1. Dunia ternampak mengutuk Israel kerana serangan tidak berperikemanusiaannya ke atas Gaza. Tetapi seperti biasa dunia tidak membuat apa-apa. Kenapa tidak? Kerana Amerika Syarikat berada di belakang Israel.
2. Dunia seharusnya juga mengutuk Amerika Syarikat. Pesawat pejuang dan bom yang digunakan adalah buatan Amerika. Jika ada kehilangan senjata, Amerika akan menggantikannya. Dan Amerika juga akan membiayai Israel bagi meneruskan keganasannya.
3. Selagi Amerika menyokong Israel kita akan lihat kebiadaban Israel membelakangkan pendapat dunia dan mereka akan terus membunuh orang Arab Palestin dan menghancurkan penempatan dan bandar mereka.
5. Sementara itu kita harus sedar secara kecil-kecilan kita juga bantu Israel. Buah pisang kaki (persimmon) dari Israel ada dijual di pasaraya Kuala Lumpur.
6. Singapura adalah saluran bagi Israel menembusi pasaran Malaysia.
2. The world should also condemn the United States. The planes and the bombs are all made in America. If they are lost the US will replace them. And the US will finance Israel so as to continue its bestiality.
3. For as long as the US backs Israel, we will continue to see Israel ignoring world opinion as it murders the Palestinians Arabs, and destroys their towns and cities.
4. When I said Israel rules the world by proxy, the American media and Government condemned me. But it is a fact that only those candidates approved by Israel can win elections in America. So much for democracy in the United States. Lets see the stand of the United States’ new President.
5. Incidentally we should also realise that we are, in a small way, helping Israel. Israeli persimmons (pisang kaki) are sold in supermarkets in Kuala Lumpur.
6. Singapore is Israel’s channel to penetrate the Malaysian market.
Ybhg Tun,
Saya hendak buat cadangan untuk tindakan rakyat mahupun Kerajaan Malaysia.Cuma, kalau Tun setuju biarlah cadangan saya ini datangnya dari laman blog Tun sendiri, kerana saya pasti tiada siapa akan beri perhatian kalau cadangan atau saranan ini datangnya dari saya yang tidak terkenal.
Mengenai Palastin, Kerajaan Malaysia lantang menyatakan sokongan kepada Palastin, begitu juga rakyat Malaysia yang tidak kurang juga lantangnya mengutuk Israel yang kita tahu adalah satu kaum yang buta dan tuli dan berhati batu. Seperti pengalaman yang lalu kita tidak boleh mengharapkan sesuatu respon dari mereka hanya dengan tindakan sedemikian. Saya tertarik hati atas saranan yang Tun buat baru-baru ini iaitu memboikot barangan dan mata wang US didalam sebarang urusan.
Saya mahu mencadangkan agar kita pergi lebih jauh lagi iatu yang memerlukan kita khususnya kerajaan melakukan pengorbanan bagi membuktikan kita benar benar komited bagi menyedarkan pihak pihak yang patut sedar dari tidur yang panjang. KFC dan Mc Donalds makanan kegemaran rakyat Malaysia yang kebanyakkan nya berugama Islam, terlalu gemar sehingga sanggup melupakan pulut dan rendang, wajik dan dodol dsb, kita tidak tahu berapa banyak wang yang kita belanjakan setiap hari untuk mengisi kantung kedua dua syarikat gergasi ini, kalaulah benar mereka ini adalah diantara penyumbang kepada kekukuhan ekonomi kaum Yahudi ini hingga mereka berkemampuan memiliki senjata tercanggih didunia sekarang, kita patut menyalahkan diri sendiri kerana kita berperanan untuknya berlaku. Dan dengan senjata yang kita tolong belikan itulah mereka melakukan kezaliman keatas Palastin.
Cuba Tun tolong sarankan semua pekerja Islam dalam kedua syarikat ini cari kerja lain atau usaha cari rezeki cara lain dan kerajaan cuba bantu supaya mereka yang terlibat diserapkan ke lain majikan.
Saya serah pada Tun untuk yang selanjutnya sebab saya tak tahu siapa tokey yang pegang francaisnya disini. Sekian, salam hormat dari saya.
Assalamualaikum Tun,
Saya menyeru agar kawan-kawan sekalian memBOIKOT produk-produk dan perkhidmatan dari AMERIKA SYARIKAT khususnya….
Saya sudah mula, anda bila lagi….
Ekonomi, hiburan, politik kesemuanya dikaut oleh yahudi. Hanya kekerasan sahaja yang boleh melemahkan israel. Iran, Syria, Pejuang Iraq haruslah membantu titian intifadha di Palestin. Wallahualam
kalo support takder. dah tentunya kena lanyak israel dengan senang lenangnya. anak mas amerika macam tu laa jadinya. ikut suka hati nak lenyapkan semua orang…
Dalam perang apa jua pun tentera memerlukan petrol/diesel/aircraft fuel. Soalan nya kalau Israel tidak mempunyai sumber minyak yang mengcukupi dari mana ia mendapatkan Fuel tersebut untuk operasi meraka? Mana satukah negara yang menyumbang minyak tersebut. Tentu sekali bukan petronas Ya!!! Munkinkah negara Arab? Dan kalau benar adakah ketua negara tersebut Muna…???
Megikut website CIA
Oil – production:
Definition Field Listing Rank Order
5,966 bbl/day (2007 est.)
Oil – consumption:
Definition Field Listing Rank Order
232,300 bbl/day (2006 est.)
Oil – exports:
Definition Field Listing Rank Order
82,910 bbl/day (2005)
Oil – imports:
Definition Field Listing Rank Order
334,300 bbl/day (2005)
Oil – proved reserves:
Definition Field Listing Rank Order
1.94 million bbl (1 January 2008 est.)
sila rujuk website CIA dengan linknya
saya tak bersetuju dgn pendapat Tun berkenaan perang Palestin dgn Israel bukan nya perang antara agama.
Tun haruslah mengkaji kpd Hadis dan Quran…
Tun harus mencari ahli dalam agama dan terangkan kpd Tun apa peranan Yahudi dari dulu sampai hari ini dan juga sampai hari kiamat.
Dalam Islam, tiada persempadanan atau pun teritoral seperti yg di terangkan oleh Tun. Negeri dan sempadan ini adalah ciptaan puak-puak Yahudi.
Mungkin bacaan Tun banyak kepada perkara2 sejagat. Tun haruslah memperbanyakkan lagi pembacaan berkenaan Islam dan juga sejarah Islam.
Seperti Hudud sekali pun, jangan kita cuba perlekeh orang yang cuba melaksanakan hudud; sedangkan kita tidak terdetik sekalipun hendak fikirkan mengenai Hudud. Orang yang bercita-cita laksanakan Hudud sekurang-kurangnya mempunyai niat tapi Tun memperbanyakkan alasan untuk tidak melaksanakan.
Memang sifat orang Melayu typical sedemikian rupa; diri sendiri tak nak buat benda baik, tetapi bila orang nak buat benda baik, kita komen pula bukannya nak ikut orang buat perkara baik…
one of the reason for this massacre is muslims own weakness.. dari atas sampai bawah
yang atas…pro us arab leaders macam arab saudi dan egpyt try to avoid hamas.. sebab mereka takut model pembaharuan politik yang hamas yg pro islamic dan transparent akan menggugat kerusi dan tampuk kuasa mereka… mengapakah hamas yg dilantik dalam sebuah pilihanraya yg adil dan diakui bersih.. demokrasi ala amerika.. oleh bekas presiden amerika sendiri tidak diiktiraf oleh setengah kerajaan arab ? mereka dibiarkan dikepung berbulan bulan tanpa bantuan selepas bersetuju untuk gencatan senjata.. bilakah rafah akan dibuka ?
yang bawah macam kitalah… tak sanggup nak tinggalkan starbuck dan macdonald .. walaupun rm10 secawan nak minum jugak sebab nampak cool kita minum dan rehat2 disana atau kesana sini jinjing cawan plastik starbuck.. tapi susah benar kita nak letak rm10 dalam tabung masjid untuk palestine..tapi kita mampu minum starbuck dan coffee bean.. kita jadi hamba budaya.. rasa tak sanggup berpisah dengan benda2 dan nilai yg disogokkan kepada kita..
so apa yg dapat kita buat ?
minta tolong sembahyang hajat 2 rakaat pun tak ramai yg peduli.. selepas jumaat dari masjid penuh tinggal suku saja .. (tempat saya)
Assalamualaium Tun,
Excuse me Tun,
To Sizzer33,
Why is your heart so hard and cold? Why do you say things like that about the Palestinian people bombed as if they deserved it? Have you no compassion at all? Imagine yourself in their place, your family, wife and children bombed and shelled while playing, praying, waiting for their loved ones at the door step..then suddenly..BOMB!
Picture the faces of the dead children, their scared and hungry faces..picture them and hope you can go to sleep peacefully and soundly.
Thank you Tun for giving way and May Allah Look Upon You Always.
Yes, Tun, you are right..IF..we look at the situation in a vacuum– a vacuum which appears to be supported by every yes-member of this blog. How are Malaysians or anyone supposed to make up their mind about truth if only one side argues?
I dont take the side of either Palestinians or Israeli but there are two sides, sure. Israel says it would stop its agression if Palestinians stop sending bombs to southern cities in Israel. Why doesnt Palestine stop? Israel acted in defence of its border when it replied to agression against it from Palestine. Yet, Muslims cry foul. Why? And still, Palestine routinely kills Israeli innocents, but where is that ever reported or condemned?
As for USA, when it attempted to negotiate peace in the 90’s under President Clinton, it was Arafat who refused to let Jerusalem become a shared, international city, despite that Israel said it would never again bother Gaza and had agreed to all Palestinian terms otherwise. The all-or-none stance of Palestinians is contributing to the ongoing lack of peace. As for Israel, dont blame the USA or anyone for Israel’s stance that its not leaving the region. For better or worse, they are staying planted. Get over it.
Im sad that you people say anyone should “burn in hell” as was said above. I am not Muslim or Christian or Judai or Hindu or Buddhist, but still I wish nobody ever burn in hell. I thought Islam meant peace, yet i have never once seen a single act of peace generated by Muslims. Why not show the world you are truly better by living up to your own credo, by setting peaceful examples for others to admire instead of wishing all detractors dead? You bash everyone but trying looking in a mirror sometime.
If Israel is wrong, so are you. Two wrongs dont make a right. Despite what anyone thinks personally of Israeli, they have the same right to life that you do. We have a very small rock to live on out here in the middle of nowhere, we have to share and compromise, like it or not. As Tun said himself upon leaving as PM, “we have to make friends in this world.” Damn right. Lets try anew and help each other LIVE. Choose life!
Last thing, to repeat, Tun condemns the use of weapons but what about the use of weapons by Palestine? Why are people talking about “underfunded Palestininans” who need greater resources with which to fight? Fight more? You want to conflict to drag on forever? If you condemn Israel-allied forces that give aid, condemn your own aid, too. I have been reading these posts not ONE person except me begs for peace or ways to peace, the only comments posted in this blog promote hate and prolongation of conflict. If you want the conflict to stop, then STOP, and I dont mean a temporary cease-fire but actually FINDING ways to peace and love so that we all can get through this sometimes-miserable thing we call life. It isnt at the end of a rifle barrel, i promise you.
P.S. A poster back there asked “what can i do?” 1) Choose life. 2) Commit a creditless act of kindness everyday of your life from now on. 3) Shower your enemies with love until they drown in it. 4) Never condemn or hate another again. 5) Look for ways to increase the knowledge and ability of your neighbor. 6) Eat right, get plenty of exercise and rest. 7) Give your money, time and energy to causes of human survival which is being threatened from all quarters such as declining natural resources. 8) Believe that true peace is already inside you and also out there trying to find you.
Start there.
Saya rasa pelik kenapa rakyat M’sia lekas hendak mengukut dan memboikot Amerika apabile Israel menyerang Palastein? Hendak memboikot Mcdonald, Coca Cola dll. Mereka tidak sedar yang Restoran Macdonald di sini pekerjanya adalah org melayu yang mempunyai keluarga untuk ditanggung terutama disaat kegawatan ini…sama juga dengan kilang Coca Cola di Shah Alam. Takkan nak biarkan beribu ribu pekerja Mcdonald dan Coca Cola menganggur?
Yang kita semua tahu, Amerika sekutu Israil dan ia nya adalah kafir, tapi yang kita juga tahu, sekutu Arab yang sebangsa dan seagama duduk diam berpeluk tubuh dengan kaum kerabat lebih sibuk meng-customise keter SLK Merc dengan berlian.
Kutuk la sekutu Arab yang kaya raya tapi tiada balls nak pertahankan Palastein!
By hisham76 on December 31, 2008 4:10 PM
well said, hisham.
W A S S A L A M.
I totaly agree with ‘sizzer33’ there many place in this earth where people are suffering to, but unfortunately they dont seem to enjoy the same attention as the middle east why?
In absence of this middle east, wont there be a world to live in?
I am against war, but lets be frank ” boycott products from USA” something that could do some harm to the Yankies!
In reality Car like Chevrolet and Ford which is popular in malaysia and most govt dept pakai….is the GOVT willing lead by example to boycott the vehicles and drive and proton car?
What ever israel product or USA product, do you really think would cripple the USA economic or…on the other hand do you think it would make other 3rd world countries to collapes because the products are manufactured there and even here in Malaysia.
I just wanna ask, are you willing to put your people jobless in the spirit to boycott USA products. It easier said than done.
I almost puked when some local news were showing the same story again and again. And to add fun in that topics from middle east conflict suddenly when into world war 2 history lesson, as German came into the picture…!!!.
Lets ask ourselve we are feeling angry and upset on whats going on in palestine(And i am troubled by the same fact) is it because we really are concerned citizens or its because the whole wordl is taking the main stage and so should we?
Dont forget WW2 when Japan killed many and some of us have history when some our family members were subjected to that and when till to date the Japanese dont want to admitt to what they did to us…where did all that anger go?. Are we not going to boycott Japan products?…
In short i just wanna say, when we say boycot think about where this products are manufactured or produced and the people that maybe effected by this boycott… its our own people.
Lets see if the GOVT and even Tun himself can lead by exmaple and not just start a fire and walk away!…and we need leaders who work by examples and just talk…anybody can talk in a TV show…u dont need a degree to do that.
I condem the suffering the innocent children of palestine are subjected to. Israel has to stop the attacks and Hamas has to be more concern about its people, instead of firing rockets as retaliation, get their people to a more secure place.
Well its a junlge out there and when u shoot rockets from housing area (as seen in TV) its an obvious result the Israel is going to retaliate by shooting back from where the rockets came from.
As ‘sizzer33’ i feel we in Malaysia and other part of ASEAN we have more problem and with alll the illegal immigrants, even the GOVT have their hands full. Lets clean our backyard before we cross into others.If you have solved your problem then it show you are ready to cross over …
Walk in the streets of KL, and telll me we dont have beggars?…Hey open your eyes wide even foreign beggars are coming here …talk a walk at the bridge at bank negara….and ask your selve whats going on….?
Foreigners and illegal immigrants here are not even afraid of the law enforcement in malaysia, why?
Simpati, kasihan, terharu, sedih adalah reaksi spontan kebanyakan orang Islam di dunia dan di Malaysia termasuk saya keatas kesengsaraan rakyat Pelestin di Sem Gaza. Marah, geram terhadap kebiadaban rejim Zionis. Yang pastinya reaksi ini tidak akan mengubah apa apa keadaan di Gaza. Persoalannya; Sampai bilakah tindakan semacam ini akan kita teruskan. Saya faham Israel tu kuat dan saya pasti ramai orang pun faham termasuk org Pelestin pun faham. Masaalahnya mengapa org Pelestin bersama negara2 jiran Islam tak pernah boleh duduk semeja dengan satu matlamat yaitu memperkuatkan diri termasuk Pelestin agar satu masa nanti mungkin 20 tahun lagi org Israel tidak berani membaling batu pun kepada org Pelestin. Kalau tradisinya org2 Arab tak boleh duduk semeja m,ungkin Tun buat sesuatu. Wasalam.
BUT is there anyone now?;-who can talk,condemn or disagree openly-to tell the wrong,what is right and true?
Lets see what America’s next president,Barack Hussein Obama is going to do with the new year’s resolutions Tun suggested in Tun’s open letter.
Malaysia needs you-the whole world does.
You are the best.
Assalamualaikum Tun.
Tun,nak join chedet.cc tak boleh la.Bila sign in je terus hilang.Malas nak cari apa masalahnya.
*catitan diari teori kejatuhan United States of America sebelum saya terlupa.
Hari ini dlm paper 06/01/09 TPM tidak bersetuju bahawa peperangan di Gaza hanyalah untuk menguji pendirian Presiden Obama.
Daripada beberapa pengalaman saya bersukan 2,3 minit dengan orang Israel,diaorang ni amat agresif tetapi terleka pada bahagian dalam.
Kelihatan amat hebat dan menakutkan apabila mereka beraksi,tetapi hampas.Tidak akan kemana-mana apabila kita ‘in good condition’.
Peperangan ini tercetus kerana Zionis ingin menutup suatu lubang kelemahan yang besar iaitu Mr Barrack Obama.
Dari dalaman Malaysia hingga keluar Malaysia sampai ke Amerika hingga ke Israel.
Betullah bahawa kerajaan Nabi Sulaiman a.s adalah yang terhebat.
Sesuatu sedang berlaku.
Assalamualaikum Tun yang dikasihi,
Dunia Islam tidak bersatu, pemimpin-pemimpin di negara Arab juga gagal memperlihatkan ketokohan yang membanggakan kepada setiap individu muslim seluruh dunia. Kurang sekali kedengaran pemimpin Islam yang mencetuskan suatu revolusi persepaduan umat yang boleh diterima oleh pelbagai lapisan masyarakat Islam dunia terutama kalangan dunia arab. Malah hampir setiap hari kita mendengar berita serangan membunuh diri umat islam ke atas saudara islamnya sendiri. Kita ketika ini ketiadaan seorang pemimpin yang boleh menyatukan dunia islam dalam satu persaudaraan sebagaimana yang dituntut. Tiada individu islam ketika ini yang mampu memacu halatuju perjuangan menentang penindasan dan ketidakadilan kuasa-kuasa besar dunia ke atas umat islam. Kita ketandusan pemimpin yang mampu menjana kekuatan yang kita sebenarnya miliki. Kita juga telah kehilangan kepercayaan bahawa kekuatan tentera Islam itu yang lebih utama ialah pancaran daripada seteguh mana kita berpegang kepada akidah dalam perjuangan bukan semata-mata oleh kecangihan teknologi persenjataan dan bilangan anggota tentera. Dunia islam gagal melahirkan pewaris Khalid Al-Walid untuk memimpin siasah perjuangan dalam dunia serba canggih dan mencabar.
Kita memiliki OIC yang kalau diukur prestasinya dianggap telah gagal melindungi negara islam apabila berhadapan dengan isu pencerobohan ke atas Iraq dan Afghanistan, juga ketika Bosnia dalam cengkaman Serbia. Ini disebabkan negara Islam tidak ada perpaduan dalam erti kata sebenarnya. Sebahagian besar negara Islam yang mengangotai OIC terikat kepada pelbagai perjanjian antarabangsa yang membataskan tindakan membantu negara islam lain ketika diceroboh. Ini juga disebabkan risiko yang bakal dihadapi oleh sesebuah negara Islam yang cuba membantu akan menghadapi tindakan seterusnya oleh kuasa-kuasa besar dunia. Setiap pemimpin yang memimpin negara Islam percaya bahawa tidak akan ada bantuan ketenteraan dan ekonomi yang mampu diberi oleh saudaranya dari negara Islam yang lain sehingga merasakan nasib negaranya terjamin selamat jika bertindak membantu negara Islam lain yang sedang terancam. Dunia menjadi saksi kepada kekakuan umat Islam ketika Iraq dan Afghanistan diceroboh oleh kerakusan kuasa Amerika Syarikat dan sekutunya.
Kekayaan minyak di kebanyakan negara Islam gagal menjadi zakat harta kepada negara Islam yang miskin untuk menghidupkan pembangunan ekonomi dan pendidikan. Jumlah umat Muhammad S.A.W. yang besar hanya sekadar menambah bilangan penonton kepada kerakusan negara haram yahudi dalam operasinya membunuh masyarakat Palastine secara terang terangan. Dunia Islam lemah dalam kekayaan dan jumlah penganutnya yang besar. Dunia Islam lemah ketika Al-Quran dan Hadis belum lenyap dari minda umatnya.
Kelemahan umat Islam sebenarnya kerana kita gagal bersatu. Kegagalan kita bersatu adalah disebabkan kita gagal mencari pemimpin yang mampu menyatukan ummah seluruh dunia. Tugas yang amat murni dan amat berat dan cabarannya bagi kita yang kerdil umpama perjuangan Nabi Muhammad S.A.W menegakkan kalimah. Dunia Islam memerlukan seorang khalifah. Tidak adakah lagi individu ini dikalangan jutaan umat Islam? Satu persoalan yang tidak wajar jika jawapannya tidak.
Bangsa Malaysia pernah memegang jawatan tertinggi dalam OIC. Suara kita didengar dan diterima oleh pemimpin-pemimpin dalam dunia Islam. Bermakna kita pernah dan boleh menjadi pemimpin dunia Islam. Bangsa Malaysia boleh menjadi khalifah dalam ertikata memimpin dunia Islam.
Tun selama memimpin negara telah melengkapi keperibadian ini. Suara Tun didengar dan dihormati oleh dunia. Ketika Allah masih memberi ruang untuk kita sujud dan berdoa. Dengan segala rendah diri saya mohon Tun merintis kepada kelahiran semula khalifah yang akan menyatukan ummah agar generasi berikutnya menjadi kuat dan membina semula peradaban. Usaha ini tentunya masih jauh kepada kejayaan tetapi mengorak langkah pertama adalah lebih hampir kepada distinasi berbanding duduk berdiam diri dan berserah kepada nasib. Mohon disegerakan usaha ini. Saudara kita di Palastine sedang terancam. Semoga segala usaha murni ini akan memperolehi kejayaan. Amin.
Somehow I can’t log on to your new website.So I have to come in here.Yes,I symphatise with all the innocent people men, women & young children who are suffering through no fault of theirs just ‘cos they were born in Palestine or on Gaza land.It’s indeed sad that they are fighting each other. To tell you the truth, I can’t differentiate bet an Israeli & a Palestinian looking at the two faces.To me, they are like brothers.It’s sad to see them fighting for their right of occupation.We should pray that peace will come to their land soon–God willing!!
One of my greatest wish list priorities is to see peace restored in the Middle East.We should all come together to pray for everlasting peace in Mid-East & other troubled regions of the world in 2009.There is too much chaos & suffering on Earth.
Wish Tun & wife a lot of happiness,peace & good health in the new year.
Saya bukanlah pandai sangat untuk berbicara tentang isu antarabangsa. dalam isu Palestin dan Israel ini kita memang tidak lagi boleh mengharapkan PBB apatah lagi AS. Lagi tidak boleh diharapkan adalah OIC apatah lagi negara-negara lain dan masyarakat antarabangsa.
Isu ini bukan isu baru, dari anak baru lahir sekarang dah masuk darjah satu, Palasten dan Israel masih disitu
Apa diharap dengan PBB yang hanya membnincangkan resolusi yang disokong sana dan di veto sini.
Renungkanlah wahai masyarakat dunia, kita berhadapan dengan Israel, satu bangsa yang paling keras hatinya, adakah dengan adanya resolisi baru yang sedang diusahakan akan mengubah pendirian Israel. saya percaya tidak. Kita semua juga maklum sudah berapa banyak resolusi yang diluluskan oelh PBB yang dilangar mentah-mentah oleh Israel.
Tidak cukupkan dengan resolusi dahulu hingga mahu mengeluarkan resolusi baru. cukuplah bermain dengan resolusi wahai maayarakat dunia. bagi israel semua resolusi sudah basi.
Resolusi hanya sekeping kertas yang menyatakan pendirian PBB berkenaan sesuatu isu, tetpi apa guna resulusi sekiranya tidak dipatuhi.
Resolusi umpama satu undang-undang bisu yang seberapa tebal pun ia ditulis tidak akan bermakna jika si penerima tidak mempedulukanya. Dalam hal ini jelas sekali kita semua dipermainkan Israel. Bodonya kita semua.
Secara sinis saya berpendapat,
Masyarakat Palestin tidak memerlukan batuan dari PBB untuk mengehentikan kekejaman israel. Israel hanya akan berhenti dari menceroboh Palestin sekiranya ia bertemu buku dengan ruas, sepertimana nasib yang diterima Israel apabila menceroboh negara jiranya tempoh hari.
Penangan yang diterima Israel apabila melakukan pencerobohan keatas Lubnan tempohari telah memberi pengajaran yang cukup besar dan memalukan.
Disini saya ingin nyatakan Palestin tidak memerlukan simpati dan sokongan masyarakat antarabangsa apatah lagi PBB dan negara OIC.
Apa yang diperlukan oleh Palestin adalah “senjata” yang boleh menandingi kekuatan Israel.
Semua mengetahui kekuatan ketenteraan Israel jauh melebihi kekuatan tentera Palestin tetapi kekuatan moran tentera Palestin jaun melebihi kekuaran moral tentera Israel.
Saya juga percaya masyarakat Palestin sudah puas merempat dan sudah puas menderita sejak bertahun-tahun tanpa pertolongan masyarakat antarabangsa, keadaan ini menyebabkan selurus masyarakat Palestin sudah berjaya membina kekuatan untuk melawan tentera Israel.
Tetapi kekurangan dari segi senjata menyebabkan semangat juang yang berkobar-kobar yang dimiliki tidak kemana.
Oleh yang demikian saya cukup percaya, apa yang diperlukan oleh masyarakat Palestin adalah senjata yang mampu menandingi kekuatan persenjataan israel.
Dalam kes ini amat jelas PBB tidak berminat untuk melihat kedua negara berdamai. oleh yang demikian biarkanlah mereka berperang tetepi kekuatan mestilah seimbang.
Secara sinis juga saya percaya Israel juga dengki dan cemburu kepada Palestin kerana mendapat sokongan masyarakat antarabangsa dan pelbagai bantuan dari PBB, sedangkan Israel hanya berputih mata saja melihat bantuaan yang diterima Palestin. Israel juga mahukan bantuan dari PBB tetapi PBB hanya menghulurkan bantuan kepada negara yang terjejas teruk sahaja seperti Palestin.
Oleh yang demikian marilah kita memberi kekuatan persenjataan dan ketenteraan kepada Palestin agar dengan bandar-bandar Israel musnah akibat bedilan Palestin, PBB juga akan menghulurkan bantuan yang serupa kepada Israel.
Usahlah kita menghantar pasukan pengaman untuk mendamaikan kedua belah pihak yang tidak mahu berdamai, tetapi sebaliknya hantar bantuan persenjataan kepada Palestin supaya “buku bertemu dengan ruas”
Pada situasa sekarang hanya Palestin sahaja yang sakit akibat di ketuk Israel, sekiranya Israel pun merasa sakit diketuk Palestin pasti PBB akan besuara untuk menghentikan perbalahan tersebut secepat mungkin dengan ribuan resolisi.
Askum Tun,
kenapa kerajaan kita tidak memberhentikan kemasukan produk2 israel dan amerika dari masuk kedalam negara kita? Kalau singapura tu pun proksi israel hentikan terus dagangan dengan mereka? Bukankah banyak lagi negara2 lain yang sama pendirian dengan kita?
Salam Tun
Re the Palestine-Israel conflict, this has been going on for ages but the world has not done anything about it, only to look and see. It is different from Somalia, Africa, Afghanistan or the Banda Aceh Tsunami…here we can actually physically see the various Red Cross and St John’s Ambulance, Amnesty National all go physically over there to help and assist medically and we can see planes dropping rations in boxes. That is what I call HELPING.
But with Palestine, the whole world just watch. They cannot help because Israel army will not let anyone through, into the borders of Palestine.
It shows that Arabs don’t care about each other, only themselves (the leaders and the non-beriman ones). Even the Iraqi man who threw his shoe at President Bush was tortured by the Iraqi police and forced to write a letter of apology. After that incident, I could clearly see that this Iraqi leader is a hypocrite. He is actually an American with an Iraqi face.
In Palestine, this Mahmoud Abbas leader is also a hypocrite, a puppet of America. I don’t know why Fatah won the Palestinian elections, probably the people of Palestine are fed up with war. I see Hamas as also very selfish. I know they are not scared to die because they feel they will be martyrs dying in the process of defending their own country. But with every action from them such as launching a rocket to Israel town, Israel will retaliate with 100 rockets and send a barrage of jet fighters and land army into Israel. And the Israel army show their true barbaric animalistic colours because they seem to like to kill women and children who are innocent.
Today is the tenth day of the Israel invasion. With their initial wave of jet fighters, they have almost obliterated Gaza. By looking at the TV3 news, it is obvious that they are using the very deadly cluster bombs which explode in mid-air into many smaller bombs and then explode when they hit the many building structures of Gaza. Using these cluster bombs accelerate the destruction of the city rather than one big bomb falling in one place.
All these weapons used by Israel are American-made. And we are trading with the US.
Only Iran appears to be free from US influence.
It is very true what you say in the blog. If we cannot even help our distanct family member in financial distress or even assist a blind man to cross the streets of KL or even cannot bother to wake up of fajar prayers, how can we even think of putting up a strong fightback in the bigger battle of confronting Israel who have advanced weapons, behave like animals and bullies and have America behind them? When we look at ourselves, we look at our own weakness. We cannot even manage ourselves, how can we assist others?
So the cycle of empty public speech, false sympathy and watching through television continues. However I am glad that we donated US1 million to Mercy Malaysia for Palestine but I don’t know how the money or what is bought with the money is ever going to reach the Palestinans. We must make sure the money does not end up elsewhere.
I would tend to disagree with you about Obama. I think he will be different. At least he is substantially different in character from all the previous White presidents. If we are going to pull the US away from Israel, we should really start with this President.
Salam from me especially to Tun Dr. Mahathir.
I really touch of your concern about what is happening now in Gaza.
The Israeli are really worst than the beast.
To all msulims and non muslims,pls bear in mind before 1948,there is no such state name Israel but the Jews have taken the Palestinian land and declare as their land.Can we call the Palestian as terrorist if your land been taken away from you.
They have every right and every second to retaliate to get back their land which is been robbed by the Jews.Pls go to YouTube and visit this website “Peace,propaganda and the promise land” and you will see there how cruel are the Israelis,go now and see yourself.
salam tun,
sy merintih hiba dengan nasib palestine…adakah nanti perang dunia ke tiga bakal tercetus dek konflik israel/US dengan palestine ini..?bagi saya, semua bangsa dan agama harus mengutuk tindakan US dan israel bukan kerana islam (sahaja)tetapi atas dasar hak-hak kemanusiaan juga bukan atas dasar politik!
dari dulu Tun begitu vokal dengan konflik palestine dan menghentam dasar US tetapi tetap bersikap professional bila bertemu dengan pemimpin mereka yg berat sebelah ini. inilah ciri pemimpin tulen. perjuangan dan kritikan diteruskan tapi maintain professional when meet eye to eye.
saya ada menerima satu emel kononnya dr warga somali yg mengkritik cara penulisan dlm blog Tun. saya hanya tersenyum kerana apa yg timbul dlm kotak fikiran saya..” baru duduk beberapa ‘hari’ kat sini dah pandai kritik tak berasas pasal tokoh negara ini yg realitinya banyak berjasa kepada negara…!”
secara peribadi,saya mampu katakan, manusia ini ternyata cetek fikiran dan banyak pula songeh(apa yg dia buat kat sini tak tahulah pulak..!) tanpa berfikir dia sepatutnya berbuat sesuatu mengenai kekalutan ‘hardcore’ dinegara asalnya spt cara2 nak buat tabungan makanan kepada yg kebuluran, penyatuan ‘ethnic tribals’ atau menghapuskan lanun2 yg menyamun kapal2 malaysia dan kapal2 negara lain dan bukan mengkritik ttg sesuatu yg mengarut terhadap Tokoh negara yg terbukti sumbangannya kepada negara & ugama& bangsa,malah negara2 luar juga kagum dengan buah fikiran bernas Tun dan amat bertrima kasih dgn sumbangan fizikal atas nama negara malaysia!
saya ‘paste’ kat sini untuk penilaian Tun dan yg lain2 terpulangkan kepada fikiran dan akal masing2 yg Tuhan bagi utk nilaikannya.
