Dear Hanan,

1. I think I cannot convince you on anything simply because your perception of things is not based on logic or reason but merely on your strong belief that you are always right, even if the whole world says you are wrong.

2. Jews have lived with Muslims in Muslim countries for centuries without any serious problem.

3. On the other hand in Europe, Jews were persecuted. Every now and again there would be pogroms when the Europeans would massacre Jews. The Holocaust did not happen in Muslim countries. Muslims may discriminate against Jews but did not massacre them.

4. But now you are fighting the largely Muslim Palestinians. It cannot be because of religious differences or the killing of Jews living among them. It must be because you have taken their land and expelled them from their homeland. It is therefore not a religious war. But of course as you seek sympathisers from among the non-Muslims, the Palestinians seek sympathisers among the Muslims. That still does not make the war a religious war.

5. Whether you speak Hebrew or not is not relevant. Lots of people who are not English speak English. They don’t belong to England. For centuries you could speak Hebrew but remained Germans, British, French, Russians etc.

6. Lots of Jews cannot speak Hebrew but they are still Jews. Merely being able to speak Hebrew does not entitle you to claim Palestine.

7. The Jews had lived in Europe for centuries. They identify themselves with their domicile. They fought the wars of these countries often against other Jews living in enemy countries.

8. These countries are their homeland. So why should they take Palestinian land to make their own country? They could take any of the European countries as their own country. The United States of America should offer one of its states as Israel.

9. As to history, the Malays had occupied a lot of land in Southeast Asia since time immemorial. Today much of our land has become part of neighbouring countries, having been conquered or because of treaties entered into by the British. We should really go to war to regain our land especially as there are Malays living there.

10. But we want to live in peace with our neighbours. So we accept the borders drawn by the colonialists.

11. You may say it is a joke to believe the Philistines are the forebears of the Palestinians. But what may be a joke to you is a serious belief of much of the non-Jewish world.

12. We did not have a Jewish representative at our conference. But I am sure when you have a conference in Israel you did not have Muslim representatives either.

13. I can sympathise over the killings of the Jews. But show me pictures of total destruction of Israeli towns and villages. Show me the effect of the primitive Hamas rockets on the Israeli people. Compare them with the effects of your bombs, rockets, shells, chemical weapons you used on the Gazans. When did Hamas blockade you and starve Israeli people and deprive them of medical attention. Did Hamas build a wall to separate Israelis from other Israelis including from family members? Did Hamas build settlements in Israel?

14. This idea of out-terrorising the terrorists, of massive retaliation on a scale that horrifies the whole world will not work.

15. Our people who went to Gaza were amazed at the attitude of the people there. Even after the deaths of so many of them, the deaths of their children and babies; even after their towns have been flattened, their schools and hospitals destroyed, they show no fear. Every one of them expects to die at any time because of your attacks but they would never surrender. When asked they simply said it is their land and they would defend it to the last. Even an Arab Christian priest was determined to stay on in Gaza. Those of their children who survive will prepare themselves to defend their land like their parents. Your attacks fail to terrify them or to force them to submit. You only succeed in instilling greater hatred of Israel and the Israelis.

16. When it was pointed out to them that they are no match for the Israeli forces and their weapons of mass destruction, when it was pointed out that their rockets were primitive and cannot compare with the destructiveness of Israeli rockets, they were not disheartened. The Israeli attacks simply strengthened their resolve to go on fighting. The Israeli idea to out-terrorise them has not worked and I believe it would not work.

17. Your arguments simply confirm my belief that the Jews have the same degree of hatred for the Palestinians, despite the fact that you suffer less than them.

18. The war has degenerated into a feud between Palestinians and Israelis. The Palestinians know they cannot win the war but that simply heightened their hatred for Israelis. They will nevertheless try to kill Jews, even if that will intensify Jewish hatred for the Palestinians. And you will retaliate with many times greater ferocity because you cannot force them to their knees. Their resistance simply increase your anger and hatred of them.

19. We have come to an impasse. If Israel is bent on occupying Palestinian land, on building Jewish settlements, on building Berlin walls and on sanctions and blockade, the Palestinians will continue their futile attacks. Arabs will die, maybe 10 for every one Jew. But with the hatred for Jews which they harbour, that is a worthwhile sacrifice. And Jews will kill more Arabs to express their hatred. And so it will go on as it had gone for 60 years, as it will go on for another 60 years or more.

20. Dear Hanan, tell your Government to compromise.

340 thoughts on “HANAN 2”

  1. Salam Tun..
    Saya tak salahkan mereka (Yahudi).Sudah masanya kita tuding pada diri kita.Apa yg kita mampu buat utk mereka…? Apa yg mampu mereka buat utk diri mereka sendiri(orang Palestine).Secara logikal tidak mungkin mereka akan menang dengan senjata..tapi Bagaimana?.Tun lihat sendiri la Hamas-Fatah,mereka sendiri tidak kuat…Tidak kuat?..tidak kuat yg sebagaimana??..lihat saja zaman nabi dahulu kala memenangi perang dengan pelbagai cara…secara fizikal dan mental… ape kekuatan mereka sebenarnya? tidak ada selain ikhtiar dan berpesan pada kalimah hak!..
    Saya percaya … kalau mereka (orang Palestin) berpegang pada kalimah dan berdakwah atas nama Allah.saya pasti dan yakin mereka akan menang…
    Saya nak tanya TUN….
    Antara Tanah Palestine dan Kalimah…mane yang TUN pilih?

  2. Jews are genius because we’re not. Enough said.
    Why’re we making our life dificult?

  3. Salam TUN,
    To Hanan,
    Please read this web site. Israel as a terrorists state
    Following are exstract from this site.
    (1)This was the beginning of the policy of making the occupied territories ‘Arab Free’ by a combination of terrorism,land annexations,and settlements.
    (2)More evidence Mossad killed JFK over Israel nukes.

  4. assalamualaikum dr.mahathir… saya nak tanya, boleh ke yahudi pro-zionis kerja kat malaysia? curious; cikgu saya ialah yahudi pro-zionis… terima kasih…

  5. Ha ha ha…. before there’s BladeLizard now Borneorosette or Tawfik Hamid….. Who else…..???
    All are the same: goyim, who are ‘singing the old song’…….

  6. Hi MSI & PAK ALI
    Please re-read it again and see the explanation below
    ” 9. As to history, the Malays had occupied a lot of land in Southeast Asia since time immemorial. Today much of our land has become part of neighbouring countries, having been conquered or because of treaties entered into by the British. We should really go to war to regain our land especially as there are Malays living there.
    10. But we want to live in peace with our neighbours. So we accept the borders drawn by the colonialists”.
    Point number 9 is the initiative statement or ‘ wish list’ of the Ex-PM. Point 10 is the defensive statement.
    Clearly you dont need an Oxford grad to explain this but a Mat from Sekhola Kampong will know it.
    Leaders dont speak blindly but it does happen in Malaysia frequently which we see in the media. The Ex-PM is using words such as ‘WAR’ which speaks his intentions , and knowing it will stir commotions , he uses point 10 to say, we accept the boundaries laid by the colonialists and live in peace.
    He could have just used the words, ” We could have regained our land by other means”. Not the word WAR. The choice of words is not favourable. Though it doesnt matter much now as Dr M is no longer holds power, but he still can influence his loyalist with his ideolgies.

  7. Assalamualaikum Tun,
    Can Hanan be or will ever be convinced by anyone or anything that’s not agreeable with him? If it’s a no then I believe it is mainly due to his obsession and his own interpretations of events that happened between Prophet Muhammad (saw) and the Jewish tribes in Yathrib (Madinah). I won’t dig into this matter any further as many has sent in vast inputs and lengthy accounts of events and happenings related during that time. So doesn’t this send the real picture Tun, that this Israel Zionist – Palestine issues is not only politically but also religion has been dragged into it. Even Hanan quotes a few passages from the Qur’an.
    Those who reject faith and truth will stop at nothing. Their methods vary from time to time but their goal is the same. The battle between right and wrong, truth and falsehood will continue till the Day of Judgement.
    Have you heard about this, Hanan:
    Achtung! the Nazis are back. Neo-Nazis are on the rise in Germany. They plan to build a Fourth Reich on the back of the economic crisis, claims a far-right defector of Germany’s neo-Nazi NPD, Uwe Luthardt who resigned to inform on the group which Germany tried unsuccessfully to ban several years ago.
    This group relish the idea of a new Holocaust against the Jews and plot to bring Nazism back with a vengeance.
    It sounds scary to me. If you want further details, Hanan go ask Germany. If it’s true then what are you and your government going to do about it?. Another mess in your hands to settle.
    But of course, there won’t be bombings and shelling. Your government can compromise with Germany or is it the other way round.
    May I bid peace be with you and please be a good Jew.
    Take care Tun and May Allah Look Upon You Always.

  8. Dear Hanan, if you are seeking the truth about item 11 as below, you can always check with the orthodox Jews who are strongly against the return of Jews to Israel as a Jewish state. Try read what is written on the bunting! May be its time for you to know something about your Judaism.
    11. You may say it is a joke to believe the Philistines are the forebears of the Palestinians. But what may be a joke to you is a serious belief of much of the non-Jewish world.

  9. Dear Hanan, if you are seeking the truth about item 11 as below, you can always check with the orthodox Jews who are strongly against the return of Jews to Israel as a Jewish state. Try read what is written on the bunting! May be its time for you to know something about your Judaism.
    11. You may say it is a joke to believe the Philistines are the forebears of the Palestinians. But what may be a joke to you is a serious belief of much of the non-Jewish world.

  10. Let us all not be duped by a so-called Muslim by the name of Tawfik Hamid in his call for Muslims that – “time has come to stop our hypocrisy and say it openly: ‘We Muslims have to Change’.”
    May I ask who is the hypocrite here? Or who is actually masquerading as a Muslim here? And who is this so-called idiot Tawfik Hamid who dares declares himself as a Muslim and yet dares to demonise Islam & The Muslims from top to bottom?

  11. Dengan izin Tun…Terima kasih.
    Hanan..what happened to you? Cat’s got your tounge?
    From the heart of a muslim ? Tawfik …?
    First and foremost you must go back to the definition.What is a muslim?
    “Muslim means to obey, to submit “.
    When Allah berfirman that Allah wants to create human beings, the Angel protest.After knows the factual reasons, they obey and submit.
    But Iblis defied Allah commands and revolts..that’s is kafir..
    So,whoever follows Angel attitude after given reasons and facts is muslim.
    Whomever follows Iblis attitude after been given reasons, explanation and facts is kafir!…Plain and simple.
    You claims you are a muslim.There is degree to that proclamation.
    Jahil ? Muslim ? Mukmin ? Or Munafik ?
    Which are your categories…Self defined ?
    I put it to you that you are jahil…ignorance in the real muslim belief and values.
    Who is the biggest Jahilian of all time? That is Abu Jahal.The father of ignorance.
    Islam emphasis on knowledge.”Iqra” the first surah from Al Quran is perfect example.
    From your writing, its testify against yourself that you lacks true Islamic teaching.Asks yourselves this questions..
    1) Do you perform your 5 days solah in the mosque?
    2) Do you read the Quran everyday?
    3) Do you pay your tithe and giving alms?
    4) Do you perform sunah fasting every monday and thursday?
    5) Do you goes for tazkirah and knowledge sirah ?
    6) Do you perform jihad within your capabilities towards the cause?
    7) Do you prepare going to Meccah for Haj?
    Asks yourselves all this questions and you will not be writing the article that you have wrote.
    Change? Good one..It’s starts with you..
    Hanan..tsk..tsk..I thought you are so good..but you allows the Cat get’s your tongue?
    How unbecoming of you..

  12. Dear Tawfik Hamid, I felt like I had to respond to your comment 🙂
    Although you mentioned that you were born, raised and have been a Muslim all your life, it is quite clear that you’re not really proud of it. Not only do you criticise the peoples of the religion, you even go so far as to criticise the religion itself.
    Watch out what you say, my friend. And try and have a stand.
    It is obvious that you’ve read up a fair amount of history quite well. But sad to say, it is only from the somewhat pro-Israel/anti-Muslims POV. They criticise and mock our religion. But they can do that. They’re not Muslims. Their knowledge of Islam either does not go in very deep or come from a manipulated source. If not manipulated by themselves.
    There is always 2 sides of a coin. As there is always 2 sides of a story.
    If you sincerely consider yourself a Muslim as you said you are, you should at least feel obliged to read what the pro-Muslims have to say (if anti-Jew is a little bit anti-semitic for you). Even if only to see the perspectives on both sides of the coin.
    Learn your religion well before you want to compare it against the others. It is not wrong for you to learn more that way. But do you know what comparisons should be made in the first place? Would you know the truth behind the claims? The peoples of other religion would not be the peoples of other religion if they believed Islam was true and held answers for them.
    In fact, try to question their religion at some point. See what they have to say. They would surely back it up. They would have their stand.
    So again, have your stand. Root to it. It only makes for a good personality trait, if not a human being.
    Do not make the mistake of taking the Muslims now as the picture of Islam. We are all only humans, after all. It is unfair to judge something so perfect, so beautiful as Islam on the errs so common to human nature.
    Be a true Muslim. Be proud of who you are. Learn of our glorious past. Be saddened by what has happened to us today.
    Yes, we Muslims need to change. Not by trying to alter our religion to fit with the perception of unknowing others. But by altering ourselves, and our lifestyles, according to the true teachings of Islam.
    May God show you light. I hope you find the answers.

  13. i donno y i need to comment to this guy Tawfik Hamid comment, though i believe no sane muslim should bother.. maybe i’m insane.
    Dear Tawfik,
    i really think u should educate yourself more about islam coz ur point is just show a lack of knowledge.

  14. Dear Hanan, Jewish, Israeli Zionist,
    Wonder what is your conscience say on this?
    Front page story of the Independent, Sun, 1 March 2009
    Independent UK revelations in brief: Secret unit on a mission to kill
    The Independent on Sunday has obtained an account which, for the first time, details service in one of the Israeli military’s assassination squads.
    A former conscript has told the IoS and an ex-soldiers’ organisation of his part in an ambush that went wrong, accidentally killing two men as well as the two militants targeted.
    The ex-soldier, a trained sharpshooter, says he fired 11 bullets into the head of the militant whose death had been ordered by his superiors. The squad was initially told it was going on an arrest mission, but was then ordered on a minute’s notice to shoot to kill.
    Instead of the flaws in the operation being discussed afterwards, the squad was told it had “succeeded perfectly” and had been congratulated by the Prime Minister and chief of staff.
    The former soldier, who was psychologically scarred by the incident, has never told his parents what happened.
    To read further, please go to: http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/middle-east/israels-death-squads-a-soldiers-story-1634774.html
    For me, I say, we, citizen of the world, CANNOT let the Zionist militant regime get away with crime of murder and genocide of the people of Palestine.
    What say you, Hanan? Would you agree with me and, of course, the rest of the world that NO one should get away with murder?

  15. Dear Readers,
    Ever since the dawn of time, the human races have always been at war. Boundaries of countries are drawn and redrawn, usually not by dialogues but by blood for there is no other way that one can take over another country by peaceful coercion.
    Peace is achieved when there is no adversary ie no war. War is avoided when the victor TOTALLY dominates the loser or when the loser TOTALLY pledged subservience to the victor. Quoting 2 examples, Alexander the Great was ruthless in war but will almost always returned the control of his conquered land to the local inhabitants in return for their subservience & allegiance. On the other hand, the Mongols maintained peace by totally removing all forms & threats of opposition by the sword. Both ways worked.
    Israel has a problem with the Palestinians because they are embroiled in a war that it could not win because unlike the olden days, there is a worldwide opinion that is important otherwise it would have been simple to wipe out the entire Palestinian population. Indeed the number of casualties in the recent war there was puny compared to what was lost in say, the Iran/Iraq war in the 80s, not to mean that the pain & sufferings of the Palestinians are to be demeaned. So it was for the relatively small numbers of Israelis that were killed by the Qassam rockets.
    The Palestinians know this very well and so seek to prolong the war and it make sense to do it otherwise they might risk losing their aspirations to recover Palestine for Palestinians. The Israelis will keep knocking back with increasing intensity because there is no prospect of peace in an unended war.
    Hence this impasse will continue until one party yields to the other which is highly unlikely because it is no longer just a war between Israel & the Palestinians but also a proxy war for their backers and some has already contended, it is also a war between ideals & religion.
    There is no point in moralizing the right & wrong of the “occupation” of Palestine. Everyone has his own story and conviction on what is right which does not entitle him to be right in the eyes of the others. We can talk about this till kingdom comes. The only thing that is relevant to talk about is how to achieve the peace.
    A compromise is the only way out since this war cannot be won by either party. Both should realize that failing which, violence will perpetuate itself in the middle east. But to even discuss about compromising is so difficult. The Palestinians said no talk if the borders are not opened. The Israelis said not talk if there is no removal of the Hamas concord for the destruction of Israel.
    Hanan may have a point here in suggesting that perhaps Malaysia through our venerable Tun can make an effort in bridging the differences between to the 2 people in the hope that peace could be attained. For those of us who think that this is pointless and that solution is attained through the submission of Israel, we are then supporting a solution through WAR which cannot be won especially when it is the Palestinians who are doing the fighting.
    As Malaysians, we are far removed from the reality & pains of living in Palestine but we talked as though we understand the problem so much that we deemed ourselves as correct proxies for the Palestinian people. For indeed if we are, we should know that the average Palestinian is just starving for peace no matter what.
    Perhaps it may be interesting to know what the opinions are for the following 2 questions.
    1. If I am an Israeli, what should I do to help restore peace ?
    2. If I am a Gazan Palestinian, what should I do to help restore peace?
    If there be a Palestinian here who can speak for Hamas like Hanan who is an avowed Zionist, this could be the avenue to start the spark for peace.

  16. From the heart of a Muslim – Tawfik Hamid
    I was born a Muslim and lived all my life as a follower of Islam. After the barbaric terrorist attacks done by the hands of my fellow Muslims everywhere on this globe, and after the too many violent acts by Islamists in many parts of the world, I feel responsible as a Muslim and as a human being, to speak out and tell the truth to protect the world and Muslims as well from a coming catastrophe and war of civilizations.
    I have to admit that our current Islamic teaching creates violence and hatred toward Non-Muslims. We Muslims are the ones who need to change. Until now we have accepted polygamy, the beating of women by men, and killing those who convert from Islam to other religions.
    We have never had a clear and strong stand against the concept of slavery or wars, to spread our religion and to subjugate others to Islam and force them to pay a humiliating tax called Jizia. We ask others to respect our religion while all the time we curse non-Muslims loudly (in Arabic) in our Friday prayers in the Mosques.
    What message do we convey to our children when we call the Jews “Descendants of the pigs and monkeys”

  17. Much have been said by many of us with regard the Jewish cum Israeli-Zionist person – i.e. Hanan.
    Somehow, I feel we have still not hit the Nail squarely on the Head..!
    To do so, it would only be appropriate to learn & discover from a rather popular Blogger – a self-declared ex-Zionist, but nonetheless still a Jew, who lives in Canada.
    His research on one particular article (written & posted in 2004) with regard to The Nazi-Zionist collusion in the 1930’s, provides us evidence in reality that ‘Zionism is actually a conspiracy against The Jews’. How alarming this may sound for a Zionist such as Hanan, eh?
    Take a look at his article and link, as below:-
    So Hanan, how shocking it is to discover that if you declare that you a Zionist, then be prepared to also to find that Zionism is out to destroy the Jews, despite the Zionists declaring themselves as being ‘Jewish’.
    It may sound like some sort of a ‘twisted oxymoron’, but still there you have it…!!
    Anyway, as Dr. Makow have put it:-
    “Zionism is a movement to deceive Jews into advancing the objectives of British imperialism…”
    and also,
    “..The “British” are really the London-based international banking cartel associated with names like Rothschild and Rockefeller. It doesn’t answer to any government. Its goal is to colonize the world and everyone in it. Jews are a means to this end….”
    Kindly ponder on that then, Hanan.
    So, may it be Jews, Chinese, Malay, Indian, Arabs, Japanese, Europeans, etc., …. we are all actually being played to the tunes orchestrated by those satanic Zionists-International-Banking-Cartels who controls banks, currency and ‘value’ of money, period.
    When everyone need money for their living, while they (those satanic Zionist-Bankers) are the ones who control the ‘supply’ & ‘value’ of money (currency), so directly & indirectly they ‘control’ just about everyone on the face of this earth….!!! Phew….. What a game-plan, huh?
    And now… through the Internet, slowly but surely we are beginning to ‘see’ the hidden hands behind World Politics being uncovered…!!
    Shockingly, we can now catch a glimpse of how Zionism as being a major tool of those satanic forces and whilst the Jews and the State of Israel as being one of the means to their satanic end.
    As far as I am concerned, I am beginning to notice and realise that all of the innocent but gullible mankind of different ethnics and faiths of this world, are all actually being ‘played’ against each other to the benefit of some satanic and ‘unseen’ hands..!! And it’s about time that these hands be uncovered and be pulled-out into the open…., for all to see!
    So, are you still proud to be a Zionist then, huh….. Hanan!?

  18. joshua kumar…
    u need to read the whole point..not just no.9. then u will find out what its all about. dun jump into false conclusion that will make u look stupid.


  20. Assalamualaikum to Tun.
    Tumpang lalu kerana hendak menyapa Hanan.
    Shalom to Hanan.
    Your reply to Tun regarding pogroms suffered by Jews when leaving Arabs lands like Syria, Yemen, Iraq and so on is interesting.
    1. Let us check the years of pogroms. It’s stated there happened on 30’s, 40’s and 50’s. I think it’s logical when Arabs leaders implemented or enacted any laws to evade Jews from it’s land as to avenged Zionist regime to what they had done to Palestinians.
    2. Don’t blame Arabs and Muslems for reacting to Ben-Gurion solution to Palestinians when shouting “Garesh Otem”.
    3. Don’t blame Arabs and Muslems for reacting towards most Zionist leader’s dream about Erezt Yisreal or Greater Israel or Israel Raya, “from Nil to Euphrates River, from Damascus to Yathrib (Madinah) and its capital Urshalem or Jerusalem or Baitulmaqdis.
    4. Don’t blame Arabs and Muslems to believe Zionist conspiracy of it’s bible “The Protocol of Learned Elders Zion” because the contents of 24 Protocol is happening today.
    5. Don’t blame Arabs and Muslems to believe the phrases “America is another Israel and Israel is another America” because it’s really obvious during under Bush regime and his “neo-con” advisor, whose majority is pro-Zionist and has dual citizenship.
    6. It’s easy to say “let’s compromise each other” but it’s so difficult to forget what Zionist had done from Herzl era in 1897 until now. We also can list down the events, massacre, violation of UN Resolution. We can list down the names like Faris Odeh, Mohammad Al-Durar, Sabra & Shatilla, Qana 1996 and Qana 2006 (Lebanon tragedy), from Haganah to IDF, from Lehi to Likud party, 21st August 1969, Ashkenazi and Shepardi, Intifada I & II, from mosque to rubble, from mosque to nightclub or synagogue, the 1,400km x USD2mil per km Wall of Separation, Wall of Takeovers, from Al-Quds to Haykal, from JINSA to AIPAC etc…etc…etc…. Long list of “compromise” by Arabs and Muslems to live in peace? Long list of “price” that has to pay by Arabs and Muslem to live in peace?
    7. What if you compromise to moved Israel state to South America or Africa or Texas? Can your Zionist governtment do that? Forget about Balfour Declaration, forget about UNGA 1947, forget about Holocaust, forget about billion of dollars of compensation that Germany has to pay. Just moved out, let the Palestinians go back to their homeland, let Palestinians refugees in Lebanon, Jordan, Egypt and around the world go back to your homeland. They will promise to take care or your ancestor remains that you bring from Europe, Russia, Africa, US to URSHALEM until the Messiah come. They will promise to take care of all synagogue. Can you return back The Wall? Can you dismantle the Separation Wall? Can you let all Palestinians get their land back? They still got their keys to return home. Can you do that? Can you rebuild Gaza to COMPROMISE? Can you return back Golan Height to Syria to COMPROMISE? Can you let Afarat’s remains to be rest in peace inside Al-Quds to COMPROMISE?
    Thank you.

  21. It is good to know about news that is happening in the Middle East. At least within Palestine itself, there is conflict and internal fighting between Fatah and Hamas. So when the conflict spills over, it will usually spill over to the Israel side. Just this scenario alone will tell us that it is not just one problem between Palestine and Israel. There are two problems. One, between Fatah and Hamas. Two, between Hamas and Israel. So where does Malaysia stand ? Fatah or Hamas ? And who do Palestinians want to lead them ? Fatah or Hamas ? Peace will come eventually. Israel will still be Israel. Still in Palestine because that strip of land is called Palestine divided into many countries. Palestinians will still be around. So if war is to be criminalized, it will have to affect all warring countries in the world. Lebanon too. Syria too. Egypt too. Iraq too. Iran too. Provocators too have to be monitored in order to stop them before they start attacking anyone.

  22. Salam Tun and family
    I am sure your assessment and analysis of this fued between the Arab/Jews/Palestinians/Israelies are not new to Mr Hanan nor to the Americans or Israelies. It would be shallow thinking if one is to view this fued as religious or racist. The fued has always been land from the very beginning but of course the Israelies (esp the Jews who have settled post World War 2) will vehemently deny this because to them the land of Palestine has been reserved for them from the very beginning and the British were just formalising it in writing after the World War 2. The steady migration of Jews to this promised land they called Israel have slowly but effectively displaced the original natives of Palestine ie. the Palestinian Jews and Arabs. The latter got the worse end of the stick simply because there are not Jews. I am sure if one does a population survey on Israel, it would not be a surprise if the majority of the population is made up of Jewish migrants who have displaced the native Palestinian Jews. These are the Jews which are currently running the country’s administration and army and I am not surprised because of their holocaust history, they are intolerant to anything which they view would threaten their territorial rights. The same thing happened in North America where the English/Polish/Italians etc. had settled and displaced the Apaches, Sioux, Comanches, etc. tribes and the same thing happened in Australia too. The massacres of the native tribes and destructions of their homes there were no less serious and catastrophic than what has happened in Palestine now except then it was just cannons, rifles, bows and arrows instead of guided missiles, rockets, artilitery shells, chemicals weapons.
    Tun, your sincere wish for them to compromise has long gone I am afraid… even if (and its a big IF) the Jews are finally convinced and decided to move towards a peaceful compromise, deep in my heart I know the Palestinian Arabs would be harder to convince because of the so many death, sufferings and destruction they endured for so long. People like Mr Hanan should be ashamed and sad about what has happened to his country and people…. and in return for their arrogance and brutality, God has punished them by making them live in fear for their lives(for every corner they turn, they know there is an Arab waiting to kill them) until the end of time !

  23. Salam Tun,
    Please permit me:
    To Joshua Kumar:
    Hello kawan, you need to read between the lines lah. What TDM is saying that kind of logic of attacking a country on the pretext of your own people living there is no longer acceptable in this day and age! He didnt say lets attack Singapore, if he wanted to he could have done it when he was the PM, but he didnt!
    The one you should worry about is the Senior Minister of Singapore who were so kiasu and challenge anyone to attack Singapore a few years back. I am not surprised of his attitude because he modelled his country after Israel, built his army with help of Israel and has many close dealings with Israel. They even drafted a pre-emptive strike strategy to include Johor in their plan. So who is acting like an asshole here, surely not Malaysia! And this is after we have been feeding them almost free water for endless years! The perangai is exactly like jews!
    So Joshua, read carefully next time and dont be unnecessarily alarmed if you could not understand TDM’s language.
    The world need a new beginning, 90% of the world problems can be wiped out if the US and her adopted child – Israel behave and mind their own business!
    Wassalam Tun

  24. .
    Salam Tun Dr. Mahathir…
    To Hanan.
    To answer your question no.1 above = Why can’t israel be HAPPY & GRATEFUL & CONTENTED with the agreed land boundaries “GIVEN” to them by British which was somehow agreed upon by UN back in 1948???
    BUT of course.. you people wanted MORE.
    So OK, they expanded the Palestinian land and “GIVE MORE” to you in ’67.
    Over 4 DECADES, you Greedy Peeps of israel have NOW occupied MORE THAN 90% of Palestinian lands! Again, you’re just So bloody KIASU-to-the-MAX!!!!
    WHY CAN’T YOU BE GOOD Earthlings & FOLLOW the borders Already SET????
    DO pick your brain mass that had fallen down to your knee!!! Otak kat kepala lutut, ka? 8-p

  25. Dear Hanan,
    Your response to Dr. M really make me laugh. It look like a younger kid who committing big mistake by giving childish excuse to his parent. Clearly you living in your own world by became deaf and blind. I’m surely believe that your own government also have the same level of thinking as yours which is impossible for both parties to have dialog.
    Your brief history of Jewish in Arab land still did not convince me. Jewish in Europe on the other hand were massacred and persecuted. Hence, Pogroms and Holocaust took place in Europe. Jewish would possibly vanished if German do not defeated in WW2. History speak itself…….
    Your mind full with hated toward Islam (which is I do not know why, where by christian people who historically committed a lot of sins to Jewish were not received the same remark from you). And yet European Christian who committed so called Pogroms and Holocaust to Jewish………….. this is the fact which your might forgotten to tell.
    A dialog between Judaism / Jewish and Arab Islam would not successful if a person like you involved because you always thinking you are right. Where is your openness……….. a dialog would only happen and successful if there is openness from both parties.
    Therefore I shall consider you as a extreme Jewish men who his mind centered with Zionist ideology which not really representing Jewish community as a whole. Thus, you not qualified to be considered as Hanan a Jewish but only can be considered as HANAN A ZIONIST.

  26. Kepada “aqilfithri” dan komen anda pada 19 Februari. Kalau hendak ulas berkajang-kajang, sila tulis dalam blog anda sendiri. Belajar ilmu dalam Bahasa Inggeris tidak akan mengurangkan darjat keMelayuan sesiapa pun! Menyalahkan dasar pencarian ilmu menggunakan bahasa lain adalah fikiran yang amat dangkal! Masih ada berjuta cara lain untuk memartabatkannya. Mulakan dari dalam diri kita sendiri!

  27. Dear Tun,
    It not worth even a dime to discuss about this hanan fella Tun.
    But sad many of his kind have the same carved-in-stone mentality.
    Take care Tun.

  28. Dear Dr M,
    Sir, I read point 9 of your Thread Heading ‘Hanan 2’ below with much grave concern. You have mentioned ‘ going to war’ with neighbouring countries. Can you mention which countries are you mentioning here.
    9. As to history, the Malays had occupied a lot of land in Southeast Asia since time immemorial. Today much of our land has become part of neighbouring countries, having been conquered or because of treaties entered into by the British. We should really go to war to regain our land especially as there are Malays living there.
    As far as I know, Singapore was part of the Malaysia Land and there are Malays living there. Are you saying, Malaysia should go to war with Singapore to regain back the land. Dont you think this comment of yours is silly and would create unnecessary tentions and hurting bilateral relationships?
    Please comment.
    Joshua Kumar

  29. Dear Tun and Hanan,
    Dear Tun,
    Thank you very much for your patient to reply Hanan’s email. Im more ever proud to be a Malaysian by having you as my x prime minister. I hope that you could continue to this topic with Hanan. I think we are making some progress to let both side understand each other. Malaysian should encourage more jewish to join this blog. From whait i read in Hanan’s reply I think most jewish wanted peace but that they just don’t know how to do it right. I hope we can continue these topics with a cool mind. Maybe in this blog is the most direct and constructive dialog between jews and muslim.
    Dear Hanan,
    I believe most of the israelis want peace but the way your government handle the situation is in plain “STUPID”. There is one crucial point you can never win is that israel is build on paletinian land, that is the history fact. Palestinian understand the fact that they cannot claim back their land and they live with it. Why can’t your government be more gracious in offering aid and finacial support to those homeless palestinian which you taken their land from? Imagine the home you stayed build by your great grandfather now claimed by a forreigner saying that it belongs to him thousand of years ago…
    HELLO ~~~~ does it make sense to you?! May I asked where is your grandfather come from ? Im hell sure he is not born in israel coz there is no israel 60 years ago.
    What Im saying is that your goverment must take the initiative steps to solve the crisis, maybe you claimed withdrawing from the gaza is sufficient as an initiative ..well clearly that is not enough. The problem is what I think Mr Obama got it right that there is no hope shared by the palestinian. Even you withdraw from gaza and what is left is a land full of scars. Palestinian are loosing hope so they turn to hatred. You may think Im crazy but my solution to the crisis is …..HELP PALESTINIAN TO REBUILD GAZA GIVE THEM HOPE let them know that there is more in life than becoming a terrorist. Show to the world that you respect your neighbours. TALK TO THEM WITHOUT PRECONDITION
    Lastly, I hope you goverment do REALISE thart your country is surrounded by muslim countries. Be a good neighbour.

  30. Kalau tuan2 nak tau si Hanan ni sebenarnya cacat anggota badan disebabkan Roket Hamas..tu yg dia menyampah sgt dgn Islam..But let’s not forget that before qiamat all Jews would be wiped out by Muslims and each day they fear that the day will come sooner rather than later..

  31. Dear fcchoi,
    Stupid to argue this way!. If we had given a portion of our land to the Jews, and we prove to the Jews we are not inhumane, so what? Will the Jews stop all the killing and return the land to Palestinian.
    By the way, are you humane? How do you want to prove that? Will you give a portion of your property to prove that you are humane or more humane?
    Humane or inhumane, how to determine? It depends on which side you are.Like you,may be bombing and killing Palestinian women,children and the elderly is humane but killing Jews is unhumane…..it up to you. I would prefer to have refererred the Israel action to International court, let the court decide or may be we could another tribunal to look into this……Giving Malaysian land to the Jews serves no purpose (are you joking? ha ha ha). There are plenty of UN resolutions that Israel fail to comply with. Should other country fail to comply with UN resolution, there will be sanction and more sanction, why is it so?
    YES there is no Jews in Saudi Arabia. This needs long explanation. Please read posting above regarding Bani Quraizah and the Charter of Medina. May be you can get some ideas…why………..
    “Before Islam, yes there are plenty, like Bani Israel in Saudi soil”
    -When before Islam there is plenty of Bani Israel. Which Bani Israel that you refer to? Different Jewish tribes went to Arabian peninsular (not only Saudi Arabia) to escape Roman persecution. before that. I would say there would be no Jews in Saudi Arabia….may be there is, but not plent. Just read the posting by other bloggers about Jews in Arab/Saudi Arabia…

  32. Dear Hanan,
    1. Appreciate the way you reply to our dearest Dr. Mahathir writing. You did it, phrase by phrase.
    2. At least, this is the way to understand the mind of the Jews, for any of their action towards Palestine.
    3. For the case of massacres of Bani Qurayzah, I’m agreed with the point forwarded by “artofmin”.
    4. Some of your point if very meaningful to us. We agreed that the method of confronting towards Israel which being carried-out by Palestinians is already out-dated. Yet, they still appreciated the person who practiced it. Insanity, is doing the similar action repeatedly, and expected the different result.
    5. At least, you agreed that Palestinians should find the different approach to confronting you.
    6. To Tun Dr. Mahathir, please continue with Hanan 3. We love to understand more, the point of view of Purely Zionist.
    7. We believed that, in nearly every chapter in Al-Quran, Allah had quoted “something” about Bani Israel. Even the coverage of Bani Israel is more than the phrase on Hudud. Why the story of Bani Israel is the most repeated in Quran? That’s the secret, which supposedly to be well understand by the person whose mothertounge is Arabic, and the person who claimed to be al-hafiz. And this discussion is become more meaningful, because it reveal more on Bani Israel.
    8. What we could conclude is, to understand the Israel weakness is to understand more of their strength. So, to all Muslims (especially Arabs), the obvious weakness is our unity and inteligence. If we could confront our own weakness, no reason for us to fail further.
    Salam. Waiting for Hanan 3

  33. Salam Tun,
    Permit me Tun,
    To fcchoi:
    On your proposal for Malaysia to donate a piece of land to the jews, i propose Ipoh area which i think they will feel at home. Since we are willing to give Ipoh area, Tel Aviv should give equivalent area in Jerusalem to Malaysian Moslem to settle with their Arab brothers, or Washington donate a piece of Manhattan area and China donate Shanghai to the Palestinians refugees. That way it will be fair to everybody. What do you say?
    We have no problems living with Jews if they do not practice Zionism and cause destructions to their host country.
    Wassalam Tun

  34. Dear Nobita,
    Your perfect conviction about Muslims ruling the world is unfortunately matched by others on the other side and from such, have the world seen much bloodshed and misery ever since when history was first recorded.

