1. I would like to apologise to the students and others for failing to turn up to give the talk I had agreed to.

2. I would also like to thank those who sent get well messages, fruits and flowers while I was in hospital in Melbourne.

3. Honestly I feel I have lost an opportunity to meet and talk to what may be the future leaders of Malaysia. For this reason I am writing down here what would have been the contents of my talk.

4. The suggested topic for my talk was, “Are we ready for 1 Malaysia: Does Race Still Play a Part?”

5. I will be frank but factual. My only interest is the country we all love. I am past self-interest.

6. First let me refer to the slogan “1 Malaysia”.

7. Without the Government spelling out the precise meaning of 1 Malaysia, different people are giving their own interpretations which not only differ from each other but are in conflict with each other.

8. The Malays generally interprete 1 Malaysia to mean real adoption of the national language as the home language by every citizen as happens in other multiracial countries. They also expect the abolition of Chinese and Tamil schools and ensuring the private sector has a fair participation of Malays and other Bumiputeras.

9. The Chinese and Indians interprete 1 Malaysia to mean amendments to the constitution to eliminate provisions for the special treatment of the Malays and their protection by the Rulers, removal of the quota for Malays in the Civil Service, termination of the NEP, termination of the 30 per cent quota for Malays and indigenous people in business, termination of the quota for awards of licences, contracts and Aps. All awards to be on a competitive basis and open to all irrespective of race. They also expect perpetuation and maintenance of Chinese and Indian schools by the Government.

10. These two interpretations of 1 Malaysia admittedly are by the more extreme groups. The more moderate ones from both sides are milder in their expectations but their minimum intetrpretations still provide irreconcilable conflicts. 1 Malaysia clearly means different things to the different races.

11. This is the present position and it is obvious that race still play a very important role.

12. Question: It is now more than 50 years since independence. For how long do the Malays expect to be treated as special and different from the other citizens?

Answer: For as long as the Chinese and Indians prefer to be identified with their countries of origins. For as long as they want to keep their home languages and their schools.

13. Question: The so-called social contract were made a long time ago. We were not involved and we cannot be bound by it forever. When can we ignore the social contract and draw up our own social contract?

Answer: When everyone agrees to throw out the old social contract and replace it with a new one.

This will take a long time. As the new contract will be between races, racial factors would be included. Unless both sides agree to give up their races’ own rights as spelt out in the first contract i.e. the preservation of own home languages and schools etc. the rights of the indigenous races to their special position etc must remain a part of the new social contract.

It is not certain that each would not demand for more than what they got under the old contract. It is likely there would be no agreement and no contract. Ths would lead to perpetual conflicts.

14. Question: So there will be no solution. The racial divisions and conflicts will remain.

Answer: In Vision 2020 one of the objectives is to create a bangsa Malaysia.

The belief at that time was that if Malaysia becomes a fully developed country, it would become very prosperous.

This prosperity would be fairly shared between the races. There would be less jealousy between them. There would also be less fear of any race being dominated by any other race.

The political cooperation between the races would also be made more meaningful as loyalty to the country would override other loyalties. In fact non-racial parties would be the trend.

It would take a long time perhaps – depending on fair wealth distribution. But once it takes off the pace will increase.

Malaysians of all races would be so proud of their country and its great achievements that the desire to be linked with other countries would be much diminished if not disappear altogether (as happens in prosperous multi-racial countries like the US – where the German, Eisenhower led the war against Germany. Eisenhower was American first and his country of origin was irrelevant to him).

The Malaysians at that stage would be Bangsa Malaysia first and always. The thing to do now is to ensure prosperity for the country and its fair distribution. Removing current rights of any of the races at this moment will only lead to racial conflicts which would obstruct prosperity.

15. Question: There are Malays in the opposition who condemn the NEP as unfair discrimination.

Answer: There are also Chinese and Indians who appreciate what the Malays have done and support the NEP. They are not so vocal for obvious reasons.

One should look at the Malays who condemn the NEP. If they are politicians or supporters of certain parties their views are motivated by a desire to get Chinese support. They assume that they themselves would lead the nation and enjoy power and opportunities through Chinese support. But there will be a pay-back period. The support is not for free. The Malay leaders will be like Nizar (Jamaluddin) when he was Menteri Besar of Perak – mere puppets.

The non-politically educated Malays feel ashamed that they have to be helped. They would like to be recognised as people who succeeded on their own.
If we study these people almost invariably they have benefited from the NEP. They appear to be ashamed of this.

They are ashamed to admit that they were unable to compete with the other races.
I am not ashamed to admit that I cannot compete with the Chinese and Indian students when studying medicine. They had much better results than me and the other six Malay students for entry into the Medical College. Even at that time the British promised to the Rulers to help educate the Malays. I had my chance because of the affirmative action then. On pure merit I would not be a doctor today, not because I was not qualified, but my qualification was lower than others.

One has to remember that the Chinese civilisation is more than 4000 years old. No other civilisation has lasted that long. Naturally they have developed a culture better able to survive under all conditions. It is my belief that if the percentage of Chinese in the United Kingdom for example is the same as in Malaysia, UK would be better developed than it is now. It is not surprising that the Chinese excel in developing Malaysia (for which they are amply rewarded).

It is not shameful to lose out against them. Simply to catch up with them we need handicaps. To be given handicaps is to ensure fairness, not discrimination. That is why in golf you have handicaps. That is why in all contests there must be equality between the contestants.

It is selfish if having benefited from the handicaps you want to deny others from having them.

But when all is said and done, those who are given the benefits of handicaps must make honest efforts to use them properly. If they don’t then they must forfeit the handicaps in the future.


  1. Dear Doc
    Let you not be carried away. The Brits conquered almost a quarter of the world without Chinese help.

  2. My interest this time is to comment on saraswathy on October 18, 2010 2:44 PM
    If I am in your place, I would be as frustated.
    Sadly, i can honestly say that you did not meet the malays who also work hard and also earn their place/sponsorships.
    I am a malay and I understand the frustrations because I felt the same while I was growing up.
    However, I need to point out that not all malays are like that. There are some who are ignorant, but not all. Like you, I believe that ‘berkat’ from my parents and God’s will, I was able to get this chance. In my heart, I feel very grateful and I am making the best that I can out of it.
    I also believe that God will give all sorts of tests. If you can make the best out of your situation, you will reap the benefit sooner or later.
    I wish you the best of luck in your future undertakings 🙂

  3. Dear Tun,
    I concur and admire the comment by Parameswara 2, October 18 2010, 2:18am.
    The Chinese and Indians must read this comment to trully appreciate the Malaysian political scenario. Islam is a religion that transcends all races. In Islam, everybody is equal except his level of taqwa.
    amin tan

  4. Dear Tun,
    You are the most admired statesman of Malaysia, most outspoken, most hated and most loved by all MALAYSIAN. But sudah sampai masa untuk berehat and enjoy your golden years with family. You have sacrificed so much. Why don’t you try philantrophy, maybe my spelling is wrong. Tun might want to concentrate on building a foundation for an everlasting legacy of a world donation centre. I believe you would be able to amass more funds than Bill Gates or Warren Buffet. Despite all, Tun is my role model and I see you as the Lone Ranger during your premiership.
    Thank you.

  5. The issue is not about DNA or race, there are most certainly genetics at play. Chinese are usually naturally gifted in subjects like Maths, why is that? They seem to be born with a honed intellect to understand numbers and equations…
    Also, Tun is right – Chinese have made inherent progress in Malaysia and have contributed immensely to its development. I have a theory that the Chinese are good at what they do because they are generally atheists and do not really believe in God (except for God of money). That is why they are not working for the akhirah, they are working for the dunya only and they want to make sure they get everything in this dunya only.
    Allahu a’lam.

  6. Dearest Tun
    May I…
    //By joehenryAuthor Profile Page on October 16, 2010 1:17 AM
    .. However, if Tun has meant it as a mere flattery or exaltation to the Chinese, I am afraid that I, being a Chinese, cannot accept such undeserving flattery or exaltation for deep down in my heart I
    know I enjoy no other naturally endowed advantage over my brothers from different origins. To accept such flattery or exaltation would be like accepting Chinese supremacism or Chinese chauvinism forced on me which I will not be able to live in peace with.//
    dear joehenry
    1-I don’t think Tun is such a small guy to believe that a greatness of a person is found in the DNA of a specific race.I have been reading Tun’s minds and as a muslim too we are not allowed to believe as such.We are all humankind who have originated from the one same very very great grandparent Adam and Eve.
    2-But as an individual race or person we will differ from one another due to many factors,like our environment,belief sytem,culture,situations,unique experiences etc.etc.
    3-I concur with Tun in his observation of the general Chinese character that have made them truly outstanding as a race as compared to the rest.I personally find their serious attitude towards work in particular as truly amazing.Their extraordinary thrift and attitude towards savings the other.
    4-I don’t want to flatter you too much as I know you don’t like to hear them.These things are not programmed in their DNA for sure but rather must have been inculcated in their culture.And Tun have observed that this culture happen to be a part the longest continuing civilization to date.
    5-There are many other ancient races that are just as old,the Indians,Persians,Arabs,Greeks etc but except for the Jews these other races somehow do not appear to have delivered the kind of uniformity in terms of their superior behaviour that people would generally attribute to their culture as compared the Chinese.
    6-Anyway,why can’t you just thank Tun for his compliments in good faith instead of being kiasu and make him look like a fool for his kind observation of your race?
    7-Now this kiasu attitude of yours may be the only flaw of the Chinese culture .The reason why inspite of all the other multitudinous strengths afforded them,the Chinese have yet to dominate the World?
    Thanks Tun.

  7. Assalamualaikum Tun,
    1.) please dont generalizing either malay,chinese or indian is the same. there will always same hate between each other and some neither hate each other
    2.) if i am the government, the very first thing is MUST TAKE THE RACE and RELIGION issue out of the governance. first of all, what is definition of government?
    government means by including all kinds of people in the country and then govern as a whole. so since the country is multi-racial and different religion, the only way to govern the country is become facilitator for the people to pursue what they want. DO NOT ever include religion / race, it must up to the people themselves to decide how they practice their race/religion shit.
    in the west they are already talking about globalization and humanity as one, while we still talking and divided among such silly matter? why this is happening, all of these is because our ancestor trying to be selfish and insecure, then made up all kinds of mess, and WE AS a younger generation which doesnt know anything, suddenly must follow your stupidity? no thank you.. people please wake up.

  8. We can never be united if we do not learn in one school system. ‘IMMIGRANTS, MUST ADAPT’. Take It Or Leave It.
    – Oh yeah I love the way Aussies put it.

  9. Somebody named John Doe from Malaysiakini said that there is no Ketuanan Melayu, or Hak melayu in the constitution, or in Malaysian law, this is correct.
    But when he quote Prof Dr Timothy Barnhard that the word Malay itself is a myth then he is quite wrong.
    If the word ‘Malay’ as a race is a myth, then you should say that the word ‘English’ is a myth as well, because English consisted of many other smaller races such as the Anglo-saxon.
    and not only that, if you were to study their origin, majority of their race came from Vikingship descendant in the up north of their soil, which possibly makes them the illegal immigrant as well
    The same goes to the word “Chinese”, because that word itself is a myth then, there is no Chinese, there are only Han, Manchu, and so on. These were their real races.
    Arguing that the Malay are actually smaller races are a fallacy, because the word ‘Malay’ comes into existent only after the assimilation of many races in Malaya long ago. The same thing that happens to the Prussian, Chinese, and even English.
    There were no words for Englishmen, no words for Britain, these were myth as well if we were to use what the smart Professor said. Not only that, even the Chinese should not be called Chinese, because they were not of one single race.
    I cant believe that the PR, is now even attacking the word ‘Malay’ for what reasons? Cant they just leave us alone? I guess I am joining UMNO then.
    With the corruptions that were going on in Perak long ago, done in the name of ‘Islam’ by PAS, rampant corruptions in Selangor by DAP, and then secretly speaking up against the Malay, and playing with race sentiments, and proceed furthermore with threat to make them look clean!! but they are not!

  10. Salam,
    1.******Mohon izin beri sedikit ulasan terhadap ” parameswara 2, October 18, 2010 2:18 AM”*****
    It is nice to know that we share similar thoughts and feelings on the Islamic solution to bangsa Malaysia.National integration depends on the balance between demands and capabilities. Much of human activity is political. It is clear that the demands made by the non-Bumiputeras are extremely burdensome . UMNO (**not PAS===PAS is neither a Malay nor bumi political party**) is called upon to redistribute wealth within all races on terms acceptable to the non-Bumis . A great deal of work remains to be done on the attitudinal change between and within the societies(races) . Choosing the wrong option can be expensive for the rakyats. Pakatan Rakyat has no capabilities to deal with the new demands imposed by social mobilization except for street demonstration. Choosing Pakatan Rakyat could lead to instability, disorder and possible destruction of our beloved country.
    2.****Untuk pemimpin2 UMNO******
    Jangan banyak sangat slogan untuk pilihanraya.Bagi orang menyampah atau geli hati saja. Tak payah cipta benda2 baru. .Jaga yang dah ada ,kemaskan, bersihkan , cucikan dengan clorox kalau perlu. Parti UMNO tak ada masalah tetapi orang dia yang banyak daki. Yang penting ikut kehendak rakyat bukan kehendak perut masing2,apa yang rakyat benci elakkan. Tak kan tak faham2 lagi kot. Kalau PAS tak ada dalam Pakatan Rakyat, dah lama bungkus UMNO PRU lepas. Orang Melayu tak sokong PAS sebab depa tak percaya kat kawan2 PAS. Tapi kalau UMNO teruk sangat calun sehingga orang Melayu tak ada pilihan, masin lauk PAS campur DAP pun ramai terpaksa makan walaupun boleh naik darah tinggi.
    Strategi penting untuk mengembalikan sokongan orang bukan Melayu kepada UMNO,ialah letakkan calun UMNO di majoriti Melayu. Nanti UMNO menang besar, UMNO jadi betul2 Power Rangers dan depa risau tak ada wakil depa dalam kerajaan atau Dewan rakyat. Ini dikatakan paksa cara lemah lembut. Maka suara2 terpekik2 terlolong2 tengah jalan dah tak kedengaran. Boleh hantar PKR ‘from state of oblivion to memory’ untuk di dokumentasi dalam cerita RTM “Hari Ini Dalam Sejarah”.
    Untuk UMNO menjadi hebat, pemimpin mestilah juga hebat. Bagitau kat semua dunia bukanlah segala2nya. Kekayaan harta benda tidak menjamin kebahagiaan. Orang Melayu masih sayang UMNO tapi tolong jangan letak Si Luncai, Labu Labi sebagai calun cukuplah. Jika tak ada pilihan,terpaksalah pangkah PAS sambil pejam mata. Pujuk SI Luncai, Labu Labi tinggalkan politik secara aktif dan rayu depa menyertai program2 keusahawanan bumiputera supaya dapat berdikari dengan cara yang betul.
    Satu lagi nak bagitau, ada risalah/gambar negatif pemimpin beberapa masjid di Selangor pada hari Solat Jumaat menjelang PRU lepas. Ini pukulan kuat. Orang tua mungkin boleh faham sikit,maklumlah Diam2 ubi makin tua makin menjadi. Tetapi anak2 muda Melayu lansung tak boleh terima pemimpin sebegini.Jangan bagi depa buat lagi dengan UMNO hanya mencalunkan pemimpin yang bersih.
    Mohon maaf jika terkasar bahasa.

  11. Dear Tun,
    This is a clear 20/20 vision for Wawasan 2020. Looking at things as it is now…I serious believe that the 2020 can only mark the begining of the Wawasan 2020 not the end.
    The Bangsa Malaysia will take 1 (or maybe 2) generation at least to bear fruit. As it is now we have not even started on this journey.
    We must not allow the people with the extremist views to force the agenda on the general population and the future of the country.
    The goal of Wawasan 2020 is plain for all to see and best of all there is a place for all Malaysian, be they Malays, Sarawakans, Sabahnans, Chinese, Indiana, Eurasians, etc…
    I am sure the large majority of the population yearns for this to happen for their children and grand children.
    Lets – give the extremist views a miss – and forge ahead towards Wawasan 2020.

  12. Dearest Tun
    1-I agree with autoboy and nothefella’s remarks about the new inspira..Most of us share the same heart sank disappointment.
    2-So this is what we get after 25 years of our sacrifice tolerating a mediocre brand at not so cheap prices to enrich all the UMNOPUTRA dominated vendors all this while?
    3-After having delivered originals like Waja,Persona,Gen-2,etc we now have a great new inspiration called inspira to go back selling rebadged cars.What progress Malaysians are capable of.
    4-I think this name ‘Inspira’ for a rebagded car is a joke that it should appropriately be called Proton ‘Kelakar’ . I think its still not too late to change.Names so positive and honorable must be reserved for one that is deserving of it only.
    5-Strange too that no one have have ever brought up about the mini van ‘Juara’.This car is so awful looking that every time I want to frighten my little kids I will tell them I am seriously going to buy the ‘Juara’ should hear their scream of disapproval..don’t believe you try this to your kids.Who approved this model?
    6-I would recommend that we change Proton’s name to Mitsubishi Motors Malaysia Bhd to officially declare that we have failed in this car industry.Positively this would let us have all the quality Japanese and other foreign cars like we use to at more affordable prices again as in the past.
    7-Once we have declared our failure at least the Rakyat won’t have any expectations any more so consequently they can’t be disappointed anymore too.There is no shame in failing we should only be ashamed if we dare not try..
    8-Anyway Tun as the Advisor you advise us as we layman may not know much whatever is Proton’s strategy.But what we see from down here things look really disappointing.Thanks.

  13. Salam Tun Yang Dihormati,
    Tiada apa yang hendak diperkatakan,kerana sudah ada di kalangan beberap komenter yang budiman, sudah menyatakan apa yang ingin saya nyatakan.Apa yang dinyatakan oleh Tun memang benar.Tun menyatakan secara am,jadi siapa yang terasa tu,atau tak berapa faham maksud Tun melentinglah.Saya memohon laluan,
    Jeff,kalau dah Malaysian Insiders tu,tempat orang yang sekepala dengan awak,nampak macama ramaile.Pergilah membaca di ruangan lain.Komenter mengutuk kerajaan dan Tun disiarkan,komen yang tak memihak jarang disiarkan.Kebebasan pun ada batasan jugak.Baca boleh,percaya…..kena guna deria mata,akal dan hati.Lama tak dengar berita ‘fairy Tales’daripada Raja Kelentong?Kering ideaka..kesejukan di London?
    Maafkan saya,Tun.Walau bagaimanapun saya mendoakan Tun diberkati Yang Maha Esa dan ceria selalu.Terima Kasih.

  14. get to grips with it, this world is nvr fair & will not wait for you to catch up, ask bill gates. so non-bumis should not complain about affirmative action policies then? then so should bumis who feel they are discriminated in the business/corporate world when they are overlooked & underpaid? this rhetoric can go on and on. bottom line, there is no such thing as freebie in this world, everything comes at a price.
    why does the progress of our country needs to depend on a race being particularly equal in terms of economic ownership? the whole nation is waiting for that to happen so that we can progress & compete with other developed countries. is that how it’s supposed to be? so ppl that love our country, we just wait for things to happen or do something to try to fix the situation?
    some say the affirmative action policies are here to prevent riots, unrest as unequal wealth will lead to dissatisfaction & chaos. right. so is it normal that ppl riot/create havoc when they are not capable? what happens in school when you get pushed into the last class for having bad results, r u saying you can protest to the teacher, throw ur tantrum & hope that they restore you to the 1st class? don’t you educate, nurture & guide them to the right path?
    some say umno is does not hold the malay in affection anymore & they cannot depend on umno to fight for their future generations. you are telling me that you are putting your hopes on a political party to fight for the continuation of your generation? if that is the case, i really wish you the best. you must be either physically or mentally handicap to think that way. survival in this world is in your own hands, the minute you place this hope in the hands of others, you are giving away your ability to determine your destiny.
    some say the chinese are not grateful after being given all the priviledges by our forefathers. so if we are to be grateful, we should just shut up & let the country continue with how it is? is that it? let those unscrupolous politicians (malay+non-malay) continue running around thinking that the ppl owe it to them to “run” the country? ya thats good, which is why our beloved country had a history of being ruled by
    foreign powers, coz the ppl just lie over n play dead. being grateful doesn’t mean keeping quiet & taking all the shit that comes. some might think that way but if you ask me, no way. i have a right to voice out my opinion on watever i deem fit. this same attitude of keeping quiet aka being grateful nonsense is pretty obvious in GLCs. the lower level workers/execs are always afraid to voice their grouses & when they get a lower salary they complain on a blog. why dun you use that energy to complain to you boss? in most mncs it is always encouraged to speak openly & voice our opinions. why? well of course, if you dun talk you dun get heard. and when you dun get heard, ppl will assume that all is well.
    at the end of the day, the question is simple. how or what can we do to achieve the status of a developed country? the ppl leading or running the country plays a vital role to achieve this goal. when they prefer to start calling its own citizens pendatang (for encouraging open/competitive field in hopes that it
    nurtures this spirit in its ppl), giving out freebies to their cronies etc you know it has to stop. we cannot continue to wasted time, money & energy on unnecessary internal fights. while we are fighting against each other, countries like vietnam, myanmar, phillipines are growing & progressing ahead of us, when in fact we should be so many years ahead of them. we should even be ahead of singapore!
    being nationalistic is good but pls be realistic. bahasa msia is the national language & it will always be but it’s always a benefit to learn more languages. asking for BM to be used for business dealings, corporate comms etc is just being stupid. economics+education & patriotism should not be mixed. our economy & education system are the core foundations for us to progress into a developed country.
    life is short & in this short span we do as much as we can to achieve our aspirations coz i doubt we will get a 2nd chance at it. what scares me the most are those that accept & recognize their incapabilities or disabilities but choose not to correct or improve upon, thinking that they shouldn’t be cowed by the expectations of others.

