2. This, I am told, is at the insistence of Dato Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi. He is said to need this time in order to put the country right. This includes eradicating poverty, judicial and legal reforms, social reforms and something about Islam Hadhari.
3. He had had five years to do all these but everyone knows nothing has been accomplished by him. Now he says he will do all these in three months. Can we believe he can? Can we believe these are the real reasons why he will not go until March 2009, only three months after the originally scheduled General Assembly?
5. It is said that on 9th October, the day before the divisions are to hold their meetings, he will announce that he will not stand for election as President of UMNO. The question is, will he announce it? I have this suspicion that he will not. If he does not it would not be surprising. He is not a man of his words.
6. There really is no reason for this extension unless it is because of a possibility to influence the divisions into countering the Supreme Council and its demand that Abdullah steps down. In which case the extension may be further extended. Already SMS messages are denouncing Najib.
7. The leaders of UMNO must realise they need a long and painful campaign to win back the estranged UMNO members and supporters. They will have at most four years to do this. They will need the time. Every month of delay will mean less time for rehabilitation.
8. Neither UMNO, MCA, Gerakan nor MIC can aspire to become the Government of Malaysia on their own. Abdullah has emasculated all of them. To rehabilitate UMNO alone is not enough. The other parties in Barisan Nasional must also be rehabilitated, if the Barisan Nasional is again to become a force in Malaysian politics.
9. All the parties need time to do this. It does not help to have Abdullah delaying the process of rehabilitation even if it is only for three months.
10. The spurious reasons for the delay must be rejected. UMNO should hold its meeting as scheduled i.e. in December. That over, whoever gets to lead UMNO and the Barisan Nasional should immediately go down on the ground to explain things to the people. Hopefully the renegades from all the component parties will come back. If they return it is necessary to consolidate each party and the Barisan Nasional itself. These are herculean tasks especially as the country will have to also face turbulent times in the domestic and international economy.
11. I am still not an UMNO member but I will nevertheless pray for Abdullah to step down soonest and for a new leader to be elected to rehabilitate UMNO and the BN.
Salam YAB Tun,
Saja nak tolong dia orang sebelah atas ini habiskan ayat yang tergantung tanpa penghujung. Nanti Tun ingat saya pulak yang kata bahagian atas tu. Saya mengaji dulu selalu corot duduk last dan selalu belajar jengok-jengok dari luar kelas. Al maklum sajalah.
1.bersuara….. dengan izinNya.
2.dah tiada… semoga Allah Ta’ala dan rakyat semua dapat mengampun dan memaafkan segala dosa-dosa dia.
Kita kena sentiasa bersangka baik terutamanya sesama manusia sebab al-insan itu lemah, zalim, jahil, sentiasa buang masa dan sebagainya. Kalau ada yang bergaduh dan bermasam muka kita cuba sedaya upaya dengan apa cara untuk menyatukan mereka. Tidak menjadi kesalahan kalau mengantuk dan kita terlena tetapi kawailah kalau boleh. Kadang-kadang masa tulis atau menaip pun kita terlena. ‘Penyakit’ orang tak tidur siang dan malam sampai ada tu berminggu-minggu lagi kita kesian.
Kita semua kan ada baca : dijadikan untuk kita malam (seperti)’pakaian’ dan tidur istirahat dan dijadikan siang (bila dah terang) bangun (berusaha)- QS25:47.
Setiap kelemahan yang ada pada diri kita, masing-masing cuba baiki sendirilah kalau dah semua orang lain tidak ambil peduli. Saya susah hati sebab tak boleh tidok selagi belum pukul tiga … pagi.
Ramai yang kata Pak Lah PM syok sendiri…apa kata Tun?Sebagai rakyat saya kata ya…Orang kat kampung pun kata ya….Apa yang Tun katakan adalah benar…Pak Lah kena Bla dari UMNO…apa yang Tun alami akan dialami Pak Lah bila dia dah tak da kuasa..kita sebagai rakyat hanya tengok sejauh mana orang dia akan berdiri dibelakangnya bila kuasanya dah tiada…
Akum Tun….moga apa yang Tun lakukan adalah kerana sebagai rakyat Malaysia…Suara Tun mewakili rakyat Malaysia…dan sebagai rakyat Tun memang patut boleh bersuara…..
Salam Tun
Is it wrong for me to assume that arasuki is pro opposition?
Regardless of whether you lost your popularity due to your racist remark or not, I do agree that Melayu Mudah Lupa and Malas. We forget our roots, our past leaders perjuangan and our country. We look forward for saturdays and sundays but we lack in our work during the weekdays.
Going back to this current issue, I suppose Pak Lah needs 3 more months not only to fulfill whatever he mentioned (poverty, reforms, etc)but to give KJ enough time to built his networking and putting his names in whatever else companies he can. 3 more months is a joke. What Pak Lah wants to achieve in 3 months would only be achieved in his dream.
Tun Good day to you !
I use to admire your capabilities . But of lately i am very dissapointed with your statements and actions which rather turning to be very bad when you pass racist remark on the other etnic origin of this country.
I remember you condemed the Malay with your famous quote “MELAYU MUDAH LUPA dan MALAS” and because of this you lost your popularity which resulted you to step down as the Prime Minister.
Now i notice you seems to condemn everyone whoever is against your view, ideology, and challenges your authority. What is happing to you TUN! are you going nuts ! Chill out TUN… Just mind your business and start bertaubat for the sins you did to the country and the nation. You have transformed the country into corrupted modern state which is governed by arrogant UMNO, MCA, MIC and Gerakan leader who are dictators like yourself. Look youself, a minister with sex scandal can be elected as deputy Chief. Mr samy still walking freely when he supposed to be behind BARS for the MAIKA scandal. TUN refrain youself from giving any idea or comment of yours when NAJIB become the PRIME MINISTER then again I doubt how many month will he last…
Koh Tsu Koon, the Gerakan president was the one whom I meant in my earlier comment re Badawi being a bapa demokrasi Gerakan.
Never should badawi be a bapa of anything for Malaysia.
In the same humble breath, I apologize to YB Ong Kah Ting for my mistake.
The article should have read like this:———————
Dear Tun,
DOLLAH Badawi is the ONLY Prime Minister of Malaysia who has NOT done anything good for the country. And that’s a record by itself. And Koh Tsu Koon has the cheek to call him Bapa Demokrasi Malaysia. He’s gotta be joking. More like Bapa Demokrasi Gerakan maybe.
Tsu Koon, why don’t you offer Dollah a position in your party huh?!
Dear Ataturk,
Very well said and I agree with you a 100 percent about this good for nothing Malaysian Prime Minister.
And I have no soft spot for your deputy PM either bro.
He’s gotta go too.
Take care Tun.
Dear Tun,
Need to have my say on this pathetic excuse of a human being.
I think it is divine intervention that Malaysians got him for prime minister.
You see, being a failure, he will serve as a benchmark for future prime ministers on how to stay away from suffering the same fate.
It was bad enough you calling him a half-past-six, but he had five years to prove you wrong, instead he does the opposite.
For the people at large, the lesson is that is dangerous to have a religious fraud as a leader.
Look at what happened. If during your time you put a car in practically every home garage and later one for the missus, under this clod, “progress” was going from car to motorcycle or changing to unreliable public transport.
But for him and his family, it was luxury yacht, expensive private jet and “Islamic Hadhari” parties with jazz great George Benson, Jean Todt and the like.
Scomi showed such dramatic progress as a business during his tenure that I am certain the top Fortune 100 companies will be headhunting its CEO to work for them.
Little wonder why he was given a battering in the GE. And yet he thinks “he is GOD’s greatest gift” to Malaysians.
Before the GE, the country could only have one captain but after the debacle “it is collective responsibility”
Collective responsibility my foot, I do not see the leaders colelctively living at Sri Perdana or collectively flying in the government jet.
Lastly, I hope he will pay his dues.
Best Regards
Dear Tun,
DOLLAH Badawi is the ONLY Prime Minister of Malaysia who has NOT done anything good for the country. And that’s a record by itself. And Ong Kah Ting has the cheek to call him Bapa Demokrasi Malaysia. He’s gotta be joking. More like Bapa Demokrasi Gerakan maybe.
Kah Ting, why don’t you offer Dollah a position in your party huh?!
Dear Tun,
We know by rules and regulations, the GE could not be postponed beyond March.
The way I see it, he is just trying to get as much time as possible to make the most of what he can in the remaining time that he is still the Prime Minister of Malaysia.
Simply put, he is just trying his best and I pray and hope things will turn out for the best.
A’kum Tun,
* Kudos to Datuk Seri Abdullah for declaring his intention not to
retain UMNO President post. Now it is time for UMNO and BN to
unite with new leadership this March.
* Since there are many candidacy for UMNO Deputy President post &
VP post, I hope there is initiative to held a public debate
before the actual election or even before the actual nomination.
Let the people hear what is each candidate’s agenda and their
track record.
Semoga Tun dan keluarga sentiasa sihat dan dilindungi Allah swt.
Apa sahaja senario politik yang berlaku di dalam negara kita sekarang nie…., saya sentiasa mengikutinya.
Semoga UMNO dan B. NASIONAL terus kukuh memerintah negara Malaysia yang tercinta.
Dearest YAB Tun Dr Mahathir,
I had an encounter with you and your dearest wife on the launching of the maiden voyage of MISC’s Malaysian assembled vessel (ship), the Bunga Siantan.
Until today I have always been proud of that moment of welcoming you onboard. Ever since then, I know that I have a man of immense intelligence with a vison that would lead a country to greater eights and be recognized by all countries. Indeed we had progressed tremendously and with good fundamentals, we can be a developed country and stand alongside those of the same stature. Alas we are unable to progress unless the mindset and civility of our people progress along the same lines.
The cancellation of the double track rail and the scenic bridge is an example of a poor mindset that should belong in backward villages.
The rail and the bridge would have meant tremendous development of all states and provinces along the track right into China. Tourists from all countries would board this train and value the immense resources that lies along this track. This is what and vital for the progress of the whole region that would spur trade and develop resources needed for the progress of ASEAN along with China. We can already see the immense growth of China and India that has become a challenge of developed countries. This would also develop a common currency within the region such that our dependence on the West would not be as important as it is now.
For anyone who shelves this project would be the person directly responsible for the failure of the development and places us back to square one to try again to take up the challenge to compete with the West and has made us again a backwater. We have now again have to ride on the backs of develop countries for our own development.
It has been a mistake too stupid to comprehend, what else can we expect from the worst leader to be placed in charge of a very vital backbone of development. One term would have sufficient but to hold on longer would have and is a dreadful mistake.
That stupid entity still remains he has and will be the responsible person for the opportunity so great but is missed. Also with that stupid decision, he has caused the rakyat to lose on the opportunity and also lose funds that could have been put to better use.
Please make him go if you can as he is the “Thorn in the side of every Malaysian”
Salam Tun,
Ni saya petik dari salah sebuah akhbar tempatan hari ni…
” Saya mahu menggunakan sepenuhnya bulan-bulan terakhir melaksanakan agenda saya” – Pak Lah…
Apakah antara agendanya? Memastikan semua kegiatan2nya tertutup molek. Memperkayakan isterinya yang baru tapi tak baru serta ipar duainya & yang sewaktu dengannya. Paling penting adalah anak2 dan menantu2nya terutama KJ….
“Tetapi saya tidak dapat menunaikan semuanya dalam tempoh 4 tahun pertama kerana saya menumpukan kepada perkara lain”…
Dalam masa beberapa tahun penggal pertama Pak Lah, sempat dia kahwin lagi, dalam kesibukkannya sempat dia bermadu kasih… Dalam masa 4 tahun pertamanya menjadi PM, sempat pulak menantunya yang tidak pernah bekerja, tidak pernah ada sumbangan yang signifikan terhadap negara selain menambah keturunannya sahaja, namun secara tiba2 terus melonjak naik jadi antara anak muda terkaya di usia yang sgt muda..30an..Sedang Ananda Krishnan, Mendiang Lim Goh Tong, CEO Air Asia, Allahyarham Datuk Nasimuddin dan org2 kaya lain, membina, mencipta empayar masing2 bertahun2 lamanya. Tapi mamat KJ ni out of nothing tetiba dah jadi somebody…Parents dia kaya raya tak ??
So, the moment DSAAB stepped into tampuk pemerintahan negara, itulah agenda yang menjadi priority beliau sebelum urusan memajukan negara yang telah dibangunkan dengan pahit jerih oleh 4 PM sebelumnya !
“Datuk Seri, Datuk Seri tidak boleh mengundurkan diri,Datuk Seri mempunyai misi, Datuk Seri perlu menyelesaikan misi itu….”( kononnya dikatakan oleh kumpulan yang kononnya besar yang datang bertandang ke rumahnya di Seri Perdana.
Heyyyy…Is he joking?!!! Apa mission dia…? Come on lah you sleepy head..Apa yang dapat kita lihat sepanjang dia bergelar PM? Aiyoooo…Rakyat is tightening the belt lah…Gaji pihak swasta tak naik pun, bonus lagi tak ada mcm ketika di tahun 2000-2002…
Tapi sememangnya dia ada misi dan misinya yang dipujuk oleh penyokong2nya untuk diteruskan itu adalah tak lain tak bukan – memperkayakan poket semua kroni2 dan penyokong kuatnya sebelum berundur diri..pendekata mcm senario ini…” Pak Lah, banyak lagi kita tak kutip lagi…tunggu sikit hari lagi, apa yang sempat kita rembat, rembat dulu…approve dulu mana2 yang patut…”
He is begging for another 3-4 year according to the paper…what for? Dalam tahun pertama ni jer dia dah menjahanamkan dgn teruk reputasi, integrity dan SEGALA-GALANYA dalam negara ini…masih tak cukup? Tempoh sependek itu pun rasanya kita dah kelihatan sgt2 teruk dari segi ekonomi dan pembangunan, mcmana nak tambah lagi untuk beberapa tahun…Yang peliknya, KJ mampu menjadi kaya sekelip mata dalam tempoh kurang dari 8 tahun….Fulamak…cayalah KJ…
Hai…Ntahlah….sakit hati saya kalau saya terus komen lagi…kepala pun dah naik celaru…Dia kata dia sibuk…mmglah sibuk sampai tak boleh fokus mana perkara penting…berapa org budak hilang dan pembunuh/ penculik masih tidak dapat di cari….kes tergantung2…kemudahan pengangkutan awam tak juga improve…sibuk korek dan cari mana harta negara yang masih boleh diratah…
disantet sahaja elok kot anak beranak ni…? GERAMMMMMNYAAAA…
Dear Tun,
Perhaps Abdullah working on some quantum leap device to make the changes within 3 months. Nevertheless, I wish him all the best for the next 3 amazing months! Good Bless Our Beloved Malaysia
Sanjeeve ST
Dear Tun,
Salam Hari Raya. Izinkan..
Letak jawatan
Pengumuman di buat Pak Lah ada sifat pekerti negarawan, persediaan teratur. Banding yang lagi satu kecoh, kelam kabut – meraj…? The previous one does not look like a calm ‘unforced announcement’
Pak Lah has swallowed his pride to resign but will someone eat his words that Pak Lah will not resign and is not a man of his words.
Perosak Umno – Lihat betul betul!
Ramai mengecam Pak Lah punca pecah belah dan kekalahan Umno. Teliti jauh sedikit dan gambar lain muncul. Pak Lah mcm kucing masuk rumah duduk senyap hanya melihat benda berlaku dan pejam mata. Tun mcm badak, rosak dan habis periuk belanga diterbalikkan. Lihat kerobohan Umno zaman Tun…
Kehakisan Umno
Sejarah hakisan sokongan Umno oleh sebab Tun boleh dijejak dengan pengecaman terbuka terhadap Tunku. Bila Tunku berundur satu tiang Umno reput. Di ikuti dengan Tun Hussein yang diasak berundur dan Tun untung. Lagi satu tiang reput. Kedua dua bekas PM ini pengkritik Tun dan tinggalkan Umno buat sehayatnya bila mrk tak masuk Umno Baru.
Cakap pasal Umno Baru..parti dibelah dua. Apalah silap Pak Lah banding dengan parti patah dua waktu di tangan Tun. Sanggup berentap sampai putus dua Umno. Hampir separuh kabinet menentang Tun secara terbuka. Pak Lah sekarang? Lahirlah S46. Satu tiang besar Umno RUNTUH (bukan reput).
Tak cukup binasa satu lagi membantu. Tindakan terhadap DS Anwar memecah dua Umno sekali lagi. Ada menteri letak jawatan bantah. Pak Lah sekarang? Lahirlah PKR. Satu lagi tiang besar Umno RUNTUH(bukan reput)
Runtuh Umno
Sejarah atas, tambah lagi penyokong Musa, Ghafar yang benci Tun.. parti mana boleh tahan hilang sokongan mcm ini. Umno sepatutnya RUNTUH pilihanraya 1999. Undi bukan Melayu mengelak Umno kalah, ikut undi Melayu dah lama dah kalah! Sebab terlindung undi kaum lain Umno tak sedar parah.
PRU 2004 tahun harapan baru M’sia. Rakyat gembira era Tun – cemerlang(politik wang), terbilang (dengan kroni), gemilang (dengan rasuah) akan akhir. Mahazalim dah bersara! Penyokong Umno dulu dulu, pembangkang, kaum bukan Melayu, pengundi berkecuali semua kembali sokong kuat Pak Lah TANPA DIA BUAT APA APA. Dengan Tun letak jawatan saja Pak Lah cipta sejarah sokongan BN/Umno.
Silap Pak Lah leka, tak rajin, keadaan berbalik ke 1999 tapi kali ini undi kaum lain tak ada untuk melindung BN, sebalik yang berlaku.Terimalah padah hakisan zaman Tun di PRU 2008. Renung.. bukan Pak Lah seorang.
assalamuaikum tun,
what can paklah do in 3 months.all this years he only managed to demoralize the Malays,create a hostile environment among the races and made Malaysia a joke among the international community.
maybe 3 months to secure son out laws position and make sure no investigation of his mismanagement.
Salam Tun,
Pak Lah nak dok tangguh2 lagi 3 bulan nak tunggu apa lagi? Najib pun satu..jadi Pak Turut!. Orang2 tertinggi UMNO tak ada prinsip!. Apa kalau Pak Lah resign sekarang UMNO akan tumbang ke?. Kalau Si Lembik tu cepat resign lebih bagus kerana UMNO boleh start FRESH.
Krisis ekonomi dan keuangan akan melanda Tanah Melayu dlm masa singkat..kerana sekarang America down, Europe down dan ada tanda2 Asian pun akan tumbang apalagi Malaysia. Jadi selamat unt Pak Lah and Co. kalau dia boleh bertahan lagi.
Dear Tun,
Setuju sangat takde apa bole buat dlm 3 bulan. Hope Tun can comment on young voters yang mana, rata-rat kalau dilihat, semua peti undi saluran 3 dan 4 atau 5, pencetus kepada situasi sekarang. Pemimpin sekarang seperti tidak paham bahawa org muda sudah mula lari dari UMNO. Professional atau tidak, semua cba mencari gagasan baru untuk di ikut. UMNO mcm satu penyakit yang mereka semua jelak untuk menyertainya… Atau mungkin, sebab sikap pemimpin juga yg melupakan mereka dan mencantas mereka sebelum mereka paham erti perjuangan….???
Good Day Tun,
You have been Idolised with great appreciations and gratitudes shown by many supporters and rakyat, who are, all the time, standing behind you.
Your words and deep thoughts are always good for leading the country in a good and move forward directions, to compete head-on with other countries.
You shall be the IDOL of MALAYSIA 😉 perfect example of all times.
Take good care & be in good health.
JingLou of PENANG
salam syawal utk Tun.ini kali pertama saya menulis utk Tun.may Allah alwyz bless u.
kemelut politik UMNO kini dah smcam tiba di kemuncaknya.
UMNO tak salah, yg perlu dibetulkan adalah org di UMNO tu.
org di UMNO tu `majoriti` ada sesuatu yg dicari jika join UMNO.
sbg contoh shj: isu kebajikan rakyat iaitu pendidikan. (sbb sy org pndidikan)
apakah perlu loan diberi kpd pelajar melalui PTPTN? walau 1%? saya pernah melihat seorang bapa (pesara) yang ketandusan wang utk membayar yuran di meja pendaftaran universiti!
pernah juga sy terjumpa bekas pelajar-yg ketandusan wang pinjaman yg tak cukup utk byr yuran tambahan!
jadi UMNO buat apa pd rakyat? jadi, tak salahlah jika pelajar (ats 21 thn) sokong PKR atau PAS!
mugkin tun mampu atau kanda muhriz mampu melihat isu kecil yg saya sebut tadi.
rakyat amat rindukan belaian dan kasih syg ikhlas dri UMNO.sentuhan itu dan kali terakhir terlihat pada hujung2 tahun2 1970an. tapi, skrg dah lenyap.
skrg tiada lagi koata biasiswa JPA utk rakyat bumi.
skrg byk pelajar2 khususnya lelaki da tak sggup ke menara gading kerana tak sanggup lihat ibu bapa yg kesedihan dek tak ckup duit d kg.
jadi tak salahlah perempuan byk kat IPTA!
rakyat juga dah amat..amat muak dgn muka2 lama yg dah mula melalut nak jawatan no2 dan sbgnya!
wajah Tan Sri Mohd Taib (sgor), wajah dato sri rafidah (sbg contoh)
sudah tiba masanya wajah baru spt kanda muhriz, zahid hamidi (skdar contoh) utk menerajui kepimpinan kementerian dan politik negara.
tak semua muka muda boleh.
ada satu dua muka2 muda seperti kanda hisham (sekadar cth) yang dikatakan pelapis kepimpinan negara…tapi…rakyat di kementeriannya dah mula berbisik…antaranya: isu terbaru: perjawatan guru dan JPN yang semakin kalut dan caca merba… bergaduh sesama sendiri dan apakah tindakan hisham? ….nil !skrg pun kanda hisham di paris.
sehinggakan tiada kad ucapan selamat hari raya kepada semua rakyat di kementeriannya waima kiriman SMS dari hisham.
inilah yg saya katakan sentuhan insan dari kepimpinan negara yang dah semakin tandus.rakyat rindukan belaian seperti yg saya katakan tadi.
peranan tun amat relevan dalam usaha mengembalikan semula kepercayaan dan keyakinan golongan rakyat muda atau sebagainya kepada UMNO.
teruskan berjuang walaupun dari luar gelanggang UMNO.
abaikanapa depa kata. salam sejahtera.
ikhlas dari saya,
pengerusi tetap UMNO caw Selayang warisan.
Salam Tun..
In corporate world..it is similar by giving notice of resignation. To avoid this pretender misused the power…the Govt should pay this pretender salary in lieu from now until the mentioned date in 2009 and ask this pretender to leave the office now. This will avoid the pretender from abusing power..signing any million dollar contracts for the benefit of the family.
Please Malaysian….Ask this pretender to leave office immediately. We have to calculate this risk. We may save millions by just paying this pretender salary in lieu which I think less than half a million.
Agree or not.
Young Pirates in UMNO ?
As to why UMNO must change?,,,,,firstly all executive appointments in UMNO should be based on the âmerit systemâ and to finally mark the end of the existing âspoils systemâ,,,,i.e. pirates way of sharing âTo the Victor go the Spoils !!!!!!â
The existing UMNO phenomenon of GROUP THINKING â Zealotry, Loyalty and Lack of Critical Thinking regarding the organization which is perfect and always correct by definition, making UMNO unable to change and realize its own mistakes.
Perhaps due to its long history, UMNO had tons of BUREAURACY in its system. If left unchecked/uncontrolled, the bureaucracy in UMNO will become increasingly self-serving and corrupt, rather than serving society at large in Malaysia.
Another issue here that must be reviewed seriously is that presently the RULING class or Alpha Malay class or Power Elite running UMNO must be scaled down to include the Common Middle Class Malays to also actively participate.
Please take note that the RULING CLASSES tend to be looked at in a negative light because they are often viewed as having little respect or care about the rights of the inferior classes.
As for pak lah’s mission before leaving, two of them, below is just to ensure that there is in place all the necessary people are in place prior to departure (judges, BPr etc) so that there is guaranteed immunity for the Badawi clan for all the sins and thievery that they committed since. That is Pak Lah.FOREVER TIKUS BAIKI LABU AND NOW SCURRYING TO COVER THE GAPING HOLE…..
ESTABLISHING the Judicial Appointments Commission to enhance the stature of the judiciary;
ESTABLISHING the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission with greater powers of investigation and enforcement;
YABhg Tun,
It is not fair to blame Pak Lah for overstaying in Putrajaya, as he is a true family man, unable to leave REZEKI in the hands of God, and having ‘cuci mangkuk’ 9th Malaysia Plan EPU list (to borrow logging biz parlance) and the need to ensure that the Badawi clan, including Patrick who had since gone into hiding (orang Terengganu dok cari dia, mana pegi budak sial ni), all 7 generations of them would not ever be in destitute.
Simply put Pak Lah can only be moved with a massive golden handshake, and come hither Kamaluddin with Eurocopter in tow, the one rejected by RMAF technical committee, revived and hastily announced by Pak Lah at first MoD meeting.
The Generals could only smile, though no prizes for guessing Datin Ser Rosmah’s reaction.
Paklah and clan are “maruah-less species”, and believe me YABhg Tun, despite Khairy’s shopping spree, the knives are out for him. Mukhriz can stand on his own, and long awaited by those in UMNO Youth about to be freed from Hishamuddin’s senseless strangle on democracy.
I pray that the Badawi clan would choose to migrate to Perth, and go through all the al-Shafie and alGhazali kitabs that they misread and hadharied,and henceforth cease to appear on the Malaysian landscape.
Let’s pray Pak Lah donate some of the Eurocopter proceeds to build a mosque in Perth and spread the hadhari line. Imagine net effect of 7 generation feeding on spoils of the nation.
It’s all about IQ YABhg Tun, and this is the first PM wh unabashedly leave office with huge Golden Handshake.
YABhg Tun Selamat Hari Raya Idilfitri.
I believe our present PM’s decision is also refered to his inner cirlce, that is apart from the 4th floor members, other members who will gather at his residence. However, his final decision as of 8th October has proven his willingness to break away from the legacy of Umno voting framework that you created when you were the President before. I believe this is a good sign moving forward giving space for younger leaders to take up position. I still believe for you YABhg Tun, it is better for you and perhaps you can contribute better for the rakyat sake to remain as VVIP citizen and continue to remind our leaders the right way to lead. You can actually provide the suitable check and balance for the nation because the rakyat still respect you as the leader. Salam Tun.
Revered Father,
the mess we’re in frightens me, for the sake of the party and nation, please lead us again. You are the only who can do so.
Air dan Api: Program bual bicara isu-isu semasa
Tajuk: Melayu dicabar dan tercabar?
Panelis: Datuk Seri Mohamad Khir Toyo, Datuk Mukhriz Mahathir dan Prof Datuk Dr Zainal Kling
Moderator: Datuk Rahman Sulaiman
Sinopsis: Politik mutakhir memperlihatkan suara-suara ke arah soal kesamarataan dan gagasan Malaysian Malaysia. Persoalannya kini: Apakah Melayu sudah bersedia atau berupaya menerima perubahan ini?
Lawat: http://www.malaysiaku.tv
Assalam Tun,
I pray the same too.
YABhg Tun,
Salam hormat. PM membuat keputusan selepas Mesyuarat Khas MT bahawa pelan peralihan kuasa dipercepatkan setelah didesak dan beliau akan membuat pengumuman samaada mempertahankan jawatan dalam parti sebelum 9hb Oktober ini. Dalam sidang akhbar selepas Mesyuarat Khas MT, beliau membuat kenyataan sinis bahawa beliau tidak pernah mengkritik dan memburukkan UMNO, tidak pernah meninggalkan UMNO, memasuki parti lain dan menggunakan platform pembangkang untuk menghentam UMNO. Tetapi kenapa rakyat tidak memberi sokongan kepadanya dalam pilihanraya yang lalu. Negerinya sendiri, Pulau Pinang jatuh kepada pembangkang. Kini bukan sahaja ahli ahli UMNO mendesak beliau meletak jawatan, yang bukan ahli mendesak supaya beliau meletak jawatan. Dimana mana sahaja terdengar suara meminta Pak Lah meletak jawatan. Isunya bukan UMNO, tapi kepimpinan beliau.
Dahulu ada juga yang mendesak supaya YABhg Tun meletak jawatan oleh pemimpin pemimpin yang ingin mengambilalih kuasa untuk
menjadi Perdana Menteri, tetapi sekarang rakyat sendiri yang mendesak kerana masalah kepimpinannya, ketidakupayaan beliau menangani kerenah sekutu sekutu dalam Barisan Nasional, masalah ekonomi, kenaikan harga petrol yang mendadak menyebabkan harga barang barang keperluan terutamanya makanan melambung naik.
Malangnya, masih menaruh harapan untuk kekal berkuasa..gimme 3 months more and hopefully things will change for him to stay on.
TokWan Tun,
Hopefuly by today DSAAB will announce he wil not contesting in the coming UMNO GM…
Salam Tun,
Ini Pak Lah kayu mau tunggu sampai kita punya negara jadi bankrap ka?
Deiii Parpu…sudah la tu….undur LAH….kasi sama orang lain la….
Tun, u rasa ni Ku Li bagus ka jadi PM? Saya betul2 mau tau la Tun…Tolong Komen la Tun yang sangat saya sayangi…please
macam mana la agaknya pemimpin terbaik dan mendapat sokongan akar umbi bole berjaya dan memegang jawatan parti dan kerajaan KALAU semua undi dah dibeli dan diikat oleh paklah dan menantunya???
pemimpin peringkat bahagian semuanya pentingkan kedudukan diri sendiri dan hanya tunduk mengikut telunjuk paklah dan KJ (biarpun kata hati memberontak)
> tak bley nak salahkan mereka jugak, dah lama bersusah payah nak dapatkan jawatan dan kemewahan dunia, takkan senang2 nak lepas dan bagi kat org lain pulak kan?? lebih baik ikut cakap je…janji diri dan keluarga sendiri selamat…
…ini pendirian standard org.2 melayu…biar bergolok bergadai harta, tanahair, bangsa, agama JANJI dunia menghormati aku….HIDUP MELAYU!!…yeah..
Orang politik atau pegawai kerajaan yang amat payah nak berundur adalah kerana beberapa faktor. Faktor peribadi adalah kerana rasa tak cukup RM kerana bila berundur dan pencen pendapatan mereka hanya separuh saja. Apatah lagi yang mempunyai isteri lebih dari satu. Mereka menunggu tawaran jawatan seperti pengerusi, CEO, Senator, Menteri Mentor atau Naib Canselor (sekalipun mereka tak pernah mengajarpun) sebelum turun. Mereka sering mainkan alasan tak ada orang yang boleh ganti mereka. Sedangkan mereka pun enggan buat pelan penggantian walaupun mereka bercakap tentang pelan penggantian. Sebenarnya mereka tak mahu rahsia salahlaku dan salahguna kuasa mereka terbongkar selepas bersara nanti. Mereka perlukan Golden Handshake yang tanpa had.
Faktor kedua adalah tekanan dari penyokong setia yang takut kehilangan tempat bergantung. Semasa bos mereka berkuasa, mereka jarang menolong rakyat, menghentam orang nombor dua dan menindas staf bawahan. Bila bos mereka berhenti, maka patah kakilah mereka.
Pemimpin atau pegawai kerajaan spt KSU, KP, Naib Canselor, Pengarah akan gunakan pelbagai alasan/helah untuk mereka disambung kontrak dan menyekat orang lain dari mengganti mereka. Mereka inilah Brown Noser yang terhandal. Apabila mereka disambung kontrak yang berlanjutan, maka mereka perlu sokong ahli politik untuk sambung juga. Mereka akan menyatakan sokongan supaya ahli politik itu disambung. Akhirnya ahli politik tetap pergi jua. KSU, KP, Naib Canselor dan Pengarah kontrak ini akan beralih pula kepada bos baru dan memujinya supaya dapat sambung lagi.Begitulah sehingga mereka akhirnya berjalan pakai tongkat. Sebagai ahli politik atau pegawai kerajaan kita haruslah menjadikan persaraan itu sebagai satu kemerdekaan. Tak perlu fikir lagi hal kerja. Boleh tumpu pada ibadat, boleh joging atau main golf jaga kesihatan. Boleh menulis bagi Naib canselor. Boleh sampaikan ceramah membantu rakyat. Tak perlu sibuk lagi handle mesyuarat hari keluarga, KMK, QCC, Konvokesyen, rasmi sana rasmi sini. Malah rakyat lebih hormat kepada mereka yang bersara secara terhormat. Lebih buruk kalau terpaksa dibersarakan kerana didakwa kes di mahkamah dan ketika itu tak ada siapa nak percaya kita lagi. Jadi berhentilah sebelum orang benci kita. Bila dah didakwa , gratuiti pun hilang dan wang pencen pun hilang.
Kiasan Pesanan saya adalah jangan sampai kaki kita ditarik turun. Amat sakit kalau kaki terseliuh. Kalau patah, lagilah teruk . Kena jalan pakai wheel chair atau tongkat atau lumpuh terus terbaring.
Lihatlah Tun M, masih sihat, pandangannya masih bernas dan terus mendapat penghormatan ramai malah lebih ramai lagi berbanding ketika Tun M berkuasa. Sedangkan sekarang Tun M tak ada pun apa-apa kuasa.
Semoga Tun M dan Tun H panjang umur.
itu lah ayat dia masa mula mula dapat jawatan. Ayat itu dah menunjukkan bahawa beliau nak bagi tau dulu semua kerja ikut telunjuk Tun…ayat tersebut tak ikhlas… hipokrit!!!!, islam hadhari konon…
Yang Di Kasihi Tun, kembalilah semula…
Kita masuk UMNO bukan nak jatuhkan pemimpin yang ada cuma kita beri peringatan bahawa kekurangan kerusi UMNO disebabkan faktor ahli itu sendiri.
Assalamualaikum dan selamat malam tun yang sentiasa diingati.
Nampaknya situasi sekarang semakin genting untuk pak lah n UMNO sendiri. Pengumuman proksi2x paklah untuk bertanding jawatan TPU adalah amat mengecewakan dan saya pasti ramai juga merasakan perkara yang sama. Harapnya Tan Sri Muhyiddin akan melakukan kejutan dengan bertanding jawatan Presiden kerana itu yang terbaik demi survival UMNO dan bangsa melayu. Najib agak lemah n banyak rekod buruk. harapnya Tun dapat melakukan sesuatu dalam hal ini…
Salam Tok Det & Malaysians,
I was reading the rejections of Mr. GW Bush, the US president in one of millions of website just now.
Looks like we are having the same situation here. The different is only the ‘piece of artwork’ committed by both Tok Lah and Bush. Whether it is a ‘fine art’ or ‘rough sketches’. Other than that both are rejected by the people.
