1. How much is 4 trillion dollars? Star Business picking a report from foreign source says it is the value of Germany’s total output for one year.

2. I try to imagine the figure 4 trillion and wrote it down. It is 4,000,000,000,000. It is a lot, a great lot of money. But it is just the amount of dollars traded by the currency traders in just one day.

3. Yes, the currency traders are still at it, worldwide financial crisis notwithstanding.

4. Four trillion dollars worth of business in Germany in one year creates millions of jobs; spawns businesses big, medium and small; move millions of vehicles and trains, support a rich and highly developed Germany and the people of the country and much more.

5. But what does 4 trillion dollars in currency trade do? Apart from enriching a few players, nothing. No jobs are created, no businesses, big, medium or small spin off; no enhancement of international trade, no movements of goods or people, no sailing of ships or flights of aircraft, nothing.

6. 4 trillion a day and there are 365 days a year giving a total of 1,460 trillion or 1,460,000,000,000,000 in a year. So much money. But can we estimate how many of the earth’s 6.5 billion people benefit?

7. But currency trading can also do damage to millions and millions of people, destroy whole countries, bankrupt businesses and banks and cause recessions. We know because it happened to us in 1997-98. We know because currency trading is one of the causes of the current crisis.

8. What kind of system is this that permits and protects a few people at the expense of millions of helpless people, their countries, their businesses, their societies and their well-being. Is this what capitalism and free trade is all about?

9. I saw Mike Moore’s latest film, “Capitalism – A Love Story”, and was appalled by the crudeness of people playing with money.

10. People free from financial problems are persuaded by banks to mortgage their fully paid up homes so that they can have money to invest and make more money. The investments fail and there was no money to redeem the mortgaged home. The banks took posession of the homes and the previous owners were forced to move out. But they had no money left and could not even rent a house, Thus a house-owner is rendered homeless.

11. This did not happen to one person. It happened to millions, The banks now own millions of houses. But nobody has enough money to buy them, nor can they borrow money to buy. Simply put the banks cannot get back the money they had lent and the banks fail. That is part of the story of the subprime loan failure which triggered the current crisis.

12. It is now nearly three years since the current crisis began. Every now and again the experts will claim that the crisis has bottomed out. But then news came that the crisis is still on.

13. Now there is talk of a double-dip, of the recession going on to another recession. This is very likely simply because nothing is being done to stop the activities which led to the crisis. As we can see currency trading is still going on, if anything, on a larger scale. Much of the bailout money, billions of dollars worth, has produced nothing worthwhile. The bankers and their people have used a goodly sum of the bailout money for hefty bonuses, the hedge funds are still active and so is presumably the “leveraging” and many of the gambling that lead to the crisis are still in place.

14. The leaders and their financial advisers in the great capitalist countries have learnt nothing. They continue to support the gambling and the manipulation. They are still influenced by their uncontrolled greed.

15. The worldwide recession will not end until Wall Street ceases to control whatever Government the United States and the United Kingdom may have.

182 thoughts on “FOUR TRILLION DOLLARS”

  1. dear tun,
    4 trillion dollars of movement every working day, exchanging hands in a rotational process that can grow and grow. wages, cost, profit, loss…ideas can grow this and the lack of idea will cause depletion. amazing numbers

  2. Dearest Tun
    By 6 JahanamAuthor Profile Page on October 16, 2010 10:21 PM
    Saya Tak Faham
    Kerajaan Malaysia,Najib tunduk kerana Takut atau Bodoh
    Pulau Batu Putih,Pedra Kita lawan tuntut di Mahkamah International.
    Tanjung Pagar KTM sudah terang hak sendiri,tak perlu lawan
    diberi Singapura.
    Macam banyak yang tak kena !
    Saya syorkan Hishamudin cepat cepat ganti tempat Najib.
    Najib weak lah !//
    6 jahanam
    Kalau Najib weak apelah nak diharapkan Hishamudin sepupunya tu.Inilah masalah nya apabila nepotisma dibudayakan didalam UMNO dimana cuma anak2 bekas Pemimpin UMNO sahaja yang layak untuk memimpin UMNO.
    Anak2 bekas PM ini dilahirkan dalam serba kemewahan dan kesenangan dan tak tahu langsung maknanya kesengsaraan yang dihadapi rakyat marhaen.
    Selain itu mereka juga sentiasa di bodek dari kecil dan oleh sebab itu mereka tidak akan dapat mengetahui kelemahan mereka sebenarnya.
    Kelemahan paling ketara dalam sistem seperti ini ialah laluan mereka keatas terlalu dipermudahkan jadi potensi mereka sebenarnya tidak akan dapat dijelmakan.
    Kata orang orang bijaksana ‘its the hardship that makes a man’ dan ‘carbon under extreme pressure turns into diamond’.Atas sebab inilah UMNO semakin hari menjadi semakin lemah.When a fish stinks it stinks from the head.
    UMNO perlukan seorang pemimpin seperti Dr Mahathir yang lahir dari kalangan rakyat marhaen dan telah menghadapi segala keperitan hidup dan perjuangan.There is no short cut to success.

  3. Assalamualaikum YABhg. Tun
    WOWWW! It’s a lot of money being traded for money, but not for goods. Papers for paper without any good changing hand. The big players are happy making money, punishing and rewarding any quarters they dislike or like.
    hence, We must be very careful handling them and continuously seek or create our own ways and means to decrease our exposure or dependency onto this/their system or mechanism, which were proven very manipulative and abusive towards anycountry who think they are sovereign nation.
    Thank you
    Fairuz Kamarulzaman

  4. The problem in curriencies market,share,commodities,sotck,
    even fish market,are the manipulators.
    In 4D, toto, horse racing there are no manipulator,but cheaters.
    In horse racing ,ones can arrange which horse come in first second or
    third. Cheaters can be caught and charge,but no manipulator.
    The danger in currencies trading is very high,as you see in the
    monetary crisis in the 90s.During that time ,if you keep your Ringgit
    in banks in Malaysia you get 10% interest,but if you put your Ringgit
    in banks in singapore you get 20% interest. Can you see the manipulator
    and the danger.

  5. Saya Tak Faham
    Kerajaan Malaysia,Najib tunduk kerana Takut atau Bodoh
    Pulau Batu Putih,Pedra Kita lawan tuntut di Mahkamah International.
    Tanjung Pagar KTM sudah terang hak sendiri,tak perlu lawan
    diberi Singapura.
    Macam banyak yang tak kena !
    Saya syorkan Hishamudin cepat cepat ganti tempat Najib.
    Najib weak lah !

  6. Dear Sir,
    The forex market is the most devastating financial ‘instrument’ ever created by the human kind.But yet, due to greed, millions of people have fallen into its trap. The market is going to evolve & definitely, the total daily turnover will increase drastically within this near future;in other words, more and more people will suffer losses on ‘speculating’ the price of the currencies. Pity them.

  7. To ekompute….
    Tun M has never met me and does not know me. What “bodek” are you talking about?
    Opposing views are allowed but your “opposing views” are emotional and personal which reflects the type of a person in you full of anger and destraction.
    To Parameswara 2….
    Yeah, you can say anything for or against Tun M but I feel that constructive criticisms are always welcome by any person.
    Nobody cares if you want to exit this blog forever for the reason if only the nice things are published. This is Tun M’s blog and not yours or mine so I hope everybody out there realise this and respect him even if you might not like him.
    To Jo…
    My father’s name is not “Putucherry” so are you making fun of an Indian name here?
    It clearly confirms the labels “immature” and “childish” or “racist” for that matter on you.
    You really think that I am not as “smart” as you are whose thinking runs “deeper”….I pity you lah…I am sorry but HA HA HA (not trying to annoy you but I just can’t help myself laughing at you).
    I can think rationally, thank you but we can have different views but do not accuse people of “accepting everything that Tun M write without question or logic” is pure nonsense coming from “deep thinker” like you…HA HA HA.
    Yes, you can say whatever you like but do not be emotional ok or you will not be a “deep thinker” again but “kite flying” boy mumbling about Tun M alone near the “deep ocean” you have been imagining all the while.
    You are getting personal with Tun M when you said that I am a kite without a string without Tun M. Who cares? Are you jeolous?
    HIDUP TUN DR. M.!!!

  8. YBhg Tun Dr Mahathir dan Tun Dr Siti Hasmah,
    Tun Berdua – Selamat kembali ke Malaysia, Negara yang Tun cintai ini. Saya doakan Tun sihat dan cergas, sejahtera dan dipermudahkan segala urusan.
    Terima kasih di atas segala jasa, sumbangan, dan pengorbanan Tun kepada agama, bangsa and negara. Sebaik-baik balasan adalah dari Tuhan Maha Esa, Pencipta Alam Semesta, Yang Maha Megetahui, Pengasih dan Pengampun.
    Saudara parameswara 2 – Salahkah memberi teguran berupa nasihat – bukan kah teguran saya itu umum – saudara terasa kah?. Mudah-mudahan kita dijauhi dari godaan dan hasutan syaitan.
    Sekian, terima kasih.

  9. Assalamualaikum,
    Moga Tun kembali lebih sihat dan lebih bertenaga untuk terus berbakti kepada agama, bangsa, negara, Nusantara, ummah, dunia Islam dan dunia keseluruhannya.
    Sebagai rakyat adakala dan ada episod tersalah kata, tersalah sangka dan tersalah marah pada Tun; Ampun maaf daripada saya yg kerdil jasanya
    Barelaanlah kita!

  10. Khas untuk peminat “Che Det”, ramai dari kita yang terlupa kepentingan AlQuran sebagai panduan permasaalahan kita. Disini hamba nak promote satu website untuk hafaz Alquran:
    Tentu ramai yang ingin tahu teknik termudah untuk FAHAMI ‘big picture’ Al-Quran & HAFAZ surah idaman SEKALIGUS – tak kira sesibuk manapun anda, ‘start’ menghafaz seperti ‘pro’ sekarang!
    Rebut peluang keemasan untuk kuasai ‘fakta penting’ Al-Quran dan ketahui teknik hafazan paling praktikal secara ‘step-by-step’!)
    Mungkin ramai tak pernah terfikir yang sebenarnya, di Malaysia sudah ada teknik menghafaz surah idaman yang cocok untuk mereka, tak kira sesibuk manapun setiap hari atau langsung tak pernah ada sebarang asas menghafaz.
    Hakikatnya, untuk menghafaz surah idaman seperti Sejadah, Yasin dan Insan, anda tak semestinya perlu ke sekolah tahfiz atau ‘mengadap’ Al-Quran 3 jam berterusan setiap hari!
    Dan juga, Al-Quran sebenarnya lebih ‘syok’ kita baca jika ‘big picture’nya jelas terpampang satu-persatu dalam minda kita!
    Klik: hafazmudah

  11. Tun Mahathir,
    We are a small nation. We can’t change the world but we can certainly change our country. Our comment may not reach the ears of the world economy leaders.
    We can’t make an impact in worldwide currency traders.
    We should not do what we think is wrong but we should certainly make the best out of it.

  12. Salam YAB dan diKasihi Tun,
    SYUKUR ALHAMDULILLAH, Tun sudah selamat kembali ke Malaysia. Saya doakan Tun BERTAMBAH SIHAT dan cergas, dan harap Tun berehat secukupnya. Saya sangat kagum dengan ketabahan Tun. Saya tahu Tun belum pulih sepenuhnya, namun Tun masih senyum mesra kepada mereka yang menyambut kepulangan Tun. Tun pemimpin sejati.
    Terima kasih di atas segala jasa, sumbangan, dan pengorbanan Tun kepada agama, bangsa and negara. Duit

  13. Mengapa dan Kenapa Saya berkeras project IDR perlu dibubarkan
    Mengapa Tanah KTM JANGAN sewenangnya diberikan.
    Project IDR akan merugikan anak bumi,tanah akan bertukar tangan,
    dan kelamaan anak bumi yg akan merempat di tanah sendiri.
    Kenyataanya, anak bumi masih jauh BOLIH membangunkan IDR,
    TANPA ILMUM,TANPA NETWORKING,TANPA PERSIAPAN YG MANTAP,Tanpa mechanism,hanya digunakan nama saja,tak memiliki hak dan akhirnya mereka akan kecundang.
    Tanah KTM,setelah menyerahkan, kita akan kehilangannya dan apabila kita perlukan besok,apa haruskah kita beli semula,itu pun kalau mereka nak jual.Tak mungkin harga kawan.
    Madsud Saya kita sekarang punya tanah,
    mereka punya ilmu,mechanisma,networking dan sebagainya,
    jika besok besok kita nak bangunkan,apa yg ada pada kita kelak.
    Kita punya tanah,kita berhak,mereka tak bolih buat apa tanpa tanah kita.Kita buka jalan,kita akan kerugian.
    Bermakna kita buka jalan untuk mereka bukan untuk kita.

  14. Assalamualikum Tun
    Lega dan lapang rasanya bila mendapat tahu yang Tun sudah berada di tanah air.
    Saya sekeluarga sentiasa mendoakan semoga Tun sentiasa sihat dan dilanjutkan usia agar terus dapat memberi pandangan bernas berkenaan tanah air kita.

    Doa Anakanda2 Rakyat kesayangan telah diterima ALLAH SWT dan kini kesihatan ayahanda telah beransur pulih dan kembali ke Tanahair tercinta dengan selamatnya.
    Ps. Perhaps the freshness and scenic views up The Peak of Gunung Raya in Langkawi will be a good therapy for Ayahanda Tun complete recovery…

  16. Dear Tun,
    Reading this blog entry reminds me of the old saying,”A wolf in sheep’s clothing/skin” – i.e. The banks (as they are now) are like that – Wolfs in sheep’s skin’s.
    They appear to be doing a lot of good…BUT in actual fact they are out to FLEECE you.
    This begs the all important Question…DO WE REALLY NEED BANKS (as they are operating now)?
    Lets see what the banks really do;
    1) Safe keeping for our savings with interest payment for a fee,
    2) Transfer of funds both local & international,
    3) Provide loans for consumption with interest payment,
    4) Provide loans for capital expense with interest payments,
    5) Provide loans for business ventures with interest payments,
    6) Trade payments both local and international for a fee.
    Banks basically make their profit from the interest that they earn from the loans that they give out. So it is in their own interest that they give out as much loan as they can to earn the most profits.
    On top of that they must also ensure the they maximise the capital that they can get (or create) so that these can be loan out.
    So if Hedge Funds or Currency Traders or Stock Traders or whatever want to take a loan from them, they will be most willing to give the loan, especially if these debtors can “show” that they can pay the banks back.
    For these to happen these traders will go all out to “control” the outcome of their trade – thus speculation is born. With the Trillions available…manipulation becomes possible.
    As you can see, it all starts from the BANKS!!! and their narrow capitalistic objectives.
    BANKS as they are now do more harm then good to our economies.
    If we really want to save our economy we MUST reconfigure the BANKs to play a more developmental and supporting role for our economy. Remove the sheep clothing. Put the wolfs in the ZOO and get real humans to run the banks.
    Our Banks can still do the following – but with a positive twist;
    1) Safe keeping for our savings for a fee (include fee for zakat administration,
    2) Transfer of funds both local & international for a fee,
    3) Provide zakat payouts for the qualified for their consumption or interest free loans for “needs” consumptions,
    4) Provide investment schemes funds for capital expense,
    5) Provide investment for business ventures with shared risk payments,
    6) Trade payments both local and international for a fee.
    These so designed banks earn their keeps from the fee they collect and the quality of investments that they engage in. There is no motivation for them to force loans (with interest payment) to consumers,etc)
    The function of the new banks have not change from the old in their effect to the real ecomony.
    We need also to bear in mind the the explosion of development – which we are finding out now to be unsustainable environmentally – is the direct result of the abundent availability of funds CREATED by the banks….We are really killing our one and only earth by allowing the banks to run riot with the greed to earn as much profit aka interest as possible.
    We need to go back to basics and work with real goods and services i.e the real economy. NO MORE PLAYING WITH MONEY/CURRENCY not only is it unproductive…it is in fact distructive to us all.

  17. Currency trading is bad.
    Stock market trading is bad.
    Foreign direct investment is bad.
    Since Malaysia is blessed with so much natural resources, Malaysia should take itself out of the world trading system, banned the use of the US Dollar, and conduct all its trades using the barter system.

  18. Saya begitu amat kecewa sekali dengan pendirian Kerajaan Malaysia
    mengizinkan Tanah KTM di ambil Singapura,juga dengan project IDR
    di Johor.
    Dengan mengalihkan tanah KTM kita,jika kita buat pembangunan di tempat lain pasti,kita kena ikut peraturan mereka.
    Kena bayar GST,bayar cukai hartanah,cukai pendapatan tahunan
    dan pelbagai lagi.Seolah Malaysia tidak berdaulat,menonjolkan kelemahan Kerajaan UMNO.
    IDR akan menjemput Penjajahan bukan pelaburan.
    Kelamaan bila mereka kuat dalam pelaburan IDR,mereka akan memasuki arena politik,dan akan mengkhianati pemerintahan UMNO.
    Melayu akan kehilangan tanah pusaka.Dah nyata sekarang.
    Saya ada dengar di Hong Kong mereka digalakkan melabur IDR,di hasut pelaburan IDR melalui Singapura,bukan langsung IDR.
    Haruskah kita berdiam sebagai rakyat membiarkan kerajaan kita bertindak bodoh.

  19. Assalammualaikum Tun,
    1. Through currency trading, it is the only way the American make money, directly increasing the country revenue and eventually to redeem the trillion Dollars debt. That was how Clinton created the surplus US foreign reserve during his time. Their goods and services are too expensive to compete in the world market.
    2. These currency traders do not like fixed foreign exchange rate. They want floating exchange rate with large volatility. That is why they are pressuring the Chinese government to let the Yuan currency float freely. The huge Chinese foreign reserve will enable the American to make a killing if the Chinese Government succumb to their pressure. Previously, it was the Japanese who was under pressure.
    3. I am glad the Chinese are wary of the American intention. I hope they will have leaders who do not kowtow to the West.
    4. The capital control and fixed exchange rate regime implemented during your time not only brought benefit to the country but also scared the rogue money manipulators, knowing that other countries could also follow Malaysia

  20. Dear Tun
    May I..
    // AbdulBakAuthor Profile Page on September 29, 2010.
    …..Mohon izin Tun dan laluan sekejap:
    Saudara-saudara yang berada dalam blog ini

  21. Salam Tun, Family
    This may come in a little bit too late. Just glad that you’re recovering. Wish you get well and come back soon.
    Best wishes
    Eanis Azman Latif

  22. Salam Tun,
    Happy to know that you are getting better and for the better. May Allah bless you and family inshyallah amin.