“This is one letter that all Malaysians should read. Do pass it around. See the original here http://tinyurl.com/5zzqog
Subject: A Somali’s perception of Mahathir
I’m a Somali living in Malaysia who follows the local scene here verymuch. I would have to admit that Tun Dr M’s greatest disadvantage is his pure, unadulterated hatred for anyone who disagrees with him. Never haveI seen a human being whose sole motivation, drive and engine is purehatred. Just visit his blog which is read by friends and foes, locals and foreigners and I must tell you it epitomizes him in every way. Since he started it after complaining of UMNO media strangulation, did you see an article that he has written concerning the poor, the needy,the widows, the orphans, the handicapped, the downtrodden, thewayfarers, compassion, empathy, sharing, sacrifice, charity, morality,accountability, God’s fear and Judgement, forgiveness, patience (etc)?No. Always it is about some people, blaming others, calling them names,dishing out unvanished, pure hatred.
Blaming others for this and thatand exonerating himself from all blame? Surely, at this age? You can’tbuild a society and a nation through hate, vengeance, intense anger andmean spirit. You would have to remind the people the higher purpose oflife for them to get motivated and work harder for the less fortunateand for themselves. Finger pointing, blaming others, planting defeatistculture in the Malays, reducing them to mad people (we are sensitive, wewill run amok society that makes even foreigners despise the Malays)will not help this society and nation. My people (the Somalis) suffered from cruel leadership and when thehatred became too much, we turned to each other and till today, we theonly nation with no Central govt. The Malays share with us almost everytrait, very feudal, manipulated easily, territorial, misuse of Islam for expediency, rigid explanation of Islam and too much interest in outwardI slam than inward Islam that strengthens the hearts, our only difference is that the Malays have the Chinese and the Indians around that make them watch out for the “enemies.”
For us, we didn’t have that and that’s why we turned to each other. If God has loved the Malays and Malaysia, it is because He brought otherpeople here. If some Malays regret the presence of the Chinese and Indians, ask us the Somalis and you will know what it means to be an incestous (homogenous) society and you will praise the Almighty day inday out. If it was possible, I would have shipped the Chinese and Indians to Somalia to create diversity in my nation but it is wishfulthinking. The other person who makes me cringe in shame is one Curry[Khairy]Jamaluddin. Never have I seen a more uncouth, uncultured, degenerate,pugancious, ill, nefarious and utterly infantile being than this youngman. I have a big heart who tries to understand everyone and put myself in their place, but I don’t think my heart can accommodate one Curry Jamaluddin. He is a primate and deserves the worst treatment (though I hate it because we are Muslims and human beings) but honestly he is toomuch.
Abubakar October 25, 2008 at 5:43 pm”
Salam Tun,
Menunggu Presiden Amerika yg baru itu tak kan merubah foreign polisi Amerika. Tiga suku para politik mereka perintah oleh orang Yahudi yg menetap di Amerika.
Menteri-menteri kabinet Amerika yg baru semuanya ada kaitan dgn orang Yahudi bagaimana kita nak merubahkan itu semua kecuali Dunia Islam sendiri yg sedia bertempur secara diplomatik dgn negeri-negeri yg bukan Islam. Selagi negeri Islam OIC tak berkeras dgn negara-negara Kafir jahanamlah namanya negeri Islam yg diperangi oleh negara kafir itu.
Salam Tun,
Dunia Arab sudah tunggang terbalik. Nothing can be done except talk n talk only. Cuba Arab Saudi bersuara dan berkeras kepada negeri Amerika, pasti ada sesuatu yg akan berbuah.
Arab Saudi is the Guardian of Islamic religion and why is she keeping mum about injustice being done to one of the Islamic nation which has been written in the history and the Quran itself….Nothing has been done to enlighten the suffering of the Muslim people….
Menggerakkan Tentera Untuk Memerangi Penyembelih Gaza Adalah Satu-Satunya Yang Wajib Dilakukan Oleh Para Penguasa Dan Sekiranya Mereka Tidak Berbuat Demikian Maka Sesungguhnya Mereka Telah Mengkhianati Allah, RasulNya Dan Kaum Mukminin
Sejak tengahari Sabtu 27/12/2008, rejim Yahudi telah melakukan pengeboman kejam yang berterusan dengan menggunakan jet-jet pejuangnya ke atas beberapa kawasan di Semenanjung Gaza. Pengeboman ini dihadapi oleh penduduk Gaza dengan ketabahan hati dan keberanian yang tiada tolok bandingnya, mereka memikul yang gugur di atas tangan-tangan dan bahu-bahu mereka. Beratus-ratus telah syahid dan mengalami kecederaan ketika jet-jet pejuang musuh berlegar memuntahkan bom di ruang udara dengan bebas tanpa mendapat penentangan dan tanpa sedikit pun kebimbangan akan ditembak jatuh. Ini adalah kerana para penguasa kaum Muslimin telah melarang dan menghalang tentera dan jet-jet pejuang kaum Muslimin dari melibatkan diri dalam sebarang tindakbalas. Para penguasa ini hanya menjadikan jet-jet dan tentera yang ada di negeri mereka sebagai perhiasan dan pertunjukan semata-mata. Beginilah pihak Yahudi melakukan kehancuran, mengebom bangunan dan manusia, aman dari sebarang tindakbalas dan mara bahaya.
Sesungguhnya para penguasa ini telah melakukan jenayah besar dengan menjadikan masalah Palestin ini sebagai masalah orang Arab dan bukan masalah kaum Muslimin dan Islam. Mereka, sejak dari itu hanya menjadi pemerhati
Saya tetap tanamkan didalam fikiran dan hati keturunan saya bahawa Yahudi laknat ini adalah punca segala kejahatan yg wujud didunia ini…
Lupakah mereka akan kesengsaraan mereka semasa Holocaust?(Sekiranya ianya benar!)..Mengapakah sanggup pula mereka berbuat sesuatu yg pada masa dulu mereka juga pernah mengalaminya dan merasa segala keperitannya…Siapakah yg membunuh mereka? Hitler yg membunuh tetapi yg menerima hukuman rakyat Palestin…Sungguh tidak adil..
Sebab itulah saya merasa loya hendak melihat rancangan televisyen amerika yg menunjukkan bagaimana bersusah payahnya mereka menyelamatkan nyawa seekor binatang..nyawa penduduk Palestin bagaimana?
Dear Tun, salam mesra moga sihat sejahtera. Dgn izin..
Palestin tak boleh menang mengguna kuasa atau keganasan. They must use the mind since they dont have the might. With might, it is a no contest. A virus does not show symptoms until they are sufficient in numbers to attack. Bacteria show symptoms immediately and get attacked.
Tiada agama yg ganas hanya ada penganut ganas. Masalah Palestin berlarutan begitu lama, timbul tidak sabar dan lahir puak pelampau mengeruh keadaan.
Di M’sia ada puak tak sabar, pelampau mcm itu juga. Mrk mencaci, mengancam, menghalau, merempuh dan mengasing. Kononya ini kehendak agama dan mrk berjihad.
Tapi sejarah menunjukkan Islam berkembang dari Arab ke Eropah, Asia dan Cina krn ummahnya membantu, mendidik, berkongsi dan bergaul dgn masyarakat tersebut. Bukan dgn memaksa penyerapan. Kalau dgn kekerasan, Islam sepatutnya lenyap selepas mrk tinggal.
Assalamualaikum Tun.
Pada 02-01-09 Dewan Pemuda Pas buat demonstrasi aman lepas solat Jumaat kat Masjid Negara.
Juga nampak Tun sembahyang sunat selepas 3,4 minit saya sampai.
Pak khatib pun sampai tersekat-sekat membaca kutbah kerana sedih dengan apa yang berlaku pada rakyat Palestin.
Saya tidak tahu ada karpet di bahagian saf hadapan,kalau tahu mungkin saya juga akan sembahyang di bahagian karpet.
Dengan baju Melayu ungu saya hanya sempat melihat muka Tun ketika dah nak masuk kereta.Tersalah tunggu di tangga lain dah pulak.Tangga VIP gelap…anyway mungkin next time boleh naik komuter lagi……
assalamualaikum TUn
Allah MAHA PENGASIH DAN PENYAYANG…YG TERANIAYA PASTI AKAN MENERIMA BANTUAN DARI NYA..mari kita berdoa pada allah… agar semua umat benar2 buka mata…bersatu melawan zionis ini…
Boikot segala produk amerika dan israel
jgn tinngal dan guna kemudahan di HOTEL marriot, renaissance dan hilton…mc donald, A&W.. JGN BELI..
Dearest Tun,
A belated happy new year!
I am having difficulty writing my comments on the new site that you have moved to. I signed in as usual,but the comment box do not show up for me to write in. I hope your administator will notice this posting, and helps solve my problem!!
I read your open letter to President-Elect Obama and the condemnation against Israel issued by the Perdana Council. I hope the new US cabinet will really go for CHANGE!! and that is to look into the plight of the Palestinians and finally,give them a State they truly deserved.
How President-Elect Obama and Mrs.Hillary Clinton as the incoming Secretary Of State, handle the present crisis in Gaza will show the wisdom of the new administration.Will it be CHANGE for the better for the Palestinians or will Israel be allowed to continue to bully and massacre the women and children in Gaza? I am sure we will soon see whether CHANGE is only a campaign rhetoric or a wisdom of substance we are all made excited by Mr.Barrack Obama.
I hope Mr.Obama is not yet again, another proxy of the Zionists sitting in the white house!
All the best to you Tun in 2009 and look forward to more exciting writing from you.
Salam Tun,
Kita mengutuk serangan Israel keatas Palestin…
Di Malaysia,Org kite sahaja yang mengutuk…
Mane Kaum lain??? If ur not muslim u just let it be…right??? Org Islam di Malaysia boikot tapi yang lain??? Malaysian konon…Pirahhh
Dear Tun,
This is one the reasons why I admire u the most…u speaks ur mind without being hypocrites!!
I always pray that there will be more leaders like u in muslims world …then only the USA will recognise Islam.
Teruskan perjuanganmu Tun, Allah will always be with u…so I am.
kepada saudara AzMa yg dikasihi,
jangan marah, tak baik sikit-sikit nak mengamuk …
buah DURIAN nampaknya BERDURI dari pandangan luarnya … namun ia bergantung kepada individu berlainan sama ada mereka berani untuk membuka DURIAN itu, agar melihat apakah ISI di dalamnya … ada orang yg katakan ISINYA berbau busuk, ada pula yg katakannya wangi … bergantung kepada HIDUNG jenis apa yg menghidunya …
Pasal masalah mentol itu, apa yg orang katakan adalah SIAPAKAH yg MENCIPTANYA … TAHUKAH anda segala benda ciptaan ORANG LAIN, kita perlu membayar wang COPYRIGHTS kepada pencipta benda itu untuk SEUNIT benda yg dihasilkan? Oleh yg demikian, bolehkah saya katakan saudara jangan pakai mentol kerana setiap mentol yg dibeli, sejumlah wang itu dibayar kepada orang amerika dan mereka menggunakan untuk derma ke israel?
sebab itu orang katakan kalau nak boikot, boikot betul-betul, jangan pakai benda CIPTAAN ORANG LAIN, boikot separuh tak boikot separuh … macamlah kalau kamu sakit atau jantung tersumbat, jangan pergi hospital kerana ubatnya kebanyakan dari amerika ataupun european … baik kamu panjat gunung petik daun ubat traditional dan minum dengan tongkat ali … itu guarantee 100% ciptaan dan buatan tempatan
Kalau hendak menuntut keadilan, cara yg terbaik adalah MEMAJUKAN DIRI, dan BUKANNYA mengamuk dan berdendam …
orang yg suka berdendam dan mengamuk, ia hanya menujukkan diri mereka cakap pandai tak serupa bikin, kerana bom meletup di palestin dan bukan di atas kepala kamu, sebab itu cakap bukan main senang …
pada masa mengkritik negara arab, tepuk dada tanya diri sendiri, apakah bezanya diri kamu dengan mereka? orang palestin hendak mendapatkan SUMBER AIR yg bersih untuk terus hidup pun SUKAR, namun kalau suruh kamu ni jangan minum COCA_COLA yg berupa MINUMAN SAMPINGAN .. kamu pun TAK LARAT …
sebab itu, jangan tunjuk gaya mengamuk di tepi jalan atau demonstrasi, kerana bom tetap meletup di palestin membunuh anak kecil di situ … bantu tak jadi, habis buat KL traffik jam pula, menyusahkan orang …
kalau benar-benar nak bantu, naik tongkang dengan tongkat ali buatan sendiri dan pergi ke palestin untuk mengubati orang yg tercedera …
ingat ya, naik tongkang dan bukannya kapal terbang, kerana kapal terbang tu sama ada boeing atau airbus tu ciptaan amerika dan european …
salam buat Ayahanda & sekeluarga dan selamat tahun baru
kita tidak boleh buat apa2 dengan sekadar memiliki PM yg BA BA LAM
dan keadaan dalaman yg lemah menyebabkan kita sekadar boleh menyanyi di tepi jln tanpa mendapat apa2
saya rindukan zaman pemerintahan Ayahanda…
Salam Tun,
The murderous act by the Israeli army on Hamas and the Palestinian people is designed for the muslims to witness their brutality. The six days slaughtering of Hamas and the Palestinians in Gaza happened with the help, as reported, of the Fatah in Gaza to weaken Hamas much to the pleasure of the Lebanese government and other government of the nearby muslim countries!
This has always been the case – the weak oftens being bribed to “cooperate” with the “mighty” force. It is this bribery, they betray their religion, their nation and their people allowing the aggressors to trample upon them and be subjugated.
To name a few, it happened in Egypt and other middle eastern countries, India, China and Persekutuan Tanah Melayu (Malaya). It is not surprising,as reported, the “ulamak” in some of the muslim countries were in cahoot with the agressors to quell any signs of uprising against their countries occupation. These legitimate fighters in defending their motherland were labelled as muslim terrorists! These fighters some were reportedly jailed, banished and some were tortured and murdered in jail.
History repeating itself! The Israeli government are fully aware that the muslims are selfish,divided and weak and can easily be bribed. The most the muslims can do is talk and talk with drools
flowing uncontrollably. Stop it! It stinks!
I suggest, the muslims begin with ejecting these hypocrite “ulamak”.
As for Malaysia, stop being subservient to your selfishness before
the next colonial master able to fully show its head!
Sebagai org Islam sudah sampai masanya pemikiran orang islam didunia berubah . Biarlah sejuta rakyat diGaza mati pun mereka mati sebagai seorang pejuang Islam dan mati syahid sudah tentu mereka ke syurga. Kita diMalaysia mati kerana berlanggar atau dilanggar.Kita pernah dengar zaman sejarah Omar Moktar dalam peperangan dunia pertama dimana mereka dapat mengalah kan beratus ratus battolion tentera Italy kerana strategi perang walaupun mereka tidak ada asas kemudahan peperangan tapi mereka dihormati kerana kebijaksanaan . Itu lah yang sepatut ada pada orang Islam dizaman sekarang. Jangan nak ada semua kelengkapan baru boleh menang macam itu…, tak guna ada tuhan dan tak guna tuhan bagi kita otak. Kalau kita percaya dengan tuhan …, percaya kemana harus kita pergi dan jangan asyik bom orang yang tak bersalah konon nya mati syahid tapi bila kita disuruh berperang oleh tuhan kita asyik lari kebelakang, kita tak akan menang
Kita kena faham untuk mendapatkan mati syahid ini bukan mudah… bukan semua negara Islam dapat… Hanya negara yang terpilih sahaja tuhan berikan . Kalau kita faham sebagai orang Islam
i will not buy persimmons anymore!
Why are Jews so powerful?
By: Dr Farrukh Saleem
(The writer is an Islamabad-based freelance columnist)
There are only 14 million Jews in the world; seven million in the Americas, five million in Asia, two million in Europe and 100,000 in Africa. For every single Jew in the world there are 100 Muslims. Yet, Jews are more than a hundred times more powerful than all the Muslims put together. Ever wondered why?
Jesus of Nazareth was Jewish. Albert Einstein, the most influential scientist of all time and TIME magazine’s ‘Person of the Century’, was a Jew. Sigmund Freud — id, ego, and superego — the father of psychoanalysis was a Jew. So were Karl Marx, Paul Samuelson and Milton Friedman.
Here are a few other Jews whose intellectual output has enriched the whole humanity: Benjamin Rubin gave humanity the vaccinating needle. Jonas Salk developed the first polio vaccine. Alert Sabin developed the improved live polio vaccine. Gertrude Elion gave us a leukaemia fighting drug. Baruch Blumberg developed the vaccination for Hepatitis B. Paul Ehrlich discovered a treatment for syphilis (a sexually transmitted disease). Elie Metchnikoff won a Nobel Prize in infectious diseases. Bernard Katz won a Nobel Prize in neuromuscular transmission. Andrew Schally won a Nobel in endocrinology (disorders of the endocrine system; diabetes, hyperthyroidism)… Aaron Beck founded Cognitive Therapy (psychotherapy to treat mental disorders, depression and phobias). Gregory Pincus developed the first oral contraceptive pill. George Wald won a Nobel for furthering our understanding of the human eye. Stanley Cohen won a Nobel in embryology (study of embryos and their development). Willem Kolff came up with the kidney dialysis machine.
Over the past 105 years, 14 million Jews have won 15-dozen Nobel Prizes while only three Nobel Prizes have been won by 1.4 billion Muslims (other than Peace Prizes).
Why are Jews so powerful?
Stanley Mezor invented the first micro-processing chip. Leo Szilard developed the first nuclear chain reactor. Peter Schultz, optical fibre cable; Charles Adler, traffic lights; Benno Strauss, Stainless steel; Isador Kisee sound movies; Emile Berliner, telephone microphone and Charles Ginsburg, videotape recorder.
Famous financiers in the business world who belong to Jewish faith include Ralph Lauren (Polo), Levis Strauss (Levi’s Jeans), HowardSchultz (Starbuck’s), Sergey Brin (Google), Michael Dell (Dell Computers), Larry Ellison (Oracle), Donna Karan (DKNY), Irv Robbins (Baskin & Robbins) and Bill Rosenberg (Dunkin Donuts).
Richard Levin, President of Yale University, is a Jew. So are Henry Kissinger (American secretary of state), Alan Greenspan (fed chairman under Reagan, Bush, Clinton and Bush), Joseph Lieberman, Madeleine Albright (American secretary of state), Maxim Litvinov (USSR foreign Minister), David Marshal (Singapore’s first chief minister), Isaac Isaacs (Governor General of Australia), Benjamin Disraeli (British statesman and author), Yevgeny Primakov (Russian PM), Jorge Sampaio (President of Portugal), Herb Gray (Canadian deputy PM), Pierre Mendes (French PM), Michael Howard (British home secretary), Bruno Kreisky (chancellor of Austria) and Robert Rubin (former American secretary of treasury).
In the media, famous Jews include Wolf Blitzer (CNN), Barbara Walters (ABC News), Eugene Meyer (Washington Post), Henry Grunwald (editor-in-chief Time), Katherine Graham (publisher of The Washington Post), Joseph Lelyyeld (Executive editor, The New York Times), and MaxFrankel (New York Times).
Can you name the most beneficent philanthropist in the history of the world? The name is George Soros, a Jew, who has so far donated a colossal $4 billion most of which has gone as aid to scientists and universities around the world. Second to George Soros is Walter Annenberg, another Jew, who has built a hundred libraries by donating an estimated $2 billion.
At the Olympics, Mark Spitz set a record of sorts by winning seven gold medals. Lenny Krayzelburg is a three- time Olympic gold medallist. Spitz, Krayzelburg and Boris Becker are all Jewish.
Did you know that Harrison Ford, George Burns, Tony Curtis, Charles Bronson, Sandra Bullock, Billy Crystal, Woody Allen, Paul Newman, Peter Sellers, Dustin Hoffman, Michael Douglas, Ben Kingsley, Kirk Douglas, William Shatner, Jerry Lewis and Peter Falk are all Jewish?
As a matter of fact, Hollywood itself was founded by a Jew. Among directors and producers, Steven Spielberg, Mel Brooks, Oliver Stone, Aaron Spelling (Beverly Hills 90210), Neil Simon (The Odd Couple), Andrew Vaina (Rambo 1/2/3), Michael Man (Starsky and Hutch), Milos Forman (One flew over the Cuckoo’s Nest), Douglas Fairbanks (The thief of Baghdad) and Ivan Reitman (Ghostbusters) are all Jewish.
To be certain, Washington is the capital that matters and in Washington the lobby that matters is The American Israel Public Affairs Committee, or AIPAC. Washington knows that if PM Ehud Olmert were to discover that the earth is flat, AIPAC will make the 109th Congress pass a resolution congratulating Olmert on his discovery.
William James Sidis, with an IQ of 250-300, is the brightest human who ever existed. Guess what faith did he belong to?
So, why are Jews so powerful?
Answer: Education.
Why are Muslims so powerless?
There are an estimated 1,476,233,470 Muslims on the face of the planet: one billion in Asia, 400 million in Africa, 44 million in Europe and six million in the Americas. Every fifth human being is a Muslim; for every single Hindu there are two Muslims, for every Buddhist there are two Muslims and for every Jew there are one hundred Muslims.
Ever wondered why Muslims are so powerless?
Here is why:
There are 57 member-countries of the Organisation of Islamic Conference (OIC), and all of them put together have around 500 universities; one university for every three million Muslims. The United States has 5,758 universities and India has 8,407. In 2004, Shanghai Jiao Tong University compiled an ‘Academic Ranking of World Universities’, and intriguingly, not one university from Muslim-majority states was in the top-500.
As per data collected by the UNDP, literacy in the Christian world stands at nearly 90 per cent and 15 Christian- majority states have a literacy rate of 100 per cent. A Muslim-majority state, as a sharp contrast, has an average literacy rate of around 40 per cent and there is no Muslim-majority state with a literacy rate of 100 per cent. Some 98 per cent of the ‘literates’ in the Christian world had completed primary school, while less than 50 per cent of the ‘literates’ in the Muslim world did the same. Around 40 per cent of the ‘literates’ in the Christian world attended university while no more than two per cent of the ‘literate s’ in the Muslim world did the same.
Muslim-majority countries have 230 scientists per one million Muslims. The US has 4,000 scientists per million and Japan has 5,000 per million. In the entire Arab world, the total number of full-time researchers is 35,000 and there are only 50 technicians per one million Arabs (in the Christian world there are up to 1,000 technicians per one million). Furthermore, the Muslim world spends 0.2 per cent of its GDP on research and development, while the Christian world spends around five per cent of its GDP.
The Muslim world lacks the capacity to produce knowledge.
Daily newspapers per 1,000 people and number of book titles per million are two indicators of whether knowledge is being diffused in a society. In Pakistan, there are 23 daily newspapers per 1,000 Pakistanis while the same ratio in Singapore is 360. In the UK, the number of book titles per million stands at 2,000 while the same in Egypt is 20.
Conclusion: The Muslim world is failing to diffuse knowledge.
Exports of high technology products as a percentage of total exports are an important indicator of knowledge application. Pakistan’s exports of high technology products as a percentage of total exports stands at one per cent. The same for Saudi Arabia is 0.3 per cent; Kuwait, Morocco, and Algeria are all at 0.3 per cent while Singapore is at 58 percent.
Conclusion: The Muslim world is failing to apply knowledge.
Why are Muslims powerless?
Because we aren’t producing knowledge.
Why are Muslims powerless?
Because we aren’t diffusing knowledge.
Why are Muslims powerless?
Because we aren’t applying knowledge.
And, the future belongs to knowledge-based societies.
Interestingly, the combined annual GDP of 57 OIC-countries is under $2 trillion. America, just by herself, produces goods and services worth $12 trillion; China $8 trillion, Japan $3.8 trillion and Germany $2.4 trillion (purchasing power parity basis).
Oil rich Saudi Arabia, UAE, Kuwait and Qatar collectively produce goods and services (mostly oil) worth $500 billion; Spain alone produces goods and services worth over $1 trillion, Catholic Poland $489 billion and Buddhist Thailand $545 billion. (Muslim GDP as a percentage of world GDP is fast declining).
So, why are Muslims so powerless?
Answer: Lack of education!
All we do is shout to Allah whole day and blame everyone else for our multiple failures..!….
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And if a picture can tell a thousand words view this to understand what Israel has stolen from the Palestinians.
Salam semua,
Sebenarnya kian hari kian ramai rakyat America menyedari yang negara meraka di peralatkan oleh Yahudi Zxionist. Salah seorang daripada mereka yang lantang melawan pentakbiran kawalan Yahudi ialah Senator Dr Ron Paul. (lawat http://www.dailypaul.com) dan Senator Mc kinney (lihat video ini) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EZeNdIGI8os&feature=channel_page
Israel started the air strikes Saturday in response to rocket attacks from the Gaza. Gaza is the one who started the war.
Israel started the air strikes Saturday in response to rocket attacks from the Gaza. Gaza is the one who started the war.
asalamualaikum to tun the great legend.
islam mesti bersatu menentang kezaliman yahudi!!!
For those hardcore believers who still put the blame to HAMAS as the culprit for the Zionist regime offensive attack to Gaza, refer to the following statement to GET the record straight.
By William Sieghart, the Chairman of Forward Thinking, an independent conflict resolution agency. (NST, 1/1/09, P 25)
cam ner nak wat ni.. Islam hanya mampu bersuara tp suara itu tdk ditakuti oleh Iblis tu. Negara2 Arab pun senyap membisu….apsal tak stop je minyak…jual kat Negara2 Islam je..
Salam Tun,
Minta Tun gunakan pengaruh dan kuasa Tun kepada umat islam seluruh dunia supaya “MEMBOIKOT IBADAH HAJI 2009” agar Arab Saudi dan negara-negara Arab kaya yang lain membuka mata tentang keganasan Israel. Bagi syarat-syarat ketat supaya Arab Saudi desak Amerika Syarikat keluarkan Israel dari Lebonan,minta tentera OIC bersenjata berat kawal Lebonan sampai aman damai,minta Negara Arab yang kaya raya membuat pelaburan ekonomi di Lebonan. Malulah kita, tiap-tiap tahun buat haji.. berhimpun seolah-olah kita umat Islam ini bersatupadu.Rukun haji ini wajib jika mampu.. tapi kita sebenarnya tak mampu, kerana mengkayakan Arab Saudi setiap tahun di Mekah.
Terima kasih Tun. Selamat Tahun Baru 2009. Semoga Tun panjang umur. Wassallam Tun.
Salam Ayahanda Tun. With your kind permission I would like to add a comment to the topic below. Thank you.
Salam Tun,
This is for entahlah Dec 31 2008 3 : 49pm
I can agree with your suggestion to have a gathering of world ulamak to help solve the slaughtering of the Palestinians by the murderous Israel’s military.
But how can our ulamak participate in such a gathering when they are too embroiled with petty non-issues like preventing the christian bible in the Malay language, preventing muslims/muslim converts from leaving Islam and going back to their religion respectively! According to Allah, there is no compulsion in religion! And here in Malaysia, Al-Quran in other languages are easily available – Mandarin, Tamil, English and of course Indonesian. Will these translations confuse people? The answer is; NO!, “ulamak” like ours are confusing and have been misleading not only the people of Malaysia but also the majority malay-speaking people in this region.
Enough is enough! If they want to continue getting their monthly pay-cheque from the government, they must disseminate TRUTH from the Al-Quran, and encourage the people to read Al-Quran and prevent devious people from implanting FEAR that reading Al-Quran (translation) without the guidance of “ustadz”; as commonly known, will make you insane! As you can agree. Allah is the one that gives guidance, not the “ustadz”!
For the time being, we the Malay muslims must accept reform by going back to Al-Quran and stop practicing the divisive ulamak-created Islam. Let people like Dr Mahathir attend to this brutal killing of the Palestinian people by the murderous Israelis.
Our present “ulamak” are not ready, yet!!!
semuga allah rastu projet wawasan 2020,projek jambatan bengkok segera di bangun kan, malaysia bolih apa punya pak lah habis rosak islam,economi habis kemetot,perbendaharaan pun kesit semacam, lingkup segala gala nya, yang ada pun punah ranap, sembang besar berdegar degar one darham pun elek purcik, sedeh..sedeh…sedeh,
Y.A.Bhg Tun dan keluarga….
terlebih dahulu saya dan keluarga mengambil kesempatan ini untuk mengucapkan Selamat Maal Hijriah 1430. Kami berdoa semoga Tun bertambah sihat dan sentiasa dipelihara dari keaiban dunia oleh Allah s.w.t. Insya Allah.
Maaf Tun, saya tak tau pun ada produk pisang dari negara pengganas Israil di Malaysia. Apa nak buat Singapura sahabat YAB DSAAB. Saya beli pisang di pasar tani sahaja.
Saya tak tahulah pendapat orang lain, jika saya yang anjurkan tunjuk perasaan, saya buat di depan Pejabat Kedutaan negara2 Arab, termasuk Palestin. Rakyat Palestin yg tidak berdosa menjadi korban akibat negara2 Arab yg enggan bersatu. Dari zaman Nabi Adam higga ke hari ini, orang2 Arab tidak pernah satu detik pun hendak bersatu, baik dari segi kuasa ekonomi dan kekuatan militer. Kita harus dan wajib mendesak negara2 Arab bersatu. buat apa kita berdemonstrasi di depan pejabat Keduataan US, British dan Australia.
Kita mesti sampaikan mesej kapada negara2 Arab bahawa mereka mesti bersatu. Negara US memang tidak mahu negara2 Arab bersatu kerana mereka berniaga senjata. Mereka lebih suka jika ada manusia hidup menjadi sasaran untuk menilai kekuatan dan keberkesanan senjata mereka.
Saya sebenarnya merasa sangat bangga terhadap diri YAB Tun yang yang konsisten dan tidak pernah berputus asa mengingatkan dunia betapa kejamnya pengganas israil dan amerika. Seperti yang saya nyatakan tadi, saya juga amat kesal terhadap sikap negara2 Arab sendiri. Untuk menjadikan keadaan lebih dahsyat, orang2 Palestin sendiri berseteru sesama sendiri dan tidak mahu langsung bertolak ansur, apa lagi untuk bersatu.
Jika YAB Tun bertanya pendapat saya, secara peribadi lupakan sahaja hal Palestin. Mereka minta bantuan kita, tetapi mereka tidak bersatu menentang musuh mereka. Cuma yang ada pada saya ialah atas dasar peri kemanusian.
Saya doakan semoga YAB Tun sentiasa sihat, Insya Allah.
Kepada sahabat bloggers: Untuk persediaan menghadapai gelora ekonomi tahun 2009, sila klik:
Tun The Great,
I am fully respect and admire your style and strong character on voicing out your view and opinion about the wrongdoing by the western countries and the current Malaysia government.
