(This is the first instalment in a series on the trends that
led to the present financial crisis)
1. We all believe that the great
economically developed countries achieved prosperity through their genius in
economic management and their skills in business. They are also seen to be able
to govern their countries well.
2. They had developed various indices to indicate the level of prosperity they
had achieved. And gleefully they compared these indices, especially per capita
incomes and Gross Domestic Product, with those of the poor countries, to show
how competent they were in the management of their economies. The poor are poor
because they did not learn how to manage their countries. They should be
regarded as failed states.
3. The claim by the rich that they were good in management and governance is
only partly true. They did produce goods, provide services and they traded
domestically and internationally. But their wealth from these activities is not
as big as they made out to be. If the per capita and GDP are based only on
these real businesses they would not be as rich as they claim to be. Certainly
the United States and Britain would actually be nearly bankrupt.
4. What has sustained their high
indices is their genius at gambling and manipulating money. It is this which
had earned them huge profits and enabled their people to enjoy a very high
level of prosperity.
5. Take the stock market for example. The money made in playing the stock
market has nothing to do with real business. Usually the dividends paid out are
very small, being based on the original share value. Thus if the shares were
initially valued at one dollar, a five percent dividend would be only five
6. But if the demand for the shares is great the one dollar share may be valued
at very many times the initial share price. If the “market price” of
the share is five dollars, a five per cent dividend would give the shareholder
only 0.5% or half-cent dividend for each share bought at five dollars. That is
not likely to make the shareholders rich.
7. It would be better to put the money in fix deposit and get a four per cent
interest i.e. on five dollars one would get 20 cents in interest.
8. However, if the value of the shares appreciates say from five dollars to six
dollars the return on the five dollar investment would be one dollar or 20 per
cent. But the real worth of the business in assets term will not be as
reflected in the market value or capital.
9. If the business fails then it would fetch only a fraction of the market
price should it be liquidated.
10. On the other hand the assets may be worth far more than the depreciated
market price. By then the investors in the shares at market price would have
lost much of the money invested.
11. If a buyer buys up all the depreciated shares, he would make a good profit
selling off the assets and liquidating the business. This is not really
business, though some do buy to do asset stripping. After that there would be
no more business to contribute to the GDP.
12. What is clear here is that the share prices have nothing to do with the
business being done. Even when the business is profitable the very high share
prices do not really reflect the market value or profitability of the business.
The share prices are really artificial. The shares, basically the pieces of
paper have become commodities on their own.
13. Yet investors can become very rich buying and selling the shares. Of course
they can also lose all their invested money.
14. The share prices are also subject to manipulation. Through short selling
the prices can be pushed up or down. Again the movements of the share prices
have nothing to do with the real business being done.
15. The stock market has degenerated into a casino where bets are made which
may have nothing at all to do with the businesses. This gambling in the rich
countries can be far bigger than the worth of the companies listed in the stock
market. Yet this wealth from non-business will get into the calculation of the
per capita income and GDP.
16. But this is not the only non-real wealth which pushes up the per capita and
the GDP of the rich countries.
17. I will follow this up with other wealth which are the result of shuffling
Selamat pagi Ayahanda Tun,
//By S..Tan on May 1, 2009 12:34 AM//
Dear Mr Tan,
salam mesra moga sihat sejahtera, blah, blah…….
Do you know what is Amanah Saham or Unit Trust and how they work in the market??? Semua perkara yang disentuh jari sdr Tan pasti
mempunyai “bau cemburu (perkauman)”. Bumiputras have invested in ASB, ASN and Tabung Haji long time ago, thus, they do not have extra money for these 2 new funds. I heard news that the allocation of these Bumiputras funds will be opened to chinese if they are not taken by 21st July 2009. These funds are fully grabbed by chinese showed that they have confident with government under DS Najib, particularly, BNM.
Huh? Simpanan dlm ASB, ASN, tabung haji lebih kukuh dan selamat dari bank biasa dan juga ASM, ASW baru ini???? How did you figure this out??? Base on your reliable statistic, genuine market research OR Your Own future View derived from your own formula of:-
LAH + K(Oxford) + FlipFlop + MatRempit =
AgamaPAS + PKR + DAP/MalaysianMalaysia =
Semua Kepala Kaum Gaduh Pasal Ketuanan Mereka =
Mereka Ini Lupa 5 Rukun Negara Malaysia Kerana Syiok Kuasa Tanpa Kiraan Saintifik dan Matametik 1Malaysia
Sabar LAH, Tan, the investors will know what to do because they are not blinded with emotion like you!!!!
……………..PROXY WEALTH???
The govt thru PNB and Khazanah is the biggest gambler on Bursa, are you sure??? All I heard from Ground Zero that they are too conservative and make low profit, that is why investors(including melayu)opted to invest in other unit trusts offered by local banks through their Investment Wings.
Your statement on “Just as Tun pointed you can create wealth shuffling papers, you can similarly create poverty shuffling figures!”, I would say if you do not understand how mathematics works, it is better to keep your lip tight (shut-up Lah…. Tan)
To determine whether the economics indices reflect the real economy (or the true scenario) is to break down the AVERAGE FIGURES derived from MACRO (duduk dalam opis) into MICRO (turun padang) so that we can see better and understand its true value.
I don’t think you will understand this formula because you are only good in talking with eyes shut (lelap mata), formula “Purata” (Average) pun tak faham, aiyah…..
Good day Ayahanda Tun.
Dear Tun, salam mesra moga sihat sejahtera. Dgn izin..
Ada orang cuba guna kadar jualan ASM, ASW baru baru ini sebagai penunjuk kemunduran bumiputera. Ini contoh timbang 12 tahil.
Sebelum ASW, ASM kaum lain tiada saluran pelaburan dijamin krjn dgn pulangan paling tinggi dan tetap. Mrk simpan dlm bank atau dana lain dipasaran dgn risiko tinggi, pulangan tak menentu.
Bumiputera dah lama ada ASB, ASN yg khas untuk mrk. Satu lagi kebanyakan bumiputera (Islam) simpan dlm tabung haji dll tabung untuk kerjakan haji dan pelaburan. Pulangan tabung haji dijamin krjn juga.
Tabung haji 17bil, ASN 5bil, ASB 62bil. Banding dgn jualan baki ASM, ASW pada kaum lain. Banding 62bil dlm ASB dgn 56bil simpanan di HLB oleh syarikat, individu seluruh M’sia. Simpanan Tabung Haji saja sebesar Bank Islam dan Alliance bank.
Simpanan dlm ASB, ASN, tabung haji lebih kukuh dan selamat dari bank biasa dan juga ASM,ASW baru ini. Bodohlah keluarkannya beli ASM, ASW. Kaum lain terpaksa berpusu pusu, berebut menukar simpanan mrk dari bank, dana simpanan swasta, pelaburan saham (yg risiko tinggi) untuk beli ASM, ASW.
Peluang dan pulangan lumayan ini dah lama dinikmati orang. Tapi masih ada orang nak belit jualan saham ini penunjuk kemunduran bumiputera.
The govt thru PNB and Khazanah is the biggest gambler on Bursa (size of their portfolio) if trading stocks is considered unproductive economy. Maybe they were invented to tip the calculation of bumiputera per capita income to give the illusion bumiputeras dont own shares and businesses?
Just as Tun pointed you can create wealth shuffling papers, you can similarly create poverty shuffling figures!
6. But if the demand for the shares is great the one dollar share may be valued at very many times the initial share price. If the “market price” of the share is five dollars, a five per cent dividend would give the shareholder only 0.5% or half-cent dividend for each share bought at five dollars. That is not likely to make the shareholders rich.
IT IS 1% AND NOT 0.5%
That’s simplistic view. Currencies too are created to replace bartering but it was accepted worldwide for its practcality. No matter how much you disagree with the West, they have done something right in organising their societies. Why else would the rest of the world follow them?
They progress with new technologies, systems & methodologies & Malaysia wanted to be in their league by 2020! Good ambition but it won’t happen with a population sitting around demonising them or reverting back 15th century economy. There will be mistakes & excesses along the way but they are moving forward in all spheres of human endeavors simply because they allow every individual his/her freedom to try – no big brother Govt. trying to engineer changes. Malaysia has gone backwards against Singapore, South Korea, Taiwan & Hong Kong in this race & Thailand, Vietnam & others will soon catch up if we slacken & wasteour energy sermoning the West. We are too far behind for them to hear us – run faster & we may then have a chance to be heard.
And how else do you measure a country’s wealth? The fact is we need to buy their machines to work our raw materials, even their weapons to fight each other. We need their systems too to organise our lives & worst still their movies, songs & lifestyle.- these you should demonise as they are not essential!!
Dearest Tun Dr Mahathir,
Perfection is finally attained not when there is no longer anything to add, but when there is no longer anything to take away. This applies to the stock market. It is not perfected yet. Element of gambling that you rightly point out does exist but it does not mean that the stock market is a dreadful system. On a contrary it is a brilliant means of raising capital. It enables business to flourish. It also gives us the opportunity to invest in good companies. Some companies in the stock market are genuinely great companies while some are down right inadequate. This is why potential investors need to be cautious in choosing companies to invest. Sometimes we make the wrong pick and still this does not mean the entire stock market is detestable. If you choose to consider only the negative side of the stock market I must say there are many. But if you consider it on the whole I sense that it is a stupendous mechanism indeed. Well just my two cents worth of wisdom.
And then again, when you have a blog like this you will run into bamboozle like ABI. Repulsive self centred individuals like ABI are always condescending and for this very reason we have to remain level headed. To emphasize my point again, this though does not mean that having a blog is a flawed, simply because once in a while you run into unscrupulous people like ABI.
Salam buat Tun Dan Keluarga
Apa yang Tun coretkan ini mungkin sukar untuk difahami oleh ramai rakyat biasa namun begitu ianya adalah satu pandangan dan coretan yang memberikan makna dan maksud yang mendalam.
Bagi kami rakyat biasa….yang penting adalah…..
1.Berusaha untuk meneruskan kehidupan untuk memberikan kesenangan kepada keluarga.
2.Mencari peluang jika peluang diberikan dengan sesungguhnya
3.Biarpun sukar kehidupan mesti diteruskan
4.Mengharapkan peluang pekerjaan peringkat rakyat marhain yang setimpal untuk menguruskan hal kehidupan seharian
5.Menyedari para pelabur di peringkat itu adalah sebenarnya mereka yang sememangnya mereka yang telah kaya, sedia berada,yang boleh simpan dalam fix deposit dengan tanpa memikirkan untuk perbelanjaan hari esoknya.
6.Mengharapkan ekonomi Malaysia akan makmur dengan menguatkan ekonomi rakyat jelata.
7.Bank-bank jangan lihat bulu jika nak bantu masyarakat marhain, lihatlah kesungguhan mereka nak majukan diri dan bantu ekonomi negara
8.Bank-bank berikan bantuan,bimbingan dan panduan dan bukannya tekanan dan desakan…….kalau orang bank tu berada kat situasi begini macamana rasenye….
Ape pun……kehidupan mesti diteruskan…..walau sesukar mane…..walau sesakit mane……walau segetir mane……..
terima kasih
Selamat pagi Ayahanda Tun,
By Overseas expat on April 23, 2009 6:50 PM
Dearest Oversea expart (Are you a Mr Local Chinese Oversea?)
I do not agreed with you on “Life is about gambling”. I prefer to believe “life is like a box of chocolate”. We do not know whom we will meet tomorrow, we do not know what we will get tomorrow, sweet (white chocolate) things happen, “pahit” (black & pure chocolate) things happen, sour things (chocolate with strawberry or blueberry favours) things happen and “hangover” (chocolate with alcohol) thing happen….. The fate (rezeki) is in our hands because we can choose which box of chocolate that we will buy.
You personally think that a rich person should not gamble as there is a tendency to get poorer but a poor person must gamble because that is the only way to make him rich; the same concept goes to a country.
However, you forgot that Rich People Do Not Gamble (Judi) because “they do not believe in “life is about gambling”, hence they control everything that they do because they want to be the “master” of their fate. However, poor people gamble without realizing that they are the slaves to these masters. The same concept goes to a country.
It seems like you did not learn from the downfall of USA meltdown. Good luck to you. Do remember that life is a box of chocolate, it is not about gambling. Morally and technically speaking, declaring wars on countries which do not invade USA by force is A CRIMINAL ACT by manipulating and speculating War on TERRORISM, that is an illegal gambling without licenses. Is black market gambling rang a bell here?
Malaysian chinese who do not believe in gambling and anti-gambling.
Good day Ayahanda Tun.
P/S: I am wondering what is the answer from SPR on the by-election in Penanti, will there be a BN calon, Puan Aminah, ex-PKR, would like BN not to put a calon there? If there is a by-election, who will be the BN calon.
It is neither right nor wrong in making money by investing in stock market. If I am to explain to a young child: it is a legal mean for a company to raise more capital and continually do so in order to grow, so that the company can continue to provide jobs, and the employees can continue to put food on the table, send their children to school, and buy whatever they dream of, etc, and in addition to that, pay tax…
But, there is always a negative element in everything on earth, politic, sports, and whatnot, as long as there is a human factor in it. It is not the stock market (the tool) that makes what you & I face today, it is the defective system that surrounds it which encourages the rogues.
Although too complex to elaborate, and depends on who is explaining and who is listening, put it simply, trading value of stock does not necessarily reflect the real health of a real company (or country) and especially should not for a good company in times like this. Indeed, some company may be exposed to certain manipulative risk, but by now, strong management as well as good regulatory system should have already in place to counter such thing,hopefully.
And who has the power to define and regulate, definitely not the man on the street.
I can only sum up – what the last generation- forefathers, predecessors and the like had created thru hard work, the half-pail full naughty new generation
Salamun alaikum
I am a Forex Trader and together with my associates , we teach Malaysians of all walks of life how to trade in Foreign Exchange Markets devaluating EURO and USD currencies.
We are previously Six Sigma practitioners who are well versed with Control Indicators / Analysis of Variance and other Stastical Method and Methodologies.
We bring a change of paradigm in the thinking of Malaysians who are always being taught that they are victims of the West especially Muslims. We alsways fall short on our achievements due to our lack of knowledge and inability to comprehend new ways of generating income and turning the tables against those who have robbed us of our inheritance and wealth.
We will not be able to turn the tables against the West if we do not play the same game they are playing. I know of your reservation against Forex and the Money Markets but nevertheless, if we shun away from the World of Financial Markets, we will never be able to take ourself out of the undesirable conditions we are currently in.
We are proud to say that our Anova Systems [insya Allah] are able to do good to small time traders under our tutorial and they able to earn USD 200 per. week for a small investment of USD 500.00. We are actually beating the big guys and being Malaysians, this is really a head turner…..as we are able to generate income for other Malaysians by teaching the them skills to trade on the Foregin Exchange Markets.