  35. Jews lived in comfort and prospered in places like in Cochin in India, in Baghdad, Basra in Irak, in Iran (where they continue to prosper and thrive) in Syria, Yemen, Morocco, Tunisia and for a while in large numbers in Egypt as well.
    It was during the Zionist campaigns to entice an unwilling Jewish population in these places to take up an idealist lifestyle in Jabotinski’s vision of an Israel (mind you he was playing the role of the messiah to take the Jews back to that “promised land”)that grenades began falling in popular up market restaurants and in stores and businesses owned by Jews in these places.
    It was a campaign of terror organised by the Stern Gang, the Haganah and Irgun, all three later legitimsed as arms of the Israeli security aparatus.
    There was no Arab nor Muslim campaign against the Jews in these places prior to the invasion of Palsetine by the Europeans calling themselves Israelis. The Muslims have always considered them fellow semites which is what they are.
    The assaults against Jews in these countries were carried out by gangs under the control of Begin (Menachim), Shamir (Yitzak) and others who would later rule Israel as Prime Ministers. Their treachry is well documented.
    It was the handiwork of Menachem Begin against the British that earned him a bounty over his head. He engineered and carried out the massacre of innocent unarmed Palestinians in Jordan in refugee camps and continued to engineer their killings wherever and whenever it suited his political objectives of the politics by fear.
    His biggest mistake was to order the backing of Hezbollah after the 1982 invasion of Lebanon to oust the PLO. It was his mistaken belief that all Arabs were like the Saudis and the Gulf Arabs who could be manipulated in order to maintain their illegitimate positions as absolute rulers in these states. Clearly he was mistaken.
    Hezbollah, the armed wing of Hamas and their welfare and social arm Amal have turned out to be their greatest threat like the Taleban are to the US. Another great foreign policy disaster for these states that proclaim the right to rule all and sundry.
    In the end every Jew must remember that “Israel was never a land without people for a people without land”. They must negotiate without arms or force with the Palestinians from whom they stole land.
    Moshe Dyan realised it. He was a soldier and respected his adversary had to be his ally to survive. He was ostracised by the establishment in Israel for saying so.
    Yitzak Rabin another decorated soldier and former leader of Israel conceeded the same message to his people. He was assassinated for that. But his killer is celebrated as a hero openly and not as a terrorist in Israel.
    Finally Ariel Sharon the architect of the massacres of Sabra and Chatilla using Phalangists as his gloves conceeded the same message to his constituents. He too mysteriously fell from grace and from the public eye after that.
    Until the Jews learn to have a life outside of the seige mentality of the imaginery persecuted lot they are, they will repeat the mistakes of the past suffered under Scheklegrubber (alias Adolph Hitler). It was not only Hitler but all of Europe that wanted them dead or out. And the world is begining to understand why.
    One day the lamb must and will lie with the lion and do so in peace. The holoucast no longer has any currency with the majority in this world. It has been used as a fig leaf to commit and justify the worst offences against humanity by a people that prostitute the memory of those killed in world war 2.

  36. Tun:
    When you say to Hanan 2 “I think I cannot convince you on anything simply because your perception of things is not based on logic or reason but merely on your strong belief that you are always right, even if the whole world says you are wrong….” you have identified the fallacy of all of his arguments.
    He deals with debate from the false precept of belief rather than fact or knowledge.
    It was once said of George Bush, that he really doen not know anything, he simply believes. It is this which made the man so dangerous.
    Well, it is not as if he did the thinking and deciding in his Presidency anyway… yet he knew nothing, he simply believed everyhiing his AIPAC and Neocon handlers told him, and did as he was directed.
    You are wasting valuable time trying to teach or explain anything to Hanan 2. His motive and method is neither to learn from you or persuade you, but to simply tie you up in debate; and resson,logic, persuasion and learning have nothing to do with it.
    He is just wasting your valuable time. Deliberately so!
    A wise critic of Zionism recently said of people like him, “I do not engage or talk with people like those, it is pointless; I talk about them that others may learn who they are, what they have done, and what they are doing.”
    With highest regards,

  37. Salam YAB Tun,
    Izinkan saya buat komen dan memberi pandangan terhadap tajuk yang amat menarik ini dan reaksi Hanan Feb 22, 2009 6:15AM.
    Pertama sekali saya amat gembira dan berasa amat bangga dan lega membaca sebahagian komen daripada saudara kita artofmin Feb 23, 2009 8:45PM. Tetapi malangnya tulisan beliau terhenti pada perkara 47, Piagam Madina.
    Saya harap beliau sihat dan akan terus mencuba untuk membentangkan fakta-fakta beliau kepada Hanan tetapi sayang tersangkut mungkin atas sebab-sebab teknikal agaknya.
    Kita sebagai orang Islam harus berupaya dan berani mempertahankan agama suci kita dan Nabi junjungan kita dengan sentiasa berkata benar sehingga kebenaran itu akhirnya terserlah.
    Mencintai Allah dan RasulNya adalah fardu dan mengatasi cinta kita kepada selainnya walau diri kita sendiri, ibu-bapa kita, saudara seagama kita, dsn. Mentaati Allah dan RasulNya adalah keutamaan bagi setiap muslimin-muslimat dan mu’minin-mu’minat.
    Kita harus sentiasa berbaik sangka sesama kita dan selalu mengikut teladan Nabi junjungan kita Muhammad s.a.w didalam segala tindakan beliau secara zahir mahupun batin, perkataan, perbuatan dan amalan solehnya.
    Semoga Allah selamatkan kita semua, agama kita, iman kita, tauhid kita, iktikat kita dan jasad kita.
    Izinkan saya sedikit masa, ruang dan laluan untuk bersama Hanan tetamu YAB Tun yang harus kita hormati dan jangan kita anggap beliau sama seperti Haman dizaman Fir’aun dan Nabi Musa. Kita harap dan berdoa agar beliau mungkin akan menjadi seorang bilal suatu hari nanti di Jerusalem.
    Salam Alaikum, Shalom and Grace.
    Thank you for being back with us and giving your point of views and comments to Dr. Mahathir on some issues he raised.
    You suggest a positive approach which is interesting and it seems that you are really serious and an optimistic person working very hard to find a win-win solution for a better future to both party.
    Who you are is not a problem but to tell you the truth, I really admire your courage and strong will and I hope you will carry on with the positive approach to seek truth and justice. And I won’t be suprise you may end up being a true muslim yourself if you carry on asking, seeking and knocking.
    When you say Islam and Muslims are not purified of evil mistakes, I have to agree and say that you are partly right because the truth is that everyone regardless of their religion or creed are not purified of evil mistakes. Maybe a few, only Allah know but we don’t.
    I would like to correct your views regarding prophet Muhammad whom you quote “massacred the Jewish tribe Banu Quraiza.” Actually Hanan, I strongly presume you already know the answer why, but you fail to accept the truth or just because you really hate Islam and Muhammad.
    Some historian like Paret and Watt (Wikipedia) say that the Banu Quraiza were killed not because of their faith, but for “treasonable activities against the Medinan community.” They broke the pack with Muhammad (please read the Medina Charter/Constitution of Medina or please read: artofmin Feb 23, 2009 8:45 PM).
    I am sure you know that the Banu Quraiza (also known as the “priestly tribe” – they were decendent of Aaron), provided the Muslims with spades, picks and baskets for the excavation of the defensive trench during the Battle of the Trench, but later they were persuaded by a Jew from Khaybar that Muhammad was sure to be overwhelmed.
    So after the war, they were charged with treason and besieged by the Muslims. They knew of the penalty for breaking faith with Muhammad that is not to support an enemy against Muhammad and against the Medinan community. The treatment of Quraiza was a regular Arab practice in those day.
    Do you know that Banu Nadir and Banu Quraiza, both tribes are Jews, used to appoint Muhammad as their arbitrator in their dispute. Why do you think they appoint Muhammad and not one of their own people. I would be very happy if you could refer to Surah Al Maidah, 5:42-45 (if you have the time do continue reading until ayat 57 or better still untill the end).
    Let us all remember that the greatest barrier for a human that bans him from seeing the truth is his approach with prejudice.
    Thank you Hanan for your time and also for your beautiful and lovely poem. But very unfortunately we Muslims could only raise a toast of wine with or without you later in Paradise.
    Terima kasih Dr. Mahathir, may Allah bless you and Hanan.

  38. Tun, sometimes I find the clashes between these two parties beyond comprehension. If the clashes have anything to do with religions, it is even more mind bogggling. They believe in the same God (or at least my little knowledge about them lend me the credence to believe so). Instead of fighting against the devil or satan or lucifer or the religious monsters like leviathan or behemoth or chimera, they choose to fight each other. Perhaps it is true that God has a special way of displaying HIS divine omnipresence and omnipotence which mortals like us cannot dream of comprehending but, the little conscience that I have somehow, I must apologise to everyone here, induces me to the belief that if there is God, He must be a damned imbecile and inane moron for He chooses not to utilise His might to prevent conflicts among His believers and choose to hide secretly and comfortably up there peeping on us killing each other to see who among us are His true loyal followers. That may be divine arrangement beyond my understanding but how on earth can a race so proud of producing so many top minds like Einstein and other brilliant minds be perennially engaged in some stupid unproductive warfares with the followers of the last Messiah of the same God (even if they don’t recognise The Last Messiah, they are the followers of the same God) and yet infatigably preaching on us to love each other and fight the devil and satan? Could this insane war that they continue to wage which draws their attention away from the real fight against evil be the cause of the flourishing of evil among us? Somehow I am beginning to believe in Dan Brown’s “Angel and Devil”.

  39. Salam Tun,
    The Jews are the smartest Human race on earth due to their lineage to the early prophets… but then they have become stuck up due to superiority in major businesses of the world…
    But they forget Allah is watching over any man on earth who creates destruction. Dues will be paid in due time. That is a promise by Allah…So be warned!

  40. Dear Hanan,
    1. .Do you learn history? Before the birth of Prophet Muhammad, Jews had been troublemakers to other races and religions, and even after the Prophet Muhammad

  41. Salam, Chalom,
    Keen to comment after reading posting from Dr. M and Hanan.
    It is clear that Hanan is one of the Zionist. It is clear that Zionist is enemy of Islam.
    That’s why they attack Afghanistan, Iraq and now going to attack Iran. All are Muslim majority countries.
    Hanan tried to look nice and reasonable in his words.
    No matter how nice the words used by him, it is all the Jews tongue after all… The tongue that created all the nice words such as democracy, human rights etc. for the good of themselves.
    Yeah, they influenced almost all the people in the world. They even made the german agreed with this. That’s why german feel very bad about themselves and feel very sorry with what they have done in WW2. Israel even get a huge amount of money every year for the compensation.
    After the speech from Dr. M “Jews rule the world by proxy”, they become very angry. Many bad words thrown to Dr. M.
    In the movie “Zoolander” i think it is about 1000 times the actor Ben Stiller (a Jew) said “Kill the prime minister of Malaysia!”. An effort to brainwash the people to hate Dr. M especially and Malaysia in general.
    They hate Dr. M. They scrutiny Dr. M closely. Even come to read Chedet Blog!
    They know Dr. M is very influential person and now try to bribe him with Nobel Price! See how powerful are Jews. Even nobel price winners are decided by them!
    Hanan, you can bribe Anwars (Sadat and Ibrahim), but surely not Dr. M… Dr. M is much more intelligent than you think.
    Dr. M, you contributed much to Malaysia. Now spend your time to contribute to Islam as well. May Allah bless and guide you!

  42. Salam Tun,
    Please allow me to clear certain statement made by our friend Hanan. Before I go to that I just wonder if Hanan is a true Jew (by means of Judaism) or a Messianic Jew.
    Peace on to you Hanan,
    Jews and Islam/Muslim are supposed to be closer with each other (in our concept of one God, both doesn

  43. Salam Tun,
    Please allow me to clear certain statement made by our friend Hanan. Before I go to that I just wonder if Hanan is a true Jew (by means of Judaism) or a Messianic Jew.
    Peace on to you Hanan,
    Jews and Islam/Muslim are supposed to be closer with each other (in our concept of one God, both doesn

  44. Helo all and dear Lou Ma,
    To prove something, why not Malaysia just spare one wilayah/negeri for Jews and prove to Jews we are not inhumane like them, then we talk equal, ok? agree?
    You see any Jews in Saudi Arabia now? Before Islam, yes there are plenty, like Bani Israel in Saudi soil, now? None.

  45. kepada saudara aqilfithri,
    apakah yg saudara cuba sampaikan di sini?
    kesal saya membacanya.. saya bersetuju dgn niat baik Dr. M tp sedihnya pelaksanaannya tidak begitu berkesan.. kenapa?? ini kerana tiada sokongan yg padu dpd rakyat.. semua kesusahan dijadikan alasan..

  46. Today I read in The Star Online about Hamas getting angry that Israel has changed their negotiation officer and that Hamas wants to change 1,400 Palestian prisoners for 1 Israel soldier/officer. I am getting a bit fedup with this Hamas. Do they not realize the innocents Palestinian souls being killed because of their actions? I believe all Israel women, children and old people should be given refugee status and be moved out immediately from Palestine. Other compassionate countries should take them in temporarily Malaysia included until the war and unrest can be sorted out and subsides.

  47. Salam sejahtera TUN,
    Perjanjian Daging/Fizikal
    Disisi lain, kita juga harus melihat keberadaan Israel di dalam cara pandang yang objective sejajar dengan nubuatan Firman Tuhan mengenai mereka, positif mahupun negatif.
    Bila kita hanya mengikuti kecendrungan untuk melihat mereka dari sisi yang positif secara nubuatan, kita akan kehilangan banyak pengertian penting yang berkaitan dengan Israel dan status mereka di hadapan Elohim, juga otoriti mereka di bumi ini.
    Firman Tuhan cukup banyak menggambarkan keberadaan orang Isreal di akhir zaman secara negatif dimana penyesatan-penyesatan terjadi atas mereka, okultisme telah masuk kedalam ibadah-ibadah mereka dan juga dimana mereka akan mengambil alih kepimpinan dunia dalam seluruh jalur kehidupan manusia di bumi ini melalui lahirnya seorang pemimpin dunia, Antikris.
    Salah satu unsur penting untuk mengerti bangsa Isreal secara lebih dekat adalah pengetahuan tentang posisi mereka sebagai umat yang terikat di dalam ikatan perjanjian Daging/Fizik (Flesh/material Covenant) Perjanjian Manusia.
    Pengertian ini akan membawa kita kepada suatu ketentuan utama Tuhan yang hanya berlaku keatas orang Yahudi. Prinsip tersebut lahir kerana ikatan perjanjian, iaitu bahawa seluruh bumi ini berada dibawah otoriti Yahudi.
    Orang Yahudi telah menjadi waris Elohim kerana statusnya sebagai “anak” Elohim secara daging/fizik, Sehingga apa yang di wariskan Tuhan kepada mereka adalah semua keberadaan fizik(material), baik yang terlihat mahupun yang tidak terlihat yang ada dibumi ini.
    Prinsip ini adalah ketentuan hukum Elohim yang secara tegas di nyatakan oleh Tuhan di dalam Kitab Ulangan 32 di mana seluruh bumi dibagi menjadi 12 wilayah dan setiap wilayah di beri nama setiap suku Isreal. Pemberian nama atas suatu wilayah bererti penyerahan otoriti keatas wilayah tersebut.
    Kerana hanya mereka yang terikat perjanjian material dengan Tuhan, maka hanya mereka juga yang berhak atas warisan fizik Elohim.
    Kita dapat membandingkan keberadaan kita (Gereja Tuhan) yang terikat perjanjian spiritual dengan Tuhan, yang mewarisi segala sesuatu yang spiritual dimuka bumi ini, semua otoriti spiritual dibumi ini telah di wariskannya kepada “anak” Elohim secara Roh, iaitu gereja-Nya berada jauh lebih mulia kerana didasari oleh janji-janji yang lebih tinggi (Ibrani 8:6)
    Prinsip yang terlihat (material) adalah sementara, manakala yang tidak terlihat (spiritual) adalah bersifat kekal (2 Korintus 2:18) dapat memberi gambaran lebih jelas mengenai kualiti hubungan kita dengan Tuhan.
    Fakta bahawa nubuat Kitab Suci adalah Ya dan Amin dapat kita lihat di hujung akhir zaman ini.
    Bahawa semua penguasaan dunia, tak kira itu politik, sosial,teknologi, kewangan/ekonomi, bahkan strategi dan peralatan ketenteraan (antara yang tercanggih didunia) dan agama-agama dunia dikuasai dan dikendalikan oleh Yahudi sebagai pemegang otoriti bumi.
    Untuk memboikot barangan mereka mungkin, mustahil tahukah anda bahawa bahan galian berharga dibawah Laut Mati melebihi kekayaan USA dan seluruh Eropah jika digabungkan sesuai dengan nubuatan dalam Kitab Suci negeri itu dipenuhi susu dan madu.
    Persiapan Armageddon!
    Kekuatan peralatan ketenteraan Israel setakat ini sangat menakutkan jika dibandingkan dengan negara Arab dan sekutunya jauh ketinggalan 20 tahun kebelakang. Bom yang dilancarkan ke palestin itu hanya mercun-mercun yang biasa dimainkan masa Tahun baru cina.
    Disini posisi Amerika syarikat dan juga Uni Eropah adalah sebahagian daripada keberadaan Yahudi (melalui peta penyebaran/diaspora Yahudi kita akan mendapatkan gambaran lengkap bahawa USA & Eropah, juga sebahagian Russia, adalah “keturunan” dari 10 suku Israel yang “hilang” sejak ribuan tahun).
    Ini juga merupakan penjelasan mengenai mengapa Rasul Paulus yang diutus hanya di wilayah Asia kecil padahal ia memegang mandat Tuhan untuk memberitakan injil Keselamatan atas bangsa-bangsa. (the gentiles)
    Dengan pengatahuan ini kita akan mengerti mengapa iblis-iblis dan setan-setannya (dalam hirarkhi-hirarkhi puncaknya) memakai orang Yahudi (bukan the gentiles) sebagai alat untuk menguasai dunia. Bahkan Antikris yang akan muncul juga di pastikan sebagai keturunan Yahudi, dan bukan dari bangsa-bangsa lain yang jelas tidak memiliki otoriti phisik atas bumi menurut hukum Elohim.

  48. As a Muslim we know that the day will come where we will once again rule the world. This is definite. I hope Hanan will witness this if he’s still around.
    We also know that the Palestine problem will never be solved. What going on now is just a side effect of the current crisis.
    This will be solved once we rule the world. There are evidence that we are getting there. In the UK, Muslim continuously become prominent. More Muslim babies are born and this will out-numbered non-Muslim. Else where the same phenomenon is also happening.
    The time will come.

  49. TUN,

  50. Salam Tun,
    Please allow me to clear certain statement made by our friend Hanan. Before I go to that I just wonder if Hanan is a true Jew (by means of Judaism) or a Messianic Jew.
    Peace on to you Hanan,
    Jews and Islam/Muslim are supposed to be closer with each other (in our concept of one God, both doesn

  51. Salam Tun,
    Please allow me to clear certain statement made by our friend Hanan. Before I go to that I just wonder if Hanan is a true Jew (by means of Judaism) or a Messianic Jew.
    Peace on to you Hanan,
    Jews and Islam/Muslim are supposed to be closer with each other (in our concept of one God, both doesn

  52. I’d be happy if most of the posters here that claim that israel doesn’t want peace, lay out their plan of peace and we’ll compare it to the plan the palestinians rejected in 2001 by then-PM Ehud Barak. you’ll be surprised by the results…

  53. Jews always claimed that our prophet massacred Jews (Banu Qurayza)in Medina. They never say why? For every killing there must be a reason.In Gaza,Lebanon,Iraq,Afghanistan etc…..what’s important is the REASON. Let’s read this…………(quite long….so I dont want to write a long comment just yet)
    The Banu Qurayza (Arabic: ب

    By pakbelalangAuthor Profile Page on February 22, 2009 1:21 AM
    … UMNO takkan buang terus anak jatinya walau macam mana “dajal” pun perangai anaknya. You add colour to UMNO politics !!

  55. Dengan Izin Tun..
    Syabas Si kenit ( humble ).
    Saya dah hantar bantahan saya kepada artikel Yahudi kononnya bijak tapi tak keluar..
    Saya ulang lagi bahawa yang bijak adalah orang-orang mukmin.Mereka yang copy paste tu sebenarnya ‘Pemalas’!!!
    Jika mereka rajin menghayati Al quran maka mereka akan sedar bahawa orang-orang mukmin lah yang paling bijak..
    Kisah Ashif Al Barkhiya yang dapat memindahkan Istana Ratu Balqis sebelum Nabi Sulaiman a.s mengkerdipkan mata Baginda,cukup jadi bukti…”seseorang yang mendapat ilmu dari kitab..menyanggupi untuk
    memindahkan istana Ratu Balqis itu sebelum Baginda mengerdipkan matanya..”
    Ilmu dari kitab.
    Dan dari Surah Al Kahfi..tentang Nabi Khidir a.s ” Salah seorang hamba yang mendapat ilmu langsung dari Kami (Allah )” Ilmu Ladunya
    (Ilmu Laduni )
    Ilmu langsung dari Allah.
    Ilmu Orang-orang mukmin cukup hebat…Lihat kembali sejarah kita dan kita akan sedar bahawa ilmu yahudi itu tak kemana pun..
    Saya ini orang yang bijak yang diakui kebijaksanaannya oleh Rasullulah s.a.w. maksudnya?
    “Orang yang bijak itu ialah mereka yang banyak mengingati mati dan bersedia untuk menghadapinya”..
    Saya orang bijak kerana saya banyak mengingati mati dan bersedia untuk menghadapinya…
    Kenapa orang Yahudi bijak…? Mana ada…!!!!!

  56. Dengan Izin Tun..
    Syabas Si kenit ( humble ).
    Saya dah hantar bantahan saya kepada artikel Yahudi kononnya bijak tapi tak keluar..
    Saya ulang lagi bahawa yang bijak adalah orang-orang mukmin.Mereka yang copy paste tu sebenarnya ‘Pemalas’!!!
    Jika mereka rajin menghayati Al quran maka mereka akan sedar bahawa orang-orang mukmin lah yang paling bijak..
    Kisah Ashif Al Barkhiya yang dapat memindahkan Istana Ratu Balqis sebelum Nabi Sulaiman a.s mengkerdipkan mata Baginda,cukup jadi bukti…”seseorang yang mendapat ilmu dari kitab..menyanggupi untuk
    memindahkan istana Ratu Balqis itu sebelum Baginda mengerdipkan matanya..”
    Ilmu dari kitab.
    Dan dari Surah Al Kahfi..tentang Nabi Khidir a.s ” Salah seorang hamba yang mendapat ilmu langsung dari Kami (Allah )” Ilmu Ladunya
    (Ilmu Laduni )
    Ilmu langsung dari Allah.
    Ilmu Orang-orang mukmin cukup hebat…Lihat kembali sejarah kita dan kita akan sedar bahawa ilmu yahudi itu tak kemana pun..
    Saya ini orang yang bijak yang diakui kebijaksanaannya oleh Rasullulah s.a.w. maksudnya?
    “Orang yang bijak itu ialah mereka yang banyak mengingati mati dan bersedia untuk menghadapinya”..
    Saya orang bijak kerana saya banyak mengingati mati dan bersedia untuk menghapainya…
    Kenapa orang Yahudi bijak…? Peh…!!

  57. Dear Sir,
    Regarding the issue at hand, I understand the message that is being put on the table, but let’s put this in another perspective. Forget ethics and morality for now, and just consider the Israel state as a state in its own right. True, the very soil it is built on was the soil the Palestinians lived on previously. But that is history. The fact is that the Palestinians allowed the Israeli’s to gain ground in the region and that Israelis have fought to protect this sliver of land they call their home. In my opinion, no one really owns any land. If one has the power to protect one’s turf from foreign power’s, that’s his turf. The Israelis conquered and drove the Palestinians out due to the presence of substance and chance on the side of the Israelis coupled with ineptitude on the part of the Palestinians. Therefore, the argument involving ‘ownership’ of land, is in my eyes, ineffective. True, look at the world map and we see countries marked out with borders but these borders can, no, WILL change eventually depending on the governance of the country. And by borders, I do not mean simply visible ones, but cultural, financial and ideological. Superpowers started out as any country did, but it was the choices and decisions of individuals comprising those superpowers that rendered them powerful. Ultimately, what I am trying to say here is that Israel conquered and created their homeland by their own right, be it just or otherwise. So, why should they take Palestinian land? Because they have the ability to do so. And the Palestinians show little indication they are able to take it back. Call it bullying if you will, but if insubstantial words alone can truly change reality, why are you reading this in the first place?
    When questioned regarding the disproportionate degree of casualties in the Gaza intrusion a few months back, Tzipi Livni, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Israel argued that as a state, Israel had the right to protect itself and its citizens from harm. Forget this is Israel we are discussing here, and YOU are the head of state of a country, and a rockets are being fired into your homeland posing a risk to citizens. How would you respond? Give in? True, this does not justify the staggering number of casualties, but be realistic, given a choice, whose lives would you prioritize? Your citizens’ or the other sides’. Human lives are indeed valuable, but employing a Battle-Royalesque approach, whereby morals and ideals mean nothing in the face of death and in this case, political suicide for Israeli politicians, a choice has to be made. And an obvious one at that. Its a cruel but harsh reality.
    You talk of hatred of each other. A notion which is truly futile in my opinion. What is done is done. The ongoing aggression just serves as a bright flare highlighting the inability of both sides to look forward. To a certain extent, I feel that Israel has tried to do this, at least significantly more than their neighbors. However, a long lasting compromise is required. But as time wears on in the absence of one, people get frustrated and opt for ‘alternative’ solutions.

    W A S S A L A M.

  59. Hanan will be satisfied if Israel wipe out the entire Palestinian Race, maybe even Arabs and all Muslims.

  60. To those who are looking forward to KHIAMAT, you may want to check out the date : 21st Dec 2012. Google this for more information. The end date of the Mayan Long Calendar count.

  61. Ohhhh Hanan,
    Your last comment prove that you have a twisted mind in history and facts and ofcoz, religion knowledge.
    How many times in your comments, did u mentioned about the Jewish & Israel… Helloo…please clear your mind that ISRAEL is NOT JEWISH. JUDAISM HAS GOT NOTHING TO DO WITH ISRAEL!! Period.
    Moses never preach Judaism, and Judaism only being practice after the fall of the Kingdom of Israel. After the return from the Chaldeans.
    Israelites are the decendants of Jacob…..and Abraham came before Israel/Jacob…and most of your ‘Divine Books” relates Abraham with Judaism and Israelites. absaloute blasphemy!!
    I beg u Hanan, please do not quote Israel, Judaism & Zionism in a same context.
    Dear Muslims, again we are waisting our time arguing with Ashkenazi Jews. Their forefarther try to crucified The Messiah..remmember?
    Altough Chritians do not believe with the prophethood of Muhammad, at least they have a better undertanding with Muslims.

  62. Tun,
    As I perused the various comments in this blog, I hope that you will continue to encourage more dialogs and the pursuit of knowledge and understanding amongst us Malaysians. It is chilling that some of us could find this interesting banter between you and Hanan a waste of time and in the process, close their minds and hearts to possibilities that could advance peace. I am reminded that some 70 years ago, an entire German nation was so “closed up” that they believed that whatever that they were doing was right. If we stop asking questions or seek to understand the position of others, we will risk being blind to the best decision making options and will surely rue to regret.
    Best regards.
    The Horseman

  63. Hanan, being a jew as you claim you are, you will never admit you are wrong. But I know my dear che det is right. Still you choose not to understand whats been laid out with simple english by che det.
    Your honesty are fake.

  64. Dear Tun,
    Very long literature replied by Hanan.
    According to her, it is justifiable to take back the land which they claimed was theirs from thousand of years ago.
    What about USA, what the red indian have to say about this.
    The jews have a skewed perspective of what is right and wrong.
    What is right and wrong is already translated to the law, and Israel have clearly violated the UN. It is plain simple as this.
    If Israel zionist like this Hanan says that it is justified to expelled palestinian from their homeland because the land belong to them thousands of years ago and murder them, I think we should stop the dialog.
    Hanan have replied that the Jews being mistreated in Muslim countries. He/She should not exclude the Christian countries in Italy, England, Spain. How many of them being tortured and killed in Spain and Italy.
    The only way to solve this issue and to help the Palestinians is not to have a dialog with Israelis but spread the awareness widely to the world that that Israel have violated even the values uphold by the Western Countries. They are no better then the Nazi’s that they despised.
    William Shakespeare have written in play “The Merchant of Venice”, depicting that the Jews are shrewd, twisted people and would want to trade human flesh with money. Why would Shakespeare, a famous and prominent English writer want to write about the Jews in this way.
    As about quoting the Islamic Text. I think, like what Erdogan had quote from the Ten Commandment recently.
    “Thou Shall Not Kill”.

  65. Assalammualaikum – Peace be upon you
    Tun, Hanan and all readers of Chedet,
    Logic and reason does not stand on its own. Logical and rational thinking has to depend on what we BELIEVE is true (or the truth) that surrounds the issue.
    Unfortunately, Truth is relative. The truth the we believe is dependent on our views and perceptions. These views and perceptions are developed and strengthed by our upbringing, our religious conviction, our life experiences, our life’s lessons, etc….Such that the truth is differrent from someone else.
    Truth is relative to each and everyone of us. All of us see things,and see issues differently and it is most apparent with regards to the Isreal / Palestine issue.
    It becomes a contention when we believe OUR truth to be MORE true than someone else’s. Like Hanan believeing his truth to be MORE thru that Tun’s and similarly Tun believeing your truth to be more true than Hanan’s.
    With this beliefs, we tend towards thinking that the other party is evil, bad or has bad intentions. When we do not actually know for sure what their intentions is?
    It is therefore a noble person who can keep things in perspective and always assume that the other has good intentions – in malay its is “Jangan Buruk Sangka dan berprasangka buruk terhadap orang lain”.
    Our beloved Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) has always reminded us on this. And most religious teaches us like wise.
    To bring us closer to the REAL truth we are adviced to try as much as possible to PUT OURSELVES in the shoes of the others. To see what they see, feel what they feel, etc.. To ask or try to ascertain their real intentions and set aside what we thought is their intentions.
    Being closer to the truth will allow us to make better decision and thus do good actions.
    Another approach to solve problem of such nature where views and perceptions are at loggerhead – there can only be one approach.
    That is to have a commonly agreed grand objective/goal – this objective/goal have been outlined by Tun in your previous posting.
    An objective/goal shared by Isreal and Palestine plus all the nations who have influence to this conflict.
    This objective can be summerises as “A LASTING PEACEFUL CO-EXISTANCE” which I am sure the people of Isreal and Palestian people are hankering for.
    May GOD (ALLAH) grant the said people the WISDOM to act positively towards this commonly shared GRAND OBJECTIVE!!!
    All Humans are brothers be they Isrealites, Malays, Indian, Chinese, Caucasians, Afghanistans, Africans, Arabs, Persians, etc…All brothers on this small planet earth – We must learn to live as ONE people.
    Peace be upon us all.

  66. Dear Tun,
    From my observation on the internet and media, the zionists are trained to be in deniable mode ’till kingdom comes’. Therefore, I hope you will stop entertaining Hanan’s rhetoric because it certainly does not serve any purpose.
    Why not we take the necessary steps:
    1) Ban all Israeli products and encourage import of alternatives.
    2) Blacklist all known zionists and their cronies to ensure that they don’t enter Malaysia.
    I’m sure there could be more retaliatory measures but hopefully my suggestions could be seriously considered.

  67. Hi Tun,
    A lot has been said and done to illustrate your points to Hanan and others which may have little effects somehow.
    May i suggest that a blockbuster movie been scripted & produced based on all the messages and facts that you had illustarted in writing. Staring western famed and respected movie stars such as Clint Eastwood, Brad Pitt, Angelina Jolie, etc…
    The story line can goes like….” a couple so much in love in palestine had managed to be blessed with a new born. Their lifes together has been peacefull, loving and fun until one fine day the husband has been killed during an Israel sudden attack. Her injured son has also suffered death after being denied medical services due to blockages set up by Israel. The surviying wife gone thru lots of miserable situation and helpless moments until she decided to participate in terrorist program and blow up her self at enemy’s compound…”
    The focus, emotion and viewer’s perspective shall orignate from the surviving wife so much as to deliver the highest level of sympathy and understanding as to why she would want to blow up her self.
    We shall all strongly agree somehow that movies, drama and media had managed to shape people’s believe and thinking like how holywood had done successfully thus far.
    Many parts of the world population had been shown the same movies from the attacking nation’s perspective. I think its high time a blockbuster is produced from the palestine citizen’s perspective which i strongly believe shall gather the supports from millions of viewers after the premier nite.
    All profit from the movie can be re-invested back into making more such moview to educate the masses…

  68. Salam kasih dan hormat Ayahanda Tun.
    Dua perkara saya nak komen kali ini.
    1) Saya tersangat bersetuju dengan seperti apa ucapan yang Ayahanda telah perkatakan di London berkenaan dengan sikap bank-bank yang suka membuat duit dengan mengikis semua hak-hak pengguna.

  69. Salam Tun and all dear bloggers,
    I am back to add more comments and make this comment list even longer. But one thing is for sure – ISRAEL is but just a piece of land to be so-called the homestate of the Jews. But beware, the Jews are everywhere occupying the four corners of the world since time immemorial. They are already infiltrating the mind, body and spirit of the ummah of this world Muslim or non-Muslim. Had they not been mass-masacred through the Holocust by Hitler’s Nazi, they would have overpopulated this entire planet.
    I agree with M Hussain Kamil. So now my dear blogger friends, beware and build up, strengthen and reinforce our own personal self-defence, i.e. our jati diri as a not only Muslim but the free people of this world.
    Salam hormat.
    P/S : Tun, what’s your take on the latest episode in the Perak drama vis-a-vis Mr Sivakumar the Speaker “hanging the state assembly” against the backdrop of the March 2009 Persidangan UMNO and Pak Lah-Najib Handover The Movie? heheheehe…

  70. Here’s my opinion of your statements by numbers
    1. I certainly don’t know what did Hanan said, but I certainly know that you do not represent the “whole world”
    2. Well, to TRULY know the problems Jews face in Muslim countries, you have to ask them, listen, and read the news. You can’t presume that there’s absolute ‘without any serious problem’.
    3. It doesn’t take the Holocaust to happen in Muslim countries to give a bad reputation to Muslim countries. Example: If Muslims in Indonesia were to support the acts of Osama bin Laden who’s responsible for the destruction of the WTC, it certainly gives a bad image to Americans and non-Jihad believers. Discrimination by Muslims against Jews does not make it sound better that any genocide. Are you actually suggesting that we should justify something ‘bad’ as ‘better’ than something ‘worst’?
    4. When I saw the banner below your name in this blog, I truly admire your efforts to criminalize war. Therefore, I invite you, and all the readers to condemn all forms of violence. Whether the violence come from Israel, or Hamas, war will only end in bloodshed unless one of them stops and both agree in peaceful ways. If you are a true believer in making war a crime, you’ll condemn Hamas as much as you condemn Israel not for their religious background or the reason they fight for, but for the bloodshed both of them have caused to innocent lifes.
    5. “I agree with you on this statement.”
    6. “I agree with you on this statement.”
    7. History is a great teacher for many of us as there are many things we can learn from our pass mistakes. However, what you’re doing here is to use History to paint a bad picture of the Jews. It is undeniable that wars happened in the past, but to use that knowledge to incite hatred defeats the purpose learning History in the first place, and that is to prevent future wars.
    8. Homeland? Are you suggesting that migration should never happen? What you’re asking here is that the people of this world should have their rights to be on other places on Earth to be stripped away. If you’re going to condemn the migration of Jews to Palistin, then you should condemn the migration of extremist Muslims into UK.
    9. “We should really go to war to regain our land especially as there are Malays living there.”. What happened to your ideals of criminalizing war? To me, land is only useful if put in the right hands. Land should not be distributed freely solely based on the colour of our skin.
    10. Peace, in my opinion, also includes racial equality, in which Malaysia lacks.
    11. It goes both ways.
    12. That is when everything becomes biased.
    13. Whatever destruction Israeli or Hamas has caused, both are very distasteful.
    14. It goes the same with Jihad.
    15. As long as hatred exist, there will be war. And when there’s war, there’ll be casualties. And that will instill more hatred. So, I invite all those who which to criminalize war to start loving each other.
    16. The will to go on fighting with violence does not make any war shorter, it will prolong the war with more violence. I suggest a more evolved manner with diplomacy.
    17. Kill one man, that’s murder. Kill thousands, that’s genocide. But none of that is any ‘better’ than the other.
    18. See number 16.
    19. See number 16.
    20. No comment.

