1. The United States of America (USA) is the greatest power in the history of mankind. Certainly it is the most powerful military power in the world today. It has the capacity to wipe off the whole of humanity if it chooses to do so.

2. But the Americans must remember the Vietnam War. The great power, employing all its military might, all its technology and huge sums of money was defeated by the black pajama-clad unimpressive undersized Vietnamese.

3. Tens of thousands of American soldiers died. Many more seriously wounded both in body and mind. For all these sacrifices what has America gained? Nothing, truly nothing that could not be gained by peaceful means.

4. The Vietnamese fought and died for their country. Such passionate patriotism is totally justified. That too will be the passion of other countries attacked by America or other powers. Defense and the sacrifices made for one’s country is to be expected. But those who sacrifice their lives in aggressive wars die for nothing.
5. Remember Iraq also. It was supposed to be over in three months. But it is still on today almost 18 years later. Saddam is dead but is Iraq much better than Saddam’s times? I do not think autocracy is right. But if democracy is the answer, expecting it to perform miracles overnight is stupid.

6. Iranian military chief, General Suleimani was assassinated in Iraq by the very people who condemned the killing of Khashoggi. Is there any diffirence between the killing of Suleimani and that of Khashoggi?

The fire raging in Australia is not an Australian affair. It affects the whole world. It is an international catastrophe. The whole world should help Australia put out the fire. Unfortunately, this is not being done.

520 thoughts on “A REMINDER”

  1. They can protest as much as they want to make the situation even worst.

    The choice is with them.

    I rest my case.


    Model yourself after my instructions, not my actions. The phrase implies that the speaker is imperfect and makes mistakes, so one should follow their advice but not imitate them.

    Hence, never judge a book by its cover.

  3. Tun

    I rasa TSMY kena mencepatkan appointment cabinet members. Because market macam tak sober. Pihak Tun also harus berhenti menentang keputusan Agong. Move on.

    I teringat dalam satu temu ramah dengan Dr Rais, bila ditanya tentang orang Bersatu berkata begini dan begitu… dia jawab something like this, kami ada whatsupp grouo, mustahil mereka tidak tahu, sebab tidak buat perjumpaan, sibuk dengan macam2 hal.

    Esoknya orang PKR keluarkan nombor2 talipon termasuk nombor Tun.


  4. Assalamualaikum Tun,

    Saya terfikir mengapakah Tun minta maaf sebab meletakkan jawatan sebagai Perdana Menteri. Setelah difikir, barulah saya faham. Walaupun seluruh ahli Parlimen mahu Tun letak jawatan, mereka tidak boleh buat serta merta. Ini perlu dilakukan melalui vote of no confidence diadakan di Parlimen, barulah seseorang Perdana Menteri boleh dipaksa letak jawatan. Ini dapat memberi masa kepada Perdana Menteri untuk buat strategi susulan. Bukan mudah ya Tun untuk membuang Perdana Menteri. Takpelah Tun, kita beri masa kepada TSMY memerintah pula. Adakah rule of law akan ditegakan, adakah korupsi terus dibanteras? Kita tunggu dan lihat. Let’s give TSMY the benefit of the doubt and not jump to conclusions.

  5. Tun

    I nak share positive news

    Uphold principles of loyalty to King, country and ruling govt, says MCMC sec-gen

    Yes true, true, earlier Hadi ada sebut tak payah la Dewan Rakyat, kita dah sokong TSMY sebagai PM. I faham why Hadi kata begini sebab tak mahu kemelut politik ini berlanjutan, bikin susah semua orang.

    Another good news, Najib nak court case dia berterusan. Barangkali dia nak tunjuk betapa jahat PH ini. hahaha Zahid pula ponteng sebab nak jumpa PM about cabinet line-up, rupanya PM tiada buat temujanji. Guys mungkin miscommunication, itu saja. Usahlah dipanjang panajngkan. Zahid kes masih boleh diteruskan.

    Oh ya based on cerita mimpi, jangan mula ingat I bomoh. The last time I wrote on my blog FGV, NAIM naik tiba2, so ada forummers kat investment forums kata I bomoh. All the while tak naik, tiba2 naik because I sebut. Hey, bukanlah, just sixth sense. Got it from my late mom.

    Berbalik pada arwah mak I. Beberapa tahun sebelum dia meninggal, hujung2 usianya, dia paling suka salahkan semua orang. Ada saja yang salah. Kejab I kejab kakak I kejab abang I. I wish I ada wits macam Najib masa itu, mungkin I akan gelak bukan terlalu sedih.

    Tun please rest, usah digaduh2kan. My mom bukan sekaya Tun, so resources very limited. But Tun, you can do anything, jalan sana jalan sini, holiday sini holiday sana, tak semestinya aktif berpolitik.

    Kalau Tun takut letih, my hubby – walau tak sebaya Tun, kira pangkat anak Tun, dia amalkan jogging lepas sembahyang subuh. Dia kata kalau tak berpeluh cepat ngantuk.

  6. Salam YAB dan DiSanjungi Negarawan Ulung Tun Dr. Mahathir,

    Mohon izin Tun:


    Saya sentiasa mendoakan kebaikan buat pemimpim kesayangan saya.

    Saya tidak boleh terima perlakuan khianat dan tidak beradab TSMY dan geng terhadap seorang Negarawan Ulung yang berusia 94 tahun. Sepatutnya mereka bersabar.

    Tiada KEBERKATAN walaupun berjaya membentuk Kerajaan dan TSMY menjadi PM.

    P/S: Saya tetap terima Tun kembali sebagai PM walaupun Tun telah meletak jawatan sebanyak beratus kali. Teruskan bekerja ye Tun. 🙂

    Terima kasih Tun. Sayang Tun!

    – Semoga Allah SWT sentiasa merahmati Tun sekeluarga –

  7. JELUTIONG TIGERS WILL CONTINUE TO ROAR BY HOOK, OR BY CROOK TO TAHAN LEGASI TDM since DSN, PEKAN MP keeps asking what happened to the undersea terowong that connect BM to PG at SELAT MELAKA PORT hoping he can be free from SKANDAL 1MDB, HIS PET PROJECT LIKE PL?

    Jangan sentuh, ini TDM punya.
    Jangan sentul, ini PL punya.
    Jangan sentul, ini DSN punya.

    Wah = DSAI?

    Bersin = San Miguel, ESSO turned PETRON in the name of PETRONAS?







    What is ECONOMIC GROWTH FORCAST that heavily rely on property development at federal and state levels via petrol and gas subsidies in the name of KERIS?




    Since TS MY. YASSIN is being appointed by AGONG PAHANG, then, let him do his jobs to select who he prefer to appoint.



    Either you take it, or you leave it.

    Rakyat can pilih.

    Dont forget, Leaders of political parties also can pilih.


    When you started to buy things that you dont need, later on you will sell those things that you need, quote from W. B.

    Asian Tiger at SUBANG JAYA?

    Asian Tiger at SEPANG?

    Is the glass of water 1/2 full?

    Is the glass of water 1/2 empty?

    This question can be very tricky when those in power are too obsess with their political power first.

    Have you watch ADAM FAMILY latest amination movie?

  8. Salam Tun

    @Sibotak tyvm! (terima kasih banyak2)

    I setuju tentang kos kesihatan yang dilaungkan oleh TSMY. Sebagai orang dah berumur dan tiada jawatan tetap ini penting. Kos perubatan. Goverment free kliniks and hospital.

    I teringat kawan di US, semasa husband masuk hospital, kos tinggi hinga dia mengambil masa bertahun2 selesai hutang, walaupun suaminya sudah tiada lagi. Dia kata paling mahal drugs.

    Baru2 ini hubby sedih kerana biras ICU nak cabut mesin, suruh keluarga decide. I said to him its about the kos, and doktor selalunya akan beritahu kepada kaum keluarga, if sanggup boleh teruskan. Usually kes begini kes nyawa hanya bergantung pada mesin. Teruskan melibatkan kos yang banyak. True enough tak sampai 24 jam, biras ini meninggal dunia.

    Alahai Tun, tak payah susah2 la, TSMY orang lama tentu dia juga punya idea sendiri. Tun perlu berehat, lagipun Tun dah resigned, bukannya dibuang kerja. Agong pun dah terima perletakkan jawatan Tun, dan baginda sudah pilih pengganti. Move on, everyone. Be happy.

    Tun, I pernah mimpi siapa PM, Malaysia. Sebelum Tun resigned. I beritau anak I bukan Tun M, bukan Anwar, tapi seorang lelaki badan tegap2 stocky macam military guy, 50ish, boleh kata TSMY juga, 20 years ago.

    Itu I nampak dalam mimpi I. Anak I seram, dia kata ada orang kata penyelamat Malaysia adalah watak begitu dan juga seorang anak raja, sama pula macam Mom nampak. I tak tau la Tun siapa yang predict itu, tapi I cuma nampak dalam mimpi.

    Kita boleh kata YDPA + TSMY. 🙂 Fingers crossed!

  9. Salam YAB dan DiSanjungi Negarawan Ulung Tun Dr. Mahathir,

    Mohon izin Tun:

    1. Maaf cakap, TSMY dan kesemua MPs BERSATU yang meminggirkan Tun dengan menikam Tun dari belakang memang PENGKHIANAT. Saya juga berasa amat kecewa dengan MPs yang melompat masuk ke BERSATU yang turut mengkhianati Tun.

    2. Kem Azmin Ali pun sama. Kononnya berjuang untuk mengekalkan Tun M sehingga habis penggal ini. Alahai…

    3. Begitu juga UMNO dan BN dll. yang kononnya menyokong Tun kekal sebagai PM. Wah! Rupa-rupanya LIDAH BERCABANG kesemuanya.

    4. Mereka ini tidak berprinsip langsung! Akhirnya kerana AMAT TERDESAK UNTUK BERKUASA, mereka pilih TSMY (kerana Tun tidak mahu bersekongkol dengan mereka).

    5. Yang lagi KELAKAR bila saya baca komen-komen yang MENASIHATI Tun untuk bersara, tidak mengacau PM baru & geng, suruh Tun rehat dan jalan-jalan di pantai/luar negara, main dengan cucu, dll…Alahai…Mereka ini sebenarnya tidaklah secerdik manapun – cuma perasan cerdik. Sama tahap saja (‘level of thinking’) dengan TSMY& gang serta para pemimpin PAS/UMNO/dll.

    6. Mereka tidak kenal betul dengan karakter /sikap Tun. Tun seorang yang rajin membaca, kuat bekerja, kuat semangat, cekal, berprinsip, suka memandu, gemar naik kuda (sekarang mungkin kurang dah), berwawasan tinggi, berfikiran jauh ke hadapan, serta tidak mudah berputus asa dengan dugaan2 hebat seperti yang berlaku baru2 ini.

    7. Tun juga pernah kata, jika kita banyak tidur dan rehat saja serta tidak membaca / menuntut ilmu, tidak aktif, kita akan lemah dan cepat dot..dot..dot.. Bab makan pun Tun jaga. Berhenti makan sebelum kenyang.

    8. Tidak mengapa Tun. Saya berada di sini bukan untuk menasihati Tun; saya cuma memberi SOKONGAN MORAL kepada Tun sebagai rakyat biasa yang telah banyak merasai manfaat dan nikmat hasil dari kerja keras Tun. Saya bukan jenis yang tidak mengenang budi seperti golongan2 yang saya sebut di atas.

    9. Mungkin mereka tidak sedar bahawa ‘PERMAINAN CATUR’ baru sahaja bermula. Selamat berjaya Tun! Tun tidak takut untuk gagal. Lagipun DS Mukhriz ada untuk menyambung legasi Tun.

    Terima kasih Tun. Sayang Tun!

    – Semoga Allah SWT sentiasa merahmati Tun sekeluarga –

  10. Oh ya

    I juga merasakan TSMY akan bawa MP keturunan Cina dan India. BN Style. Berikan kepada mereka yang betul2 boleh buat kerja.

    Azmin? I think he is ok. Not bad. Pandai2 la TSMY nak letak kat mana.

  11. sambungan

    Sama seperti YDPA dan Raja2 Melayu, rakyat – bukan hardcore supporters, kami juga mengukur performance Menteri2 bukan parti mereka.

  12. Good Morning Tun M

    Harap Tun sihat, dah sarapan dan makan ubat.

    @TYVM twinpeaks!

    TYVM – thank you very much.

    Semalam I dengar perucapan TSMY. I setuju dengan nya.

    Earlier I sebut sini, dari pemandangan I Tengku Razaleigh sesua jawatan Minister of Finance. 1. Kerana image yang dibawa oleh LGE tidak baik untuk Malaysia. 2. Sebab Tengku Razaleigh juga merupakan bekas Menteri Kewangan Malaysia dan dia juga pengasas Petronas dll. This department more about image and work.

    Pendapat I Hishamuddin sesuai jadi Menteri Perpaduan. 1. Sebab perpaduan telah diperkecilkan oleh the earlier Menteri dan kerajaan PH. Jangan kata bende ini kecil. Besar sebenarnya. Very critical. Hishamuddin telah membuat kerja penyatuan dengan begitu baik diluar sana. Therefore I rasa beliau sesuai untuk jawatan ini.

    Muhkriz nak ke Federal? Beliau masih MB Kedah. Jika support ditarik beliau tumbang tidak lagi MB Kedah, boleh la bawa ke Federal. But sayangnya sebab Kedah ini negeri Tun. I bet rakyat Kedah masih perlukan Muhriz disana. Then again, Johor pun sudah jadi MB UMNO.

    Muhkriz as TPM? Perhaps TSMY tak payah ada TPM langsung. Semua pun nak jadi TPM. Sebenarnya bukan ada power sangat jawatan ini. Cuma glamour and perks saja.

    Syed Saddiq or even Mazlee. Sebenarnya mereka kurang pengalaman. I baca apa Mazlee tulis selepas pergi rumah TSMY. Dia terlalu idealis tak sesuai jadi Menteri. Dia tak faham politik, dia hanya cakap apa rakyat nak. The truth about rakyat mereka nak comfortable living. Kasut hitam telah membuat majority ibu bapa marah because mereka dah biasa dengan lama. Most of them tak nak confuse, tukar sana, tukar sini, melibatkankan wang ringgit. Cakap berbalik balik also buat mereka lagi confuse.

    Syed Saddiq walau diwar warkan sebagai budak cerdik by KCD, most rakyat melihat beliau as budak yang tidak pengalaman, yang pandai debat sahaja. I pernah kata sini, beliau hanya layak jadi Timbalan Menteri, bila kes panjat pagar, I kata dia hanya layak jadi Setiausaha saja.

    Team Menteri lama, DAP for example kalau tak rajin berpolitik, performance mereka ok ok saja. Most yang dulu memang team yang tak kuat, very lemah, buat ramai rakyat menyampah. Kalau ok seperti Anthony Loke or Hannah Yeoh, bukan ada oomph pun! Mediocre.

    Pandangan I sebagai PR Consultant.

  13. Agreed with Twinpeaks & SriSense
    Ada lebih bagus Tun bimbing Muhyiddin
    Tapis angkatan Kerajaan Baru Malaysia
    Mana yg Tun curiga,bawa ke Pengadilan atau ketepikan saja
    Takkan fasal Nila setitik , Tun nak buang susu sebelanga

    Yg nyata Rakyat Melayu/ Malaysia tidak mahu DAP
    Ketiga PRU Kecil kemarin sudah memberi jawaban
    Kalau Tun rasa serba salah , Tun relax one corner
    Ukhwah bersama Muhyiddin mesti dieratkan

    Tun rasa Tun Berkuasa akan PH
    Belakang Tun , Tun tahu apa rancangan mereka ?
    Dan jika Tun sudah tidak bersama PH, Tun fikir PH tak huruhara di buatnya
    Rebutan Kuasa akan menghantui PH
    Belum apa apa Kepala mereka dah membesar
    Tengok di Youtube, Pegawai Kerajaan di perkecilkan,tidak menghormati
    Jika Penguat Kuasa bertindak, dituduh pula discriminasi

    Apa lah Tun
    Trump, Jerusalem , Gaza bukan Bapak dia punya, dia ishtihar Dunia
    Israel yg punya, Capital of Israel
    Inikan lagi Melayu takut nak jaga Hak Melayu,Hak sendiri

    PH gagal mengukuhkan Parti mereka sendiri
    Bukan hasutan dari luar
    Apa TUN tidak fikir besok Parti lain dalam PH akan menyeleweng dari PH

    Satu Kerajaan ramai Party
    Serupa Suami yg punya ramai bini
    Bolih bukan tak bolih , Halal
    Tapi siaplah nanti

  14. Assalamualaikum Tun,

    Tun, pada tubuh badan Tun sendiri apakah yang Tun rasai…penat, lemah, lesu, sakit, pening? Tun, pada hati Tun apakah yang Tun rasai…bosan, putus asa, frust, stres, marah, kecewa, tak dipeduli, tak dihargai, tak diperlu lagi? Pada fikiran Tun mengapakah Allah menganugerahkan Tun umur yang panjang…untuk bersenang-lenang, bersuka-suka, berpoya-poya, melawan-lawan?

    Dimanakah kebahagiaan Tun? Pastinya sudah Tun selami, meneliti, merongkai apa tujuan dan apa Tun ingin buat dengan hidup Tun. Masa diberi Allah dipenuhi sepanjang umur Tun inilah buktinya… belajar, belajar dan belajar. Leaders are learners. Apabila Tun berhenti belajar Tun akan berhenti memimpin. Adakah ini akan membuat Tun bahagia? Berhenti, full stop?

    Tun masih lagi boleh memberi dan menyampai iaitu ilmu bukan pada waktu senang saja tapi juga pada waktu susah tanpa rasa takut. Bukan sifat Tun untuk bersembunyi dan menyimpan. Apakah akan terjadi pada diri Tun nanti jika sifat-sifat Tun yang suka memberi dan menyampai ini disuruh diikat, dibalut dan ditanam? Dengan kelebihan yang dianugerahkan Allah ini pada Tun, umur yang panjang, otak yang bergeliga, tubuh badan yang sihat (Amin) Tun masih boleh fokus untuk memanfaatkan kelebihan ini. Saya yakin Tun tidak tidor tidak leka akan tuntutan-tuntutan hal dunia dan akhirat. Kedua-dua ini pengubat hati.

    Pasti sudah Tun menyingkap persoalan mati untuk memberi semangat untuk hidup. Janganlah kita beri kata-kata atau mencipta skrip hidup rekaan untuk Tun yang mungkin berakhir kegagalan dan kemusnahan hidup Tun.

    Semoga Allah berkati segala usaha Tun dan lindungi Tun selalu dimana jua Tun berada. Jagalah kesihatan Tun baik-baik ya. Terima kasih Tun.

  15. On the new Prime Minister.

    I agree with @SriSense that the cleverest thing Tun can do is to give moral and political support for Tan Sri Muhyiddin, so that he can stamp out the culture of corruption in this country, as he had declared on his first day as Prime Minister. If Tun does give his support to Muhyiddin, it will give him a tremendous willpower to finish the job of the Reformasi movement, and at the same time it will signal to the UMNO old guards that they are NOT back in control, but they will still be brought to justice as and when required.

    Tun should tell them that if ever they withdraw the political support to the new Prime Minister, that Tun and the other MPs are ready to step into the void, anytime.

  16. Apalah si Marina & Arbiga nak bikin kecoh kat tengah jalan
    Agong sudah bertitah, Istiadat sudah di jalankan
    Ini sudah Derhaka,PDRM harus ambil tindakan segera
    Anasir sperti ini tidak bolih dibiarkan sebab ia akan membiak dan merosakan
    Dah macam Nurul Anwar pula saya lihat Marina
    Si Arbiga tu memanglah Batu Ronson

    Bersara lah Tun. Bawa Siti gi Honeymoon
    Tak yah lah nak jadi PM lagi. Saya tengok Tun saya sendiri yg penat. Tun pun satu ..Dah kasi resignation letter sudah lah,asal nak minta balik ? Apa Tun fikir jawatan PM Malaysia macam kerja kat McDonald ke ? Apalah Tun ni

    You still My Friend

  17. Salam YAB dan DiSanjungi Negarawan Ulung Tun Dr. Mahathir,

    Allow me Tun:

    1. We’ve been made to look like a fool’, prosecution says over Zahid’s bid to delay trial


    Not a good start for our new PM and gang. Too bad…

    2. Istana Negara officers, staff undergo Covid-19 tests

    “Reports later surfaced that former entrepreneur development minister Datuk Seri Mohd Redzuan Yusof, his deputy Datuk Dr Hatta Ramli and a few senior ministry officers had been in close contact with a Khazanah Nasional Bhd employee who had tested positive for Covid-19.”


    Datuk Seri Mohd Redzuan Yusof is from BERSATU. Tun, please take note.

    Thank you Tun.

    – May Allah SWT bless Tun and family –

  18. Good evening Tun M

    Hari ini I terima SMS dari MOH tentang menjaga kesihatan diri, apa patut buat bila bersin and so on.

    I fikir bagus juga sejak belum lagi ada Minister, the permanent government buat kerja. Something like personal touch. Sweet!

    Kalau the old team asyik cerita anti rokok, bagi donation gloves to China, more of about them and their family and friends.

    Pagi tadi I lihat PM baru kita. I liked his page so keluarlah dalam my newsfeed. TSMY lawat kubur mak dan ayahnya. I teringat my daughter dia kata to me, “Mom walau tak cakap kami tahu Mom sentiasa mendoakan kami disini, sebab terasa tenang dan lega disini”.

    Yes doa seorang ibu memang senang sangat dimakbulkan. Begitu juga doa orang teraniaya.

    Therefore, I rasa Tun sepatutnya menyokong TSMY bukan against him. Dia jadi PM untuk 3 tahun bukan 5 tahun. Janganlah kerana Tun nak gini, PH nak gini, maka menjadi susah beliau bekerja, dengan demand yang tak masuk akal. Ikutilah apa Agong kata. Mudah.

    Jangan suka cari pasal. Kerana dengan tindak tanduk gini akan menyebabkan ramai rakyat susah dalam ekonomi sekarang. Nanti mereka berdoa bende tak baik, kan tak elok tu.

    Anyway, Tun sebenarnya tak perlu susah hati. Sebab Tun dah jadi PM bertahun2 dan beberapa2 kali. Satu achievement yang cukup bagus. Kalau Tun nak buat kerja kebajikan also boleh. Hari ini pun Tun masuk kerja di Perdana Foundation.

    Juga sentiasa ingat Tun Siti disamping Tun. Beliau banyak berkorban dan menyayangi Tun sepenuh hati. Go out, eat dinner and lunch together, holiday kat seaside, have fun. Just don’t fight too much over this and that. Let the rest of the world do their work.

  19. For Aktivis Islam (Mar 2,2020 4:17 PM)

    W’salam wbt.
    Menasihati Tun M utk berehat serta muhasabah diri sememangnya amat baik, tetapi menyuruh Tun “kembali pada Allah” seolah bermaksud bahawa selama ini Tun telah timggalkan Allah, tidak berpedoman dengan Nya.

    Harap sdra jangan tersilap maksud surah Al-Quran yg diguna, saperti yang kerap dituturkan oleh mereka2 yang berkepentingan dengan ertikata tersendiri mengikut keperluan diri.

  20. Assalamualaikum,

    Saudara sudin, maaf jika ayat saya bunyinya kasar, biasanya sy takkan ulas keadaan semasa politik, saya serahkan pd fellow commenters yg lbh arif. Namun saya amat sedar keadaan semasa. Kalau tun baca dia akan fhm mksd komen2 saya, terang jelas tanpa bhs berbunga2. Saya dh berdamai dgn tun dlm post sblm ni, post yg saudara mksdkan itu saya merujuk pd surah az-zumar ayat 53-54, byk cabaran dan kotornya dunia politik. saya cuma doakan tun beroleh rahmat Allah dihujung2 ni. Tugas dan perjuangan tun dah selesai. Jgnlah paksa2 dia lg. Jazakumullahu khairan kathira.

  21. For Milshah.

    I think you have misunderstood my writing, And the Constitution itself.

    I did not say that the Constitution forbids the appointment of an opposition MP to be a Prime Minister.

    What you have misunderstood clearly is that the King does not simply decide based on the Constitution alone, although whatever he decides is based on his Constitutional authority.

    There are a number of other extraneous reasons that are considered of public interests, and these includes matters like the economy, social stability, and democratic conventions that are not clearly spelt out in the Constitution, but are nevertheless valid reasons, too. An example of this is the simple logic that no one from the opposition should be appointed a “back door” Prime Minister.

    Hopefully, you follow simple logic. And it is not a baseless presumption or any theory by anyone.

  22. Assalam Tun.

    For “Aktivis Islam” Mar 2,2020 9:21 AM. Your statement.
    “…Buat tun, berehatlah, muhasabah diri dan kembali pada Allah.(sic)…”

    Apa maksud kamu menyuruh Tun kembali pada Allah?
    Inilah masalah yang kerap kedengaran dimana seseorang mengaku diri more Islamic dari orang lain.

  23. To Twinpeaks,

    There are so many people who wants to write their won rules on how to appoint a Prime Minister. For example, some said the appointment of the appointment must come within the ruling party, and therefore UMNO PAS has no right to vote who becomes the Prime Minister. Based on this theory, Anwar would have been the Prime Minister. Another theory was the appointment of the Prime Minister is decided by the Pakatan Harapan Presidential Council, and they unanimously endorsed Anwar for Prime Minister. Did he become Prime Minister after that? A third theory, was the appointment should be based on the written agreement between Mahathir and Anwar, that after Mahathir steps down, Anwar was to be made Prime Minister. A fourth theory is by you, whereby a Prime Minister from UMNO PAS can only be done after a proper General Election. So which theory is correct?

    When the actual appointment of the Prime Minister, none of the above theory or method was used.

    The Agong simply refered to Federal Constitution. Under Article 43(2)(a), the Prime Minister must be an Member of Parliament who in the judgment of the Yang di-Pertuan Agong, is “likely to command the confidence of the majority of the members of the (lower) House”.

    The Agong just need to appoint an MP, which to his view, with majority support. The constitution says nothing about opposition parties like UMNO PAS need to go for election first. Having said that, why didn’t UMNO PAS elected one for their MPs for Prime Minister? For the simple fact, UMNO PAS only had the most 60 votes, and there was no way in hell Pakatan Harapan, Bersatu, Azmin faction, Warisan or GPS or even Tun himself would support an UMNO PAS MP to be Prime Minister.

    In future, everyone please refer to the Federal Constitution. This is what the Agong used in appointing the Prime Minister. It will save time and effort on making baseless assumptions.

  24. Tun , Thank you for all of your efforts. You are trully a legend, I dont think anyone has sacrificed as much as you. And in the last hour you sacrificed yourself for “us” again.

    Maybe the media will potray you negatively , but to me you are a the best.

    I hope in the future we shall have more smart leaders like you.

    Thank you Tun.

    Muslim Malay and Malaysian

  25. For Milshah.

    Good summary of the week-long political drama the entire world just witnessed. But I would disagree with you on several things, though. As followings..

    The King represents the entire nation’s interests, not just of one community. As such, it is predictable that no UMNO or any opposition leader can be appointed as the eight Prime Minister BEFORE a proper General Elections is held. Thus, the only choice lies between PH coalition and its splinter PPBM party. There were three candidates… Tun Mahathir, Anwar Ibrahim and Muhyiddin Yassin. In the end, Muhyiddin was chosen as the King uses his inherent authority under the Constitution to appoint a Prime Minister whom he believes NOT only will likely get the majority of support from the Dewan Rakyat, BUT also (more importantly) prevent an outbreak of violent clash between PH and BN supporters (God forbid..). The nation’s security and the larger economic impact are uppermost in the King’s mind. The rulers may probably have advised him as such.

    Hence, UMNO and PAS DO NEED Bersatu Party, if ever they want to have a taste of power at this moment. Corruption charges on opposition leaders have a large bearing on the urgency to change government (in their minds). Of course, a general elections would be ideal for the opposition, as they are confident of over-turning the 2018 results. But a snap general elections is a very long shot (the odds are heavily in favour of the current parliament completing its course until 2023), as the King had already decided (and thus instructed MPs, so to speak) on his chosen Prime Minister. To do otherwise is equivalent to undermining the Constitutional authority of the King. Remember, the Dewan Rakyat MPs are only as powerful as the Constitution allow them to be. And under Malaysia’s Constitution, general elections are held to allow the King’s subjects to choose their favourite MPs to represent them. But the appointment of the Prime Minister and his cabinet is completely under the King’s sole discretion. Even the sitting Prime Minister can only advise a General Elections to be held, but it can still be rejected if the King does not agree.

    This is what we call Parliamentary Democracy and Constitutional Monarchy.

  26. Assalamualaikum,

    Semoga Allah memberkati Tun sekeluarga.

    Dr., you lose power after you resigned as the PPBM chairman. I was surprised when you took that action.

    Political parties are never corrupt because it has no soul inside it, but some politicians are corrupted and some are not. One of the option that could be taken previously was to accept parties (UMNO and PAS) into collaboration en-bloc, while ensuring that those under trial would not given any government ministerial post and would ensure fair trial. I think this was your stand while you were in UMNO with Muhammad Taib and Khir Toyo.

    Muhyiddin moves started when Tony Tomas released the LTTE accused. Since then, Tony Tomas resigned. Also, within DAP were many people against Bersatu – Tg Piai, was protest vote against Bersatu by the Chinese and against PH by the Malay.

    Words from Chinese that I heard, “We voted PH into power and we want to teach them a lesson for not following our voice”.

    LTTE and Chinese voters backstab may have prompted Muhyiddin to rise to the occasion, but not before you resigned as the Chairman.

    Currently, there is one more event that will mark the end of the drama, that is the Dewan Rakyat sitting where possibly all votes will be counted. I want to know who actually got the highest votes. Either way it go, I accept. To be honest, I am keen on Malay unity with condition that those on trial would be given fair trial and not getting any ministerial post until they are proven innocence by court because Malay unity would give a strong foundation for Malay to lead the country without consistently being threaten “We want to teach you a lesson”. A snap poll would also be fine.

  27. Assalamualaikum,

    Maaf tun tumpang komen sikit. Utk pengajaran kita semua, iblis laknatullah sanggup lawan Allah kerana EGO (sombong, bangga diri, sendiri saja btl) sdgkan darjat dia pon Allah yg angkat, akhirnya jd makhluk plg hina.

    Buat tun, berehatlah, muhasabah diri dan kembali pada Allah. Jazakumullahu khairan kathira.

  28. Salam Dearest YAB PM Tun Dr. Mahathir,

    Inside story of the political crisis, by Dr M’s aide


    It was at this time that Zahid set out several conditions, among them the provision of senior Cabinet positions, and acceptance of Umno as a whole. He wanted an immediate decision,” Muhaimin said.”

    “Muhaimin said that the saddest thing about the entire episode was that Mahathir was betrayed by many of those he considered to be close allies, including several MPs.”



    They were so desperate for POWER!

    I hate traitors and liars. I used to respect TSMY a lot, but now I don’t know who he is! How could he do this to Tun.

    Thank you Tun.

    – May Allah SWT bless Tun and family –

  29. Within yr own Party, you are never Right. What do you expect from multiple parties to form a Govt? Pakatan Harapan? Even in Hong Kong One Govt, Two systems we have seen the outcome today.

    Did you not remember
    PH was formed as an effort to topple the Kleptocracy of Najib & the severals, not & never UMNO. Pakatan Harapan has achieved its purpose. The very reason it collapsed by itself today. Blame No one. It is Done
    After all, the Foundation of PH was built on False Wall
    It was just beautiful on the outside.No concrete on the inside

    It will be Good to see Tun guide PM Muhideen with a Senior Post
    Luv to see also Azmin Ali, Mukhriz, Syed Sadiq, Hishamudin, Khairy & all back

    It is wise Tun if he did not wish to assist Muhydeen, Anwar & Najib to Retired
    Malaysia needs a Fresh Moves Forward
    We had enough of all of your Nonsense

    Thank you, Agong
    And unknowingly we see today
    Indonesia Jokowi is a Simple leader so as Tun Muhydeen
    Both are Humble and Cool
    It Clicks
    Allah is The Best Planner

  30. mislah
    Says it Right Tun
    Muhideen did not betray you
    He has been faithful,no indications at all from early days
    that he dreamt to be PM
    But indeed Agong has made the right decision after his careful study
    Whatever this political turnmoil today has narrow Malaysia to be a better day Its Allhamdullilah
    The Failure of PH of the 3 minor elections has indicated the people did not want DAP regardless of how much Goodies you throw
    They prefer Najib more even his reputation is already tarnished
    That reads the line of the people’s reluctance and needs

    It is done
    I hope you are able to assists Tan Sri Muhydeen as an Advisor holding a Senior post. Please final touch your political history with a beautiful, likable ending
    We have seen The Romantic Touching Video with Datin Siti hugging you
    It was Beautiful
    Go back to her, Spent more Time with her with yr Grandkids
    Justs sits around guiding Muhydeen

    Malaysia has made The Right Decision
    I have to credit this to Agong
    Everyone that wakes from this incidence should take it with an open Heart
    Especially Tun Anwar

    Allah is the Best planners
    As a Muslim Nation today
    Malaysia, Indonesia, and all Muslim Nation must Jihad
    To moves forward as One Ummah
    We all have the Duty to help out brothers, sister there
    Our children are sufferings with no love, no direction
    Going Astray with fears & threats, with bombs & bombs

    If not us, Who?
    If not now, When?
    Allahuakhbar x3

  31. Assalam Tun.

    I suggest for Mukhriz to make more controversial statements on any negative current state of affairs about Muhyiddin and PPBM, and which will instigate Redzuan (PPBM’s current media spokesman, diciplinacy chief, acting secretary general, he even recommended a name to replace Syed Saddiq!) to sack him.

    Then Mukriz can set up a new and clean Bumi based party to engage in straight fights against Perikatan National for all Malay majority seats during PRU15. PKR don’t/can’ contest in rural areas knowing fully well their Malay support have greatly diminished.

    Once set up, the new party will gradually and certainly become the centre for political crossovers, which will help expedite its strength within the Bumi community.

    I foresee parliament will be dissolved soon, since Perikatan is now very cofident that all Malay heartland constituencies are their safe deposit areas, hence PRU15 is theirs to win.
    Thus Mukhriz must act fast.

  32. Assalamualaikum Tun,

    Bersatu do not need Tun? Amboi sombongnya. On the contrary, Tun do not need and trust you anymore. Bersatu don’t be arrogant ya. Tun have something that you do not have…that you have little or no charisma at all. Ya right, abandon Tun, leave Tun at the roadside after you have used him, go play play with the kleptocrate your new playmate. Seriously you guys, where is your integrity, your promise to fight injustice, corruption and abuse of power and save Malaysia from the Penyamun, Penyangak and Penipu. Bersatu, you guys have built a big hole and that hole is waiting for you unless you revert back and dig deeply into your inner soul to why you existed in the first place.

    Oh well, what to do so be it. Let us not worry too much that these are the people who are put in the position of authority because they are good talkers, but they don’t have good ideas. They do think they are now wiser and more knowledgeable than you Tun. It is so unbecoming and so unnatural of the Malay’s culture to be so disrespectful to an elder who is the most recognizable statesman of the world.

    In politics an awful lot of bad people prevail while the good ones get squashed. Umno will become the more assertive and domineering partner. Will they get a larger chunk of the winning prize? Despite the excitement having won power, beware new PM and Bersatu ya you’re at risk as umno is good in getting their way but that doesn’t mean they’re going the right way. The rakyat is watching and judging who is more capable and appealing and they will illustrate their findings in the next GE.

    After a good rest Tun, maybe you could initiate a movement or party of young talented youths who want to be good leaders of Malaysia. The youths who have no platform of their own, to be free to discuss, to express, to argue with no rules attached to zip their mouths. Many of them are sincere in their fight for justice, equality and integrity. Teach them, guide them, nurture them into good people who will be our future leaders. In 3,5 or 10 years time they are matured enough and can contest to be the people’s representatives, the honest good YBs. Make it a multiracial party of young enthusiastic youths who are proactive, innovative, diligent with good honest leadership styles. Malaysia need leaders who do not build their egos. If they’re naughty give a good spank each or else they’ll never learn their mistakes and repeat same mistakes as they grow older.

    Tun, thank you for everything. We will never abandon Tun. We will never forget Tun. When I saw your dear wife affectionately hug and hold onto Tun I could feel the love she exudes to you. She’s precious and the only one for you Tun. Please take very good care of your dear wife Tun.

    May Allah bless always and protect both of you. Take care Tun and Thank you so much.

  33. Assalamualaikum Tun,

    This is my opinion. I don’t think TSMY wanted to betray you. Why? Because if you look at the initial plan of the Sheraton move, it was to make you Prime Minister for the whole term. You didn’t have to work to get support, the support was already there, around 130 MPs, nearly 2/3rd.

    When you did not agree to this plan, the Sheraton move failed. For this plan to succeed, it requires your approval. It is clear the Sheraton move was not to allow Anwar to be Prime Minister. When you resigned, by right, the interim Prime Minister should have been Wan Azizah, as she was the deputy Prime Minister. At that time PH still control the majority MPs. Therefore, TSMY subsequently bring Bersatu out of PH, to not allow this.

    With Bersatu out of PH, you offered a solution to this political crisis, which is to form a unity government, comprising goods MPs from UMNO, PAS, PH, etc. But you did not allow UMNO PAS to join enblock, but they must join as individual MPs. The solution was good, but suddenly PH withdrew their support to you and supported Anwar instead as PM8. At the same time UMNO PAS to withdrew their support for you

    Now, at this juncture, let’s assume TSMY did not offer himself as PMcandidate. It was a head on collision between yourself and Anwar for the Premiership. At this time, the Agong was interviewing the 222 MPs who they support as Prime Minister. Based on this interview, there was 3 main groups, UMNO PAS MPs of 60 wanted to have election, Bersatu GPS Warisan MPs of 60 supported you as PM, and 93 MPs supported Anwar to be Prime Minister.

    Had TSMY not offered himself as Prime Minister, there was 2 possible conclusion i.e election, or Anwar become Prime Minister but it will be a minority government, because it did not have the 112 MPs majority. If election was held, PH would most likely lose due to the shift in malay support and 5 by-election loses.

    Anwar was most likely to be Prime Minister, as you had only 60 MPs supporting you. In an election scenario, Bersatu would have been devastated with no support from its former PH friends, and no support from UMNO PAS. At this junture, Bersatu was all alone.

    Then you did spoke that TSMY can try to be PM as TSMY can accept UMNO PAS enblock, while you can’t. At this critical junture, Bersatu MPs shift their support from you to TSMY. But it was not enough. To beat Anwar, TSMY needed UMNO PAS support. The chances are slim. Why would UMNO PAS help Bersatu, when they would have more advantage if an election was called? Bersatu need UMNO PAS more than UMNO PAS need them.

    Suddenly, the unthinkable happened. UMNO PAS agreed to support TSMY as Prime Minister. That was the turning point that beat Anwar for the Primiership. With Warisan and GPS also switching side to TSMY, it was 130 MPs, more than enough to form government. Anwar was defeated.

    Then that fateful saturday morning, suddenly Anwar did the unthinkable. Having lost the premiership, he switched to support you as PM instead. Therefore Tun, you should realise, you were only offer the support by PH because they knew they lost to TSMY.

    Subsequently with PH support, you said you managed to get more than 112 seats, but Agong already agreed to appoint TSMY as Primiership. The rest is history.

    I understand that an the earlier agreement, any charges to UMNO PAS would still continue. And this was agreed much earlier during the Sheraton move. Therefore, UMNO PAS members that are tainted will not become cabinet ministers. The rule of law will still be uphold under TSMY government. Remember, he was fired by Najib for speaking out on the 1MDB scandal. If this is the case, could there be a reconciliation between you and TSMY?

    Only time will tell.


    Pada yang tak kisah mungkin pekerja gomen, pekerja swasta. Tapi jika ini berlarutan anda semua akan hilang pekerjaan. No joke!

  35. Tun

    Sebelum I beri komen sini, I check dulu kat internet, I tengok samada bloggers menulis sama dengan apa yang I fikir. That’s why I kata lebih baik kaji balik properly tentang perletakan jawatan Tun mula2.

    Kalau kita baca earlier yang ditulis news portal dan blogger, semasa meeting PH dimana Tun declared Tun boleh jadi PM selama mana Tun suka. Actually pada malam itu yang pressure Tun serah jawatan pada Anwar ASAP adalah orang Amanah dan DAP. Ada yang kata Mat Sabu but it was Khalid Samad orang kata.

    Tiba2 Tun letak jawatan diam2 duduk rumah. Selain itu AG bertekak dengan TSMY over LTTE. Bersatu selari keluar dari PH. And Anwar dan isteri bekejar kerumah Tun di Mines. Lepas itu bekejar ke istana. Ada reporter tulis Tun beri Wan Azizah jadi interim PM. Satelah mereka pulang Agong kata beliau terima peletakkan jawatan Tun sebagai PM dan appoint Tun sebagai interim PM sementara cari PM baru.

    Walaupun I sayang Tun, not always I setuju dengan Tun. Ada juga blogger menulis ini semua terjadi kerana Boboi. Because Tun nak Muhkriz jadi TPM dan Minister of Finance. Tun earlier sebut Tun sokong TSMY tapi tiba2 undur tak sokong lagi kan. Mungkin kerana list cabinet nama yang tersebar, tertera jadi TPM adalah Hisahmuddin dan Minister of Finance adalah Azmin. Nope, tida nama Zahid, Najib or even Tengku Adnan.

    I juga di fahamkan Tun menyorok kat rumah lagi. Maka yang jadi broker PM PH adalah anak Tun, Marina. Bende ini semua ada kat dalam internet samada news portal or bloggers tulis, itupun kalau kita rajin baca online boleh put 2 and 2 together.

    It’s got nothing to do with us here, friends.

    Kita hanya pengundi tugas kita selesai tapi jika Parlimen dibubar kita kena keluar mengundi lagi. Duit kerajaan keluar untuk ini bukan kecil, I dengar somewhere around 700M.

    What more, there’s no guarantee kita semua akan keluar mengundi, and also there’s no guarantee pasukan PH akan menang lagi. Lihat saja undi yang akhir2 ini tidak memihak pada PH.

  36. These are the results, the proves
    Several Party in a Govt
    Is like Rojak, it will have conflicts & differences
    When it is beautiful and when it is ugly
    It just has to be very careful
    There will be conflicts followed by game blaming

    The accusation of backstabbing each other suddenly appears
    I felt No one should be Blame as it will happen
    When there are a few Party in a Govt
    Even when you have few families in yr own Home, among brothers & sister
    Conflicts & Doubts will submerge even in Good times

    Guan Eng accused Tun of forming a new Govt when the old Govt has collapsed
    Due to other reason but not by Tun
    Tun did not backstab anybody. It just happens
    Perhaps Tun intention forming a new Govt with No Party involve as he sees it as best for Malaysia

    Things happen fast
    Nobody expects this to happen
    Everyone was like panic & confuse
    Even Muhyideed himself does not expect the Musical Chair Stop at him
    I do believe He did not believe it is him
    We have never heard of him becoming Prime Minister
    Sadly to Anwar but The Right Decision is Necessary for Malaysia

    As for Tun
    I did not believe He wants to be a PM again as He has just resigned
    This is No Musical Chairs Seat that can change now & then
    Even if Tun succeeded. Don’t tell me We have to run for another PM again within perhaps a year or two

    You had yr days, Tun
    You have succeded of putting down
    The Kleptocracy Govt run by Najib in Malaysia
    It is wise you should let it go

    What you meant good for Malaysia, you should guide Tan Sri Muhydeen
    All the Best to All

  37. Salam YAB dan DiSanjungi Negarawan Ulung Tun Dr. Mahathir,

    Mohon izin Tun:

    Bagi saya Tun masih ‘YAB’ sampai bila-bilapun.

    Nampaknya BERSATU-PPBM sudah dirampas (‘hijack’) oleh PM TSMY dan geng.

    Sampai hati TSMY “tikam belakang kawan sendiri” yang bersama beliau semasa beliau berhadapan masalah politik.

    Apapun, saya berasa kagum kerana sepanjang KURANG seminggu Tun menjadi PM Interim tanpa Menteri Kabinet, Tun berjaya melakukan tugas dengan cemerlang secara solo. Tun cuma dibantu oleh para Penjawat Awam dan agensi-agensi Kerajaan.

    Keadaan Negara masih aman damai. Saya tidak rasa banyak perbezaan dalam persekitaran walaupun Malaysia tiada Kabinet Kerajaan pada jangkamasa tersebut. Orang di sekeliling saya pun biasa-biasa saja. Adalah sikit-sikit cakap pasal politik.

    Syabas Tun! Jika orang lain yang dilantik menjadi PM Interim, besar kemungkinan keadaan tidak aman damai seperti itu. Lantikan Agong memang tepat.

    Semoga Allah SWT membalas segala jasa baik Tun kepada rakyat dan negara tercinta.

    Terima kasih Tun.

    – Semoga Allah SWT sentiasa merahmati Tun sekeluarga –

  38. Dear Tun Dr Mahathir,
    Sediakan payung sebelum hujan; air tenang jangan disangka tiada buaya; sesal dahulu pendapatan, sesal kemudian tidak berguna lagi; nasi sudah menjadi bubur dan harus dihadapi dengan lapang dada.

    Alang berjawab, tepuk berbatas; air cucuran diatap jatuhnya kepelimpahan juga; lain padang lain belalang, lain lubuk lain ikan; nasi sudah menjadi bubur dan dimana bumi dipijak, disitu langit dijunjung.

    Dikasih hati diminta jantung; serigara berbulu domba; ditelan mati emak, diluah mati bapak; nasi sudah menjadi bubur dan genggam bara api biarlah sehingga menjad iarang

    Bukit sama didaki, lurah sama dituruni; yang berat sama dipikul, yang ringan sama dijinjing; melentur buluh biarlah dari rebungnya; nasi sudah menjadi bubur dan kalau tidak dipecah kanruyung, manakan dapat sagunya.

    Yang dikejar tak dapat, yang dikendong berciciran; kerana mulut badan binasa; kerana seekor kerbau membawa lumpur, habis semuanya terpalit; nasi sudah menjadi bubur dan sesat di hujung jalan, baliklah kepangkal jalan.

    Tun ,
    A Sarawakian wrote this in his comment:

    “We Sarawakians are grateful that we learn one important thing in our schools that those children in peninsular miss:

    Humanity should be our race. Love should be our religion

    Again, humanity should be our race. Love should be our religion.

    With this, we stand neutral forever. We do not need parasitic preachers or toxic racists to poison our mindset…

    ….and try to brainwash us otherwise

    We believe that no one is born hating another person because of his skin, or his background, or his religion. People must learn to hate, and if they can learn to hate, they can be taught to love, for love comes more naturally to the human heart than its opposite – Nelson Mandela”

    So please no more hatred. Each of us needs to reflect as to why we are all at the current stage of affair. We must have done something not right thus blame no one but ourselves. Amid all the political turmoil for the past whole week we Malaysians from all walk of race and society going about our day-to-day activities in peace. The people have shown that they are far more mature and sensible than their leaders.

    Message to the politicians – you started the mess, you sort it out. But remember Humanity/Humility has such power. Apologies can disarm arguments. Contrition can defuse rage. Olive branches do more good than battle axes ever will – Max Lucado

    The Parti Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia (PPBM) supreme council member said on his blog today that PH’s record since it took power in the historic general election last May had fallen short of the expectations of even its most realistic and loyal supporters.

    “Granted that it took over from the kleptocratic BN government a crippled economy and a corruption-riddled administration, the people have yet to feel the real fruits of their labour,” said the former editor-in-chief of the New Straits Times Group.

    Besides issues like the price of goods, unemployment and affordable homes, Kadir said there had been complaints that Cabinet members and their deputies as well as their political aides were not as friendly and hardworking as when they were in the Opposition.

    “Now that they are in government, they are bureaucratic, distant and unfriendly. Some even picked fights with their own supporters. This is suicidal.

    “After promises upon promises were broken, the people don’t buy anymore the “akankaji” (will study) excuses and blaming the last government,” he said, rating poorly the ministers responsible for food production, supplies, transportation, pricing, monitoring and enforcement.

    Kadir added that as a government, PH must be united and act decisively against racism and extremism which was openly instigated by the Opposition.

    “The people who took the risk voting for PH during the last general elections deserve better than what is currently being offered,” said Kadir.

    If PH needs to concede they are no more in control of Dewan Negara then so be it. PH failed because they over promised and under delivered at a very difficult time. But PH has taught us and gave us hope that there is a way to win GE despite the gerrymandering. GE14 was unexpected win for PH and many Malaysians are not ready for PH type of “rule of law” snail’s pace of reform and court case involves former kleptocrats. Malaysians lost their patience as they are accustomed with quick fix disregard the bad consequence for the future.

    It is my hope all is not lost, learn from the current failure and go back to the drawing board to come up with strategy on how to win the next GE15 with a unity government. This can only be possible by getting all the support of right minded and progressive Malaysians and make alliance with Sabah and Sarawak political parties to be part of what PH wants for Malaysia, “a truly multi-ethnic, multi-religious, multi-cultural, multi-lingual and united progressive Malaysia.

    Thank you
    Yours truly,
    SS LEE

  39. Assalamualaikum, Tun.

    Tahniah, Tan Sri Muhyiddin.

    Inilah titik pengakhiran Tun dalam arena politik. Sememangnya memalukan!

    Orang-orang UMNO tengah ketawa –
    Tun sendiri menggulingkan kerajaan sendiri.
    Tun tamak kuasa, akhirnya terima padah.
    Tun memperguna orang bawahan sepanjang hayat, kini diperguna.
    Tun patutnya menguatkan perpaduan semua Rakyat Malaysia, tapi Tun pilih perpaduan Melayu, memberi ruang kepada UMNO-PAS.


  40. Salam YAB dan DiSanjungi PM Tun Dr. Mahathir,

    Mohon izin Tun:
    PEMBETULAN: “Yang pasti, Anwar, DAP/ PKR/ Amanah tidak boleh ‘SURVIVE’ tanpa Tun sebagai PM.” (Mar 1,2020 9:21 AM)

    1. OMG! PM baru telah pecat Tun dari jawatan ‘Pengerusi’ BERSATU walaupun beliau, Ketua Armada dan Ketua Sri Kandi telah merayu Tun (sampai ke rumah) untuk kembali menjadi Pengerusi (tarik perletakan jawatan), dan telah pun diterima oleh Tun. Ish…Ish..Ish…betul-betul hilang pertimbangan. Lupa daratan!

    2. Kita lihat samada Tun dan lima (atau lebih) orang lagi ahli PPBM bersma Tun akan dipecat oleh PM baru. Tidak mengapa, Tun redha saja.

    3. Saya sedih melihat keadaan sekarang.

    4. Mungkin ada yang tidak faham, Tun meletak jawatan PM selepas geng yang berkomplot di Hotel Sheraton keluar dari PH. Secara automatik pun Tun sudah hilang kuasa PM kerana PH sudah tumbang. Jadi sudah-sudahlah mengutuk Tun tentang isu letak jawatan PM.

    5. Jika Tun rasa dikhianati / difitnah dan balik kepada PH sebagai calon PM, itu HAK MUTLAK Tun.

    6. Isu PM baru buat ‘U-Turn’ bergabung dengan UMNO (Tun tidak setuju secara en bloc) sepatutnya turut dikutuk! Ini baru adil!

    Terima kasih Tun.

    – Semoga Allah SWT sentiasa merahmati Tun sekeluarga –

  41. The moral of the story of “the Shepherd and the Wolf” is that “Nobody believes a liar” or “the habit of lying is dangerous”.

    Which way to go, it is up to those in the power of corridor to decide in the name of DEMOKRASI KERANA AKU BOS since they know very well what can be done, and what cannot be done when external environment is beyond our control to win votes of the majority.

    Ia bukan seolah2 buat pantun, puisi dan sajak with Gunung Tahan this time as ex-umno minister kerana beliau adalah melayu.

    GST with High Income Ekonomi Tak akan Jadi punya due to WORST 1MDB KLECTOCRASY SCANDAL.

    Hence, the current PERDANA MENTERI can hedge the future income revenue for nasional welfare with SST and other gomen servis caj by letting the public to know in advance since ringgit malaysia is left floating to determine its real value with the continuation of petrol subsidy base on export and import policy to earn back what was accumulated in the past.

    I sure hope the suhu politics played by those wannabes can be chilled off so that voters can see the future with open and unite hearts as Malaysian.

    In here, i wish MPs of the divides all the best, and be more mature in presenting your case in PARLIMEN since you are paid to do the jobs by the taxpayers, you are not paid by your political masters or political parties.

    Good luck, and all the best.

  42. I can be damm KONFIUS like her, and buat bodoh dengan tutup sebelah mata aje BUT i chosen to ignore not because i am afraid of her.

    Even when i dont like that cup of tea, i will never spit on it to show my anger with or without CCTV.

    As saying goes, disipline too must start from home.

    When they dont even have such disipline after more than 60 years of MERDEKA, then, they really need to ask themselves, APA LAGI SRI SENSE MAHU?

    P/S: today we are not dealing with ahmad, ah chong and muthu races only, and we too part of ASEAN, ASIA and the world too. It is not sekadar aku melayu first, then, aku can be lawless since tak da olang peduli pun. Yang paling hepi punya adalah those who are with the PM Ke-7 whereby they can choose to attend ASEAN meeting that is re-scheduled to be held in LAS VEGAS due to COVID-19 to present their stand.

    No worries, Beijing central government will not get angry or whatsoever because they too played by rule of WHO, WTO, UN with the rest of the world as long as we do not hurt chinese interests with bias, prejudice and hostile policies.

    Bak kata, tak nak takpa, tak tolong pun takpa, TAPI JANGAN JADI BATU API because of takut hilang undi melayu saja.

  43. Sri Sense Mar 1,2020 9:45 AM

    Wah mana2 blog I pergi orang semua bercakap. RPK, Rockybru, Anotherbrick dll. None of them setuju dengan Tun dan PH. Malah ada yang mengata berbakul2 about it.

    However, hubby faham this explanation from me dengan mudah;

    Katalah you ada syarikat and your head staff hantar resignation letter. You baca dan terima resignation ini. And then beritau head staff ini, sambungkan kerja ini dulu sementara I cari your replacement. Maka you pun interview ramai calon pengganti. Tiba2 head staff ini pergi tukar fikiran nak kerja balik. Apala.

    So that’s how the story goes!

    Why make it so konfius with her explaination to her husband?

    KETUA JABATAN KEMENTERIAN KESIHATAN KATA PREPARE FOR PANDEMIC, i am wondering beliau faham kah apakah maksud pandemic, dan cara untuk mengatasinya?

    High time to buy shares since bond is not attractive with her explaination to her husband dengan cara dia:-

    “Katalah you ada syarikat and your head staff hantar resignation letter. You baca dan terima resignation ini. And then beritau head staff ini, sambungkan kerja ini dulu sementara I cari your replacement. Maka you pun interview ramai calon pengganti. Tiba2 head staff ini pergi tukar fikiran nak kerja balik. Apala.”



    She can continue with whatever she writes in here, biulkah, konfiuskah, nyanyukkah, bodekkah, etc………..


  44. Assalamualaikum Tun,

    Tun founded and stood beside Bersatu through thick and thin and helped together with others in PH to win GE14. But right from the start DSAI and supporters ridiculed Tun 24/7 with their uncultured behaviour bashing Tun to surrender your seat to DSAI. They were rude, arrogant and selfish and gangster-like. That is unforgivable. Now out of government still blaming Tun for the crisis and then tak malu begged Tun to come back help them regain the lost power. It’s too late. They should have listen to Tun from the very beginning.

    But never would I have thought that Bersatu the party you founded and nutured would abandon and stab you in the back. They’ve betrayed and left Tun all alone. Where would they be now if not for Tun. How could they be so inhumane and abandon Tun! If they want to fight for justice and save Malaysia then do it together with Tun. Citizen’s Declaration…what does that mean to them. Bersatu…you selfish ungrateful lot, it’s unforgivable to leave and abandon Tun after all Tun has done for you to gain and be in power. Can I ever believe and trust you again? Can Tun trust you again, wahai Bersatu. Maybe Tun is forgivable and happy that Bersatu still in power. But being betrayed and shut away Tun from his own party Bersatu…what game is this?! Tun is hurt very very hurt. One day and very soon they will come begging for Tun’s forgiveness and sort for your wisdom and knowledge.

    Tun, never despair for this is hanya mainan politik duniawi. Most importantly is your health. Take very good care. May Allah always protect Tun. Thank you Tun.

  45. Wah mana2 blog I pergi orang semua bercakap. RPK, Rockybru, Anotherbrick dll. None of them setuju dengan Tun dan PH. Malah ada yang mengata berbakul2 about it.

    However, hubby faham this explanation from me dengan mudah;

    Katalah you ada syarikat and your head staff hantar resignation letter. You baca dan terima resignation ini. And then beritau head staff ini, sambungkan kerja ini dulu sementara I cari your replacement. Maka you pun interview ramai calon pengganti. Tiba2 head staff ini pergi tukar fikiran nak kerja balik. Apala.

    So that’s how the story goes!

  46. Salam YAB dan DiSanjungi PM Tun Dr. Mahathir,

    Mohon izin Tun:

    1. Jika TSMY seorang yang budiman, beliau patut senaraikan siapakah (MPs) yang menyokong beliau.

    2. Nampaknya kita ada 228 MPs yang menyokong TSMY (114) dan Tun M (114) sedangkan kita cuma ada 222 MPs. Ini tidak betul. Nampaknya ADA 6 ORANG MPS HANTU!

    3. Saya yakin Tun bercakap benar. 6 ORANG MPs BERSATU TIDAK MENYOKONG TSMY.

    4. Saya tidak sokong DAP/ PKR/ Amanah semenjak melihat PRESTASI HAMPEH mereka dan kelakuan2 buruk / salah-laku mereka, tetapi saya sokong Tun M. Saya pun dalam dilema.

    5. Yang pasti, Anwar, DAP/ PKR/ Amanah tidak boleh ‘sruvive’ tanpa Tun sebagai PM. Anwar patut sedar diri dan padamkan cita-cita untuk jadi PM. Jika Tun jadi PM sekali lagi, Tun boleh ikut acuan yang Tun suka dan tidak perlu lantik LGE (dll.) jadi Menteri jika tidak layak!

    6. Bersabar ye Tun. Allah SWT sentiasa bersama-sama orang yang sabar dan berada di pihak yang benar.

    Terima kasih di atas segala jasa dan khidmat bakti Tun sebagai pemimpin ulung Malaysia. Sayang Tun!

    – Semoga Allah SWT sentiasa merahmati Tun sekeluarga –

  47. Tun M

    I dah malas nak layan those news about politic, I lebih suka percaya pada Agong dan Raja2 Melayu.

    Tun dah berhenti ok, Agong dah terima ok. It doesn’t make sense Tun nak jadi PM semula.

    As for rakyat yang sibuk kata tak adil sebab PM bukan pilihan mereka. Hellooo our job only buang undi masa election, selepas itu bukan kerja kita lagi. Satelah tunjuk level of democracy you all masih tak faham lagi ka.

    To all politician jangan nak mengada-ngada lagi. Agong dah bagi pada TSMY, terima dengan hati terbuka. Parlimen sitting nanti beri undi percaya bukan undi tak percaya sehingga kalian semua jadi masaalah lagi kepada kami.

    INGAT PASARAN BURSA JATUH, DUIT KITA JATUH, TRADE WAR BETWEEN US DAN CHINA, COVID9. Ini semua masaalah ekonomi yang patut ditangani bukannya untuk entertain ketamakkan ahli2 PH yang sokong PM yang dah berhenti kerja supaya jadi PM semula, ok.

  48. What !!!
    Does Tun Mahathir still want to be the 8th PM after resigning?
    It’s becoming Iry hearing this news if it’s True
    You should not have resigned if you did not intend to

    Tan Sri Muhydeen is The Right Choice as Elected and Selected by Agong
    What’s going on here as if there is an Indian Drama

    Is Malaysia going through elections of PM again and again
    If Tun takes over now again
    Within a year or two Malaysia will still have to find a new PM again

    Oi, what’s going on here?
    Very confusing

  49. Politik Malaysia perlu berubah
    Kerajaan Malaysia perlu menuju pada Pembangunan Negara
    Cukup..cukup sudah…politik kata mengata, buang masa pada sengketa lama

    PM Muhyideen Yasin perlu Tegas
    Gejala mengkritik Kerajaan tanpa dasar perlu di hukum
    Pegawai Kerajaan perlu bergaji lumayan tapi
    Perlu berkerja benar.Bukan Budaya asik nak mengular
    Pegawai perlu Tegas dan di Segani
    Tindakan Keras harus dilaksanakan pada siapa yg tidak menghormati Pertugas
    Jika mereka banyak nak melawan, bawa saja balik Balai bolih berbual

    Malaysia perlu menuju pada Pembangunan Ketenteraan
    Perlu bertapak membina senjata seendiri
    Tidak perlu nak banyak cakap tapi perlu banyak buat
    Biar merendah berisi Padi bukan meninggi Lalang

    Malaysia must make the Difference

  50. Salam Tun,

    Monitoring the political mess today and how it was progressing so far with Muhyiddin selected as the next PM collaborating with the group of traitors and crooks. Birds of the same feather will flock together. Let’s analyse what is currently happening and let’s predict what is going to happen,

    1. Party survival is more important than the country survival. To make sure that the survival of the party, we can forgo our basic core principal and they are no longer valid and important.
    2. History will give us hints. Look at what you implemented in the past and wanted to revive – Teaching Math and Science in English. Remember who abolished it?

    1. Justice will not be done. Those being investigated will slowly die down. Those currently in fear of being investigated will no longer have to fear anymore and they will continue what they used to do.
    2. Policies is going to move more towards extremism. Immediate populist policies are favored over long term policies.
    3. Brain drain will accelerate and outflow investment will start now.

    Goodbye my dear home!

  51. Tun M

    Harap Tun sihat. Jangan sedih. Kadang anak2 begitu la. Tak semestinya apa mereka buat dan sarankan betul seperti Tun jadi calon PM, PH.

    Bila Tun berhenti jadi PM dan Pengerusi Bersatu. Ramai gang PH berlari pujuk Tun. Hingga ada berita siarkan Wan Azizah, Tun bagi jadi interim PM.

    Kemudian kita dapat berita Agong terima perletakkan jawatan PM dan beri post PM interim pada Tun Mahathir sementera, ini bertujuan mencari pengganti PM yang baru.

    To me Agong dah terima perletakkan jawatan Tun. Takanlah Tun nak tukar fikiran jadi calon PM semula kerana gang PKR, DAP, Amanah nak Tun buat begitu. Tak kena tu Tun. Because of this orang akan kata Tun nyanyuk or Tun jeles TSMY yang sama parti jadi calon PM.

    Berhenti la promo DSAI jadi PM, janji itu dah putus satelah Tun letak jawatan PM and decision Agong jauh lebih tinggi dari sosek2 golongan anti kerajaan dan anti Raja2 Melayu.

    Sebagai rakyat biasa, kami nak ketenangan, kami nak ekonomi negara berjalan dengan baik, pasaran saham naik semula. Kami dah bosan dengan karenah politik yang dimainkan oleh mereka2 yang tak bertanggung jawab, hinggakan duit kita jatuh keparas rendah bukan saja pasaran saham. Masaalah dunia sudahlah banyak trade war, COVID9, orang2 yang tak bertanggung jawab hanya minat nak capai niat mereka sahaja tanpa peduli apa jadi pada rakyyat majmuk.

    Decision Agong final, TSMY adalah PM8, bukan Tun, bukan Anwar. Terima dengan baik, move on.

    Pada rakyat Malaysia, orang Melayu/Islam/Bumiputera, kemenangan ini memihak kepada kita. Janganlah kerana ini kita jadi malas bekerja, asyik melepak, melibatkan diri dalam gejala yang tidak baik. Gunalah peluang ini dengan baik, bekerja kuat, bersikap bersih dan amanah dalam menjalankan tanggung jawab, semoga nanti kita disegani semua masyarkat dunia.

    Ingat ya, makan gaji buta, adalah haram dari segi agama. Dari segi moral dalam civil society ini juga sikap yang cukup salah.

    Tahniah TSMY. Kalau perlu boleh contact me anytime. Tun tak perlu I, so I selalu bagi free advice sini, no gaji man!:(

  52. Assalamualaikum Tun.

    Tun tetap berpegang pada janji. Tun nak bagi jawatan PM pada Anwar Ibrahim.

    Berpegang pada janji adalah amanah. Seterusnya adalah perancangan Allah swt atas sebab pegangan janji kita.

    Terima kasih Tun.

  53. Muhyiddin Yassin
    Is the Right choice of Malaysia PM today
    Not just the Right choice BUT
    The Right Solution to Malaysia problem today

    He has to be Stern
    Especially to those who criticize, who Defame the Govt bluntly
    No more Mr.Nice guy as a Prime Minister

    Congrats to Agong, To Tun Mahathir
    For concluding to the Right Perfect Decision
    Congratulation to Tun Muhyiddin Yassin
    The 8th Prime Minister of Malaysia

  54. Salam YAB dan DiSanjungi PM Tun Dr. Mahathir,

    TSMY akan mengangkat sumpah sebagai PM-8 esok. Alhamdulillah. Asal bukan Anwar.

    Pada saya TUN TETAP PEMIMPIN PALING HEBAT DI MALAYSIA, lebih hebat dari mana-mana pemimpin sedia ada, termasuk TSMY.

    Saya berharap Tun akan dilantik menjadi Menteri Kanan (Penasihat) dalam Kabinet TSMY. Itupun kalau Tun dan TSMY masih lagi berada dalam satu parti, dan TSMY tahu untuk menghargai kepakaran dan ILMU Tun. Kami keliru sebab tiba-tiba TSMY mengatakan bahawa Tun bukan lagi Pengerusi BERSATU.

    Jika benar pihak BERSATU tidak mendapat restu Tun dalam pengiraan undi yang menyokong TSMY, dan Tun tidak memberi undi (tiada SD atau seumpamanya) kepada TSMY sebagai calon PM-8, itu antara TSMY dengan Allah SWT. Saya faham tentang pendirian Tun. Tun berkecuali.

    Apapun, langkah PH menamakan Tun sebagai calon PM-8 pada saat-saat akhir sudah terlambat.

    Selepas pukul 1:30pm baru Anwar terhegeh-hegeh ke Istana mahu menukar NAMA calon PM-8 untuk PH. Alahai…Saya agak Agong telah ambil kira undi yang memihak Anwar (Tun tiada dalam pertimbangan).


    Terima kasih di atas segala jasa dan khidmat bakti Tun. Tun pemimpin yang paling saya sayang dan sanjung!

    – Semoga Allah SWT sentiasa merahmati Tun sekeluarga –

  55. Unity gov dalam acuan malaysia raja berperlembagaan dilihat langkah terbaik dalam kemelut ini terutamanya di musim wabak virus berbanding PRU

    Perlantikan cabinet atas dasar merit dan bukannya sokongan parti politik dilihat mampu membawa negara lebih ke depan

    Terlampau banyak lantikan politik nanti sibuk berpolitik sahaja kerana itu adalah kerja ahli politik

    Diharap tun tidak menguburkan idea tersebut kerana ianya boleh menjadi contoh pada generasi seterusnya jika tidak mencapai majoriti.

    Demokrasi di malaysia semakin matang dan pasti nya parti politik akan terus bercambah di masa akan datang dan situasi tiada parti mendapat majoriti pasti berulang semula. Adakah setiap kali kurang majoriti di parlimen PRU akan diadakan?

  56. Tun

    Baru baca ini New twist to power vacuum saga as Dr M set to return as PM with PH support https://www.freemalaysiatoday.com/category/nation/2020/02/29/new-twist-to-power-vacuum-saga-as-dr-m-set-to-return-as-pm-with-ph-support/

    Are you sure ka Tun? 2 kali Tun kata nak rombak cabinet also tak jalan, yang Tun mampu buat buang Mazlee.

    Tun cakap unity government. Mereka kata Mahathir’s government. Betul ke kalau Tun naik, boleh ke Tun tak ambil LGE sebagai Menteri Kewangan? Boleh ke Tun naik tanpa Anwar aka Wan Azizah diberi jadi TPM. Boleh ke Tun buang those yang naik yang suka sangat provoke perkauman.

    My conclusion its all about money, perks and party in power, rakyat Melayu/Islam/Bumiputera tetap diketepikan dengan gabungan Tun.

    Sorry Tun, I officially tak sokong Tun dan pilihan Tun.

  57. Assalamualaikum Tun,

    Saya setuju dengan perlantikan Tan Sri Muhyiddin sebagai Perdana Menteri. Saya rasa beliau mempunyai pendirian yang tegas dalam menegakkan sesuatu yang benar. Perlu diingat beliau dipecat dari UMNO ketika skandal 1MDB memuncak. Walhal masa itu, beliau adalah Timbalan Perdana Menteri.

    Sebenarnya, sama ada disengaja atau tidak, kemasukan Bersatu ke dalam Pakatan UMNO PAS adalah stategi yang betul. Saya pernah tulis di sini, Bersatu tidak dapat bersama dalam Pakatan Harapan kerana ideologi yang teramat berbeze dengan komponen Pakatan Harapan terutamanya DAP. Bersatu memperjuangkan hak-hak orang Melayu sedangkan DAP mahukan hak kesamarataan atau “Malaysian Malaysia”.

    Disebabkan ini, walaupun Tun adalah Perdana Menteri, Tun tidak dapat memerintah dengan baik. Sebagai contoh, tindakan Tun supaya Zakir Naik kekal di Malaysia mengundang kemarahan puak DAP. Demikian juga kehadiran Tun di Kongres Maruah Melayu, mengundang kemarahan orang bukan Melayu. Ada juga sebahagian Orang bukan Melayu juga seperti naik kepala, tidak mahu seni khat dimasukan kedalam silibus pelajaran, walaupun hanya 3 muka surat.

    Hanya di Pakatan Harapan di mana orang-orang DAP mengkritik Perdana Menteri sendiri, walaupun mereka adalah sebahagian dariapada kerajaan.

    Orang Melayu dapat melihat semua ini. Disebabkan ini, untuk menjaga hak-hak mereka, mereka kembali beralih menyokong UMNO PAS. Walaupun UMNO PAS pun bukanlah baik, tetapi Najib bukan lagi Perdana Menteri, dan dia telahpun dihadapkan ke mahkahmah.

    Kita dapat lihat Pakatan Harapan telah kalah 5 pilihanraya kecil. Orang bukan Melayu tidak dapat terima pemerintahan Tun. Ungkapan seperti “the chinese want to teach PH a lesson” dapat kita baca di akhbar selepas kekalahan Bersatu di pilihanraya kecil.

    Truth be told, had Bersatu remain in Pakatan Harapan, most likey Pakatan Harapan would have been defeated in the next General Election.

    Inilah masalah yang saya ketengahkan dahulu, saya penyelesaiannya adalah ‘realignment’, iaitu bersatu dengan UMNO PAS. UMNO PAS mempunyai ideologi yang sama iaitu memperjuangkan agama, bangsa dan negara.

    Dengan Bersatu menyertai UMNO PAS, selesailah masalah ini, dan saya yakin selepas ini, gabungan ini atau Perikatan Nasional (?) akan menang pilihanraya-pilihanraya akan datang.

    Dikesempatan ini, saya rasa kesilapan Anwar adalah menutup pintu PH kepada Tun apabila berkata Tun telah meninggalkan PH. He thought with PH numbers he could win, but thats only 93 MPs He should always leave the door open for Tun. By shutting the door to Tun, you release him from his promise to make you Prime Minister. By shutting the door to Tun, the UMNO PAS Bersatu faction was able take Tun to their side, thereby signalling other parties like Warisan and GPS to support Perikatan Nasional. And that my friend, is checkmate.

    Terima kasih Tun.

  58. Good Morning Tun M

    Semalam anak2 sedara datang rumah. Topik yang buat kami gelak besar adalah Khalid Samad.

    Cuba Tun lihat ini; I sebut Khalid pressure Tun bagi jawatan pada Anwar secepat mungkin. My nephew kata Khalid Carlsberg. I jawab, Hah. kenapa Carlsberg? dulu I dengar Khalid Gereja.

    Then my nephew jawab, Aunty dulu Khalid kata nak tutup kilang Calsberg tapi bila naik tak tutup. Hahaha. I jawab, I ingat Khalid kata pemilihan tender melalui proses macam TOTO. TOTO? Gelak besau my niece dan nephew.

    Semalam I ada baca Khalid kata something like this kat media, jangan Tun tinggalkan PH, ingatkan cucu Tun. Apa dia cakap? Dia kidnap cucu Tun nak ransom ka? hahaha

    Yup I setuju dengan Hajar, memang rasa tenang tanpa Menteri PH, kalau tidak entah apa mereka cakap sampai kita semua pening kepala. BN PAS pon tak buat kita pening macam ini.

    Another new pening KJ jelas sokong Anwar sebagai PM. Azman Ujang jelas sokong kerajaan DAP. Sorry guys, I tak nak pening la. I sokong TSMY dan langkah2 beliau.

    My nephew kata TSMY tak reti buat kerja. I tanya, you kenal ke TSMY?. My nephew kata tidak. I jawab, I pernah buat kerja untuknya semasa beliau Menteri di MOA. I dapati beliau ini bukan jenis Menteri yang baca teks ucapan yang ditulis oleh orang lain. Dia cuma minta points. That means dia tau his subject well.

    Then I teringat cerita seorang photographer BERNAMA lama dulu – years and years ago, somewhere dalam tahun 90han, photographer ini kata bila Tun nak umum barisan cabinet, mereka semua kerumun Tun, bila Tun sebut bagi Muhiyiddin Menteri Belia, semua member of press gelak. Tun tanya balik, apa gelak? Terdiam mereka semua.

    Pada yang tak mengenali TSMY mungkin tak tau TSMY ini ada cucu2 yang aktif dalam gimrama. Dan TSMY juga adalah anak kepada ulamak yang terkenal dari Johor. My husband pon terkejut. I cucu ulamak dari Perak. Hubby I bukan cucu ulamak tapi sepupu beliau pernah jawab jawatan khadi Kelantan. Seperti I sebut ealier I liberal tapi taklah seliberal gang gang PH. Dia orang ni over2 hahaha

  59. Assalamualaikum tun. Saya ada menulis di blog yb lim kit siang. Memandangkan dia masih tidak meluluskan komen saya lagi teringin untuk saya post disini juga. Selamat berjuang tun may god bless you

    Selamat sejahtera yb lks

    1.yb mengatakan yang jika kerajaan perpaduan tun m dibentuk, tiada lagi check and balance disebabkan pembangkang sudah tiada?

    2.cuba yb nyatakan apa check and balance paling utama yang dilakukan oleh pihak pembangkang umno pas.isu kaum dan agama, itu sahajalah yang diulang oleh mereka setiap hari. Menghasut rakyat supaya menolak icerd dan statut rom. Memberi gambaran yang salah setiap dasar yang ingin dilakukan kerajaan. Ya itulah check and balance yang dilakukan oleh mereka.

    3.yb berkata mengadakan kerajaan perpaduan adalah pandangan singkat sahaja. Saya tanya satu soalan utk yb. Yb rasa, jika dsai jadi pm sekarang, mampukah dia mengubah persepsi melayu yang dap ini adalah racist?ultra melayu seperti tun mahathir pun tidak mampu mengubahnya, apatah lagi dsai?

    4.yb selalu mengimpikan rakyat malaysia bersatu menjadi satu tak mengira bangsa dan agama.bagaimana caranya yb?tun mahathir sudah mengakui kesilapannya dulu. Menjadikan dap sebagai hantu orang melayu.dia mengakui itu adalah strategi politiknya dulu.

    5.kalau yb ingin melihat kita menjadi satu, langkah pertama adalah dengan menjadikan isu agama dan perkauman yang dimainkan oleh pembangkang tidak lagi relevan.bagimana caranya? Satu caranya adalah dengan melumpuhkan dap itu sendiri.andai mp dap berpecah kepada dua, separuh di kerajaan dan separuh memihak pada pembangkang, rakyat akan melihat dap menjadi lemah sekaligus isu perkauman dan agama yg dimainkan pembangkang tidak lagi relevan kerana apa yang mampu dilakukan oleh parti dap yang lemah terhadap orang melayu.

    6.satu lagi caranya yb adalah dengan menjadikan kita semua satu. Tiada lagi dap tiada lagi umno tiada lagi pas. Pembangkang sudah tiada dap sudah tiada jadi siapa lagi yang akan memainkan isu perkauman dan agama?

    7.yb sudah lama didalam dunia sepak terajang politik. Cuba yb ingat kembali, semenjak tahun 1970an, bilakah umno pernah berhenti memainkan isu perkauman terhadap dap? Ini adalah satu peluang yb. Walaupun mungkin hanya untuk 2-3 tahun, yb akan dapat melihat negara malaysia yang tiada lagi isu perkauman dan agama. Dapat hidup dimalaysia dalam suasana sebegitu, setiap rakyat malaysia mengimpikannya.

    8.generasi baru terus ditanam dengan persepsi dap adalah hantu orang melayu.cuba yb tanya sendiri belia muda melayu 18-20an yang tidak ambil tahu langsung berkenaan politik. Kalaulah mereka boleh mengundi, adakah mereka akan mengundi dap?yb sendiri tahu jawapannya.

    9.saya tidak rasa tun mahathir, di penghujung usia ini masih lagi mempunyai agenda yang tidak baik untuk negara. Tun mahathir ingin memelihara legasinya sebagai negarawan terulung malaysia. Tiada agenda untuk anaknya mukhriz dan sebagainya. Saya memang tidak mengenali tun mahathir secara peribadi, tapi saya menilai dia dari kelakuannya pada masa lepas.

    10.semasa menjadi pm kali pertama. Dia tidak membenarkan anaknya menyertai dunia politik. Pada 2009 semasa mukhriz bertanding jawatan ketua pemuda umno, dia tidak membantu anaknya menyebabkan anaknya kalah pada khairy. Pada 2016 tun menentang najib sehingga anaknya digulingkan dari jawatan mb kedah. Ini bukan kelakuan seorang ayah yang terlalu memikirkan masa depan politik anaknya. Paling jelas pada 2016 apabila dia pasti sedar menentang najib pada waktu itu seolah memperjudikan karier politik anaknya.

    11.tun mahathir tidak meletakkan tarikh persaraanya kerana ekonomi negara masih dalam keadaan tidak baik yb. Ini bukan seperti tahun 2002 dimana tun meletakkan tarikh 31 oct 2003 sebagai tarikh persaraannya. Pada waktu itu ekonomi baik, rakyat pun gembira. Bagaimana saya tahu rakyat gembira? Pru 2004 bn menang 198 kerusi adalah petanda jelas rakyat gembira dengan kerajaan pada waktu itu. Cuba yb fikir, kalau pru dilakukan sekarang, siapa yang akan menang, rakyat tidak gembira sekarang. Mereka tidak rasa hidup mereka senang.

    Fikirkanlah yb.bak kata tun m kuasa yang diberi hanyalah it means to an end.

  60. Salam YAB dan DiSanjungi PM Tun Dr. Mahathir,

    Mohon izin Tun:

    1. Kepada TS Annuar Musa (yang tidak cerdik), TOLONG DIAM – tersinggung konon. Anda dan geng telah menyalahgunakan NAMA TUN, dan telah mencemar nama baik Tun @ memfitnah Tun dengan sokongan hampeh / PALSU (siap sain SDs lagi) kepada Tun dengan tujuan mahu berkuasa – GILA KUASA.

    2. Bila PH tumbang (hilang majoriti) dan Tun meletak jawatan, dengan muka tidak tahu malu, anda semua (TS Annuar & geng) meletakkan kesalahan ke atas Tun M yang tiada kena mengena dengan SDs anda semua (UMNO/PAS/dll.) ke atas kekecohan dalam politik Negara.

    3. Kalau saya jadi Tun (kalau saja 🙂 ), saya pun letak jawatan PM sebab memang pun kuasa PM kerajaan yang telah tumbang terbubar dengan sendirinya.

    4. Jadi, Tun USAH GUNDAH GULANA dengan tuduhan dan kutukan dari golongan yang tidak cerdik ini.

    5. Sepatutnya, semua yang terlibat dengan komplot tandatangan SDs sokong Tun M sebagai PM WAJIB MOHON MAAF KEPADA SELURUH RAKYAT MALAYSIA KERANA TELAH MENYEBABKAN KUCAR-KACIR DALAM POLITIK NEGARA terutama yang telah MENARIK BALIK SOKONGAN (PALSU) terhadap Tun M!

    6. Pada pendapat saya, MPs yang gila kuasa ini patut dihukum kerana mempersenda dan mempermain undang-undang Negara berkaitan SD.

    7. Tun tidak bersalah, tetapi sebagai seorang yang berjiwa besar, Tun sanggup memohon maaf kepada rakyat Malaysia. Saya percaya Tun berasa terguris dan kecewa kerana orang lain yang buat ONAR, Tun pula yang dipersalahkan. Tun telah melakukan apa yang sepatutnya dilakukan dalam keadaan PH sudah tumbang, iaitu meletak jawatan!

    8. Tentang TSMY sebagai calon PM, adakah TSMY mendapat sokongan kesemua parti-parti lain di luar PH? Jika YA, teruskan.

    P/S: Entah mengapa, terasa aman pula bila tiada (bekas) Menteri2 / Timb. Menteri PH muncul di TV dengan kenyataan2 hampeh serta rojak (BI + BM) mereka…

    Terima kasih Tun.

    – Semoga Allah SWT sentiasa merahmati Tun sekeluarga –

  61. Sorry to say this
    Saya rasa dua perkara
    Kenapa ada yg mahukan Tun masih jadi PM
    Pertama mamang Tun, Pemimpin yg Berwibawa dan berkemampuan
    Kedua DAP atau Part lain juga perlukan Tun demi Kepentingan mereka
    DAP, Lim Kit Siang atau Parti lain tidak akan duduk Parlimen sebagai Kerajaan tanpa Tun Mahathir sekarang
    Maka saya yakin dan saya sarankan tidak ada Parti yg menerajui Kerajaan

    The government should be a Body of its own with utmost Authority
    Agong is an Insurance to Malaysia

    Dan saya rasa Tun masih bolih berkerjasama dengan UMNO
    Najib & Rosmah with several people in UMNO yg Kleptocrasy
    It was not UMNO
    Najib is Cool. A leader should be Cool. I like him but unfortunately he is paying for his wife but again unless proven guilty

    Janganlah Tun kerana setitik Nila Tun nak buang susu sebelanga
    Susu Lembu sekarang mahal dek kerana ada Kerusi di Parliment
    Kepala Lembu pun dah Besar

    Luckily we had a Respectful Agong today
    We saw his Wisdom
    Hope both made the right decision for Malaysia

    I do strongly believe
    No Party in Govt
    No PRU is needed
    People that want their voice to be heard should join the Govt as an employee
    Of course, it goes along with qualification and to necessary post needed
    The Supreme post will be elected within the Govt people itself
    As they know better the Kind of person they work with
    They should be well paid and not involve with a personal interest
    They cannot have their side business
    It’s A or B

    For PRU, suddenly all Politicians speaks so well with lots of unfulfilled promises
    What I hate most is they choose the person that has strong financial influences. This person or this leader dump their money not to give but with their personal intention to gain more. We can see this in Trump, in Netanyahu

    Hope Tun, Agong sees this reason
    No Party in the Govt
    No PRU
    We can save a lot and repel any possibility of corruption and personal agendas
    Again it may not be a perfect system
    But it could be better
    Its Upgrading

  62. Good evening Tun M

    I ambil kesempatan keluar pagi, tak tahan tengok saham I rugi. Baru balik ini sempat baca tulisan news portal online.

