1. I have always been for privatisation. In fact privatisation started during my time. People know all about the Government companies, departments and functions which were privatised. Some were successful, some were not. But I don’t think people know about privatisation proposals which had been rejected. I know about them because the proposals were studied carefully before they were rejected. There were reasons of course but there was no necessity to make public the rejections or the reasons.

2. With regard to the Institut Jantung Negara, I must say I have a personal attachment to it. I don’t think I need to explain why. The IJN is really the institution that is physically closest to my heart.

3. IJN is a unique institution. It started as a Government department but the Government felt that it was unfair to put the staff on Government pay scheme. So it was corporatised. As a corporate body it has been successful in giving the people good service. It is one institution that has not been subjected to criticisms and vilifications by the press or the public as most other institutions have been. We often hear of its many “firsts” and we are proud of them.

4. The doctors and nurses are very well trained and efficient. During the 50 days I was hospitalised there I never heard them complain about their salary or how they have been treated. They seem to me to be a happy lot. They are not mercenary, thinking only of their pay. I think they love their work; they love to see their patients recover and go back to normal, especially their transplant patients.

5. The service they provide is excellent. People usually complain about their personal grouses to me. But not a single patient, rich or poor that I have met has voiced complaints to me or to the people I know about their bad experience with IJN.

6. Maybe I am biased because I owe my life to IJN. But I think as a corporatised institution the IJN has done extremely well.

7. If it is going to give the same service to civil servants and pensioners the Government will have to pay out the same amount of money after privatisation. How does the Government gain? Besides if the poor are going to be charged the same low fees and charges how does Sime Darby make money? Or will the Government continue to subsidise an ever growing bill for treatment of the poor? If so why is there a need to privatise? How does Sime Darby, a business entity make money when 80 per cent of the patients are poor?

8. Some of the major surgeries performed there are so costly that the IJN lost money on them. Will Sime Darby shoulder these losses?

9. There are far too many questions about this privatisation which need to be answered. Some I think cannot be answered.

10. I seldom oppose privatisation but this is one instant when I feel privatisation is the wrong thing to do.

11. Leave this institution as it is. It is our pride and it is doing a good job as it is.

12. The Barisan Nasional Government is not too popular today. Why do something that may give the opposition another issue to belabour the Government.

564 thoughts on “IJN PRIVATISATION”

  1. Penswastaan IJN kepada Sime Darby bermakna ia sama seperti kes Hospital Pantai di mana akhirnya ia dijual kepada syarikat Singapura. Ia kemungkinan besar berlaku kepada IJN. Sime Darby akan mendapat keuntungan sekelip mata dengan menjual kepada syarikat Singapura atau Brunai atau Arab Saudi. Akhirnya yang tingal ialah HKL kerana rakyat tempatan tidak akan berupaya memasuki IJN yang telah diswastakan.
    Alasan Tan Sri Musa Hitam, iaitu Pengerusi Sime Darby bahawa kumpulan berpendapatan rendah tidak akan dilupakan, hanyalah cakap politik kerana beliau bekas politik pintar.
    Penswastaan bukan semua berjaya. Tengok Bernas, UDA, Felcra Bhd dan MIMOS yang menimbulkan masalah kepada negara dan banyak kritikan-kritikan terhadap kelemahan badan-badan di atas apabila ia diswastakan.

    By Awareness on December 30, 2008 2:21 AM
    Nevertheless, I am a very ‘DUMB’ person. I wish someone can actually enlighten me why this idea of privatising IJN should have been considered at the first place at all by relevant authorities. To a dumb person like me, it should not pop up at the first place…

    By HBT on January 1, 2009 2:24 PM

  4. Tun,
    By samuraimelayu on December 30, 2008 3:33 PM
    Abang Samuraimelayu, you make me proud of you being a MELAYU(ME-Malay Enggan)LAYU by naming our APIT as AIMLESS PUPPY IN TRAUMA, ha…ha.., kelakar and lucunya. Yes, Pappy AI (Anwar Ibrahim), please “beri semangat’to our APIT to make more “main depan boleh, main belakang boleh” comments to let our samuraimelayu to make fun in chedet blog so that bloggers will be happy and light hearted in facing trauma caused by you in 2008 so that we can enjoy as we ride through the trauma with Automatic Government in 2009. Bravo, abang samuraimelayu!!!
    Happy New Year to Abg Samuraimelayu and family. Ha..ha… lucu sangat bang…..
    Good day Tun.

  5. Salam,
    Sekarang bukan masa yang sesuai untuk tidakan sedemikian.namun sekiranya ‘impian’ ini terlaksana, setiap individu harus memikirkan cara yang terbaik untuk diri sendiri untuk menanggung kos perubatan yang tentunya sangat tinggi.Fikir-fikirkan bagaimana mengalihkan risiko menanggung kos yang tinggi ini.Gunakan akal yang bijak.
    IJN tidak patut diswastakan ketika ini.

    By apit on December 25, 2008 2:32 AM

  7. Dear Y.A.B. Tun,
    IJN should maintain at it is now and for the future. No offense to parties proposing for the purported privatization of the said.
    Nevertheless, I am a very ‘DUMB’ person. I wish someone can actually enlighten me why this idea of privatising IJN should have been considered at the first place at all by relevant authorities. To a dumb person like me, it should not pop up at the first place. I hope people will not be offended for I have come up with a lot of questions below for ‘SMART’ people to teach me.
    1. Why do we need a conglomerate to support the government’s initiatives when we ‘MALAYSIANS’ (that’s what I still like to call ourselves amid the tidal waves of race-related politicking we read on the media)are paying taxes and every sort of custom and excise duties you can think of and also that short period of drastic increase in petrol charges till the recent generosity of the drop in world prices (Are we looking for a quick buck anyhow?).
    2. Convince me if you can prove that we do not have money so we are selling (but you need to tell the media that you are buying to spare us the embarassment). Would it be also ‘sangat malu’ to lose something which we can be proud of?
    3. Convince me why can’t we ‘indirectly’ increase the payroll of ‘heart doctors’ in IJN ourselves. Are we telling ourselves that we cannot match the offer from private hospitals? I mean we are paying so much and you tell me we do not have money? Now where did it all go? Down the somebody’s drain? If you are telling me that most financial resources have been channeled towards the development of the coutnry, then you have to enlighten me even further as I do not see much in general over the past five years. A lot of fairy tales on the media though pushing us into these north, south, east and west corridors. That I will have to agree with but I do not know which destinations these corridors lead to seriously because I am once again, ‘DUMB’.
    4. This following comment of mine is directed towards the ourselves. I have come to know that most government hospitals DO NOT HAVE facilities for heart-related illness. The baton to lead us has been passed over in grace and glory by our father of modernization which is yourgoodself but how come this issue in healthcare settings was not addressed seriously in the past five years? What happened to the government’s initiatives in improving the health system in the country in attaining Vision 2020? Convince me that the fatality rate from heart-related problems is very minor and therefore we can brush it aside for the time being.
    5. IJN alone is not enough and are we implying that we are now trying to pass on this so-called burden or responsibilities to some other conglomerate? Let’s wake up finally. People are dying each day and not many can afford the sort of exorbitant fees involved and not many can actually travel all the way to IJN from other states because they will be in critical conditions. Are victims supposed to say BYE BYE once they suffer heart attacks because they cannot afford to pay or they cannot travel to IJN?
    Y.A.B. Tun,
    I am not sure whether you will be reading this comment but I will like to take this opportunity to thank you for providing so many things to us as MALAYSIANS. When i was younger, I had questioned the development of the North-South Expressway, Petronas Twin Towers, F1 Circuit, Commonwealth Games, etc. But not now. Putting Malaysia onto the world map has been very important. When I took a taxi while studying overseas, I was asked where I was from by the taxi driver. When I replied, he told me that he did not know where our country was. That was 10 years’ ago and I was in Australia. You have been visionary, transformational, autocrative in some ways in your decision making but very necessary to strategically align the Vision 2020 directions and for the benefit of everyone in the country. You have been very committed towards the development of human resources among the majorities which I somehow appreciated now but not before because you envisioned peace, harmony and stability among MALAYSIANS. I thank you for you making me proud if I am ever given the opportunity in future to meet and tell the taxi driver from Austrlia, “MATE, I HAVE COME TO VISIT YOUR ‘COWS’. I AM FROM MALAYSIA AND I WELCOME YOU TO VISIT OUR PETRONAS TWIN TOWERS.” I will not want to meet him now though. We are still in a chaos and I treat the few front pages of the daily newpapers as the COMIC section where I can spare a few laughs and I am sure he will as well. I am DUMB but I face facts and reality. One week I read that Malaysia is not going into recession because our fundamentals are there. The second week I read about avoiding retrenchment and then the thirt week I read about us feeling the heat and needing to overcome the recession. Things happen so fast. I wonder…
    I thank you sincerely.
    To: bluesgang77
    3 months is long. Let’s see how the next tsunami turns out to be. Stay tuned.
    To: docjitra55
    Hey, guess what. Secondary students are getting laptops in Terengganu! That’s good to hear! ARE ALL SECONDARY STUDENTS IN MALAYSIA GETTING IT AS WELL? I MEAN DOES THIS INITIATIVE APPLY TO THE REST OF THE STATES IN MALAYSIA? IF SO, THUMBS UP! But can we fulfill our promise? How come this announcement is made right before the by-election?

  8. Dear`Tun,
    Why dont Sime Darby go back to agriculture? Afetrall its the third engine of growth (so said Pak Lah). Go to Muda and maybe Kada privitise padi planting, make it the third engine of growth for Sime Darby. Afterall they have all the experience of plantation management. Make Kedah and Kelantan a rich state, then maybe BN could win back the people.
    I challenge Sime Darby to go into padi farming.

  9. Y.A.B. Tun,
    1. Pandangan Tun berkenaan penswastaan IJN, saya juga tidak setuju IJN diswastakan. Kecemerlangan IJN, satu-satunya syarikat milik kerajan, sewajarnya dijadikan

  10. Assalamualaikum Tun Yang Amat Dihormati,
    Minta maaf untuk minta laluan sekejap,
    Semoga Tun sentiasa dilindungi ALLAH.

  11. Assalamualaikum Tun
    Saya amat tertarik dengan komen 12 Tun “BN dah tak popular” tak boleh fikuir ke? hari mendatang masih jauh dan masih memerlukan tenaga pemikiran yang tajam inilah masaalahnya pemimpin yg suka dengar cakap sebelah pihak sahaja dan tidak memikirkan kehendak rakyat. Siapa yang akan jadi CEO, Menteri pencen mana yang akan memegang jawatan dan nampaknya semuanya ada kepetingan adakah ini dikatan bersih? dan amanah? ya, walau pun benar menguntungkan kerajaan bagaimana pula semasa kerugian. mulalah ini kepentingan kerajaan kita mesti bill out dan macam2 lagi.Sepatutnya mereka yang dilantik ini memikirkan keadaan kemelesetan ekonomi sekarang, harga getah merudmm, kelapa sawit merudum, kilang nenas tutup, kilang letronik buang pekerja, harga barang meningkat, Fikirkanlah yg baru… sikik masaalah sosio ekonomi rakyat dan masa depan anak cucu pada masa akan datang apa yang perlu disediakan amat menjelekan jangan lah jadi pak turut aje….saya amat kecewa kiranya perkara ini berlaku

  12. Ok i got simple conclusion.
    1. Pak Lah and his team doesnt do any work only do what pembangkang wants like whatever.
    2. Always involve and fixing the things that doesnt need fixing (like IJN, the judge that got sacked 20 years ago etc.) where he should have focused on matters at hand, worldwide economy and all people of Malaysia to endure it, UMNO status, BN status.
    3. The Malay status in Malaysia for next 50 years and beyond are not kept in check, now too many acquisation and unnecessary requests made against them. And suddenly the Bar Council is more powerful than UMNO, im wondering who is the Malaysian PM is it Pak Lah or Bar Council Chief. The harmony of all races starting to deter…
    4. Too many smart malaysian left the country and work elsewhere, they dont even intend to come back. Now influx of so called non-specialised labors (buruh tak mahir) which at the moment are starting to compromise the locals security. In short, many brains have left and now we got too many brainless…..
    5. Ineffiency of all government departments, agencies and GLC’s are at all time high, everything is so slow, decision is so slow. During Tun time the response was fast and solid whether it is right or wrong. Please dont blame on the current economy status, Tun admin got their issues too the difference is Pak Lah admin are better equipped in terms of tools and manpower and still it is tooooo slooooowwwwww. Maybe time taken too long makes crappy ideas pops up like Sime Darby taking over IJN. Thats so lame, there are so many things Sime can take over or get involve in. What happened with SIme business development team?!!!! U guys too got infected by Vitamin Slow?
    6. FInally i can say one thing, 20 years of Tun admin was the fastest 20 years that ever happen to Malaysia, Pak Lah 5 years is the looooooongeeeeeest 5 years for Malaysia, it felt like 5 decades……So theres 3 months to go, i guarantee it going to feel like 3 years…and of course there will be more strange or doesnt make any sense ideas (like taking over IJN) coming up our way soon. So guys/commentors and Tun, please endure it…haha.

  13. Dear YAA Tun,
    Whay is the government allowing this Foreign Company by the name of Sime Darby to buy IJN. IJN belongs to the people of Malaysia and I cannot see the reason for us to sell it to a Foreign Company.The foreign investor will pay more and if we keep up this policy Malaysia will be taken over by foreigners.

  14. Dear YAB Tun
    Happy New Year to you n Tun Siti Hasmah n all in the family.
    Agree with Tun , IJN should be left as it is, staff are happy, fees are within reach of dear rakyat, including the lower income group. Mudah lupa is one major weakness of human, therefore I don’t think whoever takes over will remember whatever promises they have to make, that is, to continue to look after the lower income Malaysians.

  15. Assalamulaikum YABhg Tun.
    Bagus sekali Tun menulis tentang perkara ini.Cuma apa yang menjadi kemusykilan adalah kenapa AT THE FIRST PLACE GOV. NAK SWASTAKAN IJN? Idea Pengswastaan itu tak patut timbul dari awal lagi.Klau cuba nak tunjukkan kerajaan prihatin untuk menangi hati rakyat ia adalah strategi yang silap bagi meraih kemenangan PRKecil 36 tu.Strategi paling bodoh ditambah pula dgn kebangangan KJ yang rasa terlampau pandai nk berckp pasal hudud dah jadi senjata bunuh tuan sendiri.Harap pemimpin UMNO lain nasihatkan KJ to keep his bloody mouth shut.
    Cubalah fikir tentang benda-benda yang lebih munasabah daripada nak buat rakyat lebih marah pada kerajaan.Sy rasa isu IJN ini dah dirancang sebelum peralihan jawatan lagi from MOF to MOD.Yang jadi pak sanggup tu kena jawaplah……………………
    Terkini lapangan terbang LCCT yang dibuat diSepang…….apalah yang perlu sangat sedangkan yang sedia ada tu dekat saja.Tak menghairankan kerana kesanggupan Sime Darby nk besama Air Asia bangunkan LCCT kedua tu.Inilah orang kata sendiri mau fikir le…….sapa tangan-tangan ghaib yang merancang swastakan IJN??????????
    Masih belum lewat DSNR pulihkan imej beliau jika benar bukan dia yang merancangkan swastakan IJN.Dia perlu tegas buat kali ini sbb cara ini saja rakyat yakin akan beliau.Klau nk kayakan adik beradik lebih baik bertaubat le………..cukup-cukup le dgn apa yang dh dibuat.Menjatuhkan kepimpinan yang telah dicorak oleh arwah bapanya. Jgn jadi manusia hatta anak yang memalukan bapanya.
    YABhg Tun.
    Mohon tuliskan tentang PRKecil 36 KT.Buat Tun jangan jemu menulis dan membuka minda kami untuk sesuatu yang baik.

