1. I am intrigued by the ability of 1MDB to invest 42 billion Ringgit in so many businesses. Really I should be fully satisfied with how 1MDB expended the huge loan that it borrowed.

2. But unfortunately I am not. I am not, because the information came from the current CEO, Arul Kanda Kandasamy. And Arul has been caught lying quite a number of times.

3. Almost as soon as he took over management of 1MDB he announced that the money from Cayman’s Island has been returned. He said clearly and openly that he saw the cash i.e. one billion dollars in cash. Then he said it was statements. What are the statements? Anyway in the end the bank said no cash and only documents were deposited in it and the documents carried false signatures.

4. He must have told the Prime Minister about this fantastic pile of dollar notes so the Prime Minister answered the question in Parliament that the cash is in the bank in Singapore. It cannot be brought back because Bank Negara asks too many questions. The Finance Minister must approve or disapprove all Bank Negara strictures or approvals.

5. Then the banks denied that the cash is in the bank. Embarrassing. The vision has disappeared. No. It is not cash. It is documents. No, it is units. What units? Dunno. Which bank? Not clear. The mystery deepens.

6. So when Arul announced the investments of 42 billion Ringgit, could it be something else that he saw which was not there. And do people use borrowed money to pay tax? What tax? No profit was declared but tax was paid. How much? Cost of managing 1MDB run into billions!

7. In any case, many names which are known to have received money from 1MDB are not mentioned. Lots of money went to Hong Kong companies with funny names.

8. Has nothing been paid to Petro Saudi, to Jho Low, to Brazen Sky and others. Jho Low denies but why has he not proven that he did not receive US 260 million (RM 988 million) from 1MDB to buy a bank.

9. Arul had lied before. It is not inconceivable that on the 42 billion Ringgit Arul may be lying again. Where a chunk of the 42 billion Ringgit went is still questionable.

10. I don’t think we can resolve the problem of where the 1MDB money has gone through four-eyed meetings. Najib can resolve through proving beyond reasonable doubt that no money has disappeared from the 42 billion borrowed.

11. The intention of 1MDB I presume is to make money for the Government. Show how much profit the Government has made since 2009. Why do you have to borrow money to pay interest on the debts?

12. Why cannot the power plant shares be listed?

13. Why does 1MDB pay only 60 – 90 Ringgit for Government land which it now wants to sell at 2000 – 4000 Ringgit psf? And now the land bought by Tabung Haji has been sold to some Indonesians at a loss. The loss will be borne by the pilgrims.

14. Actually there are many questions that the Prime Minister can answer not to me, but to the public. The money does not belong to me alone. From the question asked by so many people they want to know where their money is.

15. The money belongs to the people. It is the duty of the police, the anti-corruption agency to investigate the complaints and the reports that has been made – including by Bank Negara. But the agencies have not investigated.

16. There is a climate of fear which restrains them from investigating. For as long as the Prime Minister is the Prime Minister, investigating things involving him is not going to be really possible. It is necessary that the PM relinquish his position and authority if the Auditor General, the Public Accounts Committee or even a Royal Commission is to reveal the truth.

17. I went to the “Nothing to Hide” forum hoping to hear explanations from Dato Sri Najib and to ask questions. But it was cancelled because of security reasons.

18. I watched a video clip of what happened. There was no threat to security except for Ali Tinju making a lot of noise. It is obvious he wanted the meeting to be cancelled. We know who he is in favour of. It is a pity. Najib could have explained everything and people like me would be silenced.

91 thoughts on “HOW 1MDB MONEY WAS INVESTED”

  1. PM just wake up the sleeping giant. Grap your popcorn wait and see. Power corrupt people. Absolute power corrupt people absolutely.

  2. Assalam Tun,

    Seems wherever 1MDB goes huge feedback follows!!!

    1MDB IS the favourite place to siphon off huge sums to the greedy lot, who never know the meaning of enough.

    Budak KJ used to be one, to ensure he has overflowing fund to buy the PM post!!!!

  3. All citizens of Malaysia, can help Tun Dr. Mahathir bin Mohamad, if we visit our police station to file a police report asking for an investigation based on the possible abuse of power by the PM. This then is really the Rakyat exercising our rights. I will actually print out a copy of Tun Dr. Mahathir bin Mohamad’s article on 1MDB and attached it to the police report. I think I will be the next person in Malaysia to do so… I do not want to be alone in this, so do your part to help the Country if you are a patriot.

  4. Hello,

    Can I file a police report based on Tun Mahathir’s blog on 1MDB and request the police and MACC to conduct an investigation into possible abuse of power by the PM and be also not afraid of censure?
    Can the Government guarantee our safety? Can the voice of the Rakyat be heard without fear? I do not hope to be crucified or killed la Teo Beng Hock style…
    I am sure that many citizens want to help Tun Mahathir and the only logical step is to have as many people turning up at the police stations to make a police report for the possible abuse of power by the PM over the matter of 1MDB..

  5. Thank you Dr Tun M for your actions to save Malaysia.

    I have always admire your willingness to stand up for the little guys.
    I salut you SIR!

    One of my biggest concern when 1mdb release how they spent their money is what they have spend, while very easily traced, do not tell us
    1) if they have bought or invested in anything that is of value
    2) on the land that was bought cheaply, that may be worth some 20 billion(?) or whatever amount it is now, then the assets of 1mdb should be worth that much more…..not almost as much as the $42B. which only tell us they have lost at the very least the amount that they have gained from the land price.
    3) how much was given as finders fee, admin cost, etc? As an example…they bough X asset for $10b. they asset is only worth $1b. They company that sold X, paid out $8B as finders fee, etc.
    This would result in a $9b scam. At this point, no one is talking…..they just provide smokes and mirror info.
    4) depending on the scope of audit, or investigation, nothing can come out of it, because no one is looking at the value of assets purchased….just the price paid. We need to have clear scope of what the forensic audit will be.

    Once again….thank you. And you are not the one that is creating the crisis. YOu are the one that is protecting us from the crisis

  6. Assalam….

    Harap Tun boleh siarkan entri ni dalam Bahasa Malaysia supaya senang di fahami oleh penduduk desa.
    Saya ada bercadang nak agihkan kepada setiap ceruk rantau dikawasan parlimen Pekan, nak mulakan kempen anti kerajaan di sana.

  7. Terima kasih Tun. Itu adalah puppet CEO. Kindergarden students pun lebih cerdik.
    Actually, no companies will have such a ultra super high gearing ratio. INI dikatakan company losing.

  8. Thanks for pointing out that to me. So you believe that 1) There is no conflict of interest 2) BNM need not invoke Section 216. I appreciate you comment for my better understanding.

    For benefit of other readers let me rephrase and see what I am to arrive at.

    Tan Sri Zeti, the Governor has already stated that Bank Negara has invoked
    section 214, read in conjunction with Schedule 14 of the Financial Services Act, 2013 and the provisions of the Exchange Control Act 1953 to commence
    investigations and “directives” sent to personalities connected with 1MDB.

    However, it would be revealing and interesting for the entire country to see whether section 216 of the said Financial Services Act 2013 was invoked before the commencement of the said investigations.

    It provides as follows:

    Section 216

    (1) The Bank may, with the approval of the Minister, in the national

    interest, issue directions to any person in Malaysia, to prohibit,

    restrict or require the doing of any act as may be specified by the

    Bank, with or without conditions, in relation to dealings or

    transactions, with any person resident in a country or territory, or in

    any currency, as may be specified by the Bank.

    (2) Any person for whom the directions are issued under subsection (1)

    shall comply with the directions notwithstanding any other duty

    imposed on that person by any contract or international agreement.

    (3) No person shall, in carrying out any act in compliance with the

    directions made under subsection (1), be treated as being in breach

    of any such contract or international agreement.

    (4) Any person who fails to comply with any directions or conditions

    referred to in subsection (1) commits an offense and shall, on

    conviction, be liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding ten

    years or to a fine not exceeding fifty million ringgit or to both.

    Please read and read again all the underlined words. The “Minister” means the Finance Minister who is also the Prime Minister.

    The country must demand from Tan Sri Zeti, whether she has obtained such an
    approval from the Finance Minister who is personally involved by virtue that he is the Chairman of the Advisory Board and the Minister in charge, is in a conflict of interest. If she has not, any investigation conducted by Bank Negara would be tainted from the Get-Go and more importantly defective, and a gross failure to comply with section 216.

    To prevent any white-wash of the investigations and to ensure absolute transparency and impartiality, the current Finance Minister must relinquish
    his post and hand over the responsibility to another minister and whoever
    succeeds the current Finance Minister must of necessity give the requisite
    approval under subsection (1) of the said Act, without which no proper
    and effective investigations can be conducted against the culprits of this
    hideous crime.


    We would suggest, with respect to Tan Sri Zeti, that when she gave her press statement that any person found guilty would be subject to the aforesaid penalties, she may have inadvertently overlooked the provisions of section 216 of the said Act.

    It is only when there is non-compliance of subsection (1) of Section 216 that the punishment of a fine of Ringgit fifty million or a term of imprisonment of ten years or both can be imposed and not otherwise in any other circumstances.

    There cannot be non-compliance of any directive by Bank Negara if no prior
    approval of the minister has been obtained. Bank Negara would be acting ultras vires!

    It would be a mockery of justice and due process if an investigation by Bank Negara from the Get-Go did not comply with section 216 of the said Act.

    In the circumstances, if no approval has been obtained, we demand to know
    from Tan Sri Zeti how in law she can proceed with the investigations.
    We would also demand from Bank Negara to issue a press statement, that if no approval has been obtained thus far, that as a matter of law, if the current Finance Minister does not grant such an approval, she would request that the current Finance Minister relinquish his post so that a new Finance Minister be appointed in his stead and approval granted forthwith on the date of the new appointment.

