaysians, please think rationally and clearly. We all can see what has happened. DSAI cannot lead Malaysia, simply because he is not credible enough. DSAI is only good for instigating hate among Malaysia. I have alot to say about the dangers of DSAI and his policies, his plans, his allegiance to the American Jew Lobbiest, why the times magazine voted him as a great leader, why bahasa baku, the secret behind IMF policies.
    18. Thank you Tun Mahathir for your contribution to the Malaysia, Asian, Islamic community and the world. I will always pray for your

  75. My salam to Tun and family.
    To those who say there is no democracy in our country please cross over to a neighboring country and tell the leader that he is undemocratic and you will spend the rest of your life paying libel damages to him. Don’t live in this country if you think you can have better freedom elsewhere. Do you know how many Malaysians gave up their Malaysian citizenship, went to live in a foreign country they thought better than Malaysia and came back begging for their citizenship to be returned? Ini semua muka tak malu!
    Thank you Tun. Thanks for what you have done for me and my children.

  76. Assalammuaikum…tun
    bertapa gembiranya saya dapat luah kan di sini??
    tun, baru baru ini saya melihat perihal dan sejarah tun di Astro.
    saya tidak tahu kenapa airmata ini akan menitis jika teringat kan tun…seperti dahulu ,apabila tun ingin melepaskan jawatan sebagai PM.
    saya lah yang teresak esak menangis.
    tun …dalam siaran Astro tun ada berkata..orang melayu masih mundur !!! dan tidak sedar lagi negara kita terlalu kaya dengan hasil bumi.
    saya adalah salah satu product tun…
    tun , bukan orang melayu tidak mahu mengubah nasib dan bukan orang melayu tidak mahu meraih semua nya. tapi sekarang orang melayu di tindas di negara sendiri..
    saya adalah product tun yang berwawasan dan bersemangat tinggi .
    tapi orang melayu seperti saya sering tidak mendapat peluang untuk mengubah hidup.perjalan kami agak sukar…tun tidak akan faham. bertapa seksa nya saya apabila ingin memulakan perniagaan..
    tun …
    baru baru ini saya ingin besarkan company saya.tapi modal agak kurang..saya summit ke semua untuk mendapatkan facility yang di tawarkan,malang nya satu bank pun tidak mahu menolong saya kerana saya orang MELAYU.
    saya tidak berbohong…saya bertanya kan hal ini kepada office bank yang juga melayu. dengan ringkas jawapan nya ..cik document, cik semua ada tapi saya dapat arahan dari orang atas, keutamaan di berikan dekat orang cina.. maaf cik..
    tun , bagaimana orang melayu seperti saya hendak mengubah nasib kerana tidak di beri kesempatan.

  77. For a perfect democracy 2 things are needed
    A strong anti-corruption agency. Any form corruption must not be tolerated. Guilty party must be put to death.
    In US corruption goes on in the form of so call donations and lobbying.
    A Well educated public that can think for themselves. Current education system in Malaysia are more geared to producing zombies. BTN is a perfect example of brainwashing institute.

  78. Salam Tun,
    It takes a really brave man to see and admit that democracy is not the best political system ever created by man.
    The best is only in theory, but not reality or practicality.
    But then, how can you develop a theory without understanding the reality and practicality?

  79. Dear Tun
    1. Human, from the start of human race are easily seduced by power, wealth, women and fame. That is the fact. period.
    2. The fact at this point is, this country is democratic. The power given to the government and administrator is democratic power. Democratic power comes from the people.
    3. The political parties are bickering. They have power struggle. What they dont realised is, the power comes from the people. The power that they are struggling about is not theirs. Stupid fools.
    4. The ruling political parties forget that democratic power is entrusted to them by the people.Being human, the worst and the fact is they will only learn once they lose it. By then, it would be too late!.
    5. The opposition has to question themself if they can govern better.
    6. The idea is.. you and me are making that decision in 3 years time. The question is, when we are to make that decision, what are the basis of our decision. What are the things and results that we expect from the government within this 3 years. If they dont deliver what we expected, are we going to let them get away and simply gives them our vote? or are we going to give them the medicine and lesson?
    6. I have been voting. The last general election I have not vote. This time around I will definately vote.
    7. I will vote the government if they delivers. I dont think we will go bankrupt if we vote otherwise. We are just changing the people who governs the country. The money is still there. It is not their money, it is the tax payer money.
    8. We are a democratic country. The people and the leaders has not seen the extent that democracy can deliver.We have not pushed the envelop of our democracy. Enough said.

  80. Salam Tun..
    Talk about sore losers. Mahathir is probably a hypocrite. When Umno was declared illegal and Mahathir’s position as its leader and prime minister was sorely threatened, he sacked the then Lord President and the five Supreme Court (now called the Federal Court) judges when he knew the verdict was not going to be in his favour.
    Dr Mahathir, you destroyed the very fabric of Malaysia’s public institutions, its constitution, the judiciary, the enforcement agencies like the police, attorney-general, and the then ACA
    This has been highlighted by Ku Li (Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah) in his speeches. Please do the honourable thing and retire, and just keep quiet like your anointed successor, Pak Lah (Abdullah Ahmad Badawi), the Father of Malaysia’s Conscience.

  81. Salam Tun..
    Dr Mahathir, you killed democracy in Malaysia – that is your legacy. We don’t need people like you anymore in this blessed country. You are a Malay nationalist, that’s all. You didn’t serve all of Malaysia’s people, which include the Chinese, Indians, and other ethnic groups.
    A statesman is one who has served his country’s people well and promoted democratic values and principles within government institutions and society as whole. You silenced voices of dissent in no uncertain terms. And in the end, the monsters your created devoured you in the process.
    Yes, you created monsters greedy for money and power, and who were willing to use any means necessary to acquire them. This country has failed to serve all its people and continues to do so. You began the trend of money politics and this is the result of your actions.
    Just watch the news daily and you can see how lop-sided the coverage is in favour of the ruling party, and this right in front of our very own eyes. If only all Malaysians would open their eyes and ears to see and listen, they would know what to do come the 13th general election.

  82. hapuskan sistem demokrasi dan politik kepartian!smuanya lebih kepada memecahbelahkan manusia,agama,dan bangsa.we need khilafah islamiyyah system or absolute monarchy to unite us all.hapuskan sistem politik yang dianjurkan yahudi laknatullah!mereka akan sentiasa brainwash kita dgn mempromosikan sistem demokrasi secara besar2an dan puji2an yang tidak henti2 agar kita menerimanya.

  83. hapuskan sistem demokrasi dan politik kepartian!smuanya lebih kepada memecahbelahkan manusia,agama,dan bangsa.we need khilafah islamiyyah system or absolute monarchy to unite us all.hapuskan sistem politik yang dianjurkan yahudi laknatullah!mereka akan sentiasa brainwash kita dgn mempromosikan sistem demokrasi secara besar2an dan puji2an yang tidak henti2 agar kita menerimanya.