  16. ABI,
    Can a person who is being charged with sodomy have the credibility to talk about Hudud Law ??? Kah, kah, kah !! I wonder !!

  17. Dear YAB Tun,
    I dont really care whether people call you a dictator but one thing I can say is that Tun has managed to maintain peace in the country apart from being able to put Malaysia on the world map.It is not just on economic growth but the way you handled crisis no matter how small.A country like Malaysia with so many ethenic groups and dialects need a leader like Tun who is vocal and strong.I salute you Tun.

  18. come and joint tun friendster search at Tun Dr. Mahathir Legacy. Sikit je member tun 2318 compare anwar 45347. Dr. Mahathir’s Fans Space ! group kat friendster pun ada 1507 members.

  19. Masalah dengan blog chedet.com ni ialah bila dah terlalu popular terlalu ramai yang menulis, bila terlalu banyak tulisan tak larat nak baca. Yang rajin menulis esei panjang berjela, yang malas tulis sepatah dua dan yang mengada-ngada tulis minta respon chedet. Apa pun yang ironinya ialah yang menulis hentam chedet itu yang jadikan tulisan dia dapat respon bukan dari chedet tapi dari kalangan penulis. Contohnya Nasha Bin Edwin. Nape dia camtu dan nape tulisan dia lulus untuk bacaan kita?:
    1) Dia ngutuk chedet sebab hanya dengan cara tu saja dia jadikan tulisan dia menonjol dan pasti dapat respon dari penulis2 pro chedet yang ramai meremut macam ulat tahi dalam blog ni. Dia tahu impak itu jadikan dia popular, orang lain yang ngutuk chedet tak sepopular dia. Nasha sudah jadi Alpha Male antara semua pengutuk2 chedet.
    2) Tulisan dia lulus masuk blog bukan pasal administrator blog ni buta tapi kerana tulisan camtu akan jadikan blog chedet.com hidup dan ada “entertainment”, tak boring, secara tak langsung Nasha tolong administrator tambah melariskan blog chedet ni.
    3) Nasha dengan chedet.com sebenarnya satu agenda dengan skrip yang dah sedia untuk tujuan “serve the purpose” untuk chedet.com. Orang macam Nasha memang ada guna pada chedet.com.

  20. Nasha Bte Edwin tulis,
    Komen saya,
    Kalaulah PPSMI dah dilaksanakan sejak zaman Encik Nasha lagi tentu Encik Nasha akan lebih memahami dan langsung menghargai pandangan Tun yang cukup bernas . Kesian betul. Sapa tu yang bodoh sangat nak saman kerajaan kalau PPSMI diteruskan? Entah berapa ramai lagi yang senasib dengan Nasha.Dah tak faham, tak nak belajar, lepas tu cakap bahasa Tun berbelit pulak.

  21. I am totally with you on this.
    It is stupid idea and to equip the other camp to further bash the government.

  22. Salam Tun,
    Semoga sihat walafiat,
    Saya setuju pendapat Tun dimana IJN tak patut diswastakan. Memanglah pak lah dan koncu2 nya bodoh sombong dan tak berhati perut. Inikah Islam hadhari. Harap Tun pertahankan Institut Jantung Negara yg menjadi kebanggaan kita rakyat malaysia.
    SELAMAT TAHUN BARU TUN & KELUARGA. Semoga Allah SWT sentiasa merahmati Tun sekeluarga.

  23. Salam Tun,
    Anak perempuan saya menjalani pembedahan jantung (berlubang/masalah injap) pada tahun 2006 di IJN, sepanjang berada di sana saya sangat berpuas hati dengan layanan staff-staff & Dr-dr disana. TQ & Semoga Allah membalas jasa2 anda semua. Kos pembedahan pula jauh lebih murah berbanding di hospital2 swasta di luar sana. Saya sangat2 tidak bersetuju jika IJN diswastakan. Company nama org putih ni tak habis2 nak ‘menjajah’ rakyat M’sia walaupun kita dah 50 tahun merdeka…….

  24. Dear Tun yang dikasihi,
    Very simple, it is not a smart decision by BN Gov. If IJN privatisation can be materialised then, coming PRU 13 will lose majority votes to PR.
    At the same time, if PR also support the same idea, I think majority of people in our kampung will chose “undi rosak” as an alternative.
    If Sime Darby wanted to help IJN and the poor, why don’t just give some donation to IJN.
    Please find others way to make money !!!
    Voice of “rakyat”
    Wishing Tun and family Happy New Year 2009

  25. adakah orang yang sama juga yang setuju untuk menjual agusta harga rm 1 dan membuat keuntungan ratusan juta ringgit bila agusta di beli ratusan juta euro oleh syarikat lain??tidak ku sangka hebatnya paklah dan konco-konconya bermain silap mata….entah apa lagi kejutan yang akan dibuatnya..paklah hebatt..menipu rakyat malaysia..

  26. Pak Lalang thinks (and erroneously so!) that he alone has the credibility, intelligence and expertise to comment on Hudud laws! Where ignorance is bliss, it is folly to be wise!

  27. By Nasha Bin Edwin on December 24, 2008 4:27 PM
    By ikanbilismoh on December 19, 2008 5:34 PM
    My comment:
    Betulla kaldai kalu malas jangan dipaksa. Biarla dia jadi kaldai. takkan dia rajin. Demikian juga manusia ni…kalu dah anti tu, tulisan Tun yang simple pun dikata berbelit. Kalu Tun kata najis tu busuk dia takkan pecaya…disuap najis pun dia kata sedap.

  28. Izinkan Tun,
    //By pakbelalang on December 24, 2008 10:54 PM
    Comment on “Govt Leaders Deserve Respect, Says Abdullah//
    Mungkin Pak Lah termimpi pada malam itu di 1st class hotel in Tehran sebelum dia buat kenyataan ini. Dia termimpi bahawa dia kena baling kasut oleh rakyat Malaysia. Bila buat jahat, biasanya dia akan berasa takut…….
    Entahlah Tun, nak address itu Cik Nasha atau Encik Nasha, apa yang dia tulis memang “ngam” dengan jantinanya, menyampah dan mengelirukan. Orang biasa tak akan faham perasaannya, tapi Pak Anwar mesti sayangkan Cik/Encik Nasha, depan boleh, belakang boleh….(maaf Tun, tak ada alasan lain yang I boleh pakai untuk komen Nasha ini).
    Happy holiday Tun.

  29. salam Tun,
    Nasha Bte Edwin tulis,
    Komen saya,
    Kesian Nasha tak faham tulisan Tun dalam bahasa orang putih.Macamana Cik Nasha nak jadi world-class?Kenalah kekal sebagai katak dengan mentaliti kuli batak!
    Saya juga rasa tulisan Cik Nasha jauh lebih berbelit dan merapu daripada tulisan Tun.Memang sayang sekali dahlah kita tak menghargai komen Nasha malah kita tidak memahaminya…

  30. Yes…yes… I totally agree with Tun’s opinion. There’s something fishy here. Privatization of IJN is not right. Please leave it as it is.

  31. YAB Tun
    I read about the privatization of IJN with heartache & anger. Nothing is sacred anymore. Anything profitable is up for grab. This country is indeed a personal piggy bank for some people. My mom had serious heart problem a couple of years ago. Since we could not afford private hospital, we took her to one of the govt hospitals. The team of heart specialists informed us that my mom could not be operated on due to her age, gender & her overall health. We were told in no uncertain terms that the operation would be very risky. However, the very next week, the same specialists told us breezily that it’s ok for her to undergo a by-pass. Feeling very confused, we took her to IJN. The IJN specialists told us that my mom would most likely not survive a by-pass. Angio was done on her instead. Now, she’s leading a much healthier life. My point is we wouldn’t be able to afford a world class treatment at IJN if it were a private hospital cause the expenses would be beyond our reach. She still goes regularly to IJN for her medication. Her various pills & tablets don’t come cheap either. 12 of her tablets easily cost RM150 – RM300 (or more) and she has to take one of those daily. Most of them are not sold at out local pharmacies due to their specificities and high prices. I would sincerely like to thank you Dr. M for the setting up of IJN that is being run by the RAKYAT and for the RAKYAT. Thank you, thank you, thank you. May Allah bless you and the people and the things that you cherish and care for.

  32. Dear Tun,
    Zaman pengswastaan telah berakhir. TAK BOLEH PAKAI LAGI !!Banyak hantu atau kroni dalam UMNO telah mengambil kesempatan jadi kaya raya apabila mengambil alih syarikat kerajaan tapi akhirnya syarikat yang diswastakan lingkup.
    Mereka yang telah diamanahkan untuk menjalankan syarikat-syarikat yang telah diswastakan bukannya mereka yang cekap tapi hanya untuk tujuan memperkayakan diri sendiri dan menjadi multi-millionaire dalam sekelip mata. Mereka gagal dan akhirnya rakyat dibebankan dengan harga dan kos yang tinggi, kononnya syarikat yang diswastakan telah memberi perkhidmatan yang lebih baik dari sebelumnya.

  33. Selamat pagi dan salam Tun,
    1. MCA Integrity Watch Group wants Pak Chua Soi Lek to exist gracefully to “jaga imej party sahaja, bukan untuk jaga imej Agung, Raja2 Melayu, Negara dan Rakyat”. Is the group still protecting a certain powerful top guns in the non-government chinese associations for the sake of their own interest?
    2. Senior Executive Councillor Pak Ngeh Koo Ham, orang kuat Pak Nizam, Menteri Besar Perak, ini lagi terror, another Zaid Ibrahim, spinning laws saja to ambil hati rakyat Perak, insisted to by pass Unit Perancang Ekonomi on the land titles. Tun, Pak Ngeh is holding 3 posts in Perak. DAP Lim Guan Eng pula nak ikut langkah ini. Cakap Pak Najib (DPM) tidak dilayan Pakatan Rakyat kerana Pak Karpal dah memfailkan kes Altantuya on Baginda Razak’s release pada hari ke 40, tarikh luput untuk membuka fail ini.
    3. PAS supported Gabena on issue in teaching Science and Mathematic in BM and want to impose Hudud laws when there are in power pula.
    4. MIC Samy “Kidefella”(orang yang suka memecat anak buah sesuka hati) dah pecat orang kuatnya Balalingam (betul ke ejaan nama dia), 73 tahun untuk kepentigan diri & AK.
    5. UMNO dah pening kepala macam mana nak solve the 900 rasuah (politik wang) pula kata mungkin akan menangguhkan PAU pada Mac 2009.
    6. Our PM, Pak Lah pula busy2 menyuruh bank2 Malaysia to support Iran pula, ekonomi negara kita dah parah kerana dia, masih nak memberi gula2 ke luar negara pulak. Pak Lah, baca lah berita antarabangsa, Asia is now working for eco friendly enviroment lah. Pak Lah kini di Tehran mengatakan ‘unity’ is very important to Malaysia, bukan di Malaysia, pelik kan?
    7. Ketua Pembangkang Pak Anwar diam aja, mungkin dia dah bersuhabat dengan si KJ untuk menjatuhkan Datuk Mukhriz? Logik nya mudah, kalau si KJ support Pak Anwar (mereka ini berdua ada wang banyak “atas kertas saja”, kalau mereka ini menang baru lah wang ini menjadi realiti mereka with the support from our jiran), kes liwat dijadikan tidak bersalah kerana Saiful mungkin akan memberitahu mahkamah bahawa dirinya rela diliwat. Jangan lupa Pak Anwar tak nak bersumpah di atas Quran dan duit adalah lebih penting daripada agama untuk sesetengah orang.
    Tun, dah jelas lah BN dan PR are spining ‘Perlembagaan Negara dan Kedaulatan Undang2’ for their own greed (sikap tamak). Sekarang dah jelas, BN (captain Pak lah) & PR (captain Pak Anwar)adalah pengkhianat bangsa Malaysia atas nama “Demokrasi Syok Diri & AK.
    Semua orang kuat BN & PR mempunyai knowledge in law and justice, raykat juga ada, kini rakyat nak lihat apakah akan berlaku sebelum next PRU 13 . Spining law untuk Syok Diri ATAU Negara, itulah KITA NAK tahu sebelum kita membuat pilihan pada PRU 13. Cara Rasuah di dunia dah outdated because of internet, politik wang dibuktikan oleh Republican America bahawa ia telah mengundang keruntuhan sebuah Negara yang kuat di dunia bila “demokrasi tidak dikawal kerana globalisasi”.
    We are at the cross road, Tun, which is the best road to take? The road is of course THE ROAD TO RUKUN NEGARA KITA, use “Dr Mahathir’s Leadership” as Malaysia political and economical lanscapes benchmark, that’s the best way. From here, we improve and rectify to make Bangsa Malaysia Boleh!!!!
    Till then Tun…..

  34. Assalamalaikum Tun,
    Betul2 kroni Pak Lah ni serakah! semua nak di sapunya.. kerja bodoh dan menyerlahkan lagi kebodohan Pak Lah jika berlaku penswastaan IJN, bukan kah selama ini IJN memberi perkhidmatan yang terbaik dan kelas 1?
    Pemimpin dan siapa juga individu yang telah mencetuskan idea sehingga terdirinya IJN adalah manusia berhati besar dan akan mendapat pahala amal jariah (bukan harta berkoyan-koyan), perkhidmatan IJN kepada rakyat adalah satu kemakmuran dan nikmat yang kita syukuri, Alhamdulillah.
    Orang yang mencetuskan idea penswastaan IJN adalah manusia tamak dan haloba, akan ditelan bumi bersama harta berkoyan-koyan, dan tidak lah mungkin dapat mencari al-Ghazali..

  35. I am very much enlightened by Tun down to earth perceptive observation.
    When is Tun going to write his memoir? A detailed account of Tun’s life, similar to Nelson Mandela”s Long Walk to Freedom, would be an international bestseller. The country need a proper account of its history, which are being distorted by many.

  36. ni lagi satu tindakan yang paling BODOH yang pak lah lakukan…
    kalu macam ni…tak payah tunggu pilihan raya 13… yang kat Trengganu grenti BN kalah…

  37. Assalamualaikum Tun..
    Sebenaqnya sapa punya idea yg gatai nak pi swastakan IJN tu?? ni mesti PM kita yg bodoh tu kot…
    tak da kerja lain..dah bodoh..bangang pulak tu.. ni kita nak tunggu sampai mac tahun depan lak..apa lagi yang kena jual lagi…

  38. Asalamualaikum bapak…
    bapak2 saya tak kena buang tapi tak selamat lagi arr sbb depa seme2 nak pakai pekerja dari agensi pekerjaan…bapak tau lah la ni berlambak2 agensi pekerjaan duk ada..yg herannyer depa lebih suka amik pekerja asing terutama indon..yelah depa tak gaduh nak bayar epf n seme2 kot…hmmmm entahlah zaman dollah nih saya rasa sangat tertekan…tgk iklan tv pun dah tak seronok..ape taknyer kuar iklan
    yg pelik2 lah pulak…mcm lah llki m’sia duk ingat s**s 24jam sehari
    adussssssss….penat letih….tak puas hati betul lahhhhh….

  39. Salam Tun,
    Saya berasa pelik dengan isu yang timbul baru-baru ni. Pertama berkenaan penswastaan IJN dan kedua berkenaan cuti kakitangan kerajaan yang hendak dipendekkan.
    Saya berpendapat kedua-dua perkara ini tiada sebarang masalah atau isu untuk dirombak atau diubah. Ini bagi saya sekadar menyusahkan kehidupan rakyat selama ini (takut jadi seperti kenaikan minyak, akhirnya harga barang tak turun-turun juga). Kenapa kerajaan tidak memikirkan isu-isu yang lebih penting seperti penjanaan ekonomi melalui industri pertanian yang lebih berpotensi. Atau meningkatkan R&D ke peringkat pengeluaran (bukan penyelidikan lagi-sudah banyak).
    Rakyat dah bosan dengan isu-isu lapuk. Rakyat nak lihat pendedahan baru, kemajuan, menaiktaraf nilai-nilai moral, halatuju pendidikan Malaysia yang lebih tertumpu dan jelas.

    tapi tak pe, tak siarkan teman tak kisah………………………..