Recently I bought a book called” Dr. Mahathir’s Selected Letters to World Leaders”. I think as a young Malaysian, I always feel I am lucky citizen who can have the chance to read your past letters to the world leaders, and I can be more understood about your diplomatic position and your working attitude during your time with power. I always telling my foreign friends that how great I managed to read those letters written by my country leader and these are confidential documents of my government. I do not think that the western countries has publish some of these letters to the public by their leaders.
No matter what, I strongly recommend this book to all chedet readers. At least in my deep heart, You are a hand on and great leader in the Malaysian history who was working so hard in your office and not just by talking alone. I can learn some much on what you have written in the past and current media.
Thank you. Happy & Healthy New Year.
Selamat datang chedet.co.cc ke tahun 2009..
Akum TUN dan selamat tahun baru.
Selamat Maal Hijrah 1430 dan Tahun Baru 2009 YAB Tun,
Pada pandangan saya, Negara-Negara Islam wajar menyokong agar Negara Palestin itu dijadikan sebahagian Negara Iran buat suatu tempoh sehingga Negara Palestin itu boleh mentadbir diri sendiri.
Pada masa ini, hanya Negara Iran sahaja yang digeruni oleh USA dan Israel itu. Negara-Negara Islam lain boleh membantu ikut kemampuan masing masing.
Kita tidak dapat berbuat apa apa selain dari menjadi saksi penyembelihan saudara kita untuk sekian lamanya.
Sekian pandangan saya,
Salam Tabik Hormat Tun.
masa untuk umat islam bangkit dan bersatu…
Assalammualaikum wmt dan Salam Maal Hijrah,
Saya ada dengar cerita bahawa Singapore bukan sahaja jadi pintu masuk dagangan Israel di Nusantara malah negara pulau itu juga adalah rakan kongsi sulit Israel membina kilang senjata atau komponen senjata canggih.
Kononnya, di pulau itu terdapat kilang senjata milik Israel dan ianya dibina secara tersembunyi iaitu dalam terowong.
Dan terowong itu pula berkedudukan dibawah Tambak Johor.
Itu sebab bila Tun cadang bina ‘jambatan bengkok’, pihak Singapura sedaya upaya menghalangnya kerana takut kalau-kalau kerja piling jambatan akan merosakkan terowong berkenaan.
Saya tak tahu sejauh mana benarnya cerita ini.
Harap Tun dapat komen jika berkesempatan.
Terima kasih.
Selamat Tahun Baru 2009.
Dearest Tun,
Happy New Year 2009! Good luck on your new web blog.
As for the issue on GAZA, I fully support your
Selamat Tahun Baru 2009 semuanya..
sedekah Al-Fatihah kepada yang terkorban dalam mempertahankan Palestin, walaupun perjuangan kita belum selesai…
semoga roh kalian ditempatkan dikalangan orang yang beriman.amin
Happy New Year 2009 Ayahanda Tun and all at chedet.cc!!!!
P.S: cc tak pa pi lagi Tun. Jangan ada d, e dua f sudah. LOL!
With your permission Tun,
It seems that blogger Sizzer33 and his kind tend to show their discontent when ever other bloggers write to show their understanding with the plight and suffering of the Palestinians. Why is that? Is it because of something you guys ate the night before or is it there’s something stuck between the legs?
When we wrote our support, we know we might not be able to change what is happening to the Palestinians but by doing what we did, will keep us from changing into people like you who accept what the Israeli did to the Palestinians is alright.
Another thing, I’m not an Indonesian supporter. But when East timor was colonised and raped by Portugal and the
Dutch there was no publicity at all but the minute Indonesia decides to take back what they believes as part of their territory the was a lot of Huhas. Funny is’nt it when the white man did it, its colonised but when a dark skinned man did it its rape. You guys are pathetic.
My conclusion is that either you are white ( which i doubt it) or think all thats white are right. So my friend try not to be cynical towards Malaysian when you write in next time,it does’nt work here.
Anyway Happy New Year to all.
Assalamualaikum buat YAB Tun, saya amat tertarik dengan blog Tun mengenai kedegilan Jews yang tidak henti-henti menindas dan membunuh masyarakat Palestin.Saya berasa hairan, Perdana Menteri Iran pernah mengeluarkan saranannya supaya negara Israel dipadamkan dari peta dunia. Tapi tak pulak dia lepaskan sebiji roket yang telah diuji boleh menjangkau beribu-ribu kilomitre ke negara Israel.Kalau dilepaskan dua-tiga butir peluru berpandu pun dah kira boleh mengkucar-kacirkan negara Yahudi itu. Amacam? Boleh kita minta Ahmadinijad buat ujian peluru berpandunya halakan ke negara Israel?
Salam buat Tun dan isteri.
Assalamualikum Tun,
Maaf Tun, Minta laluan.
Response kpd By pakpandir08 on December 31, 2008 2:32 PM
“bukan main gaya juga penyeruan memboikot barangan amerika dan israel. Kalau benar-benar begitu tekad, bagi BOIKOT BETUL BETUL … jangan bagi alasan … malam ni jangan pasang lampu elektrik, kerana mentol itu ciptaan orang amerika, pakai lilin .. tunjukkan tekad …”
1.Kamu ni hidup di ZAMAN MANA ni? Ke MASIH DI ZAMAN BATU?
2.Tahukah kamu MALAYSIA pun dah pandai BUAT MENTOL sendiri lah BONGOK.Elektrik pun kita sendiri yan jana. BUKAN AMERIKA atau YAHUDI.
3.Memang betul lah kamu ni YAHUDI BODOH.Yahudi lain cerdik tapi kamu ni sorang saja yang BODOH.
4.Sentiasa menyokong Tun dalam ISU PALESTIN dan penentangan terhadap YAHUDI.
Doa agar Tun SIHAT SELALU.
jahanam punya israel!
selamat tahun baru tun..
semoga sihat selalu
Assalamualaikum YABhg. Tun Berdua,
Pertama sambutlah salam menyambut tahun baru hijrah dan tahun baru 2009 dengan doa Allah senantiasa memberi rahmatNya kepada Tun berdua , sihat wala’fiat sentiasa. Teruskan agenda membela bangsa Melayu , agama Islam dan Negara Malaysia. Mereka yang menentang TUN tahu bahawa tidak ada pemimpim Melayu lain didunia ini yang layak setanding dengan keperibadian dan ketokohan TUN. Mereka Melayu sundalan.
Bagi isu Palestine , saya rasa biarlah mereka berperang sebab mereka seronok bunuh membunuh, seronok melihat darah, seronok melihat anak kecil ,wanita dan orang tua diseksa ,dibunoh dan dikejamkan. Hammas atau Fattah dan Israel sama saja. Saya dah meluat melihat gambar-gambar yang disiarkan. Apa punya manusia mereka ini , orang ingin hidup aman damai tapi mereka pilih berperang. Apa yang kita nak sebuk sangat. Mercy malaysia buang masa saja. Mukhriz tak payah pergi. Itu bukan masalah dia. OIC pun tak buat apa-apa.
Assalamualaikum Tun,
Minta laluan sekali lagi,
Response kpd By pakpandir08 on December 31, 2008 8:56 AM
“Namun kerana sikap manusia yg suka dendam mendendam, PISANG yg dicipta oleh tuhan sebagai makanan pula dijadikan batu lonjatan untuk memupuk sifat mendendam … inilah puncanya pergaduhan yg berlaku pada hari ini … rasanya Tuhan pun rasa pening kepala apabila melihatnya …”
1.Apakah kamu ingat TUHAN tu seperti kamu PENING KEPALA.
2.Hanya kamu yang PENING KEPALA, silap haribulan kamu boleh JADI GILA.
3.Kalau kamu ORANG ISLAM bertaubatlah segera dan MENGUCAP DUA KALIMAH SYAHADAH semula.
4.Tapi rasa2nya kamu ni YAHUDI LAKNATULLAH.Parti kamu pun PKR, Parti TAJAAN YAHUDI.
5.Sentiasa menyokong Tun dalam ISU PALESTIN dan penentangan terhadap YAHUDI.
Doa moga Tun sihat selalu.
Assalamualaikum Tun,
Saya ingin memberi cadangan agar Tun menggunakan pengaruh yang ada supaya memaksa kerajaan-kerajaan Islam segera memboikot penggunaan Dolar US dan memboikot barangan-barangan Yahudi. Saya percaya Tun mampu lakukannya. Kami semua akan sentiasa memdoakan agar umur Tun dipanjangkan. Perjuangan kita belum selesai, sekarang tiba masanya umat melayu Islam bersatu padu dan tidak lagi bergaduh sesama kita di Malaysia sahaja. sekarang kita mesti membantu umat Islam yang tertindas diseluruh dunia. Mari kita buktikan Bani Tamim yang disebut-sebut oleh Nabi Muhammad SAW adalah kaum Melayu Nusantara!!
Walaupun kita tidak mampu memggunakan senjata untuk melawan mereka, kita ada kuasa minyak, jika negara-negara Islam sekat minyak kepada negara kafir, pasti mesin-mesin perang mereka tidak mampu bergerak.
Tidak keterlaluan saya mengatakan bahawa ramalan-ramalan Nabi dan Al-Quran semakin jelas sekarang. Orang-orang juga Yahudi semakin takut dengan kekalahan yang dijanjikan kepada mereka.
Ayuh Umat Islam, kita bersatu padu tidak kira fahaman politik dan ideologi kita, kita tentang yahudi habis-habisan.
Kepada Tun, kalau boleh tulislah sebuah buku bagaimana cara Umat Islam melawan dan persediaan menghadapi peperangan akhir zaman mengikut perspektif Tun.
Marilah semua saudara Islam kita di seluruh dunia kita pulau barangan Israel. Ingatlah muslim dan muslim itu bersaudara. Apakah anda sanggup bersekongkol(membeli barangan Israel) dengan musuh laknatullah Israil untuk menghancurkan saudara anda sendiri. Bersatulah dan bersama berdoa untuk kesejahteraan palestin dan kehancuran Israel.
Singapura itu akan menYAHUDIkan Malaysia…
Amerika dan Israel sedang menyediakan dunia ke arah NEW WORLD ORDER…. dan kemunculan pemerintahan BERMATA SATU dari Dajal akhir zaman.
Hidup Tun Mahathir!
That link is for Dire Straits : Brothers In Arms.
Salam Ayahanda Tun, I am such an emotional wreck when it comes to parting and saying goodbyes. Even if its only for a web site that has been so much a part to all of us in this walk of
Assalamualaikum wbt…
Tun yang saya hormati…
Simpati ke atas rakyat Palestin terutamanya Gaza yang dibedil sepanjang hari oleh Rejim Zionis. Amerika Syarikat sudah tentunya akan menyalahkan Hamas dan menyokong tindakan ketenteraan Israel.
macam cerita biasa yang saya dengar.. dari saya kecik sampai la saya besar dan sampailah saya tua nanti.. Israel akan terus macam nie…
Kerajaan Malaysia juga harus tegas di dalam isu ini. Kalau zaman Tun dulu, Tun dengan selamba menyelar Israel/Amerika… sepatutnya Kerajaan sekarang harus mengambil langkah yang sama…
Salam Hormat- mohdhaizi@mtm///20081230
Yes, I notice persimmons under the brand name of Salom being sold everywhere. Besides the persimmons, I’m very sure that there are other products exported by Israel to Malaysia thru Singapore.
The truth of the matter is that Malaysians are not united against Israel, as there are those amongst us who react with glee whenever Israel kills Palestinians.
Dear Tun,
Talking about islam and islamic country.. will bring topic of war and conflic and all the bad things. It is so becoz that’s the reality of it. Rather than talking about the problems, i suggest we think of solutions.
I think the OIC should suggest and initiate an Islamic World Bank. this must be initiated by us if no other country is willing as part of our duty to help our fellow muslim.
Amongs the creteria of the Islamic World Bank and it’s focus should be.
1. The account holder are open only to those members of OIC.
2. Members of OIC should put initial min deposit according to their economic strenght.
3. the initial cost of management shall be bear by us or othercountry that willing to take this initiative where the base of the bank is stationed.
4. The money that is pooled shall be manage using islamic banking system.
5. Investment of the bank shall be in countries of oic members only.
6. Return of investement will be divided accordingly to all accounts holders.
7. the money deposited and invested should be peg to gold dinar.
8. the bank can be use for foreign reserved by oic members.
9. should all members willing to put their foreign reserve into this bank, we would have enough money to help develop all members country.
10. development and investment should be focus on education, essential goods, R&D and watever deemed necessary.
in due time, i believe this bank can stand on it’s own and it’s policy should be reviewed and improved during oic conference.
with this financial ties among islamic countries, insyaallah we will grow prosper together and be independent from jewish financial attack.
it will also encourage the use of gold dinar amongs oic members. with financial independent then only our voice will be heard by the world regarding uprising and turmoil that is happening in islamic country.
Dear Tun Dr M,
I do feel pity that the Palestinians have to suffer so much in their own land. I think the world leaders are not bothered about the genocides that is taking place in that region. Of course the issue of Palestinians and Israelis is very delicate, complex and difficult to solve in short term, but at least the world could join forces together and ensure the region concerned is calm and innocent lives are protected.
It looks as though the Palestinians are cursed community since they are largely affected after World War I and II. The United Nations is actually retarded and should be disbanded and a new
We will be closing Year 2008. We have to work and fight hard in 2009. We have to improve the Muslim world,both economic and might to resolved some of our problems.
kepada saudara AzMa yg dikasihi,
Amat “SOKONG” sekali atas semangat saudara yg begitu “MEMBANGGAKAN” dalam usaha membela nasib malang orang palestin …
negara-negara arab dikecam tidak membantu kerana tidak mahu melepaskan keselesaan yg dinikmati hari ini (teknologi & kemudahan dari amerika) … harap-harap saudara Azma juga tidak mengikuti jejak mereka ya?
apabila saudara rasa dahaga selepas demontrasi dan mengamuk di tepi jalan, ingatkan jangan minum coca-cola ya? kerana coca-cola itu dimiliki orang amerika. Minum air bandung keluaran tempatan ya?
entah macam mana saudara mampu memaparkan komen di sini TANPA menggunakan perisian komputer Microsoft Windows yg dimiliki Bill Gates orang yahudi. Kalau nak boikot, pastikan jangan gunakan komputer ya?
Harap juga saudara BENAR-BENAR bertekad dan MEMBOIKOT, tetapi bukan macam hangat-hangat tahi ayam ya?
ingat ya? jangan curi-curi pergi MCDONALD beli COCA-COLA ya?
Dear Tun,
Talking about islam and islamic country.. will bring topic of war and conflic and all the bad things. It is so becoz that’s the reality of it. Rather than talking about the problems, i suggest we think of solutions.
I think the OIC should suggest and initiate an Islamic World Bank. this must be initiated by us if no other country is willing as part of our duty to help our fellow muslim.
Amongs the creteria of the Islamic World Bank and it’s focus should be.
1. The account holder are open only to those members of OIC.
2. Members of OIC should put initial min deposit according to their economic strenght.
3. the initial cost of management shall be bear by us or othercountry that willing to take this initiative where the base of the bank is stationed.
4. The money that is pooled shall be manage using islamic banking system.
5. Investment of the bank shall be in countries of oic members only.
6. Return of investement will be divided accordingly to all accounts holders.
7. the money deposited and invested should be peg to gold dinar.
8. the bank can be use for foreign reserved by oic members.
9. should all members willing to put their foreign reserve into this bank, we would have enough money to help develop all members country.
10. development and investment should be focus on education, essential goods, R&D and watever deemed necessary.
in due time, i believe this bank can stand on it’s own and it’s policy should be reviewed and improved during oic conference.
with this financial ties among islamic countries, insyaallah we will grow prosper together and be independent from jewish financial attack.
it will also encourage the use of gold dinar amongs oic members. with financial independent then only our voice will be heard by the world regarding uprising and turmoil that is happening in islamic country.
Ha; now on Israel.
I did remember that during your time we have invited them to take part in a game, cricket or something i dont remember. That has been ok now or the handshake with your all time favorite Soros.
it is not the small Israel pisang in Malaysia; i am sure whole lot of other big brands owned by many Malaysian businessman. Pls impose a bigger ban and see if we can live without them.
The Jews may think that they are some selected ppl on earth. If they can rule the US and entire by “proxy” as you said then they are indeed must be someone really that good or maybe the US and whole must be so stupid that they have allowed Israel to just take control of them.
I am sure we can also believe that God created us equal in His eyes; so we need think that someone else is always smarter than us. Maybe some or many Muslims think Jew is so clever and that why there are dangerous and must be removed from earth. Hence exixt suicide bombers who admits doing it in the name of Islam and openly declare Israel as their sworn enemy
So we should rather focus in getting better than Israel in terms of our own ability to control nations by proxy just like them if we want to; not just complainig that they are doing this and that all the time
We must be also be agitated in the same magnitude of the same events of bombing in civilian area in Pakistan, Dafur, Mumbai, Thailand, Kilinochi or New York. Act of violence or terror in any form must not be condone at all.
I do not see any similar response from you during the bombing in Mumbai; in Tamil Eelam or in Pakistan.
Is that because that is ok to happen there; or you have something to explain maybe.
Muslim leaders condemn linking act of terror to Islam; must admit that is not fair, but on the other hand since Sept 11, i am not sure if the leaders of muslim countries have taken any serious resolution to curb terrorism within member countries . We just want ppl to change their opnion about us; but we do nothing to change ourselves.
On Gaza; lets check if there any prior event that leading to the Israel’s offensive. There has been some rocket launches southern Israel. Why try to disturb someone whom we already know could harm us, is the unpreparedness that is leading to this event. And the targets could be hiding among poor innocent civilians. The real victim in the end are poor children.
Whom we want to blame in the first place. Things did not just happen!
salam sejahtera Tun.
lepas ini kita tidak usah lagi kutuk israel dan amerika
kita buat demontrasi besar besaran kutuk oic dan negara negara islam
kerana gagal membela nasib rakyat palestin
Ini kerana kebodohan, kejahilan dan tidak kepekaan pemimpin oic dan negara negara islam dalam percaturan amerika dan israel…. menyebabkan rakyat palesin tertindas..
salam sejahtera Tun.
lepas ini kita tidak usah lagi kutuk israel dan amerika
kita buat demontrasi besar besaran kutuk oic dan negara negara islam
kerana gagal membela nasib rakyat palestin
Ini kerana kebodohan, kejahilan dan tidak kepekaan pemimpin oic dan negara negara islam dalam percaturan amerika dan israel…. menyebabkan rakyat palesin tertindas..
Tun Che Det
You are the MI ‘MAN OF THE YEAR 2008’ …roger that.
This is my last posting @ chedet.com b4 moving on to chedet.cc.
Hope don’t have to register again.
See you in 2009
Assalamualaikum Tun.
Mohon pandangan. Mohon semua mengetahui bahawa Tun seorang yang bersuara lantang dalam negara mahupun luar negara. Bolehkah digunakan your networking untuk Russia campur tangan dalam hal ini?
Sudah 60 tahun peace talk peace talk but nothing. Bukan apa dunia perlukan keseimbangan kuasa dari segi ekonomi dan ketenteraan.
Dari pandangan saya itulah satu cara untuk Amerika dan Yahudi duduk diam.
Hope you can help us all muslim around the world with your phenomenology before.
Israel is a country that is founded through war and oppression and it is through this mean they will continue to exist.
One cannot ask sympathy from a country that does not know the meaning of peace.
Maybe we can learn something from the “Hijrah” event.
Leave Singapore out of this.
With regards to Gaza, it is sad and tragic. In a way, it is also Hamas’s fault by provoking Israel with ‘baby’ rockets, why not use BIG bombs, then can feel satisfied ….then go all the way to fight to death….
Hopefully, Iran gets its own nuc bombs to protect itself from Israel.
How come Hitler did not wipe ALL of them?….They are so dangerous to mankind!!!
Just my 2 cents ….no political leaning ….cuma geram aje..
Happy New Year.
Well if the Israelis don’t bomb them, they’ll probably bomb themselves.
Yeah lets boycott Israeli products. There’re lot more Israeli products in the market besides the simple persimmons. Don’t be silly.
FActs is, Israel is only worried about protecting its territory. NO matter what other people would say, they will countinue to protect their homeland from rockets and bombs.
I’m not an Israeli supporter. I just don’t understand why the support of Malaysia to Palestine when so many other places like East Timor and Papua New Guinea, areas that was raped by Indonesia doesn’t get this kind of publicity.
apa bezanya nazi dengan israel???
tiada bezanya…….
Dearest Tun,
It saddens me to read off the cuff comment on this blog especially from those who says they symphatise with the Palestinian plight.
Most says it is because the Palestinian/Arabs themselves were not united as one of the reason others says because the Palestinins started it by firing rockets into Israel during the ceasefire.
Well if you guys bother to read your history, the Arab countries and their Palestinian brethren ( both christians and muslims) were united against the Zionist led Israelis during the early wars to defend themselves from the invaders but they lost the war. They even lost their territories in the process of helping their neighbour. Syria lost the Bekaa Valley, Egypt lost Sinai, Jordan lost the west Bank even Lebanon lost part of South Lebanon. So its a just proof that lack of firepower, weapons and related technology is the real rason and not unity.
As for the firing of rockets incident, It is done out frustration, despair and hunger. Frustration because into believing and trusting the west that if they hold a democratic election, the West will recognise their legitimacy. It was not to be, the Hamas won the election and the West led by the USA comes out with all kind of embargo and blockages even the promised fund for a new democratically elected government were stopped. Thus resulting a shotages in food, power supply and medicine. So my fellow bloggers, especially Mr.Mozafar whose article is above mine, what would u do if you were in their position? Do you think its “wajar” for the Israelis to bomb the Palestinians? Please erase that thought from your mind my friend. Then again maybe its okay because it happens to them and not to us is’nt it fellow bloggers.
For those ‘Morons’ who still think the Israelis has the the moral rights to bomb the Palestinian Arabs both Muslim/Christians gets your facts right. You Morons are either misinformed or ill informed of the going on in Palestine.
‘As for Peter 511’ to your question “what to do with Singapore” i guess u meant what has it got to do with Singapore? Well the answer is nothing. Its just that Tun happens to mention the country that export Israeli product to Malaysia and what do you know? Singapore just happen to be that country. I also dont think Tun is hard up for political milage, he’s retired remember? Not like some people who so hard up he creates new post from one to the other from Senior minister to Mentor Minister ( I wonder if the next post will be called ‘Dead Minister’ and I’m sure it will come with the perks.) and Peter why are you so defensive? are you a Singaporean? Oh wait!! dont tell me…. are you the Malaysian importer of persimmons from Singapore???……gotchaa!!!!! Anyway wishing you all a very happy new year. As for me, no more buying persimmons for the family I’m growing my own banana tree from now on.
Salam Tun, Selamat Maal Hijrah dan Tahun baru…
If Allah answer your prayers in 1429H, He is increasing your faith,
If he delays, He is increasing your patience.
If he doesn
Another thing Che Det,
The most rubbish that being plotting towards me would be the PEKIDA, they are criminals. The are so many species of PEKIDA, know a 29, 30, 36 and 77.
Pekida 77 is the most dangerous among all, they become like this is because Pak Lah @ Dato Seri Haji Abdullah Ahmad Badawi is the Penaung of PEKIDA. They have misconduct and corrupted the goverment, because they think that PEKIDA is the party that rulling the goverment, those with high ranking in the PEKIDA could command the goverment servants. They are having this mentality, because abusing and making use Pak Lah as the Prime Minister that is also the PENAUNG of PEKIDA.
They (PEKIDA) is the root causes of all the nation’s tortoised environment and worst corruptions !!!
I never lied… take a look for you self. You scratch my back, i’ll scratch yours.
Luqmanul Hakim bin Abd Rahim bin Abdul Wahab
Assalamualaikom wtw,
Tun Yang Di Kasihi,
1. Benar kata Tun, Israel akan terus bermaharajalila dan membunuh rakyat Palestin selagi AS menyokong dan merestui tindakan mereka. Matlamat mereka hanya satu, melenyapkan bangsa Arab Palestin dari muka bumi ini dalam usaha untuk mengujudkan satu negara Israel yang didokong oleh negara-negara Barat.
2. Saya banyak juga terlibat dengan usaha menyokong perjuangan rakyat Palestin ini semasa berada dalam Biro Antarabangsa Pemuda UMNO dulu. Begitu juga semasa Persatuan Persahabatan Malaysia-Palestin yang aktif suatu masa dulu. Demonstrasi dan nota bantahan selalu dihantar ke Kedutaan AS di Kuala Lumpur. Berbagai program yang melibatkan Kedutaan Palestin di Kuala Lumpur diadakan diseluruh negara. Walaupun kesannya hampir tidak ada langsung kerana AS ternyata tidak mengindahkan desakan dunia, tetapi sekurang-kurangnya rakyat Malaysia tahu bahawa ada pihak yang peka dan perihatin terhadap nasib rakyat Palestin yang tertindas dan saban hari diburu dan dibunuh oleh Israel. Ini ditambah dengan kelantangan Tun yang konsistan dengan perjuangan PLO yang diketuai oleh sahabat karib Tun, Allahyarham Yasir Arafat.
3. Yang saya kesali ialah sikap Pemuda UMNO sekarang yang tidak mahu kedepan sebagai mewakili suara rakyat Malaysia amnya dan orang muda UMNO khasnya apabila berlaku hal-hal yang melibatkan kepentingan maanusia sejagat seperti yang berlaku di Palestin itu. Ianya amat tidak selari dengan dasar Kerajaan yang sekian lama menyokong perjuangan rakyat Palestin. Saya tidak tahu dimana silapnya, tapi adalah suatu yang amat mengecewakan orang-orang seperti saya yang telah melewati zaman pemudanya. Saya berharap dengan kemenangan Mukhriz sebagai Ketua Pemuda UMNO yang baru bulan Mac ini beliau akan mampu mengembalikan zaman kegemilangan Pemuda UMNO. InsyaAllah.
4. Bila Obama memenangi Pilihanraya Presiden AS yang lalu, seluruh dunia terpegun dan bergembira dengan kemenangan itu. Tapi sebagaimana kata Tun, siapa pun menjadi Presiden AS, dunia tidak boleh menaruh harapan yang tinggi kepada Presiden itu untuk merubah dasar luar AS selagi penaja-penaja yang memenangkannya terdiri dari syarikat-syarikat besar Yahudi. Maka jadilah dia sebagai Presiden Proksi kepada Yahudi. Memang orang marah pada Tun, khusunya AS. Tapi itulah kebenarannya. Jadi janganlah kita terlalu mengharap akan ujud kedamaian dibumi Palestin selepas Obama menggantikan Bush tidak lama lagi. Lihatlah siapa-siapa yang dilantik oleh Obama disekelilingnya. Rata-rata mereka adalah penyokong Israel.
5. Dunia hanya mengharap agar lahir semula satu “kuasa pengimbang” yang pernah disandang oleh Russia satu masa dulu. Hanya dengan cara itu saja AS akan lebih berhati-hati didalam tindak tanduknya melayani negara-negara yang tidak mahu akur kepadanya. Hanya dengan cara itu saja AS tidak berani dengan sewinang-winangnya mencerobohi negara lain tanpa memperdulikan kedaulatan negara itu. Saya pernah melahirkan rasa kesal saya melalui satu kenyataan akhbar (Ketika itu saya menjawat jawatan Setiausaha Biro Antarabangsa Pemuda UMNO)apabila Russia (Ketika itu USSR) menandatangani perjanjian dengan AS untuk memusnahkan senjata nuklearnya, bahawa dunia akan hilang kuasa pengimbang dan membiarkan AS menjadi kuasa mutlak. Dan saya mengharapkan Cina akan mengganti tempat Russia. Dua hari selepas itu saya menerima surat (2 muka) dari Duta AS di Kuala Lumpur (Saya lupa namanya) yang memarahi saya dengan kenyataan akhbar itu. Apa yang terjadi selepas itu dunia mengtahuinya.
6. Saya yakin, masaalah Palestin akan terus berlanjutan selagi ummat Islam tidak mahu bersatu. Allah telah mengurniakan negara-negara Islam dengan minyak, tapi digunakan untuk mengaut kekayaan peribadi. Sedangkan seperti kata Tun dulu-dulu, kalau negara-negara Islam menggunakan minyak sebagai senjata, maka kita mampu menjadi satu ummat yang lebih disegani dan dihormati. Tapi kerana Tun yang mencadangkan dan Tun PM Malaysia yang kecil, maka cadangan Tun menjadi tak laku. Sama jugalah dengan cadangan Tun untuk menubuhkan EAEC dan Dinar Emas yang berakhir dengan kegagalan walaupun amat baik dan praktikal. Saya mengharapkan apabila Najib mengambil alih pentadbiran negara ini bulan Mac nanti, maka beliau akan melihat semula beberapa ajenda Tun yang belum selesai itu untuk disambung semula. Wallahua’lam.
To some people, the solution to this war lies in the hands of the Palestinians.
They instigated it, they should cease fire and everything will be okay
But most of us know that it is not true..it’ll come back again
Because the availability of weapons and the especially sophisticatedly design are surely not for purpose of hunting and killing vicious animal for sport in a safari desert or etc etc.
Its for hunting another form of vicious animal labeled terrorist.
The defination is narrow and unclear.
Purposely make it to be that way, maybe waiting for time when all enemies ceased to exist.
But who is this enemy?Whose enemy? Countries, politicians,businessmen, more,more,more?
Maybe to avoid being called terrorist, so that their plight get the world attention,
the Palestinian must cease the use of any form of firearms as defence
otherwise they are deemed dangerous and should be eliminated
if like that, then the world think it would be better..
for sake of their soverignity,no choice then,they must all go out.
Form human lines and equipped themselves with just stones
Move forward,start their fight and throw their stones to the enemy
Move forward,start their fight and throw their stones to the enemy
Move forward,start their fight and throw their stones to the enemy
for each line that failed
form another line,and another line and another line
repeat that like a mantra over and over again
until there is no more sovereignity for Palestine
and we, the world get to watch all these on TV
how one enemy is being put downed,is this what it takes?
Some of us asked why Tun write about this when nothing could be done.True, there is nothing that we could do,but we could feel and think – start to pave the way for changes that we want and need.
If we watched movies we can feel sad, how can we not feel sad when it is the real thing?
For all muslimim and muslimat, do not say we are not united.
Because we are, every day when we do our solat!
Cruelties for cruelties is not the muslim ways.Palestinian has no choices.We have,we can do it in the comfort of our mosques and house, let us all pray and doa together after each solat, for protection from any form of cruelties,and doa for that cruelties to find its way back to those wanting it to happen to us, as that cruel intentions are never ours.
Always be patience, keep on uniting in solat.
It will be in dunia or akhirat..Allahuakhbar
Dearest Tun,
Just a thought…maybe a World Supreme Council of Ulama is needed. The full time council comprises of qualified representatives from all Muslim countries. This council which operation shall be funded by all Muslim countries shall give advice on all aspect of things related to the Muslim all over the world such fatwas, islamic financial structure etc. etc. Whatever the decree made must be debated and discussed with the guide of Al-Quran and Hadith and shall be well documented for references. This council shall be responsible for all publications relating to Islam, be it censorship or producing their own publications for the benefit of the Muslim in the world. It’s just a thought, but I think the Muslim must be unified in the interpretation of Al-Quran and Hadith, in fatwas, etc. etc. and even the views certain issues. For example, the council can issue fatwa to haramkan the use of products of Israel to be used by Muslim as the profits from the product is used for aggression on Muslim. This is for example lah – Do not know whether the aggression in Gaza is part of the war against Islam or just aggression against bangsa Palastine (Bukan semua org palastine adalah Muslim).
Warmest regards to you and family. Wassalam.