  23. Good morning Ayahanda Tun,
    A. As usual, I copy-paste thestar online nation’s news update on Chinese political race base party internal tussles due to power struggling without long term holistic strategy, and all they want is power and power to them is wealth.
    B. There is a Chinese proverb that says,

  24. Salam Tun,
    First, they make sure the global economy are looking good and at the optimum level but then.. They actually want to drag the global economy to the bottom so, they can control the economy completely by their power of wealth! They are the only one who survive on this plan. So, globally will make respect to them and follow their order. Believe it or not, this will to happen soon..

  25. Yahoo..Tun dah sembuh!!!!
    Siapa yang kata Tun tersungkur di Melbourne tu, jaga dia yang tersungkur di bumi sendiri.

  26. Asalamualaikum….
    Ya Allah ya Tuhanku Kau berilah pertolongan perlindungan limpahan rahmat keredhaan keberkatan kasih sayang dan belas kasihanMu yg melimpah ruah kepada tun mahathir mohammad yg kami sayangi…amin2..

  27. Asalamualaikum….
    Ya Allah ya Tuhanku Kau berilah pertolongan perlindungan limpahan rahmat keredhaan keberkatan kasih sayang dan belas kasihanMu yg melimpah ruah kepada tun mahathir mohammad yg kami sayangi…amin2..

    Kami amat bersyukur kehadrat Allah SWT.
    Hanya dengan Kun faya Kun NYA maka Ayahanda Rakyat Tun Mahathir telah kembali pulih dari jangkitan yang dihadapi nya.
    Kepada anakanda rakyat yang tidak henti2 mendoakan kesihatan beliau, kami mohon kehadrat Allah swt agar dilimpahi dengan ZAT SEMPURNA dan KASIH SAYANG NYA kepada anda sekeluarga.
    Kepada mereka yang telah mengkeji atau mencaci Ayahanda Tun kami dalam keadaan uzurnya, kami juga mohon agar dilimpahkan Zat yang sesuai agar terbit perasaan insaf didalam diri mereka..
    70 kali bacaan Alfatihah kami mohon dari yang Mahakuasa Allah swt untuk kalian semua…

  29. Dearest Tun
    By cherrycherryAuthor Profile Page on October 5, 2010 3:52 PM
    If I were Tun I think I would be sick if all I get are sychophantic comments.At Tun’s age I am sure all I would have wanted is the truth and sincerity that comes out of the hearts of my people.
    After all Tun is only human and it is the nature of human to make mistakes.The fact that Tun continued to publish whatever accusations and negative comments about him indicate Tun’s maturity to appreciate all views.Its also never too late to learn..
    You can’t please everyone but more often than not its the people who you regard as your enemies are the ones that contribute to your self development better.They are hard to please as they have very high standards for you.
    I would exit this blog forever if only the nice things are published…

  30. Dearest Tun
    By cherrycherryAuthor Profile Page on October 5, 2010 3:52 PM
    If I were Tun I think I would be sick if all I get are synchophantic comments.At Tun’s age I am sure all I would have wanted is the truth and sincerity that comes out of the hearts of my people.
    After all Tun is only human and it is the nature of human to make mistakes.The fact that Tun continued to publish whatever accusations and negative comments about him indicate Tun’s maturity to appreciate all views.Its also never too late to learn..
    You can’t please everyone but more often than not its the people who you regard as your enemies are the ones that contribute to your self development better.They are hard to please as they have very high standards for you.
    I would exit this blog forever if only the nice things are published…

  31. To cherrycherry Putucherry,
    You’re saying that my thinking is shallow whereas yours is shallower than shallow. You only see the surface. My thinking runs deeper unlike yours which accepts everything that TDM write without question or logic. It is therefore you who is childish for you are unable to think and analyze for yourself. TDM may not owe me anything, but he sure owe’s Malaysia for all the damage he has done. BTW, kite flying is enjoyable, especially if there are people like you at the end of the string, only you would be like a kite without string without TDM.

  32. Tun,Darling
    Semoga Sehat Sejahtera.
    Datin Siti Asmah,bersampinglah Wira kami,
    Anak anak Mahathir,semoga kamu dapat jejaki Keaslian ayahda anda.

  33. Salam,
    Saya doakan Tun cepat sembuh dan sihat selalu.Begitu juga saya doakan untuk Tun Hasmah. Saya doakan Allah memberi kebaikan dan keselamatan kepada Tun sekeluarga dunia dan akhirat. Pengorbanan Tun untuk negara khususnya orang Melayu amat besar. Saya juga berharap Tun ikut nasihat doktor berkaitan penjagaan kesihatan. Tanggungjawab rasmi Tun telah selesai sebaik saja Tun melepaskan jawatan Perdana Menteri dan Presiden UMNO. Tun jagalah kesihatan.Tun teruskan beri nasihat kepada pemimpin dan rakyat tetapi kalau depa tak nak ikut,bukan salah Tun.
    ***Currency Trading****
    barangkali kemelesetan ekonomi berpunca dari kuasa2 besar dunia yang bertuhankan syaithan.
    Saya adalah seorang Melayu biasa yang beragama Islam. Saya percaya kebanyakan masalah dunia ialah berpunca manusia tidak ikut perintah Allah Ta’ala. Manusia gilakan dunia terlebih2 kerana hasutan syaithan. Sanggup tinggalkan akhirat semata2 untuk mencapai apa yang dihajat nafsu masing2.
    Kehidupan harian saya banyak berpandukan kepada pengajaran peristiwa iblis dihalau keluar dari syurga kerana engkar kepada Allah Ta’ala dan Allah Ta’ala menegaskan dalam Surah Yaasin bahawa iblis/syithan itu adalah seteru manusia sehingga dunia kiamat. Iblis dah confirm masuk neraka jadi atas sifat dengkinya yang kuat,dia pun nak pengaruh manusia sama2 masuk neraka .Ingat bila ada sifat dengki,dah kena rasuklah oleh iblis!!!!Orang kedah masa saya kecil2 dulu kata kata naik syeikh bila seseorang itu naik angin!!Sekarang bila saya dah tua saya dah ubah ubah minda saya dari naik syeikh kepada kena rasuk syaithan!!! Rasukan syitahn boleh kena kat siapa2, tak kira Pak Keris UMNO atau Pak Lebai PAS sekiranya kita lalai.
    US dan kuncu2nya sentiasa nak mempengaruhi dunia kerana kepentingan mereka. Orang Yahudi sentiasa ingat diri depa lebih baik dari manusia lain. Begitu juga syaithan pun kata dia lebih baik dari manusia semasa kejadian Nabi Adam. Manusia yang bertuhankan syaithan akan menjadikan kumpulan syaithan kawan2 rapat depa. PAS tak kawan dengan kumpulan syaithan kan? Kumpulan syaithan tidak berpegang kepada ajaran Islam. depa terang2 tolak kalimah syahadah!!!! Macam cerita Firaun menolak petunjuk.
    Orang Melayu TAK BOLEH MAJU selagi tidak berpegang kepada ajaran Islam SEPENUHNYA. Malangnya kebanyakan orang Melayu menakrifkan kemajuan dari segi aspek kebendaan duniawi sahaja.Keadilan depa bukan bertunjangkan Al_quran dan Hadith. Yang diperjuangkan kebanyakan Parti seperti DAP dan PKR hanyalah keduniaan sahaja. PAS macam mana sekarang?

  34. Salam Tun And Readers,
    Alhamdulillah Tun is back on his feet.
    It is so clear that non-jibaok via his comment on October 5 understand what I

  35. Assalamualaikum,
    MoD UK memberi fokus kepada ancaman masa depan khususnya berkaitan keperluan ‘to look at new technologies, particularly in cyber-security and information. MoD was considering whether the security industry should form part of its industrial strategy’.
    Bagaimana pula dengan Malaysia? Adakah kita sudah bersedia dengan man-power yang benar-benar terlatih dan berupaya memperkukuhkan benteng keselamatan negara di era cyber? Pihak yang berkaitan dengan keselamatan dalam negara dan pertahanan mesti bertindak segera. Perancangan bijak dan tersusun dan diuruskan oleh pihak yang mempunyai integriti tinggi penting ke arah itu.

  36. To JO and EKOMPUTE…..
    You small boys are so immature.
    THIS BLOG belongs to Tun M so he can do or write what he pleases.
    Tun M does not owe you anything. You can choose not to read this blog for all he cares.
    It does not matter how small or big the response to his views for he will not cry or “bark” like you boys do…
    It is so surprising that you guys really focus on finding fault with Tun M every now and then reading his views.
    Do you realise that you are actually asking Tun M to answer or respond to you as if he is so obliged to do so without thinking that he is NOT OBLIGATED WHATSOEVER to entertain your silly questions and stupid shallow views.
    If you do not agree with him then do not read and comment here but you are doing exactly the opposite.
    So, I suggest to you and the likes of you to just FLY KITES BOYS !!!


  38. Bismillahirahmaanirrahiim
    Greenpeace Ayahanda Tun et al,
    Am glad to read that Ayahanda Tun has been discharged from hospital. May Godspeed your recovery to the best of health. Positivity increases IgA in the body and enhances the immune system, God willing.
    Just read that MGM-Warner is on the verge of approving The Hobbit. Would they consider the hills around Ipoh for the Tom Bombadil scenes please … every time I pass there that’s what it reminds me of … Hope they think so too.
    Salaam (greenpeace).

  39. Assalam mu alaikum Tun yang di kasihi.
    Semoga Tun sudah pun sembuh dah sihat walfiat di dalam keimanan.
    Keperhatinan Tun terhadap system yang tidak adil dan merusakkan naluri fitrah manusia kepada ke baikan sangat saya sanjungi.
    System kewangan yang sedia ada amat bercanggah dengan apa yang di ajarkan kepada kita olih Nabi Muhammad SAW dan alQuran. Allah telah menjanjikan siksa yang pedih kepada sesiapa yang menzalimi sesama makluk. Dan system kewangan sedia ada adalah se zalim zalim yang ada kepada manusia dan alam sejagat.
    Di dalam kapasitas Tun dan seberapa kerat influence yang Tun ada bagi menjana policy negara. Dan capasitas Malaysia sendiri di dalam menangani system ini…cadangan Tun sungguh bernas.
    Kita perlu amalkan system yang cendrong kepada apa yang di ajar Nabi Muhammad SAW, alQuran dan fitrah kita yang di kerunia Allah…dikit demi dikit…Lambat layun Malaysia bisa menjadi Negara yang betul2 amalkan system ekonomi dan kewangan berteraskan ajaran yang BENAR dari Allah…Pemilik segala2 nya.
    Jika kita tidak lakukan nya…it is at our own risk as individuals and as a nation in the world and the hereafter.
    Jangan lupa dari mana kita datang dan kemana kita akan kembali…Insaflah.

  40. YAB Tun,
    Assalamualaikum dan selamat sejahtera.
    Syukur alhamdullilah kerana Yun telah dibenarkan keluar dari hospital di Melbourne dan dikatakan beransur pulih. Kami di Malaysia mendoakan agar Tun cepat sembuh seperti sediakala dan pulang ke tanah air tercinta ini. Kami masih memerlukan Tun untuk memberi pandangan dan kritikan yang berguna demi negara yang tercinta ini.
    Izinkan saya menyelar tindakan seorang ketua parti pembangkang yang saya anggap telah lupa diri dan kurang ajar dengan menyindir Tun sebagai ‘Yang Tersungkur di Melbourne’.
    Kita lihatlah siapa ‘Yang Tersungkur’ di arena politik tanah air nanti.
    Kita tidak perlukan seorang politik yang sedemikian rupa…
    Saya mendoakan agar Tun akan cepat sembuh dan kembali ke tanah air.

  41. Assalamualaikum & Salam Lebaran kepada Tun sekeluarga,
    Semoga keadaan kesihatan Tun akan kembali seperti sediakala

  42. Dear Tun,
    First and foremost, I wish you a speedy recovery. “Umur itu ibarat bonus orang cakap”. No $$$4 Trillion can buy that.
    The best real-time Malaysia’s crap-economy is best described by this gentleman;
    By AlanAuthor Profile Page on September 30, 2010 10:15 AM
    As what the writer describe, “What went wrong?”. I couldn’t agree more ;).
    That question should be posted to those guys in the Government. If not, well at least Allah will questioned them later in the afterlife.

  43. Taking a break from the normal Tun Dr. Mahathir’s brainstorming, mind-twisting and highly educational sessions on this blog, noting sadly our Tun has gone on medical rest, i have this little joke for him and all readers…
    Definition : The involuntarily act of imitating Tun Dr. Mahathir in writing, speech and overall manner of expression such that the act is a near perfect replica of the original.
    You know you have Mahathiricities when …
    1. You like him
    2. You write like him.
    3. You talk like him.
    4. You argue like him.
    and everyone around you disagrees.
    This happened during a teh-tarik sesssion with a friend who complained that people accused him of expressing himself like Tun Dr. Mahathir. I then calmly explained to him that it ought to be taken as a compliment, while at the same time keeping my safe distance.
    Wishing you a speedy recovery Tun.

  44. Good morning Ayahanda Tun,
    It was a relieved to know that you are now in good condition with Tun Siti Hasmah in Melbourne from thestar online. As usual, I copy-paste the latest thestar’s nation news for Ayahanda Tun to read:
    1. Tuesday October 5, 2010

  45. I refer to the comments of Riza Ahmad on the dates of Sept. 24 & on Oct. 4th, touching on the issue of

  46. Syabas,Tun!
    Thirty one million hit your blog !! Fantastic! I hope you will recover soonest and keep going. Say your piece without fear and favour.

  47. To tsa lee wakucha on September 28, 2010 4:01 PM
    Unfortunately your quick thinking is a shallow thinking !!
    Keep on thinking harder!!

  48. Assalamualaikum Tun.
    Saya amat berharap agar Tun segera sembuh dan dapat kembali ke tanah air dengan selamat.
    Insya Allah..

  49. salam tun.we pray upon Allah for you to get well soon and thus you can keep on contributing your EXCEPTIONAL thoughts to us that has led our lovely malaysia developing into one of strong economic power in south east asian region and among the whole asian countries too.we pray for you always insyaAllah

  50. YBhg Tun Dr Mahathir,
    Semoga sembuh, sehat dan sejahtera,
    “KUALA LUMPUR: Calon Timbalan Presiden Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR), Mohamed Azmin Ali menyifatkan Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad yang sedang menerima rawatan di Melbourne, Australia kerana jangkitan paru-paru sebagai pemimpin yang sedang tersungkur di negara itu.”
    Aduh! – Calon Timbalan Presiden PKR sampai hati berkata demikian semasa Tun sakit dan dirawat di luar negara. Kemungkinan dengan jadi calon timbalan presiden PKR dan mendapat pencalonan terbanyak, saudara Azmin dah terbayang jadi Timbalan Perdana Menteri Malaysia maka meresaplah rasa meninggi diri, angkuh, sombong dan bongkak. Banyakkah sudah jasamu saudara? Macam tu kah nak jadi pemimpin No 2 negara?. Salahkah Tun turut bersama-sama PERKASA mempertahankan hak kaum bumiputera seperti yang terdapat dalam perlembagaan kita?. Saudara Azmin, sebelum bercakap tu berfikirlah dengan panjang dulu supaya bercakap tidak mengikut nafsu. Saudara Azmin, Janganlah buat sesuatu melampaui batas kerana musibahnya pada diri sendiri juga.
    YBhg Tun M adalah pemimpin telah menunaikan tanggungjawabnya mentadbir dan mengurus negara ini dengan cemerlang dan terbukti. Jasa baik dan perbuatan Tun memajukan dan mensejahterakan rakyat dan negara Malaysia, ganjarannya adalah dari Tuhan Maha Esa yang Mengetahui, Penyayang dan Pengampun.
    Siapalah kita mengata Tun sedemikian – Tun M tidak tersungkur, Tun dengan rela meletakkan jawatannya sebagai PM setelah memimpin rakyat Malaysia berlandaskan kepatuhannya pada Tuhan Maha Esa. Sehingga sekarang pun pendapat dan pandangan Tun masih relevan di dalam dan di luar Negara. Tak perlu di beri contoh atau bukti

  51. Dear Tun,
    This is to wish you speedy recovery. I will say a prayer for your quick recovery.
    Best regards,

  52. Salam ayahanda Tun serta bonda,
    saya hanya mahu memohon kepada Allah Subhanawataala agar paduka ayahanda Tun cepat semboh dan bolih meneruskan usaha usaha murni Tun sekarang ini. Kepimpinan serta ketajaman buah fikiran Tun amat di perlukan olih negara ini. PERJUANGAN TUN MASIH BELUM SELESAI.

  53. Allahumma…
    Kami memohon keampunanMu seandainya permohonan kami ini melanggar batas-batas yang telah Engkau gariskan.
    Ya Allah, Sesungguhnya Engkau jualah Yang Maha Menyembuhkan segala penyakit. Maka kami mohon Engkau sembuhkanlah hambaMu, Mahathir Bin Mohamad dari penyakit yang dialaminya di Melbourne.
    Ya Allah, kembalikan hambaMu itu ke pangkuan kami dalam keadaan sihat dan sejahtera.
    Amiiin, ya Rabb’l Alamiin…

  54. Salam Tun & family,
    Didoakan semuga dengan kuasa & ehsan Allah SWT, Tun segera pulih dan dapat meneruskan hidup ini macam biasa ( healthy body healthy mind ) dan meneruskan perjuangan Tun dalam usaha mempertabatkan agama, bangsa & negara. Kami akan nbersama Tun, insya’allah.

  55. Dear Tun and Readers,
    Semoga Tun akan pulih sepeti sedia kala dan kami masih memerlukan Tun untuk meneruskan perjuangan ini. Amin.
    Seperti yang telah dimaklumi ramai, terdapat 5 teras yang diusahakan oleh Koperasi Kinta Utama Perak Berhad (KO-KITA) iaitu;
    1. Hyper-market
    2. Pembinaan Bangunan dan Rumah
    3. Pusat Jagaan Harian Kanak-kanak dan Orang Tua
    4. Penjualan Kenderaan
    5. Tempat Pelaburan
    Dengan berlakunya kelima-lima teras tersebut, maka perusahaan-perusahaan hiliran dan peluang pekerjaan akan terbuka luas selain menjanjikan pulangan pelaburan yang baik.

  56. Dear Tun,
    I heard you have been warded. I wish you will recover soon. May you continue to be in good health. I sincerely thank you for the contributions you have made to the country, society and individuals. Just by setting up this simple blog, you have made yourself and your thinking accessible to laymen. I believe by this time, you have also accessed the thinking of Malaysian laymen. Their thinking, I guess, is the most determining factor in ensuring the success of Wawasan 2020.
    Get well soon, Tun. I pray.