    Understanding Mahathir’s ‘okay’ to electing Muhyiddin as PM


    – My opinion bila Tun sebut “lenient Muhyiddin” simply Tun rasa Muhyiddin terlalu mempercayai UMNO sedangkan Tun no longer mempercayai pemimpin2 UMNO. Tun terlalu kecewa dengan UMNO. Suruh tutup UMNO tak nak. Ajak masuk Bersatu tak nak. Bila berkuasa habis kemudahan bekas Perdana Menteri, seorang Negarawan yang juga seorang yang telah tubuhkan UMNO semula satelah diharamkan, ditarik sewenang wenang oleh Najib’s government. Ajak jumpa bincang hal desas desus 1MDB, Najib lari, jadi tajuk ramai, HANG PI MANA. I see this issue as merajuk, kecewa, berkerat rotan berpatah arah. Issue macam ini boleh dirunding dengan baik. Terpulanglah pada diri masing2 dan cara terbaik yang wajar.

    Berita diata juga ada menyebut three former top civil servants were outside Istana Negara this morning, as Malay rulers met to find a solution to the political imbroglio.

    -I melihat begini ya, siapa saja telah terlibat dengan skandal yang sedang berjalan dalam mahkamah juga yang telah masuk penjara tidak wajar jadi PM. Sama seperti penarikkan Darjah Kebesaran oleh Raja Raja Melayu terhadap certain individu atas sebab tertentu. This more about quality. Seperti I selalu sebut sini, ramai lagi orang Melayu yang wibawa boleh diketengahkan sebagai pemimpin, kita tidak desperate. What more dalam our system, kita ada 2 government, 5 years government dan permanent government. Apa2 jadi the permanent government tetap berfungsi under yang diPertuan Agong.

    For Tun M, I sayang Tun. I tahu Tun dah tua, bukan larat sangat. I juga faham kenapa Tun sedih. I juga lihat semalam PC anak Tun di Kedah. I lihat beliau lebih tenang berani jawab pertanyaan reporters. Harap di kemudian hari beliau boleh terus bawa nama Mahathir dipersada politik dalam dirinya.

    Bab TSMY tak perlulah Tun risau. I percaya dia juga sayangkan Tun. But in politics mesti ada kelangsungan. I juga percaya TSMY boleh jaga Tun dengan baik jika Tun dah tak nak lagi bertugas. But I tak percaya DSAI dan team PH akan jaga Tun dengan baik, I think mereka ini lagi teruk dari Najib. My opinion la.

    Big hugs Tun M dan Tun Siti.

    P.S cerita RPK tentang tunnel LGE. I think certain articles yang keluar dalam blog RPK adalah articles orang lain yang boleh kita jumpa online. If LGE cari betul2 sure dapat. If I’m not mistaken orang yang tulis satu kaum/bangsa dengannya.

  63. Dear PM Tun Dr Mahathir,
    Refer to Tun’s full televised speech text, translated below:
    Quote, “I ask to be given time. But my party, Bersatu decided to leave Pakatan Harapan. There are also those from other component parties who are set to leave. With this, the Pakatan Harapan government would collapse.
    The effect of Bersatu supporting Umno and Pas is that the parties which lost the election would go on to form the government. This government would be dominated by Umno, by virtue of it being the biggest party.
    I can accept Umno members who leave the party and join another party. But Umno would be joining this unity government as Umno itself. This I could not accept. So I had to resign.” Unquote

    Please allow me to express my profound thanks and gratitude to Tun for Tun’s principled stand as revealed by Bersatu supreme council member Datuk A. Kadir Jasin “Whatever form of government Dr Mahathir decides on, one thing is sure. The crooks, kleptocrats, the OKTs and the generally corrupt are not welcome. This he made clear to his party at the Sunday meeting”

    I admire Tun’s noble intention of a unity nonpartisan Government, “Politicians and political parties place too much emphasis on politics until they forget that the country is facing economic and health issues.
    In my opinion, right or wrong, politics and political parties have to be cast aside for now. If I am permitted, I will try to establish an administration which does not favour any party. The only priority would be the interests of the country.
    This is what I will try to do if given the opportunity. I pray and ask Allah SWT for guidance in my endeavour.”
    But unfortunately Tun’s proposal is now clearly rejected by both sides.

    A week is a long time in politics –Harold Wilson.
    Tun’s was overconfident, “I felt that I had support from all sides to the extent that I was unable to choose a side”

    “Muhyiddin might become a candidate. If everyone chooses him, I am OK,” he told reporters after announcing the economic stimulus package at the Prime Minister’s Office here.
    “If everyone chooses him, he can form his Cabinet,” said Mahathir, who met Muhyiddin today.
    He described Muhyiddin as more accepting of opposition members.
    “My position is I will not accept Umno, but I will accept those who leave Umno.
    “But Muhyiddin is ready to accept them. Whoever wins I will accept him to be the prime minister,” he added.

    On July 29, Azmin thanked PAS and Umno for ignoring their differences with Mahathir in urging the prime minister to stay on until the end of the term.
    Azmin’s comments came amid his apparent fall-out with his party boss, PKR president Anwar Ibrahim, whom Pakatan Harapan (PH) has said will take over from Mahathir mid-term.
    Kadir said the stand by Umno and PAS should not be seen as a statement in support of Mahathir.
    “For the Umno-PAS combination, breaking up PH is a key objective,” he said.

    Tun should have known better what UMNO and PAS are up to. Their supports for Tun were never sincere and they are in hurry to break up PH to save their skin. They will continues using religion and race baiting to divide Malaysians and by hook, by crook, by backdoor, by side-door, by front-door and powered with Cash is King “Apa Malu Bossku” slogan; the crooks, kleptocrats, the OKTs and the generally corrupt will find their way into Corridor of Power and we RAKYAT Malaysians can kiss our Shared Prosperity 2030 goodbye.

    Tun must now choose a side for greater unity of Malaysia and Malaysians and honor Tun’s repeated promise to hand over the country’s leadership to Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim. Please give Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim a chance to continue with PH’s reform agenda and rebuild Malaysia towards Unity, Justice and Shared Prosperity. We can have GE-15 in the year 2023, by which time we can make an informed judgment which political parties deserved our mandate for another 5 years period. This is how a democratic system works.


    Thank you

    Yours truly,
    SS LEE
    PS: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qMrO1kYxQJA
    It’s official! Tun Mahathir sworn in as 7th Prime Minister
    Pakatan Harapan chairman Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad was officially sworn in as the seventh Prime Minister of Malaysia on Thursday night. He took his oath of office as Prime Minister before Yang di-Pertuan Agong Sultan Muhammad V at the Istana Negara at 9:57pm, May 10 2018.

    Tun had done the impossible and I together with many Malaysians will forever be grateful to Tun and will always treasure this historic moment where I cried in joy when Tun was officially sworn in as the seventh Prime Minister of Malaysia. I was full with hope that finally a New Malaysia is dawned on us and on its way to reform, rebuilds and on course towards unity, justice and prosperity. Today I cried again because I see the same old Malaysia of racial divide, religion bigotry, suppression of dissenting views and injustice.

    Please pardon me to say perhaps Tun had lose the plot and it is time for Tun to let go and not over-stay Tun’s welcome but make a gracious exit. We Malaysians would want to preserve and maintain Tun’s rich legacy and remember Tun as a true iconic statesman with whom Malaysia was blessed with and a true Malaysia’s son that we Malaysians are proud of.

  64. Tun,

    Assalamualaikum. Semoga Tun dan isteri sentiasa berada di dalam rahmat Allah SWT. Sekarang ni, semua Anwar n gang, DAP, UMNO/PAS yang buta dan pekak itu, mula menampakkan diri mereka yang sebenarnya. Semua untuk kepentingan sendiri dan agenda masing2. Bila rasa tak ada harapan, semua kata sokong Tun jadi PM. Bila rasa ada harapan, mula masing-masing nak mencalonkan diri masing-masing atau meletak orang tua suruhan. Tak apa Tun. Kita tawakkal lah sekarang. Allah ada. Biarkan lah mereka mengata Tun, dapat Tun pahala bergunung-gunung nanti selagi Tun berdiam diri dan tak membalas balik. Malaikat keliling Tun yang akan melaknatkan mereka. Tun masih ada beberapa orang yang saya kira masih bernilai. TSMY, Azmin, Zuraida, Syed Sadiq etc Insya’Allah masih di belakang Tun. Kuat kan semangat, bersabar, bersolat dan mengadu pada Allah SWT, kita baca Kalam Allah. Mudah-mudahan Allah SWT permudahkan usaha Tun dan memberi ilham pada Tun. Jaga kesihatan ya Tun berdua.

  65. Tun M Good Morning,

    Baru baca ini kat FMT – PH accuses Mahathir of pre-empting Agong on future PM

    For gang yang tak respect undang2 negara, pon nak berkata2. Lupa pulak mereka nak berkata-kata about how they desak Tun constantly serah jawatan PM pada Anwar.

    Anwar masuk istana negara, pengikut jerit reformasi. Kat istana pun buat hal ingat kat pilihanraya Johor je, dimana BERSATU tanding tapi sepanduk Anwar dibawa.

    I tell you wat la, if I terjumpa you all tua2 jerit reformasi reformasi, plus that mujahat guling guling atas jalan, you tau apa I akan kata, “Orang tua buang tabiat!”

    LKS, last time you say wat, if Anwar tak naik PM, you mau pencen politik. So how now, you want to pencen or not?

    Kuat betul putar belit.

    PH government gulung tikar, we masih ada permanent government diketuai yang diPertuan Agong. Business as usual. Kalau Malaysia under military rule like thailand also I tak kisah, sebab you politician arrr real crazy peoples.

  66. Tun
    This is the Final time you can made the changes
    Malaysia Way, Our way

    Kerajaan berparti akan menuju pada perbelahan
    Berparti serupa berpuak
    Manusia berpuak kerana keturunan
    Kerajaan berpuak akan menghancurkan kerajaan juga rakyat

    Maka mungkin isu dini hari satu kesempatan Malaysia perlu berubah
    Tidak perlu PRU
    Tidak perlu Parti

    Yang berjiwa Perjuang,Patriotik,demi Negara,yang ingin bersuara
    Dipersilakan masuk ke Gelanggang sebagai Pejawat Kerajaan
    Pejawat Kerajaan dilarang ada perniagaan sendiri sebab ia akan membenihkan kepentingan peribadi

    Satu Formula Kerajaan menuju pada Pembangunan Negara untuk Rakyat
    Dikalangan Pejawat Kerajaan dipilih , di tapis
    Jawatan yg sesuai untuk yg di pilih, di undi diantara Pegawai Kerajaan juga
    Tidak perlu lagi PRU yg mahal
    PRU untuk Parti akan menhasut rakyat buat pilihan yg salah
    Sewaktu PRU semua Parti berubah menjadi Malaikat
    Semua cakap untuk Rakyat sedangkan pemikiran mereka serupa Musang Berjanggut, Ada kepentinga masing masing yg terselit di kepala otak mereka
    Ini tidak sehat untuk membangunkan Kerajaan

    Maka system Kerajaan tanpa Parti
    Amat sehat walau ini satu idea baru dan satu pembaharuan, satu peningkatan
    Ternyata ramai yg masuk Parti sebenarnya atas dasar kepentingan masing masing
    Mengambil kesempatan, maka tujuan jalan Kerajaan akan Terserung dan sering tersangkut . Itu sebab banyak Hutang

    Maka Kerajaan tanpa Parti akan lebih Berkesan
    Akan menuju pada kepentingan Pembangunan
    Tidak perlu PRU lagi.Dan amat menjimat

    Dengan System ini, akan terbongkar Politician yg Penipu
    Akan kelihatan ekor si Musang
    Pertama mereka kena jadi Pergawai Kerajaan
    Kedua mereka tidak bolih ada Perniagaan sendiri lagi

    Nak jadi Perniaga tumpukan Perniagaan sendiri
    Nak jadi Politician masuk berkerja sebagai Pegawai Kerajaan
    Minyak dan Air tidak bolih di campur

    Pintu Kerjaan terbuka pada Umum pada semua Kaum Rakyat Malaysia
    Hujungnya akan tertapis perbelahan Kaum
    Yg di tapis adalah Intan Permata bukan Kaca
    Walau Intannya berwarna Hitam,Putih atau Coklat mengikut kulit masing masing

    Saya yakin dengan System Kerajaan tanpa Parti akan lebih baiknya
    Lebih murah, tidak ada perkauman, tidak perlu PRU
    Yang penting Musang Berjanggut di Tapis
    Yang bikin rosak, sanggkut , terencat pembangunan negara adalah si Musang
    Sebab yg mewakili Parti, Ketua Parti ,yg bawa Panduk Parti pun dalam
    Cakap macam Malaikat , Berasap Asap kononnya tidak perkauman
    ber Meritokrasi konon
    Sebenarnya semua Hypocrite, Penipu…penipu besar Pak

    Lihat saja Negara Maju yg meremal system Democratic ala British, Amerika
    Biasa yg Kaya Raya Pemimpin Parti mereka
    Rakyat nampak saja kaya tapi sebenarnya sesak dah
    Ini tidak Perfect tapi mungkin satu peningkatan pada system kita untuk berubah

    PRU Suara Rakyat
    Tidak menuju pada Huraian sebab semasa PRU banyak Corupsi yg berlaku
    Dan yg mengundi pun ada yg tidak tahu apa yg mereka undi
    Asal mereka pangkar itu bukan Undi
    Undi adalah Pilihan yg berasaskan Tanggung Jawab
    Bukan soal Berjanaka

  67. Salam Sejahtera YAB TUN,
    Kenapa perlu mencari calon yang popular untuk jawatan PM akan datang.
    Kenapa tidak mencari calon yang berkemampuan tugasan dan berkewibawaan?.

  68. Tun M!

    Tadi I dengar kat tv ada grant untuk business online, tapi apa pasal news portal tak siarkan, penuh dengan berita politik. I nak kasi tau anak, anak buah dan kenalan yang niaga online. Kalau ada grant sebegini dan mereka layak, bagus!

  69. https://www.thestar.com.my/tech/tech-news/2020/02/27/youtuber-attempts-to-distribute-rm10k-to-reporters-at-istana-negara-claims-it-was-just-for-fun

    Just for fun or WANG POLITIK?

    Aother libor scandal in making following bank of india in printing more indian rupee to counter their budget deficit due to failure in launching ROKET into the space?

    I sure hope NO since 1 india Rupee is equivalent to MYR0.059.

    Unless, KONGRESS MELAYU want to make Greater KL another Mumbai city so that everyone can fly?

    Will these youtubers be charged?

    OF COURSE NO since they are paid to do the job as INFLUENCER for YOUTUBE.

    GOOD TASTE or BAD TASTE in cracking such joke, viewers especially kaum2 melayu dan bukan melayu who want to be influencer can emulate such move in the future?

    Bak kata, kenapa kaum ini boleh buat, adakah kaum melayu dll tak boleh buat, KONFIUSKAN, aku pun ikut bahasa Sri Sense.

    P/s: APOLOGY IS GOOD ENOUGH from these youtuber to counter bad taste jokes via online so that they will not make such mistake again. Jangan lupa, democracy in this country is still in budak sekolah stage. Budak2 sekolah hari tak boleh dimarah, dimaki-hamun, dicuit dan difitnah if we honour International Children Day.

  70. Good evening Tun

    I cuma nak komen ini satelah dengar PC Tan Sri Annuar Musa dalam TV.

    OMG! what la you all nie, Tun tu kan ke your former boss, yang you over over sensitive sampai menitik airmata over statement Tun apa hal. Tun cuma nak berkerjasama with you all. Yang you all sombong bagi conditions tu apa hal. To me simple je, jangan hantar yang corrupted, dah masuk court kat Tun, punya banyak ahli susah sangat ke?

    Yang dah masuk court tunjuk sikit kesetiaan. Mana tau tiba2 you terlepas. I katalah bukan Tun ok!

    Tun nak bagi pada TSMY jadi future PM pun ok wat. TSMY dulu pernah jadi Timbalan President you all juga. Bukanya Tun kata nak bagi DAP jadi PM kan? Apala you all ni, Azmin also not like that!

    UMNO and PAS, please get your facts straight, hari ini cakap gini, esok cakap lain. Pusing2. Sebagai pengundi I suddenly nampak crazy la you all nie. DAP or PKR or Amanah memang dah agak akan begitu tapi you PAS, UMNO also. OMG!

  71. Assalamualaikum Tun.

    Tahniah di atas perlantikan Tun sebagai PM ke 8 esok.


    Apa saja yang terbaik untuk negara.

    Terima kasih Tun.

  72. Ternyata ramai yg ingin Tun menjadi Perdana Menteri
    Mungkin belum ada pilihan yg sesuai untuk menjawat jawatan tersebut
    Pada pemilihan saya mengikut keutamaan
    1.Azmin Ali
    2.Mukhliz Mahathir
    3.Khairy Jamaluddin

    Tidak perlu lagi nak pilih Tun Mahathir
    Tun perlu bersara. Kalau nak suruh Tun lagi, mungkin lagi setahun atau dua
    Malaysia kena cari Perdana Menteri lagi
    Eh …penatlah tak habis habis nak pilih PM sekejap sekejap
    Kalau pilih calon Istri brapa kali …….tak kisah lah. No problem
    Ni nak pilih Veteran seperti Anwar Ibrahim pun dah Magrib
    Beri Laluan pada yg Muda

  73. You have my utmost respect, Tun.
    At your age, you still serving this beloved country with every last bit of your strength. I admire your courage and knowledge to manage the power crazy group of politicians. Where today, the truly deserved politicians were always sidelined by these crazy lots.

    Sadly, we haven’t got a clue who would and could continue your leadership.

    Thank you, sir!


  74. Tun,

    Assalamualaikum. Semoga Tun dan isteri dirahmati Allah SWT dan dipanjangkan usia dan mendapat usia yang diberkati. Semoga Allah SWT mengampunkan dosa-dosa Tun dan dosa-dosa kami juga.

    Tun, I wish to reiterate here that I will never accept Anwar as our PM or as any leader. His wife has been doing such a good job so unlike him. We rakyat still want you as our PM and I have no doubt that you put us rakyat as your interest. Despite your age, we have full confidence that you are a competent and brilliant leader. You make us Malaysians proud and you have proved yourself a leader by example. You don’t know that I exist but I do include you and your wife in my prayer.

    Kepada Datin Seri Wan Azizah, you are isteri solehah. Tetapi Datin Seri jugak memainkan peranan sekiranya suami Datin Seri dipilih sebagai PM. Kami sebagai rakyat, ramai yang tidak yakin langsung bahawa suami Datin Seri boleh menjadi pemimpin yang berjiwa besar, berani , tegas, amanah dan bijak. Lihat lah sahaja penyokong-penyokong beliau yang ala-ala gangster jalanan, kuat beremosi, pandai tak bertempat, liberal tak bertempat…. sampah?!!! Malaysia akan hancur sekiranya mempunyai Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim sebagai pemimpin.


    Sedih dengar jumlah COVID 19 dijepun makin meningkat. Sekolah pun ada yang tutup. Olimpik Tokyo mungkin dibatalkan. Adakah pihak Malaysia nak bawa rakyat Malaysia balik? Anak I berada di Hiramatsuhoncho, Utsunomiya, Tochigi. Dia risau anaknya selsema. 🙁

  76. Assalamualaikum tun,

    Inilah yg saya maksudkan dulu. Demokrasi rakyat bkn parti politik. Suara rakyat, wakil2 rakyat bkn wakil2 parti. Mungkin ada byk kelemahan kita akan nmpk nanti, tapi insyaAllah jika niat betul, Allah akan bantu.

    Bagi pihak diri saya sendiri, saya mohon maaf atas kekasaran bahasa saya dan sbg seorg warganegara saya maafkan tun juga. Buktikan tun mampu bawa Malaysia ke era baru mengikut jalan yg rasulullah pnh tunjukkan. Semoga tun sekeluarga sihat dan dirahmati. Jazakumullahu khairan kathira.

  77. Assalamualaikum Tun,

    Ucapan Tun kepada rakyat sedikit sebanyak meringankan kegusaran rakyat. Rakyat kini tahu apa sebenarnya yang telah berlaku, dan apakah rancangan seterusnya.

    Kini Parlimen terbahagi kepada tiga kumpulan utama, iaitu Pakatan Harapan (92 MP), UMNO / PAS (61 MP), dan kumpulan penyokong-penyokong Tun (64 MP). Antara ketiga-tiga kumpulan ini PH mempunyai MP terbanyak. Akan tetapi mana-mana kumpulan tidak dapat mewujudkan kerajaan yang stabil sebab tiada yang memperolehi 112MP. Ini bermakna andaikata PH menjadi kerajaan, iainya boleh ditumbangkan jika kumpulan UMNO PAS dan Kumpulan penyokong Tun membuat undi tidak percaya di kemudian hari.

    Saya hanya mampu tersenyum apabila Tun sebut berkenaan sikap ahli politik yang hanya mahukan kuasa. Baru minggu lepas kumpulan UMNO PAS dan Kumpulan PH berkata mahu Tun dikekalkan sebagai Perdana Menteri. Setelah UMNO PAS tarik sokongan pada saat-saat akhir, maka kumpulan PH pula bertukar sokongan daripada Tun kepada Anwar. Begitu mudah sokongan berubah bagi ahli-ahli politik. Kalau UMNO PAS dikatakan tikam belakang, adakah perbuatan PH juga bersifat tikam belakang?

    Kumpulan PH jangan terlalu angkuh dengan 92 MP. Ingat, PH tiada lagi Bersatu. Kalau Kumpulan Tun dan UMNO PAS lancarkan undi tidak percaya dan terjadi PRU, siapakah dalam komponen PH yang akan ditugaskan membawa undi orang Melayu? Tambahan pula PH juga mempunyai DAP, satu entiti yang orang Melayu tidak dapat terima. Tambah lagi Anwar selaku PM, akan laksakan polisi berasaskan keperluan. Dan banyak dalam menifesto PH terlalu berpihak kepada orang bukan Melayu jika dilaksanakan. Adakah UEC diikitiraf? Adakah ICERD ditandatangani? You won 92 MPs, was because you had Bersatu and Tun was with you to bring the Malay votes.

    Kalau Tun hendak bermain politik, semua kumpulan dah jadi penyokong tegar Tun seperti yang berlaku minggu lepas. Tetapi Tun tegas, melakukan tindakan untuk kebaikan negara.

    Saya setuju cadangan Tun untuk kerajaan uniti adalah yang terbaik.

  78. Good evening Tun

    Anak I asyik berdoa janganlah tua liberal tu jadi PM. Tua liberal? DSAI.

    Bila I perhati news keliling, niat Tun di tentang ahli2 politik. Mereka sekolah tinggi tapi bodoh.

    Mereka semua nak glamour duduk dalam cabinet, takat jadi wakil rakyat, tak mainlah.

    Hellooo if semua duduk dalam cabinet sape mau turun padang jumpa rakyat? Tak sesuai mereka ini semua jadi wakil rakyat, mereka hanya minat jadi wakil diri sendiri dan parti politik masing2.

    Bad news for Malaysia.

  79. Salam Dearest YAB PM Tun Dr. Mahathir,

    Mohon izin Tun:

    I watched Tun on TV apologizing to the ‘rakyat’. I could see and feel Tun’s frustration. It was such a sad moment for me (and I believe for the majority of the ‘rakyat’ too). Please don’t be sad Tun.

    Tun is not responsible for the current political crisis/chaos. We have very greedy and selfish politicians in both sides of the divide.

    I still support Tun and still want Tun to continue as our 8th PM. We, the ordinary people, love and respect Tun so much.

    But then, I believe Tun must not punish everyone in UMNO just because several UMNO leaders were involved in corrupt practices. Being an UMNO member is not a sin. UMNO is a party, not a person.

    A person cannot change simply by MIGRATING to another political PARTY.

    I also believe that UMNO leaders have changed a lot for the past 21 months after their shocking / disastrous and shameful defeat during the 14th GE. That alone was a great punishment!

    We must not hold everyone in UMNO accountable for the wrongdoings of their top leaders.

    Please forgive UMNO members Dearest Tun. UMNO members are Malays / Muslims and they are our brothers and sisters. They are like Tun’s own children / grandchildren.

    Now Tun’s friends in PH already nominated Anwar (ex-convict) as our 8th PM. Wow! They changed their stance just within 2 days! We can now clearly see their true colors – hypocrites!

    They (PH leaders / supporters) were using Tun all this while to achieve their objectives in politics. I was right all along.

    I pray to Allah SWT that Anwar will never be our PM.

    Thank you Tun.

    – May Allah SWT bless Tun and family –

  80. Saya berpendapat
    Kemelut sebenar Malaysia di hari ini
    Adalah Keraguan Siapa yg benar benar layak menggantikan Tun Mahathir
    Sehingga semua Parti inginkan Mahathir, sehingga Tun sendiri tidak tahu kemana arah tuju beliau terkecuali apa yg baik untuk Malaysia perlu diutamakan

    Terbukti kini, Fitnah yg mengata Tun berhenti jadi PM yg kini kali kedua
    Masih tidak ada bukti yg Tun berbuat demikian untuk jadikan Anaknya, Mukhliz mengambil tugas beliau malah tidak ada bukti yg Tun memanaskan Kerusi PM untuk Mukhliz. Saya lihat sepanjang perjalanan Tun tidak pernah beliau mengutamakan Mukhliz sebagai Anak Perdana Menteri Malaysia

    Yang Nyata
    Tun Mahathir perlu Bersara
    Kemelut ini adalah sebab musebab sudah waktunya Tun bersara
    Gugurnya Pakatan Harapan adalah sebab musebab
    Suara Nada beliau diini hari nyata adalah Suara Nada yg sudah penat
    Walau beliau merasa beliau masih berdaya
    Kita yg inginkan Tun perlu juga fikirkan Tun
    Semangat tinggi Tun tidak bolih tandingi kenyataan Kesehatan & Umur beliau
    It is Time , Tun perlu berehat

    Yang penting semua Rakyat juga Kerajaan, Pembangkang juga Sultan
    Perlu Bersabar dan Tenang
    Kesabaran kunci Kejayaan

    Memang dari awal,saya berpendapat Satu Kerajaan
    Pelbagai Parti bakal ada Kerumitan
    Hanya masa akan menentukan. Dan masanya sudah timbul tanpa diundang
    BerParti,serupa Berkomplot akan beraliran Perbelahan
    Hujungnya tidak ada satu system di Dunia ini yang bakal kekal
    Hong Kong, Satu Kerajaan Dua System, Cina sama Cina
    Pun ada Kemelutnya

    Pada pemikiran awalan saya,dari saya berkecimpung di Chedet
    Tidak perlu ada Parti
    Tidak perlu ada PRU
    Sebab Parti mengutamakan kepentingan masing masing bukan kepentingan Negara
    Kepentingan Negara adalah permainan Lidah semata
    Semua Parti berkata kata untuk kepentingan Malaysia tapi pada dasarnya ada terselit kepentingan Parti & Peribadi masing masing


    Saya berpendapat
    Lebih pada Individu ,Siapa saja yg ingin, berjiwa Politik, Berjiwa Perjuang
    Masuk ke Arena Kerajaan sebagi Penjawat Awam Kerajaan
    Di dalam Arena Kerajaan akan dipilih diantara mereka
    Siapa yg Layak memegang jawatan apa dan sebagainya
    Penjawat Awam Kerajaan perlu dibayar Gaji yg setimpal
    Dilarang mempunyai Perniagaan sendiri
    Tujuannya supaya tidak mengambil kesempatan akan kedudukan mereka

    Apabila Pegawai Tinggi, Menteri , Perdana Menteri di beri Kelonggaran bolih berniaga. Nascaya Otak mereka akan jadi Otak Musang Berjangut
    Ini banyak berlaku disemerata Dunia
    Dan itulah sebab utama mengapa mereka masuk Politik

    Wahai Orang Politik yg wujud di ini hari
    Apa kah sebenar dan tujuan anda masuk Politik ?
    Kita bolih menipu orang lain tapi kita tidak bolih tipu diri kita sendiri
    Kebanyakan tapi bukan semua
    Bukan untuk Perjuangan tapi lebih untuk mengambil Kesempatan

    Sebagai Manusia Kita semua ada Kepentingan masing masing
    Ini Tidak bolih dinafikan

    Jadi mungkin kita perlu lakukan satu Kelainan yg saya cadangkan diatas
    Tidak ada satu system dalam Dunia yang ada Perfection
    Yang Penting apa mahunya kita
    Jangan kita rosakkan Keharmonian Kita sesama Manusia Sejagat
    Walau apa Bangsa ,Agama dan Siapa kita
    Walau ia menuju pada Kepentingan sendiri

  81. Assalamualaikum Tun.

    Sebetulnya tiada apa saya mahukan lagi dalam hidup saya. Saya bersyukur dan puas.

    Kecuali saya mahu mati dalam husnul khatimah.

    Namun saya tetap manusia. Berhati manusia.

    Saya merajuk. Saya merajuk pada Allah swt. Saya merajuk pada kekasih saya itu.

    Saya hanyalah manusia biasa yang punya hati dan perasaan. Saya adalah hambaNya.

    Kenapa begitu kenapa begini Ya Allah.

    Namun telah dijelaskan dalam Surah Ad Dhuha.

    Allah tidak meninggalkan Muhammad. Setiap sesuatu bermula dengan baik dan diakhiri dengan baik. Sebut sebutlah nikmat TuhanMu.

    Saya bukablah tahfiz dan bukan pelajar sekolah agama. Namun surah Ad Dhuha ini automatik lama dulu saya dapat hafal hanya dengan dengar imam baca masa solat berjemaah.

    Saya adalah manusia dan berhati manusia. Saya merajuk.

    Terima kasih Tun.

  82. Assalamualaikum Tun.

    Terus terang saya katakan saya terasa dah lama tinggalkan chedet.cc, termasuk dari sudut hati.

    Saya pernah mahu menetapkan kerjaya saya hanya sebagai tukang kebun sekolah.

    Tapi entah bagaimana kerjaya tersebut buat badan saya gatal gatal dan telah merosakkan 2 buah jam tangan saya, sehingga saya berhenti barulah gatal gatal itu hilang.

    Kemudian saya pergi umrah seperti yang dirancangkan. Seterusnya saya telah meninggalkan Malaysia dengan pergi ke Brunei.

    Dikatakan oleh imam syafie bahawa dengan musafir dapat menghilangkan rasa duka dan menimbulkan
    emas dalam diri.

    Sekarang dah hampir 6 bulan saya kembali dari niat musafir.

    Duka bagi saya bukanlah bermaksud berduka lara. Ia lebih kepada muhasabah diri.

    Saya dapat hafal satu surah Al Quran semasa di sana. Saya ingatkan ingatan saya dah beku. Rupa rupanya tidak.

    Kawan kawan saya di chedet ini, ada memberi semangat, berniagalah katanya. Terima kasih saya ucapkan.

    Namun saya sedar, berada jauh di luar membuktikan bahawa saya banyak membuang masa semasa di tempat sendiri.

    Kawan kawan saya ini tidak menyokong DSAI jadi PM Malaysia. Saya juga tidak berkenan.

    DAP juga masih bertindak selayaknya sebagai pembangkang walaupun telah berada dalam kerajaan. Kiasu dibawa kemana mana.

    Bagi pendapat saya seperti sebelum ini. Biarlah Melayu Islam menerajui kerajaan Malaysia ini tanpa meninggalkan serta meminggirkan kaum cina dan india.

    Kita boleh mewujudkan kerajaan Melayu semata mata.

    Tamadun Islam tidak sebegitu.

    Yang menentang kita tentang. Yang menghampiri kita raikan.

    Terima kasih Tun.

  83. Assalamualaikum tun

    1.pada mulanya saya hanya menjangkakan yang tun ingin bubarkan parlimen.dengan keluarnya bersatu dari ph tapi masih tidak berpihak pada sesiapa menyebabkan tiada sesiapa yang ada majoriti.

    2.tapi apabila diwawarkan yang tun ingin membentuk kerajaan perpaduan tanpa pembangkang.negara akan bergerak atas kapasiti individu bukan lagi atas parti, saya sangat kagum dan terperanjat.

    3.mana taknya, malaysia sebagai sebuah negara dunia ketiga yang mengamalkan sistem demokrasi berparlimen, tapi mampu membentuk kerajaan perpaduan. Tidak ada sesiapa yang termimpi malaysia mampu berbuat begitu.in fact, saya rasa tiada pemimpin dunia yang mampu menyatukan sebuah negara yang mempunyai budaya politik seperti dimalaysia ini.

    4.kalau masing2 dapat mengetepikan agenda masing2, dapat ceasefire untuk 2-3 tahun untuk majukan negara.dipimpin oleh tun, yang tidak mempunyai apa2 agenda tersembunyi selain memajukan negara. Saya tidak rasa kita perlukan pembangkang untuk check and balance. Tun sendiri boleh mengambil tindakan atas mereka yang memmpunyai agenda tersendiri andai sesiapa yang dilantik sebagai kabinet kerajaan tapi tidak membuat kerja dengan baik.

    5.kalau satu hari nnt saya mempunyai anak,dengan penuh bangga saya dapat cerita pada dia yang saya pernah hidup dizaman malaysia yang aman tanpa pembangkang.tiada lagi negative vibes.tiada lagi isu2 lapuk agama dan perkauman. Malaysia yang dipimpin oleh seorang perdana menteri yang hebat, yang mampu untuk menyatukan semua rakyat malaysia tak kira parti, bangsa dan agama menjadi satu dan memajukan negara bersama sama.

    All the best tun.

  84. By the way, TRUMP meeting MODI is just only a political campaign of i help you, you help me, is not new.

    Seeing both of them holding hands to push such political campaign, in fact, i am not surprise at all.


    Because i can live up within this expectation.


    No one knows what happen in the next 10 to 20 years down the road.

    In here, i wish them all the best, and really hope there will not use violence to show their jealousy and hatred.

    What will happen, it will happen.

    What will not happen, it will not happen.

    Yup, covid-19 is the scary stuffs, and me too believe such virus will be contained eventually due to breakthrough of science and technology.

    Are you ready?

    Are you prepared?

  85. Sri Sense Feb 26,2020 12:09 PM

    Tun M!

    Market hijau semalam, hari ini naik sikit, beza masa Tun resigned jadi PM minus lebih 40 points.

    Bila anak2 I sibuk cakap pasal politik, anak I yang tua penyokong PAS. I kata PAS pun politik. Dia jawab dah masuk politikk, kena la politik. I jawab dah kerja, kenalah kerja, kurang politik hahaha I tambah I selalu kata bila I cakap kat blog ini ianya adalah sembang2 kedai kopi, no gaji. Lintang pukang mereka semua kerja, hahaha.

    Kerana ini I juga dapat tau anak saudara dah niaga kek burn kat rumah. Sejak suami jadi contractor kecil kecilan, dia bantu suami cari duit. I puji sikapnya, sebab bukan mudah nak cari duit zaman sekarang.

    For those yang tidak tau, I ada baca yang Malaysia adalah official halal food provider for Olimpik Jepun. Tokyo July 24, 2020 – August 9, 2020. If berminat, boleh bertanya dengan Jabatan Kerajaan yang bertanggung jawab. Mana tau peluang masih ada untuk participate. Mungkin juga ada kelonggaran untuk orang2 Melayu/Islam. Jangan gelisah, kerajaan masih ada. So go ahead, do research, and get it done.

    Sri Sense ingat hanya puak Melayu Muslim iaitu penyokong tegar dia, bumiputra, yang layak dapat booth diskaun halal kerana mereka adalah muslim? Dia tak takut nanti culture shock, oops, i mean culture syiok sekali lagi dan minta air stewardess memakai tudung kerana mereka adalah muslim kerana AKU BOS?

    Ya, go a head and make TDM looks ugly since his time is up whether he wants to leave or not. Can Anwar take over him, she thinks its her upmost priority by changing hands at the highest echelons?

    MARGINALIZED KOMMUNITI KAUM INDIA marah kenapa janji skim tak perlu bayar balik TABUNG PTPTN tak dilaksanakan PH, kan mereka olang susah?

    Alahai, tin kosong saja, semua tak janji selepas dapat cincin iaitu tak erti macam mana nak bayar balik.

    I have enough with these kind of race and religion supremacy conflicts, hence, i choose to leave.

    Good luck, and all the best to the wannabes.

  86. Tun M!

    Market hijau semalam, hari ini naik sikit, beza masa Tun resigned jadi PM minus lebih 40 points.

    Bila anak2 I sibuk cakap pasal politik, anak I yang tua penyokong PAS. I kata PAS pun politik. Dia jawab dah masuk politikk, kena la politik. I jawab dah kerja, kenalah kerja, kurang politik hahaha I tambah I selalu kata bila I cakap kat blog ini ianya adalah sembang2 kedai kopi, no gaji. Lintang pukang mereka semua kerja, hahaha.

    Kerana ini I juga dapat tau anak saudara dah niaga kek burn kat rumah. Sejak suami jadi contractor kecil kecilan, dia bantu suami cari duit. I puji sikapnya, sebab bukan mudah nak cari duit zaman sekarang.

    For those yang tidak tau, I ada baca yang Malaysia adalah official halal food provider for Olimpik Jepun. Tokyo July 24, 2020 – August 9, 2020. If berminat, boleh bertanya dengan Jabatan Kerajaan yang bertanggung jawab. Mana tau peluang masih ada untuk participate. Mungkin juga ada kelonggaran untuk orang2 Melayu/Islam. Jangan gelisah, kerajaan masih ada. So go ahead, do research, and get it done.

  87. Tun

    I baru baca wall kelab Tun. I setuju dengan apa yang mereka tulis.

    I sebenarnya agak terkejut kita mendapat Agong terbaik. The last Agong basically don’t care much about us.

    I tidak kenal Agong secara personal. I nak share ini masa dulu, I pernah jual Holiday Club membership. So I sempat didatangi oleh orang kanan Tuanku dulu. Baik dan tertib orangnya. Semasa orang kanan ini berbual dengan I, tiba2 Tuanku talipon. Orang kanan ini beritau Tuanku dia sedang bincang dengan I. Maka jawab Tuanku masa itu, tak nak kenal dengan beliau ka? I ketawa bila diberitau, I anggap tuanku masa itu cukup gentleman. I mean kalau nak ngorat can always rampas2 right, like stories yang sering kita dengar about Raja2 Melayu.

    Bila I lihat Tuanku jadi Agong, I sebenarnya tak expect much. Jelas Agong yang satu ini adalah terbaik untuk handle kemelut yang rakyat Malaysia hadapi sekarang. Dia juga cukup baik jaga rakyat yang beliau temui ketika accident kereta dan yang menunggu ramai diluar pagar istana.

    Pagi tadi I gelak dengan husband, bantai kena military rule, baru tau. Gaduh2 la lagi hahaha Anak kita pun malam2 buta tak boleh main futsal hahaha

    I teringat kawan di Siam yang kena military rule satu ketika, malam2 dia asyik hantar message. Kawan I ini lelaki, I tanya apa hal you nie, dia kata boring after certain hours kena curfew. hahaha

  88. Good morning Tun M

    My pendapat, Agong menjalankan tanggung jawab dengan baik. Bagus untuk instituisi Raja2 Melayu. Apa yang Tun buat bagus, sebab Tun memberi pengajaran pada rakyat2 Malaysia, ini negara demokrasi, ada undang2.

    Bagus apa yang BERSATU buat, keluar dari PH, sebab dengan ini kita nampak dengan jelas percaturan politik antara bekas gabungan dan future gabungan.

    Actually sebagai rakyat biasa, tugas kita hanya membuang undi. Jangan pula pasal kemelut ini ramai tak keluar rumah buang undi dimasa akan datang. Meuang undi adalah tugas khas kita, memberi peluang meilih, a participation dalam system democracy. Of course la selepas itu jangan pula anggap pilihan you itu idola perfect macam angel. hahaha

    Ini negara demokrasi berRaja yang ada undang2 sendiri, tidak sesuai fahaman sosialis yang dibawa gabungan PH dulu.

  89. Salam YAB dan DiSanjungi PM Tun Dr. Mahathir,

    Moho izin Tun:

    1. Jika PARLIMEN DIBUBARKAN dan PRU diadakan dalam masa terdekat , saya amat yakin dan percaya PH AKAN KALAH kerana rakyat sudah teramat meluat dengan tindak-tanduk para pemimpin dan penyokong PH.

    2. Saya ada baca artikel mengenai sebab Tun meletak jawatan PM dan jawatan Pengerusi BERSATU. Salah satunya ialah kerana Tun tidak mahu dipaksa untuk mungkir janji tentang peralihan jawatan kepada Anwar. .

    3. Tun jangan bimbang tentang janji kepada Anwar Ibrahim. Nampaknya janji tersebut sudah tidak releven dalam keadaan sekarang di mana PH sudah tumbang. Tun patut lupakan PH dan Anwar

    4. Lagi satu sebab ialah Tun enggan bersekongkol dengan kleptokrat dalam UMNO. Tetapi, Tun pernah bersekongkol dengan DAP/ PKR/ Amanah yang terang-terangan MENGHINA SERTA MEMPERLEKEH ISLAM / MELAYU. Ini belum lagi helah dan penipuan mereka dalam menjustifikasikan tindak-tanduk / salah laku mereka.

    5. Lihat saja AG Tommy Thomas yang idolanya ialah pengganas komunis Chin Peng. Inikah dia orang yang Tun boleh percayai dan mahu terus kekalkan? LGE yang KORUP terlepas kerana AG adalah geng PH. Maaf cakap…

    Terima kasih Tun.

    – Semoga Allah SWT sentiasa merahmati Tun sekeluarga –

  90. Tun form Pakatan Harapan
    To save Malaysia from the Kleptocracy of Najib
    NOT Kleptocracy of UMNO

    UMNO is well & unwell since their formation
    Same so as other parties
    They will be well & unwell
    Blame the party for someone mistakes
    Is A Back Door to Defame UMNO

  91. Perpaduan Ummah itu dalam Surah
    Perpaduan Ummah itu Sunnah
    Perpaduan Ummah itu Penting dan bermuafaatkan untuk Ummah

    Gabungan PAS,UMNO,BERSATU,PKR,AMANAH itu Wajib
    Iaa membawa kebaikan untuk Ummah walau ia bakal menghadapi perselisihan faham
    Yang penting ia tidak berpuak puak
    Bila Ummah berpadu,Kita Berjemaah bersama ,berbaris meengatur Saf berjuang
    Tidak berpecah si PAS,Masjid lain, Umno lain Masjid, Bersatu lain Masjid, lain Imam.Bila semua bersatu, kita berkongsi Masjid bersama

    Perbelahan Ummah akan mengakibatkan perbelahan Masjid, Madrasah, Ustad, Ustazah, Imam, Bilal, perbelahan Anak anak amanah kita
    Perbelahan Keluarga, Sahabat dan sebagainya
    Perbelahan ini akan menjadi senjata,menjadi modal
    menjadi alasan pada musuh Islam sebenar

    Lihat saja Sunni, Shia
    Amerika untuk Israel menggunakan perbelahan ini untuk menjadikan senjata memecah belahkan Ummah dengan tipu helah dan fitnah mereka

    Saya memgalu alukan Benih dari gabungan PAS,UMNO,PKR,BERSATU,AMANAH
    Bersama beramai ramai, berqiblatkan Satu
    Kita tidak mengenepikan Saudara kita yg bukan Islam / Melayu yg lain
    Kita tidak mengenepikan Gopal atau Lim
    Mereka Wujud dan kita mengakui kewujudan mereka
    Mereka bolih bersama kita ,bersama Ummah hanya dengan
    Berkallimah dengan Keikhlasan
    Itu saja dan itulah tujuan kita menuju pada Kejayaan Dunia Akhirat

    Dalam kita menghaturkan Saf,Berimam,Berqiblat pada arah tujuan
    Pasti ada halangan, rintangan,dugaan
    Yg datang lambat, yg sangkut kat trafik,yg ada urusan Duniawi, perlbagai
    Tetap kita berkongsi Masjid dimana mana mengahadap Qiblat yg sama

    Pada saya Siapa yg Berkelayakan perlu kedepan, lebih pada individu
    Bukan kerena Parti sebab Parti bermakna berpuak
    Apabila berpuak, ia akan mengalir ke arah masing masing yg akan mengakibatkan perbelahan
    Dari Individu yg layak ,yg Kedepan,yg kita lihat bolih
    Disini kita tapis Pemimpin kita
    Pemimpin dengan Ummah yg ramai di belakang
    Pak Imam/ Pemimpin tidak bolih nak macam macam
    Semua ikut Quran & Hadiths
    Ameen, Makmum akan lebih lantang

    Buang yg Keruh, Ambil yg Jernih
    Lets Moves forward
    Cukuplah episod Drama Melayu yg tidak ada Kesudahan selalu
    Asik nak tujuk Tera saja,Asik nak Gaduh saja
    Asik sorung papan tarik papan
    Asik asik cerita itu juga

    Kan lebih baik sesama membuahkan Idea, Ilmu ,Pembangunan yg Baru
    Malaysia perlu ke Depan with Silence
    Progress with Silence

  92. Assalamualaikum Tun,

    This past week has been truly roller coaster ride for the average Malaysians. We are still coping with economic hardship, unemployment, viruses, and now we have a collapse in government, following your resignation as Prime Minister.I was hoping to see you for the conference for small malay businesses.

    But from what I gather from the news, there was an attempt to change the goverment, forcefully. It was this attempt that led you to resign as Prime Minister and Bersatu Chairman.

    At first I was puzzled too, as to why you did not attend the Sheraton hotel dinner? And why you resigned as Bersatu Chairman? You kept silent during this whole episode. However, reading through the bits and pieces of news from the internet, I understand why you did that you did.

    I tell you Tun, had you informed us of what truly transpired, just like how you informed Anwar, LGE, Wan Azizah, Mat Sabu, from day one, we would have been up in defense of you and the PH government.

    The change of government, will and can never succeed, without your approval.

    Our understanding was this had your blessing, and being true supporters, of course supported your actions, as we knew you would have thought it through, before making the move.

    Anyways, I don’t see there is any problem. The PH leaders will continue to support you. Most likely you will be the 8th Prime Minister. And I will respect your wish to keep to your promise to handover the Prime Ministership to Anwar after APEC.

    Being a NEP Product, I don’t agree to his need based policy, but that is for him to prove me wrong when he becomes the Prime Minister.

    For me, this entire episode is a lesson learned. Don’t easily jump the gun. Be patient. Understand the situation first. Sometime things are not what it seems.

    Thank you Sir.

  93. CORRECTION: Meaning, she is muslim indian, she cannot tolerate hindu indian thats why she spiked DSAI?

    She wants Tengku Razaleigh to be the MoF?

    Meaning she thinks with her bodek skill, TS Razaleigh will bailout her puak punya failure that lead to the fall of BARISAN NASIONAL this time, he is not afraid his GOOD NAME will plunge into longkang?

    I sure hope TDM make the right choice by choosing the right candidate, not puppets or pembodek this time.

  94. Sri Sense Feb 25,2020 8:10 PM

    Tun M,

    Baru baca ini

    BN and allies call for fresh polls, say support for Dr M conditional


    I agree if UMNO in semesti ada orang UMNO dalam cabinet tapi tak boleh la bawak semua mereka ni. Therefore kena ada pembahagian yang wajar antara UMNO, PAS dan BERSATU.

    Bila I suggest Tengku Razaleigh sebagai Finiance Minister, I melihat beliau bertauliah untuk handle keadaaan finance negara yang telah dilintang pukangkan oleh DAP. Do it for negara not dendam. Bila I sebut Tok Mat I melihat beliau sebagai Timbalan Presiden yang rajin bekerja bijak bertutur kata dengan masyarakat umum. Tapi sayangnya beliau pula bukan kerusi MP. Ini boleh diatur anyway, banyak ways, jika betul2 mahu. I sebut Tok Taki sebagai Menteri Agama atas dasar beliau juga merupakan Setiausaha Agung PAS, dan berpendidikkan tinggi.

    Actually I kalau jadi Tun, I dah tak layan PKR DAP Amanah. Mereka la yang sibuk sangat nak bagi Anwar jadi PM. Desak, tekan Tun. Dia orang ini digaji Anwar ka? Or dapat seguni emas each? Not only that mereka bukannya pandai buat kerja. Yang mereka pandai putar belit apa Tun kata. Tambah ajinomoto buat sedap mulut. Mereka adalah pemimpin yang tidak matang untuk terajui negara Malaysia, anehnya mereka pula ingat pengundi2 luar sana yang tak matang, so boleh temberang suka2.

    Mestilah sekarang mereka kocoh2 bagi Tun support sebab takut hilang gaji hahaha

    GoodNight Tun M dan Tun Siti.

    Meaning, she is muslim indian, she cannot tolerate hindu muslim?
    She also cannot tolerate cina and parti2 bukan muslim, so how?

    Hello, makcik, kini you pilih PERDANA MENTERI atau rakyat pilih PERDANA MENTERI ini?

    PAS ingat hanya mereka saja yang boleh tangkap muat?

    Hey, there are other parties in sabah and sarawak which already replaced them.

    The best person to be appointed is TAN SRI RAFIDAH AZIZ whom TDM trusted more than her and HAJAR.

    At least, TS RAFIDAH AZIZ tak pakai tudung, tidak menjolokkan mata ku, so my vote is worthy to her.

    No need to have UNITY GOVERNMENT, just get TS RAFIDAH AZIZ out from AIR ASIA X, and let her do the day to day operation tasks as INTERIM PERDANA MENTERI before next GENERAL ELECTION is called.

  95. Assalamualaikum Tun.

    Mudah sangat knockout.

    Sape sape yang mintak tu, insyaAllah dapat.

    Lepas ni jaga negara elok elok.

    Terima kasih Tun.

  96. Tun M,

    Baru baca ini

    BN and allies call for fresh polls, say support for Dr M conditional


    I agree if UMNO in semesti ada orang UMNO dalam cabinet tapi tak boleh la bawak semua mereka ni. Therefore kena ada pembahagian yang wajar antara UMNO, PAS dan BERSATU.

    Bila I suggest Tengku Razaleigh sebagai Finiance Minister, I melihat beliau bertauliah untuk handle keadaaan finance negara yang telah dilintang pukangkan oleh DAP. Do it for negara not dendam. Bila I sebut Tok Mat I melihat beliau sebagai Timbalan Presiden yang rajin bekerja bijak bertutur kata dengan masyarakat umum. Tapi sayangnya beliau pula bukan kerusi MP. Ini boleh diatur anyway, banyak ways, jika betul2 mahu. I sebut Tok Taki sebagai Menteri Agama atas dasar beliau juga merupakan Setiausaha Agung PAS, dan berpendidikkan tinggi.

    Actually I kalau jadi Tun, I dah tak layan PKR DAP Amanah. Mereka la yang sibuk sangat nak bagi Anwar jadi PM. Desak, tekan Tun. Dia orang ini digaji Anwar ka? Or dapat seguni emas each? Not only that mereka bukannya pandai buat kerja. Yang mereka pandai putar belit apa Tun kata. Tambah ajinomoto buat sedap mulut. Mereka adalah pemimpin yang tidak matang untuk terajui negara Malaysia, anehnya mereka pula ingat pengundi2 luar sana yang tak matang, so boleh temberang suka2.

    Mestilah sekarang mereka kocoh2 bagi Tun support sebab takut hilang gaji hahaha

    GoodNight Tun M dan Tun Siti.

  97. Salam Tun
    Semoga Tun tenang & sehat mennghadapi penutup
    Pengorbanan Tun berjuang dari awal umur hinggi kini Tun sudah 94
    Ini penutup & berakhirnya perjuangan Tun
    Ini luar dari gengaman dan kemampuan kita sebagai manusia
    Penutup Perjuangan Tun untuk Malaysia tidak ada Bandingnya
    Saya berterima kasih pada Tun Dr, Mahathir Mohamed
    Perdana Menteri Malaysia Box Office
    Yang menjadi PM,sekali , kedua dan mungkin ini kali ketiga setelah Tun meletakkan jawatan kini sebagai PM

    Saya kurang ikut apa yg sebenarnya berlaku,kenapa PH tumbang
    Yang saya faham tubuhnya PH adalah kerana menjatuhkan Najib bukan UMNO
    Semasa itu Tun tidak punya Kuasa hanya bolih merayau sana sini sedaya usaha Tun memperbaiki dan menyelamtkan Malaysia dari Kleptocracy
    You have done your Best.Thank you

    This is the proof of today
    Surah AL-Anfal
    ” And [remember, O Muhammad], when those who disbelieved plotted against you to restrain you or kill you or evict you [from Makkah]. But they plan, and Allah plans. And Allah is the best of planners. ”

    When UMNO had a Bad leader
    This Leader has to be removes
    Tun is A Doctor and He has successfully removed the bad tumor for Malaysia

    Now Malaysia need to moves forward
    With One Unity
    One Ummah

  98. Assalam Tun.

    This political malaise resulted due to Anwar. It was his “not patient” attitude which caused his own downfall back in 1998, even after Tun M has repeatedly announced Anwar to replace him in less than 2 years then.

    Now, Anwar never bother to hide his own hypocrisy when he stated openly several times to his supporters, “stop mentioning the succession issue”, which was ‘ignored on purpose’ by his followers.
    William Leong, Farhash the gangster, Abdullah Sani, Johari Abdul…., to name a few, seemed as though they have nothing better to say other than “Tun M must resign by May, ….fix the transition date!”

    It’s either Anwar can’t control his followers, OR, Anwar himself told his followers to cotinue demanding Tun M to go, the latter is more likely the true scenario knowing Anwar’s never-ending sandiwara shows, the TRUE hypocrite.

    In 1998, the impatient Anwar caused his own downfall.
    In 2020 this impatient and hipocritic man called Anwar has also caused his own downfall and the downfall of the ruling Pakatan Harapan government!

  99. Salam YAB dan DiSanjungi PM Tun Dr. Mahathir,

    1. Memang hebat perancangan Allah SWT. Saya selalu berdoa supaya PH tumbang (selepas melihat prestasi hampeh PH), dan saya fikir ianya akan berlaku selepas PRU15, tetapi Allah SWT makbulkan doa-doa tersebut dengan begitu cepat.

    2. Ingatkan Kerajaan sepenggal, rupa-rupanya PH cuma Kerajaan (kurang) separuh penggal. Alahai…

    3. Saya harap sangat demi ‘Agama, Bangsa, dan Negara’ Tun maafkanlah UMNO dan ahli-ahlinya. Pemimpin2 yang korup tidak akan terlepas dari hukuman – tidak di dunia, di akhirat. Bimbinglah mereka. Majoriti ahli2 UMNO sayang dan menyanjungi Tun.

    4. Tun jangan lantik sesiapa yang ada KES MAHKAMAH ke mana-mana jawatan Kabinet; letak SYARAT ini sebelum bergabung. Tun jangan silap lagi sebab Tun pernah lantik LGE ke Kabinet walaupun dia pada masa itu ada kes mahkamah.

    5. Tun wajar pecat AG Tommy Thomas kerana dia sudah hilang kredibiliti di mata rakyat.

    Terima kasih Tun.

    – Semoga Allah SWT sentiasa merahmati Tun sekeluarga –

  100. Tun

    May I suggest, kalau Finance Minister bagi pada Tengku Razaleigh, Tok Mat boleh bawa ke Federal. Itu kalau jadi lah gabungan BERSATU/UMNO/PAS. Since Tun adalah interim PM, I rasa bagi pada Muhyiddin jadi PM. I rasa juga Menteri Agama patut diberi pada Dato’ Taki.

    Pendapat peribadi I.

    Have a nice day, my hero!

  101. Assalamualaikum,
    Situasi politik skrg makin terserlah kotornya, itulah hakikat politik dan ahli politik. Tun mahupon anwar apa bezanya jika tiada amanah pd rakyat. Saya cuma nak tegur fellow commenters here, tlg jgn guna nama rasulullah, laung allahuakbar semua bila menyokong pakatan baru bersatu umno pas etc.. rasul kita amanah dan tidak mungkir janji tidak kira agama. Tak blh kerjasama, bubar pakatan buat PRU lain. Tlg jgn permain agama atas apa jua sebab. Terima kasih.

  102. Dear Tun,

    May you always be in good health.

    1. Perhaps, it is the right time for the dissolution of Parliament.

    2. I hope there will be no vengeance among leaders and among supporters.

  103. Assamuaalaikum…

    Dear Tun Mahathir…

    Tq for all the effort that you have done to this unique country.. i hope that you will have a good days coming although you only act as an interim prime minister of Malaysia… But still you are in control… Don’t be too stressed about your subordinates… Coz not all of them are bad right? I seldom see you smile in this 2020.. thats why i decide to write to you today.. hoping that you will remember to smile again 😊

    Please do enjoy your time n your life Tun… Sometimes we just need to push our reset button again to feel fresh n start again with our journey with a smile in this temporary world… Tq again Tun Mahathir… Tq grandpa.. you will always be a legend in this country.. so be happy always ok?😁

    Btw what is Bruce Lee’s favourite drinks?

    It is not wine boost or sake… But it is

    Wataaaarrrrrrr!!!!! Get it? 😂

    Jazakallahu khairan kathira…n assalamuaalaikum…

  104. Assalamualaikum Tun,

    Saya hanya mampu tersenyum melihat semua menyokong Tun sebagai Perdana Menteri. Ini termasuklah Anwar, DAP, Amanah, UMNO, PAS, Warisan. They all love you Tun. Seperti mereka, saya juga menyokong Tun. Hidup Tun! Cuma saya agak sedih Persidangan Perusahaan Kecil dan Sederhana yang sepatutnya dirasmikan Tun esok, terpaksa ditangguhkan. Saya percaya segala yang berlaku adalah untuk menyelesaikan “masalah” yang pernah kita bincangkan dahulu. Saya tidak akan cakap lebih. Semoga berjaya Tun. We are with you. Be strong.

  105. Salam YAB dan DiSanjungi PM Tun Dr. Mahathir,

    1. Akhirnya BERSATU keluar dari PH. Alhamdulillah…

    2. Tetapi saya tidak setuju Tun meletak jawatan sebagai Pengerusi BERSATU. Kenapa?

    3. PH sudah tumbang kerana kebodohan diri sendiri.

    4. Patutkah saya kata ‘PADAN MUKA’? Pengajarannya, bila berada di atas, jangan angkuh!

    5. Apapun, LGE & geng bolehlah kemas meja di ofis masing-masing. Begitu juga dengan TPM/Anwar & geng serta Mat Sabu & geng. Selamat berehat!

    6. Saya doakan Tun jadi PM ke-8 walaupun sekarang Tun ‘PM Interim’ (lantikan YDP Agong); tapi sebelum ini pun Tun ‘PM Interim PH’. Insyaa-Allah… Tun mesti pecahkan satu lagi rekod dunia. 🙂

    Terima kasih Tun.

    – Semoga Allah SWT sentiasa merahmati Tun sekeluarga –

  106. Tun Good evening!

    Keputusan yang tepat dari agong, ikut perlembagaan. Announcement dari Ketua Setiausaha Negara. Ini baru rule of law! Tahniah Tun masih PM, walau interim.

    I sebenarnya letih dari semalam dengan perkembangan politik. Hari ini saham -40 points, duit kita jatuh. Memang sedih saham I semua jatuh. Adoi duit kita pula jatuh.

    Semalam anak I kecuh kita tak ada gomen. I jawab sape kata kita tidak ada gomen? Kan kita hanya hilang parti pentadbir satelah undi tidak percaya sesama mereka. Gomen always there wat!

  107. Assalammualaikum Tun,

    Those leaders only appreciate you after you left. Pity them, cant manage their leftist tendencies.

    But why resign ? Human can be corrupted but political party is just a party. If Zahid made way for Mohammad Hasan, and the cleansing is made, then political party does not contain corrupted people anymore.

    And Tun, in my humble opinion, given right information, you are the best leader that we see in Malaysia, in term of oratory, will ever amaze those who like to ponder and think, things like generating electricity from electric eel, I think that it is sort of a joke, and your dismay about radiation from amang and nuclear generation , many of us like them a lot.

    Semoga Allah merahmati Tun sekeluarga. My doa’ and prayers for u.

  108. Tun

    I baca Tun resigned sebab tak boleh kerja dengan UMNO. I ada baca kat FMT UMNO banyak pintak.

    To Zahid, Udah la tu yop, selesai kan dulu court case, bagi yang tak terpalit dengan skandal naik. Ini bukan soal dendam, ini soal rakyat.

  109. Assalamualaikum Tun,

    If I were you Tun sure enough I would be hurt with these bunch of biadap people who are so tak sabar to steal your seat, who hit you hard left and right, no respect at all. As said before you are alone fighting to put things right to steer this country on the right course. It’s your aides around you who are your enemies, the inexperienced cabinet who couldn’t handle their own portfolios. That’s why we feel the country is slow or not moving forward.

    Tun, just because they are in the government in the cabinet they can talk like biadap gangsters to Tun. Why still stick around them Tun. They’re proud arrogant biadap bunch. Leave them Tun. Take Bersatu with you.
    Never again will I undi that biadap One Eye and roket and sewaktu dengannya.

    They will be sorry for what they have done to you. They will never rest in peace. Let us see how good they are.

    Take care of your health Tun. May Allah always protect you. Thank you Tun

  110. Assalamualaikum, Tun.

    Sampaikah hati nak wujudkan pergolakan politik demi kepentingan diri?

    Jangan, pada akhirnya, Tun terima segala-gala maki-hamun pada usia tua!

    Buatlah apa yang baik untuk Negara dan bangsa!

  111. Tun

    I tonton interview BERNAMA dengan pakar poitik Singapore dari keturunan Cina, kalau tak silap. Dia kata dalam negara demokrasi perkara biasa for PM buat gabungan yang lain bila mana tidak boleh bekerjasama dalam gabungan yang sedia ada. Ini telah terjadi di Australia, UK dll

  112. It was not and never a Back door
    There is No Backdoor as accused
    It was done transparently with Menghadap Ke Duli yang di Pertuan Agong

    Its a coalition of Democratic Voice representing the people of Malaysia
    DAP Nga Kor Ming tidak seharusnya mengugat satu ketika dulu untuk keluar dari PH
    Itu satu ugutan yg tidak professional dan emosi
    Ia tidak seharusnya diluahkan

    Congrats to the new Coalition
    Coalition to a New Democratic Voice of the People of Malaysia
    This will stop the fighting and bringing Malaysia to moves forward

  113. Yes Tun!
    Assalamualaikum Tun dan Tun Siti. Semuga sentiasa sihat dan gembira selalu disamping keluarga tersayang.

  114. Good morning Tun M

    Semalam anak I di Jepun tak tidor malam, asyik berbual dengan kakaknya di Nilai. Rata2 mereka setuju jika ada kumpulan baru tadbir Malaysia sebab kumpulan yang lama team PH buat mereka menyampah.

    For example isu LGBT. Banyak Melayu yang Konservatif tidak setuju, I yang liberal juga tidak begitu setuju dengan tindak tanduk gang PH. Kita tau golongan ini wujud. But more of gay closet. Mereka semua bekerja dengan ok saja. I pernah jumpa a few dalam Klang Valley, so I beli saje apa mereka jual. So nak kata mereka ditindas I don’t think so.

    Selain itu team PH, banyak nakhoda. Tun kata gini mereka kata gitu. Lihat saja kes AG dan Home Minister. Home Minister kata gini AG kata gitu nak tunjuk dia lagi terer. In the process, you confuse kan rakyat. I yang liberal melihat begini, AG ini Peguam Negara, bagaimana pula dia tak Bersama jaga keselamatan Negara. I tak tau la siapa yang rekomen beliau ini jadi AG. Pilihan yang tidak tepat langsung.

    Another issue yang agak interesting, baru2 ini I ada baca Ghost Ships sebanyak 4 bijik berlabuh di Labuan. Penguatkuasa jumpa 2 rakyat China yang jaga kapal ini. Come on la takan mereka berdua bawa 4 kapal ini ke Labuan tanpa muatan.

    Another issue I find agak pelik, bila LGE cakap nak fine drunk drivers lebih tinggi. Apa pasal dia yang jadi Finance Minister cerita pasal ini, bukankah ada Loke yang lebih sesuai cakap bende berkaitan dengan jabatan dibawahnya. Kalau PM cakap lainlah or mungkin LGE ingat dia PM.

    Actually macam2 PH buat, konfiuskan rakyat dan buat mereka tambah menyampah. Tengok aje Menteri Agama bila naik, sibuk pula berdinda kanda dengan anak Anwar, saolah olah tiada kerja lain, hanya nak ngorat anak Anwar publicly.

    Kalau nak cerita panjang Tun…

  115. Dear PM Tun Dr Mahathir,
    A sleepless night for me as I am too nervous to sleep as events unfolds in the corridors of power.
    I need to learn “PEACE BEGINS AS EACH INDIVIDUAL’S INWARD JOURNEY” to find my inner peace

    Tun please allow me to repost what I penned for GE14, “I HAVE A DREAM; Democracy, Liberty, Justice, Unity and Prosperity”

    Martin Luther King, Jr. Speech; “I Have a Dream” delivered 28 August 1963, at the Lincoln Memorial, Washington D.C.

    I do have dreams of my own:
    I have a dream; I dream of a day where I shall call myself Malaysian and if you insist that I put in more detail in front of Malaysian, I will say I am a Proud Kedahan Malaysian.

    I have a dream; I dream of the day where my grandchildren will live in a nation where they will be judged by the content of their character and not by the colour of their skin or religion.

    I have a dream; I dream of a day Malaysians can truly embrace and celebrate our diversity where different ethnicity, religions and cultures live in peace and harmony with mutual understanding, respect and acceptance.

    I have a dream; I dream of a day where G25’s (A Malaysian group made up of prominent Malays) mission will be accomplished.
    Mission: G25 is committed to pursue a just, democratic, peaceful, tolerant, harmonious, moderate and progressive multi-racial, multi cultural, multi religious Malaysia through Islamic principles of Wassatiyah (moderation) and Maqasid Syariah (well-being of the people) that affirm justice, compassion, mercy, equity. Malaysia is to be led by rule of law, good governance, respect for human rights and upholding the institution of the country.

    I have a dream; I dream of a day where we can harvest the best of every race/ethnicity to build a truly progressive and just society where the prosperity of the nation can be enjoyed together in a fair and equitable manner.

    I have a dream; I dream of a day where our children and grandchildren when looking back on 9th May 2018 can say proudly, our parents and grandparents had showed exceptional courage and braveness to turn the tide of oppression and regression to liberty and progression by voting out BN at its critical/pivotal moment when the nation need them the most.

    I have a dream; I dream of a day this nation of ours will rise up and live up the true meaning as proclaim by our Nation Founder Father Tunku Abdul Rahman at Independent day and Malaysia day: “forever a sovereign democratic and independent State founded upon the principles of liberty and justice and ever seeking the welfare and happiness of its people / ever seeking to defend and uphold peace and harmony among its people.”
    Malayan Declaration of Independence was officially proclaimed on 31 August 1957.
    Proclamation of Malaysia on 16 September 1963.

    I have a dream; I dream of a day that my dream is Malaysia’s Dream/Malaysian Dream and Malaysians will and shall reclaim and rebuild our beloved Malaysia to its glorious day.

    This is Malaysian dream, this is Malaysian hope, this is Malaysian faith and with this hope and faith, I call upon every Malaysians irrespective of Race, Religion and Region shall now make real our dream and the promises of democracy, liberty and justice. Now is the time to rise from the dark and desolate valley of racial divide, oppression and injustice to the sunlit path of racial unity, liberty and justice. Now is the time to lift our nation from the quicksand of divide and rule to the solid rock of brotherhood. Now is the time to make democracy, justice and liberty a reality for all of Malaysian’s children. Now is the time to show our exceptional courage and braveness to vote out the corrupted MO1 & BN’s decadent, kleptocratic Government and embrace our new hope and faith in PH. Now is the time we vote for PH in GE14. PH is our best hope to reform and rebuild our country, and set it on a course towards unity, justice and prosperity.
    Pakatan manifesto offers hope for real reform.

    Will I wake up on the early morning of 10th May 2018 with a broken heart that’s barely beating? Or will we wake up with joy, knowing that we have taken the crucial and important step to make Malaysian dream come true?

    The choice is in MALAYSIANS hand. Please make our MALAYSIAN DREAM come true. It’s either now or never. I thank all from the bottom of my heart.

    ABBA: I Have A Dream

    Thank you.
    Yours truly,
    SS LEE
    P/S: Please Tun don’t be so uncaring to break my heart, my dream and denial Malaysians of our “Malaysia Dream”

    I never imagined I would live to see this day
    5.08am: (COMMENT) Syukur Alhamdulillah. Praise be to the Almighty for having answered our collective prayers and for having prevailed, to enable us to realise what we wanted to achieve. What seemed almost impossible has just happened.

    A new day has begun for our beloved Malaysia and Malaysians. A new chapter in our history is begging to be written. It is exactly 4.15 am on this historic day, May 10, 2018. I am too excited to sleep…

  116. You did a Hat Trick
    You scored. Its a Goal…….Goal
    You are always my Idol
    The Best leader Malaysia would ever have

    PAS, UMNO, Bersatu, Amanah And 10 PKR MPs Said To Be Forming A New Coalition Govt
    This is the right decision. This is it

    Saya gembira Tun membuat keputusan yg amat benar
    Perpaduan Ummah amat perlu dan penting walau ada juram sesama kita
    Begitu juga Dunia Islam
    Jika kita berkumpul sebagai Satu Ummah
    Kita tidak perlu tunduk pada sesiapa
    Dalam usaha menyatukan Ummah
    Adalah penting kita dapat menyedarkan Saudi, UAE berbaik dengan Iran, Timur Tengah.Jika kita dapat mengeratkan hubungan Iran,Iraq,Saudi, UAE dan yg lain
    Kita dapat teguhkan Ummah
    Saudi, UAE tidak perlu lagi tunduk pada Amerika untuk Israel

    Kunci segala musibah di Dunia Islam diini hari
    Adalah apablia kita tidak bersatu
    Apabila kita Bersangketa sesama
    Maka Amerika untuk Israel tidak akan segan menindas , menzalimi Dunia Islam LIHAT saja di Palestine
    Tidak ada satu Negara, walau Negara Islam pun yg benar benar bangkit untuk Palestine. Israel mencoroboh bermaharajalela, membunuh ,merompak di depan mata Dunia. PBB tidak buat apa apa.Dunia Islam hanya mampu melihat
    Dayus tidak mampu berbuat apa apa

    Alhamdullilah Pemimpin Sunni & Shia sudah kelihatan bergambar bersama
    Begitu juga gambungan gambar Tun bersama PAS,PKR,UMNO,Bersatu, Amanah
    Gambar seperti ini sudah bolih membenihkan sesuatu yg Indah
    Maka usaha bergini perlu bertubi tubi di ushakan

    Sebab Amerika untuk Israel
    Tidak berniat lansung mengamankan Palestine, Timur Tengah
    Malah mereka bertubi tubi berusaha mermecahbelahkan Dunia Islam
    Lihat saja Turkey di Syria
    Saya tidak faham apa tujuan Turkey di Syria melawan Kerajaan Syria
    Memulakan semula Keteganan di Syria yg baru saja nak Aman
    Adakan Turkey nengikut arahan Amerika ATAU adakah Turkey berjuang untuk Ummah?
    Mari kita lihat perbuatannya bukan cakapannya

    Begitu juga di Amerika kini
    Mereka sesama tuduh menuduh seakan Russia bermain peranan dalam mempengaruhi
    Politik Amerika tapi mereka menutupi Pengaruh Israel pada politik Amerika
    Hinggakan Suara Rakyat Amerika sendiri tengelam
    Kerajaan Amerika lebih menunduk akan Kehendak Israel
    Terlihat Dunia sering Lobby melobi sesama untuk kepentingan peribadi

    Begitu juga gabungan PAS, UMNO, Bersatu,Amanah, PKR bergabung
    BerQiblatkan yg SATU, Yang Esa
    Dengan setiap berniat Ikhlas, Suci dengan Berkallimah
    ” Laillahaillallah Muhammad rasulullah ”
    Tidak siapa pun dapat mengugat Kerharmonian Ummah

    Tahniah Tun
    Beranggan selalu nak jumpa Tun pesonally, tapi tidak tahu bagaimana ?
    Tun, you made a Beautiful Closing chapter for the Ummah even for yourself
    Saya amat tersentuh, the very reasons
    You are always my Idol
    Luv you ,Tun

    Allahukhbar x3

  117. Assalamualaikum tun.

    1.perebutan kuasa siapa jadi perdana menteri dh smpai ketahap kritikal nampaknya tun.

    2.dengan keadaan sekarang ni saya rasa mustahil anwar dapat jadi pm dengan pembelotan azmin ni. Jadi langkah terbaik pada saya sekarang ni lebih baik tun bubarkan sahaja parlimen.

    3.dah sampai masa tun hanya menjadi pemerhati dari tepi dan lihat sahaja apa akan berlaku pada malaysia. Siapa yang rakyat akan pilih. Untuk memelihara legasi tun lebih baik tun serahkan sahaja pada rakyat.

    4.Siapa sekali yang dipilih jadi pm, tiada jaminan langsung dia akan kekal menjadi seorang yang baik. Wang dan kuasa kan dahsyat penangannya. Kita lihat anwar vs azmin siapa yang akan dipilih oleh rakyat.

    5.lagipun siapa yang berdepan kes mahkamah tak boleh bertanding kan tun. Perompak macam najib zahid kunan dah tiada harapan lagi.

    Bubarkan parlimen dan rehatlah tun.dah sampai masa untuk tun berehat. Terima kasih tun.

  118. Salam YAB dan DiSanjungi PM Tun Dr. Mahathir,

    Hari ini saya berasa amat gembira sebab Tun KHABARNYA (bertiup kencang) akan bawa BERSATU-PPBM keluar dari PH dan membentuk gabungan baru. Syukur Alhamdulillah…

    Saya dokan segala-galanya dipermudahkan oleh Allah SWT untuk Tun dalam mencapai misi Tun. Harapan saya, Tun lebih tenang tanpa gangguan dalam menjalankan tugas bersama pasukan baru ini. Amat sukar untuk Tun bekerja dengan efisyen jika sentiasa diganggu-gugat.

    Terima kasih Tun.

    – Semoga Allah SWT sentiasa merahmati Tun sekeluarga –

  119. Assalam Tun.


    Kebelakangan ini pihak pembangkang kerap melaungkan penyatuan Melayu.

    Kini ianya akan menjadi kenyataan!

    Tunggu pengumuman yg akan dibuat….

    Nampak2nya Anwar akan terkeluar!

    This is Tun M at his best.

  120. Salam Sejahtera YAB PM Tun Dr. Mahathir,
    Perlukah PH mempunyai mereka yang hanya bercita cita menyandang jawatan PM tanpa mempertengahkan idea baru membantu dan memajukan Malaysia dan yang terpilih pula meminati pemaksaan pembelian dan penjualan tanah pemilik.

  121. Good evening Tun M

    I nak menegur tentang kebersihan dan kualiti makanan.

    I tadi pagi pergi ke pasar tani stadium Shah Alam. I dapati ada gerai jual makanan dengan harga yang agak tinggi lebih mahal dari harga restoran yang ada kipas dan tempat duduk selesa. Rasa pun tidak sesedap mana.

    I juga dapati durian dijual dengan harga biasa, walau dalam internet kata harga durian jatuh harga sampai 50 percent. Penjual kata sebab musim nak habis, no diskaun. Durian kualiti pun ada yang mengkar belum cukup masak dijual dalam container plastik.

    I sebenarnya dah lama tak pergi pasar tani stadium sebab I lebih suka pasar tani yang lebih kecil berdekatan dengan rumah. I lihat tadi pasar tani stadium makin mengecil dan keadaan jalan banyak lopak2.

    Sekian, Thank You Tun M dan Admin.

  122. https://www.thestar.com.my/news/nation/2020/02/23/why-epf-returns-are-lower

    Syndrome of BETTER THAN NOTHING?
    Syndrome of NOT AT MY BACKYARD?

    What happen next when MALAY and MUSLIM wearing ngo masks continue to champion their supremacy as per SRI SENSE punya appetide?

    The first one that needs to leave will be low skilled foreign workers with high import duty per head based on FORECAST BUDGET.


    Business cannot sustain due to high labor costs, then, tutup mall atau kedai since melayu tak akan ambil kerja macam ini kerana mereka bukan KAFIR.

    HOWDY TRUMP MEETS NAMASTE MODI in INDIA to contain CHINA, you feel hurt as MUSLIM in 2020?


  123. Salam YAB dan DiSanjungi PM Tun Dr. Mahathir,

    Mohon izin Tun:


    Tindakan beliau menarik balik kesemua dakwaan (hentikan prosiding undang2) terhadap 12 tertuduh yang didakwa menyokong LTTE telah terang-terangan MENGHINA DAN MEMPERLEKEH undang-undang Negara, KDN, Perlembagaan Negara, pihak POLIS, juga kesemua kakitangan AGC, dll.

    Beliau sebenarnya bukan Peguam Negara, tetapi Peguam bagi geng beliau. Rasa SIMPATI beliau terhadap 12 orang tertuduh (kes LTTE) tersebut telah mengaburi mata beliau.

    AG rasis, berat sebelah (sokong geng dia saja) dan tidak profesional.

    Dia fikir undang-undang di tangan dia. Agak pelik bila dia sendiri TIDAK AKUR kepada undang-undang.

    Dia ingat dia sebagai AG boleh langgar saja undang-undang berkaitan keganasan dan buat keputusan ikut kepala dia saja. Dia perlu ikut saluran betul untuk meminda undang-undang.

    Hancur negara jika dia terus jadi AG. Keselamatan puak @ geng dia lebih penting/utama dari Keselamatan Negara dan orang Awam.

    BENCANA BESAR menanti kita dengan adanya Peguam Negara yang pro-pengganas.

    Saya berasa amat kesal dan kecewa kerana Tun masih lagi mahu mengekalkan Tommy Thomas sebagai AG. Pecat saja orang ini.

    Terima kasih Tun.

    – Semoga Allah SWT sentiasa merahmati Tun sekeluarga –

  124. Why?

    Some did it just to hype out sentiment of the PRC nationals to go against their governments especially the young ones.

    China is a massive and super populated nation, therefore, never jump into conclusion on whatever being thrown out in the social media are true since these journalists might hide themselves to get likes or dislikes.

  125. Sri Sense Feb 22,2020 10:16 AM

    Good morning Tun M

    I tertarik baca online berkenaan dengan tulisan KJ semalam. I setuju dengan KJ about proses transition yang disebut2 itu. May I add, yang KJ sebut itu semua dari satu parti politik iaitu UMNO dan mereka semua bukan ex-convict. But DSAI dari lain parti dan ex-convict. Adakah DSAI masuk BERSATU jadi Timbalan Presiden? Jawapannya tidak. So next issue. Ex-convict. Adakah kita ini kekurangan orang Melayu maka ex-convict harus diangkat jadi PM?

    Seperti I sebut earlier, kalau Tun bagi juga, I ada Muaafakat Nasional bagi tujuan blok memblok. Ingat ya, kita negara Islam bukan negara kafir. This is Malaysia bukan macam watching ROCKETMAN movie – life story of penyanyi Elton John.

    @Hajar, true, true!

    Dia ada KJ.
    Dia ada SJ.
    Dia ada HAKIM NEGARA.
    Dia ada BAR COUNCIL.
    Dia ada ZAKIR NAIK.

    Blok memblok?

    Jika tidak hepi, get her geng to show their buntut again la.

    By the way, not all information being posted in social media are true, contohnya, regarding dissappearances of chinese national journalists.

  126. Good morning Tun M

    I tertarik baca online berkenaan dengan tulisan KJ semalam. I setuju dengan KJ about proses transition yang disebut2 itu. May I add, yang KJ sebut itu semua dari satu parti politik iaitu UMNO dan mereka semua bukan ex-convict. But DSAI dari lain parti dan ex-convict. Adakah DSAI masuk BERSATU jadi Timbalan Presiden? Jawapannya tidak. So next issue. Ex-convict. Adakah kita ini kekurangan orang Melayu maka ex-convict harus diangkat jadi PM?

    Seperti I sebut earlier, kalau Tun bagi juga, I ada Muaafakat Nasional bagi tujuan blok memblok. Ingat ya, kita negara Islam bukan negara kafir. This is Malaysia bukan macam watching ROCKETMAN movie – life story of penyanyi Elton John.

    @Hajar, true, true!

  127. Assalamualaikum Tun.

    Dalam sejarah memang Tamadun China dikatakan hebat.

    Namun ia tetap tidak setanding dengan Tamadun Islam.

    Coronavirus dikatakan mungkin berpanjangan.

    Terima kasih Tun.

  128. Kaum lain buat semua haram.

    Kaum dia buat semua halal.

    Flip then flop, nyanyuk kah, biul kah, confused kah, sound like him, but not him?

    AWAS, halal can be haram.

    AWAS, haram can be halal.

    If AG cant decide at PUTRAJAYA, then, Perdana Menteri Malaysia, TDM, should not resign after November 2020.

    Instead he should call for general election after November 2020 and let the voters especially the rural malay voters to decide whether they want his choice of PERDANA MENTERI, iaitu, DSAI to be their head.

  129. https://m.malaysiakini.com/news/511722

    Trump must resign, kata olang k’tan.

    Now who is talking?

    She thinks she has the support of sri sense, then, she can bites anyone who does not agree to her comments with all sorts of protests as if everyone is so greedy like her geng?

    If AG at PUTRAJAYA decided not to charge her geng, then, let voters to decide when next general election is called.

  130. Salam Dearest YAB PM Tun Dr. Mahathir,

    AG drops charges against 12 accused of supporting LTTE


    Not surprising! AG and DAP “berpisah tiada”.

    So now it’s okay to support LTTE.

    I bet it’s also “very okay” to idolize CHIN PENG (a TERRORIST) and remember him as a HERO even though he had murdered and terrorized many people in Malaysia. The AG thinks highly of Chin Peng (in an article). To him Chin Peng is a HERO!

    Can we now idolize Osama bin Laden?

    How about those who support Taliban / Taliban leaders? They also have every right to idolize/support whoever they want.

    We have a very CONFUSED AG.

    Thank you Tun.

    – May Allah SWT bless Tun and family –

  131. Salam Dearest YAB PM Tun Dr. Mahathir,

    Allow me Tun:

    // Excerpts:

    SIHANOUKVILLE, Feb 20 — The crew of a US cruise ship were given the all-clear from the deadly new Covid-19 today, as Cambodia’s strongman premier suggested a former passenger who tested positive had caught it after leaving the country.

