2. In the interview Tawfik took the opportunity to make out what a monster I was.
3. I quote below extracts of what he said happened when he was dropped as a Member of Parliament in 1990.
5. “I’m thinking this man does not have a high opinion of his Ministers. He actually says, I don’t want intelligent, honest, hardworking people in politics. People like you should be in business.”
6. I hope Tawfik had a clear conscience whe he said all these. I cannot imagine myself saying that “my backbenchers have to be people who stand up when I walk in, thump the table and say Long Live Mahathir!”
7. People did stand up when I walk in, but that is common politeness in Malaysia. I stood up when the Tunku or Tun Razak or Hussein Onn came into a room where I and others were. But when I was Prime Minister nobody ever thumped the table and say “Long Live Mahathir!”
8. As to saying to Tawfik, “my Ministers are not supposed to think for themselves. I think and they do what I want them to do.”
9. This is sheer fabrication. No Prime Minister ever called in a candidate to tell him that he would be made a deputy minister or minister when he wins an election. I had never talked about reshuffling nor about the quality of the ministers to be appointed.
10. I think it would be difficult for people to remember Tawfik and what he stood for. His performance as an UMNO backbencher was not in any way remarkable. He was not even an ordinary member of UMNO’s Supreme Council. Even at division level he did not shine.
11. He was picked to be a candidate two times. His name was proposed by Johor UMNO, I think. I had no problems approving his candidature. As the son of a much respected UMNO Leader, he was naturally regarded as qualified. But he did not distinguish himself in any other way. I don’t know whether he was a youth leader or not. Certainly he performed no exploits in the youth or in the UMNO hierarchy.
12. On the basis of his lacklustre performance I did not consider him to be good material to lead UMNO.
13. I don’t know whether anyone has noticed that I frequently reappointed for the Cabinet people who had openly tried to bring me down. Kadir Sheikh Fadzir, Syed Hamid Albar, Rais Yatim, Abdullah Ahmad Badawi were all supporters of Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah in the contest for President of UMNO. Yet they were all reappointed as Ministers. I don’t remember whether they stood up and shouted “Long Live Mahathir!” or not but I think they did stand up together with others when I came into the room where they were. One even became my anointed successor to the Presidency of the party and Prime Minister.
14. When something does not happen, people would not even notice it. Yet far from asking people to shout “Long Live Mahathir!”, the first thing I did when I became Minister of Education was to tell my staff that the practice of giving the Minister’s name to schools is to be stopped forthwith. There should also be no pictures of the Minister displayed prominently in the schools and offices. Today there is nothing named after me except an orchid flower. I had rejected all requests for naming anything after me. I never liked personality cults.
15. Some UMNO members who attended the Annual General Assembly might remember my asking them not to praise me. Muslims must know that all praise be to Allah. But they still called me “the beloved one” etc. But people now know how many of my former ministers bad mouthed me after I stepped down.
16. Tawfik says that, “I don’t want intelligent, honest, hardworking people in politics. People like you (i.e. being intelligent, honest and hardworking) should be in business.”
17. He calls this a backhanded compliment. In effect he was complimenting himself by repeating this. I don’t think I ever said this about him. Politicians and businessmen can all have the same qualifications.
18. The plea that he had no capital to go into business does not jive with his bitterness over what he alleged I said. Was he really thinking that I would give him the capital?
19. Tawfik said he felt I had not given him time to mull over what I said and he thought, “What could I say to him that would buy him time to mull over it”.
20. He ended up asking about Datuk Shahrir Samad and I spoke for 40-minutes. That’s an unduly long time for me to speak about anyone to him. Apparently he was not listening as he was taking notes! Of what?
21. His parting shot was meant to hurt my feelings. He said, “Datuk Seri, the best years of my life in politics were when I was fighting you”. He then smiled and felt good doing it.
22. I was not aware that he was fighting me. Even if he was he should have noticed that I am not vengeful and was ready to accept those who fought against me as my ministers. In fact I named one of them as my successor.
23. He must have wanted to say all these things in public all this while. The interview on his biography of his father gave him that opportunity.
24. If people want to believe that I am the kind of person who gets a kick out of forcing people to respect me, they can believe it. Those who know me well would probably doubt the truth of what Tawfik said. I don’t expect they would vouch for me. But that is alright. My conscience is clear.
salam sejahtera kepada tun…
seperti kita ketahui, keada politik negara kita sekarang membuatkan hati menjadi risau, kekalutan dgn pelbagai berita yang tak pernah terjadi sebelum ini, Apa yang kita harap ialah semoga ada pemimpin yang berkelibar tegas dapat memandu arah malaysia agar kembali tenang, berapa lama lagi keadaan ini mesti berlarutan, jalan penyelesaian yang bijak serta tegas perlu di ambil, saya sedih, bukan itu saja keadaan politik malah negara ini bergitu banyak pendatang asing yang datang berkerja serta tinggal di merata di negara ini, makin hari semakin ramai, ini membuatkan rakyat tempatan tidak selesa, harap kepada mereka yang berkaitan dapat memantau keadaan ini, cuba2 lah jadi rakyat biasa…turun padang rasailah apa yang kami rasa….
1.Baru -baru ini adalah pulak salah seorang yg berhormat timbulkan isu dasar Apartheid kat Malaysia.Adakah dasar ini boleh dihubungkait secara terus dengan Malaysia?.
2.Pada saya isu ini tidak harus dijadikan agenda politik utk meraih sokongan atau apa-apa sekalipun kerana ia tidak ada persamaan dengan dasar Apartheid yg digunakan oleh British dari segi sejarah dan conteknya.
3.Dasar Apartheid sinonim dengan British yg menjajah Afrika Selatan.
Apibila menjajah sudah pastilah mereka akan mementingkan diri mereka berbanding yg dijajah.
4.Tetapi di Malaysia kita Melayu dijajah dan dibawa bersama kaum lain secara paksa terlibat atau menerima akibat dari penjajahan British.
5.Yg berhormat tersebut harus perbetulkan kembali pemahaman yg sebenarnya kita semua pernah dijajah.Kita semua menghadapi masalah yg lebih kurang sama selepas penjajahan.
6.Orang Melayu sebenar telah berusaha utk membangunkan dan membina utk kehidupan baru bersama kaum yg lain menerima hakikat yg Malaysia ini berbilang kaum.
7.Semua kaum di negara ini masih menghadapi masalah kemiskinan, kesaksamaan, dan di seluruh dunia mempunyai masalah yg sama.Jika benar Melayu amalkan dasar Apartheid, tentulah mereka akan punyai hidup yg lebih baik dari yg lain.
8.Adalah lebih baik kita berdebat, berbincang, dan bersuara dalam kontek perundangan, policy, dan perlembagaan utk mencapai keadilan(bukan parti keadilan), keharmonian Malaysia secara berpanjangan.
9.Isu perkauman seharusnya dielakkan kecuali beliau ingin melihat kekecohan dan kematian seperti sejarah yg lampau.
Salam Tun,
Tenang dan Senyum sikit.
Salam kita berasa sedih dengan situasi’lupa diri dan janji’ oleh pemimpin umno kala ini. dulu mereka sokong dan cium tangan Tun dengan sokongan ‘tidak berbelah’ bagi. but bila Tun ‘resign’ dan ‘bagi komen pedas’ mereka ‘menbebel’ yang akhirnya pentadbiran dan pengurusan negara dan ekonomi negara diabaikan sebab mereka sibuk berpolitik dan membebel hal yang remeh, sampai ada calon ketua pergerakan umno, seorang MP dari sabah, lebih mengutamakan kempen dari masalah rakyat. rakyat dalam parlimen tersebut membantah lokasi gelanggang sukan serbaguna bagi memberikan ruang kepada sekolah rendah agama untuk dibina diatas lot berkenaan of which ‘macam bercakap dengan bukit’.
umno yang mahu di re brand atau re engineer dari peringkat bawahan hingga ke atas. amalan politik ‘ganas’ pemuda perlu dihindari. begitu juga amalan bercakap dengan ‘mulut’ dan bukan dengan otak oleh menteri wajar dihapuskan. amalan jawatan untuk kontrak dan projek – projek politik dihapuskan kerana projek ini membazir duit lantaran kerakusan untuk untung berlipat ganda.
negara malaysia perlukan pemimpin yang ‘firm’ bukan diplomat as kita hidup dalam negara yang berbilang agama dan sukuan.
Salam untuk tun, semoga sentiasa dalam peliharaan Allah swt.
Siapa itu taufik, majestreet, loyar, doktor………apa ahlul muzik,
apa muzik yang dia main, gitar, piano, gambussss…….apa tin kosong!
Assalamualaikum YBhg Tun,
Saya merupakan peringkat generasi yang sempat mendengar dan melalui cara pentadbiran beberapa PM seperti Tun Abd Razak, Tun Husse in Onn, Tun sendiri dan Pak Lah. Secara jujur memang semua mempunyai cara dan stail pentadbiran sendiri. Ada yang menyumbang sedikit idea, sederhana dan banyak. Begitu juga dengan bidang tumpuan yang berbeza daripada pertanian buku hijau, pelajaran, pembangunan infrastruktur, ICT dan lain-lain teknologi.
Cuma Allahyarham Tun Abd Razak dan Tun sahaja mempunyai kesan yang paling ketara dan jelas. Malahan Allahyarham Tun Hussein Onn mungkin memerlukan penilaian yang lebih halus. Bagi Pak Lah saya kira tidak jelas atau dalam setengah bahasa industri tiada umph…!@ tidak mali @ tidak bangkit @ tidak jelas.
Dalam ramai ramai tu Tun berhak berada dalam kelas tersendiri tanpa boleh dibandingkan. Super excellence…… Tq for your contribution.
Yg Berbahagia Tun,
Tentang mamat Tawpek ni saya rasa mudah saja. Cerita saya ini akan menjawab sendiri apa yang patut Tun buat. Ceritanya begini….
Pada suatu masa dahulu ada seorang kenamaan tersohor dalam pelbagai segi. Terkenal seanta dunia. Suatu hari kenamaan ini telah melawat sebuah kampung terpencil dan hulu bagi tujuan kebajikan @ berkenalan dengan orang-orang hulu ini. Dengan segala kerendahan hati beliau telah turun dari kenderaan yang membawanya. dengan berpakaian sempurna sempena kesohorannya. Sebaik sahaja turun daripada kenderaannya dan sedang bersalaman dengan orang ramai, tiba-tiba datang seorang ‘ budak ” yang tidak dikenali budinya, berhingus dan pakaian tidak terurus cuba menghulurkan tangan utk bersalam dan berjalan bersama dengan kenamaan ini. Tetapi disebabkan oleh ramai orang yang terlebih dahulu bersedia dan beratur utk bersalam, budak hingusan ini tidak berpeluang untuk disalami oleh kenamaan itu……..
lalu budak hingusan itu menjadi marah kerana dipinggirkan dalam majlis itu. Budak itu mengambil tindakan nekad dengan menerpa ke hadapan dan memijak-mijak kasut @ sepatu kenmaan tersohor tadi bagi membalas dendam kemarahannya. Mula-mula kenamaan itu tidak menghiraukan tindakan budak hingusan itu kerana beliau mempunyai tugas yang lebih penting untuk memberikan ucapan dan nasihat kepada orang ramai. Tetapi lama kelamaan kenamaan itu terpaksa menggerak-gerakkan kasutnya agar tidak dipijak oleh ‘budak hingusan’ tadi. Budak itu juga memalitkan hingusnya ke pakaian kenamaan tadi. Orang kenamaan itu terpaksa menolak kepala ‘budak hingusan’ itu agar tangannya tidak mencapai pakaian kenamaan tersebut. ‘Budak hingusan itu terkial-kial cuba mencalitkan higus tetapi disebabkan kepalanya ditolak oleh orang kenamaan itu jadi tindakannya tidak berjaya. Sambil itu orang kenamaan itu cuba menghalau budak itu dari menghampirinya sambil berbunyi ‘ hisy! hisy! (cuba bunyi mengikut orang utara)………
Akhirnya orang ramai yang melihat peristiwa itu menghalau ‘budak hingusan’ dari majlis itu. Bayangkan budak itu terpaksa pergi secara terpaksa dengan perasaan bengang……..!
dan nak jadi cerita budak hingusan itu membawa diri untuk suatu jangkamasa panjang sehingga tidak dapat dikesan. Ada juga khabar yang mengatakan budak itu akan muncul suatu hari nanti bagi tujuan membalas dendamnya yang tak kesampaian. Jadi Tun jangan terkejut kalau dia muncul semula. Cuma jaga-jagalah kasut dan pakaian Tun agar tidak dipijak lagi @ dipalit dengan hingus budak itu…….
Begitulah cerita dongeng yang saya dengar yang mungkin boleh menjadi tauladan kepada ‘ kita semua’. Saya akan mengemukakan rumusannya pada suatu masa kelak.
salam tun…
sy sdih mengenangkan keadaan negara kini..
dan saya akui perasaan ini tidak pernah sy rasakan dlm pemerintahan Tun..
bimbang ape yg akan berlaku pd Malaysia..
sy bersyukur krn sempat merasa hidup di zaman pmrintahan Tun..
sejak dr bgku sekolah rendah,
Tun mnjadi idola saya sekeluarga..
ibu dan ayah sya amat menyanjungi Tun..
dn sya bukanlah mengikut mereka, ttp dikurniakan akal dan fikran yg mane sy bnar2 dpt melihat betapa berjasanya Tun pd negara dan kebijaksanaan Tun dlm menyelesaikan msalah ngra..
ntah masih ada atau tidak generasi yg berwawasan dan brfikiran jauh spt Tun..
we all luv u,
n always support u, Tun..
drp sy sekeluarga..
-syaza azrina, 18.
Dear Tun, salam mesra moga sihat sejahtera selalu. Minta izin menjawab pengulas…
Sdr ‘azienmat’ on February 26, 2009 1:35 AM
Pandangan saya pada perkara 6, 7 tulisan Tun.
Komen pada perkara 13.
Hanya pandangan pada sungutan ‘silap lantik’ oleh seorang ‘peneraju strong govt’.
Terima kasih.
Stan.. apa yang kamu merepek ni, bahasa apa ni? sastera atau bahasanya terlalu, atau terlalu dalam maksudnya tak sampai nak paham apa yang disampaikan..
Dear Tun,
An empty can makes a lot of noise. That’s who he is that Tawfik fella…
And that can at some point must have been filled with worms Sir.
Tale care Tun.
PS/ Just because he is a son of a minister does not make him as smart as his father. Just look at the DPM now…
Dear Tun, I know you are not that kind of men as what tawfiq said. You are an honourable man. You are the man who knows amd responsible for what are you doing. Not like pak lah who knew nothing and did nothing. You are my mentor during my soldiering time and forever. Our country need you and always.
I just finished reading The Reluctant Politician two days ago. I was in my primary school when Tun Dr. Ismail passed away. I found the book an eye opener and thought that Tawfik’s dad was a brilliant and hardworking man. His love for the country came shining through. I would say that he gave his life for the country since he kept putting off his heart operation and neck cancer treatment due to dire circumstances during that time. May Allah bless him. As I was reading it, I couldn’t help but wondered about those he had left behind – his children. If it’s true that Tawfik is spewing out fitnahs about you or anybody for that matter, his dad would have been deeply disappointed. His dad wasn’t perfect but he was highly respected for his honesty and integrity. He wouldn’t have approved either of Tawfik wanting to be treated in a special way just because he is the son of the former Deputy Prime Minister who passed away as an acting Prime Minister. I am just sorry to hear that Tawfik, just like the others has also resorted to bad mouthing the former PM and unconsciously the country to any foreign journalists at the drop of a hat when things do not work out their way. This further strenghtens my belief that respect has got to be earned.
I just finished reading The Reluctant Politician two days ago. I was in my primary school when Tun Dr. Ismail passed away. I found the book an eye opener and thought that Tawfik’s dad was a brilliant and hardworking man. His love for the country came shining through. I would say that he gave his life for the country since he kept putting off his heart operation and neck cancer treatment due to dire circumstances during that time. May Allah bless him. As I was reading it, I couldn’t help but wondered about those he had left behind – his children. If it’s true that Tawfik is spewing out fitnahs about you or anybody for that matter, his dad would have been deeply disappointed. His dad wasn’t perfect but he was highly respected for his honesty and integrity. He wouldn’t have approved either of Tawfik wanting to be treated in a special way just because he is the son of the former Deputy Prime Minister who passed away as an acting Prime Minister. I am just sorry to hear that Tawfik, just like the others has also resorted to bad mouthing the former PM and unconsciously the country to any foreign journalists at the drop of a hat when things do not work out their way. This further strenghtens my belief that respect has got to be earned.
Dear Tun, salam mesra moga sihat sejahtera. Minta izin…
Tak perlu perkataan tepat satu persatu membuat kesimpulan tentang kata kata orang. Cukup kalau maksudnya lebih kurang. Kecuali di mahkamah perkataannya tidak perlu mcm pinang dibelah dua.
Kita tak payah panggil diktator dgn nama diktator saja. Kuku besi? Maha….? Tuduhan Tawfik Tun mahu ‘yes men’, tepuk meja seri kata?
Ini boleh kira antara taktik licik membendung pengaruh penentang. Better the devil you see than the devil you cannot see.
This may be pre emptive strike. Mcm dulu negeri Melayu bayar ganjaran pada musuh Siam. Killing two birds with one stone!
Either way you gain.
Siapa kata diktator moden tak pernah silap lantik orang. Tapi diktator boleh berpusing kata itu bukti demokratik selepas dipecat orangnya. Head I win tail you lose.
Salam Tun,
For Anak KSB on February 12, 2009 4:06AM
Salam to Anak KSB, Cam tu le…! Bunyi nya kok kayak Hang Jebat, yang berani banget membela kebenaran. Kalo gitu, Bapak tak bakalan
diperpojokan di kandang kuda dibelakang rumah, dong Pak!
Bapak ini diperlukan sangat oleh masyarakat kita yang membutuhkan
cerita/perkara yang sebenarnya berlaku semenjak jaman penjajahan Inggeris sampek pada orang-orang sekarang yang minat mereka itu sudahpun memasukan mereka kedalam acuan Inggeris! Ya! acuan Inggeris, yang sentiasa rakus untuk memerentah…
Teruskan dong Pak! Makasih ya….
Some one has put a word in his mouth. I think he was paid for his no credibility thought which has no significant impact.He has contributed nothing to his party.
Dearest Tun,
I was born & raised during your time as the Prime Minister.
I grew up with u as the only PM i know.
U are just a human being, with your own weakness & strength as all of us.
But I believe that u’ve done all that u thought was best for all of the people of Malaysia.
We can’t pleased everyone but we tried to do what’s best for most of us & more importantly for the future, & I think u have done a wonderful job.
It may not be perfect but none of us are, aren’t we?
So, doesn’t matter what others say, what matters was that u’ve done your best, & we owe u big time.
People can say what they want but the truth will surface…it’s just a matter of time…
May u always be blessed…
YABhg Tun,
Who is the most powerful person in Perak ?
1. His Royal Highness The Sultan
2. Perak MB (PKR)
3. Perak MB (BN)
4. Mr. V. Sivakumar ( Indian Speaker )
You must not get so upset over all these unpleasant comments by Twafik.As long as the nation knows your good contributions past & present you should have a happy conscience & be able to rest assured.Every leader past & present will have his staunch supporters & also enemies.It’s very normal that we cannot have everyone liking or loving us.There is also the element of envy or jealousy.All of us have weaknesses some more than others.Of course it’s not possible to help & please everyone.Some sectors will definitely be neglected.
It’s important for the next Leader to help the neglected ones now before it’s too Late!
Salam dearest Tun.
I remember the ‘dawn raid’ at London Stock Exchange which resulted the beginning of change in ownership of M’sian plantations from former colonial rulers to M’sians, the purportedly illogical Proton project, KLIA & Formula 1 in Sepang, Putrajaya, KLCC, Plus Highway, etc. Most were given negative comments by most M’sians and by all opposition leaders.
But how things changed, that all the mega projects were given the ‘thumbs up’ satisfaction by all within a short period after their completion. Even the hardcore few who just couldn’t change their mindset critising Tun during the ‘reformasi & keadilan’ days in the late nineties are saying Tun is the best after experiencing situation with Pak Dol as PM.
I’m surprised that this so-called son of former DPM TD Ismail is the worst hardcore of them all, including the judge from Sabah (memalukan profession judge aje). Unless of course plentiful gula2 dah masuk poket.
Pemimpin dulu berbakti utk bangsa dan negara, sekarang mereka menggelar diri sebagai pemimpin tetapi untuk poket dan nama!
Tun, fight them all for our sake.
Zaman sekarang adalah zaman dimana orang percayakan fitnah lebih dari kebenaran,….berbogel dan berzina tidak salah tapi yang salah ialah mereka yang membongkarkan cerita, lompat masuk tak salah tapi lompat keluar salah…Inilah reformasi oleh Anwar AlMunafik..
Saya tertanya..tanya apakah yang telah Anwar Al Munafik sumbangkan untuk negara dalam keadaan ekonomi yang tidak menentu sekarang ini…tapi beliau asyik dengan cerita fitnah..skandal dan konspirasi…..
Orang sibuk menyelamatkan negara tetapi Anwar sebuk menjahamkan negara demi “Aku Jadi perdana Menteri”…..Mana dia janji Anwar bahawa jutawan timur tengah dah dok tunggu nak melabur billion ringgit di Permatang Pauh……Mana dia “the numbers of BN MP that will jump to PR are increasing by hours”……sebab itu saya panggil dia ANwar al Munafik…tetapi sedih ramai bijak pandai yang percaya akan kata-kata manis Anwar Am-munafi,,,….Buat penyokong setia PKR silalah duduk sejenak dan fikirkan apakah janji-janji yang telah dikotakan oleh ANwar berbanding pembohongan yang dilakukannya, fitnah yang dilontarkan olehnya,…..betapa beliau tidak berpegang kepada prinsip….apa yg berfaedah kepada beliau semuanya baik..tapi kalau org lain buat benda yg sama semuanya salah….
Tauwik dan ANwar adalah dari spesis yang sama…penipu dan pembohong…buat tawfik(Siapa dia mangkok Ayun ini….buat malu Tun Ismail aja)insaflah……
Anti Penipu
Orang dah bengkak Tun…apa nak jadi…jadilah.
It’s like a marriage, when bitter, all the fitnah etc comes out.
Best regards
azrin @ http://www.zyraz.com
i did not sure if this fitnah can be bought by people (some fools maybe),but i also asking myself do this tawfik guy were there when he said he is “fighting tun?” haha… “invisible fighter” sure know how to draw intention…when no one looking! hahaha….
Dearest Tun and Assalaamu’alaikum wbt.
Who is this Tawfik anyway?. I think Taufik Kang and Taufik Latif were better public figures…
asalamualaikum bapak…
yor ler bapak….
paper pun ada doa utk bapak tiap ari….
doa yg bebaik jer….
If there are no bad people around, it is impossible to prove that you are the better, or perhaps, the greatest choice, among the weaklings.
If there are no people with bad motives & ulterior intentions, there won’t be one who can challenge and withstand all these conspiracies.
In fact, the current PM or the next PM should have done, at least at par, or better than what you’ve achieved and recorded successes in running the country.
1. More postives less negatives => good government
2. More negatives less positives => bad government
3. Positives = Negatives => So So Government
Many would prefer 1 or 3, nobody wants No. 2
Tun, you made it to No.1 😉
The past cannot be changed, future could.
Regards & be in Pink of Health
YABhg Tun,
Assuming that the photos never got out to the public, who would you think were enjoying themselves and having a good time……????
The answer would be obvious!!
But, the photos did got out…and who did the YB/PKR conveniently blame it on…??
Yes…sir..,the Barisan National/UMNO!!
Wahhh..!! siok punya…….,boyfriend punya kerja!!
Jahat punya……,BN/UMNO.. punya kerja!!
I’m not saying I’m not sympathetic to the Yang Berhormat. I am.
But, please for goodness sake don’t make it out to be a political issue.
She was played out by her ex! Reasons best known to that bloody SOB!!
apa yg dia dapat dok fitnah TUN ha ? sayang sekali…..Tun Dr Ismail seorg yang hebat..tapi anaknya seorg yang merepek.
Obviously Tawfik is bitter towards Tun M for unknown reasons..First of all,what right does these so called Minister’s son(all of them)have that they be placed as YB or Minister???Were they better than those outsiders who are more qualified or they are elitist(being son or daughter of prominent figures)??
Quoting :
“I love Jews on February 15, 2009 11:59 PM
you seem to have alot of enemies..somewhere down the line, u must have committed grave sins..”
So are the jews i supposed, you have so many enemies out there, and allow me to say…somewhere down the line, you all must had committed grave sins.
Smiles and Regards for Tun,
Ahmad Nurhaizan
2. In the interview Tawfik took the opportunity to make out what a monster I was.
Happy morning Tun,
Only history will judge you on what good and not so good things you have had done for the country and its people, long after you may have gone.
Right now, do not let people like Tawfik detract you from your passion to put things right and see that they are being done right through your visionary promptings and reproachments. Agreed that his record shows mundane achievements (if ever any), his is just a normal case our of sulking over the goodies you had failed to extract from Tun over the past years while he was so-called active then. Sour grapes and taking pot-shots under cover !!!
Stay well always, Tun.
Assalamualaikum Tun,
Teringat saya salah satu ucapan Tun di perhimpunan Agung UMNO mengenai Brutos dan puji-pujian.
Sesiapa yang masih ingat ucapan tersebut pasti tak akan ambil pusing apa yg saudara Tawfik perkatakan dlm bukunya mengenai Tun.
Didoakan semuga Tun panjang umur, murah rezeki dan sihat tubuh badan sepanjang hayat hendaknya .
By pakbelalangAuthor Profile Page on February 17, 2009 3:41 PM
By durkadurka on February 16, 2009 4:04 PM
my god there is so many ass-kissers in this blog….quit your idol worship people!!!!
jeles ke? I know you cannot “tahan” when over 14 million visitors hit this site. You, poor fella !!
Comment II:
I seriously think that this poor fella is gonna try to kiss his own dumb*** to “tahan” a bit…wakakaka!!! Sorry Tun, Can’t stand it, kinda funny….
Assalamualaikum, praise to Allah not to human on earth,
Encik Tawfik please behave like the meaning of your name. It’s an arabic word. I don’t remember the meaning anyway it’s a good meaning and thus the name Tawfik, Taufik or Tawfiq or Taufiq is a good name.