    If Tan Sri Zeti refuses to pursue the above course of action, we would suggest that her reputation as a central banker and that of the “Best Central Banker of Asia” would be in tatters!

    The integrity of Bank Negara would be subject to ridicule.

  9. Dear Mutley,
    You are obviously someone who is not well versed with provisions of the FSA and ECA. I think credit should be given to BNM for starting investigations on 1MDB regarding the investments made abroad.

    If you noticed, section 214(6) of the FSA also allows BNM to issue directions by asking any person to do any of the things stated under paragraphs (a) to (g). This includes asking any person to submit any document or information to the Bank, requiring any person to do or refrain from doing any act for the purpose of securing compliance under section 214 FSA. Further, section 214(9) provides the penalty for failure to comply with any direction issued under subsection 214(6); that is on conviction be liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding ten years or to a fine not exceeding fifty million ringgit or to both.

    So you see BNM got it right.

    You quoted a wrong section- section 216 FSA is a general power to issue directions. At present it is used to prohibit any dealings with specified persons (Israel or its residents) and in restricted currencies (defined as currency notes or coins which are legal tender in Israel. In short- no approvals were necessary because the directions under section 216 FSA was never invoked by BNM.

    You would be wise to check your facts next time.

  10. Salam Tun,

    Hope your in good health and faith.

    It is obvious now that the Nothing to hide forum was staged to purposely create a drama. Najib had no intention to clear any of the allegation let it be in written or verbal. The FAQ on 1MDB issue that Najib is answering seems to be only air and not facts,figures and actual clarification.

    It appears that the PM is trying to fortify himself with the goons he has around him. It seems to be he is pivoting himself as a president rather than a prmie minister. I wasn’t suprise with his action since he started to make political friendship with America and Australia. By far he has not use his position to advocate any human rights issues plungging the Muslim nations nor is he generating any form of investment oppurtunities for Malaysia.
    If any he is destroying our nations credibility, capacity and potential in the investment arena by the fraudelent 1MDB. We have seen that foreign banks such as Deutches Bank Singapore has asked 1MDB to hasten their debt repayment as 1MDB has breach the loan agrrement by providing ‘incomplete documents’ .

    Further more late last year, just before the departure of then 1MDB CEO Mohd Hazem Abdul Rahman all the datas from the employees computer, lap tops and mobile phone were called by the IT department for immediate system wipe off in allegating that the 1MDB system was hacked leaving any information pre 19th December 2014 unavalaible.

    My query is that after those data pre 19th December 2014 been erased , how would Amrin Buang or PAC do their investigation? It surely cant be based purely on their tax return statement ? I am out of debt in this issue so would appreciate if anyone could shed some light.


  11. 2 question….

    1. YahooMY malaysia is no more..its auto direct to YahooSG and all the lead news is singapore and malaysia…no 1MDB news allow……Y?????opennes and freedom of press???

    2. y ppl always say if in mahathir era there is viral, fb and internet mahathir will not win…i think if there is internet ppl will worship mahathir….many will viral mahathir drive car alone in kl, give hundreds millions to nik aziz for kelantan, share mahathir punch card in internet, viral mahathir dawn raid, viral mahathir go into inside kaabah….even they will be a page where bosnia will tq mahathir for supplying them gun food etc…arab will thanx mahathir….

  12. Assalamualaikum.

    Assalamualaikum Tun,


    Minta tuan/puan atau Tun komen.


  13. TOO BIG TO HIDE. You just simply can’t hide an elephant under a bed.
    Either deal with it now, or you all will be voted out in the next election.
    By then other independent international forensic auditors will be brought in to re-validate all previous financial accounts and audit reports. They will go through thousands of emails of which some are in public server like gmail, etc. They will go through details of payment approvals and electronic records of bank transfers, day to day money movements in and out of various companies, etc. In such level of details that you cannot uncover now in high level inquiries/investigations in current environment. Then the stupidity, incompetency, greed, fraud and evil will find their rightful places that will send a number of people to jail.

  14. Wan abdul hakim mokhtar ini apalah, Orang kita zaman ini memang suka korek kesilapan orang itu semula apabila dia di persoalkan, dari peringkat kawan2, keluarga hingga ke dunia kerjaya sampailah ke peringkat pemimpin.
    siapa kah bapa pembangunan dan lihatlah kemajuan negara kita kemudian di timbang dengan mengguna kan dacing BN. Manakah yang lebih berat? Yang betul dan baik atau silapnya? Cuba luangkan masa seolah mengkaji tempoh 22 tahun kebaikan yang kita rakyat kecapi, sudah ada tawaran 1 million di keluarkan oleh NGO tu maka butirkan semua dokument lengkap dan koreklah semahunya. Jangan lupa semasa zaman gawat kalau tak silap pada tahun 1997, siapakah yang mencadangkan agar bank2 bergabung? Cuba tanya juga kepada ceo bank CIMB. Siapa yang cadangkan agar ringgit di ikat?
    Untuk saya, sebelum saya membela seseorang saya akan selidik sedalam dalamnya agar tidak menconteng arang di muka sendiri….

  15. I used to pay at least RM10 for my topup, and now I have to fork out RM10.60 cent for my topup. An additonal 0.60 cent is too much for me ! 10 times equivalent to RM6. It’s the cost of my lunch…


  16. As Salam Tun,
    May Allah bless you always with longevity and Strength to find the TRUTH!

    1. It’s looks like the PM is taking Allah role fixing here and there. State Chief Ministers are emulating the same.

    2. On Bank Negara role, all the laws they have is protecting the “culprit”. Few years ago they were the story around that a Chief Minister transfer $RM10 million to UK through money changer. Bank Negara kept silent on this. Last January I was in London the story still hots, and they even show me where the apartment was bought, and the balance money invested. I am going back in July< InShaalah if the story still goes I may be vomiting this time.

    3. SPRM is becoming toothless tiger. On the corruption scandal on USIM contract, even the Tim. Pengarah don't bother to response when complain was lodged!.
    Firman Allah: "Wayamkaru wayamkarullah, Wallahi makiriinn"


  17. Assalamualaikum,

    One question sir, tell us what we are supposed to do now?

  18. Tun

    Let this huge financial conundrum of a RM 42 Billions debt 1MDB be a lesson to those who rule over us. The lesson is not to ape others and think they are great without a proper study as to the intentions and motives of these erstwhile Dictators who created these GLCs for their own glorification and power to control over the citizens.

    If we had been ruled by the rulers as always without thinking about Money Money Money, our beautiful people and beautiful land would not be torn asunder in our minds thinking about 1MDB all the time. It is absurd to be bothered by the a common thing known as money in a land which is blessed by bountiful resources. There are so many opportunites big and small for all our rakyat.

    Money is a commodity which our country is not 100% geared to handle unlike the barren isle of Singapore and its denizens with its late Dictator (1959-2015) in full attendance. He gave up 19 holes of golf, seldom travel, worked hard like our beloved Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad.

    Money seems to be like the opium which the British tried to feed to the Chinese of 19th Century China. Nice to have small doses but toxic if in large doses.

    The sooner we return to normalcy like undertaking proper infra-structural development, social works and human resource enhancement the better for all of us in this beautiful land and its beautiful people. We all want our fellow citizens to be rich in jobs, accommodation, good schools, a low cost of living and a potential to improve for self and friends. Billions and billions of ringgits have no meaning for us.

    From our beloved Tunku down to the 21st Century we have seen excellent examples of fine leadership at the top exemplified by frugality, consideration of the Rakyat’s welfare and feelings and justice with fair play. This is why we have the Malaysia of today, 2015.

    And the sudden advent of Money Money Money policies after 2003 which are hoisted by the petard, ‘ The Government does business to make money for the Rakyat.’ in the 21st Century, we have seen with our eyes this approach does not work in a democratically elected Government which must have checks and balances unlike the Dictator’s (1959-2015) self-created Godless Ultra Communistic Political and Social System imposed on the citizens by his Apparatchiks aka Meritocrats. He counted all the money himself. What is sauce for the goose is not necessarily sauce for the gander.

    It is now for all of us to judge whether aping the failed Policies of the late Dictator (1959-2015) is a good thing or not without a proper study and understanding of his motivation and implementation. And not forgetting we are Malaysians who are quite a unique group in this small World of ours. And we have every chance to reach the ranks of Japan and Switzerland given the leadership’s will and inclination.


  19. Hi Tum..good health to you..after reading few comments i can’t help but notice 95% of those log in and put up comments in your blog are from the opposition party. Very sad but true.

    Instigating rakyat by Anwar was once condemn by you. Now you are doing exactly the very action you once despised.

    Facts and reality of the day count and even in any religion i do need to remind Tun that going overboard condemning people at the end of the day obviously is a wrong choice on earth and hereafter.

    Think about it. Thks.

  20. Salam sejahtera buat Tun Mahathir sekeluarga yang dikasihi,serta juga semua para pejuang Chedet.Saya ingin bertanya kepada NMZ,siapa yang dia maksudkan dengan “ur late wife”?Sekian.

  21. Assalamualaikum Tun.

    Saya baca soalan dan jawapan Najib dalam Berita Harian.

    Soalan Najib juga dicedok dari komen internet jika ditengok pada tahap rendahnya soalan yang dipilih untuk dijawab.

    Kuatla nak spin.

    Najib dipengaruhi dengan lebih teruk dan dinampakkan lebih rendah nilai moral dan IQ melalui soalan soalan yang diutarakan.

    Saya fikir tiada satu pun soalan yang ditanya itu terlintas dalam fikiran saya.