  57. Dear Tun,
    I heard you have been warded. I wish you will recover soon. May you continue to be in good health. I sincerely thank you for the contributions you have made to country, society and individuals. Just by setting up this simple blog, you have made yourself and your thinking accessible to laymen. I believe by this time, you have also accessed the thinking of Malaysian laymen. Their thinking, I guess, is the most determining factor in ensuring the success of Wawasan 2020.
    Get well soon, Tun. I pray.

  58. Assalamualikum buat Tun,
    Saya amat risau pabila mendapat tahu bahawa Tun kena masuk hospital kat australia.
    Saya serta keluarga mendoakan semoga Tun cepat sembuh.

  59. QUOTE: Yes, the currency traders are still at it, worldwide financial crisis notwithstanding.
    You don’t have to fear them if your country is well-managed because they will avoid you like a plague. It’s only when you mismanaged your country, indulge in corruption and abuse of power for self-gain, that you will face sleepless nights worrying about them. Currency trading, after all is legal, quite unlike corruption and abuse of power for self-benefit. And I have yet to hear Tun speaking out against corruption, I wonder why.

  60. Salam Tun dan keluarga;
    Setelah beberapa hari masuk blog Tun, tiada artikel baru dipaparkan dan menjadi tandatanya apa kah kesibukan maka Tun tiada masa untuk membuka bolg.
    Tetapi akhirnya terjawab, rupanya Tun berada di Sydney dan telah dimasukkan ke wad kerana masaalah kesihatan (infected pada paru-paru).
    Semoga Tun cepat sembuh dan selamat kembali ke tanah air. Tq.

  61. Assalamualaikum wbh YABhg Tun
    I don’t really know where to post this, but I want to wish you all the best and a speedy recovery. I heard on the news yesterday that you’re hospitalized in Australia. My prayers go to you and hope you will get well soon. YABhg Tun, you mean so much to me and my family. Best wishes always.

  62. Salam YAB dan diKasihi Tun,
    Saya DOAKAN SEMOGA TUN CEPAT SEMBUH dan beroleh kesihatan yang baik.
    Harap Tun banyakkan berehat. Kesihatan amat penting. Saya pun kena ingatkan diri sendiri agar menjaga kesihatan.
    Terima kasih Tun.
    *** Semoga Allah SWT melindungi Tun sekeluarga. ***

  63. Dear Tun.
    Good Morning.
    I hope Tun will recover soon, and we all pray for your speedy recovery.
    Tun, lets take life a bit easy now.. lets’ travel through Malaysia and visit the common folks.. you will be surprised at how Malaysian have improved in the life and yet still maintained the true core of muhibbah.
    Our best wishes to Tun.
    Salam Bahagia.

  64. The time is nigh to shut down There doesn’t seem to be anymore support for his ramblings. I remember seeing thousands of comments and supposedly a couple of million hits in the first year. Wonder if multiple hits are counted. Then we’ve seen the comments moving down to several hundreds and now it’s lucky to even get a hundred comments. Time to go…

  65. saya ada ingin mengutarakan sesuatu: kenapa tidak ada satu cadangan gabungan kerajaan+swasta menubuhkan satu company berdasarkan pemaju/peniaga(gabunganpemaju/peniaga)+bank(gabungan bank-bank islam) untuk menegakkan sistem kewangan islam(100%HALAL) secara jualbeli dan ansuran kepada rakyat malaysia tanpa ada third party dan tidak membebankan rakyat? mungkin untuk step pertama kita boleh buat untuk perumahan dahulu kemudian kenderaan dan seterusnya…
    *mungkin cadangan ini mustahil atau sudah ada
    *kehidupan rakyat adalah tanggungjawab pemerintah….
    *gunakanlah pemikir-pemikir ISLAM….gunakanlah mereka untuk selesaikan masalah…ANDA(KERAJAAN ada KUASA KEPERCAYAAN RAKYAT) gunakanlah kuasa tersebut untuk keadilan rakyat ….MASA ANDA ADA SEHINGGA PILIHANRAYA SETERUSNYA…
    *ANDA juga boleh berubah….:)
    *So kalau rasa ada yang dekat2 dekat dengan ANDA tu boleh la tolong sampaikan….saya ni orang kebanyakkan saja 🙂
    *atau boleh diabaikan sahaja segalanya diatas..:)

  66. Kepada ayahanda tersayang
    semoga cepat sembuh
    ya Allah ya tuhanku
    Kau peliharalah keselamatan ayahandaku
    Kau berikanlah nikmat kesihatan kepadanya

  67. Dear YAB Tun Mahathir,
    The images of lotus design language coming from Paris is making us very proud-owned by Proton a Malaysian GLC!
    1) Pls have it in hybrid _ the supercars are pushing this green tech
    2) Pls have proton fuse the design language and flair into malaysian manfactured Proton> then people will stop talking or comparing to the other so called Malaysian made cars.
    Thank you.

  68. Salam YAB Tun,
    Diantara orang yang paling kaya sekali didunia dan yang paling miskin sekali didunia ada mereka yang berada dipertengahan. Bak kata perpatah: “kais pagi makan pagi, kais petang makan petang.”
    Begitu juga dengan apa-apa sahaja yang boleh dibuat perbandingan, pasti boleh dibahagi kepada tiga secara kasarnya, ia itu; +ve, -ve dan neutral.
    Kalau kita mengunakan timbang neraca pasti yang +ve dan -ve akan tidak seimbang dan akan sengget. Maka seruan agama untuk memilih keserdehanaan itu adalah wajar dan patut dipandang serius.
    Ketahuilah bahawa timbangan yang paling berat dan tidak sengget adalah dikeadaan neutral seolah-olah berada di jalan yang lurus yaitu “sidratul mustaqim.”

  69. My dear TUN……
    And for man to look upon himself as a capital good, even if it did not impair his freedom, may seem to debase him… by investing in themselves, people can enlarge the range of choice available to them. It is one way free men can enhance their welfare.
    Simply mine,

  70. Salam Tun and fellow contributors,
    Now I won’t be defensive of my fellow fx traders. Only that they ought to know what they were into when trading or risk losing their underpants and consequently their self-esteem too. Among the traders, lets also differentiate the speculator from the manipulator. They are completely two different animals. The former endangers only himself, while the latter the whole financial system/civilisation/mankind. As I said in a previous posting, its the manipulator we must go after and wipe out completely.
    Lets put the $4 trillion business in perspective: $4 trillion is a lot of money and most of it owned by the banks. To simplify, if the average leverage per trader is 100x, then you know the actual capital being used daily in currency trading is $40 billion, the rest (ie. $3.96 trillion) being the leverage supplied by the banks – theres no actual money involved except book entries. If theres one million traders around the world (not sure what the actual figure is), then each trader puts at risk on average about $40k of his own money (hmmm…) and controls around $4,000,000 after leveraging it 100x. If one makes 100 pips then exits, he gains $40k ie. doubles his original outlay. On the other side of the trade, it could be another trader who lost 100 pips, losing his entire capital of $40k, or ten traders losing 10 pips (=$4,000 or 10% of their capital) each (all assuming no transaction costs).
    (Note: Some traders eg. pension funds, hedge funds, banks including central banks etc. – or institutional traders, put up a lot, lot more than $40k of their own capital and hence trade way above hundreds of millions per day after leveraging. On the other hand, the small individual traders could be trading on pittance ie. as little as $500 of their own money before leveraging).
    So, clearly its the leverage which must be scrutinised, whether the magnitude (10x, 30x, 50x, 100x, 300x etc.) and its availability to all and sundry is justifiable. Whats the implications if such an amount ($3.96 trillion) is lent out to productive businesses instead? I think the point made by Tun is well made and should be well taken.
    Further, without the availability of such leverage to any Tom, Dick and Harry, currency trading may well be just a side business for the financial institutions – facilitating international business as it was originally meant to do – instead of being a major income earner.
    So now, as most consistently profitable traders know their tricks of the trade, they will continue trading as long as they are allowed to do so and more importantly as long as the leverage is there for them to use to the hilt. Its the unskilled traders, the unskilled managers of big funds who keep losing their own/clients monies to the winners. As losers exit, new players would come in and the game continues indefinitely, unless of course somebody stops the game or the leverage tap ran dry.
    Please mark my use of the word “skill” in this game, just like in soccer or badminton, snooker or even as some would argue poker. If one relies on luck, then one is gambling (probability of win/lose = 50/50) and eventually/most likely will lose all.
    Well, just to give readers another perspective on the meaning of money, please bear with me on the story set out below:
    Jonathan Bower writes at Daily Speculation:
    “…I’ve been reading the Laura Ingalls Wilder series to my 4 year old daughter at bedtime. I came across the nugget of wisdom last night in Farmer Boy.
    He waited till Father stopped talking and looked at him.
    “What is it, son?” Father asked.
    Almanzo was scared. “Father,” he said.
    “Well, son?”
    “Father,” Almanzo said, “would you

  71. A short and easy yet overwhelming test. Imagine this :
    1. A Malaysian working as a maid and/or as a general worker in Singapore. It so happened tht the Malaysian person is your daughter and/or your son .
    2. A Malay woman working a maid or man as a general worker in Singapore
    3. A Chinese woman working a maid or man as a general worker in Singapore
    Which one do you prefer?
    If you had chosen 2) or 3) above, you are a racist!
    If you had preferred 1), then strive for a better Malaysia. Be meritous! Would you hire and pay a person as a driver if he/she cannot drives a car at all, let alone does not have a driving licence?

  72. What went wrong?
    I started working as a young graduate electrical engineer in 1983 in an engineering firm in Kuala Lumpur. My starting salary was RM1200 which was pretty typical in those days. This may not seem much now but mixed rice was less than RM2.00 with Chinese tea and petrol was RM1.00 a litre. After 6 months and an increment under my belt I plonked down for set of wheels; a cute little Toyota Corolla which I paid off in 3 years. Two years later I put down the deposit for a double storey terrace house in a thriving suburb near the capital.
    Fast forward to the present and it would be very hard for any graduate to follow my act without substantial help from their parents. No, I wasn

  73. Going for the stock exchange using your extra money is no doubt good, the chance hugely positive, you’ll get the potential high returns, experience for the long term investment and of the most beneficial, financial freedom. However, if you are going for the stocks using your own must-not-lose-the-money saving/company capital, hope the market favor you or else, there the risk everyone already know yet the greedy still want to play with it, buying high at the not so right time, never opt-out when they know they must pull over.
    Regarding capitalism, believe me everybody want to capitalize, except that not everybody have the chance for it. Somebody capitalize by own self, some group capitalize by co-operation of a few, and the more organized one capitalize using the whole army of a company.