Assalamualaikum Tun,
Maaf minta laluan.
Response kpd By pakpandir08 on December 31, 2008 8:56 AM
1.Kamu ini YAHUDI ya? Sudah tentu parti kamu juga PARTI TAJAAN YAHUDI (PKR)Kalau kamu betul2 sayangkan YAHUDI dan mahu membela YAHUDI pergilah kamu tinggal di ISRAEL dan bekerja kamu dengan YAHUDI LAKNATULLAH.
2.Tak guna kamu tinggal di MALAYSIA, kerana MALAYSIA NEGARA ISLAM yang mana masyarakatnya amat sensitif apabila UMAT SEAGAMA ditindas.
3.Sentiasa menyokong Tun dalam ISU PALESTIN dan penentangan terhadap YAHUDI.
Moga Tun sihat selalu.
Assalamualaikum wrt Tun
I believe Tun has done a lot to highlight the issues of Palestine and the Zionist conflict with the latest being the Perdana Foundation “Peace Movement” 2008.
I also in the view that the Islamic people won’t not be able to defeat the Zionist in the near future – the geo-politic powers will not allows this – but the Palestine fighters can hurt them. It happens when the Zionist attack Lebanon a few years ago and the Islamic fighters in Lebanon gave them a bloody nose. The difference between what happens in Lebanon and in Palestine now is that in Lebanon there were ways to get support (ie manpower, weapons, supplies) into Lebanon plus they were more prepared and has dug in deep. The Palestine on the other hand is “locked-in” by the Zionist and by a so call Muslim country-Egypt.
For years the Muslim countries are only able to give moral and political support to the Palestine and no more than that. The Islamic brotherhood is there but not to a point risking ones neck for another brother especially when one on a weaker side – in this case Palestine and any other Muslim countries.
Where is the Islamic force to help other Islamic brothers? Why other middle east Islamic countries willing to join forces to fight and free Kuwait from Iraq but not for Palastine? Having groupings like IOC does not carry weight. Look at NATO. It was called “No Action Talk Only” even though some NATO countries are heighweights such as Germany, France, etc. What it lack during the Bosnia war was a collective purpose and strong leadership. IOC must have a strong leader to do the right thing else it might as well known as “I dOn’t Care”
We can blame others but in the end it is the weakness of the Muslim themselve that brought this to themselves. We don’t have to go far – just look at the Muslim in Malaysia. It been 40+ years since merdeka yet where are we in regard to economic prowness within our own tanahair? Politic strength? Well it been going down the drain recently.
Assalammualikum, TDM
Selamat Maal Hijrah 1430H & Tahun Baru 2009M
Lari drp tajuk asal, saya amat berbangga dengan keputusan PMR 2008 dan ini membuktikan bahawa idea PPSMI oleh TDM itu memberi banyak kebaikan untuk jangkapanjang kepada orang Melayu.
Pada saya sesiapa yg kononnya memperjuangkan Melayu hanya pd bahasa nya saja adalah hipokrit dan pentingkan sendiri. Kegembilangan sesuatu bangsa bukan hanya terletak kepada bahasanya semata2 tetapi lebih luas drp itu seperti budaya, ekonomi, ilmu, sosial dsbnya. Kecualilah jika kerajaan memansuhkan subjek Bahasa Melayu disekolah itu baru patut ditentang. Untuk menjadikan sesuatu bangsa dipandang tinggi mereka wajib berilmu dan ilmu mesti dicari walau dari manapun asalnya, penguasaan bahasa ilmu itu perlu, bukan hendak melekehkan Bahasa Melayu tetapi kita kena realistik, kenapa tak di ajarkan bahasa Arab supaya lebih ramai orang Melayu mahir bahasa Arab, ini mungkin memberi manfaat untuk bekalan akhirat nanti.
Dengan PPSMI bukan saja meningkat BI tetapi juga meningkatkan keyakinan diri anak2 muda kita utk bersaing dlm dunia pekerjaan yg lebih mencabar. Pengangguran dikalangan graduan Melayu yg membimbangkan bukan kerana sijilnya tapi krn tidak mampu bersaing dlm pasaran bebas, harapkan kerja dgn kerajaan semata2. Saya yakin penentang2 PPSMI itu kebanyakkannya cukup mahir BI sbb zaman dahulu sangat kurang sekolah Melayu tapi adakan BM & keMelayuan meraka lenyap? Mereka memegang jawatan tinggi ketika itu kerana kurang persaingan, bolehlah cakap! Malah anak2 mereka pun cukup mahir BI, tak hipokrit namanya, sedangkan orang lain dinafikan haknya supaya peluang mereka lebih besar. Ini telah terbukti dgn pencapaian BI di luar bandar lebih baik drp dibandar.
Saya sebagai bapa sgt berbangga dgn BI anak saya walaupun saya pernah kecewa kerana kurang mahir BI menyebabkan peluang saya utk pergi lebih jauh dlm pasaran bebas tersekat walaupun saya pemegang ijazah perakaunan kelas 2 atas. Sepatutnya jika ada kekurangan dr segi perlaksanaan kita semua harus fikirkan bagaimana hendak mengatasinya spt kelas tambahan BI percuma atau sokongan ibubapa. Saya yakin majoriti ibubapa mahu melihat anak2 mereka berjaya dlm dunia yg tanpa sempadan ini. Nanti apabila orang Melayu telah menguasai ilmu barulah kita dipandang tinggi & dihormati. Percayalah ‘Bangsa & Bahaya Melayu’ takkan lenyap selagi kita memperjuangkan Bangsa secara total & bukan bahasanya semata2. Ini pandangan saya.
Assalamualaikum Ayahanda ,
Memang boleh boikot barang keluaran Israel . Masalahnya ramai yg tidak menyedari lebih dari seratus barangan mereka yg ada dipasaran adalah keluaran Yahudi ? Semua serbi dari makanan , minyak wangi , minuman , komputer , coklat adalah dari keluaran Yahudi. Memang sukar kita hendak boikot sebab sudah sebati. Bagaimanapun saya cadangkan 2 barang ini Coke dan Starbuck kita boikot dulu sebab sykt ini di Amerika pernah setiap tahun menyalurkan keuntungan mereka kpd Israel bererti sesiapa yg minumnya bersamaan dengan membunuh org Palestin . Selain dari itu produk coklat Mars, Revlon, Estee Lauder , YSL , Colgate, dan beratus2 lagi. Cukuplah bagi saya buat masa ini boikot dulu 2 produk tersebut. Kita takkan mati kalau tak minum dua produk tersebut.
Dan bagi yg nak mengetahui apakah lagi sykt dan barangan keluaran Yahudi dan juga tentang tipu belit mereka , bacalah buku ‘The New Jersalem’ karya Michael Collins Piper. Boleh dibeli di Saba Islamic Media . Kalau nak tahu lagi siapa pembunuh sebenar John F Kennedy, Martin Luther King bacalah buku karangan penulis sama judul ‘The Final Judgement’ . Very interesting book .
Masalahnya Ayahanda , umat Islam sendiri tidak bersatu . Orang Arab telah dicucuk hidung oleh Yahudi dan Amerika . Malah kita sendiri tidak pernah dididik perasaan bencikan Yahudi dan ancaman mereka . Kita juga tidak pernah diajar aspek positif dan negatif bangsa ini . Malah di universiti tempatan tiada Sekolah yg mengkaji sejarah dan budaya mereka ini . Kenapa tidak diwujudkan? Sedangkan bangsa Yahudi ini telah lama mengkaji tentang Islam dan bangsa Melayu .Mereka sedang mencongak-congak apakah strategi mereka untuk menyelusup masuk ke M’sia . Pertamanya melalui org seperti Anwar Ibrahim dan kuncu2nya .Oleh itu sbgai umat Islam ,kukuhkan dulu perpaduan dan ekonomi bukan dari segi politik saja .
Salam Tun berdua, semoga berada di bawah Naungan nikmat Allah sentiasa. InsyaAllah.
Kita melaungkan boikot untuk barangan israel, tapi adakah kita menyokong produk2 Islam yang ada? Kita cakap, kita buat dan kita amalkan. Itu barulah boikot.
Bukan nak mengiklankan tapi sekadar berkongsi, iaitu satu jenama yang dipanggil HPA. InsyaAllah kita sama-sama mengembangkan ekonomi orang Islam. Paling tidak alternatif untuk kita menggunakan produk selain dari produk yang sediada daripada Israel Laknatullah!
Isu Palestin ni semenjak saya lahir hingga kini masih tak habis2
lagi…sampai dah naik bosan pulak. Tapi kita hanya mampu marah, kecewa, sedih dan simapti sahaja.
Dunia tak akan dapat menentang Zionis Israel dengan hanya memboikot
barangan Israel mahupun Amerika tapi boleh ditentang dengan satu cara iaitu MINYAK. Kuasa yang paling penting dalam dunia ini bukannya pada kuasa ketenteraan dan ekonomi tapi pada siapa yang boleh menguasai kuasa minyak ini.
Dalam konteks dunia sekarang ini, Amerika lah yang menguasai kuasa minyak ini walaupun sumber minyak dunia kini lebih dari separuh adalah datang dari tanah arab. Malangnya, kebanyakan negara arab telah dikuasai oleh Amerika dan kerajaan mereka membiarkan sahaja diri mereka mengikut telunjuk Amerika walhal rakyat mereka amat membenci Amerika dan Zionis Israel.
Jadi, punca utama apa yang berlaku di Palestin adlah dunia arab itu sendiri dan disitulah jalan penyelesaian yang perlu dicari.
Pendekatan yang paling mudah cari seorang pemimpin yang boleh memimpin dunia arab khususnya dan dunia islam pada amnya. Tapi persoalannya siapakah yang sesuai?
Kepada mereka yang cukup marah dengan kaum Yahudi ini kena faham..ini adalah qada & qadar tuhan segalanya telah ditentukan oleh-Nya..dan apa yang difahami oleh saya didalam Al-Quran ada mengatakan bahawa kaum Yahudi dilaknat oleh Allah s.w.t. Laknatnya mereka itu sampaikan tanah yang diduduki dan yang berhampiran dengan kaum Yahudi ini tidak akan aman sehingga kiamat. jadi kesimpulan, perjuangan kaum Arab Palestin takkan berakhir melainkan mereka akur dan keluar dari bumi Palestin dan pandangan kaum Yahudi ini. Dari situ, seluruh kaum Yahudi di dunia ini akan berkumpul di Israel dan Allah s.w.t. akan mendatangkan bala yang amat dahsyat kepada mereka ini sehingga tiada kaum Yahudi di dunia pada masa itu.
Blog ini membuatkan saya rasa amat lucu sekali, kerana ia memaparkan sikap manusia yg AMAT MEMALUKAN …
Ramai yg mengecam negara arab yg tidak bersatu-padu dan pengecut … namun mereka ini tidak tahu diri sendiri pun tiada bezanya …
demonstrasi tunjuk perasaan dengan memorandum, menyorak di tepi jalan disambil mengamuk … adakah ini akan membantu? apakah bezanya dengan negara arab yg dikecam pandai bersuara tetapi tiada tindakan? Tindakan ini hanya membuka mata dunia bahawa golongan ini cakap pandai tak serupa bikin …
Kan malaysia ada jet pejuang sukoi yg canggih? kalau nak berjuang, hantarkan jet pejuang ke palestin. Kan negara ini juga mahir dalam cara menggunakan bom C4? hantarkan tentera dengan bom C4 ke palestin dan bukannya dipasang pula di atas badan gadis mongolia …
bukan main gaya juga penyeruan memboikot barangan amerika dan israel. Kalau benar-benar begitu tekad, bagi BOIKOT BETUL BETUL … jangan bagi alasan … malam ni jangan pasang lampu elektrik, kerana mentol itu ciptaan orang amerika, pakai lilin .. tunjukkan tekad …
di samping itu, perkara yg AMAT melucukan juga dilihat disini … ramai yg menyokong penyeruan TUN … agar memboikot barangan israel dan amerika … KALAU hendak boikot, benda yg perlu diboikotkan PERTAMA sekali ialah MELAYARI LAMAN http://www.chedet.com …
begitu banyak hosting company yg beroperasi di cyber jaya, tetapi http://www.chedet.com tidak “dihost” oleh syarikat tempatan, namun “dihost” pula di amerika …
rujuk -> http://www.whois.net/whois_new.cgi?d=chedet&tld=com
Kalau nak boikot, boikot betul-betul … kalau tidak ini menjadi topic lucu di kaca mata dunia …
tak tahulah nak menangis atau pun ketawa …
salam tun,
klu bnr apa yg tun katakan mengenai pisang kaki tersebut, mgkn kita sbg rkyt malaysia bleh melakukan boikot terhadap barangan dari amerika, britain dan mungkin juga dari singapura. singapura menjadi pusat pengedaran barangan dari israel. ini dapt menjadikan sekatan dri segi ekonomi….
harap tun dapat mencadangkan sesuatu yg lebih bernas untuk negara kita bgi membantu rakyat palestin…
Salam MaalHijrah untuk Tun dan keluarga.
Rejim Zionis dan rejim Uncle Sam bukanlah jenis anak jantan. Seperti orang celek berlawan dengan sibuta. Tanpa kereta kebal dan pesawat pejuang canggih, Hamas masih dapat berlawan dan akan berjaya akhirnya, insyallah.
SAMA-SAMA lah kita berdoa agar saudara-saudara seagama kita dibumi Palestin dan tempat-tempat lain yang ditindas oleh Rejim Uncle Sam diperlihara ALLAH. Yang pasti akan sampai satu masa rejim Zionis and Uncle Sam yang jahat akan lenyap di muka bumi. ALLAH HU AKBAR.
Hi everyone,
Can we for once leave Singapore out of this never ending Israe and muslim conflicts. There are many differences between these 2 bros.
No one can help them except the Almighty. Which ever you believe God or Allah. Buddist is out cos Budda is human being.
Assalamualaikum Tun.
Hubungan Singapura dengan Israel diibiratkan sebagai aur dengan tebing. Dari bantuan ketenteraan hinggalah ke kaedah memproses air laut untuk dijadikan air minuman.
Disebabkan hubungan tersebut Singapura semakin angkuh dalam hubungan sesama negara jiran terutamanya Malaysia. Walaupun Singapura tidak menggunakan kaedah ketenteraan yang dipanggil serangan ‘pre-emptive’ sepertimana yang dilakukan Israel keatas Palestin, tetapi negara kita telah memberi secara mudah tanah jajahan baru kepada mereka.
Yang paling ketara adalah Wilayah Pelaburan Iskandar. Disebabkan hubungan yang begitu akrab Dato’ Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi dan anak menantu beliau dengan Singapura akhirnya maruah negara tergadai kepada negara sekangkang kera tersebut.
Sudah sampai masanya pemimpin negara mengambil langkah yang lebih keras keatas keistimewaan yang diperolehi oleh Singapura dan rakyatnya dalam semua aspek.
Mungkin ada dari segi ekonomi, beberapa buah negeri dinegara ini akan mendapat kesan secara langsung sekiranya Singapura memboikot kita. Tetapi berapa lama lagi kita boleh melihat karenah pemandu kenderaan dari negara tersebut memecut laju dilebuhraya dinegara ini sambil memberikan ‘high beam’ meminta pemandu tempatan ketepi, mendapat subsidi minyak untuk rakyat negara ini dengan begitu mudah, membeli harta tanah dinegara ini dengan begitu mudah, mendapat pulau yang letaknya begitu hampir dengan Malaysia begitu mudah, memperolehi bekalan air dengan harga yang tidak munasabah, berjaya mempengaruhi minda Pak Lah untuk membatalkan pembinaan Jambatan Bengkok dan banyak lagi jika hendak dinyatakan….
Kepada pemimpin negara, sudah sudahlah merompak duit rakyat…Semoga ALLAH melindungi dari pemimpin yang zalim dan tidak berlaku adil…amin.
Sekian Wasallam
Seremban72 311208 1:58pm
Assalamualaikum kepada ayahanda tun,
apabila Israel menyerang palestin pada baru-baru ini saya merasa pelik kenapa baru ramai yang terkejut seolah-olah “perbuatan yang tidak dapat diramal” oleh pihak Israel,peperangan yang di label sebagai perang 6 abad di televisyen (bernama tv sebenarnya) adalah kurang tepat,lebih tepat lagi adalah perang 2000 tahun di mana tanah palestin tidak penah lekang dengan pertumpahan darah.pihak palestin sentiasa kelihatan sebagai kanak2 kecil dengan batu melawan gergasi yang lengkap dengan baju besi untuk berperang,di moden kan kini palestin adalah kanak-kanak kecil dengan pelancar roket kecik melawan israel yang ada pesawat penggempur.
mesti lah palestin akan terus dibuli oleh israel..pada zaman ini adalah sukar untuk menerima cerita daud merebahkan jalud dengan batu pada zaman moden..kecuali daud palestin di maju kan dengan batu yang boleh membunuh beribu-ribu orang yahudi yang di bantu oleh amerika laknat..j
I very much agree comment of ONlooker on December 30, 2008 5:29 PM
While we thought that the war was finally ended after the agreement to ceasefire was signed, what was the intention of palestine continue firing qassam missles to israel within this period? I wonder why nobody had ever mention this before. Mentioning of miskilling the innocence, I’d bet the qassam missles without guidance system would do a better job then the israeli missles.
Barakobama akan membuat sesuatu tentang Israel. Jauh panggang dari api. Lupakah kita ikhrar nya di hadapan AIPAC?
Dasar laur US terhadap masalah Middle East tidak akan berubah, dasar Bush akan diteruskan . Itu sebabnya di boleh jadi calon president dan telah pun menang dan akan ditabal pada Feb 2009. Semalam 28 Dec 2008 apabila dia di tanya tentang serangan Israel tersebut. Dia hanya berkata HAMAS deserved to be punished. Oleh itu jangan mimpi untuk mendapat sokongan BarakObama supaya Israel tidak mengganas.USA is Israel,Israel is USA.
Salam buat Tun,
Saya setuju dengan pandangan Tun dan bila terbaca didada akhbar memang rasa marah terhadap kekejaman Israel ni dan sedih sebab dunia tak boleh buat apa-apa (buat masa ni la). PBB tak tau apa fungsinya yang hanya pandai mengutuk serangan saja sedangkan pihak Israel masih meneruskan operasinya dan kematian berlaku setiap hari ekoran serangan kejam ini dan lebih menyedihkan orang awam jadi pertaruhan bukannya anggota hamas seperti yang diwar-warkan. Tidak adakah cara lain yang Tun boleh fikirkan selaku bekas PM terlama di Malaysia yang berkecimpung dan dikenali oleh seluruh pimpinan dunia membuat satu cadangan yang bernas yang boleh dilaksanakan walaupun kita mengetahui dalangnya adalah USA.
Salam Maal Hijrah 1430H dan tahun baru masihi 2009 semoga lebih dedikasi memberi maklum balas kepada semua.
Dear YAB Tun,
Instead of just talking and not walking the talk nothing can be done….Maybe the Malaysian Goverment should start sending military support to this region to help this poor country. I see many people like to comment on this but could not walk the talk including me…Ini bagaikan “anjing menyalak bukit”….Sini di Malaysia C4 digunakan untuk tujuan yang lain bukan untuk perang!!!
Thank you.
1. We used not to have a country and over 6 million of us were massacred in concentration camps in Europe.
2. The Americans and the British recognised our plight and suffering and helped us to have a place which we could call home.
3. Now with our new homeland, the Arabs want to take it back. So what are we suppose to do? As a matter of instinct and survivor, we’ve got to defend our land. It used to be their land, but now it has become ours.
4. If they want the land, let’s fight for it. As it has been for ages in human animal instinct, the stronger wins.
5. Now we see threats coming from Hamas, so we must attack. When we attack we attack in a such a way that it goes out of proportion. So when peace bargaining comes at the end of our attack, we could maintain the buffer of security, if not back to the status quo with the threats removed.
6. Collateral damages are part of the package, so that our enemy would know of our might and power. It should give them a lesson not to sort of disrespect us again. We are evil to an extent, but we are here to stay. So wake up please!
1. We used to have a homeland but the British and the Americans took it and gave it to the Jews.
2. Our Arab friends fought a war to regain the land but they lost the war, as the Jews had become more powerful militarily with the help of the Americans.
3. Now the Arab and other muslim governments don’t dare anymore to fight the Israelis. And not so after they acquired nuclear weapons. All they dare to do is protest. But protest won’t stop our suffering.
4. We live in a land where check points are placed everywhere on us. Living in a land controlled by the Jews, who are living in a land grabbed from us. Our economy is dead while theirs is striving. Day in and day out we are oppressed while the world do nothing.
5. The suffering and symphathy cause some of us and our brave brothers to fight. But their fights are by throwing rocks, suicide bombing and homemade rockets. The Israelis label them terrorists and brainwash the rest of the world with such label.
6. At the end of the day we are defeated militarily and psychologically, while our suffering continues.
7. All we can do is pray for godly intervention. May god bless our prayers.
03 Jan 2009. Jerlun, Kedah. Seorang penoreh getah telah di tikam semasa pulang dari kebunnya dekat Kg. Batu di sini petang ini. Ia dikatakan disebabkan soal perebutan tanah getah dengan seorang pekebun lain. Pak Uteh, 78 tahun sekarang sedang dirawat dalam keadaan kritical di wad kecemasan di hospital Jerlun. Penyerangnya, Pak Endut, 81 tahun, sedang ditahan reman untuk siasatan lanjut. Siasatan awal mendapati kedua-dua pekebun itu sudah berdekad-dekad menghadapi masaalah sempadan tanah kebun getah mereka.
Jantan sama Jantan. Kita lawan tengok sapa menang. Kita tengok sapa Jantan sapa Pondan. Fitrah manusia, jangan ditentang.
I think we can conquer the world sir. OK. Let’s get Japan and Italy on our side. We take care of Europe, Africa and the middle east and let’s Japan take care of Asia and the Americas. Get the emperor on the line. What about Malaya, sir? Ah don’t worry those people are still living with monkeys, right? Japan can take care of that with one eye closed.
Jantan sama Jantan, kita lawan tengok sapa Jantan sapa Pondan.
Salam Tun,
Orang kata,”Know your enemy”.
Tapi masalah kita, sejarah dan budaya Yahudi langsung tidak diajar di sekolah.
Tidak seperti kita diajar sejarah Islam, Kristian, Budha, Hindu, Konfusius, Yunani, Parsi, Cina, Jepun, India, Rusia, Eropah, Amerika, Sejarah Pelayaran dan Sejarah Kemajuan Sains. Kenapa? Adakah kerana Yahudi dianggap musuh, lalu langsung jangan ambil tahu pasalnya? Betul ke polisi begini?
Langkah pertama (yang kita belum mulakan), kenali siapa Yahudi!
Ketahui sejarah Yahudi.
Ketahui budaya Yahudi.
Ketahui pegangan Yahudi.
Ketahui tekanan dan permusuhan Kristian terhadap Yahudi.
Ketahui layanan Nabi Muhammad saw terhadapYahudi.
Ketahui siapakah orang Yahudi yang memeluk Islam.
Ketahui kebergantungan Yahudi kepada Islam
Ketahui dari siapa Yahudi mempelajari sains dari Islam.
Ketahui Yahudi pernah berpakat dengan Islam menentang Kristian.
Ketahui Kristian menyingkir Yahudi keluar dari Eropah secara sistematik.
Ketahui Kristian menyumbat Yahudi balik ke ‘promised land’.
Ketahui bahawa Yahudi pernah menjadi Terrorist.
Ketahui kenapa British amat membela Yahudi.
Ketahui bila Yahudi mula tiba di Amerika.
Ketahui siapa yang membunuh dan siapa yang menerima Yahudi yang tiba di Amerika.
Ketahui bagaimana pegangan Yahudi dikentalkan dengan pendidikan sejarahnya.
Ketahui bagaimana Kristian memperalatkan Yahudi untuk menentang Islam.
Ketahui Gaza dan ‘promised land’ hak siapa?
Ketahui bagaimana Yahudi menguasai gereja Kristian.
Sedari persepsi salah kita terhadap Yahudi.
Sedari persepsi salah kita yang menguntungkan Yahudi.
Adakah benar Yahudi tak akan menerima Islam? Lalu tak perlu mendakwah mereka?
Adakah benar Yahudi tak akan dapat dikalahkan? Lalu tak perlu menentang mereka?
Adakah benar Yahudi hanya akan di tewaskan ‘tentera’ Allah? Lalu kita cuma tunggu?
Adakah benar Yahudi manuisa terpilih? Lalu kita akan tetap lebih bodoh dari mereka?
Adakah benar Yahudi akhirnya akan menguasai dunia? Lalu tak perlu kita melawan?
Adakah patut kita berpersepsi begini? Siapa yang untung?
Sebagai titik mula, Kerajaan perlu memasukkan ke dalam silabus Sejarah (atau Sejarah Islam) di sekolah perkara-perkara mengenai Yahudi dan Nabi-nabi mereka serta mengenai Kristian dan Nabi Isa.
Salam buat Tun.
Saya berpendapat bahawa kadang-kadang ada juga kewajaran Israel mengebom pihak Palestin. Contoh kes yang terbaru ni. Semasa berlaku gencatan pihak Arab Palestin sering melepaskan roket-roket kekawasan Israel yang mana bagi pendangan saya suatu perbuatan yang mengjengkelkan. Apa tidaknya, buat roket pun yang kecil-kecil.
Kalau mengena sasaranpun sekadar serpihan yang cuma mencederakan seorang atau dua orang penduduk Israel. Serangan roket2 ini sebenarnya suatu sifat gangguan kecil yand sebenarnya menanti serangan balas yang dahsyat. Saya pun tertanya2 mengapa pihak Arab Palestin ni buat provokasi guna roket tapi dengan tindakan provokasi ini memberi alasan munasabah bagi Israel mengebom Arab Palestin secara besar-besaran. Bukankah BODOH namanya orang Arab Palestin ni.
Pihak Palestin pun sedar dan dunia pun maklum bahawa Amerika akan sentiasa memberi sokongan yang tidak berbelah bagi buat Israel. Bahkan negara Arab yang lain pun tidak dapat berbuat apa. Dah tahu macam tu mengapa nak teruskan juga buat provokasi.
Bukankah sayang dan membazir mencabar sesuatu yang diri sendiri tak mampu mempertahankannya.
Bagi pandangan saya Arab Palestin sepatutnya merancang strategi jangka panjang. Contohnya dengan mengumpulkan semua bahan letupan untuk menjadikannya suatu bahan letupan yang maha besar dan dahsyat. Bila sekali dilancarkan boleh membawa ratusan dan ribuan korban dipihak Israel. Baru ada kesan. Ini tidak balik2 lancar roket kecil ibarat gangguan nyamuk bagi Israel.
Mana pakar bom orang Arab ? Mana pergi para saintis dan pakar strategi Arab ? Kenapa tidak dicurahkan segala bakti kepada membantu kaum Arab Palestin ?
Kalau orang Arab pun yang kaya raya tak mampu bantu apakan lagi kita orang Malayu yang dinegara sendiri pun masih tidak mampu berdiri sendiri dalam sektor ekonomi, teknologi dll. Kita hanya mampu simpati dan tolong tengok saja penderitaan Arab Palestin. Tapi adalah lebih elok jika kita orang Melayu sedar diri supaya jangan sampai perkara sama yang dialami orang Arab Palestin tertimpa pada diri kita di Malaysia.
I hope Tun is not being biased focusing on what is happening in Muslim states only, what about Tibet, Nepal, Sri Langka…
Salam Sejahtera YAB Tun,
Telah berzaman daripada zaman ke zaman masa tidak pernah berubah menjadikan antara Israel adalah negara zalim dan mempunyai daya ketahanan yang kuat. Telah berabad juga menjadikan Negara Israel adalah mereka adalah manusia yang mempunyai kepandaian dari segi perdagangan politik antarabangsa. Jika dilihat di dalam negara Arab tiada siapa pun pelabur asing yang akan melabur di negara yang sering dilanda kemusnahan berterusan dan Israel juga mendapat sokongan padu daripada Amerika Syarikat.
Sama juga seperti Palestin, negara yang sering dilanda kemusnahan dan juga sebuah negara yang sering dipinggirkan sama ada dari Negara Arab ataupun negara asing. Mereka tidak mampu meraih sokongan politik dan memburukkan lagi keadaan dengan serangan Israel yang berterusan.
Apa yang pelik, mengapa kita sering memberi derma dalam bentuk perubatan dan makanan sahaja. Bukanlah maksud saya bahawa perkara tersebut tidak perlu, cuma ia bukan menjadi keperluan mereka sekarang. Apa yang mereka lebih perlukan adalah pertahanan untuk mempertahankan diri. Adalah lebih baik jika kita menyumbang kepada keperluan duit dan melatih rakyat Palestin didalam memberikan pendidikan yang sempurna. Mereka akan lebih berupaya untuk membeli barang-barang yang mana mereka lebih perlukan.
Senjata bukanlah satu penyelesaian yang sempurna di dalam menyelesaikan masalah Palestin Israel tetapi ia boleh mengurangkan kadar kematian bagi satu pihak sahaja. Telah bertahun masalah tersebut cuba diselesaikan melalui rundingan dengan menjadikan Amerika sebagai perantara malahan memberikan kredit bahawa Amerika Syarikat sebagai Polis Dunia.
Walaupun diakui bahawa Amerika Syarikat adalah pengimport terbesar dunia termasuk Malaysia kita juga mampu memberikan sokongan kepada Rusia, Jepun, China dan India untuk bersaing dengan Amerika Syarikat dengan keadaan Amerika Syarikat yang semakin lemah. Inilah peluang yang ada dan ia tidak akan berulang kembali pada masa yang akan datang.
Pada masa kini, peluang yang ada adalah kita cuba untuk memberikan perkhidmatan kita pada negara selainnya agar ekonomi mereka akan berkembang bagi berkongsi dan mengelakkan bencana kewangan Amerika yang lebih teruk.
Hingga 100 tahun yang akan datang masa tidak akan berubah. Palestin perlu dibantu dengan cara membanyakkan lagi manusia yang berpendidikan dimana mereka akan dilatih untuk menjadi manusia berguna untuk negara mereka.Sistem aliran tunai Palestin mesti berlaku dan kita bukan hanya menderma makanan dimana mereka pun tidak tahu hendak makan dimana.
Warisan Yahudi pernah mengaku membunuh nabi dan ia juga termaktub sebagaimana di dalam Al-Quran dan mereka begitu berbangga dengan apa yang mereka lakukan. Pelbagai kemusnahan telah diturunkan Allah hingga menjadikan mereka adalah kaum yang degil. Saya percaya pada masa kini mereka akan menunggu sehingga Nabi Isa turun untuk dibunuh oleh mereka sekali lagi bagi mengelakkan kemusnahan kaum mereka. Jika tidak mengapa Yahudi Israel menawan Masjidil Al-Aqsa jika bukan kerana tujuan tersebut?.
Salam Tun,
US sebenarnya pengecut, mereka hanya berani pada negara2 kecil dan lemah sahaja, terutama negara2 Islam. Kalau kita lihat negara seperti Korea Utara,negara kuasa nuklear. US tidak berani menyerang bahkan masih berharap kepada rundingan walaupun ia berjalan selama bertahun2. Iran, baru setahun jagung berjinak2 dengan kuasa dan tenaga nuklear,US sudah gelabah bahkan bermacam2 tindakan dilakukan oleh US. Kenapa? Kerana negara ISLAM.
Dalam hal ini negara2 teluk seperti negara2 Arab hendaklah berganding bahu dan bersepakat dalam menangani masalah yang sudah berkurun ini. Tapi masalahnya negara2 Arablah yang menjadi `kanser` atau duri dalam daging. Talibarut US..lebih rela bangsa mereka diganyang oleh US.
