2. Of course I don’t like to be criticised. Anyone who says he likes criticism must be a hypocrite.
3. I admit that ever since I became Minister of Education in 1974, through my period as Deputy Prime Minister and then 22 years as Prime Minister I committed a lot of mistakes. I would not be human if I did not.
5. Now we are seeing the former opposition parties forming Governments in several States. They were before very critical of Government mistakes. Now they seem to be making mistakes too.
6. Malaysians will have a tough time in the next general election. They may not like Barisan Nasional which for 50 years have been throwing tens of thousands into detention under the Internal Security Act, wasting public money building towers, airports, ports, highways etc, muzzling the Press etc etc. But they will find the so-called alternative coalition not much better.
7. Really Malaysia is a most unfortunate country. It has experienced misrule ever since independence. And it looks like it will continue to be misruled whether the incumbent or the opposition wins.
8. Maybe independence was a mistake also. How much better we would be under British rule. No one would be detained under the ISA. Everyone, Communists included, would be able ot speak their minds and contest in elections. Someone should be blamed for making the mistake of fighting for independence.
9. Cry my beloved country.
Kepada Tun,
1. Ribuan terima kasih kepada Tun kerana telah memimpin rakyat dan Malaysia sebegitu lama. Tanpa Tun, dah tentu Malaysia masih mundur. Tanpa ramai tidak kenal Malaysia. Menara Petronas, Proton, Formula One Circuit, KLIA, highways benar-benar mengagumkan.
2. Yg penting, Rakyat, Melayu, Cina, India, atau warga asli telah diberi peluang belajar, dididik, dan diberi peluang cari rezeki, semuanya hasil usaha Tun, dan BN. Tanpa Tun, mungkin tidak wujud sekolah venikular, dah tentu budaya asal Cina dan India akan lenyap, dah tentu wujud 1-budaya dan 1-bangsa. Tapi, itu tidak boleh berlaku sebab ia akan merugikan Melayu kerana terpaksa berkongsi hak-hak sama dengan kaum lain, sememangnya tidak berbaloi. Siapa tak nak dapat extra?
3. Alangkah bagusnya kalau Rakyat dididik supaya ada akal secerdik Tun. Pemimpin BN sekarang, pilihan majoriti Rakyat, nampaknya kurang cerdik, sering buat silap (atau silat-mata), dan tunjuk kelemahan sendiri, benar-benar mengecewakan. Kalau nak curi makan, mesti lap mulut bersih, supaya orang tak tau. Pernah aku ditahan sebab
“Of course I don’t like to be criticised. Anyone who says he likes criticism must be a hypocrite.”
Here is a good article, entitled “Turning negative feedback into something positive” at http://shine.yahoo.com/channel/life/turning-negative-feedback-into-something-positive-502251/;_ylt=Ak8nJWey29HyxvRnRIWTXeOifqU5
For a man of your stature, I must admit that I am very surprised that you don’t like criticism and prefer yes men. Criticism is part and parcel of public life. I won’t want a blog where people praise me insincerely. Those people are as insincere as their postings, bodek kaki, so to speak. And you must still be reeling over those guys (Rafidahs inclusive) who have been treating you angkating you all along, only to leave you when you retire from your post as Prime Minister… even to the extent of shouting at you, LOL.
I rather encourage critical thinking. Wrong, okay… wrong, just like what you have admitted… that you have made many mistakes. So if anyone point at those mistakes, just admit it magnanimously. LKY also mentioned that he made mistakes… something like only 7 decisions right out of 10, when he was discouraging excessive child births at one time.
I see hardly any of my posts gets posted, LOL. Maybe it’s the way I write. I see that there are many posts that are critical of you that still get posted and so I think there must be something wrong with my posts… that’s why I am still writing. Otherwise, I would have stopped long ago.
Tun, you say: “Anyone who says he likes criticism must be a hypocrite.” Under Malaysia’s cyber-laws, you claim to advocate no censorship but for your blog, you moderate every posts. Sounds like a hypocrite?
We are all human and to make mistakes, it is forgivable.
The unforgiving part is when mistakes are made, lives are affected, millions are lost and yet, no apologies, no acknowledgement of mistakes, no remedies, no nothing! Carrying on like nothing has happened with full arrogance.
Yes, the opposition will make mistakes, they will fumble and trip along the way but if we can give BN 52 years and stomach all the idiocracies of things beyond stupid, we can most definitely give the opposition another term or two to learn and grow.
Yes, the opposition are learning that ideals and reality are two different things and it is not easy and pleasing as they thought. Yessss, they are finally getting a feel of what it’s like to be in your shoes when you were the PM. And of course, you can gloat at them now and tell them to go eat their own words.
But the fact remains, as a citizen of this country, I am willing to give Opposition a chance at running this country because in spite of all the mess and troubles, I can see that the opposition are trying hard at making a difference for all. A good difference. As for BN, well, I think is time for the people of Malaysia to pull BN down from their high chair and put them back at where they belong and that is.. TO SERVE THE PEOPLE AND NOT THEMSELVES! GREEDY ARROGANT BUGGERS!
im not a politician. just a citizen. i dont know where to speak out my opinions. maybe this is the place where i can be heard. my confusion is how umno can convince me that they are a true party to fight for the rakyat while khairy is still being laid off as a pemuda as he a corrupted elected ketua pemuda. Tun has condemned his appointment before but till now Tun kept quiet about this issue. is umno keeping quiet about this matter to let this type of leaders in umno.i am no expert in politics but if you can convince me that khairy existence in umno is vital for certain importance i as a person cant accept this as how can i have aleader who is obviously corrupted. please bare this Tun and do something about this matter as my confidence has faded as you also lose interest in umno and resigned as umno member when you stand on your beliefs. So do i. i have lose my belief in umno. Im sorry Tun if my words are rude but i just want an answer from an action, not excuses or keeping quiet about this important matter. i hate khairy everytime he is making a statement for he is a real corrupted proven hypocrite.when i see him in the media i always ask myself why is umno keeping this kind of person that is taking away the trust and respect of the voting malaysian. he has no right to be in umno.
“Of course I don’t like to be criticised. Anyone who says he likes criticism must be a hypocrite.”
I beg to differ. Everyone needs constructive criticism to help them move in the right direction and help them grow. No one is perfect and like you said, “… I committed a lot of mistakes. I would not be human if I did not”. One cannot see oneself except by a mirror. If we cannot accept constructive criticism, we may be driving on the wrong side of the road, thinking that we are right, and hurting innocent people in the process. What is worse, if we have power, we will be surrounded by yes men who will agree with you even when you mistaken black for white. Maybe it is the motive, maybe it is the way the constructive criticism is worded that makes one dislike it. For to dislike criticism, even constructive ones, is to be egoistic.
The only thing that I would say is Melayu mudah Lupa.
dearest Tun,
People do make mistakes in part of life whether in politics or others. I believe this kind of thing also happened to other leadership on other countries. we hope the new leadership will try best to rectify what is going wrong and ensure the people live in a better way of life, peace & harmony.
I travelled to other countries either on biz trip or holiday and in the end I am lucky to be Malaysian as the country i’m living in I would say the best in terms of cost of living, holiday places, can have a big family although have low-average income compare to other country which I see hard or really struggle to live in.
Dengan Izin Tun..Terima kasih..
Waalaikum dear friend Hanan,
I’ll try to be concise too.
Freedom of choice.
Allah let’s us decide what to choose.Here from Surah Al Kahfi
Dear Tun,
1. Politics will remain politics, you know that better than me. To do the right thing and remain popular at the same time is awfully tough.
2. Dont be sad dear Sir, I know age is catching up on you but you have done so well under the circumstances. Giving critics is easy but implementing is not.
3. Some people asked you to shut up or emulate ex us president Clinton : I do not think the scenario is similar. You were PM for 22 years but Clinton only 8 as president. Even the ex-presidents continue to give their opinion. Even Colin Powell continue to give his opinion ( remember him?). The thing is, people are worried of your opinion, if it is agreable to their agenda they will give a lot of press to you ( remember : politic ) but if your opinion jeopardised them in any way they will say that you are a demented old man.( Many people dont mind to be call that if they can still think as sharp as you are at your age)
4. There were some of your past decisions that I disagree but only you know why it had to be taken at the time.
5. It is tough running a multicultural, multiracial and multireligious country. Malaysia is Malaysia, it is not UK or USA or Australia.
6. I wish you and wife all the best . Continue enjoying each others company because you two have been through thick and thin together.
7. May ALlah bless you.
Asaalamualaikum dear frind wajaperak,
Let me be sharp and short.
I’ll not become a Muslim for the reasons as:
regardless how hard we as a parents mould our childrens to become somebody and successfull in their future life…belived me many of us sometimes failed miserably throught the process and yet you do not have the answer for the failure…as a parents we had tried our best…should we blame ourself?
It goes same to you Tun, you had done your best during your tenure as a PM but now to see the path are dividing from the one that you mould before…should we blame you????
Please be matured enough my fellow Malaysian. Be grateful !
Dengan Izin Tun..Terima kasih..
[[The most criminals are the Saudi’s and the oil supplying countries (Muslims) who are living covered with gold and diamonds, forgetting the Quran equality to all and preserve the Palestinians misery just as an excuse against the Jews. This is my example of criminals. You hate the Jews more than you love your own brothers.]]
Hanan, I concede and agrees with you on this.No need for elaboration.
[[As for the proposal to convert to Islam. Thank you for the invitation. I prefer to remain a Jew without the “Jihad” in my agenda. I found the Judaism as a better faith for me in many aspects of humanity and teaching. I like the hard way of Judaism compared the easy way of converting to Islam.]]
I don’t agree with you with this one hanan..There is no easy way in Islam.
[[At least I don’t need to listen to brainwashing clerics in mosques. In the synagogues we don’t brainwash against our enemy, we teach Torah. This is not an obstacle for me to become a friend of Muslims and respect thier faith.]]
I respect your faith too but would like you to consider exchange of opinion.
[[As you mentioned that the Quran uses the Jewish people and Zionists as same (you said: “the Muslims generally accept Zionists and Jewish as one. This is because the Quran refers both as Jewish.”), kindly can you refer to the word “Zionist” in the Quran and where is it equalized to Jews?]]
Please highlight the importance of this point.
Hanan..we may disagrees in lot of things but I would like to start on new footing.Would you care to explains:
1) How your God describes Himself?
2) What is the purpose of your religion?
3) If 99 percent of your believer acts against the very
teaching tenet of your religion, is your religion at fault or
the follower is?
I think you are a brave man Hanan.Defending one faith is an act of courageous fellow.I believe I am brave too in seeking clarification of your faith in order to shows mine.
Terima kasih Tun.
to JJJ:
you have been trying to express your view that Singapore is racist.
isn’t malaysia racist?
weesg is simply trying to say that your accusation of Singapore having a ” north-korea” style media is inaccurate because if we truly had such a system, you wouldn’t have been able to dig out articles by bloggers opposing the government.
its really useless trying to argue with you
On a happier note, HAPPY BIRTHDAY SINGAPORE !!
//By weesg on August 8, 2009 4:59 PM
you have not touched any of my nerves actually. But I am glad you are still laughing, as I am sure many reading your messages are also doing the same.
I have no time to engage people who can’t string together a few basic arguements; who just throw one accusation after another without any ability to back up the accusations; one who can’t differentiate personal views from hard facts; one who don’t understand the meaning of racism; and who can differentiate between the PAP, Singapore, and Singaporeans.
BTW, so what if you quote a Singaporean blogger? Or if you can quote some opposition politicians, or journalists? I judge right from wrong based on facts, logic, and intelligence of arguement. How do you judge? Based on who sings your tune?
Also, you mean in Malaysia malaysians sings the same tune as you, including the oppositions?
People in Singapore has diverse views, and it is not uncommon for there to be people who disagree with me, or with the PAP. The fact that you can still read these views tells you a lot about your gullible claim of “North Korea style” media in Singapore. BTW, do you think you know what “north korea style media” is? Think again, do you really know? You make me laugh. Just a friendly advise – don’t just repeat things just to create impact (or for fun), it tells people more about YOU than anything else.
Like I said, I have no time to engage with gullible people so I shall leave this as it is. Enjoy yourself!//
Dear litte tiger,
Are you “Harassing” malaySIA in base cyberjaya, malaysia by applying CAT system learned blindly from SIA?
chedet is proving us a platform to view our comments so that we will learn and think out of box 4 New World – 1 World, 1Vision!
It looks like SIA is still in denial stage. come-on lah, tiger, don’t do this to US because malaysia is a CAT by herself which have 9 lives, very humble, soft, kind and need to be loved.
In reality, North Korea Media Style = SIA main stream media, Mr Lee HL never tells U that?
For Christ sake, please do not harass a cat like u are a tiger! Please learn from Hanan, Jewish and U will know the answer.
By the way, this is cyberjaya 4 U and US to learn to forgive others, K.Latu (Keanu Reeves) has decided not to destroy the world, US know that, do U know that tiger?????
mrs gump with a son of IQ slighltly below SIA standard.
Salam Tun,
A very cynical piece of article..:)
I loved it. Tq Tun and may Allah bless you and your family.
Dare to Change..
Asslamualaikum dear friend antikmalaya,
As you probably saw I already excused zul81.
Zionists are a partial group of the Jewish people. This part is the major part of the Jewish people.
The Zionists are committed to the agenda of returning to our homeland Zion (Zion means Jerusalem, means the land of Israel).
I’ll not go once again into the same issues that we already had a debate upon in previous issues and posts of the
“Most people when doing somethings, hoping for for benefit or return for their effort, but who can make sarcifice themself just keep doing and doing for other without thinking the return benefit, just do not use their own stick as measure, put yourself at other people shoes and thinks, love other as love your own son, care for them even they’re not your friends, just remember to told oneself “I doing all this things are not for you, not for me, him, her, she or even he but it is for all the people”. ” say the Wizardteo. thnks Q.
Dear sir
Your call for ban on pornography is disappointing. Ban culture is a 20th century innovation. Toleration of dissent helps in the process of learning and evolving new ideas.
The rich West European nations that have no bans on pornography have not fallen into a trap of decadence. They have instead learnt that pornography too is a economic matter and so raised licence fees, set up a independent ombudsman authority, bank covenants, age limits and specified codes of conduct and working hours to contain anarchy. This has resulted in valuable additional fiscal revenues for the local councils.
It there is no demand, the pornography business (like any other business) automatically goes bust.
i knew you wouldn’t understand my comment…
okay JJJ so answer this.
i quote:”And please take note the democracy here is on a much better track …”
how is the bumiputra policy an example of democracy?
oh, and no bullshit
I am honored you would “reprint” my entire blog comment in your posting…goes to show many things
– you find my views valuable it merits a 2nd edition within the same blog
– you have no mind of your own – you have to quote others …something which has been proven time and again
– you don’t know how to make a counter argument – reading your minor comments, I couldn’t figure out what you were saying
JJJ – you’ld criticise Singapore but if offered a decent job with pay, you’ld migrate there in a heartbeat.
I think it’s pathetic that you could criticise another country, when there are lots to be done for us to make Malaysia more advanced and prosperous…
We don’t have to compare ourselves to Singapore…but we have every bit of responsibility to make our country a fair and just place to live.
Are you man enough to give your 100% in making our country fair and just…or are you the kind who’ll just criticise others knowing your own backyard is “full of weeds” so to speak?
salam Tun,
Many Singaporeans cannot comprehend their National Anthem ‘Majulah Singapura’ IS A FACT.Many of them do not even understand the native language!
‘All these measures undertaken ensure that the Malays in Singapore, no matter how dissatisfied, can never gather enough electoral support to push for their agenda. This is the classic ‘divide and conquer’ strategy. With such a strategy, Malay interests would now be primarily articulated and represented within parameters determined by the PAP government and its Malay MPs. It also ensures that the government can afford to continue its minimalist approach to the Malay community without suffering any electoral backlash.’IS FACT.
salam Tun,
Thanks for your views.One man’s poison is another man’s meat.
You are an excellent product/mouthpiece of your system.
Continue to live in denial.
you have not touched any of my nerves actually. But I am glad you are still laughing, as I am sure many reading your messages are also doing the same.
I have no time to engage people who can’t string together a few basic arguements; who just throw one accusation after another without any ability to back up the accusations; one who can’t differentiate personal views from hard facts; one who don’t understand the meaning of racism; and who can differentiate between the PAP, Singapore, and Singaporeans.
BTW, so what if you quote a Singaporean blogger? Or if you can quote some opposition politicians, or journalists? I judge right from wrong based on facts, logic, and intelligence of arguement. How do you judge? Based on who sings your tune?
Also, you mean in Malaysia malaysians sings the same tune as you, including the oppositions?
People in Singapore has diverse views, and it is not uncommon for there to be people who disagree with me, or with the PAP. The fact that you can still read these views tells you a lot about your gullible claim of “North Korea style” media in Singapore. BTW, do you think you know what “north korea style media” is? Think again, do you really know? You make me laugh. Just a friendly advise – don’t just repeat things just to create impact (or for fun), it tells people more about YOU than anything else.
Like I said, I have no time to engage with gullible people so I shall leave this as it is. Enjoy yourself!
Dear YB Tun Dr M
I am disappointed with all politicians now, both BN and the opposition and that includes you. All you people ever do is try to the people of this country instead of bringing us together closer. How can anyone say they love this country if all they do is drive the rakyat apart by talking about race all the time?
I appeal to all politicians and all rakyat to break down the racial barrier and come together as one – Malaysians. Let us live together in peace and harmony. We must all try if we truly love Malaysia. Don’t destroy Malaysia. Leave a beautiful country for our children and their children. PEACE AND LOVE FOR EVERYONE IS THE WAY TO GO.
Assalamualaikum dear zul81,
I deeply appreciate and accept your friendly apology.
We need to bear a second time thinking before saying words. Those words maybe cherishing and praising one side and humiliating the other side. People from different cultures and different races or religions are sensitive to different interpretations of the same words. I know many ugly jokes about Arabs and Muslims, but I dare to say them for two main reason: One – I don’t agree with such jokes, two- those kind of jokes must not get publicity. As same I can say that I’m against the cartoons against prophet Muhammad which have been published in the European newspapers at the time.
Allah created all people to be equal and blessed them. Everyone on earth has a duty to fulfill. Is the knowledge of the professor worthy more than the hard working cotter that plants wheat seeds to have bread and feed the professor? As a Jew I don’t feel superior among anyone, neither an Arab, nor a Muslim, nor a Christian nor another Jew. Even the sick and invalids have their self contribution to humanity and it is weighing equally. Just imagine the deed of a healthy person to visit the sick person. By being a sick person he made the healthy person to do the deed because the healthy could do the visiting deed. For the religious people of all religions the weigh of our deeds is equal. The wheat of the cotter is equal to the knowledge of the professor who made better means to plant that wheat seeds to have a healthier bread the cotter can seed its wheat. Our harmony in life is full of different deeds and they are all equal. This is about how Judaism is interpreting deeds and I’m pretty sure Islam is doing the same.
I also have a great respect to Dr. Mahathir but he is not unique among any other friendly person. I’m sure that Dr. Mahathir is not looking after the special praising in kind of jokes since it is not adding any honor to the person we honor. When praising of a person is to be expressed, we don’t need to make a comparison to other people. When someone is awarded we never say that he did better than another person.
Hanan, Jewish,
Dengan Izin Tun..Terima kasih..
Comedy when the point of knife is pointed elsewhere.
Tragedy when the point of knife is pointed at you..
In the same sense, for you they are playacting…It never occurs to you that they all sincere..See definition..SINCERE
Again..It never touched your conscience that Tun Dr Mahathir is sincere..It must only follows your reasoning..
Not true.Orang-orang Melayu telah di zalimi sejak Portugis..Belanda..Inggeris..Jepun dan Komunis..Adakah Rakyat Melayu Jadi Pintar dari Kezaliman yang mereka di deritai?…No..No..
The Malays have proven they are resourceful under opression and tyranny…Ingat benang dari kulit nenas dan lain-lain di Zaman Jepun?
That’s why Tun said learns from History and Melayu Mudah Lupa..The Mukmin never forgets..That’s why they are mukmin..
Terima kasih Tun..
salam Tun,
it seems that I’ve gotten on the nerves of some people down south.:D
Your excuses are laughable.any politician worth his/her salt will include a minority as part of their team.LOL!
You can go on and on about your meritocracy claims,but I’ll let your own countryman answer you.There are too many actually.You can backtrack and read them up in previous posts.You see you guys contradict each other.You are claiming one thing but your own countrymen/women are claiming another!
I doubt if you can fully comprehend what this guy is trying to say as many Singaporeans do not understand the native language.Hmmm I wonder how you guys sing the National Anthem ‘Majulah Singapura’ when so many of you don’t even understand the language.(that alone fits the bill of racism…)
And please take note the democracy here is on a much better track than there where many oppositions are already bankrupt!You guys are superb examples of suing people for ridiculous sums of money and that’s probably where DSAI got his inspiration from.
By JoeBOP on December 8, 2008 3:59 PM
Dear Tun Mahathir & All Malaysians,
Saya adalah Melayu Singapura. Dari apa yang saya lihat komen bloggers di sini, komen dari Melayu Singapura sendiri agak kurang. Jadi saya rasa wajarlah kalau ada Melayu Singapura yang ingin komen sedikit.
Terima kasih kepada Tun Mahathir kerani berani bersuara demi membela nasib Melayu Singapura. Tun sanggup mempertaruhkan nama baik Tun untuk kami yang kerdil dan tidak berupaya ini walaupun Tun tidak ada hubungan kekeluargaan dengan Melayu di sini.
Tun sendiri bukan Melayu tulen, tetapi Tun telah menghabiskan seumur hidup Tun untuk membela nasib Melayu yang selalu mudah lupa ini.
with your talent and ability, there isn’t a shadow of doubt that you could have chosen to be a rich doctor or a businessman. Instead, you consciously chose the path of a politician with no million-dollar-paychecks to help the Malays, knowing full well the massive obstacles that awaits you. Semoga Allah membalas budi baik Tun. Keberanian Tun menjadi inspirasi untuk saya.
kepada Melayu Malaysia:
Wahai saudaraku di seberang tambak,
Janganlah kamu ingat Melayu di sini semuanya senang-senang belaka. Walaupun tidak semua boleh dikategorikan sebagai “hamba”, jangan pula ada yang ingat Melayu sini hidup seperti “Raja”. Ada yang murah rezeki, tetapi banyak juga yang hidupnya sempit.
Sempit kerana peluang yang terhad.
Wahai saudaraku di seberang tambak,
janganlah kamu lupakan kami dalam doamu. Kami tidak minta dilahirkan di sini, tetapi kami percaya mungkin ada hikmah disebaliknya.
Wahai saudaraku di seberang tambak,
kalau ada suara-suara yang mengatakan Melayu Singapura lain dari Melayu Malaysia, percayalah mereka sebenarnya mahu memecah-belah kan kita. Janganlah kerana ada segelintir yang sombong dan lupa diri, kamu tinggalkan kami.
Sekian sahaja komen saya.
Yours Respectfully,
If you still don’t understand then this one should do it..IT IS SELF EXPLANATORY!BTW this is a Singaporean blogger…
Is there racial discrimination in Singapore?
A personal opinion
Reading the doctoral thesis of Lily Zubaidah Rahim, The Singapore Dilemma, has made me think about the issue of racial discrimination.. The conspicuous absence of this book from the shelves of Singapore bookstores is yet another sad example of the practice of self-censorship among people running bookstores in Singapore. Our NUS Central Library is even cuter, the book is available only in the Singapore-Malaysia Collection and the ‘Closed Stacks’! Imagine, a book that was published in 1998 ending up in the Closed Stacks; what was that common NUS joke again about girls in their first year being like RBR books, girls in their second year being in the Main Shelves, and finally in the Closed Stacks when they are in their third year
//By sgstudent on August 6, 2009 11:55 PM
to Dr Mahathir//
dear sgstudent,
welcome to cyberjaya, malaySIA on:-
1. single out the male opponent (within your party).
2. put a man near your opponent
3. ask that same man to accuse your opponent of sodomy
4. put your opponent in jail
5. continue to rule the country
wait, doesn’t that story sound familiar?
Of course it is!! remember Mr Lee Hsien Loong?
that tactic is so popular its even adopted by the Singaporeans without realizing it.
Oh God, He did that to Hsien Loong. Cry Your Beloved Country because of shame in which Hanan does not know the darkest secret which is deeper than the DARK HOLE.
i really hope you see (and maybe address?) this.
mrs gump who has a son with IQ slightly below Singapore standard.
When it comes to education, as parent, I do not want to be lenient .It is after all my child
Salam kasih dan salam hormat Ayahanda Tun. Saya tertinggal satu fakta penting dalam komen terdahulu saya Ayahanda Tun. Mohon keizinan ruangan penambahan disini untuk komen terdahulu itu sedikit.
Penentangan Kerabat DiRaja Selangor pula terhadap agenda penjajahan asing keatas Tanah Melayu adalah apabila Belanda yang tidak berpuas hati dengan hanya menakluk Melaka telah mula berhasrat untuk memonopoli laluan rempah dan memperhambakan Melayu dilombong-lombong bijih awal Selangor. Namun Kerabat DiRaja Selangor, Almarhum Raja Haji (Fisabillilah) telah berjuang dengan Kerabat Diraja Pahang bersama lebih 3000 angkatan Hulubalang Melayu untuk mematahkan dan menamatkan penaklukkan 12 bulan Belanda ini. Hanya lebih kurang 200 tahun dahulu saja tanah laluan penuh sesak traffic-jam hari ini di Selangor pernah menyaksikan Melayu berjuang syahid bersama Raja mereka, mempertahankan Kedaulatan mereka bersama dengan Panji Kesultanan Melayu. Penentangan sengit ini telah memusnahkan dan menamatkan penjajahan Belanda di Selangor. Almarhum Raja Haji mangkat syahid dalam perjuangan ini dalam tahun 1784. Melayu moden hari ini perlu mengenali sejarah sebenar asal usul Kedaulatan Melayu kita. Barulah kita akan kenali diri kita semula.
Terima kasih Tun.
//By YSLim on August 7, 2009 11:44 AM
Dear Lim,
I sincerely hope that U will not end up as RAKYAT JADI LEBIH BLUR LAGI APABILA DI”BLUR”-KAN by Pulau Pinang, the Mutiara Timur.
A Special SMS message from Jay Chou (Chou “DongJiao” of Malaysian-Chinese School Association) to you.
Please sing with Jay Chou, the famous Taiwanese singer, his hit song “JiHua Tai”, theme song from “Curse Of The Golden Flower” and you will know the feel of being lonely just because U cannot read BM (Bahasa Mandarin).
//By rarunasalam on August 6, 2009 10:12 PM
do you realise why I keep refering to Tun M. “blind” supporters constantly…it’s because you measure success by merely looking at the amount of physical development that was introduced in a space of 22 years, instead of the goodwill and bilateral relationships that was maintained and repaired constantly during the period Tun M. was PM.
Good politics isn’t about just doing what’s right for one demographic because they are majority, but what’s important for the majority of the population.
Good governance isn’t about establishing various policing mechanisms, but instilling independant constitution and judicial branches so one supports the other, not influences it.
Good democracy isn’t about constantly stifling dissent, but about providing a platform where such dissent can be expressed responsibly.
And your description of Tun Abdullah as a person who “goes with the flow
Would you ever wonder why critics come in the first place before telling they are unpleasant for anyone?
assallammualaikum Tun,
sikap menunjuk nunjuk Datin Rosnah Mansor membuat rayat berbulu mata,lagi malang datang JOKER Datuk jj bertambah lagi rayat meluat dengan BN,entah apa nak jadi dengan nasib orang melayu hari ini, semuga dalam perhatian ALLAH hendak nya,yang merapu biar lah dia pergi dengan merapu nya jangan di jemput jemput lagi, dia dengan anuar ibrahim sejati sejiwa satu kepala.
Selamat Pagi Malaysia…
Rais persoal Melayu tidak pertahan institusi raja
04/08/2009 4:04pm
IPOH 4 Ogos – Menteri Penerangan, Komunikasi dan Kebudayaan, Datuk Seri Dr. Rais Yatim berkata, munculnya pihak yang tidak lagi beranggapan rakyat dan negara tertakluk kepada Raja Berpelembagaan dan tanggapan kononnya Malaysia sebuah negara
KUALA LUMPUR 6 Ogos – Raja Muda Perak, Raja Dr. Nazrin Shah hari ini mengingatkan rakyat khususnya orang Melayu mengenai tujuh wasiat raja-raja Melayu yang menjanjikan kesejahteraan, kedamaian dan keamanan jika mereka bersatu dan berpegang teguh kepadanya.
Wasiat yang disampaikan semasa raja-raja Melayu menurunkan tandatangan persetujuan pembentukan Perlembagaan Persekutuan Tanah Melayu pada 5 Ogos 1957 itu ialah:
* Kami namakan dan kami panggil akan dia, bumi yang kamu pijak dan langit yang kamu junjung Persekutuan Tanah Melayu (sekarang dikenali dengan nama Malaysia).
* Kami isytiharkan dan kami simpan untuk kamu dan kami benarkan kamu isytihar dan simpan untuk anak cucu kamu, selain gunung-ganang, tasik dan hutan simpan, Tanah simpanan Melayu sehingga nisbah 50 peratus, selebihnya kamu rebutlah bersama-sama kaum lain.
* Bagi menjaga kamu dan bagi melindungi anak cucu kami serta harta milik kamu, kami tubuhkan Rejiman Askar Melayu selain untuk membanteras kekacauan dalam negara dan ancaman dari luar negara.
* Kami kekalkan dan kami jamin kerajaan dan kedaulatan raja-raja Melayu memerintah negara ini.
* Kami isytiharkan Islam adalah agama Persekutuan
* Kami tetapkan bahasa kebangsaan ialah bahasa Melayu.
* Kami amanahkan dan kami pertanggungjawabkan kepada raja-raja Melayu untuk melindungi kedudukan istimewa orang Melayu dan kepentingan sah kaum-kaum lain (kemudian ditambah kedudukan istimewa anak negeri Sabah dan Sarawak).
Yes, I agree you made a lot of mistakes. And you continue to!
The Anak Bangsa Malaysia Movement is apolitical. It is for all Malaysians who see themselves as one!
You want to redeem yourself, sir. Go to its launching on the 16th September. Give it your utmost support. Even if all who you see there might be very much dead against you! You can buy your presence give it the the boost that it can do with as a movement of Malaysians wanting to be Malaysians and not Malays, Indians or Chinese or Others!!
Salam Tun,
Sharp, Tun, Very Sharp. 😉 SYABAS!
I love you as the leader of this small “KECOH tak-sedar-diri” country where Semua, after you resigned, SEBOK Nak Tunjuk terror macamlah diaorang saje yang tahu benda.
Majority mereka (those cina2 bukit/extremist DAP Especially; & the so-called “liberal” but actually SHALLOW Melayu2 PKR),
always excited Terlompat2 on EVERY little issue that touches this country’s MALAY Rights & ISLAM as The Religion here, (IE. just like in Thailand where Buddhism is The religion There) sebab betul2 NARROW-minded BODOH-SOMBONG Tak Pernah Nak Fikir in a bigger scale/Country-wise & country-Wide.
Sikitpun TIDAK PERNAH NAK IKHLAS Demi Negara MALAYsia ini (yep!… Majority Here are The MALAYS, just like those Chinese who’re the majority in China, or those Indians who’re the majority in India) => why can’t those dap Especially, accept this Simple & BASIC Fact?? are they just Too Bloody Arrogant & KIASU like their “boss” pap in Singapore whose No.1 Objective is Simply to DENY the Malays???
Have you compared yourselves to those Chinese here around ASEAN in Indonesia, Thailand, Philippines?? OBVIOUSLY Obnoxiously NEVER!…
Because of their humbleness to respect the pribumis there (just like ANY Civilized human Would Unselfishly do..), & over time, Basic Human Nature ALSO, the pribumis there have No Problems Whatsoever accepting them as their fellow citizens when they can See/Sense that the Pendatangs to their homeland, have showed their Humble love, respect & loyalty to their homeland/country.
Lastly, I am truly sincerely very grateful to Allah SWT for having such a very bright, sharp & smart, Malay Muslim like you here in MALAYsia, at this very moment of the Phase of our still considered “young” (for a country), Malaysia.
THANK YOU VERY, VERY MUCH, TUN and May Allah SWT Bless You and Your Loved Ones ALWAYS…….
Assalamualaikum Tun,
Everybody makes mistakes. The only thing that we can do is to learn from our mistakes and not to repeat the same thing again. I would appreciate if you and your family would be able to attend my wedding ceremony on the 08.08.2009. I have sent invitation card through pos ekspress on 17.07.2009 to your house. May Allah bless you..Asrul & Nadlin
Tun said :
“8. Maybe independence was a mistake also. How much better we would be under British rule. No one would be detained under the ISA. Everyone, Communists included, would be able ot speak their minds and contest in elections. Someone should be blamed for making the mistake of fighting for independence.”
I said :
Hahaha..Tun sarcasm people who involve in Anti-ISA reformation…especially the opposition…
Dear Tun,
Umno Youth may join Pas in rally
Sajahan Abdul Waheed
KUALA LUMPUR: Umno Youth may walk together with Selangor Pas
Youth in a rally tomorrow calling for Selangor executive councillor Ronnie Liu to be stripped of his local government portfolio.
Umno Youth executive council member Tengku Azman Tengku Zainol
Abidin, however, set a condition that Pas Youth must first obtain a police permit for the demonstration.
to Dr Mahathir
1. single out the male opponent (within your party).
2. put a man near your opponent
3. ask that same man to accuse your opponent of sodomy
4. put your opponent in jail
5. continue to rule the country
wait, doesn’t that story sound familiar?
Of course it is!! remember Anwar Ibrahim?
that tactic is so popular its even adopted by the current government!
i really hope you see (and maybe address?) this.
to JJJ:
so the article talks about offering more government scholarships to singaporean chinese than to the malays and indians. Apparently, a lot more scholarships are given to chinese students and the writer is upset cause he feel’s its biased and not an accurate reflection of the population make-up of Singapore.
JJJ, you can choose to look at it for 2 angles. One, the Singapore government is biased. It selects the scholarship holders based on skin colour and ethnicity.
the Chinese students who received the scholarships are academically bright and based on their records, they are worthy. It is unfair to deny them the scholarship just so to reflect the population make-up because 1. they have worked hard and deserve the scholarship, and 2. the purpose of these scholarships is to recruit the brightest students into the government so that the most capable may lead the country forward, and since the chinese students have shown they are capable, they are awarded the scholarships.
Look, JJJ, if the SG government is truly racist, it would have adopted Pro-chinese policies by giving them priority education, housing and jobs, like the bumiputra policy in malaysia. If the sg government were truly racist, why would they make it compulsory to include at least one minority-race candidate for groups running for election in the GRCs(group representation constituency)? why? because we are racist?
i doubt someone racist like you can understand the stuff i’ve just said. all the comments you have made seem to be directed at the chinese( chinese taking up scholarships, sg’s gov being pro chinese). Try to look at issues from other angles and correct your racist policies in malaysia before criticizing singapore. WAKE UP YOU ANTI-SEMITIC RACIST FOOL!!
Hanan i feel for you.
Salam kasih dan salam hormat Ayahanda Tun.
Saya tidak pernah mengambil “side” dalam politik tetapi semasa “surfing” sesuatu telah membuat saya terkejut dan hampa.
Tun, bolehkah saya dapat e-mail milik Tun, supaya apa yang saya tulis tidak dipostingkah.
Salam sekali lagi.
Dear JJJ
Why do you think there is a need to or rebutt Dr.Michael D. Barr’s article you quoted?
The answer you need to know regarding why malays does less well in Singapore, can be found in the article itself. It is not due to unlevel playing field (that btw, happens balantly in Malaysia and so please get off your high horses and realise that your four figures that are pointing back at yourself). You obviously need some help with this:
“Yet if Singapore
I am 100% agree with what leecampwin said.
Since u always criticize western developed nations.
Then, why u still send your children, grandsons to studying in western countries. (Your action of sending your children, grandsons and bumiputra to study in developed nations, like slapping your own face: bcos u ask for help from developed nations to help u train your people=> thus u owe the developed nations alot)
Wont u shy? if u keep on attacking western nations, but u had been pleading the developed nations to help u develop Malaysia like the MSC, and set up all the hi-tech companies around Malaysia.
You never say Thank you to USA, bcos without help from USA, Malaysia will be less developed, MSC will be failed.
MSC not yet getting successful in Malaysia, bcos not getting help from USA.
Dr Tun, if u don like western nations, u should stop sending Malaysian peoples studying in developed nations. Right?
do you realise why I keep refering to Tun M. “blind” supporters constantly…it’s because you measure success by merely looking at the amount of physical development that was introduced in a space of 22 years, instead of the goodwill and bilateral relationships that was maintained and repaired constantly during the period Tun M. was PM.
Good politics isn’t about just doing what’s right for one demographic because they are majority, but what’s important for the majority of the population.
Good governance isn’t about establishing various policing mechanisms, but instilling independant constitution and judicial branches so one supports the other, not influences it.
Good democracy isn’t about constantly stifling dissent, but about providing a platform where such dissent can be expressed responsibly.
And your description of Tun Abdullah as a person who “goes with the flow
Salam Tun..
