1. The Western Press launched a concerted effort to demonise the new Prime Minister. From France to Britain to Australia, the articles are identical and carried the same message. The in-coming PM is said to be corrupt and involved in a murder case. The Australian writer says Malaysia is a “pariah” nation. I cannot believe that this demonisation by so many at the same time is a coincidence.

2. Included in the condemnation of the new PM is the allegation that he would bring back “Mahathirism”. By this the Western press seem to imply that the fourth PM was a dictator who detained for no reason, manipulated the judiciary, controlled the Press etc etc.

3. As the person concerned I will leave it to Malaysians to judge and to define “Mahathirism”. They are the constituents which Najib should care about. The foreign press has an agenda of their own. And their friends in Malaysia are feeding them with the anti-Najib stories as they fear Najib would put a stop to their control of the media.

4. Najib can expect to hear more of this kind of demonisation from the foreign press but it is what Malaysians think that counts. It is with them that Najib has to clear his name.

271 thoughts on “DEMONISATION”

  1. Salam and dear all
    Hihihi, only people like S…Tan,rarunasalam (ravi), karpal singh, lim kit siang, lee kuan yeww and the like who like the administration of our ex PM Pak Lah. Of courselah , these people so admire with the former administration, because only during that tenure you people can do what ever you like and greedily poison the people’s mind with ridiculous assumptions and hearsays to become facts. Such a third world mentality plus inferiority complexxxxx…. biarkan si Luncai terjun dengan labu2nya, biarkan… kasihannnnn.

  2. Dear Tun, salam mesra harap hari ini gembira. Kiriman saya kali ini…
    Najib is not the only victim of demonisation. Below example of another demonisation (although they try to argue its criticism, dissastisfaction) Look at the parallel…
    Che Det blog is the centre stage in the concerted effort to demonise KJ, Pak Lah and his family. All articles from contributors to blog owner are identical and carry same message. I find it hard to believe this demonisation by so many at the same time is a coincidence.
    Included in the villification is that they will bring back ‘colonisation’. By this they imply the 5th PM is a puppet for unseen hands, a stooge for foreign countries, betrayor of his race etc..
    Pak Lah correctly left it to M’sians to judge and define him not Che Det followers and Umno sour grapes who have an agenda of their own. Their friends in Umno are feeding them anti Pak Lah stories as they fear Pak Lah will put a stop to their ambition.
    …………(4)COUNT ON M’SIANS
    Pak Lah and family can expect to hear more of this demonisation but it is what ordinary M’sians think that counts, not ex PM led opinion.

  3. JJJ my dear fellow
    do you understand what demonisation means..? Obviously not…neither does Tun or he is just a great actor…
    all the papers that Tun mentions (including the French even tho I dont speak it) said DS Najib was allegged to have involvement in the case – no difference to what the Malaysian dailies ran. So I wanted to know from Tun which “other” papers he was refering to (oh, btw, he did not have the links in the blog initially…)
    Secondly, Tun should know what demonisation means…he did lots of it in the last 5 years…I dont think Tun should stop now just because he has got a sweetener by having his son made a Deputy Minister.
    Tun – why have you stopped publishing updates to this ..I actually wrote a 3rd comment on this subject sometime back responding to your blind follower Jeng. Obviously you don’t like anyone criticising your followers, and neither do they of you…
    Jeng – you’re Pathetic…keep supporting Tun Blindly…

  4. Dear Tun, salam mesra moga sihat sejahtera. Minta izin sekali lagi menjawab seorang pengulas…
    Pada sdr kamal ahmad on April 23, 2009 12:59 PM
    …………..EVIL PEOPLE
    It is sad to note in your eagerness to uplift your race you resorted to demonise other races. It is misplaced to paint Chinese and Indian M’sian as bent on seeing the downfall and impoverishment of Malays as the path to their success.
    Are they all really that heartless on a fellow human being? Only Malays hold the monopoly on humanity? Look at the income disparity and poor Malays in Kedah, Kelantan, Terengganu. Who is heartless there?
    There is evil behaviour no evil race.

  5. Dear Tun, salam mesra moga sihat sejahtera. Minta izin menjawab seorang pengulas..
    Pada sdr kamal ahmad on April 23, 2009 12:59 PM
    Wonder whether your sneak from behind remarks calculated action? More civil to speak in the face than behind the back. Tun allowed dissenting opinions because of this belief, cos people will talk behind your back anyway if you shut out.
    Only sensitive people (does not include Tun) cannot bear differing views and note the pain miss the point.
    Being civil even in dissenting is twisted as whoring. Greeting is wrong in disagreement?
    You figure whether its graciousness, statesmanship, healthy debate, sympathy, education or humanitarian subsidy for the comments released by Tun. You can read Tun’s mind?
    I have the balls to enter a blog swarming with sensitive, easily agitated ball carriers. Ball carriers job is to chase away and attack personal characters?
    Neither you nor I have a say what gets in this blog. We are only contributors of comments here. Trying to shape other’s blog?
    You have the right of reply but in consideration the subject is individual not topic, I will end here.

  6. Salam Tun,
    Malaysia used to be a beautiful and very “safe” country. But recently news, events and turn arounds has had happened in the country. The most alarming part of it is that it has become crime infested. Some serious and alarming crimes had happpened in so many places either reported, not reported and also passes by like nothing has had happened.
    Below is just one of the crimes being emailed that has had happened in the once “safe” country and is very alarming to all especially the foreigners to this once beautiful and “safe” nation.
    A genuine message posted by a law firm in Malaysia.
    If you’re going to KL, take note!
    I am sure you all have heard of ‘pick pocket’.
    A new trend ‘push pocket’.
    Read on.. for your own good
    A few days ago a new type of crime has surfaced in town.
    It goes something like this:-
    Somebody slips a hand-phone into your pocket,
    sometimes it could be just a wallet with
    an identity card and a few ringgit.
    A few minutes later, the ‘owner’ comes up
    and confronts you, the ‘thief ‘.
    He makes a big commotion that you stole his stuff.
    You, caught unaware, are then pulled aside by the
    ‘owner’ for a settlement. You are intimidated and threatened
    that if you do not pay up the police will be brought in.
    If you pay up, this ‘owner’ lets you go.
    If not, the police are brought in.
    Another strange thing is that there always seems
    to be a ‘witness’ to your ‘theft’.
    I am told this often happens to foreigners at
    the Kuala Lumpur International Airport (KLIA)
    or even at LRT trains.
    Given that you’re ‘guilty until proven innocent’
    as far as the Malaysian police are concerned,
    I understand some poor people are in jail for
    these ‘offences’.
    At the KLIA, the ‘owner’ throws his hand-phone and
    wallet with the few ringgit notes into the luggage
    trolley of a just arrived passenger.
    The drama unfolds a few minutes later.
    The real culprit has easily convinced our Malaysian police
    to arrest the real victim (if he has not paid up the ‘settlement’ demand).
    This is a very serious matter.
    This is another form of extortionists operating in broad daylight.
    They are disgusting criminals who will do anything
    to rob and steal. The sickening part of the whole
    scenario is that unless you pay the ‘quoted settlement’ money,
    they will put you in real trouble by calling the police.
    The real culprit gets back his hand-phone
    and wallet but the real victim ( i.e.. could be any one of us)
    is thrown into the police lock up and charged in court.
    So do be very careful,
    otherwise you may end up as a ‘thief’
    as you have no way to prove your innocence.
    Pass it on…..
    let more people be aware
    of such things around them.
    Geh Cheng Lok & Co,Advocates & Solicitors
    It’s just one of the crimes that’s happening everyday in the country and to add on to it, my sister who is living in Petaling Jaya recently just got robbed in her car as she was entering the house compound in broad daylight. She was lucky the robber only smashed the car windscreen and took her handbag away. Just imagine if the robbers would have brought out weapons such as parangs, knives or even firearms and continue to housebreak the house like what has had already happened in the area. Her life would have been at stake.
    Our once beautiful and safe country or nation has turn out now to be a very serious crime infested place. It is very alarming to all and especially to the foreigners who do not have in depth knowledge of what really is happening around.
    Can’t “YOU’ or anyone do something about this serious catastrophy that is happening everyday in Malaysia Sir like hotcakes and like nobody’s business.
    I hope you can Sir and I hope there will someone who is going to do something about this or else the country’s image would tarnish further and further and in the end the ocuntry would be stamped as a not “safe” place to be in.
    For your info, updates and perusals.
    Thank you Sir, wassalam.

  7. Assalamualaikum tun,
    hehehe sememangnya rakyat malaysia memang rindu akan ‘Mahathirism’….bagi saya tuduhan dan komen negara asing tu semuanya merepek….dengar bolehlah percaya 5% leh ler…
    wokeh, semoga tun dan sekeluarga dalam sihat sejahtera…..ok sekian assalamualaikum.

  8. Bravo! to Ceylonese Lawyer,
    Dear Sir,
    Thank you for your sensible comments. I am delighted to know that there are people out there who can talk some sense about this waves of demonisation. Many critics here and in this country are devoid of such rational thinking and reasoning.
    Sadly, a large faction of rakyat including those who called themselves urbanites, sophisticated and intellectuals believe and worse still take part in spreading such malicious rumuors about Dato’ Seri Najib and Dato’ Seri Rosmah without a hint of guilt feeling and remorse. They are full of vengeance. May God help their souls (the irrational thinkers and rumour mongers) when it is time for them to rest in peace.
    This group of people quickly endorse those lies and malicious accusations against Najib and Rosmah created and spread by irresponsible foreign journalists. How could such reporting be accorded high standing and value by these so called intellectual urbanites? One simple reason is they probably hold on the the principle that the ends justify the means. Evidence, facts and the truth are no longer relevant so long as the persons they despise most are demonised to ashes.
    ‘The urbanites and intellectuals’ obviously have one set of rules for themselves and another set for the Najib and Rosmah. They forget one simple rule in life, which is we whould treat others the way we want to be treated. If we are not willing to be slandered and accused without facts/evidence, we should not do the same to others.
    Let us put our hand together and pray to God that this country will never fall into the hands of irrational thinkers and those who believe that the ends always justify the means, including for the purpose of grabbing political power in this country.

    In the face of the scandalous allegations against Dato Seri Najib – where are the champions of human rights ? Where are the proponents of the rights of the innocent ? Where is the Bar Council and their crusade for “innocent until proven guilty”.
    Reflecting on all this it would seem that truth and falsehood appear to have become items of fashion in this day and age. I have long wondered how certain designers can produce the most items of clothing only to earn utmost praise from the “learned” and why the most honest tailors are unable to make ends meet for the best of their creations. If that had baffled me, the recent spate of propaganda against the Prime Minister is enough to shock the conscience of any man.
    We have long heard the champions of liberal and popular human rights themes (not the ones that end unemployment, or those who enhance living standards or the ones that create opportunities for small business) but rather the ones who champion marching on the streets, free love etc etc rally to cry that every person is innocent until proven guilty. So great is this cry that even laws which sanction and regulate preventive detention are frowned upon.
    However, in the instance of these scandalous allegations against Dato Seri Najib and his wife, a new rule seems to have seized the centre stage. What are the facts. A lady was tragically killed. Her killers were arrested, tried and sentenced to hang. There are questions over how she was killed, the motivation, the means etc. These concerns arise in any and every killing – why would one person plan to take the life of another – it begs imagination. Rather quickly, rumors spread. There is no tangible evidence to support these rumors. They are at the level of “I say”, “you say”, “I heard”, “you heard” and
    “somebody told” me. There isn’t a single civilized nation on this earth that attempts to deny a person his rights or his liberties on this basis. Yet in this instance Dato Seri Najib was to be denied his right to become Prima Minister until he was cleared by a Royal Commission. These rumors that cannot from a rational basis for conviction in any right minded society have now become elevated to a higher
    standing because:
    i. they have been reproduced in Statutory Declarations;
    ii. a popular blogger with royal lineage has taken a fancy to them and has made some outrageous remarks extolling the truth of these statements;
    iii. just when the interest started to die off, Malaysian society was given what they needed most- accreditation by a French journalist who basically cataloged all available rumors and published them as fact that had been investigated. Naturally become French (European) – we must assume that they would not lie, if they say that they have investigated the matter it must be true.
    Have we not been here before ? Do we not remember the power point presentation shown in the UN, the most august of assemblies, depicting a sinister plot to develop weapons of mass destruction- weapons which everybody now admits are not and were never there.
    All this raises a larger and more fundamental question of the kind of society that we want to be. If we want to be ruled by rumor and innuendo, by what a journalist wants to catalogue, it is the end of our civilized nationhood and our ability to take our place in the world of nations. It is my sincere hope that the government makes the strongest appeal to the nation to stand up to this. This is not an appeal to those who love or hate Najib and Rosma. It is an appeal to respect certain fundamental principles and limits. I would hope that leaders of those nations and their press regulatory bureaus would speak up.
    It is interesting to note that in all this time, in the many court cases that have come and gone, even as two people have now been sentenced to hang – none of these wise crusaders are able to advance any evidence of the so called “real killers”. The Royal Blogger who is in self exile who had charismatically leveled all manner of threats, who supposedly possessed evidence of a “silver bullet” standard is also unable to produce any of this evidence which could save two people from the gallows. A lawyer MP whose father fed his family defending and winning cases by applying evidential standards that were by no standard reached in this case was prepared to denounce the PM as a murderer in Parliament.
    We must now allow spin to supersede substance. we must tell the truth and not spin a lie into the truth. We cannot put our nation on hold until we find a leader who is free of rumor and innuendo or one who is to be cleared by a Royal Commission. We should all be concerned about these Royal Commissions. The last one seemed to have concluded that judicial appointments were being tampered. A most serious finding which was based on the belief that because one person knew the other, then it is most possible that they did whatever the intoxicated man holding a wine glass with his shirt untucked said they did. It was no doubt laced with poetry and extracts from the movie “Ten Commandments” – “So it was written no let it be done” .
    These are nice to hear, nice to read and makes a great companion over a weekend of teh tarik. But let us consider this. How consistently are we prepared to apply these new found values ? If our children lose their jobs on this basis – that there is a popular suspicion, a blogger believes it, a politician believes it – would we accept it. If the Opposition Leader, who has been found to have indulged in homosexual acts by the very court that acquitted him is suspended pending his clearance after a victim of sodomy implicated him further – what then ? Would the human rights activists, the Bar Council, Zaid Ibrahim and all in sundry not rise in protest, would they not march in the rain.
    Why do these values not apply to Najib and Rosma, are they not people, are they not parents, don’t they have children too… let us apply the universal rules of fairness in this case and speak up and speak up strongly against what is being done to the leader whom we all today depend upon to lead us in this difficult time.

  10. salam Tun,
    to Mr. Ravi a.k.a. Rarunasalam,
    Deii… thambi!Ayoyo,just click on the links on Tun’s articles lah.Why make a fuss over where to look for the said articles lah,yennadei!
    Aiseyman thambi,sometimes you so full of your self righteousness bull crap hah…

  11. A’kum Tun,
    mahathirism? Because of mahathirism we have progress so much as a nation. Australia wish to become 52nd states of the USA.( 51st state belongs to used to be great Britain). This is why they adopt Bushnism – policy to suck up at George Bush until they are seen equal by their masters in Washington DC. This Bushnism mentality -suck up to masters in DC – is still exist in western world, especially in western media. To these western journalist, I pity them. Their time is better spend to try lobby US congress to get bailouts fund for Britain and Australia..

  12. Salam YABhg Tun,
    For the sake of the country that I love, I do not mind to be called a Mahathirism follower. You brought the country to the level that is envy by many, the par that your successor couldnt achieve. You used your power as what they call it as “dictatorship” just to unite the people, create millions of jobs for them, educated them, brought them to the next level of civilization, prospered the country, defended the country against capitalism and still fight for the Muslims and Islam world. If there is a Amirul Mukminin in these days, it is you Sir. Yes, it is you, our true warrior these days. May Allah bless you always, ameen.

  13. Yang amat berbahagia Tun M & Tun CT,
    Harap beri laluan.
    Kepada Samsul,
    Berhujalah secara yang masuk akal, supaya bangsa Malaysia tidak dipekecilkan di mana-mana, apakah anda sedar bahawa yang anda kutuk itu adalah wanita pertama Malaysia. Pendirian, perwatakan, dan rupa yang engkau kutuk itu adalah anugerah daripada Tuhan, anda ini ada ugama kah tak, menghina itu adalah amat tidak disukai oleh Allah SWT dan berfikirlah sebelum mengeluarkan kata-kata yang tidak manis, apa juga yang engkau mendendam sangat kepada wanita pertama kita ni, dengki kah apa? yang engkau ni siapa juga adakah engkau seperti bidadari turun dari langit tiada cacat cela nya hummmmm…
    Terima kasih Tun kerana beri laluan.

  14. Hmm…dalam dok membincangkan pasal tuduhan2 negara luar pada PM kita, kita pun dok tuduh orang tanpa bukti jugak. So pandai2 lah nilai diri sendiri sebelum nilai & tuduh orang lain.
    Pasal kes Altantuya tu, tengok je lah apa yang akan jadi.
    Lepas kat dunia kat akhirat jawab lah sendiri.
    Yang penting jadi pengajaran pada kita, mudah-mudahan dijauhkan dari perkara2 sebegini.

  15. Dear Tun
    I tried hard to find fault, as far as Malaysian people’s need is concern, in the Mahathirism administrative and leadership style. As what our God has given to us, this kind of leadership has manouvred this nation to reach back her long-lost self actualization. That was where the world can see how several great races of asian, i.e. malays, chinese, indians, japanese, koreans and even arabians, can synergize their own talents, advantages and potential in respective fields and disciplines, with mutual respects.
    That is why some minority groups in the west who still cannot accept the reality that there are nations who can develop and manage themselves without feeling inferior to them, who were once the mighty colonials.
    In this new world where the western experts and journalist try to promote liberalization for “everything”, that means it is supposed a fair playing ground for everybody????
    No more “Gun Boats Policy”,
    no more “might is right”,
    no more “intervention”,
    that’s supposed to be the real meaning of liberalization. However, deep inside them, especially the hardcore-far-rightist of white supremacy, still want or tendency to promote and play with all liberalization jargons to portray themselves to the world how fair they are, but, with exceptions shall be given to them to always be above all.
    That means they still cannot practice what they preach, what to do, let them be, etcetera, etcetera, etcetera… thank you

  16. This is my short response to Onlooker a.k.a Mr-or-Mrs-know-it-all or orang-yang-rasa-dia-sentiasa-betul-dalam-menghentam-Tun-and-the-government. Pirahh!
    An excerpt of the comment by this good for nothing man.
    Even the present Minister of Defence, Dato Seri Ahmad Zahid Hamidi, was detained for no reason by the former IGP Rahim Noor at Kota Kinabalu for about 7 days in September 1998 under the ISA. The former IGP Rahim Noor was your right hand man who managed to help you to crack down Anwar Ibrahim callously in 1998.
    How are you going to explain off now by claiming that you never ever detained for no reason?
    …. lest Allah will never forgive you for stiffneckedly refusing to repent on your wrong even at such a high time of about to face the divine judgement very soon!”
    1. He is the prosecutor and the judge at the same. How convenience and noble you are, Onlooker! So much so about preaching the government to be independent, having high integrity and fair. Pirahh!!, once again. Cakap tak serupa bikin.
    2. He (or shall I call ‘himher’ because he is always emotional as opposed to rational in his always full of lopsided comments) reasoned that Rahim Noor was Tun’s right hand man. Every government Minister and top civil servant was Tun’s right hand man when he was the PM. Why selectively focused on the bad decision made by one right hand man? Why not looked at numerous wise and good decisions made by other countless right hand man? Again, double Pirahhh!! for ‘himher’ flawed and biased and lopsided and based on hearsay or whatever nasty adjective you can think of, reasoning. Yo! ‘brosis’ tak tau ker hearsay argument tak laku in any courts!
    3. ‘Heshe’ plays God by claiming that Tun is a man full of sin and will face divine judgment soon. Sudah2 lah tu nak menghukum orang. Awak tu siapa? Even Prophet Muhammad pbuh yang nyata2 maksum tu pun tak pernah nak menghukum umat Dia. Perbuatan Onlooker yang berbahasa kasar tu dan menuduh tanpa bukti tu kira good deeds ker? Tak terhukum ker? Ataupun ‘heshe’ is a firm believer of ‘the ends justify the means?’ Orang yang ‘heshe’ championed tu (READ: once upon a time bermata lebam) memang suka akan matlamat menghalalkan cara ni. So, triple Pirahh!! for ‘himher’ holier-than-you sucky attitude.
    Alamak, just realise that this is not-so short reply. Dah geram sangat!!!!!!!

  17. You still work damn hard la TUN, please take a rest but ya lah, if you are not the one who come and tell us about these, such as the news from others countries reported about Malaysia, we are here in here, some maybe wont know. Example that France, Aust, Brtain are saying about our PM. When I was in Germany, in labour room to deliver my baby, India’s Doctor was asking me when he knew that I am from Malaysia, with proud he said that, I heard about your PM (at that time it was you, TUN….), his is the perfect man, brilliant, powerful and outstanding PM for your country……WOW, what pround to be malaysian TUN…..Since now our new PM is DS Najib, and you are back into UMNO…..I am behind you too TUN. as long TUN still staying here in Malaysia, I and family too will be stay here too….I do not care what the others world are talking about our country.
    Love TUN & the whole family & TUN’ followers too.
    Mrs Casablanca.
    Anak Aloq Setaq. Lorong Kilang Ais.

  18. i’m juz a simple 17yr old kid with some basic econs ezani..(basic knowledge)the 30percent bumi kuota being remove will surely increase the investment from foreigners..n there is 1 thing i always wanted to clarify with tun..i don’t seem to understand on the calculation of the 30% bumi equity in NEP:
    y the government used the original shares prices to calculate the equities?by using this way of calculation,4eva the bumi will nvr b able to reach the 30%equity..correct me if im wrong but i think alot of the shares that the bumi community holds are glc companies or some very big company..this companies(small companies included) shares value had multiple so many times over the years yet the government still uses the original value as the basis of calculation..its just like when they have 10 dollars out of 100 but when their money multiply to 100 out of 500 but the government still uses the 10dollar to count the equity,this means that 10 out of 500dollar..of course the equity will nvr be reach forever..i’m nt by any mean racists..i do very very hope that the bumi can reach the 30%equity asap..i really think they should deserve that..but what i’m stressing is the way UMNO/BN led government try to deceive the bumi into supporting them by giving inaccurate info..don’t tell me guys in EPU don’t know economics..
    Btw on the politics in m’ me..most youngster hates politician matter PR or BN..
    BN:corrupt to the max;
    PR:i think they will get corrupt soon(wait n see)
    BN:arrogant to the people;
    PR:oh gosh..they sucks..just gain a little power n they were showing off their power already..can’t imagine if they were to rule the country..
    BN:UMNOputra(malay racism party) is a really racist party..absolutely true
    PR:DAPputra(chinese racism party) sama racist..trying to act unracist..
    just hope 1 day there will be 1 party that emerge that is between the personality of BN n PR,not too ketuanan melayu but neither too ketuanan rakyat..wakaka^^..
    Bila baru pulak hang semua nak bangun,bayanglah negara tersayang berpecah belah..BN dan PR pun kena berRESPONSIBLE!!!!!
    1 more thing,we maybe should revive DASAR PANDANG KE TIMUR but no need look at JAPAN or korea anymore..just look at thailand n singapore..Paksa every malaysian to speak the same language..BAHASA MALAYSIA like thai ppl where the different races there speaks the same and help the poor and minority like singapore..malays there are given preferences in education and cheaper studies for them compare to other races..MACAM NI LAH(COKE)..our country can move forward..stop talking bout ketuanan melayu lah when infact the Indonesian yg berkampong kat sini x selama beberapa tahun saja pun digelar melayu padahal kaum cina/india yg moyangnya sudah 50 lebih thn berada di sini masih cina/india lagi..x payah sebut lagi beberapa ramainya budak yg skrg berdarah campur..termasuk TUN pun mamak offence pls..sebab ni la i jugak sokong najib skrg walaopun ada kesangsian pdnya..TAPI 1MALAYSIA>>whee
    TRUST ME..THIS IS THE YOUNGSTERS THINKING IN THIS VERY 21th CENTURY..BRIGHT FUTURE FOR MALAYSIA..we youngster’ll will just wait the politician buruk skrg to “TUTUP LAMPU” then we will change our country..haha..

  19. salam Tun,
    pada pendapat saya sebagai seorang yang baru mengenali dunia politik ini,konsep `Mahathirism` merupakan satu konsep yang saya pertama kali dengar.bagi saya,konsep itu merupakan satu penghargaan kepada Tun.Ini menunjukkan Tun telah melakukan kerja sebaik mungkin.KLCC,F1 Sepang,KLIA dan sebagainya telah menjadi bukti kepada kemajuan negara kita semasa era pemerintahan Tun.walaupun saya tidak mengenali tun secara peribadi,namun perwatakan Tun telah menunjukkan sifat-sifat Tun.Sifat berani,tegas,berdisiplin,berkarisma,berpengetahuan dalam segala aspek-aspek kenegaraan merupakan sifat seorang pemimpin.Media barat menyebarkan berita bahawa era pentadbiran Tun sebagai diktator dan sebagainya perlu dibuktikan dahulu.Sekiranya mereka ini menuduh Tun sebagai diktator sekalipun,mereka mungkin tidak tahu atau buta sejarah kerana sekiranya seorang diktator memerintah sebuah negara,mana mungkin negara tersebut maju.kalau maju pun hanya seketika kerana zaman kemajuan hanya seketika dan zaman kehancuran lebih lama menapak di negara berkenaan.Kalau ada juga negara yang mempunyai diktator,saya ingin tahu negara mana yang memmpunyai berfikiran jauh seperti Tun yang membawa nama Malaysia di persada antarabangsa.Media barat mengutuk era pentadbiran Tun tetapi kenapa media barat ini juga tidak mengutuk sekeras-kerasnya terhadap polisi US era Bushi2 dahulu??adakah media barat terlampau obses dengan negara mereka sehinggakan tiada kecacatan dalam negara mereka sehinggakan tiada negara lain yang ingin mereka kutuk??mungkin kerana mereka menganggap negara mereka sebagai `polis dunia` dan mereka berhak membuat sebarang kenyataan terhadap semua negara yag mempunyai `kecacatan` dari segi pentadbiran.kebebasan bersuara merupakan hak individu tetapi dalam konteks di negara tercinta saya ini ,MALAYSIA,adakah perlu semua orang menyuarakan pandangan masing-masing??bagi saya yang masih mentah dalam arena politik ini,kebebasan bersuara perlu ada had dan tempatnya.Sekiranya semua orang ingin bersuara,siapa yang ingin mendengar??baik pihak kerajaan,pembangkang dan individu-individu di Malaysia ini,bagi saya semua sama sahaja.semua ada kelemahan masing-masing,tidak perlulah mengaibkan seseorang itu dan sekiranya tidak puas hati,bersemuka dan berbincang.tidak perlulah kita menambah dosa kita(peringatan pada diri sayaa juga).masyarakat perlu bijak dalam hal ini.kerajaan perlu fokus pada rakyat dari kantung mereka sendiri.pengetahuan saya dalam bidang agama tidaklah begitu baik namun apa yang saya pasti,sekiranya PEMIMPIN tidak adil pada rakyatnya,maka terimalah pembalasan pada kiamat nanti.sesungguhnya,PEMIMPIN yang tidak adil berat hukumannya.bagi dato seri najib tun razak,tahniah atas perlantikan sebagai PM MALAYSIA ke-6.moga anda membawa kemajuan pada negara kita yang tercinta ini.DS najib perlu segera membersihkan nama beliau dalam perbicaraan pembunuhan Altantuya kerana rakyat dan termasuk saya sendiri ingin tahu kebenarannya.sekiranya anda bersalah,moga Allah mengampuni dosa-dosa kamu.sekiranya tidak bersalah,berdosalah para pengfitnah di luar sana.satu persoalan yang ingin saya kemukakan,sekiranya PAS menjadi kerajaan,apakah yang ingin parti tersebut lakukan dalam pentadbiran negara?kerana saya sendiri tidak pasti sama ada pemimpin PAS mampu lakukan seperti mana yang dilakukan oleh pemimpin2 kerajaan masa dahulu.walaupun saya menyetujui konsep negara Islam tetapi rakyat di negara kita yang berbilang kaum memerlukan sesuatu sistem yang adil bagi semua pihak.buat anwar ibrahim,kenapa anda takut bersumpah dalam kes anda dengan saiful buhari?anda menidakkan sebarang tuduhan yang dilemparkan pada anda tapi dalam hal ini saiful telah bersumpah kerana Allah bahawa anda telah MELIWAT beliau.anda perlu melakukan sesuatu supaya nama anda bersih dari segala tuduhan.sekiranya saiful menipu,amat berdosalah saiful.. tetapi sekiranya anda,anwar ibrahim menipu,tidak mampu saya katakan apa-apa lagi kerana itu urusan awak dengan ALLAH SWT..dan kepada PAK LAH,anda telah melakukan tugas anda sebaik mungkin.nama anda akan tercatat dalam senarai nama pemimpin Malaysia.jasa anda akan dikenang.kepada pemimipn2 kerajaan,harap anda semua membuat semua secara ikhlas,jangan harapkan wang ringgit kerana wang itu yang akan menyebabkan anda semua gagal dalam menjalankan tugas..elak rasuah,makan rasuah tidak selamat dunia akhirat anda..akhir bicara dari saya,saya menyokong konsep mahathirism dilaksanakan sekiranya ianya membawa kebaikan kepada rakyat dan menolaknya sekiranya konsep itu mendatangkan kecelakaan kepada kita.salah kata dari saya,mohon maaf dunia akhirat dari saya.
    yang benar,

  20. Salam Tun,
    Kekuatan Iman Saidina Abu Bakar Assidiq bukan pada banyak solatnya,banyak sedekahnya atau amalnya yang lain.Kekuatan iman Saidina Abu Bakar Assidiq terletak di dalam dadanya.Ada satu rahsia yang mulia di dalam dadanya…Imam Al Ghazali.Ihya Ulumiddin.

  21. Tun,
    Correct, because we need only Malaysian for support. DSN will get all the support he need from the responsible Malaysian. The west dislike Malaysia is not something new,especially during Tun as PM for the past 22 years.The only time the west began to like Malaysia is during AAB as PM.Now the west is trying to downgrade our new PM and all the information are from those irresponsible so called Malaysian.The west prefer PM won can bowed on them and be told what to do and how to do things. DSN is a wise and respected PM now and we are not at all bothered by their propaganda and report.Thus ISA must be maintained and thoswe Malaysian found quilty to feed all the lies and hatred to our new PM must be sent to ISA.
    For a start, our new PM must remove those within UMNO that are unreliable and have personal agenda in their mission. KJ Must be removed, and few others must follow for the good of our UMNO & BN to be relevant again. Thanks fellow bloggers.

  22. The Western Press – demonise -Prime Minister. MAY I ADD, AND YOU FORGOT ABOUT MALAYSIAN WHO DEMONISE HIM TOO.
    The in-coming PM is said to be corrupt and involved in a murder case. YOU HAD ALSO SAID EX-PM TO BE CORRUPT AND HALF PAST SIX.
    The Australian writer says Malaysia is a “pariah” nation. YOU HAD ALSO SAID MALAYSIA IS NO BALLS NATION.
    I cannot believe that this demonisation by so many at the same time is a coincidence. YOU HAVE ALSO FORGOTTEN THAT YOUR DEMONISATION ABOUR EX-PM BY SO MANY TIME.
    the condemnation of the new PM MEANS THE CONDEMNATION OF “Mahathirism”.
    By this the Western press (THEY THINK) seem to imply that the fourth PM was a dictator (I AGREED. ME THINK. DON’T KNOW ABOUT OTHER RAKYAT) who detained for no reason (I AGREED. DON’T KNOW ABOUT OTHER RAKYAT) , manipulated the judiciary (I AGREED. DON’T KNOW ABOUT OTHER RAKYAT), controlled the Press (I AGREED. DON’T KNOW ABOUT OTHER RAKYAT)etc etc (i AGREED, i AGREED).
    As the person concerned I will leave it to Malaysians to judge and to define “Mahathirism”. MY FIRST VOTE : RAKYAT – 1 MAHATHIRISM – 0
    The foreign press has an agenda (WHAT? MAY I KNOW)
    And their friends (WHO? MAY I KNOW)
    as they fear Najib (WHO? MAY I KNOW)
    Najib can expect to hear more of this kind of demonisation from the foreign press (NOT A WORLD CHAMPION. WE DON’T NEED THAT WE NEED INTEGRITY)
    but it is what Malaysians think that counts (BUT A NATIONAL CHAMPION)WE DON’T NEED THAT WE NEED INTEGRITY).
    It is with them that Najib has to clear his name (WE RAKYAT ARE WAITING).