Rasullulah [peace and blessings be upon him] advocates that when we go to war, the best strategy is to use the weapons of our enemies against them.
That is precisely what we are doing.
Herein are our approaches towards providing such knowledge to Malaysians because if they go in into such Forex Market without proper training, they will definitely loose all their money.
a] The FOREX Market, is the mother of all investments market with daily USD11 trillion turn around.
b] The simultaneous buying and selling of currencies, pegged to one another in pairs enable traders to
trade in the FOREX market via Over The Counter online
through a Forex Broker normally located in US or other parts of the world.
Forecast the direction of the Base Currencies vis a vis in terms of the Quote Currencies with the use of Exponential Moving Average charting systems will enable traders to determine the direction of the paired currencies and make money out of it.
c]We are living in a world dominated by the West. We cant fight them off just like that. Exposing their ill doings cannot change anaything about them. We need to get in and understand how their system works, and operate that systems from within and bring that knowledge back to our people and empower them with this new knowledge so that we can give battle more effectively.
d] In our training Program. we talk about the Four Qudrants of Robert T.Kiyosaki’s and teach people how to create good debt in order the develop leverage. USD 500 can do us a lot of good if we know to turn it into leverage.
What is Good Debt ?
Good debt includes anything you need but can’t afford to pay for up front without wiping out cash reserves or liquidating all your investments. In cases where debt makes sense, only take loans for which you can afford the monthly payments.
What is Bad Debt ?
Bad debt includes debt you’ve taken on for things you don’t need and can’t afford (that trip to Bora Bora, for instance). The worst form of debt is credit-card debt, since it usually carries the highest interest rates.
e] The best thing about FOREX is that its Leverage of 200:1. for Micro account. With every 1 dollar we bring into the market, we are able to generate USD 200 if the market works in favour of our position. That means if you bring USD 500.00 to the market, we are able to generate USD 500 x 200 = USD 100,000 within reasonable time frame if the market works in favour of our positions. We are able to achieve this and no white man is taking that lightly. We causes them to shut down one of their platform due to simultaneous trading by our traders and that is a victory. Creating an impact by getting into their system and using their weaponry against them.
The best thing about FOREX is the wealth of knowledge that we encounter and people have their paradigm shifted by delving into this new found knowledge of the financial world.
We teach people about various technical analysis and fundemental analysis to help them to look into market positions.
Technical Analysis on Forex
As in other markets, the accumulated price movements in a currency pair such as EUR/USD can form apparent patterns that traders may attempt to use. Many traders study price charts in order to identify such
The one we are using is called ANOVA – Analysis of Variance. A Malaysia product.
We look at the US Economy through their various reports which cause impact on the Forex Market such as the Non Farm Payroll, CPI Index,PPI Index, GDP, Housing Index , etc….These are Fundemental Analysis..or Economic Factors
Economic Factors
These include: (a)economic policy, disseminated by government agencies and central banks, (b)economic conditions, generally revealed through economic reports, and other economic indicators.
Economic policy comprises government fiscal policy (budget/spending practices) and monetary policy (the means by which a government’s central bank influences the supply and “cost” of money, which is reflected by the level of interest rates).
Economic conditions include:
Government budget deficits or surpluses
The market usually reacts negatively to widening government budget deficits, and positively to narrowing budget deficits. The impact is reflected in the value of a country’s currency.
Balance of trade levels and trends
The trade flow between countries illustrates the demand for goods and services, which in turn indicates demand for a country’s currency to conduct trade. Surpluses and deficits in trade of goods and services reflect the competitiveness of a nation’s economy. For example, trade deficits may have a negative impact on a nation’s currency.
Inflation levels and trends
Typically a currency will lose value if there is a high level of inflation in the country or if inflation levels are perceived to be rising [. This is because inflation erodes purchasing power, thus demand, for that particular currency. However, a currency may sometimes strengthen when inflation rises because of expectations that the central bank will raise short-term interest rates to combat rising inflation.
Economic growth and health
Reports such as GDP, employment levels, retail sales, capacity utilization and others, detail the levels of a country’s economic growth and health. Generally, the more healthy and robust a country’s economy, the better its currency will perform, and the more demand for it there will be.
Productivity of an economy
Increasing productivity in an economy should positively influence the value of its currency. It affects are more prominent if the increase is in the traded sector .
We also look at the European Economies as a whole and understand lots of things the European are doing to protect their currency from falling. Thats give us an understanding what actually these people are up to and only by analysing , we could perceive their real agendas.
We teach Malaysians from all walk of life on how to generate income in times of great economic depression and just few days ago a housewife , one of our client was able to withdraw USD 7000.00 from an initial investment of USD 5000.00 she puts in last 3 months ago. Convert that to RM , thats quite a sum of money. The best thing is that, she did it on her own. We boast to claim that we taught people practical knowledge which they can use to earn and improve their living standards. We make the training program cheap and affordable.
Nevertheless, we stressed PRUDENCE in our approach and harcore CONTROL mechanism in currency trading as the risk of losing ones capital, entirely , is extremely apparent. This is what our training program all about. Control and having in depth knowledge of this delicate and unique FINANCIAL market.
If Tun talk about the scam of banks etc, we would like to put it on record that the whole deal about paper money is a scam as it worth nothing…A less than 0.54 cents paper is redemable for goods beyonds its value multiple times. This is called FIAT money.
What is FIAT money ?
Fiat money is money declared by a government to be legal tender. The term derives from the Latin fiat, meaning “let it be done”. Its realisation as Fiat currency achieves value because a government accepts it in payment of taxes and says it can be used within the country as a “tender” (offering) to pay all debts. In effect, this allows it to be used to buy goods and services and to pay tax. The most widely-held reserve currency, the US dollar, is a fiat currency. Although they are not redeemable for gold or silver, all Federal Reserve Notes in circulation must be collateralized by assets of the Federal Reserve.
Initially , the US currency was backed with 1/35th of a troy ounce. In 1971, because there is not enough Gold available to back it up.
Note on Bretton Woods
After World War II, the Bretton Woods system was set up, which pegged the value of the United States dollar to 1/35th of a troy ounce (888.671 milligrams) of gold (the
Hello Tun,
I didn’t even for a min think ABI could be Anwar Ibrahim.How come the commentator is soooo good at coining names.It may well not be him.If it’s not true he’ll get angry or maybe take it as a joke!!
Tun M is much sharper in his analysis on finance and economics than some other financial and economic experts.
Why the present world economic system collaspe? Because those so-called financial and economic experts are all morons just like you for making stupid remark. What a fool you are !!
To ABI April 25, 2009 9;50 AM
What a bloddy shame ! You are just an “anak kurang ajar” !. Am sorry for your parents in having such a spoilt child like you !.
May you grow up, there is still time for it.
Assalamualaikum Tun,
Saya bukan pakar ekonomi tetapi sekadar membuat analisis sendiri. Lama dulu Tun telah menyuarakan mengenai dinar emas. Tidak dapatkah dilaksanakan terutama kepada negara-negara Islam di dunia ini? Jika ini dapat dilaksanakan penggantungan (dependency) terhadap dolar Amerika semata-mata dapat dikurangkan (Rujuk blue ocean strategy). Kita akan bertumpu ke arah yang lain dan tidak kepada satu tumpuan sahaja, iaitu dolar Amerika. Semoga Malaysia terus aman dan makmur, Insya Allah supaya semua Muslim dapat berbakti mengikut kemampuan masing-masing sebelum dipanggil Ilahi.
Your argument is quite right.So we must be cautious investors otherwise we can lose a lot of money if we speculate too much beyond our means or even borrow from banks to buy shares in a bullish way.I think the percentage calculation for the return is not quite right.The accountants say the dividend rate is on the issuing price. However when the market price goes up the quantum paid out to shareholders would ultimately have to go up otherwise people will not buy shares.We need to be prudent & wise in our investments otherwise we can face bankruptcy!!
Dear Tun,
Who is actually ABI? I wonder why he is so means towards you. May be he is A-nwar B-in I-brahim!
Dear Tun,
Your are the real moron! Who said that only those who are economist can speak about economy? Obama a lawyer by profession is not an economist but he is trying to fix the world economy.
ABI, you are sicked person which need a pscychological therapy. May be at Tg. Rambutan!
Saya sangat setuju dgn Kamal Ahmad yg mengatakan pendidikan itu penting bagi Bumiputra. Bagaimanapun apa yg saya lihat kebanyakan pemimpin kita kurang menggalakkan anak2 bumiputra ke arah pendidikan cemerlang. Berapa org UMNO yg berpendidikan tinggi dan bolen mempengaruhi anak2 bumiputra…? Sangat kurang bukan?
Dgn ini saya sangat berharap agar TUN Dr M dapat menasihati pemimpin dari kalangan BUMIPUTRA/ISLAM agar galakan mereka belajar dan dgn itu akan dpt menggalakkan akan2 kita utk rajin belajar ini kerana RAKYAT ITU MENGIKUT APA YG PEMIMPIN MEREKA BUAT. Kiat jgn salahkan org mengajar agama saja kerana belum tentu kita benar.
Persoalan saya berapakan JUMLAH yg En Kamal dah laburkan dalam ASM?? Dan berapa ramai pemimpin UMNO yg membeli ASM?
Kita kena ingat bagaimana org Melayu memeluk Islam.. Kerana rajanya memeluk Islam. Jika org UMNO/PAS/PKR yg bumiputra bergiat dlm bidang perniagaan tentu ramai org Bumiputra/Melayu/Islam akan ikut jejak langkah mereka.
Ingat ayat pertama yg diturunkan ‘IQRA’yg menyuruh kita membaca…
Hi Tun
You have always got insights on national policy.
Would appreciate you could suggest ways or use your influence to tackle the deteriorating crime situation in Malaysia?
Folks dont feel safe on the street, not even at home. It;s disheartening.
Salam kasih dan hormat Ayahanda Tun.
Salam kasih dan hormat Ayahanda Tun, minta izin sedikit.
Dear ABI, I agree with you; like you say – you are a moron.
Salam Tun dan keluarga.
During your tenure as the Prime Minister, you encourage Malaysians to invest in the stock market, especially the bumiputras. Your views at that time, that is one way the bumiputras may increase their 20% stake. At that time, i am still studying at one of the IPTA. I feels that your views are not right. Than came the 1998 financial crisis. All the bumis investment are gone. So, I think what you mentioned now is reality.
Valuation according to yield is an ideal that has been subject to abuse since Adam and Eve. It appears that the abuse has reached startling proportions now. Is the internet and the information age going to make the abuse any lesser? What role does proper regulation by the state play? The state can never be completely objective because of its bias and is not going to be always led by men of objectivity and science like you. What role does the advance of scientific education and objectivity play?
What measures did you use to manage the economy? You did not use conventional measures. You obviously had some idea of our resource states now and in the future and their use and exploitaion. It would be interesting to know, because they seemed to be so powerfully effective.
Risks are inherent in nature and the proper use of technology to make wise decisions in our lives is legitimate. Any solutions cannot kill the genuine advances in science and mathematics that have been helpful; we only need address the abuse?
Ayahanda Tun,
//By ABI on April 25, 2009 9:50 AM
You talk as though you are an acknowledged eonomic and financial expert in the world! You stance have always been negative and destructive: That you are always right and wise, but the others are morons! What popycock!
Dear ABI,
As a muslim yang baik dan ikhlas should not sound so hatred. Mr Anwar has changed his strategy in bringing down Tun Dr M & BN throug”mesyuarat” secara tutup seperti apa yang telah berlaku semasa pimpinan Republican Geroge Bush.
Kalau you adalah PR’s or anti-supporters of Mahathirism, please do not show your hatred here because it’s very bad for Mr Anwar, Dok Nik Aziz and Hadi Awang. Kan mereka sokong tidak akan “unite” PAS dengan UMNO. Kalau dasar pimpinan atau persepsi berbeza, lebih baik ABI teruskan perjuangan ABI kepada PR dengan BLOG yang betul.
You talk as though you are an acknowledged eonomic and financial expert in the world! You stance have always been negative and destructive: That you are always right and wise, but the others are morons! What popycock!
Assalamualaikum Tun.
Dulu saya dapat kredit je ekonomi dengan perdagangan.
Ingat nak masuk kelas sains tapi cikgu pendidikan seni pulak dah mempengaruhi keputusan saya.Lagi pun saya ni jenis tak berapa nak pandai study.Tapi apa-apa pun pendidikan seni tetap dapat A1.
Balik sekolah main guli masa hari cuti.Petang main bolasepak.Saya rasa setakat free kick David Beckam tu no hal lah.
Mudah-mudahan ‘first instalment’ ni dapat saya faham untuk kemajuan diri sendiri.
Terima kasih Tun.
Ayahanda Tun,
The Theory “ECONOMIC INDICES AND THE WEALTH OF NATIONS” now is revolved into the theory “Economic indices to measure the DEFICIT (Hutang) of the wealthy nations. If the economic indices are higher, their deficit is higher and it’s VERY…. RISKY.
Same theeory goes to some (percentage % ????) of our local wealthy people with gelaran Tun, Tan Sri, Datuk, Dato blah..blah if they do not know how to control their greed, this is the effect that they will be landed into. See, our Terengganu politicians can put “SMS” on YB tak sayang nyawa? It looks like we have landed in Obama and financial cisis as explained by chedet earlier. Now, we have landed at Najib and finanicial crisis. So what will be the aftermath result under Najib’s leadership? We will know the answer in PRU 13. So, folks just live with it and it will go on and on because human beings are greedy and selfish.
I am waiting for DS Najib’s annoucement on the decision for the “financial market” by next week, I hope so. But I guess it will be 30% on syariah investments, 70% on world conventional free market investment because people(especially the younger generations of the world incuding Malaysia) will support this because they believe in Work Smart rather than Work Hard, the world share market indeed is a casino. So, same theory goes to it, you can invest BUT YOU MUST KNOW WHEN YOU MUST PULL OUT in order to reap max profit or dividen.
Will UMNO dares to change by appointing Tun Dr M to be the BN calon for Penanti?
Good day Ayahanda Tun.
Salam kasih dan salam hormat Ayahanda Tun.
That issue up there (the http link), simply refuses to go away quietly on a multi racial and multi religious us, that issue is fed coal by a certain boiler man Archbishop to keep the flame alive. I say it here in plain simple English; it
I am a doctorate holder in Economic Crime. Your article should come out way back before 1987 or 1997. A simple article of Tun could give an insight to avoid 2017 Malaysia 4th economic crises. Thank you Tun.
Salam Tun,
1. Senada dengan Mathias Chang ataupun mungkin Mathias Chang yg senada dengan Tun. Mmg perlu kita akui yg pasaran saham adalah kasino terbesar di dunia..