  84. Salam for Tun and semua,
    HATI BERBUNGA kala membaca comments from our youngsters who respect and adore you, Tun M.
    NEED I SAY MORE, Tun M ???
    From : A DEB product, a professional now…(thank you, Sir)

  85. Sebelum saya nak percaya kat Tun, saya nak mintak penjelasan Tun berhubung isu Memali..saya mintak hangpa yang lain2 dok sokong ni beringat siket, isu memali ni..tak kena kat batang hidung hangpa tapi hangpa cuba selami perasaan mangsa2 yang kena dengan Puak2 kerajaan depa masa tu.Masa tu Tun jadi pemerintah jadi Tun tak boleh nak cakap tun lari p luaq negara nak lepas diri.Saya pohon penjelasan Tun.Dan yang hangpa2 lain jangan nak kondem aja.Kita kasi dengar apa dia nak habaq..sekian terima kasih.

  86. Ayahanda Tun,
    Star reported …………..
    //Tuesday November 24, 2009
    Ong not averse to fresh polls in March, says Ti
    PETALING JAYA: MCA president Datuk Seri Ong Tee Keat is not averse to having fresh polls for the party in March, if the new electoral system involving the divisional delegates is ready, said central committee member Datuk Ti Lian Ker.
    He said Ong had never objected to having fresh election as long as it was in line with the party constitution.


  88. Dear Tun,
    I totally agree with your statement that everything or anything has its pro and cons.
    Democracy can only be limited to a certain extent however if there’s no check in balance, it can definitely impoverished its nation of its resources and talents.
    We should focus more on productivity of a nation but in recent times, Democracy has allowed the influx of politicking which has disrupt or hinder the nations from progressing forward.
    But as a leader like yourself Tun, you are a firm and staunch leader. That is what Malaysia needs to run a country of multi-cultural diversifications.
    The missing word nowadays attributed to a leader is his/her lack of’Firmness’. This is the essence or quality that every heads of nation must have embedded in them. A democratic nation with a firm leader!
    Best Regards,

  89. Ayahanda Tun,
    Citizens are allowed to vote for change of Government in Malaysia, however, citizens must bear in mind that we cannot change “The Agong” and “The State Sultan(s) as per MyConstitution…
    If I do not like the leader, I will vote for the other leader whom I feel secure with and that is my right in democracy that no men can take a way from me…
    Happy Hari Raya Haji and enjoy yourself, Ayahanda Tun.

  90. Good morning Ayahanda Tun,
    //2. It is fine to determine everything by majority vote and not by consensus. It is fine only if the loser accepts the winner. But when the loser refuses to accept the decision of the majority and launches a campaign to undermine the party, the only result would be a split and therefore a weakening of the party.
    6. History has many lessons for us. As George Santayana said: “those who forget the lessons of history will be punished by making the same mistakes over and over again” or words to that effect.//
    Loser could be a Dictator and would never resign like Tun.
    //7. But we never like to learn from history. We think our case is different.
    8. No. Actually our case is the same.//
    Loser will never like to learn from history because he has not win the war, and he will do anything he could to be the winner.
    //9. You can intepret this any way you like.//
    Yea, We can intepret this any way we like and by the end of the day, rakyat will decide …don’t tell us that he has the wealth to “memberi gula2” to all Malaysians, moreover, the gula2 used are bought from Rakyat Money…and need to be paid back…
    Good day Tun. TS Myuhiddin has given MCA 7 days to decide on the 2EGM in Media, it’s not an intervention to those with open hearted people, but to the grassroot, it’s just a repeat of History…
    Take care Ayahanda Tun, it’s an on-going challenges, the clean and the most strategic leader will win…

  91. A’kum Tun!
    ‘Kill your ego’
    I think if everyone in UMNO, MCA and MIC or oppositions leaders can kill their ego and be humble, then the whole problem can be solved!
    Thank you Tun!

  92. assalamualaikum
    Apabila kepentingan peribadi melebihi kepentingan parti maka timbullah bermacam2 krisis didalam parti yg x akan berkesudahan.Nampak sangat pemimpin2 BN sekarang ni lebih mengutamakan jawatan berbanding matlamat asal perjuangan parti. Mungkin kerana dah terlampau selesa ditampuk pemerintahan selama 52 tahun menyebabkan mereka hilang fokus terhadap hala tuju parti masing2.
    Rakyat dah muak dengan karenah sesetengah pemimpin yang asyik bertelaga sehingga lupa peranan mereka untuk melaksanakan agenda rakyat yang mereka perjuangkan.Memang x pernah sedar,tak serik dan x mahu mengambil ikhtibar mungkin bagi mereka jawatan dahulu baru parti @ rakyat walaupun imej tercalar tidak apa yg penting itu kerusi empuk aku yang punya.
    Mungkin sebahagian dpd mereka mendapat sokongan dari perwakilan ataupun dikatakan akar umbi tapi mereka lupa bahawa undi sebenar yang menentukan wujud atau tidak parti yang mereka wakili itu selepas pilihan raya yang akan datang adalah RAKYAT, yang setiap hari duduk melayari internet, membaca akhbar dan menonton berita di TV2 tempatan mengikuti perkembangan rentak mereka dengan perasaan bercampur baur.
    Bagi menyokong setiap tindakan yg mereka lakukan semuanya berkata ” Kerana Kebaikan Parti”. Kalau lah benar kerana parti,seharusnya juga sanggup berkorban demi parti. Bagi pemimpin2 yg rasa dirinya menjadi liabiliti kepada parti eloklah berundur secara sukarela jangan sampai memecah belah kan parti dan akhirnya membawa bencana bukan sahaja kepada parti yang diwakili tetapi juga kepada BN. Bak nayanyian tan sri P.Ramli ” Berkorban apa saja harta ataupun nyawa, itu lah kasih mesra sejati dan mulia”.Tetapi persoalannya adakah mereka ini sanggup berkorban? Bagi pandangan saya hanya pemimpin tulin berjiwa rakyat sahaja yang mampu berbuat demikian kerana baginya kepentingan parti dan rakyat adalah segala2nya.

  93. “Freedom has many difficulties and democracy is not perfect, but we have never had to put a wall up to keep our people in” quoted JFK in Germany regarding the Berlin Wall..

  94. “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it”….to be more precise,that’s what George Santayana said.As one who learnt history,that phrase is very familiar to me until now.Yes,it is undeniable that history are meant to be remembered as lessons so that we would never repeat them if they are bad.But does that mean that we must always mention history??Being nostalgic is of no harm but isn’t it more beneficial if we look forward in order to be more progressive instead of dwelling on the past??One reason God created time was so that there would be a place to bury the failures of the past.We are made wise not by the recollection of our past, but by the responsibility for our future.
    The past remains as history.Learn from it.
    The present is here, live it.
    The future is ahead, prepare for it.
    p/s:History remains history.It serves more as lessons instead of reference.So there’s no need to harp on it.
    #I think you know what I mean,Tun.

  95. I am strongly agree to your statement above. We do realised that most of leaders of political parties now always speak about democracy but when it comes to their interests,everything seems like could be turned upside down.