  15. Salam Tun & fellow bloggers,
    A lot have been said and I just want to comments on some.
    1. By pakbelalang on October 20 — ” cadangan untuk membina bangunan 100 tingkat oleh PNB tidak akan merugikan PNB jika diambil kira tanah yang dimiliki oleh PNB itu … ”
    Saya setuju sepenuhnya kerana inilah cara terbaik buat masa kini untuk membantu ekonomi Melayu/Bumiputra sungguh pun tak secara terus . PNB telah menunjukkan kejayaan dalam mencapai matlamat itu. Pendapat saya, sesiapa yang tak setuju itu memang kurang ilmu dalam pelaburan.
    2. By rarunasalam on October 19 – on Parameswara 2
    Your explanation is acceptable but what is questionable is the way you try to express your views which indicates your insincerity. Tun admitted making mistakes in the past ( who doesn’t? ) but that doesn’t meant he cannot comments on the same issue with the intention so that all of us should learn from it. Post retirement or not is irrelevant but one is his points of views still can be accepted as sign of wisdom. He must be careful of what he did or said during his tenure as PM ( for political reason )but now he can exercise his full right in ” the freedom of expression” more effectively towards what he strongly view as the truth and the best for the nation.
    3. On TheMultitudinousOne October 19 –
    Fully agree withy you. We ( all races )all must have strong commitment and to
    discuss, debate it in rational and intellectual manners and decide on mutual agreement on concrete steps to be taken. And let’s do it in small steps, one at a time as part of the confidence building exercise. Insya’allah we will achieve it.
    I agree with you – Starting young is the only best answer and we must have strong commitment & political will to do that. Views that distract from the issue should be dismissed/condemned outright, without fear or favour. Therefore the present leaders of each races should sit down together ( through a special commission for an example )and agree to do this.
    In fact , we have no other choice regarding the use of Bahasa Malaysia as a strong national uniting factor ( but without putting less emphasis on the importance of other languages ). Again start it young at one school system as hightlightd By NasiLemak on October 19, 2010.
    Maybe in this context we can look at EU formation and learn to implement some of the program adopted in the difficult process to achieve EU as what it is today. .
    4. By akulaM on October 19, –
    That’s the reality on the ground level but many still deny that fact . Some even said that the matter can be brought up to court if it happens. Don’t be naive. This is not a black & white issue that can be decided by law. It must come from the heart, not by force.
    It is agreed that we should stress on GIVES AND TAKES in all communities… only then we can progress but the question is who want to take the first step? I logically think it is the strong should take the first step, as to eliminate fear/suspicion from the weak. This situation will not move an inch if there are still people who want to adopt the concept of ” part of yours should be mine but mine is all mine ”
    5. I symphatise with saraswathy ( October 18 ) – To the outsiders this is bad and it IS bad but this has happened, is happening and will continue to happen on the ground, effecting all races, as long as the national identity issue is NOT resolved, I meant RESOLVED not just through rhetoric for political support but decide and implement concrete steps. The present leaders of all races MUST listern and attend/address to such frustration of our youth, irrespective of race or religion. The present youths are our future leaders and the status quo sitution will not be good for the country in the long run.
    6. Congratulation to ben lim ( October 19 ) comments and elaboration. Well said and many good comments and ideas that reflect fairness and balanced views. All should read and only then will hopefully then understand and appreciate the situation better.
    7. Refer to Wara (October 18) – , 2010 1:00 PM
    ” Lim Goh Thong came from China and became a rich man here. So if a Malaysian goes to Singapore and becomes rich, so what? Many critics left this country only to come back shamelessly begging for their citizenship to be reinstated. Why come back? If you don’t want to leave, behave and mind your words. Make as much money as you can. But behave. What more do you want? Can’t do that? Leave.”
    It may look as a harse comment but really it comes from a frustrated person whose expression we should not ignore but to understand.
    In my view, overall, Malays ( or maybe other bumiputras too,)are generally a very simple people who love simple life and moderation especially those with strong Islamic practice. So much so that you all can do and take what you want as long as you do not step on their integrity and threaten their security. ( the British exploit this aspect of the Malays to fullest to their advantage ). The Kiasu attitude by some quarters will not help but definitely hardern the Malays stand further. That should explain the sudden emergence of PERKASA. ( This is just like the emergence of Hasbullah in Lebanon whose main interest is to fight Israel to free their land in south Lebanon and not to destroy Israel. That is the fact but due to strong political propaganda, they have been label as terrorists – how ironic ).
    Can those KIASU get the message???
    8. Lastly, Miorfaris 18th Oct comment –
    ” But one thing for sure, it is because we are in a country where they have their own language and as I’m here in their country, I feel obliged to use their language and not mine. ”
    The above comment should throw some eye opener to those who still believe otherwise. The key word is to ADAPT not necesarry to ADOPT, for those who knows the difference for what it means.
    In conclusion,let us all pray to ALLAH for his protection from all evils and guide and show us the right path so that we all can leave happily & peacefully in this world and world after.

  16. Assallammualaikumwarahmatullahiwabarokatuh.
    Syukur kepada Allah yang memberi Tun kekuatan untuk berbakti kepada kami melalui blog ini.Semoga sudi memberi keizinan.
    Tuan kadok
    [[Tidak silap saya spt yg dinyatakan didlm AlQuran bahawa martabat seseorang itu bergantung kepada akalnya.(lain katanya jika baik seseorang itu mengawal nafsu2nya (tidak ingkar), maka akan lebih tinggilah martabatnya]]
    Tuan benar dari segi konsep tetapi tidak tepat dari segi konteksnya.Harap sudi rujuk semula Al Quran dan para alim ulamak ‘mainstream’.Terima kasih.
    Mr Parameswara 2.
    [[7-But of course Islam in the form that it is presented now by today’s Muslim is not attractive at all.It is although the product we have is awesome the packaging is so outdated and unimpressive,,and the salesmen… are sadly,hopeless,and really lacking in selling skills… are eternally divided(like me and wajaperak),economically backwards,reactives, small thinking,blah,blah,(tons of other negatives)etc,etc….So who in a right frame mind would want to buy this supposedly universal and beautiful message of success in this world and the hereafter?]]
    With all due respect.The beginning of faith is here
    Al Baqarah.
    1) Alif, Laam, Miim.
    2)Kitab Al-Quran ini, tidak ada sebarang syak padanya (tentang datangnya dari Allah dan tentang sempurnanya); ia pula menjadi petunjuk bagi orang-orang yang (hendak) bertaqwa;
    3)Iaitu orang-orang yang beriman kepada perkara-perkara yang ghaib,
    dan mendirikan (mengerjakan) sembahyang serta membelanjakan mendermakan) sebahagian dari rezeki yang Kami berikan kepada mereka.
    After mastering the conventional Islamic education,one must steadfast him or herself to this principal…believing in “yang ghaib” the very basic foundation of Islamic faith.
    You and I are not eternally divided..
    We are mutually separated by set of principals, determined by our own education that lead’s to practices differ by the virtue of perception that set to becomes a belief.You belief in different application from mine.And how dangerous is the path that you tread!!
    Islam is a faith.Meaning you cannot question the principal.
    One must learn Islam in the very was it is instituited,not the way we wanted them to be.Note Imam Ghazali advice from Ihya Ulumiddin ‘stoning the devil’ in haj.
    “Apabila di seru melontar,maka kita melontar sahaja ke tempat melontar.Jangan sesekali di pertikaikan apakah yang di lontar? Mengapa di lontar? Kenakah yang di lontar?..To the effect.
    The moment you question the principal..
    Do you fit the profile of the
    Again.It is the same with all the Islamic principal.Just obey.And if you do not understand,seek and find’s the answer’s from the ulamak ( real practicing one ).I will give you a tip or two about knowing which is the real practicing ulamak..shhh.. mum the word..
    ( Allah creatures like birds does not run away in his presence ) the end..what it is all about?
    It is about secular view like Tun,you and most blogger here in Tun blog which differs with islamic view like I adhered to the best of my ability.
    Islam offer’s every solution.The problem is with us..not peddlar of yesteryear’s..not the technology..nor the centuries..
    Take inspiration’s from the real practicing Islamic scholar like Ahmad Deedat,Abu Ala Al Maududi..just a few to mention..
    I am concluding this with an aghast remarks from an Islamic sage and a saint..
    “Katamu engkau hendak menuju ke Mekah..
    “Tapi jalan mu menuju ke Turkistan!!
    ps…Kadok,checker,orang lama dan paramesawara 2.
    Anda adalah blogger-blogger hebat dalam blog Tun ini.Tetapi bila anti hadith menyerang Islam..anda diam dan bungkam..
    Terima kasih tuan-tuan.
    Terima kasih Tun.

  17. Tun,
    Izinkan saya balas tulisan ” Akulam “.
    Saudara kata tuntutan orang Melayu ialah berkenaan hidup atau mati bangsa melayu, saya nak jelaskan di sini bahawa hidup atau mati sesuatu bangsa adalah bergantung kepada bangsa itu sendiri. Tuhan berkata kalau anda malas berkerja , anda jangan makan.
    Kekuatan orang Cina hari ini bukan dalam masa sekelip mata, seperti mana kata Tun ia mengambil masa 4,000 tahun. Mulai sekarang orang melayu sepatutnya kena cepat sedar bahawa anda semua sudah jauh ketinggalan, kalau masih tak sedar dan masih tak habis-habis dengan tuntutan ” hak-hak istimewah ” itu. Melayu bukan sahaja akan terus ketinggalan di peta dunia malahan mungkin akan lenyap di bumi ini apabila dunia bergerak dengan cepat dalam globalisasi ini.
    Saya bukan hendak hina mana-mana bangsa tetapi sedangkan kita sudah hidup bersama-sama selama 53 tahun,sepatutnya orang melayu dari zaman merdeka lagi menggunakan peluang yang ada pada ketika itu berkerja bersungguh-sungguh dengan majikan orang cina dan belajar dari mereka. Saya tak percaya kalau melayu betul-betul berusaha dan belajar dari zaman sejak merdeka sehingga sekarang tetapi mereka masih gagal. Kalau betul melayu tetap lemah atau gagal selepas tempoh tersebut maka ini bermakna bangsa melayu adalah bangsa yang sudah boleh dikelaskan sebagai bangsa yang tak mungkin maju. Ada ker bangsa melayu setuju untuk dipanggil sebagai bangsa yang tak mungkin maju untuk selama-lamanya ????
    Kalau bangsa melayu tidak mahu maka anda semua seharusnya bangun dan berdiri teguh dan terus belajar dari mana-mana bangsa yang sudah maju, walau terpaksa menjadi pembantu sekali pun tetap menerimanya. Saya bermula dari bawa, ayah saya tidak pernah manjakan saya tetapi menyuruh saya belajar dari bawa sehingga saya sudah pandai atau mampu untuk bergerak ke tangga yang satu lagi baru lah saya dibenarkan membuat demikian. Tak guna kalau saya diletakkan di atas sekali atas pengaruh ayah saya tetapi saya tak dapat belajar apa-apa dan orang-orang bawahan saya tentu akan ketawakan saya di belakang kerana perkara yang mudah begini pun tak erti buat tetapi masih mahu dipanggil boss atau tuan.
    Jangan lupa saudara, orang melayu disokong 100 % daripada kerajaan. Kerajaan memiliki dana yang besar dari kutipan cukai orang-orang yang dianggap pendatang, walapun duit mereka dianggap kotor dan haram tetapi kerajaan tetap gunakan untuk membantu melayu seperti biasiwa, bina masjid dan banyak lagi. Jadi saudara tak berhak mengatakan bahawa semua pembekal adalah dikawal oleh bangs Cina.
    Itu cuma menunjukan kegagalan kerajaan melayu yang dipimpin oleh UMNO BN, walau pun dengan dana yang bergitu besar dan siap sedia digunakan pada bila-bila masa atas budi bicara pemimpin melayu ini tetapi mereka telah menghampakan melayu. Saya pun tak tahu ke mana perginya dana-dana tersebut.
    Kakak saya ialah seorang Timbalan Pendakwaraya(DPP), beliau beritahu saya bahawa apabila sampai penghujung tahun sahaja mesti ada ada seminar di sana atau di sini. Contohnya mereka akan dihantar ke KL, Sabah atau Sarawak atau mana-man dalam Malaysia untuk menghadiri seminar. Kakak saya bertanya kepada ketuanya kenapa hendak buat demikian, jawapnya kita kena habiskan perbelanjaan yang diperuntukan tahun ini. Kalau tidak, kerajaan tidak akan simpan peruntukan ini untuk kita di tahun hadapan. Kebanyakan perserta yang hadir akan tertidur dalam bilik seminar sementara menunggu untuk masa habis supaya boleh balik hotal 5 bintang untuk bersiap-sedia pergi membeli-belah.
    Cuma saudara fikirkan sendiri, bagai mana orang melayu boleh maju, peruntukan yang tak patut dibelanjakan sengaja dihabiskan tanpa pulangan yang dapat majukan negara dan bangsa. Bagi orang Cina setiap sen yang dibelanjakan akan dirancang dengan cukup teliti supaya tidak disiar-siarkan tanpa membawa apa-apa pulangan.
    Hari ini saya juga dapati ramai pegawai kerajaan dengan gaji yang dapat kita jangkakan tetapi alangkah terkejunya saya apabila melihat membeli kereta mewah yang tak padan dengan pendapatan mereka. Bukan ker itu membazir dan menunjukan betapa jahilnya orang melayu dalam perancangan hidup harian mereka ?????? Apabila sampai separuh jalan tak mampu bayar terpaksa jual, sekali jual sekali rugi besar kerana pinjaman yang besar. Ada yang paling teruk apabila masih terpaksa jual kenderaan mereka, mereka terpaksa bayar lagi kepada bank kerana hasil dari jualan mereka tak cukup untuk bayar baki pinjaman mereka kerana ambil sampai 90 atau 95 % loan. Kejatuhan harga kereta lebih cepat dari bayaran ansuran mereka.
    Renungan seketika saudara,
    Terima kasih.

  18. 1. Saya berpendapat cadangan untuk membina bangunan 100 tingkat oleh PNB tidak akan merugikan PNB jika diambil kira tanah yang dimiliki oleh PNB itu adalah “prime land”.Jika tidak diusahakan tanah tersebut dan dibiarkan begitu sahaja tanpa mendatangkan hasil adalah “opportunity lost” bagi PNB.
    2. Kalau kita tidak yakin bahawa pelaburan berbilion ringgit oleh PNB tidak akan mendatangkan keuntungan, adalah lebih baik dijual sahaja tanah tersebut. Itulah pilihan yang terbaik oleh PNB jika tidak berani menanggong risiko kerugian.
    3. Jika dipilih untuk menjual tanah tersebut tanpa dibangunkan maka PNB akan dapat keuntungan serta merta tanpa pening kepala. Ini bermakna PNB hanya mendapat keuntungan sekali sahaja.
    4. Jika tanah tersebut diusahakan dengan membina bangunan 100 tingkat diatasnya maka hasilnya dari pendapatan bangunan itu akan terus menerus dinikmati untuk selamanya jika bangunan tersebut tidak dijual. Mungkin “the return on investment” lebih menarik lagi. Ini tidak termasuk capital appreciation jika pegangan keatas bangunan tersebut menjangkau 20 atau 30 puluh tahun lamanya. Mungkin harganya 10 kali ganda. Contohnya ialah rumah-rumah di Damansara Utama atau Taman Tun Ismail. Sekarang harganya sudah melebihi 10 kali ganda dari harga asal rumah.
    5. Saya rasa kemungkinan bangunan 100 tingkat ini akan di bangunkan untuk ruang pejabat, condo, ruang kedai niaga dan hotel yang sesuai dengan environment bangunan-bangunan lain disekitarannya.
    6.Projek ini jika benar hendak dilaksanakan hendaklah bertaraf antarabangsa (world class) dan mestilah menarik reka bentuknya, jika tidak ianya akan menjadi “white elephant”, tidak ada yang nak menyewa atau membelinya kalau reka bentuknya seperti bangunan MARA yang ada sekarang. Tidak ada international image.
    7. Disamping itu keseluruhan projek ini mestilah dikendalikan oleh syarikat yang berwibawa seperti Sime-UEP yang telah berkecimpong dalam pembangunan hartanah bertahun lamanya dan mempunyai pengalaman yang luas mengendalikan projek-projek besar dengan jayanya.
    8. Untuk memasarkan bangunan 100 tingkat ini ke seluruh dunia, mestilah adanya lantikan ajen pemasaran antarabangsa yang cekap dan berpengelaman untuk melancarkan penjualan atau penyewaan bangunan tersebut. Kalau boleh dapat occupancy rate 80-90% sudah kira amat berjaya.
    9. Kebimbangan kelebihan ruang pejabat dan ruang niaga adalah cyclical dan tidak perlu dibimbangkan. Itu adalah kebiasaan apabila keadaan ekonomi meleset. Tetapi bila ekonomi pulih semula mungkin permintaan melebihi penawaran dan inilah masanya PNB akan mengaut keuntungan yang mungkin diluar jangkaan.
    10. Ini adalah pandangan peribadi saya. Mungkin ada yang tdak sependapat dengan saya. Tak mengapalah!!

  19. Sedarlah Orang melayu yg selalu nak menyalahkan orang lain sebenarnya mereka sendiri yg perlu disalahkan.
    Dari dulu hingga sekarang orang melayu gagal dan juga malas,tidak ambil berat atas kedatangan orang asing,cina,india atau sebagainya.
    Hingga sekarang orang keluar masuk sewenangnya,tak ada kawalan yg ketat.Tak nak jaga pagar,bolih di katakan tak ada pagar langsung.
    Kawalan yg saya madsudkan,memberi ruangan yg bebas pada asing,tidak melihat apa kesudahannya.Kenapa membiarkan mereka merayau,hinnga sekarang sudah berakar.Kenapa asyik takapalah,dan inilah kesudahannya.
    Mereka tidak menyerang kita seperti Jepun,tak menyerang pun kita sudah tewas,apakan lagi kalau mereka menyerang.
    Awas setiap kita panggil orang luar untuk melabur,kita mengundang bukan pelaburan,malah kita mengundang penjajahan.
    Hidup mengejar economy tinggi bukan resmi melayu.
    Dan Melayu masih jauh mampu untuk bermimpi.
    Banyak pincangan yg ada.
    Justeru Melayu ikut saja keselesahan sendiri,tak perlu ikut cara mereka.Ada negara yg tak berkejar dengan dunia luar pun masih hidup dengan selesa walau tidak ada kebendaan atau pembangunan.
    Saya bukan tak mengalakan pembangunan,tapi kita perlu terima hakikat kelemahan kita sebenar,lebih pada kenyataan dari khayalan melayu.

  20. Dear Tun,
    Glad to see you back in good health. I would however like to comment on a another matter so I hope you don’t mind. I remember your article
    sometime in March this year on Proton’s progress and how happy you were to see our local engineers collaborating with their foreign counter – parts. Now just days ago, I am able to see the fruits of their labor.
    At unveiling of their latest model named ‘Inspira’ I can’t help but notice the striking resemblance to the current Mitsubishi Lancer. I am amazed as to how far our engineers and designers have progressed to be on par with the Japanese. I mean who would have thought that our people would be able to conjure up a car which is almost identical to the Japanese make? I am curious to know if you share my enthusiasm.
    After all the collaboration, after all the R&D spent, after all the millions invested, this is what we produce? Is Proton trying to do a Naza? Please Tun, stop this rot. If we stay silent and allow Proton to bask in this artificial glory, we proof to be a laughing stock in to the whole world. You still have the ability to initiate a change. When you voice your concern, the media amplifies them and the message will find its way to the respective people.
    Ask ourselves this question. Can we really be proud of this achievement?

  21. My Salam to you and Tun Dr Hasmah.
    Permit me to comment on the sentencing of the teenagers who threw beer bottles into the compound of the surau in Seremban. Only a fine?
    I am very disappointed and angry.
    Thank you Tun. Please take care.

  22. Hi Parameswara 2
    I can understand why you perceive me to hate Tun Mahathir, but I would like to correct you this is far from true.
    In actual fact, I love Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohammad. I love him as one would a father. However, I do not agree with his views especially his ones post retirement.
    They are largely unsubstantiated. They are hypocritical. They are highly critical whereas his own policies were open to vulnerabilities and misuse.
    So, as a son, I am using my privelege to tell my ‘father’ – he is wrong.
    If you believe my tone is not appropriate…then I don’t know how else to express.
    If you tell me I should be respectful to all the good that he has done and therefore I should not question, that I think is naive…
    I do thank you for the manner you have conveyed your opinions to me – they are both respectful and we are having a polite dialogue…this is great, each of us having the ability to share our thoughts without any name calling or hate (as I have been subjected to in past in this very blogsite).
    This is exactly what our current PM is promoting – respect our diversity, be responsible in our communication …you sir are embodying that…
    I wish you well!

  23. Apabila bangsa melayu betul-betul sudah maju dan pandai, anda semua tak perlu risau sebab mana- mana manusia pun tanpa segan silu akan panggil anda semua ” Tuan , quoted By Alex on October 15, 2010 3:59 PM
    it’s not all about siapa panggil tuan or kuli, it’s about survival to live
    saya melayu bekerja di sektor swasta dimana bidang saya majority dikuasai oleh org cina… jika 100 pelanggan kami… 99 adalah company yg dimiliki oleh org cina… 1 company melayu yang jadi pelangan tu pun susah nak survive… bukan sebab diaorg malas/use outdated technology… tetapi sebab pelbagai kekangan/halangan utk supply raw materials dan pasarkan end products. Semua rantaian pembekal dan pengedar dikuasai oleh company bangsa cina, dan mereka memberi pelbagai alasan untuk menutup peluang company melayu berjaya….
    soal gaji pekerja pun berbeza, pekerja bangsa cina mendapat gaji yg lebih dari melayu…walaupun job responsibility saya lebih banyak… saya diterima bekerja disini sebab pernah bekerja dengan pelanggan utama kami (multinational company). Pengalaman dan pengetahuan saya diperlukan disini…
    kadang2 rasa kecewa bila business decision was made based on racial rather than the best solutions/opportunities…. but I have to stay here as my obligation (fardu kifayah bila less muslim in this field)
    so selagi bangsa cina menutup peluang bangsa melayu untuk menceburi bidang perniagaan… selagi itulah dasar DEB ..ketuanan melayu..etc perlu dipertahankan..
    I hope dasar 1malaysia should stress out GIVES AND TAKES in all communities… only then we can progress

  24. Dear Tun,
    (this text looks likely for proton itself, just to share the idea since Tun are the proton advisor)

    • Following the new Proton Inspira which has become a hot topic among the automotive follower for over 1 month since its teaser picture was spread out through auto website/blog. It was said to be a Proton Waja replacement and now Proton has revealed this
  25. We have not become 1Malaysia in 50 years of independence, we would likely still be struggling in the next 50 years to become 1Malaysia. Why? Because we have not taken any concrete steps to become 1Malaysia. What are the steps we should take? That’s for us to discuss, debate and mutually agree. And let’s do it in small steps, one at a time.
    I have my suggestions:
    1. Without touching upon the issues underlying the Social Contract, lets first begin with doing away with the categorisation by race in all forms and records. If this is found to be too drastic by some people, then let us begin with the newborns, i.e. beginning from Jan 1st., 2011 for instance, all newborns who are nationals are to be recorded as “Malaysians” in their birth certificates and not by racial category.
    2. As language tend to be a divisive factor, let’s promote multilingualism, i.e. all school children to be taught Malay, Mandarin, Tamil and English. The official national language still remains as Bahasa Malaysia. Again, so as to not be too drastic, select a commencement year for this policy and begin with the primary one students of that year.
    Both the above steps, over time, as the children concerned and those following behind them grow into adulthood (and those who are “grown up” now and quibbling over the race factor die off), will naturally see Malaysia becoming more and more “one”. And in the course of this growing “oneness”, dismantling policies and practices which divide us will be much more manageable.