For LeeCampWin
The government of Malaysia still sends students for overseas studies even till this very day. The beauty about this is the government do not saparate be it a BN supporter or PAS, DAP or even the blindfolded PKR supporters. We malaysians studying abroad to apply knowledge in back our own country in our own flavor. I am sorry that you are not one of them coz if you did..you would have spoken or at least written better english while blasting the ex PM.
my apologies to your Tun for my outspoken remarks in respect of the above. My doa and sincerest prayer that you continue this mission of leading we malaysians on the righteous path. wasallam
Firstly, this directed to a certain commenter here; Khairy Jamalludin is an individual who practices corruptions, caught while at it, tried and found guilty by UMNO but it was quickly sanctioned and endorsed by the then UMNO President Datuk Seri Abdullah Badawi, who eventually became the first Malaysian PM booted out respectfully out of office and who also happens to be Khairy
Saya setuju dengan cadangan Tun berhubung mungkin lebih baik jika negara ini tidak merdeka dan kita hidup dengan aman damai di bawah pemerintahan British.
Seperti kata Tun, di bawah pemerintahan British, tidak ada ISA, sesiapa sahaja boleh bersuara termasuk menghina bangsa sendiri asalkan yang dikritik bukan diri sendiri.
Buat apa ada ISA, apa salah kalau kaum lain menghina bangsa Melayu dan institusi raja kerana di bawah sistem demokrasi yang diperkenalkan British, itu adalah kebebasan bersuara.
Di bawah beradaban British, bangsa Melayu tidak boleh menghina kaum lain kerana bercanggah dengan ketamadunan manusia dan dianggap rasis.
Di bawah pemerintahan British juga, orang Melayu akan lebih senang, tidak perlu pergi bekerja dan duduk diam-diam dengan senang dan damai di kampung-kampung di ceruk pedalaman.
Di kampung semua ada, ikan boleh dikail dari sungai, sayur paku, pucuk ubi sentiasa ada dan setahun sekali durian akan runtuh dengan lebatnya.
Di kampung juga suasana sentiasa aman dan damai, kita boleh tidur dengan lena tidak hiruk pikuk seperti di bandar yang sentiasa bising.
Biarlah di bandar dihuni oleh kaum lain sahaja kerana mereka lebih pandai berniaga daripada orang Melayu.
Di bawah pemerintahan British, orang Melayu tidak perlu pandai, tak perlu pergi belajar hingga ke institusi pengajian tinggi dan cukup sekadar belajar di pondok daripada tok guru-tok guru sahaja.
Buat apa kita belajar tinggi-tinggi, orang Melayu bukan pandai mengira untuk berniaga atau membeli saham.
Orang Melayu juga tidak perlu runsing mengenai kos pendidikan anak dan tidak perlu bersaing dengan kaum lain bagi mendapatkan biasiswa kerajaan.
Kerajaan British juga tidak perlu membelanjakan wang yang banyak membina institusi pengajian tinggi khusus untuk orang Melayu kerana pemimpin-pemimpin kita kata tidak sihat pelajar Melayu belajar dalam kelompok mereka sahaja kerana tiada saingan dengan kaum lain.
Orang Melayu juga tidak perlu tahu politik kerana mereka boleh memilih seorang pemimpin yang petah berpidato untuk mewakili dan membela nasib mereka.
Jika pemimpin yang petah berpidato ini suruh kita berhimpun, kita berhimpunlah, begitu juga jika disuruh berdemonstrasi apabila harga durian di kampung jatuh kita patuhlah arahan pemimpin ini.
Orang Melayu tidak perlu pening kepala berpolitik seperti yang berlaku sekarang ini, kita serahkan sahaja nasib kita kepada pemimpin yang petah berpidato dan ikut sahajalah belakang pemimpin ini.
Bangsa Melayu juga tidak perlu pening memperjuangkan nasib bangsa mereka kerana kerajaan British memberi jaminan nasib semua kaum akan dibela sama rata.
Kita serahkan sahaja nasib dan masa hadapan kita bulat-bulat kepada pemimpin politik yang petah berpidato dan tok guru-tok guru yang mengajar kita bahawa bangsa dan warna kulit tidak penting tetapi yang penting adalah agama.
Selain itu, bangsa Melayu tidak perlu pening kepala menguruskan ekonomi negara dan kita serahkan sahaja kepada kerajaan British untuk menguruskan ekonomi negara ini.
Apabila berlaku krisis ekonomi, kita tidak perlu risau dan pening kepala kerana kita cuma perlu ada pemimpin yang petah berpidato dan serahkan kepada beliau untuk mendapatkan nasihat kepada pemerintah British bagaimana hendak mengatasi masalah ekonomi.
Jika nasihat daripada pemerintah British masih tidak mencukupi untuk menangani krisis ekonomi negara, kita serahkan kepada pemimpin kita yang petah berpidato mendapatkan nasihat tambahan pula daripada Kerajaan Amerika Syarikat.
Apabila kerajaan British atau AS kata kita perlu menjual kedai atau perniagaan kita (jika ada) dengan harga yang lebih rendah daripada pasaran bagi mengatasi krisis ekonomi, kita juallah, kita patuh sahaja.
Tun, saya ada satu teori ekonomi yang ingin saya kongsi bersama pemimpin-pemimpin politik kita.
Apa kata jika kita beri bil air percuma selama 100 tahun kepada pengguna di bandar bagi memikat hati mereka?
Dalam masa yang sama kita hentikan bekalan air di kawasan pedalaman kerana orang kampung ada sungai dan perigi untuk mendapatkan bekalan air.
Jika kerajaan British yang memerintah kita kekurangan hasil negara, kita serahkan sahaja wang kutipan zakat kita untuk pembangunan negara.
Kepada golongan fakir yang memerlukan bantuan zakat, kita kelentonglah sedikit, kita kata bagaimana hendak menyalurkan bantuan kepada golongan ini jika tiada jambatan dibina untuk sampai ke kawasan pedalaman?
Pandai tak saya Tun? Tidak perlu belajar tinggi ekonomi sehingga sampai ke Harvard?
Tun, bagi saya sebarang kesilapan yang Tun lakukan adalah kecil jika dibandingkan dengan sumbangan Tun terhadap bangsa, agama dan negara.
Hanya rakyat marhaen yang kerdil seperti saya tahu menghargai jasa dan sumbangan Tun terhadap negara.
Kesilapan besar Tun semasa menjadi PM hanya satu, iaitu tersalah pilih pengganti yang dinamik seperti Tun yang tahu menghargai nasib bangsa Melayu di negara ini.
Selain itu, saya tidak setuju dengan dasar ‘prosper thy neighbour’ yang Tun canangkan kerana pada zaman serba canggih ini, Tun sendiri mengajar kami supaya sentiasa berdaya maju untuk bersaing di arena antarabangsa.
Akhir kata Tun, terima kasih kerana sudi menumpangkan bahu Tun sebagai tempat untuk saya menangis mengenangkan nasib bangsa Melayu.
Salam Tun.
Dearest Tun,
Please allow me to make some comments:-
“I have come to the conclusion that only a leader who dares to take the challenge and be criticized will operate this kind of blog” – Tahniah to Tun.
And Dear Tun, I salute your courage to allow both supportive and opposing views in your blog. If the southern neighbor dares to take the challenge, please do so. I would love to make comments on LKY’s blog.
To Muthu,
Please ask the Chinese and Indian to do away with their vernacular school and accept a 1 National School System – Sekolah Kebangsaan for the sake national unity, before blaming Tun or any of the Malays on race politics. In my believe, race politics have been part of the success factors for the country’s well-being today. It was the key formula for achieving independence from the British. Please do some reading and re-think.
To Hannan,
Please excuse Zul81 but the situation that the Muslims face today is, taking Malaysia as an example, majority of us fails to understand the difference between Jewish and Zionist. Do you regards them as one or separate? In Iran, the Jewish settlers are represented in the parliament and their rights are protected under the Constitution. They live happily with the Muslim and have no intention to leave Iran because of the protection that they have been accorded to them. Histories have countless examples that Muslim Rulers have never been cruel and unfair to their Non-Muslim subjects. Unlike otherwise, the Muslims have always been the subject of their ridicule. Palestine is the best example.
Though most of the criminals in Palestine are done by the Zionists (based on my limited knowledge, pardon me of any inaccuracy) the Muslims generally accept Zionists and Jewish as one. This is because the Quran refers both as Jewish. So, please apologize if some of us were very emotional when it comes to the Palestine issues.
If I may add further, if you believe that we are truly brothers as we pray to the same God, Allah swt, you have all the reasons to embrace Islam as this is the final gift from Allah swt to mankind. Then, there will be no more quarel between the Jewish and Muslims.
I would love to accept you as my Muslim brother.
To Onlooker,
I’m sad to note that you are using the Prophet’s Last Sermon as a basis to claim that the NEP is a racist policy.
Please consider this.
If the NEP has resulted in transforming the society into practicing a caste system based on color and rank, then I can fully agree with you.
The intention of NEP is NOT to enforce unfair sharing of the economy’s cake. The Malays being the pribumi with majority population were deprived from equal competition and are generally poor. So, the Govt has to do something as Malays are the Pribumi. I believe had the Government failed to address the situation, we would have a prolong May 13. Since the days of Hang Tuah, history has related AMOK to the Malays. The only Malay word in an English dictionary.
So, don’t you think with NEP, the Government has managed to transformed the country into a peaceful living place for everyone to live and make money. That being the case, what justification do we have to say the NEP is a racist policy when it is the key factor for stability, peacefulness and survival. Where do you park your money! In ASB? Tabung Haji? Where do you send your children to learn? ITM? UKM? UPM? USM? Aren’t these part of the NEP policy to build up the society especially the Malays’ economy.
Please re-think and do not observe the verses from a shallow perspective.
To Bubbles,
I support you.
selamat petang malaysia…
petang ni saya nak share sikit kisah silam dan suram Anwar Ibrahim sewaktu dia menjadi anggota kabinet, menteri dan TPM sewaktu dulu…cerita ini mungkin generasi sekarang tidak tahu dan mungkin telah diselewengkan supaya jadi sedap dan kesian bila didengar dan diceritakan. kebanyakkan cerita yang akan diceritakan ini diambil dari petikan cerita pada buku bertajuk ANWAR IBRAHIM ANTARA NAWAITU DAN PESTA BORIA tulisan saudara Yahaya Ismail, anak Perak yang sanggup menentang arus kerana memburu kebenaran dan keadilan.
Buku ini diterbitkan pada bulan April tahun 1993 pada waktu kemuncak kempen Pemilihan Majlis Tertinggi UMNO dan ia laris dijual di PWTC Book Exhibition, Ogos tahun 1993. Pada saudara Yahaya Ismail sekeluarga dan rakan taulan beliau, saya memohon izin dan maafkan saya kerana memetik beberapa fakta dan cerita menarik di dalam buku ini.
Rasionalnya adalah kerana saya terpanggil untuk berkongsi sedikit pengetahuan yang sepatutnya generasi sekarang ini perlu tahu dan waspada supaya tidak mudah untuk terpedaya dengan ucapan, saranan, rayuan, pujukan, cadangan dan cerita didalam ceramah atau perhimpunan yang penuh dengan sandiwara dan lenggok bahasa yang penuh dengan muslihat terselindung.
Anak-anak Malaysia zaman sekarang mudah terpedaya dan senang diperdayakan dengan kata-kata yang lunak tetapi kosong isinya dan kering idea bernasnya. Apatah lagi bila diselit dengan cara dan gaya pidato yang keletah, memukau dan penuh beremosi maka perasaan para pendengar dan penonton akan mudah lagi diresapi. Ini cukup bahaya…kerana yang datang untuk mendengar tidak membuat ulangkaji dan kajian terlebih dahulu tentang sesuatu isu itu…percaya dan menerima bulat2 apa yang disampaikan sehinggakan terlopong mulut dibuatnya…
kerana santan pulut binasa, kerana mulut negara binasa…
Anwar Ibrahim pernah ditahan dibawah ISA bersama-sama Prof. Syed Hussein Ali, Kasim Ahmad, Ibrahim Ali dan beberapa org lagi pemimpin pelajar, akademik dan politik di kamunting pada tahun 1974 kerana mengadakan tunjuk perasaan secara haram di ibu negara dalam peristiwa protes nasib penduduk miskin Baling, Kedah.
Keluar ISA, beliau jadi wira kepada penyokongnya didalam ABIM, di kampus-kampus dalam dan luar negara dan beliau tetap meneruskan peranannya untuk menentang arus.
Akta Universiti dan Maktab dilaksanakan pada tahun 1974.
Sanggup menggunakan pentas PAS pada waktu itu untuk terus menerus menyerang kerajaan BN.
Pada pilihanraya 1978, Anwar sekali lagi terus menerus menggayang pemerintahan BN dari Pentas PAS di Kelantan.
Lulus pengajian di UM dari jabatan pengajian melayu, setelah mengulangi pengajian setahun lagi akibat gagal dalam peperiksaan sebelum itu.
Tokoh UMNO yang menggesa Presiden parti untuk memujuk Anwar Ibrahim menyertai UMNO adalah Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah.
Tokoh yang memujuk dan berkempen kuat untuk menarik Anwar ke UMNO pada waktu itu adalah saudara Ibrahim Ali.
Semasa didalam UMNO, Anwar gagal untuk menarik para cendiakawan dan ahli ABIM untuk menyertai UMNO, sebabnya mereka berasa kesal terhadap sikap politik serta prinsip perjuangan Anwar yg telah dikatakan menyeleweng dari semangat Islam yang sebenar. Dulu beliau bercakap atas prinsip islam, perjuangan mencari keredhaan Allah dan Islam sebagai Addin tetapi kini beliau lebih menekankan soal kepentingan parti, negara serta sanggup memejamkan mata menumpulkan matahati terhadap kemungkaran yg berlaku sekitar dunia politiknya.
Anwar juga GAGAL samasekali dalam menjadikan Yayasan Anda yang dahulunya terletak di rumah kedai berhampiran dengan Balai Bomba Lembah Pantai sebagai sebuah model pusat pendidikan Melayu yg progresif, maju dan membanggakan masyarakat terutamanya untuk bangsa Melayu sendiri. Yayasan Anda terus kekal sebagai sebuah pusat tuisyen biasa walhal bekas pengetuanya yakni Anwar Ibrahim pernah dilantik menjadi Menteri Pendidikan sewaktu itu.
Beliau hanya seronok memberi kebenaran membuka dan menggalakan penubuhan kolej swasta yang kebanyakkan dimiliki oleh bukan bumiputera dan “twinning programme” antara kolej tempatan dengan universiti luar negara dari merancangkan sesuatu usaha yang konkrit untuk kepentingan bangsa Melayu sendiri sebagai contoh kepada bangsa lain. Sikap Anwar samalah seperti dengan kera dihutan disusui, anak dipangkuan ditinggalkan.
Beliau juga telah menyalahgunakan Institut Aminuddin Baki di Genting Highlands sebagai markas atau kem politiknya. Digunakan sebagai tempat pertemuan dan mesyuarat memancing sokongan dari kalangan peserta kursus yg kebanyakkannya terdiri dari guru dan pegawai kementerian pelajaran sewaktu beliau menjawat jawatan menteri pelajaran. Mereka yang sanggup mengampu dan berkempen untuknya akan diberi layanan istimewa dengan habuan kenaikan pangkat secara mendadak biarpun ada yang melangkaui beberapa pegawai yang lebih kanan dikalangan mereka ini. Akibatnya timbul berbagai puak dan team di kalangan pegawai2 kementerian sehinggakan menjejaskan mutu kerja mereka.
Disini sahaja kita sudah boleh melihat bagaimana cara Anwar Ibrahim memainkan tabla dan rentak tempo politiknya…sanggup memecahbelahkan manusia dan negara demi mainan dan tarian politiknya. Sekarang ia masih berlaku lagi dan kali ini ia belaku lebih dasyat lagi…ramai yang terjebak ikut menari sama dalam boria menuruti lagu yang sedang didendangkan beliau.
Anwar juga demi muslihat gelap politik dan kepentingan diri, tidak pernah menjauhkan diri daripada segala kegiatan yang berbau dan dan berunsur Islam. Disamping itu juga beliau mendampingi kaum penulis,cendiakawan, wartawan-wartawan yang bertaraf cendawan serta hartawan yang ampu-ampuan untuk mendapatkan sokongan dan tunjangan daripada golongan tersebut.
Lihatlah dan ketahuilah bagaimana beliau dan matnyeh-matnyeh beliau merencanakan perjalanan dunia politiknya…banyak yang telah jadi mangsa dan ramai lagi yang bakal jadi mangsa. Anwar Ibrahim hanya layak dikenali sebagai pelakon politik yang cukup licik dan pandai berkata-kata…dan ingatlah bahawasanya manusia yang pandai berkata-kata adalah cukup lebih bahaya daripada tajamnya mata sebilah pisau.
Terima kasih.
Dear Hanan,Jewish
I`m really sorry if you irritated with the comment that i was posted.
Many people includding myseft believe that Jewish are intellegent and smart folk. This is not come by naturality or gift from the God but through Jewish cultural,diet and emphasis to the education since they growing in the fetus stage. I dont know its true or not, a story of one Jewish ante natal mother during her prangnancy , she and her spouse will do calculus and mathematic solution together just for stimulate intellegent of their baby.
I very proud having an intelligent and smart leader like Dr Mahathir. A western man describe the intellegent of Dr Mahathir with to word that I have posted before and make you mad.
Maybe u proud to your Bibi @ Benjamin Netanyahu.
Syallom to u.
Salam YAB Tun,
A man who understands condemns nothing; there is no need. He can even use poison as a medicine because he knows. Everything can be used creatively.
The moment you accept your heritage, the moment you accept your past, the future becomes an opening.
When the real asserts itself, the false disappears. Only when the real goes back underground does the false come again.
To create an illusion is easy, but to create a reality is a difficult task, it is arduous. But once you have created something with real energies, your structure cannot be shattered.
i always believe in NIAT
if one NIAT is pure and good then all work out just fine
prob is that in politics… all ‘show’ good niat but not much in monitoring the implementations and follow ups…
with regards to yr new post my dear Tun…
reverse psychology always works:)
sheikh faleigh
Dear Dr. M,
I was speechless when I noted that you had actually published my harsh comment on this issue. I feel ambarressed… because I thought you would just throw away my comments. Never had I imagined that one day my commment would find some space in your blog. Ok, next time I will fine-tune my words and expressions to that my comment will sound more civilised and constructive ones, rather than emotional/irritating comments.
Anyway Tun, this is how I feel about the political senario in Malaysia right now. Opposition looks set to take the country in the next general election because people at large will have to choose between having a corrupt government led my UMNO, or a government with islamic values which is perceived less currupt. I think DAP and PKR will have to budge to PAS’s demand eventually because otherwise they will lose PAS (And losing PAS is the end of road for BA- we all know that). When that happens, I think come next election, the muslims and non muslims’ choice are obvious… though some non muslim dont like the islamization is Malaysia, they will have to chose BA because BN is not trusted anymore. Between corrupt government and islamic influenced govenment, people will definitely go for the later.
Apparently situations have changed. People are more elert of their rights and news of wrong doings by politicians cannot be swept under the carpet anymore. Just read the articles about MAS in Malaysia-Today. It is impossible not to feel disgusted… but then Tun, it happnened during your time?! So, when you talked about how corrupt Abdullah’s administration was, one cannot help but feel now how much more terrible the corruption during your time. It looks to me now that you have lost your moral grounds to criticise anyone as corrupt because what happened to MAS could be the mother of all corruption!
Now, in good faith I try to convince myself that you were not aware of what happened to MAS and accordingly agreed to buy the MAS’s shares. I try to convince myself that this is one of “those mistakes” you admitted you have committed made during your time… but Tun, I can never convince myself that a PM of your reputation were not aware of the evil deeds made by these individuals.
Having said that… what hope ONE MALAYSIA CONCEPT promulgated by Najib will succeed? Tun, I sense it is too little, too unconvincing. And Najib has got an extra beggage too who is wildly known as the President of Malaysia. Never has a wife of the previous PMs get involved so much in the life of her husband’s politics- this is a new precedent. And it does not help Najib at all. Sigh… I will not blame you if you see, there is no hope for BN in the next GE. Well, indeed… no good and effective ideas so far given by Najib. I think you would agree that Razali Hamzah (sorry, I am not quite sure how to spell his name correctly) would be a better PM under the current situations.
Salam to respected Tun and fellow readers,
I am neither an UMNO member nor any political party. Call me
Salam buat Tun
Negara demokrasi, begitulah acuannya. Ada pemerintah maka dah pasti ada pembangkangnya.Kalau pemerintah jadi pembangkang suatu hari nanti dan sebaliknya pun begitu jua senarionya.Cuma dengan harapan apabila jadi pemerintah kena ingat ‘kuasa’ yang diberikan oleh rakyat akan dipersoalkan. Kalau asas agama dlm diri terabai..pasti hanya jadi ‘orang hebat’ dan berkuasa saja tapi kosong…!!! Saya tak berminat nak mengampu atau menghentam sesiapa.
Salam buat semua.
Good health to u Tun,
I didn’t get the message. If you’ve made mistakes, let’s share with us so that Malaysia will learn. Especially, when u r seeing one now. Don’t just cry for M’sia. Do something!!
Be honest and respect equal right for all.
To all bloggers who support to have 2 major parties in Malaysia. Think about it before you vote!!!!
//Democracy is two wolves and a lamb deciding what to have for dinner. Liberty is a well-armed lamb”. ~Benjamin Franklin//
Good day Ayahanda, and by the way, Tun Dr M. Mohamad did mention in his earlier articles in March or April 2008 on there is Govern-ment under RUKUN Negara if they Govern-Ment to make them richer, and the rakyat will only be the Lambs as their dinners.
A’kum Y.A.Bhg Tun,
YAB TS MY – our beloved TPM nak di saman oleh DSAI..biaq pi lah itu hak dia..tapi kena ingat sama, hak orang lain pun ada juga..respect lah..Seingat saya YAB TPM ada tanggungjawab atas jawatannya untuk beritahu rakyat apa yang sebenarnya dilakukan oleh DSAI..untuk kebaikan semua..tidak ada mala fide..apa yang sebenarnya berlaku jika diberitahu..itu bukan slander..rakyat berhak tahu perkara sebenarnya..hak untuk mendapat maklumat sebenar pun kena dipertahankan juga..termasuk juga dalam fundamental liberty..tak tau lah kot2 Majlis Pengadang(Bar) tak setuju..selalunya dia ada pandangan yang against kaum kita Tun.
Kaum kita sudah dijadikan alat untuk potong kita..apa nak jadi ..tolong Tun..Wassalam.
Assalamualaikum Tun,
Pertamanya saya tidak berkecil hati jika tulisan saya ini tidak mendapat tempat di ruangan ini, kerana agak keterlaluan. Sekurang -kurangnya ia telah dikeluarkan dari tekanan emosi saya.
Anak kecil saya turut melihat paparan di TV tentang demonstasi Sabtu lepas di sekitar JTAR, KL. Pertanyaan beliau mengingatkan saya tentang satu drama barat yang ditayangkan semula lewat malam di TV2 beberapa bulan yang lepas, bagaimana sekumpulan ‘cowboy’ mengarak/mengawasi lembu-lembu dengan menunggang kuda dan bersenjatakan ‘rifle’ serta ‘pistol’. “High Chaparal” jangan samakan dengan Kampung Buah Pala.
Begitu juga pihak berkuasa kita dengan menaiki kenderaan maupun berjalan kaki lengkap bersenjata, mengarak/mengawasi satu kumpulan manusia lelaki dan perempuan yang tak mahu faham akan arahan kerajaan yang memerintah maupun pihak yang menjaga keamanan. Pada hemat saya lembu-lembu yang tidak berakal serta tidak pernah ke sekolah, lebih memahami arahan berbanding kumpulan manusia di atas. Saya anggap kumpulan manusia tersebut lebih bodoh sedikit dari lembu-lembu berkenaan.
Pasukan keamanan nampaknya lebih bertoleransi serta amat berhemah. Apakah ini satu kelemahan pasukan keamanan kita?. Jika seekor lembu berkeliaran berjaya ditangkap oleh PBT, kos untuk menebus semula lembu berkenaan tidak kurang dari RM200.00 yang terpaksa ditanggung oleh pemiliknya. Bayangkan lebih 500 orang yang berjaya ditahan, sudah tentu nilainya boleh menampung kos kerugian peniaga sekitar kawasan berkenaan dan tidak perlu ke mahkamah unuk membuat tuntutan.
Jika para pemimpin pembangkang yang berhajat besar untuk menyampaikan memorundum ke Istana Negara, kenapa tidak gunakan syarikat perkhidmatan penghantaran laju yang banyak di negara kita ini, malah lebih cepat dan ‘documented’. Tetapi ada niat di dalam hati yang lebih busuk dari bangkai manusia, untuk mencari kelemahan pihak berkuasa serta kerajaan yang menanganinya bagi paparan serta ejekan dunia luar.
Allah SWT lebih mengetahui apa-apa yang di dalam hati hambanya, dan telah berpesan agar tidak membuat kerosakan, tetapi hambanya yang digelar tuan guru, ustaz dan berbagai lagi lebih rela “derhaka” dari hilang sedikit kelebihan dunia. MASYAALLAH. Ramai pula pengikut yang buta batinnya.
Suatu ketika dahulu saya rasa sebahagian besar rakyat negara ini ke sekolah, dimana perlunya memakai pakaian seragam serta mengikuti segala panduan,arahan dan peraturan yang dibuat oleh manusia. Mengapakah kumpulan manusia ‘Sabtu’ lepas tidak boleh menurut arahan yang telah ditetapkan oleh pemerintah maupun pihak keselamatan sedangkan telah dipaparkan diseluruh media massa?. Jadi benarlah bahawa kumpulan manusia berkenaan bersamaan dengan …..
Tak guna diberi nasihat kepada pemimpin pembangkang ini kerana mereka tidak pernah menerima nasihat bahkan merasakan diri mereka lebih suci sehingga ada yang pernah melontarkan ‘fatwa’ kejam dan songsang kepada saudara seagamanya sedikit masa dahulu. Allah SWT menjanjikan ‘syurga’ kepada hambanya yang terpilih. Ada yang ‘perasan’agaknya.
Kepada Ketua Pembangkang, cukup-cukuplah… Saiful berani angkat sumpah laknat menandakan kebenaran, anda bila lagi.. tak berani kot. Di dunia ini boleh lah main wayang, besok dekat sana apa macam…
Apa pandangan ‘blogger’ semua jika peserta perhimpunan ‘haram’ selepas ini digelar sebagai LEMBU. Setuju/tak setuju.
Memang pemimpin ada melakukan kesilapan, tetapi bagaimanakah untuk tidak melakukan kesilapan seterusnya?. Saya rasa ambil sedikit masa untuk bermuzakarah dahulu dengan panel penasihat sebelum mambuat keputusan yang mungkin tidak ‘popular’. Mungkin Tun dahulu ramai penasihatnya.
Assalamalaikum Tun,
Selagi ahli politik melayu korup selagi itulah bangsa melayu akan ditindas, dilabel sebagai rasis dan bermacam-macam tuduhan yang dilemparkan oleh kaum lain.
Yang peliknya, kenapa pada perhimpunan mansuhkan ISA pada 1 Ogos baru baru ini hanya orang melayu sahaja yang memprotes. Apa sudah jadi?? Mana Hindraf?? Mana DAP??? kesimpulannya melayu telah dimanupulasikan oleh kaum lain demi agenda politik mereka.
Apakah mereka tidak sedar, selepas pemerintahan Tun, kaum cina dan india mula menunjukkan taring sebenar mereka. Alasan mereka kebebasan bersuara dan hak asasi.
Mereka semakin berani mencabar kesabaran orang melayu. Malah akhbar arus perdana melayu semacam bersekongkol dengan mereka dengan mengapi-apikan lagi kaum melayu.
Kesilapan yang amat besarnya disini adalah pemimpin melayu yang ada sekarang ini adalah bacul dan mementingkan kedudukan sendiri demi kemewahan dan kekayaan peribadi. Pemimpin melayu hanya tahu berkokok tetapi punggung belumuran najis.
Tetapi saya amat terkejut kerana Ketua Pemuda UMNO yang sememangnya dibenci oleh seluruh rakyat Malaysia berani bersuara mempertahankan ISA. Syabas Bro. Pemimpin melayu yang lebih senior kenapa diam sahaja. Nak tunggu wahyu baru berani bersuara?
Sekian wasalam.
Seremban 060709
Entahla Tun…
Kadang-kadang rasa macam kenapa perlu patriotik sampai jadi penghancur negara sendiri pula. Saya pun dah tidak kisah sangat, apa nak jadi pun jadila. Saya jaga orang lain hancurkan. Kalau beginilah keadaan dan berterusan, saya tidak mahu menaruh apa-apa harapan. Dari jaga hati orang lain sibuk pasal orang lain, baik saya jaga diri sendiri majukan diri.
Pemimpin? Adalah yang berkemampuan, tapi bukan semua yang berkemampuan, buat kerja. Ada juga yang langsung tidak layak tapi diundi pengundi juga. Mentaliti politik semata-mata tanpa kemampuan, hairan macammana politik sekarang. Rasa macam saya sedikit demi sedikit, saya rakyat dipimpin oleh orang yang tidak pandai langsung.
Tapi hendak buat macam mana, orang-orang macam itu sahaja yang berani masuk politik.
Bagi saya? Saya tidak setia/obses pada mana-mana parti politik semata-mata. Saya lihat siapa pemimpin, dan apa kemampuan dia (Pelajaran/Sikap/semuala) termasuk keupayaan dan sokongan keatas bakal pemimpin sebelum ini.
Isu pelajaran budak sekolah rendah pun macam tidak berapa hendak lepas, inikan pula menstabilkan negara dan lebih lagi memajukan negara. Negara kita nampak hebat, namun sejak akhir-akhir ini kita macam ditinggalkan jauh oleh Singapura. Kalau fikir balik, singapura lagi aman walaupun minoriti tidak dapat bersuara.
Pasal demonstrasi, kita berdemonstari gaya negara yang selalu berpecah mundur. Tahu sendirilah negara mana kita tiru. Di negara maju, mereka selalu juga demonstrasi (Hak kemanusiaan, Alam Sekitar, Haiwan, Hak wanita), untuk suara didengar bukan untuk jadi samseng lontar batu semua.
Di negara kita, orang yang selalu cakap agama, orang tu la yang kahwin sampai empat, orang macam ni la yang ramai terpesong, yang sekejap sebut tuhan sekejap guna bahasa kesat kuat-kuat laungnya. Kuat agama ikut adat, bukan ikut kitab.
Lagi? Saya tinggal di bumi, bukan Malaysia sahaja. Dunia ini luas, kenapa saya perlu disekat oleh sempadan politik dan terus binasa jika tempat saya sendiri makin jijik tidak terkawal. Saya sayangkan tanaha air, namun sekarang saya ada rasa sedikit malu hendak menyebut Malaysia.
Biarlah saya merantau (sesuai ke perkataan merantau? bukankah sekarang dah global? Bumi rumah saya) sehingga saya bersedia pulang dengan bangga dapat pulang ke tanah merdeka suci indah diimpikan semua.
PS: Kalau saya pulang tapi kepala cedera dilontar batu, baik saya patah kembali keluar negara. Kata pepatah, “Hujan emas di negeri orang, hujan batu di negeri sendiri. Baik lagi di negeri sendiri” agak tidak berapa sesuai sudah sekarang. Nak terima pun serba salah, tidak mahu terima pun serba salah. Nasib sayalah, lahir di Malaysia. Sayang negara tapi mungkin ada hadnya. Saya bukan pejuang politik tanah air.
“Saya cuma sayangkan negara. Tapi negara tidak sayangkan saya.”
Salam Tun DM;
Thanks for the million dollar views you have done.
I believed a lot of people will learn from your past experiences by reading your articles. You are sincere through writing and inspired a lot of people.
I was thinking that sometime it is good to be criticised in order to improve ourself where there is something we might not realised our mistake. It is how we take it and adopt. Honestly, I have no doubt at all with your writing.
Thanks again.
I heard from some UMNO peoples that UMNO grassroots not like u anymore because u are from old era politician. Malaysian peoples cannot criticize your opinions is because you are ex-PM of Malaysia, not because you are Tun Dr. Mahathir.
Since u always criticize western developed nations.
Then, why u still send your children, grandsons to studying in western countries. (Your action of sending your children, grandsons and bumiputra to study in developed nations, like slapping your own face: bcos u ask for help from developed nations to help u train your people=> thus u owe the developed nations alot)
Wont u shy? if u keep on attacking western nations, but u had been pleading the developed nations to help u develop Malaysia like the MSC, and set up all the hi-tech companies around Malaysia.
You never say Thank you to USA, bcos without help from USA, Malaysia will be less developed, MSC will be failed.
MSC not yet getting successful in Malaysia, bcos not getting help from USA.
Dr Tun, if u don like western nations, u should stop sending Malaysian peoples studying in developed nations. Right?
Salam Tun,
Saja ambil kesempatan untuk komen dari pandangan peribadi saya berhubung isteri YAB PM yang telah ada sebuah laman web khas untuk beliau. Saya berpandangan adalah lebih baik kalau semua menteri dan timbalan menteri mempunyai laman web yang sedemikian. Bagaimanapun untuk isteri Perdana Menteri mempunyai laman web yang menggunakan link kepada kerajaan (maksud saya “gov.my”)???? Saya tak faham kenapa. Kenapa?? Beliau ni anggota kerajaan ke?? Lebih baik beliau menggunakan facebook ke atau twitter ke.
Apa pandangan Tun?
You can muzzle your critics but for how long ? Time waits for no man which means that sooner or later you have to change with time. How long is Aung San Suu Kyi going to be kept under house arrest ? Even if it is forever, there will come a time when the frustration will burst. As an ordinary person, one is subjected to criticism. What more to say for one who is well known ? The teaching is that it is better to give a constructive criticism. But some people are unable to take even the constructive, positive criticism. It depends on who that person is. That is why there is a need for emotional quotient. Choose the correct words. Use the correct body language. Act when the time is right. If Malaysia wishes to keep up with the rest of the developed world, she has to change and nobody likes to move away from the comfort zone. If she keeps holding onto traditions, then there will not be much change. Change does not mean physical change alone. Also the changes to one’s way of thinking. Malaysia is still a blessed country and will continue to be blessed. It is the people who have to know what to do with the blessing. God gives many people voices because He wants them to express themselves so that there is a form of communication between Him and His created ones.
Dear Tun,
It is not that Malaysia has been misruled every single minute since independence. It is just that BN, having been given too long a period to rule, begins to feel that it is the lord of the people and can treat the people as it pleases.
You are absolutely right Tun. Of course, anyone or any party in such a position will also commit the same mistakes. Pakatan Rakyat, the Conservative Party, Labour, Demccrats, Republicans etc would also become like BN if they remained too long in power.
That is why I feel it is important to have a two party system. So that no party gets to be in power for too long to the extent that it turns into the tyrant that BN has become.
On being criticised, certainly I, as a critic, have committed many mistakes myself. And let me be clear that I can never be a brilliant PM like yourself. However, as a feeble rakyat, speaking out against wrongdoings by my government is my right, nay my duty. And it is the duty of my government to listen to my criticism even if it does not like it.
rakyat sekalian, marilah kita menjadi dewasa. Menjaga negara ini adalah keutamaan kita. Memahami helah dan taktik pengkhianat bangsa adalah senjata kita. Masa yang berlalu tidak akan diperolehi kembali. Allah selamatkan malaysia dari tangan-tangan perosak.
Always with you and your view my dear Tun…
Dear Tun,
Tell me ……….
1) Why is everyone angry with the Opposition Parties????
2) Why no one ask what make the Opposition Parties strong???
3) Why the Opposition Parties has been well accepted by more and more people?
The answers are very simple:
Once I had a buddy. He used to be easy going + simple guy / humble. After he joined UMNO Youth and appointed as Secretary for his branch, his attitude change over night! The last time I met him, he passed to me his business card not from his current employment but from UMNO!!!! Telling me he got this project that project and the way he speak was fantastically arrogant!!!! From that day onwards, I had lost a friend!
THIS is the main reason WHY the Opposition Parties are getting popular! Sekarang join member dalam komponen BN hanya untuk KUASA & WANG saja bukan untuk RAKYAT. Dalam mentality mereka, serving the RAKYAT is secondary … main purpose … POWER + MONEY!!! Siapa nak cepat kaya, masuk parti UMNO, minimum 3 tahun you can be a berjuta-jutawan. Looked at K.T, just a dentist then jadi MB, his ISTANA bukan main besar lagi and kata rumah tu hanya RM1 juta saja. OK can I pay 100% more then what you claim that the value of the ISTANA is RM 1M. No action taken my MACC! MACC sibuk cari siapa yang beli lembu 5 ekor and donate it to the charity instead of looking for the real pencuri.
Is sad to see this happening but BN asked for it! My whole family was once upon a time a very strong supporter of BN …. TETAPI sekarang ….. terbalik!!!
SEKARANG semua member tak sabar nak jadi YB. Dalam BN, maksud YB = Yang Berhormat (tetapi tak mau berkhidmat) Untuk parti pembangkang YB = Yang Berkhidmat (Khidmat dahulu then dapat dihormati)
So to all kaki bodek, please look at the RAKYAT sentiment instead just bodek-bodek-bodek unless you are a BN memberslahhh. What else can I say…… YOU ASKED FOR IT!!!!
While I was about to snap a photo of you with my wife in Pasar Rabu in Alor Star several years ago,suddenly an ugly looking old women came into the snapshot.My wife still treasure it.
I feel like throwing it away now.What do you think?
Is it because of You or the old Women?
Dear Tun,
WE all need to ask ourselves – WHAT is Anwar’s real goal? What is his agenda?