  96. dear tun,
    As George Santayana said: “those who forget the lessons of history will be punished by making the same mistakes over and over again”
    but sometime just because for the authority and power, people will forget the lessons of some history.
    They will choice some way to get the authority they want and eager.
    For the situation of MCA nw, may be we can look this case like conflik authority. because party C is rob the something is the party L eager. than now L is try to get the thing back, through anyway.
    Like try involve the head of a family interrupt on this conflik.
    But if party L is win and get the authority back, is it the head of a family will control the party L. unformally take control the whole parties.

  97. Salam Tun,
    Democracy can be two edge knife. It give freedom to choose, vote, voice and right to choose. It can also cause the downfall of a nation if the too much power given to democracy.
    US has always champions democracy but recent events has proven that the US too can backtrack their so call democracy policy. It is like patting a child with your right hand to tell him that he is doing good but hitting another child with the left hand.
    UMNO has come a long way since the old UMNO disbanded. Many loyalist to the old UMNO (Semangat 46) have returned to UMNO baru. Being in BN, UMNO need to get the support of the chinese and Indians but with the recent circus act by MCA and MIC, BN will fear losing support from the Chinese and Indians.
    We cannot expect UMNO to revive voters support in BN by itself. BN would still need the support of the Chinese and Indian community. So how are BN going to ensure that there are enough support from MCA and MIC?
    I guess the solution is right there infront of our eyes but if the leaders of MCA and MIC are still busy bickering amongst themselves and not paying attention to what it needs to win back the lost vote, then the next best course of action is to merge other small component and strengthen BN as whole.
    I wonder how Tun managed to lead BN for so many years. Maybe Tun was lucky to have such good leaders who only think about the party then power.
    For me, I see that as the BN chairman, an order need to be restore should the component party leaders failed to control their own house affairs.
    Maybe too much “democracy” has gone into their head and makes them blind or deaf to the true couse of their party struggles.

  98. Assalamua’laikum
    How are you Dr.? May You live in Peace and Healthy condition when iam writing this comment. This is my first comment ever in your Blog so iam not starting it actually with a comment but wishes. I would like to Thank You because of your contribution to our country and paticularly to the muslim world.
    May Allah s.w.t Bless you and your family.
    Thank you

  99. Assalamualaikum Ayahnda n Bonda,
    Izinkan anaknda,
    Dalam dunia politik, ramai yang mengambil kesempatan atas nama demokrasi. Demokrasi ala Tiga Abdul!!! Yang cerdik tapi kaki belit, yang nampak cerdik tapi senang diperkuda, yang terang2 tak cerdik dan selalu jadi pengikut betui bendui tersangatla banyak dlm dunia politik di negara kita. Para penasihat 25% pun ramai jugak, akhirnya semua akan kena lelong…
    Sekarang ni, ramai orang berpolitik untuk mengaut kepentingan peribadi. Sebab itulah mereka tidak peduli jika berlaku perpecahan dalam parti mereka sendiri asalkan mereka mendapat laba. Pendapat majoriti tidak diambil kira bilamana kedudukan mereka tergugat. Mereka dan puak mereka akan cuba berbagai cara untuk memenangi kempen atau pungutan suara supaya ahli parti, walaupun tidak ramai, menyokong dan menyebelahi mereka. Bersandarkan sedikit sokongan yang diperolehi, mereka akan melolong, berteriak bahawa mereka mendapat mandat yang cukup untuk mencabar suara majoriti. Tidak dapat cara baik, cara yang jelek digunakan, rasuah wang, seks, janji2 palsu yang tak mampu ditunaikan termasuklah menjanjikan syurga, menyumpahkan neraka dan kuasa politik yang sedikit cuma. Inilah yang sering berlaku dalam kebanyakan keadaan di dunia politik Malaysia.
    Ada segelintir pemimpin di berbagai peringkat yang mencengkam ahli parti dengan mengadakan peraturan baru, selalunya dalam bentuk ‘verbal’ yang tidak selaras dengan perlembagaan parti, apatah lagi ajaran agama dan nasihat pemimpin2 tertinggi parti, percakapan mereka berbaur ugutan dan perbuatan meminggir ahli2 yang tidak sebulu dengan mereka. Hal ini bukan rahsia kerana ia berlaku di banyak cawangan, bahagian dan negeri. Sesuatu perlu dilakukan supaya keadaan dapat diperbetulkan. Tanyalah hati kecil anda yang berpolitik, apakah nawaitu anda? Jika semata2 mencari kekayaan dan populariti diri, berundurlah sebelum Yang Maha Berkuasa menurunkan bala…
    Kalau ada yang hanya mampu berpolitik di kedai kopi siang dan malam, bertekak, berbahas ala parlimen tapi habuk pun tarak, pulanglah dan lakukanlah sesuatu yang lebih bermenafaat. Jengok2lah, tanya khabar anak2 anda yang sedang mengambil peperiksaan atau ajarilah anak isteri kita dengan ajaran yang betul.
    kalau kita mendidik anak2 kita betul2, tak adalah yang membakar kerusi stadium!! Ntah anak2 sapala tu???
    Akhir kata dengarlah nasihat pakar politik terutamanya Ayahnda Tun yang telah banyak melalui asam garam politik dunia dan tanahair. Ayahnda Tun selalu mengaku silap jika beliau melakukan kesilapan tetapi ada ahli politik lain yang tak pernah mengaku salah, sombong dengan kebolehannya menyalahkan orang lain dan menangguhkan kes demi kes yang dikenakan keatasnya. Inikah pemimpin sejati? Janganlah kita hanya tahu menyalahkan oranglain tanpa melihat diri kita sendiri.
    Tahniah Dato Ibrahim Ali kerana bukan hanya mampu mengenengahkan masalah pembalakan haram yang telah lama berleluasa dalam negara kita dengan begitu menarik tetapi juga memberikan cadangan yang sangat memberansangkan!!! Ahli politik beginilah yang sebenarnya patut kita sokong kerana beliau sentiasa bercakap dari hati kecilnya, tidak mengampu seiapa dan tidak perlu tunduk membabi-buta kepada pemimpin utama atau ketuanya. Mungkin ada yang mengatakan beliau tidak berpendirian tetap kerana selalu berpindah parti tetapi kita perlu lihat kepada perjuangannya, sendiri tetapi tidak sunyi. Apa guna berparti jika suara hati sendiri tidak dapat diluahkan tetapi lebih kepada menyambung lidah pemimpin lain semata2, silap haribulan dikecam pula oleh ahli2 parti sendiri…rasanya Ayahnda Tun lebih kenal siapa siapa mereka ini dalam politik.
    Moga Allah SWT senantiasa memberkati Ayahnda dan Bonda di dunia dan di akhirat.
    just my brain wave..