  23. Najib & Malaysia gov should answer the following, otherwise the “DEMONISATION” won’t stop, not only foriegn media, local to the rakyat’s heart.
    By Asvocalasyou on April 21, 2009 11:48 PM
    1)Where do get the C4 as no ordinary people can access to it?
    2)How are they able to get out?
    3)Why the record of entry/exit can be erased so readily ?
    4)Is it an ordinary thing to happen?
    5)Why on earth the two wants her to blow to bits?
    6)Do they know her?
    7)Or is it she blow herself on her own?
    8)Does a right thinking person wants to do it without any perks being promised?
    9)Why a person made a SD accusing certain people involved and reversed the next day and then disappeared?
    10)All are very odd,isn’t it?
    11)People all say at the end is wayang kulit.
    12) Commission involved in the arm dealt
    13) PI SD
    14) Missing PI
    15) Najib’s SMS to Razak

  24. Salam kasih dan salam hormat Ayahanda Tun.
    Firstly and foremost, I thank my fellow compatriot Waja Perak for the kind words on Tun

  25. To HBT
    scroll and read entire feedbacks … u can see started to have ppl who mengamuk about removal of 30% Bumi quota … there will have a huge more in next few days …
    1 Malaysia concept .. hehe … you slow slow wait la …

  26. Salam Tun,
    Demonising one another is not our (Islamic) culture. Demonising those people will tentamount to making them our teacher. After all we are not going to embrace this filthy culture of bad-mouthing people!
    At present we are facing the possibility of political instability. The increase in number of people being unemployed due to the global economic scourge has been the talk at almost mamak stalls, warongs and kopi tiam.
    If we could continue to confront this no. 1 problem by giving employment to those retrenched workers, and less spend our energy talking about people who are out to bad-mouth us, I think the rakyat will certainly be pleased.
    Some people even said that they are fairly confident that in 2010 even 2011, economies will not be back to normal. Imagine, if the majority of people remain unemployed for this length of time!
    It is not difficult to imagine – Lesser children will go to school, less money to spend, cars will be repossessed and there will be increase in forecloser sales on the property too!
    Okay let me quote Dr. Mahathir “…the Iskandar Malaysia project would be a success if the bridge linking Johor Baru to Singapore was built”. But to whose success! Where creating employment is concerned, it could definitely give hope to some retrenched workers, and for those who commute daily to work in Singapore this bridge is designed to prevent traffic jams that have been occuring at the causeway.

  27. //By ezani on April 23, 2009 10:10 AM//
    There is nothing wrong with the removal of the 30% Bumi quota as long as the PM, Finance Minister and Defense Minister are Moderate Muslims, with BNM and our Juridiciary are independent, Yang Dipertuan Agong and the Raja2 Sultan are above the politics. With this administration as stipulated in our Rukun Negara, we are now ready to grap the world opportunities. Statistic has shown us that we need to liberilize our economy so that we can get more
    direct and foreign investments to develop and create jobs for our younger generations. Ketuanan Melayu will be there forever in the rakyat’s heart, however 30% quota Bumiputra was monopolized and manipulated by the top guns of UMNOPUTRA & BN LAH. If DS Najib does not remove such quota, the chances of BN lost in next PRU is very real because UMNOPUTRAs have failed to develop the hak istimewa of 30% bumi quota given to them.
    It’s time to work for 1Malaysia so that we can move on with our life and develop ourselves without “tongkat” DEP which benefited ONLY few top guns of malay, chinese and indian BN members. It’s time we go back to CEKAP, BERSIH DAN AMANAH because the slogan of Germilang, Terbilang had caused BN to lose 4 states’ chairs.
    Take care ezani and be sincere in everything you do and let the Melayu Mudah Lupa and Duri Dalam Daging be the lessons for all races in Malaysia to learn and re-unite as 1Malaysia. The rakyat who behind these lessons will be known sooner or later who are the culprits, at least now I know that Menteri Pertainian is not cleaned after all.
    Good day Ayahanda Tun.

  28. Salam Tun,
    1) Yeah, whats wrong with Mahathirism?
    2) For 22 years, though there were ups and down, we are ok.
    3) If its so bad the voters would have kicked the then PM out through the ballot box. Can use all the ISA, special branch etc, but still the people decides.
    4) Pak Lah did nothing, gave all the freedom, and yet he lost five states and got kicked out. Only the opposition love him, but the rakyat suffered.
    5) Any chance of the likes of Pak Lah coming back? Sorry not even for one second!!!!
    5) Mahathirism? But let Najib finally decides.

  29. Salam Tun
    I am shock that Najib has removed the 30% Bumi quota so easily and so early in his reign as PM under pretext that it is to simulate the economy. To me there is no relation that having the quote will undermine the econoomy because we have never run into problems with the quota before such as having a shortage of bumis to snap up the 30% share so that the project cannot proceed because the perventage Bumiputra stake has not been met. And Najib has not said that he intends to reinstate the quota once the economy has improved so there you have it – the Bumputra quota may be gone forever. To me the Malay Bumis are still weak. For example, look at the 100% takeup rate for ASN unit trusts by the Chinese whereas the takeup for Indians is only 10% and for Malays its quite low too.
    I have not trusted Najib before and he does not seem to be getting my trust with his performance in the PM seat so far. Why do you support such a man whom you had as DPM for some time? To me, Pak Lah was better but his big fall was the big General Elections loss.
    On a second bridge to Singapopre, I agree with you that it would ease traffic jam but we do not have to have too much access to Singapore as they have been shown to be not so friendly with us and quite arrogant. They alao have lots of monies and are capable of buying up a lot of our land and properties to the detriment of local Malaysians!

  30. Assalam wbt & salam sejahtera.
    Nampaknya rakyat dan pemimpin kita ( tidak kira pihak kerajaan & pembangkang ) kini sudah melalut2 dalam permainan politik mereka. Mereka sanggup menggadaikan maruah dan kebebasan negara kita semata-mata kepentingan politik masing2.
    Wahai pemimpin2ku ( tak kira BN atau PR ), renungilah sejarah keruntuhan kuasa2 dunia terutama kerajaan2 Islam Othmani dan Abbasiah serta kerajaan melayu silam seperti Melaka dan Kedah dan kisah kejatuhan kerajaan2 negeri di Tanah Melayu seperti Perak, Pulau Pinang, Sawarak dll ke tangan penjajah barat. Renungilah punca kejatuhan ketamadunan ini……semuanya gara-gara perebutan kuasa pemimpin2 tempatan sehinggakan persengketaan dan permusuhan ini memberi ruang untuk pihak2 musuh menyelinap lalu menguasai kerajaan tersebut. Yang kalah jadi abu manakala yang menang jadi arang.
    Insaflah wahai pemimpin2ku ( BN dan PR ). Belajarlah daripada sejarah ini…..sebelum kita terlambat…sebelum negara kita dijajahi semula….sebelum kuasa-kuasa asing mendabik dada di tanah tumpah darah kita dan sebelum rakyat sendiri sedar dan mula mengajar anda semua supaya menghargai sejarah tanahair dan nikmat hidup di Malaysia ini.
    Untuk rakyat Malaysia juga, topik sejarah yang diajar di sekolah bukanlah semata2 untuk peperiksaan, jadikanlah ia sempadan dan pedoman hidup.
    Sekian. Wassalam.

  31. Dengan Izin Tun…Terima kasih.
    Abg Kamal Ahmad
    I am truly indebted for your input.Just wants to add my 2 cents worth..
    Life is all about belief.Some believe’s that we must be accounted for of our deed here in the world.Some does not believe so.It applies to Tun too.Some knows and believe in him.Some are not.
    For those who does not believe in Tun contributions, let them be.For us who believe, we will make our stand as it is.
    For ‘fence sitter’,looks around you and tells me wether Thailand,Philipine,Indonesia,Vietnam,Myanmar,Kampuchea and Brunei have ever produce such charismatic leader as Tun..have they ever produce??
    Lim Kuan Yew?..Is he Tun match? I says he is not.I can say so and you can refute me but consider this..
    With his kind of support ( The only superpower in the world )Tun can develops Malaysia a lot much more than Lim Kuan Yew can with Singapore..( yeah..yeah..debatable..I know..sigh..)
    Most people did not know this.But if they care to backtrack history, they will understands why Saidina Abu Bakar Assidiq faith is more than the whole wide worlds faith combines.
    Qoute “ Di manakah letak kelebihannya ? Di keris kah ? Di tenaganya kah ?
    Kekuatan Laksmana Tuah bukanlah terletak di situ tetapi di huruf Ta..
    Kekuatan Iman Saidina Abu Bakar Assidiq bukan pada banyak solatnya,banyak sedekahnya atau amalnya yang lain.Kekuatan iman Saidina Abu Bakar Assidiq terletak di dalam dadanya.Ada satu rahsia yang mulia di dalam dadanya…Imam Al Ghazali.Ihya Ulumiddin.
    Di manakah letaknya kehebatan Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad ? Di dalam dadanya ada rahsia yang mulia juga…

  32. Assalamualaikum Tun.
    Datuk Seri Najib kena/mesti pergi ke Penanti untuk bersihkan nama.Pergi untuk kalah pun takpe.Kalau menang kira bonuslah tu.
    Kalau saya,saya tak nak bazirkan duit rakyat dengan buat kempen tak tentu hala.
    Cuma pergi bagi ucapan,kata Assalamualaikum pastu sekian terima kasih.Kedian blah lah…duit rakyat pun tak membazir.Rakyat pun pandai menilai.
    Terima kasih Tun.

  33. Tok Det,
    Mintak ulas pasal liberasasi sektor perkhidmatan dan resional nya, kalau ada penghapusan syarat 30% ekuiti Bumiputera dalam saham-saham sektor tersebut.
    Tq Tok Det

  34. Selamat pagi Ayahanda Tun,
    //By formule1 on April 22, 2009 12:29 AM//
    Chinese now felt disgusted with Pakatan Rakyat because of the issue of Anwar’s acceptance on the resignation of Fairuz without consulting DAP’s darling “Guan Eng” in Penanti like wayang kulit and a piece of “old newspaper story” yang pariah dan outdated seperti dikatakan Azmin Ahmad by commentor “cctan”, another versi of Modern Malay who knows nothing about R.E.S.P.E.C.T the elder person macam Nazri Mohamad yang di “buooo” aja, pasti akan macam budak kencing berlari, Azmin Ahmad pun serupa macam Nazri, another Modern Malay Mudah Lupa like the Modern Chinese Mudah Lupa who claim that they do not know how to eat with chopsticks, mengada-gada nak menunjuk dirinya bahawa mereka ini adalah gang “mat salleh” yang konon2nya eksklusif.
    Take care formule1, and continue our fight on 1Malaysia so that we will not ended up being the SLAVE (guli LAH) to the WEST. Why Pak LAH dihargai western media? Sebab beliau adalah seorang yang baik dan berbudi bahasa dengan jawapan Manglish (BI kita) ‘YES LAH’ kepada kuasa barat kerana “KEJUTAN BUDAYA”.
    Ayanhanda Tun
    Mohamad Nizar (PAS) said “the lelong of Toyota Camry” in Perak is membazir, if YB thinks it is membazir, than get PAKATAN RAKYAT to buy over these Camry as the PAS official car LAH, kan Toyota Camry is now lelong at RM148,000 per unit, cheap ma… buy lah Nizar to show your sincerity yang kononnya untuk rakyat dan bangsa.
    Dah get commission from UMW, masih nak tunjuk yang YB Nizar is clean and menjimat!! Nak muntah to see your hipocrisy here together with your chinese and indian alliances!!!!!!!

  35. Salam Yg Bhg TDM,
    Terima kasih kerana “Mahatirism” lah saya adalah saya skrg, Kekadang saya fikir lebih baik kita berada di tahap spt di zaman-zaman semasa baru mencapai kemerdekaan dahulu daripada hidup di bumi Malaysia skrg. Kenapa TUN membina terlalu byknya keindahan, kemakmuran, keselesaan untuk kami anak2 selepas Malaya, tetapi membawa masuk semula “Penderhaka Malaya” itu yang merupakan anak melayu pertama membakar jalur gemilang semasa demontrasi pelajar dahulu?? Saya tidak pernah menyanjungi beliau atau mengenali beliau sehinggalah TDM membawa masuk semula. Cerita2 beliau saya perolehi dari bapa saya yang merupakan salah seorang bekas pelajar yang disingkirkan kerana menyertai demontrasi tersebut dahulu dan beliau telah menjadi musuh kami sekeluarga seumur hidup, tetapi kami bangun setelah TDM memberikan kami harapan semasa era 80 dan 90an dahulu. Tahniah, TDM kembali semula ke UMNO, semoga dipanjangkan umur dan dapat sama-sama membina 1malaysia dan meneruskan agenda wawasan 2020. Semoga dengan kembalinya TDM dalam UMNO dapat mengembalikan semangat perjuangan anak-anak TDM era 80 dan 90an seperti kami, kami bangga menjadi anak2 TDM dan selalu memberitahu rakan-rakan di luar sana, kami anak2 TDM, bukan anak2 TAR, TR, THO atau TAB….dan kami bangga di besarkan di era TDM………dan bernasib baik doa kami insyAllah makbul untuk tidak menjadikan anak2 kami2 anak2 DSAI…Terimakasih. Wassallam.

  36. PM mestilah bersih dan kelihatan bersih..Dulu Tun pun cakap mcm ini..kalau orng luar kata PM kita terlibat dlm pembunuhan Altantuya.. Dato’Seri Najib kena bersihkan namanya..saman kesemua akhbar2 yg membuat lapuran negatif ini..
    Tengku Razaleigh telah membersihkan namanya diluar negara yg dilapurkan terlibat dgn skandal BMF..Presiden Pas Dato’Seri Abdul Hadi Awang telah membersihkan namanya di dengan menyaman sebuah akhbar terkemuka diLondon setelah namanya dibabitkan sebagai org nombor dua Al-Qaeda.
    Dato’Seri Najib nak tunggu apa lagi? Masaalahnya banyak soalan tak berjawab mengenai pembunuhan ini..bolehkah ia didiamkan begitu saja..rakyat bukan baca Utusan Malaysia saja atau menonton RTM..Lagipun rakyat kenali Dato’Seri Najib sebagai org yg lemah lembut, berbudibahasa, patuh kepada ketua, gentleman dan berpandangan jauh.

  37. Tun;
    Tengok dalam TV, sekarang Tun nampak letih sangat2. saya harap tun jaga lah kesihatan tun ya. kerana hanya tun lah semangat kami sekarang ni. sejak kebelakangan ni nampak dsnajib pun boleh harap gak. mujur saya tak masuk pas baru2 ni. saya dah seronok bila dengar tok guru hadi awang nak bincang dgn umno. tup…tup..tak jadi lak. pengikut pas tak setuju. depa masih nak sokong sek bebas PKR nampak nya. tambah2 lagi depa seronok tengok yb eli kot dan mereka sokong pergaulan berbagai bangsa walaupun tak kahwin. jangan salah sangka, saya sokong pergaulan antara bangsa. banyak juga kawan2 saya dari bangsa cina dan idia tapi semuanya miskin-miskin. mimpi la nak dapat kawan dan majikan india macam anak samy velu ….suka derma.saya harap tun dapat sokong la si najib tu. harap2 dia buka balik buat titi ke singapura tu. kesian kami kat jb ni. kat penanti saya ingat bn patut tarok calon tapi tak yah lah kempen. kalu orang kat penanti suka status quo dia pangkah PKR. Kala tak depa pangkah PAS atau BN. kalu pkr menang mungkin ada peluang di lawati oleh yb eli yang sexi tu. kalu bn menang boleh la baiki sikit sebanyak kemudahan awam. saya betui2 ingat tak payah kempen. buang duit je. dsnajib kena tumpukan buka balik projek jabatan bengkok tun tu. boleh lah nelayan kat johor cari ikan kerapu banyak2. kerja pun banyak…kapal banyak singgah. allah selamatkan bangsa melayu dan tanah melayu ini. 1malaysia….teruskan.

  38. Assalamualaikum,Tun
    Tak kisah kalau ada sekalipun Mahathirism sebab dasar-dasar itulah yang banyak membantu rakyat Malaysia maju ke depan dan lebih berpengetahuan. Terus terang saya katakan saya tidak rasa terlalu senang dengan dasar MR.CLEAN.Saya lahir lambat 2 tahun ketika Tun menjadi PM tetapi sepanjang itulah saya membesar dalam kepimpinan Tun.
    Saya juga agak terkedu dengan demonisation yang dibuat oleh media barat.Tetapi seperti kita semua ketahui media sana lebih prejudis dan banyak menyembunyikan banyak fakta termasuk apa yang berlaku dalam banyak peperangan yang melibatkan kuasa besar dengan negara Islam.
    Sekali lagi saya ingin sentuh mengenai Mahathirism.Saya lebih senang untuk menjelaskan apa yang di buat oleh Tun ketika menjadi PM dan dasar-dasar Tun.Apa bila saya ditanya oleh pelancong Filipina menanyakan dasar-dasar Pak Lah ketika berbual di KLCC, saya langsung tidak dapat menjawab sekalipun apa yang dilakukan oleh dasar-dasar beliau dan pembangunan yang dibuat oleh beliau kecuali koridor pembangunan.Malahan kalau hendak dilihat hanya segelintir koridor pembangunan yang dibuat menampakkan hasil dan pelaburan FDI masuk.
    Soal DS Najib dan pembersihan nama beliau,saya rasa beliau tidak perlu buat demikian kerana peralihan kuasa melihatkan penilaian yang sebenar di mata dunia apatah lagi dengan pengisytiharan liberalisasi di buat atas beberapa sub-sektor.Mulut tempayan mana muat hendak ditutup.Dan di sini kita perlukan wakil untuk perjelasan.Kalau tidak,batu api sentiasa mengambil kesempatan atas apa yang direkanya.
    Harap Tun jangan risau dan sebagai orang yang pernah tengok kesungguhan Mukhriz ketika kami di Ampang terutama tragedi tanah runtuh dan banglo ranap di Bukit Antara bangsa telah melihat cara kerja beliau.Dan saya akan menyokong sepenuhnya terhadap Mukhriz dan posisi beliau sekarang amat diperlukan oleh rakyat Malaysia bagi pembangunan negara terutamanya ekonomi.
    Semoga Tun sihat dan selamat sejahtera bersama keluarga.

  39. Dear Tun,
    Demonisation of Malaysian leaders is not new. I does’nt matter who becomes PM of this country there always be demons out there to discredit our leaders either from foreign or from within.
    During your time as PM, you have been branded with so many names such as incultrant, dictator and anti semitism both by local opposition as well as foreign leaders because they are enviuos of Malaysia economics success during the 22 years of your leadership.Our closest neighbours arrogance was easily tamed with your strong policy to protect our sovereignty and economy.
    So, to DS Najib, just don’t take heed with all those demonisation tactics of foreign press and foreign leaders whose intention is just to distract you and go all out to weakened Malaysia.
    What more important now is for DS Najib to gether strength by uniting all Malaysia as One Malaysia and pursueing our economic growth aggressively. Lets make all Malaysian participate in loving their country by improving their economy and living standard. Once the Malaysian people realised that their basic needs are provided by the government and their complaints and grievences are heard and attended, I am sure, all Malaysian will gather behind their leaders to prove this foreign critism wrong.
    For Tun Mahathir, You have done great job for the country and for the people of Malaysia regardless of races and ethnics. You are our great leader. We know very well that it impossoble for DS Najib to emulate your leadership, but at least, I believed, he knows what do people wants that is ‘Equal Chance’ to earn a living in this very blessed nation of Malaysia.

  40. ******************************************************************
    “MAHATHIRISM” telah membuatkan Negara tercintaku Malaysia
    Maju-Jaya,Makmur-Mewah,Aman-Damai,Disanjung Tinggi ,Dipandang Hormat
    selama 22 tahun lamanya sehingga dapat menarik insan-insan terkaya
    dunia..Otak-otak terbijak dunia datang berceramah…bertemu-ramah
    bersalam-hormat sampai..berpeluk-peluk seperti Bill Gate……..
    seperti George Soros….kerana ada seorang Insan Teristimewa di
    tanah-air ibu-pertiwiku..Malaysia iaitu Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad…!
    …Tapi..kini macam-macam cakap macam-macam dengar ini itu memang
    terasa..terhina..terluka…..! Moga-moga doa kepada Tuhan senantiasa
    memberkati dan melindungi..Negara Tercintaku..Malaysia……..!

  41. kenapa DSN membuang 30% syarat ekuiti bumiputera di dalam 27 sub-perkhidmatan? apa lagi yang harus di buka?

  42. Tun,
    Walaupun DS.Najib baru menjadi Perdana Menteri kami nampak tiadak kemajuan yang dia buat dan mulai membuat kesilapan umpamanya berhasrat tidak meletak calon BN di DUN Penanti dan melantik Anifah Aman sebagai ahli kabenet sedangkan brothernya masih jadi ketua Menteri Sabah yang penuh dengan masalah dimata rakyat walaupun mungkin tidak dari segi hukumnya,apa kata rakyat Sabah adakah UMNO Sabah ini hanya untuk keluarga mereka saja.Berhubung Timbalan Perdana Menteri semacam tercari cari rentak ketuanya setakat sekarang beliau belum menemuinya,apapun kami amat merindui kepimpinan ayahanda TUN,Demi Malaysia teruskan bersuara demi kebaikan .Wassalam

  43. Tun,
    Even the present Minister of Defence, Dato Seri Ahmad Zahid Hamidi, was detained for no reason by the former IGP Rahim Noor at Kota Kinabalu for about 7 days in September 1998 under the ISA. The former IGP Rahim Noor was your right hand man who managed to help you to crack down Anwar Ibrahim callously in 1998.
    How are you going to explain off now by claiming that you never ever detained for no reason?
    Come on Tun, at your current old age, please be honour to yourself and don’t you ever try to deny again about the truth of your dictatorship in the past, lest Allah will never forgive you for stiffneckedly refusing to repent on your wrong even at such a high time of about to face the divine judgement very soon!

  44. Salam Tun..
    Why do so many people are very busy of the altantuya case?
    What do they really want?
    Why dont they just think for awhile if they are the PM of this country..This PM job is a very tough job,leaving all sorts of people accusing this & that without any facts or direct evidence judging people without any guilt.Don’t they realise they are ridiculing their own country leader when they are doing this?…All these westeners will be very happy causing such chaos in this country by telling stories,some of the people in this country very happy of just believing everything that the westeners says..Look what happened to that the westeners,they are even more racists than our country,more strict in letting others to be involve in politics,human rights violation etc…yet some of us are still look up at them..this is the heritage that the british had instilled in the malaysian culture,the whites are always right,if fact they are NOT!!!…
    Look at what they done when during Tun was the PM.They had been doing the same old thing with DSN.Before this the westeners had calling you all sorts of name,mahathirism,dictator & others.But in the end,they praised you all the wonders that you have done to malaysia,asia & the world..
    But some people they never learn their lesson from the past history.They love doing the same old mistake by praising the west..
    Please don’t ridicule our own leader…let him do his job,let us help him by working hard,more productive for the our beloved country..
    One of the former US president(i forgot his name) once said,”Don’t ask what the country can give to you,ask what can you give to the country”…it always been give me,give me,give me…why dont we contribute a bit for the country by starting not talking rubbish of our leader…its nothing much but its the 1st step towards 1 malaysia…

  45. Salam Tun,
    Saya berharap PM akan mengGunakanlah peluang ini untuk memacu sense of direction di kalangan rakyat. Ancaman luar akan menguatkan domestik -theory strategik.
    Provided pada masa yang sama keperluan rakyat di penuhi…pembangunan, kerja, prasarana..Rakyat perlukan arah…
    Tak apa tak popular dgn yahudi…tak penting pun

  46. BTW Tun
    what “western” papers are you reading..I tried searching for the articles you were refering to but could not locate any recent publication. obviously I am looking at the wrong place. And obviously, your blind followers have either referenced this material OR as always, accept your wisdom and words as ultimate…
    Care to publish which papers you read Tun?

  47. Yang dihurmati TDM;
    Manusia kini mempunyai macam macam karakter. Ada yang bersifat ‘paranoid’, dan ramai juga yang bersifat ‘egocentric’. Dengan sifat sifat yang ada pada mereka, maka mereka suka saja berfikir secara negatif, dan kerja kerja mereka hanya membuat fitnah terhadap siapa saja yang bukan dari kumpulan mereka.
    Mereka ini adalah orang orang yang buat sesuatu tanpa berfikir baik atau buruk kesannya.Mereka adalah dari gulungan yang ‘tamakan’ akan kuasa.” Orang yang tamakan kuasa sebenarnya mengidap sejenis penyakit ‘GILA’ yang mungkin bertindak di luar dari kebiasaan insan yang ‘normal’. Orang orang ini sanggup berbohong, khianat, rasuah dan akan menzalimi insan lain kerana ‘kegilaan’ yang luar kawalan itu.Orang orang yang mempunyai sifat sifat ini, kebanyakannya kita nampak dari Pemimpin Pemimpin Pakatan Raayat.
    Selain dari sifat sifat yang disebutkan, ada juga yang mempunyai sifat sifat dan berfikiran sociocentric.Mereka ini adalah gulongan yang ‘taksub’ dengan Pakatan mereka. Apa yang mereka atau wakil mereka lakukan semuanya ‘BETUL’, sehingga mereka ( yang lebai lebai dan berserban) sanggup menghalalkan apa yang di TEGAH olih Agama Islam. Harapnya Tok Guru mereka faham akan HADITH ini:
    Sabda Rasullullah SAW;
    ” Tidak bolih seseorang yang berjunub dan kedatangan haid membaca sesuatu pun dari ayat ayat Al Quran.” (Riwayat at Termizi)
    Apakah Tok Guru tersebut faham maksud hadith diatas.Demi kerana mahu jadi ‘popular’ maka beliau sanggup menjual maruah agama.Semua ini kerana gilakan ‘kuasa’. Bagaimana pula dengan DSAI? Beliau lagi teruk, kerana tak kisah lansung tentang agama dan bangsa. Beliau telah menghalalkan SEGALANYA, DEMI CITA CITANYA MAHU JADI PM SEJAK SEPTEMBER 2008.
    Apa pendapat Tun tentang niat DS Najib yang mahu Khazanah Nasional melibatkan diri dalam mengubal KPI buat Jemaah Menteri dan Timbalan Menteri? Bagi saya kurang tepat, kerana sepatutnya amanah ini diberi kepada orang orang yang ‘senior’ dalam BN, Kerajaan dan Ahli Ahli Akademik untuk KPI ini.Bukan Khazanah Nasional. Nanti Azman Mokhtar dan orang orangnya, termasuk ETHOS akan jadi ‘besar kepala’.
    Semoga DS Najib sentiasa berfikiran waras didalam apa jua tindakan dan keputusan yang diambilnya. Kenapa? Sebab BELIAU adalah PERDANA MENTERI MALAYSIA.
    Salam hurmat.

  48. Dear Tun,
    Elok tengok dari sudut kebenarannya daripada terus menyanggah! Tun pun dah mula pakai ‘bush jacket’ macam masa jadi PM dulu..ambiklah yang isi, kulitnya buanglah kalau tak ada manafaat.

  49. Salam YAB Tun,
    PM sesebuah negara boleh dianggap sebagai seorang bapa kepada sebuah keluarga. Jika bapa kita dikeji dan difitnah orang tanpa bukti adakah kita akan terus sahaja mempercayainya?
    Kita harap Malaysia akan sentiasa berada didalam keadaan aman, damai, sejahtera dan menjadi negara yang sentiasa dirahmati Allah. Perlantikan DS Najib sebagai PM baru kita juga adalah satu ketentuan yang telah tertulis atas kehendakNya dan kuasaNya jua.
    Jika Allah menolong dia, maka tidak ada yang dapat mengalahkannya, tetapi jika Allah membiarkan dia, maka siapa yang dapat menolongnya? Kerana itu, hendaklah kepada Allah jua kita bertawakal.

  50. vanakkam Tun,
    if DSN in clean, why dont he come out in public, undergo all the legal procedure in a proper way (do not mingle in it because he is now in power) and clear his name once and for all should he care only what malaysians think about him.
    yes, we malaysians want a clean PM. Not somebody tainted with allegations. Can he now ignore what foreign media is saying and prove to malaysians he is clean. why silense for more than 2 years…
    we can afford to give huge commision for submarine purchase but we never had enough money to improve our public transportation.

  51. Hi Dr Mahathir
    there is something that Needs to be answered – regardless who is writing about DS Najib , PM
    1) why was she murdered in a brutal fashion by Sirul, Azhar and instructed by DC Musa – all Special Branch officers assigned to DS Najib – clearly IGP and DS Najib need to be proven innocent
    2) Who signed off the C4 explosive authorisation and how did Sirul and Azhar get hold of it
    3) What about the multiple blown bodies at the Shah Alam , Puncak Hills
    4) Why were Shafiee Abd, The judge, and DPP attending to the case suddently removed
    5) What was the basis in which Razak Baginda who is very very close to the DPM and Now PM blackmailed by Altantuya
    6) There was a Clinical report on Defence deals in Asia Published in Far Easter Economic Review 2003, particularly pointing to the Submarine deals (Malaysian Scorpene figures big on this) – how far is details stated here are facts and did we pay off Ombak laut and Parimekar
    7) Najib, was 22 years defence minister and there is a lot of materials that says there was for every one of those year 1 big deal and it involved a ombak laut type company providing “logistical services” – what does auditor general and public account committee think about each and every one of these
    eg helicopters, Destroyer pruchases, equipments list is endless
    8) What about the SMS Shafiee abudllah ” Dont worry , i spoke to the IGP” received from Najib, wasnt that clear evidence of interfrence therefore similar to the corruption charge against Anwar IB in 1999 trial where Anwar Picked the phone and asked the Special branch officer “why am i being investigated..”
    too many inconsitencies in dealing with Najib Personally – So Malaysian broadly and largely happy at least foreign press in intrested in these matters ie FREE PRESS and IF they have friends in Malaysia – it means Malaysian ‘s want to KNOW For A Change rather then sweep under carpet like the 22 years under TUN
    TUN needs to WAKE UP the Children have grown up and would question and he is reacting like an OLD MAN who cannot face up to being challenged – TUN Does not have the intellectual right to be right all the time
    I am happy if TUN Admirers scold me for this comment

  52. Salam Ayahanda Tun,
    As a Malaysian, as far as i’m concern…
    Mahathirism is something good…
    If Najib is going to revive Mahathirism…
    and if he succeed in bringing back the Malaysian glory…
    Let the Oxford or Cambridge dictionary define what is actually Mahathirism…

  53. Salam Tun,
    Media barat mmg dah lama jaki kat negara ni. Kalau dak takkan dia nak jajah negara ni. Tun apa jua orang kata apa jua orang fitnah i still believe in you. You are the one who walk the talk. Well if isn’t you and the brilliant ppl around that you have selected, this lovely country will not be as it is. And just one sleepy guy yang tersilap pilih. Well nobody perfect. But whatever it is, whether those with you or not, benifited what have you accomplished. And for the western they will never stop unless we follow him. WE ARE INDEPENDET COUNTRY AND INDEPENDENT PPL!! I think those yang percaya kat media barat masih buta sejarah. Tidak ada satu nation dalam dunia ni yang ingin membangun dengan acuan sendiri tidak diganggu oleh barat. They will never stop!! As DSNTR said 1 Malaysia. This is the time. When this country being attacked by what ever means, we stand tall as one!!
    CUBA, Palestine, Iran, China, North Korean, Indonesia (before the collapesed), Syria, Russia, Iraq, Vietnam have been criticsized due to unwilling to follow 100% what the western wanna say. These are the country that have been label as evil nation. Well i might be wrong but i know believing you and DSNTR is not wrong.