2. Saya setuju dengan pendapat si kenit. Kita perlu maklumkan kepada generasi akan datang berkenaan semua ini.
3. Tapi, selagi tiada kesedaran dan pengetahuan…topik Tun kali ini agak berat untuk difahami oleh segelintir besar rakyat Malaysia.
4. Saya juga sangatlah kurang arifnya berkenaan hal ini tetapi saya faham apa yg Tun cuba sampaikan.
5. Dan macam yg saya utarakan tadi, saya lihat ramai comment yg menyimpang dari topik.
6. Kemungkinan besar, Tun juga perlu senaraikan sedikit sebanyak website rujukan Tun sebagai satu cara mendidik pengunjung blog Tun ini.
7. Semoga kita ada penyelesaian terhadap dominasi pihak tertentu dalam penggunaan matawang elektronik suatu hari nanti.
saya baca utusan malaysia baru-baru ni tentang saham ASM untuk kawan2 Cina kita habis dijual dalam masa 1 hari. Kaya2 kawan cina kita ya. hairan apa lagi yang depa komplain selama ni saya pun tak tahu le. mahathrism le itu le… ini le…mungkin kah sebab depa banyak duit depa mula besak kepala saya pun tak tahu le. tiba2 mca lak marah sebab fakta ni mereka tak boleh lah cakap orang cina di perlekehkan dalam negara ni. kaya2 belaka. tapi lepas ni mesti dap dan gerakan pun komen juga tu.
Apa nak buat tun. saya nak beli saham pun tak ada duit ni. Tak kisah lah – harapan saya kapada umno supaya dapat teruskan tolong orang melayu yang sengkek ni.
Assalamualaikum Dearest Tun,
Before I begin, forgive me if I get a little angry with commenters who write negative comments but did not provide any solutions. I think these people are freeloaders who come here to take other people’s ideas to talk at warungs/kopitiams/Starbucks but never do anything about the things they talk about. Tin kosong everyone of them.
Sorry about that.
Now, I do agree with some of the things that is said. But some I don’t.
I do agree that the share markets have degenerated into casinos. That can never be denied. The fact that investors have the ability to short shares is a sure sign of gambling. And the fact that investors have the ability to buy into something that they don’t understand just because it looks like a sure thing (Mortgage backed Assets, Credit Default Swaps) is another form of gambling. Haram? Very much so.
Also, I do agree that the current market situation is the result of manipulations. This happened mainly because of the lack of implementation of regulation by the Organizations entrusted to watch over the markets. I say lack of implementation here because I do believe the regulations are there but there are also a lot of loopholes which require constant monitoring.
Manipulations of share price is a more gray area than the above. I don’t believe that the big investors have the ability to manipulate share prices in the long run. However, the supposed “ability” to manipulate share prices in the short run is merely the ability to play with the ‘herd mentality’. For instance, if a ‘reputable’ investor puts in a lot of money in Share A, this will create the “Why la wei?” effect among the smaller investors. They get curious and start putting in some money in Share A. If a lot of these smaller investors started putting in money just on the basis that this ‘reputable’ investor is putting money in it, the short term effect will be the price of Share A will increase. This gave the ‘reputable’ investor a great advantage since his initial investment has increased because of the rest of the lemmings are following his actions.
Now, Warren Buffett said that the secret of his success is to return to basics. He only invests in companies that are run well by insightful people and have very good business strategies. In order to do this, Buffett said, investors need to do research. And not just following the crowd in order to make a quick buck. I don’t think that someone like Warren Buffett is making this up considering his track record.
So my point is – we need to educate investors. Don’t just take the words of the brokers whose only focus is commissions. Donplaypuks and kamal ahmad did mention the need to educate people about proper business acumen. Don’t just rely on ‘buyer beware’ disclosures.
Also, as Muslims, we are encouraged to do business. If we don’t have the business acumen to open up our own stores, why not ‘lend’ our money to halal businesess so that they can do better. Is this not the ‘real’ meaning for buying Shares? To share our money with people who can do business. Instead of leaving the money lapuk in the banks. I don’t see any form of usury if we just buy shares in halal businesses and hold it as long term investments.
But I don’t agree that we get more return just by putting our money in Fixed Deposit. That’s because A) the rate is just so low; B) Putting all your eggs in one basket is not a very smart thing to do; and C) I believe that long term gain is so much better than short term gain. The fixed deposit is not very good at yielding long term gains.
That’s my RM0.02’s worth. Hope this can help out the rest of your readers understand your comments better.
Dear all,
Malaysia is so urgently seeking how we can build economic systems that meet both our material and spiritual needs. It illuminates the way to a bold and exciting new future Governance after R.A.H.M.A.N.
In an increasingly confusing R.A.H.M.A.N., does more than 50 years of desperately needed for a long time, must change and better get this right because time is running out on governing our Malaysian societies by rules and institutions that lack any real sense of what truly matters.
It is call to immediate action. I wholeheartedly agree that not only politicians, business and financial institutions that must change, but rather each one of us must play a role in developing a more caring and loving society. Creating a caring and loving economics is a prescription for an economic system that is both equitable and sustainable.
The great problem of our time such as poverty, inequality, and environmental degradation are due to flawed economic systems that set the wrong priorities and misallocate resources. The R.A.H.M.A.N. economic models fail to value and support the most essential human work: caring and care giving. Basic human needs are increasingly neglected, despair and ecological destruction escalate, and resulting social tensions fuel many of the conflicts we face today.
We need good governance from the lesson learnt; a caring economics that transcends traditional categories like capitalist and socialist and offers enormous and social benefits.
How we, Malaysians, could put into practice through new governance and business policies and practices, innovative economic indicators that incorporate care giving activities, and new social structures. The people of Malaysia today must take strongly and seriously to move towards a society based on more humane economic model.
The real wealth in Malaysia is a bold and insightful look at how to create and be creative to create a society in which everyone can achieve the full measure of humanity.
The government leaders, politicians, economists and everyone to support and vote for change seeking urgently ways to halt environmental destruction, eradicate poverty, and build a good quality of life for generations to come up to. A good quality of life stresses the importance of caring and issues a clarion call for contemporary societies to recognize and value the essential contribution of care giving to human well-being.
Hai, vote for good life and freedom with caring to Malaysians well-being.
Yours truly.
GE 13
Dear Tun
This is a fantastic site but unfortunately only the fortunate ones with internet access are able to read and understand what this is all about.If you only could get this type of messages and debates to the average guy who lives in the kampung or spent his time in a tea stall far off, I think the majority of them will understand the Governments directions and not follow the one eyed man.( among the blind , the one eyed man is the king ).
Amd I must say Kamal Ahmad’s article is something to ponder about
Hi Tun,
Do you suggest we close down Bursa Malaysia?
Dearest YAB Tun,
1. Tun
It is a good strategy for Najib to remove the 30% quota for bumiputra equity participation. Now bumiputra can have even 100% equity participation. Nobody can question. So now we don’t have to have our “antic tongkat”. We can put our tongkat just like the
“old keris” as a museum piece. We are now ONE MELAYU !! Respect is to be earned and we must get that respect by all means as ONE MELAYU.Kita jangan jadi “pondan Siam”. Kita tidak harus takut dengan bayang-bayang “iblis dan syaitan” yang sentiasa menggoda bangsa kita supaya jadi bangsa yang lemah longlai seperti “tarian joget dan zapin.” Sebagai kiasan kita mesti pandai main “kuda kepang”, garang dan bertanaga tapi “graceful”.
Pada pandangan saya Najib/Mahyuddin mesti beri banyak perhatian kepada pelajaran anak-anak Melayu. The Malays cannot compromise on education. We want the best education for our children. Najib must continue to upgrade the modal insan of the Malays. Kejayaan orang Melayu bukan dari mendapat hak peratus quota. Anggaplah perkataan “quota” in sebagai “dadah merbahaya” kepada bangsa Melayu. Kalau diambil selalu maka hancurlah bangsa kita ketagihkannya.
Yang penting hak Melayu yang mesti dipertahankan ialah memberikan peluang pelajaran seluas-luasnya kepada anak-anak Melayu tanpa quota. Misalnya kalau ada 1000 penuntut Melayu layak mengikuti kursus kedoktoran, 5000 layak mengikuti kursus kejuruteraan mereka semua mesti diberi peluang tanpa seorang pun tercicir.
Kita mahu bangsa ONE MELAYU yang tinggi martabatnya. Bangsa Melayu highly educated. Apabila bangsa Melayu bijak kita akan jadi “pahlawan perkasa” bukan “pahlawan tempang yang perlukan tongkat” untuk “berperang”.
Kita mesti “instigate” atau “grill” akal kita supaya jangan jadi lemah. Dah 50 puloh tahun kita merdeka dan sememangnyalah kita buang tongkat kita. No more excuse. Tongkat kita dah reput. Tidak boleh diharapkan lagi.
Get Views From Muftis First, Govt Urged
IPOH, April 24 (Bernama) — Perak Mufti Datuk Seri Harussani Zakaria has urged the government to get views from the Malaysian Mufti Council before making any decision regarding Islam to avoid confusion.
The cabinet has made the decision, period. Don’t politicize the issue.
Even if it were to refer to the Council I don’t think the issue will be settled amicably. I am very sure the council will have different view which will be more favourable to either one party.It doesn’t solve the problem.
The government must be seen to be fair to both parties.
My argument is very simple. It depends on who takes custody of the children. The logic is that if the mother who is a Hindu takes custody of the children surely she will have inclination to let the children follow the Hindu rites and belief. Likewise, if the father who is now a convert Muslim takes custody of the children surely he will have influence on the children to follow Islamic teachings. It is very simple logic. Why make a fuss over this issue.
There is no necessity for the Council to assert its influence over this matter.
Nazri brushes off remarks by Mahathir
KUALA LUMPUR: Minister in the Prime Minister
You are right but guess there are other options to consider too.
In any investment there are risks involved but one must be smart about it.
The stock market is indeed a gamble most time, you win some you lose some.
The trick is to spread the risk about in a few options. As an investor, we have 4 simple basic options ;
Equities (shares), property, collectables or indeed cash-based investments. However the value of cash base investments can be effected by inflation and falling interest rates, so you/me/we should seriously consider spreading the risk by investing some of the money in shares/property and to a much lesser degree/extent, in collectables.
The major benefit with these types of investments is the potential to gain capital growth that cash-based investments cannot provide-lah.
Cash-based investments does indeed has its advantage too i.e. it specify in advance the rate of interest. We can therefore, culculate the amount that is normally fixed throughout the period of the loan and is guaranteed, even if interest rates fall. Furthermore, the capital will be protected against any sudden downward movements in the money markets, which could affect the value of other types of investments, such as shares and property. The feeling of certainty can indeed be very reassuring to some of us.
Investors who buys assets base such as shares or property can also increase their wealth in one of the two ways – either from income from dividents or rent, or as a direct result of capital growth. By contrast, cash cannot, by itself increase in value at most time, we have frequently seen its purchasing power be eaten away by inflation !.
Somehow, I still kind of safe in investing within the local market but the Local Politicians should stop being silly because it will effect the investment atmosphere in Malaysia.
We really need some rest with politiking and get into the business of economic stability plus growth asap !.
Dear Sir,
Attach summary of The Future of Financial Regulation seminar at Said Business School, University of Oxford:
What Needs to Be Done and How?
A summary report following an extended private meeting of nearly forty experts from the financial world is now published. Central Bank Governors, international regulators, leading bankers and Oxford academics were brought together on 6 March at the James Martin 21st Century School to address the complex and unprecedented challenges that the current financial crisis poses. The event was co-organised with the Saïd Business School and the Global Economic Governance Programme at the University of Oxford.The Future of Financial Regulation:
What Needs to Be Done and How?
On Friday 6 March, the James Martin 21st Century School collaborated with the Saïd
Business School and the Global Economic Governance Programme to bring together nearly
forty experts from the financial world – Central Bank Governors, international regulators,
leading bankers and Oxford academics – to address the complex and unprecedented
challenges that the current financial crisis poses.
Sess ion 1. What Is the Problem?
Chair: Ian Goldin
One participant described Oxford as a
Salam Tun,,
As evidenced by the current upheavals in the global economy, the western financial/economic appears to have failed.
I concur that the economics of a nation or multi-nations must be based on solid balance sheets and not numbers that these financial geniuses picked from thin air.
Ultimately the existence of a national economic model is to convey prosperity and stability to the people of the nation. But not to enrich the top 5-10% of the upper crust of society and leave the 90% to their fate.
We have seen how after receiving bail-out money from the government, the bankers have the temerity to announce that they are giving themselves bonuses for ‘a job well done’. Absolutely disgusting.
It is therefore the role of the government to safeguard the people from such a calamity. To keep up with new developments in the financial and economic fronts. To ensure that the consumers are adequately protected in terms of the financial products thats been promoted to them by these institutions. To ensure that the bank knows their role in nation-building and not get carried away by greed.
All Malaysian,
Electric kan Kampong – kampong di Malaysia dahulu terutama pedalaman Sarawak yang tuan punya Hidro sebelum kasi electric kat orang-orang Indonesia.
Please lah….do logic…!!
Assalamualaikum Tun, Semoga Tun sihat dan terus bersemangat untuk memperjuangkan nasib orang Melayu.
Saya dapati banyak dari komen dan apa yang Tun telah katakan dalam blog ini boleh diterima ramai, berfakta, dan terpentingnya mempunyai ciri-ciri keIslaman. Saya juga percaya ramai yang akan kata bahwa kita tidak boleh begini saja. Perlu lakukan sesuatu yang mampu membawa impak lebih dari blog ini.
Tun perlu bersabar dan meneruskan kepimpinan. Lagi pun, kita sudah nampak bahawa situasi perkauman dewasa ini semakin memuncak. Polis dan Tentera pun kata begitu.
Ini perlu dihentikan. Tapi perkauman yang ada pada hari ini tidak sama ketika 13Mei dulu.
Bagi saya, hari ini perkaumannya adalah antara bangsa Malaysia dengan bangsa Melayu, dan ramai dari bangsa Melayu yang sudah menerima bangsa Malaysia. Ini kerana bangsa Melayu tak faham apa itu bangsa. Untuk itu saya tampalkan di sini komen saya ke penulis artikel di Utusan, bertajuk : “1Malaysia dalam konteks toleransi beragama”, untuk tatapan semua.
” Assalamualaikum,
Artikel berkenaan (UM hari ini) ada mencatat :
1. ‘Bangsa Malaysia bukan bermakna bercirikan khusus kepada fizikal, ia berbentuk kesatuan dalam pemikiran, tindakan dan psikologi. Saling bantu-membantu dan bekerjasama dalam setiap aspek.’
Saya ingin cadangkan, jangan guna istilah ‘Bangsa’, tapi bansa (seperti Bansa Dayak) atau baso (loghat Kelantan yang bermaksud semacam spesis), atau apa-apa aje asalkan jangan ‘bangsa’. Misalnya, anak Malaysia.