  26. hurmmm….PRU 13 is coming….still in doubt …. which party….. God saves Malaysia

  27. Salam Tun,
    We praise to Allah S.W.T that Tun is back in Malaysia, and are recovering from your sickness.
    We refer to Tun recent blog

  28. Salam Sejahtera Tun,
    Thank you for your view and sharing. Your opinion and sharing definitely carry weights. But I am so ashamed of some narrow minded comments from my fellow Malaysian in this blog.
    I am a young Malaysian living in Germany. I am born Chinese, in fact the 4th or 5th generations in Malaysia. Living abroad now, I still identify myself as “Malaysian Chinese” and not just “Malaysian” (sadly but true). At the same time, I couldn’t relate myself to those people from China. So I am neither here or there. I know most Malaysian Chinese are having the same identity conflicts. These happens because Malaysia is still using the ‘divide and rule’ principle practised by the Colonial British after Merdeka.
    I fully agreed with Checker and Andrew Tey that a national school system is a must and should be the priority of 1Malaysia. (Not because I want to forget my roots and bearing in mind that I have benefited and gained so much from attending a Chinese vernacular school – being multilangua). I honestly think that, Malaysian of all races should go to the same school, learn together from young, start competing equally with each other from young. Assistance and help should only be given to those who are poor or weak (not just based on races). Similarly in all other aspect, award should be given based on merits and not quota.
    Arguments aside, I love to eat Nasi Lemak and love living in Malaysia, truly.

  29. Dear YAB Tun,
    Salam gembira moga sihat sentiasa. Pandangan pada komen tersiar dgn izin….
    ……Opposing views

  30. Assalamualaikum Tun,
    1. I have great respects for your frankness on these unsolved issues of races in Malaysia. While most people keep trying to avoid talking about these sensitive issues, you raise them up so that the people could face them directly, understand and solve them rather than hide them and try to work around them.
    2. I am also one of those people who keep trying to understand what 1Malaysia is. There were no official guidelines or references on 1Malaysia concept where we could refer to. In the end, I assume that the government intentionally doing that so, so that 1Malaysia could be a strong but vague definition where people could interpret them in many ways. This does help with gaining people support, but it will last only for a short while and will expire when the contra interpretation clashes.
    3. I do feel that 1Malaysia is a legacy of the previous generations in building a united Malaysia.
    4. Yesterday in Germany, their chancellor, Merkel publicly saying that their multi-culture approach has failed.
    5. Even though, their case is a little bit different from us, we do need to learn from their mistakes (and maybe teach them some). A well developed country has raised their white flag, it is amazing that we still survive and battling this issue.
    6. Many other governments tackling this issue by implementing one language, to name a few, the USA, Indonesia (Sumpah Pemuda), China. Do we need to do that so we could be united? (Even Merkel says that it is one of the reasons their multi-culture approach has failed).
    7. Are we strong enough to put aside our racial base language and use Bahasa Malaysia primarily? I don

  31. I always hope that there will be only one school, where all races can learn each other language and get to know each other. All race fluent in Bahasa Malaysia.
    Untill then, we will remain divided…..

  32. Dearest Tun, 18/10/10
    Welcome back and glad you are up and inspiring as usual..
    I am a living proof of what you said on the acceptance of being 1 Malaysia:

  33. Dear Mahathir,
    At “I will be frank but factual. My only interest is the country we all love. I am past self-interest.”, I went, “ha ha ha ha.”
    Who are you trying to fool?
    You obviously like to cultivate the belief that the Malays should be offended that the Chinese and Indians like to learn their mother tongue, and 1Malaysia means homogeneity of race/language and all problems will then disappear. Yet you tell the Malays to cling on to their cultural roots. Why should some people forgo their cultural roots while some others consolidate theirs?
    Other people learning another language is not going to make the Malays poor. What makes them poor is the plundering by politicians. We do not live in a democracy, but a kleptocracy where the powerful steal from the powerless. It is the misdeeds of the incumbent politicians that we are against, not any one race, even if most of them happen to be those from a Malay-majority party.

  34. Hi, guys and gals,
    Thanks for the one who read my posting and replied to it, below are my feedback;
    1. Osane, thanks for your offer to start, I would love to be address as Malaysian. And if at all one need my religion then its Hindu, also if you need my race, I am Tamilan, for the record, I speak/write fluent in Malay, Tamil, English and Mandarin. I am not in the position to change how my community should be address, that is the job for the leader who proposing 1-Malaysia, you can address me in whatever remark you like, but the fact remained unchanged, I am a Malaysian, my religion is Hindu and my race is Tamilan, like you I assume, a Malaysian, religion is Islam and race is Malay, oh.. before I forget, I am not a lawyer, just a design engineer working in MNC. No offend taken

  35. hi.saya beragama hinu tapi setiap kali saya bertembung dengan orang asing saya mengelar diri saya sebagai malaysian dahulu.markah bahasa melayu saya lebih tinggi daripada kawan-kawan melayu saya. setiap kali peperiksaan saya, tak pernah ada masalh untuk saya mendapat markah tinggi untuk bahasa melayu.adakah ini bermakna saya pendatang???kalau kaum melayu sendiri tidak menghargai diri mereka di manakah silap bukan melayu??sekarang ni saya sedang belajar di salah sebuah istitusi pendidikan guru dan percayalah saya bukan bertindak perkauman.dalam kelas saya semua pelajar adalah melayu dan saya seorang sahaja india.dalam mereka semua lulusan ijazah luar negara tajaan kerajaan dan saya hanya lulusan IPTA dalam negara. tetapi saya dapat melihat sikap mereka ynag begitu malas dan tidak berkualiti.alasan mereka, kerajaan tak akan biarkan mereka dan pasti akan meluluskan mereka untuk teru sbekerja. kerja yang diberi oleh pensyarah hanya dibuat dalam kelas dan mereka lebih suka buang masa daripada belajar ilmu. alasan yang diberi akhirnya semua orang akan lulus sebab kerajaan dah berbelanja banyak untuk hantar mereka ke luar negara.ini kah yang dikatakan sebagai bangsa yang rajin??macam mana saya tidak sakit hati apabila saya bertungkus lumus mendapat keputusa yang baik tetapi akhirnya cara kami dilayan hanya sama. keputusan saya cemerlang dalam praktikum tiada makna bagi mereka kerana bagi mereka cemerlang itu tidak relevan untuk penempatan nanti.jadi tak guna bekerja keras untuk mendapat keputusan cemerlang.sakit hati saya apabila kerja keras saya hanya dipandang sebelah mata.
    dan di sekolah masa praktikum, ada pelajar cina yang boleh menerangkan konsep asabiyah dan piagam madinah dengan begitu baik dan dia terapkan dalam karangan bahasa melayu.tetapi yang menyedihkan saya guru melayu yang memeriksa kertas itu tidak tahu apa itu piagam madinah sedangkan saya yang beragama hindu tahu yang ia adalah satu piagam yang dibuta di madinah oleh nabi muhamad untuk menyatupadukan rakyat beragama islam dan bukan islam. inikah bangsa melayu yang diagung-agungkan.
    pengalaman saya sendiri, mendapat 9A dalam SPM tetapi tidak dapat sebarang biasiswa atau ke matrikulasi, tetapi kawan melayu saya yang hanya dalam 3A dapat ke new zealand untuk buat TESL dan ada yang dapat masuk matrikulasi. saya terpaksa melalui sistem meritokarasi yang hanya bohong belaka, dan mengambil STPM kerana ibubapa saya tidak mampu hantar saya ke kolej swasta. Akhirnya saya dapat 1A dan 3B.tetapi saya tidak mendapat tawaran masuk ke IPTA. kawan Melayu saya yang dapat 1A dan 3C dapat kursus IT di Universiti Malaya. ayah saya adalah pekerja kerajaan dan bayangkan betapa hancurnya impian beliau untuk melihat saya mendapat ijazah. akhirnya selepas rayuan kedua saya terima kursus di sebuah IPTA.pada msa itu saya tidak menganggap peluang itu diberi oleh kerajaan tetapi kerana berkat doa ibubapa saya. hari ini saya juga memilih profesion keguruan bukan kerana saya ambil jalan mudah, tetapi kerana saya benar-benar sayangkan malaysia.ini negara saya bukannya INDIA. tetapi lebih menyakitkan hati saya adalah sikap bangsa Melayu yang memanggil saya pendatang tetapi sikap mereka yang langsung tidak seperti peribumi tanah ini.
    dan pasal bonus, kenapa perlukan bonus satu bulan???bukankah raya hari itu sudah diberi RM500???pernahkah kamu fikirkan tentang orang bukan melayu??Deepavali atau Tahun Baru Cina, kami tidak pernah diberi elaun tambahan seperti itu..mahupun cuti 2 minggu.hanya cuti beberapa hari.kalau tahun baru cina ia disertakan sekali dengan cuti sekolah.di manakah relevan meminta bonus??apakah ia kewajipan kerajaan untuk memberi bonus satu bulan sedangkan gaji setiap bulan pun diberi.jangan bandingkan diri dengan pekerja swasta kerana setiap bonus yang dibayar itu diambil nilainya dengan cara lain seperti kerja tambahan dan cuti lain..
    harap sedar diri..
    saya adalah rakyat MALAYSIA berbangsa INdia..dan saya sayangkan negara saya..saya tidak pernah meminta lebih tetapi harapkan kaum melayu mengubah sikap tidak peduli mereka..dan sekali-kali menggunakan agama islam sebagai perisai kerana pada pandangan saya nabi muhammad dan agama islam itu sendiri cukup agung dan cantik, dan dengan menggunakan nama nabi untuk segala tindakan anda benar-benar menjijikkan.

  36. Assalamu Alaikum Tun,
    Syabas Tun kerana menulis perkara yang Tun patut sampaikan di Australia hari tu dalam blog ni..hasilnya, bukan sahaja palajar di Austalia dapat membaca pemikiran Tun dalam isu 1Malaysia tetapi orang awam macam kami di Malaysia ni..
    Semoga Tun terus diberi kesihatan yang baik serta kecerdasan dari Allah..Amin

  37. Salam Tun & Fellow Bloggers,
    Of many comments, I would like to refer that of Jeff 17th Oct.
    ” Dr M, Previously one reads only good comments at your chedet page, from your followers/supporters that praise you sky high like you are a god sent. This led people like me to “suspect” those comments were some how planted by you or your workers, whereas in almost all other places, malaysiakini, insider malaysia, etc the whole page is filled with the opposite things about you.”
    1. This is the problem with people like you, Jeff. I thought you are must be one of the strong supporter on “freedom of expression”. since your dislike of Mahathir’s “dictatorship”. Therefore, it is very naieve of you to accuse anybody esle who support “WHAT” Tun said are planted is uncalled for since you have deprived me of my freedom of expression. It must be true to say that it take a thief to catch a thief or kettle calls others black, right?.
    2. For your information I listern to WHAT a person says NOT WHO says it and maybe you should adopt this too. Therefore I do not necessarily accept all what Mahathir said. We should give credit when it is due. For you to believe and accept all what being said because it is reported by malaysiakini, insider malaysia etc are true, will reduce your intellectual capability since everybody knows those media are specially designed to ride on popularity being anti Mahathir or government. I have yet to hear good things from them about Mahathir.
    3. “is the only reason some Chinese became very successful – through thrift and hardwork” —
    Of course having virtue of being HARD WORKING & THRIFTY is good but “successful” is very subjective as it means differently to different people. Chinese can be become successfully rich but it doesn’t automatically mean successful people unless they show and practise respect, compassion and tolerance to others.
    4. “As for the Malays, giving them handicaps for another 50 years won’t make them different from now, they will want more handicaps. End result this country become a failed state like some countries, including your buddy’s. Unless they start to compete, they will not progress.” —
    Who said that ” Unless they start to compete, they will not progress.”? It is the only method used by “animals”…. the survival of the fittest. We are NOT animals eventhough we have animal instinct in everyone of us BUT Allah have given us also BRAIN to think. Therefore USE IT please.
    Who are you to say that you definitely know what will happen after in another 50 years? Don’t play GOD, please. We need to study & understand history and learn not to repeat any mistake done earlier. Failure to do that will lead to a failed state. Look at Iraq. Iraq’s present situation can really teach us( especially the developing WORLD ) many lessons that are good for all of us to learn. DO NOT REPEAT THE MISTAKE DONE BY IRAQ OPPOSITION to the government. Saddam Husin is obviously a dictator ( Mahathir ???? you must be kidding to compare with Saddam )but can you agree that Saddam managed to keep Iraq situation better than what it is today? If he is still alive, he would say “I told you so”.
    Please have some integrity in your argument. It is always easy said than done. It is always easy to see mistakes of others but not yours.

  38. My salam to you and Tun Dr. Hasmah.
    I just would like to comment on those who like to compare your blog with the others. I have stopped reading the others because they have nothing good to say about our country. But yet they are still around.
    Lim Goh Thong came from China and became a rich man here. So if a Malaysian goes to Singapore and becomes rich, so what? Many critics left this country only to come back shamelessly begging for their citizenship to be reinstated. Why come back? If you don’t want to leave, behave and mind your words. Make as much money as you can. But behave. What more do you want? Can’t do that? Leave.
    Thank you Tun.

  39. this news is interesting…
    from the BBC ( a relatively well known broadcaster )

    The German Chancellor, Angela Merkel: “lmmigrants should learn to speak German”
    Attempts to build a multicultural society in Germany have “utterly failed”, Chancellor Angela Merkel says.
    She said the so-called “multikulti” concept – where people would “live side-by-side” happily – did not work, and immigrants needed to do more to integrate – including learning German.
    The comments come amid rising anti-immigration feeling in Germany.
    A recent survey suggested more than 30% of people believed the country was “overrun by foreigners”.
    you can read more here.

  40. Salam Tun,
    As usual, your words is never uncontroversial when is come to racial issues. Sadly, i guess most of the non-malay who read this blog did not understand what you are trying to convey. Instead of “buang yang keruh, ambil yang jernih” this kind of peoples only know how to condemn other people’s point of view. I totally agree with your 1st question on “For how long do the Malays expect to be treated as special and different from the other citizens?”. I’m a student who is studying in a country where English is not the language of choice when is come to public conversation in shop, restaurant, salon, etc. So instead of having the advantage of speaking in English, I have to learn and force myself to speak the local language which is not favorable by me and the rest of my other colleagues as the language itself is not as famous as major language like French, German, or Spanish. Moreover correct pronunciation of this local language can cause out throat to sore. Thus, instead of blaming them for having such a terrible language, I choose to blend into their world and goes with the flow. To elucidate more on the situation, there are many Asian migrants working in this city which I’m studying especially Vietnamese and Chinese whom I believe have been living here for generation (as far as i know, there are no such thing as Vietnamese school or Chinese school here, instead they go to normal school like other local childrens), but even with them who is also an outsider like me, we chose to speak the local language. The reason is? I dont know. But one thing for sure, it is because we are in a country where they have their own language and as I’m here in their country, I feel obliged to use their language and not mine.
    may Allah bless you and your family. amin.

  41. salam Tun,
    sesetengah org masih tak faham kenapa slogan 1 malaysia tu dicipta.
    betulkan saya jika saya tersilap..
    kita jgn la terlalu fanatik dan jgn terlalu tak ambil peduli. Amalkan hidup yg sederhana kerana sederhana itu lebih baik dan bnyk keuntungannya..
    Barah yg paling bahaya di negara kita adalah perkauman.. boleh jadi tragedi berdarah tu kalau tak dikawal..
    nak ke kita ber’parang’ diantara kaum, dan semua yg kita bina selama ni hancur berderai.. Tak ingat ke sejarah lama..
    Semua mesti maklum dlm peperangan akan ada pihak yg merana. kesian anak cucu kita nanti terpaksa merana kerana datuk nenek mereka tak dpt bersatu. terpaksalah mereka nanti merantau pulak ke indon, bangladesh, nepal jadi pekerja asing pulak. Kesian kesian…
    Jadi sesuatu perlu dilakukan..
    Minda rakyat mesti disogok dengan konsep atau falsafah yg tidak memecah belahkan antara kaum. rakyat perlu dijauhkan dari sifat benci-membenci kaum lain.
    rakyat kena sentiasa diperdengarkan supaya sebati di kepala mereka.
    pemerintah perlu mencipta sesuatu ‘tradmark’ itu.
    -apa kata kita cipta ‘3 malaysia’.
    Eh, tak boleh nnti ada 3 kepala dan 3 tujuan. susah rakyat nak ikut. BERPECAH!
    -kalau begitu kita cipta ‘1 MALAYSIA’.
    Maksudnya rakyat malaysia bersatu supaya negara terus maju. kalau bersatu lagi bagus. tak kira lah melayu, cina india dll perlu bersatu…
    [Anak anak semua paham tak 1 MALAYSIA.. PAHAM CIKGU!!…
    ok balik nnti sogok kan slogan ni kat mak ayah supaya mereka tak terlalu fanatik sangat ye..]
    Sederhana lagi baik.Syukur saya dapat jadi rakyat malaysia.
    #sesetengah org masih tak faham kenapa slogan 1 malaysia tu dicipta
    # ia dicipta untuk menyatukan rakyat malaysia yg berbilang kaum.
    itu je sebenarnya..

  42. Tun, as a race, when do you think the Malays will be able to compete, not only in this country but internationally? It does seems to me like after 50 years of affirmative action, they are no better than ever before. I would like to hear your views.

  43. Hahaha, osane ckapa “Red Neck” tu Red Indian. Study your facts dulu la sebelum buat komen. Nampak sangat bodoh…

  44. Dearest Tun
    May I…
    //By OrangLamaAuthor Profile Page on October 16,2010 10:48AM
    4.***Adakah masih ada harapan untuk Malaysia untuk mewujudkan satu bangsa Malaysia?*****
    Ya,InsyaAllah. Sekiranya majoriti beragama Islam kerana Islam melarang sifat perkauman. Amerika masih perkauman walaupun ada undang2 menghalang, jadi masih tiada keikhlasan dan akan terus wujud perkauman dan diskriminasi. Islam lebih baik, hati mesti ikhlas dan bersih kerana takutkan Allah Ta’ala!!!
    Segala peraturan mestilah ikut cara Islam,pembahagian harta dan kekayaan mesti ikut cara Islam. Orang bukan Islam perlu didakwah supaya yakin kalimah syahadah dan mengamalkan kehidupan cara Islam. Hanya cara ini saja orang Melayu tenteram dan tak bimbang sebab jika pemimpin Islam (tak kira kaum) dan mengamalkan Islam,InsyaAllah keadilan tetap terjamin.
    YB Lim Kit Siang, bila nak masuk Islam?///
    Dear Oranglama
    1-Yes,Crazy though it may sound, the simplest solution to this Malaysian problem is the universal religion of Al Islam.When all Malaysian are ready to worship this one absolute invisible universal God who do not have any racial form whatsoever, that is when the problem will evaporate immediately.Trust me,the Malays will renounce their special privileges without any delay.
    2-No they don’t care if the Chinese or Indians take away all the economic opportunities in this country for as long as they are Muslims then they are all one .Strangely enough this may be what the Chinese and Indians will be most afraid of.. they know eventually they will end up becoming Malays..frightening isn’t it?
    3-This possibility should not be written off just because it is crazy.Along the silk routes you can find millions of Chinese who have accepted Islam before so positively if they can accept it before no reason why they can’t accept it again now?
    4-If the Chinese today are very proud of their advance culture you think these millions of Chinese in eg. Xian and other parts of China are not proud of their advance culture?In Xian you can even find a mosque that have a statue of a dragon in it!That’s how proud they were of their Chinese culture..
    5-Likewise there were hundreds of millions of Indians who have accepted Islam in India before.Whole Punjab and Bengal were either Buddhist and Hindus before Islam.Pakistan and Bangladesh were India before.
    6-So in other words logically both Indians and Chinese are actually open to this religion ,so it is something that could be explored and achieved again.Whats done once can be done again.Sorry if I’ve used this term too often.
    7-But of course Islam in the form that it is presented now by today’s Muslim is not attractive at all.It is although the product we have is awesome the packaging is so outdated and unimpressive,,and the salesmen… are sadly,hopeless,and really lacking in selling skills… are eternally divided(like me and wajaperak),economically backwards,reactives, small thinking,blah,blah,(tons of other negatives)etc,etc….So who in a right frame mind would want to buy this supposedly universal and beautiful message of success in this world and the hereafter?
    8-To win them over to Islam Muslims must do their daqwah.This is a compulsory job of all Muslim but are they doing that?What most Muslims are doing now is that they daqwah only those who already Muslims confusing them even more.As regards the Chinese and Indians they have not attempted to share with them Islam at all.
    9-Their mindset is that kafirs are created for the hell fire so let them be.Had the early Muslims 700 years ago thought the same they the Malays would still have been Hindus or Buddhist today.
    10-Its a uphill task to convince the non Muslims about the greatness of Islam when most of the Muslims are small minded and insignificant ppl who are only proud to cling to special privileges, and not appreciating their other countrymen ppl ,who inspite of not receiving the favors from the Govt as they do have contributed even more to the nation.
    11-Everybody take sides with the more successful people .Nobody likes or will ever be influenced by failures.So for as long as the Muslims worldwide today are in that loser or weaker group we can kiss goodbye to any hopes of uniting all Malaysians through the religion of Islam.
    12-That is why it is an utmost jihad for Muslims to be materially successful in this world first (like the muslim mostly traders of the yester centuries)before we can ever talk sense to the non Muslims about this beautiful universal message of Islam.Money talks.Seeing is believing.
    13-So until then we need to seek other alternatives to One Malaysia!
    How about my Two Malaysia?
    Thanks Tun.

  45. Plaza Rakyat kt sebelah puduraya tu pun tak siap….
    Plaza Rakyat untuk rakyat…
    Plaza 100tingkat plak diorang nak buat……..
    last skali rakyat satu kebende pun tak dapat…..
    Plaza Rakyat ngan yg 100tingkat dah dok dekat-dekat……..
    siap yg tak siap… baru buat yang nak buat…..

  46. Greetings everyone
    Neither 1Malaysia nor Bangsa Malaysia would not be able to bring us to a greater heights without embracing a Fair and Just Society.
    Fair and Just Societal norms means more than ‘equality between participants’.
    We need the right people for every single tasks. We’re not able to accomplish any further than now without this mindset.
    We need TEACHERS to teach our children.
    We need PHYSICIANS to heal our wounds.
    We need ENGINEERS to develop our nation.
    If we do not have the RIGHT people, we will forever stay put forever at where we are now BUT being over taken by the rest of our neighboring countries.
    20 years ago, South Korean economies are similar to us. But now we’re reaching out to them to invest in us.
    Have we ever wondered, where does all our innovations have gone to?
    Also, that we’re having a civil service of more than 1.3 million for a population of 27 million. And how do we embrace efficiencies without trimming ourselves.
    We can argue amongst us till cow come back home.
    But at the moment of death, wouldn’t we want the right PHYSICIAN to administer us. Don’t us all reckon that our current system education and health would allow us that?
    Just a thought to ponder.