    “We did not find it here. Did it happen when she arrived in Malaysia?” he said in a speech today in Phnom Penh, referring to the American woman’s case.


    Such a STUBBORN man.

    Yeah, the American woman stepped on our land, got infected, and immediately displayed symptoms of COVID-19 upon arrival (the ignorant Cambodian Premier believed that she caught the coronavirus right after she arrived in KLIA).

    Wow! So fast? But then, why was there no other (reported) case of COVID-19 infection in KLIA on the day of her arrival? Furthermore, the flight was a chartered flight by the American Embassy. Three other chartered flights were later cancelled.

    FACT: Cambodia did not check all passengers and crews for COVID-19 infection.

    They only performed COVID-19 tests on 20 out of 1455 passengers and 802 crews. That’s not even 1% of the entire group. Was that logical?

    Malaysia must tell the Cambodian Premier to stop making a fool of himself, and stop accusing Malaysia for his mistake.

    P/S: @Sri Sense, si Polan tu sakit mental/jiwa – jiwa kacau. Lagi pelik, pagi ucap ‘Selamat Tinggal / patah hati lah’, petang atau esok muncul lagi. Nyanyukkah? Admin blog bukan suka dia. Admin cuma luluskan.

    Thank you Tun.

    – May Allah SWT bless Tun and family –

  132. Greta Thunberg speech to World Leader at the UN of Climate
    Save The World

    I like to say this to the UN Assembly
    UN represented by World Leaders are Hypocrites and Corrupted
    They see US Suppression, bullying Weak Militarilize Nation
    That resulted in Refugees all over the World

    Yet UN keeps repeating of solving the Refugees problems till today
    it has not been solves
    The solution is Easy. UN makes it seems Difficult

    UN must stop US for Israel crimes towards Weak & Poor Nations
    It is US Crimes for Israel that breeds these Refugees World Wide
    Then after UN pretends to be the Savior of these Refugees
    No War designed, framed, ignite, flames up by US
    No Refugees will be born
    Simple as that, yet UN hypocritically pretends nothing happens
    And allow US for Israel to destroy World Peace & Harmony

    World can never have Peace if these Brutal Crimes committed by US for Israel
    By The West, Media Lies now & then
    The world will never and can never be at Peace

    Stop pretending and stop the hypocrites
    This is Not Hollywood

    World Peace can never be Restored
    It is destroyed by US for Israel
    It is not ISIS, Never of any Religion
    ISIS, Arabs Spring, Sunni, Shias are just the excuses
    To make US, Israel looks good
    The evil intention, hatred is the reasons

    Lies can never solve
    Weapons can never restore Peace

  133. Niat sudah tak betul, then, dont expect other races to dance to their rentak.

    Only malay can decide?

    Only muslim can decide?

    What if those do not want to be ended up like these so-called tuah dan jebat, you halau them out from your state, is it?

    The malay can be very racist, dll races also n be very racist too.

    So, how?

    If there is no short term solution, then, ia lebih baik duduk diam2 aja.

  134. https://m.malaysiakini.com/news/511651

    Dulu, ISMA during DSN.

    Kini, IGMM under TDM.

    The thing is they registered themselves as Malay Educationist Group which the name chosen as NGO carries their race first already disqualified themselves to challenge Federal Constitution under state law.

    Apakah maksud bodoh, musato?

    Maksud bodoh adalah bodoh lah, betul?

  135. Assalamualaikum Tun.

    Saya fikir saya baik dengan bos saya.

    Apabila ada sesuatu saya nak komplen saya perlu tunjuk bukti.

    Bukti itu untuk tanda kepercayaan.

    Apabila sudah tiada kepercayaan, maka mati lah ibaratnya.

    Terima kasih Tun.

  136. https://www.thestar.com.my/news/nation/2020/02/20/group-may-hold-street-protest-if-anwar-is-not-pm-by-may

    Go a head by all means to make the ruling government at putrajaya looks weaker that for sure will benefit the opposition coalitions.

    Bak kata, bagi bukit emas pun tarak guna.

    Jangan kata ah choo takut, nanti ah kow pun lari.

    Ayuh, siapakah mahu jadi tuah dan jebat?

    The answer is semua pun akan kecut, and buat tak tahu punya kerana dah pencen what.

    There is nothing voters and expatriates can do except watch closely who are behind these protests.

  137. musato Feb 19,2020 9:04 PM

    Assalamualaikum Tun.

    Belakang rumah saya ada 2 jiran.

    Kekadang mereka bagi saya pisang atau lemang dari Negeri Sembilan.

    Saya pula bagi roti banggali. Segar dari bengkel saya.

    Orang bagi kita merasa. Lepas tu, kita balas pula bagi jiran merasa.

    Saya rasa begitulah kalau kita nak berbuat baik dengan orang, kot.

    Tak tahulah pula kalau ada cara lain.

    Terima kasih Tun.

    Apabila pru dipanggil nanti, then, see the result yourself, musato.

  138. Assalamualaikum Tun.

    Belakang rumah saya ada 2 jiran.

    Kekadang mereka bagi saya pisang atau lemang dari Negeri Sembilan.

    Saya pula bagi roti banggali. Segar dari bengkel saya.

    Orang bagi kita merasa. Lepas tu, kita balas pula bagi jiran merasa.

    Saya rasa begitulah kalau kita nak berbuat baik dengan orang, kot.

    Tak tahulah pula kalau ada cara lain.

    Terima kasih Tun.

  139. I guess isu kacang putih macam ini, mereka tak akan layan, takut nama baik mereka tergugat.

    It is up to them to decide what kind of news they want to play with since by the end of the day, PERDANA MENTERI of the day needs to call for general election.

    To unite, or divide, the choice is with the political divides to decide.

  140. She can continue to see things from her miror miror of her wall, and can bull and shit with her bluffology.

    A young malay child being murdered and freezed inside the refrigerator of a tadika untuk muslim, did she heard the young mother cried a couple of years back under bn minister chosen by umno wanita?

    Even i also cannot tahan my tears when i heard her crying in the video clip being uploaded by online news.

    I guess isu macam ini dia tak akan remember since the case already in past tense, kan takda orang peduli, so to speak hoping that VICTOR RE-WRITE HISTORY with MAN PROPOSES, GOD DISPOSES, again and again?

  141. Tun M

    I sebenrnya tidak begitu minat politik, tapi at times terbaca kat newsfeed FB.

    I jadi suka tengok cara politician handle sesuatu situasi. For example, Ah Siong MCA suka lawat kawan2 yang buka kedai makan and so on, dan ada ketika minum pagi dengan bekas pengarah semasa dia mula2 jadi Minister dulu. Ada juga Ah Siong pergi function. Bukanlah selalu. MIC pula rajin pergi function. Zahid pula suka naik motosikal pergi masjid, ada masa dia kunjungi majlis perkahwinan anak kawan2. Tok Mat bila berhujah agak panjang dan bernas tapi Tok Mat bukan selalu update FB status.

    MP Cameron Highland pun I tengok amat rajin service kawasan. Ada saja aktiviti dia buat.

    Cara team Tun approach rakyat not same dengan team sebelah sana. Just saying!

  142. Tun

    I tertarik baca Malaysia dituduh bersikap kejam terhadap migrant workers sampai ke US berita ini. Ada migrant workers merungut sebab passport mereka dirampas majikan. Apa tujuannya?

    I teringat kes pembantu rumah dari Indonesia. Sebab passport dan gaji mereka ditahan sebab majikan takut mereka lari. Sebab nak bawa masuk bukan murah. Bila lari kena cari replacement. Banyak kerja dan tambah kos jadinya.

    Orang Melayu selalu layan orang gaji Indonesia dengan baik. Bangsa lain selalu kaki dera orang gaji mereka. Hingga timbul kes bunuh dan rogol.

    Kalau kita lihat rata2 migrant workers ini ada yang masih tinggal disini satelah tamat tempuh, ada yang curi2 lari kerja tempat lain, ada pula majikan yang nak cut kos ambil pekerja begini.

    To me menahan passport adalah satu choice yang baik bila undang2 lain tiada. Cuma masaalahnya dengan majikan sejauh mana mereka menyalah gunakan kuasa. Takat tinggal tempat yang tidak sempurna, duduk ramai2 tu rasanya bukanlah isu besar sangat, sebab mereka ini semua dari negara susah, kehidupan mereka disana lebih teruk dari keadaan mereka disini.

    Just saying!

  143. @Hajar, for that reason that’s why I tak pernah nak baca apa sipolan tu tulis. I skip skip. Sebenarnya all up to admin. Admin suka sipolan. Dan admin tentunya bukan Tun M sendiri tapi budak2 Tun.

    Part of the reason I suka baca the BN group or PAS group dalam FBs. Because simple to understand. Hadi always about aktiviti agama jarang bercakap hal politik. Sementara Najib more on komen2 politik but itu pun full of wits. Boleh buat I dan anak perempuan tergelak besar. Seperti ketika Najib mencuit Khalid. He said something like LID HATI MU KERAS. Amusing!

  144. Good Morning Tun M

    Wah, macam2 ya!

    Kalau kat forum atau blog yang lain komen2 jenis menghina macam yang sering dilontarkan oleh sipolan tu dah tentu dapat flag. 2 kali dapat flag, komen ini automatic dipadamkan dalam blog dan forum tersebut.

    Baru2 ini I baca dalam FB newsfeed. Ada orang marah kerana dia jawab kat posting another di FB tapi terus dibuang oleh admin, rungutnya. Komen ini jauh lebih professional dan tidak menghina sesiapa. I guess mungkin komen itu di buang sebab telah kecilkan hati tisu admin or glitches.

  145. Correction: Jika betul2 ambil kira, siapakah mereka ini PENDATANG, PENCURI, PEROMPAK, PENYAMUN, PEROGOL, PENCEROBOH dsbnya.

  146. Salam YAB dan DiSanjungi PM Tun Dr. Mahathir,

    Mohon izin Tun:

    1. Seperti biasa ada si Polan SEWEL (penghuni wad Tanjung Rambutan kot) yang suka membuat andaian-andaian bodoh tentang orang lain, dan INGAT dia NAMPAK bijak dengan andaian2 bodoh dia. Alahai…Memalukan!

    2. Saya ada komen tentang kegunaan AIR KELAPA dan LIMAU (orang Malaysia faham jenis apa) untuk memulihkan batuk / sakit tekak dalam konteks menangani Coronavirus COVID-19; tetapi dia MERAPU-MERABAN / merepek cakap tentang buah LAICI, dll. Memang dung* tahap gaban orang ini sebab tidak faham tentang perkara yang mudah.

    3. Limau yang biasa digunakan di Malaysia dalam perubatan tradisional ialah LIMAU NIPIS, tetapi kalau tiada limau nipis, LIMAU KASTURI pun boleh untuk memulihkan sakit tekak dan batuk. Jika ada madu asli, boleh dicampur untuk lebih mujarab, dan rasa pun lebih sedap 🙂 .. Air yang digunakan mesti SUAM.

    4. ‘Lemon’ @ ‘limau yang berkulit kuning’ juga boleh digunakan; kesannya sama.

    5. Air kelapa mesti yang ASLI – tiada campuran. Insyaa-Allah batuk boleh reda.

    P/S: Dahlah bodoh, sombong pula. Entah berapa kali (sejak lebih 10 tahun lalu) ucap ‘SELAMAT TINGGAL’ tetapi masih lagi sibuk di sini memfitnah dan menghina orang Melayu/Islam dengan tuduhan2 bodoh/melulu dia. Memang muka tebal macam Kit Siang – UGUT nak keluar PH, tapi ugut sajalah…taktik lapuk.

    Terima kasih Tun.

    – Semoga Allah SWT sentiasa merahmati Tun sekeluarga –

  147. Elastik maksudnya cuti umun negeri musato akan disamakan dengan cuti umun antarabangsa dan Wilayah Persekutuan?

    Jika tidak rela, dan takut hilang undi umat islam, then, lebih baik duduk kampung saja.

    It is not what you want, musato.

    It is what TDM wants to achieve at his age today.

    The only obstacle that he is facing is MALAY votes, and he needs DS ANWAR since sama2 berasal dari negeri UTARA.

    Jika betul2 ambil kira, siapakah mereka ini PENDATANG, PENCURI, PEROMPAK, PENYAMUN, PEROGOL dsbnya.

    Tanya dirimu, adakah anda relakan subsidimu dipakaikan mereka untuk mengkayakan parti2 politik melayu saja?

    Dah terang sangat, usah diterang2kan.

    Bak kata, takkanlah MALAYSIA dilenyakkan di Dunia.

  148. Assalamualaikum Tun.


    Membaca dikatakan dalam menjaga minda supaya sentiasa berfikir dan disuapkan dengan maklumat maklumat baharu.

    Semasa saya sedang belajar pada umur 19 tahun, saya mengalami gangguan di tempat ‘jin bertendang’, iaitu batch pertama di kampus baru. Sampai sekarang pun masih ada, dengar khabarnya.

    Saya menjalankan sedikit penyelidikan berkenaan itu kerana saya bukanlah seorang yang berfikir secara tidak nyata dan tidak logik.

    Lebih kurang 10 tahun kemudian, Alhamdulillah saya bebas dari gangguan tersebut. Tanpa berubat.

    Namun untuk tujuan pengesahan, kebetulannya Ustaz Sarhan dan kumpulan beliau ada datang ke tempat saya.

    Saya ambil kesempatan tersebut dan seperti diniatkan, saya diperiksa secara one to one. Alhamdulillah, lulus.

    Ustaz Sarhan adalah murid kepada wali Allah Sheikh Waheed Abdul Salam Bali yang berada di Mesir. Yang dikatakan amat ditakuti oleh golongan jin pada zaman ini.

    Tapi yang anehnya, Mesir di bawah rejim Hosni Mubarak tidak membenarkan sebarang perubatan cara ini. Jika didapati salah, akan dihukum.

    Walaubagaimanapun, Assalamualaikum wahai Sheikh Waheed.

    Berbalik kepada menjaga minda. Dalam tempoh tersebut, saya berusaha menjaga minda saya melalui permainan papan. Iaitu catur.

    Pada hemat saya pada masa itu, ia dapat membandingkan prestasi saya berfikir berbanding individu lain.

    Namun, permainan catur juga ada dihukumkan haram pada sesetengah pendapat ulama’ kerana ia melalaikan.

    Jadi ia cuma saya anggap sebagai satu kaedah untuk mengubati minda saya ketika itu.

    Antara hasil dari permainan catur ini adalah terhasilnya idea/ilham mengatasi krisis ekonomi Malaysia pada 2008 berkenaan kenaikan mendadak harga minyak dunia ketika itu.

    Malah, cara tersebut masih digunapakai sehingga ke hari ini.

    Pada masa saya tulis ketika itu saya katakan ia adalah ‘elastik’.

    Terima kasih Tun.


    Wah merah market, stocks I semua merah 🙁 https://whims2016.wordpress.com/

    Tun, berkenaan dengan penumpang kapal orang US. Kenapa ya CAMBODIA hantar mereka datang Malaysia? Seingat I, MAS tiada flight direct ke US, yang ada only AIR ASIA flight direct to HONOLULU. Therefore I menyalahkan CAMBODIA dan semua pihak yang bertanggung jawab. Tak tahu apa tujuan mereka sebenarnya.

  150. twinpeaks Feb 17,2020 12:08 PM

    For HBT456.

    Only a thick person will point out that Westerdam’s passengers and crews are ALL from the United States, and therefore should fly direct from Cambodia to the States.

    A very thick person indeed, fit to be your good mate.

    Thick person means???

    Westerdam Cruise is owned by HOLLAND AMERICA legally binded, dont tell me that you are not aware by jumping into conclusion that all passengers and crews are from United States, twinpeaks?

    Cambodia is sharing border with China, and it is part of ASEAN, you dont know?
    Are you saying you dont know who is in charge for ASEAN chair today?
    When the opportunity was given to Malaysia under PERDANA MENTERI, nothing happened because all bz with politiking and tunjuk perasaan in federal parliament.

    Cambodia is more than delighted to offer their helping hands under their President. Perhaps, their president has changed his mind today, hoping to get re-elected as President to increase tourism revenue, you putih mata?

    To make America Great and Safe Again is the political campaigns of MDT hoping to get re-elected to fullfill his promises. It is up to the taxpayers of USA to decide in ballot boxes.

    But, when comes to PRU, it will be our voters to decide in the ballot boxes.

    Position of PERDANA MENTERI is already pre-booked, dll punya positions can only be known only after the result of general election.

    You rasa anih, twinpeaks?

  151. Assalamualaikum Tun,

    Saya akan hadir di Persidangan Pengusahaniaga Mikro, Kecil, Sederhana Melayu dan Bumiputra pada 25 February 2020, yang akan dirasmikan oleh Tun sendiri. InsyaAllah kita jumpa di sana.

    Terima Kasih.

  152. For HBT456.

    Only a thick person will point out that Westerdam’s passengers and crews are ALL from the United States, and therefore should fly direct from Cambodia to the States.

    A very thick person indeed, fit to be your good mate.

  153. Sri Sense Feb 17,2020 8:35 AM


    Baru baca ini https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2020/02/200215224437270.html

    Tadi I google samada ada atau tidak direct flight dari Cambodia ke US. Nampaknya ada. Anehnya bila hantar ratusan ke Malaysia dapati seorang ada COVID-19, CAMBODIA mula nak tunding jari MALAYSIA salah tafsir. Life and death pun nak cerita EGO lagi. Aku pandai pe, kau yang bodoh la. hahaha

    Another story EGO. LKS. Mana nak tunai janji, kan semua itu janji palsu yang dibuat berasaskan fitnah. Sekarang sudah jadi pentabir dah tau kan betapa susah nak tunai janji. Tapi masih mau cerita janji2 itu lagi, sebab nak duduk lama lagi dalam pentadbiran MALAYSIA. Ini macam punya orang mau pilih lagi ka?

    Is she saying it is TDM yang nak duduk lama lagi dalam pentadbiran MALAYSIA?
    It is up to her to pick which news that excites her, anyway.

    Pak Lim bukan jenis yang menunaikan janji secara buta-tuli, bodek sampai menyampah macam geng SR tu.

    DAP dah kata, mereka akan pull out from PH jika BERSATU absorb ahli2 PAS dan Umno into PAKTAN HARAPAN and form barisan PAKATAN NASIONAL apabila MUAFAKAT NASIONAL tak jadi.

    SR rasa IKAN PAUS, IKAN YU dan IKAN BILIS, hasil lautan yang berdarah sejuk boleh membezakan antara PRINCIPLE dan KESELAMATAN?

    She thinks she is smart, but she too forgets without permission from pihak political parties, apa2 pun tak akan jadi.

    Floating kah, atau Grounded kah, refer to BNM.

    Jika tak hepi, kuburkan mana2 pihak SR tidak boleh bertoleransi, and see for herself the result of MERIT dan MEDIORE.


    Baru baca ini https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2020/02/200215224437270.html

    Tadi I google samada ada atau tidak direct flight dari Cambodia ke US. Nampaknya ada. Anehnya bila hantar ratusan ke Malaysia dapati seorang ada COVID-19, CAMBODIA mula nak tunding jari MALAYSIA salah tafsir. Life and death pun nak cerita EGO lagi. Aku pandai pe, kau yang bodoh la. hahaha

    Another story EGO. LKS. Mana nak tunai janji, kan semua itu janji palsu yang dibuat berasaskan fitnah. Sekarang sudah jadi pentabir dah tau kan betapa susah nak tunai janji. Tapi masih mau cerita janji2 itu lagi, sebab nak duduk lama lagi dalam pentadbiran MALAYSIA. Ini macam punya orang mau pilih lagi ka?

  155. KL-SUMMIT 2019
    I do not see any much efforts that I know of
    Maybe there are not many efforts to moves the Ummah
    Could it be a Fly by Night Dreams

    Palestinian Children are suffering
    Muslims children are screaming in Silence
    Israel , None can be above the Law Not even US against the ICJ
    Muslim must not shy to be United against Israel Agreession defended by the US

    Saudi, UAE must have Morals to stand up not be a Pet of US no more
    Saudi, UAE, Middle East, Malaysia, Indonesia, and many other Muslim Nation
    Must make efforts to come together, communicate & keep in touch
    Keep in Touch regularly Not being Pet nor be afraid of Nobody

    I hope to remind you, Tun of The KL-SUMMIT 2019,
    As I do not observes Aggressiveness to Build The Ummah
    I am willing to come forward Voluntarily
    You invite I come as I am no one to do much on my own

  156. US did not produce Weapons
    But seems today the Weapons that produce US/Americans today
    We can see these in their Political system to their Primary School Children
    The Children carry Weapons, Goes on Rampage
    This is What Weapons produce Americans unknowingly
    Thanks to US Mentor Israel

    Becoming Proud, Arrogant, Daylight Robbers, Liars, Murderers today
    We can see this in their War mongering Politicians & Businessman
    Their Media are corrupted with Propagandas & Lies
    The news they want you to hear NOT news that is the Truth

    Israel is above the Law
    They disregard, disrespect The Law, International Cort of Justice
    As ICJ did not favor Israel on The Palestinians issues
    The UN, The IAEA, The IMF & many are all much under the Care of Israel
    Those not in Favor of Israel are considered unconstitutional
    They are considered Injustice
    Above all, the West, Germany, France & several are abetting to US Crimes for Israel
    Israel disregards, disrespect The Rule Of Law
    Thus they don’t abide & honor every agreement they made

    This is The Dangerous World we are living today
    Till today, World is never and can ever have Peace & Harmony
    The world is Not Progressing
    We are continuing living with Man-made Fear
    The Weapons are Moulding The World Today
    Not The Peace
    Weapons did not produce Peace
    Weapons produce Arrogants, Evil intention, Hatreds in Man
    You can see Trump and Netanyahu as a good example

    The World needs to know this
    The Sophisticated Weapons which Human think they are Intelligent to Produce
    Has indeed Mould Mankind to Disasters without we realizing it
    They have turned Human to Uncivilized Monsters
    These weapons will wrap them up
    Its happening

  157. Hajar Feb 16,2020 5:57 PM

    Salam Dearest YAB PM Tun Dr. Mahathir,

    Allow me Tun:

    Backdoor govt legal, doesn’t betray the rakyat’s mandate, claims academic


    I fully agree with the above opinion/statement.

    Furthermore, we (the voters) did not make / have any agreement with Anwar Ibrahim. We owe him nothing. Anwar is just a nuisance and a troublemaker.

    How can he help the ‘rakyat’ when he himself is a MESS @ DISASTER?

    I believe the majority of the ‘rakyat / voters’ do not want Anwar to be our PM. Only his hardcore BLIND supporters and those OPPORTUNISTS (DAP, etc.) with hidden agendas (can use him to easily achieve their main objectives) would love to have Anwar as PM, soonest possible.

    Well, I would rather have a ‘Backdoor Government’ than a problematic ‘Backdoor PM’.

    I welcome a backdoor government (new coalition) since the current one is really hopeless. It could not even handle a simple ‘fake woman’ issue. And now we have the ‘Bin/Binti Abdullah’ issue, which is also so straightforward – just follow the “teachings of Islam / Allah’s commands.”

    Tun needs a better TEAM that we can rely upon and TRUST.

    Thank you Tun.

    – May Allah SWT bless Tun and family –

    Why she spiked on DSAI?

    If she preferred to have back door government to be under her, then, by all means go a head. It is up to TDM to decide since this is his last chance of him to choose the KABINET that he feels trustworthy.

    Bin & Binti Adullah is not the issue.


    Dia ingat arm sales is kangkung sales?

    Dia ingat tebu is similar to buloh?

    Dia ingat air limau can replace air lemon?

    Dia ingat air kelapa can replace air lychee?

    Benda macam ini saya tak akan pening kepala.


    Jika betul2 nak, then, do it in the transparent and safest way, no need to use back door or shadow government punya.

    It is up to the political divides to decide which way is sustainable in the next 2 decades.

  158. Salam Dearest YAB PM Tun Dr. Mahathir,

    Allow me Tun:

    Backdoor govt legal, doesn’t betray the rakyat’s mandate, claims academic


    I fully agree with the above opinion/statement.

    Furthermore, we (the voters) did not make / have any agreement with Anwar Ibrahim. We owe him nothing. Anwar is just a nuisance and a troublemaker.

    How can he help the ‘rakyat’ when he himself is a MESS @ DISASTER?

    I believe the majority of the ‘rakyat / voters’ do not want Anwar to be our PM. Only his hardcore BLIND supporters and those OPPORTUNISTS (DAP, etc.) with hidden agendas (can use him to easily achieve their main objectives) would love to have Anwar as PM, soonest possible.

    Well, I would rather have a ‘Backdoor Government’ than a problematic ‘Backdoor PM’.

    I welcome a backdoor government (new coalition) since the current one is really hopeless. It could not even handle a simple ‘fake woman’ issue. And now we have the ‘Bin/Binti Abdullah’ issue, which is also so straightforward – just follow the “teachings of Islam / Allah’s commands.”

    Tun needs a better TEAM that we can rely upon and TRUST.

    Thank you Tun.

    – May Allah SWT bless Tun and family –

  159. Aku pun boleh bersifat macam dia by saying padam muka dia with karma of she sow what she reap to lepaskan geram aku.

    But, i chosen not to be ended like her since there are so many choices and options out there to earn a decent living.

    Bak kata, marah nyamuk, kelambu dibakar.

    Time to move on.

    Just dont get too excited or frustrated with politik tanahair instigated by party members to creat race and religion conflicts just to win votes.

    Take care, and all the best.

  160. She can said what she wants.

    I think even solid woodcraft furniture imported from pakistan dia pun tak mampu nak beli not to mention british apparels made in CHINA.


    Rasis tetap rasis.
    Tamak tetap tamak.
    Extrem tetap extrem.

    Rescue, bailout atau by back?

  161. Tun M

    I sebenarnya baru balik dari supermarket. Big supermarket masih ada barang dari CHINA, I tak beli barang tersebut.

    Ok baru baca ini, Use upcoming Parliamentary sitting to fulfill promises, Kit Siang tells Pakatan lawmakers.

    Wah, bukan main lagi. Why not tanya China nationals plus Cina Malaysia, mana you sudah pergi? apa you sudah makan?

  162. sambungan

    COVID 19 latest victim adalah dari kapal cruise yang dok berlegar2 kat laut beberapa hari sebab banyak negara tak terima berlabuh. Puncanya takut jadi macam kapal cruise yang berlabuh di Yokohama. Beratus dalamnya ada COVID 19.

    Berbalik pada kapal cruise yang berlegar, akhirnya Cambodia yang benarkan mereka berlabuh. I pelik juga dapat clearance balik ke negara sendiri melalui KLIA, dan kemudian detected ada COVID 19 terus masuk hospital Sg Buluh, dah tua 80 han.

    Anyway perhaps CAMBODIA tak cukup equipment untuk detect COVID-19, in other words equipment mereka tak secanggih Malaysia. Kapal cruise yang dinaiki oleh pesakit ini start journey dari Singapore Feb 1, kalau tak silap. Kapal cruise ini milik BELANDA/AMERIKA.

  163. https://m.malaysiakini.com/news/510998

    NATIONAL ART GALLEYY can restore AD’ARTS & CURATORS Exhibition since PERDANA MENTERI of the day could ended up keeping MALAY’S ARTS and CURATORS at NASIONAL LEVEL because he is MALAY by birth certificate.

    Racism and Extremism are not born at birth.

    In fact, these 2 factors are instilled by their own parents just to keep their legacy going.

    To be or not to be, that is not the question.
    It is very much depend on the MPs of all states under 1MALAYSIA to play this issue to win votes of their constituencies to be elevated at FEDERAL LEVEL to dictate FEDERAL BUDGET TO FAVOR THEMSELVES first.


  164. Good Morning Tun M

    I setuju juga dengan cara perubatan lama. At one time famous juga perubatan alternatif, tapi sekarang senyap saja.

    I baru bual dengan my daughter di Jepun, sempat bertanya tentang OKINAWA VILLAGE SHOP. She kata belum pernah ke OKINAWA sebab dari tempat dia tinggal kena naik flight ke OKINAWA. Dari cerita yang didengari, OKINAWA tiada salji dan makanan lebih manis something like makanan KELANTAN disini. Dia juga kata memang OKINAWA, Amerika kata dia punya hahaha

    She also kata ada bertemu dengan penyanyi AMY dari KUMPULAN ROCK SEARCH diJepun. Amy berniaga kopi disana. Baik orangnya, lembut tutur kata. I thought Amy hanya buka sekolah agama. hahaha

  165. https://www.thestar.com.my/news/nation/2020/02/16/pm-hopes-decision-on-ppsmi-can-be-made-next-year

    Instead of making it optional, why not NAILED PPSMI IN ENGLISH when TDM is still around?

    Instead of making UEC a national education issue, why not let UEC BoD and BoA to stay independent since they are part of our DNA that made MALAYSIA TO WHERE WE ARE TODAY TOO.


  166. US woman from cruise liner flown to KL is Malaysia’s 22nd Covid-19 case

    Immediately, she jumped into the conclusion with her usual and common ‘stail’ as if only her vote is worthy as if…

    Tourists are virus because they spent in MYR.
    Pencuri are not virus because they are poor, and stole in MYR?

    Very good news…

    She is IMPORTING PEOPLE with PANJANG TANGAN too because she is muslim, and malay is muslim…

    All news media now is STORM HYPE on the COVID-19 that made all of us worried since BAD NEWS ARE GOOD NEWS TO THEM.

    IN FACT, I am more worried with the AFTERMATH OF 1MDB KLECTOCRACY SCANDAL EVER FILED IN DOJ, USA and local news usually are reluctant to cover such news since NO NEWS mean GOOD NEWS to them.

    I still think our MoH today is doing their best with limited resources to CONTAIN the COVID-19 following the recommendation and advices from WHO located in GENEVA, SWITZERLAND since 1 big chunk of cash collected in MYR was channelled to WELFARE of BR1M for more than 6 years.

    Though the containment is late, it is better off then never.

    KEEP IT UP, and do your best.

  167. Dear PM Tun Dr Mahathir,
    I am delighted to read a true voice of hope and reason from Dr Sharifah MunirahAlatas

    And I quote from her article:
    “Recent discourses about revamping our higher education system have included the following: critical thinking, empowerment, humanistic values, future proof graduates and improvising teaching methods.”

    Many Malaysians understood “critical thinking” as the ability to criticise something, and “future proof” as being immune from the future. This couldn’t be further from the truth.

    Politicians, civil servants, parents and civil society activists have uttered these concepts too often. They lament that our education system has failed.

    Our leaders say we are a society devoid of critical thinkers. They swear blindly that Malaysians are left behind due to our inability to improvise in this age of rapid technological innovations.

    Prime Minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad has said that the developed world uses English to their advantage, but we have not.

    Critics also claim that developed nations are more scientific and technology minded, because they have the ability to think critically.

    Innovation, improvisation and critical thinking have always been used in discourses of scientific, technological, technical and vocational education.

    A “future proof” graduate with “humanistic values” would have acquired adequate and sustainable mental, spiritual and practical skills by now.

    Yet it seems the narrative we are familiar with does not tally with the reality, due to our misunderstanding of the fundamentals.

    Malaysians can be globally competitive and widely respected if we decide to be consistent in the fundamentals. These fundamentals have not been mentioned as openly, but they are crucial to whether we surge ahead or fall further behind.” Unquote

    The question that begs to be answered is what is the Malaysia’s narrative we are familiar with but does not tally with the reality; due to our misunderstanding of the fundamentals? (The narrative of “Race and Religion Supremacy/Ketuanan”)

    We spend billions in public fund every year on education and religiosity and what we produced are a nation which is unsure of itself, people who are fractious, suspicious, resentment, disenchantment, angry and at odd with each other. Worst of all, we produced leaders of shameless kleptocrat, hypocrite, immoral, prejudice and bigotry with followers of pseudo-academics, inner barbarians, privileged bullies, highly-entitled thugs and sick minded bigots.

    I hope Tun and our PH’s government has the correct fundamentals for nation building and reset our nation narrative to, “Inclusiveness and meaningful spiritual understanding of the religion”

    Let’s start by educating each individual from young that each and every one of us is unique, regardless of our creeds, beliefs and faith. We will never have two alike; hence we must appreciate each other and live every moment. When we begin to appreciate each other and every moment, we will have a heart so open, an understanding so beautiful, and a yearning for appreciation so complete that when that moment comes…. we see exactly what it is. BECAUSE THE EYES CANNOT SEE WHAT THE MIND DOES NOT KNOW!

    In this age of Google and Wikipedia – Let’s us not shortchange and cheat our children by funding futile way of outdated learning through memorization, rote learning and scripture recital which takes priority over cultivating curiosity, creativity and critical thinking.

    Children need to learn more on Socratic Method of questioning (cultivate curiosity), Plato’s Cave (the habit of thinking out-of-the-box) and Epicurus (systematic examination of factual claims). Teach them how to use their own brain more effectively, creatively and critically, so that they can adapt to the fast changing global technocratic landscape in order to survive independently; without anyone dictating to them the list of ‘dos’ and ‘don’ts’ throughout their adulthood.

    Good critical thinking is the foundation of science and democracy. Science requires the critical use of reason in experimenting and hypotheses ratification. The proper functioning of a liberal democracy requires citizens who can think critically about social issues to inform their judgments about proper governance and to overcome bias and prejudices.

    A critical thinker is able to deduce consequences from what he knows, and he knows how to make use of information to solve problems, and to seek relevant sources of information to inform himself without being influenced/spoon-fed by a busybody second or third party. Give a Man a Fish, and You Feed Him for a Day. Teach a Man How To Fish, and You Feed Him for a Lifetime!

    Critical thinking is the ability to think clearly and rationally about what to do or what to believe. It includes the ability to engage in reflective and independent thinking. Someone with critical thinking skills is able to do the following:

    1. Understand the logical connections between ideas
    2. Identify, construct and evaluate arguments
    3. Detect inconsistencies and common mistakes in reasoning
    4. Solve problems systematically
    5. Identify the relevance and importance of ideas
    6. Reflect on the justification of one’s own beliefs and values

    Let us pray that there are more educators like Dr Sharifah Munirah Alatas comes forward to lead the society. When leaders fail to lead then society must be more vocal and take the lead for change and make the leaders follow.

    Thank you

    Yours truly,
    SS LEE
    P/S: https://newageislam.com/islamic-society/sharifah-munirah-alatas/god-created-diversity,-it-is-ungodly-to-criticise-it/d/121002

  168. Jika Sri Sense, Hajar dan musato sebagai muslim tak boleh terima, then, they can deny TDM, DSAI and Pakatan Harapan turned PAKATAN NASIONAL with MOTTO OF MAN PROPOSES, GOD DISPOSES to replace Barisan Nasional turned MUAFAKAT NASIONAL with SLOGAN OF MALU APA, BOSSKU, kan duit tu duit kita?

    Takpa lah, ruu355 dan helang tak jadi, ayam berkokok dan burung berpipit pun kira ok, janji menang dulu, tak gitu?

    It looks like dll has choices not to support both of the above coalitions.

    Why this happened?

    Itu kena tanya selera dan citarasa masing2.


  169. Assalamualaikum Tun.

    Setakat pengetahuan dan amalan biasa saya untuk menyembuhkan demam, selsema dan batuk dengan meminum madu yang direndam bersama kulit kayu manis adalah amat mujarab.

    Malah untuk menghentikan anak anak dari kencing malam ketika tidur dengan makan sesudu buah berangan tumbuk yang telah digaulkan dengan gula juga menjadi.

    Alhamdulillah sekali makan sahaja perkara kencing malam dapat dielakkan.

    Resepi ini ditulis di dalam buku perubatan kesufian oleh pewaris tarekat chistiyah di Afghanistan, Pakistan dan mungkin juga di India.

    Untuk kepakaran perubatan yang lebih mendalam, dalam buku tersebut juga menceritakan (cerita sahaja) bahawa perubatan secara jarak jauh boleh dilakukan.

    Amalan amalan ini adalah berkaitan dengan perkara sunat dan wajib dalam kehidupan umat Islam.

    Bukan menidakkan amalan doktor terlatih. Namun sumber alam juga mempunyai kekuatan semulajadi.

    Jika elok, maka bertambah sihatlah jadinya.

    Jika tidak elok, maka jadilah macam macam virus kerana melanggar hukum hakam yang telah digariskan.

    Terima kasih Tun.

  170. Salam YAB dan DiSanjungi PM Tun Dr. Mahathir,

    Mohon izin Tun:

    Heboh air lemon, air kelapa dan kangkung mampu rawat koronavirus, ini respons Dr Amalina yang perlu diberi perhatian!


    Alahai…Dr. Kangkung? Kadang-kala petua orang tua-tua ada baiknya.

    CUBA DAHULU, baru tahu KEBERKESANANNYA. Selepas itu baru buka mulut untuk melontarkan pendapat.

    Doktor perubatan pun bukan semestinya bijaksana!

    Saya sudah cuba beberapa kali (mulanya agak pesimistik), dan memang benar air kelapa (ASLI; tanpa ais) dan air limau suam mampu memulihkan batuk dan legakan ketidakselesaan dalam dada/paru-paru (kahak). Ubat batuk (klinik dan farmasi) telah saya ambil tetapi batuk tidak pulih selepas beberapa minggu.

    Jadi saya ikut nasihat orang tua-tua, iaitu MINUM AIR KELAPA. Memang mujarab! Dua-tiga kali minum sudah reda.

    Lagi satu, untuk SAKIT TEKAK minumlah air ASAM JAWA JAWA. Sudah beberapa kali saya buat begini dan hasilnya amat menakjubkan.

    Masa di Makkah, saya ada beli pil untuk sakit tekak di farmasi (dekat Menara Jam) sebab untuk telan air liurpun rasa amat sakit / pedih, tetapi masih tidak pulih selepas beberapa hari. Sampai saja di Malaysia, saya minum air asam jawa, dan esoknya sakit tekak saya terus hilang dan pulih sepenuhnya (tinggal batuk sikit). Ini betul-betul berlaku, bukan sekadar propa!

    Kita tidak tahu bagaimana TINDAK-BALAS SETIAP BADAN MANUSIA (berlainan) terhadap ubat-ubatan dan apa juga bahan-bahan semulajadi seperti air kelapa/ air asam jawa, limau/ dll. Sebab itu kadang-kala kita perlu bertukar ubat (atau guna cara lain) jika yang sedang digunakan tidak mujarab. Ini IKHTIAR kita. Dan jangan lupa berdoa.

    P/S: Sekadar berkongsi pengalaman.

    Terima kasih Tun.

    – Semoga Allah SWT sentiasa merahmati Tun sekeluarga –

  171. Tun M Good Morning

    Tertarik juga baca berita politik Tun nak bagi Anwar juga jadi PM dan Anwar pula buat surat penyataan rasmi inti pati perbincangan dengan Tun. Apala punya news syok sendiri ini. Because of that, lebih menarik kes BIN ABDULLAH. Its about the rakyat and not the politician.

    Pada yang tak tau its about parents bawa kes ini ke mahkamah over anaknya BIN ABDULLAH. Satu kes yang agak unik yang minta pengadilan. For me, begini aje la, anak tetap anak, luar nikah atau tidak, jika ada halangan dari segi pembahagian harta pusaka kemudian hari, ada baiknya beri harta tersebut terus pada nama anak ini sebelum meninggal. For example parents boleh buka unit trust akaun nama anak ini, kalau anak ini bawah 18 tahun buat joint akaun. Kalau ada rumah or tanah bagi terus pada nama anak ini. Win win situation.

    Zaman dulu2 memang ok bagi nama anak luar nikah dan anak angkat binkan nama father. Zaman sekarang semua kena ada surat nikah. Nak kata surat nikah hilang also tak jadi nak minta replacement dari pejabat kadi also bukan main susah, penuh dengan interview yang meleret dan proses yang agak panjang. I tau I pernah hilang surat nikah dan kebetulan tiada dalam rekod kadi sebab dah lama. Kena bawa gambar kawin dan tunjuk gambar kadi yang nikah kan dulu serta kena cari saksi2 semasa itu, bukan senang ya, sebab good friends masa itu tak semestinya masih friends sekarang.

    Ada banyak cara tangani masaalah cuma kadang2 orang Melayu terlalu taksub dengan soal agama dan politik hingga lupa.

    Kita lihat baru2 ini PAS/UMNO also bagi good solution to masaalah politik sekarang like news yang dihidu oleh SARAWAK REPORT about 138 SDs to maintain Tun as PM. Win win situation. If Tun bagi juga kat Anwar, kami yang tak mau ANWAR naik jadi PM ada MUAFAKAT NASIONAL untuk jalan operasi block memblock. Cantekk!

    Anyway kalau bubarkan PARLIMEN kami semua tetap pilih UMNO/PAS, no longer PH.

  172. Malaysia confirms sixth citizen case of coronavirus, man worked in Macau before coming home unwell

    Saya prihatin akan wabak corona yg menular sekarang
    Saya amat yakin dengan pengunaan Sarung tangan plastik pakai buang
    Di tempat Awam akan membantu mencegah jakitan Virus ini selain dari memakai Mask, Kerap Cuci tangan dan sebagainya
    Malah ia leebih mencegah dari memakai Mask
    Sebab sentuhan tangan sesama manusia kerap, dan sentuhan barang di tempat Awam
    akan menjadi saluran Penyakit ini Berjangkit

    Dengan si pembawa penyakit, yang tak sedar mereka pembawa jika ia mengunakan sarung tangan plastic di tempat Awam akan mencegah Virus ini merebak dengan sentuhan sesama manusia juga dengan sentuhan butan lift,pintu, tangga bergerak dan sebaginya. Apabila dia tidak mengunakan sarung plastic kuman akan menjangkit pada orang Awam yg menyentuhnya yg juga tidak menggunakan sarung tangan plastik pakai buang

    Tun saya sarankan Gunakan Sarung Plastik Tangan/ Pakai Buang pada orang Awam di tempat Awam selain dari pengunaan Mask.Insyallah ia akan membantu merebaknya virus ini

    Dan hendaklah kita Manusia tidak keluar dari Tabiah Naluri Manusia
    Makanlah makanan yg sehat , Jangan makanan yg bukan makanan
    Kan Melimpah Reziki Bersih Tuhan kurniakan pada manusia sejagat
    Janganlah makan makanan Aneh seperti Tikus, Ular,Kelawar dan sebagainya
    Banyak apa Ayam, Kambing, Lembu yg seksi yg bolih dijadikan Makanan
    Apabila Manusia keluar dari Tabiah, maka akan Jahanm lah Manusia
    Lihat saja seperti AIDS,HIV ia menular dari hubungan yg luar dari Tabiah Alam

  173. Sri Sense Feb 14,2020 8:33 AM

    Good morning Tun M,

    Tajuk FMT – Deplorable living conditions make life hell for migrant workers

    Oh please la, ramai lagi rakyat Malaysia hidup dalam serba kemiskinan dan kekurangan. Just because you duduk rumah besar, ada AC, tak semestinya semua rakyat Malaysia begitu. Kuat angan2 betul PH ini.

    Sri Sense pun rasa migrant workers bukan NEPAL datang sini to replace local workers?

    Come on la, they are IMPORTED LABOURS to do specific jobs agreed via bilateral trade policy that local do not want to do.

    THESE IMPORTED LABOUR are not here to get their PR cards to increase vote counts hoping they could be exploited to be the future immigrants of MALAYSIA, please get this fact correct.

    Bodek pun kena tahu perangai BOSSMU.

    Does she knows the rational why ‘PARASITE’ is being nominated the best Academy Award Movie 2020?

    Is there a difference between Academy and Oscar Awards?
    Despite the show having two titles, there is actually no difference between the Oscars and the Academy Awards. … Oscar is merely a nickname for the Academy Award. The official name for an academy trophy is the Academy Award of MERIT.

    Pendek kata, it depends what she want to achieve in her life, and thats her choice for herself and family.

    There are ups and downs in each economic crisis.
    Some made it, some didnt make it.
    It is still come back to whether we learned or we dont.

    MERAMPAS, MEROMPAK, MENIPU, MERAJUK, PROTES, FITNAH dan macam2 lagi, what do you expect?


    They should know their strenghts and weaknesses when come to vote counts.
    Whichever coalition gets the majority votes, they will decide SIAPAKAH BOSS MEREKA.


    It is not a secret, politicians could be rigged behind the voters.
    Apabila ada masalah besar, what happen next?

    WILL THEY MERAMPAS, MEROMPAK, MENIPU, MERAJUK, PROTES, FITNAH dan macam2 lagi so that they can eat all the chocolate all by themselves?

  174. Good morning Tun M,

    Tajuk FMT – Deplorable living conditions make life hell for migrant workers

    Oh please la, ramai lagi rakyat Malaysia hidup dalam serba kemiskinan dan kekurangan. Just because you duduk rumah besar, ada AC, tak semestinya semua rakyat Malaysia begitu. Kuat angan2 betul PH ini.

  175. These are all the emerges and images of all Sickness we have in this world today
    The Lies of Wars, The Wrong mate & Unguided High Way Code Sex practices that create AIDS, LGBT. The wrongful practices of Consuming Food that today we see & are much afraid of the Virus it produced.

    The book has everything in it on the surface
    Iqra….. Read

  176. Read The Quran and Hadiths
    Its the Encyclopedia for Mankind
    Written and Protected by The Creator

    It teaches you from A to Z
    Teaches you to speak nicely, eat wisely, to behave

    Islam teaches you to eat wisely
    Eat Halal not just the slaughtering, but indeed from your source must be Halal
    No Stolen, No cheating, corruptions source you put on the Table
    Eat Animals that are not Carnibores nor Scavengers
    Like Goats, Lamb, Sheep, Cows, etc that have No Fangs nor Sharp Teeth that feed on Green and Grass not preying on other animals or dead animals, carcass
    Its Haram to eat Tigers, Rats, Dogs, Crocodile, etc
    Meaning of Haram is No Good for Mankind. It is Dirty

    The non-Muslim, The West sees Muslims practice polygamy as not acceptable
    If One look at it. It saves the unmarried women to be prostitute, mistress or should you say a roundabout public property. It protects the women as wives with Rights, not as A Bang Bang products.

    West practices the back door. It is Haram in Islam even she is yr wife
    It is Dirty going The Hell door when God gives the pleasure of the Heavens. They see Polygamy as not acceptable but they embrace and proud marriage of the same sex not knowing the Heaven nor The Hell entrance. The Hell Exit is the storage of all junks to be disposed
    Don’t get connected.

    We are Guided by our Creator
    We have Book that guides that are written & protected by The Creator
    I do hope it opens as how Islam teaches us to eat, to mate wisely and many more guidance with Halal

    I am just sharing
    The ball is in your Court

  177. I read News much from the internet
    Fake instigated political News from the West, The CNN, BBC, the Mass Media, etc. Basically what I found is Political Propagandas.
    Propagandas to benefits them.
    News that is Not News but News they want you to listen and swallow

    Recent propaganda News perhaps by Israel is
    Benjamin gets to visit Saudi and a few Arab Nation
    First, it tells me Israel is making efforts fooling the Arabs
    To bring and gathers the Arab World to destroy Iran
    To make Iran looks Bad and to instill hates amongst them as if Israel
    is the Good guy
    This is what the US for Israel has been doing
    They lobby others, Arabs against Arabs to fight amongst themselves.
    Israel, US, West will benefit their Rich oil and for their political purpose

    When Trump welcomes the People of Iran to strike against Iran Govt
    It is never the intention for the welfare of the Iranians
    But to instigates, the Destruction of Iran fooling Iranians to go against its Govt. Thus will weaken Iran, Then after It will be joined by US destruction on the pretext US to be the Good Guy, The Hero

    This Arab Spring, The Isis, Sept 11, etc have been Orchestrate by Israel fooling the US as their backbone, thus fooling The World.
    You do not see their words, their words are filled with Lies,
    Hatred and Bad instigations
    It upset me seeing the Arabs fighting amongst themselves though I am not Arab

    But today Prince of Saudi denies inviting Benjamin to visit Saudi
    See how strong determine Israel, Netanyahu made efforts to destroy Iran fooling the US, fooling the Arab World, Fooling the World as a Whole

    Israel’s success was driven by Lies, Killing of Mankind with Lies and Instigation. Laters they play The Good Innocent Guy

    We have seen these long ago
    In Iraq, Libya, Afghans and many
    They make it Real, The innocent Stupid Arabs buy it, Fight amongst themselves, with the US for Israel pouring ISIS to creates Chaos, US and Allies later will do the Air Bombardment to total destruction. Then after they play the Good guy framing the Muslims to be the Bad and Hatred of the World

    These Need to be Stop by Mankind
    It rises from an organized Hatred & Lies after Lies

  178. It clicks me recently, seeing the unwelcome Notorious Corona Virus
    Every damn effort are made by Mankind helping each other out
    I suggest besides we wearing the face mask, the frequent washing of hands
    My opinion We should also wear plastic disposable hand gloves in Public
    To prevent the spread of this Corona Virus diseases or any diseases

    The unknown infected person will touch the doorknob/handle, the lift buttons and the many, etc that will spread to a healthy person. And this person will tend to touch his face , breath in the germs and get infected
    The disposable plastic glove will deter him from touching his face and get infected. The first unknown infected person, if he does, wears the plastic disposable glove will also not dirtied the doorknob, lift buttons, etc
    Such will deters the spread
    I do believe practicing the plastic gloves, with the mask on, frequent washing of hand will help us together Worldwide and indeed it will be more effective than the mask. The mask we do not touch each other. It is air-flown
    Today our hands do much exposer. We not only touch each other in crowds
    The things we touch will also be the mode it spread

    Forward this idea of mine if you think its relevant to yr Ministry
    To the World

  179. Salam YAB dan DiSanjungi PM Tun Dr. Mahathir,

    Mohon izin Tun:

    1. https://www.sinarharian.com.my/article/66258/GLOBAL/Imam-kena-gantung-tugas-selepas-jantina-isteri-terbongkar

    Alahai…Imam pun boleh tertipu…Melucukan…tapi biasanya suara ‘wanita jadian’ masih garau walaupun acah-acah lembut.

    2. Baguslah, ‘wanita jadian’ yang heboh pakai telekung di Madinah dan Makkah baru-baru ini mahu menunaikan umrah setiap tahun. Tetapi kembalilah kepada fitrah asal. Buanglah apa-apa yang patut yang tidak sepatutnya ‘terbonjol’ sebab sepatutnya tiada. Jangan lagi pergi menceroboh ruang solat wanita sebab dalam keadaan BERIHRAM wanita (asli) wajib menjaga aurat. Bayangkanlah ada pula ‘wanita jadian’ (lelaki berpakaian wanita) menempel di kalangan para jemaah wanita (memang sesak / berhimpit). Menyusahkan betul ‘wanita jadian’ ini.

    3. Menteri Agama kata isu ‘wanita jadian’ bertelekung sudah jadi isu kecil. Alahai…Takutkah? Oh lupa…PH memang pro-LGBT (secara amnya).

    4. Bakal PM ke-8 sokongkah tindakan ‘wanita jadian’ ini? Bukankah bakal PM ini juga terpalit dengan perkara-perkara di luar tabii? Saya berdoa Allah SWT jauhkan kita dari ber-PM-kan orang sebegini.

    5. Saya berdoa (dan jangka) Tun akan kekal PM sehingga habis penggal ini. Insyaa-Allah… Semoga Allah SWT makbulkan semua doa-doa saya di hadapan Kaabah. Aamiin.

    6. Mencegah lebih baik dari mengubati. Sama juga dengan wabak Coronavirus @ COVID-19. Kita mesti pro-aktif, bukan re-aktif. Bila China isu perintah berkurung wilayah tertentu, barulah Malaysia (DPM) larang warga China dari wilayah tersebut masuk ke Malaysia. Langkah ini sudah terlambat! COVID-19 sudah tersebar luas. Yang matipun (ini yang kita tahu) sudah terlalu banyak.

    Terima kasih Tun.

    – Semoga Allah SWT sentiasa merahmati Tun sekeluarga –

  180. Tun M,

    Nak cerita saham? Tun tau tak PERAK CORPORATION masuk PN17. Ini anak syarikat Perak state government. State owned. Sememangnya mereka ada masaalah since BN time over their Movie Animation Park Studios (MAPS) theme park, tapi hero2 PH pun tak dapat selamatkan Perak Corporation. Wajarkah mereka ini semua dipanggil hero?

  181. Assalamualaikum Tun.


    Kehadapan YAB Tun Mahathir,

    Anak saya yang pernah bergambar rapat dengan mantan PM ke 4 dulu, sekarang berada di SBP. Tingkatan 2.

    Pada tarikh ini adalah musim pemilihan jagoan catur untuk mewakili negeri dan seterusnya ke peringkat MSSM jika layak.

    Namun komitmen pihak sekolah SBP ini terutamanya PK Koko dalam mengurus pelepasan individu individu yang mencatur adalah amat lemah.

    Sehinggakan alasan yang diberikan melalui wasap adalah pihak sekolah tidak bertanggungjawab dalam sukan catur. Jika setuju, ibu bapa bertanggungjawab sendiri dalam mengurus perjalanan kejohanan yang disertai – walaupun pada kejohanan di bawah kelolaan PPD – MSSD, MSSP, MSSM

    Setelah berjaya ke peringkat negeri,
    alasan lain pula menjelma melalui wasap. Dikatakan pengetua pula tidak menugaskan mana mana guru dalam sukan catur.

    Yang membawa maksud. Pihak sekolah SBP ini tidak memandang catur sebagai sukan sekolah. Maka ia adalah tanggungjawab ibu bapa sepenuhnya jika mahu melibatkan anak dalam sukan catur.

    Saya memohon pencerahan dari YAB sendiri mengenai pendidikan melalui sukan samada dalam atau luar dewan.

    Sekian untuk makluman YAB Menteri Pendidikan.

    Terima kasih Tun.

  182. Good evening Tun M

    I ternampak heading…Anwar kata perompak? Siapa yang merompak? Hadi? Azmi? Hishamuddin? Zahid? I?

    Please ya, seingat I masa election dulu ramai pangkah logo PKR sebab parti2 lain dalam PH tak pakai logo sendiri but pakai logo parti PKR. Tun pula under BERSATU tiada logo. Let me remind you ok, Anwar bertanding jadi MP satelah keluar penjara dengan tergesa gesa dengan meminta pengampunan dari yang Di Pertuan Agong, dan selepas itu ada super fan tergesa gesa, beri laluan untuk beliau bertanding di Port Dickson.

    Cuba fikir, siapa yang merompak siapa?

    Good Night!

  183. Assalamualaikum Tun.

    Masih berkenaan pengalaman di Tanah Haram.

    Pakej perjalanan saya adalah terus ke Mekah kemudian baru ke Madinah.

    Pada suatu hari di hadapan Kaabah.

    Ketika saya sedang tunggu solat di hadapan Kaabah, saya ada menyapa seorang yang gayanya rumpun kita iaitu Indonesia.

    Beliau menyahut sapaan saya disebelahnya.

    Kata saya Jokowi menang, ya. Beliau senyum. Nampak macam suka.

    Katanya Malaysia macam mana? Mahathir dengan Anwar, ya. Tapi beliau nampak macam tak suka.

    Lantas saya tanya. Anwar ok ke?

    Beliau hanya senyum dan kata tak tau.

    Kemudian saya lanjutkan bicara. Kata saya Mahathir bersama Anwar sebab mahu jatuhkan Najib. Beliau nampak bersetuju dengan kenyataan itu.

    Sedang elok kami bercakap, datang seorang perempuan Asia yang kelihatan sedikit kelam kabut sedang bersiap sedia untuk melakukan solat sunat betul betul di hadapan saya. Hadapan tempat kami duduk.

    Anehnya setiap kali perempuan ini bangun sujud, punggungnya ketika rukuk semakin hampir pada muka saya.

    Saya sedikit bising pada wak Indonesia tadi. Saya mengadu, dia ni sembahyang semakin ke belakang la…ganggu perbualan antara kami.

    Lantas wak itu memberi isyarat supaya saya ke tepi sikit, biarkan dia duduk di tempat saya.

    Setelah usai wak itu mengesot di tempat yang sepatutnya, saya lihat perempuan yang sedang solat itu bukanlah semakin menghampiri ke belakang, tapi semakin menjarak ke depan dari tempat kami duduk.

    Saya tak tahu apa yang wak tersebut perbuatkan, tapi saya ada tengok fb berkenaan senibela diri laduni. Menjarakkan musuh secara fizikal.

    Sekali ingat balik, saya fikir ia adalah demonstrasi di hadapan mata saya kot.

    Setelah perkara tersebut selesai, wak itu mohon undur diri, mahu simpan kitab katanya.

    Saya tetap di situ tunggu azan berkumandang untuk solat fardhu.

    Terima kasih Tun.

  184. Assalamualaikum Tun.

    Berkenaan apa nama tu, lelaki yang pergi ke Mekah pakai telekung.

    Alhamdulillah saya pernah sampai ke sana. Maka bolehlah sikit sebanyak saya bagi pandangan berkenaan dikatakan tiada apa yang berlaku pada diri empunya badan walaupun melakukan kesalahan umrah dan hukum hakam di Tanah Haram.

    Pada saya Mekah bukanlah tempat untuk menentukan betul atau salah, dihukum atau tidak berkenaan perjalanan hidup kita di dunia.

    Selepas mati kita akan dibangkitkan. Kemudian barulah diadili.

    Sifat manusia tetap sama walau di mana berada. Walau tapak kaki berpijak di tempat suci, ia tidaklah menyucikan hati dan sifat manusia sekelip mata.

    Si tuan badan boleh katakan tiada apa apa buruk yang berlaku. Tapi cuba tanya dia adakah Tanah Suci itu menerima ‘kehadirannya?’

    Kalaulah ada keajaiban yang terjadi, tentu dah heboh satu dunia dicanangnya.

    Saya boleh beritahu. Pada pertama kali, tentulah saya tidak tahu di mana makamnya Rasulullah saw.

    Saya mengikut rakan sebilik, termasuk pesara ketua balai. 4 orang termasuk saya.

    Saya mengikut sedikit terpisah kerana sibuk perhati kiri kanan dan jemaah masjid Nabawi semasa ke arah tempat berkumpul ke Raudah, arah makam Rasulullah saw.

    Sebenarnya saya tercicir di belakang dan saya adalah orang yang paling akhir memasuki kandang berkumpul.

    Itu pun kerana belas ihsan penjaga yang melambatkan tutup kandang. Semata mata untuk saya. Alhamdulillah.

    Kawasan tersebut adalah kawasan yang perlu berasak asak. Himpit berhimpit. Sabar dan menyabar.

    Sampai dari Mekah ke Madinah terus menuju ke makam Rasulullah saw. Tapi saya kira orang ramai mahu ke Raudah (bersebelahan dengan makam) kerana tempatnya mustajab doanya.

    Tapi saya, saya lebih niatkan untuk ziarah ke makam Rasulullah saw. Malah melakukan solat di Raudah yang saya kira ambil masa agak lama juga tidak disentuh/dihalau oleh pengawal raudah.

    Sehinggalah saya keluar dari Raudah, tetiba seorang berwajah Asia Barat mengejar saya untuk bagi selipar saya yang tertinggal semasa solat di Raudah tadi.

    Pemberian benar benar di hadapan makam Rasulullah saw dan khalifah sahabat baginda.

    Kenangannya, selipar itu sampai ajalnya di Madinah, talinya terputus.

    Kesimpulannya, saya fikir orang lelaki itu patut boleh ceritakan perkara menarik yang berlaku di sana.

    Assalamualaikum Ya Rasulullah.

    Terima kasih Tun.

  185. Assalamualaikum Tun.

    Saya berada di sini masa YDP Agong Terengganu naik takhta.

    Kemudian bila YDP Agong Kedah naik takhta saya tertanya tanya jika saya masih ‘sah’ berada di arena negara.

    Saya sedikit terkejut apabila saya diberi jawapan ‘masih sah’ apabila kejadian melibatkan negara pada tahun 2014 dapat diselesaikan. Dan beberapa peristiwa selepasnya.

    Saya berpendapat mission accomplished apabila Najib dan kerajaan kleptorasi telah dapat ditukarkan kepada kerajaan baru yang diketuai oleh Tun Mahathir.

    Selepas beberapa lama kerajaan baru ini memerintah, saya telah menulis adalah lebih baik sekiranya orang Melayu yang memimpin negara sekiranya DAP masih tidak dapat memahami dan pandai memain peranan dalam mentadbir negara.

    Kebelakangan ini, kita telah dengar tentang Muafakat Nasional.

    Maka rasanya saya tidak berminat mahu komen tentang politik sementara ini.

    Terima kasih Tun.

  186. Good Morning PM Malaysia Tun M!

    I semalam nampak banyak banners tergantung dekat pagar kawasan rumah, kat pokok2 MBSA tepi jalan. I teringat pernah terbaca ada kempen nak benteras AH LONG. Tapi sekarang nampak menjadi2 pula. Why not police ambil nombor talipon yang tertera dalam banner, call dan menyamar nak ambil loan, cukup bukti tangkap bawa masuk court.

    After all kita dah ada banyak bank yang bertauliah beri hutang pada yang eligible untuk ambil hutang, bukan yang curi2 ambil business mereka.

  187. Assalamualaikum Tun.

    Hi kakak cantik😘 hahaa

    Saham. Dulu mula mula bila saya kata kat Tun yang saya nak tulis pasal tasawuf/agama kat chedet, ‘Tun kata’, benda ni boleh naik turun. Macam saham. Ada untung ada rugi.

    Tapi saya tulis juga. Sampai sekarang.

    Tun kata Melayu malas. Saya pulak kata Melayu tak malas.

    Jadi saya didik anak murid baker saya. Saya bagi semua keperluan pengetahuan pada dia untuk menjadi chief baker.

    Boleh katakan, pencarian pengalaman saya dalam bidang baker selama 14 tahun, saya pindahkan kepada murid baker saya yang berumur 20 tahun hanya dalam 6 bulan sahaja lebih kurang.

    Saya boleh amik cuti tanpa risau. Esok saya cuti. Hoorayy!!

    Terima kasih Tun.

  188. Malaysia needs a Leader that can manage The Financial Management well
    Earn more, spent less
    Tun is a Good example. But it is near time, Tun needs his retirement
    He needs to be Fair to his Wife, Datin Siti

    Najib is Cool but a very Spendthrift person
    Worst his Wife is a Nightmare to Malaysia
    Najib ruling Spend more and Never Earn that causes Malaysia to be Debt-ridden

    Hopefully your choice Anwar can make a difference
    Hopefully, also he can manage Pakatan Harapan as it is not just Malaysia he needs to manage. He must know his Weakness and improves on it

    Last but not least, Malaysia needs a Good Finacial Planner
    Not like the Old UMNO, too many ‘ Peruntukan ‘ that helps nobody
    I did not blame Najib much of his 1MDB Scandal
    As it was so Stupid of UMNO Govt at that time to allow Najib to be the Finance Manager and also One that needs the money.
    He is the ‘ALong’ He is also the Borrower He is also the Master of the Game
    That narrows to the Mess. ITS Rojak, Its ‘ Tunggang Terbalik ‘

    The Hope of Days to come
    We should have better relations amongst us, Human, Orang Malaysia
    The Deal should be on The Table unlike Trumps Deals is OFF The Table
    Trumps Deal is to make He and his Son in Law Rich at the expense of others
    And benefits Israel

  189. Tun M Good Morning!

    Sebenarnya I pun ada yang setuju dan tak setuju dengan tindakan Tun. Kalau ianya melibatkan masyarakat like me that I harus bersuara dengan tegas such as perjanjian nak kasi Anwar naik jadi PM.

    Seperti kata Hadi jawatan PM bukan macam tukar pemandu bas hahaha yalah ikut turn turn hahaha It also doesn’t make sense, lets say Tun sakit perut, Tun mesti panggil TSMY ganti jadi pemandu, takan Tun nak keluar bas panggil Anwar dari lain bas ganti jadi pemandu.

    Semasa zaman UMNO memang patut Tun beri pada Pak Lah, sebab Tun dah tak larat, berhenti jadi PM dengan rela. Ini Tun nak bagi pada President parti lain bukan parti sendiri, dah tu pernah masuk jel. Errr, kalau Tun buat juga, malulah Malaysia yang jauh lebih maju dari Filipina dll.

    Berbalik pada Muafakat Nasional ianya sebenarnya baik. Bagus untuk orang Islam, bagus untuk orang Melayu dan Bumiputera Malaysia. Dalam PH ada pemimpin yang anti orang Islam, anti orang Melayu dan anti orang Bumiputera. Yang mereka tak anti adalah diri mereka sendiri.

    Kalau kita lihat pertandingan pemimpinan peringkat nasional PAN December tahun lepas iaitu sebelum BERSATU baru2 ini, I lihat Khalid menang besar, Mat Sabu tempat ke7. Masa itu I mula fikir wow ahli mahu pemimpin liberal more of sosialis type, so that means mereka ini akan gantikan PKR yang dah porak peranda.

    Beza pula dengan BERSATU whereby pemimpin yang lama menang tanpa bertanding. Termasuk Menteri panjat pagar.

    Aneh ya, pertandingan dalaman parti tidak dicover of press dengan banyak, hanya certain media, namun pertandingan dalaman PKR heboh dan kecuh semua press pun ada news masing2.

    P.S Musato, your blog banyak cerita hal agama, so your audience adalah orang yang minat dalam bidang itu. Kalau you letak link sini pun tak ramai datang. Sini audience adalah peminat politik semasa. I punya blog maju jaya sebabnya I orang saham, audience I pun kaki saham, so menjadi lah. Lagi pun I ini sebenar popular dari dulu dengan i3 forum, Google Plus. Bukan kerana I rajin menulis kat wall chedet maka blog I maju jaya. Harap jangan ada yang salah faham.

  190. Muslim World must learn from Iran
    To be Self-sufficient, interactive, organize, prepare to defend its Sovereignty
    Despite being Sanctions excessively by US
    But who is US by the way to Sanctions other Nation
    What Right they have, When they are the Evil One

    US cannot be looked upon for World Policing, nor as World Leader
    Russia, China is the far better candidate
    US is not a choice to look up for
    US itself is full of Mess
    Their own backyard is Horrible

    Most Muslim World unlike Iran failed to defend their own Sovereignty
    Despite God has given most of them the Means, the Richness of Nature with the abundance of Resources. They failed to Govern themselves with Pride
    Take a near look at
    Singapore with No Resources at all
    Are able to hold themselves much better than Malaysia or Indonesia & Brunei
    Militarily Capable. They are so small, yet they have superior capabilities than their Big neighbor. One will ask Why would Singapore buy
    F-16, Fighter Jets as this Jets are able to fly over Singapore in just a few minutes. Is it not a waste. No, it’s not. The answer is we see in the Middle East. Most are Oil-Rich Muslim Nation but they cannot defend themselves
    They had been bullied. They Buy Weapons from their very own Enemy
    Its simply Stupid
    Is as good as Stabbing your own self

    They have the Means, They have the Resources yet they are the Lazy people on Earth same as most Malay Muslim people here
    Islam is a Peaceful Religion. Yes it is
    Yet it consents, it encourages itself to be Militarily Able to Defend
    Building its own Military, Producing its own Weapons is Halal for its purpose
    That is why & what happens to Iraq, Syria, Libya, Afganistan & the many Muslim Nation, you name it
    Submitting to God is a Must
    Capable to Defend is Necessary. It is Halal

    Wake Up Muslim World
    Begging, Kneeling, Pleading & Expecting Mercy and Sympathy is NOT Humble
    It is Islam to hold one Pride
    ” Hold Fast The Rope of Allah and be not Divided ”
    Muslim World must Hold the Line together
    Communicate and Stay in Touch

    Do we not have Childres that we did not see all these happening in Palestine, Syria, Iraq, Libya, Afganistan, Mynamar, Philippine and many more you name it yourself. Our Muslim Kids goes around Begging for Food, Begging for Warmth & Love, No Parental & Islamic Guidance, No Direction nor Future
    Awaits to be Scavenge
    Do you not have children that you are ignoring what you have seen?

    I say Allahuakhbar x3
    May we all be guided .Ameen

  191. Assalamualaikum Tun.

    Pada saya janji adalah janji. Tun pasti akan tunaikan janji. Ia telah dilafazkan.

    Persepsi adalah persepsi. Ramai orang bagi teori pelbagai. Contoh Muafakat Nasional.

    Saya tak tengok berita semasa sangat. Saya lebih suka fokus pada kerja harian. Namun saya ada baca sikit sikit juga komen di sini.

    Saya tak aktifkan blog saya. Saya tak ada tujuan untuk itu, walaupun saya tahu ada pembaca dari Russia, Amerika dan lain negara yang jenguk blog saya.

    Tapi saya masih berhubung dengan Harliza 🤗, Pn Mai dan mr Joe yang masih setia membaca chedet.cc

    Mr Joe belum saya jumpa lagi. Lama dah saya tak ke KL.

    Yeah, menulis di sini tidak menambah pendapatan semasa saya. Namun saya gembira dengan kehidupan saya.

    Tentunya saya tak setuju 100% dengan segala apa keputusan Tun dalam kerajaan.

    Tapi itu tidak mengapa. Sebab Tun yang berkuasa, bukan saya.

    Saya orang Melayu. Berbahasa Melayu. Hanya belajar di Malaysia (dahulunya dikenali sebagai Tanah Melayu)

    Untuk tetap berada separa dengan Tun semasa Tun belum berkuasa (sesudah berkuasa) pada umur 32 tahun dan Tun pada masa itu 83 tahun, kebanyakkan masa hidup saya sebelumnya adalah dilatih mengikut acuan ‘alam’ dan takdir.

    Maksud saya, selepas Tun, akan tiada lagi pemimpin yang boleh melegakan kita. Sehinggalah sampai masanya nanti.

    Kehadiran saya hanyalah satu kebetulan dan ketentuan dariNya.

    Tiada. Jika ada, saya tidak akan muncul. Ini yang membuatkan saya takut. Takut pada kuasa Allah.

    Ia mungkin tidak akan dicatit dalam sejarah rasmi. Tapi saya kira ia adalah satu peringatan untuk semua.

    Tiada Daya upaya kita, melainkan dari Allah swt.

    Terima kasih Tun.

  192. Salam Dearest YAB PM Tun Dr. Mahathir,

    Allow me Tun:


    Of course, “a promise is a promise”.

    The rakyat is now getting fed-up with the PH Government for breaking a lot of promises made in PH 14th GE’s manifesto. So we can always vote out PH in the 15TH GE.

    But then the context here is about passing the baton to Anwar as PM.

    Well, it’t obvious that Tun was hinting on something. Logically, if Anwar finally gets to be PM, the MPs can decide whether or not they want him to continue as our PM.

    They (MPs) can always vote him out in Parliament – NO CONFIDENCE VOTE.

    Anwar must have the majority support in Parliament – as simple as that.

    Thank you Tun.

    – May Allah SWT bless Tun and family –

  193. Salam Dearest YAB PM Tun Dr. Mahathir,

    1. https://www.channelnewsasia.com/news/world/wuhan-virus-five-britons-french-ski-resort-coronavirus-singapore-12411224

    This is not good. The first Malaysian infected by the 2019-nCoV got it while attending a conference in Singapore.

    2. Yesterday I went to many shops, hypermarkets and several pharmacies looking for hand sanitizers (I have none) and facemasks (I only have a few).

    Guess what?


    This is so strange because I did not see many people with facemasks around me. In fact I was one of the few wearing facemasks in that area.

    3. Tips on combatting coronavirus; benefits of ‘kangkung’. Some said, ‘kangkung’ is only suitable for the poor (although I disagree with this opinion). That’s why we have the degrading term ‘Prof. Kangkung’. 🙁


    Thank you Tun.

    – May Allah SWT bless Tun and family –

  194. Tun M good morning!

    Dr M: I didn’t invite anyone to form new govt, tajuk FMT.

    I melihat Muafakat Nasional sebagai JV bukan backdoor listing. Banyak listed corporate companies buat JV. A joint venture (JV) is a business arrangement in which two or more parties agree to pool their resources for the purpose of accomplishing a specific task. This task can be a new project or any other business activity.

    I think ramai yang suka tambah aji-no-moto, because dalam PH ada orang tak sabar nak naik jadi PM melalui perjanjian sebelum election, dalam UMNO ada pula penyokong nak NAJIB naik jadi PM semula. Both yang inginkan jawatan PM adalah bekas banduan dan future banduan.

    For me tak penting both of this candidates. Banyak lagi orang Melayu yang mature, intelligent yang boleh jadi PM. Yang penting future PM harus lalui election semula. Biar rakyat plilih samada mereka mau bekas banduan dan future banduan jadi PM MALAYSIA. Takat cakap penyokong2 yang syok sendiri tak jadi apa.

    I suka lihat cara Najib handle the situation dalam FB with wity remarks dan cara Najib buat lawatan jumpa rakyat secara personal. Of course I tau Najib ada beberapa admin di FB. It doesn’t matter, semua big guns pun ada pekerja sendiri yang handle this. I like Najib but not that much la, as nak dia jadi PM or President UMNO semula. And I think they court charges against Najib over2, real melampau PH, macam opening a can of worms. Sama seperti meludah kelangit jatuh terkena muka sendiri. Just saying!

  195. Trump Peace plan
    Trump Peace plan must have repented, regrets, returns of the stolen land to the rightful owner by Israel to Palestine NOT using another Big robber the US, to steal more and more fooling the World
    Peace plan must have compromises between Israel & Palestine
    Not between Trump & his son in law, Jared Kushner as an Advisor
    That plan is to make them both Rich at the expense of The Stupid Arab Nation as Investor for Israel benefits
    In simple English, it was A Fool plan to Please Israel fooling the World

    The Question is Not about Palestine nor the Middle East or The Declaration of US Oppression towards The Muslim World for Israel

    The question is
    The US for Israel Fooling The World with their One Lie after another lie
    Including fooling The West as if The World is Just an Idiot. Simply an Idiot
    This is my very question to The World
    Because these are the reasons World can Never be at Peace

    It was a nice beautiful look to see The Non- Muslim Chinese that joins The Chinese Muslim in Islamic prayers in the recently updated Facebook during these Viruses in China. My Doa, my prayer May Allah gives them his ‘Hidayah’ Guidance and Blessing facing their difficulties, The Fear China and The World are facing today. May Allah guides us through

    My humble request to The Chinese Govt is to release the Oppression of The Muslin Uyghur in China. It does No Good to China as a Whole
    I do believe this oppression was done and instigated by The Zionist to The Chinese Govt It does not Benefits Nobody. The Zionist has been lobbying Hatred towards the Muslims all over as they felt threaten by their own Fears
    The Zionist is responsible for the Genocides of The Rakhine in Myanmar, Muslims in India, Kashmir, Malawi , Philippines & many. They are Men behind the Scene that orchestrate the Hatred, The Lies towards the Muslim World
    Fear No Muslims. Muslims are Harmless. They had been Framed & Lied
    Fear only Allah. He is The Mightiest and had the Better plan

    It is written and it is happening today
    It’s the little sign the day is coming

  196. PPSMI

    Have been the chair of parent teacher association, I really understood the arguments surrounding PPSMI.

    Muhyiddin could not withstand public pressure and abolished PPSMI, and Mahadzir Khalid reinstate PPSMI (as an options to selected to students) but rebranded it as Dual Language Program.

    So, to say that PPSMI is abolished 100% is factually incorrect. Currently, there are classes within certain schools that conduct teaching , learning and examination in English for Science and Math subjects. Parents who think that their children cant cope with PPSMI, can opt to transfer their child to all subjects in Malay Language classes.

    Did we hear parents complaints about DLP ? Very less – because most parents have options. I do hear some parents complaint because their child cant enter DLP classes. But their number is smaller compared to parents who wants their child to student SM in national language. This means that DLP classes are still in demand.

    The underlying factor to the rejection of PPSMI are all human. Deep inside their heart, parents are worried about their children ability to cope up with the PPSMI system. It is a crisis of confidence.

    TBH, my children learn either in the previous PPSMI or DLP. They are not at the top of their class, but they do not fare bad. Given good teachers and teaching, they can do it. Ironically, my son got “A” for Science and Math, while learning in English, but got “B” for English and Bahasa Malaysia subjects in UPSR. This shows that language subject and learning technical subjects in English is not inter-related.

    The challenge now is to overcome the crisis of confidence.

    Somehow, the government has to prove that the cause is just. The best way to do this is to prove the hypothesis, that given proper learning methods, those living in slump/dump and remote area could succeed in learning Math and Science in English. Once that is proven, the acceptance would come through. In case, reference is needed, here again, I attached the links of Professor Sugata Mitra, and the experiment done in Mexico w.r.t. to Prof. Mitra’s work.



    The links give clue on how it should be implemented.

    Wuhan Coronavirus


    Referring to the above link, as at today:

    -34,915 people infected
    -724 deaths
    -2085 recovered (become healthy again).
    -Infection rate > 3,000/day.

    China can build one hospital with 3,000 bed in 10 days. With that type of infection rate 3,000/day, it means China need to build 10 hospitals in 10 days. Failure to do so, means that those with coronavirus will need to recuperate at home, making it more infectious.

    Using an index : death / ( deaths + recovered ) ; death rate is around 20%.

    Daily rate of death is 80 people / day.

    What I worried much is that there is high mismatch between infection rate and recovered rate in Wuhan. We need to see numbers that show recovered rate is higher than infection rate, to have comfort that the pathogen is under control.

    In addition, I hope the authorities do more than needed to ensure Malaysian health is taken care. Whatever done for this cause is just for heakth well-being of Malaysian.

  197. Tun M selamat pagi!

    I tertarik baca komen Tun berkenaan dengan bribery case Air Asia.

    Company ini banyak celebrities dalamnya, I don’t think membantu that much, unless you’re in entertainment industry.

    I dulu ada beli Air Asia. Time tu bawah 1.50. You know why? Because ketika arwah Hanni Mohsin passed away, saham ini terus jatuh, sebab yang handled the situasi adalah staff Air Asia. Lama juga nak tunggu naik 1.50. And satu tabiat Air Asia, directors pun go around promo company mereka to friends yang mereka jumpa, always telling friends ada good news coming.

    Ada bribe case or tiada. Ada Tony Fernandes or not, I dah lama tak beli stocks company ini. I felt that in terms of good service MAS jauh lebih professional. Air Asia kata cheap if you book seat in advance, like a few months earlier. Kalau on spot beli mahal rate dari MAS. Hubby I pernah cuba. My son-in-law pun kena, ada kes child seat, mereka boleh tukar rules and regulations bila2 masa, you ended up not getting the same rate earlier, you kena tambah bayar banyak.

    Unless you berminat dengan airline stocks boleh beli. MAS no longer listed. Otherwise cari lain berlambak companies kat papan bursa boleh dipilih.

    Just sharing.

  198. Salam YAB dan DiSanjungi PM Tun Dr. Mahathir,

    1. Kerajaan PH kelihatan panik dalam menangani rungutan dan kerisauan rakyat Malaysia tentang wabak NOVEL CORONAVIRUS.

    2. Baru sedikit UJIAN (BENCANA), Kerajaan PH sudah melatah dan panik. Adakah patut kebimbangan rakyat dianggap sebagai berita palsu @ ‘FAKE NEWS’?

    3. Orang yang (kononnya) menyebarkan berita palsu (fake news) akan DISIASAT DAN DIDAKWA JIKA ADA KES, kata Peguam Negara. Apakah ini ugutan terhadap rakyat? (saya cuma bertanya).

    ( https://www.nst.com.my/news/nation/2020/02/562775/those-who-spread-fake-news-related-2019-ncov-will-face-law )

    4. Salahkah jika rakyat menyatakan kebimbangan mereka? Takkanlah perkara remeh-temeh pun mahu dibawa ke mahkamah! Kes2 berat melibatkan pemimpin2 /geng PH tiada kes / tutup kes pula!

    5. Dahulu, kononnya para pemimpin dan penyokong PH memperjuangkan kebebasan bersuara. Berdegar-degar menuduh BN zalim kerana menyekat kebebasan bersuara. Sekarang, PH lagi teruk!

    6. Eh…Bukankah bekas Pembangkang (DAP/PKR /Amanah) JUARA dalam menyebarkan berita palsu @ ‘fake news’. Dah kalah PRU, 40,000 pengundi Bangla…Black 505…pengundi hantu…Tun Mahathir diktator…Tun Mahazalim.. Tun Mahathir korup…Tun menzalimi Anwar (tuduhan sodomi kononnya fitnah jahat)..Malaysia muflis, dan entah apa-apa lagi. Ini belum lagi fitnah tentang pembunuhan individu-individu tertentu oleh orang /pemimpin tertentu (kononnya).

    7. Kelihatan HIPOKRIT @ munafik betul Kerajaan PH. Mengapa golongan yang mengutuk, menghina dan memfitnah Islam dalam isu ‘wanita jadian @ fake woman’ di Makkah / Madinah tidak pula mahu disiasat dan didakwa kerana ini jelas menaikkan kemarahan umat Islam di Malaysia. Adakah ini tiada kaitan dengan KEPENTINGAN NEGARA (‘national interest’)? Bagaimana dengan kes arwah Adib? AG seperti dijangka terlepas dari didakwa (contempt).

    Terima kasih Tun.

    – Semoga Allah SWT sentiasa merahmati Tun sekeluarga –

  199. I do not even want to waste my time to argue with these makcik2 since no one know what is in their mind behind that closed door.

    Anyway, its up to ruling party to do what they need to do so that they are still relevant to serve their constituencies.

    Its up to the opposition coalition to do what they need to do so that they are still relevant to serve their constituencies,

    Good luck, and all the best.

  200. Sri Sense Feb 6,2020 5:03 PM

    Good evening Tun M!

    Wow, why so serious? I senang I don’t baca, you know who, tulis, because I tau this person crazy, rude and like jaga tepi kain forummers lain, and always fikir ini blog dia punya.

    Takan Tun M menyamar jadi HBT kut, takde kerja ka hahahaha

    Blog is another word for weblog. A weblog is a website that is like a diary or journal. … Bloggers (a word for people who write on blogs) often write about their opinions and thoughts. A blog containing video material is called a video blog or video log, usually shortened to vlog.

    That sounds very much like my blog https://whims2016.wordpress.com/

    By the way I ada dengar cerita yang menulis online jawab2 under PH, dibayar RM2,500-RM5,000. Since I tak dapat fee, FOC, I always describe my postings here hanya sembang2 kedai kopi.

    I jaga my own blog lebih berbaloi, and visitors ramai datang hari2. Mereka akan discuss dalam investment forum i3 or investment group mereka sendiri samada dalam whatsapps or telegram. Which is normal for retail/individual investors like me selalu buat.

    For those yang minat menulis for free boleh cuba wordpress, blogspot etc. Same thing here and there, you tak dapat duit, but at least that blog milik you sendiri.

    Well, it depends what kind of blog or vblog you choose since its percuma to set up blog in any countries that you are in, anyway.


    I already way a head this level, so free or no free, it makes no difference to me.

    Sampah kah atau Rubbish?

    TDM decides, not me.

    Man Propose, God Dispose is the MOTTO.

  201. Good evening Tun M!

    Wow, why so serious? I senang I don’t baca, you know who, tulis, because I tau this person crazy, rude and like jaga tepi kain forummers lain, and always fikir ini blog dia punya.