Sebabnya, istilah ‘bangsa’ ini sudah mempunyai sempadannya yang tersendiri, yakni termasuklah rupa paras – fizikal. Bila dicabut ciri yang terdapat dalam sempadan ini, maka dengan sendirinya ia sudah tidak sama.
Lagi pun, jika dah buat istilah baru, kosa kata bahasa pun semakin menambah. Ini baik.
2. ‘Allah SWT dalam firmannya yang bermaksud: “Allah tidak melarang kamu berbuat baik dan berbuat adil (memberikan sebahagian hartamu) kepada orang-orang yang tidak memerangi kamu kerana agama dan tidak (pula) mengusir kamu dari negerimu. Sesungguhnya Allah menyukai orangorang yang berlaku adil.” (Surah Al-Mumtahanah ayat 8)’.
Petikan ayat ini sememangnya menepati maksud toleransi beragama, atau lebih tepat lagi toleransi agama Islam terhadap kaum atau agama lain. Pun begitu ada syaratnya. Syarat itu ialah : ‘tidak memerangi kamu kerana agama dan tidak (pula) mengusir kamu dari negerimu.’
Syarat ini, jika digabungkan dengan sejarah orang Melayu, maka adalah jelas mereka tidak mengusir, cuba ambil alih pemerintahan sehingga menubuhkan negara baru, Singapura. Kemudian, hilang pula Pulau Batu Putih. Terkini, kemungkinan besar ialah Pulau Pinang. Benarkah mereka ini tidak ‘memerangi kamu’ dari ‘negerimu’.
Dengan kata lain, toleransi dalam agama Islam ini ada batasannya. Bukan mutlak.
Malahan, bacalah Al-Quran. Semuanya tidak mutlak, melainkan Allah swt.. Ini termasuklah keadilan. Ini kerana keadilan adalah kerana persetujuan antara sesama manusia. Jika kita jadikan keadilan itu mutlak, ini bererti kita bermain Allah. Biasalah pemikiran sebegini, yang bersifat mantik ‘mukadimmah yakinniah’ atau ‘syllogism’ dalam ‘scientific reasoning’.
Apa yang saya bimbangkan ialah kita menjadi golongan batil, kerana hanya ambil sebahagian, tapi mengenepikan sebahagian yang lain. Allah swt. sering mengingati kita, cuma kita yang lupa, atau pun sengaja melupakannya dek terpengaruh dengan falsafah luar Barat, atau sebagainya.
Kita juga perlu ingat, kita perlu berlaku adil ‘kerana Allah menyayangi orang-orang yang berlaku adil’. Tapi apakah kita berlaku adil bila memberi sebahagian tanah (yang ada dalam sesebuah negeri) kepada orang lain? Tidak. Ini bukan adil, tapi berbuat baik. Dan Allah tidak melarangnya.
Apakah yang Allah lakukan terhadap orang yang tidak berbuat baik? Contohnya ketika Nabi Musa as. dan pengikutnya mencari-cari ‘kawasan yang dijanjikan’. Mereka bertemu dengan pelbagai kaum, yang seterusnya tidak membenarkan kumpulan Nabi Musa as. ada bersama mereka. Allah tidak humbankan kaum ini hingga hilang wilayahnya! Sebaliknya, Nabi Musa as terus mencari sehingga ketemui ‘wilayah yang dijanjikan’. Kata sejarah di sekitar wilayah Palestin hari ini.
Dengan kata lain, bila kita bertoleransi, maka toleransi itu mestilah menepati ajaran Islam. Jika tidak, Allah tidak akan bersama kita. Naunzubillah.
3. ‘Sikap toleransi dan hormat-menghormati antara kaum inilah telah meletakkan Malaysia sebagai sebuah negara contoh tentang penyatuan kaum.’
Hendaknya kita tidak teruja dengan pujian orang.
Hendaknya kita juga tidak lupa pada apa yang terjadi di Bosnia-Herzhegovina. Mereka tidak sedar pun golongan Serbia sanggup melakukan genocide (atau pembersihan ethnik) ke atas mereka!
Cukuplah dulu komen saya, walau pun ada banyak lagi…
Buat masa ini hanya sistem Islam boleh menyelamatkan Melayu-Islam. Sistem yang berasaskan majoriti tidak menjamin keselamatan Melayu-Islam…..”
Tun mempunyai yayasan perdana, dan saya berharap Tun dapat gerakkan kefahaman tentang Islam agar berada di atas landasan sunnahtullah, yang bererti Melayu mampu kembali cemerlang.
Salam Tun, semuga diberi Allah rahmat dunia akhirat…
Thank you for the quick education on world economy. While Malaysia cannot completely shuts itself out of the global system, we can take actions that are calculated to reduce the risks. We can for example ensure regulators or our financial institutions are kept vigilant and honest in watching the public and national interests.
We can ensure that freeing the Malaysian economy does not result in national interests fall in hands of other nations that can create havoc at their whims and fancy.
I pray that our leaders are guided to always think of what is good for the Country in the long term!
Tun, this piece from you is not Blog material. The quality is of Nobel Prize standards.
Salam Tun,
Thank you very much for this posting. It feels so good and full of knowledge after so much politics all this while. Your explanation is straight forward and so simple that i understand this subject now so much better than my previous finance lecturer.
Please continue with your style of explanation to the masses so that we can have indepth knowledge of this usual boring economics subject and made the best decision for our country sake. How I wish all our political leaders in Msia have a visionary and sound knowledge on this matters rather than telling lies about others, manipulating people minds with political propaganda etc.
Tun, the current economic situation is in deep shit coz human own greed & quick rich scheme, people just don’t believe in hardwork anymore but how fast and easy you can make money. We have become slave to our own greediness and our materialistic nature.
Thank you for this valuable lesson. But one question to ask why BIMB and Bank Muamalat seem to be always in trouble? Is it because our islamic financing is using copy and paste with slight modication from the conventional banking system? I wonder!
Salam Tun,
Benar kata Tun harga saham dipasaran tidak menunjukkan nilai sebenar sesebuah syarikat.
Kalau dikaji, sebenarnya turun naik saham sesebuah syarikat itu adalah ditangan pasukan(geng)yang mempunyai banyak duit.
Mereka boleh dengan bila bila masa menukarkan nilai saham dari RM5.00 KEPADA RM0.50 DALAM SEHARI!!
Mereka mereka ini berpakat untuk masuk atau keluar dari pasaran. Mangsanya adalah pelabur runcit… bila harga dah naik… akibat belian pukal “geng” ini, baru lah pelabur kecil terkejar kejar beli… malangnya, bila harga sudah naik dan menampakkan keuntungan, “geng” ini akan keluar ambil keuntungan… pelabur kecil pun terikut ikut rentak dengan jual saham dipegang, walaupun RUGI!!…
soalannya, SIAPAKAH GENG INI??
This is the out look of how the mechanism works in share markets.
Manipulation to make money. Uncertainity situation, which mostly depends on luck and initiation of ones has intrest in it.
Who could understand this; able to make easy money and those don’t will be in puzzle how the other one became rich out of sudden or suddently broke due to lost in share market. But the remisers always make money.
Tun, pls explain why sharemarkets important to a nation. What we could learn or understand whenever value reach high points or plunged to lowest or also when it is uncertain.
Knowledge is the best wealth. Thus, we humble rakyat needed this kind of information to be better prepared for rainy days or make extra money.
Tun, have you heard anything new about George Soros lately?
Salam YAB Tun,
Melakukan sesuatu tanpa mengetahui, mengenal atau mempunyai ilmu tentangnya adalah dilarang oleh agama dan termasuk salah satu sebab binasanya Islam seseorang itu.
Kebanyakan orang cuma berlagak sebagai pakar dalam berbagai bidang tertentu agar dipandang tinggi dan berilmu oleh masyarakat sekeliling. Tetapi mereka ini tidak sedar bahawa ada terdapat ramai yang benar-benar ahli dalam sesuatu bidang itu hanya berdiam diri sahaja memerhatikan gelagat mereka itu.
Didalam bab ekonomi dan kewangan terutamanya masih terdapat ramai yang boleh diketegorikan sebagai jahil sebenarnya terutamanya yang hanya suka mengikut majoriti tanpa berfikir atau malas belajar untuk mendapatkan ilmu dahulu sebelum komited didalam sesuatu perkara.
Menuntut ilmu itu hukumnya adalah fardu atas setiap muslimin dan muslimat manakala mencari kesenangan hidup didunia ini hanya sekadar harus sahaja. Beramal atau melakukan sesuatu tanpa ilmu itu adalah haram manakala berilmu tanpa beramal adalah berdosa.
Seseorang yang berilmu itu dinamakan orang alim manakala lawannya orang tidak berilmu atau orang jahil. Seseorang yang sudah mengenal itu dinamakan orang yang arif dan lawanya ialah orang yang tidak mahu kenal atau ingkar.
Kita semua haruslah belajar dari orang yang alim dan arif tetapi sebelum itu yang paling penting ialah untuk kita sendiri dahulu dapat mengenal mereka itu. Jangan kita mudah mengikut prasangka yang berpandukan perhatian daripada mata dan telinga sahaja, kita harus berupaya mengunakan hati dalam menilai sesuatu atau seseorang.
Orang yang alim dan arif didalam sesuatu bidang itu selalunya tidak memerlukan banyak kata-kata atau berjela-jela tulisan atau mengambil banyak masa untuk menerangkan sesuatu perkara walaupun ianya dianggap rumit dan susah oleh kebanyakan orang lain. Mereka inilah sebenarnya orang-orang yang telah dianugerahkan oleh Allah dengan Hikmah dan segala amalan mereka juga pasti ikhlas dan merupakan ibadah tanpa mengharap apa-apa balasan dan disayangi oleh semua.
Adalah lebih baik berusaha sendiri sebagai penternak/petani diladang/kebun/sawah atau nelayan dilaut/sungai daripada melakukan kerja-kerja menipu sesama manusia. Manusia sekarang ini suka dan berminat melakukan pekerjaan mudah yang tidak mengeluarkan setitik peluh pun. Berbagai jawatan diadakan menjanjikan kehidupan yang lebih mewah serta pangkat dengan berbagai gelaran sebenarnya pada hakikatnya untuk menipu manusia agar menjadi hamba atau kuli mereka sahaja.
Orang yang melakukan kerosakan diatas bumi ini sebenarnya bukanlah orang yang sedang bekerja untuk menyumbangkan kepada kemakmuran dan ekonomi sesebuah negara, cuma mereka ini dipandang seakan-akan sedang bekerja keras. Ramai yang mudah tertarik dengan kerja-kerja mereka itu malah ramai yang berminat untuk menjadi seperti mereka atau ingin bekerjasama menyokong usaha mereka itu.
Tidak mustahil diakhir zaman kelak dengan pertambahan bilangan manusia, orang-orang yang benar-benar alim lagi arif serta merdeka akan terus berkurangan, manakala golongan hamba dan kuli yang berpangkat akan bertambah. Maka ketahuilah kita bahawa pada saat itu segalanya sudah terlambat dan kehidupan didunia ini sudah tidak bermakna lagi buat semua dan manusia pada ketika itu hanya sedang menunggu kehancuran akibat segala macam bentuk ciptaan dan perbuatan tangan-tangan parahamba dan kuli manusia itu sendiri.
1. Inilah sistem ekonomi kapitalis yang asasnya penipuan dan penindasan. Mereka akan mencipta berbagai alat kewangan dan kaedah untuk menjayakan agenda menipu dan menindas golongan yang lemah untuk keuntungan mereka. Untuk mengaburi keadaan ini, mereka akan mencipta juga retorik seperti tadbir urus korporat, ketelusan dan juga tanggungjawab sosial korporat.
2. Kita akan tertipu dengan kaedah dan sistem yang sukar untuk difahami. Akhirnya kita hanya menjadi pak turut. Mereka mengawal sistem ini sebaik mungkin agar tidak terburai tembelangnya. Namun mereka tidak berjaya kali ini. Mereka terperangkap apabila dalam sistem mereka sendiri apabila hutang seringgit digandakan menjadi sepuluh ringgit. Mereka pernah menganiaya kita sekarang mereka merasa peritnya hasil kerja tangan mereka.
3. Sistem ini akan musnah dan tidak mampu diperbaiki lagi. Kita hendaklah bersedia dengan memperkemaskan sistem kewangan ISLAM yang sebenarnya. Bukan ‘hybrid’ daripada sistem kapitalis ini. Binalah landasan untuk sistem ini berkembang. Wajib bagi kita menghidup dan mengamalkan sistem ini. Kekayaan ilusi daripada spekulasi ini tidak akan bertahan lama dan lebih lagi tidak berkat.
4. Kita juga bertanggungjawab memastikan Negara tercinta ini mampu menghasilkan sumber makanan yang cukup untuk penduduknya. Aktiviti ini akan menjamin kestabilan ekonomi dan keselamatan Negara. Lihatlah bagaimana dan lama mana Singapura mampu bertahan dan berbangga dengan kemajuan ekonominya. Saya jangka mereka tidak akan kembali kepada tahap sebelum kejatuhan ini. Malaysia mampu menjadi kuasa ekonomi di rantau ini jika kerajaan mengambil langkah yang betul dan mengurangkan pembaziran dalam perbelanjaan.
5. Saya merasakan kewujudan pasaran saham perlu untuk pelaburan. Manusia secara umumnya cenderung untuk memanipulasi apa jua untuk keuntungan yang sedikit dan sementara tambahan pula kita mengamalkan sistem kapitalis. Pasaran saham menyumbang kepada kemakmuran Negara kerana syarikat boleh menerbitkan modal untuk berkembang. Pengawalan adalah amat mustahak untuk memastikan tiada pihak yang cuba menipu dan memanipulasi sistem ini.
6. Saya merasakan mungkin adalah perlu untuk sistem perakaunan yang selari dengan tuntutan syariah diperkenalkan. Sistem yang ada amat mudah dimanipulasi oleh pengurusan kerana banyak terdapat ruang kelabu. Adalah lebih baik jika kita mengamalkan perakuanan tunai kerana ia lebih mengambarkan kedudukan sebenar perniagaan. Tiada lagi ‘inflated sales’ dan ‘big bath’ seperti yang diamalkan sekarang.
7. Saya amat berharap semoga satu sistem kewangan ISLAM yang sebenarnya mampu dibangunkan dan Malaysia menjadi peneraju dalam bidang ini. Saya juga sedar bahawa harapan ini akan menjadi kenyataan jika mereka yang terlibat adalah seorang ISLAM yang beriman dan bertakwa. Inilah antara beberapa kelemahan umat ISLAM masa kini. Kita berbangga dengan ilmu yang kita perolehi daripada orientalis tetapi kita melupakan ilmu yang ALLAH kurniakan kepada kita melalui AL-QURAN dan Sunnah.