  100. Dear Tun,
    The General Election was won during that time its because you are
    different from other leaders the people could see you had a vision
    for the country that to develop malaysia to greater heights and you
    have showed and developed the country after 22 years.
    In any political party there is only one boss Majority rules it does not matter whether you win by one or two votes.
    The MCA should call for a fresh party election and let the majority
    decide who they want as a boss to restore confidence in the MCA
    it pure common sense.
    take care…


  102. Salam YAB Tun,
    I guess I understand what you meant by this. Normally when people are in power and wish to hold on to it though majority dislike them, they will do whatever ways they could. Pelan Perpaduan lah dan ada saja. Bagi saya baik lah adakan permilihan baru. Give the power back to people, that is democracy isn’t it.
    Salam hormat/Syed

  103. “The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the one” as quoted from a Star Trek movie.
    Similarly, once the majority has decided, the minority should follow as there cannot be 2 captains in 1 ship.
    But as usual, people tend to forget history and neglect the mistakes made and the lessons to be learnt.
    Dear Tun, your wisdom is very much and still needed to guide the masses lest they forget their place.
    Best wishes on your birthday recently
    A T Mutalib and Family.

  104. Assalamualaikum Ayahnda n Bonda,
    Watching Ayahnda Tun on History Channel now! Bravo!!!! A man who walks his talks. Many people, even the opposition leaders praised Ayahnda Tun for many of his deeds…
    Democracy is the word to many who embrace hope and peace for mankind but we have to understand that there’s no TRUE democracy, find it any where if you are free to do anything you like as you claim it. There’s a limit to everything we have in this world. Even if you think you have all the right to what ever you think it is, others may also have their own right! In politics, minority cannot overtake majority but in this country sometimes, the minority has been trying hard to win over things that they know cannot be achieved especially through chaos.
    Please consider the visions of our former leaders and the dreams and hopes that we want to achieve for our country and our future. Don’t do anything bad to stir our peace. United we stand, divided we fall!!!
    May Allah SWT bless both Ayahnda n Bonda, ever after, InsyaAllah.
    just my brain wave..

  105. Dear Tun,
    When we talk about history, many of us don’t have adequate lesson in history. Moreover some of them felt so clever in interpreting history as they like, even worst some of them had even interpreted our Islamic teaching as what they think/like, shame on them. Its ok being dumb, but it is not ok if we asked other people to be dumb too.

  106. Salam Tun & Fellow blogger
    Do they understand what is democracy in the first place? I would say for Malaysia… the democracy practiced is more of a ‘hybrid’ democracy. The same in Singapore. There are pros and cons of having ‘hybrid’ democracy which I believe is more suitable and practiced here in Malaysia.
    History played its role and now time to really learn from our very own history from the days of Malacca Sultanate to the Portuguese/Dutch/British colonial era, the fight for independence, May 13 and finally the 2008 General Election. The impact of 2008 General Election should be a history taught and lesson learned. UMNO should take heed on that impact and press on to gain the confidence of the ‘RAKYAT’!

  107. Indeed, the Greeks were the first people to develop theories about power & politics.
    However this did not enable the city-states to get on with one another, and consequently Greek history is made up of a long series of wars between state and league of cities.
    Just occasionally, the city-states united in the face of a foreign invader, but once the danger passed they returned to fighting amongst themselves.
    In the end they fell easy prey to Alexander the Great and, later, the Romans.

  108. yep.. democracy may be the best tool, but majority is not always right. they might be misguided and make irrational decision.. that’s why there exist a spin doctor (or money for the same purpose)to manipulate the mass..

  109. salam tUn mahathir..
    just want to comment about UMNO…UMno need a young and strong leader ..not old timer..that can crush our nation .sir,i love UMNO,i love BN, but …people in UMNO seem to be greedy and selfish.they didn’t care more about our MALAY propaganda. what they know to fill up their pocket..this is wrong sir..need some adjustment on this problem. i’m as UNikl student would like to suggest that, younger leader need to be install in UMNO..which have good brain,idea,vision,mission and so on..dalam erti kata lain tun, UMNO telah berubah sejak zaman pak lah. Keutamaan orang melayu sudah tiada..melayu VS melayu..saya firdaus,akan berjuang macam tun,utk kaum saya…dan saya akan berusaha gigih untuk menjadikan matlamat saya dalam politik tercapai …dan kuasa akan berada di tangan saya..tanpa kuasa,,i can’t change it right TUn.? ..

  110. dear Tun,
    Bagi saya bagi melahirkan kepimpinan beriwabawa, asasnya perlu ditekankan kepada peringkat bahawahan, anak-anak dengan ibu bapa, pelajar dengan guru, dan mahasiswa dengan para pensyarah. Di sinilah ilmu kepimpinan yang demokrasi dapat digemblengkan agar tidak lari dari panduan syara-‘at islam itu sendiri, paling penting terpimpin.
    di bawah ini adalah cadangan saya kepada harakahdaily, dalam bentuk pencerahan agar ada panduan dalam mendidik manusia berpolitik-ameen.
    thanks a lot.

  111. Dear Tun Dr M,
    I do agree with you that sometimes majority vote do not give positive result. Especially when the voters get swayed by emotions, racial and perks from the person vying for position in the party.
    If the voters are wise and rational in casting their votes, then, holding elections for party positions are fruitful.

  112. In a mature democracy, these procedures help the members choose from among competing policy options. Are these policy options clear?
    In your case the Malay dilemma served to defined your policies and agenda initially, and later your work and record defined your agenda.
    The only thing clear about the leaders now is their greed for position and power, and this includes both the BN and the PR.
    What’s holding people from making explicit policy statements? (Of course they all talk a lot more than you but they don’t say anything. They just don’t have that kind of integrity, do they? They try to ape you, holding press conferences and all that but they end up tiring us rather than engaging us public in a dialogue like you did.)
    Formal democratic procedures were not a hindrance for you to practice real democracy. So, you didn’t abuse, but others in their immaturity abused the legal process and democratic procedures, and this made your work slow.
    Our future is at great risk – the demogogues and fundamentalists in PR vs an immature BN.

  113. Salam Tun & Chedet’s bloggers,
    That’s right. There is no perfect system existed, not even democracy that the west, read USA, has been and still trying hard to sell to the world. As long as the vary principle that God have created all peoples are made equal have been blantantly ignored by the people with greed of power, there will be no democracy. We all know that democracy will be interpreted differently by different people but the most powerful nation will, being hypocrate will dictate the kind of democracy only that will serve their interest, nobody else. As the infamous quote , you know who ” EITHER YOU ARE WITH US OR YOU ARE WITH THEM”. Period.
    Just imagine the case during Bush re-election where just about 50% of Americans went out to vote and Bush secure just above 50% of the votes ( with the help of recount or now we can say fraudulant method using the computer to decide. Can we trust the computer system? ) Meaning during Bush time, the country was administered by only about 25% of Americans. No wonder USA was in great mess and had become a greatest bully of all time.
    When Palestineans decided to hold a democratic election, the powerful west ( USA and EU )greeted the decision with great admiration of their success in introducing democracy in that trouble spot and that hopefully will spread out to the whole middle east. The rest we all knew the story.
    In Algeria, when the Islamist Party won the 1st round of the democratic election, they cancelled the 2nd round.
    Let us look at the history. many countries has been governed by so called democratically elected, accepted and supported by USA will end up being corrupt and dictatorship rule. They survive for simple reasn that they become the puppet of USA. People will never learn and as Tun said, those do not want to learn from history will repeat the mistakes again and again.
    We in Malaysia are also entering into that trap. We should forget on what the west is teaching or dictating us on their brand of democracy. We should adopt natural way through exercise of great wisdom, compassion, fairness/justice, and should remain firm to Allah’s guidance ( Jalan yang lurus ). That is the only way we can save ourselves but we also know that we are all human after all and we will commit the same mistakes even by those who claim to be man of God.
    As long as people desire and greed for power and wealth, we should take care and save ourselves and family members through life with moderation, with patience (sabar), grateful (syukur) obeyed ( sujud ) to Allah’s commands but not to nobody else.
    May Allah bless us all. insya’allah