These are some of the comments jotted down by the Americans when they were asked by CNN: What do you want to hear from President Bush tonight about the financial crisis? which I think might have similarities to what Malaysians thought of Tok Lah.
1) Why would we want to listen to someone who has lied to us throughout his administration? Do you think he would tell you the truth now?
2) Absolutely nothing. There is no explanation or solution that he can possibly offer for not doing something sooner to have prevented this situation.
3) I really would like to never hear anything from George Bush again. He has no idea what he is talking about., and if he does you cannot trust him to really be honest with the american people. Just a short time ago all he had to say was that the economy was strong, or that the economy was on an upswing. And now he comes out with these dome and gloom press conferences.
4)I want to hear that heâs stepping down right now, having finally come to the realization that heâs totally useless, and heâll be handing the keys to the White House over to Obama.
5) I want to hear that he will have nothing to do with it in the future.
6) His resignation
7)I am so sorry I messed things up so bad for you and your grandchildren. I know it may be to late, and I know I will go down in the history books as the worst leader in US history, but I hope you don’t mind if I just get out of the way and let more intelligent and more qualified people than I am get us out of the hole that I led us in.
Some of the comments maybe harsh but that’s the reality! People are angry, devastated, dissatisfied, sad and disappointed. It’s a normal reaction for people to said harsh things when they are uncontrollable.
As a Malaysian, we’ll try to control still our harshness since it is not our cultures to condemn people badly. Criticism differ from condemnation.
But still, the conclusion is Tok Lah please don’t be like Bush. We’ll honor you if you can step down willingly. Please don’t let the history catch you red-handed as the worst Prime Minister of Malaysia.
Hello Tun,
Back now after Hari Raya & still very alert & active in Politics.I can only conclude that Pak lah is very indecisive.Deep down in his heart he would like to do his job well so as not to disappoint all Malaysians esp’y those who had voted for him,his UMNO supporters personal friends & family.Last but equally important is his wife.Sure he would like to show his wife that he can handle his job well so he can leave behind impressionable footprints on his path.Though the road is winding & steep he has to trudge on boldly without fear or favour.Well if my hubby is the PM I will say to him carry on & even go for the vote for Presidency.WHen I saw Pak Lah smiling so confidently on TV, well that speaks everything.He does not look like he is losing support or feeling defeated.I believe we should all be fair to him even in the last months.After all many of us have never been in PM’s shoes except for Tun.So Tun only can comment & criticise because I think Tun is the only one most qualified to do so among all of us. Tun, PLEASE do not forget that you chose Pak Lah to be your successor some yrs back & you were all praise for him. Hope Tun that you are not angry I mention this.
Obviously Pak Lah had procrastinated a lot so in his FINAL months he wants to carry out all those reforms.Well so help him God.If the UMNO members allow him to, with at least 58 nominations then he can sail smoothly to finalise his reforms that he had initiated & promised to do.So at the end of the day, M’sians will not condemn him for not doing this & that.Hope that Pak Lah & M’sians can go through this rough patch & come out happier & more confident abt their future.
Salam Tun and Wife,
Selamat Hari Raya Aidil Fitri,
When I browsed through the comments I would definitely stop at the comments which did’nt initiate with Islamic phrases addressed to you such as Salam sejahtera,hello and etc. I presumed these comments were written by Non-Muslims(most of the cases).
Their comments are based on actual happenings, logical arguments and sometimes a bit of emotional expressions. Words such as ” you choose Pak Lah”, ” you have your time for 22 years as PM why did’nt you do it”and “give Pak Lah the chance” were frequently used.However there were some of these viewers who complimented your previous premiership.
Most malays who passed the comments seemed to concurred with your articles and flattered you with cheerful remarks.This remarks sometimes were repetative and in some cases we were taken by humorous and cynical statements.
Although you had make some clarification on certain matters that had stirred misconception especially amongst the non-malay with regard to meritrocracy, social contracts, National Economic policy,
legal reforms,pegging of Ringgit etc, the comments from the non malays seemed not to agree with your views.
My suggestion to you being the most successful PM of Malaysia who had put this country on the right track to Wawasan 2020 (Off track by Pak Lah)is to write an ARTICLE base on your wisdom and experience about elimination of discontentment among the the 3 races namely Malay, Chinese and Indian.Topics such as citizenship, business opportunities, Islam as the federal religion,Malay reserve lands, education, National economic policy and lastly to maintain stable Government like BN are the most preferred.. Not to forget just and peaceful society.
Slmt Hari Raya to Tun serta kluarga…
Mengenai paparan ttg kwibawaan PM kita kini..yup..saya admit..berbanding dgn Tun sbg PM sblm ini..jauh berbeza..dr segi handling ctuation tue ada kurang sdikit..As u can see the world economic growth dh kurang stabil..tempiasnya sluruh dunia..
Harga myk dijangka turun lagi bt thz month end..mcm mana nie? bit by bit turun? Mcm takde pandangan 10 thn ke hadapan..forecast tak cun..saya kecewa coz..skarang ni d smanjung…krisis pekauman sering dperdebatkn..mana tujunya kita punya ksefahaman n unity? hlang slepas pak Lah ambil alih? there`s time a leader shud decide sumthing which mean to all but it works to all..
I salute Tun…y? every1 on..i mean around d world stunned coz we as small country can represent who we r n gv gud ideas for all unity..
I assume all Umno members we frustrated coz PM sendirik dunn hv pendirian yg tegas utk diri sendiri..
Bukan Pak Lah tak bagus..takde manusia yg sempurna tp adakala kita plu tegas & ada pdirian yg membuatkn smua org ikut telunjuk & yakin pd kita..Time almost up 4 him..nanti pyerahan kuasa PM kpd DS Najib..Takde org dpt tunai janji secepatnya…smua plu ksabaran..Other people which hv their own political thoughts r laughing at us now..
Juz harap smua nie dpt end n smua akan jd spt dlm keadan Tun dulu,kalo tdak…kita akan gugur..smua akan gugur..jauh sribu jauh…
Apapn..kalo ada silap kata tue..minta maap byk2..juz saya as Malaysian..yg vote a leader hanya ingin bkata utk smua…krn kita trust n hv faith we vote..
Assalamualaikum Tun,
Selamat hari raya aidilfitri kepada Tun dan semua.
Mengapakah kita menyalahkan Perdana Menteri seorang sahaja?
you are right – PM Abdullah would need more than 3 months to address some of the issues you’ve left behind. So I’d suggest instead of twisting the essence of his message, you let him get on with the task at hand?
Or do you have so much time in yours that you don’t know what to do with it – then I’d suggest you get out there and establish programs to eradicate poverty (and please let it not be like the last time where your administration lowered the poverty line which now results in an inaccurate statistics of the number of hard core poor, and poor in Malaysia).
Care to explain how your administration determined a wage earner who earns RM 540 weekly and feeds 5 people is not considered poor.
I’ll let you personal assistants draft out a detailed response to this.
And if any of your gullible supporters think they have an answer, by all means say it. I hope it will only go to prove your supporters are blinded by their faith in you that they can’t see the manipulator that you are.
200% setuju dengan pendapat Tun. Sepatutunya AAB sudah letak jawatan 4 tahun dulu. Sebaik saja ECM Libra dijual tanpa kelulusan? kepada KJ.
Apa pun pendirian yang akan diumumkanya, semua perwakilan UMNO kemesyuarat Bahagian mesti sedar dan mengunakan kuasa yang ada untuk membuat pencalonan barisan kepimpinan baru dalam parti. Mesyuarat juga boleh mengusulkan supaya tarikh mesyuarat Agong parti dibuat pada bulan Disember 2008.
Setiap perwakilan wajib menetapkan pendirian. Tidak kira apa pun bentuk rayuan jika ada dari penjilat tangan AAB. Jangan jadikan bangsa sendiri sebagai batu galang. Menjadi pengkhianat kepada bangsa, ugama dan tanah tumpah darah diri sendiri. Para perwakilan jangan rendahkan maruah diri dengan rasuah yang berbagai rupa. Berdirilah dan berpendirian jati diri melayu tulin.
Kita tahu siapa yang patut dipilih. Pilihlah atas dasar untuk membela maruah diri, anak cucu, bangsa dan ugama. Jangan memilih dengan niat tersembunyi untuk kepentingan diri kerana keputusanya akan menghancurkan keseluruhan bangsa.
Ketepikan penjilat-penjilat tangan. Pengaut harta milik negara dan orang lain. Penyalak yang tidak tahu malu. Pelakon-pelakon opera.
Jangan selamkan tangan anda kedalam najis dan darah bangsa anda.
TUN, saya pasti TUN akan terus mengabdikan pemikiran untuk membela bangsa yang terhimpit parah, ugama yang sentiasa disanggah, menebus negara yang dijual dengan harga murah.
Pak Lah definitely has plan in his mind, probably have not got mutual agreement from the next elected PM. 3months is just buy time to salvage as much as possible, I don’t know whetehr for his personal benefit or for the rakyat Malaysia.
Ayahanda Tun yang saya kagumi.
Terima kasih banyak kerana sudi bersalam dengan saya dan anak-anak di rumah ayahanda tempoh hari.
Tiada kata yang dapat saya gambarkan bagaimana gembiranya saya dapat bersalam dengan ayahanda berdua. Tak sedar air mata saya mengalir. Saya sungguh terharu. Hanya perkataan “Saya Sayang Tun” yang mampu saya ucapkan ketika bersalam dengan ayahanda.
Sebelum pulang, lama saya memerhatikan ayahanda berdua. Bagi saya, ahad lepas adalah hari yang paling bersejarah dalam hidup saya.
Mohon saya pada Allah moga Ayahanda berdua dipanjangkan usia, sihat dan insyaAllah dapat bersalam lagi di tahun hadapan. Amin.
Orang dapur.
Salam Ayahanda Tun,
Saya sedih melihat situasi sekarang ni….masih tidak sedarkah mereka semua ni dengan apa yg sedang kita hadapi la ni….inilah yg dikatakan sebagai umat akhir zaman….22thn di bawah kepimpinan Ayahanda Tun ,kita @ saya tak pernah rasa zaman yg begitu kelam kabut…..KJ punca segalanya….DSAAB wajib turun dari tampuk kepimpinan negara…..sedih teramat sedih……..
Ketika Tun turun dulu, Tun sendiri yang umumkan tanpa siapa sangka. hinggakan ramai yang merayu supaya jangan turun. Tun Hasmah, Mukhriz, Marina dan Mokhzani paling gembira bila Tun nak turun. Tapi Tun setuju tangguh dan memberikan tarikh yang exact untuk peralihan kuasa dan tak ubahpun tarikh tu. dan tak minta tangguh. Kalau boleh hari tu juga Tun nak turun. BN pun ketika itu banyak kerusi di Parlimen. Ekonomi pun kukuh. Sungguh gentleman Tun.
Berlainan dengan Pak Lah.
Semua orang dok tunggu bila dia nak turun. Tak ada orang pun merayu suruh jangan turun. Khairy, Kamaludin Jean lemah kepala lutut dan sedih minta Pak Lah jangan turun. Dia tak nak turun. Ramai yang suruh dia turun. Dia pula minta tangguh. Tangguh tempoh, tangguh perhimpunan UMNO. Esok dia jumpa komponen BN nak minta tangguh apa lagi. Kerusi BN kurang dari 2/3 di parlimen. Ekonomi teruk. Itu pun nak minta 3 bulan lagi. Belum sampai 3 bulan, kerusi BN pun hilang. Ekonomi makin teruk. Dia ingat dia Superman kot. 5 tahun tak leh buat. Ini kan pula 3 bulan.
Hakikatnya dia berat nak turun. Had Hari nya sebenarnya tiada Had kepada hari yang dia nak turun.
Kita perlu berhenti sebelum orang benci. Pegawai kerajaan juga harus contohi Tun. Janganlah asyik minta sambung kontrak lepas pencen. Ramai lagi pegawai bawahan yang layak dan boleh ambil alih. Orang lain pun nak merasa juga jadi bos. Janganlah pula sehingga kita mati dalam perkhidmatan pulak.
Selalu saya ingatkan bahawa kita jangan rasa sedikit pun rasa dendam kerana walau pun sedikit sahaja rasa dendam maka segala tindak laku dan pemikiran hanya memikirkan dendam sahaja.Niat mesti baik tapi kalau nak berdendam sahaja saya syorkan pergilah ke Mekah dan buat amalan yang baik-baik supaya kita tidak akan dikenang sebagai pengkhianat
Salam Tun,
He will announce his decisions in a day or two, as a Malaysian I felt very shameful even to say out that he is our PM. What have he done for the last 5 years? I think he spend his dried brain of main ‘Cinta’ with his JINNY.
Why he need another 3 months ? Untuk menyudahkan apa yang di janjikan sebelum ini? Itu yang diucapkan nya setiap kali…..tapi adakah itu semua penting untuk rakyat dan negara sekarang ini…. NOBODy think so!!!
Apakah Islam yang kita anuti sekarang ini tidak betul,apa dia ingat dengan Islam Hadhari yg di perkenalkannya kita semua bleh masuk syurga bulat2? Tolong lah…..jangan duk melalut pak Lah. Bertaubat lah cepat-cepat. Agama Allah S.W.T hanya satu yakni ISLAM, tak disebut pun penambahan di belakang. Nabi Muhammad SAW hanya berjuang untuk ISLAM bukan ISLAM HADHARI…..
Rakyat dan Negara cuma mahu Pak Lah and famili berambus saje….itu lebih AFDAL….
Dear Tun,
I hope that your experience of being the ex Prime Minister is right in guessing that Pak Lah is trying his very mean to garner support at various divisional head. But there is also another end of the tail story. As a simple parabolic expression denotes, âHead Abdullah wins, Tail the people still loseâ. This goes about his changing of portfolio to the Defense Minister. Rumor has circulated amongst the people that Abdullah is already issue the letter of intent to purchase the Nuri helicopter in process. So the stepping down with immediate effect will not be possible. If he lost the support from the divisional head and gets the Nuri projection sales, parts and maintenance that about RM 250 million per year, he still wins.
If he gets the divisional support, the Nuri deal will on this is double bonus.
If he lost the divisional support and lost the Nuri deal as in the current process, he lost everything.
This game will come at the tax payer money. We the people of Malaysia win when the third scenario comes in effect. But the chance is very slim.
What Tun got to say about this?
now that everyone getting hyped-up about the transition plan and the election. I’m afraid the next leader chosen take his first 6 months to execute the last leader. That 6 months should be used to gain back support from the Rakyat.
Within 3 months, most of the development contract will be finalized.
Greetings Tun,
I’m dissappointed with Malaysian leaders right now, from both sides. All can’t keep their promise.
Dollah is just keeping open the wound until it gets infected..
While Anwar is attempting to clean the wound but forgot to bring antibiotic.
At this moment, everyone is sick of this political battle and just hope someone would just stick to their promise. The only real development i see now is in Penang, at least they’re proposing plans of improving the city. Good or not, its something.
Just hope more states would start doing their work and stop effin around.
Selamat Hari Raya to all .
Dear All,
Btw, i think we should compromise each other too. Since finally DSAB has already agree to step down. Why not compromise for another 3 more months only since that is his wish to sit for another 3 months. Trust that this is still the best solution for both parties. However i am not sure whether he should apologise for all the trouble he brings to the rakyat. The worst case……when mentioned the word rakyat it looks like it means more to Pakatan Rakyat…………
The best time for PM to quit is before December 2008 ends.3 months extra is probably to give some weight or advantage to K.It is now not so much important, what is crucial is someone must be committed to eradicate corruption to lead Malaysia.If not Pe Mi Pe Mi Tan Tu Juga.Salam.
Salam tun,
Thanks for the open house. Ni kali pertama saya jumpa dengan tun in person. sblm ni tgk kt tv je.
Open house hari tu memboleh kan saya menjenguk skit kehidupan tun. tak sangka semuanya serba sederhana. Mmg tak dinafikan, itulah hidup seorang negarawan yang terbilang.
I think pak lah should just umumkan je yg die harus resign. Macam tun ckp, yg tun x percaya tu mmg betul. Sbb kalau org tu btol2 nak resign, die just resign je.
Tak payah nak berteka teki.. Pak lah, name je byk penasihat…tp bile nak buat keputusan susah n berubah2.
Akum TUN dan semua
saya berpendapat beliau mempunyai agenda tersembunyi dan memang sudah makin jelas. Pengumuman Zaid Hamidi dan Ali Rustam sebagai Timbalan Presiden seakan2 salah satu strategi AAB dalam pencaturan politik beliau dan menantu. Dan kemungkinan AAB mengumumkan bertanding masih ada kemungkinannya.
Secara peribadi saya berpendapat Zaid hamidi bukan layak sebagai timbalan perdana menteri kerana mempunyai peribadi yang hampir sama dengan AAB dan anwara Ibrahim yang suka menonjolkan diri sebagai seoarang berugama tapi realiti nya belum tentu. UMNO dan malaysia perlu pemimpin yang tulin bukan berselindung disebalik imej yang dicipta.
Ali Rustam pulak lebih ikhlas, tapi saya berpendapat beliau tidak mempunyai kebolehan yang sesuai untuk menjadi timnbalan perdana menteri atau perdana menteri. Kebolehan beliau hampir sama dengan AAB.No vision and special leadership attributes.
Untuk memimpin malaysia sebagai sebuah negara yang majmuk kita memerlukan pemimpin yang mempunyai ciri kepimpinan yang berkebolehan tingggi dan diterima oleh semua kaum. Mesti mempunyai keberanian, vision dan mampu untuk mengangani krisis (TDM adalah contoh yang terbaik). Ciri2 seperti ini ada pada Ds Najib, TS Mahyudin dan Tg Razaleigh.
justeru itu saya merayu kepada perwakilan UMNO semua agar membuat pertimbagan yang sewajarnya sebelum memilih pemimpin kerana silap anda memilih maka UMNO akan hancur dan tidak dapat dipulihkan.
Saya hanya mampu berdoa dan mengundi dalam pilihanraya PRU 13.
Selamat Hari Raya Tun,
Rasa sangat bertuah boleh memberi komen untuk tatapan Tun dan yang mengikuti blog nie. Kengkadang tertawa, termarah dan tersedih pun ada bila membaca komen dan komplain semuanya. Ternyata tempat ni sesuai benar dijadikan tempat meluahkan kemarahan, kegembiraan dan kesedihan. Saya yakin semua yang melayari blog ini semestinya rindu zaman pemerintahan yang dulu..yang OK jer…benda kecik tak masuk paper sebab Pemimpin Negara sibuk dengan hal yang lagi besar..tentang pembangunan…Kan? sekarang ni paper pun terpaksa cari benda kecik untuk jual akhbar..sebab tak tahu nak cakap apa pasal Pemimpin kat atas tue..selain peperangan masing-masing yang tak bolehlah pula nak sentuh sangat..silap aribulan kena sue lagi..kan? tak pun masuk ISA..
saya paham kenapa Tun marah sangat sampai tulisan pun pedas-pedas..kami yang duduk nak menikmati kebahagiaan kalau boleh… pun terasa ini kan pula Tun yang berusaha sepanjang masa mudanya untuk negara ini….kalau bagi share Malaysia ni dengan Tun out of 22/51..memang 40 % lebih Tun yang punya…kalau saham lah..mesti harusnya suara tu patut didengar kan?
Entah kenapalah jadi masa ni di tengah kegawatan ekonomi dunia…siapalah nak selamatkan negara ni kalau meka semua sibuk ajer nak jaga tempat duduk masing-masing…ntah ada masa ke takda tengok berita ekonomi jatuh nie…
Ok Tun, saya gembira baca semua yang datang Open house Tun gembira semuanya…:) Saya pun tumpang gembira…Walaupun tak pernah melihat Tun life…teringin juga..tapi di hati tetap ikhlas ingat Tun dan kisah kalau ada apa-apa cakap pasal Tun..Tapi yelah kalau orang cakap tak baik pasal Tun pun entah kenapa masuk telinga kanan kuar telinga kiri..lalu ajer…tak masuk dalam hati ni…Cuba kalau yang sekarang ni..dengar jer name…dah berubah muka tu jadi masam…gitulah kira-kira rasa orang biasa macam saya ni..tak suka politik pun sebenarnya..cuma memang suka Orang yang memang layak dihormati dan didengar dan belajar dari orang-orang macam Tun ni..
Ni saja coret-coret saya kali ni..semoga sihat selalu…dan jaga diri selalu..God Bless upon you and your family..tata..
juz me
Ayahanda Tun… banyak sangat kerja Abdullah Syah yang belum selesai… semua alasan lapuknya… “kerosakan yang banyak dibuat” kami RAKYAT MALAYSIA TAK BOLEH TOLAK ANSUR LAGI…Sepatutnya apa2 keputusan dari PM tapi DIA arahkan MENTERI LAIN JAWAP…:
seperti perumpamaan sepatutnya beliau : ” Kumbang Jarak Kumbang Jarum Berani Buat Berani Tanggung ”
The postponement was due to several reasons.
The current administration and its associates need to have enough time to make good or make simple amendments to any wrong doing that could haunt them when a new team come into power. This includes closing all deals.
There is also hope that things could become better and absolve the need for the PM to step down. God forbid maybe Najib, Anwar or Tengku Razaliegh will die in an accident. Maybe some renegade security personnels are willing to die for the PM to create a scenario that will force the situation to ensure that the PM stays in power. There could be change of hearts. The stock market could be better and the oil price could go lower and ease the situation.
Maybe the PM has started to consult the police on the actual support especially amongst the silent majority and the police needs time to evaluate the situation for the PM.
Being a slow thinker and a slow decision maker, the PM has yet to decide on what he wants to do and where he wants to go upon retirement.
Malaysia, like all third world countries are under the US influence if not control. The Malaysian government is also waiting for the outcome of the US presidential election and the next US President has some crucial say in who should be the next Prime Minister of Malaysia.
Dear Tun,
What you wrote is absolutely correct. Five years past, the country is getting worst, expect us to believe he can make changes with a twist of the magic vane or something. The present ministers following a idiotic leader has become zombies. They talk about Tun’s “non significant” failures but never mentioned the number of great achievements Tun did for the country. Wish you are back at the helm to steer us through.
EOT (extension of time),
helo Tun,
Selamat Hari Raya,May God Bless U n Fmly….
Pak lah need EOT,he didn’t concern that he will bring the BN down..
BN aspecially comiti UMNO should brave to make a decision..brave to say n brave to kick out useless leader..this type of leader will make malaysia go down..
Tq Tun…that is my opinion…people around u always apreciate u…
Assalamualaikum YABhg Tun dan Bonda Tun Hasmah.
Salam Aidil Fitri…….Maaf Zahir dan Batin.
Sy bersyukur kerana dapat menatap Tun berdua di majlis rumah terbuka Tun tempoh hari.Alhamdulillah sihat walafiat Tun berdua. Jutaan terima kasih atas kesudian Tun berdua meluangkan masa bersama rakyat yang berpusu-pusu menunggu untuk bersalaman dgn Tun. Jutaan terima kasih atas layanan mesra Tun berdua dan sy juga ingin menyampaikan salam kasih daripada adik-adik sy kepada Tun berdua.
Berbalik kepada penulisan Tun kali ini,entahlah dah tak larat nk fikir apalah nk jadi kepada UMNO.Kami orang bawahan memahami penyakit dalaman UMNO ni walaupun tak bersekolah tinggi(semangat je tinggi).Kalau dah MT pun tak ada taring dan kudrat (agaknya le)apa lagi kami diperingkat bawah. Jgnlah bila keadaan dah meruncing baru nk bertindak.Orang dibawah melihat je gelagat mereka,bila dah bosan senang je kami ada pilihan.DSAAB ni tak tau nk ubat penyakit dan tak memahami punca penyakit yang dihadapi. Macam mana nk pulihkan keadaan dalam tempoh 3 bln? Sy berharap DSAAB boleh faham petua ini dari kami orang kampung.Orang tua-tua kata kalau ada bisul kena buang keluar ibu atau matanya,kalau tidak bisul tu cepat merebak jadi teruk dan menyebabkan keracunan darah yang boleh membawa maut.Dalam ertikata lain berundurlah cara terhormat sebelum dipaksa berundur.Jagalah maruah dengan cara terpuji sebelum terlambat. jgn sampai didesak dan santak baru nk berundur.
YABhg Tun…….s kami berdoa agar TUN berdua sihat walafiat untuk melihat pemulihan dalam UMNO dan UMNO bertambah kuat.Kami juga berharap Datuk Mukhriz diangkat menjadi Ketua Pemuda.MT patut tahu bila nk gunapakai ULTIMATUM keatas DSAAB dan KJ.Akar umbi hanya melihat je buat masa ini.Sesal dulu pendapatan sesal kemudian tanggung le lepas ni.
Salam kembali buat YABhg Tun Berdua.Wassalam.
Dear Tun,
First of all, saya ucapkan Selamat Hari Raya dan Maaf jika ada kesalahan saya pada Tun sekeluarga.
Amat menyedihkan jika manusia membutakan mata dan memekakkan telinga pada isyarat-isyarat jelas yang diberikan untuk berundur. Apa agaknya yang cuba dicapai? Bukankah jawatan itu satu amanah yang akan dipertanggungjawabkan sepenuhnya dikemudian hari. Sekarang makin ramai yang menawarkan diri untuk memegang jawatan tertinggi dalam kerajaan. Apakah mereka ini sedar risiko yang diambil? Silap-silap memilih untuk menghumbankan diri sendiri serta keluarga ke dalam neraka jahanam.
Semuga Allah swt memelihara Malaysia dari musibah yang lebih besar di masa hadapan kerana gagal memilih pemimpin yang benar-benar ingin berkhidmat kerana Allah, bangsa dan Negara.
Tun, please take care of your health. We still want you to be around for years to come.
so ,mcm mane kita nak pastikan pak lah step down?? dia pun dok main tarik tali skrg nih..
In the words of Oliver Cromwell to the Long Parliament; “You have sat too long here for any good you have been doing. Depart, I say, and let us have done with you. In the name of God, go”.
Assalammualaikum wbt Tun Dr Mahathir,
Why pak Lah is asking extension for another three months?
1. He wants to renovate Seri Perdana for Najib.
2. He got a lot of things to pack up.
3. He wanted to shake hand with as many as possible with all
4. He got some overseas trip that he need to attend.
5. He wants to open account in Swiss Bank.
The reasons by him to look into poverty, his corridoor projects, his Islam Hadhari Buletin and so on are merely a weak and ridiculous reasons men has ever created. To my surprise Dato Najib and Co can agreed to this proposal. Are they mad or half insane?
By the way, if Pak Lah really announces his resignation, all UMNO Branches should hold a doa selamat since ‘duri dalam daging’ been pulled out. But if he refuse to do so, we all know that UMNO will split further. It is a dawn day!
Tun yang saya kagumi,
A’kum wbt..
Semakin hari, kelemahan Pak Lah semakin menonjol dan menunjukkan kebodohan yang amat ketara. Ulasan mengenai Hindraf semasa rumah terbuka di PWTC mengambil masa sehingga 3 hari. Ulasan pun seperti orang yang tidak berpengetahuan, macam tidak layak utk menjadi Perdana Menteri atau memang tak layak.
3 bulan nak selesai macam-macam masalah hal negara, tak masuk akal, tapi pak-pak menteri masih tak boleh pikiaq. Tunggu apa lagi, pakatlah hai pak-pak menteri, buat satu keputusan demi negara, takut nanti habuk pun tarak… Anwar sedang menunggu peluang dan ruang yang masih ada dalam masa 3 bulan nie.
Pak Lah ada strategi yang semua orang tak dapat membaca helahnya, pelbagai kemungkinan yang ada utk melemahkan UMNO dan Barisan Nasional, itulah strategi Pak Lah.
Mulanya Jun 2010 kemudian Mac 2009 dan lepas tu apa lagi… pelbagai kemungkinan yang menghampakan rakyat Malaysia…
“Selamat Hari Raya” & Selamat Berpuasa Enam kpd Tun dan Isteri, semoga diberi petunjuk dan hidayah.
Hidup Tunnnnn
salam tun,
saya sakit hati mengenangkan Pak Lah menangani kes Hindraf.. apa istimewanya Hindraf apa lembeknya Pak Lah menangani kes melampau Hindraf!!! Pak Lah sekarang lagi menghancurkan perpaduan negara bukan begini caranya… contohilah zaman Tun dahulu dalam kes Memali, Al Arqam.. Hapuskan segera sebelum membara!!! Puak Pelampau tidak seharusnya bermahajarela…
3 bulan untuk selesaikan semua?? jangan harapLah!!Saya amat setuju dengan pendapat Tun. Negara kita dalam kehancuran!! bertindaklah segera!! bukannya setiap bulan dihitung! sekarang, setiap saat dihitung!!
I agree the UMNO General Assembly should not be postponed and delayed.Three months different is not making any different to the party and country at all.It’s just giving more space for people like Anwar to find way to create chaos.
Wish you are still our PM. Love you and Tun Siti alwayz.
Saya bersyukur sangat dapat jumpa Tun di rumah terbuka Tun.Walau pun terpaksa jalan sebab ‘train’ lambat sampai tapi semuanya terbayar bila dapat cium tangan Tun berdua dan ambil gambar.
SEMOGA TUN DIBERI KESIHATAN YANG BAIK DAN DALAM PELIHARAAN ALLAH YANG MAHA ESA.Dari perbualan saya dengan tetamu lain, ramai yang sayang sangat Tun.
selamat kembali ke blog tun…
saya tak dapat gi rumah terbuka tun.. maklumlah tingal di sarawak.. pendalaman lagi…. KLCC pun tak sampai lagi 😛
Selamat hari raya Tun
Pak lah dan dato Shahril harus turun masa naik kan harga minyak tidak fikir dengan waras sekarang harga barang naik melambong walaupun kerajaan turun harga minyak harga barang masih kekal pada paras harga minyak RM2.70 hidup raayak menderita sabagai PM dan Menteri penguna harus bertanggong jawab.
We can give Pak Lah 3 months more if he can reduce petrol selling price as low as before he becoming the Prime Minister. he also must not recall back the subsidies that he has promised.
Assalammualaikum w.b.t Ayahanda Tun dan isteri,
Saya nak sangat bersalaman dengan Ayahanda Tun dan isteri pada hari terbuka rumah Ayahanda Tun baru2 ini tapi tak berkesempatan. Anyway, saya mohon ampun dan maaf sekali lagi sekiranya ada salah dan silap dari saya. Buat apa nak tangguhkan sampai mac kalau masih nak pertahankan jawatan Presiden UMNO? Be a gentleman utk pertahankan jawatan tersebut pada Disember 08 ni. Napa nak mintak tangguh melainkan ada agenda-agenda yang tertentu. Mungkin nak memaksa DS Najib melawan bosnya dan memperlihatkan kepada rakyat yang DS Najib adalah pemimpin yang tak setia. Cukup-cukuplah duit rakyat yang tak digunakan dengan berhemah dan memaksa kakitangan berbelanja berhemah, bagilah can orang lain pulak jadi PM. Sejarah telah membuktikan bahawa seorang pemimpin yang lemah akan merosakkan negara dan memecahbelahkan perpaduan di antara rakyatnya.
Kesianlah rakyat ni yang menderita sebab dapat PM yang macam ni.
Dear Dr. M,
â4. I may be biased but I do not think these are the reasons he wants to stay on as Prime Minister three months longer.â
I agree with you. PakLah merely seeks a graceful exit from his disastrous dabbling in politics. His Islam Hadhari along with his experiments in governance prove to be a critical failure in the name of democratic reforms. Naturally PakLah tries his best at playing spin doctor but Malaysians are not fooled by his excuses.
The Dec general assembly should not be postponed. The longer we wait for the outcome, the more havoc our political scenario becomes.
However the postponement has served many aspiring UMNO politicians. They seek this opportunity to negotiate, plan, conceptualize and coordinate their positions, so as to be able to reap the bounties of political connections. I am sure money-politics will be an ongoing problem, as it seems to be a traditional practice in preparation for those who seek/share the power to rule.
But I am sure PakLah has other things on his mind.
I am confident he will do everything in his power to erase the stigma that associates itself with his legendary name.
Salam Tun… xD
Salam Tun,
Tak sabar nak tunggu March 2009 (Kenapa March ye? Takut pula satu malapetaka BESAR pulak akan berlaku seperti March 2008? – takut pula nombor 13 akan jadi satu tanda SIAL lagi dalam SEJARAH NEGARA – Nauzubillah) – Kenapa PakLah berani bermain dengan nombor SIAL tu ye? Bukan nak percaya nombor tu bawa SIAL, tapi terbukti ianya ramai orang tak suka – apatah lagi Mat Salih dan orang Cina. Thanks GOD and thanks my MOM, I was born 2 days before the black 13 May 1969.
Kalau dapat cepat, lagi bagus. Tak payah nak tunggu 13/03/09, semua nak ganjil. Kata nak Hadhari kan Islam? Islam apa tu? Ngarut orang tua tu, Islam hanya ada SATU, dalam Islam tu memang dah ada lebih dari Hadhari. Ngarut PakLah noooo!
Khairi Jamaluddin…. selepas ni orang akan ludahkan muka dia! Kalau setakat kepandaian yang tak seberapa yang dimiliki oleh Khairy Jamaluddin, dia tak boleh dapat bertahan selepas 7 tahun pak mertuanya turun takhta. Mungkin dia dapat bertahan lama sikit kot, jika menjalankan kerja2 HARAM seperti jadi MAT POW, atau jadi GANGSTRER KUTIP TOL. Atau dia akan dapat lebih sikit jika SEMUA tanah kat REMBAU ditukar atas nama beliau sendiri. Apa punya budak KJ ni? Kalau ada 10 macam KJ, terlungkup dan jahanam MALAYSIA. Jangan dia dok berangan nak jadi Ketua Pemuda, ramai ahli UMNO tak suka dia. Dia menang kat REMBAU pun atas undi-undi POS!
Semoga ALLAH bukakan hati PakLah supaya diSEGERAKAN turun takhta (tak yah nak tunggu March 2009) agar dosa-dosa kami dapat dikurangkan daripada melakukan mengumpat ini. Amin
Semoga Ayahanda sekeluarga dan semua peminat Tun sihat hendaknya, Amin.
Dearest Tun,
There have been just too many ‘indications’ for Pak Lah to consider stepping down and pass the button to someone else! To name a few; the poor result in PRU12 with the loss of another 4 states to the opposition, the reluctance of component party’s heads in joining the Cabinet, voices from UMNO grassroots asking him to step down earliest possible, voices of ‘some’ MT Members on the need to expedite the hand-over and the latest being the ‘disrespect’ Hindraf members at PWTC!! Pak Lah’s heart has simply been so blind!
As for the latest incident at PWTC, I sincerely hope that it is not repeated. The open house was in conjunction with the Hari Raya celebration, the day we Muslims celebrated the success in carrying out our religious duty. Again I hope that would be the first and the last as it was much more then the ‘racialism’ issue that anyone can mingle around with! Anyway, in the first place, such an incident would not have taken place should the issue had been sorted out as soon as it appeared!