Beacuse all these negative things happening in Malaysian politics can be traced back to HIM as the ROOT CAUSE.
Is he really working for Malaysia and Malaysians? Or is he working his way to get back at UMNO & Tun????
DAP & PAS had never been so brash until Anwar stepped in. They were RESPONSIBLE Opposition. But Now they have been hoodwinked by Anwar.
Is Anwar a wolf in sheeps clothings??
Keep the politics to election time only when leaders are chosen. Lets leave the politicking for then. The other 99% of the time MUST be focused to leading and managing Malaysia.
Managing Malaysia to;
– Get out of the recession
– Improve the literacy level of the population
– Reducing poverty
– Geting people gainfully employed
– Developing the infrastructures (physical, intelletual, spiritual & Social)
– Aim for a higher quality of life for all
If Anwar have his way – Malaysia will have gone backwards 20 years instead of going forward 20 years
For that reason 2020 will not be achieveable. All beacuse of he guy called Anwar. Then it won’t be called 2020 but 20-20 (20 minus 20).
May Allah save Malaysia from pseudo-Malaysians
Independent is not a mistake but race politics is. That is the key pushes for me to leave my beloved country. You are part of the problem.
Salam Tun,
bilamana saya baca sesetengah komen di bawah, saya tergelak kecil. masih ada ramai yg tak faham sindiran sinis Tun. mereka inilah golongan yang orang kata ‘nothing-better-to-do’. i’ve been living in Japan for 4 years, traveled to many asian nations and i must say that Malaysia is one of the best. for those who has ‘nothing better to do’ tu…they are indeed IGNORANT…to tackle this, eliminate the Leader of All Ignorants
Terima kasih Tun…
Saya jumpa satu artikel yang agak cantik tentang ISA. Ditulis oleh seorang Ust belajar di Madinah.
Assalamualaikum dear Dr. Mahathir and dear friends,
I read a comment which is not related to the posted item. it was that one:
“By zul81 on July 31, 2009 3:01 PM
Dear Hanan, Jews and Son of Israel
One of the Western people say: 7 of Arab are equal to 1 Jews and 7 of Jews are equal to one Dr Mahathir.”
Why did zul81 direct the comment to me? Was his intention to praise me? Or humiliate me? Was his intention to praise Dr. Mahathir? So why did he direct the comment to me and the Jews? Actually he humiliated his own brothers and leader. Is this is the type of Dr. Mahathir
salam Tun,
Dear Hanan,
Please send my regards to your leaders back home.Gee thanks for evicting those Arabs out of their ancestral homes to make way for Jewish settlers recently.
Thanks a lot for ignoring the world’s condemnation and protests against the evictions!
By God,you guys are truly compassionate and peace loving people!The
greatest land robbers…oopps sorry! providers of the 20th century!
salam Tun,
salam too to antikmalaya,
My answer to you: Please read up and try to fathom this article.Do not try to hoodwink and bullshit your way through the issue of Malays in Singapore.(There will be more to follow as we debunk the myth of meritocracy in Singapore…it’s actually just racism elevated to an artform)
Many of your own countrymen/women agree with me.What’s wrong with your mental faculties?I dare you challenge the claims made by Dr. Barr.
The Charade Of Meritocracy
FEER, October 2006
By Dr.Michael D. Barr
The legitimacy of the Singaporean government is predicated on the idea of a meritocratic technocracy. A tiny number of career civil servants play a leading role in setting policy within their ministries and other government-linked bureaucracies, leading both an elite corps of senior bureaucrats, and a much larger group of ordinary civil servants. Virtually all of the elite members of this hierarchy are
apa agaknya akan berlaku jika ayat ‘everybody make mistake’ dijadikan alasan atau excuse untuk melepaskan tanggungjawab dan amanah?
dalam sesetengah bidang ‘everybody make mistakes’ boleh menyebabkan kematian patient dalam pembedahan atau tersilap bagi ubat, bangunan runtuh, roket yang nak ke bulan berpatah balik atau meletup di udara dan banyak lagi perkara yang membuatkan ayat ‘everybody make mistake’ tidak boleh digunakan dalam semua perkara…
jika perkara diatas berlaku setiap mereka yang terlibat akan dipertanggungjawabkan dan dipersoalkan capability dan kredibiliti nya…
ada sesetengah nya digantung atau dibuang terus kelayakannya…
‘pasukan bolasepak antarabangsa antaranya yg tidak menerima pakai ayat everybody make mistake’…
mungkin…perkara ini boleh di ambil sebagai panduan kepada politician, ulama, pengamal media, pakar ekonomi, market spekulator, pembuat dan pembatal dasar, pengamal undang-undang serta lain2 lagi…
failure is not an option…
penilaian bergantung pada ‘sekali dua buat salah’ atau ‘manjaaaaang buat salah’ atau mungkin ‘tak pernah salah’…
just wonder…
salam tun…
tertarik dgn ayat tun – “Really Malaysia is a most unfortunate country”.bg saya malaysia is unfortunate in a fortunate way…yes,there are flaws here n there,ada byk perkara yg sgt tk betul dan sgt tidak menyenangkan hati,ttp bukan senang hendak menyenangkan hati semua org,apalagi golongan2 yang tidak menyukai kita..yes,sy akui mmg tun ada buat kesilapan,tetapi tidaklah kesilapan itu,bagi pendapat sy merosakkan negara dan rakyat.bukankah kesilapan itu yg melahirkan kematangan dan kebagusan…?ttp,bg saya,(bukan utk mengampu tun),tun telah buat banyak perubahan,dan ianya berterusan menjadi lebih bagus hari demi hari…cuma sejak kebelakangan ini,kebagusan dlm kemajuan itu agak perlahan perjalanannya…tetapi tun,tidak ada apa yang perlu tun kesalkan atas apa yang berlaku,setelah apa yg telah tun curahkan pd negara…
Assalamualaikum Tun,
Saya respect Tun sebab Tun telah banyak berbakti pada BANGSA kita. Dlm 22 tahun Tun memerintah, byk jugak duit rakyat dipergunakan utk pembangunan negara tercinta kita.
TETAPI, KENAPA, TUn tdak buat apa apa utk org miskin dlm kawasan pendalaman. There were no continous improvement for the poor as Tun made the rich become richer. All 22 years Tun you took care of the UPPER CLASS. The LOwer Class MALAYS was left like an ophan.
“”..I committed a lot of mistakes.I would not be human if I did not.”
Tetapi TUN tak buat correction pun pada mistake mistake tu.
Kalau kita menonton rancangan “BERSAMAMU” TV3 , tu hanya 0.1% of what we see. Saya sendiri pernah menjelajah ke kws kws tu, sangat menyedihkan. SOMETIMES I ASK MYSELF , WHERE IS THE RICH AND FAMOUS, WHAT ARE THEY DOING, YOU TAKE THE WHOLE CAKE FOR YOURSELF AND THE LEFT OVER FOR THE POOR.
TETAPI TUN, you are the best. After 22 years NEGARA kita maju tetapi TUN you implanted SELFIShness in our hearts. THE TREE GROWS BIG and STRONG tetapi sedihnya , pokok tu tak berbuah.
Asalammualikum Tun
Onlooker had quoted verses from the Quran and our beloved Prophet’s Last Sermon to show that NEP is racist and Islam is against racism.
Clearly,Onlooker has ALREADY DECIDED that NEP is racist so he came out with these verses to support his opinion.
I am not a politician but from what I understand NEP was intoduced to level out unfair advantage or socio economic imbalance among the ethnic groups because the Malays, being the indegineous people of the country, were at a disadvatage from the time of British rule. How does setting a quota for those at disadvantage become unislamic?
Dr Mahathir has explained, during the 1998 political crisis, when the Malays turned their back on the ruling party because of Anwar Ibrahim, it was the Chinese vote that put them back in power, if the Chinese were at a disavantaged because of NEP, would they vote for the ruling party?
1/ bestttttt p galeri perdana…penat tapi berbaloi baloi baloi…
yg paling best bila tgk gamba2 bapak yg di letakkan jugak…
2/makan kat d loaf kali ni minum coffee latte…kawtiiiiiimmmmm…
nati p d loaf lagi nak rasa resepi terbaru d loaf he he he..(dgr
kata akan ada resepi terbaru….)
3/ingatkan paklah dah tak jadi pm aman m’sia…rupa2nya duk panassss
lagik….yg duk buat demo2 nih pak lah kureng yg duk biaq ni…
heeeee…geramgeramgeram betul lah….
4/najib pun cakap biar lah ada ump ckit..ni dak..’kalau mereka tak
dgr nasihat apa yg boleh saya buat’
5/kalau saya…kalau nak berdemo gak kalau jadi apa2 jgn salahkan
sesapa…berani buat berani tanggung…abis cerita…
Dear Tun,
Magnifies and amplifies ones tiniest mistake and blatantly ignores ones myriads of deeds. At the same time, like magic it covers well the critics’ misdeed making them to start halucinating that they’re righteously “smart”. ptui! Only they do NOT know and/or IGNORE that they’re pulling their own legs. Drowning into their own stupidity. Well done people. Hahaha…satan laughing continously…hahaha…
Good day sir!
Salam Tun,
Ada kata…Kebijaksanaan Tun adalah bandingan nisbah untuk 20 orang cendikiawan. Pada saya nisbah yang elok ialah bandingan 20 Perdana Menteri Malaysia .
YABhg Tun,
Yes, cry beloved country. God help us all. It’s a lose-lose situation for the country and for the law-abiding citizens who want to see peace and progress now and after PRU 13. This generation of leaders is squandering our future right before our very eyes.
Time is running short for BN or UMNO itself. It is not because the ordinary rakyat are ardent supporters of the Opposition parties but with the “semedang aja dok naik harga barang” and seeing that it’s the politicians that are making the fast bucks (e.g. a certain young UMNO ADUN from Larut, Perak: baru 1 1/2 penggal sudah jadi jutawan, sudah jadi Datuk and qualification-wise…..nothing impressive about his SPM results), most of his constituent voters feels that they have been fooled. Any many other scenarios all over this country. PRU 12 saw that BN can only form a simple majority government.
Sure, when it comes to either a General Election or a By-Election, BN or the “Jentera UMNO Members” will be coming out in force to support but when the votes are counted, BN lost! Why? BN members gave their votes to the Opposition!
Remember Bukit Gantang, Tun? I did advice you to stay out and just watch from the sidelines in your blog once before. But nope, you came over to give your support and I was there along with so many former hardcore UMNO members (we removed our official “new” political party T-shirts and caps so that BN/UMNO members don’t recognised us) welcoming you and listening to your speech. Later we left. We didn’t feel that happy to join with the Opposition parties, working alongside and contributing to the strategical election-winning ideas.
So what happen in Bukit Gantang (the so-called UMNO’s strong hold)? We defeated BN and the whole government machinery that was utilized to ensure BN/UMNO wins. Tun, even if there is no Anwar Ibrahim, no Hadi Awang, no Lim Kit Siang…..we can still win because in our heart, we have the “UMNO LAMA” spirit. Ask that ADUN from Larut about KRIS (Kesatuan Rakyat Indonesia Semenanjung) or API….he knows nothing about it. Ask any young UMNO YBs exactly what did you said to Tunku that got yourself expelled from UMNO or what did you say on the PAS platform when you were invited to give your speech? They don’t know!!! So, before the current leaders today start giving advice to the rakyat about the importance of knowing Malaya & Malaysian history, please ask the YBs first to know the history. Do they know about how the late Tun Razak sent over to Sabah “somebody” (from Kedah) to neutralized Tun Datu Mustapha influence and his antics of “threatening” Kuala Lumpur?
Thank you, Tun, and please watch us again at Permatang Pasir. PR is NOT that strong but the problem is….the rakyat is angry!
To sgstudent
Of course SG is practicing meritocracy system until it had to wait for 44 years before appointing the first Brigadier General of a Malay origin? And a statement made by Mr Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong recently that had declared publicly that Singapore was not ready for a non-Chinese Prime Minister is clear proof that SG is practicing just that. Kudos to SG.
Semoga sihat sentiasa. Sebenarnya keadaan negara kita masa kini menunjukkan sebahagian kecil masyarakat lebih suka mengkritik orang lain daripada melaksanakan tanggungjawab dan amanah masing-masing.
Demonstrasi Mansuhkan ISA sabtu lepas menunjukkan bahawa kita lebih suka bertindak melampaui batasan undang-undang daripada memperjuangkan sesuatu perkara yang lebih bermanfaat. Saya merasakan kerajaan perlu mengadakan kempen secara lebih meluaskan menjelaskan apa sebenarnya ISA dan kenapa perlu undang-undang ini diwujudkan. Saya masih ingat apabila negara menghadapi kegawatan ekonomi pada tahun 1997 ramai orang sama ada di dalam negara dan luar negara termasuk pemimpin Amerika Syarikat mengkritik langkah Malaysia menangani kegawatan terutama usaha kerajaan membantu syarikat2 tempatan. Tapi kalau kita lihat langkah Amerika Syarikat menangani kegawatan ekonomi sekarang maka langkah pertama cadangan Obama ialah usaha menyelamatkan syarikat gergasi negaranya melalui buy out. Oleh yang demikian saya percaya ramai antara kita masih tidak jelas apa itu ISA.
Saya setuju dengan SUARAM dan Majlis Peguam yang memperjuangkan hak asasi manusia seperti kebebasab berhimpun, kebebasan bersuara, kebebasan berpersatuan dan sebagainya sebagaimana yang termaktub dalam Perlembagaan Persekutuan. Walau bagaimanapun kebebasan itu ada hadnya. Kalau kebebasan tiada had maka samalah kita dengan kaum yang tak bertamadun. Saya percaya Presiden dan ahli Majlis Peguam adalah golongan yang sangat arif tentang undang-undang dimana kita sebagai rakyat dilindungi oleh undang-undang dan hak dalam Perlembagaan. Memang kita bebas berhimpun dan bersuara tetapi biarlah ditempat yang sesuai dan berpermit.
Biarkanlah kita berfikir secara rasional sebelum bertindak. Cubalah kita elakkan melakukan sebarang jenayah dan kesalahan yang boleh miningkatkan kadar jenayah di negara ini. Tak ada untungnya.
ISA masih perlu di negara kita cuma mungkin perlu pengubahsuaian dan rebranding. Sabar sahaja dan tunggu pengumuman PM. Ada golongan yang merasakan ISA tidak perlu kerana mungkin tiada sudah ancaman komunis. Mana kita tahu apa yang bakal kita hadapi di tahun akan datang. Lagipun ingatlah pepatah Lidah dan Mata pena lebih tajam dari mata pedang. Ancamana kepada keselamatan negara bukan datang dari golongan yang bersenjata tetapi lebih kepada orang yang bercakap dan menulis.
Saya bersetuju dengan ape yang Tun perkatakan semasa Forum Mengangkat Mertabat Bangsa di UKM pada 1hb Ogos tempoh hari. Cuma saya nk tambah…. ” dalam mengangkat mertabat bangsa, kita harus ikhlas dalam tindakan kita” itu yang UMNO dan bangsa Melayu perlu di bina dahulu.
Semasa forum tu, saya tak tahu sama ada Tun perasan/kenal saya atau tidak. Saya berbaju merah berseluar coklat. Saya berasa syukur kepada Allah SWT dengan izin Dia saya dapat hadir dalam forum tersebut dan bertemu dgn Prof Dr Ibrahim dan Tun. Saya menitik air mata semasa lagu Negara Ku & lagu Warisan dinanyikan. Semoga Allah pelihara Tun dan bangsa kita. Mudah-mudahan kita dapat bertemu lagi Tun. Amin
Terima kasih Tun kerana letak komen latest di atas sekali. Baru lah orang lain dapat baca komen kami. Komen terlampau banyak, dulunya komen kami selalu di bawah sekali. Terima kasih.
La ni dah terbalik kot. Parti yang menang kena ikut permintaan parti yang kalah. Pengundi yang partinya menang tak boleh minta apa-apa kerana takut dikatakan tolong kroni. Jadi kena bagi apa parti yang kalah minta. Barulah ADIL. Bila depa semua undi pembangkang, maka pembangkang akan jadi kerajaan. Pengundi pembangkang tetap dapat lebih lagi, pengundi BN yang kalah terus melopong. Itulah keadilan. Jadi kata mereka baik undi pembangkang kerana dapat apa yang diminta termasuklah tanah orang punya kat pulau pinang tu. Undi BN apa dapat? Sekadar sorakan HIDUP BN dan dapatlah air mineral.
Pembangkang dah minta macam macam:
1) FRU kena tanya mereka berapa banyak nak pakai gas pemedih mata.
2) DBKL kena tanya mereka kat mana nak demo.
3) Kalau nak tangkap kena bagi salam dan bawa pulut kuning dulu.
4) Tangkap hanya penyokong dan bukannya pemimpin.
5) Makanan dalam lokap hendaklah sedap. Kalau boleh sarapan
Yong Tau Fu, Lunch Nasi Kandar Kayu dan dinner Capati. Barulah
semangat Malaysian. Makanan ikut pangkat. Kalau wakil rakyat
yang kena, kena taraf hotel lah.
5) Sebelum ke mahkamah Kena tunjuk segala dokumen dulu pada mereka.
6) Kena bagi mereka pilih hakim dan pendakwaraya.
7) Jawatan IGP, AG dan bos SPRM mereka yang buat pemilihan.
8) Bilangan hakim samada 7, 9 atau 50 mereka yang tentukan.
9) keputusan mahkamah kena dapat pengesahan mereka dulu.
10)Wakil rakyat boleh letak jawatan bila-bila. Apa peduli ,
pilihanraya kecil bukan pakai duit dia.
11)Mereka yang tentukan samada nak bubar DUN atau tidak.
12) Ambil calon pilihanraya yang tak habis belajar, lepas itu sibuk
nak sambung belajar dan letak jawatan TKM.
Sebab tu mereka seronok jadi pembangkang. Jadi penyokong kerajaan boleh buat apa. Buat Bodoh je lah?
Saya tergelak bila Tun kata di UKM baru-baru ini, bahawa orang melayu apalah bodoh sangat tak tahu cakap inggeris sampai kena tukar bahasa kat sekolah kepada bahasa melayu. Jadinya Orang inggeris pun bodoh juga lah sebab tak tahu cakap Melayu. Tajam tu Tun.
Budaya samseng Anwar Ibrahim, Lim Kit Siang n Karpal Singh dah menjadi-jadi. Mereka cari peluang nak dapat pupulariti murah. Terpekek-terpekau. Yg hairannya ramai org melayu pulak yg berjaya mereka bodoh-bodohkan. Apa yg mereka dah lakukan selepas PR dapat kemenangan besar pd Mar 2008? Buat kacau adalah. Mennghasut org dan mencaci org kerja mereka. Kalau org melayu tak sedar2, nanti Malaysia akan diperintah oleh org2 bukan melayu. Masa tu baru nak menyesal. Pastikan PR kalah teruk pd PRU 13. Hidup Melayu, UMNO n BN!
Demonstrasi jalanan
Hope you were really sincere in your lamentations – but one can’t be sure with your past record. Only a week or so ago you were back into whipping up the racial demon for whatever political reason.
You still have a fair amount of Malaysian readers, diehard supporters as well as opponents. Foreigners couldn’t care a hoot what’s happening as long as they can still do business with the people & those higher up the food chain are always at an advantage. Malaysia is still very low down the chain but there many countries worse than us so we still get some sizable crumbs! You are wise enough to perceive this but strangely make no attempt to help bring positive changes. So “cry my beloved country” sounds tearless.
The independence was good & many thanks to Tengku there was peace & a tradition of goodwill was planted among the races. The country could have been torn apart like many in Africa had Tengku been racist. The rot sets in when democracy was not allowed to flourish as power corrupts and with it a cancerous growth takes root. It is still growing & will continue to weaken Malaysia. Democracy is not a perfect system but if practiced in a purer form provides checks & balances to iron out unavoidable mistakes made by succession of leaders. Malaysia do not have this tradition & the racial issue still used to garner votes half a century after independence shows how infantile we are. The ISA, politics reigning supreme in all areas of Malaysian life are regressive policies.
Yes, cry Malaysia, you can’t advance much no matter who governs. Here, Tun you can perhaps help by straightening out the beliefs of your “beloved” Malaysians. But it won’t be long you will be back to your old game …….. so sad
By Onlooker on August 4, 2009 12:29 AM
“O Mankind, we created you from a single pair of a male and a female, and made you in to tribes and nations so that you may know each other (not that you despise each other). Verily, the most honoured of you in the sight of Allah is he who is most righteous of you.” (Al-Quran, Chapter 49, Verse 13
ONLOOKER…is “not that you despise each other” include non muslims?
I think in Islam we not uphold the race but religions I think yes?
Chinese/India muslim and etc is our brothers as long as they are ISLAM.Correct me if I’m wrong.
Dear Tun,
Racial unity has been the talk of the town since independance till now. Malay, Indian and Chinease has been living together even under the same roof. There was a time when the entrance for public university was based on quota system where are certain percentage of quota been given for certain races, that’s fine. Then the government revoked it and make it a merit system, that’s fine as well.
Now the amount of graduates and even non-graduates that will like to serve in various government agenncies are increasing among non-malays. We also want to serve the government and the people fairly, with our malay couterparts. We want a multi racial community in an office environment and I’m quite happy with my working place (private firm) where I have many malay and chinease and indian friends, we even feel like a family…I’m so happy with that. But as to my friend’s situation, its very much different.
She’s working in a GLC company that is one of the listed company in Main Board. She’s a non-malay in an environment of 98% malay office colleuges. What are her grouses are, is that:
1. Her superior officer is not treating her equally with her other malay colleugues. She has been mistreated and given a cold welcome upon entering her first day of work.
2. Another of her non-malay colleuge that has been working there for a few years were told this by her malay superior officer when she asked about promotion. That officer said ‘ orang india tak boleh di naikkan pangkat dan bagi promotion’. That lady that worked for several years was devastated by this comment and left helpless, as she has been thinking about her family situation and a promotion will do good for her family income.
Dear Tun, you are wise and our great leader, I have an upmost respect and admiration towards you, I can write this to the papers or even blogs, or even the helpless indian political parties…but i dont find all effective and i dont think they will listen to a minor community’s cry. I may even be hauled up under sedition act… i think im not saying anything that condemn other religion. What I am truly asking is not an action towards the officer, or publicity in papers or in blogs. All I want is what is the meaning of our newly promoted 1 Malaysia and the heart warming adv in TV’s on racial unity (that we will see soon in conjunction of independence day), where one community is being sidelined by these words of discouragement from certain group of people?. How can we feel happy with our other good malay friends when certain group of malays are treating the minorities in a not friendly way? Can we really achieve the Vision 2020 where there could be an equal opportunity for all races. Or is there any thing such as equal opportunity in our country?.
PS: I’ve even seen a housing advertisment in selangor, where the houses were sold for only malays (it’s written on the brochure ‘hanya melayu sahaja’). Not even bumiputras… I wonder what the developer of the project want to create, a community of 1 Malaysia or otherwise. I live in a community that is 1 Malaysia, where all races live together, if these (that housing project) kind of housing development come up, how can we achieve our multi racial community.
Mengkritik orang memang seronok.Bukan kena bayar pun. Bila tak menyebelahi kita, semua tak betul. Polis, SPRRM, AG, IGP, DBKL, pengunjung di Jalan TAR, kucing, gas pemedih mata, tilam, hospital, jabatan kimia, kerusi roda semua tak betul.
Bila menyebelahi kita semuanya di atas itu betul.
Saman orang memang seronok.Dah sampai RM520 juta (duit angan-angan nak dapat). Nak ke mahkamah buktikan dia berani dan benar.
Bila dia kena saman dan kena dakwa, macam-macam pula cara nak tangguh pergi mahkamah. Peguam sakit, peguam minta tukar, minta dokumen dulu (dulu kenapa tak minta tilam nak tengok), mula naik kerusi roda, mula pakai alat di tengkuk nak tunjuk sakit, jalan pun kena pimpin. Tapi pergi Parlimen tak sakit pula. Pergi demo di Jalan TAR tak sakit pula. Tak ada satu pun dalam negara yang betul. Di Perak hanya satu saja yang betul, iaitu sembahyang pakai lilin.
Orang ramai dan kanak-kanak yang tak tahu apa di tolak ke depan dalam demo untuk ditangkap. Pemimpin sembunyi dalam bangunan. Bila kanak-kanak kena tangkap mereka marah Kerajaan. Masuk lokap campur dewasa mereka marah polis. Kalaulah budak tu boleh demo bersama orang dewasa, bererti tiada masaalahlah untuk masuk lokap bersama orang dewasa. Demo tu kan kerja orang dewasa. Lain kali minta dibuat pengasingan kumpulan. Satu kawasan untuk kanak-kanak demo dan satu lagi untuk orang dewasa dan satu lagi untuk pemimpin pembangkang. Senang sikit nak tangkap dan dibuat pengasingan lokap. Tu pun Eli Wong kata salah. Hampeh betul depa ni Tun.
Salam Tun berdua…Alhamdullillah, nampaknya Tun sihat sejahtera & semuga berterusan affiat…
Kebiasaannya saya tak ungkai kata yang berbaur politik….namun adakalanya, a honest layman’s political thoughts is just what certain politician leaders would need…..
The word is “reform” (no bias) –
a) America survive and became the most powerful and rich nation in the world….not all bad after all, huh!…something can be learnt from them….
b) Republican ruled….after sometimes, they made mistakes and more mistakes and bigger mistakes – the public slandered them, demonstrations here and there…they finally try to correct the wrong….even taking wrong moves by penalising some warriors, hence making the biggest mistakes…the world even hated them then, this time not only them but the whole nation and it’s people been critised….
c) Come Democrate party leaders – ‘helping’ the whole world to correct the wrong done by their own countrymen but ‘Republican’…
and Democrate won this time…the people happy, the whole world at least could see some changes, even though not so ‘happy’ actually…coz again America becomes the Mighty Nation….
d) Things will repeat after several years ruling, this time the democrat will do the mistakes and Republican will act as correctors for the whole world….
e) The fact is everyone does mistakes, no law created by man is as righteous as law writen by God. Man has greed….!!!
f) Hence, Malaysia need another group to correct the mighty one when they do wrong…people just wouldn’t correct themselves even realising the wrongs they’ve done….
g) The other group will also do mistakes (the same ones, perhaps) in time…..but then here comes the ‘Re-formED’ old Mighty group to correct them…..the drama will repeat on and on and so on…till dooms day…
..Pendek kata-lah…manusia yang berkuasa akan jadi tamak apabila tiada yang lebih berkuasa daripada dirinya….maka biasa lah rasa diri tak perlu kerja, maka tak nampak perkara terkini atau tak nampak keperluan untuk berjuang lagi….sebab DIA dah senang & tak nampak susah lagi…..hanyut…..manusialah katakan…bukan malaikat! (Manusia yang dimaksudkan adalah individu atau sekumpulan manusia dalam sesebuah parti yang berkuasa – sama aje…manusia jugak).
…kiranya a layman’s political thoughts needed by any well versed politician, or even needed by yourgoodself, Tun…..to correct the wrongs and to make yourself even widely and truthfully heard – for the sake of the nation and it’s people that you’ve given your time to…….
…..it is ‘alright’ to JUMP SHIP…, and help to “REFORM THE NATION”….it’s time to forget the ‘sentimental value’ of a group that you had helped to form-up, it’s foundation and vision once, so on and so forth… put the NATION infront first Tun, act fast coz you haven’t got the luxury of time…, sadly., anymore!
Terima kasih & Wassalammu….
What a nice feeling anyone gets when his or her critics are muzzled.
It is of course largely a normal HUMAN feeling.
Mankind or rather man needs critics in life.
It is actually a good way to sharpen the knife of one’s competency at all levels of human development.
The Book of Proverbs in the Bible has a proverb sayings:
As Iron sharpens Iron evenso man sharpens man (in life).
Salam Tun
Kenyataan no.3 menarik perhatian.
3.I admit that ever since I became Minister of Education in 1974, through my period as Deputy Prime Minister and then 22 years as Prime Minister I committed a lot of mistakes. I would not be human if I did not.
Jika Tun dapat mengulang semula, apa rasanya yang akan Tun perbetulkan?.. (satunya sudah pasti Tun tidak akan melantik orang-orang yang salah lagi..pada hemat Tun)..
Kalau dapat Tun kongsi secara umum sekiranya tidak keberatan?..
Ikhlas bertanya.
Terima kasih.
I quote –
Salam kasih dan salam hormat Ayahanda Tun.
Tun, I enjoy reading the comments as much as I do enjoy reading your postings. The thing is here; you could put up a posting about Mee Abu and be rest assured that the comments would be wide ranging from ISS jokes to the BN and Obama.
– With a daily hit of about 29,000 to 30,000
To all dear critisizer,
Remember! Who are you to do so to Tun. He’s already wrote a HiStory of his own. A succesful one. Remembered by many and admired by many (World wide).
You…, you may know Mr Bush… but unfortunately, he may not know you.
So… please be respectful to our beloved Tun.
Instead of being rude and rebelious, be a good student to his tought and thinking,… while he is still around! Malaysia would not be the same if not because of this man. You may want to go to Ghana one day to witness the truth about how bless you are to have him as your leader and father.
May god bless him and his family.
Note: I vote for Tan Sri Khalid PKR because I want Tun Pak Lah to open his ear and listen to Tun M advice.
If Anwar dare to contest at Bandar Tun Razak to enter parliment, I bet he sure loss… cause as betrayal as he is to his own leader/mentor by stebbing from behind in 1998 money crashed, I bet he would do even worst to us all who only important when he need our support!!!
Salam Tun,
Saya dari dulu menyanjungi peribadi Tun yang hebat. Saya buat MBA di NTU Singapore dan MIT 2005 semua professor saya menyanjungi kebijaksanaan Tun. Sampai satu ketika saya tidak lagi menyanjungi Tun kerana saya dapati Tun meletakkan kehebatan diri mendahului Allah dan Rasul. Saya yakin kegemilangan Tun akan menyerlah lagi apabila Tun boleh membawa kehebatan yang berdasarkan al-Quran dan Sunnah dihadapan bukan semata-mata akal. Saya yakin Tun mampu melakukannya dalam masa yang singkat kerana kemampuan akal yang diberikan Allah.
“3. I admit that ever since I became Minister of Education in 1974, through my period as Deputy Prime Minister and then 22 years as Prime Minister I committed a lot of mistakes. I would not be human if I did not.” (Tun Dr. Mahathir)
Every human is fallible. However, the wise man would immediately turn to repent and strive to do good his mistake once he found about what he had done wrong! Only the stiff-headed man would continue to insist that he had never done wrong even though his grand sin had already been clearly exposed and highlighted by many.
Please read the following articles which I quoted from the website
and learn to realize that why many people in the world like to label you as “racist”.
Racism whether upon open or hidden, is an evil aspect of life which Islams seeks to eradicate. It is clear from the versus of the Quran, the book of the muslims, and many sayings of our final prophet which have narrated by his companions, that differences in colour, tribes, races, or traditions are not to be excuses for unjust behaviour or treatment. The Quran rehearses the words of the almighty Allah which reasons against racial discrimination and puts an end to it in Islam.
“O Mankind, we created you from a single pair of a male and a female, and made you in to tribes and nations so that you may know each other (not that you despise each other). Verily, the most honoured of you in the sight of Allah is he who is most righteous of you.” (Al-Quran, Chapter 49, Verse 13)
Allah explains the reason behind why he created mankind and then put them into alternative tribes and nations. It is made clear and all doubts are seized when the most merciful Allah states:
“that you may know each other”.
This statement is made unquestionable if comprehended and looked at one step further. In one tribe, there are many generations and families in which one name resembles another. To pinpoint the exact individual the family name will be called out within a tribe so that no one else is puzzled with the one who is demanded. However in a governing country, the tribe name will also be used so that the one demanded is not puzzled in between nations and tribes. Nevertheless, if a person looks for someone world wide, than one can imagine himself how difficult a task would it have been to find someone if tribes, nations, generations and families were not made separate. This is why the most generous Allah has made us into alternative tribes so that we may recognize each other.
“and made you in to tribes and nations so that you may know each other.”
Allah the most generous, has in the above verse of the Quran withdrawn racism and expressed a golden point. This golden point is unity and equality in each and every human being who exists upon the earth. Allah (S.T) has made apparent and shone light upon the fact that everyone was created from the same mother and father. We are all brothers and sisters. The relationship has been illuminated in the very same verse:
“We created you from a single pair of male and a female.”
The above sentence in the Quran also expresses one more aspect which is supposed to evolve around the human life. Although the aspect of racism is totally wiped out, Allah (S.T) has encouraged us to exercise one attribute. This attribute is righteousness.
Glory be to Allah (S.T) who mentions that the honoured is he who has the quality of righteousness in life. Allah (S.T) in the Quran has emphasized that in place of racism, righteousness should be practised, if you would like to be honoured in HIS sight.
Almighty Allah has acknowledged in another verse in the Quran referring to why he created man in different colours:
“And amongst his signs is the creation of heaven and the earth, and variation in your languages and colours; Verily, in there are signs for those who know.” (Al-Quran, Chapter 30, Verse 22)
The above verse also identifies one of Allah (S.T)’s magnificent performance in separating the human kind into groups. Allah (S.T) has first mentioned the heavens (the sky) which changes in many colours during the day as his first sign. After the sky, Allah then informs us of the earth which also varies in colour. The earth can be green with grass like in rain forests, yellow in desserts and many other colours depending upon the environment. At the end of the verse, Allah (S.T) talks about people and variation in the language and colour. The all knowing Allah (S.T) then enlightens his reasoning to why he made variation in the surroundings of a person, variation in skin colour. The reason is that these are signs of Allah (S.T) for the believers, and also those who are intelligent. Allah (S.T) has cared and thought about his people so much that if they are to think about doing a sin, they will look around and by his signs they will return and repent to him for their mistakes and wrong practises.
In Islam we believe that approximately 124,000 prophets were sent down by Allah (S.T) to teach the people the word of god. Allah (S.T) sent some prophets, messengers, to only a certain group, some to a whole nation. However Allah (S.T) did not send a prophet to teach the whole world his word except the final prophet, Mohammed. His teachings were to last until the end. This is why Mohammed is known as a “guidance to Mankind”. His actions, practises and traditions are Islam itself.
At the age of forty, Allah (S.T) blessed Mohammed with prophet hood after which Mohammed understood his objectives profoundly. During the era of his prophet hood, Mohammed informed and emphasized to his people on the eradication of the traditions of ignorance. Within this category fell racial discrimination. This was an open act willingly practised at the time of our prophet Mohammed.
Mohammed had many companions who preached his word to the people living in the outskirts of the kingdom of Saudi Arabia and around the world when they entered the country for trade. Amongst his accomplice was Hazrat Abu Zar. He remained with the prophet and watched his actions, noted his sayings, and preached his commands. Hazrat Abu Zar reported that before the prophet Mohammed demised from this world, he stressed strongly the equality of each being before Allah (S.T) and his honoured before him. Mohammed mentioned to the believers:
“You are no better than a red skinned person nor a black but he who has fear of Allah (S.T) in his/her heart.”
In the above statement a law has been passed by Mohammed to the muslims. This order is of equality. It is clear from the above that in Islam, the colour, beauty, wealth of a person does not make him more superior to anyone else, but his fear of Allah (S.T) and having faith in him gives him a higher status and elevates him in the eyes of Allah (S.T).
Mohammed only spoke of the red skinned and black skinned. The reason behind this is that the holy prophet included slaves amongst the liberated in his speech. The red being the one in liberty and the black skinned being the slaves, so that mistakes are not made in giving oneself priority over the labouring class too.
Mohammed expressed his need to a group of his eminent companions about annihilating pride in oneself over another. However the main aim of mentioning the statement was that his associates could realize that self conceit and egoism have no value in Islam. The importance of sincerity in over these qualities is all that matters in the court of Allah (S.T). Mohammed’s speech was recorded and narrated by Hazrat Abu Hurairah:
“Allah does not look at your appearances or wealth but looks at your actions.”
It is understood from the above that racism or any type of discrimination does not exist in Islam. Righteousness, sincerity, modesty is what all that is needed to gain honour and become loved in the sight of Allah (S.T), no matter if you are black, white, red or brown, Malay or Chinese or Indian or Temuan or Jakun or Negro or Bajau or Penan or Dayak or Kadazan or Iban, everyone is equal. One is not superior to another. We are all the same.
Dear Tun, salam sejahtera harap sihat. Kriman saya untuk tajuk ini dgn izin….
Ther are many brands of muzzling equipment in the M
Dearest YAB Tun,
THANK YOU SO MUCH TUN for all the mistakes that you have committed in the past! I learned a lot from your
Dear Tun:
I’m delighted that you amit you have made mistake during your adminstration. In another hand, I feel shame that you have done little to fix your mistake. Life is about learn from mistake, but the most important part is what have you learn and what have you change. To me, you are repeating some previous mistake.
To JJJ and antikmalaya:
It is true that malaysian chinese and indians are living on malay land. And yes you’re right to say that the malays deserve compensation for the land, protection and shelter they’ve given to the non-malays, or, as JJJ put it, “un-paralled kindness by the malays”
However, if ALL malay malaysians were to think like you guys, this is what would happen (is happening) in malaysia
since the malays believe in special rights and privileges (NEP), they will expect these benefits to be bestowed onto them. these benefits include a whole host of things, including priority education, priority housing, guaranteed jobs, increased governmental assistance, etc. Malaysian malays no longer have to work as hard as before to achieve as these benefits takes away whatever incentive to work hard. what happens? your country loses. And thats the scenario now in malaysia.