  54. Tun,
    Hi… Do you even care anymore on what others said about you? And you have been our PM for more than 22 years and that’s definitely fit to be termed as an “Era” or loosely translated to “Mahathirism”.
    You can’t blame what other countries said. During your era, fact is oppositions got detained. Fact is the judiciary has changed. Fact is the Press is less likely to comment about the govt. Whether it is “your action” that lead to that is not important. What’s being known is that those things happened within the Mahathirism era. That’s a fact.

  55. Salam Sejahtera buat Ayahanda Sekeluarga,
    Peri Bahasa Melayu menyebut “Ibarat Melepaskan Anjing Yang Tersepit”, Tetapai atas keterbukaan Pak Lah beliau telah Melapaskan Anjing Gila Yang Tersepit.

  56. Tun,
    You obviously have great affection for the new PM. I’m sure you must know him well, and consider him to be of impeccable character. Hence your article in his defense!
    I’m sure he is capable of defending himself. Sometimes it is better to let people deal with negative things by themselves. Otherwise they can appear incapable and weak. A Pawn, so to speak in another persons game.
    I’m sure the new PM can look after himself.
    I certainly hope so!

  57. Salam Tun
    Ministry of Science, Technology & Innovation and Ministry of Communication, Culture & Arts ? This Prime Minister clearly does not know what he is doing. Communication should go under the former. Under Rais, important Communication events such as broadband is going to be unattended. This government is veru poor when it comes to ICT initiatives.
    It should be:-
    Ministry of Science, Technology, Communication & Innovation and Ministry of Culture & Arts
    or better still :-
    Ministry of ICT and Science
    Ministry of Culture & Arts
    Ministry of Entrepreneurial Development and Innovation
    Najib has hardly taken office and decisions like this shows he does not know which is the best direction to go. I would appreciate if you could advise him.

  58. dear Tun,
    As we all know,the political situation in our beloved country, Malaysia, has been in a stake of floating. At times, I personally felt that certain party/politician is right and sometimes is not. But the main thing is if BN still want to rule this country, it must clear its name in less than 3 years before the next general election. If not,the opposition party will take over as its now has become a stronger and more organize party. Therefore, BN and it’s component party should be forcusing on the wellbeing of Malaysian instead of quarrelling against the opposition party. I really hope that BN can learn its lesson from its history. Let bygone be bygone. Til then, speedy recovery and take good care of yourself.
    with loves,
    a caring Malaysian..

  59. I may not be an expert at Malaysian Politics.
    However I am all too aware of how much the nation blames Jews, Zionists and Western Imperialists for all the troubles that are befalling the nation. This self-defeating cycle will do nothing to alleviate the image of the country in the international stage.

  60. Salam Bahagia Tun Sekeluarga dan warga Chedet,
    1. I like your chosen heading, DEMONISATION is apt at the moment to convey the levels to which the foreign press (and some local press) are willing to stoop to fill their coffers and satisfy their political masters.
    2. DSN is the PM of Malaysia, and that is the electorate he is answerable to, not the foreign press. Allow me to quote an Italian poet, Antonio Porchia: “If you are good to this one and that one, this one and that one will say that you are good. If you are good to everyone, no one will say that you are good.” So to our PM, do what you need to bring the nation forward and take care of the rakyat, without fear or favour.
    3. I will not say that all so-called “Mahathirism” is good, there there is much that is, so DSN can follow this “style” of leadership to keep the opposition in rein. Remember, even wise old Aristotle had said “He who is to be a good ruler must have first been ruled.” So to those who implore for anarchy to rule in Malaysia, forget it.
    4. The greatest compliment bestowed by the foreign press on you, Tun, is giving you a label for your administrative style, “Mahathirism”. I am glad to quote something from another famous statesman, Winston Churchill : “You have enemies? Good. That means you’ve stood up for something, sometime in your life.” So Tun, keep going fighting the good fight.
    5. To the foreign press and their agents here in Malaysia, you get a quote from British author Samuel Butler, as follows: “The most important service rendered by the press and the magazines is that of educating people to approach printed matter with distrust.” Pardon me a moment while I line my birdcage with your printed matter.
    6. To the people who are always right, sitting high and mighty on their pedestals, who can say or do no wrong, learn about humility and be more introspective. Look at what is happening in your own backyard and communities, and try to fix what is wrong there. Do not preach to others what you do not practice. Think ISRAEL. As Samuel Butler once said, “From a worldly point of view, there is no mistake so great as that of being always right.”
    7. Lastly, it is incumbent among us Malaysians to strive for the success of the nation, for it is we who will reap what is sown, not the foreign press or their masters. So irregardless of religious, racial and political divide, we must start moving forward again, and keep these ‘pariah’ neo-colonialists out of our beloved Malaysia. The PM deserves a chance to show his abilities during this difficult times, and to the opposition, show how you can be an asset to the nation, not a liability. And remember, the stakes are high for the rakyat, so do not gamble it for personal glory or self-gratification.
    Take care Tun.

  61. Assalamualaikum Tun,
    As expected western medias are bias in reporting things. When it comes to the jewish agenda they will do a cover up, example the killing of the people in Gaza by the terrorist state of zionist. As for their so called friends in Malaysia, I have these to say, “if they don’t like it here they can pack their begs and get the hell out of our beloved country and we Malaysian don’t need these kinds of people who goes around the western countries saying that the leaders of our country that we elected are corrupt and involved in a murder case”. The real “pariah” nation I can see yesterday was great britain that is not so great now, because of the ltte protesters in london protesting against Sri Lanka in their war with ltte. I wonder what the so called friend of hindraf have too say about these matters or will he go to britain and protest with the ltte in london too?
    Allah prohibits, I think this so called friend of the western countries is mustafa kamal in the making, who is going to become a traitor to his own country and yet he thinks that the western countries adoures him? Well think again.
    As a Malaysian I am proud of our country and I will defend it to the very last drop of my blood and soul. We Malaysian need to move forward and not being stopped just because of one crazy guy whose dream is to become the prime minister on september 16 2008 then changed it a few times. Well for that person I got these to say ” dream on”.
    Malaysia already have the new prime minister and his new cabinet line ups and its time to rebuilt back Malaysia for vision 2020. Let us as true Malaysian give our support to Dato Sri Najib and Tan Sri Mahyuddin, in making vision 2020 a reality for us and the future generations in years to come.
    Dato Sri Najib Bin Tun Abdul Razak, our trust and hope is on you to continue the legacy and wisdom of the late beloved Tun Abdul Razak, may Allah bless his soul and making vision 2020 a reality for us through your charismatic and pragmatic touch.
    Tan Sri Dato Mahyuddin Bin Hj Mohd Yassin, our hope is on you to bring us to a new standard in building this nation of ours and eradicating poverty through your innovative ideas and changing mindset of the people to a new level of thinking in making vision 2020 a reality.
    And last but not the least Tun Dr Mahathir Bin Mohammad, a very wise and yet a pragmatic statesman, a leader whose ideas and vision has brought us malaysian into a new millinium, a new standard of achivements in nation building. Our highest gratitude and honour to have you as one of our prime minister. Once again Tun, thank you very much for being there when we needed you most in steering the nation through turbulance of the financial crisis 1997 and turn out to become the best prescribe medicine that is still being used until today throughout the world in terms of financial crisis, and thank you in teaching us to believe in” Malaysia Boleh”.
    I salute you Tun, “Hidup Tun Dr Mahathir,and may Allah bless Malaysia and us all”. Aminnn.
    Ps, To the western media, don’t ever get sources from an ex con that has being rebrand by cia. Its not chap ayam mas, its more like anjing tambatan cia. cheerious…….

  62. Salam Tun,
    With the reference of your comment to this action of the foreign media in demonising the new PM of MAlaysia. I think we cant put all the blame on them because they have press freedom and right to comment anything. Regarding to the case of Mongalian murder, I still can put my trust on Najib that he did not order to kill the Mongolian woman. However, I’m still wondering that why he denied that he saw her in the past where there was a picture of him and the Mongalian woman been disclosed to the public. Moreover, the government should allowed the media the opportunities to invite Abdul Razak Baginda and his wife for a face to face interview rather than banning them. This action could raise the question of the public on Najib’s reputation. Since Najib is innocent, he should let this interview session of Abdul Razak Baginda and the media to proof that there is still press democracy in Malaysia. On the ‘Mahathirism’ theory, this has being very well-known even within the university students. However, I believe ‘Mahatirism’ theory has nothing bad but was to protect the safety of Malaysian in the past and proved to be succesful because you had brought the glories of Malaysia in the past during your tenure as the Prime Minister of Malaysia. Malaysia Boleh!!!!

  63. Dearest TUN,
    Much as we like to support you in ‘hitting’ those foreign press, as we too does not like their interventions.
    But TUN, too many ??????????????? (questions), were left unanswered by those implicated in Corruptions & Atlantula’s Case.
    What the rakyat wants is the truth… that we could counter and defend……….’Silence Does Not Meant Golden’ here.
    Najib Needs To Clear His Nasme. This Is A Must.
    Swearing alone, by the ‘Holy Quoran’, is not good enough, as there are pictures to prove otherwise.
    TUN, Personally I Loved Your Regime, so please do not get upset over trivial issues, and take care of your health.
    My Regards to You , Tun Siti Hasmah & Family.

  64. But did you notice the lovefest western mass media has towards Anwar Ibrahim?

  65. salam Tun,

  66. Salam Yg Bhg Tun,
    “2. Included in the condemnation of the new PM is the allegation that he would bring back “Mahathirism”. By this the Western press seem to imply that the fourth PM was a dictator who detained for no reason, manipulated the judiciary, controlled the Press etc etc.”
    Mahathirism or whatever, i still know you will manage the country better rather than selling it away like Pak Lah did.
    To all the foreign idioits and nosy mat sallehs (this is what we call you white people wherever you originated from); ” learn to respect other people’s affair and stop sniffing and barking like a pariah dog. You people are the actual pariah in this world, comprendre?

  67. Salam Sejahtera Tun,
    sememangnya telah menjadi kebiasaan negara Barat untuk mengutuk dan mengkritik negara-negara lain terutamanya terhadap nagara-negara Islam agar dapat menimbulkan sentiman negatif dunia terhadap negara-negara Islam,lebih-lebih lagi tohmahan yang dibuat-buat dan dijadikan sebagai alasan untuk mencetuskan peperangan.
    Mereka sering memikirkan bahawa sekiranya sistem pentadbiran mereka dilaksanakan di seluruh dunia,maka tidak ada negara yang mundur di dunia.Pemikiran ini ternyata naif apabila Thailand mengalami krisis politik yang paling teruk setelah melaksanakan sistem demokrasi tanpa sempadan,Taiwan juga sedemikian rupa. China yang melaksanakan komunisme yang sering dikecam oleh Amerika sekarang masih mampu mencatat pertumbuhan ekonomi sehingga 8% walaupun menghadapi kegawatan ekonomi.Saya bukannya menyokong komunisme tetapi sistem perlu dilaksanakan berdasarkan keperluan dan keadaan negara tersebut.Sekarang Amerika pun perlu bergantung dengan duit China,malu!
    Saya percaya rakyat Malaysia mempunyai daya pemikiran yang cukup matang untuk meilih pemimpin,tidak perlu orang asing untuk bersuara,apatah lagi negara pencetus peperangan.Apa boleh buat? Orang yang sentiasa mengkhianati dan memburuk-burukkan Malaysia telah dilepaskan.Tapi..kerana dia juga pemimpin yang tidak berguna ditarik turun dari pentas kepimpinan.Semoga Dato Seri Najib dapat mengharungi semua ini dan mengembalikan keyakinan rakyat serta buktikan bahawa pandangan nagara-negara Barat adalah salah tentunya berserta bimbingan Tun.
    Semoga Tun sihat walafiat.

  68. Tun Mahathir,
    Salam Dengan Penuh Hormat.
    As I had expected, NTR will be facing torid time as PM and it will continue as there will be no let up by the Opposition and the GROUP that want Malaysia to submit to their agenda.
    The Opposition of the Malaysian Gevernment (within) have started their hate campaign for almost 12 years now and of course the so call international GROUP have started much earlier when You were PM and steadfast in your National Policies to push Malaysia forward as developed nation. No muslim Countries must be succesful as it will be a bad example to the DEVIL Capitalistic Western Powers .
    The Superpowers want to maintain their position and dongkeys the 3rd world countries for their resources and supply of labour and they will deploy all statergies to ensure their future security.
    I am praying for NTR to remain steadfast as you were and to come out with adequate measures for our own future security. It may be a daunting task but it must be met with equal guild and force.
    1. National Security.
    Identify those who tampered and a threat to National Security and develop sratergies to dilute this threat by improving our italligence network and building shields to deflect their advances.
    The most dangerous foe are those closes to us.
    2. Trade and Commerce.
    Our future survival as a trading nation depends on Trade and Commerce and we need to continue to explore new markets for our products as to keep our Industries going.Our traditional markets seems to have saturated and their interest is more towards free markets, acquisitians and suppressing our Nationalistic postures.
    NTR need to revert back to Malaysia Incorperated concept and lead the entreprenaurs and Business leaders and make himself as the number one salesman of the country.
    But, NTR need to be very of these people as some of them are real cut troat and snakes with multiple heads. NTR therefore must be selective and use all available intalligence to filter them and pick up those who are ready and willing to accept the One Malaysia idealogy .
    In my opinion, these two are the most critical as the other aspects of governance will have to be dealt with equal force by various Ministries to put Malaysia back on tract.

  69. TUN.
    Sekadar renungan.
    Di Pulau Pinang PKR dikecam kerana tidak menghormati Ketua Menteri LIM GUAN ENG. PKR marah LGE kerana gara2 LGE membuat ulasan tentang krisis Penanti. LGE juga bersendirian dalam delema ini tanpa sokongan dari rakan2 DAP.
    Apa dah jadi sebenar nya dalam PR. Siapa yang berkuasa sebenar nya di PP. DAP Ketua Menteri, dan yang berkuasa PKR. Di Perak suatu ketika dulu PAS sebagai MB tapi DAP yang menguasai kerajaan.
    Dan kini tahu pulak mereka ahli2 DAP marah pada PKR kerana tidak menghormati seorang KM. Selama ini pernah kah DAP menghormati seorang PM atau MB dari parti lain. Maka kini mereka bergitu terasa dan tersentuh pulak bila orang lain tidak menghormati Pemimpin mereka. Dan kini mereka terus bercakaran sesama mereka.
    Baru menerajui satu negeri kecil dah tak bersepakat, macam mana lah nak terajui satu Malaysia yang ada 14 wilayah.
    Ini lah akibat kahwin campur yang tak mengikut undang2 dan adat2 tertentu. Tidak akan berkekalan. Cuma yang pelik nya penyokong2 mereka maseh rabun dan ada yang dah buta akan mainan politik dalam Pakatan ini. Terhegeh2 terus menyokong sedangkan pemimpin2 ini langsung tidak pedulikan nasib penyokong mereka. Penyokong2 ini hanya diperlukan semasa bila nak pilihan raya sahaja.Nak kan undi mereka sahaja.
    Walau apa pun biarkan lah mereka dengan delema mereka. Kita akan lihat pulak kempen pemilihan PAS pada Jun ini. Dengar hebat kali ini. Ramai muka2 baru nak mencabar orang2 lama.

  70. Najib should be free from vice before taking control of the nation. As the law says “no one is guilty until proven” does not apply in this case. The reason been that he has taken public office and every action of his has impact on the morality of the citizen. He is assumed to play a model role. Instead of giving so much importance to his position and power bestowed upon him, I feel that he should give some thoughts on the accusations looming on his morality.
    The vice of corruption on the purchase of the submarines which finally led to the death of Altantunya is always brought up by the local and foreign media. Why dont Najib provide concrete answers to all these accusations hurled at him rather then simply denying. He should appear in the courts to clear his name rather then putting the nation at ransom.
    Given a little opportunity, the nation is belittled by the foreign medias in every forms and this is no good for the nation in the eyes of the investors. Imagine for someone to say that Malaysia has a criminal running the state.
    In order to avoid more harm to the country I feel that Najib should hand over the keys to the office to his deputy temporarily and work on ways to clear his name from the accusations hurled at him. At least Malaysians can take some pride in the sincerity of the Prime Minister.
    Malaysia is facing a lot of setbacks lately. The Judiciary appears to be pro government with its judgements and ordinary people dont have much respect for its rulings. The Police appears to be pro government and are abusive with their powers. These two institutions are a bad taste to an ordinary citizen. The opposition political parties’ tireless attacks on these institutions sheds bad light on the nation as a whole and coupled with adverse reports of our country by the foreign media, definitely makes Malaysia appear to be a lawless nation.
    As a Prime Minister, Najib owes a responsibility to save the nation by clearing the negative images ‘honoured’on him.
    Tun Dr. Mahathir should realise that his time is over and although you still attract a celeberity status among the folks, that does not mean the present government couldn’t operate without your influence. We know that you have contributed much to the country, but, allow the present cabinet to operate on its own chord. You would do a favour to all of us by not messing up like how you did during Ahmad Badawi’s administration.

  71. But sir, between the demonising, as you call it, by the foreign press and the kind of imposition that you are laying on Najib, I believe what you are laying on Najib is far more detrimental to Najib’s premiership than you’d admit. Why can’t you just leave him alone to decide on Penanti? Why can’t you let him decide on the crooked bridge, which incidentally I too support. Why don’t you let him decide on his cabinet members? After what is the difference between the crooks, as you might say, and the other crooks that were there when you were leading the country? Remember teh alleged pedophile? Remember the currency smuggler? Remember the same guy when he ran away and got married to a princess while he still was the Menteri Besar? Remember all the wealth all your ministers will not be able to properly account for?

  72. Dear Tun.
    Hehehe the western media freedom. And they are the one who speaks the truth, hahahaha.
    1. Whatever demonisation, atleast one thing for sure, our government or even the current PM Najib Tun Razak are not involve directly or indirectly for the world economic meltdown which cause millions of people lose their jobs, life, hope, family etc, which majority of the people came from the same origin of those western media.
    2. Whos responsible for that? the bankers, speculators, the financiers that owns these so call western press. These press so hypocrite they say out loud they are the champions of the freedom press. THATS BULLSHEET!!!!. Theres not a single phrase or a sentence that presecuted these evil financiers, bankers and the people that cause these meltdown.
    3. What they have wrote have their exterior motives, they just dont simply write bad things about Najib just because of the truth or facts, not because of moral and not because of conscience. Always something else. And always involve money and market control.
    4. I still remember the days, when they hailed Saddam Hussein the champion of Islam in his early years, even he kill alot of people during that time. Why is that? The reason is simple, because Saddam have alot of side deals with western corporations, so when he decide to go with Russian Corporation (MIG jet deals), what happen to him? hes a madman and a dictator. Its the same thing with other leaders too, example Pinochet the dictator, he was a hero by the western media on the early days, and yes of course he signed alot of military deals with the British, if im not mistaken BAE.
    4. Imagine the CEOS, financiers and speculators who got fat paychecks from the economic meltdown which cause millions of jobs, now in US, it reach highest in history, but why they are not blamed by the western media? The reason is simple, these rich financiers owns the press. They are paying the reporters to write all those stuff. Well, during these bad economic meltdown, their reporters will write everything just to ensure their paychecks. They know it is wrong, but writing the right thing, will cost them their rent. So morale is out of the drain.
    5. I still wonder, why Najib was so bombarded about the MIG, Eurocopter and Scorpene? Why he is not bombarded when making a deal with F-16 Eagles and other Aussie/British Equipments? Why no one opened their mouths about these deals? It is strange dejavu, when u make deals with Northrop Grumman, Mcdonnel Douglas or Sikorsky or other British/Aussie products u are branded as “superhero” but when u make friends with China/Russia or anybody else except them, u endup as evil dictator. So wheres the freedom? U cant choose ur friends if u dont get approval from these US guys?
    6.But im very sad, that some among us, adores these bad ppl so much, believing every word they say, following their ways even we already saw the flaws infront of our own eyes, the suffering of their own people by their own doing. But still some of the Malaysian wanted to believe, some even willing to do solat hajat to bring the government down. But they forgot one thing, DOA is muslim greatest but anger is Syaitan greatest weapon, so using ur greatest weapon during anger is not right. Example Aceh, they prayed and ask for the destruction of their own kind and at the end of day, Tsunami come and ending up US and some of his buddies got the “loot” cuase they helped out, so both sides of quarelling parties lose. (Remember they dont help for free)
    7. Well conclusion are, there are no such thing about free press. Its all about “who” owns the majority shareholder of the press company. I would rather a government entity own the majority shares than any individual like Rupert Murdoch. If u dont like the news u can vote against government so they can ease up, but if individual owns the press, we the normal people cant do anything.
    8. Many of our malaysian still dont get it about the freedom of press. They only think the government should let go the press, but my question is simple, if the government letting it go, so whos going to own the majority shareholder. Can we trust the individual who owns it? Or we going to have like Warner Bros or Rupert Murdoch lying scales and ending up always gets away even his news shows the untruth.

  73. SHAH ALAM, Mon:
    New pictures of Elizabeth Wong have surfaced, less than a week after the announcement that she was not stepping down as Bukit Lanjan assemblywoman and state executive councillor.
    A leader must have a very strong moral standing. In this case, as a Mentri Besar Khalid should make a strong stand to dismiss her as assemblywoman and exco member. This shows how weak Khalid is as a leader.
    Just look at how Tun M sacked his Deputy, Anwar. That’s what a true leader is, when it comes to matter concerning moral upright, you just cannot compromise in order to maintain the image of the government.

  74. KUALA LUMPUR, Tues:
    Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak has been advised to ignore negative reports about him in the foreign media. Former prime minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad said the Western media had launched a concerted effort to demonise Najib.
    Ini semua kerja Anwar Ibrahim. Kerja orang desperado.
    Can you just wait your turn Anwar. Who knows god willing you will be the next Prime Minister after PRU13.Sembayang hajat banyak-banyak, minta doa kepada Allah supaya dikabulkan permintaan.Insya’allah akan berjaya.
    Tapi buat masa sekarang janganlah asyik hentam Najib “below the belt”. That’s not fair. Be gentlemanlah sikit. Cukuplah main belakang !!

  75. DAP claims Zambry sacked 800 village chiefs without notice
    More than 800 village chiefs, who were elected to their posts nine months ago, were sacked without notice by the district officers of their respective areas last Thursday.
    Untuk mengelakkan perkara seperti ini berlaku,saya rasa adalah lebeh munasabah jika perlantikan Ketua Kampong atau Penghulu diberi tauliah terus dari Sultan seperti juga imam-imam Masjid.
    Ini bermakna jika ada pertukaran kerajaan yang baru, the new political master has no right to sack the Ketua Kampong or the Imam.

  76. SHAH ALAM, Mon:
    New pictures of Elizabeth Wong have surfaced, less than a week after the announcement that she was not stepping down as Bukit Lanjan assemblywoman and state executive councillor.
    A leader must have a very strong moral standing. In this case, as a Mentri Besar Khalid should make a strong stand to dismiss her as assemblywoman and exco member. This shows how weak Khalid is as a leader.
    Just look at how Tun M sacked his Deputy, Anwar. That’s what a true leader is, when it comes to matter concerning moral upright, you just cannot compromise in order to maintain the image of the government.

  77. When a Mat Rempit is not a Mat Rempit
    KUALA LUMPUR: The Mat Rempit are a feared lot. They are a nuisance to fellow road users, they participate in illegal street racing and perform dangerous stunts, such as the wheelie, superman (lying flat on the seat), and scorpion (standing on the seat with one leg during a wheelie).
    But who is a Mat Rempit? Even the police don

  78. Assalamualaikum.
    1. Bukanlah perkara baru cerita tentang keburukan pemimpin ini menjadi agenda orientalis. Sebagai seorang pemimpin ISLAM, Dato Seri PM hendaklah menjaga akhlaknya sesuai dengan tuntutan AGAMA. Sebagai seorang ISLAM pula kita hendaklah menerima keadaan bahawa kita tidak lari dari salah dan silap.
    2. Saya merasakan UMNO hendaklah secara bersungguh-sungguh memperkasakan Bangsa Melayu. Antara beberapa kelemahan Bangsa Melayu yang ketara adalah dalam bidang ekonomi. Penguasaan Bangsa Melayu dalam bidang ini amat rendah. Tidak ramai Bangsa Melayu yang berjaya menjadi usahawan tulen. Tidak dinafikan dari segi penguasaan Modal, Bangsa Melayu tidaklah ketinggalan jauh tetapi ianya tidak berjaya digunakan secara optimun.
    3. Saya mencadangkan agar UMNO menerajui usaha penubuhan Koperasi disetiap bahagian sebagai satu daripada usahanya. Jika benarlah UMNO memiliki lebih 4 juta ahli seperti yang saya dengar, maka UMNO mampu mengumpul lebih RM400 juta sebagai modal jika setiap ahli menyumbang hanya RM100 sahaja sebagai saham kepada koperasi ini. Banyak aktiviti perniagaan yang boleh dijalankan jika perkara ini berjaya di jayakan.
    4. Saya tak pasti UMNO ada berapa bahagian tapi rasanya hampir 190 bahagian, maka sudah tersedia satu rangkaian yang luas untuk membangunkan perniagaan. Saya ada terbaca saranan penulis di sini agar Melayu terlibat dalam perniagaan keperluan pengguna dan saya amat setuju. Kekuatan ini jika disokong oleh orang Melayu sendiri saya percaya dengan mudah mampu menembusi pasaran yang bernilai lebih RM1 bilion sebulan.
    5. Usaha ini saya lihat mampu memberikan nilai tambah kepada peniaga PKS Melayu yang menghadapi kesukaran untuk menembusi pasaran yang lebih luas. Jaringan ini hendaklah digunakan sebaik mungkin secara optimun agar mampu membentuk alternatif kepada jaringan perniagaan sedia ada. Persaingan yang sihat tentu mampu meningkatkan kecekapan ekonomi dan seterusnya memberi manfaat kepada pengguna.
    6. Jika Bangsa Melayu bersatu, tentulah kita mampu memperkasakan Bangsa Melayu itu tanpa mengambil hak bangsa lain. Janganlah kita menjadi tamak dan khianat kerana itu akan membawa kita kepada kehancuran dunia dan akhirat. Kita mampu berjaya jika kita sanggup meninggalkan kemungkaran dan kembali kepada ISLAM.
    7. Saya ingin mencadangkan agar Tun Mahathir ataupun Dato Mukhriz mengetuai usaha ini jika ianya boleh dilaksanakan. Inilah hanyalah cadangan dari saya seorang budak kampung.

  79. Salam
    Mahathirism however has proven itself. Be it if others don’t like it or not. We are making a statement to the west that we are now creating Najibism. So be it if they like it or not. Period.
    Tun berdua jaga diri ya…

  80. Dear Tun
    Its involving DSN’s name, best he has to clear it, i am not sure if the foreign press gonna take our views seriuosly. They know well about ISA in our country as well as how much we fear about this.
    You mentioned about the ppl trying to idolise DSAI which is crazy, now i am sure there will be some ppl who idolizes and standby DSN, i am sure they can help.
    As i said, ppl of Malaysia love tis country and they would do anything to safeguard her name. But u dont expect ppl to close one eyes to some things and expect the other good thing to eventually neutralise the effect or damage the prior has done. What goes around will come around.
    U have air time given to you while in UK, and u used to lambast TPL, and if u have opportunity DSAI to the max. Now i am sure DSN or urself can get air space over CNN or BBC, that will be the ideal platform to get rid of the bad name and make ur stand.
    TDM, everyone in Malaysia has paid many credit to your contributions so far. I will tell that to the foreigner i met. And if ppl ask about DSN, i will say why not go ask him yourself and get his response over whatever necessary.
    For Orang Kelang, do not worry about the bangsa (malay, india, cina) problem so much, or the Keadilan thingy. Unfortunately, it will not take Hindraf, DSAI or other pengkhianat to spread the news, ppl have more eyes and ears nowadays and they more clever too, you know. Well if u r damn good suggest u write in foreign press and submit ur opinion, i really hope they will put your good opinion on print. I will salute u for that. Dont tell them u r from Kelang.

  81. A return to Mahathirism?Why not? Bring it on , bring it back!These foreigners are trying to portray Mahathirism as something bad.Dont they realize that we the malaysians love mahathirism and we long for it to be brought back?It was Mahathirism that brought us to great heights and we are thankful for Mahathirism.So , by all means , bring back Mahathirism , and make it soon!!


  83. Assalamualaikum Tun.
    Datuk Seri Najib juga kena tunjukkan kesungguhan beliau untuk membersihkan nama sendiri melalui hujah-hujah yang diterima secara logik oleh rakyat.
    Zaman sekarang adalah ‘cabaran globalisasi umat masa kini’.Bukan seperti masa zaman pentadbiran Tun Mahathir yang dunia baru nak diglobalisasikan,yang kesannya sudah amat jelas dapat dilihat oleh bakal pengganti pemimpin pada masa itu.Jadi kalau Datuk Najib ingin sahaja melihat dan mempraktikkan sejarah pentadbiran ayahanda beliau,saya fikir lupakan sajalah.Walau “betul kata ibu”.
    Saya harap rakyat yang dapat memberi bantuan kepada pemerintah dapat membersihkan nama dan memudahkan perjalanan pemimpin negara yang terpilih oleh kita dengan jasad dan jiwa selama hampir setahun lepas.
    Saya juga ingin merakamkan jutaan terima kasih kepada sekumpulan sahabat saya yang entah datang dari mana menawarkan pelindungan ketika saya terdesak.Bukan saya menolak tetapi berpendapat masih ada jalan perundingan ketika itu.
    Seperti kata sejarah Terengganu satu masa dulu,”Tanah ini ada tuannya”.Tuannya kini memerintah Malaysia.
    Maka saya secara peribadi berpendapat setiap wilayah ada penjaganya.Dan saya juga berfikiran bahawa pemerintah patut bersetuju untuk menyerahkan tanggungjawab-tanggungjawab tertentu kepada rakyatnya.
    “Dan hendaklah kamu saling bantu-membantu untuk perkara kebaikan dan ketakwaan”
    Surah Al-Ma’idah : 2
    m/s 228 Sistem Politik Islam
    Terima kasih Tun.

  84. Akum Ayahanda Tun…May Allah bless u..
    Saya dibesarkan pada zaman “Mahathirism” Saya amat merindui pemerintahan “Mahathirism’ yang berjaya menbuatkan bangsa melayu berjaya, maju dan disegani…What are they understand about “Mahathirism”???…Kerana “Mahathirism” la Malaysia menjadi sebuah negara yang berjaya…
    We love u Tun…

  85. salam Tun,
    It is a very difficult job to run the country.The western powers are unhappy if we continue to prosper with our multi racial society,which disproves their claims of superiority.
    And also the man that they want so badly to take over this country hasn’t realised his dreams yet.
    Be very careful and wary of western press.They have sinister hidden agendas although they claim to be free.
    They have shown their hypocricy in far too many instances particularly when dealing with the US invasion of Iraq,Afghanistan and the Palestinians sufferings.
    They love to look down on people they don’t like but in reality they are low-lifes themselves.