    Takan Tun M menyamar jadi HBT kut, takde kerja ka hahahaha

    Blog is another word for weblog. A weblog is a website that is like a diary or journal. … Bloggers (a word for people who write on blogs) often write about their opinions and thoughts. A blog containing video material is called a video blog or video log, usually shortened to vlog.

    That sounds very much like my blog https://whims2016.wordpress.com/

    By the way I ada dengar cerita yang menulis online jawab2 under PH, dibayar RM2,500-RM5,000. Since I tak dapat fee, FOC, I always describe my postings here hanya sembang2 kedai kopi.

    I jaga my own blog lebih berbaloi, and visitors ramai datang hari2. Mereka akan discuss dalam investment forum i3 or investment group mereka sendiri samada dalam whatsapps or telegram. Which is normal for retail/individual investors like me selalu buat.

    For those yang minat menulis for free boleh cuba wordpress, blogspot etc. Same thing here and there, you tak dapat duit, but at least that blog milik you sendiri.

  202. Did you read the sample batch collected by WHO wrt this new 2019nCOV, sibotak?

    Pakistan and African Continent are not listed in WHO sample batch, why?

    Even India reported 2 cases, though its late, it is still better than never to open up their economy to create jobs to feed their poor people.

    Do you know why PLA built 2 Hospital Sementara during this outbreak to be live telecast?

    The main reason is to unite their 1.4 population to fight this new virus.

    Secondly, to inform their people where to seek help.

    Third, to tell their people, Wuhan, Hubei Province, problem is China Problems.

    Fourth, to collect sample batch to come out a new vaccine to fight and get prepared for such outbreaks which is bound to hapoen again in China and outside China.

    Fifth, the cost is to be born by 1.4 billion population of china tak kisah which province they come from.

    In here, i guess money politics must have driven them to edge of syiok sendiri with tudung some more and make the issue like padam muka, china.

    Dissappointing, dont you think so?

  203. I have gone through so many economic cycles of hates due to race and religion conflicts, and i didnt understand why this and that happened until i joined this blog to find out the root cause myself.

    Maybe yourself is one of the root causes

    When self destruction is mirrorred can grant this country Greater Keamanan dan Kemakmuran to favor Muslim via ‘Buy Muslim First’, to create jobs for the majority races, why not?


    I am invited in here by the blog owner to BLOG TO UNBLOG, remember, Tun Perak?

    I am not invited in here to dictate or influence anyone in here.

    Will find opportunity to meet and ask personally Dr. M about this invitation to HBT. I will get you updated

    Mirror, Mirror of the wall, who is the fairest queen of all?

    I dont do that because i know fairy tales exist in dream world, not real world.

    Sure, watch this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zqe5NP86OCc

    Whatever the result of the judgement is, it wont affect the voting pattern much, in my personal opinion.

    But, the result of the judgement can affect the emosi of parti2 politik tempatan in which can affect the voting pattern of their constituencies to mempertahankan kubu kuat mereka.

    I am sure by now they should know where they stand.

    Chicken and egg issues, i dont want to get involve in here, ok?

    Everything is chicken and egg issues. If you dont do good to others, don’t expect others do good to you

  204. Today …The Leader of Sunni & Shia are embracing
    Iraq & Iran leader are embracing together
    It is a good sign as they had been fooled by US for the benefits of Israel
    Middle East Soil must not be Soiled by US for Israel
    Arabs, Muslim of all Nation must come forward
    One for All, All for One with One Kallimah

    Muslim Leader must help Saudi, UAE & Iran To come close
    Not be Fooled by US
    The US has been fooling the World since World WAR
    Its the duty of every Muslim to bring the Ummah together
    This is the Time
    Muslim World must not wait for their turn
    It is now to Unite. Fear No Evil of Lies

    They do not want North & South to befriend
    They do not want China & Japan to come close
    They do not want Middle East to come close to UAE & Saudi
    As this relation will weaken US Military & Economic structure

    China & Russia are also Super Power Nation
    They don’t do borders, they don’t raise walls
    They don’t suppress their economic, political agreement with a Threat of Wars
    When Negotiations they don’t put Guns on the table
    China & Russia are more professional & civilize

    I hope the KL-Summit is not, The flyby Night
    We Muslims should moves & braves together as One

  205. Hajar Feb 5,2020 9:04 AM

    Salam YAB dan DiSanjungi PM Tun Dr. Mahathir,

    Mohon izin Tun:

    1. Koronavirus boleh dihantar melalui najis manusia

    2. KKM sahkan kes pertama warganegara Malaysia positif koronavirus

    3. Sekarang kita sudah ada kes jangkitan antara manusia Novel Coronavirus kepada rakyat Malaysia, walaupun ianya berlaku di Singapura.

    4. Kesihatan dan nyawa jauh lebih penting dari wang ringgit.

    5. Rugilah ye (pelancongan) jika halang para pelancong /pelawat dari seluruh China (tidak bijak Menteri dari Sabah yang nama bapanya KETAPI; inilah dia kualiti Menteri & Timb. Menteri dari Sabah – rata2 tidak berkualiti; bercakap pun tidak nampak berkredibiliti).

    6. Lagi rugi jika ada rakyat Malaysia yang maut kerana Novel Coronavirus.

    7. Memandangkan ada yang mencadangkan Tun untuk melantik saya jadi PM wanita yang pertama (hahaha…orang ini memang suka merapu meraban / meracau…), kalaulah saya PM pada waktu ini, saya pasti buat keputusan untuk isytiharkan DARURAT KESIHATAN dan TIDAK BENARKAN WARGA CHINA (tidak kira dari wilayah mana) masuk ke Malaysia. Pelawat-pelawat asing juga mesti ditapis; mereka yang pernah ke China dalam tempoh 14 hari dari tarikh mereka sampai di Malaysia, akan diarahkan untuk meninggalkan Malaysia (kos ditanggung oleh mereka).

    8. Sikap PENGOTOR dan TIDAK TAHU ADAB MAKAN (makan segala macam benda haram) ialah punca kepada wabak Novel Coronavirus ini. Siapakah yang pengotor dan tidak beradab di Wuhan, China? Takkanlah orang Melayu Islam kot! Gunalah logik akal yang waras.

    Terima kasih Tun.

    – Semoga Allah SWT sentiasa merahmati Tun sekeluarga –



    After reading MERS, will she dare to speaks very loud in here?
    Mungkin dia sendiri pun takut nak cerminkan diri kut.

    P/s: mereka memang nak bawa balik warganegara mereka. bak kata, tak tolong pun takpa, tapi jangan hina.

  206. Tun Perak Feb 5,2020 10:34 AM


    If you want to make a change or influence someone else opinion, you have to start with the “man in the mirror”. Take a look at yourself, and make a change.

    The more you write with respect to race and religion, more business opportunities turn to Muslim favour via “Buy Muslim First”. Muslim are all very happy for your self-made destruction. We don’t know what will happen in the future, but retail and distribution side, things look brighter than yesterday with every passing write-up. Soon, manufacturing will follow through.

    I have gone through so many economic cycles of hates due to race and religion conflicts, and i didnt understand why this and that happened until i joined this blog to find out the root cause myself.

    To be honest with you, Tun Perak, i never intip, visit or sign in any blogs published by local ahli2 politik in this country since i have no interest in writing blog.

    When self destruction is mirrorred can grant this country Greater Keamanan dan Kemakmuran to favor Muslim via ‘Buy Muslim First’, to create jobs for the majority races, why not?

    Politics is just a game of numbers, and whichever coalition has the majority votes, they will name the Perdana Menteri and form the Kabinet.

    I am invited in here by the blog owner to BLOG TO UNBLOG, remember, Tun Perak?

    I am not invited in here to dictate or influence anyone in here.

    Mirror, Mirror of the wall, who is the fairest queen of all?

    I dont do that because i know fairy tales exist in dream world, not real world.

    Whatever the result of the judgement is, it wont affect the voting pattern much, in my personal opinion.

    But, the result of the judgement can affect the emosi of parti2 politik tempatan in which can affect the voting pattern of their constituencies to mempertahankan kubu kuat mereka.

    I am sure by now they should know where they stand.

    Chicken and egg issues, i dont want to get involve in here, ok?

  207. HBT,

    If you want to make a change or influence someone else opinion, you have to start with the “man in the mirror”. Take a look at yourself, and make a change.

    The more you write with respect to race and religion, more business opportunities turn to Muslim favour via “Buy Muslim First”. Muslim are all very happy for your self-made destruction. We don’t know what will happen in the future, but retail and distribution side, things look brighter than yesterday with every passing write-up. Soon, manufacturing will follow through.

  208. Salam YAB dan DiSanjungi PM Tun Dr. Mahathir,

    Mohon izin Tun:

    1. Koronavirus boleh dihantar melalui najis manusia

    2. KKM sahkan kes pertama warganegara Malaysia positif koronavirus

    3. Sekarang kita sudah ada kes jangkitan antara manusia Novel Coronavirus kepada rakyat Malaysia, walaupun ianya berlaku di Singapura.

    4. Kesihatan dan nyawa jauh lebih penting dari wang ringgit.

    5. Rugilah ye (pelancongan) jika halang para pelancong /pelawat dari seluruh China (tidak bijak Menteri dari Sabah yang nama bapanya KETAPI; inilah dia kualiti Menteri & Timb. Menteri dari Sabah – rata2 tidak berkualiti; bercakap pun tidak nampak berkredibiliti).

    6. Lagi rugi jika ada rakyat Malaysia yang maut kerana Novel Coronavirus.

    7. Memandangkan ada yang mencadangkan Tun untuk melantik saya jadi PM wanita yang pertama (hahaha…orang ini memang suka merapu meraban / meracau…), kalaulah saya PM pada waktu ini, saya pasti buat keputusan untuk isytiharkan DARURAT KESIHATAN dan TIDAK BENARKAN WARGA CHINA (tidak kira dari wilayah mana) masuk ke Malaysia. Pelawat-pelawat asing juga mesti ditapis; mereka yang pernah ke China dalam tempoh 14 hari dari tarikh mereka sampai di Malaysia, akan diarahkan untuk meninggalkan Malaysia (kos ditanggung oleh mereka).

    8. Sikap PENGOTOR dan TIDAK TAHU ADAB MAKAN (makan segala macam benda haram) ialah punca kepada wabak Novel Coronavirus ini. Siapakah yang pengotor dan tidak beradab di Wuhan, China? Takkanlah orang Melayu Islam kot! Gunalah logik akal yang waras.

    Terima kasih Tun.

    – Semoga Allah SWT sentiasa merahmati Tun sekeluarga –

  209. Salam subuh, selamat sejahtra..
    Apa disuluh, dah ke mana..


    Dikatakan, pagi semalam, kami bersama IKHLAS Malaysia telah pergi ke pejabat Perdana Menteri di PutraJaya & menyerahkan memorandum utk disampaikan kepada YAB PM berkenaan peniaga/penjaja yg hilang mata pencarian..

    Kajang pakMalau kajang berlipat..
    Kajang hamba mengkuang layu…
    Hendak berdagang, kami tak bertempat..
    Hendak berniaga, entah tak menentu..

    Tuai padi antara masak..
    Kami nk cari rezeki,
    nk sara tanggungan banyak..

    Bantulah kami,
    Kami cuma nak meniaga…

    (29hb Disember 2019) adalah hari terakhir kami dpt meniaga..
    Dah sebulan lebih dah kering..😓

    moga ada sinar buat kami peniaga/penjaja kecil yg terpinggir..


    Asalamualaikum & terimaKasih Tun..

  210. I do not wish to influence anyone in here.

    The only thing that i hope is when they have done wrong, they must admit first rather than covering up the dark hole hoping they can push through by pulling down the whole country to rescue themselves first.

    I hope those who have abused their power will find peace eventually.

    God Bless Us.

  211. https://www.thestar.com.my/news/nation/2020/02/04/najib-takes-one-last-swipe-at-jho-low

    Federal Constitution is the basic law that bind federated and unfederated states under Malaysia.

    Once this basic law is abused, then, there is only Peninsula, Penang, Melaka, Sabah and Sarawak.

    Will DSN get away?

    Will Jho Low hide forever in overseas?

    What is the judgement result?

    I already said, when the number of syariah compliance lawmakers outnumbered non-syariah compliance lawmakers, it is time for non-muslim to kiss goodbye to this land as lawmakers.

    Syariah lawmakers mean they must be muslim, atau moslem.

    This is the hard truth.

    Truth hurts them?

    It hurts them when they felt that they are being played out by their own party members.


    Sikap boros of pakai dulu, menyesal kemudian, kan duit tu duit ah gung, bukan duit dia.

    In the past i feel sorry for them.

    Unfortunately, they dont seem to change.

    Who knows, me too may give up my voting right when next general election is called since race and religion conflicts still dominate the political arena.

  212. Up to date, the % of death toll of Wuhan virus flu is about 2% and the numbers of confirmed cases are rising tremendously in mainland China.

    For outside China, the numbers are still small, and can still can be managed.

    No one can really estimate how far it can go since flu can caused death is a common in north hemisphere.

    But, it is very hard to estimate since this virus is proven can be transmitted from human to human via droplets, not airborne, and thats good news for now.

    But, virus patterns are hard to determine just like human behavior, can mutate.

    What is airborne disease?

    Airborne means simply by breathing, we can get infected.

    For example, TB due to breathing over dose of abestoes in construction industry in the past.

    I still think wuhan virus flu will die off when summer comes in, and thats 4 to 5 months from now and thats a long period in epidemic disaster.

    So, measueres to contain this virus is very much depends on our MoH.

    Who is Nur Sajat?

    If you ask me as Malaysian, i cannot accept her to be the lgbt influencer as liberal moslem representing Muslim in Malaysia at Saudi Arab platform.


    When she is allowed to do that, then, she is no different a terrorist atau ill mannered to the Saudi Arab, i cant allow that, what about you?

    Bak kata, masuk kandang kambing mengembek, masuk kandang lembu menguak.

    Jika kesopanan dan kesosilaan sebagai umat muslim in Malaysia pun tak erti, then, dont blame other races to reject her.

    I am only giving my view as voter since i am not here to earn your likes or dislikes.

  213. Tun

    Hainanese HBT630, you still have not apologise to our beloved Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad, Prime Minister of Malaysia, icon of the World why you called him “OLD SHIT.” As long as you do not apologise, you carry the onus around your neck even though you tell us all the time you go to bed with your VOTE.

    Malaysia Boleh Tun as always. No problem.

  214. Correction: Do they intend to stay in this country permanently after making big money due to POLITICAL CONNECTION AND DONATION to TABUNG SAVE MALAYSIA to rescue them again?

    Life will go on as usual since general election must be called after their term ends to get mandate from the voters.

    KL China Town turned KL Bangla Town has again proven Chinese race in China and outside China have no intention to conquer this country or any countries in the world politically since trades are in our bloodline to improve our lifestyle as any nationalities in any countries.

    Thats why the unity and patriotism in and outside mainland China cannot be compromised to avoid another brutality and cruel civil wars due to massive corruption to be repeated on this benua besar china that could lead to WW3.

    Will you want this to happen, as part of Asia Continent due to conflicts of religion that could lead to civil wars, unrest, chaos and mass protest that can disrupt the world and global economy with world temperature rising?

    As wise leaders, we should be more mature in dealing with race and religion conflicts so that we will not be left behind when the world economies pick up again.

    Everything goes up will come down but age goes up cannot come down.

    Even the most kind and ruthless dictators can never deny this biological fact.

    I am just a voter who happens to know a bit more on how the world works after joining this blog.

    I repeat, i am not a political party members or do not have interest in politics to suap myself with better income since each of us has the basic right to improve our lifestyles as malaysian via ballot boxes regardless of race and religion faiths since Islam is declared officially as Religion at Federal level when Putrajaya was built due to MUTUAL TRUST and CONSENSUS,

    Once again, i thank Tun for allowing to learn with you.

    I believe, we too can change and make this world a better and safer to live eventhough our country is small.

    In here, i wish to say THANK YOU TO TUN DR MM.

    Without you, Malaysia can never comes this far.

    Which way to go, i dont know.


    It depends on the maturity of our leaders khususnya Melayu dan Bumiputra to decide which way favor them more since they cannot live without tongkat being the representatives for race based constituencies.

  215. Correction: perhaps, he too think, takut apa, kan his plane ada beli insurans tempatan kut JANJI BOSS support.

  216. When the day i read media statement made in local news in which TAN Sri Tony Fernandez with his Agent from Air Bus made in expanding AA fleet base across the world with the blooted forecast of his public listed BHD (bukan PHD) in purchasing 100 units after the vanished of MH370 and MH17 before Air Asia Airbus crashed in Indonesia Air Space, i already knew he was boasting to keep his political master happy and to them profit revenue is above the lives of passengers.

    Perhaps, he too think, takut apa, kan his plane ada beli insurans tempatan kut jadi boss beliau support.

    Same applied in Johor when i saw 1 billboard of bulding many blocks of high rise apartments outside forest city in johor with another china property developer, me too tanya, boleh meh?

    Do you feel its funny to continue to use the slogan yang power gile iaitu LAWAN TETAP LAWAN, MALU APA BOSSKU to divert the attention with the ongoing investgations?

    Paper cant wrap fire, sooner or later, truth shall be known.

    Sad, and dissappointing for knowing these hard truths.

    When in Good Times, I am Melayu First.
    When in Bad Times, I am Malaysian First.
    When comes to KONGSI sama2, I am Muslim First kerana Melayu adalah Islam.

    Betul atau Salah, itu tak mustahak because winners of the day will decide who gets what and who dont gets what.

    Melayu political parties are pampered in this country because they have land.
    Indian politicians are smart since they are minority in this country and they themselves are split into 3 political parties iaitu MIC, PPP changed MyPPP and Hindraft waiting to get pingat jasa Akta Harmoni because they think they are being marginalized.
    Cina politicians are perceived as coward because of money is not enough mentality since they are treated as pendatang.

    After knowing all these hard truths, i 😭😭😭

    But, truth shall prevail, it is only a matter of time.

    Hence, for those who are pursuing politics as career, they need to ask themselve first, are they prepared for any adversities due to take things for granted by jumping into wrong conclusion?

    Do they intend to stay in this country permanently after making big money due to political connections?

    If you dont intend to stay permanently, please do not contest.

    Jangan malukan Tuan dan kaum sendiri.

    The decision is with those in power.

  217. Tun M, good morning!

    Banyak juga berita tentang insiden kena panjat pagar. I ada juga dengar orang bercakap, kes arwah Adib yang lebih penting PDRM bo layan. Anyway semua orang boleh bercakap, right.

    Bila first time I ternampak gambar SS dan panjat pagar, first thing keluar, apa hal budak Menteri ini. Pakai baju putih, kasut hitam, macam kempen budak sekolah Mazlee. Budak ini lari dari apa, kekasih gelap isteri orang ka hahaha

    Kemudian baru I teringat, sehari sebelum kejadian ini, I ada baca online, ada satu news portal menyebut beberapa jawatan dalam BERSATU menang tanpa bertanding, TUN M, TSMY, DS MUKRIZ, MB PERAK, SS, and if I’m not mistaken MARZUKI too.

    Pasal ini I pun decided to tengok video kat another news portal. I nampak ramai anak muda tapi mereka tak bawak kayu or parang. Weapon mereka hanya cellphone. Dan mereka jerit jerit protest di luar bukan dalam kedai. Itulah yang I nampak despite ada propaganda menyatakan guna budak2 remaja. Budak remaja ini menutup muka dengan tangan. Bukan muka la, I nampak mulut.

    Based on that, I bersetuju dengan pemerhati online yang lain, more of ARMADA issues. Maybe ada upah orang UMNO but that doesn’t mean atas arahan Zaid or PEMUDA UMNO.

    I juga ada baca online LOKMAN marah ZAID over the muafakat thing with BERSATU, PAS AND UMNO. I can say this la LOKMAN, firstly NAJIB no longer PRESIDENT UMNO, NAJIB hanya ahli UMNO satelah jawatan ini diberi pada ZAID. Semasa ZAID garden leave jawatan itu dipegang oleh TOK MAT. Sudah tentu bila kuasa nego PRESIDENT pegang. Anyway I juga pernah dengar tak lama dulu ada request dikalangan PEMUDA UMNO yang tidak mau NAJIB jadi ahli UMNO forwarded to ZAHID. But kita nampak ZAHID masih setuju NAJIB jadi ahli UMNO.

    Although NAJIB memang bagus keliling jumpa voters hingga disayangi ramai to me sekadar itu sahaja.


  218. For vegan, please be reminded though bean produces protein, it can caused gout too, so pandai2 mereka ini yang mengelarkan diri mereka sebagai doktor vegan.

    Itu lah sebabnya, shaolin vegan monks do alot of kung fu exercise until they feel tired fo fight gout and strenghten body muscles, kurangkan nafsu and increase immune system.

    Itu lah sebabnya, non vegan yellow skin drink lots of hot chinese tea to fight bad cholesterol when they consume high level of fatty meat, even their wine is made of beras.

    For european, red meat must pair with red wine, white wine must pair with white meat, and their wine base is anggur.

    Lu suruh olang american jangan makan burger, what will be the outcome when they are talking about public healthcare fund? What is 4 ingredients of beer?

    Everyone can be pakar, but are they qualified since each political parties used race and religion conflicts to fight one another until their words hurt?

    When you feel hurt, the best way out is to ignore or dont read since no one can tell off the paid cybertroopers to stop all those nonsense in this country.

    Belum masuk musim pilihan umun is already like that.

    Apabila musim pilihan umun is here, what do you expect since both sides masih mahu continue with slogan of LAWAN TETAP LAWAN, MALU APA BOSS?

    I pun malas nak tegur since tiap2 kali pun macam ini.

    Therefore, vote at your own risks too since no one knows what is going on behind that closed door.

    Good luck and all the best.

  219. Sri Sense Feb 3,2020 8:37 AM

    Tun M, Good Morning!

    About Kor Ming statement nak keluar PH, I setuju dengan argument yang diberi oleh my FB friends, Hanif Kathri dan juga admin KCD.

    Bagaimana pula dengan news ini;

    Rubber glove manufacturers in Malaysia — the world’s largest supplier — have pledged to donate 18 million gloves to hospitals in Wuhan. Primary Industries Minister Teresa Kok told reporters that natural rubber and nitrile gloves will be sent in batches, with the first shipment already on its way.

    Then kita ada news ini;

    There is no need for the public to wear surgical masks to protect themselves from the novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) because there are no cases involving human-to-human transmission in Malaysia. Deputy Health Minister Dr Lee Boon Chye said even wearing surgical mask does not block transmission of the virus.

    Baca the above news dah cukup untuk I cari panadol. Satu public listed company nak tunjuk baik dengan activity corporate citizen, and Theresa Kok ambil peluang ride on it. Statement dari Dr Lee Boon Chye pula Malaysia bebas 2019-nCoV. Ya ke? Jangan takbur ya. Semalam dah ada kematian pon rantau ini.



    Dia rasa aku ini DUDE atau DUKE to believe in what she claimed?
    Jika tak mampu, then pergi ambil ubat panadol dengan no giliran di hospital atau klinik kerajaan zone kan percuma to tolong orang miskin.

    Jika engkau rasa increase intake of antibiotic to fight tinnie winnie bacteria is the top priority, then, by all means, increase the doses as pakar atau doktor.

    BUT, antibiotic is proven to reduce our immune system.

    For vegan, please be reminded though bean produces protein, it can caused gout too, so pandai2 mereka ini yang mengelarkan diri mereka sebagai doktor vegan.

    Pendek kata, consume at your own risk too.

  220. Correction: It is up to her to hasut her kampong to deny Pakatan Harapan a vote in which Tun Perak believes will loose kerana DAP adalah BARBIE Cina?

  221. I also can be xenophobia like her not to buy food from melayu hawkers at road side walaupun my immune system can fight the virus.

    I also can feel segan takut kena dihalau to eat in mamak restaurants walaupun
    hygiene mereka memang bermasalah with hiring cheap labor from india continent.

    Salah Wuhan, Salah China?

    She thinks she is so exclusive and amat putih berseri just because she is a banana melayu who thinks she knows everything?

    It is up to her to hasut her kampong to deny Pakatan Harapan a vote in which Tun Perak believes will loose kerana DAP adalah babbie Cina?

    I sure hope jangan sampai jenama biru CORONA is being labelled as Coronavirus pulak.

    Pendek kata, for those who feel more comfortable to wear mask, please do so.

    I saw a malay kid of primary school wearing a N95 mask feeling very uncomfortable, curi2 took off the mask due to breathing difficulty, mungkin takut ayah marah kut.

    The ayah pakai surgical mask.

    Seeing him feeling uncomfortable, i told the kid to pull out the mask since its ok when he feel uncomfortable.

    Why father and and son using 2 different types of masks, can Hajar ans Sri Sense guess since they claimed they know Melayu more than me?

    Am i being racist as voter?

    Am i doing what i should do as resident in a neigbourhood with different kinds of races coming in from other states too?

  222. Tun M, Good Morning!

    About Kor Ming statement nak keluar PH, I setuju dengan argument yang diberi oleh my FB friends, Hanif Kathri dan juga admin KCD.

    Bagaimana pula dengan news ini;

    Rubber glove manufacturers in Malaysia — the world’s largest supplier — have pledged to donate 18 million gloves to hospitals in Wuhan. Primary Industries Minister Teresa Kok told reporters that natural rubber and nitrile gloves will be sent in batches, with the first shipment already on its way.

    Then kita ada news ini;

    There is no need for the public to wear surgical masks to protect themselves from the novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) because there are no cases involving human-to-human transmission in Malaysia. Deputy Health Minister Dr Lee Boon Chye said even wearing surgical mask does not block transmission of the virus.

    Baca the above news dah cukup untuk I cari panadol. Satu public listed company nak tunjuk baik dengan activity corporate citizen, and Theresa Kok ambil peluang ride on it. Statement dari Dr Lee Boon Chye pula Malaysia bebas 2019-nCoV. Ya ke? Jangan takbur ya. Semalam dah ada kematian pon rantau ini.


  223. I do not even want to waste my time to argue with her.

    It has nothing to do with racism since politicians could be rigged behind the voters.

    It is always easy to say YES.

    lt was never easy to say NO.

    Head A take.

    Body B take.

    Tail C take.

    DLL punya parts siapa mahu ambil?

    Janji Menang Dulu, ok?

    Are you ready?

    Politik oh Politik.

  224. Hajar Feb 2,2020 9:56 PM

    Salam YAB dan DiSanjungi PM Tun Dr. Mahathir,

    Mohon izin Tun:

    1. Persoalan mengapa ‘Novel Coronavirus’ (dan segala macam tok-nenek virus) bermula atau berpusat di China sangat mudah untuk dijawab.

    2. Orang China secara amnya, majoritinya sangat PENGOTOR! Inilah hakikat sebenar yang perlu diakui.

    3. Saya pernah ke China beberapa kali. Meludah merata-merata perkara biasa. Saya pernah naik teksi di mana drebar teksi asyik meludah ke luar dari tingkap – berkahak. Jijik betul sebab saya yang duduk di belakang macam terkena tempiasnya!

    4. Saya ada baca pengalaman seorang tenaga pengajar bahasa asing yang bekerja selama 3 bulan sahaja di China. Amat meloyakan keadaan tandas mereka di dalam kampus Universiti – tahi bersepah (cerita dia). Dia sanggup berbasikal balik ke Apartment (sewa) untuk ke tandas (jauh – beberapa kilometers). Dia jatuh sakit setelah kembali ke Malaysia.

    5. Orang China yang telah menetap di negara2 lain seperti Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand, Vietnam, dll. sudah belajar mengenai kebersihan (walaupun tidaklah sempurna) dari kaum2 di negara2 yang mereka telah tinggal lama dan menjadi warganegara. Jadi mungkin mereka tidaklah terlalu pengotor seperti orang di negara asal mereka.

    6. Orang Islam solat 5 kali sehari. Semasa mengambil wuduk, kita disunatkan untuk berkumur, dan menyedut air ke dalam hidung dan menghembus keluar air tersebut. Ini terbukti dapat menghindarkan kita dari terkena penyakit2 tertentu.

    7. Tiada guna (majoriti) orang Cina / China bangga yang kononnya mereka pandai dan amat maju, tetapi AMAT BODOH dalam hal KEBERSIHAN. Perkara ASAS pun mereka GAGAL!

    8. Malaysia perlu mengisytiharkan DARURAT KESIHATAN DI MALAYSIA, dan melarang warga China (tidak kira dari wilayah mana) masuk ke negara kita sehingga keadaan reda (ada ubat / vaksin).

    9. Novel Coronavirus ialah satu BENCANA dunia yang terjadi kerana kebodohan manusia2 yang galak makan benda2 pelik termasuk binatang2 yang diharamkan dalam Islam untuk dimakan kerana keadaan binatang2 tersebut yang berbahaya, kotor (ada kuman/ bakteria/ ulat-cacing / virus /dll.) atau pengotor (seperti bab*).

    10. Banyak negara-negara luar yang telah menjauhkan diri dari China dan warga China. Salah siapa? Sekarang di beberapa negara, jika terlihat warga China (hotel, restoren, dll), seperti nampak hantu!

    Terima kasih Tun.

    – Semoga Allah SWT sentiasa merahmati Tun sekeluarga –

    If thats the case, then, TDM must appoint Hajar to be 1st female Perdana Menteri in Malaysia instead of DS Anwar Ibrahim.

    From there she can pick Sri Sense as Kementerian Kewangan to replace Encik Lim Guan Eng.

    To contain coronavirus from spreading has became a xenophobia to her meaning dia ini another haprak minister material in making who does not know what is going on.

    TDM can take the risk to appoint her.

    Good Luck and hidup Melayu!
    DLL just shut up and tunggu giliran.

  225. Tun

    Sekarang heboh juga pasal PLUS ya. KCD kata gini, Najib kata gini. Boleh la debat till the cows come home.

    Sebagai rakyat biasa I boleh kata ini, nothing special about the discount. 18%? Lets say harga barang 1 ringgit diberi 10% discount, harga barang tersebut jadi 90 sen. Kalau harga barang tersebut 5 ringgit diberi 10%, harga barang tersebut jadi 4.50.

    Lets say a person guna tol, hari2 bayar 5 ringgit, sekarang dia perlu bayar less iaitu 4.10. Kalau satu hari dia save 90 sen, sebulan 27 ringgit. Am I right?

    The question here, apa yang dia dapat beli dengan 27 ringgit, mungkin sekampit 10 kilo beras. How long can 10 kilo beras tahan for a family of 5? Just an example. How about this, apa yang dia dapat beli dengan 90 sen? Mungkin a glass of sky juice. The last time I tengok sky juice harga 1 ringgit di restoran.

    Please remember barang2 sekarang mahal ya. Ikan mahal, udang mahal, kalau pergi supermarket cheap like ECONSAVE also not that cheap anymore.

    That’s why ada orang kata PLUS dah collect tol tahun2, 18% apalah sangat.

  226. Assalamualaikum Tun.

    Berkenaan PPSMI.

    Ia adalah normal untuk seseorang individu menjalankan pengurusan mengikut personalitinya.

    Tun adalah doktor yang bertauliah. Manakala saya juga boleh saya anggap diri sendiri sebagai doktor.

    Pengalaman saya adalah mengubati rohani diri sendiri dan juga melalui perasaan dijajah sepertimana Tun pernah lihat dan rasai sebelum merdeka.

    Bila seseorang bertanyakan saya di manakah tempatnya yang terbaik untuk belajar agama? Saya tidak dapat jawab.

    Tapi saya boleh katakan hiduplah seperti biasa. Lakukanlah aktiviti harian niat kerana Allah swt. Buat bersungguh sungguh dan tolong orang lain. Kurang duit, sumbangkan tenaga yang lebih itu.

    Kitab Hikam menjelaskan hingga ke alam malakut. Tentulah saya belum capai tahap itu. Kerana kunci pada alam malakut adalah pada sembahyang. Saya mengaku amalan ibadah saya tidak begitu konsisten.

    Namun pernah sekali ketika sedang mandi rohani saya telah dibawa ke satu bahagian yang lain. Susah nak kembali. Mujurlah ketika itu ternampak kelibat anak lelaki saya yang baru berumur beberapa tahun ketika itu dan dia mengetuk pintu bilik air memanggil “papa, o papa”. Saya dapat kembali.

    Saya tidak menolak untuk belajar bahasa lain selain bahasa Melayu. Malah kita patut belajar bahasa Mandarin dan Tamil jika kita berminat.

    Namun ia memerlukan guru. Seorang guru perlu ada dan perlu wujud.

    Dalam hal pengurusan mengikut personaliti, saya lebih mementingkan ilmu dari bahasa.

    Mungkin beberapa orang di anugerahkan dengan kebolehan menguasai pelbagai bahasa. Manakala ramai pula yang tiada kebolehan ini.

    Ilmu boleh diterjemahkan dari bahasa lain kepada bahasa Melayu. Soal bahasa bukan keutamaan. Keutamaan adalah kefahaman ilmu.

    Malah Tamadun Islam mencatatkan terjemahan ilmu yang berluasa ketika kemuncak kegemilangannya.

    Ilmu itu dipandu oleh cahaya Illahi bukan pada hafalan dan ingatan.

    Itulah pengurusan mengikut personaliti yang dapat saya tuliskan.

    Terima kasih Tun.

  227. Salam YAB dan DiSanjungi PM Tun Dr. Mahathir,

    Mohon izin Tun:

    1. Persoalan mengapa ‘Novel Coronavirus’ (dan segala macam tok-nenek virus) bermula atau berpusat di China sangat mudah untuk dijawab.

    2. Orang China secara amnya, majoritinya sangat PENGOTOR! Inilah hakikat sebenar yang perlu diakui.

    3. Saya pernah ke China beberapa kali. Meludah merata-merata perkara biasa. Saya pernah naik teksi di mana drebar teksi asyik meludah ke luar dari tingkap – berkahak. Jijik betul sebab saya yang duduk di belakang macam terkena tempiasnya!

    4. Saya ada baca pengalaman seorang tenaga pengajar bahasa asing yang bekerja selama 3 bulan sahaja di China. Amat meloyakan keadaan tandas mereka di dalam kampus Universiti – tahi bersepah (cerita dia). Dia sanggup berbasikal balik ke Apartment (sewa) untuk ke tandas (jauh – beberapa kilometers). Dia jatuh sakit setelah kembali ke Malaysia.

    5. Orang China yang telah menetap di negara2 lain seperti Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand, Vietnam, dll. sudah belajar mengenai kebersihan (walaupun tidaklah sempurna) dari kaum2 di negara2 yang mereka telah tinggal lama dan menjadi warganegara. Jadi mungkin mereka tidaklah terlalu pengotor seperti orang di negara asal mereka.

    6. Orang Islam solat 5 kali sehari. Semasa mengambil wuduk, kita disunatkan untuk berkumur, dan menyedut air ke dalam hidung dan menghembus keluar air tersebut. Ini terbukti dapat menghindarkan kita dari terkena penyakit2 tertentu.

    7. Tiada guna (majoriti) orang Cina / China bangga yang kononnya mereka pandai dan amat maju, tetapi AMAT BODOH dalam hal KEBERSIHAN. Perkara ASAS pun mereka GAGAL!

    8. Malaysia perlu mengisytiharkan DARURAT KESIHATAN DI MALAYSIA, dan melarang warga China (tidak kira dari wilayah mana) masuk ke negara kita sehingga keadaan reda (ada ubat / vaksin).

    9. Novel Coronavirus ialah satu BENCANA dunia yang terjadi kerana kebodohan manusia2 yang galak makan benda2 pelik termasuk binatang2 yang diharamkan dalam Islam untuk dimakan kerana keadaan binatang2 tersebut yang berbahaya, kotor (ada kuman/ bakteria/ ulat-cacing / virus /dll.) atau pengotor (seperti bab*).

    10. Banyak negara-negara luar yang telah menjauhkan diri dari China dan warga China. Salah siapa? Sekarang di beberapa negara, jika terlihat warga China (hotel, restoren, dll), seperti nampak hantu!

    Terima kasih Tun.

    – Semoga Allah SWT sentiasa merahmati Tun sekeluarga –

  228. Tun

    Orang biasa kat FB, myfriends cuma cerita hal aktiviti seharian mereka or coronavirus. I biasalah masuk FB baca2 sikit kat newsfeed, masuk game site. Orang politik suka cerita Menteri lompat pagar or panjat pagar whatever.

    My hubby kata Syed Saddiq hanya pandai debat, kerja pun tak pernah. Tun sepatutnya tidak bagi dia jadi Menteri, simpan dulu.

    Tun tau tak KPOP. Group korea KPOP. Mereka ini semua ikuti intensive training sekurang2nya 2 tahun sebelum diketengahkan sebagai group penyanyi, buat album dan show berkumpulan. Preparation yang lama ya.

    Dulu kita lihat KJ pun sama. Too ambitious. Immature. Harap nama Pak Lah. Pak Lah pun sentiasa puji KJ sebagai budak cerdik, pandai. But rakyat umum tidak melihat begitu, ya. Tapi sekarang I lihat KJ jauh lebih berwibawa dari Syed Saddiq. KJ nampak more tenang, more sensible, rambut pun dah beruban, bertocang lagi hahaha

    Sorry ya Tun. I don’t think your SS sesuai jadi Menteri, dia hanya layak jadi Setiausaha kepada Menteri sahaja. At least that’s how KJ started – jadi Setiausaha Pak Lah.

  229. Correction: Whichever coalition that garned the majority votes, they will dictate the unearned FEDERAL BUDGET for the next 5 years.

  230. Whatever is in your mind, i do not want to know, Tun Perak.

    Who will TDM appoint to replace Dr Maslee as Minister of Education, can you guess, SSLEE?

    Whatever Sri Sense BULL snd SHIT here, i just buat bodoh since my life is definitely more peaceful without reading her desas desus of her life.

    Politics are chicken and egg issues, hence, i do not want get involve.

    Whichever coalition that garned the majority votes, they will dictate the unearned federal bidget for the next 5 yeara.

    Campaign Wisely.

    Vote Wisely.

  231. HBT,

    Chinese and Indian is given citizenship with the condition that they recognised the special right of the Malay. That is the Malaysia jus soli agreement betwern races.

    Pakatan loses popularity because it promises star and moon in their ceramah, which they cant fulfil. As long as people remember the promoses in the ceramah, Pakatan is doom to lose next general election.

    It is not Mahathir to decide to abolish Malay special right. Mahathir needs 2/3 of the MP to vote for the abolishment, and Yang DiPertuan Agong to endorse of the constitution ammendment. Now, you realise your hope is just a hope. Malay will not give Mahathir 2/3 majority that he seeks.

    Najib is not anymore Barisan Chairman. Zahid will surely be voted out if UMNO cares about its survival. You cant find fault with Tok Mat. Old issues are old issues.

    People now dont want to go to your ceramah because they know you give false hopes in your ceramah.

  232. Dear PM Tun Dr Mahathir,
    Quote, “Mahathir acknowledged that Malaysians wanted to see reforms in the nation’s education policy, adding that he noticed weaknesses in the current policy that required attention.
    “Of course, my views are not always popular or acceptable to many people but I feel that I need to push for certain things to make sure that our children grow up and find themselves able to tackle the problems of adult life,” he said. “That is the purpose of education.” Unquote

    Yes, I agree with Tun that Malaysians wanted to see reforms in nation’s education policy. Refer to Tun’s Book “A Doctor in the House: The Memoirs of Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad”

    Chapter 36: Islam and Islamisation.
    Tun had explained in length the golden era of Islamic Civilisation, where Islam emphasized on the need to read (Iqraq). Thus early Muslims apparently read the works of the Greeks, the Indian, the Chinese and the Persians. More than that, they carried out their own researches to add up to their body of knowledge in many fields. It was well documented that Muslim scholars are the one who pioneered astronomy, algebra, the study of disease and medicine, celestial navigation, and more.

    For centuries, Muslims were well ahead of other civilisation in the mastery of the sciences, medicine and mathematics. But around the Fifteenth century, new interpretations began to spread, saying that (Iqraq) referred to the reading and acquisition of religious knowledge only. And unfortunately, Muslims and their religious teachers stress more on “fardhu ‘ain” (the performance of prayers, fasting, alms-giving and the Haj) which earns merit only for oneself is more important in the afterlife than the “fardhu kifayah”, the injunction which required that Muslim communities must have among them individually whose ability and actions will serve in the defend and promotion of the welfare of their communities and of Islam itself.

    Almost immediately after such teaching, the Muslim civilisation regressed whereas the European Christians, who were then living in the Dark Ages, noticed the superiority of Muslim civilisation and decided to acquire the knowledge of the Muslim. They learnt Arabic and studied scientific and other books in the great libraries of the Muslim world and make translation first into Latin and then into other European language. Thus the European Christians rapid advancement in science and technology and with their much-improved weaponry, they were able to project their power in many Muslim lands and to the Far East.

    On Chapter 58: Education
    Although I was Minister of Education, the details of the Islamic syllabus were determined by Pusat Islam.
    Unfortunately, the syllabus that was adopted neglected instruction in the Islamic way of life and its character-building values (ad-din). Emphasis was instead placed largely on the proper performance of the rituals. Islam was taught as a religion of ritual, of dos and don’ts of formalistic requirements and prohibitions, not as a religion of far-reaching human and moral responsibility, not as a way of life. Worse, many of the Islamic religious teachers were supporters of PAS, who took opportunity — and abused their position and public trust — to implant political creed and outlook into the minds of their young students.

    “The police are aware where Prasana is but she is not in my arms yet. Why?” she asked, adding that she had been waiting to hold her daughter for the past 10 years.

    Referring to Hamid’s statement that he is looking for a “win-win solution” and a” happy ending”, Indira said: “I don’t know what he means because without Prasana there is no happy ending.”
    He also called upon civil society to come forward to put pressure on the IGP “to do the right thing”, further stating Prime Minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad had often spoken about following the rule of law.
    He said in this case, even the higher officers seemed to be not following the rule of law.
    Arun said 24 police reports had been lodged from March 2009 to July 2019 but no investigation papers had been opened as “Indira was not called”.
    He said Ingat had also written to the police three times, in June, September and January 28, 2020, “pleading for them to update us on the action and results of the special task force. We do not know what the task force is doing”.

    Is Malaysia law enforcement is now into MALIGNANT STAGE OF ENMITY TOWARDS OTHER GROUPS? When members of a group take the step of withdrawing empathy from members of other groups, limiting their concern and compassion to their fellows. They may act benevolently towards members of their own group, but be cruel and heartless to anyone outside it.

    How can anyone condone an irresponsible and despicable father of taking away a new born baby from the mother and converted himself and the baby to other religion with clear motive of not for the love of his convert religion but for his own selfish motive of denying his former wife of seeing her own daughter or paying child support to his former wife?

    Hannaan said the mob had blocked the sole entrance and exit of the venue and attempted to surround Syed Saddiq’s table. They then began hurling insults at Syed Saddiq.

    Failure of education policy! When these learning places are not manned by the right people, they produce shameless bullies, irrational thugs and sick-minded bigots.

    Good critical thinking is the foundation of science and democracy. Science requires the critical use of reason in experimentation and theory confirmation. The proper functioning of a liberal democracy requires citizens who can think critically about social issues to inform their judgments about proper governance and to overcome biases and prejudice.

    In this age of Google and Wikipedia – Children just need to learn Socratic Method of questioning (cultivate curiosity), Plato’s Cave (the habit of thinking out-of-the-box) and Epicurus (systematic examination of factual claims). Teach them to use their own brain effectively, creatively and critically, so that they can adapt to the fast changing global technocratic landscape in order to survive independently; without anyone to keep telling them the list of ‘dos’ and ‘don’ts’ in adulthood.

    A critical thinker is able to deduce consequences from what he knows, and he knows how to make use of information to solve problems, and to seek relevant sources of information to inform himself without a busybody second or third party. Give a Man a Fish, and You Feed Him for a Day. Teach a Man To Fish, and You Feed Him for a Lifetime!
    Critical thinking is the ability to think clearly and rationally about what to do or what to believe. It includes the ability to engage in reflective and independent thinking. Someone with critical thinking skills is able to do the following:
    1. Understand the logical connections between ideas
    2. Identify, construct and evaluate arguments
    3. Detect inconsistencies and common mistakes in reasoning
    4. Solve problems systematically
    5. Identify the relevance and importance of ideas
    6. Reflect on the justification of one’s own beliefs and values

    A leader must have GUTS to do what is RIGHT! Eleanor Roosevelt, spouse of US President Franklin Roosevelt, said: “DO what you feel in your heart to be RIGHT, for you will be criticized anyway. You’ll be DAMNED if you do, and DAMNED if you don’t. ”

    The detractors of Tun’s education reform policy are quick to condemn Tun. It is my hope that Tun will have the resolute to see through the education reform needed to save our future generation and our beloved Malaysia. Perhaps Tun can appoint Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia’s Strategic Studies and International Relations Department senior lecturer Dr. Sharifah Munirah Alatas as Director General of Education to kick start the education reform policy.

    Thank you

    Yours truly,
    SS LEE

    P/S: https://www.freemalaysiatoday.com/category/opinion/2019/01/24/a-radical-proposal-on-religious-education-and-why-we-should-say-yes/

  233. Tun

    Bab Syed Saddiq, I ada baca komen dari sorang kat Third Force. Yup. I also ada dengar the same thing, cuma I tak tulis kat sini. Yup. I dengar angkara orang Armada sendiri. Khabarnya this fella dapat sokongan dari TSMY. Khabarnya this fella also mengupah kalangan orang UMNO serang Syed Saddiq. TMJ? That I don’t know.

  234. sambungan


    Harus pantau those travellers yang recently makan angin kat negara2 seperti Asia seperti Thailand, Singapore, Vietnam and so on, sebab tourist dari China suka pergi jalan makan angin disitu.

  235. Tun

    Menteri PH ini harus berhenti fikir hal sendiri dan kerabat masing2. Ini berita terbaru;

    Coronavirus Live Updates: Philippines Reports First Death Outside China as Toll Passes 300
    Australia joined the United States in temporarily barring foreigners who have recently visited China. Vietnam barred almost all flights from and to China….

    By The New York Times

    Nah ini satu lagi


    The death toll from China’s coronavirus outbreak has jumped to 304, the government said on Sunday, as foreign nations imposed extraordinary travel restrictions on China, and airlines suspended flights.

    At least 304 people in China were confirmed dead in the 24 hours to the end of February 1, according to the National Health Commission. Thousands more were confirmed infected, bringing that total to 14,380 people…


    Earlier I ada baca orang German sakit sebab ada business meeting dengan orang dari China. I salahkan China, cakap duit banyak, kaya, power but jadi macam ini. Dulu SARS sekarang coranavirus pula.

    New York Times : Toronto’s health care system fell into chaos and confusion during the SARS outbreak 17 years ago. Changes stemming from that crisis are now being tested.

    The SARS virus outbreak in 2003 that infected 375 people in Toronto, killing 44, left behind a widespread physical reminder of that dark time. While they have become often out of order and otherwise neglected in recent years, dispensers for hand sanitizer are still found in most public buildings at their entrances and dotted along their hallways….

  236. Tun

    Khabarnya Nga Kor Ming dah start balik kempen menghasut kat FB. Ada baiknya, you know who, pergi sana jadi admin. Khabarnya admin dah kureng dari 8 jadi 2.

    I tak minat baca tulisan, you know who, nampak aje nama kat sini I skip skip. Admin je yang suka. I memang tak ambil pusing tulisannya. Buat semak fikiran.

    Jika I setuju dengan sesuatu tulisan dari yang lain disini, I sebut sini. And also ini tak bermaksud I setuju dengan semua tulisan dari the same person. Kalau I tak setuju pun selalunya I buat tak kisah. Lantak you lah.

  237. Main factor that lead to failure of kidney could be due to the tap that we used.

    I am not sure taps made from iron core are still allowed to be sold because retail price is cheapest.

    The best most affordable material is brass.

    The most expensive material is stainless steel.

    Just asking since i am not in this industry.

  238. Correction: 0 virus, dia ingat virus itu adalah biological weapon to demolish human lives in mainland china under conspiracy theory and fake news?

    Maybe vaccines are ready, it is up to beijing to decide who they prefer to buy from, and thats politics.

  239. After spending millions years after years on sport facilities in each state, you rasa our MINISTER of YOUTH & SPORT panjat PAGAR is something that the local youths should emulate?

    I guess, bola sepak is more important kerana melayu suka, but when comes to badminton, tuan melayu became very strict, i mean kedekut, pulak.

    Like i said, melayu themselves also dont care, why should she cares?

    Did she say thank you?

    No, she didnt, and still have the gut to say Malaysia 0 virus.

    0 virus, dia ingat virus itu adalah bullet?

    Its alright.

    Negeri2 lain di Malaysia including Sabah and Sarawak are more than delighted to absorb them in the private sector.

  240. Instead of reform, sometimes drastic action needs to be taken immediately.

    I guess it is very hard for TDM to take this action.

    He can choose to take this action now, or he choose to let his choice of Perdana Menteri, iaitu, Dato’ Seri Anwar Ibrahim to take, and that is his perrogative as Perdana Menteri for Malaya, Sabah and Sarawak under Payung Kedaulatan Kuning Negara, iaitu Malaysia.

    To unite, or to divide, the choice is with TDM and his component parties.

  241. Sri Sense Feb 1,2020 10:50 PM

    Good evening


    Nampaknya Najib turut komen gambar Syed Saddiq, Errr.. dia tinggalkan mak dia ke?

    I bukan saja follow KCD kat facebook, I juga follow Najib, Hadi, Tok Mat, Zahid, Ka Siong dll Saja baca nengok apa mereka kata on certain things. But I tak pernah komen apa2 disana.


    Seingat I, semasa dibangku sekolah kat my hometown, kalau time Thaipusam tak pernah bising2 riuh dengan lagu2. Like seminggu sebelum Thaipusam memang ada gerai2 jual gelang warna warni dan rambut palsu waktu siang hari, tidak ketinggalan bunga2an.

    Acara warna warni penuh dengan lampu2 selalunya malam bila mereka bawa tokong yang penuh emas dan belian keluar dan masuk kuil. Kalau yang siang hari time bawa kavardi, but itu pun ada beberapa orang pengikut yang jaga pembawa2 kavardi tersebut.

    Tak tahu la apa cerita zaman PH ini.

    Being the youngest MINISTER YOUTH AND SPORT, tall, slim, and handsome appointed by TDM in history of Malaysia, he too had no choice but lari leaving his mom behind by lompat PAGAR down south after being chased by mob.

    Dia tak komen tapi dia TAK BOLEH DENY dia curi intip, i mean spy, what other leaders of political parties are doing what, tak haramkan?

    Imagine, members of domant and active of all political parties ever registered and approved by RoS, say is 10% of the population, you rasa berbaloikah taxpayer monies of billions to be spent on these members to create jobs for B40?

    I know the untold stories of how Air Asia was set up based on NEP race and religion supremacy during the 90s.

    I am wondering, will TDM take the courage to abolish the NEP and bumiputra status policy to right what went wrong that might cause him loose popularity votes at PUTRAJAYA to give rise to MALAYSIA?

  242. Good evening


    Nampaknya Najib turut komen gambar Syed Saddiq, Errr.. dia tinggalkan mak dia ke?

    I bukan saja follow KCD kat facebook, I juga follow Najib, Hadi, Tok Mat, Zahid, Ka Siong dll Saja baca nengok apa mereka kata on certain things. But I tak pernah komen apa2 disana.


    Seingat I, semasa dibangku sekolah kat my hometown, kalau time Thaipusam tak pernah bising2 riuh dengan lagu2. Like seminggu sebelum Thaipusam memang ada gerai2 jual gelang warna warni dan rambut palsu waktu siang hari, tidak ketinggalan bunga2an.

    Acara warna warni penuh dengan lampu2 selalunya malam bila mereka bawa tokong yang penuh emas dan belian keluar dan masuk kuil. Kalau yang siang hari time bawa kavardi, but itu pun ada beberapa orang pengikut yang jaga pembawa2 kavardi tersebut.

    Tak tahu la apa cerita zaman PH ini.

  243. You want to enter now, or 4 months later, it wont make any changes, Tun Perak.

    You can pro-japanese technology and their mosques BUT the locals are not ready for that.

    Moreover, no chinese race is being appointed as ambassador since Dr MM helds as the Perdana Menteri posts until today.

    Just look at our washrooms in public area, kedai makan and shopping malls, you will know our people cant pee properly.

    Look at fast food chain operated in malaysia which supposed to be less manpower via DIY, but after more than 30 years, what happened?

    I personally think, when we benchmark ourselves to countries that are much much poorer than us, i guess we feel better.

    For you as melayu, you are the chosen ones to enjoy hak istemewa to travel to developed countries to do your research and development using public fund, not party fund.

    As for marginalized indians, eventhough they are the minority, but their hak istimewa is far greater than the chinese race being party members.

    When comes to think of this, i feel sad, and dissappointed.

    Its okay, thats life.

    In here, i wish you all the best, Tun Perak.

  244. Even we know how stupid and impulsive the China first Chinese Second. Malaysian Third HBT is , sometimes he is right.

    He is definitely right when he says ‘Go to mosque and make doa selamat”. See below link, how strong the mosque is after Tsunami where all other buildings 1km around it has collapsed.. The people that went to the mosque survives Tsunami.


    Mosque in Kobe survives Kobe earthquake where buildings around it collapsed.. The people that went to the mosque survives the earthquake.


    And it was documented thar even Japanese went to the mosque and hid during world war 2 allied bombing on Kobe and survives the bombs. All other building within 5km radius ere flatten by allied bombs.

    There are signs that God gives for you to study in details and understand. If the signs are given, and you bent not to accept it, whatever comes onto you, you will answer for it. Solidarity for Xinjiang Muslim. God is with you even when you are oppressed.

    can you see by the dawn early light. What so proudly we hailed at the twillight last gleaming. Whose minarets and big dome through the perilious fight, Over the rampant we watched, were so gallantly streaming. And the waves went high, and the earth was shaken, gives proof tthrough the day that our mosque was still there ! Can you see the mosque still stand strong over the land of the Muslim and the Kafir.

    Sometimes when someone analyse the trend of things, they tend to find ithe similarities between one event and the other events. That was what HBT did to neutralised is opponents opinions. The failure that he made is to find the differences between one event and the other event.

    HBT, I wish to enter politics in the next 4 months. I am yet to choose which is the right party.

  245. In fact i have to thank sri sense for treating me as pendatang sama level with nepal.

    Now, she can play with any indian races of india ocean divided by religion conflicts.

    I already breakthrough race and religion supremacy as voter.

    Hence, it wont affect me who becomes the next perdana menteri.

    But, since this is a political issues, then, it is up to them to decide how they want to unite or divide all races in Malaysia to favor themselves first for their sustanibility and survival politically and economically.

    No matter, how bad is the storm, the rain will stop.
    Ayuh, siapakah mahu jadi tuah, siapakah mahu jadi jebat?

    The only thing that i didnt expect is politics could go so low and dangerous just to rich themselves.

    Not being chosen, perhaps it is a blessing?
    Being chosen, perhaps it is a lesson?

    I find it kelakar when local pork chop (banana ah moi yang tak lawa) maki hamun steam fish (ah moi yang fasih in english) from China, 😅😅😅

    Mainland china is a huge population country that has evolved so rapidly for the last 30 years and became the 2nd largest economy in the world.

    To retain or to chase them out, Tun Perak decides, not me.

  246. Tun Perak Feb 1,2020 10:49 AM

    “There must be a good reason why this happened.

    It means china is deeply connected to the world via social media because their government really spent on this to open up china further via BRI.”

    China ban 11 social media sites includes – google, facebook, twitter. Dont talk cock.

    Beijing Central Planning Bureau did not ban Google, Facebook Twitter. Those satelites are lauched by chinese nationals on their homeland, meaning, you want to pakai, all you need to do is to set up a jv company in mainland China, is it so hard for you to understand, Tun Perak?

    You must understand the vision of “Made in China by 2025” is still ongoing process. Are you saying Wawasan 2020 of Buy Malaysia First is different from Made in Malaysia 2020, Tun Perak? Are you saying that Buy Muslim First, and Brown Malaysian First are not low budget klectocracy so that everyone can fly?

    “Even india, indonesia and thailand offerred traditional exotic wild animals and insects including ulat, scopions, bats and snakes that brought down for decades as the selling points to boost their jom makan tourism.

    Why these countries tak kena?”

    In the past, i dont understand what softbank means until i watched bollywood hindi movies of the past. I realized the actor must be moslem indian, and the actress is hindu indian. After that, i watched Tamil movies, both actor and actress are hindu indians. Then, i watched P. Ramlee movies, and Chinese is being protrayed as ah pek cina worried about money issues, melayu pulak is pening kepala with many wives, but there were no indian actor during that time.

    As for the greater china market, i dont need to elaborate because they are still evolving to produce box office movies to cater mainland china market and oversea born chinese market with other nationalities who intend to tap these markets.

    U need to ask God, why he has chosen China as the place for the pathogen to mutate till it affected human. Cat also has FpV Virus which likeable to HiV but it has not mutated to affect human.

    You mean doa selamat in mosques by doing nothing again, Tun Perak?

    “I wont be surprised when such deadly virus flu are treated as normal flu in these countries.”

    Do you see dead man lying on Indonesian street yet ?
    I only saw men and women were being swallowed by tsunami even the zone has mosques.

    “Until now, these so called pembodek TDM still have the guts to make fun of these unfortunate tragedy in which could happen in huge population emerging countries”.

    I love my Malaysian ma, pa, uncle, auntie , children, and so on , even those related to China First , Chinese Second , Malaysian Third HBT, so quite important to ban China national from coming to Malaysia. If Singapore can do that, why cant China First, Chinese Second HBT aggree ?

    To ban or not, MoH in charge, not me.

    I really dont know do our so-called party leaders feel malu or segan?

    The so called party leader, which is raced based will be more malu if their race reject them.

    “ I think they dont feel malu or segan at all.

    Reason, you need to ask them.

    There is no point crying over spilled milk.

    Move on bah, and do your best.”

    My wish is those who are corrupted and corrupting in GLC are caught and semt to jail. If MACC officers can be stationed in Ministry, they can also be stationed in GLC

    Whoever you wish to put up, Tun Perak decides, not me, ok?
    Can PH wins out, this you have to ask EC, Tun Perak, not me.

    Mereka means Malaysia of all races, tak kisah engkau kaum melayu, kaum cina, kaum india dll kaum termasuk sabah dan sarawak.

  247. Tun

    Apa cerite? Syed Saddiq lari panjat pagar. Ada gambar online. Dah macam cerita ada affair dengan isteri orang. Tiba2 suami balik ikut pintu depan, awak kena lari ikut pintu belakang panjat pagar. hahaha Macam2 la budak ini.

  248. “There must be a good reason why this happened.

    It means china is deeply connected to the world via social media because their government really spent on this to open up china further via BRI.”

    China ban 11 social media sites includes – google, facebook, twitter. Dont talk cock.

    “Even india, indonesia and thailand offerred traditional exotic wild animals and insects including ulat, scopions, bats and snakes that brought down for decades as the selling points to boost their jom makan tourism.

    Why these countries tak kena?”

    U need to ask God, why he has chosen China as the place for the pathogen to mutate till it affected human. Cat also has FpV Virus which likeable to HiV but it has not mutated to affect human.

    “I wont be surprised when such deadly virus flu are treated as normal flu in these countries.”

    Do you see dead man lying on Indonesian street yet ?

    “Until now, these so called pembodek TDM still have the guts to make fun of these unfortunate tragedy in which could happen in huge population emerging countries”.

    I love my Malaysian ma, pa, uncle, auntie , children, and so on , even those related to China First , Chinese Second , Malaysian Third HBT, so quite important to ban China national from coming to Malaysia. If Singapore can do that, why cant China First, Chinese Second HBT aggree ?

    I really dont know do our so-called party leaders feel malu or segan?

    The so called party leader, which is raced based will be more malu if their race reject them.

    “ I think they dont feel malu or segan at all.

    Reason, you need to ask them.

    There is no point crying over spilled milk.

    Move on bah, and do your best.”

    My wish is those who are corrupted and corrupting in GLC are caught and semt to jail. If MACC officers can be stationed in Ministry, they can also be stationed in GLC

  249. Tun


    I sekarang tinggal di Shah Alam, makanan Melayu memang banyak. Kalau nak cari bangsa Cina dalam bandar Shah Alam maybe 10-20% sahaja. But di kampung lama I Subang Jaya, agak payah nak cari makanan Melayu, kalau ada kedai Melayu yang sedap frequented by many local Chinese.

    The last time I pergi kedai tersebut, I memang lihat wajah cuak dimuka orang Melayu bila lihat ada wajah Cina dalamnya. I pun mereka tengok semacam, satelah dengar I bercakap kat kaunter, baru sedar, Melayu rupanya. Kalau ada darah Cina amat sedikit in me, sebelah emak. My dad 100 percent Melayu Sumatera. My husband keturunan Kelantan also kulit cerah, so kalau you tengok dia, you mungkin ingat dia orang Cina juga hahaha

  250. Good morning Tun

    @Tun Perak. I setuju.

    Semalam I baca ini di EDGE: China sends two flights to bring back Wuhan citizens from Thailand and Malaysia

    SHANGHAI (Jan 31): China’s aviation authority has dispatched two Xiamen Airlines flights to bring back Wuhan citizens to the Chinese city from Bangkok in Thailand and Kota Kinabalu in Malaysia, it said on its website on Friday.

    Wuhan, the epicentre of a fast-spreading virus that has claimed the lives of over 200 people, is in a virtual lockdown as authorities try to contain the spread. – REUTERS

    I juga ada baca kat wall KCD dd 27 Jan. Di mana ada kenyataan visa sementara di gantung. I juga agak pelik bila Menteri PH kata The Government has not decided if it will ban all flights from China and has only imposed a temporary ban on Chinese citizens from Wuhan and the surrounding Hubei province following the coronavirus outbreak, says Anthony Loke. Menteri ini juga kata No decision has been made so far to restrict flights from China to Malaysia despite the World Health Organization (WHO) having announced a public health emergency of international concern over the global outbreak of 2019 novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV). Transport Minister Anthony Loke said any decision on the matter should be made jointly by the Cabinet, including by taking into account the Health Ministry’s directive.

    I juga ada ternampak berita KETAPI marah bila ada tourist spot ambil tindakan untuk ban tourist dari China.

    To me jelas, Menteri2 dalam PH ini tidak pedulu hal rakyat Malaysia, mereka sibuk nak ambil hati kawan, kaum keluarga mereka sahaja.

    I semalam pergi klinik swasta tanya flu injection. Mereka cakap tiada stock. Kalau ada mungkin hujung bulan 3. Earlier I dah sebut mask out-of-stok di kedai2 dalam Aeon Mall. Jelas Menteri Kesihatan lebih sibuk hal rokok dan denda hisap rokok. Personal agenda kawan2 keluarga sahaja.

    Ada baiknya bila pergi supermarket pastikan baca label dan teliti betul2. Manufacturer siapa dan dari mana. Kebanyakkan product seperti sardin yang murah asal dari negara china cuma ditinkan diMalaysia. Semalam I nampak limau atas meja, I tanya hubby dari mana, China buang.

    Semalam I baca di Perancis ada keturunan Cina Vietnam complaint naik bas bila orang tengok wajahnya erus lari, ambil scarf tutup muka. Well, like this lah kalau orang China, the question yang timbul, dimana you dah pergi, apa you dah makan. Orang China walau dah duduk dan jadi rakyat negara lain masih sangat setia dengan China dan keturunan mereka.

  251. PPSMI pasti akan dijadikan isu politik buletin Utama untuk mempertahankan ahli2 parti UMNO dan PAS di Peninsula Malaysia just to tangkap muat to syiok diri sendiri saja.

    Obviously countries that choose religion as the input for policy making, then, such countries still have a long way to elevate themselves to DEVELOPED STATUS.



    How these headlines be curry flavored, it is up to the local media owners to play with their words to increase circulation to create panic, hatred, racism, xenophobia, protest, online petition so and so, janji ada orang percaya hoping that they can form the next government.

    The rest is history.

    Victor re-write History again?

    I doubt so.

    History will re-shape Victor this time.


    Because we are in the era of post social media networking whereby info is being shared within seconds with the touch of fingers.

  252. Langkah ppsmi dilihat langkah yang baik berbanding penggunaan tulisan jawi

    Seperti selalu yang menentang kebanyakannya atas dasar politik dan menidakkan keperluan mendesak dalam pendidikan negara.

    Kalau boleh ianya dimulakan segera secepat mungkin seperti dulu. Banyak masa dan tenaga dibuang hanya untuk berdebat tentang bahasa.

    Bahasa melayu dan bahasa inggeris itu tidak akan pernah sama dengan bahasa sains, math dan teknologi.

    Cadangan buat kerajaan untuk biar ibu bapa sendiri yang memilih

    A) Mungkin boleh dibuat pungutan suara di kalangan ibu bapa dan di kalangan orang pendidikan untuk pilih

    B) kerajaan mungkin boleh mengasingkan kelas di sekolah dan ibu bapa akan buat keputusan anaknya masuk kelas ppsmi atau kelas bahasa melayu

    C) meneyediakan sekolah yang berlainan bagi yang memilih ppsmi

    B dilihat antara yang pilihan yang terbaik yang mana ibu bapa diberi pilihan sendiri tanpa paksaan dan jika akhirnya kelas ppsmi yang menjadi pilihan ramai baru lah kerajaan bertukar sepenuhnya pada ppsmi

    Just my 2 cent

  253. The Wuhan Flu should be The Lesson learned to the Chinese, The Vietnamese
    To the World. To eat Wisely
    Not to eat Nonsense that they name Food

    Dogs, Cats, Rodden, Snakes, Pigs, etc are Not Food
    But acceptable to consume only if its for survival
    Meaning you are desperate, like in Wars or any misfortune
    when there is no other food
    Nonsense Food Do not make you a Superman
    Like some belive consuming the Crocodile Genitals will make yr Sex Drives stronger. If it is so, then I suggest taking the Dinosaurs Genitals
    That will make you Extra Super super Stronger
    You be able to smash the wall

    It is all guided in an Encyclopedia, Islam name it The Quran
    With the physical guide of the Hadiths Prophet Muhammad p.u.h

    Animals that have Fangs, that prey on other animals
    Are Haram not allowed as in accordance with the teaching
    It is Halal to feed on Animals that feed on Green and Grass which has No Fangs
    Such Animals are Sheep, Goats, Cows, Chicken, etc

    Greens and Vegetarians are Healthy
    Vegetarian like Buddist are Healthy
    But Humans do need to eat meat too as our teeth are created with Cannie teeth for a purpose
    God creates everything, every life for a purpose

    Porks are Haram
    As pig eats anything even their own shit
    They have a weird behavior and carries germs though they are high in collagen
    Wine, Alcohol, Beer are all Haram as they made you not yourself
    And it will affect yr health gradually
    Ii’s all not just proven in Science
    It’s already written in the Quran and known in the Hadiths

    Iqraq, Read the Quran of your own translation
    You won’t go Wrong

  254. US-Israel, the West most lethal weapons are Lies & Lies
    Spread by their Fake News to divide The Arab World as such will strengthen
    the US-Israel stands
    Today The West news for US reveals UAE , Qatar, Saudi agrees with Trump Peace plan for Palestine. These kinds of news will divide the Arab World and makes US Peace plan as if it was accepted by all. These frictions the Arabs against between them
    Arabs / Muslim World should stand together as One
    It starts with UAE, Saudi to move closer to the Middle East,
    to Iran especially
    That’s all it takes for the Ummah to Stand
    That is the Key to Stops the Sufferings of Muslim Children
    These Children could be yours one day

    Tun, How effective has yr KL-Summit goes for the Ummah
    This facts of Western Media Lies should be shamed and known to the World
    It is Time Tun
    Muslim World must dare to make changes
    Someone needs to play the role here
    It cannot be a wait you wait for me
    It is now

    If it is not us, The Ummah, Who?
    If it is not now, then When ?

  255. Tun Perak Jan 31,2020 7:47 PM


    Segala pujian hanya kepada Ar-rahman, kerana dengan Rahimnya itu, dapatlah kita menikmati kehidupan ini selagi masih diberi kesempatan oleh yang Maha Berkuasa.

    The most alarming issue nowadays is the Wuhan corona-virus, which grow at unprecedented rate, and high mortality rate. The infection rate is exponential, without logarithm saturation curve. On the opposite, within one month time, SARS and MERS infection rate has already saturated. What this means, the novel corona virus is more infectious compared to previous virus and will be around and infect human for longer time. Currently, there is no light at the end of the tunnel on when it is going to stop.

    As we know WHO issued a Global Health Emergency with respect to this disease.

    The second alarming issues, more than 20% of Wuhan residents has moved to neighboring towns and regions. What this means, we expect the infection has spread outside Wuhan. The ban on visitors coming from Wuhan needs to be re-assess to include visitors from neighboring China towns or blanket order from China. It is safer that way, and many countries approach this issue that way.

    Third, in Wuhan, it is not uncommon to see a dead old man, lying on the street with a face mask on. The Star has the picture of the dead man. It is also common to see streets in Beijing and Wuhan being deserted with no one walking. They have become ghost town. Be dead with them, my worry is only with the old people living in Malaysia that may not withstand the complications caused by this disease. We still have a lot of loved one in Malaysia.

    Fourth, from a calamity, there is a lesson, as God given China a disease with a reason. Be good to Muslim, those from Xinjiang, and it is more easier to acknowledge that there is a God when you are faced with this disaster. For Muslim, we turn to God. “Kun Faya Kun”. If God wanted it to be that way, it would be that way, and in the face of disaster, there is a chance for you to repent and understand that, it is the God’s way on giving a lesson to people. In the Quran, there are many exemplary of old tribes vanished – people of Lut, people of Noah and people of Abrahah, all were affected with calamities so that they learn that, how advanced they can be, there are still things in the world that we all struggled to understand and overcome.

    Last, be safe and take care.

    There must be a good reason why this happened.

    It means china is deeply connected to the world via social media because their government really spent on this to open up china further via BRI.

    Even india, indonesia and thailand offerred traditional exotic wild animals and insects including ulat, scopions, bats and snakes that brought down for decades as the selling points to boost their jom makan tourism.

    Why these countries tak kena?

    I wont be surprised when such deadly virus flu are treated as normal flu in these countries.

    Until now, these so called pembodek TDM still have the guts to make fun of these unfortunate tragedy in which could happen in huge population emerging countries.

    I really dont know do our so-called party leaders feel malu or segan?

    I think they dont feel malu or segan at all.

    Reason, you need to ask them.

    There is no point crying over spilled milk.

    Move on bah, and do your best.

  256. Tun

    Hainanese HBT630. You claimed to be Chinese but you do not know that in the Chinese New Year Calendar today is EVERYONE’S BIRTHDAY. YOU HAVE STILL NOT APOLOGISED TO OUR BELOVED PRIME MINISTER TUN DR MAHATHIR MOHAMAD AN ICON OF THE WORLD WHY YOU CALLED HIM ” OLD SHIT ” or explain to us why ” A SECRET IS NOT A SECRET “. Don’t be a snake.

    Malaysia Boleh Tun as always. No problem.

  257. https://m.malaysiakini.com/news/509083

    Sri Sense Jan 31,2020 11:07 AM




    Malaysia kena 0 virus. MUST! I ada dengar celebrity kena quarantine. Punca naik satu kapal terbang dengan pembawa virus dari China. I juga ada baca NOMURA kata, Singapore dan Thailand paling kena teruk dari segi economy. To me, barang2 dari China harus ditolak, yang ada dalam pasaran also jangan beli. Kempen BMF – BUY MUSLIM OR MALAY FIRST, good. Orang Melayu please jaga kebersihan.

    Masa mula2 BMF keluar, I nak ketawa pun ada. Sebab nama BMF adalah nama bank scandal. Lorraine Esme Osman. Lama dulu. Sampai ada anak Melayu mati bunuh di Hong Kong. Tapi ada juga kat twitter orang kata BMF – BUY MERCEDES FIRST.

    I also ketawa tengok CI Astro, tak tahu siapa punya production. Kes Jean Pereira. I ketawa sebab lakonan semula Jean semasa sekolah, tapi gambar sekolah sekarang. Mana ada sekolah dulu budak Melayu pakai hijap, dan uniform sekolah dulu dan sekarang mana sama. Fun watching, anyway.

    So please Tun dan TSMY lets make sure Malaysia 0 virus.

    She can laugh sweetly now hoping case like this can push through by suing the federal government at Putrajaya for myr 100 million treating taxpayers dungu like her herd mentality.

    BMF, Buy Muslim First.

    IMF, International Monetary Fund.

    Buy changing I to B, it means Insider Trading by changing hands at the highest level again by robbing Paul to pay Peter this time?

    Sri Sense thinks she is so sweet.

    But Hajar thinks she is more comel.

    Today, you feel shock KL China Town looks more like a KL Bangla Town today?

  258. Assalammualaikum

    Segala pujian hanya kepada Ar-rahman, kerana dengan Rahimnya itu, dapatlah kita menikmati kehidupan ini selagi masih diberi kesempatan oleh yang Maha Berkuasa.

    The most alarming issue nowadays is the Wuhan corona-virus, which grow at unprecedented rate, and high mortality rate. The infection rate is exponential, without logarithm saturation curve. On the opposite, within one month time, SARS and MERS infection rate has already saturated. What this means, the novel corona virus is more infectious compared to previous virus and will be around and infect human for longer time. Currently, there is no light at the end of the tunnel on when it is going to stop.

    As we know WHO issued a Global Health Emergency with respect to this disease.

    The second alarming issues, more than 20% of Wuhan residents has moved to neighboring towns and regions. What this means, we expect the infection has spread outside Wuhan. The ban on visitors coming from Wuhan needs to be re-assess to include visitors from neighboring China towns or blanket order from China. It is safer that way, and many countries approach this issue that way.

    Third, in Wuhan, it is not uncommon to see a dead old man, lying on the street with a face mask on. The Star has the picture of the dead man. It is also common to see streets in Beijing and Wuhan being deserted with no one walking. They have become ghost town. Be dead with them, my worry is only with the old people living in Malaysia that may not withstand the complications caused by this disease. We still have a lot of loved one in Malaysia.

    Fourth, from a calamity, there is a lesson, as God given China a disease with a reason. Be good to Muslim, those from Xinjiang, and it is more easier to acknowledge that there is a God when you are faced with this disaster. For Muslim, we turn to God. “Kun Faya Kun”. If God wanted it to be that way, it would be that way, and in the face of disaster, there is a chance for you to repent and understand that, it is the God’s way on giving a lesson to people. In the Quran, there are many exemplary of old tribes vanished – people of Lut, people of Noah and people of Abrahah, all were affected with calamities so that they learn that, how advanced they can be, there are still things in the world that we all struggled to understand and overcome.

    Last, be safe and take care.

  259. Is Wuhan flu a curse for depriving the Right of the Uighur Chinese in China?
    Have a thought about this. What did the Uighur do wrong?
    Perhaps China shouldn’t listen to Israel instigations towards the Muslim
    Perhaps Chinese people should seek the teaching of the Quran
    Of the Do’s & Don’t of consuming proper food
    You have it in the Quran in Mandarin Translations

    It’s proven today by Allah Will
    Niqab, Hijab was never a Suppression nor Oppression towards the Muslim
    Today the Whole World is using the Niqab & Hijab for a different reason
    Not just that they covered their whole body from head to toe
    Worst than the Muslims
    Its proven Nijaq & Hijab, Fully Flu Mask Gear has its own reasons
    Proven today The West Media Lies of Hijab & Niqab was meant to instill Hatred towards the Muslim
    And what about those West people who tattooed their whole body & faces
    Is it not an Oppression?
    It scares Western Women more than Muslim Women wear Hijab

  260. Peace plan …Deal of the Century …For Palestine 2020
    Designed by: Benjamin Netanyahu
    Directed by: Donald Trump
    Palestine doesn’t even know nor attends this Mating of both Trump & Netanyahu

    It’s Void. Not Approved, Not Recognise & not Endorsed
    It’s Invalid in Simple English
    It was never History

    The Peace plan meant No Peace
    It is meant to Please Israel
    Such it is called A Please Plan for Israel

    Palestine should have better Leader
    A Leader who can think within & beyond the Box
    Its wise Palestine remain Calm & Quiet
    It is not easy but that is what it is
    Build Strong relation with The Muslim World
    The Muslim World must also come close to Palestine
    Looking Russia & China NOT the United State nor the United Nation

    United Nation, United State has Betrayed Palestine
    Palestine was Fooled since DAY 1 of Yasser Arafat
    The World was also Fooled by the US , Israel packs of Lies

    It should be a Wake-Up Call for ALL

  261. mubarakchan Jan 31,2020 10:47 AM



    No problem. Even most of us are TWO-FACED which you admitted Hajar, and I am not, we have one thing in common.

    WE ARE EITHER DEAR OR DEAREST FRIENDS OF OUR BELOVED TUN DR MAHATHIR MOHAMAD and should avoid confronting each other on non-issues like race or religion which have been with us since the beginning of Time.

    Tun and his Good and Incorruptible Government requires all the Unity and Effort from his dear or dearest friends at all times. I hope you agree, Hajar. I am like this because I am a CONSTITUTIONALIST AND NOT A COMMUNALIST SINCE 1954

    Malaysia Boleh Tun as always. No problem.


    Constitutional expert?

    What if you are wrong, mubarakchan, that lead to the downfall of PH this time?

    What if communalist is the best policies to decentralize power of authorithy to make each community improve and do better since cashflow is tight?

    Have you play monopoly game in paper form before when you were kid, mubarakchan?

    I dont have the chance to play when i was a kid, and my kids have the chance and mastered the game when they were in primary schools.

    In fact, they were the ones who taught me how to play 😁😁😁.

    Will i be labelled as unpatriotic because i dont support mahathirism, mubarakchan, as voter?

    Rangka sudah ada, which way to go?

    2 face or 3 face, you still need local manpower and material to build and maintain the infra-structure system.

    The most expensive part of this system is not the technology and material.

    The most expensive part of this system is the cost of manpower to maintain them.

    Without adequate salary to sustain local employee lifestyle and family responsibilities, you as employers can retain them?

    Paying peanuts and you expect monkeys to do king kong stunt, can kah, wr?

    I am not against you, mubarakchan because i understand the political situation in this country.

    As i said before, winning or loosing the general election is not important.

    The most important thing is to make this country safer and better placs to live.

    Is that too hard to fullfill as constitutional expert?

    Truth hurts?

    It hurts only when they loose general election.

    But, general election is not being held tomorrow.

    So, why they feel hurt pulak?

  262. Tun



    Malaysia kena 0 virus. MUST! I ada dengar celebrity kena quarantine. Punca naik satu kapal terbang dengan pembawa virus dari China. I juga ada baca NOMURA kata, Singapore dan Thailand paling kena teruk dari segi economy. To me, barang2 dari China harus ditolak, yang ada dalam pasaran also jangan beli. Kempen BMF – BUY MUSLIM OR MALAY FIRST, good. Orang Melayu please jaga kebersihan.

    Masa mula2 BMF keluar, I nak ketawa pun ada. Sebab nama BMF adalah nama bank scandal. Lorraine Esme Osman. Lama dulu. Sampai ada anak Melayu mati bunuh di Hong Kong. Tapi ada juga kat twitter orang kata BMF – BUY MERCEDES FIRST.

    I also ketawa tengok CI Astro, tak tahu siapa punya production. Kes Jean Pereira. I ketawa sebab lakonan semula Jean semasa sekolah, tapi gambar sekolah sekarang. Mana ada sekolah dulu budak Melayu pakai hijap, dan uniform sekolah dulu dan sekarang mana sama. Fun watching, anyway.

    So please Tun dan TSMY lets make sure Malaysia 0 virus.

  263. Tun


    No problem. Even most of us are TWO-FACED which you admitted Hajar, and I am not, we have one thing in common.

    WE ARE EITHER DEAR OR DEAREST FRIENDS OF OUR BELOVED TUN DR MAHATHIR MOHAMAD and should avoid confronting each other on non-issues like race or religion which have been with us since the beginning of Time.

    Tun and his Good and Incorruptible Government requires all the Unity and Effort from his dear or dearest friends at all times. I hope you agree, Hajar. I am like this because I am a CONSTITUTIONALIST AND NOT A COMMUNALIST SINCE 1954

    Malaysia Boleh Tun as always. No problem.

  264. Tun

    sambung sikit

    Memang dah banyak perubahan. For example dulu Shah Alam terkenal dengan kilang, yang tinggal di Shah Alam adalah pekerja2 kilang, sekarang tak lagi, golongan kaya ramai.

    I haritu makan nasi lemak kedah. I diri nak bayar duit kat cashier. Sebelah I ada seorang lelaki. I tengok dia macam segan2, malu2. I rasa heran pula. Satelah keluar dari kedai makan tersebut, hubby kata, sebelah you tadi ex-governor bank negara. 😀

  265. Salam Dearest YAB PM Tun Dr. Mahathir,

    The NOVEL CORONAVIRUS is a DEVIL (a metaphor).

    Allow me Tun:

    @Mubarakchan (Jan 28,2020 9:04 AM)

    Thanks for your opinion.

    I was aware of your previous TWO comments regarding this issue even though you did not mention my name (I ignored them).

    But I will continue to tell the truth (if something is NOT RIGHT and illogical). I am not a politician.

    Regarding fake names, BEHIND EVERY FAKE NAME IS A REAL PERSON.

    So we must be mindful / careful about what we say or write; know our limits (boundaries).

    Double-check (or check several times) what we have written before we CLICK the SUBMIT button if we don’t want any WAR (of words) to occur here.

    P/S: We also have people with FAKE personalities. This is worse.

    Thank you Tun.

    – May Allah SWT bless Tun and family –




    Actually stock market sekarang tak sama player dengan zaman Mubarak Chan duduk dalam listed companies.

    Arwah ayah dulu orang gomen, bila pencen, dia memang aktif dalam stock market. Then I also dapat tau golongan Cina yang masuk stock market adalah peniaga2 pasar and so on. Sekarang tak sama lagi.

    Masa I ada investment group dalam whatsapp dulu, dalam group I ada ex-banker, banker, bsinessman. Kalau yang bekerja datang dari senior management dalam public listed companies. No aunty or uncle from pasar. Just professional people.

    Of course if they gaduh, terbang segala professionalism mereka. Oh I get along pretty well with those bangsa Cina, sebab I ada darah Cina sikit in me. Ada juga Melayu dalam group itu, sama macam I darah campuran, malah lebih banyak campuran dia. Of course dia Melayu kerja pula dalam bank milik gomen. Sekarang I tak tahu dia dimana, maybe still in the same bank or dah bertukar bank.

    What more now, ramai suka main futures, forex. Sebenarnya ramai anak2 Melayu dalam ini. I ingat dulu kawan kat Uitm ajak I masuk forex trading. I beritahu dia I dalam stockmarket beli saham, kerja pun susah, lebih baik I hanya tumpu pada cabang tersebut.