  41. Salam sejahtera buat TUN serta keluarga,
    Akhirnya bersuara juga PENGERUSI SIME DARBY,
    RM 3 juta allocation SJMC untuk pesakit jantung berpendapatan rendah is a very good EXCUSE for them to acquire IJN??
    Nak ambil pakar luar utk IJN?? Tambah peralatan lebih canggih??
    Tak cukup bagus ke pakar yang ada sekarang??
    Hahahahahahahaha…. Agaknya nanti saper lah akan tanggung semua kos tu?? Nak tolak dari unjuran keuntungan SIME DARBY ke nanti??
    Lawak Tuan Pengerusi SIME DARBY agaknya.
    Take care of you health sir,
    You are needed STILL.
    : HEROTAMIL. mykmu.net, kelab chedet.com

  42. Anwar Should Speak On Issue Of Hudud Laws, Says Karpal
    Dear Tun,
    KUALA LUMPUR, Dec 23 (Bernama) — PKR, through its de facto leader, should speak on the issue of Pas’ intention to introduce hudud laws (Islamic penal code) in the country, said DAP chairman Karpal Singh.
    He said Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim cannot afford to remain silent in the face of Kelantan Mentri Besar Datuk Nik Aziz Nik Mat’s stated aim of introducing hudud laws in the country.
    Anwar is an AUTAMAN. He has no credibility to talk about hudud laws.

  43. Govt Leaders Deserve Respect, Says Abdullah
    TEHRAN, Dec 24 (Bernama) — Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi stressed that a head of government should not be humiliated like by throwing shoes at him like what happened to United States President George Bush in Baghdad recently.
    The Prime Minister said people who were dissatisfied with something could express their feelings through other ways.
    Yes, Pak Lah I agree with you, just like what I normally condemn you as dah bodoh stupid Prime Minister or haprak and HP6 Prime Minister. That’s the most logical way of expressing my feelings towards your stupid policies. It is not a personal attack at all. It is purely on policies!!

  44. Salam Tun;
    Dah lama tak tulis. Bukan apa…lagi seronok membaca tulisan Malaysian yang semakin bijak hari ke hari, dari situ dapat saya menilai bagaimana kehadiran ramai pemikir, penulis yang cerdik dalam menilai pemikiran Malaysian sekarang dan tulisan Tun.
    Syabas Malaysian.
    Selagi ada kamu sekalian selagi itu Malaysia akan terus sedar tanpa dilamun mimpi indah oleh sang Pak Lah dan pencacei angkat najisnya.
    Ini satu isu menarik. Satu isu untuk menggadai apa sahaja yang telah dibina oleh Tun. Sebelum silaknat turun dari takhta, semua milik negara ciptaan Tun harus dihancurkan, begitulah jahat dan busuknya dendam kesumat sijahanam ini. Kalau boleh Twin Tower pun mahu diukir semula kerana tak mampu diruntuhkan.
    Apapun kita bernasib baik sebab adanya Tun dan pemikir, pemerhati dan penyampai bahasa hati didalam blog ini.
    Apapun harus diinggat dan berhati-hati, sebab macam syaitan juga, gagal cara ini akan dicuba cara lain.
    Gugurkan sijahanam bangsa dan negara ini, gugurkan menantunya, gugurkan segala yang dicipta mereka…..ini balasan untuk dia sekeluarga.
    Kaya??? Tak mereka akan dituntut didunia ini sementara meunggu tuntutan akhirat…..”Kami kata pergi, KUBUR kata mari!”

  45. Why Do People Still Hold Demonstration?
    KUALA LUMPUR, Dec 24 (Bernama) — Street demonstrators probably have a good cause but the way it is staged and the negative picture often shown by the foreign media, have tarnished the country’s image.
    Exploiting children and youths to participate in street demonstrations meanwhile, is a disturbing development because it will influence their attitude as they grow up.
    Inspector-General of Police Tan Sri Musa Hassan on Sunday lashed out at the group called Oppressed People Network (Jerit) for enlisting youths and children for street demonstrations because it would create a generation bent on revolt and flouting the law.
    “This group is not fighting for democracy, they are demo-crazy. If it is true they are pro-democracy, they should be highly civilised. If there are problems, they can discuss it and they did not do such a thing.”
    The question now is why are street demonstrations still held though the outcome is vaguely successful?
    As long as Anwar the AUTAMAN is still around, street demonstrations will continue to be staged off and on until the next general election. That’s Anwar’s specialty !! Dah BODOH STUPID !!

  46. Salam Tun,
    Boleh percaye ke pada Najib ni…jangan2 ada habuan yang dok tunggu.
    he…he…dah kenyang…nak kenyang lagi…..erkk….alhamdulillah.
    Our family support Tun 200%.

  47. Assalamualaikum Tun,
    tun ni semua salah tun, kerana tun yang kenalkan dasar penswastaan badan badan ker’an, dia orang goverment BN tu semua anak didik tun,coz tun yang lahirkan masyarakat melayu ‘koprat turn to be keparat. Ni semua adalah hasil dari dasar dasar tun semasa menjadi Prime minister… betul ke tidak apa yang saya tulis ni … saya bukan pengampu tun atau pun kerajan BN……. tun jugak yang mendidik anuar ibrahim menjadi ahli politik at the dia balik memberontak terhadap tun….. semua generasi ahli politik Melayu Umno adalah anak didik tun, mereka mesti ada yang telah menjadi tamak ,,,, betul tun kenal kan dasar penswataan badan badan berkanun gov… untuk melahirkan masyarakat melayu korporat , tetapi mereka tamak dah jadi kapitalis…… yang miskin ditindas , dan kaya bertambah kaya silap silap yang melayu merempat….
    Apa pun saya memang menyokong dasar tun terhadap pembangunan Malaysia… , memang tabik spring i pada tun as A Grandfather of Modenation of Malay, …..but please’lah do something to advise your protege to Rule Malaysia as , Benefit of the Rakyat
    P/s : orang terengganu nak tanya bila duit Royalti minyak bila nak bayar ?

  48. Permisi Tun,
    IJN needs fresh capital,big capital. and govt is trying to do it thru GLC , Sime darby which is listed ,a world class corp. The share is traded on KLse ,anybody aroung the world can invest in these co, be arabs mat salleh etc. IT can easily raise capital thru all kind of instruments to take IJN to world class institutions not only treating patients, but be able to take it togreater height like research, postgraduate training of specialists for the future generations, holdings continuous medical education seminar and congress . which IJN is lacking at moment due to its present state.
    all this while it has been Govt money that has kept it going at a profit, most patient are paid by govt agencies, or subsidise or what ever.
    After all govt has 49% share and and sime 51% and still belong to govt indirectly,
    IF Ijn stay status quo , It will never be able to be world class in its true sense because its activity will be just fixing up block arteries.
    NO doubt there are going to be hell of money spinning around to do it , but with proper transperancy everything should right the way it should be.
    Heart disease is afflicting everyone eventually , so let do it with a big heart.

  49. Assalamualaikum Yang Berbahgia Tun dan keluarga.
    Pada pendapat saya tentang rancangan penswastaan IJN ni, mungkin atas sebab berikut –
    1. Kerajaan sekarang merasakan ini adalah ‘tanggung-jawab sosial’ mereka (pemimpin kerajaan) supaya ianya tidak membebankan kewangan kerajaan; samalah sepertimana mereka menaikkan harga petrol sebelum ni.
    2. Mengapa harus difikirkan sangat rakyat yang tidak berkemampuan kewangan untuk mendapatkan rawatan yang baik, kerana kos perubatan sekarang terlalu tinggi; adalah lebih baik mereka menunggu ajal secara diam-diam dirumah saja.
    3. Selepas penswastaan IJN ini mungkin akan terdengar berita pesakit yang tidak berkemampuan walaupun untuk membayar wang pendahuluan masuk wad, tidak dibenarkan masuk ke IJN, atau mungkin pesakit tersebut meninggal didepan pintu masuk hospital, sepertimana berlaku disebuah hospital swasta di Cheras atau Ampang (kalau tak silap saya) tak berapa lama dulu. Atau mereka pasti tidak berani untuk mendapatkan rawatan di IJN kerana kos yang tinggi walaupun keadaan amat memerlukan.
    4. Atau mungkin kerajaan memikirkan penswastaan ini nanti tidak sekali-kali akan membebankan rakyat, kerana adalah ‘tanggung-jawab sosial’ rakyat untuk membayar setiap perkhidmatan yang kerajaan sediakan.
    5. Bak kata pemimpin kerajaan sekarang, ekonomi kita “masih kukuh!”; persoalannya ekonomi siapa? Ekonomi kerajaan? Ekonomi para jutawan dan mereka yang kaya-raya? Atau merangkumi ekonomi keseluruhan rakyat jelata?
    Yang pastinya tahun 2009 nanti akan banyak memberikan jawapannya.
    Terima kasih Tun kerana memberikan pandangan yang baik dan bernas, semoga ada insan perihatin dipihak kerajaan pemerintah sekarang ni yang mau mengambil-pakai pandangan dari Tun ini …

  50. Assalamualaikum Tun,
    Semua orang tau tun musa anak pak hitam adalag pengerusi Sime Darby… IJN privatisation? Adakah ini satu lagi ‘brilliant idea’ daripada mantan TPM?
    Sorry to say Tun, walaupun beliau pernah menjadi timbalan kepada Tun BUT as a Malay & a Malaysian, I never impressed with the ‘killer’ of Memali.
    Please don’t let this man spoil Malaysia again!


  52. By ikanbilismoh on December 19, 2008 5:34 PM

  53. Salam Tun,
    Before IJN privatisation – it benefits certain people.
    After IJN privatisation – it also benefits certain people.
    Sama je.

  54. Assalmualaikum kpd Ayahanda Tun ,
    The fact that this is happening only tells the people that the current goverment has no compassion for the poor and needy.They say they do , they act differently, and then change direction again, making themselves look like heroes.Its all very confusing, just like the current p.m.
    i just aquired your book ‘che det.com blogging to unblock’, got me into here now.Something straight away caught my attention , on the cover you wrote how some regard you as a dictator.It saddened me heavily that some would actually say this.You are trully our father in a sense, your guidance,vision , compassion ,has truly only fed us literally, made us grow into knowledgeable people as we are today.My family and a lot of Malaysian family owe you much.
    Gone are the days when malaysia was administered by clear ,just and fair manner as you did for us.You made us very proud to be malaysians, look what we are reduced to now.The nation trully misses you.At least here we can find you.

  55. It’s quite difficult for company that focus on profit maximization to subsidized or in other word to help low or medium class patients. Yes, of course we have Corporate Social Responsibilities (CSR) but please set in mind that private company’s CSR totally different with government’s CSR.

  56. Tun,
    Saya dah beberapa bulan masuk laman Tun, ini kali pertama saya komen. Terlalu byk yang nak saya komen dan bagi pandangan, tetapi saya pendam saja sebab terlalu ramai yang bagi komen pasal umno, pasal paklah dan byk lagi.
    Saya cuma tertarik pasal ijn sebab pengswastaan, sejak Tun pegang jawatan PM dari tahun 1981 hinggalah 2004 terlalu banyak perkara yang Tun telah rancang dan laksanakan, saya kira semua berjaya sehingga sekarang dan ada juga yang kurang berjaya. Bila Tun dah tidak lagi jadi PM bermulalah episod yang pelik dan perubahan, org ramai marah Dato Seri AAB, lepas ni org akan marah ke Najib pulak….
    Masa zaman Tun dulu saya kira ramai menteri kabinet tak berani angkat muka dengan Tun, bila Tun jengilkan mata semua orang takut. Apa tun arah semua org takut dan akan patuh…..masa tu Tun semua betul.
    Bila Tun suruh org bawahan buat penswastaan dan tubuh anak syarikat gomen ( GLC) semua akur dan patuh sebab mereka bersetuju. Sekarang bila nak swastakan IJN mcm2 org komen….. kebetulan nak bagi pada Sime Darby (GLC). Skrg kita ada TNB , TM, MAS, KTMB dan mcm2 lagi, kalau buat IJNB apa salahnya……kita tgk apa mereka boleh buat dan adakah mereka ni betul nak tolong gomen dan rakyat yang susah. Dulu mereka kata IJN ada list yang panjang dan kalau tak ada ‘kabel’ kena tunggu giliran panjang.
    Kalau betul SD boleh bantu kita cuba, byk GLC dari mula dulupun merangkak dan sekarang mereka lebih maju dan tidak lupa pada kerajaan dan rakyat…..hampir semua GLC dipegang oleh Khazanah dan saham Kerajaan pun besar. Kita boleh ikat SD dan wakil pegawai kerajaan mesti lah tau apa peranan mereka.
    Saya cuma terkilan bila Tun tidak lagi jadi PM, rupanya masih byk yang Tun boleh buat, cuma aspirasi Tun seolah-olah tidak digunapakai oleh mereka yang memerintah sekarang, kalau Pak Lah sibuk menurut kata KJ dan anak dia kamal tu , termasuk Tajuddin dan lain-lain orang bawah dagu dia, saya tak pelik kalau lepas ni Najib pun ikut telunjuk Rosmah dan kuncu2 dia……betul apa Tun ckp dalam buku Dilemma Melayu yang saya baca pada tahun 1981….”Melayu Mudah Lupa”.
    Silap-silap haribulan kata-kata hang Tuah pun tak boleh guna lagi dalam masa beberapa tahun lagi…….

  57. Yang Disanjungi Tun,
    Saya amat bersetuju dengan pandangan Tun berhubung perkara ini. Pemikiran Tun melampaui zaman dan saya amat kagum dengan kebolehan Tun ini.
    Di sini, saya sertakan perkara berikut:
    Kunjungi http://www.warisanmelayu7.blogspot.com jika anda sayangkan bangsa Melayu.
    Penulis blog ini adalah seorang Professional Melayu yang tidak menyertai mana-mana parti politik.
    Beliau memberikan pemikiran berdasarkan apa yang berlaku di persekitaran terumtamanya yang melibatkan kepentingan orang Melayu.
    Gaya penulisan yang bersahaja dan ringkas serta menarik perhatian membuatkan tulisan beliau disebarkan secara meluas oleh mereka yang prihatin dengan nasib bangsa Melayu.
    Diharap dengan kewujudan laman blog ini dapat memberikan lebih pendedahan berhubung dengan buah fikiran beliau ini.
    Beliau amat mengagumi Tun Dr. Mahathir yang disifatkannya sebagai Negarawan Ulung Sepanjang Zaman.
    Akhir kata, lawatilah laman blog tersebut jika anda amat prihatin kepada nasib bangsa Melayu di negara kita.
    Sebarkan alamat laman blog ini kepada rakan taulan berbangsa Melayu semua dan marilah kita membina satu bangsa yang kuat dan utuh serta dihormati oleh semua.