There had been talks about some MT and Cabinet members that had depended Pak Lah and insisted that he should hang on. To me these are the real culprits!! They talk about the need for UMNO members to love the party and willing enough to sacrifice, without accepting the fact they are the ones, especially the President, to show their love to the party and readily to sacrifice in one way or another… simply because they are the ones who have got almost all if not everything!! To that Tun.. you deserve our utmost respect!
Pak Lah is a leader who does not have the merit in telling the truth and fulfilling promises. Just couldn’t accept the fact that a so called ‘mr. clean’ and said to be religious too, to have lost them all in so short a period. In term of ‘kebijaksanaan’, he has hardly 25% of yours Tun! I wonder if any of the rest has 30!
The best contribution that Pak Lah can offer now is by stepping down! Otherwise, he will only make all UMNO and BN leaders as ‘fools’. To that, I feel it is timely for all UNMO and BN members to voice out loud..’Pak Lah, you must step down now!!!!’ and believe me, the same goes to all those ‘culprits’!
If only that we could have you to be reappointed as the next PM and to start with, in rebuilding our confidence as proud Malaysians. That, I’m sure you can do within 3 months..the same period Pak Lah took for us to have lost it!!!
God willing.. you will be.. one way or another..as you are the truest Malaysian the country has ever had! We are counting on you Sir!
May Allah’s blessing be with you and Tun Dr. Siiti Hasmah all the way through. Insyaallah.
Itulah yang dihidang untuk kita senario politik di Malaysia kini.
Terlampau banyak tangan-tangan yang kononnya ingin memperjuangkan agenda tertentu. Pemerintah, pembangkang, melayu, PAS, Anwar, India, HINDRAF, MIC, mamak, MTUC, Cina, MCA, Gerakan, DAP, Suqiu, press, photo, bloggers, atlit, artis, Raja, hakim, lawyer, banduan sehingga penjenayah sekalipun nakkan bersuara kat Malaysia ni sampaikan kita semua naik celaru dan keliru apa yang berlaku sebenarnya, apa yang kita mahu, termasuklah yang bersuara tersebut.
Nak bersuara sangat? Ha ambik ngkau..
Salam Tun,
apa la anak pak mat badwi sorang ni. tak reti-reti bahasa. org dah tak nak dia pandai2 la berundur. ni nak jugak sambung. 3 bulan la kunun. cit.. pi rahh… alasan ja tu. besok dah bulan mac boleh tangguh lagi tiga bulan. lepas tu lagi 3 bulan.
tak pernah cek jumpa org mcm ni. buat malu org penang je. ish.. ish.. ish..
Salam Tun..Apa nak type ni..Moga Allah sentiasa memelihara Tun..Aminnnnnn
hail Tun..
you see, when someone retired from the government,he can opt to work in another paths or ways like writing books, being an advisor in certain faction giving some contribution, helping his son in law in politics or whatever you want to say…Like you,after your retirement, you were elected as the petronas advisor.for us, that is quite a position seeing petronas as one of leading global OnG company. thing is, is abdullah may or may not plan something for his retirement? or maybe he is reluctant to step down because of the position you hold as the petronas advisor? of course he is nothing to compare against you because you are the founder of petronas…so,is the petronas advisor position is specifically for a retired prime minister? for a man so corrupt like him,being a scomi advisor is enough to self-destructing them..or being a ketua kampung is just as precise isnt it,Tun? at least he is qualified though..
selamat hari raya Tun!
Assalamualaikum Tun,
Like many people I am also disappointed by the postponement of the UMNO general assembly. There is indeed a hidden agenda of Pak Lah, perhaps it is Petronas. Unfortunately, there is not a lot ordinary people like me can do but pray. One thing I hope will change is that any corruption discovered during this dark period of Malaysian history will be dealt with as it should be and that those responsible will be charged for any crimes. Let it not be as it has in the past and such acts are forgotten and even forgiven. Any ‘tak apa… biarlah’ attitude must end. If not then the tide will not be stemmed and those in power will continue to be corrupt. Do none of these leaders believe in the afterlife? Do none of them think of the sins they are committing? It is indeed embarassing for a Muslim nation.
Lastly, Tun, It was a pleasure to see you at the Putrajaya Mosque last friday after prayers. It was a happy moment for me and my son. Selamat Hari Raya to you and your entire family, may Allah preserve you all in good health and peace of mind.
Without meaning to sound overly mean, the reasons given by Abdullah Badawi to justify the three-month delay would insult the intelligence of a mental retard – if the said retard had been following the developments in Umno and Malaysia.
However, the delay was still approved!
This means one of three things:
(1) The Supreme Council members are of even less intelligence than the quoted mental retard
(2) The members either don’t fully understand the seriousness of the situation confronting Umno and the country
(3) The members place the interests of Umno and Malaysia below that “of some others”
Whatever it is, those people who had acceded to the wishes of Dollah Badawi and Najib shouldn’t have been given the trust and honour as had been bestowed upon them.
These members should have been “the check-and-balance mechanism” within Umno – of putting their foot down when the top leaders seem to deviate from the party’s interests. Unfortunately, except for a few, the rest are merely “seat warmers” and useless bums – enjoying the lofty view and basking in the limelight while contributing nothing.
Let us just install some Bangladeshi migrant workers in their place instead. These Banglas would just sit there grinning and nodding throughout the meetings; and enjoy the tea and karipap afterwards. What is so different about that as compared to what most of our SC members have been performing so far?
Itulah yang dihidang untuk kita senario politik di Malaysia kini.
Terlampau banyak tangan-tangan yang kononnya ingin memperjuangkan agenda tertentu. Pemerintah, pembangkang, melayu, PAS, Anwar, India, HINDRAF, MIC, mamak, MTUC, Cina, MCA, Gerakan, DAP, Suqiu, press, photo, bloggers, atlit, artis, Raja, hakim, lawyer, banduan sehingga penjenayah sekalipun nakkan bersuara sampaikan kita semua naik celaru dan keliru apa yang berlaku sebenarnya, apa yang kita mahu, termasuklah yang bersuara tersebut.
Ha ambik ngkau..
asalamualaikum Tun yg budiman…..tak guna nak tangguh sampai 3 bln lagi,saya bukan lah ahli politik,bukan ahli umno,tapi sebagai seorang pengundi,DSAAB tak banyk yg boleh dbuatnya yg boleh membawa perubahan terutama level sederhana apatah lagi yg miskin.makin lama ‘taming sari’ ditangan beliau makin teruk keadaan negara kita ini.berita jam 8pm tadi…hindraf menuntut supaya Syed Hamid Albar memohon maaf kpd mereka,kita semua tahu kenapa!saya fikir Malaysia bukan lagi seperti Tun memegang ‘taming sari’ dulu.makin hari,bulan..makin porak peranda pula,seolah-olah kita sebagai org melayu,pula seperti menumpang di negara sendiri…….kita org melayu,kita lah tuan di negara tercinta ini! tak perlu nak meminta maaf kpd sesiapa pun.bukannya nak membangkitkan isu-isu perkauman,tetapi kadangkala membuatkan kita naik ‘panas’ dengan keadaan sekarang kerana mereka ini terlalu ‘demanding’.mereka harus sedar,mereka tinggal dimana?!sejarah menunjukkan,bahawa Tanah Melayu ini,Melayu lah penduduk asal (bumiputra),kena lah hormat ‘tuan’ punya tanah……………..kalau begini lah berterusan,nescaya hilang lah ‘keistimewaan & hak-hak orng melayu’…apa lagi yg ada untuk cucu-cicit kita masa hadapan.umno yg dikatakan mempertahankan hak-hak org melayu juga semakin lemah…wahai Pak Lah,serahkan lah ‘taming sari’ itu kpd org yg lebih layak…….turun lah dari kerusi empuk mu dgn cara gentleman…segera lah Tun ‘masuk’ kedalam memperbetulkan keadaan. Wasalam
salam Tun,
Dia duk tunggu cawangan atau bahagian kata jangan turun
dulu kut?
Sampai la ne tak dak orang kata jangan turun
he..he…kena paham2 sendiri lah Pak Lah
Apa tunggu lagi belaha lah
Selamat Hari Raya Adilfitri to Tun and family
I really wish I could attend your open house, bersalam with you and your wife, perhaps snap few photos to hang at my home wall but staying so far up north, Iâll have to take a rain check.
Pak Lah said that he needs 3-4 more months because he wants to finish his job making things right but what has he done for the past 4-5 months post election?
Like most, my support for the ruling government has deteriorated tremendously over the past five year, mainly due to many many factors. Tops is AAB indecisiveness, flip-flop decisions or worse no decisions. When big crucial matter arises why is it always his subordinates giving comments instead of himself taking charge. Where is he and What is he doing? Why is he so incompetent? The nation is in crisis and he always says âsaya ada banyak kerja nak buatâ and so on but people see nothing come out of it. Now whenever he speaks, I just mute the sound because I donât feel he has any substance to tell.
Tun, you certainly will go down in Malaysiaâs history as the best PM and I wonder when there will be a PM like you to lead the country. When the legendary P Ramlee died some 30 years plus ago, weâre still longing for his replacement, as in the song âDimanakan ku cari gantiâ.
And as for the worst PM, I think the answer is self-evident. Pak Lah, Please, please, pleaselah Pak Lah, the rakyat has spoken. Itâs a real pity and out of anger and frustrations, far too many nasty words have been thrown out to Pak Lah and for Tun and readers sake I wouldânt cite examples here but in short, people are just fed up and sick to the bone of our current PM. To layman like me it is clear that AAB must go ASAP, and if he still has some dignity in him, he will retire honorably the sooner the better for the survival of this country.
Tun, I wish you all the best and do keep on writing to keep us informed and inspired. Selamat Hari Raya and my best regards to you and your family and most of all, take care Tun, your health especially.
Salam Tun,
Saya setuju dengan komen Osane. DSAAB akan menggunakan apa cara untuk kekalkam kuasanya dan menjahanamkan negara ini asalkan dia berkuasa. Entahlah agaknya dia rela negara tergadai asalkan dia memerintah. Saya teringat cerita P Ramlee…Laksamana Do Re Mi. Negara punah terbakar tetapi raja masih duduk di takhta dan menganggap dia masih memerintah walaupun negara telah jadi padang pasir dan tidak berpenghuni. Dalam cerita tu apa yang nak diperintah pon tak tahu. Bila P Ramlee datang dengan kawan-kawannya diminta menyelamatkan anak gadis nya yang ditawan oleh Menteri Pasola (arwah Hussein Abu Hassan). Pak Lah nak tunggu laksamana mana yeh nak selamatkan kroninya? hehehehehe saya tak tahu siapa pengarahnya dan bagaimana endingnya cerita Pak lah ni.
Saya ingin sekali lihat kalau benar Pak Lah sangka dia popular saya nak sangat kalau boleh dia buka blog begini. May be dia sibuk dan tak mampu menulis seperti TUN. Cuma kalau dia berani buatlah saluran yang boleh rakyat menyatakan hasrat direct kepada nya. Rakyat dah nyatakan dalam PRU 12 dia kata bukan dia….orang lain. Populariti dia menurun dia kata bukan dia. Inflasi naik mendadak pon bukan dia. Tah apa yang dia ngaku buat ntah. Koridor dia kata dia buat tapik tak nampak pon. Entahlah ….. Dia kata dia banyak kerja nak buat tapi ada orang amek gambar dia tengah tidur. Dia kata kerja kuat bersama saya…..tak nampak beza pon Malaysia ni maju selepas dia ambil alih.
Saya tidak akan mengundi UMNO lagi dah sekiranya UMNO bahagian masih bersetuju Paklah tunda ke Mac 09 dan Pak Lah masih berkuasa. Apa yang saya nak kata ialah jgn salahkan saya tapik salahkan Pak lah kerana dia penyebabnya!! Dia patut sedar ….kalau dia sanggup hancurkan Malaysia ini dari awal dan ahli UMNO masih bersetuju dia sebagai Presiden jangan salahkan orang Melayu bila kekalahan UMNO pada PRU13. Saya sayangkan Melayu. Tapik apa guna saya sayangkannya sekiranya pemimpinnya tidak sayangkannya?? Renung2kan bersama.
Salam TUN,
Pak Lah tangguhkan 3 bulan lagi sebab tak yakin dengan Najib… tunggu lagi 3 bulan kot kot ada pengganti Najib baru dia nak letak jawatan….(Agak-agak boleh terima tak idea ni…)
Salam TUN,
Dalam comment saya terdahulu mengenai keadaan ekonomi AS yang kini memperlihatkan kejatuhan Pasaran Bebas dan bank yang muflis di negara itu bakal mempengaruhi negara lain di Asia termasuk juga negara kita Malaysia sedikit sebanyak merancakkan lagi isu-isu ekonomi secara global dan pastinya AAB seperti yang dijangkakan akan sering mengelak daripada dipersalahkan sekiranya MALAYSIA tidak mampu mengharungi arus perubahan itu seperti dilakukan oleh TUN dahulu maka dengan itu AAB memberikan tugas beliau sebagai Menteri Kewangan kepada Najib dan beliau pula nanti akan mempunyai masa menyelamatkan diri sebagai PM memikirkan kaedah-kaedah melanjutkan Jawatan PM. Itu sebahagian daripada rumusan saya yang agak cetek tapi cukup melihat kelicikan PAK LAH cuba melengah-lengahkan peralihan kuasa dengan permainan politiknya.
Siapakah yang tidak BIJAK melihat di sebalik penundaan tersebut kerana ianya cukup JELAS apabila AAB dibelasah oleh rakan2 dalam MT untuk mempercepatkan peralihan kuasa maka atas ketidaksediaannya menerima tamparan itu AAB atas kuasa budi bicara memutuskan penundaan sehingga ke bulan Mac 2009 dan sudah pasti masa itu akan digunakan oleh AAB memantapkan sedikit sebanyak kedudukannya yang sangat DIBENCI oleh sebilangan besar rakyat MALAYSIA sendiri sebagai PM. Pak Lah BAPA PEMBOHONG dan semoga segala pembangunan yang dibawa olehnya dihalalkan untuk RAKYAT jika ada.. KORIDOR nak buat.. NTAH LAH PAK.. Tak yah ler nak buat yang lebih besar dari yang TUN dah buat untuk rakyat selama ni.. Cukup la, duduk ja dengan BINI baru kat KORIDOR sendiri..
Salam Tun,
At a time like this, Malaysia needs a pragmatic, brilliant and able Prime Minister. Pak Lah has none of the above. He should resign now and give the reign to somebody else. Forgive me Tun, the only one that I could think of is only you. Maybe Tengku Razaleigh?. Below is the breaking news by Sky TV (UK) just a few minutes ago.
The FTSE 100 index of leading UK shares has suffered its biggest one-day fall since the 1987 crash amid the deepening global financial crisis.
Dow Jones fell after steep declines worldwide
At one stage, the FTSE was down nearly 9%. It closed down 391 points or 7.85%.
The fall comes as shares plunged worldwide, including the Dow Jones industrial average of leading US stocks which fell below the 10,000 mark for the first time in four years.
The sharp drop came amid growing fears that the global financial crisis may be deeper than first thought.
The Dow Jones fell around 4% in early trading.
Investors were spooked by signs of escalating problems among European banks after Germany’s fourth-biggest bank had to be rescued over the weekend.
This was followed by the news that over 1,300 jobs are to go at two UK firms.
Seven hundred and fifty are being cut by Focus DIY and 600 by car parts supplier LSUK.
Also, the Icelandic government is putting together a rescue plan for its financial system as the Krona fell by a fifth against the Euro in a month.
There are also fears that the $700bn US bank bail-out package would not be enough to stem the global financial crisis.
Among the biggest UK fallers were Halifax Bank Of Scotland (20%)and Royal Bank of Scotland (20%), and Barclays (15%).
Europe’s Banking Crisis
CMC Markets analyst James Hughes said: “I’ve never seen anything like this. What we are seeing over the last few weeks is a once in a lifetime event.”
Fresh turmoil at several European banks came alongside reports that the Treasury could step in to prop up struggling UK banks with taxpayers’ cash.
Analysts warned that public stakes in banks – while offering some security – could result in existing shareholders being diluted.
Japan’s Nikkei index tumbled 4.25% as it closed at a four-and-a-half year low.
Hong Kong’s Hang Seng index slid 5%. Markets in mainland China, Australia, South Korea, India, Singapore and Thailand also fell sharply.
Russia’s benchmark stock exchange suffered its biggest-ever one-day loss, closing down 18.6%.
In an effort to keep credit flowing, Japan’s central bank pumped emergency funds into the short-term money market for a 14th straight business day. It poured in one trillion yen.
Congress has now passed bail-out plan
Investors dumped shares after the Dow Jones in the US fell sharply on Friday, despite US congressional approval of the $700bn bail-out.
Dealers said the declines reflected worries that the plan would not be a remedy for the economic and banking woes in the US.
As the US-born financial crisis takes a stronger grip in Europe, BNP Paribas announced that it was taking control of ailing financial group Fortis’s operations in Belgium and Luxembourg.
The leaders of France, Germany, Italy and Britain vowed over the weekend to protect fragile banks but did not discuss a European financial rescue package.
Markets were looking ahead to a meeting of finance chiefs from the Group of Seven rich nations on Friday.
Dealers said many are waiting for any announcements on co-ordinated action like liquidity injections or interest rate cuts.
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Salam Tun,
Hindraf sudah melampau sampai menggangu orang Islam sambut meraikan Aidil Fitri. Kenapa Kerajaan tidak bertindak sepertimana aktremis Islam. Hindraf ini menaburkan benih benih kebencian kaum lain.Ini akan merosakan negara kita.
Sir, FYI, the IMFâs articles, clearly states that Mâsia or any other member country cannot use the Gold standard. If you cannot fix the price of your currency in relation to gold then you effectively cannot revert to the gold standard â see below.
Section 12. Other operations and transactions
(a) The Fund shall be guided in all its policies and decisions under this Section by the objectives set forth in Article VIII, Section 7 and by the objective of avoiding the âmanagement of the price,â or the âestablishment of a fixed price, in the gold market.â
Ahmad Khalil Ali
Tun M, there you go again!
You seem to take a savage pleasure in lambasting, condemning, being cynical and hitting below the belt at Pak Lah. You seem to be suffering from some morbid itch to attack the PM all the time without any rhyme or reason. We all know the real reasons for your eccentric and disgusting behaviour!
God is watching from above and He will judge people according to their deeds!
pray for a new leader.
salam tun.
masih belum terlambat nak ucap selamat hari raya.Ketupat dah,kuah kacang dah,nasi impit dah,lontong dah.Semua dah habis sebelum habis raya ni.cuma satu je belum habis di bincangkan bila paklah nak pencen.Konon nak buat gempak dan bagi dig-dag-dig dug jantung rakyat malaysia.tak ada kerja la tu nak buat suprised konon.rakyat malaysia jangan lah suprised kalau paklah masih mengekalkan jawatan sebagai pm walaupun tak bertanding kerusi presiden UMNO.banyaknya penasihat ,jangan terkejut dia akan keluar idea hebat ni.kalau tak mengapa menantu dia sibuk-sibuk nak bertanding jadi ketua pemuda umno?sebab dia confident lah bapak mentua masih tetap jadi pm.ingat nak bagi suprised lah tu sempena hari raya ni.menyampah dan meluat dengan lawak jenaka 3 beranak ni.kalau finas nak taja filem lawak paling kelakar abad ni suruhlah 3 beranak ni jadi pelakon dan pelawak menggantikan senario the movie.buat skrip orang dah boleh baca jalan ceritanya.dah boleh agak apa kesudahannya.pengarah dan penulis skrip pun dah dibayar berjuta-juta untuk menghasilkan idea paling kreatif ni.Di samping itu pak -pacak,penonton pun dah diupah dengan banyak untuk gelak -gelak,angguk-angguk dan bertepuk tangan mengatakan lakonan 3 beranak ni memang hebat dan mendapat sambutan penonton sehingga mencecah box ofis.Entahlah bagi saya rakyat malaysia dah menyampah tengok lakonan tiga beranak ni.orang kata jemu,muak dan meluat bila la pelakon lawak ni nak berhenti berlakon dari menghabiskan beras milik rakyat malaysia..
Selamat Hari Raya Tun….Harapan saya agar Tun sihat dan dipanjangkan umur agar dapat berjuang dalam memastikan perjuangan politik dan ekonomi negara dapat Tun mantapkan lagi walaupun berstatuskan Mantan Perdana Menteri. Tun…kalau boleh ulasan Tun selepas ini adalah diterjemahkan dalam bahasa Melayu kerana ia mudah untuk difahami dan dihayati.
Selamat Hari Raya Tun….Harapan saya agar Tun sihat dan dipanjangkan umur agar dapat berjuang dalam memastikan perjuangan politik dan ekonomi negara dapat Tun mantapkan lagi walaupun berstatuskan Mantan Perdana Menteri. Tun…kalau boleh ulasan Tun selepas ini adalah diterjemahkan dalam bahasa Melayu kerana ia mudah untuk difahami dan dihayati.
Yang Amat Berbahagia Tun…
Assalamualaikum dan Selamat Hari Raya YABhg Tun dan keluarga….
1. Serahkan KemKew dan ambilalih Kementah, kata PM ini proses serah kuasa. Rupa2nya nak sedapkan hati DS Najib (DSN) dan ahli UMNO saja. Tapi sebenarnya nak korek rahsia DSN untuk mengaibkan DSN jika DSN mencabar PM untuk jawatan presiden UMNO. Itulah sebabnya serah/terima kementerian berkaitan dibuat dengan tergesa2, supaya DSN tak sempat nak sorok rahsia. Katanya dah jumpa dah… DSN pula terlalu ghairah nak jadi PM hingga lupa helah PM. Pertukaran jawatan ini sangat penting bagi PM, walaupun sekejap. Sebenarnya rancangan ini adalah dari KJ.
2. Mula2 PM harapkan DSN tidak sabar dan umumkan segera untuk mencabar PM untuk jawatan presiden UMNO, walaupun sudah ramai yg buat gesaan supaya PM berundur segera. Apabila didapati DSN masih menyepi, maka tarikh Perhimpinan Agong UMNO (PAU) ditunda supaya DSN hilang kesabaran dan dalam masa yg sama masih terus mengorek rahsia DSN di Kementah.
3. Dalam pada itu, PM akan menilai siapa yang bakal berentap bagi jawatan Timbalan Presiden UMNO (TPU). Jika terdapat ada regunya (kemungkinan sudah ada, Zahid dan Ali rastam), barulah PM akan umumkan akan pertahankan jawatan Pres UMNO. Maka DSN tiada pilihan melainkan merebut jawatan TPU. Sama ada mencabar atau tidak, apabila sampai waktunya, keaiban DSN akan disebarkan. Mula2 dengan kertas layang, dan kemudian mungkin dengan buku “50 dalil mengapa DSN tidak layak jadi PM”. PM tidak akan mengambil bahagian secara langsung atas penyebaran ini. Sudah tentu ada kumpulan yg telah ditaja untuk membuat desakan supaya DSN berundur. Demikianlah tamatnya politik DSN yg saya pasti lebih aib dari DSAI.
4. Oleh kerana saya orang Pahang, saya cadangkan supaya DSN bersedia dari sekarang dengan bukti2 termasuk yg berkaitan dengan KJ. Pilihan yang ada dan utama ialah DSN terpaksa mencabar jawatan Pres UMNO. Jika ada KuLi turut mencabar, buatlah MOU dengan KuLi. Biar KuLi menang, asalkan DSAAB tewas. Saya lebih rela Kuli jadi Pres UMNO. Dalam masa yg sama, DSN hendaklah berkempen untuk Datuk Mukhriz untuk menjadi KP UMNO. Bak kata pepatah Melayu “alang2 berdakwat, biar hitam”.
5. Menteri yg masih anak dara didapati menyebelahi DSAAB. Jika beliau menjadi KW UMNO, maka ramai perwakilan wanita dijangka mmengundi DSAAB. Dalam hal ini saya tiada cadangan untuk DSN.
Maaf YABhg Tun.. emosi sedikit
Wassalam… Pesara tentera.
Selamat Hari Raya Tun,
Pak Lah is no Super Hero to resolve all the issues within 3 months, he is just ‘Super Dunggu’ and won’t step down come Oct 9th. He is just as stubborn as an Egyptian Mule and all his 5 years as PM is just to make $$$$ and screw up UMNO and BN. Fuuuh what a waste!
You are right Tun, major rehabilitation is required for both UMNO and BN. The clock is ticking, no time to waste. We need to act SUPER FAST now.
While it is God who wants to bless even the unblessable, it is not everytime He will bless the same person. So when God blesses, that person must be proactive enough to act or to do something. It is the works that the Malaysians want to see. One must be initiative enough to do something about a problem instead of waiting to read every professionally typed report that comes along that might not reflect the true situation. Or having to meet all the time which already takes up the time needed to do something. On Earth, time is not infinite that humans can afford to laze around. If after 50 years of independence and there is still poverty, imbalanced justice system and not having the chance to get a decent education, what can another 3 months or 2 years or 10 years do ? It is one thing to declare open a project and it is another to see this project actually working and bringing benefits to the country. If not, it will just remain as a white elephant. Many Malaysians have seen the reality of the government. Conflicts among each other. Sabotage. Back stabbing. When Malaysians see this, you can imagine what their thoughts are. It is not just a problem that exist among the politicians. It involves the ordinary people on the street. The other day on a public talk show, Tan Sri Koh Tsu Koon said that if the government does not want to change itself, then the people will step in and do the changing. He has a point there. Malaysians are the politicians’ clients.
Semoga semua mendapat petunjuk-NYA.
KEPADA sesiapa yang belum mendapatkan BUKU BIOGRAFI KHAS MENGENANG JASA TUN DR. MAHATHIR MOHAMAD, sila berhubung dengan saya di talian 013 – 308 9862. Sebagai kenang-kenangan antara kita sebagai rakyat TUN selama berpuluh-puluh tahun, istimewa dibawakan untuk ahli-ahli setia blog http://www.chedet.com . JANGAN KETINGGALAN.
Assalamu’alaikum Tun Dr.
Bila bercakap tentang senario politik sekarang, rasa perkataan mencarut, sumpah seranah, maki keji takkan kurang dan takkan lekang baik dari mulut orang ramai yang prihatin, mahupun dari mulut saya yang celupar ini.
Tun, saya orang kampung, tapi saya belajar guna internet.
Tun, saya orang kampung, saya nak kemajuan negara dan kestabilan negara.
Tun, saya orang kampung, tapi saya tak bercakap pasal politik hari-hari.
Sekarang saya makan nasi, politik. Saya mandi, politik. Saya nak tidor atas katil dengan isteri pun, politik. Sudahnya hidup sekarang sekelumit pun politik. Apa kena dengan negara milik orang Melayu ni?
Dulu hidup kita aman, Cina salam Melayu, Melayu salam India, India hormat semua, Cina hormat semua, Melayu hormat sama.
Dulu takde pun nak provok, tikam belakang, naik sepanduk, bawak muka idola. Sebab masa tu semua tau garis panduan, kekangan dan sempadan memasing.
Sekarang? Semua nak jadi champion. India nak jadi champion orang India, Cina nak jadi champion golongan liberal, Melayu nak jadi champion kapitalis.
Siapa nak jadi champion orang kampung macam saya? Takde dah. Sekarang saya dah tak mampu beli ayam. Saya nak beli daging pun, bersukat, pasal saya takde harta. Mana harta saya? Kroni kepada kroni Pak Lah dah sapu. Kroni MB dah sapu. Kroni MB dengan kroni Pak Lah bergaduh nak sapu harta saya. Saya nak sapu harta sapa pulak? Indon dan Bangla dah masuk, ikut kroni, sapu jugak harta saya. Saya nak balik raya, tak mampu, semua benda naik harga, harga mengampu pun naik. Saya nak guna harta saya nak perang rasuah, sebab kita semua kena perang rasuah. Tapi saya terpaksa guna harta saya sebagai rasuah demi nak mendapatkan sedikit keperluan mengisi perut anak anak saya, anak anak bangsa Melayu yang saya kesiankan.
Apa harta saya?
Harta saya ialah Tanah Melayu yang digadaikan oleh orang Melayu yang menabur janji nak menjaga orang Melayu, menegakkan hak dan pegangan orang Melayu dan memastikan kesinambungan serta kelestarian Melayu. Harta saya ialah maruah orang Melayu yang semakin dilupuskan oleh orang Melayu demi untuk perut, tembolok, tekak, pundi dan usus sendiri sampai mati.
Tun…. apa bezanya Pak Lah dengan Najib? Kalau dipilih pun atas lesser damage. Dengarlah cakap orang kampung macam saya ni. Buanglah semua yang busuk bermula dari kepala, siang sisiknya yang menjarah politik demi kenyang anak bini. apa erti UMNO pada orang Melayu beragama Islam lagi? Kesiankan kami ini.
Maaflah kalau saya orang kampung cakap camni dalam blog Tun Dr. Pasal kalau saya cakap camni kat Pak Lah, saya rasa macam cakap dengan ikan kat akuarium, menganga, berbuih, tapi pastu makan dedak.
Kesian kan?
YAB Tun, Malaysia is in dire need of a leader. Sadly I have not seen anyone of your calibre to lead our beloved country since you retired: you were well respected both nationally and internationally. Those who respected you were sincere about it (including your “enemies”). Would you consider coming back ? Not UMNO please. Maybe you should consider forming a non-racial-biased party. Lead all Malaysians regardless of race. Your comments please.
Selamat Hari Raya & salam Aidilfitri untuk semua,
Tun yang dihormati…
Saya kadang-kadang meluat dengan sikap segelintir orang kita yang asyik mengutuk Pak Lah. Tindakan seperti ini tidak akan menguntungkan orang-orang UMNO(BN) itu sendiri , malah dengan hanya menyalahkan orang lain kita tidak akan dapat menyelesaikan banyak masalah.Sepanjang pentadbiran Pak Lah saya akui sedikit sebanyak telah menjejaskan kehidupan rakyat keseluruhannya.Saya percaya UMNO(BN) hanya akan diterima rakyat selepas ini sekiranya mereka berjaya melonjakkan kekuatan ekonomi keparas yang lebih baik tanpa kesan infilasi seperti sekarang.Kepimpinan UMNO(BN) perlu ditukar secara menyeluruh.Sesiapa yang dilantik sebagai barisan kepimpinan negara adalah mereka yang telah disemak kepentingan mereka dalam apa-apa perniagaan.Saya berpendapat demikian apabila pengelibatan mana-mana ahli politik dalam soal ini adalah amat sukar untuk penjawat awam untuk melaksanakan tugas mereka dengan baik.Kepimpinan kerjaan adalah punca kepincangan tugas pejawat awam keseluruhannya kerana mereka ini adalah jentera kerajaan.Kenaikan harga minyak tidak sepatutnya berlaku kepada rakyat sendiri tetapi sepatutnya dilakukan kepada orang luar sepertimana yang dilakukan oleh negara jiran Brunei dengan menyediakan stesen pam minyak khas sambil merekod data kemasukan mereka.Maka kita tidak perlu bimbang bahawa subsidi kerajaan mengalir keluar.Saya juga kadang-kadang terfikir bagaimana sebuah negara pengeluar minyak sawit terbesar sperti negara kita boleh kekurangan bahan tersebut malah harga naik mendadak pula. Jawapan kepada soalan ini adalah pengelibatan ahli politik secara langsung dalam perniagaan tersebut.Contohilah Singapura dalam menangani situasi ini.Contoh kedua bagaimana sebuah negara seperti Brunei yang tidak menanam padi tetapi boleh menjual harga beras wangi siam dengan harga 12.50 dolar brunei jauh lebih murah jika dibanding dengan harga beras Malaysia.Wahai ahli UMNO(BN) carilah pemimpin yang benar-benar berkorban untuk rakyat kalau tidak,rakyat rakyatlah yang menentu siapa pilihan mereka untuk negara tercinta ini.
YAB TUN,selamat hari raya untuk YAB Tun dan famili,saya sentiasa mendoakan kesejahteraan YAB Tun berdua.Harapan saya dimasa ini hanya satu iaitu Paklah tak flip-flop lagi; semoga beliau sedar diri dan cepat2 serah baton kapada yang lebih berkemampuan.Kalau masaalah sekecil Hindraf pun tak bolih selesai; apa yang dia bolih selesai.YAB Tun, please come-back and lead UMNO.Salam sejahtera.
Dear Tun,
Any good decison should not be delayed, right?
apa ada dgn najeep?
i’m fed up with AAB…
Salam Sejahtera dan Selamat Hari Raya Tun dan keluarga.
Penangguhan Perhimpunan Agong UMNO ke bulan Mac ’09 adalah satu langkah yang amat kurang bijak dari kalangan pemimpin UMNO.
Penangguhan ini mungkin untuk memberi ruang kepada DSAAB agar dapat berundur dengan cara yang terbaik dan tidak merosak kan imej beliau sebagai pemimpin nombor satu. Atau, penangguhan ini juga mungkin sekadar taktik bagi meredakan tekanan yang di hadapi oleh DSAAB dari kalangan Ahli Majlis Tertinggi UMNO dan secara tidak langsung berusaha untuk mengembalikan sokongan dari akar umbi oleh penyokong-penyokong beliau melalui Mesyuarat Bahagian yang di jadualkan bermula pada 10 oktober ini.
Sekiranya ini berlaku, maka riwayat UMNO akan tiba di penghujungnya. UMNO yang sebelum ini menerajui parti parti komponen BN yang lain tidak akan dapat memainkan peranan sebagai tulang belakang BN malah tidak di hormati dan amat mudah di perlekeh kan.
Sekarang inipun, parti parti komponen yang lain sudah berani menuding jari kepada UMNO di atas kekalahan besar PRU yang lalu. Perkara yang sedemikian tidak pernah berlaku dahulu. UMNO satu satu nya parti orang Melayu, satu satu nya parti yang memberi kuasa kepada orang Melayu sudah tidak di hormati lagi.
Ini adalah disebabkan sikap sesetengah pemimpin pemimpin UMNO yang sudah lupa akan perjuangan parti sebenar, sikap mementingkan diri sendiri sehingga sanggup menggadai kan maruah diri.
Amalan politik wang yang amat berleluasa dengan sendiri nya merosakkan UMNO, sikap pemimpin pemimpin UMNO yang tamak haluba dan tidak mempunyai karisma sebagai seorang pemimpin yang sebenar menamatkan terus langkah UMNO yang sudah sediada nya longlai.
UMNO perlu di beri nafas baru, perlu di bersihkan. Perletakan jawatan oleh DSAAB, sekiranya berlaku, tidak dapat mengembalikan keyakinan rakyat terhadap UMNO. Kelemahan kepimpinan DSAAB bukan lah satu satu nya faktor kejatuhan UMNO, tetapi sikap buruk dan kelemahan pemimpin pemimpin UMNO secara kolektif itu sendiri yang merosakkan UMNO. Rakyat sudah tidak yakin dengan UMNO, malah rata rata ahli ahli UMNO sendiri pun sudah tawar hati dan berpaling tadah.