We are tired of people who condemned somebody to lift up himself/herself. Have you not learn from the past that nobody with this kind of method ever succeed in anything or everything? Be it a salesman or anybody else.
Please stop this kind of game and stop humiliating yourself. We have better thing to do than playing this ugly and wasting time game.
The world economy is down, it’s time to implement Dinar Emas methodology and help our being-humiliated friends in Gaza.
Salam Tun,
I percaya apa yg you cakap itu adalah benar kerna saya sendiri saksikan bagaimana UMNO 46 menang by election di JB Dato Shahrir pemenangnya kalau tak silap. Dan akhirnya mereka yg bermusuh dgn Tun
pulang semula kepangkuan UMNO dan menjadi Minister yg berkaliber sewaktu Tun menjadi Prime Minister…
Mungkin saya rasa dia leka atau tertidur selama ini…apa yg berlaku diarena politik di dalam Malaysia kini.
Salam Tun,
//”I’m thinking this man does not have a high opinion of his Ministers. He actually says, I don’t want intelligent, honest, hardworking people in politics. People like you should be in business.”//
That’s why he failed his career in UMNO. He must have had failed his late father, poor guy. Tun, a wise man never contempt others to baloon up his image, this is ‘taktik ciplak dan tidak bermoral’.
I like to read personality iterview, but not anymore because it is usually twisted and spinned by the editor or reporter to “ambil hati” the personality or to increase circulation. Chedet weblog is very famous Tun, mereka ini cari makan and Tun faham, right? I respect Tun’s reply of “But that is alright. My conscience is clear.”, classic, absolutely a classic wise man’s reply.
Since this Tawfik said “All of my backbenchers have to be people who stand up when I walk in”, does Tun know that whenever Tun came back from overseas, there were always “many supporters” arranged by UMNO’s members to make Tun looked popular? These members promised to pay them some minimum fees but failed to pay them because of their greed. I do know one of them, he felt cheated and hurt thus he hates UMNO. I believe Tun does not know such arrangement because “orang bawah ini” will not dare to inform Tun of such arrangement.
Good night Tun.
oh ya.. bila mengenangkan si Pak Lah..
ada logiknya kata2 si tawfik tu..
“..my Ministers are not supposed to think for themselves. I think and they do what I want them to do.I don’t want intelligent, honest, hardworking people in politics.”
.. semua ‘kualiti’ di atas terdapat pada si Pak Lah tu..
abih camno ?
yess lah.. Hidup Tun.. Long Live Tun Mahathir..
teringat pula saya suatu waktu dolu..
M.Nasir yg sengal tu pun boleh kena ‘gam’ pasal cakap
habih camno?..
By durkadurka on February 16, 2009 4:04 PM
my god there is so many ass-kissers in this blog….quit your idol worship people!!!!
jeles ke? I know you cannot “tahan” when over 14 million visitors hit this site. You, poor fella !!
By durkadurkaAuthor Profile Page on February 16, 2009 4:04 PM
my god there is so many ass-kissers in this blog….quit your idol worship people!!!!
Dude you sound so excited!! sorry to disappoint you but this is not Anwar Ibrahim’s blog site. There, literally you will find a lot of ass-kissers and I’ll bet they’ll be more than happy to welcome you.
The people commenting in this blog are not ass-kissers. They are not being paid for writing here or their their arms twisted nor were they rewarded with anything. They did it out of free conscience and also because they respected Tun Dr. Mahathir and his struggle for Malaysian and the Malays in particular even though he no longer holds any office.
Dear Tun,
You tolonglah Tawfik ni. Kesian dia! I think he needs recognition at least to be at par with his late father, uncle Dato’ Sulaiman and grandfather Dato’ Abd Rahman.
I suggest you put him under your armpit and guide him how to be a polished politician. But the problem is I don’t know whether it is too late for him to catch up !! I know you being a magnanimous leader can help rehabilitate Tawfik to boost his self-confidence. I am sure his mother Toh Puan Noraishikin would be very pleased. Give him a second chance! If he is no good in politics then he could join KLFCW.One thing good about Tawfik is that he comes from a well known family in Johore. Unfortunately, I think politically he did shine because he did not get good exposure or guidance from his late father who passed away when he was still young, not like Najib getting the full support from the Sultan and probably being guided by Tun Hussein and yourself Tun.
Aslmkom Tun,
Whatever you do, when you are a Malaysian Premier, it is for the benefit of the people and the country known as Malaysia. You will be remembered forever. Whatever people say about you, its their prerogative, only Allah swt knows that you have done the best for Malaysia and for the Muslim community throughout the world.
All the best to you for your future endeavour, and we pray for Mukhriz’s success.
If a man does his best, what else is there? by George Patton
Clearly Tun, care less of what you dont need to worry. The annals written from the early times of history has never failed to show these monsters and do expect more evil while you are still breathing.
And to God we submit ourselves…
U got to bite the bullet Tun
Salam Tun,
Would like to write something about Upholdjustice remark:
Question :Who is being rob and who is being enriched?
Please observe :Case 1:Land Acquisition Act:Compulsory Acquisition:
Question 1 :Whose land has been acquired the most so far?
Question 2 :If the acquisition is for public purpose…can’t be
question. Who go against that and succeed?
Please observe :Case 2:Illegal logging at the Forest Reserve:Cause
environmental disaster and lost of life: Kuala
Dipang, Pahang, Sepang and Cameron Highland.
Question 1 :Who are the towkay ? (pity the towkay huh? he has
robbed of his potential profit by GOD huh? GOD is
bad huh…clouded with injustice…unlike you! Want
to be God yourself) Yes! who is the towkeh?
Question 2 :Who suffer lost of livelyhood due
to environmental disaster…..lost of home
and loves one….land slide and contimination?
Question 3 :Who will be profitting had the operation gone
smooth and God not get in the way?
I’ve got long list to write about robbing and enriching. Million of it if I want to generalised issues according to ethnic group. But that is wrong.
What the so-called Malay governments has done so far (excuse me for that does not include Pak Lah Government…they has done so little to worth mention) is to give some catalyst to enhance the malay speed of recovery after being supressed by the colonial power for more than 500 years. By giving something to one group but not neglecting the others one can be consider robbing?
Which college were you from UJ? Distribution of wealth….heard that word? The wealth distributed is from the tax. The tax you pay for the environment you enjoyed….provided by the government. Ceh!!! that is basic.
Ah!! where have you been? I think you are facist. Go away man. Or read…read….read….research.
UJ…..research on the MCA DAP and GERAKAN politician. Go to Batu Gajah….Go to Ipoh Timur….you may find something.
Dearest Tun. Salam..
I’ve always (somehow) felt somethin’ about this tawfik character!… I don’t know. First & foremost, he simply looks like someone who’s desperate in wanting to “USE” his father’s good name eversince the book on TDI came out.
2. He’s a typical Mat late ’40s-early ’50s (lebihkurang zaman anvar ibrahim – those who were youngsters in ’60/’70s zaman hyppie, vietnam war, woodstock) who “think” like they are the ONLY ONES who know everything/are always right!!
It is OK if they’re in the right path…
But they’re simply wasting their energy/intelligence fighting some UNREAL stuff.
UNREAL because people know what ADIL is, people know what FREEDOM of SPEECH is…
Do they themselves aware that those ARE BASICS & that we, the younger generations, ALREADY KNOW???
Do they themselves know that we are already in the New MILLENNIUM & that, people in general’s minds & thinking are NOT like those back in the ’60s/early ’70s???
don’t think we have to worry about those late’40s-early’50s people who simply bulldozed things without thinking that the human race are “smarter” now… More mature, & insyaAllah, more ALLROUNDER!…
To Tawfik:
sorry to say that you are JUST A DISGRACE to your father, Tun Dr. Ismail – One of the Great HUMBLE MALAY Leaders yang Beradat, Sopan and definitely, KUAT SEMANGAT MELAYU dia (which I don’t think you yourself are aware!!…). Kelakar!
Thank you, Tun Dr. Mahathir.
& Yes,
Wanita MCA turut berdiri di sisi Eli
Feb 16, 09 6:46pm
Walaupun kedua-duanya dilabel musuh politik, Wanita MCA turut berdiri di belakang wakil rakyat PKR Elizabeth Wong sewaktu exco Selangor itu dilanda kontroversi berhubung penyebaran foto bogel
Buat my beloved Tun,
ONLY TWO WORD TO TOFEK “SOUR GRAPES” Tun my dearest TUN people who knew you know the GOSPEL TRUTH this ALL FITNA !!!
Anak Tun sendiri puuun tak boleh jadi MP masa Tun jadi PM dulu.. tak macam Pak Lah dan mehantunya.
I guess Tawfik and his late father is the same – like father like son. Both are Opportunists.
tak payahlah tak tidur malam cerita macam ini…
Tun yang sangat disayangi dan disanjungi,
Ada juga orang yang sakit hati bila kami sebut sayang Tun.Walhal apa yang mereka tak tahu orang seperti saya ni sejak zaman Tun pegang PM lagi nak sangat cakap terima kasih kat Tun tapi tak pernah ada kesempatan. Dan sekarang setelah peluang terbuka luas ,orang2 busuk hati ni pula suruh jangan bodek Tun. Nak bodek buat apa ntah lah.
Till this day I thank Allah that I still live and you still live, and I am able to thank you for all that you have done for us and the country.
As to the loser….Tawfik,
How can a doctor who used to give free treatments to the poor be potraited in such a way.If you can’t thank Tun, please dun condemn and made up stories about him. I have heard lots of good stories about Tun and none of those have similarities to yours..should there be any bad one, they were all rubbish, as none of them came with concrete proof to support their allegations against Tun.
Tawfik, bertaubatlah selagi ada ruang kemaafan dari Tun kerana dosa orang yang memfitnah tidak akan terhapus selagi tidak diampunkan orang yang difitnah.
Semoga Tun terus dalam peliharaan Allah yang Maha Esa.Will always love n support you. kami peduli apa orang nak kata.Musuh Tun kalau ada pun Anwar dan Karpal Singh…dan tak susah pun nak menyamar sebagai sesiapa pun dalam ruang blog ni…dan atas banyak nama.
memang ramai yang manusia yang iri hati, dengki, khianat dgn Tun. Manusia2 yang begini memang suka ambil kesempatan, dan menyebar fitnah. Main tikam belakang..biarkan jer tu..
Moga Tun sentiasa di redhai Allah.
Salam ^-^
Dear Tun,
So Tun, there really is a RETARD named Tawfik..Hmmm..did’nt know till I read this entry…
God Bless you. Owh…and the RETARD too, for he knows not what he has done. Amen.
Dear Tun
As long your conscience is clear that matters
this tawfik fella cant match your brains. I beleive you Tun.
Take care….
salam Tun,
the fact that you bothered to write this piece shows that you are very angry with Tawfik. no words from any other people can take back what he said. this is your blog. people will read your thoughts on this matter and decide what they believe the true story is, who is the right one. some people will side with Tawfik, some with you. that’s the way of the world. even the Prophet finds himself with enemies.
fitnah or not, i am sure that you would not make a big fuss out of this and go to court. you won’t succumb to the tactics of your adversaries (especially the ones who always shouts our justice system is corrupt, and yet never fail to issue summonses…).
i always believed in you Tun. i hope this comment with extinguish some of the anger inside of you. be well and live long.
THUMP THUMP THUMP!!! LONG LIVE MAHATHIR!!! seriously. i never even heard anybody did that… heh.
alamak Tun. who is this Tawfik. someone who wanted cheap publicity saja pon. well he’s words are merely ngiang nyamuk saja. tak perlu kita peduli orang macam ini.he must be some spoiled brat who thinks he can live up to his fathers name. what a shame. tawfik (who ever you are), why dont you stop living in dreams. such a wimp!
Tawfik WHO……..??
Never heard of him.
Obviously he hasn’t had much impact on much of our lives anyway.
So, don’t worry,folks.
Tun Dr.M had left much impact on our lives. Tun taught us insight, foresight and the importance of VISION, MISSION, DISCIPLINE and SELF-CONFIDENCE even if we belong to a small country called MALAYSIA.
He taught us all to stand tall amidst global financial and economic giants.
He taught us to stand up and make ourselves be heard in the face of oppression. He is one of few leaders who speak up for Palestine.
don’t worry Tun
i believe you and always support you..;)
Salam Tun,
1. It’s a norm for for a person who have high expectation assuming if he’s somebody out there.
2. Naturally no one can guarantee “Like Father Like Son”. As matter of fact, Tun himself can see most
Salam kasih dan hormat Ayahanda Tun. Err, Tun ada baca ka komen si polan terbaru tu? Masalah problem Tun. Masalah problem. Habih la saya macam ni. Nak kena pi betapa sat dulu.
Salam Tun,
Walaupun ramai yang menggesa Tun agar tidak memperdulikan kenyataan Tawfik ini. Saya rasa apa yang Tun lakukan adalah amat perlu. Perkara utama dalam hidup kita adalah maruah. Tanpa maruah seumpama berjalan dalam keadaan telanjang – malu sepanjang hayat. Tapi saya rasa cara yang terbaik adalah dengan berkata “SEE YOU IN COURT”.
Nota: Buat semua orang melayu, bersatulah. cuma Islam yang dapat menyatukan bangsa melayu
Siapakah Tun Dr. Ismail?
a. Timbalan Perdana Menteri Malaysia ke-2.
b. Terkenal dengan integritinya.
c. Almarhum merupakan orang yang pertama dimakamkan di Makam Pahlawan, Masjid Negara.
d. Namanya disemadikan dipelbagai institusi kerajaan dan swasta. Yang terkenal kini, adalah TTDI dan PUSPATI (Pusat Pengajian Atom Pertama di Malaysia, berhampiran UKM Bangi).
Siapakah Tawfik TDI?
a. Entahlah…..
b. Bekas MP kecewa…….
c. Terpaksa ambil masa yang lama untuk melempiaskan kegeramannya. Walaupun Tun dah resign, tapi masih tak dapat recall dari Pak Lah. Mungkin cuba recall Najib, sebab almarhum ayahandanya dulu timbalan kepada almarhum ayahanda Najib….. Kut-kut Najib masih keliru siapa bakal jadi TPM nya nanti, dan mencari calon alternatif.
>>>>>>>>>>Dear Tun,
1. It is good that u hv clarified what taufik had said, otherwise people will believe him. But, i would not believe him.
2. I know u would not say what he had written.
3. Just forget about him.Not many people know him.
4. Would love if Tun could comment on the economic remedies that the govt shd consider. Bank Negara had laid down some monetary policies. The question is, are they enough? What about the fiscal policies that the government shd introduce in facing the present global economy?
warmest regards.
Salam Tun,
Tak payah lah risau tentang dia Tun, saya rasa itu cara dia cipta kontroversi supaya semua orang beli buku tu dan dia dapat lebih royalti. Sekarang ni semua orang nak tulis buku untuk jadi popular dan buat duit, tapi tak semuanya berjaya. Silap-silap kena saman kalau banyak menfitnah orang.
Tun yang penting sekarang adalah kita punya conscience, kalau kita pernah buat silap atau berlaku kejam dekat seseorang, kita minta maaf saja dan tutup kes, kalau dia tak nak memaafkan, itu hak dia.
I learn one thing Tun in my life, we cannot make all people like us no matter what we do. I can live with that because i also dont like some people i met because of their thinking, manners and philosophies. Ada yang suka mengambil kesempatan dengan kebaikan kita, mereka ini tak ubah macam parasit, baik di hadapan tapi tikam di belakang.
Dalam dunia politik saya rasa Tun dah lali dah dengan jenis parasit baik di dalam UMNO atau parti-parti lain, kan Tun? Ada jenis talam dua muka, ada yang tak berterima kasih, dan ada yang mudah lupa. Tapi yang paling merbahaya adalah jenis lalang atau chameleon. Jenis ini sedang membiak dekat negeri Perak sekarang. Rasanya cepat-cepat kita sembur racun serangga untk mengelak mereka membiak lagi bagus.
Akhir kata, to Mr Tawfik, leadership is not something you inherited because you father was somebody, but something you have to earn based on your hardwork and good qualities in you. As a leader, which i have experienced, it is not easy to choose somebody to replace you or in certain positions, because when we make the wrong assumptions based on certain criteria and select the wrong person for the job, the effects will be disasterous. I am sure Tun has gone through this episode many times before. If you were not selected for certain post, it meant that there were certain traits Tun was looking for which you didnt have. Instead of being vengeful, you should have done something to improve yourself.
Tun, saya perasan banyak orang masuk politik kerana tujuan yang salah. Kes krisis politik di Perak adalah contoh yang paling nyata. Gila kuasa dan faedah materialistik yang datang dengan jawatan membuat mereka jadi sombong, bongkak dan biadap. Kalau lah saya berada ditempat bekas MB, saya akan berundur secara terhormat dan akur dengan perintah Sultan. Letak jawatan sebagai MB tidak bermakna dia tidak dapat berkhidmat untuk rakyat sebagai ADUN.
Kalau Tun boleh merasa sakit hati orang macam Tawfik mengutuk Tun di dalam bukunya, bagaimanakah perasaan Sultan Perak dihina oleh bekas MB(orang Melayu dari parti Islam!) yang dilantiknya dulu mengunakan proses yang sama untuk melantik MB baru? Lepas itu melihat orang yang sama datang ke majlis keramaian Jubli yang dihoskan oleh Baginda seperti tidak ada apa-apa yang berlaku? Kalaulah saya, tak tahu nak letak muka ini, malu besar tak terhingga!
Tun, akhir kata, zaman sekarang terdapat banyak Melayu yang tak tahu malu, asalkan dapat kemewahan dan kuasa, semuanya boleh. Amat menyedihkan.
Salam Tun,
Harap bersabar. Your records speak for yourself.
But Tun, I am wondering now on this pressing issue regarding our outgoing PM – Mr Pak Lah.
Last time, one year before your retirement you had received enormous amount of farewell gifts wherever there were functions that you attended – until you have to keep the gifts in Langkawi. But so far I have yet to see anybody giving farewell gift to Pak lah – I can’t remember any function to that effect – there is no keris, no painting, and nothing for him so far…
there are two possibilities here:
i) People hate him so much, and
ii) The transition will not happen……
Assalammualaikum wbt Ayahanda Tun M & smer blogger2..
Adat resam dunia fitnah memfitnah,umpat, keji dah jadi kebiasaan dlm kehidupan seharian..hidup tak pernah puas selagi tak menjatuh & mengaibkan org lain.. sabar ye Ayahanda..doakn je kesejahteraan org2 yang menghina,mengutuk dan apa jua yang bercakap buruk mengenai Ayahanda.InsyaAllah, Allah Maha Mengetahui..
Tak kira siapa betul @ siapa salah.. yang penting, perlu ke kita mengutuk orang lain..perlu ke kita mengaibkan org lain..erms, bukan dunia ni yg kejam, tapi manusia sesama sendiri yang terlalu kejam..ingat, smer pemimpin bukannya 100% perfect..tapi tak perlu la kita memfitnah,mengutuk dia.Kalo dia betol wat salah, biar Allah swt je yang menghukum di akhirat nanti..saper kita yang nak mengutuk,menghukum dia. Diri kita sendiri pun banyak dosa, tak perlu menambah dosa dengan bercerita itu ini..rasa tak nak sokong, dok diam dah.tiba time pilihanraya, pangkah parti mana yg nak..abis crita..
Maaf Ayahanda, teremosi skit dgn crita Ayahanda nih.. 🙂 tapi kenapa yer Ayahanda dengan orang melayu kita skrang nih..erms, agaknya betol ckp Ayahanda dlu.. MELAYU MEMANG MUDAH LUPA..!
Jaga kesihatan yer Ayahanda, kirim salam buat Bonda Siti Hasmah..
Kita sebagai rakyat malaysia memang dah bosan mengenai politic.Kami tidak kisah sesiapa yang jadi PM tetapi asalkan betul berbakti kepada semua rakyat malaysia.Tetapi saya pasti Tun memang dah banyak berjasa terhadap negara kita.Yang lain tahu bodek dan kritik,mereka memang tidak pernah betul-betul berjasa dan berbakti terhadap negara kita mahupun abdullah atau najib tidak berbakit atau berjasa terhadap negara kita.
Diharap Tun dan keluarga selamat sejahtera hendaknya..
Tak apa lah Tun, biarlah tawfik tu meluahkan perasaannya..Mungkin Tun tahu keadaan yang sebenarnya..
Hendaknya Tun bersabar sahaja dengan pelakuannya itu..
Akhirnya walassam buat Tun sekeluarga..
Kita sebagai rakyat malaysia memang dah bosan mengenai politic.Kami tidak kisah sesiapa yang jadi PM tetapi asalkan betul berbakti kepada semua rakyat malaysia.Tetapi saya pasti Tun memang dah banyak berjasa terhadap negara kita.Yang lain tahu bodek dan kritik,mereka memang tidak pernah betul-betul berjasa dan berbakti terhadap negara kita mahupun abdullah atau najib tidak berbakit atau berjasa terhadap negara kita.
King Expresses Displeasure Over MPs’ Attitude
KUALA LUMPUR, Feb 16 (Bernama) — Yang di-Pertuan Agong Tuanku Mizan Zainal Abidin has expressed his displeasure over the attitude and behaviour of some members of Parliament in the last session of the House.
He said the unbecoming behaviour of some MP s had brought disrepute not only to the MPs but also to the country.
“Let me remind the honourable members once again to display exemplary behaviour in this august House. As such, ‘Yang Berhormat’ should always abide by and respect the standing orders,” he said when opening the first meeting of the second session of the 12 Parliament here today.
Most of the Yang Berhormat especially from the oppositions are not worse to be called YB at all. They are Yang Berhormat “taik kucing” orang Johor cakap.
Walaupun saya bukan rakyat Negara Malaysia, tapi bagi seorang yang ingin tahu tentang perkara yang terjadi selain dari Negara saya sendiri, saya kekadang melunsuri laman web Negara2X selain dari Negara saya sendiri.
Akhir2X ini kemelut politik di Negara Malaysia telah membuat saya berminat untuk mengetahui apa2X perkara yang telah dan sedang berlaku disana dan saya mula lah melunsuri laman web tentang parti politik di Malaysia.
Selain laman Blog Chedet yang banyak perkara dapat saya pelajari dan perolehi, selain dari pekara politik, saya merasa malu dan sedih bila saya melunsuri laman web parti politik yang lain.
Antara nya mereka tiada segan silu lagi apabila menunding jari kepada orang lain, sedangkan mereka perlu sedar apakah jasa2X yang telah mereka taburkan kepada Negara mereka sendiri jika di bandingkan dengan orang yang mereka menunding jari itu.
Dan yang lebih menyedihkan lagi ada juga penyokong2X yang terus menyokong tanpa membuat pertimbangan yang adil.
Satu dari contoh, ialah saya terbaca dari laman web yang mempertikaikan tentang pembelajaran Mathematics dan Science dalam bahasa Ingeris, mereka tidak berpatah semangat walaupun telah 6 tahun perkara itu telah dimulakan tetapi sehingga sekarang mereka masih cuba memperjuangkan tujuan mereka, apa yang menyedihkan ialah 6 tahun adalah tempoh yang agak lama, jika sesaorang itu ke University sudahpun mendapat ijazah, persoalannya jika 6 tahun itu kita gunakan untuk mempertingkatkan diri kita sudah tentu kita telah dapat banyak manfaatnya dan tidak sia2Xlah pembelajaran Mathematics dan Science itu di ajar dalam bahasa Ingeris dan saya yakin demi kemajuan umat islam, dimana ada kemahuan disitu ada jalan. Tetapi jika kita tunggu lagi walaupun 100 tahun tanpa mempersediakan diri kita serta anak2X kita untuk mempertingkatkan diri tiada apa yang boleh kita capai.
Sebagai orang luar saya rasa saya dapat memperhatikan kemelut di Negara Malaysia itu lebih jelas jika dibandingkan dengan mereka yang berada didalam negara itu sendiri.
Sebagaimana kata2X nasihat Tun kita harus berfikir dari luar kotak maka adalah lebih baik kita dapat berfikir dengan diri kita sendiri keluar dari kotak itu kerana kita akan dapat berfikir dengan pandangan yang lebih jelas.Dengan kata lain Hijrah Dengan Pemikiran.
Dear Dr. M,
This is MoMan. Thank your for replying to my email on “Labu Again”. I actually wanted to reply to your comments posted, but at that time Labu airport was a forgone conclusion. Secondly, you have also agreed to meet with the CEO and I thought it was wise just to stay mum and out of your way. Hope the meeting last Friday was up to your expectations.
I’m glad you clarified the point against Tawfik. I read the column about 2 weeks ago and I wondered how come nobody said anything against it?
If you read to his other interviews, he always sells himself as someone punished for doing the right thing. He is nothing more than self glorify and self satisfy person.
Hek eleh!!!!
Sape si Taufik tu? Taufik Hidayat ke Taufik Batisah ke kenallla….
Ni sape nama die tadi, Taufik Ismail? Sape die tu nak memfitnah Tun.
Hope kehidupan Tun sentiasa dirahmati oleh Allah S.W.T.
Harap next story Tun cite la pasal Tun mase sebelum Tun jadi PM & mase Tun Sekolah dulu….U r My Best PM Ever!!!!!
Alahai si Tawfik ni apahal pulak ni :
Salam Tun, Tak payah la hiraukan soal macam ni. Dulu, bila saya dengar pun, telinga saya masuk kanan dan keluar kiri. Saya sendiri heran, ada orang yang boleh percaya perkara macam ni. Sakit jiwa kok!
my god there is so many ass-kissers in this blog….quit your idol worship people!!!!
Dearest Tun,
I totally believe you Tun! After all, you’re the one who made Malaysia well known all over the world.
I remember when I was in Scotland (my parents took their MBA there) and I went to the local school for a year. My classmates and teacher didn’t know where Malaysia was!
But now, when I mention Malaysia to foreigners, they will ask me ‘How’s Dr Mahathir?’ (errr…they don’t even know who’s the current PM)
Tawfik is just another person who dislikes your way of leadership as he does not benefit from it!
Dear Tun,
Allah the exalted Says:
Assalamualaikum Tun,
Biarkan saja Tawfik dengan cerita rekaannya. Rakyat Malaysia tahu, Tun seorang pemimpin yang amat kami sanjungi, hormati dan kasihi. Banyak dah jasa di curahkan kepada semua. Yang menfitnah itu pasti “ada udang di sebalik mee”…
Biar dia terima balasannya di akhirat kelak, Amin.