  71. Salam Tun,
    Isu berkenaan Yahudi@Israel ini tidak ada gunanya di bicara panjang lebar.
    Sebagai umat Islam sememangnya kita tahu Bangsa Yahudi adalah satu bangsa yang akan hidup dengan melakukan segala jenayah dan pengkhianatan kepada umat manusia terutama yang beragama Islam.
    Adalah bermenaafat untuk kita mengadakan demonstrasi,perhimpunan, forum dan lain-lain lagi yang mengutuk negara arab yang kaya raya tetapi tidak bersatu untuk membela rakyat Palestin yang di tindas oleh Yahudi.
    Negara Arab yang kaya raya ini jugalah yang bersubahat dan berkerjasama untuk memberi ruang yang seluas-luasnya pada Yahudi@Israel untuk terus menerus mengganas dan membunuh rakyat Palestin.

  72. Samy Vellu urged to make way for new blood
    BUTTERWORTH: MIC president Datuk Seri S. Samy Vellu should seriously reconsider his decision to defend his post and make way for new blood.
    Gerakan national vice-president Huan Cheng Guan, who made the call yesterday, said it would be wiser for Samy Vellu, who has been heading the party for three decades, to change his role to that of an adviser to MIC rather than defend his post.
    Stressing that he was not trying to meddle in MIC’s internal affairs, Huan said it was time for the veteran leader to step down.
    “But I have to say this for the sake of the Indian community and to give ample time for his successor to regain the support of Indian voters for the 13th general election.
    “Otherwise, MIC will not be able to contribute towards a Barisan Nasional victory in the election process,” he said, after opening the SK St Mark’s Parent-Teacher Association annual general meeting here yesterday.
    Huan said he had to bring up the matter as Indians in MIC claimed that they had lost their voice in the party and that power was centralised in the Central Working Committee which was controlled by Samy Vellu.
    “Based on the feedback I gathered from the grassroots, the Indians want to see a change in the MIC top leadership, otherwise they will continue to distance themselves from the party.”
    Huan said the re-branding exercise initiated by MIC after the March 2008 general election would be a waste of time as long as Samy Vellu remained the party’s president.
    Yes, yes, yes! Syabas, Mr Huan Cheng Guan. We hear you loud and clear except Samy Vellu who is still “blind, deaf and dumb” and continue to be in a state of denial.
    Other than Pak Lah, Samy Vellu is also partly to be blamed for causing BN to lose miserably in the last election. That is a fact and we just cannot deny it.
    MIC is also in the same boat as UMNO. There are a lot of deadwood leaders who are no more relevant to lead the two parties. If members of these two parties do not change their leadership and political culture then I would say BN won’t be able to gain confidence among the rakyat. GROUND ZERO !!
    As for MCA, I think with their new leadership it is now in good hand and it is up to the Chinese to evaluate whether they would revert to support MCA again or still comfortable to remain on the other side of the camp. It makes no difference. The Chinese are just like “lalang”. They are very practical people. NO MONEY NO LOYALTY ATTITUDE.
    As for MIC, the Indians have no choice but to continue support MIC. Make no mistake about it.But the stumbling block is Samy Vellu who have overstayed their welcome as President. Th majority of the Indians are already tired of Samy’s antics. So the Indians made their silence protest by favouring PKR but unfortunately they never realise that they have been made as “donkey” by Anwar Ibrahim to promote his personal ambition to be Prime Minister.
    Now we really want to watch how UMNO would fare in its quest for “CHANGE”. To what extent their members are able to get rid of their “sombong, bongkak and tak sedar diri” leaders come this March UMNO election. If they fail to clean up the party from “money poltics culture” then the whole coalition government of Barisan Nasional would fall like “Humpty Dumpty had a great fall”.

  73. Dear Tun,
    I think we must understand the most important parameter of the equation here.
    Which is America. Israel can do and will anything they like as long as America is behind them.
    They are building settlement at this moment to prove this point.
    The Arab countries are also puppets of America.
    I think, maybe one of the approaches should be equating Israel with the Nazi. This maybe will change the sentiments of other nations as well as the citizen of the America that the Nazi and Zionist Israel are in fact very much similar.
    We should also remember the holocaust that happen in Palestine and dedicate a day for remembrance.

  74. New bishop to boost unity and tolerance
    KUALA LUMPUR: The new head of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Malaysia promises to forge greater inter-religious tolerance and understanding between the different faiths in the country.
    Hopefully the Hindu priests and Muslim imams and ustaz having the same attitude. Don’t let religious extremism exists in our multi-racial society. These religious extremists are “ugly” people that could cause havoc like the Hindraf group and other Muslims deviationist groups like the Al-Arkam group.These groups are nuisance to society.

  75. Hardcore poor: Penang CM blames it on technical problem
    S. Arulldas
    Penang Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng admitted the state will not be able to abolish hardcore poor by March due to technical problems.
    Hey Eng Guan, what exactly are the technical problems? You have the answers. Please be specific in your statement. The Penangites have the right to know since you are now having the privilege of having access to numerous imformation as Chief Minister of Penang. Don’t hide your weakness in administering the state by giving superficial excuses.

  76. Party struggle comes first
    ALOR STAR: Wanita Umno head Tan Sri Rafidah Aziz and her deputy-turned-rival Datuk Seri Shahrizat Jalil agreed yesterday that the contest for the wing’s top post will not divide its members.
    The two also pledged to accept the results of the wing’s elections next month and to reunite the members after the party polls.
    Rafidah said members are free to choose their leaders and she was confident that the delegates were “mature” enough to make the right choice.
    “I will leave it to the delegates, but we have to remember, Wanita Umno places the party’s struggle as its highest priority,” she said at a gathering of candidates for Wanita Umno’s executive committee posts here.
    Yes, Rafidah what you said is very true. UMNO places party’s struggle as its highest priority. But most of the UMNO leaders including yourself “cakap tak serupa bikin”. Hypocrisy of the first order.
    Rafidah, let me remind you if you are still “khayal” that you have overstayed your welcome as Wanita Chief. It is time for you to reliquish your position and gracefully hand over it to Sharizat without having to contest. Barulah cantik. Apa lagi yang nak di kejar.
    Berehat je lah tunggu sampai “nyanyuk” dan jadi nenek kebayan !!! kah, kah, kah !!

  77. Jamaludin pulls out of Umno V-P race
    By : Farrah Naz Karim
    Datuk Seri Dr Jamaludin Jarjis
    KUALA LUMPUR: Former minister Datuk Seri Dr Jamaludin Jarjis has dropped out of the race for one of the three vice-president’s posts in Umno.
    He has instead decided to contest a seat in the party’s supreme council, saying that he was confident he could still help bring changes to the party.
    You are not a VP material, JJ, not even fit to be a Supreme Council member.
    Your integrity is questionable.Rumours were riped saying that you really abused your position when you were Chairman of TNB.
    You are not that clean after all. If I am the perwakilan I won’t consider you even for the Supreme Council member.

  78. Izinkan Tun,
    //By pakpandir08 on February 19, 2009 11:32 PM
    why nowadays, people commonly label “BeeAnn” is hypocrite?
    khir toyo urge elizaberth to quit becoz she is immoral, becoz her nude foto is taken when she is sleeping
    Mohd Suffian said that in 2007, he complaint to Khir Toyo about the “affair” of his wife with gombak ex-YB, with evidence included voice recording, video clip, photo and sms … however, Khir Toyo did not take any action, but urge Suffian to settle his family matter himself … even Suffian made report for 9 times, but no action is taken … and his wife nor hayati is appointed in the assembly list last year …
    when asking for explaination from Khir Toyol, he gave the following comments:
    (1) the 2 cases are not the same, and that’s the reason why he did not take any action last time towards nor hayati
    (2) In elizabert case, she admits the photo and make police report. In nor hayati case, she did not admit the photo
    (3) Additionally, in nor hayati case, it is family problem. Hence, he dont have the right to take action
    Aduhh !!! … the level of hypocrite is so disgusting … similar to some pembodek like HBT//
    Hi macha pandir,
    First of all I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your compliment to label me as “pembodek” Tun Mahathir, a wise man in the world who Mr Hanan, an Israeli, agreed. I am very much delighted to get this “gelaran” from you, this prove that I am wise in my decision for choosing to “bodek” Tun.
    Since Tun is a wise man, and you always downgrading Tun in his weblog, what “gelaran” should I offer you in return for your kindness. Hm… gelaran “Kow Si Kuan” (in cantonese means pengacau seperti “sebatang kayu yang digunakan untuk mengacau tahi orang” – maaf Tun for these harsh words because I cannot think of any better “gelaran” for him because he likes to provoke emotion secara buta-tuli, thus smelly dan dirty.
    If I were to compare Khir Toyo and Elizabeth Wong, I should say Toyo is smarter (means low moral) and less emotional (means disgusting) than Elizabeth. Yes, I agreed with you on the level of hipocrite in Toyo. If you never tell me the story of his personal affair with Nor Hayati, I will never know because I never bother to read any news on Toyo because he is a crook. You guys have labelled him as the “Khinzir Toyo” in the website, which shows that your level of morality is similar to Toyo, but there is one thing about Toyo that you can never undestand is that no matter what he did, there are some malays still supporting him.
    In terms of hypocrite, you are so….. much better off than me. Do you know why? Because I memorized and practice the raw meaning of our 5 rukun negara, do you do this to keep your level of hypocrite lower in our beloved country? Chinese says, if you eat here, please don’t sh.t here, is hypocrite and low moral.
    Nevetheless, macha, I welcome you to attack me in cyberspace (weblog) and waiting for your reply.
    Good day Tun.
    “Chat Hai Poh” (Mak Bodek)

  79. Salam Tun,
    To Hanan,
    I think now you should understand why majority of the bloggers dislike and do not trust Israel (Jews), especially the muslims. I believe Arabs are not afraid of Israel, but they are cautios of USA and the G7 because they have learned their lessons from cold war initiated by USA (the G7)and Rusia.
    Malaysians are lucky because our Tun Dr Mahathir (our Ex-PM) is sincere in protecting the country and willing to share his know how, experiences and ways to fight this territory war with brains and hearts peacefully without causing invasion, riots, starvation injustice, skilled greed, skilled fear and skilled power to overcome the conflict of Israel and Palestine which indeed will affect the world politic and economic landscapes that will affect our tiny country named Malaysia.
    I feel sorry for the Israelis and Palestinians because they are made to be the scapegoats by America and her alliances (the rich and powerful G7 countries which include German) to retain their power through military force in the name of democracy. The G 7 can never understand the raw democracy and power because they are taught to use brains without heart to see and undestand things and issues in their life, and they will never understand the “Confucious teaching of China and Islamic teaching. To them, any teachings that are go against them are named as terrorists, enemies or criminals.
    I always heard Bush made press statements by ending his speach “God Saves America”, he never mentioned “Jesus Christ” Saves America. Why did Jews trusted him. In the past 5 years after Bush invaded Iraq by force due to greed (oil ownership), it had created the fear in Palestine that one day Palestine will be conquered by Israel like Iraq in which 1.25 million Iraqis have died so far. Thus, to show their love and protection for the country, they have declared terrorism through primitive weapons to make sure Israel does not rob their land by force using sef-sacrificing method, can Jews do this? I doubt so because you people have live in the world of luxury and power on other people’s blood (on their dead bodies). This is the reason why I never want to be rich like these people because I do not want myself and my generations to be the “Mo Kuei” (satan or syaitan), thus I joined KL Foundation To Criminalize War because of raw humanity and justice.
    If you have a chance to compare the pictures caused by the Palestine Hamas and the Israel force, you will understand mankind can be cruel and uncivilized because of greed, wealth and power regardless your nationality, race and religion.
    Good Day Tun.
    P/S: Tun has wrote a letter to advice Mr Bush to deal with the War on Terror after 9/11 with open heart and mind so that his name will be termed as good president in history. He kept numb on this issue because to him, if talking about history, everyone will be dead then. I am wondering did Mr Bush understand the meaning of goodwill that will bring goodwill and peace in USA and the world. I believe he did not understand until today and will never accept the fact that he has made USA the enemy to the world, if he did, he will be willingly to be trial on his wrong and fake decisions in bring down the late Saddam Hussiein. Because of Mr Bush’s arrogant and ignorant (stupidity), the Americans now believe that “anyone can grow up to become the President of USA” because Mr Bush has proved that “nerd” like him can be the President. He has indeed damaged the goodwill struggled by his ancestors for 100 years in just 8 years of his presidency, poor Bush family and Americans!!!

  80. Salam Tun,
    To Hanan,
    I think now you should understand why majority of the bloggers dislike and do not trust Israel (Jews), especially the muslims. I believe Arabs are not afraid of Israel, but they are cautios of USA and the G7 because they have learned their lessons from cold war initiated by USA (the G7)and Rusia.
    Malaysians are lucky because our Tun Dr Mahathir (our Ex-PM) is sincere in protecting the country and willing to share his know how, experiences and ways to fight this territory war with brains and hearts peacefully without causing invasion, riots, starvation injustice, skilled greed, skilled fear and skilled power to overcome the conflict of Israel and Palestine which indeed will affect the world politic and economic landscapes that will affect our tiny country named Malaysia.
    I feel sorry for the Israelis and Palestinians because they are made to be the scapegoats by America and her alliances (the rich and powerful G7 countries which include German) to retain their power through military force in the name of democracy. The G 7 can never understand the raw democracy and power because they are taught to use brains without heart to see and undestand things and issues in their life, and they will never understand the “Confucious teaching of China and Islamic teaching. To them, any teachings that are go against them are named as terrorists, enemies or criminals.
    I always heard Bush made press statements by ending his speach “God Saves America”, he never mentioned “Jesus Christ” Saves America. Why did Jews trusted him. In the past 5 years after Bush invaded Iraq by force due to greed (oil ownership), it had created the fear in Palestine that one day Palestine will be conquered by Israel like Iraq in which 1.25 million Iraqis have died so far. Thus, to show their love and protection for the country, they have declared terrorism through primitive weapons to make sure Israel does not rob their land by force using sef-sacrificing method, can Jews do thi

  81. Dear Crocodog,
    The Arabs cannot stay together because there is too much schism between them ie Shia, Sunnis, Wahhabis etc etc.
    Getting UMNO members over won’t help when war-hardened Palestinians themselves could not do the job. Don’t count on GOD too otherwise this mess would have been cleared ages ago.
    Dear All Readers,
    Read ROBERT FISK’s THE GREAT WAR FOR CIVILISATION / THE CONQUEST OF THE MIDDLE EAST for a greater insight into related topics.

  82. salam tun and all,
    1. saya ada terbaca beberapa entry yang lalu Tun mendapat komen dari seseorang yang memberikan maklumat tentang amalan-amalan Yahudi yang kononnya menjadi sebab kenapa bangsa Yahudi begitu bijak.
    2. Amat menyedihkan apabila orang-orang kita begitu terpesona dengan maklumat tersebut sehingga ramailah yang berlumba-lumba meng`copy’ dan `paste’ maklumat tersebut dan disebarkan ke emel rakan-rakan muslim untuk dikongsi.
    3. Persoalannya, kenapa begitu terpesona? Kenapa ghairah dengan maklumat itu? Adakah kerana ingin bijak seperti yahudi?
    4. Kita semua tahu betapa angkuhnya sifat yahudi, tetapi masih begitu mudah kita terpedaya? Adakah timbul dalam hati kita keinginan untuk menjadikan anak-anak kita pandai maka kita sekarang ingin mencuba resipi kebijaksaan Yahudi?
    5. tuan-tuan dan puan-puan, bacalah al-qur`an, kajilah hadith. Tuan-tuan dan puan-puan akan dapati begitu banyak amalan-amalan baik dalam kedua-duanya yang sangat wajar jadi ikutan.
    6. Kalimah Laa ilaha Illallah Muhammadur Rasulullah adalah kalimah iman dan kalimah amal. Bersaksi bahawasanya Tiada Tuhan yang selayaknya disembah melainkan Allah, dan bahawasanya Muhammad itu Pesuruh Allah : Meyakini bahawa hanya Allah yang Maha berkuasa, semua makhluk adalah fana di sisiNya, dan Bahawasanya Hanya dengan Cara hidup, amalan dan pemikiran Baginda Rasulullah SAW sahajalah yang menjanjikan kejayaan untuk kita didunia dan akhirat.
    7. Bagi seorang Muslim, jika ada walau sekelumit dalam hati kita was-was terhadap Allah SWT, maka bimbang sungguh kalau-kalau gugr syahadah kita.
    8. Dan jika walau sedikit pun dalam hati kita terdetik bahawa cara Baginda Rasulullah SAW adalah tidak sebaik cara orang lain, maka bimbang sunguh-sunguh membimbangkan, takut jatuh juga akidah kita kerana Baginda adalah Rasul pilihan, insan pilihan, manusia maksum kekasih ALlah SWT- wajarkah diragui tentang Baginda?
    9. Saya bangkitkan hal ini bukan kerana apa-apa, hanya hati menjadi sayu dan timbul juga rasa hiba melihat keadaan sekarang apabila ramai yang terpesona dengan artikel Yahudi bijak.
    10. Rasulullah SAW tak bijak kah? Adakah kita tahu, Baginda anjurkan makan buah-buahan dahulu sebelum menjamah makanan yang lebih berat? baginda anjurkan makan buah kurma ketika berbuka? Baginda suka minum susu, Baginda larang makan dan minum sambil berdiri, Baginda anjurkan makan dan minum dengan tangan kanan, Baginda makan dalam keadaan berjemaah, dan banyak lagi adab makan Baginda SAW, tetapi kita tahukah? dan yang lebih penting, kita amal atau tidak sunnah Baginda itu?
    11. Masalah kita ialah kita tak tahu, dan kalau tahu pun, banyak yang kita tak amal. Kenapa?
    12. Adakah kita nak tunggu ada kajian-kajian dan penemuan-penemuan sains yang membuktikan kelebihan makan dan minum dengan tangan kanan baru kita nak amalkan cara itu? Adakah kita nak tunggu ada penemuan-penemuan tentang makan dan minum sambil duduk baru kita nak berhenti makan dn minum sambil berdiri?
    13. Betapa sejak sekian lama kita dimomokkan dengan etika di meja makan yang mengajar kita suap makan dengan garfu yang dipegang dengan tangan kiri. Betapa kita sejak sekian lama di ajar makan secara ‘cocktail’ yang gah dihias dengan berbagai hiasan sedang makan dan minumnya dibuat sambil berdiri dan berjalan-jalan : Walk and mix around : talk to other guests while eating with a small plate or a cup of tea in your hand…Mix business with pleasure!!
    14. Begitulah bijaknya yahudi dan Nasrani, sedikit demi sedikit kita diajak mengikut cara hidup mereka, sehingga akhirnya apakah yang membezakan kita dengan mereka? Hilang luputlah amalan sunnah nabi SAW dan apabila diberitahu bahawa Nabi SAW makan dan minum sambil duduk, akan tersenyum sinislah puak-puak yang sudah terpesona dengan cara yahudi dan Nasrani ini. Sunnah Nabi dilabelkan kolot. Betapa kita mudah terpedaya.-
    Sudah pastilah sunnah Nabi SAW bukan setakat dalam makan dan minum sahaja tetapi ini hanya sebagai satu contoh.
    15. Umat Islam sangat apologetic tentang keimanan mereka, dan umat Islam sekarang begitu embarrassed untuk menghidupkan Sunnah Nabi SAW dalam kehidupan mereka. Maklumlah, Nabi seorang yang humble walau pun Baginda sebenarnya pembawa rahmat untuk seluruh alam. Sifat humble Nabi SAW amat menyentuh jiwa dan akhlak mulia Nabi SAW begitu mempesonakan sehingga jika dibaca sirah Baginda, berapa ramai yahudi yang memeluk Islam hanya berkat hidayat yang turun melalui akhlak mulia Baginda.
    16. Akhir kalam, umat Islam sekarang ramai bak buih di lautan, tetapi kita lemah kerana tidak bersatu. Bagaimana hendak bersatu? Apabila kita hidupkan kembali Sunnah Baginda SAW dalam kehidupan kita. Maka, walau di mana atas bumi ini kita berada, walau siapa bangsa kita, Cara hidup kita akan serupa, Percakapan kita akan berkisar kepada perkara yang serupa, bermaksud serupa, buah fikiran akan serupa. Dan pada masa itu akan datanglah kekuatan kepada diri-diri kita sepertimana datang kekuatan dalam diri-diri para sahabat nabi radhiyallahu anhuma yang sangat sayangkan baginda dan menuruti jejak Baginda dengan bersungguh-sungguh.
    17. Kepada rakan-rakan pembaca chedet sekelian, ayuh!!! Kenalilah Baginda Rsulullah SAW, cara hidup Baginda, penampilan Baginda dan fikiran Baginda dan hidupkanlah sunnah Baginda SAW dalam kehidupan kita. Pasti dan Pasti Kejayaan Dunia dan akhirat menjadi milik kita!
    18. tak percaya? Cubalah dulu!!!
    19. Tun, good entry as always. As the saying goes, you can take a horse to the stream, but you can’t force it to drink.
    20. Jaga diri Jaga solat Tun and all. I am not being apologetic here but just being polite, so I will end my comments this time round by saying, sorry to take up much space. What to say, I was smarting by the fifth email I got telling me why the Jews are so smart. I dont give a hoot why they are smart.
    21. Al-KHawarizmi, Ibn Sina, Al-Farabi, Al- Kindi all are geniuses and Muslims. Care to study how they became smart anyone?
    as insignificant as always
    -si kenit-

  83. Tun,
    Please pardon my late rejoinder as I am new convert to your blog. It seems that the comments to this perennial itch have been most thorough and now exhausted.
    The way I see it, the carnages that we have seen over the years were perpetrated by a strange and willful cooperation between 2 races competing over a piece of land that has an invaluable spiritual representation. Firstly, it was the Israeli versus the PLO and now it is with Hamas. Both parties seemed to find it perfectly expedient to perpetuate a circle of violence that serves their interests very well.
    The tussle has evolved from a territorial contest to one that has strong religious connotations to it. How else could the Palestinians hope to galvanize enough strength and hope in the face of one of the world’s most advance military force without invoking the name of the Almighty?
    How else can the Israelis moralize their actions and galvanize western supports & opinions without linking this territorial dispute to a wider front that pits one religion against the other?
    Not to mention vested interests by a host of parties wanting to ride on this tidal wave of violence. Ultras from both sides of the divide whose only acceptance to an end would be the complete annilation of the other. Religious zealots who seem to have some God-inspired plan to wage religious wars etc etc.
    Perhaps the greatest motivation for its continuation is that it is interest of the Zionist to keep the status quo because a peaceful and strong Palestine state that exists next to Israel (that has vowed for its destruction) was just too big a risk.
    The world may see the impasse broken if the Palestinians would break their vow calling for the destruction of Israel.

  84. di kasihi TUN DR M
    (M.Y)BEKAS MENTERI BESAR JOHOR & (T.R)BEKAS MENTERI KEAWANGAN BERGABONG SAMA DENGAN TUN DR M JUGA SHAFEE AFDAL insyaallah malaysia membawa kemakmoran, selamat mecuba rasepi ni

  85. i once thought jews are clever but hanan proved me wrong.
    i’ve read somewhere, the reason hitler didnt kill all the jewish when he had the opportunity was because he wanted the world to see/experience the reason he want to remove them from from this world. now the whole world can see why. thinking back, hilter might be right on that.

  86. Orang Yahudi yang tinggal di Malaysia akan dilayan sama seperti manusia-manusia lain. Tetapi kalau buat perangai seperti orang Yahudi di Israel pastinya umpama menjolok sarang tebuan.
    Waima, orang malaysia sekalipun kalau buat perangai macam orang Yahudi sure kena balun baik punya!

  87. Assalamualaikum Tun,..
    Izinkan saya berkongsi pendapat saya…
    Ramai orang tak faham dan buat-buat terus tak faham bahawasanya orang-orang Palestin ditindas dan tertindas. Tanah mereka dirampas dan mereka diusir dari tanah air sendiri. Itulah punca orang-orang Palestine memerangi orang Yahudi yang merampas tanah mereka.
    Pada mereka, bumi palestinadalah milik Israel dan orang-orang Yahudi. Orang Islam Palestine TAK LAYAK beradadi sana dan perlu diusir keluar…. Boleh ke camtu? Aci ke?
    Tak boleh ke orang-orang Yahudi Israel nie hidup aman bertoleransi dengan orang Islam Palestin seperti di Malaysia? Jawapannya, kalau dah kafir lahanat, kafir lahanat jugalah perangainya.
    Sesiapa sahaja di muka bumi ini, kalau mereka ditindas dan tertindas, mereka juga akan bangkit memperjuangkan hak mereka. Itulah asas perjuangan orang Islam di Palestin.
    Terima kasih Tun,
    Saya doakan Yang Berbahagia, Tun suami isteri dalam keadaan sejahtera selamanya hendaknya.

  88. Menteri Besar Datuk Seri Adnan Yaakob has confirmed that he will contest for the post of Umno Supreme Council at party elections next month.
    He said he made the decision after considering various factors.
    “I’ve actually stated that I won’t be contesting but after considering various factors, including advices from friends, I decided to contest as I don’t want my refusal to contest to be misinterpreted,”
    Not surprise at all.He does not want to miss the boat after all and finally decided to contest.
    Harap kelakuannya menggunakan isyarat tangan yang menjijikan tidak berulang lagi.

  89. Nizar to vacate official residence tomorrow
    IPOH, Sat.:
    Former Perak menteri besar Datuk Seri Mohammad Nizar Jamaluddin will vacate the Menteri Besar’s official residence here tomorrow, but will only hand over the keys on Friday.
    No rushing,Nizar. Take your time. After all I don’t think Zambry is so desperate to move in.

  90. Sarawak DAP to only talk to Anwar on seat allocation
    NST Newsdesk
    Sarawak DAP would only talk to Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim on seat allocation for the next state election.
    We will not talk to any other state PKR leaders, State DAP chairman Wong Ho Leng told reporters after a brief meeting with Anwar here yesterday.
    Alahai Anwar! Who are you in Sarawak? Jangan kacau Sarawak lah. You are not wanted there. Don’t waste your time over there. You can’t even handle your state govt. in Semenanjong and now you berangan besar nak control Sarawak State. Cukuplah tu. Your party is now kelam kabut with all the scandals. How to govern !!

  91. Zambry: I am MB appointed by Sultan
    IPOH, Sat.:
    Perak Menteri Besar Datuk Dr Zambry Abdul Kadir today again stressed that his position as head of the state government was clear but was made to look otherwise by certain quarters.
    Of course, Zambry, you are the Mentri Besar of Perak without the slightest shadow of doubt. Don’t be distracted by those “clowns” who are still in the state of denial. They are losers of the first order.
    You must move forward and stop looking back. I know you are in better position to do a lot of things for Perakians. Make no mistake about it. Don’t let these “clowns” to frustrate you.
    Daulat Tuanku! Daulat Tuanku! Daulat Tuanku !!

  92. AirAsia approached to sponsor MU jersey
    Low-cost-carrier AirAsia Bhd has been approached by Manchester United (MU)to sponsor the jersey of the soccer giants.
    This was revealed by AirAsia chief executive officer Datuk Seri Tony Fernandes in his blog on Wednesday.
    “Manchester United have just approached me on whether AirAsia would be interested in becoming their shirt sponsor,” said Tony in his blog.
    He said having the players of the most famous soccer club in the world donning jerseys with the name and logo of a Malaysian-born global brand was something all Malaysians could be proud of.
    He, however, did not state whether AirAsia would make the commitment and asked visitors to the blog to give their feedback.
    As of today, 88 per cent of the visitors voiced their support.
    MU had to find new sponsors for the jersey after insurance giant AIG(American International Group), who are faced with financial difficulties as a result of the world economic crisis, did not seek to renew the deal.
    The four-year sponsorship contract with AIG due to expire in 2010 is reported to be worth US$100 million (RM360 million).
    Hey, Tony ! Which is which now? Mau bikin airport atau mau sponsor MU jersey? he,he,he, kah, kah, kah! US$100 million lo !!Can build a brand new mini airport, man !!
    If I were you I would sponsor Labu Labi Football Club. It is only worth few ringgit and Air Asia would get maximum marketing exposure. I think it is the best marketing strategy to promote Air Asia.
    Anyway, on a serious note, I would like to congratulate you in advance if you could manage to secure a deal with the most famous football team in the world. You are great man !! We are proud of you. Syabas !!

  93. Shahidan seeks support to contest OCM presidency
    Malaysian Amateur Athletics Union (MAAU) president Datuk Seri Shahidan Kassim today asked Olympic Council of Malaysia(OCM) affiliates to support his bid for the OCM presidency in May.
    Enough is enough having politicians to helm in any sports. Just forget it, Shahidan. You just concentrate on your political career as YB and focus more on helping the needs of your constituents. That is more productive.
    Tolonglah, jangan banyak angan-angan lagi. You are in the twilight zone, politically. Make no mistake about it!

  94. Nik Aziz Challenges Ibrahim To Re-contest Pasir Mas Seat
    KOTA BAHARU, Feb 21 (Bernama) — PAS spiritual advisor Datuk Nik Abdul Aziz Nik Mat challenged Pasir Mas Member of Parliament (MP) Datuk Ibrahim Ali to quit as MP of the constituency and prove he is still wanted there.
    Nik Aziz, who is also Kelantan Menteri Besar, said Kelantan PAS was not worried if chose to do this and that he would “probably lose his deposit” if he tried to stand as an independent candidate in a by-election there.
    “The decision by Kelantan Pas asking him to vacate the seat for criticising PAS was taken at meeting of the state PAS liaison committee which I chaired as the commissioner of PAS for Kelantan,” he told reporters when met at his home here today.
    Katak Si katak Lompat ! Lompat, lompat, lompat !!he, he,he, kah, kah, kah
    That’s your trademark, Ibrahim. We are not surprised if you lompat to UMNO camp. We all know that it is in your blood that you are an UMNO loyalist at heart. An UMNO gurkha. So it is timely for you to come back to UMNO. No harm done. You are most welcome. UMNO takkan buang terus anak jatinya walau macam mana “dajal” pun perangai anaknya. You add colour to UMNO politics !!

  95. New Tunku Besar Seri Menanti To Be Appointed Tomorrow
    KUALA PILAH, Feb 21 (Bernama) — Tunku Ali Redhauddin ibni Tuanku Muhriz, the eldest son of the Yang di-Pertuan Besar of Negeri Sembilan Tuanku Muhriz ibni Almarhum Tuanku Munawir and Tengku Aishah Rohani bt Almarhum Tengku Besar Mahmud, will be appointed the ninth Tunku Besar Seri Menanti in a ceremony at the Istana Besar Seri Menanti, near here tomorrow.
    Tunku Ali was born in 1977 at the University Hospital, Kuala Lumpur.
    He attended school in Kuala Lumpur before going to the United Kingdom to complete his secondary school education at the Marlborough College, Wiltshire.
    He graduated with a B.A (Hons) in History and Social & Political Sciences from Cambridge University in 1998.
    He started his career at the London office of McKinsey & Company, and subsequently moved back to Kuala Lumpur to serve McKinsey in Asia.
    In 2004, he joined Khazanah Nasional Berhad, where he remains today as the Director of Investments.
    Congratulations to newly appointed Tunku Besar Seri Menanti, Tunku Ali.
    It is very pleasing to have future Malay rulers who are accademically qualified. It augurs well for the future generation of Malay rulers.

  96. Gerakan Calls For Security Measures For Karpal
    KUALA LUMPUR, Feb 21 (Bernama) — Gerakan has called on the police to immediately step up security measures to ensure the safety of DAP chairman Karpal Singh and his family, and other politicians whose lives have been threatened.
    Gerakan secretary-general Teng Chang Yeow said in his statement today that the threat made against the life of the Member of Parliament for Bukit Gelugor and his family “is most shocking in a civilised society”.
    Prevention is better than cure. This threat is very serious indeed. Therefore, every effort must be made to check this kind of blackmailing on political leaders.
    I therfore urge politicians to restraint themselves from making unnecessary sensitive statements that could lead certain crazy individuals out there to destabilise the security of our country. Don’t take it lightly as you can never know when these crazy uncivilised people will strike us when they are out of their mind.
    Just look at the behaviour of those who demonstrated in Kuala Kangsar. I just cannot understand how they behaved immediately after their Friday prayer. Beyond my imagination to watch them behaving in such manner.That is very, very unislamic !!

  97. Dear Dr Tun,
    First of all, thank you for allowing this blog to be some grounds for mutual discussion. our problems start from not discussing enough.
    I’m afraid i have to correct you on several issues:
    Regarding item 2, you simply couldn’t be further from the truth.
    Yes, life under muslims was better. but when you’re comparing yourself to those who killed 6 million of our people, it isn’t too hard. Arabs, however, killed “mere” thousands and expelled/oppressed the rest. I invite you to listen to the stories of my family, the horrible Farhud in Iraq (en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Farhud). Other families have other stories, depending on country.
    BUT: on countries that weren’t cruel to the jews, there are still jews and they are content and israel has good ties with them – e.g. turkey, azerbaijan, uzbekistan… malaysia should be like those and not like the arab countries.
    Regarding item 4, why we fight arabs – because they didn’t accept the partition plan and want to wipe israel off the map, as they have tried to do ever since 1948. who attacked whom in 1948? did we conquer damascus? besiege amman? march towards cairo? NO. we fought for our survival.
    Regarding item 8, the countries in which we lived in, are not home lands. never have been, never will be. after 2,700 years in iraq, we were kicked out of there for no other reason but being jews. we’re one people with one homeland. moreover, consider for a moment what this means to the palestinian claim to israel, where most of them have been for 500 years or so at best.
    Regarding item 10 – maybe you should suggest that the arab countries and the palestinians accept at least some of the borders drawn by colonials, because they accept no border with israel – it’s all ‘dar al islam’, the land where no kuffar may tread, and certainly can’t be israel there.
    Regarding item 13 – You’ll have to settle for reading the story of the farhud. there were no videos taking place, it was too early. but then again, it was still whole 7 years before 1948, when all jewish land in then-palestine was legally bought from its owners.
    Regarding item 20 – Dear tun… tell hamas to compromise, because if they claim all of israel as ‘dar al islam’, there cannot be peace. it’s as simple as that. the best way to do it – is to formally recognize israel. Follow the footsteps of Ataturk. make sure no antisemitism is created where there should be none. you can do it, or you can continue to support dar-al islam and perpetual war. it’s the choice for you and all malaysians, where to lead the muslim world to, together with indonesia and pakistan, the rising muslim forces.

  98. Salam Tun,
    //By Adolfhitler on February 20, 2009 3:01 AM
    Dear Tun…
    nice proposition..
    anyway, i dont think its gonna work..
    i has a question. Why did Tunku Abd Rahman gave away Singapore to Lee Kuan Yew, while initially he was reluctant.
    I heard that on 1 night, he ( TAR) was having a dinner with Lee Kuan Yew in a shipyard. After that dinner, a few days later, he let away Singapore…
    any body here knows the story ? huh
    The Fuhrer
    Adolf Hitler//
    The rationale behind the story is that we have learned the peribahasa “DURI DALAM DAGING” (torn in meat). I am wondering can you get the meaning from this proverb.
    Lee Kuan Yew had pursuaded the British to allow him to take over the Singapore Island, the most important port in Asia. If the British does not allow this, he and his gangs will join the Communist. This is how he threathened and frightened the British and robbed the Singapore Island from Tanah Melayu. “Bila beras dah jadi nasi” (chinese proverb – when padi became rice), what do you expect our Tunku Abdul Rahman to do, I am sure Tunku did not want to have any chaos in the country.
    When Singapore declared as an independent country, our DAP thought that they too could follow Lee Guan Yew’s footstep by robbing the authorithy from the Malays through general election, this was how the misfortune of May 13, 1969 happened.
    I am a chinese, a Malaysian citizen, and never like DAP because they are the typical china men who are capable only in fighting for the chinese’s right using racism card.
    Since you are interested to see how we ride through this storm, please keep yourself attach to chedet and see how we do in our own way of democracy.
    Good night Tun.
    P/S: Mr Hanan, we do not like to use force or WMDs to get back Singapore because Malaysians love peace and harmony, and we believe in power of god (raw skill) more than power of mankind (highly skilled).