  58. Assalamualaikum Tun,
    yargh you are right.as IJN will be privatised,Sime Darby just to make profit.why dont they try to buy the share from PANTAI.hmmm…to expensive?or IJN not clever to think about it.
    as IJN is one of the most effective organization then this people want to ‘shake it well’.why?…it will be an easier job to fool the patient.
    sime darby can look to others industry..can make more money what..
    if everything will be privatise?..what the gov will do?…aik?…sleeping…dreaming…yeah it always be like that…
    hope TUN will open up this typical malay brain…
    as I have been under your administration and leadership while i growing up..here I am…
    subsidy…for everybody…
    ‘bantuan’…for the poor…
    so…please differ this…
    love you TUN…hope to meet you as the last time at MASJID PUTRAJAYA…best wishes for you..have a good health…

  59. salam tun.
    this is my 2nd comment since your blog being established.
    pengswastaan mungkin salah satu cara untuk mendapatkan keuntungan tapi tak semestinya ia adalah satu tindakan yang tepat atau wajar dilakukan pada situasi sekarang.
    Jika hasrat ini diteruskan, kemungkinan berlakunya tindakbalas yang kurang menyenangkan. Ramai individu yang berpendapatan rendah akan merasakan diri mereka teraniaya/ditindas dan seterusnya akan mencetuskan kesan yang tidak terduga.
    Secara ironinya, mengapa langkah ini mahu diambil pada saat2 sebegini?
    Adakah ingin membela pihak2 yang mempunyai kepentingan tertentu?
    Jika Sime Darby mempunyai “sincere intent”, mengapa tidak memikirkan alternatif lain yang akan mewujudkan win-win situation daripada mengemukakan cadangan yang akan mendapat bantahan umum yang kuat?
    Jika hidden intent adalah profit semata2, adalah lebih baik jika hasrat ini dilupakan sahaja. Rakyat sekarang bukanlah mudah untuk diperkotak-katikkan. Kemajuan pendidikan negara kita telah menghasilkan generasi yang bijak pandai. Jangan sesekali memandang rendah terhadap keupayaan mereka. Sebaliknya, tindakbalas mereka harus diambil perkiraan sebelum membuat sebarang tindakan.
    every action must have reactions

  60. Assalamualaikum Tun,
    Refer to the privatisation…it seems like some people are running out of time to ‘kaut’ everything as many as possible before they leave the government. Agak2 betoi ka?

  61. Salam Sejahtera Tun..
    Begitu lahapnya mereka berfikir macam mana nak bertambah kaya.. dan begitu kaya raya.. ingat rakyat Malaysia orang senang ke?.. asal bisnes, mula fikir macam mana nak ragut wang rakyat.. hinggakan nak melawat orang sakit di Hospital Besar kena bayar parking.. itu pun orang sudah merungut inikan pula kena bayar ratus-ratus ribu.. nak ambil kesempatan atas rakyat Malaysia.. bertambah kaya raya la Tok Bomoh dan Dukun-dukun sekalian jika IJN diswastakan.

  62. DEAR TUN
    I strongly oppose the selling of IJN stake to a PLC. It depict the purpose of forming this institution in the first place. IJN also is very close to my heart for obvious reasons. IJN should stay as it is.
    Happy belated birthday..

  63. Dearest Tun,
    1st of all, happy belated birthday!! and I pray like many of us that you’ll be blessed with long life and good health, insyallah…
    On the issue of IJN, I don’t blame SD for trying…it’s business. But for the present government to even consider the proposal, they may be either very stupid or very arrogant. Your last point is 100% true.
    Warmest regards to you and your family. Wassalam.
    P/S Bila Tun nak ada lagi book signing session? Did’t know about the last one until it came out in the news. Sigh…

  64. Happy belated Birthday Tun.. Semoga Tun and wife panjang umur dan sihat selalu.. take care! We all love you..

  65. 1 I know three surgeons at IJN. I have never once heard any one complained about their remuneration.
    2 I have a relative from Felda (peneroka) who was treated at IJN with bills that could have been more than RM30K but he paid a very small fraction because his children were government servants. The rest paid by the Government.
    3 My husband is being looked after at IJN for preventive care, and he pays RM900 or more per visit because he is a private patient. We are happy with the service and we do not mind paying the fee because we know he is looked after by excellent doctors.
    The only slight complaint, if at all, is it normally takes almost half a day for a visit because the queue is long even when you have an appointment. And it does take a long time to get appointments because the doctors have many patient to attend to.
    4 A friend of mind had a severe heart emergency in Penang and was treated at one of the private medical centre there. The doctors there needed help from a specialist from IJN but the IJN expert was not free as he had many surgeries already planned in KL. The doctors in Penang attended to him via conference with the IJN expert, in between the KL operations. Talking about dedication!
    To the current Malaysian Cabinet and particularly EPU — please look after the long-term wellbeing of the Country!

  66. Assalamualaikum Tun,
    Tun it seems like ages since your last postings. Hope you are in great health. Starting to worry about you Tun if you don’t appear soon on your blog. Or are you still in a birthday mood Tun?
    Oo so Musa Hitam is behind the plan in acquiring IJN. He said Sime had no problem if the offer was rejected and IJN’s capabilities currently is very good. Then don’t disturb lah. Don’t be so greedy lah.
    Tun why is it only the arrest and prosecution on corruption of the ikan bilis on the news either by the ACA or the UMNO Disciplinary Board? What about the big fish, the powerful but corrupt individuals? What say you on these matters Tun?
    Please Tun don’t take too long a holiday. But if you must then you must, health matters most. May Allah Look Upon You Always.

  67. Assalamualaikum Tun,
    Depa ni dah tak dak keja lain ka? Asyik nak menyusahkan rakyat aje. Tu lah sebabnya rakyat tak berapa nak sokong depa lagi.Maka orang lain dengan mudah mengambil kesempatan untuk meriuhkan suasana. Awat nak gali kubuq sendiri. Benda macamni tak payah nak cerita dalam paper, heboh sana heboh sini.Sebagai pemimpin yang peka dalam keadaan sekarang boleh terus reject idea tu. Apa, Tun musa Hitam ingat dia dah cukup besaq ka jadi Pengerusi Sime Darby yang nak handle IJN tu. Apa kata ambil alih Ampang Putri atau Gleaneagles atau Pantai dan seterusnya buka pada orang miskin untuk dapatkan rawatan yang dikatakan advance tu.Jangan ingat rakyat Malaysia ni buta kayu dan ikut aje apa kerajaan buat. Tapi buatlah kalau nak tengok kerajaan yang ada sekonteng ni ditumbangkan dalam election akan datang.
    Bagi lah depa sedaq sikit. Dah tak cukup masa ni.

  68. Selamat panjang umur Tun,
    Antara Sime Darby dan Kerajaan Malaysia,mana satu agaknya yang tak bijaksana? Kalau YANG MEMINTA tawarkan sesuatu yang baik,YANG EMPUNYA pula janganlah tutup mata dan buat keputusan membuta tuli kerana hendak lepas tangan.Jika ada kemelut dalaman IJN selesaikanlah dengan bijaksana dan bertanggungjawab.Rakyat tidak akan ada peluang protes yang bukan2jika setiap perkara yang bakal dilakukan sudah 10 kali fikir.Takkanlah dalam ramai2 menteri tak ada seorang pun yang bergeliga? Dulu hal minyak,buat malu saja!Nampak sangat tiada pengalaman,dah tu gelabah tak tentu pasal. Ego,sombong dan tak mahu dengar nasihat orang ‘makan garam’. Sekarang,harga minyak turun pun barangan keperluan tetap tak turun Tun,peniaga2 tersengih2 untung banyak… Ikan pula, nampak gaya macam mogok tidur sebulan.Ikan pun pandai JUAL MAHAL dah sekarang.
    Jangan pula kerana IJN maka PM masa hadapan mendapat nama busuk. Atau ianya antara rancangan menggagalkan peralihan kuasa itu?
    Jumpa lagi Tun

  69. Assalamualaikum,
    Yang amat di hormati ayahanda Tun.
    Kalau Tun Musa Hitam merasakan Sime Darby mampu manambah baik IJN dan menjadikannya lebih baik dari sekarang, saya cadangkan beliau di dirikan IJN2 dan buktikannya. Berikanlah khidmat yang di sebutkan itu. Kalau itu agak sukar, tukarkan format SJMC agar selaras dengan niat dalam menambahbaik IJN.
    Labu yang dah elok tak payahlah di perbaiki.
    Kita ucapkan terima kasih atas niat suci beliau itu. Cadangan beliau untuk ambil alih IJN membuatkan saya yang sihat gedang ini rasa macam nak kena serangan jantung.


  71. YAB Tun,
    It baffles me that this Government of ours can allow such a decision to happen. We all know Sime Darby will not make any proposal had it not been prompted or given a go-ahead by the Government.
    It seems to me that this BN Government headed by the ‘arrogant’ UMNOians is either totally ignorant or too arrogant to the extent that they believe the people are not going to notice or cannot do anything to them…
    Just wait for the K.Terengganu by election results …. many of us already know the result. I want to see what the UMNOians will react.

  72. Happy belated birthday Tun.
    May Allah S.W.T. bless you and your family.
    With regards to IJN privatization proposal. If it has something to do with AAB, there’s a high chance it will lead to the culprit; KJ. I strongly believe, anything that has something to do with AAB camp aka KJ, should not be taken lightly. These people has a “good” track record in collapsing the country’s economy and stability in just under 5 years.
    I have say this out loud, AAB, please step down now. There’s no telling what he will do in the next 3 months (as March 2009 is nearing).

  73. YABhg Tun, saya dan keluarga menucapkan Selamat Hari Lahir ke 83 kepada Tun, semoga diberi rahmat oleh Allah SWT, dipanjangkan usia dengan mendapat kesejahteraan dan kesihatan yang baik yang berpanjangan. Semoga Tun akan dapat terus memberi jasa dan sumbangan bakti kepada negara dan bangsa. Wassalam.

  74. Dear Tun and readers,
    Tun Musa today (Malysian Insider)said that Sime Darby will not shirk their social responsibilities in providing treatments for needy patients when they are given a chance to acquire part of IJN shares .He even said that the services will be improved if Sime Darby were given a chance to acquire part of IJN shares.
    There is this story told by my close friend who is an ex-gov (PTD officer)who was driving along federal highway to Subang Jaya.
    He was in a rush to be back home in USJ.
    As he was approaching Subang Jaya’s entrance he saw somebody being knocked down but unfortunately nobody bothered to assist. The body of the victim was lying by the roadside of the Federal Highway.
    He , being a responsible government officer stopped and carried the victim into his car and took him to SJMC in Subang Jaya. The poor victim who was in his 50’s was alive and semi-concious when my friend attended to the rescue.
    Upon reaching the emergency department , he then asked the staff on duty to attend to the victim and leave the patient there and rushed home to attend to an urgent matter with intention to come back later.
    Upon settling his urgent business at home, he rushed back to SJMC to check on the victim.
    To his surprise he was told by the staff at the emergency department that the victim had been transferred to Universiti Hospital. If I recall correctly what he told me is that the reason for transferring the victim to Universiti Hospital was because he had no money and nobody to guarantee his payment.
    So how could Tun Musa said that they will not shirk their social responsibility even when somebody like the above victim required an immediate medical attention ,SJMC chose to reject.
    That is the story I heard from a friend whom I knew for 20 over years who could also be termed as a law-abiding citizen and he is the sort of person that will do the above. For Tun , you may know him or his family quite well, as he used to tell me that when he was small you used to carry him. His father was the Land Surveyor with the Gov.
    This is a true story from whom I belive will not lie. Personally, I have a number of time seek treatment at SJMC and the service is nothing that we Malaysian can be proud of ,sometime it is even worst than in the Government Offices. I dont deny there are good doctors in SJMC.
    There are also other stories of similar nature that happened in SJMC in the past. One that I know is the patient that has small chance of been recovered will not be accepted in SJMC in case of emergency. i personally feel that at SJMC money is what matter most.
    No money no talk no attention.
    Last but not least all I want to say is bullshit to Tun Musa Hitam.

  75. Salam grandpa, awat lama tak tulis blog? busy ka? I miss ur article la.. rindu kat buah fikiran Tun.
    One more thing.. saya pun tak setuju IJN diswastakan. Ni mesti kerje Tun Musa Hitam ni…banyak je helah dia.

  76. Proposal For Malaysia-Indonesia Bridge Needs In-Depth Study – Najib
    MELAKA, Dec 23 (Bernama) — The government will take into consideration all aspects, including suitability and economic factors, on the proposal by the Melaka government to build a bridge across the Melaka Straits to link Malaysia and Indonesia.
    Yes it is a viable project that can boost stronger ties between two countries politically, culturally and economically. No question about it. A rail tunnel just like from London to Paris is much more safer and and environmental friendly than a bridge! We have the technology to build the tunnel. Come Najib! I challenge you to take the initiative !!

  77. Many Malaysians are not prepared to pay the actual costs of their medical bills. They are also not prepared to buy a health insurance which can help to cover the costs. While the private sector is money making, yet theirs is more realistic. Anything to do with health is expensive. That is why there is a common quote which says that health is wealth. While there are real poor Malaysians, there are also real rich stingy Malaysians who would take good advantage of the government medical service so that they do not have to pay much. Therefore there is a need to do a balancing act because ethically, everyone is entitled to a decent medical service regardless of their status.

  78. Reply to :
    Isadarus dd.21/12/08 time 7.47am.
    No money to pay? no problem, can use Medisave ie cut from your CPF savings.
    Govt built first class healthcare institutions and let people use their CPF savings to pay. CPF money keeps rolling around. Very smart.
    Should Malaysian Govt follow Singapore style?.
    By the way,what you meant by no money to pay…. Medisave is our hard earned money also you know..If you dont have medisave you have to pay cash or get you immediate family medisave to pay for it.Govt.built first class healthcare ,yes but you has to pay for it nothing is free here.
    Happy Birthday Tun.
    May God bless you with many more bithdays to come.
    Assalamualaikum wrbh.

  79. Salam Tun & fellow bloggers,
    1.Hah elok la tu Lepas ni jual la pulak HKL ke,Hosp Selayang ke..
    2.Sime Darby bukan pedulik camana nak bayar bil yg tinggi tu nanti
    3.Yg penting BoD,specialist boleh pakai latest punya 7 series,E class
    4.Jgn la berlakon social responsibility lak,kalau betul mana pegi Sime Darby bila ada budak kuar paper,tv tak mampu bedah jantung berlubang?Bukan banyak pun 30k-40k..
    5.Ada la beberapa basic need yg bila diswastakan makin parah eg IWK (servis teruk,aroma satu taman),tol (perjanjian berat sebelah,OSA)
    6.Kesihatan adalah hak asasi manusia yg dijamin olej UN
    7.Satu soalan untuk Sime Darby:Kenapa org yg tidak mampu dinafikan haknya?Katakanlah org yg tak mampu ini disubsidikan oleh kerajaan,adakah ini dikira sebagai corporate social responsibility?
    8.Malaysia boleh!

  80. TUN M:
    You copied ‘privatisation’ from Maggie Thatcher of England. It aws the agenda of the Conservative Party of Britain during her rule.
    The British did it sparingly and after objective evaluation and through competitive bidding. But you did not adopt open competitive bidding procedures. You simply gave away even profitable ventures to your cronies. Now you say “IJN is very close” to you! You are really a bundle of contradictions! During your rule, many of the privatised assets/projects were turned over to your cronies! You seem to have double standards when it comes to privatization. Apalah semua ini, Tun?

  81. Salam ayahanda Tun,
    Sudah agak lama anakanda tidak menulis disini, kerana berasa terlalu kecewa dengan kepimpinan sekarang yang tidak nampak perbezaannya.
    Anakanda ingin mengucapkan Selamat Hari Ulangtahun, dan anakanda doakan semoga Allah SWT sentiasa memberkati ayahanda Tun dan keluarga. Kami sekeluarga sentiasa mengucapkan syukur pada Allah SWT kerana telah mengurniakan ayahanda Tun untuk memimpin kami, dan kami masih memerlukan pimpinan ayahanda.
    Salam kasih dari anakanda dan keluarga.