Usaha perlu di lakukan untuk menarik balik mereka mereka ini, kepimpinan sekarang tidak nampak boleh melakukannya.
UMNO perlu di bentuk semula, sikap berpuak puak dan mempunyai lain lain pasukan semasa pemilihan parti perlu di elakkan. Tradisi cantas mencantas di dalam parti perlu di hindari. Biarlah pemilihan brjalan secara telus melalui proses demokrasi, tanpa melibatkan wang. Dengan ini maka ramai yang berminat menyertai UMNO, galakan perlu di beri kepada golongan golongan profesional dan cerdik pandai melayu. Kerana mereka mereka ini lah yang akan membentuk UMNO baru.
Salam Tun,
Terlebih dahulu Selamat Hari Raya Aidil Fitri kepada Tun dan keluarga.
Jika beliau benar hendak berundur, tidak perlu penangguhan ini. Saya bersetuju dengan Tun, beliau tidak akan buat pengumuman berundur.
salam Tun yg dihormati,selamat Hari Raya kpd seisi keluarga,cadangan saya biarlah muhyidin bertanding persiden dan rais yatim bertandig timbalan persiden,baru dapat mertabatkan UMNO dg jayanya.Tetapi pemimpin ini mermerlukan satu kerberanian yg luar biasa.
Tun da greater!
sincere from Tun’s Legacy
Ybhg Tun. Soldier on your sacred duty to give the wisdom to all Malaysian. I am always proud and forever believe in you as a great leader not only for Malaysian but for the whole world
Dear Tun,
Selamat Hari Raya grettings to you and family, I hope you able to continue to lead our country and present nobody is capable in BN and our present PM is better off and I agree with Tun he has done nothing but to burden the Rakyat with his plans only for his family.
Yours Faithfully,
My wife and I are fans of your blog. We for the first time in our life attended a rumah terbuka of any kind. of course not for the food but just to meet u in person.
I was humbled by your mediocre home. before reaching your home i saw much grandeur and impressive loooking mansions suit for kings. i heard and read earlier had you had “accumulated wealth” of sizeable amount now i seriously doubt what i read. i took the liberty to do a self tour around you house and noticed paku pakis (fern) growing quite well in your gutter. that is the sign that the gutter was not properly aligned i.e bad maintenance. some roof tiles were being shoddily replaced with not the same colour of material. May be you do have the money but just couldn’t be bothered.
Anyway, we do hope you keep writing, eventhough not all are true but your way of expressing your idea is superbly brilliant.
Good evening Honorable Tun,
Happy Hari Raya to Tun & Family, may God bless Tun & Family.
I think our current PM did a lot of things over the past 5 years such as below;
1) Petrol increased by RM0.78.
2) Rice pricing increased.
3) Our Kedah has rice for 3 wks??
4) Tenaga increase by 50%?
5) fluctuation increased.
6) LCCT taxi fare increased.
7) RM exchange rate dropped.
8) Bursa saham diahreaa.
9) Politic party from Sabah left BN.
10) Gerakan also think of leaving BN?
11) Bukit Bendera UMNO members played racial cards.
12) Subsidised petrol by giving rebate.
13) Income tax favors the Rakyat??
14) Local council putting parking meter every where.
15) Highway operators said reduced tol fee???
16) Bar council debate racial cards.
17) Who is the real PM, KJ??
18) Rakyat suffer…
From what I see, Rakyat is suffering yet, still those smart members still not doing anything??? try to recover everything, within 3 months. Unless miracle happen??
Thank you & regards,
ayahanda TUN &bonda semoga kesihatan kalian lbh baik dri smlm..
anakanda amat terharu stiap kali mmbca coretan ayahanda..
yg byk mnydr&mmbgkt smgat anak melayu tuk kesejahteraan MALAYSIA..
xdnafikan teramat bosan melihat DSAAB hariini..
terlalu benci walaupun mulut kata tidak..
amat kagum anakanda dengn smgat ayahanda..
tetapi amat terkilan anaknda xdpt berjmpa tuk mencium tangan ayahanda &bonda semalam dek kesesakan dri pantai timur..
teramat sgt dri ini berjmpa ayahanda tuk sekali…
anakanda ‘ihsan istimewa’ ayahanda…
merinduimu yg teramat….salam
Dear Tun,
Who is your favourite candidates to occupy the top two posts in the supreme council? Will UMNO able to govern and take charge when other component parties already have sour grape with the former. How to garner their support when Ketuanan Melayu championed by UMNO has given impression to non-malays about their “sidelined” political status in Malaysia, so to speak. Then come PKR giving alternative platform to race-based politics, which seems to please a big segment of the non-malay. Simply put, who ever wins the top post will have to face this daunting task. I really hope our leaders read views from all walks of life and put their ears close to the ground if they want to have a reality check about what is going on down there.
Salam TUN yang dikasihi,
Terima kasih atas jamuan rumah terbuka Tun pada ahad lepas.Saya sekeluarga rasa teruja & bersemangat kerana dapat menghadirinya
dan berjumpa Tun berdua.Semoga Tun berdua terus sihat dan sentiasa dirahmati Allah swt.
Gimme three months more…
Makin hari makin jemu & muak rasanya..
Kalau ahli2 MT tak dapat menjalankan peranan sebaik mungkin,
Apa kata ahli grassroot ni plak terus mendesak..
kibarkan ribon putih ke..
ataupun buat pungutan suara dari hamba rakyat yang menderita nie…
hai tun,
actually i agree with you that AAB is a liar,1st he said not getting married but had married,then he said petrol tak naik sampai hujung thn ni tp naik dgn tremendously,pas tu ckp tak bubar parlimen pd tarikh disebut-sebut but he did cause was his lucky number which was unlucky entire of his life and lastly said that will handover transition plan at 2010 but now he says might be earlier…………perhaps many more that we don’t know…………malaysians need a leader that is with his own principle,maturity,not listening to bulkans around him like CAIRY AND OTHER YES MAN’S including najib who i think will also do the same thing as AAB.i think the right person to stabilise our economy and politics is by choosing muhiyidin as PM and guan eng as DPM………HOW IS IT TUN??????????????????K GOOD NITE TUN AND FAMILY
Salam tun,
Pertama kalinya, saya berharap mesyuarat agung umno kali ini akan melihatkan berlakunya satu barisan kepimpinan yang betul betul mantap dan menjadi pemimpin untuk bangsa sendiri bukan poket sendiri.
Tidak kira siapa sekali yang akan memimpin walaupun ada calon seperti Dato Nur Jazlan, yg bukan sekalipun seorang MT menawarkan diri ianya sepatutnya diterima sebagai satu barisan kepimpinan yg akan membawa hala tuju dan bukannya perubahan.
Kita tidak mahu perubahan kita mahukan hala tuju sebenar kemana ahli umno dan bangsa melayu akan dibawa selepas mesyuarat agung umno selepas ini.
Mengapa kita hebohkan dengan perubahan kerna perlukan kepimpinan baru,tidak ada apa yg perlu diubahkan umno, kita mahu orang melayu dibawa ketempat yg lebih selesa baik dari segi sosio ekonomi mahupun pendidikan, pembasmian kemiskinan, taraf kehidupan yg lebih baik, supaya orang melayu dapat hidup untuk hidup dinegaranya dengan aman dengan pemimpin yg akan membawa hala tuju yg benar dan seikhlasnya.
salam, saarah hj. ali bashah.
Komen saya.. jangan amalkan ” pass the baton for true leadership”
i must give you credit for your past achievements. if you were still in premiership, you would be able to suppress all the unnecessary chaos and come out a victor nevertheless under any circumstances.
you will be able to convince your ministers with all the benefits they will rip if they allow you to stay in power.
you will rally for the people’s support with an all out justification frenzy designed to make them come to your side.
you will be capable of all the wealth to be given to the majority as a reward with you and your ministers taking a bigger churn of it.
they will be happy, and you will be happy.
all’s well and end’s well.
Salam Tun,
Abdullah ni gila kuasa Tun. Kepimpinan dia ni tak lebih dari retorik je dari mula sampai sekarang. Tak de apa apa pun pembangunan. Malah nak maintain Putrajaya pun tak mampu. Yang dia tahu ubahsuai Sri Perdana sampai berjuta-juta.
Rakyat dah tersangat bosan melayan penyakit Abdullah ni.
Kami nak Persana Menteri baru. Kalau boleh nak Tun balik.
Setidak-tidaknya 50% dari apa yang Tun ada dah cukup untuk jadi PM Malaysia.
Setakat orang macam Abdullah ni, rasanya semua rakyat Malaysia yang ada kelulusan SPM dah boleh bersaing dengan dia.
Saya sokong PAU diadakan pada Disember ini.
Noor Faiza Mohd Hashim
Jln Tun Ismail, KL
Assalamualaikum Tun,
Sudahlah Tun, mengapa Tun mengajak raayat membenci Dato’ Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi. Apa dosa dia pada Tun, sehingga Tun teramat sangat benci. Kalau DSAAB tak kota janji, Tun pun pernah mungkir janji. Kalau DSAAB salah pilih pemimpin, Tun pun sama juga.
Antara punca kelemahan pada pimpinan sekarang ialah kita semua tidak memberi sokongan padu pada mereka. Masing masing ada agenda tersendiri dan tidak ikhlas dalam memberi pandangan. Tun pernah kata DS Najib adalah pemimpin lebih baik daripada DSAAB. Apa jaminan Tun ?.
Terbukti, banyak juga keputusan penting yang Tun buat tidak tepat, ada tersasar juga. Oleh itu, hentikanlah perbuatan Tun yang terus menerus mengkritik DSAAB. Jika tuduhan Tun ada yang tidak tepat, Tun telah membuat kesalahan dan berdosa pula kepada DSAAB dan orang ramai juga turut terlibat bersamanya. Tun pernah membuat tuduhan salah keatas DSAAB satu ketika dulu.
Berikanlah yang nasihat baik kepada generasi muda agar hormat pemimpin.
Assalamualaikum w.b.t. buat Tun berdua yang amat kami kasihi..
Aku dah tak tau nak kata apa dah. Macam-macam hal berlaku hari demi hari. Ternyata dasar berlembut pak lah kita memakan diri. Tolonglah Tun… aku takut anak cucu aku tak akan dapat menikmati apa yang dapat aku rasai hari ni. Pak lah harus bertanggungjawab atas segala masalah politik yang makin meruncing ni. Situasi makin buruk dan buruk… Memang melayu mudah lupa!!!
Pijaie, Sungai Petani Kedah
Y.A.Bhg Ayahanda Tun,
I share the agony with the rest of all you “frustrated Malaysians” with DSAAB administration including some of his current choice of cabinet line up…from bad to worst…The longer he stays…more stupid things he creates…
My dear fellow Malaysians, as we all understands…we may screamed our guts out each day…but…To DSAAB…it will just be like “another day another $”…like nothing happens…HE IS MAKING UP EXCUSES TO STAY…He’s not going to achieved anything by staying for another 3 more months…Its not possible!!!…he knows it well…
Look…he has done nothing in the past!!! ask ourselves what has he done to make things better now?….UMNO and its component party will no longer be relevant by the time he steps down….the whole world is looking at him playing drama with all Malaysians…I bet you he will not make any move to step down so soon…I am looking at June 2010 as plan!!!…something is cooking guys….hate to think that way….leave me no choice of words…
My dearest & beloved Tun…what can we all Malaysians do to make things better?…it gives me the chill just thinking about the wrong moves he would make…
Anyway, me and family was at your OPEN HOUSE….unfortunately….we manage to snap a few of you & Tun Siti pictures from a distance as the crowd was humungous…Dato’ Mukhriz was there…snap a couple pix with him…thank you so much to you and family…We all love you…TUN.
I share the frustratrations with all Malaysians regardless of race, religion, ethnicity…
Assalamualaikum Tun & all bloggers!!
Sambil sambil tu, singgah sat untuk mengetahui update terkini !
Salam hormat & sayang buat Tun sekeluarga
Firstly, you have such a wonderful heart to have us Malaysians for your Raya open house. Thank you so much. I would like to let you know i was counting the days to bring my family to your open house. My eldest daughter envied me so much that i have few photos taken with you. (she bragged to her friends in school) she was so hoping that she too could have photo with you during the open house. My main reason to your open house, MERELY to have my children to have photo with you. Hubby and i prior to that, prepared the kids with lunch, we fed them well so that they won’t be hungry when they reach your house, as i said our reason only to bring our children and my maid to have the honour to meet both of you, Tun&wife.
It was a great moment to be with my children queuing with other people, just to see you in person and shake hand with you. I was admiring your guests, Malaysians who love you so much. We was there from 2.30pm (half an hour in a queue) until 4.30pm, i was just admiring how people really have respect and love towards you. It was raining very heavily at 3pm, yet these people with their umbrellas, patiently in line queueing to see you. It was such a beautiful scenery i have ever seen in my life. It really touched my heart. I could relate how much my love, my respect and my support towards you, so do these people….
It was really a beautiful moment for us, worth waiting & worth queueing…
Wish you Selamat Aidilfitri… Semoga Allah panjangkan umur Tun, berkati Tun & family sentiasa, jauhkan Tun daripada orang yang berhasad dengki & fitnah.
Saya sentiasa menghargai jasa Tun selama-lama ini.
God Father…
I have ideas to knock down all these Bunch of Bust_?_?_?…G.F we can discuss privately ASAP!
Assalamualaikum Tun
Komen saya.
1. Pak Lah kalau cakap A, sebenarnya B
2. Pengurusan Pak Lah amat lemah terutamanya dalam menguruskan Malaysia
3. Khairy Jamaluddin adalah ornag disebalik pak Lah.. dialah yang buat keputusan. termasuk presidency election ni. adalah keputusan khairy Jam.
4. Saya tak faham sangat politik ni.. tapi dok tengok2 ada banyak yang faktor yang akan jadikan UMNO hilang dalam kenangan
5. Saya lebih suka Tun kembali ke UMNO dan tanding balik kerusi president dan jadi PM balik.
selamat Tun
Dearest Tun,
Salam & Selamat Hari Raya to your goodself and everyone at home.
I do believed that BN has already become a redundant party as of for now,in a way, it has become a general liabilities to our Beautiful Malaysia to progress steadfastly onwards in this no mans world anymore.
Whats more, could they do, as individuals parties. Seem’s like every man for himself, having only their own’s agenda on their mind. It can be seen thru, with all this respective party’s head, going head on with their own expectation, which are very precarious.
And, i also do believed, that we have already come to a cross road, whereby, weather to stride along with the same lingo to nowhere or a total revival with a different administration. At least, there is a “Hope” still around for the rakyat to embark on.
End of the day, which were better, “Malaysianization” or hanging onto with racialism divide. A downfall of most countries.
Thanks for now.
Tun …..
Dear Tun Mahathir Sir,
I had the wonderful opportunity to meet you for the first time in my life, at your Hari Raya open house.
Thank you for signing my copy of the book “The Malay Dilemma”.
it seems this book will still be relevant despite being written almost 40 years ago.
As a Singapore Malay, I am inspired by you. I will work hard and I hope Bangsa Melayu will gain self-respect just like the other races of the world.
Thank you for your hospitality at the open house, may God Bless You Sir!
Yours Respectfully,
For a first time saya mengucapkan selamat Hari Raya for Tun and family
Dear Tun,
I think its not too late to wish u and your family SELAMAT HARI RAYA.
its quite doubtful when Dolah hand-picked Najib as Malaysia’s next PM..saya amat ragu-ragu dengan keupayaan Najib..(dulu saya merupakan peminat kepimpinan Najib) but Dolah dan Najib sendiri telah membogelkan ‘keupayaan sebenar’ Najib..
Yg nyata beliau amat lemah dan takut bersuara..saya juga tak pasti Najib akan menjadi PM.Ini kerana Dolah nyata tidak jujur dan tidak ikhlas didalam ‘pelan peralihan kuasa’ ciptaan beliau…kalau beliau ikhlas,mengapa perlu bertangguh dan masih hendak test market??
Dear Tun,
the next 3-6 months is only to wrap up all his uncomplished work so people will think and say that DSAAB completely hand over the PM sea to the new UMNO and BN leader….
For me it is so stupid of him to make such a statement. As you said, he has been given 5 years to proof what his worth but none accomplish. Now he wants 3 more months to prepare the exit statement before resigning (as if he would step down)…
Wha a liar of our current PM….. we have been robbed infront of our own nose….
Today market share drops another 20 points… our economy is shrinking towards the end because of this stupid PM…..
Whoever took the PM’s seat in the nearest future must be facing a lot of issues to strengthen back our economy.
I just can pray for the best and good luck for our new PM….
Salam Tun,
Our islamic teaching taught us when make a “promise” one have the ultimate obligation to fulfilled it no matter how hard and bitter it may be, or he or she will be consider as “munafik”.
We shall see on whether AAB is a man of his word or he is just buying time with Malaysian FUTURE AT STAKE.
And one other thing we ALL should work cohesively to REGROUP,RESTRATEGIZE & REINVENT new MALAYSIA for us,our children and the next generations, we have the POWER to make it happen, lets take the BULL BY IT HORN and decide our FATE.
By the way Tun, me and wife missed your Open house yesterday, hope to meet both TUN’S in future function.
Salam Eid Mubarak Tun N Family
saya dapat tahu dari ipar saya, very-very close to Pak Lah…minta maaf le, malam sikit le, jangan harap le..Pak Lah tak kan letak jawatan. Macam mana nak letak jawatan..ramai kroni-kroni, menantu, anak-anak hantu, yang belum dapat habuan..tanah kat kampong dah habis bergolok bergadai semasa menyokong paklah..habuan x dapat. Mana boleh jadi… MARI KITA LIHAT SIAPA YANG KENA….
salam tun.
thanx for the jamuan hari raya. cant we observe something here? if pak lah is sincere to give up the post to najib, he would do that today. but leaving with condition asking for some more times, seems like paklah is having “something” which is yet to be settled.
As’salamualaikum Ayahanda Tun..
Firstly, sedih bila baca tentang geng-geng chedet yg dapat berhari raya, bersalaman & bergambar di rumah terbuka Ayahanda semalam.. Nak pergi sangat tapi tak tahu jalan nak kesana.. Nak naik teksi takut nak balik nanti susah nak dapat teksi semula..
Pelik juga dengan M.T dan ahli-ahli UMNO yang takut sangat dengan Pak Lah & the gang ni.. Yang ramai (ahli umno) cukup kecut dengan beberapa kerat orang-orang yang dangkal dan bodoh sombong dalam parti.. Biar je la apa dia orang nak buat.. Kena bohong hidup-hidup pun tak apa.. Lebih-lebih mengadu itu ini kat Ayahanda Tun..
Senang cerita Ayahanda pun ramai penyokong kuat jadi apa kata Ayahanda tubuhkan pula UMNO SERBA BARU sebagaimana Ayahanda telah tubuhkan UMNO baru dulu.. Saya rasa ahli UMNO yang sedia ada sekarang pun akan tinggalkan UMNO korup berkurap Pak Lah ni.. Tu sajalah cara yang nampaknya boleh ubah keadaan dan kembalikan kegemilangan slogan WAWASAN 2020..
Kalau rasa Proton Saga dah tak releven lagi kita tukarlah dengan Proton Perdana pula asalkan ianya masih Proton..
Assalamaualaikkum wrb Tun.
Eid Mubarak to you and your family.
We have had enough of BN for 51 years and whatever you say and do is not going to rehabilitate BN.The rot is too deep and I do not want to be unkind to you.Only Allah swt can help you.It is time that BN goes for a 4 year holiday(after Anwar succeeds with the crossover)and during this period a special rehabilitation programme be started for all the BN component parties.Major rehabilitation is required for UMNO and they must be told to stop to be greedy.The wealth in Malaysia belongs to all and UMNO should stop robbing the rakyats money.
All UMNO politicians should return the wealth they stole from the rakyat and be given back to the rakyat.There will be no more poverty in Malaysia.I can go on and on.May Allah swt bring peace and UMNO be turned into United Muslim National Organisation.Leaders must be able to behave like MUSLIMS first and MALAYS later.If this does not happen UMNO will be HISTORY,Insha Allah.
So our Dear Tun, the rehabilitation for UMNO has to start with UNITED MALAY NATIONAL ORGANISATION become UNITED MUSLIM NATIONAL ORGANISATION.
May Allah SWT guide all the Muslims in UMNO to realise that they are all MUSLIMS first.Our Prophet Mohamed SAW has condemned RACIAL fanatticsm which is the PRIMARY objective of UMNO at this point in time.
You’ve got to be an idiot or a moron or an idiotic moron to believe his excuse (I won’t use the word reason cos’ thats puting it in a positive light) for buying time. As you said, can’t accomplish ANYTHING in 5 years, whats 3 months!!! He says what he does best, make a mockery of himself…never have we had a national leader where the rakyat have no hesitance calling him a LIAR openly! Sounds more like trying to seal unfinished business on a personal basis, for himself and cronies and perhaps cover all tracks leading to them for any eventual opening cans of worms…..??!!
I respect your comment when asked about your re-joining UMNO, what about those who left with you….thats a real leader!
Still the best Malaysia has ever had, and because you have become the benchmark, in my life time I’ll be lucky if we ever have anyone close to you!
sounds fishy Tun. Dont let him have the move.
Selamat Hari Raya Tun.
Hazman Abu Bakar
Perhimpunan agung UMNO harus diadakan seperti dijadualkan di bulan December. Pak Lahap dan konco2 nya semua harus letak jawatan serta merta atau kita semua kick them out. Mereka tidak ada tempat dalam Parti. Lagi lama Pak Lahap dan konco2 dalam Parti akan meranapkan Parti dan negara, dan yang sengsara adalah rakyat jelata.
Pak Lahap harus sedar beliau adalah satu kemudaratan kepada kerajaan dan khidmat beliau tidak diperlukan. Please get lost!!!! Berambus!!! Pi terjun dengan labu labinya!!!
Harganya minyak tak turun tak pa!!! Janji Pak Lahap dan konco2nya turun!!!
Gula2 Pak Lahap dah tak laku lagi!!!
Imam Hadhari tapi tak tau diri, tidak hormat kepada orang yang berjasa kepada beliau, malah taruh dendam kepada Tun.
Sunggoh busok hati!!!! ini lah dia Imam Hadhari!!
Jangan berdalih lagi, letak jawatan serta merta.!!!
Belia benciiiii…i Pak Lah
Pak Dolah kuat Ti Do lah
Rakyat semua tak suka beliau, tapi dia buat Bo Do lah
sekarang dia dah despera Do Lah
Itu sebab nak delay sampai March lah, supaya boleh merancang dan meranapkan lagi!!!
Semua Ahli2 harus buka mata dan hati, jangan biarkan durjana2 bebas meranapkan Parti dan negara…
Hidup UMNO!!!! Hidup TUN!!!! Hidup Melayu!!!!
Selamat Hari Raya buat Tun Dr Mahathir serta keluarga
Berikut merupakan pilihan untuk Presiden dan Naib Presiden UMNO yang baru, berserta level kekuatannya!
Presiden/ N.Presiden
1.Pak Lah + Najib ( 1 star)
2.Pak Lah + Zahid ( 1/2 star)
3.Pak Lah + Ali Rustam ( 1 star)
4.Pak Lah + Muhyiddin ( 1 star)
5.Najib + Zahid ( 1/2 star)
6.Najib + Ali Rustam ( 1 star)
7.Najib + Muhyiddin ( 3 star)
8.Najib + Hishamuddin (1 star)
9.Najib + Ku Li ( 1/2 star)
10.Ku Li + Zahid ( 1/2 star)
11.Ku Li + Ali Rustam (1/2 star)
12.Ku Li + Muhyiddin ( 1 star)
13.Ku Li + Unknown ( 1 star)
14.Ku Li + Hishamuddin (1 star)
15.Muhyiddin + Zahid ( 1/2 star)
16.Muhyiddin + Ali Rustam ( 1 star)
17.Muhyiddin + Shahidan ( 1 star)
18.Muhyidin + Mukhriz ( 3 star)
19.Muhyiddin + Hishamuddin (1 star)
20 Hishamuddin + Zahid ( 1/2 star )
21.Hishamuddin + Ali Rustam ( 1/2 star)
22.Hishamuddin + Shahidan ( 1/2 star)
23.Hishamuddin + Mukhriz ( 1 star)
10000.Khairy + Muhyiddin( 1/2 star)
10001.Khairy + Zahid (1/2 star)
10002.Khairy + Ali Rustam (1/2 star)
10003.Khairy + Shahidan ( 1/2 star)
10004.Khairy + Mukhriz ( 1/4 star)
Jadi,bagai mana dengan yang lain?
Jangan marah,cuma perkiraan dari mata hari je!
Terima kasih!
Salam Aidil Fitri Tun,
Pak Lah’s accomplished mission for the last three months:
1. Minyak diturunkan 2 kali, dan mencipta rekod sebagai satu-satunya PM Malaysia yang pernah dan paling banyak kali menurunkan harga minyak.
2. Meningkatkan majoriti PKR di Permatang Pauh (dari segi Geografinya, menyempadani Kepala Batas, kawasan Pak Lah sendiri dan Tasik Gelugor).
3. Seorang individu telah “ter”tahan di bawah ISA, atas faktor keselamatan diri individu terbabit. Peribahasa baru telah tercipta, iaitu “Tangkap Muat ISA”.
4. Menghantar seorang anak Yatim, di dalam bulan Ramadan yang mulia, untuk berucap mewakili Malaysia di Perhimpunan Agung PBB.
5. Cuba mencipta rekod baru, iaitu 2008 “Tahun Tanpa Perhimpunan Agung UMNO”.
6. Satu-satunya Menteri Kewangan yang menyerahkan jawatan secara sukarela, selepas membentangkan belanjawan di Parlimen. Perbahasan selepas ini “aku boleh cuci tangan”. Bayangkan, banyak mana masa yang akan dibuang lagi oleh Menteri Kewangan II bila menjawab nanti (hari tu dah minta maaf dah, sebab dah ambil masa menteri lain)
7. Mencipta ranking tertinggi, sebagai ucapan Hari Raya yang paling popular (banyak kali diulang tayang di TV……. syahdunya…… berdua dengan isteri barunya pulak tu).
8. Setelah tidur agak panjang, dalam tempoh 3 bulan lepas, masa tidur Pak Lah telah dipendekkan dengan mendadak. Dan kalaupun tidur, tidurnya pun dah tak lena macam dulu. Sekejap terbayang Anwar Ibrahim angkat sumpah sebagai PM. Sekejap terbayang Ku Li. Sekejap terbayang Najib. Permohonan Pak Lah agar Anwar Ibrahim bersumpah, telah dimakbulkan Tuhan. Gelaran Pak Lahzzzzzz tidak lagi relevan.
9. Berjaya menggerakkan satu pasukan Ahli Parlimen yang bermotivasi tinggi, kerana sanggup pergi ke bumi Formosa, dengan membelanjakan wang poket sendiri, hanya untuk belajar ber”cucuk tanam” dan menternak. Kalau seorang Ahli Parlimen membawa satu idea baru, bayangkan jika lebih dari 4 pasukan bola sepak. Idea bernas Pak Lah ini juga amat disenangi oleh Tian Chua (Zainudin Maidin versi baru), menyebabkan Tian Chua dan pasukannya sanggup mengekori (ibarat orang bercinta, taufan sanggup ditempuhi).
10. Cukuplah 9 Accomplished Mission. On average, 3 accomplished mission for the past 3 months. Not bad for the shortest serviced PM.
Tun, we could expect more mission to be accomplished for the extra 3 month…….. maybe another RM800M + RM500M from Jambatan II Pulau Pinang new contractor (after UEM being terminated).
Salam. Mission Accomplished
Saya sangat setuju apabila beberapa pemimpin seperti Zahid Hamidi, Ali Rustam dan beberapa pemimpin telah menawarkan diri untuk bertanding jawatan timbalan presiden UMNO.
Walaupun setakat ini yang telah menawarkan diri tersebut langsung tidak mempunyai ketokohan, tidak menonjol, malah sebelum ini langsung tidak nampak sumbangan dan kebolehan untuk memperkukuhkan UMNO dan BN terutamanya seperti Zahid Hamidi, apa lagi Ali Rustam dan beberapa lagi yang bakal membuat kenyataan..
Tetapi dengan calon-calon ibarat ‘BARANG PASAR MALAM’ yang telah menawarkan diri mereka ini lebih awal sebelum Pak Lah membuat pengumuman, sekurang-kurangnya dapat memberi SIGNAL dan tekanan kepada Pak Lah bahawa mareka mahukan jawatan Presiden dikosongkan dan diberi laluan kepada timbalannya.
Walau apapun diharapkan calon yang lebih berwibawa akan menawarkan diri untuk bertanding timbalan presiden. Tunggu dan lihat…..
Assalamualaikum!Ayahanda Tun & Bonda Hasmah
Tidak terlambat rasanya saya untuk mengucapkan Selamat Hari Raya. Maaf juga kerana tidak berkesempatan menghadiri majlis terbuka Tun tempoh hari.Harap Tun sekeluarga telah pun menjamah biskut keluaran sendiri saya (hamper)yang telah dikirimkan melalui pejabat Tun di Putrajaya.
Saya amat bersetuju dengan apa yang diperkatakan oleh Tun .Kami rakyat Malaysia inginkan perubahan yang menyakinkan dengan berasaskan Tun sebagai tulang belakang parti.Keyakinan rakyat akan mula dilihat sebaik saja titik perubahan ini berlaku disamping pertumbuhan ekonomi yang mantap ,para pelabur akan balik meriahkan pasaran .Maka sepatutnya MT haruslah bersatu hati agar proses ini tidak berlarutan atau tertangguh .SEDARLAH WAHAI PEMIMPIN letaklah perjuangan ini untuk agama dan bangsa.Tidak kemana perginya rezeki masing-masing jika jujur pada diri sendiri.Tidak perlu bodek membodek atau terikut ikut nafsu atau kerana menjaga airmuka. Kejujuran itu terletak pada keimanan, kelak nanti di akhirat juga akan dipersoal.Biarlah dalam menentukan masa depan untuk generasi hadapan maka baliklah pada kehendak rakyat.Siapakah anda sebelum ini .Cubalahlah muhasabahkan diri ,berilah laluan kepada orang lain
tidak semestinya yang baru tu tidak berpontensi.Allah telah menjanjikan bahawa semua perkara atau masaalah jika berlandaskan Al Quran dan Al Sunnah maka jadilah ia zaman kegemilangan baik dari segi segala-galanya termasuk ekonomi dunia sejagat.
Tepuk dada tanya selera kenapa terlalu sukar kita untuk bersatu
hati.Memberi idea tidak semestinya dia musuh kita walaupun ia akan mengugat kedudukan kita.Janganlah cela-mencela sesama kita .Jadikan aje sebagai iktibar walaupun pahit untuk ditelan.Kita akan mengakhiri hidup ini dengan kematian tapi tinggallah ia dengan tamadun yang berwawasan untuk nak cucu kita.Kekayaan hanya di dunia tapi kekayaan yang nyata ditimbangan akhirat.
Salam dari Njs
Dear all..,,
Confirm PLah tk resign punya. Ada info mengatakan yg PLah mnggalakkan jawatan no 2 ramai2 masuk bertanding. La ni Najib dh tersepit. Jawatan dia org nk sapu, jawatan PLah blum ada lg org nk tawar diri. Najib dr dlu kena kerbau je dgn PLah. Apa punya turr…
Lg skali nk inform. Najib bukan calon sesuai utk PM sama juga dgn ayahnya dlu Tun Razak. Yg bnyak idea dlu TDr. Ismail timbalannya. Tp nk buat camna sejarah ditulis oleh mereka yg hdup lama @ yg menang.
11. I am still not an UMNO member but I will nevertheless pray for Abdullah to step down soonest and for a new leader to be elected to rehabilitate UMNO and the BN.
Senario 1
1. Bagus kalau 3 bulan lagi dia nak turun
2. Tak bagus kalau dia extend lagi lepas tuu….macam biasa strategi..konon
3. MT semua setuju lepas tuu…
4. Lingkup telangkup
Senario 2
1. Tak turun…
2. Najib tak bole nak cakap apa..
3. Lingkup telangkup juga
Senario 3
Pandai – pandai laa..pemimpin kita kat atas tuu…lebih-lebih lagi the MTs
Dear Tun,
At the outset, let me wish you and the family Selamat Hari Raya. I am from Penang, and I tried my best to attend your open house but couldn’t.
I agree with Tun when you said that Pak Lah wouldn’t step down. He has too much to lose if he does that now.
I am sure he will not jeopardise all that has been set in place for his son and son-in-law, by just throwing in the towel.
There are two types of people. First type are those who are really dumb but act smart. The second are smart but act stupid.
Pak Lah is the second type. No one has fooled Malaysians as well as Pak Lah has. He put on a Mr Clean image, acted stupid but in reality he is a Mr Clean Up.
Everyone knows that politics today is a dirty game and the saint is never going to survive in this game. But most people would be happy with a politician who is hard-working and is seen to produce results.
Pak Lah is clearly a man who spends more time talking about ‘things to do’ but we don’t see anything positive and progressive happenning.
God save Malaysia.
Yang dihormati Tun Dr. Mahathir
Over the Hari Raya holiday, one theory I heard why AAB delayed the UMNO assembly to March 2009, is because the deal between Maybank and Temasek over the purchase of BII share is still in the midst of negotiation. Once the deal is locked and payment are made, Temasek will execute such amount of commission to KJ for initiating this deal.
AAB anticipated that by then the deal will be completed and his son in-law will have sufficient fund to campaign for Pemuda UMNO.
Though it sound logical, I am not sure of the truth.
Apapun hati ni masih berkata bila le paklah nak lepaskan jawatan
dah nak tergadai malaysia ni dah.hari mulia kita dah tercemar dek sikap biadap hindraf pas ni tah ape lagi…..apepun pesan datuk saya cina tetap cina dengan idealogi kominis depa.india tetap india rasa nak muntah bila diaorang cakap hal2 perjuangan apa yang diperjuangkan dulu cina jadi kominis india mana pegi lebih baik anto je depa ni balik negeri masing2……….dah lebih kurang ajor…anwar jadi barua melayu yang tak tau perjuangan ikut anwar jadi pembelot..ingat pesan org tua tua dulu zaman tun razak penjuangan yang senyap
Tun Mahathir,
Let’s all pray to Allah Almighty,
o Allah, please guide ush to get a leader with more quality of being sincere, honest and wise;
o Allah, please save us from the influence of this unwise campaign of changing the present leader initiated by Tun Mahathir;
o Allah, please help Tun Mahathir to understand that he was the one that already destroyed UMNO;
o Allah, please save us from these present hands from destroying our country; and
o Allah, please help us to be strong and proud Malaysians, and get our indentity back.