Sekilas pandang.
KUANTAN: Ahli Parlimen Jelutong, Karpal Singh yang juga Pengerusi DAP tersungkur selepas kerusi roda yang diusung pembantunya hilang imbangan ketika menaiki tangga di Mahkamah Tinggi di sini, hari ini.
Harap jangan lah perkara ini juga akan dijadikan issu oleh Pembangkang. jangan lah salahkan orang lain.
Petanda perkara buruk dan amaran kepada pemimpin DAP ni kerana keceluparan dan ketulahan nya tehadap kedaulatan raja2 Melayu.
Harap juga kerajaan dapat lah buat tangga khas untuk OKU ini disetiap mahkamah dalam negara. Kesian dia…….
Dear Tun,
An excellent intro to reveal the dark side of capitalisme. I remember what you wrote in your book, “The Challenge”, that capitalism was even regarded as an ideology by the west (and gradually into the mind of muslims…) Thus, religion teachings have been put aside as a result of “the unlimited human greeds”.
Tun, what can we do to bring back those greedy capitalists to come back to the right path i.e. thru religion mechanisme? Can we put back the right system of the world economy that is based on islamic religion, which do not emphasise only on material wealth as a sole happiness factor? I understand from your book that “greedy people”, who have been corrupted their mind do not have SENSIBLE MIND even when we point it out clearly from the religious perspective…
That is capitalism. Everything has its bad side. Like Malaysian economy is based on protectionism and monopoly and political connection.
My Proton wira just broke down. Cannot buy better car because of the protection Proton is getting from government by hiking the interest rate for foreign cars + tax.
Maybe the whole world accounting system gotto revamp and the Big Five accounting firms gotto responsible for the crisis as the ‘window dressing’ tactic that constantly reporting a wonderful prospect of all the big companies audited by them really a cheating case for those people who has little knowledge…….Again another sad case of people with ‘brain’ are cheating the people without ‘brain”….
My fellow Malaysians,
Americans are beginning to realize the evil of the Federal Reserve Bank in the US. The Fed is the biggest “creater of wealth” by printing money out of “thin air” (more like destroyer of wealth)
Unlike our Central Bank which is government controlled, the Fed in the US is privately owned (It is as Federal as Federal Express). US Congress has no say in its policy or decision making process. The shareholders are secret, their meetings are secret and their books are secret (not audit able). They are more secretive (above the law) than CIA
Tomorrow, Saturday 25th, there are rallies organized in many states in the US to End The Fed (ETF). Of course you will not here about it in main stream media. But keep abreast of the events in the US via this link. The revolution is growing!
Tun, I hope you are not promoting riba (interest) in your point 7?
Assalamualaikum Ayahnda Tun n Bonda,
Bertemu lagi,
Terlintaih mai di pikiran semalam lepaih baca pasai kalah by-elections hari tuh…
Maaflah Ayahnda kerana anaknda kekasaran bahasa sikit kali ni. Terus-terang, dah muak tengok orang UMNO n BN yang lupa diri, usul-asal keturunan dan kampung halaman nih…
Salam kasih, semoga Allah Ta’ala melimpahi rahmatNya kpd Ayahnda n Bonda, sejahtera dunia n akhirat, InsyaAllah. Beribu yg berdoa setiaphari….
just my brain wave…
Dear Tun
Some indices are unrealiable and do not potray the real condition of the society. For example if we compare between Greece and South Korea
Greece Gross national Income, GNI (BBC) UD 29,000.00 and South Korea is only US 19,000. If you compare between Seoul especially Gangnam area and Athen, it is world apart. Athen is just like a third world, full of grafiti. It is so scary to visit Athen Museum, surrounded by drug addicts.
Selamat Tengahari Tun,
A worker works hard, achieving profits only for the maximising of the shareholders wealth and not for himself.
A manipulation or an economic interest?
Assalamualaikum Ayahnda Tun n Bonda,
Thanks for such a great insight!
I’m not good at economy n its tendem but learning it from Ayahnda helps to shed some lights to see what goes where, at least.
I guess, it’s time for us to do things our own way i.e Islamic Trading, since capitalism is creeping deeply into our system n people have been comfortably embracing the idea of getting money out of nothing…we might have seen people do business just by putting up their front with smart suit n a briefcase, sitting in front of the bourse counters, watching n calculating profit n losses n that’s all they do all day. Some may just comfortably sit at home in front of their computers n laptops buying n selling shares…who is doing the real business here? Small money-spinners, share-holders, small manipulators are part n parcel of big conspirator schemes…
These money traders are here to stay because there are big parties who are very good at gambling and manipulating money in the stock market.
The real working people:- farmers, labourers, fruit planters, paddy planters, rubber tappers, fishermen, peddlers, hawkers, drivers, trishawmen, porters, postmen, blue collar workers n some honest white collar workers; mostly are having low living status, far below what the GDP is showing!!! What much can we do to achieve higher status of living when the real jobs done cannot promise prosperity. Thus, some resort to rob from others intelligently to have a comfortable n luxurious life…
Money can make more money. This is true in the sense that people buy shares to make profit. Capitalists monopolize goods trading, buying at low prices n making multimillions just by selling commodities at much higher prices…the evil-cyclical business catasptrophe.
Guess we have to follow Ayahnda’s step. THE LOAF is one good example in making honest income, giving others a chance of tasting n sharing real work. A small step in driving in bigger profits….halal n rewarding.
May Allah bless you both with the best of health n comfortable life…love you both, forever.
just my brain wave…
Dear Tun Dr M,
It is very true the westerners enjoyed luxury at the expense of the poor of other countries. The enjoyed this by trading their products and services at very high price because they know that they were monopolies. However, after World War II, The emergence of China, Japan,and very recently India, involvement and advancement in the products and services market had hit hardly the western domination.
Only then, the Westerners indulge themselves in the World Stock Market and in the currency trade, again of course, in a manipulative and and often times deceiving manner. By doing so they earn a lot with a little effort.
I strongly believe that the Westerners are the cause of all economic crisis after 1948.
My article (to an on-line news provider) on that is as follows:-
We are in the midst of another global economic crisis. The current crisis is feared to be the worst of the century. If we track back our modern history, we would realize that World Economic Crisis took place once in every ten years i.e.1988, 1998 & 2008.
What are the events that normally take place during economic crisis?
1. Drop in property value 2. Drop in demand for non-essential goods and services 3. Drop in production of goods and services 4. Trimming and cutting down in workforce where the extreme measure would be retrenchment 5. Banks would tighten its conditions for funding due to fear of bad debts. 6. The revenue of the government through taxes and others would shrink.
What are the possible causes of world economic crisis? Whether you believe it or not one or more of the following reasons would trigger economic crisis (Please take a deep breath as the list is genuinely long):-
Carelessness, greed, corrupt, ignorance, selfish, arrogance, fear, over speculative, irresponsible, conspiracy(passing the buck), intolerance, manipulative, protective, deceptive, fraudulent etc.
The Economic Crisis normally would have originated from the Developed Nations (Mainly the west) either directly or indirectly but affect the developing countries. Why? Normally, the developed nations would invest in developing nations. If a particular developed nation encounter
Salam to All readers,
Actually Tun advised us to buy stock based on fundamental, not speculations. If you buy shares based on speculation, then be prepared to get your finger burnt. If you buy based on fundamental, you have to be patient to reap the dividen.
Stock market now is just like “skim cepat kaya”. If you hit, you might hit it big, if you don’t might end-up like a beggar.
So the choice is yours : whether to end-up like a beggar or put your money somewhere in save heaven.
Dr Mahathir,
While I salute you for your simplistic view of how
the economy of a nation and hence her wealth is built,
I am feeling skeptical on the road to economic recovery
taken by our new leader.
As you have chosen not to comment as yet to the latest
announcement made by the PM,just two days ago, I am
wondering if the move is well thought of and wise.
In conjunction to the announcement made to ease off equity
by liberalising 27 services subsectors I would like to
highlight here what is happening to the MASM road show
currently being held in Johore Baru. Today,(24 April),being
the closing day.
I am sure you are fully aware to the percentage of units
taken up by the three major races in our country during the
first three days of the road show.
As the norm,Bumis being the largest of the group,only have
a less than 1% capacity to subscribe the quota allotted
while the Chinese have fully taken up their quota within
the same stipulated time.
Based on the units subscribed by the three races,my simple
deduction here is that the Bumis still do not have the purchasing
power. Although an opinion is given that the Bumis are not
investment savvy or are not exposed to this culture as compared
to the non-Bumis,to me, is still far fetched. This notion may be
true during the 80s and early 90s. However, there are other valid
and significant factors that contribute to this.
If a simple comparison is made based on the ASM units subscribed,
the ratio of purchasing power of Bumis to non-Bumis,let say the
Chinese, is 1:125.
Meaning to say, for every single Bumi who has the capability
to conduct a purchase transaction of a same value,you have 125
Chinese who could perform the same.
This leads to my other deduction,that may be, majority Bumis
are wage earners or being paid a monthly salary.They depend
on their fixed monthly income to survive through each month.
Historically,thanks to the British,the Bumis were/are not the
masters of their country’s economy. If historians are aware,
the British practised a divide and rule system of governance
in their colonies.So much so,we have the Indians in estates,
the Chinese in tin minings and the Malays in public offices.
With the introduction of the NEP, the government intends to
bridge this economy divide. After over 30 years,this bridge
is now being taken down in parts. According to the PM,this
move is to allow for better economic growth,outside and inside
the country
Internationally,this may be true. Now foreign investors and
companies are not forced to look for a local partner to set up
their businesses. This,according to the investors, will allow
them to expand their business to greater heights,without having
the Bumiputras as excess baggage.Subsequently, it will help to
enhance economic growth to the country. This is all well said and
Domestically,this move will definitely affect the minority up
coming Bumiputra contractors.It may not have much adverse effect
on Bumi businessmen/contractors if their partnerships are merely
signified on paper.
For genuine Bumi business men/contractors, who hold 100% equities
in their companies,they already are facing stringent requirements
from Banks to obtain loans. Bankers with preconceived ideas that
Bumi businessmen are bad pay masters, will obviously be extra
careful in giving away loans.
Now,if let say,SMEs Banks are no more,the Bumi businessmen will
have no choice but to turn to the conventional commercial
Banks.Please remember, majority of commercial Banks are not 100%
Bumi-owned. With easing off the equity, Banks surely have an upper
hand in approving loans and giving assistance.
If Najib’s idea of this liberalisation is an overture to the
minority group to win their hearts and subsequently, their votes,
I hope he knows what he’s doing.He may win their hearts but he may
loose out on grass roots support. Nevertheless,if his plan
works it is well and good. On the other hand if it backfires, he
may be digging an early grave to his premiership and subsequently
In his overzealous manner to romance the minority group who
undoubtedly are the major key players in bringing wealth to
the country, we rakyat do not want to see him and his band
wagon entrapped in his 1Malaysia concept.This will definitely
spell doomsday to Barisan. May Allah swt.forbids.
Dear Tun,
I agree with your suggestion to drop the US dollar as the international reserve currency. The world should convert to some other currency such as the Gold Dinar proposed by you.
We should all stop using the US dollar because of the US Government’s (and the US Congress’s as well) financial irresponsibility in controlling their expenditure.
The Americans are living well beyond their means just like a person living on credit cards. US Public Debt now stands at US$11.153 TRILLION as at 7th April 2009 with slightly under 30% of that amount or US$3.072 trillion being held by foreign governments such as China, Japan and Taiwan. In other words, the rest of the world is subsidising America’s lavish and exorbitant lifestyle !!
During the Asian financial crisis of 1997/98, the Americans through the IMF insisted that 3rd World countries practice financial prudence and go on austerity drives. As a result, millions of people in the 3rd World suffered hardship. America should be forced to take a dose of their own medicine instead of spending their way out of trouble. The US Government will finance its US$787 billion Stimulus Package by simply printing more, and increasingly worthless, US dollars which, as a consequence, will bring about further hardship to other countries.
As you rightly say, the Americans are good at creating economic “bubbles” which are nothing more than scams or con-jobs. The other countries of the world should not allow themselves to be hoodwinked by the Americans any more.
Salam yg dihormati Ayahanda Tun Dr.M,
1. The world economy will always experience crisis one after another so long as the world accepted economy which operates based on the three pillars of evils i.e., 1) Interest rate; 2) Fiat money; and 3) Fractional reserves banking. That is why we need to have riba free and gold backed money such as the gold dinnar.
2. I believe that capitalism has failed in ensuring the world socioeconomic justice; as seen in the bursting of financial bubbles in United States of America which leads to the current economic crisis.
3. We need to detach ourselves from capitalism values and economic system. In the current
Hi Tun, this is not a comment for your blog entry. I do not have your e-mail address, so I thought I’d just send my thoughts to you via the comment section. Thanks.
I feel very disturbed reading today’s Star’s article entitled, “Nazri brushes off remarks by Mahathir,” whereby in the article, Minister in the Prime Minister
Agree 100% with By pakpandir08 on April 23, 2009 5:54 PM about mindset. How can Malaysia progress if we keep saying that the world is wrong and we are right? We are right in our own way but we cannot say others are wrong since we are not the leading economy to be able to say others are wrong on economy issues. If more than 50% of the world practices and agree to stocks and other economy indices manipulation then what is there to disagree.
I hope your article about economy indices will not be accepted by all Malaysian as it is a lame excuse for failure and sour grape theory. Please don
Salam Sejahtera Tun serta isteri,
setiap kali saya melihat video ini, air mata saya akan mengalir. bagi saya Tun adalah Pahlawan Negara. Semoga Tun sihat selalu bersama isteri. Teruskanlah perjuangan Tun, kami akan senantiasa bersama Tun.
Salam Tun,
1) Today I will have a meeting with a so called Financial Consultant.
2) It is not unusual for these people to come around every few months with forms to fill and of course to seek more money for some exciting new financial scheme.
3) I have lost around 100k since last year, but these consultants don’t seem to care and blame the stock market for the lost.
4) And yet these consultants talk about fancy cars, apartments and so on when in fact they are living on someone else hard earned money.
5) Not sure when will I get my money back, but will deal with the main culprit first.
akum TUN dan semua
i think the current economic situation is clearly a failure of capitalism introduced by western countries. On the other hand the sosialism is doing ok.. a country like china and etc.
should we introduced a mix of these two system in our economic policies.
what do you think TUN
Ayahanda Tun,
I know that Ayahanda wrote this article is to advice and warn our younger generation how indices and economy work in the real world.
I strongly believe that the G7 had failed miserably because they have made the wrong decision in bringing down Taliban and the Saddam Husein using Terrorism that forced Israel to conquer Gaza by force like instant noodle and fast food to save their economies.