Now for singapore’s case:
everyone works hard to achieve Singapore’s current success. the singaporean malays, the singaporean indians and singaporean chinese. there is equal chance to succeed, and the system (in singapore) rewards and recognise those who are hardworking and possess talent. there are no unequal opportunities for different races. the Malays in singapore work hard, producing some of the country’s top countrymen, including the speaker of parliament, the first president of singapore, the top PSLE pupil and many other outstanding politicians, thinker, artists, all whom have contributed to Singapore’s success on way or another. This system of meritocracy has withstood the test of time and is the reason for our nation’s success.
i have no intention of insulting the malay population of malaysia, but if you both would just swallow your pride and assess the situation in your country now, you would find that this is the case. All im saying is that the un-level playing field in malaysia has contributed on way or another to your nations current financial status. And that is the reason why your PM Najib is taking steps to reverse these one-sided policies
YA. Bhg Tun,
Betul ini semua angkara Anwar Ibrahim, sejak di zaman pelajar lagi dia suka berdemonstrasi. Buat kacau bilau , elok kenakan ISA sahaja.
Dear Tun,
Glad that you agree that everyone make mistake. So do I. But whether our mistake will lead to repentance, that is another case. Obviously, your article seems to indicate otherwise.
I understood about repentance when I come to know of my imperfection. Eventually, I realized that I’ve made a lot of mistake in life that sometimes cannot be reversed. However, as I admit my mistake, and decide to turn, admit them, I find that I find greater strength. Respect was garnered, somehow things were done to correct them, and you know what… I was encouraged. And, my integrity grew, and I was encouraged to press on even in times when I was in the pit. Mistake will always happen, but I am glad that I can receive grace when I admit them and move on.
If you don’t mind, I like to share something with you from a very famous book with regards to the inferior one (or not).
Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted.
Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth.
Blessed are the merciful, for they will be shown mercy.
There’s strength in weaknesses. But how far can a person go to be in such situation? I believe, very far..
Assalamualaikum Tun
Semoga Tun dan keluarga berada dlm keadaan sihat sejahtera sentiasa.
Kami disini sentiasa mendoakan untuk Tun dan keluarga. Buat kami Tun adalah satu satunya pemimpin Islam yang mengambil berat tentang masalah umat Islam. Tun telah banyak membantu dan memberi sumbangan pada negara negara Islam yang miskin dan yang dilanda musibah semasa Tun jadi PM dulu sesuai dengan tuntutan Islam. Tun juga satu satu pemimpin Islam yang paling berani, saya teringat pada hadis Nabi (s.a.w) yang bunyinya lebih kurang ” Orang yang melakukan seuatu untuk mendapatkan keredhaan manusia, Allah akan serahkan nasibnya pada manusia dan orang yang melakukkan sesuatu untuk mendapatkan keredhaan Allah maka Allah akan menjaganya”, begitulah Allah telah menjaga dan melindungi Tun selama ini. Saya pasti Tun mempunyai banyak musuh sejak dulu lagi.
Sebagai manusia kita memang tidak sunyi dari membuat kesilapan. Mereka tuduh Tun rasuah tapi saya masih ingat semasa Tun pegang jawatan PM, saya terbaca dlm akhbar, bagaimana Tun telah merayu pada tiap perhimpunan agung UMNO agar menteri menteri jauhi rasuah malah Tun juga pernah menangis minta jauhi rasuah ‘kerana bangsa dan negara boleh hancur kerana rasuah’. Selepas Tun letak jawatan, musuh musuh Tun telah cuba ‘membongkar dan mendedahkan rasuah yang Tun lakukan selama berkuasa dulu dan akhir nya yang mereka dapat ‘dedahkan’ ialah the boot camp’ dan kes hakim yang Tun ‘pecat’ yang dibesarkan dalam akhbar akhbar luar negara. Lebih 20 tahun Tun berkuasa, apa kah itu saja yang mereka dapat ‘bongkar’ kerana itu saya kata kalau lah semua pemimpin seperti Tun maka sudah tentu nasib umat Islam akan terbela. Mereka cakap tentang kemana pergi duit Petronas semasa Tun jadi PM, sudah tentu pada projek mega, mungkin ia dianggap satu pembaziran sekurang kurangnya duit tak masuk dalam kocek Tun atau keluarga Tun.
Musuh musuh Tun akan tetapkan salahkan Tun. Kita sekarang berada dizaman yang penuh dengan fitnah.
Akhir sekali saya ingin sarankan pada orang orang UMNO dan PAS agar kembali kepada Islam sekiranya mereka ingin selamatkan negara tercinta dan keselamatan anak cucu mereka dikemudian hari. Mungkin disebabkan terlalu banyak menghabiskan masa dengan politik, mereka lupa pada ajaran Islam. Tidak perlu pergi jauh, dengarlah siaran radio IKIM terutama rancangan TAFSIR QURAN yang dikendalikan oleh Ustaz Sahazan tiap pagi kerana segala yang disampaikan berdasarkan ayat Quran dan hadiths yang bersandarkan riwayat, bukan mengikut tafsiran sendiri atau tafsiran pemimpin tertentu yang menyesatkan. Semuga Allah beri taufik dan hidayah pada mereka yang jujur dan ikhlas.
Guru saya selalu ingatkan segala kebaikan yang kita lakukan, anak cucu kita juga akan dapat baraqahnya.
Semoga keluarga dan keturunan Tun mendapat rahmat dan baraqah dari segala kebaikan yang Tun telah lakukan.
Yang prihatin
I wonder how much the lawyers are making.
Assalamualaikum Tun berdua dan keluarga.
Harap Tun jangan menyesal @ putus-asa.
Kadang2, apa yang kita lakukan hari ini, nampak elok & betul, tapi boleh jadi sebaliknya, >10 tahun akan datang. Masa merobah segalanya.
Umur saya dah 50thn. Masa saya kecil dulu, kalau ada orang melayu mabuk kat pekan Baling, polis akan tahan dalam lokap 1 malam, pagi esok lepas. Masyarakat tak heran & tak berapa pandang keji, ketika itu. Sekarang, kalau ada yang minum arak, di hina lebih daripada mencuri.
Saya rasa kita kena kurangkan sedikit tumpuan terhadap agama, baru boleh maju & berjaya dalam hidup, baru sentiasa sokong kerajaan. Sekolah agama, saya rasa dah cukup. Kalau ada anak yang cenderong agama, baru saya masukkan. Itu pun hanya 1 orang saja drp. 5 anak saya.
Yang lain2, saya ajar sikit2 makna Arab, seperti; Fatihah, Asalamualaikum. (Takut nanti, dia tak faham pun, apa yang dia ucapkan kat orang), Cukup untuk sembahyang sebagai makmum saja.
Jangan mencuri & ambil harta/hak orang, Jangan buruk sangka terhadap orang. (Takut nanti, bila dia nampak orang melayu kaya, dia ingat orang tu terima rasuah). Bertolak-ansur dengan orang, tapi jangan sampai pijak kepala.
Saya nampak ramai yang melalak kat Jln Tunku A.Rahman, pakai ketayap & bertudung. Kalau tak berpakaian sedemikian, orang pun tak tau agama apa. Kalau orang barat nampak, tak ke buruk imej Islam.
Kalau kurangkan aktiviti keagamaan di sekolah kebangsaan, akan meningkatkan penyertaan pelbagai kaum. Perpaduan antara kaum akan bertambah erat. Lama-kelamaan Sek Jenis Keb mungkin tidak diperlukan lagi.
Saya doakan TUN seisi keluarga sihat & panjang umur.
Sadly to comment the mistakes were just too costly and severly damanging when you stayed in power for the overwhelmingly 22 years.
Numbers of DPM were sacked or arrested under your tenure, and eventually you empowered a PM to suceed you but turned out to be another failure, I think your sense of preference is questionable.
It’s absolutely a good idea to limit 8-year terms of each PM, we simply can’t afford supporting another 22-years of “my mistake” ruling.
Dear Tun,
I came across to think about the points you mentioned above. Now it’s somewhat like a confirmation of what I have been thinking.
To a certain extend, especially in the political area, we are in the middle of no where, not improving but stuck in the middle and deteriorating.
Greetings to all,
Havent had the time to post a comment for a long time, however never missed reading your views daily. I am quite surprised how they read you postings so literally and accuse you of being racist. Even this posting has to be read in between the lines… it is thought provoking. What also surprises me is that how ungrateful and forgetful we tend to get in our present time.To say Tun has done nothing but brought about destruction is so untrue. I am a Malaysian of a different etnic group and what we saw in the 22 years when Tun was a PM saw about good development that put us on the world map. Good stable economy and most of all is this man saved the country from IMF is a testimony of his good leadership and love for our nation. Either you love Tun or hate Tun…that is Tun…you see what you get…no hidden agenda..I dont deny the fact that Tun is a perfect leader and he has his faults too…but he did a good job and was a firm and respected leader….unlike some leaders now that has a lot hidden agenda. Well we know of someone who is dying to the PM since 1997 and still claims he is the next PM.What this country needs is a good dictator and you will see peace and stability. Absolute freedom of speech is disaster
What is ironic is when I am out with my frens who are strong supporters of the opposition, they tend to always make fun of Tun’s supporters making remarks like ” semua nak bodeh Tun”,” Licking Tun’s A..” To me I laught at them and think how they are fooled by what the opposition write in their blogs,circulars,newspaper like as though they tell the whole truth and nothing but the truth, so help us god who do not read it.
Dear Tun,
It was through your 22 years contribution that the citizens in this beloved country can enjoy & reap the rewards of a productive nation. Continue doing so. Be objective. Be critical. Everybody needs reminding every now and then.
salam tun,
lama saya tak tulis….
Tun sihat hendaknya…kerana harapan kami hanya Tun yang boleh terang2 cakap apa yang patut di cakap.
1.saya betui2 frustrated dgn bangsa saya sendiri yang dok support pembangkang esp.DAP yg sedang membunuh bangsa melayu.
2.pemimpin2 melayu dlm PR spt PAS dan Keadilan xkan faham sentimen DAP yg ingin MenSingaporekan Pulau Pinang.ini mungkin kerana nik aziz,hadi dan yg lain2 dok di kelantan dan trengganu.saya cadangkan nik aziz hantaq anak dia mai dok penang 10-15 tahun…baru dia tau betapa parianya jadi melayu di penang.
3.DAP sedang dalam proses untuk mempariakan semua org2 melayu di perak dan selangor.
4.Dan yang lawaknya melayu menyokong mereka.
5.cerita lebai malang dan pak kaduk sedang berdendang.
Salam Buat Ayahnda,Semoga Sihat Hendaknya,
Semoga Kita Semua Mendapat Rahmat darinya selalu…amin
semoga tun diberi kekuatan untuk meneruskan hari-hari mendatang.
Orang kita Pandai Bercakap dan sanggup jadi pembelot.
syaitan berjanji menyesatkan manusia,dan misinya sudah banyak berjaya di malaysia.banyakkan berdoa semoga kita semua dihindari “malapetaka”,terlalu banyak perkara sedih berlaku didalam dunia “MELAYU”..sedarlah wahai manusia yg bergelar “ORANG MELAYU”..
Jangan menang sorak kampung tergadai!!Anwar & kuncunya hanaya ingin membalas dendam dan tak lebih dari ingin membantu bangsanya…
manakala DAP dan kuncunya hanaya inginkan kuasa dan menghancurkan Orang melayu…kalau mereka sanggup menyokong Komunis dan tak mustahil kita akan dihapuskan secara halus apabila mereka memerintah kelak.Kita Orang Islam dan Mempunyai Hati yg Bersih hingga Sanggup Berkongsi Didunia Ini,Lihat saja dinegara Luar contohnya di China Dan India,orang islam dizalimi dan ditindas serta diperlekehkan….Sedarlah orang islam melayu ,Perbaiki diri dan keluarga serta bersiap sedia menghadapi dunia Yg penuh Cabaran,Jangan biarkan kami(remaja) hanyut dan menjadi hamba org.Tegakkan Islam dan suburkannya didalam hati,Sesunnguhnya Islam Agama Yg Indah…..
Salam Buat Tun Sekeluarga
(maaf andai coretan saya menyakiti sesiapa sahaja)
Hanya Ingat-Mengingati
“Cry my beloved country”….the best phase for 2009
Orang awam seperti kita tidak akan lari dari salah dan silap dalam kehidupan seharian. ISLAM mengajar kita akan erti taubat dan sentiasa menilai diri. Setiap pekerjaan kita tidak akan lari dari hukum syarak yang 5 dan kita dituntut agar beribadah kepada ALLAH setiap masa dan ketika. Dalam rukun iman kita diajar dan dikendaki agar percaya dengan yakin kepada Qada dan Qadar, jika keburukan ataupun maksiat yang kita lakukan, maka hendaklah kita redha akan ketentuan itu tetapi bukan redha untuk melakukan keburukan dan maksiat itu. Dengan ini kita akan sentiasa mengharapkan rahmat dan keampunan ALLAH.
Mereka yang tidak redha dengan Qada dan Qadar ALLAH akan menjurus kelembah syirik dan kehancuran. Ilmu hanyalah sebagai penyuluh kepada perjalanan kehidupan ini. Jika ilmu yang dimiliki digunakan untuk tujuan keburukan dan bukan kerana ALLAH maka tiadalah manfaat ilmu itu kerana ia menjadikan seorang itu cerdik tetapi amat sombong kepada ALLAH. Hilanglah akal dan tercabutlah AGAMA, maka tiadalah nilainya disisi ALLAH. Usah kita gundah gelana andainya kita dikritik atau difitnah kerana itu adalah sebahagian perjalanan kehidupan untuk menilai sejauh mana keyakinan dan Iman kita kepada ALLAH. Itulah tandanya ALLAH kasihkan kita kerana itu semua akan menjadi kifarah bagi dosa dan kesalahan kita selagi kita tidak melakukan syirik kepada ALLAH.
Janganlah kita menjadi seorang pengikut yang membabi buta kerana ianya akan membawa kita kepada kehancuran. Fikir dan renungkanlah secara berhikmah setiap tindakan dan pekerjaan kita agar kita selamat dunia akhirat. Iblis dikeluarkan dari syurga kerana tidak mahu mengaku kesalahan dan menyombong diri tidak mahu memohon keampunan ALLAH dan jangan kita mengikut perangai Iblis ini. Marilah kita semua kembali kepada ALLAH dan RASULNYA menjalankan amanah sebagai Khalifah untuk memakmurkan bumi ini seperti yang dikendaki ALLAH. Sesungguhnya kita cenderung melakukan maksiat dan dosa kerana kelemahan kita sendiri memiliki sifat mazmumah. Berhati-hatilah memiliki guru, apatah lagi guru mursyid kerana bak kata pepatah ‘guru kencing berdiri, murid kencing berlari’.
Assalamulaikum Tun,
Ribuan terima kasih kerana masih memberi imput untuk bangsa, agama dan negara.
Saya ada satu soalan, menteri bukan, ahli perniagaan bukan, tetapi beliau mampu membeli satu banglo di bkt segambut harganya berjuta,menggaji beberapa orang pengawal peribadi berlagak sebagai perdana menteri, belanja pru12 yang begitu mewah lebih dari bn,mengupah orang supara menyertai demonstrasi dengarnya RM50 seorang.
Dari mana dia perolehi wang begitu banyak, kenapa tidak ada siapapun buat laporan kepada polis atau sprm untuk siasatan.
apa pendapat Tun tentang hal ini.
Jaga kesihatan Tun.
yes Tun…we learn from our mistakes…nobody is perfect but u can be honest though…. 🙂
Tun, ramai betul orang melayu tak pandai membaca apa yang tersirat (yg tun cuba sampaikan). yang tersurat pun tk berapa faham, pasti Tun ada cara utk mmbantu kaum yg lemah ni..
Salam Tun dan pembaca semua,
1. Well said Tun, as usual.
2. Ada orang kita yang tak habih-habih nak perbetul tulisan Tun… It’s not fighting for independence that’s wrong, but the terms for it lah bla bla bla…(refer to one of your readers’ comments)
3. Awat? Terms apa yang tak kena?
4. Memang depa ni tak puas hati lagi Tun…
5. Nak kata tunggu depa jadi PM kot depa akan buat yang betul..? Depa layak jadi PM ka? Silap haribulan depa buat lagi banyak salah dari all 6 PMs from BN put together..
6. Malaysians… be THANKFUL!!! If you are not happy.. JUST PACK AND GO ELSEWHERE.
Jaga diri, Jaga solat Tun and all..
Been quite a while since I wrote anything. Why? Simply because I am absolutely getting more fed-up each day with the way UMNO is running this country. Perhaps “BN” is the proper word but the reality is BN is not running the government but it’s UMNO!
Speaking about UMNO, the reality is that it’s you, Tun, who is the founder and the architect of today’s UMNO. This is NOT the UMNO of Datuk Onn or Tengku. But after about 2 decades as the Prime Minister, the day you retire was the day I saw the true colours of the people you elected as members of your cabinet. Sure, you made your share of mistakes but I don’t see you living in a 24 million dollar house upon retirement. I don’t see Rafidah Aziz parading around flaunting her wealth. Yes, I was a member of the old UMNO and for a short while, in your UMNO but today I choose to join the Opposition. Sometimes you have to be cruel in order to be kind. UMNO must be defeated in order to humble the current leaders (including the too many boastful members at the Bahagian & Cawangan level) and to revitalise back the party. These people are the ones who always seem to say, “now look here Tun, you have retired. Why don’t you just shut-up and let us do things our way”.
It’s a fact that so many true UMNO members have left the party and right now is in the Opposition. Not because they were not re-elected to hold post at the Bahagian or Cawangan level but to humble-down UMNO. I’m not living on gifts of tenders, pink slips or free land….I put bread on the dinning table on my own sweat. I don’t use “cables”. Most of all, I know what is the sentiment of the rakyat right now and a change is necessary.
Thank you, Tun, for speaking out the facts (yes, the Emperor is not wearing any cloths, I see it too, the way you do…hahahahaha!) and come PRU 13, we might see a big change. Of course in the infant stage, don’t expect much from the Opposition about “efficient governing” because most of us have much to learn. UMNO (the Tengku’s UMNO) itself had to learn after Britain gave us our Independence. Again, thank you Tun.
Dear Tun,
I think you are the best psychologist in the world. You are applying reverse psychology very effectively to make Malaysians aware what is going to happen to them and their next generation to come.
You are more less implying that Malaysia will soon become a FAILED state and everybody will be losers and BE PREPARED FOR THE WORST.
Malaysia will be like Somalia or Zimbabwe in the making !!Make no mistake about it !!!
Well said, something many politicians till today dare not confess or perhaps will never confess long after they leave office, one such is semi value?!?! Still sticking around and giving press statements regardless of the reality that no one cares about his senseless view points even when he was transport minister. Shocking politicians, malaysia needs more well learned individuals to be ministers for a better nation or else we’ll stay a 3rd world nation forever.
Dear Tun,
I was born in 1983 and I must say that i’ve never tasted the bitter or sweet times of our independence during the old 1957 days but that year has passed us so many years ahead whereby flying back time is not going to be realistic but just stand on our two feet fighting for survival. But I’ve learned through the process from the day we got independence and until now is that we all must work together hand in hand, helping each other to build this country as a whole no matter whether you are Malay, Indian or etc. I knew i can’t be a racist as for a salesman like me, I deal with all the people been order to earn a living.
Anyway, about your comment, I have to agree on this as we all human tend to make variable mistakes and to apprehend this mistakes to a point is hard. We all make mistakes and that is where I forgive you if you had done it too cause the 22 years of effort is too great to be dismissed. Tun, sometimes when I read the news over our country general provision of our political parties, I tend to ignore it cause I think I should do my own work and solving my own problems rather than putting hatred in one political party or another. So Tun, with all due respect, I can just only see what is going to happen next and to prepare for what is yet to come. I’m sure you too will be like me too. It’s really sad to see the country fall bit by bit but what can we do? We’ll just hope and pray to the almighty all the best which I did every now and then.
I hope Tun have a good health and I really endour and respect you giving general comment topics rather than bringing up the equilibrium issue of our race where one can hurt the other. I am a chinese but I put myself as a MALAYSIAN in RACE and I count Tun as a MALAYSIAN too. With all my love and neverending hopes, Bless you with my open heart because You were once my ICON of leadership in this country.
To all the commentators, Let us all unite as a MALAYSIAN rather than count ourselves chinese, malay or indian cause we are breathing the MALAYSIAN AIR and we all are the same, 1 pair of eyes, 1 pair of ears, 1 pair of hand, 1 pair of legs, 1 nose, 1 mouth, 1 Malaysia and 1 you, Tun Dr. Mahathir. 🙂
Salam Sejahtera YAB Tun,
Rasanya secara praktikal mereka yang menulis di dalam kategori menentang YAB Tun datang dari kalangan yang memang tidak mudah menerima kebaikan yang datang dari orang lain atau taksub dengan politik mereka ataupun terdiri dari kalangan pelajar yang telah diajar dimana YAB Tun mendidik rakyat Malaysia dengan cara kekerasan. Dan, tidak pernah memikirkan bagaimana perasaan orang lain ataupun asalnya miskin mengejar kesempurnaan hidup untuk berdiri sama tinggi dengan orang lain.
Apabila kita lihat politik masyarakat jalanan seperti demonstrasi mansuhkan ISA saya begitu pelik. Kenapa orang seperti ini masih ada di Malaysia. Bukankah kita telah mencapai kemerdekaan sejak hampir 53 tahun yang lepas. Apakah yang kurang pada Malaysia. Apakah yang dibuat oleh Kerajaan semua adalah rasuah. Apakah yang mereka rancang dan buat ini tidak boleh dikategori sebagai Orang Jahat. Apakah rasuah itu sahaja yang boleh dipanggil oleh Orang Jahat. Apakah mereka ini sebenarnya tidak terlibat dengan rasuah. Pelik.
Hampir beberapa tahun mereka menjadi Ahli Politik dan tidak mungkin mereka tidak pernah menerima duit suapan. Saya merasakan mereka bercakap bohong. Dari mana seorang ahli politik yang tinggal beberapa tahun di dalam penjara kemudian tiba-tiba disanjung dengan mengadakan Road Tour seluruh Malaysia. Adakah duit itu telah diberikan oleh Orang Luar atau duit simpanan berjuta semasa menjadi Timbalan Perdana Menteri.Pernahkah orang-orang seperti ini fikirkan. Sedangkan kita sendiri hendak mencari sesuap nasi seharian pun kita berusaha dari kecil sehingga dewasa. Kita terapkan mana baik dan buangkan mana yang tidak berkenan.
Kemana perginya budi bahasa seorang Ahli Politik Cina dan seorang India apabila hanya tahu bercakap mengenai hal perihal kekuasaan dan kekayaan orang lain. Memaki pemimpin, memaki penyokong. Ingatlah apabila mereka menjadi pemimpin, mungkin kita sebagai Melayu akan dipijak. Bukan hendak menyokong keterlaluan Kerajaan tetapi kita boleh lihat sendiri. Tidak perlu hingga sampai membaca atau melihat Berita Kerajaan. Kita boleh melihat sendiri melalui ceramah-ceramah mereka. Demonstrasi yang mereka anjurkan. Bukan saya tidak pernah tercebur tetapi untuk menyokong tindakan mereka adalah jauh sekali.
Rakyat Malaysia ada warisan. Itulah warisan merdeka. Warisan yang ditinggalkan oleh Ibu Bapa kita, Nenek Moyang kita, Ibu Bapa kita yang memilih pemimpin dan politik mereka pada zaman itu, dan juga Nenek Moyang kita yang memilih politik pada zaman itu. Apa yang saya ada adalah teruskan kerana mereka telah menjadikan hidup Malaysia semakin baik. Tidak pernah mereka rasa menyesal mengundi politik mereka sehingga mereka meninggalkan dunia dan tidak pernah mereka cuba untuk berhasad dengki dengan kaum lain. Itulah Malaysia..
Maaf di pohon Tun, kerana komen saya ini bertujuan untuk di postkan di rencana ini bukan yang terdahulu.
Salam Bahagia untuk Tun dan warga Che Det, pertamanya maaf di pinta dengan penggunaan huruf tebal “bold” , kerana perlu menyampaikan mesej ini kepada warga blog Che Det dan warga Malaysia seluruhnya. Komen ini juga bukan bertujuan menjawab post Tun yang nampaknya merintih , saya juga ingin merintih.
Keharuan hari ini adalah hasil daripada kedangkalan dan ceteknya akal waras bangsa Melayu yang tidak punya halatuju dari dahulu hinggalah sekarang. Sudah begitu , senang hati pula dipergunakan oleh lain untuk agenda mereka.
Contoh yang paling senang, lihat sahaja di rumah-rumah pelacuran, di Bukit Bintang dan dimerata bandar di Malaysia ini. Pelacurnya rata-rata Melayu, dan yang melanggannya juga banyak yg berbangsa Melayu. Towkay nya pulak siapa ya? Bangsa Cina lah yg menjadi towkay nya yang kehulu kehilir dengan mercedes S-class nya, kaya-raya hasil dari kedangkalan orang Melayu. Ini contoh yang paling ketara, kotor dan terang, tentang tinggi rendahnya maruah , panjang pendeknya akal bangsa Melayu ini, amat senang membiarkan diri dipergunakan.
Usah bercerita dalam dunia politik, perniagaan dan lain-lain lagi. Dan yang paling membanggakan, bangsa Melayu ini belom sedar kan akan dirinya, apatah lagi kemelut yg dihadapi dan untung nasibnya yg saban hari diperkudakan orang lain. Tak punya kemahiran dan ilmu yg sekadar jaguh kampung sudah mula nak mendabek dada memperjuangkan hak orang lain. Sedarkah mereka, nasib orang yg mereka perjuangkan itu sudah jauh lebih baik dari mereka sendiri, sudah punya rangkaian dunia, apatah lagi di rantau Asia. Pernahkan Melayu yang merasakan mereka ini pendekar, mencuba nasib mereka di luar negara?
Makmurnya negara ini adalah atas baik pekerti orang Melayu yang bertimbang rasa dan tidak ada orang lain yg akan memberi kita sub-contract sebagaimana kita memberi sub-contract kepada orang lain, tidak ada orang yang akan memberikan distributorhip sebagaimana kita memberinya kepada orang lain.
Boleh kah kita membantu diri kita sedikit dengan menyedari kedudukan kita , kerana orang lain amat sedarkan diri mereka
Ps: terimakasih Tun Mahathir kerana menyediakan blog ini sebagai satu-satunya saluran yang tinggal bagi orang-orang Melayu yang berfikir.
May Allah bless you Tun,
God is the most merciful and aware that it is a nature of human being to make mistakes in their doing. As part of learning process, mistakes can sometimes proved to be costly, but if we do learn from it than it’s a worthwhile lesson. You don’t have to afraid, as it is beyond your capacity to predict future.
For me, it was never a mistake to pursue independence. But the meaning of independence is far more deeper than what people do understand. Once we achieved our independence from British, what most important to me is what we do with the freedom and power lie within our hands. How we try to mold for better future. How we uphold the justice. How we protect and help those in needs.
To other people who wish to blame Tun for any of his mistakes, come forward and prove that you’re sinless. Otherwise, you better look at yourself first before you speak for others. If you can’t manage yourself properly, don’t speak like you know how to run a country.
Philosophical as it may sounds, I guess Malaysians did fight for the independence with hopes and resolutions. But as the time passed by, a lot of people forgot why we pursue independence in the first place. In fact, as young generation, I can only try to imagine how hard life was during back then, but I guess I will never able to fully feel it as I wasn’t there.
To you who only know how to criticize what went wrong, but fail to realize what went right, go and learn the true meaning of contentment.
Yes, indeed I must say Tun isn’t a perfect person. But do you? It is rather easy to put “corruption” as root cause of everything. But is it true for all cases? I personally feel that more effort need to be put to eliminate corruptions. But that doesn’t means that we have the right to jump into conclusion without looking into the problems objectively. It is ironic that the more educated people became, the more senseless they became.
Don’t you afraid to be judged by God for spreading words that you can’t prove it is a fact?
I pray that all of us will be given guidance by Almighty. I do.
We work hard, and give full trust in Allah.
On the issue of PPSMI. parents are trying to convene PIBG EGM at their schools to seek a mandate to maintain PPSMI at their schools.
Their attempt to have their say are being MUZZLED by their Guru Besar and YDPs who are politically inclined.
We heard that in some schools in Selangor the PPD (Pegawai Pendidikan Daerah) has even instructed the Guru Besar to ban EGM even though he has no authority whatsoever to do so.
Watch the latest production by PAGE on PPSMI
featuring our current and past Ministers of Education
with special appearances by Tun M and Einstein,
also Samad Said, Pinocchio and Mr Katak under the coconut shell
Search YouTube: PPSMI PAGE Next Step
or click the links below
Part 1
Part 2
Visit pagemalaysia.blogspot.com
BN has 50 years to run this country, and what has the country achieved all these years comparing to other Asian countries!
This country is so corrupted that it can’t even build a proper buildg or stadium without having to be seen by the world of the roofing problem time after time, and also the falling roof structure of the Kelantan stadium. Shameful to BN, all of you, the government!
Anyone accounted for that? No, no one. Billions spent for mega project to make “BN related” politicians or their members richer and richer..
So, it is too much to give Pakatan a chance to rule this country? Not even a chance, is not fair to say that they “CAN’T” manage this country. May be it just needs 10 years, to make things on par.. All the resources we have, mostly gone into the pockets of a few of you…
Dr. M, don’t fool us anymore. We all read and see it with open eyes…
Enough of BN…….. I can’t wait to see the end of BN ruling!
The young generations are at the stage of controlling the bullets. We don’t buy with your “money politic”, but to receive your BN fund contribution with a grateful heart if the money ever comes to our constitution, but to vote against BN……….. Tax payer money, we deserve that!
State like Kelantan not so developed, BN is at fault. How much has the Federal helping it? Rule by Opposition, no fund channeling toward it… The same is happening to Selangor now. But we are strong, and we will be better in time to come, without your BN, and the famous “corrupted ex- MB” of your choice, that keeps talking rubbish…
He is so corrupted, Selangor people can’t forget how rich a dentist who claimed that he used to earn 50,000 per month even before being MB. It must be only ONE DENTIST LEFT IN HIS AREA.. don’t make himself a fool times after times…
8 years of MB, a multi-millions bunglow house owner + lot of hidden “wealth”….
Only if MACC is effective, otherwise, “these BN peoples” will continue to enjoy the “stolen wealth” of the state & nation..
It is time for Pakatan, Dr. M…
May be u should start considering filling out membership application form of Pakatan Rakyat, any party of the 3, is good.. to justify that you are “clean”…
Look up to Zaid Ibrahim…
Times after times, you had been choosing the wrong leader..from Md Taib, Abu Hassan, Toyo and Badawi..and now, your choice of Najib…
Next general election, will be the judgement day of BN… hurray!!
Of course people can make mistake but they can also fix their mistake.
Not just leave the mess for others to deal with.
Now Malaysians and PR gov. have to deal with mess create by BN.
Assalamualaikum Tun,
Opposition leaders are a joke and the biggest ass is anu…war the actor from cia academy because he keeps on promising and lying at the same time to buy time away from his sodomy trial. I think the public shouldn’t be misled by these ex con.
What happened to the being injected with HIV virus and cyanide when he was in sungai buluh prison? Has he contracted aids yet? These are some examples of his lies to the public. What troubles me is that when it comes to rioting he always asked the Malay to do his dirty jobs but when it comes to the position as a Mp the chinese and the indians are getting the cakes. But when getting jail is always the Malays. Are we as malays are dumb? The chinese and indians when its comes to something that produce money and benefit for them, they will go all out. Take for an example in watching english premier soccer, the Malay will cheer when MU score a goal but if you would asked the chinese how many goals did the player scored? They will answer you sometime with a terminology of half a ball, while the Malays would answered you 3-0. These is the particular example the difference between Malay, chinese and the indians…..
For me frankly there is only One Malay, No pas malay or pkr malay… Malay should be united to fight for our own rights and future in this beloved country of ours. We are rioting on the streets while the indians and chinese are making demands on our sovereignty. I don’t want to see the malays fighting the malays over the ISA issues but the truth is that who are being detained? hindrafs who want to have the same status as the bumis?…. Are we to afraid to fight for our rights and demand that the other race to stop asking and taking our privilege as the native of this soil.
Think again…..
Once again ayahanda Tun, the Malay are behind you, never be discourage by some of the events, most of the Malays are in full support of you because you are our strength and voice throught the years. I thank you and salute you, my dearest ayahanda. “Hidup Tun Dr Mahathir and may Allah bless us all” aminn…..
Saya harap ayahanda tak tersinggung dengan komen dari pengkritik pengkritik disini.
Saya rasa mereka ni budak mentah yang tak banyak pengalaman hidup dan tak berapa tau tentang sejarah dan budaya.Main sedap nak hentam saja.Saya yakin most of them samaada ahli pembangkang or merely anti establishment.Saja suka buat kacau dan keluarkan kata kata kesat bila ada opportunity.
Saya heran juga, ramai yang saya jumpa, suka critic kerajaan walaupun pada hakikatnya mereka hanya orang makan gaji terutama Govt servant.Mereka ni, tak berapa banyak bergaul.Pergi kerja ,balik kerja.Dengar gossip dan pick up cerita karut from internet kemudian terus sokong pembangkang atau terus nak anti kerajaan.POadahal, tak ada kena mengena dengan diorang pun.
Yang sebenarnya , yang tau banyak hal adalah orang berniaga macam saya.Kita yang tau hal sebenar.Memang adakala kita pun marah, tapi kita ada saluran untuk bersuara.Segala perubahan dasar kerajaan, kita orang berniaga yang kena dulu.
Kita akan buta memo,buat surat, jumpa sana jumpa sini and try to solve the problems.
Yang paling saya tak faham,students.Apahal nak mengamuk?Janganlah jadi bodoh.Sampai nak kena tangkap kat polis.Jadi alat orang.
Ayahanda, jangalah ambil hati dengan statements dari budak budak hingusan ni.Saja nak buat kurang ajar.
Saya sangat menghargai apa yang Ayahanda dah lakukan demi Agama, Bangsa dan Malaysia.I owe everything that I am today to you.
Ayahanda telah merubahkan jiwa bangsa Melayu.I always think of myself as a work in progress to becoming world class.One day I will.surely because thats what my dear prime minister (you) wants me to be.
Thank You and have a good day my Prime Minister forever.I salute you.
Most comments are really either sycophantic or not checking out the facts, particularly TBH case.
Ignorance, arrogance, inability to be impartial will be the downfall of this society. I read almost everyone in this blog is generally an opinion leader and this is very sad,sad.
Tun, why do you have to drum up all racial feelings to split the different races, just so you want to scare the malays to rally under your UMNO.
It’s really sad, there are not enough of illectual giants in this land to at times debunk some of your logic.
You are the only one with the charisma to pull the nation together, Chinese, Indians and Malays. Please look towards Allah and do what is right.
I appeal to you to refrain from your non-sensical racial writings.
Pemimpin-pemimpin yang yang suka berdemo jalanan bolehlah diibaratkan seperti orang “pekak, buta dan tuli”.
Ia betul, adalah menjadi hak rakyat berdemo seperti termaktub di dalam perlembagaan tetapi kita mesti ingat adakah berdemo itu akan memudharatkan keselamatan orang ramai dan negara.
Pihak Polis memang arif tetang kedudukan keselamatan negara. Jika berdemo akan membawa padah kepada keselamatan orang ramai dan negara apakah patut Polis memberikan permit untuk berdemo? Misalnya kalau diberikan juga permit dan diizinkan beribu-ribu orang berdemo dan kemungkinan polis tidak dapat mengawal keadaan, siapa nak disalahkan jika berlaku rusuhan. Tentunya orang ramai akan menuding jari kepada pihak polis kerana gagal menjaga ketenteraman awam.
Rakyat kita masih belum lagi mencapai tahap “civilised society” untuk berdemo secara aman. Kita telah berulang kali saksikan bagaimana kesudahannya jika dibiarkan mereka berdemo. Akhirnya huru-hara jadinya. Mereka menjadi tidak siuman lagi dengan lemparan suara kesat dan cacian yang menjijikan didengar. Suara yang tidak memaparkan sebagai suara orang beriman!!
Siapa kata kerajaan tidak dengar suara rakyat. Kita kan ada parlimen. Wakil rakyat adalah mewakili suara kita. Ada wakil rakyat yang mewakili kerajaan bagi pihak majoriti rakyat dan ada wakil rakyat pembangkang yang mewakili suara minoriti. Merekalah patut berdebat di parlimen untuk menyuarakan suara hati majoriti rakyat dan suara hati minoriti rakyat.
Apa yang nak disibukkan berdemo tak tentu pasal? Dah bodoh stupid. Dah pekak buta. Dah buta tuli !! Nama je orang Islam tapi perangai macam setan dan iblis. Allah bagi akal untuk kita berfikir tapi akal orang Islam masih akal “monyet”. Bukan akal “world” !! Yang ada akal “world” hanya Mawi sahaja !!
Jika kita perhatikan yang berdemo semalam kebanyakkan anak-anak muda Melayu. Mana perginya anak-anak muda Cina dan India?
Jadi apa kesimpulannya?
Anak-anak muda Cina sibuk cari duit dan sedang memperbaiki kereta pelanggan di bengkel-bengkel dan menjual handphone dishopping complex dan segala benda barangan yang boleh dapat duit. Kalau dikumpulkan hasil pendapatan anak-anak muda Cina yang tidak berdemo mungkin ratusan ribu pada hari semalam. Hari yang paling senang nak cari duit ialah hari Sabtu.