  47. YAB Tun,
    You are the few politicians and probably the only one who still speak what is REALLY the majority of Malays are feeling.
    It is a sad state of the Malays to think that ONLY you have the guts to say what Malays are feeling at this point of time in our beloved Malaysia.
    The way I look at it, your argument could be viewed in many perspective as many have expressed here but the one thing that is true about what you argued is that it is the TRUE feeling that the Malays feel now.
    UMNO have lost the affection of the Malays. They don’t feel that UMNO can do anything anymore other than enriching those in the corridors of power gained via their positions in UMNO.
    Look at most of the leaders line up in UMNO. Can we honestly say to ourselves these are the very people who will fight for our future generations.
    Personally, as much as I try to be objective and positive about the future, most of the leaders in UMNO only make me sick.
    For me, your comments demonstrate that some in UMNO can still accept the truth and say it as it is.
    I was at a coffee shop recently and I heard some guys making a remark that maybe the only way to cure UMNO is to make them experience defeat and for the first time I opened my mind and wondered that IT could possibly be the right solution.

  48. Dear Tun Mahathir,
    I write from the perspective of an educated, Singaporean Malay. Your arguments regarding the Malays in this article – are very flawed and downright misleading !
    First of all – to elevate the economic success of the Overseas Chinese – as being due to social Darwinism acting on Chinese culture and society for 4000 years – is a gross oversimplification that is simply untrue. The Indians have been around for more than 4000 years – yet they are not as economically successful as the Chinese. The Koreans and the Japanese have been around for much less than 4000 years – and yet their Industrialisation Program is far more advanced than the Chinese. And finally – the Middle Easterners have been around for more than 8000 years – and was once an advanced civilization – but has now declined to nothing much !
    The truth is – the Malays subscribe to a value system which is not exactly supportive of Industrialisation and Scientific Modernity. Indeed the same goes for the entire Muslim world.
    Let me get straight to the point. Is traditional Islamic values fully compatible with Industrialisation and Scientific Modernity ? I believe that SOME aspects of Traditional Islam – are NOT compatible with Industrialisation and Scientific Modernity. Most are – but some are not. Just SOME.
    Secondly – while I fully admit that Singaporean Malays do NOT have much of a political voice – however – they have made tremendous progress vis-a-vis the Chinese – within a fully meritocratic system. Today Singapore Malays have produced top students, scholars, scientists etc and even an SAF General etc who all succeed by competing without any kind of special race-based affirmative action program.
    Tell me Tun – what is wrong with a race-blind, NEEDS-based affirmative action program ? You will still end up helping most of the Malays because the Malays form a larger percentage of the needy ! And yet a needs-based help program will avoid racial divides !
    Singapore Malays lack a political voice because of the one-party hegemony of the PAP. But Singapore Malays are technologically savvy and can compete in a meritocratic environment without crutches.
    You made one big mistake during your time as PM. You failed to promote Scientific Modernity among the Malays and instead – out of political convenience – you encouraged Islamisation. In the long term – this could prove to be fatal to Malaysian Malays.
    You should have aggressively pushed the Malays to adopt a Scientific mindset – which you did not. Tell me Tun – how can you ever hope to Industrialise without a firm and strong soundation in the Sciences ? How ?
    The way forward for Malaysia is a NEEDS-based affirmative action program that is race-blind. The way forward for Malaysia is a big push for the Malays to accept Scientific Modernity and NOT more Islamisation. Of course – does any Malay leader in Malaysia have the courage to do these things ?
    You tell me…..Because the world is watching Malaysia slide downwards pretty fast…….
    Best Regards
    Dr Syed Alwi

  49. Salam Tun, ini adalah persoalan yang bermain difikiran saya dan ramai warganegara Malaysia. Tapi masih lagi tidak pasti akan jawapannya.
    Cukup menarik kupasan Tun, kerana saya fikir ada 2 soalan di situ yang perlu dijawab, rupanya ada 1 soalan dan 1 jawaban kembali semula untuk persoalan 1 Malaysia.
    Cukup mudah.
    Aaahhh, saya merasa lega sekarang. Sekurang2nya panduan itu sudah pun disampaikan kepada pemimpin akan datang.

  50. Economy Dunia berasal dari China dan akan Cina juga
    yg menopololsi economy semerata Dunia.
    Tanah Melayu ada hasil tapi tak tahu menghasilkan.
    Di Negara Eropah pun bergantung pada economy China.
    Bukti,Perayaan Cina satu Dunia punya economy akan terjejas.
    Perayaan Hari Raya tak ada kesan langsung pada economy.
    Sifat orang melayu cemburu akan kedudukan Cina adalah salah sendiri.
    Orang melayu selalu bising,inilah itulah,sedangkan tidak mahu melihat kesalahan,kekurangan sendiri.
    Kesiannya orang melayu masih merempat di tanah sendiri,
    masih mengemis di tanah sendiri.
    Apa agaknya nasib melayu jika di tanah orang,sedangkan masih mengemis di tanah sendiri.
    Apakah selalu kita hanya nak mengata kesalahan,kelemahan melayu
    kita perlu banayak berbincang cara nak huraikan masaalah melayu sebenar.
    Jangan di cungkil kedaualatan melayu kalau hanya hidup asik nak berangan.

  51. Agree with all points made.
    But seems to imply Malays inferior to Chinese. It may be true for your purposes, which are to achieve parity with the Chinese.
    But at the micro level, I don’t see any differences between races. The distribution of intelligence, talent, success is the same among all races.
    If success due to realistic outlook, then not only the Chinese have it. It just seems dominant in China because of their geography, and history. Middle eastern geography doesn’t permit any stability and Islamic success could not have kept its momentum.
    Japan, Taiwan, Singapore which are Chinese by your definition (and China under communism) have also adopted the unrealistic western model which detracts from long run success.

  52. Tun. You speak as if the Malaysian economy is like a static economy that is incapable of expanding and that the Malaysian economic cake is a fixed size cake and should be looked upon as a zero sum game – that any gain by the non malay will be at the expense of malay. To frank In reality the majority of the grass root non Malay are not rooting for the removal of the special Bumiputra rights, many like me have grown up in such an environment and understand the need of such an affirmative action and even though we feel that it is in the long run not so good for the Malays as this seems to have caused the majority of Malays to bell less concern of their future nor as not as ambitious or as hard working because they feel that the special Bumiputra rights means that their future is more secured, sure to be able to enter a governmant university or colleges, PSD scholar ship easily obtainable, preference in employment from government or government linked company and all the others easy gains from PNB or ASB etc. With all these benefits and privileges why work so hard. I was once told by my Malay friend that why I should be studying so hard whereas he need not as in the end he will too obtained pieces of paper as me? Well I like to think that this attitude is the minority. But like the majority of living things tendency is if one is helped most of the time or beung assured of reasonable future or told that you will still progress reasonably in life because the country you are have a special status that entitled you to a certain privileges, than there will be many who will not walk the extra mile even if they are more capable to do better. Another point is alfter nearly 40 years of affirmative action for bumiputra and looking at the achievement so far the real problem is not the issue of bumiputra special status or entitlement which as i have said the grass root nonn malay seldom querry (in fact it is welknown that it is just a convenient political gimmick used by all BN component parties) but lies more with the implementation and rampant corruption on the political and government administrative machineries. Look at the scandal after scandal and case of corruptions exposed against top politicians and the non action taken against them. Non Malays love Malaysia like any Malay and there is no doubt about it but how to sustain this love when dominant component party portray themselves only for the malay and run the rest down like pendatang just as if they are the one who created this land solely for selfish political myopic objectives at the expense of the future and survival of Malaysia as a relevant GLOBAL player. The survival of Malay does not depend on the disappearance of Non malay in Malaysia but on the ability of Malaysian and especially the malay to compete, survive and be real winner globally, without this competitiveness and ability and confident to stand tall, equal and ready to take on the world, Malaysia can only shrink and become less and less relevant to the world and eventually becomes a third world country that will have to depend on donation of non Malaysian like many poor African nation living of hand outs from developed or richer nations. Like what Datok Jala Idris have said we risk being a bankrupt nation in the very near future if we continue like what we have been doing in the past (corrptions and mismanagement of country wealth and resources)……… He is just being polite to blaming it on continued government subsidies. So Tun for goodness sake educate malaysian, especially the powerful politician to look at the forest (world) not the tree (Malaysia and malay) in order to ensure Malaysia will remains as a nation relevant to the world not just the malay and the kampung in malaysia.

  53. Dr M, Previously one reads only good comments at your chedet page, from your followers/supporters that praise you sky high like you are a god sent. This led people like me to “suspect” those comments were some how planted by you or your workers, whereas in almost all other places, malaysiakini, insider malaysia, etc the whole page is filled with the opposite things about you.
    Now about what you wrote about handicaps for the Malays, ever since the British Malaya days till now, (over 60 years) malays have had handicaps, one form or another, even you said without handicap you would not have had the opportunity to study to be doctor. You said the Chinese have over 4000 years of whatever whereas the Malays don’t have. But the forefathers of the Chinese Malaysians in this their country, (just like you who also originated from a country with thousands of year of whatever), were uneducated peasants, armed with only one virtue – HARD WORKING & THRIFTY. This is the only reason some Chinese became very successful – through thrift and hardwork. Of course some Chinese cronies of yours also become rich, they are your ardent supporters- who they are is open secret. As for the Malays, giving them handicaps for another 50 years won’t make them different from now, they will want more handicaps. End result this country become a failed state like some countries, including your buddy’s. Unless they start to compete, they will not progress.

  54. The concept of One Malaysia can never materialise because there are a lot of people who are hypocrites especially the Chinese. The Chinese are the most hypocrite people among the other races by ranking. They are very subtle people when comes to voicing their rights. They will whisper among each other to condemn the govt.
    Malaysia will be in a critical stage of becoming a failed state if the rakyat keep on harping,instigating and fighting for their rights. At the end of the day if the govt. is too weak and could not fulfill their greedy and selfish demand, there is every opportunity the situation will become out of hand and the country will become chaotic. Make no mistake about it. Every minute of the day the time bomb is clicking!! Hopefully, there will be no group of crazy people who will become irrational and imitate others by resorting to crazy ideas like becoming suicide bombers and killing innocent people just to express their frustrations!!Remember Al-Maunah group!! There could be this kind of group existing in our surrounding which we are not aware of. So the govt. must always be firm in dealing with those who subtly try to destabilise the country.
    Stop it before it happens. The key words to prevent this thing to happen is to be conscious of the need to be tolerant, accommodating and level-headed !!!!

  55. Maybe you want to explain why the government is spending $5bil for a 100-story warisan merdeka building while spending only 411mil for R&D and tiny amount on education? maybe that’s why our human development is not there…

  56. YBhg Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad yang dihormati dan disayangi.
    Semoga Tun berdua sentiasa sihat dan sejahtera.
    Tun, kalau saya tersilap betulkan saya dan maafkan saya kerana apa saya utarakan adalah terkeluar dari topik yang dibincangkan.
    Apa yang dikatakan intensif untuk kakitangan awam baru-baru ini dalam bajet 2011 ialah mengenai pinjaman perumahan konon

  57. /// 12. Question: It is now more than 50 years since independence. For how long do the Malays expect to be treated as special and different from the other citizens?
    Answer: For as long as the Chinese and Indians prefer to be identified with their countries of origins. For as long as they want to keep their home languages and their schools. ///
    Tun, wrong answer. If you are honest with yourself, except for the first generation Chinese and Indians, none of the Indians and Chinese now identify with their countries of origins. When Lee Chong Wei of Malaysia play against Lin Dan of China, do you think Malaysian Chinese will root for Lee or Lin?
    The correct answer is – 4,000 years.

  58. fazilis
    A agree with you.
    This country now, is run by UMNO-putra.
    but beware of what you are asking, others (especially TUN) might criticise you “melayu mudah lupa”. that you should praise, be grateful to UMNO, asking u not to take things for granted (as if it is not government’s DUTY to protect the interest of its citizen.
    A agree with you. Tun is a POLITICIAN first. he is not malaysian first. he is UMNO-first, UMNO-putra.
    Those UMNO-putra are just using DEB as an excuse to make themself and their cronies rich.
    We all, general rakyat are suffering, without connection to those politician, are screwd these days.
    You are right, when a race is strong, they dont have to use force to ask ppl to address them TUAN. will WILLINGLY, and HAPPILY learn from the strong race.
    By then, you can get a translator (even if you know english), to talk to President of US, Premier of China. Insist with our ke-tuanan, and speak only Bahasa Melayu.
    We all have 1VOTE. vote wisely. We dont want to fall into the politician game, we support WHICHEVER party that serve rakyat in general well. Which put MALAYSIA’s interest in the FIRST place.
    Next round of GENERAL ELECTION, lets urge ALL to VOTE those representative who can work, who had worked and WITH INTEGRITY. forget which party they come from. Screwed thos MP and ADUN who takes gaji buta!!!

  59. Salam sejahtera Ybhg Tun,
    Yg Bhg Tun telah memberikan takrifan 1Malaysia daripada sudut pandangan bangsa Melayu dan drpd sudut pandangan bangsa bukan Melayu. Kedua2 pandangan tersebut berbeza dan sensitif yg nampaknya tidak membawa kepada penyatuan kepada kedua2 kaum.
    Begitu juga kepada takrifan ‘tamaddun’. Bangsa Melayu yg rata2nya berugama Islam dan terutamanya rakyat Melayu yg berpegang ilmu ugama Islam i.e ulama, mufti2, imam2 dll misalnya, mempunyai perception yg berlainan terhadap takrif ketamaddunan. Mereka memegang kpd ketamaddunan Islam yg mempunyai hukum2 tersendiri yaitu hukum Islam. (Sedekah duit judi tidak boleh diterima misalnya).
    Manakala bangsa bukan Melayu mentakrifkan tamaddun kepada cara hidup yang membawa kepada kemodenan yg bermaksud lebih kemewahan, lebih bebas dlm segala segi, bergerak pantas, sophisticated, anggun, hukum hakam yg boleh dipinda2 atau tiada hukum hakam dan sebagainya. Perbezaan kpd takrif tamaddun ini juga mungkin tidak membawa kepada penyatuan kpd kedua2 kaum.
    Banyak lagi takrifan2 yg berbeza antara kedua2 kaum. Misalnya seperti takrifan ‘martabat’. Saya percaya bangsa bukan Islam mengatakan martabat seseorang itu lebih tinggi sekiranya ia memiliki lebih kekayaan, kereta yg lebih elegant mewah dan sebagainya. Tetapi takrifan seperti ini berbeza drpd takrifan Islam. Tidak silap saya spt yg dinyatakan didlm AlQuran bahawa martabat seseorang itu bergantung kepada akalnya.(lain katanya jika baik seseorang itu mengawal nafsu2nya (tidak ingkar), maka akan lebih tinggilah martabatnya). Kekayaan itu perlu tetapi tidaklah yang utama. Perbezaan takrifan ini juga mungkin tidak membawa kepada penyatuan kedua2 kaum. Bangsa bukan Melayu akan mengatakan martabat mereka lebih tinggi kerana mereka lebih kaya dan mereka lebih pandai hidup. Bangsa Islam mengatakan itu tidak.
    Banyak lagi perbezaan takrifan2 (perceptions)antara bangsa Melayu dan bukan Melayu yg kurang membantu kepada konsep 1Malaysia. Ianya samada bangsa Melayu mengalah dan meninggalkan takrifan Islam dan amalan adat budaya Melayu ataupun sebaliknya.
    Ianya seolah tiada kesudahan dan adalah lebih baik bagi bangsa Melayu dan bukan Melayu cuma berpegang kepada amalan saling menghormati dan bekerjasama antara satu sama lain. Perkara ini telah pun ujud lama dahulu.

  60. Asalamualaikum….
    syukur kpd Allah bapak kembali pulih seperti selalu…
    rasanya najib sendiri tidak tahu utk menjelaskan 1malaysia…
    mungkin dia hanya menerima bulat2 slogan 1malaysia dari punasihat beliau….maaf ini hanya pandangan peribadi saya rakyat bawahan…
    apa yg penting pencen pekerja swasta tahun depan akan betul2 menjadi kenyataan bukan sekadar hanya dlm helaian kertas semasa pembentangan bajet yg najib umumkan sbb rasanya taun lepas pun pencen swasta n gaji minimum pun dibentangkan….jgn najib hanya pandai mengata rakyat bawahan mesti bersaing tapi beliau sendiri cakap tak serupa bikin…duk flip flop mcm tu gak….

  61. Salam & Greetings,
    Alex : People like you are the very reason we Malays still insist on NEP & special privilege. I don’t know which Chinese enclave you crawled out from but you are a racist who thinks others are beneath your own race. Ever heard of Ethnocentrism? Look it up.
    BTW, I’ve work with MNC and climbed the ladder up under my own merit. I had Chinese subordinates & trust me, your illusion that your race is smarter (a Master Race -remember Hitler?) is just that, an illusion.

  62. Dearest Tun,
    may I..
    //By pakbelalangAuthor Profile Page on October 14, 2010 9:52 PM
    So forget about One Malaysia!! There will never be a real One Malaysia until doomsday. Make no mistake about it.
    Sebutan One Malaysia hanya “manis dibibir sahaja”. Itu lah hakikatnya.//
    dear Pakbelalang,
    1-If One Malaysia cannot materialize that means there will be No Malaysia for our Children and grand children.We will be just another of the Failed States of the world.
    2-One Malaysia is not something to wish for but something we must make happen at all cost.If we know it can’t happen this way until doomsday, then we must seek an alternative way because a peaceful country for our future generation is certainly not an option.
    3-So what is my suggestion?Two Malaysia again.Yup,One Malaysia will not happen until we have that Two Malaysia!An extremely rich and economically powerful Chinese Malaysia politically dominated by the majority Malay Malaysia.
    4-That is our only other way.A Malaysia where the Chinese/Indians can have their meritocracy and and the Malays can have affirmative actions and everybody is happy.And eventually at some certain point of time once the Malays are ready to slash their handicaps and ready to go pro(properly monitored by the govt now knowing there is no more second chance)..we will then merge as One Malaysia..
    5-Yes pakbelalang we must not pretend that the Chinese and Indians will want to give up their natural identities what is allowed by the constitution or the Malays want to give up their special privileges.Let us all grow up.
    6-My Two Malaysia is not something I would dream or be proud of.But I am only being realistic here.At least there is hope in a more systematic approach to eventually arriving to that One Malaysia instead of just talking about it but not really knowing at all of how to arrive to this destination which must be reached for the sake of our future generation.
    Thanks Tun.

  63. Dearest YAB Tun,
    Thanks for the Q & A session. I hope DS Najib reads this blog. DS Najib failed to explain to Malaysians what 1Malaysia is.
    But Tun forgot to mention something very important. According to our PM, 1Malaysia also means,

  64. Dearest Tun.
    may I..
    //By rarunasalamAuthor Profile Page on October 14, 2010 9:39 PM
    …If you so believed that ethnic Chinese and Indians should adopt a single schooling system…then you should have implemented it as Education Minister…not politicise it as you did then as you do now…//
    1-I don’t think Tun would have enough power to do this when he was the Education Minister but he could have tried it when he was the PM.
    2-I think Tun have realized his mistakes esp the abolishing of the English type secondary schools that have indirectly promoted vernacular education exacerbating the racial polarization further.So he tried to make amends by teaching Science and mathematics in English.What else can he do?But at least he is man enough to admit his mistakes.
    3-I also believe that the one school thing if pushed through would only result in BN losing more votes to DAP and this in turn will create other racial issues.Otherwise all the PMs starting with Tunku would have done it already.It will require constitutional amendment as vernacular education is provided for by the constitution.
    4-Ravi, Tun is only human and he will make mistakes.I find he has made lots of mistakes.But I think they are mostly genuine mistakes,the kind you commit when you do a lot of work over a long period of time.You must learn to forgive and forget because whatever that has been done cannot be undone.
    5-Life is short bro,let go of all the hatred that you have for Tun and be happy.Let God deal with him if he have blatantly abuse his powers and has intentionally done grave injustices to the people.I really wish to hear from you some nice things about Tun, is there really none?
    6-We are not perfect ourselves I am sure.But I don’t think you hate him or else you won’t be wasting your time commenting in this blog..but you sincerely felt betrayed by someone whom you consider your boss,but who doesn’t seem to care for you as much as he does his own people hence the grudges.Could I be right?
    7-But to err is human,forgive is if you just can’t let go Ravi,I would love to see your sincere comments in this blog anyway.Peace bro,Take care..
    Thanks Tun

  65. Assalamualaikum Tun,
    Diharap Tun akan sentiasa sihat walafiat.
    Dengan izin Tun, saya ingin memberi sedikit komen berkenan dengan komen yang telah diberikan oleh saudara Khabilan SivaG, dengan post-nya “By Khabilan SivaG on October 15, 2010 9:42 PM”
    Saya tidak tahu anda faham bahasa melayu @ tidak, tapi memandangkan awak mempersoalkan pandangan Tun tentang konsep 1 Malaysia, sudah tentu awak faham bahasa melayu. Walhal pendatang asing ke Malaysia dari seluruh pelusuk dunia pun boleh berbahasa melayu.
    “Is not Malays want to abolish non-Malay school but politician like you are the want to abolish non-Malay schools in Malaysia.”
    Saya walaupon bukan ahli politik, saya juga mahu non-malay school dimansuhkan. Kerana apa? Kerana ini Malaysia. Kenapa Amerika tidak ada sekolah Cina, Tamil @ mana-mana bangsa selain bangsa berkulit putih? Di Amerika cuma ada kelas bahasa sahaja, kenapa kita tidak boleh buat seperti itu? kan sama sahaja?
    Bukan bertujuan untuk memansuhkan mana-mana bahasa, tapi anda perlu faham, kalau anda tinggal di dalam sebuah negara, anda perlu mengikut cara negara itu. Anda kena pergi ke sekolah yang menggunakan bahasanya sendiri. Bukan sekolah bangsa anda.
    saya tidak tahu kalau anda tahu peribahasa melayu, “masuk kandang kambing mengebek, masuk kandang lembu menguak”
    peribahasa tu jelas menunjukkan bahawa, walau di mana anda berada anda perlu mengikut cara negara @ tempat tersebut.
    “Do you think we have to sacrify our mothertounge schools for your version of 1Malaysia? Will you do the same if you were born non-Malay in this country?”
    Kalau anda tidak mahu mengorbankan bahasa ibunda anda, saya mengalu-alukan anda untuk pulang ke negara asal anda, kerana anda tidak berhak untuk berada di sini. Kalo saya non-malay, saya akan berbuat perkara yang sama, keran saya adalah “pendatang”. Tolonglah fahamkan maksud “pendatang” tu wahai saudara Khabilan SivaG.
    Bagi saya, pemimpin yang memerdekakan tanah air kita dahulu sangat-sangat baik hati, ingin memberi tempat tinggal pada pendatang seperti anda di tanah melayu ini. Tapi, sayang seribu kali sayang, seperti belanda yang diberi betis, mahukan peha, kamu tidak pernah berasa syukur dengan apa yang kamu miliki hari ini di Malaysia ini. Anda mengatakan anda dan “bangsa anda” tidak meminggirkan bahasa melayu. Tapi, cuba beritahu pada saya, berapa ramaikah bangsa anda dan bangsa cina pandai berbahasa melayu dengan fasih? Saya berasal dari Johor Bahru, dan sehingga sekarang, rata-rata bangsa cina dan india di Johor Bahru tidak pandai berbahasa melayu, apatah lagi fasih berbahasa melayu. Itukah “Malaysian”? Itukah konsep 1 Malaysia yang awak maksudkan? Oh, please..
    Kepada Tun yang saya hargai, teruskanlah menulis tulisan seperti ini, kerana tidak ramai yang berani menulis seperti ini. Saya sayangkan Tun, seperti ayahanda saya. Saya adalah pelajar di sebuah institusi pengajian tinggi di Malaysia, dan saya amat risau kerana ada anak melayu yang sudah berpelajaran tinggi seperti saya, lupa kepada bangsanya sendiri dan menyokong kata-kata “pendatang”. Saya risau Tun..saya takut. Bagaimana caranya untuk menyedar anak-anak melayu yang sudah lupa diri ini?