Now our ASM (it was launched after the speculation attack in ’97 by YAB Dr Mahathir Mohamad)and ASW2020 were fully grabbed by non-bumiputras (49% of the units were allocated in this investment policy). As what pakpandir08 said is CORRECT (no LAH, I mean KOREK, jangan salah faham pakpandir08 sebab saya bukan penyokong LAH, ok!) that PR will use it as an agenda to counter-attack this policy by using rakyat sentiment, this time through HAK ISTEMEWA.
Just in case those who are young and do not know much about economy policy or those who know very well about it, please watch out for news from Pakatan Rakyat that will use strategy of LAIN PADANG, LAIN BELALANG Anwar macam orang putih:-
***BN ingin hapuskan HAK ISTIMEWA dan KETUANAN MELAYU yang jelas nampak UMNO telah mengadaikan pimpinan dan ekonomi Melayu kepada orang cina.
**Penghapusan 30% kuota Bumi adalah kerana UMNO sudah tidak bermaya dan tidak relevan untuk membinakan agama ISLAM kita.***
Lihatlah, UMNO dan BN masih degil dan terus tongkatkan bumiputra dengan penghapusan 30% ekuiti bumiputra, tapi, kerajaan hanya memperuntukkan 49% ASM and ASW2020 kepada Non-Bumiputra, jadi 1Malaysia adalah konsep CAKAP TAK SERUPA BIKIN. UMNO dan BN tipu dan Kiasu(ketua DAP adalah orang hokkien – kiasu (hokkien means takut kalah)…..
Remarks: Of course PR will make their speech secara Tertutup LAH macam LAIN PADANG LAIN BELALANG kerana speech macam ini ada LAH suara Keadilan mereka, keadilan atau anti-keadilan, fikir baik2 saudara dan saudari sendiri.
ex-DAP voter in 308, 2008
Dear Yabhg Tun,
Your comment is though simple but yet thought provoking. I could not agree with you more on your view regarding the stock market.
GOing to the future, I hope that DS Najib can revisited your radical economic thought like..
i) 70 million population of Malaysia
ii) Zero-inflation
iii) Gold Dinar
I believe all these will contribute to the “real” economy that you have mentioned and alos will bring back the prosperity to the economy. Since your retirement, no body seems to be pushing these ideas any more. But the current gloal crisis warrant a serious relook on all that you had proposed before. In succint what I can tell you is that the 70 million population will eliminate our dependency on the mass foreign workers and also esports markets; zero inflation will create higher demand on goods and services, as well as reduce borrowings and increase affordability to all malaysians; and gold dinar will take away the might of US dollar.
All in all, we must have our own economic model. However, top economists that we are here today were educated with western and jews theories, which put them in a pandora box for any reform.
Saya doakan Tun sentiasa sihat walafiat sdemi untuk terus memberi sumbangan kepada negara.
Dear Tun,
We have an issue in the present government. None has the flair and can bravely talk (or interested?) about economy like you do. Hopefully because lack of media exposure.
As muslims, we should also refer AlQuran and Sunnah in all matters. Plenty of economic ideas and strategies being mentioned there.
Anyway, we must at the very least ensure Malaysia has sufficient supply of food production (eg agriculture related, which may be quite a significant part of our economic system. This will ensure we don’t need to consider the basic necessity in designing our bilateral economic/ trade policies with other nations, hence have better bargaining power. We must protect this and not sacrifice this ‘wealth’ in pursuit of becoming an industrial, developed nation. During crisis, and in times of high global inflation in future, the strength of having self-sufficient food supply is very important for survival and economuic sustainability.
I would like to mention defense, but at the moment this is impossible for at least another 50 years.
On other sectors and financial systems – just have all the monetary values backed by tangible, real activities in the production of goods and services. Just enhance on the profitability, potential and strategic industries – we won’t go wrong regardless the global environment.
And for the current so-called economic crisis – it is concerning U.S., Britain and its allies’ financial institution and wealth. No doubt whoever trades with them are affected (and a significant proportion of business actually end up with trades with U.S. or related capital source)BUT ..
IT IS A PROPAGANDA BY THE WEST LEAD BY U.S. asking us all to believe that if they sink, the entire world will sink!
Without domino effect on customer sentiments through media, or government intervention of panic nations, or other such ‘knee and jerk’ reaction – the crisis should actually have only moderate effect or negligible effectto some countries and possibly Malaysia too – depending whether their wealth is ‘real’ or not.
The probable truth is, had the world used alternative currencies (other than US Dollars), the crisis in U.S. will not have make much of impact to the global economy except to companies which are over reliant on exports to the U.S.
Dear Tun,
Yes, indeed the westerners have manipulated the current econmomic system for their own benefits. But, most of all, what we (the muslims) have done to come out with a new system that are beneficials to the mankind? In my opinion, our current Islamic system is more or less the same as the conventional system except on the “akad” and “cap rate”.
Recently, I did refinance my house which is valued at 270,000. I have been paying the house for 5 years for RM1990 per month which accumulated to RM119,400. When I asked for redemption amount from Bank Islam, the amount I have to pay back is RM246,000. This means, the money that I have paid is only 24,000 from 119400 which is about 20% of total paid. Where is the fairness? Is Islamic system same as conventional system?
Through amortization, the bank will reap off my money to their account in a propotion that is very unfair. Isn’t this riba? (as far as my knowledge riba is prohibited by Islam because the system take advantages of borrowers – “ada unsur penindasan”).
To the islamic economic thinkers, pls come out with a system which is fairer to the banks and borrowers. Don,t just modified it on the surface but in fact it is an old conventional system which is full of “riba” elements. I know, banks need to make money in order to survive but not at the expense of borrowers. (I believe all Islamic banking systems in Malaysia use the same system).
I challenge the Islamic economic policy makers, if I decide to finance my house using the old conventional system on the “living” example above, do I have to pay more or less from Islamic banking? (keep the rate the same). So what is the difference? Where is the element of profit sharing when you get 80% and I get 20% of installment paid? Pls think!
-something is wrong-
Dear Tun
I always agree with your simplicity analysis skill on complicated issue.
But that is how the world has been operating since beginning. Only in animal kingdom, those who work get their food. Tiger has to chase rabbit for his lunch. Monkey can’t get his banana by using ideas and tricks.
Farmers are the one who work hard, but trader in the one who live in big house.
So we can’t blame the west, they have the brain, they make bigger money than China, who claim to be the world factory.
China is the farmer and the west is the trader. They are paid for coming out with brilliant idea of “stock market”, ” forex”, ” hedge funds”
I think that is fair.
NIKE don’t produce shoes but they make more money than the factory in Vietnam who produce for them.
They are sitting in nice sky office in New York , driving nice Bently without a single sweat, while the workers in Vietnam are struggling with the pennies.
Most God-fearing people would be able to live happily in this transient fallen world by having faith in God and surrendering all their worries to God. If you do really believe that God will always provide in accordance with our basic needs, then you will not be bitter over the happening of financial turmoil and economic hardship which may have badly affected the family income of yours.
Why do you want to waste so much time trying to put blame on others for the pains and suffering you have incurred due to your unprudent financial decision? The 1997-1998 currency attack would have never happened if you did not allow the nation to borrow too much too easily from foreigners for spending on unproductive “white elephant” business plans. Don’t you feel that it is a waste of the national wealth by building the snobbish Petronas Twin Towers which are not able to find full occupation rate most of the times since the first time of its completion of construction until todate?
And now you insist again on the feasibility of the Johor Crooked Bridge when in fact Johor Second Link has long since been largely underutilized! I wonder what kind of business acumen you have now as claimed by many apple polisher supporters of yours!
Please remember: All kind of economic activities revolve around confidence! If you have no confidence in the stock market because you believe that the figures of Price Earning Ratio and Net Tangible Asset are not a good guideline for investment, then please ask all your sons and daughter to dispose off all their shares of the Bursar Malaysia listed companies as soon as you can!
You must propose something which is constructive and practically workable before you attempt to denounce the traditional way of doing things! Don’t simply accuse or condemn if you have nothing much better to offer!
Dear Tun,
Sometimes I really like the acts and responds of South Korea and Iran President who entirely ignored the UN rules enforcing on him. They are smart and also have the courage to take up actions to confront the super power and not to be manilpulating by their systems ! They are not “Paper tigers” like many countries…..they are really take up actions!
Dear Tun,
How true. It’s all about getting something for nothing, or getting more on the basis I may have lots more.
This is how we got into this global mess. No amount of simulus package or pumping of money is going to plug the big vaccum.
It better writing it off and start fresh.
Tak boleh kah Malaysia ikut atau tiru cara ini untuk disususaikan dengan keadaan ekonomi kita. Boleh kah kita juga berjaya meningkat kan GDP atau per capita kita jika ikut cara mereka untuk jangka pendek atau panjang. Apa pulak resiko pada negara kita nya jika kita berbuat seperti ini?
Bukan apa TUN, sebagai rakyat Malaysia teringin jugak nak hidup bermewah2 macam rakyat negara maju ni. Contuh rakyat Jepun. Kalau kita keluar negara di mana saja kita akan dapat lihat rakyat ini. Dalam jumlah yang besar pulak tu. Kalau orang melayu kita cuma jumpa seorang dua saja. Bergitu lah mewah nya mereka mampu keluar negara melancung setiap tahun.
Datang ke Malaysia setiap minggu semata2 nak hayun kayu golf kat padang2 golf kita saja.
Walau apa pun saya tetap bersyukur kerana jadi rakyat Malaysia. Walaupun tak mewah tapi cukup berasa aman dan tenang. Itu sudah cukup sempurna dalam kehidupan ini.
Hello Dr M,
I think there is a major wake up call in America. From Madoff to Mad Money (see Jon Stewart & Cramer ‘interview’ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vi6bxKAAHzQ).
Smarter regulations is critical to ‘police’ investments banks and financial houses. I think these events prove that GOVERNMENT is vital. And I mean good government, which Obama is effecting.
I believe most of the ‘toxic assets’ are homes; going for 40% discount; so it is may be good investment for low/medium income earners.
Buy the way, thank you for making politics really interesting. I don’t completely agree with you, and seem to be often inspired by rantingMM.
Assalamualaikum TUN,
I pray for the economic raise before 3/4 of the year. Something can be done to boost the economic back on the track!
just wonder about oil and food crisis happened before…
did those share bubble affect the real market price?
just wonder the ‘real price’ for the oil market…
A good entry for non-economy background people like myself to understand more about what really is going on in this world. Looking forward to more entries like this. Cheers!
Salam Tun,
I managed to read the above, but too sleepy to provide reasonable good comment. However, just one……As much as we are thrilled at the INNOVATION economy we should also be excited about the MANIPULATIVE economy.
Dear Tun,
thank you for the insight. This kind of input is very valuable from a person with vast knowledge and wisdom like yourself. I am personally amazed with the tactics and actions that you took during the 1997/1998 currency crisis. Someone should make a documentary or a movie out of it.
With the trend of electronic transactions nowadays do you think that this is a healthy way of prospering ones economic situation? Since it has started, I believe in the West do third world countries really understand the concept of electronic business or we are just mere users who are being dictated by Europeans and the U.S.?
I believe it was your book on Malaysian Currency Crisis that you had to ask your personal Economic Adviser at that time to explain to you with regards to International Currency Trade and by understanding the mechanics of it you managed to “unorthodoxly” bring the ringgit to a better position.
Do you think Malaysia would need someone who can actually understand the mechanics of electronic transaction and a strong leader to make unpopular decisions to save the countries economy? Like for example stop the electronic transactions in KLSE. From my understanding of your article just like the money trading, stock market is just one medium for greedy capitalist to reap big chunks of profits from an activity which somehow do not have any relationship with the “real” business of the company. It is totally speculative in nature.
However, don’t you think here in Malaysia by having this electronic transaction in stock markets we are exposing our country to the danger of these greedy capitalists who can with the click of a button could collapse the country’s economy?
kerajaan memang bagus dalam mempelbagaikan dasar untuk meningkatkan ekonomi…tetapi manusia yang melaksanakan selalu alpa dengan tangunggjawab meraka…CONTOHNYA seperti kesombongan dan keangkuhan pegawai SMIDEC di Tingkat 10 Bangunan West Wing, Menara MATRADE…pengalaman saya sendiri apabila cuba mendapat kan geran yang diuar-uarkan oleh smidec sebenarnya menimbulkan kekesalan di hati sy..pegawai di bahagian permoohonan di tingkat 20 boleh dipuji kerana sangat membantu menerangkan mengenai geran yang ditawarkan…tetapi apabila menyebut mengenai bahagian pemprosesan permohonan ianya sgt menjerihkan…bayangkan apabila kita dijanjikan akan mendapat bantuan untuk sewa dan pembelian barangan…selangit harapan telah diletakkan..tetapi malang..hanya permohonan bantuan sewa diberikan..yang jumlahnya hanya berjumlah RM18ribu diluluskan..sedangkan nilai maksimum yang boleh diminta RM100ribu bagi sewa dan pembelian alatan…apalah sangat setakat sewa???sedangkan kami dijanjikan bahawa geran tersebut akan membayar 50% dari kos sewa premis dan pembelian alatan…
pada mulanya sy menyangka hanya permohonan sy yang tidak diluluskan jadi sy pasrah untuk mendapatkan geran sewaan…jadi sy telah ke bahagian pemprosesan SMIDEC di Tingkat 10 Bangunan West Wing, Menara MATRADE untuk meyerahkan dokumen yang berkaitan..kebetulan sy telah berjumpa dengan seorang lagi peniaga yang permohonan untuk geran pembelian alatannya juga telah ditolak…yang lebih mengejutkan walaupun geran bagi sewa diluluskan tetapi dia masih belum menerima apa2 walaupun telah setahun berlalu…apabila dia menanyakan masalahnya kepada pegawai perkara yang lebih mengejutkan berlaku…dokumen2 mengenai peniagaannya didapati telah hilang!!!!…apa yang sgt dikesalkan ialah layanan dari pegawai…jelas pegawai itu sendiri orang MELAYU..tetapi begitu angkuh melayan bangsanya sendiri…
pegawai yang seharusnya kami temui tidak berada di pejabat…dan pegawai lain telah mengatikannya…kami kemudiannya telah dipersoal kenapa tidak menetapkan temujanji terlebih dahulu…dan hakikatnya setiap kali kami mendail ke no. bilik pegawai yang bertanggungjawab tiada jawapan…apabila kami menelefon ke bahagian pertanyaan mereka menjawab pegawai outstation…apbila kami bertanya bila pegawai tersebut free mereka menjawab mereka tidak pasti..mereka tidak mempunyai jadual pegawai tersebut..jadi bagaimana kami mahu membuat temujanji???….jika kami sekadar menunggu sudah pasti pegawai tersebuat akan memberi alasan seolah2 kami tidak berminat..walhal pelbagai usaha telah dilakukan…kami diminta untuk fakskan permohonan kami faks…tapi tetap tiada jawapan…jadi bagi memuas kan hati kami pergi sendiri ke pejabat..dan akhirnya hanya layanan sombong yang kami dapat…
Dearest Tun,
what is your view on the current election law? Do we need amendments to it?