  99. Salam sejahtera Tun,
    Rebuilding The Heart Of Israel
    Tidak dapat di nafikan, bangsa Yahudi tidak dapat melupakan pembangunan kembali Bait Suci-nya. Selama seribu sembilan ratus tahun, dalam masa pembuangan ke bangsa-bangsa (diaspora), tiga kali sehari mereka berdoa: “May it be Thy will that the Temple be speedily rebuilt in our days…”(“..biarlah itu menjadi kehendak-Nya bahawa Bait Suci akan segera dibangunkan di hari-hari kita ini…”). Dan selama seribu sembilan ratus tahun itu, generasi-generasi mereka tidak punya sedikitpun kesempatan untuk mewujudkan keinginan Agama mereka (kerana waktunya belum genap), dan itu juga sebabnya mereka tidak memiliki Imam Besar! Untuk apa imam besar tanpa wilayah kerjanya (Bait Suci)?
    Sinagog-sinagog mereka dibangunkan diseluruh dunia sebagai tempat/sarana belajar Hukum Taurat dan juga berdoa, tetapi sama sekali mereka tidak memiliki cara untuk mengikuti aturan beribadah yang benar, sesuai dengan Hukum Taurat, kerana tiadanya Bait Suci yang telah hilang dari keimanan Yahudi sejak di robohkan oleh Jeneral Romawi, Titus pada tahun 70 M.
    Perintah dalam Kitab Torah, sebagaimana yang dinyatakan di dalam perintah nombor 613 Kitab Yahudi Talmud tentang tata cara ritual ibadah yang benar, sangat berkaitan dengan keberadaan Bait Suci yang menjadi nadi dari semua bentuk penyembahan bahkan kehidupan bangsa Yahudi itu sendiri.
    Sepertiga dari seluruh Kitab Yahudi Talmud tersebut merupakan ritual ibadah yang hanya dapat dilakukan dalam keberadaan Bait Suci yang dibangunkan ditempat asalnya di puncak Moriah. Itulah The heart of Zion, the heart of Israel yang tidak dapat ditawar-tawar lagi .
    Mereka mengerti bahawa sebelum Bait Suci berdiri kembali, seluruh bentuk ritual ibadah yang mereka jalani tidak sah secara Hukum Taurat.
    Dalam keadaan agama seperti itu, mana mungkin ada orang yang dapat berfikir bahawa bangsa Yahudi boleh atau telah melupakan pembangunan kembali Bait Suci mereka?
    Dan demikianlah mereka tetap disibukkan oleh pertentangan mengenai puncak Gunung Moriah sampai waktunya tiba.
    setakat ini, kesepakatan damai antara Palestina dan Israel hanya menyangkut “deal-deal” tertentumengenai isu Samaria, Gaza, Yerikho dan Dataran Tinggi Golan, di mana itu sebenarnya hanya mengalih perhatian dari masalah utamanya.
    “Batu penjuru” Zakaria 12 – adalah Yerusalem. Dan isu mengenai Yerusalem bukan lah isu politik semata tetapi lebih kepada isu agama bertopengkan politik, bahkan menjadi isu global.
    Disinilah titik puncak dari semua nubuatan Kitab Suci di gelar : Peperangan untuk menegakkan “Tahta Daud”
    Seluruh dunia saat ini menantikan terjadinya peristiwa, dimana nabi-nabi Tuhan telah menyaksikannya ribuan tahun yang lalu, penggenapan nubuat tentang suatu tempat diatas gunung karang Zion, rebuilding The Jews Temple sebagai The Heart Of Isreal.
    Jantung yang berfungsi mengalirkan darah kehidupan kepada “tulang-tulang kering” Isreal.
    Dan ketika itu digenapi, ingatlah, beberapa peristiwa nubuatan yang terpenting akan terjadi. Kamudian Antikris akan menyatakan perjanjiannya dengan Isreal segera setelah pengepungan atas Yerusalem. Antikris akan menjadi “penyelamat” yang akan membawa bangsa Yahudi, orang protesten dan orang Katolik kedalam pembentukan “Federation Of Churches” untuk mendukung tindakan selanjutnya, memerintah dunia dari Bait Suci Yerusalem.
    Tetapi sebelum itu terjadi, tentu sahaja Bait Suci haruslah dibangunkan telebih dahulu! Kamudian baru masuk masa-masa paling kritikal dalam langkah-langkah pengenapan nubuat tentang akhir zaman.
    Renung-renungkanlah apa yang akan berlaku!

  100. saya baru jek balik dari vietnam dan benda yang paling best berlaku kepada kami ialah untuk duduk semeja dengan laskar israel. Kita cuba tak sentuh pasal peperangan tersebut namun begitu mereka agak terkejut kerana orang malaysia tahu keadaan geografi negara mereka. Bila mereka tanya macamana kita tahu secara mendalam, saya cuma boleh cakap yang tempat2 disebutkan tadi selalu keluar di kaca tv.
    Mereka nih bercuti ke vietnam selama 2 minggu setelah penat ‘berkerja’. Jadi, nak rehat-rehatlah tuh. Oleh kerana itu kita pun takdalah citer pasal perang dan sebagainya. Cuma mungkin bertukar fikiran pasal percutian mereka di vietnam. Benda yang menarik untuk di perhatikan ialah, orang yahudi nih dan orang islam ( kami ) sama-sama tidak makan babi, tidak makan ayam/daging yang tidak disembelih dan sebagainya. Kita duduk satu meja dan makan benda yang sama. Alangkah baiknya sekiranya israel dan palestine dapat buat seperti apa yang kami buat. Dalam hati nih, mungkin ada rasa benci yang mendalam terhadap satu sama lain, tapi alangkah bahagianya kalau rasa benci itu dapat ditolak ke tepi sambil menikmati makanan vegetarian yang terhidang di hadapan kami.
    peristiwa diatas membuatkan saya terfikir, sekiranya dapatlah satu force international duduk di tengah-tengah bandar yang bertelagah. Contohnya di Gaza atau Tebing Barat. Kalaulah UN boleh isytiharkan kawasan itu sebagai kawasan larangan senjata kan bagus. Mungkin boleh declare satu zon penampan di sekeliling pusat bandar terbabit. Mungkin juga zon penampan itu di jadikan pusat komersil atau paling tidak di isytiharkan kawasan milik UN. Dengan demikian, saya yakin, tidak ada satu kuasa pun yang mungkin sanggup melancarkan serangan melewati zon penampan.

  101. Assalamualaikum TUN,
    kawan- kawan kuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu…..sekalian tentangi israel laknatullah….. boikot barangan syaitan israel….. hinalah mereka… celakalah israel, celakalah amerika…. celakalah fatah yang telah mengkhianati bangsa dan agama………. celakalah mereka dengan perbuatan mereka…….amin…

  102. Dear Tun
    while agreeing with your sentiment i feel you overlook one aspect. our muslim brothers whether in palestine or elsewhere are too laid back. that’s why the jews, after centuries of persecution, always manage to stay ahead. they will continue to dominate the world economy and u.s. policy for decades to come.
    the perverse impact of the fact that most oil reserves sits in the islamic world has added to our sloth.the sons of Ibn Saud are an example of sitting on one’s backside.
    unless we can multiply leaders of your ilk pretty fast we are doomed.
    your tamil admirer

  103. Dear Tun,
    1. Thank you for the information. You are not just an amazing leader, u also a walking library.
    2. But i would like to bring u back to Malaysia. I just want to ask how u rate the Opposition performance in governing for the last 1 year. Do u think that they have the goods to run bigger show?
    3. Please give an honest answer or write on blog please (in point form).
    4. To me what opposition dont have is money and time. But money can be made if u smart enough but time u cant make. I think Opposition wasting too much time finding faults and punish the BN and got entangled with BN drama. They have forgotten 1 year have wasted and nothing cooking until this moment. And i think they got too many human rights and peace activist who doesnt know the politic game. After 1 year, I think PKR is just bunch of Hippies in the 70s who thinks that they are the self-righteous but got dirt on themselves.
    5. They forgot BN is regrouping, Pak Lah is leaving soon, the strength will be restored. The lost supporters will return. And i await to hear Tun says “Is Good To Be Back”.
    6. Please answer my no.2 question pls.

  104. Salaam Tun,
    I truly admire your vision and intellect and to me personally, it is a great “tragedy” to see you leave the helm of Malaysia to your successor.
    I honestly hope that one day, Malaysia can see another great leader to steer our beloved country to greater heights/achievements/economic prosperity – insha allah.

  105. Bukit Antarabangsa Residents Grateful
    KUALA LUMPUR, Feb 21 (Bernama) — Bukit Antarabangsa residents today expressed their gratitude for the governmen’s RM70 million allocation to stabilise the landslide-hit area.
    Bukit Antarabangsa Residents Action Committee chairman Datuk N.Muneandy said the residents in the area were touched and very grateful for the government’s efforts to carry out works to stabilise the area.
    Barisan Nasional government delivers. That’s the difference with 50 years of administering the govt. Make no mistake about it. Continue support BN govt. Things will become better and better with Pak Lah and cronies out of sight come March.


  107. Thailand frees Australian writer
    Harry Nicolaides, an Australian writer jailed in Thailand for defaming its monarch, has returned home after being pardoned by the king and set free.
    Mr Nicolaides, 41, had been sentenced to three years imprisonment in January.
    Images on television of him wearing prison clothes and in chains shocked many Australian viewers, our correspondent says.
    Thailand is a constitutional monarchy but has severe lese majeste laws.
    Malaysia should have the same law as in Thailand in order to prevent people from ridiculing our Sultans.
    Daulat Tuanku ! Daulat Tuanku ! Daulat Tuanku !
    I am a royalist. Make no mistake about it. But I expect the Sultans to be above the law with a sense of responsibilty of the highest order towards the rakyat.

  108. The hart of Zion, The heart of Israel.., ” They are the nation now, but they haven’t got their Temple worship yet. And when they establish the tample worship, the world will changes”
    Bait suci Yahudi di puncak gunung moriah.
    Lokasi kontroversi
    Pada hari rabu tanggal 07 Jun 1967, beberapa saat setelah tengah hari, tentera Isreal mengambil alih tampuk kuasa atas seluruh kota Yerusalem untuk pertama kalinya dalam dua ribu tahun. Menteri pertahanan Isreal pada waktu itu, Moshe Dayan, adalah salah seorang yang menginjakkan kaki buat pertama kalinya untuk berdoa di Tembok barat dari Bukit Bait Suci, dan menyatakan “Kami telah mengembalikan tempat Maha Kudus kami dan kami tidak akan pernah meninggalkanya kembali”. Shlomo Gorn ketua Rabbi dari tentara kamudian meniup “shofar” sebagasi lambang kepercayaan bahawa “…oleh suara sangkakala Bait Suci roboh, dan oleh suara sangkakala juga akan itu akan dibangunkan kembali”.
    Tetapi empat puluh satu tahun yang lalu, ketika mereka merebut Yerusalem itu, sangat sedikit orang percaya bahawa bangsa Yahudi akan merencanakan kembali pembangunan Bait Suci mereka di Gunung Moriah – dalam bentuk rancangan yang sama seperti Bait Suci Pertama dan Bait Suci Kedua mereka.
    Para pemerhati politik dunia akan menyatakan hal itu sebagai sesuatu yang hampir mustahil. Mengapa? Kerana lokasi seluas tiga puluh lima ekar di puncak Gunung Zion, itu di mana pada awalnya berdiri The Temple yang menjadi jantung kota tua Yerusalem telah (dan masih) diduduki secara illegal oleh dua kubah Islam – Dome Of The Rock dan masjid Al-Aqsa dengan megahnya yang selama ini telah menjadi simbol kota Yerusalem.
    Pemaksaan Isreal untuk mengambil alih kedua dua wakaf tersebut dan menggantikan dengan Bait Suci Yahudi jelas akan mendapat tentangan hebat dari negara-negara Islam dan juga mengobarkan “jihad” (perang suci) antarabangsa.
    Walaupun bangsa Yahudi telah menguasai seluruh kota Yerusalem sejak Perang Enam Hari pada tahun 1967, dan di teguhkan kembali dalam perang pada tahun 1973.
    Dan dalam tujuan damainya mereka tetap mengizinkan orang Islam memelihara kedua masjid mereka diatas Bukit Bait Suci sampai waktunya tiba.
    Sebaliknya orang Islam mempergunakan konsesi tersebut untuk menolak memberikan akses bagi para arkeloogi dan peneliti Isreal untuk masuk ke wilayah kedua dua masjid tersebut kerana bimbang memberi kebenaran tersebut akan semakin memotivasikan Isreal untuk merekabentuk “The Temple”.
    Fobia dengan pembangunan kembali Bait Suci Yahudi ini setiap saat menghantui bangsa Palestina dan Arab pada umumnya, pertama kerana kesedaran mereka atas keberadaan yang tidak sah di atas Gunung moriah, dan kedua kerana mereka mempunyi pengalaman yang cukup (sejak ribuan tahun yang lalu) tentang “berurusan” dengan Elohim Isreal yang selalu mengetarkan mereka dari zaman ke zaman dari generasi ke generasi.
    Keadaan seperti itulah yang menjadi sumber ketegangan Agama dilokasi tersebut, ditambah lagi dengan masuknya unsur-unsur kristian dan katolik dengan kepentingan agamanya masing-masing menjadikan keadaan di wilayah itu semakin tidak menentu.
    Keberadaan kota tua Yerusalem pun terbahagi kepada empat wilayahnya dikuasai oleh fahaman-fahaman yang berbeza, ada wilayah muslim, kristian/katolik dan Yahudi sendiri, Dan masing masing siap untuk mempertahankan wilayahnya dengan bayaran apapun mengingat kehadiran “terhormat” mereka di Gunung Zion.
    Belum lagi fahaman atas satu atau dua lokasi yang di kuasai oleh gereja-gereja tertentu: Ortodoks Yunani, Katolik Roma, Ortodoks Armenia dan Yahudi Ethiopia (Falasha), menjadikan wilayah kota tua Yerusalem semakin rawan dengan konflik.
    Apakah ada lokasi yang lebih kontroversial dari lokasi Bukit Bait Suci ini di seluruh dunia? Tidak ada!

  109. As long as the United States continue to supply weapons and money to Israel, nothing will change in the middle East conflicts. US will stop the supply only when US is bankrupts. The Arabs can help to bankrupt US by start trading oil in “dinar” or “euro”, instead of “US Dollar”.
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  110. Anwar: 8 months and no action
    by Tim Leonard
    PETALING JAYA (Feb 20, 2009): Parti Keadilan Rakyat adviser Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim has expressed disappointment that no action had been taken on the police report he lodged eight months ago alleging abuse of power by Attorney-Gereral Tan Sri Abdul Gani Patail and Inspector-General of Police Tan Sri Musa Hassan over his ‘black eye’ incident in 1998.
    The Parliamentary opposition leader also expressed his disappointment with the newly-minted Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) for failing to take action despite promises of transparency.
    Anwar Oh Anwar ! Kau ni macam badutlah. Kau buatlah pentas drama kat Istana Budaya, Tajuknya “THE BLACK EYE BOY”. Mesti ramai peminat datang nak tengok. Hasil dari kutipan harga tiket diserahkan untuk derma kanak-kanak Palestin.

  111. Businessman to contest Bukit Selambau seat
    NST newsdesk
    Businessman/philanthropist Datuk Thasleem Mohd Ibrahim will contest as an independent for Bukit Selambau state seat in Kedah.
    Ini siapa pulak punya “baruah”. UMNO, PKR atau PAS.

  112. ‘There is evidence Khalid misused powers’
    By : Audrey Dermawan
    GEORGE TOWN: The Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) has found “good and strong evidence” to show that Selangor Menteri Besar Tan Sri Abdul Khalid Ibrahim had misused his powers over the maintenance of his personal car and purchase of 46 cows.
    Charge him in court if there is strong evidence of his wrongdoing.There should not be double standard if ever the new MACC wants its credibility maintained. Or else the forming of the commission is just as haprak and HP6 as the previous ACA. No difference at all.

  113. SAlam to Tun & All,
    I dont feel good about this. As much as possible, I want to give the benefit of doubt that Hanan is sincere in writing to yr blog. But deep inside I not able to accept his sincerity. I dont find “sincerity” in his writing. My inner voice says that he has other agenda(s) and this blog will be the mean for him/her.
    God Bless All of Us.

  114. Aslmkom Tun,
    The Jews had monopolized the US economy and they are also the culprit behind the economic devastation in US now that had affected the world. It is lucky that Malaysia is not fully affected because we have dynamic leaders who are still in the government who learn from you, getting the experience to get out from the economic chaotic situation without relying from outside funding or influence. Now, US and other countries had followed the Malaysian way to tackle such problem. We should be proud to be Malaysian and we, irrespective of races, parties, religion, rich or poor should work together to counter this bad economic situation and get out of there quickly, rather than waste time meddling around with political issues.
    Israel is considered by most of us as a terrorist state after what it has done to Palestine & Lebanon. Worse of all, Israel is getting new leaders who seem to be thinking that they have the right to destroy Palestine. But they failed to remember that the lands where the Jews are standing now (a virtual state known as Israel) actually belong to the Palestinian and they are Arab. But the Arabs seem weak because among them they misunderstood each other with full of grudges. Israel made them that way but the Arabian leaders did not realize it.
    While we are condemning Israel for the devastation it had done to the people in Gaza and the Arabs as a whole, our media happily showed on air lengthy news about Israel. They even show lengthily the speeches given by Israel leaders perhaps we do not know what they are talking about, as they are not talking Bahasa Malaysia neither they are talking in English. We, as Malaysians who sympathizes the Palestinian who is fighting for their right for freedom and fighting to get back their lands from the colonizers, should refrain from putting news about Israel. In fact, we do not care who their new leaders are and so on. As whoever are Israel leaders, it will make no different, Israel will still be a terrorist state and the most dangerous state on earth.
    It is sad that you are no more a Malaysian Premier. If you are still the Premier, may be you could give the Arab leaders the hard slap so that they are awakened from their dreams and they could unite to support their Arabian brothers and sisters in Palestine from being systematically destroyed by Israel. Looking at it, we agree to your opinion that the grudges between Palestinian and Israelis will never be remedied and that it will be dragged for another sixty years.
    On our Malaysian scenario, we pray to Allah swt that the country will be stabilized and get out of this economic devastating situation quickly and allow the people to live harmoniously.
    We pray to Allah swt for your good health and having the energy to act as guardian to our dynamic new younger leaders moving to the direction of your vision towards the year 2020.

    By lcclckAuthor Profile Page on February 19, 2009 7:26 PM
    Dear Sir,
    I really respect your flair and great intelligence.

  116. Dear Tun
    Greetings and Salutations!
    Hope you are in good health.
    From the postings in your blogs, it appears that many muslims especially in Malaysia view this as a religious war. You have clarified that it is not. Maybe Tun needs to elaborate more as this message appears to have been lost.
    On the Perak constitutional crisis, it is amusing to see people making police reports regarding Karpal and Sivakumar being traitors etc.
    However Tun’s action albeit “legally” removing the Monarch’s immunity and most of their inherent powers is an act akin to striping the Monarchs bare in public. I wonder at that time how many police reports were lodged against Tun?

  117. Salam Tun & fellow bloggers,
    1.Telah tersebut berulang kali di dalam Al-Quran tentang kekejaman dan kerosakan oleh Yahudi
    2.Allah menciptakan Yahudi lebih bijak daripada manusia lain untuk menguji keimanan hambaNya
    3.Tidak ada sesiapa dapat mengubah sikap Yahudi dan berterusan hingga Qiamat
    4.Umat Islam hendaklah berhati-hati dengan dakyah Yahudi yang telah menguasai banyak sektor dalam kehidupan moden
    5.Mudah-mudahan kita semua dilindungi Allah daripada kekejaman Yahudi.Amin

  118. Dear Hanan,
    I do agreed with you on some point, but as Dr. M said in order for us to live in peace and harmony we need to compromise. Palestinian Arab need to sacrifice some from them and Jews either. The classic example is Malaysia, although Malays representing 60% of total population of Malaysia but still need to sacrifice some of their interest for the benefit of the whole country. With this, then we shall be live in peace and harmony forever.
    Unfortunately, reading your comments, I found that you managed to twist the facts to be on your side. Yes you absolutely right in some of your arguments but please don’t make comments truly based on your perception. We need to open our mind to others view even it was totally contrary to our view (which is I truly believed you also agreed with me, hence you also have practised anyway). To be frank with you, the whole that we talking about is not between Judaism against Islam, it is between the Arab Palestinian who their land being robe by Jewish people.
    Furthermore, not all the Jewish are supporting the establishment of Israel state right? Thus I truly believed that you have no right to represent the Jewish as a whole, you can claim that you representing the Zionist right?
    I’m surely believed that you will come out with 1001 reasons to support your point of view, and this will be end.

  119. salam buat ayahanda tun sekeluarga
    just want to say pls continue your writings
    as i always enjoy reading them
    and also to compliment on “this article”
    i agree with whatlcclck/pl said on 19Feb09 7:26pm
    many who opposed you hated you but deep inside,
    they feared and respected you
    yes, it is been quite a while since my last comment
    as i more enjoy reading them then leave one
    FYI, reading your blog is in my daily routine..
    lastly, may Allah bless you and your family…….always
    take a great care of your health to both tuns….
    (love to see former number one couple but
    in my eyes both of you still is (what former number one??))
    until then….

  120. Karpal gets death threat and live bullets in mail
    GEORGE TOWN: Two live bullets and a death threat was mailed to DAP chairman Karpal Singh

  121. Tun.
    Minta izin nak komen sikit tentang Naib ketua wanita UMNO telah di menangi Datuk Kamalia Ibrahim tanpa bertanding. ‘Ibrahim’ lagi…..
    Saya kurang senang lah dengar nama ‘Ibrahim’ni. Dah ramai sangat anak2 ‘Ibrahim’ ni dalam politik Malaysia. Saya kuatir anak pompuan Ibrahin ni pun kut tak leh percaya.
    Annuar Ibrahim, Khalid Ibrahim, Zaid Ibrahim, dan kini adik pompuan mereka Kamalia Ibrahim.
    Kak Shahrizat dah bolih ker memimpin wanita ni. Kata dulu tak nak lawan tokeh. Tiba2 ubah haluan pulak. Takut pulak nanti yang di kejar tak dapat yang di kendung keciciran. Apa2 pun bolih berlaku…
    Datuk Kamalia tentu lah dah bolih buat kenduri…
    Saya tak berminat pun soal wanita ni, cuma jeling2 saja. Tak kisah lah sipa pun ketua nya.

  122. Khir wants menteri besar to quit
    SHAH ALAM: Selangor opposition leader Datuk Seri Dr Mohd Khir Toyo said Selangor Menteri Besar Tan Sri Abdul Khalid Ibrahim should resign his post if he was charged in court for using state funds to maintain his personal vehicle and purchasing 46 cows worth RM110,400 for his own interest.
    Hey, Khir Toyo !! You pun 2 X 5 juga!! UMNO wants you to step down from being leader of Selangor BN. You are just useless leader for causing the downfall of BN govt.

  123. Dear Tun,
    Firstly we must also blame ourselves for lacking in muslim unity.
    Because we muslim are not united, others are taking advantage of it.
    Perhaps, if you can advise our muslim brothers and sisters on how best to achieve this unity, it would be more effective than going to war with the USA/Israel ?. (it was a joke !!! I hope from you)
    However, with your strong connections and networks, am pretty sure many would listen and act for an economic war perhaps ?,,,,indeed would be more effective too !. (this am serious)
    The Israelis, who once demanded that their enemies negotiate with them, now themselves refuse to negotiate. This is indeed a simple tactical ploy. They have no wish to make peace with the Palestinians because there are no concessions they are willing to offer. They will concede nothing, neither land nor political authority. On the contrary, they insist on the Jews’ continued right to seize more land from the Arabs to build new settlements.

  124. Gun shock at power deal talks
    By : Marc Lourdes
    KUALA LUMPUR: Is business in Malaysia looking down the barrel of a gun? Judging by what an independent power producer (IPP) tried to pull with a Tenaga Nasional Bhd (TNB) subsidiary recently, it looks like it.
    The incident occured during negotiations between TNB subsidiary Sabah Electricity Sdn Bhd (SESB) and the IPP on Thursday afternoon.
    The IPP is also said to be Sabah-based.
    Present were 14 people, including TNB officers, representatives from the IPP and the TNB subsidiary, as well as lawyers and an official from the Energy, Water and Communications Ministry.
    The discussion was to thrash out a deal for TNB to purchase power from the IPP, which has a 100MW capacity.
    The going was tough and one of the SESB officials told the IPP representatives not to twist their arms.
    Who is this idiot Dato’? This is crazy ! These IPP companies are really causing pain in the ass to TNB. Enough is enough. It is rather pitiful for TNB to deal with these “crooks” being more or less holding TNB to ransom. IPP companies seem to believe that they are having the upper hand and could twist their arms with TNB in the negotiation table.
    It is just unfortunate that the consumers are being made suckers by these IPP compnies because of the “perceived” lopsided agreement betweem IPP and TNB.The consumers are being deprived from getting reasonably cheap electricity.
    The govt. must act fast to rectify the lopsided agreement so that it will be a win-win situation for everybody particularly the consumers. It seems that TNB funds are bleeding profusely for payments made for the “invisible” service rendered by IPP. This is totally unacceptable when the current economic situation is in bad shape.
    I think the govt. should nationalise the IPP companies, period. After all the funds to erect the power plants came from foreign banks which are now technically bankrupt. The IPP companies should renegotiate with these technically bankrupt banks for better deals. They should do the arm twisting with the banks rather than with TNB.

  125. Dear Hanan,
    Thank you for reading this blog. I hope you can invite your dear friend, Obama to do the same.
    Hopefully, this blog can shed a light on your mind and your dear friend on what is the actual fighting in Gaza is about. Sometimes, I wonder why is it people of the USA and the Zionist hard to understand that those palestinians are just fighting for their rights, for their homeland.
    When Obama won the presidential election, the entire world happy for it as they hope for a new change in the US government. Now, everyone is waiting to see what Obama can do to solve this problem. I wonder if he’s afraid to act in anyway which would hurt the zionist’s interest.
    From Obama’s background, I personally think, he, among other former US presidents, would understand better. But mere understanding is not enough if no action is taken out.
    I also want to take this opportunity to thank my beloved prime minister, Tun Dr Mahathir for his blog. This blog really helps a lot of people, especially Malaysians, to express their view.
    I haven’t had the chance to meet him personally, which I wish I would someday, I feel this blog helps me to interact to him directly.

  126. TUN.
    Ini lah contoh nya bila negara seperti Palesti dan Israel tidak ada kuasa “SULTAN”. Kuasa rakyat bolih melakukan sesuka hati. mengikut selera pemimpin2 tanpa ada suatu kuasa yang lain yang bolih mengibangi sesuatu keputusan. Kerana itu Malaysia agak unik kerana kuasa Sultan maseh relevan walau pun tertakluk dibawah ” kuasa Perpembelagaan”.
    Izunkan ingin menyentuh sedikit renteten poltik tanah air yang sedang melanda ketika ini. Sudah pun 11 bulan berlalu nya PRU12 tapi parti2 politik maseh belum ‘settle down’. Maseh ada ribut yang melanda disetengah pehak.
    Bermula dari usaha Lompat Katak AI pada 16/9 yang telah pun gagal sehingga kini maseh kedengaran katak melompat.
    Selepas PR tumbang di Perak, berbagai incident dan senario di cetuskan kerajaan PR(PKR) telah menyerlahkan kelemahan mereka.
    Pemimpin2 mereka bertindak menderhaka pada keputusan Sultan.
    Menyaman Sultan. Membuat tuduhan2 liar dan menyalahkan apa yang berlaku disebabkan UMNO/BN.
    Tapi ada juga mereka berbalahan sesama sendiri.
    Apa pun dari semua rentetana itu dapat lah kita membuat rumusan dan gambaran sebenar nya perlakuan pemimpin2 PR terutama PKR. Mereka tidak pernah menghormati undang2 dan perlembagaan negara.
    Tapi apa yang berlaku alkhir ini. Kita disajikan pula berita ada kalangan mereka kena ugut bunuh lah dapat peluru hidup lah.
    Dapat tawaran 5 juta lah.DLL.
    Kesimpulan nya. Apabila sesuatu keadaan tidak memihak atau mengikut selera mereka, mereka sanggup buat apa sahaja walaupun melanggar undang2. Polis dan mahkamah akan dipersalahkan dan dipertikaikan. Arahan polis tidak diendahkan. Mereka bergitu kuat(bila ramai sahaja) Tapi bila mereka ada berlaku ancaman atau kusulitan peribadi, mereka akan pergi ke POLIS,SPRM dan MAHKAMAH untuk meminta menyelesaiakan masaalah mereka.
    Jika masaalah ini tidak memuasakan hati mereka, mereka akan menyangah akan pehak ini. Ini lah watak2 dan permaianan mereka.
    Pada kritikan di buat pada mereka, mereka akan menyaman pula untuk menutup mulut2 yang mengeritik. Tapi konon nya mahukan bebes bersuara. Mereka merepek2 menuduh dan memfitnah orang tak apa. Tidak salah. Orang lain buat tak bolih. Seolah2 undang2 hanya untuk melindungi mereka sahaja, dan akan menyanggah undang2 itu bila tidak dapat memihak pada mereka. Hingga kan Ketua Hakim pun di fitnah dan dikecam.
    Berginikah rupa parti yang melaung2kan keamanan ,keadilan dan sebagainya. Hanya untuk menyedap telinga rakyat sahaja. Tapi sebalik nya mereka mengajar rakyat mendurhaka pada Sultan. Mengajar menghina mahkamah.Mengajar membeklakangi undang2. Bersikap ganas dan kurang ajar.
    Mereka tidak fikirkan majoprity rakyat mahukan suasana yang aman, tenteram dan keselamtan. Apa yang telah mereka lakukan semua nya menjurus kepada tidak aman,tidak tenteram pada rakyat. Rakyat mersakan tidak selamat bila mereka mula berdemonstrasi di jalan2.
    Bagaimana jika mereka berkuasa penuh memerintah? Apa kah mereka kan mencipta undang2 hanya memihak pada kepentingan mereka sahaja?
    Harap rakyat dapat melihat keadaan sebenarnya permainan poltik PR terutama PKR dan DAP. Usah lah hanya pandai becakap politik tapi tidak pula bijak melihat lebih dalam apa yang ada dalam politik itu.
    Terbaru SPRM telah lengkap kertas siasatan keatas MB Selangor atas tuduhan salah guna kuasa. PKR lagi…….Parti kelirukan rakyat.

  127. salam Tun,
    the world is a stage. this war seems like the remake of Shakespeare’s the merchant of Venice, with the Jews as Shylock, the Muslims as Muslim version of Antonio and special appearance of USA as Tubal, Shylock’s friend. only the deaths are real. the pain are real, cannot be ended after they bow to the audience. i hope Allah S.W.T. will give hidayah to the Jews and that they will submit to Him.

  128. Assalamualaikum Tun,
    Harap Tun dapat ulas keadaan politik di negeri Perak. Semakin lama saya melihat apa yang dilakukan oleh Pakatan Rakyat (PR) semakin bahaya dari semua segi.
    Terima kasih.
    Selamat berjuang Tun !!

  129. Shalom Hanan:
    Logically elegant, mathematically consistent but sorry to say Hanan that you are giving the right answers to the wrong questions.
    The Jews gave the Bible to the world, preaching about Peace and Love but who exactly killed Jesus by convincing the Romans to crucify him? I don’t think it was the Muslims or the Christians but it was the Jews. One other thing, Hanan, I’ve heard a couple of Jews once told me that (hmmm…I still wonder if they were joking or being serious about it) Moses was a fool! Of all the lands that Moses could had chooses after crossing the Red Sea and years of walking in the wilderness, he lead the Jews to Palestine? Why not Saudi Arabia or Iraq….it’s rich with oil! Killing Jesus and calling Moses a fool….duh!
    Hanan, I don’t know how to speak in Hebrew or Yiddish and I wonder if you are a Sabra but at least I know how and who actually masterminded the Belfore Treaty.
    I have to admit that the Jews are brilliant people (take a look at the “Who’s Who” of the Nobel Prize Winners) but why don’t they use the God-given intelligent to make this world a better place? Speaking about the Holocaust, I don’t think that the Muslims was involved. But I still wonder why Hitler and the Nazis hated the Jews to such an extend.
    Your “Military Bible” was a gift from “Givaret” Malcom, an officer of the British Military Force before the Independence of Israel. It does makes an interesting reading but if ever I go to war, I rather not practice what’s was taught by Major Malcom.
    I could tell you much more, Hanan, but I don’t see the point of wasting my time trying to convince someone who is not ready to compromise. Hanan, to speak with you, I first have to look at 2 sides. Firstly, your side of the argument and secondly, the outside of the room. You don’t believe in a “win-win” situation. You only want to win all the time, even if you are on the wrong side of the road and a 16 wheel lorry is just around the next corner heading your way….LOL!
    No hard feelings, ok Hanan, I’m just saying my peace and hailing from a small kitbutz, you are probably more intelligent than me. Probably 🙂

  130. Salam Tun,
    1. The State of Palestine existed for centuries where Palestinian and Jews have lived and struggle together for freedom against British rule.
    2. When Israel was born 60 years ago in the land of Palestine. The population had been increased rapidly by mass Jews migration from all over the world since holocaust.
    3. The question is, shouldn

  131. Dear Sir,
    I am one of your admirers. I admire your intelligence and sharpness and also your unwavering tongue.
    Rather than spent your fading age commenting on local politics why don’t YAB be above politics and look at the following:-
    1. Look at ways of enhancing our mutual coexistence in Malaysia to the next level.
    2. Explain to Malaysians how a muslim thinks.
    3. Promulgate “ummatan wasatan” of muslims to non muslims.
    4. Look at factors that need to be inculcated to take actual mutual coexistence with respect to the next level.
    I think only you YAB can do this as you have admirers within muslims and non muslims alike. Only you can spearhead this project.
    We need to assure this country can provide for our future generations and the only way is through actual mutual respect to co-exist.
    Your take YAB.
    Ayub Mohammed.

  132. Hi Hanan,
    A humble request from me, perhaps you may want to do some research from Al-Quran. You will find yourself more lively and meaningful.
    This is not a joke but just merely to encourage you to make some comparison on certain statement that you made. You will definately find from there.
    InsyaAllah, the truth will prevail !!!

  133. Good night to Tun and all of u.Tun, the person name HANAN actually one type of devils.As what i now about Israel or Jewish is the group of human without feeling like care ,respect ,loving and everything about them we can read and check in the Al.Quran , even Nabi muhammad ask us not be friend with them.This human really sick…………………and want everybody to believe every single word from their mouth .Tun,as long we now their true colour and we must believe ALLAH always with us.Any way we must learn from the mistake and prepare how to solve all the problem .May Allah blessing us…………………amin.

  134. Salam Sejahtera kepada Tun dan Keluarga.
    Tun you simply the best.
    1)Bayang kan lah kalau bukan Tun yang memimpin Malaysia dah lama tanah tanah kita di Singapura tergadai. Sebab kebijaksanaan dan keberanian Tun lah tanah KTMB di Singapura dapat di selamat kan.
    2)Sekarang ni pemimpin kita sombong dan bongkak tak makan nasihat.Tengok apa dah jadi rakyat sangat sengsara.negara bengkrup.
    3)Dahulu aman sekarang banyak jenayah.
    4) mengapakah kita begini?
    5)Kami sangat berharap setelah Pak Lah undur kegemilangan,kecermelangan Malaysia dapat dipulih kan.

  135. Tun… The Zionist are truely the enemy of human civilization…
    We fight against NEW WORLD ORDER!

  136. Salam Tun dan Toh Puan,
    saya lihat, poltik tanah air, bertambah teruk dan rakyat dah bertambah bosan dgn main wayang dan cakap-cakap di dalan dewan parlimen (cakap ape aje, tak kena saman punye!).
    Dengan sekendal sex dan bagi lembu di luar negeri selangor, 4 negeri siap ugut kerajaan pusat, dan mengumumkan defisit belajawan kerajaan negeri yang teruk….
    Saya perhatikan Tun seorang yang beribawa dan perlu membantu memberi idea untuk membangunkan negara. Tetapi pemimpin sekarang buta dan pekak telinga tak dapat lihat KEHABATAN TUN!
    Rakyat bosan Tun, rakyat dah jemu asyik bercakap ajeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!
    Tak ada kerja lain!, Macam PKR menaggap mentadbir negara macama mentadbir dapur masak …
    Mereka yang bodoh dan tak ada otak di campur dengan kerajaan pusat yang lembab dan kaki rasuah, cukup! cukup! cukup! lah dengan sandiwara negara sana sini! Buat kerja lah.
    Tun tolonglah kami di sini, kami perlukan pertolongan Tun untuk membangunkan negara tercinta ini.

  137. It takes 2 to tango….
    To initiate a war a to find peace after war also require both sides cooperation…
    What is gained by killing those innocent people either Jews or Muslims?
    How long is this gonna continue?
    How many generations more will suffer?
    why can’t both sides tolerate? Give & take, is it too much to ask for?
    It’s not a war between religion, but a war between the leadership of the opposing sides..
    Just remember, IT TAKES TWO TO TANGO…

  138. Salam Ayahanda Tun.
    1) Saya sangat tertarik dengan penerangan Ayahanda Tun, walaupun terpaksa merujuk kepada kamus.
    2) Boleh tak kiranya Ayahanda Tun terjemahkan dalam Bahasa Melayu. Sebab ianya sangat bagus untuk rujukan terutama pelajar kita dan orang orang seperti saya.
    3) Terima Kasih.