Assalamualaikum Tun,
firstly, Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri, Maaf Zahir dan Batin kepada ayahanda Tun dan Keluarga. semoga panjang umur untuk membantu Malaysia yang tercinta.
Semoga Malaysia ini kembali aman.
YA ALLAH, bantu lah negara ku ini. KAU tunjukan lah jalan kebenaran kepada kami.. rungkaikanlah muslihat yang membelenggu politik di Malaysia ini.. sesungguhnya yang terbaik adalah dari MU YA ALLAH.. apa yang terjadi semestinya ada kebaikan disebaliknya.. tetapi jaganlah KAU uji kami dengan ujian yang tidak dapat kami memikulnya YA ALLAH.. bantulah kami YA ALLAH..
adakah kami orang yang teraniaya oleh politik atau pemimpinnya.. sesungguhnya kami insan yang lemah.. kabulkanlah doa kami ini.. amin..
kalau pemimpin negara ada baca ni.. degar lah.. walau pun rasa diri tu betul, tetapi kalau boleh memecah belahkan, baik berundur dengan baik. itu lebih baik. kerana yang betul itu bukan hanya ada satu cara, banyak lagi cara lain boleh dilakukan untuk dapat yang betul tu. kerana tak semua orang fikir cara yang sama walaupun tujuan nya sama. memang lah orang bawah payah nak sebut. tapi paham-paham la. takkan anak nak mengajar bapak; tu tak hormat namanya. tapi bapak pun kena la paham anak-anak jugak. anak cuma boleh nasihat berkias je. supaya tak terkasar bahasa, menghormati orang tua. maaf atas segalanya.
just think positive with smile.
Yg Bhg Tun,
1st of all, Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri. Maaf zahir dan batin.
I am compelled to agree with you all this while with your predictions which most of them were quite accurate though a few may have missed the ramalan. On this subject – 3 months more, here are my 2 cents worth…
I am quite confident Paklah will announce that he will step down before the deadline. Why I say this? As we all had seen from the latest scenario, a few of the MT members and non-MT members had broadcasted their intention to vie for the Deputy President’s post. I am sure, DS Najib had already given his blessing (discreetly) to his cronies on the No. 2 position, subsequent to his close door talk with Paklah. Or else, no one would dare to officially announce their intention.
Once Paklah stepped down, then, Paklah will follow Tun’s footstep to create a blog and that is the time he will use his ammunitions to blast and bombard whoever he thinks had tarnished and attacked him during his tenure as a PM. That incudes you Tun, as his Numero Uno enemy.
Nevertheless, my predictions might be off-target but in politics, you never know what will happen.
Dearest Dr M
He needs to learn to separate the interests of the state and that of his family members (not easy).
Most people would find it hard NOT to “help” those they love, whenever there’s an opportunity (no excuse though).
The opposition too have so many father-son, father-daughter, father-son_in_law, man-wife teams in their parties.
If 3 months can pacify son, son-in-law, daughter, wife, neighbour, friends, why not.
They too are the “rakyat” right ??? hhmm …
The Best Available Persons to Lead UMNO and Country,
based on capability, patriotism, firmness and decisiveness:
Ayahda Tun,
Thank you for the feast yesterday and felt great after shaked hand with you and Bonda Hasmah. It was a wonderful experienced..!
AAB is hopeless and useless. Good leader must have wisdom and gain respect from peoples. But not AAB, peoples are condeming him upside down. It is too shameful for us to have a PM like him. Until now I still can’t find anything “great” about him. If in Japanese company, he will isolate to one corner without staffs, given a table by a window, so he can fulfil his time looking outside until he resign (no job allocate to him since he is useless).
Dear beloved Tun M & Tun H.
Maybe Pak Lah need to reform himself, his familiy and off course his son in law, the parasit KJ. Maybe the outgoing PM needs the extended 3 months and hope miracle will happen when they collectivelly become billionaires, well for the beginning they could have collected hundreds of millions from the citizens of Malaysia via the fuel increament to the suffering of the warga Malaysia. Congratulations and Selamat Hari Raya Aidil Fitri Pak Lah & Family.
dear tun,
when can we back to the peacefull/ unity/ harmony live, where all the multi races of malaysia are feel good for the past 20 years ?
i hope new PM can lead the country to move and acheive wawasan 2020 and all malaysian is united without fear of racial threat and our poverty is the lowest in the world.
thank you..
Salam Ayahanda Tun. Dalam tempoh 90 hari, secara ikhlasnya apa sangat agenda reform yang boleh dibereskan… Tapi saya merasakan sebenarnya ada sebab lain. Macam PM tak berapa yakin nak bagi Najib ambil alih. Secara percaturan politik, memang PM tak ada lagi mileage dalam UMNO. Tentang Khairy dah tak perlu dipercakapkan lagi, buang kilobyte Streamyx saya sahaja. Tetapi sekarang ni saya nak tunggu tengok siapa “dark horse” peringkat tertinggi yang bakal timbul. Zahid dahulunya memang Set/Pol Najib. Tapi itu millenium dulu. Sebelum Y2K. Sekarang mungkin dah lain. Apapun, secara lojiknya tempoh 3 bulan ni adalah untuk tempoh jajaran kritikal pada PM. Sebab itu lah di mintanya 3 bulan ini. Secara ikhlas nya saya pun tak yakin dengan survivability Najib. Najib kalau nak ubah persepsi ni, dia mesti tegas. Tegas dalam semuanya. Baru orang boleh nampak kekuatan baru yang sekarang ini dicari-cari umum. Susah nak kawal kalau tak ada authority. Authority mana boleh main bagi committee pegang ikut kepala masing-masing. Kena ada “point of authority”. Sesiapa yang dapat pamerkan kualiti ini, maka dia wajar sangat di beri penghormatan. 90 hari apa sangat Tun, buat pekasam pun belum tentu boleh market premium lagi.
Dear Tun,
Selamat Hari Raya Aidil Fitri buat Tun dan keluarga.
From a layman’s point of view, I too see no reason why there should be any delay in having the UMNO Assembly.
I also speculate that Pak Lah and his merry men are working their socks off in getting enough support from the UMNO divisions. And once this is achieved then he will renege on his promise to transfer power to his successor.
The rebuilding of BN should be done now not later.
I am no expert in political niceties but I do believe if the people were to suffer another 3 months of his indecision, incompetence and flip-flopping attributes, then it may be better that he rides away into sunset now and not later. A graceful exit is not an adequate excuse to retain him for another few months especially when the public are the ones who will bear the consequences of such an action.
I commend Mukhriz and Muhyiddin for speaking out, calling for Pak Lah’s early resignation. By not beating around bush and calling a spade a spade, they score not only political points but also earn the respect of the people.
Dear Tun,
Nadi BN sekarang bergantung kepada UMNO. Turun naik UMNO akan mempengaruhi parti kompenan yang lain. Kalau UMNO silap buat pencaturan maka semua rakan kompenan akan hanyut bersama UMNO buat selama-lamanya.
Kini, kita sering dengar luahan pendapat daripada kalangan pemimpin MCA, Gerakan, MIC dan PPP yang mencadangkan agar parti berasaskan kaum harus dihapuskan dan digantikan dengan sebuah parti berbilang kaum seperti mana yang diterajui oleh DSAI pada masa kini iaitu PKR.
Jadi, sejauh manakah pendapat Tun berhubung perkara ini? Ada di kalangan pemimpin BN berpendapat bahawa jika ianya tidak dilaksanakan dengan segera maka BN akan menjadi tidak relevan lagi untuk menyaingi PKR pada PRU Ke-13.
Pada pendapat saya, beza antara BN dan PKR adalah dari segi identiti dan bukannya persoalan kaum.
Satu contoh yang amat jelas ialah segala keputusan yang dibuat oleh BN adalah berasaskan kepada semua rakan kompenannya yang mewakili kaum masing-masing. Segala masalah akan dibawa bincang bersama oleh semua parti setelah mereka mendengar luahan kata akar umbi parti masing-masing.
Saya tidak dapat melihat ciri-ciri ini ada pada PKR. Hal ini adalah kerana mustahil bagi semua pemimpin tertinggi PKR dapat berjumpa dengan semua ahli PKR bagi menyelesaikan masalah mereka.
Ia perlu diterajui dengan identiti khas parti yang melambangkan kaum Melayu, Cina, India, Kadazan, Dusun dan lain-lain. Kemudiannya duduk sepakat di bawah satu bumbung seperti BN sekarang ini. Barulah mencerminkan perpaduan kaum di negara ini.
Hal ini kerana adalah mustahil bagi PKR untuk melantik seorang pemimpin Melayu untuk jadi Presiden PKR dan Timbalan Presiden teridiri daripada Timb Presiden 1-Cina, Timb Presiden 2-India, Timb Presiden 3-India, Timb Presiden 4-Kadazan, Timb Presiden 5-Dusun.
Bagaimana pula Timb Presiden Melayu? Tak jadi timbalan terus jadi presiden? Kenapa orang india tak boleh jadi timbalan presiden 1? Hal ini akan menyebabkan perebutan kuasa dalam parti dan kekecohan akan berlaku dan akhirnya semua kaum rugi kerana luahan pendapat mewakili kaum gagal disampaikan.
Sehubungan itu, saya yakin identiti BN masih relevan kerana kaum Melayu sememangnya akan lebih memahami perasaan kaumnya dan begitu juga dengan kaum lain. Adalah mustahil untuk kaum Cina betul-betul memahami kehendak kaum Dusun kerana budaya hidup mereka berbeza dengan kaum dusun. Jadi, bunyinya agak kejam jika kaum tertentu tidak dapat menjadi ketua politik dan hanya asyik ikut telunjuk Presiden dan Timbalan Presidennya yang langsung tidak memahami kaum selain daripada kaumnya.
Kesimpulannya, identiti BN lebih baik berbanding PKR kerana kita dapat lihat semua parti kompenan BN dapat duduk semeja untuk menceritakan masalah bagi pihak kaum mereka untuk diselesaikan secara bersama. Ianya tidak dimiliki oleh PKR kerana kuasa membuat keputusan hanya terletak pada satu-satu kaum sahaja tanpa memikirkan perasaan kaum lain kerana mereka tidak memiliki identiti.
Between AAB and DSAI, I think AAB is a better person. Therefore it may be better to be at the helm a bit longer.
DSAI is a man with few principles, only geared for his own personal gains.
3 months is not such a long wait.
Syabas Tun…
Pelawat Blog Tun sudah hampir mencecah 8 JUTA,…Wooo
Walaupun Blog Tun ni ringkas je, tapi menarik untuk dibaca..yehh, tabik spring ar kat Tun.
Saya rasa cara Pak Lah nak letak jawatan ni die nak kan kaedah yg dihormati la, step by step la konon nye.. Padahal orang ramai dah naik menyirap dah ngan dia tu.Mmg ade muslihat disebalik melambat-lambatkan peletakan jwtan ni pasai nak tolong menantu die tu.
ok… Tun nak balik umah ni…da…
Salam and Selamat Hari Raya Tun.
1. Bila Tun jd PM dulu, ramai orang soh Tun letak jawatan dr jd PM. and bile Tun dah turun and Pak Lah jd pengganti, depa mula suruh Pak Lah turun, and claim Tun is better. (mmg betul Tun is better pun)
2. The question now is untuk pengganti Pak Lah nanti, is he better or not? Still mystery to us.
M.Huzaifah M.
Assalamualaikum Tun,
Tun said..
5. It is said that on 9th October, the day before the divisions are to hold their meetings, he will announce that he will not stand for election as President of UMNO. The question is, will he announce it? I have this suspicion that he will not. If he does not it would not be surprising. “He is not a man of his words”.
Food for thought…
Indonesia is one of the world’s richest countries in terms of natural resources.
God has blessed Indonesia with gold, uranium, copper, oil, timber, beaches, seas and other wealth. The land is fertile with abundant rain. Stick a twig into the ground and it grows into a tree.
Yet Indonesians sleep in the streets. Food is expensive. The average Indonesian eats some rice, tempe, tauhu and may be some vegetables for breakfast, lunch and dinner everyday.
An average Nasi Padang meal for four persons in a single star Indonesian restaurant can cost RM60 (160,000 Rupiah). This is way beyond the income of the average Joko or Ketut in Indonesia.
Why is this so ? The answer is because the ruling elites in Indonesia do not care about the people. They have pillaged the country.
They craft policies that only serve to keep the elites in power and wealth.
The same thing is happening in Phillippines and Malaysia.
Read on and you will find many of the similarities how/why a nation can become poor. If we are not careful, Malaysia will become one like Indonesia or Phillippines. Do not let the Abusive/Bullshitting/Corrupt regime with their UtterlyManipulatingNationalObligations character be successful to lead Malaysia into a BankruptNation.
There are also millions of Indonesians who go to school and university but do not learn skills that can help them survive in the real world. They are very poor in European languages like English or Dutch. All their education is in Indonesian. So they cannot keep up with the latest developments and technologies. They cannot compete. They remain poor. The children of the elites are sent overseas for their education. An average Indonesian university graduate cannot bring world class skills to his employers. He or she therefore earns a pittance. This is happening in Malaysia. Bumiputra university graduates only strike it rich if they get Government jobs where they do not do much work but earn a good salary with a pension. In the private sector they may not get a job or earn only a pittance.
That is why 100,000 graduates remain unemployed in Malaysia.
Bumiputra university graduates are turning up for interviews as taxi drivers and shop assistants. What about those who flunk out after SPM? They become Mat Rempits (Motorcycle Racers). Last Saturday I saw another Mat Rempit get killed at the road races in Shah Alam (near Section 7).
In Malaysia, just like in Indonesia, food is getting very expensive. But the wages and salaries of the people, especially the Malays, is not keeping up with the increase in prices. Instead of developing the competitive ability of the people, the Government has been using the failed NEP to provide subsidies and dish out money on a plate. In fact, the NEP is benefiting the Umnoputras who have good contact with the sources.
Everything is subsidised, even cooking oil, flour, rice, sugar, fuel, etc.
The Government has been providing these subsidies so that the people will keep voting for the ruling party. So it has never been to the Government’s advantage to make the Malays independent. A Malay who is independent of the Government may not vote for the BN. It is therefore better to keep feeding with subsidies. So, for the past 50 years, everything has been subsidised.
You may like to compare the Malay Singaporeans, they are much better educated and open minded.
But now with 27 million people in the country of which more than half are Malays, subsidies are getting more expensive. There is also much much more thievery and wastage by the elites in Malaysia .
But there is no bottomless ‘well’ full of money.
Everything has its limits. The money will soon run out. Without the subsidies for cooking oil, sugar, flour and petrol, how are the people, especially the Malays, going to survive? Already university graduates cannot find jobs or compete in the private sector. What happens when the oil money runs out? What happens when (not if, but when) the Government cannot simply spend billions of oil money to sustain its voting base any longer? That is when we may see people sleeping in the streets, just like in Indonesia. If that happens this country will go up in flames. We will all be consumed.
In Indonesia , the Government has not mobilised its hundreds of millions of people (over 250 million Indonesians) with the competitive skills to grow enough food for themselves. Hence food is expensive. They do not even have simple survival skills like coming to work on time, organising themselves to do simple tasks, maintaining good hygiene and cleanliness and so on. They are poorly read and not informed about many things that are going on around the world. Their Government has failed in all these aspects. Hence the average Indonesian remains poor.
The same thing has happened in Malaysia. Our young people, especially the Malays, do not possess basic survival skills. We are not talking about competitive skills but just basic survival skills. The Government is not serious about giving them useful competitive skills either.
The Mat Rempits are being glorified by the politicians as saviours of the nation (Mat Cemerlang). There are drug users, gang rapists, snatch thieves and street fighters all over the country. You read these everyday on the news.
When an efficient Policewoman called Nooriyah Anvar was appointed Chief of Traffic Police she went after the Mat Rempits with a vengeance. Does anyone remember her? She confiscated their bikes on the spot. But soon the Mat Rempits called their political muscle and Nooriyah Anvar was kicked out. To date she holds the record of being the shortest serving Traffic Police Chief in Malaysia . She has been replaced by Senior Asst Comm (II) Datuk Hamza Taib.
So the Government is not serious about improving the position of the Malays.
It serves the Barisan Nasional Government to keep the Malays down and out.
Then the Malays can go to the Government for crumbs. This way the ruling elites get to keep the whole loaf to themselves. Go and visit Indonesia. This is what is happening over there. It is happening over here too. But in Malaysia, there are still many responsible personalities who dare to challenge the UselessMalaysianNationalOrganizations to delay the deterioration of the overall situation.
Does Malaysia have a problem? Yes the Malays are not happy, the Chinese are not happy and the Indians are not happy.
They spoke out at the March 2008 polls and hope things will change for the better, now they have some oppositions who promised change. The Malays are being duped by their corrupted leaders by using the race/religion issues, the Chinese and Indians are being marginalised by the ruling elites. Let us all Malaysians wake up and fight the corrupt system for the benefit of everyone. Let us all unite and stand together and change the system for once and for all. We are not Malays, Chinese, Indians, Iban, Dayak……..etc, we are Malaysians.
Otherwise, Malaysians May End Up Sleeping in the Streets. We are just a B ankruptNation afterall!!!
Goood Morning Tun
Unable to go to your house yesterday because of the expected rain , anyway very impressed by the event reported by CHINA PRESS this morning. You Look Handsome and Your Wife look beautiful in”LOVELY COUPLE SUITE”.Hope to visit you in near future.
Please come back to BARISAN NASIONAL to give strength to the country and the people.
Wish you and your family
Long live and Good Luck
GOHOHO and family
Goood Morning Tun
Unable to go to your house yesterday because of the expected rain , anyway very impressed by the event reported by CHINA PRESS this morning. You Look Handsome and Your Wife look beautiful in”LOVELY COUPLE SUITE”.Hope to visit you in near future.
Please come back to BARISAN NASIONAL to give strength to the country and the people.
Wish you and your family
Long live and Good Luck
GOHOHO and family
Assalamualaikum Tun,
Selamat Hari Raya Eidil Fitri….maaf saya tak dapat menghadiri rumah terbuka Tun semalam kerana saya ada jemputan dirumah kakak.
Berkisar mengenai peralihan kuasa Presiden dan Timbalan Presiden UMNO pada bulan Mar 2009, saya muskil terhadap beberapa perkara.
1) Adakah Presiden akan meminta DS Najib memastikan kemenangan menantu beliau, YB Khairy Jamaludin, memenangi kerusi Ketua Pemuda?
2) Adakah DS Najib akan terus menyimpan dan menggunakan khidmat ‘budak2 tkt 4’ didalam pentadbirannya?
3) Apakah pendirian ‘half past six’ ahli2 kabinet, lbh2 lg YB Dato Seri Nazri Aziz diatas peralihan kuasa ini?
Pada saya, perkara2 berikut haruslah diambil perhatian oleh ahli2 UMNO jika mahu UMNo masih lagi relevan dimata rakyat :
1) ahli2 Pemuda mestilah memeastikan bahawa Khairy TIDAK memenangi jawatan Ketua Pemuda. Berikan undi anda kpd calon yg lebih layak. Saya tidak menyokong sesiapa tetapi secara peribadi, YB Dato Mukhriz didapati memenuhi kreteria utk menjadi Ketua Pemuda. (Diharap TUN dpt menasihkan beliau supaya lbh menjadi ‘rakyat biasa’, jgn menggunakan kedudukan org kaya berjawatan tinggi serta bijaksana. Jadilah seperti biasa)
2) DS Najib hendaklah memecat ‘budak2 hitam tkt 4’ sebaik shj mengambilalih jawatan Presiden. Jika ini tidak dilakukan dgn segera, sia2lah duduk ditempat itu krn saya pasti beliau tidak akan duduk lama krn rakyat akan beralih arah. (hrp Tun juga dpt menasihatkan DS Najib supaya menyuruh isteri beliau senyum sentiasa walau pun hati tak suka krn senyum itu ibadah).
3) DS Najib haruslah menyusun semula ahli2 kabinet kpd yg mesra rakyat, bukan berlagak hero mcm Dato Nazri Aziz. Rakyat amat terguris krn beliau telah menempelak Tun tempohari krn rakyat amat sayangkan Tun.
Jika Tun msh bersama ketika proses peralihan ini terjadi, saya harap Tun dapat memainkan beberapa peranan sebagai penasihat bagi memastikan kelancaran proses pentadbiran demi mengembalikan kegembiraan rakyat.
Seperti mana kata2 Tun dahulu bahawa pembakang TIDAK menang cuma UMNO kalah. Dengan langkah2 proaktif yg akan diambil ini diharapkan dapat mengembalikan kepercayaan dan keyakinan rakyat untuk menyokong UMNO/BN.
Ingatlah bahawa rakyat tidak akan tertipu lagi dengan slogan dan reotrik semata2. Jika dahulu disetiap bahagian, yg betul2 menjalankan slogan UMNO cuma tak sampai 10%, kini diharapkan ada perubahan. Jgnlah menjadi ahli UMNO utk kepentingan diri dan keluarga sendiri. Setiap ahli mempunyai peranan yg boleh menyumbang kpd kemakmuran parti dan negara khasnya.
Saya juga seperti Tun tlh keluar UMNO krn tidak percaya terhadap kepimpinan. Saya hrp jika Tun diterima semula, barulah saya masuk semula dan berjuang tanpa jawatan demi kelangsungan agenda melayu dan islam.
Selamat Hari Raya, Naaf Zahir Dan Bathin.
Dear Tun,
I believe u are right bout the P.M..He is taking UMNO and the people of Malaysia for a ride. All these delaying tactics are just making things worse.
Any good businessman or card player can tell him that if his intentions are to improve the country then he should cut the country’s losses and allow for immediate change. No point continuing to ride a losing horse.( i suppose in this case it could be the jockey that needs change )
If what u said about March 8th elections losses were true ( that people voted against Badawi rather than BN ), and now UMNO is having problems getting rid of him. Why not start a new party with the original principals of UMNO?
If the above is true the new party should have no problem gaining support from the opposition and unsatisfied BN members. BN may be left with just two members BadaV and SamyV!
Which is more important the name of the party of the success of the country!
I have to say that u have a great blog! best in the country! but then again it is so because of your unique position in malaysian history. Anwar could perhaps equal your blog if he had the time.
Salam YDK Tun Sekeluarga. Saya mengambil kesempatan ini untuk mengucapkan Selamat Hari Raya Aidil Fitri kepada YDK Tun sekeluarga dan seluruh warga Malaysia yang sama-sama merayakannya.
Saya juga mengambil kesempatan ini untuk memohon kepada YB Datuk Sri Abdullah untuk mengorbankan tahtanya sebagai PM sebelum menjelang Hari Raya Aidil Adha. Semuga seluruh ahli keluarganya khususnya KJ, DK dan DI, turut sama berkorban demi kepentingan dan kesejahteraan negara Malaysia dan untuk memastikan Malaysia mnencapai VISI 2020 seperti yang telah dirancang oleh YDK Tun.
Semuga YDK Tun dan keluarga sentiasa diberkati, dirahmati dan diredhai Allah SWT. Salam YDK Tun
Selamat hari Raya Aidilfitri Maaf Zahir Batin…….
Syabas Tun, Kali ini pemulisan yang amat baik dan bernas tentang penangguhan Persidangan Agung UMNO Pusat…..
Pada pandangan saya, menteri-menteri kabinet sememangnya sedang menunggu keputusan paklah untuk beundur tapi mereka takut nak buat kenyataan terbuka (Tabik kepada Tan Sri Muhiyuddin kerana berani bersuara). Menteri-menteri kabinet ni memang dah lama meluat dan jelak kerana mereka hanyalah ada jawatan menteri tetapi segala keputusan dipengaruhi oleh Khairy Jamaluddin. mereka hanya menunggu keputusan pak lah untuk mengumumkan tidak mempertahankan jawatan sebagai presiden UMNO. Itu jam, jangan haraplah pencalonan daripada Pemuda Bahagian untuk KJ tu,mereka akan ganyang KJ cukup-cukup sehingga terjelepuk ke dasar tasek chini…. hehehe… Walaubagaimanapun saya berharap akan Saudar Mukhriz akan mengepalai Pemuda dan membawa pemuda ke arah yang lebih mantap serta menjauhi amalan kroni dan pilih kawan (seperti yang Dato’- Shamsul Anuar Nasarah Lakukan di bahagian ini) – Tun sampaikan salam saya pada Saudar Mukhriz – Saya ada ada hantar kad raya pada dia -Niat nak hantar kat Tun tapi tak tahu alamat – Insyaallah tahun depan kalau Tun sudi bagi alamat tun… Selamat TUN.
Salam and Selamat Hari Raya Tun.
1. Bila Tun jd PM dulu, ramai orang soh Tun letak jawatan dr jd PM. and bile Tun dah turun and Pak Lah jd pengganti, depa mula suruh Pak Lah turun, and claim Tun is better. (mmg betul Tun is better pun)
2. The question now is untuk pengganti Pak Lah nanti, is he better or not? Still mystery to us.
M.Huzaifah M.
Assalamualaikum Tun dan Selamat Hari Raya Aidil Fitri.
Saya pulang kekampung do Kota Kuala Muda Kedah, raya lepas.
Nampaknya, UMNO bahagian kampung pun kucar kacir, semua dok tunggu bila Dato Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi nak letak jawatan. Topik yang paling hangat, semua teruja nak tengok.Tup tup dia kata 3 bulan.
Yang sedih orang UMNO lama macam tok saya, mak saya dan lain-lain lagi sedih dengan kedaan UMNO sekarang yang terumbang ambing, tiada pemimpin yang betul-betul boleh diharap. Ini semua katanya pasal, tiada Ketua yang betul-betul perihatin dengan keadaan parti.
Yang paling sedih mesyuarat peringkat cawangan tak cukut Korum.
Parti lain seperti PAS dan PKR semakin kuat.
Macam ni tak boleh jadi UMNO yang veteren yang pernah memerintah negara selama 51 tahun dibiar macam tak penting.
Diharap agar ketua cawangan lebih perihatin, marilah kita bersama-sama Tun menyokong agar DSAAB segera turun.
maaf bapak nak tambah….
minta nyawa lahhhhh…takmo lah najib jd pm…takotttttttttt…
takot dia mandom mcm si dol……………..ah…..
Dear Sir,
Just to share something that’s not related to your current post, but to your previous ones on the Finaancial Turmoil and the United States. Maybe you can share your opinion on this:
How AIG’s Collapse Began a Global Run on the Banks
By Porter Stansberry
October 4, 2008
Something very strange is happening in the financial markets. And I can show you what it is and what it means…
If September didn’t give you enough to worry about, consider what will happen to real estate prices as unemployment grows steadily over the next several months. As bad as things are now, they’ll get much worse.
They’ll get worse for the obvious reason: because more people will default on their mortgages. But they’ll also remain depressed for far longer than anyone expects, for a reason most people will never understand.
What follows is one of the real secrets to September’s stock market collapse. Once you understand what really happened last month, the events to come will be much clearer to you…
Every great bull market has similar characteristics. The speculation must â at the beginning â start with a reasonably good idea. Using long-term mortgages to pay for homes is a good idea, with a few important caveats.
Some of these limitations are obvious to any intelligent observer… like the need for a substantial down payment, the verification of income, an independent appraisal, etc. But human nature dictates that, given enough time and the right incentives, any endeavor will be corrupted. This is one of the two critical elements of a bubble. What was once a good idea becomes a farce. You already know all the stories of how this happened in the housing market, where loans were eventually given without fixed rates, without income verification, without down payments, and without legitimate appraisals.
As bad as these practices were, they would not have created a global financial panic without the second, more critical element. For things to get really out of control, the farce must evolve further… into fraud.
And this is where AIG comes into the story.
Around the world, banks must comply with what are known as Basel II regulations. These regulations determine how much capital a bank must maintain in reserve. The rules are based on the quality of the bank’s loan book. The riskier the loans a bank owns, the more capital it must keep in reserve. Bank managers naturally seek to employ as much leverage as they can, especially when interest rates are low, to maximize profits. AIG appeared to offer banks a way to get around the Basel rules, via unregulated insurance contracts, known as credit default swaps.
Here’s how it worked: Say you’re a major European bank… You have a surplus of deposits, because in Europe people actually still bother to save money. You’re looking for something to maximize the spread between what you must pay for deposits and what you’re able to earn lending. You want it to be safe and reliable, but also pay the highest possible annual interest. You know you could buy a portfolio of high-yielding subprime mortgages. But doing so will limit the amount of leverage you can employ, which will limit returns.
So rather than rule out having any high-yielding securities in your portfolio, you simply call up the friendly AIG broker you met at a conference in London last year.
“What would it cost me to insure this subprime security?” you inquire. The broker, who is selling a five-year policy (but who will be paid a bonus annually), says, “Not too much.” After all, the historical loss rates on American mortgages is close to zilch.
Using incredibly sophisticated computer models, he agrees to guarantee the subprime security you’re buying against default for five years for say, 2% of face value.
Although AIG’s credit default swaps were really insurance contracts, they weren’t regulated. That meant AIG didn’t have to put up any capital as collateral on its swaps, as long as it maintained a triple-A credit rating. There was no real capital cost to selling these swaps; there was no limit. And thanks to what’s called “mark-to-market” accounting, AIG could book the profit from a five-year credit default swap as soon as the contract was sold, based on the expected default rate.
Whatever the computer said AIG was likely to make on the deal, the accountants would write down as actual profit. The broker who sold the swap would be paid a bonus at the end of the first year â long before the actual profit on the contract was made.
With this structure in place, the European bank was able to assure its regulators it was holding only triple-A credits, instead of a bunch of subprime “toxic waste.” The bank could leverage itself to the full extent allowable under Basel II. AIG could book hundreds of millions in “profit” each year, without having to pony up billions in collateral.
It was a fraud. AIG never any capital to back up the insurance it sold. And the profits it booked never materialized. The default rate on mortgage securities underwritten in 2005, 2006, and 2007 turned out to be multiples higher than expected. And they continue to increase. In some cases, the securities the banks claimed were triple A have ended up being worth less than $0.15 on the dollar.
Even so, it all worked for years. Banks leveraged deposits to the hilt. Wall Street packaged and sold dumb mortgages as securities. And AIG sold credit default swaps without bothering to collateralize the risk. An enormous amount of capital was created out of thin air and tossed into global real estate markets.
On September 15, all of the major credit-rating agencies downgraded AIG â the world’s largest insurance company. At issue were the soaring losses in its credit default swaps. The first big writeoff came in the fourth quarter of 2007, when AIG reported an $11 billion charge. It was able to raise capital once, to repair the damage. But the losses kept growing. The moment the downgrade came, AIG was forced to come up with tens of billions of additional collateral, immediately. This was on top of the billions it owed to its trading partners. It didn’t have the money. The world’s largest insurance company was bankrupt.
The dominoes fell over immediately. Lehman Brothers failed on the same day. Merrill was sold to Bank of America. The Fed stepped in and agreed to lend AIG $85 billion to facilitate an orderly sell off of its assets in exchange for essentially all the company’s equity.
Most people never understood how AIG was the linchpin to the entire system. And there’s one more secret yet to come out…
AIG’s largest trading partner wasn’t a nameless European bank. It was Goldman Sachs.
I’d wondered for years how Goldman avoided the kind of huge mortgage-related writedowns that plagued all the other investment banks. And now we know: Goldman hedged its exposure via credit default swaps with AIG. Sources inside Goldman say the company’s exposure to AIG exceeded $20 billion, meaning the moment AIG was downgraded, Goldman had to begin marking down the value of its assets. And the moment AIG went bankrupt, Goldman lost $20 billion. Goldman immediately sought out Warren Buffett to raise $5 billion of additional capital, which also helped it raise another $5 billion via a public offering.
The collapse of the credit default swap market also meant the investment banks â all of them â had no way to borrow money, because no one would insure their obligations.
To fund their daily operations, they’ve become totally reliant on the Federal Reserve, which has allowed them to formally become commercial banks. To date, banks, insurance firms, and investment banks have borrowed $348 billion from the Federal Reserve â nearly all of this lending took place following AIG’s failure. Things are so bad at the investment banks, the Fed had to change the rules to allow Merrill, Morgan Stanley, and Goldman the ability to use equities as collateral for these loans, an unprecedented step.
The mainstream press hasn’t reported this either: A provision in the $700 billion bailout bill permits the Fed to pay interest on the collateral it’s holding, which is simply a way to funnel taxpayer dollars directly into the investment banks.
Why do you need to know all of these details? First, you must understand that without the government’s actions, the collapse of AIG could have caused every major bank in the world to fail.
Second, without the credit default swap market, there’s no way banks can report the true state of their assets â they’d all be in default of Basel II. That’s why the government will push through a measure that requires the suspension of mark-to-market accounting. Essentially, banks will be allowed to pretend they have far higher-quality loans than they actually do. AIG can’t cover for them anymore.
And third, and most importantly, without the huge fraud perpetrated by AIG, the mortgage bubble could have never grown as large as it did. Yes, other factors contributed, like the role of Fannie and Freddie in particular. But the key to enabling the huge global growth in credit during the last decade can be tied directly to AIG’s sale of credit default swaps without collateral. That was the barn door. And it was left open for nearly a decade.
There’s no way to replace this massive credit-building machine, which makes me very skeptical of the government’s bailout plan. Quite simply, we can’t replace the credit that existed in the world before September 15 because it didn’t deserve to be there in the first place. While the government can, and certainly will, paper over the gaping holes left by this enormous credit collapse, it can’t actually replace the trust and credit that existed… because it was a fraud.
And that leads me to believe the coming economic contraction will be longer and deeper than most people understand.
Good day to you Tun,
This prove that problem is not only with DSAAB but also the member of BN and MT. They still supporting him. Without support AAB will definitely no chance to stand till today.
This is why AAB alone will not turn thing around for BN
You could have been the greatest prime minister of this country. But some of your comments since you left does give the impression you are a racialst at heart.
You have many achievements and you could have set right many things whilst you were in power for you were really the ony prime minister whose words can transform into actions.
If you are not so umno-centric in your comments, and really think of bringing this nation forward, you will leave behind a great legacy.
You, above all others, still have that quality and opportunity that fate has given you to rectify your pass errors and win the hearts of all Malaysians.
I wish you more good health and a long life for you to have the opportunity of ful-filling a truly Malaysian Dream, not only for Malays for for ALL.
God be with you, Sir.
Salam Tun,
And Selamat Hari Raya Aidil Fitri.
1) Pak Lah is going, the sooner the better, but for whatever reason he needs three months to do that. If he needs assistance to help pack, many could do it in less than three days.
2) Someone asked who is going to take over and will he be better than Pak Lah? Technically it is going to be Najib’s turn and I believe he will be better than Pak Lah but of course being human there are other factors that will determine his performance. His wife and his brother for example. I will do my part and of course pray hard.