  66. Salam,
    Tun kata:
    “One has to remember that the Chinese civilisation is more than 4000 years old. No other civilisation has lasted that long. Naturally they have developed a culture better able to survive under all conditions. It is my belief that if the percentage of Chinese in the United Kingdom for example is the same as in Malaysia, UK would be better developed than it is now. It is not surprising that the Chinese excel in developing Malaysia (for which they are amply rewarded).”
    Pendapat saya:
    1. ***Takrifan tamaddun***
    Tamaddun Cina telah lama wujud. Bagi saya tamadddun bukan bermaksud bukti2 kewujudan satu kaum tetapi bermaksud proses permodenan kaum. Jika tamaddun berdasarkan bukti fosil siapa hidup dulu, mungkin satu hari jumpa tulang rangka orang Melayu asli berjuta2 tahun dahulu. Ahli sejarah bagaimana takrifan tamaddun?
    Mungkin ramai tak tahu bahawa orang Inggeris kebanyakannya keturunan Anglo-Saxon,penjajah juga!!!!
    Tamaddun Cina bermula lebih awal dari tamaddun Inggeris dan tamaddun Melayu.Tetapi proses pemodenan orang Inggeris berlaku amat cepat berbanding dengan tamaddun Cina sekarang ini. Seperti bolasepak, dulu Malaysia handal atau setara berbanding Korea Selatan dan Jepun,tapi orang Malaysia duk perasan terlebih dan syok sendiri lama sangat sementara Korea Selatan dan Jepun pula mempertingkatkan kebolehan dan memperbaiki kelemahan daam masa singkat. La ni Malaysia main bola nak juara Asia Tenggara pun tercunggak2. *****mohon gurauan sikit****Serupa dengan ramai pemimpin BN duk perasan terlebih dan syok sendiri lama sangat sampai terlupa roket dah pi kat bulan dengan nakhoda yang dah hilang dacing pada PRU lepas. Tugas dacing(BN) ialah letupkan roket supaya tak dapat berlepas Orang bulan itu berada di kayangan mana nampak kerja2 rahsia orang2 roket dan orang2 nakhoda yang kehilangan dacing.
    2.**** Adakah England selesa untuk kaum lain?********
    Tak mungkin orang Inggeris mengizinkan pendatang asing jadi warganegara UK kecuali England mendapat faedah kehadiran mereka. Masa dulu Inggeris biar ramai2 buruh datang Malaysia,bila Inggeris balik kampung depa cuci tangan tinggal masalah perkaumankepada UMNO untuk selesaikan. Tak percaya orang Inggeris perkauman? Lihat barisan kabinet Inggeris, lihat penjawat2 awam Inggeris,lihat siapa dia senarai orang2 terkaya di England,lihat rumah2 di England,lihat tuanpunya2 perniagaan di England. Tanya YB2 Roket yang pernah belajar di England, mana lebih indah Malaysia atau England. Nak bakar kertas upacara gagama pun susah. Orang Cina tentu tak syok duk kat England. Susah kaya hooo!! 888888888!!!!!Mungkin ramai orang Melayu yang pernah menetap kat England pernah disoal orang Inggeris kenapa kenapa orang Cina Malaysia kata mereka di diskriminasi?? Mungkin YB2 PAS yang belajar kat UK tak pernah dengar soalan sebegini kerana terlalu kusyuk beribadat kot?
    Ramai pelajar2 luar negara belajar kat UK dan negara Eropah atau buat penyelidikan postdoctoral sebagai “lesen” nak berlepas ke negara US, Canada, Australia, New Zealand.
    3.***Adakah England lebih maju sekiranya peratus kaum Cina di England seprti di Malaysia?********
    Tidak.Kemajuan bukan saja bergantung kepda kerajinan,kebolehan akademik,kemahiran teknikal dan perniagaan dan lain2 pengetahuan tetapi juga kepada aspek kemasyrakatan. Lihat sejarah Cina. Walaupun tamaddun Cina awal tetapi masyrakat depa tak tenang asyik berlaku kacau bilau.,asyik memberontak. La ni pemimpin politik PAS pun dah ada jiwa memberontak.
    Jangan banding dengan Singapura kerana kejayaan Singapura kerana jadi kaki bodek Amerika Syarikat no.1. Singapura pula menonjolkan dirinya seperti Israel dikelilingi negara Arab,maka bertambah kasihanlah pemimpin2 Amerika kat depa. Banyaklah kemudahan Amerika berikan kepada kaki ampu termasuklah kemudahan ekspot barang, kemudahan teknikal dan lain2 sehingga depa dah hampi nak berdikari tapi apa kan daya tanah tak cukup? IRDA boleh tolong sikit ahhhh?
    Nak meningkat peratus kaum di lain di England, siaplah pecah cermin pintu kereta, pintu rumah dan lain2 kat England. Orang England lebih suka orang India dan Pakistan daripada orang Cina. Orang India dan Pakistan di UK menerima hakikat mereka pendatang dan tidak meminta bukan2 dan bersedia mengikut sistem UK. Berbeza di Malaysia, kaum bukan bumiputera mempersoalkan sistem asas yang telah lama wujud di Malaysia sebelum merdeka iaitu yang berkaitan dengan hak2 bumiputera. UK tak perlu ada DEB dalam dasar kerajaan kerana itu dah jadi darah daging Mat Salleh!!!!!!
    Persaingan kaum Cina dan kaum bumiputera di Malaysia sebenarnya boleh dibandingkan dengan pelajar Tingkatan Lima mengambil peperiksaan UPSR.
    4.***Adakah masih ada harapan untuk Malaysia untuk mewujudkan satu bangsa Malaysia?*****
    Ya,InsyaAllah. Sekiranya majoriti beragama Islam kerana Islam melarang sifat perkauman. Amerika masih perkauman walaupun ada undang2 menghalang, jadi masih tiada keikhlasan dan akan terus wujud perkauman dan diskriminasi. Islam lebih baik, hati mesti ikhlas dan bersih kerana takutkan Allah Ta’ala!!!
    Segala peraturan mestilah ikut cara Islam,pembahagian harta dan kekayaan mesti ikut cara Islam. Orang bukan Islam perlu didakwah supaya yakin kalimah syahadah dan mengamalkan kehidupan cara Islam. Hanya cara ini saja orang Melayu tenteram dan tak bimbang sebab jika pemimpin Islam (tak kira kaum) dan mengamalkan Islam,InsyaAllah keadilan tetap terjamin.
    YB Lim Kit Siang, bila nak masuk Islam?

  67. Assalammualaikum w.b.t Ayahanda Tun dan Isteri,
    Saya berdoa semoga Ayahanda Tun sihat wal-afiat dan sembuh dari penyakit di Melbourne baru-baru ini.
    Saya rasa geram,kecewa,marah, sakit hati dengan pengumuman bajet 2011 semalam. Saya rasa bukan saya saja yang berperasaan begitu tetapi semua kakitangan kerajaan di seluruh Malaysia. Saya/kami memerlukan bonus sekurang-kurangnya sebulan gaji untuk membayar yuran dan pakaian seragam sekolah anak, membayar insuran dan roadtax kereta, bercuti sekolah hujung tahun dan perbelanjaan harian. Jika kerajaan memperuntukkan 4 billion setahun, saya rasa sudah cukup untuk memberi bonus sebulan setengah kepada semua kakitangan kerajaan. Yang saya hairan, mengapa bila berkenaan orang melayu saja, semua kena potong. Orang melayu yang ramai, tapi kenapa dinafikan hak orang melayu dengan memberi bonus rm 500? Apa yang boleh dibuat dengan bonus rm 500 tu? Baju sekolah anak saya seramai 3 orang pun tak cukup (dua pasang setiap satu – kasut, stokin, kain sarung, baju sekolah, tudung, beg, peralatan menulis). Yuran sekolah nak cekuh dari mana?
    Soalan pertama, apa perlu projek Warisan Merdeka? soalan kedua, Apa perlunya dibina 100 tingkat bangunan yang lebih tinggi dari KLCC di tapak projek Warisan Merdeka? Soalan ketiga, apa keputusan SIME DARBY rugikan duit GLC sebanyak rm 2 billion? Mengapa kerajaan sanggup biarkan SIME DARBY rugi rm 2 billion sedangkan RM 2 billion tu cukup untuk bagi bonus sebulan gaji bagi 1 juta lebih kakitangan kerajaan.
    Saya tak faham slogan “rakyat berpendapatan tinggi” sedangkan semasa pengumuman bajet, bonus rm 500 je???? Masa pengumuman je dah tak mencerminkan “rakyat berpendapatan tinggi”. Mengapa Maybank boleh bagi bonus berbulan-bulan gaji?
    Orang Melayu sekarang tidak lagi diberi perhatian oleh kerajaan. Orang melayu yang menjadi penyokong kuat kerajaan sekarang tidak lagi mendapat hak-hak mereka. Oleh itu, saya mencadangkan pada kerajaan supaya mengadakan PILIHANRAYA KE 13 pada JAN 2011. Kalau ini berlaku, saya bersyukur kerana saya tidak lagi perlu mengundi UMNO dan BN sebab kerajaan tidak lagi dapat menjaga kebajikan rakyat dan kakitangan kerajaan yang majoritinya adalah melayu. Saya tidak lagi perlu merayu kepada kerajaan skrg untuk menaikkan bonus kerana saya rasa saya tidak lagi perlu mengundi UMNO dan BN. Dan lagi kakitangan kerajaan yang lain akan berfikiran dan berpandangan yang sama seperti saya. Yang saya harapkan adalah Ayahanda Tun dan isteri sihat wal-afiat dan dipanjangkan umur. Insya-Allah. Wassallam.

  68. Dear Tun,
    I must congratulate you on well arranged explanation on 1 Malaysia differences between races in Malaysia.
    It is true many has interpreted in their own way and understanding 1 Malaysia seem to be getting out of control.
    You have save Dato Najib by this explanation. Dato Najib should be thankful to you since he started 1 malaysia but failed to explain and clear misunderstanding between the races.
    Thank you.

  69. Assalamualaikumwarahmatullahiwabarakatu.
    It’s good to hear back from you. On the other hand, it is sad to hear about your health condition, do take care of yourself father.
    Back to the topic. From what I’m thinking, it is true that Malaysian are not well united yet. Even so, I think, the Chinese realized that they have been fairly rewarded on their hardwork as this was proven when you (Tun) step down from your office. You said that, most of the people who thanked you were the Chinese. But after that, few things happen and people started to lose confidence towards goverment. Politicians started to play racial issues to gain support. As a society which is not well developed yet, they buy this stuff. They would think, “why not if they could gain more?”.
    Some malays think that they were fighting for justice, and are well motivated by the Islamic History about “Ansar and Muhajirin” where they accepted others even they are different. They think by letting go of the handicaps, then Malaysian can be united. But the thing that strike to my mind, does our motivation to work is like “Ansar and Muhajirin” as well?.
    However, I dont think that the privilage should be let go just yet, no matter what people labelled and accused us. But I think the implimentation are not enough to equalize the status between the races. Before this, I think the goverment “give fish” to the Malays, but it is better if goverment could “teach how to get fish” to the Malays. But the privilage for the Bumi’s should still be here for the time being because goverment can create many program for the Malays. But a detailed study should be made on how to educate people. Psychologically, Socially and everything neccessary. But first,we need peace to grow and check ourself. Put everything aside for the time being.
    I dont know to what extend the goverment can interfere in economy. But, I think, if goverment can make a rule, so that for every non bumi’s company, they can get financial help when they have some percentage of Bumi’s in their Board of Director, so that Bumi’s can learn from them. But even so, we need to make sure that the Bumi can learn something, so maybe by 5 years, this Bumis must create a company ( financially assist by goverment) and their so called, “mentor”, need to be on the board of director too. So the non bumi and bumi will have the same interest.
    Maybe it’s seems a little bit ridiculus, but that’s what I have in mind

  70. Yang Amat Berbahagia Tun (YABhg Tun),
    Assalamualaikum and well wishes to you and families. A bit surprised to see you on this game so soon. I thought you

  71. Salam Tun,
    Your insights and foresights are remarkably said without prejudice
    on this particular subject.Only if one would want to understand!,
    afterall this is what life is all about. Selamat berjuang Tun demi
    bumi tercinta Malaysia.

  72. Tun, I read with much trepidation the purported justification of certain policies of the Government on the so called superiority of the Chinese race over the other indigenous people in this Country and I felt compelled to give my two cents worth. Tun, not only that it is against the grain to base government policies on such myth, there is also no legal or scientific justification for such assumption. No known religious dogma nor anthropological science support such theory. If Tun has based it on a Darwinian doctrine and if there is any truth in the applicability of the Darwinian Doctrine to the development of human intellect, aptitude or other acumen, the world would still be ruled by ancient civilisations like the Egyptians or the Akkadians and Sumerians before them; the Nazi’s Aryanism would have still be in vogue instead of precipitating into perdition along with the atrocity of the Nazi in the Second World War; United Nation Charter on Human Rights would have been rewritten where hegemony of a particular race would be recognised. However, if Tun has meant it as a mere flattery or exaltation to the Chinese, I am afraid that I, being a Chinese, cannot accept such undeserving flattery or exaltation for deep down in my heart I know I enjoy no other naturally endowed advantage over my brothers from different origins. To accept such flattery or exaltation would be like accepting Chinese supremacism or Chinese chauvinism forced on me which I will not be able to live in peace with.

  73. Dengan izin Ayahanda Tun,
    By nazaruddin on October 14, 2010 12:18 PM
    “…….And aren’t we a selfish lot. Why are in hurry to achieve this 1Malaysia,now? It is not like getting 9 As in SPM. It is not a target, what is beyond that? Someone mentioned Obama here, well it took the United States of America, emphasis on United States, more 200 years to put him there. It is a working progress. Lambat laun akan tercapai juga.”
    The reason of putting black as the president is to have a jew after another to be the next president of USA. Sama2 lah kita lihat.

  74. Hi Tun,
    Is not Malays want to abolish non-Malay school but politician like you are the want to ablish non-Malay schools in Malaysia.
    Those came from non Malay scoring better marks in Bahasa Malaysia subjects. We did not ignore Bahasa Malaysia as the national language of Malaysia.
    Do you think we have to sacrify our mothertounge schools for your version of 1Malaysia? Will you do the same if you were born non-Malay in this country?
    Najib and his team has clear vision of the nation wanted/needed 1Malaysia concept. I didn’t see any reason for you stir with your confusing and dangerous remarks.
    Do not abuse others to save yourself. This is not a stateman attitute.
    Happy to see you back to action.I hope you will fully recover soon.

  75. Dear Tun,
    I wish to express my viewpoints.
    How can the Chinese and Tamil schools be compared side by side to NEP, quota and other policies?
    The schools are open to all, regardless of race.
    If your grand children want to learn Tamil or Chinese, you can always enrol, and they will open their arms and embrace you. In the contrary, the same cannot be said of other points that Tun used in the comparison, i.e. NEP etc. Those are strictly racial based policies. If they want to enrol, they will be rejected. Is that a fair comparison?

  76. Assalamualaikum,
    Sebagai masyarakat majmuk, saya melihat perlunya anak-anak Melayu dan bumiputera menguasai pelbagai bahasa selain Melayu dan Inggeris. Jika kita mahu mereka bersaing dan duduk sama rendah, berdiri sama tinggi, mengapa tidak kita sediakan kursus bahasa wajib iaitu Arab, Cina, Tamil di peringkat sekolah rendah dan menengah. Peringkat ini merupakan asas kepada pendidikan insan. Kanak-kanak lebih mudah dibentuk waktu ini. Pengajaran mesti dijalankan ke arah membentuk pelajar untuk berfikir secara kritikal dan analitik.
    Ini merupakan kelebihan negara kita. Sebahagian sekolah di UK menyediakan kurikulum Cina dalam sistem pendidikan mereka bagi membolehkan rakyatnya bekerja di negara China selepas tamat pengajian. Saya juga bersetuju dengan entri oleh AHMAD BADRI. Mereka mengkaji secara mendalam pelbagai aspek negara yang berpotensi untuk maju di masa depan dan menyediakan asas pendidikan untuk rakyatnya ke arah itu.

  77. Salam Tun
    Hope you have since recovered. In golf tun,one tries very hard to improve his or her handicap for fear of being called a “buaya”. The term “buaya” refers to those who prefer to stick to a low handicap so as to emerge a winner always. That is totally unacceptable and can be deemed unjust enrichment. I unanimously agree that the Malays but be given special rights, no doubt about that. But at the same token they must be trained to survive on individual merit. Is it not better to teach a person to fish, then to give them free fishes. A man on crutches will attempt to walk on his own when it is slowly taken away from him. I incalculate this values in my children as i dont want them to be accused of coming from a civilisation that does not want to improve themselves. I love and respect the Malays and it is because of this love that i maintain that they must be independent, strong, knowledgeable, god fearing and most importantly progressive. In a system that is soon to become borderless, only the fittest will survive. Malaysia is a small economy that can only survive the future by having amongst them a race that has pride and demand legitimate respect, not sympathy and hand outs. We had more than enough time unless the NEP has created a few rich Malays, who dont bother about the fate of fellow Malays.

  78. First I’d like to point out that, the mother of all human motivation is what we called “survival instinct”.
    It’s normal for human (regardless of race) to have survival instinct.
    Why do Malays fight for NEP and other special rights? It’s for their economic survival.
    Why do non-Bumi fight against NEP and Bumi special rights? It’s also for their economic survival.
    Both sides are just doing what is natural for human to do. To survive and have better life.
    Because of this reason, I, as a Malay, completely understand and support affirmative action.
    But I also hold absolutely no grudge against non-Bumi who are against pro-Bumi policies.
    Both sides are just trying to “cari makan”, using whatever legal resources (economic, political) they have. That’s all.
    So who is the dumb ones ?
    The dumb ones are the accomodating Bumiputras, who want to nullify Bumi special rights for colorful reasons like “human-rights”, “free-market” or “samarata”.
    These are the acutely naive group of people (vulnerable to politician tricks) who fail to realize that the definition of “human-rights”, “free-market” or “samarata” are all relative.
    People (especially politician) may redefine these words according to their best interest.
    Consider this situation, if I’m a Malay in USA, and USA gives special rights to American citizen, would I join the party named GOOD that advocates equal rights to all human-beings living on American soil?
    You betcha. Why ? It’s just survival. I will vote BN and Party GOOD at the same time even though the principles are different.
    Only survival matters in the end.

  79. Salam Tun & fellow bloggers,
    Ahmad Badri comments on 14th Oct – very interesting.
    Looking forward to see comments from the experts the likes of Andrewtay, Alex & Raja Chulan.

  80. Tun,
    You had 22 years to do something and now you are griping about this and that.
    I had expected more positivity from you when you got back. But alas, it is not to be.
    What unstatesmenlike comments. And they call you a statesman.
    I though a statesman’s credo would have been “accentuate the positive, eliminate the negative.”
    And I think that no-self interest part is pure bull.
    I think you are driven by fear now. Otherwise you won’t be associating yourself with a turkey like Ibrahim Ali.
    Sorry to say this Tun.
    Anyway best regards, nevertheless.

  81. Tun,
    Saya setuju dengan apa yang diutarakan oleh ” matanahair “. Ada ker mungkin untuk menerima cadangan Tun bahawa kaum bukan bumiputra hapuskan penggunaan bahasa ibunda mereka masing-masing dan mula menggunakan bahasa Malaysia sebagai bahasa perantaraan sesama mereka.
    Tun kena faham kenapa kaum bukan bumiputra sanggup guna bahasa English ketika mereka tinggal di England atau America kerana bahasa itu adalah bahasa kemajuan iaitu bahasa dunia. Lebih-lebih lagi mereka adalah bangsa yang sudah maju yang mana kaum bukan bumiputra dapat belajar daripada mereka. Ada ker Tun sendiri sanggup belajar daripada mana-mana bangsa yang Tun anggap lebih mundur atau ketinggalan daripada bangsa Tun sendiri ???
    Telah banyak kali saya katakan bahawa selagi bangsa melayu masih tak mahu berazam untuk maju ke depan tetapi masih berdegil dengan ” Hak-Hak istimewah ” mereka maka sampai bila – bila sekali pun bahasa anda tidak laku di dunia ini.Jangan salahkan orang lain, cermin dulu diri sendiri ada ker anda semua layak untuk di panggil ” Tuan “. Orang yang dipanggil ” Tuan ” adalah orang yang lebih pandai daripada orang yang memanggilnya dan bukan sebaliknya.
    Apabila bangsa melayu betul-betul sudah maju dan pandai, anda semua tak perlu risau sebab mana- mana manusia pun tanpa segan silu akan panggil anda semua ” Tuan “.
    Sekalian Terima kasih.

  82. Dear Tun, You have clearly mentioned “Bangsa Malaysia”, to my view what that means;
    1) We should all be known as Malaysian rather then how its been done or as how we proclaim our origins. i.e, Indian Malaysia, Malaysian Chinese, etc.. If I remember clearly, our passports only indicate Malaysia.
    2) We need to learn from the Thai or the Filipino’s, they are all known as Thai’s or Filipino’s.
    3) We Malaysian created a segmentization ourselves based on our origins; this will never help in getting the “Bangsa Malaysia” or 1Malaysia dream.
    4) We will first need to correct our own perception. We are MALAYSIAN First!!!!!!!!

  83. To : Alex
    You should be ashame of yourself. I have been in public sector for 20 years and I can say that the Chinese are actually racist than the Malays in public sector. Some Chinese people cannot even speak English and yet being employed just because they want Chinese people to fill in the post. What a shame. When a Malay person being called in for interview is it just to fill in the interview quota. I have seen this happening right in front of my eyes and it will continue to happen with such people like you around.
    Race always be a factor and it will always be. The only way to break the Malay dominance is to break them into small groups and the Chinese know this very well. They have survived +4000 years remember ?? Ensure we have UMNO, PAS and PKR in our polital arena and the Chinese will have the bigger say.

  84. Dear Tun,
    You do have a point here.
    Quite honestly, I don’t think even Najib knows what his 1 Malaysia slogan really means. It is a political slogan and I don’t think it meant anything more to him other than Malaysians living together as “one”. Irrespective of that and of his slogan, the issues you raised are still valid.
    I suppose as Malaysians, we should look back and see how our elders lived with one another. There was so much tolerance and respect for the other race and community. We seem to be losing that tolerance now. What we as Malaysians must realize is that once destroyed, the harmony will never return. Preserve the peace and bountiful abundant wealth we have in this country. We are better off than everyone else.So why should we argue for a few dollars more.