  86. First of all Tun whether there was a ‘Mahathrism’ than i personally think its all fine, as long as it works.
    Its true that we should not be thinking of what people may think of us, as long as we are doing the right things as long as it ‘Works’.
    But the subject of control in the media is really tangible issue, but thanks to the World wide Web it isn’t anymore.
    However, as a journalist although the issue of control isn’t much of an importance financial constraints had made us into slaves by the Datuks and important figures who always wanted sugar and spice and everything nice.
    A number of times i was offered money to cover a certain functions, events and press conferences so it’s safe for me to say that 90% of it comes from the ruling party.
    I dont have anything against political movements or sorts.
    But it seems that senior peers has already creating a bad name by accepting kickbacks.
    Now no one will admit to these after all bribery if isnt against the law than its the law of the religion.
    Senior editors, Chief reporters and important individuals in the company knowingly i wont accept that kind of money has reduced my functions in the editorial for being against commercial purposes.
    For a merely working as an editor with a small sum of salary i was more than glad to.
    but than again it made me questioned my father’s principals about being a good person or just to fall like the rest of them.
    There were numerous times that i was scolded, persuaded and even ordered to do such things either to scrutinized or priortized stories even if it there was of no significant or with significance.
    If the basis of these country are built on money and also the delegation of informations are delivered in these manner than it would be easy for me to say that all these foreign accusations may have some truth in it after all, and they are not even on the local payroll.
    Now, the issue is media’s value, some may not see it, but to those who are in the business understands this very well.
    “Money talks and bullshit walks” and the ones who makes the most wins. and it isn’t about truth, honesty and love for the country.
    And For your information im also high on the ‘Pink slip’list and at time like this please advice me if i’m wrong.
    you can email me @ [email protected]

  87. Salam sejahtera Tun,
    Sekiranya Michael Jackson menaiki takta CM Pulau Pinang dijadikan suatu strategi politik dengan bantuan pengaruh media2 global dan doktrin kerana signifikan tertentu bangsa serumpun dari luar.
    APAKAH pengaruhnya pada suasana politik Pulau Pinang khasnya dan Malaysia Amnya dalam jangka masa pendek dan panjang?

  88. Askm Tun dan keluarga,
    1. i love “Mahathirism”
    2. “Mahathirism” tak pernah menyusahkan saya,
    3. but “anwarism”, ‘paklahrism”, “karpalrism”, “limrism”, “nikazizrism” memang nyusahkan saya……lol
    4. Suku sakat yang menyokong point 3 diatas adalah juga menyusahkan saya…
    5. Diharap “Najibrism” dapatlah lebih atau paling kurang sama dengan “Mahathirism” dan yg paling penting tidak menyusahkan saya.

  89. Assalamualaikum Tun,
    No matter what I will stand tough behind “1 Malaysia” and “Justice” to hell manipulator/mala fide media. Let them in their own world. Truth will prevail. Allahuakbar!

  90. I guess you are the man of our nation who dare to speak and condemn the mat saleh. WHy others cannot and dare not do it?
    Is agony to see our leader are so coward to speak.

  91. Dearest Tun
    Onlooker commented that you’re a dictator during your tenure as Malaysia fourth PM.
    Onlooker failed to realise that you’re an elected dictator in five consecutive general election with 3/4 majority in Parliment.

  92. Selamat pagi Ayahanda Tun,
    I was having my hair cut at a saloon near by my house and I glanced through Sin Chew Jit Poh’s page 2 of yesterday’s date paper and the title said: Mahathir wants to lead the BN team in Penanti by-election, he will “taruh” Anwar and win this election.
    I am wondering is Sin Chew in trouble now until they’ve lost their direction in their editorial content by promoting unhealthy and indespicable “politic gossip” to sustain their circulation and to attract younger generations?
    The MSN online this morning reported:
    “Malaysia ex-PM says foreign press demonising new leader”
    Former Malaysian premier Mahathir Mohamad Tuesday “ACCUSED” the foreign media of “demonising” new leader Najib Razak by raising allegations of corruption and links with a murder.”
    To: MSN Malaysia online:
    Please do not play with “words” because we are not pariah who are dumb and stupid to believe in wetern media. If you are being honest and truthful, Dr Mahathir DID NOT ACCUSE the western press for demonising DS Najib, he ADVISED AND WARNED DS Najib and his bloggers to be careful and DO NOT TAKE LIGHTLY on the western press which launched a concerted effort from France to Britain to Australia because the ARTICLES are IDENTICAL and carried the same message. Dr M cannot believe that this demonisation by so many at the same time is a coincidence.
    Are Malysians the pariah who will absorp and read junkies and gossip which Europe, USA, Britain, China and India are CONTROLLING to advoid domestic conflict and unrest! You guys better be careful of DS Rais Yatim, our current Information Minister who is famous for BERSIH, CEKAP DAN AMANAH (Clean, Competent and Trusthworthy).
    Good day Ayahanda Tun.
    P/s: I am wondering does our Information Ministry needs more employees to go after these media, if yes, I would very much like to be in the team to protect our UNITY and HARMONY for our future generations in the name of Freedom of Speech and basic human right which are equivalent to national and international ethnic code.
    Currently, I, as the mummy, am WARNING and ADVICING my children on the “cons” which these media can do to our mind and mentality. So, MSN online, “Do I sound like ACCUSING MSN for warning and advising my children on your reporting?”

  93. Salam Sejahtera YAB Tun,
    Saya dilahirkan semasa pemerintahan Tun Abdul Razak yang boleh dikatakan sederhana sahaja. Cuma pada hari ini saya merasa ingin meluah ketidak puashatian saya pada pemimpin yang suka bercakap pada Sultan, yang suka memburuk-burukkan orang, yang menyatakan bahawa mereka adalah BENAR, dan mereka adalah yang paling BETUL.
    Seolah-olah YAB Dato’ Seri Najib terbabit dengan kes Altantuya, seolah-olah isu Mahathirisme adalah sama seperti diktator, dan seolah-olah orang yang suka MENGUMPAT dan MENGATA bukan lah seorang yang kotor, terlalu baik dan alim sampaikan dah disabitkan dengan kesalahan pun penyokong mereka ini sanggup mengundi mungkin seorang Bisexsual. Bukan nak mengata tetapi nyata dengan bentuk kesalahan yang ada. Memprotes tak tentu fasal dan mungkin saya boleh andaikan sekiranya jadi Perdana Menteri mungkin baik..Andaian mungkin baik. Tetapi selepas itu nak diletakkan siapa? Sivakumar yang konon-kononnya seorang pemimpin yang bijak.
    Pada masa zaman YAB Dato’Seri Anwar ada mungkinlah ada tempat… mungkin zaman telah berlalu akan ada anjakan untuk kehidupan lebih baik contohnya untuk menjadi Presiden… perlu diingatkan kaum majoriti kebiasaanya adalah penunjang pada setiap sesebuah negara dimana-manapun. Cuma Amerika Syarikat telah mengubah dasar tersebut dan kita lihat berapa ramai orangnya yang mati akibat jenayah dan tekanan perasaan.
    Sekarang ini pun, tidak banyak peguam yang baik .. Elemen profesional yang diterapkan sekarang pun telah menyebabkan seolah-olah mereka adalah golongan yang terhebat yang suka mendapat DUIT pelanggan melalui caj lebih beribu dengan kertas kotor yang difotostat sahaja. Kelakar mengapa kita perlu bayar beribu dengan beberapa kertas kotor yang diFOTOSTAT kemudian kita yang sain dan perlu dibayar beribu. Wahai Majlis Peguam…
    Jangan fikir anda betul.

  94. Classifieds Section
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    FOR SALE: Toyota Camry (Democracy Tree edition). Automatic. Many units to choose from. All very low miles and guarantee accident free and incident free. Solid black. Nice 2 digits registration number. Free tinted already fix. Very careful single lady owner. Not sewa kereta. Priced for quick sells. Three years warranty somemore still at Toyota can got. Tyres all 99%. Seldom use. Leather seats. No stains. No vomits. Finance you please self arrange. But cheap already sure. Contact Zam at Ipoh Ngeh Motor. Opposite old petrol station Tambun Road. Hurry first come first serve! Thank you for viewing.

  95. This is the POWER of media. Well, while we are seeing this demonizing of our new PM by the foreign media, we also often see repeated demonizing of our ex-PM (Tun Abdullah). I guess readers know how to judge the contents of news.

  96. TUN.
    Tidak ada siapa yang telebih terdesak untuk mencapai hasrat untuk berkuasa tidak lain selain DSAI. Maka itu dengan apa cara sekali pun dia akan gunakan apa juga cara yang ada untuk memberi tekanan pada PM DSN.
    DAP dan PAS telah pun bergitu lama dalam kancah politik negara namun selama itu mereka tidak lah bergitu aggeresif. DSAI dan parti PKR nya telah kesuntukan masa untuk mencapai hasrat nya untuk menjadi PM.
    Faktor usia DSAI yang telah lewat tidak mampu untuk menunggu lebih lama lagi untuk mendapatkan kuasa. PKR bukan parti untuk rakyat . Parti ini parti peribadi DSAI. Parti untuk memenuhi cita2 nya sahaja. Apabila DSAI telah tiada atau dah terlalu uzur maka parti ini juga akan turut berkubur. Ini kerana sehingga kini kita lihat dalam PKR itu sendiri tidak ada barisan ‘Pelapis’ yang benar2 berwibawa. Semau pemimpin2 yang ada semua “Bidan Terjun”. Ahli2 nya terdiri daripada ‘pelarian2’ dari UMNO, PAS, kumpulan Hindraf dan parti2 yang lain.
    Maka itu DSAI terpaksa melakukan apa saja untuk mencapai cita2 nya.
    Jika kepimpinan BN dapat terus mengekalkan kuasa dalam masa 10 atau 15 tahun lagi, inshaALLah kita akan lihat PKR ini akan lenyap dalam landskap politik negara. Dan akan jadi lipatan sejarah tanah air.
    Logik nya kerana DSAI ketika itu telah pun berusia sekitar 73 atau 78 tahun. Dah uzur dan lemah untuk meneruskan politik. Sudah tidak relevan lagi. Dah pasti pemimpin muda cuba untuk mengambil alih kedudukan nya.

  97. Salam
    Buat Tun dan semua bloger
    Saya tertanya-tanya, adakah saudara AI terlibat secara langsung atau tidak dengan dakyah Barat ini. Saya bukan menuduh sekadar tertanya-tanya. Semuga bumi Malaysia dipelihara Tuhan dari segala malapetaka. Tapi kita kena buat kerja kita seperti firman Allah yang bermaksud “Allah tidak akan mengubah nasib sesuatu kaum melainkan kaum itu sendiri yang mengubahnya.” Sekali lagi, kita buat kerja kita dan kita biar Tuhan buat kerja Dia.
    Tun berdua jaga diri…

  98. Salam Tun,
    Semoga sihat sejahtera disamping Tun Siti Hasmah. Saya terpanggil untuk memberi pandangan berkaitan perkara ini yang mana baru-baru ini saya menonton satu program bualbicara diantara pengacaranya dan tetamu dari Malaysia iaitu Datuk Seri Dr Rais Yatim.
    Saya berkesempatan menonton separuh jalan. Soalan-soalan yang ditanya kebanyakannya berunsur provokasi yang memihak kepada satu pihak dan seolah-olah kerajaan dituduh membuat konspirasi sekali lagi ke atas AI. Ada ketika si Pengacara terus bertanya, kenapa nak buat lagi tuduhan liwat sedangkan kerajaan sudah guna dulu? Adakah ini cara kerajaan Malaysia nak jatuhkan pembangkang? hohohoho … tengoklah … dari cara bertanya lagi dah tahu siapa bagi input.
    Nasib baiklah kita ada Menteri Komunikasi yang baru ni sebagai tetamu. Saya SANGAT BERBANGGA dengan semua jawapan Datuk Seri Dr Rais Yatim. Again, I WAS SO PROUD OF HIM when I listened to his answers. Very simple yet bull’s-eye and jovial. I think he is one of the best guest in HARD TALK program that I have watched.
    Pendapat saya secara peribadi, program bualbicara yang ini tidak mencapai objektif untuk “demonise” DSN kerana adanya Menteri bijaksana seperti Datuk Seri Dr Rais Yatim. Syabas! I give him 5 star.
    p/s: selama Paklah memerintah 5 tahun ni, tak ada pula depa sibuk-sibuk buat coverage. Tiba-tiba jadi prihatin pula ke atas Malaysia. Yang puak-puak pengkhianat tu, sudah-sudah laaaa…. you are not going anywhere. God knows what is the best for the people. Allah telah membenarkan TDM menjadi PM kita selama 22 tahun dan Allah juga telah membenarkan DSN sebagai ketua eksekutif negara kita buat masa ini. Allah masih tak nak bagi kepada AI. Terima jelahhhhhhh …

  99. Assalamualaikum TUN,
    Saya berpendapat, adalah tidak sesuai apabila berucap, kita bangkitkan semula isu2 lama pihak lawan yang mana keadaan ini dilihat sebagai menjelekkan bagi ramai orang, seolah2 kita tak habis2 nak memburuk2kan pihak lawan dengan isu lapuk.Sedangkan pada masa yang sama pihak lawan menghidangkan kepada orang ramai isu2 baru dan ‘panas’. Kita dilihat seolah2 kehabisan idea untuk berkata2 dan juga seolah2 kita mengakui bahawa tiada isu baru yang dilakukan oleh pihak lawan sedangkan kita sedia maklum, banyak sekali perkara2 terkini yang dilakukan oleh pihak lawan yang sebenarnya merugikan dan akan perlahan2 menggadai bangsa dan tanah air tercinta. Pendapat saya, kita yang berucap itu perlu meng’update’kan diri dengan isu2 terkini ini kerana kita sekarang sudah terlihat sebagai sangat malas untuk membaca dan menjiwai masalah apatah lagi hendak menyelesaikan bermacam2 masalah.

  100. Dear Tun,
    It is sad and alarming that the western press and perhaps their governments are targeting our new beloved PM. It is clear that they are trumpeting what our opposition leaders have been slendering our new PM. Clearly we can see that the western press is now the mouth piece of our parti lawan. Somehow it will affect our students studying there and have negative perception of Najib and Rosmah. Western press and their governments have proven to be bullies and evil in the war in Iraq. The excuse to invade Iraq based on the existence of the weapons of mass destruction was proven to be false and fabricated. The calling of our legally elected PM by the Ausstralian PM at one time as recalcitrant is simply bully. The yelling of reformasi by Al Gore in official function is simply bad manners or kurang ajar.
    Having said all these you have rightly pointed out that in the final analysis our rakyat counts. we have to be calm and formulate our strategies and make our choice as what we can and should do. Firstly Najib can sue opposition leaders who accuse him of taking commission on the submarin purchase and involvement in the Altantuya murder. So far Najib and Rosmah have taken the islamic path that is to keep quiet in the face of slendering(fitnah). Or Najib can choose the Lee Kuan Yew way by sueing the opposition leaders into bankruptcy or simply keep quiet like what he is doing now. The third alternative is using Mahathir tactic by counter campaigning as in the case of bad publicity of our oil palm in the U.S. at one time. They said our oil palm had high colesterol. Najib can engage marketing company to counter all the false allegation.
    Rinally I believe in Najib. Najib is intelligent, observant fair minded and careful. We should all support him so that our coutry can progress and prosper and have peace.
    Amin Tan

  101. hitun, since najib is the pm now, let him perform. we cant care so much about what people talk, or otherwise is better to let the foreigner decide who should be our pm. as chinese saying, we wont ask a hero about his past, what is important is what the hero will do for the future. when people talk bad about our leader,bn is sad, pakatan will be happy. people talk about pakatan bad, bn happy and pakatan sad. now the whole world is fighting so hard on economy and in malaysia we are fighting so hard about politics, people are laughing at us, so please do more for rakyat rather than politics.


  103. salam yab tun…
    saya amat gembira apabila setiap hari tun menulis di dalam blog dan ini memberi peluang kepada saya untuk menambah pengetahuan dalam apa jua pandangan tun. ada juga tun menjawap balik kritikan kritikan yang telah dilemparkan kepada tun dan parti serta kerajaan. insya allah dengan apa jua ilmu yang saya dapat akan gunakan untuk mempertahankan agama, parti, bangsa dan negara.
    sebenarnya tidak ada apa yang perlu dirisaukan kepada wartawan atau media luar. saya amat bersetuju dengan kelantangan tun dalam mengkritik pemimpin pemimpin luar. sebenarnya kita menjadi tidak berani dalam mengambil sebarang tindakan jika mengetahui kita dikritik dan menjadi tidak popular di negara luar. namun malaysia adalah malaysia dan akan tetap menjadi malaysia sehingga bila bila. yang penting pemimpin mesti berani dan kukuh dalam negara sendiri dan mendapat sokongan padu daripada rakyat. rakyat perlu didedahkan dengan isu isu luar yang cuba menjatuhkan dan memperlekehkan pemimpin kita. rakyat harus bangkit mempertahankan pemimpin kita dan menolak sebarang kemungkinan untuk menjatuhkan pemimpin dengan cara yang tidak betul. pihak asing akan terus cuba melemahkan pemimpin negara kita dengan apa cara sekali pun. dibantu pula oleh pihak pembangkang yang sedikit sebanyak telah berjaya mengubah minda rakyat yang salah dikatakan benar dan yang benar dikatakan tidak benar. ini mengelirukan. tanpa penerangan yang jelas akan menyebabkan rakyat terus dijajah minda mereka kepada cerita cerita yang banyak berbaur fitnah.
    saya juga kurang faham mengapa masih ada orang menggelar tun sebagai mahathirsm. mana perginya pemimpin pemimpin yang pernah berkhidmat bersama dan dibawah tun sebagai perdana menteri dan presiden dulu? mengapa mereka ini membisu dan tidak menjawap atau menjelaskan mengapa mereka menjadi pak angguk jika menganggap tun ini menjalankan pemerintahan secara kuku besi. saya sebagai pemimpin muda merasa kecewa malah rasa terdidik untuk menjadi pemimpin yang membisu dan lesu dimasa akan datang. ikut sahaja apa yang disebut atau disuruh oleh pemimpin tertinggi. sepatutnya mereka harus terus mempertahankan dan bercakap apa perkara yang sebenarnya berlaku.
    hari ini kita lihat ahli majlis kerja tertinggi atau menteri atau exco atau wakil rakyat lebih gemar mengikut ketua mereka daripada membuat kerja dan menjaga rakyat. apa sebab ini berlaku? mereka takut khidmat mereka tidak lagi diperlukan di masa akan datang. mereka lebih takut pemimpin daripada rakyat. mereka ini lupa bahawa rakyatlah yang akan mengundi mereka nanti.
    saya amat berharap jangan lah dibiarkan pemuda menjadi tidak bermaya dan lesu. biar mereka lantang bersuara dan memperjuangkan hak rakyat. pemimpin tertinggi harus beri sokongan dan pertahankan pemimpin muda. jangan pertahankan sebab ada pilih kasih. jangan ada pemimpin yang bercakap didepan lain tapi buatnya lain. jangan ada pemimpin lagi suka bercakap mulut mesti manis, hati mahu baik. ingatlah mulut yang manis itulah yang akan menutup hati yang busuk.
    pemimpin lama juga jangan lah berkata bahawa mereka mewujudkan barisan pelapis dikalangan orang muda tetapi pelapis muda menggantikan pemimpin muda. pemimpin lama tetap berada dipuncak. pemimpin muda yang baru belajar menapak dan berkebolehan diberhentikan apabila sudah berjalan tetapi takut jika orang muda ini lebih cepat berlari.
    jagalah pemimpin diperingkat akar umbi… mereka ini yang berdepan rakyat setiap hari…
    salam yab tun…

  104. They are devils, go to hell.
    Tun, this country belong to us. I am still remember your last speech Hari Kebangsaan ke 46 tahun.
    Tun, I hope you can translate that speech in english to your blog. May be that can help those people miss your message.
    I love you Tun.

  105. Dear all,
    Gone are the days when the people take for granted what they hear and read.
    People have become affluent to the point they can differentiate black from white and even know what are gray. Therefore unless Government speaks the truth, the people can quickly tell whether what they hear and read are the truth, half-truth or even blatant lies. And when they keep on hearing and reading half-truth and lies, they have become tuned to the wave-band that everything that comes from Government are nothing but half-truth and lies…even though they may not be. This is DEMONISATION!
    Strangely Government never seem to learn. Or perhaps too conceited or arrogant to bother to learn. They have had it too good for too long in POWER.
    The battle against DEMONISATION continues…..until the last N being checkmate from the list R.A.H.M.A.N. When? The 13th GE, hi, hi, hi, he, he, he… where people will do no demonstration and demonisation but vote for truly yours.

  106. Assalamualaikum Ayah Det, Mama and family,
    I feel compelled to pen my thoughts after reading the above article. It is really saddening that we have traitors here in Malaysia selling out our nation. Malaysia would be a better place without these traitors. These traitors are cowards and have their own personal agendas. What is wrong with ‘Mahathirism” when it has brought Malaysia to a level which is so highly respected as a developing NATION and also the envy to a lot of nations esp the USA. You had managed the country very well during your tenure of Mahathirism era and i believe that majority of Malaysians would agree with me. The nation has developed so immensely under your captainship and has prospered so much that we were very proud then to be a nation setting a very good example for the 3rd world & developing countries in this region. So we would all keep our fingers crossed that Najib would be able to emulate “Najibism” for the betterment of the nation and bring back the glory Malaysia once had. The past Captain has brought shame and embarassment beyond imagination to the nation during the short years he was at helm.
    The elected representatives do not have much time to turn the negativities in to a positive one and whatever the present government do now will reflect on how the voters will vote during the next GE 13. I believe that Najib should stop all the personal agendas with negativities and pacify the population during this economic crisis. The stimulus packages and assistance rendered to the population by the government must be genuine and from the heart. Every assistance will help the population walk through this financial and economic crisis. He should start off by re-evaluating the banks and the unscrupulous manners that the banks conduct their services to the general public. Please bear in mind what Ayah Det has mentioned before about the banks being worse than the chettiars. I believe bank negara should look into the rates that the banks are offering and also the way interests are calculated by the banks. How can banks be making loads of quarterly profits and yet the nation is going into turmoil with a lot of the general public being made bankrupts by the banks. Please look into this issue for a start. The rest will follow suit.
    I have to apologise if i had provoked or angered anyone with my comments. These are facts and are known to be true.
    My warmest regards to Ayah Det, Mama and family.
    Suffian NG
    p.s. Keep up the good work Jason…

  107. Hi Tun and All
    I was born in 1974 and have grown up only knowing Dr mahathir, if you ask me, it was one of the best thing that ever happen to Malaysia, We really dont have to care what foreign tabloids and media says about us, what we need is a LEADER.Just look how far we have come
    They can call it whatever terms they want (Mahathirism), but isnt that a characteristics of a leader ? I think that is what I want, someone with one direction and one goal, you cant be pleasing everybody, everybody cant get what they want but they should get what they need
    God Bless You
    Generation Mahathir

  108. Assalammualaikum Tun,
    Pertama.. saya sokong hujah hujah penulis sikenit… Terima kasih sikenit kerana berkongsi…
    Secondly- We need to mind our own business and for those foreign journalist who likes all those type of news (which I don’t think they care whether its correct or not) we need to tell them and to remind them what is more worst than seeing their presidents and their leaders giving lame excuses to go to war with other countries… How do we do that? We need to build our own International type of media and profesional journalist….. If they can build CNN, BBC, CNBC,etc… to spread bad rumors about our country, we need to have our own international media with a reputation of spreading the truth about our country… Its like in the soccer, when the attacker strikes, we should have a very good defender…. and let the viewers judge and definitely truth will prevail somewhere
    Thirdly- Our own society have to change a mindset in having this attitude of “people is guilty until proven innocent”. A lot of us have this perception that when the police captured people..will think this people already guilty…This is where all the bad news and rumors will begin and some of this malaysian traitor will get this news and spread to outsiders just because they want to get some benefit out of it…
    If we as society believe that every individual here is protected by the motto that “People is innocent until proven guilty”…we wouldn’t care less what those foreign press said, because we know that until the court has proven those individual is guilty.. they are still innocent in the eyes of laws and also in the eyes of the public… Sadly Dato Seri Najib was never caught or even brought to the court last time on that murderer case, but our public has judge him guilty (this definitely with the influence by the opposition).. … This is where all the traitors took advantage of our society naiveness …We need to be aware that.. we actually indirectly helping others to take the full advantage of our weakness in mind and rights….
    We need to have a strong society which has the attitude of Integrity in developing a nation.. Integrity comes as simple as the truth and honesty.. We meant what we said and we do what we meant…its the most basic thing that all of us learned in kindergarten, however some of us don’t really learned and understand it until they are older… sad it is..
    We need to take care of each other strong, if not outsiders will easily influence us, with the help of some traitors…Its like in a family.. family members does have arguments, does have disagreement, but at the end we still resolve it, because we love each other, we don’t look out for our neighbors to interfere our family problem….
    As long as our country and people is well developed and is progress ahead according to time and not wasting the tax payers money, and the government are not corrupt……. so what if others call it “Maha”.. itu la.. “Maha” ini laa…its just a name… the important thing is we have to know that as 1 nation we delivered great things well, we saw the result and we saw the prosperity…
    Tun has shown us that for the past 22 years Malaysia can become a well known and developed country, and as Malaysians we have saw those results.. So why not we continue those type of results again and again and again until we achieve the 2020 vision together…despite whatever those critics said… as long as we know that we do something good because for the best interest of our beloved country and the people. Results don’t lie, but people do…
    “Sesungguhnya Tuhan tidak akan mengubah nasib sesuatu kaum itu sehingga mereka mengubah nasib mereka” – Al Quran (Ar-Ra’du:11)
    Kind regards

  109. As for me, Mahathirism could be justified as a movement of rapid modernisation of malaysia towards 2020, shifting Malaysians mentality, way of thinking and escalating the nation’s growth on the right track. We need this Mahathirism and im supporting it 100%. Without Mahathirism, Malaysia would remain as an under-developed country. Chedet, you are a legend and we Malaysians knew.

  110. “Najib can expect to hear more of this kind of demonisation from the foreign press but it is what Malaysians think that counts. It is with them that Najib has to clear his name.”
    bon mot dr.!

  111. Scuzi me, YABhg Tun.
    Malaysia, a sovereign and independent nation owes nobody nuthin’, explanation or otherwise. PM Najib has only to deliver on what he promises and some more. Then we can all thumb our collective noses at those real ‘pariahs’ out there who do nothing but get other people to fight all and sundries, even their own shadows. They will then sit back and cheering on and enjoying the spectacle from their pedestals, giving instructions and/or destructive comments from time to time. We have no time for them. Lets build our nation in our own mold, Mahathirism and all, the zionists asslickers be damned.
    For one unfortunate Mongolian woman, they go to town with all these stories as if Najib is the ultimate ‘beast’. How convenient of them to forget about their own ‘misdemenours’ viz. Palestine; Iraq; Lebanon; Afghanistan etc. etc. etc. etc. And to complete the equation, we must have home grown treasonous liars such as Raja Mendeliar/Raja Botak/Anvar Abram/etc. etc. etc. etc. who in the olden times would be ‘kena sula’ with long red-hot iron rod up their a.s.h..e (even in this venerable blog we have some of them spitting venoms and unsavouries on the pretext of free speech…’konon’). DSNajib have my vote unless he proves himself the bogeyman that they accuse him to be (without any proof whatsoever at all……call themselves fairminded and all!).

  112. asalamualaikum tun
    demonisatiom of foreign media towards malaysia and its leadership are nothing new especially if its not to thier favour but i think that shouldent be our main concern.
    demonisation from the rakyat toward UMNO and its leadership that we should take into account becouse they are the one that going to give the next vote assuring UMNO could still lead the next goverment.
    condemnation , allegation ,accusetion has become part of malaysian political culture not only by the political openent, but the worst by plitical component campioning thier etenic interest to the extend forgeting the intrest of the nation.
    the foreign press has the ajenda of thier own ,the local oponent also have tiier own ajenda, make sure we dont sail along with them.

  113. Najib dont have to do anything except EXECUTE the country development plan as planned.
    one of the “huge malaysia dilemma” i believe is for eg: theres 1 development project that cost few billion as announced, but at the end of completed project seems only cost 50% of the budget only..
    conclusion : malaysia development plan will result 50% achievement of the plan only.

  114. 1. United States of America declare themselves as anti-terrorist nation, but why they always bother the unharmful country like afganistan,iraq,iran,north korea,cuba etc2 ?
    2.As we can see in the news, there were so many ship hijacking by somalian pirates but why there is no obvious military action done by the U.S army?
    3.There is something fishy.
    4.And now, it seems the peaceful Malaysia will going to face the same fate as other western enemy.
    5.I hope those who want to vote for opposition party will think more carefully.Look what happened to pakistan now.If im not mistaken, pervez musharraf tried to be friend with U.S in the past, but now news told that part of their country bombed by U.S fighter jets.As usual U.S didnt made any confession.
    6.Obviously any nation that try to be friend with western,U.S will only get much negative effect sooner or later.
    7.They will not satisfied untill their proxy lead any of their desired country so they can abuse,rape and sodomize the economy of that country and steal any valuable asset such as oil and gas.
    8.And it is their tradition to deny any of their misconduct in order to accomplish their mission.
    9.For non malay citizen in Malaysia , please think wisely, your vote for opposition will not lead to any better effect especially for your generation.
    10.As we can see chinese people who play major role in business activity will be interrupt by U.S proxy business. Slowly they will control the business activity in malaysia and you no longer can gain prosperity from malaysia wealth economy.
    11.Chinese people why most of you not satisfied with bumi status? malaysia government freely give 1 million citizenship in the past while your ancestor were immigrant from mainland china? will you accept stranger,foreigner to eat,sleep,breeding,trading in your own house? think how bumi people sacrifice for your community.
    12.Even most of government mega project given to bumi company, non-bumi people must understand,acknowledge that most of the building material,engineering,contractors tools were bought from your race.chinese control the raw and most materials.Why chinese want to bother N.E.P ?
    13.How long you want to live with money? other people also want to eat,get medical therapy,raise child,education etc2.
    14.Bumi welcome you with warm hearted and yet you want to betray bumi? Please dont inherit “parti komunis malaya” attitude. Come and live peaceful here in malaysia ,co operate with bumi with human heart,think that your generation will growing up here.
    15.Indian people must appreciate how many opportunity you get in malaysia.most of you came from estate labour, nobody born rich!. You got many legal ways to raise your economic status.many doctors were indians.bumi also born as kuli.go visit India and see hows life over there.Then you will thankful to be as malaysia citizen.
    16.Conclusion is,if we let western proxy to lead Malaysia, non of us will get better.We will be kuli forever in our homeland.Government and n.e.p is not the best of course,but it is at least the most fair and better solution for us.
    p/s: mahathirsm is still the best for malaysia to achieve develop country status.dont bother what western said coz their arrogance will go no where but world peace destruction.

  115. Salam Tun,
    What do you think about Mahmoud Ahmadinejad (President of Iran)?
    I think he’s a great man too.
    Sorry, I know this has nothing to do with your posting: “Demonisation” but if you happen to have time, I would like to see your opinion about this man.

  116. Tun,
    It may be not the appropriate way but this way serves as a check and balance to the government.
    The government of the day controls the mainstream media via the Information Ministry.
    The people in control of the government are no ordinary people and they use all the various facilities available to them to keep their own people at bay while looting /abusing the nation’s wealth or hang to the power for years .
    We have seen many around the world who have done that by claiming that it is internal affairs and sovereign and others should not intervene etc,etc.
    He gives others reasons/grounds to demonise him. It may also has to do with perception as well.
    Outsiders don’t demonise “Mr.Clean” but turn out not be.What do say about it?
    About the murder trial,the questions throw around the “kopitiam”
    1)Where do get the C4 as no ordinary people can access to it?
    2)How are they able to get out?
    3)Why the record of entry/exit can be erased so readily ?
    4)Is it an ordinary thing to happen?
    5)Why on earth the two wants her to blow to bits?
    6)Do they know her?
    7)Or is it she blow herself on her own?
    8)Does a right thinking person wants to do it without any perks being promised?
    9)Why a person made a SD accusing certain people involved and reversed the next day and then disappeared?
    10)All are very odd,isn’t it?
    11)People all say at the end is wayang kulit.
    So,foreign press is a good thing to keep the citizen of the land safe and secure from any abuse by its own leaders.The leader can also hatam/tembak back with garbage as well.
    Or he is going to say “I ain’t going to be stooped so low so as to hit these pariahs or f…b…below their navel.”

  117. Dear Tun,
    Thank you for your infomation.. Firstly I guess Austriia are the real “Pariahs” . To this uncivilisied country, my kind advice is please mirror your self prior to commenting abouth others.
    Secondly, whats the fuss abouth “Mahathirism”. I for one strongly belive and agree that this era was the best era for our beloved nation. During this “Mahathirism era” we have prospered and improved as a nation. You need to learn to become a doctor from a doctor and you need to learn yto tap a rubber from a rubber tapper. So to build and managed a nation inorder to achive prosperity one need to learn from Tun (Mahathirism)… This is a proven statitic and no can deny it.
    Thanks Tun and may Allah bless you n wife with good health and happiness..