Kita tidak perlulah mengharapkan sangat perubahan yang akan dibawa oleh Barack Obama nanti, kerana beliau sendiri adalah Yahudi. Keadaan di Palestine akan menjadi lebih parah lagi..kita tunggu dan lihat.
At least pada zaman Tun , Tun adalah juga melawat bumi Palestine, berjumpa dgn Allahyarham Yasser Arafat..tapi Pak Lah..entahlah. Kadang2 rasa macam terfikir jugak saya, apa kriteria utama yang Tun pilih dia sebagai PM….Wallahualam
Assalamualaikum Tun,
Harap Tun dan Toh Puan sihat walafiat.
Now you all know why Hitler tried to wipe them out right? because Hitler have the foresight to see this atrocities coming from the jews in the future. But Hitler was labelled a madman. I dont support Hitler because killing innocent people is not the right thing to do.
Well, hamas and hizbollah and fatah…these guys are also not united. If they are not fighting with Israel, they are fighting among their self. If israel is not killing the palestines, then the hamas hizbollah and fatah are killing each other. No unity so Israel is happy to take the opportunity to create more trouble in Palestine.
OIC…brp banyak negara islam? satu pertubuhan yg kuat dn powerful juga tp tak buat apa2. Liga Arab, satu pertubuhan yg kuat dn powerful juga tapi tak buat apa2. semua negara2 ini yg ada kuasa dn kerajaan yg berdaulat tapi tak nak buat apa2? harapkan org yg tak bernegeri dn pelarian yg diburu spt Osama dan geng utk membuat sesuatu, apa dia blh buat? tapi at least dia ada hati utk memperjuangkan nasib bangsa dia walaupun terpaksa mengorbankan keselesaan dn kemewahan diri. Brp ramai pemimpin Islam yg sanggup mengorbankan keselesaan hidup mcm nie?
Israel tu duduk kt mana? Amerika ke?Cuba bayangkan…..Israel yg baru bebrp juta penduduk dikelilingi oleh lebih 800 juta org arab.Kita dh tahu selama lebih 40 tahun amerika tak akn buat apa2 utk halang Israel.So buat apa nak demonstrasi jalanan dn serah memorandum kpd kedutaan amerika? takan ada apa2 blh berubah?dh lebih 40 tahun, asyik buat demonstrasi…hanya utk menunjukkan yg kita prihatin? nampak bodoh kan?
satu lagi, mcm geng2 osama nie, pegi sampai amerika dn letupkan bangunan dn kapal terbang dn serang hotel2 dn tempat peranginan yg dikunjungi org2 yg tk berdosa diseluruh dunia. Boleh selesai ke masalah Israel palestin nie? Israel kisah ke ttg serangan2 tu?
Klu nak buat sesuatu yg berfaedah, jgn harap PBB. Guna OIC dan liga Arab, buat persidangan. satukan hamas hisbollah dn fatah, perintahkan tiga kumpulan nie bersatu. Pastu bagi notis kepada amerika dn Israel, Liga arab dn OIC akn membantu palestin dr segi kewangan,ketenteraan,senjata utk menentang Israel dan selagi amerika bantu Israel, selagi itu OIC akn membantu Palestin utk menentang Israel. Liga Arab lagi bnyk duit dn kaya dari amerika, jadi mmg takde masalah utk bantu.Ini baru akn nampak satu penyelesaian.
Bukan dgn membuat demonstrasi dn pegi beribu2 batu jauh utk bom dn serang amerika dn bunuh org awam yg tidak berdosa disana yg juga kebanyakannye tak menyokong dasar kerajaan mereka.Ini tidak menyelesaikan apa2 pun pada pendapat saya. rasa2 ramai saudara muslimin dn muslimat yg baca komen ini akn bersetuju dgn cadangan saya supaya OIC menunjukan kekuasaan dn kekayaannye utk menghapuskan Israel dan bukan bermegah dgn kekayaan minyak yg Allah kurniakan utk membina bangunan2 yg cantik,rumah2 yg besar dn bandaraya yg canggih.
Even, amerika pun tak blh halang klu OIC keluar kenyataan dn perintahkan negara2 sekutu utk bersatu dn bergabung demi palestin.jadi knp nak berdiam diri. Klu nak bertindak, saya rasa ini lah tindakan yg paling wajar untuk mengajar Israel dn amerika dn blh menyelesaikn kemelut yg telah lebih 40 tahun ini.
Tapi itulah, saya bukan pemimpin atau org yg boleh buat keputusan. Biasanye yg dipilih jadi pemimpin nie, semuanye yg pentingkan kuasa dn diri sahaja. psl tu semua jadi boneka.So jangan blame amerika dn sekutunye, klu nak salahkan sesiapa, salahkan diri sendiri.
OIC, keluarkan dasar yg keras utk menghapuskan kekejaman Israel, saya tak tahan tgk org yg tk berdosa dibunuh dgn kejam.Lebih2 lagi, hancur luluh hati saya tgk tangisan kanak2 yg menjadi mangsa bom dn peluru israel, saya bayangkan anak saya sama dgn mereka.Sebak saya bila menulis ttg kanak2 palestin yg tk berdosa.
Salam untuk TDM,
Hanya sebab katika ini mengingati saudara muslim kita disana. Teruskanlah TDM bersuara dan kita berhenti beli pisang kaki,kita cari pisang tangan atau pisang berangan pulak. He he he
A pitiful state of affairs that not so much the world can do. Perhaps USA and Israel could be brought down by the American themselves. There is an urgent need for devine intervention.Let us pray.
Salam Tun,
It’s very pitiful, indeed. I remembered that my dad told me 25years ago that Jews are living in SOMEBODY land as a small group some 75years ago.
Eventually they are overspilled and FORCE to enlarge domination on Palestine’s land with full might. But sadly, our Arab World did not do anything to help our brotherhood and now they have grow to MIGHTY and still NO Arab world do anything to retaliate or act.
This is being weak as a MUSLIM and not holding hand together to fight off the Isrealis.
We believe if the WHOLE muslim Countries join hands and we believe Isrealis will be REFUGEES not PALESTINE.
What’s happening in Gaza today is the forerunner of a far more horrible disaster for the Palestinians. In fact, it is the beginning of the end for Muslim Arabs in that region. This latest aggression by Israeli forces will consolidate the resolve of the surrounding Arab countries and also Iran to form a sort of military alliance against the Zionist state of Israel. They will be supported by Russia and Turkey. Sudan and Ethiopia plus a few other nations may also join the coalition. Once Iran has the bomb, it will be used to try and wipe out the Jewish state as promised by Ahmadinejad the Persian. The thing is that the Jewish God (Yahweh) who is the God of Abraham and of Isaac and of Jacob has promised to deliver Israel in its time of most need. So, the joint military effort against Israel will come to naught and instead backfire on the attackers with disastrous results. Israel will be miraculously saved from annihilation. Then Israel will demolish the Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem and rebuild the Temple of Solomon on the site. This is because the Jews will realize who their God is and so will desire to return to their ancient temple worship and offerings of bloody sacrifice to their God in thanksgiving. This can happen because the failed joint attack on Israel will have neutralized Islam in the region. Then the Vatican will sign a treaty with Israel with the objective of having control of the Old City of Jerusalem. This will cause Muslims worldwide to vent their anger on Christians wherever they find them. I rue the day this happens especially in Malaysia. All this is prophesied to take place in the very near future, in fact, just a few years from now. The end of the world as we know it is imminent. Israel and Jerusalem will be the focus of this terrible time ahead of us all.
Dear Tun,
Tindakan kejam Israel serta kuncu2nya akan berterusan walaupun berpuloh kali diadakan gencatan senjata. PBB hanya patung boneka bagi kuasa2 besar ini begitu juga OIC yang hanya tahu bermesyuarat serta mengeluarkan resolusi tetapi tidak pernah bersatu dalam erti kata sebenarnya. kalau tidak takkan pengeluaran minyak dan harganya boleh dipermainkan begitu sahaja.
Singapura sememangnya kita tahu mempunyai hubungan yang rapat samada dari segi ekonomi atau ketenteraan. Malah penasihat tenteranya juga adalah dari Israel. Jadi, janganlah kita terlalu berlembut dengan mereka serta terus membiarkan segala barangan mereka boleh dipasarkan di Malaysia ini dengan bebas. Seterusnya, berterusanlah kita memboikot barangan dari Amerika bagi menunjukkan sokongan kita kepada rakyat Palestine dan dunia Arab yang lain. Semoga Allah membalas kekejaman mereka dengan setimpalnya.
Assalamualaikum, TDM
Apabila Obama menang semua pihak sangat teruja dan menyanjung tinggi serta percaya akan berlaku perubahan termasuk umat Islam terutama di Malaysia, pak2 ustaz mencanangnya di surau & masjid2. Tetapi hakikat sebenarnya warna kulit tidak penting kerana mereka seagama maka jiwa dan perjuangannya tetap sama. Perubahan ini sekadar untuk mengaburi mata dunia setelah Amerika mula hilang kebolehpercayaan akibat tindakan Bush yang melampaui batasan tamaddun manusia moden.
Sewajarnya Bush & sekutunya dihadapkan ke Mahkamah Keadilan Dunia kerana tindakan rakus yang telah mengorbankan ratusan ribu nyawa yang tidak berdosa dan jutaan manusia yang hidup sensara hingga kini. Begitu juga di Malaysia bukannya masalah kaum yang menjadi pokok pergolakkan sekarang tetapi lebih kepada isu agama. Wassalam.
Salam TUN.
Selamat menyambut Tahun Baru 2009. Semoga TUN berdua sehat sejahtera.
Kisah Israel dan Palestin sukar ditamatkan selagi pentadbiran Amerika ini di kuasai Kaum Yahudi. Mana tidak nya, jika ramai ahli politik dan pegawai tadbir Amerika ni dari kaum Yahudi. Ditambah pula cerdik pandai dan ahli usahawan atau pedagang yang kaya raya ni juga terdiri dari kaum ini.
Kita hanya bolih bercakap itu dan ini, tapi kita tidak ada benar2 kekuatan dari segi ketenteraan mahupun lain2 produk yang mampu melemahkan Amerika dan Israel. Kita secara sedar atau tak sedar maseh ada mengunakan produk Yahudi ini.Seperti produk makanan, teknologi ‘services’dan mungkin secara tak sedar kita juga menjalinkan hubungan dagang dengan kaum ini.
Mungkin hanya dengan semangat yang tinggi untuk terus berjuang dan keimanan sahaja dapat rakyat Palestin mempertahankan diri.
Atau sebahgian dunia ini inginkan keamanan dan memberi tekanan pada Amerika agar tidak menyokong Israel.
Atau OIC menyekat dagangan minyak pada Amerika untuk memberi tekanan
Atau dunia Islam bersatu dan bersedia untuk berperang dengan Amerika dan Israel.
Walau apa pun sebagai orang Islam mempercayai bahawasa nya “Dunia ini adalah syurga pada orang2 kafir”.
1. Boikot ramai ramai barang israel & amerika
2. Pakat ‘KIRIM KASUT’ kat depa
Assallammualaikum Che Det and fellow blogger.
Thank you Tun for making this media accessible to me..
In response to Zahar
Assalamualaikum Ayahanda Tun n Bonda Siti Hasmah,
Seperti sedia maklum, sekiranya kita nak bincangkan topik ini, adalah lebih baik kita rujuk kat kepada apa yang telah Allah ceritakan di dalam Quran dan Hadis Rasullah S.a.w.
Tun ini merupakan peristiwa Akhir Zaman dimana peperangan besar antara Umat Islam, Kristian dan Yahudi mmg tak boleh nak dielakkan terutama sekali ke atas Dajal dan Orang Yahudi di Israel.
Sekiranya apa yang kita nampak, orang Palestine pun dah x guna berdamai dengan Yahudi lebih baik dia org teruskan sahaja peperangan, selepas ramai mati kalau boleh seluruh gaza mati syahid, dengan itu baru umat Islam sedar dan bersatu untuk berperang dengan Dajal n Yahudi + Amerika. Sekuat-kuat Dajal, Yahudi dan US, Maha Kuat Allah S.W.T.. Allah tidak akan bantu umat Islam sekiranya kita tak bersatu. Allah takkan turunkan semula Saidina Umar, Sallehuddin lagi sekali kerana skrg adalah Akhir zaman. Hanya Nabi Isa A.S. akan turun untuk menghancurkan Dajal dan Yahudi kerana keangkuhan dan kesesatan mereka.
Sebenarnya apa yang berlaku ke atas Gaza dan Masalah Kredit di US adalah permulaan. Mudah2an kita semua terutamanya Tun sempat menyaksikannya.
sekian wassalam
Seperti biasa…demonstrasi is every where…for me no point to do the demo..waste time and money (to burn America or Israel flag)
But….no action against it.Who should we blame? The world? Siapakah dunia? May be we’re not clear about it. I suggest may be Malaysia should send the weapon or bomb so the Palestinian can protect themselves from Israel instead of demo. Then may be the others will be follow…
Just a thought… I think the Organization of Islamic Countries (OIC) should setup a full-fledged, organized, equipped and professionally trained military volunteers to be sent in any genocide conflict region to protect innocent civilians (children, women, the old and the disabled).
For decades people all over the world have been complaining, whenever there’s genocide atrocities… no action has been taken to protect the innocent. I think Islamic countries should take the first step, spearhead and champion this noble cause regardless what the whole world thinks or even objects. It’s obvious we can’t rely on United Nations (UN) to agree on this since they have to get approval from major powers, who they themselves have hidden agenda and personal interests. What say you Tun?
Salam Tun dan yg lain,
Dalam Al-Quran dan sabda Nabi saw telah jelas bahawa Yahudi dan Nasrani tetap memusuhi Islam selama nya….. mereka berusaha sedaya mungkin memerangi dan mengahncurikan Islam, bersepakat dan bersekongkol menentang kebangkitan Islam. Jagat raya ini akan terus menyaksikan penentangan mereka terhadap Islam secara terang-terangabn dan juga melalui muslihat yang tidak disedari….Ent5ah lah Tun, kenapa pasaran kita boleh ditembusi barangan Israel…sedangkan kita tiada hubungan diplomatik dan hubungan dagang pun dengan negara tersebut….
Salam Tun,
The are only two reasons why the Middle east conflict is what it is today.
They are:
1) Firstly, the Americans were led by Christian leaders who understand that those who rule Jerusalem will eventually rule the world. It is the sole reason why the real first world war, that lasted for more than 600 years, took place. The crusaders eventually were able to conquer Jerusalem through the British, only after the collapse of the OTTOMAN EMPIRE.
2) From then on they have encouraged the Jews to resettle in Palestine and became their proxy to continue the fight against the Muslims who have lived amongst the Jews peacefully all this while.
3) The Jews have been persecuted in Europe and then in the US for hundreds of years until they founded the nation of Israel.
4) Secondly, it is in the interest of the USA that as a nation with the strongest army and the best weapons to continue to have a foreign enemy. During the cold war era, it is the communist threat. And with collapse of the Soviets, the obvioius choice would be Islam and terrorism.
5) The only way to fight the Americans is not to fight them. Believe me and history have proven it before, they will crumble from within. And they knew that too. The USA is perceived as one of the greatest economic giant and that no one dare to challenge that perception. And see what happen today, they can be fooled by a pyramid scam and still don’t know what hit them.
6) The generals would become useless, the well trained special forces crazy for action would become restless and all the sophisticated weapons not utilised and no new weapons is required. America can collapse within 5 years if there is no confilct elsewhere.
7) In fact, the war mongers in the White House and the Pentagon loves people like Osama, the Hamas, Hizbollah, Syria, Iran, North Korea and the likes. It is probably the same betwen Malaysia and Singapore.
8) Even if they don’t actually go to war, at least those mentioned creates news on the CNN.
9) Nice guy like Pak Lah is a non event!!!!
Assalamualaikum TUN.
lama tak menulis disini, sebab saya bercuti panjang.
TUN berdua apa khabar. Saya doakan semoga TUN berdua sihat sejahtera dan panjang umur hendaknya.
Komen saya kali ini —— TAK MAU MAKAN BUAH KAKI PISANG.
Love u always TUN.
YAB Tun,
Israel is just demonstrating to the world that the slogan “CHANGE WE CAN BELIEVE IN” is just their marketing ploy – so don’t get so hype up with Obama and his slogans.
Obama has potential, but in the end the character of a man and a leader is in what they believe anfd fight for regardless the barriers. Obama may believe in change – but he obviously have shown us that what he believes in does not apply to Israel, as well demonstrated by Israel at the cost of hundreds of lives , children included – just to prove their exclusivity and immunity in acts of terror.
Assalamualaikum Tun.
Saya tidak berapa suka untuk mengatakan kalau US ada dibelakang Israel maka rakyat Palestin tidak boleh berbuat apa-apa.
Jikalau saya sebagai Jeneral Perang rakyat Palestin ;
1. Saya akan memastikan yang tentera-tentera dan orang-orang lelaki Israel berada dibelakang isteri dan anak masing-masing.Amik gambar dan sebarkan dalam Youtube.(dayus)
2. Saya akan memastikan setiap larangan perang dalam Islam diambil kira dan memastikan setiap rakyat Palestin tahu bahawa prinsip-prinsip perang Israel adalah opposite kepada larangan perang dalam Islam.Maka rakyat Palestin akan sentiasa bersedia pada waktu-waktu yang penting seperti sambutan Maal Hijrah,atau tidak payah sambutlah.
3. Saya akan memastikan yang setiap rakyat Palestin mempunyai busur panah sebagai alat mempertahankan diri.Satu alat perang yang tidak memerlukan kepakaran yang tinggi.Dalam Al-Quran terdapat banyak ayat-ayat yang boleh diamalkan untuk kegunaan harian.
Mungkin saya tidak biasa dengan lapangan padang Palestin,namun setiap perkara asas dalam perang sepatutnya ada dalam setiap warga Palestin.
Hukum Qisas itu ada dalam Islam.Tetapi berbuat baik itu lebih afdal.
Salam Ayahanda Tun, immediately after the US election I had forwarded this line to you but you seemed to have disagreed. I am now forwarding it again under a different sun.
Obama would soon turn out to be another Sammy Davis Jr, a Jew by choice and key player to the US Jewish Jerry Lewis and Dean Martin comedic antics and theatricals. Sammy Davis Jr. was hilarious, and I am certain that the Jews approves of Obama for reasons that only they best know, but no doubt, reasons that would gets many birds with just one stone
Dear Tun,
The consequences which resulted the palestinians to face today is the Palestinians groups are unable to unite among themselves and hence unable to get the full suppport from the UN and from all the Muslims countries in the Middle East to resolve the conflict with the Israel all the times.
If the Palestinian groups are having their internal problems at all times ,I think other countries will unwilling to support this country to fight against the invader! It is clear and prime important that they must settle their internal conflicts and unite among themselves first so that they could represent themselves as respectful Palestinians from Palestine! Then I believe all the countries in the world will lay their helping hands to rebuild their country.
Happy New Year 2009!
Salam Tun
I met Dato Hussien Al-Habshee last night (in Singapore) and am informed that you received a standing ovation when you addressed a conference in Mukalla attended by Yemeni businessmen, and other participants from Arab countries as well as Britain, Indonesia, etc. and, of course, Malaysia. I further understand Malaysia donated US one hundred thousand dollars to help the victims of the floods which hit Hadhramout in October 2008.
I also understand some members of the Malaysian business delegation could not get on board their flight from Sana’a to Mukalla – this is something not unfamiliar. Nevertheless, I hope the Malaysian business community can raise the profile of Yemen in this part of the world as Yemen has not always had a good press, especially the bureaucracy.
Assalamo Alaikum Tun,
Dear Tun, you are absolutely right what you wrote.
Any action (bombings / assasinations or ground offence) by Israel is firstly discussed between Israel and U.S. And whatever action is taken by Israel the U.S. is the accomplice in it.
It is true that all the U.S. presidential candidates are approved by Israel first. From John McCain to Barack Obama, From John Edwards to Hillary Clinton………all had visited Israel and pledged full support to the Zionist Nation before US Election’08.
It is very sad to learn that the Israeli products are sold in Kuala Lumpur. “Shame on us”. If the Singapore is proved to be the channel to penetrate the Israeli goods in Malaysia, then Malaysian Govt. should impose Trade Embargo on Singapore.
At a time when the world is struck with economic crisis, the zionist (terrorist) nation of Israel is busy in bombings and destroying the helpless people.
All these happenings on the eve of new year. The 2009 looks more gloomy and because of Zionists’ crimes, the World may be doomed soon.
Salam Ayahanda Tun. Hairan juga saya bagaimana Pak Lah tergamak mengadai adabnya dan hampir kesemua nilai dirinya hanya untuk batuan politik beliau dan menantunya si Khairy? Namun setelah saya duduk sambil membaca semula buku Kata-kata Hikmat Melayu Hamka, maka saya pun kembali tersedar yang bahawasanya, maruah beliau sudah lama tergadai dan hilang sudah. Jika cuma ala kadar saya hanya menjadi bahan bacaan disini sahaja, buat apa saya nak ceritakan tentang bisnis Yahudi yang terlepas masuk ke Malaysia dibawah naungan Khairy dan Pak Lah, buat apa saya nak dedahkan butiran terperinci, tarikh dan nama-nama serta aturan perbankan antarabangsa kelompok ini. Jika hari ini saya melihat seorang Ahli Parlimen muda petah berhujah bersarungkan baju suit tempahan khas bernilai ribuan ringgit sepasang, jika hari ini saya melihat seorang Perdana Menteri yang telah melepasi umur setengah abad sedang kusut memikirkan jajaran dan manipulasi politik beliau yang seterusnya, maka saya juga mengingatkan kepada diri saya sendiri bahawa tidak ada kuasa atau kekayaan yang kekal dimuka bumi ini, kecuali kekayaan dan Kerajaan Allah. Semua kekuatan, kekebalan dan taraf darjat mereka hari ini adalah milik penuh Rakyat Malaysia.
(Pak Lah, di puncak kekayaan kita pasti akan lupa hakikat itu, namun jika kita hidup dalam serba sederhana dari mula hingga ke akhirnya (inshallah), maka kita akan senantiasa bersyukur dengan kehidupan ini
Tuan-tuan dan puan-puan,
karam sing walia
Selamat pagi Tun,
Izinkan saya mencelah Tun…….
//By fun_jonny68 on December 31, 2008 7:45 AM
Dear Tun and Malaysian readers,
If you decide to boycott Israeli related products, I would also bring to your conscious mind that the founder of Intel, the computer brain you’re using to post comments, is also a Jewish. Please do not be selective now if you decide to start the boycott.
Thanks. :-)//
Tun and rakyat will only boycott products that are directly link and 100% control by Singapore. Want to do business here, NO PROBLEM, but they must follow dasar2 negara kita and recognize us as their Tuan lo (consumers are the king, you don’t know meh….), that’s all. Sabarlah saudara, Malaysia will emerge stronger as time moves on, thanks to the founder of intel to allow our rakyat know where we stand. You are the haprak and HP6 rakyat like our current leaders, can you sleep at night without lights on? If you do, “padam muka lo”, ha…ha…ha…
Good day Tun.
Salam Tun
1)It is not a good reason to carry out bombing in the name of strategies and cause grievance to innocent people.
2)President Bush explaination of launching attack on Iraq based on inaccurate information is very unbecoming.
3)Very obvious Science and Technology do not provide all answers to world problems , war, terrorism , speculation of currency are some of the example.
4)More efforts to be directed to make people understand the truth of life ,the importance of taming of mind.
5) [不平
Salam Tun,
Tahun demi tahun kita lihat Israel mengganas. Bila dunia mula kritik tindakan tersebut, Israel pun diam sekejap. buat perjanjian gencatan senjata. Beri Palestin tubuh kerajaan persendirian. Maka Palestin pun bina kerajaan, buat bangunan2 pejabat kerajaan, kilang serta bangunan2 perniagaan. Disamping itu perkampungan baru pun dibuat sama, dengan tempat2 beristirahat. kalau dilihat sampai 10 tahun semua kawasan itu jadi cukup cantik, seperti dinegara kita dimana bandar2 baru didirikan. bila tak cukup duit buat rayuan kepada semua org2 Islam diseluruh dunia. Maka di surau2 di masjid2, ditempat tempat keramaian, kita pun dermalah RM1.00, dikumpul2 dihantar kepada Palestin.
Dari jauh lagi Israel dok tenguk, cantik sungguh kampung2 dan bandar2 baru yang didirikan olih Palestin. Timbul lah rasa bila nak buat target practice keatas bandar2 ini. Bila nak gunakan senjata dan bom2 yang baru dicipta dalam 10 tahun yang lalu. disamping itu banyak bom2 yang lama yang sudah tak ada tempat hendak disimpan. ini lah peluang untuk rejim Israel menggunakannya. Ini lah yang terjadi setiap 10 tahun sekali. Satu bangsa dok buat pembangunan sampai satu ketika satu bangsa lain dok jahanam. sampai bila kita nak derma RM1.00 ini. kita pun nak beri RM1.00 kepada org2 lain pula.
Aslkm Ybhg Tun,
We have been talking about the Palestinian problems for many decades now. Once Isreal started bombing Gaza, we would start talking about it again then we would go quite. This vicious circle would go on and on for decades.Treaties after treaties have been signed and none of them works. The main reason is the we do not have a proper plan to fight the Jewish.
Our fight against the Jewish must be 2 prong.First we must ensure the existence of Palestine. Secondly we must prepare our children to fight the Isreal, American and their allies including Singapore (“Jewish Allies”). Fight in all sense of the words including economics and politics.
To achieve this we must make our children aware of the atrocities done by the Jewish and their Allies to the Palestinians over the years. We must tell children the suffering by the Palestinians just like the Jewish suffered during Hitler’s era. We must teach them not to be too dependent to these Jewish Allies including buying their products. We must encouraged our children to acquire more knowledge especially in science subjects so that our R&D can be further developed. Our country must also not be too dependent to these Jewish Allies. We must teach our children to have good moral values so that they cannot be corrupted and whatever they do are not only for material gains. It may take us another 50 years to achieve the above but hopefully by then we would be able to take on the might of the Jewish and their Allies. The bottom line is we must have a proper plan to fight the Jewish and their Allies. Never mind if it takes years.
As for the Singaporean, don’t dream that the Jewish and the American will make you on par with them. Be thankful and always remember your good roots and origin that is you are as Chinese as the Chinese from Malaysia and the main land China.
If we think that the Israelis are such ruthless animals, with hearts of the devil who destroy human lives now as they have destroyed the world over the last 2500 years … then why are we subscribing to Maxis and Digi who blantantly engage Amdocs, an Israeli Haifa based company for their customer care and billing solutions?
Why ? Why? Why?
Lets hope Iran does the right thing to nuke Israel.
We m’sians are too weak and pathetic to stand up … can’t even stand up for our own in our country.
Dear Tun,
A Very Happy New Year to you and your family. I sincerely hope that 2009 will bring happiness and prosperity to your all.
GAZZA has been and will be a war zone for a very long time to come. Each successive generation there will go through wartime. I cannot see peace coming their way at all.
The destiny of the people of Palestine is in their own hands. Their neighbours, Syrians, Eygptians, Jordanians and other Arabs will continue to pay lip service. They are all impotent. The others will continue to express their support to the Palestinian and that is where it will stop unfortunately.
The Palestinian have themselves to blame. They are a disunited lot. And when you are disunited (Fatah & Hamas) how do you expect to fight for Palestine. If they continue this way, they will never be able to win back their land and their identity.
It would be wise for the Palestinian to ‘retreat’, unite and build up whatever they have economically and do battle when you are ready without depending on help from others. It is foolhardy to fight the Israelist now; you loose the very people you require to fight the enemies.
Usaha untuk memupuk keharmonian adalah sukar dan mengambil masa … namun usaha untuk memupuk kebencian dan dendam adalah semudah itu … dengan PISANG pun boleh …
Tuhan mencipta PISANG disambil menjadikannya makanan monyet, namun juga menjadi makanan kepada manusia di samping membekalkan vitamin agar manusia sihat …
Namun kerana sikap manusia yg suka dendam mendendam, PISANG yg dicipta oleh tuhan sebagai makanan pula dijadikan batu lonjatan untuk memupuk sifat mendendam … inilah puncanya pergaduhan yg berlaku pada hari ini … rasanya Tuhan pun rasa pening kepala apabila melihatnya …
Sekiranya kamu seorang penduduk israel, mungkinkah kamu tidak menyerang Hamas yg sering-kala melepaskan mortar roket secara tersembunyi? Sekiranya kamu seorang penduduk palestin pula, mungkinkah kamu tidak meyerang balik israel kerana mereka menghantar jet pejuang? Inilah puncanya yg tak habis-habis …. DENDAM …
Lagi kelakar nampak juga segolongan orang yg menyeru memboikotkan barangan israel dan amerika … terasa amat lucu kerana pada zaman yg bertamadun ini, wujud lagi minda sebegini … kerana kelakuan ini menunjukkan betapa kebudak-budakan minda mereka … jangan lupa bahawa lampu dicipta oleh thomas edison yg berbangsa amerika … kalau benar-benar bertekad, boikot betul-betul, pakai lilin dan bukannya lampu elektik pada waktu malam … memang lucu …
Dendam itulah yg menjadikan manusia hilang akal … peganglah kepada nilai agama yg berunsurkan keharmonian … jika tidak … jangan katakan PISANG, buah BETIK atau DURIAN pun boleh dijadikan alasan untuk mencetuskan pergaduhan …
Manusia ni, memang lucu …
salam tun…
semoga sihat selalu…saya sebagai seorg rakyat malaysia amat bersedih hati…coz sy sebgi manusia hanya mampu melihat shja rakan manusia kt di zalimi…tp apa kn dia sy hanya rakyat biasa…kemana ka org2 yg berkuasa….?
semoga tun sihat selalu…sekian
Salam Tun
As you had said – MIGHT IS RIGHT. Once upon a time, the Palestinians dominated the land. Now the Jews dominates. Sooner or later, the Palestinians will be strong.It will go on and on and vice versa until the end of the world.
YAB Tun,
Saya masih ingat lagi komen YAB Tun semasa masih menjadi Perdana Menteri Malaysia terhadap Palestine dan Israel. YAB Tun menyatakan bahawa selagi Amerika berada di belakang Israel, selagi itulah konflik Palestine dan Isreal ini tidak akan berakhir dan ianya akan berlarutan dari generasi ke generasi. Orang Palestine kenalah menghadapi suasana ini hingga ke hari akhirat..wallahualam.
Dear Tun and Malaysian readers,
If you decide to boycott Israeli related products, I would also bring to your conscious mind that the founder of Intel, the computer brain you’re using to post comments, is also a Jewish. Please do not be selective now if you decide to start the boycott.
salam tun,
seriously, i would like to know what each person can do to help? coz we are like ants going against a dinosour..pls advise
assalamualaikum TUN…
tidak layak dan tidak banyak yang mampu saya perkatakan disini…
cukuplah sekadar saya katakan saya akan tetap setia penyokong perjuangan TUN walaupun darah yang menjadi gadaian dan penggantinya…
walaupun ramai juga yang memperkatakan keburukkan tentang TUN namun saya tetap yakin perjuangan TUN bukanlah hanya untuk diri sendiri tetapi diatas kesedaran TUN iaitu hanya melayu di malaysia ini saja yang mampu mempertahankan ISLAM…
teruskan apa saja yang TUN yakini tanpa ragu2 dan doa saya agar TUN diiringi kekuatan fizikal dan pemikiran yang lebih tajam agar kata2 TUN tidak bisa ditepis oleh ‘musuh’ ISLAM…
sampaikan salam saya juga kepada ibunda siti hasmah…
Assalamualaikum Tun and all readers,
To Zahar and all others wishing they can do something..definitely yes you can do something. Now more than ever. The longer we wait the more destructions and deaths will take place. Fellow Malaysian we can help by donating to the various aid groups. You can start a blog, vlog etc to explain whats going on in Gaza. The world has been deceived by the big media coorperation too long. Many don’t know the history of Palestine and Israel. Many have been brainwashed by media and blindly accepted the lies that Palestinian are the terrorist and Israeli simply defendind themselves.