  82. Assalamualaikum Tun yang saya tersangat hormati……I am saddened by the decision of the Board of Directors of Sime Darby which consist of experienced vip like Tun Musa Hitam,Tun Ahmad Sargi,Tan Sri Dr Wan Md Zahid,Tan Sri Dr Ahmad Tajuddin etc to take over IJM.What is more saddining is that Sime Darby has not responded to this issue at all.Silence is golden but anything that is golden attracts all sorts of responses…….Anyhow,Tun, once again, HAPPY BIRTHDAY.

  83. Happy belated birthday kepada Tun yg dihormati dan disayangi..
    Semoga dikurniakan akal yg cergas dan dipanjangkan umur..
    Kenapa PakLah makin teruk ni,bukan Kerajaan makin teruk tp PakLah..rasa2nya 90% kakitangan awam skrg,,dok mengumpat PAKLAH dalam opis la ni..Boring la dgn kerenah kerajaan skrg..Nmpak gayanya saya jd pengundi yg tak bertanggungjawab lg la next election sbb tak tau nak mengundi sapa,,PKR pun mcm hampeh gak..baik time mengundi nanti dok umah tgk TV,tak payah nak penat2 beratur..
    Harap sgt2 PAS akan keluar daripda PKR..biar melayu bersatu dalam PAS…
    Saya kagum dgn kepimpinan Tun
    Semoga Tun sihat2 selalu

  84. Salam Tun & sekeluarga..
    Pak Lah dikaitkan dengan Anak-Menantu & Co. Najib belum lagi naik sebagai PM, tapi dah nak libatkan keluarga dan kaum kerabat di dalam `business` kerajaan. Sime Darby berada di bawah sayap CIMB dan CIMB pula dikuasai Nazir Razak..siapa Nazir Razak ? Saya rasa semua orang tahu..
    Nampaknya kronisme tak akan berhenti dengan berhentinya Pak Lah dari kerajaan, kesinambungannya tetap ada, akan diwarisi pula oleh Pak Najib. Entah sampai bila perkara ini akan ada noktahnya..Wallahualam.

    ps. We hope Prokhas will succeed in their commitments to the noble cause and in Sdr. Fazlur Rahman you have a sincere and honest man whom we can trust to manage the funds. We knew him when both of us took over the Kelab Sukan BBMB in the early eighties which was then in the ‘red’ and turning it into ‘blue’ by selling kelab’s T-shirts and umbrellas and sometimes contributing our income to the the club’s activities.

  86. Dear Tun,
    There is a believe that competition breeds excellence, best price and innovation which will eventually benefit the public, users and mankind.
    Competition creates an enviromment where constant and consistent improvement (KAIZEN), development and growth will be fostered.
    But over emphasis on competition can sometimes create situation where the public and users actually lose out.
    It is a believe that only through commercial and private enterprise that service standards and quality will improve.
    It can be seen by the lagging behind of the Civil or Government machinary in the implementation and upkeep of infrastructures, buildings, and services to private commercial concerns.
    There are merits to this proposal for a buy out if IJN by Sime Darby. BUT in this instance we need to find a balance between pure competition and public service.
    Is there a model we can use ensure that we can harness the best of both worlds? There is;
    1) Its is all about motivation. Find the value and believes of the people running the orgainsation that will motivate them to make the organisation the best with constant KAIZEN.
    2) Its is about finding the best combination of motivational forces for the staff and people who 1) Manage 2) Supervise and 3) man the delivery of the services and production.
    In a commercial concern the motivation is its $$$ profits, growth and survival! This is the capitalist economist believe.
    In Islam, and for us most practicing Muslims, that IS NOT THE motivation. There is more to it – it is the need to achieve ALLAH’s redha and to be useful for the good of mankind…to be ALLAH’s Khalifa on this earth.

    HUA…HUA…HUA (menangis ke ketawa ni??)

  88. Assalamualaikum Ya Habibi Tun,
    1. Satu lagi contoh kelemahan pentadbiran BN sekarang.
    2. Dah banyak medical centre untuk yang kaya raya, leave IJN alone for the poor.
    3. Apa dah jadi dengan BN dan kerajaan sekarang? Anything to do with medical should not be privatise. Itu pun nak kene ajar ke?
    4. Sudah – sudahlah Pak Lah …..no need to do anything anymore. Just take your time and enjoy travelling with rakyat money during your this last three months as PM!!!…Thereafter….with all means……….go..just go……..with respect!!!!
    5. Wassalam.

  89. Salam Tun.
    Happy Belated Birthday dearest Tun.
    Regarding the IJN privitasation, i just could not see the importance of doing so in the current situation….Is it what u call strategic thinking..To the current Government please use your common sense….
    Tun keep up your good work..

  90. DEAR TUN….
    Pemerintah yang otak dekat lutut masih tidak faham keadaan sekarang … Adakah mereka faham SUARA AKAR UMBI yang diwar-warkan oleh pemimpin mereka. Sekian terima kasih.

  91. A’kum Tun
    Privatisation is good because you have stated the reason why. But the problem with the government today it doesnt come out with any scheme that elaborate how it gonna benefits the poor or to the public in detail. It just states that is good for all. The details nil. How can the public trust the government when they are not being transparent about the whole idea? I think there must be procedure to be followed if we want the idea to be mooted for example bring the topic in the parliament and table it for all parties to scrutinize the idea. Then upon reaching the majority agreement shall proceed or otherwise. Why create all this coffee shop talk that gives the opposition to bombard the government? I think the ministers have not learn any lesson yet from the past….

  92. Salam YBhg Tun,
    I refer to comment
    By natta.chai4 on December 21, 2008 3:16 AM
    assalamualaikum tun
    thanks for the quick save tun,they were already planning the to rob the Rakyat again.
    same old story,for the Rakyat…to benefit the people….we will take care of the old and poor..blah…blah…blah.if tun had been a little late…”hancur IJN,Rakyat pun masak”.
    DSNajib,shows the same flip flop mentality just like paklah,today we privatize tommorow different story.do your homework first before blowing your horn next time,malu hang…malu kami…malu umno jugak.baru nak pick-up sikit dah buat perangai bangsat macam paklah.
    I know Dato’ Najib has rakyat in his heart. He is the one yg kene ketuk/kene jawab over his boss’s tabiat baling batu sembunyi tangan. Macam By election Penang tu la…DSN pulak yang kene turun padang. Chief Biro Perhubungan UMNO Negeri pegi manaaaa? I think Tun would agree at some extent. DSAAB? I dun think so! Rite Tun? How DSAAB can show himself so correct in front of RTM camera really amazing…
    Baby Terengganu by election akan teach him a lesson…Terengganu his arrogance to show off to you Tun. At the end bfore March tuhan nak tunjuk…hidup ini roda. Im sure banyak lagi tuhan akan TUNJUK!

  93. u disapproved ijn to become privatised because u dont want to see malaysians struggling for their hearts, then u must also agreed that most malaysians are not rich to own cars, to drive on highways to pay high electric bills and etc.

  94. Asalamualaikum YgBerbahagia Tun,
    Masih belum terlambat rasanya untuk saya mengucapkan Selamat Ulang Tahun kepada Tun. Berbangga kerana saya juga dilahirkan dalam bulan Desimber dan berzodiak sama dengan Tun. Semoga panjang umur dan murah rezeki, dijauhkan Allah SWT dari segala tomahan dan fitnah.
    Mengenai IJN? Rakyat berpendapatan rendahlah yang akan merasakan tempiasnya. Selepas ini bolehlah diterbitkan akhbar yang khusus untuk pesakit jantung atau ahli keluarga mereka bagi mengiklankan bantun derma bagi membiayai perbelanjaan mengubati rawatan di IJN dan semakin ramailah nanti pesakit yang merahsiakan penyakit jantung mereka kepada ahli keluarga kerana bimbang bebanan yang akan ditangung sekiranya dirawat di IJN. Tahniah dan syabas kepada pencetus idea IJN di swastakan.
    Tun, teruskan menulis kerana melalui tulisan Tunlah saya lebih memahami situasi politik di Malaysia sejak dari dulu hingga kini. Masih lagi tercari-cari buku tulisan Tun kerana di tempat saya tidak ada kedai Mph.
    Salam saya sekeluarga buat Tun suami isteri.

  95. Salam buat Tun Dr Mahathir yg dikasihi,
    Moga masih tidak terlewat…ingin mengucapkan selamat hari lahir buat Tun yang amat disayangi!
    Bagi saya pengambilalihan IJN adalah satu dari beberapa kerja PM kita untuk melunaskan dendam2 beliau kepada Dr M.Apa2 saja yg berkaitan dengan jasa dan usaha2 Dr M kita ingin dihapuskan beliau.Saya tidak fikir keuntungan yang diinginkan Sime Darby dalam hal ini.
    Moga PM kita akan sedar kerana dendam akan menghapuskan langsung legasi keturunan beliau dan moga tuhan memberikan hidayah kepada beliau untuk kembali kepangkal jalan bagi membela orang melayu khasnya dan rakyat Malaysia amnya di waktu2 terakhir beliau….Amin.
    Kepada Tun kami masih memerlukan khidmatmu.Berjuanglah demi Allah!Amin…

  96. Dearest YAB Tun
    Happy Birthday and may Allah bless and keep you
    SYABAS to all administrators ,Doctors,nurses and staff of IJN
    They are doing a good service to the community, may Allah bless all of them. They give but never ask anything in return, while their colleagues are making tons of money out there they worked silently and give all out to treat and save their patients rich or poor. On the other hand these doctors are not living on fresh air and sunshine, so the government must look after their welfare and find ways and means to increase their pay so that they will not leave their poor patients. Tun for the sake of the Rakyat please stop the greedy intention, of Sime Darby wasalam

  97. Yg Berbahagia Tun …
    Ada kemungkinan penangguhan keputusan pengswastaan IJN dibuat disebabkan pilihanraya kecil yang akan berlaku diKuala Terengganu. Najib atau Pak Lah mungkin tak berani untuk mengumumkan keputusan yang saya jangka telah ditetapkan atas perkara pengswastaan. Sekiranya mereka dah menolaknya, pasti ianya dah diumumkan untuk melembutkan hati rakyat.
    Pada mereka yg bakal mengundi diKuala Terengganu, buatlah keputusan bijak anda sekiranya penolakkan mutlak pengswastaan IJN tidak diumumkan sebelum pilihan raya kecil.
    Pengswastaan IJN terletak ditangan orang Kuala Terengganu sekarang.
    Semoga Tun terus sihat dan melawat IJN sebagai tetamu.

  98. Assalamualaikum TUN…..
    Saya rasa BN ni dah tak releven lagi orang semakin lama semakin meluat dengan cadangan bodoh mereka seolah-olah pilihanraya lepas mereka telah menang dengan majoriti 2/3 tapi sebenarnya BN masih tidak sedar-sedar lagi ….tunggulah pilihanraya kecil di kuala terengganu
    nanti BN akan tumbang sebab rakyat tidak boleh terima dengan cadangan penswastaan IJN kepada SIME DARBY dan seterusnya kerajaan BN akan benar-benar tumbang baru mereka sedar …inilah masalahnya kalau bisnes dicampurkan dengan politik..

    …4. The doctors and nurses are very well trained and efficient. During the 50 days I was hospitalised there I never heard them complain about their salary or how they have been treated. They seem to me to be a happy lot. They are not mercenary, thinking only of their pay. I think they love their work; they love to see their patients recover and go back to normal, especially their transplant patients.
    6. Maybe I am biased because I owe my life to IJN. But I think as a corporatised institution the IJN has done extremely well.
    p.s. Wondered whether Dr. Sanjay( the Shah Rukh Khan of IJN)is still working there?

  100. Salam Tun,
    may i know why the goverment agreed to approve this IJN privatisation,yet want to discuss this matter although they know that Sime Darby do this just for business matters..if they(goverment) said they concerns about our people,just ignore this issues..please give ur opinion about that.
    i hope Tun understand what’s my point is.

  101. Salam Tun,
    It is not acceptable for the government to privatise IJN under SIME DARBY. There are many other areas of businesses where SIME DARBY can venture into instead of privatising IJN.
    IJN should not be privatised and will never be. It will be the downfall of the present government if IJN were to be privatised. It should be the symbol of success for the BN Government (i.e. UMNO and others)in championing the care for Malaysian (i.e. RAKYAT).
    I reiterate that it is going to be a BIG mistake if IJN were to be privatised. It is so stupid for those who raised this matter when the present government is weak and unpopular.
    Brisbane, Australia

  102. Salam Tun
    Di Singapura memang hospitalnya canggih,cantik,servicenya bagus dan duitmya pun bagus, salah kalau Cik ISADARUS kata tak ada duit no problem boleh pakai medisave itu tidak benar, tidak semua bayaran boleh menggunakan medisave itu sebab semua restructure hospital ada dept dipanggil Medical Social Service mereka yg tidak berkemampuan akan dirujuk disitu utk mendapatkan bantuan dan utk pengetahuan semua tidak semua yg berjaya. Aruah ibu saya dimasukkan diCancer Centre dan Dr terpaksa melakukan ujian PAT SCAN nak tahu apa yg Dr katakan dulu scan in tidak boleh menggunakan medisave walaupun ibu saya dirawat di subsidise wad saya harus membayar tunai $2000 hanya uth scan tersebut. Maka itu pasa pendapat says biarlah IJN remain as it is.
    P.S kata2 yg sering diucapkan oleh pesakit baik mati dari sakit kerana kos perubatan di Singapura amatlah tingggi

  103. Yang Amat Berbahagia Tun,
    I want to share my comments with you on the not so smart decision by the Government announced by YAB Dato Seri Najib. As a leader and soon to be the PM, he should emulate your style of making decision that will make him more magnanimous and perhaps will win the heart and confidence of the grass-root by not supporting any ideas of handing over any good government projects in particular those that have direct interest of the rakyat at large to anybody that have vested interest in making more money out of the poor.

  104. YBHG TUN,Salam…
    Toward the end of AB and KJ government (if what was promised turns out to be true in March 09) and while every UMNO members pray for the better in Kuala Trengganu ;-
    1. they gave the bullets to opposition and create anger among the
    BN own supporters.
    2. In the case of IJN, many would want to know WHOSE’S IDEA was it.
    Who’s actually the person behind the iron curtain. We know for
    certain, if there is no powerful hands, Sime Darby can shout day
    and night, no one borders on the part of the government.
    3. the local KT UMNO leaders are opportunist. Instead of gathering
    support, they request for more money, explanation where and how
    it was spent, when are they going to get more etc. Again creating
    anger to the voters and providing bullet proof vest to the
    4. KJ should not be allowed to be near KT for simple reason. UMNO
    members doesnt want him. Remember what he did and said in KB in
    2008 election campaign? The reaction was, we sure loose.
    Why cant these two appointed UMNO member understand that it was
    because of them that UMNO & BN collapsed.
    5. Its either Najib failed to observe or as expected still not in
    command and being ignored? It could have been different if the
    UMNO general assembly was conducted in December 08 intead of
    March 09 or it will never happen?
    Sorry out of main topic, but not only IJN will disappear, the malays
    will vanish.

  105. As far as I know organizations with the word Negara belong to the country – the government; not the private sector. We have Negaraku, Stadium Negara, Muzium Negara, Taman Negara, Tugu Peringatan Negara, Bank Negara, Rukun Negara and Pasukan Bolasepak Negara. Many more Negara. To sell Institut Jantung Negara to the private sector is a betrayal of the country; imagine selling Bank Negara to Sime Darby. This would be the most lucrative sale of all time with the country’s reserve of RM600 billion. I propose that Sime Darby buy the idle land in kampungs or the vast swamps and peat soil of Sarawak during this depressing times with land fetching low prices.Another idea would be setting another Cardiac hospital to compete with IJN. I assure the that thousands will come from overseas to get treatment at the new hospital. I think Sime Darby is too big a conglomerate to think of micro issues like setting of a better equipped hospital. Of course palm oil is not lucrative now- go into paddy planting, early this year we were jolted with limited supply of rice. IJN must not be an easy prey to corporate giants otherwise erase all the rhetorics like caring and sensitive society.