    Terima kasih Tun.

  22. Dearest YAB Tun,

    1. One thing for sure PM Najib is a COWARD and a LIAR (Arul Kanda is also a big liar). He is afraid to face Tun M in public on a stage, because obviously at this point of time if we take a group of Malaysians at random, most of them are with Tun M. Definitely, PM Najib will be sidelined and this is going to be so embarrassing for him who keeps on claiming that the majority still support him. Furthermore, he definitely will not be able to handle/answer questions from Tun M on 1MDB because he cannot think on his own.

    2. It’s funny that he still blames Tun M for all the mess/damage that he has created/done as PM of Malaysia. He should ask himself why most Malaysians trust/believe Tun M, not him? People look at a person’s track record. If a person has been caught lying to the public many times, no one (except those ‘bang*ng’, dung*, etc.) will ever believe in whatever that person says.

    3. PM Najib, please resign immediately! We do not want you as our PM anymore! Anda PM yang menyusahkan rakyat. Tidak perlu untuk bagi alasan konon masa Tun PM, tiada media social, dan skandal/isu tidak mudah tersebar. Setahu saya, Tun menjawab setiap persoalan/isu serta-merta (tutup kes) jika ditanya pemberita dan tidak diam membisu berminggu-minggu (berbulan) seperti anda walaupun teknologi kononnya canggih. Ini namanya satu kebodohan. Ada teknologi tidak tahu untuk dimanafaatkan. Untuk menutup kelemahan diri, salahkan orang lain dan teknologi. Please grow up PM Najib!

    *** May Allah SWT bless Tun and family ***

  23. Bapa Tubuh UMNO
    Anak Kubur UMNO

    Ini lagi teruk Dari Anwar

    Kalau Najib Begitu tebal muka Bolih Ada kan slogan
    We love PM
    Lain Kali di keramian depan Najib
    Kita layarkan We Hate PM

  24. 15. The money belongs to the people. It is the duty of the police, the anti-corruption agency to investigate the complaints and the reports that has been

    The Police , the anti corruption agency ,the Bank Negara are bodies of authority on its own
    They do not represent nobody They represent the Law be it against The Sultan ,The Prime Minister
    Having repeat news of 1MDB news
    My questions is what is these Authority doing
    They cannot shut their ears even if Najib instruct them to do so
    This show Malaysia was found a very weak system of justice
    These also shows The BAnk Negara ,the Police , the Corruption Authority
    Are abbeting to these National Crimes
    How can they laz and do nothing as it has been on the Nooze

  25. Tak mengapalah TUN dan teman teman yang berhati rakyat ni, kita semua bersabarlah, semuga penolakan dan pembelaan oleh salleh kruak, zahid hamidi, adnan satim, ahmad maslan, menteri kewangan kedua dan lain lain itu akan terbukti kebenaran dan kepalsuan oleh allah s.w.t.
    Alhamdulilah, Dato Rafidah Aziz pun dah mula menegur harap harap mana mana veteran umno yang hijabnya masih terbuka tu berilah pandangan di sini jika tidak dapat salurkan di media tv dan akhbar.
    Semuga semua yang berhati rakyat di lindungi allah s.w.t dan di jauhi dari segala musuh2 yang tidak berhati mulia…

  26. Saya x faham kenapa PM perlu TAKUT untuk bersemuka dengan Tun?
    Bukankah.,’Berani kerana benar, TAKUT kerana salah?’
    Lagipun… Tun hanya seorang rakyat biasa sama seperti rakyat Malaysia lainnya.

  27. Dear Tun Dr. Mahathir,

    My sincere apologies and regrets for the nuisance caused to your blog, our exchange of words with fellow commentators who may have differing views not of the topics but essentially of you.

    To my fellow commentators Oran and Kaninna, let’s move on to contribute the positive in this blog of Tun Mahathir. Leave the unnecessaries behind because these unnecessaries will not do any good to all of us. It’s disturbing when our very purpose of sharing quality ideas and input with Tun Mahathir is hindered by our own failure to choose who to interact with. Let’s interact with the positives, like Tun, and believe me good things will come with good heart and mind ;))

    Tun, DS Najib is like hanging on to a twig. His armies of lackeys in the police, so called anti-corruption agencies, even the central bank, etc etc, are merely following the flow. I feel sad how things have churned into irreversible mess and soon to be addition to our Malaysian history.

    Tun, call it whatever but the word is manipulate, manipulative, manipulation, manipulator/s. Time will definitely tell good from bad. You just hang in there Tun, hang on to goodness. And remember to take good care of your safety. Salam kepada Tun Dr. Siti Hasmah. I love you both.

  28. Dearest and most respected Tun,

    I agree with Yaakobali.

    Unfair as it may seem.
    For the sake of future generation, our children and so forth, COME BACK.

    I tell you that millions of rakyat stand strong with you.
    No need for Kajang Move.

    Stand for presidency within UMNO election.
    Take UMNO leadership first.

    Next will be GE 14.
    win a seat as MP.
    Stand as PM.
    Order the authorities to do full and thorough investigations.
    Reveal everything. No holds barred.

    Then seeknthe right successor.
    This time, as experience has taught well, choose even more wisely.

    Then you may reliquish your post will plenty of peace in thought, mind and soul.


    Those of you here, please send a support msg here, if you too agree.
    And do send out tjis message to others outside here. Go viral all out.

    SAVE MALAYSIA! Hidup Tun Mahathir!!

    Wassalamualaikum wbt..

  29. Assalamualaikum Tun.

    Sudah tentu Dato Najib dah minta keizinan untuk melaksanakan sesuatu apabila harga minyak turun mendadak. Dato Najib kata krisis minyak turun mendadak tidak sehebat masa krisis minyak naik mendadak.

    Dan Dato Najib laksanakan GST bagi menampung kewangan kerajaan. Itu saya faham.

    Tetapi kenapa minyak kuning juga diapungkan apabila GST telah dilaksanakan? Ini bermakna 2 kali ganda kerajaan kumpul hasil.

    BR1M bukan semua dapat seperti GST dikenakan kepada seluruh rakyat dan peniaga.

    Persoalannya sekarang, kenapa harga minyak kuning juga diapungkan setelah GST dilaksanakan?

    Kita bercakap pasal minyak sekarang. Telaga gas dan minyak Terengganu. Dato Najib tahu saya selesaikan MH17, dan Dato Najib setuju ikut cara saya.

    Saya tidak berniat jatuhkan Dato Najib, tetapi diapungkan minyak kuning bersamaan pelaksanaan GST saya rasa adalah salah dan bertujuan membebankan rakyat., atau para menteri anda tidak sensitif dengan perkara sebegini?

    Terima kasih Tun.

  30. Salam Tun,

    Harap Tun teruskan desakan pada NAJIS opps silap..Najib.
    Biasa la…penipu akan terus menipu untuk menutup penipuannya. Tetapi sepandai pandai tupai melompat akhirnya jatuh ketanah juga bersama tupai betinanya.

  31. Salam Tun M.

    U are one of my idols growing up.. I truly love the way u visualise the future and after watching the clip of u bashing the USA when I was younger it just raised u to one of the top people that has my fullest respect, besides both of my parents.

    At first, I don’t really bother much regarding the misuse of the people’s money by the current government as for myself, I don’t see any way of bringing Najib and the others who are involved to justice, in a country where the judiciary system is overlapped with the executives. Semua2 geng and family members so mana boleh biarkan mereka kena tangkap so to say. Even though I do feel frustrated as I worked really hard in getting my career kick start and after all my dedication n commitment to my job, someone else keeps on taking a percentage of my hard work just to satisfy their greeds and wants and they are able to do so because they are the people in power, albeit corrupt or not.

    However, I still do my part as a citizen of Malaysia to read and understand the whole “theatrics” that Najib and the rest has put on.

    My bet is on the fact that 1MDB is not what it say it is but actually a big cover up of the TIA. TIA itself is corrupt and the biggest scandal is where I believe the royal family is involved too and Najib is just the puppet who is now left to answer someone else’s greed. That is why Najib and others cannot come forward to provide the real explanation to the loss from the so-called 1MDB. The only thing that Najib can do before stepping down as the PM is to just tell the truth and stop the lies. That is the most honourable thing to do as an individual. I understand it can be hard as Malaysia is one of the minority countries in the world who still employs the privileges of royal families but I’m sorry, the world is already miles ahead in the future where I do not see any point of upholding the royal families’ privilege. What have they done to ensure my future in this country when all I hear are the royal brats who kept on beating other ppl up and pays ppl to shut their mouth just because they are born as the prince? Tak semestinya cerdik pandai mereka nieh sbb tak pernah kenal erti hidup susah and tak tahu macam mana nak Bangkit daripada kesusahan hidup.

    So as I mentioned, I don’t see how we can ever get justice for the 1MDB aka TIA scandal. Too much power of the higher ups are in place. Unless Tun can guide us on how we can bring these ppl to justice then may be there is light at the end of the tunnel. Till then, I just have to redha dgn duit yang telah di pakai oleh orang lain daripada titik peluh saya and halalkan sahaja. At the end of the day, rezeki saya pon datang Dari Allah, mereka yang dianiaya insyaAllah dijaga. Diorang nieh maybe tak sedar or lupa kalau kita Sesama manusia “mencuri” rezeki orang lain itu sama dengan “mencuri” daripada Allah swt. So saya tak berapa risau dan tak pening nak pikir pasal kisah 1MDB nieh n cincin Rosmah. But I am not stupid for the government to keep on questioning my intelligence with these lies.

    U are one brave n bold dude, Tun and words can never describe how much respect I have for u as a leader and a saint. All that I can do for u is to continue to pray for ur and ur late wife and wish u all the good things that Allah can provide. Stay safe Tun.