Apa hasil anak-anak muda Melayu dapat dengan berdemo? Hanya terpekik terlalak di jalanan sahaja. Hasilnya MELOPONG. Syok gitu je lah dapat berkumpul beramai-ramai.
Pada pandangan saya anak-anak muda Melayu ni banyak yang “menganggor” dan memang telah menjadi tabiat orang Melayu suka “berkumpul dan berpesta”. Kemungkinan ada dari mereka yang tidak tahu apa itu ISA dan peruntukan asas dalam Akta ISA.
Sedih, sedih, sedih !!
Assalamualaikum TUN
1. Kenapa Melayu berpecah belah?
2. Hampir keseluruhan Melayu nak mansuhkan ISA kenapa?
3. Zaman sekarang Agensi Kerajaan di politikkan kenapa?
4. Belia-Belia tak hirau kan sejarah bangsa kenapa?
5. Tidakkah Melayu malu dilihat oleh kaum dan bangsa yang lain
apabila bergaduhan sesama sendiri?
6. Pemimpin politik zaman sekarang nak jadi hero bukan nak jadi
pemimpin yang sejati yang membina negara dan bangsa.
7. Segelintir rakyat pula rabun untuk menilai pemimpin mereka.
8. Benci apabila melihat kerosakan akhlak dan nilai kemanusiaan
dilampiaskan kepada orang-orang tertentu oleh pihak2 tertentu.
9. Hilang sudahkah bangsaku?
10.Malaysia tidak seperti dulu……
Salam Tun,
Kesilapan bermula dari perunding kemerdekaan. Arwah Sultan Johor, Sultan Ibrahim Sir Abu Bakar pernah berkata: ‘Aku mahu Melayu merdeka bukan Malaya merdeka, dan aku tak akan pijak kaki aku dinegeri ini selagi Melayu tak merdeka’. Sekarang apa telah jadi dengan nasib Melayu dibumi Melayu sendiri.Sudah 50 tahun merdeka pun masih tak capai 30% kekayaan.Melayu yang berkuasa kebanyakan bersifat Belanda, tak cukup sapu sendiri, kepada kaum keluarga pula ditaburkan. Sekarang yg lebih sedih lagi, orang orang Melayu berniaga ditepi tepi jalan sedangkan kaum pendatang termasuk Aceh berniaga tempat dikedai kedai batu. Yang ditepi jalan ini pula selalu barang mereka dirampas oleh penguatkuasa PBT.Kalau begini nasibnya lebih baik tidak merdeka. Pendatang haram pun takut hendak datang.Nilai mata wang pun tak jatuh.
Terima kasih Tun
Dear Tun,
Had gone through your words and nothing much to comments.
Just wanna say that You look great during MUBARAK function at Kuantan last night.(Being there to represent a GLC)
Carry on to pen down your thought through your BLOG and I salute you for your sincere comments.
May Allah bless you and give you a good health.
British are better la Tun. Look at Hong Kong now. So far ahead than malaysia and china. British are more professional and don’t practise double standards like the malays. If Malaya is not ruled by the British, malaysia will be where it is 100 years ago. The foundation have already been prepared by the British, and the malays just continue from there. British treats all citizen equally, not like malaysia which practise double standards on his own citizens. In Malaysia everyone want to be politicians because they are the most benefited with all the rakyat monies. This is what happens when there are no freedom of speech, media, etc. by other parties. Everything is controlled by one party for themselves (politicians). One for all and all for one.
Senang bagi orang yang mempunyai wang untuk membawa kes ke mahkamah seperti orang-orang politik. Bagi rakyat biasa..duduk diam-diam dan jangan cakap apa-apa , tengok sahaja mereka ingin membuat apa-apa, nanti kena “sue” diMahkamah berjuta-juta ringgit. ( Peguam juga sama jadi Kaya),” tak ubah macam cereta Hindustan..”
Bagi Rakyat, hukum sahaja mereka ini semasa Pilihanraya nanti..
Fikir-fikir rakyat jelata..
Salam kasih dan salam hormat Ayahanda Tun. I always read this kind of short analysis by Awang Selamat. Nobody knows who he is as he takes his salary like those Mission Impossible team.
This is Awang Selamat
Dear Tun,
…… Cry my beloved country. ……
Then there were the perceived missing funds. Not listening to the people on PPMSI. …
Tun is concerned about the well-being of our nation, now and the future.
Our nation need to move towards the next level to reached a matured democratic system. Tun would not have to look over your shoulder regularly if our administrative system is in place. What about looking outside the box for a solution? In a dominant single party, it is only the dominant party way.
Perhaps it is time for Malaysia to forge a two-party system – Barisan and Pakatan. UMNO, PAS, PPP, DAP, MIC, PKR, Gerakan, SUPP and others can be viewed as individual political factions within either Barisan or Pakatan. In fact, every MP can have his or her own mandate to represent his or her own electorate. Then the two-party will have constructive dialogues and debates in our Parliament. Then there will be competition among the MPs to perform to win the next election. Then there will also be transparency and accountability for every national issue. The competition tension will force UMNO, DAP, PPP and every other party to change for the better. In this two party system, there is normally a change of the ruling Government every few terms. Only the party, Barisan or Pakatan, with the better mandate will win the next Government. The competitions are self-correcting. Then we can move on and let the MPs do their bit for our nation.
Malaysia needs ethical and sincere leaders on both side of the political divide to serve our nation with a heart and a deep passion. I am guessing that Zaid and Tunku Aziz can lead the Pakatan team. Tun would know better on the leaders to lead the Barisan side.
…… I committed a lot of mistakes. ……
There would be better check and balance in a two-party system. There would be fewer mistakes if there was a shadow MP on the other side reviewing any policy. You may view it as a complimentary member and not an opposition member in our Government.
There was an important national issue pointed out by Tan Sri Prof Khoo Kay Kim, but no one in our Parliament voiced their concern then. We would not have deprived a generation of a valuable tool to face the challenges of today if there was a two-party system to review the issue then.
…… Now they seem to be making mistakes too. ……
Barisan has more experience in running a Government in Kedah, Kelantan, Penang and Selangor. Pakatan, I believe, did not expect to win the Government in some of the states. I think Barisan should guide them and not have the notion that they are the enemy. They are all our people, right? I believe that the Pakatan teams are inexperience and hence the people in these states could suffer. Barisan should also be the check and balance team to ensure a clean Government in these states. Think about it this way. If Barisan is to win back the states, then it will inherit the rotten states if they were badly managed by the previous Pakatan teams. Everyone lost in the end.
…… so-called alternative coalition not much better. ……
The key is to have the right people in our Government. I could see a lot of people with good leadership qualities over the years. It is a matter of getting them and grooms them for the task. Perhaps, there should be a pool of ethical, sincere and capable candidates for both Barisan and Pakatan. It is also important to prepare them for the responsibilities.
…… misruled whether the incumbent or the opposition wins. ……
Misrule will happen if our nation does not take any preventive measure now. There is a saying. A family wealth will not last three generations. All our leaders’ efforts, all Malaysians’ efforts would be in vain if our Government is passed on to the wrong people. Also, the future generation will suffer. The two-party system is one to look into. If Tun thinks that it is a viable solution, perhaps Tun can make it happen. Leaders like Zaid, Tunku Aziz and Ku Li can do it. Pardon me Tun. I do not see a single enemy. They are all Malaysians!
Kind Regards,
Saya terbaca mengenai ‘kritikan dan perli’ dari salah seorang komentar di tajuk sebelumnya mengenai video Lingam. nampaknya dia memang tak tengok berita pun atau dah buat hukuman sebelum menilai.. memang tak hairanla kalau dia memang bukan hakim..hehe. tapi saya boleh percaya jika dia seorang peguam sehebat zaid.. hihihi..
kebangkitan pembangkang ketika tu adalah tepat ketika rakyat Malaysia sedang dalam musim ‘jakun’ dengan maklumat underworld internet tanpa mengkaji kesahihannya… mendapat berita dari internet ketika itu adalah seperti mendapat kebenaran mutlak dan tidak perlu ditapis. yg lebih malang ketika itu internet hanya popular di kalangan penuntut U yg lazimnya dihormati sebagai golongan terpelajar bg masyarakat kampung dan di waktu yg sama kerajaan lewat menggunakan internet sebagai saluran penerangan kepada sesuatu isu (kalau adepun, bg saya, tetap tidak berkesan sngt pasal sindrom jakun internet tu) saya teringat lagi tuduhan ke atas tun seperti menonton porno dngn cucu, ade kuil dlm rumah tun, tun dan freemason dn mcm2 lagi. teringat juga mengenai ceramah agama yg mengambil bahan dari u-tube (siksaan dalam kubur)yg akhirnya terbukti satu penipuan.memalukan org Islam..
yang jelas, rakyat patut berhati2 dngn maklumat2 palsu di internet.. teringat RPK dipermainkan oleh seorang blogger.. hehe.. sy hanya tersenyum dan berpendapat blogger tersebut ikhlas utk memberitahu rakyat Malaysia mengenai budaya ‘jakun’ dalam senario maklumat di internet khususnya melibatkan politik.
Malays, Turks, Persian and some independent Arabs should come together and make intellectual alliance…..and resist the stupid ones who just raise provocative slogans to impelement shariah on earth….whereas in their heart they mean nothing or just hypocrite….
Actions speak louder than words…
Look at developed east asian Malaysia
Look at recent progressing Turkey
Look at revolutionary iran
Look at wounded Baghdad….
They offer something to look at…and to b hopeful about future
As mahathir mohammad said…at present we should work…just patiently…and develop our intellectual and economic resources
Then only we can answer decaying west…if not sooner…than not much later either…
slight misrule….is better than no-self-rule
and i get feeling….we are not much misruled in the above mentioned nations to look at…
Praise be to Allah…who holds the keys to heaven and earth… made man as khalifa on earth … inshallah…muslims will again vitalise decaying society….but patience and diligence to be maintained !
salam kepada Tun dan para bloggers,
kenapa jadi begini????semuanya sebab terlalu banyak fitnah, mencarut, mengadu domba, dengki, dendam kesumat, tiada keikhlasan, dan segala perkara yang buruk tuhan larang kita buat berlaku dengan berleluasa….sedih…….memang sedih……
dengan penuh keikhlasan,
Ayahanda Tun sekeluarga, assalamualaikum
Dear Tun,
I think this is the most appropriate time to tell you something I have long wanted to but never got around to it.
It will be a little bit longer than my normal postings but let me assure you this is a true story.
This happened if I am not mistaken in 1990 when I was 32 years old then.
I was living in Port Klang and commuting using the Klang Omnibus Company’s No. 58 bus to Sungai Way where I worked.
As can be expected, I beame familiar with the drivers and conductors but being an introverted person I usually acknowledged them with a smile.
One day, one of the conductors, a nice looking chap came up to me (till today I do not know whey he chose me) to strike up a conversation, which left me stunned (to this day).
He was fair complexioned and I dark. The gist of what he told me was as follows.
He said “sudah tertulis” ( I believe in English it means prophesised) that Malaysia would progress by leaps and
bounds with a “bukan-Melayu” (non-Malay) as the Prime Minister.
Taken aback at what he had said, I muttered back asking why he was saying this because he himself was a Malay.
My memory recalls his answer went something like this:”Saya bukan Melayu, saya orang Java. Kita orang Java orang rajin, tanah kita tidak akan biar terbiar bukan macam orang Melayu, susah nak usahakan tanah sendiri.” (I am sorry it might hurt but I am just retelling what he said.
I did not comment further and left it at that. I also wish to state here I love all people – black, white, brown, Indians, Malays Chinese, Kadazan, Muslims, Christians, Buddhists, Hindus, atheists, agnostics, free thinkers, etc … because I believe God does not choose who he wants to love.
Now I have hit the half century mark and having travelled quite a bit, I wish to tell you;
I was proud to be a Malaysian when I stepped into the KLIA.
I was proud to be a Malaysian when I saw the majestic twin towers.
I was proud to be a Malaysian when I walked around the promenade at Putrajaya.
I was proud to be a Malaysian when I stepped on the rail platform at KL Sentral.
All those are great things sir, but also let me tell you this.
When the incident with the conductor happened I was living in a low-cost flat settlement which was more like a ghetto with the majority of the people Malays and Indians.
You will be happy to know even then at least 80 per cent of the families there had a car, usually a Proton. (I didn’t then). My heart felt pride at what I saw.
I salute you sir! You turned Malaysia into a success story and not only did that, you touched the lives of millions of Malaysians besides elsewhere. You were and are truly a life enricher.
But do I have any axe to grind with you. Yes.
I only have one beef — you should not have allowed the country to stray from the secular path. But I guess that is academic now.
My best wishes to you and Kak Hasmah and also all your other family members.
P/s: I said a silent prayer for you when you were last hospitalised … strange as it may sound, I had this feeling the prayer “connected”.
Assalamualaikum,Tun apalah nak difikirkan begitulah ragam dunia.Ragam dunia yang fana.Di dunia bolehlah tipu orang cakap tu cakap ini janji tu janji ini,last2 citer lain.Di Hari Pembalasan mana boleh tipu lagi!Kepada semua ahli2 politik jangan ingat Tuhan tak nampak!Setiap perbuatan sama ada baik atau jahat tuhan akan balas!Rakyat pun bukan Bodoh!Boleh menilai sama ada baik atau buruk!Tengoklah nanti tunggulah pembalasan Tuhan!Hanya Allah S.W.T kami berserah
Hi Tun,
I am glad Tun is frank and honest.
I tend to see Tun did and does the right thing in your political atmosphere. Histories are created in time and space. We will see things better if we were at the time those histories were produced.
All the past Malaysian prime ministers were living and governing the country in their special ways. Today’s production of histories are unique and need constructive criticisms.
Cheers, Tun
Dear Tun Dr. Mahathir
Criticism is a good thing if we think outside the box.
Think of it this way, why do people criticised us?
They want us to improve.
They do not want us to keep on going to the wrong direction in their opinion.
They still care of us or else they shall not border to criticise us and spoilt their relationship with us.
If we are able to handle criticism with open heart we shall be able to improve and prove to others that we are reasonable and willing to listen to others.
As for mistake it is good thing if we are able to learn from mistake.
Conclusion is simple
Tun do make mistakes, but he did good mistakes. The opposition and previous leadership did bad mistakes. Thats the only difference.
For the opposition, are u guys in the right mind running the states that you have won eventhough they got some qualified persons to handle it? Tun, im going to clarify why in the world they screwed up the States they control today.
The reason is simple, the people who ran the states that PR appointed are bunch of self-proclaimed freedom fighters, activists, conspiracy theorists, self proclaimed detectives (accusing and complaining about other people). They are not guys who in the right mind that can run sophistiscated states like Selangor or even Penang. They spent half of their life getting beat up on the streets by FRU, fighting tyrants, got lock up in ISA, making traffic jams by gathering on the streets etc. When they got the hot seats, they dont have a bloody clue, they strangely forgot to shift their mentalities from freedom fighters to economists, law makers and policy makers. This one of the biggest reason that investors ran away, the investors doesnt give a sheet for the cause you are fighting for, they only care for their “ROI” – return of investments. They will invest only when the people who are running the show can guarantee the return of their money and some profits. No one invests money on bunch of freedom fighters nowadays.
When people say Selangor state is a rich state that means it got something to do with its economy. Sadly Selangor state economy is stagnant, nothing happening for last 2 years. Rich states or states that have solid infrastructures are able to generate economy on itself if the state ministers are creative enough to do it so what happened? wheres “merakyatkan ekonomi selangor”?. I take one example, Miss Elizabeth Wong, (no disrespect, I still think shes cute even shes like middle aged), one of her portfolio is increasing consumer confidence. Guys please tell me what shes doing, 1st she got screwed up by her malay PKR young boyriend and now jumping around asking MACC chief to resign. Shes not doing anything effective in increasing consumers confidence in the state, economy not generated as per required, luckily the federal intervene to increase the consumer spending effort through kementerian pengguna. I know its harsh criticism, but the best advice for her, she should focus on her life happiness first. Get a boyfriend then get married for god sakes, then she will get a real perspective on real world. This are not include other state opposition ministers, they are far worst than elizabeth. The only results they got for the last 2 years of governing these states is the birth of malay, chinese and indian extremists. Everyone are angry and unhappy of each other races. How in the world people going to make friends and money if everyone are unhappy???? That is a VERY BAD MISTAKE!!!
They got to remember, these are hard times, responsibility have been given, opposition please be focus abit. Creating traffic jams through gathering on the streets is not efficient way to ensure economic fluidity, you just adding stress to the average joes.
As for me, I acknowledge it is a mistake for me to vote for opposition in Selangor State. But still I consider it is a “good mistake”, at least previous administration and its lackeys are no longer there.
I don’t hate opposition. But i think they don’t have the stuff for the job. If our country have Propaganda minister like in Nazi days, those opposition guys are up for the job. Anwar can be Joseph Goebbels the firebrand (but joseph is not gay).
conclusion is simple
Tun do make mistakes, but he did good mistakes. The opposition and previous leadership did bad mistakes. Thats the only difference.
For the opposition, are u guys in the right mind running the states that you have won eventhough they got some qualified persons to handle it? Tun, im going to clarify why in the world they screwed up the States they control today.
The reason is simple, the people who ran the states that PR appointed are bunch of self-proclaimed freedom fighters, activists, conspiracy theorists, self proclaimed detectives (accusing and complaining about other people). They are not guys who in the right mind that can run sophistiscated states like Selangor or even Penang. They spent half of their life getting beat up on the streets by FRU, fighting tyrants, got lock up in ISA, making traffic jams by gathering on the streets etc. When they got the hot seats, they dont have a bloody clue, they strangely forgot to shift their mentalities from freedom fighters to economists, law makers and policy makers. This one of the biggest reason that investors ran away, the investors doesnt give a sheet for the cause you are fighting for, they only care for their “ROI” – return of investments. They will invest only when the people who are running the show can guarantee the return of their money and some profits. No one invests money on bunch of freedom fighters nowadays.
When people say Selangor state is a rich state that means it got something to do with its economy. Sadly Selangor state economy is stagnant, nothing happening for last 2 years. Rich states or states that have solid infrastructures are able to generate economy on itself if the state ministers are creative enough to do it so what happened? wheres “merakyatkan ekonomi selangor”?. I take one example, Miss Elizabeth Wong, (no disrespect, I still think shes cute even shes like middle aged), one of her portfolio is increasing consumer confidence. Guys please tell me what shes doing, 1st she got screwed up by her malay PKR young boyriend and now jumping around asking MACC chief to resign. Shes not doing anything effective in increasing consumers confidence in the state, economy not generated as per required, luckily the federal intervene to increase the consumer spending effort through kementerian pengguna. I know its harsh criticism, but the best advice for her, she should focus on her life happiness first. Get a boyfriend then get married for god sakes, then she will get a real perspective on real world. This are not include other state opposition ministers, they are far worst than elizabeth. The only results they got for the last 2 years of governing these states is the birth of malay, chinese and indian extremists. Everyone are angry and unhappy of each other races. How in the world people going to make friends and money if everyone are unhappy???? That is a VERY BAD MISTAKE!!!
They got to remember, these are hard times, responsibility have been given, opposition please be focus abit. Creating traffic jams through gathering on the streets is not efficient way to ensure economic fluidity, you just adding stress to the average joes.
As for me, I acknowledge it is a mistake for me to vote for opposition in Selangor State. But still I consider it is a “good mistake”, at least previous administration and its lackeys are no longer there.
I don’t hate opposition. But i think they don’t have the stuff for the job. If our country have Propaganda minister like in Nazi days, those opposition guys are up for the job. Anwar can be Joseph Goebbels the firebrand (but joseph is not gay).
The Government must be privatized.
We all have views. Some says, don’t critic others if you too commit mistakes, yet we all human. Mistake is necessary. Thus, criticism too is necessary.
But your mistakes Tun is minor compared to the progress you have brought to our beloved country. During your time, economy prospered, the goverment maintained 2/3 majority which you presides and nation’s development was amazing, but the best thing was, we remained as a stable country.
You should be proud about that Tun and I thank you so much. Nothing I can pay you back but I pray to Allay bless you in this world and hereafter.
The only thing I angry with your mistake, Tun. You did’t prepared your successor well. We can see now, a lot of damages have been done.
May Najib has the ability like you to repair critical situation we are facing right now.
For now and for the future.
Salam tun..
Mungkin tiada kaitan dgn post tun kali ni. Saya cuma nak melahirkan rasa geram dan kesal dgn pakatan pembangkang yg berdemonstrasi dkt ibu negara hari ni.
ISA perlu untuk menjaga keamanan negara. Siapa yg menentangnya, mmg sah ada agenda tersembunyi. Mereka takut kah?? Kesian, org Melayu sendiri nak menjatuhkan negara sendiri.
Lagi satu, PPSMI tak sepatutnya dihapuskan sekaligus. Science stream student (starting from Form 4) should be exposed with science and math in English. Seriously, saya hanya nampak mereka yg tertentu shj (ahli politik, ahli sasterawan) yg bising2 nak mansuhkan PPSMI. Ahli2 sains tak pula.. mengapa? sbb mereka tahu byk bahan rujukan ilmiah sains dalam bahasa inggeris. Ahli sastera faham ke keperitan ni??
Pendidikan di Malaysia masih ketinggalan dlm byk perkara. Tgk saja rancangan “are you smarter than a fifth grader?”. Kanak2 di amerika sudah pun mempelajari sains angkasa, sejarah dunia, sains haiwan, dll, yg mana saya rasa hanya dipelajari pelajar2 malaysia apabila baru memasuki sekolah menengah. drpd berdebat pasal pemansuhan upsr, had matapelajaran yg boleh diambil, pemansuhan ppsmi, lebih baik mereka yg berkaitan memikirkan bagaimana nak letak pelajar malaysia setanding dgn pelajar2 seusia dari negara maju lain.
sekian saja luahan rasa mahasiswa ukm kl.
Tarikh : 07-12-1993
On behalf of all Malaysians, I wish everyone a warm ‘Selamat Datang’ to the Islands of Langkawi, the isles of many legends, and, in particular, to the Langkawi International Maritime and Aerospace Exhibition (LIMA), 1993. I hope you managed to get a glimpse of our rich cultural heritage in the welcoming ceremony you just witnessed. For those who were here for the inaugural exhibition of LIMA ’91, I am sure you will have noticed the many infrastructural changes which have been made. This is to ensure that your stay here will be more comfortable.
2. Langkawi is centrally located within the growth triangle recently formed by the northern states and provinces of Malaysia and Indonesia, with the southern provinces of Thailand. With this growth triangle concept, it is anticipated that the region will gain importance, not only as an attractive tourist destination, but also as a vital investment location. An international level exhibition such as LIMA is both apt and timely. The Government hopes that more international events will be staged here in Langkawi, especially at this new International Exhibition and Convention Centre.
3. Although most of the world saw recessionary trends in the last few years, the economies of East Asian nations — particularly those in Southeast Asia — continue to show dynamic growth. Malaysia is at the heart of this growing region and has developed a strong manufacturing base during the last five years. The Malaysian economy has moved away from its traditional reliance on the export of raw materials to the export of manufactured goods. Malaysia is also moving away from labour – intensive to capital and technology-intensive industries.
4. With this solid ‘hi-tech’ and engineering background, Malaysia is proud to step into the aerospace industry. When LIMA ’91 was held it stimulated a lot of interest and awareness among Malaysians and foreign industrialists of the potential that exists in the aerospace industry, especially in the Asia Pacific region. This industry is associated with high technology which we are anxious to acquire in order to bring the nation to a higher level of technological advancement and international competitiveness.
5. This time, two years after LIMA ’91, a Malaysian company, Composite Technology Research Malaysia (CTRM), announced its participation in the production of the Eagle X-TS, a light all- composite aircraft, in partnership with an Australian company. As of May 28 this year, Malaysia took over the whole company. The first production model of the Eagle rolled out of the Australian facility in Perth last October. Today, it is being displayed for the first time in Malaysia. Plans are now in hand to manufacture the aircraft entirely in Malaysia. The Eagle project is one of the bold steps that we are taking into the world of composite technology. Eagle Aircraft (Malaysia) Sdn Berhad has also secured firm orders for six aircraft from its first customer, the Conservation and Land Management Authority of Western Australia. The Eagle is suited for leisure flying and for surveillance work.
6. This year, Malaysia became involved in two other aircraft manufacturing projects. I am pleased to announce that the German-designed Dornier Seastar CD2, a twin-engined fourteen-seater, amphibious aircraft is scheduled for manufacture in Penang next year. Aerospace Industries Malaysia (AIM) is leading a consortium of companies to produce the Seastar entirely in Malaysia. This aircraft has enormous scope for sales in the Asia-Pacific region, being useful both for maritime patrols, search and rescue missions, as well as for lake and island resorts.
7. A third project is the production of the Swiss-designed Datwyler MD3-160 two-seater aerobatic trainer aircraft. SME Aerospace will be producing these low-cost trainers, and we expect to see the first Malaysian-produced MD3s flying before the end of next year. There is a demand for this category of aircraft world-wide and SME Aerospace hopes to secure a market niche.
8. In manufacturing these three aircraft, we have embarked on new areas of technology with very stringent quality requirements. The demands of the aerospace industry also require that the Malaysian workforce be extremely conscious of quality in the whole production process. We believe we have the necessary work ethics and skills for this kind of industry.
9. These are undoubtedly small beginnings. But then the U.S. entered the aerospace industry with the Kitty Hawk, an aircraft that is even more primitive than the three aircraft I have mentioned. In a century’s time we may have our Boeing and McDonnell Douglas counterpart, God willing. But a beginning has to be made. And three small aircraft make a good beginning, modest though they may be.
10. In conjunction with its efforts to promote composite product manufacturing in Malaysia, the Government has approved a Composite Manufacturing Zone (CMZ) in Malacca.The CMZ, among other things, will house: – an aerospace industries centre, with Eagle Aircraft Malaysia taking the lead; – a non-aerospace products manufacturing centre, with Talon Malaysia as a key tenant manufacturing hockey sticks from composite materials; and – an advanced composites laboratory to provide research backup for companies located in the CMZ.
11. We look forward to having more companies, both local and foreign, joining us at the CMZ. Composites, as you are well aware, could be used in the manufacture of many sporting items, marine vessels, fittings for trains and vehicles and all containers where payload and strength are major considerations. Of course more and more composite materials are being used in both commercial and military aircraft. Up till now a great deal of manual work is required. And Malaysia’s low-cost highly- skilled workers are a great asset in manufacturing with composites.
12. Malaysia is also developing its own maritime industries. We have already built freighters and ferry boats. The naval dockyard at Lumut, which was corporatised two years ago, will be a new entrant into the shipbuilding industry. It will be involved in the construction of patrol vessels for the Royal Malaysian Navy in collaboration with foreign shipbuilding companies. Local industries involved in the manufacture and supply of shipboard equipment and systems will be able to participate and benefit from the transfer of its technology. The Ministry of International Trade and Industry will spearhead a vendor development programme for small and medium scale industries to support the patrol vessel project, just as it did for the national car project.
13. There is also a great deal of potential in the construction of pleasure craft. During LIMA ’91, almost all the pleasure boats exhibited were sold by the end of the exhibition. The growing affluence of Malaysia and its neighbours will undoubtedly create a demand for such craft.I would like to urge local and foreign entrepreneurs to look into the possibility of developing Malaysia as the regional centre for the production of such craft. With more such craft in local waters there will be increasing needs for marinas and boat maintenance facilities. Quite a number are being built now, but I believe more will be needed soon.
14. In order to meet the demands of industrialisation and new technologies, changes will be made to the education policy and new courses will be offered by the institutions of higher learning, government and private sectors.
15. The government spares no effort to provide all the necessary support facilities to the private sector keen to invest in high technology ventures. The hi-tech park being developed in Kulim, Kedah and the CMZ in Malacca are just two examples of this effort. The Malaysian Government as you can see responds quickly to the needs of investors.
16. I would like to point out once again that the Langkawi International Maritime and Aerospace Exhibition is not just another aerospace or maritime show. It is true that almost every country in Asia now holds such exhibitions. But LIMA is still relevant and special because it is held in a region with the fastest growing economy. People in this region are now more affluent and are not only travelling more but are actually eginning to regard ownership of private jets and luxury boats as essential for business and for pleasure.
17. At LIMA, exhibitors will have the maximum time to display and demonstrate the capabilities of their products to the people who matter. The site of this exhibition permits full aerobatics as we are not hampered by the operational needs of a busy commercial airport, by densely-populated population centres or by crowded harbours.
18. LIMA ’93 is more than twice as big as LIMA ’91, the first aerospace and maritime exhibition in Langkawi. This in itself is evidence of its recognition and relevance. But in addition, the seminars on aviation held in conjunction, is topical and relevant to the expanding air travel industry in the region and the world.
19. Besides, Langkawi is a wonderful place for both work and play. Less than 10 years ago there were only about 30,000 visitors to these islands. Last year more than a million visitors came, some 30 percent of whom were from outside Malaysia. So your business visit in 1993 should be followed by vacations on these islands in the future. You will find that LIMA has introduced you to more than just an aerospace or maritime show.
20. The series of LIMA exhibitions that we plan to stage is also aimed at challenging Malaysians to respond and be pro-active to the demands of a technology-driven world.Malaysia cannot afford to be left behind. In a competitive world there can be no complacency. Alertness and a willingness to venture into new fields are the prerequisites of merely staying abreast.
21. I would like to thank all exhibitors and guests who have come from far and near to support LIMA ’93. I am confident that the business contacts they will make in the course of their participation in LIMA ’93 will be most worthwhile.
22. It now gives me great pleasure to declare LIMA ’93 open.
Dear Tun,i’m Riddwa Ibrahim a final year student from UPM taking Bachelor in Aerospace Engineering.i’m here because i’m interested about the three aircraft manufacturing projects (Eagle X-TS,Dornier Seastar CD2 and Datwyler MD3-160) as stated in your speech above.After over 1 decade (1993 till now),do you think aviation industry(manufacturing site)in Malaysia has reached its succeed?what is your comment after all…
FYI,i’m now work on my Final Year Project supervised by Col. (R) Tarmizi Ahmad(former CEO of SME Aviation Company).Our fairy tale dream is to build UPM-1 aircraft that has “marriage of excellent Daetwyler MD3-160 aerodynamics performance and simple light weight structure of the Zodiac CH-601”. At least next generation can taste the pursuit of happiness in aviation industry even if mine is not.
Salam kasih dan salam hormat Ayahanda Tun. Izinkan saya sedikit laluan Tun. Terima kasih.
A non performing GLC
Dengan Izin Tun..Terima kasih..
A nice one from you I must concede.Back to the Pandora Box..
Pandora heard a voice from the box that says..Release me..and all the sweet nothing which goes with it..Unable to tempt her curiosity that not only kill the cat..She release all kinds of evil to the world..
Bittered and stung that is the aftermath.
Now back to Malaysian political scene.
Abdullah Argh..Mad Badawi opened Malaysian political Pandora Box..
First : he heeds the voice of ”release me” from Anwar Ibrahim..
Please release me let me go..For I don’t love Mahathir any more..
He..opss..I did it again..I got carried away and not so innocent..
Not all hell break loose in Malaysia but it did it catastropic proportion in Malaysia though..
Second: Abdolla like the Pandora Box myth gives hopes..He gaves many Malaysian hopes but as the saying goes…
His ego writing checks his body can’t cash..
I would not go into all the details but suffice to says Tun walks his talks,though his critics will not agrees to this.And they who critizes Tun are the one as always nothing to shows for their critism.They truly forgotten the saying..
People in house glass should not throw stone..
Thank you Hanan..May I have not to say anything about your political scene…:)
Terima kasih Tun..
Salute to my dear Tun!
the political condition here in Malaysia is ashamed.It is so bad that many are taking bribes, doing nothing for the country and our country is in a turmoil…… this should change in another 20 years to come………So, 1MALAYSIA should be reality…..
Salam Sejahtera Tun,
Your only ‘mistake’ is that you are unable to change mentality of Malays and UMNO members during your tenure as a Prime Minister. Nobody will understand you Tun! I appreciate what you have done to this country.
Dear Dr Mahathir,
You have done your very best for the country, please don’t be sad.
The oppositon is not helping the nation and people of malaysia but is creating chaos and politiking for themself and their party!
If we abolish ISA, i think we will face demonstration every month. If they wan to win, pls win in respect or correct manner.
Well Done to Datin Rosmah (Najib Tun Razak
Tun, please listen to my story: “Internal Epic War of ISA In Malaysia”
The country need to progress and to progress, you need the peace,
freedom and stable situation to work, study and pray… But today
(1 August 2009), in our own capital of Kuala Lumpur, roads leading
to the city centre continued to be jammed as police maintained
roadblocks, people detained from the entrance to the Sogo shopping
complex, heavy police presence near National Mosque as some people
gather nearby and a lot more nonsense, stupidity and unacceptable
events which led to the chaos of our beloved country… What? Are we
kind of having a civil war like expansion of the border, undetermined
number of civilian casualties or racial issues problem until
killing each other..? No, we dont… Everybody I think is happy to stay
in Malaysia as long as they are hardworking, intelligent and
really focus to enhance the quality of their living… While Malaysian
organizations struggling to survive and locate their tag names on
Bursa Malaysia main board, launching the companies’ prospectus at
luxury hotel, builds ferries, workboats and landing craft, some people
are busy enough to cast a public disorder and confusion… Life is
not as easy as we thought… The rakyat really do their best to
provide the lunch on the table for their families… Everybody wants to
avoid hunger and life uncomfortability… I urge everybody to be a
good civilian, pray to your God, work hard and live peacefully in
our motherland so we can make her as a world’s heaven…
-Long live Malaysia-
p/s: The shuttle Endeavour of United States just closed out a space
station assembly mission with a smooth landing here (Florida), bringing
back to Earth, after four and a half months, the first Japanese
astronaut (Dr. Wakata) to have engaged in long-duration orbit…
~~ Salam and Hye to kamal ahmad, HBT, samuraimelayu,
Nothing but wind, Hanan (Shalom to a Jewish), ParpuKari, JJJ, HOT ZOOM,
rarunasalam (Ravi) and everybody. Have a nice day. May Allah
bless you all. ~~
Salam kasih saya kepada Tun,
Setiap hari saya menuggu update dari blog Tun dan saya juga hormati semua komen-komen yang cintakan kedamaian di bumi malaysia ini. Terima kasih Tun kerana membawa malaysia ke mata dunia. Pada tahun 2007 saya mengikuti trip ke Shanghai, China. Disana barulah saya tahu bagaimana besarnya Malaysia dimata dunia. Mereka amat kagum dengan percapaian Malaysia. Disana mereka menceritakan betapa mersa dan ramahnya pribadi Tun semasa lawatan ke Shanghai. Saya berharap Tun sentiasa memberi komen dan bimbingan kepada PM DS Najib.
Terima Kasih Tun..
Dear Tun,
Mistakes are inevitable. It is always up to the public to classify your mistakes. Some moves you made may have been criticised heavily but it will benefit us Malaysians in a long run.
Some may say your biggest mistake is introducing PPSMI, but for me that is your best move to elevate Malaysia’s progress in Science and Mathematics.
Some may say you are wasting money on materialistic development, but again, it has elevated Malaysia’s name in the global scale.
Never will Malaysia be what it is now without Tun.
yes tun, definitely, independence was a mistake. i tend to believe that malaysian will not gone through all this difficulties such as ‘kena berarak dan berdemonstrasi di tengah tengah panas dan hujan hanya kerana percayakan seseorang yang boleh memberikan semua dan seluruh rakyat malaysia kehidupan yang sangat dan very very baik!’
bayangkan kalau kita masih di bawah pemerintahan british, takde la mana- mana orang malaysia sendiri yang akan berebut kuasa nak jadi pemerintah. sebab pemerintah jelasnya adalah british dan mungkin yang memerintah sekarang adalah kerajaan parti buruh di britain. kalau ada yang nak berebut kuasa pun, adalah dikalangan orang british sendiri. dan kalau diorang nak berdemonstrasi pun, diorang akan berdemonstrasi di england, suruh PM britain lantik ahli politik itu dan ini dikalangan mereka untuk memerintah Malaysia. So di Malaysia ini akan aman, rakyat tak kelam kelibut, pelajar tak porak peranda nak memikir pasal politik.
tapi apabila orang Malaysia diberi peluang memerintah malaysia dulu, kita lihat kesannya sekarang. Orang Malaysia sendiri memecah belahkan orang malaysia sendiri. semua ini semata- mata kerana inginkan kuasa. parti pembangkang yang ada sekarang pun tidak berfungsi dengan baik. mereka tidak sama- sama membangunkan negara walaupun itulah yang sepatutnya dituntut daripada mereka, walaupun berlainan cara. ini tidak, apa sahaja yang kerajaan sekarang ingin buat , mereka akan cuba cari point bagi menunjukkan apa yang kerajaan ingin buat itu adalah salah. tidak ke mereka perlu memberi sedikit masa kepada kerajaan. mereka sepatutnya memberi komen bagaimana polisi2 yang dirancang oleh kerajaan dapat dilaksana dengan baik. bagi maklumat bagaimana nak tambahbaik. dan kalau kerajaan tak mahu terima, barulah mereka boleh gunakan isu itu. ini tidak, mereka memberi komen tanpa menunjukkan jalan penyelesaian.
saya juga tertarik dengan komen Mr. Hanan berkenaan 2 jenis orang politik. 1, politician yang berjuang untuk kepentingan sendiri dan 2, politician yang berjuang untuk rakyat. benar, 2 2 jenis politician yang disebutkan itu tidaklah baik keseluruhannya. menjadi politician yang berjuang untuk rakyat pun susah juga kerana ada ketikanya tidak semua kehendak rakyat dapat dipenuhi. ada kehendak rakyat yang perlu dikorbankan demi kepentingan generasi akan datang. dan sayang, rakyat tidak dapat memahami prinsip ini. dan ia diburukkan lagi dengan keadaan politician yang ada ini, gagal memberi penjelasan dan pemahaman kepada rakyat mengapa mereka terpaksa berkorban sedikit demi generasi akan datang.
so, to mr. hanan, pada saya, politician yang baik adalah politician yang memperjuangkan nasib bangsa dan negaranya pada masa akan datang. politician jenis ini sendiri sebenarnya telah sediaada berkorban dengan menerima tohmahan- tohmahan dan celaan2 dalam apa sahaja kebaikkan yang ingin dibuat untuk generasi akan datang. dan mereka inilah politician negara yang sejati kerana mereka tahu, apa yang dibuat adalah untuk generasi akan datang.
ingatlah kepada semua rakyat malaysia yang dewasa dan sudah bekerja pada hari ini. Kita bekerja dan hidup pada hari ini bukan berjuang untuk memenuhi kehendak diri kita pada masa kini, tapi kita hidup dan bekerja pada hari ini adalah untuk memenuhi kehendak generasi kita akan datang. supaya kesinambungan bangsa kita akan berterusan dan tidak lenyap dek zaman.
cry with me Tun.