  139. Dear Tun Dr M,
    I sincerely salute you being the leader who kept Malaysia under your control for a very long period of time and peacefully. Only
    2 controversies for more than 20 years is certainly an accomplishment to be proud off. You were also a near perfect politician emulated by many upcoming leaders not only from Malaysia but also from around the globe.
    The past three weeks have been full of action,tension, controversy, arm twisting, drama etc. etc. The direction the Malaysian arena is heading to is mostly biased. How come some of the leaders are taking the risky route when they can actually do whatever they want gradually. The risky route even though is fast but the stake and risk is very high.

  140. when khir toyol is accused for 20 corruption cases for so long … no action taken until so now …
    when Tun claims that the tingkat 4 abusing their power, no action taken so far …
    when Tun claims there are 900 corruption cases reported on UMNO member for buying votes, no action taken so far
    however, BPR is so efficient and make statement that the Khalid (Menteri Besar of Selangor), will be charged soon becoz of the lembu issue
    aduhh! … not sure how BPR is handling cases based on the priority … from my point of view, Khalid is charged at the first place compared to other UMNO members, is mainly becoz he is not handsome?

  141. Salam, nak buat hapa ajak si Hanan ni ke Malaysia, nanti dia buat kacau. Di mana mereka berada, disana nanti mereka buat kacau. Kalau di US, bulan Oct, Nov, di TV akan siar pasal holocaust. Bagi orang2 US yang kurang ilmu, akan berasa amat simpati terhadap mereka, very dramatic.
    Saya setuju dengan crocodog. Jangan lupa jemput orang2 PKR, lebih2 lagi yang berbaring dijalan dengan bendera palestine. Jangan segan, boleh baring depan tank2 israel, mati syahid.
    The Quran said, ” Walls and trees will be talking, there is a jew hiding behind me”, and they are ‘talking’ to us now. Obviously they are everywhere informing us where they are at, even at che det’s blog. mmmmpphhh.

  142. Hi Tun,
    As I read the bickering going on between you and Hanan, it only confirms that all of you don’t understand the meaning of war in human history. All you are trying to do is to retrace or roll back the initial conditions that existed before a war! Land doesn’t historically belong to anybody! It has always belonged to the victor of wars! We choose peace because we have to ask our selves whether all the sufferings and killings in a war are worth it or not. That is why a lot of outcomes of war have always been temporary solutions because after a while the horrors of war get forgotten and humans gear up for war again. If you want peace, stop all wars and move on. If not, fight to the death but then don’t talk about civilised rules of war! Mass exterminations, etc as during Genghis Khans time should then become acceptable behaviour as have beheadings in the Muslim countries! So which is it? Fight like mad pigs to the death or move on?

  143. Dear Tun,
    Karpal Wants Royal Commission To Investigate Kulim Shooting Case
    KULIM, Feb 20 (Bernama) — The opposition will move a motion in Parliament for the setting up of a Royal Commission to investigate the shooting of six suspected criminals by the police in Kampung Kemunting here four days ago.
    DAP chairman Karpal Singh said the setting up of the commission was crucial as it would allow the Inspector-General of Police, Tan Sri Musa Hassan, to clarify to the families of the six victims, as well as the people, on the incident.
    Typical of opposition parties who are fond of having Royal Commission for every damn thing.The police is doing their job professionally to maintain law and order. I thought they always blame the police for being inefficient for the increase in the crime rate. Now when the police took the necessary action to curb crime they accused the police for the shooting. Podaaah !!
    I would like to congratulate the police for their prompt action. There are a lot more criminals out there. Tangkap dan buru mereka sampai ke lobang cacing !!

  144. Hanan,
    From your writings you keep telling us you want peace. May I suggest to you to come to Malaysia?
    Here in Malaysia, you will see that there are many races from Malays, Chinese, Indians, Kadhazans, and many more. You will find that even though that Malaysia is a multiracial country we can live in peace and harmony with one another. Out of respect for each other, we even have public holidays for each race. For example, the Muslims would have the Hari Raya Aidifitri, the Chinese would have the Chinese New Year and the Indians Deepavali. And there are many other holidays but I’m just naming the major ones. And it doesn’t stop there. During the Hari Raya, we also invite other races to join during the Open House. Indeed, when other races have their public holidays, they too invite other races to join. For your information, during the Open House everyone from the various races would gather and eat and enjoy each others company. It is a sight to behold.
    There are many other things to see in Malaysia, but I wouldn’t want spoil the fun for you and let you explore Malaysia yourself.
    For your country, you have only one other race and that is the Palestinians. Its a wonder how we in Malaysia with so many races are able to live in peace and harmony while you, having only have the Palestinians that are different from you and you still cannot live in peace.
    So you say you want peace but fail to understand why you cannot get peace?
    Maybe its due to the illegal settlements to get more land? Maybe its due to the building of walls that separate the Jews and the Palestinians? Maybe its due to the attacks using tanks, warplanes, chemical weapons on innocent Palestinians not sparing even the women, children and babies? Bombings on houses, hospitals and even UN Buildings. Maybe its due to the blockade that prevent the Palestinians to get food and medical supplies?
    I’m just guessing here, I may be wrong.
    You may argue all you want to justify Israel’s action on the killing of innocent Palestinians, but unless your government change its ways of doing things, you will never have the peace you so long desire.
    And that Hanan, is the most terrible consequences to have for any Israelis.

  145. Hi all…
    I got one suggestion…let all the jews own this world…
    i bet u they will end up fighting and killing among themselves also….

  146. Salam Tun,
    Thank you for writing the open letter above. It is very beutifully articulated.. Thank you Allah for bestowing us Malaysians an honorable leader such as you . I could not help it but wish to reply on the comment made by fellow commentator above .
    By wadiAuthor Profile Page on February 20, 2009 4:15 PM
    cool am 1st?
    US should give their state to the israel ppl – agree
    My comment; Dear wadi, Russian had given a big piece of land to the jewish for them to live, i could not remember the name, but then maybe you could googled it.
    The Zionist do not want just a land. They want the ‘Promised Land’. They want the land to be all theirs when their leader descend/ascend to rule the world…. remember “New World Order” It is believed that they are trying to locate the Temple of Solomon as it harnest something that is so special for them.
    The site http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=daxnUMUnolc&feature=related
    will explain a lot on what is happening now.
    The Series of ‘ The Arrivals” which i think should be watched by all of us whether you are a believer or not.
    Thank you

  147. from shako
    salam Tun n yr family,
    i really apprecite your ideas.we badly need people with great mind like u. it is pity to hanan for allowing her negative mind to control over her soul.i wonder even if tun were to give long n unwinded explaination, yet for her to see the light at end of the tunnel.unless she is sincere enough only than truth will prevail.common sense tells us that we should be cautious about accepting a claim when the person making the claim is biased or has some other obvious motive to lie or misled. so let put a stop to what hanan had said just continue with your great ideas.anything bad perception about islam need to be corrected. it is our duty to stand up and tell the truth. as what stated in Quran..if we help to spread the teaching of Allah the Almighty than only Allah will shower his assistances to us. so let us checked within ourself how far we really follow the tennets of alquran the way practiced by our beloved nabi Mohammad saw. May Allah give u n family his blessing ,guidance and strength.

  148. Assalamualaikum Tun,
    Mohon Izin …………….
    1. Ada yang menulis dalam blog ini pasal cerita rusa dengan gajah. Jahil betul kiasan yang dibuat macam tak baca sejarah langsung. Kalau nak tulis cara kiasan tu bolih tapi jangan salah fakta. Baca sejarah banyak2 dan dapatkan maklumat yang betul seberapa bolih, kemudian barulah buat komen. Barulah nampak macam berilmu kalau tidak macam budak sekolah rendah saje.
    2. Sebaliknya jika difikirkan secara positif semua ini bolih juga diterima. Jangan putus asa, the advice is to continue participating in this blog. Cuba lagi selagi bolih. We sometimes learn thru’ mistakes and hardwork. Tak kisahlah orang nak kata apa pun yang penting teruskan cuba dan mencuba pasti dapat kejayaan.
    Tun, cuma satu lagi nasihat secara kasar. Terima kasih semoga Allah merahmati kita semua.

  149. The following extracts from Lloyd Geering, Who Owns the Holy Land? published in the magazine of the Westar Institute in 2002 provide some independent verification of points you make on Palestine and the Philistines:-
    1. Who were the indigenous people of the Holy Land? No one can say! Being the bridge between Africa and Asia this land was inhabited from very early times. But the earliest inhabitants of whom we have any historical knowledge were the Canaanites. They were a Semitic people, basically of the same stock as the Phoenicians, who occupied ancient Lebanon.

  150. Dear Tun,
    I sicerely hope the arguement you put forth to Hanan could enlighten him and more importantly, prick his conscience to the injustices that have befallen the Palestine people.Sadly though,I doubt very much he has any conscience at all.Or,for that matter whether the State of Israel,per say,could do much to change the course of events even if it wishes to!
    2.’The Killing Fields’will go on and on as long as the West is dependent on the Middle-East for its oil.A really ‘peaceful’oil producing Middle-Eastern region will be detrimental to the interests of the West.Historically, it is an old game being played over and over again ;pitting one party against another to create opportunities for exploitations and plunders by the West.
    3.Remember how the British exploited the feuds among those who were eyeing for the thrones in the various Malay Sultanates? The end result;colonialism.

  151. Assalamualaikum Tun.
    Sambung cerita pasal buku ‘Sistem Politik Islam’.
    Saya tertarik untuk ingat berkenaan buku tersebut kerana masa sekolah dulu saya ada terbaca tentang pandangan Astora Jabat pasal perkara taat dan patuh pada pemerintah dalam akhbar.Di mana Astora Jabat sekarang?
    Sebagai pelajar yang naif,pastinya saya sedikit keliru bagaimana nak turuti dasar tersebut bilamana sesuatu kerajaan itu tidak efektif,macam kerajaan Pak Lah la sekarang ni la.
    Dalam buku itu pun dasar tersebut perlu diikuti atas alasan nak jaga keamanan dan ketenteraman rakyat.Kesimpulannya,dasar berkenaan kelihatan begitu defensive pada pandangan mata saya sendiri.
    Begitu juga perbincangan-perbincangan di antara cerdik pandai di kaca tv dan di corong-corong radio.Penerangan yang defensive.
    Saya pasti akan pandangan saya ini tidak terdapat di mana-mana buku politik Islam,bahawa dasar taat dan patuh pada pemerintah bukan setakat defensive bahkan lebih kepada offensive.
    Saya tidak tertarik untuk menyatakan perkara yang berkaitan offensive.Sekadar untuk merekodkan bahawa dasar yang terdapat dalam politik Islam cukup elok untuk tujuan offensive,cuma tidak dijumpai mungkin.
    Saya lepak kat sini pun sebab Tun Mahathir Mohamad boleh menapis pandangan-pandangan yang diutarakan,yang mana tiada tertulis dalam mana-mana buku.
    Terima kasih Tun.

  152. Salam Tun dan Keluarga,
    i received email from my friend, here i wanna share why the jews so smart..
    Disebalik Musibah
    Menemui saudara ku sekelian, baru baru ini sekali lagi Yahudi bermaharja lela membantai penduduk Gaza, tanpa merasa belas kasihan, ini dapat difahami kerana bagi kaum Yahudi, Palestin adalah negeri mereka, walaupon dari segi sejarah, memang mereka tahu, Israel memang bukan milik mereka yg mutlak, terima kasih kepada kerajaan British yg. memberi mereka penempatan selepas dihalau oleh Hitler pada perang dunia kedua. Tak perlulah saya mengulang lagi peri laku kaum Yahudi yang sekian lama di halau oleh umat manusia dari zaman Firaun lagi, berjuta juta kaum Yahudi telah dibunuh, tiada suatu bangsa didunia ini yang dibunuh begitu ramai dimuka bumi ini dan kini telah muncul pula di Amerika,kumpulan anti Yahudi , kerana mereka (pribumi Amerika)telah mulai sedar yang mereka telah menjadi hamba dibawah telunjuk Yahudi (Proxy) Hanya masa akan menentukan peledakan dimana kaum Yahudi pula akan menemui penghalauan beramai ramai keluar dari bumi Amerika, mustahil? Jika anda lihat sejarah, tiada apa yang mustahil akan berlaku terhadap kaum Yahudi.
    Setelah memantau beberapa lelaman web saya ada terbaca tesis mengenai kaum Yahudi dan saya tertarik untuk membaca dan menterjemahkanya ke bahasa Melayu, semuga ianya dapat memberi menafaat kepada kita dan jenerasi mendatang. Janganlah kita dok mengutuk kaum Yahudi terus terusan, sedang badan dunia (UN) tak dapat melakukan sesuatu. Pembantaian secara zalim diGaza akan segera dilupakan tanpa satu pun general tentera Israil dibawa kepengadilan (sila lihat sejarah UN) maka itu kaum Yahudi bertambah bongkak, tujuan mereka hanyalah melemahkan kaum Arab disekeliling mereka.
    Tesis itu bertajuk “Why the jews so smart” suka cita saya alih bahasakanya secara rengkas. Setelah membaca tesis itu, ianya dapat mengubah cara diet saya, semuga pasangan muda dapat mengamalkanya demi melahirkan jenerasi yg baik.
    Hakim Ma’ruf Bin Hj Abdul Kadir
    Universiti Massachuset
    Mengapa Yahudi Bijak?
    Setelah berada 3 tahun di Israel kerana menjalani housemanship dibeberapa hospital disana, ada beberapa perkara yang menarik dapat saya perhatikan untuk dijadikan tesis ini, iaitu “Mengapa Yahudi Bijak?”. Memang tidak dapat dinafikan ramai cendikiawan berbangsa Yahudi, dari segala bidang, Engineering, musik, saintis dan yang paling hebat ialah bidang perniagaan, dimana ia memang paling tersohor. Hampir 70% perniagaan di dunia dikuasai oleh kaum Yahudi, dari kosmetik, pakaian, pemakanan, senjata, perhotelan, perfileman diHollywood dan sebagainya.
    Ketika tahun kedua, akhir bulan December 1980 dan sedang saya menghitung hari untuk pulang ke California saya terfikir apakah sebab nya kaum Yahudi begitu pintar? Kenapa tuhan memberi kelebihan kepada mereka? Apakah ini suatu kebetulan? Atau olah manusia sendiri? Adakah bijak boleh dijana? Seperti kilang pengeluaran?
    Maka saya pun tergerak membuat tesis untuk Phd saya, disamping kebaikan untuk umat sejagat dan dapat hidup secara harmoni. Untuk pengetahuan anda tesis yang saya lakukan ini mengambil masa hampir lapan tahun, ini kerana untuk mengumpulkan data-data yang setepat mungkin.
    Antara data-data yang saya kumpulkan ialah pemakanan, adat resam, ugama, persiapan awal untuk melahirkan zuriat dan sebagainya dan data data tadi saya cuba bandingkan dengan bangsa dan kaum kaum lain.
    Marilah kita mulakan dengan persiapan awal melahirkan zuriat. Di Israel, setelah mengetahui yang sang ibu sedang mengandung, pertama kali saya perhatikan ialah, sang ibu akan sering menyanyi dan bermain piano dan si ibu dan bapa akan membeli buku metamatik dan menyelesaikan masalah metamatik bersama suami, saya sungguh hairan kerana teman saya yang mengandung sering membawa buku metamatik dan bertanya kepada saya beberapa soalan yang beliau tak dapat menyelesaikanya, oleh kerana saya memang minat tentang metamatik, tentu saja dengan senang saya bantu beliau. Saya bertanya kepada beliau, adakah ini untuk anak kamu? Beliau menjawab, “ia, ini untuk anak saya yang masih didalam kandungan, saya sedang melatih otak beliau, semuga ia menjadi genius apabila dewasa kelak” Perkara ini membuat saya tertarik untuk mengikut perkembangan beliau seterusnya. Berbalik kepada metamatik tadi, tanpa merasa jenoh beliau membuat latihan metamatik sehingga beliau melahirkan anak.
    Seperkara lagi yang saya perhatikan ialah pemakanan beliau, sejak awal mengandung beliau gemar sekali memakan kacang badam dan korma bersama susu , dan untuk tengah hari makan utama beliau ialah roti dan ikan tanpa kepala bersama salad yang digaul dengan badam dan berbagai jenis kekacang, menurut beliau daging ikan sungguh baik untuk perkembangan otak dan kepala ikan mengandungi kimia yang tidak baik yang dapat merosakkan pengembangan dan penumbuhan otak anak didalam kandungan. menurut beliau ini adalah adat orang orang yahudi ketika mengandung dan ianya menjadi semacam kewajipan untuk ibu ibu yang sedang mengandung mengambil pil minyak ikan. (Catatan : Orang

  153. dear ah heng / wong,
    when A bombs B, and B dont fight back, the result there will be no B anymore and became A + A / bigger A.
    QUESTION! What will you do if i stronger than you wanted your house and i use power to force you out of your house?
    ANSWER – You dont fight back and dont be selfish, just give me your house.
    Take note that Dr.M are voicing out and try to stop the killings by campaigning “CRIMINALISE WAR & MAKE WAR A CRIME” throughout the world.

  154. Tun,
    1) As long as the Arabs cannot be together, there is no way Israel going to stop. Who is going to stop them?
    2) May I suggest UMNO send their members, who can do rally on the streets for some small matters, to Palestine. Make them fight for freedom.
    3) Since the Pemuda UMNO has landed on the tougest terrain on the Artic why cant they land in Palestine?
    4) Pemuda UMNO can send all the ‘Mat Rempits’ to Palestine to ride their motorbikes and same time shooting at Israel soldiers. if they can avoid our Police road blocks, what is Israel?

  155. asllammuallaikum Tun,
    makhlok paling durhaka dengan allah ia lah syaitan kafir juga yahudi & nesrani kafir, selagi dunia masih ujud tiga jenis laknat ni dunia tak aman sebab mereka ramai dan ujud sebelom melayu islam lahir, kelebihan syaitan tak dapat di lihat dan yahudi dengan nesrani bolih lihat tapi mereka tetap makhlok perosak kesejahteran dunia sejagat, yang paling sedih ada orang MECINTA terikut ikut menjahanam negeri sendiri, saperti YAHUDI, makan SUAP

  156. Assalamualaikum Tun Dr Mahathir,
    As this is the least we could do to make people like Hanan to understand why we condemned Israelis massacre against Palestine. It’s well said :-
    1) High tech & chemical weapon (that is internationally banned) which produce massive destruction VS local made primitive rockets which barely demolished anything in Israel
    2) It’s not Muslims who massacred Jews. It’s the arrogant European who happily washed off their hands after its stained with Jewish blood.
    3) Blockade that force Palestinians into starvation, scarcity to even live a basic life is very hard. Even macaroni is prohibited from entering Gaza recently.
    If I am a Palestinian,
    – my home is demolished in order to build an illegal home,
    – i don’t have a home to house my home theater to watch my favorite programme,
    – i don’t have job to earn money so i could buy food,
    – i don’t have enough to eat,
    – when i’m sick i can’t get a proper medicine let alone vitamines as a food suppliment,
    – i can’t visit my dying cousin or a newborn niece due to the huge walls that separate me from them,
    – i don’t have place to release my tense like sports, recreation and vacation,
    – i can’t walk freely on the street to window shop as i might be suspected as a terrorist and shot at
    And the worst part is my 5 months old son in his cradle, my 8 years old daughter studying in her partially complete school and my old grandfather who is sipping his coffee at his favourite spot in my shaggy place that we call home is killed by Israel chemical weapons and high tech bombs.
    So…. Hanan, what do you think I might do? How much hatred do you think that the Israelis harbour?
    The hatred against Israelis is not only by the Palestinians. Not only by the Muslims but by all mankind, all religions that respect other human being, and cherish peace. This is every human being in this planet who are not agree and condenmed such inhuman act that your government demonstrates.
    The day will come, sooner or later, in the near future or many more years that when Israel is no longer exist, the invaded land is once again return to Palestine (Lebanon, Syria, etc) and a Jew is so ashamed to be call as one because of the inhuman crime against another mankind that your father, your grandfather , your great grandfather,or your great-great grandfather did.

  157. bravo tun, your explanation is very clear and now we know that jew is very cruel and can’t be accepted in this world

  158. It all dissolves into a simple question for the Israelis. Do you want peace, or do you want more land, soaked in red blood? By the way, the rest of the world seems to want peace, so maybe, just maybe if you join in with the rest of humanity, the world will be a better place to live?

  159. Salam Tun,
    To Hanan, please shut up, i dont think you are an important person, the more you argue, the more you sound like an idiot. I feel sorry to you man
    May Allah bless Tun and Family

  160. A’kum Tun.
    Penjelasan yang begitu baik dari Tun. Bukan untuk Hanan sahaja, malah buat semua.
    Semoga Tun dan keluarga Tun beroleh rahmat dan dipelihara sejahteraan oleh Allah.

  161. Dear Tun,
    What you are writing is really touching any mankinds’ hearts.
    Dear Hanan,
    please.. for the sake of mankind stop this massacre, let’s us live in peace. Palestinian mothers loves their children as much as the Jewish mothers love theirs. Yes, do tell your government to compromise!

  162. Dearest Tun,
    I was wondering whether you would answer back to Hanan after your last entry on this subject / response to to your blog. Thank god you did!
    I have been following up with the response on the other bloggers/readers to this particular subject and it has grown a lot. Last time I checked there were around 587 comments posted. Feedbacks, views came from people of all walk of life. Which is good but I personally believe that the subject itself has become more of a personal attacks against ones religion and beliefs, including a personal attack on our beloved Prophet Muhammad SAW, which is very sad as it would raise more hatred and misunderstanding between people of different beliefs and religions.
    Thank you Tun for putting the subject back to prespective.
    At the end of the day, the issue is fairly straightforwad but NOT a simple one – basically Israel govt has to stop to the massive killings, occupying the lands of the Palestinians, blockade of food and medicine..etc…
    All the boms attacks from Hamas are response to their ongoing plight in THEIR OWN LAND from Israel / Zionist Government!
    Israel sending in their tanks, fighter jets, smart missle will never solve the problems. Since the Jews are so smart I’m sure they can find a way to solve these problems where both warring parties will accept a solution sincerely. However the question remains whether Israel are willing to do so or not?

  163. Dear YBGh Tun , Jews are like apples , oranges or carrot . Even if slice them and put them into a juice maker and come out as liquid , they still maintain their properties are apples/oranges/carrot juice . It is unfortunate that Hanan cannot come here to realise what the world looks like . If he could and even if he cannot change his thinking head , he could perhaps brush out his dirty eye sights.

  164. Hi there DR M. You are one of the people whom i respected for a very long time, and i am very touched that you have took up the cause of fighting against war; a cause that if i was in a position to would fight against as well. 🙂
    I was just wondering if its possible to make the issue of WARS (Palestine and Israel included) a Pro PEACE rather then an ANTI war. If you look at history all those that have achieved something in regarding this aspect advocated pro peace rather than anti war.
    I am sure anti war has been going on for a long time and its not going anywhere. Its time to call it a half full glass by making it PRO PEACE then a half empty one by calling it ANTI WAR and then CRIMINALIZE those who are ANTI PEACE.
    They are of the same thing but one signifies HOPE and the raise to a greater good while the other somehow feels like a reduction of DESPAIR and the lessening of sufferings.

  165. Mr Prime Minister,
    On this difficult matter, I regognize in your post an often heard point of view beyond muslim people (I however appreciate how moderate and balanced your statements are). But, coming from a country known to be pro-arab (since de Gaulle), I would like to underline and discuss few elements you mention and I do not really agree with.
    First, let’s say, it does not seem accurate to me to play the game of “who behaved the worst with Jews” (muslims or western people, that is). Your thesis is that the Europeans were worse. First this can be highly discuss (for, as a European, I see an ENORMOUS difference between pogroms in Russia and the centuries-old French tolerance), then I see a number of facts illustrating a sort of islamic antisemitism. Iran PM’s positions (2 or 3 years ago a conference was held in Iran where negationnist theories were largely developp : this is simply not possible in Europe); Roman Catholic Church made a very clear “aggiornamento” about its relationships with the Jews (Vatican II “Nostra Aetate” statement, 1965), while Islam still does not have a widely shared peaceful approach. Last (but not least?), on my passport, it is not written that “this passport is not valid for entering Israel”.
    Let me please be clear : I do not accuse anybody of anything. I simply consider that making a comparison with Europe to demonstrate that “muslims are not the worse” cannot be an intellectually satisfying explanation!
    Saying this does not mean I approve Israel’s colonization policy! (far from it!)

  166. HEAR ! HEAR ! Well said TUN.
    Hanan, Post this to your Israel leaders and let them ponder over it.

  167. Whenever there is a discussion or criticism about Israel-Palestinian, you can be sure of two things.
    A. Israelis and Jews from all over the world will condemn the article and subsequently tell the whole world how they have been mistreated and that they are the unluckiest people since Adam. Very often, they will sidetrack from the original issue at hand and tell how their people have been persecuted, murdered, tormented, raped, bullied, etc, etc. In short, they will lead you to believe that the world owes them something.
    B. Muslims from all over the world are then compelled to argue the case against Israeli occupation, trying to teach the history of the creation of the state of Israel to the Jewish people (as if they care). And of course, they will then go on complaining how Jews always lie, create propaganda and all nasty things. It is so typical!

  168. 1.YB Tun, your ability to articulate is as sharp as ever and it puts the issue into perspective.So proud of our ex_PM 🙂
    2. The truth out there is ‘coloured’ by the various self interest groups….I know this as a fact because my own people from where my grandparents originate from in Sri Lanka are affected by this. They have been branded terrorist in toto and all their struggles and sufferings deflected off in the name of LTTE@Tigers!..so sad as civilians are being murdered and no one speaks up for them. (thats why i sincerely emphatize with my bretheren in Palestine)
    3. Tun, people live in their own realities and limited “truths” and your initiative is highly comendable as you aspire to bring clarity.
    4. I think Tun, you have the ingenuity and sincerity to bring on some thought leaders among the Jew people (as not all Jews subscribe to the Zionist agenda) and get them to engage and debate with the likes of Hamas and other Palensitinian thought leaders. Your initiatives for the Palenstinians needs to be taken to a newer heights.
    5. In the home front, I hope your views are subscibed by the powers that are, as I believe the rakyat are getting very dissillusioned.
    6. Political rhetorics and misuse of mainstream media by some of them is “chasing” us away to the new and social media.
    7.The danger is not all social media is responsible..each has its own objectives and agendas! (Hope Chedet is what you see is what you get…minus any personal gain agenda 🙂 ) – Just joking Tun!
    8. The more we ignore the need to shape the sentiments of the rakyat to face the onslaught of this global economy, other thought leaders will be born and the government of the day will be perceived as too weak or corrupt. Never in the history of Malaysia have we had a situation where a large number of Malaysians are already doubting or not welcoming the PM in waiting (never trust what u read on the mainstream about the rakyat’s enthusiasm to see him take power), neither as any 1st Lady attracted such negative perception as the “PM in waiting”‘s wife has!
    9. Tun please act on behalf of all Malaysians….just like Gazan’s, we (all Malaysians) stand to loose all that we have built….let us reunite as Malaysia and as Malaysians….I am so fed up to be called India….when I am a Malaysian from a Sri Lankan Tamil Origin!….my grand parents made a concious decision to remain here 🙂
    God Bless Malaysia and God Bless Tun..Malaysia Boleh

  169. Dear Tun,
    Extremely articulate, exceedingly clear. Anybody who wants to understand will know this is a territorial war and not a religious war. But it is to the benefit of both sides to turn it into a religious war, intentionally or otherwise, in order to win sympathy and support. There is no end in sight because everybody who is invovled in finding a so-called solution is more intent on finding a situation that will benefit their purpose the most. In the end, the people of Gaza and the people of Israel suffer, the hatred betwen the two sides increase and the religious divide gets ever bigger.

  170. TUN!!!!!!!!!!!
    When I read your comments on what Hanan had written to you , it tells me how a person acts when he used both his brain and heart and also show how a person acts when he just used his brain.
    Hanan always think he is right, as you said…and you know why?….because he is arrogant…and you know why a person becomes like that?…because he seldom use his heart….and when a person doesnt use his heart as much as he should have then his heart is dead and cold and as black as night!!!…that is how I can tell after reading his comments…..
    But My Dear Tun, he cannot defeat you as he thought he could because you said it from your heart.
    And Dear Hanan, there are alot of us like him…like Mahathir….because we are Muslims and as Muslims we feel what our Muslim brothers feel…no matter where they are in the world….because we are all like one body…if any parts or even one small part of the body hurts….we feel it!!!….
    But we Muslims never hurt Non-Muslims in our country and thats the fact…we look after them like they are our own…infact….if they give us their children to us to raise we will raise and love them like our own children…and thats the fact!!!!…………
    Now, Hanan I think next time try to use your heart more!!!!maybe then you will win.

  171. asmkm tun
    may allah bless u and ur family always. what u had said earlier is right. pls don’t waste time replying to this person’s comment as it is just a waste of time. Need u to make UMNO realize that there are some people who loves the country very much and it’s time for all political parties to work hand in hand so tht v can go through this hurdles succesfully.

  172. The Palestinian should stand and fight togethar as 1 nation. Under 1 leadership and 1 objective. Even in history, when Quraisy depressed the muslim. The Muslims fought back for peace. Muslims is a peace religion. The disciplines, the thought, don’t shows anything that we’re monster, same with other religion that known to the world. But, in Muslims teaching or in fact in reality, we’re branded some kind of jerk, for keepin’ our head down when destruction just at your door knocking. 60 years of misery. What else others can do to aid further. The question is…how to stop all this. MAY BE…@3$! them hard. So hard until they bend to their knees begging for forgiveness (not life). Only then, they’ll listened. Ain’t it easy to speak when someone is listening. Same goes to the Malaysian, before the English. This land called ‘Tanah Melayu’. The Chinese, Maharaja, the Sultan from Arab land respect that. Learn the history. We can share but not everybody can’t own it. Thank You for the oppurtunity Tun. May god blessed for all you’ve done to ensure peace and harmony.

  173. Tun,
    Jew can do no wrong even when they are wrong. In United States, Jewish groups would go ballistic if you refer to Mr. Bernie Madoff as a Jew. Sure there are crooks from all races and they can be identified by their races. But not the Jews. Curse be upon Hitler who had committed unthinkable atrocities on innocent Jews thus conferring blank cheque to not so innocent Jews to commit unthinkable atrocities on other people.
    Alsace-Lorraine should have been the Jewish homeland.

  174. Salam Tun dan isteri..
    Kenapa pemimpin dunia tiada punyai pemikiran seperti Tun..
    Alangkah baiknya jika pemimpin dunia yang berkuasa punyai pemikiran seperti Tun..Saya sebak tiap kali mendengar kisah rakyat Palestin..Saya harap Tun teruskan perjuangan agar nasib Rakyat Palestin terbela..Harapkan pemimpin Islam yang lain,tunggu kiamat rasanya baru nak berubah..Dan,terima kasih Tun,kerana saya sebagai anak yang lahir di zaman pemerintahan Tun,bersyukur atas apa yang telah Tun bawakan kepada Malaysia..Suatu masa dalam pemerintahan Tun,kita disenangi..Di zaman Pak Lah,kita di caci..

  175. If America is not prepared to create a separate state for the Jews, send them to the zoos around the world, as they will certainly make good exhibits. If costs of upkeep become an issue, feed them swine flesh and rabbits.

  176. What Tun had written is remarkably true and how i have admit it that nobody have been so outspoken like Tun. I have heard enough the politics in the peninsula, but not in the east Malaysia. I am from Kuching sarawak and i would like Tun to comment or if it necessary, to critics the wrong doings by the Sarawakian government if there is any.I have heard enough about PakLah’s corruptions.Now i wanted to see your point of view about the chief minister of Sarawak.Hope to see you soon in UTP. 🙂

  177. Thats you Tun. I really like to read your views on some issues where everything you say do make some sense, and for the people reading it, it’s useful. I will feel happy Tun, if one day you write about how will the political situation in Malaysia will be in future, about 10 to 20 years to come based on your experiences Tun.
    I realised that Tun wont be giving any priority to this comment, but it just a humble request from a one of favourite fan of yours since I was a kid.
    Thanks Tun for reading. Long Live Tun…

  178. Assalamualaikum Tun,
    1. Remarkably expressed and fully convincing. It only needs a rational mind to be able to apprehend what is written by you. Even an idiot or a moron with a sound mind will perceived that injustice transpire in this respect. As you said if perception is based on strong beliefs, than one will always uphold that he is right even if the whole world says that he is wrong. That is Hanan and all the zionist-jew offspring.
    2. Tun, you told Hanan to request his government to compromise. Will those morons with brains but without hearts listen? Who is Hanan?………. Just imagine a small and tiny moron like him is not convinced (or simply refused to be understand), do you believe that those bigger Morons will? Believe me Hanan will never do it because he is an authentic zionist-jew. Furthermore, the word compromise is found in all other languages but except probably in Hebrew.
    3. If a mirror is placed in front of pigs, pigs will insist that they are the most beautiful animal created although we human thought otherwise.
    Sorry Tun for having to use this blog to express my hatred and discontentment on zionist-jews.
    Best wishes and may Allah bless us all.

  179. Dear Tun,
    The jews are a deceitful and arrogant people.
    The word compromise is not in their vocab. Add
    to that greed, which is a trait synonimous with
    I really think that there will be no end to
    the slaugfter of the Palestinians until and unless
    the bastard country called israel
    is no more.

  180. Salam Tun Dr.
    Memang jelas lagi terang yang menampakkan kebodohan, keangkuhan, dan sifat pengecut zionis itu sendiri bilamana berselindung di sebalik kepercayaan yang sesat dan ditambah pula dengan unsur- unsur ketamakan duniawi. Tahniah kepada Tun yang mewakili suara anak-anak Malaysia dalam menangani isu kekejaman penjajahan zionis.
    Semoga Allah merahamti Tun Dr dan sekeluarga.Amin.

  181. Greetings Tun,
    Tun, please dont waste your time trying to convince a hardcore Jew like Hanan who is ignorant of history and blinded by their one sided Haaretz newspaper everyday.
    I have read about Ashkanazhi jews or Ashkanazim, the majority jews who populate Israel now. They were Jews who originated from Germany, Askenazi is the name for Germany in the Middle Ages. These jews lived mostly in the Rhine River area in Germany. Because of years of prosecution in Europe by the Europeans especially by the French, Spanish,Germany and Russian they moved around from one place after another and settled in western Russia and Poland before WWII. When the Nazi try to exterminate them in WWII they fled again.
    In early 1900 their Godfather and founder of Zionism, Theodore Hertzl met the Turkish Sultan asking for the “biblical Jewish land” in the Palestine which the Sultan said “you will never get it while i am still alive!” Because of this he wrote something of equivalent to Mein Kampf by Karl Marx(also a jew)promoting the idea of taking away the land from the Palestinian and slowly purge them through discrimination in all aspects.
    After WWII, the British were in charge of Palestine as they took it from the Turkish control. These Ashkenazim jews carried out numerous sabotaj and terrorist acts to force the British to give them more land at the Palestinians expense. Funny, how they claimed that they were innocent people, the irony even after various persecutions by the European countries, they have become worse than their prosecutors and committed the same crimes on the Palestinians!
    What the European countries and the American are doing right now is trying to wash their bad deeds in their sub-conscious history and try to make-up to the Jews by helping them to get a state at other people’s expense. That is why Israel is pampered and protected like their own colony especially by the Americans. That is how the state of Israel came into being in 1948 with the help of the Americans, British and France who pushed the issue in the UN without asking the Palestinian’s consent!
    Why they didnt donate their own piece of land to create Israel is because there are still a lot of citizen in their countries dislike jews because the jews were very good in business and financial fields that they monopolised everything. The jews became strong in this area because during those times, the Christians were prohibited by the Church from getting involved in businesses that involved usury which the jews introduced. That is why nowadays, the Jews own the world financial world, Wall Streets and many more! Poor Americans, they have to fix their whole economy by the billions, their citizens suffer because the Jews screwed up their economy due to their greed and concerns for the State of Israel.
    One thing about the Jews is that once you were born to a Jewish mother, you will forever be a Jew eventhough you dont read the Torah or Talmud, dont speak Yiddish or Hebrew, you have assumed an American and even a chinese name and live in Antartica!
    To be fair, there are other jews in Israel who are less aggressive and not agreeable to the Ashkenazim methods, and prefer a different solutions. Unfortunately, nowadays, the extremists in the Rabbi comunities have taken over Israel and infiltrated even the Israel Army. The Army were usually given phamplets on how to brutally treat the Palestinians before every operation in the Gaza strip and West Bank. Those who didnt brutalise the palestinians will be treated as traitors and commit the biggest sin unpardonable. The Palestinians were to be treated like animals at all cost. This aimed at eventually forcing all of them to flee from their land so Israel can take over and extend the Greater Israel to eventually cover the Gaza Strip and West Bank, which they claimed are part of their biblical Israel,Zion.
    Tun, i can bet my RM100 that this Hanan is an Ashkenazim who ancestors were from Germany in the Middle Ages. I also can bet that his minds are still in the Middle Ages state by the way he defended his state’s primitive wars on innocent and undefended civillions in Gaza and West Banks.
    A person of any race and religion will only see the truth if his heart is open to the truth. Even then, if God wills it. Until then, he is forever in darkness like in the Middle Ages.