  118. Dear Tun,
    Comments made by “Onlooker By Onlooker on April 21, 2009 2:12 PM” is really full of anger and hatred. He cannot tell the difference between good and evil, right and wrong, facts and rumors. Sad to say that for such an intelligent person like “Onlooker” simply gives his comments with no substance.
    As an example in life, we do need guidance from our parents to raise us up in order to ensure that one day we will be a better person in our own life. They continue to teach us even though we have grown up. However, we definitely dislike some of the things that they teach us in order to make sure that we will be a better person, to make sure that we will be a humble person, to make sure that we will know how to behave ourself, to make sure that we know how to respect others and each other, and finally how to be a good human being. For all of these reasons, do you then called and branded our parents to be a “dictator”. To me it is a good “dictator” to have. It is really nice “dictator” to have. It has made and bring this country to where we are today. Unlike you, have disregard all the good things and simply blast with your comments with no substance.
    Even, village folks like us find it amusing to read comments from guys like you who never had enough and never know how to say thank you.
    Please behave yourself even though you have your own political agenda. It is sad to have a person behaving like this who can’t accept facts and the truth but simply comments based on hearsay.
    Kampong Boy


  120. Dearest Tun,
    I am simply writing with a sincere agenda to a new and vibrant UMNO that can win back the initiative from the opposition and remain a uniting force in the country.
    However, I have become uneasy with the latest penanti saga as I believe Najib was wise enough to suggest the possibility of not contesting the by-election. It is a cunning political ploy by Anwar and also a waste of time and money that will only see Anwar’s agenda enbolden.
    I do also sincere believe that you should advise and share views on such public matters behind close doors with Najib the leadership as contradicting Najib openly simply causes divisions not only within UMNO, but also the rakyat who remain undecided about UMNO’s path to rehabilitation.
    It is Islamically and morally the right thing to do not to expose or put people in a tight spot where they have very little space to maneouver. It was interesting to read what Dr Mustapha Ismail (a political science professor from Universiti Utara Malaysia) had to say about this matter:
    “…while it was right for a leader who helmed the party for 22 years to express his views, it was also tactically apt for the former Umno president to be

  121. Tun,
    Because people can speak, so they do speak.
    Because people think they are right, so they fight for it.
    Because people feel they are better than others, so they judge others.
    Human never look the world as it is. Instead, they are looking from their own perspective, from their own bias, from their own limited knowldge and understanding.
    Let them talk, let them judge. There’s nothing we can do to stop them.
    For DS Najib, you’re choosing the right approach in implementing KPI. Show Malaysian your results and achievements (but of course, they are certain ethics that you need to comply). Let the results speak on behalf of your team.
    To all of us, wake up from our slumber. Truth will prevail. It always does, in the course of time.

  122. Dear Tun,
    Lots of very useful comments you are getting here..
    So I’m just gonna say…that by any means, it is quite ‘scary’ to be in Najib’s shoes right now. There’s just a lot to be done, a lot more to be cleared. It’s our nation that is in his hands right now.
    But I have to say that what ever Najib is going to do next, he has to be real quick and accurate. Because the opposition seems to try very hard to make him and everyone else messed up and loose focus on the most important things of all.
    Meanwhile, it’s either you (or us) should be proud that there is even a word – Mahathirism. And the foreign press is helping us to promote this word! 😛

  123. assalamualaikum TDM
    Saya mmg bersetuju dengan semua pendapat Tun.Cuma saya harap Tun dapat membantu DSN dalam usaha mengembalikan kepercayaan dan keyakinan rakyat terhadap kerajaan.Kembalinya Tun ke dalam UMNO mmg tepat pada masanya.Rata rata belia sekarang cenderung menyokong PR berbanding kerajaan.
    P/S:Teringat ketika krisis 1997.

  124. There are quite a lot of visitors who visit this blog. I don’t expect the owner of this blog, Dr Mahathir Mohammad will ever read my comment. If he somehow does, I hope he will consider my opinions. I, as a young citizen of Malaysia, really care a lot about the future of this country. It may not be realistic to imagine a small country such as Malaysia will be a Super Power in foreseeable future. At least I sincerely hope our country will be one of the most prosperous country in the world. I’ve yet to get my first job. In the age of Internet, information is flooding everywhere. Yet it is practically impossible to know or distinguish the facts from the rumors. I respect Dr Mahathir for his contribution as the Prime Minister of Malaysia for more than 20 years. Although he is much older than I am, it will be naive to say that Dr Mahathir did no wrong during his premiership. Without concrete proofs, I should not and could not specify his wrongdoings or contributions. Dr Mahathir, may he claim himself to be a fighter for Malays? UMNO was formed for the Malays. There were also the cases for MCA, MIC. Let me tell you guys what I’ve heard and seen. People from different races often show no trust to each other. Racism is deeply rooted in this country. Deep inside my heart, I know that racism is a great cancer. Even I myself sometimes fall into the trap of racism. In fact, racism occurs everywhere not only in Malaysia. Not long ago, we cannot imagine a black man to be the President of United States. If I have not mistaken, Dr Mahathir even claimed that people in Malaysia did not reject race-based politics. While I may not fully agree, people of Malaysia all know that our bond between races is very weak. May 13 incident as well as the existence of various laws are good examples. This also gives opportunity to many politicians to take advantages in order to secure the position in the government. Who really care for the people of Malaysia? Anwar? Najib? I don’t know. Non-Malays are not allowed to question the privilleges of so-called ‘Bumiputera’. Even if ‘Bumiputera’ someday no longer have privilleges, I would not expect those are the days of justice and fairness. That’s simply not the case. Corruption in the country is so serious. I don’t have to show any evidence on this issue. You may say that I’m wrong. At least that is how I feel. Abuse of power is so obvious. All these things don’t happen overnight. Don’t you think Tun Dr Mahathir shall at least be partly responsible for these? I respect Tun Dr. Mahathir as a former leader. In a truly ‘democratic’ country, we should expect everyone including Tun Dr. Mahathir has the freedom of speech. Giving opinions do no wrong. Participating in politics is another matter. Although Tun Dr. Mahathir is a member of UMNO, he should not went to the public and ask for the support. Why? Let us see how well the UMNO can perform without your leadership. If you truly care for UMNO, you should let her grow. UMNO shall be independent to be truly strong. Let not focus on politics. You can crticize the government or anyone. I welcome that. But please crticize for the good of the people and not for any other reasons. By-elections, truly speaking, you should let them just happen. If you are the electorate, then just fullfill your duty. If you are not, please let go. Do you think the ‘New Economy Policy’ will ever succeed? It fails because it was a bay-sitting way. In case that you don’t realize, you are babysitting the UMNO. UMNO should grow. She should never be a baby. You claim that ‘Bumiputera’ shall be given the chances to be successful. That is what you did during your premiership? Chances shall not be gift or free lunch. Anyone who is truly competitive will create his own opportunity, don’t you think so? Chinese Malaysian get his wealth by his own hard work and wisdom. Did they ever receive as much help as the Malays? Without the help of the government, they raise the fund to build school. Why are there so many so-called ‘Ali-Baba’? You won’t cherish anything that you didn’t fight for it, don’t you think so?

  125. Tun,
    I believe Najib can be a good PM. At least, so far so good. However, he must clear his name domestically. As it is there is too many bad publicity about him. Maybe he should take some of these jokers to court as only in court will the truth be told and clear his name for once and for all.

  126. We should not be surprised if the ‘HinduGod-MuslimPriest’ and his MaChai’s in our mainstream media are working hand in hand with Anwar and his foreign friends.
    These traitors just won’t stop at anything. We will just have to be extra careful, and our Intelligence agencies have to be alert of traitors and turncoats within the system.

  127. Salam kasih dan salam hormat Ayahanda Tun.
    MAHATHIRISM: Big word there Tun. I can read it front to back or back to front or while hung upside down on that total circulation gym thing. Don

  128. YABhg Tun,
    Budaya politik negara ini kini diwarnai oleh politik persepsi (politik membentuk persepsi negatif). Pihak-pihak tertentu amat menggemari kaedah ini dengan menghebahkan perkara-perkara tidak baik terhadap diri seseorang kepada rakyat jelata melalui ceramah-ceramah dan media letronik dan cetak. Perkara yang dihebahkan itu sebenarnya belum ada kepastian dari segi kesahihannya. Bagaimanapun yang menerima hebahan itu tetap meyakininya. Akibatnya terbentuklah persepsi-persepsi tertentu dalam pemikiran mereka. Persepsi ini kemudiannya mempengaruhi sikap dan tingkahlaku mereka. DS Najib jelas mengalami bahang panas budaya persepsi ini. Sikapnya yang banyak berdiam diri tidak banyak membantu beliau membersihkan persepsi negatif yang ditanggungnya. Tindakan rakyat menolak BN dalam PRU 12 yang lalu mempunyai kaitan rapat dengan isu persepsi ini. Sekiranya UMNO mahu meraih kembali sokongan rakyat jelata, maka isu persepsi terhadap pemimpin-pemimpin UMNO terutamanya DS Najib perlu ditangani dengan berkesan. Keadaan menjadi lebih parah apabila cerita-cerita yang berkait dengan persepsi ini dihebahkan pula ke negara-negara luar. Khabarnya media asing di luar negara seringkali memuatkan berita-berita yang tidak baik terhadap pemimpin-pemimpin negara ini. Timbul persoalan samada terdapat orang-orang tempatan yang telah bersekongkol dengan wartawan-wartawan media asing luar negara? Kalau ini berlaku, maka amat malang bagi negara ini! Mana jati diri kita?

  129. Dear Tun Dr Mahathir,
    I am actually proud of you. Why? The west has singled out you, of all the leaders of non Western countries, and named your style of political practice as ‘Mahathirism’.
    Of course, there were good and bad events during your premiership for over 20 years. However, is there any leader in the world produced 100% good actions. It could be just that they could not digest that an Asian could have such Intelligence and introduce a new style politics.
    It is very obvious that the Westerners think they they are the superior being of this world. Hence, they just cannot acknowledge and accept you being smarter than them.
    They release unconfirmed and unproven news about Dato’ Sri Najib. It is these people who also say that “You are innocent until proven guilty”. Have they forgotten this? If they really have prove of any wrong doing by Najib, please by all means put it forward for the world to judge. If not, shut up and mind your own business.

  130. Dearest Tun Dr Mahathir,
    “Mahathirism” probably means the 22 years you spend as the PM of Malaysia. This is not necessarily a negative connotation or in your words

  131. TUN,
    It is all about cause and effect. Looking deeply in the cause and we will see the truth. Why are we debating on the effect which is the press stories? If only one of the accuse in the trial is linked to the new prime minister then its difficult to accuse our new PM. BUT ALL ACCUSE are LINK TO OUR NEW PM, thats not coincindence , can it???

  132. SALAM TUN

  133. Najib, you are now the Prime Minister of Malaysia, period.
    You have got the support of your party, Barisan Nasional the ruling govt. You have been given the mandate to govern. No question about it and make no mistake about it. Your mission is accomplished.
    Let him “gigit jari” everytime 16th September comes until doomsday. He will continue with his antics to find all sort of accusations and allegations to discredit you.
    Biar dia melalak, memekik, menjerit, melolong but you still stand tall, Najib , as the Prime Minister of Malaysia.

  134. Salam YBhg Tun,
    1. Nampaknya kita baru ‘merdeka’ semula, mungkinkah PM terdahulu sebelum DSNajib tak kena bantai kerana berada dalam tekak penjajah ni..? Dan kini baru terkeluar balik (berjaya berprinsip semula)..?
    2. Para penjajah baru ni tak pernah pun pikir pasal rakyat Malaysia, yang dia pikir hanyalah apa yang boleh menguntungkan mereka hasil pegang tengkuk PM baru ni..
    3. Akhir kalam, yang menentukan siapa memerintah negara ni hanyalah rakyat Malaysia. PM baru patut tumpukan membangunkan negara kita khususnya kat kampung-kampung yang beri sokongan padu kat kerajaan sekarang. Ramai lagi saudara kita kat pendalaman macam di Sabah dan Sarawak dan di beberapa negeri yang lebih wajib dibantu.

  135. Don’t try to point finger at Najib’s credibility. What about Anwar’s credibility being accused of “Main Bontot”. Just imagine if he were to be the Prime Minister who had been charged of “main bontot”. Geli den !!

  136. TUN,
    It is all about cause and effect. Looking deeply in the cause and we will see the truth. Why are we debating on the effect which is the press stories? If only one of the accuse in the trial is linked to the new prime minister then its difficult to accuse our new PM. BUT ALL ACCUSE are LINK TO OUR NEW PM, thats not coincindence , can it???

  137. Hi Tun
    How can public believe PM-Najib with records as follow:
    1) She came into the country without immigration in & out record. Who deleted it, or who is responsible for that?
    2) As Defense minister, he failed to explain how the “killing weapon” of his own Department being taken out and used in this brutal killing. The public need to know who hired the killer committing this crime!
    3) Why is the witness gone missing after making declaration publicly? So easy to go hiding? Why? Who is behind this? Don’t you suspect that lately, a lot of witness people can go missing & without any action taken by police? Former Home minister said, no need to look for them.. This type of comment, how to justify?
    4) Is the submarine commission deal has anything to do with him or Baginda Razak only? What is Najib roles in this deal? No explanation given all these while. Just brushing it off is our PM attitudes.
    A lot of misery in her killing & submarine deal. We are not blind. We are still expecting answer from him. No one is above the law, and the killers need to be prosecuted. The innocent to be released. The one with killing agenda walked out free and can further pursuing his study in London. The whole thing seem to be manipulated by “Someone”!
    He owed the nation nothing but the truth!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Be honest to the nation! If no, just explain. If yes, wish him well..

  138. Najib don’t give them a damn. If you need to be a dictator then go ahead. Be firm and carry on with your agenda. If you want to continue with “Mahathirism policy”, go ahead and do it. Frustrate them. Don’t let them test you until you goncang. Depa semua dah bodoh stupid !!

  139. Ini semua kerja parti pembangkang pengkhianat bangsa yang dah hilang pendirian dan dah hilang pertimbangan akal mereka demi kerana gelojohkan kuasa hingga boleh menjual maruah bangsa dengan harga satu sen sahaja.
    Mereka adalah ahli politik pariah yang sanggup “menyundalkan” bangsanya. Mereka patut dipancung lehernya di khalayak ramai.

  140. TDM SAID :
    Najib can expect to hear more of this kind of demonisation from the foreign press but it is what Malaysians think that counts. It is with them that Najib has to clear his name.
    TRH SAID :
    The scandal is bringing shame to the nation and damaging our international credibility. For the honour of the nation, for the honour of the office of prime minister, for the honour of the sovereign institutions expected to endorse, confirm and lend authority to him should he become prime minister according to Umno

  141. YABhg Tun,
    Yes, I read it on the New York Times as well…..yes!!!..THE …N.E.
    .W Y..O..R..K TIMES!! Alien could land in Malaysia and that will never made it to their newspaper.

  142. Tun
    if any leader was demonised significantly by Foreign press – it has to be you.
    You endured a lot of name calling from other world and financial leaders. You attracted lots of negative press from Foreign Press about how your administered the country, as well how you stifled negative comments against you by use of force and unfair practises.
    So, to continue to get some minor level of negative foreign press, I guess, Malaysia truly is getting lots less since you left office.
    Are you sincerely concerned that PM Najib is getting “unfair” negative press, or are you feigning concern and more importantly haven’t levelled a few of your own at him given he is keeping you happy at present?
    What will happen, if the PM goes against any of your wishes Tun ? Will you start you tirades as you did with Tun Abdullah?
    Of by the way, I noticed you havent posted my subsequent comments to your other blog on your congrats to the Cabinet…has it hit some sore point?

  143. These foreign countries will continue to have very dirty agenda. They want a Muslim country to fail, period. And the culprit or the dalang who are really the traitors are none other than those pariah opposition leaders. Make no mistake about it.
    These opposition leaders feel as if that they have a good chance to rule the country by continuing lobbying these “foreign bastards” to help them to discredit the leadership of Najib and BN Government.
    Go to hell with these “pariahs.” !!!
    To the opposition parties, please don’t behave like “SUNDAL POLITICIANS” !!

  144. Dear Tun,
    Until today our PM is in total silence on the attack by the foreign media. Not only him but all other BN leaders as well. Probably you are the first one mentioning this (asking him to clear his name).
    Many know he asked us to give him a chance to prove his worth. I don’t doubt he will do a decent job given the power he has now. But how to clear his name on the case related to Scorpene? It’s very tough. The only solution that he can think of probably is to remain silence and banning local media to report it.
    To convince us he is sincere, please clean the police force, wipe out the corrupted leaders, reprimand irresponsible newspapers and make every effort to promote unity of all races.
    Good luck Dato’ Seri.

  145. Good evening Tun.
    My advice to my fiends is always ‘Don’t let any idiot screw your day’. It is our day, our life. What others say is not important as long as we know that our conscience is clear.
    Honestly, I can’t be bothered whether DSN is guilty or corrupt or whatever. What is important is for him to lead Malaysia to be a prosperous and united country. The forest is more important than the tree. I believe he has the passion to do it and I believe he will bring about good changes. Definitely this is going to not only irk our neighbours but also cause anxiety among them since WE ARE A BLESSED COUNTRY and we will definitely be a force to reckon with in the future!
    The news on DSN regionally is a good start – people are noticing! Very good. No one talks about a weak opponent. We are on the right track.
    Now, DSN, show your stuff. I believe you can but it is you who has to not only believe but also deliver. If you need my support, you can check with Tun on my email add 😉

  146. Salam Tun & all,
    What’s wrong with “Mahathirism”?
    If it means “Peace, Progress, Control,Behave, Respect, Intelligence, Diplomatic,looking at 2 side of story, independent, Think outside a box, Careful, Caring , Just (as you can be), Patient & every thing good”
    Hello…I’m OK with that!
    Jom Progress, menuju kemajuan, moving forward, Wawasan 2020.
    Malaysia is in her 50’s but looks like going on 16 la…

  147. Dear YABhg. Tun,
    The real Pariah is western press. This is because their writings are never accurate and non-credible and thus always arguable.
    Maybe this is because most of the writers in the west does not has adequate competency and credentials, normally they just employ whoever look nice to see and clever-to-talk, that’s why they always becaome a laughing stock by those who have brain.
    Sometimes I pity them, supposed they are from developed nations should write something with substance and credible.

  148. Asalamualaikum bapak….
    mmm..harap2 najib tau tentang perkara ini n buat ape2 rancangan yg patut samada nak saman o cari dalang yg bagi berita tu…rasa nya si dalang patut bercuti kat kemunting…
    mahathirism saya tak kisah pun sbb saya rasa selasa n aman….
    maklom lah kejer kilang…balik umah tengahmalam…kalo dulu berani gak jalan(umah 15min dr kilang)la ni tak berani dah….takooooooooot….jenayah meningkat giler….kalo mai lg zaman sebelom 4/5 taun ni….syukur lah kan…..p jenjalan pun idak lah riso n was2 manjang…..ok ape mahathirism…..najib kena lah mulakan keje jgn duk buat pembukaan sana sini…..kalo dijemput buat pembukaan pun buatlah teks ucapan sendiri n antar lah wakil…
    buatlah mcm bapak dulu….kita(saya) taknak hanya dgr cakap2 jer…bukti mau ada…..

  149. Salam Tun. Saya selalu merasa lega setiap kali buah fikiran yang Tun paparkan disini di guna pakai oleh Kerajaan sejak akhir2 ini.
    Saya juga amat berharap DS Najib dapat bertegas demi kebaikan negara seperti Tun dulu tapi amat penting sekira beliau dapat membersihkan diri ‘once and for all’ terlebih dahulu.
    Sedih saya melihat ramai lagi orang melayu yang masih tidak sedar yang mereka sebenar dihasut dan dirasuk oleh setan bernama Anwar Ibrahim yang hanya ingin menghancurkan negara atas kerana dendam sahaja. Nak mencapai idaman menjadi PM dah mustahil.
    Saya amat berharap hasrat DS Najib menjadikan Satu Malaysia sebagai slogan beliau mencapai kejayaan sekiranya menjadikan sistem sekolah sebagai salah satu instrument iaitu satu sistem sekolah sahaja.
    Mengapa mesti ada SRJKC dan SRJKT. Itulah yang membuat kita terpisah antara kaum hinggakan masih ada generasi muda kaum itu tak fasih bertutur bahasa Malaysia.
    Memang ada banyak bangkangan dari pihak tertentu tetapi dengan ketegasan untuk kebaikan baru kita boleh menguji kesetiaan mereka.
    Kita harus bina negara kita the MALAYsia way. Bukan the CHINA way atau the INDIA way or any other way. Kalau tidak sia2 lah Allahyarham Tunku memberi satu juta kerakyatan itu dulu.

  150. Tun Yang dihurmati;
    Dalam kehidupan ini, tentunya ada orang suka dan tidak suka dengan kita.Apatah pula didalam ‘politik’. Musohnya tentu ramai,ada yang didalam dan ada yang diluar.Musoh yang jelas adalah puak pembangkang. Memburukan pemimpin pemimpin Negara adalah ‘agenda’ harian mereka.
    Semoga DS Najib sabar dan bekerja dengan niat yang baik demi Rakyat. InsyaAllah kan berjaya. Harus hati hati jangan ada agenda agenda peribadi dan keluarga.Rakyat melihat, dan akan memihak kepada pembangkang jika tidak benar dalam kepimpinan beliau.
    Harapnya beliau sentiasa berbincang dengan Tun demi perpaduan bangsa dan negara.

  151. You speak of the Western Press as though there exists a shadowy organization based somewhere between New Yok and Israel whose sole aim is to gang up and indulge in false reporting on Malaysia’s affairs with the aim of toppling Najib’s Government.
    Nothing could be further from the truth!
    All these foreign newspapers in USA, UK, France, Australia and Europe carried the news of the Altantuya case and allegations against Najib because it has been swirling in our MSM and Cyberworld for well nigh 2 years. Therefore it is newsworthy. Ergo, the international public have a right to know since they include businessmen and entrepreneurs who might want to bring well sought FDI to our shores and set up offices here; they will want assurances that our legal system can be relied upon to dispense Justice!
    Our own NST, STAR, Utusan et al carry news of Mugabe’s and Suharto’s terrible regime & his children raping Indonesia’s economy, politicians involved in murders and terrorism in India and beyond. Is that demonisation and do they have a secret agenda to topple any foreign elected Governments?
    Juicy scandalous news is NEWS and sells newspapers. Please do not cry foul only when you are at the receiving end!!

  152. Dear Tun,
    Don’t blame the press in estern countries for riting unfavourable stories about PM Najib Razak. The demonisation of our PM ill go on and on if the PM continues to categorically deny it ithout giving any convincing reasons. In fact, you can’t blame the press in those countrie. By mentioning PM Najin in your blog, I think you have ulterior motives, you are in fact trying to create problems for him, You are also trying to be openly opposing him by saying that BN should not skip the coming Penanti by-election. Don’t try to do to Najib hat you did to AAB.
    Don’t try to inject Mahathirism in Najib’s adminitration. It is something whose time has past, not has come, like what Azmin Ali says you are the ‘suratkhabar lama’. I’m sorry, TUN, for being unable to see eye-to-eye with you.
    To this day, I still find it hard to understand hy you anted to implement the Visions School concept at an unsuitable time. You ere the PM then, and should kno that the cause of disunity is our political environment here the government is implementing the divisive race-based policy. Chinese schools have been in eistence in the country long before our country achieved Independence, and the Malays are well aware and accept this reality of our multi-racial society. just like we Chinese Malaysians are aware that our kind can’t become PM.

  153. p/s: we can easily (about 88%) tell where the Western Press get it source so easily & all over them press at same time. must have come from Tun’s EX-best/closes once upon a time minister. Tun should know who i’m talking about.

  154. Dear Tun,
    Mahathirism is something I would welcome. Under your leadership our country has advanced so much. I was fortunate to have met you in person at the recent Bridges event! I have no words to describe my respect for you.

  155. there is nothing wrong with ‘Mahathirism’ as long as it speak the max TRUTH & min Lies.
    but as for Najib there are something suspicious about him.
    a little instinct tell me when our government buy War Machines, i’m sure it is going to be skyhigh price (havent know any purchase made by government that is cheap).
    after Saiful met Najib, after that police report of sodomy was made on Anwar. Najib admit he DID met saiful few days before but was not involve or did influence saiful on the sodomy charge against Anwar.
    few days after 3 katak met Najib (from newspaper), Perak was backdoor taken by BN. Najib denied about him bribing those katak (the 4th double flip katak was actually a BN Lie/stunt show to make them BN look a little Truthful with their incoming dirty plan).
    after Najib met Sultan, Perak was GIVEN to BN just like that. there was never once sultan ruling or court or the government department/police favour PR Nizar of the speaker Sivakumar(totally none) after that.
    maybe we do not have proof but our common 2 sense can tell us from above events/happening, where did the outcome comes from.
    if Tun wanna help BN make sure you dont get your clean hand tainted by BN dirt if they cock up again later.

  156. Salam ayahanda Tun,
    This is nothing new and will never has a full stop. Why are they so worry about Mahathirism? Or the western afraid of your (Tun Dr Mahathir) words (your tough critics) that clearly being respected by Malaysians? corruption is everywhere in the world. Are they transparent enough to their citizens? Don’t tell me yes? One reason why we are label by the Austratlian press as ‘pariah’ is because of Anwar Ibrahim. He’s holding a grudge ever since he was terminated by you and this have effected his agenda to become a Prime Minister! Many of us know that Pakatan receiving fund from outside (western and Australia)as payment for iformations received by them. They accused DSN as a muderer, corrupter etc….whatever! Only Allah knows! So for DSN just be on track and more often be with the Malaysians, everything sould be fine. UMNo and BN should revert what they have practised before and make turn of 360 degrees in every angle to win the Malaysians heart in the next PRU13. Be sincere in bringing up the nations, reduce the poverty etc…Pls make some changes by now.
    It has been more that one year after PRU12, but there is still no significant achivement by PKR regardless in Penang, Selangor and Perak. What I can see is only their politic agendas to hold powers for their own benefit. For example Lembah Pantai. What did Nurul Izzah did? Nothing but just to assist her father to win the no of seats in Parliament! Other than that ZERO! No changes at all! What makes residents of Lembah Pantai choosed her? Are you all off minded during the PRU12? My goodness…pls open up your eyes and wake up. What did she done for the past one year? As I said, she only assisted her father to gain more seats in Parliament. Same goes to her father, what have he done except sodomised and creating stories when he felt to do so. And not based on facts and figures! Anwar was actually go backwards with his grudge and old history as DPM! He did not looking forward to help the Malaysians except spreading stories which he felt to do so. His is the one who is always excell in speaking and comunication to win and to get sympathy from us. There will be no full stop unless we fullfill his request to become a PM!
    Therefore, DSM should play a role to bring back the UMNO pride, to be on track to enegized the economic and to make 360 degrees of changes!
    To DS Anwar, pls stop your agenda. Nothing from you as a PKR leader may inspired people like me and other bloggers as well! Tak payah goreng2 nanti hangus!

  157. salam che det
    minta siarkan link kepada artikel-artikel yang menyatakan keadaan sedemikian di blog ini, jazakAllah.

  158. Tun,
    I am not worried about western press demonised our new PM, that’s what they have been doing all along 22 years of your excellent service to the nation.
    What I could not understand the Pas Ulamas (Tok, Tuan, Pak etc etc Guru), they know better even Sunnah Rasullah (SAW), requires a “perawi” in order to establish its authenticity, meaning the Gurus has gone above the sahabat by agreeing to all this demonisation……..

  159. Tun,
    Apa yang saya faham “MAHATHIRISME” adalah pembinaan projek2 mega, pembangunan kawasan2 bandar & luar bandar, klcc, klia, sepang circuit, cyberjaya, putrajaya, petronas, proton, utp, jambatan bengkok, landasan berkembar, wawasan 2020, negara maju, rakyat makmur, politik stabil, rendah korupsi, rendah harga minyak etc.
    Saya rasa hampir semua rakyat Malaysia pun punyai pandangan sebegitu.
    Terima kasih

  160. Seperti biasa orang2 tertentu di negara2 barat memerlukan pemimpin yang lemah atau yang bersekongkol dengan mereka barulah mereka nak sokong atau tidak akan buat cerita yang bukan2, kalau ada kepentingan mereka dinegara tersebut ,mereka akan kata sebaliknya.Mereka suka belakon cakap mereka bagus, memfitnah orang, tamak, mementingkan diri sendiri, sombong , yang pasti mereka menyebarkan maklumat kepada rakyatnya dan dunia melalui media, movie dan sebagainya….pengawalan mereka terhadap media-media ini akan menguatkan mereka….PERSOALANNYA SIAPAKAH YANG MENGGAWAL MEDIA-MEDIA INI???????AGENDANYA MEREKA AKAN SERANG SIAPA YANG TIDAK BERSENGKONKOL DENGAN MEREKA……

  161. Yg Berbahgia Tun Dr Mahathir,
    Semoga sentiasa dalam perlindungan Allah SWT
    Media Barat boleh menyatakan pa sahaja kepada Dato Najib atau kepada Tun sendiri. Gelaran demi gelaran yang di beri takkan membawa kecundangnya BN di kaki Pakatan.
    Setelah selesainya pemerintahan ‘Raja Abdullah’ di malaysia, kini masanya sudah sampai untuk membuat pembetulan.
    Setelah pembetulan dalaman dibuat, Kerajaan perlu menguatkuasakan undang undang berkenaan kebebasan bersuara yang ternyata telah hampir menenggelamkan Kerajaan BN.
    Media Prima adalah dalang yang mensensasikan pelbagai isu bermula dengan salah guna kuasa oleh pihak Kerajaan Persekutuan dan Negeri contohnya Selangor.
    Melayu dihasut dikatakan Kerajaan tak bantu, Cina di hasut dikatakan Kerajaan berat sebelah hanya kepada Melayu dan India di hasut dikatakan kaum yang dilupakan dan masih ketinggalan.
    Isu seperti Dasar Ekonomi Melayu giat diperbincangkan secara terbuka dan umum seolah olah ia perlu ditamatkan dan tidak relevan lagi. Media pula yang mencari alternatif kepada DEB.
    Hak Hak Istimewa Orang Melayu dipersoalkan secara sinis semata mata untuk menjelaskan kepada kaum lain di Malaysia betapa Kerajaan Malaysia ini hanya membantu Melayu.
    Kalau hanya Kerajaan sahaja yang menghormati undang undang tetapi pihak yang di sebelah sana tidak, alamatnya Kerajaan BN akan tenggelam terus di pilihanraya yang akan datang.
    Minta Dato Najib lebih berani sikit.
    Memang benar kata yang disebelah sana…RAKYAT HAKIM NEGARA.

  162. …..their friends in Malaysia are feeding them with the anti-Najib stories….
    Who are their friends?

  163. Dear Tun,
    Is it acceptable for a blatantly corrupt individual to be a member of parliment in Malaysia ? Similarly would someone already judged by his own political party to be involved in corruption be allowed to continue to be a Mentri Besar ?
    What is your stand on this ?

  164. Inilah akibatnya kalau kita suka menyiarkan keburukan orang lain , akhirnya terkena batang hidung sendiri . Sebab itu ugama kita melarang menyebarkan benda- benda yang tak baik ini . Tapi apa nak buat , manusia itu pasti ada kelemahannya .
    Dan kepada semua penyokong- penyokong parti masing- masing , jaga lah kata-kata kita bila berucap , yang menentukan mereka bersalah adalah kerja tuhan . Jangan kita bercakap sahaja kalau benda itu kita tidak nampak , lagi- lagi kepada golongan teraniaya , kalau golongan teraniaya ini berdoa pasti akan membawa kecelakaan kepada kita . itu janji tuhan kepada golongan teraniaya .
    Ini juga menunjukan Pak lah memang Mr Clean seperti yang di gembar gemburkan . Najib memang kena kerja keras seperti mana Anwar Ibrahim berkerja keras melawan tuduhan meliwat terhadap dia .
    he he he ( lawak juga menteri kita ini )

  165. What’s wrong with ‘Mahathirism’? Yang feed information to the foreign press orang Malaysia kita lah. Siapa lagi…semua taukan. Kita tak perlu foreigners to tell us what is good or bad. Kita boleh decide sendiri. The foreigners have their own agenda for their own benefit.