  74. Bismillahirrahmaanirrahiim
    Greenpeace Ayahanda Tun,
    Yesterday’s and updated – sent to Gutsy Sailor by email tapi terpikir rugi buat apa cerita kat Google, tak dapat tui (Ayahanda Tun, kawan2 Ayahanda Tun boleh beli Google tak? Rasa tak selamat emel lalu diaorang – banyak competitive advantage yang dia pegang tu … more on this below). Cerita kat siapa pun tak dapat tui tapi yalah, duit bukan boleh bawak kubur agak kalau Ayahanda Tun et al appreciate tolonglah kami capai impian bukan nak harta sampai 7 generasi – jaga mak bapak dan kami sepanjang hayat sampai anak saja lepas tu terpulanglah kepada diaorg … termasuk kawan2 radio silence kami 007 dan Leftenan dia … Alah, duit yang lebih2 tu kan setakat Amanah …
    Greenpeace Ayahanda Tun dan Pakbelalang – tolong jangan lupa “tui” kami! Btw – why Serdang not KK? Agak nak tangkap vote Putrajaya – tapi dah ada hospital baru kat Serdang – cukup catchment ke? … Btw nak kata confidential, orang tak sign TOR nak kata apa? Apa2 hal kita bawak balik kat dia – kalau tak kena hijack – tapi yang tak bayar kena tinggal kot …
    Why Langkawi not KK? Langkawi boleh buat Centre of Excellence in Geology, Bujang Valley in Archeology (Indiana Jones theme park! Alangkahsuka Srivijaya nak letak kat mana, ada filem nak cerita dengan EON Productions, JV dengan PETROSAINS), KK Environmental Studies / Biotechnology (Spy Leman yang ada banyak Government securities wing Kelantan dulu ada surat buat Convention Centre tapi duit sekat kat BNM (agak – orang low profile ni susah nak cakap) – banyak bio and ethnic diversity. Please don’t tangkap or tembak me -I’m just asking … btw Ayahanda Tun, report kami on halal nutricosmecueticals kat TPM nak kena sampai kat HDC – kita halalkan L’Oreal dsb – kita one stop centre supply natural ingredients – senang panggil diaorang buat kat Sabah – nanti kami khabarkan panggil Halal Genome expert yang tengah tolong Kelantan? … kalaulah ada masa nak salin kulit hantar sendiri kat Datuk bapak Putrajaya! btw diaorang yang mintak cosmetics & toiletries report tapi lepas tu tak nak bayar – sebab dia nak buang bahagian Global – dengar bunyi macam tak nak banyak kerja maklumlah gaji tak naik kerja tambah! Yang saya bengang tu, dahlah makan masa banyak buat thorough up to date research sampai semua related topics dalam cosmetic industries magazines saya baca – dah buat tak nak bayar – dengar khabar suruh SME accountant buang bahagian global dan mintak discount – tapi kalau buat ikut apa yang dia nak bayar, Malaysia rugi tak faham industri secara mendalam – pada hemat saya GLC patut peka dengan hal tu – agak banyak sangat self-interest di dunia ini, pardon the expression “cover own a**”, wallahualambissawaab tapi payah nak sampai conclusion yang lain … anak Genome expert ada source reference … hantar lepas buat kerja Halal dulu. Hai. Terkejar2 ni yang asyik kerja free … di manakah rezeki kami agaknya? Nak tunggu ECER mintak dengan MOF melalui EPU punyalah azab … Sabah nak kena settlekan communications structure … ada gatekeeper buat kerja seorg2!
    Y Langkawi apart from wiring it up, that is? Fibre banyak tu – kat Philippines kami tengok sampai 6 ring! – dengar khabar spectrum 5.8Ghz and above pada kawan Tun, tapi kami perlu untuk Smartschool! Kalaulah dapat wire satu ASEAN … kena tambah MEASAT kot, atau lesen baru? Lagi satu, kalau Google beli semua antivirus companies, takdelah diaorg terkejar2 compete sama sendiri keluarkan virus baru untuk tangkap market share! Bolehlah hackers in the region focus on seismic software … early warning systems … Agaknya … computer makin banyak hard disk, RAM, scan virus makin lama Kapersky full scan masa gangguan tadi nak ambik masa 23 hari 320GB HDD, database makin besar – malware dah 4 juta lebih … kalau macam ni macam mana nak sampai hajat budak pegi sekolah bawak notebook lipat macam buku tapi nipis macam suratkhabar … Cmdr (Rtd) yang dulu jaga LIMA yang khabar … idea ciplak dari Ayahanda Tun ke? Sibuk dia dengan vanilla, orang asli (wing Hang Lekiu tengah jaga sekali ECER) dan elan (nak kena check Hindu boleh makan tak – nanti lepas Polar Reversal kesian cucu cicit kami, kena standby jugak macam Merong Mahawangsa warning kita! Apasallah nampak gaya orang dok pikir sampai pencen sendiri aje …) … btw Tun kalau Airod ke siapa nak buat light aircraft kami ada design tapi belum lepas FAA … composite reinforce dengan kevlar …
    Today’s update – was looking at how international players position themselves, several countries bidding, I would have thought we should choose the best in what they do – and insist on the best technology transfer that we can get from them – e.g. kalau Korea dapat kapal, Jepun dapat system tol, German bagi nutricosmecuetical – harap semua kami dapat tui – nak hidup! Takkan semua nak simpan dalam a/c amanah kot! Macam Ayahanda Tun kata – caranya kot development, harga tanah naik, orang kampung suka! Dah khabar kat Langkawi team dulu lagi mengikut land code kalau PM mintak tanah MB boleh consider … tapi diaorg takut value of concept tak best – harap dia masukkan equity kami! More on LESSONS LEARNT in organisational behaviour below – no wonder mentor Datuk Samad was into psychology when he was my age! He told me it’s not always black and white, sometimes it’s grey … Now I know what he meant!
    Oh btw Tun saya dok berangan lama nak bridge digital divide World Vision style di Afrika – Hang Lekir dah ada solution. Yang talipon microwave dia tak fry the brains dengar khabar. Belum jumpa ex-Celcom expert telco engineer (who told me about the fried brains before I heard about the solution) on Gooseberry. Belum sempat! Dah bisik tapi … kot emel – Google lagi! Takde secure intranet Government ke, boleh tak bagi email address untuk kami … takut Tun pening banyak sangat cerita, dah hampir seminggu balas Andrewtay tak keluar!
    Besok baru nak touch base dengan Langkawi boys kot, Penang connection sibuk. belum dipanggil Kami sibuk layan Korea dengan ID Tun tadi dah submit, organisational behaviour below, dah emel, lega. Ada touch base dengan PM channel. Takut janganlah ada orang saja nak songlap plan kapal dari Korea nanti malulah kawan kami so harap2 go through, kita nak maintain credibility kawan. (Kita suruh diaorg joint venture buat kat sinilah!) Dia ada banyak contact overseas tu … dia jaga procurement dulu … 007 tak jumpa kat Biz Focus ke?
    Et al tolong kirim salaam kepada 007 dan beritahu dia tui diaorg tetap ada (harap kami pun sama) tapi kalau nak tahu cerita, janganlah radio silence! Ke masuk hutan? Re AMRB kena jumpa anak saudara you know who kat Maybank kawan baik anak gatekeeper lama dengar khabar. Agak kalau dia jaga MOSTI macam dulu senang – banyak R+D nak kena buat! Tapi wallahualambissawaab, siapalah saya, budak baru mentah, Tuan2 lagi arif.
    This job is an experiment of trust …
    Belum sempat tulis the Top Secret National Strategic Plan – ampun beribu ampun … but hope someone goes to China and Japan to help them sort it out – kita kan THE MEDIATOR of choice – bagus juga multi-racial we should promote it – Sea Dragon Noble Tiger – it’s part of our next move to export SERVICEMEN – siapa2 tolonglah clearkan Gutsy Sailor dia boleh pegi jumpa Lloyds + IMO (kitaorg dah kira sikit2) … wing mana nak jumpa Affin? Kena tulis juga plan ni nanti …
    Salah silap harap dimaafi. Ayahanda Tun, harap tak penat moderate -tapi cekap – blog Tun dah jadi intranet MINDA broadcast message sampai kepada yang patut … on the wings of Angels … what is LIGHT made of?
    Dengar khabar KTM nak mintak tolong kurangkan quantum minyak beli dengan PETRONAS agaknya – dah double-tracking kata Gutsy Sailor … ataupun dia ada source lagi murah – Iraq, kata mat salleh yang sibuk jual biofertiliser untuk tambah yield padi … dia tu dulu green developer, berkawan dengan Royal Caribbean pulak tu … btw nak kena ada tank farm dsb kat Labuan kot, senang terik dari Sg. Kitaorg bukan apa, nak tanya takut, gak?
    Pada urea, baik polyethylene kot, kalau dapat create market. Polystyrene dah out. Apa2 hal kena biodegradable. Tolonglah buat Save Atlantis Fund, Tun (Gutsy Sailor kata Greenpeace ada HQ kat Thailand, Msia takde, tapi kalau mintak kerja sana dapat allowance aje takde duit pencen, kesian mak bapak anak2 dahlah ikut saya experiment tolong Melayu!). Tahun depan Kyoto Protocol dah nak review, current commitment tahun 2020 baru nak masuk. (China?) boleh bayar polyethylene untuk stop the melt, dapat carbon credit sekali. Tadi mat salleh pommie biofertliser kata, soil-based (padi) carbon credits tak lepas – mana aci, dia label kita nombor 4 highest emitter per capita tahun 2000! Bila kita nak make amends, tak nak bagi credit! Tapi Dato’ Sabri (FELDA) dapat dari Denmark untuk “treatment for palm oil mill effluent for composting process”. (Oh btw kami dah buat kerja untuk EPU tapi MHLG dah appoint Daneda untuk solid waste – jadi inception dan interim report kami jadi free – siap ada country reports, contingent valuation dan pricing tu! Pelik masa tu keluar cartoon diplomatic cut tapi ada lagi Danish kat EPU!). Harap PETRONAS dapat review – tahulah dah atur 2 tahun – tapi Green punya pasal … Kalau nak kira compete harga, memanglah R+D mahal, tapi kalau market besar dapat amortise jualan banyak, jadi bolehlah turun harga! Economies of scale …). Kitaorang nak jadikan Labuan trading centre, storage minyak kalau pulau Tun Mustapha masih pada dia …
    Agak bila ops MINDA Phase I siap Tun? Kami dah ada spider nak letak kat website untuk SME. Saya nak kena approve design kot Tun, kena make sure efficient dan ergonomic. Image checker. Tapi perlu Islamic Payment System baru market luas sikit. Tak larat nak naik turun company nak convince beli software RM3.5k sebulan! Buat penat aje … Takpe Tun, nanti panggil anak Genome expert dan kawan Datuk Mukhriz, fix tui dan biar diaorg run, bahagian MI tambah later bila Alangkahsuka Srivijaya dah established
    Tak terkejar dan tak terlayan semua, Ayahanda Tun. Rezeki selepuk nak bagi lega tak jugak sampai2. Boleh tak mintak kerja gaji tetap kejap sebab nak settlekan PSDC … Sea2sea International. Ramai sikit boleh bagi2 kerja (tapi department kena lain2, ikut expertise – 007 jaga project management! Mampus kita semua kena kerah military-style!)… duit bukan boleh bawak ke kubur. Asalkan capai matlamat2 hidup cukup kot? Tapi bagilah kami simpan komisyen sikit. Employment Act pun dah bagi moonlighting! Imagine – a website where anyone in the world can pick the best people for the job – linked to our traders website better than … with SME tools and due diligence! Baik kami involved in design, kami selalu benar dan dah bertahun2 kena dan minat research kat web, tahu apa yang elok apa yang tidak, kalau tak betul nanti tak ramai yang nak pakai …
    Pening kepala otak jam Tun sebab tunggu tak dipanggil2. Nak ambik liability takut … takde style musyarakah ke? Dulu dengan ILIC associate IDB dah cuba structure declining musyarakah (btw Tun I have a database of Public-Social-Private Partnerships and Project Financing Structures from Euromoney – nak pulangkan kat Kris sebab photocopy dari PETRONAS – at some point got typists to translate from books into slides – pada diaorg menanguk takde kerja – but I just innovate based on circumstances refer lesson learnt below). Harap OIC dapat terik duit banyak sikit jaga kat IDR. Barulah ops MINDA complete dan boleh masuk Phase II samada barter trade atau Islamic Gold Dinar. Ingat dulu Tun nak jaga OIC … Pakistan dah flooding terok tu … (today’s update dah anticipate for Langkawi and asked Tun’s ID for intro to TS Syed Mokhtar – masaalahnya Penang wing – yang lama? – belum revert lawyer kena pegi Perak tadi…)
    Btw Tun budak2 zaman sekarang dah tak main swing dan slimfit. Diaorg ni generasi bell-bottom psychedelic peace flower power. Semua otak blues Woodstock era. Kalau nak buat apa2 baik sekarang.
    Sebab peringkat saya nanti dah masuk (pardon the expression) Sex Pistols (punk) dan Metallica (heavy metal). Lagi haru … Actually, attracted to speed and accuracy. Celebrating excellence in human genius created by God, so why should it be considered melalaikan, all work and no play makes Jill a dull person!
    Salah silap harap dimaafi. Kami budak2 kampung (atau separa kampung)yang dihantar keluar negeri (imagine the freedom at 18 yo? terbawak2 sikit culture sana). Masa kecik2 baca Lat dan Gila2! Zaman kutu berahak lepak kat tembok … semua gila jamming guitar … tak padan dengan tua dah takde rambut pun berangan jadi rock star … kesian dengar khabar Blues Gang miskin kena cetak rompak … ubat pun orang kena belikan … Today’s update – younger son asked which is better ESP or Ibanez managed to explain ESP’s branding by creating custom guitars for famous guitarists plus not fixing the Floyd Rose tremolo issue which makes all strings out of tune. It gets wider market, for stage need 2 guitars. Compared to Ibanez used by the fastest Herman Li and Joe Satriani, can change 1 string and tune just that one on the spot. So there’s high-end for elite and cheaper for mass market. He gets the message. Made the right choice buying him top range Sony Vaio! Both got RM8k computers in Form One – chose top range to minimise frustration – slow computers slow internet low utilisation slower learning. Sanggup belikan anak computer drpd betulkan kereta!
    Kalau Tun penat baca Tun, saya lagi penat mikir. Tak henti2 … Gutsy Sailorlah asyik nak bercakap aje, tak henti2. Tulis malas! Penat jadi steno dia. Kat rumah geng menceceh ramai macam cacophony … semua salah kita. Apa nak buat, tak mampu … nak experiment sangat tolong Melayu! Bila nak keluar buku ethics agak, entahlah kadang2 pikir diaorg ni nama aje Islam. Dok pikir apalah nasib. Kerja jaga Kris Rimau ni tulis business plan pun macam nak free!
    Harap Hang Lekir tak kecik hati (dengar khabar dia pun pening kepala tu, memikirkan masaalah negara). Penat kami tunggu tak tahu apa cerita, 007 dah merajuk dengan kami kot, entah … Actually Tun I dunno if this will get to you or the D4 sambar dulu – kena hijack ke? Nanti tanya geng ex-UEM pasal hospital … Today’s update – dengar khabar geng yang bawak ke New York tak dapat tapi dulu dia dah khabar dapat yang kecik sikit kot – hope so, kalau tak kesian consultants dan dia yg keluar duit banyak, bukan banyak duit pun to start with! Engineer dalam team lama dah meninggal – inspirasi dari aruah – Taming Sari (atau twin) mungkin di Makassar, pelik dengar dia cerita Hang Tuah, Puteri Gunung Ledang, Saidina Ali (berguru dengan dia, kata?!!!) dok atas Gunung Ledang – dia suruh baca Surah AlMaidah 5:10 tak silap – pasal Ahlul Bait dan Tradition of the Cloak – ada website Indon kata Batak Bani Jawi tak terima Islam Syariah sebab dia dah Islam dulu ikut Nabi Ibrahim a.s.? (Apasal Sunni Shiah nak gaduh? Asalnya satu! – tu lagi satu cerita sedih, dia passing kat kita jaga anak dia tapi diaorg belum revert dan belum feasy – Chatuchat dah masuk report ECER org lain tulis tapi tak tahulah jalan ke tidak, CAPEX tak masuk kira (lease basis – kalau kena kira tolonglah SCOPE tambahan kami dah rugi rasanya), kalau tak aircond tourist mana nak datang, kecuali kita torak (putar) alam green pasang fan macam turbine agak, bila orang kita dari pasar malam masuk Chatuchat, pasar malam takeover dek Indon (Chow Kit dah ada PT, kedai makan Kg Baru boss dok rumah workers tak masuk till agak last2 hutang gaji kedai tergadai – macam mana nak jamin safety Indonesia tak boleh jamin diaorg tak LARI, agent sana main recycle aje, yg kat sini pun – ambik legal dah rugi dekat RM20k! Saudara2 kawan2 pun tiap2 kali rugi dekat RM5k – tahan gaji marah! Ha – amacam kalau Indonesia bayar gantirugi … jom kira! Tu tak termasuk penyamun datang visit – kalau kat Indonesia dia tembak mati aje – sampai polis kita pun dah terbawak2 sangat tertembak budak – manalah nampak tengah malam buta tu – rupa sama!) – btw betullah kita Malaysia Merong Mahawangsa Raja Melayu, Indonesia asal rajanya Kushans, agak, tapi pelik dia pilih gitu sebab dia yang Merdeka dulu … tak payahlah gaduh2, kita buat joint promotion, island hopping tours …
    Lesson learnt on organisational behaviour. Never got a chance to ask Tan Sri Hassan WHY he wanted to discontinue the Chartered Accountancy Programme after he returned from London one day. Promuda? (btw cerita Illuminati tu betul ke? pakat ke diaorg berdua?) Ke clique dengan FAMA (father-mother) scholarships? Some of us are truly budak kampung atau bapak MCS lurus. Tak semua. Kadang tengok budak2 ni – takut! Terlampau self-interest. Dan takut tak cukup turun ilmu. Biasalah umur tu. Pikir buat duit aje. Anyway the lesson learnt is kadang2 Finance brake kuat kat orang lain, diri sendiri tak! Macam dulu2 HR jaki sebab kita tak naikkan job grade diaorang? Anyway, kita dah penat bacakan privatisation guidelines dsb nak lepaskan dari proses 3PU (kalau 4 tahun baru nak lepas apa guna – tunggu contract keluar harga barang dah tukar, habis margin silap2 rugi – itu yang mintak standard contract tapi dah submit PPP Vision 2020 in various forms dari tahun 2003 tak lepas! Takde budget … takut kawan kami seorang (yg baru dapat Dato’ Pahang) aje yang betul2 faham PPP di 3PU! Maaf sebab saya kalau mengajar laju sangat, nak kena panggil backup2 yang boleh translate ke layman! Btw gang contact Sabah Rainbow Warrior jugak, minat astrophysics jugak, tapi nak kena convert ke Islam dan ke Sufi – cuma dia tak percaya kita boleh tukar system GO GREEN overnight, tak nak rock the boat). Btw trend bagi ke GLC tak dapat votes, Danajamin pun untuk GLC?!!! Agak bosnya nak play safe sangat tak faham objektif Kris dan Rimau – alahai, banker …) – nak BLT jugak. Guidelines dah kata kena ada maintenance, life cycle cost – kalau tak macam mana nak kira green? Utilities subsidy reduction schedule dah ada. Kalau ya pun nak passing balik kat Government subsidiary, tak ambik responsibility. Yang peliknya, kalau loan cuma 5-7 tahun, bayarbalik tinggi! Orang nak loan panjang spread out lagi lama, tahun2 bayar kurang, baru boleh compare value for money, takkan nak bayar lease lebih dari market! Green tak green … Orang cari long term loan (domestic life insurancecos takkan tak dan tolong), yang buat crisis short-term liabilities banyak sangat – bukan masaalah TOTAL amount kot – Disneyland Paris kena pakai century bond baru feasy tak silap. Kalau takut contingent liability pun, style baru takde recourse kat Government, kalau Government atau bank tak ambik step in rights, macam mana nak passing kat orang lain teruskan? M+A kena cekap – database contractor berwibawa kena ada … Government yang patut the saviour, the guarantor of last resort, Government tak nak tolong … jadi PPP cuma untuk GLC dan PLC yang mampu – SME ketinggalan. GLC bukan bawak vote, tapi kalau SME dapat cepat – CNN market talk laju! Btw Ayahanda Tun, tahun 2007 saya dah emel kat EPU Industri minta passing kat MITI calculation USA twin deficit dah nak go under, dan cadang mereka value add computer di Malaysia pada jual semiconductor. Dulu kami ada jumpa budak Malaysia tukang advise Kuomintang – dia jual mentol – Taiwan kalau R+D dia monitor gila2 sampai jadi! Industrial park pun lengkap – mungkin budget lengkap kot … btw diaorg dah cek DNA claim Melayu dari sana – apasal dokumen history semua hantar ke Singapore? Tak faham saya … Lagi satu kalau nak plan industri kat Malaysia, MITI database sampai 2002 aje, lepas tu dapat print tahun latest aje. Macam mana nak decide location, effective logistics untuk supply chain? Lupa nak khabar kat Datuk Mukhriz … (Dulu dah present pasal akauntan bumiputra kpd boss dia tapi … ada member pegi present proposed Dewan transformation nak include GLC, professionals, brokers tahun lepas tapi …)
    Masaalah saya – saya cek dulu, boleh buat ke tidak. Jadi panjanglah cerita dalam surat TOR. Tapi Finance awal2 tak nak terima, agak tak perlu nasihat, nak kurangkan bayar, nak senangkan cerita, saya takut samada tak lepas atau bank tak terima (sejak bila bank terima loan life sama dengan contract life, tak dan nak reschedule kalau Government lambat bayar – too risky!). Last2 coach nak hantar cv aje, takut mintak mob fee tinggi (belum sign apa2 dah mintak structure! kita letak clause proprietary dia takut! Bukan apa – nak passing kat Sea2sea International …). Nak kena pegi tanya Datuk Samad jugak ni nampak gaya … dulu dah sound kira2 masa krisis tapi lupa nak emel (masaalah KIV!)
    What the trend implies, and Datuk Idris Jala’s statement about Government debt is that there is not enough GDP output forecast. Dah masuk plan green manufacturing dan export services ke (sorry belum sempat baca ETP, Gutsy Sailor dah baca belum sempat cerita)? Why didn’t they just call us to help them do it? Sebab takde nama? Tapi panggil mat salleh dia bukan faham negara kita! Dah ada internet, benchmarks kita terik aje (sejak tahun 1997 Tun, dengan dial-up gedeng2 – punyalah azab!) …
    Ayahanda Tun, boleh tak tolong international marketing sebab kalau Tun, call aje, jalan! Have submitted cvs to YKSM … with hp number in email. Kalau nak nama geng buat ECER boleh tolong, agak, tapi kalau nak build nama Sea2sea International biarlah kita yang sub-con kat diaorang! (Nak kena pinjam duit dari siapa Tun? Nanti tanya Modal Perdana, cukup budget tak, Affin ke? Kalau Tun jadi Chairman lagi senang kot. Kita upload cv Colombo Plan scholars sekali! Dan yang pencen – valuable experience tu! We pick the best people for the job, all the time, key in key words aje. Professional associations verify cv. Kami nak berlayar, boleh tak 007 jadi CEO … tapi kalau kami tak berlayar, takut kami!
    Kalau message tak sampai, Ayahanda Tun, mintak maaf, kena tunggu kejap passing kot ID. Hari ini saja dah 90+ virus dan 200+ trojan dari thumb drive yang hantar kat colour print shop. Tak tahulah trojan ke apa keeps targeting my sensitive files like Air Selangor, Jaring, Smartschool, mujur password protected. Fortunately have made full off-site backup, kalau Kris Rimau mintak, sure bagi. Kena import anti-virus expert jugak ni nampak gaya. Geng MCMC kata jangan blog kat Tun nak stop virus kat gateway, takut kita tak boleh buat nanti backfire Malaysia jadi example of what not to do! He’s right, but I thought he could stop it before it gets to you. Only forgot to tell him its on the Kris Rimau intranet! Or maybe whoever is just trying to steal my files. Kerja free lagi! Kalau faham, sila (orang mata kero macam saya aje larat baca kot)! Apasal tak mintak aje? Kalau Kris Rimau, kita bagi! Or maybe they are just trying to drag my files out, can’t get into network sharing centre, last time someone turned network off and file sharing on. Takpe Tun nanti kita passing through friends.
    Sebenarnya Tun, dah hampir semua plan kita habaq, cuma long-form bukan kotak2. Implementation nak kena buat market research by sector lebih sikit, tapi THOROUGH. Pendek kata kalau belum settle Centre of Excellence mana nak letak di mana, selagi plan2 corridor tak masuk website, selagi Green element tak masuk planning, payah. Tukar idea, ada yang kena tinggal, image tak cantik. Nak menyelamatkan PLC 100 tahun pun tak dan sebab banker tak dan nak due-d kat web. Maybank ke CIMB, bagi2lah kerja. Bukan dan buat semua! Bila kita semua bekerjasama, senang. Nak compete, kita cuba capai 60%, yang straight path tolong, yang kiri kanan aje BELUM. Tak payah compete sama sendiri. Lagi lambat, banyak sabotage dan hijack! Justifylah kerja yang kita buat, marketing ke, sourcing ke, tulis paper ke, lobby ke dsb. Bab ni tengah belajar lagi, jadi minta tolong Tuan2 yang lebih arif … takut kena gelar bottomless pit macam negara jiran … Btw kalau nak Perikatan, boleh tak layar macam perahu bedar atau kapal layar Garuda, layar empat segi tak cantik! Warna dah betul … cobalt blue … yang mata tu biru dia terlampau birat, mata merah pulak tu – di Middle East kalau mata tu biru – reminder to ward against the evil eye (dajjal kot?). Agak kris bengkang bengkok dan amulet ular (report ECER) untuk ingatkan kita kenapa kita tercampak di dunia – terpedaya dek setan (kat mana baca menyamar sebagai ular?) – tapi terbaca zaman Nabi Nuh a.s., rajanya pakai amulet ular kalau tak silap … Lore of the Light …
    Lagi baik Tun yang habaq daripada kami tulis surat kot. Siapalah kami. Cuma kami mintak berlayar, rumah dimana kena kerja dan senang sepanjang hayat kami, mak bapak dan anak2, anak2 ada rumah seorang sebiji, company untuk diaorg jaga dan senang hidup diaorang.
    Minta tolonglah Tun, sebab, nak kena berlayar dan tulis buku! Dan marketing sekali …
    Minta maaf banyak banyak Ayahanda Tun, saya budak kampung tak berapa gheti tulis betul2, harap Tun tak marah, kalau nak tunggu formal, alamat tahun depan tak siap, padahal keadaan macam dah ‘darurat’. Lagipun ingat nak cuba lawak sikit, lepas tension … stress memikirkan keadaan …
    IEXPLORE.EXE TCP Outbound (stream) 52767 443 02:27:06 128.9 KB 68.2 KB
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    Salaam (greenpeace)

  75. bubble always make…
    kerajaan pokai…
    rakyat pun pokai…
    yg untung org perseorangan dalam kerajaan atau rakyat…
    kata pakar ekonomi lah…
    betul ker tun?