Salam Tun,
Biasalahlah tu adalah mana mana hang jebat kat belakang dia yg tak puas hati dgn tun.lempar batu sembunyi tangan tak pernah dgr pun nama sitawfik nie ada surat beranak ke………….dont worry tun kita lawan dia jgn bagi can kat depa LONG LIVE TUN MAHATHIR
Assalamualaikum Tun,
Heard of him somewhere in the newspapers sometime ago and he did mention something not so nice about you. I think he’s just looking for publicity and you’ve just given him free publicity.
Tun, many people say a lot of things about you. Digest the good ones and spit out the bad ones. At this age you’ve already learnt to be patient with all sorts of people and stay cool. Old age makes one mellow, right.
Take care and May Allah Look Upon You Always.
hmmm hidayah kepada kamuu yerr tawfik..
tun mahathir is the world’s best PM ok! 😀 rite?
salam hormat tun
adib =]
p/s: saya kurang senang dengan blog sapa punya ntah bawah ini..hmmm mungkin ada kaitan ngan provoke kecil2an yg boleh menjadi besar tak? ..radio xfresh ada jer buat ayat mcam provoke anti lagu indon.
Assalamualaikum Tun Mahathir,
Tawfik nampaknya adalah antara ramai anak melayu yang bersikap “aku gagal sebab sipolan itu dan sipolan ini”. Paling tidak, salahkan kerajaan. Diri sendiri tu tak pernahnye salah. Kalau tak berjaya tu, bawak2 lah tengok kelemahan diri sendiri pastu usaha la untuk improve. Buktikan kepada diri sendiri tak payah nak buktikan pada org lain. Buat malu nama allahyarham bapak je lah sdr Tawfik ni….. Melayu ni mudah lupa betul lah.
Stay healthy, Tun.
Salam YABhg Tun,
Tun tak pyh nak layan benda2 mengarut tu semua. Buang karan jer..
Lebih baik Tun terus menulis perkara2 yg boleh mendatangkan faedah kepada rakyat & negara Malaysia.. Lgpun Tawfik ni tak popular langsung, lain la kalu Taufik Hidayat !
Yg pasti…Tun Mahathir Boleh !!! c Tawfik pun Boleh…Blah !!!
biaq kat depa la Tun,
fitnah memang perbuatan yang paling hot zaman ni tun….toksah dok layan la tun…..org akidah lemah memang suka fitnah macam2…..pak lebai pun kadang terlepas fitnah…ini kan budak topik tuh….
jaga la nama Bapak topek oiii…jgn dok buat pedajai kat org
I just want to share that ‘LEADER WHO READ IS LEADER WHO LEAD’. People who don’t PLAN what he has to say is PLANNING to fail with his/her own statement!
I know you read a lot since in your residence in Putrajaya exhibit this obviously. Maybe the “book” just want to challenge your intelligent. You are intelligent anyway! Envy you.
Oh! sorry , for your information I was one of the many that helped to complete the house and that should answer you how I know about your reading craze.
So, if you need someone to design both architectural and interior maybe you could give a me THAT chance like the orang Ulu subject. As what Dato’ Jimmy Choo once said to me, knowledge and skills are not enough , you have to meet the right people! I am still waiting the right people and the right time. Huh!!!!!!!!!!!!
Reverting back to the book issue , if the “breathing subject” do not have high opinion about you means he only read you as to benefit his opinion. If he has been reading you in all aspects, ie read your knowledge, read your leadership, read your posture&gesture, read your smile, read your contribution, read your dedication, read your discipline, read your self integrity and in other words read you holistically, I am in the opinion very few number of other breathing subject(s) will believe what he says.
No worries, many more of us still adore and believe you. Keep up with you intelligent composition so that we could read the same and become intelligent like you.
Thank you for the orang ulu subject that managed to draw me in involving directly to all you posted texts. Before that I only enjoy reading them.
THANK YOU SIR!!!!!!!!!!!!
HAIL TUN MAHATHIR… sorry tun saja melawak
Assalamualaikum Tun,
1. Biasala tu orang yang sejenis dengan sapa budak tu ..Tawfik??. berlambak kat luar ni. Asal bapak dia ada nama sikit dia ingat boleh nak masuk daun bila-bila dia suka dan mahu orang terima dia & acknowledge dia walaupun diri tu tak seberapapun.
2. Ada ketika disebabkan oleh nafsu dan perasaan bongkak tak tentu hala, kita lupa siapa diri kita.
3. Rasanya tak seberapa manapun kalau pi beli cermin lima kupang dan cuba cermin diri tu. Tapi pulaknya dah cermin tu kecik sangat, tak nampak muka sendiri terperasaanla pulak besar diri. Macamtu kalu pi masuk public toilet. tengok dan cermin diri puas-puas. Handsome ka tak handsome. Sama ka tak sama dengan orang lain.
4.Rasanya manusia tak pernah puas dengan apa yang dia ada. Hak orang kalau boleh dia nak sapu sama. Biaq dia sorang yang kaya biaq orang lain kebuloq sebab yang kebuloq tu bukan dia, anak-anak dia dan bukan cucu-cucu dia. Tu la adat resam orang kita masa ni. Ada kuasa “you rule the world”. Pedulikan orang lain. Ni semangat “Malaysia Boleh” yang dok ada sekarang.
5. Sapa-sapa yang tak kenal sapa-sapa dan bukan anak sapa-sapa tu, meleleh ayaq lioq tengok saja. Nak mintak mampuih tak berani. Nak mintak macamana? Dah orang tak kenai.
6. Tapi yang best tu bila perasaan orang patut kenai kita tapi malang orang yang kita harap tak “recognised” tu yang jadi “sore” tak tentu pasai. Mulala nak maki hamun buat cerita-cerita tak betui nak cover diri. … “Sore Loser…!!!”
7.Al-fatihah buat beliau dan orang-orang yang sewaktu dengan dia. Amin.
Itulah, tak dapat jawatan orang lain yang disalahkan..
Tun, selain dari bunga orkid tu ada lagi satu..
Che Det Mall aka Pekan Rabu, Alor Setar.. Hehe..
Why are you surprised. Tell me when you first hit out at ABB, who stabbed you in the back the most UMNO or the other BN parties.
When you quit UMNO how many loyal supporters followed you.
Dear Tun,
It just shows how shallow the thinking of some people.
Taufik is just sore on what happen or not being selected.
The late Tun Dr. Ismail is a great person but Ismail are always being suppressed by Tunku. See what happen to S’pore
You may made some decision that are not popular to some of the people but the objectives/purpose is the main point.
During your time as PM, I’m sure you are responsible on the person you select eventhough there are some mistake in selection of your cabinet members(like the exisiting PM).
Nobody is perfect but everybody wants to be popular like some UMNO leaders now but the most important thing is for the country to move forward and every rakyat to enjoy the “fruits”.
What ever it is, I think(my opinion alone), you are the best PM Malaysia had interm of advancement. Tunku and Razak paved the way for the country but you made the growth unlike the other 2 PM.
I will and continue saying “Long Live Mahathir” even if other people don’t like it.
Police arrest four distributors of political leaflets
IPOH, Mon.:
Police detained four people – two men and two women – all in their 40s, for distributing leaflets related to the Perak political crisis at Arena Square Pasar Tani in Kuala Kangsar, about 50km from here, yesterday.
Tangkap dalangnya sekali. Dah tak ada kerja lain yang bermafaat nak buat ke.
Kan lebeh baik distribute phamplets jual product tongkat ali ke, kacip fatimah ke, misai kucing ke. yang boleh dapat pendapatan untuk sara hidup mereka. Kalau gunakan law of average setiap 100 orang diberi phamplets sekurang-kurangnya 2 orang akan beminat untuk beli product dalam phamplets yang diedarkan.
Assalamu Alaikum Tun,
My advice to Tawfik is that don’t simply blame others if we fail to get what we want. Don’t feel that you are the best and the rest of the people are not good enough.Badmouthig other people sometime only reflecting what kind of people we are. Please emaluate our respected leader Tun Dr Ismail.
Tuanku Mizan expressed regret that despite the country having gained independence for 51 years, certain parties were still raising narrow racial issues for public debate.
“I want to stress that my government will not hesitate to take action against anyone who tries to disunite the people, to ensure that racial harmony and peace in the country are maintained,” he said to applause from the members of Parliament.
It is a timely reminder by His Highness to the rakyat particularly the narrow-minded, haprak and HP6 political leaders who are trying to promote their political parties by instigating and harping on racial sentivities. They never learn their lessons particularly the DAP and PKR. These leaders should be sent to detention camp like “Guantanamo Bay” with their legs and hands tied with a chain and isolate them from society.They are actually terrorists who like terrorise the rakyat by subtly continue to brainwash the rakyat with their rhetoric speeches.
We should throw our shoes at them whenever they try to instigate the rakyat!!!
Assalamualaikum YAD Tun Semua Rakan Seperjuangan,
Selagi ada dunia ini selagi itu ada manusia seperti TAWFIK (sorry Idon’t knom who). Tujuan diadakan maknusia seperti ini, “is to bring out the good things done by the “ONE” He criticised”. So pedulikan sahaja apa yang dicakapkan nya.
Banyak perkara yang kontrovasi yang berlaku / apa yang Tun lakukan tidak diketahuai oleh kebanyakan orang “let alone understanding the reasons/rationals behind it”.Contohnya Pemecatan Salleh Abas,Saya percaya ramai yang tidak tahu, sehinggalah Tun & Matthias Chang membutirkan nya satu persatu.
Justeru adalah SANGAT PENTING di dalam buku ” MEMOIR DR MAHATHIR MOHAMAD” ditulis dengan benar dan tepat akan apa yang berlaku dan fakta2 yang membawa kepada terjadi nya perkara tersebut. Antara lain ialah:
1. Perletakan Jawatan Tun Hussin Onn
2. Perletakkan jawatan Musa Hitam /Isu Memali
3. Pindaan Perlembagaan (melibatkan Kuasa Raja-raja)
4. Pembatalan / Pembubaran UMNO
5. Kes Salleh Abas
6. Pemecatan Anuar Ibrahim
Sehubungan itu adalah SANGAT PENTING Tun menuliskannya YOUR SIDE OF THE STORY ( The Gospel truth )supaya apabila YAD Tun sudah tiada ( kembali kepada Allah swt ), ORANG YANG BERKENAAN TIDAK LAGI BOLEH menceritakan “their side of the story” selalunya satu PEMBOHONGAN sahaja.
Semoga YAD Tun sentiasa bersabar dan dipeliharai Allah awt sentiasa.
Tuanku Mizan expressed regret that despite the country having gained independence for 51 years, certain parties were still raising narrow racial issues for public debate.
“I want to stress that my government will not hesitate to take action against anyone who tries to disunite the people, to ensure that racial harmony and peace in the country are maintained,” he said to applause from the members of Parliament.
It is a timely reminder by His Highness to the rakyat particularly the narrow-minded, haprak and HP6 political leaders who are trying to promote their political parties by instigating and harping on racial sentivities. They never learn their lessons particularly the DAP and PKR. These leaders should be sent to detention camp like “Guantanamo Bay” with their legs and hands tied with a chain and isolate them from society.They are actually terrorists who like terrorise the rakyat by subtly continue to brainwash the rakyat with their rhetoric speeches.
We should throw our shoes at them whenever they try to instigate the rakyat!!!
salam Tun,
Tawfik ni betul-betullah kacau daun buat kita tukar TOPIK dari hal2 masalah rakyat jadi kita kena bicara tentang dia. Kalau Tun tak beritahu tentang dia(malah nak taip nama dia ulang2 kali)siapa pun tak kenal.
Bagi saya dia termasuk orang yang GAGAL. Tak pandai lansung ambil kesempatan. Orang lain nak masuk bilik Tun pun susah walau kerja satu bumbung dia diberi peluang berjumpa tu kira dah cukup nasib baiklah.
Kalau kita dapat membuktikan kita sanggup MATI kepada ketua barulah ketuapun sanggup berkorban untuk kita. TAK belajar SENI lansung mungkin tak tengok cerita MERLIN yang selalu selamatkan nyawa RAJA ARTHUR sehingga ARTHUR pun sanggup berkorban nyawa untuk menyelamatkan MERLIN yang termakan RACUN.
Lain kali jangan jangan dijolok sarang TEBUANG kan pedih tu….
Salam Tun sekeluarga
siapa Taufik ni?, Saya rasa orang Malaysia tak kenal dia pun. Apa jasa dia? Apa dia buat dulu? Bapa dia siapa pun ramai yg tak kenal.
Sya rasa tak perlulah layan orang yg tahap pemikirannya hanya membuat fitnah. Mungkinkan dia diupah atau dapat habuan untuk buat Fitnah?
Tawfik, u are Tooooo FARrrrrrrr behind our Ayahanda Tun
Assalamualaikum Tun.
Lagu yang ditarikan oleh Fauzi Nawi dan isterinya Nisdawati dalam Sehati Berdansa musim 2.Salah seorang juri iaitu Linda Jasmin bagi markah 99/100.
Orang Malaysia memang suka tengok dan berdansa bersama-sama sekali.Ada tarian bollywood,hollywood,joget cak lempong, etc.
Agak-agaknya Tawfik Ismail ni pun suka berdansa jugak ni.
Dulu saya pernah jugak tido kat rumah bekas Pengawai MARA daerah Jasin.En Majid nama dia.Rasanya tahun lepas baru bersara.Lama tak jumpa.
Dia pandai berjoget.Asal orang Johor.Orang Johor memang pandai menyanyi dan menari.Dengar kata orang Penang pun gitu jugak…
Tapi ‘abang Johor’ saya tak pandai pulak menarinya.Kata asal Johor.Tapi bab berenang no.1.Katanya kalau jumpa Sultan Johor dan bercakap dengan baginda kena cakap ‘patik, Ku’.
Orang pasar kat tempat dia lepak masa dia muda-muda dulu pun pernah berkata ‘buat apa kau ikut dia.Dia ni gila’.Lama tak jumpa.
Memang gila la dia ni.Disko kat tempat dia jaga pun kena bom.Bom askar kata dia.Bom paras pinggang.Bom amaran je.
VA VA VA ENTHALAIVA.Fauzi Nawi dan Nisdawati juara Sehati Berdansa musim ke-2.
Terima kasih Tun.
Salam kasih dan hormat Ayahanda Tun.
Well there we go. Now Malaysian politics rank right up there on the couch with Hungarian Ilona Staller and Taiwanese Chu Mei Feng, and it was hardly surprising at all really. With Anwar Ibrahim and his brand of quality standards doing the QC over there on the PKR side, it was just a matter of when and who.
4. Tawfik explains; “Mahathir called me into his office before the election. I was with my journalist friends when he called, so they started joking that I was going to be a deputy minister. Sorry to disappoint them…I went to see Mahathir and the first thing he said was, “You know not every son can be like his father”, Tawfik recalls, “I thought to myself, ‘bloody insult'”. Then he continued, “All of my backbenchers have to be people who stand up when I walk in, thump the table and say, Long Live Mahathir! And my Ministers are not supposed to think for themselves. I think and they do what I want them to do.”
I find it difficult to assimilate the above caption but we as human being, is not flawless.
“….and my ministers are not suppose to think for themselves”
When Abdullah Ahmad Badawi(AAB) took over as your successor, he discontinued some of the projects started by you, namely the infamous “crooked bridge” to link Singapore. This was an unanimous decision as Singapore was not a party to it.
You expected AAB to continue with it and when he dared to differ, you were annoyed. AAB’s decision not to continue with the construction of the bridge was a wise decision as it was equivalent to dumping millions of ringgit into the sea because Singapore’s non-commital attitude. We would have been made to look like idiots and laughed at by others for having a bridge to nowhere!
22. I was not aware that he was fighting me. Even if he was he should have noticed that I am not vengeful and was ready to accept those who fought against me as my ministers. In fact I named one of them as my successor.
As you have admitted that AAB was not your preferred choice and you were forced to appoint him because he garnered a lot of support in UMNO as compared to Najib. The decision was not yours.
As I said earlier, we are not flawless and some of us also do have short memory.
Salam Tun,
Bersabarlah Tun, ramai orang suka menFITNAH!,
Mereka yang membuat fitnah sudah pasti akan mendapat balasan yang setimpal di akhirat nanti.
Take care Tun, you’re the best!
Assalam alaikum
YABhg Tun Dr. Mahathir
Fitnah sesuatu yang buruk dan dikeji hingga ke akhir zaman. Namun mnausia tidak pernah tidak terlibat dengan fitnah.
Pengalaman saya bersosial walaupun tidak cukup untuk dijadikan test case, fitnah banyak bergelumang dengan politkus. Itulah yang dikatakan oleh mahkluk-mahkluk sosial. Namun bagi saya, fitnah ada di mana-mana saja tidak semestinya dengan orang politik. Rumah tangga pun ada.
Apa yang perlu hanyalah kita tagkis balik dengan intellect acument bukannya dengan membabi-buta.
Kita perlu ingat kebenaran tetap benar walaupun ingin dibisukan oleh orang yang berkuasa yakni pemerintah. Jika tidak di dunia di akhirat. Allah Maha Adil.
Semoga Tun mendapat ketabahan dengan segala apa jua serangan sama ada berbentuk fitnah mahupun sebaliknya.
Tawfik who…? Don’t know Tun Ismail had a son worth remembering…
Assalamualaikum Tun dan keluarga,
Tun izinkan,
Scene Ibu Mertuaku versi baru;
Mak Dara : Ha? Tawfik? Siapa dia? Lawyer? Majstret?
Sabariah : Ahli fitnah
Mak Dara : Huh?! Pantang keturunan aku bermenantukan ahli fitnah. Umpama makan daging saudaranya sendiri.
Sabariah : Goreng pun sodap.
Mak Dara : Bagus, ini hari juga aku bagi kao makan. Tapi ingat, kao menempah bala di alam akhirat kelak selagi kau tidak mintak maaf. Segala amal ibadat kao tidak akan diterima selagi orang itu tidak memaafkan kan kao.
Kpd Tawfik, aku anak jati johor tappi aku tak kenal pun kau. Mgkin sbb itu kau super kecewa agaknya. Aku dibesarkan dalam kepimpinan Tun Mahathir. Aku tak kenal dia secara peribadi pun. Hanya melalui buku-buku dan sejarah kepimpinannya yang aku dapat saksikan dan nikmati sendiri. Sejarah yang mengajar aku Tun Mahathir tak suka pilih bulu. Asal orang itu bagus pada pandangannya, dia akan dipilih, tak kiralah orang itu pernah terang-terangan menentangnya. Walaupun kadang-kadang aku pikir, pilihannya sangat salah (Abdullah Badawi, Musa Hitam, Anwar Ibrahim). Tak kisahlah dia manusia biasa bukan tukang telek macam nujum pak belalang.
Jadi maknanya, betullah kau tak bagus Tawfik. Apa kau ingat kau boleh terpilih sbb kau anak Tun Dr Ismail? Kau silap Tawfik. Anak Tun sendiri struggle. Lepas dia bersara baru le anak dia bertatih nak naik. Bukan mcm anak Lim Kit Siang, anak Karpal Singh, anak Anwar Ibrahim, mereka ikut mcm Lee Kuan Yew. Pengamal kronism dan nepotism yang sangat nyata.
Tun, pikir sekali rasa buang masa je Tun layan orang macam Tawfik. Pikir 2 kali, tak boleh biarkan juga, sbb fitnah adalah lebih dahsyat dari membunuh. Saya tersenyum je bila terbayangkan Tun suruh orang cakap “Long live Mahathir!”. Macam cerita barat zaman dulu-dulu, zaman robin hood je rasanya. Apa la Tawfik, kot nak kelentong pun, biarla logik sikit.
Assalamualaikum Tun,
Apa la nak dikisahkan pasal si mamat Tawfik ni Tun. Sebelum ini pun lagi teruk Tun kena kutuk Tun buat tak tau je.
Anwar Ibrahim, Mat Sabu, Kapral malah ada antara menteri kabinet yang ada sekarang ni pun kutuk Tun.
Sabarlah tun mulut manusia bukan boleh disumbat. Banyak isu dan agenda yang lebih besar yang Tun perlu selesaikan.
Sekian Wasallam
Seremban 160209 1:11pm
alahai…nak menyemak lak si taufik ni, bapa dia mungkin seorang yg bagus, anak dia aku xkenal langsung tapi bila bg kenyataan yg macam ni nampak sgt la kebodohan dia, aku harap dia dapat taufik semula la..ni dah macam yahudi la perangai dia ni..hahahha
nak glamour eh? masuk AF la taufik xpun Raja lawak ka? raja fitnah ka? cikgu kambing biri-biri ka? bodoh bangap bahlul bangang bengong punya taufik memalukan nama bapa engkau jer
Akum Tun,
Tuhan Itu Maha Adil, Siapa yang dikehendaki utk mentadbir bumi ini dan siapa yang tidak dikehendakinya. Tun Seorang yang sangat HEBAT maka ramailah yang dengki kianat. Pedulikan mereka semua, kecemerlangan tun dalam mentadbir tanah air ini akan dikenang sebagai yang terbaik dalam lipatan sejarah. TUN IS THE BEST AND STILL THE BEST EVER.
Eh tumpang tanya, SIAPA TAWFIK? Tak kenal la
Dear Sir,
I proudly write as a Malaysian to let you know that many of us regard you as a true statesman who is considerate,influential and out spoken.
I had the previledge to organise a dinner recently and due to some scheduling sequence,our invitation was inadvertently missed out.
Invitations had been sent out,foreign guests confirmed their attendence and Tun Dr M would not be coming.
Tun was having a conference for the whole day to be followed by a dinner and our dinner was also on the same evening.
What would you do?
I rushed to the hotel and asked him “Sir, i need your help”
Tun is 84 years old and he oblidged and Tun Siti Hasmah supportively attended our dinner as well.
Both our Tuns came to our dinner immediately after his conference,spent 1 hour with us,gave an impromptu speech and rushed off for the other dinner.
I estimate that they must have been up for at least 17 hours that day.How many stateman would do that?
Very often we have VVIPs failing to even turn up despite having confirmed acceptance of invitation.
“Long Live Mahathir and Tun Siti”
Beloved Tun Mahathir, permit me to comment on “By I Love Jews’s” comment.
“You seem to have a lot of enemies..somewhere down the line, u must have comitted grave sins”
Dear Jews Lover,
What sin did Jesus Christ commit that promt the Jews to kill him?
What sin did the babies of Palistine who the Jews killed too?
Dont worry Tun, we are always begind you.
Dear Tun,
Very sad, this kind of person exist in our society. But to Tawfik Ismail (who? never heard of him…) I want to shout very loud and clear to you, LONG LIVE MAHATHIR. OUR BELOVED PRIME MINISTER FOREVER AND EVER.
Take care Tun. Dont give a damn to what this man talked about you. He just nothing compare to you.
Love U Always.
Salam Buat Tun,
(Maaf Tun….Tolong Bincang Pekara dibawah…kami BIMBANG)
12 tanda-tanda Pak Lah takkan letak jawatan?
Januari 20, 2009 oleh syahrilkadir
1) Pak Lah masih belum melawat negara-negara ASEAN seperti yang umum dilakukan oleh mana-mana Perdana Menteri sebelum berundur.
2) Pak Lah sepatutnya sudah membuat lawatan persahabatan dan perpisahan ke negara-negara rakan seperti China, India, Britain atau Amerika Syarikat.
3) Pihak beliau belum lagi memaklum atau menetapkan sebarang tarikh rasmi kepada Istana Negara akan bila Najib akan mengangkat sumpah sebagai Perdana Menteri baru.
4) Pak Lah belum menetapkan bila mesyuarat jemaah Menteri yang terakhir.(Perkara ini perlu dimaklum awal bagi memastikan tidak ada Menteri yang membuat lawatan rasmi ke luar negara atau bercuti pada tarikh atau tempoh peralihan kepimpinan Perdana Menteri berlaku)
5) Pak Lah belum memulakan kunjungan sembah hormat dan terima kasih kepada Sultan-sultan di negeri-negeri seluruh negara (ini adalah sesuatu yang amat penting)
6) Di peringkat Kementerian Pertahanan, Lebah Kota dimaklumkan Pak Lah masih belum menetapkan tarikh perpisahan.
Secara umum, rekod di Putrajaya memperlihatkan Pak Lah masih belum menetapkan apa-apa tarikh untuk perkara-perkara penting itu.
Bagi faktor nombor 6, adalah menjadi amalan bahawa bagi seorang Menteri Pertahanan, beliau perlu melalui majlis perpisahan yang mengikut istiadat kententeraan dan juga awam.
Namun, sebelum melalui istiadat itu, adalah normal bagi seorang Menteri Pertahanan untuk melawat sekurang-kurangnya sebuah pengkalan Tentera Udara Diraja Malaysia (TUDM), sebuah pengkalan Tentera Laut Diraja Malaysia (TLDM) yang biasanya adalah di Lumut.
Selepas melawat semua pengkalan-pengkalan itu, barulah akan diadakan majlis perpisahan rasmi di Kementerian Pertahanan.
Semasa Najib bertukar ke Kemeterian Kewangan, beliau tidak dapat melawat pengkalan-pengkalan berkenaan kerana ia berlaku secara tiba-tiba. Namun, beliau tetap melakukan perpisahan rasmi peringkat Kementerian Pertahanan.
Rekod memperlihatkan Pak Lah belum menetapkan tarikh lawatan-lawatan berkenaan.
Dengan tempoh peralihan hanya dalam 2 bulan sahaja lagi yakni semasa atau sehari dua selepas Perhimpunan Agung UMNO Mac ini, kegagalan Pak Lah dan pegawai-pegawainya menetapkan tarikh untuk perkara-perkara penting di atas amat jelas memperlihatkan niat beliau untuk tidak berundur daripada jawatan Perdana Menteri.
Beliau pasti tidak akan berkesempatan untuk melakukan semua perkara-perkara penting di atas jika bermula dari sekarang untuk berbuat demikian.
Kebimbangan untuk Pak Lah tidak berundur pernah disuarakan banyak pihak termasuk oleh bekas perdana menteri, Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad.
(sumber http://www.malaysia-instinct.com)
Dear Tun,
Now’s your chance to earn money.. Sue him for defaming you. Sue him till he’s a bankrupt for telling lies about you. That’ll make other ppl to think twice before hurlding any more untruthfull comments about you.