Do you agree that there should be a penalty for unreasonable resignation by an assemblyperson?
This had been proposed by the Tan Keng Liang (Kedah Gerakan Youth chief) as well as by Mukhriz.
Even Lim Kit Siang had commented on this issue in his blog (although negatively as usual calling them both no brainer).
It would be great if you could give your views on this matter. I think to date, you are one of remaining few leaders in this country who has the longest experience with the election laws in our country. Thus, your view would be valuable.
Salam buat Tun berdua moga diberkati oleh Allah s.w.t.
1.Kebijakan pentadbiran dan kemahiran dalam berniaga adalah skill yang perlu dalam menjana sesuatu negara.
2.Masalah sekarang kebijakkan dan kemahiran yang diguna pakai oleh mereka sekarang sia-sia dan tidak boleh dikategorikan sebagai ibadat.
3.Ibadat kerja mereka samalah seperti golongan yang pernah dibinasakan oleh Allah s.w.t seperti yang dikatakan dalam al-quran.
4.Larangan Allah s.w.t seperti perkara halal dan haram di campur adukkan.Semuanya ada kepentingan..perkara ini berlaku disebabkan merebut harta kekayaan,pangkat serta kuasa memerintah.
5.Jelaslah kata Allah s.w.t golongan kafir dan yang melanggar perintahnya degil,suka merampas harta,menipu,berperang,menghalalkan yang haram serta mengikut ajakan syaitan.
6. Selagi ciri-ciri ini ada dalam masyarakat tersebut kayanya negara itu ibarat permata yang kehilangan sinarnya hanya menanti kehancuran kegemerlapannya.
It’s good that you talk about economic and I hope you can write about the CPI-an indice devised by the economist and used widely to measure the inflation.
In recent years,because of the oil price has rocketed and hence the pressure for sky high increases in other goods and services yet CPI never got those increases included.
How then it is still widely used when our purchasing power has been substantially eroded?
I hope you and your research assistants can come out with a good paper on the topic.
Assalamualaikum Ayahanda Tun,
Hanya jauhari yang mengenal manikam, dengan kembalinya Tun telah
membuahkan kembali pegharapan dan impian kejayaan menempuh apa jua badai yang melanda negara kita.
Kita telah terkebelakang selama hampir 5 tahun dengan sia-sia dengan bekas PM yang berkelulusan Pengajian Islam dan bertopengkan wajah-wajah bersih tetapi penuh dengan dusta dan mengaku pandai.
Bukan senang nak memperbetulkan perjalanan ekonomi dan pentadbiran negara kita setelah apa yang telah ditempuh oleh rakyat selama 5 tahun ini.
TETAPI dengan kehadiran Ayahanda Tun, kami percaya sesuatu akan dapat dibuat asalkan DS Najib mahu mendengar nasihat orang lama seperti Ayahanda Tun. Jangan pula dia juga mengaku pandai macam yang sorang tu.
Semoga Allah memlimpahkan rahmat kesihatan dan ketenangan kepada Tun sekeluarga. Memang Jasa Dan Bakti Tun Masih Belum Selesai.
Thank you Tun for your very sharp insight once again.
I wonder when Malaysia and the world will wake up to realize who you really are. You would think that the global monetary mess has taught us a good lesson and that the gold dinar system would have been up and running already. What more would it take I wonder.
We would do well to educate ourselves and start taking action. At the very least make everybody aware of it. We cannot wait anymore. The hour may very well be upon us. The time is always now.
Money and banking documentaries.
I always had an inkling that the stock market is a shady business in one way or another. Having no economic/financial/shares market expertise, I could not figure out how one made money out of the buying/selling of stocks. I had invested a pretty sum, forty thousand ringgit to be exact in units trust managed by CIMB through an agent friend of mine. Now I regret doing so because more than half of my hard earned money has simply vanished into thin air. Now I can only hope the prices of stocks go up again. I wish I had been wiser. Your articles will help me make informed decisions in future.
Dear Tun,
This article sounds like you had a vision for an economically strong Malaysia during your era as Prime Minister. Although hampered with much corruption and dishonesty, I believe that so long as our current and future leaders do not venture into the risky waters in terms of economical manipulations, we might have a chance for a beautiful future. Malaysians, in my opinion, are very hardworking and gifted. So long as we unite and work hard together as a country, we will achieve sweet success over time. The system used in the rich countries have not fail them but it will one day fail by the cause and effect law (newton’s third law = every action has equal and opposite reaction). Life is fair and will always be. We have to believe that where there is a will, there is a way. China did it, Japan did it, South Korea did it, Singapore did it. Malaysia Boleh because we Malaysians are not as Bodoh as they think we are!!!
that is why money is also like religion. there are Good money (duit halal) & Evil money (duit haram). ‘duit Haram’ alway have the magnetic force to make Earth more of a Hell. since birth till today, the Evil money have become mature (monsterous), so the rate today of making Earth a faster Hell is tremendous fast compare to 10/100/1000/10000/100000/1 million years ago. money made human to have the cancerous behavior toward the Earth by plumdering Earth resources for money just to make the rich happier by seeing their digital money goes up, even though the money they are having now is already enough for 20 of his coming generation to use.
Assalamualaikum Tun,
Sememangnya pelajaran perdagangan dan ekonomi sepatutnya dinilai semula. Hanya pemikiran dan pemahaman yang tidak berpandukan pengetahuan ekonomi sediada tetapi amat tajam sahaja yang dapat menilai dan menganalisa kelemahan ilmu yang diterima pakai selama ini.
Sampai masanya cerdik pandai ekonomi di dalam negara ini bersikap lebih kritikal terhadap sistem dan amalan semasa. Jangan hanya kerana ianya diamalkan oleh mereka di negara-negara yang ilmunya kita perolehi, kita memeluknya sebagai sistem yang mutlak.
Analisa Tun adalah ringkas dan munasabah. Mungkin kerana tidak terikat dengan pemahaman ekonomi buku teks menjadikan pemerhatian Tun begitu objektif. Saya terfikir, apakah indeks yang digunapakai oleh pakar ekonomi negara kita juga adalah model yang sama? Apakah statistik yang dipamirkan saban hari sebagai bangun tidur ekonomi adalah juga ‘tidak boleh dipercayai’ dan sentiasa boleh dimanupulasi? Mengikut analisa Tun itulah keadaannya.
Semoga kita semua, khususnya para pemimpin dan peneraju, boleh menjadi kritikal dan kreatif seperti Tun di dalam melepasi keruntuhan ekonomi global ini.
Terima kasih Tun kerana meringkaskan punca kekalutan dunia ini dalam bahasa yang jelas.
Dera Tun
You seem to have reached a conclusion and then you try and justify your position by trying to fit in the ‘facts.’
For example, you say:
“What is clear here is that the share prices have nothing to do with the business being done. Even when the business is profitable the very high share prices do not really reflect the market value or profitability of the business. The share prices are really artificial. The shares, basically the pieces of paper have become commodities on their own.”
This is of course utter simplification and a bit of a nonsensical statement!
Shares have to be valued when they are lsited and the usual methods employed are the dividend, earnings model and net asset valuation models. There are other valuations moel for specific situations such as for liquidations. Thus P/E ratio, which is the Price:Earnings ration give us a range within which a minimum and maximum price of a share can be established. Dividends, earnings, and net asset values are therefore undrpinned by the overlying business and management of it. Premiums are commanded by market share, management, special knowledge (of business) and general economic outlook, both local and global.
Reputable Broking and trading firms then establish P/E and other statistics for particular industry sectors and businesses so that investors can make rational decisions.
If investors become ‘over-exuberant’, is it the fault of investors or lack of proper exercise of controls by the various Bourses? Prevention of market manipulation usuallay occur when Stock Exchanges fail to carry out their due diligence. The Bernie Madoff ponzi rip-off is a case in point.
In Malaysia, we all know some funny situation are happening all the time, but the KLSE does nothing. Rarely does any case of Insider Trading reach our courts though we all know it is happening right in front of our very eyes!
How can it, when the KLSE is incestuously listed on its own Bourse? How did we allow such a situation of conflict of interest to prevail? And who permitted that? Why, none other than people like you. I even rememeber you saying in the past that there must be an element of gambling (speculation) for a vibrant Bourse to exist!
Share prices have everything to do with the business being done. Excessive and ridiculous pricing have everything do with with human greed and lax enforcement by those entrusted with Policing the Bourses. It is very difficult to combat fraud generated by major shareholders and top management as we have seen with Enron, Global Crossings, AIG etc.
The internationally renown businesses like Google, Apple, Yahoo, Nike, IBM, Enron etc keep afloat their high share prices because the maintain an acceptable dividend rate which is better than the FD rate as well as providing an avenue to the LONG-TERM INVESTOR to realise appreciable Capital Gains.
That’s how a good capital and investment markets are suposed to work!
On two issues, I agree with you.
We should not allow short selling. One should only be allowed to sell shares one owns 100%; not by shorting the market, borrowing paper or selling short from margin positions. This is pure gambling and the recent proposal by the KLSE to allow Islamic Short Selling should be stopped DEAD in its tracks.
The other trading that should be banned is Currency Trading and Speculation. Unlike shares which have an underlying business, in todays world, following the removal of the Gold Standard and abandonment of the retton Woods Agreement, money supply is distorted by the Printing Press. It is a fact that the USA does not hace $700 billion lying somewhere in the vaults of Fort Knox, let alone $350 billion!
Therefore, curency trading should only be allowed for Governments, genuine buyers, suppliers and traders to cover/hedge their futures positions for products such as rice, soya, metals, oil, raw materials, consumable goods etc, etc against fluctuations in exchange rates. The trading and cornering of any currency is an unproductive activity.
No one operating out of a shoe box in a condo basement should be allowed to trade purely on money/exchange rates and its possible fluctuations. I have a belief that people have to earn their money by the sweat of their bodies and brows. These currency traders are vermin and rogues. Their something for nothing gambling activities are no better than the roll of a dice at Genting or Las Vegas.
You might wish to read up on my blog on 29/10/08 titled
Ahmad Said has no problems reconciling with rebels
By : Ridzwan Fernandez and Zarina Abdullah
Terengganu Menteri Besar Datuk Ahmad Said said he would have no problems reconciling with an opposing group of state Barisan Nasional assemblymen if that was what it would take to ensure political stability and progress for the rakyat.
What is the root cause for some BN assemblymen to rebel against Ahmad Said?
I think it all boils down to personality and leadership traits of Ahmad Said.
He might have lost the respect from some BN assemblymen because he could not carry himself to a level expected of him as a Mentri Besar. What a pity!
Having two camps within the BN state government does not augur well to the well being of Trengganu people. If it drags on without any positive solution to resolve this “crisis” then I am afraid it would be disastrous for BN to continue governing the State in the next general election.
so your advice for a common people like me with fix salary is to do what in this time of event.
Dear Tun,
My parents taught me one important principal – “a family that prays together, stays together”
The 1st line in our constitution (Rukun Negara) says: Kepercayaan Kepada Tuhan.
I pray that you will consider my humble opinion.
Choose a date, well advance and announce it clearly to all religion for the whole country. Request everyone, goverment leaders, opposition of all race each to go and pray in our own place of worship and pray to our God for ways to come out of the current problem we are in.
If Malaysian can do that one thing; then indeed there will be hope for all of us. There is a light at then of the tunnel.
Please consider my plea. I believe that the rakyat loves their country, they will pray for their country. When we pray we will stop finger pointing and focus on the one who can unite and save us.
Your humble citizen,
Salam Tun,
Hidup Tun nampak kembali ceria.
Biar semua orang hidup ceria.
Dear Tun,
Thanks for the great article…. While i agree with your all the point including the point no. 15, I just wondering why we still have these kind of economic instrument in our country?
1. If we tend to follow the US or other credit-friendly capitalist financial and economic system which more oriented towards debts and loans, would it not be the risk that sooner or later we will have the same fate of those economies?
2. I am very interested in the Dinar Emas economic system, but I believe even if Dinar Emas system is being applied with strong affinity to credit base system, the system may suffered a same economic fate as what we have seen today… recession …
3. I think, the economic recession is really a some sort of mechanism that being driven “naturally” to balance the imbalance in the economy. It is like the thermodynamic of economy, when there is imbalance in the credit, A “recession” will happen to balance the “credits” vs “debits” and thus put the system into equilibirium again..
4. Thus, when recession occurs, the economic system is actually just doing what will all the most natural driven system do, to balance the system, and in the economics, maybe there is too much imbalance of “credit” compared to “debit”…
5. What is more worrying is that, we are more and more becoming a capitalist country that we “do not” want to be and instead of looking for a more creative ways to manage our economies and to develop our financial activities…
Well, we are 4++ months in 2009, and the recessions really begin to give a reality bite to our economic situation…. business is seen to be slowing down and there has been so little excitement in the business activities… Hopefully there is a positive changes in these stormy economic whether soon….
Thanks Tun for sharing your great article… hope you and your family is all well and in the pink of health always…
1. Likely the developed countries know that they are playing games in market price. Working by manipulating market price and made fast-in bucks is their tricks to live an easy life.
2. Still, economic manipulation by them are supported with high technology goods and services provided by them i.e. even they are cheating in economy and nearly bankrupt, they still can rely on their products and services such as military advancement, international law that clearly support them, International Monetary Fund (IMF) and etc.
3. The poor countries did not have anything to influence the big players to stop their games. Even the gambling is clearly wrong, nobody dares to challenge them.
4. We need to full utilize our resources to make our own goods and services and not depend on them anymore. If we can produce our own goods and services such as science and math products, economic, law, military, accounting, and etc. We will exceed them and become a pioneer in all knowledge field and we will control them as what they did to the world just now.
5. We may learn from their mistake and create a new world order that are more reliable and justice without greedy-arrogant countries that claimed that they are developed but deceive in their live. They have no dignity. Shame on them.
Hi Tun,
This is a very enlightening observation that GDP from financial services is ‘inflated’ to become part of GDP. Although I share your view on the fact that share prices gains in a share market forms a distorted part of the GDP in a country, it is nevertheless REAL money
Share markets were formed so that companies may have access to capital to expand investments and capacity for higher efficiency (and therefore profits). But this has been manipulated so that the original function is only a shadow of its true role. However the fault lies in the easily trusting and influenced investors from the developing countries.