  182. Interpretation of history depends on which side one is on, Tun. So if you said that if the Jews are fighting for their cause, the Palestinians have as much right to fight for their cause, you are absolutely right.
    The fact that the Jews have for thousands of years found peaceful and tolerated existence in Islamic countries is there to be ascertained. The fact that the so-called holocaust took place in Europe, not in any Islamic country, is there to be ascertained also.
    For 60 years the extreme injustice that is Israel has been propped up basically by the USA, but generally by Western European countries which have their own anti-Islam common agenda. As long as this injustice is not corrected the Palestinians will fight for their rightful claim of their homeland, and the entire Islamic world will symphathise with them, in spite of its own internal divisiveness and political incongruities. Jewish hubris is the one unifying factor for all Sunnis and Shias.
    Keep it up, Tun.

  183. Dear Hanan,
    1. As your people have a lot of wealthy wealth in this world, why don’t you buy land to make your own country? There are a lot of empty island around the world, why don’t you make good use of them?
    2. I wonder, why of all the sudden, the jews who are the brightest, powerful, wealthier & etc. do not own a state for themself? What happened actually? Even the poorest race in this world lived peacefully in their own motherland.
    3. Well, maybe because there is no empty space left. Everyone has chosen their space long time ago, and the jews are too late, and now had to force Britain to give a piece of land. Britain and the humble cronies decided to give Palestine to the jews. Pity to the jews after being massacre by the Nazi long time ago. The Nazi won’t give their land to the jews, even the Nazi is guilty. So now, the paletinians had to pay the price.
    4. This really make sense. We won’t attack back our killers, we just make them feel guilty so that we can use them in future. Holocoust is the best reason for the world to favor the jews in future. What a brilliant move made by the innocent jews.
    5. The palestinians aren’t so bright like the jews. They do not know how to manipulate people by proxy. So that’s why, people called them as brutal barbarian even they are just protected their homeland.
    6. Congate to you Hanan for being a such of a coward-brilliant human beings.

  184. salam tun,
    its already in the quran that the yahudis cannot be trusted,big lier,traitor,heartless…no point talking nicely to them..because their blood is already smeared since Nabi musa or even before that…the gins is already there…
    love you tun.

  185. Salam Tun,
    I’m totally agree will you. The jews are really stubborn but stupid.

  186. Tun M:
    It would be useful if you could please upload on your blog a synopsis (or the full text if you have ) of your speech/talk at the Cambridge University recently. This is because the media have not given full or adequate coverage.

  187. Dear Tun,
    War in Gaza will never end as long as humans behave like animals. They will right the wrong if its benefit them and wrong the right if its donot. Looking at the world’s political scenario, the evil overshadows the good. Even in movies(Hollywood)the devils are potrayed as saints and its very confusing.
    Maybe I belong to the old school, where we can distinguish between good and bad very clearly. Maybe the minds of the new generation are more sophisticated or more open or maybe the tolerance level is higher. I could only hope and maybe as a muslim, pray and have faith that the future generation will inherit a better world than it is now.

  188. assalamualaikum Tun,
    I dont blame this boy Hanan much, because as we know, israelis have been brainwashed by their own government who controls the media and news that they hear daily. They have been brought up to believe that the massacre of the palestinian children are for the greater good of their own nation.So, whatever we say to these Jews(jews like Hanan)to change their opinions about war with Palestin, it wont do any good unless they witness for themselves the murder of the innocent people of palestin and destruction their so called ‘government’ have caused all this while. i suggest Tun, please just ignore this boy.i call him a boy because his opinions are emotional based and he seems starve for attention.

  189. Dear TUN,
    Hope you in good health.
    In a war, there is no winner but casualty.
    The most innocent is the kids, despite their religious.
    Please stop this never ended war!!
    War only benefit those weapons maker.
    Maybe they are the one who still keep this war going on.

  190. Assalamualaikum Tun, So the story of Palestinians is the same as of Moro or Southern Thai. But there’s a little twist. They have Fatah, who seem to be quite agreeable with Israel… and the Arabs world, especially their neighbours, Saudi and Egypt, also have the similar standings.
    I’m more towards resolving the problem rather than aggravating it. Why cant Hamas ‘compromise’ with Israel too, rather than just hoping for Israel to do the same? Cos it looks like Hamas is the black sheep of the region… and the most important thing is that we should not see another Bosnia, which of course, I dont think Israelis will resort to such a tactics. Above all, we as muslims shouldnt let another human catastrophe amongst the muslims happened again.

  191. Dear Tun,
    Only sultan can call for sitting
    IPOH: Only the sultan can call for a sitting of the Perak State Legislative Assembly.
    A constitutional expert said the menteri besar could not call for an emergency sitting of the assembly to remedy his suspension and those of his state executive council members.
    “Only Sultan Azlan Shah can summon the sitting of the assembly. More importantly, the menteri besar cannot go to the ruler and ask him to summon the sitting.”
    All this crisis without the slightest shawdow of doubt is the doing of Anwar Ibrahim. No wonder Karpal Singh said he is not fit to be a leader. He is a trouble maker.
    Anwar’s credibility and integrity as a political leader is always being questioned from the day he was sacked as Deputy Prime Minister. What has he achieved so far except creating unnecessary hopes for his supporters who still staunchly believe that he is the saviour of the rakyat. No, no, no !
    He is an “incarnation” of SUKARNO !! Manis dimulut tapi dihati bergelumang dengan niat jahat dan meragukan. He is clever in brainwashing and manipulating the “weak” minds of his naive and gullible supporters because of his oratorial skills. Seperti kata pepatah Melayu pandai-pandai tupai melompat akhirnya jatuh ke tanah juga. Rakyat rata-rata sudah bosan dengan gelagat dia, terombang ambing kemana arah tuju dia hendak bawa rakyat bersamanya. Memang sudah jelas bahawa Anwar tidak ada upaya untuk membuat sesuatu yang boleh diharapkan oleh rakyat untuk menuju kejalan yang diredhai Allah. Sebabnya masaalah peribadinya belum lagi dianggap bersih selagi kisah peribadinya yang menjijikan belum lagi dapat ditangkisnya sebagai tohmahan sahaja.
    Apakah kita mesti berpaut dan taksub dengan pemimpin seperti ini? Kalau dilihat pemimpim-pemimpin PKR dari sifat peribadi mereka saya rasa mereka tidak layak memimpin rakyat. Tidak keterlaluan bahawa imej wakil rakyat mereka adalah wakil rakyat bertaraf klas “pariah”.

  192. Hannan,
    Please see the overall picture by using your heart and not your brain (cannot be used anymore). All the world (except for Jewish and people supporting Jewish) knows that Israel is doing the wrong thing. Please learnt about the history and do research about the Israel (if you want to know the truth).
    P/S: Don’t use book produce by your government or Israel people, surely they will said Israel is good but in fact the worst human kind ever born in the world and don

  193. Tun.
    Mereka tidak akan takut dengan kecaman antarabangsa..
    Mereka tidak akan takut dengan orang Hamas ataupun orang-orang Palestin
    Mereka juga tidak akan takut dengan ancaman dari orang-orang Islam
    dan mengapa mereka tidak takut…
    saya rasa ramai orang dah tahu dan orang arab pun dah tahu tapi buat-buat tak tahu……
    Bila mereka akan takut Tun….
    Melalui pemerhatian saya, selagi mana orang Islam itu lemah maka selagi itu mereka tidak akan takut Tun
    Tun, pada pandangan saya, mereka kuat bukan kerana mereka itu sememangnya kuat, tetapi kerana kelemahan orang Islam sendiri…
    mereka kuat juga bukan kerana senjata mereka tetapi kerana kelemahan orang arab yang menjualkan minyak kepada mereka.
    Ekonomi mereka kuat sekarang bukan kerana mereka itu kuat tapi kerana kelemahan orang Islam itu sendiri sebagai contoh berapa ramai orang Islam di Malaysia masih lagi melanggan dengan tempat-tempat atau kedai-kedai yang telah diterangkan sebagai syarikat yang yang menyalurkan keuntungan kepada yahudi laknat ini.
    Kekuatan mereka datang dari kelemahan orang Islam. Itu pandangan saya Tun.
    Tun…ada antara orang Arab juga buat-buat tak tahu dengan isu Palestin ini dan mereka adalah golongan yang menjual minyak kepada yahudi laknat ini.
    Bayangkan Tun kalau Arab ini tidak menjualkan atau menyekat minyak kepada yahudi ini, bagaimana kuat pun senjata mereka tetap tidak dapat digunakan. Bagaimana hebatnya ekonomi mereka tetap tidak akan dapat membantu mereka. Lumpuh negara mereka Tun..
    Mungkin pandngan saya tidak sehebat Tun…tetapi inilah pandangan saya dan saya berpegang teguh padanya..
    Selagi mana Syria tidur, selagi itu bangsa Islam akan lemah……

  194. Dear Hanan,
    We say that Allah is Most Kind, Most Merciful and Ever Forgiving plus 96 other characteristics. If Allah has all these, then why can’t we too, since we too are His creation! When we say Allah is Most Kind, Most Merciful; to whom is He kind? to whom is He merciful? and the same goes for forgiving as well. Who do we forgive if not those who transgress? if not those who have done wrong to us? it is our enemies we forgive. If religion stands for peace, should we then not practise its tenets and what it preaches? Would it not then be better that we demonstrate what religion stands for by preaching peace instead of war and by forgiving all those who we perceive as having insulted our Prophets?
    Whether like or not, we can ONLY live in harmony by harmonizing our neighbours!!
    BALDATUN TOYYIBATUN WARABBUN GHAFFUR “A territory fair and happy, and a Lord Oft-Forgiving” (Quran 34:15)
    sg rapat, ipoh

  195. Hanan & BladeLizard,
    You two ( and others likewise), please don’t try to twist things to the wrong direction. This is not about religious issue. This is about giving the Palestinian their right back.
    We want peace, we hate wars.

  196. Tun yang saya kagumi,
    A’kum wbt…
    Hanan how many jews that died of by Palestinian hand ? It’s can be count by the finger in seconds.. But you cannot count the palestinian people dying everyday because of your bombing by finger. For 60 years and another 60 years to come, all your leader before and after is the killing machines, make the palestinian people as for testing your sophiscated weapon. Let me tell you that the spirit of the Palestinian people will not die. They will fight till end of thier life. You cannot demolished them with variety of reason and blarney. How many peace aggrement had been signed and always the culprit is at the Jewish Zionist side which violate the peace aggrement ?
    The Jewish can lie the world but time will come that all the blarney will be exposed. That is what ALMIGHTY GOD says…
    The new HOLOCAUST of the Jewish people will come.. it will be more lifes than before until when the Jewish people hide behind the tree and the tree will tell that you Jewish are hiding behind them..
    You Jewish are taking the Palestinian land, demolished them and make the Palestinian people as detention camp in thier homeland..
    The world is not yours, it should be share among ADAM posterity.. you Jewish are greedy, conceited,arrogant and lots more against the God will.
    Time will come… sooner or later..
    ” Support to eliminate the Zionist Jewish ”
    Hope Tun will not stopping to write & write..
    Long live TUN & your lovely wife that cares..

  197. assalamualaykum, YBHG Tun
    i just want to say i fully respect you and you are the best. Thinking of you always as PM makes me proud and humble to be Malaysian living in the US, which won’t be my permanent place as am planning to move back, God knows when. May Allah reward you for all the writings, the work you have done for muslims or non, malaysia and malaysians and May you be grant Jannah insha’allah.

  198. Tun,
    The Zionist even torture and kill the jews.
    Questions and Facts for Hanan is as follows :
    1. IS IT TRUE that in 1941 and again in 1942, the German Gestapo offered all European Jews transit to Spain, if they would relinquish all their property in Germany and Occupied France; on condition that:
    a) none of the deportees travel from Spain to Palestine; and
    b) all the deportees be transported from Spain to the USA or British colonies, and there to remain; with entry visas to be arranged by the Jews living there; and
    c) $1000.00 ransom for each family to be furnished by the Agency, payable upon the arrival of the family at the Spanish border at the rate of 1000 families daily.
    2. IS IT TRUE that the Zionist leaders in Switzerland and Turkey received this offer with the clear understanding that the exclusion of Palestine as a destination for the deportees was based on an agreement between the Gestapo and the Mufti.
    3. IS IT TRUE that the answer of the Zionist leaders was negative, with the following comments:
    a) ONLY Palestine would be considered as a destination for the deportees.
    b) The European Jews must accede to suffering and death greater in measure than the other nations, in order that the victorious allies agree to a “Jewish State” at the end of the war.
    c) No ransom will be paid
    4. IS IT TRUE that this response to the Gestapo’s offer was made with the full knowledge that the alternative to this offer was the gas chamber.
    5. IS IT TRUE that in 1944, at the time of the Hungarian deportations, a similar offer was made, whereby all Hungarian Jewry could be saved.
    6. IS IT TRUE that the same Zionist hierarchy again refused this offer (after the gas chambers had already taken a toll of millions).
    7. IS IT TRUE that during the height of the killings in the war, 270 Members of the British Parliament proposed to evacuate 500,000 Jews from Europe, and resettle them in British colonies, as a part of diplomatic negotiations with Germany.
    8. IS IT TRUE that this offer was rejected by the Zionist leaders with the observation “Only to Palestine!”
    9. IS IT TRUE that the British government granted visas to 300 rabbis and their families to the Colony of Mauritius, with passage for the evacuees through Turkey. The “Jewish Agency” leaders sabotaged this plan with the observation that the plan was disloyal to Palestine, and the 300 rabbis and their families should be gassed.
    10. IS IT TRUE that during the course of the negotiations mentioned above, Chaim Weitzman, the first “Jewish statesman” stated: “The most valuable part of the Jewish nation is already in Palestine, and those Jews living outside Palestine are not too important”. Weitzman’s cohort, Greenbaum, amplified this statement with the observation “One cow in Palestine is worth more than all the Jews in Europe”.
    Article by Naeim Giladi
    An Iraqi Jew tells his story of Zionist activities that Jews from Islamic lands did not emigrate willingly to Israel; that, to force them to leave, Jews killed Jews; and that, to buy time to confiscate ever more Arab lands, Jews on numerous occasions rejected genuine peace initiatives from their Arab neighbors.
    by N.Giladi
    How the Haganah and Mossad eliminated Jews.
    Available in our Bookstore
    We were told not to try to speak to Ben Gurion, but when I saw him, I asked why, since Israel is a democracy with a parliament, does it not have a constitution? Ben Gurion said, “Look, boy”-I was 24 at the time-“if we have a constitution, we have to write in it the border of our country. And this is not our border, my dear.” I asked, “Then where is the border?” He said, “Wherever the Sahal will come, this is the border.” Sahal is the Israeli army.
    (Source: Jewish Guardian, Genocide in the Holy land)
    Early Crimes of the Zionists Against Jews
    The Story of the Yemenite Jewish Community 1948-1952
    excerpt from Genocide in the Holy Land by Rabbi Moshe Schonfeld
    From 1948 to 1952 more than 50,000 Yemenite Jews were fooled by the Zionist Jewish Agency into abandoning their ancient home and way of life and instead moving to the Zionist State, where they were summarily uprooted from their dedication to Judaism. Indeed, a boy testified later to the religious Peiylim organization that he was taken to an orchard during the Sabbath on an orange-picking trip. When he protested that this violated the Sabbath, he was told:

  199. Salam Tun
    Aisay man … this is one of the best blogs I have ever read la. Very, very good impartial and accurate analysis of the situation which I believe nobody God willing can write it except you Tun.
    Aisay man … tabit sekali lagi. Very, very good writing. I would like to sit down with you some day and maybe we can argue about the current outlook for 1 or 2 hours over tea. That would be veru nice.
    How is your trip to Cambridge University ? Did you meet a lot Malaysian Chinese students there ? I am sure there is not many Malay Cambridge students there to greet you … why is it so hard for Malays to excel and go to Cambridge in numbers like the Chinese ? Ok..ok.. the Chinese have high population and are more hardworking.
    What was your motivation to go to Cambridge and talk about “Malaysia Politics At The CrossRoads” ? You can reply to my questions directly to my e-mail at [email protected].
    Thank you very much in advance and take care of your health and have safe trip back home to Malaysia.

  200. Salam Dr Mahathir,
    I’ve just finished reading “Salahudin Ayubi- Penakluk Jerusalem.” In it the author wrote and quoted by Salahudin , ” Apabila umat Islam bersatu, mereka kuat dan musuh tidak berani melakukan kezaliman, tetapi apabila umat Islam berpecah , mereka ibarat buih yang banyak , tetapi lemah.”
    Bahaudin ( Salahudin’s closest aide and friend), interrupted, ” Benar, Rasullah pernah berdoa 3 perkara. Pertama , umat Islam tidak dihapuskan dari muka bumi dan Tuhan menerimanya. Kedua, umat Islam tidak mati kelaparan dan doa itu juga dimakbulkan Tuhan. Doa yang ketiga pula supaya umat Islam tidak berpecah belah. Tetapi doa itu tidak dimakbulkan Tuhan.
    Panglima Muluk (one of Salahudin’s great warriors),tanya, ” Mengapa Tuhan tidak makbulkan doa Nabi supaya umatnya tidak berpecah belah?”
    ” Allah hendak menguji siapa diantara umat Islam yang kuat imannya,” jawab Salahudin bin Ayubi.
    The excerpts above explained why other Arab countries ( leaders who are Muslims) never bother about the Palestinians’ ( tho’ majority are Muslims) war with the Israelis’. It is up to the Palestinians to fight their own wars. The enemy know this. So who do you think will go to heaven when they die? Will there be another “Salahudin bin Ayubi” in the making in this lifetime?

  201. Salam Dr M,
    siapa Hanan ni? he seems to know a lot. are they facts? maybe he is the government. to read views from both sides is very interesting and informative.
    take care of your health Tun. never miss to read your views and thoughts even though if it is on cheese..:)

  202. Tun,
    Excellant and straight to the root caused for the terror act by Isreal. USA,Britain & Western Countries are the creator for this and thus they are also responsible if they want peace. Isreal act of aggression must be stop and those responsible to put on trial. 60 years now and to wait another 60 years. Salute to Tun in highlighting the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth. Uphold peace and if the West,US & Britain are really serious give part of their territory to Isreal.Let the people of Palestine free to rule thier own land and not being rob of their rightes.

  203. Assalamualaikum Tun,
    Semoga berada di dalam keadaan sejahtera dan dirahmati Allah senantiasa. Keep up the good job. May Allah bless you always..

  204. Salam Tun,
    Saya minta maaf sebab sekarang tiba masa penting untuk menyelesaikan
    issu terkini di negeri dalam Malaysia.
    Saya rasa Tun tidak akan memihak sesiapa disebab Tun dah berpengalaman
    dan dengan tinggi umur sekarang berpendapat positif untuk negara kita.
    Harap maaf sebab terpaksa menggunakan saluran Tun di sini. Terima kasih dan harap suara daripada seorang rakyat dapat didengar demikian.
    Kita dah cukup untuk semua masalah sampai terkini.
    Patutlah semua berusaha untuk tujuan menghadapi ekonomi situasi terkini di tahun 2009!
    Sekian salam sihat pada Tun yang dihormati dan sayangi.

  205. hmm.. if the Palestine were the Promised/Holy Land of the Jewish than why dont the Jewish just go there and live there in peace?
    Palestine have been conquered and being conqured by various of wars. Jews been living there for more than thousand of years they have even fight side by side with the muslin during the crusade. Anyway, jewish settlers started arriving in the 1930’s but it was not until 1947 when the jews called it Israel. There were not even a map of Israel before 1948..
    ok this is just exaggerating.. alot of things that havent pop out before 1948 like Lebenon, Syria, handphones, bla2 and that does not mean that they doesnt meant to exist.
    But let us look at it this way.. There was Palestine before 1948 right? yes there were jews before that to and it “was” their home/Holy land before ottoman empire. But that is the same case in most country here in the world.. The Red indians in America, The Orang Asli in Malaysia, The Abroginal in Australia, you name it.. still these people live in harmony with each other (well not that harmony.. but take out the machine guns, tanks, rockets, and bombs they are living in harmony)
    ok the Americans did have a history of chasing the reds out of their land, but they did compromise in the end..
    Yes tun you are correct somehow..
    Why dont israel and palestine compromise? Just because of hatred? maybe..

  206. Salam Tun,
    Hey Hanan…back off,u are dealing with SuperCheDet.If u don’t know nothing about politics then back off.To me your politics knowledge is so thin and narrow.
    Long Live Che Det!!!!!

  207. Salam Tun,
    We need your opinion since then after debate on supreme issue in 1993 as PM.
    Let us discuss “ke-raja-an dan ke-warganegara-an”
    Everything is possible like in Thailand recently.
    “A letter to Sulatan of Perak”
    1.Due to recent development in Perak even parents have hard time to explain to their children about “Daulat Tuanku”!
    2.The Sultan’s supreme reign and love of his state and people had been undermined.
    3.Many young arrogant seem not to respect Sultan’s right but instead said that Sultan only waiting there to be acknowledged and sign on recommendation of few players. Nowaday, they always think Sultan know less about our judiciary and nation democracy system (not really for Perak Sultan). Royal respect seem have been ignored by many young people.
    4.Hereby, I appeal to our honorable Sultan and Raja of Perak to use their supreme decision again by chasing out both these BA or BN or whatsoever gameplay in the state and instead having Sultan’s own appointment of his royal panel to help Perak’s future with no waste of time and tax payer’s money. We have enough for political nonsense rather to help on economy hardship these day!
    Ampun Tuanku patek minta monhon dan ampun sebagai seorang rakyat Malaysia yang jujur pada negaranya.

  208. Dear Tun Dr. Mahathir,
    You are very critical towards war in the middle east and your mission to criminalize any act of war, and to me thats a very good effort.
    “when there is no sense of social responsibility, super races may be form, and only the fittest will survive.”
    Do you believe in achieving peace through strength, and sometimes battle are necessary for peace?
    As on Gaza war, it was started because of Hamas, they has been launching missile rockets especially to the north of Israel since the past 8 years, the Israeli has tolerated and been quiet since and enough is enough, Israelis objectives is to attack the Hamas and its leader not the palestinians but the world media reported totally the opposite. Even the palestinians suffered under the Hamas authorities, these people are willing to kill people that doesn’t believe in them and I also heard the palestinians are ready to stand up and starting to show their support to the israelis in the news but was blocked by the Hamas. Arabs has a lot of land and they can stay where ever they want and they can even stay in Israel if they want to, after what had been reported in the world media, it really hurts the Jewish people, when they are hated just because being Jewish.
    what is your view on this?

  209. Dear Tun,
    At the outset it is apparent that Hanan is one of those jokers who refuse to face facts!! Perhaps he has his “blinkers” on and thus fail to see beyond the parameters. I guess whatever facts that you provide is brushed off easily and with the preconceived ideas that is imbedded in the brain cell will just deflect the truth!!
    I am utterly flabbergasted with the attitude that this Jew has. In fact I had met a number of Jews and they are more accomodating as compared to Hanan. It is a great pity to see a Jew so narrow minded as in the case of Hanan!! Hopefully Hanan comes to senses and face reality.
    Israel being a close and strong ally of the US certainly has an advantageous position whereby the arsenal that they deploy are the latest and maybe not even available to other nations. Thus in a way the Gazans may also become “guinea pigs” to enable the US and Israel to test their latest weaponary in a real life situation!!
    I believe enough has been seen and said with regards to the atroscity of the Israelis primarily in Gaza and Palestine in general. The question is what sort of influence does the IOC ciuntries have in stopping all these massacre. The irony of it even among the muslim countries there is cohesiveness and strong bondage. So what can we expect in the case of war-torn Palestine…and this has been going on for many years. We should stop all these “ethnic cleansing” fast as otherwise the Palestines shall become migrants!!
    A wake-up call for leaders of all muslim countries – the time is now and the place is Palestine!! Let us all make concerted efforts to restore “sovereignity” to Palestine to enable the Palestinians to have a future generation, a peaceful country to live in and inter alia the ability to rebuild their pride, economy and social status.

  210. Dear Tun,
    When two parties are feuding, they are blind to reason and common sense. They cannot be objective, they hurl abuses (and much more) at their enemy and tell their kids how vile their enemies are. Their kids tell their kids and so on until one day Hanan the kid hears it too. So naturally he feels that way, I don’t blame him. Propaganda is a powerful tool.
    The fact that killing is the number one sin in both our Holy Books doesn’t deter us from killing. Let me say this, it is in our nature as humans to kill. Anger is a dangerous emotion, hatred even more so.
    You cannot reason with a person who hates Palestine with all his fibre and heart Tun, just give it up. There’s no way you are going to convince Hanan otherwise. Let’s move on to something more productive, like how to save our economy Tun. We would love to hear your ideas.
    Salam (Shalom?)

  211. Dear Tun,
    Your reply is spot on, but Hanan will reply and he would think his reply is spot on too. And it can on and on.
    This war will also go on and on.
    The Palestinians resolved is amazing.
    People are also amazed how a small regime like Israel can get a full backing from the US.
    But everybody knows how. Can we do the same?
    Israel are backed by the multinational companies. Now we are asked to boycott their products, which is very difficult to do. Millions of Muslims can’t do this at the same time, but a few can. There are very, very, very rich Muslims, can these very, very, very rich Muslims get together and devise a way or ways of owning these Multinational companies. I m sure we have intelligent economists and strategists among us that can do this. Don’t you think this the right time for this, when their shares are down.
    If this can work, it solves a lot things. The Israelist lose their backings. The Muslims owns these companies and in turn can channel their fundings to the Palestinians, not necessarily for war, but for development. The rest of us don’t have to boycott their products. To the stakeholders, these are blue chip companies.

  212. Assalamualaikum Tun ,
    Bang! You’d hit the target . Typical of Jewish Tun! What do we expect from a nation that assasinated their own prophets?

  213. Salam YAB Tun and fellow bloggers,
    1. Thank you very much for higlighting to hanan and the rest of the world, the muslim leaders who’re working for US, including mossad and cia (they’re monitoring your blog)the whole truth, noting but the truth.
    2. I have read a PhD dissertation on how the jews are brought up by their families and govt. They are particular bout food, creativitiy, logical thinking, problem solving, business, physical build-up through physical activities, etc. But one important aspect missing is about helping others, no compassionate feelings, or anything to do with the welfare of others. To be socially good is something not for them. They’re being prepared for wars, both violent wars and in businesses.
    3. Practically, the govt of israel is producing intelligent,business-minded, physically fit people but with no good feeling towards others…maybe that can explain why they’re able to destroy lives, families,homes, etc without feeling guilty at all.
    4. If this is the govt of israel’s agenda, then people like hanan will grow by numbers. Singapore is copying about the same thing….
    Thanks again Tun, do keep on educating us.

  214. Aslm Tun n fmly, warga chedet skalian..
    1st n foremost Tun..u said it as it is but unfortunately many refuse 2 listen..that’s the reality of this world.
    Sad as it is the fault lies with us Muslims 4 not being united..
    often deviating from the true Islamic teachings..thus making it easier 4 the powerful 2 colonise our minds n body..worst if v ve sold our souls 2 them n become their spies/moles 2 undermine the religion n other fellow Muslims.
    Previously I ve proposed that 1,000,000 (or more) Muslims do a Mahatma Ghandi n organise a peaceful n unarmed march on 2 Jerusalem 2 show our displeasure 2wards Israel n their western backers..v could do it during the next haj season but then the problem is v do not ve an able n respected Muslim world leader that is able 2 undertake such a task nor unify the Muslims 2 joint the ‘March on Jerusalem’..though the idea may not take off but it’s food 4 thought..!!! Imam Mahadi where r u..?????
    Last but not least, may Allah swt bless u n ur fmly

  215. Selamat pagi tun
    In siblings there will be:
    1) cocky brother,
    2) stuck-up brother,
    3) productive brother,
    4) optimistic brother,
    5) …e.t.c.
    by all means, these brothers are in the same family, and either accepted or not, they follow its natural course.
    Only individual’s will that change itself for the best.

  216. salam tun
    i agree with u 100%-ly that his illegal n sinned govt shd backoff…n get obama to give a piece of land to the evils…

  217. Salam Tun,
    In spite of our disagreement on the “holy war’ status, i couldn’t agree more of what you have wrote.
    Thank you..

  218. Sir,
    Hanan will not be convinced by your argument. Nor will any Jew or Westerner for that matter. Even our own people are divided on the issue. There is so much details on the Israeli/Palestinian problem available online that it is very difficult to make out the truth. The Jews have their version of events and they swear black and blue this is the truth. The Arabs have their say and to them it is Israeli hegemony via Zionism that is the root of the problem. These days even photographs cannot be totally believed. They can be photoshopped to look genuine. No amount of argument can solve this feud. It is a territorial conflict that will go on until one side completely subdues the other. Usually it is the more tougher, smarter, ruthless side that triumphs. At the moment, Israel is invincible.

  219. Salam Tun,
    The so-called precision attack on the Palestinians in Gaza and in Labanon by the Israelis state-sponsored atrocity are meant to annihilate them. They expect the world to accept the civilian victims – that include babies, children, young and old women/men – as collateral damage. Something that has to be expected of them in repelling the primitive rocket fired by the ill-equipped Palestinians.
    The human destruction and the flattened buildings caused by the Israelis attack is so horrifying, and it is beyond comparison to what happened caused by the Palestinians primitive rocket fire. This is the testimony of the Israelis anger and hatred towards the Palestinians as shown by hundreds of pictures circulated worldwide in the internet. And not forgetting, this is also for the world to witness what they could do arising from their anger and hatred, and also to instill fear to those harboring similar feelings as the Palestinians do towards them.
    As to your item 9) and 10)
    The Malays are nice people and historically are very accomodating! These qualities have been taken and often abused by other races as their weakness. This is one of the reasons, the Malays are easily manipulated. From childbirth human-beings have learnt to capitalise people and things around them to serve their need, and it is only natural for people to react unscrupulously and become selfish!
    The Malays have got themselves to blame, till now, for having failed to identify people who came to see and ruled them. You have lost tiny land and land big enough to call home. Losing more means suicidal! The present day war which is more evil, is not carried out in the battlefield. It is being carried out by bribing the ‘desperate people” to be their tools of convenient to take over your land, your country etcetra. Not forgetting robbing your daughters and wives to fulfill their lust! It is never too late to change your mind-set. The academicians instead of staying away by being apolitical, please start organising perhaps on AWARENESS to counter any evil intention that may have prevailed within this country to form a new colonial power.
    Yes to Hanan, get your government and people to change their mind-set to compromise for peace!

  220. Morning Tun,
    How are you Tun? Hope you’re in great health and will continue to give guidance to us.
    I grew up during your era and naively, I thought it’s normal that we are able to live harmoniously with different race of people in one country.I did not realize that actually it’s a privilege to be able to live as I am today.To have the freedom and facilities to pursue my dreams. To wake up in the morning and my only worry is what suit@kurung that I want to wear to the office.
    Thank you Tun for making it happen for us.To me, the greatest gifts that you give to us is peace. For that, I am eternally grateful to you.

  221. Yea the first one to comment…just want to say Tun a lot of young Malaysians wish for a leader like you to lead Malaysia again…

  222. Salam Hormat TDMM & TDSH,
    Your texts were beautifully composed. Congratulation! Proud to read them. Hope it could be read by many to instill analytical thinking. It described your beliefs regardless who they are. That is the best thing we could do in life. Say our piece!!!!!!!!!!This is what the western has taught the whole wide world. Thanks to them in a way.
    I would believe that the Palestinians will just adhere and act to what they belief whatever the outcome is. Allah bless them.
    Reading beyond this words of yours, we should also observe and adhere to what we belief to be successful. (subjective term as long as we achieve what we have plan for and we should believe in all the good deeds!!!, Insyallah )
    Thank you SIR for your words of wisdom.

  223. YABhg Tun,
    We can talk all day and night about the Zionist atrocities in Gaza.. but, the Zionist will never change not even if hell freezes over.Definitely not people like Hanan!
    Being victim themselves, you would expect them to be the last people to commit atrocities like this. They are still making Nazi collaboraters/Governments pay for the crimes committed on them during WWII.
    Nazi Hitler killed so many Jews because they were weak and defenceless. And, now the Zionist Jews are killing Palestinians because they are weak, defenceless and mainly because they refuse to lay down and die…….and be a good dead Palestinians!
    Yeah…like some people commented, we need to see both sides of the picture. No..better still,maybe it’s better if we go right to the ground itself and get the real picture. And, if we’re lucky…we get to tell others the whole true picture. Ofcourse…from both sides.
    Maybe AirAsia can help us out with the cheap fares. Volunteers anyone…??

  224. Salam Tun,
    With all due respect – saya tumpang lalu…
    Dear Hanan,
    Certainly, it seems to me that you just love to get your sweet a** whipped over & over again. Open your eyes a little more wider, will you?! A heart is a gift from God that you should realize by now, not everyone owns it nowadays. Your government don’t have it! If you can show me a large number of your children suffers from the war like your government did to the children of Gaza – then I will believe you. But there isn’t really anything to show/proof, wasn’t it?
    You just make me think that Hitler should’ve really just finish whatever he was doing before he died. Now I know just ‘what he was killing’ last time!
    Your government is so sick, Hanan!! X(

  225. Israel as the mightier nation must show their humility and most importantly their sincere desire for establishing lasting peace. Only with this attitude will peace be achieved.
    Admit that it has illegally occupy the Palestinians land and move on to achieve a peaceful agreement.
    Until such time that this intention is sincerely demonstrated, this war will continue and one fine day Israel will get a taste of its own medicine.
    The question is, is Israel and its people willing to pay the price then?

  226. Dear Tun,
    Totally agree. I learned that the Israel government does not allow Israel-citizen who belongs to Arabs-origin to join the army or take part in the national service. As a result, the Arab-origin citizens are not entitled to any government assistance. In short, the Arabs people are being negatively discriminated by their own government which accidentally is Israel.
    It the information is true, then there is no hope that will be any peace in the region, forever till the end of time. Hatred begets hatred, killings beget killings.

  227. salam Tun.
    I hope that the organizing team of your weblog will compile all the entries and comments in a book so that all the info will not lost.(15 mil people visit the blog,1 of them maybe an internet scumbag expert hacking and cracking,better do something,at least an e-book).
    By the way, KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK TUN.

  228. Dear TDM,
    You have spoken out a lot about the current attacked by the Israel towards the Palestinian Muslim as part of your effort to criminalise war in your foundation. I hope your foundation is championing about all wars and not only the wars that are close to your heart and religion.
    I am not sure whether you still remember when you were PM in the early or middle of 90s, you asked the Japanese government not to apologize for all the attrocities they done during the World War 2. I am reminded of this sad incident when I read on the NSTP around last week about the plight of those former comfort women in Malaysia that could never seek any compensation nor justice from Japan due to non support from the Malaysia government.
    I am sure you have read in the news that all government condemn the Japanese government about this atrocities and only you who ask them not to apologise. I am also sure you were around in 1942-45 when the Japanese committed those atrocities like rape, murder, doing experiment on human being for the sake of testing biological warfare etc but maybe the atrocities was never perpetrated on you thats why you think we should not seek any apologies from the Japanese government.
    Or maybe its because Japan was the biggest FDI to Malaysia at that time, so we must seek to be allied with them in all matters and as such we forgive all atrocities committed by them as long as their money flow into our country.
    I am shocked and disbelief you could condem the attack on the innocent in Palestine but be so ignorance about the atrocities done by the Japanese towards Malaysian women in the WW2. Like you say we must look to the east for emulation, the eastern culture sanction a women purity and honour, what do you think those former comfort women feel when those Japanese men violated them and turn them into sex slaves? Is that part of looking east policy for aspirations too?
    I cannot hope that you will publish this comment as it does not augur well with the other comment that praises you instead of commenting you. But I do hope your memory would be awaken and I hope the difference between Palestinian Muslim and former Japanese comfort women suffering is not because of their race, creed and religion.