Losers always seek people’s sympathy by bad mouthing and criticising the ones who gave them the opportunity to be successful. You gave him the opportunity and he did nothing to prove his worthiness.
Seventh Stranger
Y.Bhg Tun dan Rakan-rakan Bloggers
Kepada apa nama tu, Tawfik! saya tak pernah kenal nama tu dalam hidup saya. Bagi saya Tun ada pandangan sendiri dalam memilih sapa yang nak jadi menteri ke timbalan menteri , selagi pilihan itu tepat dan orang tu layak. Kalau dipandang semasa pemerintahan BN yang diterajui oleh TUN ,ada masa naik dan turunnya tapi saya rasa Tun dapat mengatasinya dengan baik sehingga orang MALAYSIA bangga jadi orang MALAYSIA.
KUASA, ini pendapat saya secara peribadi. Bagi saya , sapa-sapa yang ada kuasa , dia ada guna kuasanya untuk kepentingan peribadi hanya beza banyak sikit je. Jangan kau guna kuasa tu banyak pada hal peribadi aje sehingga rakyat mendapat akibat darinya.
Pada sapa-sapa yang kawan Tawfik tu, cakap dengan dia suruh dia terjun lombong lah. kalau dia tu bagus orang mesti tau nama dia punye. even kalau dia tu ketua cawangan sekali pun kita mesti dapat sedikit infomasi tetang kalibernya dia tu.
Terima kasih.
Salam Tun,
Tawfik tu Orang Ulu mana hah?
Mungkin dia nak cerita kerana Tun dia jadi Businessman berjaya. Kalau tidak kerana Tun, tentu dia jadi Politician yang gagal.
Orang Ulu ni kadang-kadang cakap kurang pandai sikit.
Tun salah faham kut.
he he he
Buat Tun Yang Dikasihi,
Sedih membaca blog Tun kali ini.Zaman kepimpinan PM hari ini ramai melahirkan bakat baru yang mempunyai nilai kosmetik yang tinggi di luaran tetapi berulat di dalam hati.Bertopeng agama, bangsa dan kedudukan untuk ‘survival’.Apapun kami lebih mengenali Dr Mahathir yang tak henti2 berjuang buat agama, bangsa dan negara.Biasalah Tun…Dalam banyak2 baka yang baik bg manusia tuhan mencipta baka yang bersikap ‘mutan’ sebagai cabaran bagi mendapatkan ganjaran pahala yang lebih besar.
Takut bila membaca kepimpinan pembangkang (PR( menyokong usul percaya kepada PM kita.Mereka betul2 bermaharajalela atas kelemahan kepimpinan sekarang dan sudah tentu ingin meneruskan pakatan hingga mereka sendiri yang menjadi raja!
Gembira melihat rencana Tun berdua minggu lepas di dalam akhbar BH mengenai kebahagiaan rumahtangga.Terima kasih kerana mengubah pandangan dunia terhadap melayu dengan disiplin, dedikasi, dan pengorbanan Tun hingga ke hari ini.
Pelik kenapa media tidak mengeluarkan kenyataan Tun tentang isu PPSMI.Tun lebih arif…Mengapa?Takut untuk melahirkan Melayu Ultra seperti Tun.Jadi, agenda siapakah ini.Melayu yang membantah adalah bersengkokol dengan mereka yg mempunyai agenda itu.Sedarlah sikit…Nak disamakan dengan negara maju yang lain.Berapa tahun kita merdeka?Banyakkah ilmu sains dan matematik yang telah dikeluarkan oleh bangsa Melayu sendiri?Berapa ramai melayu yang jutawan berbanding kaum minoriti yang lain di dalam Malaysia yang majmuk ini?Terimalah cabaran ini…Buktikan kita dan keluarga kita boleh.Dah pandai ramai2 lah kita mengeluarkan buku teks sains dan matematik dalam bahasa Melayu!
ps:Jarang dengar melayu berbicara tentang sains dan matematik.Setengah imam pula fobia dengan dua ilmu yang paling pantas menguasai dunia itu.Alahai…Nasib!
Masa Tun memerintah rase aman ,selamat..sekarang dah tak rasa cam tu…kami masih menyayangi Tun.
I have been following Pakbelalang’s postings in this blog and realise that his/her degradatory remarks is getting too personal which may hurt the feelings of others.
This is a respectable site and we expect quality postings that confines to the subject in discussion.
Some of the postings that we read here are badly worded and looks pathetic when they stray away from the intended topic of discussion.
Lets do away with all forms of character assasination and display of vengeance in this site.
Dont post for the sake of it when there is no substance.
I have respect for the Late Tun Dr. Ismail but who is Tawfik? Ive never heard of him. There is a saying “Anybody can be at the helm when the sea is calm”
Tun, you are the olny captain managed to keep the helm at any sea condition. You have proven itu. Thats why Malaysia did not sink. I do hope that one day there will be one and I can see that quality in Mukhriz. May be that is the reason why Tawfik quotely say “you know not every son can be like his father” Why not? Dato Najib, Dato Hisham can. But may be son in law cannot.
I know too that Tun have a lot of political enemy because during your tanure, you chooses not to be popular. That is actually quality of a real leader. You have set a clear destination ahead that is Wawasan 2020, but there is somebody out there sees another vision. That is bad for the country.
Salam Ayahanda, Bonda & Permbaca sekelian,
Tawfik who? Ooo anak allahyarham Tun Dr Ismail.Pernah kerja satu bangunan dengan dia masa kat Arwah Bank Bumi dulu.
Tak menonjol pun masa tu, lepas tu dan sampai sekarang.
Tak semestinya bapa pemimpin, anak mesti jadi pemimpin juga.Takdir Allah yang menentukan.Kalau tak ada sifat kepimpinan,Takkan nak paksa kot? Dah bangga diri jadi businessman kira Oklah tu.Buatlah business awak tu sampai maju gila.Tak payah nak cocok cocok hal orang lain.Cerita lama pulak tu.Cuba lah buat cerita baru.Cerita macam mana nak tingkat ekonomi ke.Sedap sikit nak baca.Buat malu orang Johor aja.
Ayahnada tak payah layan lah cerita leceh macam ni.Buat semak otak aja…tak ada kemajuan…..
ah by the way, i forgot to mention in my previous posts. some of you UMNO-BRED commentators here seem to think that GOD is your servant, as though HE will surely and definitely be on your side, and as though people are so sin-less and innocent that you have the right to demand HIM to punish your detractors. give me a break~ stop being such an joke or self-righteous. your hypocrisy is astounding, not to mention disgusting as well.
assalamualaikum to tun and others…
to Upholdjustice,dear sir/madam
I am malay and I’m not rich…yet. I run my own business and I have a lot of malaysian chinese businessmen as my friends. Obviously, they are richer than me but I do not hold any grudge towards them because they earned what they’ve got today.I do experienced tough times in my business but for them it’s just the tip of the iceberg because they faced more and I’ve always talk to them for advice. We are all malaysian regardless of our race and there’s nothing being robbed from all of us because we still can live peacefully here together.Isn’t that the most important thing?
to I love jews,dear sir/madam…
enemies? I’m unsure about that but Tun Mahathir do not robbed tawfik’s land or even worse do anything to harm him. At that time, Tun is our prime minister and he had all the support but he didn’t bomb tawfik’s house or invade his properties…this reminds me to something that happened recently..emm I wonder what?
Tun yang dikasihi,
I am right behind you.
Anway who is this Tufik?
Never heard of him
Dear Tun,
I pun tak kenal sapa this guy…mesti dia gunakan platform tu dan mengatakan yg kontrovesi untuk menjadi famous! Sian dia…menumpang tuah nama Tun plak bila dia tak dapat tumpang nama ayahnya..sian betul.
Apa yg terbeban di hati Tun dapat kami rasai…
saya teringat satu nasihat dari seorang kawan ” biaq pilaa apa dia kata, tujuan dia adalah untuk membuatkan kita sedih dan kecewa. Jika dia berjaya buat kita sedih maknanya dia menang dan kita kalah…jadi, nak ke dia menang?”
Take care of ur health Tun..
it is not worth to waste time on people like him. If ur conscience is clear…di doakan Taufik diberikan TAUFIQ & HIDAYAH ALLAH… dan untuk Tun, doa orang yg dianiaya dimakbulkan Allah…teruskan berdoa.
I believe, what goes around comes around
Dearest Tun
If there’s righteousness in a man heart
There’ll be beauty in his character
If there’s beauty in his character, there’ll be harmony in his home
If there’s harmony in his home, there’ll be order in the nation
If there’s order in the nation…
There’ll be peace in the world.
Dedicated to Tawfik Ismail…to be successful in whatever field you wish to endeavour…one must have an open mind and a big heart. Honesty is the best policy. If you don’t have enought money to do big business, start small…expand as you progress.
Remember Tawfik…”What goes around comes around” and when a man lives by the sword, he will die by the sword. Treat others the way you want to be treated and do not do to others, what you do not want done unto you.
Finally, Mr. Tawfik…please remember…don’t tell lies.
We all loved Tun.
From Tanjung Bunga and the View of Kedah Peak.
Akum TUN
Jgn layan sangat la budak macam taufik tu… tiada siapa kenal dia pun.. nak cari glmaor la tu. Mentang2 bapak dia bekas timbalan Perdana menteri so what?
Ini lah masalah melayu tidak tahu kenang jasa,benda dah berkurun pun di ungkit.
saya rasa orang lain dibelakang si budak ni.. ini biasa dalam politk mencari dan membalas dendam. Kami tak mahu peduli orang murahan macam ni..Teruskan TUN perjuangan yang belum selesai.
Curi tiru perangai israel… perdana menteri gilir berganti dan orang yang sama boelh jadi PM balik, sbb perjuangan israel fokus dan tidak menghiraukan perkara remeh temeh. Melayu pantang ada peluang nak glamor cari salah orang dan cuba dapat publisiti.
buat taufik, cari la cara lain kalau nak glamor pun.
assalamualaikum tun, saya doakan ke hadrat allah supaya dipanjangkan umur dan kesihatan yang baik untuk tun, agar dapat memperbetulkan sistem pemerintahan sekarang dan Akan datang. Saya pernah terdengar dulu kata orang-orang dulu terhadap tun katanya “100 tahun lagi akan ada seorang, pemimpin yang macam mahathir”, wassalam
nowadays there is no such thing as wrong or right anymore, just consequences! Fabrications and presumptions made are to justify intentions however ‘evil’ or nobel they may seems. Perhaps the end of sanity would be soon upon mankind.
Dear Tun,
Schools are not named after you. But i do recall college libraries in cyberjaya named after your wife
Salam dear Tun,
Anggap la dia tu ‘anggur asam’. Obviously, his fighting within himself to venge his vendetta, tapi pengecut. kluk.. kluk ..kluk ..
The other side of the blogospehere is whacking you on this.
Simple fact; how come ” you are able to give such a detail account of the conversation you had with Tawfik; hell who that guy is” and not able to remember many important facts about ” the linggam tape scandal”.
Selective amnesia sir? World is watching and could be laughing.
1. Semoga kita dikurniakan “Taufik dan Hidayah” oleh Allah s.w.t. Semoga kita dijauhkan dari dikurniakan “tawfik” ini, andai kata apa yang diperkatakannya adalah fitnah. Bagaimanapun, semoga “tawfik” telah melepaskan geramnya. Seorang yang telah tenggelam, yang gagal meneruskan legasi arwah bapanya, dan cuba kembali di bawah “regime” yang baru.
2. Berkenaan dengan fitnah, saya teramat sedih melihat paparan di dalam TV, mengenai kebiadaban “hanya orang Melayu” menentang Sultan di Istana Iskandariah (dan yang lebih utama, ada pemberita dan komen-komen dalm blog menyebut Istana Kinta, sedangkan jarak antara kedua-dua istana merentasi bekas kawasan Parlimen Samy Vellu).
3. Anak seorang ulama terkenal Sungai Manik, yang bernama Zahid memberi komen bahawa beliau merasa sedih, orang Melayu diperkudakan oleh PR, untuk berdemonstrasi pada hari tersebut. Biarlah saya memberi gambaran apa yang sebenarnya berlaku pada hari tersebut.
4. Masjid Ubudiah terletak agak hampir dengan Istana Iskandariah. Letaknya di sebelah kiri jalan menuju ke Istana. Di kawasan masjid juga terletaknya Makam Di Raja Perak. Di seberang jalan masjid terletak pula Sekolah Idrisiah [YANG DIMAKSUDKAN OLEH MSM DEMONSTRASI MELIBATKAN PELAJAR DAN DI BAWAH UMUR sebenanya ADALAH PELAJAR-PELAJAR SEKOLAH IDRISIAH YANG MENYEBERANG JALAN UNTUK MENUNAIKAN SOLAT JUMAAT].
5. Peristiwa “kebiadapan” tersebut berlaku pada hari Jumaat. Sebelum waktu Jumaat, jalan menuju ke Istana (serta Masjid Ubudiah) telah ditutup. Cuma beberapa jemaah dan “yang dibenarkan” sahaja boleh melalui halangan polis, dan bersembahyang di Masjid Ubudiah. Yang Bukan Islam mana ada “excuse” nak pergi sembahayang Jumaat, untuk mendapat pelepasan polis yang mengawal jalan menuju Bukit Chandan.
6. Selepas solat, jemaah cuma berkumpul di hadapan masjid, sambil membawa “banner” dan “banting” yang membawa erti bantahan terhadap apa yang dipercayai sebagai “kekecewaan rakyat marhain kepada Sultan yang Bijaksana dalam bidang kehakiman tetapi tidak bijak dalam keadilan”. Rakyat masih tidak percaya, bahawa rupanya, bukan hanya ada 3 cara (yang jelas termaktub dalam undang-undang tubuh negeri Perak) untuk melucutkan jawatan MB, tetapi ada lagi “klausa-klausa” kabur, yang digunakan sejelas-jelasnya untuk memecat MB.
7. Rakyat marhain masih teringat; di masa pemerintahan Sultan terdahulu, walaupun Sultan tidaklah sebijak Sultan kini, tetapi masih menghormati undang-undang tubuh negeri Perak untuk tidak memecat MB sewenang-wenangnya [MASIHKAH RAKYAT PERAK INGAT PERISTIWA HUBUNGAN DINGIN TAPI TAK MESRA ANTARA ALMARHUM SULTAN IDRIS dan ALMARHUM GHAZALI JAWI, ayahanda TAJOL ROSLI?].
8. Berbalik kepada peristiwa tadi, semasa perhimpunan aman di hadapan Masjid Ubudiah tadi, datanglah gerombolan FRU, yang tanpa semena-mena, melepaskan peluru gas pemedih mata, yang mengenai tepat ke dada seorang pelajar.
9. Dah tentulah rakyat yang dah sedia “panas”, merasa pedih mata dan panas. Apa lagi, turunlah mereka ke jalan selepas kawasan perhimpunan dipenuhi gas. Di kala itulah dipertontonkan, kekecohan berlaku. Di tambah pula, ketika itulah konvoi pertabalan MB baru tiba. Cuma, rakyat yang marhain terasa amat marah kepada pemerintah, mengangkat mangsa tembakan peluru gas pemedih mata tadi, menunjukkan kepada Raja Nazrin : INILAH MANGSA TEMBAKAN FRU. Dalam berita TV dipertunjukkan, bahawa penunjuk perasaan sanggup berbaring di hadapan kereta Raja Nazrin.
10. Satu lagi yang ingin diperkatakan rakyat : penunjuk perasaan di Melaka yang tidak lagi bersultan, amatlah beruntung. Kawasan ternakan “khinzir” mereka masih boleh bermastautin di Melaka, dan FRU bertindak amatlah bijak dalam menangani “libasan sangkar khinzir”.
11. Tak perlulah lagi menambah komen selanjutnya. Cuma, satu yang saya ingin tekankan, kita semua benci FITNAH. Kalau kita memperolehi atau disogokkan sesuatu maklumat, carilah kebenaran dalam maklumat tersebut. Kalau tidak faham, lebih baik senyap, dan tak sebarkan perkara tersebut supaya FITNAH tadi tidak terus bercambah.
12. Dalam apa yang diperkatakan Tun dalam blog ini, cukuplah saya katakan, Tun mungkin benar dan Tawfik mungkin benar. Tetapi kebenaran yang hakiki, hanya Allah Yang Maha Mengetahui.
13. Jadi, dalam peristiwa di Perak kini, Sultan mungkin benar, MB Nizar mungkin benar, MB Zamri mungkin benar, Najib mungkin benar, Zahid mungkin benar, Anwar mungkin benar, Karpal mungkin benar dan Anuar Zaini (Ahli Dewan Negara Perak, merangkap penasihat baginda Sultan, Penasihat NCER Pak Lah, Pembisik Najib dan Pengurusi BERNAMA) mungkin BARU DAN BENAR. Kami, rakyat marhain, cuma inginkan dan dahagakan kebenaran. KAMI BENCI FITNAH, sebagaimana TUN BENCI DIFITNAH. Semoga Allah memberikan kita kekuatan menghadapi kekalutan. Amin.
Dear Tun,
Rais Yatim said “Class F and businessmen of stature look at the UMNO’s election as some sort of a business venture. So they invest. The guru (teachers), the clerk, the padi planter or rubber tapper are no longer in. Something must done quickly… it’s about time to consider a voting mechanism for the grassroots.”
Apabila UMNO diperingkat bahagian dan cawangan dipengaruhi oleh:-
1. ahli perniagaan yang “haprak dan HP6”
2. ahli perniagaan yang mendapat kekayaan macam “mee segera”,
3. ahli perniagaan yang hanya pandai “jual air lior”,
4. ahli perniagaan yang pandai “menenggek” atas perniagaan orang lain,
5. ahli perniagaan yang kelayakan akademiknya tidak kemana
6. ahli perniagaan “fly by night”
maka inilah jadinya kepada UMNO sekarang. Merekalah yang sebenarnya menjahanamkan UMNO dengan membawa bermacam-macam budaya yang negatif kedalam UMNO seperti;
1. budaya rasuah,
2. budaya tamak
3. budaya “karoeke”
4. budaya “menunjuk-nunjuk”
5. budaya sombong
6. budaya belagak
7. dan akhirnya budaya “tak sedar diri dan lupa daratan”.
Selagi “makhluk perosak” ini masih ada berkeliaran dalam UMNO, saya rasa harapan UMNO untuk dipulihkan dari gejala tersebut diatas akan tidak kecapaian dan hanya menjadi impian dan khayalan saja.
Fikir-fikirkan lah !!!!
Salam Tun,
You gained the respect of the people even when you are not in power anymore. Your influence could still be felt and you can still turn topsy turvy whatever bad decision the present government is doing. That is true power.
Those people who are badmouthing you only shows their true character. They are willing to eat their brother’s flesh as long as they could achieve their agenda. They’re not worth a single breathe.
Most of the politicians are afflicted with taking pride of their contribution and are arrogant boaster. Most of the time they forgot that they are in the position to serve the people.
Almighty Allah granted the wish of those who sincerely wished for “Long Live Mahathir”. He gave us the opportunity to know you more through this blog. You still have a lot to impart and we are learning from you. Thank you very much.
I still wish and pray for “Long Live Mahathir”. You are the father of the nation.
Take care Tun and wish you good health always.
Have a good day.
Please read the comments Thoroughly…….
It is not ask by me.But by Upholdjustice
By UpholdjusticeAuthor Profile Page on February 15, 2009 1:42 PM
Dear Tun,
You are right.Tawfik is very naughty.
However,it is just the pot calling the kettle black.
Tun ,you must do soul-searching.Remember that even Tunku wanted to fight you.
Do you have a clear conscience when you robbed the Chinese to enrich yourself and the Malays?
Do you have a clear conscience when you resorted to the ISA to oppress your political opponents?
yes Malay are left behind…
i know that…….
UMNO principles are good….
but it is UMNO leaders that are corrupt….
they are using Malay rights to enrich their family…
Name one UMNO leader and their datuk who is not a millionaire….
This is why scholarship are given to the sons and daughters of UMNO leaders…
Project that cost RM6 million became RM22 million….
(Hockey Stadium In JB n Melaka)
I was never against my Race nor UMNO but the mismanagement of peoples money……
UMNO n BN Is not the goverment of Malaysia…
UMNO n BN are the party selected by the people to run and manage the goverment……..
This is Democracy
Im not a hardcore fan of any party…..
If Pakatan was choosen and they do badly in managing the country,
I will certainly vote against them in the next election….
Im A MALAY brave enough to make changes….
It is to avoid our leader from thinking they r INVINCIBLE…
Help the people who are poor….
thats all i want…..
This is my humble opinion….
U may disagree….
but Hey!!
Its Democracy
there must be some truth + fabrigation to what tawfik said and there also must be some truth + fabrigation to what u ( Tun Dr Mahathir ) said ….the only way to know the real truth is to bring the both of u together which will never happen …this only means that the real truth will only be known by the 2 of u …
Just boycot this Taufik. I heard the labu airport project to be continue. Is that right Tun? I heard also about this salary cut? Is it from top to bottom? I think that is a good idea for the economic reason but WHAT ABOUT THE INFLATION? THE LOANS? DID THEY CUT THE INTEREST? Btw, I just heard rumours… Sorry if it just rumours.
Yang Mulia Dan Dikasehi Tun dan Keluarga,
Fitnah adalah lumrah didunia sekarang, kita baik pun difitnah sama telah kita jahat, miskin,tak ada jawatan dan lain-lain banyak lagi fitnah..bia pee ka depa laa.. apa depa nak habaq.. sejarah telah membuktikan segala nya.
Pembangunan yang Tun bawak tidak terbilang kalau hendak dikira semasa pemerentahan Tun dulu….baik segi pelancongan,pembangunan,dll.
Apa yang berlaku kepada pemimpin sekarang hanyalah menjaga apa perkara yang Tun telah buat….
Saya terpanggil juga untuk memberi komen tentang kemasukkan berganda pelancong luar keMalaysia, ini adalah disebabkan pembangunan yang Tun telah buat iaitu saperti Pertonas TWIN-TOWER, Langkawi,dan lain-lain bukan disebabkan kejayaan Menteri-Menteri bersangkutan, semua ini adalah peninggalan dari TUN.
Fitnah akan hilang begitu saja..
Yg Amat Berbahagia Tun,
I did read the interview and my first thoughts on what he claimed took place between you and him at the time was – ” yes, indeed the son does not always turn out to be like the father …”
Tun Dr Ismail lived and passed away way before my existence in this world but I have heard and read only great affirmations of his courage,patriot spirit and most of all his integrity.
His son clearly is bitter at you for not having the opportunity to be a ‘somebody’ in the party that his father helped build. He must have thought that he deserve as he was the son of a great man and you must have buried his dream.
This to me is an important lesson to be learned. Despite UMNO having great leaders, UMNO is not a dynasty ( as you yourself have always mentioned). People like Datuk Seri Najib, Datuk Seri Hishamuddin, Datuk Mukhriz must show that the qualities of a leader to be able to be allowed to hold any position of power in the country.
This is what some UMNO leaders and their families needs to understand. One of the reason UMNO is a shame to the Malays now (many in UMNO still do not admit to this) is because the sons/families of past leaders did not live up to their fathers qualities and many simply abuse it for their personal interest.
UMNO is a party for the Malays by the Malays. It was never formed to make sure so-and-so becomes Prime Minister when his/her father passed the baton or died.
I appreciate the fact that your sons was not actively holding any significant posts in the party during your Premiership, when in fact they probably had the qualities and were sincere. Probably also by holding them back the party lost the opportunity to tap into their better qualities, but for the sake of future generation and to demonstrate UMNO’s unrelenting desire to hold to its integrity, your decision was correct and just.
This should apply to all other leaders in UMNO as well. It must be clearly demonstrated that UMNO is not and will never be a party for former leader’s to continue their legacy.
We have seen in the last 4 years how devastating the result will be when a leader inherently believes and agree to the fact that his family or his son-in-law for that matter should not hold back in their ambitions. The potential for abuse is so great as we have witnessed it time and again.
From the looks of it, this son of an illustrious father is a ne’er-do-good bum. Even though his father is famous, this guy managed to keep a low profile until now. I probably heard of him within UMNO politics but never linked him to his father. Whatever his reason for bad mouthing you I cannot know but surely the charges will not stick.
On another note, I agree with Republic(a commentator)that this sort of business proves that UMNO is a party of patronage. Just because he was a son of a big gun he is given a shot at political fame and wealth. How many other sons/daughters of UMNO has been given this privilege at the expense of other well deserving people? You got the right strings to pull, you get the goodies? Tell us how many other connected people you put in positions of power and easy wealth during you tenure as PM?
Saudara Tawfik Ismail,
Janganlah memalukan Arwah bapa tuan dengan mengeluarkan kenyataan yang seolah-olahnya cuba menghina Tun Mahathir.
Arwah bapa tuan sangat dikenali dengan sifat integriti yang terpuji, semasa menjadi Menteri Dalam Negeri ada mengeluarkan kenyataan – Jika ibu saya sekalipun yang melanggar undang-undang negara ini, beliau akan ditangkap.
Arwah bapa tuan banyak jasa dalam UMNO dan Kerajaan. Tuan ini tidak dikenali oleh ahli UMNO atau rakyat. Pencalonan tuan dari UMNO Johor saya rasa hanya atas dasar hormat yakni memikirkan status tuan selaku anak Arwah Tun Dr Ismail. Tidak lebih daripada itu. Bukan kerana merit atau kerja kuat tuan didalam UMNO itu sendiri.
Salam hormat buat Tun Mahathir.
dear Tun,
Rais Yatim said “The Malay leaders may say sorry for a genuine mistake, but must learn not to say sorry for what are their basic rights and traditions”.
Do you agree with Rais, Tun? In my opinion this is the cause of the downfall of UMNO under haprak and HP6 leadership of Pak Lah. How many times he said sorry for something that he should not have said sorry?
What does that reflect on him as a leader. LEMBEK !!! TAK ADA BOLA !!
Salam Tun,
Orang-orang yang seperti Tawfik ni banyak! Tapi orang-orang seperti Upholdjustice on February 15, 2009 1:42PM lagi banyak, besepah dimana-mana.
This is an affirmation by the so-called some financially “successful people”.
What about the present day poor? Be they the Malays, Chinese, Indians, Kadazans etcetra, in the name of development, these people;
especially the Malays, they are being shoved aside and pushed further away from the city, close to the jungle having monkeys and other creatures as their neighbours! These people will certainly be deprived of good education because of the discomfort brought about by the spartan infrastructure by the newly-developed environment. Meanwhile, they are made to yearn for the comfort they once had. For how long? It remains to be seen!