3) Someone said Singapore is much better in providing a better future for its people. But how come while studying in Australia there were more Singaporeans than Malaysians in my U. I thought they have better education opportunity/policy. And how come thousands of young professional Singaporeans migrated each year hence their government had no choice but to employ foreigner especially Malaysian. It is not that they have better opportunity there.
4) The new leaders is facing a major task ahead. I hope the new team have learnt something from the last episode of our very own mini series the ‘SLEEPING BEAUTY’.
Assalamualaikum Ayahanda Tun ,
3 months – anything can happen :
1. KJ or his crony will be the Petronas Chairman back up by the neighboring country – the post that he’s eyeing to fill in his treasure chest(nauzubillah… ) may Allah forbids ..
2.more projects will be given to Scomi
3.He has more time to accumulate his wealth???
4.Strategy to split the votes, so TSMY won’t be the DPM??
Anyway , all is in Allah’s hands. He is the one who knows. Let’s pray whoever be the next PM is someone who’s nearly like Umar AlKhattab and Umar Abd Aziz ;
Ataupun seperti Presiden Iran yg bukan berimejkan ‘ulama’ tapi berjiwa ‘ulama’.
Wassalam .
Abu Bakr al-Siddiq pada penghujung hayatnya, menulis surat mencadangkan penggantinya. Dalam surat tersebut beliau menyatakan seperti berikut:
âBismillah al-Rahman al-Rahim. Inilah apa yang dipesan oleh Abu Bakr bin Abu Quhafah di waktu akhir hayat di dunia ini, sedang keluar darinya, dan permulaan tempoh di Akhirat, sedang masuk ke dalamnya. Di kala seperti ini, seseorang yang kafir akan beriman, seseorang pendusta akan bercakap benar. Maka aku âdalam keadaan begini- melantik pemerintah kamu selepasku ini âUmar bin al-Khattab. Maka dengar dan taatlah kepadanya. Aku tidak akan mengurangkan sedikit kebaikan pun buat Allah, rasulNya, agamaNya, diriku dan kamu. Sekiranya âUmar berlaku âadil, maka itu sangkaan dan pengetahuanku mengenainya. Jika dia sebaliknya, maka setiap individu berdasarkan apa yang dikerjakan. Sedangkan aku inginkan kebaikan dan tidak pula aku tahu perkara yang ghaib. âNanti orang-orang zalim akan mengetahui di mana kesudahan merekaâ Wa al-Salam âalaikum wa rahmatulLahâ. (al-Sayuti, Tarikh al-Khulafa, 32, Beirut: Dar al-Fikr).
Saya petik dari blog http://www.drmaza.com. Saya percaya semasa Tun memilih pengganti, Pak Lah adalah merupakan calon `perfect’ menggantikan Tun ketika itu. Tapi seperti sudah ditakdirkan Tun tidak dapat membaca apa yang `ghaib’.
Bagi saya Pak Lah adalah orang yang baik. Dia cuma tidak sesuai jadi pemimpin kerana tidak mempunyai sifat yang kepimpinan dan mudah dipengaruhi oleh faktor dan orang disekelilingnya yang mempunyai agenda dan kepentingan sendiri. Dalam hal begini untuk mengelakkan dosa adalah lebih baik Pak Lah menjadi rakyat biasa sahaja.
Dear Tun,
When AAB took over the Ministry of Defence, I have a very eerie feeling that we are going to have a military rule. Of course, I may be wrong and most certainly hope so.
Anyway, I was at your house yesterday and despite the heavy rain and soaking wet. Though I am not able to get my hands on the food and my stomach growling, I am glad I got the chance to salam with you and Tun Hasmah. And I must admit Tun, you look radiant and good for your age.
Gua komen pakai blackberry.
Assalamualaikum Tun.
Three months more.
Saya percaya pada kata PM kita kali ini.
Terima kasih Tun.
Kita terpaksa lentokkan badan kita ke belakang dengan dada kita menghala ke langit dan cuba menari di bawah palang. Siapa yang boleh melepasi palang di paras paling rendah, dia menang.
Dalam politik Umno era Abdullah Ahmad Badawi, palang telah direndahkan. Maka ramailah yang sebelum itu gagal melepasinya, berjaya dengan cemerlang seperti yang dimanifestasikan oleh keputusan pemilihan Majlis Tertinggi 2004.
KOPERASI LOAN for all AT http://creditcentre.webs.com/
Ayahnda Tun..Salam
1. Saya bersetuju dengan Ayahnda Tun bahawa DSAAB tidak akan mengumumkan perletakan jawatannya dan malah akan bertanding didalam pemilihan UMNO akan datang.
2. Zahib Hamidi dan Ali Rustam memang tidak seperti Tan Sri Mahyuddin Yassin. Kedua-duanya mereka hanya berdiam diri takut untuk bercakap supaya DSAAB letak jawatan segera.
3. UMNO tetap akan hancur selepas ini sekiranya DSAAB tidak letak jawatan secepat mungkin disember ini.
AAB is not only a man without principles, he is a man without shame. He is more concerned with his own dignity and respect than that of his country! He wants the 3 months to show people that he is leaving on his own accord, but I think Tun may be right as he may use the time to lobby UMNO to reject Najib so that he can stay on until they find a ‘suitable’ replacement!
I too suspect the delay is not for putting things in order as far as the nation is concerned. It is more like for putting things in place for his own benefit. To see that when he does leave, he will have in place certain unspoken deals or guarantees that he will be taken care off when he is no longer in power. Or maybe you are right. He won’t leave at all but use the borrowed time to consolidate power. We’ll see soon enough. Tomorrow or the day after is D-Day for DSAAB and the future of the country.
assalamualaikum TUN,moga sihat hendakNya…
terima kasih di atas jemputan rumah terbuka semalam,sy amati semlm dlm majlis tersebut keprihatinan TUN kpd rakyat masih utuh,sy dtg bersama anak yg brumur 2 bulan setgh serta isteri ke rumah TUN,setelah berbaris panjang petugas memberi laluan kpd saya utk ke depan krn sy mendukung anak saya dan sy amat terharu dgn sikap petugas tersebut,terima kasih sekali lagi TUN,semalam juga menjadi sejarah dlm hidup saya dapat bertentang mata dan bersalaman dgn TUN serta isteri,niat saya bukan hendak dtg makan tp semata2 nak bersua dgn TUN,saya yg berbaju biru petak2 sambil mendukung anak kecil….walauapa pun saya sekeluarga mengucapkan jutaan terima kasih di atas layanan mesra TUN dan kakitgn yg bertugas….
TUN,blogger kickdefella komen di lamannya mengatakan pertukaran porfolio pak lah dgn najib adalah krn komisen drpd pembelian helikopter sebyk rm500 juta,hanya pak lah yg mampu merealisasikan kontrak tersebut,harap TUN komen isu ni.saya juga dgr rumors yg pertukaran tersebut adalah salah satu permintaan TUN utk kembali kpd UMNO,adakah ianya benar?adakah benar scomi akan menerima rm250 juta setahun selama 30 tahun di atas kontrak tersebut?harap dapat ulasan drpd TUN berkaitan isu ni…..wahai blogger apakah sifat2 org munafik?jgn jwb tp pk siapa orgnya….haha
kepada TUN sekeluarga jaga kesihatan dan doa kami rakyat Malaysia sentiasa mengiringi perjuangan TUN…..wassalam
Dear Tun
Well said at para 3 , 4 , 5 and 11.
All Mlaysians should unite and support your well comment blog herein.
Salam Tun,
harap Tun boleh la boh gambar open house barang sekeping dua untuk kami yang tak dapat pi ni nak tengok…
Dear Tun,
Our PM is dragging his feet, not unexpected from a wimp leader who does not see the urgency of the issue at hand ie the dwindling support of Malaysian for BN and the growing strenght of the opposition. We are held at ransom by his procrastination.
Personally, as a non-politician and a member of the society, I think 4 years may not be sufficient to regain lost ground so, 3 months of delay is very substantial. Why can’t he make his decision swiftly now and move on?
The repercussion to ordinary man like us are serious. Internal political instability is proving very damaging to our weakening economy. We need a great and dynamic leader to re-instill confidence and fix the many problems created by the current administration particularly on racial conflict. If eventually the opposition forms the federal government, I foresee serious turmoil ahead as parties of different ideologies should not lead the nation. They are merely suppressing their hidden agenda for the sake of gaining political control at the moment.
As it is, we do not know who will be the best leader to lead. But the UMNO election is important because the most popular leader elected will be the best person to lead. At least he has the most grassroot support. So, I personally do not favour the idea of the transition plan. Najib’s popularity needs to be tested through the election process. Do away with the requirement of minimum nomination. With that, all potential leaders will participate in a democratic election proceess. This is just the first step to a thousand mile to rejuvenate UMNO and BN.
Tun, I wish you were the senior minister in the cabinet. At least, you could have flexed some muscle to push through some reform. The media appears to be manipulative as your comments in your blog are selectively and inaccurately published.
I believe there are many people out there who wish you are at helm at this moment. I have asked a few friends about their best PM choice between the current PM and Anwar. Many prefers Anwar. I won’t opt for either. When I included you, all concur that you are their absolute choice. I know this is not quite possible though I hope it could be the case.
It’s sad that Malaysia is going through such problem during such turbulent times when the global economy is convincingly descending into rescession. And we have a “recalcitrant” leader who is probably unconscious of the magnitude of the problem in hand. I also blame the sycophant UMNO smaller leaders and the media for not being firm and truthful to themselves and the public.
Whilst many argue that such experience Malaysia is going through is healthy and good for the long term, What I worry is the damage caused may be forever irreparable.
Tun has been a leader for more that 2 decades. I wonder what Tun foresee about the political and economic scenario in the next 4 years. Just some insight at least to prepare those who care to read your blog of the days ahead.
Asalamualaikum bapak….
ceq ker sukupatah perkataan pun yh si dol tu cakap haram nak percaya…kekadang terfikir gak…dah lah org tak hormat dia..kedudukkan dia pun org tak hormat…duk takto malu lagi….
p/s…jeles giler nengok kengkawan p raya umah bapak….
ada berita kat tv tu..nak pembohong pun pada2 lah kan…
satu kata 50,0000 satu kata satu ratus ribu raya kat umah DIA tu…
umah bapak tak citer pun….citketepuiiiiiiiiiiiii……
Assalamualaikum Tun.
Selamat Hari Raya. Maaf Zahir batin.
Setuju berhenti makan sebelum kenyang. Ini tidak dah kenyang nak tambah lagi………….perangai orang tamak.
Tiga bulan ada makna tu!!!!!. Saya dengan rendah diri menawarkan diri untuk jawatan TIMBALAN PRESIDEN UMNO…..leh tak. Ini lagi satu kekalutan pemimpin UMNO. Tak kiralah apa kesanya pada UMNO kalau Pak Dolah tak jadi letak jawatan tp prinsipnya hancuss. Terang terang yang tawar diri tu tak layak.
Apa nak jadi (ulang 2X). Masing masing pentingkan diri.
Salam sejahtera Tun,
Sudah menjadi satu kebiasaan bagi seseorang yang tamak, tidak akan mungkin melepaskan jawatan begitu saja apatah lagi jawatan No 1 di Malaysia iaitu PERDANA MENTERI MALAYSIA.
Bila di suruh turun, dia akan cakap ramai lagi penyokong yang suruh tangguh,kerja belum selesai tetapi keputusannya tak nampak.
Bagi saya Tun, jikalau seseorang yang tidak berprinsip (seperti Pak Lah)dia beranggapan bahawa Najip seolah olah seperti dia juga tiada prinsip dan mungkir janji.Samalah seperti apa yang dijanjikan kepada Tun sewaktu Tun masih jadi PM dulu.Waktu No.2, ok Tun, yes Tun, promise Tun. Tapi bila dah jadi No.1, who is Tun Dr M?
As such, dia takut Najip seperti dia juga padahal Najip lebih jauh berbeza daripada dia.
Kalau situasi ini berlarutan dan berpanjangan, kemungkinan besar UMNO-BN akan jadi pembangkang sebelum pilihan raya ke-13.
Tun, wishing you selamat hari raya =D
i saw you in person once about…. 12 years ago. i think it’s the amanah saham wawasan 2020 thing. you were walking by next to me when you were arriving to deliver your speech. i should’ve shook your hand at that time. but i was 10 at the time. didn’t occur to me =D
i enjoy reading your blog. i appreciate the insight given by it. thoroughly enjoyable.
all the best regards.
Dear Tun,
My wife is all optimistic on the Mar 09 announcement. But, I am not. Oct ni pun, I am holding my breath. Now that everybody nak bertanding, lagilah have me thinking and thinking. I wonder whether si Oxfort nak tukar possisi, maybe jawatan yang dipohon dah silap, should join ali rustam, zahid hamidi n etc etc.Kekadang terfikir jugak mungkinkah ada diantara mereka-mereka yang nak jawatan itu adalah boneka nya etc….kenapa suratkhabar,tv suka selit2 kan si oxfort tu,agaknya?Rasanya macam masa pilihanraya dulu pula, dimana si 16Sept tu sering dapat liputan media letronik dan cetak dan kita semua dah tahu apa dah jadi. Jangan ulang..bak kata tun bertanding betul2 do it the democratic way..orang media jangan obvious sangat, tolong jangan pengaruh dan under estimate minda kami.TAk payahlah tunjuk si dia jatuh kuda balut tangan ke , famili day syarikat yang dilampurkan media dituduh nu ..clear tu…Ni,tiga bulan tu cukup untuk cover footprint je bukan buat pavement baru yang tak tahu mana penghujung jalan nya…tapi tahu resultnya…hancus…
maaf iya Tun, bukan apa …anak saya muda lagi, kami bukan english spoken famili tapi ajar juga anak tu bahasa ingeris sebab kami faham dan nak compliment wawasan kementerian pelajaran…tup2 si oxford ni nak tukar…kalau bagi option takpalah,,,terus2 nak tukar..anakbuah kaum kerabat dia semua berpeluang dan pandai2…anak saya besok jadi penyokong anak2 mereka aje ke?.semua nak tukar, bola lah , jambatan..bagi muka kat mat rempit lah .Saya susah nak percayakan mereka lagi..flip flop memanjang.Tolong, orang2 UMNO kembalikan semula kegemilangan itu…put a stop to their nonsense…simpan keris tu, “guna lah otak”[ pinjam kata2 datuk najib pernah kata di perhimpunan]…lawan tak semesti nya dengan senjata, minda aje pun dah cukup hebat.Jangan tumpang minda oxford, guna minda sendiri kan tuhan dah bagi tiap2 kita, gunakan.
Selamat sejahtera kepada Tun dan Isteri, semuga sihat selalu dan diberkati dengan tahap kesihatan yang baik.Assalammualaikum
pak lah membazir masa yang ada untuk kepentingan diri sendiri.
Dear Tun,
Again this is something to do with politics. What type of judicial and legal reforms are we talking about after the resignation of Law Minister Zaid Ibrahim. He himself admitted that the reform is hard to come by with resistance from UMNO internally.
I believe this is an attempt of clinging to power and most importantly to install KJ as the next UMNO Youth Chief. Why so much power has been given to the President that he can simply postpone the General Assembly in his favour ?
Assalamualaikum TUN.
Apalah diaorang ni takut sangat nak lawan ketua. Kalau ketua tu salah, gohek sajalah. Tak payah nak tunjuk hormat2 ke, disiplin ke.Dia tak nak turun, kita kasi dia turun. Ini tak suruh dia dok fikir2 lagi. Nak fikir apa lagi? Nak tungguk kapal tergolek-golek terus tenggelam baru nak turun tahta. So please la. Turun sekarang dengan turun 3 bulan lagi, tak banyak bezanya. Makin gelap negara sekarang ada la.
Entahlah TUN. Diaorang ni bodoh tak boleh diajar, pandai tak boleh diikut. Entah bodoh sombong ke atau sombong bodoh ke, sama je kat diaorang tu.
Ok TUN, Jaga kesihatan ya.
He he he warna baju melayu TUN sama dengan baju melayu suami saya. La La La.
Love u always TUN.
I believe he needs the 3 months to secure the control of Petronas to KJ and the gang, place his people here to remain untouchable etc. All for the greater good of them. Then somebody else becomes PM and he too will try retake Petronas for the greater good of some sort as well. I wonder when will these good intentions end? Things are so loose everyone with power can simple rob the country and make such claims and we just watch with our jaws on the floor helpless.
asalamualaikum w.b.t,
menangguh 3 bln bermakna membuang masa 3 bln. dlm tempoh 3 bln tentunya seorg PM baru skiranya dia seorg yg berkarisma dan berani mampu mengambil langkah perlu utk memulihkan kembali situasi bercelaru dlm negara terutama skali asas2 perpaduan rakyat.
cukup 5 tahun mjd PM, apa yg telah dibuat pak lah telah merosakkan masa depan negara, agama dan perpaduan rakyat. walaupun pak lah kata jgn samakn cara kepimpinan dia dgn PM sebelum ini krn dia ada cara tersendiri, tetapi jelas nyata cara dia lambat, lembab, lembik, lemah, kabur dan mudah jd sasaran mereka yg nak ambik kesempatan dr kelemahan dia.
Dear Tun,
Good afternoon.
I am just wondering how is UMNO going to win back the trust of the people even if there is a leadership change.
The DPM’s name has been tainted. He has not been truthful. To me he should have cleared his name in court.
Who else do you think can lead UMNO and the Barisan?
The MCA and MIC and Gerakan have a long way to win the confidence of the non-malays.
To me, the Barisan can only win if the PKR governing states falters.
Good day.
Tun yang terhormat,
Bila agaknya orang-orang politik di Malaysia ini mahu start buat kerja? Suruh pergi mengundi kami sudah pergi mengundi. Masalahnya lepas pilihanraya memang wajar satu pihak jadi pembangkang dan satu pihak jadi pemerintah. Tapi ni sekarang ni yang jadi pembangkang mahu rampas kuasa dan jadi kerajaan dan yang jadi kerajaan pula sibuk mahu jaga kedudukan dalam parti. Kerja tidak jalan.
Ada jenaka yang pernah saya dengar kalau bagi pilihan mahu langgar dengan kereta, saya akan langgar orang politik daripada langgar ‘skunk’.
Rakyat susah, menderita, harga barang naik, kos sara hidup semakin tinggi, bank mencekik darah dan kedekut mahu bagi pinjaman, beratus ribu bumiputera dan Melayu di dalam senarai CCRIS dan CTOS, anak masuk universiti kena pinjam duit dulu (dermasiswa dan biasiswa already history), berniaga pun semakin sukar sebab kos meningkat, sewa naik, tambang naik dan senarai nya memang panjang lagi…
Tapi orang politik Malaysia sibuk mahu jaga kedudukan mereka sebab mereka dapat gaji bersih. Tol pun tak payah bayar dan elaun macam-macam jenis supaya gaji mereka tidak terusik. Itu tidak mengambil kira habuan yang mereka terima kiri dan kanan.
SEDAR LAH….. kami dah muak!
Assalmualaikum TUN….
Ramai yang terkilan kerana tak dapat hadir ke rumah terbuka tun termasuk saya… saya hanya melihat di kaca Tv sahaja.. aral melintang..
sebenarnya kesempatan yang ada harus digunakan sebaik mungkin.. setiap detik itu berharga.. jika sehari Pak Lah ada di tahta.. kerugian yang amat besar dalam sejarah negara.. Ahli sejarah pening memikirkan bagaimana nak menulis kebaikan,jasa2 dan pengorbanan Pak Lah selaku Perdana Menteri buku sejarah..
Dalam bulan puasa saya dah tiga kali berjumpa dengan Khir Toyo.. dengan KJ dua kali.. saya mendengar hujah, misi dan wawasan mereka.. kalau dengar cair hati semua orang.. saya tertunggu-tunggu bila dapat berjumpa dengan Dato’ Mukriz.. langsung tiada berita.. saya harap Dato’ Mukriz menggandakan usaha untuk bertemu peringkat bawahan.. bukan kerana WANG.. tapi kerana PERJUANGAN… Kami nak dengar sendiri..
Assalammualaikum Tun ,isteri dan selamat petang buat semua.Lama saya tak menulis disini ,walaupun agak lewat membacanya.Hari ini dengan izinNYA ,saya diberi kesempatan setelah sibuk dgn tugas2 yang tak menentu.Rasa2nya 3 bulan pun sudah terlalu lama tu,kenapa tak terus turun sja.Jadi tak payah kita nak bising2 pasal dia lagi.Ada banyak hal yang perlu difikirkan selepas itu.Kita tak mahu pisang berbuah dua kali,cukup dengan masalah yang ada sekarang ini yang belum pasti bagaimana untuk mengatasinya.Pak Lah mesti bertanggungjawap juga ,jangan nak lepas tangan walaupun sudah turun kelak.Tun rasa2nya hampir keseluruhan ahli kabinet harus di siasat dan tindak harus dikenakan.Kerana kita tak mahu simpan ahli2 yang merosakkan negara.Tun ,saya harap kita dapat menyelesaikan hal2 yang menjahanamkan negara.Tun harap negara kita aman dan maju semula seperti zaman Tun.semoga usaha Tun diberkati ALLAH dan selamat hari raya.
Dolah sudah ibarat bola di depan pintu gol, tolak sikit je dah kira gol, tetapi kalau sukar sangat nak kuis, atau bahasa sopannya ‘tendang’ dia, yang salahnya bukan dolah, tapi si bahalul najib dan rakan2, muhyiddin dah gelecek tapi bab nak ‘tendang’ macam tiba tiba dah jadi penakut dan pondan.
Dah malas cerita kebaculan orang UMNO, macam nak muntah hijau, elok Tun bercuti lima ke enam bulan keluar negara, biaq mampuih pi depa dok kelamkabut sama sendiri.
Akan datang, elok juga kalau UMNO jadi komponen PAS dalam mentadbir negara. UMNO dibuka keahlian kepada non-bumi – UNITED MALAYSIAN NATIONAL ORGANISATION
assalamualaikum tun,
its all about decision making. swift and right decision comes from a clear conscience. i still can remember during your time youve made swift decision on lots of issues and all goes well. some might not agree with your decision at that time but they abide to it and now many who doesnt agree has agreed. people live in harmony the economy was vibrant .
the result of unclear conscience is – delayed decision. and the result is problem unsolved. this is why the hindraf is getting more biadab. and many more other cases.
rakyat can see it and rakyat can feel it. delayed decision without a clear conscience has burdened the rakyat ie, prices of petrol which led to so on and so on….price hikes.
i respected u tun because of your clear conscience. thus u dont need to apologise. and there is no delayed decision.
[email protected]
TUN dan sekalian kekawan.
Itu lah jadi tanda tanya sekarang. Mintak lagi tanggunh 3 bulan.
Kalau dah nak letak jawatan tu letak lah sekarang. Tunda2 lagi apa hal.Boring sungguh lah si DOLlar ni.
Saya rasa ada yang tak kena ni.Mesti ada apa2 yang sedang di rancang oleh tingkat 4 tu.
Silap ari bulan Tok Ajib pun terlepas jadi PM. Baru lah padan muka Tok Ajib. Dok terangguk2 tergeleng2.
Saya pasti ada rancangaan lain sedang bergolak dalam penentuan pucuk kepimpinan UMNO.
Bukan TOK AJIB yang bakal dinobatkan sebagai penganti SI DOLlar tu.
Tapi proxy SI KJ. Kerana untuk menjayakan cita2 dan kedudukan nya dalam UMNO dan kerajaan.
Bila KJ menang ketua Pemuda.Dia akan dilantik jadi menteri.Seterusnya akan berusaha menjadikan diri nya Naib presiden dan seterusnya timbalan presiden.
Dalam tempoh 10 tahun akan datang cita2nya nak jadi PM Malaysia pasti akan terlaksana. Puihhhhh!!! Nak termuntah!!
Dah boleh baca semua itu taktik basi politik. Jangan harap akan semudah itu.
Harap semua peringkat ahli UMNO hati2 lah membuat pemilihan.
Renung lah jauh2 sikit. Jangan lah kerana sehelai kain pelikat negara tergadai.
TUN, terima kaseh mengadakan OPEN HOUSE semalam. Meriah, Berduyun2 rakyat nak beraya degan TUN. Itu lah tanda nya TUN maseh disayangi Rakyat. Saya juga sempat bergambar dengan TUN dan TUN Hasmah.Terima kaseh.
dear Tun,
yesterday i went to your open house, i love the satay & soy drink very much… we walked to your home as we parked our car at the hotel.. by reaching at your house.. we are too tired oredy to queue and wish “salam” to you… i just can see you both from far.. && im very happy that you still looks healthy and happy…
As on Badawi, i think it even pointless to mention his name.So i wont write anythin on him, as it will only spoiled my Raya mood..??? =))Tun, if im having an open house, would you be honoured to come??? hihi..
about politic?? why dont rafidah aziz suggest her name as one of the calon for the prime minister post… i know she have lots of scandal… but no one can deny her ability to lead this country.. i think she enter politic since she was 21 years old!!!! she have 40++ of experience.. which is priceleeess!!! && we havent yet to see a lady as our prime minister, Right!!!
Salam tun,
Pak Lah belum jumpa lagi apa yang dicarinya, Al-Ghazali, bukan harta bertimbun.
Dalam tiga bulan ni kut-kut la sempat jumpa.
Itu lah nasib orang derhaka kat tok guru.
Kesian dia noooo.
Assalamualaikum Tun. Just wanna share wt everyone that i was at Tun’s raya open house yesterday and it was great! Tun, the food served was really good and my daughther was so happy to receive ‘duit raya’! Not that i want to compare, but i guess i can’t help it, because i was also at PM’s open house at PWTC on 1st day raya and the food was dissapointingly ‘not so great’…as my Mom said it, “semua makanan yang kering kering..” But the food at Tun’s house was really fantastic wt all Raya dishes there..ketupat, rendang, lemang, roti jala, soto, kek coklat, and ofcourse paling best was the Satay! Congrats Tun for making all of us felt so welcome and the suasana was really nice and friendly. Thank you Tun and may Allah bless you and yr family always.
Assalamualaikum Tun. Just wanna share wt everyone that i was at Tun’s raya open house yesterday and it was great! Tun, the food served was really good and my daughther was so happy to receive ‘duit raya’! Not that i want to compare, but i guess i can’t help it, because i was also at PM’s open house at PWTC on 1st day raya and the food was dissapointingly ‘not so great’…as my Mom said it, “semua makanan yang kering kering..” But the food at Tun’s house was really fantastic wt all Raya dishes there..ketupat, rendang, lemang, roti jala, soto, kek coklat, and ofcourse paling best was the Satay! Congrats Tun for making all of us felt so welcome and the suasana was really nice and friendly. Thank you Tun and may Allah bless you and yr family always.
Salam Tun,
Dah ler Pak Lah…..orang dah taknak Paklah….orang dah serik dah bosan gan Pak Lah……Sekarang nie pun, biar kali2 Pak Lah minta maaf kat TV, orang tak tengok pun…ni lagi nak minta 3 bulan…..siap2 orang mogok buang TV dari tengok muka Pak Lah…yelah muka tak “malu”…
Let see what will happen on this October 9. What will happen if Pak Lah still want to contest the President post in this coming PAU? Will Najib challenge him for the top post?
KUALA LUMPUR, Sept 28 (Bernama) — The postponement of the Umno general assembly to March next year does not contravene any regulation in the party constitution, its vice-president, Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin said.
He said it was the right of the party’s supreme council to decide on the date to hold its general assembly.
“As provided in the Umno constitution, the highest authority is the supreme council, besides the general assembly, and the supreme council has the right to fix the dates for meetings, including that of the general assembly, and the latest is the decision to postpone the general assembly… I don’t see how this can be an infringement of the constitution,” he told reporters after breaking fast with single mothers and the disabled here Sunday night.
He said everybody should look at the postponement in a wider context, which was to solve problems on the power transition and based on the understanding reached by the leadership.”
Saya lihat ahli2 MT are a bunch of goondus!!! Semua ahli2 MT dah jadi lembu kena cucok hidung, tak boleh berfikir, cetek pemikiran, tak pijak di bumi yang nyata dan tiada langsung perihatin dengan nasib rakyat dan parti. Mereka semua dah lapuk, dudok kerusi MT terlalu lama, dah berkarat, dah jadi besi yang berkarat, sudah wajar di antar scrap.
DPM dan semua ahli2 MT harus letak jawatan kerana tidak perihatin dengan kehendak ahli2 UMNO. Najibful kerana terlalu kowtow dengan Pak Lahap, jadi pengecut, bachul dan dayus!!!! Apakah ini contoh pemimpin umat Melayu, saya rasa bangsa kita akan jatuh tersungkur.
Seorang pemimpin yang betul2 mempunyai ciri2 pemimpin, harus taruk kepentingan Parti dan negara lebih dari kehendak dan kepetingan peribadi. Dengan menyokong dan kowtow kepada Pak Lahap, demi menjaga nasi periuk dan pewot kembung beliau, menjadi pengecut, bachul dan dayus, Najibful tak layak jadi pemimpin!!! Pi lah dok one corner, makan burger 1dozen, biao pewot kembung macam ikan buntal.
Ahli2 MT di pileh oleh ahli2 parti dari yang bawah. Ahli2 parti yang dibawah yang memileh mereka dudok di MT. Mereka harus berkhidmat untuk kepentingan parti dan kepada kepentingan dan kehendak ahli2 parti.
Persoalan nya:
Dengan menunda Perhimpunan agung ke bulan March, adakah ini akan memberi manfaat kepada Parti, keuntungan untuk Parti atau memberi kepentingan Pak Lahap dan memberi manfaat kepada Pak Lahap?
Jawapan nya sudah jelas lagi bersuloh, ini hanya akan memberi manfaat dan hanya kepentingan Pak Lahap. Ahli2 MT semua otak berjambul, dah tak bole berfikir atau kerana sikap pengecut, bachul, dayus, sanggup memberi persetujuan kepada Pak Lahap tanpa berasa segan silu, sebulat suara memberi manfaat kepada Pak Lahap, membelakangan kepentingan Parti dan hasrat semua ahli2 Parti. Ini sudah terang lagi bersuloh, adalah satu pengkianatan kepada semua ahli2 dan UMNO sendiri. Apa mereka berfikir yang mereka ni semua “Untouchable”. Sedah lah diri, awak ada jawatan atas kehendak ahli2 dan ahli2 boleh melucutkan jawatan awak. Terimakasih kerana khidmat awak selama ini, thank you very much and now get lost!!!
Semua ahli2 MT dan Pak Lahap sudah terang lagi bersuloh sudah sedar akan kebencian ahli2 Parti terhadap Presiden Parti. Semua ahli2 Parti mahu Presiden parti di Perhimpunan agung yang dijadualkan di bulan December, diberi mandat supaya letak jawatan dengan serta merta atau ditendang keluar, get lost, pi terjun dari Putrajaya.
Semua ahli2 Parti mahu Perhimpunan Agung di adakan di bulan December ini dan tidak ditunda. Ahli2 MT mesti menghormati kehendak semua ahli2 parti, ahli2 MT harus menjalankan amanah dan menjaga kepentingan parti bukan menjaga kepentingan Presiden. Kalao ini lah sikap ahli2 MT, semua ahli2 parti harus berani melawan arus dan reject ahli2 MT yang sudah lapuk macam besi berkarat, dan reject mereka semua. It is time for a total revamp demi kepentingan Parti.
Pak Lahap sebagai Presiden parti harus sedar diri. Awak dipileh menjadi Pesident parti atas kehendak ahli2 dalam Parti. Sekarang semua orang tahu yang rata2 semua ahli2 parti tidak mahu beliau dudok sebagai President Parti. Semua ahli2 parti dah meluat melihat karenah Pak Lahap dan pecaturan kotor dan jijik yang sedang beliau lakukan. Pak Lahap harus jadi gentlemen, bukan dayus and bachul. Sebagai Imam Hadhari, tapi tak tau diri, beliau sebagai pemimpin harus taruk kepentingan Parti dahulu dari kepentingan diri. Dengan menunda tarikh perhimpunan Agung, Pak Lahap telah membelakangkan kepentingan dan hasrat ahli2 Parti dan UMNO. Itu bukan sikap seseorang Imam, pemimpin atau Presiden parti. Pak Lahap sudah jelas lagi terang bersuloh, tak layak jadi Pemimpin atau Presiden Parti, hanya layak jadi Tok Kadi kot. Kita tahu yang beliau sudah desperado sekarang, beliau perlu waktu untuk membuat pecaturan kotor supaya, konco2, penjilat2 dan pembodek2 beliau akan dapat faedah dan dapat menjalankan kerja2 kotor beliau. Marilah kita semua buka mata dan hati. Pecaturan jijik sedang dan sudah berjalan.
Semua ahli2 parti, Teruna dan dara, Kakak2 dan abang2, makcik2 dan pakcik2, ayuh!!!! jangan merelakan durjana2 ini melakukan sewenang wenang Parti kita semua. Jangan kita merelakan durjana2 dan pengkianat2 ini dengan sewenang wenang melakukan sukahati mereka macam parti bapak mereka. Ini adalah Parti kita semua, UMNO melambangkan Parti bangsa dan negara dan bukan parti bapak mereka.
Mari lah kita semua, perwira bangsa dan negara, lakukan untuk kepentingan dan martabat bangsa dan parti.
Hanya inilah cara untuk mengekang Pak Lahap dan konco2 nya, daripada meranapkan Parti dan negara.
Pak Do Lah suka ti Do lah
Pak Do Lah dah tau rakyat tak suka beliau tapi di buat bo Do lah
Sekarang Pak Do Lah dah so despera Do lah
Belia benci……….i!!!! Pak Lah!
Gula2 Pak Lahap dah tak laku lah!!!
Hidup UMNO!!! Hidup Melayu!!!! Hidup Tun!!!!
Dear Tun
First thing First – Selamat Hari Raya.
hmmm hmmm hmmm… I don’t think that ABD would annouces anything comes 9/03/2008. He likely will summon another so-call emergency council meeting, get another extention.. hhahahhaha… typical of his style.
Why can’t he just step down gracefully. He would be remember as Malaysia PM that step down due to poor performance but brave enough to adhere that stepping down is the best he can do.
Holding on to finish unfinish task… honest does ABD thinks 3 months can do wonders.
Honestly – my personal opinion… if he seriously wanted to step down by 2010, he would not have taken the Ministries of Defence portfolio. Why bother to head any portfolio. Just doesn’t make sense. He should just concentrate to pass over to DPM and that’s it.. a graceful exit.
So … he ain’t stepping down until he gets what he wants most !!!1
Assalamualaikum Dr. Mahathir and wife!
1. Selamat Hari Raya dan terima kasih kerana menjemput kami semua ke rumah Dr. semalam.
2. Seronok dapat bersalam dengan Dr. dan isteri. Dr. kalau salam dengan orang mesti tengok mata. Means that you are sincere. You really look at my friend yesterday maybe bcoz he is Arab and wearing baju melayu.