  76. Yang Berbahagia Tun Dr Mahathir dan Tun Dr Siti Hasmah,
    Semoga sentiasa sehat dan sejahtera.
    Mohon izin Tun dan laluan sekejap:
    Saudara-saudara yang berada dalam blog ini

  77. Dear Sir, and fellow bloggers,
    Just a quick one, change of topic.
    Last night I went to see the Musikal Tun Mahathir at Istana Budaya, KL. I must admit, it is well played, a really great performance by everyone, good songs,fine acting, very touching and sentimental. It covered up from Mahathir’s birth to the moment Dato’ Seri Dr Mahathir stepped down. Many of us couldn’t help shedding tears.
    I couldnot find much fault on the story line. The pace was good enough, with highlights of the person, his growing years, his love life, his passion into politics and frustrations with those still wanting to hold on to Mahathir as their “tongkat”.
    In particular, I was much surprised (but happy) with the showing of “Dr. Mahathir’s Letter” to Tengku Abd Rahman in 1969, which we students at that time helped to retype and “cyclo-styled” and distribute to all our student comrades the whole country. Those days we Malay students were very very frustrated with Tengku for many reasons, and Mahathir’s letter was Godsent. Those days we had a name for UMNO – U Must Not Oppose. Of course I dont believe the young generation can ever understand everything, it was excluded from written history.
    Unfortunately the Director of the Play excluded the effects of Mahathir being expelled from UMNO by Tengku, and the role played by Dato’ Harun Idris to bring Dr. Mahathir back into the party. I remember Dr. Mahathir saying to Dato’ Harun, “I dah fed up”.
    In some small ways we Malay students of the late sixties helped to support Mageran, and “pushed” politicians to get things moving again in particular to uplift the downtrodden Malay economic base – such as the setting up of Bank Bumiputra, Bank Pertanian, UKM, UPM, Universiti Islam, UTM etc. Dato’ Patinggi (now Tun) Rahman Yaakob of Sarawak as the Education Minister contributed a lot, and of course Tun Razak. But we knew, the effects of Dr. Mahathir’s Letter, although despised by Tengku, was most effective to get Mageran re-examine the deep frustrations and anger of the Malay people. That letter was pivotal.
    Then the book, the Malay Dilemma, which was banned by Tengku. To us students of the 60’s, the book hold the truth, it summarised how we all felt then. Why it was banned was beyond us. If the author had felt awful, so did we. The truths of the Malay Dilemma still hold until today. May be the author, Dr. Mahathir ought to make a revision of the book, “Malay Dilemma Revisited”.
    Then the ending of the Musikal, which somehow focussed more on the “dejection” of the man, (“Depa dah tak mahu aku dah”)and insufficient highlight of the man who tried grooming a successor, but which went wrong. There was, however, ample display of impatience among some who wanted to see the man go. But why exclude the smooth passing over of the leadership? That was historical.
    Hopefully this play will be restaged in the future, and hopefully certain main plays ought to be highlighted, especially (1) reshaping of the Malaysian identity and society (2) the man and his family (3) changes (albeit not much) of the Malay mindset (4) fair sharing of the economy (5) acknowledgements of mistakes made (6) overcoming the currency crises (against all odds). If I can change the ending – the man worked to the end.
    Lest we forget, when he left the leadership, he made sure things were in good shape, the economy, politics, the party. This ought to be remembered. We of course salute the man. But I think in his heart he is hoping that one day some one will come along and continue the “perjuangan yang belum selesai”.
    Bravo to the producers and directors of Musical Tun Mahathir, a very good Musical, on a very tough subject matter.

  78. Dear Tun,
    It looks like whenever there are negotiations involving foreign countries particularly Singapore, Malaysia is always ending up with unfavorable results in the final agreements. There were so many clauses which Malaysian negotiators overlooked and finally being taken for a ride. There were so many loopholes in the agreements and as a result of which Malaysia is in disadvantage position and always at the losing end. Why??
    1. “Tidak apa” attitude.
    2. “Mudah lupa” attitude.
    3. “Bodoh sombong” attitude.
    4. HP6 attitude.
    6. “Haprak” attitude.
    7. “Tak sedar diri” attitude.
    All the above attitude lead Malaysian negotiators “DAH BODOH, STUPID”!!

  79. Tun, our family only had the opportunity to visit Putrajaya in May, 2010. Thank you for creating the pride of the nation. We were overtaken with joy at seeing such a well planned and enormous city. No one can take this away from you. It is YOURS.Others like Proton,Penang Bridge,Klang Port are also yours.
    Retire gracefully and let us always hold you dear in our hearts and minds. One matter that you should look into is the foreign reserves of Malaysia. Noone should have the authority to touch it without the joint approval of former leaders like you and all the State rulers.

  80. Greenpeace Ayahanda Tun et al,
    Saya ingin cuba menjawab teka-teki Sujini. Yang saya nampak, bila kerja banyak sangat, pening kepala tak dapat fokus. Tapi kepimpinan Kris amat luarbiasa. Mereka pandai bekerjasama dan bahagi2 kerja!
    Kris Satria Rimau … betapa leganya rasa … Alhamdulillah, syukur.
    Salaam (greenpeace).

  81. Greenpeace Ayahanda Tun et al,
    In response to Pakbelalang, why not Sabah where bio- and ethnic diversity abounds? Have an even more interesting subject to study in Langkawi … please call me I know you have my number! Oxford gave you away … small world?
    Btw wouldn’t the golf course need to be self-watering in a closed drain system to be green … OMG did we just INVENT something?!!!
    Salaam (greenpeace).

  82. Yg dikasehi Tun,
    Sesungguhnya diharap dan didoakan Tun berdua terus sihat, dipanjangkan lagi usia utk terus menolong bangsa Melayu yg mana, jika ibarat air, ia sudah sampai ke hidung dan, jika ibarat telur, ia kini berada di hujung tanduk.
    Saya ada poskan ‘NEM – Systematic Destruction of the Bumis?’ di sini
    Di para 26 saya abadikan… 26. Hence I wish to repeat it loudly and clearly that Tun Dr M and DS Ali Rustam must be unreservedly credited for this excellent achievement, alas minus the NEM. They should be appropriately honoured by conferring the Nobel Prize for Empirical Economic Management!
    dan di para 41 pula… 40. Policy makers, including Idris Jala, need to articulate coherent, consistent and credible accounts of what they are doing are indeed based on both good economics and good politics. They have to say:

  83. assallammuaalaikum TDMM dan keluarga smuga sihat selalu hendak nya …amin!!!
    ada satu hikayat silam lama di mana saorang ulamak besar bernama bohari lebih dikenali IMAM BOHARI ber asal dari daerah bohara, tasken, russia telah di jemput ke negara iraq, di situ beliau di uji pengtahwan ilmu islam di hadapan rayat ramai IRAQ dengan 100 orang ulamak besar di raja negara itu mengujicuba ilmu IMAM BOHARI orang RUSSIA
    maka lalu bermula lah hujah2 daripada ke semua 100 orang ulamak2 arab itu, dengan selamba beliau kata kesemua hujah tuan2 tak benar lalu beliau satu persatu dengan mudah menjawab nya, maka terkejut lah ulamak ramai arab iraq tak terkata lawan dengan saorang bangsa tasken bokara
    macamna cara hidup bersama islam?
    macamna cara curak kerajaan islam?
    berapa ramai rayat negeri BN datang cari makan di negeri BA?
    BA > islam > 0000 > 00000 > kerajaan rayat papa kedana
    BN > islam > iman > takqa > kerajaan rayat makmur
    kerajaan ALLAH yang kekal

  84. Hi all,
    Some of you might laugh at what Tun wrote. Of course, being people of middle class to higher class, driving good cars, one could not see the scenario and blame Tun as being too obsessed by the movie. But being lower in lower class, one would see these scenarios happening and some are losing their houses because of refinancing to get money for a better living but ended up could not afford to pay back.
    Would like to give some comments for the above – from my quick thinking:
    1. University in Langkawi for no reason would create congested buildings in the island and full of mass, junks and litter everywhere and then the clear water all around Langkawi turns out like to be like nescafe “o” ready to be snorkled..nice idea. And then you can see litters of small boxes and bottles beneath the water waving front and back following the waves. Anywhere there is a university, there surely be development. Then more houses be built and more people in the island coming in, more cars coming in, more humidity, more kampung people are offered good prices to sell their land and set them to move away.. With buildings everywhere, students lingering around, cars horning, heat and humidity from buildings.. then i guess it would be a much better place for a longer period of peaceful holidays..(would it be?)

    By pakbelalang on September 26, 2010 9:37 AM
    Johns Hopkins University to set up medical school and hospital here
    The best location for the medical school and hospital is in Langkawi. The govt. should provide the basic infrastructure to attract the investors to build medical school in the island. Langkawi island should be made a centre of higher learning and attract thousands of South & Far East Asian students to study there. I think the physical environment in the island is very ideal for students to continue their higher education there. All the government need do is to upgrade the physical infrastructure of the island to be of higher standard especially on information and communication system.
    Sdr. pakbelalang,
    Again we concur with your suggestion to make the Island of Langkawai the centre for learning institutions (professionAL degrees). The Island actually have the infra and sites to facilitate the development of such institutions. For instance, the hills leading to the Gunung Raya (the highest peak of the Island) will provide the atmosphere conducive for a medical institution.
    Over the weekend, we had checked-in the just re-opened Retreat ( once used for the Meetings of Head of States during Ayahanda Tun era but unfortunately was left idle by LADA for more than 10 years after the event)
    The cool mountain air, the serenity, the tranquility of the surroundings make good theraphy for a stressed body, mind and soul and from the three sixty (360) degree tower of the PEAK, we can watch the beautiful sunset sceneries of Langkawi dan the surrounding islands and what a sight to behold!
    We wondered why the ‘PEAK'( 360 )of Gunung Raya was never aggressively promoted by TDC.( we only knew coz our son started working up the Retreat just before the recently completed Mountain Bikes Challenge)
    The current room rates ranges from Rm 1,000 to Rm2,000/night ( including b’fast,lunch and personalised BBQ dinner by THE Chef) and trust us, its worth the money spent!
    It wud be a very ideal Retreat for corporate players to have their ‘brains stormed’ and to address their ‘board-room’ stresses up there and for the ‘honeymooners’,…(dot dot dot)
    Ps. We wud recommend that when in Langkawai, pls take a trip up the 360 View Tower and watch the sunset and night sceneries of Langkawi. Ticket is only Rm10/person with a complimentary drink of coffee or tea. Menus for dinners and other bewerages are also available up the tower.
    Though we appeared promoting on behalf of our son but sincerely, we merely wish to share the ‘beauty and freshness’ at THE PEAK of PULAU LAGENDA.

  86. Hah non-jibaok,
    1st of all…if Chinese is Jews of the East, Maharaja Cina tak akan tolong Parasmeswara lawan Siam lah.
    If Chinese are the Jews of the East, long they have conquer Japan rather than being invade by Japan.
    But it is true Chinese are the Entrepenuer of EAST, as reality is China economy is 100time better and bigger than South East Asia.
    How about this, take the junkish paper of MYR and try throw along the roads in Vietnam, Bangkok, India or Myanmar, let see anyone rushing for it?
    But then try again with USD, let see whether it is the same.
    The best way is either you have a currency equal recognize like USD ie:Euro or you keep more USD for strenghten the economy.
    Why not we ask, if we invest our monies to overseas, what currency is it???
    Honestly Mr.Mahathir was right in certain sense, those people with that dilemma, was due to DNA’s were not meant into business or entrepenuership.
    But the Mami’s in Penang, were doing great in the Forex and Gold business.

  87. salam Tun
    kami rakyat Malaysia terus berdoa agar Tun sihat dan masih terus menulis untuk memandaikan rakyat Malaysia dalam pelbagai isu.
    salam bahagia buat Tun sekeluarga.
    Saat Sulaiman

  88. // By HajarAuthor Profile Page on September 25, 2010 11:24 PM
    Dearest YAB Tun,

  89. I walked out on this rubbish. What a waste of my time and effort. Branson being the school drop out he was may be excused for his stupidity this time. In this country Branson, you take your leverages to the oval office in DC or the Singapore PM office for faster actions. You want one of our island? Not a problem – swing by the Singapore PM office and then post it to the ICJ. This guy is affiliated with Air Asia, the new wave of politics for all of us here. Sell of everything Branson? Like what you dumb ass Brits did with your auto industries?
    GM and Ford fu*ked your Brits backsides then trashed you to the Indians and Chinese when they were done. That’s globalization and openness for you people. You dumb fu*k.
    Hail Rattan Tata – the new breed of British at Jaguar!
    Branson calls for open competition in Malaysia
    KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia (AP) – British billionaire Richard Branson said Monday that Malaysia should split up and privatize large government-owned companies to increase competition and woo foreign investors.
    Branson, whose Virgin Group is a shareholder in a Malaysia-based long-haul budget airline, also said political issues such as the sodomy trial of opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim have damaged Malaysia’s reputation among foreign investors.
    “A lot of your companies are run by the government,” Branson told a business conference. “It will be better if you privatize, break up big companies into smaller companies for them to compete with each other.”
    “It will be better if Malaysia can be more liberal and open. It will attract more people to invest,” he said, when asked how Malaysia can lure foreign investment under an economic plan unveiled last week that seeks $444 billion of investments over the next decade to lift the country to developed nation status.
    The Malaysian government retains an ownership interest in most key industries, which gives it the final say in corporate direction despite opening highways, telecommunications, electricity, airlines and autos to private investment since the 1980s.
    Large government-linked companies are significant providers of essential services and employment, and account for more than a third of stock market capitalization. Such corporations are also key beneficiaries of government contracts and privileges, drawing criticism of unfair playing field for others.
    Budget airline AirAsia has long complained of unfair competition with national flag carrier Malaysia Airlines. Branson’s Virgin Group has a stake in AirAsia’s long-haul affiliate, AirAsia X.
    Turning to politics, Branson said Anwar’s second sodomy trial is negative for Malaysia’s image with investors.
    “Not in a major way but it’s definitely a thorn in the side of Malaysia’s otherwise very good reputation,” he said.
    “This has gone on for a long long time. It looks bad overseas. If you are a bold leader, you should get rid of things like that which damages your reputation,” he said, without elaborating.
    Anwar, a former deputy prime minister, is on trial for sodomizing a former male aide.
    He insists the government concocted the charge to sideline him after his opposition alliance made unprecedented gains in 2008 polls. The government denies conspiring against Anwar.
    He faces up to 20 years in prison if convicted of sodomy, a crime in Muslim-majority Malaysia. It is the second time Anwar has been accused of sodomy. He was imprisoned for six years starting in 1998 for sodomy and corruption. The sodomy conviction was later overturned.

  90. Salam Tun…
    Semoga Tun sihat disamping isteri dan keluarga yang dicintai..
    Saya ada satu perkara hendak dibangkitkan dan beberapa soalan yang hendak diutarakan pada Tun.. Mungkin lari dari tajuk di atas. Saya harap Tun sudi menjawabnya. Perkara ini dibangkitkan sendiri oleh kawan saya yang pada tafsiran saya beliau ini pro-pembangkang kot..
    Perkara ini mengenai Proton@Perodua atau lebih tepat lagi kereta tempatan. Saya ada terlihat dalam satu rancangan tv bertajuk Top Gear yang telah menghina kereta keluaran Malaysia.
    Soalan saya:-
    1) Betulkah harga pasaran kereta Proton di Eropah dan negara lain lebih murah dari harga pasaran di Malaysia??
    2) Betulkah harga kereta import di Malaysia sangat tinggi disebabkan cukai 100% atau lebih dari harga sebenar kereta itu?
    3) Jika benarlah kedua-dua situasi di atas, kenapa ia berlaku?
    Kawan saya telah menyalahkan Tun dalam hal ini. Dia mengatakan Tun telah meletakkan cukai 300% pada kereta import semasa zaman pemerintahan Tun tapi saya tak dapat nak menyebelahi Tun disebabkan pengetahuan saya yang kurang..
    Maafkan saya jika ada salah atau silap.. Saya amat mengagumi Tun. Tun adalah Negarawan Ulung yang paling saya sanjungi.. Saya bersyukur dan berbangga mempunyai pemimpin seperti Tun.
    Sekian, Terima Kasih….

  91. Yang Berbahagia dan dihormati Tun,
    Semoga sentiasa sihat dan sejahtera. Mudah-mudahan Tuhan sentiasa merestui dan meredhai tulisan Tun demi kebaikan dan kesejahteraan rakyat dan negara Malaysia.
    Salam Hormat saudara difefu – Terima kasih, mudah-mudahan kita sentiasa dapat berlapang dada. Dengan itu dapatlah kita sama-sama menerima apapun tajuk dibentangkan dalam blog Tun, platfom yang bebas ini – untuk dibincang dengan hati dan minda yang terbuka demi kebaikan bersama terutama cucu cicit kita nanti. Sekian.

  92. I like Tun very much, whenever he “play-play” innocent. Especially when it come to money $$$.
    Maaf zahir dan batin. 😉

  93. Last Sat, Dr M was in Pasir Mas with 10000 Perkasa supporters.
    Dr M says we split because some of us wanted to become PM.
    Either PKR or PAS.
    But this split come from 3 of US.
    PAS -istighfar what is correct/right for Muslim ,Malays, and Country?
    PKR – look at yourself, what yo really fight for?
    UMNO People-relook at yourself, don’t just blame others. stop thinking people are blind or stupid.
    one thing UMNO really not so clever, why you put aside Malaysia’s Innovator (Dr M). Do you ever think someone among us will able to beat Dr.M achievement. Do you ever think where LKY now on their Govt now, WHY

  94. Assalamualaikum.
    Tanggungjawab bagi seorang manusia itu bermula dengan diri sendiri, keluarga, masyarakat/bangsa, dan Negara. Pada pemerhatian saya, kita biasanya akan berhujah atau memberi pandangan untuk kepentingan diri, keluarga dan bangsa kita sahaja. Kita lupa bahawa kita hidup bernegara. Pada pandangan saya, Tun biasanya bercakap dalam kontek Negara tentulah pandangannya berbeza dari kita.
    Jika kita seorang peniaga matawang, tentulah kita tidak suka jika Tun mengkritik sistem dagangan matawang ini. Jika kita peniaga saham tentulah kita juga rasa tidak selesa apabila Tun berkata pasaran modal ini tidak membawa nilai tambah yang tinggi kepada ekonomi. Jika kita orang Cina tentulah kita akan berasa marah apabila Tun berkata orang Melayu mesti mendapat perhatian istimewa daripada kerajaan. Ingatlah pandangan kita hanyalah dalam ruang lingkup yang sempit kerana kita tidak pernah belajar berfikir untuk Negara.
    Tidak mengapa untuk berbeza pendapat tetapi jika yang betul tetap salah, yang salah tetap betul bergantung di mana kita berdiri, pada pandangan saya sudah menjadikan kita tidak rasional. Orang yang tidak rasional dalam pemikirannya bukanlah seorang rakan yang baik. Ini tidak akan membantu pembangunan Negara kerana banyak masa dan tenaga terbuang menangani perkara tidak produktif. Belumpun kita bancuh adunan kek, sudah berebut meminta bahagian hinggakan tuan rumah dan ketuhar ingin diketepikan. Inikah sikap rakan yang baik dan adakah berhak dia mengharapkan kebaikan untuknya?