Their former place that has been “developed” into a premium condominium is now being occupied by this financially “successful
people”. Of course, the poor people can’t afford to own a unit in this condominium, because it is too expensive. Thus, they are being deprived by their new owner. Imagine if every space of land in Malaysia is “developed” to serve the need of these financially “successful people”, sooner or later the poor will be dispossessed of their land and Malaysia will only be owned and occupied by these financially “successful people”. My spine chills to think of the spectre of having to face such a situation!
Asslamualaikum Tun,
Semoga Tun sentiasa berdada di dalam keadaan sihat dan diberkati Allah…..
Mengenai kritikan yang di buat olih saudara Taufik, saya rasa ia hanyalah kritikan yang tidak ikhlas dan ianya hanya untuk menyakitkan Tun. olih itu, biarkan orang ramai menilai sejauh mana kebenaran kritikan yang dibuat olih saudara Taufik tersebut. Pada hemat saya orang ramai dapat menilai di antara kaca dan permata…….
Salam Tun
I believe you and I don’t believe you get a kick out of forcing people to respect you.
However you must be sure whether you said something or not. Be very careful of what you say. Everything is recorded by the mala’ikat. You cannot say “T think I said this…”. You must be sure you said or not because we must be responsible for what we say.
Anyway, I think you are good man and I am now worried about political situation in Malaysia…Perak, Najib..I am very angry with UMNO but I have been angry with UMNO since 5 to 6 years ago. Now finally in UMNO everything has surfaced, Fod willing. The rasuah…the love for materialism….the cronyism…
Let it be heard that a good leader must always sacrifice and not expect anything in return becsause his ganjaran is from Allah SWT only in the Hereafter.
Anyway the way UMNO took the Perak state govt really made me very amused…they are so despaarate for power even if it mean they have 2 independent candidates who are facing session in court for corruption and Chinese independent candidate. In my thoughts, what the Perak people feel about UMNO and the Sultan is more important. Also what is preventing BN candidates from crossing over to BA once more later on ? Then will Sultan Azlan cll for the Perak’s MB resignation and play a game of yoyo ?
Actually, the irreversible damage was done long ago when nobody accepted Tun Jaafar Onn’s call to make UMNO a multiracial party. That rejection led to the shape of the racial trend we see in Malaysia today which has siginifcnt effects on our lives as everyday Malaysians.
salam Tun,
kilmer and its kind from the same species are asking for trouble by insulting Malays here (please read up previous articles by Tun).I took offense when they called Malays breeding like roaches.
You started the insults,we intend to finish it!
Salam Tun & Keluarga…
Sapa Tawfik……? Tak pernah dengo pun….
Apa pun….biarlah Tawfik terjun dengan labu-labunya…
biarkan dia umpama nyamuk dan agas yang sentiasa mengekori manusia…
biarkan dia dengan katanya….
biarkan dia dengan angannya….
biarkan dia dengan egonya….
Jangan endahkan dia…atau kalau perlu…PULAUkan dia….
Banyak lagi perkara yang perlu dibincangkan….
salam Tun,
to kilmer,
you wrote…MINE YOUR OWN BUSINESS.yeah right!You sooo cleverlah….
Salam Tun,
Who is this Tawfik guy? was he in the govt ?
Budaya “yes boss” sebenarnya telah lama wujud dalam politik kita.
Malah dalam jabatan kerajaan sendiri, ia telah berakar umbi sehinggakan ianya menjejaskan mutu perkhidmatan.
Semoga Najib dapat mengatasi masalah ini…
[I cannot imagine myself saying that “my backbenchers have to be people who stand up when I walk in, thump the table and say Long Live Mahathir!”]
Classically an employee ranting about his ex-boss.
Tawfik, stop humilating your father.
Salam Tun,
Cerita lama buat apa di ungkit balik, mungkin betul dan mungkin tidak…..
Siapa Taufik ni? Tun jangan pula buat saya punggah buku buku politik saya pagi pagi ni. Kalau dia bagus atau teruk sangat mesti namanya saya dengar atau ingat di lapangan politik atau perniagaan hari ini. Benih yang baik, hanyut di laut jadi pulau. Taufik ni langsung saya tak dapat kesan. Tak signifikan. Saya minat politik sejak kecil, sejak 13 Mei 69. Tak pula terdenagr namanya, mesti dari kumpulan mencukupkan korum. Ini juga salah Tun, kenapa plilih orang lemah macam ini. Orang begini ramai dalam barisan UMNO yang akhirnya kita lihat UMNO macam pondan, dah pencen baru nak berkata-kata….cakaplah terang terang dahulu masa masih kerje..
Greeting Tun
I am glad that you put forward your explanation. I suppose it is only natural for someone to defend himself against false accusation or allegation. However what frustrated me is that, there are certain people who take this out of context. Person such as Upholdjustice.
As I can recall, during your premiership there are a lot of Chinese, Malaysian Chinese that is, getting richer and proper, perhaps beyond their imagination. There were given enough opportunities, perhaps in some are more that any other people. And they can conduct and grow their business without any fear or being harm, all in a peaceful manner.
According to Forbe.com on 30 May 2007, the latest list of Malaysia’s 40 richest people.
1. Robert Kuok
2. Ananda Krishnan
3. Lim Goh Tong
4. Lee Shin Cheng
5. Teh Hong Piow
6. Quek Leng Chan
7. Syed Mokhtar AlBukhary
8. Yeoh Tiong Lay
9. Tiong Hiew King
10. William Cheng
11. Azman Hashim
12. Ong Beng Seng
13. Yaw Teck Seng
14. Vincent Tan
15. Yaw Chee Ming
16. Vinod Sekhar
17. Jeffrey Cheah
18. Chong Chook Yew
19. Lim Kok Thay
20. Lim Wee Chai
21. Kua Sian Kooi
22. Tiah Thee Kian
23. Mustapha Kamal Abu Bakar
24. Anthony Fernandes
25. Seri Eleena Raja Azlan Shah
26. Lee Oi Hian
27. Lee Hau Hian
28. Mokhzani Mahathir
29. G Gnanalingam
30. Abdul Hamed Sepawi
31. Kamarudin Meranun
32. Lau Cho Kun
33. Ong Leong Huat
34. Lin Yun Ling
35. Liew Kee Sin
36. Lee Swee Eng
37. Ahmayuddin bin Ahmad
38. Hamdan Mohamad
39. Khoo Kay Peng
40. Kasi K L Palaniappan
So how come the list consist of so many Malaysian Chinese, if they were robbed of their richness?
As of ISA, maybe these people deserve what they are getting. I for one wouldn
kalaulah dt sri najib baca,ini mesej dari generasi muda-
Bila dt sr najib jadi PM buatlah program utk generasi muda yg bertaraf dunia seperti TUN buat utk kami dulu.Kami rindu program seperti itu.Begitu juga dgn projek pembangunan bertaraf dunia.Ia menaikkan semangat kami dan kami berbangga menjadi rakyat MALAYSIA.
negaraku tanah tumpahnya darah ku….
rakyat hidup…berstu dan maju..
Tun yang dihormati,
I hope Taw ( tahu ) fik ( fikir ).
Tapi I rasa dia ni orang Do ( bodoh ) la ( alam ).
Orang yang menyokong Dolah Badawi memang orang yang “bodoh alam”.
Orang yang “bodoh alam” tak layak untuk mendapat publisiti murahan.
Better go to hell.
Salam kasih dan hormat Ayahanda Tun. I was informed that a group of misguided suckers has planned to lodge a police report over the teaching of math and science in English (?). I have absolutely no idea if they had gone ahead and do it already or still hibernating over it. I say, go ahead and do it. Many people know whose orchestrating this whole ensemble already. So it
YABhg Tun,
Just take it as a sales gimmick….
…and the rest…Sir, leave it to ALLAH.
Dear readers..,
His late father was second man in that era. If he not die early then become a PM. Maybe we dont know Hussein On or Hishamudin. Nevertheless Tun is alway his choice for the successor.
‘Long live Mahathir’
Dear Tun,
Thank you for your clarification. It is important to clarify. Perbuatan fitnah ini memang dah jadi sebati pada orang tertentu. Kalau didiamkan sahaja bakal membuka peluang orang tersebut memfitnah lebih teruk lagi. Tun, berdoalah agar orang yang memfitnah kita diberikan hukuman setimpal oleh yang Maha Kuasa kerana doa kita yang difitnah ini semestinya dimakbulkan Allah. Tujuan Tawfik Ismail untuk malukan Tun harapnya balik kepada dia sendiri.
Saya masih percayakan Tun.
Dear Tun,
The only part which I believe this Taufik The Unknown said is true is ..” you know, not every son can be like his father”. Tun, you are not perfect, you are only human who cannot avoid making mistakes e.g appointing somebody like Anwar and Pak Lah. But then, nobody would have thought that Mr Clean could turn out to be like this. You cannot be held liable from all his wrongdoings, his ignorance and his unforeseeable stupidity and recklessness.No matter what happen, you have proven that you are our best prime minister. By the way, is there anyway for people like Karpal (yang tak selam-selam lagi) and Lim Kit Siang (bila lah nak malam)to be revoked of citizenship? Anyone knows or anyway to make it possible?
Salam kasih dan hormat Ayahanda Tun. Saya tertarik dengan artikel editorial Awang Utusan Malaysia seperti link diatas. Kenapa begitu lembap kelihatan pihak berwajib untuk mengambil tindakan keatas mereka-mereka yang telah menghina Sultan, dan masih sedang giat menghina Sultan melalui pelbagai tindak tanduk mereka, yang boleh diterjemahkan sebagai
Salam kasih dan hormat Ayahanda Tun.
Salam Tun,
Just ignore them. You have done the best!!
~I Hate JEWS, Can’t Wait to Defeat Them by Myself-A Malaysian~
tawfik who…
cayalah pembela melayu 2009 sambil dengar lagu legenda sheila majid.
I have to take my hats off for you on your perfect memory you have all these while. However, what happened to your memory chips during the Royal Commission on Lingam’s case. Most of your answer was “I CANT REMEMBER” or
He thought he is so damn smart by having this interview. But I think he is so dumb to realize that he becomes the laughing stock from now on.
i know this tawfik’s familyhey amass wealth like crazy, just by carrying the name TUN DR ISMAIL!!
Dearest Tun,
My father, was with the national news agency (BERNAMA)for many years.
He has been following you and covering you from the early stage of your political career. You are every word that you said about yourself. My dad told me this years even before you explained yourself. When Pak Lah took over from you, he said it from day 1 that Pak Lah is going to be a disaster. He is right as always.
Your resignation is a big loss for Malaysia. I now reside in the middle east as a pilot. The people in the middle east just love you and regard you as the true muslim leader.
Salam Tun & all blogger,
Pasal si taufik ni, biasalah nak ambil kesempatan nak lariskan buku dia. sy org johor pun tak kenal mamat ni.
berkenaan si kapal yg beriya-iya nak saman DYMM Sultan Perak, Si Nizar yg nak saman Zambry, Si sivakumar nak saman semua exco baru Perak.
Ex-MB Nizar & sivakumar cakap nak saman MB Zambry & exconya bukan nya Sultan. dia tak sedar ke atau buat tak tahu yg melantik Zambry sebagai MB adalan DYMM Sultan Perak yg berkuasa ke atas negeri & jajahan takluknya
Pada sayalah Nizar, Sivakaumr, Kapal adalah penghasut rakyat agar membenci DYMM Sultan Perak dan membenci sesama kaum & antara kaum. Keadaan ini jika tidak di bendung, penyokong yg sekapal dengannya di seluruh Malaysia akan berkelakuan seperti penyokong BA di perak. semua Sultan & Raja di Tanah Melayu ini akan di cabar kuasanya Ia akan menjejaskan keadaan aman tenteram yg dituntut oleh semua manusia di bumi ALLAH ini khasnya di Malaysia, Ia akan menjadi gambaran buruk pada pelancong & pelabur bahawa keadaan di perak telah merebak keseluruh malaysia seperti di gambarkan oleh media singapura.
Semua blogger cukup marah dengan nizar & kapal, sekor lagi diam-diam sambil tersengih “selamat aku”. Semua ini adalah angkara al juburi, si jubur ni lah yg mempopULARkan DEMONstrasi jalan (yg di enakkan lagi dengan perkataan Mahkamah Rakyat.) sejak 1998 lagi. Al Juburi ni boleh di anugrahkan sebagai Bapak DEMONstrasi Jalanan.
Kepada semua blogger yg tahu berkenaan Akta hasutan 1948 heretlah Nizar, sivakumar, Kapal juga kepalanya al Juburi yg menjadikan rakyat Malaysia membenci sesama bangsa & antara kaum.
Tawfik who? I don’t even recognize him. Thank God this article has made him the most unpopular unwanted man in Malaysia hahaha … God is Great. Daripada orang tak kenal siapa dia, la ni orang kenal dia on his “bad” side…. I believe some circle of his friends have commented here what kind of person he is.
Kepada “think tank” yang sebelah sana tu … sudah-sudahlah cari bahan nak jatuhkan orang. Show what kind of leader you are and what you can do to the nation instead of backstabbing your opponents wokeyhhh???? Ingat ni …. Allah Maha Mengetahui, Maha Adil dan Maha Menyaksikan.
btw, this kind of young chap makin ramai dalam GLC Tun. That’s why GLC banyak yang huru hara. They appointed the so-called performer young executives to the top and sidelined the old chap (mostly based on recommendations by consultants). But I tell you, nothing beats experience. And these goons will race among each other to go on top. Bad mouthing is normal. Lastly company haywire, consultants dapat duitttttt … revenue tak naik jugak….. short cut way – cut costtttttt….
kepada Tun yang dikasihi
Tun please lah jangan buang masa layan orang mcm ni.Tawfik mana Tun? betul2 tak pernah kenal.biar la dia tun, agaknya dia menyesal dengan hidup dia kot? apapun semoga Tun sihat selalu.
i love u Tun
Salam Tun
Masa sebelum Tawfik digugurkan tu….. saya dok tertanya-tanya…. Nama dia ada la berlegar dimana-mana….Apa impak yang dia boleh buat pada UMNO dan Malaysia……Najib dah ada buat impak sikit….Tunggu punya tunggu…..tak ada apa. Setakat hidup dibawah bayangan nama besar arwah Tun Dr Ismail.
Cerita meniaga….apa impak yang dapat dia tunjuk? Dengan jaringan berselirat keliling pinggang…..kalau setakat pencapaiannya sekarang….tak payah la nak cakap apa-apa. Peanuts! Peanuts! Peanuts!
Orang yang brilliant, honest and hardworking (so he was claiming of himself)coupled with extensive network of influential figures and big namesaround him….he should have been able to be one of the prime mover in changing the landscape of Malaysian Economy. Ubah struktur pemilikan ekonomi. Apa hal bumiputera masih lagi setakat pegang kurang dari 30%? Atau dia tidak kisah/peduli langsung. Anak orang kaya kan…..
Atau Mamat ni dah pegang singlehandedly 40 ke 50% tapi pemilikan itu diproxykan atas nama non bumi. Macam bijak aje….kalau benar begitu la.
Dah la Mamat…..politik orang tak kenal …dalam business macam tak ujud (jadi broker engkau pandai kot)pandai lak nak buat cerita.
Bagus la kalau jadi pengarang cerita fiksyen….
Jangan lupa tulis qualification yang macam…..”Cerita ini tiada kaitan dengan yang hidup atau yang telah mati. Nama dan tempat yang tertulis adalah kebetulan semata-mata”.
Tun….tolong respond pada barang-barang yang datang dari minda yang baik dan sihat jer. Jangan pedulikan benda-benda yang datang dari “peanuts”. Tak baik untuk kesihatan Tun dan rakyat jelata.
YAbhg Ayahanda Tun,
Bila lagi agaknya akan lahir pemimpin seperti ini kat Malaysia:
1) Tun Dr. Ismail-2nd TPM, Home Minister, 13 mei saviour, Felda mastermind, Trade minister, the PM that never was, the PM that Msia should have.
2) Tun Abdul Razak- 2nd PM, Education Minister, DEB mastermind, Good judgement on future leaders : Recall Mahathir, Appoint Ku Li as Finance Minister & Chief Petronas, Persuade Tun Dr Ismail to rejoin Cabinet, the PM that starts it all
3) Ku Li- 1st Malay Finance Minister, te 1st Chief of Petronas, 1st chief of Bank Bumi, The PM that we should have today.
4) Tuan Guru Nik Aziz – MB Kelate, a just Leader with wisdom and kindhearted, the leader that a PM of Malaysia should seek advise from.
5) Tun Dr. Mahathir – 4th PM, Great Vision, MTEN mastermind, the global Malay leader, the PM that we should have 4eva, we miss u
Ya Allah, kurniakanlah Malaysia pemimpin Islam yang hebat & adil bagi masa hadapan
Bila mana Business News bertukar menjadi Pancaindera… cerita disiarkan berdasarkan rating populariti
Bila mana business melingkup di kala recession… pancing lah selagi boleh pancing nak kait cable dasar laut, bagi kuat connection dalam business world a.k.a economic stimulus package
Bila mana keratan akhbar jadi bahan pancing undi parti lawan apabila ada pilihanraya(yg tak pernah menjenguk business section pun boleh layan business section)…. secara teknikalnya, Tun bukanlah ahli mana-mana parti politik ketika ini, tapi tak dapat keluli, dawai pun menjadi
Semoga yg bercakap mendapat taufik dan hidayah, insya allah. Majulah Islam utk Malaysia dan serata dunia…
sedangkan posmen boleh berpolitik, ini kan pula businessman… (harap yg berkerja sebagai posmen tidak berkecil hati)
He wont get a chance to fly on my hot air balloon for sure Tun…
but everyone else please do come for the 1st Putrajaya Hot Air Balloon Fiesta 2009 on the 19 – 22 March 2009 at Presint 2 (near monumen alaf baru) for more details please visit http://www.myballoonfiesta.com
sheikh faleigh
as’kum tun,
it’s normal, isn’t it??
org melayu je yg jatuhkan org melayu sendiri…
Dear Tun,this allegation against you whether true or not is not us for to decide cos there are no witnesses to the above mentioned incident but believe me one of them is not telling the truth.Anyway that is secondary the top priority now is Tun can you give us the people and government of Malaysia any good suggestions to overcome the problems and economy downturn facing the country.I really appreciate your past contributions cos at the moment there is no clear direction for the people to look forward to.Lastly i appeal to the people of Malaysia to discard our racial barrier and look upon ourselves as Malaysians first in facing this downturn.THREE CHEERS FOR ALL MALAYSIANS WE CAN IF WE ALL ARE UNITED “BERSATU PADU”
Dear Tun,
The statements made by this wicked fellow, Tawfik only serve to expose him, i.e. of being a looser. The sad thing is that there are many hypocrites like Tawfik.
May Allah bless you with peace and tranquility.
Thank you
long time no write..! busy baru buka LAYPARK Cafe..niaga kecil kecilan..this was what you told us.. start a business..!
Tawfik is a loser..he has not even a 10% inherited quality from his father..just don’t bother..he can say what he felt..but we know..you are the best…even the world recognised !
So.. long live Mahathir..! I just want to say it…
Kelana Jaya
Tawfik siapa?Tak kenal pun!Apa jasa dia berbanding Tun Dr Mahathir.Muka tak malu..saya berdoa kepada Allah semoga orang yang tak berguna ini akan dilaknat dan menerima pembalasan diakhirat kelak.Amin.
well tun,
he has said it. you know better. dont you?
hopefully, its not another airy statement he is making.
Assalammualaikum Tok Det
Mohon izinkan anakanda “stand up, thump the table and say, Long Live Mahathir!”
Woi Tawfik! Do you have any problem with this? You are nothing compare to Yang Dikasihi Tun. Infact your father was far behind Tun. He was not even PM of Malaysia. Pigi dahhh!!!
you seem to have alot of enemies..somewhere down the line, u must have committed grave sins..
Appreciate you valued comments/feedback on the current highlights pertaining to the “rise” against the monarchy and the events sparked off by the relevant parties in Perak, and else where.
It is certainly unlike you not to have an immediate or impetus comment.
I, and many others I’m sure, await for you.
Cheers, and GOD bless.
Salam Ayahanda Tun,
Pedulikan aje….., kalau Ayahanda Tun tak sebut, kami pun tak tahu dia ni siapa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I got a good laugh reading this article, but like many others I have trouble believing what Tawfik alleged was true. Definitely not your style, Mahathir. You’re more subtle and cunning than this.
Assalamualaikum Tun,
The simple truth is some people just have to run down other people so that they can feel and look better. Between you and this Tawfik, if I were a gambling man, I
Dear Tun,
Live and let live la, Tun.
But Tun, let me share this with you. During yr premiership, the aura of your personality automatically made either your rakyat or ministers to stand up when you arrive. And i believe that some of them do it out of fear more than it was out of respect although you may not hv requested or needeed such courtesy. Any strong leader with a strong character doesnt need to speak too many words to create such ambience. Think carefully of the number of people those days that surround you when you come back from yr overseas trip, horseriding routines, etc. Do u see such thing with Pak Lah? Similarly, is Tun aware of the famous talks that when someone gets a call from either yourself or Tun Daim in those days, he will automatically stand up and talk although Tun/Daim is not even visible to him/her in that call? Whether that is true or if its true, was it done out of respect, out of fear or both?
Pak Lah i believe is a good person but unfortunately, good person doesnt make a good leader bcos they try to please too many people and more often than not, they are indecisive. Although there are things that happened during your time i could never agree but nevertheless, you gave us a direction with the tenacity to follow through. I always remember Tun was Malaysia’s best salesman in all your overseas trips to entice foreign companies to invest in Malaysia. That i hv to give Tun full credit. This is something that i think Pak Lah failed big time. Too much talk but no idea how to follow through. And the best part is that Pak Lah relied too much on economic statistics, believing that Malaysia and the Malaysians were doing well when the whole country was running around like a zombie-to-be for years now, not dead yet but neither were there life.
I believe what makes the economy of a country works is the ability of the government to create money velocity, that is the speed of how fast the currency changes hands. Each time the same dollar changes hands, it comes with a multiplier effect that gives a boost to the economy. Eg, whilst our economic numbers compares favourably with HK but if i put a normal person in the streets of HK and here, trust me that person will feel the difference from the strong vibe of HK. These are the things that statistics will never be able to indicate. Unfortunately, our present leaders with no feel of the actual situation will then rely on numbers to do the explanation and fool the naive rakyat. Even the police force is relying on statistics to defend that our crime rate isnt high! My goodness, i hv so many friends or their wife, relatives that got robbed in broad daylights that as usual, the police give them the run arounds or tidak apa attitude when reports are being made.
Salam Tun,
Saya rasa Tun tak sepatutnya buang masa cerita pasai mamat ni tak berbaloi,
lebih baik Tun cerita perkara yang lebih penting untuk tatapan ganerasi yang sangat sayangkan Tun.
Saya cadangkan Tun ceritakan tentang AYAH Tun yang saya rasa banyak berjasa pada negara kita kerana mampu mendidik Tun dengan begitu hebat.Saya rasa teringin sangat nak kenal insan yang telah mendidik Tun. Moga-moga kami dapat mendidik ganerasi yang akan datang agar boleh menjadi negarawan macam Tun dengan ilmu yang bakal Tun kongsi dengan kami.
Harap Tun sudi kongsi ilmu Tun dengan kami demi masa depan negara.
I thought….it was Taufik Hidayat…..sorry anyway…..
you cant pleased everyone. human is made to have bad behaviour (lack of satisfaction).
10 times you help them they wont appreciate or even say thank you. but if only for once you say ‘no’ then you can see them start grumbling to everyone about your ‘no’ behind you.
do this happen to you?
one think i can say is if those days during you as prime minister, if you have done a lot of dirty/bad things, i am sure you cant live peaceful/enjoying life as you are doing today.
not easy to sit on a prime minister seat, power & money is there at your dispose. full of temptation which is not easy for even a good displin human to stay neutral.
many people that dont like you see you ‘blood sucker’ because of some of your greedy minister did missuse of power at certain time, but i understand not everything is within your reach.
when you are telling a lie to someone, directly you are telling the lie to God. lie produce disaster, only the TRUTH can produce peace.
not to worry about your back stabber, no enemy of yours can break your TRUTH to get you.
….the TRUTH in Holy Book is the ‘potion of satisfaction’ to cure human greed….
Assalammualaikum Tun:
I was already around when Tun Abdul Razak was the PM and the late Tun Dr Ismail was his Deputy. Tawfik might be his son but I don’t see “Tun Dr Ismail” in him. It was a big loss indeed, Tun, that Tun Dr Ismail passed away much earlier because he would have been a better Prime Minister than the late Tun Hussein Onn.
Given the chance, perhaps I too can be a better Prime Minister than Najib…..hahahaha! I might be laughing but I aren’t kidding.
Askum YABhg Tun,
I am a Johorean and an UMNO member. I know Tawfik during his early days in UMNO. You are right. Not all sons can be like the father. He may have tried but he never achieved anything in UMNO or outside it. Pity him. Don’t take his comments too seriously. I’m sure he regretted for putting his ‘thoughts’ on paper because they not worth that much.
Can we leave him behind, Tun. What we need to hear from you is something worthy of your attention i.e. the Perak Camelot. i) Did Najib made the right decision to wrest the State government based on four’incorrigible’ people ii) Was the decision to replace Nizar done in undue haste iii) Is Dr Zambry the right person to be MB of Perak iv) can the new state govt fall in the near future if PR wins the Bkt Gantang bye-election in April v) given the very ‘Hang Jebat’ response by Malay supporters of PR/PAS, what will be the impact of the Perak Camelot on the status of the Royalty?
We love you, Tun and Tun Dr Siti Hasmah. May Allah SWT blessed you always in good health. Wassalam
Salam Tun, family & chedet bloggers
“Ya Rahman, Ya Rahim, Ya Rabbi, Ya Allah limpahilah rahmat MU keatas Tun Mahathir Mohamad, lindungilah beliau dari fitnah dan kejahatan mereka yang iri hati kepadanya, peliharalah imannya dan sentiasa diberikan hidayah dunia dan akhirat. Amin”
Tun, saya ingin komen artikel ini dari perspektif sikap siTawfik ini. Sikap buruk orang Melayu yang tidak pernah pudar ialah dendam kesumat dan hasad dengki. Mereka yang bersifat demikian ini mudah dieksploitasikan oleh mereka-mereka yang ada agenda untuk melemah, menguasai dan menjajah Malaysia. Untuk mencapai hasrat ini, bukan orang Cina atau India yang dapat memenuhinya, tetapi hanya orang-orang Melayu sahaja.