3. Makanan semua sedap2. Dan yang paling saya suka kek coklat I can finish a lot only for cake choclate.
4. The arrangement was nice.
5. Rumah Tun cantik and simple je.
6. And I surprise a lot of Chinese at your open house yesterday. I dun know whether they come to eat free or admire you.I asked one of this chinese lady from PJ. She says this is second time she will shake hand with Mahathir. And she look excited.
Tun tahun depan buat lagi open house okay…..
salam Tun..
minggu nie Pak Lah nk umumkan sesuatu yg akan mengejutkan seluruh pelusuk tanah malaysia..beliau akan meletakkan jawatan sebagai Presiden UMNO dan Perdana Menteri Malaysia…tetapi akn berusaha untuk melobi ahli2 wanita UMNO untuk jawatan Ketua Wanita UMNO pulak…wakakakakakaka
Salam Tun,
I’m thinking that kenapa bulan 3.. maybe sbb dia nak stepdown tu..kalau tetiba bulan 11 nie nak turun..nampak mcm pengecut pulak..
dia sure nak tgk market.. ada org nak sokong dia ke tak..if not sure.. before march dia umum le.. nak bersara.. kalau dia bertanding.. sure malu ler..silap2 kalah pulak..
KJ pun ..i dont think bole menang.. sure Dato Mukhriz kot.. byk ramalan mengatakan Mukhriz bole menang jawatan Ketua Pemuda. InshaAllah..
Salam TUN and readers,
Holidays is over and rumah terbuka yet to come…
And in line waiting is more biskut lawak politik dan nasi impit main belakang……
Hmm..Sebagai rakyat yg cetek ilmu politik saya nak labelkan
Pak Lah – syok sendiri
Khairy – syok sendiri
Anuar – syok sendiri
Najib – syok sendiri
Buat lah apa yg korang nak buat because at the end korang akan dapat ape yg korang nak and not the rest
Kalau duit yang korang mahu … maka duit lah yang kamu dapat
Kalau kuasa yang korang mahu … maka kuasa lah yang kamu dapat
Dan yang selebihnya korang takkan dapat APA-APA … maruah tergadai, nama tercemar, keturunan dihina…
– sedang stratagize how to overcome political tsunami in malaysia
– sedang think outside the box how to overcome financial turbulance in malaysia
– sedang influence people to ensure current weak leadership is rejected
– sedang explaining current political situation locally and other related countries
– sedang menyatupadukan rakyat berbilang kaum
– and the list goes on
No briliant statement from other political personnel … diorang cume akan berbunyi atau sibuk2 nak kasi komen tanda setuju setiap kali Pak Lah bersuara atau ketika TUN bagi cadangan mula lah nak reject cakap yg bukan2
Ya Lah Tun,
I think that is the difference between a good leader and a not so good one. The good leader will know when to resign even when he is at the strongest and people want him to stay on. Whilst the not so good one will not want to resign when people wants him to go and will delay dally and make people pressure him to resign quickly.
A good leader will resign immediately when his coalition cannot secure two thirds majority and at the same time losing five states and a federal territory – Kuala Lumpur.
Wish you all the best of health and hopefully when the new leader takes over and forms a Presidential Advisory Council. you will be able to play an important role in bringing the confidence and influence back to UMNO and Barisan Nasional.
Racun Penawar.
YABhg Tun’
He is a man of many ‘WORDS’.
Morning words would be different in the evening.
Salam Tun,
Selamat hari raya maaf zahir dan batin. Mengenai cerit Pak Lah, saya pun jadi curiga dgn sikap Pak Lah menunda pemilihan pucuk pimpinan UMNO ke bulan 3. Dari tekaan saya mungkin ada kena mengena mengenai perkara berikut:
1. Something to do with big grant allocated to the Armed Forces and contract to replace Sykosky.
2. To wait court decision on Altuntuya case and may be someting to do with Najib
3. To assure his son in law and position in UMNO
4. Buying time for some hidden agenda
But ini semua tekaan saya sahaja.
Semuga Tun sihat dan senyum selalu…..
Abdullah Badawi is actually buying time for Mr.Cally, Camaluddin and Cairy. Some could cash-out while another is trying to move up.
Simply put, the three months is for the ‘Great Khazanah Robbers’ to escape.
Salam Buat Tun
Isnât its normal for AAB to say something different today and the next few hours saying something else? Flip Flop as he is and flip flop as he always will be. I also have doubt that AAB will announce his retirement for the next party election in March next year.
He will say the extension is for UMNO to set up the new structure for the unity of UMNO towards the important election. AAB then secretly make sure that KJ been elected the Youth wing Leadership and Najib must play around and make sure he does his work for this to happen.
Then only Najib will be given a clear root for the take over.
What happen next?
Najib will make KJ a full minister in an important ministry once he became PM (as he promise). Of course as the youth Head leader nobody can question Najib for the position that KJ got. But the first task for the next PM is to make sure that his son-in-law gets promoted in politics.
At the end Malaysia will be back to square 1. Iâm sure lots of people aware that 50% or more the reason why BN lost in the last election and loses lots of state is because of the name Khairy Jamaluddin and yet the UMNO members still not see this and still praise him as someone who is very important for nation building. Infact he is like a termite that will destroy what the other PM had built.
The reason why Malaysian hate AAB is because of KJ behind him. We donât want proxy PMâ¦.. We want PM that can think for him self as well capable of giving brilliant ideas and do brilliant things to enhance the economy and at the same time are firm on things you do.
We no longer got respect from other nation because simply we donât respect ourself.
We no longer have honor inside us coz we donât practice honor in our management life.
So what do we have? The lies and shit?
Selamat hari raya tun,
we all have high hope for pak lah to turn this country into a better living place 5 years ago. he failed us and now his time is up and he refuse to go.
its’ rediculous that PM rule the country but we rakyat can’t decide our PM directly rather than relies on hand of few peopls.
Malaysia Image Board
The sooner the better,better now, before its too late. AAB must step down the day BN lost 5 States to the opposotion.The delaying tactic by AAB must no longer be entertained any more. MT UMNO must know this by now.Delayed is the remedy for cowards like AAB.Nothing can be accomplished until AAB step down.Tun as far as we are all concerned, Tun is still in UMNO, nobody can deny of this, and that is the facts.The grassroot from Johore has voiced their disatisfaction wanting a changed in leadership and President of UMNO.At this present moment a changed is needed for the good of UMNO & BN unlike those days when UMNO & BN was strong.As long as AAB does not let go of his position UMNO & BN will be history.UMNO is at its weakest point at this moment of time. Sorry for being unable to be present during Tun open house dated 5/9/08.”Selamat Hari Raya” Salam from Azif & Family.
Assalamualaikum Ayahanda Tun,
Gembira rasanya dapat bersalam dan mencium tangan Tun semasa rumah terbuka semalam. Semoga tahun hadapan berjumpa lagi.
Salam dari anakanda,
Cucu Tok Selampit.
Assalamualaikum Dear Tun
The best thing we can hope is Dato’ Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi on the 9th of October announcing that he will not contest for the Presidency of Umno and things will follow as usual and the one who is chosen for the President of Umno will become the Prime Minister of Malaysia and the one chosen for the Deputy President will become the Deputy Prime Minister of Malaysia. The tradition follows and the dynasty of Umno continue.If Dato’ Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi announce that he will contest for the post of President of Umno,I may suggest to you that you should challenge him. In this way he will be forced to step down and you, take over the post of Prime Minister of Malaysia for the second time and do all the necessary things to rejuvenate our beloved country Malaysia to the level of excellent. Five years has been given to Dato’ Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi but as you say he did nothing other than destroying whatever you have done.Please be braved to do it and as long you are sincere Allah will love you.
YAB Tun,
Firstly, thank you for having your Open House last 5th Oct. I had the chance to meet you and thank you personally even though I doubt you will remember all from the thousands of people who came. Anyway, I was satisfied to finally personally thank you for all you have done and is doing for the country.
2nd, this PM is just stubborn. He feels he can hoodwink the people and UMNO specifically with his delaying tactics. Everyone who in their right mind can see that he is delaying for reasons though not clear but definitely to benefit himself, since stepping down as soon as possible can only be good for the people, UMNO, and the BN.
Unfortunately Tun, despite this obvious unnecessary delays till March 2009, leaders in UMNO are again ‘silent’, except for Tengku Razaleigh. Everybody seem to still try to ask him to step down gracefully.
Why cant leaders in UMNO see and say the obvious?
The people do not want DS Abdullah to be the PM anymore. People worry about the country’s fate in his hands.
Therefore, he should recognize this and step down immediately.
The time to be graceful have passed and it is due to him and UMNO’s own fault. He refuse to listened to criticisms against his actions despite it was clear he does not know what he is doing ( postponing of the bridge project for example ). UMNO sidelined its senior leaders for advice. Some are purely blocked to media access.
As such no one is forcing him to step down .He himself is stubborn to accept a fact and therefore niceties or graciousness or respect for that matter is eroding extremely fast.
With the delay due date – it demonstrates that this stubbornness and ignorance have reach beyond help and therefore he should be coerced to step down immediately.
UMNO must stop this ‘cowardice’…please show some guts leaders!!!
Very Good.
Pak Lah is conered. He needs an exit strategy to save face.I don’t think he is bothered about UMNO/BN.
Pray that this obstinate Pak Lah will step down for the sake of Malaysia.
Apa jua tindakan Pak Lah sekarang tidak dipersetujui ramai. Mereka makin membenci.
Tun, sihat?
Macam mana dengan raya?
Dear Tun,
By getting the grassroot supports, he can influence UMNO divisions by giving them all kinds of attractive and palatable offers such as contracts, positions and of course money. I would not be surprised because this is quite normal and it happens around us in Malaysia anytime. Do you think they will reject to accept the offers?
Anyway let us wait and see what will he annouce on 9th October.
YA Bhg Tun,
First and foremost – Selamat Hari Raya to Tun Dr Siti Hasmah and you sir.
In my opinion, the transition must be spelt out in detail and explained clearly. One must remember that by convention, whoever holds the Presidency and Deputy Presidency of UMNO, will also be the PM and DPM of Malaysia. On this argument alone and to start on the path of recovering the Rakyat’s confidence, the Supreme Council must have a clear road map on the transition and stick to it. As far as I am concerned, Pak Lah is to announce before 9 October 2008 that he is not defending his Presidency in UMNO, clearing the path for DS Najib to take over.
Sir, I am also EXCO Pemuda UMNO Malaysia and in charge of the Education Bureau. I have started a programme to trace and help school dropouts to get back into the schooling system. The Education Bureau is doing this in colloboration with the Ministry of Education. I humbly seek your assistance sir, if you see fit, to highlight the programme so that it reaches to as many as possible and be able to help more children.
May I respectfully refer you to my blog at http://aikmal.blogspot.com.
Thank you sir.
Selamat Hari Raya Aidil Fitri. It’s great to know that more than 10,000 showed up at your Raya reception yesterday. That’s proven that you are still relevant to Malaysian.
Anyway, I agree with you that Pak Lah might do something as he is used to do for the past 8 years. Najib better come up with plan B as his current boss is very famous for flip flop decision. Anything can happen.
Mungkin ada pelan untuk mengadakan jawatan baru (Minister Mentor) selepas berundur. Dari situ, aktiviti-aktiviti yang kurang sihat boleh diteruskan.
Salam Sejahtera Tun,
PM M’sia Pak Lah, nampak nya macam dah tak mempeduli dah ! Apa saja .. orang nak kata..! Dia kira Temboloq dia saja..!!
Malaysia nak Hancuq kaa..Leboq kaa !! Apa dia Peduli..!! Macam Islam Had..hari dia..! Laa ni nampak gaya.. dia dah Melalut tak tentu ke arah..!!
Mungkin kut dia Fobia.. bila jadi Mantan PM M’sia nanti..??
Mungkin jugak Dia dah nampak senario… masa akan datang nanti…bila dah jadi Bekas PM..!!!
Kerana apa yang pernah dilakukan pada Yg.Bhg.Tun dulu… mungkin Senario serupa akan Menimpa beliau pulaq…!! Malah mungkin… lagi Parah lagi.. dari apa yang Tun..Pernah alami…dulu..!!
Jadi …laa ni beliau dok tengah perkmaih…Apa2 yang patut..tuu laa kut dia dok Flip-Flop…!! Hari ni kata lain ..besok lusa .. kata lain pulaq…Macam Islam ada Had ada Hari dia… !!Cetusan idea dia lah konon..yang laa ni dah…ber..had-had…sangkut-sangkut hari demi hari..!!
Sekian dari Larut Tin Teypin…lain hari pulaq Nak Merapu Macam PM Malaysia laa nii..Wassalam. Terima kasih.
assalamualaikum chedet. i dont see any reason for dollah to delay the umno election. it should be as early as possible if he wants to go with pride. i think dollah and the gang is up to something. m impartial in this matter. what umno need is a change in leadership. only this change can make other changes in umno, for the better not for worse. if its still going to be worse, we change again. just like changing spark plugs or other parts of the engine in a car.umno members should do something quick before the ‘engine’ gets overheated and need to go for a major overhaul just because of not doing anything when the engine is running on three cyclinders.
yours sincerely, marhaen.
come 9th october PakLah will be forgone conclusion. let him retire peacefully enough said about him . for the future we must have the right leader and leadership. the last act for PakLah incase he want to leave his legacy is to drop UMNO quota system. Tun’s Perdana foundation can become a mederator for the great debate between 2 candidates for UMNO President ( Najib vs Razaleigh ?) and the great debate between all the candidates for UMNO Deputy President ( anyone for Kak Rafidah?) . the topic of the debate should cover not only politic but economic ,social,religion ,international relation,etc .the debate should be conducted both in english and bahasa malaysia.
very interesting also if we have the great debate between KJ vs Mukriz vs Khir Toyo
Dearest Tun,
Perhaps he wishes to step down in dignity.
He had five years to do so.
You can’t earn dignity in three months.
This is not like in the movies.
Especially after all he has done.
And has not done.
UMNO members, especially the MT must realize that they have Malaysian politics in their hands.
They must be brave to use those hand in this critical time.
Talk about a man of his word…nobody seems to be so nowadays.
Oh, how Malaysia misses the great leaders of the past.
Hopefully the leaders of the future aspire to be like one too.
Viva Malaysia.
Dr Mahathir,
Pak Lah was appointed by Tun,
there was another person initially groomed and ready,
but Tun chosed Pak Lah.
Pak Lah has done his best
Pak Lah may be weak
But he is doing his best
If pak Lah is no good,
it was Tun who has chosen him
Dr Mahathir,
Pak Lah was appointed by Tun,
there was another person initially groomed and ready,
but Tun chosed Pak Lah.
Pak Lah has done his best
Pak Lah may be weak
But he is doing his best
If pak Lah is no good,
it was Tun who has chosen him
YAB TDM dan keluarga,
Masaalah kemiskinan akan diselesaikan (eradicating poverty )
dalam masa 3 bulan,( Duit zakat dah berjuta-juta dan berbilion- belion tapi rakyat masih ada yang miskin, kalau peminta sedekah pun boleh hidup mewah tanpa pertolongan dari kerajaan) â MENGARUT
Masaalah (judicial and legal reforms ) dalam masa 3 bulan â MELAWAK
Masaalah (social reforms ) membiarkan persatuan haram HINDRAF (HINDU)
membuat kacau di tempat (ISLAM) merayakan satu Shawal dan apa lagi selepas ini setiap hari mereka membuat kacau kalau tambah lagi 3 bulan, apalagi yang mereka kan lakukan, – BENGANG
Masaalah ( something about Islam Hadhari.) tak payahlah susah-susah! â baleklah kita kepada FITRAH
Rakan ku sekalian, marilah kita bersama berdoâa semuga mereka-mereka yang ingin menjatuhkan maruah ISLAM akan menerima malapetaka dan dilaknati ALLAH jua, kita tunggu dan lihat, kerana kita hanya memohon kepadanya.
Kejujuran TUN akan terserlah, ALLAHHUAKBAR
Dr Mahathir,
Pak Lah was appointed by Tun,
there was another person initially groomed and ready,
but Tun chosed Pak Lah.
Pak Lah has done his best
Pak Lah may be weak
But he is doing his best
If pak Lah is no good,
it was Tun who has chosen him
Sadly Tun, he’s not gonna go!
Pak Lah if you can listen; dengarlah rintihan rakyat Malaysia ini. Pencapaian kita baru saja hendak menapak. Kita tidak mahu Malaysia yang dahulunya cemerlang, terus gagal dan tak bangkit-bangkit lagi. To manage developing country like ours is really tough, you had your chance and you’ve tried your best. Please, time is essence, and the time is now; LET GO!
YBhg Tun Dr M; I pray for you and Tun Siti good health. Seen pictures of you both, yes indeed you’ve retired gracefully. But please be in power again. Re-set the course for Bangsa dan Negara. Bring new dawn for Ummah sedunia. âYes you, youâre the one!â
Under your guidance, Malaysia is yet to be gemilang dan terbilang; Insyallah.
Hi Tun,
U are a great man.
Maaf zahir and batin
This comment is especially dedicated to Sabahan Leader. Pls be aware of the current situation in sabah (Especially in Gov. Sector);
1. Education – Pls count how many Sabahan principles, Asst Principle etc.
2. Health – “Same as above”
3. Others
Pls compare that with the other states.
Pls remember you are elected by the people from sabah.
Selamat hari Raya
Assalammualaikum YBhg Tun,
Your writing and comments this time around is essentially echoing the voice and sentiment of the rakyat; Pak Lah is expected NOT to announce that he’ll not be contesting in the upcoming PAU.
For the past five years, we’ve been dished with flip-flops decisions and if indeed Pak Lah were to make way for a new leadership in UMNO and BN, then finally the rakyat can breath a little bit easier since there are tons of rehabilitation work that need to be carried out by the new leaders of UMNO, MCA, MIC and probably Gerakan to bring back the lost support of their respective members and the rakyat as a whole.
In voicing the grassroot and rakyat sentiments, it is hope that Pak Lah will indeed step aside the soonest possible time. Rakyat just can’t stomach any more of his decision other than his decision to step down.
Assalamualaikum Tun,
Saya dan keluarga amat gembira dapat berjumpa Tun dan isteri di rumah terbuka Tun tempoh hari. Dapat juga anak-anak saya bersalam dengan seorang pemimpin yang sudah lama saya kagumi. Saya harap mereka dapat mencontohi Tun dan hanya Allah sahaja yang dapat membalas jasa-jasa Tun kepada kami.
Hi Tun, thank you for the “open house”. The foods were very nice.
It was a nice experience to be one of the guest. Though I walked quite far from the guard house, I have no complain.
But, if it was a “OPEN HOUSE” from Pak Dolah & Khairy…..? I would surely say : “Forget about it ! I rather stay at home.”
Dear Tun,
Masalah UMNO sekarang ialah jika sekalipun Pak Lah tidak bertanding, siapakah yang LAYAK menggantikan beliau? Terlalu banyak persoalan untuk Najib jawab sebelum beliau nampak bersih walaupun telah berkali-kali bersumpah. Persoalan-persoalan seperti di bawah perlu dijawab:
1. Bagaimanakah data kemasukkan Altantunya ke Malaysia boleh dipadamkan; oleh siapa; atas arahan siapa?
2. Bagaimanakah C$ boleh dikeluarkan dengan sewenang-wenangnya dari stor tentera?
3. Mengapakah askar pengawal isteri beliau terlibat di dalam pembunuhan Altantunya?
Kesemua soalan di atas tidak boleh dijawab dengan mengambil ringan tetapi hendaklah diadakan satu “Independent Royal Commission” bagi membersihkan nama Najib. Selagi terdapat tenda tanya mengenai persoalan-persoalan di atas, sumpah Najib tidak dapat membersihkan diri beliau. Oleh yang demikian, beliau tidak layak untuk menjadi Perdana Menteri Malaysia.
Perwakilan UMNO perlu menuntut jawapan terhadap persoalan-persoalan di atas dan tidak menjadi Pak Turut lagi jika mahukan seorang pemimpin yang benar-benar “Lembu Suci” bak kata Shabery Cheek.
Dear Tun and fellow commentators:
Selamat hari raya. For a few days, the political scene is quiet and sadly, this will be gone when the long awaited annoucemnt of stepping down is supposed to be made by 9th October
Like what Tun said when he was asked to comment about the stepping down. I do not believe him. He will not step down and he will contest for the top post. The MT of Umno must have shot their feet to allow the general assembly to be postponed. In fact it should brought forward to wake up the sleeping beauty as labelled on “Youtube”.
Another point to note is those who offered themselves. What a wonderful statement. Come on. Just say it I want to be DPM and future PM. Offer…………
Good day.
Good to hear so soon from you, Tun.My family and I were at your open house yesterday and there are thousands of people qeueing just to wish you.Take a good rest and God bless you.
Salam Syawal, Ayahanda Tun,
Pada pandangan saya, akan ada dua senario. Pertama, bila DSAB mempertahankan jawatan, TS Muhyiddin Yassin akan bertanding jawatan Presiden untuk mempastikan Presiden UMNO diganti seperti kehendak akar umbi parti itu. DS Najib dan mereka yang lain pula akan bertanding jawatan Timbalan.
Kedua, seandainya DSAB tidak mempertahankan jawatan, DS Najib akan bertanding jawatan Presiden sementara TS Muhyiddin Yassin serta yang lain akan bertanding jawatan Timbalan.
Dalam pada itu, saya percaya tindakan Datuk Zahid Hamidi dan Datuk Ali Rustam dari MKT yang menawarkan diri ke jawatan Timbalan Presiden adalah untuk âcheckmateâ atau menyukarkan DSAB mengubah keputusan lalu mempertahankan jawatannya.
Kesemua ini membayangkan kesepakatan MKT yang kini mahukan DSAB segera melepaskan jawatan Presiden. Jika diingat pada laporan akhbar The Star mengenai mesyuarat MKT baru-baru ini, adalah jelas, 4 ahli MKT yang bersuara mengenai kedudukan DSAB juga mewakili kumpulan masing-masing. TS Muhyiddin Yassin mewakili Naib Presiden, Datuk Seri Rafidah (Wanita), Datuk Seri Hishamuddin (Pemuda) dan Datuk Shafie (Sabah). Justeru itu, saya percaya MKT sebulat suara inginkan DSAB berundur.
Justeru itu, andainya DSAB ingin 3 bulan lagi dan akhirnya terus mempertahankan jawatan, dia akan tewas! Ini bukan sahaja memalukan beliau, malah akhirnya memalukan seluruh ahli-ahli UMNO kerana mempunyai pemimpin yang sudah tak dapat menjiwai rasa hati ahli-ahli UMNO dan orang-orang Melayu.
Salam TUN.
1.Terima kasih kerana sudi bergambar dengan saya pada rumah terbuka TUN. Semoga TUN dan TUN Hasmah dipanjang kan usia dan bolih kta berjumpa lagi.
2.3 bulan satu jangka yang amat pendik untuk AAB menjayakan kan kesemua agenda yang telah dirancangnya 4 dan 5 lima tahun lalu.Anih dan mengelirukan.
3.Mesti ada sesuatu yang sedang dirancangkan nya untuk dia terus berkuasa.
4.Saya setuju pendapat TUN ahli umno mesti meneruskan PAU pada december ini.
5.AAB dan penghuni tingkat 4 mesti di singkirkan. Umno mesti bergerak pantas untuk menyelesaikan segala kemelut, politik,ekonomi dan pembangunan rakyat kearah yang lebih baik.
6.Jika lambat, kita tak mahu ada kumpulan lain akan mengambil kesempatan untuk menghura harakan negara.Terutama AI yang sentiasa mengancam kerajaan sekarang.
7.AAB sudah tidak mendapat tempat dihati rakyat jelata. Dia sudah menghancurkan negara ini. AAB dan menhantunya mesti di tolak untuk terus meneraju negara.
8.Pada pemimpin2 UMNO jangan lah terlampau membodek dan mengampu tak bertempat sehingga sanggup melihat negara rosak. Wang, harta boleh dicari, maruah bangsa dan negara tidak boleh dijual beli.
9.AAB dan KJ pohon dengan segala hormatnya supaya mengundurkan diri segera.Cukup lah apa yang anak beranak AAB telah lakukan pada negara dan rakyat.
Salam Tun.
Sejak sehari dua ini seorang demi seorang pemimpin umno mengumumkan untuk bertanding jawatan tinggi parti. Ada yang teringin menjadi timbalan presiden dan ada yang teringin menjadi naib presiden. Cuma tak ada yang berani mengumumkan secara terbuka yang mereka juga teringinkan jawatan presiden kecuali najib.
Kenapa masing-masing menahan diri daripada berbuat demikian? Apakah mereka takut dengan presiden sekarang atau masing-masing menunggu peluang terbaik untuk mengumumkannya.
Yang pasti, pak lah dgn bantuan para strategisnya sedang merancang sesuatu yang bakal memberikan kelebihan kepada KJ (calon ketua pemuda)dan dirinya sendiri.
Masa 3 bulan yang pak lah perlukan, kita lihat saja sejauh mana keupayaannya menyelesaikan masalah. Harapan saya, pak lah sedikit sebanyak mesti berusaha meringankan beban rakyat sebelum dia pergi. Dan 3 bulan itu bukannya digunakan untuk tujuan pengukuhan agenda politik peribadi.
Apapun sejak beberapa hari sebelum 1 syawal, pihak hipermarket, pemborong dan peruncit sudahpun melancarkan pesta naik harga yang membuatkan pengurangan 10 sen minyak tiada maknanya.
Dear Tun,
Pak Lah has no choice but to step down immediately. It makes no difference if he intends to stay for a longer period because he will not contribute anything except just a nuisance to UMNO. He is totally a liabilty and he should realise it by now. What can a lame duck or itek tempang Prime Minister and President of UMNO do when he is such in a weak position? His reputation is gone and he is a stumbling block wasting his time and other peoples’ time to move this country forward.
One good reason why he is reluctant to step down is because he doesn’t want to miss Seri Perdana. He doesn’t want his family to be deprived from enjoying the luxurious comfort of hanging around at the official residence of the Prime Minister. The whole family will miss a lot of the perks which they have been enjoying. They will miss organizing “private concerts” at Seri Perdana and other high society social gatherings.
Hi Tun,
U are a great man.
Mohon maaf zahir and batin
Just my luck, Tun M & Tun SH, that I have to fall sick after planning to visit at your Open House. There goes “my first”. Missed you both at “Jay’s”, but thinking that I will be able to visit you. Now, …..
Tun M, my friends & I believe that you will “walk the talk” by not returning to UMNO until your wish comes true. That is the way of a gentleman – once said must do. ZI is the other man I know, & have respect – he stood by his principles. Few men care.
Reading your blog brings many of us closer to you, your thoughts, and more meaningful, indeed, if we know that you too are reading our response. But as you have said, there are so many, but you will read them. Thank you.
Assalamualaikum Tun,
Selamat Hari Raya Aidil Fitri, Maaf Zahir dan Batin kepada Tun dan Keluarga. Dibulan yang mulia ini saya berserah sepenuhnya masa depan negara kepada ketentuan ALLAH.
Salam Tun..
It was an honour to have met and salam with you and your wife yesterday.. although I was very disappointed I wasn’t allowed to take pictures with you. Oh well… perhaps some other time..insyaAllah.. jika ada rezeki..
I strongly agree with you that in order to rehab UMNO, certainly 3 months is almost an impossible task to achieve. It took 5 years of damage and it is only logical that the healing process should take more than just 3 months.
Perhaps the analogy of it can be like a person who has accumulated 5 years of fat and excess weight. How can she/he lose fat in just 3 months? Sure.. there are so many diet pills in the market that promises instant weight loss but of course we all know that the faster you lose weight, the faster it is you actually gain back the weight and even more than that which has been lost earlier..
UMNO is getting weaker by the day.. it’s like a dreadful disease that needs immediate and effective solution and the ONLY solution is for the members to vote for a new leadership..
Salam & Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri buat Tun berdua,
Saya dan rakan2 serta keluarga yang lain terus ternanti2 bilakah PM DSAB akan turun dari singgahsananya kerna dh rasa rimas sgt dh. hari2 politik Malaysia mnjadi kacau. Dgn Hindraf lg satu. kalau di zaman Tun dulu surely blum smpat diorg nie serbu PWTC dh kene ISA dh. xdelah kacau sgt. ini tidak, smpai skang msih dibiarkan berkeliaran bebas geng2 Hindraf ni. entah bilalah keadaan politik Malaysia akan pulih seperti sediakala….. dan Tun berdua pula bila nak masuk UMNO semula? hari tu Tan Sri Muhyiddin buat pengumuman tergempar yg kononnya Tun nak kembali kpd UMNO dan Datuk Mukhriz pun ade wat statement kononnya surat permohonan mungkin dihantar sebelum Aidilfitri, tp sekarang diam terus? boleh tun komen sket?
MT UMNO semua tu macam lembu. Kena cucuk hidung semuanya dgn AAB. Ada akai guna lah, jangan letak kat lutut dan jadi pak turut saja. Sedar lah diri sikit, kalau dah bengong tak payah dok offer nak bertanding calun no.1 atau no.2 UMNO. Nanti kalau menang jadi macam AAB jugak, tidor saja lebih sampai negara semua tergadai.
Salam Tun,
Selagi Pak Lah berdolak dalih selagi itulah keadaan negara ini tidak menentu. Saya berharap lekaslah Pak Lah berundur dan cepatlah UMNO, BN dan kerajaan dapat membetulkan keadaan. Apa yang merisaukan saya adalah terdengar ura-ura bahawa persidangan peringkat bahagian pun akan ditunda; bacaan saya ialah untuk dia dan kuncu-kuncunya membeli masa supaya dapat pencalonan…minta2 tidaklah. Moga Allah menyelamatkan UMNO daripada orang2 dan pemimpin seperti Pakl Lah.
TUN ,Before Datuk Abdullah Ahamd Badawi can annouce his decison whether to contest for the Umno presidency on this Oct 9, he has already been treated as transparent by his own leaders within the Umno. For me he is still the best Prime Minister for Malaysia.
Assalamualaikum YABhg Tun.
Terima kasih kerana memberi komen tentang perkembangan terbaru dalam UMNO.
Saya amat menyokong pandangan YABhg Tun bahawa DSAAB perlu segera berundur untuk memberi kepercayaan kepada penggantinya berusaha memulihkan kewibawaan UMNO dan BN yang merudum.
Kebanyakan parti komponen BN sedang menghadapi krisis kepimpinan selepas kekalahan teruk semasa PRU12. Tiada guna DSAAB berdegil mempertahankan jawatan. Kemungkinan rakyat rasa lebih selesa apabila beliau umumkan perletakan jawatan.
Amat memalukan apabila pelbagai pihak menghina Islam dibiarkan lepas belas. Amat sedih apabila dasar untuk membela orang Melayu dipersoalkan. Amat tidak bermaruah bagi pemimpin parti yang dulunya lantang membela bangsa, ugama dan tanahair telah hilang bisanya.
Mereka telah buta matahati dari melihat kesengsaraan rakyat akibat penindasan ekonomi. Mereka telah pekak telinganya dari mendengar pandangan rakyat kerana lebih memikirkan kedudukan masing-masing dalam parti dan kerajaan. Mereka masih gah bahawa merekalah pejuang bangsa, padahal merekalah yang menjerumuskan orang Melayu kedalam kancah ketidakstabilan politik dan ekonomi. Mereka rasa mereka kuat tetapi budak kecil pun sudah pandai membenci kepimpinan sekarang. Semoga Allah memberi taufik dan hidayah kepada kita untuk menyedarkan DSAAB.
Semoga YABhg Tun dirahmati Allah.
Let us wait and see what he has got to say on Oct 9, then let us see what is his next course of action. I certainly agree with Tun that reform within Barisan need to be done as swift as possible. However, the new leader elected must not be as weak as the current one, who is afraid to champion our rights against Singapore’s absurdness (just one out of the many).
Salam Pak Tun, terlebih dahulu saya ingin mengambil kesempatan ini untuk mengucapkan Selamat Hari Raya Aidil Fitri, Maaf Zahir dan Batin kepada Pak Tun dan keluarga.
Saya amat bersetuju dengan apa yang Pak Tun katakan terhadap Pak Lah. Selepas beberapa kali Pak Lah menipu rakyat dengan angan-angan mat jeninnya, saya tidak lagi mempercayai sepatah pun kata-katanya lagi. Amatlah memalukan seorang pemimpin tertinggi negara yang tak tahu memimpin tapi hanya tahu menipu rakyat saja. Walaupun rakyat Malaysia telah menghukum Pak Lah melalui PRU umum lalu, namun orang jenis munafik terang-terang ini amat susah untuk dipercayai lagi. Muka tak tahu malu bangsa munafik ni. Malang sekali bagi rakyat Malaysia kerana mendapat pemimpin yang sedemikian. Saya merasa malu apabila ditanya oleh rakan niaga saya dari luar negara tentang Pak Lah. Apakan daya, pedih hati ni hanya mampu diterjemahkan dengan solat hajat saya dan rakan-rakan. Kami akan meneruskan solat hajat kami memohon agar ALLAH SWT menurunkan Pak Lah sekeluarga dalam keadaan yang terhina sekali. Begitu juga dengan Brother Anwar Bin Ibrahim, kami memohon kepadaNya agar dia juga akan menerima penghinaan seperti sepupunya Pak Lah. Demi Allah kami tidak akan berhenti sehingga kedua-duanya tersungkur dalam penghinaan.
Akhir kata saya sampaikan salam penuh kasih sayang dan doa selamat selalu dari keluarga dan rakan-rakan buat Pak Tun sekeluarga yang dikasihi.
Our PM has made this leadership issue so personal that we no longer like him. And because of this, UMNO already suffer very bad reputation that takes time to rectify.
i/we fully agree with you tun.sudah terang lagi bersuloh.alasan demi alasan to buy more time but the question is for what atau lebih tepat for whom?umpama barah,lebih lama disimpan akan lebih parah jadinya……
sama samalah kita rakyat malaysia mendoakan agar perubahan ini berlaku agar anak cucu kita tidak memperlekeh kita suatu hari nanti kerana agenda besar ini akan tertulis dalam lipatan sejarah Malaysia suatu hari nanti!
bersempena bulan yang mulia ini,marilah kita sama sama berusaha memainkan peranan diperingkat masing masing agar kesinambungan kesejahteraan dan kegemilangan negara kita berkekalan.sama samalah kita ambil iktibar dari pepatah”sekecil kecil batu tetap mempunyai peranan yang besar dalam menjamin keutuhan sesebuah bangunan tak kira kecil atau besar.andainya sang batu yang kerdil merasakan peranan dan kewujudannya tak penting dan mengambil sikap tidak apa maka akan roboh jua bangunan tersebut walaupun mempunyai tetulang yang kukuh”.ayuhlah semua kita sama sama memperbetulkan kesilapan agar kita tak di cela anak cucu kita nanti!