Help Palestinians now. Do it now, act sooner rather than later.
The OIC said they will have a meeting on Saturday, I wonder what will the death toll be by then?
Being a citizen of both countries, I have the opportunity to talk to both Palestinian and Jewish students on their views when I was in college.
The more I knew about the Palestinian plights, the more I sympatized with them. However, my view has changed 180 degrees over the years and I’m backing Israel now as they are more negotiable than the Palestinians. Let’s face it, Israel will never give up the holy land and the Palestinians will always be bent on destructing Israel. There will never be peace. As much as everybody tried with all the peace talks and negotiations over the years, things eventually falls into war, death and destruction again and again.
The USA is fed up with the stubborness on the Arabs and Palestinians especially the Hamas, Hezbollah and fanatic groups. Yes, Israel has been stubborn too over the years but at least they can be negotiated with and had given concessions.
Even the PLO over the years has realize that it need some concessions but not Hamas. The enemy of my enemy is my friend.
I as a US citizen do not support any killing of innocent civilians. It’s always a few thick headed, hot blooded few that caused so much sufferings to the rest of the Palestinians. Yes, I do know that there is suffering within the general Palestinian population with no economy and being caged into a small area of the West Bank and Gaza. Why can’t the rich Arab Moslem/Muslim nations pour more aid and jobs into these areas? If these people has the means to support their family and enjoy life a little more, they would not be so eager to be a martyr and die so young. Now, their life is so misearable and giving up their life is better than living. It’s just too bad that all the so called Moslems in the world can only talk and not help the Palestian people.
Throw out the politics of insisting the destruction of Israel as it will never happen like you said. Their political, financial might and policies are now too strong to be defeated unless it leads to the whole world destruction. Live and let live. Israel is like the 51 st state of the USA. It will always be protected.
Salam Tun
Bosan….asyik-asyik hantar memorandum, kutuk Israel…Israel pun dah lali dgn tindakan umat islam….hehe
1. People said that if you just come up with a problem and don’t contribute to the solution, you are just part of the problem.
2. I would suggest the best way to counter attack is to the give them the teaste of their own medicine. You mentioned last time that, Israel has the highest ratio of PhD holders to the population. In the modern world, knowledge is power is not merely a saying. It is the most important survival kit.
3. Each of us should and can contribute to this.
Assalamualaikum tun!Alhamdulillah akhirnya saya dapat respons dalam blog ini.Israel patut dikecam hebat.dah termaktub dalam Al-quran tentang kedegilan israel.
Kebangkitan Islam akan tiba…sama2 kita boikot produk mereka..
if only all the muslim countries (including malaysia) could unite, they could stand up against the US. Sadly the Arab countries are not willing to sacrifice that for the sake of our brothers and sisters.
You know what.. let’s pray for our brothers and sisters in Gaza.. And let’s Boycott Israeli product and maybe bit by bit American product.. with the intention not to assist Israeli illegal occupation and holocaust..
Mari kita doakan saudara2 seIslam kita di Gaza.. Dan mari kita boikot barang Israel dan mungkin sedikit demi sedikit barang Amerika.. dengan niat untuk tidak turut menyumbang kepada penempatan tidak sah Israel dan holocaust yang mereka lakukan..
Boycott Israel: http://www.inminds.co.uk/boycott-israel.html
Dear Tun,
Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb.
We shall be blamed for every innocent child, women and men that are massacred in Gaza. By being bystanders, we allow the massacre of innocent lives. To date, the death toll in Gaza has increased to more than 400 people. The threat that Hamas pose to Israel is almost nil. How much damage can the Qasam rockets inflict on a nation that is equipped with thermo nuclear ammunitions? I believe that the current incursion of the terrorist State of Israel into Gaza is aimed to achieve either one of these two following objectives:
1. The survival of USA.
History is repeating itself. The Great Depression in 1929 brought down the American economy to its knees. FDR shouldered the responsibility to bring America out of the brink and 10 years down the line, he had successfully steered America into becoming a growing economy again. Many attributed FDR’s success to the numerous socio-economic policies under the New Deal that he had created, but actually it was the advent of the coming world war by the end of 1930’s that contributed to America’s recovery. Western European countries such as Britain and France were busy building their arm forces in response to Germany’s rearmament. The war industry in America produced thousands of ammunitions, tanks, military aircrafts and ships that were exported to Europe thus allowing America to stand on its feet again. Therefore, I believe that there is a possibility that America might rely on the old remedy to treat its current illness and America desperately needs a widespread war now more than ever for its survival.
2. The rise of Israel as the next superpower.
There are very few supporters of this theory around the world. Majority of scholars and political gurus think that this theory is far fetched. They argue that geographically, Israel is a very small nation and Israel would be doomed without the support of America. I feel that the argument should go the other way around. America
Sekian lama,
mataku sakit melihat..
terasa terus ke hati..
mendalam tak tercapai apa jenis ubatpun..
justeru bagaimana akan terubat..
Aku tahu bahu yang memikul tak merasa beban seperti yang aku rasa.
Bahu mereka tidak merasa apa-apa,
mereka terbiasa begitu,
mereka pengganas,
mereka menentang, memberontak, meledakkan kemarahan mereka..
apabila mereka rasa tertindas,
rasa teraniaya,
rasa ternoda, terbuang..
putus harapan, patah semangat,
sedang mereka berendam lautan air mata,
ketakutan, tak tahu hendak ke mana..
mereka semakin tenggelam dalam lautan itu,
tiada pilihan..
tak tahu kepada siapa mahu meminta tolong..
ke dasar lautan itu yang dipenuhi darah..
sesetengah mereka memilih untuk menetapkan nasib sendiri..
dengan menyelam terus ke dasar..
kerana mereka pengganas yang dahagakan darah..
kerana mereka adalah ancaman besar kepada dunia..
kepada keamanan dunia..
sungguh benar dakwaanmu ‘ORANG-ORANG AMAN’
Mungkin mereka merasakan lebih daripada apa yang aku rasakan..?
terlebih hingga tak terbayang..
Letupkanlah mereka sekaligus dengan senjata pemusnah,
yang menjadi dewa di dunia ini,
mereka hanya akan ucapkan terima kasih,
kerana membebaskan mereka akhirnya..
Sepatutnya generasi akan datang tidak mengulangi trajedi-trajedi sebegini..
tetapi jangan bimbang,
pasti akan berulang,
hari demi hari,
tahun demi tahun,
generasi ke generasi,
sebelum manusia memilih untuk menjadi manusia..
Salam Tun,
Alhamdullilah dengan izin Allah s.w.t kita Berjaya menempuh tahun hijrah 1429 dengan aman dan selamat.Saya tertarik dengan hala tuju pandangan Tun yg menjurus kearah israel.
Apa yg saya lontarkan mgkn juga terlintas di fikiran Tun, kita sebagai Negara yg membangun sudah semestinya terjebak dlm membantu Negara yg tun maksudkan,Cuma tak ramai diantara kita yg sedar cara dan bentuk saluran yg digunakan.
Kalau diamati dengan mendalam, kita sebenarnya dgn secara rela atau pun secara paksa telah atau akan membantu negara2 ini untuk mencapai matlamat mereka. Sebagai contoh sy tertarik dgn bentuk2 hiburan yg ditygkan di media masa atau pun media cetak pd masa ini.
Jelas sekali kita menyokong segala apa yg dihidangkan pd kita dengan tujuan yg jelas atau kabur, ini sudah semestinya memberi gambaran yg negative pd masyarakat umumnya remaja yg masih belum matang.
Sy barharap dan berdoa agar kerajaan dan badan-badan ngo2 dapat memainkan peranan dalam mengawal hiburan2 yg sy kira melampau agar tidak member kesan pd hari mendatang.
Semoga Allah s.w.t akan memberi pertolongan utk saudara2 kita di Negara islam dalam mengharungi cabaran dan kesusahan dalam menempuh alam dunia yg semua kita maklum tidak kekal.
Syed Hussin,
Shah Alam
Salam Tun,
Thank You for your leadership and courage in speaking out on such matters where other leaders fear to tread. To the commentators who asks
Balik2 mengutuk serangan, tunjuk perasaan, mesyuarat. Itu jerr la yg kita mampu buat. Nak buat macam mana kan.
New Chairman For Proton Named
KUALA LUMPUR, Dec 30 (Bernama) — Proton Holdings Bhd today announced the appointment of Datuk Mohd Nadzmi Mohd Salleh as its new chairman effective Jan 1, 2009.
Nadzmi is a director of several companies, including Ranhill Utilities Bhd, JT International Bhd, VS Industry Bhd, Kumpulan Kenderaan Malaysian Bhd and Syarikat Kenderaan Melayu Kelantan.
He was also appointed as director and deputy chairman of Proton Edar Sdn Bhd from Sept 22, 2005.
Nadzmi must resign from being director of several companies.His focus should be 100% on Proton’s business activities and oversee that the management of Proton comply with the company’s mission and objectives. It is an enormous responsibilty for Nadzmi.
If the appointment is just for “window dressing” then might as well put “Pak Man Telo” as the Chairman. Maybe he can do wonders to Proton !!!
Kedah Plans To Keep Using Perdana V6 As Official Car
ALOR STAR, Dec 30 (Bernama) — The Kedah government plans to keep using Proton Perdana V6 as the state’s official car if it is good for everyone.
Menteri Besar Datuk Seri Azizan Abdul Razak said the decision was made after it was satisfied by a briefing on the car’s specifications by distributor Proton Edar here today.
Proton management must not take things for granted. Its management must give special priority to its fleet owners especially from public sector as well as private sector.This is very basic business principle or else fleet customers have the right to choose other brands. Fleet customers always look at their bottom line when come to maintenance and service costs. Customer is always king.
akum Tun…saya menyokong pendapat Tun mengenai Israel. Seluruh dunia juga sudah maklum akan kezaliman Israel dan Amerika. Malah dunia Islam itu sendiri tidak berusaha dengan sungguh2 untuk menghentikan kezaliman ini bahkan dunia Islam sama-sama memberi ruang kepada Israel dan Amerika menghancurkan Palestin.
Semoga Allah memberi kesejahteraan kepada Tun sekeluarga…
If I call for the boycott of Israeli products, who will listen to me?
Nobody seems to care for fellow humans any more.
jews and arabs must live together and there is no alternative.both of them have the rights to exist in this world but i am not sure what will happened to the J after khiamat.UNCLE SAM IS THE MAIN PLAYER HERE.
Dear Tun,
Your comment:
Dunia ternampak mengutuk Israel kerana serangan tidak berperikemanusiaannya ke atas Gaza. Tetapi seperti biasa dunia tidak membuat apa-apa. Kenapa tidak? Kerana Amerika Syarikat berada di belakang Israel.
My comment:
Sebenarnya Israel tidak kuat walaupun dibantu oleh Amerika di belakang. Masaalahnya ialah negara-negara Arab yang di sekeliling Israel semuanya tidak bersatu padu untuk menentang Israel. Mereka tidak ada “bola”. Kenapa jadi bagitu? Kerana pemimpin-pemimpin negara Arab memang dah bodoh stupid.Merekalah yang sebenarnya pengecut. Mereka hanya mementingkan kedudukkan dan status mereka supaya tidak tergugat terutama sekali golongan raja-raja mereka. Oleh kerana itu mereka terpaksa menjual maruah bangsa mereka dengan tunduk kepada telunjuk Amerika. Mereka sudah banyak termakan budi dengan Amerika.Mereka sebenarnya adalah pengkhianat bangsa dan agama mereka sendiri. The Arab leaders and the Kings are all haprak and HP6. They really are hypocrite lot and just cannot be trusted.
It is sad that killing is cheap in the soils of Palestine. What the Israel did is the worst act of aggression in 60 years.
What harm could the people of Gaza do to the lives of Isreali? Just imagine, the Palestinians throw stones at the Isreali soldiers, they shoot real bullets.
If Isreal lost just one life, they kill 1000 Palestinians.
Yet, the Americans says the poor Palestines start first !
Its a losing battle for the Palestine over the last 60 years!
Its going to be a losing battle for next 60 years.
Nothing change.
The world just dont care a damn about Palestine.
When you were PM of Malaysia, you were vocal to the plights of the people of Palestine. Yet, nothing change.
All we can do is pray that one day ALLAH will punish the Isrealis and the Americans.
That will surely come.
Dunia semua kutuk Israel cuma basa basi saja.
Hakikatnya ramai orang Palestin mati kena bom Israel.
Salam Tun & all,
Hope that American’s Muslim can do something abt this matters,
as they are the 2nd biggest & growing community in America with 7M people,
so in the changes on the USA last election happen, i guess that they must have contribute to that in small ways or others.
All of this is much more bigger that us, so hope is important.
Singapore is like Israel, they both a new country that exited from someone else land.
It’s small & the land they stay in r not their own & very limited.
And regards the Pisang is like a small things compare to others like the favorite fast foods, drinks & others.
Anyways, Thanks Tun for the reminder & advice.
Dearest Tun,
What can we as Muslims (people & government) worldwide do to force the Americans to change their bias policy towards Israel? I believe we are not without strength to force them to change their policy.Is the rich & powerful Arab government to blame? If so, what should be the Arabs(or rather the Muslims) strategy to defeat the Zionist? The killings have been going on for ages without solution and as an observer it is indeed very depressing to watch helplessly our brothers & sisters being slaughtered by the jewish government. Is HAMAS strategy with the Israelis the correct strategy?
Would be grateful for your frank insight Tun.
Yes we know all this, but what now? What is Malaysia’s responsibility? Why can’t there be demonstrations? Fund raising? Demonstrations in front of the US, Egyptian and Jordan Embassies. Maybe you could call for demonstrations.
Sepatutnya kita Rakyat Malaysia harus bersikap perihatin agar kita tidak menyokong keganasan… Saya berharap agar kerajaan MAlaysia tidak dibeli dan disogok oleh Amerika..
Ini kerana saya tidak ingin Malaysia tergadai bagaikan Singapura..
I really hope u are back to the parti so i can vote you to become PM again.. U are a LAGEND…
Yg Bhg Ayahanda Tun..
Sebenarnya secara langsung atau tidak langsung, kita sentiasa membantu rejim Zionis ni. Bukan saja membeli pisang kaki, tapi lihatlah Starbuck, berduyun-duyun orang kita bertandang ke situ untuk ‘mengopi’.. Walhal CEO Starbuck tu adalah antara penderma terbaik rejim Zionis – menerima anugerah lagi tu..!
Rasa-rasanya elok juga syarikat Malaysia beli terus Starbuck tu masa sekarang (sahamnya mengecil) dan di’Malaysiakan’ macam dia buat kat Kenny Rogers Restaurant. Nak halang, tak terhalang sebab ‘mengopi’ dah jadi budaya kita.
Pisang kaki tanam di Israel and made in Singapore. Jum Boikot Singapore!
Tun, not just pisang Kaki. Jewish scientist has made a lot of breakthrough in medicine that helps cure million of people worliwide. Their research facility is world class. Their scientish are brilliant. They dare to venture not like our muslim brothers in some wealty Arabic states. Not just Jewish reside in Israel but Jewish outside Israel too has contributed to the world. Bill Gates for his brilliant Windows, Speilberg for his entertainment and many more. The Jewish goverment are bad governor but the Jewish people are not that bad. Should we boikot all these too. Boikot the Aeroplanes since Jewish has a hand in it, boycott medicine and so on?
Is it fair the people to get a bad name just becase their goverment is BAD?. Is ot fair to judge the Americans people are bad just becasue Bush is arrogant?.
The blame should go to our own people especially the Palestinian neighbours and the rich Arab States. We should ask ourselselve what are our contribution to the worl in Medicine, Science, Technology etc. Have we fulfill half or 50% of fardu kifayah as what Islam suggested or demanded?
As long as Rich muslim states does not changed for the sake of the Ummah then just forget it!
salam Tun..
satu penjelasan yg dinannti-nantikan…
isu palestin ni x kan selesai selagi islam masih hanya pada nama pada umat islam…
Dear Tun Mahathir yang dihormati dan dikasihi,
i don’t know how to get in touch with you. Hope this platform enable me to have a few words with you Tun.
before your retirement, I have sent (via courier) a photograph of my quadruplet twins to your office in the hope you will sign and pen down a few encouraging words to them so that I could paste on their bedroom and they will remember you as the Prime Minister when they were born. Until today I don’t received anything back…. (perhaps that wasn’t the right way to do it but i was trying my luck i supposed..)
I really really hope i could resend it and please let me know how to get in touch with you.. Thanks Tun..
Assalamualaikum Ayahanda Tun serta rakan-rakan blog,
Marilah kita sama-sama berdoa agar rakyat Palestin sentiasa di bawah lindungi Allah swt dan boikot segala barangan daripada Amerika serta pisang kaki dari Israel (barulah saya tahu dan nasib baik tak beli di pasaraya kelmarin..terima atas informasi ini Ayahanda).
Semoga Allah sentiasa memberi keberkatan kebahagian dan kesejahteraan kepada ayahanda dan keluarga.
Selamat menyambut Maal Hijrah 1430H.
anakanda Rose Hadi
To All readers,
1) If you do have old or unused shoes or slippers, just throw it to the gates of US and UK embassies. Don’t forget to put a note saying “This is for the lifes of children and women you killed in Palestine”.
2) Dear Singaporean, please understand why your neighbors don’t like you and don’t be in the state of denial.
You are the BEST Tun.
Israeli hates Muslim. The US will finance Israel so as to continue its bestiality if not USA and the world will go into deeper financial turmoil. No matter what Israel and American do, the world will not trust them anymore like they used to be. Tun, do you think the world stock market will go up gradually after Obama took over in January 2009? I doubt so!
Tun, I think Malaysia is not only in a small way helping Israeli by selling Israeli persimmons, our BN is also helping in a big way by trying to privatise our economy to pay back Singapore. Theory on high risk, high return, I never believe it works, very barbaric and cruel. I sincerely hope that our Malaysia Government will switch on back to “work sincere and hard button again”. Never2 ‘syok diri’ and switch on the auto-pilot button anymore without letting the rakyat know. This is the bitter lesson that we will have to swallow in 2009 and 2010 because of our “captain democracy”.
Good night.
If Mahathir’s words really count for anything, it’s pretty obvious what Malaysia can do to help out. Let’s cut off all trade ties with Singapore – that’ll show ’em!
orang kita dari dulu asyek kutuk,demontrasi serah memorandum…tapi israel & amerika cam tu jugak…tak kesan ape2 lah Tun. jadi tak ada ke ide lain.
… and Badawi is Singapore’s lackey!
The fight between the Israelites and the Palestineans is nothing more than the family feud between the son of the first wife and the son of the second wife!
However, I will not be surprised that if you are going to grab this golden opportunity to incite your Muslim fellow men to take action to boycott the supermarket or hypermarket operated by either Europeans or Chinese Malaysians and to boycott our neighbour Singapore which is always the easy scapegoat target for you to play racist politics.
You always try to pose a belligerent gesture to either Singaporean or Malaysian Chinese with an attempt to suggest as though the Chinese people are the Israeli sympathisers. Your selfish intent and short-sightedness in playing the racist politics in order to mobilise the political support for your own son during UMNO party election or for you yourself due to snobbish power-show-off purpose all point up to the fact that you are indeed a hypocrite who only encourages the multi-racial hormony and national unity by mouth but not by action.
Why must you make Malaysians fight Singaporeans everytime when there was an intensified physical conflict between the Israelites and the Palestineans? Is the personal political gain which you may obtain from the word-of-mouth conflict between the Malaysians and the Singaporeans really too irresistible so much so that you are so daring to take the risks in order to flare up the conflict?
Tun, please do behave yourself now since you are already at the sunset stage of your age. It is high time for you to seek forgiveness of Allah now and please do not provoke anybody to start an attack on you due to your passing some insensible racist remarks over here!
Sememangnya tindakan pihak Israel menyerang bumi Palestin (Gaza) telah menyebabkan semua orang marah apatah lagi kalangan umat Islam seluruhnya. Semua juga tahu bahawa Amerika menyokong Israel bertindak demikian.
Malangnya kemarahan umat Islam hanya setakat berdemontrasi sahaja, tidak lebih dari itu. Sementara itu pemimpin-pemimpin dari negara Islam tidak menunjukan kesungguhan untuk bersatu padu dengan mengeluarkan amaran akan bertindak balas ke atas Israel kerana tindakannya. Di masa Amerika yang turut berdepan dengan masalah ekonomi yang tenat, tidak ada satu negara Islam pun yang berani bertindak mengambil peluang untuk melupuhkan terus ekonominya. Malah nilai matawang nya masih tetap stabil. Mungkinkah negara-negara Islam turut mempertahankan nilai matawang kerana takut kekayaan negara menyusut apabila nilai matawang Amerika jatuh? Sekira ya maka nasib umat Islam akan datang akan lebih merana.
Kepada Tun sekeluarga, saya doakan semoga diRahmati ALLAH sentiasa.
Dear Tun,
Of course we have to use Jewish product. Everywhere is jewish product. Even Microsoft. The only way for muslims to move forward is to be more innovative of which we very much lack off
The new President of USA wont be helping Palestinians. I can assure you of that. In fact, he will be worse off than Bush as he needs to show that he is on Israel’s side. So i hope the muslims dont think that things will get better.
salam bahagia YABhg TDM & warga chedet
bagaimana jika mengusulkan suapay semua jazirah arab mengangkat senjata menghala kepada Israel. Tidak perlu lagi merujuk kepada
etika kemanusiaan, kerana mereka tidak memperdulikan semua itu.
Tiada lagi perbincangan yg sesuai dengan mereka…
Hanya senjata sahaja yg boleh melenyapkan binatang ini..
sekian, wassallam
Assalam mualaikum.
Tun yang saya amat hormati,
Ssungguhpun saya setuju dan menyokong dengan pandpat Tun saya juga mohon umat Isam pada am nya utk memikir kenapa ini semua terjadi.
Kita yang beragama Islam, Kristen dan yahudi semua tahu cerita David and Goliath. Di mana Nabi David yg kecil itu dapat membunuh Goliath dengan hanya sebutir batu sahaja. Cerita dan kisah benar itu berlaku ribuan tahun dulu. Sekarang dengan zaman teknologi dan srba modern denngan hanya melempar batu sahaja kita tidak akan membunuh musuh kita mahu pun meluka nya dengan parah.
Apa yg umat Islam harus perlakukan utk mendapat kekuatan itu?
1. Memberi pendidikan maksimal kapada anak2 Islam dan bukan hanya menumpu kan pada ajaran agama dan akhirat.
2. Mempisahkan budaya dan agama itu dan bukan di campur aduk dan akhir nya membikin ‘ part of religion ‘ seperti menutup aurat dari hujung kepala hingga ka hujung kaki. Tapi waktu tawaf di depan Kaabah di pamerkan muka pula.
3. BERSATU. Ini bab yang susah yang saya perhati antara kaum Islam. Ada 4 mahzab, 2 pahaman dan byk lagi yg nama nya Islam tp sesat ato terpesong. Satiap mahzab itu berpegang mereka yg benar mengikut akidah Islam. Yang Sunni dan Shia pula tetap bertentangan. Kerajaan Islam semua tidak pernah bersetuju antara sama laen.
4. Sikap kaum2 Arab pula berbeda2 mengikut budaya dan pemikiran. Orang Palestin tak suka org Jordan atau Saudi ato org Kuwait. Org Iran juga tak secocok dengan org Irak. Irak pula benci Saudi. Syria pikir mereka boleh hidup sendiri. Org Pakistan lebih cenderung dengan org Iran dan ada pula yg mendukung org saudi. Di Tenggara Asia juga sama. Org Indonesia memikir mereka lebih arif dengan agama islam. Malah rama juga anak2 malaysia pergi ka pesanteran2 di Indonesia utk belajar. Org Islam di Thailand lebih mirip org PAS. Org PAS pula pandang ka org UMNO ‘kafir ‘ Setau saya makna ‘ KAFIR ‘ di maksud kan kapada org yang tidak percaya ada Tuhan atau tidak beragama. Kalau yang beragama seperti Islam, Kristen, Yahudi, Hindu,dll kan mereka semua percaya ada Tuhan tuh. Tak kira la ada separuh agama yang banyak Tuhan nya. Yang pentg maseh percaya kewujudan Tuhan.
Dengan poin2 di atas Boleh kah org Palestin ato umat Islam secara umum nya menang ato berjaya untuk menguasai dunia ini ? Jangan kata menguasai dunia BUT to gain respect dari agama dan bangsa laen aja susah tuh.
Seharus nya org Palestin kalau mereka bener2 mau menguasai balek tanah air mereka :
1. BERDAMAI. Love thy enemy. When you love your enemy ini boleh bikin mereka lebih penasaran tuh !
2. Proper education given to the Palestin children terutama di bidang ekonomi, science, kejuruteraan, dll.
3. Ubah sikap dan budaya Palestin dan org Arab umum nya. Time Management sahaja susah nak di ubah !! Janji jam 12t/hari tapi mereka tiba jam 2 petang ! Macam mana nih.
4. THE MODERN WAR IS ALL ABOUT ECOMONY. Justru kalo org Palestin di beri pendidikan yang penuh, insyallah satu hari mereka yg akan menguasai tanah Palestin dan Israell dan rakyat Israel akan menenunduk kapada mereka. But I doubt this can happen till end of time. We can only dream lah.
Tapi apa yang saya katakan di atas hanya impian aja. maseh ada kerajaan dan menyokong tindakan Palestin skrg. Kita harus terima kerjaaan Barat terutama USA dan UK akan tetap membantu Israel. Sepatut nya Kerajaan Arab yang mau bantu org Palestin bukan dengan mengapi2 kan perang dan kekerasan TAPI bantu dengan memberi pendidikan, menguatkan ekonomi , mengajar org Palestin untuk bekerja dan berdagang dan bukan berperang yang tidak akan di menangi malah lebih byk jiwa muda akan hilang dari muka bumi ini.
Lihat aja Singapura. Mereka berdamai dengan musuh2 mereka di rantau ini. Dan kita juga bersyukur kerna Kerjaaan Malaysia juga tiada niat utk berperang dgn menggunakan senjata. Kita berperang dgn menggunakan kebijaksanaan dan pendidikan yg di beri esepcially waktu TUn menjd PM. Sedih nya pemimpin sekarang lebih reda menjual negara ini kapada org laen.
Saya maseh bersimpati dengan org Palestin yang kini sedang di timpa musibah. Tapi saya juga berharap pemimpin2 mereka harus mikir dengan lebih matang kalo sayang sama rakyat nya. Jangan lah mereka berpidato dan berucap berapi2 untuk menaekkan kemarahan rakyat dan menyuruh mereka berperang dengan Israel. They will never win !!
Tapi begitu la org yang pandai berpidato dan pandai berucap berapi2 kan Tun? Di Malaysia juga ada org seperti itu. Gunakan Rakyat dgn pidato yang berapi2 utk kepentingan diri sendiri. Malah boleh jual lagi negara ini ka kuasa Barat tuh. He dont care what.
Kita akan hanya berjaya buat Israel kalah jika kita maju dlm bidang ekonomi dan mempunyai pendirian dan iman yg kuat. Oleh itu kita perlu bersatu padu sesama rakyat Malaysia dan pastikan negara ini tidak dipergunakan oleh negara2 asing, seperti Singapura dan Amerika.
Dlm pada itu negara2 Arab harus bersatu dan gunakan kuasa minyak mereka utk melemahkan Amerika dan Israel.
depa ni sampai bila nak macam ni??? I pun harap if I could do something to stop all this…tapi yang pasti doa sentiasa dipanjat agar depa ni dapat hukuman setimpalnya dari Allah Azzawajalla.
baca pasai depa ni saja, menyirap darah!!!
When I said Israel rules the world by proxy, the American media and Government condemned me. But it is a fact that only those candidates approved by Israel can win elections in America. So much for democracy in the United States. Lets see the stand of the United States’ new President.
(memang best line ni!!! tapi saya tabik spring la kat Tun, sbb condem depa ni terang terang!!! )
by the way…esok saya nak balik penang, pi jenguk famili…nanti balik nak lepak kat sini lagi…looking fwd for your next story, Tun…T
Happy New Year & May Allah sentiasa lindungi Tun Sekeluarga.
Memang tepat sekali, baru-baru ini semasa dalam kempen pemilihan Presient Amerika, kedua-dua calon secara terang-terang menyatakan sokongan mereka terhadap Israel.
Saya kuatir keganasan akan terus berlaku dalam keadan ekonomi dunia dan amerika semakin tenat. Ini kerena salah satu penjana ekonomi Amerika adalh melalui penjualan senjata dan peluru. Jadi bila ada peperangan Amreika akan dapat menjual produk senjata mereka. Ini bermakna Israel akan terus mambedil Palestine dan Amreika akan berdiam sahaja kerana setiap peluru yang diguna untuk membunuh rakyat Palestine bermakna keuntungan kepada Amerika…
Rakyat Malaysia bukan sahaja membantu Israel dengan membeli produk dari Israel, kita juga membeli barangan dari Syarikat-syarikat yang secar terang-terang meyokong Israel. Kebanyakan syarikat ini semuanye dari Amerika. Oleh itu baik semua rakyat Malaysia, lebih-lebih lagi yang beragama Islam memboikot produk-produk atau franchise-franshise dari Amerika. Supaya ekonomi Merika yang sedang teruk bertambah teruk sehingga la isu Palestine selesai…
Dear Tun,
Not just in supermarket “pisang kaki” also happens to be sold in out in “pasar malam”…by the muslim businessman. Thanks for highlighting it.
We had to buy this Pisang Kaki so we would not annoyed our neighbor. This is the policy. Regardless where it come from. It is too much sir.
There is no such idea to boikot the product from Israel!! not like during your time which we do boikot those who are arrogant.
We have no longer principle….too lembekk….
Latest: 382 Palestinans dead, 1850 injured (350 critical) and wholesale destruction of Gaza’s civilian infrastructure: Welcome to jewish/nazi state terrorists’ FINAL SOLUTION! Jewish/nazi state sponsored holocaust reflects Zionism’s inherently evil agenda! The jewish/nazi air force used a new bunker-buster missile in Gaza that it received recently from it master partners-in-crime the United States. The US is equally complicit in jewish/nazi orchestrated HOLOCAUST in Gaza.
Terrorism continues unabated with the latest wholesale genocide launched against Palestinians by the blood-thirsty coward Zionist state terrorists. Jewish/Nazi state sponsored holocaust of the Palestinians shows WHO WANTS TO WIPE WHOM OFF THE MAP! Palestinians need to resist Jewish terror and occupation by ANY means necessary! Zionism is inherently against peaceful co-existance and inherently evil.
Maybe after losing to Hezbollah in 2006, Israeli/nazi cowards decided to vent their anger at the Palestinians in Gaza under the pretext of stopping kassam rockets (i.e. glorified fireworks). This attack is part of a larger US-Israeli plan to kill a democratically elected g’ment of Hamas & to suppress Palestinians to accept a plan on zionist terms that doesnt address the end to occupation! In short Israel wants an obedient proxy like Abbas to serve its interests.