    Memang betul orang zaman sekarang boleh baca lilin – tengok Cart. Kawan kata baru pandai baca chart, lilin sebatang, dah nak tunjuk pandai kat everybody hahaha Zaman arwah ayah dulu mana ada ini semua. Information very limited, hanya mendengar khabar melalui angin, berapa banyak volume jual beli pun tak nampak. Kena tips dari stock broker, desas desus yang mereka dengar, mana bakal naik.

    Though cerita Mubarak Chan bagus, tapi not applicable dalam zaman sekarang. So many changes. IDSS dah ada balik, day trader dah ramai, sekarang dah T2, ada margin account with restrictions, not forgetting those beli using their own monies, if itu their retirement savings, lagi parah dalam market begini.

    BOD pun sekarang ramai kena tangkap menyalah gunakan kuasa, tapi memang lambat sentence. Tapi I hanya individual investor, so news2 begini hanya sekadar information, kalau dalam kaunter I beli, I perlu takut.

    Have a nice day!

  267. https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10157017998228652&id=12411993651

    Aduh TUN…
    dah sebulan tak dpt niaga..!
    Kisah hidupan, apa nak sara.??

    Berilah kami dibenarkan meniaga semula sementara mnanti diselesaikan….○☆

    Bantulah kami,
    kami cuma nak meniaga..!


    selamat pagi,
    salam hari Jumaat…
    Nk cari rezeki tapi disekat..😔


  268. Good evening Tun

    Amboi macam2 news; nak keluar party la, jumpa the real semburit video la, hah kat Restoran Rebung? Macam2 story pun ada.

    I tadi pergi AEON Mall, semua kedai kata mask out of stock. I pakai mask, bukan phobia, masuk dalam mall rasa lain macam, so I pakai mask, memang ada spare dalam handbag. Mall juga lengang. Tak ramai orang.

    But I lagi sedih tengok stock market. Merah, merah. Not sweet at all.

    Salam Musato. Semasa Musato bagi link blogspot tak lama dulu, I tak kasi mine. Sebab pertama I punya blogs semua cerita pasal stocks. Keduanya, I jarang update sebab followers dari Google Plus dah hilang. Thomson Reuters pun dulu ikut I.

    Now blog kat wordpress memang ramai pengujung, dah nak capai 13K. I selalu update because of that. Kawan kata, bila sebut whims, tessa coti, semua cuti ikut I tak masuk market, sampaikan lengang forum investment, kelakar.

    Goodnight Tun.

  269. Assalamualaikum Tun.

    Hi, sri sense.

    Ya, sibuk dengan urusan harian. Sama macam dulu.

    Cuma sekarang Tun dah tak boleh tulis masalah negara kat sini. Tun ada protokol. Ada ahli kabinet dan menteri menteri. Tapi masih kalah..😎

    Jadi rasa resah gelisah untuk tulis tu dah kureng. Kalau tak, nak berhenti tulis pun susah, hatta tengah tidur pun boleh terbangun.

    Apa apa pun semoga Tun dapat gunakan kuasa yang ada sebaik mungkin.

    Terima kasih Tun.

  270. Tun

    Market merah, semua lari. Apa pasal takut? Mau lari mana? Bulan?

    Ada kawan bisik tadi, dengar desas desus, sebab China test biological weapon bukan pneumonia biasa. I fikir mungkin juga benar, sebab gaduh dengan US. Super power gitu.

    But Tun, I ada tonton astro dimana DENG XIAOPING yang buka China pada dunia. Sebenarnya yang banyak tolong China adalah America. Ratusan ribu students hantar belajar university US, US buka business itu, US buka business ini, macam2 US tolong tapi sayangnya bila dah maju nak lawan towkay pula.

    I tak anti Amerika. I tak anti Singapore, I cuma rasa mereka ini over promo negara sehingga pijak kepala jiran. I tak minat China. Product China I jarang beli. Product dari sana tak sebagus mana. Murah pun buat apa. The only product brand dari China yang boleh pakai to me, adalah vacuum cleaner sebab tahan lama dari brand yang mahal. Bagus untuk tuan kucing hahaha

  271. Assalammualaikum,

    Trump said, he will hit people who criticize America.. Woo wee .. a lot of us would be killed, and when he recites that “they have only one minute to live”… and all a sudden, they are gone” whoahh .. i think i should pack my bags to Mars.

    We are seeing the most reckless America President that the world has ever seen and is seeing.

    This gives rise to Human Factor issue. Imagine, on the other hand, Iran has 1,000 surface to air missiles, and the missile operators got it deep in their mind, whenever they see a drone lookalike flying objects nearing them, keep thinking they have only “one minute to live”, they would keep on targeting their missile to the flying object. And, if the object makes a move that is very suspicious, they would definitely fire them. Remember what Trump said, “They have only one minute to live”. Any conversation, counter check would takes more than one minute, and would be futile.

    This is what exactly happened in Iran, a few days after Trump murdered Solemani in “Iraq”. A passenger plane carrying 176 passengers from Ukraine was shot down. No passenger survives. Imagine, you have only 1 minute to live.

    Robotic assassin such as drone is very lethal. On the other hand, the shot down of American drone within Iran water in June ’19 shows that Iran missile system is very robust. Given sufficient time (3-5 minutes), even the missile system could distinguish whether the flying object has human life within it, and that is the operator decision, that is to target the lifeless drone instead of the US Army plane accompanying it. Iran media statement after the drone shot down – we carefully chosen a lifeless flying object.

    American longest war, that is the war in Iraq, has caused American taxpayer hundred of billion US Dollar since 1990s. With hugh debt, America now has lesser budget to “make it great again”. Due to this, America is pulling Japan into the war with it. Shinzo Abe has carefully stated that its Self Defense Force is only for keeping the sea safe and to keep the sea safe, Japan spends 4.68 billion yen. Solemani murderer has made Abe having a red face. There is no brain in killing a person via cowardly way. Maybe being coward is a way to survives politically in the US.

    War is inevitable. Killing human is a crime.

  272. Tun, GOOD MORNING!

    Lama tak nampak MUSATO. Sibuk dengan tugas harian. Yes, I too malas nak cakap pasal politik, but bursa merah la. Not good, not good.

    Yes nama sememangnya apa2 pun boleh guna online. Nothing new about that. I ada sebut sini earlier, I ada blogspot. Lama dah. Connected to Google Plus account. Since google plus dah bungkus, tak ramai followers, gang investment entah pergi mana, so I sometimes update, sometimes not, ini linknya https://tessajoseph.blogspot.com/

  273. Assalamualaikum Tun.

    Update sikit aktiviti saya next week.

    Saya akan ke program tanggungjawab sosial korporat, e kasih di sebuah kampung bersama rakan bank saya.

    Saya tak terlibat dengan mana mana kegiatan politik semasa😇

    Terima kasih Tun.

  274. Trump Peace Plan for Palestine is an insult to the World
    Not just Palestine
    It is never a Peace plan. It is a Please plan for Israel

    With remarks from the news. Qatar, UAE, Saudi agreeing on Trump Peace plan
    Do they agree on Trump Peace plan in the first place?
    Even if they do. Who are they to agree or to disagree with?
    It is Palestine every Right & Sovereignty NOT to agree. Palestine did not attend that meeting which indicates they did not consent nor acknowledge US Please plan for Israel

    The bottom line is
    The US keeps Lying to the World, Cheating The World with their fake assumptions
    This is very Rude, Disrespectful of the World as a whole
    Very Insulting and Dangerous
    Disrespecting of The Rule of Law. Pose the Real Threat to the World today
    One Lie after another lie, Fooling the World endlessly
    Will never benefits Anybody not even US
    As we can see today, US entangled itself with too many Rubbish and Nonsense that hinder them to be Progressive
    as Super Power China & Russia
    China & Russia are busy progressively closing Economic Deals
    throughout the Globe

    The world needs to Stand Up as One to stop US every Nonsense & Oppression toward others. The world needs to Stop this Bully
    It has been pulling the World apart & down
    It is Illegal and Humiliating towards Mankind
    World Needs to Slap US favor for Israel
    The very Disturbance of the World today
    Not just the Middle East

    Someone needs to stand up of this fact to the UN Assembly
    The world needs a wake-Up and Not to be a Fools
    For Israel Lust & Interest at the expense of the World even Americans
    US is busy with all its Nonsense for Israel that benefits Nobody till today

  275. C&P



    beli susu anak pun xde duit….

    kpd semua warga niaga Wilayah Persekutuan. Saya tujukan khas kepada mereka yg terlibat menjahanamkan periok nasi hampir 300 lebih keluarga warga niaga UP TOWN DANAU KOTA. hari ini sudah hampir sebulan peniaga ini tidak dapat berniaga angkara DBKL dn beberapa lg pihak yg terlibat. mereka hidup selesa dgn gaji dan elaun bersama anak isteri, tetapi dlm masa yg sama menzalimi peniaga2 UP TOWN DANAU KOTA yg di nafikan hak untk berniaga. sya menyeru semua saudara Islam, kita kumpul beramai2 mendesak pihak haprak ini selesaikan dengan segera isu peniaga ini, kalau gagal, IKHLAS telah ada cukup bukti pihak yg terlibat dalam menzalimi peniaga2 ini. IKHLAS akan serah kepada SPRM serta mendedahkan dalam sidang media serta berjumpa YAB Tun Mahathir menyerahkan bukti agensi kerajaan dan ahli politik yg terlibat menyalahgunakan kuasa serta kpd pimpinan tertinggi parti di mana ahli majlis tertinggi mereka terlibat dalam menzalimi rakyat, sedangkan, dalm masa yg sama pemimpin no satu parti ini hari2 bercakap MASALAH RAKYAT ADALAH KEUTAMAAN SAYA. sya sekali lagi bg ingatan kepada agensi dan ahli politik terlibat jangan bermain api, akhirnya membakar diri. Jika perlu saya juga akan mengutuskan surat kepada YANG DI PERTUAN AGONG, di mana kerajaan hari ini menindas rakyat AMPUN TUANKU.
    Berjuang demi rakyat kerana Allah.

    Presiden IKHLAS Malaysia



    Selamat Sejahtera
    & salam sepertiga malam..

  276. ” Earlier today, 29 January, the Democratic Action Party (DAP) threatened to quit the Pakatan Harapan (PH) coalition government if the Unified Examination Certificate (UEC) is not recognized

    The threat to quit the ruling coalition came from DAP deputy secretary-general Nga Kor Ming. ”

    It came in the News today Tun
    My opinion let them Quit
    They need you more than you need them
    Let it resolves
    Malaysian are tired of these political tricks & ties
    No progress much so far
    What we see today, Pakatan Harapan is not uniform
    There are hidden agendas behind each Party with Confusion
    It is not healthy
    It may Sparks
    DAP financial stands speak louder
    This is reasons PH cannot Win in the Next Election

    UMNO will raise better without Najib & his Bag package
    All UMNO member will make a come back for the Soliradity of the Ummah
    It’s Wise & Mature moves if UMNO should join Force with PAS, PKR, BERSATU, and
    PRIBUMI not like as Pakatan Harapan
    Don’t know who is Head. Who is Tail

    Join forces, strength, unity as One Ummah
    As One Party perhaps its called THE UMMAH
    From here on, there will be internal selections of who to be the
    President of The Ummah

  277. Tun,

    If you ask me.. I would quarantine the entire China for four weeks. Complete Isolation… No One Enters, No One Exits.

    It’s not going to destroy the economy of China, but it will save lives for the rest of the world.

  278. Hard truth?

    Aku pun tak paham why they used the word hard truth.

    Do they really know what hard truth means?

    Jika hard truth adalah mengkayakan koncu2 masing2, itu bukan hard truth.

    Itu adalah corruption dan power abuse.

  279. twinpeaks Jan 29,2020 1:32 PM


    The Chinese govt said that 132 fatalities so far, but I wouldn’t hold my breath on this information. Commie states especially China is well-known to lie on bad news.

    Surprises when the world least expect them. Or should we..

    If you care, you will be surprised to know normal flu took away lives of few hundred thousands in world statistic annually.

    Is twinpeaks saying these deaths were caused by commies too?

    Even road accidents recorded and took away lives of malaysians are more than this flu years after years in this country.

    At least commies china find ways to reduce road fatality.


    You go and find out yourself, twinpeaks, not me.


    The Chinese govt said that 132 fatalities so far, but I wouldn’t hold my breath on this information. Commie states especially China is well-known to lie on bad news.

    Surprises when the world least expect them. Or should we..

  281. Dear PM Tun Dr Mahathir,

    Respectfully refer to below opinion piece written by Dennic Ignatius (a former Ambassador).
    Quote, “Mahathir has long complained that our national schools have become more and more like religious schools and says he wants to limit religious education and give more emphasis to the teaching of English, science, technology, engineering and mathematics. He also says he wants to make our national schools attractive to all races.

    If he is able to build a school system that emphasises high scholastic achievement and nurtures respect and tolerance for diversity – the way our schools used to be before politics and religion messed it up – many will flock back to our national schools.

    As acting education minister, Mahathir is, once again, in a position to push education reform. It will not, however, be an easy task. At 94, with his political stature diminished and with his days in office numbered, will he have the clout and the time he needs to change a well-entrenched and change-resistant bureaucracy? And can he persuade both Malays and non-Malays to accept a drastic overhaul of our education system? We’ll know soon enough.” Unquote

    When it came to medium of instruction in schools and Universities, the late Mr. Lee Kuan Yew refused to bend to Chinese pressure (Singapore, with a bigger majority of 75% Chinese than Malaysia’s 65% Malay population) he wanted English! Was he right? Today, SIA is flying high! The students are well educated in English, science, technology, engineering and mathematics. Highly-qualified talents were flocking to Singapore!

    A leader must have GUTS to do what is RIGHT! Eleanor Roosevelt, spouse of US President Franklin Roosevelt, said: “DO what you feel in your heart to be RIGHT, for you will be criticized anyway. You’ll be DAMNED if you do, and DAMNED if you don’t. ”

    Thank you

    Yours truly,
    SS LEE
    P/S: https://www.freemalaysiatoday.com/category/nation/2018/12/24/mufti-moots-compulsory-first-6-years-at-national-schools-to-foster-racial-unity/
    “Children are like a white cloth, there is no racism in them. There is only humanity that is born out of their human nature,” he wrote.

    Asri suggested that religious subjects could be taught after school hours, adding that funding for the classes could also come from the zakat (alms).

    “This way, Islamic education will be more effective without disrupting the character of the national school that is the domain for people of all races and religions,” he said.

    Asri added that non-Muslims should also be allowed to hold their religious classes during these hours.


  282. In terms of population, china is no. 1 in the world.

    The unity and patriotism in china is still very strong, and thats no doubt about that.

    The huge demand for wild animals and seafood in china create jobs for their nelayan, hunters and farmers and i believe the outbreak of wuhan corovirus will lead to their central planning departments in drafting out buffer zone for wet market that is bound to be more safe for butchers and buyers in all provinces.

    Thats China today.

    As saying goes, once bitten, twice shy.
    When bitten, they too will be more resilient to any outbreaks.
    They cant change the past, they too definitely will improve and more civilized as they move on just like all of us in the world.

    I am not hard selling china, but because i understand their way of doing things in dealing with huge crowds, thats why AI is very important to them to manage such huge populations in each province.

    Will race and religion conflicts still dominate the local politics in order to dictate the unearned federal budget?

    Only time can tell.

  283. sibotak Jan 28,2020 1:37 PM

    Aiyoh HBT Jangan malah loh
    Ini Hali laya tak bagus malah malah
    Nanti Sueh, loh

    Lu tak jalan Raya ? Tak gi Ulan ?
    Pergi lah sana tolong tolong

    Apa macam ? Lu, Sudah makan ubat, lum ?

    Lu buli wa kerana wa lalak tahu cakap melayu, sibotak?
    Lu ingat wa lalak tahu apakah yang sedang berlaku?
    Wa tahu, lapi, wa lalak suka popek2 hot2 sini sana to lunjuk diri.
    Hua hi jiu ho lor.

    Chee Jan 28,2020 2:44 PM

    Respectfully, I disagree. America would have defeated everyone if they had nuked every one of their enemies out of existence. NK and Vietnam wouldn’t have stood a chance. The only thing stopping them is a piece of paper which says employing nuclear weaponry is a war crime. That piece of paper won’t be effective forever just like the League of Nations failed to stop Hitler and Japan.

    I guess TDM reads Nikkei Asian Reviews.
    Such reviews favor japanese and yen more.
    Perjuangan belum selesai, and what is that, i guess chee should be able to guess why the urine test of the bersatu excco caught dangdut with drug still not submit to IGP. I dont know whether they feel embarass or not, but i guess, to them is their personal interests are the utmost priority.

    When that piece of paper is being made to produce movies in taunting these warlords is definitely more effective, and this is why mr trump signed that piece of paper to protect us dollar and their national interest parked at hong kong.

    Friends or Foes, sooner or later, the young ones will find out one, hence, no need to get angry or whatsoever, chee.

    In here, i wish you all the best.

  284. Tun

    Awat perang besar hahaha

    I tak baca tulisan, you know who, dia kan pendatang, dia orang Nepal kan. I cuma tau dia mengata lebih2 bila terbaca tulisan twinpeaks, mubarakchan, hajar dan sibotak.

    Anyway I menulis bab Australia Fire ReLief Fund yang dianjurkan oleh game site yang selalu I visit. Game site ini memang American punya. Memang selalu anjurkan kempen2 begini, antaranya American Cancer Society. Kutipan dari players macam I, boleh dapat dalam 200K USD. Mudah saja mereka buat, sebab dalam game ini kita perlu charms, mereka buat charms kita players beli, mereka nanti convert jadi cash dan donated kepada pihak berkenaan.

    Tentunya tak sesuai Tun dan PH buat. But I nak suggest Bersatu buat tabung untuk AUSTRALIA FIRE RELIEF FUND. Bila dapat donation bolehlah Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin dan Datuk Seri Mukhriz sampaikan pada Kedutaan Australia disini. Tak salah kita bantu jiran kita, walaupun jauh sikit, tapi kan ke ramai orang dari Tanah Melayu tinggal diAustralia seperti Christmas Island dll.

  285. For the first time in this blog, I AGREE with CHEE (or whatever his name was).

    The United States DON’T lose ANY war because of lack of resources or manpower. They are just so many factors which I wouldn’t want to list here. And none of these factors point in any way to the strength of their opponents. If the commie Soviets and Commie Chinese admit they will lose in any conflict with the U.S., then who can win? Most of the time, the U.S. PURPOSELY lose a war with in a tiny corner of the world, for inexplicable reasons.

    It is better just to admit the fact and move on. There are many better things to accomplish than just to constantly pick on the Americans. It’s just not worth it.

  286. Respectfully, I disagree. America would have defeated everyone if they had nuked every one of their enemies out of existence. NK and Vietnam wouldn’t have stood a chance. The only thing stopping them is a piece of paper which says employing nuclear weaponry is a war crime. That piece of paper won’t be effective forever just like the League of Nations failed to stop Hitler and Japan.

  287. Aiyoh HBT Jangan malah loh
    Ini Hali laya tak bagus malah malah
    Nanti Sueh, loh

    Lu tak jalan Raya ? Tak gi Ulan ?
    Pergi lah sana tolong tolong

    Apa macam ? Lu, Sudah makan ubat, lum ?

  288. twinpeaks Jan 28,2020 12:00 AM

    There does not seem to be an end to the deadly contagion in China, no cure in sight either.

    When the SARS spread from China, China’s share of global economic output was just 4 per cent. This year, it is expected to be around 18 per cent. That’s more than 4 times in less than 20 years.

    Just imagine when the Hong Kong stock market resumes Wednesday. It does not look like a good Rat Year for the global economy.

    Hong Kong SC has their own internal mechanism to deal with their share market to protect foreign and mainland funds from leaving this tiny little dot at southgate of china since hk dollar is pegged to us dollar.

    As for local SC, it depends on what Perdana Menteri TDM needs to achieve during his tenure before he delegates his power of authorithy to his successor in waiting, iaitu, Dato’ Seri Anwar Ibrahim.

    Fake news or not, is not important.
    Yang paling mustahak adalah janji menang, then, baru bikin.

    Will Dsai walk into the trap of Dsnr this time?
    Most probably he will.
    Because the greed for absolute power is addictive, and cannot be resisted being Malay in this country since Perdana Menteri must be Malay, and Malay is Islam.

    Since this topic is a reminder, it is business as usual but can the chosen ones do their jobs? We will know as we move on.

    P/s: does shadow economy really exsit? you go do your logic, not me, ok?

  289. For hajar ansd sri sense.

    Ok then. I will retract my own statement regarding the subject you mentioned. I am sorry for stating the fact in Tun’s blog.

    BUT.. what I cannot do is denying the plain truth. That is not up to me or anyone else. That is up to you lot to change the truth. If you don’t want the world to see you lot this way, or if you are happy to be that way, that’s up to you lot. If you want to be angry about it, that’s also up to you lot. Maybe being angry will change the fact. Unless a fact is not a fact. Or is it? That’s a difficult question to answer, and it will take up an entire blog time to answer. I don’t know..

    So, once again, I can apologize for stating the fact in this distinguished blog. But it is not up to me to change the plain truth and fact. If it is, it is . If it isn’t, then it isn’t.

  290. Tun

    For Hajar.

    The culprit who started all this race and religion thingy is Hainanese HBT630. This resident worm has been forever telling us he/she goes to bed with the vote as if we cared. This worm on the one hand sidled up to our beloved Tun and at another moment burst forth with vulgarities like “OLD SHIT”.

    As I mentioned earlier ‘WHY SHOULD FRIENDS OF THE TUN ATTACK ONE ANOTHER “. I find it extremely odd such things happened here. And all these fellows hide behind fake names.

    So, Hajar since your name here is not your real name and TWIN PEAKS could be an Eskimo from Timbuktoo, so whatever he said was meaningless like what you say as well. Don’t you think so, Hajar ?


    Don’t you think the whole charade is rather silly, Hajar ? Spiking each other on race and religion and forget our bread and butter issues !

    Malaysia Boleh Tun as always. No problem. As you well know the whole lot of commentators here in this distinguished Blog hide behind fake names. Therefore, whatever remarks made by these fellows have no locus standi. Acheh !

  291. There does not seem to be an end to the deadly contagion in China, no cure in sight either.

    When the SARS spread from China, China’s share of global economic output was just 4 per cent. This year, it is expected to be around 18 per cent. That’s more than 4 times in less than 20 years.

    Just imagine when the Hong Kong stock market resumes Wednesday. It does not look like a good Rat Year for the global economy.

  292. Salam Dearest YAB PM Tun Dr. Mahathir,

    Allow me Tun:

    @Twinpeaks (Jan 25,2020 11:14 AM):
    You wrote: “The brain cells thingy is a metaphor. But I am sure you understand what that metaphor is used to imply.”

    Is it really a metaphor? Please look up (google) for the definition of ‘metaphor’.

    Tell us METAPHORICALLY (speaking) what your statement implies.

    LITERALLY, your statement was meant to insult the Malay’s intelligence (yeah, a group of morons; cannot even match the intelligence of one Chinese man). Who do you think you are to make such a statement (also other equally insulting statements)?

    Your ‘brain cells metaphor’ is really laughable, ridiculous and so stupid! (Sorry…no offense)

    You are making a comparison between one person’s brain cells with the entire Malay race’s brain cells (combined / added together).

    Hello, BOTH SIDES HAVE ‘BRAIN CELLS’ IN THE EQUATION or comparison! So what kind of metaphor (symbol) are you using here (in order to call it a metaphor)?

    Not only you made such a STUPID and INSULTING comparison (not a metaphor), but you also claimed that Mr. X (you know who) ALONE has more brain cells than all the cells contained in the heads of all Malays (entire race), combined! Wow! Truly so insulting.

    Do you know that there are a few commentators here with PhDs?

    So, stop bragging about your academic qualifications, and stop showing off. You could not even answer 3 simple questions that I asked earlier regarding brain cells.

    Note: I will respond to your other comment (you replied but still you continue to be arrogant – no regrets).

    Thank you Tun.

    – May Allah SWT bless Tun and family –

  293. Tun


    You are as vulgar and guilty as a slimy Hainanese coward as long as you do not APOLOGISE for your vulgarity and bad manners.

    Malaysia Boleh Tun as always. No problem.

  294. Tun


    You are one true blue Malaysian elite who sees the light of a Confederation between Britain and Singapore on equal terms. Here are the goodies for ALL arising from the Singapore-United Kingdom Commonwealth, thus ;-

    1. Singapore’s problems with her Political, Socio-economic and Security over. Billions of dollars saved which could be diverted for better living for her citizens. The highest in the World ahead of Switzerland. Bye-bye FTs !

    2. Singapore has a 21st Century Economic Model which is fast adaptable and flexible to ever changing conditions of the 21st Century World of mighty giants nudging for space. She becomes beyond international attrition.

    3. Singapore becomes a NEW NORMAL without bothering with Malaysia anymore. Her obsession with Malaysia cost a lot of time and money.

    4. The Wealth and Technical know-how of the United Kingdom on MALAYSIA, ASEAN AND ASIA DOORSTEP. What is better than this ? A good balance against the dreamy EU.

    5. The ASEAN Foreign Policy becomes balanced with the strengthening of the innards of all its members.

    6. Malaysia the immediate neighbour of a rich and dynamic State with no hang-ups or hang-overs will the first beneficiary from this Singapore-United Kingdom Commonwealth which will much to invest.

    7. With such a Singapore-United Kingdom Commonwealth, ASEAN can only ALL go up to create a powerful consumer society of 500 million souls for this SUK Commonwealth with the EU kept out. Singapore has a UK market of 50 millions with high purchasing power unlike Malaysia’s 30 millions with weak purchasing power. What is better than this union ?

    8. With the Singapore-United Kingdom Commonwealth, why should Scotland want to leave SUK Commonwealth anymore. All at once, the proponents for EU would be standing on thin air.

    9. And for the World ? The Singapore-United Kingdom Commonwealth is the best thing that had happened since Adam and Eve.

    10. Are the bland and uninspiring ex-Cambridge Singapore Leadership ready for the challenge of a brave New World of Singapore-United Kingdom Commonwealth to benefit Humankind with none of the War-like rubbish ?

    By all counts, such a Singapore-United Kingdom union qualifies for a Nobel Prize apart from being a unique mover and a shaker.

    Malaysia Boleh Tun as always. No problem. We wish Singapore well. IN YOU WE ALL TRUST.

  295. The thing is, you are not mr lee kuan yew, mubarakchan.


    Mr Lee wont do stupid things to hurt singaporeans and their allies.

    The more you make noise, the more you show your weaknesses.

    Rule of the law must be obeyed to uphold justice, and must be seen.

    He didnt want to be worshipped, he wanted singapore to do better in many generations a head.

    No pilih kasih, and even his family needs to obey the rule of law in singapore.

    P/s: later on, more local especially the young ones choose to abandon their states to menghebatkan lagi agama islam. mereka pasti mahu cuba stik punya. takkanlah tiap2 hari makan nasi lemak. for those who are not muslim, either you convert yourself into islam, or you let go. Thats no if and but when constitution is being played by the defenders of islam.

  296. Tun


    Malaysia Boleh Tun as always. No problem

  297. For Mubarakchan.

    On Singapore confederating with the United Kingdom… that’s not far-fetched at all. Prime Minister Boris Johnson did suggest a closer union (i.e. free movements of goods, services and people) of the UK with Australia and New Zealand. But it was shot down immediately by the Australians, as the costs outweigh the benefits for Down Under. But I can think of several benefits for Singapore should the Singapore PM approach the Brits with such idea. For one, they immediately have access to the huge British market for their goods and services, and more Brits will move to Singapore to escape the cold winter in England. So, there is mutual benefit for both countries indeed.

  298. sibotak Jan 27,2020 1:25 AM

    HBT……..Apa sudah jadi ?
    Baru Chinese New Year sudah Sueh….oh
    Lu punya lumah apa macam ? Ok tak ?

    Apa ini Cina miskin sangat kah ?
    Sampai tikus, anjing ,apa binatang semua dia makan
    Atau ini itu Dulat kat Ughur Muslim Cina ?
    Itu Ughur punya olang banyak baik….apasal si ili kacau sama diaorang ?
    Lu tengok ah, itu Dulat kasi China susah punya

    Lu ingat semua orang miskin mesti suka roti canai dengan teh tarik?
    Jika aku marah sangat lu sindir aku, aku terus bagi undi kat pembangkang kerana mereka sudah tak sabar nak makan kek pulut dengan keris gergasi.

    Lu ingat aku ini bodoh kah, tak erti siapakah tuan, siapakah bukan tuan?

    P/s: lu tarak faham, lu diam aje, sibotak.

  299. Tun


    The 4 Initiatives created by Lee Kuan Yew to save his Legacy and his Inheritors failed by 2019 eg. Temasek. FT imports. 2 casinos. TPPA/CPTPP Malaysia/Malays Killer because from 2002 to 2019, Singapore could not breach 3% GDP.

    THE REASON MAY BE THE SINGAPORE 20TH CENTURY SOCIO-ECONOMIC MODEL IS WRONG OR THE WORLD’S ECONOMIC TRENDS ARE FAST CHANGING. Both make it difficult for a tiny Singapore to replicate the HUGE LEVERAGE OF THE COLD WAR TRADES 1948-1989 BLESSED BY UNCLE SAM OR THE 4,000 TONS OF GOLD WHICH LEE KUAN YEW MISSED. Maybe the best is for Singapore to forget about its dependence of the GDP altogether because of its tiny size.

    The only Way for Singapore to catch up again is to CONFEDERATE WITH BRITAIN ON EQUAL TERMS. I believe both needs each other

    Malaysia Boleh. Tun as always. No problem.

  300. Tun


    You mentioned TPPA/CPTPP.

    TPPA/CPTPP is the ultimate trap created by Lee Kuan Yew to enslave our beloved Malaysia WITHOUT A BATTLE forever by compromising Malaysia’s Leaderships by the stroke of the pen because it has 50 volumes of Agreement with all the fine print. Even the one-page 1962 Water Agreement out-foxed the Malaysians for over 50 years. On BREXIT, the smartest of the Brits found it difficult to wriggle out of EU.

    The TPPA/CPTPP is no laughing matter for our beloved Malaysia.

    It was part of the 4 Initiatives being Temasek, 2 casinos, FT imports, TPPA/CPTPP Malaysia/Malays Killer, created by Lee Kuan Yew as a legacy for his Inheritors and the future of Singapore (after Singapore faced with a huge hole or 2%-3% GDP in her economy arising from the BRICS grabbing Singapore’s lush Cold War Trades 1948-1989 blessed by Uncle Sam).

    What is the TPPA/CPTPP ?

    It is just a device to BREAK DOWN THE TARIFF WALLS OF MALAYSIA for Singapore’s goods or re-labelled goods to flood into Malaysia over-night and swamp her manufactures to put them out of business creating bankruptcies, unemployment and chaos.

    The TPPA/CPTPP was first known as a Free Trade Scheme which emerged from Singapore AFTER THE RETIREMENT OF OUR BELOVED TUN DR MAHATHIR MOHAMAD IN OCTOBER 2003. Lee Kuan Yew sprang into action in 2002 after hearing this good news for him – the year Singapore was first hit by a technical recession ever – arising from the BRICS GRAB of 1990.

    The TPPA/CPTPP was launched as a Free Trade Scheme in 2006 with only Singapore, Brunei, Chile and New Zealand. The Republican US Government was not interested. Lee Kuan Yew was so confident he established the International Trade Tribunal in Singapore in 2005 in anticipation of good business from the lackadaisical Malaysians mired in the 50 volume Agreement.

    After the Crash of October 2008, Obama grabbed the Free Trade Scheme by Lee Kuan Yew as his own and called it TPPA.


    1. On 2nd January 2017, President Trump tore up the Obama TPPA/CPTPP to the chagrin of the Singaporeans who were buddies of Obama and the Democrats.

    2. The Singaporean Puppet Corrupt and Uncaring BN Government 2004-2018 and its equally corrupt elite and GLCs/SOEs bungled by not RATIFYING THE TPPA IN SINGAPORE’S INTEREST BEFORE THEY WERE OUSTED ON 9 MAY 2018. Their Singaporean buddies were red-faced and angry, very angry.

    3. The Singaporean Puppet Corrupt and Uncaring BN Government was ousted on 9 May 2018 by the PH led by our wise, brilliant and courageous Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad with DSAI and the Team by his side.

    TWIN PEAKS. A Malaysia without Tariff Walls is the dream of Singapore’s Lee Kuan Yew for Singaporean goods or re-labelled goods a life-time long. His life long confrontational Policy which dated from 1964 put up the Malaysians resistance and consciousness until the arrival of the pro-Singapore digits on October 2003 of the Singaporean Puppet Corrupt and Uncaring BN Government 2003-2018. AT THIS POINT, LEE KUAN YEW HAD OUR BELOVED MALAYSIA IN HIS LITTLE POCKET UNTIL 9 MAY 2018 eg. the rocks, the rails, the KTM lands, HSR, NSTP chair, all that he desired etc.

    After 9 May 2018, our beloved Malaysia and her Rakyat live to fight another day !

    Man proposes. God disposes.

    TWIN PEAKS. Hopefully, you understand why some people are unhappy with our wise, brilliant and courageous Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad as the Prime Minister. Spreken zie deutsche. Pour le vouz francais ?

    Malaysia Boleh. Tun as always. No problem.

    The problem on this distinguished Blog is THAT “FRIENDS” OF OUR BELOVED TUN DR MAHATHIR MOHAMAD FOR NO REASON AT ALL FIGHT OR ATTACK ANOTHER FRIEND OF TUN. Strange times. Strange people.

  301. Tun


    On your suggested ideas for school children. It is best not to change too much as regards curriculum and teaching methods because the top 10% like your good-self will always do well.

    I give you 2 true Life examples which we all know.

    I. Lee Kuan Yew who claimed to be Star Double First in Law at Cambridge immediately after World War II. 1947-1950 competing with a handful of war weary veterans in a class of about 50 after he had the benefit of English Law tuition in Occupied Singapore 1942-1945 and LSE. He entered the lowest rung non-collegiate Fitzwilliam House by the back-door without Latin or Greek, a Open Entrance Examination and was over-aged at 23 years.

    He left the portals of the University of Cambridge but did not leave his books behind. Throughout his whole life in Public Service he implemented Public Policies which were not carefully thought out and caused great damage to Singapore and her citizens thus

    1. His creation of the Anti-Cambridge Godless neo-communist political-socio-economic System bolstered by the apparatchiks and the GLCs supported by the West during the Cold War 1948-1989. It was known as the ‘ capitalistic authoritarianism ‘ or ‘ benign dictatorship ‘ or ‘ rich Cuba without the havanas but the bananas ‘ by the Western media. But this System was condemned by India’s Nobel Prize winner Amatya Sen and famous journalist TJS George.

    2. His infamous 2 Child Family Policy of 1972 which even Hitler dared not attempt. By 1984, it was scrapped after religious rife, suicides, mental upsets, sterilizations, emigration, divorces etc. The only awareness created was the fact that young people do not want to get married anymore for fear half their Wealth will go to the other half in a quickie divorce. Now, there is only pool of 900,000 male Chinese aged 21-50 as a result. Vide. Singapore Government White Paper on Population 2011.

    3. His Policy of Obsession to do down Malaysia in more ways than one. If he had taken the other route, much good would have accrued to Singapore.

    4. His failure to think out of the box to invest in 4,000 tons of GOLD at US$ 300 per ounce before the year 2000 Singapore’s huge largesse from the Cold War Trades 1948-1989 blessed by Uncle Sam. He was too legalistic and conventional. By October 2008, Singapore would have been King of the Hill and not just a Knight in Shining armour. Our beloved Malaysia would have been caught between a rock and a hard place forever.

    5. His Policy which failed was to invest like any hoi-polloi as a Sovereign Nation in Wall Street and lost US$ 108 Billions (RM 324 Billions) due to the flatteries by the gnomes of Zurich.

    5. And a further 42 Failed Policies of Lee Kuan Yew 1959-2015. Vide. http://www.chedet,cc.org ‘Malaysia according to Kwan Yew’ September 2010. Archive.

    THIS IS A CLEAR ILLUSTRATION OF THE INABILITY OF LEE KUAN YEW TO THINK OUT OF THE BOX AFTER LEAVING THE PORTALS OF CAMBRIDGE. It’s the mind-set. From 1962-1984, the Singapore Government Adviser, the UN economic expert Dr Albert Winsemius provided all the ideas on the infra-structural developments of Singapore which we see today from Changi, to Jurong. Dr Goh Keng Swee was his assistant.


    The Malaysian Government engaged no one to be an Adviser.


    Many projects if not all, were successful – even those ruined and scandalised by his corrupt closest aides who blamed him were actually well thought out and doable by the Tun BECAUSE TUN DR MAHATHIR MOHAMAD COULD THINK OUT OF THE BOX AFTER LEAVING THE PORTALS OF THE FAMOUS KING EDWARD VII MEDICAL COLLEGE, SINGAPORE.

    The crooked closest aides all crossed the red line of no return WITHOUT INFORMING HIM EXCEPT ONE.

    He was born and bred to be able to THINK THROUGHOUT HIS ADULT LIFE. Logic and experience guided him to this day.

    The Tale of Two Cities is a tale of one Leader who could think out of the box who is our beloved Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad whilst the other followed normal conventions, rule and regulations to the letter. and worshipped others whom he thought were better.

    TWIN PEAKS. In other words, most school children are too young to be able to think like an adult. But I am aware that English schools do teach school children the rudiments of argument and logic for examination purposes. As far as I am aware, Cambridge never taught its undergraduates how to think. Hence, Lee Kuan Yew left its portals with the WRONG ASSUMPTIONS – depending on the dictats of academia He failed to serve because of this fact.

    Malaysia Boleh Tun as always. No problem. IN YOU WE ALL TRUST.


    The most important values that must be instilled at school includes:

    1) Be open-minded and try new things.
    2) Do not think that current ways of doing things are always right and be vigilant to look for improvements as much as possible.
    3) Don’t be scared of working overtime (I do all the time).
    4) Be optimistic that things can be better at all times.
    5) Help others, but help oneself first so that one is able to help others later on.
    6)Focus on improving outcome, not maintaining present outcome. Be ambitious.

    If school children are taught the right foundation, then rest assured one day Malaysia will get out of its preoccupation with real estates and other extractive “free money/income” industries, such as oil and gas, palm oil, rubber, rent-seeking activities etc, as they make the nation lazy, hindered from making further progress, contented, false security, timid, defensive, close-minded, argumentative, and so on. These rent-seeking activities and industries have tied up trillions of capital that can be put to work and earn quintuple times of income for the country.

    Then the country can get out of its middle income rut.

  303. For Mubarakchan.

    The TPPA thingy was never a good idea in the first place. It is a bit like a short term remedy to cover up someone’s obvious weaknesses. It would never have lasted. The EU is a prime example of a group of countries trying to exclude others from exclusivity that is reserved for themselves only. It will not last because there was always a hidden agenda by someone in the project. I am not sure who the TPPA was designed to benefit for (maybe Singapore as you mentioned, you could be right..), but in the EU’s case, now everyone knows that it was meant to benefit only the Germans and the Low countries. Britain now realizes this so they want out in Brexit. That is the only way. France is still in it because of their own political agenda. In short, there is always a hidden agenda somewhere in this sort of groupings. That includes the TPPA. One should tread with caution before signing up to a trading group that is in fact ANTI-TRADE.

    Malaysia, on the other hand, is on the right oath, to be honest. It is LUCKY that if we got a second bite at the cherry. The country was a hidden downward spiral in fact, its debt to size of its economy was spiraling out of control. Another South American country in the making under the previous Prime Minister. Overpriced mega-projects that had very little to do in bringing increases in INDIVIDUAL productivity, such as the ERCL, the MRT2, Bandar Malaysia, real estates, and the list goes on. Little was put into education and healthcare improvements, and most tragically there was no mention of investment into science and technology research, which can bring long-term economic return for the country, as Malaysia STILL is stuck in the middle-income category, that she needs to get out fast before too late.

    Tun is not Prime Minister for much longer, no matter what the people wish, and it may be the ONLY chance to put things in the right path.

    If I am asked what is the single most important thing that Tun can do as an Education Minister, this is my response…

    INSTILL THE RIGHT WORK ETHICS AND VALUES AT SCHOOL. For the teachers and school children. If the country can build the strong foundation at school level, then rest assured Malaysia is on the right path.

    SO, FOCUS ON INSTILLING THE RIGHT “WAY OF THINKING” and “ATTITUDE” FOR THE FUTURE GENERATION OF LEADERS AND WORKFORCE. That includes the way they speak in public, their tolerance to criticism about themselves, and the way they spend their time. The right values.

    That is what I would do if I was the Education Minister.

  304. Good Morning Tun Mahathir!

    Tun, tau kan BRAHIMS PN17. Orang Melayu mana yang tak kenal BRAHIMS. I kenal BRAHIMS sebelum PAK LAH naik jadi PM. Kami kalau pergi overseas bawa BRAHIMS. I also tak tau tauke besar BRAHIMS adik PAK LAH. I cuma tau masa kes MAS catering. Oh I see, adik PAK LAH.

    I pernah cakap kat my hubby, jika abang you jadi PM, dia akan buat you lagi kaya or kayap. Jawapan itu terjawab. BRAHIMS for example beli MAS catering dengan hutang2nya sekali. Bila dua kapalterbang MAS jatuh, tak pasal2 company ini masuk PN17. Simple, because bila company seperti MAS ada masaalah kewangan, mereka akan minta supplier huge discount.

    Just saying!

  305. malloucius Jan 25,2020 12:08 PM


    I can finally agree with you on one thing though,

    1. Soleimni killing should not have happened since he was not in US soil. Even if he was plotting to kill American.

    2. US is pure evil, they are not our friend. We should be cautious about being too close with the US.

    3. US interest in Malaysia is only for 3 things, political access, having veto power to interfere with Malaysian affairs in politics.

    4. Economic access having power to interfere with our economy, and dicates our economy.

    5. And finally, SOCIAL ACCESS – access to sex with locals, access to local expertise like expert workers, access to anything that has anything to do with Malaysian citizens, including Malaysian education.

    I would like to amend the followings below ;

    6. US repeatedly disregarded Malaysian law and International Law, although Khasoggi was a villain he should not have been KILLED since he is in IRAQ not US territory!!

    This was not Khasoggi, it was actually Soleimani. It was another mistyping.

    It is not as straight forward and simple for what you read with your naked eyes in middle-east conflicts, mallacious.

    There are hidden hands behind this plot in killing him, obviously.

    Everyone in the world is aware Arab Saudi is conventionally a strong ally of USA.

    Please do not tell me that you are not aware, mallocious?

    How can Iran claim the milk, i mean the oil, in Iraq is theirs when it doesnt belong to them, tak gitu?

    Unless, Iran bought them in cash or in other arrangements, then, only Iran can claim the ownership directly, right?

    Dont forget, Malaysia under KDN too has granted permanent residential to arabs due to kinship and bilateral trades, mallocious.

    Dont forget, Perdana Menteri must call for General Election in every 5 years.

    Whichever coalition garnered the majorty votes via westminster parliamentary democracy, they will name the Perdana Menteri and form the cabinet.

    Frankly speaking, as voter, i dont really care who becomes the next Perdana Menteri.


    Because i am not a party member.

    I dont follow party instructions as i am not paid to do their jobs.

    I follow ministry instruction because i must play by the rule of law and policy set by the ruling government of the day.

    When voters feel the law and policy set are too one sided and oppressive, obviously, they can exercise their votes when general election is called since they do not know what is going on behind that closed door.

    Dont you think politicalizing race and religion conflicts in Malaysia are easiet to win dari dulu hingga Barisan Nasional tertumpang?

    As our population becomes more educated, matured and opened to the world news, obviously, they are more demanding as we move on.

    The influence of political parties shall be gradually minimized.

    In here, i wish you all the best, mallocious.

  306. Dear PM Tun Dr Mahathir,
    My sympathy to those affected by the corona virus outbreak from Wuhan that had mired their CNY celebration and spoiled their plan for having their annual reunion dinner with their loved ones or taking a well-deserved vacation with their beloved family. My brother who works in China was the lucky few able to make it back for this year reunion dinner.

    I agree with Tun’s Media and Communication Advisor Datuk A. Kadir Jasin; “China’s appetite for wild life meat is the source of many recent deadly animal-borne diseases,” said Kadir in a Facebook post.
    “China’s eating binge could be the beginning of the end of the human race,” said the veteran newsman, adding that China must hold itself accountable.

    Once upon a time China was the most corrupt country but thanks to their tough anti corruption campaign by Central Commission for Discipline Inspection (CCDI), China is able to clear out the corrupt system by employing the latest ICT technology since no corrupt officials can escape spending their ill-gotten wealth without CCDI knowing it. (CCTV footage and financial transactions and money Trail)

    We are now living in a Global World and whatever happen in any part of the world will eventually affect all of us. China must hold itself accountable and carry out its moral obligation to teach/educate its citizen to be mindfulness that their appetite/eating binge for wild animals are destroying the wild life’s eco-system and if they did not stop these destructive behavior, there will be more repetitive cities locked down to halt the spreading of deadly wild animals virus jumping to human, with no anecdote in sight.

    Similarly I would like to appeal to the Western developed countries to halt their unabated appetite to rob/rape the natural resources for wealth accumulation which is the source of many recent deadly wildfires and floods. Their greedy binge and uncontrolled lusts will be the beginning of the end of planet Earth.

    Each of us has our individual responsibility and the need to make our own conscious decision to curb our greed and lusts. Please live modestly; after-all what can you do with 1 billion of corrupt, dirty, ill-gotten money when we are only passing through a small period in the history of time…? Please live a purposeful/meaningful life of services above self and whatever good we can do, let’s do it now.

    To Civil society and NGOs’ of Western Developed Countries please do your part. If your leaders fail to lead, you need to think/act and press for change until your leaders take heed as the time to act is now, otherwise it will be too late.

    “Try and leave this world a little better than you found it, and when your time is up, then you can die a happy death, feeling that at any rate, you have not wasted your time but have done your best” – Robert Baden-Powell

    Thank you

    Happy CNY 2020 to all, Unity, Harmony and Living with Peace with Self and Others.

    Yours truly,
    SS LEE
    P/S: In this age of Google and Wikipedia, it is wise to seek relevant sources of information to inform oneself rather than listening to hearsay.

    Severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) is a viral respiratory disease of zoonotic origin caused by the SARS coronavirus (SARS-CoV). Between November 2002 and July 2003, an outbreak of SARS in southern China caused an eventual 8,098 cases, resulting in 774 deaths reported in 17 countries, with the majority of cases in China mainland and Hong Kong (9.6% fatality rate) according to the World Health Organization (WHO). No cases of SARS have been reported worldwide since 2004. In late 2017, Chinese scientists traced the virus through the intermediary of civets to cave-dwelling horseshoe bats in Yunnan province

    The first confirmed case was reported in Saudi Arabia in 2012. Egyptian virologist Dr. Ali Mohamed Zaki isolated and identified a previously unknown coronavirus from the man’s lungs.
    Over 2,000 cases of MERS have been reported by 2017 and the case fatality rate is >30%

    Influenza spreads around the world in yearly outbreaks, resulting in about three to five million cases of severe illness and about 290,000 to 650,000 deaths. About 20% of unvaccinated children and 10% of unvaccinated adults are infected each year

    Note: Fatality rate most affected those have been already in poor health.

  307. HBT……..Apa sudah jadi ?
    Baru Chinese New Year sudah Sueh….oh
    Lu punya lumah apa macam ? Ok tak ?

    Apa ini Cina miskin sangat kah ?
    Sampai tikus, anjing ,apa binatang semua dia makan
    Atau ini itu Dulat kat Ughur Muslim Cina ?
    Itu Ughur punya olang banyak baik….apasal si ili kacau sama diaorang ?
    Lu tengok ah, itu Dulat kasi China susah punya

  308. Tun


    Your sanguine description of Malaysian Life is not off the mark. But I want all to do better than this MONEY THINGY. Hence, I brought forth facts to illustrate vividly how the Malaysian World goes round. No more. No less. AND WHO ARE THE WICKED ONES IN THE WOODPILE.

    Like our beloved Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad and his closest aides. he always thought they were talking to him on the 88th Floor but actually their mind-sets were in the basement. Likewise, most times I thought my associates were with me but actually their mind-sets were somewhere else. I have discovered after much pain that I have been assuming these fellows by my own standards. The fact is they have no standards.

    Decades ago I thought our beloved Malaysia might just drift gently down as per the ethics, standards, morals, propriety, sobriety etc through the years.


    Hence, I am always grateful for our beloved Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad with DSAI and the Team by his side for giving our beloved Malaysia a second opportunity of Freedom and Life as we know it.

    My firm belief is that it is VERBOTEN TO STEAL PUBLIC MONEY.

    Before this event, all that was bad was closing in on our beloved Malaysia to observers like me if any, with the final nail in the coffin by the signing of the TPPA/CPTPP. It was as bad as that. Sure our Malaysia die, I thought. And thinking about the millions of honest Malaysians who had contributed to the success and development of our beloved Malaysia before 2004 ! A few fellows with POWER go berserk with POWER 2004-2018 !

    During 2004- 2018. I thought I was in a terrible nightmare in some crazy land which was our beloved Malaysia. Responsible people were talking another language which I did not understand. Things like what Singapore does, is alright for Malaysia. Pronto ! We had NS camps all over the place without due consideration or care for the consequences.



    Malaysia Boleh Tun as always. No problem. Our beloved Malaysia nearly ‘dieded’ by the signing of the TPPA/CPTPP in January 2018 by the BN Government. Fortunately, someone BUNGLED to the disgust of Singapore.

  309. https://www.thestar.com.my/news/nation/2020/01/26/wuhan-virus-health-ministry-to-discuss-banning-chinese-nationals-from-entering-country

    Better banned when cannot act as the bridge since MoH is not prepared kerana terlalu bz main poliitik perkauman, betul tak?

    By the way, tonight when time strikes 12:00 am, all transportations in Wuhan would be banned from leaving for mainland china’s and outside mainland china’s cities.

    I guess we do not have malaysian representative office in wuhan, so no evacaulation, am i right?

    P/s: property reit? Sri sense kata dia memang tak suka bata kerana tak cukup glamor. apabila main glamor, wa lau er, dayshat sungguh. bata is originated from czech rep., europe. dia ingat hanya dia ada hubby? Kak siti, kat wan dan kak ros, takda hubbies?

  310. Tun


    Only our beloved Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad could not be compromised by Singapore because he knows them too well through information and his constant awareness of our Sovereignty and National Interest with his Loyalty for the Rakyat. He could not let us down.

    Even though I am related to those folks, I kept away from being close and personal for a Lifetime as I do not like my bread to be buttered on both sides.

    But very poor share-brokers and bankers had sold their Malaysian corporate secrets like concerning Sime Darby in 1979 and their souls to Singapore for the filthy lucre and became mighty rich to own banks etc and to break the Malaysian laws again with impunity.

    Anyone who had under-counter dealings in Malaysia or Singapore should be aware that there is no secret in this World as confirmed by the Hainanese HBT630 who said, ‘ A secret is no secret at all.’

    The corrupt cash activities in Singapore have always been an Open Book to all and sundry. Hence, it is easy to compromise the Malaysian big-wigs who left a trail of corruption all over. They thought the Singaporeans would keep their corrupt activities under wraps but it had the opposite effect.

    Maybe my oft comment will give an inkling on the leakage, thus, ” When you go and see a doctor, sometimes you strip, sometimes you don’t. But when you see a banker you strip all.”

    Once I had my cheque bounced by the bank which was my bank for 30 years because I sued a relative for libel and slander. A nobody can manipulate the digits such was the POWER of a name.

    And the long line of young UMNO aspirants in the 20th Century was given the glory of speaking at the forum organised by INSEAS founded in 1972 by Lee Kuan Yew for this purpose. No Malaysian Chinese was ever invited except for selected ones. The following morning this young UMNO aspirant would be glorified as brilliant and dynamic in the Straits Times Singapore in bold letters which were recorded in the Straits Times Library, Dunearn Road, Singapore. Hopefully, these will be time-bombs in Malaysia.

    Indeed this did happen in the TPPA/CPTPP saga with the Malaysian Team packed full of these ex-aspirants from ISEAS. But the rest is history. MAN PROPOSES. GOD DISPOSES. Our Malaysia and her Rakyat were saved by our beloved Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad with DSAI and the Team by his side on 9 May 2018.

    The future for our beloved Malaysia is fraught with detractors, naysayers, morons, fakes, treasonous ennoble Civil Servants, tycoons, Man from the Moon or Mars, fellow travellers, spies, swallows, ducks, plagiarists, copy-cats, charlatans etc.

    The future for our beloved Malaysia hangs on her LEADERSHIP which has no cash dealings anywhere in Malaysia or Singapore in the recent past. OR ELSE MALAYSIA JUST BECOMES ANOTHER SOUTH AMERICAN COUNTRY IN ASIA. A great pity.

    Our beloved Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad understood what is Sovereignty, National Interest and Loyalty very well LIKE OUR GREAT PRIME MINISTERS THE TUNKU, TUN ABDUL RAZAK AND TUN HUSSEING ONN. To them, Sovereignty, National Interest and Loyalty are NOT NEGOTIABLE. Hence, our beloved Malaysia was NOT COMPROMISED BY SINGAPORE FROM 1957-2003 UNTIL 2004-2018. From 2004-2018, Singapore loaded up with whatever Malaysian assets she desired including the true blue UMNO owned NSTP Chief Editor’s Chair including a lush Sime Darby Apache contract to ease the poor fellow’s sufferings in the hot and humid Ulus !

    As my mother always told me it was very difficult to be GOOD. But it takes only a short time to be BAD !


    A Prime Minister is born. Not made.

    Malaysia Boleh Tun as always. No problem. HISTORY AND TRUE INFORMATION ARE THE BEST FOR A DEMOCRACY ! This is known as Transparency.

  311. For Mubarakchan.

    The Prime Minister rotation thingy is a just a metaphor. But it keeps the brain thinking, doesn’t it.

    Stop blabbering HBT456.

  312. Tun


    Begini ya, diMalaysia, ada Melayu, Cina dan India. Di Sabah Sarawak ada Bumiputera. I juga boleh kata I Melayu Bumiputera. Sebab I memang keturunan Melayu dan my lesen berniaga dulu Bumiputera.

    DiSemananjung Malaysia all Melayu adalah Islam. Sementara Sabah and Sarawak not all Bumiputera Islam. Sama juga di Indonesia tak semua Melayu Islam. Sama juga rumpun Melayu di Filipina bukan semua Islam.

    Bab suku2, ini dan itu, keturunan ini dan itu, semua bangsa samada Bumiputera or non Bumiputera ada pecahan dalam group masing2. I rasa lebih baik kita bercakap tentang kejayaan kaum masing2 dan bukan menghina mereka.

    Anyway, HBT tu memang dari dulu kerja menghina semua. Admin saja yang gemar siarkan. I tak ambil pusing. Tak baca pun komen2 darinya lagi. Lama dah, sebab I tau dia cakap entah apa2.

    Kenapa kita tak bercakap tentang astronaut anak Melayu kita. Kenapa kita tak bercakap tentang Raja Melayu kita yang sudah naik kapal jelajah dunia. Kenapa kita tak bercakap tentang 2 wanita Melayu founder Investment Banks KENANGA dan KAF. Kenapa kita tak bercakap tentang kejayaan orang2 Melayu lain. Kenapa mesti Singapore sapu kejayaaan kita sebagai kejayaan mereka.

    Anyway, I sini kerap sebab bursa cuti sampai Monday, Tuesday baru start trading. Actually musim cuti panjang begini I lebih relaks, tidaklah I kena monitor stocks sampai mata sakit. I ada opportunity buat kerja lain, window shopping one of it selain dari kemas rumah, memasak, tengok tv hahaha

  313. Politic is a game of numbers, twinpeaks.

    You dont need to explain to me because i already found the root cause, ok?

    If anything, please refer to mubarakchan, Hajar, Sri Sense and Gerakan President wrt the 3rd party force of Ideal Political View in which TDM has given his nod, twinpeaks.

    Go buy the books of The Malay Dilemma and Doctor in the House, if you want to know more.

    I think the impact of Wuhan Flu Outbreak will drag until summer in mainland China. Forest burning of Australia now has stopped after few months due to rainning if i am not mistaken.

    How could a nationalist be labelled as racist?

    It doesnt add up and make sense, dont you think so?

  314. For Mubarakchan.

    Yes, I am a contitutionalist too, and am equally very concerned of the dire lack of elite in the Malay community, who have taken all the top leadership positions since independence. It is fortunate that in the business world, this was not up to them, as Malaysia’s business field is run by the private sector, in line with global Capitalism. Hence, the Malay entrepreneurs are invisible men.

    Without the Chinese and Indians especially, there are NO viable businesses in Malaysia that can compete even in Southeast Asia. It is difficult to find a Tony Fernandez in the Malay community, or a Lim Goh Tong, a Robert Quok, an Ananda Krishnan, etc. Even Syed Mokhtar Al-Bukhari, and Tun Mahathir himself (in politics)… the last two are mixed blood not pure Malay, and trained by non-Malay fathers with foreign work ethics. That’s why you cannot find another Tun Mahathir.

    Have you heard of any outstanding non-Chinese in Indonesia, Philippines and Thailand? None. They may have indigenous names but are all ethnic Chinese.

    So, Malaysia is VERY fortunate to have a large pool of non-Malays to recruit successive generations of business leaders. Indeed, the ten million plus Chinese and Indians in Malaysia are the largest pool in any Southeast Asian country, including Singapore. So, that alone gives us great confidence that Malaysia WILL have a bright future.

    I wouldn’t worry too much of any prospect of businesses being nationalized by the Malays like in Zimbabwe, as long as the Chinese never stop supplying the Malay leaders and bureaucrats with bribes and free shares in business projects. The Low-Najib partnership was not a new thing, just the scale was unbelievable. This Ali-Baba model is a good thing when you think about it… as it keeps the Malays (their leaders that is, not the B40) content and the Chinese/Indians in business. A win-win model that ensures continual economic progress. In the end it benefits the Malay poor too, through government hand-outs, delivered from the Chinese riches.

    That is what the country’s social contract was about. That is what the Constitution is intended to deliver, today.

    LONG LIVE MALAYSIA (!!) I just love it.

    Stop blabbering knucklehead HBT456.

  315. For HBT456.

    The reason why there is no follow up to the KL Summit on Muslim Nations 2019 is simply due to the simple fact that if a group of countries intend to confront the West and Israel, that group of countries face economic sanctions globally even from non-Western countries. Then these rebel Muslim countries need to have alternative trading partners to immediately replace those who have sanctioned them. The economic sanctions will be from the USA first and foremost, then the entire European Union, Australia and New Zealand followed by Japan, South Korea, China, Saudi Arabia and indeed every other country that trades with the USA.

    Tun knows this very well as he is very intelligent. So that’s why there is no follow up. Like I said, nothing will come out of the Summit except just to remind the world of the Palestinians. It was just a talk shop. But It brought some business to the conference center and shops nearby, not to mention ‘one-nil’ (ahemm…) versus the PAS/UMNO pact (he..he..). Those who think otherwise are living in wonderland.

    Stop blabbering knucklehead.

  316. Tun

    My humble apologies for a minor typo error in the ADDENDUM. Instead of

    “….the son of the Argentinian Minister to…” it should read “…..the son of the Venezuelan Ambassador to…”

    The error is much regretted.

  317. Tun


    History is the Finest Arbiter of the Truth.

    Our World is littered with true examples of the failure of riches or CASH IS KING. The failure of the apparent attraction or the POWER OF MONEY WHICH PROVED TO BE A FALLACY. What am I trying to say ?

    Just look at South America, a Continent once dominated by the Spanish Empire. The countries broke loose for Freedom in the 19th Century. What do we see on our TV every night ?


    It all began this Way from their 19th Century Freedoms to World War II.

    These countries were far advanced and ahead of our beloved Malaya in those days. We could only make it to the World by being a bit Hollywood player via the sleepy colonial port Singapore with Bob Hope and Dorothy Lamour. Malaya was completely undeveloped and agrarian ! Most inhabitants were in rags then.

    The demand for goods and produce from South American countries at the end of the 19th Century, through Wars of World War I and II created huge Wealth for them. The Wealth remained with the 1% of the population through Corruption and Nepotism. The South American Leadership built huge edifices to emulate Old Europe but their Political structure was immature with no elite.

    To this very day, we do not hear of any outstanding Universities or hospitals there but only individuals in the specialised fields like in Brazil or Argentina. NO SOUTH AMERICAN ELITE. Even suppressed India and China have world recognised institutions, miles ahead of the South Americans.


    The South American countries before World War II were producers of rubber, minerals, cattle, wheat, sugar , fruits, and all agricultural products required by Europe. Their Budgets were in surplus because of their small populations then. Argentina was 7th Richest in the World with gold in her vaults. What happened ?


    The top 1% of the population in POLITICAL CONTROL OF POWER WALLOPED ALL THE WEALTH IN ALL THESE SOUTH AMERICAN COUNTRIES FROM ARGENTINA TO CUBA IMPOVERISHED THE WHOLE LOT OF COUNTRIES. In each country the majority native South American became the poorest whilst in Venezuela, the Caucasians have joined them.

    The Second Generation of the corrupt South American Leaderships now live or enjoy themselves in the United States or old Europe like some of our corrupt Malaysians.


    Today, we may look at the huge mass of poor peoples in these lands, the huge mass of undeveloped agricultural lands (which should be filled with oil palms or other essential agricultural produce) and NO ELITE with purported democratic Governments. Where are the South American elite ?


    After World War II, Argentina was the 7th richest in the World with gold in her vaults and her wheat and cattle in great demand by Europe. Peron came into POWER. Soon the country ran out of MONEY and HYPERINFLATION STRUCK and never left. At one stroke, all of Argentina’s wealth in human and real resources were gone. The elite went overseas by the thousands.

    In 1951, I met the son of the Argentinian Ambassador to the Court of St James London. He was well-spoken and had a camel hair overcoat, Saville Row suit and fine leather shoes – a fine example of the rich Venezuelan class. Now, we see on TV hundreds like him in Caracas running around the streets surrounded by huge modern buildings dressed in rags !


    In other words, the good people are infected with the disease known as ‘LESS WORK WITH MORE PAY”. Whether this disease is curable in our beloved Malaysia remains to be seen. I have already experienced examples of this through very ingenious corrupt practices in banks and other avenues.

    Those who denigrate my comments about what our beloved Malaysia could be like South America today, must be dumb, blind and deaf.

    FOREWARNED IS FORARMED. There is no free lunch in this World.

    Malaysia Boleh Tun as always. No problem. Let us avoid the South American Problem and build up our natural and financial resources for the future. We already had a taste of a BN corrupt Government 2004-2018 abetted by crooks from foreign lands. Acheh !

  318. Tun

    Sebagai individual investor atau lebih dikenali sebagai retail investor, news yang diperolehi oleh FOCUSM samada legal or illegal, bukanlah good news untuk current shareholders. Bila sebut pembelian harga yang tinggi, ianya melibatkan public funding, dimana akan terjadi shares dilution nanti.

    While George Kent equally bukan news yang baik. Kita dah melihat bila Wan Azmi tidak mahu duduk dalam BOD Rohas lagi, saham Rohas jadi stagnant, dapat projek Vietnam tidak menjadi apa. Dan news seperti Wan Azmi saman SCOMI also tidak mendatangkan apa2 hasil pada listed company miliknya.

    Hubby pernah kata, if Tun bagi PLUS to Halim Said or Abu Said, Tun mati juga. I like to tambah if Tun beri pada Widad also mati juga, orang akan kata macam mana ACE counter dapat PLUS, kan banyak lagi kat main board. So decision Khazanah actually a wise decision. Khazanah boleh look into REIT, if PLUS banyak property. I teringat satu listed company dimana punya banyak warehouse ada Investment Bank nasihatkan consider REIT.

    Ini adalah pendapat peribadi sebagai individual investor yang dah puluhan tahun duduk dalam stock market hahaha Bab public relations I tak nak cakap walau I expert dalam ini juga hahaha

  319. Good morning!

    Tun selalu kata opposition jahat, Hadi selalu kata PAS sokong Tun jadi PM.

    I tertarik baca berita Khazanah dan FocusM. Sebelum ini ada cerita George Kent dan FocusM. I pernah ambil both artikel. My reason because published online dan of retail investors interest. Usually article begini I cuma ambil sedikit, as I said earlier retail investors bukan minat baca panjang2. Susah mereka nak digest, trading dah cukup time consuming, buat apa tambah2 lagi.

    Berbalik pada 2 kes diatas. Kes George Kent dan FocusM. Tauke besar George Kent marah dan kecewa sebab FocusM menulis kata pihak beliau nak jual shares, dan article ini ditulis tanpa minta penjelasan dari beliau terlebih dahulu. Kes Khazanah pula melibatkankan pecah amanah dimana FocusM keluarkan news yang confidential melibatkan pembelian MAS oleh Air Asia. I ada melihat jawapan dari FocusM, something like jawapan Lateefa Koya, a matter of national interest.

    Let’s not forget, George Kent dan Air Asia adalah public listed companies yang tertaluk oleh undang2 SC/Bursa.

  320. Correction: Yang pening kepala adalah mereka yang mengelarkan diri mereka sebagai tuah dan jebat since they are paid to do the jobs for drawing funds from federal budget subsidized and absorped by all of us tak kisah engkau muslim atau bukan muslim including expatriates who have bilateral trades with Malaysia.

  321. sibotak Jan 26,2020 3:34 AM

    The Islamic World has to come together as One
    To assist, to eliminate foreign West, US interferences, influences in the Middle East or any Muslim Nation that are being Bullied by US, West for Israel

    How can The Muslim World allow the US, West for Israel be the Peace Maker
    When they are the one that installs Fear, conflicts, War , instigating Lies ^ Hatred in the Middle East in Palestine
    The US, West for Israel that creates the War in the Middle East yet they are the ones now pretending to defuse the War
    US is with Israel was never a Peace Maker for Palestine, Israel conflicts
    US Never meant Peace in the Middle East nor in Palestine
    Yet they intend to Destroy Muslim World and Favor Israel

    Why are tHe Muslim World SO STUPID
    TO Believes in all these Lies

    So What happen to KL-Summit 2019 yesterday, Tun?
    I heard no News nor Progress

    Why Malaysian World is SO STUPID To Believe in all these lies to allow Israel, oops, i mean Putrajaya, to expand their power of authority unto Non-Muslim?

    After more than 20 years, still cannot unite Muslim, sibotak?

    Thats why MUAFAKAT NASIONAL is here to replace BARISAN NASIONAL to unite Muslim and Non-Muslim.

    Sure no progress lah since PH chosen MALAYSIAN MALAYSIA, opposition now only offered MUAFAKAT NASIONAL to replace BN.

    So, how since Ringgit Malaysia can never be categorized as Ringgit for Malaysian and Ringgit for Muslim?

    Zone atau tanah wilayah dan negeri2 under reserve forest can be gazetted under Muslim and Non-Muslim zone but it depends who is the boss today at Putrajaya.

    Are you clear, sibotak?

    Isu macam ini saya tak akan peningkan kepala aku.
    Yang pening kepala adalah mereka yang mengelarkan diri mereka sebagai tuah dan jebat.

  322. The Islamic World has to come together as One
    To assist, to eliminate foreign West, US interferences, influences in the Middle East or any Muslim Nation that are being Bullied by US, West for Israel

    How can The Muslim World allow the US, West for Israel be the Peace Maker
    When they are the one that installs Fear, conflicts, War , instigating Lies ^ Hatred in the Middle East in Palestine
    The US, West for Israel that creates the War in the Middle East yet they are the ones now pretending to defuse the War
    US is with Israel was never a Peace Maker for Palestine, Israel conflicts
    US Never meant Peace in the Middle East nor in Palestine
    Yet they intend to Destroy Muslim World and Favor Israel

    Why are tHe Muslim World SO STUPID
    TO Believes in all these Lies

    So What happen to KL-Summit 2019 yesterday, Tun?
    I heard no News nor Progress

  323. Tun


    The sentiments of hope and glory for our beloved Malaysia is possible very possible. Since 1954, I have never thought about racism and religion which are much abused and used by fellows with no mind-sets in this land. Copy-cats, plagiarists and charlatans are a dime a dozen.

    What you did not say was the movement from present day society through internal refinement to an advanced Malaysian model within the context of our revered Constitution ? I support 100% of the Constitution. It is up to the majority to decide a form of Leadership suitable for our diverse peoples. IT IS THE MIND-SETS AS OUR BELOVED TUN DR MAHATHIR MOHAMAD KEPT ON EXHORTING US. We know he is sincere and visionary.

    We must do all that is politically needful within the CONTEXT OF OUR REVERED CONSTITUTION TOGETHER WITH THE YANG DI PERTUAN AGONG THE ROYAL SULTANS AND THE ISLAM RELIGION. This is the eternal template for Malaysia to forge ahead through the centuries. Many countries have succeeded. So can Malaysia in peace, unity and harmony.

    You have sensed that the distribution of the country’s wealth should be fairly and equally distributed. This can only happen when the Leadership is motivated with a good and sincere mind-set in the interests of the Rakyat. Fortunately, we can still develop Wealth based on the abundance of natural resources from water, land and the sea.

    You may also have noted that I am very concerned with the dire lack of Malay intellectual elite. The fine examples are our beloved Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad, Tun Dr Daim Zainuddin and Dato Sharil Redza Ridzuan – these are World standard examples to the envy of some people. They were self-made.


    Our beloved Malaysia requires thousands of real Malay elite to complete a balanced POWER STRUCTURE within the context of our revered Constitution because the non-Malay elite cannot move forward without jiving with the Malay elite. This is the rub. This is the nub.

    From the actual records, the Dark Age of 2004-2018 the BN LEADERSHIP DID HAVE THE POWER BUT NO SUPPORTIVE MALAY ELITE which was overwhelmed by the POWER as it is now seen. The whole Power Structure cracked up which could not be mended by MONET ! Cash is King proved to be a fallacy !

    The Tunku, Tun Abdul Razak, Tun Hussein Onn and our beloved Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad recognised the importance of Malay elite.

    Tun Abdul Razak had all the brightest and newest around him during his time.

    And of course, our beloved Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad and his closest aides who all let him down and blamed him except one. How could this be ?

    On the assumption that each and everyone did not WALLOP MONEY BIG TIME AND THAT THEY WERE SUCCESSFUL, our beloved Malaysia would have been a better place.

    All things being equal, Proton would have been a runaway success because our beloved Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad had thought out all his concepts carefully and correctly WITHOUT AN ADVISER as exemplified by his multitude of successful projects from Tioman, KLIA, Putrajaya, KLCC via the highways and by-ways to Langkawi

    The two examples I often quoted, thus

    1. The Sime Darby Malaysian Management 1982 -2019 never assisted our own Malaysians in real terms but went overseas according to their social mores or horse racing or other sports schedules in Australasia like little travel agencies with their ex-employees or sponsored Ocean Racing for their expat retirees in New Zealand for 9 long years etc.etc. whilst our own Malaysians were crying out for all sorts of assistance for decades.

    When I presented my 1972 Sime Darby Concept to Tun Abdul Razak I envisaged Sime Darby to be a better version of Temasek in the 21st Century. It is still not too late for Sime Darby to the Malaysia correct in its Policies which is now a fine Trading outfit with no risks giving its ennobled employees high salaries and a comfortable living to the exclusion of others.

    2. And those Malaysians I assisted in more ways than one, many became mighty rich but became introverted and overwhelmed by their Wealth. So they hide overseas in London or Switzerland avoiding requests for help.

    3. Many more such instances.

    Therefore, it is the thousands of real Malay elite to come which will balance the political books of our beloved Malaysia to turn her GREAT as one of the 4 small important countries in the World being Britain, Japan, Switzerland and Malaysia WITHIN THE CONTEXT OF OUR REVERED CONSTITUTION AND OUR TRADITIONAL MORES FROM CENTURIES AGO.

    Our beloved Malaysia and her Rakyat should only change by refinement through majority consensus. Hence, the thousands of real Malay elite will play an important role in showing the Way.

    I am confident that some one or many out there know/s how to create real Malays elite. THE ONE WHO KNOWS BEST IS OUR VERY OWN BELOVED TUN DR MAHATHIR MOHAMAD !

    Let us cross our fingers, TWIN PEAKS and hope for the BEST SOONEST ! The creation of real Malay elite by the thousands – no arrogance, no jealousy, no super-sensitivity and NORMAL.

    Malaysia Boleh Tun as always. No problem.

  324. For Mubarakchan.

    It is not inconceivable that one day not too far in future (maybe even in the next 5 years!), we may see Malaysia practicing a rotating Prime Ministers between all the races (including the small ones like Kelabit and Murut) in this country. As Tun had said repeatedly, there is nothing to stop this as long as everyone supports it. With the vast majority of races in this country standing to gain from this change, there is no reason why the next Prime Minister cannot usher the new era. All that is needed is a little push from the people.

    That would be genuine unity. So, let’s do it (!!)

    Stop blabbering HBT456.

  325. For Everyone.

    Let us just be very clear on what is meant by the Malay race in Malaysia. Ethnic Malays are actually a minority… represented by only 12.4 million (38%) out of Malaysia’s total 33 million people. On the other hand, the Chinese are around 8.3 (26%) million people. So actually, the difference between these two major races is not at all that big. Regardless of what the Constitution says, one cannot hide this demographic figures.

    Of course, if you add OTHER Moslems like Indians, Indonesians, Minangkabau, Filipinos, etc. then the total Moslem population amounts to a slightly more than 50% of the country’s population. And if you add the Borneo Natives, then the so-called Bumiputera population is a hefty 70% of the country’s population.

    But do remember one thing, though. Neither the NON-MALAY MOSLEMS nor the BORNEO NATIVES share any bond with the MALAYS save for the fact that all live in the same country. They speak different languages and dialects from Malay, and most would be offended if they called Malay. Being lumped together by government statisticians means very little to them; most don’t even realize that they are lumped together for political purpose by parties like UMNO and PAS.

    That’s just a piece of information to put things into perspective. Good luck and Happy New Year!

    For HBT456.
    Stop blabbering knucklehead.

  326. Tun



    Gong Hei Fa Cai to all. No hard feelings. We are all Malaysians.

    I am certainly grateful to our beloved Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad with DSAI and the Team by his side when they ousted the Singaporean Puppet Corrupt and Uncaring BN Government 2004-2018 and its equally corrupt elite and GLCs/SOEs.

    Overnight on 9 May 2018, our beloved Malaysia and her Rakyat attained a NEW NORMAL being one of the 4 most important small countries of the World, Britain, Japan, Switzerland and Malaysia. In 2020, Malaysia is ready to take-off towards the likes of Visionary Switzerland, Democratic India and Good Governance Japan.

    Malaysia Boleh Tun as always. No problem.

  327. Salam Tun

    Wall Tun ini dah macam investment forum i3. Mereka akan bertekak bila rugi besar labur dalam saham tertentu. Ada suara kata, orang kalah judi, mulut bisa. But I melihat membeli saham tak sama seperti tikam nombor ekor, because bursa banyak faktor2 dalamnya, micro, macro, etc. Susah nak baca. Nak lawan bursa bukan satu kerja senang dan mudah hahaha

    Actually I memang orang lama dalam i3 forum, nowadays I tak participate dalam forum ini, hanya datang sebagai silent reader. My friend “Miz” rajin promo my blog sana. Most orang lama yang pergi my blog tengok nama mereka dah kenal. Kecuali participant baru dalam i3 tak kenal I.

    Ada juga yang beritau “Miz” yang saham whims recommended banyak yang menjadi buat duit. I sebenarnya tidak beli banyak I cuma beritahu pengunjung tentang saham I beli dan kenapa I membelinya, juga I highlight certain business news dari Investment Banks dan news portal.

    I try my best not to put heavy news, because retail investors tak begitu suka baca yang berat2, mereka tiada masa nak digest. Ada masa “Miz” akan beritahu di i3, siapa yang dah buat duit, lari dulu. Sebab kita dah nampak macam goyah movement. Not always mereka dengar but then kita dah nasihatkan. Kadang2 nampak goyah tapi tiba2 rancak naik semula pun ada. Very unpredicatable hahaha

    Kalau tanya remisier or dealer yang pandai tengok chart, tengok lilin, also sama resultnya. For long term, investor boleh rely on FA – Fundamental Analysis dari Investment Banks. But that too at times not accurate enough. Sekali masuk tukang goreng dalam any counters dalam bursa boleh lonjak naik dengan sekelip mata. Langgar my price targets, langgar investment banks price targets.

    Topik yang hangat diperkatakan dalam investment forum ICON. I ingat this counter, company Ekuinas, tujuan ditubuhkan sebab beli kapal2 milik Tanjong Offshore. Dan one of the majority shareholder ICON adalah Tabung Haji. Dah 2 kali limit up, maka Tabung Haji jual semua saham. Jangan cepat senyum because ramai mengata zaman PH lagi teruk dari BN. Only on the 3rd day baru keluar kenyataan designated stocks. Something like nak tolong kawan lepas dulu. I tiada shares ini, so I hanya melihat.

    Some kata ICON took over listing Tanjong Offshore. Nope yang took over listing Tanjong Offshore adalah T7Global. Ini semua companies yang kena mengena dengan O&G Industry. I kenal seorang director lama Tanjong Offshore. Zaman muda kami biasa terjumpa kat Tin Mine, zaman tua kami sering terjumpa dekat Bazar Ramadan Subang Jaya. hahaha Well, that’s life.

    Of course I masih promo Hibiscus Petroleum, ramai old participants kat i3 ingat, I memang selalu promo Hibiscus sana dulu. I sangkut kah? Nope I dah jual banyak, ada sedikit lagi, because my husband dalam O&G Industry. Orang dalam industry ini selalunya akan support business yang related to their business, samada sebagai supplier or kawan kerja sana or sedara kawan kerja sana or sedara mara kerja sana hahaha


  328. Tun


    We have something in common. My wife is a lawyer who was placed 7th out of 700 at the Bar Finals, London. In his time Lee Kuan Yew was Third Class as alleged in his time whilst his wife was 3rd out of 300.

    Malaysia Boleh Tun as always. No problem.

  329. Tun


    Malaysia Boleh Tun as always. No problem.

  330. Tun

    The secret is finally out. MALLOUCIOUS IS A LAWYER.

    My late brother-in-law a lawyer from King’s College London once told me that ‘LAWYERS CAN LIE ON EITHER SIDE.’

    Malloucious, please tell us which side you LIE ON ?

    Malaysia Boleh Tun as always. No problem. No wonder our Laws are out-of-date and revisions are neglected unlike Britain, Singapore, Hong Kong and Australia. It’s the Rakyat who pay the PRICE.

  331. Tun


    You said ‘tell me when I was rude’. Hey ! You don’t know English ugh ?


    But you could not take it when your comments were refuted with substantive facts and logical arguments. YOU LOSE YOUR TEMPER AS THOUGH THE COMMENTATOR INSULTED YOU PERSONALLLY WHICH WAS NEVER THE CASE. It’s your MIND-SET. To win your point you use all sorts of seditious words which is typical of fellows like you. YOU WENT BESERK !


    I never insulted you or called you KNUCKLHEAD. In your fury please hit at the right target if any.


    And please do not be jealous with green eyes about other peoples hard-earned achievements like our beloved Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad. I SUPPOSE FELLOWS LIKE YOU WANT TO SCRUB OUT OUR HISTORY. SORRY! YOU CANNOT.

    Remember I never insult anyone but only defend myself when attacked. In your case you are beneath my contempt.

    Malaysia Boleh Tun as always. No problem. Healthy people with healthy minds HAVE NO MIND-SETS ! What a pity for our beloved Malaysia !

  332. Tun


    Wow ! I knew some people could be arrogant, super sensitive, irrational and stupid. But you are right there are some who are only waiting to pick a quarrel on NOTHING so that they could display their POOR COMMAND AND UNDERSTANDING OF ENGLISH. Fellows like these are a dime a dozen in our beloved Malaysia.

    I am certain our beloved Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad has store-rooms of poison letters in brown envelopes. It’s a Malaysian culture – backstabbing.

    Its the absence of MIND-SETs of these walking DEAD !

    Suddenly in 2020, this distinguished Blog has A PAIR OF GEMINI TWINS.

    Malaysia Boleh Tun as always. No problem.

  333. To Mubarakchan,

    1. Learn to read and stop nitpicking on comments made by everyone on Tun’s blog at your convenience and replied to them partially without understanding the whole picture.

    2. Other than this, please stop copy pasting phrases from books. I noticed that some of what you have written were the exact same contents from book. Nobody wants to hear what the book has to say, not at least in a comment on a blog.

    3. You either understand English or you dont at all. If you dont at all, I could always write in Bahasa Melayu. I notice that almost HALF of what I have written was TWISTED into something else, and more than 2/3 of them were NOT READ at all, you comment them one by one differently at a different time replying on the same exact comment.

    4. Learn to cut down your writings, no need to copy paste books or wikipedia and give your thoughts and opinions only. Reply only in one comment to make it easier for me to read.

    5. Finally, learn NOT to be offended with every single thing people posted. Thank you.

    Thank you Tun and Admin,

    have a good day Tun.

  334. It is still too early to tell how much wuhan virus has mutated since it is a flu season in china due to huge crowds in public areas with high humidity which is so deeply connected in mainland and outside china.

    The blessing is this time, everyone is aware due to social media networking.

    Those who were affected and died of wuhan flu are aged people with health complication so far.

    During sars era, social media does not exist yet.

    Dont get panic, dont rely on hearsays.

    Stay tune to the information provided by their authorities and those countries that are affected.

    Those who are working in frontlines during this outbreak of wuhan flu, in here, i wish to say thank you to all of you.

  335. Tun,

    I can finally agree with you on one thing though,

    1. Soleimni killing should not have happened since he was not in US soil. Even if he was plotting to kill American.

    2. US is pure evil, they are not our friend. We should be cautious about being too close with the US.

    3. US interest in Malaysia is only for 3 things, political access, having veto power to interfere with Malaysian affairs in politics.

    4. Economic access having power to interfere with our economy, and dicates our economy.

    5. And finally, SOCIAL ACCESS – access to sex with locals, access to local expertise like expert workers, access to anything that has anything to do with Malaysian citizens, including Malaysian education.

    I would like to amend the followings below ;

    6. US repeatedly disregarded Malaysian law and International Law, although Khasoggi was a villain he should not have been KILLED since he is in IRAQ not US territory!!

    This was not Khasoggi, it was actually Soleimani. It was another mistyping.

  336. To knucklehead foreigner Twinpeaks,

    Tun allow me to teach this knucklehead a lesson in manners, I did not notice the extent of his full insults on the malay, I just only realise that he WROTE at LEAST 3 attacks on the MALAY in 3 comments.

    1. You went all bonkers and ATTACKED the ENTIRE malay race just because of me? wow, you are TRULY a RACIST prick. The ENTIRE malay race was INSULTED because of me.

    2. In every race we have the smart ones, and the less intelligent one, and also the hardworking and less hardworking one. But you STEREOTYPED the ENTIRE malay race and attack the entire race because you ASSUMED that I was a malay.