  166. Dear Tun,
    There is no smoke without without a fire especially when it is huge one.

  167. Dengan Izin Tun…Terima kasih..
    //The fourth PM was definitely a dictator beyond any reasonable doubt!//
    It is not true that dictator never allows the one who critizes him get away scot free? In this case How do you manage to publish this article unscath?
    In the same breath, other’s would have said that you have uttered seditious and malicious statement
    ( the proof lost in transit ? )
    All in all I have lost word to describe how ‘mean’ Tun as a dictator.
    On the other hand, please describe the true nature of your beloved leader.Is it Lim Kit Siang ? Anwar Ibrahim ? Karpal Singh ? Or reknowned
    God fearing man George Bush ??
    In my simple understanding, you says something bad by the comparison of something else that is good.
    ( debatetable value )
    Know..please oh please tells me who is the leader that you adore..
    I’ll be outside waiting… (Higlander,1986)

  168. Assalamu Alaikum Tun,
    Tun, I think Najib must strong to face this difficult situation. Najib should not easily be diverted from the main challenge confronting us (economy). Don’t easily to be emotion. Proof yourself that you are the most right leader for all Malaysian for the time being. And at the same time Malaysians should not jump to any wild aconclusion or allow yourselve to be influnced by foreigners in making decision. This is our country and let us free in making and determining our future. The best where is to give Najib a chance to proof himself. Anybody is still considered not guilty and clean as long as he/she is not proven to be otherwise.
    Tun, what western media is doing is another prove that they simply put justice behind them when come to matters that do not siding them. So is it right for the western countries to claim themselve to be civilized? I dont think so.

  169. salam tun,
    yang peliknya… tak de pulak pihak barat mengutuk perlantikan Badawi dulu… ehhhmmmm… apasal agaknya..??

  170. Mahathirism is what we Malaysian like since it is a symbol of unity, success, development and modernisation.
    Malaysia Boleh is our slogan.
    Sky is no longer a limit for us.

  171. 1. The Western Press launched a concerted effort to demonise the new Prime Minister… the fact is, the whole world is doing the same.
    2.’Najib can expect to hear more of this kind of demonisation from the foreign press but it is what Malaysians think that counts. It is with them that Najib has to clear his name’. I totally agree with that…maybe he should do it any time soon. Clear the name and the truth shall set you free…
    3. Westerners are worried about ‘mahathirism’ of malaysia by najib, i am worried about ‘mongolism’ of malaysia by westerners… Its always innocent until proven guilty but in this case and many other doubtful circumstances and stories of unproven genuinity, he will stand guilty until proven innocent.
    4. I dont know how he’s going to clear his name and he dont have to if chooses to but as a leader of the malaysian people, please dont put a malaysian citizen in a situation where he/she will be associated with murderous leaders when they are overseas, namely aus, western or european countries.
    The author just wishes to express his opinion in neutral. He is not associated with any political party but as man of his own, as a malaysian citizen. ‘he’ refers to our Prime Minister Dato’ Seri Najib

  172. Tun,
    Kalau DS Najib cukup criteria utk jadi PM Malaysia pada masa sekarang and masa depan , beliau mesti dapat mengatasi gangguan mental dari luar dan dalam.
    Itu yang saya nampak dalam diri Dr M , Lee Kuan Yew , Margrett Thatcher dan ramai lagi pemimpin2 dunia yang disayangi dan disegani walaupun tidak lagi jadi pemimpin.
    Kalau beliau tak dapat terima cabaran ini; bagus step down sekarang. Bagi orang lain ambil alih. Tapi saya percaya beliau boleh mengatasi masalah yg bersifat sementara ini.
    Tetapi masalahnya kenapa semua serang DS Najib pada masa dan tone yang sama? Mestilah punca/sebab serangan adalah sama atau senang cakap org yg upah mereka utk serang adalah sama.
    Take it as possitive. Semoga serangan mental ini membantu DS Najib utk jadi seorang pemimpin yg lebih baik dan kuat.
    Penanti sedang menanti keputusan DS Najib

  173. What is MAHATHIRISM ?
    MAHATHIRISM has many facets, but the principal ones are:
    1. The Top Dog is right, everyone else is wrong. If you disagree with the Top Dog, then you must leave the country or else be prepared to go to Kamunting. Remember Professor Chee Peng Lim ?
    2. If you disagree with the Top Dog and tries to undermine the Top Dog, then the Police, the ACA and the AG’s Chambers will go after you. The courts will also rule against you despite flimsy evidence. Remember Anwar Ibrahim ?
    3. The Top Dog has a number of cronies who can do no wrong, provided that they contribute whenever they are asked to by the Top Dog. Remember Syed Mokhtar Al-Bukhary ?
    4. The Top Dog enlists the assistance of a very loyal group of civil servants who can do no wrong. These civil servants will do anything at the bidding of the Top Dog and in return they will be protected. Remember Ali Abul Hasan ? Remember Nor Mohamed Yakcop ?
    5. The Top Dog determines who should be the leaders of the minority parties within BN. If you happen to ask for too much, then you have to leave the party, even if it is against the members’ wishes. The Top Dog chooses party leaders that he can control. Remember Ong Ka Ting ?
    6. Within UMNO, the Top Dog decides who stays and who goes, and who gets to dip their hands into the rakyat’s money. Remember Rafidah Aziz and Daim Zainuddin ?
    Dr M is the Top Dog when it comes to Mahathirism, and Allah keeps him alive to see for himself the mess that Mahathirism has created for Bolehland.

  174. TUN.
    Dimasa lalu pelbagai aidealism telah dicipta oleh manusia untuk membina tadmadun bangsa sesabuah negara. Dan akan mempengaruhi negara2 lain. Seperti komunism, banyak negara mengamalkan nya. Tak sebuk pulak. Sosialism pun banyak negara mengamalkan nya. Tapi apa ada beza nya. Semua bertujuan untuk membangun dan membina negara2 tersebut.
    Apa pulak salah nya Mahadhirisma. Negara telah maju dan berjaya di bangun kan dengan idealism ini. Saya amat berbangga dengan kejayaan ini. Ini menunjukan bertapa hebat nya TUN di persada dunia. Di kenali akan lisma nya. Bukan semudah itu untuk mencipta satu lism yang berjaya. Kerana itu TUN di cemburui oleh sebahgian masyarakat dunia. Mahadhirisma bergitu berjaya membangunkan Malaysia dan rakyat nya. Tidak ada rakyat yang mati kebuluran. Malah rakyat asing berpusu2 nak datang cari makan di negara ini.
    Sepatut nya Mahadhirisma boleh dijadikan icon untuk membina tadmadun bangsa dunia waktu ini. Dunia akan lebih aman jika Mahadhirisma ini laksanakan dan amalkan oleh negara2 seperti USA, Britain dan Australia.
    Negara2 ini tidak bertadmadun. Pemimpin2 nya terang2 mengarahkan pembunuhan ribuan manausia yang tak berdosa di Iraq dan Afghanistan namun maseh di sanjung dan dimuliakan. Di anggap hero lagi oleh rakyat nya. Ini lah bodoh nya rakyat Malaysia yang jadi pertualang negara sendiri.
    Kerana Mahadhirisma lah ramai lawyer di lahirkan di Malaysia. Ramai doktor, Professional, Fighter jet Pilot. Angkasawan. dan ramai rakyat berpeluang untuk jadi politikus. Kereta2 mewah sepeti Mercedes dan BMW bersepah , antara negara yang paling banyak mengunakan kereta ini dirantau asia walaupun penduduk nya hanya 26 juta sahaja.
    Ini semua hasil dari Mahadhirisma. Jadi nya apa silap dan salah nya jika Mahadhrisma diteruskan demi kemajuan rakyat dan negara.

  175. Yang dihormati Tun,
    This is purely western propaganda to taint bad image on malaysia thru its leader particularly DS Najib. Most malaysian are so proud of the western values that they did not think of the hidden agenda of these people. All those world leaders eg. hugo chavez, mugabe, fidel castro etc. has been tainted as dictators for not bowing to their agenda…even you TUN….u been label as recalcitrant (coz this is during my teenagers time and man it really adds to my vocabulary at that time). We definitely do not want our leaders become puppet to the western world like the Afghan’s or Iraq’s president.
    DSAI are the real thorn in all this. Should just sent him back to Kamunting so we can have our peaceful life as the Mahathirism era.
    I can say majority of the masses love and hate you TUN, we rakyat love you coz of the prosperity and development that you bring to this country, some and most of the opposition hate you coz of your authoritarian leadership style put them in difficult position to influence the masses with rhetoric or personal agenda. GOD KNOWS BETTER!
    Satu je saya tak faham! Kalau dulu PAS kata undi UMNO tak dapat masuk syurga, la ni undi PAS proxy DAP yang nyata2 ingin menyahkan kontrak sosial dan penubuhan negara ISLAM tu gerenti ke kedudukan di syurga tu? Betul2 tak faham politik yang mengunakan agama!!!!
    Anyway, DS Najib, u should say or do something to show your innocence otherwise people will make their own conclusion and I worried its the wrong conclusion if you remain quiet.

  176. Salam buat Tun berdua moga dirahmati Allah s.w.t hendaknya.
    1.Nabi Muhammad s.a.w terpaksa berjuang menghadapi manusia yang sihat serta manusia yang berpenyakit dan makhluk Jin juga Jin yang terlalu degil yang tak dapat diubah.
    2.Kalau Nabi s.a.w sendiri terpaksa menghadapinya inikan pula Datuk Sri Najib yang saya sendiri tidak dapat mengetahui isihatinya untuk memimpin rakyat Malaysia.Saya hanya berserah kepada Allah s.w.t yang lebih berkuasa dan mampu mengetahui hatinya ke jalan yang benar.Kalau saya kehendak Allah s.w.t wajib didahulukan.Tiada guna menjadi pemimpin yang sanggup menolak kehendak Allah s.w.t kerana takut kehilangan kuasa memimpin.
    3.”Mahathirisma” hanyalah mainan manusia yang berpenyakit yang hanya dapat dijelas dengan lebih terang pada hari hisab oleh Allah s.w.t.
    4.Adakah kita telah terlebih mengkhalifahkan diri kita sehingga melupakan diri kita sebagai hamba Allah s.w.t ?

  177. We all know for years..especially during Tun’s leadership, the West has been critical about this country. The reason being this country does not “kow tow” to their demands and fancies.
    Their only ally was and is Anwar Ibrahim. They know that this guy is willing to sell the sou of the people and nation all for tha sake that he com into power and become the PM
    The West has been successful so far to ‘control’ Singapore, Thailand, Phillippines, Indonesia in this region. But has been having headaches how to ‘take over’ Malaysia, Burma, Vietnam and to the extend Laos and Cambodia.
    So for them now to critisize or to make adverse comments about the leadership in this country is ‘parkara biasa la’ and they still hoping for Anwar Ibrahim to be the next PM.
    So dont be surprised if the West are funding the opposition especially PKR !!!

  178. Assalamu’alaikum Tun & family,
    Please take good care of yourself and Tun Hasmah…

  179. My question is: Ho can the entry record of Altantuya be erased from the immigration records? There are many unanswered questions. You cannot blame the Western press for highlighting this story

  180. Salam Tun dan semua yang sayangkan negara kita yang tercinta Malaysia.
    Pasal kritikan media dinegara barat dan jugak ada sebuah negara dikawasan kita ne janganlah kita dok menggelabah dan terlalu difikirkan.Agenda utama DSN dan Tan Sri Muhyiddin ialah menyelesaikan masalah dan kemelut ekonomi sekarang dan cuba baiki UMNO dan kembali berkuasa dinegeri negeri yang ditawan PR.
    Bangsa Orang Putih dan sesiapa saja yang menyokong mereka ne memang tak tahu malu dan paling munafik dan dajal sekali.
    1-Tengok apa yang diorang buat kat rakyat kulit hitam di Amerika?????. janganlah lupa tak sampai 50 tahun pun dan sebelum itu orang kulit hitam dilayan seperti binatang dan dengan tak tahu malu mereka memperkenalkan kesamarataan dan hak asasi lah dan macam macam lagi. heran sungguh sebab penyokong mereka didalam malaysia pun banyak.
    2-Apa yang beruk beruk orang Puteh Australia buat kat orang asli Australia??????
    dibunuh dan dipisahkan dari keluarga semenjak kecil dan sekarang mereka nak cakap kat kita buat itu ini. Kepada penyokong dan pejuang kesamarataan berdasarkan fahaman Barat sedarlah sikit, atas dasar apa dan kemana dan apa yang kamu semua perjuangkan??????
    3-Penyamun, penyangak , Dajal dan pencuri besag semuanya ada kat bangsa orang puteh ne.Nak buktinya banyak. Tengok apa diorang buat kat negeri yang diorang jajah. Bukannya lama sangat tak sampai pun 50 tahun.
    4-Lupakah kita pejuang pejuang Melayu kita yang diBUnuh dengan kejam oleh binatang orang Puteh ne?>??
    Akan sia sia kah darah Tok Bahaman, Tok janggut, Datuk Maharajalela dan banyak lagi pahlawan dan pejuang kita?????????
    5-Jangan lupa sejarah kita dan asal usul kita??
    makanya jangan menggelabah dan cool saja bila diorang cakap macam macam kat New PM kita.
    6-Kpada pemimpin PKR dan PR sedarlah cikit, orang dah boleh baca sejauh mana pemikiran politik kamu semua. Nak jadi tali barut Barat atas nama keadilan, kesamarataan,membaiki sistem keadilan konon, yang buta and buta betul ialah orang Melayu yang dalam PKR dan PR ne. If bukan Melayu saya tak kisah sebab bukannya diorang kisah sangat kat negara kita ne.
    Jawab dengan gentleman saya nak tuju kepada pemimpin PKR dan PR bukan Melayu. Jika hari ne berlaku perang atau sengketa dengan Singapura, apa stand you all semua???????. Jawab……..
    Kepada pemimpin PKR dan PR bangsa India, apa stand you all bila ada masalah diplomatik dengan INDIA????? you alll nakl sokong and loyal kat siapa????????????
    Ini tanah orang Melayu dan selamanya akan jadi tanah orang Melayu. Hanya orang Melayu yang tak sedar saja sanggup diperkuda oleh Bangsa lain samada didalamMalaysia atau diluar Malaysia.
    Agaknya dah makan babi kut sampai seorang pun tak berani bersuara bila majlis peguam terang terang mencabar dan berani nak bahas isu Ugama Islam.Mana Iman dan Rasa Maruah Orang Islam di Malaysia?????? agaknya Allah dah tarik kut Cahaya Iman sampai berani orang bukan Islam sentuh bab Islam dinegara sendiri dan diam dan membisu semua. Jawablah nanti depan ALLah.
    Saya sedia nak bersemuka dan berhujah dengan sesiapa saja pasal ketuanan Melayu, hak orang Melayuyang orang Melayu sendiri nak bagi kat bangsa lain.
    Penutupnya: Bangsa Melayu bukanlah bangsa yang racism atau perkauman. Buktinya kami sanggup terima bangsa lain seperti Cina dan India dinegara kami sendiri. If orang Melayu perkauman dan lama dah bangsa bangsa mendatang ne kena sembelih dan buat macam macam, tapi bukan sifat Bangsa Melayu mengamalkan dasar perkauman. hati hati bila bercakap soal hak dan Ugam,a Islam

  181. Salam Tun
    “The in-coming PM is said to be corrupt and involved in a murder case”
    Although the case appears to be closed with the sentence meted down to the two policemen to be hanged, it raises a big question that the leader who instructed these two policemen have not been caught yet. Again, this appears to be Malaysian kind of justice with unsatisfactory outcome. And all Malaysians do is just move ahead with their lives and forget about these, like an old newspaper story. This is the problem about Malaysians. They do not care for justice.
    As for “Mahathirism”, I do not care about this. All our ex-Prime Ministers including you have had their own management style and policies and rule in their own way. All the PMs have brought about good to the country, so they have made contribution and deserve to be respected. However there is too much attention to materialism and progress and Western philosophy and now many Malays and Muslims have deviated far from good Islamic ethics. There is no need to rush to be developed. There should be a balance between material development and spiritual and ethics. I believe excessive material development had occurred during your time and Islam played only a minor role.

  182. Dear Mahathir,
    Why do you claim the truth to demonisation of Najib?
    Was he not involved in the purchase of sub-standard submarines for Malaysia? Did not a company owned by his associate and advisor get a commission in the millions for that disastrous deal?
    I would contend that during your time as PM you did the following:
    Polarised Malaysians to the detriment of the country
    Arrested more people under ISA if they were not compliant to you.
    Encouraged cronyism
    Created an extremely rich and extremely poor class of Malays
    Emptied the coffers of Malaysia on projects that were not viable but were carried out to enrich yourself and your cronies
    Put Malaysia backwwards with your extremely bad education policies
    Controlled the local press so that only govt propaganda was spewed by them
    Maded Malaysia a Pariah nation
    I could go on and on but due to lack of time I need to stop.
    With all that you have done only Allah can forgive you

  183. Salam Ayahnda Tun..
    1. Ini semua kerja orang anti-pembangunan Malaysia.
    2. Bekas Presiden George Bush JR dan Blair (BB) juga seorang Pembunuh insan yang tidak bersalah,lihat Iraq dan Afganistan jadi mangsa.
    3. Mari kita jaga Tanah Air kita dari mangsa media barat.

  184. Dear Tun,
    Deliberate profiling is done even domestically. I was stationed overseas for the two past years and one source of news back home is the Star Online. It is very biased that the The Star online version, obviously targetting foreigners and foreign based Malaysians, has some agenda when I see the term tudung-clad women reportedly doing immoral activities plastered as front page news. I have noticed this on a few occasions. But when it came to the issue of the nude pictures of a rep from the opposition of a different race recently, hardly any news from this was posted, unlike the newspaper version. This deliberate attempt to discredit tudung clad women I consider as religious profiling at its lowest level. For those stationed overseas, see if you agree with this. To the Star, what is your agenda….

  185. We are a sovereign nation of law and order – as enshrined in our 5 Principles of Nation We all know the Rukunegara in BM, but for the sake of non-malaysians or not-so-malaysian, the English translation is as follows:
    It is time to govern – so I urge our new PM to start govern the country and spend less time on the politicking. Just do the right thing and naturally the result will come.
    Nation Principle #1: Belief in God and God will ultimately punish the sinners (both in this life or day-after) and reward those who are not.
    Nation Principle #2: Loyalty to King and Country. This should be the warning to anarchist at work – go against this and it would be treason! If we are to heed history – the anarchist of today is like those in 1511 Malacca that have abetted the Portuguese.
    Nation Principle #3: Don’t challenge the constitution and the spirit of our independence.
    Nation Principle #4: Rule of Law. Just because you don’t like the law does not mean you can ignore and break the law. Like a famous old-lawyer who claimed to champion law and justice but at the same time espoused actions that goes against the law.
    Nation Principle #4: Courtesy and Morality. We are a nation of society. It is wrong for the minority to act in their own selfish interest at the expense of the larger majority. This goes especially to that group of people who belief that they are elite and knows better that the other ‘normal people’.
    These principles apply to all Malaysians and other people who live here. Feel free to leave the country if you refuse to follow. They also apply equally to ruling party politicians and the opposition politicians.
    So people. Let us work together to bring Malaysia back to greatness. We have done it before and we could do it again – and don’t just leave the responsibility (and the sole right) to politicians.
    Ask yourself – what can you do to make Malaysia great? It’s easy to criticise at mamak shop and in blogs. But how have you acted at your workplace, at home and at your local community?

  186. assalamualaikum TUN..
    dari zaman TUN lagi media barat yang HAPRAK 2 x puas hati kat MALAYSIA sbb kita memerintah ikut acuan kita sndri, diaorg kalu bleh semua kena ikut telunjuk diaorg kalu elok x pe lah, ni KAFIR, nak ikut buat apa..
    alaaa TUN media HAPRAK ni semua nak ANWAR LAHANAT 2 jadi PM, snang nak bolot kekayaan negara kita & juga strategik dari segi pertahanan di sebelah ASIA Tenggara ni..
    kalu ikut sgt diaorg ni x bleh buat apa la, apa guna ada negara sndri kalu org lain yang mengarah itu ini..
    kalu org MELAYU tros menyokong agenda BARAT yang di bawa ANWAR LAHANAT 2, nnt negara kita yang tergadai, raja2 MELAYU akn dihapuskan, hak keistimewaan MELAYU akan dihapuskan, bahasa MELAYU diganti dgn bahasa InGGERIS, agama ISLAM diganti dgn KRISTIAN, 2 pun ada gak org MELAYU yang sokong secara membuta tuli ANWAR LAHANAT 2, dah sanggup hina RAJA2 MELAYU, yang PAS pun ikut gak, mana pi pegangan ISLAM diaorg, demi mencapai cita2 menghancurkan BN, NEGARA, AGAMA, BANGSA sanggup digadaikan…
    jika terjadi perkara ini suatu hari nnt, anak2 bangsa kita akn ingat bahawa org MELAYU zaman ini yang menghancurkan bangsa MELAYU..

  187. Salam Tun Dr M dan semua bloggers,
    Cetusan idea terdesak pembangkang (didalangi DS Anwar) yang berkomplot membabitkan media-media luar negara untuk memburuk-burukkan kepimpinan negara sendiri adalah satu tindakan yang sangat tidak bertanggungjawab. Hanya kerana beliau gagal dan kecewa tidak dapat merampas kerajaan persekutuan, Anwar tergamak melakukan apa saja untuk menyerang keperibadian Perdana Menteri baru (DS Najib) demi kepuasan beliau sendiri.
    Tahap ini sudah boleh dianggap serius dan ketua pembangkang itu sewajarnya diambil tindakan tegas di bawah Akta Keselamatan Dalam Negeri (ISA) yang membolehkan beliau ditahan demi keamanan dan kemakmuran negara. Kerajaan telah lama berkompromi tetapi sikap keterlaluan beliau yang telah sengaja memperalatkan media-media luar untuk mengecam kerajaan Malaysia dan melemparkan tuduhan liar ke atas DS Najib tanpa bukti kukuh adalah satu pengkhianatan yang besar dan jelas.
    Kita semua tahu ini angkara DS Anwar. Keterdesakan beliau menggunakan media-media luar adalah bertujuan untuk meyakinkan penyokong-penyokong beliau seolah-olah DS Najib memang benar-benar bersalah terhadap semua tuduhan jahat tersebut. Mungkin media-media pembangkang dan blog-blog kumpulan mereka masih belum cukup memberikan impak negatif terhadap DS Najib sebab itulah DS Anwar memperalatkan media luar negara.
    Campurtangan media asing dalam pentadbiran negara kita hanya mengundang imej dan prestasi buruk di kacamata dunia. Perkara ini tidak harus didiamkan oleh DS Najib dan beliau perlu tampil membuat penjelasan bagi menjawab setiap pertuduhan demi membersihkan nama baik beliau sebagai Perdana Menteri yang kini menerajui kepimpinan negara.
    Rakyat Malaysia harus sedar dan insaf dengan tindakan demi tindakan tidak bertanggungjawab yang dilakukan DS Anwar untuk memburuk-burukkan negara sendiri demi kuasa politik beliau. Janganlah kita ikut bersekongkol merelakan campurtangan negara asing dalam menyelesaikan kemelut politik negara sendiri umpama kita bangsa yang tidak bermaruah dan tidak cerdik mengatasi masalah dalaman negara.
    Memberi ruang media asing menghentam dan mengecam kita samalah ibarat membuka peluang kepada mereka untuk sekali lagi menakluki minda kita malah mengundang satu bentuk penjajahan baru ke atas Malaysia. Jadilah rakyat dan bangsa Malaysia yang lebih bertanggungjawab dan cintakan tanahair sendiri. Berfikirlah kita secara lebih matang dan tidak wajar kita bertindak berlandaskan emosi hanya kerana tamak dan gilakan kuasa politik.
    ASPIRASI BARU – “Menyusur Transformasi, Menterjemah Aspirasi”

  188. Dear Tun,
    The Jews (religious Leader) rejected Jesus Christ and sentence to death on a tortures stack. Today the Christendom is persecutors of true Jesus disciples. Not surprising that they envy Malaysia with multi ethnics and cultures remain peaceful, freedom of worship and haven of tourism. The following fitting description on this group of people at Matthew 7:1-5 say

  189. “2. Included in the condemnation of the new PM is the allegation that he would bring back “Mahathirism”. By this the Western press seem to imply that the fourth PM was a dictator who detained for no reason, manipulated the judiciary, controlled the Press etc etc.”
    Your above comments were absolutely accurate! The fourth PM bred a gang of hooligan police officers who were the apple polisher of the fourth PM who detained for no reason. When the fourth PM said that Malaysian currency had been callously attacked by George Soros, the apple polisher police officers quickly went catch some innocent financial professionals and detained them under the ISA for suspecting them to be the speculators who acted on behalf of George Soros. When the fourth PM said that some rumour mongers were spreading the rumours in order to play down the currency value of Ringgit against the US Dollar, the apple polisher police officers quickly went arrest some internet emailers and detained them under the ISA for falsely accusing them to be the rumour mongers. When the fourth PM said that Anwar Ibrahim was a homosexual, the apple polisher police officers quickly went gather some evidences by forcing the foreigners to sign the cautioned statement written in the Malay Language confirming that they were the sexual collaborators of Anwar Ibrahim in Sodomy criminal offence. When the fourth PM said that Anwar’s supporters were blocking the traffic by holding roadside demonstration, then the apple polisher police officers quickly went catch some political activist demonstrators and detained them under the ISA for falsely accusing them of destroying the public tranquility and posing threat to the national security.
    Lingam case had clearly proven that the fourth PM nakedly manipulated the judiciary.
    The major media were only permitted to report news which were to the benefit of Barisan Nasional and all news unfavourable to the reputation of Barisan Nasional would be banned, with controlling being done through the appointment of a Chief Editor, who was the right hand man of the fourth PM, to chair the Press control mechanism in Malaysia.
    The fourth PM was definitely a dictator beyond any reasonable doubt!

  190. Dear Tun!
    Najib is silent! You of all people, who brought down the last PM and who happens to be a decent man by all accounts, want to take and/or bring Najib into your “good books”?!!!! Come on! Stop kidding and get on with the realities of life, Tun and that too for God’s sake!!!!!!!!!

  191. DEAR YAB TUN,

  192. Yang Berbahagia Tun
    Apalah yang kita nak kisah tentang tuduhan tuduhan itu sedangkan yang punya diri(PM kita) sikit pun tak merasa keperluan untuk membersihkan dirinya.
    Kalau susah sangat ajak saja segala reporter reporter antaran bangsa itu buat ‘sumpah laknat’.
    Kita kat Malaysia memang terkenal dengan hal hal yang sebegini.

  193. Dear Tun,
    I am glad “Mahathirism” is back. Which means this country will move forward with clear direction, economy will be better, Malaysians minds will feed with much positive vision and confident, better security, bring back the pride as Malaysian. Malaysian will then truly “BOLEH”.

  194. Assalamualaikum salam kasih dan salam hormat Ayahanda Tun.
    Memang betul sekali apa yang Tun tulis disini. Malahan semenjak September 2008 lagi Datuk Seri Najib telah mula dihentam oleh media Barat dengan Associated Press yang memulakannya. Yahoo News juga tidak terkecuali. Saya rasa, ini sebenarnya adalah satu pengiktirafan kepada PM Datuk Najib.
    Jika pada zaman Bodohwi dahulu kita melihat ramai media Barat semua menyanjung beliau, tapi hakikatnya beliau hanyalah boneka mereka sahaja. Ada sesetengah pujian kita dahagakan, ada sesetengah yang lain kita minta simpang jauh-jauh.
    Saya lebih merasakan UMNO patut memberikan lebih perhatian kepada

  195. Assalamualaikum Yb Tun Yang Amat Dihormati,
    1.Tidak menghairankan,sesetengah media barat akan sentiasa mencari peluang memburukkan pemimpin dan politik sesebuah negara sekiranya ia menganggap negara itu tidak sehaluan dengan mereka,Malaysia tidak terkecuali dengan ancaman ini.
    2.Dahulu,sesebuah negara boleh dijajah melalui peperangan.Masa kini
    penaklukkan boleh dilakukan secara halus,contohnya melumpuhkan sistem politik supaya tidak stabil maka secara tidak langsung melumpuhkan ekonomi negara,akhirnya rakyat yang menjadi mangsa.Adakah ini difikirkan oleh pemimpin pembangkang,terutamanya
    ‘badut jalanan'(Anwar Ibrahim)??
    3.Lihat saja apa yang telah dilakukan ke atas Iraq,walaupun Arwah Saddam Hussain dianggap kuku besi,sekurang-kurangnya rakyatnya tidak hidup seteruk sekarang,perbalahan diantara puak-puak.
    Di Cuba misalnya,bukan main propoganda US memburukkan pemimpinnya,
    tapi hakikatnya keaadaan rakyatnya tidak seburuk yang disangkakan.
    4.Di Malaysia,pemimpin mesti tegas dalam memelihara kemakmuran rakyat.Amatlah mudah mewujudkan huru hara dalam negara,hanya dengan
    memainkan isu sensitif seperti perkauman.Maka keterbukaan perlu ada batasnya.Isu bahaya sebegini yang cuba dilaungkan oleh pemimpin pembangkang,mereka ini sedikitpun tidak ada rasa bersalah memburukkan nama negara di luar.Memang layan pemimpin sebegini digelar PENGKIANAT NEGARA!!
    5.Apa salahnya ‘MAHATHIRISM’??Waktu Tun memerintah,tidak ada pula rakyat kebuluran,malah dianggap negara ini sebagai’lubuk emas’bagi
    pekerja asing.Industi pekilangan bercambah,pelaburan meningkat,peluang pekerjaan banyak,Tun ‘memasarkan’ nama negara sehingga Malaysia lebih dikenali,Industri pelancongan meningkat….
    memang banyak tidak terfikir oleh rakyat pada era sebelum 80’an.Ada juga sebelum ini rakyat yang bermastautin dinegara luar,apabila
    kecemerlangan di bawah pemerintahan Tun barulah nak bangga kata warganegara Malaysia.Yang pasti,dibawah era Tun,kalu tak banyak
    sedikitpun pasti merasa tempias kemakmuran ini yang penting orang itu tahu bersyukur dan rajin(lainlah pihak pembangkang yang penuh dengan hasad dengki dan membuat fitnah terhadap pemimpin).
    6.One Malaysia bagi saya sama seperti W2020,dimana setiap warganegara mesti bersatu hati bekerja dalam satu pasukan untuk kearah negara yang makmur,sejahtera dan berjaya.
    Terima kasih,Tun,sesungguhnya saya amat bertuah pernah hidup dibawah pemerintahan Tun.Usah peduli mereka yang marahkan Tun,mereka ni,apabila diberikan tugas tak lakukan sebaik manapun,cakap saja lebih,kekuatan mereka ‘expert’mengutuk orang.
    Yang penting segala usaha dan niat Tun mandapat keberkatan daripada Yang Maha Esa.Semoga Tun dan Tun Siti sentiasa dirahmati Allah.