I agree with you that the who ever is elected should go down and explain to the people and gain back their trust. i for one is not sign to any political parties for the fact of the matter that every party has been singing the same song years after years. they got to come out with some new tunes. i for one for would like to suggest in order for umno and bn to start rehabilitate is to look at themselves. stop pointing fingers.
1. Start throwing away that perangai sombong dan bongkak. have some humility. everybody seems to be more holier than thou as if they greater than others. now i know what umno stands for (u umst not object)
2. Show some sincerity when you are helping the people. dont only show your face during election or during festivities.
I really hope who ever is elected, stop thinking of finding ways to make money while you are employed with the government.
I want to end this by saying:
“In America, you got to be rich to run for politics, In Malaysia, you run for politics in order to be rich”
By the way, Tun, it was a pleasure to salam with you at your open house
Selamat Hari Raya Maaf Zahir Batin
You are the person suggesting to fix UMNO and BN. Those inside the circle, such as Najib and others, do not see this point. I have no doubt they want to continue doing what they have done. They don’t have vision to become leaders like you. They are not better than Abdullah, so why change and make thing to become even worse? May be the only person who may fix UMNO and BN is you.
I must say you did something good for the country, either intentionally or unintentionally. Anwar could be a better leader than those rest in UMNO. You did bring him up to the point to replace you. I would say the country owe you something by bringing up this leader.
I mentioned that Abdullah would better become Gorbachev of Malaysia by facilitating a transfer of power from BN to Pakatan Rakyat. Only when there is a transfer of power, then a country is truly democratic. We don’t want to see you, as a father of Modern Malaysia, to endorse some undemocratic processes. Transfer of power to Najib is unwarranted and should not be practised.
Salam Aidil Fitri and Maaf Zahir & Batin. Yes Tun…Tak ader sebab naper Pak Lah tangguh… Sepatutnya Pak Lah umumkan saja peralihan kuasanya.
Selamat Hari Raya buat Tun dan keluarga.
Saya amat berhajat untuk hadir ke majlis rumah terbuka Tun semalam tetapi tak kesampaian kerana telah menghabiskan masa menziarahi rumah2 pakcik/makcik yang terdekat sekitar KL.
Anyway I guest that Paklah will contest to defend the President of UMNO post which unlikely he’ll win.
Dear Tun,
They are only delaying the inevitable… as U said the sooner the better. The only reason I can think of for the delay is that Pak Lah is trying to salvage some pride and honour before he goes off when actually the best time to do that was right after the last general election. Well he missed the opportunity and he will go down in history for all the wrong reasons.
three month …??
3 days also no need for him .
How about the invitation from Proton City UMNO branch to you?
Kubang Pasu ?
You said “To rehabilitate UMNO alone is not enough. The other parties in Barisan Nasional must also be rehabilitated”
I agree.
But, even after Dr Koh Tsu Koon was elected unopposed as Gerakan President, big percentage of public in the survey conducted by NTV7 still “don’t belive he can do much changes”.
Assalamualaikum. Tun
Terima kasih untuk Open house semalam yang Tun adakan. Meriah sungguh, sudah pasrt Tun penat selepas bersalaman sepanjang hari.Semalam Kali pertama saya bersemuka Tun (budak cina yang paling tinggi tu ) itupun jika Tun Perasan dan ingat. Tapi Alhamdullilah Tun masih sihat dan Keluarga Tun juga.
selamat hari raya
The UMNO lead by Abdullah is like kid playing sand.. Those leader Pak lah and Najib they think who they are? king zzz playing fool with everyone not just only UMNO member but also whole nation!!!
But for sure KING ABDULLAH will be fall soon and his empire family relatives cronies will face major loses in their financial too=) especially Si Khairy unemployed billionaired son in law.. How he gonna arrogance anymore?! kononya beliau kata pada masa dahulu mentah ini nak jadi PM sebelum usia 40, pandainya..
The most stupid, weak and without any caliber PM in the history the worst in history of Malaysia.. Remember the time when ppl asking him where ahmad ismail? he replied even i as PM also can find my little potatoes zz..
Although sometimes i really disagree v Tun tactics, plot and racism but in my heart ambitous Tun Mahathir really the great PM in history reli cant deny this.. After kicking king Abdullah who gonna be the next person to be manipulte again?!! Najib?
Dear Tun,
The Prime Minister Dato Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi did only little thing to the development of Malaysia, he almost destroying the Barisan Nasional as the ruling party. As you said, he should steps down in December 2008. i think that is everbody’s wish. During Tun’s time, the Malaysia economy is growing fast, high spirit and heading toward a developed country in 2020. Even the opposition agreed on it. Today, our economy is totally slow down. Five years in power meaning many opportunities was giving to him. Steps down is the only solution. Further delay the transition of power might turn ugly and embarrassment.
Salam Tun,
Malaysia perlukan PM yang boleh melaksanakan amanah yang rakyat berikan kepada beliau.
Mana-mana wakil rakyat ( tak kira PM, meneteri atau YB ) yang gagal mencapai/ melaksanakan kemajaun ekonomi, sosial dan alam sekitar untuk kawasan yang mereka wakili patut dengan berbesar hati melepaskan jawatan dan memberi peluang kepada ramai lagi rakyat Malaysia yang berkebolehan.
Politik Malaysia sekarang terlalu berpuak dan kebaikan hanya dinilai apabila ia datang dari puak mereka ,selebihnya dikira sebagai keburukan.
Saya tertanya-tanya apa yang sebenarnya ahli polotik Malaysia berusaha untuk dapatkan ? adakah mereka berusaha membawa kemakmuran kepada rakyat Malaysia atau berpolitik sekadar untuk menyara hidup diri sendiri ?
Saya tak nampak mana – mana parti polotik yang bersungguh membuat dasar dan memastikan perlaksanaan yang akan membawa Malaysia lebih makmur dan maju dari segi ekonomi, kehidupan agama, sosial dan budaya, dan juga pembangunan alam sekitar yang ‘sustainable’.
Sangat ramai dari ahli-ahli politik kita masih cuba mempertahankan jawatan mereka walaupun mereka gagal membawa peningkatan kepada kawasan yang mereka wakili.
Politik Malaysia sudah berubah, ahli politik tidak sepatutnya cuba menongkah arus, buatlah ‘Key Performance Indicator’. Nilai diri anda dan berbesar hati untuk memberi peluang kepada orang lain jika anda tidak berupaya menjaga amanah yang rakyat berikan.
Assalamualaikum. Tun
Terima kasih untuk Open house semalam yang Tun adakan. Meriah sungguh, sudah pasrt Tun penat selepas bersalaman sepanjang hari.Semalam Kali pertama saya bersemuka Tun (budak cina yang paling tinggi tu ) itupun jika Tun Perasan dan ingat. Tapi Alhamdullilah Tun masih sihat dan Keluarga Tun juga.
Dear Tun
I dread the struggle for power will become dirty and corrupt! As it is the government is weak. So is UMNO. I sincerely hope there is a miracle to resolve all the existing problems. Knowing Pak Lah and his cronies ars still in power the impossibles will always be there. I agree that the transition must be done immediate.
Salam Aidil Fitri Tun,
At this moment, this very hour and minute, I am sure that most rakyat and UMNO members have the same thoughts about Pak Lah’s decision until… Saying is Believing!
You know better than us. This is what i have to say;
If UMNO fail to act upon him… We the rakyat will pledge to act…
Salam Tun..
The sooner the better for AAB to step down….
Salam Tun,
Obviously… when the goal post has been moved… there must be other issues that have not been settled… only God knows… transfer of names probably…
Best Regards
Salam Aidil Fitri, maaf zahir batin…
we’ll see what happens. lately the malaysian political scene has turned into a big drama stage…
on another note, Tun I did turn up for your Open House yesterday. albeit the rain, throngs and throngs of people showed up and all of us were excited to meet you and your wife. I was so happy that I managed to “bersalam” with you and your wife. The respect people showed to both of you were as if you were still the Prime Minister, regardless of religions and creed. that’s what that crossed my mind whilst standing there and observing those who queued up just to wish you. it was very heartwarming to see parents who dress up their children to their smartest so they could show the new generation “now this is one leader that you will have to remember”.
hats off to you Tun! can’t wait for next year’s Open House (so that means you have to jaga baik-baik your health), selamat hari raya aidilfitri again…
“The leaders of UMNO must realise they need a long and painful campaign to win back the estranged UMNO members and supporters. They will have at most four years to do this. They will need the time. Every month of delay will mean less time for rehabilitation”
Assalammualaikum tun,
From my personal opinion, the BIG BOSS still asleep while others is ticking the clock, there are a lot of UMNO members who really impatient to take over the high seats. They wanna try to “rock the boat”. but they don’t dare!
Thank you very much for the sweet memory on your Hari Raya Open House yesterday tun, although there are some comments i made in my kampung website at http://www.kdabb.com.hope there are no heart feeling when you read about the open house ye tun? hehe.
I’m now the “setiausaha of pemuda kampung dato abu bakar baginda” but nothing i can do much for my community since that the state was ruled by the PKR. I really hope the UMNO will recover when the BIG BOSS ” turun tahta”, Insyaallah.
Lastly, take care and we love u much tun!
Salam Tun, Mereka mudah lupa, bahawa perkara yang terbaik ialah ketika sedap makan perlu berhenti. Tetapi kini bukan sahaja tidak mahu berhenti tetapi masih minta nasi tambah.
hopefully im the first
6th October 2008 12.26pm
Gimme 3 months more
YAB Tun,
Your comments this time is sharper than ever. I agree with YAB that you cannot change things in 3 months let alone the 4 years that AAB had. Give him another 3 years for that matter, nothing will change as long as DSAAB himself does not change. As for DSNAR, it will be the same and is only good for being a âyesâ man. The govt has spent a lot of money buying the scorpene submarines when DSNAR was Defence Minister. Now they are buying Eurocopters, an equally big (if not bigger budget) that will be spent. It comes at a time when DSAAB is handling the Defence portfolio. I do not know what else. Everything got delayed. When there is a need to change a political situation like in Malaysia, you have to consider the complexities of a multi cultural society like Malaysia. Alongside, there are major issues to be addressed such as Dog Food, DSAI, ISA, Financial Turmoil, Developments, Inflation, etc. None of these are being addressed seriously. Asik asik closed door meeting. One thing about you Tun, you announce your decisions affirmatively to such an extent that nobody dares to raise controversial issues about human rights, racial rights and everything else that go against the grain. Nobody gives a damn about your flexibility like power sharing, tolerence etc. As for me, I would like to see my Malaysia progress ahead like those developed countries. I have no time for racial disputes (my mother-inlaw is Chinese, 1 daughter-in law-Chinese) and makes it more meaningful for us to co-exists. Semasa pemerintahan Tun, tiada sorang pun yang berani menyuara lantang dalam perihal yang bercontroversi. âYou talk out aloud, mulut mesti kena gam !â If that is the only way to maintain harmony, then that is the only way. At the time of writing, I have not seen any comments yet on the blog. Do you think I am the first ? I donât think so. All the best to you Tun and Bonda. My family loves you all.
Ramlee Mohamed
YaBhg Tun,
Maaf sebab tiada kesempatan untuk beraya kat rumah TUN.
Tindakan Pak Lah tangguh lagi 3 bulan tiada lain dan tiada bukan melainkan :-
1. Bagi mempastikan KJ layak dan menang jawatan KP UMNO.
2. Tutup lubang taik yang dia buat sendiri.
Tapi yang paling mengejutkan yang saya dengar sendiri dari AJK Bhg Kepala Batas ialah :-
Pak Lah akan umumkan untuk mempertahankan jawatan Presiden dan Regunya ialah Bukan Najib tapi Zahid Hamidi. Keadaan ini nampak macam merugikan dia tapi…Dia lebih rugi jika ia serah bulat-bulat kepada Najib?
Statement awal Zahid adalah antara lain : melalui SMS yang ia hantar kepada Bahagian-bahagian yang Pro Pak Lah ialah : Untuk membersih nama baik Pak Lah yang dicemarkan. Alasannya selama ini bukan Pak Lah yang menjadi Liabiliti tapi Najib sebab Pembangkamng tak habis-habis serang Najib.Jika Pak Lah menang…dia akan tetap juga meletakkan jawatan…tapi tahun 2010 lah seperti perancangan awal.Jika dia dapat dibersihkan dari kotoran yang kononnya dibuat oleh Najib, Dia akan berhenti dengan lebih terhormat dan Zahid adalah pengganti Tajaannya., KJ pula dapat terus bertaring. Tidak mustahil Pak Lah akan buat statement bahawa dalam kementerian Pertahan ada penyelewengan? Menteri Dalam Negeri bergantung hayat pada Pak Lah…sebab memberikannya menang secara percuma…wal hal jika dihalusi…jika ada pertandingan di kota tinggi…bungkus Hamid awal-awal lagi.
Muhyidin pula tentulah tiada pilihan lain…melainkan bertanding regu dengan Najib untuk jawatan Timb. Presiden. Hidup atau mati Najib dan Muhyidin mestilah berjuang habis-habisan.
Tengoklah lagi 3 hari…benar atau tidak kabar yang saya dapat dari Bahagian KB sendiri.
i vote for no confidence of lah badawi
Salam Ayahanda Tun Dr.M,
Saya sempat hadir di rumah terbuka Tun Ahad lepas. Kerana terlalu panjang barisan orang yg beratur untuk bersalaman dengan Tun saya hanya memerhati Tun dari tepi sahaja. Tun masih nampak muda walau umur telah menjangkau lebih 80 tahun.Walaubagaimanapun saya sempat bersalaman dengan Datuk Mukhriz. Sempat juga kami bergambar bersama.
Terima kasih.
6th October 2008 12.26pm
Gimme 3 months more
YAB Tun,
Your comments this time is sharper than ever. I agree with YAB that you cannot change things in 3 months let alone the 4 years that AAB had. Give him another 3 years for that matter, nothing will change as long as DSAAB himself does not change. As for DSNAR, it will be the same and is only good for being a âyesâ man. The govt has spent a lot of money buying the scorpene submarines when DSNAR was Defence Minister. Now they are buying Eurocopters, an equally big (if not bigger budget) that will be spent. It comes at a time when DSAAB is handling the Defence portfolio. I do not know what else. Everything got delayed. When there is a need to change a political situation like in Malaysia, you have to consider the complexities of a multi cultural society like Malaysia. Alongside, there are major issues to be addressed such as Dog Food, DSAI, ISA, Financial Turmoil, Developments, Inflation, etc. None of these are being addressed seriously. Asik asik closed door meeting. One thing about you Tun, you announce your decisions affirmatively to such an extent that nobody dares to raise controversial issues about human rights, racial rights and everything else that go against the grain. Nobody gives a damn about your flexibility like power sharing, tolerence etc. As for me, I would like to see my Malaysia progress ahead like those developed countries. I have no time for racial disputes (my mother-inlaw is Chinese, 1 daughter-in law-Chinese) and makes it more meaningful for us to co-exists. Semasa pemerintahan Tun, tiada sorang pun yang berani menyuara lantang dalam perihal yang bercontroversi. âYou talk out aloud, mulut mesti kena gam !â If that is the only way to maintain harmony, then that is the only way. At the time of writing, I have not seen any comments yet on the blog. Do you think I am the first ? I donât think so. All the best to you Tun and Bonda. My family loves you all.
Ramlee Mohamed
i vote for no confidence of lah badawi
i vote for no confidence in lah badawi
Dear Tun,
We have all been waiting for you to say something about the postponement of the UMNO general assembly. We have heard UMNO leaders saying that it is a good thing. But for the death of me I could not comprehend HOW this postponement is good?
It does not make sense. If what they mean by good, it that Abdullah will eventually step down. Then why delay the general assembly? Why not just proceed as planned in December?
What is so good about the delay? If anything it just serves to create unnecessary tension and speculations. What is Pak lah upto NOW???
well the Supreme Council had accepted the offer. Whats there to do right now? Well UMNO members and respected Supreme Councillors who want to ensure UMNO remains a potent political force in Malaysia and therefore see a dire need for immediate change – YOU MUST ENSURE that PAK LAH do not stand for UMNO election in the next general assembly. DO NOT allow Pak lah to prolong the misery of the UMNO grassroots and the people of Malaysia.
Better still ask him to relinquish his position of UMNO President with immdeiate effect and let Najib tak over until the Elections.
Which we hope Najib will then bring it back to December 2008.
If Pak Lah renegades on this opportunity – he will have proven himself a despicable person. Not only has he failed as a Leader, he will also have failed as a trustworthy person to all Malaysians.
Yes,what you mentioned is true.I agree with your opinion always..
Selamat Hari Raya Tun dan seluruh keluarga chedet.com.
Memang dah tak betul Pak Lah tu. Apa yang nak tunggu lagi kalau takde udang sebalik batu. He is buying time, for what precisely, i dunno but surely he has an agenda or agendas.
Maybe he is looking for ways to remain as PM, Allah Forbid.
Maybe he wants KJ to be given the post in UMNO as what UMNO did to Najib and Hishamudin.
Maybe he wants to bury the skeleton in his closets.
Maybe Anwar request that timeframe so that he can garner enough kerusi..
Maybe he wants to minta maaf banyak and keluar televisyen..
Lots of maybes and all of them are from a negative point of view..
Yes, keep the pressure on, double nay tripple it.
Jebatmustdie, we are waiting for your piece or artwork too.
Hi Tun,
Rehabilitate they must. Four years also not enough Tun. The damage has been done over the 30 over years after the introduction NEP. It has been misuse by the Elite of UMNO for their personal corrupted gains and even you admitted it yourself. Yes a lot of people have been educated under the NEP but if we compare our Education system that of Singapore’s apple to apple we are very far behind. Are Singaporeans smarter than us when in actual fact we the same mixed of people? It’s all about good GOVERNANCE Tun. Singapore has no natural resources but they have good forward thinking leaders. As i said before during your time you were a strong leader and the country was doing well economically and What you didn’t do was tackle the corruption from Topdown and vice versa. This is because the going was good and everything else was swept under carpet. You allowed this to happen. Pak Lah just followed what his Master taught him and because he such a weak leader with no backbone, This the effect!
Tun, to me BN has lost all its credibility to govern. As the people are better educated today. The will are able to read between the lines better. Hence the majority will not choose UMNO and its partners. The majority of Malaysians do not want Race Politics anymore only UMNO and its partners want it. Look at the popular vote polled during the March 08 election and later the PP by election.
Tun, BN has damage the peoples mind for their selfish gains and raped the country of its natural resources due to its corruption. In this difficult times when the world is going through an economic uncertainties, The true colours of BNs’GOVERNANCE OF MALAYSIA for the last 30 odd years will show.
All the best to you Tun and i hope you repent for the good of Malaysia.
Tun, even non bumis are awaiting anxiously on Umno’s faith, and many can’t understand why this sleepy PM is still so ignorant by putting his own nation’s future and destiny at stake….what kind of personal & family greeds that this guy has in his mind that are BIG enough to surpass all Msians and their coming generations fate in Msia?? Especially being ruled by opposition coalition which conglomerate together out of convenience??…….I believe Tun can still do something to eleviate such irresponsible decision….even Ku Li said “Umno sedang dipermain mainkan oleh 2 orang dewasa”….Now we know the danger of giving wrong person the power to rule the country……wish BN all the best……wish Malaysians all the best…….
Dearest Tun,
We can only speculate on his agendas for delaying the UMNO elections.
He can delay for another 3 years or 30 years, the rakyat’s importance is secondary to him as a PM.
He is only feeding himself well until he leaves. IF he leaves.
We just have to wait for more drama.
Selamat Hari Raya untuk Tun dan sekeluarga semoga Allah memanjangkan umur Tun.
The extension of three months may not be the time of his resignation.If he really want to leave he should have left, just like the Prime Minister of Japan recently. This is the problem when we have “Ustat” control the country.Too soft, (terlalu banyak sabar)even hindraf has no respect on him.Looking back into history only lawyers and doctor can administer our country with multiracial population and must be a person who can control his wife.Orang kata isteri boleh senang tukar.What say you? Thanks
Assalmualaikum TUN….
Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri……
Pak lah laaa manusia yang tak reti bahasa dalam malaysia nie…. dah dihalau pun tak nak pegi lagi…. aduiii….. pangkat dan kedudukan mungkin sebab beliau sayang meninggalkan jawatannya. Beliau tahu lepas nie sapa pun tak pandang Pak Lah lagi…..hehehhehehe
‘The worst prime minister in the world’…. itulaa gelaran yang mungkin tinggal untuk beliau selepas beliau melepaskan jawatanya…
I think he will not step down as his and his family pockets are not full yet.
When he became PM, I was joking with friends that we are going to have a dry sponge PM and true enough it happens.
It is not good to change leadership as each time a new team takes over, we going to face with the same pocket not full enough problem again. Bet Najib Gang will do the same as Pak Lah Gang.
Why canât we select a leader with over-flow pocket to become PM so he will not swindle the country?
Dearest Dr. Mahathir,
âA letter from Jamal a Yemeni citizenâ
My comment is not related to the above article âforgive meâ itâs about Yemen where I am from. I came yesterday to meet you, and it was a great honor and a wonderful open house, however I was very much looking forward to speak to you, but I could not disrespect the people on the queue.
I have a humble request to ask from you, âto grant me 5 minutes meeting with you before your trip to Yemenâ
Let me tell you more about myself, I am here pursuing my MBA in strategic Management in UTM âcity campusâ, I love Malaysia and always have looked up to the remarkable progress it made in the past three decades in terms of infrastructure and social and political stability.
I wish Yemen could follow steps.
The only thing that qualifies me to speak to you about Yemen is my love to my suffering country, and my ultimate believe in your leadership, management, and vision. Also my believe you are more capable of making a positive influence than âhelpless meâ.
Believing nothing is impossible, I think I can contribute to the development of my nation, and I need your help. Maybe the upcoming conference in Dec. “Made in Yemen” will be an opportunity to plant a seed of a new beginning for Yemen and its people.
Finally I would like to inform you that I have no political affiliations, and do not represent any certain group, my ultimate goal rests on the interest of my people and our beautiful Yemen.
Dr. Mahathir, I need your help, advice and 5 minutes of your time. I hope you will have the time and capacity to grant me this opportunity.
Yours truly,
Jamal Nassar Alhamdani
KL, Malaysia
[email protected]
Mobile 0142688334
Sorry statement no. 11
Assalamualaikum Tun
Selamat hari raya, maaf zahir dan batin
Agreed with the statements and ideas, especially no 12..
Semoga Tun sejahtera sentiasa.
Yang di hormati Ayahanda Tun dan Bonda Siti Hasmah
Selamat Hari raya di ucapkan buat Ayahanda dan Bonda berdua.
Apa yang ayahanda nyatakan itu adalah benar.Anakanda percaya mesti ada yang menyangka bahawa ayahanda masih berdendam pada pak lah lagi PADAHAL SEBENAR NYA TIDAK.
Anakanda percaya bahawa apa jua kesalahan yang telah pak lah lakukan pada ayahanda sudah tentu ayahanda telah maafkan ,tambah2 lagi di bulan yang baik ini AKAN TETAPI”STILL pak lah HAS TO GO”
Rasa2 nya bagaikan ada SESUATU YANG TAK KENA yang menyebabkan pak lah selalu berdolak dalih dan melambat2kan UMNO GENERAL ASSEMBLY
itu dan sekarang terpaksa lah Najib bersusaha keras untuk memenangi hati AKAR UMBI.
Semoga Ayahanda Tun dan Bonda selalu berada di dalam limpahan Rahmat ALLAH SWT
Alif Lam Mim
Salam TUN,
Will UMNO retail back the trusted from Malaysian?…
Salam hari raya..
Assalamualaikum Tun,
Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri Maaf Zahir Batin..
5. It is said that on 9th October, the day before the divisions are to hold their meetings, he will announce that he will not stand for election as President of UMNO. The question is, will he announce it? I have this suspicion that he will not. If he does not it would not be surprising. He is not a man of his words.
DSAAB belum umumkan untuk lepaskan jawatan tapi dah ramai yg tawar diri untuk jawatan No. 2 dalam parti… kalau DSAAB tak jadi lepaskan jawatan, apa akan jadi pada DS Najib yg kini pegang jawatan No. 2
Peribahasa melayu ada menyatakan “Dengar guruh dilangit, belum tentu hujan turun…”
Very aptly said. This is long overdue. None is so blind as those who will not see. For some people whatever we say they are ‘dumb, deaf and blind’ However to others please bring the ‘culprit’ down and practise real democracy and elect the right leader to save the party, community and country.
TDM, your daily dose of ideas and practical suggestions are close to the hearts of many of us. May God Bless you and members of your family.
Dear Tun,
Nice to know your perspective in this… UMNO or BN as a whole need a major rebranding and comeback!
Otherwise, good bye to the next general election.
Dear Tun,
Suprise i am the first.
Agree with you. i am looking forwarder this few days for his announcement.
Assalamualaikum Tun,
Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri Maaf Zahir Batin..
5. It is said that on 9th October, the day before the divisions are to hold their meetings, he will announce that he will not stand for election as President of UMNO. The question is, will he announce it? I have this suspicion that he will not. If he does not it would not be surprising. He is not a man of his words.
DSAAB belum umumkan untuk lepaskan jawatan tapi dah ramai yg tawar diri untuk jawatan No. 2 dalam parti… kalau DSAAB tak jadi lepaskan jawatan, apa akan jadi pada DS Najib yg kini pegang jawatan No. 2
Peribahasa melayu ada menyatakan “Dengar guruh dilangit, belum tentu hujan turun…”
1.Selamat kembali bekerja semua..
2.Terkilan tak dapat ke rumah terbuka Tun semalam kerana jam teruk dari negeri pantai timur, khususnya kelantan.
3.Setuju dgn Tun..kita perlu sama-sama berdoa agar Paklah sedar diri. Umno(cawangan) yg sebulu atau tak sebulu dgn Presiden patut anjurkan solat hajat, selamatkan parti serta doakan kesejahteraan Malaysia.
please steps down!
Menunda tarik pemilihan UMNO pada Disember ini ke tahun hadapan adalah tidak perlu.
Kesemua ahli UMNO harus mendesak MT menolak penundaan ini. Penundaan ini hanya memberi masa yang lebih kepada penguasaan Pak Lah dan Kroninya.
Khairy Jamaludin dan Group “Tingkat 4” sedang merancang sesuatu.
Kali ini, jangan hanya tunggu dan lihat.
Bertindak sebelum terlambat.
Pak Lah throws so many curve balls until we Malaysians do not know what he’ll do next. However, I am beginning to think that statement above is wrong. What I now predict is that if there are 10 ways that are right to take and 1 wrong path. There is a high probability that he’ll tread the wrong path. Hence, my conclusion is that we may see another chaotic situation in the next few weeks. I hope that I am wrong and he realises rationally and logically, and without a care for his personal and family well-being but towards this nation’s well being. (But if I am correct, we’ll see convention being blown out of the water yet again…and Malaysia, BN crumble and fall.)
Salam buat Tun,
Keadaan Pak Lah inilah yang kita katakan ‘hidung tak mancung, pipi tersorong-sorong’. Dah tahu rakyat Malaysia menolak tapi masih teringin nak duduk di kerusi PM lagi. Peribahasa Melayu ada menyebut, ‘Ada udang di sebalik batu.’ Bagi kami rakyat Malaysia, satu benda pun belum terbukti berjaya dilakukan setakat promo dan announcement yang begitu gah sekali.
Kami rakyat Malaysia mendoakan Malaysia tidak akan jadi seperti Indonesia…melantik Presiden yang buta yang penuh dengan ilmu agama di dada dengan harapan tidak mempunyai apa-apa kepentingan peribadi tapi lain pulak jadinya. President butalah itulah yang paling banyak melawat keluar negara. Akhirnya apa jadi…
Selamat Hari Raya buat Tun sekeluarga.
This monster was not created overnight by Abdullah. This monster child was an abomination that was inherited by him. He tried to bring this monster under control when he first started as PM as promised but quickly realised that he was fighting an impossible task. Everything he wanted to try, he was met with resistance as the old guards did not want to jeopardize their illgotten money gravy train that you created for them, the UMNOPUTRAS.
All Malaysians can look beyond the smoke screen now as we are not as gullible as before. BN has squandered years and years of the rakyats money. It is no longer the Chinese that drives expensive cars, has million dollars mansions and brings million of dollars overseas in bags. It is not the everyday bumiputras that gets the “promised” share of the pie. It is the UMNOPUTRA’s.
How do you explain a former gate keeper for KTM who has only a Tingkatan Lima education becomes a multi-millionaire while a college educated bumiputra can’t even get a job with his education and drives a taxi to pay back his student loan?
How do you explain the AP’s for cars that were supposed to be allocated to all bumis but landed with an elite few connected UMNOPUTRAS?
How do you explain the business loans that were supposed to be given to all bumiputras mostly found allocated to a few well connected UMNOPUTRAS? Only a small amount of loans were given to the majority of bumis while millions went to a few connected UMNOPUTRAS.
Why is land so easily purchased by the UMNOPUTRA few while the rest of the bumis still lives in poverty in the poor kampong.
You want the bumis to support UMNO and not PKR?
Yang Amat Berbahgia Tun.
Selamat Hari Raya Maaf Zahir Batin.
Dollah wants that three extra month mainly to make sure his son-in-law and his son will be able to make more contacts for their own business. Not for the country or UMNO (jauh sekali.) If Dollah is sincere about handing over UMNO in a better state, he should have resigned long ago, so that people like Tun will have time to repair the damage done by him, his egoistic son-in-law, and Dollah’s friend like muhammad taib and few others. Dollah should just follow the Supreme Councils advise and go, pack up lah imam Islam hadari…So Tun please come back soon, we missed u.
Yg MT dlm UMNO tu setuju dgn cadangan Pak Lah tu kenapa? Klu dah bagi signal suruh Pak Lah berundur, buat la betul2. Jgn bagi kata dua. Mcm Tun cakap, Pak Lah dah diberi 5 tahun utk perbetulkan keadaan. Mengapa masih nak masa lagi? 3 bulan dia boleh buat apa? Silap2 setengah masa tu saja utk tidur!
Saya masih tengok selepas PRU12, masih tak habis2 dgn politik parti, pembangkang nak kuasai kerajaan, pemilihan kepimpinan parti. Ekonomi terus malap, kuasa membeli makin kurang, harga barang makin naik, kerja dah makin kurang, persatuan2/komuniti asyik nak berdemonstrasi. Semua ini buatkan rakyat makin lari dan tak percaya dgn BN, terutamanya UMNO.
Ayuh segerakan kemelut politik tanahair supaya negara dpt membangun semula! Pak Lah, sila turun dgn hormat. Jgn jadi mcm kes Hindraf hari tu….
Salam Yg di Kasihi Tun,
AGREE WITH TUN. I also wonder how on earth is DSAAB going to achieve all that in a few months time…DSAAB must be kidding. Still dreaming. Please RESIGN.
May Allah SWT bless Tun & family.
P/S: Tun, terima kasih banyak-banyak sebab sain atas buku yg saya bawa pada rumah terbuka Tun, dan seronok/puas hati sebab dapat tangkap gambar dengan Tun â saya pun pakai baju purple, sedondon dengan Tun. Tun, you are the BEST.
I sincerely hope the Prime Minister speeds up the handling and “who ever” leads the Umno will be do the herculean task of getting all the BN component parties to be united to face the challenges ahead…when i read PPP might consider leaving BN….well…now days getting out of BN is becoming the easy way option for most of them it seems…and Hope you had a great Aidilfitri!
Selamat Sejahtera Tun,
Dato’ Seri Abdullah is transforming into superman by planning to accomplish all his wishes within 3 months. What are the issues that he had to accomplished by not letting his successor to do it?
Obviously Dato Seri Abdullah doesn’t trust his successor will carry out his wishes after he step down because Dato Seri Abdullah remembered what he has done to Tun after Tun handover premiership to him whereby he didn’t carry out Tun wishes instead overturned most promises to Tun.
Dato Seri Abdullah is afraid his successor will stab him from behind.
ARB Dagang.Com mengucapka Selamat Hari Raya, Maaf Zahir dan Batin kepada Tun sekeluarga dan umat islam yang membaca blog ini……………ARB Dagang
tudia chedet, paklah dah ketaq lutut dah 😀
Dearest TUN,
Well,you are absolutely RIGHT..I m sad with UMNO in which all Malay stand and hope for our future and DIGNITY.
Never thought Pak Lah will be such a WORSE leader.Lesson learnt-Don’t judge a book by its cover.
By all mean, Pak Dolah shud go… he can’t resolve the current political hardship and global economy problem, somehow he himself creates problems to the nation…
Assalam tun.. Selamat ari raya 4 tun n family..
And again.. tun sekali lagi menunjuk kn kelemahan yg ada pd kepimpinan pak lah, dan msih lagi ada menteri kabinet yg mmberi sokongan pnuh pd pak lah.. ish3 memg scara terang2 terangan mereka menunjukn kebodohan mreka dgn mnyokong menunda pemilihan UMNO ke tahun.. sya berharap sgt tun dpt melakukn sesua2 yg lebih agresif agar dpt mnyelamat kn mlaysia dari trus merudum.. haha kelakar do bla ada org yg mmbuat laporan polis yg mndakwa tun menjejas kn ekonomi negara.. tun tlg komen tetg laporan polis 2.. Hidup tun! Hidup KSAH! Always a collegian…
Dear Dr. Mahathir,
Who, in your opinion, would make the best (if not perfect) leader of our country at this moment?
Thank you, Tun. God bless your heart.
yeahhhhhh!!! hidup tun!!!
Assalamualaikum Tun & Family.
Saya sangat teruja setiap kali membaca penulisan Tun. Hari ini tergerak hati untuk mendaftar sebagai ahli…Saya sentiasa mendoakan kesihatan dan kesejahteraan Tun supaya dapat memberi kejutan dan renjatan minda kepada otak-otak yang semakin selesa dengan kemewahan yang terdapat di negara yang tercinta ini….
Terimakasih Tun, Selamat Hari Raya…. Maaf Zahir Batin….
Assalamualaikum Tun,
From your posting here, I stand to conclude you are only rejoining UMNO after Abdullah has stepped down. Definitely, you walk your talk.
When a leader lose control, it’s time to leave. i don’t think anyone can accept any more excuses.
EID Mubarak Tun!
Allah Bless You n your family.
Don’t worry Tun, he is trying his best to step down…. A long winding way!
And Anwar is no more… he can’t keep up with his promise. Now he has only words (which has no weight). Even my son can say what he is saying… about getting people cross(ed) over by the hour(by now the whole cabinet should be with him)
You take care.. Anwar is Anwar – a nuisance, since 70’s. He is history.
Salam Tun,
Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri, Maaf Zahir Dan Batin.
Mudah-mudahan kali ini saya orang pertama komen!
Mungkin dia dok plan utk menantu jadi Ketua Pemuda kot.