    3. Your DUMB statement will anger the malay who read it. More people will notice your stupidity. Instead of replying to me without being emotional, both you and Mubarakchan got emotional and still dare to claim that I got emotional in my response, WHILE IT was you both who got so emotional with my response and started to go fully INSANE with replies.

    4. You from Cambridge? I doubt that you are from Cambridge, someone with an IQ of most likely 60 below like you would not possibly get one. Maybe some fake degree from online University.

    5. You know what the contents of Tun’s malay dilemma? You talked about it as if you know what was written inside the book and you claimed that this book detailed attacks on the malay which is UNTRUE.

    6. You are poisonous, ill-mannered, and ultra racist with broad generalisation of the Malay.

    7. I have seen some of the dumbest white guy in my life, some of the dumbest Chinese guy, Indian and even African guy and none of them were able to beat you so far.

    8. Finally, I hereby commanded you Twinpeaks, to become my pet. No more opposing me after this.

  337. Why mubarakchan put capital fonts in his comments?

    There is a simple trick to read the pattern of bursa malaysia klci which i dont wish to share in here or with locals because i am not in this industry.


    Why did LFL sue Singapore Home Minister?

    Because he is not a melayu first?

    Perhaps LFL loyar is so liberal that they can terrorize, oops, i mean, hantam, anyone that they see as threat because they are the lawmakers?

    Perhaps they too are so snobbish, oops, i mean, proud of their degrees until they took things for granted.

    I already know the answer.

    Good luck, and all the best.

  338. For Mubarakchan.

    It seems that the knucklehead mallaoucius tries hard to distance himself away from his own race. Shows that they are not proud to be called Malays when it matters… like when they are being attacked, unlike Hajar (well done Ma’am!).

    So it’s true what you said about no rich Malays ever want to help their fellow Malays. Each one of them is like a crab, stepping on each other to get out of the crate (he..he..) That is the MAIN difference between the two major races in this country…

    The Chinese Malaysians are very supportive of one another. That’s why they are very strong in business in Malaysia. They don’t need any external support.

    The Malay Malaysians are constantly plotting each other’s downfall. That’s why they will not amount to ANYTHING in ANYTHING. Thus, government is their permanent crutch.

    Sorry Hajar, but this is the plain truth. We wish it can be any different, but that wish is a dream as you also know very well. It is the basic mindset which is cultural and inborn. No offense.

    HBT456… stop blabbering knucklehead.

  339. WOW!! Just great.. looks like every one throwing New Year’s oranges at one another.

    For HBT456.
    Stop blabbering knucklehead.

    For Mubarakchan, SSLee, knucklehead HBT456.
    Gong Xi Fa Cai !!!

    For HBT456.
    Stop blabbering knucklehead.

  340. Tun


    You mentioned that Singapore has a liberal society.

    Have you ever heard of a joke amongst the Singaporean Chinese that whenever Lee Kuan Yew’s name was mentioned in any gathering, all will turn their heads to confirm his presence ?

    I recommend MALLOUCIOUS to read the book ‘BIG IDEAS OF LEE KUAN YEW’ published in October 2014. It was a Festschrift by his ex-president, ex-chief justice, ex-chief civil servant, etc. to salaam him as their BOSS !


    Malaysia Boleh Tun as always. No problem

  341. Tun


    In January 2020, it is indeed surprising that our fellow Malaysians still CANNOT see that both Prime Ministers during the Dark Age of the Singaporean Puppet Corrupt and Uncaring BN Government 2004-2018 and its equally corrupt elite and GLCs/SOEs were COMPROMISED by Lee Kuan Yew and Singapore without a BATTLE.

    Singapore’s brain washing machine was going full blast at the very hot relationships, close friendships, very private retreats, abang-adeks 4 eyes meetings etc.

    All that were desired by Singapore, from low hanging fruits, the UMNO very own NSTP Chief Editor’s post right to the KTM lands and rails, and the rocks, were given away free to Singapore.

    For no reason at all in 2004 immediately after the assumption of POWER, the new Federal Government rushed to The Hague with the oldest Cambridge law Professor Oppenheim in tow and legally handed the rocks to Lee Kuan Yew’s Singapore. All the preceding Malaysian Governments were firm in the belief that our beloved Malaysia owned the Pulau Batu Puteh since the beginning of time.

    In their exuberance, the legal eagles of Singapore published a book which showed how stupid the Malaysian Government was. The Malaysian Government 2004-2018 did not complain or respond which meant they accepted the fact.

    These fellows the Prime Ministers 2004-2018, forgot the meaning of Sovereignty and National Interest and their DIGNITY.

    As for our beloved Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad from the earliest moment of his political career he had expressed his love for the Rakyat,and Malaysia’s sovereignty and national interest which meant those who adopted foul means to grab our beloved Malaysia’s assets are seen to be wily foreign interlopers.


    Our beloved Tun could not be COMPROMISED.

    Therefore, those with an ulterior motive dislike him or want him to vacate his Prime Ministership. BUT AS FAR AS WE KNOW, TUN IS NOT GOING TO LEAVE 31 MILLIONS MALAYSIAN SOULS IN THE LURCH OR HIS HARD FOUGHT LEGACY SHATTERED BY FUN LOVING LEADERS.

    Comparatively, the 1MDB Scandal is peanuts in relation to Singapore COMPROMISING THE TOP LEADERS OF MALAYSIA 2004-2018 without a battle.

    Malaysia Boleh Tun as always. No problem IN YOU WE ALL TRUST.

    Our Prime Ministers, Sovereignty and National Interest are not NEGOIIABLE always.

  342. Salam Dearest YAB PM Tun Dr. Mahathir,

    Allow me Tun:


    I am referring to your comments as follows:

    1. twinpeaks Jan 24,2020 11:33 AM

    // “Mubarakchan alone has more brain cells than all the cells contained in all the heads of your entire race, combined. The Malays should be ashamed to have you as one of them. What a pity (he.. he..). No wonder the Malays are 20,000 million miles behind the Chinese Malaysians. You should be more humble to the Chinese. You might learn something useful,.. that is if you have the brain to do it.”//

    2. twinpeaks Jan 24,2020 11:42 AM

    // “Our beloved Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir desperately wants your race to improve and make something (just anything) useful in life. BUT YOU PEOPLE (the Malays) reject him, ridicule his advice, from the time he wrote his seminal book The Malay Dilemma FIVE(!!!) decades ago UNTIL today.

    Your race will never beat even the Orang Asli. Never will. You will always be the bottom of the pile in Malaysia. What a pity. But that’s the truth.”//


    You definitely have crossed the line. You insulted the Malays (Malay race) with your half-baked sweeping statement. I’m a Malay, and proud to be a Malay.

    If you are so angry at a person (I believe for asking you to write in BM; not a big deal anyway; just do it), then please just focus on that person. THERE’S NO NEED TO INSULT AN ENTIRE RACE. By the way, Tun Mahathir is a Malay (just as a REMINDER).

    I speak my mind (too). If I don’t like something I say in directly, especially if it’s wrong, illogical, and so stupid (especially the one on brain cells!). I’m willing to face the consequences.

    How could you compare ONE person’s brain cells (number) with an entire race’s brain cells (total / combined)?

    Please answer the following questions (since you believe that you are so SMART):

    (i) How many BRAIN CELLS do you have? Give me an estimate (a NUMBER).

    (ii) Is it possible for a (one) person to have more brain cells that the entire Malay race’s (millions) brain cells, combined? YES / NO.

    (iii) Do you think Albert Einstein had more brain cells (in general) than you? YES / NO.

    I made the questions simple enough for you to answer. Hopefully you can answer them correctly (if you have the brain to answer them).

    So, please RETRACT whatever INSULTS (please read again you comments) you have made against the Malay race, and apologize for your ‘KECELUPARAN’ and foolishness.

    Thank you Tun.

    – May Allah SWT bless Tun and family –

  343. twinpeaks Jan 24,2020 7:40 PM

    I absolutely agree with you. It is better to have some assets and nothing at all. With the financial constraints that the country is experiencing due to missing billions, it is not wise to start an arms race in the region. We cannot and should not pretend to compete with the PLA navy. That’s why in the worst case scenario, the US Navy will come and monitor the PLA navy’s movement. Future wars involving Malaysia are most likely to be fought at sea. So that is the focus, and compatibility with US Navy assets is very important.

    Sri Sense.
    I agree with you on next PM.

    What can I say.., you are like a mentor to most of us. And should be treated as such. Yes, I agree that some commentators such the knucklehead M have great difficulty in reading ‘between the lines’. I attribute this to a lack of basic English reading skill. Just ignore the likes of him, if I were you.

    Stop blabbering knucklehead.

    In CNY message, TDM said Malaysians must be thankful for peace and unity, and i agreed with him.

    I believe TDM is thankful too for the peace and unity in Malaysia for being re-elected as the Perdana Menteri at this age.

    Politics is just only a game of numbers.

    Whoever gets the majority numbers, they will decide the next course of action to dictate the federal unearned revenue under the leadership of Perdana Menteri.

    I am sure everyone of us who are mature enough and have gone through the turbulence of economic cycles due to changes of national policies kerana aku boss selepas pilihan umum raya.

    Some made it, some didnt make it because they were caught unaware.

    Because we are living in imperfect and dangerous world.

    With or without usa navy or pla, perdana menteri of day must call for general elections.

    If he looses majority votes, then, he must leave.

    If he wins majority votes, then, he stays.

    Thats the basic rule of westminster democratic parliament in malaysia, not indonesia.

    Breaking votes of majority is always easier than uniting votes of majority.

    Which to go, i do not want to guess as voter.

    What i know is when general election result is announced, everyone will know, then, it is official.

    Once again, i thank TDM for allowing me to write in here being the naive voter who has learned so much in these 10 years which is enough for me to be a decent Malaysian.

    I cannot influence others since i do not have pangkat kerajaan.

    But being a voter, i can still contribute in a small way as Chinese in Malaysia.

    Me too didnt ask to be born of chinese parents in Malaya.

    Salah siapa?

  344. To Mubarakchan


    1. Tun wont be laughing all the way to his office or Parliament because of me, but Tun might be laughing all the way to his office and Parliament because of your attempt at ‘self-promotion’.

    2. It was grand, but without purpose. You claimed that you do not attack anyone other than HBT, but this is untrue. You attack S.S Lee, and all who did not conform to your narrative and worldview. You seem to think that you could trample, and trashes everyone here because you stand above us all.

    3. You are a wordsmith? I am someone who work in the legal field, I read thousands pages long of cases everyday, and crafted thousands of wordings everyday. No way to read each and every details, but most of your point was noted and replied with.

    4. Do not make yourself a joke like Twinpeaks

    Tun dan Admin,

    Mohon maaf kalau ada terkasar bahasa, saya hanya membalas komen yang dituju kepada saya dari Twinpeaks dan Mubarakchan.

    Mohon di izinkan,

    Thank you Tun and Admin.

  345. Tun

    Malam ini I nak cerita hal stockmarket.

    I dengar cerita ini kat investment class. My lecturer cerita, cerita benar. Long time ago.

    My lecturer didatangi seorang kawan lama, nak pinjam CDS account urgent sangat katanya. Kawan ini tiada CDS account. Menurut kawannya, bapa main mahjong terdengar satu orang cakap, yang stock ini akan naik sampai harga sekian sekian.

    Pada mulanya lecturer tak nak bagi pinjam CDS account. Kalau apa2 jadi dia pula kena tanggung. Pasal beria ia sangat kawan ini so dia benarkan. Not only that satu bank tempat lecturer kerja pun join beli. Memang naik sampai harga yang disebut. Satu office, mereka bersorak dengan gembira. Moral of the story, dalam stock market ada kaki goreng, ada chef goreng lambung lambung tinggi hahaha

    ICON limit up 2 hari, masuk hari ketiga nak limit up also. So Bursa Malaysia Securities Bhd has declared the securities of Icon Offshore Bhd as designated counters with effect from Jan 28, due to excessive speculation.

    Hmmm… tak taulah berapa yang sangkut, yang tak tidur malam, or tak raya tahun ini. Anyway that’s life in shares trading. It’s a brutal place, guys!

  346. To Twinpeaks,


    When it comes to braincells, the malay may not amount to much, but the malay may be way smarter than white people and we have bigger p**** too.Ha ha ha ha! Furthermore, us as Asian is way stronger than your kind. We are made genetically superior, smarter and more intelligent, and your people knew this. That was why your country is worrying about China.

    Our women are also more beautiful and more stunning than your kind. You can keep dreaming if you want to have a piece of pie in Asia. We are not going to allow it to happen. Stay in your country mate. 🙂

  347. Tun


    1MDB with RM 42 Billions could not make a single sen. And now it costs the Federal Government many millions of ringgits more.

    At Folex Industries Berhad in 1975, I was expected to runaway in 2 weeks from the biggest bankrupt textile factory in Malaysia in the 1970s because all the Managing Directors ran away after 2 weeks when they found that there was no money in the Company. The Company owed the Consortium RM 32 Millions with no means of repayment. The Malaysian textile market was controlled by tough as nails Hakkas, Sikhs, Gujeratis, Sindhis, etc. The factory was spending RM 17 per minute/24 hours day and night. I stayed on. Kept the 1,200 Malay workers happy for 9 years with 2 Chinese and 1 Malay managers. Turned the Company around in 2 years and made millions of ringgits for the next 7 years. I was only paid RM 7,000 per month with 1 month’s bonus. I DID NOT CHEAT. I DID NOT STEAL. MONEY FROM THE SALE OF WASTES WERE RETURNED TO THE WORKERS IN CASH OR KIND. I WAS NOT A SHAREHOLDER. Like our beloved Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad today, I loved doing something productive in the National Interest and the Rakyat’s Interest. No questions were asked by me.

    At the end the Consortium worked away after their loans were paid in full as though they never knew me. I did not complain. I did not explain.

    This Folex Restructuring Classic was never publicised to this day. No other has surpassed it yet since 1975. I remain the only home-grown REAL INDUSTRIALIST 1975-2020 according to Shanghainess attributes.

    Malaysia Boleh Tun as always. No problem.

  348. To the American Twinpeaks,

    1. You keep harping about attacking China with nukes, nukes in Beijing and Shanghai and all that.

    2. For your information China is our friend, it is the US who started all this mess in Asia for your own gain. The crisis in Luconia Shoal was started by the US, UK and France by making their agents in China going overboard with sea boundaries claim.

    3. Then your country the US, UK, and the west will try to pretend like you are Malaysia’s ally and friend. This is to protect your interest in Malaysia, so that you could keep taking advantage of my beloved Malaysia.

    4. This was American goal from the start, it was not about defending freedom or democracy but to maintain US hegemony and power.

    5. Facebook allows spying on innocents Malaysia by US officials, and US authorities especially by the FBI and CIA. This is against Malaysian law and international law that dictates that US must ask for Malaysian permission to spy on Malaysian citizen.

    6. US repeatedly disregarded Malaysian law and International Law, although Khasoggi was a villain he should not have been KILLED since he is in IRAQ not US territory!!

    7. There was a case where an American committed crime in other country, and then fled, the crime was ‘rape, murder, and battery’ some victim died, some victim left with life of trauma.

    8. The only reason why US is so mad at Huawei was because the 5G that Huawei implemented will prevent US agency from spying on Malaysian. That was what made the US so angry at Huawei and China, US also tried to install their agents by infilration of Huawei. But it was prevented by Chinese Intelligence.

    9. US is not Malaysia’s friend, we are just trade partner. So whether we are going to start any project with China or not, is none of your business.

    10. Lastly, stay off Malaysian affairs, and stop kidnapping our girls and bringing back them to your country to be forced prostitute. Okay Twinpeaks?

    11. Ha ha ha. Have a nice day!

  349. More for Mubarakchan,

    1. You are just looking to attack me from the start to defend your little brother-in-arm, Twinpeaks and that was your mistake.

    2. I do not care who you are or who your brother in law is, unless if you are Tun himself.

    3. I also do not ask about your ‘credentials’ showing big your balls is, if compared to me. I reserve to say what must be said about this country and whenever I see something is not right.

    4. You did not even answer my questions in the comments about where did you get the information on the dowry of 500$ billion? did you NOT understand basic English? and further question on Singapore’s Lee as CIA guy, and what is this about 108$ loss?

    5. I never referred to any of my comment to 108$ loss, and the cigarette comments was about the smuggling. I only take important points, the point that you are trying to make.

    6. Kindly POINT at me, which comment was RUDE? my comment for Twinpeaks was in kind, he resorted to name calling.

    P.S – I do not like American, they are forked tongue.

  350. For Mubarakchan.

    If you don’t want to have anything more to do with that knucklehead mallaoucius and anyone else from his group of arrogant idiots, just do like I do. Read everyone’s post including HBT456, but SKIP any nonsense from the mallaoucius, the moment you see the idiot’s name. That way, you can put your excellent contribution to the rest of us, the ones who truly want to read your valuable postings. I have been doing this all the time, skipping most of the male commentators in this distinguished blog. Their rubbish are just not worth reading.

    Simple and good luck.

    And stop blabbering, HBT456.

  351. Dear Twinpeaks,

    1. When did I say I am a malay? I was assuming that Mubarakchan was a malay but apparently he is not.

    2. You call me a foreigner, and non Malaysian, but it appears to me that it was YOU who is not of Malaysian origin. I suspected that you are an American.

    3. My academic background is not for you or anyone to know, and UNLIKE you I DO NOT LIKE to BRAG about what I do for a living or even brag about my academic credentials. But you and Mubarakchan seem to love to bragging how big you two are, let me tell you. I dont care who you are, even if you are Donald Trump replying to comment, you will get the same response to me.

    4. Since you are a foreigner, I suggested that you REFRAIN from making comments on Malaysian affairs, this is our country, not yours. This is my country, and I love this country with every fibre of my being and I reserve to comments on its affairs and issues, affecting my people, especially economics, politics, and social.

    5. You claimed to have dual degree, but if it is true that you have DUAL DEGREE it goes to show that Malaysian University if way better than your country’s University.

    6. Someone who FAILED to give FACTS about who has the most Submarine in Asia is asking me to google search on this topic, do me and everyone else here a favor. Go and READ more on the topic and Malaysia before you post dumb comments.

    7. No wonder you get so angry about not making the US an enemy when I mentioned about the US, and the west. You were apparently a foreigner acting as Malaysian citizen.

    8. Yes, Chinese is Malaysian why should we compete with each other? they are my fellow Malaysian, and the same goes for Indian and Orang Asli. The real enemy is foreigner like you who pretended to be a Malaysian to meddle in our affairs.

    10. Now you even insulted the Malay? what race do you think Tun is? you are truly funny. You said that the Malay has braincells smaller than the Chinese, so does that mean Tun has small braincells?

    11. Debate with me? what debate? you lost without being able to counter any of my arguments.

    12. You should just stick to commenting on Donald Trump twitter donkey, not here on Tun Mahathir blog.

    13. Lastly, do you support Israel Twinpeaks? or Palestinian? We Malaysian supported Palestinians, we can never be true friends to American or westerner like yourself.

    14. In fact in the far future, we might be China ally and conquer all over the world, the asian race is meant to rule the world and was in fact the supreme race. The belief that Aryan or Jew was supreme was FALSE notion from the start. When we rule your country, we can abolish schools, and force your people to become our slaves.

    15. When Mongol went to Europe, even Richard the Lionheart was running and peeing in his pants. So much for great westerners. That is why your country is afraid of China.

    For Mubarakchan,

    1. You do not have to go so damn long writing about how ‘GREAT’ you are, or how big your CONTRIBUTIONS is to the country. This is IRRELEVANT to the topic. I do not care whether your brother in law is Donald Trump or Lee Kuan Yew or whoever you.

    2. Maybe you can apply to be one of the Minister in Tun’s government, I do not know, but whoever you are, my response was appropriate and it was you who gets upset over things that does not go to your narrative and worldview.

    3. Nothing in my replies to you was offensive, or insulting. Take note this again.

    4. Lastly, I never claimed to be a malay, I just assumed that you are a malay that was why I used “As a malay and Malaysian..”

    5. Refrain from acting like a child, and acted your age.

    Thank you Tun and Admin.

  352. Dear Mubarakchan,

    1. I am guessing that you either do not read my response, or you do not know plain English. I was trying to as much as possible to write in plain English hoping that you and other reader could understand. I do not need to reply to all of your replies just one is sufficient.

    2. I already EXPLAINED TO YOU CLEARLY that I do not worship SINGAPORE, and I was merely responding to Twinpeak suggestion that Singapore become DEVELOPED BECAUSE OF HONG KONG CRISIS WHICH IS UNTRUE.

    3. But I guess you FAILED your English in High School so you do not know how to read such simple explanation from me, and decide to act all mighty and attacked me. Now what is the point of showing me your credentials? to show the world that you are better than me or know more about the topic so I should shut up?, I was refraining from offending you since we were discussing, now that you have attacked me, I will reply in kind.

    Let me REPHRASE that for you again since you do NOT KNOW BASIC ENGLISH in both Bahasa Melayu and English.


    1. I was talking about the FOUR ASIAN TIGERS which is Taiwan, Hong Kong, Singapore and South Korea. Then Twinpeak hinted that Singapore BENEFITS from Hong Kong crisis, which was implying to that become developed because of the crisis.

    2. My response to him was that, “Singapore was already a developed state even before Hong Kong crisis..

    3. Second response was, when Malaysia should not FOLLOW SINGAPORE ECONOMIC MODEL, because our SOCIETY IS DIFFERENT THAN SINGAPORE. This was by no chance a PRAISE OF SINGAPORE. But you quickly jumped into the bandwagon not reading the entire replies and interactions between me and him and ATTACKED me for no reason.

    Bahasa Melayu

    1. Apa yang saya sedang maksudkan bila saya sebut Singapura adalah berkaitan 4 Harimau Asia, Twinpeak jawab yang Hong Kong dapat manfaat dari krisis Hong Kong yang membolehkan Singapura mendapat status negara maju.

    2. Benda ni secara terangan adalah tidak benar sebabnya Singapura sudah pun menjadi negara maju sebelum krisis Hong Kong lagi.

    3. Jawapan balas saya kedua adalah berkaitan HUB PELABURAN ASIA, kita tak boleh ikut model ekonomi sama seperti Singapura sebabnya masyarakat Malaysia berlainan dengan Singapura. Ini BUKAN BERMAKSUD PUJIAN kepada Singapura. Tapi Mubarakchan tak pun baca semua balasan saya pada Twinpeak sebelum membalas komen saya dan menyerang saya tanpa sebab.


    1. You keep arguing that Singapore lost money, factory in Temasek became dead by 2000, cigarette smuggling blah blah blah to make a point. But when we deconstructed your ENTIRE POINT, you are just trying to say that Singapore LOST MONEY which WAS NOT DISPUTED by me at all. Where did I dispute this contention that Singapore suffered loss?

    2. So Malaysia did not any LOSS before? I am a little bit lazy to point it to you but since you are a great guy, I am sure you know how much loss we have suffered in the past. But these loss including Najib’s losses amounting to BILLIONS RINGGIT, more than 150 BILLIONS for Najib case alone.

    3. We also suffered loss in defense industry when we have to continue to bailout, and all other kind of loss but enough of this LOSS talk. I am not here to talk about PAST SCANDALS involving Malaysia or Singapore. I was talking ABOUT DEVELOPED STATUS. Not whether we have bigger scandals or Singapore has hidden reason why they are MORE SUCCESSFUL. Get it?

    4. Further, You seem to argue about Singapore involvement in Cigarette SMUGGLING. You keep on harping on this issue, LOSS, and what the heck is about 500$ B cold war dowry? You did not answer me when I ask you where did you get this information?

    5. If Singapore become developed because of cigarette smuggling, or ALL THESE HIDDEN REASONS that you tell me, then kindly tell me what about Japan? Hong Kong? Macau? Swiss? Denmark? and all other developed state, you will start to ramble about how each of this state has ‘hidden story’ to their successes this is actually like finding an excuse when we cant make it.

    6. Moreover, you said that Singapore’s Lee Kuan Yew was CIA guy, but FACT was, he SUCCESSFULLY BLOCKED CIA recruitments of Singapore ISD officers and they even made the US made payment to them after this was revealed to the PUBLIC. THIS IS PUBLIC KNOWLEDGE and was on the news few years ago after Mr Lee’s death.

    7. Then, I ask you what about water issue with Singapore? when can we ask for 10 cents higher water tariff from Singapore? what happened to the hoo-haa about increasing water tariff to Singapore? When Belarus refused to pay Russia more for Gas tariff they simply CUT SUPPLY. What happen to us? quiet? this goes unanswered.

    8. If we were to talk about all this ‘OPERATIONS’ involving intelligence agency, then who was doing a better job? This was my last point to you, but also were ignored – MH17, MH370, Doctor Fadhi’ assassination by CIA in KL, Kim Jong Nam murder. Anything similiar happens in Singapore? or no? Take note that it was you who brought this up not me.

    9. Singapore was also less corrupted than us, we are now at 51 in Corruption Perception Index and Singapore is at 3-4 for the last few years and maintain this number. They believe that by giving government servants higher pay, they can prevent corruptions but this is not happening in Malaysia. The cost of living is high, the wage are stagnant for almost two decades. Although there is increment it cannot match up with inflations. As a result the people has no other means and they RESORTED to corruptions.

    10. On the issue of MONOPOLISTIC TRADES, It has been answered, YOU DID OR YOU DID NOT READ what I have written ? Need me to quote for you? Which part of THIS was talking about liquor or cigarettes?


    14. It is true that Singapore practice hegemonostic monopoly over the decades and even take advantage of other countries, this includes Malaysia. Just go and take a look at how many Malaysian prostitutes are working in Singapore. Failing water deal, boundaries disputes, death penalty involving Malaysian citizens, and even economic abuse where they take advantage of Malaysia. But let me ask you a question. Who allow it to happen in the first place? if not Malaysian leaders?

    11. I laughed when you attacked my English. I was retyping it again and again because I fear that the language use might be too much, and I never bothered to proof read, there were TYPO and even grammatical errors, because I was typing very fast on a small Android Phone. There is no edit button too.

    12. You need to relax, and not COMMENT on me with 3-4 comments in a row, and try to go for anger management it might help you control your anger. I was not in anyway insulting you, it was a QUESTION, and SUGGESTION and some even asking you back for replies but I was attacked with anger instead and please try to cut down your writing, no need to write dozens of long paragraphs to make a point. I dont really read all, just some important points that you are trying to make. But in general, I did answers most of your points, and you get angry instead.

    13. Last of all, any part of being developed might need for you to explain history of Singapore? Is it making any sense if we want to talk about Singapore’s economy we must go through its history first. This is like blaming circumstances on why we do not make it, and others do. If what you claim about Singapore hidden history on his economic successes and developed status is true, then it means that no matter what we do, we will never be successful because you claim Singapore successes was attributed to the US help, economic cheating – wall street, smuggling, and all others. ALL OF THIS was suggesting that they become successfull though lies, cheating and trickery is akin to blaming situation, luck, fate, and circumstances for someone successes or failure it is equal to looking for a bogeyman to pin the blame for it so that we can excuse ourself of any change.

    If we accepted your contentions, then what we should do if we want to improve our country? or there is no path for us at all?

  353. HAJAR.
    I absolutely agree with you. It is better to have some assets and nothing at all. With the financial constraints that the country is experiencing due to missing billions, it is not wise to start an arms race in the region. We cannot and should not pretend to compete with the PLA navy. That’s why in the worst case scenario, the US Navy will come and monitor the PLA navy’s movement. Future wars involving Malaysia are most likely to be fought at sea. So that is the focus, and compatibility with US Navy assets is very important.

    Sri Sense.
    I agree with you on next PM.

    What can I say.., you are like a mentor to most of us. And should be treated as such. Yes, I agree that some commentators such the knucklehead M have great difficulty in reading ‘between the lines’. I attribute this to a lack of basic English reading skill. Just ignore the likes of him, if I were you.

    Stop blabbering knucklehead.

  354. Salam Dearest YAB PM Tun Dr. Mahathir,

    Allow me Tun:


    The deadly coronavirus is now very near to us (in Peninsular Malaysia). It’s in the neighborhood.

    Muslims are FORBIDDEN (‘haram’) from eating snakes / rats / bats/ etc. (animals with certain characteristics), and now we know (see) the reason.


    We are witnessing some kind of punishment (‘bala / kifarah’) from Allah SWT to a group of people (Chinese) who defy Allah’s command. Since we are now living in a BIG/GLOBAL VILLAGE, it’s so easy and possible for us to get infected by this novel coronavirus even when we stay put in Malaysia.


    Hopefully Allah SWT spares us from this disaster / catastrophe…Aamiin…

    Thank you Tun.

    – May Allah SWT bless Tun and family –

  355. Salam Dearest YAB PM Tun Dr. Mahathir,

    Allow me Tun:

    @Twinpeaks (Jan 23,2020 2:00 PM), You are welcome.

    In terms of military strength, Malaysia is ranked 41 (of 137) in 2019.

    On the other hand, Singapore is ranked 59 (of 137).

    Of course the set of attributes used might not reflect (accurately – 100%) the actual military strength (can only be used as guidelines), but at least we have the military assets / items / etc. (having old assets are better than NIL / nothing) being measured (for the specified attributes / characteristics).

    Malaysia (Muslim country) has always been such a nice neighbor, but unfortunately we have a group of ultra kiasus as our neighbor – so selfish too! We prefer to discuss matters peacefully without using violence.

    Thank you Tun.

    – May Allah SWT bless Tun and family –

  356. Correction: Let them compete among themselves first on what the melayu leaders want to achieve as tuan melayu kerana melayu itu adalah islam.

    Jika tak nak kongsi, i mean, nak sapu semua, bagi tau aja.

    Tak payah tunjuk perasaan, protes and setting up this and that bureaucratic policies to dictate the public fund punya.

    Kan kita ada general election in every 5 years for the wannabes to show case their kehebatan in their party meeting?

    I guess blaming others is the easiest way out to cover their own weaknesses.

    When they see chinese did better, they get jealous because they think only melayu can have the pleasure to enjoy hak istimewa first.

    Later, they will become weaker and weaker by setting up more parti2 pokitik melayu to rival among themselves.

    Adakah itu salah bukan kaum melayu?

    Adakah itu adalah salah pihak singapore?

    Tak payah compare punya kerana dasar negara singapore tak akan sama dengan dasar negara malaysia.

    Even sabah and sarawak also set up parti sarawak first, parti sabah first.

    Meaning mereka mahu bercerai dari semenanjung malaysia?

  357. Everytime also like that.

    Tunjuk keris di pau.

    Lepas tu tunjuk keris gergasi to potong kek pulut.

    Money politics is far too rampant, thats why after myrbillions were spent, there is nothing to show at all.


    I pun malas nak ambil tahu.


    Let them fight among themselves first on what do they to achieve.

    Once general election is called, then, we will know what they want.

  358. Sri Sense Jan 24,2020 1:21 PM


    Wow, what a day, bursa trading half day, Monday off day.

    Ok, between Singapore and Malaysia. I think Singapore pandai promo diri – segala hub dia ada, Malaysia suka promo benda yang tak mendatangkan hasil. Malaysia bukan buruk dari Singapore. Tapi salah promo.

    I bagi example, Tun tau tak ada new channel kat ASTRO nama COMEDY CENTRAL? For me bagus sebab I boleh tonton saturday night live (US) dan blockbusters (UK). But the asian standup comedian show banyak paparkan orang Singapore. Orang Melayu Singapore pun making fun at kita orang Malaysia. Macam tak ada idea.


    Just saying, I kaki tengok tv, bila ada waktu lapang.


    Rasis just admit lah, no need to twist punya.

    Jika betul2 ambil kira, siapakah yang paling dahsyat menghina negara ini?


    When you want it, just minta from pmo, no need to main sodomy, i mean, main buntut punya.

    I sue you, you sue me because gua tarak suka sama padamu?

    I help you, you help me because gua suka sama mu?

    Jika macam ini, go minta pmo at putrajaya, no need to held by elections and general elections, kan lebih jimat?

    I dont know whats in the mind of these so-called wannabes.

    Why must you use singapore as the punching bag?

    Creating perfect storm in singapore, you think local will migrate to penang, kedah?

    Betul2 patah hati with this kind of sampah politik.

    All they care is their own interests and survival, and nothing more.

    Loan atau donation?

    Lobi atau debts?

    Ini kena tanya selera mereka, tak gitu?

  359. Tun


    WITH VERY FEW EXCEPTIONS WHICH OUR BELOVED TUN DR MAHATHIR MOHAMAD IS AWARE OF, HARDLY ANY VERY RICH MALAYS HELP THEIR OWN PEOPLE ESPECIALLY THE MALAYSIAN MANAGEMENT OF SIME DARBY 1982-2019. As I mentioned before they either do nothing or hide from their own people like the UMNO which made them rich, very rich. This I do not understand.

    Lest we forget ! When the 13 Tengkus, Tan Sris and Datos scolded me for no reason. I did not run off to join the DAP because these fellows were either rich men’s sons OR NOUVEAU RICHE. They do not figure in the Real World and not sustainable.

    Malaysia Boleh Tun as always. No problem.

  360. Tun

    I baru baca Peralihan kuasa, bukan seperti tukar pemandu bas – Abdul Hadi. hahaha

    To me kalau Tun nak buat macam tukar pemandu bas ada baiknya jawatan PM Tun bagi pada Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin bukan DSAI.

  361. Tun


    See the difference in the practice of English with all its nuances between this MALLOUCIOUS fellow and us. It’s good very good to find out where this MALLOUCIOUS LEARNT HIS ENGLISH.

    Ha ! Ha ! Ha ! Even our beloved Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad would laugh all the way to the Dewan Rakyat with MALLOUCIOUS ENGLISH.

    Whilst I was talking about the MONOPOLISTIC TRADES OF THE COLD WAR 1948-1989 OF LEE KUAN YEW’S SINGAPORE BLESSED BY UNCLE SAM, this MALLOUCIUS fellow was hammer and tongs insulting me with his firm belief that I was talking about cigarettes and liquor. Probably this fellow has not heard of AK47s or understood what I said about my arms dealer friend in Beach Road, Singapore or the other fellow who made military software like helmets, tents, webbing, boots etc in Jurong, Singapore.

    We should find out where this MALLOUCIOUS LEARNT HIS ENGLISH WHICH HE MISCONTRUED ALL THE TIME. Dangerous because he could unwittingly treat good friends as deadly enemies with his POOR UNDERSTANDING AND COMMAND OF ENGLISH which he seemed to be very proud of.

    For example, MALLOUCIOUS WHEN ASKED POINT BLANK BY ME HOW COME SINGAPORE COULD BE SO RICH TO LOSE US $ 108 BILLIONS (RM 324 BILLIONS) ON 8 OCTOBER 2008, his weak answer was that I was referring to Singapore smuggling cigarettes and liquor !

    To lose US$ 108 Billions, LEE KUAN YEW MUST HAVE INVESTED AT LEAST US$ 300 BILLIONS IN WALL STREET. How come Singapore had so much money ? From where did the money come from ? No mind-set ? You got a problem.

    In our beloved Malaysia today, copy-cats, plagiarists, charlatans WITH OR WITHOUT MIND-SETS are a dime a dozen !


    It’s a small, small World TWIN PEAKS. No more. No less.

    Malaysia Boleh Tun as always. No problem

  362. Tun



    I hope you understand the Political Pyramid Structure of Power in our beloved Malaysia.

    Malaysia Boleh Tun as always. No problem

  363. Tun


    Here are my credentials, what’s yours ?

    1. I was close to KMUK London. I used to deliver votes for them.

    2. In 1957, I noticed the PAP cadres were trying to be close and personal to the Malays in Malaysia Hall.

    3. The great Statesman Tun Abdul Razak was a family friend who was the classmate at Raffles with my elder sister.

    4. Tun Abdul Razak became my friend after I opened up the Selangor Shooting Association controlled by 33 Hakka Chinese in 1966. The Association now has over 2,000 members with Malays and non-Malays in all international teams and RM 2 Million in the coffers. Malaysia won a Gold Medal in Trap Shooting in the Asian Games Teheran in 1972.

    5. My relative Tan Sri Dr C.C. Too was a World expert on Counter-Insurgency and was the most senior Chinese Adviser to the Federal Government 1951-1992. From the 1960s-1990s, he briefed me every month on Causeway Politics and Communist Insurgency.

    6. Lee Kuan Yew was my brother-in-law whose only sister married my elder brother George before the establishment of the PAP in 1955. In 1956, I met him at the Long Bar of the University Arms, Cambridge. He was in a tuxedo and I was in a crumpled Burton suit. He asked, ” Are you George’s brother. ” I answered, ” Yes !” That was the end of the conversation. I never met him again even though I was invited to 2 family wedding dinners in Singapore sitting next to him which I did not attend. And avoided meeting him again at a 1993 major museum exhibition in Singapore which I sponsored. He had his Vision. So did I. I do not have split loyalties. I do not like to have my bread buttered on both sides unlike others.

    His wife was brilliant and I knew her quite well. I could meet her at anytime.

    7. I was also close to the UMNO Youth 1960s-1970s.

    Malaysia Boleh Tun as always. No problem.

  364. Tun


    1. I am a Constitutionalist. Not a communalist since 1954. I support all incumbent Governments. I am not a racist because my profession like our beloved Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad forbids.

    2. All my Comments in this Blog are for the good of my beloved Malaysia and her Rakyat. Never personal attacks on anyone to win a point. UNLESS I WAS ATTACKED BY HBT630 ETC.

    3. I have always been humble and kept a low profile even though I was accustomed to entertain our DYMM Yang Di Pertuan Agong and DYMM Sultan Selangor at the National Shooting Range, Subang as long ago as 1966 or other functions !

    4. In my lifetime, 13 Tengkus, Tan Sris and Datos scolded me for no reason at all but no plain enciks. I smiled every time because I know their backgrounds better than my own.


    The Malays ran out of money at RM 23 Million because for them money was not easy to come by in those distant days. Without telling anyone, I met the famous lady lawyer of Singapore who disclaimed she knew anything about politics. But I knew she was a founder of a political party. We talked for 1 hour. Later, 2 Singaporean corporates invested in Sime Darby. The rest is history. Singapore’s assistance in Sime Darby we should not forget. By November 1975, the Malays controlled Sime Darby but did not manage its business until 1982 !

    And what did the Malaysian Management of Sime Darby do whose jobs I created for them ?

    They kicked me out in 1992 after I was a Director since 1974 appointed by Tun Abdul Razak SO THAT THEY COULD BANKRUPT SIME DARBY TWICE IN 1997 at RM 1.2 Billion AND 2010 at RM 2.10 Billion BY DOING BUSINESS WITH CROOKED CHINAMEN after 1992 ! No one was prosecuted. No one went to jail ! The innocents took the blame !

    Without informing the Board of Consolidated Plantations, the Sime Darby Malaysian Management sold 2,000 acres of Nova Scotia estate in Rawang to a crooked Chinaman for only RM 4 Million in 1990 which was shuffled up to RM 88 Million paid by a Chinaman and Selangor Perangsaan. He turned it into a tropical slum. The real value of this 2,000 acres were at least RM 150 Million. I asked the Malaysian in charge why the Board was not informed ? He replied that since the selling price was only RM 4 Million which was less than 2% of the total assets of Consolidated Plantations, there was no necessity to report to the Board. Like this, this Malaysian could have sold in 2% lots, the whole assets WITHOUT REPORTING TO THE BOARD. Stupid.

    Therefore the Malaysian Chinese through Sime Darby FAST TREK THE MALAYS INTO BIG BUSINESS IN 1975 AND MORE, MUCH MORE.

    6. In 1973, at a moment’s notice I raised RM 1 Million cash for my 3 Malays friends who were penniless to put as deposit for a finance licence. They returned it after 7 years. The head honcho of this outfit is worth a couple of hundreds of millions today. BUT SHE HIDES FROM UMNO AND FRATERNIZES WITH RICH ARAB ROYALS IN LONDON.

    7. In 1990, I lent my shares without security to a Malay organisation to retrieve assets from the OFFICIAL ASSIGNEE. No appreciation thereafter because the contact man took all the credit. I did not complain. I did not explain.

    8. From 1975-1984, I revived the biggest bankrupt company, Folex Industries Berhad WITHOUT A SINGLE SEN FROM THE CONSORTIUM OF BANKS MIDF, HSBC, STANDARD CHARTERED, BANGKOK, UMBC. I kept jobs for 1,200 Malay workers for 9 years in the Taiping Constituency. My salary was RM 7,000 per month (not RM 100 Million a year for benefitting foreigners) with an Alfa Romeo. At the end, the Consortium walked away with their loans paid in full as though they did not know me. To this day, no one has performed better than this Folex Classic – 45 years ago.



    One MCA Leader called me ‘A MALAY BUM SUCKER’ because of my Sime Darby Concept SO THAT HE COULD CHEAT HIS OWN PEOPLE AND REMIT VIA MY FRIEND S$ 100 Million to his girl friend’s account in Hong Kong after only 7 years in politics !


    Malaysia Boleh Tun as always. No problem. It is time, maybe the only time under your Leadership to put all our energies to push the wheel of Success for our beloved Malaysia. Acheh !

  365. Tun

    Wow, what a day, bursa trading half day, Monday off day.

    Ok, between Singapore and Malaysia. I think Singapore pandai promo diri – segala hub dia ada, Malaysia suka promo benda yang tak mendatangkan hasil. Malaysia bukan buruk dari Singapore. Tapi salah promo.

    I bagi example, Tun tau tak ada new channel kat ASTRO nama COMEDY CENTRAL? For me bagus sebab I boleh tonton saturday night live (US) dan blockbusters (UK). But the asian standup comedian show banyak paparkan orang Singapore. Orang Melayu Singapore pun making fun at kita orang Malaysia. Macam tak ada idea.


    Just saying, I kaki tengok tv, bila ada waktu lapang.

  366. Tun


    Your confused and emotional long treatise to justify your unsubstantiated assumptions as presented do not jive with the facts.

    My response to you, MALLAOUCIOUS, is that we must follow the historical facts of Lee Kuan Yew and Singapore from their very beginning in 1962 which any politician on the line like our beloved Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad can confirm.

    You have assumed or generalised without substantive support for your assumptions.



    I am surprised at your professionalism replaced by emotions. Relax MALLOUCIOUS. It’s not the end of our World but the beginning.

    JUST LET US KNOW IN THIS BLOG, HOW COME SINGAPORE BECAME SO VERY RICH TO BE ABLE TO LOSE US$ 108 BILLIONS or ( RM 324 Billion )IN OCTOBER 2008. Fact. As we all know money is not created in Heaven.

    By early November 2008, Lee Kuan Yew commented in the CNA that Singapore was locked in for 30 years. After this, he hushed up. Please explain with FACTS AND NOT ASSUMPTIONS.

    Your long Treatises are just a public display of your Assumptions or Emotions WITHOUT THE FACTS. YOU MAY IMPRESS THE MAN FROM THE MOON OR MARS BUT NOT TO THE COGNOSCENTI OF CAUSEWAY POLITICS.


    Malaysia Boleh Tun as always. No problem.

  367. Correction: you want to know what happened in the past not through history, what are the options you have today?

  368. https://m.malaysiakini.com/news/508265

    I admire the home ministry of singapore, mr k shamugam which put singaporeans at heart first.

    Eventhough he is born with indian heritage with law profession, i came to know him deeper when he accepted interview by ah lien, the singapore version of ah moi in malaysia last year via facebook.

    The rest of the story is up to LFL, registered sdn bhd in kl high court in malaysia to tell their story.

    SSLee wrote in here as “I’m a great admirer of Tun’s “The Kuala Lumpur Declaration to Criminalize War”.

    Even President Putin representing Russia has already pulled out from this declaration to let the dark history be burried forever that caused so much live loss, sufferings and defeats on his homeland.


    You want to know what happened in the past not through readings, what are the options you have today?

    Can SSLee answer me?

  369. For Mallocious.

    I was just scrolling down to the very bottom of your long-winded reply to the educated and experienced Mubarakchan. You seem to be living in wonderland, and plucking ideas out of inhibited little head, without recourse to what is happening in other parts of the world in the past or at present. This could be to your sheer lack of education. It is a very common symptom of an ill-educated person.. blind self-confidence. Your Malay race won’t go far with this kind of attitude. But that’s good for the rest of us Malaysians. You stay at the bottom, ok?

    I am not going to even begin to debate with the likes of you, but just an advice. Before you start destroying in your insane little mind the economic model of Malaysia that had been built painstakingly by people (including from your own Malay race) who are hundred times more educated and experienced than you, and yet very humble, take a look at all those countries that had tried to follow the path away from Capitalism and globalization (I assume that you don’t even have a clue what these terms mean… nevermind, why don’t you just look it up on your little phone screen at Google search, at least it is something to read but not much… just the surface). Since you are not from the academic background, just Google search: The Soviet Union, North Korea, Islamic Civilization and Economies, Cuba, Venezuela, and I can go on and on. But I won’t start debating with pea-sized brains like yourself. It is a waste of time, to be honest. You are like several other Malay male commentators in this blog.. fundamentalist arrogant smugs. You are all the same. Same stock.

    So, stop blabbering knucklehead (and also your twin commie HBT456).

  370. For Mallocious.

    Our beloved Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir desperately wants your race to improve and make something (just anything) useful in life. BUT YOU PEOPLE (the Malays) reject him, ridicule his advice, from the time he wrote his seminal book The Malay Dilemma FIVE(!!!) decades ago UNTIL today.

    Your race will never beat even the Orang Asli. Never will. You will always be the bottom of the pile in Malaysia. What a pity. But that’s the truth.

    You still haven’t revealed what qualifications you have compared to me and Mubarakchan. We are both educated at Cambridge, England. And you??? (From Vietnam? he.. he..)

    Stop blabbering knucklehead (and your commie twin HBT456)

  371. For Mallocious.

    Mubarakchan alone has more brain cells than all the cells contained in all the heads of your entire race, combined. The Malays should be ashamed to have you as one of them. What a pity (he.. he..). No wonder the Malays are 20,000 million miles behind the Chinese Malaysians. You should be more humble to the Chinese. You might learn something useful,.. that is if you have the brain to do it.

    So, stop blabbering knucklehead (and your twin commie knucklehead HBT456)

  372. For Mallocious.

    You mentioned that you are a Malay? .. Then no wonder your race is in such a bad shape.

    So, stop blabbering knucklehead (and also your twin commie knucklehead HBT456)

  373. https://www.thestar.com.my/news/regional/2020/01/23/wuhan-virus-japanese-shop039s-039no-chinese-allowed039-sign-provokes-netizens-to-call-for-boycott

    It is ok to be paranoid, scare and angry regardless which nationality and background that they come from.

    No news means bad news to media owners.

    Bad news means good news to media owners.

    Japan too needs to go through westminster democractic process to elect their next prime minister via DPP and LDP.

    Abe-san under LDP has already said he has decided not to contest in the coming general election.

    I fully understand the sentiment of the japanese and their samurai tradition.

    I believe they too understand the sentiment of chinese in mainland china, and outside china, same apply to Korean peninsula and Taiwan.

    Trade war is easy to win whereby it is about trades, sanction and tariff.


    The ruling government of the day can revise their national and international policies with flexibility to cushion minimum harm, or impact in adjusting monetary and fiscal policies cushion to win votes of the majority.

    Race and religion wars are tough to win.


    Because history told us that such wars lead to military wars and terrorism acts that would increase mod expenses that for sure can lead to vote loss in the house.

    I wont get annoyed or angry after reading such news as voter, but i am not sure about the members of political parties in this country.

    I am not a party members, so i have no idea what they have in mind to win votes in the general public to get elevated to the federal level.

    Whatever outcome is, i do not want to know.


    I am sure no leaders in the world will opt for civil wars on their homeland just to get filthy rich overnight.


    We are living in a post internet era whereby everything can be shared via touch on the screen.

    Which way to go, i dont know.


    Readers too have choice not to read news with one sided political views.

    Thats all i can share in here as a voter who is blind in race, religion and color but i definitely can differentiate human behavior which i feel more comfortable to ally with.

    The rest is the thing of past.

    Today is the eve of seasonal lunar cny in malaysia whereby our forefathers agreed and declared 2 days public holiday.

    Angpow are given out is for you to tabung for your children’s future when you have children. And for those who are single, then, tabung them for your future, or emergency fund.

    It is up to you to welcome or reject such festive season with good or bad faiths.

    Gong Xi Fa Cai to all be it in good times or bad times.

  374. Its up to mubarakchan and twinpeaks to write whatever they preferred, not me.


    I am just only a voter who happens to know a little bit more, thats all.

    I for sure wont go popek2 hot2 here and there.


    I cannot change the past, but i definitely can improve and do better.


    Rule of the game must be obeyed if not i will be disqualified.

    Sometimes being disqualified is not a bad thing either.

    Whatever the outcome is, TDM is the boss, not me.

    In here i wish both twinpeaks and mubarakchan all the best.

  375. Dear PM Tun Dr Mahathir,
    I’m a great admirer of Tun’s “The Kuala Lumpur Declaration to Criminalize War”
    Tun Mahathir “has a dream” that one day all wars will be abolished.
    The signatories of the December 2005 Declaration share Tun’s resolve to criminalize war.
    We call on our readers to share that dream, to send Tun Mahathir’s message far and wide, to change the course of history.

    Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad received a courtesy call from Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh and his delegation at his office in Perdana Putra here today.
    In several tweets with attached pictures on his Twitter handle @chedetoffical, Dr Mahathir said during their meeting, Ismail expressed his thanks to him (Dr Mahathir) for bringing fresh ideas related to the Islamic world through the recently concluded Kuala Lumpur Summit (KL Summit) in December last year.

    My humble request to Tun, please convey my letter of peace message to Hamas leader His Excellency Ismail Haniyeh.

    Dear Chairman of the Hamas Political Bureau Ismail Haniyeh,
    Subject: Please give PEACE a chance.

    The Great Law (Karmic Cycle)
    Sometimes called “the Law of Cause and Effect”, the Great Law tells us that in order to get the things we want; we must also embody those things.

    In other words, whatever you give, you shall receive; whether it is positive or negative. So, if you want love in your life, be loving. If you want to enjoy financial abundance, be generous. And if you want to have honest, open relationships then you need to offer authenticity and honesty to the people you care about as well.

    The Law of Change
    When you think about the Law of Change, you connect with the message that the universe gives us what we need. So, you will find that history continually repeating itself until you demonstrate that you’ve learned what you need to in order to create a different future. If you notice that you seem to be stuck in a loop, this is because there’s something fundamental that has not yet been addressed.

    Consider a war which has been going on for decades or centuries. The people fighting the war today are not those who started the war. If you think negative thoughts and perform destructive actions, the karmic cycle of negativity and destruction will continue. People need to make a conscious decision to change destructive patterns of behavior. They need to spread loving kindness and good intentions to break the endless cycles of war. It requires higher levels of thinking and similar spiritual values. Everyone needs to make a personal contribution to accomplish the task of bringing about peace in the universe.

    I penned the below thought on 29/7/2014.
    Quote, “Today is the second day of Hari Raya Aidilfitri the most important Muslims festival celebrating the end of Ramadan, the Islamic holy month of fasting where Muslims around the world will fast from dawn to sunset and show common goal of compassion, goodwill, brotherhood and unity. The greeting of Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri, “Mohon Maaf Zahir dan Batin” (Sincere asking for forgiveness) can be seen in post card and poster/banner hanging around town. Indeed the bitter medicine that this sick word needed to cure itself is forgiveness, a life-long forgiveness.

    This morning CNN news reported both Israel and Hamas had again broken the humanitarian cease-fire brokered by UN to evacuate civilian caught in the combat zones. Israel is bombing the central Gaza radio station and Hamas is firing their rockets into Israel. In total this madness war had taken thousands of innocent civilian lives in Gaza and a few tenths to hundreds combatants lives on both side with terrible consequence in Gaza strip where many buildings and infrastructures were reduced to rubbles. With Israel blockage on Gaza strip there is no safe shelter for civilian caught in this madness war and even UN-governed school were not spared from the rockets fired from who know who?

    International reactions are as divided as before on this horrible war. Anti-Israel demonstration (for using excessive force and indiscriminate killing of civilians including children) and pro-Israel demonstration (for its determined self-defense in taking down the tunnels and Hamas indiscriminate firing of rockets into Israel) are played out in UN Security Council and many streets protest in many cities.

    Are human beings incapable to live in peace? How can a victim of Nazi German Holocaust himself turned into heartless aggressor/oppressor? And how Hamas can justified his short-lived ecstasy (like addict that get his short salvation from drugs that eventually eat into the bone and suffer a self-destructive slow agonized death) of sending his suicidal bombers/combatants through the tunnels to kill a few Israel civilians/combatants or their indiscriminate firing of rockets into Israel that in return brought so much pains, miseries and deaths to his own people.

    Death is the final destiny of all form of life. We live or struggle to survive day by day not just to achieve death but to build a better tomorrow for our children. The purpose of life is not to grab all the power/wealth for yourself but to leave behind a better world for our future generation. A Chinese saying, “death can be as light as a feather or as heavy as a mountain.” But death had to bring a meaning, a purpose of leaving behind a better world and this better world can only be achieved through peace-making.

    The notion that Hamas have no other means and was forced into the martyrdom of committing suicidal human bombers/combatants or fire rockets into Israel is a totally misleading, self- glorified tactic designed by irresponsible politicians to brainwash his people with hatred and thus continuing the vicious cycle of violence and war and support for these irresponsible politicians. There is always the option of forgiveness and building peace.

    And to those neighboring nations that continue to supply arm/rockets to those politicians, may I say that you are not helping the Palestine people but you are in fact helping the killing of Palestine people; so please stop the arm supply.

    There are no winners in war, only death victims, the death of innocent civilians victims, the death of misguided combatants that believe they are martyr and will be rewarded heavenly in heaven and the death of politicians that are either totally evil and irresponsible or are blinded by his own hatred that they cannot see the forest for the trees. Deaths are always the easy way out but livings are the harder part and I appeal to all the Palestine people please lives for the sake of your children. Have the life-long courage to live and to forgive. I am not asking you to be as magnanimous as the late Mr. Nelson Mandela but try to be an average European citizen that after century of bitter and apocalyptic war and trying to kill each other they now live in peace cleared of hatred and what remains is life-long forgiveness and distant memory of war. And to those politicians who are incapable of forgiveness and must have your revenge then please read the Chinese War Classic Yue Kingdom Goujian (496-465 BC) on how Goujian plot his revenge till then please spare your people from miseries of war.

    To Israel, please exercise restraint; please show compassion to the suffering of the Palestine’s people. Fight the Hamas if you must but spare the innocent civilians. There is a Chinese saying, “Never force people onto the wall” because once people perceived that there are no hope/future for them and their children they will take up arm and fight to the death. Is that what you want? God had mercy on us?

    May peace Be Upon Us All” Unquote

    Advancement in information and communication technology plus social media are altering power relationships in human society by reinforcing or altering human behavior toward self, others and the world view/opinion.

    On the positive side: Old institutions and hierarchies, preserved and sustained by ritual, secrecy, information asymmetry, hypocrisy, deception and force are being corroded. For example, the social media has forced leaders down from their ivory towers revealing them for what they are, warts and all.

    On the negative side: Selective broadcast or blackout of news by those in power couple with fake news and inflammatory/intoxication comments by irresponsible politicians, paid cyber troopers, narrow minded bigots, willful and ignorant troublemakers in social media had caused deterioration of social coherent and harmony with dire consequences of social polarization and breakdown ending with unending massive civil disorder like what is happening in Hong Kong or in Malaysia case, racial and religious unease instead of racial and religious harmony.

    The revolution of ICT& Al technology has unleashed its power and capability to do great good or great evil by controlling public opinion and thus human behavior. Thus if it is used wisely with wisdom and benevolence, it can play a critical role in preventing the initial outbreak or escalation of violence as well as promoting peaceful alternatives to war thus making physical war obsolete.

    I sincerely appeal to His Excellency Ismail Haniyeh’s wisdom and benevolence, please change course, renounce violence and be courageous to take up non-violence struggle for your JUST cause. Fight the unjust and injustices with the mighty ICT in the court of world opinion and win over the Hearts and Minds of the world to your JUST cause. Please give Peace a chance and free your long-suffering Palestine People from the “ENDLESS CYCLES OF HATRED & WAR.

    “World peace through non-violent means is neither absurd nor unattainable. All other methods have failed. Thus we must begin anew. Non-violence is a good starting point. Those of us who believe in this method can be voices of reason, sanity, and understanding amid the voices of violence, hatred, and emotion. We can very well set a mood of peace out of which a system of peace can be built.—Martin Luther King Jr.”

    Thank you

    Yours truly,
    SS LEE

  376. Dear Twinpeaks aka Knucklehead foreigner,

    I suspected that you are not even Malaysian, if you are then try to write in Bahasa Melayu and dont use google translate.

    1. You claimed that Submarines are vital aspect of war, and Malaysia and Indonesia are the only two with Submarines. LOL! (Laughed our hard)

    2. For your information, Vietnam has the most Submarine in Asia but was not ranked second.

    3. You claimed that Malaysian pilots are better, where is the proof? any war fought that clearly SHOWN that we have WON with less machinary?

    4. True that it is not the quantity that will contribute factor to victory, but did you not read what I have written? we have jets that cannot fly, aging helicopter, and tanks.

    5. This was not revealed by me, read it up on what our Defence Minister say on this issue and even Tun himself said, “We realise that we are weak..”

    Thank you Tun and Admin.

  377. Dear Mubarak Chan,

    I guess you did not read my earlier comment, so I am going to point it out to you.

    1. I was saying that we were on par with Singapore in the early 60s and 70s and then we lagged behind them. Then Twinpeaks said that Singapore gets benefits from Hong Kong trouble, riots and trouble. WHICH IS NOT TRUE.

    2. I said Singapore was already developed even before the Hong Kong riot. He is trying to say that we lagged behind because they get benefits from Hong Kong riot. Which totally misleading and ridiculous.

    3. In case you think I supported Lee Kuan Yew or Singapore you are wrong.


    4. You argue that Singapore was RICH because they smuggled CIGGARETTES to Malaysia, and the Philippines. Does this make any sense? Singapore reach developed status because they smuggled cigarettes through CIA backed operations. It sounds too farfetched and funny. So many countries accross the world got involved with smuggling and yet they are poor and backwards, North Korea was involved with so many form of smuggling and even human smuggling.

    5. You seem to point out that one of the reason why Singapore was successful was because they smuggled cigarettes. So one of the reason why they are successful was because they smuggled Singapore. Really though? While I have used conspiracy theory sounding theme in most of my comment, most in fact were BACKED by real evidence. For instance, Kim Jong Nam case. It is too ridiculous to argue that a country was more at an advantage than Malaysia because they were involved with cigarettes smuggling.

    6. As a Malay and Malaysian, we need to acknowledge when we do mistake. We always have inflated ego, refusing to acknowledge that we do mistake. What is wrong with admitting wrong? Because at the end of the day we are losing out, and we are the loser not the country you hated so much down south.

    7. With unemployment as high as 10-12%, unsold properties of billions ringgit, shops and business closing down, low liquidity due to low consumption patterns because of low disposal income, and a failing Ringgit. We are not doing really well over a decade. Yet, we still are egoistical, we refuse to acknowledge that we made mistakes.

    8. I was using Singapore as example, I could use other country as example. It was an example because I was discussing the four Asian Tigers, which were Taiwan, Singapore, South Korea, and Hong Kong. We were on pars with these four before and yet we lagged behind, and also attributed because of corruption.

    7. Furthermore you talked down on Singapore and yet we cant even negotiate a goddamn water increase with the state, and they are just a tiny city state. What happen Malaysia?


    8. Every country in the world experience drops in GDP after they reach developed status. This is normal for even the US, and European country and even advanced economies like Japan. Dont just pointed Singapore without knowing the basic why GDP falls in the first place.


    9. What does operation cold store has anything to do with my main topic of Singapore being developed? or their economy? Twinpeaks was talking about Singapore economy, not about why communist was rounded up in Singapore with Malaysian, and British cooperation or why Singapore has to leave Malaysia because of communism.

    10. I was referring to how Singapore was more liberal than Malaysia, but NEVER in anyway claim that WE HAVE TO FOLLOW SUIT AND BE LIBERAL LIKE THEM. Malaysia cannot be Singapore because we cannot allow FOREIGNERS in large numbers because that is RIDICULOUS and will threaten the fabrics of Malaysian community.

    11. You seem to assume from those few lines of my writing that I condemned Malaysia and praise Singapore as being more successful. I was talking about how WE REFUSED to allow retails CFD, Forex trading because of some unknown reasons despite the fact that WE WANTED TO BE a FINANCIAL HUB in the region. How to be Financial Hub if you even refuse basic financial trading to take place because of some reasons that you cannot explain? Singapore allows retail CFD, and Forex trading and we do not.

    12. What does this has anything to do with cold war dowry of 500b$? where did you get this information of Singapore getting 500b$? For your information, Mr Lee Kuan Yew opposed the US and the CIA. They were the only one of the few country that successfully blocked the CIA from recruiting their own ISD member for spying on behalf of the US government. This was acknowledge by the US and is public knowledge. So I wonder where you get the information that Mr Lee was CIA guy?

    13. Take note before you scream, my comments was a form of suggestion so that we can be better than Singapore and other developed country, not to SUPPORT Singapore in anyway or form. Just like how I praised Donald Trump for unintentionally helping Malaysian B40 by fighting for a lowered OIL PRICE. The same thing is happening with me talking about Singapore. Read again, I did say that I did not support the US in the same phrases, neither for Singapore.


    14. It is true that Singapore practice hegemonostic monopoly over the decades and even take advantage of other countries, this includes Malaysia. Just go and take a look at how many Malaysian prostitutes are working in Singapore. Failing water deal, boundaries disputes, death penalty involving Malaysian citizens, and even economic abuse where they take advantage of Malaysia. But let me ask you a question. Who allow it to happen in the first place? if not Malaysian leaders?


    15. On issues of CIA and all this spy stuff, just try to look at how Singapore blocked foreign actors from doing any harm to the republic and try to compare this to Malaysia. We FAILED multiple times to prevent foreign agents, and actors from doing harm to Malaysia. Need I mention a few? MH17, MH370, Kim Jong Nam murder, Doctor Fadhi (Palestinian refugee) assasination and a lot more that you did not know about since it is not reported on the news.


    16. Singapore reliance on FDI is more successful than Malaysia because they are more open society than us, we FAILED using the ECONOMIC MODEL as Singapore which is relying on foreign investment because we are culturally DIFFERENT. I was SUGGESTING THAT WE DO NOT FOLLOW THIS ECONOMIC MODEL because we are different, we are Islamic country with conservative Malay Muslim population and Singapore is not. But what Malaysia was doing all this years was TO FOLLOW THE SAME exact economic model. Just take a look at Bandar Malaysia.

    17. You seem to not comprehended my comment, most likely from nitpicking comment and quickly assuming that I was arguing that Singapore was more successful because of their open society and we are not successful because we refused to allow open society, when in fact I was arguing that we should NOT take this path because it has FAILED us over more than a decade. I assume you do not read my entire replies to Twinpeaks before replying to me.

  378. Tun

    An interesting subject SECURITY has cropped up as a matter for discussion by chance in this Blog. Malloucious first commented on the Malaysian Armed Forces in comparison with others as regards its hardware assets. My opinion is military action is the result of the failure of DIPLOMACY AND ESPIONAGE WHICH BOTH GO HAND IN HAND AT ALL TIMES..

    We must go back to the basics of how other war prone countries prepared for War.

    Espionage is alive and well even after the Cold War 1948-1989. No spy has been left unemployed but kept busy on commercial espionage. During the Cold War, the centres of action were in Bangkok and Singapore where the chiefs lived. Now, our beloved Kuala Lumpur is the destination of choice for spies from around the World. No one remembers Bangkok and Singapore anymore. All sorts of foreigners take refuge in KL or got murdered as a result.

    The weapons for War are actually Diplomacy, Espionage and finally the Military.

    Let us take a Real Life example.

    What better example than the BN Leadership 2004-2018.?

    By compromising the BN Leadership with real hot flatteries like hot relationships and private retreats amongst others which we are not aware of, Singapore compromised the corrupt BN Leadership WITHOUT A BATTLE AND GOT ALL THE ASSETS SHE DESIRED FROM THE ROCKS VIA THE KTM ASSETS DOWN TO THE LOW HANGING FRUITS. A complete take-away of all the Malaysian assets WITHOUT A BATTLE.

    Singapore’s espionage is first class beginning with her humongous Ministry of Information which is 10 times too big for a one street town.
    Fortunately, the Malaysian assets do not contribute much to Singapore’s GDP as we can now see. It is the broad strokes which count not little things like rocks or rail or even land !

    At the present time, a country’s military strength is not too much based on its hardware assets like planes, tanks or warships. TI IS BASED ON THE MIND-SETS OF THE COUNTRY’S LEADERSHIP AS CORRECTLY POINTED OUT BY OUR BELOVED TUN DR MAHATHIR MOHAMAD.

    AS IT HAS BEEN SHOWN, THE PRIME MINISTER OF OUR BELOVED MALAYSIA IS THE FIRST LINE OF DEFENCE. Singapore got what she wanted by compromising these fellows without A BATTLE. So very easy.

    You just compromise the PRIME MINISTER and you can have the cake and eat it too WITHOUT A BATTLE.

    All the BLUFFOLOGY as expounded by Lee Kuan Yew in the 20th Century like Singapore’s Defence Line begins at Batu Pahat or a strong military to DETER MALAY THREATS FROM THE MALAY ARCHIPELAGO was just plain BLUFFOLOGY NO MORE NO LESS.

    The Japanese Imperial Army has shown in 1942 THAT SINGAPORE IS INDEFENSIBLE !

    Then, why the Lee Kuan Yew hot air about Singapore’s military might.

    Simple. IT IS A PERFECT COVER UP FOR SINGAPORE’S COLD WAR TRADES 1948-1989 BLESSED BY UNCLE SAM. Because with no military presence on the tiny island, it is difficult to explain why so much military hardware was trundled around at night ! Lee Kuan Yew being a lawyer is tuned to cover up every loophole in the book. This was also a good excuse to give fun loving young Singapoeans some discipline and brain washing for his benefit. Like it or not, Lee Kuan Yew’s Policy ended up with at least 50 paper Generals in Singapore ! Sprecken zie deutsch ?

    Super jets, mighty submarines, giant tanks etc have all been outmoded by the DRONE, the New Normal in future military warfare.

    With the DRONE which is promoted by our beloved Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad as a Hitachi fan motorcar, the Malaysian military will be strong with 1,000 drones in her defence. CHEAP AND EFFECTIVE.

    Deones are difficult to detect on the ground or in the air. Not only militarily effective but has the added advantage of creating TERROR AMONGST THE POPULATION.

    Malaysia is now embarking on a joint venture in arms with Turkey. We do not need super jets, mighty submarines or giant tanks BUT 1,000 DRONES TO BE THE NO.1 MILITARY POWER IN ASEAN.

    Malaysia Boleh Tun as always. No problem. IN YOU WE ALL TRUST.


  379. Tun

    Hainanese HBT630. Its time you see a psychiatrist or check into Tanjong Rambutan or Woodbridge Hospital Singapore. You are just trying to evade the issue of not apologising or expressing regrets or remorse on why you called our beloved Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad, an icon of the World – An OLD SHIT or explain why you said ‘A SECRET IS NO SECRET AT ALL’.

    A famous Chinese ditty known the Chinese World over,

    ” 10 Hainanese, 9 are crazy. The one who is not crazy is MAD.’

  380. SME is still there in sg buloh, mubarakchan?

    Wuhan flu for sure will shape the habit of eating wild animals in china and outside china in the future a head.

    Thats good news to future modern china in making.

    But, will WHO declare global emergency on wuhan flu to contain china?

    It is very much depend on the vvip who will make the final decision in WHO.

    Will he play by the rule of law or not, we just have to wait for the decision.

  381. Tun


    The following as claimed by Singapore :-

    Singapore’s Fire Brigade and DBS are the best in Asia.

    But Singapore’s Navy is second best in the World next to the United States. However, a few years ago, at night, a Singapore patrol ship could not see a huge Indonesian tanker bearing down on her. The ship was sunk. The poor lady officer’s body could not be found to this day !

    Man proposes. God disposes.

    Malaysia Boleh Tun as always. No problem

  382. I dengar young mother of hindu devotee bagi tahu bahawa ic mereka selepas meninggal dunia boleh ditukarkan kepada muslim tanpa izin mereka walaupun mereka bukan muslim di kampong Sri Sense.

    Macam ini pun boleh?

    Hmm, udang di sebalik batu?

    It depends who is the boss after general election and before next general election is called.

    Some trust when breached, it takes few generations to earn back.

    But, some trust when breached again, and again, it may not be recovered.

    Treat it as a blessing bah and let those wannabes to support or to counter.

    As voters, our obligation is to vote.

    Betul atau Salah, itu tak mustahak, janji menang dulu?

    Mampu tak mampu, itu tak tak mustahak, janji menang dulu?

    If i dont know, then i am not wrong.

    But, when i know it is wrong, then, i will not repeat this mistake.

    Nevertheless, its up to the wannabes in telling their stories to get votes.

    The ball is on the table of AG at Putrajaya.

  383. Thank you Hajar for your kind input on the comparative military strength of various countries in the world.

    As everyone can see, Malaysia is not doing too bad in the military field. Of course, the tables are very descriptive and focus just on the Quantity of each country’s military assets (warships, planes, tanks etc.). But as any military expert will attest, it is just NOT quantity that counts, but more importantly the quality of assets and most importantly how trained are the military personnel. In this aspect, Malaysia wins over most ASEAN countries, except our island neighbor to the south.

    Thailand has more fighter/attack planes than Malaysia, but Malaysia’s pilots are superior. Indonesia and Malaysia are the ONLY countries with submarines; submarines are the MOST vital element in any Navy, without which all your surface warships including Thailand’s aging aircraft carrier are just sitting ducks. Indonesia’s former commie submarines are no comparison to the French-made submarines at Sepangar Bay Naval Base in Kota Kinabalu. That only leaves Singapore. They have not only the latest US jet fighters (plus Lockheed stealth fighters had been purchased recently), BUT their pilots are trained by the Israeli Defense Force. Tiny Israel with their tiny fleet of planes outgunned the Arabs in EVERY Arab-Israeli War.

    So there…, stop blabbering knucklehead (and your commie twin knucklehead HBT456)

  384. https://www.thestar.com.my/news/nation/2020/01/23/perak-bersatu-youth-chief-hits-out-at-dap-youth-leaders-over-statement-on-pm-transition

    Alahai, dulu pak lah pun buat macam tu kepda tdm dan keluarganya, bersatu youth kini buat kat dap?

    Military strenght?

    She means cari pasal with all the races yang bukan melayu, bukan moslem, tak takut hilang undi kepada pembangkang?

    I just jalan2 makan angin kat negeri2 tempatan, i already can feel the sentimen.

    Tak payah masuk kerajaan punya.

    Frankly speaking, mp khususnya melayu needs to stand by the next mp in charge.


    Why by-elections are being held?

    You go do your logic.

    I am okay janji jangan paksa saya masuk islam to enjoy hak istimewa.

    But, who can guarantee hak ini when money politics is so rampant sampai slogan yang power giler, iaitu malu apa boss to attract attention?

    Can political parties guarantee?

    Mr trump as president of usa has declared to join the 1 trillion trees initiative to combat climate warming on his homeland.

    Thats good news to americans and the world.

    Greta at this age should be focusing on her studies.

    No man is island, hence pandai2 lah mereka yang mengelarkan diri mereka sebagai perjuang tuah dan jebat.

    Mahu dengar atau tidak, it is up to them.

  385. Tun

    Our MALLOUCIOUS in his nut-shell on the general deficiencies of our beloved Malaysia has brought out several points to bolster his presentation. He was right in some aspects but completely wrong on Lee Kuan Yew and tiny Singapore. However, I respond to one of his viewpoints thus,


    Of course, MALLOUCIOUS is right. And we know the reason why.

    Our beloved Malaysia was let down by the CLOSEST AIDES whom our beloved Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad trusted and believed they could deliver the goods. INSTEAD THE WHOLE LOT WALLOPED PUBLIC MONEY BIG TIME with only one exception.

    One of the closest aides walloped so much he could buy a bank and collected Stradivarius violins made in Cremona Italy at US$ 5 Million a piece which he on-lent to the Singapore and Shanghai Philharmonics but not to KL. He boasted he is now s Singapore PR. He is certainly a grateful fellow !

    In 1982, this fellow was only a Samsonite carrier of our distinguished Tan Sri Basir Ismail being a manager in a small tin-can factory in Johor Baru. By 1992, he could use his Boss’s name to kick me out of the Cycle & Carriage Group so that he could sell the best lands in Singapore and Malaysia to his buddies at no valuation. I resigned quickly because I knew of his friends and his game plan and also to have these illegal acts recorded in the 1993 & 1994 Annual Reports of Cycle & Carriage Ltd and Sdn Bhd.. His crime is now engraved in stone forever. Stupid. I was appointed by the EPF to restructure the Cycle & Carriage Group in 1984.

    I nearly became a closest aide with a huge scandal. I found out that my task was impossible. So I did not cross the red line in the sand which all the closest aides did and blame their scandals on our beloved Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad.

    From Proton, where without exception all the closest aides walloped money big time. In manufacturing, all money calculations are knife sharp. There must be no room for leakage. But these fellows walloped money from windshields, radios, wheel rims ( 5 per car ), factory wastes etc. to the white hair fellow now on the run who was suppose to build warships. What this fellow did which I found out when my Geneva friend rang me at 2 a.m. one night was that he was dining and wining with the lady Singaporean curator of his art gallery in Singapore !

    All the closest aides let down our beloved Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad because he thought he was talking to them on the 88th floor but actually their minds were in the basement ! He even had the whole lot for breakfast in Langkawi. But what did they do to him ? They blamed him for THEIR SCANDALS OF THEIR OWN MAKING.

    THE FACT IS THAT ALL OF OUR BELOVED TUN DR MAHATHIR MOHAMAD’S POLICIES WERE CAREFULLY THOUGHT OUT AND CORRECT. It was the closest aides who let him down by walloping money big time, each and every one of them except myself who reported that the task could not be done. I did not cross the red line of no return to create a huge scandal. I WAS THE FIRST. THERE WAS NO SCANDAL.

    That was the sordid story of the closest aides of Tun’s 22 year Administration which actually brought out the very Best of Tun’s ideas, concepts and iconic developments. The closest aides were the scoundrels who ended up buying little public listed companies etc.

    The Shanghainese the smartest Chinamen, said that a person who can make money from the manufacture of textiles will know all about business.

    In 1975, I was entrusted with the unenviable task of turning round the biggest corporate scandal of the 1970s – FOLEX INDUSTRIES BERHAD NOW KNOWN AS SRI HARTAMAS BERHAD. The Consortium of MIDF, HSBC, Standard Chartered, Bangkok Bank, UMBC did not bring out a single sen for the task even though Folex owed RM 32 Million. By 1977, there was no loss. By 1978 onwards, Folex made millions till 1984 when it was restructured.
    At the end, I knew how to make textile machinery, small arms, motor cars etc – the first building stone of a sogoshosha as exemplified by the present day industrial giants of Taiwan and South Korea which were behind Malaysia in economic developments in the 1960s ! They did not even know how to play football, then !

    At this point, I found the Government’s Policy was focused on the FTZs which permitted large amounts of foreign money to move in and out freely. But importantly, the FTZs provided many jobs to the manual workers.

    An industrial combine with Folex requires a secured export market, cheap electricity and finance, and all facilities to subsidize the production of a low cost export product. Not only that, a trading arm and a bank would be a requisite requirement like Mitsubishi, Mitsui etc. That was the classic establishment of Japan’s industrial combines in the 19th Century.

    With the crooked closest aides doing their own things by walloping money from all their projects which created gigantic scandals without our beloved Tun’s knowledge. All industrial undertakings which were properly and correctly thought out by him, failed.


    My firm belief is that Proton would have been a runaway success if the closest aides knew about Manufacturing which gave no room for money to leak out anywhere. From the success of Proton, the Perwaja Steel, the shipyards etc would bloom. But as Tun now exhorts us daily – it was the mind-set which counts.


    IT WAS THE CROOKED CLOSEST AIDES WHICH CAUSED ALL THE HUGE SCANDALS, NOT OUR BELOVED TUN DR MAHATHIR MOHAMAD WHO TRUSTED THEM. This I can confirm. I knew them all but kept quiet as it is not my style to be a back-stabber !

    Malaysia Boleh Tun as always. No problem. With our beloved Malaysia, there is always the HOPE and WHEREWITHAL TO DO BETTER.

  386. Salam Dearest YAB PM Tun Dr. Mahathir,

    Allow me Tun:

    MILITARY STRENGTH (out of 137 countries):-

    https://www.globalfirepower.com/country-military-strength-detail.asp?country_id=united-states-of-america (Of course USA is the super power)



    Thank you Tun.

    – May Allah SWT bless Tun and family –

  387. Tun

    I fully support KIKRAM 77 and his comments.

    It is the lack of information about the real Malaysia which has bogged down some of the citizens in this land.

    It is the lack of civility and responsibility by the Singaporean Puppet Corrupt and Uncaring BN Government 2004-2018 and its equally corrupt elite and GLCs/SOEs.

    The naivety, greed and the fun-loving BN Government 2004-2018 brought in the predators from those who loved hot relationships and private retreats to Indonesian eagles via Singapore.

    We Malaysians have no reason to dislike each other despite we are different peoples. IT IS THE MIND-SET WHICH WILL BRING US TOGETHER AS EXHORTED BY OUR BELOVED PRIME MINISTER TUN DR MAHATHIR MOHAMAD.

    This is no big deal when our well-known socio-economic machine start gathering speed in 2020 AFTER ITS DESTRUCTION BY THE BN GOVERNMNET 2004-2018 TOGETHER WITH ITS VALUE SYSTEM.

    Can anyone imagine a fellow loaded with duties and responsibilities doing nothing for the hard pressed Rakyat from 2004-2018 ?



    The YB was asked why the World’s rubbish was dumped into our beloved Malaysia by 13 countries all of which are our friends INCLUDING OUR NEAREST AND DEAREST ABANG ADEK SINGAPORE WITH WHICH WE HAVE HOT RELATIONSHIPS AND PRIVATE RETREATS AND GAVE AWAY ROCKS, KTM LANDS, ETC FREELY ! Looked like these fellows never heard of Sovereignty and National Interest !

    Quote, ‘ Malaysia just named and SHAMED 13 countries for secretly dumping trash on it including the United States, United Kingdom, Singapore, France, Japan, Canada, Hong Kong, Portugal, China, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka and Lithuania ‘ unquote.

    It is good to note the Middle Eastern countries, Russia, India, Thailand, Indonesia, Vietnam and Cambodia are not involved.

    KIKRAM 77. The above mentioned facts clearly showed HOW LOW HAS THE DIGNITY OF OUR BELOVED MALAYSIA HAD FALLEN – THE RUBBISH DUMP OF THE WORLD – as ruled by the Singaporean Puppet Corrupt and Uncaring BN Government 2004-2018 and its equally corrupt elite and GLCs/SOEs !

    Malaysia Boleh Tun as always. No problem.

  388. For Malloucius.

    I have a double-first degree in Law and International Relations. And I have an M.Phil in Political Economy.

    How about you?

    Stop blabbering, knucklehead (and your twin commie HBT456, too)

  389. With Tun permission,

    Dear Twinpeaks,

    1. For someone who claimed to have ‘dual degree’ you are really a joke on Tun’s blog. I remember someone similair to you in the past who no longer comment here. You are angry because you cannot rebut what I have said.

    2. Malaysia is second weakest in Asia in term of military, I was suggesting that we IMPROVE our military so that the country we love will not be in danger of of future threats by neighbor or any countries with ill intentions.

    2. But you said that Malaysia is second only to Singapore, which is FALSE. Malaysia current military is second WEAKEST after Philipines.

    3. I dont proof read, because most of the mistake I made in my posting were typos, I typed this comment using my phone. But the FACT, remain factually correct as long as you cannot disprove me. I ask for your fact, but you cannot show me any, or cite any link.

    4. I never replied your comments or even ask for you to reply to my comment, I came here for Tun and only to read what Tun has to say, and my COMMENT WAS DIRECTED at Tun.

    5. So why a blabbering knucklehead like yourself who lack even basic knowledge on Malaysian politics, and economic matters and even defense bother to reply to me?

    6. If you want to reply, then reply in kind. Do not have to go so low as to insult anyone here just because you have the comprehension of 12 years old.

    7. Kindly rebut me if you can prove me wrong.

    Thank you Tun and Admin.

  390. Tun


    Do not pretend. You still have not answered to us why you called our beloved Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad, an icon of the World, “OLD SHIT” or why you said, “A SECRET IS NOT A SECRET.”

    All your comments on this distinguished Blog are actually PSYCHIATRIC PROBLEMS which you should be well-advised to visit your nearest psychiatrist soon BEFORE YOU GO ABSOLUTELY BONKERS !

    Malaysia Boleh Tun as always. No problem.

  391. For Mallocious.

    Thank you for the kind response. Here is a few pointers for ignoramus like you and HBT456.

    Please read up on the history and background of the OECD before you make some stupid sweeping statement of the organisation.

    Also, I would advise an ignoramus like you to respect your own country’s government as I presume you are a Malaysian citizen (?), and you have to make do with whatever cards you are dealt with. You should not AT ALL belittle Tun Mahathir’s government or indeed any past Malaysian governments, unless of course you are just an imposter pretending to be a citizen of this country.

    It is very obvious from your attitude that you can only accept your own version of history, which you know very little about. I would guess that a Primary Six student in a Malaysian government school has better knowledge of world history, or even just Southeast Asian affairs (including of Hong Kong)… which you know VERY little indeed.

    So, my advice is for an ignoramus like yourself, is…

    “Stop blabbering, knucklehead” (and that goes for your twin, HBT456 too)

    Dear Twinpeaks,

    1. For someone who claimed to have ‘dual degree’ you are really a joke on Tun’s blog. I remember someone similair to you in the past who no longer comment here. You are angry because you cannot rebut what I have said.

    2. Malaysia is second weakest in Asia in term of military, I was suggesting that we IMPROVE our military so that the country we love will not be in danger of of future threats by neighbor or any countries with ill intentions.

    2. But you said that Malaysia is second only to Singapore, which is FALSE. Malaysia current military is second WEAKEST after Philipines.

    3. I dont proof read, because most of the mistake I made in my posting were typos, I typed this comment using my phone. But the FACT, remain factually correct as long as you cannot disprove me. I ask for your fact, but you cannot show me any, or cite any link.

    4. I never replied your comments or even ask for you to reply to my comment, I came here for Tun and only to read what Tun has to say, and my COMMENT WAS DIRECTED at Tun.

    5. So why an blabbering knucklehead like yourself who lack even basic knowledge on Malaysian politics, and economic matters and even defense bother to reply to me?

    6. If you want to reply, then reply in kind. Do not have to go so low as to insult anyone here just because you have the comprehension of 12 years old.

  392. Tun


    The finest KIASU move by Singapore’s bland and uninspiring Leadership is for Singapore to confederate with the United Kingdom on equal terms.