  32. Dear Tun,
    I wish you good health. I read today’s paper and am glad that you are telling the rakyat half truth as you are not on the 1MDB board. Not only you as a rakyat wants to know the truth but the rakyat of Malaysia too needs to know too. The problem is none of the BN MPs got the guts to ask questions pertaining to the 1MDB isssues. Are they elected to warm their seats or just pretended they don’t know to save their skin?.

  33. Assalam, siapa yg mencadangkan pertemuan 4 mata sebenarnya nak memihak kepada Tun tetapi takut kepada bos dia …kalau pertemuan empat mata itu akan melihat kepincangan dan kebodohan bos beliau..hanya disaksi oleh Tun sahaja kalau d forumkan akan lebih memalukan bos beliau dalam pada tu beliau juga menyokong Tun tapi tidak mahu sokongan itu nampak nyata. Rata rata dlm kabinet dia skrg ni setulusnya tidak menyokong tetapi ‘tidak berani’. Hiprokrasi menguasai hakiki. Inikah yang kita kehendaki orang yg mentadbir urus kementerian dan kabinet? Orang yg waras akan nampak ini ada kepincangan yg akan mengugugat PRU 14 nanti. Tun maupun Najib tidak perlu kisah kerana wang tersebut bukan wang mereka berdua TETAPI Tun mau kan pencerahan utk menyelamatkan masa depan parti rakyat perlu tau kerana sistem demokrasi memihak kepada kami pengundi..malah penuntut Uni yang sudah masok umor layak mengundi sudah mula tidak menyukai kerajaan yg memerintah sedang mereka adalah pengundi dan ada berapa Uni Ipta dan Ipts di Malaysia. Gen Y kini sudah bosan.

  34. SALAM TUN.

    To daeng via Tun.

    Aku rasa lebih baik ADMIN chedet kat sini saja yang bertemu empat mata dengan Najib kerana dengan segala info yang kita tulis dan telah diadminkan oleh ADMIN chedet dah boleh di gunakan untuk membelasah Najib cukup-cukup.

    Dahulu Nothing 2 Hide
    tapi kali ni tajuknya ialah “Hide and Seek”, so kalau Najib tak datang lagi tak jadi masaalah dan kena dengan tajuknya.

    Mesti ADMIN tengah bersemangat ni.

    Wassala Tun.

  35. Salam Tun.

    To Fariq Islam via Tun.

    1.Lihat lah sekarang bertapa merepek nya Najib seperti rapper lah pulak. Rakyat bertanya kenal tak Jho Low tapi Najib jawap ” TELOR TAK MASUK, HANYA ………. ”

    2.Dikata Najib mahu menjawab semua persoalan 1MDB tapi hendaklah bersandarkan denga fakta.

    3.Yang sebetul nya jika Najib menjawab berlandaskan fakta, maka fakta akan menjerut lehernya sendiri.

    4. Adik Fariq patut menjadi lebih cerdik sikit dan menganalisa segala jawapan Najib di parliment dan jawapan dari MOF dan 1MDB. Tidakkah adik merasakan yang jawapan itu adalah jawapan yang memperbodohkan rakyat.

    5. Atau adik sememang bodoh dan tak tahu membuat analisa?

    6. Atau adik merasakan jawapan itu telah memenuhi dan melepasi tahap kewarasan minda adik?

    7. Mungkinkah dengan mencanang satu dunia yang Najib tidak mengambil upah di 1MDB menjadikan 1MDB di uruskan secara amanah?

    8. Pada saya soal upah Najib bukan persoalannya tapi menjaga amanah dan kepertanggungjawaban oleh Najib adalah segalanya dalam urusan pentadbiran negara dan 1MDB.

    9. Bukan kah Najib adalah Bapa Pencatutan?

    10.Bertindak menjual tanah kerajaan kepada 1MDB dengan harga yang ultra murah.

    11. Di mana pelacur pun boleh beli 5 kaki persegi tanah tu setiap hari, adik , tapi apabila selesai 5 kali servis pelanggannya.

    12. 1.56 ekar = 67,954 kaki2 Harga RM 90/kaki2 = 6.115 juta (BELI)

    13. 1.56 ekar = 67,954 kaki2 Harga RM 2,774/kaki2 = 188.5 juta (JUAL)

    14. Adik, Pengiraan diatas mengesahkan Najib adalah gelaran sebagai Bapa Pencatutan Malaysia.

    15. Dari kenyataan bodoh Najib dan sokongan membuta tuli adik , soal tidak mengambil upah, boleh juga ditaksir oleh rakyat sebagai

    16. Patutlah Najib ambil upah secara tidak rasmi kerana dia tidak mengambil upah secara rasmi.

    17. Patut anda berkata
    “Dalam soal 1MDB ini, baik kita tubuhkan Siasatan Diraja kerana Najib akan berada dibawah dan tertakluk kepada siasatan Diraja ini, dan siasatan PAC dan Jabatan Audit Negara akan di perkotak katibkan oleh Najib kerana dia berada di atas kedua-dua sisatan ini.

    18. Menyalahkan Tun tidak akan memperlihatkan Najib lebih baik tapi menjawab persoalan 1MDB adalah lebih berfaeadah, wahai NAJIB dan adik.

    19. Sekian untuk Adik Fariq Islam “BERFIKIR”


  36. My humble Salam to Tun. May Allah SWT bless us all and keep us strong in steadfastness.

    “Truthfulness leads to righteousness and righteousness leads to Paradise. A man will keep speaking the truth and striving to speak the truth until he will be recorded with Allah SWT as a siddeeq (speaker of truth). Lying leads to wickedness and wickedness leads to Hell fire. A man will keep telling lies and striving to tell lies until he is recorded with Allah SWT as a liar”.

  37. Salam Yg Bhg Tun,

    Mereka berterusan mewar-warkan di semua media seolahnya scandal ini adalah isu peribadi antara Tun dan PM Najib. Walhal ianya adalah isu penyelewengan wang dan harta rakyat oleh pemimpin Negara.

    Salam Tun.

  38. Salam Tun Mahathir,

    This is how the stupid things will happen once power and money give to the wrong people. A person want to make illegal billion using a fastest track will use like legal things but it can make the entire country totally drop. I don’t know how the top person in this country will do that things to us.

    For the first time me and my friend develop EYEQUE we use our own pocket money to get it done. After 1 year development and already 6 months go on live we still use our own pocket money. EYEQUE is a social network first in MALAYSIA that blend together with forum for educational purpose.

    After that, until now we didn’t get any support from MALAYSIAN people to be a member and also become as main investor for our project. Now, I really thankful to Allah because for the first time from outside MALAYSIA appreciate what we had done.This organization become the first advertiser in EYEQUE. We still hope MALAYSIAN people will support us.This is good for our country.

    I really hope MALAYSIAN people will wake up and open your eyes. Stop to destroy our race as a MALAYSIAN. Give a support to who ever try to bring MALAYSIA as a best country and can stand at the same level that provide high tech product.

    Amir Al Hafiz
    Co-founders of EYEQUE

  39. Salam Tun, di negara kita ada ke anti corruption agency? You must be joking sir…never heard before…

  40. Assallammualaikum Tun.
    Saya mohon ruangan.




    What is definition of lost?
    In your opinion Tun lost money..bilions of them..
    What you don’t realizes there is marked different of ‘lost’ and ‘bleeding’.
    Bleeding resources meaning you are looking at death and destruction at the very eyes..
    Lost meaning maybe you only termed the definition not agreeable by other’s.
    Example: when teacher teachs, people like you will asks what the money expended have got back in return?
    The student’s just gobble up resources and what the stakeholder got in return?
    Nothing but infinite knowledge that will yield the result in examination.
    Simply said one can accuses teachers simply lost billion of government revenue with no apparent monetary gain or result..which is not true.
    Simply Tun never lost billions.
    If ever is just a form of investment.Achived investment.
    One clear example is YOU!.
    Seperti biasa pemerintahlah yang banyak menjahanamkan rakyat.
    Kita hilang Melaka kerana pemerintah meminta kita taat kepada Perdana Menteri.
    Kita hilang Tanah Melayu kerana pemerintah meminta kita taat kepada Perdana Menteri.
    Kita hilang Singapura kerana pemerintah meminta kita taat kepada Perdana Menteri.
    Rakyat menderita di zaman Jepun kerana pemerintah tidak terlibat dengan urusan seharian rakyat.
    Rakyat makan ubi..Tun pun pernah menderita yang sama..Adakah pemerintah makan ubi di zaman Jepun??
    Akhir kata kita lihatlah semula peranan Si Luncai.
    Si Luncai dihukum bunuh hanya kerana kepala bapanya sama dengan kepala bapak pemerintah.
    Pak Kadok pastinya tak dapat menolak permintaan pemerintah untuk menukar ayamnya..
    Akhir kata adakah kita akan bulat-bulat mengulang kesilapan rakyat yang terdahulu dengan perintah..

    BERILAH PELUANG KEPADA MEMANDA MENTERI???????????????????????????????

    Terima kasih Tun.

  41. Assalamualaikum.


    Saya bersetuju dengan pandangan LeoSabri @ bahawa pertemuan 4 mata tidak wajar kerana duit 1MDB bukan duit Tun dan 100% juga bukan duit Najib bahalol tu.

    Perdebatan terbuka perlu diadakan agar rakyat tahu dan boleh berfikir sendiri siapa benar siap kurang benar, siapa bercakap bohong siapa ikhlas, siapa pahlawan siapa pengecut, siapa bijak dan siapa bahalol????

    Semuga kesihatan Tun sentiasa diberkati oleh Allah swt.