  85. Salam YB Tun,
    Yang penting adalah KEIKHLASAN dalam setiap perjuangan.
    Kalau hanya hendak menjadi HERO atau POPULAR maka lupakanlah saja.
    Kita dapat menilai sesuatu tuntutan atau perjuangan dari gerak geri percakapan, perbuatan dan penulisan sama ada ianya IKHLAS atau SEBALIKNYA.
    Masalahnya, selalunya disebabkan masalah peribadi maka KEBENARAN tidak dapat dinilaikan.
    YB Tun, jaga kesihatan baik-baik. Sama-sama kita beringat tentang 5 perkara sebelum sampai 5 perkara seperti dinyatakan oleh Junjungan kita Nabi Muhammad SAW.

  86. Salam Tun
    Kenyataan Tun adalah kebenaran. Adakah kebenaran itu boleh diterima sebagai hakikat satu bangsa Malaysia. Terima kasih

  87. So we need all support to achieve one by one as Vision2020.
    Not just blame others, just blame ourselves then only we can achieve it.
    Example . expect to abolition Chinese & Indian School.
    everyone, Minister, Director, Teacher, Parents etc must work rationally an practically to enhance National School. Not just on paper be practicall, and be achieveable. not just put on Teacher’s shoulder, and then blaming them.
    If National School highly competitive , Chinese Shchool Indian School whatever school will be under one roof.

  88. Salam Tun,
    Orang melayu Malaysia tetap orang Malysia dan kita orang melayu tidak kisah jika orang cina dan india hendak menjadi bangsa Malaysia. Sekarang ini pun kita orang melayu memang menganggap mereka orang Malaysia itu sebab negara kita aman. Orang melayu banyak bekorban dan memberi ruang kepada orang cina khususnya untuk berniaga dan memajukan negara Malaysia ini, sebab orang-orang cina memang tidak dinafikan pandai berniaga. Orang-orang melayu diberi peluang belajar berniaga setelah DEB diperkenalkan selepas 13 mei 1969. Pada saya DEB lah yang telah mencorak arah tuju hingga membawa kejayaan Malaysia hari ini. Kek ekonomi diberikan 60% kepada orang cina, 30% ornag melayu dan 10% orang india.
    1 Malaysia dari kacamata orang cina dan india ialah hak samarata dari segala segi. Dari kacamata orang melayu mereka mesti menjadi bengsa Malaysia dahulu. Persoalannya sanggupkah mereka tinggalkan bangsa nenek moyang mereka? Dan hak samarata dari kacamata orang melayu ialah orang melayu/bumiputra mesti mendapat 3 orang cina 2 dan orang india 1.
    Terima kasih.

  89. salam
    Muslims who want to live under Islamic Sharia law were told on Wednesday to get out of Australia , as the government targeted radicals in a bid to head off potential terror attacks..
    Separately, Rudd angered some Australian Muslims on Wednesday by saying he supported spy agencies monitoring the nation’s mosques.
    ‘IMMIGRANTS, NOT AUSTRALIANS, MUST ADAPT. Take It Or Leave It. I am tired of this nation worrying about whether we are offending some individual or their culture. Since the terrorist attacks on Bali , we have experienced a surge in patriotism by the majority of Australians. ‘
    ‘This culture has been developed over two centuries of struggles, trials and victories by millions of men and women who have sought freedom’
    ‘We speak mainly ENGLISH, not Spanish, Lebanese, Arabic, Chinese, Japanese, Russian, or any other language. Therefore, if you wish to become part of our society . Learn the language!’
    ‘Most Australians believe in God. This is not some Christian, right wing, political push, but a fact, because Christian men and women, on Christian principles, founded this nation, and this is clearly documented. It is certainly appropriate to display it on the walls of our schools. If God offends you, then I suggest you consider another part of the world as your new home, because God is part of our culture.’
    ‘We will accept your beliefs, and will not question why. All we ask is that you accept ours, and live in harmony and peaceful enjoyment with us.’
    ‘This is OUR COUNTRY, OUR LAND, and OUR LIFESTYLE, and we will allow you every opportunity to enjoy all this. But once you are done complaining, whining, and griping about Our Flag, Our Pledge, Our Christian beliefs, or Our Way of Life, I highly encourage you take advantage of one other great Australian freedom, ‘THE RIGHT TO LEAVE’.’
    ‘If you aren’t happy here then LEAVE. We didn’t force you to come here. You asked to be here. So accept the country YOU accepted.’

  90. Tun,
    You have ignored or downplayed the effect of the loss of
    ‘human capital’ as a result of the social contract.
    Eg. Malaysian technoprenuer or should I say Singaporean
    Olivia Lum CEO and founder of Hyflux(1 Billion Sg Capitalization).
    One wonders what would have happened had she stayed in
    Malaysia. At 15 years old she left Malaysia and moved to Singapore.
    She did not have a ‘silver spoon’ handed to her. She and her
    adoptive grandmother lived in a shack barely getting
    by. Out of personal faith and nurturing Singapore provided.
    She is who she is today. Can you honestly say she would have gotten
    as far as she did within your ‘affirmative action’ policies in
    Malaysia? Hyflux is involved in the type technoprenueral technology
    Malaysia can only dream off. GE Water the conglomerate
    in the US is absorbing every membrane patent it can get a hold
    off by buying smaller water technology companies, Zenon etc.
    The notion of ‘Robbing Peter to pay Paul’ has created the
    impression of iniquity amongst the races under the guise
    of ‘affirmative action’. Its pretty sad when a person of
    her calibre lamented that ‘There’s no other place (she) would
    rather call home than Singapore’. When Malaysia loses someone
    of her calibre that boggles the mind.
    God Bless You Tun

  91. Dear Tun,
    Salam sejahtera moga sihat sentiasa. Pandangan saya dgn izin…..
    …………Conflicting views
    Differing, conflicting views are essentials of a healthy democracy. It should be used as means to understand the other party’s concern. Only dictators, intolerant and uncompromising ultras view or twist them as threats.
    ………..One language
    Adoption of BM as home language by other races (including Orang Asli, Kadazan, Iban?) as condition is ridiculous. In other countries the local or majority language is adopted as the lingua franca, same in M’sia.
    Even Malays themselves who migrated overseas will not accept they speak adopted country’s national language in their homes or with their fellow brothers.
    ………..Divided loyalty
    Chinese and Indians call themselves M’sians overseas never Chinese or Indians. Any similarities with these countries is due to culture and language which is more due to ancestral blood not national identity. Alleging these citizens want a return to motherland sovereignty is ridiculous among the current generation. A so called statesman belongs to the old generation category where this feeling may be prevalent (communist ideology)
    ………..Abolish schools
    Chinese and Tamil are useful and prominent languages in Asia and the world. Only ultras and supremacists want to destroy a heritage, legacy and God given advantage to M’sia. If the issue is integration find ways to do so, not banning education.
    National schools have proven to be hostile to other languages and cultures. Other race’s language classes, societies and cultural practices are frowned and disdained as threats to the Islamic faith of their students. They impose their cultural practices in schools but discriminate other people’s.
    …………Private sector (domination or sanctuary?)
    If you gripe about competition with 7mil other races, can you compete among 230mil people as in Indonesia? I believe the Indons are more competitive than locals because of this.
    How is it 15mil people cannot create a bigger private sector than 7mil people? Nobody impeded this 15mil people but instead allowed them privileges.
    Harping on 4000 yr civilization explains need for affirmative action but does not justify failures of affirmative action. There is no history, but 40yrs affirmative action more than compensates 4000yrs civilization (not inheritance)
    Understand other races have to survive in private sector as it is their only sanctuary, having been shut out from public sector. Malays have a choice, the tougher private sector or juicier public sector.
    …………Challenging constitution?
    Malay special privileges (not rights as claimed by some) by its natural meaning are meant to correct imbalances. They are not meant to be divine. The Reid commission provides for review of these privileges and even noted the people’s will it should not be permanent, let alone supremacist.
    Asking for review (not remove) is not unconstitutional but agreed and provided for in the Reid commission. Asking for abolishing of mother tongue, revocation of citizenship and harassing out the country are unconstitutional.
    ………..NEP (policy or provision)
    NEP (1971) and 30% shares quota are Umno party policies and not the constitutional provisions (1957). Disputing the need and efficacy of these policies is not anti Constitution. Ultras, supremacists, fear mongers will scream so.
    Asking for loosening of the Malay monopoly (abused, inefficient and cause of national uncompetitiveness) is twisted as impoverishing Malays. The safety net of affirmative action for bottom 40% should be adequate to safeguard this.
    ………..New contract
    The old contract was drafted in no less conflicting, differing and irreconcilable views. They were fortunate ultras, extremists and supremacists did not get their way. These people are the fear mongers (losing power), doomsday peddlers(losing identity), sowers of suspicion(of other races) of today.
    Sekian. Terima kasih atas ruang ini.

  92. we can never be united if we do not speak the same language and learn in one school system.

  93. To the Chinese and Indians they will accept the One Malaysia concept only when the special Malay rights are abolished.
    To the Malays they will only accept One Malaysia concept when Chinese and Indian schools are abolished.
    So forget about One Malaysia!! There will never be a real One Malaysia until doomsday. Make no mistake about it.
    Sebutan One Malaysia hanya “manis dibibir sahaja”. Itu lah hakikatnya.

  94. Tun M
    agreed the 1Malaysia slogan needs more interpretation than the simple and easy to understand “Bersih Cekap Amanah” slogan – but matter of fact is, the 1Malaysia slogan has been our way of life for a long time, it’s just being emphasised.
    Whereas Bersih Cekap Amanah is known to be a convenient spin on what never was your administration.
    You also indicated that to to be a great leader, one needs to have good strategies, be knowledgeable and able to predict the future, yet you refuse to acknowledge that the world of today promotes diversity, and declines where there is no will to change.
    Sir – roots don’t stop you from becoming a person that you can be…
    If you so believed that ethnic Chinese and Indians should adopt a single schooling system…then you should have implemented it as Education Minister…not politicise it as you did then as you do now…
    And if you tell me you couldn’t ‘force’ it on Malaysians…lets discuss all those policies and projects that you did force on us without a single consultation.
    Sir – you are a politician first and foremost – spin comes naturally to you…but it’s time to stop spinning and work sincerely towards building a single Malaysian race…

  95. IT is a never ending questions of classifying the word 1 Malaysia.
    IT is just like We human from day 1, tried vey hard to eliminates pests such as cockroach,rats since mankind.
    It exists till today despite tons of infecticides were used.
    To uphold mother tongue of individual race is an honour.
    To anticipate with the world,1 World we have to acknowledge the common language of the World.
    Again it is a never ending questions of classifying 1 World.
    It should not be of race,origins,color of skin,religion of one,etc
    to identify 1 Malaysia
    1 Malaysia should be meant for
    Acknowledge the existance of each other,
    not to accept one beliefs,nor to cooperate one beliefs
    but to accept the existance of each other with respect.
    1 Malaysia should be of hatred to those who have ill intentions,
    be kind and sincere, not be kind and have ill intentions,cohesions regardless of race,etc.
    Giving hands to those in need, have visions of our own,our own identity.We must not allow influence of foreign believes regardless of they are more developed.
    Human intelligence nor human deveoplment does not stay long,
    it will fade,above all it cause disaster to mankind.
    Lets filled this World with Love, 1 World
    not filled this World with weapons,nuclear weapons or such.
    This is where we human went wrong.
    Lets settle our disputes with love not weapons.
    I call for 1 Malaysia to ask the world to put down their weapons.
    Lets dispute our differences with love.
    Having care and concern among us is a beauty
    than having hatred and ill fillings towards.
    This should be the path of 1 Malaysia

  96. Yg Bhg Tun,
    Alhamdulillah Tun telah kembali sihat dan terus bersemangat melaksanakan kerja-kerja rutin sebegini.
    Tetapi setelah membaca tulisan Tun di atas, saya merasa amat dukacita dengan pandangan Tun yang terus menerus berpegang kepada prinsip bahawa manusia akan hanya dilihat berjaya dan kaya daripada aspek materialiti semata-mata…dan lepas itu baru boleh bersatu. Rupa-rupanya rakyat terus hidup dalam suasana “time bomb” yang akan meletup bila-bila masa sahaja.
    Jika mereka kaya mereka takut bergaduh dan sentiasa melupakan persengketaan dan sebagainya…dan kenapa teori sebegini masih kuat dipegang oleh Tun….yang ternyata tidak berjaya sejak memerintah 22 tahun lalu, masih terus hendak dipertahankan…..Wallahua’alam
    Kalaulah betul bangsa melayu itu adalah bangsa yang lemah dan perlukan handicap, ini diperakukan sendiri oleh Tun, maka buatlah cara yang sesuai bagi membangunkan insan melayu agar mereka ini dibangunkan secara seimbang dari aspek pembangunan kerohanian dan juga fisikalnya. InsyaAllah, mereka tidak akan menjadi buih-buih sabun yang melayang dan nampak banyak tetapi…tiada kualiti dan daya saing.
    Cubalah ambil satu contoh kecil apa yang Tun telah lakukan. Bagaimana pembubaran sistem persekolahan vokasional dalam awal tahun lapan puluhan telah menjejaskan pembangunan insan dalam negara….. kita dah jauh tertinggal dengan negara-negara jiran sekeliling. Ini hanya contoh kecil sahaja Tun.
    Memang betul manusia akan takut bersengketa apabila mereka kaya dan berjaya dan akan sibok menjaga harta mereka. Tetapi kekayaan itu adalah bukan jaminan yang mereka adalah orang-orang bersikap toleransi, bijaksana dan berjaya.
    bila kaya memang akan sibok menjaga keselamatn harta benad dan lupa untuk bersengketa lupa untuk

  97. Salam Tun, semuga dalam keadaan sihat wal’afiat.
    The topic is most appropriate to be discussed in order to achieve our dream of “Malaysian”. I cannot say more but interesting to note some the bloggers point of views. To name the few:
    1) Parameswara 2 – regular blogger – Well written to represent reality on the ground and positively looking for solution through proper implementation, need to learn from the previous mistakes.
    2) Hati.Malaysia – you got the points but what will be the best way to solve the problem acceptable to all?
    3) Alex – regular blogger – as usual most of your points are narrow minded and self interest obviously not leading to acceptable solution. Typical Kiasu in play.
    4) RajaChulan – ” I am convince that your thinking is outdated and pretty dangerous to the future of our nation ” … ” People like you with such thinking can never envision the Bangsa and Negara Malaysia of the future. Woooh woooh talking like a professor. Which university are u coming from? .. “I give up on you……” YES YOU SHOULD.
    5) Milsah – strong points worth a study to confirm the actual statistics. Better decision based on facts rather purely on emotion.
    6) Sivarajah arasu – so UMNO is the cause of the problem? Easy to say but if you are sincere please comment on DAP. What about HINDRAF?
    7) Andrewtay – Mind you, Tun was only asking the questions and highlighting some of the possible answers to those questions for all of us to think. You seem this time to like Tun’s writing. Mind you, he is not providing the cut-paste answers for implementation. What will be your response to AzMa comment?
    My view is that the most important thing to do in order to achieve a dream “Malaysian” is to start from young i.e at the school. We have no other choice except to develop and have a SINGLE SCHOOL system as soon as possible. With better understanding among the young people created as the result, NATIONAL UNITY can be achieved, leading to peace & harmony in our Malaysian nation and prosperity will follow.
    ( So Mr Andrewtey, if you are all in support of a single school system, write an open letter to the Chinese Associations that are fighting not only to maintain the status quo but to ask for more support in doing so. Tell them to drop the idea and perhaps volunteer yourself to be their advisor. )
    Another important things – As reminder to all, please try to discuss the issue with full of sincerity and strong integrity. Take responsiblity for whatever you say. The most important thing is to find the solution that will not obviously be achieved overnight but with wisdom, patience and willingness to compromise in order to achieve not only confine to worldly matters but also to include spiritual and emotional consideration as well.
    That’s all for now and pray that Allah protect us all from evils.

  98. Salam Tun.
    Good to hear from you.
    Ya, tiada siapapun di Malaysia suka digelar “Pendatang”. Namun, jika tidak mahu digelar pendatang, segala tindakan mestilah tidak menunjukkan ciri-ciri seorang pendatang.
    Langkah pertama, hapuskan sekolah vernakular yang menganjurkan dan menyemai perpecahan di kalangan rakyat. Sekolah vernakular adalah bersifat anti-integrasi.
    Langkah kedua, hapuskan persatuan-persatuan rasis yang mendesak dan menghakis hak golongan majoriti. Jangan menganggap menuntut hak yang sedang dimiliki orang lain sebagai tindakan yang adil dan demokratik.
    Boleh ka?

  99. Salam,
    What is the difference between Bangsa Malaysia that TDM envisions and 1Malaysia that NTR has coined. It’s the same really. But then again its just slogans which doesn’t mean anything in the end. Just like Vision 2020, it is not something really achievable anyway, just wishful thinking. Say what you will, do what you can but no one has EVER been able to overcome the race factor. Is Malaysia so special that anyone thinks it may be possible? For some, we can overcome the race barriers, but in totality, no way.

  100. Assalamualaikum Tun,
    Alex on October 13, 2010 11:39 PM
    “Mereka dapat masuk ke universiti tempatan dan luar nagara atas kuato semata-mata dan bukan atas kebolehan masing-masing. Mungkin 10 % adalah yang bijak tetapi apabila 10 % yang bijak tadi dicampur-adukkan sekali dengan 90 % yang tidak bijak akhirnya mengelirukan majikan yang mana sebenarnya yang betul-betul bijak. Lain pulak bagi kaum bukan bumiputra, mereka yang terpilih adalah antara ” best of the best ” kerana kekurang tempat yang di khaskan untuk mereka, apabila mereka lulus pihak majikan tak perlu bimbang kerana 100 % adalah yang terbaik.
    Kelayakan dari segi kertas sahaja tak guna wahai melayu, kalau mahu betul-betul mahu di pandang tinggi dan dihormati buang lah kuato itu.”
    Kpd saudar Alex,
    1.Kamu sedar ke tak yang kamu adalah dari bangsa pendatang ke Tanah Melayu ini?
    2.Kalau kamu tu dari bangsa pedatang, apa hak kamu mempesoalkan tentang kuota yang di berikan kepada Bangsa Peribumi di Tanah Melayu ini?
    3.Kalau kamu tak berpuas hati dengan apa yang terdapat di Bumi Bertuah ini, silalah berambus kamu dari negara ini atau pun kamu boleh pulang ke negara asal nenek moyang kamu.
    4.Hanya yang tahu bersyukur sahaja yang layak untuk terus tinggal di Tanah Melayu ini. Bukannya manusia seperti kamu.

  101. Salam Yang Berbahagia Tun,
    Glad to note that you are well. My prayer for both you and Tun Dr Siti Hasmah always. As an ANSARA boy I had once stepped foot on the yard of your house in the Mines. I once broke fast with you and other ANSARA boys in your official residence in Putrajaya. As an ANSARA boy I readily admit that I have benefited from the NEP and I am not ashamed of it. In fact I am thankful to the government for the policy. As a mark of my Malay pride however I strive to ensure that none of my children will ever need the handicap afforded to me. That means a lot of sacrifice on my part

  102. As an ordinary person I could easily mumble away if I am not sure what to say. Hardly anyone want to listen to me anyway. But as a leader, the content must be well thought of before making any pronouncement. The mark of statesmanship is not only what need to be said but also those best unsaid.
    We have a penchant to use catch phrases to catch public attention and thus fashionable for politicians to quickly ape foreign statements (1Israel, We are One, …) in a “desire to be linked with other countries” as Tun mentioned.
    The PM is leading us into a fuzzy world of IMalaysia as he defined very loosely and let the politicians, communities and individual rakyat seek its meaning and direction. Rais started by conducting senamrobik. DPM said he is a Malay first. PM has to fire his political aide. My immediate reaction to 1M is a feeling of insecurity that dulled my brain how to make sense ot it.
    Now many are getting into the bandwagon of 1 (ONE). Rais got 1B for broadband development.Then how much the Ministry of Agriculture and Agro-based Industries got to strengthen food security? Our rice production is till at 60%. I suggest that he should be aiming for 1B+1B+1B+1B+1B.
    The severe flooding in many countries seems to be a global trend. The omen is that rice production in Thailand and Vietnam, our main suppliers, also in Malaysia may be ravaged by above normal flood during the coming monsoon.
    My guesstimate is that the Ministry of Agriculture would require 1B+1B+1B+1B+1B (5billion) to open up major rice bowls especially in Sarawak and Sabah, and to set up a national rice research institute/board to coordinate all development – land, water, crop, processing, by-products, marketing etc on rice industry. Indonesia and Japan can be self-sufficient why not us?
    Food security is national security for 1Malaysia. Perhaps that is how I define 1Malaysia!

  103. I really don’t understand how someone as intelligent as you can come up with statements that are so blatantly ignorant.
    I’m 25 years old and my granparents came from Kerala and I only speak English and Malay. I’ve never been to India, don’t speak the language and all I can say is tanah tumpahnya darahku. How dare you talk about fair distribution when you and your cronies have amassed vast fortunes at the expense of others? I don’t see you going out among the less fortunate Malays and equitably distributing your wealth! If I follow from what you wrote you didn’t deserve a place at medical school whic means you took the place of someone who better deserved it. Which is what is happening all over this country in every arena. Its not racial issues that the people are most concerned about its a lack of competency that is perpetuated because of racial policies. Malaysians would not care if the vast majority of the government were Malay if they were able to discharge their duties competently. If there were 10 doctors and only one was Malay I would go to him if he was best at his job. But we have idiots running this country (the government, the police, the MACC, the judiciary) to the ground and they happen to be a Malay majority so of course people are pissed. Do you think Malaysians would be angry if the country was well run just because it was run by a Malay majority. Take a serious look at the majority of politicians here (non malays included) – they are morons! The government is in shambles, the police are seen as the enemy and the judiciary is a joke – you really think intelligent Malaysians are angry at the Malays in general? We are angry at those in power because we cannot trust you to do what’s in Malaysia’s best interest, we don’t feel safe in our own country, we have no freedom of expression because you need to keep us quiet to stay in power and we don’t believe that when there is a crime commited you are actually to get to the bottom of it unless it serves your own interests. This racially charged hate mongering has to stop, it’s stupid and unnecessary. The real issue is our country is badly run and yet the government insists on discriminitory policies that seems to ensure it continuity. Did you ever stop to think that the person who’s place you took in medical school could have been the one to lead Malaysia the way it deserves? Maybe that merits discussion?