  114. Salam Tun,
    May Allah bless you and your family,
    1. Tun, i think what has been mentioned is just a part of it. The loser refuses to accept the fact.Why?
    2. If we can think from the other view, it is just a scenario. What is really need to be concerned is what is the reason behind all the scenes. Either the government itself?or the 1st men of the country,maybe? or the worse part is, his/her followers who caused him/her to be a loser??haha..
    3. What i’m trying to say is either the democracy itself has leave a little room for someone to interfere of what has and can only be happened in the particular community?.. Because of why? One should always remember, since most the things in this world were created and invented by human being, thus it is very2 permissive.
    4. One can accept the “permissive” from many perspectives. U can call it as permissive when you have choices to choose which can suit your needs. The democracy can’t deny this fact.
    5. That’s why, our prophet said we have to come back to the basic which are Quran and Hadith if there is an argument between us. Because why? The Quran and Hadith were not created by human and protected by God.
    6. Since it is genuine and guaranteed by God, so we can’t deny that it is perfect.
    7. My concern to our government now, try to avoid even an inch a conflict of interest between anyone. If all the people is really concern to avoid this thing from happen, i guess no one will enter “a little room provide by the permissive action”.. When there is no one willing to use or accept the benefit from the permissive action to suit his/her needs, i think most of the limitations can be eliminated.
    8. What is the crucial part is all depends on the individual!
    9. Selamat Hari Raya Qurban to you Tun.
    Warm regards

  115. YABhg Tun’
    Last night was a final episode on astro HISTORY channel and i have all my kids watched the program. It was less intriguing as the story about DSAI wrongdoings was too brief but anyway it carried a lot of weight to understand or atleast a correct perspective why the nation does not need such leader to their present time. This simple caption about his retaliation behaviour has somehow reflected the real bogus in him ever since i departed myself from being his staunch supporter many years ago in ptg pauh. I am very much relief now as my conscience is guninely correct on his wrongdoings day after day. He is another ignorant product about history. He has never learnt from ‘bad history’ and his 12 yrs tenancy in UMNO was a waste of time and just a bed time story legacy !!!..and sorry to say that another guy that will refuse to learn is Dato Nazri !!!

  116. YABhg Tun,
    I still remember your words, “The great civilisation of the past don’t even have democracy but yet they become GREAT”..
    Manusia Biasa

  117. Salam Sejahtera Ybhg Tun,
    Thank you for writing about this topic.
    They say that MCA crisis is internal problems and should not be interfered. I am in the opinion of otherwise.
    Since the crisis been prolonged with with more complex issues and since the PRU is not very far away it can be considered that not much votes be expected from the MCA members for BN. It is a handicap to BN and a big advantage to Pakatan.
    This situation is a message and a reminder to the Malay communities. It is up to them to choose the ruling party of the country whether it is BN or Pakatan. If BN to rule the country, whatever been achieved since independence shall be continued and maintained. If Pakatan to rule the country, it looks like Anwar Ibrahim will be the Prime Minister. He will lead the country with new policies and changes i guess. Maybe either the status of Malay Reserve lands shall be maintained or abolished we would not know.
    The Malays must decide of their fates.
    Ir Syahrizan mentioned in his comments (chedet blog- Anwar Sebagai Penasihat) to give Anwar Ibrahim a try. He said that even after 50 years of independance Malaysia is still lag behind as a third world country. This means that Malaysia is still at par with the country like Sudan, Uthopia, Bangladesh and etc. Early this year, Bangladesh celeberated the opening of their first flyover for public use in the capital of Dacca. Every afternoon the publics like to walk accross the flyover. They were amazed to see vehicles passed beneath it instead of water ( I read this in NST).
    Cherrio Ir Syahrizan!!!

  118. Democracy ala UMNO/TUN Menang kalau ROYALTY kalau Kalah Wang EHSAN.
    “It is fine only if the loser accepts the winner”
    Cakap serupa orang mabuk…

  119. Dear Tun;
    That’s the Malaysian Dilemma…
    Malaysian(not only Malay) Mudah Lupa…
    Salam utk Tun sekeluarga

  120. my name is Raja Zarin from shah alam. i’m 17 years old and i’m taking spm right this month. i just watched your biography in history channel about ten minutes before i wrote this. i didn’t get to watch tv freely, (of course) considering spm. but today my parents were out, so i opened the tv and saw you! i was very excited because i thought i have to wait until the end of spm, but, what a bless!
    i was your fan since you stepped down from your post and the thing between you and abdullah started. i watched it on news and my parents explain everything to me so i got interested. i searched about you. we have the same birthdate. i keep telling people but they would not believe me.
    i don’t know why but watching you on history makes my eye wet. maybe because you have gone through a lot in order to bring our country to the worlds eye. i am really happy to be your fan.
    eventhough i am young, i wish to be someone like you. i want to bring glory to malaysia. i haven’t decided on my future yet but i will decide on something that can bring change to malaysia. my dream is to correct people’s view on muslim.
    i am really hoping to meet you personally. my brother was utp’s graduate. he invited us all to watch him, and said that you will be giving the scroll or sumting. i was excited because i thought i can see you. but then we weren’t allowed in. everytime i thought that i would not be able to see you makes me really sad. i really want to meet my idol.
    che det, i may not experience your leadership much , but i will have your wisdom in making the new generation. insyaallah. MALAYSIA BOLEH!!!!!

  121. Dear Tun,
    I remembered once upon a time that you said that sometimes the majority opinion is not always correct. How far this statement is true, I don’t really know.
    In Malaysia, the party who gets the majority vote wins. Regardless of what methods they are using to win, a win is a win. If a Malaysian government wins the election by corruption, then we will have a corrupt government. In the other hand, if the government of the day wins by Islamic methods, than Malaysia will become an Islamic state. Today you can see politician from all walks of life trying to win by becoming more corrupt, more hardworking, more cleaner, more people friendly, etc. Every politician has their own way to win the majority votes even though through vote buying.
    People do learn from history lessons, but do they really learn the history?