Saya telah melihat blog anda, masyaALLAH penuh dengan kejian,kutukan dan hinaan. Sekiranya anda seorang Islam, saya wajib menasihatkan anda dan orang yang sealiran anda sama ada penyokong BN atau penyokong pembangkang. Bertaubat dan insaflah. Kutukan, hinaan dan kejian tersebut akan dipersoalkan nanti di hadapan rabbul jalil. Bagaimana anda hendak menjawabnya? terutama jika apa yang ditulis tidak benar. Bagaimana jika apa yang anda keji tersebut berbalik kepada anda sendiri atau anak cucu anda? Katakan jika anda dan waris anda pula yang akan jadi peliwat? Nauzubillah!
Saya juga pasti, jiwa anda “meronta” dan “gelisah” setiap kali anda membukakan pekung orang lain. Jiwa anda pasti tak tenang. Ingatlah syaitan akan bertepuk tangan setiap kali anda “berjaya” mengutuk orang. Janji Allah, satu keburukan orang yang kita dedahkan, sepuluh keburukan kita Allah akan dedahkan. Sebab itu sesiapa yang suka mengutuk orang, maka makin ramai orang akan mengutuk dia balik. Sedarlah hakikat itu.
Di sini saya menyeru, marilah kita berpolitik secara berhikmah bukan memfitnah. Berpolitik cara ilmiah dan dewasa. Ingatlah kita telah memilih sistem demokrasi, maka bagilah peluang setiap orang memainkan peranan dengan baik demi kebaikan rakyat. Kutuk-mengutuk tidak menyelesaikan masalah. Berhujahlah dengan baik dan berlapang dada dengan hujah orang lain. Baik pembangkang dan pemerintah semuanya berperanan dalam sistem demokrasi. Kalau tidak baik kita pilih sahaja sistem satu parti seperti sistem komunis.
Wahai saudaraku Parpukari, orang seperti andalah yang menyebabkan orang makin benci kepada UMNO. Generasi terbanyak dulu dan sekarang tidak suka mengutuk orang. Sebab itulah dari dulu sampai sekarang pembangkang tidak memenangi pilihanraya secara keseluruhan kerana masih ramai pemimpin pembangkang mengutuk orang secara berlebihan. LIhat juga semakin kuat propaganda BN di TV, semakin orang menolak BN. Oleh itu, jagalah imej BN dan UMNO, kekalkan cara dulu yang tidak melayan sangat provakasi pembangkang dan meneruskan agenda untuk rakyat.
Cuma saya terfikir, adakah anda Parpukari seorang agen pembangkang yang sengaja merosakkan imej UMNO dengan berpura-pura menyokong UMNO? Sebab ramai juga pemimpin UMNO yang anda kutuk dan melaga-lagakan pemimpin UMNO. Atau memang “gen” kari ini ingin meneruskan agenda dahulu kala untuk memecahbelahkan bumi MELAYU yang tercinta ini? Sebab, sesungguhnya “gen” kari ini bukan MELAYU dan tidak berasal dari TANAH MELAYU.
Saya tidak berhak untuk berprasangka, tetapi sejarah tetap mengajar kita untuk berwaspada dan bersikap kritikal.
Dear Tun Yang DiSayangi
Selama ini saya tak pernah dengar dari mana mana pemimpin khususnya dari pembangkang berani mengaku seperti itu.
Malahan ada yang lagi terus menambah TAKBUR, BONGKAK, CAKAP BESAR, BOHONG dan SUKA MEMAKI HAMUN. Orangnya tak lain tak bukan Dato’ Nik Aziz Menteri BESAR Kelantan, Lim Kit Siang, Karpal Singh dan anak2 mereka sekali turut bersama. Tak lama lagi cucu2 akan ikut perangai dia orang. Mudah mudahan tak.
Mat Sabu pernah kena tangkap berduan dalam bilik bersama isteri orang itu pun lepas kerana sikap2 yang tersebut diatas.
Yang sedihnya rakyat dan penyokong mereka suka nah dan terpengaruh dengan sikap2 ala SYAITAN ini.
Yang selalu nampak atas kesalahan kita adalah musuh2 kita yang TUN sebutkan siHIPOKRIT tu.
Tapi TUN saya agak keluarga2 dia orang pun hari2 MERANA dengan perangai dan tingkah laku dia orang tu.
Dear Tun
Both you and Lee Kuan Yew share the same affliction. Both of you governed ungrateful populace. Maybe the both of you can start a club. You can also ask George W Bush to join this club.
Dear Tun,
Mistake is part of human life, nobody could escape from make mistake including you. Most importantly is, how should we deal with it and how should we avoid from repeating it.
Allah has given opportunity to you to rule our country administration for 22 years, generally, you have succeed it even thought they are some people out there says that you failed. But in comparison with the others PM, I think you are much better than them, some people may disagree on this, but that ok, everybody have their own judgement. We are the people of Malaysia have that right to judge our leader.
This may sound over, but leader like you only come once in 100 years. As Malaysian, we should feel grateful to God that had given us with such charismatic leader to lead our beloved country and we should actually have to make full use of it, but unfortunately we let ourselves indulged in debate of “your past misdeed”. As you mentioned last time, we need to learn our past history to know where we are and where we heading. We may thought we are moving ahead but actually we moving backward unconsciously. That why learning history is essential to every each of us.
The opposition parties seems committing a lot mistakes too, I can’t imagine if they become ruling party of federal constituency.
Finally, this post are quite sarcastic in nature, there’s may some bloggers would understand it.
Tun kata:
3. I admit that ever since I became Minister of Education in 1974, through my period as Deputy Prime Minister and then 22 years as Prime Minister I committed a lot of mistakes. I would not be human if I did not.
Kritikan/komen saya:
***Kesilapan Tun*******
Berkaitan projek pembangunan, itu suatu risiko yang perlu dilakukan oleh mana2 pemimpin yang berniat hendak memajukan negara. Jika tak berjaya, tak salah keranajika telah berusaha lakukan seberapa baik boleh. Manusia merancang, Tuhan yang menentukan. Tapi saya tak nampak kesilapan Tund ari segi pembangunan negara.
Cuma saya ingin memebri pandangan kesilapan Tun kerana terlalu beri penekanan kepada kemajuan kekayaan orang Melayu tanpa memastikan iannya seharusnya seiring dengan pembentuan peribadi yang mulia. Kesannya ialah lihat perangai kebanyakan (bukan semua) orang Melayu zaman sekarang ini daripada kanak2 (cucu)sampai lah peringkat orang tua(Datuk/Nenek). Ada yang berjaya kaya, tetapi kedekut, sombong, bakil, penting diri sendiri dan lain2 lagi. Bagi orang melayu yang tak berjaya depa hilang jatidiri, hilang keyakinan untuk maju ke hadapan. Ada nak2 depa yang menjadi memeberontak, penagi dadah dan pelbagai masalah sosial. Berapa kerat pemimpin politik ikhlas bantu depa. Semasa saya aktif UMNO dahulu, saya sampaikan masalah rakyat yang miskin dan lain2 masalah kepada Ketua Cawangan, depa kata itu tanggungjawab Jabatan Kebajikan, itu tanggungjawab Jabatan itu dan Jabatan ini, Habis apa fungsi UMNO cawangan dan UMNO bahagian. Kadangkaa saya fikirkan memang patut pun UMNO kalah!
Saya terus terang saya katakan saya baru insaf bila umur saya masuk 40 tahun. Umur saya sekarang kena rahsiakan untuk jaga identiti “OrangLama” saya. Dahulu saya seperti anak muda lain. Lintang pukang juga. Memanglah tanggungjawab didikan agama ialah kepada ibubapa/penjaga. Tetapi Tun adakalanya beberapa perkara adalah diluar kawalan ibubapa terutamanya di luar rumah. Itu tanggungjawab pemerintah. Siapa yang berkuasa memastikan siaran TV adalah berssesuain dengan kehendak agama kalau bukan pemerintah. Siapa yang berkuasa menetukan perjalanan kehidupan di luar rumah kalau bukannya pemerintah. Budak2 duk lepak kat Sure Heboh, Pesta2 Muzik merapu sana merapu sini, Siapa yang Bertanggungjawab melulusakan aktiviti sebegini kalau bukan kerajaan. Kerajaan mempunyai kuasa memastikan perjalanan aktiviti seharusnya tidak menggangu kerja solat 5 waktu bila masuk waktu! Orang bukan Islam tak kisah un kita malkan peraturan Islam ke atas diri kita sendiri.( jangan pedulikan., kalau depa kisah). Kenapa kerajaan tak buat.
Tun mempunyai pengaruh yang kuat terhadap pemikiran rakyat. Rakyat percaya kepada Tun sebab terbukti selama 22 taun keikhlasan Tun memajukan rakyat Malaysia tanpa membeza agama dan kaum. Pemimpin pembangkang tukang “perhangat tahi ayam” saja. Terutamanya pemimpin PKR .Sampai masa rakyat “hopefully forgive and forget DEPA forever”.
Sekarang saya rayu Tun mendesak kerajaan Dato Najib supaya memberi perhatian kepada pembentukan akhlak mulia di kalangan orang2 Melayu supaya orang Melayu dapat menjadi contoh umat Islam seluruh dunia yang berjaya dari segi kebendaaan dan keperibadian . Berjaya di dunia dan berjaya di akhirat.
Sebagai contoh, mungkin tiada dapat dibayangkan oleh orang2 Melayu zaman dahulu sebelum Merdeka akan ada dengan bebas Pesta Arak “Hennessy Artistry di Bukit Kiara Indoor Arena di Malaysia lihat akhbar Star hari ini (August 1,2009). Zaman dahulu kebanyakannya orang Melayu tidak takut atau bimbang mengharamkan dan merampas botol2 arak di kedai2 di kawasan majoriti orang Melayu.
Lihat akhbar Star hari ini, di Shah Alam kononya PAS pejuang Islam pun tak berani nak laksanakan apa yang depa perjuangkan sehingga kena gempar dengan YB Ronnie Liu supaya pulangkan balik botol2 arak yang dirampas kepada pekedai.Buat mal;u aje! Lembik! dulu kata UMNO tak betul, rupayan hang pa pun dua kali lima! Pemimpin Melayu Pakatan rakyat hanya pandai bercakap seprti YB Dato Seri Anwar Ibrahim dan YAB Tok Guru Nik Aziz tetapi bila nak laksanakan Islam masih teragak2 dan masih bimbang kot2 dapat bantahan dari orang bukan Islam. Hang pa pemimpin pembangkang Tukang Karut!!!!
*****Kepada PAS lagi****
PAS ini lah masa nya hang pa uji DAP berkaitan Islam. Hang pa kan sehati sejiwa Pakatan Rakyat! Kalau DAP tak terima dan membantah undang2 Islam dah TERAMAT JELAS dDAP musuh PAS. Jangan asyik kata UMNO, MCA dan lain2 kerana DAP dah terlalu dekat dengan hag pa. Tentu nampak terang benderang. Tak payah pakai cermin mata! Nampak jelas sangat.
Sekarang tanggungjawab memerintah dipikul leh Dato Seri Najib. Negeri Pakatan Rakyat tanggungawab depa la! Jadi kalau orang Kelantan bermasalah di Kelantan tanggungjawab Menteri Besar Tok Guru Nik Aziz. Di Pulau Pinang, siapa pula? Tak kan YB Lim Guan Eng, sungguhpun dia kata dia tu ikut pemerintahan Khalifah Omar Aziz. Itu dia yang mengaku, mungkin beberapa Pemimpin PAS dan PKR percaya kot. Ayah YB Lim Guan Eng iaitu YB Lim KItt Siang dulu pun hampir tak iktirahf YB Dato Nizar sebagai Menteri Besar Perak. Itu mungkin sebab sekarang Dato Nizar rapat dengan pemimpin DAP Perak nak dapat sokongan atau nak berdakwah? Dato Nizar ikutlah PAS betul2. PAS yang asal lebih “extreme” sifat kebangsaannya dari UMNO. Tok Guru Nik Aziz tak ikut perjuangan PAS yang asal.Macam mana orang seperti saya nak sokong PAS? (Ikhlas ni, bukan menghasut). Ada sedikit bilangan orang PAS suka syak wasangka sesama Islam meskipun amalan sebegini dilarang Islam.
*****Untuk orang PAS: Petikan dari laman web PAS****
Di bawah kepemimpin Tuan Guru Haji Ahmad Fuad Hassan dan Dr Haji Abbas Alias, PAS bercakap soal kemerdekaan yang boleh ditegakkan hukum Islam. PAS MENOLAK KERAKYATAN jus soli yang merugikan peribumi dan PAS mendesak supaya Islam dijadikan dasar negara yang merdeka. Apabila Dr Burhanuddin al-Helmy mengambil alih kepemimpinan PAS pada akhir 1956, PAS mula memperincikan sikapnya terhadap kemerdekaan yang hendak dicapai yang dianggap
Assalamualaikum…ayahanda Tun,
Selama pemerintahan Tun memang ada kesilapan dan kelamahan tapi itulah proses kehidupan…tak da seorang pun pemimpin di dunia ni yang sempurna.Di antara pemimpin-pemimpin YANG X SEMPURNA INI ada yan dapat memajukan,memakmurkan negara mereka dan ada yang menjahanamkan negara mereka…dan TUN ADALAH ANTARA MEMIMPIN YNG TAK SEMPURNA YANG TELAH MEMAJUKAN DAN MEMAKMURKAN NEGARA MALAYSIA YANG TERCINTA INI…TUN ADALAH PEMIMPIN YANG TERBAIK…UR DA BEST TUN….SEMOGA TUN SENTIASA SIHAT DAN DIRAHMATI ALLAH…TERUSKAN MEMBERI PANDANGAN DAN TEGURAN……
Tun yang sangat saya hormati,
Ayat “double meaning” Tun dari dulu memang menusuk jiwa. Ramai yang disini, beri komen, tak sedar yang sebenarnya Tun sedang membelasah mereka dengan artikel Tun ini.. Tersenyum saya.
Ada yang mengatakan Tun rendah diri lah, menyalahkan diri lah, tak fahamke mereka yang patut malu, patut sedar diri adalah mereka. Semua benda nak kritik, macam bagus sangat. Padahalnya, tak pernah bagi sumbangan apa-apa pun pada negara. Semua masuk tembolok sendiri.
Mereka ni yang konon-kononya semua yang baik dah terjadi kat Malaysia ni tak betul, kalau ikut cakap mereka baru betul. Tapi, macam Tun cakaplah, Tun buat salah, Tun betulkan, tapi kalau mereka ni buat salah, dengan akal dangkal mereka itu, hancur kita.. haha
Tahniah Tun denga satu lagi Artikel pedas lagi Mengancam.
Yang Benar.
Dear Tun,
1) Selagi Najib Razak berada di atas sana selagi tu lah orang muda ralat dan tidak akan memberi sokongan/undi kepada BN/UMNO…
2) Percayalah cakap saya, Najib tidak mempunyai langsung populariti positif yang boleh memberi impak kepada orang muda…
3) Di dalam UMNO sendiri saya boleh bilang berapa kerat sahaja yang menyokong Najib… Saya begitu hairan mengapa bodohnya Perhimpunan Agung UMNO hari itu yang mana menyaksikan Najib menang tanpa bertanding…
4) Apakah tidak ada telur orang-orang UMNO nih? Apakah pekak mereka nih dengan masyarakat luar sana dek pentingkan wang ringgit itu? Hoi tak sedarkah kerana Najib lah UMNO semakin tidak popular!
5) Pelik! Kasihan! Selapas Dollah datang pula pelingkup baru iaitu Najib… Jika Dollah tidak mempunyai populariti, saya berani cakap kat sini Najib berkali-kali ganda langsung tidak mempunyai populariti dikalangan masyrakat orang muda am nya…
A.G Bell didn’t create phone on first try,
and Alva Edison get it right only after 1000 attempts,
mistake doesn’t mean a failure,
but failure is certain if you didn’t learn from the mistakes.
My beloved Tun,
1. So what is the solution? Crying until the WW3’s drums beaten?
2. Why not the elders help the youngsters? Nursing us, guide us,
teach us and save us.
3. I realize that it is quite hard to approach young generation
especially those who have lost their roots.
4. We got to destroy all premises those trapping & damaging the mind
of our young generation.
May the Lord be with us..
Yg benar,
Anak yang bodoh lagi hina
tun yang dikasihi,
innamal a’mal lubinniat..kita berniat mencari keredzaaan Allah.sesungguhnya kejayaan adalah bersama orang yang sabar.sindiran tun yang tajam sewajarnya difahami dan diinsafi.tun telah berjaya membangunkan negara ini.itu fakta dan hakikat.kita sudah berjaya 20tahun kehadapan jika dibandingkan dgn negara2 yang merdeka diera 50an.malah kejayaan pembangunan dan keindahan putrajaya,adalah setanding dan ada yang melebihi kejaannya dari mana2 negara maju didunia.warga malaysia tetap menghargai tun w/p segelintir kecil yang masih mencari halatuju dalam hidup merika dan masih tidak memahami.merika harus muhasabah diri sebelum pintu hati merika tertutup untuk menghargai jasa orang.Rasulallah(saw)bersabda:”man lam yash kurin nas lam yash kurillah”bermaksud,”sesiapa yg tidak berterima kasih pada manusia maka dia tidak mensyukuri nikmat Allah.alngkah rugi hidup kita kalau kiranya sifat syukur kita tidak diterima olih Allah kerana melupai manusia yg berjasa pada kita.
buat masa ini seharusnya kita mengajar generasi muda sifat2 terima kasih dan bersyukur,agar merika menjadi anak yang solih.tetapi kalau merika dididik dgn sifat menapikan sumbangbakti pemimpin maka jiwa merika sentiasa diresapi semangat benci dan mungkin satu hari nanti merika akan mula mempertikaikan dua ibu bapa merika.,minta simpang la ya.
pemimpin harus lupakan persengkitaan.bangunkan semula semangat we feeling/kekitaan dan kasih sayang.sesiapa yang kasih pada manusia maka Allah mengasihi kita.sepanjang pengalaman saya dgn tun dia tak pernah gunakan perkataan “saya” tetapi tun gunakan perkataan “kita”kepada segala perubahan yang dibawa.seolahnya semua kejayaan adalah usaha rakyat malaysia bersama.
tun teruskan..kami tetap menghargai tun dan bersyukur pada Allah atas segala sumbangan dan bakti tun… shahidan..
Salam Tun & fellow bloggers,
1.Time has already changed,lets face it.
2.Yes it’s true that ISA has saved our days,by checking the communist in the era of Independence.
3.But today ISA has been abused by BN to protect their interests.
4.Otherwise,please explain to me the rationale of arresting an assemblywoman or a journalist by branding them a national threat.
5.We have ample akta,like Akta Hasutan or Akta Mesin Cetak to deal with these ‘public enemy’.
6.Most of layman on the street agreed that access to fair trial in the court of justice is the basic need of human’s right.
7.Kezaliman atas apa alasan sekalipun adalah tetap salah.
8.For your kind info,I’m a registered UMNO member,and like you Tun,I’m a proud endangered species who dare to call a spade,a spade..
Dear Tun,
About Malaysians not wanting to learn to even understand English by passing the subject, it is utterly an unfortunate thing to happen…but I guess most people are not up for challenges and see people who push challenges their way as “pengacau” or “suka cari masalah and buat susah”. Most melayu dont like that…(kesian)
The latest development and decision to cancel teachings of Science and Maths in English is disappointing but I guess Malaysians needs time to digest that they are ketinggalan. Later, dalam tahun 2020 baru sedar kot…so please dont be sad…your decision to teach Science and Maths in English has certainly brought a new awareness to all Malaysians…whether they like it or not. You know Tun, even accounting would be good if its taught in english…because in the real cruel world, takde sapa dah buat accounting in malay…tapi takpelah, let them learn the hard way…you have cracked your brain and took the bashing to avoid them from experiencing this misfortune of tak paham benda in english, tapi diorang nak jugak learn things the hard way…biar lah Tun…
You know Tun, if you ever feel mistreated or that Malaysians have forgotten your sacrifices, please dont…because we havent and will never ever will forget.
I have written an earlier comment to answer Mr. Smarty-Pants Ravi, so you dont have to approve this comment…I just want to let you know how I feel.
Take care Tun and I wish you and Tun Siti Asmah well.
Good evening Tun,
I totally agree with your comments on the current government. I mean, what is the point of having the current opposition, the PKR more precisely, to win the next general election? The PKR is basically made of ex-UMNO members. They inherited the same corrupting tactics and they act like groupies at times.
Is it alright to believe that only a new political party with 100% new members, with no connection to any of the current parties, can only form an ideal government?
everyone made mistakes … but depends on what type of mistakes … certain mistakes are categorized as dosa, and it should be punished …
hopefully one day BN collapsed and PR take over the administration … then we will see whether Tun will protest against ISA or not?
1. I am humbled by your acceptance YB Tun ..it takes a great man to own up to his mistake.
2.As a Sri Lankan Tamil whose great grand parents decided to chose The Federation of Malay State as their home, I pray that we all come to our senses and stop the over politicking.
3. YB Tun, you are right in implying that our wonderful nation is at a political cross roads.
4. The nation needs a strong Malay leadership,morally upright, rolemodel for values, highest integrity and most importantly a good Muslim who can harness the power of One Malaysia (minus the PR campaigns)
5. We need to stop making every issue a political sensation, the main stream mediashould not add salt to wound by partisan reporting that is turning decent Malaysians to alternate media and blogs for their news!
6. UMNO please stop thinking that only you represent the Malays and stand up and be morally right to lead the BN for PRU 13!!
7. As a Sri Lankan Tamil decendent in Malaya and now Malaysia (since 16-09-63), I agree with affirmative action for the Bumiputeras….it’s good to level the playing field but please manage scrupulous politicians and government officials who misuse the above affirmative action agreed in the “social contract”.
8. Like the Prophet pbuh, please be just to the needy what ever race or religion; be fair to those children who fare well in public exams based on meritocracy…
9. The greater the Malay race exercise just and values, the more and more the non-Malays will learn to appreciate and understand the Malay Dilemma.
10. I personally feel that the Malay race and people have been very acoomondating and are truly humble and good people (minus scrupulous people who play up the race card for everything to remian uncompetitive!!)
11.YB Tun, I firmly beleive that a nation cannot be only built by the government but like minded people who are committed to a common vision and mission.
12. I pledge my oath and sincerity to MALAYSIA….that’s why I have never accepted any job offers from other competitors and remain with PETRONAS….they sponsored this poor water meter reader (JKR)’s son.
13. For all others (wheter Malay or non-Malay),if you are not committed to a common vision and mission and if we cannot build a nation based on concensus….than probably Malaysia is not a place called home for you all…
14. Please stop bickering …both BN and PR and get back to work…learn from someone we hate to emulate – USA and S’pore!!
15. Malaysia Boleh and all those who are behind this roar to victory..stand up and be counted.
16. Saya Bangga sebagai seorang warga Malaysia…marila kita bersama membina negara yang kita sayangi… 🙂
Dont Cry For me Malaysia.
There was one film of the late P. Ramlee that he mentioned..Di buat salah dan Tak di buat salah.
Most Mlaysians namely the Malays..they only look at tomorrow. There never like to think about 20 years ahead or even 100 years ahead.
Tun, you live in the wrong time and place and with the wrong people.As much as you have tried to do and give the best to this country and the people, they will never appreciate you.
I put the blame on Pak Lah for the current deteroirating situation in this country. Because of his weakness and his inability to manage and govern this country, the people especially the Opposition and the minorities are becoming bolder and kurang ajar lagi ! You give them an inch and they demanded One Mile !! Now they demanding Everything must change or reviewed in favor of them !!
I think the best way to solve this problem is to get the Military to manage this country for the next 5 years. After everything are put in place then only hand it over to the people
Recently these people demanded that the ISA should be abolish. I fully agree that the ISA should be abolish in KAMUNTING and instead sited it at one of the small islands in this country.If USA can establish Guantanamo and Alcatraz then we follow the American way..we too going to have our own Alcatraz.
After all a lot of the present Malaysians who worship the American systems should accept this new decision to have the ISA removed from the mainland to to an island.
Tun, you shud not be scared nor too overly sensitive if there some in this country who do not like you or even hate you. You continue to give your comments, opinions and suggestions. Majority of the Malaysians are behind you.
Just look after your health.
For 22 years as PM and with so many bias policies, you are not only racist but a hindrance to Malays progress by spoon feeding them and making them lazy to compete with other races, I wonder how are you going to face ALLAH.
Dear Tun, salam sejahtera harap sihat. Kiriman saya pada topik susulan oleh Tun (setelah tambah cili?)…….
Chedet.cc antara jaguh budaya mengungkit dan mengkritik juga. Pak Lah(sampai tersungkur), Khairy(sampai tak ada kerja), LKY(sampai zaman Middle Kingdom), Anwar(sampai digelar komunis), Zaid(sampai kena sumpah), minoriti races(sampai kena halau, kena ancam) semua kena sembur tak tentu pasal. Mrk tak usik chedet.cc?
Banding tulisan di sini dgn blog Tengku Razaleigh, tahulah kenapa buahnya masam. Lain padang lain belalang. People who want to live in glass houses should not throw stones?
You can add salt to a wound or bandage it. Choose to apportion blame or share faults. Rally commonality or stir differences.
Opposition mistakes cows, cars, karaoke, home renovation, constituency allocation.
Umno mistakes yatchs, beach villas, submarines, helicopters,1 mil cash, Bali mansion, Pandamaran palace and Disney holidays.
Mistakes by opposition, loss of Perak govt, Bkt Selambau re election, offer of resignation (Penang), S
at least the opposition do not have license to corrupt like BN do.
My Dear Tun,
It takes a great man to admit his mistakes. You are greater as you admitted you have made mistakes in your 22 years as our beloved PM but compare to the many achievements you have made, the mistakes are nothing. Who among the great leaders in the world have not make mistakes?
Malaysians are fortunate to enjoy the fruit of your success over the 22 years that you were our PM. I am 55 years old today and I was 28 when you were PM and 50 when you left office. To me and many of my age group people, you are the greatest PM for our Malaysia.
Terima kaseh Tun and please please continue to say your piece. Don’t change. May God bless you with continue good health.
If you wanna win the rakyats HEART you have to do it for ALL RACE. But too bad you BNs focus only for MALAY that’s why you will lose if non malay race work together their number is totally bigger than malay. Everytime
-1 point to BN because mistake
The PR will +1 point
Why PR win bigger? Think about it what you guys done? Did you guys did for all or just yourself? Adult knows how to different right or wrong dude unless still a kid. If they been cheated think of what will happen next to people who cheated them.
=BLACK LIST, whatever you do there’s no positive trust except negative forever.
I believe if British still rule Malaya we won’t need to fight anymore and we all get the same benefit from our ruler. Merdeka now its pointless except a future of chaos.
a;kum Tun,
I understand what you are trying to say. We Malaysian we only like to blame and complaint about what others do to affect their life whether or not is good or bad is another story. No matter what, they are always waiting to blame and accuse you. Well, I guess Malaysians should change their mentality and instead they should understand the core point and try to put themselves in the situation then I guess they would understand better.
Of course a long the way you will make mistakes in your life. Even a fisherman also make mistake when he predicts the weather wrongly and end up not catching any fish for the day and go back as a sad man. Same goes to Doctor, Pilot, Businessman, even Prime Minister….but what matters the most is how they bounce back and tackle the problem. Not by blaming each other or others just to get away from it.
We need to change that mentality of Malaysian to be first class mentality then you can talk about everything else. As long as our people like to always blame and criticize others, then I would say that we will always be in the state of mind where we just gonna see the same outcome over and over again. We will never be better because we choose not to improve ourselves by doing it differently next time but instead we continue our same behavior.
I thank you so much Tun for your writings and I am looking to read more of your ideas. Since you admit that you made few mistakes in your colorful career as a PM for more than 22 years, I admire you for that. Nobody is perfect in this world. I salute you for what you had done to this beloved country. I have nothing but praise for you. I am a person who are always grateful to Allah and for what He has given us. He has made you to be the greatest PM of all times not just in Malaysia but in the whole wide world. Put anyone to debate against you and I am sure you will make them look ordinary because you have such an unbelievable knowledge and ideas in you. That’s what makes you so special and apart from other leaders worldwide.
I believe in God strongly and I believe that Allah has sent you to deliver what you had done to this country. Now I hope that whoever is leading our country now will do something quickly to ensure that stability and peace can be achieved. Put aside the political differences and instead start taking action. People are fed up with the behavior of certain leader in our country. I am sure you know it too. But since you are still powerful and influential leader in our country, you can make them at least listen to you.
Another issue I would like to share with you and the people of Malaysia is that Islam teach us to be friend with everyone does not matter if they are white or black, Jewish or Christians or Hindu or Buddhist but they are all our brothers. that is what we should understand. When that happen, then we can achieve maximum happiness and peace in our country. By then everyone is happy with one another. Of course there will be a group of minority who may not agree with me but I do not blame them. Maybe because they do not read the Koran properly and understand it. But if they are given chance to understand the perfect teaching of Islam then they will know that Muslims, Jewish, Christians, Hindu or anyone are created by Allah and they are people who will make this world a better place. Please do not listen to people like Nik Aziz or Hadi Awang or Osama b Laden who tells you the wrong teaching of Islam and yet they claim to be the perfect Muslims. That is a total nonsense.
They do not portray the right image of Islam that according to the Koran. That is why you see the Muslim world today are full of corruption, misuse of power, poverty, stubborn, stingy, and all the bad attitude. We are so far behind the so called ‘Non Muslim’. Sadly, they practice the right teaching of Islam when Islam said that you need to study and gain knowledge. The knowledge is there for us to compete and gain. We have the same brain but only hard work and effort that will make the different between a successful and a non successful person in this world. But we the Malays and government in Malaysia do not want our people to be the best. They even stop us from learning English language in our Maths and Science subject. Just to fulfill the political demand of ignorant people, we rather jeopardize our kids future of learning English. So sad….
Please Tun, I need your help for this matter to be resolved. I am sure you understand what I am trying to say here. You have a different mindset altogether compare to other Malaysian and you seen enough people in this world. So you have the best knowledge of how to deliver this idea to ensure we Malaysia can deliver too and be the greatest Muslim country in the whole wide world. I believe in the word of Allah in the Koran and Allah has promised us that if we work hard and strive in the name of Allah, we will succeed. Insyallah.
thank you Tun!
1. Thank you too.
2. Mao Zhedong?
3. Everybody makes mistake, nobody is perfect. Unless you still haven wake up since you see people suffering and you still continue your wrath and power.
4. But they can’t be same everything as yours. He’s are not your twin brother.
5. What’s done is done. They have 5 year to make things nicer if not we vote again after 5 year.
6. Something is better than nothing or suffering.
7. Too bad, thinking and education started the race wars. We were friend when we were young in same school. After the school we are enemy. My friend is my enemy.
8. It should let the British rule more better. If we want blame we can all together blame the British not our own country family and neighbours.
9. There’s no more tears to cry, except 4 option
A) live on and move forward without care what happen
B) leave the country
C) fight for your life
D) suicide
That’s all
It is the most stupid mandate given to the opposition to rule. They are not fit to be in office at all. We have gangsters, cameramen, backdoor lawyers, dead wood, uneducated fools voted in and how can these pea brained idiots manage the country?
All they excel in is blame, take to the streets, protest, argue and waste time over spilt milk.
They have no vision, no development plans but only want to correct the past.
But surprisingly, they managed to dupe many suckers to vote them in.
Strange country.
Salam Sejatera Tun dan keluarga.
Tun you’re simply the best.
God Bless You Tun
Salam to Tun and all,
Just a big THANK YOU for yr 22 years of unselfish service to the country.
You don’t cry alone.
God bless all of us.
Meletakkan kesalahan kepada orang lain atau menelanjangi kesalahan atau kekurangan orang lain adalah perkara yang paling disukai oleh manusia.
1. Supaya orang tak nampak kesalahan mereka sendiri dan sibuk dengan ” kesalahan” pemimpin yang ditelanjangi oleh mereka itu.
2. Orang akan menyangka mereka-mereka ini insan yang baik dan kemudiannya disanjung walaupun sebenarnya bak ayam jantan, berkokok riuh sekampung tetapi ekor bergelumang tahi.
Sepanjang 22 tahun Tun menjadi PM, Tun telah membuat sebaiknya bagi memastikan negara ini aman makmur dan maju. Walau bagaimanapun, saya sedar Tun juga adalah manusia biasa yang tidak lari dari melakukan kesilapan. Kesilapan dan kelemahan Tun yang paling ketara adalah dalam menilai manusia. Tun telah gagal membuat penilai sebenar apabila mendidik Anwar sehingga menjadi TPM dan sekali lagi gagal apabila memilih Pak Lah sebagai pengganti. Akibat dua kegagalan ini, negara sekarang berada didalam kecelaruan. Anwar yang mengumpul pengaruh semasa didalam UMNO kini menggunakan segala kelemahan BN bagi mempengaruhi pemikiran rakyat. Dan kelemahan Kepimpinan Pak Lah sepanjang menjadi PM menyebabkan pengaruh anwar meningkat dan kestabilan negara kini terancam.
Selain daripada itu, Kepimpinan dan jasa Tun sepanjang menjadi PM adalah tak ter nilai. Tun bukan lagi cemerlang atau gemilang, tetapi Terbilang.
Selamat Malam Tun.
Semoga Allah Lanjutkan usia Tun dalam sihat walafiat. Amin.
salamun ‘alaikum
1. Kritik mengkritik ini bermula dari zaman Nabi Adam a.s
2. Makhluk mengkritik untuk menyatakan rasa tidak puas hati
3. Seburuk-buruk kritikan, adalah yang dilemparkan kepada Allah swt dengan mengatakan Al Quran & sunnah Nabi saw tidak relevan lagi untuk diamalkan di zaman ini.
4. Pada hari ini, Allah swt hantar virus seluruh dunia, berdasarkan laporan, ianya semakin membimbangkan. Manusia akan ketakutkan tapi apa yang mampu mereka lakukan? Oh ya, para saintis tengah sibuk mencari penawar.
5. Sepagi & sepetang aku doakan semoga Allah swt hancurkan musuh-musuh umat islam di seluruh dunia. Tengoklah nanti hala tuju doa itu. Allah yang maha kuasa, makhluk tiada kuasa.
6. Salah orang islam, tidak berani menegakkan undang-undang Islam sebetulnya, sedangkan Allah swt telah berikan kemudahan minyak & banyak masa. Adakah ini dikira kritikan?
7. Salah Perdana Menteri 22 tahun, yang menegakkan undang-undang kolonial & mempermainkan mufti-mufti mengikut kehendaknya. Adakah ini juga dianggap kritikan?
8. Sebenarnya, disebalik semua ini, ianya salah saya sendiri yang buat kerja dakwah main-main.
9. Tiada dalam kamus Nabi saw & para sahabat ra akan fahaman islam liberal. Yang ada hanya Al Quran & sunnah Nabi saw.
10. Berakit rakit ke hulu, berenang renang ke tepian, bersusah susah berdakwah dahulu, bersenang senang di syurga kemudian.
Suratkhabar lama,
apa yang ditulis tentang PR tu ada buktike? Zaman BN dulu tak de ke benda tu.Takkan 50 tahun dah dipupuk oleh BN dalam masa 2 tahun boleh hilang. Tak guna akal ke? Dulu memang teruk tapi media sorok. Sekarang ada sikit heboh satu negara. Kalau tak nak pembangkang suruh BN buat negara mcm negara komunis. Tak ada partipun. Sampai mati jadi pemenrintah. Barulah teror.
Dear Tun,
Why must you teach the politicians to abuse the court’s process? You are seen to have abused the system during your time and the stain remains till today…. So, please…. give Malaysia a new chance to recover from “correct, correct, correct” episode. I think you should just advised them to use ISA… It is faster, cost effective, and the best part, the victim can be taught a lesson during the detention! After all, isn’t it your style?
Tun, you are old… too old already. Esok lusa mati lah… jantung pun dan kena bedah banyak kali. Jangan beri komen/nasihat yang merapu, it sounds so pathetic.
I always apopreciate your good writings… but this one is done in bad taste.