  106. TUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    There are few things that I would like to write in here as I havent been in here for quite a long time hope you will read them …..
    I remembered what my eldest girl told me about a year ago when she was about 5 yrs old, she told my hub that the tv made pictures from small small dots and I remembered my second girl told her “marwa you know everything dont you?” and she answered “No I dont ALLAH knows everything”…these answers made me laughed and amazed as thinking how advanced kids nowadays.
    She was educated in UK state school for more than a year, this school did not have specific subjects neither did the teachers had dateline on the subjects that they needed to teach the children. They didnt really stress much on books but they were more fun teachings like rearing chicks in school, learn about electric appliances that usually seen at home, about pollution , recycling, ecosystem and they did so much fairs at school where the parents participated in order to raise money to make a windmill at the school compound at last they did manage to build one, I remembered when I met the headmaster, he said that he wanted to teach the children to be sensitive of their surroundings , he said he believed in QUALITY NOT IN QUANTITY and I think he did the right thing and I know that this school in a way did make my child think the way she is today eventhough its just for a year there.
    Then came my hub, when he bought DS NINTENDO and a brain game by Dr. Kawashima “HOW OLD IS YOUR BRAIN”.A game which will tell you how old is your brain and the best brain was age 20,hehhehe I got 20 most of the time but my hub and bro got around 50 and 60…hehheh…The best thing about this game is that it not only tell you what is your brain age but it also improves your brain if you play it daily, it makes your brain sharper and improves memory.
    That makes me think , what if the government made a system by which in every school starting from primary school everyday the students will have a curriculum which is fun like Dr. Kawashima’s game, just spend about 20 minutes doing the game.I believe the kids’ IQ will go high up if they practice it everyday!!!!It makes them think sharper and faster and improves their memory.
    I was thinking maybe the government could approach this man and paid him to make a game by which kids will use in school this would do wonders to the children!well thats just a thought anyway!
    MY uncle died about 2 weeks ago, he was supposed to had an operation 12th this month, but he died before that, I remembered he was so skinny , TUN, you know like the pictures you saw of starving people in Africa?…thats how he looked like.His heart was healthy but becus the artillery was torned a bit water entered his lung and infected it, he was in and out of the Kuching General Hospital lots of time but the doctors gave reason that there are lots of people on the que.
    I was thinking ,dont they have panel meetings and discussed the matter who considered to be urgent?If my uncle had the money he could have gone to private hospital and had operation immediately and could have been alive today.
    There are alot of people in my family died in hospital including in IJN KL, she was my dad cousin , she was supposed to have an operation by which the risk was less than 10%. I think her operation was to widen her artillery, I think but because the doctor who operated her made a mistake for not having a tube which the size was suitable for her….she died during the operation. My cousin told me she just came from a meeting and went straight to IJN for the operation she even told me she wanted to visit me in UK.
    Even me, when I had my second child in Kuching GH, I had hypertension, I remembered they injected magnesium sulphate in me, it was so hot when that thing went in me. I was 7 months pregnant my BP was 160/110 and they put me at the section where people gave birth for 4 days, couldnt sleep with all the noise, then the docs decided to send me to postnatal section for a day then the 2 specialist doctors had difficulty in making decision whether to operate me or not, then they send me back to the labour room again and from there they decided to sent me back to the postnatal section as they didnt come up with any decision!!!Then one morning , a senior Indian doctor, checked me, he was ssoooooooooo angry that he said “if you do not operate her today you will lose both the mother and the child!!!”Thats when they finally decided to operate me!!!
    I was thinking this is the quality of doctors we have here in Malaysia, 3rd world class doctors!!!I have to admit Indians make better doctors than chinese or malays!!!
    Well , TUN if we dont have wealth nor power we will not have the quality of doctors you said in IJN. They have to treat you the best becus you were once the most powerful man in Malaysia and still is I think!!
    I told my children be doctors, maybe they might end up not just saving lives but a whole country like you did!!!
    TUN, I go now….bye

  107. see what happened to Tenaga,
    crude oil price increase,they incresed tariff.now crude oil price decrease they said their major cost not crude oil.
    They thought we all like them Brainless….BN
    IJN cannot be privatised,

  108. Asalamualaikum Tun,
    Bila saya menulis di luar topik perbincangan “pak man telo” yang sedang Tun bincangkan dalam forum tersebut, dengan membincangkan issue IJN,saya berat merasakan Tun tidak akan mengambil peduli permohonan saya tu. Saya dapati saya silap.
    Tun telah benar-benar bersuara di dalam blog ini memberi respond kepada request saya.
    Terima kasih banyak-banyak Tun. You memang special, sticking to the real truth, tak kira walaupun ia boleh mencemar nama baik u yang pernah menjuarai dan memperjuangkan privatisation.
    Doa saya semoga Allah memberikan Tun kebahagiaan zahir dan bathin, di dunia dan di akhirat nanti. Amin.

  109. YAB Tun
    I strongly support your comment than IJN shpuld not be sold to SIME
    DARBY.IJN should remain as this with strong objetive and pholisphy
    to assist poor people.The goverment should not think only profit but social obligation to the poor people must come first.
    I have been many countries in the world, i feel very pround people comment IJN have very outstanding and dedicated DOCTERS,nurses and staffs of IJN.If Malaysia lost in many sport games but Malaysian pround about our IJN.

  110. TUN Sekeluarga.
    Apalah nak jadi pada pemimpin sekarang ni. Apa sebenarnya yang bermain di fikiran mereka agaknya. Rakyat hidup semakin tertekan janganlah tambah lagi bebanan. Harga barang tak pernah turun walau harga minyak sudah turun. Mana perginya penguatkuasaan dan pemantauan? Ini pula nak jadikan IJN institusi Swasta. Bagi mereka yang kaya dan berada mungkin tak terasa, mereka rasa lima puluh ringgit tak da nilainya. Tapi bagi kami golongan sederhana dan kurang berada ini lima puluh ringgit itu banyak maknanya. Sudahlah! Berhenti menyakitkan hati rakyat. Buat sesuatu fikirlah dahulu jangan terus melulu. Rakyat dah BOSAN dan meluat… Janganlah nanti rakyat terus berpaling tadah dan mengundi sesiapa saja yang bakal membela nasib mereka. Ketika itu baru nak tersedar…… Malangya segalanya sudah terlewat. Saya menyokong TUN sepenuhnya. Saya rasa rakyat sekarang tidak bodoh dan tak mudah diperkotak-katikkan seperti dulu

  111. Assallamuailkum YABTun yang amat saya kasehi,
    Saya dan keluarga saya mengucapkan SELAMAT HARI JADI kami mendoakan
    YAB Tun sentiasa sehat dipanjangkan umur untuk terus memberikan khidmatcomment dan pandangan yg positive untuk bangsa,negara dan ugama yg
    kita cintai ini.

  112. Dearest Tun,
    Happy belated birthday to u. Pertama kali saya ingin memaklumkan kerana Tun saya memasuki UMNO. Saya mengkagumi gaya pemikiran TUN dan kepimpinan TUN. Sebelum ini saya pernah bekerja dengan beberapa syarikat antarabangsa seperti Amerika dan syarikat Jepun. Saya sudah puas dicaci, dibuli dan dihina. Namun saya buktikan anak Melayu sememangnya bijak dan pantang dicabar. Saya menapak daripada bawah hinggalah saya menjadi salah seorang tenaga pakar di dalam Dunia ICT. Oleh kerana terpanggil dengan laugan kerajaan agar anak tempatan yang berjaya membina kerjaya dan profesion untuk pulang bekerja bersama dengan syarikat tempatan. Tetapi malangnya selepas saya memasuki salah sebuah syarikat GLC tempatan, saya amat terkejut dan mendapat kejutan budaya seketika. Pemikiran mereka tidak seperti apa yang saya gambarkan. Mereka masih berada di takuk pemikiran yang lama. Namun saya berjanji akan mencurahkan segala Tenaga, kepakaran dan pengalaman yang ditimba di syarikat antarabangsa selagi masih diperlukan dan Sebagai pemimpin pelapis di masa depan, Kemasukan saya dalam UMNO adalah kerana terpanggil dengan semangat perjuangan yang tulus tanpa mengharapkan pembalasan sebarang jawatan di dalam UMNO. Hanya UMNO parti yang memperjuangkan MELAYU. Rasa cintanya saya pada tanah air Malaysia ini tak dapat ditukar beli dengan wang ringgit. Perjuangan saya iklas seiklasnya. Tapi sayangnya semangat ini semakin luntur, terkikis dan terhakis daripada generasi seangkatan dengan saya atau yang lebih muda. Apa yang saya lihat di dalam UMNO terutamanya di kalangan pemimpin akar umbi amat mengecewakan. Sifat tamak dan mementingkan diri sendiri tanpa memikirkan apa yang bakal berlaku pada generasi kita pada masa depan amatlah mengecewakan. Hanya memikirkan jawatan apa yang bakal disandang tanpa memahami bahawasanya jawatan itu adalah AMANAH bukannya batu loncatan untuk mendapatkan kemewahan dan mengejar kekayaan semata-mata. Segala ungkapan hanyalah omongan kosong dan sandiwara semata-mata. Saya amat mengharapkan TUN agar dapat kembali bersama di dalam UMNO. Walaupun terdapat banyak kepincangan dalam UMNO kita harus bersatu dan berjuang bersama wahai WIRAKU. Hanya yang saya harapkan, satu hari nanti Allah akan perkenan hajat saya untuk dipertemukan dengan TUN dan dapat bersembang tentang beberapa perkara. Hanya TUN Idola saya. Bukan senang untuk berjaya Bukan susah untuk dilupa.
    Aniza Anuar
    Puteri Jalan Kebun Barat
    Parlimen Kota Raja.
    Walau sudah berjaya tetapi bukan kacang lupakan kulit.

  113. Salam,
    Pegawai IJN mesti diberi gaji setara dengan swasta. Kalau tidak walau pun pakar jantung macam mana pun sebagai manusia biasa tentulah jantung depa pun tak syok.
    Sime Darby mempunyai Lembaga(?) Pengarah dan Lembaga(?) Eksekutif kebanyakannya terdiri dari Tan Sri dan Dato2 yang berpengalaman dan berwibawa. Sime Darby ialah GLC yang tak nampak macam GLC jika dibaca laman sawang(?) depa (www.simedarby.com) . Kalau nak kata tolong pertanian orang Melayu , FELDA dan FELCRA lah pejuang nya. Dato Najib sangat handal hal ini. Tak de siapa boleh challenge dia. Kot bidang lain Sime Darby telah berjaya bantu orang Melayu.
    Kesenangan suatu pihak mungkin menjadi kesusahan pihak lain. Itu lah namanya dunia. Sakit jantung ini satu malapetaka bagi orang kebanyakan tetapi satu yang membawa keuntungan besar bagi pihak lain pula. Ta kan Sime Darby lembik sangat sampai nak “Sure untung” aje, hang pa semua ahli korporat, gunalah strategi “blue ocean” atau apa2 strategi. Hang pa kan bijak pandai dunia korporat? Takan nak bantai orang miskin!. Sime Darby boleh tolong lah kerajaan bantu GLC yang lemah, telan GLC lemah (macam Golden Hope , tak pasti lemah(?)) untuk menjenamakan semula sebagai Sime Darby. Ini baru lah namanya korporat. Bersaing lah di pentas dunia, bukan “sure hebat” dan “sure heboh” kat Malaysia aje!..
    Harap kerajaan Barisan Nasional jangan bagi muka kat Sime Darby ni.Berani depa usulkan cadangan nak korporat IJN? Dah dapat kebenaran rakyat ke?
    Ingatlah wahai pemimpin Melayu semua, parti itu tak penting, yang lebih penting masa depan orang Melayu. Kita sokong mana2 parti yang boleh untungkan Melayu. Saya seprti kebanyakan orang melayu lain iaitu orang biasa ini bukan penting siapa Perdana Menteri: Dato Najib, DSAI atau Dato Hadi atau sesiapa pun. Yang minat orang politik. Kami tak minat pun. Kami hanya berminat cari rezeki halal.Siapa2 pun boleh jadi pemimpin asalkan Islam dan nasib kami orang Melayu terbela!

  114. >>>>>>Dear Tun,
    1. Saya amat bersetuju agar IJN tIDAK di privatisekan. as a matter of fact, Air dan api letrik juga tidak patut di privatisekan. Kerana semua ini cukup perlu bagi rakyat jelata.
    2. Jambatan bengkok tu juga patut di teruskan. Tapi ada juga manusia yg rasa dirinya cukup cerdek, maklumlah diplomat teragong, buat keputusan semuanya lintang pukang!!!Kalau dia ikut apa yg tun buat dan teruskan nescaya trafik jam bolih dielakkan.
    3. Saya harap era DSN pula bulan march ini, tidak lah macam 5 tahun yg lalu..cukup seksa dibuatnya!!!Pilih lah menteri yg baru dn yg lama2 tu pensen je lah…itu pun kalau nak umno masih relevan…kalau beliau juga kurang cekap, almaklumlah umno dah sah akan jadi arwah…!!!!menjelang PRU13 akan datang..

  115. Dear Tun
    I agreed with Tun, privatise of IJN is not a good idea. Initially, I can’t understand why BN Gov. agreed with that proposal.
    But luckly, today it has been temporary resolved and hope it will not bring forward again this issue.
    Take care Tun.