  95. Assalamualaikum w.b.r.,
    Salam Sejahtera buat Tun dan keluarga,
    Pertama, saya ingin ucapkan tahniah dan syabas di atas penghasilan Teater Muzikal Tun Mahathir. Banyak yang saya pelajari. Antaranya :
    1. Seseorang perlu menempuh kesusahan/kegagalan sebelum berjaya. Pahit akan manis akhirnya.
    2. Kita hendaklah sentiasa bersyukur dengan apa yang kita dapat. Sungguhpun Tun tidak dapat melanjutkan pelajaran dalam bidang perundangan, ‘dipaksa’ memilih perubatan,akhirnya Tun berjumpa dengan isteri dan itulah anugerah yang tidak terhingga.
    3. Kita tidak dapat memuaskan hati semua pihak. Itu lumrah hidup.
    Berkaitan dengan isu ekonomi, saya masih tidak memahami kenapa kita perlu bersikap perkauman. Apa yang kita boleh perolehi? Sebagai contoh, kaum Cina yang memang terkenal dalam perniagaan, adakah mereka ingin membangkitkan isu perkauman yang boleh menjerut leher mereka sendiri. Maksud saya apabila ekonomi merudum, sudah pasti mereka juga akan terkena tempiasnya. Tiada lagi pelaburan yang menguntungkan atas muka bumi Malaysia. Tidak mustahil, legasi yang didukung oleh kaum Cina yang boleh dianggap sabagai role-model dalam perniagaan akan lenyap.
    Begitu juga halnya dengan kaum India. Mereka masih mahukah menoreh getah, ‘menggelapkan’ lagi kulit mereka sedangkan pada masa ini, saya lihat kaum India di Malaysia semakin cantik, tidak perlu lagi berpanas berhujan di ladang-ladang. Tidakkan mereka terfikir?
    Bagi bangsa saya sendiri, iaitu Melayu = Malay. Tidak cukup banggakah kita apabila nama kita disebut-sebut? MALAYsia…MALAYsia….MALAYsia…? Seantero dunia menyebut MALAYsia..Mengapa kita hendak menjatuhkan nama kita sendiri? Bukankah lebih baik kita cuba belajar dan terus belajar daripada kaum-kaum lain. Yang baik kita jadikan iktibar, yang buruk kita jadikan sempadan.
    Daripada kita sengaja meniupkan sentimen perkauman, adalah lebih baik kita cermin diri sendiri. Duit bukanlah segala-galanya, tetapi kita perlukan duit untuk membeli hampir segalanya. Untuk menjana pendapatan, pastilah datang dari kestabilan ekonomi.
    Sekian, terima kasih.
    Zailina Ai’shah Saudah

  96. Dear Tun,
    May I refer to non-jibaok september 23, 2010 9.55 pm.’nobody can cash in this junk for anything tangible like the gold these days.’ You refer to USD as worthless. I disagree.
    One of the main foreign reserves being kept by any central bank in the world is USD. In fact they keep US bond or Treasury Bill because it can earn some returns. Unless your USD is fake or forgery, you can definitely buy gold using USD anywhere in the world, even in Kuala Lumpur or Kota Bharu,after converting to local currency. If you have plenty of ‘the green back’ you can even buy Boeing aeroplanes manufactured in the United States. The United States manufactures and sell the most popular commercial aeroplanes in the world. Their military aircrafts are the best in the world, and they are not even for sale. They dont sell military aircarfts to China, Pakistan, North Korea or maybe Malaysia. But they sell to Singapore, Taiwan, Israel, saudi Arabia and countries considered friendly to the US.
    Dont forget the US is the sole super military power in the world. It has the most sofisticated, awesome and fearsome military machines and nuclear arsenal in the world. I heard Malaysia has 2 submarines that cant submerge.
    amin tan

  97. Salam Tun dan bersua lagi.
    Kegiatan perdagangan mata wang sebenarnya tidak mendatangkan apa-apa faedah kepada Negara secara jangka panjang kerana tidak ada transaksi fizikal yang melibatkan barangan modal dan barangan pengeluaran.
    Perniagaan mata wang hanya melibatkan transaksi maya yang biasanya dilakukan secara on-line. Tanpa mengetahui selok-belok perniagaan tersebut akan mengundang risiko.
    About money_trading , becarefull of sortware money make money. Caution, that a lot of software available from various kinds of software on the internet on-line is questionable in terms of safety. tq.

  98. Tun, While you are still the Chairman of Petronas, it is a sin not to reveal where most of the money had gone to. The audited account was never made public.

  99. Johns Hopkins University to set up medical school and hospital here
    NEW YORK: The world-renowned teaching and research medical institution Johns Hopkins University will be setting up a medical school and hospital in Malaysia.
    Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak said a site at Serdang in Selangor had been picked to set up the facilities, which would become a medical research hub for the region.
    The medical school, he said, would offer a four-year programme, adding that it would be a private initiative between Malaysian and American investors.
    It will be Malaysia

  100. YB Tun
    1. Sementara Tun khuatir akan tindakan susulan PM kita mengenai cadangan untuk memperniagakan Ringgit Malaysia, adakah beliau kisah?
    2.Sekarang ini PM tengah berada di US. Berapa kali dalam setahun beliau diundang kesana?
    3.Semasa Tun PM Malaysia, berapa kali diundang atau pun Tun rasa perlu membuat lawatan ke US untuk mengadakan perbincangan dua hala dengan pemimpin mereka?
    4.Semasa Tun PM Malaysia, berapa kali Tun menjejak kaki ke Singapura?
    5.Tatkala Menteri Mentor Singapura membuat andaian bahawa kalau Singapura tidak diusir keluar dari Malaysia , maka tidak akan berlaku isu perkauman, kenapa PM kita berdiam diri?
    6.Kenapa Tun pula yang mengeluarkan tampalan melalui blog mengenai kenyataan Menteri Mentor tersebut?
    7.Sebenarnya banyak lagi langkah-langkah PM kita yang membuat ramai rakyat berteka teki dan keliru. Apakah tujuan sebenar PM?
    8.Sekiranya dulu Tun amat marah kepada Tun Abdullah AB kerana tidak amanah dan tidak memegang kepada “gentleman’s agreement”,sekarang ini adakah Tun rasa puas dan merestui segala apa yang PM kita lakukan?
    9. Hanya Tun dan PM yang dapat menjawab teka teki ini.

  101. The currency traders’ jackpot has accumulated to such mindboggling 4trillion daily that many would struggle to have a share of it notswithstanding the greed and consequences. The (capitalistic) system allows for hedging and currency trading why not exploit to the limit it if you know how. It is democractic to use specific knowledge. Democracy has been praised as a cure-all, resurrected and hijacked to a demi-god but now and then demonic in the hands of the so-called upholders. Pity the sufferage but that is collateral damage.

  102. And now, we’re seeing our currency to be traded internationally. What is our stand for our currency, strong or weak MYR?
    HSBC China becomes market maker to trade RMB and Ringgit
    MARKETS | HSBC China becomes market maker to trade RMB and Ringgit
    Lender also provides ringgit exchange service through its branches in 24 key Chinese cities.
    HSBC Bank (China) Company Limited (

  103. Salam Tun dan pembaca budiman semua,
    Minta izin, tumpang lalu Tun…
    1. Maka Nurul Izzah pun menawarkanlah dirinya untuk bertanding jawatan Naib Presiden PKR.
    3. dan ahli-ahli PKR pun akan memilih Wan Azizah sebagai Presiden, Azmin sebagai Timbalan Presiden, dan Nurul Izzah sebagai Naib Presiden.
    4. Tentulah Anwar kekal sebagai Ketua Umum yang tidak perlu bertanding.
    6. What a load of bull****.
    7. And the best part is, some people highly and fervently believe #1 till #5.
    While the rest of us LOL with #6. hihihiihihihihiihhiihihhhh!!!
    In a jovial mood as Izzah proves that PKR is a real-time family JOKE for a political party.

  104. My salam to Tun and Tun Dr Hasmah. You have never failed to amaze me with your wealth of common sense and knowledge. You are the envy of jealous politicians like Nazri, Ah Kow and Muthu.
    Please take care. I will always pray for both of you.
    Thank you for what you have done for Malaysia. Recently someone said that in Australia a foreign born can become Finance Minister. This idiot does not know our history. Where was our first Finance Minister born? Anyway, nobody asked any of you to come here. If you glorify the Australians so much why are you still here?
    Once again, Tun, Thank you very much.

  105. Salam Tun,
    Sorry kali ini saya komen bukan ikut tajuk. Saya nak sangat Tun ulas dengan laporan media mengenai ucapan Bill Clinton mengenai Yahudi Russia penghalang damai di Palestin. Saya baca dalam laporan tu beliau telah dikecam. Walau bagaimanapun beliau tidak dikecam sehebat Tun. Saya ingat lagi Tun buat statement mengenai Jew rule the world by proxy yang mendapat kecaman hebat. Tetapi Bill Clinton hanya mengecam Yahudi Russia sahaja. Adakah Tun bersetuju atau tun menganggap semua Yahudi di Israel sama sahaja? Pls comment Tun kalau boleh la. Thanks

  106. Dear Tun,
    With your kind permission, I wish to write express my opinion.
    To serve money or to serve God the almighty, that’s the question.
    Hope our leaders have the wisdom to form good policies for the nation, and after we’ve become successful, for the good of every kind soul in this world.
    Everything we do must be based on.. hard for me to say here. Sorry can’t elaborate more.
    >By difefu on September 2, 2010 9:13 PM
    >We should know that this world is God’s world,
    >By difefu on September 3, 2010 2:06 PM
    >Meritocracy is not about race. Is about finding the best to SERVE the >country.
    >To those who oppose to meritocracy: you don’t want the rooftop of the >place (schools, stadiums) that your children are sitting in, collapse. >do you? Who says “meritocracy = only benefit the chinese”? Look at the >Sichuan earthquakes and schools collapse, they had a corrupt system and >who was the hardest hit? How about Haiti? A good system that can find >and retain the best “servants”, matters.
    September 4, 2010 4:35 AM
    New Zealand, 7.0 earthquake, 0 dead.
    >By difefu on September 4, 2010 2:03 PM
    >To be honest, merely having a good system is not enough, whether the >people in a particular community or country is truly God fearing and >have high moral standards matters; they dare not cheat the people when >they bid for projects, build building and houses.
    >Thus, a when major disaster strikes, miracle happens.
    Indeed, God exists and He knows everything.
    He who is the Almighty will be the final Judge, and we as human beings must learn to stop judging others. Thus, I ask for forgiveness for calling some racist.

  107. Dengan keizinan Tun,
    Kepada saudara AbdulBak yang dihormati,
    >Saudara difefu mohonlah pada Tuhanmu dilapangkan dadamu.
    Bukan sahaja saya akan pohon kepada Tuhanku supaya dilapangkan dadaku, dan menjauhkan saya dari segala nafsu dan maksiat, saya juga akan memohon kepada Tuhan yang Maha Esa supaya memberkati saudara AbdulBak dan sekeluarga saudara, Tun dan semua orang yang membaca blog Tun. Mudah-mudahan kita akan sentiasa mempunyai platfom yang bebas ini untuk membincang perkara2 yang “constructive” demi kebaikan kita semua.

  108. Dear Tun,
    In our country there are only two type of people who runs this lovely country or maybe other countries too. One, is the ‘GREAT POLITICIAN”, the kind that is so popular and demanded by so many followers, he or she who will always decide by popular demand without taking measures to the safety of the country. The second type is the one I call “THE GREAT LEADER”, he or she who makes decision and find solution for the country and the nation. The two will never exist in one person, either they choose to be first or the second.
    If one choose to be a Great Politician, it’s very hard for the people to hate him/her or oppose him/her or abandon him. His/her popularity is too strong that even the enemies are scared to offend him at the public. He/she will make decision and make up solution that makes his people happy without considering the damages to the country and even the whole nation without them knowing it. The closest example to this person is the Ex President of USA George W. Bush who did what he did to so and so. He decided to do it because the Republican Party is known to be the protector of USA since the days of his Great Grandfathers. Because of him trillions, in dollars and gold that came from Islamic countries and sheikdoms were retracted from the Great USA. Bush tried to freeze trillions of dollars saying that it’s terrorist money and blah…blah…blah then we all know it couldn’t work because of their Liberty policies.
    Today USA gets into depression much greater than the great great depression during the early 20th century.
    If one choose to be a GREAT LEADER, whom I like the most. He/she will have the most difficulty satisfying his people. Because this person will make and do decisions to really solve the country’s problems without the approval of his people. To them fixing this country is much more important the full consent of his people. He/she is the one who will bring prosperity and stability to our country. But then this person decision may or may not put himself at a risk with what he/she had done. Because that action had closed opportunities to some parties that makes his enemies united to destroy him/her. But nevertheless the people will forever be thankful for saving the country and the nation. I do not need to mention this person because whatever good things they have done will always be remembered throughout the world.
    A person like me will always put them in my heart.
    Today in our own yard, we have been drag into a lot of new policies and global policies. The government must make sure that those decision are made for the good of our country and nation, not to make “SOME PEOPLE” happy.
    So, Tun, to me you have always been That Great Leader. A person I can make an example to my life. Hopefully the will be more of this Great Leaders during my coming decades and even centuries if god willing, living in Malaysia, My Great Country, INSYA-ALLAH.

  109. Dear Tun, izinkan saya meluahkan pendapat saya yang murah ni..
    Saya ingin mengatakan, bahawa kitapun “sudah kian lama menjadi pakar dalam bidang “R” ni, tapi tiba2 Tun tukar topik kita bisu aja”..
    Maksud saya yang sebenarnya ialah, sekiranya bilangan orang2 yang memberi komen2 berkenaan ekonomi melebihi orang2 yang memberi komen2 mengenai bidang2 lain yang lumrah, kita sudah tentu akan menjadi negara yang maju.
    Kononnya ada suara di blog ini yang mengatakan bahawa negara jiran kita sudah dihasut oleh pihak ketiga untuk membuang n#j#s kepada kedutaan negara kita.. tapi kita sendiri mudah lupa, di sebalik ketegangan di antara kaum2 di negara kita sendiri, adakah wujudnya pihak ketiga di negara lain yang tidak ingin melihat negara kita menjadi negara maju kelak? Yang ingin melihat rakyat jelata kita berpecah-belah, supaya mereka dapat mengeksploitasikan kita dan anak2 kita untuk menjadi hamba-abdi moden mereka?
    Kalau saya seorang rakyat negara asing, saya akan seronok membaca blog ini, kerana saya tahu orang2 asing lain yang kaya-raya akan memberi lebih peluang perniagaan kepada saya kerana negara saya tidak bersifat negatif terhadap kaum2 mereka. betul tak?

  110. Salam Hormat kepada Tun dan izinkan saya menulis surat ini:
    Saudara AbdulBak dan saudara-saudara sekalian yang ada respons berkenaan komen saya itu hari. Saya minta maaf.. Bukan niat saya untuk melukai hati sesiapapun.
    p.s. i was just trying to be funny only, no harm intended.

  111. Dear Tun And Readers,
    We need to go back to basic and start it here in our own soil. The basics are, hypermarket – the daily basic needs, building and housing – a place to work and stay, car and motorcycle sales – the ride that we need, day care centre for children and the elder – a better place for our loved one and a place for a better investment.
    Only and only if we can provide all the basic needs ourselves, we will save tons and our economy will stand tall. We have all the choice all the time but most of the time we choose to wait and see.
    Waiting for things to happen is actually a waste of time. The time passed will never come back. The glory of the past also won

  112. Assalaamualaikum Tun
    Di harap sihat selalu di samping keluarga.
    Tun why must people practice currency trading.
    I guess this is the easiet way and tool how the west got very rich.a lot o currency traders are jews.
    so what they did was they TABUR kan the ill gotten wealth and dominate the world.NOw they tell us to worship money.Ini adalah lah satu cara paling lekas dan mujarab supaya umat Islam berpecah.
    Tun I guess you knows best.
    May God bless You Tun Amiin

  113. Dear Tun,
    There were demos by some groups in indonesia toward malaysia. they accused the malaysian govt. is not doing enough to protect the maids from the brutal employers. this time they are refering to a rape and torture by a malaysian indian employer upon an indonesian maid. the similar cases were repotedly occur a number of times before by malaysian employers either of indian or chinese origin. Each time when it happens, malaysians who were in indonesia always be the target of attact by the protesters. coincidently, majority of malaysians who are visiting or living or working in indonesia are malays. while majority of malaysian indians and chinese like to visit India and Taiwan/china respectively. so it seems that whenever malaysia and indonesian having problems malays are always the victim and this become racial issue. To avoid from exploitation misunderstanding, so Tun please advice the govt. not to take anymore maids from any country, then malaysian families have to accept the fact that they have to wash their own dishes and life without helpers in their homes. for taking care of siblings they have to use the nanny service. these were practiced by our older generations without any problem.

  114. Greetings Tun,
    You made me laugh out loud. It seems you are very easily influenced by videos and movies. First, it was the 9/11 incident, now is this. One hand you condemned Chin Peng, on the other hand you seem to support communism in this blog.Is this not communism? Isn’t what you are practising by trying to make the wealth distribution more even to the public a communism stand? Why did you not give Rashid and his friends a chance then…or even now? There is no one perfect system, it is like martial art. Well, I wil give an example in a racist way, since that most Malaysians like to do it that way. The Malays have silat, Chinese have Kung Fu, Indian has Silambam, but it doesn’t mean that one of these is the ultimate martial art. Each martial art has it’s own advantages and disadvantages, it just depends on the implementation and the people implementing it..Take care.
    Selamat Hari Raya to everyone.