  104. Dear Sir,
    To quote your words – “It is my belief that if the percentage of Chinese in the United Kingdom for example is the same as in Malaysia, UK would be better developed than it is now. It is not surprising that the Chinese excel in developing Malaysia (for which they are amply rewarded).
    It is not shameful to lose out against them”
    It may be hypothetical, but I think there is some degree of possibility. However, it depends also on whether the British are willing to give their Chinese population the same things the Malays of Malaysia had given to them, namely all the political and economic freedom, and freedom to keep their schools, language, cultures, build temples and cemeteries, ownership of land and properties and sharing of political power as per the rights of full fledged citizens. In USA and parts of Europe,even the Muslims are not welcomed, in some places despised and shown uncensored hatred. In parts of the USA deep south, yellow skin people (Vietnamese, Chinese) face discrimination in the open. Try to enter a Whiteman bar and dance with a blonde, most likely you are in for trouble (after you finish dancing). It’s common knowledge, that racism and discrimination are still prevalent in many parts of Whiteman’s land – whether it’s England, Australia, USA, Europe, when you are of different culture, skin color, religion, language, eating habits, etc., unless you blend, and get incorporated and assimilated into the dominant culture, namely doing their ways.
    You can be an economically successful Asian or Oriental in England, but to have the same freedom as you have here in Malaysia as a community, I personally dont believe you can. You want to get a Whiteman to be your driver? Your jaga? your amah? Your officeboy? To have sharing of political power like here in Malaysia? Here cultural superiority supercedes economic necessity.
    I agree it’s not shameful to lose out to anyone who is better, in the classroom, in exam results, in business, and even in wealth accumulation. Like most other natives in other countries, the Malays and other Bumiputras (and pribumis in Indonesia) are slow, just too slow. Slow to learn, to act or react. It’s probably in the genes, relatively speaking. The Malay trait of being culturally accomodative and tolerant gives them good moral standing, but economically and politically considered adverse traits. You just lose out. The Colonial British especially used this to their advantage.
    As the original native of the land, the Malays and other Bumiputras now own very little of the national wealth, are now politically divided, are on the verge of losing political power, losing their heritage, their identity (with this 1Malaysia thing), and among the many that I know, are really worried of losing their dignity. You may contemplate what might possibly can happen.
    Now the British are good learners of other people’s problems, and the racial problems of Malaysia in particular are studied well and indepth. Going back to what I had quoted from you above, namely to have as many Chinese in UK as in Malaysia, I dont think the British will ever let that happen in their motherland. The Jews had already done that.

  105. Salam sejahtera TUN dan semuga Allah Yang Maha Kuasa akan sentiasa merahmati tuan.
    saya amat bersetuju dengan pandangan TUN dalam perkara ini dan saya memang telah menulis dalam bolg saya sebelum ini yang bertajuk “UNTUNGNYA CINA DI MALAYSIA” beberapa bulan lalu. Justifkasi saya:
    1. Pada awal kedatangan kaum cina ke malaysia menduduki kawasan pertumbuhan ekonomi, justeru itu banyak peluang ekonomi direbut oleh mereka terlebih dahulu sehinggal lah May 13, 1969 dimana penstrukturan ekonomi dilakukan melalui DEB.
    2. DEB memang dengan jelas berjaya membawa perpaduan dan pengagihan ekonomi yang agak berjaya dan akan lebih berjaya dengan sedikit pembetulan terutama pengagihan ekonomi dikalangan bumiputera yang dilihat lebih condong kepada golongan politik (proxy cina atau alibaba).
    3. MEB yang dilancarkan oleh Ds Najib adalah baik dan sesuai jika semua atau sebahagian besar kaum bumiputra sudah mencapai “handicap single” dan bersaing secara kompetitif dengan kaum lain. Justeru itu MEB akan menjadi baik jika sekiranya MEB mempunyai “affirmative action” yang di PERKASAkan. Bukan MEB yang lupakan segala galanya tentang kaum bumiputra yang ramai kerana ini akan timbul jurang ekonomi yang lebih luas dan seterusnya akan membawa kepada kerapuhan keharmonian dan perpaduan antara kaum. Justeru imbangan antara matlamat ekonomi dan perpaduan kaum haruslah wujud.
    4. Majoriti ekonomi wujud daripada perniagaan dan walau seramai mana sekalipun orang melayu/ bumiputra berada dialam makan gaji, maka selama itu lah jurang ekonomi akan tetap wujud. Justeru itu pertolongan kerajaan dalam membangunkan melayu/bumiputra dalam perniagaan melalui affrimative action amatlah diperlukan.
    5. Apa yang berlaku dimalaysia sekarang ini adalah merupakan permainan politik jual lelong atau dalam bahasa bisnis dipanggil “Focus low cost strategy” dengan niat ingin memnacing undi kaum yang tertentu dengan matlamat ingin berkuasa sahaja. Sedangkan kerajaan BN bermotif kuasa dan waktu yang sama ingin memastkikan rakyat secara umum berjaya. Melihat kpd keadaan ini memang lah “low cost strategy” seolah olah akan lebih menarik kepada kaum tertentu dan golongan tertentu.
    6. Secara ringkasnya apa yang diutarakan oleh TUN amat benar dan harus dilihat secara positif bukan perkauman dan memang ianya amat penting dalam masyarakat yang berbilang kaum yang pada waktu yang sama kaum majoriti jauh ketinggalan kerana harga yang akan dibayar kemuadian hari lebih mahal.
    sekian terima kasih

  106. Dear Tun,
    I am referring to the comment posted by ‘milshah’ on October 13, 2010 10:15 PM as below:
    ‘The reality of the facts does not support this. I was informed that Malay equity in the economy is 19%. This is with PNB, Tabung Haji,etc. If without these GLCs holding on behalf of the Malays, the direct ownership of Malays in the economy is actually 2%. The Malays, comprising 60% of the population, owning only 2% of the economy. We should be very grateful our country is still peaceful as it is given that fact.’
    2. If the above is true, under the Economic Transformation Program (ETP), the Malays’ economic equity is expected to be a lot lower than 19%. Under the ETP, the current Government Linked Companies (GLCs) are targeted to be listed in the forthcoming years. This means, shares will be sold to the public including the non-Malays. Rich non-Malays who excessively outnumber rich Malays will be able to buy the shares. We can start seeing Vincent Tan and Lim Goh Tong taking charge of the current GLCs in future.
    3. Many GLCs are now in oligopolistic market. If huge portions of these GLCs’ shares are bought by the non-Malays, it can be literally said that the market is to be dominated by the non-Malays. The Malays will be put in an almost impossible position to catch up.

  107. assallammualaikum TDMM & keluarga smuga sihat selalu hendak nya..amin.
    DAP,PKR,PAS, bolih pergi semua pelusok dunia jemput semua kaum cina, india, datang & jadi rayat persekutuan tanah melayu (malaysia)jadi pengundi tetap negeri kelantan,pulau pinang, selangor supaya terus berkuasa sampai mati.
    kalau tak selesai juga jadikan malaysia sebahgian AMERIKA SYARIKAT pengundi PAS,PKR,DAP lebih berminat bersama USA
    SULTAN,TYT ; bergilir setiap 3 tahun kepada cina,hindu,melayu campur.

  108. Dear Tun,
    Thanks for explaining the 1Malaysia concept so clearly. But then I still think Najib’s 1Malaysia is more political than anything else.
    I am continually amazed by the stories of Tun Razak and Tun Dr. Ismail. It seems that their struggles are more real in the making of Malaysia. 1Malaysia to them is achieved by default rather than by purpose.
    And aren’t we a selfish lot. Why are in hurry to achieve this 1Malaysia,now? It is not like getting 9 As in SPM. It is not a target, what is beyond that? Someone mentioned Obama here, well it took the United States of America, emphasis on United States, more 200 years to put him there. It is a working progress. Lambat laun akan tercapai juga.

  109. Salam TUN,
    Your points, are as conflicting as how other M’sian inteprete 1Malaysia.
    QUOTING {One has to remember that the Chinese civilisation is more than 4000 years old. No other civilisation has lasted that long. Naturally they have developed a culture better able to survive under all conditions. }
    QUOTING {For as long as the Chinese and Indians prefer to be identified with their countries of origins. For as long as they want to keep their home languages and their schools.}
    IT is funny you quote those of them who have 4000 yrs old civilization, to forgo all what they have, and learn fr mediocre one? WHY NOT the other way round~!! all because of RACIAL EGO. that’s why you are name MALAY ULTRA.
    TUN, i am from your hometown ALORSTAR, vote under your constituency JITRA, i don’t get special treatment / privilege like those UMNO-PUTRA. I am not politician, i dont need to woo support from chinese, indian by saying something which is CONSCIENTIOUSLY RIGHT. SO, i believe i earn my right to say, GET RID of the tongkat SLOWLY, Learn from those with better (be it CHINESE, INDIAN, JEWS, OWN RACE – Malay)
    If you want to compare that way. Compare M’sia with S’pore.
    Given the best resources we have, HANDLED by stupid team, all things flop.
    With a championship team, even with mediocre resource, things / country prosper.

  110. Salam Tun & Bloggers,
    Already a hot topic being discussed. I really admire your passion. Well, If I want to comment anything it must come from my personal point of view being a Malay and Muslim myself.
    First of all, I am the kind of a person who like to put Islam first the rest later. This is not to show that I am such a pious person nor I am from PAS but it is just the way i like it to be. Why? because Islam is the only platform where I can trully enjoy one identity, to genuinely regard other Muslim as brothers. There should be no form of discrimination in Islam by Muslim in good faith.
    In Islam I was taught equally love all Muslim there is no difference between me, the Mat Salleh muslim, the Chineese Muslim, the Indian Muslim and whatnots. However, due to confusion of some fatwa, facts or knowledge modern Muslim became divided where some group started to distinct themselves from others such as anti-hadis, syiah, whatever.. I don’t like division.
    Based on the above, I think all Muslim should be recognised as one identity. I further think that Rasulullah has taught us how to effectively deal with the non-Muslim so as to achieve prosperity. Therefore, I recommend all Muslim to be united as one and non-Muslim be treated accordingly without any harm as shown by our Rasullullah.
    In this manner I would rather be seen as Conservative than a Democrat.

  111. Salam Tun,
    1. present day malays have a very strong rejection of other cultures and therefore are unable to really learn from other cultures, especially from chinese and indian. the arab culture is dominant in the malays of today.
    2. the stronger malays of the liberation generation ( those who liberated us from the british ) are much stronger in that they are able to take in any culture. they have no fear. Tan Sri P. Ramlee for example mock all the cultures that invaded us malays. malays today are no longer liberated.
    3. so the present the malays have to be freed from themselves in order to become strong again. being strong means to be able to take whatever culture and benefit from it. yes, take in chinese, indian, arab, japanese, french, american, european, russian, or whatever culture we feel is good for our own individual progress, and go.
    the question is, can the government do this without risking its own power ?

  112. Salam to YAB Tun, Semoga sihat walafiat hendaknya,
    Sesungguhnya sakit itu satu ujian Allah untuk semua manusia dan kita hendaklah menerima ketentuan Allah ini denngan sabar dan mengambil iktibar darinya. Alhamdulillah, saya mendoakan kesehatan Tun untuk terus cergas dan mantap dengan pandangan yang terus bernas dan

  113. Dear Tun,
    The majority of Malaysians of chinese origin today are just being very practical. The reason they want to keep chinese schools now is different from the reason 60 years ago. My father, in fact, was sent to national school because at the time my grandparents thought that there were better prospects learning English. My dad sent me to chinese school for the same reason, ensuring at the same time that he tutored me in English and sent me to a Malay teacher for language lessons. He himself is learning Mandarin now.
    I think that if vision schools are set up, the workaround would be the way things are conducted in national secondary schools now where pupils split up when it is time for “second language” classes i.e. Mandarin, Tamil, Arabic, etc. I understand that they are also split up when it comes to classes for Islamic and Moral education. All this I think would also work better if the other common subjects (i.e. other than language subjects) including Science and Maths are taught in English because English does not “belong” to any one particular Malaysian ethnic group. Let not certain groups draw parallels with the Japanese who learn Science and Maths in Japanese. They are both producers and consumers of knowledge whereas Malaysia is still very much at the stage where we consume knowledge only. Only when we are advanced enough to produce knowledge of our own should we start thinking of doing this in the Malay language.
    Wishing you good health always.

  114. Salam, tun..
    This is my first comment on this excellent blog..
    Whatever bad things they all said about you, Tun, it is because they love you, They know that Tun has the brain, the guts, the knowledge and they feel threatened by your comments. In fact, they feel ashamed of themselves. They should be.
    If not, they wouldn’t even bother to read your blog, right?
    Enough said.
    Always the admirer of your job. Malaysia wouldn’t be as good as it is now if not because of you.
    Hopefully we can make it better with your help.
    Take good care of yourself Tun..
    May god bless you always.

  115. Assalamualaikum Tun
    It’s great to hear from you again !.
    Everybody is confuse about 1Malaysia even Najib as well, in his exitement being appointed as Prime Minister he anounce his adminstrative aproched to develop 1Malaysia far from relizing what 1Malaysia is like.
    Till now we havent’s heard what are the foundation of 1Malaysia,what we see is just another political retoric. I do belive 1Malaysia to Najib is just that the Chinese/Indian can take nasi lemak and the Malay can take tosey and kuey tiow part of participating in each other foods gathering during each other festival that being organise by the relevent autorities.
    Neglecting the core factor in developing 1Malaysia that is the language barrier resulting from the vernecular school system that isolate them amongs thier own kinds. They are born to different etenic with different envoirment,go to different kindergarden then to different school of different language medium and serounding,what sorts of 1Malaysia we could see where they couldn’t hardly interect with each other becouse of the language barrier .
    1Malaysia is more then just taking nasi lemak.


  117. Most of the readers read but do not understand what Tun is trying to point out like Alex.
    1. If you want to be Bangsa Malaysia, speaks and write in Bahasa Malaysia and English when you talk with your Chinese Colleague, no more Chinese School – mandatory;
    2.Still in the mind set of politics. Guess Bumiputra is only for Malays, how about Iban, Kadazan?. Actually who is having the bigger cakes of cronies?. A Chinese businessman giving contracts to bumiputra? Come on..
    3. The Chinese should change their attitude for not become too greedy. High difference standard living status between races will lead too?.
    4. Oh still UMNO? Everything got to do with UMNO? Look what DAP has done for Bumiputra in Penang just in 3 years?. I think better Malaysia revert back to Communism, all of us having the same size of cake, no matter how well you as businessman, your wealth must be share with all of us, equally.
    Vision 2020 came from Tun, that is the target, that we should be striving for. Equality in knowledge, skills, profession, opportunities. 57 years is too short to make a differences or to change the society. Probably you think that it only took 50 years for China to become an empire?
    Why do we send Malaysian student to Japan if we need to learn their knowledge?. Why not all Malaysian school using Bahasa Malaysia and English instead 3 different languages, banned the job requirement for needing those who can speaks Mandarin or Cantonese? Do that first then you can proudly to claim that you are “Bangsa Malaysia”.

  118. salam Tun,
    to Alex,
    You are asking questions implying we go the way of meritocracy ala Singapore.But equitable wealth distribution for all races is definitely not part of their plan as 95% of their total wealth belongs to one race only.
    There are many things that we Malays can learn from the Chinese but there are also many things that you can learn from us especially tolerancy and compassion.
    Did you ever realise that in the private sector Malays are being discriminated upon and end up getting lower salaries and less perks than their Chinese counterparts?Even when they have provided proof of their capabilities to manage and show profitability to a business entity better than their counterparts?
    I know of a company where the subsidiary is a 100% Malay-run entity and recorded the most profits year in year out to the point so much so the other Chinese run subsidiaries had to study and emulate their work ethics and business plan.Yet the loyal managers of this company continue to earn less than half of what some of these loss making ventures equal ranks are getting.
    The injustice is that these Malays find it hard to get top salaries elsewhere even after having proven themselves in being better at management as the private sector is dominated by the Chinese.
    You see Alex,this meritocracy bullshit is a myth.It was proven in Singapore’s case as there are countless ways that ultra kiasus and bigots in white collar can skim beneath the surface,skin the cat and get away with it.Fair play to them is only when they benefit the most.
    Please keep your questions to yourself.If you want tertiary education there are lots of private unis popping up like mushrooms after rain.After all in the private sector these student have better chances of securing a job than those coming from public unis.
    Dont try to highlight your grievances as though we dont have ours.

  119. It is the politicians that have perpetuated the racial divide for their own self interests,and you are no exception.Leave the people be and they will be just fine!It is the politicians that(especially UMNO)that have intentionally kept playing up racial politics to remain in power.Just look at the Malays in Singapore (their ability,confidence and being just as capable as the others)and you will see what I mean.
    Anyway,civilisation does not make anyone successful!India too has had a long history but look at the Indians in malaysia!!
    What is needed is hard work in order to achieve success(there is no other way) but when you give one race everything for free,what do you expect them to turn out to be?

  120. Tun,
    izinkan saya jawab tulisan ” Bumi kenyalang ”
    Saya nak tegaskan di sini sekali lagi atas kenyataan saudara bahawa pekerja melayu di pihak swasta mendapat gaji yang lebih rendah berbanding kaum bukan bumiputra. Saya telah banyak kali utarakan di blog ini bahawa orang melayu tak patut salah kan ini semua kerana kebanyakan lulusan kaum bumiputra dari universiti adalah tidak layak langsung.
    Mereka dapat masuk ke universiti tempatan dan luar nagara atas kuato semata-mata dan bukan atas kebolehan masing-masing. Mungkin 10 % adalah yang bijak tetapi apabila 10 % yang bijak tadi dicampur-adukkan sekali dengan 90 % yang tidak bijak akhirnya mengelirukan majikan yang mana sebenarnya yang betul-betul bijak. Lain pulak bagi kaum bukan bumiputra, mereka yang terpilih adalah antara ” best of the best ” kerana kekurang tempat yang di khaskan untuk mereka, apabila mereka lulus pihak majikan tak perlu bimbang kerana 100 % adalah yang terbaik.
    Kelayakan dari segi kertas sahaja tak guna wahai melayu, kalau mahu betul-betul mahu di pandang tinggi dan dihormati buang lah kuato itu.
    Terima kasih

  121. Assalamu’alaikum Tun,
    kami sekeluarga mendoakan semuga Tun cepat sembuh dan kembali sihat seperti sediakala untuk terus mendidik anak bangsa.cinta Tun kpd Bangsa dan Tanahair menjadi pendorong semangat Tun untuk kekal sihat.semuga Allah Subhanaullah Ta’ala mengurniakan Tun sekerluarga dgn kesihatan yg baik dan umur yg panjang.
    tentang topik terbaru yg Tun tulis ini,saya rasa dasar 1Malaysia pada akhir nya akan membawa kita kpd penyesalan yg sama dgn pemberian kerakyatan kpd orang-orang asing.kita hilang S’pura,kita hilang Batu Putih,kita hilang hak kita keatas Koswe,yg dibina ketika LKY dan sebilangan besar orang-orang Cina masih kelaparan di negara mereka.kita hilang hak mutlak memonopoli bumi kita sendiri yg kini kita terpaksa kongsi kerakyatan dgn mereka.kita hilang tanah keretapi,kita hilang majoriti-ekonomi…saya pelik kenapa kita belum serik-serik.
    kenapa Pembesar-pembesar kita,satu demi satu beriya-iya benar menghulur salam perdamaian kpd orang-orang asing yg kejujuran dan keikhlasan tidak ada dalam kamus budaya mereka? tidak kah para pemimpibn kita tahu bahwa bangsa asing yg satu ini menghidap penyakit superiority-complex peringkat tinggi,dimana mereka berasa sebagai bangsa yg lebih hebat,lebih bertamadun,mereka berhak menguasai negara bangsa-bangsa yg lebih lemah sebab mereka lebih berupaya memajukan negeri-negeri itu?
    kenapa kerajaan begitu enggan bertindak tegas dalam menjamin penakatan Bumiputra?lupa kah kita kpd layanan terhadap orang Melayu Singapura?..saya tidak anti bangsa pendatang,tapi saya begitu takut suatu hari nanti Kerajaan Islam dan Raja-raja Melayu akan gulung tikar dari Nusantara ini.kemudian apa akan jadi dgn anakcucu kita?
    tanpa perlindungan undang-undang,kehilangan kuasa bukanlah mustahil.ia adalah ancaman nyata dan serius.
    bangsa China di Malaysia ini mendapat layanan yg istimewa.dapat hak berbudaya,dapat hak beragama dan dapat pula hak mengundi sedangkan di negara mereka sendiri pun ini semua tidak diizinkan untuk mereka nikmati.tapi adakah mereka bersyukur? malah mereka jadi lebih tamak.mereka tetap mintak yg lebih banyak.
    sudah tiba masa nya kerajaan mengkaji formula baru untuk kedamaian jangkapanjang Negara dan Bangsa.sudi lah kira nya Majlis Raja-raja campurtangan untuk mengekang kuasa seorang Perdana Menteri agar tidak melampaui kuasa Agama,Bangsa dan Negara.sebab kedaulatan sebuah Negara bukan lah milik seorang Perdana Menteri atau Raja.ia adalah milik seluruh Bangsa,dari generasi sekarang hingga lah ke ribuan generasi mendatang.
    bumi kita harus kekal ditangan bangsa kita.orang asing,dalam jumlah yg kecil,yg tidak mengancam Agama,Budaya,Ekonomi dan kuasa Politik kita adalah dzimmi yg wajib kita lindungi dan punya hak setara kita.tapi seandai nya peratusan mereka melebihi dua angka,kita tak dapat tidak harus bertindak drastik menyelamatkan anakcucu kita.lebih-lebih lagi terhadap kaum yg begitu agresif menentang hak-hak kita.
    terimakasih Tun.

  122. My Salam to you and Tun Dr Hasmah.
    I’m very happy to see that you are back in action.
    You are truly one of the very few outstanding personalities with plenty of common sense and wisdom.
    But as usual, there are idiots out there still unable to comprehend what you are trying to say. Some of them are narrow minded lawyers who must have read their law books upside down and had their exam papers marked by intoxicated Irish drinking imitation whisky in the toilets at the Inns of Court.
    Thank you Tun.

  123. Tun,glad to hear that your health is a non bumiputra n suffering sinced 3 years ago.lots of my friends also non bumiputra also susah cari makan.even cant pay the house rental for months.are we entitled for handicaps?or just because our roots is not bumiputra?banyak orang cina dan orang india juga dalam kesusahan Tun.bak pepatah orang cina”tangan berhenti,mulut turut berhenti” means if we r jobless, we cant even feed the family.dah nyata sudah jadi victims of NEP.i apologise to u if im wrong.pls correct……..