  196. TUN.
    Amat dikesli akan pengkianatan segelintir rakyat memburuk2kan negara sendiri. Malang sekali kerana mereka ini tidak terfikir akan kesan langsung nya perbuatan mereka ini bukan saja merosakan keseluruhan warga negara dan kemajuan negara.
    Mereka sangat tidak bertanggung jawab. Tapi mereka lupa. Mereka ingat mereka pandai tapi hakikat nya bagaikan meludah kelangit akan terkena muka sendiri.
    Negara2 yang mengutuk dan beranggapan buruk terhadap negara kita tidak mengasingkan kelompok2 ini dari di cemuh. Semua rakyat Malysia akan dianggap sama termasuklah pertualang itu sendiri adalah dari negara “Pariah”.
    Tapi yang mengeluarkan cerita sebegini adalah surat2 khabar mereka sahaja. Rakyat mereka sendiri tidak semua mahu menerima dan terpengaruh akan berita sedemikian. Biarkan lah mereka menyalak. Kita teruskan segala usaha. Tuhan akan sentiasa bersama kita yang sabar dan ikhlas.
    Mereka barat maseh menyimpan rasa dendam pada TUN
    Kerana ‘Mahathirism’ telah berjaya membina dan mencipta tamadun negara acuan Malaysia sehingga meletakan Malaysia setaraf negara mereka. Ini lah yang mereka rasa terkejut keupayaan rakyat Malaysia ketika dibawah ‘Mahathirism’. Kita tidak lagi ikut telunjuk mereka. Kita telah boleh berdiri diatas kaki sendiri untuk membangunkan negara. Kita juga bijak menyelesaikan masaalah ekonomi dan politik negara. Mereka telah gagal untuk menakluki semula negara selepas kita diberikan kemerdekaan. Mereka menyangkakan Pemimpin2 kita tidak bijak mentadbir negara dan mereka akan datang kembali untuk menakluk negara kita semula. Tapi yang berlaku disebalik nya.
    Dan dalam beberapa perkara kita dapat menyaing atau mengatasi
    pencapaian mereka.
    Kita lihat sekarang GB. Negara ini tidak lagi popular sebagai negara pengeluar kereta dunia. Syarikat kereta mereka telah kesemua nya diambil alih negara luar seperti German,dan Malaysia telah mengambil alih LOTUS. Kini mereka pulak yang mengimport kereta kita.
    Malaysia dapat mengatasi Australia sebagai negara pengexport yang ke 17 manakala Australia di tempat ke 19 atau 20 sekarang. Ini lah yang amat merisaukan mereka.
    Kita tak perlu rasa gentar akan tanggapan dan tuduhan liar negara2 ini. Kita telah pun lama mengenli sikap mereka sejak berzaman lagi.
    Kita perlu teruskan semangat usaha membina negara ini hingga jaya nya. Dan buktikan pada dunia kita tidak pernah takut pada ancaman mereka.
    Pada pertualang negara ini biarkanlah. Mereka juga akan menemui maut dan ajal. Mereka juga akan mati bila tiba masa nya. Yang pengting disini adalah bekalan kita di akhirat dan wasiat pada anak cucu kita yang akan mewarisi bumi ini.
    Semasa kita maseh bernafas kita laksanakan tanggung jawab dan amanah membina masyarakat dan memakmorkan negara untuk genarasi anak2 dan cucu yang akan memulakan kehidupan waktu kita dah tiada.
    Pemimpin2 yang gila kuasa juga akan mati bila tiba masa nya. Pangkat dan kuasa tidak dapat dibawa bersama dalam kubur. Hanya pahala,amalan dan dosa akan ditimbang tara.
    Jika dengan sikap mereka akan menghancurkan negara, anak cucu mereka juga akan merasakan bersama. Tidak semua akan untung semua, dan tidak semua akan rugi semua nya. Al fatihah.

  197. Very true Tun. To hell with foreign media. Who cares what they say. Lies wont last forever. Truth will always prevail.
    Hazman Abu Bakar

  198. Tun is very right on his condemnation on the west and their media. It’s been a easy way to become famous by talking/writing bad against Islam and Muslim Country. We have lot of examples for that from taslima nasreen, Salmon rushdie and Geert Wilders.
    Here I can remember a story about western media, which goes like this,
    One day in the streets of America, there was a man saved a little boy from a ferocious dog and killed the dog. Immedietly the press interviewed that man and were writing reports for the next day paper that “a brave american saved a life of an innocent boy”. Then the guy said “No, I am not american, I am a pakistani”. Then the next day, the headline goes like this, “A innocent american dog was killed by islamic terrorist.”

  199. Kerja siapa lagi kalau bukan Bapak Anwar yang sangat dihormati di Indonesia dan seantaro dunia. Sinetron dia ni ni memang power di luar Malaysia tanpa kira apa nak jadi pada bangsa dan negaranya janji mesti jadi PM. Pasti Allah tahu apa yang terbaik untuk Malaysia.

  200. Salam Tun,
    Kenapa media asing menyerang DSN (PM-6)Malaysia;
    1. Mungkin benar apa yang mereka laporkan.
    2. Mungkin itu propaganda yang ingin mengelirukan
    3. Mungkin ingin menyokong agenda tertentu yang di bawa oleh pihak lain di Malaysia
    4. Mungkin juga mereka di bawa oleh pihak-pihak tertentu untuk “menyerang” atau pun “melindungi”
    1. Mungkin benar, kerana;
    a. Tiada pembuktian menunjukkan DSN terlibat atau pun tidak
    b. Perbicaraan di mahkamah terhadap Razak Baginda dan 2 anggota polis banyak kekeliruannya.
    c. Kenyataan yang di buat oleh tertuduh sebelum ini mengaitkan ada tangan-tangan ghaib yang menyebabkan mereka terlibat.
    d. Akuan bersumpah oleh penyiasat Razak Baginda yang akhirnya di tukar dan beliau di lenyapkan atau melenyapkan diri menjadi tanda tanya (Begitu mudahkah seseorang meninggalkan Malaysia dengan sekelip mata sedangkan dia mendapat perhatian khusus dari media terhadapa akuan bersumpah yang di buatnya sediri?)
    e. Ada desakan oleh peguam perbicaraan untuk memanggil DSN tapi mahkamah tidak melakukannya (Ia juga jadi tanda tanya)
    Alasan ini juga memungkinkan setaip orang bertanya dan terus bertanya. Ia juga bukan di tulis oleh media asing tetapi media tempatan mahupun laman-laman blog.
    2.Kemungkinan ia suatu propaganda untuk mengelirukan
    a. Mungkin juga Pembangkang yang diketuai oleh DSAI menyuruh kawan-kawannya untuk menyerang DSN dari luar.
    b. Mungkin juga DSN menyuruh kawan-kawannya menyerang dari luar untuk “MENYERANG” pembangkang terutama DSAI.
    c. Mungkin juga propaganda media asing bagi menjatuhkan ekonomi Malaysia dan menghasut pelabur supaya tidak melabur di Malaysia.
    Alasan ini mungkin juga betul kerana masing-masing ingin melihat mereka di “SOKONG” kuasa luar mahupun mereka “BUKAN AGENT LUAR”
    3. Mungkin sokongan kepada agenda tertentu yang di bawa pihak lain
    Ada beberapa agenda sebenarnya di sebalik semua yang berlaku. Saya pasti mereka yang berada di atas menyedarinya.
    a. Serangan
    Kemungkinan pembangkang menggunakan media asing untuk menyerang PM DSN supaya dapat memberi tekanan kepada beliau dan akhirnya beliau menyerah kalah lalu meletakkan jawatan.
    Kemungkinan juga kerajaan menggunakan media asing bagi menyerang PM DSN untuk memperlihatkan bahawasanya pembangkang yang di ketuai DSAI untuk adalah agent asing
    Apa pun semua ini adalah strategi-startegi orang-orang politik yang amat licik denmi mempertahankan atau memperolehi kuasa yang mereka inginkan.Sesungguhnya kuasa itu amat penting bagi mereka untuk merencana idea-idea mereka untuk negara mahupun untuk diri sendiri.
    Pada saya ianya hanyalah suatu tindakan untuk meningkatkan kekeliruan rakyat dan akhirnya dengan meningkatnya kekeliruan itu maka rakyat akan terpengaruh lalu memilih jalan mudah.

  201. Dear`Tun,
    Agreed`with Abu Qalam, Cuba still exist and Fidel Castro outlive his opponents. North Korea still continue with her nuclear plan (you sanction me I start my nuclear reactor again – If Israel can get away with a lot of things why not Korea and Iran.) So Malaysia is a small country whatever we do do not affect the world directly. So basically we are no threat to the world. Ignore the media (biarkan anjing menyalak bukit) we continue with our plan, lets get back together and build our nation like the last 50 years MINUS the corruptions and croynism ( maybe we are already a develop nation if these 2 C do not creeep into the mind of our leaders.)
    BTW Tun you still look great during the Exora presentations. To me thats Conviction from you in our national car.

  202. I wonder now brader Nuar is much busy attend international forum, on air with Australian broadcast, interview with BBC. posibleties he use that platform to condemn the DSNajib to the outside world.
    So Najib you should walk your talk, not talk while work.

  203. Dear Dr M,
    You have been a tough critic of the West and some of your view deserve credit as those views were just and you stance were very idealistic. (The Palestinian issue and a partied among others)
    Pity you never shared such high standards in decency when dealing with locals (Malaysians) who disagreed with you both personally and politically. You did not tolerate your fellow country-men for dissent in you long reign. Instead you invoked ‘Asian Values’ and said that we deserve lesser rights than the westerners. Not by words, but surely by action, you showed that us brown skins were lesser mortals than the Caucasians.
    Anyway, I wish you well and hope you stay retired.

  204. Assammualaikum Tun, semoga Tun berada di dalam keadaan sihat hendaknya.
    Untuk pengetahun tun,tersebarnya cerita yang tak sedap di dengar itu adalah berpunca daripada pengkianat negara iatu Anwar ibrahim.Dialah penyebar cerita tersebut.
    semasa kempen pilihan raya dun bukit selambau tempoh hari. Dia telah datang ke tempat tinggal saya dan memberi ceramah antara kandungan ceramahnya ialah dia telah berjumpa dengan pemberita di luar negara dan menceritakan tentang perihal yang berlaku di dalam negara kita. Katanya kepada pemberita itu ialah Datuk seri Najib merupakan seorang pembunuh dan seorang perasuh terbesar di negara kita ini.
    Oleh itu saya sarankan supaya pengkianat negara itu haruslah segera di tangkap dan di sumbat di dalam lokap. Ini merupakan salah satu langkah bg mengurangkan cerita-cerita yang tidak baik itu tersebar di negara luar sana. Dengan ini senanglah kita menjaga keamanan dan kedaulatan negara kita dengan ketiadaan pengkianat negara.
    Sekian Terima Kasih Tun…

  205. Good Day Tun,
    Personally i think that the Australian writer that labelled Malaysia as a ‘pariah’ nation is a pathetic moron.These western nation are so eager to condemn Malaysia in any way posible.Maybe that Kangaroo writer must have been paid by someone in Malaysia just to make a bad name for Najib and for you TUN.He should look at his country first rather than demonizing other country.
    It is sickening situation to see that the opposition party in Malaysia are so depending on the Western newspapers,leaders,and other resources to labelled Malaysia as a no human rights country.
    But then,it is the Westerners that are the ones who are half brain morons.The killings of the Palestine people in Gaza have been overlooked in Europe as if it was just a normal thing.I think most of the opposition party in Malaysia welcome the demonisation of their own country by the western leaders.That’s shows how stupid leaders like Anwar,Nik Aziz,and Lim Kit Siang is.
    Now Playing : Korn – Embrace

  206. Salam Tun
    Western medias has always been biased toward Malaysia and its leaders. It is how they sensationalize the news and make money out of it. Even if the their darling leader is to become a new PM, this does not guarantee that western media will appreciate him but instead he too will be slaughtered by them later.They have enough weapon to sacrifice him.
    What Naib needs to do is prove to Malaysians that the Malaysia as “ONE” concept works. Najib needs to prove to the Malays that he is the extension of his father dream and continuation of what you have left in developing and prospering the nation particularly his power base i.e.the Malays in achieving greater height irrespective of whether they are from UMNO or PAS. He should capitalize the strength of the Chinese, Indians, Eurasian and others races as a catalyst in economic growth and in molding the nation as “ONE”.
    The nation has lost its footage domestically and internationally during Abdullah Badawi’s era and there are a lot to be learned. One should not repeat the same mistake. Najib should look forward in moving the nation forward beyond 2020.
    Let the western media drums their musics and we,Malaysian stood as “ONE”

  207. Salam Tun,
    Sebenarnya pihak Barat takut Tun aktif semula dalam politik,kerana hanya Tun sahaja yang berani mengktitik mereka.Kemasukan Tun ke dalam UMNO adalah bertepatan dengan situasi politik masakini.
    Harap selepas ini Tun akan lebih lantang lagi bersuara bagi pihak semua.Hidup Mahathirism…he he.

  208. Assalamualaikum Tun,
    Diaorang ni memang tak habis2 nak manjatuhkan kita. Kenapa agaknya?. takut kah?. Ataupun terpengaruh dengan dakyah2 pembangkang yang di war2kan sebagai bagus dan sebulu dengan diaorang semua?. Inilah akibatnya kalau kisah kekusutan rumahtangga kita kita ceritakan pada orang luar.
    Kisah yang belum tentu betul atau tidak. Pernah juga saya tengok gambar yang mengatakan DSN bergambar bersama dengan Mendiang Altantuya. KAH! KAH! KAH!..budak kecil pun tau gambar tu super imposed. mungkin yang membuatnya pon budak sekolah juga.
    Bertamadun sangatkah Barat tu?
    Terima Kasih Tun, sebab beri ruang.

  209. If your conscious is clear,you’re not perturbed of what the rumours are flowing around.Better show the rakyat what the one Malaysia is all about and when it bears fruit,I believe the rakyat would be with you although their minds are murky with the scandalous reports flouting in the internet.

  210. Assalamualaikum Tun,
    Those articles are identical and carried the same message did not come as coincidence. It is those local media that feed their foreign counterpart as they fear the new PM will put his ‘unseen’ hand in those media. Najib can expect to hear more of this kind of demonisation from the foreign press and links to the allegation of Mahathirism. It is very subjective whether Tun is a dictator or not. Some take it, some don’t. Let’s not comment too much about this. Take it easy Tun.
    It is expected actually by Najib before he was sworn in as those allegation involving him in a murder case kept on resurfacing on and off. In the long run, this will not do him any favour plus the opposition even makes the cloud darker. It is useless to control local Press as nowadays access to the internet for news feed were no longer alternative but treated as mainstream by younger generation. He shouldn’t comment on those allegation anymore. Just show the people how a good leader like him can bring our nation forward especially our economy is having a deep shit right now. Proves that he is not only making a good start , but can further flourish and well remembered. I would like to wish him all the best and keep up the good work.
    Wish Tun and family all the best!
    Wassalam wrwb.

  211. Assalamu ‘alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh!
    Yang berbahagia Tun,
    Saya rasa Tun sangat merasa bahagia dan bersyukur dianugerahkan oleh Allah subhanahu wata’ala nikmat kesihatan hingga mengizinkan Tun dapat di akhir hayat Tun terus bersama rakyat Malaysia yang bertanggungjawab untuk berusaha melihat Malaysia terus makmur.
    Pandangan Barat terhadap Malaysia dari dulu sampai sekarang saya lihat tidak banyak perbezaan. Noam Chomsky, walaupun seorang Yahudi, banyak melakar warna dan hasrat sebenarnya hegemony Barat ke atas dunia. Neutralisasi Tun terhadap hegemony Barat ini dan bagaimana Tun membawa Malaysia mengharunginya untuk berdiri sama tegak dengan negara-negara berdaulat lain di dunia ini itulah Mahathirism. Kelemahan memang ada di sana sini tetapi sumbangan besarnya kepada kemajuan dan pembangunan Malaysia tidak dapat dinafikan oleh warga Malaysia yang mahu berfikir dan pandai mengenang jasa dan menghormati pemimpin. Saya bangga menjadi rakyat Malaysia.
    Najib bukan Mahthirist. Kalau adapun miripnya hanyalah tohmahan dan Mahathirism itu satu ism perseorangan dan tertentu kepada Tun sendiri.
    Najib is a team player and he has been a team player until he became PM and on being a PM. He is a Churchillian, not a Roseveltian seperti Tun.
    Kepemimpinan Najib akan terserlah, insya Allah dalam sedikit masa lagi; just give him moral support and bear with him. Bantulah di mana boleh di sana sini.
    Let us give him the benefit of doubt the perception of the opposition ke atas peribadinya.
    What the rakyat wants is performance in his ‘I did it my way’ kalau boleh saya meminjam juga lirik Frank Sinatra yang Tun juga pakai.
    Sekian, hormat dari saya Tun,

  212. Too bad he can’t control the western press as he does the Malaysian press to ban coverage on issues that effects him.

  213. “Najib can expect to hear more of this kind of demonisation from the foreign press but it is what Malaysians think that counts. It is with them that Najib has to clear his name.”
    Najib has to clear his name. The murder trial is not complete.
    Call every name mentioned to the witness stand including Najib.
    Swearing alone is not enough. What is accused upon him, and what he has sweared is not relevant but the MSM tries to spin things out as usual.
    Clear his name in the court of law and I would be happy to defend him from foreign media. Otherwise, I am with them – the foreign media. I am Malaysian and therefore, as Tun said – “what Malaysians think that counts”.

  214. Dear Tun
    Why so concern with “Mahathirism”. do they want to potray that the PM has no vision and acting as if under your order. Please look at the fact and not assumption. These all are smear campaigns to tarnish PM image with a new grand design to install their own puppet in next general election. In university, in order to test, how good the students are you gather them in the exam hall and give them a set of questions and those who perform well, we can say they are good students. What about a leader, how do we know he is good or not. DS Anwar Ibrahim, your ex darling deputy, was tested with economic problem( question) in 1997 during asian economic crisis. How did he perform, he FAILED miserably, FAILED I repeat. Nothing special about this man except his eloquent words. DO NOT GET CHEATED. We know in Quran, when Mesir was in economic crisis, the prophet Yusof offered himself to join the government and briliantly he solved Mesir economic problems and in our case in 1997, our economic problem was solved when DS Anwar was kicked out from the government and the governent reversed his policy by lowering interest rate. In the coming days, weeks and months PM has to prove his capability,I warn, not by trying to please a certain community because by doing that it shows that you are weak and they will push you harder until you off the cliff. Remember when you became prime Minister, among the first thing that you did, quota system in the university- a very brave act indeed. During one of the general elections you warned the people of Penang, if BN loss there will be no peace no development. What was the outcome, you won!. I still remember when you entered a fight with Andrew Neil of British Sunday times, one British journalist commented, “When Mahathir enters a fight, he never expect to loss and he always finish it in a masterly fashion” If DS Najib capable of doing the same thing, so I would say there is an element of “mahathirism” however, with 1Malaysia, it is just coincide, I hope with chinese mind, philosophy, which is 1.

  215. Assalamualaikum tun,
    Mahathirism brought malaysia from nothing to the talks of the world. i grew up during this era and compared to other eras,mahathirism is the most successful era for malaysia. If najib wants to adopt that era so be it. Like you najib has been demonized by the westerners and he has to be patient. the only difference is that you have been demonized because the enviousness of your success. Najib on the other hand has been demonized before he became PM and before he can proved he is worthy to hold the post. Sadly Malaysian, mostly my race, the malays is a race that can easily be manipulated over and over again. History would show all these if we bother to learn. The way of thinking for malays is to low and the educated malays became arrogant of their success and gloating that their success is coming from their effort without anybody helping. Well i’m a kampung boy. Studied in a Kampung Government school, Had no scholarship during study, just have PTPTN loans to support me. Now, i worked is foreign project such as India and Indonesia. These trips give me the opportunity to appreciate mahathirism. You have showed me that we can be what we want. Most of the people who hated you does not know you or have ever been close to you. They hated you because they heard stories form others without knowing the truth. Sadly to say our race is ungrateful, easy manipulated,arrogant and forgetful, hence ‘Melayu Mudah Lupa’. I appreciate what you have done. You know our race weakness long ago and when you try to improve our race by telling them the truth they mocked at you.I admire how you manage to succeed during your tenure with all the bad apple in your team. Being a leader is about identifying you team strength and weakness and turn them into something useful. Pak Lah don’t have the ability to manage the same team that you had hence nothing have come out of his time. To all the ungrateful malays that hated you please look back at your self and asked yourself why you hated mahathir. What he have done to you personally or to your family to make you hated him. Most of you would find that you hated a great man just by hearing some bedtime stories by some who hated mahathir because of his own personal agenda.People makes mistakes, including you but you have made more benefit than your mistakes. That’s good enough for me to idolized you. I would support najib as long as he’s willing to listen to your advice. Not to say he needs to obey you all the time but at least have a second opinion from you.Ok lah tun. I considered you as a dad and a role model for me. Thanks and hope allah would prolong your life to guide uor race to the right track

  216. Akum TUN dan semua
    Aganda asing dan parti pembangkang tidak akan habis, mereka akan membuat apa sahaja demi mencapai matlamat mereka. Mereka boleh berkata apa saja dan kita juga berhak untuk melabelkan mereka.
    Pada saya tidak ada salahnya “Mahathirism” kerana ianya terbukti membuat malaysia aman makmur dan hidup penuh harmoni dan dikenali seluruh dunia selama 22 tahun.Mungkin yang tidak begitu berminat dengan “Mahathirsm” adalah orang orang politik seperti Karpal Singh, Lim KIt siang, Haji Hadi, Anwar Dsbnya kerana impian politik mereka agak terkubur. Tapi rakyat hidup aman damai dan selesa.
    Apalah guna kita bercerita kononya kita memperjuangkan islam hadari dan kebebasan bersuara dsbnya, tapi hakikatnya rakyat hidup dalam ketakutan dan ketidaktentuan seperti apa yang berlaku di negeri Perak dan Malaysia amnya. Siapa yang untung ?? ahli politik yang mendapat habuan setiap bulan dan rakyat hidup kebinggungan.
    Justeru itu apa yang penting bagi sesuatu agenda adalah kebaikan untuk majoriti rakyat dan bukannya kepada segelintir golongan yang hanya tahu menangguk di air keruh.
    Saya mencadangkan TDM dilantik sebagai penasihat ekonomi Malaysia bertaraf menteri spt yang dicadangkan oleh Ds Najib kerana TDM mempunyai merit dan teruji dalam pentadbiran negara. Memamg ramai pakar ekonomi yang boleh dicari diluar sana tapi tidak ramai yang mempunyai “proven experience”. Yang ada mungkin penuh dgn teori dan hanya berpengalaman dalam ruang lingkup yang kecil sahaja.

  217. Assalamuailaikum Tun once again.May Allah always bless you.
    Even in a small family of the same parents there are tidal waves within, what can one anticipated in a nation of 27 millions.
    The PM should deliver and be realistic with his visions and the direction he is taking the nation to.
    A caution to our PM not to be “bodoh sombong” just because he is trying very hard to create his own trademark.More importantly is the well being of the nation.
    After GE 12 with the increased of opposition reps, Malaysians have gone over board without sparing individual feelings or rights. Where are we actually heading,forward or backward? The modern way of colonization.

  218. Dr Mahathir,
    During the former PM’s administration(Tun Abdullah i.e.),
    I was kind of skeptical about the then DPM.
    Now that he is our new PM, I still have my reservations.
    But in his speech as the newly appointed PM, he felt humility
    and insaf. He almost like pleading to the rakyat to give him a
    chance to prove himself worthy of the post. He asked not to
    prejudge him.
    I was kind of moved from his words. What the heck, let us give
    this man a chance that he wanted.
    He had came up with a KPI for his ministers in the cabinet. He
    would personally evaluate them after 6 months. Likewise, we rakyat
    will also have a KPI for him, just like what Datuk A Kadir Jasin
    suggested in his blog.
    If after 6 months he is not performing as to our expectations,then
    maybe we and Dr Mahathir will know what to do next.
    If on one hand, he proved himself worthy, then all the demonisation
    done by the western media with the help of his nemesis of course,
    will go unheeded. Just like what you had done in crippling the
    western agenda to demonise you. Now you are found to be right and
    you are our true hero. Will DS Najib be able to do this?

  219. Salam Tok Det,
    Saya amat bersetuju dengan apa yang dikatakan. Cubaan seperti ini bukanlah baru bagi media barat. Di zaman lampau (cewah.. dalam 10 tahun lepas aje..) pun, depa dok kutuk Tok Det. Depa kata Tok Det zalim.. Tok Det tak hormat hak asasi manusia… guna FRU nak penaya “pejuang perubahan” – REFORBASI.. erh.. MASI… teruk nama negara kita kena.
    Tapi di negara-negara Islam, depa masih percaya kat kita.. masih hormat kita.. sebab masa tu, Tok Det antara yang paling lantang mengkritik barat dan Yahudi. Media depa kan dikuasai yahudi, mesti terasa punyalah. Nak pulak masa tu, cubaan depa untuk “menjajah” negara ini melalui seorang “operatif” tempatan gagal. Sebab tu la depa dendam tak sudah-sudah.
    La ni dengaq2 kata operatif depa dah aktif balik dah.. dok mohong sana sini sejak terlepaih dari kandang.. dok buruk2 nama negara sendiri.. muhong rakyat dengan angan-angan nak jadi PM, fitnah sana, fitnah sini…. yang media luaq pon dok ambek apa yang operatif ni kata la.. macam la betui sangat.
    Tok Det,
    Membesaq di bawah pemerintahan Tok Det, kami menilai ketokohan Tok Det bukanlah dari segi cakap kosong dan janji yang dilemparkan. Tapi ketokohan Tok Det kami nilai melalui hasil yang kami nampak, kami rasa dan kami genggam. Dengan cara inilah kami yakin Tok Det sebagai pemimpin kami dulu. Tok Jib kena buat macam ni jugak. Kami nak hasil daripada kepimpinan Tok Jib dapat kami nampak, kami rasa, kami genggam dan kami nikmati bersama-sama.
    Sebab kami dah rasa apa yang Tok Det perjuangkan dulu, sbb tu kami akan terus mempertahankan agama, bangsa dan negara ini supaya apa yang kami rasa, biaq anak cucu kami pulak rasa. Tok Jib kena ambik hati rakyat macam yang Tok Det buat dulu. Cara mungkin berbeza, tapi yang penting biaq kami semua sama-sama nampak, sama-sama rasa, sama-sama genggam, dan sama-sama nikmati. Satu Malaysia..
    Wassalam.. Semoga Tok Det & Keluarga dirahmati Allah…

  220. Salam Tun. I always agree with u. even though Najib is ur man but what i see, u still dare to coderm him on his action. so u are doing right thing for the nation. badawi or najib dont care for u. they do wrong u are the first person will voice out. so as u say najib must clear is name first. go ahead. nobody else to advice PM unless u.

  221. Salam Tun and family,
    It is sadden to know and to read the information is coming from our press. i think they (who ever is feeding the western) still dont understand the word of “independent” and “OUR COUNTRY”.
    Just to share with Tun and other forumers, article from MSN Malaysia about local news; always keep writing about the Malay muslim majority while Chinese/Indian minorities – for what purpose I dont know, only the writter know.
    Hopefully, majority of Malaysians (regardless malay, chinese, indians, muslims, hindus, buddhist) will stay united and living in harmony & peaceful, for our next generation.

  222. Tun
    What are u telling to Malaysian to do, havent we remain calm enough unlike the Red protestors in Thailand.
    Again you threw back the ball to the ppl’s court; like when Al-Gore made him stand 10 years back where he was at the APEC summit.
    Dato Seri Najib has to answer, as we are not fed with enough of information from our own local press about the controversial line of stories about the premier, to qualify us to make further comment. How do u comment when the media has impossed ban on speaking certain sensitive things
    We are with the country, we love the country as much as you do, but how much our leaders truly care about our welfare, is a serious doubt.
    Its no more the physiological needs, like food or shelter, its more than that now. U knew that very well.

  223. Selamat pagi YABhg Tun,
    1. Inilah masalah yang berlaku apabila perasaan hasad dengki mengjakaui norma fikiran orang – orang yang merasakan mereka adalah golongan yang terlalu cerdik dan merasakan mereka berjuang untuk keADILan. Bodoh!
    2. Hanya kerana pandai mengunakan logik kedangkalan fikiran, rakyat mudah dimanupulasikan atas rasa simpati untuk “menegakkan benang basah” tidak bermakna anda tidak tergolong dalam golongan orang-orang yang memusnahkan bangsa anda sendiri.
    3. Ingatlah! Apa yang berlaku terhadap sejarah bangsa terdahulu. Hanya kerana inginkan kuasa, mereka sanggup bersekongkol dengan bangsa asing dan menaburkan fitnah2 kejahatan hanya kerana mereka mendakwa mereka dizalimi oleh pemerintah mereka sendiri.
    4. Saya sesungguhnya amat percaya bahawa DALANG serta PETUALANG tersebut pasti sanggup untuk berkerjasama dengan sesiapa jua malahan Yahudi sekalipun asalkan agenda nafsu serakahnya untuk memiliki kuasa pemerintahan terlaksana.
    5. Adakalanya, saya sendiri bosan dan ingin sahaja pasrah membiarkan bangsa Malaysia ini (melayu/cina/india) dijajah sekali lagi oleh bangsa yang tidak mempunyai adat kesopanan/tatasusila yang diwarwarkan sangat berlaku ADIL kepada manusia. Kerana mereka tidak pernah percaya kepada apa yang pernah berlaku dizaman dahulu (merdeka). Kerana mereka mengangap bangsa asing ini sangat – sangat boleh membantu mereka untuk lebih maju kehadapan seperti yang sekarang berlaku terhadap Iraq. Sempitnya pemikiran bangsaku!
    6. Boleh saja saya merantau dan bermastautin kenegara lain untuk hidup dengan lebih tenang dan aman. Membiarkan apa yang berlaku di Malaysia dengan relanya. Seperti pemimpin Hindraf yang duduk diluar negara tetapi dengan senang dan lenangnya memutarbelitkan fakta untuk menghuru-harakan Malaysia.
    7. Sesungguhnya, saya tahu siapa PENGKHIANAT BANGSA.
    8. Sememangnya, rakyat Malaysia tahu siapa PENGKHIANAT-PENGKHIANAT itu.
    9. Tetapi, kebanyakan rakyat Malaysia, termasuk golongan elit, serta cerdik pandai terlalu berSIMPATI kepada PENGKHIANAT itu. Ya mungkin benar, permainan simpati adalah kunci kepada definasi keberanan serta keadilan di Malaysia kini.
    10. Semoga YAB Dato’ Seri Najib tabah mengharungi cabaran serta liku-liku perjalanan sehari-hari dalam memimpin negara Malaysia. Jika benar “Mahathirisma” boleh mengembalikan keamanan, kerukunan serta kemajuan bangsa Malaysia, gunakanlah tanpa rasa gentar. Demi untuk kesejahteraan negara dan bukan semata2 untuk kepentingan diri.
    Selamat berjuang.

  224. Dearest Tun,
    If what the foreign press said about the new PM regarding the murder case is a lie, then the new PM should take legal action to clear his name. We Malaysian would not want our new PM to be a murderer suspect of some sorts. By keeping quiet he is making the matter worst. If he (or his wife) is innocent, what is he afraid of? He must clear his name once and for all. When the truth is out, and if he is innocent, then Malaysian would throw their support 100% to him. It’s nothing much to ask anyway.

  225. Dear Sir
    This are no coincidence as this is obviously a very concerted efforts by traitors in the country to undermine the national security and to disturb the stability of the country politic and economic wise.
    In times like this , i would consider such efforts as treason and the same as a terrorist attack just in a different manner.
    To create a healthy investment scenario we need a stable politic situation, this will not happen until all this stop
    We need to stop the meddling of western countries in and their “ideals” forced upon us and their selection of leaders who they think fit to lead the country.
    As for the term “Mahathirism”, i would prefer to think of it as a time of economic prosperity and happiness, whats wrong if that era to come back? To bring us out of the slump that we were in , i would be happy if that era is back. Call it by any other name that was our most glorious time and most magnificent growth and also i remember the pride when our PM during that era was voted by TIMES magazine as the 2nd most powerful man in Asia.
    Can we dream of that era again?I certainly hope it will come back.
    We are now in an era of where votes are won by misinformation, erronous blogging, where it seems votes are won by dramatics, appealing to gossips and rumours, in that case we should let ad agencies fight the election war instead.
    Votes should be based on whether we want stability , remember a rocky boat with a few captains is never good for the passenger.
    The best boat is the one with one powerful captain and good subordinate and advisors charting a good journey ahead
    the rest of the passengers should just shut up and enjoy the ride, if not lets drown together.