    Salam hormat dari saya yang biasa biasa Tun.

  42. Assalamualaikum.

    1. Bila kita berfikir sejenak dan berkecuali dalam isu 1MDB ini dan semua maklum bahawa Najib adalah penasihatnya, saya percaya bahawa pengurusan 1MDB TIDAK BETUL.

    2. 1MDB akan merujuk kepada Najib tetapi Najib akan merujuk kepada Rosmah Mansor ( RM ) yang mata duitan itu.

    3. Orang tidak akan menyalahkan RM tetapi orang akan menyalahkan Najib kerana dia adalah penasihat yang sah.

    4. Dalam satu-satu organisasi dibawah tadbir urus kerajaan atau ada kepentingan kerajaan, CEO atau ahli lembaga sudah tentu akur pada arahan peringkat atasan iaitu menteri apatah lagi menteri itu ada PM.

    5. Sudah terang lagi bersuluh, Najib ini memang seorang yang paling bertanggungjawab dalam semua isu 1MDB ini.

    6. Berani buat berani pikul, oleh itu Najib perlu diturunkan kuasanya dari penasihat 1MDB, turun dari jawatan PM, CEO dan ahli lembaga dipecat dan barulah SPRM / PDRM dengan telus boleh siasat 1MDB.

    7. Selagi mereka ini memegang jawatan maka TIADA KETELUSAN dalam siasatan yang berlaku.


  43. Assalamualaikum Tun.

    Najib kata Tun Mahathir punyai banyak pengalaman dan tahu bahawa political statement adalah separuh benar.

    Adakah dengan kenyataan ini, Najib cuba meraih simpati dari Tun supaya faham dengan apa political statement dari pihak Najib?

    Dato’ Najib, saya darah dari pemerintah zaman silam. Zaman silam tiada perkataan viral atau internet pun. Tapi perkataan jin, syurga neraka ada, keselamatan adalah kami tahu. Itu pun dari al Quran mukjizat Rasullah s.a.w

    Perkataan political statement yang dikatakan separuh benar pun tiada pada zaman silam. Kami cuma tahu dua perkataan iaitu tipu atau cakap benar.

    Jawab dengan jujur adalah jawapannya. Tapi untuk memperolehi kejujuran ketika anda lalai melaksanakan tugas adalah satu yang mustahil ketika ini.

    Apa apa pun anda Dato Najib perlu bertanggnugjawab atas perkara yang berlaku kerana anda Perdana Menteri dan perkara 1MDB ini berkaitan dengan Menteri Kewangan dan anda sebagai penasihatnya. Terlalu banyak maklumat anda sepatutnya tahu dan boleh jawab.

    Anda perlukan masa dan ruang? Berapa hari? Carilah waktu bermuhasabah diri. Dan tanyakan diri anda sendiri dalam hati kecik, adakah anda layak menjadi pemimpin sebagai Perdana Menteri Malaysia hanya bersandarkan pada darah keturunan?

    Terima kasih Tun.

  44. Assalammualaikum Tun yang dihormati … Satu demi satu rahsia najib telah terbongkar banyak lagi tu tapi biarlah satu persatu .lama saya menantikan saat ini hanya menunggu Tun memulakan.terima kasih Tun moga arwah isteri saya tenang di sana…aminnn

  45. Assalamualaikum wbt dan salam hormat.

    Yg Berbahagia Tun,

    Saya nak ulang balik kenyataan cerdik pandai dari Tun seperti berikut;

    10. I don’t think we can resolve the problem of where the 1MDB money has gone through four-eyed meetings. Najib can resolve through proving beyond reasonable doubt that no money has disappeared from the 42 billion borrowed.


    15. The money belongs to the people. It is the duty of the police, the anti-corruption agency to investigate the complaints and the reports that has been made – including by Bank Negara. But the agencies have not investigated.

    Yg Bijaksana Tun,

    Memang wajarlah Tun menjadi PM paling hebat selama 22thn. Walaupun saya bukan ada status Menteri, saya juga nak ikut jejak langkah Tun supaya tak nampak jelas sangat “BODOH” keluar kenyataan minta Tun bersama PM sahaja untuk bersoal jawab berkaitan pelaburan 1MDB sebabnya, BUKAN DUIT TUN & najib PON! TAPI NI DUIT NEGARA! DUIT RAKYAT!

    Saya ada baca berita dan, ada juga komen-komen dalam Blog Tun yang suruh Tun jumpa najib 4 mata untuk selesaikan 1MDB, tapi saya agak curiga dengan kenyataan mereka sebabnya, mereka-mereka itu dah tak boleh nak fikir ke? Macamlah DUIT Tun yang dah lesap untuk Tun selesaikan sendiri kan!


    Saya rasa memang ramai Menteri bukan tak berapa nak bijak tapi MEMANG TAK BIJAK DAN SEMEMANGNYA TAK LAYAK JADI MENTERI PON! Bahkan yang komen pon nampak bebeno Malaysia ni masih ramai yang tak berapa nak cerdik sebab ada Menteri pon senget memang tak betol tak sesuai nak ikut.. CIT!


  46. Tun

    We have been enthralled by the shenanigans of 1MDB for months now. This is only one financial empire belonging to the Government managed by a mixed crew of amateurs. This single GLC ran up a debt of RM 42 Billions or RM 46 Billions according to another source without embarking on any business in a very short period of 4 years.

    Lest we forget there are two more financial empires owned by the Government eg. Khazanah which has at least 50 GLCs or more and the third financial empire with Bank Negara Malaysia, EPF, Tabong Haji, PNB, KWAP, FELDA GLOBAL etc under its aegis.

    If one GLC owned by the Government could raise the ire of the whole country arising from its management, can we forget that all the other GLCs in the other two financial empires may meet with the same ” accident or mis-adventure “.

    After all, without exception the multitude of GLCs owned by the Government must be manned by Civil Servants without ownership and accountability which underlines the truism of an ancient saying, ” The best to do business is not to bring out any capital at all.”

    Surprisingly, this ancient saying of 5,000 years aptly described human intentions in the 21st Century as well. The best example to confirm is the present day 1MDB. Those responsible did not bring out their own and personal money but handled huge amounts of money by the billions of ringgits, belonging to others.


    The late Dictator (1959-2015) was known to be hard-working and have given up 19 holes of golf, seldom travel, counted every cent in the Government books and micro-managed assets including flower-pots in the Istana. And he had a keen interest in the sexual mores of his underlings. He was the Boss not the underling to the underlings. He knew he could trust no one with money, money, money !


  47. Tun I think all Umno leaders now don’t have the guts to fight Najib. Even if they have the guts, I dont see any existing Umno leaders having the intellect requirement to steer Malaysia back to the right path. I know you have serve Malaysia all your life, its unfair to ask more of you. But is it possible to copy langkah Kajang, succeed where Anwar has failed. Through a PRK enter parliament, take over the premiership, I am certain all Malaysian will support your return to the premiership.

  48. Star reported Bank Negara probes 1MDB, no special exception for 1MDB

    Thursday, 4 June 2015
    PETALING JAYA: Bank Negara has launched a formal enquiry into 1Malaysia Development Bhd’s (1MDB) investments abroad and foreign debts.

    The central bank said yesterday that it would issue a legal directive to compel 1MDB to provide it with the required information.

    “The penalty for failure to meet this request can result in a fine of up to RM50mil or up to 10 years in prison or both,” it said in a statement.

    The investigation entails taking statements from individuals involved in the governance process and obtaining information from other relevant domestic and foreign parties.

    This is my view to see how Bank Negara conducts its investigations.

    Tan Sri Zeti, the Governor has already stated that Bank Negara has invoked section 214, read in conjunction with Schedule 14 of the Financial Services Act, 2013 and the provisions of the Exchange Control Act 1953 to commence investigations and “directives” sent to personalities connected with 1MDB.

    However, it would be revealing and interesting for the entire country to see whether section 216 of the said Financial Services Act 2013 was invoked before the commencement of the said investigations.

    It provides as follows:

    Section 216

    (1) The Bank may, with the approval of the Minister, in the national interest, issue directions to any person in Malaysia, to prohibit, restrict or require the doing of any act as may be specified by the Bank, with or without conditions, in relation to dealings or transactions, with any person resident in a country or territory, or in
    any currency, as may be specified by the Bank.

    (2) Any person for whom the directions are issued under subsection (1) shall comply with the directions notwithstanding any other duty imposed on that person by any contract or international agreement.

    (3) No person shall, in carrying out any act in compliance with the directions made under subsection (1), be treated as being in breach of any such contract or international agreement.

    (4) Any person who fails to comply with any directions or conditions referred to in subsection (1) commits an offense and shall, on conviction, be liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding ten years or to a fine not exceeding fifty million ringgit or to both.

    Please read and read again all the underlined words. The “Minister” means the Finance Minister who is also the Prime Minister.

    The country must demand from Tan Sri Zeti, whether she has obtained such an approval from the Finance Minister who is personally involved by virtue that he is the Chairman of the Advisory Board and the Minister in charge, is in a conflict of interest.

    If she has not, any investigation conducted by Bank Negara would be tainted from the Get-Go and more importantly defective, and a gross failure to comply with section 216.

    To prevent any white-wash of the investigations and to ensure absolute transparency and impartiality, the current Finance Minister must relinquish his post and hand over the responsibility to another minister and whoever succeeds the current Finance Minister must of necessity give the requisite approval under subsection (1) of the said Act, without which no proper and effective investigations can be conducted against the culprits of this hideous crime.


    We would suggest, with respect to Tan Sri Zeti, that when she gave her press statement that any person found guilty would be subject to the aforesaid penalties, she may have inadvertently overlooked the provisions of section 216 of the said Act.