If we assume the Real Economy GDP forms has ‘X’ value, then only a portion of it will be available for investing in a share market, say ‘Y’ value. In a normal course of economic development ‘Y’ will not fluctuate much as there is only so much of a % of ‘X’ that can be invested in the share market as capital.
The only way for the share prices to move higher (and hence make huge profits) is to suck in excess monies from developing countries (in the beginning) and thus fuel the demand for shares, thus pushing prices up. Once this excess monies are in the market, it is turned into easy credit for investors to borrow and purchase more from the markets.
Thus we can see why financial institutions are ever so eager to give out credits, as excess consumption will mean extra money supply to be diverted into the capital markets and push the share prices up further.
The next wave of problem is of course defaults from credit cards loan which will trigger another round of market consolidation.
The unfortunate thing is that this game is being controlled by these so called first world countries and they set the rules. They would certainly want to see their current power be extended for as long as possible, unless a game changing event occurs. Perhaps the current crisis is the game changing event?
Assalamualaikum Tun,
looks like you probably not agree with the mechanism of capitalism economy. perhaps its worth spend some time to think how to create a ‘new type’ of capitalism economy and able to prevent economy crisis from happening again.
or perhaps using computer/robot technology to helps our lives to survive just in case, everyone went broke during economy crisis?
My thoughts exactly but I just could’nt put it out so eloquently or in such a clear manner as you did so very well.
My question would be, why didn’t the above came out earlier? Or is there some operation going on to fight them with their own weapon before?
Dear Tun,
you are the man
i feel so touched by the fact that you still devote considerable time writing and educating your fellow citizens in many aspects of our lives.
i wish you the best in health and may god bless you and your family.
Salam Tun and all,
1.This is going to be a series of intellectual writings by Tun.
2. Copy and paste, everyone. Short course on international finances, financial manipulations and wealth creations.
3. Could be handed down to future generations so that everyone can learn from our own trusted doctor.
4. Those who prefer to believe everything that comes from Rupert Murdoch’s media, go ahead. These can be guaranteed to disagree with TUN on all aspects.
5. Those who cannot understand, its ok. Only goes to show that the good doctor is indeed versatile, don’t you agree?
Take care all…. May Allah SWT keeps us all in His blessings and good care.
-si kenit-
Yang Berbahagia Tun,
If playing shares is gambling, wouldn’t that be ‘haram’?
It is during your era that you have encouraged Malaysians to invest in shares especially the Malays. I was one of them who at that time did not know anything about investing in shares. But with your encouragement and blessing I too got attracted to it. And now I have lost thousands (on balance)!
Expensive lessons!
Dear Tun,
I believe that since money has been commoditised and free flow of money is the norm, the world has created a separate economy by itself.
This is a very dangerous precedent because money will reside in the developed countries because even the rich in the less developed nations will place their money in the developed nations.
We have reach a situation where the developed nations has limited productive activities to utilise the money residing in their financial capitals like New York, London, Tokyo, Hong Kong and Singapore.
Instead of the money flowing back to the less developed countries to improve standard of living, these money in the hands of capitalist in the developed nations are being utilised for other non produtive purposes like stock markets, other securities and derivatives. The less developed nations then have to rely on borrowing from developed countries. The source of this money may even originate from the less developed nations via purchase of bonds or foreign savings.
The existing structure of IMF and World Bank are no longer relevant to address this inbalance and injustice. It is time that we recognise that free capital cannot be fully implemented globally when others like people and goods cannot move freely. Since we are moving towards regional groupings, it is more appropriate to have regional currencies and systems before a full global integration can truly exists. At this moment it seems that the less developed is always at the mercy of the developed just like during the colonial days.
the rich countries have their own watch dogs but are the dogs doing their jobs as they potrayed? The answer is at the result of current world economy. They make rules here & there but they just unable to stop the “creative” accounting.
Hope Najib can learn from the Western mistake that their rules doesnt fit the Malaysian econoy. The liberization doesn’t promise anything to us.
Look at Zimbabwe, the close the car assembly plant & until today the local unemployment is still rising, due to liberization.
Please, there are a lot of us suffering enough….
p/s: Hye HBT. I dunno, but I just want to say hye to you. Huhu. Hope
you are well, fine and healthy.
Salam alaik Tun… Its me, a 22 years old boy from Electrical Engineering
Department of University of Malaya again…
Thank you Tun for your explanation about the economy//. Its detail,
precise, knowldegeable and full of enthusiasm… Well, actually I doubt that
our Cabinet line-up can actually be a sharp and wise like you Tun… I feel
uncertain whether they have the capability to understand things like
production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services… Actually
it it much more deeply and getting more complex; when it comes to the land,
labor, and capital are owned, operated, and traded by private individuals
either singly or jointly… Can they capable of those? We’ll see… Haahaa!!!
Economic has started from earlier Mesopotamian, Greek, Roman, Indian,
Chinese, Persian and Arab civilizations… But now it comes to laissez-faire,
which is a “pure capitalism”… During the last century, capitalism has often
been contrasted with centrally planned economies… The central axiom of
capitalism is that the best allocation of resources is achieved through
consumers having free choice, and producers responding accordingly to
meet collective consumer demand… But I still believe in our Islamic economy
system… We have…
1. Bai’ al-Inah (Sale and Buy Back Agreement)
2. Bai’ Bithaman Ajil (Deferred Payment Sale)
3. Bai muajjal (Credit Sale)
4. Mudarabah (Profit Sharing)
No “riba”, no usury, no “haraam”, no sharia forbidden and surely, its clean.
Perhaps our ministers should read and learn MORE, like you Tun. Haahaa…
p/s: I think they are too “comfort”, “wealth” and stupid to run the country.
Dearest Tun,
Life is all about gambling. We gamble when we get maried, we gamble when we have children, we gamble on every decision making that we make. Personally, gambling can make a person wealthier, gambling can also make a person poorer. I personally think that a rich person should not gamble as there is a tendency to get poorer but a poor person must gamble because that is the only way to make him rich; the same concept goes to a country.
One should only know when to quit gambling and not get too greedy as anything that goes up must come down. So, stop at the peak.
P/s : this is not gambling in casino.
How true Tun. No wonder. I’ve been staying in Australia for over a year and I cant help wondering how the GDP here is higher than in Malaysia. The commercial activities is not as fierce as the one in KL. It is not even a fraction of what we experience in KL itself. Now I know now about making money out of thin air these western countries are doing but this kind of ‘businesses’ have a very huge loop hole and it is here right now and people are suffering from it.
Hazman Abu Bakar
Assalamualaikum Tun yang dikasihi,
Diharap Tun dan keluarga sihat walafiat.
Betul apa yang Tun perkatakan, saya masih ingat pada 1993 pasaran saham Kuala Lumpur telah naik mendadak dimana ramai pelabur mendapat durian runtuh dan keuntungan yg banyak.
Dari pelabur dan peniaga yang berpengaruh sehingga pemandu Teksi membuat keuntungan yang melimpah ruah. Pembelian pada masa itu hanya berdasarkan kredit. Pelabur hanya perlu meletakkan jumlah minimum serendah RM1,000 bagi untuk pembelian sehingga mencecah ratusan ribu ringgit.
Pembelian tidak perlu direalisasikan (dibayar) sehingga 30hari. Tiada siapa yang mengambil berat perkara ini kerana mereka semua membuat keuntungan yang besar.
Namun kita bernasib baik kerana apabila kita melalui saat pasaran saham merudum kita sedar kesilapan kita dan perbetulkannya.
Kini apa yg berlaku diBarat adalah sesuatu yg amat menakutkan. Pasaran kewangan yg mereka agung-agungkan musnah dan masyarakat mereka tercari-cari idea baru untuk memulihkan ekonomi mereka.
Prinsip ekonomi yg mereka banggakan telah hancur kerana ketamakan mereka sendiri.
Saya baru berjumpa dengan seorang rakyat German yg mengatakan beliau amat menyukai kehidupan di Malaysia dan menyatakan yg kita sepatutnya berterima kasih kepada Tun Mahathir yg memastikan ekonomi Malaysia tidak terikut-ikut dengan prinsip ekonomi Barat.
Dengan kenyataan ini saya merasa amat malu dengan tindakan ahli politik dan rakyat kita sendiri yang tidak tahu menilai betapa tingginya nilai kepimpinan Tun sehingga kan rakyat asing menyuruh kita berterimakasih kepada Tun.
Namun bagi saya Tun adalah seorang wira Malaysia sejati yang sepatutnya dihormati, disanjung tinggi dan didengari nasihatnya.
Saya berharap Tun berilah nasihat dan bimbing lah kami melalui Blog Tun ini walaupun pemimpin sekarang masih tidak mahu atau mampu mendengar nasihat Tun.
Saya tetap bersama Tun dan menghargai nasihat Tun walaupun ianya pedas.
Yes, you are absolutely right !!
“The stock market has degenerated into a casino where bets are made which may have nothing at all to do with the businesses.”
Stop playing stock, shut the casino !!
And, stay happy and healthy !
Moga2 era DS Najib akan memberi ikpak yg bagus dalam peningkatan ekonomi negara dan dapat membendung peningkatan inflasi.
Salam Tun,
I just wonder what Tun is suggesting ? Close BSKL because what is happening at BSKL does not reflect real businesses.
With Tun’s comments on the share market, why dont just shutdown the KLSE and use system barter in Malaysia … then we can isolated ourself with the world economy …
not sure why all the while Tun hate very much for parties that are doing well or much more wealthy … europe countries kena critics, US kena critic, singapore kena critic … until in own country other races also kena kutuk …
As a leader, the mindset of Malaysian should be taught to learn the good side from those parties who are doing well, so that we can catch up with the world trend …
however, it seems like for the past 20 years until now … hate is encouraged to create fear that others will threaten us if we are weak … this is not a very good value or mindset for the people of a country …
For those pembodek that cannot think rationally (terikut-ikut) … just imagine the following scenarios:
(1) A mother urge her own child to work harder, and tell the child that this is to ensure that the child can live happily in the future
(2) A mother urge her own child to work harder, and tell the child that if not working harder then he/she will become poor in future, and other child from neighbours will bully him coz he is weak
2 different mothers, but the mindset of the child is taught differently … In Malaysia, seems like more focusing on the tactic by Mother number(2)
we can always encourage our own kind to work harder in order to become more advanced, but not with the reason becoz the threat from others (eg: other races) …
very bad mindset …
thanks ayahanda for the economic insight. You have manage to make the layman like me that do not have economic background to understand the scrutiny of economy.
Whats your opinion regarding the dismissal of 30% bumi equities in 27 service sector by DSN?
Thank you very much for the article.
I think this is where Islamic Finance can play its role. Islamic transactions must always be backed by tangible wealth. This will avoid any speculation or gambling of sorts.
I’ll await for TDM’s further articles on this with interest.
Dear Tun,
Assalamu-alaikum, Wr, Wb.
Thanks for this educative piece of information. I look forward to more.
Thank you.
Gratefully Yours
Salam kasih dan hormat Ayahanda Tun. Please allow me some room to share my two cents here. It may be off a bit in terms of global financing, but its macro economics on the Bumiputera made easy. – Thank you.
What lesson could we extract from that news statement below (my attachment)? Well, yours is as good as mine here.
1. The majority of Bumiputera are not interested in
Assalam alaikum
YABhg Tun Dr. M and all CheDet “fellow.”
Firstly, all the (17) given points above, I agree on it. As what we knows, that developed countries still has their own anachronism on economic matters but they always in denial.
The wealth of developed nations actually not perfectly generated through “pure business” core that led to highest GDP in thier GDPs achievement track record. Their wealth are generated through manipulations of transaction that hidden in what they claimed modern business.
I’m just afraid that todays economy will turn us back to the times where economy are totally sick.
The developed nations already make many fault and errors on economic decision making and stray away from the spirit of Smithonian or David Ricardo and Joseph Stiglitz.
President Obama economy recovery plan still consider fifty-fifty becasue he had torn in two with economic trouble maker particularly the “six-percent Israel lobbyist”.
Stock market no more longer being are “good samaritans” trancsaction centre. It just starp up to crash and put world stock market and world financial centre’s and hub under perils.
To create the wealth of world nations culture and economic cooperation integration are the remedy (Such as Asean + 3). For the economy sake, economy player and its policy maker should be in the middle between capitalist and socialist.
salam tun
i really hope najib and his government will appoint you as our economic advisers. It’s never to late.
Well, this is the game being played in the world. We can’t always keep playing in our own playground. We have to be dare and competent to play against others in the greater playground, where the rules might not be defined by our own. We have to strive towards higher competency and I believe one day we will be strong enough to define some of rules in the greater playground. And before that, we might have to strive harder under the rules set by others. In order to reach that, there are lots of things to be done, especially how our minds think and work. This might takes years for most of us to be able to think and works in the real competitive world and not just our own playground.
Dear Tun,
Although this is first part of the article, but it tickles me why the existence of share market in Malaysia and what is the real benefits of KLSE in related to real economy growth by business and management of the country for instance Malaysia will be?
Does our country must accept share trading in order to be prosperous?
the capitalisme system had wrecked our gloobal economy. When the poor countries left to remain poor then the rich country will dominate the economy thus lead to inequality and monopoly. Until when the poor countries should become poor?Most of them are Islamic countries that have full potential and resources for economy.
There is an urgent to reshuffle back our global economy system.Why we should depend on US dollars anymore?
Salam Semua,
Ekonomi negara semuanya bergantung kepada kebijaksanaan ketua dan pemimpin kerajaan mengendalikannya.
Moga2 Kabinet DS Najib akan memberikan impak yang besar kepada kekukuhan ekonomi negara.
Dear TUN,
agree with you 100%. Please share your wisdom with the younger generation. This country must produce more leaders like you. Long live TUN M. Im your great fan till when i was student i demostrated at University Malaya when you announce your retirement plan during UMNO National Assembly. Please continue with your missionary work.
salam Tun,
can’t wait to hear more from you.May I suggest another source of wealth for them?(the U.S. in particular?)
Salam Tun,
I hardly find the differences between these manipulators and Charles Ponzi.. do i need to mention Madoff?
Indeed we are living in an era created out of the economy built upon manipulated indices, unsustainable back bones of economic structures and the worst part, creating wealth out of the thin air!!!
Maybe this is how the future going to look like. Maybe this is an era to be termed thousand years later as the Financial Age.
Dear Tun,
Must admit we have to hand it to the some developed nation for they are very creative in conjuring something from nothing and marketing these products. : )
Dear Tun
Your line#7 says:
It would be better to put the money in fix deposit and get a four per cent interest i.e. on five dollars one would get 20 cents in interest.
Yes I strongly believe and if every population of Malaysia opt
for this method I am pretty sure we will become a very strong
nation financially and for future pension option living with
styles and harmony.
Wawasan 2020 is our aim for our future generation can be achieved
with success. Uphold RUKUNEGARA.
Thank you Tun.