  115. Dearest Tun
    By ekomputeAuthor Profile Page on September 23, 2010 12:22 AM
    /// QUOTE: I saw Mike Moore’s latest film, “Capitalism – A Love Story”, and was appalled by the crudeness of people playing with money.
    Well, it happens in Malaysia too! Politicians purportedly doing public service, and their children becoming billionaires and multi-millionaires, what with ‘negotiated’ contracts, share allocations, blah, blah, blah… Seems like being a Malaysian politician is an easy route to become filthy rich these last many decades. ///
    1-I agree totally with ekompute here.
    2-Tun for someone I rank the worlds best leader,your sheer daddy kasi towards your children in the broad daylight and bersahaja or selamba mode really got me baffled.
    3-Why don’t you justify your actions so that I can understand the wisdom (so that maybe I can follow too when I become the PM later)or why you think there is really nothing wrong with all these..
    4-Please remember being a leader is not as easy as many people think.In this world you may take the honor and the glamor ..but in the hereafter you may need to seek for forgiveness if you have blatantly misuse your position…
    5-You don’t need us to forgive you?
    6-Thanks Tun.If that is what you think of us..

  116. Salam Tun,
    Please allow me.
    By khairi aliAuthor Profile Page on September 22, 2010 5:29 PM
    Assalamualaikum Tun,
    If that is the case, can dinar replace the present misuse of money?
    I think barter trade will do, especially between nations. So, we do not have to use money, because money is only used for references only.
    @khairi ali
    The anwers is in your own statement. “Money is only used for references only.”
    USD is normally used as reference, as it is perceived to be stable.
    Some prefer other currecies such as German DM and or Swiss Franc.
    Come financial crisis, this reference became unstable.
    It is for this exact purpose (as a reference) that Tun suggested the use of Dinar. There are also many other benefits of using Dinar.
    The currency trading is a separate issue. It has not to do with the reference. It has to do with how it is utilised.

  117. Dr M’s comment reminds me of one made by a Indian Deputy Prime Minister to his villagers when criticising the then Prime Minister: “When the ruling party supplies you water for your crops, they first remove the electricity from it…Now Let Them Deny That!” he thundered.
    The water was first used to run hydel power generating turbines before being routed into the fields. However the impression it left with the farmers was that their crops did not grow as well as it could have because these “nutrients” were removed from the water.
    A deft mix of unrelated macro economic issues linked to an issue that is close to the heart of the common man – and pure nonsense can be made into a compelling argument…this is politics!

  118. @ takaful 22-Sep-10, 12:55PM
    Nevertheless, Islam prohibited currency to the traded. The reason is because the currency does not hold any asset. It

  119. Dear Tun,
    I like to seek your comment on PROTON. One of my colleague’s said that cars in China, Korea, and other countries is cheaper to buy even though they producing their own car. My friend said that it is sad that the government have to protect the interest of our national car and therefore if people wanted to buy better cars from other countries, the people have to pay additional 200%-300% extra from its original price. Now another friend of mine commented that the other countries also have their cars but they don’t increase the price to another 200% to 300% from its original price. Therefore it is still affordable. If 2 person graduated from John Hopkins University in the US, It is sad that if the executive in the US could afford to buy a Volvo, BMW or a Mercedes Benz. The other graduate went back to Malaysia could only afford to buy a second hand proton car. He would be lucky enough if he afford to buy a new proton. He can forget about even looking into other European cars or the Japanese. My friend also commented that you let few people in Malaysia to be rich and also you and maybe few other people benefits out of proton. Why is the proton cars so expensive even we produce it ourselves? By now almost all spare parts should be made in Malaysia. Why is it still expensive to buy a Proton? I’m not sure why these people have bad kind of impression but whether you like it or not, people is having different and bad impression about you and proton, and it is worst when you listen to what they preach in Surau or Masjid especially which are prone towards the opposition. They already know about protecting interest of our national cars. After its inception, proton generate lots of skillful engineers and provide people lots of jobs etc. I don’t think they have any qualm about this but the important thing that they are mad is proton and foreign cars is is still bloody expensive in Malaysia. Why this isn’t happen in other countries. Some would agree but most don’t agree sincerely in their heart because they think that the government is protecting the interest of some people not just the company. Actually Tun, I’m mad when other people talk bad things about you and i feel like shooting them too but please don’t under estimate the RAKYAT. I think we Malaysian is always good at evaluating others but we are screwed with implementation. The opposition is evaluating you especially on Proton and Petronas. Put ears in every corner of the Surau and Masjid nationwide. Have your people go at site nation wide and talk to the people especially the opposition surau and masjid. Dont go to so call “the government masjid or surau”. Definitely all of them would support you. Go to the opposition surau and masjid instead. Having your people listening to news from TV, radio and other media alone is not working well for you. It works but you cant get enough by just reading and listening. I’m sure you may counter them back better. May ALLAH bless you and your family TUN.

  120. Dear Tun,
    Our Prime Minister needs fund for ETP(Economic Transformation Programme). What are the sources of funds available to him?
    1. Tax the voters. This is not popular.
    2. Take the subsidy money. Ask the voters to pay full price for fuel, toll, sugar, fertilizer and not to be too pampered. The government has been too lenient so far. The voters should do belt tightening to cope with runaway inflation. High prices of goods and services means high income soceity for the government. But for the voters inflaton means cannot make ends meet and hate the government.
    3. Private sector driven means fund from share market. But local investors do not have that much money for development of Greater Kuala Lumpur which requires rm670 billions. We need foreign fund to support the boom of our share market. But we must open up our currency for trading to encourage and attract foreign investors in our share market. Foreign investors and currency traders can boost the market significantly especially short selling of shares and currency can have leverage of up to 500:1. As Tun said the trading volume can be as hugh as rm4 trillions per day. They trade only on margin and volumes and we can call it speculation.
    4. We need Tun to be financial goal keeper of our economy just in case currency traders and foreign investors simultaneous dump our shares and currency like they did in 1997.
    5. When individuals need funds, they go to Ah Long. When share market needs funds they go to foreign hedge fund investors and currency traders. Both Ah Longs and currency traders have proven they are capable of doing a lot of damage.
    amin tan

  121. Salam kasih dan salam hormat Ayahanda Tun.
    The Malaysian Consumer Price Index (CPI) for the period commencing January to August 2010 rose 1.5 % to 113.5 points from 111.8 for the same period last year.
    Minister of Domestic Trade, Cooperatives and Consumer, had announced this earlier yesterday.
    Food products, beverages, transportation, housing, restaurants, hotels and health were the key contributors for the jump. Food CPI rose to slightly over 100% or from 1.5% to 3.1% from the month of August 2009 to August 2010.
    Among food products that had registered increases in August 2010 compared July 2010 (the previous month) was 14.4 from total CPI, they were white onions, tomatoes (6.10), sugar (6.6), small red onion (5.9), eggs (three), shrimp (2.9), mackerel (0.6 ) and squid (1.9).
    Some food items prices had somehow declined compared to the previous month, such as red chilies of 12.9 percent, kangkung (5.9), cucumber (5.1), spinach (4.8), kailan (2.9), long beans (2.8) and mustard (2.4).
    Just ignore the numbers above. Those are just statistic collected by the Malaysian Statistic Department and then handed to the Minister who made the announcement. They have no idea what it

  122. Tun,
    I am really amazed to read your article’s tone. I thought at your age, you would be philosophical and accept what is out there. But be intelligently accepting. Meaning to accept, play with the game and learnt the weakness and destroy it. To try and fight them directly (without a strategy) is a monumental task.
    Malaysia is a small country (in size and in population of under 30 million) and insignificant country especially economically. Moreover, we Malaysians are not united. We are still figthing over racial connotations when the developed countries are cohesive with one voice. Thats the main difference. We are so divided tht another Japanese occupation may occur without offence. When we speak in the UN, others are sleeping.
    So lets unite first before tackling the monumental task. And who knows!!

  123. Assalamualaikum Tun.
    Pengajarannya,krisis ekonomi global masih tak hilang.
    Tapi sebilangan tukang ekonomi Malaysia masih tak sedar betapa untungnya nasib mereka kerana negara masih dapat mengunjur pertumbuhan ekonomi 6% atau lebih.
    Lagi mahu cari makan lebih dengan kemukakan idea-idea yang mendorong kepada negara maju 2020 konon.
    Hari tu,tetiba nak buat jambatan ketiga.Hari ni tetiba nak dagangkan ringgit.
    Time nak buat lesen judi,membisu seribu bahasa kerana politik.Rakus dan pelahap.
    Sebab tu saya pernah tulis,wawasan 2020 takkan tercapai.Bukan kerana pesimis dengan Datuk Seri Najib,tapi cadangan orang dibelakang kekadang main hentam je,janji bagi idea.Mujur-mujur betul.
    Untung sabut timbul,untung batu tenggelam.
    Terima kasih Tun.

  124. Four trillion dollars can actually be utilised to wipe out poverty all over the world.
    Currency traders are “syaitan and iblis” living on all kinds riba’. These devils will go to hell for sure.

  125. Salam Sejahtera TUN,
    Mungin bagi Tun Fx Investment merugikan ramai orang. Mungkin ramai yang tidak mahir dan hanya terikut-terikut dan menjadikan FX investment sebagai alat untuk mendapat kekayaan yang cepat. Apa saja pekerjaan yang dilakukan jika dengan ilmu yang cukup dan pengetahuan serta cara yang betul, Insyaallah kita akan menuju kejayaan. Sama seperti sikap Tun sendiri dimana apa sahaja yang Tun lakukan adalah dengan Tun mendalami dahulu perkara yang akan Tun libatkan diri. Itulah kelebihan Tun dan itu jugalah kelebihan sesetengah Forex trader. Saya telah menjadi Fx Trader sepenuh masa bermula dari tahun 2005. Sehingga kini tiap-tiap bulan saya menikmati pendapatan 5 angka dan modal yang dilaburkan telah lama saya dapat kembali. Jadi janganlah salahkan Fx atas kejatuhan ramai orang. Yang salah adalah trader sendiri yang melibatkan diri tanpa ilmu yang cukup. Alhamdulillah Fx telah mengubah kehidupan kami sekeluarga dan mempunyai masa berkualiti untuk bercuti di dalam dan luar negara tiap-tiap tahun. Dan yang paling bagus sekali, saya tidak perlu menyembah mana-mana menteri, wakil rakyat atau mana-mana jabatan kerajaan meminta projek. Dan saya bangga sebagai Anak Bangsa Melayu ( BUKAN BANGSA MALAYSIA ) saya berjaya berdiri atas kaki sendiri dengan FX.

  126. The growth of bubble money = The growth of Dajjal. He will soon be (maybe already) very mature to take down the world. We have gone over to the point of no return. End of the world is unavoidable, just like holy books said. So be prepare!

  127. Dear Tun Dr. & Readers,
    Most FX traders, 90 odd percent are not profitable. Only a few currency traders make money consistently.
    The maximum leverage for retail FX traders 300x not 30x, although some FX brokers offer more. This means you can control 300 units of the base currency with one unit of that currency.
    There are plenty of Malaysian FX traders who open foreign FX Brokerage accounts.
    The Malaysian Central Bank also trades FX, although, after losing a huge amount of money a decade ago, have stopped.
    Without FX markets and leverage it will be difficult (expensive) or near impossible to hedge against a currencies movement.
    Besides FX, leverage is also offered for stocks, commodities, gold, silver, corn, wheat, oil, index linked spot contracts… and the list goes on.
    Leverage is also offered in Malaysia for stocks traded on the KLSC.
    When you purchase a house for RM 100,000 and take a loan for 90,000 your leverage is 10x because with 10,000 you control an asset worth 100,000
    Jobs, although not plenty, are created by the FX market via employment at FX brokerages, money centre banks, trainers, software developers, technical & fundamental analysts etc
    Abu Aleena….

  128. Salam Tun,
    1) The financial crisis in USA is due to, among other things, its own politics. The concept of a house for every american led to this real estate crunch. And those who already had a home were told it can be mortgaged to get capital or money. And americans believed it.
    2) This is not to say that amercians are dumb. If the same formula was applied here, it most likely would have yeilded the same result. It is called “conventional wisdom”.
    3) I do not believe so, i think if we make your own house ( or have contractors built it for us ) then we rightfully own it, but if we can go to a bank and then own a house, something is fundamentally flawed somewhere. But of course in a modern society, building your own house is not allowed or made extremely difficult and expensive by authorities. Thus we are at the mercy of the system, nothing a person can do except to hope for a bright leader to represent him or her. However, bright representatives are hard to come by.
    4) Luckily we do not have this real estate phenomena here, but we have our own equivalent – the MLM get rich quick scheemers. I was told it is some RM 3 Billion ( RM 3,000,000,000 or RM 3000 Million for those who like zeros ). Mostly malays. Since Malays are not allowed into Casinos, the Casinos then come to the Malays. We also have those who believe in hedge funds and futures market. Essentially all these are money from money schemes. And of course it is impossible to prevent when people still believe in it. They consider themselves as investors and their practice is deemed legal. There is a fine line between investors, gamblers and magicians. I believe in this game, it is always the magicians who win.
    5) When this system failed or is abused, the americans concluded it due to “Ponzi” schemes, and refuse or failed to admit the system itself is inherently flawed, and the abuser blamed (example : Bernard_Madoff). In reality however, it is that the abuser knows the system very well, and therefore benefitted from it. It took a mathematician to detect his magic. How many mathematicians are there in the government, any government ? And as it is hard for authorities and victims alike to admit that the system is flawed, so the abuser is punished, and the same system continued until today. There are probably many other reasons it is still practised.
    6) The other group of people who “play” the forex and the stock markets are also very intelligent people who believe that what they do is legitimate and the fact that it creates poverty is not of their concern, because they think poor people are lazy, dumb and deserve to be punished. Thus money empowers them to govern, and thus form a world government. The rest of the story we all know.
    7) People who create and run these kind of financial schemes are very clever people and some can speak very eloquently. They are also heartless. They know the non-critical mind of the general public and understand believe systems very well. Thus they are able to infiltrate the belief system and reap its “rewards”. Thieves will be thieves in whatever clothing.
    8) As of now, they are waiting for the gates to be opened again. And i am keeping my fingers crossed, hoping no matter what, the government and corporate leaders will not be deluded into the same net.

  129. QUOTE: I saw Mike Moore’s latest film, “Capitalism – A Love Story”, and was appalled by the crudeness of people playing with money.
    Well, it happens in Malaysia too! Politicians purportedly doing public service, and their children becoming billionaires and multi-millionaires, what with ‘negotiated’ contracts, share allocations, blah, blah, blah… Seems like being a Malaysian politician is an easy route to become filthy rich these last many decades.

  130. This is a very thoughtful piece that gives a helicopter view of the operations of a cabal of international currency traders and their potential to cause havoc globally. These people can make or break the economy of any one specific country or on a world wide scale at a time of their own choosing.
    Can Forex Trading be banned or constrained with sweeping control measures? What will the impact and consequences be for the country initiating this vis-à-vis other countries particularly the US and EU?
    Tun, you are, in my view, a principled and upright person untainted by personal corruption, money-wise, despite a mountain of allegations to the contrary against you. Your crime, if I can say so, may be that the authoritarian streaks in you led you to misuse the state institutions to advance your national goals thereby unwittingly weakening them substantially in the process.
    You are alleged to be the father of crony capitalism that enriched a select group of businessmen, politicians and friends close to you. You have fed the greed of these people as much as the currency traders have fed their own. How does this make you any less culpable (in corrupting a system or economy) than the currency pirates though you have not personally benefited from it?

  131. Salam Hormat untuk Tun dan mohon laluan ya.
    Saudara difefu mohonlah pada Tuhanmu dilapangkan dadamu. Janganlah bertuhankan nafsu dan jangan sekali-kali buat sesuatu melampui batas kerana musibahnya pada diri sendiri juga. Sekian dan terima kasih.

  132. Dear Sir, and friends,
    I am most doubful that things will change. The US will go on printing money and dominate the world, money traders will go on making money and wouldnot be bothered about what happens to the rest of mankind, and banks will go on doing what they are doing, i.e. making money out of any thing, any where, no conscience. That leaves us small nations at the mercy of those with big money, big greed and big guns.
    Let’s make some hypothetical games. What if, what if we Malaysians strike so much oil, work so hard and become an economic power, and we have some great Malaysian brains to make better and more effective guns and weapons to protect our country and properties. What would they do? Answer: They wont let that happen.
    From Roman times until today, dominance is the word – economics, political, military, and now even cultural. You see those dumb hollywood movies and wonder why they even bother to be shown here, when there are better quality movies from Iran, Egypt, France, Japan etc. That’s dominance in the distributions, and marketing. You see these franchisees, so many of them from the US, again it’s marketing dominance. Just go to the supermarket or the pharmacies and count out how many products are not of US origin, and see how they dominate practically everything we need. Then go to the MAHA show and see how many home and industrial products our boys and girls can come up with – and where are they in the market? Nowhere to be seen.
    So in reality, we have the brains to do things, but the market is controlled and dominated by the same “untouchables”. And so is the money market. I understand even foreign sourced money for big projects coming to the country have to be approved by the CIA, FBI, the Fed, and those Jewish organisations. Thus Interbank transections are not independent of checking and monitoring by the big nations. Whereas there are ways and means to monitor “bad money” transections, if that’s the prime reasons given.
    And how do we beat them at their games? I dont think we can. Pressure them on morality? They cant be bothered with morality. Get the world to replace use of US dollars for international trading? I dont think that will happen. Beat them at the economics? With their ongoing recessions and devaluation we dont see any effective change so far. Millions of Americans lost their jobs and homes, but the world economy and politics did not change in tandem with the events. Meaning, even if Lehman Bros, Bank of America etc go bust, still no positive change we can feel.
    I think we should just concentrate on what we should be doing to make sure the nation and the people can be better economically, politically, and understand that certain things will go on the way they are, until probably there is another world war, and a new “Bretton Wood” comes along. In the meantime we should be doing the following:
    1. Elect only good, intelligent, educated, serious and non-greedy people as our political leaders. No play boys please.
    2. Appointments of cabinet members should also consider those who do not listen to their materialistic, shopping crazy wives (or whole life golf husbands)
    3. Concentrate on the economy. Think out of the box. Repeat this line.
    4. Forget about FDI and low cost labour industries. Go up market.
    5. Learn from the Malacca Sultanate. This country is between east and west, We should be trading and serving the needs of those in the east and the west.
    6. Forget about competing with hard working Japanese and Koreans. Our people are lazy. But then so are the English and Australians. So we study them.
    7. We are good in tourism (eco tourism, food tourism, etc), K-economy (most of us have degrees. And we are also good in doing research. Someone in Costa Rica is doing research on planet Mars for NASA. Why cant we?
    8. Educate the people. Stupid people think in stupid ways.Some become politicians.
    9. Choose your spouse carefully. The divorce rate in this country is catching up with the Americans.
    10. Learn from Tun Dr. Mahathir. Be careful whom you appoint to be your deputy, or to be the next PM. (Sorry Sir).