  124. Assalamualaikum Tun,
    First and foremost I do hope you have a speedy recovery and remain healthy always. We still need your words of wisdom and guidance.
    I met an friend just the other day. He was talking about his university days in the UK. I on the other hand did my degree in University Malaya. Although I am a local grad, I am ever grateful. At least I don’t have any study loans to pay like he does since I was on scholarship.
    Anyway, he was saying that over there there were many Malaysians, both Chinese and Malays. Most of the Malays are on study loans sponsored by JPA, Mara, Petronas,etc. The Malays are of course the brightest of the Malays to have been chosen to study abroad. Although they were bright students, they could have never studied abroad if not for the sponsorship. Anyway, my friend was telling me, even with support by sponsorship, the Malays comprise only 5% of total Malaysians. As you may have guessed the remaining 95% Malaysians are Chinese. Most of the Chinese are self sponsored by FAMA (father and mother). This shows how strong the Chinese are as compared to the Malays. If sponsorship is also open to the Chinese, then the 5% for Malays must be reduced. If equal sponsorship is given to Malays and Chinese, then in totality the Chinese would increase their % to 97.5% and Malays reduced to 2.5%. I guess this is what equality and fairness is about.
    Another strong point about the Chinese, even in universities days they would help each other out. The seniors would help the juniors in terms of finding accommodation, lecture notes, even tutoring. The Malays, although they may help the Malay juniors, they are not as rigorous as the Chinese.
    Which explains why even in the working place or even in business, the Chinese continue help their fellow brethren. The more successful Chinese will help the less successful Chinese. Their bond is very strong. The Chinese customer will buy from Chinese business to support. They will donated and support the Chinese schools. That is why they are very successful as a race.
    Malays on the other, once successful, then its “Lu, Lu, gua ,gua”. If the less successful Malays are not successful, then tough luck. Your own is your own. Thats why we hear many successful Malays support meritocracy. That is why the Malays are as we see now. Everyone is on their own.
    I have never said for the crutches to remain forever. Indeed, if my race is as successful as the Chinese, or better, I would like to have a proud and successful Malays without crutches. But now is not the right time. The reality of the facts does not support this. I was informed that Malay equity in the economy is 19%. This is with PNB, Tabung Haji,etc. If without these GLCs holding on behalf of the Malays, the direct ownership of Malays in the economy is actually 2%. The Malays, comprising 60% of the population, owning only 2% of the economy. We should be very grateful our country is still peaceful as it is given that fact.
    In chess, we have what is called “a force move”. Meaning certain things must happen to achieve a certain objective. If the Malays are to catch up with the Chinese, then special attention must be given for them to develop. If the Chinese progress at 10%, then the Malays must progress 20% or more. If every race progress equal at 10%, then forever the Malays will be left behind. And forever we will never become a Bangsa Malaysia.
    The sooner the Malays are strong and successful, the closer we are at becoming Bangsa Malaysia. Once the Malays are successful, race will no longer be issue as I’m sure they would also want to prove their worth by competing. The Chinese would also have what they want of equality and meritocracy. But it all begins with the success of the Malays as a race. That is the force move for 1 Malaysia and Bangsa Malaysia to become a reality.
    If equality and meritocracy is introduce now, the Malays compared to the Chinese will be akin to our national football team fighting with the Brazilian football team. Sure its on equal level playing field. The rules are same for both team. But no one will betting on the Malaysian side to win.

  125. Wow Mr Mahathir, you make so much sense after being in the hospital. That was your best piece of essay to date. I have to admit, it is more subtle and pleasing to read. No more racial rhetorics and more consolidatory.
    Im sure a watered down NEP will be formulated to take into consideration every race’s needs. I care less about the 30% bumi equity quota. I used put a lot of opposition to it but at the same time i acknowledge that if the quota system is put to an end, the country would do much better globally (ie your take on England would do so much if they have the same composition of chinese as it is in Malaysia) but im happy if all the races progress together.
    As a chinese, i throw my support for a single national schooling system with Science and Math to be taught in english. Bahasa Malaysia would be the official language. As i have said before (in other comments), if a student wants to learn Mandarin or Tamil, they can go to special classes like how kids in Australia who learns French, German or Japanese. Special classes! As a former student of a sekolah kebangsaan, i dont see why not.
    However Science and Math must not be thought in Bahasa because it will only ruin our competitiveness globally as the more acceptable terms in Science are in English. I always hate if when we call call Sodium as Natrium (although its origin is a Latin one).
    But one thing i hate about the NEP, in fact i despise the most, is the higher tertiary quota system. The government claimed that it has done away with the quota system but the fact is the quota system is still being exercised by the government. Education is not for politic. Education is the foundation of Malaysia. It is not a playground for politicians to dwell in. You cannot discriminate a person’s background and race and using that as a valid reason to destroy his/her future. Its just Nazi! Utterly disgusting! Higher tertiary eduation is the most important education in a person’s life. Everyone should be entitled to it. The government has to understand this and accept it. Pour more funds in this sector if it needs to accommodate more non-bumis. The government seeks to keep the talent pool inside of Malaysia, i strongly suggest opening up the higher tertiary eduacation system to all races. Remember, educatation should not be politicised.
    Anyway, i have to disagree on the fact that a quota system serve its purpose at its present form, the NEP. The mechanics of NEP is ill structured. You must agree with me in sayaing that it does not achieve its primary purpose of distributing wealth amongst Malays. Only Pak Dato and Pak Tan Sri gets the moolah. What about Pak Kampung, Abu and Ahmad?
    The present government must not manipulate their votes by clamouring rhetorics of racial injustice and unequal opportunity of the Malays while it is the top brass that are constantly reaping he benefits of NEP. Who in the right mind wants a handful of top Malay elites to unjustly enriching themselves while poor Abu and Ahmad has to work their ass off to earn a measly living. Is that what our forefathers envisioned a Malay makan Malay world?
    NEP is ill structured because of the policies of the present government has come to endorse it. Those policies, apparently, has its origin in Mr Mahathir’s time.
    A better NEP system would be that of the Malays to compete with Malays themselves within the NEP system. Thats the effect we want from NEP in my point of view.
    Government tender/contracts which are bound to be classified within the NEP must be transparent. The existence of such a contract must be made known to the majority of the Malays. The tender process must be transparent. Every contestant’s application must be put on notice on a publc register to be scrutinised by everyone except for some trade secrets and confidentiality matters. With this method in place, equal distribution will not only be guaranteed but the Malays will get to learn the concept of competitiveness. Remember, the NEP must introduce the concept of rewarding those who put in effort and time in their work and at the same time, teach them the art of business. I dont want Malays to be complacent and always saying God’s willing. God will always help you if you help yourself. You are the engine, god is the turbo. Its not the other way around. You have to start something and he will reward you.
    Anyway back tot he topic. With this system in place, Pak Kampung, Abu and Ahmad can compete with Pak Dato and Pak Tan Sri without fearing biasness. With that in mind, other policies that complement or supplement the NEP will have to change. For example, loans from banks and what not. If a Dato and Ahmad are applying for a loan on the basis of competing for a contract, there must be merit in which the loan is given out. If Ahmad has a better proposition than Dato, then Ahman should get the loan. However, the government linked financial institution like MARA in this context will always favour Dato over Ahmad. This must stop. Bank must make commercially viable decisions. If Ahmad has a better proposition (which means a better and safer investment for the banks) than the financial institution should support Ahmad for the purpose of NEP.
    In due course, the Malays will understand that if they put their blod and sweat into their business, they will enjoy reaping its benefits. It will be a drving force for them to succeed in life and they will be H-A-P-P-Y 🙂
    Ps Dont feel bad Mr Mahathir for losing out to other races. As long as you try your best and you should be proud of what you have done!
    everyone is meant for greatness and the battleground is not limited to education. You were probably a good doctor which you should probably stick with..haha.

  126. Salam Tun,
    Scenario 1
    “Welcome to XXXXX Berhad”
    “Press 1 for English”
    “Press 2 for Mandarin’
    “Press 3 for BAHASA MALAYSIA
    Scenario 2
    “Welcome to YYYYY Berhad”
    “Press 1 for Mandarin”
    “Press 2 for English”
    “Press 3 for BAHASA MALAYSIA
    Inilah nasib Malaysia ku

  127. Tun,
    “One has to remember that the Chinese civilisation is more than 4000 years old. No other civilisation has lasted that long. Naturally they have developed a culture better able to survive under all conditions…”
    Thank you. To me, this is motivation ! I will tell my 2 teenage son and daughter about this…
    For your information, like many others, we have been happily helping Malays. But, he/she has to work hard to “earn” our helps. We don’t take avantage of “their situations” but we reward them accordingly, and they are happy.
    1Malaysia ? I think PM Najib wants to unite all races, helping each other to make Malaysia a “Developed Nation” in the shortest possible time (if not by 2020), to motivate and help Malays to be “in par with Chinese and Indian” and (Malay, Chinese, Indian…) to be identified as “Proud Malaysian”.
    Likewise, I think you too may also share the same but just because you “love UMNO too much”, you are at times not “as straight forward as you can be”. Correct me if i am wrong.

  128. Dear Tun Mahathir,
    As a chinese foreigner from Indonesia, I have observed how Malaysia race relationship progressed. I always thought that there were very high dissatisfaction among races in the past and one day it may actually turn into riot like what happened in indonesia. However, during the downfall of Tun Abdullah Badawi, I realized how he had actually played a major part in defusing the tension and future possible riot among races. He knowingly allowed reverse psychological dialogue where people are becoming conscious and dared to speak up about their frustration. During his downfall, chinese citizens begin to vent their frustration on his leadership, but unconsciously many of chinese citizens are also projecting their long term frustration, which among many of them “appeared” to be unfair treatment among races. In “certain” extent, this allows a more balanced psychology where frustration had unleashed rather than subsumed by consummation of conceal dissatisfaction and hatred. We may criticize him for many matters, but his greatest contribution to the country is that he had tried to designate “certain” level of dialogue among races, soft modernization of religion that will allow for better religious mindset among its citizens to progress in the economy.
    As for your policy Tun Mahathir, I observed how true NEP can bring benefits and equilibrium to the whole country economy and politics as compared to my country indonesia. It must continue and not “forfeited” with the condition that the implementation of it actually benefits and able to elevate most malays to progress economically which this had been critical to the progress of 2020 vision. However, most of the time, it has been under my observance that politician has used this as golden egg to court citizens favour in election. If this continues to be so, then the only mindset they have is to be deliberately prolong this further without genuinely benefits their citizens to achieve for 2020 vision.
    As for most Chinese I observed, there are majority of them who are mainstream and not ultranationalist as some politicians may indicated. The mainstream chinese solely care about the standard of their living (economy) rather than politics. If the government lay emphasis in English language and provide ample “skilled teachers” who able to teach “standard” English language and mandarin in government school, and most importantly, able to promote it to the public and instill confidence for chinese citizens to believe its teachers are up to standard, class in proportion and “has very good economical value” in it, there is little reason why these mainstream chinese will not be attracted to it. Promotion is imperative: the tag can be change as “semi private governmental school”, to act as catalyst to introduce new concepts and disremember poor recollection of past government school that been widely perceived by many chinese as having poor economic value, cultural suppression in it.
    I honestly believe in the future chinese will see the wisdom that ” if ” NEP managed to push low income group of citizens to higher income level, they can economically benefited from more consumerism rate and can acted as strong buffer during financial crisis.
    However, while NEP policy can benefits, can Tun comment how to implement it more effectively so that it can precisely assist the targeted group of citizens?
    Yours Sincerely,
    Hendrianto Tjang

  129. Salam Tun,
    Apa akan terjadi kalau 2 orang Cina Malaysia bertemu dan kedua duanya boleh bertutur Bahasa Malaysia :-
    Mr A – bahasa ibunda Hokkien
    – pendidikan sekolah Cina Mandarin
    Mr B – bahasa ibunda Cantonese
    – pendidikan sekolah Inggeris
    Priority bahasa yang akan mereka cuba seperti berikut :-
    PERTAMA – bahasa ibunda, jika gagal kerana bahasa ibunda berbeza
    KEDUA – bahasa Mandarin, jika gagal kerana B bersekolah inggeris
    KETIGA – bahasa Inggeris, jika gagal kerana A bersekolah Cina
    KEEMPAT – cari jurubahasa
    Padahal kedua dua nya boleh bertutur bahasa kebangsaan. Sebab tu lah kita tak pernah tengok Cina Malaysia bertutur bahasa kebangsaan sesama mereka seperti Cina di Thailand dan Indonesia. Itupun ada hati nak minta hak samarata sedangkan mereka sendiri menonjolkan diri mereka sebagai BANGSA ASING.
    Puncanya satu saja : SISTEM PERSEKOLAHAN 3 MALAYSIA

  130. Assalamualaikum Tun,
    1.Sangat setuju dgn Tun…
    12. Question: It is now more than 50 years since independence. For how long do the Malays expect to be treated as special and different from the other citizens?
    Answer: For as long as the Chinese and Indians prefer to be identified with their countries of origins. For as long as they want to keep their home languages and their schools.
    2.Kalau Orang Cina & India tak mahu juga berubah biarlah ianya dikekalkan sambai bila-bila.
    3.Kecewa apabila mendapati masih ada segelintir Bangsa Pendatang ini walaupun lahir di Tanah Melayu dah hampir 50 tahun tapi masih tak tahu bercakap Melayu.
    4.Orang seperti ini sebaiknya dihantar pulang sahaja ke negara asal mereka.

  131. Dear Tun,
    I totally agree with your analysis of the political scenario in Malaysia. You have excellent insight, hindsight and foresight of happenings in Malaysia. Answer to point number 15, paragraph two shows you can read the Malaysian political game very well. That is why you were our longest serving Prime Minister of 22 years, one generation.
    On 1Malaysia, you are right when you said it means differently to different people. That is the political skill of our current Prime Minister. He wants to get votes from people of different and conflicting interests and not alienating any group. He attended PERKASA function, HINDRAF and MCA functions. He has to play the middle role. Datuk Seri Najib is an excellent Prime Minister. All of us must support him.
    amin tan

  132. Dr. M,
    Reading your article, I am convince that your thinking is outdated and pretty dangerous to the future of our nation. You are still an UMNO politician, nothing has changed in you.Your vested political (UMNO)interest still remains in your thinking and opinion. People like you with such thinking can never envision the Bangsa and Negara Malaysia of the future. I give up on you……

  133. dear hati.malaysia,
    I know how you felt about giving up your culture and language. But remember one thing, the past Malays leaders grant the Malaya citizenship to the other races as well during merdeka. They gave up something as well.
    From my personal point of view, I think that the chinese and indians still can keep their culture BUT we as malaysians should only communicate with 1 language which is our bahasa kebangsaan.
    I was surpised I’ve bump into a chinese student who can’t even understand and speak bahasa malaysia the other day. When i asked that student which school is she attending. As what i expected, she goes to vernacular school.
    Come on, a lot of us want to be a malaysian, but don’t even want to learn how to be a malaysian.
    P/S Obama is black, but he doesn’t speak afrikaan is he? Does he wear African dress? I dont think so.

  134. Tun,
    Allow me t answer your questios : _
    Question 1,
    We the fifth generation of chinese no longer belongs to mainland China anymore, even myself already more than 40 years old but yet has a chance to visit China as a visitor. Any race in the world would eventually love to learn their own mother tongue, even if a maly stay in American i do believe he or she also still loves to keep in touch with their own mother tongue.
    Question 2,
    We the non bumiputra already long overdue ready to through away the old and outdated sosial contract back in 1957, it was UMNO the one who loves to keep it so that they can chaet the majority poor malay and the same times enrich their cronies.
    Question 3,
    We still can be a successful ” Bangsa Malaysia ” which comprises of several races, which is so unique in the world. The Malay just need to change the attitude which was spoiled by UMNO for over 50 years by need not to strive for living but just continue to claim the so call ” Malay Special Right “. The Chinese who stayed in other countries in the world who are more successful than them never asked for any incentives to survive but they just wirk hard.
    Question 4,
    We the non bumiputra will only support the NEP should the later is properly and fairly inforce and not what was done by UMNOputra who only enrich their cronies. Should the policy being implemented according to the origin purposes, long ago the majority poor were been helped.
    It is ok for me as non bumiputra to serve under a malay boss should the later is much smarter then me, i am not ashamed to admit that i need to seek his advice in order to success. The same should goes for the malay to be a subordinate if you think that the non malay are smarter than you but at the same times you can learn from him/her. The problem with the NEP was the UMNOputra will fill all the high and important positios by the malay canditates irrespective of their qualifications resulting the subordinate who are non malay but smarter find that they cannot carry out their duties successfully.
    Once you have been appointed as a Ketua Pengarah or what so ever high positios in the Government then it is very difficult for him/her to submit and learn from their subordinates who are smarter than them.
    If Tun ever knew that th chinese civilisation is more than 4000 years then Tun should encourage the malay to learn from them istead of calling them pendatang. That was the biggest mistake done by the malay. No one in the world will respect a race unless and until the race is really a successful race.
    Why do the Malaysian students who were sent abroad to Jepun haveto learn Japenese in pursuing their studies ??? Why can’t they ask for English or other mother tongues as they like ??? The answer is simple right because Japan is a Developed and successful country therefore whoever wants to come to this country to further their study has to follow the rules and regulations, one of them is must use Japenese language. May i know why we still need to send our students even though Japan put that kind of condition ? Because we need them more than they need us.
    Tun, hope you can see the points,
    Thank you

  135. Dear Tun,
    your quote;
    Answer: For as long as the Chinese and Indians prefer to be identified with their countries of origins. For as long as they want to keep their home languages and their schools.
    If you had time in Bali, please go to the local Hindu temple, the local Hindu’s will tell the priest in Bahasa Indonesia the detail for praying… you can not even talk to them in Tamils… the language and culture is dead…..
    Here in Malaysia the Hindus also worry about that.. while we agree for for Bangsa Malaysia, we can not let go the core….
    Also I always wonder why the Hindu’s is refereed to Indians… when I am in India.. they call me Malaysian…. when I am in Malaysia local call me Indian…
    For god sake I am a Hindu and a Tamilan, like you a Muslim and a Malay…
    I am a Malaysian 1st, then a Hindu and a Tamilan, I will go war with India if Malaysia wanted me too.. When a Malaysian-Hindu won a gold medal in any games, he/she is refereed to as Malaysian won a gold medal, not Indian won a gold medal.
    The question is how to protect the core value, ingat… hilang bahasa, hilang-lah bangsa…
    We need to address this core problem and stop saying that our schools are the main cause for Bangsa Malaysia implementation problem.

  136. Dearest Tun
    1-This will be a hot topic that will be good to keep your spirit strong to strengthen your antibodies.
    2-The Malays will need the handicap that’s justified.Our competition are people from very old advance civilizations that have a very strong global connection through their diasporas.They have the Bamboo and Massala connections.We don’t even have the Belacan connection.
    3-But the handicaps must be controlled.They must be slashed periodically.There must be a time frame.You can’t be playing handicap 24 forever.Everybody hates a buaya.After a while you must play single.Eventually you are a pro.
    4-So if we want to use the handicap analogy that should be the way.Eventually you must be prepared to let go the handicap.Or you will never improve.
    5-This is the global village now.And Tun has rightly said it.The Chinese business community will soon emerge a very powerful economic group that may even come close if not replace the Jewish economic dominance.What it means if they don’t like a country for discriminating their people…we can be effectively boycotted.
    6-Lets have the handicap truly as it as done in golf while we still can.We really don’t have a choice.This sense of urgency must be communicated to the Malays.There will be no second chance.
    Thanks Tun.

  137. Salam Sejahtera kepada Tun Sekeluarga, semoga berbahagia dan berada di dalam kesempurnaan sepanjang masa.
    Konsep 1-Malaysia dari apa yang saya dapat nampak setakat ini. Maaflah kerana tajuknya agak kurang sopan sikit.
    Salam Hormat.

  138. Assalamualaikum Tun,
    I’m one of the many Malaysians who are still in Melbourne, I’m continuing my training in Medicine to become a medical specialist, InsyaAllah an emergency medicine specialist.
    I was excited to hear that you were coming to give a talk to the students here about 1Malaysia, and was planning to come to the talk even though I’m no longer a student. Once I heard that you were unwell with a chest infection, I was a little disappointed, however understandably you couldnt go on with the talk.
    I tried to come & visit you at the Epworth Hospital in Richmond, however I wasnt allowed to. I did leave my Australian phone number, however didnt get any phone call. For the rest of your stay in Melbourne I was already working & didnt get to go to the city at all.
    Honestly I was a little bit disappointed that I didnt have a chance to meet the one Malaysian leader that I really am proud of & respect. It is not always that the Malaysians here in Melbourne get to see our respected leaders, and its not always that we are in Malaysia to be part of any events that are attended by the leaders. Anyhow, I truly understand that the circumstance is not allowing for us to visit you, as you needed the rest & privacy at that time.
    All my best wishes & doa for your health & all. Hopefully everything is well over there. Hopefully there will be a chance for me to meet you in person in the future, InsyaAllah.
    Take care.
    Ana Nazimuddin.
    Malaysia tetap dihati.

  139. Salam Tun,
    How are you? Wishing you speedy recovery…
    On the matter above,
    Well said & again I am always grateful for all your guidance..You understand Malaysia and understand our needs very well.
    Without you Tun, there will be 1Malaysia, Wawasan 2020 even ASB..
    Have a good rest and praying for your good health..

  140. well said…well said Tun
    Article ini menjawab banyak persoalan tentang Racial Politics in Malaysia
    I hope Tun can produce more articles like this in the future.
    Terima kasih Tun.

  141. Tun, I think you have to admit that we have wasted many years and lots of money by giving immoral amounts of wealth to people who do not deserve it. All because they have connections. The sad part is that it would have been less damaging had they invested, even in the stock market. At least it would have served some purpose. No, they did not. They spent it all, and when they run out of money they go knocking on the doors of our leaders to get some more. All they needed to do is prepare a fancy working paper and before you know it, EPU will sanction it as “viable”.

  142. Dear Tun,
    Saya sangat menghargai keikhlasan dan keterbukaan Tun. Inilah kekuatan yang diilhamkan oleh Allah S.W.T kepada Tun.

  143. Salam Pejuang Melayu .TUN, Semoga Sentiasa Sihat.
    Kalo nak katakan Adil memang susah… Orang Cina n India harus iklas untuk tinggal di TANAH MELAYU INI…ORANG melayu yg menerokan TANAH ini. Kami tidak di bawa datang oleh penjajah British seperti CINA n INDIA…Melayu datang untuk meneroka sendiri. Jadi nya MELAYU BUKAN PENDATANG. MEALYU TUAN PUNYA TANAH INI.
    Sebenarnya yang perkauman adalah cina n india. kalo di sektor swasta gaji untuk org melayu sangat rendah berbanding dgn org cina n india kerana tuan kedai adalah cina or india. ini dalah kenyataan yg dihadapi oleh kita semua(swasta). Walau pon kelayakan n sill adalah sama tetapi gaji tak sama. INI KAH yg di katakan ADIL…
    Kebykan sekolah cina adalah mewah.. org melayu daif… seperti di luar bandar(sabah n sarawak)… org cina cuba bandingkan sekolah melayu n cina… lu pikir ler sendiri… jgn asyik nak mintak budget lebih utk kaun sendiri jer.
    Tp yg paling menjijikan ORG MELAYU sendiri nak HAPUSKAN HAK MELAYU… PKR n PAS. setuju dgn DAP… INI lah yg menghalang melayu maju n berjaya….
    TP ORG sabah n sarawak lagi lah… di diskriminasi… KAWAN bekerja di sektor AWAM tp TAK DAPAT COLA. kata kola utk sapa2 yg berkerja di kawasan yg di cover COLA… tp utk org sabah n sarawak yg bekerja di KL or putrajaya TAK dapat…
    TUN, tolong KAMI org sabah n sarawak utk dpt kan kola yg bekerja di KL or PUTRAJAYA…plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

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