Kerana sikap buruk inilah penyebab Tanah Melayu mudah dijatuhkan oleh Portugis ketika itu.
Bumi bertuah Malaysia ini besar rahmatnya dan sangat strategik kedudukan mukabumi di Asia Tenggara ini. Sangat lumayan kepada sesiapa yang mendapatnya. Banyak anasir-anasir yang kepingin untuk menguasai bahagian ini untuk kepentingan masing-masing.
Bagi mencapai cita-cita mereka, sudah tentu orang-orang Melayu yang mempunyai kriteria tersebut diatas (hasad dengki, dendam kesumat, gila kuasa dan wang) menjadi pilihan sempurna dan tepat. Percayalah hanya orang Melayu yang boleh menjatuhkan bangsanya sendiri.
Marilah kita meminta kepada Allah swt melindungi diri kita dari penyakit-penyakit tersebut. Saya sertakan doa ini yang diambil dari buku himpunan doa-doa Rasulallah saw untuk kita amalkan bersama:
“Ya Allah! Kami berlindung kepadaMU dari perbuatan maksiat, dari perselisihan, dari bermuka-muka, dari kemasyhuran, dari gerak laku yang tidak iklas, dari tuli, dari bisu, dari gila and dari penyakit lepra (kusta).
Semoga Allah swt memberi rahmatNYA dan hidayah kepada kita semua.
Best regards.
Salam Tun,
Tak pernah dengar pun nama dia until now. His father, yes. One of our great leaders. Anyway, Tun, you know what will happen to people who tabur fitnah.
Tawfik says that, “I don’t want intelligent, honest, hardworking people in politics. People like you (i.e. being intelligent, honest and hardworking) should be in business.”
i think Tawfik has a BIG problem with himself and the rest. You need intelligent, honest, hardworking ppl politics, not just business. You wouldn’t want a LIAR, LAZY, STUPID ppl in politics don’t you Tawfik? We all respect you Dr. Mahathir. May Allah grant us strength and iman to the malays and the rest of malaysians..
salam… tun….,
‘itulah melayu’
terhantuk kepala baru le menyebut …… ‘oooo kalaulah………’
Tawfik says that, “I don’t want intelligent, honest, hardworking people in politics. People like you (i.e. being intelligent, honest and hardworking) should be in business.”
i think Tawfik has a BIG problem with himself and the rest. You need intelligent, honest, hardworking ppl politics, not just business. You wouldn’t want a LIAR, LAZY, STUPID ppl in politics don’t you Tawfik? We all respect you Dr. Mahathir. May Allah grant us strength and iman to the malays and the rest of malaysians..
Salam Tun,
Audi Mansor
Siapa ni Tawfik?..tiba2 je muncul…dan lebih baik jangan kenal orang ini.
Jangan2 dia dah jadi balaci Anwar Ibrahim…..tak kurang macam Raja Petra Kamaruddin…adik beradik Raja Kapor…Raja Auta…
Mungkin mainan politik musuh Mukhriz dalam pencalonan ketua pemuda…siapa lagi kalau bukan Khairy & the gang
Apa pun yang pasti…kalau Tun tak maafkan Tawfik atas kesalahan fitnahnya keatas Tun…just wait what is the consequences to Tawfik (sooner or later)…harap tak jadi macam Bunyamin, meninggal selepas fitnah Tun…still remember??
Allah bersama Tun, orang2 yang benar, insyallah…
6. I hope Tawfik had a clear conscience whe he said all these. I cannot imagine myself saying that “my backbenchers have to be people who stand up when I walk in, thump the table and say Long Live Mahathir!”
You may not be able to imagine it, but he’d experienced it. Either to deny the statement or not to imagine.
12.On the basis of his lacklustre performance I did not consider him to be good material to lead UMNO.
But Pak LAh is a good material to lead? I wonder……?
Tun M,
Tawfik fitnah lah. Berdosa cakap bohong. Biarkan lah dia Tun. Orang bukan kenal dia pun. He’s a little person.
Dear Tun,
This Taufik fella is not even qualified to lick your feet.
That is whey he could be easily used by people with vested interests to try to put you in a bad light.
Now, he gets his just desserts.
I hope his wife and children spit in his face.
It’s been five years now since you stepped down and nobody can touch you.
If they had something on you, I doubt they would not have acted by now.
That’s why many people don’t understand the importance of staying on the right path no matter the circumstances.
Bravo Tun,
1.Siapa Tawfik Ismail?
2.Memang tak pernah kenal dengan Tawfik Ismail dan tak hingin kenal pun.
3.Tawfik Ismail tak, yang penting Tun.
Dear Tun
Such outbursts by Tawfik and people like him are usually those who are “KECEWA” with not getting appointed, not getting big projects, not getting capital, etc.
Just ignore and disregard these people. These people do NOT amount to anything and do NOT contribute anything other than for their own selfish selves.
Tidak semua yang Tun lakukan saya setuju, walaupun secara umumnya saya percaya sumbangan Tun adalah besar kepada negara.
Saya sebenarnya tidak begitu suka bercakap mengenai orang lain, tetapi kerana perkara yang ditimbulkan dalam catatan ini berkaitan sedikit dengan apa yang saya ketahui, jadi saya ingin menulis untuk menjelaskan kepada mereka yang tidak tahu.
Tawfik Tun Dr Ismail pernah beberapa kali saya temui semasa beliau berkerja dengan Pelangi Berhad di Johor Bahru pada 90an. Mengikut pengamatan saya, personalitinya amat jauh sekali berbeza dengan bapanya (walaupun bapanya hanya saya kenali melalui penulisan orang dan melihat dalam TV semasa saya masih kanak-kanak). Saya sebenarnya hairan bagaimana UMNO boleh memilih personaliti seperti beliau untuk dicalonkan sebagai MP. Berdasarkan pengalaman saya mengenali beliau, saya percaya beliau tidak bercakap benar mengenai apa yang dituduhkan terhadap Tun. Cukuplah setakat itu. Saya percaya, sekiranya ibu beliau masih ada pada hari ini, ibunya akan bersetuju dengan saya. Janganlah kita suka memfitnah antara satu sama lain. sekian.
Salam sejahtera Ybg Tun,
To recall back Hanan’s comments, he mentioned that he got a lot of friends in Malaysia. I wonder who are his friends in Malaysia.. maybe a Cabinet Minister.. maybe a book publisher.. maybe a member of Parliment.. businessmen.. chief editor of local newspaper.. etc.
Through his writings. this Hanan can be figured out as an intelectual and somebody in Israel. He declared himself Israelis and a Zionist. He also mentioned that he wish keeping in touch with Ybg Tun through chedet’s blog and is in the midst of planning of something in Malaysia.
Malaysia was the most successful and glamourous Muslim country in the world during Tun’s tenure as the Prime Minister and through the way of Islamic leaderships whether directly or indirectly.
I am in the opinion that among “Hanan”s plans are to tarnish the good values of Islamic leaderships in Malaysia which was proven successfull during Ybg Tun’s leaderships.
Therefore, Tun is the prime target. Tun’s legacies such as the way of thinking,Islamics leaderships, concepts, adab sopan, how to lead, etc, must be erased as quickly as posibble from the knowledge of down generations(this process is currently on going). The way of thinking of Malays (Muslims) and its leaders must always be kept and maintained at its lowest level.
Untill now, Tun always to be potrayed as bad Muslim dictator ala Hitler through books, newspaper, TV etc and Malays (Muslims) are always to be potrayed as illogical idiot peoples.
Hanan has friends in Malaysia.
salam perjuangan buat Tun yang dikasihi,
1.Pejuang yang akan berjuang sampai mati macam Tun sudah pasti mempunyai musuh yang tak senang duduk.
2.Biarlah dia dengan fitnahnya terhadap Tun,orang yang kenal hati budi Tun tak akan percaya dan terpengaruh dengan fitnah fitnah murahan itu.Biar masa menentukan fitnah akan makan tuan suatu hari nanti.
3.Ingatkan nama Tawfik ni Allah dah berikan taufik dan hidayah agar boleh menilai kebenaran…namun,masih terhijab hati nuraninya!!!
mungkin dia kena minum air tawar tokguru baru cerah hatinya…
nak tahu pasal air tawar tokguru..jemput ke blog saya.
Salam buat Ayahanda Tun.
Buat Sdr Tawfik, maaf saya tak kenal saudara.
Kalau tersempuh bahu, maafkan saya sebab tak tegur saudara – kerana bukan sombong, memang tak pernah kenal pun.
Malah saya tak tau pun buku saudara ada terjual. Berapa harganya..? Ada diskaun tak..?
Lagi pun malulah nak baca buku saudara.
Lebih baik saya baca kisah Periwira Mat Gila atau buku satira politik Tuan Syed kita.
Salam buat saudara yang kecewa.
I wonder if a dimwit like you knows what it means to Mine Your Own Business. Always commenting on what others say. Hello numbskull dont have to kiss ass to this extent. And by the way you are not intelligent, so dont pretend to be one.
Tawfik tu sapa bos? Klu dah berpuluh tahun baru nak cerita, tak payah percaya la org mcm ni. Saya tak pernah baca apa2 cerita pun pasal Tawfik ni. bila Tun bagitau, baru la saya tau. Ini mcm punya org pun ada ka?
sebelum video klip lingam dipaparkan, ramai yg tidak percaya berlakunya situasi seperti yg kita nampak dalam video klip tersebut …
apabila video dipaparkan, sehingga terang-terang tertonjolnya isi kandungan perbualan … namun ada pihak mampu menafikan juga …… correct, correct, correct … looks like me, sound like me, but it is not me …
si taufik ini pun amat lucu sekali, sebarang cakap tanpa bukti adalah perbuatan fitna … tindakan yg tidak bermoral … lebih baik lain kali ada video klip baru cakap, sekurang-kurangnya ada bukti … oopppss, terlupa pula isu lingam ada video, namun tak jadi hal pun sampai hari ini …
apa boleh buat? Hai lah nasib!
Dear Tun Dr. Mahathir,
I believe human psycology and human behaviour is such that everyone thinks that he is smarter and better than others. Consequently it is difficult indeed to achieve 100% agreement in any action plan or proposal unless one’s hand are forced. The description which Tawfik gave does express that you are indeed practising somewhat of a dictatorial regime during your heydays. This impression of yours was also further confirmed by Tunku Abdul Rahman, Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah and a few other senior politicians particularly after the 1987 UMNO election. Toeing the line takes place in a servant-master relationship and absolute power exists in a dictatorial environment. History has shown us that a dictatorial government could get more things done (unfortunately not all are necessarily beneficial to the society) while a consultative government achieve much lesser. I am not in a position to intelligently comment as to the way your conduct your cabinet meetings during your heydays but it does gives many Malaysians that you are indeed running the ship with an iron fist. President Barrack Obama had just realized that his Financial Stability Plan although logical and sensible in today’s context, could not win the support of all members of the Senate. He would have to bulldoze his way through. I suppose, likewise many decisions made during your era were in a forceful manner in order to move things along. The other alternative is to spend countless time arguing and debating the merits and demerits of the various options which of course will slow things down. The Japanese tend to adopt the latter approach, which has its merits. Today you see a more gracious Japanese society which are thoughtful and sensitive to the feelings of their countrymen. The recent political development in Perak would be viewed as shameful and deragatory and almost unthinkable in their society. You are the first Malaysian Prime Minister who adopted the Look East Policy and no wonder you were against the move by BN in Perak recently.
The fast paced developments that the world had noticed today in China came about because of the strong-arm approach adopted by the Chinese government. Pak Lah adopted the approach of work with me rather than your perhaps “work for me” and probably we can see what happened to Malaysia in the last 5 years. Similarly many had compared Indonesia during Suharto’s era vis-a-vis Indonesia leaders of today. Maybe these are not great examples but they do demonstrate that consultative approach seldom work efficiently in the real world today. I believe that in order for a country or even company to fully harness human capital, they have to embrace in total the principle of meritocracy and apply them across all segments of the society. In the real world today, do you think such is realistic? In private sector, there are considerations of family ties, old boys associations, drinking partners, etc. etc. that influence the decision rather than just merit alone. In the public sector in Malaysia, the consideration like race and connections is extremely thick. Even in squeaky clean Singapore, there have been accusations and comments before that some of the public positions were awarded based on race and family ties. Let us not be foolish and naive to think that this does not happen in Malaysia. Even you are now shouting away that the current administration is adopting a “in law” policy. Be that as it may, I suppose at the end of the day Malaysia has to embrace a more meritocracy policy (real meritocracy and that the ala-Malaysian one)in order to remain relevant and competitive.
Also, you have talk a lot about a more united Malaysia recently but if the government of the past and present is really serious of building a one Malaysia, then remarks like closing down the vernacular schools shouldn;t have been raised at all. Let us also not to be foolish and naive on this one.
This Tawfik guy is a bankrupt businessman who is seeking sympathy and financial bail-out from those aligned to groups eager about tarnishing Tun Dr.M’s image.
This guy, Tawfik Ismail, is just selling his soul (and got knows what else) for money!
He successfully killed the Tun Dr.Imail School which he mismanaged and the school was later confiscated after he ended up a bankrupt.
I guess being a bankrupt is not a sin, but being a bankrupt who is willing to SELL HIS FATHER is shameful.
En.Tawfik, saya rasa lebih baik hang bertaubat sebelum terlambat.
Anyone can write about anything from any point of view, but somewhere there must remain only one truthful version. In the matter of perhaps one hour of talk in one’s lifetime, whatever transpires wouldn’t be earthshaking.
There must, however be a ring of truth in the utterance, and having read the Tun Dr. Ismail’s book, this bit related by Tawfik about the meeting with you is too contrary, and although an infinitely miniscule part of it, is aberrant to the overall concept of a book highlighting the life and sacrifice of a respected Malay leader. It’s a put down.
Have heart, Tun. It’s good that you have given your side of the story. I don’t think Tawfik needs to respond. I don’t think he can improve on the story.
Lupakan orang seperti ini.
Baik kita pergi The Loaf. Makan U-hu!-hu!… Huhuhu… Sedap!!! 1st time cuba tadi, saya akan datang lagi. Insya-Allah. And hari ni The Loaf KL penuh. Saya terpaksa minum di tempat lain dengan roti The Loaf satu beg plastik.
To sesiapa yang support Tun, saya cadangkan cubalah roti and cheese cake kedai Tun! Boleh jadi ahli The Loaf lagi! ‘U-hu!-hu!’ jauh lagi sedap dari cheese cake kedai kopi Amerika tu!
Salam Tun,
Tak fahamlah Tun..Tiba-tiba keluar nama Tawfik ni..Siapa dia? Cerita lainlah..Pasal negeri Perak ke..Pasal Anwar Ibrahim ke..Pasal kapal karam ke..baru lah syok..Soal fitnah ni..Junjungan Nabi Besar kita Muhammad SAW pun difitnah..Jadi Tun..tukar cerita lain for next appointment…baru syok
Hi Tun. I agree we should criminalise war. Lets do it. No ifs and buts. Also lets criminalise governments who shelter terrorists like Pakistan, Iran, Syria, etc. No ifs and buts. No such thing as because they are freedom fighters so it is understandable on their part! The Palestine problem is a simple matter of war deciding the outcome of human disputes! No country would exist today if it wasn’t because some war determined its existence. The Palestinians lost the war! Take the case of Malaysia. If you want to throw away the secular law in the constitution, if you cannot get parliamentary majority, then start and succeed in creating chaos and violence and then overthrow the government of the day and then rewrite the constitution! But then the people starting the war may not be the winners as was in the case of the Palestinians and the Iranians! The communist overthrew the Shah but then the Mullahs overthrew the communist! The Malays can start the trouble so as to change the constitution but are you sure they will win? They could end up losing their homeland esp with the large Indian and Chinese populations to the north. Look at history and learn why there have been wars, Tun. Anyway food for thought. Regards.
Salam kasih dan hormat Ayahanda Tun.
I have seen many cruel things in Malaysian politics and I have lived by a few and some. But I have never seen cruelty as the one being display presently on the polemic that has been purposely – yes purposely- created on the issue of the teaching of math and science in English. Dear politicians, we are talking about small school going children here. Please put away our politics and spare them this game. Have mercy on them. Find other issues and points to fire at Datuk Mukhriz with. Find something else. Be creative at your trade. Don
Wabillah hi TAWFIK wal hidayah…. tak payah pedulik orang macam ni…
Salam Tun & fellow bloggers,
Since it doesn’t ring a bell,nothing to be alarmed about..
takyah layan org macam tu..
tak pasal2 tun dah popularkan nama dia..
entah2 memang tu yg dia nak.
assalamualaikum TUN…
.nilah sebhgn sifat manusia di akhir zaman suka fitnah org….di malaysia makhlik ni hidup mcm pelesit biak dgn cepat….sy yakin TUN tidak akan saman makhlul Allah ni,kami sedia maklum sifat pemaaf TUN kpd semua warga malaysia..namun pelesit2 masih tidak sedar diri….
well keep con’t writting…you this still the best in this planet…
Salam Tun,
Semoga dalam keadaan sihat selalu. I like the comment by Pak Belalang about the New Mentri Besar of Perak, the latex cream and the Indians in Perak. Samy Vellu should not worry about the exco line up anymore as the Indian interests are taken care. hahahahahaha.
Salam kasih dan hormat Ayahanda Tun.
Ostracizing anyone is a cruel thing. It
Salam Tun dan Toh Puan.
Pedulikan mereka ni Tun, buat tak layan aje…mereka sahaja nak cari publisiti murah dan menacri keburukan orang yang dah letak jawatan. Mereka ingat Tun dan letak jawatan, dah tak ada pengaruh dan kuasa.
Saya sudah baca kisah Tun dari mula sampai akhir, saya dapat baca hati iklas Tun dalam mentadbir negara ini dengan baik.
Tun sudah biasa sepak teranjang politik ini. Tun dah masak. Tun dah biasa kena halu sana sini. Tun dah biasa kena maki hamun dari dalam dan luar. Tun dah biasa “kawan tikam dari belakang”.
Harap Tun dapat keluarkan sebuah buku “KISAH SEBENAR” POLITIK TANAH AIR KITA INI…biarlah kisah sebanra terbongkar satu persatu.
Tetapi dunia politik ini banyak “lidah cabang”…sampai nak keluarkan bukit baru nak mangaku.
Harap Tun dapat bersabar dengan tindakan anak sulong bekas timbalan perdana menteri ini.
Tawfik sekadar mencari publisiti dan biarlah dia disoal oleh bapanya sendiri – Tun Dr Ismail.
Assalaamualaikom Tun dan Tun,
semoga berada dalam kandungan sihat wal afiat hendaknya.
Kepada taufik, wat malu dan cemarkan memori ayahanda taufik saja
Assalamualaikum Tun .
“Long Live Tun” – If u hate people shout it during your UMNO presidency . I would like to sout this voice recently during your retirement . At least your know my words not jerking .
Not to forget –
Thank U .
For Your National service , That’s all Masterpiece.
Still I’m counting on 2020 Vision.
Tawfiq is Sucks!
Azlan bin Samat@Samad
Hi Tun! It takes all kinds of people to make up this nation….the good, the bad and the ugly! I am sure your time can better be spend on other things or issues.
Cheers and have a great day!
1. Mungkin Tun sudah lupa apa yang telah berlaku antara kamu dan Tawfik.
2. If Tawfiw’s statement constitute finah, bring him to court for justice.
3. “I did not consider him to be good material to lead UMNO”, The outcome of your judgement is always the opposite ways. You thought Abdullah was a good leader right? so Tawfik could have been a good leader if you have given him a chance.
4. There are so many critics or “fitnah” against you, why are you so particular about this? By the way, do you remember the reason you called him to your office?
Aslmualaikum wbt Tun,
pd sy, fitnah ini bukanla sesuatu yg Tun patut hiraukan.
manusia normal blh berfikir dgn waras dan sy yakin mmg benar Tun difitnah. sekiranya Tun melatah dlm hal ini, matlamat Tawfik nampaknya hampir tercapai.
di mana2 laman blog skrg byk yg memperkatakan ttg Tun dgn sengaja “secara zalim” menyumbat Anwar dlm penjara selepas dipecat pd 1998. di youtube, video pengakuan Tun juga di muat naik.
pd sy, ini merupakan satu isu yg tk blh Tun pndg remeh.
mgkin Tun patut beri kenyataan penafian sekiranya ia benar2 fitnah dan video itu dimanipulasi krn ianya kelihatan seolah2 Tun sedang menyindir dan ia bukannya pengakuan.
sy sgt2 berharap Tun dpt memberi ulasan terperinci dan sy sgt2 berharap ianya fitnah dan tidak benar sama sekali.
saya hormat dan bangga mempunyai perdana menteri spt Tun
Saya ingat dia nak bagi laku buku dia la tu. Bapa dia memang seorang yang hebat, tapi sayang dia tak. Tak perlu layan orang macam ni Tun.
Biografi tun, yang penting bagi keluar.
Dear Tun,
The sign of a great minds and great leaders is when you have more people bad mouth and criticized you in a negative way than commend you and be thankful for what you have done.
Do not feel weary Tun. People in other nations mentioned your name in the same breath as all the great leaders of the world.
It is sad that many offspring of some great leaders when they realized they could not fill in the shoes of their elders, would blame the whole world for their failure or even worst, blame their elders for being to great of a leaders for them to emulate.
Whatever others said, you’re always the great person and an idol in my book. May Allah blessed you always.
Suka atau tidak, Tun mengharumkan nama Malaysia di Timur Tengah, kini tercemar dengan kes Syarikat Malaysia tindas pekerja di Timur Tengah
Saya sokong “Bunderbuzz”. Tak sangka arwah Tun Dr Ismail ada anak se “lemau” itu. Saya rasa dia tidak “lemau @masuk angin” sangat, cuma gelodak kebencian kerana dendam tidak terbatas. Syukurlah dia tidak jadi pemimpin, cukup lah dia memimpin diri dia dan keluarga dia. Anak memalukan nama baik bapak yg disanjung masayarakat.
Orang Malaysia memang suka “maklumat tidak berkhasiat” macam mana mereka memilih makanan mereka yg “sedap, tetapi berbahaya” kepada kesihatan mereka. Itu fasal fikiran mereka kurang tajam, dan lemau macam biskut masuk angin. Mereka suka perbodoh kan diri macam “pak pandir”.
Golongan akal “masuk angin” @ “lemau” ini tidak terbatas kepada golongan kurang pendidikan sahaja, golongan profesional bahkan berkelulusan Ph.D pun hanya otak sahaja yang pandai tetapi akal masih tumpul dan lemau. Yang lebih lemau lagi, mereka yg dah didedah kepada dunia luar tetapi akal masih dalam ruang litup yg sempit (rugi wang kerajaan). Bila golongan ini menabur fitnah, masyarakat akan dengar. Sekurang-kurangnya mereka sealiran dengan “orang pandai”. Saya ingat Doktor semua pandai2, ada saya jumpa Doktor Pakar pun lemah betul akalnya. Kasihan saya kepada dirinya dan kerajaan (ingat itu wang rakyat)yg membiaya pengajiannya.
Tokoh2 bahasa yg cerdik berkarya pun rupa-rupanya tidak tajam akalnya. Akal yg tajam ini seumpama vaksin kepada serangan penyakit, antaranya melawan wabak FITNAH. Hal pembelajaran anak2 sekolah (matematik & sains dalam bahasa Inggeris) pun di sanggah-sanggah. Tolonglah jangan sanggah!!!!!baik kita cari kaedah perlaksanaan yg lebih baik(kalau ada).
Vaksin melawan fitnah dengan berakal tajam inilah yg pemimpin2 kita kena cari jalan dapat di beri kepada rakyat. Caranya mungkin dengan Pertama kempen dan membudayakan pemakanan sihat, Kedua aktiviti fizikal (jangan naik lif, kalau sekadar 1@2 tingkat, guna tangga…nanti terperangkap)contohnya, Ketiga memupuk @membudayakan membaca dan menyelidik, Keempat Menggalakkan rakyat melancong @mengunjungi tempat yg belum pernah pergi sekali setahun (jika mampu), kerajaan boleh taja haji golongan kurang mampu. Kelima Mengimarahkan masjid dan surau. Memupuk penghargaan kepada alam sekitar dan warisan, sejarah dan budaya.
Masyarakat kita tidak ambil vaksin ini mengikut “dosage” yg betul. itulah fasal bila wabak FITNAH bawaan Anuar Ibrahim mudah merebak. Kalau lemah lagi, FITNAH Taufik pun boleh berjangkit. Silap-silap, bila antibody sudah terlalu lemah….dengan wabak Skim Cepat Kaya pun boleh hanyut…………………………………………….
Kesian orang kita TUN….angkara FITNAH dan ketiadaan vaksin melawan FITNAH.
Assuming Tun do not exist in this world, Tawfik would not have succeeded in politics either.So don’t blame others for your failure Tawfik.Be thankful that your father’s writings are written by others but cashable by you.
A’kum Y.A.Bhg Tun,
Izinkan saya nak jawab Doleng_Bravo on February 15, 2009 4:34 PM
Siapa dia Doleng_Bravo???? Orang yang seperti ini lah Melayu yang sangat bahaya kepada bangsa Melayu…ada juga ke Melayu macam ini..mungkin ramai juga kot(serious).
Berani dia tanya kepada Tun soalan macam ni, “Do you have a clear conscience when you robbed the Chinese to enrich yourself and the Malays? Ini cakap tak ada fakta – main hentam aje. “Lepas tu mengaku lagi,”Im a Malay but i never agree that Chinese are immigrant…..even thought history said otherwise….
I believe in equality…(equality bodoh apa macam itu).
Lepas itu mengaku lagi,”Im a supporter Of Pakatan Rakyat….(laaa patut la pun)..agaknya semua Melayu dalam Pakatan tu believe in equality style Doleng_Bravo ke?
Saya tengok TV1 sekarang dah jadi TV Mandarin lah Tun…Saya kadang terasa seolah saya tengok TV kat Hong Kong pulak bila tonton TV1. Saya rasa ada sesuatu yang tak kena dengan Menteri Penerangan ni…Kalu boleh minta betul kan balik lah ya mana yang tak berapa betul tu…janganlah dipercaya sangat equality style Doleng_Bravo tu…sekadar meluah rasa aje Tun.