  133. By difefu on September 21, 2010 3:31 PM said ……..
    Frequent visitors to your blog are usually fervent racists.
    Yes, we are all racists one way or another. Nazri said he is Malaysian first, Malay second.
    I am a Muslim first.A Malay second. Period.
    I do not want to be hypocrite.I will only declare myself as a Malaysian second until such time when all the races can really understand the meaning of what a true Malaysian should be.

  134. Assalamualaikum Tun,
    If that is the case, can dinar replace the present misuse of money?
    I think barter trade will do, especially between nations. So, we do not have to use money, because money is only used for references only.
    Somebody out there : response please.

  135. dear tun,
    what you said above is true.. our country asset is too tiny compare to what others have. our government should protect our currency value at all cost. nevermind if others want to trade with us by using ringgit only. at least we can have control over its value.

  136. Salam Tun, Family and Bloggers
    Right on Tun, I fully understand what you said and support it. However, this may take a long journey if its ever going to happen because (i) human by nature will always be subjected to greed and endless desire even if they’ve already own the world (ii) to do this, we need to balance out the existing power with people who could see and agree on the same thing.
    It is not that difficult to understand the disadvantages of the current capital market system. But so long as the greedy people is there and is in power our small voice wouldn’t be heard.
    Nevertheless, I strongly hope that someday the world would be a better place to live where righteous people started to regain control of the world.

  137. Dear all,
    The current monetary law and policy has become so sophisticated until it is almost impossible to change or to be re-engineered. The world had the best chance to change all this when the latest world economic crisis happened. Many seems to aware that there is something wrong with the current systems, even to a normal street guy who lives in smallest town in Europe.
    But the big question is, after all the complication and sophistication created and invented in such a long time, who is dared or have the power to change it?
    Azahari Ismail

  138. Mr.Mahathir, why are you against the currency trade.
    If your arguments, as few people benefits yet the whole lot still poor.
    Well, it seems, this has been your trademark policies to awarded those fews for projects. Not mistaken, that gaming tycoon, has many franchise and tele-communication biz, from your administration approval during the 80ies to 90ies.
    Secondly, if the basic fundamentals such reserves and assets are good and strong equal to 3years without trading, yet can still survive, why worry about currency trade.
    The arguments were very narrow to such trading damaging the bank.
    Honestly if the banks are allowed to run business freely and approves loans to only qualified people. Bank will not wind-up.
    The main problem such as formerly known BBMB, were giving big loans (NPL) to questionable corporate figures to finance certain consortiums, business awards that leads to Bank to have cash crunch.
    From your statement, you seem to have a negative view that MYR will perish. As of now, base on the fundamentals that were Palm Oil produces, Petroluem producers, Industries and logging industries, our MYR ought to be higher than 3.20 to 1USD.
    We are suppose to be around 2.5 to 1USD.
    If continue with the 3.80peg, then purchasing capability of Malaysian are condemn to the junk like Proton, Sime or etc.
    In fact only with strong MYR, we can rid off those import duties burdening Malaysian from food, clothes to transport.
    With strong MYR equal strong reserves of gold and green bag. Look at China, their green bag reserves is now greater than Japan.
    Definitely your economy sense are biasing to certain corporate that only survives with protectionist policies.

  139. Marhaban Ya Ramadhan.
    Assalamualaikum Tun sekeluarga,
    If only humankind take que from the god given senses of theirs the great natural calamity that

  140. salam yang berbahagia tun dr mahathir mohammad, saya selaku setiausaha PROTEM (badan bertindak pengusaha pusat servis EON francias services dealer ingin memohon bantuan. saya memulakan perniagaan francias semasa berumur 25 tahun. sekarang saya berumur 29 tahun. (telah berniaga selama 4 tahun)tetapi dipaksa menukarkan kepada proton edar dgn lesen selama 3 bulan (probation)shaja. bukan kah kami semua diabawah akta francias guarantee kami dibekukan sejak januari 2010.bayangkan bagaimana kami hendak berniaga jika bank guarantee dibekukan?jadi kami hanya mahukan pampasan sahaja.oleh itu tun bantulah kami memandangkan tun adalah penaung MFA dan penasihat proton holdings berhad. sekian terima kasih….
    yang benar,

  141. Sentuhan pada Kerajaan
    Punca kelemahan system Kerajaan adalah rasuah.
    Ibu pada rasuah adalah adanya kumpulan gangster
    yg mampu memberi suap pada pegawai kerajaan dari bawah hingga atas.DI samping juga rasuah persaorangan,demi meringgankan kesalahan mereka.
    Saya berkeras Kerajaan wajib menghampuskan anasir gangster demi
    menggengkang system Kerajaan effectively.Kerajaan ada anggota polis,
    dan tentera.
    Bukti contoh kes pembunuhan kejam Puan Susila,saya yakin ada perkara
    yg terselindung.
    Hampuskan gangster,hampuskan rasuah.
    Ini peringkat pertama.

  142. Assalamualaikum dan Selamat Hari Raya pada Tun dan Semua Pembaca yang dihormati,
    Boleh dikatakan kesemua pakar ekonomi dunia, termasuklah yang di Malaysia, belajar bergurukan sistem yang diamalkan oleh US dan UK. Biarpun sistem tersebut gagal, pakar ekonomi masih gagal melihatnya, mungkin kerana tidak sanggup mengakui kelemahan pada kepakaran yang dimiliki. Yang menjadi lebih parah ialah mereka terus menerus merujuk kepada guru-guru mereka yang telah menurunkan ilmu sesat tersebut.
    Mungkin Tun atau sesiapa boleh mengulas lapuran ‘Harian Metro’ yang PAS menerima derma RM4 billion dari seorang individu yang ingin menjalankan pelaburan trillion ringgit di negeri-negeri utara semenanjung…adakah ini hasil kegiatan ekonomi telus?

  143. assalamualaikum, Tun, i heard rumous that at Petronas, many of the present top management position are filled by ‘ce’ & its still happening right now.

  144. Salaam Tun,
    “15. The worldwide recession will not end until Wall Street ceases to control whatever Government the United States and the United Kingdom may have.”
    hmm…I wonder, is Malaysia (Boleh) excluded?

  145. Yang Amat Berbahagia Tun,
    Selamat Hari Raya – Maaf Zahir Batin. Saya mengucapkan syabas kepada Tun diatas pandangan yang diberikan yang berdasarkana penelitian dan pengalaman. Hanya masalah kita di Malaysia pemimpin masa kini juga amat dipengaruhi oleh ketamakan menjana kekayaan untuk negara, rakyat dan untuk sendiri. Kita kurang upaya memikirkan risko. Kalau kita dapat menguruskan kekayaan dengan baik rakyat negara ini tidak akan menghadapi masalah. Kita tidak perlukan pelabur asing, tidak memerlukan tenaga kerja asing dengan begitu ramai. Dan juga soal mengapungkan matanwang ringgit tidak timbul.
    Saya harap pemimpin dan pihak-pihak yang memegang kuasa berikanlah perhatian kepada pandangan, nasihat sdan teguran Tun tu. Jangan kurbankan kepercayaan rakyat majoriti. Contohilah kejayaan Singapura yang diantara lainnya adalah kerana mereka memberi perhatian dan akur terhadap nasihat dan pandangan Lee Kwan Yu. DiMalaysia kita disemua peringkat tidak dilatih menghurmati orang yang lebih tua, lebih bijak, lebih pengalaman dan bekas boss walau pun kita tahu nasihat itu baik.
    Walau pun kita orang Melayu tetapi janganlah kita sebagai pemimpin turut terperangkap dalam program ala sekim cepat kaya, sekim pyramid dan berbagai lagi yang amat diminati oleh sebahagian orang Melayu. Begitu juga walaupun kita tidak mampu menjadi Tun Mahathir tanamkanlah hasarat untuk menjadi pejuang seperti beliau dengan keputusan dan tindakan yang kita lakukan.

  146. a’kum Tun dan semua
    Tun, sorry for asking such a question
    but how can you good at all things? do you have any consultant/advisers in many field of the activity of life?
    anyway you’re very right about the capitalism and the world.
    i just want to know what are your step to this kind of problem if you are the prime minister of Malaysia now?
    it involved the whole world Tun
    even the west-country don’t want to listen to your speech or comment about them since most of the country in this world likely to follow the corrupted one.(maybe they’re corrupted too)
    stand up Tun and do something please
    although i am just a UiTM student at Dungun,Terengganu, the place you had visited in Jun 2009 and not expert in the economic field but the capitalist’s activities are clearly speechless greed, rude, cruel and many more.
    and Tun, why do you always refer to US and UK in many things?
    of course everyone knows they’re one of the big liar and cruel country, but the other european country also play many part in US’s and UK’s evil activities.
    tq, a’kum

  147. a’kum Tun dan semua
    Tun, sorry for asking such a question
    but how can you good at all things? do you have any consultant/advisers in many field of the activity of life?
    anyway you’re very right about the capitalism and the world.
    i just want to know what are your step to this kind of problem if you are the prime minister of Malaysia now?
    it involved the whole world Tun
    even the west-country don’t want to listen to your speech or comment about them since most of the country in this world likely to follow the corrupted one.(maybe they’re corrupted too)
    stand up Tun and do something please
    although i am just a UiTM student at Dungun,Terengganu, the place you had visited in Jun 2009 and not expert in the economic field but the capitalist’s activities are clearly speechless greed, rude, cruel and many more.
    and Tun, why do you always refer to US and UK in many things?
    of course everyone knows they’re one of the big liar and cruel country, but the other european country also play many part in US’s and UK’s evil activities.
    tq, a’kum

  148. Herewith is the translation from Malay into English (with some slight editing) with regard to my previous comments within the previous

  149. Salam Tun & fellow bloggers,
    Nafsu adalah satu sifat yang membezakan manusia dengan makluk2 Allah yang lain dan nafsu memang lebih cenderung kepada perlakuan perkara2 maksiat untuk orang tersebut menemani syaitan di neraka jahanam. Allah berikan akal kepada manusia untuk berfikir dan mengawal nafsunya.
    Hanya orang yang sempurna imannya akan dapat mengawal nafsunya. Nafsu yang paling susah untuk dikawal ialah sex, kuasa dan kekayaan. Ulama selalu berdoa ” ya Allah, jika aku hendak diuji, ujilah aku dalam sesusahan bukan dalam kesenangan “. Ini terbukti jika sesaorang sedang sakit telantar di hospital ( trilion dollar harta pun tak berguna ), dengan tiub disana tiub disini akan selalu berkata ” ya Allah, ya Allah ” dan mulai mengingati Allah Pencipta pada hal ketika senangnya tak ingat pun Allah, leka dengan hal duniawinya.
    Saya akhiri dengan sebuah pantun:
    Halia ini hanya tanam-tanaman
    Ke barat juga akhir rebahnya
    Dunia ini hanya pinjam-pinjaman
    Akhirat juga akhir sudahnya
    Semuga Allah memberi petunjuk kepada yang beriman, selamat dunia dan akhirat… ameeeen

  150. Having heard how much the amount of money transacted but only benefits small number or people, I think it is about time we declare war on currency trading.

  151. By difefu on September 21, 2010 3:31 PM
    Dear Tun,
    Frequent visitors to your blog are usually fervent racists, suddenly you switch topic to economics we donno what to say :-p.

  152. Dearest Tun
    1-The achilles heel of the western imperialism is their economy.They are now stuck with their own invention,the Federal Reserves.The Federal Reserves will always have the ‘wall street di dahulukan,the rakyat di damn kan’policy.Whatever controls the GoVt will pretend to institute to contain the FED we know they can do nothing much to touch it.
    2-The Fed owns the politicians.For as long as the FED is the most powerful agency in the world all the speculation and manipulation of the currency markets will never stop.Why worry,if it crashes again ONLY the public will suffer,the banks will forever be saved by the taxpayers..too big too fail…systemic repurcussions if they are not saved..wall street crashes,mainstreet will suffer..and all the recycled excuses to let their friends off the hook after receiving their big fat Bonuses(and theirs too?)
    3-They are not afraid.They will just create trillions of money again.Issue more bonds.Japan,China and Singapore will always be there to support their favorite Nation,these Good white guys.They can’t let USA fail for that means they too will fail.If the USD crashes,being the biggest holders of USD these nations will ALL go to TIMBUKTU.So they just got to help out with their hearts and soul its NOT AN OPTION.Singapores Temasek,the favorite sovereign wealth fund of the USA will always be there to support the USA.
    4-Ahh there is nothing to worry..USA is after all the greatest nation on earth.These people are so smart that they will never collapse.Worst come to worst they can just drop a few atomic bombs on a few oil rich muslim countries..of course,Their intelligence have the proof Osama Laden and the AlQaeda are planning a 911 like attack on American soil from these countries…so the gullible world will not mind..getting rid of a few million terrorist from this earth will do the world a lot of good..And they control the world’s energy supply..
    5-USA has no more money?Aiyah, raise the debt limit loh..the politicians will pretend to be so concerned about the state of their finance but they will pass it anyway..thats how easy to create money again.And the FED can just its currency without even having to refer to the Congress…see their joint capacity is so huge that this great country can never go broke forever…Got country like that one ahh?No wonder its the greatest country in the world.
    6-So that is why meritocratic Singapore has no qualms about investing its hard earned money to save the US financial institutions although they have made enormous paperloss earlier with the Dubai investors( who have mostly gone under..?).What goes down will surely go up one..that is the law mah..So Singapore has nothing to worry.I agree with Singapore maybe they should put all they have in USA so that when they(USA) finally stabilizes like in the good ole days..Singapore may END up the richest country in the World.
    7-Tun don’t you want our GLCs to put our money in the USA like TEMAsek?No money ahh?In that case maybe God knows what is best for us.USA had it so easy all these while that they are not living in a real world anymore.Something for nothing is not real.Its an illusion.They will finally reach the end of the lifeline..its got to end somewhere,because this is the real world.Lets be realistic.Just because it has not happened yet doesn’t mean it will not happen at all.
    8-The great USA..many many trillions in debts thats ever rising..current account deficit close to a trillion annually…that means living WAY beyond its means…stuck in a trillions dollar war they cannot just pullout..losing out jobs to INDIA,CHINA etc, to Singapore Temasek, follow sentiment ‘USA WHERE CAN FAIL ONE’is a good fundamental,that’s meritocratic and kiasutic,meh?
    9-Thanks Tun.

  153. Hey Mr Mahathir
    Can you beef up your website’s security to make it safer? Google said you’r website has been installing malicious stuffs into computers without consent from your us. Its probably not your fault but you should try your best to ensure that everyone has a pleasant time on surfing your blog.
    Besides, we help you to earn advertisement income 🙂

  154. Salam Tun yang di hormati,
    1. China di katakan mempunya “reserve” matawang melebihi USD 1.6 trillion manakala Jepun ada USD 1 trillion.
    2. Mungkin sebab ini Amerika Syarikat berjumpa China meminta bantuan menghadapi masalah kewangan mereka.
    3. Krisis kewangan 1997-2000 mungkin melibat nilai matawang dalam billion, tapi krisis kewangan 2008 – 2010 dalam nilaian trillion rasanya.
    4. Begitu juga, nilai dagangan matawang tahun 1990’an dalam billion, dan sekarang dalam nilaian trillion.
    5. Bila harga saham satu syarikat menjunam jatuh, silap haribulan sayrikat berkenaan akan tutup kedai, buang pekerja.
    6. Bila nila matawang satu negara menjunam jatuh, tak pernah pula negara berkenaan hilang dari peta dunia, atau rakyat bertukar warga negara.

  155. Dear Tun,
    I thought you also support gambling when you also support Vincent Tan’s Berjaya to get license for sport betting in Malaysia. Currency trading is gambling so is Casino, 4-D betting, sport betting, etc.

  156. YABhg Tun
    It is not correct to say “6. 4 trillion a day and there are 365 days a year giving a total of 1,460 trillion or 1,460,000,000,000,000 in a year. So much money. But can we estimate how many of the earth’s 6.5 billion people benefit?” because we’re forgetting it’s the same 4 trillion dollars!

  157. YABhg. Tun Yang Dikasihi,
    nik aziz akan masuk syurga. jangan terperanjat jika disebelah nik aziz terdapat lim kit siang dan anaknya lim guan eng.


  159. Sometimes one wonders why Allah has sent down so many prophets to human kind. I think it is the nature of Man whose insatiable lusts for material wealth can force him to do insane and irrational acts. If a Man is not constantly given divine guidance and revelation, he will become the worst and most cruel animal on this earth. We have seen a recent example in the gruesome and inhuman killing of a cosmetic milionaire and 3 others of how a man can turn into a beast because of money. At least animals kill their prey for food in order to fill their stomachs and satify their hunger pang. They will not go on a killng spree even if they have the capabilities to be killing machines. They will hunt and go for the next kill when they become hungry. They do not accumulate food for future consumption as what Man does.

  160. Khas untuk Tun.
    Saya semasa rumah terbuka Tun ingin sangat nak mengunjung Tun,
    sayang tak ada jodoh,saya sibuk dan perjalanan saya jauh.
    Ingin izin Tun jika dapat saya kunjungi Tun.

  161. Dear Tun,
    Frequent visitors to your blog are usually fervent racists, suddenly you switch topic to economics we donno what to say :-p.

  162. Assalamualaikum dan Selamat Hari Raya kepada Tun sekeluarga dan semua muslimin dan muslimat.
    Saya amat bersetuju dengan pendapat Tun tentang dagangan matawang dan sistem ekonomi kapitalis ini. Sekali imbas bagaikan tiada jalan keluar daripada kemelut ini kerana mereka begitu berkuasa. Namum saya amat yakin kemenangan milik kita umat ISLAM, cuma masa akan menguji kesabaran kita. Amerika dan puak-puak kapitalis termasuklah Singapura akan hancur dan musnah oleh pekerjaan mereka sendiri. Malaysia hendaklah membentuk sisten ekonomi yang berlandaskan syariat ISLAM, jika tidak kita juga akan tersungkur sama.
    Sebelum kemenangan mutlak menjadi milik kita, semestinya kita akan diuji, dihina dan diserang untuk memantapkan keyakinan dan mengasingkan antara mereka yang beriman dan kufur. Ini adalah rutin perjuangan maka hendaklah kita berlapang dada dan bertawakkal kepada ALLAH. Janganlah kita berhenti berjuang mengikut kemampuan dan keupayaan kita menegakkan ISLAM di bumi ini.
    Janganlah kita terpedaya dan terpengaruh dengan fitnah dan propaganda musuh ALLAH. Benarlah janji ALLAH, kemenangan mutlak milik ISLAM.

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