No one buys Israeli BS about Hamas launching ‘bombs’ (that are nothing more than glorified fireworks) into Israel. In fact Hamas’s rocket attack was in direct response to the closure of Gaza by the Jewish state terrorists. Palestinians were eating out of garbage dumps because no food was allowed in Gaza due to the Zionist closure. Hamas responded to Zionist provocation and its breakage of yet another ceasefire! Israel has no honour nor dignity when it comes to keeping peace treaties.
Richard Falk, the professor of international law at Princeton University and the UN
Salam Tun,
1. Saya sendiri akan mengenakan sekatan ekonomi terhadap Amerika.
saya tidak akan membeli barangan keluaran Amerika…..orang Islam lain macam mana?
2. Nak tanya sikit……boleh tak majlis fatwa keluarkan fatwa bahawa “ADALAH HARAM MENGGUNAKAN ATAU MAKAN BARANGAN DARI AMERIKA”
Sesiapa degil akan masuk neraka…..ini bukan nak aniaya Amerika tapi demi mempertahankan agama Islam.
Salam Tun
Salam Maal Hijrah 1430..
Negara Islam tidak sepatutnya tunduk kpd Israel laknat itu, bahkan negara2 Islam melalui OIC dan selainya perlu bersatu menentang Zionis terbabit
Jika kita tunduk kpd kehendak Singapura negara kita bakal terbuka dgn ancaman Israel dan sekutunya.
Jelas kita telah melihat campur tgn secara terus kedlm sistem pentadbiran dan kehakiman kita. Ini menunjukkan yg kerajaan yg ada skrg lemah.
Saya mengutuk sekeras kerasnya pencerobohan zionis ke dlm negara Palestin. Tiada tempat walau seinci pun utk Zionis bertapak di Bumi Allah yang mulia ini.
Ummat Islam M’sia dan seluruh alam, marilah kita brsma2 berdoa utk kesejahteraan Umat Islam di dunia amnya dan di palestin khasnya..Amin..
The fight between the Israelites and the Palestineans are nothing more than the family feud between the son of the first wife and the son of the second wife!
However, I will not be surprised that you are going to grab this golden opportunity to incite your Muslim fellow men to take action to boycott the supermarket or hypermarket operated by either Europeans or Chinese Malaysians and to boycott our neighbour Singapore which is always the easy scapegoat target for you to play racist politics.
You always try to pose a belligerent gesture to either Singaporean or Malaysian Chinese with an attempt to suggest as though the Chinese people are the Israeli sympathisers. Your selfish intent and short-sightedness in playing the racist politics in order to mobilise the political support for your own son during UMNO party election or for you yourself due to snobbish power-show-off purpose all point up to the fact that you are indeed a hypocrite who only encourages the multi-racial hormony and national unity by mouth but not by action.
Why must you make Malaysians fight Singaporeans everytime when there was an intensified physical conflict between the Israelites and the Palestineans? Is the personal political gain which you may obtain from the word-of-mouth conflict between the Malaysians and the Singaporeans really too irresistible so much so that you are so daring to take the risks in order to flare up the conflict?
Tun, please behave yourself now since you are already at the sunset stage of your age. It is high time for you to seek forgiveness of Allah now and please do not provoke anybody to start an attack on you due to your passing some insensible racist remarks over here!
dear chedet,
can u tell me which supermarket in kl?
in my neighbourhood tesco london, they sell lemongrass from israel. tobat tak mau beli, was more willing to get on the bus and go to chinatown to buy non-israeli goods.
my 2 sen.
Apa yang kami dapat buat sekarang hanyalah berdoa kepada Allah SWT agar penduduk Palestin diselamatkan.
Without the American’s support, Israel now is even more powerful against any or even all Middle East muslim countries combined. Their nuclear arsenal is no match for Iran who is struggling to produce any nuclear threat to Israel. The balance of power is on Israel’s side. But Israel fears Iran even if Iran can produce just one nuclear weapon, that means certain disaster. To wipe out Israel from the face of the earth, Iran or muslim terrorists must attack Israel with nuclear weapons, but Israel will certainly retaliate by unleashing its nuclear arsenal to Iran and all muslim countries of the middle east, a nuclear holocaust that will wipe out Israel and the muslim countries alike!
What will happen after that nuclear holocaust? Don’t think that Israel is wiped out. The Jews of US and the world over will still flock back to Israel and build a new Israel faster than any muslim can rebuild their devastated state of the middle east. Then we go back to square one maybe this time with an even more advanced new state of Israel surrounded by the far far lesser states of muslim countries……..
The Palestinians are taking the beating, everyday they are dying…..The best we Malaysians can do is symphatizing, lamenting and….boycotting Israel’s goods? What else can we do? All these while….NOTHING! Why? Because we are weak ourselves. The super rich Arab countries are so cowed to use their oil money to make themselves a powerful nation because all they care for is to enrich their princes and kings before the oil runs dry.
Israel has no oil, no rich princes, no rich kings…….
That’s why la Allah is punishing us.
how I wish Saudi can say “stop harrassing the Palestinians.. or else”… wonder when will that happen…
Dear Tun,
I am against the loss of innocent lives anywhere.
I read a book once where it was said a gentlemen’s war is fought at sea by navies (no civilian lives lost).
Actually, there is a simple solution to this complex problem.
The Palestinians should just lay down arms and seek autonomy if independence is not possible.
Why? There is no way they are going to win against Israel with Uncle Sam’s backing.
The best they (Palestinian leaders) can do for their people is to come to terms and let them live in peace.
Like it or not they are as much to blame (launching puny Katyushas — for what?).
Best Regards
There are among us who are stupid hyppocrites..kutuk Israel bukan main, tapi sokong pemimpin di malaysia yang ada kaitan dengan personaliti pro-yahudi..kononnya ini bermaksud moderate muslim..go to hell with that..it all starts with our choice..we are powerless to do anything..but we will be more powerless if malaysia loses it ketuanan islam (melayu)..do you expect a non-muslim leader to voice out against israel?
jangan jadi hipokrit sahabat sekalian..you know who you are..kalau dah sokong pemimpin pro-kafir di malaysia, then stop voicing out against Israel. Just shut up.
Dearest Tun,
It is very disheartening to realise that even if almost all countries condemns the attacks by the Israelis war machine nothing can be done to stop them.
Enough with all this so called UN resolutions, when it is directed against Israel it would only be a paper resolution.
Sorry to say but i’m of the opinion that the convening of emergency by OIC or even the UN Security Council will be a waste of time.
How can the world and especially Muslim Countries can just stand aside and only watch the atrocities committed by Israel.
Does the Palestinian have to pay for all the so called wrongs committed against the Jews? Why are the western nations not doing anything? is this their way of paying off their debts to the Jews for their late action against the Nazis during WW2 resulting in the deaths of six or is it seven millions Jews?
Why is it the Arab countries which are blessed with wealth in terms of oil can not do anything? What are they afraid off? the obvious reason is the fear of Israel Big Daddy UNITED STATES OF AMERICA…
On paper when Israel declares it’s statehood after WW2, nobody in their right mind gives them any chance of survival. Surrounded by 50 millions Arabs at that time, it should have been easy for the Arabs to overrun Israel. BUT somehow Israel managed to survive and even flourish until today with the backing of BIG DADDY.
Enough of all these talking.. What we require is action.. If the UN does not want to do anything except talking, OIC should do something.
The world would not be at peace untuk the Palestinian Issue is solved….
What’s DAP & PKR’s stand on this issue ?
bapak mentua dan menantu sekarang pun banyak bantu singapura ,cara tak langsung membantu yahudi.
Dear Tun,
The U.S can be making all the Bombs and the guns. But I still think human greed is to be blame. You may not like the idea of U.S being there for Isreal. But there is nothing you or anyone else can do about it.
So why not focus on something positive on what we can do to this country, reather than just pointing fingers at others where you yourself know you cannot do anything there.
Lots of ppl read your portal, maybe you should be doing some positive things here, like advising the people on the current economics and things to do. Or even halp those SME by giving advise.
Salam hormat Tun,
tertarik dengan ungkapan Tun, tunggu saja lah presiden Amerika yang baru. Saya juga memang tak sabar lagi nak tunggu apa tindakan bakal presiden itu nanti. Setakat ini Barak Obama sendiri belum buat komen lagi. pihak mana dia berdiri.
Apa komen Tun dengan bakal presiden Amerika yang baru ni. Adakah suatu
perubahan dasar luar Amerika nanti, atau serupa aje..
Saya mengharapkan Presiden Iran saja yang boleh melakukan sesuatu keatas Israel . Satu satu nya negara Arab yang lengkap dengan peralatan senjata moden. Saya selut Ahmadinejad kalau Tehran serang Israel.
Dearest Tun,
Not only persimmons, computer softwares and securities systems, delivered through Singapore to government agencies could also be susceptible to such entry.. Somebody should be peka and check through..
Assalamualaikum Yg Bhg Tun,
Itulah sebabnya Pulau Batu Putih jatuh ke tangan Singapura, ini memang telah saya jangka kerana hakimnya adalah Yahudi maka sudah tentulah pulau tersebut diserah kepada ajen Yahudi iaitu Singapura.
Malaysians condemns Israeli air strikes in Gaza.How about Al Qaeda,Abu Sayyaf,Jemaah Islamiah,separatist in southern Thailand and the Mumbai attacks.Why everybody just keep silent? The Israeli only targetting the Palestinians,but the Islamists group kills all races be it American,European,African or Asian.
Salam m”aal hijarah buat Tun dan semua umat Islam amnya.Tun,mendengar dan melihat kekejaman yang dilakukan oleh pihak Israel dengan sewenang-wenanagnya tanpa bantahan dari pihak U.S yang tamak itu.Bagaimana nasib umat Islam disana yang tak putus2 diserang oleh rejim Israel yang laknat itu.Melihat anak2 kecil,wanita dan warga tua yang tak bermaya dengan lumuran darah membuat hati kecil saya semakin membenci,mendendami juga tak ada sekumit kepercayaan pada bangsa yang laknat itu.Malahan saya menyuruh ahli2 keluarga yang lain agar memboikot barangan atau apa jua dari Israel.Tun,adakah negara2 Islam yang lain malahan ada yang kaya tidak dapat berbuat apa-apa dengan kejadian yang menimpa saudara2 kita disana?.Kenapa kita semua tak bersatu demi agama?sebaliknya kita akan bertindak serta merta jika kekayaan kita diambil.Tun,plestine diserang selepas Hamas menyerang Israel tetapi tak ada pertumpahan darah berlaku.sebaliknya beratus2 jiwa umat Islam terkorban atas serangan dari Israel.Kenapa pihak Hamas berdiam diri setelah musuh menyerang?Bukankah inilah masa pihak Hamas membalas serangan tersebut dengan sehebat2nya sebagai syarat mempertahankan hak orang Islam.Atau yang dikatakan serangan dari Hamas itu mungkin perbuatan mereka yang menjadi dalang bagi rejim tersebut,untuk membolehkan pihak Israel membuat tindakkan keatas plestine.Tun,tiada yang mustahil dalam hal ini,kerana ketamakan juga kebodohan perkara ini boleh terjadi.Tun,kita lihat didalam negara kita sudah,kerana inginkan kekayaan atau kuasa hingga sanggup menikam dari belakang bangsa seagama .Tun,apa yang berlaku sebelum dan sekarang masih dianggap sepi .Malahan ada yang menganggapnya biasa2 aje seperti tiada apa2 yang berlaku.Kebanyakkan dari kita lebih mementingkan diri sendiri itu yang berlaku pada negara2 Islam yang lain.Sebabnya, ekonomi dunia ini dikuasai oleh pihak Israel seperti kata Tun pun calon presiden2 Amerika sendiri memerlukan sokongan dari pihak Israel.Kerana takut dan terlalu jahil,percaya pada bangsa itu.Sehingga ekonomi yang melanda dunia pun gara2 perbuatan dari seorang Israel.Kerana jahil ,mereka masih menyokong Israel lagi.Tun,rasanya tak tertulis apa yang terdapat difikiran dan perasaan saya .Hanya pada ALLAH tempat saya meminta agar diberi keamanan dibumi plestine .Sebelum itu saya memohon maaf jika terdapat kekasaran dari segi perkataan dan semoga ALLAH merahmati usaha2 dan jasa2 TUN .Semoga umat ISLAM dibumi plestine dilindungi Allah dari kekejaman rejim Israel itu.
“5. Incidentally we should also realise that we are, in a small way, helping Israel. Israeli persimmons (pisang kaki) are sold in supermarkets in Kuala Lumpur.”
nope…not in a small way…trust me…
yes tun i agree, people in Malaysia have been supporting Israel’s merchandise without ever noticing it…a good example would be Starbucks, whereby their profits are directly being funded to Israel for umm… ‘development purpose’. Nuff said.
Salam Tun,
Don’t get things wrong, the people of Israel there are some good people and there are some bad people same as in this country and same as in America.It is the administration of the goverment of Israel which is bad , so is in America ther are plenty of people in America and Israel who protested against their goverment.
So when this things happened what happen to the Arab world, countries like Egypt, Jordon and Saudi Arabia remain silence when Israel attack The Palestinan people.
How do we expect Hamas to fight Israel when they dont have the firepower like advanced helicopters and F18 ETC. How can you win a war with rockets and RPG this is suicide. Good bye !!
Dear Tun Mahathir,
There you go again. First shoot America then shoot Singapore for fun is a sign of senile dementia.
salam Tun,
Mungkinkah perlu bagi orang-orang Palestin membeli insurans nyawa daripada Syarikat-Syarikat Insurans Amerika bagi melindungi diri. Ia juga satu cara supaya kerajaan Amerika tidak menyokong sarangan Israel laknatullah itu. Adakah idea ini masuk akal?
sebenarnya ekonomi dunia dkuasai oleh kaum yahudi…starbucks….coca cola…pepsi…..dan mcm2 lagi ‘brand’ yg terkenal….sudah menembusi pasaran malaysia sekian lama…..walaupun di malaysia…ketuanya oleh melayu…..kita dalam keadaan tersekat….marilah kita berdoa agar keamanan dalam direalisasikan…..dan orang islam bersatu….menentang musuh islam….
Tahniah Tun…dapat Ijazah Doktor Kehormat dari Universiti di Yemen..
Salam Tun & fellow bloggers,
Barack Hussein Obama telah dilahirkan ke dunia ini sebagai seorang Muslim.Tapi entah macamana disebabkan masalah keluarga dia telah ‘terKristian’.Mudah2han dengan izin Allah akan terbuka pintu hatinya untuk kembali kepada Islam,maka segala polisi Amerika kan berubah dan menguntungkan umat Islam.Insyaallah
Dear YAA Tun,
The Palestinan – Israeli conflict is no different from white rule in South Africa. The Israeli government with the help of the most powerful military in the world creates homelands and then controls them by using all kinds of methods sanctioned by the NU Security Council.
At some point the OIC should get out of its “Oh I See” policy and move to call a spade a spade.Nothing in this world is forever. At some point the weakest link will give and suddenly we will find the solution. To my mind the approach to that solution may have to come from a modified version of how white rule was brought to end in South Africa.
We have thousands of Malaysia jobs for Malaysian and it is even enough for Palestinians Arabs people. http://www.JobsBroadway.com
Semoga Allah menyatukan umat Islam supaya dapat membuat tindakan terhadap Amerika dan Israel. Setiap Ringgit dalam duit umat Islam haruslah dibelanjakan dengan penuh cermat supaya tidak masuk ke kantung penjenayah perang ini. Amerika yg parah dengan masalah ekonominya sekarang tidak mungkin dapat menerima tekanan dan asakan kewangan baru jika umat Islam semuanya bersatu. Teringat dengan kempen buy British last dalam era Tun, di mana mereka2 yang mempunyai kepentingan di Malaysia ini mendesak kerajaan mereka untuk mengambil langkah ‘berbaik semula’ dengan Malaysia.
Hampir saja kita ‘kenakan’ Singapura sebelum plan Jambatan Bengkok dibuang oleh ‘sleeping beauty’ & cro.
Apakah si Presiden OIC itu mampu berbuat sesuatu hari Sabtu nanti? Semoga Allah melindungi kita semua…
/// 2. The world should also condemn the United States. ///
Wait a minute Tun. Didn’t your minions paid a few million ringgits just before you “retire” for you to have a photo opportunity at the White House with the evil George Bush?
Boikot Israel!!..Boikot semua barangan Israel!!..Kita sekat ekonomi Israel!!
Hazman Abu Bakar
Askum Tun,
A lot of people said that we are on the end of our world but what do you think Tun?
I strongly believe that we are not..people are afraid to do something thats why they accused god of making all of this!
I hope one day people will fight back and realised that today is just apart of the process in achieving it…
Setuju dengan pandangan Tun.
Saya sedih dengan ummat Islam sekarang yang pemikiran mereka terlalu jauh ke belakang berbanding orang lain. Kebetulan minggu lepas saya berjumpa dengan seorang doktor pakar yang ditugaskan di Lahad Datu, Sabah (atas anjuran PBB). Beliau sangat mengagumi Tun dan berbangga dengan pemimpin beliau iaitu (Allahyarham) Benazir Bhutto.
Kata beliau, sewaktu bertugas menjadi doktor di Pensyawar (sempadan Afghan) dia sentiasa menanti berita antarabangsa berkaitan kedua-dua pemimpin Islam iaitu Tun dan Benazir. Beliau juga sangat menyanjung tinggi sifat Tun yang berterus-terang mengutuk Israel apabila muncul peluang Tun berucap di pentas dunia.
Beliau menyifatkan yang Malaysia sangat bertuah dan dia sangat terkejut bila bekerja di sini melihatkan keakraban pelbagai bangsa dan agama sama-sama boleh duduk dalam satu majlis. Berbanding di Pakistan, ‘musuh’ bagi mereka adalah puak-puak bangsa mereka sendiri dan orang Afghan, sedangkan semua yang disebutkan adalah muslim belaka. Beliau turut rasa serba-salah (awkward) apabila pertama kali ‘terpaksa’ menghadiri Jamuan Rumah Terbuka Tahun Baru Cina bosnya, pengarah hospital disebabkan kurangnya pergaulan dengan bangsa beragama selain Islam.
Berikutan ini, saya berpendapat, masalah pendidikan, kurang melawat negara orang dan tidak berfikiran global menjadi punca masalah umat Islam kini sehingga bangsa lain senang-senang memijak mereka. Bangsa arab misalnya menganggap mereka yang terbaik tetapi sanggup pula sujud terhadap permintaan Amerika yang jauh lebih pandai memanipulasikan peluang.
Lihat sahaja di bandar-bandar peranginan Malaysia, bangsa barat (west/europe) dengan senang dan beraninya membuka perniagaan pelancongan walaupun mereka tahu Malaysia ini bukan negara mereka. Bandar Port Dickson, NS dan Semporna, Sabah menjadi bukti ‘penaklukan’ mereka terhadap servis pelancongan.
Cubalah orang melayu sendiri (yang bukan berdarah penjajah ini) cuba membuka perniagaan seperti ini di Rio De Jeneiro atau Maldives, belum tentu lagi mereka berani tanpa modal wang, pengaruh, politik dan jatidiri. Inferiority complex amat menebal dalam diri muslim sehinggakan mereka sanggup berfikir buruk dahulu sebelum mencuba sesuatu. Contohnya jika liga-arab bersatu dan berkeras terhadap Israel tanpa fikir panjang, tentu masalah ini sudah lama selesai. Ini tidak, mereka lebih memikirkan ‘apa pandangan rakan dagang jika kita bertindak’ yang dunia telah ketahui rakan dagang mereka adalah Amerika dan proksinya.
Sedih juga bila memikirkan tentang persimmons seperti yang Tun sebutkan. Namun, rakyat kita sendiri yang kurang pengetahuan akhirnya secara tanpa sedar barang dagangan Israel berjaya menembusi pasaran Malaysia.
Semoga Tun terus sihat sejahtera dan menulis berkaitan dengan dunia Islam global sesuai dengan pengalaman 22 tahun Tun menerajui Malaysia untuk tatapan generasi muda kita. Syabas!
Salam Tun Dr. M,
Mai ramai2 pakat boikot barang2 dr Israel (Yahudi)…
Israel tak berani nak serang cara gentlemen. Dia serang ikut udara dan guna peluru berpnandu dari kapal2 perang. Dia nak hancurkan semua fasiliti. Bagi jatuh moral.
Lepas dah lenyap semua kekuatan Palestin, Israel pasti masuk guna tentera darat.
Kenapa seluruh negara Arab yang berjiran ngan Israel, tembak ja peluru berpandu beramai2 dalam wilayah Israel. Synchronize attack. Gunakan segala peluru berpandu yang ada.
Israel kalau ada Surface to Air Missile pun kalau dah terlampau banyak tembak, mesti ada yang terlepas masuk dalam wilayah Israel.
Negara Arab kena gabung. Bukannya kecut telur dengan kuasa Amerika. Dalam Quran pun ada sebut yang kaum Israel akan berkumpul satu hari nanti. Kemudian akan lenyap. Jadi negara Arab tembak la peluru berpandu banyak2 masuk dalam Israel.
Hi CHEDET, are you a believer in FREEMASONRY?
Nvrmind, may I seek your Wisdom and Enlightenment regarding GLOBALIZATION, existence of CURRENCY EXCHANGE, MONEY, JEWS CONSPIRACY and other paradoxes that are happening around the world?
Astrology mentions 2009 would be a year of great changes.
The Palestine, Gaza scenario will not change for a long time to come. As long as US foreign policy in these region still remain , nothing will change. I was sceptical when Obama says he will do something about the Middle East conflict if he is elected as the US President.
Well to all the Obama “worshipper or admirer or follower”, please understand that he cant do much as long as his advisors and think tank group are still under the influence of Israel and the Jews. He has to please his people or supporters especially his benefactors first before he can please the heart of the Palestinians. He may not be as heartless as Bush but he is still an American President, who usually succumb to the demand of Israel govt.
Salam Tun,
Mana dia OIC?….mana penerusi OIC?
mana orang orang yg selalu melaungkan mempertahankan Islam?
Inilah masanya untuk mengotakan apa yg dikata.
The political will of our leaders, be it in the Asian region or anywhere in the world, is to say the least, pathetic. Not a single leader is brave enough to stand up to the powers of the United States of America in its support for Israel. Everyone will comment and say, “I wish I can do something”.. DO SOMETHING!!
As an individual, we can voice out our unhappiness and protest by corresponding to the relevant authorities, like our own Foreign Affairs Ministry, the American Embassy, our political leaders etc, demanding that they do something to stop this shameful aggression by the zionist government.
How can the world be so blind to see the enormous strength of the Israeli army acting against the poorly armed Palestinian? And not do anything about it other than lip service. This is a massacre.
I beg all those in the position to make a difference, to express your disgust in any way possible to stop this bloodshed of innocent lives.
Tun, you are one that can make a difference…Please act and lead us to show the world that we can stand together and make our voices heard on the international stage.
Salam Tun,
Every Muslim has a responsibility to do good and prevent/avoid evil deeds (amar maaruf nahi mungkar). I thank ALLAH for Tun’s courage in writing on the evil deeds of the Zionist regime in Israel (and supported by equally evil America).
The matter of America’s unfailing support for Zionist Israel is not unexpected. Zionist Israel and capitalist America work in cohort to fulfill each others evil desires. America needs a “diversion” to deflect world’s attention from its bankrupt economy and failing currency.
Throughout recent history, every time the American economy is in trouble, a war was started. It is the same this time as well. Zionist Israel, the reliable partner of the Americans, has declarred a war on the hapless Palestinians. This war is likely to ignite a war on a greater scale in the Middle East. Zionist Israel seeks for every opportunity to establish its evil Greater Israel agenda. Such is honor among thieves!
I make doa ALLAH will give us strength and Islam will prevail. God’s justice shall prevail. Justice is being served on the corrupt American economy. Similarly, justice will be served on all wrongdoers, be it Muslims or Jews or anyone else for that matter. For the Zionist Israel, the day of reckoning is coming. It is already written in the Book of the God.
ALLAH, save mankind from destruction. May peace and harmony prevail. Muslims and all true believers in God, unite and stop the evil actions as perpetrated by the Zionist Israel and supported by the Amercians.
Assalamualaikum Tun,
1.Orang ISLAM mesti bersatu untuk melawan ISRAEL yang mana penduduknya adalah terdiri dari KAUM YAHUDI yang terkenal sebagai manusia yang ANGKUH dan menjadi MUSUH UTAMA ISLAM sepertimana disebut didalam AL QURAN.
2.Kaum YAHUDI juga walaupun jumlahnya sedikit tetapi terkenal kerana KEPINTARAN dan DISIPLIN yang tinggi.YAHUDI juga dapat menguasai EKONOMI AMERIKA.
3.Kalau kita nak melawan dari segi ketenteraan sudah tentu awal2 lagi kita akan kalah kerana kelengkapan ketenteranya adalah jauh lebih canggih jika dibandingkan dengan senjata yang dimiliki oleh negara2 ISLAM.
4.Apa yang boleh kita lakukan ialah melawan dari segi EKONOMI yang mana setiap orang ISLAM hendaklah MEMBOIKOT segala produk yang berkaitan dengan YAHUDI.
5.YAHUDI juga telah menggunakan SINGAPURA sebagai pengkalan untuk MEMASARKAN produknya ke MALAYSIA.
6.Kita hendaklah menyenaraikan segala produk yang ada kaitannya dengan YAHUDI supaya masyarakat ISLAM tahu yang mana satu kepunyaan YAHUDI atau tidak.
7.Kepada PENGUNDI KUALA TERENGGANU juga jangan lupa untuk MEMBOIKOT PARTI yang bekerjasama dengan parti TAJAAN YAHUDI (PKR dan DAP)pada piliharaya kecil akan datang. Selamat Mengundi.
Doa moga Tun sihat selalu.
Tun yang disayangi, bagi cadangan macamana kami sebagai umat Islam di Nusantara ini boleh membantu bukan sekadar berdoa sahaja? Secara terus terang saya katakan hati ini sudah tidak tertahan melihat kekejaman zionist, mungkin perasaan seperti ini yang membuatkan terlalu banyak kumpulan radikal Islam muncul dalam dunia ini.
Tolong buat sesuatu Tun, kami sebagai rakyat Malaysia kukuh dibelakang Tun..
Umat Islam seharusnya bersatu padu..
Pemimpin sekarang hanya pandai mengutuk serangan Israel namun tiada tindakan diambil..
Apa guna Persidangan Negara-Negara Islam jika hanya mampu melihat beratus-ratus kematian terus berlaku di Gaza..
Umat Islam, berdoalah..
Sesungguhnya doa adalah senjata umat Islam..
p/s : Peringatan pada diri untuk sentiasa muhasabah diri
The Palestinians in general and Hamas too has to bear equal blame for the violence: the Palestinians for voting Hamas into power and Hamas for continually stinging the sleeping bear that is Israel. They had their chance for a ceasefire and they blatantly spurned it. And now Israel has moved to quash the bug that is Hamas and you can’t honestly say that they didn’t have it coming.
Now, I’m not saying that that Israel is the innocent victim here: they’re both equally guilty for the mess that is the Middle East right now. The fact that Israel has superior weaponry and troops does not automatically make them the evil bully. Don’t let sympathy (empathy? As if!) for one side blind you to their culpability.
Salam most beloved Ayahanda Tun. A poignant write indeed. Yes, it
Unfortunately, it is stated in the prophecy. They (israel) cannot be defeated. Until………………
Kita tunggu sahajalah nanti ada pulak orang menjual pokok-pokok Gharqad (Boxthorn)kat pasaraya dan pasar-pasar malam kita.
Pisang kaki tu pun banyak dijual di pasar malam sekarang ni..
Give in and let them conquer and rule the whole mid-east and there will be no more war. As a matter of fact let them rule the whole world and then see what else they want to rule and conquer. They will surely destroy themselves as we know from history all greedy conquerors will self destroy.
So don
Salam Tun,
By zahar on December 30, 2008 4:40 PM
i wish that i can do something?
dear zahar and the rest with the same question. PLEASE use local products and services (i think i have commented on this issue). as simple as that. once we stop using anything that comes from US and her allies, we will win the war, economically. so many things can replace the products and services that support US, yet, we are still reluctant to do so. for example, eventhough McD is held by malaysian company, but still a portion goes to US. so, the malaysian company should justify either they want to make money with US ties, or start substituting as well, or even better, create our own brandnames and market it to the world, starting with the muslim nation.
easy said then done Tok Det?
Salam Tun,
Betul tu… tun.. apa nak jadi dengan dunia sekarang.. kutuk2 gak tapi dok diam ja.. kenapa dok dia ? takut? ya takut… takut kehilangan macam2… pandai sunguh Yahudi ni kan.. heee..
harap dapat membantu.. – http://untukmupalestin.blogspot.com/
Salam mesra,
Salam Tun
Kita semua berasa sedih diatas apa yg menimpa rakyat Palestine. Namun apa yang kita bole lakukukan hanya lah sekadar berdoa dan bersimpati. Kita semua tahu dunia Arab tidak akan bersatu. Dunia tahu bahawa Israel ialah anak emas Amerika, dunia tahu Israel di belakang pentadbiran Amerika syarikat. Kita byk bergantung pd Amerika dari segi ekonomi dan teknikal. Seandainya kita boleh ‘phase out’ secara perlahan2 pergantungan kita pada Amerika syarikat, insyALLAH kita akan secara tidak lansung akan bebas dari cengkaman Amerika. Kita kena mula dari sekarang utk mencari option yang lain selain dari Amerika syarikat.
Take care Tun
wow, no wonder the persimmons are very cheap lately.
My Dearest Tun,
Really? If it is true, we should find other solution than this persimmons. There is many bananas we eat than this persimmons. From beginning I dont like Singapore due to arrogance.
dear tun,
i wish that there is someone out there a malaysian leader who would bring this country back to its former standing,
when he would say our stand against the isreali lastest offensive in prime time news and papers,
when he would propose immediate measures to do something about it,
when he would ask us to focus on doing our own national projects……
the tanks that overan gaza are isrealis own made design as do their kfir jets….what have we?
Dear Yg Bhg Tun,
The world only dares to condemn but what can be done when the ROBOCOP of the world is controlling every damn body that supposedly to be on the neutral side.
The only start to ending the monopolisation of the Jewish world is for all the Arabs countries especially the oil-rich ones start compromising and working hand in hand to fight this criminals. But, again, do you possibly think that they’re going to jeopardise being attack by the ROBOCOP and its world police and have their countries being torn apart?
Hmmm…about the persimmons; i love eating them and knows that they came from New Zealand. I do not know some of them (that you stumbled upon) came from Israel.
And how do they get in the country by the way?
Dear Tun,
This is my first time submitting my comment.
Trust me, the new president will be the same because he has the ‘yahudi blood’ in him and the Singaporean, please dont mention them, arrogant and untrustworthy lots.
But again, it is sad to see the arab nations couldn’t do much. It is because their hands are tied for what ever reasons?
The only thing we can do now is pray so that the almighty will punish the yahudi and its allies soon and protect the innocent.
But again, the muslims nation must do someting and while praying, actions must also follow suits.
Keep yourself healthy cause we still need you in the next election.
Thank you.
Humans are selfish with
Salam TDM and all;
Hope TDM can give comments on why the oil price now dropped like a rock in next article. Is it because of “penyangak minyak” now tengah stock up their tanks.