  226. Malaysia deserve the pariah status.
    It must be the only nation on earth where
    a) brilliant students from minority races are denied higher education access.
    b) Govenrment spending on research is minimum, preffering to spend money to boost contractor’s profits.
    c) a layman can even see that the top judges in the country has made incorrect judgements.
    d) present PM gave away 400million in comission for a submarine contract to his political secretary and close friend (insider trading is illegal at KLSE).
    e) the previous PM Mahathir made noises about import AP’s for motorcar imports, now has his son as the deputy minister in the relevant department. That can only mean he wants all the AP’s for himself.

  227. Dear Tun
    We live in the world where the Western media think they are superior and powerful. But they are really the “Pariahs” of the worst kind. It shows they don’t have the morals and values others have. Their agenda is to make profits at the expense of deceits , lies and mock up conspiracies! Certain opposition leaders have always work closely with the West to create chaos and uncertainty in our country. They are the pariahs’ pariahs! And worst still there are thousands who blindly support these leaders! This country will be weak when they take over the government and their leaders are not only traitors and corrupts but comprise of atheists, homosexuals and misfits!

  228. Tun,
    1. first of all, Dato Seri Najib had not done enough to prove otherwise, so far the tension between BN and Opposition has never been better after 12 GE last March. after that more and more of evidence proven to public that corrupted government servants yet been punished/prosecuted, thats why the people will put their believe in Opposition. this is normal human reaction right?
    2. the handling of murder case and corruption cases are not handled properly. there is no judiciary action being carried out or some form of independent investigation in place. how could you ask the people to believe in when all these while Dato Seri Najib just kept his silence? he is as important as the entire country, therefore keeping quiet is not a good choice for him.
    3. recent huu-haa of UMNO party election is another factor. nowadays people had indirectly link UMNO = government and when UMNO been tagged as corrupt then government also been tagged the same.
    these are just 3 major factors despite numerous cases and incidents. Tun Abdullah premiership also contribute some factors either he did not banish corruption enough or the placement of anti-corruption agencies too late or his tenure is too short to do anything.
    likewise you said in the earlier post that we cannot totally eradicate corruption, therefore i assume you admit that during your service as PM, corruption are there. so, if the people of Malaysia felt corruption level during your time is unacceptable, even worst when during Tun Abdullah administration tenure?

  229. A very happy morning Tun,
    There is no way we can prevent the foreign presses from writing nasty and negative comments about our present PM since adverse public perceptions are being circulated amongst `talk-shops` in the country still.
    Let them have their say – they will fizzle out in a while but maybe in the meantime, our PM should come out with some serious damage control counter-actions to dispel them. Silence is never a viable option here in these times.
    Besides, we the rakyat, need our PM to get us out of the current bad economic doldrum fast, as everyone is hurting from it.

  230. TDM, why did you support Najib for the post of PM of Malaysia when you knew well, that his credibility among foreign nations is at low ebb?? You also knew, that majority of Malaysian don’t want Najib as the PM. The condemnation of Najib both by foreigners as well as Malaysians is definitely going to take it’s toll as Najib will be concentrating on how to defend himself than ruling the nation.
    OK, Sir, it is still not too late. You are a master mind and please do everything to get rid of Najib the way you meticulously and successfully planned to oust Pak lah!

  231. Salam Tun sekeluarga.
    Mungkin ini juga antara agenda seorang pemimpin yang memang sahih rosak akhlak dan moralnya. Dan juga disahkan di mahkamah sebagai seorang peliwat yang keji. Pandai bermuka-muka di depan penyokong. Apa saja sanggup dilakukan demi mencapai cita-cita menjadi PM walaupun negara sendiri digadaikan.

  232. The Australian writer is the real “pariah”. The new PM must win the hearts and minds of the rakyat, if he cannot, he must quickly pave the way for another leader with clean image to take over, i.e. if BN can make it at PRU13.

  233. Salam Tun,
    1) The world is controlled by a small group of people with their own agenda.
    2) They control the economy, army and of course the media.
    3) Strange things have happened before and it is not by coincidence. CNN especially loves bad news.
    4) War, economic meltdown, change of leadership, etc etc… the pattern is quite predictable. Cyclical, or like a yoyo.
    5) In the end it is what we want and what the government can do, matters most.
    6) By the way, the Tamil Tigers might have moved its headquarters to Malaysia and understand that the war for a Tamil State will be fought with the help of Malaysians.
    7) Please act now before its too late!

  234. Saya rasa isteri Najib, Rosmah amat perlu berubah. Kena mengikut perwatakan Tun Hasmah. Rosmah perlu membuat banyak perubahan terhadap perwatakan atau sekurang-kurangnya penampilan diri. Rakyat berpendapat, Rosmah tidak sensitif terhadap penampilannya dan perwatakannya. Secara terang saya katakan, ramai tidak menyukai Rosmah. Raut wajahnya sombong, perubahan wajahnya (ramai berpendapat beliau telah mengubah wajah secara kosmetik)amat tidak boleh diterima, solekannya terlalu tebal dan terlalu berkilat seperti mak datin-mak datin (kebiasaan panggilan sindiran). Badan beliau perlu dikuruskan. Berusahalah sikit. Rakyat bukan sahaja melihat Najib tetapi juga isterinya. Semua faktor di ambil kira. Sekali lagi, tiru macam Tun Hasmah.

  235. assalamualiakum Tun,
    the international community fear “mahathir” more than “najip”.they worry that DSnajip will carry out plans or implement project that will actually bring prosperity to the Malaysian Rakyat.
    as usual there will always be the standard “Malaysian wannabe matsalleh”who will agree to whatever the white man say.
    DSnajip must prove himself worthy to Malaysians first before “kaw towing” to the foreign community.
    the crooked bridge if implemented during paklah’s time could have saved us pulau Batu Putih.not to mention ease the traffic woes,generate more income thru tourism,reduce logistic expenses for local authority and the most important of all to instill sense of pride as Malaysian.
    so now DSnajip has to work real hard,no more under the belt tactics.clean up shop and start work.remember our origins.who we are.less talk more work.PROVE to the Rakyat.
    the whole Altantuya case has left the Rakyat with a bad feeling.the opposition has banked on the foreign press are also using it to smear Malaysia’s image.personally,i think it was handle badly.
    we need a closure to this frightful incident.DSnajip has to clear his name or else it will always be hanging over his head.
    please pull all resources togather and try to rebuild Malaysia.the wave of destruction is coming.we need to dig in our heels and stand togather as one nation,one voice,one Malaysia.

  236. Salam alaik Tun… Its me, a 22 years old boy from a Department
    of Electrical Engineering of Unviersity of Malaya again…
    by: Tun Mahathir
    From France to Britain to Australia, the articles are identical and
    carried the same message.
    Heh… Sure… Its called as demonisation where they all are the
    demon, the evil and possess a satanic value… For example, the
    British and American army which were blood-thirsty modern evil in
    Iraq and Afghan… Everybody knows that a final Pentagon report
    released has concluded there is “no substantiated evidence” of Iraqi
    use of chemical weapons since the 1991 Persian Gulf war… No
    proof has been found… Unconfirmed charges have been circulating
    for years that Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein used chemical warfare
    to suppress a Shia rebellion in southern Iraq shortly after the gulf
    conflict ended… But we can see obviously how evil and satanic
    American and Britain’s army were, during their killing hobby at Afghan
    and Iraq. More than 100000 had died. We are not like them, the
    evils… In our Holy Quran, sura Al-Hujurat (sentence 6), Allah said,
    “O you who believe, if a Fasiq (liar – evil person) comes to you with
    any news, verify it, lest (to avoid the risk of) you should harm people
    in ignorance, and afterwards you become regretful for what you have
    done.” — We are the muslims, not a Fasiq like those British,
    American, France, Australian and so on… They just say it, but acting
    like dunno when it deals with a fact… They just based on the silly
    and stupid rumours where only the uncivilized and barbaric people like
    them will believe it… We can see all of their actions are un-Christians

  237. Salam Tun,
    Terlalu banyak fitnah pada hari ini, hanya Allah yang maha mengetahui, yang pasti mereka yang membuat kejahatan pasti akan dihukum oleh Allah, dan ingatlah hukuman Allah di akhirat tidak terperi dan tergambar azabnya…

  238. Salam Tun Dr Mahathir,
    Saya tidak berapa pasti maksud “Mahathirismi”….namun apa yang saya kaji berkenaan pemimpin Islam dimasa silam… kejayaan pemimpin Islam adalah kerana sifat ketegasan mereka… Saidina Abu Bakar tegas, membenteras Nabi Palsu, ingkar bayar zakat dll… Saidina Umar, tegas mengekalkan tanah orang bukan Islam yang ditawan dengan tidak mengagihkan kepada para tentera Islam sebagai harta rampasan perang…. dengan mengantikannya dengan pengenaan cukai al-Kharaj untuk faedah negara dan generasi akan datang… ternyata negara Islam hebat, dipandang tinggi oleh negara kawan dan juga lawan…
    Hem..kalau maksud Mahathirism adalah ketegasan untuk memacu negara Malaysia sebagai negara Maju menjelang tahun 2020, rasanya tak salah kut Tun…
    tapi tak tahu la pulak… takrifannya bagaimana?… Wallahualam…

  239. Dear Tun,
    This is nothing new. During your time, we have seen how the western press demonise you because you kicked out their favourite candidate as Prime Minister.
    The same method been applied over and over again not only in Malaysia but other countries as well. That’s how they want to “democracise” the world.
    The utmost important agenda now is to bring back economy prosperity and Malaysia on track with our vision. The result speaks for itself and it will get more rakyat support.

  240. Dearest Tun,
    Based on what I heard through my sembang session with friends at a mamak restaurant, most of them think Najib has something to do with the murder, and because of him, the two police officers will be hanged (some have even questioned whether will they be actually hanged or will it be just the ‘news’?).
    The truth about the murder will not be known. But some of the rakyat have already made up their minds by sentencing our current PM guilty.
    For me, I’m starting to think that these ‘coffeshop’ issues are actually the national issues that one should take seriously. Before this I have written to you about KJ being the hot topic among ‘kaki sembang’ and acccusing KJ of being ‘Mr 15%’ and I really believe KJ is one of the reason for UMNO’s downfall. Most of the rakyat believe all the bad stories about KJ, whether true or not. And because KJ is the x-PM’s son in law, most rakyat do not believe in UMNO anymore.
    I hope Najib could clear things up (about the murder) quickly. I hate to see this being the cause of BN’s downfall. The opposition will use this issue to garner more support, and I believe they have. Please Najib, the rakyat are beginning to punish you, please clear things up.

  241. Salam Tun,
    It is expected Tun for the foreign media to come up with all kinds of craps. They got nothing good to say about the third world countries especially their ex-colonies.
    If the standards of their Presidents and Prime Ministers behaviours and morals are the benchmark for a good leader, i dont think Najib needs to lose any sleep as Malaysians are more demanding. At least Najib didnt authorise a military invasion on another sovereign nation and run a torture camp like Bush did,or lied to his nation to support US invasion on Iraq based on fabricated lies like Blair did, or do a sex act with an female apprentice and lied to his wife and his nation like Clinton did. Who are these people to judge other nations when their hands are filthy with blood and lies?
    It is funny, these countries practice the rule that everyone is innocence until proven guilty, yet they take it as facts all these unproven allegations fed to them by their pariahs in malaysia.
    To these pariahs, you are destroying your own countries due to your lust for power. I can pretty much guess who are their agents and pariahs feeding them with all these allegations to fulfill their own ambition and agenda. It is a reminisence of the Iraqi opposition who fed all the lies to the Americans on Saddam cruelty so the Americans get so worked out to invade Saddam in the name of liberation. Six years later and almost 5000 soldiers dead, they still in denial on their reasons for the invasion. They found out that the opposition had been feeding them lies so they end up doing the dirty works to remove Saddam. Well like some people said what goes around comes around.
    Tun, as all these media are owned by the Jews and i am not surprised co financed by the CIA, it is to be expected that these of news made to the front page. They will not stop until they install their pariah puppet to be the PM of Malaysia to serve their interests. When this happens we cannot call our nation independent anymore. History teaches us when the US and their cronies interfeared in any nation affairs, they will end up destroying that nation and leave it in shambles when they achieved their agenda. They are like locus and their crickets friends in Malaysia are subservient to them.
    They are the real pariahs and will do anything as long the means will lead to the ends. The most unfortunate thing is their supporters are blind and deaf, and dont use their brains to differentiate between right and wrong, truths or lies.
    Wassallam Tun, may God protect Malaysia from all harms.

  242. My beloved Tun,
    It’s another milestone for Tun that Malaysian are using the term of Mahathirism leadership, only successful and influential leader like Tun will let people to honor the term using Tun name, is proven under your 22 years serving the nation and proof to the world that it work and you turn around Malaysia into what we are now, as the longest serving PM in the world, nothing wrong to the Mahathirism Era is back, cos that will really drive us to Tun and many Malaysians want Malaysia to be in 2020. Tun, the Mahathirism way already turn around Malaysia, the rest of the world should look at us, Malaysian are not blind and stupid enough to let Tun run the nation for 22 years, you are the best, even at your age, you are still continuing serving our beloved country, no body are more qualify, better knowledge and better experience to tell where we should be heading to, a true leader will continue like Tun serving the nation even after retired. I remembered someone ask you to look after and spent time with family and grand children, I just tell the person, if that

  243. Selamat pagi Ayahanda Tun,
    This press release must be from our local anti-Najib group since the articles are identical and carried the same message written by foreign’s writers (kerja “writers” adalah tulis apa yang disuruh editor atau penerbit itu). The word “pariah” is our local english word, and I never read any mat salleh ori use such word in their articles. The friends of this western press group must have relationship with our Raja Petra yang suka tulis gosip politik untuk menaikan hits untuk cari makan.
    Yes, with DS Rais Yatim as our new Information Minister chosen by Najib, they are fearful Najib would put a stop to their control of the media in Malaysia. Najib can expect to hear more of this kind of demonisation from the foreign press but it is “what Malaysians think that counts” and it is with us that Najib has to clear his name.
    History told us that Dr M was not a dictator because rakyat respected, believed, obeyed and trusted him during his leadership. Because of Tun Lah (PM ke-5), rakyat including Dr M learned the lesson on “Melayu Mudah Lupa (Pak Lah)” and “Duri Dalam Daging (Anwar).”
    Good day Ayahanda Tun.

  244. Salam Tun Dr Mahathir,
    Sedih kan Tun, media-media asing tu memang mencari peluang je nak dapatkan berita-berita macam tu…
    Kat Malaysia ni, cerita memburuk-burukkan orang dan individu tu dah jadik macam suatu yang biasa dan tiada salahpun… saya sedih Tun,… boleh didengar dimana-manapun….
    Kenapa orang sibukkan hebohkan keburukan orang lain?… keburukan tu memang ada dimana-mana selagi kita bernama manusia… namun untuk menjaja keburukan dan menjatuhkan orang ni macam suatu perkara yang tiada kesalahanpun…..bukankah kita orang Islam diseru untuk menjaga keaiban, yang perlu kita buat adalah menasihat dan pengajaran dan sentiasa memberi peluang untuk berubah menjadi lebih baik dan lebih baik lagi…. kenapa kita sangat susah nak percaya yang segala keburukan itu kalaupun tidak dapat dihukum didunia akan tetap mendapat pembalasan diakhirat?…janganlah dirisau, kalau ada yang terlepas hukum… fokusla pada kerja masing-masing bagaimana nak memajukan diri sendiri, keluarga, bangsa, agama, negara dan tanah air…
    Itu adalah sikap kita orang Melayu.. dari dulu sampai sekarang… sebab tu bangsa kita susah sangat nak maju kut… kalau bangsaku susah sangat nak maju, jangan lah pulak nak seret, negara Malaysia kita ni kekancah kehancuran pula…. susah saya nak jawab pada anak-anak saya atas apa yang telah dilakukan oleh orang sekarang yang menyebabkan kehancuran negara dimasa akan datang….
    marilah kita sama-sama bersatu wahai bangsaku…..
    Tah la Tun… penat rasanya melihat sikap dan senario negara akhir-akhir ini…..

  245. Salam Tun,
    For most of the people, what matters is that work is done and their well being is taken care off, anyway its better to trust known devil than unknown angel, period!

  246. (1) Demonisation by so many at the same time is NOT a coincidence, but it is mainly due to so many fishy questions arise, which all without answers
    (2) detained for no reason, manipulated the judiciary, controlled the press
    – Just refer to the Perak issue is more than enough. It seems that the role of Speaker no longer function, since everything happen in Perak do not accordingly to the rules and procedures … so what the term judiciary means?
    – Few days back, it is knowned that “certain people or issue is prohibited from published” … not sure whether this is called controlled the press
    (3) Mahathirism is just an illustration about something bad in the mind of most population in this country
    – that’s the reason why abdullah claimed the biggest victory in the history, as the people thought he can bring new hopes after “mahathirism” is removed. who knows, he failed
    – BN lost in 2 re-elections recently even after new Prime Minister is taking over, shows that the people are worry as they thought the country will be back to mathatirism
    (4) How people in this country think of these so called demonisation … should use spy/undercover to check and see, in order to find out the truth … you will be surprise
    – hawker selling durian at the roadside will ask .. and say it is fishy
    – hawker selling pisang goreng will also ask .. and say it is fishy
    – teacher, student, bus driver will also ask the same .. and say it is fishy
    why? very simple only … when there are alot of fishy questions are not answered … then it become more fishy …
    Leaders beside learning how to politic and ask the surbordinates to “hear from rakyat” … there is another thing which is very important … it is called behaviourer science
    the era of Tun is already over … the population that will just listen and trust is decreasing … especially the eldest who came across with difficult life last time … what is the daily death toll in Malaysia? the eldest are slowly passed away and new blood who borned after Merdeka is coming in …
    to understand the new bloods who borned after merdeka, should go and learn behaviourer science … the new era especially the young one have questions always in the mind ….
    with the character of new Prime Minister, who always like to ignore, keep quiet, and no comment for issues … the impact will be seen in very near future …

  247. Dear Tun,
    Our Prime Minister should know that once he takes the “throne” that it will happen, it is just a matter of time. What surprise me is that he did not seem to show any concern about it yet.
    You are right when you said that our Prime Minister has only one entity to justify to, the rakyat. But that itself will be very hard… for there are many with different agenda, mentality, perspective and interpretation. Malaysia is not an island, we cannot survive on our own, the view of the world and other countries will indeed affect the way the rakyat thinks. Thus the dilemma….
    But I do believe that truth cannot be hidden forever, lies cannot be covered forever. Good trees will only bear good fruit and bad trees will bear bad fruit.
    Since all the assumption, lies and slander thrown by other people at our Prime Minister are false. Then all he has to do is smile. The truth will finds it way around, and he will have the last laugh at all of them. But if indeed what the assumptions, lies and slander have any truth then our Prime Minister has to come clean with the rakyat FIRST. Then let the rakyat judge him. If indeed he is clean and we are happy with it we will stand by his side to face the world.
    Truth cannot be hidden lies cannot be covered. The righteous man stay in peace and rest, while the unrighteous man god around restless looking for peace.

  248. Salam Sejahtera Tun berdua dan pembaca chedet,
    1. Bila kah kita akan sedar bahawa tiada orang luar yang benar-benar sayangkan kita, melainkan kita lah yang mesti sayangkan diri kita sendiri?
    2. dan apabila orang luar yang kononya membela (as in fight for, not look after) kita, yang kata pemimpin kita tak betul, pemimpin kita salah, pemimpin kita tah apa-apa lagi, kita kena SEDAR, bahawa mereka inilah juga yang menghantar beribu-ribu tentera mereka ke negara saudara-saudara kita di AFGHANISTAN, IRAQ dan sekarang berkira-kira untuk menyerang IRAN pula.
    3. Mereka itu BETUL SANGAT KAH? Bagus kah menyerang negara lain ikut suka hati mereka? atas bermacam-macam sebab yang mereka wujudkan sendiri? Weapons of Mass Destruction lah, Bersekongkol dengan al-Qaeda lah.. apa-apa sajalah!! Asalkan mereka berjaya menggunakan media mereka untuk mempengaruhi dunia bahawa mereka ada SEBAB untuk serang negara orang lain yang ISLAM. (Padahal, last-last, mereka sendiri kata mereka tak ada sebab nak serang pun!!)
    4. Pada hemat saya, mereka ini memburuk-burukkan negara dan pemimpin kita kerana ada orang Malaysia yang bodoh pianngg yang tak ada kerja lain tetapi mengkhianat tanah air sendiri semata-mata kerana tak dapat berkuasa di MAlaysia pada PRU12 yang lalu.
    5. Pada saya, Kerajaan wajib selidik siapa pengkhianat yang sedang berusaha sedaya upaya merosakkan kemajuan dan keharmonian negara ini. Dapatkan nama-nama mereka bersama bukti kerjasama mereka dengan media dan negara asing ini. Tunjukkan dan Dakwa mereka.
    6. Dan orang yang didapati bersalah memburuk-burukkan negara, pemimpin-pemimpin negara dan berusaha merosakkan negara ini, menghalang negara ini daripada aman dan makmur -mereka ini wajib disabitkan bersalah atas tuduhan KHIANAT.
    7. Bagi yang tak tahu apa hukuman atas orang-orang yang khianat, kalau dulu-dulu… PANCUNG!!!!!!!!!! SEKARANG?? GANTUNGGGG!!!! Jangan dok penjara-penjara… gantung jee…..
    SIVAKUMAR sure setuju.
    8. jangan ampun orang-orang macam ni… biar selamat Malaysia tercinta demi anak cucu cicit kita di masa depan.
    MAAF TUN, marah sikitlah saya hari ni,kerana tajuk yang Tun beri ni memang satu isu yang sering digunakan sebagai senjata political desperados di malaysia ni.
    The culprits are the same ones over and over again. These people are true traitors. tak takut Tuhan, tak ingat balasan akhirat. tapi cakap berdegar-degar pasal guna agama. Mereka hanya nampak kuasa yang sedang mereka rebut, tapi mereka tak nampak kemusnahan yang mereka bawa ke atas rakyat biasa yang hanya mahu hidup aman damai di tanah air tercinta ini.
    Mereka sudah mabuk dunia. Mereka belum dapat kuasa, tetapi sudah mabuk kuasa.
    Take care Tun and all,May ALLAH SWT keeps us all in HIS blessings, guidance and good safe-keeping. Let us all pray for the present and future of Malaysia, our country.
    the insignificant one- sikenit

  249. Assalamualaikum.
    Jangan takut Tun, Rakyat Malaysia yang ada akal tau pada zaman Tun jadi PM terlalu banyak jasa baik Tun dan Tun memang lantang mempertahankan kebenaran tanpa mengira siapa yang membuat salah. Sebab tu la orang putih takut Dato’ Seri Najib ikut cara Tun pulak nanti. Panas pungkoq depa nanti.

  250. Sir,
    I feel that DS Najib does not have to worry too much about what the foreign press thinks about him. If he can learn from you how to deal with such negative perceptions then he is on firm ground.
    The real problem lies here within our country. The perception that he is corrupt and somehow involved in Altantuya’s murder is very real. Practically everyone I meet thinks so. How he will dispel these perceptions is anyone’s guess.
    The foreign press can only do so much but the rakyat can do much more damage come GE 13th. In the people’s eyes DS Najib reputation is tainted. He must find a way to endear himself to the people just like you did all those 22 years at the helm. Otherwise, he is finished.
    As for Mahathirism, however it is defined, it worked very well for Malaysia. It may have been a love-hate relationship where some loved it and some hated it depending on where they stood on matters of principles. Still, it brought Malaysia to where it is today in terms of development.

  251. Tun,
    I strongly believe that Dato Najib should be more proactive in clearing his name as opposition is using it for every elections as their main point to condem current gov.

  252. Salam Tun,
    DEMONISATION, in the Malaysian political scene had been very successful and had been the flesh and blood of the opposition parties. Remember, PAS propaganda that any Muslim who voted for Barisan was damned to hell!
    Now, PAS members can cast their votes to DAP or PKR as a justified course for Islam.
    Has UMNO notice this?
    Has UMNO taken any proactive action?
    Has UMNO done any research to assess those who were influenced before had repent and condemned PAS.
    Are they now with UMNO?………My answer is they are still with PAS!
    UMNO politicians are still ‘zero’ to counter PAS ‘demonization’ of Islamic teaching. This is one example that UMNO had failed to rectify, what more with the current DEMONISATION issues.

  253. Salam Chedet..
    jika pembangunan rakyat terus dijana oleh PM sekarang tanpa mengira kedudukan dan bangsa serta agama,apa yang belaku pada masa lepas akan hanya jadi cerita sahaja oleh sesetengah pihak.kerana rakyat akan lebih memandang dan menghargai usaha pemimpin yang memastikan rakyat tidak tertekan dengan keadaan kehidupan yang makin mencabar di abad ini.tidak seperti mantan PM-Pak Lah dahulu yang hanya mementingkan golongan ELITE atau golongan ATASAN sahaja menyebabkan pemimpin lain turut sama mengikut trend tersebut menyebabkan rakyat meluat dan bosan dengan pemimpin BN.
    Jika semua pemimpin BN dapat membuang sikap VIIP apabila bertemu rakyat,ini mungkin akan dapat membantu memnaikkan kembali populariti parti BN.

  254. eemm..knp kah media asing ini sibuk dengan PM Malaysia yg baru???lahanat2 nie memang la kurang cerdik…dengan kata lain diaorg patut menuduh yg Presiden US and Britain tu lagi laa pembunuh ….mereka membunuh berpuluh ribu orang..termasuk juga laa si lahanattullah Yahudi itu…itu kan ke lebih penting…media di malaysia pun sengal juga..infomasi yg diberi semuanye tidak tepat…selalunye mengkorupkan diri sendiri…semuanye ader kepentingan sendiri..tidak lagi memikir kan agenda yg sepatutnye menaikkan lagi martabat AGAMA,BANGSA dan NEGARA sendiri…kesian2..dengan kata lain UMAT ISLAM sendiri membunuh umat ISLAM.tanpa rasa ragu2 disebarkan segala fitnah dan tomahan…berita2 sekarang tidak lagi perlu pengesahan…cukup sekadar boleh membuat seseorg atau sekumpulan itu kaya maka perkara itu boleh dijadikan berita…sungguh mulia MEDIA ELEktronik dan CETAK sekarang ini…tanpa ragu2 juga lah umat ISLAM sekarang menuduh,mencerca,memfitnah dan sebagainye dilakukan diatas kepentingan sendiri…tiada lagi ikatan agama diantara satu sama lain..yg penting kocek harus kembung dan akhirat no 540…duniawi adalah segalanye…harta tu adalah dunia skrg ini…eemmm…taniah umat akhir zaman…

  255. Assalamualaikum Tun,
    Harap Tun sihat dan sejahtera seluruh Keluarga =D
    Tun, saya berharap sangat agar semua Project2/Perancangan Mega yang diberhentikan oleh previous PM akan dapat dibuat semula dgn secepat mungkin oleh Dato’ Seri Najib.
    Ini kerana saya melihat kebanyakan rakyat kecewa dengan terbatalnya project2 Mega seperti Jambatan Link-2, Keretapi Berkembar, Corridor2 di Malaysia dan pelbagai lagi. Mungkin Rakyat menolak BN pada pilihan raya kecil yang lalu kerana melihat tidak ada sebarang berita mengenai penyambungan Project2 Mega ini.
    Lagi satu Tun, diharap nanti apabila bertanding di Pilihan Raqya kecil, diharap BN akan menggunakan taktik2 dan reason2 yang bernas kenapa tidak boleh Undi Pakatan Rakyat dan kenapa kena undi BN.
    Saya berasa kecewa dengan Bernama TV yang tidak dapat menyiarkan Live siaran langsung ucapan TUn pada Pilihan raya kecil bukit selambau yang lalu, malah media2 bertindak begitu kurang bijak apabila hanya memetik beberapa Adegan Tun berucap yang hanya mengutuk sinis parti pembangkang malah Adegan Tun yang menyatakan bukti kukuh kenapa tidak boleh Undi Parti Pembangkang tidak disiar oleh Media.
    Tun, ada beberapa lagi sebab kenapa kita tidak boleh undi Parti Pembangkang, jadi sini marilah saya memberi beberapa cadangan dan idea point2 untuk memberi alsan kenapa tidak boleh mengundi mereka:-
    1)Penggunaan nama Allah kepada orang bukan Islam
    (Pakatan Rakyat amat menyetujui perkara ini)
    2)Dana2 Yahudi yang diterima oleh mereka (Khusus nya PKR)
    3)Tindakan IMF yang menjadikan Anwar Ibrahim sebagai Trap pada financial crisis 1997
    (Tun, dalam buku Tun bertajuk ‘MALAYSIAN CURRENCY CRISIS’ ada menyatakan tentang ‘The Virtual IMF Policy’. Anwar Ibrahim asyik Deny kata dia tidak amik IMF, TETAPI dasar yang ingin digubalnya dahulu menjurus ke arah IMF dan ada dasar2 yang digubal beliau ketika itu memberi peluang kepada IMF memasuki Malaysia!!)
    4)Hubungan orang Yahudi dengan Anwar Ibrahim
    (kenapa org2 yahudi ini sanagt rapat dengan Anwar Ibrahim dan PArti2 pembangkang????)
    5)Agebda Pluralisme dan liberalisme yang ingin diimplementasikan oleh Pembangkang (Tun, ini amat berbahay bukan sahja pada Islam, malah pada Agama2 yg lain juga.)
    6)Paku dulang paku serpih, Mengata orang dia yang lebih,
    (Pembangkang banyak juga membuat apa yang mereka menuduh BN buat seperti Rasuah, Pakai kereta Toyota Camry, Banyak jani2 tidak dapat ditunaikan dan pelbagai lagi….point ini amat bagus kerana dengan ini rakyat akan kembali pada BN =D)
    Sekian sahaja comment saya Tun, saya berharap agar cadangan2 saya ini dapat Tun & BN fikirkan untuk digunakan sebagai dakyah untuk menhantam pembangkang. Saya dan seluruh Rakyat Malaysia tanpa mengira Kaum, Agama dan Budaya tidak ingin Bumi ini dijajah kembali oleh orang2 luar (apatah lagi org2 Yahudi) melalui Pakatan Rakyat.
    Terima kasih Tun,

  256. Salam TDM,
    Anyhow there is no doubt that Malaysian are MISS ” THE Mahathirism “…. I want back the route that already been drawn and can bring me to VISION 2020. Tcare TUN. May Allah Bless You.

  257. Salam kepada Tun dan pembaca blog sekalian.
    Pada pendapat saya ini semua adalah tidak lain dan tidak bukan adalah muslihat dan taktik sesetengah pihak bagi mengaburi mata dunia. Kononnya merakalah yang yang paling suci. Perkara ini memang disengajakan. Tidak ada istilah ‘coincidence’ dalam perkara ini bagi mereka yang bersedia membuka mata dan telinaga untuk mengetahui keadaan sebenar perjalanan politik malaysia.
    Pengkhianat negara ini telah menjaja cerita yang tidak baik tentang Malaysia dan pemimpin2 negara apabila mereka keluar negara. Apakah motif mereka yang sebenar apabila keluar negara? Adakah kerana mereka ini benar2 bekerja atau sekadar ingin menyebarkan berita dan cerita yang sengaja direka2?

  258. Salam Yg Bhg Tun,
    Fidel Castro dah merasa perkara ni berpuluh tahun dah la, kini cuba lihat apa jadi pada Cuba, makmur juga. Bahkan bidang perubatan mereka jauh lebih maju daripada AS sendiri.
    Point yang saya ingin utarakan ialah, bukan penilaian kacamata orang luar yg patut kita pikirkan, tetapi ‘improvement hakiki’ terhadap Malaysia, ekonominya dan rakyatnya.
    Saya seru lagi pihak kerajaan dengan slogan SATU MALAYSIA, membentuk komiti-komiti kerja dalam setiap kementerian dgn wakil dari ahli politik kerajaan dan pembangkang, ahli perniagaan dan ahli masyarakat mahupun ahli agama dan mereka yang berkaitan, agar pembangunan dan dasar yang dirancang lebih kemas dan tepat dengan keperluan semasa.
    Terima kasih,
    Orang Ulu Baling..
    Abi Qalam

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