Dear Tun,
Why have we reached the current state of affairs? The answers are straight-forth: 1) Too much power given to politicians without checks and balances, 2) The wrong politicians chosen to head ministries and state portfolios, 3) No enforcement for wrong-doers -we don’t hear many politicians going to jail for corruption or abuse of power because they are the “untouchables”, 4) Too much vested interest in the politicians’ minds, 5) The people selected to implement government policies have little expertise to carry through, resulting in huge wastes of taxpayers monies.
Allow me to voice my solution in the interest of our country and the various ethnic communities:-
1. Revamp the NEP. I am sure many malays have too much self-dignity to be labelled “weak” or worse, expecting “handouts” from the government.
2. Go direct to the rural community (malays, chinese, indians) and develop them quickly. Make them more intelligent so that they can choose a better government. Intelligent people also make the current government work harder. Don’t we realize why the Klang Valley has so many opposition members?
3. Stop depending on bumi conglomerates to help the bumis. Only a few individuals at the top get all the benefits. Get a foreign consultant to do rural planning and report direct to the cabinet – the bumi-majority is still in charge, we just let foreign expertise implement the revamped NEP. Currently I observe the implementation to be half-hearted. The only motivation is vested interest.
4. Trust me, Tun, the other races cannot wait another 50 years for the NEP to bear fruit. It is our taxpayers money. And it is time to level the playing field.
5. Stop privatising important government functions, utilities and infrastructure unless we truly become a developed nation.
6. Ask the government to stop marketing their projects before implementing them. Since they control the media, we are inundated with too much government propaganda and advertisements about the projects they are starting for the rakyat. They should shut up, complete the projects and see the results before blowing their trumpets.
7. Finally, I have not seen a better statesman who strived and fought for his own race like you. Not even from my own ethnic group. It is beyond my imagination you can spend a large part of your life doing so. I feel you have to let go of those who cannot be helped and focus on those malays who really need your help. I have a number of malay brethrens whose talents may be wasted just because they don’t support the government.
8. I have you in my highest regard for your lifelong passion in fighting for your own race and benefitting all of us. You may not be perfect but your name is etched in my heart and memory. Long live Tun Dr. M!
Salam Tun,
Ayahanda that most of us love, tears flowed when i read your article this time. Really touched me. This article if does not wake the greedy politicians let it be the present govt or the opposition I dont know what will. Please MALAYSIAN’S wake up and see whats going on. I urge the politicians to look at this blessed country and run it the way Tun ran it. During tough times we still needed not worry about meals and roof above our heads cause we had a CHAMPION called DATO SERI DR MAHATHIR MOHD as our leader. He did all the thinking for us. Today without him we have to think for ourselves. Please guys no one is perfect but there are some who are very close to being perfect. And as from what I see the man being allmost perfect is TUN.
May god bless you and us MALAYSIANS.
Salam Hormat YBhg Tun,
The Rakyat can change the Government every five years or so and get new leader/administrator to head it. It can be from the incumbent government or from the opposition.
The one that never change is the “system” that had been planted and determines the running of the government. The working “culture” remains with the system for so long and only god knows why.
The “system” that had been practice by most countries in the world is known to be created by the zionist whether in education, financial, entertainment and so forth and is being propagates almost everyday and every hour/second through the free media. Every seconds we are being indoctrinate towards the destruction of mankind. The worldly fictitious materialistic realism brought our mind to compete with hatred towards another.
Independence is only very meaningful if we as the rakyat can also be independence from the “system” based on zionism.
Dear Tun,
No need to be apologetic. You have contributed a lot to the nation. Those who like to criticize, let them be. They are not better than you. May be worse. When our 2nd PM Tun Abd Razak launched DEB, many people, especially non-bumis criticized and do not agree with him. But who cares, he managed to do it and the policy benefits bumis and non-bumis alike. For the non-bumis, just to remind you that business cannot fluorish if the nation is in chaos! Social balance is very important..
Cry my beloved country!
I share the pain.
By absh on July 30, 2009 10:49 PM
“To simply accuse UMNO, BN or MACC for his (Teoh’s) death, is beyond logic!”
This is a result of reading racist newspapers (and you know which one I mean). Since when did anyone accuse UMNO or BN for Teoh’s death? Nonsensical, idiotic newspaper editorial and people like you lap it all up like the faithful blind followers that you are. No wonder our previous PM say “third class mentality”.
KULAI Sunday.
Police have found the body of a boy who was beaten to death by terrorist here. He was Chon Kian, 16, a tapper of Saling New village, in the Kulai district. When he failed to return home from work, a report was made, and police who went out to search for him, found his battered body about 300 yards from his place of work. Some terrorist pamphlets were found near the body. A police spokesman told The Straits Times today that the boy had head injuries which were believed to have been inflicted with a wooden club or stick.
Verbatim copy from the front page of The Straits Times, August 26 1957.
1- This shows that the PKM bandits have always been brutal terrorists right from the start. Most probably they clubbed the poor taper to death because he had refused to assist the PKM bandits in any of their demands over the poor rural farming community then.
2- This shows that Chin Peng who was the PKM bandits
I would like to select copy and paste some word from your admire
YBgh Tun,
As normal human we all have made mistakes, and for some mistakes made there is no turning back, especially when such mistake is fatal which result in losing lifes or permanant disability.
As for me I’ve cried the day your resign as our PM.I get annoyed if people talk bad things about Ybgh Tun.I get angry when leaders are hyprocrite and are non performer and have no hearts towards building Malaysia.Ybgh Tun has proven to be our true leaders and have the rakyat as priority.Even YBgh Tun Family members are not involved in Politic during such time.Ybgh Tun ideology for vision 2020 was not implemented during AAB as PM.AAB Family members and chronies are making all the decision and are for themselves. The rerlease of DSAI is a mistake made byAAB.Now AAB himself is against ISA.just like the teaching of Math& Science in English of which AAB is against.
In Malaysia leaders must be strong and firm, so all the happening today is really the mistake of AAB. As mentioned before, Ybgh Tun biggest mistake was selecting AAB as PM.
DSN has a big hurdle to cross in making UMNO relevant again.I sincerely would not cast my vote with PKR.But BN is not as BN before.UMNO must be more transparent and remove KJ as the KP.Is this difficult? or as AAB said before KJ work very hard to win this KP post. UMNO is considered a party for those selected few.Even during YBgh Tun leaving UMNO to remove AAB no one in UMNO is sincere enough to prevent this from happening. YBgh Tun is a true leader for us Malaysian till presently, and if those trying to make YBgh Tun irrelevant or non exsistance, they better start crying now,because for all the failure that YBgh Tun has made, the success for Malaysia can never be achieved without YBgh Tun being our former PM for 22 Years.Salute to YBgh Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamed our Hero, our leader, very outspoken, good sence of humour, individually and most of all creating a vision even the blind can see, the deaf could hear.Thanks.
Dear Hanan, Jews and Son of Israel
One of the Western people say: 7 of Arab are equal to 1 Jews and 7 of Jews are equal to one Dr Mahathir.
assalamualaikum Tun,
Kesedihan yang amat ketara berlaku kini terutamanya kita orang Melayu membogelkan kerendahan nilai-nilai murni kita. Tak cukup pada asalnya Melayu menjatuh dan memburukkan Melayu lain, seterusnya agama suci Islam pula dilibatkan. Pakar2 islam yang bercakap mengenai nilai-nilai murni dalam Islam, gagal menunjukkan keimanan mereka apabila mencaci sesama Islam. Bagaimana kita hendak meneruskan kesinambungan perjuangan Nabi Muhammad (saw)yang diarahkan oleh Allah utk menyampaikan agama yang benar? Kita tidak sempat hendak menyampaikan kebenaran kepada orang lain kerana kita sibuk berkelahi sesama sendiri. Maka jadilah kita umat yang ingkar kepada Tuhan dan Rasul.
Adakah tugas penyebaran agama ini hanya terletak di tangan mufti? Tidak. Sebenarnya ia terletak di tangan semua umat islam tidak kira siapa. Penyebaran pada zaman ini tidak memerlukan kita berceramah pasal agama itu sendiri. Yang perlu dilakukan oleh kita umat Islam ialah menunjukkan contoh betapa bahagianya umat Islam itu sendiri. dapat hidup dalam rukun damai dan mengerjakan ibadat sebebas mungkin. Seterusnya dengan kemajmukan seagama itu, kita mampu memupuk ukhwah yang kuat, membina ekonomi yang kukuh.
Dan banyak lagi yang mampu kita capai seandainya kita benar2 berpegang pada ajaran agama kita.
Setiap manusia adalah kejadian Tuhan. Kita dijadikan ke dunia ini kerana Tuhan ingin melihat bagaimana kita mentadbir dan memelihara bumi ini. Tuhan ingin menilai kecerdikan kita menjaga hubungan antara manusia.
Justeru, marilah kita bersama-sama memperbetulkan keadaan ini hari ini juga. Kita laksanakan apa yang telah Tuhan amahkan kepada kita dengan seikhlas hati.
Jika negara kita jatuh ketangan pembangkang, itu adalah takdir. Biarlah hukum alam menentukan nasib generasi akan datang. Yang penting kita laksanakan tugas, tanggungjawab dan amanah kita mengikut apa yang telah digariskan oleh Tuhan kepada kita.
My dear beloved Tun
Judging from what you have just said, there is never a shade of doubt with regard to your honesty. As humans, we make mistakes and there is a world of difference between honest mistakes and deliberatedly-made mistakes.
The majority of the current politicians today do not make mistakes in the true sense of the word. If it was real that they had made mistakes unintentionally, they would have taken advice from someone like you or some of your followers operating some other blogs who are truly in love with Malaysia and also, her diversed population. The mistakes made by most our current politicians, not only in Malaysia but world-wide, are engineered so as to fulfill a hidden agenda. The disease of the third-world country is also apparent in most of the first-world countries. The world of today is no more about the love of the peoples but more for the love of money.
A dominant party with good leadership will lead a country to higher achievement. But if non of the parties have the calibre then is better to have choices for us, as normal citizen to choose who should rule the states and country.
For malaysia, I think is better to have parties compete with each other so they will not corrupt and blind with power. Thus making a safer country for all of us.
Absolute power lead to absolute corrupt.
Assalammulaikum Tok Det,
1. Keistimewaan dan hak peribumi bumiputera dipertikai.
2. Kedaulatan Raja Melayu dipersoal
3. Kedudukan Agama Islam dipertikai
4. Keluhuran undang-undang diperlekeh
5. Penguasa Undang-undang Polis, SPRM, Peguam Negara, Badan Kehakiman, dll dihina dan dicemuh dan sekarang dikatakan tidak professional dan bersifat perkauman.
6. Sejarah Kemerdekaan Negara ditafsir sesedap rasa sesuka hati
7. Pejuang Kemerdekaan tidak dihormati tetapi pengkhianat komunis pula cuba disanjung.
8. Sejarah asal Tanah Melayu cuba dinafi dan dipersenda.
9. Lagu kebangsaan dipermainkan tanpa sebarang hukuman.
10. Sekarang sejarah pemerintahan Tun selama 22 tahun diperlekeh. Semua kejayaan negara semasa pemerintahan Tun dipersenda. Seorang negarawan cuba diketepikan dan jasanya hendak dinafikan.
1. Orang melayu sendiri semakin ramai menjauhi UMNO.
2. Pemimpin UMNO telah lama lupa membela nasib Melayu
3. Pemimpin UMNO leka menjaga kepentingan diri sendiri, keluarga dan kroni.
4. Pemimpin UMNO lebih sibuk menjaga hati bukan melayu dari menjaga hati orang melayu bangsanya sendiri.
5. Pemimpin UMNO suka mengambil kesempatan ke atas bangsanya sendiri.
5. Pemimpin UMNO lebih sibuk mengumpul harta dari mengumpul jasa.
7. Pemimpin UMNO bila berkuasa jadi Gila Kuasa tetapi bila hilang kuasa jadi Gila Talak.
8.Satu demi satu tembelang pemimpin UMNO pecah.
9. Satu demi satu temberang pemimpin UMNO terdedah
10. Satu demi satu Pemimpin UMNO sedang dibogelkan
11. UMNO sendiri sedang ditelanjangkan
12. UMNO sedang menuju ke arah kehancuran!!!
Orang Melayu semakin menjauhi UMNO. Rakyat semakin percaya Malaysia akan lebih baik tanpa UMNO. Kejatuhan UMNO semakin tidak boleh dielakkan. Sudah semakin terlambat untuk UMNO bangkit semula.
Rakyat semakin bersedia menerima Malaysia menjadi sebuah republik. Tetapi apakah orang melayu akan terbela bila Malaysia menjadi republik? Cuba lihat Republik Singapura dan cari jawapannya…
Memang terdapat kesilapan TUN semasa dulu. Contuh nya seperti melantik Pak lah sebagai pengganti. Tidak siapa yang dapat menjangkakan keputusan TUN ketika itu.
Kita mesti lihat dan menilai dulu apakah kesilapan sesaorang itu telah atau akan mengakibatkan kerosakan besar pada rakyat atau negara. Maka baru lah kita cop dia sebagai pemimpin yang baik atau tidak.
Pada yang saya lihat kesilapan TUN semasa menaraju negara tidak lah ada perkara yang telah mengakibatkan kerosakan besar pada rakyat dan negara. Hanya segelintir masyarakat yang tidak dapat menerima hakikat nya atau cara TUN melihat ia nya satu kesilapan. Mana mungkin TUN dapat memuaskan hati semua pehak. Untuk lebih adil biarlah setiap keputusan itu dapat memberi kesan yang terbaik kepada sejumlah besar rakyat. Jika dilihat hanya untuk kepentingan sorang dua individu itu yang satu kesilapan besar.
Contuh ISA, satu perkara baik untuk melindungi negara dari pelampau2 yang cara sengaja cuba meroskan kepentingan majoriti rakyat yang mahukan keamanan dan keselamatan terjamin. ISA patut di kekalkan.
Kesilapan TUN kerana DEB. Itu tak adil jika ada pehak mempertikaikan nya. Kerana dilihat dasar itu telah memberi menafaat kepada semua golongan. Walaupun nampak ia nya satu dasar lebih condong ke arah kaum melayu dan bumi namun hakikat nya kaum lain sama2 dapat nikmat nya. DEB hanya lah satu istilah teknikal saja.Perlaksanaan nya telah memberi sumbangan dan faedah kepada semua kaum. Namun hanya segelintir rakyat cuba mensensasikan nya untuk tujuan politik.
Kesilapan TUN berbelanja besar untuk membina KLIA, KLCC, SIC, PUTRA JAYA, Proton dll. Tapi akhir nya projek2 ini lah antara yang telah dapat membantu menjanakan ekonomi negara.
Kesilapan TUN menyinkirkan DSAI. Itu ada lah satu rahmat kepada negara, jika tidak Malaysia telah di pimpin oleh seorang yang tidak bermoral.Nauzubillah.
Akhir kata “Al Fatihah” untuk wakil rakyat PAS Adun Permatang Pasir yang tekah kembali kerahmatullah pagi ini.
Pilihan raya kecil lagi……Adun PAS lagi…..Kawasan AI lagi…..
Tok Ajib, tak payahlah susah2 BN meletakan calun. Berilah WO pada PAS. Tapi saya rasa BN boleh menang jika kena calun nya.
salam hormat untuk negarawan Tun Mahathir,
saya fikir orang yang tidak mengenang sejarah adalah orang yang sengaja mencari masaalah …. kerana selama apa yang kita kecapi sekarang bukan datang bergolek dan mesti ada perancangan yang baik.. iaitu kepimpinan UMNO dan BN …. ingat senang2 je nak lupa perkara ini dan apa yang dibuat oleh pembangkang adalah untuk melenyapkan budi dan jasa yang melahirkan negara yang mewah, adil dan saksama … kalau terasa tak adil pergi lah ke Singapura ..anda buka mulut membangkang anda akan mati dalam keadaan bengkrap
What a beautiful remarks you have put down on this political muzzle and critics. Off course nobody is perfect or clear of any mistake. But the
1. U’re welcome
2. It’s not the matter like or dont like critics. It’s matter of will the one willing to change/rectify/account/responsible after realizing they’r wrong after the one heard critics pointed to them. I guess no 1 in Malaysia political arena wud do that to admit and apologise publicly except for Chua Soi lek (claps!)…
3. It’s hard to be a PM but people selected u 2 be the nation leader. U’re not GOD but you shud have done something to rectify it. Regrets wont help the situation.
4. We all are suffering now what… What’s the difference? Govment no money, only BIG CROCODILES got money…
5. As u said, everyone make mistakes. They aren’t GOD like… But eventually also we do need to evaluate their performance as well. If that state’s Rakyat has been enjoying the fairness, benefits and development. Then y not… I wud say Johor development is worst than Kelantan. After so long ruled by the same party, did Johor develop really well? Ya got, increased criminal developmnt got la… Johor with so big area bigger than the tiny-red-dot country but its development lost to tat red-dot (complete total lost!)… All types of industries in Johor oso got but oso dead… Simple, jus ask any of the employment agencies out there, ask them about the employment rate there, salaries and growth. Ask the people in Johor about their working situation… Peanuts salary but high rise expenses somemore kena rob in broad daylight. Who make this mistakes now?
6. Ya, u bet it… Forcing us to vote NONE OF THEM… but this wont happen. What can I advise is Vote to those party whom help ur pocket…
7. Does this include Tun as well?? Misruled the country? hahaha… I think its time for our King to really rule back. Monarchy system will work very well in our country… See Brunei so fortunate, British so fortunate…
8. This is really cool statements… lolx.. If we still under British rule for so many years, see HongKong itself. In what shape do the British return HKG to China after 100 yrs??? Everyone knw HKG than Malaysia… I wud say, our fight for Independence was too early… Mayb we sud let the British cracked their heads to develop Malaysia first than we take back… shudnt this b more better, Tun?
9. Cry for me Ma-lay-sia~~~ We’all not only cried but vomitted blood too…
Salam Tun & keluarga,
pada pandangan saya. tak guna nak ungkit yang lepas2. yang sekarang ni kena perbaiki segera apa saja yang salah dan tak betul. Mulut manusia memang tak boleh di tutup. menacari salah orang memang kerja yang paling seronok bagi sesetengah orang terutama pihak yang mencari kuasa dan ingin merasa sedikit kuasa.
kesian mereka mereka ni. mereka ini seperti terlupa MELAYU PERLU BERSATU. Lalai saja pasti MELAYU AKAN REBAH.
-Selamat Ulang Tahun-
salam sayang
-lina hj zainal-
Dear Tun,
When I started reading first few lines, I thought Tun has done some soul searching and gunuinely repented.Sound sincere.
As I read further, it become clear that it’s not the case. Tun even go further to blame the Indepedence seeker of past for the predicament that we are in now.
Digging the past is not the answer. What matter most is the current and how to move forward in the right direction.
More self relection needed, Tun or continue blame the whole world.
Choice is yours!
allow me to comment on the statement posted by 2009 as follows ;
By 2009Author Profile Page on July 30, 2009 6:00 PM
Salam Tun,
Kesilapan Tun paling besar selama 22 tahun menjadi PM ialah perkenalkan PPSMI dan menjatuhkan martabat bahasa kebangsaan.
Dear 2009,
To introduce PPSMI was not a mistake by TUN.But the present government’s policy to reverse the PPSMI effective from year 2012 is a mistake indeed. YB Tun at that time was looking at the impending globalization that cannot be avoided by Malaysia and the rest of world in general. In fact Tun’s policy was far-sighted and not myopia/myopic in reality.
Frankly speaking, I love my mother tongue as the language defines my culture, values, roots and etc.But we have to look at the bigger picture that is globalization threat. Look at French and Japanese in particular, they are learning English rigorously but at the same time still championing their Languages. By excelling in English, they are able to master the technology. In fact we Malaysians should not only learn English but to try to master other foreign languages like mandarin, French,latin, German etc. In fact the history shows that the Japanese have been quite successful in automotive engineering when their Engineers forced themselves to learn German language in order to learn the German superb engineering technologies. The result, the Japanese autos are dominating the world’s auto industry and even put the western auto makers to shame.
Come on what dear people. By learning and excelling in English and other lingoes does not make us LESS MALAY AND MAKE US MORE WESTERN PEOPLE.
Inilah adalah satu pekara yang amat menyedihkan YB Tun. Beliau sudah cuba berusaha utk memajukan orang melayu khususnya tetapi orang melayu seperti kamu ini masih di takuk lama & tidak mahu berubah. Bagaimana kamu bole berjaya dlm kehidupan jikalau mahu mengagung-agungkan Bahasa melayu? Bagaimana anak2 kamu akan berjaya kalau tidak boleh menguasai Bahasa Inggeris & bahasa lain ??? YB Tun & saya bukannya petualang bangsa tapi sebenarnya pejuang bangsa & negara.
allow me to comment on the statement posted by 2009 as follows ;
By 2009Author Profile Page on July 30, 2009 6:00 PM
Salam Tun,
Kesilapan Tun paling besar selama 22 tahun menjadi PM ialah perkenalkan PPSMI dan menjatuhkan martabat bahasa kebangsaan.
Dear 2009,
To introduce PPSMI was not a mistake by TUN.But the present government’s policy to reverse the PPSMI effective from year 2012 is a mistake indeed. YB Tun at that time was looking at the impending globalization that cannot be avoided by Malaysia and the rest of world in general. In fact Tun’s policy was far-sighted and not myopia/myopic in reality.
Frankly speaking, I love my mother tongue as the language defines my culture, values, roots and etc.But we have to look at the bigger picture that is globalization threat. Look at French and Japanese in particular, they are learning English rigorously but at the same time still championing their Languages. By excelling in English, they are able to master the technology. In fact we Malaysians should not only learn English but to try to master other foreign languages like mandarin, French,latin, German etc. In fact the history shows that the Japanese have been quite successful in automotive engineering when their Engineers forced themselves to learn German language in order to learn the German superb engineering technologies. The result, the Japanese autos are dominating the world’s auto industry and even put the western auto makers to shame.
Come on what dear people. By learning and excelling in English and other lingoes does not make us LESS MALAY AND MAKE US MORE WESTERN PEOPLE.
Inilah adalah satu pekara yang amat menyedihkan YB Tun. Beliau sudah cuba berusaha utk memajukan orang melayu khususnya tetapi orang melayu seperti kamu ini masih di takuk lama & tidak mahu berubah. Bagaimana kamu bole berjaya dlm kehidupan jikalau mahu mengagung-agungkan Bahasa melayu? Bagaimana anak2 kamu akan berjaya kalau tidak boleh menguasai Bahasa Inggeris & bahasa lain ??? YB Tun & saya bukannya petualang bangsa tapi sebenarnya pejuang bangsa & negara.
YABhg Tun,
Thank you sir. You’ve done so much for the nation. May Allah bless you always.
salam Tun,
To all who call Tun a racist and accuse him of committing unforgivable sins….
A small mind is like a microscope.
TO ERR IS HUMAN, TO FORGIVE IS DIVINE.well, nobody’s perfect even the great and the our most reverred Muhamad also made mistake, such as tactical mistake in the Uhud war that cost him to lose the battle and his soldiers.
But you are undoubtely the most courageous PM we have ever had in our country’s history.You gambled & took a lot of risks in your 22 years’ tenure and as the captain of the ship you have steered the ship of of trouble water in the period 1987-1988 and 1998 -1999. Your unorthordox ways of managing our country’s economic policies was even lauded by the world’s leading economist.You took that risk and we got the dividends. Well, the only great mistake that you did was that you roped in DSAI into your party and developed him as the future PM. Then you realised it was a great blunder and you corrected later on by storing him in Sg Buloh. Then your predecessor made a mistake by releasing him and now he is the real threat and menace to the present government.At least you took a risk to redeem your blunder.
It seems that majority of the youngsters, Malaysians and Malays are going to commit the greatest blunders by putting their trust in this so-called messiah who promise to bring Malaysia into a new dawn.Even at this point in time, I got friends who keep on telling me that their regret in voting the People’s Alliances into power out of their anger and frustration to the ruling elite. They just wanted to reduce the BN 2/3 majority and never thought that their votes eventually caused the political tsunami that resulted in the Alliances’ seizure in the 5 strategic states.
Well, do you think Malaysians will make tragic mistake come this 14th GE ??? please write a new article on this 14th GE.
Dear Tun,
Our former PM of 22 years encouraged the young generation to learn from the EAST, don’t learn from the WEST.
Now our graduates can’t even speak simple english, cannot find a job and can’t even go oversea for better opportunity.
Our former PM built a lot of high rise buildings in this country to impress the world but he forgot to build a correct educational path for our young malaysians to be impressed by the world.
Independence was not a mistake. Blame it on the politicians who set the wrong policies for the country.
Cry my beloved country.
Salam Tun,
Berapa ramai pemimpin yang mengaku kesilapan dia? lu pikir la sendiri.
Tun pernah berkata,kita pasti akan melakukan kesilapan tetapi kita perlulah mengurangkan kesan kesilapan tersebut dan itu pastinya lebih elok daripada manusia yang sering mengaku “saya betul”.
Saya mengucapkan jutaan terima kasih kerana Tun masih bersama kami,semua kebaikan Tun kepada negara amat kami hargai.Hanya Allah yang dapat membalasnya,terima kasih Tun.
Salam bahagia Tun berdua.
salam Tun,
to sgstudent,
I think it is better for you to criticise your own government first as it seems that many Singaporeans like you are too timid to speak up even though you are controlled by a ‘happier’ version of North Korean-style media.You afraid huh?
You should get your facts correct first before exhibiting your stupidity.The Malay leaders DECIDED TO OFFER 1 MILLION CITIZENSHIPS TO STATELESS CHINESE AND INDIANS SO THEY WOULDN’T HAVE TO BE DEPORTED.
That is why the humanity of the Malays are UNPARALELLED IN THE HISTORY OF MANKIND!
Anyway some people are too stupid to realise the sarcasm of this article by Tun.LOL!
TO ERR IS HUMAN, TO FORGIVE IS DIVINE.well, nobody’s perfect even the great and the our most reverred Muhamad also made mistake, such as tactical mistake in the Uhud war that cost him to lose the battle and his soldiers.
But you are undoubtely the most courageous PM we have ever had in our country’s history.You gambled & took a lot of risks in your 22 years’ tenure and as the captain of the ship you have steered the ship of of trouble water in the period 1987-1988 and 1998 -1999. Your unorthordox ways of managing our country’s economic policies was even lauded by the world’s leading economist.You took that risk and we got the dividends. Well, the only great mistake that you did was that you roped in DSAI into your party and developed him as the future PM. Then you realised it was a great blunder and you corrected later on by storing him in Sg Buloh. Then your predecessor made a mistake by releasing him and now he is the real threat and menace to the present government.At least you took a risk to redeem your blunder.
It seems that majority of the youngsters, Malaysians and Malays are going to commit the greatest blunders by putting their trust in this so-called messiah who promise to bring Malaysia into a new dawn.Even at this point in time, I got friends who keep on telling me that their regret in voting the People’s Alliances into power out of their anger and frustration to the ruling elite. They just wanted to reduce the BN 2/3 majority and never thought that their votes eventually caused the political tsunami that resulted in the Alliances’ seizure in the 5 strategic states.
Well, do you think Malaysians will make tragic mistake come this 14th GE ??? please write a new article on this 14th GE.
Dear all
I think it is abt time for Malaysian to understand politic slightly better. In America, you will notice a very funny scenario, the American pick leader that is famous and sometimes useless, they pick leader that can do good public speaking, ex actor etc.
I use to not understand why they did so. How can they be so stupid. But how can they be stupid, they are 1 of the most advance country in the world.
Slowly I realise, In America, the president is not that important. The country is ruled by system. and most importantly , both the ruling and opposition are equally strong.
Look at Taiwan, if the people of Taiwan did not gave the chance to the opposition to rule the country for 8 years. Do you think Kuamintang will change to a better one like today. Even thought Mr Chen Sui Bian ( ex corrupted president) almost ruin the country during his 8 years administration, but the people of Taiwan is telling the government, look , we can change you anytime if you don’t do a proper job.
Think about this, Mr Chen Sui Bian is now under investigation for suspected to be corrupted. I believe we have tonnes of cases like this in our country. But none of them are being investigated. Do we blame the MACC , the government ? no. They can’t do much due to certain reason.
The only way to clean up our country is to have 2 equally strong parties.
Fellow, we don’t choose a PM like we choose our husband or wife. They are merely the leader for the country . We want check and balance. Only then slowly we will have a good PM.
My beloved Tun, I am sure you know and understand about this . We are not saying BN is not good or PKR is good or vice versa. Look at the history of every country in the world. Every country has a chance to have a good leader ( once every 500 years) , Napoleon Bonaparte for France, Genghis Khan for Mongo, etc. Malaysia already has his – our Tun DR M. Ask yourself, do you want to wait for another 500 years for the next leader like Tun.
We can wait, but our next generation can’t. I am already 45. What happen to this country doean’t really affect me much. But how about the next generation.
Think about it
I love teh tarik , I love nasi lemak and I love my country
A leader who admit his mistakes, it’s a PURE LEADER. There’s nothing wrong with the mistakes, learning from the mistakes are more important. I believe from Tun mistakes, than we are all Malaysian has achieved the prosperity and peaceful life…because we have a superb learning leader. Leader who don’t make mistake don’t learn…maybe just fall asleep…
So we Malaysian also make mistake in PRU12….. but now we are learning that opposition are nothing!
Sorry I never heard Nik Aziz confess on his mistakes…..same goes to Anwar Ibrahim….yeah..they are all maksum…free from mistake maybe…After PRU12 we are now clear that PAS is just another political party…not more than that.
Now, I felt like Melayu is the 3rd class in our own land. Congratulation to DAP & MCA! You have done a great job.
I agree with you that everyone make mistakes and you are no different from others. Your mistakes are usually not of your making, it is the PAS that is pushing you to compete with them that you plunged to follow their
Assalam mualaikom Tun Dr Mahathir,
You sounds like sulking and being witty again.
I would like to share with you and readers to this blog on this very meaningful scene. This scene shows a mother and a daughter having a conversation over breakfast at her parent’s house. The daughter was having problems at work and her love life.
Daughter : Mum..
Mother : ehmmm..
Daughter : Do you ever wished you could go back , like to another time?
Mum : ( Replying with a chuckle)…well..wouldn’t mind shrinking back some of these wrinkles.
Daughter : If you were given one do over, anything in your life, what would it be?
Mother : (Thinking while smiling)…Nothing.
Daughter : (Looking surprised)… Really?
Mother : (Mother looking confident)..Really.
Daughter : Did you ever make a big mistake, a huge one , that could change your life, what about that?
Mother : Well, I know I made a lot of mistakes, but I don’t regret making any of them.
Daughter : (Looking more confused)..How come?
Mother : …because if I haven’t made them, I wouldn’t have learnt how to make things right.
Daughter : (Acknowleged with a smile and apologised to the mother for not making it back home last christmas)
The moral to this is, more often, leaders who had made mistakes (big time) do not know how to make them right again.
Mistakes are lessons and they shouln’t be repeating them unless they don’t understand what they ‘d learnt from the lessons. If they don’t understand either they have an enormous ego or they are just plain dumb. Whatever they are, one thing for sure they should not be leaders.Period.
Assalamualaikum Tun.
Duduk kat Malaysia ni boring sebab selalu betul.Kalau ada silap baru tak boring.Tengok la nyanyian sekarang ni…band-band indie.Nyanyi menjerit, tak ikut prosedur menyanyi yang betul,pitching pun berterabur..kata orang ke laut.Apa guna ada AF?
Terima kasih Tun.
By zaq25 on July 31, 2009 12:37 AM
Oh my sky!!!! We are now living in the world of OBAMA, not Osama, k. Snow White is a fairy tale which was written due to Dark Age in the West. Snow White is uncoded as
White Snow” on the moon by Neil Armstrong. By the way, Zaq, do you know who is John McClaine in USA. Please don’t tell me is Bruce Willis because people out there will laugh at you for being so blind and naive at your age and writing.
Your Formula of:
Dearest Tun,
I agree with Mr. Benny, the only mistake you made was the appointment of your successor. We are lucky to have you (and your wife) and we hope you could continue to share your thoughts and ideas and much more.. your criticisms.Wish both of you in good health . Semoga Allah s.w.t panjangkan umur Tun berdua…
Salam sejahtera buat Tun, izikan saya memberi sepatah dua kata pada saudara 2009,
Wahai saudara 2009 yang terlalu bijaksana….saya rasa kesilapan yang paling besar buat negara malaysia ialah mempunyai warganegara dan rakyat yang bersikap dan berfikiran sempit dan kolot seperti saudara yang tidak boleh menerima perubahan dan menganggap sesesuatu perubahan untuk kebaikan dimasa akan datang sebagai satu perbuatan yang menjatuhkan martabat orang melayu…alangkah malangnya sesiapa yang mempunyai pertalian dengan orang yang berfikiran seperti saudara ini…..wassalam…
Dearest Tun,
May I seek your permission to address my comments to the commenter s below:-
Dear Hannan,
Your point on “Now, Malaysians need to understand themselves who is a real leader and who is a false leader and criticize him/her accordingly”.
Well said and done. I hope all Malaysians are wise enough to evaluate their choice of leaders. Are we that worst of in comparison to the other developing countries? The Middle Eastern, Eastern Europe and African have came to Malaysia to learn on our success stories. Who had led to this successes? BN or Pakatan Rakyat?
Dear sgstudent,
Your comment to JJJ on “It is great (and convenient) to forget the contributions of your fellow NON-MALAY countrymen to Malaysia. stop being racist like DR Mahathir”.
Of course the Non-Malay had contributed to the Nation. But you have to understand that no land in this world will allow you to live and earn a living without having to pay back anything to the land owner. This land is not free for anyone and of course, immigrants have to pay more because the land owner provides protection and security for their living and business. If the Non-Malay feels that this is not fair, please find another country that is better than Malaysia. I do not think there is another country that is as tolerance as Malaysia. The Malays are tolerant which is the key ingredient to the prosperity that we have achieved thus far ever since independence.
I regard those who try to break away the prosperity that we have achieved thus far is a TRAITOR to the nation. So, who are they? You and I know who they are!
Dear JJJ,
I support your stand. Stand High and Fight Hard!
Salam Tun,
1) Dah lama tak komen, Tun berbicara seolah sudah putus harapan.
2) Mengakui kesilapan setelah mengimbas kembali keadaan negara selepas lebih 50 tahun merdeka dan bertanya apakah kemerdekaan itu satu kesilapan.
3) Dan menangisi negara mengenang masa depan… Cry my beloved country!
4) Tun, kita telah melakukan banyak kesilapan terutama orang Melayu, lebih tepat orang UMNO.
5) La ni(kata orang Kedah) kita mudah dipijak akibat perpecahan dikalangan kita terutama pemimpin Melayu Islam.
6) Najib, Anwar, Nik Aziz dan lain lain tak tentu arahnya.
7) Sudah terlambat Tun…… Cry all you want.
8) Semenanjung Malaysia akan terbahagi dua. Macam Korea.
9) PM PAS akan ambil Perlis, Kedah, Kelantan, Trengganu dan Pahang.
10)PM DAP akan ditawarkan P.Pinang, Perak, Selangor, K.L, N.Sembilan dan Melaka. Itu cita cita mereka
11)Johor akan dibeli keseluruhannya oleh Singapura(kita kan boleh dibeli) atau pun Singapura akan masuk Malaysia dengan syarat PM keturunan LKY atau setaraf dengannya.
13)Kita semua, kecuali pemimpin yang dapat kuasa, akan menangis sepuas puasnya……..
Salam kasih & salam hormat Ayahanda Tun.
It is the prerogative of the PM to appoint anyone he may feel trusted and close enough to know that the sanctioned, chosen individual will make that turn around, will make things work. The PM is boss, he must ensure that all system is functioning to the best they could. He knows that one leak left unplug could sink the whole ship further out to sea.
So he has his many trusty lieutenants and generals attending this while he put focus on managing a country on a bigger scope. Many such individuals were appointed to hold their respective forts and to expand further at the recommendations of the greedy lieutenants and voracious generals. Some shined, while some was flop right from the start. The opposition would criticize in great abundance over such as I am sure if it was them you had put in charge, they would just brush away all flops too. Imagine you appointing Lim Kit Siang to head MAS then, could not make that much dissimilarity right?
It was an interesting point my friend Ravi made here. Where did the money go? The best place to look into is the subsidiaries of the PM Inc. All entities in Malaysia and overseas with Malaysian interest in it, are just subsidiaries to the PM office. Meaning Si Polan could (for example) walk into PM office and lobby to be made GM/MD/CEO of a far away GLC operation in South America or Australia for instance and Si Polan may just report for duty 48 hours later.
Then get greedy and began making non existing plans of business ventures with UFO flying aliens and then cable home for fresh capital injections. Then squander. At first thought out innocently – just park it somewhere with high yield and clean out the income from it. But things never could stop at enough with even the best of us. That
Salam hormat YAB Tun berdua,
Cakap memang senang, or talk is cheap. Artikel Tun kali ini membuka pekong pembangkang yang memang sudah terang lagi bersuluh. Dan, memulang paku buah keras terhadap komentar-komentar yang hanya pandai mengkritik sedangkan mereka tidak tahu langsung asas apa atau dasar apa yang mereka kritikan. They take life so easy as if they never encountered complexity in decision making which will benefits or might effects others. Mereka lupa jika Tun seorang insan yang tidak bertanggungjawab dan accountable, Tun tidak perlu meneruskan usaha blog ini hanya untuk mendengar kritikan yang tidak ada asas dan tidak matang ini.