  229. Askm Yg.Bhg Tun,
    Memang dasar yahudi Bangsat & Pengecut!!!! sudahlah merampas tanah rakyat palestine, membunuh orang awam palestine lagi tue, ingat hebat sangatkah membunuh orang TANPA SENJATA, memang TIDAK ADIL bila amerika ingin menghentikan penyeludupan senjata pejuang HAMAs sedangkan bukan main lagi amerika membekalkan senjata berteknologi tinggi kepada israel, ADILKAH BEGITU??? amerika yang sepatutnya memberikan tanah kepada yahudi nie, tapi saya rasa tidak ada seorang pun rakyat amerika yang sanggup memberikan tanah kepada rakyat yahudi….kerana bangsa nie jenis yang suka memutar belit @ PEMBOHONG BESAR!!!!!

  230. Only Tun Dr.M could explain complex issue in a simple manner that could be understood by everyone. Thank you Tun, we are still learning from you, Sir.
    p/s Hanan, if you still don’t understand the Palestinian struggle, all you could do is blame your arrogance and ignorance.

  231. Dear Tun,
    Totally agree with you especially on one thing, it is all about instilling hatred, consequences of which palestine and israeli are killing each others.
    Nowadays malaysian political scenarios are moving towards the same direction, instilling hatred among the people. Starting off with melayu memperbodohkan melayu and will end up with melayu bunuh melayu and will go on with other races.
    Mohon allah jauhkan dari bencana ini.

  232. 15. Our people who went to Gaza were amazed at the attitude of the people there. Even after the deaths of so many of them, the deaths of their children and babies; even after their towns have been flattened, their schools and hospitals destroyed, they show no fear. Every one of them expects to die at any time because of your attacks but they would never surrender. When asked they simply said it is their land and they would defend it to the last. Even an Arab Christian priest was determined to stay on in Gaza. Those of their children who survive will prepare themselves to defend their land like their parents. Your attacks fail to terrify them or to force them to submit. You only succeed in instilling greater hatred of Israel and the Israelis.
    16. When it was pointed out to them that they are no match for the Israeli forces and their weapons of mass destruction, when it was pointed out that their rockets were primitive and cannot compare with the destructiveness of Israeli rockets, they were not disheartened. The Israeli attacks simply strengthened their resolve to go on fighting. The Israeli idea to out-terrorise them has not worked and I believe it would not work
    ‘Ya Allah , hebat dugaan yang Allah beri pada mereka. Saya yang baru Allah beri ujian dari sudut ekonomi pun kekadang hampir patah semangat’.

  233. Dear Tun,
    Agreed with your comments on Hammas in Gaza…!
    But please why should you care so much about the Palestinians? As you really know that we have more problems and more poor ethnic groups in Malaysia which require your attentions..???
    Please think more about the local problems first before we shall think about the problems of others? That’s should be the way because the world will jugde us based on that actually happened to us first before we should say things about others. Arang yang diconteng ke muka diri sendiri tak nampak tapi arang terconteng di muka orang lain dapat nampak!! Apa akan jadi la..!!! Orang akan tengok betapa tebal nya arang terconteng dimuka diri sendiri dahulu sebelum dia orang buat komen tentang kita…

  234. Salam Tun & all
    Israeli will & should always live in fear because they should know that the increase of hatred towards Israeli Jews people going to be STRONGER every seconds, minutes, hours, years & centuries to comes….

  235. Dearest Tun…
    As much as I respected you, and still do, way before Christianity, the land was belong to the JEWS.. Its a promised land for the JEWS. And the terrorist hamas was not even created yet by then.
    The JEWS was brought by Moses (Musa as muslim claimed) to the land. It was stated in the Old Testament.
    As much as you guys believed in quran, I strongly believe in the Bible. And for the fact that Bible came out before quran.
    I respect all good religion, it just that the believers are the one who use religion for deviuos acts. That does not justify the hedious terrorist act being committed by hamas the terror.
    You are the best Tun.

  236. Hanan,
    you are wrong,pls go back to school.study again in historycal.
    Dr.Mahathir is good teacher.lern what he say.
    tq n brgs,

  237. Dear Tun,
    2. Jews have lived with Muslims in Muslim countries for centuries without any serious problem. That’s the beauty of ISLAM.
    Tak payah layan depa ni kita perlu rujuk Al Quran balik, depa ni tuhan akan hukum depa.
    Buang masa layan depa ni,Kita tunggu azab tuhan kat depa sambil kita berdoa untuk sahabat sahabat kita yang kena tindas.
    Akal kita tak cukup bijak untuk tafsir semua ketentuan ALLAH jadi jangan guna akal (walaupun akal TUN) lawan depa kita guna IMAN, DOA dan ZIKIR.

  238. Dearest Tun and Family
    May Allah always be with you. Ameen.
    It is a difinite ignorance on the part of this joker Hanan and you had said correctly on the issues. But another ignorant part of some of our Muslim Uelamas too, it is a Holy-War and instigating Muslim to joint the war as Muslim, please let them make to understand the difference between Holy-war as instituted and instructed by Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) and guided by Allah swt during His (pbuh) time, and the presence intrusion by Israel as had been written by you. Our Uleamas had painted a different stories on Jihad which always relates to war and killing but NOT ON LOVE TO MANKIND. Let the motto of LOVE FOR ALL AND HATRED FOR NONE be the motto of all Muslim.

  239. Tun.
    Excellent posting and comments. I supposed that Hannan will understand and learn something from what our TUN had written here.
    1. I think I cannot convince you on anything simply because your
    perception of things is not based on logic or reason but merely on your strong belief that you are always right, even if the whole world says you are wrong.
    I agreed that. Hanan, just try to belief that sometimes you had made mistake too.
    20. Dear Hanan, tell your Government to compromise.
    Yeah! You should do that, Hanan. Look at the truth! I supposed that you must be very close to your government. You can do that.
    We will always remember you if you could convince your government to stop the war and make peace with Palestine.

  240. Salam kasih dan hormat Ayahanda Tun. Minta izin sedikit. Terima kasih.
    A petty thief should just remain a petty thief and should not jump into the broader definitions of larceny and criminology. Being good at petty-theft is perhaps all that the thief could ever have to be proud of in his vocation, and as such, the highly talented thief should just remain at that station for as long as state of affairs permits and the fiscals allows. No human has immunity against persecution. And that

  241. Dear Tun,
    The world needs more people like you. I hope one day Palestinians will get back their land that has been seized and rule it by themselves, also have their own forces and sovereignty…as well as Israel will be forced to move to America for the sake of Peace.

  242. What rubbish are you talking about umno malay conquer a lot of country in south east asia, how long is malay history that make you want to go war and claim back these countries, If follow your mad die hard umno sickness, then the whole world belongs to china, you should be force to speak chinese and wear chinese underwear !

  243. Salam Tun,
    Can’t say more than what has been said. In our land this PAS is now more Jewish than the Jews. Halal if it benefits them, Haram if it does not.

  244. Dear Tun,
    It is so sick and showed their utter stupidity when someone does not know how to differentiate between terrorised from being terrorised, between results of causing major damages and damages when quantitatively assessed, between mass killings phosphorus bombarments and primitive casualties single shellings.
    They know how to do their mathematics but they failed to solve the whole equation about life, respect, human rights and treacherous dominance to the uncapable disabled because their hearts had rotten badly and shut blindly to see the truth. We all had knew them very well that they will never play any game at any level field as what you had always said about them before.
    Semoga Allah panjangkan usia Tun, Amin.

  245. Salam Tun Dr M,
    Poor Hanan…despite your high qualifications (I presumed), u didn’t carry yourself well as to your way of thinking and/or action which is rather superficial. Please compromise to exercise a rebranding to your profile.
    Your name means xxxxx if it is spelt backwards in our language..
    Adios Tun Dr M.

  246. .
    “WAY TO GO, TUN!”… Tell it to those KIASULY-GREEDY Outdated pre-historic BARBARIANS!
    A HUMONGOUS CONGRATULATIONS Tun Dr. Mahathir sir, for making the WHOLE World SEE & Understand on this Very Clear & Brilliant POINTS!! (as usual, sir!.. 🙂
    Everyone in the world wants PEACE and are mature & civilized enough to BE ABLE to Compromise,
    but those Extremely GREEDY bigots Continue to be backwards & UNcivilized on this Little ‘ol planet of ours!!

    The world has slowly but SURELY understood “what” israeli actually is, and Have Been Laughing at them Greedy Bigots post-“their” 9/11.
    GOD BLESS TUN DR. MAHATHIR MOHAMAD, World Leader no. 1 of current modern times…
    .. Amiin Ya Rabbal ‘Aalamiiin.

  247. Salam Tun…
    Tun…..Hanan has made up his mind.
    He want to believe what he like to believe.
    He is looking but not seeing…
    He is hearing but not listening…selective listening may be. This selecting device has been invented in Tel Aviv?
    He read but is he bothered? No…..
    Let us think harder on how to make people like him to function as a human being. Not beast being like what they are now.
    Tun …it is a real waste of time explaining to guy like Hanan.

  248. Dear Tun,
    Grant me this opportunity to share my thoughts.
    Dear Hanan,
    Finally I hear some words of advise to end a seemly never ending fighting.
    I suggest both goverments to come to Malaysia, both parties bring along the suffering pictures of your people, your man and woman and children.
    Sit down in room and share those pictures with each other. Do not talk about who is at fault, do not talk about politics of power, do not talk about who is right or who is wrong.
    Listen instead to the cry of the babies without parent, listen to the wife without a husband, listen to the broken heart of a man who lost his family. Ask yourself is this worth it? Have each of you drank enough of each others blood? Are you satisfy with the killing?
    What have each of you done to another to contribute to this? Look into the mirror. Malaysia is not perfect, we have our faults but I believe Malaysia can be the mirror for both goverment.
    Only when both of you understand that in war there is NO WINNER… we are all losers… only then can there be peace.
    LOOK into the MIRROR of truth, not a mirror distorted by politics and anger and hatred.
    Hanan, there is so much hatred and fault finding and finger pointing, time to give ear to the words of others, time to listen to the voice of reasons.
    If both of you are so ruthless in killing and really needs to kill to survice then I believe it is time for both of you to stop killing each other and start killing the beast inside yourself.
    Thank you Tun.
    Good night,

  249. Dear Tun…
    nice proposition..
    anyway, i dont think its gonna work..
    i has a question. Why did Tunku Abd Rahman gave away Singapore to Lee Kuan Yew, while initially he was reluctant.
    I heard that on 1 night, he ( TAR) was having a dinner with Lee Kuan Yew in a shipyard. After that dinner, a few days later, he let away Singapore…
    any body here knows the story ? huh
    The Fuhrer
    Adolf Hitler

  250. “KOMPROMI”..
    Ya kompromi, itulah jawapan yang dicari selama ini.
    Israel perlu diberitahu kita semua supaya berkompromi dengan penduduk Palestin. Israel perlu diberitahu melalui bapak mentuanya Amerika supaya berkompromi dengan penduduk Palestin. Dan Amerika perlu diberitahu oleh kita semua supaya memberitahu Israel agar berkompromi dengan penduduk Palestin. Dan kita semua harus memberitahu rakyat yahudi atau pro Israel (spt Hanan) supaya menasihatkan pemerintahnya berkompromi dengan rakan2 Palestin mereka.
    Dan kita juga perlu memujuk rakyat Palestin supaya berkompromi dengan jiran mereka Israel jika kemerdekaan yang ingin dicari.
    kalau mereka telah bersabar selama 60 tahun, mereka sepatutnya sanggup bersabar lagi 60 tahun untuk mereka berkompromi merdeka dengan cara sedemikian rupa.
    Jalan kemerdekaan yang mereka guna selama ini ternyata gagal dan semakin buntu setiap hari, apalah salah jika mereka menukar strategi mengguna cara lain. Atau mengadaptasi cara negara lain mencapai kemerdekaan.
    Malaysia sendiri, merdeka dengan cara berunding tanpa perlu menumpahkan darah rakyat. Ada yang berkata cara ini bacol, mengampu, tali barut kepada british. Tapi kita semua, termasuk yang menentang tetap menikmati kemerdekaan hasil usaha bapa2 kemerdekaan itu yang kita gelarkan merdeka bukan cara ‘anak jantan’. Dan negara ini merdeka, itulah hakikatnya.
    Dan pendatang China & India setelah 50 tahun merdeka juga mendapat ‘hak’ mereka di tanah melayu, hasil kesabaran mereka dan kawan2 melayu yang ber’kompromi’.
    Jadi kompromi sahajalah ternampak cahaya, dalam kemelut yang melanda antara Palestin yang berbangsa arab, sama bangsa MuhammadSAW dengan bangsa yang melahirkan ramai rasul2 sebelumnya. Walaupun bangsa arab & MuhammadSAW hakikat berasal dari jalur yang sama.
    Kita juga sebagai blogger harus berkompromi..

  251. Dear Tun,
    80,000 Workers Temporarily Laid-off
    DENGKIL, Feb 19 (Bernama) — Some 80,000 workers from various sectors have been temporarily laid-off until last month, almost double than the figure expected, said Human Resources Minister Datuk Dr S. Subramaniam.
    This is indeed a very staggering figure. Does the Ministry also takes into account to include additional numbers from those Malaysian workers who had been retrenched in Singpore,the United Kingdom, Saudi Arabia, Dubai and Australia etc. I think the figures should end up to be above 100,000 sooner or later.
    I think we are really facing serious economic crisis which could affect social and political stability, if the govt. is unable to effectively find solutions to addresss this unemployment problem.
    I think the govt. action to increase the retirement age for government servants to 58 years old is very short-sighted. It should not have been approved. I wonder whether Pak Lah ever studied seriously the present demographic structure and the implication of increasing the retirement age. I don’t think so.He is just useless!!

  252. Salam Tun.
    It’s unfortunate this have to happen, just even as the slurs of shakespear and the community against Jews, mainly for usury which is why it’s forbidden in Islam.
    Saddam may be a Muslim but the Christians are too fighting in IRAQ for their home….along the muslims.
    Alas,in Facebook,we have a game called Mafia Wars and it’s the David and Goliath situation when all is good with a force of 501 vs a force of 16, 20 levels lower and yet the Goliath is clobbered with a Critical Hit and dies, all because the defence was attacked at the point of weakness, and in the case of Israel, their currency and political situation, just as any other country.
    I seen the atrocities first hand during my time served in the peace forces, and both parties are loosing the indefinite war, till they get back their land.
    Compromise. Malaysia lost Singapore, and now they are better. So, it’s HIS TORY. We study and not to repeat the same old mistakes.
    In my humble of opinion, Split the state into 2, equally and across the City of Jerussalem, and I think all will be happy.
    Unless the hatred of the old Zionists are still burning, then Allah save us all.
    Best regards
    Dr Azrin @ http://www.zyraz.com

  253. Dear Dr. Mahathir.
    Thank you for your spacial honor I’m getting from you. to tell you honestly, it is really touching me. It is because of the patient such a honored person like you is bothering with a person like me without any political function, a simple Israeli citizen.
    Your comments are really challenging and enforcing me for a “second” and “third” time reading, digesting and do additional research for facts, liking them or not liking them. I’ll need some more time to establish my answers/comments to the issues you raised here. I can promise you I’ll answer as best and honest I can.
    I feel that this blog is becoming a lever for me to communicate with some people (Muslim and Non Muslim) from Malaysia in addition to my past friends. Hahaha… may be I’ll establish there a new political party? (it is just a kind of humor and not serious).
    I would like to thank the bloggers here that are writing to me private e-mails. Dr. Mahathir, please forgive me for using this arena to thank them. This is the open door I wanted to have and this is the way to do it and try to live in a better understanding and finally in peace. It is a light in the darkness to know that people do care to reach a dialog and peace.
    The great mistake we had all is we didn’t talk to each other even initially we don’t agree, even we may be hating each other. There is always the time for war and violence.
    I appreciate your patient to wait for my next comments about the issues you raised.
    Thank you and I wish you Salam, Shalom and grace,
    Hanan, Jewish and an Israeli Zionist.

  254. And what about Hamas, are you going to tell Hamas to compromise too.
    I don’t think so, when Fatah compromise your supporter basically label them as traitors.

    Hanan & konco konconya umpama sekawan semut jatuh dalam timbunan gula. Ya, memang semut itu gembira pada awalnya, tapi lama kelamaan rasa gembira itu akan meragut nyawa mereka sendiri biarpun gula diam tak berbuat apa. Kalau umpamakan, memang negara Arab di sekelilingnya macam gula pun. Tak buat apa.
    Terlalu sedih kita melihat nasib Palestin. Terlalu sedih juga melihat isu Palestin ini lama kelamaan menjadi sepi di corong corong media ataupun kedai kedai kopi. Ada juga sesetengah pihak dulu bukan main boikot barang US & Israel, tapi sekarang beli balik. Adakah rakyat Malaysia sibuk membincangkannya ketika Palestin diserang sahaja? Ataupun fed up?
    Saya percaya, sedikit masa lagi Allah akan membalas kezaliman Israel di “negara” mereka sendiri. Bila dan bagaimana, hanya Allah yang tentukan. Tahniah di ucapkan pada rakyat malaysia yang memboikot, menderma dan berusaha bermacam cara menyedarkan semua berkaitan isu ini. Jangan hangat hangat tahi ayam ya!
    Kisah Palestin ini adalah kisah manusia yang telah mendedahkan realiti kepalsuan atas nama “sokongan hak kemanusian”. Ia juga memaparkan kezaliman yang bermaharajalela dalam “new world order’. Adalah menakjubkan mereka telah mempertahankan hak binatang dan menghalang manusia dari menyakitinya sedangkan mereka telah menzalimi manusia yang hidup dalam keadaan yang menyeksakan dan ketakutan akibat serangan mereka yang bertali arus. Pendudukan zionis ini adalah contoh penjajahan barat yang berlaku sehingga saat ini tapi dalam pelbagai bentuk kepalsuan.
    Sepatutnya dari dahulu lagi umat islam pertahankan empayar dan mengukuhkan kekuatan selepas Salehuddin al-Ayubi berjaya merebut Jurusalem. Ya, memang kita berjaya mencipta ilmu dan di sanjung tinggi masa itu kerana umatnya teguh iman dan aman damai berbilang agama. Tetapi Israel bukan begitu. Mereka jijik melihat islam berada di tengah tengahnya. Apabila nanti al-Aqsa roboh kerana yahudi menggali terowong di bawahnya, apakah kita tidak menyalahkan mereka? Apakah kita bersetuju jika Israel mengatakan al-Aqsa roboh dengan sendirinya? Ada juga sesetengah pemimpin arab berkata perlukan strategik untuk bertindak, tetapi dari 1948 hingga sekarang, tidak jumpa lagikah strategiknya? Israel tiada kelemahan atau umat islam itu sendiri yang lemah?
    Salah satu puncanya adalah dari pemimpin pemimpin Arab itu sendiri. Tidak keterlaluan jika saya kata, MEMERANGI PEMIMPIN ARAB LEBIH BAIK DARI MEMERANGI ISRAEL. Dengan sikap pentingkan diri dan berkecuali mereka, terlalu menjengkelkan. Pada mereka, minyak lebih berharga dari isu Palestin. Pada mereka, berkelahi sesama sendiri lebih baik dari bersatu. Pada mereka, kepentingan politik mereka lebih penting dari tuntutan agama. CELAKALAH KAMU WAHAI PEMIMPIN ARAB. Mereka ini sebenarnya lebih zalim dari zionis.
    Sejauh mana umat islam sekarang boleh mengajar pemimpin arab itu? Jika Arab henti keluarkan minyak dengan niat kerana Palestin, DEMI ALLAH saya sanggup berjalan kaki kemana saja. Adakah Petronas, Brunei dan lain lain pengeluar minyak islam sanggup?
    Tidakkah kita berasa malu hidup di zaman umat islam yang penuh dengan sifat bakhil dan banyak angan angan? Tidakkah kita berasa malu hidup di zaman umat islam yang lebih cintakan dunia daripada mati? Ke mana kita hendak pergi sebenarnya? Hidup pun tiada jasa pada saudara seagama, mati pula di soal Allah mengapa tidak menolong mereka. Umat islam percaya pada rukun iman, percaya Allah itu maha adil, tetapi jika solat lima waktu pun kadang kadang kita sendiri terlepas, layakkah kita mengharap keadilan itu pulang kepada kita?

  256. cerita rusa dan gajah.
    pada masa dahulu, dalam sebuah hutan, tinggal sekumpulan gajah & rusa. rusa merupakan kaki gaduh dan selalu mencari pasal dengan gajah. tetapi kerana badannya yang lebih kecil, ia hanya dapat mencederakan sedikit sahaja gajah tersebut.
    manakala gajah yang kuat dan besar dan tak tahan dengan rusa yang selalu mengajaknya bergaduh, pula dengan senang, sekali sepak mati 10 rusa.
    maka ramai yang membuat kesimpulan gajahlah yang bersalah kerana membunuh lebih banyak rusa. kerana bilangan rusa yang mati ddan cedera lebih banyak bilangannya, dan kecederaan gajah pula tak seberapa. rusa yang kaki gaduh pula begitu dikasihankan.
    sekian, terima kasih.

  257. Dear Hannan,
    Guess its true. what ever said about jews and thier attitude in the koran is true after all.
    You will never change. so it will go on, even when Jesus returns, you will never change.

  258. Assalamualaikum Tun,
    Well Tun, it seems you just have to respond again to Hanan or indirectly to his comrades. They read you Tun, they hear every word you said but do they listen?
    His government turn deaf to the demonstrations on the streets at almost every corners of this planet, to the UN, could this one person named Hanan TELL his government?
    Could he ask them to let him SEE them? Could he ask them to HEAR and LISTEN to him? I don’t believe he has the guts to even pick up the phone to CALL them.
    Prove us wrong, Hanan.
    Why do the Jews still want to kill the Arabs? I believe it is not only because of occupying the lands but also simply because they loathe the Muslims. That is my believe and religion is part and parcel of it whether one wants to admit it or not. Because of their belief in religion ie. Islam, this has made them even stronger and stronger (spiritually and not militarily) and not afraid to die. If you have no religion then you have no purpose in live and you live only for yourself alone.
    Islam has taught every Muslims to help their brothers and sisters who are in need of help and in troubles. That is the obligation of every Muslims.
    Islam also taught us to compromise, to share, to give and take and not be greedy.
    Is it too much to ask of the Jews to take away a little of their greediness and give a little of it to those they have caused great griefs, sorrows, pains, sadness and sufferings?
    Alas Tun, how long does it take for them to see as we see it and to feel as we feel it? You have done everything you could to make them see through the eyes of truth. Truth will embedded in them when they throw out their egoistic and arroganistic attitude.
    To Hanan and comrades, now is the time to show your civilised attitude and please send your reponses rationally and intellectually and POLITELY to Tun. No abusing words or intimidations on purpose just to amuse yourselves or us here please.
    Take care Tun and May Allah Look Upon You Always.

  259. “20. Dear Hanan, tell your Government to compromise.” (Tun Dr.Mahathir)
    Below are some short remembrances about former Prime Minister of Israel, Menachem Begin and former President of Egypt, Anwar Sadat:
    “In 1978, Begin and Sadat were honored with the Nobel Peace Prize. Only Begin went to Oslo that December to accept the prize.
    Begin deeply valued his friendship with Sadat. When the Egyptian leader was assassinated by Moslem fundamentalists in October 1981, Begin went to Cairo and walked to the funeral, which was held on a Saturday.” (Adapted from an obituary for Menachem Begin ob’m)
    Please look at the sad ending of President Sadat! Do you think the political leaders of Arabian World will have the guts to compromise? Any one of them who has courage to sign peace treaty with Israel will most likely be assassinated sooner or later. The Arabian people should have cleaned their backyard first before they started to accuse Israel for being stiffneckedly belligerent!

  260. “20. Dear Hanan, tell your Government to compromise.” (Tun Dr.Mahathir)
    Below are some short remembrances about former Prime Minister of Israel, Menachem Begin and former President of Egypt, Anwar Sadat:
    “In 1978, Begin and Sadat were honored with the Nobel Peace Prize. Only Begin went to Oslo that December to accept the prize.
    Begin deeply valued his friendship with Sadat. When the Egyptian leader was assassinated by Moslem fundamentalists in October 1981, Begin went to Cairo and walked to the funeral, which was held on a Saturday.” (Adapted from an obituary for Menachem Begin ob’m)
    Please look at the sad ending of President Sadat! Do you think the political leaders of Arabian World will have the guts to compromise? Any one of them who has courage to sign peace treaty with Israel will most likely be assassinated sooner or later. The Arabian people should have cleaned their backyard first before they started to accuse Israel for being stiffneckedly belligerent!

  261. Aslmualaikum Tun,
    Bravo! i really like the way u counter the argument.
    hanan is just another israeli. they proud of themselves and conceited.
    their attitude is the reason why still no progress in dispute among Arab-Israel.
    yes. hanan should tell his government to compromise. and i’m sorry Tun, i really pessimistic about that.
    but, there is still hope and way.
    May Allah Bless us

  262. Assalamualaikum Tun,
    1.Kalau macam tu tak salah kalau ORANG MELAYU serang dan ambil balik SINGAPURA kerana SINGAPURA adalah asalnya sebahagian daripada TANAH MELAYU.
    2.Itulah sifat ORANG MELAYU,tidak seperti YAHUDI.Sentiasa menjaga hati ORANG LAIN walaupun merugikan DIRI SENDIRI.
    3.Teruskan usaha Tun mengajar YAHUDI yang sememangnya PRIMITIF dan jangan lupa YAHUDI DI SEBELAH KITA.
    Moga Tun sihat selalu.

  263. Blessings to Tun & family.
    Below is extract of a website I came across (amongst many):
    -read full article-
    “….Farms, including their animals, were also targeted and hundreds of acres of crops and fruit groves were incinerated. Religious buildings, where civilians usually seek shelter, were specifically targeted. Israeli fighter planes had completely destroyed 41 mosques, and partially damaged 51 others. One church was also targeted.
    Even cemeteries were not spared; 5 of them were bombed…” (Conclusion: farms and animals are Hamas “terrorists”??)
    “Although the Israeli army was given the exact GPS co-ordinates of every UN structure, as asserted by Christopher Gunness, the UNRWA spokesman, Israeli F-16 planes had repeatedly dropped PHOSPHORUS bombed on UN schools knowing very well that hundreds of civilians had taken shelter there. At least 45 children and women were burnt and murdered there.
    The UN headquarters in Gaza City was also hit with three, not just one, phosphorous bombs burning TONS of humanitarian aid and food stuff. The fire kept on burning for three days. UN-flagged humanitarian convoy was also shelled killing one driver.
    Medical centers and paramedics were not spared. The Red Crescent Al-Quds hospital in Tal el-Hawa neighborhood was hit by Israeli shells and caught on fire. Other two hospitals; Al-Wafa and Al-Fata hospitals, were also shelled, leading the World Health Organization to express its deep concern about the serious implications of such bombardments.
    16 other smaller health clinics and 16 ambulances were also damaged.
    Medics were targeted and prevented from helping the injured. Ten of them, including two DOCTORS, were murdered.
    “….Similar to all their previous wars the Israeli soldiers had committed massacres against Palestinian unarmed civilians. They have used internationally banned weapons such as phosphorous bombs, DIME, and depleted uranium, as reported by international physicians, eyewitnesses, and military experts.
    Israeli soldiers had mutilated the bodies of their victims to instill terror in the hearts of people hoping they will leave Gaza.
    Israeli soldiers herded many families in one building using them as human shield, and then later on bombed the building on top of them. They shot civilians, mainly children, directly and at point blank.
    The bodies of some children were found shot several times; as many as 18 bullets in the body of a 12 years old girl, and 12 bullets in the body of her 2 years old sister….”.
    Another website:
    2) Wars, Rothschild, JP Morgan, Illuminati, Freemasons.Jerusalem.they ARE linked……
    3) Colonising the Middle East………
    In summary, To “Hanan” and his like-minded people-working-behind-the-scene, and ALL truth-seeking people of the world:
    Read these books:
    1. The (Complete) International Jew (Henry Ford)
    2. The New Jerusalem (Michael Collins Piper)
    3. The Globalisation of Poverty (Michel Chossudovsky)
    Seeker of Truth

  264. Former MB tried to bribe my man, alleges Anwar
    V. Vasudevan
    Opposition leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim has alleged that former Kedah Menteri Besar Datuk Mahadzir Khalid had offered PKR Kulim assemblyman Lim Soo Nee a bribe to crossover.
    The bribe was offered by Mahadzir at a Sebarang Jaya hotel in December last year.
    However, Anwar said what Mahadzir did not know was that there was an Anti Corruption Agency sting.
    “Our assemblyman worked with the ACA. Umno people had approached him repeatedly and offered him money to cross,” he said while debating the Royal Address.
    However, Anwar said no action had been taken against the former Kedah Menteri Besar as the officer investigating the case was transfered out.
    “The officer told Lim the meeting was the climax to the investigation and action on Mahadzir would follow soon after that,” he said.
    Anwar claimed the ACA closed the case following instruction from higher ups.
    Inilah kerja Anwar the AUTAMAN! Pi mai pi mai tang tu je!
    Apa cerita usaha dia untuk mwendapatkan 31 MP BN melompat? Berapa million dia cuba bribe?

  265. salam Tun,
    teruskan lanyak Si Hanan ni Tun..
    bebal,angkuh dan tidak berperikemanusiaan @ Hanan
    Luv u Tun 🙂

  266. Dear Tun,
    This Hanan guy is “blind, deaf and dumb”. Refer verse 18 Surah Al-Baqarah (The Cow).Leave him alone. He is a “dajal”.

  267. DEWAN RAKYAT: Ibrahim Ali heaps ‘animal’ abuse after chided by PKR MP
    By : V. Vasudevan
    DEWAN RAKYAT, Thurs:
    Datuk Ibrahim Ali (Independent-Pasir Mas) has made a name for himself as someone who knows how to work up a storm. He did that again yesterday.
    This time, he got the Pakatan Rakyat members walking out after he abused N.Gobalakrishnan (PKR-Padang Serai), who had touched a raw nerve when he asked Ibrahim to tone the language he used in the house.
    Ibrahim had referred to Indians and Chinese as “bangsa asing” while debating the Royal Address.
    Gobalakrishnan told Ibrahim such language was not polite and urged him to withdraw it.
    “Why not say Indians or Chinese instead of foreigners,” he told Ibrahim who at that time was talking about Malay rights and the position of Malay Rulers in the country.
    Ibrahim refused and promptly launched into a hysterical tirade against Gobalakrishnan and the Pakatan Rakyat.
    Angry with the tone and language, the Pakatan Rakyat members walked out and as they left, Ibrahim heaped more abuse on them calling them

  268. Dearest Tun, absolutely correct!
    Peace will not come to the Middle East nor the world if the Jews is bent on wanting to deprive the Palestinians of their rightful land.
    If the Jews can have a State called Israel,why shouldn’t the Palestinians have a State? Simple as that….
    President Barack Obama has as his idol, the great President Lincoln who is remembered in history as the man who give freedom to the African slaves.Will Presient Obama be remembered as the man who help create the Palestinian State and give freedom to the long persecuted Palestinians? We are waiting to see a US President who will deal with Israel on the Palestinian issue,without fear or favour!!
    May God continue to bless the Palestinians!!!

  269. Assalamualaikum Tun,
    You were right to ask about the evidence of Jews being massacred and killed from Hanan.
    Dear Hanan,
    Talk is cheap, Show some proof when u says that Zionist is being fair to the Palestinians. Most of the evidence we have shown other wise so pls enlighten us.
    For those non Malays who think its right for the Zionist to claims Palestinians land pls think how would you feel if your home in your kampung where your parents and grand parents lived for so many years is being taken by force by the Malays because we claim it is our ancestral land. If u think its the right thing to do then pls continue your support for Israel.

  270. Salam Chedet.
    Don’t forget to mention that the Israelis (and USA) were using the Palestinians as guinea pigs for their new weapons of mass destruction like the white phosporous and DIME. Also, it was said that uranium filled bombs were used too. So, all those bombs were alright to be used to already traumatised Palestinians. To say that the recent Gaza war was justified due to Hamas’s baby rockets was a real insult to anyone’s intelligence. We, the common citizen of the world, don’t believe it ………
    Thank you Chedet.
    Take care of your health.

  271. Opposition Walk Out After War-of-Words With Independent MP
    KUALA LUMPUR, Feb 19 (Bernama) — A majority of the Opposition members of Parliament (MPS) walked out of the Dewan Rakyat Thursday when Datuk Ibrahim Ali (Ind-Pasir Mas) debated the motion of thanks for the Royal address.
    They did so to show their dissatisfaction over Ibrahim’s remarks about the Opposition, which caused a war-of-words to break out between him and the Opposition MPs.
    Ibrahim earlier had poked fun at them calling them hypocrites who did not fulfill their promises when in power but were very good at slamming the government when outside the government.
    Bravo, Ibrahim! Kau memang anak jantan. What you commented was the real truth. All of them are hypocrite of the first order.Mereka dah mula nak tunjuk taring. Dia ingat dia dah kuat sampai dah naik tocang cuba nak menghina Raja-Raja Melayu.Entah macam mana pula kalau mereka dapat pegang kuasa. Habis semua mereka jual maruah Raja-raja Melayu. Mereka akan jadi sombong, bongkak dan biadap dan mungkin mencaci dan menghina Raja-raja Melayu.
    Orang Melayu jangan jadi bodoh dan bangang.

  272. che det…tak payah layan la depa ni. Depa ni memang jenis keras kepala & perasan yang depa aje betoi. Apa pun, diharapkan Hanan ni terbeliak sikit bijik mata baca apa yang Che Det tulis kali ni.

  273. Salam Tun,
    It was very sad to see that the victims were mostly children and women. What kind of war is this????? Aren’t war should be fighthing involving generals and soldiers. May be what we can do is to instigate both parties to fight and fight each other, but spare all the poor kids and women. OIC and UN can take the lead to ferry all the kids and women out of Palestine first that after that let these people go to war as long as they want. While we watch from outside and clap our hands….

  274. Assalamualaikum Tun,
    1. It is no use to explain to the arrogant Jews, but at least others will get your massage. The brief explanation on the plight of the Palestinian really touch the heart of normal minded homo sapien.
    2. As mentioned in the Holy Quran the race Jews is the most stubborn nature ever created by Allah. They demand to see god.
    3. To me, this war will never end until the end of the world. As time goes, the Palestinians will be regards as glorious people who defend their homeland. The Jews and their descendant will be of course been named as the butchering race far surpass the Nazis.
    4. The united Arabs is the only solution to tame the Jews and their comrade American and some Europeans. The world can shout and yell at the Jews but of course there is no respond. I hope god will answer the prayers of the world to put a stop on this butchering act by the heartless creature.
    5. Amin………….

  275. The decision by Perak assembly speaker V. Sivakumar to suspend the menteri besar and his six executive councillors as assemblymen cannot be challenged in court, the Malaysian Bar Council said today.
    If the speaker makes a mockery over the whole affair then what choice does the Sultan have but to declare state emergency.
    I think it is a matter of time this will happen. I love it to happen if it becomes out of hand rather than watching the Pakatan assenblymen behave like clowns.

  276. why nowadays, people commonly label “BeeAnn” is hypocrite?
    khir toyo urge elizaberth to quit becoz she is immoral, becoz her nude foto is taken when she is sleeping
    Mohd Suffian said that in 2007, he complaint to Khir Toyo about the “affair” of his wife with gombak ex-YB, with evidence included voice recording, video clip, photo and sms … however, Khir Toyo did not take any action, but urge Suffian to settle his family matter himself … even Suffian made report for 9 times, but no action is taken … and his wife nor hayati is appointed in the assembly list last year
    when asking for explaination from Khir Toyol, he gave the following comments:
    (1) the 2 cases are not the same, and that’s the reason why he did not take any action last time towards nor hayati
    (2) In elizabert case, she admits the photo and make police report. In nor hayati case, she did not admit the photo
    (3) Additionally, in nor hayati case, it is family problem. Hence, he dont have the right to take action
    Aduhh !!! … the level of hypocrite is so disgusting … similar to some pembodek like HBT

  277. A’kum ,
    All my heart goes to the Palestinian people . We salute you.
    On one end the American are sending weapon of mass destruction to
    the Isrealis so that they can wipe out the Palestinian .
    On the other end the OIC are sitting in their comfortable room ,with
    coffee and snack in their hand ,watching the massacre of the Palestinian people .
    I’m ashamed !
    Just send in whatever weapons that we have to the Palestinian
    people and let them defend themselves .
    Sabra , Shatilla , Gaza …. what’s next ?
    Are we waiting to enjoy the next episode ?
    If they have to dig their own grave , then let’s help them to dig deeper . At least there is pride in a deep grave .