    This is the time of the wake-up call for Singapore that her reliance on the 20th Century Socio-economic Model protected by the United States and created by Lee Kuan Yew has failed due to her small size of only 900,000 male Chinese aged 21-50. Vide Singapore Government White Paper on Population. 2011.

    The easy money from the largesse of the Cold War Trades 1948-1989 blessed by Uncle Sam is over long ago. With the breaking down of the old school tie in international relationships whether in trade or defence, now it is all for oneself. This means the weakest to the wall as the whole scenario might pan out.

    With Confederation, a first for a tele-Parliament and many innovations to come fully supported by e-biz or what have you, overnight the old lumbering docks of Keppel Harbour become dinosaurs of the 20th Century because size is no longer the determining factor but mind-sets will govern which should fit Singapore fine.

    And without much effort, Singapore’s GDP is not only enhanced but advanced immeasurably. But this KIASU move to Singapore’s enduring advantage is for the real VISIONARY AND COURAGEOUS LEADERSHIP TO DECIDE ! A peep into the Future where no Humankind has gone before – a sort of Marco Polo made in Singapore !

    Malaysia Boleh Tun as always. No problem. There is now some talk in the British Press about a Singapore on Thames !

  393. I already know what is going on, and i just dont want to let these so called perjuang tuah and jebat to influence me due to their political power of struggling behind the closed door.


    Because there is no point in crying over spilled milk.

    When i compare myself to orang melayu, orang india, orang sabah dan orang sarawak, i am more fortunate and luckier than them.


    Because they cannot choose, at least, i can choose being orang cina in this country.

    I already say, whoever wins out the majority, they will dictate the federal unearned budget to favor themselves.

    In here, i wish them all the best.

  394. Dear Tun,

    I believe that Malaysia can play a role to unite the world against Western arrogance and ignorance. I think, it is more of uniting the Eastern part of the world.

    Time will tell, how we could succeed. All the best Tun. We are all behind you standing strong. Do not take a step back, you have already far ahead than anyone else in this part of the world. Only God knows.

    God bless Malaysia!

  395. TDM is the big boss now.

    Bumiputra dan bumiputera who are not hepi, please go see him directly.

    I am just only a 2nd class citizen being chinese race.

    Today, my class is lover than refugee, and thats the hard truth.

    Sweet drems are made of this, who am i to say no?

    Am i angry?

    Am i mad?

    No, i am not.

    It is definitely better off to know the hard truth rather than passing down to the next generation.

  396. Tun


    I respect your comments.

    But I noticed you went over-board with your admiration of Lee Kuan Yew and his tiny Singapore.

    For your further edification I suggest you do some further reading on the subject of Lee Kuan Yew and Singapore in http://www.chedet.cc.org Archive ‘Future of Democracy in Asia. October 2018 and ‘Malaysia according to Kuan Yew’ September 2010. Enjoy.

    I also noted that certain people from certain parts of the World are admirers of Lee Kuan Yew.

    But I would draw their attention to the comments of famous Indian Nobel Prize winner, the brilliant Amatya Sen and the equally famous Indian journalist, TES George who wrote a book in 1972. ‘ Lee Kuan Yew’s Singapore. Both condemned Lee Kuan Yew and his Administration for pursuing a Policy which is authoritarian in order to make an emerging country successful.

    On the success of Lee Kuan Yew to create Singapore a First World country from a Third, he had the right digits and pieces in place. He was honest as regards the filthy lucre.


    How many factories, not lorres of these stuffs have to be smuggled in and yet the returns for Singapore would have been minimal, not enough to push Singapore from the Third to the First World per capita.

    How to find out the truth about the shenanigans of Lee Kuan Yew which projected tiny Singapore to the First World and now in deep trouble, the legacy for this inheritors and Singapore.

    HISTORY IS THE FINEST ARBITER OF THE TRUTH. And there are always two sides to a coin.

    1. On the one hand, there was the historical record of the 1962 Operation Cold Store. On the other, the Tunku sent his emissary Tan Sri Dr C.C. Too the World’s expert on Counter-insurgency to meet Lee Kuan Yew and Bogaars, the Special Branch Chief over 2 days to convince Lee Kuan Yew to lock up all the Leftists which he did with Operation Cold Store. Afterwards, Too commented that Lee Kuan Yew was confused and did not know what to do when he first met him.

    2. In 1962, Lee Kuan Yew claimed the CIA wanted to bribe him and made a big fuss. I thought it odd.

    3. In 1962, the US Democrats came into Power and became close friends of Lee Kuan Yew up to OBAMA.

    4. In 1962, Operation Cold Store locked up all the Leftists.

    5. In 1962, the UN economics expert Dr Albert Winsemius was appointed as Adviser to the Singapore Government until 1984. He recommended the creation of the Jurong Industrial Park, Asian Dollar, reclamations, Changi Airport, the GLCs and the glittering Singapore of today. His assistant was Dr Goh Keng Swee whom he monitored twice a year on the spot 1962-1984.

    6. In 1962, Lee Kuan Yew’s Singapore opted to join Malaysia.

    7. In 1964, Lee Kuan Yew and his crew made a lot of unfriendly noises in the Dewan Rakyat. Our beloved Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad was there in person to rebut Lee Kuan Yew who made his presence felt all round with his slogan, ‘MALAYSIA FOR MALAYSIANS’ This on hindsight, Lee Kuan Yew being a lawyer knew WOULD NEVER HAVE HAPPENED. So why was he doing this ?

    8. In 1965, the Separation happened. The Tunku claimed he also consulted Whitehall. So, there were 4 parties concerned in the Separation of Singapore from Malaysia. The United States going all out to fight Communism, her bosom ally United Kingdom, tiny Singapore with the silver tongued Lee Kuan Yew and Malaysia’s Great Statesman the Tunku. Was there a PLOT or CONSPIRACY WITHOUT THE TUNKU AND THE MALAYSIANS KNOWING ?

    What’s the dowry for the wanton bride, Singapore ? The marriage of tiny Singapore into the powerful and all embracing arms of Uncle Sam fighting a War to the death against the evils of Communism on behalf of Freedom ?

    The DOWRY OF AT LEAST US$ 500 Billions by the end of the Cold War 1948-1989 from the monopolistic Trades of the Cold War blessed by Uncle Sqm – only Singapore as the bastion of FREEDOM IN THE MOST STRATEGIC CHOKE POINT OF SOUTH EAST ASIA IF NOT ASIA COMMANDING A POPULATION OF 500 millions of free souls.

    Lee Kuan Yew was part of the United States throughout the Cold War.
    My friend an arms dealer in Beach Road, Singapore with an American arms franchise could make enough to buy up a 12,000 acre rubber plantation by 1962 in Johor after dealing in the Indonesian Colonels Revolt in Indonesia in 1948.

    Another friend with his Jurong military software factory told me that his Libyan agent retired to Monte Carlo after 5 years. These fellows were not smuggling cigarettes and liquor to Malaysia, Indonesia or the Philippines.

    9. By the end of the 20th Century, nearly all the Singapore Government owned factories closed down. And Temasek became the NEW NORMAL by 2000.

    10. By 1992, with the full force of Uncle Sam’s hegemonic spiel which backfired on him but only benefitted the BRICS, ‘Globalization, Free Trade, Human Rights.’ which were all anathema to Singapore, Lee Kuan Yew despatched Goh Chok Tong (who claimed it was his idea) to India to recruit FTs to boost Singapore’s flagging GDP. However, the huge largesse from the Cold War 1948-1989 for Singapore pushed Singapore from the Third World to the First without any effort by Lee Kuan Yew who followed conventional economics beliefs strictly according to the book. THIS WAS HIS FAILING FOR HIMSELF, HIS INHERITORS AND SINGAPORE TODAY. His mind-set failed him !

    Well before this, Lee Kuan Yew should have invested the largesse from the Cold War monopolistic Trades in 4,000 tons of GOLD at US$ 300 per ounce before the year 2000. By October 2008, Singapore would have been the King of the HILL and not just a knight in shining armour. Malaysia would have been caught between a rock and a hard place.


    Man proposes. God disposes.

    11. Can anyone explain why when Singapore was a sleepy colonial port, her GDP was a fizzy 7% per annum from the 1960s to the 1980s ?

    NOW SINGAPORE IS FIRST WORLD, SHE COULD NOT BREACH 3% GDP PER ANNUM FROM 2002-2019 – 17 years ? Who will believe that the cigarettes and the liquor provided the 7% GDP fizz ?


    13. Did any Singaporean ask why Dr Albert Winsemius was keeping tabs on Lee Kuan Yew and his Government from 1962 – 1984 ?

    Was he keeping a baleful eye on behalf of Uncle Sam on the possible money shenanigans by Lee Kuan Yew who was actually quite honest with money, from those monopolistic Cold War Trades blessed by Uncle Sam ? The other side of the proverbial coin as I mentioned.

    Was the good Doctor a spy for CIA ?

    14. It has yet to be determined why the Tunku said ‘ He was quite happy when he left me.’ When he heard of reports that Lee Kuan Yew cried on TV in August 1965. Vide. http://www.onlinecitizen.com ‘The Albatross Files’ which mentioned Lee Kuan Yew threatened the journalists not to photograph him when he was smiling but only crying.

    15. Also whether there was a Grand Conspiracy between the United States, Britain, Lee Kuan Yew in the interests of the Cold War 1948-1989 which was not disclosed to the Malaysians.

    16. Strangely, the Chinese, Russian and Israeli Governments had the biggest embassies and banks in Singapore during the Cold War 1948-1989. No doubt at all these were set-up with the permission of Uncle Sam who could keep a baleful eye on them in Singapore.

    17. No person or country can escape from HISTORY THE FINEST ARBITER OF THE TRUTH.

    Once upon a time, I thought history professors and their departments were superfluous. Now, I believe these academicians have an important role to play in the LIFE AND SOUL OF A NATION.

    My view points presented above are in response to MALLOUCIOUS

    ” 3. Singapore did not develop because of Hong Kong…………….”

    ” 6. Singapore reliance on FDI is different because they are willing to embrace foreign population……..”

    Malaysia Boleh Tun as always. No problem. It was easy to work out how big Singapore’s largesse was from the Cold War 1948-1989 Monopolistic Trades blessed by Uncle Sam.

    Singapore officially lost US$ 108 Billions by October 2008. On this assumption that the loss was 30% of the whole. the whole sum would be about US$ 300 Billion on Wall Street. With another US$ 200 – 300 Billions in reserve. QED.

    Flatteries by the gnomes of Zurich got the better of Lee Kuan Yew who was appointed adviser in their institutions !

    The big problem for Singapore is that it is like a rich man’s son who does not know how to earn which is now compounded by the failure of Lee Kuan Yew’s 4 Initiatives to save his Legacy for his Inheritors and Singapore eg Temasek, FTs, 2 casinos, and the Malaysia/Malays Killer TPPA/CPTPP !

    Lee Kuan Yew missed the POWER OF GOLD being too legalistic. The THIRD OPPORTUNITY HAS ARRIVED – CONFEDERATE WITH THE UNITED KINGDOM ON EQUAL TERMS. A big march forward for all in ASEAN and ASIA. This will also disarm expensive military to save much money for the citizens in Singapore.

  397. For Malloucious.

    And please read and read again what you are writing BEFORE (not after) you post your comment. Otherwise, readers will just laugh at you.

    That’s my kind advice.

  398. For Mallocious.

    Thank you for the kind response. Here is a few pointers for ignoramus like you and HBT456.

    Please read up on the history and background of the OECD before you make some stupid sweeping statement of the organisation.

    Also, I would advise an ignoramus like you to respect your own country’s government as I presume you are a Malaysian citizen (?), and you have to make do with whatever cards you are dealt with. You should not AT ALL belittle Tun Mahathir’s government or indeed any past Malaysian governments, unless of course you are just an imposter pretending to be a citizen of this country.

    It is very obvious from your attitude that you can only accept your own version of history, which you know very little about. I would guess that a Primary Six student in a Malaysian government school has better knowledge of world history, or even just Southeast Asian affairs (including of Hong Kong)… which you know VERY little indeed.

    So, my advice is for an ignoramus like yourself, is…

    “Stop blabbering, knucklehead” (and that goes for your twin, HBT456 too)

  399. @twinpeaks, THANK YOU!


    Anak I kat Jepun pula beritahu I, dia nak balik sini. Walau orang kata Jepun bersih dan tertib, ada juga yang buka seluar kencing merata-rata. Dan ada juga kes bunuh budak tapi mereka bukan jenis hebohkan. Anak I fikir kalau mati susah pula nak tanam. I beritahu dia apply saja, banyak US companies nak masuk Malaysia dan Vietnam. Husband dia biasa kerja international company.

  400. For Twinpeaks,

    1. OECD status does not mean anything much, many developing countries were also part of OECD and even bankrupt state can be part of OECD. All that is required to be part of OECD was just committment for human rights and free market capitalism.

    2. There is no such thing as you are required to be part of OECD to join first world developed countries, and no such thing as you are required to have high income to bypass the OECD status to be developed either.

    3. Singapore did not become developed because of Hong Kong’s trouble or issues, Singapore was already a developed first world country without Hong Kong being in trouble.

    4. Hong Kong trouble has something to do with the US, UK and the west. They are trying to undermine China control of Hong Kong so that the CURRENCY PEG that Hong Kong implemented will be removed. The goal of western countries are to have control over Hong Kong capital market.

    5. FDI reliance resulting in what we are today, we should instead focus on developing our own economies instead of relying on FDI. When PH won, our local companies that has potential great prospect were acquired by Japanese. Although FDI increase, we lost potential companies that might be able to push Malaysia forward.

    6. Singapore reliance on FDI is different because they are willing to embrace foreign populations, and have a liberal community as a nation. We are not the same, furthemore Singapore status as Financial Hub is not just a tittle like Malaysia, Malaysia aspire to be financial hub but refused to even allow retail CFD, Forex, and spots metal trading for no known reasons. (Maybe against Islamic principles?)

    7. Malaysia has this mentality of, “government knows what’s best for the people”, while most developed nation has the menetality of “the people knows what is best for them” as a result every single individual contributes to the prosperty of the nation without restraint. While in countries like Malaysia, North Korea, Iran, Russia, they believe that, “government knows whats best for you” we get poor, underperforming countries because only one guy do all the thinking.

    8. You dont answer my point. Your answer is actually a question, and not answer. I was asking why would we be friend again with North Korea when they are only interested to be friend because they can take advantage of us? they had kidnapped our girls/women before, and murdered Kim Jong Nam on our soil. Because the muredered was a VIP, we had post mortem performed on the guy and found out that they had used VX Agent on OUR SOIL!! WHAT IF THE VICTIM WAS ONE OF OUR OWN MALAYSIAN PEOPLE!!?? NOBODY WILL PERFORM POST MORTEM AND WE WILL NEVER KNOW THAT THE GUY WHO HAD DIED FROM HEART ATTACK WAS MURDERED BY NORTH KOREA.

    9. What if one Malaysian citizen insulted North Korea online, and then the North Korean government sent assassin to kill him or her? His or her death will look like it was just a heart attack! killing Malaysian is “AN ACT OF WAR” against Malaysia under international convention and laws. We have casus belli to declare war on the country involved, but of course we wont, since we are a puny country with weak military.

    10. Where did you get information that our defense is only second to Singapore? This is the best joke I heard today and you said that why should we buy Russian or Indian planes that are cheap but will break down? but we DID PURCHASE Russian Jets/Planes!!! And even considering to buy TEJAS JET fighter from India, so what are you on about?

    11. Lastly you claim that Indonesian, and Phillipines army has ‘aging facilities’ and most likely referring to their equipments, hardware, Jets, and Tanks. Not sure if this is meant to be a joke or you are being serious, because for your information, it is MALAYSIAN ARMY THAT HAS AGING WEAPONARY. Our Tank is aging, the Tank that we currrently operate was Polish made Tank that was purchased 30-40 years ago, and our Russian Tanks were also aging, Russia no longer even use this batch of Tank anymore.

    12. As for our Jet Fighter, did you read news? Malaysia is looking for replacement for our current Jet fighters because only few of them could fly, while the rest is useless. Malaysia seek Russia help to fix our Russian made Jet but could not get much help from Russia due to corruption when we first made the purchase of the Jets fighter. On top of that, we have an aging fleet of Jets Fighter/Planes and Helicopter that some countries no longer use in their fleet.

    13. Buying a proper weaponary is not because we wish to start an arm industry, we purchase them so that we can be assure of our readiness to face uncertainty in the future conflict. This was the same thing that was said by our own Foreign Minister, he said we need to upgrade or risk having issues in the future, we cant even take good care of our own water off Sabah where so many kidnapping have taken places. We cant even take care of our own water off Sarawak, who said it is about starting an arm industry? this is about protecting our country from possible future conflict, we are peaceful now does not mean that in the future we can remain peaceful.

    14. Overreliance on foreign powers for defence will be Malaysia’s fatal mistake. We depended on US, UK and allies for defence. What if they turn against us? In any case, we had war fought against the phillpines before, and Indonesia. Who said that conflict will never happen? Just take a look at South China sea. I suspected that you dont read much on diplomacy, go read it up. Then you will understand the worries that our security officers have.

    15. Purchase of foreign weapons were not for technology transfer, but if they are technology transfer it would be good. I have merely stated that we are weak, I never said anywhere that we need to purchase from Russia or India for technology transfer. Do you know that currently Malaysia dont even know how to manufacture gun? after 60 years of indepedence? and Thailand and Indonesia knows how to.

    16. Moreover, you diverted from the main point. I never claim to invade Israel or save Palesntinian. Why should we a coutry from asia get involved with Israel-Palestinian issue when even the Arab dont care? my previous main point was that we are weak, and that we need PROPER DEFENCE. I never claim that we need to attack any country.

    I give one latin phrase to ponder on ;-

    Si vis pacem, para bellum is a Latin adage translated as, “If you want peace, prepare for war”

    17. Finally, we are not making US an enemy, I was saying that we need good DEFENCE and prepare for any future possiblity of conflict breaking out in Asia. But Malaysia must do anything AT ALL to defend our interest and OUR PEOPLE. If US person can come here and rape any Malaysia and get away with it, then what is the point of your goodies then?

  401. Dear PM Tun Dr. Mahathir,
    Once we were beautiful, let’s start it over again by teaching our children God created us all different for a reason, that we may know each other and come to see/appreciate/embrace the beauty and strength in God created diversity. This time round let no one take that beauty and strength away from any of us.

    Let’s us truly embrace and celebrate our diversity where different ethnicity, religions and cultures live in peace and harmony with mutual understanding, respect and acceptance. Let’s celebrate the coming Chinese New Year together with well-wishing of Unity, Peace, Harmony, Gratitude and Prosperity “Gong Xi Fa Cai”

    Tun, please allow me to wish all the commentators and readers of Tun’s blog, “May the Year of the Metal Rat bring you Good Luck, Good Health, Good Fortune, Plentiful of Laughter, Happiness, Success and at Peace with Oneself and Others. Happy Chinese New Year 2020”

    Thank you

    Yours truly,
    SS LEE

  402. For Sri Sense.

    You are SPOT ON (!!)

    When I was at Perse Cambridge for seven years, we had to sign Latin hymms every morning. And on Sunday, we had to go to the school chapel.. and sing some more Latin hymms! It was fun, singing in a dead language. Ending off with the Lord’s Prayer. I thought nothing of it. Every meal.. breakfast, lunch, tea, and supper… the Grace prayer before we sit down and put food in our mouth. Every day for seven years of my teenage life. I also had to read and study the Bible. I thought nothing of it. You had to blend in. Not that I had any choice.. being the only Southeast Asian kid in the entire school. There were a few rich Hong Kong Chinese kids too but they were Christians (… can’t remember which denomination though).

    And yet, when I returned home to Malaysia after a long thought whether I should just stay on and become a permanent resident in Britain having practically spent my entire teenage to my mid-twenties there, I am still a Muslim, here(!).

  403. Tun

    I setuju dengan Syed Saddiq, PH leaders suka pressure bila Tun nak letak jawatan PM. True. True.

    I also tak faham kenapa reporters sering bertanya soalan bila Anwar nak jadi PM. Tiada soalan lain ka? Kenapa mesti tanya soalan yang sama berkali kali bila bertemu Tun. Dapat duit poket kah?

    I for example tak minat soal politik sangat, sebab bukan kerja I. Kalau cakap lebih tiada mendatangkan duit. Kan baik I buat kerja I, saham!

    Hubby pagi ini kata dia ada terbaca seorang bapa kata, hantar anak MRSM, tapi banyak sembahyang berjemaah hingga tiada masa nak belajar. Dia hantar anak MRSM bukan sekolah tahfiz. I ini dari sekolah kristian ada chapel dalamnya, tidak juga I kristian, liberal Muslim, yes. Hubby I lebih tua dari I, sekolah asrama Kristian, mata pelajaran semua dalam bahasa Inggeris, tidak juga dia jadi Kristian. Orang kata minum holy water terus jadi Kristian, tak seorang pun budak Melayu kawan hubby jadi Krisitan. I ada kawan, dia juga menyampah bila orang kata sekolah kristian melahirkan orang kristian. Dia lagi kuat nak tunjuk dia Islam because of that hahaha

    Same thing, I pernah tulis sini sebelum PH menang, sebelum Tun jadi PM dan sebelum Tun jadi acting Minister of Education. I ada sebut anak buah hantar anak sekolah jenis kebangsaan dalam Klang Valley tapi orang dalamnya termasuk Cikgu buat sekolah ini macam sekolah agama. Tulisan Faisal Tehrani baru2 ini pun, bunyi yang lebih kurang sama.

    Anak perempuan sulong, ada hantar anak sekolah agama. Anak ini memang orang masjid. Hidupnya tidaklah begitu senang macam adik adiknya. Banyak sangat pantang larang, halal haramnya. So I cakap padanya, hantar anak sekolah agama tak semestinya anak jadi ustazah. I ada kawan sekolah agama dulu tapi tak jadi ustaz pun. I tambah, kalau kamu nak anak ada landasan agama yang baik, then its okay, kita sebagai ibu bapa hanya boleh mengajar anak the art of survival saja. Cucu I ini kemudian masuk kolej MARA, major in English. Katanya sebab grandparents kata English penting.

    I sebenarnya tak setua mana, I lebih kurang usia anak Tun but pasal I kawin muda, anak2 perempuan I also kawin muda, jadi kami telah menang dengan banyak kawan yang lambat kawin dan lambat beranak hahaha Cuma anak bungsu I lelaki tak kawin, I pulak risau, apa pasal dia dah 30 lebih tak kawin hahaha

  404. You mean dare Devil, a person who enjoys doing dangerous and reckless things like F1 Formula at Sepang?

    I am not interested with what you are up to, twinpeaks, since i know you can never do it alone.

    Whether you and i like it or not, general election must be called by the end of the term.

    I already find out the root cause why this and that happened due to increase vote counts to dictate the federal budget today.

    Instead of wasting my time to read all these cursings, i mean, accusations, without facts, i rather move away from all these accusations so that i can see the big picture clearer.

    Hajar has already provided you with her basic islamic political ideology, twinpeaks.

    Hence, stop striking me with your nukes as if i must be buta tuli to menurut perintah since i am just only a voter who has the basic right to vote.

    I sincerely do not want to end up myself being label as makan gaji buta of not doing the right things but asyik cari pasal dengan kaum2 lain.

    Malaysia already has a smart city to do r&d for future economic sustainability in cyberjaya next to putrajaya and KLIA to cater small 30 million population of Malaysia with huge forest reserves to combat climate warming.

    I see no other reason to build another smart city in other states.

    If you do not want other religions to build more places of worships and stadiums, then, please make sure you start that first.

    Such developments of korridor sini sana have lead to the downfall of Barisan Nasional, is that not clear enough?

    I am sure you do not want malaysia to be positioned as absolute monarchy islamic country in asean and asia pacific.


    Because you will loose the opportunity to transform the economy to the next level.

    I already said, if pas comes in, i will leave.


    When national malay biased policy is being curry flavored, the result will be ended up very melayu until other races cannot tahan.

    When national islamic biased policy is being curry flavored, the result will be ended up as very moslem until malay races also cannot tahan.

    Nasi dah jadi bubur.

    Habis nak buat macam mana?

    TDM is the big boss at his usia senja, twinpeaks.

    He decides who he prefers to succeed him under bersatu logo to replace BN since there is no law in saying you cannot leave the political party that feed you by setting up a new party to rival, i mean, to break votes with BN due to different view of political ideology.

    TDM buat, dll pun ikut kerana mereka tahu what had happened in the past since the formation of Semenanjung of Malaysia with Sabah, and later with S’wak.

    Until today, S’wak still prefer to held their state election independently eventhough 1Malaysia day was declared a public holiday to be enjoyed by all.

    If you know TDM deeply, you should know his style of leadership.

    Either you are with him or not with him.

    You can voice up your political grievences behind the closed door or make media statements in local media as leaders of so many political parties.

    Bukan kah malaysia dah merdeka berpuluh2 tahun?

    Progress or regress?

    I dont know since islam is the federal religion of Malaysia when Putrajaya was built.

    Meaning, all vvips in all government projects must be hold my malay since malay is islam.

    If you feel tergugat politically, economically and socially, you can opt to resign, to jump to other political parties, stay or to set up new political parties to break votes behind SC.

    Kan takda orang peduli pun, kata sri sense.

    Nasi dah jadi bubur.

    Ngangis2 pun tarak guna.

    Alahai, aku pun malas nak tegur.

    Takpalah, dedak pun jadi lah janji ia adalah madu, bukan racun.

  405. Salam Dearest YAB PM Tun Dr. Mahathir,

    Allow me Tun:

    Frankly speaking I don’t care about a Masters’ degree holder’s opinion. If that person has a Doctorate (PhD) degree may be I would consider (his opinion).

    It’s so disgusting to see some people (ignorant?) who seem to be so confident about their opinions / assumptions. They believe that they can never be wrong and dare to question others’ faith and religious beliefs (and Islamic teachings).

    Nowadays NOT many Malays care about the old Malay saying @ proverb, “Biar mati anak, jangan mati adat”. Only outdated (still stuck /trapped in the old era – before‘80s ) and ignorant people would still believe that the Malays must uphold this irrational @ stupid proverb. Just imagine, if the (anak) children are all dead, then who’s going to continue with the ‘adat’ (culture)? Ghosts?

    I believe some non-Muslims (bigots @ racists) in this country would prefer the segment of stupid and outdated @ ignorant (“seperti katak di bawah tempurung”) Malays /Muslims to simply maintain their stupidity and ignorance forever so that the Chinese / Indians can continue making fun and take advatage of their stupidity / ignorance.

    They (those bigots) do not want us (Malays) to be highly educated and at the same time improve our knowledge about Islam (learn more about Islamic teachings), and be better Muslims. They prefer those who are ignorant about Islam, but call themselves educated / elite Muslims (actually Liberal Muslims).

    Talking about education, I studied at a boarding school (SBP), and I know what kind of education system we have at boarding schools. It’s not true that we were forced to study about religion most of the time.

    If that’s true, then how come so many of us obtained distinctions in Chemistry, Physics and Biology, etc.?

    P/S: I cannot imagine Anwar Ibrahim (ex-convict) be our PM. It’s going to be a catastrophe. Well, “how could Tun support someone like him to lead this country?” Can I conclude that Tun and all PH leaders/ supporters support LGBT? Can I make that sweeping statement like what some people here are doing? Remember, Muslims who support LGBT are going against Allah’s command! We must not invite Allah’s wrath.

    Thank you Tun.

    – May Allah SWT bless Tun and family –

  406. Correction: Good, bad, ugly or evil, it is up to twinpeaks, hajar, sri sense and sibotak decide since i fully understand the pattern of politik tanahair to increase their vote counts.

  407. Swap seats, lompat, protes, sabotaj, fitnah atau set up new parties to break votes, itu terpulang kepada selera dan citarasa mereka masing2.

    By the end of the day, chinese race will be ended up as the punching bags, and our so called local chinese leaders will sure submit in by letting twinpeaks to bully me again and again via bombing.

    It is sad to find out the hard truth 😭😭😭

    Its okay to be bullied since there is no free lunch in this world.

    Good, bad, ugly or evil, it is up to you to decide, twinpeaks, hajar, sri sense and sibotak decide.

  408. Tun

    Hainanese HBT630 who called you an “OLD SHIT” and said, ” A SECRET IS NO SECRET AT ALL ” is trying to avoid the issue of apologising, expressing regret or remorse at his ill-mannered vulgarity in your distinguished Blog. I suppose this slimy snake HBT630 accepts the fact that he/she is an ” OLD FART ” !

    Malaysia Boleh Tun as always. No problem.

  409. For Malloucious.

    Thank you for the questions. Thought-provoking and I will try to sum the issues you raised in a round-about way. But it will hint on the answers you look for.

    I will start with the OECD nation status. This is a prestigious acknowledgement that a nation MUST get in order to even call itself a developed country. Yes, a few have gotten away with not having the title, but they make up for it with an ultra-high per capita income. In Malaysia’s case, this will take a VERY long time to reach due to our perennial dependence on a weak currency for trade purposes. The OECD status will place Malaysia in a different category from the rest of Asia, South America and Africa. It will group us together with Japan, Singapore, Taiwan and South Korea. It is important to RECLASSIFY our selves into an elite group so that foreign investors will see us in a new light and treat us not just as an Asian country, but a FRIEND. And a FRIEND of the West will bring in better and higher quality foreign direct investments in future. And with that, productivity of Malaysian workers will automatically increase, just like in Singapore.. who is the direct beneficiary of ALL financial services business divested away from troubled Hong Kong for the past several months. Income inequality will also decline. Everyone benefits.

    That brings me to the issue of WHO we want to be a FRIEND with. Do we want to be associated with poor, war-mongering, and repressive North Korea and Iran? Or do we want to be associated with the great Satan, the USA. If you want to prosper economically, your choice is limited, whether you like it or not. Of course, we want to be with the West. They hold global finance and investment. Does Japan associate itself with Palestine and Iran? No. Does South Korea? No. Does Malaysia? YES(!!)

    Finally, on defense. No, our defense capability is only second to Singapore in quality. You should look at the ageing facilities of the Philippines and Indonesia. I wouldn’t worry about that. On defense, the most important thing is to buy planes and ships that are COMPATIBLE with, and therefore can fight alongside the mighty US Navy. Why do we want to buy Indian and Russian planes that are cheap but will break down within five years time? Why.., because they promise us technology transfer? Why do you want to start an arms industry? Out of desperation? Are we trying to build up the MUSLIM ARMED FORCES of the future, to invade Israel and save the Palestinians? Answer.. sheer shortsightedness? Ask Malaysia’s Prime Minister. Maybe he knows.

    By the way, Brazil smooching with the US is merely to point out that if you don’t make enemy with the US, you will be surprised what goodies will come your way. For the country’s future that is, not personal.

  410. 1. You argued that Tun is saying this because he is not FREE to say anything he wants, so he is saying this to please Malay muslim? or is it because he has to say this?

    2. For your information not all Malay Muslim supported Iran, though majority hate the US. During Najib rule Malay hatred toward US gone down because of his friendly-with-American policy.

    3. Malaysian defence is a joke, and it is not because of any ‘Malay template’,you have just to admit that we are joke in order to improve. But Tun always OPPOSE to improving Malaysian military and defence, he seem to espouse pacifist view on military.

    4. Singapore trampled us left and right, China encroached our waters off Sarawak that rightfully belongs to US, India restricted import of palm oil and what are we doing? We should be more assertive like Indonesia, when China encroached Natuna Island they send 4 F-16 Jets, and 5 Warships and guess what China’s reponse was? they FLEED. When China abuse our sovereignty over Luconia Shoals (Beting Patinggi Ali) we remain quiet.

    4. Tun also MOLLY CODDLED with North Korea, this is something I find unacceptable. If we are friendly with middle eastern countries, it is because of ISLAM, but North Korea? for what?

    5. North Korea had KIDNAPPED our girls and women in the past for prostitution and spying operations 2-3 decades ago. They were also used to taught North Korean spies languages.

    6. Whether Brazil smooching the American President or not is IRRELEVANT to Malaysia’s success or failure. On Trump, Do you know that Trump fought for OIL PRICE to go down and it BENEFITS ordinary Malaysian? Malaysian government cheers when OIL PRICE goes up, and they even

    PLAN TO REMOVE THE SUBSIDY and implement PSP in accordance to what Gretha Thunberg wants. Malaysia cheers Gretha Thunberg as HERO while Trump was painted as EVIL. Trump indirectly helping Malaysian B40 when OUR OWN Government FAILED to do this.

    7. Do not get me wrong, I am no fan of Trump or the US. They are not force of good either. Only a naive person would believe that US is a force of good. They only fought for their own interest, they would wiretapped and SPIED on innocent Malaysian using FISA. This is ILLEGAL under Malaysian LAW but US would just disregarded our laws and do this to our politicians, businessmen, and even ordinary Malaysian who is of interest to the US.

    7. I admit that Tun play many roles for Malaysian successes but also her failures. OECD status is nothing if our own people is living in poverty. Dont compare our country with Brazil or African country, try comparing Malaysia with Singapore, Taiwan, Hong Kong, South Korea.These countries were on PAR with Malaysia back in the 1960’s and throughout 1970’s, but what ever happened to us?

    9. However, I supported Tun, because of his experience. If compared to Najib, Tun is better. The economy under Tun is slowly getting better, but Tun please refrain from attacking civil servants, pension, BIPK, and furthermore, avoid selling strategic Malaysian assets to foreign business just to help improve cash flows.

  411. When kepala jabatan kesihatan declared influenza A flu, it reminds me of good business for klinik dan medical masks tempatan.

    Yang hairannya, takkan lah tak ada 1 yang kena wuhan flu?
    The only answer that i can think of is there is no tourist arrival from wuhan.

    Is it good news, or is it bad news for local tourist operators to tap mainland chinese market to hedge for future political uncertainty of other emerging markets in world map via bilateral trades?

    I have gone through this so many times. The blessing is i breakthrough race and religion supremacy, and i am doing fine in this country as chinese and malaysian representing myself locally and in world platform too being a voter.

    Malaysia too has gone through transformation period, and ia memang tidak berbalai to fight for isu kacang putih due to differences in political ideology of kenapa beliau boleh, kenapa aku tak boleh just to win votes of their constituencies to dictate the unearned federal budget.

    Time to move on, and whichever coalition garned majority votes, they will decide the future of the economy in the following 5 years.

    The question is have they learned their lesson?

    Was it a blessing?

    Was it a lesson as our poulation is more educated and more aware of their basic voting rights?

    I dont have answer for that since i do not know what is in their mind.

    But can they do it again?

    I dont know.

  412. By the way, i worked in construction industry for 3 years before i retired.

    From this industry, i really saw the challenges and highest risks that property developers were facing due to influx of low skilled labour from poor foreign countries coupled with political uncertainty due to political strugglings within their coalition and political parties.

    Thats why i said, apabila mereka terheret di mahkamah, mereka nampak hepi aje, mana ada takut punya.


    Yang pening kepala adalah siapa?
    DLL hanya senyum kambing aje.

    Progress dengan ada gaya tapi tak mampu.
    Regress dengan adanya ketuanan tapi takut hilang undi majoriti termasuk sabah dan sarawak.

    Which way to go?
    This is the risk that both of the coalition have to calculate since no one knows who is swimming naked in there.

    Can pa ma stores survive and grow bigger?
    It is very much depend on the government policy and world trend.

    GONG XI FA CAI, and as Chinese representing Malaysia, i definitely prefer to pass down the angpow tradition and culture in physical cash form and in virtual form since we too are so deeply connected in the world.

    Raya Aidifitri is green packets.

    Is it haram, can sibotak answer me since he always championed the middle-east region supremacy from the begining until now.

    Let it be, let it be, let it be, there will no answer, let it be since general election must be called to get mandate from malaysia and s’wak first then only we know who is in, who is out.

  413. Tun

    Seingat I begini

    Zaman kakak sulong sekolah, ada Sekolah Jenis Kebangsaan Inggeris dan Sekolah Jenis Kebangsaan Melayu. Sekolah Jenis Kebangsaan Inggeris, semua mata pelajaran dalam bahasa Inggeris, ada satu kelas bahasa Melayu, kelas agama dan ustazah dan juga ada kelas music untuk bukan Muslim. Sekolah Melayu pula semua mata pelajaran dalam bahasa Melayu, ada satu kelas Bahasa Inggeris. Kerana itu bila tingkatan satu nak masuk Sekolah Inggeris kena masuk remove kelas setahun.

    Zaman I sekolah, Sekolah Jenis Kebangsaan Inggeris, semua mata pelajaran dalam bahasa Melayu hanya dua dalam bahasa Inggeris, History dan Geography. Sekolah yang sama juga masih ada satu waktu khas untuk kelas agama serta ustazah dan Literature bahasa Inggeris.

    Zaman anak I sekolah, semua subject dalam bahasa Melayu, tinggal satu kelas bahasa Inggeris. Pasal itu I kena hantar anak belajar bahasa Inggeris dengan British Council. Walaupun kami dirumah kadang2 berbahasa Inggeris.

    Zaman sekarang pula I dengar banyak sekolah kebangsaan dah jadi sekolah agama. Sebelum Mazlee masuk jadi Education Minister sememangnya itulah problem nya. Isu seperti hijab labuh, hijab pendek, tak berhijab, you bukan Islam, you kureng Islam, aku lebih Islam, ada gred gred pula dalam kalangan ibu bapa bukan saja disekolah malah perkarangan rumah mereka sendiri.

    Seperti sekarang ada suara2 kata, kalau nak beli produk Muslim kena yang bayar zakat. Kalau tak bayar zakat, you jadi MUslim gred 2. Something like that la. Belum lagi masuk produk label halal dan non-halal.

  414. Failed education or failed re-colonalized education in changing education portfolio just to please their race base supporters, SSLee?

    sibotak can keep trumpeting his wish list representing moslem in middle-east conflicts but he cannot stop malaysians of all races not to support him.

    The world is more peaceful with politicians who are blind in religion and race.

    Haram dan halal, can you differentiate?

    In the past, i cannot differentiate.

    Now, i can see the difference.

    It is up to the politicians of the divide to do their part.

    By-election in kimanis is won by barisan nasional.

    Will it make malaysia safer, more peaceful and prosperous?

    I doubt so.


    There are so many general election a head for them to play.

    Being a politicians, they cannot be over rigid in enforcing their rule of law to favor themselves only.


    They will loose votes eventually.

    Sooner or later, voters will find out themselves kenapa mereka boleh buat, why we cannot do, arent we Malaysians too?

    I am not against anyone in here, and whatever the outcome is we must never take things for granted since politicians who have the 1st hand insider tips of what bossku mahu.

    Boleh atau tidak, it is up to them to decide.

    Mampu atau tidak, it is up to them to decide.

    As voters, our obligation is to vote.

    Men and women of different principles cannot work as a team dari dulu hingga sekarang.

  415. Dear PM Tun Dr Mahathir,
    “Kita (sekarang ini) sampai ke tahap yang mana orang cium tangan pencuri (dan) panggil (individu tersebut) bossku..” – Tun M Video:http://bit.ly/2G5J2vB #AWANInews

    With sadness and perplex, I too share the same feeling as Tun.
    A commentator major in philosophy and psychology from my blog has this to say on Tun’s question. “I don’t understand why people can be influenced by those who cheated and stole,” PM said.

    Clue to the answer: Education

    Must relook into education – what and how the people learn from young.

    Nolte is correct – Children learn What They Live.

    If children live with sharing, they learn generosity.
    If children live with honesty, they learn truthfulness.
    If children live with fairness, they learn justice.
    If children live with kindness and consideration, they learn respect.
    If children live with security, they learn to have faith in themselves and in those about them.
    If children live with friendliness, they learn the world is a nice place in which to live.

    Now, relook into national schools…..and the many narrow-minded teachers who take schools as preaching ground.
    Again, ‘RUKUN NEGARA’ recital and appreciation are more than enough.

    It is time for parents to teach young people early on that there is beauty and strength in diversity. And security breeds synergy. Like in chess, offensive player has a greater chance to win over defensive opponent. On behalf of PH, Tun has a responsibility to act fast against many NGOs and political parties which are going all out to destabilize the nation by creating a sense of insecurity among the less educated folks. Finally, time is not on PH’s side. GE15 is approaching.

    Always Be On The Side Of The Angels, Not Devils
    1. If you are going to reinstate, that across the board, the medium of instruction for Math and Science will be in English, then you are going to have to find teachers proficient enough in English to handle this. To that end, it means retraining. There is no need to rush off and form expensive deals which will involve bringing in expatriates to do the job or sending our teachers overseas for courses. I actually wrote an open letter to Maszlee more than a year ago to let him know that there are solutions right here. I offered my services, even then. All you need to do is set up a register of retired teachers and use them to conduct in-service courses, beginning like yesterday. These teachers can come under the direct purview of the MOE. I can come up with a list of excellent former English Language teachers whom I am personally willing to train to carry out the training of these teachers. I’m good at what I do. I’m ready to stake my reputation and my commitment to excellence on this.

    2. Address the “anxieties and fragility” of the Malays (your own words, by the way), and their ridiculous worry in response to Dong Zong’s plan for a conference to discuss the forced inclusion of Jawi calligraphy into an already crowded syllabus. Also, just a little aside before I continue. “If you spend most of your life having your racial identity and supremacy enforced rather than have them deconstructed”, as Marcus Woolombi Waters laments, “You will see a way through, instead of adding to the fear”. Maybe, you might want to read through some of his works. It may give you an insight into, say, the likes of Trump. Or maybe, don’t go there at all. You might source more Malay “anxieties and fragilities” than we have room or time for.

    3. Anyways, since a cabinet decision has already been made about it, keep Jawi in as an elective. No one really cares. I learnt Jawi….I have never used it since. My children learnt Jawi. They have never used it since. Also, neither I nor my children have embraced Islam because we learnt Jawi. Its inclusion only became an issue, when the issue was oversimplified along racial lines and compounded by the stupid rhetoric around vernacular schools. One has nothing to do with the other. You of all people know that. Since you now are in a position to do something about this ‘boohaha’, then do so. By the way, doing away with vernacular schools is just cutting your nose to spite your face. The Malay parents who have enrolled their children into these schools are going to get real pissy if they close. Better you be sure you have an alternative worthy of producing scholars of meritocracy. And no, our Sekolah Kebangsaan is not the answer. You know these have become ‘Medan Dakwa’ in many cases. Sigh!

    Thank you

    Yours truly,
    SS LEE
    PS: I am hoping that PPBM Wan Siaful who did not successes in winning the GE14 Pendang Parliamentary seat from PAS will be made a senator and appoint as our New Education Minister.
    Below is Wan Siaful background:

    Wan Saiful Wan Jan is the founding and former chief executive of the Institute for Democracy and Economic Affairs (www.ideas.org.my), and former Visiting Senior Fellow at the Institute of Southeast Asian Studies (ISEAS) Singapore.

    Wan Saiful has remained actively involved in community activities. In 2014 he helped set up IDEAS Academy, which is a charity secondary-level learning centre for refugees in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Prior to that, in 2012 he set up another charity project, the IDEAS Autism Centre to provide education, care and therapy for autistic children from urban poor households in Kuala Lumpur.

    In 2018, Wan Saiful resigned from IDEAS to join politics, where he contested in the 14th General Election as a candidate for the Parti Pribumi Bersatu (PPBM) in the Pendang Parliamentary seat. Currently he is the chairman for the Perbadanan Tabung Pendidikan Tinggi Nasional (PTPTN), Malaysian government entity for students’ loans.

  416. Dari Dunia Islam di hancurkan satu per satu
    Lebih baik Dunia Islam Bersatu menempuh Kehancuran dan menuju Kejayaan

    Bukan di minta
    Tapi sudah jelas berlaku di mata Dunia
    Menunduk kita dihina
    Berdiri tegak kita bersama

  417. Iran perlu sokongan dari Dunia Islam
    Dunia Islam tidak perlu gentar akan Kehebatan Amerika jika kita Bersatu
    Dunia tahu US untuk Israel adalah Ibu segala Terrorist
    Dalam istilah memfitnah, menghasut, bermuka muka, membunuh
    Mereka lah yg mengancam KeDaulatan Keamanan Dunia

    Maka Dunia Islam perlu Bersatu membantu Iran
    Perlu kita eratkan hubungan Iran & Saudi dimana US sangat menentangnya
    Saudi memang Bodoh memperhambakan diri pada US untuk Israel
    Kita perlu menyedarkan Saudi, UAE atau membantu Saudi & UAE keluar dari Gengaman US untuk Israel

    Its now & never
    Kalau tidak kita, Siapa ?
    Kalau tidak sekarang ,bila ?


    The world knows Palestine is bullied, genocide by the US for Israel
    Yet they accuse Iran who truly helps Palestine as Terrorists
    Instead, of calling the US, Israel the True Terrorist

    Western World, Britain, German, France, Italy, The European, US for Isreal never truly meant Peace for the Middle East
    They play them around. They made the Middle East a Bloody Fools
    Indeed they ignite more & more flames not letting the war, the disaster to fade away
    Islamic WOrld is Weak to come forward
    The very reasons the Islamic World has to form as One
    As One, moves forward to tell of these bulliers their time is over, regardless if it needs the Third War
    Muslim World needs to form as ONE

    SO Tun
    What happens to the KL-Summit we had last year
    Aer we forming or have we start the Ball Rolling?
    Or are we pretending as much as the West, The US

    US for Israel need to be Criminalize
    US for Israel, West never meant Peace for the Middle East
    Indeed they flare more and more fire
    They are there to benefits
    Nor to put Off the Fire

  419. Dear PM Tun Dr Mahathir,
    Please allow me to post a master in philosophy and psychology has to say about our education and nationhood.

    We are once top in education producing inclusive great Thinkers, Educator, Intellectuals, Legal Professions, Writers, Executives, Diplomats, Administrators, Civil Servants and etc. Sixty years on, the national education system that was poised to produce knowledgeable, well-informed and socio-culturally enlightened citizens contributing fully to the nation’s development, instead churning out narrow-minded bigots and chauvinists whining in their own silos.

    One of my many great grandchildren attended standard one in a national school this year. When he came home, I asked him to tell me things that happened in the memorable first day.
    He said a girl with headscarf sitting in front of him threatened him that he would go to hell after a round of self-introduction in class.
    My great grandchildren: Just because I am a Dayak and nonbeliever of her god or her holy scripture?
    Me: Although your great grandfather, me, is a master in philosophy and psychology, I’ll find it extremely challenging to undo the damage she had inflicted onto you intentionally or unintentionally.
    My great grandchildren: I ran to question my class teacher, and guess what!? He affirmed what she told me!!!!

    Failed education! When these learning places are not manned by the right people, they produce shameless bullies, irrational thugs and sick-minded racist bigots…….and see school principals who fail to give these of their very products a good lesson and telling off, would instead bow down to the stupendous demands of the racist bigots.
    And how a nation can head toward the right direction when kids ……got cheated …learn cheat mode … and learn cheating in a humanistically unethical, openly unjust and sinfully inequitable education system…….

    In the 21st Century, still we hear some absolutely innocent children; totally rebellious adolescent and mature adults got forced and indoctrinated to choose delusion over rationalism…….faith over evidence……..
    Some states and countries continue to cheat their people by funding futile way of learning in this age of Google and Wikipedia – memorization, rote learning and scripture recital take priority over cultivating curiosity, creative and critical thinking.
    These skills (cultivating curiosity, creative and critical thinking) help students learn, and so they are vital to success in school and beyond:

    Children just need to learn Socratic Method of questioning (cultivate curiosity), Plato’s Cave (the habit of thinking out-of-the-box) and Epicurus (systematic examination of factual claims). Teach them to use their own brain effectively, creatively and critically, so that they can adapt to the fast changing global technocratic landscape in order to survive independently; without anyone to keep telling them the list of ‘dos’ and ‘don’ts’ in adulthood.

    A critical thinker is able to deduce consequences from what he knows, and he knows how to make use of information to solve problems, and to seek relevant sources of information to inform himself without a busybody second or third party. Give a Man a Fish, and You Feed Him for a Day. Teach a Man To Fish, and You Feed Him for a Lifetime!
    Critical thinking is the ability to think clearly and rationally about what to do or what to believe. It includes the ability to engage in reflective and independent thinking. Someone with critical thinking skills is able to do the following:
    1. Understand the logical connections between ideas
    2. Identify, construct and evaluate arguments
    3. Detect inconsistencies and common mistakes in reasoning
    4. Solve problems systematically
    5. Identify the relevance and importance of ideas
    6. Reflect on the justification of one’s own beliefs and values
    Good critical thinking is the foundation of science and democracy. Science requires the critical use of reason in experimentation and theory confirmation. The proper functioning of a liberal democracy requires citizens who can think critically about social issues to inform their judgments about proper governance and to overcome biases and prejudice.

    Critical thinking is a domain-general thinking skill. The ability to think clearly and rationally is important whatever we choose to do. If you work in education, research, finance, management or the legal profession, then critical thinking is obviously important. But critical thinking skills are not restricted to a particular subject area. Being able to think well and solve problems systematically is an asset for any career.

    How does fundamentalism hamper critical thinking development, and hijack the course of sapiens’ brain development? In moderation, religious and spiritual practices can be great for a person’s life and mental well-being. But religious fundamentalism—is almost has an opposite effect. This is primarily because fundamentalism which refers to the belief in the absolute authority of a religious text and ritual or leaders—and discourages progressive thinking about religion and social issues. Fundamentalist groups generally oppose anything that questions or challenges their beliefs or way of life. For this reason, they are often aggressive towards anyone who does not share their specific set of beliefs, and towards science, as these things are seen as existential threats to their entire worldview.

    Take home this massage to schools (to bring home and educate their parents too):
    Racism is a symptom of psychological ill-health. (HUMANISM)
    It is a sign of a lack of psychological integration, a lack of self-esteem and inner security.
    Psychologically healthy people with a stable sense of self and strong inner security are not racist, because they have no need to strengthen their sense of self through group identity. (PROGRESSIVE)
    They have no need to define themselves in distinction to — and in conflict with — others. (REASON)
    Scientifically there is no biological basis for dividing the human race into distinct “races.” (SCIENTIFIC)

    Scholars must not miss learning to understand…..understanding the bad consequences from extreme racism:
    In order to further strengthen their sense of identity, members of a group may develop hostile feelings toward other groups. The group may become more defined and cohesive in its otherness to — and in its conflict with — other groups. Act benevolently towards members of their own group, but be cruel and heartless to anyone outside it. When members of a group take the step of withdrawing empathy from members of other groups, limiting their concern and compassion to their fellows. They may act benevolently towards members of their own group, but be cruel and heartless to anyone outside it. Members project their own psychological flaws and their own personal failings onto another group.
    Progression into MALIGNANT STAGE (the most dangerous and destructive stage)

    In the 1970-1990s, when people from around the world (students, youth and grown-ups) look up to Malaysia as an excellent model to follow. The reason is because in those days, Malaysia was able to combine religiosity with modernisation. Over the last couple of decades, the opposite reaction is what Malaysia gets. People are saying, ‘Look at Malaysia; this is what happens when you mix religion with politics. You’re going to be extremists, rampant corruption, near bankruptcy and kleptocracy. Malaysia is now the model to be avoided.

    Today, government policy, decision making, leadership, and institutional development are all influenced by certain ‘sinister’ deep state dark forces. These subliminal psychological forces are controlling political outcomes that are appearing more irrational and dysfunctional as time goes on. These delusionally psychotic beliefs are heavily skewing political decision making. This cognitive dissonance has been destructive upon community relations, nation building, national culture, and even the noble concept of everyone’s nationhood itself. While the neighbour governments and many others across the world try to build community integration, enhance the national culture, and hold nationhood as something sacrosanct, but Bolehland leaders are for political ends allowing these basic nation-building things to deteriorate. The native aspirations, original dreams and basic hopes of Sabahans, Sarawakians and Orang Asli have been excluded. Despicable leaders have led rakyats live within a psychic prison that is full of illusions about enemies which don’t exist ……….The narcissistic distain for other cultures was recently displayed when a school principal veer of an ultra- Malay party demanded that Chinese New Year decorations be removed from the school, while the outlaw still walk free and can still demand for dig-nity (Malu Apa Boss Ku). Citizens of Malaysia are now smothered with a single dimensional, myopic view. Racism has become so much embedded within local culture to the extent of delusion. It’s now ingrained into the psych……..found in every school, every university, every institution, and every ministry. This is not what we want for “New Malaysia” What we want is exactly the opposite of the above!!!

    Malay culture is quickly being killed off by the Arab fallacy. Malay and other indigenous cultures originated from three distinct sources. Those indigenous to Tanah Melayu (the Malay Peninsula), Sabah and Sarawak, those who migrated to Malaysia from the Nusantara archipelago and those who migrated to Malaysia while the Sultanates were riverine rather than territorially defined. Some of the migrants from outside of Nusantara over the centuries from China and South Asia formed a unique Baba culture that has co-existed with Malay culture for centuries. Once, Malays, Chinese, Indians and the other peoples of Malaysia celebrated Hari Raya, Chinese New Year, Christmas, Deepavali and many others cultural events together as a symbol of unity, this is now forbidden. (Haram)
    Dahulu biar mati anak, jangan mati adat
    Sekarang semua ala arab, papan catur pun berkulat

    Thank you

    Yours truly,
    SS LEE

  420. For Mubarakchan.

    Not sure if you know this. Lee Kuan Yew was the person who successfully persuaded Tun Fuad Stephens of North Borneo to merge and form the nation called Malaysia. Ironic that he left just two years after his personal project materialized.

    Then again, Lee had an ulterior motive, as you mentioned.

  421. No worries SSLee.

    It must be remembered that Sabah is different from the Peninsula. Its own set of issues. In fact, the Najib court case was hardly even touched by any party during the by-elections, or even during the last general elections. Sabah electorates are more particular about state-federal relations. If readers remember how the once-mighty Berjaya Party was brought down by tiny PBS in 1985, simply on the issue of Labuan being given to Federal Government. They are very sensitive about such matters, something most Peninsula politicians cannot comprehend even today… which I find rather perplexing, to be honest.

    Sabah was never part of the federation of Malaya unlike Singapore. It was not even part of the Straits Settlements. Communications across the South China Sea was minimal. Not like today. Then, out of the blue, North Borneo was asked if they wanted to merge with Malaya and Sarawak to form Malaysia (!). They were stunned. With who(??) to form what(??) In fact, North Borneons were only thinking of its own independence once the British left, with its own and Parliament and Prime Minister. But this was not to be. So, giving even a tiny bit (Labuan) to Federal government in Kuala Lumpur, was considered a treacherous act by Harris Salleh. The guy never recovered (politically) after that.. considered a gone case.

    Do you see any Sabah or Sarawak commentator here except Twinpeaks?

  422. Salam YAB dan DiSanjungi PM Tun Dr. Mahathir,

    1. Usaha gigih dan doa kepada Allah SWT sahaja yang dapat menolong meredakan kebakaran hutan di Australia. Setelah segala usaha dan doa dilakukan, berserah / bertawakal lah supaya bencana diredakan. Kadang-kala manusia lupa yang bencana (natural disaster) juga bersebab. Tamak haloba dan kecuaian juga membawa kepada bencana alam.

    2. Di dalam negara pun kita ada bencana ekonomi, politik dan masyarakat.

    3. Saya mual melihat orang bukan Islam di Malaysia yang menggunakan alasan perayaan KEBUDAYAAN (bukannya perayaan KEAGAMAAN) untuk MEMAKSA (secara halus) orang Melayu / Islam untuk merayakan perayaan kebudayaan mereka. Malaysia ialah sebuah NEGARA DEMOKRASI. Suka hati orang Melayu / Islam lah jika enggan turut serta. Isu TANGLUNG di SK Puchong amat pelik. Turunkan saja tanglung tersebut sebab menyakitkan mata. Berapa lama Tahun Baru Cina mahu dirayakan? Sekolah Kebangsaan bukan tempat untuk memaksa orang untuk menghayati perayaan mana-mana kaum, terutamanya jika kaum tersebut ialah KAUM MINORITI dan bukannya penduduk asal Semenanjung Tanah Melayu. Lagipun bukankah tanglung juga ada kaitan dengan kepercayaan orang Cina tentang kelahiran, perkahwinan, dan kematian? Takkanlah orang Islam mahu dipaksa untuk percaya kepada perkara2 KHURAFAT. Ini melanggar hak asasi orang Melayu Islam! Melanggar Perlembagaan Negara.

    4. Isu perayaan PONGGAL pun satu isu yang sepatutnya tidak berbangkit. Kalau orang Islam anggap ianya HARAM (bagi orang Islam meraikannya) apa masalahnya? Islam melarang PEMBAZIRAN dan melarang kita percaya kepada benda2 KHURAFAT. Dalam kalangan Melayu pun ada benda2 khurafat (budaya / kepercayaan) yang wajib ditinggalkan. Kalau orang Melayu turut/wajib meninggalkan budaya Melayu yang berunsur khurafat, siapa orang Cina dan India Malaysia mahu memaksa orang Melayu / Islam untuk turut serta dengan perayaan kebudayaan mereka yang ada unsur khurafat? Ini sudah amat-amat MELAMPAU dan KURANG AJAR!

    5. Tun sebagai Menteri Pelajaran (sementara), tolonglah hentikan orang bukan Islam dari berleluasa mahu mempromosi kebudayaan (kepercayaan) mereka di kalangan orang Melayu/ Islam. Mereka BUKAN KAUM MAJORITI di Malaysia, dan mereka juga BUKAN PENDUDUK ASAL (PERIBUMI) Malaysia. Saya mual melihat 7 orang Menteri yang pergi ke SK di Puchong dan dengan megahnya memasang kembali tanglung gergasi di SK tersebut. Malang sungguh sebab kita ada ahli2 Kabinet yang tidak tahu apa tanggunjawab sebenarnya mereka sebagai ahli Parlimen. Di Sekolah Kebangsaan pun mereka mahu berpolitik. Ini antara perkara yang membuatkan orang Melayu Islam mual/ muak / meluat / menyampah dengan Kerajaan PH.

    6. Ingatlah (‘A Reminder’), ISLAM ialah agama rasmi Persekutuan.

    Terima kasih Tun.

    – Semoga Allah SWT sentiasa merahmati Tun sekeluarga –

  423. Good morning Tun

    I punya blog, I tak benarkan comment. However jika orang2 dalam investment forum nak promo stocks mereka, boleh kasi tau kawan I Miz. Kami akan tengok bila sesuai, akan bantu promo for them. Semua bangsa, kami tak particular. Dalam investment forum tersebut, semua bangsa dan negara pun ada, yang penting kami semua dapat buat duit.

    Thank You.

  424. Tun

    Bab orang Cina, jangan terlalu minta bende yang bukan2 dari orang Melayu, dan dari orang Bumiputera. Yang penting boleh cari makan. That’s life ya.

    I ada pergi kedai baju semalam. Kebetulan ada nyonya situ nak beli baju. Dia tanya boleh tak dia pinjam kad membership I punya untuk dapat discount. I lihat wajahnya. I tanya baju baru? Belum sempat dia jawab, salesgirl cakap ya. Ok, gunalah my membership card. I tau dia nak raya, dengan diskaun, dia mungkin boleh dapat beli bende lain. Tak kiralah berapa baju dia nak beli. Dengan dia guna my card, I untung? Tidak, card membership untuk diskaun sahaja. See I don’t mind.

    Same thing, kalau tukang blow rambut I orang Cina yang satu ini. Nak raya I bagi dia duit lebih, walau dia tak minta. Ada masa dia kerja lebih waktu blow rambut I. Dia tak minta, I beri dia upah lebih. I beri sebab I tahu budak ini rajin dan peramah, kalau I sesak nak blow rambut pagi sebelum kedai dibuka, dia rela datang awal. Kalau budak Sabah tiada, dia saja yang dandan rambut I. Kalau budak Sabah ada, amoi tak payah dandan rambut I. Anyway dengan budak Sabah I bagi duit raya bila hari raya, dia Muslim tapi keluarga semua Kristian.

  425. Tun

    Sebenarnya hal Sabah ini I pernah tulis disini lama dulu.

    I pernah beritau yang my hairdresser budak Sabah. Masa mula2 PH naik, dia memang cakap orang Sabah tak suka Shafie Afdal sebab isu IC. Orang Sabah tak suka Shafie ini bawa masuk orang Filipina. Something about bakar2 rumah.

    Berbalik kepada kekalahan PH sejak beberapa kali lately. I think sebab rakyat dah muak, dah jelak, dah getik. Dapat duit 30 ringgit pun tiada apa. Janji nak bagi Anwar jadi PM pun tiada apa. Voters cuma nak PH bungkus. Baiklah Tun nasihatkan kepala gabungan PH jangan suka anggap diri mereka terer sangat.

    I ingat tak lama dulu ada penulis menulis, bukan tiada nasihat diberi, free advice pun ada merata-rata, tapi cocky, we knew everything type.

    Bab Najib, I cuma melihat dia rajin temui voters. Dia bukan PM, dia bukan Presiden UMNO, nak kata dia power sekarang takde apalah. Lagipun dia asyik keluar masuk court, team Tun yang memandai mandai bagi list kesalahan beliau banyak.

    I cuma nampak dia siphoned money. From here to there. Money laundering? Entah, boleh lekat ke? Dia fund terrorist ka? Siphoned duit very common, listed companies dok banyak buat. Tanya saja Vincent Tan, Syed Mokhtar ka, or anak Tun, mesti mereka tau. Ada mereka ditangkap? Teruk sangat mungkin. ikit2 tu orang buat tak nampak. Kalau kena pun bukan cepat denda masuk jel. Makan tahun2.

    And also Najib dulu PM. I think semua PM dalam dunia pun macam itu sebab ada power dalam tangan. Jangan Tun salah faham kata I side Najib. I kadang2 terbaca juga online, media reporting, that’s how I tau. Tun lihat sendiri kes Marcos, Imelda up to now tak fully selesai.

    Itu sebab I malas nak baca bende yang sama hari2. Buang masa I saja. Sorry ya Tun. I cuma minat cari rezeki.

  426. twinpeaks Jan 19,2020 7:42 PM

    For SSLee and HBT456.

    I would advise both of you to know what you are on about.

    Otherwise, stop blabbering, muddlehead and knucklehead.

    I just do not want to get involve since i know what you are up to, twinpeaks.
    As for SSLEE, perhaps he thinks bread and butter is still the issue in his state.

    In here, i wish you all the best.

  427. Dear PM Tun Dr Mahathir,
    Please allow me to thank twinpeaks for enlightening me on the Sabah local issue of (PSS) that cause the losses of vote to BN in Kimanis Parliament by-election contested by Warisan candidate for PH government. I respect the democratic right of Kimanis’s voters to elect their Parliament Representative to represent their interest in Parliament.

    Please also allow me to clarify, I do not mean to belittle or insult Kimanis voters when I wrote, “They would rather swim in a pool of dirty poop with known kleptocrats and corrupt leaders who stole/robbed/plundered the nation almost to bankruptcy” I just express my frustration seeing many Peninsular Malaysians still support and readily accept the dirty money, corrupt money, haram money from the backside of kleptocrat “Malu Apa Boss Ku” NAJIB.

    I offer my sincere and unreserved apology for my ignorance on PSS issue to twinpeaks and the voters of Kimanis.

    Thank you

    Yours truly,
    SS LEE

  428. For SSLee and HBT456.

    I would advise both of you to know what you are on about.

    Otherwise, stop blabbering, muddlehead and knucklehead.

  429. Sometime (well.., most time), Twinpeaks speaks too much.

    But I am sure Tun knows best, as the country’s Prime Minister. Not a nobody like Twinpeaks.

  430. For readers on the Peninsula who are most probably haven’t a clue what I am on about, let me walk them through it in a nutshell. The PSS is what the Warisan government intends to roll out in the next few months. The PSS (or Pas Sementara Sabah) is all too familiar to Sabah people by now, who now claim that they have been lied to by the Warisan Party, and regret. The PSS card is to be given to ALL Filipino refugees and their families in Sabah. An independent estimate puts them around 600,000 individuals (that is only now). THAT means automatic recognition by the Sabah government for these UNHCR refugees to settle in Sabah. Tun may disagree with me on this, but let me put it this way. The Warisan Chief Minister (an ethnic Filipino origin, Sabah-born) says that there is nothing to worry. Well, the Kimanis voters ARE VERY WORRIED. If this is not a backdoor attempt to make them eventual citizens of Malaysia, then I do NOT know what is. Let me put it in context.

    The Malaysian Immigration says that these new PSS card holders will ONLY be settled in Sabah and NOT ALLOWED to travel to the Peninsula. Here is the catch… The Federal Constitution entitles a person long settled on Malaysian soil (and remember that Sabah IS Malaysian soil), as Tun acknowledged. So, by sheer logic, these new Filipino refugees-turned-settlers WILL eventually be entitled to citizenship (.. which is their primary aim). I, as a Sabah I/C holder, am free to enter the Peninsula as I like, a privilege granted when Sabah joined Malaysia in 1963. When the 600,000 refugees-turned-temporary settlers eventually become eligible for Malaysian citizenship, HOW ON EARTH ARE YOU GOING TO DISTINGUISH WHO CAN OR CANNOT ENTER THE PENINSULA (????)

    And do remember, the Peninsula is a FAR GREATER green pastures than Sabah and Sarawak combined (!!!), for these NEW CITIZENS. Sabah is merely the gate to their future destination… the Peninsula.

    As Mubarakchan would say… forewarned is forearmed.

  431. She can flip then flop by targetting the edge this time.
    Perhaps, next time, she will haram any online news that could break her vote base, LOL.

  432. Dear PM Dr Mahathir,
    It is a very sad day for Malaysians that Warision unable to win the Kimanis Parliament seat for PH government. Malaysians rather choose NAJIB’s aka Malu Apa Bossku’s party over PH, something must be very, very damned wrong. They would rather swim in a pool of dirty poop with known kleptocrats and corrupt leaders who stole/robbed/plundered the nation almost to bankruptcy rather than with PH relatively clean and righteousness government who are working hard to rebuild our nation and set it on a course towards unity, justice, prosperity and equitable share of wealth thro’ Shared Prosperity 2030.

    What had gone wrong with Malaysians and what sort of upbringing, education, religion and culture would lead one to follow the path of corruption and proudly displaced “Malu Apa Boss Ku” without any remorse or shame?

    We have Ugly Mainland Chinese and Malaysians Chinese going around the world and cheat many people; similarly we have Ugly Americans, Ugly Koreans, Ugly Taiwanese, Ugly Europeans, Ugly Malaysian Corrupt Politicians/Kloptocrats and ugliness in every nationality in the word. This is become education, culture, religion guidance failed to instill moral value into them when they are growing up.

    As Chinese Malaysian, I was brought up with the influence of Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism.
    From Confucianism, (Ruler has ruler responsibility, subject has subject responsibility, father has father responsibility, and son has son responsibility.) I learn to take on responsibility, integrity, honor and respect for the elder.
    From Buddhism, (Things are in flux never still. It’s begins from emptiness, will end in emptiness and reemerge from emptiness. Life is cycles of birth and death until Enlightenment and Nirvana.) I learn to be kind, be humble, selflessness, compassion, empathy, sharing and let other take over when my time in this earthly world expired.
    From Taoism, (Heaven and Earth are one. Nature and Man are one.) I learn to live with nature, at peace and at ease with myself and others by accepting diversity, different ethnicity, cultures, religions, languages and all.
    And my primary vernacular school SJK(C) Keat Hwa H taught me my Chinese culture value of Courtesy, Justice, Incorruptible, Shame “礼”, “义”, “廉”, “恥” and to fight for justices, righteousness and give voice to the voiceless. http://chedet.cc/?p=2387#comment-136954

    As Malaysian Chinese, We fully respect and accept Article 153 of the Constitution of Malaysia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Article_153_of_the_Constitution_of_Malaysia
    grants the Yang di-Pertuan Agong (King of Malaysia) responsibility for “safeguarding the special position of the ‘Malays’ and natives of any of the States of Sabah and Sarawak and the legitimate interests of other communities” and goes on to specify ways to do this, such as establishing quotas for entry into the civil service, public scholarships and public education. (Affirmation action policies)

    But I cannot accept corrupt politicians/kleptocrats/religion leaders in the name of protecting “Orang Melayu, Islam dan KeSultanan Melayu” misused and abused article 153 to steal, to rob the nation wealth and hijacked affirmation action policies to enrich their personal and cronies’ wealth, brainwashed those suppose to benefit from the affirmation action with upgraded skills and facilities but never received such affirmation and become poorer and forever dependent on handout as god will, and at the same time fanning racial and religion hatred when other communities only trying to maintain/protect their legitimate interests under the Malaysia Constitution.

    Quote, “Orang Kelantan yang pilih Pas pun perlu rasa bangga boleh tengok MB, Exco dan Setiausaha Kerajaan mereka – 14 orang semuanya – dalam kesenangan dan kenikmatan.

    Jangan peduli sangatlah dengan perangkaan tentang kesusahan dan kepahitan hidup rakyat totok Kelantan seperti kadar kemiskinan tertinggi di Semenanjung, kadar ketagihan dadah tertinggi, kadar perceraian tertinggi dan macam-macam lagi yang tinggi-tinggi.

    Orang miskin dan susah selalu dibagi tahu dan diajar oleh Tok-tok Guru dan Ustaz selebriti bahawa hidup di dunia ini sementara saja. Susah di dunia, senang di akhirat.” Unquote

    Is teaching of Khat/Jawi writing a top Education priority? My children all passed Bahasa Malaysia/English/Chinese and all the other subjects with flying colors in SPM exam. Just think of those poor “Malays” and natives of any of the States of Sabah and Sarawak, some even failed their Bahasa Malaysia and English paper and many other subjects, are they able to cope with Khat/Jawi and heavy religion study? Did BN corrupt leaders tell us the reasons why university graduates unable to get a meaningful employment? What should we priorities our education policy?

    Quote, “Someone changed the curriculum in school and now national schools have become religious schools.

    “They are all learning about the religion of Islam and not learning anything else. As a result, those who pass in school are not very conversant with subjects that are useful for them to get jobs, but they are very good ulama,” he said.

    Noting that the current school system produced many Islamic religious scholars or ulama, he said: “And when you have too many ulama, they always differ from each other, and they mislead their followers and they quarrel with each other.” unquote

    To our leaders and future leaders on this honorable Tun Mahathir’s Blog whether you are supporters of PH or BN please empathy with all those in B40 and help them regardless of race and religion. This is my sincere and humble request to you.

    I pray and cry for you, my beloved Malaysia.

    Thank you

    Yours truly,
    SS LEE

  433. On a lighter note, here is something completely different.

    Not sure if readers know that China president is on a state visit to Myanmar. Well.. it was widely reported in the local media, including Facebook. But Facebook in the Myanmarese language is not exactly easy to translate into English. For instance, there is no data for “XI” but there is for “Shi”. So when a headline captions “Dinner in honor of President Xi” in Myanmarese, it directly translates for English readers as “Dinner in honor of President Shithole”. (Shi = Shithole)

    How about this.. when I was small, I used to draw rainbows a lot (among others). But not much anymore, as the term ‘rainbow’ as a slightly different meaning today(!)

  434. https://www.malaysiakini.com/news/507280

    This is very worrying for my home state Sabah. It looks like an ‘unholy alliance’ in the making. I reckon Tun understands very well what this is all about. And I believe that if Tun does not act now, it will all be too late. I can predict some sort of negative reaction from the Sabah people if the PH government rolls out its plan regardless.

    And do not discount mass street protests in Sabah that would start simultaneously that would dwarf the Bersih protests on the Peninsula. It will be very sad day for the entire nation. Sarawak may eventually join hands with Sabah. But Tun.., it is not too late. But you have to act now before it is too late.

    The Kimanis voters have spoken loud and clear that they reject the Warisan government in Sabah. It just took the people of Sabah less than two years after the last general elections. It is a very bad sign for PH, and and even worse sign for the entire nation.

    It may even lead to an eventual break up of Malaysia. I wouldn’t discount Sabah and Sarawak going their separate ways after the next general elections. Sabahans ARE VERY UNHAPPY with the Warisan plan on the Pas Sementara Sabah (or PSS). So, Tun has to act fast.

    This is just my advice as a neutral Sabahan, as a neutral Malaysian.

  435. Tun

    I punya blog kat wordpress hanya cerita hal stocks, berkenaan dengan stock market. My audience majority dari investment forum. I juga ada dapat audience dari negara lain selain dari Malaysia.

    But I tak kenal mereka siapa, hanya negara I tahu. Tujuan blog selain bagi serba sedikit information yang I dapat dari Investment Banks dan online, I juga kongsi apa stocks I beli.

    I ingat last year bila I komen something about Hadi dan Najib sini, unhappy KCD copied dan letak kat wall FB disana, lalu I dapat ramai penyokong ramai yang sokong apa I tulis. Tun, I also tidak kenal mereka siapa. I guess apa yang I tulis dan sebut dalamnya, majority audience dapat rasai, something like I FEEL YOU!

    Sebenarnya Tun boleh tau, lihat saja blog Tun sekarang ramai lagikan yang datang. Lihat wall FB ramai kah lagi penyokong.

    I for example jarang kunjungi THEEGDE online lagi, sebab berita stock market dan stocks dah kureng, tapi berita politic lebih. Jangan terkejut BERNAMA yang cerita about bursa Malaysia bila closing, lebih solid dan serba padat isi dalamnya.

    Thank You.

  436. Tahniah UMNO
    You won Sabah

    As I expected the next PRU15 UMNO will take over
    I am with Tun, but I am with my Malay / Muslim more
    Next PRU UMNO will win more if
    Najib with Rosmah is out, or Rosmah out of Najib

    Gabungan Tun dengan DAP baik untuk Malaysia
    Tapi tidak bagus untuk orang Melayu / Islam
    Sebab ini hanya wawancara sementara
    Lihat saja bila DAP Berkuasa besok
    KeSultanan Melayu juga akan dipadamkan
    Bukan saja orang, Kampung dan Tanah Melayu
    Sekarang juga kita sudah berbau dan lihat

  437. Tun

    I baca ini Dr M calls for PPBM to defend ‘unique’ Kedah, says Mukhriz. Setuju. Begitu jika TSMY kalau nak kuatkan PPBM di Johor.

    Usahlah difikirkan gabungan sementara PH. Next GE carilah gabungan lain. Ini pandangan dari public relations expert. LOL

  438. Correction: Because no one knows what the ruling and opposition wins out will do in the next general election.

  439. I sure hope twinpeaks is aware moslem pregnant woman was belasah by a huge white australian recently in a coffee house recently,

    When hatred and anger defeated common sense, gentleman too could ended up as terrorist.

    Just be careful when you speak as mps since you are the public figure representing malaysia at state and federal level.

    Dont apply force by fighting fire with fire because it will make the situation worst.

    Be safe, and just do your best in this term as cabinet ministers.


    Because no one know what the ruling and opposition wins out in next general election.

  440. sambungan

    Nampaknya dah janji bila nak kasi Anwar jadi PM, also PH kalah. Selepas ini PKR jangan keliling cakap, sebab Tun tak letak tarikh nak lepas jawatan PM, maka itu sebab PH selalu tanding kalah dengan BN.

    Actually the voters very sure yang mana mereka nak pilih. Jangan pula guna alasan sebab itu sebab ini, ya!

  441. Tun

    Wall Tun ini medan peperangan. I jarang baca apa ditulis sini. Sekali baca, huh!

    Sebenarnya easy, jangan tanya apa Malaysia boleh kasi kat you just because DAP naik, DAP tak represent bangsa Cina satu Malaysia or Cina sedunia seperti BERSATU tak represent Melayu satu Malaysia.

    Tun, sorry ya, BN menang lagi.

  442. One last thing that i want to share here is being multi-lingual is definitely a plus point in Malaysia to get our work done from highest to mid to lowest chain.

    If i am you SSLEE, i for sure will fix an appointment to see SC on why they reject.

    At least, by doing so, i can find out why they reject rather than guessing, waiting or slamming with the word ‘menipu’.

    Like i said, winning or loosing is not important, most importantly is to get thing done in the right manner.

    P/s: absolute power in china is bad for their people which could lead to closed door policy again. Thats why china needs to be slammed from outside if not, this dragon will turn back into worm, meaning, tidak apa attitude because no one dare to challenge them in mainland china.

  443. Tun

    For Hainanese HBT630.

    You have insulted and belittled our beloved Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad the Prime Minister of Malaysia and a World Icon by calling him in his own distinguished Blog, ” OLD SHIT.” and you said, ” A SECEET IS NOT A SECRET.”

    You have not explained whilst taking advantage of the facility provided for you here, the reasons for saying such foul words. You should be treated with contempt as a slimy Hainanese snake unless you apologise, express regrets or remorse forthwith.

    Malaysia Boleh Tun as always. No problem.

  444. Dato’ Jan 18,2020 7:48 PM

    Indeed YAB Tun PM , they forgot Allah is the Almighty. ” Wamakaru wamakarullah , Allahu ma kirin”

    Moga Allah panjangkan umur Tun dengan penuh keberkatan dan pinjamkan kudratnya untuk terus mentadbirkan sebaiknya bumi bertuah Malaysia ni sehinnga akhir hayat.

    SSLEE, do you know what it means by robbing peter to pay paul? After reading the above, the by-election in kimanis is won by Alamin from BN, and i think robbing paul to pay peter is in the making again.

    Write to SC also no point, the company name might be menjolokkan mata which the authorithy might target the company is owned by commies 🤣🤣🤣

    In fact, the company name that you mentioned is correctly pin-yin via alphabets in english or any languages that use aphabets universally,

    Whether we like it or not, constituencies in sabah is more than enough to control mp seats in peninsula.

    No matter how good we are, we are always 2nd class to bumiputra as per twinpeaks wishes.

    Eventhough i know the political reason for it, i definitely do not want to waste my time to argue by stressing myself out.

    Therefore, pandai2lah mereka yang mengelarkan diri mereka sebagai tuah dan jebat to dictate the unearned future budget.

    Good luck, and all the best.

  445. Indeed YAB Tun PM , they forgot Allah is the Almighty. ” Wamakaru wamakarullah , Allahu ma kirin”

    Moga Allah panjangkan umur Tun dengan penuh keberkatan dan pinjamkan kudratnya untuk terus mentadbirkan sebaiknya bumi bertuah Malaysia ni sehinnga akhir hayat.

  446. Dear PM Tun Dr Mahathir,
    Please allow me to thank @mubarakchan for his magnanimous forgiveness.

    Tun, I agreed with Robert Kuok that years of experimenting with extreme left-wing communism and lack of any religion guidance have had adverse effects on many Mainland Chinese as they grew up without a strong moral compass. There are the ugly Chinese “Corrupt, Fraudulent, Dishonest, Immoral, Untruthful, Greedy, Inconsiderate, Selfish, Shady, Liar and Uncouth” and they only fear a bullet into their heads. Thank to tough anti corruption campaign by Central Commission for Discipline Inspection (CCDI), China able to cleaned out the corrupt system and a new China emerged with new selfless leaders devotion to duty, complete willingness to dedicate their lives to the causes of nation-building and raising the peoples’ standard of living are now a norm rather than exception. When will new Malaysia going to have incorruptible, nation-building leaders?

    Upon taking office, Xi vowed to crack down on “tigers and flies”, that is, high-level officials and local civil servants alike. The campaign ‘netted’ over 120 high-ranking officials, including about a dozen high-ranking military officers, several senior executives of state-owned companies, and five national leaders. More than 100,000 people have been indicted for corruption. The campaign is part of a much wider drive to clean up malfeasance within party ranks and shore up party unity.

    I would like to add on to @Sri Sense, “Berita Atta dan Heng Huat suspended. Kes polis. Hubby jerit ITU MENIPU LA. Nasib baik I tiada shares dalam 2 company ini” by relating my bitter and sad experience in confronting Red Chips companies BOD listed in Bursa:

    My reflection on the road I taken to seek the truth and I am now wondering whether did I make a different or is justices served? And what more can I do? The anxiety, desperation and sad face of minority shareholders I befriends during 2016 Xingquan AGM will forever haunt me.

    It had been an uphill and a difficult long walk ever since I made my decision to seek the truth and nothing but the truth when I walk out from my first ever Xingquan 8th AGM (7th Dec 2016) dumbfounded that the BOD were lying thro’ their teeth, cheating and scamming the minority shareholders with impunity and getting away with it.

    Refer Xingquan 8th AGM official minutes on BOD laughable explanation:
    1. On the loss of RMB 415 million to supply 3.6 millions pair of custom make shoes to government agency: Only during full delivery of 3.6 million pair, the group was informed verbally that the shoes were found to fall short of the specification of antibacterial and absorbent ability.
    2. On the write off of doubtful debt of RMB157.5 million: It was prudent to make provision for doubtful debt on those who had delayed in payment for trade receivable for more than 90 days.
    3. On is the cash in bank real or fraud?: The cash in bank was verified by the external auditors who had obtained confirmation and printed bank balances statement directly from the various banks, the low interest income because of low interest rate and minimum placement of funds in fixed deposit accounts.

    Not helping is the uncaring and gullible external auditors and independent directors dance to the BOD’s tune.

    I make my first official complain to Bursa (Bursa Ref: CC/215/16) and I am thankful to Mr. Eddie Yeo and Ms. Chong Siew Yeen of Corporate Surveillance & Governance Division granted me a meeting on 19 December 2016 where I seek Bursa advice on Requisition an EGM for forensic audit. Before that I already send a petition letter to the then Ambassador of China His Excellency Dr. Huang and met China Economic and Commercial Counselor secretary Mr. Fang Tao who promised me to send a representative to the EGM as observer for the EGM and voting proceeding. I then approached a substantial shareholder (Holding more than 10% Xingquan share) Mr. Koon Yew Yin and met with his lawyer to finalize EGM REQUISITION.

    Unfortunately before we can send in the EGM Requisition to the company secretary suddenly the CFO, Independents directors and company secretary resign en masse and the Xingquan BOD become elusive and did not responds to Bursa’s inquiries.

    I make my official complaint to SC and was invited to a join SC and Bursa meeting at SC office on 8/8/2017. Many more email and meeting follow. I remember I end one of my emails to Bursa and SC with my boil over frustration on lack of information on action taken with harsh words: “Are we Malaysian surrendering our sovereign right to China? Are Red Chip companies allowed to cheat us with impunity? Is our government unable to stand up to China? If China can ask our government to send the Telephone-Cheat syndicate members (Taiwanese) back to mainland China for trial then why is it so difficult to ask China to extradite the Red Chips Companies CEO to stand trial in Malaysia? Is our government not protecting our right anymore? Are we nothing but a nation of thieves? If so, my only hope is on GE14.

    Finally I am glad and breathed a great sigh of relief to read the below media releases by SC and Bursa on 29 March 2019 for taking administrative actions/reprimands action on CSL, Xingquan and Maxwell.

    My recent follow up email with Bursa and SC and still waiting for SC and BURSA update

    Dear Bursa and SC,
    A new year 2020, a new decade and a new journey, “Since you have to do the things you have to do, be wish to do some of the things you want to do”- Malcolm Forbes.