Dear Tun,
I don’t know who is Tawfik anyway but if we accidentally meet someday I will say this: “Long Live Tun!” For me, you deserve more than that. I don’t care what people might say or you dislike it. I must thank you anyway, as a Malaysian who remember and love his inspiring leader.
Long Live Tun Mahathir!
Tawfik is positioning himself to be remembered through you. He was not the kind of breed as he coloured himself.Certainly, it does not come from you who are able to call a spade a spade. Ignore him.
btw, i googled Tawfik story right after i comment here. He mentioned that his father whacked him the most among the siblings. Now i know why…
Rasanya dia marah kat Tun kot. Mau tak marah cita2 sikit punya besar tiba2 kena cantas. baru plan nak jadi menteri dah jadi mcm tu. Pendapat saya,dia ni orang berilmu,so kalau nak cakap pun fikir dulu. Fikir tu guna otak bukan kepala lutut. Jangan pasal salah buat statement kredibiliti dia jatuh. Ingat nak jatuh senang tapi nak bangun balik susah tu
Saya ada kawan seorang bekas ahli parlimen. Dia cerita, pada ketika Tun ingin menyerahkan tugas kpd Pak La,Tun ada buat precouncil sebelum keparlimen. Kali ini Tun beri peluang kpd Pak La untuk chair meeting itu.Maka Pak La pun berucap dan mulakan precouncil itu. Sedang beliau bercakap one of the ahli parlimen angkat tangan dan minta izin ” Pak La boleh tolong cakap kuat sikit tak, kami dibelakang tak dengar.” Apa jawab Paklah.. ” Hang pekak kah “. Saya tanya bekas YB tersebut betulkah Paklah jawab begitu ? Dia kata betul. Dia kata lagi,” Tun tak pernah herdik org2 dia mcm tu.” “Sebenarnya org2/pemimpin2 Dr Mahathir bukan takut, tetapi sangat menghormati Dr Mahathir, katanya lagi.
Seterusnya bekas YB itu kata, “sepanjang dia jadi MP, Dr Mahathir selalu panggil YB2 MP yang susah. Dia akan tolong apa yg boleh kpd MP2 tersebut. Dr Mahathir jenis pemimpin yg akan pertahan org2/pemimpin2 dibawahnya sekira dituduh sesuatu hinggalah didapati tidak bersalah. Katanya lagi ” Dr Mahathir adalah the best prime minister dan lebih baik dari bekas PM singapore Lee Kuan Yeu.
Jadi Tun, saya tak percaya apa yang dikatakan Tawfik. Ramai lagi tak perdaya…… Tun jangan risau dan jagalah kesihatan. Saya yakin Tun boleh hindarkan fitnah ini. Dia tanggung lah …… diatas fitnah yg dia buat. Saya doakan Tun sihat….
Salam kasih sayang buat ayahnda Tun
Siapa itu Tawfik??
loyar kah??Majistret kah………..
ape?ahlil mujik??pantang tok nenek aku……..
kesian”Tawfik”tapi tak “Taw Taw Fik ir”
wak perabih ko pitih jah………
Luv u 4ever Tun
mek kelate
Dear Tun Dr M,
(Tawfik was not a deputy minister. Sorry for the error)
In politics, you should be aware of, a lot of behaviors (both positive and negative)are unavoidable for survival and longevity in power. Tawfik is taking us back to about 20 political years. If I am not mistaken, it was during the UMNO crisis period during which a new Party (Semangat 46)was formed by the political foes of yours. The reason why I am emphasizing on this is that, during this period only the top leaders received publicity and news coverage (as there were hot news every now and then) and the ordinary leaders were(unintentionally) left out or blacked out.
I believe, Tawfik is one of them, Thus, he can’t be totally blamed for not to shine in whatever position held or claimed. It is to his disadvantage that he was the son of one of the national heroes. Whether it is fair or unfair, the heirs of VVIPs are compared to that contributed by them. This is the reality of life which many follow.
The slander unleashed by Tawfik on Dr Mahathir could have been accepted if it was immediately after him being drop back then. However, why now, as Dr Mahathir is no more the PM? Why is it after 18 years? Is it venting of anger and vengeance?
Selamat petang tun
” 11. He was picked to be a candidate two times. His name was proposed by Johor UMNO, I think. I had no problems approving his candidature. As the son of a much respected UMNO Leader, he was naturally regarded as qualified. But he did not distinguish himself in any other way. I don’t know whether he was a youth leader or not. Certainly he performed no exploits in the youth or in the UMNO hierarchy.”
To be true and inspiring leader is the performance that counts, NOT just because he/she was born so-called “gifted”;-to a well-known figure.
There are many of unwanted-uncapable candidates who knows nothing of running the organization. But because of ” he/she is the son/daugther of…..”, he/she is given the peoples’s power and abused it. – Round ‘Em Up And Weed “Em Out!
There are lots of potential candidates who works hard, standing on his/her own feet, as to make the most beneficial moment for the people,country and yet they are not given the chance. – These are the country’s jewels.
If only there is no “generations-to-generations power”
Dear Tun,
I back again as former UMNO members. Maaf lari dari tajuk. Saya ada membaca kenyataan LIM GUAN ENG mengatakan UMNO adalah segala punca kekacauan politik di negara ini. Saya bantah sekeras-kerasnya dakwaan beliau. Sebagai bekas ahli saya tidak setuju UMNO sebagai punca. UMNO hanya dilihat lemah ketika ini kerana ketiadaan pemimpin yang berani seperti TUN.
Punca ketidakstabilan politik di negara ini adalah berpunca dari Dato Seri Anwar Ibrahim. Beliau adalah segala gala punca menyebabkan negara ini huru hara. Dalam keadaan yang tidak menentu di tambah pula mempunyai pemimpin yang lemah yang sepatutnya letak jawatan selepas kalah teruk pilihanraya lalu.
Saya setuju UMNO rosak teruk kini dengan di belenggu rasuah dan biadap contohnya seperti KJ org muda yang bertindak seperti hero UMNO dalam masa yg sama hanya perosak UMNO dan mencemarkan UMNO. Kini hanya menunggu masa Najib mengambil alih tampuk pemerintahan yang berharap beliau dapat memusnahkan kroni-kroni Paklah dalam UMNO dan kerajaan.
Kisah Karpal Singh ini menjadi kemarahan rakyat diseluruh negara khasnya org melayu. Saya tidak pasti karpal akan melakukan saman atau sebaliknya.. Sebaliknya dari pengamatan jauh saya karpal hanya mahu melayu sesama melayu bersengketa diantara UMNO-PKR-PAS. Kesedaran ini perlu ada disetiap hati org melayu di mana sejak beratus ratus tahun dahulu kita sudah pun mendiami bumi ini dan kerap bersengketa berperang sesama sendiri hanya kerana mahu menakluk tanah dll. Org asing seperti Karpal sing (India) hanya seorang hamba Abdi kepada org British manakala Lim Kit Siang (Cina) hanya seorang peniaga semata mata mahu meneruskan hidup di bumi melayu ini. Kenapa org melayu tidak menyedari kekuatan kita hanya bersatu tetapi disebabkan PAS PKR dan UMNO kita berkelahi semata mata merebut kuasa hasilnya orang asing ni sekarang mahu mengecam Institusi Beraja. Apakah UMNO begitu kebal untuk mempertahankannya?? Sedangkan org PAS sendiri mengecam Sultan.
Pada ketika ini pengecaman Institusi beraja UMNO nampak relevan kerana mempertahan Raja-Raja Melayu tetapi adakah pemimpin-pemimpin ini begitu ikhlas memperjuangankannya?? Atau mahu meraih simpati rakyat?? Adakah PAS mahu menegakkan Undang-undang sivil sedangkan undang-undang Syariah sendiri banyak tidak berlaku ADIL?? Adakah PKR akan terus ADIL kepada rakyat dengan membiarkan Sultan disaman??
Jadi bangun la bangsaku demi kedaulatan agama dan bangsa kita terus di hormati org asing ini.
Tun, apa kata Tun dan isteri Tun berdua merehatkan minda seketika dan menonton filem yang saya rasa akan membuatkan Tun bangga dengan anak-anak muda Malaysia.
Filem yang saya maksudkan adalah filem “GENG: Pengembaraan Bermula”. Selepas saya menonton filem ini, tidak keterlaluan jika saya katakan filem animasi 3D pertama malaysia ini memang setaraf Hollywood dan Walt Disney!
Tun tontonlah bersama keluarga Tun, pasti Tun akan dapat rasa bagaimana rasa bangga rakyat Malaysia terhadap KLIA, Putrajaya, dan KLCC selepas menonton filem ini. 🙂
Kenapa saya rasa sangat teruja dengan filem ini???
Jawapannya boleh anda baca secara keseluruhan di blog saya >> TechTarik.net – http://www.techtarik.net/filem-geng-pengembaraan-bermula-10-bintang/
Dear Tun Dr M,
In politics,as you should be aware of, a lot of behaviors (both positive and negative)are unavoidable for survival and longevity in power. Tawfik is taking us back to about 20 political years. If I am not mistaken, it was during the UMNO crisis period during which a new Party (Semangat 46)was formed by the political foes of yours. The reason why I am emphasizing on this is that, during this period only the top leaders received publicity and news coverage (as there were hot news every now and then) and the ordinary leaders were(unintentionally) left out or blacked out.
I believe, Tawfik is one of them. However, you can’t be blamed for him not to last in his Deputy Minister’s position as you already have given him 2 terms and only after that did you conclude to drop him. It is to his disadvantage that he was the son of one of the national heroes. Whether it is fair or unfair, the heirs of VVIPs are compared to that contributed by them. This is the reality of life which many follow.
The slander unleashed by Tawfik on Dr Mahathir could have been accepted if it was immediately after him being drop back then. However, why now, as Dr Mahathir is no more the PM? Why is it after 18 years? Is it venting of anger and vengeance?
Mulut org, bukannya boleh ditutup.. ada saja nk berkata kata, ada yang benar dan ada yang tidak benar. Apa-apa pon sy tak percaya dengan perkataan “Love Live Mahathir”. Of course you never ask for this word. Even we dont know you better, but you’re not that type of person.
Tun, apa khabar Tun Dr Siti Hasmah?? Sampaikan salam kepadanya. Kalau boleh nak gak baca artikal by Tun Dr Siti Hasmah, Kalau sudi tulislah.. maybe some past story between you and Mahathir…
Terima Kasih
Biasalah tok det , setiap manusia pasti ada musuhnya , kalau takde musuh kita tak akan maju Tok det secara realitinya .Walau macamana pun tok det memang otak bisnes pun sebab itu bangsa cina suka tok det . Tapi saya tak kenal pun Tawfik ni….he he he . so just forget it about him .
Semangat 46 he he he . lagi haprak , itu pasal saya pelik macamana Pak lah boleh jadi Perdana Menteri , tengok lah sekarang apa konco – konco dia sudah buat untuk malaysia . huru hara jadinya . lepas ni kita tengok muka najib yang selalu gelabah pulak jadi perdana menteri jangan malaysia jadi negara terencat sudah he he he………
datuk sharir tu perasan diri dia bagus , tengok muka dah tahu berlagak , jangan nasib seperti khir toyo sudahlah sharir .kau ingat rakyat ni bodoh sangat ke sharir , suka – suka kau aje bagi pandangan pasal minyak di negara ini . cakap sama kau punya org atas sharir , kalau tak pandai nak cari duit janganlah menyusahkan rakyat pulak .
Apa pun dari dulu saya memang suka tok det , sehinggalah sekarang , Anwar ibrahim dulu memang saya tak suka , tapi bila dia diperlakukan begitu , saya tengok dia seorang yang tabah , jadi saya sokong perjuangan dia . walaupun saya tahu , nampak dia pun kaki gelabah juga , tengok tok det kena buang dari umno relex je
Semoga perjuangan bangsa kita akan terus maju .
Hahaha this is one funny article, after all the BS going on lately this was change of pace.
Despite what other says the decision to removed immunities for the royals was the right move. I don’t know why the political parties are playing with issue. Does UMNO think Malaysian are stupid and don’t remember history. People cannot even sue Utusan according to UMNO.
But unfortunately it seem that we do have a group of people in Malaysia who are above the law and they all belong to UMNO and their dogs in BN.
No man is above the law and no man is below it; nor do we ask any man’s permission when we ask him to obey it. Theodore Roosevelt
Salam semua… kepada semua yang mengutuk Tun, sedarlah diri… jika tidak kerana kepimpinan beliau selama 22 tahun…. dapat tak kita kecapi apa yang kita nikmati selama ini. Negara lain sibuk berperang, bertumpah darah, kita disini tak bersyukur. Kalau tak kerana bantuan kerajaan saya mungkin tak kecapi apa yang saya nikmati sekarang ni. Mungkin kita senang mengutuk apa yang pemimpin kita buat, tetapi cuba kita berada disana, mungkin kita sibuk nak buat duit aje. Kepada yang cakap banyak tu… sorry la yek.. entah-entah kamu lagi teruk… layak ke? 😀 Mungkin Taufik tengah ‘merempat’ kot… cemburu atas kejayaan orang lain. Mungkin kalau dia jadi ‘somebody’ sekarang ni dia ‘somebody’ la kan… Tapi masaalahnyer sekarang… siapa Taufik ni. Mungkin masuk majalah la… but for sure… ‘SAPA DIA’. Bersyukur la Taufik, kalau tak kerana Tun, entah-entah negara kita Merdeka, tapi mungkin merempat dan mungkin macam negara Jiran kita. Jadi kepada semua rakyat Malaysia, tak kira kaum dan agama cukup la menaikkan kemarahan sesiapa. Bersyukurlah yang kita ni tak berperang. Dan kepada Taufik, sebagai seorang Islam, fitnat itu amatlah berat dosanya. Lagipun apa yang anda ungkitkan itu dah basi la…. 🙂
Upholdjustice, you never stop creating havoc do you?
When did the Malay robbed the Chinese?
When did Tun ordered such act ?
Stop making racial statements that shows how of an ignorant you are.
Malay, Chinese and Indian, all the same, what we want is only justice and right this very moment the one who is badly robbed and screwed was not Chinese, in fact it’s the Malay.
In my life, I can only remember “Who was The Great Leader & The Best PM in Malaysia ”
Never know who is, such a person so called Tawfik..? Was he the Singapore Idol…!May be Some Sons Do Not “LIKE” Father..,but they “LIKE” Mother..instead!That’s Democratic Country..like Malaysia…!
Hopefully, there is a man in every state of Malaysia…called Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad..for the next 50 years..to safeguard our beloved country..to a greater height Malaysia….Undisputable & provenly of your Extra-ordinary Quality of Leadership…Calibre & Charisma & Capability in handling any issues for the pass 22 years..Made All Malaysians Amazingly..Proud..even the very intelligent..musanghitam..seeing to be very honest..Limtingsek..acted to be very hard-Talking..samilulu..dared to sue the ..K..Kapalsink…Reformasiman…AiMan..Democraticman..Liketsing who once lost 5 sen in betting…. who failed democratically in every elections..every attempts..in their noble career for Rakyat struggling for survival..in Malaysia….that made-up the History for Modern Malaysia Boleh..!Tun..was still recognised The Best Winner & The Best Leader & The Best PM …in Malaysia History..!
May Allah bless The Great Man ..Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad..forever!
assalamualaikum tuan mahadhir muhammad.
thanks 4 everything and may Allah bless u n your family.Amin.
bermacam2 perkara saya tulis tadi. tapi semuanya saya dah padam balik. kerana saya rasa tulisan saya ini tak dapat memberi gambaran sebanar apa kekecewaan saya pada kerajaan BN dan BA. kami orang melayu umur lingkungan 25 – 35 tahun amat kecewa.
saya tahu blog tuan bukan bersifat pro kepada mana mana pihak. tetapi saya faham dengan fahaman tuan.
Salam Tun,
“Hai orang-orang yang beriman, jauhilah kebanyakan sangka-sangka (dugaan terhadap sesama Muslim), kerana sebagian sangka-sangka itu ialah dosa, dan janganlah kamu mencari-cari aib orang dan jangan pula setengah kamu mengumpat yang lain. Sukakah salah seorang kamu, bahawa ia memakan daging saudaranya yang telah mati (bangkainya)? Maka tentu kamu benci memakannya. Takutlah kamu kepada Allah. Sesungguhnya Allah Penerima taubat lagi Penyayang” Al-Hujujrat 49:12
“O you who believe! Avoid much suspicions, indeed some suspicions are sins. And spy not, neither backbite one another. Would one of you like to eat the flesh of his dead brother? You would hate it (so hate backbiting) . And fear Allâh. Verily, Allâh is the One Who accepts repentance, Most Merciful.” Al-Hujujrat 49:12
seek blessing and forgiveness from Allah for He surely forgives, unless for acts of disbelieving Him. Tok Det?
Assalamualaikum YABhg. Tun
Tidak pernah dengar budak bernama TAWFIK dalam politik UMNO. Rupa-rupanya dia ada agenda tersembunyi menghentam YABhg. TUN.
Tidak apa. Kita beri peluang dia menghentam TUN. Tapi ingat kita akan ‘meyassinkan’ fitnahnya itu supaya dia sedar dan bertaubat kerana telah melakukan ‘dosa besar’ terhadap YABhg. TUN , kerana ingin menjadi samseng politik.
Salam Tun,
It amazes me that people forget all the good you have done and also choose to have selective amnesia. Again it seem to be an epidemic which have stricken the Malays today. Many who denounce the NEP and the benefits thereof are in fact beneficaries of the NEP themselves. As in the case of Tawfik, he is striken by the same efidemic of selective amnesia or blaming others. I am still amazed that the general public believe in Anwar and his bunch of merry man despite every thing that has happened. Please dont let Tawfik’s childsih scribbling bother you. Somethings cannot be taught, it has to be learnt the hard way. It just breaks my heart to see people who have benefited from your leadership, denounce you without batting an eyelid. Melayu Mudah Lupa (revisited) indeed.
Will all respect and regards
Salam Sejahtera Untuk Tun dan Keluarga.
1) Saya pun tak tau Tun siapa Tawfik ini.Kepada orang begini ada pepatah yang patut di lemparkan kepada mereka.
2)Sebenar nya Tun saya rasa ada benar nya saperti ada bloggers mengatakan mereka cuba menggagalkan Mukhriz daripada di pilih sebagai Ketua Pemuda dengan menaburkan fitnah kepada Tun.
3) Dalam Utusan saya terbaca budak oxford tu kata calon calon pemuda dan naib hendak lah bertemu bersama sebelum pilihan dia adakan.Kita pun tak tau mengapa.Kalau lah nak berjumpa, dia nak sampaikan yang dia tak mau bertanding dan mengundur diri ok lah. tapi kita pun tak tau untuk apa.
4) Sudah banyak kali saya komen dalam blog Tun bahwa orang saperti Pak Lah dan konco konco ini saperti KACANG LUPAKAN KULIT.Tun serahkan jawatan Perdana Menteri kepada Pak Lah ON A SILVER PLATTER semua cantik dan tersusun, tapi kita lihat apa yang terjadi.Kadang kadang manusia bila dia mendapat sokongan yang banyak dia lupa daratan Sebenarnya kemenangan banyak ada lah dari kesinambungan Tun memimpin negara dulu. Bukti nya lihat kenapa UMNO kalah begitu teruk sekali. Kalau mereka sukakan Pak Lah tentu pilihan raya yang lepas lagi banyak UMNO mendapat undi.
5) Kami tahu Tun hendak menyeret bush dan blair kemuka keadilan sebagai jenayah perang tetapi sayang kerana kemelut di negara sendiri perkara ini terbantut.Dengan kepimpinan baru nanti saya sangat berharap dan berdoa agar perkara ini dapat di laksanakan dalam masa yang terdekat.
6) Tun terus kan perjuangan Mu kami sentiasa menyokong.Kami mengharap segala kerja murni Mu di berkati Tuhan Insha Allah.
A quick succession of attack against chedet confirms my contention that a concerted efforts to smear the Tun is taking on a strident and sustained path leading to the March UMNO GA. It could be a grand designed to affect Mukhriz shot at the KP post.
See Lim Guan Eng (DAP) recent statement in Asia One
and Husam Musa (PAS) recent statement in Malaysia Insider
Dear topek you are so cheap…..
assalamualikum tun
hidup tun….saya bersyukur tun menjadi pm malaysia.banyak jasa tun di bumi malaysia.saya suka dengan penulisan tun.saya harap tun dapat meneruskan perjuangan bangsa melayu.hidup melayu………
Assalamualaikum Tun,
Untungnya YAB Tun masih bernafas di dunia ini. Tun masih mampu untuk menjawab kembali atau menjelaskan sesuatu isu tersebut seperti yang pernah dilakukan oleh Judge Chin dan Tawfik ini.
Andai kata Tun sudah tiada lagi pastinya ada yang akan mempercayai sekiranya fitnah-fitnah begini muncul.
21. His parting shot was meant to hurt my feelings. He said, “Datuk Seri, the best years of my life in politics were when I was fighting you”. He then smiled and felt good doing it.
Teringat cerita sang tikus setelah puas menggigit gajah lalu dia menjerit ke telinga gajah “kau telah terpijak ekor ku, sebab itu aku gigit kau sebegini teruk” jerit tikus “aku tak sedarpun yang kau dah gigit aku..” balas gajah.
Terima kasih.
Dear Tun…
Who is Tawfik..I don’t even know him that much. Just ignore this person. You should know, despite of him (and other persons that hate you), there’s a million of person who still stand behind you willingly to support you!!!
Between..looking on the political phenomenon nowadays…I really feel how good to still have you as our PM…how I missed those days..My prayer is always with you Tun…
…..Khairy’s leading an illegal protest on monday whereby a police report was lodge against by DAP youth yesterday.
Hi Tun,
Even without you giving us the insight, just reading on his comment on you alone, i find him really shallow and childish. You’re right, a true leader wouldnt have done this. If not of his late father, he cant even have the opportunity to be featured on the paper.
He’s not objective, he’s negative and hold on resentment for years, what a shallow person he is…
i’m wondering whether he dont needs business for money is because of he have plenty of it or he’s living on his father fortune?
A leader will not time wasting on unnecessary, a true leader will rather spend time on doing something that benefit themselves and others at the same time.
Forget about him Tun, really time wasting. Even spend 10 seconds of thought on him is time wasting. He’ll laughing all the way back home when he saw you reply on the article. His main intention is to hurts you. I always think this – i will not spend time nor effort doing something bad (or revenge) to someone who had hurts me. Why being influenced to do bad deeds (that someone bad that caused you to do something bad back)?
The more you mentioned about him, the merrier he felt.
Dear Tun,
Nama Tawfik adalah nama yang baik. Anak saya pun nama Taufiq (ejaan lain).
Mungkin Tawfik belum lagi dapat “taufiq dan hidayah” dari Allah bahawa fitnah itu adalah satu perbuatan yang paling keji sekali disisi ALLah. Tawfik patut bertaubat dan minta maaf dengan Tun.
As a respectable well-known aristocratic Johorean family he should not have uttered such statements. Uncalled for.
askm Tun,
1. Who is this guy????Lol. This guy suck.
2. I juz watching 1 film give to me name ‘1957 hati malaya’, would like u to comment about this film.
Siapa Tawfik ni. Tak kenal pun.
Kalu Taufik Hidayat tu kenal la.
Nasihat saya kepada saya dan semua ialah kita mesti lah tahu mengenang budi dan beradab.
Minta dijauhkan daripada agar kita dan ibubapa daripada dicela dek kerana kita kurang ajar, tidak mengenang budi dan biadap.
Siapa tawfik Ismail? Taufik Latif saya kenal la. Pembaca berita RTM dulu hehehe
Salam sejahtera Tun sekeluarga yang dikasihi dan seluruh pejuang Che Det.
Kasihan si Tawfik ni tanpa hidayah.Orang seperti ini ramai di dalam UMNO.Ini yang menyebabkan kami meluat.Pak Lah adalah kepala kepada bapak-bapak ini.Bapak-bapak yang memuliakan Tun semasa Tun menjadi PM dulu sepatutnya belajar bagaimana untuk menjadi pemimpin bangsa daripada Tun.Malangnya sesudah Tun tidak lagi menjadi PM, mereka ini terus menunjukkan ‘kecerdikan’ mereka sebenar yang memualkan rakyat,moral yang rendah,gila pangkat dan hipokrit.Barisan pentadbir negara yang hipokrit akan menyebabkan Tanah Melayu akan hilang sekali lagi.
Isu penderhakaan anwar (orang ini tidak layak namanya dieja dengan huruf besar) kepada negara dan bangsa Melayu tidak akan diambil tindakan selagi Pak Lah menjadi PM, begitu jugalah dengan karpal.Pak Lah sudah memberi jaminan akan hal ini.Kenapa? Sebabnya ialah Pak Lah akan bersara sebagai seorang PM yang baik dan bersih,tidak menganiaya sesiapa,malah membebaskan peliwat negara.Najib akan bertanggungjawab ke atas semuanya nanti apabila tindakan diambil keatas penderhaka-penderhaka dan pengkianat-pengkianat ini kelak.Pak Lah pernah berkata tidak akan ambil peduli hal ehwal negara setelah bersara nanti (diucapkan dalam loghat utara dengan nada menyampah *dibaca dalam Utusan Malaysia).Inikah pemimpin Islam Hadhari?
Sila baca tulisan Datuk Dr. Firdaus Abdullah dalam Mingguan Malaysia hari ini (15 Feb. 2009) mengenai masyarakat majmuk dan amalan demokrasi.Beliau memetik kata-kata Perdana Menteri British dahulu Sir Winston Churchill yang berkata, “demokrasi adalah satu cara pemerintahan yang paling buruk,tetapi tidak ada satu cara pemerintahan lain yang lebih baik dari itu”.Saya bersetuju apabila demokrasi dikatakan buruk.Tetapi sebagai Islam kita ada sistem yang lebih baik dari itu,yang pasti ianya bukan sistem dari PAS.Beranikah kita tinggalkan demokrasi?Iklim politik masa kini sudah menunjukkan bibit-bibit kehancuran bangsa.Ada rakyat Amerika Syarikat berfikiran yang negara kuasa dunia itu akan jatuh satu hari nanti kerana sistem perlembagaannya.Sistem demokrasi berparlimen dan Raja berperlembagaan yang kita amalkan akan terus menerus diasak dan dicabar oleh orang Cina dan India.Orang cina dengan sejarah di tanah besarnya yang berjaya menghapuskan sistem berajanya cuba untuk mewujudkan keadaan yang sama di Tanah Melayu ini, begitu juga dengan orang india.Lee Kwan Yew adalah ‘nabi’ kepada hasrat mereka ini.Maka amalan demokrasi akan berterusan membawa wajah buruk di masa hadapan gara-gara masyarakat majmuk.Ironinya mereka ini tidak pula berhasrat untuk pulang ke tempat asal yang sudah tidak beraja itu.