  278. Dear Hannan.Why Europian dislike Jewish?Why Europian kill Jewish?There must be a reason why Europian do this to the Jewish.Only you know the reason why.Think!

  279. Dear Tun,
    I only wish that the government of Pak Lah and his honchos can respond to this maverick Hanan’s twisted views better than you. But alas, all they can do is rob the rakyat’s wealth in broad daylight smack in the midst of this perfect storm caused by the global economic and financial turmoil.
    How deep Malaysia will sink into this economic abyss has yet to be determined by the sleeping government which neither Pak Lah nor Najib seems likely able to handle pre or post March 2009. Nothing will change, you can bet on that.
    Salam hormat from
    The Land Of The Hornbills

  280. Aduhh !!
    one biased for Palestine, another biased for Jews … both also bias and hypocrite
    no wonder until now still no peace in Palestine … becoz of the adult who are bias and hypocrite, the small and innocent kids in Palestine are suffering ….
    the hypocrite adult encouraging war (far far away from Palestine) becoz of their hate, but the small kid in Palestine threaten by israel missiles …
    the hypocrite adult drink diamond water when they are thirsty after spreading hates, but the innocent small kids in Palestine dont even have clean water due to hates and war …
    Aduhh !!

  281. Good Evening Tun,
    To Hanan,
    Sincerely i think that you need help with thinking cap.All the explanation and rubbish facts that you come up from your previous comment just shows us that you Zionist(Dogs) are bunch of retarded morons.I hope your country do go to war with Iran.In so that Iran will wipe you Zionist from the face of that pathetic country of yours once and for all.
    Your hatred towards us Muslim will die with you.So believe as you may that you Zionist(dogs) may have won the battle…but we Muslim will definetly will win the war.
    There is no point arguing with you Zinonist.Because you guys really are a bunch of stone age morons.
    Now Playing : Meshuggah – Catch 33

  282. Sadly, Israel used Hamas as an excuse for their ethnic cleansing plan on the poor Palestinians with of course the back-up of the US. I’m not convinced that the Obama’s administration are able to put pressure on Israel at all. The surrounding Arab countries are of no use either. We just have to continue witnessing the ongoing atrocities committed by the Jews. Sometimes I wonder, where is Al-Qaeda when you need them? That if they are ever existed in the first place…

  283. Hi all,
    I don’t really understand what is happening is Palestine. What I undersand is that there’s a lot of jews were killed by the christian in the german and other countries in europe. Then for some reason the Palestenian were punished by the British and they were forced to give their country to the jews.
    Now the jews had control the whole palestine. That is what I understand. but I think the whole europe had planned this scheme to move out all the jews in thier country so they offer the jews a country so they can remove the jews in their country and let the palestine fight the jews. Actually the europian are afraid of jews so they want to get reed the jews but don’t want to take the blame again as what was done by the german.
    Well that is my opinion.


  285. Assalamualaikum,
    Thank you very much for your efforts and sharing your views on current world affairs especially Gaza. We,as youngsters, really need a person like you to shed light on the current affairs for better understanding. We always love you for your commitments and your will to stand up against the Zionist aka Shaitan. May be they are the advocates of Satan. Wallahua’lam

  286. Salam Tun,
    My observation on Israel’s recent terrorism on Palestine, it seems to have been carried out with one objective, to wipe out the Palestinians. Israel’s ego terrorism has gone by with a slap on the wrist and a scholding fitting a stubborn 5 year old child. Sigh..
    Sad that we live in a vey contrived world. I may be very low in value chain, I may not lead a nation or sit on the UN security council, the least I could do is say a doa for the children of Gaza.

  287. Hanan,
    You should make time and come to Sabah, Malaysia. I’d be happy to show you around some Jewish place like Mount Zion in Damai, Kota Kinabalu and Shalom Heights in Kundasang, Ranau.
    This is to prove to you that Muslim, “the apes and swine”, has nothing against Jewish. To show to you that even with overwhelming numbers of Muslim here, we do not oppress Jews.
    And we do not bomb places just because the place got Jewish name. Some more we do not stock bombs as you are doing in Israel. In fact your government kept buying bombs and arsenal to support the lavish lifestyle of WMD weapon’s peddlers.
    Why are your government still bent on seizing Palestinian land? Why keep on defending a terrorist government?

  288. salam Tun,
    These Jewish commentators(Hana and friends)are dogmatic and have tunnel vision.
    I reiterate once again…
    No amount of media manipulating,of portraying Jewish leaders as chic looking,hip,modern,urban and contemporary leaders can cover your evil deeds.

  289. Dear Tun,
    People like Hanan live without mirror. They will never able to see what they really look like. So don’t waste your time trying to change their mind.

  290. Assalamualaikum ayahnda…
    I’m really proud that Malaysia once have great leader like you.
    Ayahnda is truly my “HERO” forever.
    When me and my family saw your picture anywhere, i always tell my son and daughter “this is your grandfather…, he is a great man”.
    InsyaAllah ayahnda, I will hardly try to raise my child to be great like you.
    From pmtg pauh with love and respect.
    Che wan

  291. A Short History of the Israeli – Palestinian Conflict: Past Is Prologue – by Stephen Lendman
    Its roots are from the late 19th century when Theodor Herzl founded modern Zionism at the First Zionist Congress in Basle, Switzerland in 1897.
    In his book “Overcoming Zionism,” Joel Kovel writes:
    Zionism seeks “the restoration of tribalism in the guise of a modern, highly militaralized and aggressive state. (It) cut Jews off from (their) history and led to a fateful identity of interests with antisemitism (becoming) the only thing that united them. (It) fell into the ways of imperialist expansion and militarism, and showed signs of the fascist malignancy.”
    If you accept “the idea of a Jewish state,” you mix its twin notions of “particularism (and) exceptionalism (that are) the actual bane of Judaism (and give) racism an objective, enduring, institutionalized and obdurate character.” It turns Israel “into a machine for the manufacture of human rights abuses,” and consider three of its former prime ministers. Menachem Begin (1977 – 83), Yitzhak Shamir (1983 – 84 and 1986 – 92), and Ariel Sharon (2001 – 06) were former terrorists who dispelled the illusion of Israeli democracy, morality, and respect for human rights. Kovel’s conclusion: “the world would be a far better place without (the corrosive effects of) Zionism.”
    Inventing a Jewish People – Creating Myths to Justify a Jewish State
    Credit Tel Aviv University scholar, Shlomo Zand, for his 2008 book: “When and How Was the Jewish People Invented?” Forget the myths most Jewish children are taught. Biblical nonsense comprising core Zionist beliefs about Jews:
    — expelled by the ancient Romans;
    — the exodus from Egypt;
    — wandering the earth rootless;
    — enslaved, oppressed, and tormented for centuries; and
    — the notion that God bestowed a “Greater Israel” for Jews alone – the idea of “A land without people for a people without land.”
    Zand’s view (shared by others) is that the Romans didn’t expel whole nations, just small numbers from their conquered territories. Most Jews remained, converted to Islam when Arabs took over, and became progenitors of today’s Palestinians.
    According to Israeli journalist Tom Segev:
    “There never was a Jewish people, only a Jewish religion, and the exile never happened – hence there was no return.” So, if ancient Judaeans weren’t expelled en masse, how were Jews scattered globally – the so-called Jewish Diaspora?
    Zand believes that some emigrated voluntarily. Many more converted to Judaism. “Contrary to popular belief, Judaism was an evangelical religion that actively sought new adherents during its formative period.”
    Thus, if Judaism is a “religion,” not a “people,” how can a “Jewish state” be justified? It’s not an ancient idea, according to Zand, but a late 19th century Zionist invention, “an intellectual conspiracy of sorts. It’s all fiction and myth….an excuse (to justify) the State of Israel” and vilify Palestinian self-determination as a plot to destroy it.
    Segev explained that “Zand did not invent (this) thesis; 30 years before (Israel’s) Declaration of Independence, it was espoused by David Ben-Gurion, Yitzhak Ben-Zvi (Israel’s second president), and others.”
    Zand wrote his book for a purpose – to debunk accepted myths, Zionists who advance them, and promote the idea that Israel should be a democratic state for all its people, not just for Jews alone. Why not if Jews and Palestinians share common roots!
    Early Zionists had other ideas. Its Program was: “Establishing for the Jewish people a publicly and legally assured home in Eretz Yisrael.” It began a process of:
    — settling Jewish agriculturists, artisans, and tradesmen in Palestine;
    — organizing effective action groups in various countries;
    — building Jewish consciousness and a national identity; and
    — beginning a process of gaining worldwide acceptance for a Jewish homeland.
    Herzl later wrote: “At Basle, I founded the Jewish state….If not in five years, then certainly in fifty, everyone will realize it.” It took 51, but transforming Palestine wasn’t simple when Arabs comprised over 90% of the population.
    The solution was to transfer or dispossess them, shift them to other Arab countries, deny Palestinians the right to their own land, and create a new Jewish identity, not in the Diaspora but in Palestine – to legitimize Jews as its rightful owner and justify removing indigenous Arabs.
    Important also was getting Britain to go along which it did with the November 1917 Balfour Declaration “establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people….” It also guaranteed one to Arabs as stipulated in the October 1915 McHahon – Hussein Agreement to return Ottoman Turk land to Arab nationals post-WW I in repayment for their help in the war. Britain instead betrayed them and so did America’s Woodrow Wilson.
    Supreme Court Justice Louis Brandeis convinced him and Secretary of State Robert Lansing to support Zionism and British-French interests under the 1916 Sykes – Picot Agreement that carved up the region after the war.
    At the 1919 Paris Peace Conference, the World Zionist Organization (WZO) presented its plan for a Jewish state. It included:
    — all Palestine;
    — South Lebanon up to Sidon and the Litani River;
    — Syria’s Golan Heights, Hauran Plain and Deraa; and
    — control of the Hijaz Railway from Deraa to Amman to Maan, Jordan as well as the Gulf of Aqaba.
    Other Zionists wanted more – land from the Nile in the West to the Euphrates in the East comprising Palestine, Lebanon, Western Syria and Southern Turkey.
    In 1920, WW I allies met in San Remo, Italy, decided to control Ottoman lands, and agreed to a “mandatory” system. The British Mandate over Palestine began in 1920 under a Jewish High Commissioner, Herbert Samuel. He began its transformation by assuring:
    — a liberal Jewish immigration policy;
    — immediate provisional citizenship for Jews;
    — easy Jewish land acquisition at the expense of indigenous Arabs;
    — contiguous settlements to solidify a Jewish presence;
    — employment for Jewish immigrants;
    — favorable customs policies to develop Jewish commerce; and
    — partiality toward Jews overall at the expense of indigenous Arabs.
    The World Zionist Organization (WZO) was very much involved. It:
    — founded the Jewish Colonial Trust in 1899 to buy land in Palestine;
    — the Anglo-Palestine (commercial) Bank and investments institute followed in 1902 within the Jewish Colonial Trust;
    — in 1901, the Jewish National Fund was established to buy and develop land;
    — in 1909, the Israel Land Development Company for the same purpose;
    — the 1907-established Eretz Yisrael Bureau assisted the project; in 1921, the Zionist Executive in Eretz Yisrael replaced it;
    — in 1920, the United Israel Appeal was founded to raise funds to finance welfare, health, education, and continued settlement projects;
    — in 1929, the Jewish Agency for Eretz Yisrael was established to represent the WZO in dealings with the British government in administering Palestine; Chaim Weizmann was its first president;
    — in 1942, the WZO’s official aim was for a “Jewish Community” in Palestine; the Biltmore Program stated that “Eretz Yisrael will be based as a Jewish (only) community, to be integrated into a new democratic world.”
    Zionist Divisions
    Divisions characterized Zionists from the start. Herzl, Chaim Weizmann (Israel’s first president) and Moshe Sharett (prime minister after Ben-Gurion) favored reconciliation with the Arab world. Revisionists, on the other hand, were hard line with Ze’ev Jabotinsky their leader. In 1923, he published an article called “On the Iron Wall” in which he argued that Arab nationalists opposed a Jewish state in Palestine and wouldn’t accept one. Thus peaceful coexistence was unattainable, and Jews must build “an iron wall of (superior) Jewish military force.”
    The idea was to discourage Arab hopes of destroying Israel followed by a second stage – a negotiated settlement in which Israel had the upper hand and could dictate terms.
    Ben-Gurion sided with Jabotinsky, chose a military option, and winning the War of Independence was his vindication. Ever since, Israel stayed hard line politically and militarily. It fights and negotiates from strength, not weakness. Confrontation, not diplomacy is its strategy. It believes Arabs only understand violence, so military threats and intimidation are its options. Generals become future leaders. The cycle is mostly repeated. Washington, the West, and most Arab states go along, and military aggression is called self-defense – hence the Israel Defense Forces much like America’s Department of Defense.
    In a recent article, Middle East expert Joseph Massad put it this way:
    “The logic goes as follows: Israel has the right to occupy Palestinian land, lay siege to (its) populations in Bantustans surrounded by an apartheid wall, starve the population, cut them off from fuel and electricity (and all else), uproot their trees and crops, and launch periodic raids and targeted assassinations against them and their elected leadership, and if (resistance is encountered, Israel is entitled to slaughter) them en masse (because it’s just) ‘defending’ itself as it must and should.”
    Naked aggression is called self-defense. Civilians are legitimate targets. Heroic freedom fighters are “terrorists,” and if Arabs don’t understand, the process is repeated until they do. Further, international humanitarian and other laws don’t apply. Victims aren’t entitled to the same rights as Jews because Arabs are inferior and don’t warrant them. In addition:
    “Israel has the right to oppress the Palestinians and does so to defend itself (its right to exist), but were the Palestinians to defend themselves against Israel’s oppression, (to which it has no right, then) Israel will have the right to defend itself against their legitimate defense” without restraint or regard for the laws of war or humanitarian considerations.
    Negotiating with Israel is futile because Tel Aviv demands and doesn’t yield. It takes and doesn’t give. Peace process hypocrisy offers nothing, and all Palestinians have to show for it is continued occupation, death, destruction, oppression, immiseration, and loss of their land and freedom.
    Zionists did it in stages:
    — early arrivals saw themselves as “returning natives” and began a process of displacement;
    — from 1918 – 1947, it advanced as the Jewish population increased;
    — from 1936 – 1939, Arab resistance grew against increasing Jewish encroachment; it was clear that unlimited Jewish immigration, combined with Zionist political and military development, meant the eventual transformation of Palestine to a Jewish state; in 1936, Arabs resisted, called a strike, and reacted violently;
    — Zionists countered with a “compulsory transfer” policy; Jewish sovereignty over all Palestine became a priority; accommodating Arabs was rejected; the Biltmore Program affirmed it;
    — Ben-Gurion had a plan, but WW II intervened;
    — post-war, violence again erupted; Zionists wanted unrestricted immigration; Palestinians saw their country being lost; the war bankrupted Britain; it ended its Mandate over Palestine on May 14, 1948 when the State of Israel was established.
    America became the first country to extend recognition when Harry Truman signed the following statement:
    “This Government has been informed that a Jewish state has been proclaimed in Palestine, and recognition has been requested by the provisional government thereof.
    The United States recognizes the provisional government as the de facto authority of the new State of Israel.”
    It established an enduring alliance, more firmly in place now than ever – in a strategic part of the world for the mutual benefit of both nations.
    Understanding Zionism is fundamental:
    — its reliance on oppression, violence, and dispossession;
    — its belief in exclusivity, privilege, and Jewish exceptionalism;
    — racism at the core of its politics;
    — democracy only for Jews;
    — an ethnically pure state in which half its inhabitants aren’t Jewish, are afforded few rights, and none on what matters most.
    Zionism justifies a Jewish ethnocracy with built-in structural inequalities. Israeli Arabs may vote, sit in the Knesset, but government rulings aren’t “legitimate” without a “Jewish majority.” The Law of Return is for Jews alone. All laws are for Jews. On issues of land, housing, education and most everything, Jewish favoritism discriminates against Arabs.
    The Citizenship and Entry into Israel Law prohibits Israeli Arab spouses from the West Bank, Gaza or any Arab country from entering Israel and getting residency rights or citizenship. It’s to counter a “demographic problem” or the threat that a faster-growing Palestinian population will soon outnumber Jews and change the character of a “Jewish state.”
    Ideology becomes policy and Arabs suffer with convenient myths for justification:
    — poor Israel; it’s a victim fighting to survive against hordes of hostile Arabs;
    — they reject peace, prefer violence, plan Israel’s destruction, so conflict is inevitable;
    — the core problem is Palestinian “terrorism;” Israel acts only in self-defense;
    — Gaza and the West Bank are “disputed,” not “occupied” Territories;
    — political solutions aren’t possible so Israel must maintain total control under “Fortress Israel;”
    — Palestinians are to be relegated to isolated powerless cantons under Israel’s control before a “final solution” dispossesses or annihilates them; Israel is for Jews alone; after the 1967 war, the Allon Plan affirmed it – named after deputy prime minister Yigal Allon; his goal:
    (1) “maximum land with minimum Arabs;”
    (2) annex around 40% of the West Bank and Gaza, taking the choicest parts; and
    (3) dispossess Palestinians from land Israel wants for Jews.
    In his 2001 book, “The Iron Wall,” Avi Shlaim wrote:
    After Israel’s victory in 1967, Allon (on July 26) “submitted to the cabinet a plan that was to bear his name (The Allon Plan). It called for incorporating in Israel the following areas: a strip of land ten to fifteen kilometers wide along the Jordan River; most of the Judean desert along the Dead Sea; and a substantial area around Greater Jerusalem, including the Latrun salient. Designed to include as few Arabs as possible in the area claimed for Israel, the plan envisaged building permanent settlements and army bases in these areas. Finally, it called for opening negotiations with local leaders on turning the remaining parts of the West Bank into an autonomous region that would be economically linked to Israel. The cabinet discussed Allon’s plan but neither adopted nor rejected it.”
    He also called for defensible borders, creating a Jordanian – Palestinian state, letting Israel maintain a West Bank military presence up to the Jordan River, and be fully in control of a united Jerusalem, perhaps with a Jordanian status in the Old City’s Muslim quarter.
    The Allon Plan was in Labor Party platforms in 1974, 1977, 1981, 1984, and 1987, and to large degree shaped Israel’s settlement policies from 1967 – 1977. Prime minister Begin then offered Palestinian self-administration (the right to be Israel’s enforcer) to Egypt’s Sadat in 1977. It became part of the 1978 Camp David agreement and 1993 Oslo Accords.
    From 1948 to the present:
    — peace, reconciliation, liberation, and a fair and equitable solution to the region’s longest and most intractable problem is unconsidered and unwanted; conflict is the chosen option; seizing all of historic Palestine the goal; and eliminating the Palestinian problem and establishing Israeli regional dominance the final aim.
    Post-WW II, Palestinians were nearly 70% of the population, Jews around 30% and owned 6% of the land. Yet the November 1947 General Assembly Partition Plan (Resolution 181) gave Jews 56%. Palestinians got 42% with 2% kept under internationalized trusteeship, including Jerusalem. Jews got the best parts, including choice agricultural areas. Palestinians had no air access or harbor and port facilities, except for isolated Jaffa. Nonetheless, David Ben-Gurion wanted 80%. Israel’s 1948 War of Independence got 78%. The problem was keeping it for Jews alone.
    Israel agreed to UN Resolution 194 (in December 1948) providing for free access to Jerusalem and other holy places as well as granting Palestinian refugees the right of return. In May 1949, UN Resolution 273 gave Israel UN membership conditional on it accepting Resolutions 181 and 194 and “unreservedly (agreeing to honor) the obligations of the United Nations Charter.” However, earlier in June 1948, the Israeli cabinet (with no formal vote) barred Palestinian refugees from returning and directed the IDF to stop those trying with live fire. The same policy remains today to assure a Jewish majority and much more.
    “Israelification” and “De-Arabization” are policies to preserve a “Jewish character.” Pre-1948, Palestinians owned 93% of Palestine. It dropped to 25% after the war, 7.3% by 1962, and is now around 4%. Palestinians are gradually being dispossessed of their land, country, freedom, and futures. This is the Zionist goal, internal oppression and conflict the methodology.
    Treat them like “dogs,” said Moshe Dayan, so they’ll leave. Use “terror, assassination, intimidation, land confiscation,” and more was David Ben-Gurion’s formula. Today it’s unilateral separation, “de-Arabization,” isolation, confinement, and destroying the will to resist with intermittent conflict and mass slaughter for reinforcement.
    Israel’s aim:
    — total control of Palestine;
    — Palestinians are “encouraged” to leave;
    — confining those who don’t to isolated, powerless cantons;
    — advancing land seizures;
    — co-opting a quisling Palestinian leadership;
    — using it as enforcers;
    — terrorizing the population relentlessly;
    — denying Palestinians any rights; and
    — purifying Israel as a Jewish state (like the Nazis tried in Germany) by removing its Arab population. This is Israel today, the reason many Jews aren’t staying, and why growing numbers won’t move there. Nominally it’s a democracy, but only for Jews. Arabs are disenfranchised, without rights, and unwanted.
    Gaza and the West Bank remain occupied. Pre-Oslo, Middle East expert Sara Roy called Gaza a “Case of Economic De-Development,” a condition as true of the West Bank and, in today’s environment much harsher than she discovered. Her definition was a “process which undermines or weakens the ability of an economy to grow and expand by preventing it from accessing and utilizing critical inputs needed to promote internal growth beyond a specific structural level.” Gaza was to be transformed “into an auxiliary of the state of Israel.” So was the West Bank.
    It’s way beyond that now under Israel’s policy of oppression, impoverishment, depopulation, destruction, displacement, and genocide to crush the Palestinian spirit, slaughter its people, and end any hope for a viable Palestinian state.
    Gaza is under siege and was ravaged by war. The West Bank is checkmated by isolation, land seizures, walls, checkpoints, home demolitions, a nightmarish bureaucracy, closures, agricultural and free movement restrictions, crop destruction, curfews, permits, economic strangulation, random killings, arrests, imprisonment, torture, and overall security force terror against a civilian population.
    Israel has total control, aided by the complicit Fatah under Abbas, but this pattern has persisted for decades. For over a half century, Tel Aviv ignored or abused hundreds of UN resolutions condemning or censuring it for its actions against Palestinians and other Arabs, deploring it for committing them, or demanding, calling on, or urging Israel to end them. UN Resolution 242 alone (November 1967) calls for: “Withdrawal of Israeli armed forces from territories occupied in the recent conflict.”
    Article 49 of the Fourth Geneva Convention prohibits:
    “Individual or mass forcible transfers, as well as deportations of protected persons from occupied territory….” Neither shall “The Occupying Power…deport or transfer parts of its own civilian population into the territory it occupies.”
    Israeli settlements have “no legal validity” under Security Council Resolutions 446 (March 1979), 452 (July 1979), 465 (March 1980), 471 (June 1980), and 476 (June 1980). In addition, Resolutions 267 (July 1969) and 497 (December 1981) say the annexations of East Jerusalem (267) and Syria’s Golan Heights (497) are illegal and call for them to be rescinded. Yet Israel continues settlement expansions and maintains a Kafkaesque “matrix of control” over Palestine in gross violation of international law.
    In 1967, Theodor Meron, Israeli foreign ministry’s legal council, told prime minister Levi Eshkol that: “My conclusion is that civilian settlement in the administered territories contravenes the explicit provisions of the Fourth Geneva Convention.”
    In April 1978, US State Department Legal Advisor, Herbert Hansell, told Congress that:
    “while Israel may undertake, in the occupied territories, actions necessary to meet its military needs and to provide for orderly government during the occupation, (the) establishment of the civilian settlements in those territories is inconsistent with international law.”
    Palestinians are isolated and on their own. Few nations anywhere support them. None in the West or the Middle East, except Iran, Syria and Hezbollah in Lebanon. Courage alone sustains them, now powerfully buoyed by a groundswell of world outrage; the global BDS Movement for boycott, divestment and sanctions; calls for criminal prosecutions for Israeli war criminals and expulsion of Israel from the UN System until it fully complies with international law.
    In November 2004, law professor Michael Mandel wrote: “Israel’s West Bank and Gaza settlements are war crimes in Canada. Under the Canadian Crimes Against Humanity and War Crimes Act 2000, c. 24, Israel’s settlements in territories taken in the June 1967 war constitute war crimes punishable in Canada.”
    Mandel cites Section 8, paragraph 2 of the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court (ICC) adopted by 120 states in July 1998. Item viii prohibits: “The transfer, directly or indirectly, by the Occupying Power of parts of its own civilian population into the territory it occupies, or the deportation or transfer of all or parts of the population of the occupied territory within or outside this territory.”
    After initially voting against the Rome Statute, the Clinton administration signed it in December 2000. Then in May 2001, the Bush administration revoked the signature and began a worldwide campaign against the Court.
    Israel as well isn’t a party to the Rome Statute, but that’s irrelevant under Canadian law. Grave breaches of Geneva constitute war crimes. Israel (like America) is criminally liable. Mandel states that although “Israel denies it, there is no question that Israel is an Occupying Power for the purposes of the Geneva Convention, the Rome Statute, and the Canadian Crimes Against Humanity and War Crimes Act.” Holding it accountable is essential. It’s high time world jurists demanded it.
    Stephen Lendman is a Research Associate of the Centre of Research on Globalization. He lives in Chicago and can be reached at [email protected].
    Also visit his blog site at sjlendman.blogspot.com and listen to The Global Research News Hour on RepublicBroadcasting.org Monday through Friday US Central time for cutting-edge discussions with distinguished guests on world and national issues. All programs are archived for easy listening.
    Source: http://sjlendman.blogspot.com/2009/02/short-history-of-israeli-palestinian.html

  292. Assalamualaikum Tun…
    Saya amat suka dengan blog Tun. Semakin hari, semakin menarik untuk dibaca.
    Tentang Hanan ni, saya pun tak pasti kenapa dia masih lagi berpendirian sebegitu. Perlukan orang macam tun untuk perbetulkannya kot.
    Bila kena kat batang hidung sendiri, tau marah. Yang selama ini mencengkam batang hidung orang lain, buat tak tau pulak.

  293. Wow,Pak Tun, you’d better tell this guy again and again and it will get into his head that Israel does not exist at all. Zionism exist. Stealing land and property from other people is totally wrong by any law on earth. Lately, their Minister of Defence proudly mentioned that they were the masters of the land 2,000 years ago. They ruled Palestine then, so he said. Well, in the USA, Red Indians were masters of the land 2,000 years ago. The Vikings ruled Britain thousands of years ago…so they can claim Britain as theirs or is it? The Romans did the same so Greece or Italy can lay claim to Europe as theirs? Wow, fantastic !!!!
    The Jews lost their land to the Europeans and not because of any Muslim action. I do not the Jews but I have Zionists.

  294. Salam buat Tun Sekeluarga,
    Dear Hanan,
    1. Please read the statement by our great Tun Mahathir with an open mind.
    2. Kindly accept all the facts.
    3. We are no longer living in the world of barbarian.
    ‘Long live Tun Mahathir’…..insyaallah.

  295. yesterday,
    my senior tell me why hitler did not kill all jews during the holocoust?
    Hitler want to tell us how jews will trouble the world.
    now, only few the remaining jews that survive the holocoust can ruin the world with their arragont.
    The holocoust should clear all the jews.
    now, the world is under control of jews.
    The lattest new in TV shows how the US want war to KOREA.
    let see what will happen.

  296. Hanan and Dr M,
    You are both right from your perspective. But going to war is not the solution. When “A” bombs “B”, that doesn’t mean “B” should go and bomb “A”. Never ends. Never will…
    For the sake for the many generations to come, if Palestine thinks they are very motivated to defend but too weak with their weapons, sending their people to war is just selfish.
    Tun, with your role respected within the Islamic World and at the same time with your voices being heart throughout the World, I sincerely think you should and you will continue to help to stop this killings of human beings, irregardless of whether they are from “A” or “B”.

  297. Dear Tun Dr M,
    As you have said, the Israel has annexed large portion of Palestine in a few stages. The world knows that this action of Israel was blessed by the United States. This do not surprise me.
    What really surprises me,is the attitude of the Arab countries. They seem to be not bothered of what is happening to Palestinians (their blood brothers). Were they silenced by the luxury and peace they have been enjoying thus far. Were they worried that their indirect masters would punish them indirectly? I would say, of late, that Arab world has limited its involvement in Israel and Palestinian conflict to relief and food supplies. The Arab world not have forgotten what happened to Saddam Hussein of Iraq and the isolation of Iran ever since Ayatollah Khomeini reign of power.
    I do agree that the Hamas faction (the ruling faction in Palestine) have been a menace to the neighboring Israelis. I very much condemn Israel

  298. YABhg Tun,
    Jews being victims themselves are the last people you would expect to see victimising another, the Palestinians.
    What can we politely tell the Jews..??? Please don’t do on to the Palestinians as what Hitler has done on to you…??
    Maybe…that’s just being naive…
    Sir, people like Hanan……it’s just not worth it!

  299. Salam Tun yg dihormati,Ruginya sebagai rakyat Malaysia kehilangan seorang Pedana menteri yg begitu hebat sekali kebijaksanaan melampaui zaman yg mampu menangkis hujah2 dgn ilmu tinggi,bukan hendak puji tetapi itulah realiti.Harap2 kebijaksanan itu ada pada anak Tun,dato Mukhris yg boleh hujah spt Tun dan boleh jadi seorang pedana menteri Malaysia satu hari nanti.Mungkin inilah doa anak cucu kita amin………

  300. Salam Tun yg dihormati,Ruginya sebagai rakyat Malaysia kehilangan seorang Pedana menteri yg begitu hebat sekali kebijaksanaan melampaui zaman yg mampu menangkis hujah2 dgn ilmu tinggi,bukan hendak puji tetapi itulah realiti.Harap2 kebijaksanan itu ada pada anak Tun,dato Mukhris yg boleh hujah spt Tun dan boleh jadi seorang pedana menteri Malaysia satu hari nanti.Mungkin inilah doa anak cucu kita amin………

  301. Salam Tun yg dihormati,Ruginya sebagai rakyat Malaysia kehilangan seorang Pedana menteri yg begitu hebat sekali kebijaksanaan melampaui zaman yg mampu menangkis hujah2 dgn ilmu tinggi,bukan hendak puji tetapi itulah realiti.Harap2 kebijaksanan itu ada pada anak Tun,dato Mukhris yg boleh hujah spt Tun dan boleh jadi seorang pedana menteri Malaysia satu hari nanti.Mungkin inilah doa anak cucu kita amin………

  302. salam buat tun.
    yahudi telah ditakdirkan musuh islam sehingga hari kiamat.itu adaah kalam allah.dan dijanjikan mereka tidak akan berduduk diam selagi islam bertapak dimuka bumi allah, dan dijanjikan mereka akan musnah di tangan orang islam.mereka percaya kebenran quran.tetapi hati mereka tertutup dan menidakkan takdir yang akan ditempuhi oleh bangsa mereka..setiap muslimyang terkorban dipalestin demi menegakkan islam adalah pra shuhada yang di janjikan allah..mereka begitu bertuah gugur sebagai kekasih allah.tetapi kita ..belum tau lagi..semoga tun bersama orang yang beriman..

  303. A’kum Tun,
    I could not agree more with your arguments. You have put the debate to bed by proving and showing Hanan that what they are doing now is not right. It has developed the hatred feelings from everyone around the world maybe except the Zionist like him.
    I salute you and I admire your maturity thinking which always look for peace and harmony solutions rather than the solution chosen by the Israelis or the Palestinians. I wish that this matter will not take much longer time to be solved anymore as the new candidate for the new PM of Israel said they would give back the land taken from the Palestinians. Hopefully that will come to action rather than just a mere rumors.
    Thank you.

  304. Err.. Mr Hanan,
    Are U one of the actors in ‘Schindler’s List’ ?
    Ybhg. Tun, teruskan komentar dan penulisan seperti ini. Ia sangat baik untuk sekelian manusia dan agama Islam terutama sekali kepada ‘pemimpin dunia Arab’ yang terpaksa jadi ‘yes-man’ kepada dunia barat.
    Untuk ‘sejarah Malaysia’ yang sedang berlangsung di Perak, hayatilah lirik lagu DEWA ini:-
    ‘Bukan rahasia bila segenggam kekuasaan,
    lebih berharga dari sekeranjang kebenaran,
    Bukan rahasia bila penguasa pun bisa,
    merubah sejarah dan memutar balikkan fakta,
    Bukan rahasia, bila aku.. adalah seorang pemimpi,
    dan aku bukanlah satu-satunya di dunia ini’

  305. Salam Tun…
    Di pihak kita kelihatan amat memahami kenapa rakyat Palestin memilih untuk terus berjuang dengan mengambil semua risiko….apa pandangan Tun terhadap faktor sebenar yang membuat orang Israel (Zionis)pula terus melakukan kekejaman terhadap orang-orang Palestin….

  306. To Mr Hanan, I am a muslim who felt that jews and Palestinian can live in Peace as before the Zionist Regime force the Palestinian and the Arabs from staying their homeland after WW2. It was sad because you and all of the jews in Israel were so per-occupied with war as a mean of getting what you need. For us, the Malay in Malaysia, we belief in power sharing between 3 major races (Malay, Indian and Chinese) in a steady government under coalition government. Although the Malays constitutes the biggest population of more than 65% of the Population but because of our upbringing and the role models shown by our forefathers, peace and harmony remain still in our society. I would like for you to stop the hatred game playing and try to be more peaceful minded like your ancestor. Nobody will win in the game of hate except misery and death. Stop the war Mr Hanan and peace to your people will come. Thank You. – Jizurimin

  307. Dear TUN,
    I think you should stop paying attention to the crap anymore. They won’t understand and respect each other. All they know is that all others are wrong. This kind of people can only live within their own tribe and even if they mix with other people, they will be very doubtful and not sincere in their doings.
    My advice to you TUN, is to take a rest and save your time doing better things than thinking about this kind of people.
    Have a great days ahead Tun.

  308. Ini jawaban Dr. Mahathir pada 5 Januari 2009 terhadap ulasan ramai pihak, katanya, terhadap pandangan pertamanya (dalam blognya pada pertengahan tahun 2008 dahulu) tentang isu pengajaran sains dan matematik dalam bahasa Inggeris (yang kini dikenali sebagai PPSMI). Namun, beliau nampaknya tidak menjawab balik satu pun akan sangkalan balas saya terhadap pandangan pertama beliau dahulu itu yang saya pos kepada blog beliau dan saya siarkan juga dalam laman saya, komshaha, dan ternyata banyak juga disiarkan di dalam laman atau blog yang lain lagi seperti kesturi atau asasi, perihatin dan pkpim. Ini bermakna Dr. Mahathir sengaja tidak mahu menjawab balik jawaban saya dahulu. Kini, ternyata beliau lari daripada beberapa tujuan asalnya beliau memperkenalkan PPSMI dahulu, di samping banyak yang beliau mengulangi perkara yang sama yang agak memualkan, lebih-lebih lagi isu itu sudah saya jawab untuk dijawab balik oleh beliau. Apa pun

  309. salam Tun,
    i totally agree on what u said about the Jews.
    they will never stop conquering Palestine and suffered the people.
    n the hatred towards them will remain forever.
    hopefully one day, god will one day fulfill our pray n tarnish all the Jews from the earth.


  311. Dear Tun ,
    I think we are thinking with the same range of wavelength ,
    the war will go on for another 60 years or more ,let it be so .
    But we must not stop calling for them to compromise , till one day part of their future generation come to their real senses .
    They want peace and not fighting .The whole world must start from today to call for them to come to peace not just peace talk .

  312. Tun,
    Tell Hanan that we will support the Palestinian struggle for another 1000 years. Tell Hanan that many non-Palestinian all over the world are willing to die in support for their struggle.

  313. Dear Sir,
    I really respect your flair and great intelligence.
    I recognize the true reasons as how you manage Malaysia for 22 years a PM, and since 1974 of your return to UMNO’s mainstream, you had never failed to lead, and truly you lead so well if we ignore the simple S$ 1 = RM 2.4 and though many had been jeolous of your great ability to drive your points through and well, still you are no super human being, and whatever a human being could fall, you were capable of falling too.
    Still, I am really proud of you as longest serving PM for time being, and it could be another 2 more centruies that we may have a real possible challenge to your political glories!
    I wish you a real great Golden years, and hope the younger generations do preserve some good values of respecting seniors like you.
    Many who opposed you hated you but deep inside, they feared and respected you too.
    I pray in the name of Lord Jesus Christ that you will be able to be wise and smart till you are 100 years old, Amen!!
    Best regards,

  314. hanan? or hainan? erm…something wrong with his brain maybe. Tun..care to comment about PPSMI? im getting bored with this group called ‘GAPENA’. DAP,PKR n PAS tak berani comment. takut penyokong lari.

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