  122. Y.A.Bhg Tun,
    Ahli-ahli sejarah dimasa depan akan terus berdebat siapa yang sebenarnya menyebabkan UMNO diistiharkan haram oleh Mahkamah selepas pemilehan tahun 1987. Tun sebagai Preseden berhak menegakan prinsip demokrasi yang sepatutnya dihormati oleh kumpulan Team B yang tewas. Tetapi mereka memileh menyelesaikan sengketa melalui proses Mahkamah dan tidak melalui proses demokrasi. Rakyat Amerika menunjukan kepada dunia amalan demokrasi yang sempurna apabila Al Gore menerima kekalahan walaupun majoriti yang diterima oleh Preseden Bush boleh dipertikaikan selepas Mahkamah membuat keputusan memihak kepada Presedn Bush. Demokrat dan Republican boleh sama-sama menghormati majlis angkat sumpah Preseden yang dilantik.
    2. Di Malaysia kebanyakan yang kalah tidak boleh menerima kekalahan dan kerapkali menggunakan proses demokrasi sebagai usaha terakhir untuk mengagalkan pihak yang menang. Negara telah terima amalan dan prinsip demokrasi. Maka yang menang mesti dihormati walaupun majoriti hanya satu undi. Kehidupan mesti berjalan saperti biasa selepas proses pemilihan diistiharkan tamat.
    3. Barisan Nasional telah mengambil tindakan yang bagitu bermaruah melakukan proses peralihan kuasa dengan baik selepas pilehanraya yang lepas dengan meyerahkan kuasa di lima buah negeri yang tewas kepada Pakatan Rakyat walaupun Barisan Nasional sebagai sabuah Parti memenangi kerusi yang banyak di Perak dan selangor yang memungkin dilakukan usaha untuk membentuk Kerajaan campuran.
    4. Sebaliknya Pakatan Rakyat tidak menunjukan tindakan yang mereka menghormati amalan demokrasi apabila kehilangan majoriti di DUN Perak akibat dari 3 ADUN melompat ke Barisan Nsional dan membolehkan sabuah Kerajaan baru dilantik. Sikap sedemikian tidak baik kepada prinsip dan amalan demokrasi.
    5. Rakyat perlu faham kepada proses peralihan kuasa untuk memerintah dalam negara yang mengamalkan prinsip demokrasi. Urusan negara dapat berjalan saperti biasa walaupun Kerajaan bertukar tangan dan ianya mungkin dapat bertukar dalam tempoh yang sengkat. Sebenarnya terlalu lama sesabuah Parti memerintah mungkin tidak bagitu baik kepada negara apabila pemimpin parti berkenaan menjadi terlalu angkuh dan bongkak dengan kuasa yang ada untuk memerintah. Namun demikian sabuah Kerajaan yang stabil lebih berkeupayaan untuk membawa pembangunan dan kesejahteraan kepada rakyat saperti yang dibuktikan oleh Kerajaan Barisan Nssional yang telah menguasai Kerajaan semenjak merdeka.
    6. Proses pemilehan dalam Parti yang memerintah sangat penting bagi menetukan tidak ada pemimpin yang terlalu bongkak dan cenderung untuk menyalahgunakan kuasa serta supaya Kerajaan yang dibentuk bebas dari rasuah, penyalahgunaan kuasa atau amalan kronisma. UMNO hari ini telah melalui proses pembersihan yang baik dan sekiranya proses pemilehan pemimpin berlaku saperti yang telah dipinda dalam perlembagaan UMNO baru-baru ini maka UMNO akan menjadi sabuah parti yang kuat. Malangnya UMNO hanya peneraju dalam komponen Barisan Nasional. Parti komponen lain masih bergelut dengan krisis yang masih tidak nampak jalan penyelesaianya.
    7. Sesunggohnya Malaysia memerlukan sabuah Kerajaan yang kuat bagi mengekalkan daya saing negara di arena globalisasi. Negara-negara lain di rantau ini telah muncul lebih kukoh saperti Vietnan dan Indonesia. Ini akan menjadi saingan kepada Malaysia dari segi kemasukan FDI. TUN telah berjaya membawa permodenan kepada Malysia dari sabuah negara pertanian kepada sabuah negara moden yang berorientasikan pembuatan melalui FDI. Hasil negara telah dapat digunakan dengan baik untuk mengubah nasib dan taraf hidup rakyat jelata.
    8. Najib mempunyai cabaran yang besar untuk meneruskan proses permodenan yang telah diterajui oleh Tun. Pak Lah telah membuat kesilpan besar yang cuba menekan brek apabila momentum permodenan yang bagitu pantas apabila Tun menyerahkan dulang emas kepadanya. Memetik tulisan Tun yang Tun telah memileh Mr Clean tetapi dia sibuk dengan kerabat serta rakanya untuk melakukan proses pembersihan yang lain.
    9. PAS mesti insaf bahawa orang Melayu hanya boleh dimodenkan melalui Kerajaan yang berkongsi kuasa melalui Barisan Nasional dengan kaum-kaum lain. Agenda islam yang dibawa oleh UMNO lebih rasional dan pragmatk mengambilkira komposisi kaum lain dan ugama lain dalam negara. Infrasrtuktur untuk ugama islam di Malysia adalah jauh lebih baik berbanding dengan negara lain . Semuanya ini dibangunkan oleh Kerajaan Barisan Nasional. Sebagai contoh, Sekolah Ugama untuk perengkat rendah yang dibangunkan oleh Kerajaan Johor yang diperentah oleh Barisan Nasional jauh lebih baik berbanding Sekolah Rendah Rakyat yang dibangunkan oleh Kerajaan Pas di Kelantan.
    10. Perjuangan dalam negara yang mengamalkan demokrasi adalah untuk kepentingan umum dan bukan kepentingan individu atau kelompok tertentu. Perjuangan adalah atas dasar semua orang islam mesti berhak untuk masuk syorga dan bukanya syurga itu untuk kumpulan elit tertentu atau menjadi pengikut kumpulan tertentu. Kepentingan seluroh umat islam dinegara ini perlu dijaga melalui peruntukan undang-undang yang telah menjamin hak-hak yang tertentu. Prinsip ini perlu dihormati dan ditegakan.
    11. Saya percaya demokrasi boleh terus membawa kemakmoran kepada negara sekiranya prinsip asas tertubuhnya Persekutuan malaysia dihormati dan senantiasa ditegakan.
    Yang Iklas,
    Abd Rahim