Saya mempunyai impian untuk melihat negara ini diperintah oleh Melayu Islam dengan Raja-rajanya,kuasa mutlak bangsa Melayu dan Islam yang bebas daripada parti-parti politik seperti DAP,MCA,MIC dan sebagainya.Maksud saya, bila lagi kita hendak buktikan yang Islam itu adil seadil-adilnya.Jangan risau tanpa parti itu dan ini.Buktikan Islam dapat memimpin bukan Islam dengan penuh kasih sayang dan rasa hormat menjangkaui politik.Mereka adalah warga yang bebas dibawah kerajaan ini tanpa kemelut politik yang menggugat keamanan.Ketahuilah, aset utama sesebuah negara ialah keamanan.Demokrasi yang melahirkan Hindraf,DAP dan perosak negara tidak akan membawa kita ke mana.Saya menanti kemunculan seorang pemimpin yang berani membawa perubahan ini,mengajak seluruh bangsa Melayu bersatu dengan persetujuan Raja-raja Melayu membina satu sistem baru yang bakal menjadi model kepada dunia.Bukankah kita khalifah di muka bumi?
Y. A. Bhg Tun
When someone said or did something to another person, then he / she must take full responsibility for his / her words and actions. On the other hand, protectiog one’s name and one’s family’s honour is a god given right.
Tun, we fuly understand and totally encourage you to take the necessary action(s). Invite this person to explain what he did and the words he uttered. If he confirmed that those were his words and he insisted that he had meant every single one of them – the next is up to the lawyers.
Remember Tun, silent in whatever form is NOT elegent.
Salam hormat and semoga Allah may always protect you
Salam kasih dan hormat Ayahanda Tun.
Salam Tun.
Fitnah ada di mana-mana. Semakin tua usia dunia ini,gejala fitnah semakin menjadi-jadi. Selalunya, ia menjadi alat untuk mendapatkan pangkat dan kuasa. Semoga Tun sentiasa sihat dan sejahtera. Teruskan menulis…
Who is this Tawfik????
He is irrelevant….
It doesnt effect the current political situation….
By the Way…
Do you have a clear conscience when you robbed the Chinese to enrich yourself and the Malays?
R u insane……..
R u so bias n racist…..
Im a Malay but i never agree that Chinese are immigrant…..
even thought history said otherwise….
I believe in equality…
UMNO will use racist Chinese like you to win vote
Im a supporter Of Pakatan Rakyat….
Stop this nonsense…..
Assalamualaikum wbkt.
Yang amat berbahagia Tun dan sekeluarga.
Fitnah yang diloncatkan dari kalangan orang yang hanya mementingkan diri sendiri dan semoga Allah swt memberi hidayah kepada semua supaya bersatu padu dalam menegakkan kebenaran. Manusia seperti ini hanya menconteng arang ke mukanya sendiri dengan kata kata yang tidak mempunyai asas. Sebelum mengeluarkan kata kata terlebih dahulu tinjau tentang diri sendiri. Seolah olah kelemahan pada diri sendiri kemungkinan sesuatu yang diimpikan tidak diperolehi maka memburukkan orang yang lain.
Saya sentiasa berdoa agar kesejahteraan ummah di pelihara.
Insha’ Allah kebeneran akan menyebelahi bila bila masa.
Sekian, Wassalam.
Better Rural Public Transport – Nor Mohamed
BUTTERWORTH, Feb 15 (Bernama) — The Government will provide better transport system to rural residents to improve their quality of living, said Second Finance Minister Tan Sri Nor Mohamed Yakcop.
He said Rapid Penang would add more new routes to its service in response to demands of the rural population who have requested for better public transport.
Good business for SCOMI !!!
I wish to give a short comment on upholdjustice. Is he really a moron too in real life? He said, “Robbed the Chinese and enrich yourself and the Malays”. Is he out of his mind? Gosh, some people are really and totally idiots.
Salam Tun.
Pada pendapat saya, Tawfik Ismail adalah seorang pendendam, sombong dan gemar mempersalahkan orang lain akibat kelemahan diri sendiri.
Namun, siapa Tawfik Ismail dalam senarai kepimpinan UMNO? Namanya tidakpun diingati sebagai tokoh pemimpin dalam mana-mana peringkat pun.
Bila Tun mengeluarkan artikel ini baru orang kenal atau tahu bahawa Tawfik Ismail wujud di muka bumi ini. Atau tindakan Tawfik ini adalah semata-mata mencari publisiti untuk membuat “comeback” di dalam pentadbiran DS Najib.
Usahlah membuat fitnah, serahkan tugas ini kepada PAS, PKR dan DAP. Mereka lebih cekap dan berpengalaman dalam aktiviti sebegini.
Semoga Allah memberikan kita taufik dan hidayah.
Dear Tun,
Researcher Produces Face Cream From Latex
By D. Arul Rajoo
HATYAI, Feb 15 (Bernama) — In what has been described as a world’s first, a Thai researcher has invented a face cream from natural rubber latex or Hevea brasiliensis (HB).
Dr Rapepun Wititsuwannakul who has 20 years experience in rubber research, has invented the face cream which is set to transform the rubber and cosmetics industries.
An associate professor of biochemistry at the Prince of Songkla University (PSU) here, she began the research three years ago with a 5.2 million baht grant from the Thailand Centre of Excellence for Life Sciences.
“I have done many researches on rubber in the last 20 years but this is the first time I went into producing face cream.
“We were concerned with the fluctuation of rubber price and its impact on the industry and small farmers…we wanted to find more value-added products,” she said in an interview.
According to the Hatyai native whose family also owns rubber plantations, there was big potential for such whitening cream in the world, with an estimated market value of Bt25 billion.
She said rubber latex comprised natural chemical components suitable for making face cream.
On a lighter note, there is a joke circulating in town that the Indians in Perak are not bothered so much for not having Indian exco member in the new Perak state govt. exco line-up. They are happy to get a new Mentri Besar.
But I wonder if the Indians will angry if the new Mentri Besar were to apply this new whitening cream just being developed by Thai scientists from natural rubber latex. he, he, he, kah, kah, kah !!!
“Do you have a clear conscience when you robbed the Chinese to enrich yourself and the Malays? ”
quote from so called- Uphold justice
I laughed at your stupidity..
the Chinese (with the help of British) who robbed the Malays first..
we, the Malays are getting back what ours
Asmkum Tun,
To Upholdjustice,
I think you’re over the top, way out of line here. What are you trying to achieve by making such silly but slanderous remarks? Anger the Malays? I know Tun won’t be affected by such stupid and trivial jibes from an insignificant vermin like you! ‘Upholdjustice’ my fart!
But you and everyody else knows very well that here in Malaysia, before the Indons came by the boatloads, most of the robbers, gangsters, murderers, smugglers, drug pushers, commies etc. were chinese (migrants were robbers by definition). Thats a fact, and you yourself could be the embodiment of botak chin’s wild oats sown in some amah’s youknowwhat. Who knows…..!
YABhg Tun:
All I can say is, he is just one of the many frustrated people who cannot seem to get on with their lives. These people usually became frustrated not because of others but because of their own shortcomings; but they continuously try to deny this fact by shifting the blame on others.
May Allah bless you always Tun.
Dear Tun,
Cloned Calf Dies, Scientists Over The Moon
By P. Vijian
NEW DELHI, Feb 15 (Bernama) — Indian scientists are over the moon despite the death of the world’s first cloned buffalo calf which they had developed.
Bila agaknya saintis kita boleh lakukan klon “katak”. “Katak” yang tak pandai lompat. he, he, kah, kah kah !!
How could a ‘Total Failure’ like En.Tawfik could claim that Dr.M implied he (Tawfik)would make a good businessman. Tawfik, you’re a ‘Total Failure’ and we know that.
Was it not you, En.Tawfik, who financially raped the private school that you were entrusted to manage in Johor?
Didn’t you, En.Tawfik, also proved beyond reasonable doubt that you’re a TOTAL FAILURE and a DISGRACE to Tun Dr.Ismail when you dragged another private company to the dogs with your unprofessional antics.
Now you’re sulking and blaming Tun Dr.Mahathir …. I think its people like you who should take your own life!
I’m sure Tun Dr.Ismail would be shedding ‘Tears in Heaven’ now for having a LIAR as his son. Shame on you!
I’m with u Tun
Assalamualaikum! tun,
Saya banyak mengikuti idea2 tun samada melalui buku yang tun tulis atau ucapan tun. baru2 ini saya sempat membaca sekali lalu rencana yang tun tulis dimajalah sekolah mengenai peperangan yg di muatkan dalam buku Tribute 2 Dr Mahathir Mohamad, keperihatinan yang tun tunjukkan sama dengan dengan isu Palestin pada masa kini. Ini menunjukkan ia memang datang dari hati tun yang ikhlas. Pada awal pelancaran blog ini ramai yang mempertikaikan siapakah sebenarnya yang menulis, mereka tidak percaya ia adalah idea tun, tetapi bagi saya yang sering mengikuti perkembangan tun awal lagi tahu ia memang datang dari tun.
saya pernah cadangkan pada tun untuk menyenaraikan semua hasil penulisan tun di blog ini untuk memudahkan pembaca yang suka mengikuti idea tun.
Untuk pengetahuan tun juga saya akan simpan semua rencana yang tun tulis dalam blog ini, beserta dengan komen yang ada.
Terimakasih Tun!
Tawfiq sounds like a cry baby who whines and stamps his foot every time he wants something. He realised that Tun was no fool and no pushover.
Tun, you are correct… Being a son of an effective leader does not mean he is naturally imbibed with the same qualities; I think he wanted something for nothing and without showing his competence for it.
Dearest Tun,
1. I believe Tun is addressing those who said that Tun did not teach us to
Assalammualaikum Tun!
Please just ignore sour grapes and idiots like Tawfik.
The corrupt Tawfik is a disgrace to his father Tun Dr Ismail. People know that the book was written, with ideas planted by the Muslim-priest-Hindu-God.
They tried very hard, and are still trying to wipe out your legacy Sir, and mar your image in any possible way.
Only you, Sir, could give these goons a good reply (sure pedas) but please dont let soul-less beings like Tawfik to hurt your feelings.
Just forgive him for his mental disability.
p/s En.Tawfik, if you don’t apologise as soon as possible, I’m sure you’ll burn in hell for YOUR LIES.
Salam Tun
Tawfik is a non performer.He did nothing when he was generously given the job in fleetgroup.he messed up NSTP and the staff revolted when he was seconded there.he was not like by the people in his constituency when he was the mp.he stole money from manyau the plc he managed in penang.googled his international school and you can see that he did pay salaries to his staff.
He is a failure as a politician and as a businessman.Thank God for his father because now he is cashing in on the books about his father.How he earns money inspite of being a bankrupt,I do not know?
By the way Tun,the story in the magazine you mentioned,he has been telling them to all his friends and acquitances for the last 20 yrs.You can counter check with his circle of friends and journalist.
So,don’t worry Tun,nobody is taking him seriuosly!
Dear Tun,
I am surprised that you cared to write such a long note to reply to someone who has not made a mark for himself either as a businessman or as a politician. My guess is that this must be out of respect for his father the late Tun Dr Ismail.
He is probably looking for someone to blame for his failures!
Recently I recall reading in the papers that Tawfik’s son prefers to use his grandfathers name at the end of his name instead of his father’s. This is something for Tawfik to ponder considering the fact that he was insulted when he alleged that you mentioned “not everyone can be like his father”. Does his son think the same of him too?..to shy away from using his father’s name at the end of his name and use that of his grandfather instead!
I hope he has thought carefully before making such “nasty and revengeful” statements
All the best to you Tun and perhaps you can comment in your blog on the recent “rise against the monarchy”
dear chedet,
there is only 1 thing i can believe coming out from his mouth – that he was with journalist friends. wah, what kind of person would hang out with journalists in his spare time? Pure attention seeker this tawfik fella, just like every other person from the so-called pakatan rakyat lineup.
Salam Tun,
Its not worth listen or even put up on this blog.
Bila Hang Tuah berkata Melayu Tak Hilang didunia, maksudnya bukan bangsa Melayu,
tapi sifat busuk, dengki, irihati, kianat dan lain2 lagi. Itu lah mengertian yg harus Bangsa Melayu
ambil iktibar dari kata2 Hang Tuah dan harus kikis segala sifat yg buruk itu.
Lebih baik kita fikirkan perkara yg lebih berfaedah daripada perkara yg remeh temeh ni.
taufik?sape tu?lawyer,doc?hakim?peguam?perdana menteri?pejuang kebebasan?kalau tiada semuanya baik diam.apa jasa kamu pada malaysia untung dikenang.buat jasa besar dulu baru nak komen orang.
Salam Tun…
saya rasa sapa2 pun tidak akan kata “LongLive ” pada sapa2 pn…..ini satu fitnah yang berat…..
Kepada Tawfik…
Assalamualaikum tun, selagi ada manusia, selagi itu ada fitnah. saya harapkan tun dapat bersabar kerana dugaan demi dugaan diberikan illahi adalah tanda Yang Maha Kuasa menyanyangi Tun. Ujian daripada manusia kecil bernama Tawfik mungkin merupakan kesinambungan mereka yang takutkan pengaruh Tun dalam UMNO. Saya berjanji akan masuk UMNO secara rasmi bila Tun masuk UMNO semula.Kepincangan dalam UMNO sepatutnya dihapuskan sebelum pilihanraya Bukit Gantang dan Selambau diadakan. Dato Najib sepatutnya sudah rasmi memegang jawatan presiden dan dengan semua muka baru dalam MT UMNO, pasti UMNO bakal menang kedua-dua kerusi tersebut. Percepatkan revolusi UMNO dan jatuhkan pakatan rakyat yang mengagungkan pemimpin tidak berhemah (DSAI yang masih dengan kes mencabul kehormatan Saiful, Karpal yangmenghina raja-raja dan orang melayu; dan ahli PAS yang lebih mementingkan kuasa dari bangsa seagama mereka sendiri.Semoga tun dipanjangkan usia dan dimurahkan rezeki.
Salam Tun,
Tak usah nak fikir sangat tentang Tawfik ni, tak berbaloi langsung. Kalau sesiapa nak fitnah Tun, cermin diri dulu. Tun telah memberi khidmat yg terbaik semasa menjadi PM. Malaysia telah menuju kejayaan pada masa itu tapi kini terbantut kerana pemimpin sekarang tidak setara dgn Tun.
Semoga Tun sihat walafiat.
The best candidate for the KP post is obviously Khairy
salam Tun,
to UpholdJustice,
You may hate Tun,but there’s no need to ask stupid questions.
It only shows your shallow-mindedness.
Dear Tun
It is regrettable that ‘fitnah’ was made against you. I know Tawfik personally and over the years I knew him before he become a YB. Yes he was angry and bitter about you Tun and it showed many times when I heard him talking. But I find it unhealthy to keep all the frustration and disappointment for so long and cause a big fuss now. As a Muslim we should be credible and honest at all times. And to forgive and forget to our friends and enemies!
Assalamualaikum Tun,
1. Allah mengetahui segala2nya. Bukan memandai2 nak nasihatkan Tun pula, alangkan Nabi2 pun banyak mendapat tentangan dari umat2 mereka sendiri. Memadailah kalau kita tidak berniat jahat terhadap orang lain. Tuhan MAHA adil, serah sahaja kapadaNya, pasti ada hikmahNya untuk kita.
2. Your achievements Tun, as a statesman are beyond comparison may not really perfect all the time but you are anytime better than those who appose you. Kalau mereka2 yang mengata, mencaci, membebal dan mengungkit tu jadi PM belum tentu dapat mecapai 30% of what you have accomplished. Not to worry, millions more takkan lupa jasa Tun terhadap Negara dan rakyat. Kami sentiasa bersama mu.
3. Hanya jauhari sahaja mengenal manikam. Tuhan tidak menjadikan semua orang jauhari jadi mereka gagal “melihat” dengan matahati mereka. Truth will prevail.
4. Maaf sekali lagi Tun, bukan cuba nak tunjuk pandai. Cuma ingin mengingatkan moga dapat pahala sedikit. Kan Allah suruh kita ingat mengingat antara sama lain.
Semoga Tun sekeluarga dan kita semua sentisa di Rahmati Allah.
Dear Tun,
If I am no good, I am no good, period. Nothing much to say. Life must go on.
who is this tawfik ??? difficult to believe he is tun ismail’s son. rather laughable . .
susah nak katakan sama ada percaya atau tidak … kan malaysia ini macam-macam pun ada?
isu di Perak telah menonjolkan apa pun boleh terjadi tanpa logik:
(1) Suruhanjaya menolak keputusan Speaker untuk memecat YB ex-PKR
(2) Keputusan sultan yg menimbulkan pelbagai persoalan
(3) Pengumunan menteri besar baru tidak mengikut procedure yg sedia ada, iaitu perlu melalui Dewan Undangan Negeri
(4) Penjelasan 4 katak mengapa mereka mengatak amat mencurigakan
(5) Tarikh pilihanraya di kedah dan perak dijadualkan selepas pilihan UMNO
Ini menunjukkan golongan yg berkuasa mampu membuat apa-apa sahaja tanpa hirauan …
sebab itu, mungkin Tawfik Ismail bercakap benar juga, sukar untuk mengenal-pasti kebenaran …
Salam Tun dan blogger semua,
Tahniah TUN.
Saya percaya jika Tun berani keluarkan kenyataan ini bermakna Tun adalah benar.Jika pihak yg membuat kenyataan itu mahu tegakkan kebenarannya dia juga perlu buat kenyataan.
http://zoompanas.blogspot.com untuk berita panas anda
Greetings Tun!
Here it goes again. Anyone would like to have the opportunity to shoot you down or bad mouthed you when given a chance. Would i? Well, i might so one day if i still don’t see you replying my questions in my previous postings in your website. Anyway, i’m just throwing tantrums, whining (like most people say about you whenever you make certain comments that does not favor them) Anyway, there are loads of Tawfik’s all over our BOLEHland. Trust me, even your blood brother will curse and condemn you if they are not getting benefits when you are in position. In Malaysia, everything boleh, “boleh jadi” (might happen)i mean, but i do agree with Tawfik on one statement he made, Long Live Mahathir, something i would love too see for a long long time! Till then, God bless!
Dear Tun,
this is my personal comment, i was born in 1977. from age of 6, i heard many good things about you and the most important what you did for Malaysia.Until today, i never feel anyone can be the prime minister better then you, many people jealous at you! that the fact! sometime i hope you be prime minister until the end of the world!
Please help us on our National Zoo too, the zoo’s staff suffer for many years, the management politics makes staff run from zoo especially zoologist and many other position. I don’t know for how long, it will be like this, it’s like sebabkan nila setitik, rosak susu sebelangga. I hope you concern about national zoo too. there’s no one helps us, the main reason working because we are animals lover and majorities is bumiputera.
Dearest Dr M
I always felt that you were rather shy and to demand that people shout “Long Live Mahathir” is out of character.
That guy must have a very imaginative mind; should have been a fiction writer – that would do the world justice.
Salam Tun,”things happen as it should be”.There is a hidden meaning behind all events,and this hidden meaning is serving your own EVOLUTION.Nobody knows how to read GOD’s mind.Every so-called upseting situation is an oppurtunity in disguise.”this moment is as it should be”.Wassalam.
He is clearly doing self-praising there, “I don’t want intelligent, honest, hardworking people in politics. People like you should be in business”.
I doubt what he said to be true, he is obviously trying to pull attention and gains cheap publicity.
Salam Tun,
There are people who overtime being poison for the decisions you made during your reign. Obviously, Tawfik is one of those.
Bad feeling, is he up to headlock Tun and Datuk Shahrir? And I agree with you that there are few, well not few but many who bad mouth you after you step down.
Me – obviously I hail you as the Prime Minister of VISION! Non can match.
Sedarlah sikit dengan siapa anda bercakap dan memberi alasan,orang yang anda fitnah adalah Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad bukan sembarangan orang yang anda hendak lawan di dini anda ingat dengan dengan melawan Tun membolehkan anda jadi jaguh?anda tidak setanding dengan Tun ibarat bumi dengan langit,malulah pada diri sendiri tanyalah dengan diri anda setakat tak pernah buat apa-apa seperti yang Tun pernah buat atau paling hampir pun boleh tulis buku tentang bangsa melayu pun,tapi kami tak pernah dengar pun nama anda sebelum ini.BIG SLAP ON YOUR FACE
WOW! I think Tofik or what ever his name is, has been reading Mein Kampf a little too much, as he pictures you so close to Adolf Hitler…
Anyway, I dont buy what he says, & so will so many people out there. Cheap publicity, full stop. Do me a favor Tun, pls ignore those remarks, will you.
“Don’t mess with pigs, you’ll get dirty”-unanimous
To me & the rest of the Malaysians, at the end of the day, it’s all about results. And that you had given us!
Assalamualaikum Tun Yang Amat Dihormati,
1.Saya berdoa akan kesejahteraan Tun.Harap Tun sabar dengan fitnah yang memang wujud sejak dari dulu hingga sekarang.
2.Tun pun tahu,orang yang suka buat cerita ni,adalah golongan yang kecewa dan dengki mungkin kerana sesuatu hajat tidak tercapai.
3.Saya amat memahami perasaan Tun,setelah berusaha dengan bersungguh-sungguh,perangai di kalangan orang melayu masih tidak banyak berubah.
4.Saya percaya,setiap cerita ‘dongeng’ yang dijaja oleh sesetengah
manusia(termasuk parti pembangkang terutamanya),akan dihitung oleh
Allah.Disamping itu adalah satu langkah yang betul setiap tuduhan tidak benar terhadap Tun dijelaskan segera oleh Tun sendiri.Ini kerana generasi baru terutamanya,memang mudah terpengaruh dengan cerita tidak tepat(Ini juga bergantung cara pendidikan di rumah).
5.Tuhan amat mengetahui.Nabi junjungan kita juga tidak terlepas
daripada difitnah oleh pihak musuh.Saya percaya Tun sudah lali
dengan cemuhan oleh manusia seperti ini,kadangkala lebih teruk daripada ini.Bagi saya Tun adalah manusia yang berjiwa kental!I REALLY SALUTE YOU,SIR!!Tun telah melalui pelbagai zaman dan pancaroba dari zaman kecil sehingga sekarang.Tetapi manusia seperti Tun tidak ramai sekarang.
Saya selalu mendoakan Tun dan Tun Siti sentiasa dilindungi Allah.
Assalamualaikum Tun Dr…
Sebagai saorang rakyat Malaysia…saya sangat2 bersyukur kerana Tun Dr. telah menjadi Perdana Menteri Malaysia. Banyak jasa yang telah Tun Dr. hulurkan untuk Malaysia dan bangsa Melayu khususnya sewaktu di bawah perkhidmatan Tun Dr. dahulu.
Itu saja yang perlu saya katakan.
Terima kasih Tun Dr.
Assalamualaikum w.b.k.t
Yang Amat Berbahagia Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad and Tun Dr Siti Hasmah Mohd Ali
He knew what you did best in your past years. He bequethed all goods you’d transformed this country and citizens into. He blessed your life with millions of people always praying for His mercy and His love upon you.
No credits, no recognitions, no rewards could ever compensate nor counterweigh your effort and struggle for Malaysia.
Long Live Mahathir! Allah blesses you
Emer Ahmad Hafizal
Kuala Lumpur
salam Tun.Hanya Jauhari yang mengenal Manikam. Dan mengikut kata x wartawan blogers pahit manis, apabila d sebut Malaysia, hanya nama Tun Dr Mahathir yang mereka sebut…Yang tak suka kat Tun pun masih berkuasa menjadi PM sampai sekrang…kepada tawfik, tun tu pemaaf orangnya masakan tidak abdullah menjadi pm…
Dear Tun,
Who is Taufik? For that matter I wonder if anybody knows him.
For sure too he is not a person of any consequence.
Surely he is a shame to the memory of his father.
What strikes me is his arrogance and self-centeredness.
But for all that maybe he was paid to slander you.
A minion doing another
assalammualaikum Tun,
tak banyak saya nak komen
Salam YAB Tun and fellow bloggers,
1. I trust Tun is not like what Tawfik had described. God gives me brain to think, heart to feel…and I have seen, heard Tun and I can safely say Tawfik lied and memfitnah.
2. The main reason I think why he fitnah is to get Dolla’s attention..judge chin, those judges expelled, zaid and those against Tun were rewarded, why not him?
3. If Tun is a wrong doer he will not dare to step down…cos when you’re a nobody, BPR, police and others may not hesitate to confront him….especially when Tun dares to go against Dollah.
Tawfik, Tawfik….kalau ya pun bengang cos anak menantu Dollah jadi stinking rich, janganla salahkan Tun pulak.
Salam buat Tun dan keluarga semoga sihat hendakNya.
Semoga Tun sentiasa Tajam dalam penulisan ini bagi memberikan kami anak-anak muda Panduan yang berguna.
Saya sentiasa menghitung WAWASAN 2020 yang di inspirasikan oleh Tun. Semoga Mukhriz dapat melaksanakan!!!
Dear Tun,
You are right.Tawfik is very naughty.
However,it is just the pot calling the kettle black.
Tun ,you must do soul-searching.Remember that even Tunku wanted to fight you.
Do you have a clear conscience when you robbed the Chinese to enrich yourself and the Malays?
Do you have a clear conscience when you resorted to the ISA to oppress your political opponents?
Somebody must have conveniently thought that in order to weaken the son, the father must be brought down first. There is a lot of dynamic moving around especially with Mukhriz going for a top vice president post and also for Kedah chief liaison head.
I don’t know if the attack is part of a designed ‘shock and awe’ operation, but the ground forces is quickly moving forward for the March showdown with Khir Toyo’s arrest in Penang 2 days ago and Khairy’s leading an illegal protest yesterday.
Penny for other thoughts?
Salam Tun,
Pedulikan cakap orang..itu saja… tun dah lakukan terbaik so terpulang untuk orang menilainya…
On second thought, the issue is not worth bothering with…