    It is only when there is non-compliance of subsection (1) of Section 216 that the punishment of a fine of Ringgit fifty million or a term of imprisonment of ten years or both can be imposed and not otherwise in any other circumstances. There cannot be non-compliance of any directive by Bank Negara if no prior approval of the minister has been obtained. Bank Negara would be acting ultras vires!

    It would be a mockery of justice and due process if an investigation by Bank Negara from the Get-Go did not comply with section 216 of the said Act. In the circumstances, if no approval has been obtained, we demand to know from Tan Sri Zeti how in law she can proceed with the investigations.

    We would also demand from Bank Negara to issue a press statement, that if no approval has been obtained thus far, that as a matter of law, if the current Finance Minister does not grant such an approval, she would request that the current Finance Minister relinquish his post so that a new Finance Minister be appointed in his stead and approval granted forthwith on the date of the new appointment.

    If Tan Sri Zeti refuses to pursue the above course of action, we would suggest that her reputation as a central banker and that of the “Best Central Banker of Asia” would be in tatters!

    The integrity of Bank Negara would be subject to ridicule.

  49. YBHG Tun…
    rakyat yg concerned bukan saje tersilau & terpukau dgn pelbagai versi contradictory explanations yg dikemukakan oleh pendokong 1MDB malahan agak resah & gelisah bimbang jika financial turbulence 1MDB may lead to serious disasterous events spt yg berlaku di Egypt di bawah kepimpinan Ismail Pasha dlm tahun 1860 dan juga apa yg menimpa kerajaan Othmaniah dlm tahun 1924. Kedua-dua peristiwa hitam bersejarah ini ada persamaan dgn rentetan event yg sedang ditempuh oleh 1MDB khususnya dari segi the dominant factors that result in the downfall of the two empire. Just Keep our fingers crossed unless the culprits involved are to be totally responsible & accountable for the mess.

  50. Salam Tun.

    1. Nampaknya 1MDB terutamanya dari Menteri Kewangannya merasa satu kejayaan bila CEOnya mengumumkan ada sumber kewangan untuk membayar sebahagian hutang dari jumlah 42 billion kepada bank-bank antarabangsa.

    2. Tidak tahu pula sumber itu didapatkan secara percuma atau pun pinjaman secara pajakan mahu pun adanya cagaran.

    3. Kalau dakwaan pertama kali bercangah dengan kenyataan sebenar pasti sumber kewangan yang terbaru ini baru muncul melalui rundingan secara rahsia atas dasar apa yang akan diketahui dari pihak yang memberi wang tersebut.

    4. 1MDB pada asalnya mendapatkan tanah-tanah milik kerajaan dengan harga yang murah dan menjualnya seperti tempoh hari kepada Tabung Haji berkali-kali ganda pasti mendapat keuntungan.

    5. Sebaliknya hutangnya dengan Bank-Bank Antarabangsa dan beberapa ajensi kerajaan melebihi dari keuntungan yang direkodkan sejak 2009.

    6. Kepada menteri-menteri kementerian yang lain fikirlah masak-masak apa perlunya 1MDB dalam keadaan sekarang malah anda sebagai menteri kabinet telah diasingkan dalam menggurus wang keluar masuk malah tidak tahu wang itu diambil siapa.

    7. Kepada Bank Negara dan pihak berwajib seperti PDRM , SPRM walau pun tiada tindakan pantas seperti yang terkena pada rakyat biasa yang melaporkan ketirisan dalam 1MDB ini. Dibimbangi perkara ini boleh membawa persepsi negatif pada pihak awam iaitu rakyat jelata.

    8. Pada tahun 1998 telah terbukti kecurian wang melalui tukaran wang asing tidak dapat dibanteras oleh pihak polis sebaliknya oleh sistem kewangan yang diperkenalkan oleh bekas pekerja kewangan yang bergabung dengan kekuatan minda Tun.

    9. Bukan menidakkan kebolehan PDRM tetapi kita kena mengakui bahawa tidak semua kita dapat selesaikan sendiri tetapi memerlukan bantuan dari pihak lain yang juga manusia cuma bukan dalam unit kita.

    10. Maksudnya cara kecurian kini telah berkembang selari dengan teknologi yang ada sekarang. Adakah kita masih dengan cara lama menunggu aduan berekod ?

    11. Kita terlalu lemah jika di bandingkan dengan kuasa Allah s.w.t yang boleh memerintahkan anggota manusia bercakap.


  51. Tun

    1MDB actually borrowed RM46 billion and not RM42 billion. Even Tony Pua missed out on this. In its balance sheet for the y/e 31 March 2014, 1MDB has RM42 billion in bank loans and bond debts, plus another RM4 billion classified as “Derivative Debt’. This kind of debt usually refers to corporate bonds issued as unsecured debt.

    This RM4 billion was borrowed from KWAP and utilised, I believe, to pay for an ill-researched investment in a Mongolian coal mine venture, and other investments which 1MDB and the MoF has been tight-lipped about. I also believe that this RM4 billion derivative debt was, due to pressure from being leaked (since Malaysian pensioners’ money is involved), taken over by the MoF, and may have disappeared from 1MDB’s books in the as yet unpublished accounts for the y/e 31 March 2015. In which case it will be sitting in the government’s balance sheet as RM4 billion owing to KWAP!!

    One way or another, the RM4 billion derivative debt will have to be borne by the Rakyat. Why have PM, Finance Minister and 1MDB Chairman of Board of Adviser, Najib, and 1MDB Chairman Lodin, CEO Arul Kanda and its Board of Directors, as well as the Auditor General and the Public Accounts Committee deliberately kept silent about this additional debt of RM4 billion? What are they hiding, and most important of all, what is the current market value of this RM4 billion?

    Also, the arrangement by which the MoF leased back 186 parcels of government land to fund RM30 billion borrowed from EPF & KWAP for so-called private initiative funding expenditure is highly suspicious. For what purpose is the MoF renting these 186 parcels of land, what possible use can it have for this vacant lands that it pays RM2 billion a year in pretend-lease rentals?

    we are all of 1 Race, the Human Race

  52. Assalamualaikum Wahai Ayahanda Tun yg sgt dikasihi,

    Sesungguhnya pertolongan Allah itu sgtlah dekat bagi org2 yg bersabar dan tetap mendirikan solat.

    Kemarahan dan kebencian semakin memuncak dikalangan majoriti rakyat Malaysia.
    Ayuh kita adakan Perhimpunan Aman di Stadium setiap negeri bagi menunjukkan sokongan tidak berbelah bagi kpd Tun Dr Mahathir dan menuntut perletakkan jawatan oleh Perdana Menteri Najib Razak.
    Adalah lebih baik kita usahakan perhimpunan aman ini sebelum keadaan menjadi lebih parah lagi apabila penderitaan dan kemarahan rakyat tidak dpt dibendung lagi.
    Kita bangsa bermaruah, kita rakyat Malaysia yg berintigriti. Kita gunakan saluran dan pendekatan yg tidak menyalahi undang2 Malaysia.
    Tetapi sekiranya PDRM menghalang usaha ini, bererti mereka sendiri telah menyokong rebahnya Negara Tercinta ini.

    wasalam wahai Ayahanda Tun yg dikasihi..
    Semoga Allah sentiasa merahmati mu…Aaminnn

  53. Tun went to the holy land recently and NR just got back from there. Lets see whether honesty and the truth will prevail.I suppose we give this 1 MdB thingy a break until the PAC hearing. Its already sounding like a broken record. Let’s have faith that God will protect the innocent rakyat.

  54. Najib: People tend to believe what Dr M says even if not entirely accurate – Nation | The Star Online –

    Dear Tun, this reminds me of a famous saying.. if you point 1 finger to a person, there are 4 fingers pointing back to “yours’ truly”.

    Why don’t PM just stop blaming Tun and just give answers to our questions! STOP BEATING AROUND THE BUSH.

    PM, you dont have much time either!

  55. Salam Tun,

    Sharing your awareness on what transpire in 1MDB ? Should you remind the once goolie-goolie good cartoonist friend to be same as Arul to do an art work on lies about 1MDB investments.

    To them Ayoi ” Salah lagi cakap bohong pula ” OMG ! The whole lots are like Ostrich nothing to hide except ………. $$$$$,\’s

  56. Assalamualaikum, Tun.

    Sesiapa yang terbabit dalam penyelewengan duit Negara dan Rakyat haruslah dihukum berat.

    Namun, sebelum keputusan siasatan diumumkan, baik kita berdiam sekejap. Menuduh insan yang tidak berdosa bersamaan juga dengan penfitnahan, yang haram di sisi ajaran Islam.

  57. Assalamualaikum, Tun.

    Dalam soal 1MDB ini, baik kita tunggu dalam kesabaran keputusan siasatan PAC dan Jabatan Audit Negara.

    Najib telah memberi penjelasan yang dia hanya seorang Penasihat yang tidak mengambil upah. Mungkin juga dia telah mempertugaskan orang yang salah, yang kurang berupaya untuk mengurus. Sama juga dengan Proton Bhd yang diurus kurang baik dan menanggung rugi, di mana pihak pengurusan dan bukannya Penasihat patut dipanggil-jawab.

  58. Assalamualaikum Tun.

    Pada mulanya saya tak berapa faham bila Tun kata Najib anggap Money is King. Sebab Najib adalah dalam bidang politik.

    Saya rasa perkataan itu datang dari mulut Tun Daim sendiri.

    Bila duit dalam perniagaan terlibat bersama kerajaan ia adalah satu keadaan yang berbahaya.

    Pada pandangan saya ia bagaikan minyak dengan air.

    Terima kasih Tun.