  123. Dear Tun yang sangat dihormati:
    1. Segelintir rakyat Malaysia sekarang sudah mula biadab. Tidak mahu kenang jasa2 orang yang terdahulu. Mereka ingat mereka sudah pandai dan tahu apa yang mereka ingat mereka betul, yang sebenarnya tidak betul! Ini yang susah ni.. Sebenarnya salah segentir pemimpin jugak seperti your assistant tu… Keduanya, your pengganti telah beri ruang kepada mereka2 ini untuk bersuara dan melaksanakan perkara2 yang salah tetapi mereka anggap betul! Contohnya: lawyer kiparat tu…, yang pengganti you lantik tu… Last2 sekali, bila dah penuhi agenda jahatnya, dia letak jawatan. Tak habis di situ, dia masuk kem pembangkang pulak… Siapa bodoh? he, he…
    2. Hari ni dalam The Straits Times, muka surat 18, ada sorang budak nakal bernama Noramtaz Abdullah (samaran kot), beri pandangan tidak cerdik untuk tidak terima Tun sebagai senior minister… Sengaja nak bagi rakyat bergaduh tentang isu itu. Yang nampak kebodohan nya, ialah dia bagi contoh Lee Kuan Yew konon nya ada track record untuk menjadi penasihat Singaporeah… Habis, Tun tak da track record ke??? Apa? dia nak “pengganti Tun” jadi penasihat Malaysia?? Pelingkup lagi ada…… Tak cerdik nak bagi pendapat…
    Tentu gagal mata pelajaran Sejarah dalam SPM dulu.. Entah2 PMR je…
    3. Nampak gaya nya, mata pelajaran Sejarah di sekolah kena tambah waktu lagi.. Dari 3 waktu sekarang ke 6 waktu dan kena buat kerja kursus tiap2 bulan.. Baru rakyat Malaysia ni faham sejarah.. bukan sikit, faham banyak2…
    Remember! History makes our future more successful…lol…
    Good Day Tun, have a nice cup of “tea for two”….

  124. Macamana nak belajar dari kesilapan Tok Det…..Orang-orang dekat malaysia ini memang ramai yg gila kuasa malah nak tunjukan siapa kah diantara mereka yg paling bijak . Cuma nak beri sedikit gambaran .
    Dulu masa musuh Umno i.e Pas , Dap tidak berapa kuat ..
    Orang-orang Umno akan bergaduh sesama sendiri kerana inginkan kuasa . sehingga musuh yg sebenarnya adalah orang yg berada didalam umno sendiri . Sekarang bila parti-parti pembangkang mendapat tempat dihati rakyat malaysia barulah Umno mendapat kesedaran…walaupun sehingga sekarang rakyat malaysia bukannya inginkan perubahan tetapi terpaksa untuk berubah kerana kebodohan Umno dalam menyelesaikan masalah negara .
    Dan pada pandangan saya untuk kebaikan negara malaysia tercinta kita perlu ada dua parti untuk menerajui negara yg benar-benar kita sayang supaya orang-orang yg suka memecah belahkan parti mereka sendiri itu , kekuatan mereka tidak begitu menyerlah sehingga mengugat kestabilan negara kita . kalau Umno , Mca , Mic tak betul sekurang-kurangnya kita ada parti seperti Pkr pas dan juga Dap . mungkin dasar mereka tak sama tetapi mereka mesti di ingat bahawa rakyatlah penentu segala jatuh bangun kuasa mereka . Dan janganlah diantara kita bermusuh-musuh kerana kuasa kelak yang merasa ruginya adalah negara kita sendiri , tetapi jika diantara parti-parti itu berjuang kerana siapakah yg lebih baik pekerjaannya tidak lah menjadi salah kerana yg beruntung itu adalah Rakyat Malaysia sendiri . Malang sungguh yg bergaduh ini bukan rakyat sebenarnya tetapi orang yg diberikan kuasa oleh rakyat kerana , nak kata tak cukup umur dah akhil baligh, jadi apa yg patut kita panggil orang yg suka berjuang kerana kuasa…. Akal pendek kot…..he he he

  125. Salam hormat YAB Tun berdua,
    1. Kulit tak pernah lupakan kacang. Kacang yang lupakan kulit.
    2. Orang lain semuanya salah…
    3. Mana lebih teruk, lupa sejarah atau buta sejarah.
    4. Parti MCA sila ambik iktibar, saya rasa Tun cuba menyampaikan satu masej untuk anda semua.
    5. Mana lebih penting, kepentingan sendiri atau semua?
    Tun jaga diri ya.

  126. Antara kepentingan parti dan kepentingan diri menjadi faktor yang menyumbang kepada konflik kepimpinan dalam parti sebagaimana yang pernah berlaku dalam UMNO pada suatu masa dahulu. Jika pengalaman dan pengajaran yang dialami oleh UMNO ketika itu tidak boleh dijadikan panduan dan pedoman kepada parti-parti lain e.g MCA, maka kesudahannya nanti sama seperti UMNO. Perpecahan dan perpuakan akan berlaku di antara mereka yang sama-sama berjuang untuk mencapai matlamat parti dek kepentingan diri yang sedikit sebanyak membatasi matlamat parti.
    Jika UMNO pernah diharamkan sebelum diterima UMNO Baru ke dalam BN, tentunya keadaan tidak sama seperti hari ini. UMNO sekarang bangkit dan membina semula kekuatan selepas perpecahan. Cuma kebelakangan ini sebelum PRU-12 dan peralihan kuasa, kedudukan UMNO goyah. Kini sudah kelihatan pulih, tetapi konflik MCA pula belum ada kesudahan dan penyelesaiannya walaupun telah diadakan EGM. Hendak adakan satu lagi EGM pun tidak akan menyelesaikan konflik dalaman dan kepimpinan dalam MCA jika pemimpin-pemimpin yang bertelagah dan tidak sehaluan terus menerajui MCA dan tidak ada sikp tolak ansur, beralah, berkompromi dan ada konsensus.
    MCA perlu menyegerakan pelan perdamaian konflik itu jika tidak boleh sesama mereka, maka mintalah orang tengah yang berkecuali. Jika PM diminta untuk mendamaikan MCA, PM harus bertindak secara rasional. Konflik tidak akan selesai dan terhapus dengan sendirinya jika penyelesaiannya tidak dicari dan formula penyelesaian itu diterima oleh semua pihak. Dalam keadaan ini, jika mahu MCA meneruskan kelangsungan sebagai parti kedua besar dalam BN, maka setiap daripada mereka dalam MCA harus bersedia menerima sebarang keputusan pihak ketiga walaupun hasilnya tidak memihak kepada sesiapapun yang menjadi pemimpin utama MCA.
    MCA pun perlu bijak menguruskan konflik. Banyak sumber dan buku tentang konflik di perpustakaan yang boleh dibaca. Tidaklah disebabkan konflik kepimpinan macam itu pun memaksa kerajaan untuk menubuh suruhanjaya atau badan penyiasat. Suruhanjaya-suruhanjaya dan badan penyiasat yang sedia ada pun tak terbuat kerja yang bertimbun. Yang dah ditanam kena gali semula … itu pun satu kerja dan memerlukan penyelesaian. Ini belum bab banjir, macam mana nak agik bantuan banjir. Banjir yang melanda bukan kira kaya-miskin, tua-muda, bodoh-cerdik, rumah kayu-batu, banglo-setinggan … bila berlaku banjir, maka samalah tarafnya. Pihak berwajib perlu beri bantuan kepada mangsa banjir. Cuma yang kaya tidaklah sesusah orang miskin …
    Jadi, MCA jangan dah kena banjir, kena hanyut dek arus deras dan telah karam baru nak sediakan bot dan pelampung penyelamat. Siap sedialah untuk berkorban wahai pemimpin-pemimpin MCA sebelum MCA terkorban umpama UMNO suatu masa dulu … Masihkah Kau Ingat Pada Waktu Itu …