  116. Salam untuk Yg Berbahagia Tun …
    Manalah tau tujuan pengambilan alih IJN oleh Sime Darby adalah untuk memenuhi CSR badan itu. Maklumler untung dah mencecah billion, kalau kalau nak beramal jariah setakat RM25juta setahun untuk memberikan rawatan pada mereka yang kurang mampu!!! Walla hualam!!! Saya harap pun saya tidak melawak!!! 😀

  117. Dear Yg Berbahagia Tun,
    Pengswastaan IJN memang masuk akal kalau hanya dikira dari sudut keuntungan. Sebab utamanya ialah iayan sebuah institusi kerajaan yang boleh dibeli dengan murah. Nama IJN sudah pun mempunyai nilai kommersial yg tak perlu diletakkan harga ketika urusan jual beli dengan kerajaan. Membeli IJN akan secara otomatik akan menghapuskan persaingan dalam sistem rawatan jantung dinegara ini.
    Sime Darby telah lama berpengalaman dalam perniagaan rawatan melalui SJMC yang dimiliki. Beroperasi dengan mendahului keutamaan bayaran deposit sebelum pemeriksan bermula walau dalam keadaan kecemasan sekali pun. Melakukan begitu banyak pemeriksaan, bukan untuk kepastian rawatan, lebih untuk kepastian keuntungan yang maksima. Sudah tentu keutamaan rawatan akan diberkan pada mereka yang mampu berbelanja lebih besar (to the highest bidder).
    Untuk membina hospital pakar baru dan membina reputasi untuk mencapai taraf IJN, ianya memakan belanja modal dan masa yang terlalu banyak. Jalan mudah, ialah mengunakan pengaruh yang ada didalam kerajaan sepertimana yang telah banyak berlaku dinegara ini sebelumnya. Syarat syarat perjanjian, seperti lazim, bukan untuk pengetahuan umum, rahsia besar kerajaan.
    Sekiranya IJN dijualkan pada Sime Darby yang sentiasa berfungsi untuk memaksimakan keuntungan, makan nama IJN yang berlandaskan perkataan ‘Institut’ akan terkubur dengan sendiri. Sepatutnya sebagai badan yang bergelar institut, kerja kerja kajian dan ilmiah menjadi keutamaan untuk memajukan sistem rawatan dan pencegahan. Jurnal atau terbitan IJN sepatutnya menjadi rujukan oleh penyelidik dan pakar pakar perubatan serata dunia. Tidak mungkin sistem perniagaan dinegara ini dapat memenuhi inspirasi ini.
    Sistem pengajian dinegara ini tidak juga memungkinkan rakyat, malah dikalangan menenengah pun mampu membiayai kos rawatan jantung. Bayangkan, berapa banyak kerajaan beri subsidi untuk rawatan perubatan untuk kesihatan rakyat dihospital kerajaan. Mampukah kerajaan untuk memberi subsidi lagi kiranya IJN diswastakan??? … berapa banyak???. Haruskah mereka yang dulunya atau masih produktif wajib mati sekiranya tidak mampu membayar untuk rawatan????
    Sebenarnya proposal untuk pengswastaan IJN … is all about greed!!!. Beli murah, hapuskan persaingan, maksimakan keuntungan. Walau cantik mana falsafah yang diajukan untuk memajukan pengswataan ini. Dalam sistem pengswastaan kemudahan didalam negara ini, tidak semua boleh diswastakan. Kalau semua boleh, polis dan tentera pun boleh diswastakan sepertimana diAmerika Syarikat. Sebahagian tugas polis dan tentera telah diswastakan supaya kerajaan tidak tertuduh melakukan perkara melampaui batas kemanusian.
    Kepada mereka yang berkuasa memerintah, ingatlah, kalau baik jadinya, baiklah pulangannya Isya’allah. Kalau ada hasrat yang dilindungi, Massya’allah teraiblah ianya nanti.
    Semoga Tun terus menentang dan beri semangat pada yang lain untuk terus menentang pengswastaan IJN.

  118. Kita rakyat Malaysia selalu nak ‘kill the goose that lay the golden egg’.
    Tak boleh tengok ada entiti/syarikat/organisasi yang baik ditadbir.
    Harapan saya biarlah pentadbir-pentadbir dalam syarikat di mana pemilik saham terbesarnya kerajaan dan ditadbir dengan baik, tidak lagi diganggu.
    Pihak swasta memang tidak sanggup melepaskan peluang dan yang selalu tidak dapat melahirkan model perniagaan baik seperti IJN, akan dengan mudah menggunakan cara ‘buy-out’ atau ‘merger’.
    Tak akan ada cara mudah melahirkan institusi yang saling lengkap melengkapi antara pemegang saham, kakitangan, pesakit(berduit & tidak) dan sebagai ikon pada mata pelanggan sebaik IJN.

  119. Assalamualaikum Tun,
    Semoga Tun sihat sejahtera selalu disamping Tun Siti dan famili.
    Bercakap saja tentang IJN , teringat masa Arwah bapa Mawi masuk IJN, bil arwah mencecah ratusan ribu.Kebetulan rezeki Mawi murah dapatlah bayar bil tersebut.
    Agaknya macam manalah kakitangan kerajaan nak bayar kos rawatan dan pembedahan kalau IJN di swastakan ?

  120. Selamat Sejahtera Tun,
    I guess that was one of the last mission Datuk Seri Abdulah Badawi wanted to accomplish before he step down and I believe he has every cooperation from Sime Darby Chairman Tun Musa who mooted the idea.
    May be they could give a clearer explanation.
    Take Care Tun.

  121. only IJN privatised?? the rest?(that we don’t know at all)

  122. Salam Tun..
    Kepada Sime Darby’s employee…pasni kalu sakit jantung..x payah risau2.. x payah bayar..
    What happen to UMNO now??Deferment ni semata2 kerana PR kecil ganu je..Ntah2 pasni BN menang bg gak kt SD…Skr ni kat dalam SD still x stable lg..
    MELAYU MUDAH LUPA KE SAJA2 BUAT LUPA??Lepas satu hal, timbul satu hal..DAP dgn HINDRAF tersenyum je suka hati tepuk tangan..

  123. Tun….
    Akhirnya semua nak digadai …..
    Moga2 tuhan dpt menolong kita,agar bukan semua nanti tergadai oleh mereka yang namanya Melayu itu sendiri.
    Wslm ….
    Saya orang-orang kebanyakkan ….. Saya orang biasa …..
    Saya orang kita ….

  124. Assalamualaikum Tun,
    Apa pendapat Tun mengenai cadangan Pembinaan Low Cost Carrier Terminal di Labu oleh Sime Darby & Air Asia?
    Saya rasa lebih baik kalau KLIA itu di full utilised kan?
    Thanks Tun!

  125. kalu gini pru14 confirm BN terkubur..
    PM & TPM bodo. nak mapos. sbb x pernah gi bratur masok hospital macm rakyat. cam ner jadi pmimpin? sbb kroni. rasuah. pas tu cakp banyak.
    malaysia pasti ketinggalan. jauh kearah kemunduran pmimpin kaya raya.
    Tun, you must do something to strengthen back malaysia as before you left Mlaysia gov. very sad….huhuhu

  126. Please do not privitze IJN.
    Many more will turn to opposition party if the government proceed with this idea. BN use to be rakyat friendly government. Keep it that way so BN and UMNO will gain more support from the rakyat.

  127. Dear Tun,
    It took you 22 long years to develop Malaysia into what it is now. But it only took 4 years for one stupid fellow to ruin everything that you have done. For Pak Lah, liquidate everything so that there is money in the gov account before he leaves. At least he can tell everybody that, when he left, the gov. has money. He has been telling everybody that,when he took over the PM post, he could not do anything because the previous PM has used all the money to built mega projects. Since he is not so good at generating income during his tenure, he came up with this brilliant quick scheme of getting money. Sell IJN, sell Proton, sell, sell and sell. Knowing Pak Lah, after he has created the issue, he ran away on a so call business trip and let Najib to answer it all. Well he is not that stupid after all.
    God Bless Tun and family.

  128. Tun,
    I think you should write about Sime Darby.As a few comments above this so called congllemerate really out of focus,trying to do everything and failed in a lot of ventures.One particular project that they failed miserably is The Bakun Hydro Electric Project, which is poorly managed,not having competent peoples,totally rely on the Chinese patner which screw them upside down.In the end all malaysian will pay for it as they going to request more money from MOF.So far 708M Ringgit has been approved and i believe it is going to cause a lot more to complete it.
    One thing that I am sure they are good with is changing the plantation sign board, from Guthrie to Sime Darby.

  129. This is another example of how the govt is out of touch with the feelings,sentiments and needs of the people. No wonder they fared badly in the last elections. This attitude is a result of camplacency, and taking the people for granted.
    The frightening part is that BOTH Pak Lah and Najib supported the Sime Darby bid very strongly in the initial period, and only backed down when there were strong objections from almost everyone who was spoken to.

  130. YAB Tun,
    Assalamualaikum, Selamat Sejahtera and a very good morning.
    Allow me to wish you ‘HAPPY 83rd BIRTHDAY’. May ALLAH SWT continue to bless you with good health.
    IJN (Institut Jantung Negara). The name itself says it all! IJN belongs to the Rakyat…and it should remain so at all cost…
    Tun and thousands more ex-patients are living proof that IJN is a premier heart institution in the region, if not the world.
    The government has its moral obligation to the Rakyat to provide the best heart treatment centre in the country and at an affordable price.
    What I can see here is another flip-flop decision by the government. A decision made without too much thought being given and is making the Rakyat angry.
    I agree with some commenters who suggested that Sime Derby should turn one of its private hospitals into a heart specialist hospital instead of taking over IJN.
    May be Sime Derby should also look into the possibility of having a ‘brain specialist hospital’ to treat those who cannot think straight and making flip flop decisions that make the rakyat suffer.
    I hate to say this, but I have this gut feeling that P36 will fall to PAS in the coming by election.
    Have a nice day Tun.

  131. asallammualaikum Tun di kasihi selamat berjuang untok rayat,
    alhamdulilah rayat dapat menikmati JAMBATAN LABUAN BERSAMBONG KE TANAH BESAR SABAH, bersukur lah kepada ALLAH menganugrah kerajaan berjiwa baik,tQ tQ tQ banyak banyak banyak tQ.

  132. Apa yang nak nak dihairankan sangat kalau kerajaan nak menswastakan IJN.Seperti yang diketahui umum setiap keputusan yang hendak dibuat oleh kerajaan mesti mendapat kebenaran atau kelulusan dari PM @Pak Lah. Ini bermakna PM telah bersetuju supaya IJN diswastakan. Walau dalam perkara ini PM masih belum bersuara, tetapi keputusan sebenarnya telah dibuat oleh PM.
    Mana boleh perkara ini diperkatakan tanpa pengetahuan PM. Apa yang jelas disini PM memang dan setuju supaya IJN diswastakan kita rakyat bawahan nak kata apa, sebab keputusan bukan ditangan kita.
    Apa yang nak dihairankan sangat wahai semua rakyat Malaysia, kita kena sedar bahawa PM kita sekarang ni pun bukan percaya sangat pada IJN dan institusi kesihatan tempatan, mana kan tidaknya nak ubati resdung pun buat operate atau rawatan kat luar negara. Ini jelas PM kita tak percaya akan kemampuan pekar-pakar tempatan. jadi mengapa dihairankan sangat kalau IJN nak diswastakan. Lagipun PM kita bukan hirau sangat akan keperluan dan kemampuan rakyat terutama yang miskin.
    Waktu Tun dulu, buat operate jantung pun kat IJN je, Operate jantung tuan-tuan dan puan-puan bukan operate hudung. Risiko operete jantung lebih tinggi dari operate hudung. tapi Tun memberi kepercayaan kepada pakar tempatan, secara tidak langsung mengiktiraf pakar-pakar tempatan dan secara tidak langsung juga telah memberitahu pada masyarakat dunia bahawa kita rakyat Malaysia pun boleh buat juga, malah jauh lebih baik dari negara luar.
    Ini yang dikatakan semangat “Malaysia Boleh” satu slogan yang ringkas dan penuh bermakna, bukanya “cermelang, gemilang, terbilang”
    banyak sangat yang nak dicapai melalui slogan ini tetapi semuanya kabur. nanti kata orang “YANG DIKEJAR TAK DAPAT, YANG DIKENDONG BERCICIRAN”
    Alahai apalah nasib Malaysia sekarang, rakyat yang terkehadapan tetapi dipinpin oleh pimpinan yang kabur wawasan.
    Biarkanlah IJN diswastakan, sekurangnya ia bleh menjadi satu simbol kegagalan kepinpinan sekarang untuk renungan generasi akan datang.

  133. Salam Tun,
    Thanks For your comment on IJN.
    Disini ada sikit komen dari saya mengenai IJN, memang benar pihak kerajaan harus meneliti bahagian Pentadbiran dan Korporat?…
    Kawan saya Pakar Bedah Dr. Farouk dah pun lama meninggalkan IJN dan joint Monash U, begitu juga Dr. Fizal tinggal IJN joint Serdang Hospital, bagi kedua-dua mereka bukan wang yang mereka cari cuma kepuasan kerja dan pandangan management keatas mereka yang diutamakan…..Amaran jangan swastakan IJN, Dr. Awang pun tak setuju…
    Tentang pengswastaan dalam kerajaan selama ini, ingin diingatkan projek Pengswastaan adalah idea TUN DAIM ZAINUDDIN untuk mencari punca kewangan UMNO dan memperkayakan kroninya….Halim Saad, Wan Azmi,dll, apa yang dibuatnya seolah ada kaitan dengan Tun, harap maklum!.
    bagi saya salah Tun satu, dua saja pertama, Pengambilan Tanah Sentul Raya & Starhill, Lot 10 dari Sulaiman Manan dan diberi Kepada YTL, dan satu lagi Penyelamatan MISC dulu itu Tun ada sebabnya kenapa dia berbuat demikian.

  134. According to my frens in Pantai, since they change hand to the Singapore company who bought them over, the company is making money however the staff benefits have been reduce.
    So for what i see, If Sime Darby takes over, no doubt they are looking into making profit as well eventhough it wont be much but it will still need to increase the profit.
    How can they increase, increase the price of goods will mean patient will need to pay more…..and on the other way around rules will be implement to the nurse and doctor…..new enviroment new rules….this you cannot avoid……….sure no all rules will makes the whole organisation happy….same goes to IJN

  135. Dear Tun
    Your observation below:-
    “12. The Barisan Nasional Government is not too popular today. Why do something that may give the opposition another issue to belabour the Government.”
    is right on the mark.
    Current administration don’t think. I can excuse Abdullah(we already know his calibre) but Najib seem to be following the same footstep.
    I am beginning to have doubt on Najib’s ability and capability.Do you think he is right man?

  136. Aslm wahai che det yang saya sayangi dan hormati. Semoga Allah Merahmati hidup Chedet untuk selama kehidupan Chedet. Alhamdulillah Allah telah memberi pemimpin yang berkaliber untuk memimpin negara dan membantu umat Islam di Malaysia dan juga seluruh dunia. Syukur pada Allah sekali lagi…

  137. Salam Tun and Happy Birthday,
    IJN dan famili saya begitu sinonim sejak awal 1990-an lagi sebab mak saya bekerja disitu sebagai “Staff Nurse”. Saya juga begitu bangga dengan mak saya sebab beliau juga adalah salah seorang yang berada dalam bilik bedah ketika Tun menjalani pembedahan bypass pada tahun 1989 and 2008.
    Saya dan adik beradik saya selalu diarah oleh bapa saya untuk menghantar/menemani mak saya ke IJN bila mak saya bekerja malam “on call”. Sepanjang berada di sofa di lobi hospital, saya selalu melihat pelbagai latar belakang keluarga yang datang melawat dari yang miskin kepada keluarga yang berada. Semuanya datang sebab mereka tahu harapan pesakit untuk sembuh masih ada apabila dirawat disitu.
    Saya cuba bayangkan apabila Sime Darby nak takeover IJN, perkara yang pertama saya fikir adalah “hospital fee” sudah tentu melambung. Apabila fee sudah melambung, bagaimana pula nasib pesakit dari golongan bawahan. Mereka terpaksa pergi ke hospital kerajaan untuk rawatan sakit jantung. Tetapi apabila hospital kerajaan terpaksa “refer” ke IJN untuk kepakaran jantung, di situ barulah pesakit atau keluarga pesakit terfikir mampukah mereka nak menanggung kos perbelanjaan Sime-IJN hospital. Ini tidak akan menjadi masalah kepada mereka yang mampu. Kerajaan boleh cakap mereka akan bagi subsidi, tetapi sampai bila. Sime-IJN mesti sudah menjadi “profit oriented hospital”. Sime-IJN sudah tentu akan charge premium untuk belanja hospital. Kesihan kepada yang si miskin.
    Saya berharap En.Zubir berfikir sejenak, kalau langkah ini dibuat untuk menolong rakyat Malaysia, teruskan. Tetapi kalau setakat nak kaut untung belebihan dengan kroni, lupakan je lah. Tak berkat hidup.