Teruskan usaha Tun walaupun mendapat tentangan. Kerana seperti janji Tuhan, yang haq pasti akan menundukkan yang bathil.
Jaga diri Tun berdua.
At least you let people criticize, the way you handle these criticism or negative comments shows you are a thinker and not a talker…
Here I have listed a method to differentiate ‘talkers’ and ‘thinkers’ so that people would know who to respect or believe more.
4 Ways To Differentiate The ‘Talkers’ And The ‘Thinkers’
PS: You excelled in traits 1,3 & 4
Greetings to you Tun,
This is my very first time commenting on your blog.
Interesting piece of write up.
As to No 8 on the list, no one needs to be blamed for making independence come through, the blame should be for those who do not know how to value it, the people of today.
Everyone seems to be fighting for what they want and no one thinks about us as a country.
No one works towards making things better besides bickering and blaming.
The ghost of all the mistakes made by so many in the past has come to haunt the nation now.. and the fact is we are now fighting for independence of our own selfishness.
Malaysians don’t think as malaysians, but as their race and what they expect out of everything.
Once people start feeling the sense that no one is being marginalised and allow some fairness, peace can be restored again. Till then, the tension between each other will never fade off.
Malaysia still has a lot to be proud off and that’s inevitable and most of all is that we are independant thanks to our fore fathers.
Dearest Tun,
Today is Friday & I’ve always love Fridays. One of the things that I love to do on the Fridays is to kiss the hand of a person whom I have most respect and adore. His name is Tun Dr. Mahathir.
Everybody have to make mistakes in life as it is the law of learning. Humans are not angel and so do PAS and the rest of its associates.
I do not care what others may say about me as I’ve always stick to the principle of sincerity in what I want to achieve and strive to put away any self-interest for it could attract conflict of interest in any decision that I’m making.
I believe I see these values a lot in you.
So Tun, keep up with what you have been doing. So far, there is none that is close to you. The detractors can comment and condemn but what values have they offered to the Rakyat!
Have a nice day & may Allah swt bless you and family.
Salam Sejahtera Y. Bhg. Tun sekeluarga,
Whatever mistakes Tun wrote or implied here, I just want to say THANK YOU, Tun.
I dont know how to express it in any other way to the man who I had first admired, then the man whom I had hated most and finally the man whom shall be in my heart forever who gives me the reason to do whatever I am doing now, hoping the light you have shown me will keep on shining forever.
Thank you, Tun.
Good morning Ayahanda,
Dr M. Mohamad is lucky because he has a wife who is very understanding and knows her role very well as the 1st Lady of Prime Minister of Malaysia because Tun Dr Siti Hasmah is not a PRESIDENT in BN coalition in Malaysia.
Conclusion is:-
PK1 – People First, Performance Now
PK2 – Copy People First, Performance Now to be FUTURE RICH DAD
Everything is Power, by blogging with Tok Dek needs power, washing machine needs power to run, cars need power to start the engine etc…..
So, Cry my beloved country.
If you do not want to “Cry my beloved country” – Shut PK1 & PK2 powers to end “Zaman Kegelapan” through point 6.
“6. Malaysians will have a tough time in the next general election. They may not like Barisan Nasional which for 50 years have been throwing tens of thousands into detention under the Internal Security Act, wasting public money building towers, airports, ports, highways etc, muzzling the Press etc etc. But they will find the so-called alternative coalition not much better.”
So, don’t worry, be happy under the LEMON TREE because the creeps cannot run away and “Tok Nik Aziz” dah BUKA MATA with his alim heart that will sure make hidden creeps scared and frightened.
Good day Ayahanda.
Dear Tun,
After serving BN and the government for over 30 yrs one can understand your frustration with many Malaysians. Maybe they have sacrificed more than you do and still feel the government has failed them after 51 yrs of independence. In reality, these are the nuisance lot who are out to create disharmony and are unthankful indeed.
I would suggest to them to live in any other country in this world and stay there for 6 mths. Comeback to Tun’s blog and share your experiences with us and maybe Tun can suggest your suggestions to the PM later on….
For a start, I would suggest Singapore…because I “heard” the government is good and nice….based on democracy and meritocracy…
I would also recommend the Bumis to stay there too…
Good Luck
YABhg Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad
Just A Prelude Or An Afterthought
(from an ahli to another ahli and a statesman excellence)
First, a lovely short story is the if the shoes fits – wear it;
and now another witty salvo at critics and critisms.
Would an apple polisher ferment well in his thoughts vinegar
or drown?
I profess non comprehension to it all –
Politics are not for the faint hearted
or it could just be semantics
the plagarism of words and the antics
of the holier beings shouting to the mountains
and echoes chiming along to marked times
politics is not definately not for the faint hearted
and the mountain remained and moses did not faint
My world is small –
a blackhole in whimsical world of cyber space of the backwaters
of paradise lost – a hoppoe in virtual reality –
with an important question to ask a statesman his answer:
YABhg Tun,
do you think Peter Wright was the right coach for Kallim Jamal Stewart
in a role model moulding sense of the word;
and will Billy Martin be any better?
if ever the islands are sinking
as the prophets cried
and as we may sing
Don’t cry for us, Sire.
Terima Kasih.
you did ot look to happy in Africa with talks of corruption
back home
Salam sejahtera buat TUN serta keluarga,
Menjawab soalan Ranusalam,
Kita lihat betapa ramai yang terpengaruh dgn skim cepat kaya, menghamburkan segala simpanan keluarga kerana tamak.
Well kalau PM buat macam tu??…Just imagine apa jadi pada negara.
Kadangkala, kita RASA kita ibubapa yang cukup bagus, cuba mengajar jiran kita macamana nak didik anak mereka….silap hari bulan boleh kena pelangkung kepala. Itu setakat kita jer lah kena pelangkung.
Bayangkan PM mencampuri urusan jiran mengawal rakyat mereka.
These are the small mistake yang kita buat.
Hope you get the drift,
Buat Tun,
take good care of your health sir,
you are needed STILL.
Untuk Ravi, Abdullah Badawi adalah pemimpin yang gagal dan tak payah eviden2 lagi untuk membelanya. 5 tahun pemerintahan yang gagal, itulah buktinya. Anda masih nak samakan Badawi dengan Mahathir dan Tunku? Apa perlu kritikan dan eviden untuk orang seperti ini..
Soalnya sekarang kemerdekaan dan pembangunan yang kecapi sekarang langsung tidak dihargai bahkan tingkah laku, apa yang kita kritik dan apa yang kita perjuangkan tanpa disedari (atau sedari) seolah-olahnya ingin kembali kebelakang seperti zaman British.
Bersyukurlah! Itu yang ingin disampaikan Tun, bukan mengungkit tak sudah-sudah, Mengkritik tanpa tujuan. Terbawa-bawa dengan budaya mengkritik dan terus hanyut dalam budaya mengungkit.
unproper,missed,mixed,type,implementation,focus,target,achievement,standard and some other more..
i like points number 8.
‘Someone should be blamed for making the mistake of fighting for independence.’
kalau dipilih masa nak merdeka dulu, memang semua orang melayu nak merdeka sendiri. taknak choose british. tapi, berapa kerat sangat cendekiawan dan orang berwawasan di kalangan orang melayu masa tu yang boleh memimpin orang melayu for survive? saya rasa, kalau malaysia still pilih untuk tak memilih british, we all malay masih seperti republik congo ataupun seperti indonesia. jurang kaya dan miskin terlalu berbeza.
tun sendiri adalah pelajar melayu lelaki tunggal perubatan di universiti malaya singapore. mesti tun realize kenapa sedikit sangat melayu yang berjaya?
mana nak cari lagi lelaki melayu menuntut tinggi lagi kini? banyak peratusan lelaki melayu tak mahu pi belajar tinggi2. masuk serenti ataupun merempit bersama kawan-kawan.
peratusan lelaki melayu yang membuat P.hd sains? lagilah boleh dikira jari.
TUN, saya berharap biarlah PM kita dikalangan major field in science. Saya rasa, contoh terbaik seperti TUN dah terbukti golongan sains boleh memerintah negara dengan baik berbanding dari pengajian agama islam ataupun pengajian bahasa melayu. golongan science lebih kreatif dan berinovasi. mungkin.
Assalamualaikum Tun Yang Amat Dihormati,
1.Selamat kembali ke tanahair,Tun,semoga persidangan itu telah menghasilkan sesuatu yang positif dikalangan negara-negara yang terlibat.
2.Sebagai manusia,kita tidak dapat lari daripada melakukan kesilapan.Yang penting dan mulia,apabila kita dapat belajar daripada kesilapan kita.Melakukan kesalahan secara sengaja atau tidak adalah proses pembelajaran untuk menjadikan kita manusia yang lebih matang.Bagi saya,Tun telah melakukan sebaik mungkin sebagai PM.Hanya PM selepas Tun yang memporak peranda segala kesinambungan untuk kemajuan negara dan rakyat dalam mencapai W2020.
3.Orang yang pandai mengkritik Tun,tu,dia sendiri tidak tahu setakat mana kemampuan yang dia boleh lakukan sekiranya dia menjadi pemimpin.Contoh,memang banyak,lihat saja parti pembangkang,cakap lebih kerja tidak sebaik mana,tetapi ‘malu’hendak mengaku,jadi jalan terbaik mereka menuduh dan mengkritik orang lain(sudah perangai membangkang,membangkanglah kerjanya).
4.Bagi saya,setiap keputusan yang dilakukan oleh Tun adalah untuk kepentingan negara,melebihi kepentingan sendiri.Sikap ini masih kurang dikalangan pemimpin kita sekarang.
5.Terima kasih di atas jasa Tun,sehingga Tun bersara Tun masih memberi sumbangan kepada negara.Tidak mengapa Tun,mereka yang mengkritik tu,akhirnya menggunakan kemudahan dan fasiliti yang diusahakan pada zaman Tun,juga.
6.Akhir sekali,saya berdoa agar negara kita kembali aman,harmoni bekerja kuat bersama pemimpin(DSNTR diharap lebih tegas dan berhati-hati dalam membuat keputusan)DSNTR.Semoga Pakatan pembangkang atau Pakatan Perosak Negara,’tumpas’ dalam pilihanraya akan datang.Negara aman=BN.PR=demostrasi jalanan.
Semoga Tun sentiasa dilindungi dan dirahmati Allah.
Dear Tun Dr M,
We should not look for a scapegoat to blame to acquire independence. It is not the independence that went wrong. It is the terms and conditions that went wrong.
Of course, it is human to err in our decisions. However, being human, we need to correct our mistakes once they are detected. The ‘mistakes’should have been genuine errors.
The cost of basic infrastucture is a necessity. However, its cost should not be inflated due to abuse of power or graft.
Malaysia, being gifted with well balanced natural resources, would have prospered much better if proper governance was devised.
I don
Salam Tun,
Jumlah bilangan kita lebih daripada 60%, tetapi nampaknya kaum yang bilangannya cuma 26% adalah sebenarnya menjadi tuan didalam negara tercinta ini. Sampai bila agaknya orang melayu akan sedar.
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finally something not racist huh DR M?
to JJJ:
“They choose to forget the tolerance of the Malays which offered to share the country’s riches when we had the option of otherwise back in 57.”
It is great (and convenient) to forget the contributions of your fellow NON-MALAY countrymen to Malaysia. stop being racist like DR Mahathir.
Salam YBhg Tun,
Saya setuju dengan pendapat JJJ tentang “pada peringkat Ketua Bahagian sudah mula korup,rakus dan mementingkan diri sendiri lebih dari kepentingan parti”. Saya harap akar umbi UMNO dapat dibenarkan mengundi untuk memilih ketua bahagian sehinggalah ke peringkat yang tertinggi parti. Ini akan dapat membersihkan UMNO dan mendapat pemimpin yang bebas rasuah.
Sindiran Tun di dalam artikel diatas amat tepat sekali. Pembangkang skg dah besar kepala dan angkuh. Memang mereka akan mengalami kejatuhan yang amat teruk sekali pada PRU13.
Tun M,
I appreciate your statement “I committed a lot of mistakes” during your 22 years’ administration. Very frank and candid view indeed.
As they say, no man is infallible, all are but fallible.As humans we are prone to making mistakes/goofs. You have hit the nail on the head when you said,”If someone says he has not done any mistakes, he is a hypocrite.”
All those who repent and ask for God’s forgiveness in humility will be forgiven and there will be redemption and salvation for them.
I never failed to listen to your speech on air when you were the PM. Your thoughts and wisdom are greatly appreciated. I wonder what will happen to Malaysia in future.
Oh yes.. ‘ Cry my beloved country – Tun ‘
People support PR? No, it is people anti Umno, anti BN. Whatelse could people do if this is the only power people have? can’t protest, can’t critic, can’t hope for police, judge…etc, then, vote for PR lah! The only power we have and the only alternative given by you, your Umno and your BN. We can’t be continuing vote for your corrupted parties and still praying them to bring good for the country, right?
Opposition has a lot of catching up to do if they want to rule and play the government role. I dont want my country to go back to square one and start everything all over back. First of all, their ideologies differ from each other. DAP – extremist chinese and sekular party. PAS is totally the opposite which is the narrow minded interpretation of Islam. PKR – basket case party full of politicians who are rejected and without principles and integrity. I dont want my country to be a chaos if the opposition rules. Imagine, they will quarrel who will get to be the minister of this and prime minister?. PAS will say its gonna be us because the prime minister must be a muslim. DAP will say, this is not under BN. Anyone can be a president – preferably Chinese. PKR will say anyone from my party must be the president because we were the one who brought PAS and DAP to this level. It would be chaotic! Just look at the current PR government. Theyre big mess!! Too much politics and ceramah. Remember the manifestos?.. Nada. Oh comeone, 20 ringgit water discount?. How come we can be so cheap?
We all know, BN has the best formula for this multiracial country. We compromise. But it is very hard to compromise when there are politicians trying to fire up racial issues and provoke certain people with the racist remarks. Everything, even the murder case, they want to make it racial. Very hard lah like that..
Bersihkan UMNO daripada pemimpin rasuah dan tamak haloba. Janji BN selamat. UMNO is the backbone of BN. Strong backbone, strong coalition. Macammane nak bersihkan mentaliti orang Malaysia ni… mahu berpolitik untuk menjadi kaya?… Kayakan lah rakyat. Naikkan taraf hidup. Takda la semua pelahap mahu menjadi politician untuk menjadi kaya.
Asalamualaikum….sedih saya baca entry bapak….biar ler bapak weh…org ni kaler tak suka kita buat baik tetap di kutuk rapat di injak2nyer kita…kaler suka perangai iblis pun tabik spring di puji
setinggi langit….biarlah paper pun org kata yg pasti saya tetap doakan bapak diberkati dirahmati Allah dunia akhirat….
kaler dibanding kesilapan ngan kebaikkan yg bapak buat pada saya mcm bumi ngan langit jauhnya….mmglah saya takleh banding bapak ngan najib la ni ni…tapi nampak gayanya najib tidoq sambil ngigau…mcm2 yg dia cakap habuk pun takder…najib ngan lah wi same jer 2×5….dlm berita m’sia seme2 bagus tp kami nih yg perit..
gaji tak naik boleh tahan lg…ni tambah takder bonus…apekehal yg najib kata ekonomi tambah bagus…bagus tang mane…yg duk di canang
sesetengah mende nak naik manjang….tu pasai pemimpin tak nak ppsmi
sbb kaler kaler org kg pandai belaka susahlah anak2 depa nak cari kejer nati yek….paper pun bapak terimakasih sesangat kerana bekerje keras membangunkan m’sia mcm 6/7 taun lepas..la ni dah mcm taun 70an pulak dah…susah nak bernyawa..masa tu saya tak sekolah lg pun dah tau rasa peritnyer…..rasa mcm nak cepat besar nak tolong mak bapak…la ni dah besar panjang rasa takleh nak bergerak dah mcm kena bedong pulak dah…..
Assalamualikum Yang Amat Berbahagia Tun, Saya kesal dengan PAS yang mengatakan mereka sebuah parti Islam yang mendokong Islam, tetapi cakap tak serupa bikin. Mereka mengutuk orang Islam lain sebagai kominis, parti Ayah Pin, Kafir, pergi Jahanam dll. Ini kah kata kata yang datang daripada seorang Ulama yang di hormati, Atau adakah Ulama boleh mengharam dan menghalal sesuatu penghinaan kepada orang Islam yang lain. Kepada Orang Islam mereka bercakap perkara Islam, tetapi kepada bukan orang Islam mereka mengutuk orang Islam, dan menghina mereka dengan memberi nama pelbagai. Saya tiodak lagi menghormati Pas sabagai sebuah parti Islam yang bener benar memperjuangkan Islam, tetapi sebuah parti politik yang benar benar mahu menegak kedudukan mereka. Ini lah satu penipuan kepada orang Islam yang terlalu TAKSUB kepada kempimpinan mereka sehingga sanggup menganas, menghina ,memukul menghalang orang lain daripada membuat sesuatu yang baik demi kepentingan rakyat. Wahai orang orang Islam lihatlah dengarlah tengoklah kepimpinan pembangkang sekarang, stelah setahun Berpakat kononya mereka masih berkucar kacir, tidak ada tentu arah sehingga menglirukan rakyat, Mereka menggunakan kedudukan dengan menghalalkan pelacuran ,perjudian, DVD haram, Ah Long, Rumah urut ,kelab malamm , lumba haram ,kongsi gelap, kes kes jenayah yang meningkat dll. SWaya hiaran bagaima sebuah parti Islam dapat bersekongkong dengan parti parti seperti ini. Pas sudah lupa dengan halal haram dengan menutup telinga, mata dan mulut mereka. Wahai orang orang Islam sedarlah sebelom terlambat, Pas tidak lagi relevan kepada orang Islam. Mereka menghina Islam dengan bersekonkong dengan parti parti tiada kepentingan Islam. Wasalamualikun semoga Allah memberi Rahmat kepada Tun dan keluarga.
Salam buat Tun berdua moga diberkati Allah s.w.t.
1)Kritik sesuatu perkara ada baik dan buruknya.
2)Kritikan itu menjadi baik jika motifnya dari sumber yang benar dan tepat..sebaliknya amat buruk jika ada unsur penipuan yang boleh membawa kepada perbuatan FITNAH…
3)Semuanya bermain dengan kata hati…daripada menempa dosa lebih baik mengelaknya dan memohon pertolongan Allah s.w.t.
4)Kritikan yang berpandukan rujukan dari Al-Quran di bolehkan dalam Islam terhadap para pemimpin-pemimpin dan penduduk-penduduk sesuatu tempat jika ada cacat tercela yang melanggar arahan Allah s.w.t…dengan syarat undang-undang Islam terlaksana sepenuhnya disitu.
5)…sebaliknya agak mustahir KEBENARAN sejati dapat diadakan jika amalan bebas (INDEPENDENCE)..diamalkan..tidak seperti kawalan atas kota larangan Masjidil al-Haram yang telah disucikan oleh Nabi Muhammad s.a.w..
6)Maaf…nampak seperti mainan nafsu perebutan kuasa oleh mereka yang ingin kuasa memimpin.Jika ada yang ingin juga merebut jawatan itu pasti KRITIKAN AKAN BERBALASAN ANTARA SATU SAMA LAIN…
7)…sifat mewakilkan ketua ini juga kedapatan dikalangan rakyat yang dibawah sesama puak-puak mereka…..mereka mencalonkan diri mereka sendiri serta menawar diri untuk menjadi ketua dengan janji-janji dari mulut sendiri kepada rakyat yang celik kata dimata tapi buta kata dihati.
8)Allah s.w.t yang maha mengetahui isi hati di akukan dengan kata-kata tampa jaminan kata hati nurani oleh peminta-peminta ini….yang semestinya bukan pemimpin pilihan Allah s.w.t.
9)Rimba Emas sering menitiskan air mata mengenangkan dosa-dosa yang telah dilakukan sama ada akan diampunkan oleh Allah s.w.t…..kembalilah kita kepadanya..Amin.amin..yarabil’alamin..
Salam Sejahtera, Tun
I don’t agree with the statement number eight. I’m sure you saw what happened in the 13rd May Tragedy. It’s approximately only 11 years and 9 months after the independence, the Alliance lost badly in the Selangor state election, and get pissed by the DAP supporter, then peoples started to fight and it resulted in the worst tragedy in the history of Malaysia.
Imagine if the British administrated Malaya after the BMA through Malayan Union, then the Sultans in all states will lose both face and their power as the country’s ruler. Peace demonstration won’t last long as there will be people comes up with stupid idea to get the British out of the country by force. Then, in the midst of the fighting, Malayan Communist Party will take the chance, and ruler the country. If they succeed, then the original Federal Malaya will be become the People’s Republic of Malaya. Maybe the US government will send their army to shoot the Communist’s ass in the mid 60’s.
Let’s fast forward to the fall of Soviet Union, by then this country will be poor and broken.
What we don’t have:
-international news
-connection to the outside world
-Islam or any other religion
-technology that is up to date
-Proton, Perodua
-Petronas Twin Tower
-KL Tower
What do we have:
-the world as your enemies
-terrible government (With all due respect, it’s a sucks ass government that cannot do anything right)
-lots of brutal soldier
-lots of missile
-USA watching every step the government take
-Tienanmen Square Massacre (It might be called Merdeka Square Massacre, who knows?)
-most patriotic citizen ever (North Korea excluded)
-tower in military airfield (its the highest building you can ever get)
-peoples that tell us ridiculous thing like USA is weak, all country on planet Earth support and respect us (USA excluded),
our Dear Leader are the greatest of humanity ever, our leader is actually God.
After the fall of Communist Government(someday), the citizen will start to see what 21st century really means. But, a lot of over-patriotic people will suicide.
In a nutshell, its a lot worst than it is now and that’s why I don’t agree with the statement number 8. Thanks for reading.
Dear Tun
Tun, you are the best no matter what..hands down..
may Allah always bless u sir..and thank you for sacrificed u did for Malaysia and Malaysian..please down cry sir..your tears is priceless for Malaysian..but, if u do..Malaysian will lend their shoulder..
For the bottom of my Heart..THANK YOU.
-Youth of Malaysia-
Dear Dr,
I am not surprised if PR assemblymen and women in Selangor are really abusing public money. I believe they do!
They are actually men and women of no integrity and honesty. For example, look at the three ‘frog’ assembly members in Perak who jumped into BN and caused PR government to crumble. They were PR members and candidates for the election. They were also appointed as EXCO members and Deputy Speaker and yet they betrayed the trust of the people. Allegedly, two of them have been accused of corruption and are awaiting trial. This undeniably confirmed that PR assemblymen and women are also corrupt people. What a shame!
In Malay, we say ‘meludah ke langit’. This is what PR is all about! The people of Malaysia must not be fooled with their tactic. They are even worse than the devil!
In this particular episode, I consider Khalid Ibrahim is another clown of PR, besides Lim Guan Eng. As leader of Selangor government, he should be accountable for everything that happens under his nose. Do not pretend that he doesn’t know what his EXCOs and ADUNs are doing. Please stop being hyprocrite, coward and defensive!
I urge Khalid Ibrahim to be transparent. How can he ask for internal probe by his own government on his own assemblymen? What a joker! If he is an honest man, he should ask and invite professional external auditors to carry out this investigation. Perhaps, he is also worried that the results will not be as what he expects.
Khalid Ibrahim should stop talking nonsense and must not be too protective of his own assemblymen who are abusing public money. They are doing much more terrible things than the previous government!
Just wait and see what Khalid Ibrahim will do next!
On another topic, let us all be realistic about the death of Teoh Beng Hock. Let’s talk about logic! The most logical reason we could offer in this particular episode was, as a result of the interrogation by the MACC, the late TBH could have exposed all the wrongdoings by the PR assembly members. Soon after, he could have realised how he difficult he was to face his bosses in days to come and be seen as disloyaled deserter to his own party, which could trigger him to commit suicide!
To PR, especially DAP, you were the one who caused him to commit suicide because you were abusing public money and you expected him to keep quite. The late TBH, being an honest man, must have told MACC everything. To simply accuse UMNO, BN or MACC for his death, is beyond logic!
Wow…. sungguh pedas sindiran Tun kali ni. Untuk kerajaan Malaysia sekarang dan kerajaan pembangkang, harap lihat masa depan negara dalam skop yg lebih meluas, bukan celah kaki je….
sigh… the only mistake I see that you’ve made was … the appointment of your ‘successor’.
pardon me Tun…
I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel..
Dear Tun,
Nobody is perfect in this world.
Life is about learning from mistakes.
If you didn’t learn from one, you made another mistake.
If you do learn from one, then that was a valuable mistake.
Best Regards,
By rarunasalamAuthor Profile Page on July 30, 2009 5:31 PM
I read and read this blog – interesting that you have taken a humbler approach in this publication…
However, I feel while you are trying to portray humility with your statements that you are not infallible, you are still implying you are far better than others…
Well that is exactly what the last line in 4. implies.
PR: Hippocrates at its best module.
Hazman Abu Bakar
Assalamalaikum Dear Dr. Mahathir,
As an Israeli and a Jew, it is not really my business in the internal politics of Malaysia and it is an issue to be dealt by Malaysians solely.
May be I don’t understand well the whole Malaysian political processes, but I would like to post my opinion as an “outsider”.
Any political leader or any public or national servant must understand that when he/she joins the public role, he/she will be exposed to criticism. It is not a regular criticism. It is criticism using a magnifying lens. A mouse size of a mistake would look now in the size of an elephant. No one can escape of that political drama. This is also even your destiny when you entered the political life.
Where is the difference? There are two kind of politicians. Those who enter into politics for selfish ambitions and pretending to be working for the people and the other are those who enter into politics with the pure intention to serve the people.
Both types are making mistakes. The selfish are making their mistakes because of their narrow viewing angle. Looking always for their own and selfish promotion while the people are last priority. Those will be also the first to jump from the ship if it will sink. Criticism of those leaders by the people and the media is a MUST. The people must understand that this was a wrong choice. These kind of mistakes of the selfish leaders cannot be forgiven and must not.
The true people’s political servant may also be mistaken. But this mistake is different, it is not done intentionally and not for selfish purpose. Because that type of leader is motivated for the good of his own people and view a wider angle, he/she may have mistakes due to the huge amount of data to be analyzed. Now he/she have a big dilemma to make a choice of several options. It is not an easy task and mistakes are part of the process. Of course those mistakes must be criticized by the people and media. But this must be with the intention of improvement and learning the lesson for the future. In this case if the leader is a honest servant, he/she will listen to the criticism, internalize the lesson and learn how to avoid similar mistakes in the future. Those mistakes can be forgiven by the people and a second chance can take place. In cases when honest politicians are committing severe mistakes, they are self resigning their position. A selfish leader wouldn’t do that.
Dear Dr. Mahathir, I tend to believe that you are the second type of politician and this is why you have so many supporters even you are not leading Malaysia for almost 6 years. People are not forgetting the good things and the bad things leaders did for them. Having so many supporters is speaking for itself.
When people are criticized, it must be done in a way such that the criticized object will not be pushed against the wall. Pushing the criticized to the wall may react opposing to the intention of the criticism. So, criticism must have the proper approach and timing if the intention is to get improvement. If the criticism is in the intention to smear mud on the face of the leader, it will not achieve a thing since mud can be smeared on the face of the criticizer since he/she is not pure of mistakes. Everyone bears a Pandora box that maybe opened.
Now, Malaysians need to understand themselves who is a real leader and who is a false leader and criticize him/her accordingly.
Dear Dr. Mahathir, I
6. Malaysians will have a tough time in the next general election. They may not like Barisan Nasional which for 50 years have been throwing tens of thousands into detention under the Internal Security Act, wasting public money building towers, airports, ports, highways etc, muzzling the Press etc etc. But they will find the so-called alternative coalition not much better.
ps. ‘Samuraimelayu’ (h’cap 16) carded a score of 68 ( tree under..he he) yesterday.
salam tun
nobody is perfect.You just do what u think is the best for Malaysians.Proud to have you as my prime minister in my life
Looking back I think you must take the blame for not training and indentifing good leader during your rule as PM.In this instance your good friend Lee Kuan Yew are very succesful indetifing good leader to run Singapore.Those corrupt leader in Singapore either they commit suicide or get sack.
You create Pak Lah,Najib,Anwar,Daim,Nazri and all of them are corruopted and not capable to run the country.Now you are enjoying seeing them making mistake after mistake.
Salam Tun,
Kesilapan Tun paling besar selama 22 tahun menjadi PM ialah perkenalkan PPSMI dan menjatuhkan martabat bahasa kebangsaan.
Salam Tun,
Memang Tun silap, patut tun boleh jadi PM yang tak pernah buat silap, barulah jadi macam tok-tok guru.
Bila Tun silap je, Tun patut terus kata, “Bukan silap saya, silap kamulah pengundi, siapa suruh pilih saya”.
Dan Tun patut buat biar tak ada orang boleh kata Tun silap.
Siapa kata, ISAkan dia….
Dear Tun,
It feels good to admit mistakes. It’ll feel better to amdit sins.
Perhaps, the greatest mistake is that you’ve overlooked some of the 24 Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion, in building up this nation. If so, may God grant you forgiveness. Amin..amin.. ya Rabbal a’lamin.
Fiat money & interest are sins…am I right?
I read and read this blog – interesting that you have taken a humbler approach in this publication…
can you elaborate your thoughts on note 4.
I am sure my critics also made mistakes in their lifetime. The only difference is that their mistakes affected only themselves.
specifically this line –>
But if they get the chance to be PM maybe they will make the same mistakes I made. –> And we all will suffer.
Tun, we all bear the consequences of the mistakes we or others make.
And sometimes, mistakes are not necessarily a bad thing (depending on the overall impact).
However, I feel while you are trying to portray humility with your statements that you are not infallible, you are still implying you are far better than others…
Well that is exactly what the last line in 4. implies.
Sir, when you took personal swipes at Tun Abdullah – it’s not that you were criticising him that was the issue. It was the method and manner that it was done in that was the issue.
Yes, you being an elder statesman has everyright to advise and provide counsel. Yes, you as elder statesman must at times call a spade a spade and highlight inadequacies.
But sir, you never could take that same criticism when it came from your predecessor (Tunku) and you stifled his comments and views.
But you were only too keen to openly criticise your successor and expected him to kow-tow to your wishes.
What is it that Tun Abdullah did that you took so very badly and needed to chastise him in such a manner.
You indirectly labelled him corrupt. You indirectly swiped at him on claims of nepotism, cronyism, economic mismanagement, failing the nation by calling of certain infrastructure projects etc etc.
Yet, under your leadership, you would not have wanted any dissent to your thoughts and wishes, and bailed out lots of poor performing affiliates, closed one eye on bad enterprises where govts interest lied, and spent large amounts of monies on nation building projects but today have a lot to desire for.
I will attract criticism both from you and your ardent devotees on the comments above…but I would like with your criticism to know what was the real issue behind your incessant rage against Tun Abdullah causing Malaysia to experience a premature unwanted retirement of your handpicked successor?
If you have any stronger evidence than your past statements against Tun Abdullah – care sharing that with us?
Good day to you, Tun.
In my opinion, “Chaos” happened because we all have difference moral standard. Besides, the peoples are using mixing view of ethics theory against issues in the world.
All of us need to learn as life goes on…
salam Tun,
salam Tun,
We have so many self-righteous commentators who think they and the opposition are superior beings and can rule the country better.
Many also look down and despise the Malays in spite of the Malay-led government providing them with a stable and safe country in which they prospered for the past 51 years.
They choose to forget the tolerance of the Malays which offered to share the country’s riches when we had the option of otherwise back in 57.
I wonder how somebody else would have handled the 97 economic crisis in which Tun practically saved this nation from the IMF and coincidentally is being copied by the very same detractors in the West now?
Strange when no critics would acknowledge this fact.Well at least not from what I’ve read in this blog.
We have learnt that PR in particular DAP is playing ‘kurang ajar’ with the Sultans by not respecting adat istiadat Majlis Perasmian DUN.
Jaga2 wahai saudara sebangsaku kerana tanduk dah mula keluar di dahi PR!Mereka sudah mula menunjukkan belang sebenar mereka kerana ingat sudah kuat.
Bagi kita semua jalan yang terbaik sekarang ialah menyokong perpaduan umat Melayu dengan membersihkan UMNO dari dalam untuk menghapuskan saki-baki Little Napoleons dan Warlords yang sekarang ini menghancurkan dan merosakkan UMNO dari dalam.
Feedback yang saya dapati dari ramai yang membenci UMNO sekarang ialah persepsi bahawa pemimpin2 peringkat akar umbi rajin dan bersungguh2 berjuang untuk UMNO tetapi pada peringkat Ketua Bahagian sudah mula korup,rakus dan mementingkan diri sendiri lebih dari kepentingan parti.
Assalamualaikum Dear Tun,
Yes Sir, we have done a lot of mistakes in our life, but what really differentiate between the real
winner or loser is whether we are able to or at least make some effort to improve and continue the
struggle to achieve the shared dreams, aims, goals and visions. Well Sir, what can I say……You have
never quitted from the struggle to see that Malaysia to be at par with other developed countries and
be able to develop and enrich our own civilization. Thank You Very Much Sir for your tireless effort
and long visions…..May Allah bless you and your family with countless of his Rahmah and Barakah….
satu kesilapan yang tun lakukan semasa tun berkuasa dulu ialah tun tidak tagged dengan underworld…rugi tun,rugi.
kalau tidak,tun tentu dah ada rumah urut sendiri sekarang ni bukannya kedai roti…
Have a nice day SIR..
Rakyat melihat dan menilai setiap perilaku pemimpin mereka.
Semua yang berlaku ketika ini adalah petunjuk dari rakyat kepada pemimpin mereka.
Kalau pemimpin jenis pekak badak dan bodoh sombong mereka tidak akan merasai apa yang sedang ditunjukkan oleh rakyat.
Adanya pemimpin kita kerana adanya sokongan dari rakyat.
Salam Tun,
Saya antara anak muda yang sentiasa tidak percaya pada janji opposition…walaupun ada diantara wakil rakyat UMNO tidak boleh dipercayai tetapi saya masih percaya yang perjuang UMNO adalah sejati / tulin buat bangsa saya dan masa depan keturunan saya..Saya yakin apa yang ditonjolkan oleh oppostion sekarang hanya untuk meraih simpati rakyat untuk PRU yang akan datang dan seterusnya bagi mendapatkan kuasa mentadbir kerajaan..Pada masa itu dah terlewat untuk diselamatkan negara kita ini…
Takpelah Tun walaupun apa sekali pun orang nak cakap bukan-bukan pasal TUN..saya akan tetap melihat Tun ini idola serta pahlawan yang sebenar untuk bangsa melayu..saya akan cerita pada anak cucu saya yang Tun adalah penjuang ulung Bangsa melayu yang perlu dapat penghormatan yang tinggi dan dihormati..
Semoga Allah panjangkan umur Tun, isteri dan keluarga..
You are right YA Bhg. Tun. We used to have Barisan Nasional and Opposition parties. BN took care of rakyat, and opposition parties took care of themselves.
Now, we have BN as Opposition Party (all of BN act under Tun Lah and DSN are of the interest and for the benefits of opposition parties), and opposition party as opposition party. Two identical choices.How to chose?
I wanna vote British la Tun.
Tun, thank u for all yr lifetime being dedicated to agama, bangsa dan negara. You make me so proud to be a rakyat in this beloved country.
Thank you for being our Prime Minister for the best of 22 years.
Thank you Tun and family.
And Tun, my personal opinion is, you truly follows sunnah and your service dedicated to our country as khalifah were the same as rasullullah i.e 23years.
Salam kasih dan salam hormat Ayahanda Tun.
Do you know what keeps us going? The great unknown. Any which way you may view life; it
Assalamualaikum Tun berdua dan keluarga.
“..I committed a lot of mistakes.I would not be human if I did not.”
That is so true sir, a simple statement yet so humble. As human we make mistakes and learn from them. May Allah and His Rasul give bless and syafaat for you sir.
Don’t cry sir, don’t cry alone..
Tun , saya dilahir di Malaysia dan sedih tengok sekarang apa dah jadi dengan Malaysia, betul macam Tun katakan siapa tak buat silap? saya rasa pembangkang pun akan buat silap cuma mereka ingat mereka tu TUHAN TAK BUAT SILAP MAMPUS !!!!!! sejak tahun 2008 saya tidak suka membaca suratkhabar sebab sedih kerana semua bangsa cuma tahu gaduh gaduh dan GADUH. akhirnya saya Doa Tun dan isteri sihat dan rakyat akan aman balik dan harga sawit akan NAIK WOWOOWOOWOWOOW
PEMBANGKANG – Paku dulang paku serpih, berkata orang diri sendiri lebih!
Suasana politik Malaysia pada hemat saya sudah jadi begitu TIDAK MATANG sehingga ahli politik tidak tahu bila untuk berkata YA dan bila untuk berkata TIDAK. Politik IDOLA mengakibatkan menyokong taksub bukan pada perjuangan tetapi kepada TOKOH yang juga sering melakukan kesilapan tetapi tetap dipercayai memBABI-BUTA oleh menyokongnya. Pemimpin sudah tidak boleh diTEGUR dan di KRITIK. PEMBANGKANG mengambil kesempatan dengan tidak mematuhi sistem NEGARA hanya kerana yakin bahawa mereka akan menang pada PRU13…kesian anak bangsa MALAYSIA terutama MELAYU yang pasti merasai kesannya 10 -15 tahun akan datang bak kata pepatah “Kejayaan bukan melihat berapa banyak yang kita petik buah tetapi berapa banyak benih baik yang kita tanam.” ALLAH swt sedang melihat kita semua.