Salam Tun,
The world is always going for the carrot danggled at the end of the stick by the United States of America. Such selfish leaders do what they know best – cheating their people by being beholden and subservient to the U.S. This reminds me of Dr. Kassim Ahmad, he once said, “…worships pragmatism and avoid philosophy like the plague…So it is wise and good politics to be in the good books of Uncle Sam.” This is quid pro quo – is’nt this bribery? The U.S. also do things they know best, they do it their way not giving a two-hoot to the world by continuing to supply fighter planes and other killing machines to Israel despite knowing they are to be used to slaughter the ill-equipped Palestinians to the brink of extinction. It is this feeling of military superiority, and strongly backed by the U.S., that makes the terrorist government of Israel so murderous!
Again let me quote from Dr. Kassim Ahmad, “It is obligatory on Muslims everywhere to seek peace but no peace at any price. It is obligatory on them to fight those who make war on them. The dialogue of cultures and civilizations is an important way to world peace but not the only way. What do you do to a group that does not sincerely want a dialogue, but only wants to dominate you?”
I like to call upon our “ulamak”, especially those on the government monthly pay-check, to confront this issue head-on.
salam Ayahnda Tun,
Israel will never stop killing the Palestine because they look them as a traitor..even 1000 years to come they still kill the Palestinian..Why ? Ask AMerica…..
Selamat menyambut Maal Hijrah….
Marilah sama2 kita semua mohan doa, semoga Allah akan memabalas di-atas kekejaman kaum Yahudi ini yang bongkak dan tidak berperi kemanusiaan di dunia ini. Aminn…
Y.A.B Tun,
Semoga sihat selalu..
I think I’m the only person in this world who hated Singapore most…I have been so many places overseas..but I have never been to Singapore, and I think I will never will..yet I was born in JB..I’m a Johorean..
The only reason I put this writing forward to you because..I believed you can speak to Dato Seri Najib who going to be the PM in three months time..the following suggestion are require to action immediately..
1. We have lost Pulau Batu Putih and yet no action taken to run light house at Pulau Pisang…we are to bloody slow…so unaceptable..Singapore may not demand the Island now…but who knows if they will ask the ownership in the year 3000…using the same case study that they have won previously…
2. Water Agreement…we decide for Singapore, she dont have the privilege to choose..a or b..
a. Review the price now!
b. We come out with the new price then cut short the agreement, for example.. the terms that water can be supply to Singapore. With the current price we have to supply till 2061 then with the new price (our price) we may only to supply up 2021..may be..let them think..force them to do that…are to too scared to make decision?…I’m not!
3. The Bridge..do it! What ever it takes..
4. WPI…indirectly we have let the Singaporean to owned their own houses in our land..they dont have to merged with Malaysia anymore for spaces…what happen to Palastine? Before 1948 its was Palestine..after that..Israel, then Israel bit by bit, little by little wrest Palestine’s soils…this actually happen here in Johor! We let the contractors to built expensive town houses…then offer them to the foreigner..malays especially and many other Malaysian regardless Chinese or Indian or any other races cant afford those high valued properties!! Sooner or later…Johor Bahru will be occupied/inhabitants by Singaporean instead of Malaysian…then our policemen will be tasks to look after their safety both personal and properties…so unfair!!
5. Malaysian who want to take their cars to Singapore have to pay some amount of money..its like entrance fees..but we let them in to JB freely..are so scared to loose their market?? We aslo should impose the same levi the put on our peoples…initially the Singaporean may boycott us..but they can never stay too long in their home..its too small not cross the bridges..
6. Imposed high penalties to Singaporean drivers on our road..make them pay prior going back to their country…we can set the computerise system so no matter where they drive in Malaysia they still have to follow our rules…make them pay at the gates..or they need to leave their cars in Johor..
7. Fuel…dont let them enjoy subsidised prices..
Y.A.B Tun, thats for now that I can think of…we need to action this immediately…I believed Singapore not ready for war despite of having the most sophisticated weaponry in the region…after what their 1st PM have put up to this date…I extremely believed not only they are not ready but they are also refused to live in uncomfortable atmosphere…just opposite of me..
One major action also need to be carry out to control illegal immigrants in Malaysia…and again, we are too bloody slow on this one…every single day peoples voice out their worried and concern over the matters but nothing really happen…so slow, slow, slow, and slow…..
So, please Y.A.B Tun…speak to Dato Seri Najib..convince him..please, please and please..I’m begging you..
Salam TUN
Telah tertulis dalam sejarah, ISRAEl adalah musuh Islam. Oleh itu janganlah kita menjalinkan hubungan dengan Israel maupun sekutunya.
It seems that Obama is not attached to any israel lobbylist so they say..so do you think Obama will be different or its just another propaganda for a bigger things to come?
Salam TDM and all;
Keep on writing TDM ,we love your insights.
Assalamualaikum wbt,
Semoga Allah swt memberi petunjuk jalan keluar dari kesusahan ini..
4. When I said Israel rules the world by proxy, the American media and Government condemned me. But it is a fact that only those candidates approved by Israel can win elections in America. So much for democracy in the United States. Lets see the stand of the United States’ new President.
= Saya sudah lama tahu.. dan sedar Tun malah sebelum Syria diserang saya sampaikan kepada kawan yang saya kenali dari syria & Algiria bahawa negara kamu akan di serang. (Bila mana pada penilaian saya berdasarkan keadaan semasa waktu itu)tidak lama selepas itu ia benar2 berlaku.
= Bagaimana Imam Mahdi melakukanya????? guna cara apa????
Terima kasih.
I wish that I can do something?
Yes, of course we can do something if our country is respected by other countries because of..
a) we are one of the world economics giants.
b) we are the inventor and developer of Science and Technology.
Unfortunately, none of the above two factors can be strongly possessed by Malaysia, at least at this moment.
So the short answer to the above interesting question is NO.
Nagoya, JAPAN.
Dearest Tun,
ALL THE PEACE LOVING NATIONS IN THE WORLD ARE (N.A.T.O) nations (NO ACTION TALK ONLY) that includes the TOOTHLESS UNITED NATIONS.WHO?????????????????????????????? dares to help the poor PALESTINIANS, who have only stones to throw at the American tanks and bodies to explode bombs. The only option left is ALLAH’S MIGHT, and the only thing we can do is to P R A Y and may ALLAH one day destroy the arrogant nation (ISRAEL), like HE did kaum Samud, Hood and Lourds insyallahm mereka yang sombong, Zalim bongkak akan di murkai ALLAH dan akan mendapat padah yang tidak terpree.Wasalam , Take care TUN.
assalamualaikum tun,
perkara sama berulang dan tindakan sama di ambil, sampai kiamat tak akan settle masalah ni…rasanya apa yang kita boleh buat untuk paksa israel ni ikut telunjuk dunia…
nape dr dulu tun x gne oic
tun pakat la dgn rusia ke..
china ke..
lawan amerika tu..
Dearest Tun, are we coming nearer to Qiamat now?
no 6 saya sgt sokong!!!
How does Israel justify to the world that it “is not at war with the Palestinian people but only with Hamas”…when in fact, and whether they like it or not, Hamas in Gaza are the democratically and duly elected representatives of the Gaza Palestinians..If they are at war with Hamas then clearly they are at war with the people!
Dear Sir,
Wish you and Tun Hasmah good health and blessed with happiness.
From the day you were in office up until now, you never change your tone regarding this issue, even some other issue as well. This shows, that you are a man of integrity. You will say what you felt right and you stood by it. What a comparison to our current PM huh..which I would say Mr FlipFlop expert.
I don’t know when will we see a kind of leader, to be at par as you. Most of us maybe want you to make come back. But Sir, I don’t feel that way, you’ve already done us a magnificent job during your premiership. As Malaysian, we should let you have a good rest.
Back to Gaza topic, I don’t think Obama would do any major progress to this problem. It is because, he is surrounded by the people that we know, a major supporter of Israel. Maybe Obama have different opinion, but as we’ve seen from the past, it’s not the President who make a policy, but the lobbyist. This i can safely say, greed of some people simply kill millions of others, without remorse. Who are those? We all know. They brilliantly use “ANTI SEMITIC” to the fullest. 99% of American too afraid of those word (perhaps my stats is too much).
The issue of Palestine and Israel, can be solved overnight if they willing to do so. But the power of money, will blind them. I’m sorry for the Palestinian Arab and Israeli Jewish (because not all Jewish are Zionist). They are the victim of those greedy people (which only 1% of them, but control 80% of world’s wealth)
I don’t think our PM will do anything too, he is too busy planning for his son in law path to become the youngest PM. Until today, he didn’t make any strong statement. There’s nothing new, regarding our PM, because from the first day he’s in office, he try very hard to please the western media and he succeeded. There is not much different between him and Anwar, they both are Zionist puppet.
Perhaps they both have planned it all along. As we can see, Abdullah already succeed to make BN very weak by making crazy policy. He want Pakatan Rakyat to win and perhaps Anwar already reserve a seat for Khairy for his deputy. So Abdullah legacy will safe for a few more years. We may have been already duped by their excellent acting. I hope my imagination is not true, because if it did….we will be living in a basket together with rich Arab countries and most of Asian countries as well. They will make us dumb, because dumb people are easy to manage.
Hope other BN leaders could see this coming. Because if you not, our next generation will pay the price. Just remember, we are as not stupid as they think we are.
A’kum Tun,
In the UK, there are quite a few NGOs which are campaigning to boycott Israelis’ products.
Many are not aware that big brand names such as McD, Coca Cola, Pizza Hut, Marks and Spencer, Starbucks and even Nestle, Tesco and Johnson & Johnson are affliated to Israel and the Jewish directly and indirectly.
In this modern world, it seems that Israel controls all aspects of the world: food, service, media, finance… just to name a few.
What can we do as a consumer?
Kezaliman Israel ni memang takkan berakhir sampai kiamat pun. Walaupun mereka ini di kalangan minority dalam peta dunia. Amat kecil, tapi otak mereka besar untuk menakluki dunia ini. Bukan orang Islam sahaja yang menjadi mangsa Israel ini, malah agama-agama lain juga bakal menjadi mangsa kekejaman mereka. Tidak mustahilah sejarah kekejaman mereka ini banyak tercatat di dalam Al-Quran. Allah menceritakan segalanya tentang kekejaman mereka. Sehingga kita tahu mereka inilah puncanya peperangan dunia meletus. Memang benarlah kata Tun, Israel menguasai dunia berproksikan America.
Melihat keadaan dunia Islam kini, amatlah sukar untuk kita mengakhiri kezaliman ini terhadap saudara Islam kita. Walaupun kita diberi kekuatan minyak. Tapi kita masih tidak mampu berbuat apa-apa.
Tun sebagai bekas pengerusi negara-negara OIC, boleh tak Tun ceritakan serba sedikit kenapa negara-negara OIC tidak mampu melakukan apa-apa terhadap isu ini? Walaupun gabungan ini mampu melakukannya.
Salam Tun!
No one has the gut to voice out like you did. That simple.
Dear Tun,
What to do with singapore? why do you need to involved singapore? is it by doing doing so, indirectly can gain some politic mile?
The Chinese have a saying ‘The relative far always not as close as the neighbour nearby’
I just simply don’t understand your anti-singapore attitude, can you pls explain? thanks
What can we do to stop Israel from perpetuating this menace to the Palestinians? Nothing much for a small country like Malaysia.
Perhaps we should stop buying Israel products as a protest of Israel’s agressions. Let’s start with the persimmons. Government should ban the import of Israel persimmons. Buy from China or other places.
Fully support.
salam Tun.
you are either with them, or against them. judging from the lack of response from the current government, and also from the lack of reaction from Malaysian muslim… i guess we are with them. it’s a hard fact to swallow, but we are criticizing the US whilst worshiping their products, fueling their economy.
McDonalds, KFC, Burger King, Marlboro, Dunhill, Winston, Chevrolet, Fender, Intel, Microsoft, Coffee Bean, Starbucks, Prego, Nike, Adidas, Pisang Kaki… you name it.
can we do something about it? yes, we can. but we are reluctant to do so. we are not willing to sacrifice our lifestyle for the sake of people half way around the world of which we have no common grounds except for our religion. i know i won’t. personally, i don’t have the willpower to do so. call me what you want, i’m only telling the truth. pathetic as it may be.
speaking is one thing, action is another. All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing. guess that makes me evil too, huh?
Rasanya BOIKOT terhadap Israel tidak berkesan selagi ada ‘PEMINAT’ Yahudi yang menerajui sebuah parti dalam Malaysia..
Mengapa seseorang Yahudi dibolehkan menyimpan janggut untuk mengamalkan kepercayaannya…
…tetapi bila seorang Muslim berbuat demikian, dia dianggap ekstrim dan pengganas?
Mengapa seseorang rahib boleh meliputi keseluruhan tubuhnya kerana memperhambakan diri kepada Tuhannya…
…tetapi bila seseorang Muslimah melakukan begitu, dia ditekan?
Mengapa bila wanita barat menjadi surirumah,
dia dihormati kerana dikatakan berkorban untuk keluarganya…
…..tetapi bila wanita Islam berbuat begitu, mereka kata, “dia mesti dibebaskan!”
Mengapa mana-mana gadis boleh ke universiti dengan berpakaian mengikut kesukaannya kerana punyai hak dan kebebasan…
…tetapi bila seseorang wanita Muslim memakai hijab, dia tidak boleh menjejakkan kakinya ke universiti?
Mengapa bila seseorang kanak-kanak meminati sesuatu bidang, dia dikatakan punyai bakat…
…tetapi bila seseorang kanak-kanak meminati Islam, dia dikatakan tak berguna?
Mengapa bila seseorang Kristian atau Yahudi membunuh, agamanya tidak dikaitkan… tetapi baru sahaja seseorang Muslim didakwa melakukan jenayah, nama Islam turut diadili!
Mengapa bila seseorang berkorban diri untuk melihat orang lain hidup, dia amat disanjungi…
…tetapi bila seseorang warga Palestin melakukannya untuk menyelamatkan diri, keluarga, rumahtangga dan masjidnya,
dia dikenali sebagai seorang pengganas?
Mengapa bila seseorang memandu kereta mewah dengan cara bahaya, keretanya tidak pernah dipertikaikan…
…tetapi bila seseorang Muslim melakukan kesalahan, orang kata ia adalah kerana agama Islamnya!
Mengapa kita terlalu percaya kepada akhbar…
…tetapi selalu persoalkan apa yang terkandung di dalam Al-Quranul Karim?
Sebab mereka takutkan kebenaran Ugama Islam. Ugama yang benar dan agung…..
Salam Tun,
Ramai pihak di Malaysia yang hanya pandai lantang komen tetapi tidak bersatu pun dalam menanganinya. Mereka hanya politikkan semua ini kerana sebenarnya tiada kesungguhan untuk menyelamatakan keadaan ini. Jihad selalu diperkatakan tetapi mereka hanya mementingkan diri sendiri. Hanya tersalak-salak mengikut kata orang.
The only solution for this racial demolition by US and Zionist terrorists is to form a United of Arabs Nation. Otherwise, others can only condemn their actions without anything done by the Arabs to protect themselves.
Its was not about religion at all, but to steal Arabs Nation wealth and resources. Those are the perfect example how to invade a continent when the Arabs can’t sit down together and agrees even on a simple matters. Thats makes divide and conquer much more easier to implements.
It’s has been said all the time since the beginning of the fall of Arabs civilizations till now and in future too. Once Arabs unites, it will easier for them to help each other and improves their life.
Until then, any helps from outsiders will create more confusions than a solutions.
Dear Tun,
Just to bring up something the muslim never realises through your blog.
Unwittingly we ( the muslim ,never mind the rest of the world)are giving the money to Jewish groups to be used to humilate and kill the Palestinians.
The Jewish gp. in USA (constitute less than 2% of American population) imposed the Kosher logo tax so that the JEWS can consume goods ‘tanpa was-was’.
The tax came in the way how food producers needing to pay the Jewish gp in order the label be placed with Kosher logo,the cost would conveniently later passed on to the consumers.
Some producers are Jewish company themselves and willingly contribute to the Jewish collection box as they are fully awre that they are not parting with their own money but the consumers.
Considering that 98% of population of America never needing the Kosher certification for food consumed ,the majority is unwittingly paying the fee in order to certify the food as Kosher for the benefit of less than 2% population.
Seeing that they had no resistance (as nobody realises) the kosher labelling was further extended on non food items as well eg. aluminium foil,containers and even steel pipes.
The discrete form of labelling were used eg. letters U/G/K etc.
The pressure to use star of David as logo for kosher was swept aside and they continue their merry way of collecting free money.
It is said that every USD150 spent on food one USD is to the benefit of Jewish interest.
By doing this the Jewish group has collected billions of dollars over the years which would eventually passed down to Israel to kills the Palestinians.
These food are exported all over the world and we ,the muslim are paying for it too as we took the imported products on the supermarket shelfs.
For further detail see part 1 and 2 of this :
No one will stand up to USA.
Kita dah guna barang Amerika dah lama dah. Cuba kita boikot Microsoft, Internet Explorer, Dell dan sebagainya. Alamatnya tak berfungsi la pejabat2 kerajaan. Semua pakai komputer. Perisian komputer banyak dari USA. Jadi macamana kita nak boikot???
Kita dah terikat ngan USA. Secara tak langsung kita sumbang pada pendapatan Israel. Jadi apa yang boleh kita boikot kita boikot la.
I wish i can do everything!!!
GoodDay Tun,
This past few days have been a nightmare to all the Palestinians people.The act of lunacy by the Israel army towards the Paletinians grew much worse since the attempt to invade Palestine.Right now the body count of the dead Palestinians keeps on growing.Even the United Nations cannot stop this barbaric violence being done by this dogs(Israel army).
Once again that stupid American President(Bush) are to be blame
for this violence.I am really disgusted by all of this killing.
I personally think if the Fatah and Hamas group can work together
and maybe there is hope for them to fight away all this dogs out(Israel army).
And as always,when all this violence that is happening in Palestine,the other so-called Arab country just keep quite and look away.The Arabs are a bunch of millionares cowards actually,there just know to spend there money on stupid things and are very selfish people.If the Muslim world are not united,then wel will always be stepped on like a rock.
May God help the Palestinians people and i personally hope that dogs(Israel Army) burn in HELL.
Now playing : Metallica – One
3. For as long as the US backs Israel, we will continue to see Israel ignoring world opinion as it murders the Palestinians Arabs, and destroys their towns and cities.
5. Incidentally we should also realise that we are, in a small way, helping Israel. Israeli persimmons (pisang kaki) are sold in supermarkets in Kuala Lumpur.
ps. izinkankan kami mengucapkan terima kasih kepada adik ‘HBT’ dan kami doakan beliau dan keluarga tercinta sentiasa dalam keadaan sihat dan bahagia. ‘ selamat tahun baru 2009. take care.
TO MY BROTHERS IN PALESTINE……………..(speechless…… seeing you people simply bombed, i’m feeling guilty even to say sorry for you my brother)
oh God, please guide us
I don’t understand why everyone hate Israel… from the news, i feel that it’s more like the Hamas are the one keep provoking the Israel by firing RPGs and rockets into their city. Israel is only in self defense mode. Yes, Israel is from a no lander to where it is today… why don’t just let the hatred go? What if Singapore keep firing rockets and bullets in to JB? Will Malaysia declare war on Singapore?
Assalamu’alaikum wR wB, Tun.
I hope Najib would consult you on ALL matters pertaining to Our Kedaulatan Negara esp. with regards to singapura, and all of those israeli’s PROXIES.
Point is, Najib knows where he stands as not all Malaysians support him.
Majority Rakyat will appreciate him & definitely will support him IF HE shows his firmness against s’pura;
& start building the scenic bridge A.S.A.P. as Rakyat knows that everything had been SETTLED & AGREED Upon when the bridge project was given the go ahead to be built!!
Najib must stop Badawi’s zero self-esteem in “bowing down” to s’pura & just continue your great masterplan in Prospering Our Malaysia and get back on track to focusing in achieving Our Wawasan 2020.
marilah kita bersatu wahai umat Islam..
ermmm … ku ingat kejadian hari ini berlaku kerana Hamas melepaskan roket (selepas perjanjian genjatan senjata tamat jumaat yg lalu) terhadap israel dan menyebabkan israel balas dendam?
orang palestin terkena bom orang israel, dan mereka mati. Tanpa keraguan, Hamas mengebom pula israel untuk membalas dendam, orang israel pun mati. Lepas tu isreal menghantar jet pejuang untuk mengebom orang palestin juga atas tujuan balas dendam … Keranalah hasrat berbalas dendam, tak habis-habis membunuh antara satu sama lain sejak beratus tahun …
Satu pihak memegang Al-Quran yg mendidik manusia agar menjadi mulia, satu pihak pula memegang Bible yg mendidik manusia sayang-menyayang … selepas mengerjakan sembahyang bagi kedua-dua pihak, nilai dalam Al-Quran dan Bible tidak dilaksanakan, namun Bom pula yg dilontarkan … dengan alasan balas dendam dan berjuang semata-mata untuk menghalalkan kelakuan masing-masing …
Lagi dahsyat dan kelakar sekali pula, dendam di benua Arab ini, diapi-apikan dan disemarakkan ke benua Asia. Dengan mengaitkan negara asing yg tidak kena-mengena dengan sejarah dendam-mendendam ini, semata-mata kerana PISANG yg dijual di Kuala Lumpur … Rasanya untuk mencetuskan dendam orang indonesia terutamanya terhadap singapura …
Begitulah sikap manusia, yg suka menyemarak kemarahan manusia sekiranya terdapat peluang, tetapi bukannya mencari penyelesaian untuk memupuk suasana yg harmoni …
DENDAM … itulah puncanya …
Askm Yg.Bhg.Tun,
Saya rasa sedih dgn nasib rakyat palestin yang tidak terbela, dunia hanya mampu mengutuk keganasan israel tapi tidak dapat berbuat apa2……selagi amerika dibelakang israel, selagi itulah keganasan israel akan terus berlaku……kita doakan rakyat palestin agar dilindungi dari terus menerus menjadi mangsa kekejaman israel…
Asalammualikum buat Tun dan Isteri semoga sihat hendakNya.
Saya amat kecewa akan keganasan yang rejim Zionis lakukan terhadap penduduk Palestin. Tetapi saya amat MARAH dan GERAM pada negara-negara ISLAM yang lain seolah-olah tiada bantuan dihulurkan bagi membantu rakyat Palestin. Harap Penduduk Islam bersatu dalam hal PALESTIN ini.
Salam Tun,
Saya amat bersetuju dengan point no.6. Akhir2 ni proksi Israel semakin terserlah. Rasanya semua orang nampak, media apatah lagi, cuma tidak berani bersuara kerana dikongkong oleh tangan2 ajaib yang berat sebelah.
Salam TUN!
Sakit hati bila mengingatkan perangai biadap Israel ni.
Seperti kata TUN..kita jugak bersalah kerana masih guna barang-barang depa. Jadi ayuh boikot barang-barang si dajal tu!
Salam Tun;
Salam Maal Hijrah 1430 dan Selamat Menyambut Tahun Baru 2009 buat Tun dan keluarga.Semoga Allah memberi perlidungan, rahmat dan kesihatan buat kita semua.Amin.
Salam Muharram Tun berdua,
Semoga terus dilimpahi berkat dan Rahmat Allah SWT…
ISRAEL merupakan seteru Islam yang paling utama di muka bumi.
Kita kutuk Israel dan kita benci Israel.
Kita juga kutuk Amerika sejak berzaman-zaman kerana mereka adalah penyokong kuat Israel.
Sayangnya, kita alpa bahawa rangkaian seteru-seteru kita itu ada begitu hampir dengan kita. Bahkan, negara yang kita anggap jiran itu, kalau menyeberangi selat dengan berenang pun tentu sampai dalam masa tak lebih satu jam setengah pon!… itu berenang, kalau naik bot/ mendayung perahu lagi cepat … sementelah kalau kita naik jet… sebab, ianya terlalu hampir sangat dengan kita.
Bila Tun memberanikan diri untuk menyebut mengenai hak kita sebagai jiran mereka, ada pula yang lari lintang pukang untuk menyelamatkan diri, takut-takut jiran “terasa” atau “kecik hati” (manalah tahu, tak boleh pula nanti main golf dan makan durian bersama-sama lagi) … Sehinggakan satu projek yang penting untuk kedaulatan tanah Malaysia yang Tun cuba bina, telah dibatalkan oleh sang pengecut! … Inilah takrif “ketakutan kepada rangkaian-rangkaian Israel” …
Kita benci Israel
Kita benci Amerika
Kita benci rangkaian Israel & Amerika …
Kita benci pengecut!!
I just hope that you can be our PM again…the only person that dare to say the truth on behalf of the whole world….not only for malaysian…but…you still can say something at least as a “mantan” PM…the world will still love to read or hear your views…ok…Happy New Year…sorry I’m on my automatic holidays!!!
Assalamualaikum Ayahanda Tun,
Saya tidak dapat melakukan apa-apa kecuali menderma kepada Tabung Rakyat Palestin dan berdoa Allah melindungi mereka. Saya lebih menyalahkan negara Islam terutama negara-negara Arab yang tidak berguna itu. Sekiranya seluruh umat Islam bersatu, rakyat Palestin akan terbela. Cuma yang lebih dikesali, tidak ramai pemimpin besar yang bercakap mengenai pengutukan terhadap Israel dan sekutunya. Mana Pak Lah? Mana Anwar Ibrahim?
Salam. Anakanda minta diri.
Tun, I am so mad, but I’m helpless !! What shall we do ?
Salam Tun,
Bukan Pisang kaki saja atau lain lain barangan , yg menjadi masalah utama umat Islam yg cetek akalnya.
Ugama no 2 , No 1 ialah kekayaan dan kuasa.
Bila sudah kaya hendak kaya lagi ( TAMAK )jadi hendak bantu sesama muslim beratlah takut hilang harta dan kekuasaan.
Janganlah loket sangat ,Hulurkan bantuan kepada Muslim yg tertindas.
Kerajaan lebih peka kemasukan barangan luar , kami rakyat yg telah berikan kuasa kepada kerajaan untuk bertindak bukan pejam sebelah mata.
Ada satu masalah lagi bagi Umat Islam bila pergi Masjid sembahyang Jumaat terutamanya ada sebilang orang kedekut sangat hendak dermakan kepada Undi Masjid.
Kenapa agaknya ,tidak hargai keselesaan Masjid kita ?. Apa salah kalau derma – Guna air , elektrik dll.
Tun , usahakan Jumaat minggu depan minggu depan adakan kutipan derma KHAS semua masjid di Malaysia untuk sumbangan kepada Rakyat Pelestin.
Happy New Year TUN,
Im really enjoying to read all the info from Tun.
My humble request is kindly give some suggestion all the problem highlight in this blog.
Take care & have a long life.
YAB Tun,
Assalamualaikum, Selamat Sejahtera dan Selamat Petang.
Sungguh sedih mengenangkan nasib umat Pelastin yang sentiasa tertindas seolah olah nyawa mereka tidak berharga langsung.
Keganasan yang terbaru olih regim Israel keatas Gaza, dilakukan beberapa hari sebelum umat Islam menyambut Tahun Baru Islam. Adakah ini satu kebetulan atau disengajakan.
Apa yang menyedihkan ialah sekutu karib regim, Amerika, seolah olah menghalalkan pencerobohan dan pembunuhan terbaru ini dengan mengingatkan regim agar tidak mensasarkan tembakan dan bedilan ke arah penduduk awam…
Yang paling tidak masuk akal ialah regim dan Amerika menuduh Hamas yang bertanggungjawab ke atas kekejaman rejim yang terbaru ini.
Nampak sangat OIC tidak berupaya menangani kemelut Israel-Palestin yang telah berlarutan sebegitu lama.
Nampak sangat PBB tidak mempunyai kuasa menangani masalah ini kerana Amerika adalah sekutu regim yang terdekat.
Jika sekatan ekonomi dikenakan keatas Iraq semasa Sadam Hussin berkuasa atas sebab kezalimannya, akan tetapi Israel yang telah melakukan kezaliman keatas Palestin tidak di ambil tindakan walaupun PBB telah mengeluarkan beberapa banyak resolusi setiap kali Israel melakukan keganasan.
Marilah kita sama sama memboikot bukan saja barangan hasil keluaran Israel malah juga barangan buatan dan keluaran Amerika.
Selamat menyambut Tahun Baru 2009 kepada Tun dan Tun Siti Hasmah dan juga fellow bloggers Chedet.
Salam Tun,
….6. Singapura adalah saluran bagi Israel menembusi pasaran Malaysia.
Siapa pula yang jadi saluran Singapura kuasai pasaran Malaysia?
Assalamualaikum wbh Tun,
Salam Maal Hijrah.
Saya mengajak kawan-kawan berdoa selepas solat, agar ALLAH menurunkan bala ke atas Israel dan sekutunya. Itu saja yang mampu saya lakukan, sebagaimana kata Tun tadi, orang-orang Yahudi yang menguasai dunia secara proksi.
Assalamualaikum wbt…
Tun yang saya hormati…
Simpati ke atas rakyat Palestin terutamanya Gaza yang dibedil sepanjang hari oleh Rejim Zionis. Amerika Syarikat sudah tentunya akan menyalahkan Hamas dan menyokong tindakan ketenteraan Israel.
macam cerita biasa yang saya dengar.. dari saya kecik sampai la saya besar dan sampailah saya tua nanti.. Israel akan terus macam nie…
Kerajaan Malaysia juga harus tegas di dalam isu ini. Kalau zaman Tun dulu, Tun dengan selamba menyelar Israel/Amerika… sepatutnya Kerajaan sekarang harus mengambil langkah yang sama…
Salam Hormat- mohdhaizi@mtm///20081230
Dear Tun,
Kezaliman tentera zionis tidak akan berakhir selagi Amerika menjadi kuasa yang kuat dan berpengaruh dunia..
I really do hope that Osama Laden will do something about this..
Askm Y.Bhg Tun.
Firstly, saya ucapkan selamat tahun baru maal hijrah dan tahun 2009. Semoga Y.Bhg Tun dan keluarga sihat sejahtera. Dunia tidak lagi tergamam dengan apa yang berlaku di Palestin. Seperti biasa serangan roket, serangan udara, bom dan sebagainya menjadi lumrah. Amerika Syarikat patut memang patut dikutuk dalam hal ini. Apatah lagi Zionis yang amat kejam. Cuma secara peribadi saya perlu juga menyalahkan Hamas kerana perjuangan mereka menyebabkan ramai yang tidak bersalah terkorban. Mereka tidak sepatutnya menyerang membuta tuli kerana sudah pasti mereka tahu Zionis akan membalas serangan tersebut. Hamas juga perlu keluar melindungi awam ketika serangan daripada Zionis. Malangnya, mereka bersembunyi.
Pada saya, selagi bangsa Arab tidak mengubah budaya, perwatakan dan cara pembawaan diri mereka, selama-lama masyarakat dunia akan menganggap mereka ganas. Selagi mereka tidak mengubah cara mereka mengangani masalah dengan diplomasi, mereka akan dihimpit dengan konflik dan peperangan. Bangsa Arab perlu berubah menjadi sebuah masyarakat yang sopan dan beradab. Saya membayangkan sekiranya orang Arab menggantikan orang Melayu dalam negara Malaysia, 98% saya yakin, kaum-kaum yang lain dalam Malaysia akan mengangkat senjata dan Malaysia sama seperti negara-negara di Asia Barat. orang Malaysia khususnya Melayu perlu mendidik bangsa Arab tentang cara hidup berdiplomasi untuk keamanan sejagat.
Salam Dr M
Mungkin kita sebagai rakyat biasa perlu melumpuhkan kekayaan ekonomi mereka melalui hak masing masing sebagai pembeli.
Elak daripada menyokong perniagaan kepunyaan mereka.
Dengan cara langsung, hasil pendapatan mereka akan berkurangan dan tidak boleh disalurkan kepada tentera yang mengganas.
i wish that i can do something?