    Another year pass-by and please allow me to wish all a Happy and Prosperous New Year 2020. In the new year of 2020, we Malaysians have to kiss our vision 2020 good-bye. http://chedet.cc/?p=2982#comment-146576

    But please welcome our new vision of Shared Prosperity 2030. Shared Prosperity has to come with Shared Responsibility and Shared Values as our destiny is interconnected. http://chedet.cc/?p=2982#comment-146596

    I am writing this email to SC and Bursa as follow up on our last meeting on 9 August 2019 at SC office and since then whether any further actions had been taken against Xinquan?

    Bursa own admission quote, “The Company and the directors did not respond to/provide any explanations to the numerous queries of Bursa Malaysia Securities on XINQUAN’s Breaches and/or the actions taken by the directors in the discharge of their duties to ensure compliance with the Main LR vis-à-vis XINQUAN’s Breaches, unquote”

    My guess is CEO Dato’ Wu and his brother Wu Lianfu did not paid up their fine, continues thumbing their nose at Bursa. Is Bursa going to let these crooks laughing all the way to the bank with proceeds from IPO: RM 164,577,015 and proceeds from RI: RM 44,131,870?

    So is the enforcement actions taken by Bursa against XINQUAN and its directors and delisting a fair closure for the long suffered minority shareholders? Is justices served? Should SC and Bursa take on the shared responsibility to take further actions to seek a fair closure for minority shareholder and brought on the full force of rule of law against those who broke the law?

    My question as follow:
    Question 1: In view of seriousness of offends/frauds committed by the fraudsters (CEO) and their total disregard/contempt shown against authorities of SC and BURSA with no respect for Malaysia Law. Has SC made an extradition request with China government to extradite CEO Dato’ Wu and his brother executive director Wu Lianfu to stand trial in Malaysia Court?

    Question 2: I refer below link: https://gertop.world.tmall.com/
    Xinquan brand product (Gertop) is still available for sale in China biggest online shopping website Taoboa. This mean Xinquan still have production lines and assets in China but the China owner and Management team just taken us Malaysian as fool and shown utmost contempt to SC and BURSA authorities/Malaysia law.
    Will SC now invoke CMSA 2007 section 358 (1) in the public interest, taking legal action against Xingquan to recover loss on behalf of victims who suffers loss or damage by reason of, or by relying on, the conduct of another person who has contravened any provision of Part VI or any regulations made under this Act, the amount of the loss or damage by instituting civil proceedings against the other person whether or not that other person has been charged with an offence in respect of the contravention or whether or not a contravention has been proved in a prosecution?

    Question 3: May SC and Bursa share with me some information of any further action SC or Bursa intend to take against Xinquan?

    Thank you

    Yours truly,
    P/S: Perhaps PM Tun Dr Mahathir can assign someone to look into this case.

  447. twinpeaks Jan 18,2020 11:31 AM

    For HBT456.

    What the heck are you on about.

    Stop blabbering, knucklehead.

    You mean harvey-davidson knuclehead, twinpeaks?

    My family members all opted not to drive big, medium, small cc bikes eventhough it is much more cheaper to maintain and repair. Local drivers, majority, do not follow traffic law dari dulu hingga sekarang, entah kenapa. Hakikatnya, semua pun kena tanggung to drive and park as our own bahaya.

    Cycling i do in gym only, not in park or on road, thats my gayahidup, kan i only perkerja and cannot afford for luxury or premium lifestyle.

    Instead, you should listen to our elected boss kita on what he wants to achieve during his term as perdana menteri.

    I am just only a voter in my constituency as per federal constitution, and i have my basic right to vote ruling, opposing coalition , independents or dont vote, kan undi adalah rahsia, regardless of what tricks of sodomy, i mean, behind the door, EC has in mind this time, or in future.

    When i dont know, then i am not wrong.
    But, when i know, and yet i do it, so how?
    I already said, benefit of doubts is always there.
    Whichever coalition gets the majority, they will decide who is the perdana menteri, but until now, only dsai is being listed as the perdana menteri in line for ph, dll hanya test the temperature of the water because they themselves also not sure which way to go. Kenapa? Ini kena tepuk dadah, tanya selera mereka iaitu mampu atau tidak mampu.

    I already done my part as voter, what about you as mps and wr, twinpeaks?

  448. For SS Lee.

    In case you are forgetful, let the entire nation remind you of the core, essential basics of Malaysia’s Federal Constitution. Read it up so that you are not muddled like knucklehead HBT456.

    Islam is the national religion. Malay is the national language. Therefore, Malay Muslim is the default template of the nation. And do not bring the Malay Sultans into your predicament, because they are THE heads of Islam and the Malays.

    I didn’t say that the Chinese and others cannot live in Malaysia. Just like in Britain, Australia and New Zealand.., I didn’t say that the Chinese and Indians cannot live there either. So much the better, cultural diversity. I myself am culturally diverse (.. Malay, Chinese, Murut, Kwijau, born Catholic, now a Muslim). You are treated with citizenship rights like everybody else. But there IS a limit. Just like in Britain, Australia and Canada.

    You CANNOT eat your cake and have it too. To migrate to another country and call it your new home is one thing. But to ask for the host country to elevate your culture and language to the same level as the hosts’, is a TOTALLY different proposition. It is unthinkable and in other countries, they will laugh in your dumb faces. In Britain, Australia and Canada (to name just three), Chinese and other minorities are free to celebrate their religious festivities even on the streets like the Chinatown. But Britain, Australia and Canada DO NOT elevate the Chinese New Year into a National Holiday status. The same with your language. You are free to speak Mandarin AT HOME with your own kinds. BUT when your children go to school, they MUST only speak English. Whereas in Malaysia, you the Chinese community have become TOO BIG-HEADED. Like Mubarakchan said repeatedly but your kinds are STILL too thick to understand, this is all due to the absence of the right kind of leadership in your community. Instead of level-headed people like Mubarakchan, your community is led by bigots in the Dong Jong and DAP. It is NOT a surprise that your community is called a headless chicken, still running loose in Malaysia, and needed to be constantly monitored by the government and the PDRM. We have to keep a close eye on you lot, in case your burn down your own kitchen. We let you live in Malaysia, do business as you like, but your are simply asking for the impossible. That is why you will be crying your eyes out everyday.. your ingratitude feeds into your daily behaviour and words. Why on earth are your pouring praise on the Commies in China and what not? What is the purpose, like Mubarakchan asked you. YOU ARE NOT IN CHINA, muddle head. In truth, What you ARE asking for constantly, is just what the DAP are asking for…, nothing short of turning the tables on the Federal Constitution. That is seditious, and in your homeland Commie China, you can be sent to the firing squad. And in North Korea, you can be sent to be eaten alive by dogs.

    So, while you have a good life in Malaysia, I advise your kinds to heed the good advice of Mubarakchan, someone whose family had migrated to this country and left whatever pride they had in China.. behind, in China. Yes, they are still proud to be Chinese in private, but they call themselves Chinese Malaysians.

    To be a proper Chinese Malaysian means simply to be grateful that you are accepted by the host nation, and in return, to RESPECT the default superiority of Malay Muslim position (if your are on the Peninsula) and the Borneo native position (if you are in Sabah and Sarawak). In other words, BE LIKE Mubarakchan. If you are still not sure what that means because you and knucklehead HBT456 are too thick to understand, I am sure Mubarakchan is willing to give you some guidance.

  449. Tun


    Like our beloved Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad, I am a practical person with a mind which processes complicated things to produce simple and practical answers.

    Many thanks S.S. Lee for your kind clarification. Much appreciated.

    Malaysia Boleh Tun as always. No problem

  450. Tun

    Since I ini always sensible dan practical ehem ehem I cerita lagi about bursa Malaysia.

    I ada kawan remiser, dia dulu pernah jadi President remiser Malaysia, dia kata to me how sedih now tengok stock market, ada kaunter harga 1 sen 2 sen 3 sen. Unbelievable. She’s right.

    Memang ada listed local companies harga semurah itu. Bukan company China mari but Malaysian companies. Bukan juga company under PN17. Boleh kata healthy company sebab tak masuk lagi PN17. Dan selalunya company begini shares bertimbun2, kita tengok sakit mata.

    I bagi example, I memang selalu monitor satu company nama Impiana. Shares berlambak, bertimbun, movement dua sen, ke dua setengah sen, hari2 pun sama. Company ini ada rangkaian hotel dan khabarnya milik adik ipar Sultan Perak. Kalau tak silap Dyna Sofya duduk kat BOD. Bila tengok movement kaunter ini buat I tertanya sape la beli fesyen lagu ini, 2 sen ke 2 sen setengah LOL

    Orang Perak kalau 10 sen, mereka kata sekupang, kalau 20 sen, mereka kata 2 kupang, kalau 2 sen apa nak panggil, ya?

  451. Tun

    Wajarlah I cerita sikit hal stock market lagi.

    Berita Atta dan Heng Huat suspended. Kes polis. Hubby jerit ITU MENIPU LA. Nasib baik I tiada shares dalam 2 company ini. LOL

    Apa pula cerita ini, I jengah forum investment, ramai juga marah dengan boss Atta. Atta dan Heng Huat ini sama boss. Hmmm

    I tertarik baca tajuk berita Abu Said jerit ‘YOU’RE A LIAR” kepada Shahril Khazanah.

    Tiba2 jadi budaya jerit jerit. LOL

  452. Dear PM Tun Dr Mahathir,
    Please allow me to offer my unreserved apology to @mubarakchan for my mistake identity.

    My previous comment is actually response to: http://chedet.cc/?p=3009#comment-146841
    @twinpeaks Jan16,2020 12:05 AM
    Quote, “For SS Lee.
    You are forgetting something, mate. Marxism is the central tenet of Communism, whether of the Russian kind or the Chinese version. The destruction of democracy is an essential element to the existence of a Communist government. It is the most repugnant, most brutal and most inhumane form of governance in the history of mankind. Plus, if I may, Chinese involvement in the Korean War was precisely to safeguard the Chinese and Russian Commies precarious hold on their own societies. There was no other reason. China’s nine-dash nonsense in the South China Sea is not historical but made-up to pre-empt any rescue to a future invasion of democratic Taiwan. Well.., the Commies can keep dreaming until they die of natural death eventually, because all the Allied air and naval bases surrounding the middle kingdom are ready to strike if the Commies make a wrong move. Watch this space.” Unquote

    @twinpeaks once wrote:
    Quote, “For Mubarakchan.
    Thank you for the reply. But you are wrong about my attitude towards race. I may be very blunt in my use of language, but that’s the way I was brought up and trained to speak at the Perse. We speak our minds. That is the main reason we are always the top co-educational school in England at the IGCSE and A Level results. Eton is always behind the Perse. Harrow and Rugby are miles behind us. The Leys in Cambridge (sorry Sultan Nazrin) is not even visible on our horizon. The Royal Shakespeare Theater was founded by an Old Persean.

    I don’t dislike the Chinese anymore than I like the Malays. I don’t show any preference for any race, including my own father’s race, Murut. I am completely neutral. I don’t make any friends, but may make a lot of enemies. But that is the price for being like this. Yes, it is quite sad. But I am okay with that.

    I see the Chinese as a greater existential threat for Malaysia as a whole although it is controllable in Borneo, a much bigger threat than Islam.” unquote

    I should had known better to response to @twinpeaks who pride himself as highly educated with a prestige double degree but behave like a “YOUNG KID STILL WET BEHIND THE EARS” and still insist on throwing his childish tantrums quote, “In the meantime, the Commies of China had better watch out. If they make a wrong move in Taiwan or the South China Sea, we will strike them. A couple of nukes each on Beijing and Shanghai should do the job.”

    Please grown-up and please learn from His Royal Highness Sultan Nazrin Shah.
    “Malaysia is what it is today because of the collective contributions of all communities,” he said in his royal address.

    However, at the same time his book makes it clear that despite its achievements over the past 150 years, Malaysia still faces huge and complex challenges.

    Analysing on what Malaysia has faced historically, Sultan Nazrin concluded his book with a forward-looking assessment of the challenges before the nation and set out a vision for an inclusive and sustainable future.

    “The future design of affirmative action policies and programmes needs to be based on firm and fair observance of the balance of interest among all communities as provided for in the Federal Constitution,” he contended.

    Thank you

    Yours truly,
    SS LEE
    P/S: I am Malaysian in heart and soul. I am cheering for every Malaysians to win and beat every other country in sport or in any endeavor. I believe in strength of diversity. We Malaysians need to come to accept that Malaysia had been and will always be a multi-ethnic, multi-religious, multi-cultural and multi-lingual nation. All ethnic groups have shed their blood, toiled and sacrificed for this nation of ours and build this nation to what it is today. Let no one ever take that away from any of us.

    Acceptance is an active value. In human psychology, it is explained as a person’s assent to the reality of a situation. In this, there is no attempt at changing it. It implies growth, improvement and positive development.

    Acceptance is a virtue that needs to be inculcated despite the sea of differing opinions among different races and religions. God created diversity. It is ungodly to criticise His diversity in such a disparaging and uncouth manner.

  453. You dont care about my feelings, i also dont care about your feeling.

    If not hepi, then, call for snap election la.

    Pilih kasih and greedy sampai tahap ini, nobody wants to play with you, twinpeaks.

    By that time, you should know the consequences.

    There is no secret too in politics.

    Depan cakap ini, belakang main tikam.

    Thats hypocript, worst than 2 face.

    Thats why i do not want to get involve kerana hatiku pedih sangat when you keep terrorizing my race with the words commies again, again.

    You never care how much hard works and investment these people including foreigners have dumped in, all you care is your personal interests.

    Thats sad, you know?

  454. Tun

    TWIN PEAKS. Syabas !

    The Malays through their traditions, wisdom and politics always had a good, wise and compassionate Leader in our beloved Malaysia like the Tunku, Tun Abdul Razak, Tun Hussein Onn and our indefatigable Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad.

    Those unqualified chaps during the Dark Age of the Singaporean Puppet Corrupt and Uncaring BN Government 2004-2018 and its equally corrupt elite and GLCs/SOEs do not count because they did not recognise the Sovereignty and National Interest of our beloved Malaysia.

    Not only that, they gave what Lee Kuan Yew wanted FREE – the rocks, the steel rails, the freehold KTM land- hundreds of hectares, NSEP Chief Editor’s chair, lush Sime Darby contracts, HSR etc. A huge collection of national treasures and more.


    Yes ! The Malay Leadership 1957-2004 was honourable, honest and impeccable. It was really a shame when unqualified chaps took over in 2004 to 2018.

    As for the Chinese, I am sad to say that for them there was never a real National Leader of note since 1950. They worked together always in a party because none of them had the charisma and leadership qualities to become a National Leader. Their commercial background spoke for itself.

    By 2000, all MCA Leaders were mighty rich, each and every one of them except for one who did not take advantage of his political connections. He never assumed a Ministerial post. The brazen behaviour of the MCA Leaders loaded with money had to be seen to be believed !

    One State Exco member carried a huge briefcase suitable to carry RM 1 Million cash in the SIA First Class cabin emblazoned, ” XYZ State Exco Member ” in huge white lettering including his name. It was obvious to me that he had easy passage through the Customs. It is alleged he is no longer in the State Exco representing MCA. Stupid.

    Another MCA Leader proudly told me that he made RM 20 Million just by sitting in his air-conditioned office as a MCA exco-Member.

    There was another MCA Leader who walloped TWO monopolies whilst in office one of which was FREE and the other cost him a few ringgits. He went on to wallop condo development concessions, gas tenders and many goodies more. To this day, there has been no solid record of his contribution to the National Interest except for his apparent Confucius belief in thrift !

    Up to 2000, a complete list of the mighty rich MCA Leaders from humble backgrounds like wanton mee seller, lorry drivers etc could be compiled.

    FROM THE MCA WEALTHY LIST, NOT A SINGLE NATIONAL LEADER EMERGED BECAUSE LEE KUAN YEW REPLACED THEM ALL FROM 1963-2015 ! Remarkable and stupid. And Lee Kuan Yew could do this from a foreign country outside of Malaysia ! SHADES OF CHINESE LIKE S.S. LEE FOR YOU, TWIN PEAKS AND ME ! Stupid.

    Now with the absence of LEE KUAN YEW, the headless flock of fiercely independently minded Chinese sheep turn to China ! The proposed Plan was perfect, Let the stupid Malaysians signed their own Death Warrant THE TPPA/CPTPP and with the Malaysians in Lee Kuan Yew’s little pocket, let these stupid people the Malaysians be funded by China. QED.

    BUT MAN PROPOSES. GOD DISPOSES. The Singaporean Puppet Corrupt and Uncaring BN Government 2004-2018 and its equally corrupt elite and GLCs/SOEs were ousted on 9 May 2018 by our wise, brilliant and courageous Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad with DSAI and the Team by his side.

    Until a Malaysian Chinese National Leader arises, we must expect more of the same from the Leaderless Chinese and problems will be with us.


    Malaysia Boleh Tun as always. No problem. WHAT TO DO WITH THE CHINESE WHO ARE LEADERLESS ? Only they can save themselves which is REALPOLITIK !

  455. Really cannot tahan with this kind of rude people who call himself sabahan bumiputera first as if malaysians are as greedy, naive, stupid like him talking bullshit again, and again.

    Jan 17,2020 11:24 AM

    Ditto, Mubarakchan.

    The Chinese community in Malaysia needs to have stronger leadership who can think straight and wake their community up to the reality of Malaysia. Malaysia is not China. Britain is not China, Australia is not China. Canada is not China.

    Wake up and accept to the reality that the Chinese diaspora have to play by the rules of their adopted country, be that Malaysia, Britain. Australia or Canada. And stop asking for the impossible. Then you lot will be much happier with your own selves.

    Alternatively, those who are not happy with the basic rules in Sabah, Sarawak or the Peninsula, are free to go back to their country of origin. No one will stop you.


    For chinese race, as long as the hosts dont force us to give up our ancestors, language, mother tongues, cultures and traditions, we can be friends with any races, and nationalities who treated fair equally.

    You want to talk big, by all means do it in your kampong, and no one will stop you either.


    Tunggu masa saja.

    twinpeaks Jan 17,2020 11:31 AM

    In the meantime, the Commies of China had better watch out. If they make a wrong move in Taiwan or the South China Sea, we will strike them. A couple of nukes each on Beijing and Shanghai should do the job.

    No need to strike one if they made they wrong move this time, they only thing is hilang undi, itu saja. I am sure the happiest person will be the next perdana menteri in waiting 😅😅😅, janji melayu, no problem one.

  456. In the meantime, the Commies of China had better watch out. If they make a wrong move in Taiwan or the South China Sea, we will strike them. A couple of nukes each on Beijing and Shanghai should do the job.

  457. Ditto, Mubarakchan.

    The Chinese community in Malaysia needs to have stronger leadership who can think straight and wake their community up to the reality of Malaysia. Malaysia is not China. Britain is not China, Australia is not China. Canada is not China.

    Wake up and accept to the reality that the Chinese diaspora have to play by the rules of their adopted country, be that Malaysia, Britain. Australia or Canada. And stop asking for the impossible. Then you lot will be much happier with your own selves.

    Alternatively, those who are not happy with the basic rules in Sabah, Sarawak or the Peninsula, are free to go back to their country of origin. No one will stop you.

  458. Tun

    For S.S. Lee.



    What’s wrong with you S.S. Lee by going overboard on China ?

    In your zeal you accused me of alleging what I NEVER SAID OR THINK EVER ON EVENTS IN CHINA BECAUSE I AM NOT SINO-CENTRIC LIKE YOU WHO WAS ONCE A LEE KUAN YEW WORSHIPPER AND EAT AND DRINK CHINA. Please come to your senses at your age and do not behave like a YOUNG KID STILL WET BEHIND THE EARS.

    If you, a Malaysian Chinese, are opposed to our revered CONSTITUTION OF MALAYSIA and the Laws say so. Why beat around the bush with hundreds of meaningless words ?

    Unlike you, I am a Malaysian of Chinese extraction. Malaysia is my country, RIGHT OR WRONG ! Right ? I am a CONSTITUTIONALIST SINCE 1954 unlike you who is an anarchist in our beloved Malaysia.

    Malaysia Boleh Tun as always. No problem.

  459. Tun

    I tertarik baca tulisan saudara ashamat. I beri sedikit pendapat berkenaan isu PM ini.

    Semasa TPM sibuk gantung tanglung, I sudah bisik dengan hubby, “Nampak sangat yang sokong bukan Melayu lagi tapi DAP”. Sebelum peristiwa ini, I memang ada baca online sokongan Melayu pada DSAI hanya 10 percent.

    I fikir; Mungkin DSAI sudah janji besar sama DAP. Mungkin Malaysia juga akan jadi macam negara Singapore milik Cina.

    Tapi perlu ingat sini ya, semasa Khalid Ibrahim keluar UMNO masuk PKR, jawatannya dalam party Bendahari kalau tak silap. Semestinya DSAI juga janji besar dengan Khalid. Tapi bila nak masuk penggal ke2 jadi MB kedudukkan Khalid goyah hingga terpaksa berhenti. Kita semua tau siapa penyebabnya.

    Semasa DSAI dalam penjara, Azminlah yang jalankan tugas party. Kehulur kehilir dengan reformasi. Semestinya DSAI juga sudah janji besar sama Azmin. Bila Azmin naik jadi Menteri Federal kedudukkan Azmin mula goyah. Kita semua tau siapa penyebabnya.

    Perlu ingat sini ya Kak Wan, bila you jadi isteri, suami you adalah suami you, dia bukan anak you, therefore its not necessary untuk you jadi his mommy protecting and funding him and so on. Belajar jadi isteri seperti Tun Dr Hasma. Itu adalah contoh terbaik. Lihat betapa Tun M sayang dan muliakan isterinya.

    I also ada nampak tulisan kat wall Tun M something like Khairuddin Hassan kata peliwat tak boleh jadi Khalifah. Begini ajela Tun, ex-convict tak boleh jadi PM. Malaysia ini bukan ketandusan orang Melayu. Kita tidak begitu desperate sehingga ex-convict kita nobatkan jadi PM. To be fair, the same thing goes to Najib. Jangan Tun cari pasal, tiba2 semua orang politik yang dah masuk court, dah masuk penjara layak jadi PM. Ini bukan negara coboi ya.

    Thank You.

  460. Yun

    FOR S.S. LEE

    I appreciate your very long discourse on China and why the Communist Party is most suitable to rule over it which I do not dispute and also admire as I mentioned in my comment drawing on the history of ancient China.


    Please let us know your views, ideas and thinking from the bottom of your heart similar to your learned discourse on China.

    Malaysia Boleh Tun as always. No problem. With all due respect, most Malaysian Chinese have lost their cultural and hereditary ballast which they are not even aware of. We see them in this very Blog ! Hence, our problems to-day. This is compounded by a Leaderless flock of fiercely independently minded sheep which worship the wrong gods ! With a proper Leader, much of Malaysia’s problems would be resolved today ! Now a thousand Malaysian Chinese voices bloom !

  461. Assalamualaikum wmwbt Tun.

    Desakan utk Tun turun dah meleret2. 2003, Tun turun, maka muncul Pak Lah kaki tidoq ie Kjaan Flip Flop. Pembangunan tak jalan @ terencat. Kemudian Tun angkat Najib. Banyak kerja jalan cuma, kerana lupa zuhud, Najib bertukar jadi anaconda Melayu Kleptokrat @ Melayu Klepet, Melayu rabun mata sebab Takut Bini.

    (2) Akibatnya, rakyat dicekek dgn GST dan para peniaga dapat senjata utk cekek rakyat dgn teruk. Ditambah dgn pembaziran dan rasuah, nikmat Negara makmur dan sejahtera lesap.

    (3) Masalah yg melanda rakyat dan Negara kini, kebanyakan orang tuding pada Tun. Tun jadi punca segala2. TETAPI, hakikatnya, saya percaya punca kpd permasalahan Negara kini adalah akibat Anwar Ibrahim yg gelojoh dan tamak. Anwar dikelilingi kuncu2 yg gelojoh dan tamak. Kerana gelojoh dan tamak, mereka nak rentap kedudukan Tun secepatnya. Maka pd 2003, Tun “terpaksa letak jawatan”. Saya cukup marah dgn perbuatan “short sighted” Tun ini. Tindakan ini telah mengundurkan Malaysia dari mencapai Negara Maju – Makmur dan Sejahtera pd 2020.

    (4) Kini sekali lagi sikap GELOJOH n TAMAK melingkari Anwar Ibrahim. Kali ini nadanya berbeza, cukup berbeza selari dgn lidah berbelit Anwar. Tun, never make a second mistake hanya kerana “kecewa dgn desakan”. Tun jgn berundur dgn tidak bermaruah. Tun jgn turun sehingga ekonomi dan sosial Negara pulih @ mantap.

    (5) Tun stay where u r firm. Move everybody to do their job n get the Nation to clean footing. Move Tun. In Shaa Allah by 2021, Msian akan sekali lagi feel good n kita melangkah maju dgn penuh bergaya.

    (6) Anwar Ibrahim can’t take this Nation better than you Tun to a better footing at times of chaotic. Anwar hanya mampu mengurus bila keadaan sudah stabil ie post 2021.

    Salam hormat Tun. Jaga keutuhan Kenegarawanan Tun.

  462. Tun

    Dari sehari ke sehari, I lupa nak sampaikan pada Tun.

    My husband tak setuju dengan IDSS – intraday short selling dalam bursa Malaysia. Dia berpendapat ini antara sebab mengapa stocks susah nak naik.

    IDSS ini approved pada zaman Najib. Mungkin beliau nak selarikan dengan regional stock market yang lain. Biar canggih gitu.

    Minta Tun kaji balik IDSS – intraday short selling. The impact of short selling on intraday volatility.

    Thank You.

  463. Tun

    I main video game ini dah lama, bukan zaman PH, tapi zaman anak I yang bungsu kecil. Kami biasa main game monkey island bersama. Free time I suka main pinball, malah challenge dengan anak2, tentunya I selalu menang, budak2 tu boring main dengan I hahaha Sebab utama I ada free time and I suka creativity. I memang dari background advertising. If its creative I like.

    Since tajuk Tun, reminder, so I pun nak bagi gentle reminder.

    I tinggal di Shah Alam sekarang. Bila free I dan hubby rajin jalan2, minum kopi kat luar. Bila tak balik kampong lama Subang Jaya, I jalan sahaja di Shah Alam.

    Hari minggu yang lalu I pergi Seksyen 7, kawasan opposite Jakel. I nak cari kopitiam. But tak ada. Ada banyak kedai situ, ada juga tokong India disitu. Tapi I tak larat nak makan kat kedai2 situ, nampak kotor. Setiap kedai I masuk tiada seri, nampak letih dan kotor. Bangunan mereka berada pun nampak lemah.

    Why not kerajaan Selangor pastikan semua bangunan dicat semula dan pantau kebersihan. Ini memberi peluang pembuat cat buat duit, tukang cat buat duit and kerajaan Selangor pun buat duit. Bila cantik dan bersih ramai pengunjung, tourist akan datang kunjung.

    Because tiada kedai bersih standard I, so I pergi I City, hanya sebelah jalan saja. Kawasan I City bersih nampak tertib and mall mereka juga besar, sebesar Mid Valley Mall dan banyak kedai makan disitu.

    P.S Tahniah Tok Pa dan CEO baru TERAJU.

  464. Dear PM Tun Dr Mahathir,
    Please allow me to response to @twinpeaks and @mubarakchan.
    Let’s face reality with an open minded, “no man is an island” human being do badly when isolated from others and need to be part of a diverse community in order to thrive. If you are so close minded with you preconceived idea that “China communist government is evil, the most brutal and most inhumane form of governance” you are reacting to your own personal perspective view, arrogant/ignorance and not an objective statement based on facts and observations. If you are open minded, you would look at situation from all angles with respect and study your friends and foes history background, philosophy, behavior and belief system in order to understand them and response calmly with objective and unbiased view. That is how we should conduct our foreign policy with tact and diplomacy (being persuasive and assertive at the same time show understanding of other people and being sensitive to their opinions, beliefs, ideas and feelings) for peace to prevail and for mutual good and benefit.

    “Malaysians want a new Malaysia that upholds the principles of fairness, good governance, integrity and the rule of law. They want a Malaysia that is a friend to all and enemy of none. They also want a Malaysia that will speak its mind on what is right and wrong, without fear or favor. A new Malaysia that believes in co-operation based on mutual respect, for mutual gain. The new Malaysia will firmly espouse the principles promoted by the UN in our international engagements. These include the principles of truth, human rights, the rule of law, justice, fairness, responsibility and accountability, as well as sustainability. – Tun Dr Mahathir”

    Let’s debate what kind of leader and type of government best suit to achieve Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs:
    1. Physiological needs- Food, Settle, Family and a Decent Standard of Living.
    2. Safety needs- Peace and Security.
    3. Social belonging- Friendship, Social Well-Being and Social Acceptance regardless of ethnicity, religion, language, culture, gender or any other status.
    4. Self esteem- Respect and Feeling of Accomplishment.
    5. Self-actualization- Freedom to achieve one’s full potential.
    6. Transcendence- Giving oneself to something beyond oneself.

    Type of political system:
    1. Monarchy: Rule by hereditary King.
    2. Theocracy: Rule by religion cleric in the name of god.
    3. Dictatorship/Autocracy: Rule by a single strong person with minimal restrain.
    4. Junta: Rule by military group.
    5. Totalitarian: Rule by a single political authority.
    6. Communism: Rule by a single political authority in which the state owns everything and operates everything on behalf of the people.
    7. Anarchy: Rule by lawlessness and disorder (law of jungle)
    8. Oligarchy/Plutocracy: Rule by 1% rich and powerful elite.
    9. Colony: Rule by colonial master.
    10. Fascism: Rule by mind controlled racist advocator of the supremacy of race.
    11. Democracy: Rule by elected multi political party’s representative who look after their represent interest.
    12. Kleptrocracy: Rule by corrupt leaders that steal from the nation to enrich their personal and cronies’ wealth and power.
    13. Federation: A union of small state and rule by group of elected multi-party’s representatives which are self-governed in internal affairs but are united under a central/federal government.
    14. Republic: Rule by President who is elected by direct president election but sharing power with the elected house representative.

    Malaysia is a federal representative democratic with constitutional monarchy, in which the Yang di-Pertua Agong is head of Federal, Sultan or Governor is head of state and the Prime Minister of Malaysia is the head of federal government with Islam as the official religion of the country but every person has the right to profess and practices his or her religion in peace and harmony.

    Executive power is exercised by the federal government and the 13 state governments. Federal legislative power is vested in the federal parliament and state legislative power is vested in the 13 state assemblies. Election is called every 5 years term or less depend on PM/MB advice to Yang di-Pertua Agong/Sultans to dissolve federal parliament/state assemblies and call for general election to elect the federal and state legislators.

    If you are open minded then please make a survey and examine which country citizen is best in achieving Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs. And which political system is best in producing worthy leaders that “Giving oneself to something beyond oneself”

    Communism is a proven failed economy system and undeniably China was once a failed state with Mao’s extreme left-wing communism experimentation that starved millions of its people to death. Communism stripped people of human dignity and moral value in self determination and free will in working hard in achieving Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs.

    Today China is everything except communism, thanks to Deng’s open economy policy that emphasis on result rather than dogma or doctrine.

    China has gone a long way to becoming a market – capitalist – economy with a nominally Communist government. It has opened up to foreign investment (much more than, say, India). Its firms compete internationally and invest overseas. Some Chinese entrepreneurs like Jack Ma have global recognition. Day to day economic life operates through markets and farmers have greater ownership rights. There is a sophisticated stock exchange and capital markets with large and highly efficient and competitive State enterprises dominate banking, power, energy, and telecoms, major genuinely private companies (like Huawei, Lenovo, Ali Baba, Tencent and etc) and flourishing small to medium sized private companies.

    According to the American business magazines Fortune and Forbes, in 2019 Fortune’s Global 500 list of the world’s largest corporations included 119 Chinese companies, with combined revenues of US$ 8.2 trillion.

    China had endured century of humiliation (1849-1949) with unequal treaty forced upon China by foreign power. (Empire of Japan, Russian Empire, British Empire, United State, French Colonial Empire, German Empire, Kingdom of Italy, Austro-Hungarian Empire, Kingdom of Belgium, Kingdom of Spain, Kingdom of Netherlands). China is now an awakening new emerging economic and military super-power. Whether we like it or not, we need to live with this new reality and put our best interest forward by studying and understanding China in order to forge strategic alliance on the back of a Prosper-Thy-Neighbor policy that promotes the concept of shared security and prosperity based on mutual respect, for mutual gain.

    Extract from Robert Kuok Memoir: “In its 5,000-year history, I doubt that China has had as enlightened a group of leaders as during the past 30 years. They wanted their country to grow, and their people to prosper. Few leaders today compare with China’s in terms of true patriotism, selfless devotion to duty, and complete willingness to dedicate their lives to the causes of nation-building and raising the peoples’ standard of living.

    In my business travels around China, I often came across incompetent or bigoted officials. Nearly every time I had a major tussle with one, or I met a dubious vice governor or mayor, I would come back and, in my judgmental way, tell my colleagues, “How can that man run such-and-such a city?” And sure enough, the next time I visited the place, say a year later, the man had been removed and a better man was in his place. I began to note to myself and to others that in Southeast Asia, a bad egg gets promoted; in China, a bad egg is removed.

    The years of experimenting with extreme left-wing communism have had adverse side effects on Chinese society. One effect is that many grew up without a strong moral compass. They acted as though your wealth should be shared with them. While they professed to share their wealth with you – they knew full well that they had nothing. I used to tell Chinese cadres: “That is not communism; it is highway robbery! You people are even indecent in not telling the truth to yourselves.”

    To my mind, the two greatest challenges facing China are the restoration of education in morals and the establishment of the rule of law. A moral society cannot be attained through policing. You must begin at the beginning, and infuse the young with a strong sense of morality from a young age, both at home and at school. For centuries, Confucian principles provided China’s moral compass; they can do so again.

    The second important point is that China must strive to understand and implement the rule of law. This is more important than implementing democracy. It is a basic principle of the rule of law that everyone is equal before the law. In China today we have rule by man. Under the rule of law, even the General-Secretary of the Communist Party is not above the law.

    I know many believe that it is impossible for a communist party to accept the rule of law. But I think that, if the Chinese Communist Party is to survive, the leaders of the Communist Party must adapt. Otherwise, the people of China will reject them and cast them out.

    I only hope that the Communist Party will take the lead in implementing the rule of law. It will require a gigantic effort, as the culture must change and the legal infrastructure must be created. You have to train upright judges and lawyers to uphold the legal system. This may take 20-30 years, but it must start today. If the party succeeds in this monumental task, then the road ahead for China is filled with hope for all mankind.”

    Thank you

    Yours truly,
    SS LEE
    PS: “The cockroach management theory for self development”
    At a restaurant, a cockroach suddenly flew from somewhere and sat on a lady. She started screaming out of fear.
    With a panic stricken face and trembling voice, she started jumping, with both hands desperately trying to get rid of the cockroach.
    Her reaction was contagious, as everyone in her group also got panicky.
    The lady finally managed to push the cockroach away, but it landed on another lady in the group.
    Now, it was the turn of the other lady in the group to continue the drama.
    The waiter rushed forward to their rescue.
    In the relay of throwing, the cockroach next fell upon the waiter.
    The waiter stood firm, composed himself and observed the behavior of the cockroach on his shirt. When he was confident enough, he grabbed it with his fingers and threw it out of the restaurant.

    Was the cockroach responsible for their histrionic behavior?
    If so, then why was the waiter not disturbed?
    He handled it near to perfection, without any chaos.
    It is not the cockroach, but the inability of those people to handle the disturbance caused by the cockroach, that disturbed the ladies.
    More than the problem, it’s our reaction to the problem that creates chaos in our life.

    Lessons learnt from the story:
    We should not react in life.
    We should always respond
    The women reacted, whereas the waiter responded.
    Reactions are always instinctive, whereas responses are always well thought of.

    A beautiful way to understand LIFE:
    A Person who is HAPPY is happy not because everything is RIGHT in his Life…
    He is HAPPY because his Attitude towards Everything in his Life is Right!
    RESPOND TO ISSUES DON’T REACT and keep winning and be happy….*

  465. Assalamualaikum, Tun.

    A country’s strength depends on its people’s unity and fighting spirit.

    Vietnam, being a small nation, was able to defeat the super-power and achieves what it is today, for many factors, among which the key ones were its people’s unity, united-ness and fighting spirit.

    With this as a lesson and good example to emulate, we do hope that our nation can have such Rakyat’s unity, united-ness and fighting spirit for nation’s success and harmony.

    Look at what happens now. Ponggol ceremony is provoked for religious concern. So is Tanglung for Chinese New Year celebration. The dirty politicians have lots of race and religious cards in their bag.

  466. Tun

    I teringat one player I jumpa kat gamesite baru2 ini. Dia kata dia dari Hong Kong. Tak tau apa nak buat so masuk gamesite ini dan host a party. Ramai American yang datang party ini nasihatkan dia jangan keluar rumah, bahaya. After the party over I hantar dia hadiah agak besar. Dia hantar message ucap berbanyak terima kasih. I tak tau samada dia China atau Mat Salih but his English was very good.

  467. https://www.thestar.com.my/lifestyle/entertainment/2020/01/16/malaysian-producers-say-oscar-nomination-was-very-unexpected

    The bottom line of movie makers is to counter absolute power of authorithy in making, thats why they make movies in taunting you.

    Local, regional and world news, read at your own discretion too.

    Just dont be over-excited or over-stressed yourself with local politics.

    In here, i sincrely hope you do not stress out yourself before general election is called.

    Signing off this topic without questioning since i cannot live up to the herd supremacy mentality of double standards.

    P/s: You can choose your strategies as ruling wannabes, you canot stop your opposition rivals in countering your strategies to win votes to form the next ruling government. Adakah itu adil dan lebih selamat? Ini kena tepuk dadah, tanya selera.

  468. Really feel sorry for Australia and Australians. Such a beautiful country. The kangaroos and Koalas are dying. It’s a good gesture by Tan Sri Tony Fernandez to offer Air Asia flights to Australia for Malaysian firemen. Not really much can be done with the fire, to be honest. But the really worry is the cost to the Australian economy long term. Property market will be hit hard as investors will be wary up moving to Australia. Education too. Tourism in peak December period will be hit hard. And employment of related sectors. The Australian economy will be hard hit. Very sad..

  469. Un deniable US is Superpower
    So as China, Russia in terms of Military Capabilities
    This Nation stands up upon their downfall after World War 2
    World War 2. No one Win except The Devil
    China after the British Opium War
    Raise up to Superpower today
    Unlike Malaysia which is still struggling among the Melayu Political Stupidity
    Blame Gaming each other than looking forward & progress

    Yes, Guns plays an important role in War
    But Guns don’t go to war, the people do
    The Vietnam war proves it
    Syrians, Iraqis, Iranian and most Muslim is a weapon itself
    We Muslim willing to Die for our Sovereignty, for our Religion
    Unlike US Marines, they will die for Medals
    That makes them demoralize, reluctant and divided during Wars
    Many of their Army walks away, coming back legless, armless throwing their Medals to the floor

    Being a Superpower is OK
    But one may ask
    What is the purpose when everyone wants to be Superpower fitting the World with Weapons. with Hatred, With War
    United Nation is today filled with lots of Goons
    They cannot think Rationally.
    They do not drive The World to Peace & Harmony
    War is not the solutions for Peace

    Peace is not made of War & Weapons
    Peace is made of Luvs, blooming with flowers on the table with negotiation to with a handshake and a smile


    Every member of the United Nation Members must be given a copy of The Quran with their own translation. Every human being that touches the Quran will be guided. These are proofs today, Islam is the fastest-growing religion despite it being Defame, Criticise, etc, Because the Truth, The Guidance is there.
    It is the Words of the Creator.
    US Might , Weapons, Propaganda, Lies to destroy Islam is not working
    Yet Muslims are born among them. Many of them Revert to Islam

    The problem of US being the Superpower today
    Is it is being Arrogant, Boastfull, and Hatred
    US felt they are above others. Above the Ugly part is that they submit to Israel at the expense of Americans. They own the UN, They own the IMF, They own the News of Lies & Propaganda, They own many
    These Mode of Means is not the Route to Success
    We are seeing today, US is struggling its way out
    They are lost and are in a Mess

    Donald Trump has No Direction. He does things on impulse without proper thinking like a Wiseman, Obama
    It seems very much Trump is allergic to the name, Barrack Obama

    Dealing with US can never be at Peace even you sign an Agreement
    Upon US economic negotiations they put Guns on the Table
    Unlike Chine, Russia when they invest, they mind their investment and do not interfere nor instigates the internal affairs of others
    This is Progressive and very Professional

    Today China, Iran, India, Russia are moving very closely
    US The Superpower is behaving like A Man who lost his Beloved Wife
    US is drunk and unsteady. They have No directions
    No wonder the West, that tail US is facing the same fate
    They are not progressive, their value drops, unemployment rates shoots high
    Perhaps is also the reason the breeds of more & more LGBT in the West
    LGBT is a Sick Culture
    It is not born. None we heard till today if some give birth
    We often say , Congrats. I,m happy for you. Is it a boy or a girl?
    Never heard, Oh No…… its Lgbt
    They disagree Muslim marry 1 or 4 wives
    They accepted and cultivate a same-sex marriage that breeds no fruits
    When marrying more than 1 with good intentions helps to solve our social problems like providing those neglected women

    We see today most Nation is moving forward except
    The US still tangling with Wars
    The very reason Muslims must not be The Fools in the United Nation
    when their Voice is not heard.
    I did not hear Muslim Voice being heard in the UN today
    Why waste money on them and be their fools
    We could have strengthened OIC or establish a New Body of our own as what today OIC is just a mere….. Oh, I see for the US under Saudi
    We must have our very own Foundations

    Above all. Muslim World must not rely on West, US for Weapons
    Muslim Men must stand Tall, Face their Enemy upright
    Not nog down their head begging for sympathy & mercy as what I see today
    If we are not welcome in their Nation
    We need to do the vice versa

  470. twinpeaks Jan 16,2020 12:05 AM

    For SS Lee.

    You are forgetting something, mate. Marxism is the central tenet of Communism, whether of the Russian kind or the Chinese version. The destruction of democracy is an essential element to the existence of a Communist government. It is the most repugnant, most brutal and most inhumane form of governance in the history of mankind. Plus, if I may, Chinese involvement in the Korean War was precisely to safeguard the Chinese and Russian Commies precarious hold on their own societies. There was no other reason. China’s nine-dash nonsense in the South China Sea is not historical but made-up to pre-empt any rescue to a future invasion of democratic Taiwan. Well.., the Commies can keep dreaming until they die of natural death eventually, because all the Allied air and naval bases surrounding the middle kingdom are ready to strike if the Commies make a wrong move. Watch this space..

    ONE CHINA POLICY, and that is the bottom line, twinpeaks.

    Taiwan is allowed to declare as independent state in the world via democracy whereby taiwanese political parties are allowed to choose either to pro-democracy or pro-china when presidency election is called.

    Whoever wins out the presidency election, he or she is the President of Republic of China at Taipei, Taiwan, and life and businesses in taiwan will go on as usual.

    The ark rival of Taiwan is Communist.

    Similarly, the ark rival of Republican is Democrat in USA.

    The dust has settled for the next 4 years, instead of 6 years, for President of the Republic of China located in Taiwan.

    Both china and russia leaderships will do what they need to do to safe guard their sovereign wealth fought by flags of their father too since trump tweeted flag of usa after terminating the world no. 1 iranian terrorist in iraq.

    All Melayu can keep dreaming for the post of Perdana Menteri, and no other races will stop them, why worry?

    The only consequence that twinpeaks need to calculate is, by the end of the day, when you hilang undi majoriti, the dream of pegang any ministries’ portfolios turn out to be a dream, nothing but a dream.

    You can be greedy too twinpeaks, but you cannot stop your melayu rival having same level of greed of yours to be the next perdana menteri.

    Siapakah menang undi majoriti, beliau bakal dinamakan sebagai Perdana Menteri Malaysia, itulah sebabnya, Hajar keep hantam me treating me as worthless because she thinks i want to take over her race and religion supremacy 😂😂😂

    Being the Perdana Menteri of Malaysia, all he or she needs to do is jack of all trades, master of none.

    Malu apa, bossku.

    To bribe them is easy, but to change their tongkat mindset is very very very tough.

    Lawan tetap Lawan, Malu apa, Bossku.

    Which way to go?

    Itu kena tanya selera dan cita rasa masing2.

  471. For SS Lee.

    You are forgetting something, mate. Marxism is the central tenet of Communism, whether of the Russian kind or the Chinese version. The destruction of democracy is an essential element to the existence of a Communist government. It is the most repugnant, most brutal and most inhumane form of governance in the history of mankind. Plus, if I may, Chinese involvement in the Korean War was precisely to safeguard the Chinese and Russian Commies precarious hold on their own societies. There was no other reason. China’s nine-dash nonsense in the South China Sea is not historical but made-up to pre-empt any rescue to a future invasion of democratic Taiwan. Well.., the Commies can keep dreaming until they die of natural death eventually, because all the Allied air and naval bases surrounding the middle kingdom are ready to strike if the Commies make a wrong move. Watch this space..

  472. For Sri Sense.

    Let me answer the stock market question on Tun’s behalf.

    The stock market is not predictable. Stock prices act based on news, the latest news. No one can predict how the market will turn up tomorrow, much less for the entire year. If a financial expert offers you this service, he will be rich over night and does not have to offer anyone any more advice, as he will be enjoying his retirement in the Caribbean. But, I can give you a few pointers.

    If you Suddenly hear bad news in Malaysia, you can surely bet that the Bursa index will go down immediately. On the other hand, if you Suddenly hear good news in Malaysia, then the Bursa index will go up pronto. If you Suddenly hear good news for the World, then the Bursa index will react positively. If you Suddenly hear bad news for the World, then the Bursa index will react negatively. If the Bursa index is going down or up, but the rest of the region are not, that means the news is fairly contained within Malaysia only.

    There… a few pointers.

  473. Tun

    My comment on S.S. Lee’s long treatise on China and Communism is straightforward and simple.

    1. Quote S.S. Lee ” The Government of China officially espouses state atheism.” Malaysia’s official religion is Islam. What’s the purpose of your long and detailed discourse ?

    2. In the long history of China, when her Emperor was a nice guy who appreciated the fine arts and other things in Life, the whole country would be in turmoil. But if the Emperor exerted the Rule of Law and lopped off a few heads, the country was peaceful and harmonious. These events reflect the vastness of China and her many independent-minded inhabitants unlike Japan and the Japanese.

    The Japanese were forced to live and work together in a barren land. They were forced to work as a team always. This is the crucial difference between the Chinese and the Japanese. The former is always fiercely independently minded whilst the latter work together as a team for survival.

    The Communist Party is most eminently suitable to rule China because of the inborn Chinese trait of being fiercely independently minded. Now all Chinese in China toe the line like the strong-arm Emperors of ancient China and their peaceful and harmonious Dynasties.

    In recent years, Confucianism, a Philosophy, was rehabilitated in place of a religion for the State. The jury is still out on the results of this political-religious-social experiment on the mainland Chinese.

    Are the Chinese of Malaysia fiercely independently minded, S.S. Lee ?

    COMMUNISM IS DEFINITELY NOT SUITABLE FOR OUR BELOVED MALAYSIA. S.S. Lee ! WE HAVE TO DEVELOP OUR OWN MALAYSIAN STYLE DEMOCRACY. I am surprised you did not view the vital difference as a Chinese living in a Malaysian environment all the time !

    Malaysia Boleh Tun as always. No problem. Sometimes it does not pay to know too much !

  474. For Malloucius.

    We understand your frustration with the Prime Minister’s view. But, Tun Mahathir is not the only one who espouses the pro-Muslim viewpoints. All the previous Prime Ministers say they same lines. So, you cannot blame him. It is not as if he is free to say as he wants. As a politician, your longevity in the job all depends on you thinking along the same wave length as the majority in this country. The Malay Muslim majority provides the basic template and thus the dominant angle to everything that goes on in government, be it Educational policy, Foreign policy, Defence, and so on. In fact, if you look at Tun’s record, he has done remarkably well considering the constraining parameters he has had to operate under. PAS is always lurking in the shadow, DAP is always there somewhere. So Tun is juggling a lot of balls, and at the same time, he has to move the country forward towards becoming a fully-developed economy. That is not an easy task, especially when you have all kinds of demands and people pulling in all different directions. That is Malaysia.

    And yet, we are virtually on the cusp of OECD nation status, in fact well ahead of any South American country, except for Brazil, whose crafty President is plainly smooching up with President Trump. So Malaysia has done very well considering these difficult circumstances. And may I add, once again (!), that the credit for our successful journey, is 80 per cent due to none other than Tun Mahathir.

  475. Dear Tun,

    1. The American did not lose Vietnam war, the US chose not to pursue any more war in Vietnam because of international pressure, and the American opposition to the war that has consumed lots of innocent life. The release of the naked girl who was running away from fire bombing of her village sparks American anger against their own government.

    2. US could have left Iraq after the war but also chose not to leave Iraq because of political opposition by the war hawks in congress. Some of the security advisors in Washington also opposed withdrawal from Iraq because they benefits from Iraqi occupation.

    3. There are American soldiers who died, but compared to US soldiers who had died, there are thousands more Iraqi soldiers and Iraqi civilians who had been killed by the American. This is also true in the case of Vietnamese war that US was involved with.

    4. There is differences alright, Tun, you are equating an innocent man who was fighting for his FREEDOM with a man who was MURDERING innocents people. Khashoggi died fighting for freedom, he had to flee his country because they are trying to kill him just for speaking up against the tyrant in their country. While Soleimani was a MUREDERER who had hundreds innocents lives including civilians in Yemen, Iraq, Lebanon, and else where around the world. It was also said that according to British intelligence and Israeli intelligence that the Quds force once bombed innocent people in Thailand just for praying to their god. Is this what Islam taught us to do?

    5. I dont quite understand why do you back Iran so much? Iran most likely also interfered with Malaysian affairs in the past, maybe we did not notice because our defense, and intelligence is a joke. But in countries where their intel agency is doing their job in counterintelligence operations they do know why Iran should not get their hand on nuclear weapons. Just ask Iran who had bombed Argentina, Saudi oil facilities, Yemen, Lebanon, Iraq, and all over the world.

  476. Dear PM Tun Dr. Mahathir,
    Please allow me to address some of Tun’s blog commentator’s misconception about Communism which painted Communist Party of China (CPC) in bad light as super villain and Uncle Sam free capitalism Captain America as superhero.

    “From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs” the utopian of Marxist Communism perfect classless society in which all property/land/asset/natural resources/capital is publicly/state owned and each citizen works and is paid according to their abilities and needs. As oppose to capitalism “selfishness and greed is good” where market set price for the sole purpose of profit and those with capital and resource (capitalist/landlord) will become super-rich and those without (working class/landless peasant) become super-poor.

    Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad said growing income inequality between the rich and poor, particularly along urban and rural lines, could lead to class conflict and the re-emergence of communist and socialist ideologies.

    “One of the reasons for communism and socialism was because the capitalist were making a lot of money. The workers were not making much money so there was a confrontation.
    Communism and socialism remain stigmatised in Malaysia due to the Malayan Emergency and ensuing Communist Insurgency. The conflict officially ended with the 1989 Hat Yai Peace Accord but Malaysian police routinely investigate individuals and events that are linked to communism.

    Let’s look into how Communist Party of China comes to rule China and China economic model.
    The government of China officially espouses state atheism, though Chinese civilization has historically long been a cradle and host to a variety of the most enduring religio-philosophical traditions of the world. Confucianism and Taoism , later joined by Buddhism, constitute the “three teachings” that have shaped Chinese culture.

    The emperors of China claimed the Mandate of Heaven and participated in Chinese religious practices. In the early 20th century, reform-minded officials and intellectuals attacked all religions as “superstitious”, and since 1949, China has been governed by the Communist Party of China, an atheist institution that prohibits party members from practicing religion while in office.

    The government formally recognizes five religions: Buddhism, Taoism, Catholicism, Protestanism, and Islam . In the early twenty-first century there has been increasing official recognition of Confucianism and Chinese folk religion as part of China’s cultural inheritance.

    The Mandate of Heaven is a Chinese political and religious doctrine used since ancient times to justify the rule of the King or Emperor of China. According to this belief, Heaven — which embodies the natural order and will of the universe bestows the mandate on a just ruler of China. If a ruler was overthrown, this was interpreted as an indication that the ruler was unworthy, and had lost the mandate. It was also a common belief that natural disasters such as famine and flood were divine retributions bearing signs of Heaven’s displeasure with the ruler, so there would often be revolts following major disasters as the people saw these calamities as signs that the Mandate of Heaven had been withdrawn.

    Communist party of China is very mindful of this Mandate of Heaven (Just ruler: Ruler or Government who wins the hearts and minds of people will earn Mandate of Heaven to rule China)
    Qing dynasty comes to an end in 1911 by people uprising lead by Dr Sun Yat Sen. What follow is period of instability; the Beiyang Government, warlords era, KMT-CPC First United Front and KMT-CPC split and resulting Civil War fought between the Kuomintang (KMT)-led government of the Republic of China (ROC) and the Communist Party of China (CPC) lasting intermittently between 1927 and 1949 with in between second Sino-Japanese war 1937-1945. The Long March (October 1934 – October 1935) was a CPC military retreat from the brink of annihilation by KMT Chiang Kai-shek’s troops in their stronghold in Jiangxi province. The Communists, under the eventual command of Mao Zedong and Zhou Enlai, escaped in a circling retreat to the west and north, which reportedly traversed over 9,000 kilometers (5600 miles) over 370 days. The route passed through some of the most difficult terrain of western China by traveling west, then north, to Shaanxi. From countryside CPC able to spread communism ideology against sharp inequalities in society (Landless poor peasant against landlord and poor working class against capitalist) and lead CPC to War of Liberation victory against corrupted KMT- led government of ROC.

    On 1 October 1949, Mao Zedong proclaimed the founding of the People’s Republic of China with its capital at Beijing. Chiang Kai-shek and approximately two million KMT Nationalist soldiers retreated from mainland China to the island of Taiwan in December. Taiwan ROC and PRC in mainland China both officially claiming to be the legitimate government of all China. No armistice or peace treaty was ever signed, and the debate continues as to whether the civil war has legally end. Is Taiwan unequivocally part of China, a renegade province waiting to be reunited with mainland China or a sovereign state?
    Note: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/First_Sino-Japanese_War. The First Sino-Japanese War (25 July 1894 – 17 April 1895) end with Qing China defeat and the Treaty of Shimonoseki was signed on 17 April 1895. The Qing Empire recognized the total independence of Korea and ceded the Liaodong Peninsula, Taiwan and Penghu Islands to Japan “in perpetuity”. In 1945, following the end of World War II, the nationalist government of the Republic of China (ROC), led by the Kuomintang (KMT), took control of Taiwan.

    The People’s Republic of China is governed by the CPC top elite, elected by the CPC members but for the people of China. China economy system is basically Socialism with Chinese Characteristics.
    China’s economic strategy is creating free-market capitalism with an authoritarian one-party state that prioritizes political stability. The three broad guidelines for economic development are:
    1. Commitment to market innovation and constant experimentation.
    2. Sustainability of the economic system, an equitable distribution of wealth and poverty alleviation.
    3. Policy of self-determination.

    Basically China rapid economic advance is due to stability provided by CPC government and their commitment to market innovation and experimentation. People of China support the CPC government (Mandate of Heaven) because of sustainability of the economic system, an equitable distribution of wealth (some get rich or superrich first in order to help the poor) and poverty alleviation.

    Allowing market to play a bigger role in China’s economy in the past few decades has led to a “dramatic development” that pulled hundreds of millions of people out of poverty, said World Bank President David Malpass on Thursday, which marks the International Day for the Eradication of Poverty.
    Since its founding in 1949, the People’s Republic of China has lifted more than 800 million people out of poverty, which represent over 70 percent of global poverty reduction. Beijing has also promised to wipe out extreme poverty by 2020, ten years earlier than the deadline set by the United Nations (UN) in its 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and its 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDG).

    Let’s be honest, the western democratic government is slowly turning into Government of the 1% business elite, by the 1% business elite, for the 1% business elite. A democratic government with unbridled capitalism free market-based approach economy (sometimes described as market fundamentalism or neoliberalism) has given rise to oligopolistic and monopolistic economy where the rich will get richer and poor become poorer.

    In 2017, an Oxfam study found that eight rich people, six of them Americans, own as much combined wealth as half the human race
    A 2014 study by researchers at Princeton and Northwestern concludes that government policies reflect the desires of the wealthy, and that the vast majority of American citizens have “minuscule, near-zero, statistically non-significant impact upon public policy … when a majority of citizens disagrees with economic elites and/or with organized interests, they generally lose. According to a June 2017 report by the Boston Consulting Group, around 70% of the nation’s wealth will be in the hands of millionaires and billionaires by 2021

    In a special address on the first anniversary of ‘Malaysia Baharu’ which commemorates the country’s first change in government since its inception, Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad announce a new economic model which advocates shared prosperity with the aim of providing a ‘decent standard of living for all Malaysians’ by 2030 across economic class, race and geographic location. The “shared prosperity 2030” will replace the Vision 2020 model which was used in the past decade but failed to accomplish its mission and is no longer achievable.

    Tun’s new economic Model “Shared Prosperity 2030” is achievable provided we Malaysians are prepared to adopt a new mindset starting with racial unity, needs base policy, shared responsibility, shared destiny and getting our education priority right. An education that empowered Malaysians with critical thinking and open minded and prepared Malaysians for knowledge based economy and IR 4.0/5.0. An education that fostering a united country, a society with a liberated spirit, a democratic society, a moral and ethical society, a liberal society, a scientific and progressive society, a caring society, an economically just society, and a prosperous society.

    Thank you

    Yours truly,
    SS LEE
    P/S: China vague maritime claim of South China Sea base on 9 dish line is without clear history fact. Hence the conflicting claims among the sovereign states should be solved peacefully among them without trouble-maker USA. USA only brings chaos, war, destruction and dead.

    As of Tun’s concern about bushfire ranging in Australia and others yearly fires occurrences (California wildfires, Indonesia/Malaysia peat/plantation/forest fires, European forest fire and etc) is due to climate change where dry season will be extreme dry and hot (fire) and raining season will be extremely wet (flood) hence the only solution is to build many man-made lakes according to land topography to prevent flood and as natural barrier to break fire. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Putrajaya_Lake
    This 650-hectare man-made lake is designed to act as a natural cooling system for the city and also for recreation, fishing, water sports and water transport. The lake and its surrounding areas form Putrajaya’s most popular resource for informal recreation as a waterfront city

  477. Tun

    The resident Hainanese snake HNT630 has yet to express profound apologies, regrets or remorse for calling you “AN OLD SHIT” in your own distinguished Blog. He/she is giving the Hainanese not the Chinese a bad name. Also, the hermaphrodite snake has not given the meaning of “A SECRET IS NOT A SECRET” to us distinguished commentators. Tonight he/she should not go to bed with the cherished VOTE until the requisite needful has been done to the satisfaction of all in this distinguished Blog.

    Malaysia Boleh Tun as always. No problem. In you we all TRUST including HBT630 !

  478. Tun

    Lama dah I tak share my link, so I tumpang share https://whims2016.wordpress.com/

    Trump ini satu perangainya I menyampah, sikit2 twit, sikit2 twit, pasal suka sangat bercakap banyak official dan unofficial, tak pasal2 saham seluruh dunia goyah!

    Because stock market yang kecil2 seluruh dunia pandang US. Tapi stock market Malaysia cukup aneh sejak PH naik, bila Dow jatuh, Malaysia turut jatuh, bila Dow naik, Malaysia jatuh. Bila SEA region up, Malaysia jatuh. So I pun tak tahu bursa malaysia ini ikut siapa sebenarnya? Mungkin Tun boleh jawab arah mana kita sebenarnya.

  479. Tun

    A Headline, ” PM. I am ready to go if the Presidential Council decides.”

    ” Man proposes. God disposes,” brought back our beloved Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad into the Premiership through the force of the popular democratic vote and not by his own volition. He was actually very reluctant to be in politics again until the very last minute.

    His experience, ability and wisdom were seen by all to be the balm not only to unify the whole country but also to cleanse it of the immoral and corrupt activities of the Singaporean Puppet Corrupt and Uncaring BN Government 2004-2018 and its equally corrupt elite and GLCs/SOEs which brought our beloved Malaysia to her knees.

    Not only that, Malaysia was already prepared to be served as the eternal slave to Singapore via the Lee Kuan Yew creation to kill Malaysia/Malays forever via the TPPA/CPTPP by the BN Government signing it. The corrupt BN Government bungled to the chagrin of Singapore by not ratifying it immediately because they were so cocksure that BN would win hands down at the 14th GE.

    What is this TPPA/CPTPP the Malaysia/Malays Killer which I kept talking about ?

    The Lee Kuan Yew specially crafted creation, TPPA/CPTPP was part of 4 Initiatives promoted by him when Singapore’s lush and monopolistic trades blessed by Uncle Sam, collapsed after the sudden end of the Cold War 1948-1989.

    Uncle Sam expounded his hegemonic spiel, “Globalization. Free Trade. Human Rights” which benefitted the BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa). Singapore, its tiny ally in the Cold War was forgotten when the BRICS not only expanded World Wide in trade but also grabbed Singapore’s monopolistic trades of the Cold War 1948-1989. Singapore lost all except the probably US$ 500 Billion largesse derived from that shadowy trades of the Cold War 1948-1989 with Uncle Sam’s blessing since 1962.

    The other 3 Initiatives of Lee Kuan Yew to fill the GDP void from the loss of those shadowy Cold War Trades were Temasek, FT imports, 2 casinos.

    By October 2008, all except the TPPA/CPTPP failed to hit the mark of bolstering the GDP. The TPPA/CPTPP was the last and only hope for Singapore to sustain, survive and leave a legacy for Lee Kuan Yew’s inheritors who are now proven to be bland and uninspiring.

    After October 2008 with the Crash of Wall Street, Obama grabbed the TPPA/CPTPP as his own. Previously, this satrap was only known as a Free Trade Scheme created by Lee Kuan Yew to ensnare Malaysia because since 2004 OUR BELOVED MALAYSIA’S LEADERSHIP WAS ALREADY IN HIS LITTLE POCKET AS PROVEN BY OUR LOSS OF PULAU BATU PUTEH, KTM ASSETS, AND MANY MORE – 2004-2018. This dark blot in Malaysia’s history will never be erased by the future generations of historians – the eagerness by her unqualified Leadership, 2004-2018 to give away Malaysia’s traditional assets freely to predators like selling theirs grandmothers down river.

    In fact the Free Trade Scheme as concocted by Lee Kuan Yew was launched in 2005 with the concomitant establishment of the International Trade Tribunal in Singapore so confident was Lee Kuan Yew in this endeavour.

    By 2006, the US Republicans were not interested. Only Singapore, Brunei, Chile and New Zealand were the members. Singapore only had the US Democrats in its pocket, not the Republicans.

    The TPPA/CPTPP would overnight breakdown the tariff doors of Malaysia to the flood of tariff free Singaporean goods and re-labelled goods to flood in to kill off all Malaysian SMEs at one stroke. Mass bankruptcies and unemployment follow. The incumbent Government takes the blame and falls due to the mass chaos and lawlessness. Malays are side-lined. Chinese become middle men again for Singapore and financed by it. With the power of money, Singapore will have subsequent Malaysian Governments in its tiny pocket with big funding from China.

    Malaysia becomes a puppet of foreigners through and through. Quo Vadis Malaysia ?

    Strangely, the President of the SME not only supported the TPPA/CPTPP but was also ennobled before 9 May 2018 !

    The one page 1962 Water Agreement out-foxed the Malaysians for over 50 years. But the 50 volumes TPPA/CPTPP will lock in the Malaysians forever in the interest of Singapore because Singapore is the sole beneficiary by being geographically sited next to Malaysia whilst the rest of the signatories are thousands of kilometres away. Stupid.

    Ladies & Gentlemen, our beloved Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad with DSAI and the Team by his side ousted the corrupt and immoral BN Government on 9 May 2018 to save our beloved Malaysia and her Rakyat from certain slavery and living Death.

    The death of all our contributions in the building up of our beloved Malaysia since 1957. Then, we could only look at the wanton corrupt and immoral behaviour of the BN Government 2004-2018 like gold fish in a bowl !

    Man proposes. God disposes.

    That was the keynote to our beloved Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad’s return to the Premiership- the ousting of the BN Government and its proposed RATIFICATION OF THE LEE KUAN YEW’S WICKED CREATION, THE TPPA/CPTPPA.

    And of course, all the PH Government’s subsequent actions to clean up the Augean Stables left by the corrupt and immoral BN Government.

    Without solid socio-economic benefits for the Rakyat, it is obvious that some reforms could not be easily put in place within the context of the revered Constitution taking into cognizance that in a Democracy, the majority has the final say in all things. In this aspect, a trustworthy and credible Leadership will go a long way to promote the right and proper reforms. With the shattered socio-economy and the absence of many elite, the re-building of a civil Society will take time because iconic institutions must be the first to be rehabilitated after any disaster.

    Therefore, at moments like this, the push to have just anyone to be the next Prime Minister is fraught with high risks and danger.

    Our beloved Malaysia and her Rakyat had already escaped certain slavery and living Death via the TPPA/CPTPP as planned by Lee Kuan Yew with those unqualified chaps in his tiny pocket 2004-2018. But Man proposes. God disposes. We escaped by the skin of our teeth like Houdini as it is said.

    Another wrong move at the very top is like ‘SOOTING OURSELVES IN THE FOOT.’

    Rome was not built in a day. Malaysia is not expected to be built any time faster.

    Malaysia Boleh Tun as always. No problem. Our problem is that so many people think that they too can be the PRIME MINISTER OF MALAYSIA.

  480. twinpeaks Jan 15,2020 10:38 AM

    For HBT456.

    Stop blabbering, knucklehead.

    If you cannot tahan, then, file for divorce, twinpeaks.

    See you in court.

    P/s: time to keep our border safe to make malaysia great again, who wants to take charge?

  481. For HBT456.

    What’s the report got to do with the previous Foreign Minister(??) What the heck is the smelly dog on about.

    Stop blabbering, knucklehead.

  482. The benchmark palm oil contract for March delivery in Bursa Malaysia climbed 0.7 percent in early trade today, up from Tuesday’s biggest 8-month fall of 2.8%. India suspended palm oil imports from Malaysia after Tun remarked on their citizenship law (…silly Indians). But thanks to the recovery in futures price of Palm Oil competitor Soy Oil in Chicago, Palm Oil price has also recovered a little.

    What a relief..

  483. Assalammualaikum,

    In the past few years, the American uses robotic assassin which fly bombs to kill its target. Open war ? Not the current trend.

    The word assassin originated from the word “Hashashin”, from a sect that lived in Persia in the 12th centuryb (The book of Ser, Marco Polo).

    In 1991, a professor in Japan who translated Salman Rushdie book into Japanese, were found dead after Ayatollah Khomeini issue fatwa on Salman Rushdie. The killers are not known until today. Wildly rumoured they were from Persia.

    I tend to think that Trump’s life is in danger. That high level of killing needs highest level of authority.

  484. Get This.. Brazil of all places, a country with an economy MILES behind Malaysia, is up to become the next OECD member country, after getting full support from the Rich Nations Club’s big brother (the United States).

    Brazil’s President Jair Bolsanaro is such a huge Trump supporter to the extent that Brazil is now in line to be recognized worldwide as a developed country (despite not being one at all)(!!!)

    Just imagine if Tun sends a Proton Perdana to President Trump on his next birthday. No… I am not suggesting we should do that at all. Of course not.

  485. https://m.malaysiakini.com/news/507177

    Hey, mat salleh, you know who sponsored you the right to do your activism here?

    Who was the foreign minister before pakatan harapan?

    You want to do, its ok.

    But, do it in regulated way with fairness and equality.

    No need to do in such a way that could caused vote loss to pakatan harapan.

    You will be out of job, man when you insist this way.

    You want to listen, or not?

    Politics is just a game of number.

    Play with the flow so that you can retain your activism to continue promoting lgbt without causing racial and religion tension or unwanted hurt in the public especially increasing hate crimes, ok?

    You faham ke, pak AS?

    As saying goes, you are in the lime light, your enemy is in the dark.

    Hence, do it in a safe way, not hard selling way.

    Malaysians too are not that stupid, ok?

  486. Tun

    I bila main game online biasa juga temui US Army Veteran. Ada yang cacat, ada yang tidak, dan dah kerja lain. Since the game is a Multiplayer video game, kami juga ada party, kalau orang US temui Veteran dalam party tersebut, mereka selalu kata ini THANK YOU FOR YOUR SERVICE. Bila ada yang datang party suka bagi banyak gifts, maka mereka akan kata … for President. hahaha

    I juga temui orang Indonesia yang tinggal di Amerika online, ada juga orang Filipina yang tinggal di Germany. Overall mereka tak complaint apa pun tentang country mereka berada. They blend so well with rakyat sana. Sehinggakan wanita Indonesia yang tinggal US tak tau bila Hari Raya Puasa dan Haji lagi.

    My friend ada yang tinggal di US, sampai beranak pinak. Bila balik sini ada juga sebut US rasis, tapi hanya setakat itu, nothing more. Bila habis cuti dia balik US macam biasa. Bila musim cuti balik Malaysia dan jalan2 rantau sini sebab pertukaran duit. I bet kalau duit Malaysia lebih tinggi dari US, dia pun tak mahu balik rantau sini.

    Orang Vietnam pun ramai merantau US dan Australia. Mereka nampaknya lebih berjaya bina hidup disana dari dinegara sendiri. Tak juga I dengar mereka menuntut hak yang sama seperti golongan penduduk asli Australia atau Amerika. Tidak juga I dengar tuntutan seperti mesti ada sekolah Vietnam tangungan kerajaan. Mesti ada itu, mesti ada ini, most of perantau tau bawak diri, yang penting cari makan dan tanggung keluarga.

  487. Cakap semua pun pandai to ngap the unearned public fund to rich their family members of kenapa beliau boleh, kenapa aku tak boleh?

    Apabila bermasalah, semua kecut and hide under the sarung, and buat tak tahu.

    Asyik protes sini sana, tak malu ke?

    Aku pun rasa malu walaupun aku bukan melayu.


    Kerana aku dididikkan under sekolah kebangsaan di peringkat wilayah persekutuan kl.

    I cannot live up to this kind of herd supremacy mentality of sekejap ini, sekejap itu iaitu semua adalah salah kaum cina.

    Hak bukan dia, hak dia.

    Hak dia, hak dia.

    Hence, i chosen to leave.


    When general election is called, i just cast my vote, itu saja.

    Keranamu, Malaysia.

    Are you ready?

  488. RD. Jan 14,2020 11:54 PM

    “Certainly it is the most powerful military power in the world today. It has the capacity to wipe off the whole of humanity if it chooses to do so.”

    Well… that can be expected of warmonger… who was known to have caused the near extinction of Bison herd… culling millions to remove the main food source for North American Indians… in their haste to starve the natives, off their land.

    They are also the only country in the world that have ever dropped 2 Atomic bombs, instantly killing hundreds of thousand innocent population… tens of thousand more died a miserable slow death decades on, due to radiation related sickness.

    I tot malaysia under umno baru barisan nasional is supposed to forget and forgive, and took a new approach in inviting mr barrak obama to kl to give inspiring speech to malaysian young students on yes, we can change with malay and moslem biased policy, dll hanya menurut perintah saja based on consnsus, atau mutual trust.

    The media speech made by the chief military of iran in downing Ukraine Inetrnational Airlines that took 176 passengers and crew who were iranina as revenge, atau, retaliation, shown no remorse at all. Walaupun saya tak faham bahasa negara iran, from his tone, he show no remorse in downing the plane.

    Please lah, dont use the word RD when you are racist and greed at core in in monopolized the local market with your extreme and biased malay moslem biased policy.

    In Malaysia, the most ugly religion is Islam, and in the world, i think you can figure out by now.

    Look at Sabah, oops, i ,mean, Xinjiang, do these moslem say thank you to the han people, people’s republic of china in developing their province, langsung takda.

    Bukan main teror in bombing sini sana treating the taxpayers like their slaves.

    As saying goes, those who lives in glass house must not baling batu. Malu apa bossku? Jika engkau rasa malu, tak payah baling batu punya. All you need to say NAK atau TAK NAK, apabila by election atau general election is called. Apa yang susah2 ini, betul tak?

  489. “Certainly it is the most powerful military power in the world today. It has the capacity to wipe off the whole of humanity if it chooses to do so.”

    Well… that can be expected of warmonger… who was known to have caused the near extinction of Bison herd… culling millions to remove the main food source for North American Indians… in their haste to starve the natives, off their land.

    They are also the only country in the world that have ever dropped 2 Atomic bombs, instantly killing hundreds of thousand innocent population… tens of thousand more died a miserable slow death decades on, due to radiation related sickness.

  490. Tun

    For those who believe in ‘Karma’. Australia was once known as the “Lucky Country.” Those non-Caucasians who had experienced the attitude or treatment by the Australian Government and some its citizens may beg to differ.

    I visited Oz for the first time in October 1969. The Immigration Dept treated me in a most extraordinary manner which I rather not mention even though my manner of speech and dress would not put any other ordinary person to shame. The treatment of the non-Caucasians in Australia has always been questionable. And worst of all, Australia with its huge continental land mass kept it all to herself and her small population of Caucasians.

    This resulted in the brutal and ugly treatment of all those refugees specially incarcerated on some deserted tropical isle in the South Pacific. They are now left to rot. Is this karma for the Australians with their unceasing bushfires to come ?

    Look at the giant Lee Kuan Yew with feet of clay and Singapore a First World country pushed up by riches which were not within his control during the Cold War 1948-1989.

    Look at the Singaporean Puppet Corrupt and Uncaring BN Government 2004-2018, its equally corrupt elite and GLCs/SOEs.

    What happened to these once invincible titans of the First World and of Malaysian Politics ?

    Therefore, it pays and pays for our beloved Malaysia to be built on firm and solid ground based on simple fundamentals like normal thoughts and work. We need not be Icarus and get melted down by the Sun. He over-reached as we all know.

    A major building block is our long neglected and under-subsidized Agriculture as rightly highlighted by our Tun Dr Daim Zainuddin. Agriculture is sacrosanct in most developed nations like Japan, Switzerland, France, Germany etc which are places the farmers loved to put on a fancy dress on festive days. – places where conservatism in heritage, traditional customs and practices exist in keeping with the past and are alive and well.

    Malaysia which has still huge areas for agriculture and a long shore line for the production of sea-foods is well suited to pursue this long neglected field of endeavour further. Instead, vast amounts of money is wasted in putting up concrete for no purpose but for corruption all over Kuala Lumpur and other precincts.

    Our Mind-sets have to be re-calibrated to put things right as exhorted by our beloved Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad who is now the subject of much comments. OK !

    BUT WHO CAN BE A BETTER PRIME MINISTER THAN OUR BELOVED TUN DR MAHATHIR MOHAMAD ? Please stand up. Is this person willing to guarantee that our beloved Malaysia will not collapse forthwith ?

    Like Australia, you naysayers, detractors, morons, crypto-singaporeans and communists, tycoons, fellow travellers, treasonous ennobled Senior Civil Servants, spies, swallows, ducks etc do not be too cocksure with the freedom of speech as practised in our beloved Malaysia. For sure, the karma will catch up with you like what happened to Lee Kuan Yew and Singapore or the corrupt BN and Malaysia.

    Malaysia Boleh Tun as always. No problem.

  491. Assalamualaikum Tun.

    Banyak betul masa Tun untuk menulis.

    Saya belum jawab lagi pasal okinawa village shop.

    Walaubagaimanapun, jadual saya lepas Chinese New Year adalah mengajar meroti pada sekumpulan peserta program e-kasih.

    Kawan kawan bank pelawa bawah program tanggungjawab sosial korporat. Katanya roti chef yang Kemas anjurkan dulu keras kelekong.


    Terima kasih Tun.

  492. Beside komplen, protest, tunjuk perasaan, maki hamun dan gosip and have no love for the state and country, why contest?

    There is a huge difference between racism and nationalism.

    There is a huge difference betweem nationalism and patriotism.

    These are hard works, bukan sekadar untuk menyedapkan hati kaum masing2 untuk meraihkan undi to pegang the portfolio.

    I guess the coffin should be nailed by now.

    Then work with the flow gracefully without hatred and anger.

    I guess thats life.

    Good luck, and all the best.

  493. Tun

    The Roman Empire and the British Empire where the Sun never set, where are they now ?

    It is the Spirit of Humankind which will endure and it is our fervent hope that through the building blocks of today which you plan for our beloved Malaysia and her Rakyat, our beloved Malaysia will last 1,000 years. Why not ? India, China, Japan and the Malays of the Archipelago have been around for over 1,000 years.

    America became great through Wars. The War of Independence 1774, the Indian Wars, the Civil War, the Spanish War, World War I, the Mexican War, World War II, Korean War, Vietnam War, Middle East and Afghanistan 1992-2020. All of them funded by the greenback the common currency of the US Political-Industrial-Complex beginning with the Eisenhower Administration in the 1950s.

    The Military Power of the United States has to be seen to be believed.

    I was always keen on the propeller aeroplane since young. In 1943, our house was right beneath the landing path of the Pajam Airport, New Delhi which was part of the CBI Theatre (China-Burma-India). Many types of American aircraft would land day and night without a break up to 10 pm at night. The B-24, B-25, DC-3, many Republic Commando – C-46, Black Widow, but hardly a single British aircraft. New Delhi was flooded with GIs who took up all the Anglo-Indian girls. Not a single Indian could be seen except in the old town. That was the Power of the United States in 1943. India in 1942, there was not a single GI or US aircraft in sight. World War II was probably the United States last War as a freedom fighter with the Korean War 1952-1953 as the encore.

    With the Roman Empire and the British Empire, it was the cost of funding the Colonies which killed the golden goose which laid the golden eggs.

    According to the History Professor, Jesus college, Cambridge when in 1982, I asked him what he thought of so many foreigners in Britain. He replied that the fall of Rome was not due to the Barbarians at the gate but the huge numbers of foreigners within it viz. Singapore and UK ?

    In the 19th Century, Africa was up for grabs. The British, French, Belgians, Germans, Portuguese, Spanish all had a piece of the pie. Much to the British regret later, they found what they grabbed in Africa gave them more problems than profits. Cruelly, traditional tribal territories were carved up according to the occupying force applied. Hence, in most parts of Africa today, we hear of huge massacres of one tribe or another without an end.

    The methodology of how America became Great will end with the lack of money. American has a debt of approximately 18 Trillion Dollars today based on selling her future. This is ballooned up by the number of American Dollar notes which no one knows how many were printed since the 1970s. In 1972, Nixon took the US Dollar out of its Gold backing.

    We are indeed in interesting times. With the economists the die-hard antagonists of Gold which they called a barbaric relic. And Gold always seemed to lurk in the back-ground as the alternative to Humankind foolishness in wanton destruction like in our beloved Malaysia by the Singaporean Puppet Corrupt and Uncaring BN Government 2004-2018 and its equally corrupt elite and GLCs/SOEs.

    Lee Kuan Yew lost out by not investing his huge largesse from the Uncle Sam’s blessed Trades of the Cold War 1948-1989 due to his lack of Mind-set and legally strict observation of conventional protocols. In other words, he could not think out of the box by investing in 4,000 tons of Gold at US$ 300 per ounce before 2000. By October 2008, Singapore would have been King of the Hill and not just an ordinary Knight in Shining Armour with Malaysia caught between a rock and a hard place. Man proposes. God disposes.

    As history is the finest Arbiter of the Truth, THE UNITED STATES WILL BE AS STRONG OR AS WEAK AS IT’S WEAKEST LINK – THE MIGHTY UNITED STATES DOLLAR. The ultimate secret of the strength of the United States. Imagine the rest of the World accept US paper money in exchange for their back-breaking commodities and goods which depreciate their resources !

    Malaysia Boleh Tun as always. No problem.

  494. Sri sense kata she is expert in public relations.

    I am wondering will ph, bn, pas and independent parties bergabung under bersatu logo to protest in high commissioner of india in kl since malaysia to show support to TDM this time

    By the end of the day, even dap also wont dare to make noise one.


    You go figure out yourself.

    Tit for Tat?

    Tat for Tit?

  495. Australia is a catastrophe. And not only that. It is predicted to be a regular event and worse to come. Ultra high temperature, low humidity, low rainfall, strong winds. A catastrophic combination. This is the sad thing. You cannot control nature. It does whatever it wants, whenever it wants.

  496. Australia bushfires: What countries have offered international aid?

    EURONEWS By Marie Jamet • last updated: 06/01/2020

    Many countries have committed to help Australia as it fights massive blazes that have raged through the country for months.

    But while a state of emergency was declared in New South Wales at the end of December, the country has still not officially called for international aid.

    As Prime Minister Scott Morrison has been heavily criticised for his management of the crisis, many countries have begun offering extra personnel to help.

    Neighbouring countries
    New Zealand responded quickly to the disaster, sending 157 firefighters and personnel to the country as early as October.

    Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern announced on January 3 that the country would send 22 more firefighters and three helicopters to help out.

    “I’ve been in contact with the Australian PM again this week to share our support and to offer whatever we can to help. Australia stood by us through some horrific moments in 2019, and we’re here to do the same,” Ardern wrote in a Facebook message.

    She said it was devastating to watch from afar.

    The prime minister of Papua New Guinea, an island nation located to the north of Australia, said on January 5 that the country would send 1,000 soldiers and firefighters if the Australian prime minister requested.

    Other assistance
    The United States sent 100 American firefighters in early December, 44 forest service and wildfire personnel on December 30 and another 21 on January 4.

    Canadian firefighters also joined the effort with leaders recalling the help Australia provided when wildfires spread in Canada.

    “I have communicated with my Australian counterpart to reiterate that we are prepared to consider further assistance as necessary. When wildfires spread through Canadian communities, Australia answered our call for help. We are proud to do the same,” Canadian foreign affairs minister François-Philippe Champagne said in a statement.

    Prime Minister Justin Trudeau echoed the statement in a tweet:

    Justin Trudeau

    When wildfires spread through our communities, Australia answered our call for help. Now, Canadians are doing the same. Our two countries are close allies, and so many Canadians have connections to Australia. We’re going to help our friends get through this. https://twitter.com/FP_Champagne/status/1213884565208674304

    François-Philippe Champagne (FPC) 🇨🇦

    Here is my statement on the wildfires in Australia.

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    2:25 AM – Jan 6, 2020
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    French President Emmanuel Macron announced on Monday that he had called Morrison to offer aid to “fight the fires, protect the population, and preserve biodiversity.”
    Others have also volunteered to help such as firefighting departments in Belgium and in the French area of Isère.

    Singapore offered helicopters to help combat the wildfires, aid that the Australian prime minister welcomed.

    Scott Morrison

    Thank you to the US, Canada, NZ and Singapore, who are providing support to help us fight these terrible #bushfires, including firefighters, helicopters and troops. We deeply appreciate the many other international friends who have offered support.

    1:03 PM – Jan 6, 2020
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    P.S tiada pula nama Malaysia dalamnya

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