  59. My Salam to Tun and Tun Dr. Hasmah, a fine couple everyone can look up to.

    Pity Tun Razak. His son is the PM. And also the biggest liar in town. Give him all the time but he wont be able to explain the missing billions. If the money can be accounted for he would have answered. But he cannot. Because the billions HAVE disappeared.

    Thank you, Tun.

  60. Dear Tun,

    I am glad you did not choose to attend the so call ‘private’ four eyes meeting with the accused corrupt parties.I would envisage they would try to pay you off to keep your mouth shut behind closed doors. How typical…

    The question is have they? And if they did try to pay you a few million USD would you accept?

    I would have to say, Malaysia is in dire straits. The government knows that Oil revenue is dwindling, industry has moved out of Malaysia to cheaper countries eg: Cambodia and Vietnam (and even China).

    Not only has the economy worsened, but social extremism has become rampant. The wealthy are indeed getting wealthy (or escaped Malaysia for London) and those who are politically connected are precisely those who are in on this 1MDB Ponzi scheme,

    Who suffers? Not me. I do not live in Malaysia. All people of Malaysia suffer, but those who can afford it are ok. It really is the poorest in the nation who have to pay GST now, who are suffering the worst.

    Why? Because of Greed. Corruption. Disregard for the Rule of Law. Marginalisation Unprogressiveness. Idiocy. Unsophisticated thinking and Oppression.

    These issues have all arisen from the Cancer and mismanagement of the Barisan Nasional regime,
    I do respect Tun, but I disagree with the way you have managed some aspects of Malaysia’s economy.

    Malaysia is a disaster. Look around Tun. When China can build flat foot Path and Impressive High Speed Rail, yet Malaysia is squandering over a Cross on Church or rubbish rhetoric about how to be brave like ISIS. The country is a bloody mess… The next generation of villagers will have to figure out how to clean it up. Perhaps reinstate Aggregarian society. Bring on Animal Farm.

    It’s a shame, Malaysia was so wealthy and it had all been squandered on Off shore bank accounts when it could have been used to Educate the most vulnerable.

    shame Malaysia Shame.

  61. May God punish the liars, the pretenders, the hypocrites and the cheats. God knows who they are and so do they. There is no escape.

  62. 22 golden years for Malaysia is over,..the political power of the Malays diminishes,..the younger generation will suffer for the chaos that we now ignited,..Pandora box no more, all hell breaks loose,..

  63. Tun,

    I can hear the inner voice of 30mil Malaysian support you. Although some tikus they might not support due to personal benefits, but they agreed with you from the inner heart, Bravo Tun.
    finally we heard a “resign” word. that’s encouraging.

    God bless Tun.

  64. Assalamualaikum..
    sy sgt malu punya pm penipu tidak amanah dan mungkir janji..dan ahli kabinet seolaholah menyokong tindakan pm…pdrm sprm yg sgt dedikasi kpd marhein pon tadak jalan tuk selesaikan kemelut ini…undang2 dan agama hanya terpakai pd marhein di m’sia tidak dinegara lain…nampaknya islan telah digambarkan dgn betapa buroknya perangai pm dan pemimpin islam yg dgn bangganya dan tidak malunya masih ingin mentadbir Negara walo hamper keseluruhan rakyat m’sia mengeji najib…ya Allah hanya kpdMu kami mohon pertolongan dan perlindungan dr pemimpin yg tidak amanah ini,jgnlah Engkau hokum kami ya Allah..kami dikhianati oleh pemimpin kami..Kau bantu dan lindungilah ayahanda tun Mahathir bin mohamad dan kami rakyat m’si..amiiin ya Allah amiiinnn…

  65. Salam Tun,

    Apa kata buat ‘voting’ dalam blog ini..nak lihat sejauh mana ‘like/dislike’ DSNajib.

  66. Salam tun,

    i want to add a bit to SAMWILL…yes maybe during Tun there is money lost but Tun does not ask the RAKYAT to enforce GST…

  67. Tun, Dubai is now 1MDB’s creditor. Land it used to own is in the hands of Indonesians. Power companies could end up with Filipinos. We’re selling Malaysia by the kilo.
    1MDB essentially a money-laundering vehicle

  68. Tun

    Further, for those Bloggers who are not familiar with figures, the total cash available to the controller of 1MDB was :-


    Available CASH WAS RM 28 BILLIONS FOR DISBURSEMENT BY CONTROLLER. If the RM 28 Billions are gone, then 1MDB is left with only its original over-valued RM 14 Billions assets with unstated liabilities and the RM 42 Billions DEBT. Smart. There is a gaping hole of RM 28 Billions to fill in order to begin business. To restructure, the RM 28 Billions have to be written off – again a World Record for a non-starter business. All in all, the whole RM 42 Billions debt is now carried by 1MDB without the RM 28 Billions CASH. And more loss, this comes from the purchase of overvalued assets in the RM 14 Billions purchase with unstated liabiliies.

    I have always said that we should not ape the Dictator (1959-2015) in his creation of the GLCs for his own glorification and hold on power without understanding the man and his methods. He gave up 19 holes of golf, counted all the money himself and micro-managed money related matters which also impinged on the sexual lives of his underlings. His monthly luncheons with high Government officials were to cull the gossips out of them. Smart.

    No democratically elected Government would do business to raise money for the Rakyat because it is the Private Sector which takes the risks and makes the money which is taxed by the Government which rules over us !


  69. Where is muhyiddin? Come on please wake up and take over from najib.
    If muhyidin dont want, say so.. KJ can do the gambit.
    Pay back time. Do what has been done to pak lah

  70. Tun

    This Money Money Money controversy arose for the simple reason that a straight forward answer was not forthcoming because the controllers still want to keep to their original game plan which has since gone up in smoke. As a layman, my understanding of this RM 42 Billions is this without the mentioning of any ‘big’ name participant to confuse the issue.

    1. Apparently, what normal assets which 1MDB has, cost them about
    RM 14 Billions. Since it is a private company and 100% backed by the Government of Malaysia, 1MDB may borrow up to any amount they like even up to RM 1 Trillion or more. With the assets and the Government letters of comfort or guarantees, it was decided to borrow up to RM 42 Billions based on a private valuation to up the assets to RM 42 Billions. Hence, RM 42 Billions cash was raised. It is a mystery why more loans were not raised with the Government behind them. There can only be one person who dished out the cash out of 1MDB.

    This cash is irretrievable if it had left the 1MDB system. And independent valuation may show the true value of the assets at less than RM 14 Billions. It is only a question of valuations. The thick smoke and broken glass magic show is just a blind created by amateurs.

    2. This Money Money Money controversy has been exposed more than a year ago. I observed no one mentioned why our Government placed its own money from the 1MDB in the Caymans and Singapore, both of which are well-known money laundering centres and not our Malaysia’s very own Labuan which is World class, tax-free and supervised by Bank Negara Malaysia. Charity begins at Home !


  71. Assalamualaikum Tun.

    Orang sibuk nak bandingkan kehilangan duit zaman Tun dengan zaman Najib.

    Ia okey kalau kita kerugian setelah perancangan rapi telah dibuat dan berlakunya di luar dugaan ketika melaksanakannya.

    Ia adalah atas kelemahan diri sebagai manusia.

    Tapi dalam bab 42b ni, perancangan yang jelas tidak dapat diperincikan dan difahami.

    Berlaku pula pinjaman untuk menutup hutang. Ia semacam urusniaga along.

    Syarat pelaburan 50juta BNM juga ingin dielakkan.

    Mungkin ia adalag situasi biasa dalam mana mana perniagaan termasuk korporat.

    Ia perlu licik dan pantas dalam melakukan urusniaga.

    Tetapi ia adalah tidak betul apabila dipraktikkan dalam kerajaan.

    Kerana kerajaan tanggungjawabnya adalah menjaga rakyat bukan menjana wang untuk diri sendiri.

    Satu maklumat yang satu ketahui, orang korporat tidak mahu orang politik campur dengan mereka sebab nilai komisyen dalam korporat adalah tinggi.

    Jadi adakah rancangan Najib untuk menjana wang melalui 1MDB ini adalah betul dan waras apabila prinsip nilai komisyen tadi diambil kira?

    Pengalaman 30 tahun Najib dalam politik dan rantaian sumber beliau selama ini adalah zero. Macam tin kosong.

    Tiada apa yang dapat kita belajar ilmu dunia dari Najib?

    Terima kasih Tun.

  72. Tun , PM Najib konomya “mencadangkan” anggota cabinet yg tidak bersamanya boleh meletak jawatan , ada pula kaki “kulum” dengan nada
    yg tegas menyokongnya .

    Persoalanya adakah dgn tidak meyokong DS Naajib mereka-mereka ini adalah di pihak yg salah (penghianat) .

    Kwnapa tidak PM Najib dan rakan-rakan “sejenisnya” sahaja yg meletak
    jawatan , adakah mereka berada di pihak yyg benar ?

    Betullah orang kata kecil-kecil menipu bila dewasa jadi pencuri .

    PM Najib & Co menipu & mencuri ?

  73. Salam,

    I’m not suprise if in the 2016 budget there will be a column call ” Langkah Pengurangan Defisit Kerajaan – Budget RM52b : di atas faktor harga minyak semasa yang merudum, harga komiditi getah dan sawit yang jatuh teruk kerajaan terpaksa menampung kos pengurusan yang tinggi.

    Untill today there is no UMNO meeting council called for internal vote to question the fate of UMNO fate for the next GE. Nobody in high ranks call for meeting?

    Also, the opposition seems to busy with their party internal issues rather than fight for the rakyat and leave the wise old man TUN fight with the other fellow veteran.