  127. Hello Tun,
    1. How things going Tun? Have read ur blog today. It is great, as always!
    2. Watched History Channel last night. Very entertaining hahaha! Didn’t know Tun has an office at the Twin Tower. Fantastic office! Tun deserve it!
    3. Hope our path crossed when I go to the Twin Tower one of these days so I can say hello.. Need to ask a small favour from Petronas hahaha! Hope they will assist me. If not, I will make sure they do 🙂
    C u on ur next blog, Tun. Take care.
    Best regards,

  128. Assalamualaikum Tun,
    1. My late mother passed away during Ramadhan (on September 11th to be exact). She was a big fan of you. I did not understand why. She said you made things better for the country…and I would argue that it was not a one-man’s job to do that; many contributed too. Then she would get angry at me and said,”Are you not a Government scholar?” And I said that the blessings were actually God’s gift.
    2. I watched your Biography on History Channel last night. I was moved. I understand that it takes a good and brave leader to bring change to a nation. The process will involve many people. But the idea comes from one man.
    3. I am glad that you resigned because I think I misunderstood you and your actions while you were in office.
    4. Tun, I think you are one of a kind. You now have a new fan on your list.

  129. bestnya tgk biography Tun Mahathir mlm td…:)
    thank a lot Tun…sy la antara jutaan product dibawah pemerintahan Tun…
    rasa sebak didada pabila biography part 2 Tun semalam mengisar kembali ucapan perletakan Tun di Perhimpunan UMNO…
    rasa bangga pabila suara Tun, kata-kata Tun telah menggegarkan yahudi…
    really proud u as one of great UMNO president, a great Islamic leader…a GREAT MALAY LEADER…:)

  130. Dear Tun
    1. You have more than 3 million hits in your blog site. Anwar has?
    2. Nik Aziz is not answering to any of the allegations regarding his son in law. Funny? i thought those who critises you would also comment on Nik. Please read at kickdefella blog site.
    3. The day i see anwar or lim guan eng or any other so call leaders can provide intelligent and in depth writing about anything and everything and has 3 million people to reading their blog, then maybe these people has followers lah…
    4. Think of the above any way you like it.

  131. Assalamualaikum Tun,
    I am with you Tun.
    Tun telah banyak berkorban dan berjasa kepada negara.
    Selamat Hari Raya.

  132. Salam Tun M
    It’s right. History is very important to read, understand and take a lesson of it. If not, we sure fail in our life. That’s why as a Muslim, we need to read and understand the content of Al-Quran as Allah SWT always state the history of (previous people) for our past, today and future guideline.
    History will be repeated. Who’s know??? Only Allah know and decide it. We just Allah’s servant.

  133. Dear Tun,
    The term and meaning of “Democracy” is perfect but it manipulated by the man to stop losing of power or to gaining more power to control.
    How about choosing a PM by full election like what the US did?

  134. salam tun
    the UMNO’s case in 1987 will be repeated by MCA today. We don’t surprised that those who lose in the MCA soon will open a new party and challenge to void the old MCA.
    Tee Keat can’t accept that he lose the confident during the previous EGM.And that’s why the disaster come into the party.

  135. Being a majority does not mean that you are in total control.
    In Malaysia, the majority of the people are Malays. But they are divided politically, and not good economically.
    The Indians, being the third largest group, probably have more political parties compared to the Malay majority.
    But the Indians make the most noise. They have a lot of newspaper reporters (on-line or otherwise) to report on their plight. They blame everything on others, except themselves.

  136. Salam Tun,
    Jika tidak boleh belajar daripada sejarah, maka sukarlah untuk membuat penilaian dan persediaan menghadapi sebarang cabaran.
    Jika MCA tidak boleh belajar daripada pengalaman yang telah dilalui oleh UMNO sebelum wujudnya UMNO Baru dan S46, maka MCA akan melalui jalan yang sama. Tidak mustahil akan berlaku dan munculnya MCA Baru dan satu lagi serpihannya.
    Jika kepimpinan BN tidak dapat menangani konflik kepimpinan MCA, tentunya MCA dan BN akan menanggung kesannya walaupun tidak dapat dilihat dalam masa terdekat, tapi pasti dalam pilihan raya umum ke-13 kelak.
    Konflik MCA itu harus diselesaikan segera. Setiap pemimpin perlu bersikap ada tolak ansur, kesederhanaan, menggunakan kuasa dengan cara berhemah dan rasional, wujudnya kesefahaman dan konsensus serta setia kawan. Jika ini tidak wujud dalam MCA sekarang, maka beratlah kesannya yang akan dapat dilihat dalam masa terdekat ini.
    Jangan salahkan komponen BN yang lain jika MCA mengalami nasib yang sama seperti UMNO pada tahun 1988 dahulu …. bak kata orang, “boleh belajar daripada pengalaman orang lain adalah bijak; boleh belajar daripada pengalaman sendiri adalah waras; tetapi jika tidak boleh belajar daripada pengalaman orang lain dan diri sendiri adalah bodoh” … sama-sama fikirkan.

  137. Salam Tun,
    Jika lupa sejarah maka sukar untuk mendidik, mengajar, dan memberikan kefahaman kepada sesiapa sahaja. Jika kerana konflik dalam UMNO membawa kepada kemunculan S46 dan UMNO Baru, apakah ini akan berlaku dalam MCA? Jika MCA tidak ada tolak ansur dan kompromi serta konsensus di kalangan para pemimpinnya, tidak mustahil konflik itu akan mengakhiri status MCA sebagai parti politik dan tentunya akan hilang kedudukan dalam BN.
    Seharusnya konflik dalam UMNO dahulu dan perkara sebegini sudah difahami oleh MCA. Namun, konflik kepentingan mungkin melupakan mereka kepada sejarah yang terdahulu. Tidak salahnya jika masing-masing berjuang demi kepentingan parti dan ahlinya, tetapi yang lebih menonjol dalam konflik kepartian adalah kepentingan diri berbanding ahli dan parti itu sendiri.

  138. Lesson learned. Key to success, is to learn from failures. Challenges, trials and tribulations made us stronger.
    It’s great to have a short chat with you Tun in Kuching after the press conference. Thanks.

  139. Dear Tun M:
    I am strongly agree to your statement above. We do realised that most of leaders of political parties now always speak about democracy but when it comes to their interests,everything seems like could be turned upside down.
    The MCA’s conflict recently turned from bad to worse and their decreasing confidence from all walks of life among Chinese community will remain decreasing and will eventually drag the whole Barisan to the mud in the next general election.
    I hope that Tun M can speak out your voice on this matter in term of advice to MCA.Although I understood that this motion will be translated as interference or interruption but for the sake of nation’s benefit,please take this suggestion as consideration.

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