    It seems like PM invisibility in Malaysian Constitution are absolute. Please do something in the Parliament Meeting.


  74. Evening Tun,
    What you say is very true…if he is present at the Forum and explained all the questionaires that is thrown to him on the 1MDB Fiasco… all air should be cleared if those explanations makes sense!!
    His absence shows very clearly that something is not right!! Otherwise, he will take the “Bull by it’s Horn”.
    What more to say???

  75. Salam,

    No matter how the question that have been thrown legitamate and logical as it is sounds, there are still no answer for it.

    In my opinion, in ‘Nothing2Hide’ forum, if the policeman put a cuff on Tun and charge Tun under “sedition act” that would give a threat to the forum and the nation as well.

    As per observation, all the NGO’s that attend the forum most likely are pro-najib and that is really really really confusing if ‘they’ said that an ally is a threat


  76. Assalamualaikum Tun,

    Maybe the 42B was used to buy a certain chain of supermarkets, sugar refinery, low cost airline, bread factory etc.

  77. 15-18 Yes, duty of police, MACC, AG, PAC, BNM etc to investigate but they won’t because of threats of force and pressures from the top. Furthermore, succees of your governance polices has produced a Malay rich which is insensitive to threats from below which they can’t understand or see. But the Malay poor won’t be for be so forgiving when they are in the pits. Will we have go through failed state before we become civil again?

  78. assalam Tun yg dikasihi
    pembohongan pd negara harus dibongkar dan saya tetap menyokong tun selagi tun berada di pihak yg benar…jaga kesihatan tun..terima kasih pd mu..

  79. Being a professional, I personally think Tun should do more in charity work and help Malaysians rather than create really unnecessary tense to the people. Believe me it does not work that way. What your friend said to Tun the other day is utterly the truth.

    Tun as well lost billions during your premier time. So Tun effectively ruining the country all of us help to built and not knowing it. Tun should choose the correct people to be with and not with those people who wants to see Malaysia in ruin.

    Tun, please take note that we are no angels nor devils but as long we do not ruin our Malaysia, that’s the LAST thing we should do. Pot calling the kettle black will not do for Tun because of age there is nothing to lose for Tun but generations will suffer miserably not by the fault of our current premier but could be by your on doing.

    Think about it.

  80. Is there a possibility for an open debate? like the famous anwar ibrahim and ahmad shabery cheek debate back at 2008.

  81. Assalamualaikum Tun,

    1. Kalau Tun masih sebagai Perdana Menteri, negara kita tidak akan jadi ‘haywire’ macam ini..dimana kesilapan nya..saya rasa silapnya pada Tun juga yang selalu percaya pada orang yang dipercayainya. Tun punya wawasan terlalu tinggi sehinggakan pengganti Tun mengambil kesempatan untuk mengejar Wawasan 2020 sehingga mereka tidak ambil kira apa yang berlaku dibelakang mereka..bagaimana keadaan rakyat yang miskin..masih lagi wujud atau tidak atau berapa % yang masih ada…? segelintir masih lagi hidup kais pagi makan pagi ..kais petang..tak tahu la..pendapatan dalam RM 500 kebawah pun masih ada. tetapi ada perkara ini difikir dan diambil berat oleh PM kita sekarang..berapa sedihnya kalau kita fikirkan balik segelintir rakyat Malaysia..

    2. Mengenai dengan BR1M..pada saya tidak sepatutnya ada kalau ada pun untuk orang atau warga negara yang tertentu sahaja..sepatutnay diberikan kepada warga emas yang betul-betul tiada kelaurga terdekat dan sebatang karah..kenapa nak diberikan kepada rakyat yang mempunyai pendapatan..apa gunanya sebab kalau dilihat setiap keluarga ada minima 3 orang anak yang sudah bekerja dan adalah menjadi tanggungjawab kepada anak-anak membantu ibubapa mereka..duit BR1M boleh digunakan ketempat lain bagi membantu keluarga yang betul-betul susah.

    3. 1MDB..sebelum ini saya tertanya-tanya apa sebenarnya 1MDB ini..setelah Tun menyatakan kesemua maklumat 1MBD barulah saya tahu kisah sebenarnya..memang korup pada pandangan saya..

    4. Tapi nak buat macammana..sudah suratan perkara itu berlaku. sama juga dengan GST pun sama ….

    5. Jadi..penyelesaiannya kita tunggu la GE14…nak lihat siapa pula bakal memerintah ‘BN not my choice anymore la..atau sebaliknya…UNLESS THE PRESENT PRIME MINISTER STEP DOWN….maybe la….

  82. Assalamualaikum.

    Tun yang saya hormati,

    1. Pembohongan Najib memang ketara.

    2. Perbuatannya boleh disamakan peribahasa,”bangkai gajah tidak boleh ditudung dengan nyiru”.

    3. Kepada balaci-balaci Najib usahlah kamu bersubahat “masuk neraka bersama Najib dan Rosmah”.

    4. Fikirkanlah masa depan UMNO dan generasi rakyat Malaysia pada masa akan datang dengan berbuat sesuatu bertindak bersatu menyingkirkan Najib segera.

    5. Janganlah hendaknya kerana Najib seorang rosak UMNO keseluruhannya.

    6. Masa depan UMNO bukan terletak pada Najib seorang tetapi pada kesemua ahli UMNO. Janganlah hendaknya “kerana nila setitik, rosak susu sebelanga”. Najib pergi UMNO selamat, tetapi selagi Najib ketua kepada UMNO semakin hari semakin terhakis kepercayaan orang ramai kepada UMNO.

    7. Sebelum “penyakit kanser” Najib dan Rosmah merosakkan masa depan UMNO, segeralah Najib disingkirkan dari dunia politik. Saya percaya 95% masyarakat dan rakyat Malaysia telah menolak pimpinan Najib.
    8. Kepada ahli majlis tertinggi UMNO dan pak menteri sekarang, usah menipu diri bahawa dalam diri tuan/puan pun sendiri sudah ada keraguan tentang kredibiliti Najib sebagai ketua.

    9. Cukuplah bala yang dibawa Najib setakat sekitar 6 tahun sebagai PM, Malaysia hancur antaranya isu harga rumah yang kian meningkat naik. Usah fikir diri kita, fikirkanlah masa depan anak-anak dan rakyat yang berpendapatan bawah RM 4000 sebulan pon tidak mampu memilikinya. Ini berlaku jika rakyat yang tinggal di bandar-bandar besar. Bagi mereka yang tinggal di luar bandar dan memiliki tanah pusaka peninggalan ibu/bapa mereka akan bernasib baik.

    10. Kos sara hidup yang tinggi ditambah 6% tambahan GST akibat kebodohan tadbir urus Najib yang dungu menambah kesangsaraan rakyat. Kuasa beli rakyat kian menguncup akibat kebodohan Najib.

    11. Bila seseorang keluar negara di negara jiran seperti Singapura dan Thailand, baru kita sedar bahawa tukaran wang kita berbanding wang asing kian menguncup. Jika di dalam negara, barangan import yang kita beli kian meningkat sejak kebelakangan ini akibat matawang negara kita yang lemah. Ini semua angkara kebodohan dasar pentadbiran Najib yang cukup lemah.

    12. Saya menganggap Najib ni bodoh sebab dia seorang pemimpin yang menyusahkan rakyat. Jika orang seperti saya bodoh, ianya tidak memberi kesan tetapi jika PM Malaysia seorang yang bodoh maka kesannya kepada 28 juta rakyat Malaysia. FIKIR-FIKIRKAN …..

    Sekian Tun.

  83. Salam Tun

    Najib dan Arul adalah dua insan yang berlainan tapi mempunyai satu persamaan iaitu.



    1. Najib menyuruh Arul tipu dia kah?
    2. Najib menyuruh Arul tipu dia sikit-sikit sahaja tapi Arul tipu dia banyak sangat pulak kah?
    3. Arul menipu Najib bulat-bulat kah?
    4. Arul tidak sengaja menipu Najib kerana sebenarnay dia nak tipu Timbalan menteri kewangan.

    Jawapan di atas adalah semuanya salah dan jawapan yang tepat ialah

    Najib SUDI untuk di tipu oleh Arul dan Arul menyudikan dirinya untuk menipu NAJIB.

    Itulah PM saya yang sudi ditipu dan orang bawahannya si Arul.

    Pergi Jahnam Penipu 1 Malaysia.

    Wassalam Tun


  84. Salam Ayahanda Tun,

    We, the rakyat, are very much upset as you are. We have lost our respect to PM and many of us regretted of what happened. But, let us not give up.

    There is a blessing in disguise. We have come so far and the truths are revealing more and more each day. Cover up is becoming more and more difficult each day. Rakyat are educated and thanks to you for bringing internet into Malaysia.

    The time will come when time cannot be compromised anymore.

    We pray for you and your family, Tun.

    InsyaaAllah, Allah bersama dengan orang-orang yang benar dan teraniaya. Amin.

  85. Assalam… Tun,

    Najib ooii, sampaibila kami nak tunggu jawapan tu semua?????

    Sehingga si Arul Kanda Kandasamy pembohong tu dapat adakan helah baru?
    Sehingga si lim cock wing tu dapat jalan nak burukkan Tun Dr. M?
    Sehingga kamu kalah bertanding?
    Sehingga si Rosmah peroleh perkara mustahil iaitu di gemari rakyat????

    Jawap lah Najib!!!

  86. What we may never know unless we are in the loop are the reasons. Maybe it was a coincidence that the Prime Minister left the country right after the much talk about Nothing 2Hide/Everything2Hide incidents? Maybe the prime Minister unfortunately has booked with AirAsia with its No Cancellation Policy which made him not able to cancel these engagements when disaster struck the country?

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