  138. Salam Tun,
    Yaa Allah, Yaa Rahman, Yaa Rahim..
    Dgn limpahan Rahmat-MU dan dengan keberkatan Nabi Muhammad SAW, Lanjutkan Usia Hambamu ini – Mahathir Mohamad & isterinya semoga di dlm keadaan sihat walafiat and mendapat keRahmatan MU.
    “Selamat Hari Jadi, Tun”
    Kaf Yaa Ain Sod Qaa Haa

  139. Salam Ayahanda Tun, memang setuji benar apa yang dituliskan. Terutama yang nombor 12 tu…. terima kasih.

  140. Salam Tun,
    Something fishy is going on here with the deal! I am totally disgusted watching a press statement DSAAB on this issue. He is the PM, why didnt he stop this at the early stage as the whole thing doesnt make sense? What happened if the news didnt leak out to the media? And now that he knows the public reaction,which he should have anticipated earlier taking into consideration bad public perception to BN nowadays, why didnt he just kill off the deal? There is no obligations until the papers are signed.
    Somewhere behind the screen, the puppet masters behind the whole story are replotting on how to make the whole thing legit and pacify the public. I am not surprised if they turned out to be the friendly faces that we always see on the tv everyday.
    You know Tun it makes me sick, this kind of thing are discussed between a few elites on some golf course, how much they can make for the company and how much commission each one of them can make, how much government or should i say the people’s money they can siphon to their greedy bellies. Nobody gave a thought to the bad effect to BN’s reputation and the people’s interests. It is all about money and greed. What kind of people are they that they are willing to make hugh money from the manipulation of an entity that takes care of people who are suffering? These are the worst kind who worship money as God!
    Now Tun, it is clear to me that the next election BN will be turned into dusts. It looks like Pakatan Rakyat will get what they want given on a silver plate by the BN led by idiots. Looks like we have to give them a chance to govern because there is no hope left with the current crop of BN leaders. Maybe this is what Malaysia needs, a new beginning.
    To Pak Lah and your geng, your time is up, you have been given two chances and you have failed to win our confidence. We need leaders who think first before making a decision, who walk the talk, who have the people at heart not power, position and money.
    Tun,i hope the next time we all have to go to IJN for a checkup, we dont have to apply for a loan to pay the bills.

  141. 1. BAHANA PEMIMPIN yang celik-celik mata lahir ke dunia tak pernah merasa SUSAH! Mana nak tahu kesusahan rakyat kebanyakkan. INGAT sedara, roda tidak selalunya di atas!
    2. BAHANA PEMIMPIN yang hidupnya saban hari bergelumang wang. Halal atau haram peduli apa! Demi mengekalkan kemewahan hingga 10-20 keturunan, pergi jahanam dengan RAKYAT!
    3. Ingat! Berapa ramai rakyat berlapar setiap hari. Tak ada otakkah mengapa jenayah meningkat? Tunggu dan lihat sedikit masa lagi.


  143. Dearest Tun,
    Sime Darby kan dah ada hospitalnya, SJMC. Kalau nak buat servis pada rakyat, SJMC tu mulakan dulu. Dahlah mahal, tak modular pula.
    Contoh, nak buat executive screening (EC), the package is rigid, which includes X-ray. Kalau buat tiap-tiap tahun, tiap-tiap tahun X-ray. Lepas 10 tahun ikutkan package berkenaan kerana company bayar, ada doctor kat situ perihatin dan tanya, kenapa buat tiap-tiap tahun? The management tak peka dengan keperluan pesakit pun! Asalkan buat duit..
    Dan sakit-sakit lain, senang lagi buat duit, suruh saja buat test itu dan ini.. semua ada perkiraan duit, dan selalunya kos tidak di sebut semasa menyuruh. Masalahnya bukan saja kos yang tak terkata kemudiannya, tapi perlu ke buat semua test yang mahal-mahal tu?
    Dan di Subang Jaya kawasan yang majukan oleh Sime Darby, setiap inci tanah dia nak guna, taman kanak-kanak, pathway, lake garden dsbnya. Katanya, dia adalah pemaju yang telah di beri kuasa oleh kerajaan. Terpaksalah rakyat menjerit selalu minta hak mereka dalam mendapat keselesaan dari kerakusan pemaju..
    Is there social obligation then?
    Integriti dan belang makin terserlah, Najib, Musa Hitam, caught in the act..
    Salam Tun dan ribuan terima kasih kerana masih melihat kebajikan kami yang kurang mampu. Selamat Hari Jadi semoga Allah rakmati Tun sekeluarga.

  144. Selamat pagi dan salam Tun,
    Our hero berperangai lain padang, lain belalang, Anwar kata keswastaan IJN adalah satu BN plot to win the coming by election in Trengganu.
    To: Pak Anwar Ibrahim,
    Apa yang you ramal adalah very outdated and useless. Bloggers of che det are so much smarter and bertanggungjawab than you lah. Keep on dreaming lah, but I have to remind you that your sodomy case will be on trial in this February lo, are you ready for that?????
    Using another 9 top and best (in spinning) lawyers again? Where did you get the money to pay them, harga Zaid Ibrahim minimum charge is RM2 juta (estimatation from Tun Salleh ex-gratia payment by our PM), lawyer you caj berapa? Hm…. they do it free for you because if you are elected to be the next Prime Minister, these lawyers will hold top minister posts under your leadership. Another pak man telo ponzi scheme???
    Good day Tun.

  145. Tun,
    Nampaknya kita rakyat biasa kena berhati-hati dengan kuasa Ghaib yang menolar dalam kebanyakan koprat Gergasi. Nawaitu Gergasi ini hendaklah tidak konflit dengan kehendak rakyat biasa. Rakyat selalulah berhati-hati untuk menjaga kepentingan kita.IJN hak rakyat biasa.

  146. YAB Tun,
    Saya masih tak puas hati dengan jawapan Perdana Menteri yang menangguh penswastaan IJN, perkataan tangguh itu amat bimbang, bermakna akan dikaji semula, jadi kemungkinan utk swasta itu masih ada. Seelok2nya jawapan mesti tegas tidak akan diswastakan langsung. Itulah jawapan yang sepatutnya. Ingatkan Sime Darby tu bolih diharap ke? Tak kan tak pernah dengar rungutan orang ramai, bahawa SJMC telah menolak orang yang pergi mendapat rawatan sekarang ini sekiranya tak ada deposit atau surat geranti? ini adalah prosidur SJMC untuk kakitangan dikaunter, habis kami yang tak mampu ni nak pergi mana?
    Seorang Perdana Menteri seharusnya dapat membaca hasrat rakyat apabila telah mengundi parti pembangkang dalam PRU yang lalu. Suara rakyat telah kedengaran dengan jelas sekali, kenapa hendak swastakan perkara yang menempuh hal2 kesihatan, cari lah benda2 lain sekiranya kerajaan nak duit untuk pembangunan. Macam2 lagi bolih buat utk cari duit.

  147. salam tun,
    biasalah pernah baca tak tulisan blog tun sebelum ni.dalam 3 bulan apa-apa pun boleh berlaku..”ada pihak-pihak tertentu ingin membuat DAtuk Najib menjadi mangsa politik untuk menjatuhkan kredebiliti ,kedudukan sebagai timbalan perdana menteri,sebagai menteri kewangan tetapi tidak dapat menjalankan tugas dengan baik.contoh kes atlantuya,kes eurokopter,kes ijn,kes lcct dan juga kes isa.ini untuk menjadikan datuk najib kelihatan seorang yang tak competent dan akan ada suara dari tan sri spik no inglis dengan mengatakan atas kehendak parti jawatan PM terpaksa di pegang oleh paklah untuk mengukuhkan parti setelah kegagalan BN menang dalam pilihanraya KUala terengganu.sampai pilihanraya akan datang.jadi Datuk najib langsung tak dapat mencium bau kerusi PM kerana BN kalah total pilihanraya akan datang.paklah dan konco-konconya tersenyum gembira sebab duit berbillion penuh dalam rumah di singapore dan autralia.menteri bn dan umno sekarang ni hanya mampu menitiskan airmata kerana mereka kehilangan jawatan dan pekerjaan walau mereka adalah presiden,naib presiden,dan ahli majlis tertinggi umno.jadi umno akan terkubur sehingga tahun 2080.begitulah ramalan politik pak nujum belalang..

  148. Tun.
    Satu lagi khazanah kerajaan (IJN) nak di swastakan. Saya kurang setuju lah.
    Pada waktu ini pun walau pun dilihat murah untuk buat satu pembedahan ‘by-pass’dikenakan bayaran mencecah 20k. Kalau diswastakan saya pasti angka ini akan bertambah.
    Bila dah dikoprat kan tentu lembaga pangarah akan sentiasa melihat ‘bottom line’. Jika tidak memuaskan dah pasti lah mereka akan melakukan pelbagai helah untuk menaikan charge.
    Perkara ini sama lah macam LNN ditukar kepada TMB. Kadar nya sekarang membebankan rakyat walaupun harga minyak dah turun tarif elektrik maseh tak turun. Kalau dah naik tu susah nak turun…..
    Contoh macam si anu tu lah jugak…… apa nama…liat nak nak turun.
    kesian lah pada rakyat miskin macam kami ni jika perlu suatu hari nanti kena sakit jantung.
    SIME DARBY jangan lah tamak. Kalau teringin nak Institute Jantung
    buat lah sendiri. Bolih luaskan pasaran sampai global.Yang ini biarkan lah untuk rakyat miskin Malaysia sahaja.
    Tu Tok Ajib macam nak setuju saja proposal SD. Ini bukan lah langkah popular,nanti timbul lagi issu…….Maklumlah sekarang dah ada Suruhan Jaya Rasuah.

  149. Salam Tun
    Much had been said…..Nothing but its just another crazy idea from the bunch of half past six and usless people…..
    Take care and Happy birthday Tun. May ALLAH bless you and your families….

  150. Salam Tun
    Much had been said…..Nothing but its just another crazy idea from the bunch of half past six and usless people…..
    Take care and Happy birthday Tun. May ALLAH bless you and your families….

  151. dear tun,
    lately there has been no news of ketamine being apprehended in india.
    as we have learned that india is being recognised widely as the main contributor to this stuff.
    i can the shops and restaurants are being filled.its a good sign that many are towards spending.this will give space and some breath to everyone to survive in the current situation.its nice to see that people are out instead of hiding inside the house and scared to spend.there are many rumuors and speculations going on based on the current global crisis.
    during current habit and attitude,it clearly shows that public has extra money to spend.this is the time when some small investments can be done to upgrade life.besides this some upgrade in the kwsp will be good.another step to bring down the income tax for two years or whatever period we are expecting the crisis to go on ,will again create some confidence.the cut down on the tax can be transfered to kwsp as their life savings.
    i have been hearing some fedback on the by election things.satu yang rakyat tak suka ialah sikap sombong.jgn sekali kali mengaku boleh menag 100%.sungguhpun boleh,pengakuan seperti ini hanya akan melambangkan sifat dan sikap seseorang.ada yang akan menyimpan dendam.itulah sebabnya kalau di tanya orang islam mcm mana dia akan jawab alhamdullilah.selepas menag kalau di tanya dia akan cakap syukur,macam tu.always in any aspects of life there is always moderation.jangan lah jadi macam saya pulak.memang perangai saya suka mencabar tapi saya bukan perdana menteri.saya orang awam biasa saja.there lies high possibility for winning.stil it doeasnt mean a statement saying hundred percent win can be achieved.nothing is confirmed until the votes are counted.memanglah itu tempat barisan.sememangnya kalau permatang pauh di ambil balik,sepatutnya ah kt pun diambil balik oleh parti yang sama.thats only fair i think.campaigning and announcement before the results of the election is two different things.it is better to keep some things to the self till everything isover.a poker player never reveals what card he hold and whats the strenght till ending when he is asked to open the cards after the opponent announces his strenght.similar to this.secret is something that someone knows and none other knows.datuk najib did a good campaigning.but his statements saying it is a hundred percent win ,thats not so acceptable.some might take it wrong.i hope the message is understood.after all this is a war against the ulamak party.so it is also better to take care of how they feel.if keadilan i think can bantai him nicely.yet some face must be given to the old man in kelantan.after all he is old and on the verge to retire.kalau saya memanglah tak peduli siapa,saya pakai hentam saja.tapi kalau antara dua orang yang bertanding itu kena ada budi bicara yang baik sikit.saya harap faham.the last time during the permatang pauh election also the pas member told me that maybe barisan will win but i hope they wont be sombong macam dulu.thats how people feel.how people feel sometimes in life and political field makes a lot of difference.
    example we can see between mc cain and obama.if the current situation was not as it is now,the way mc cain went he would have swiped off the whole thing easily.yet we can see that even he tried ,people of the united states have already decided that they dont want the republican anymore.the wound heart dont want any pain.so some instead of voting for obama ,they voted against bush.for them the one in the picture was never mc cain.instead they alway have the strong picture of bush in their heart whe they think of republicans.so mc cain lost.further more understanding the standpoint of the situation and the people obama sadi that voting mc cain will only give bush to continue his legacy.this created more anger and the people voted against the republicans.so here we can understand that the feeling makes a lot of difference.once the people of america was behind bush 100%.they supported the invading of iraq.people around the world.the whole christians.eventually when news started to spread of the treatment and the torture being imposed to the prisoners and more of the suffering of the people in iraq ,it clearly proved that saddam hussain was doing much better than what bush has done to iraq.the shoe throwing towards bush clearly gives a clear indication that the people of iraq dont want bush adminstration in iraq.it is totally differet from what was announced in news that the people of iraq is being ill treated by saddam hussain.now no one threw a shoe towards saddam and some one throws a shoe at bush.what does it show.it shows that the bush adminstration is much worse than of the baath party ruling iraq.i dont know ,atleast thats what we can make out of what we are seing recently.they really want to make the man ashamed.bush is trying in many ways to say that he was wrong in invading iraq.maybe at that time when the twin tower went down ,there was so much stress and some one took opportunity of the situation to push through their motives and succeeded that bush signed the papers.sometimes we can understand that a president is under oath.still to me i think that he should have given a second tought,maybe by speaking to his friend someone like that before invading.just to have a second tought.he is always surrounded by people who tells him of what to do.now i think obama is realising that.yet i alwasy believe that teh voice of the world must be heard and some consideration must be given towards that.now every little blame goes to him that he is not in a position to avoid the bullets from hitting him.he must wear a bullet proof jacket.to many news,blogs and rumours are spread to defame him.what has happened has happened.no point crying over the spilled milk.more important is what to do next to correct the situation which has currently defamed the president.otherwise the world will look in a negative way towards the states.
    i have seen the fish pond project.some one said the over flowing water from the pond has affected the water in the pond and many fish died.it is better that when some one starts a project to survey the area and if there are any flaws which can affect the industry should be looked into.this man just focused on the pond and the water and never gave consideration towards the surrounding area having in mind of the rain and flooding.this only means there was no proper planning.if there was he wouldnt have stumbled into such problem.there would have been some precautionary measures taken in advance.he was ignorant and never had plan ‘B’.
    in sabah and sarawak ,there are condusive environment for the fish breeding and some agriculture.the weater there is beautiful.i have hear from a man who is from kuching that the vegetables there even grow so big than what we have here.it is because of the weather.if places can be identified for the fish breeding and the goat breeding like boer,many places can start the activity.it can also be a part of wiping out poverty around those areas.i believe that if such things are implemented taking into consideration of the wiping out poverty by generating these activity will not only bring hope for increment in income but also in long term will enable the infrastructural facility to be improved.good roads and electricity facility can be extended to these areas as there is a need to bring out what they are working on.this is one way things can be started.some new fresh candidates from the higher institutions can be trained and sent there for support towards the activity.this will further the job and availability of vacancy in a few depts which are involved in these fields.i believe that there are many upm students who will be available.this will bring good in many ways.they can be a good supply towards the market and supply network in the penisular.
    ikan kerapu has good price.there is also one fish which holds a market price of rm60.00.all this can find some suitability in breeding over there.indonesia also has some good grounds for this.if the breeding can be done in a cost controlled situation,the products will fetch a good demand in market not only in our country but also in many countries.if this boost then there wont be worries of strikes and pickets by the local fisherman.the source will be stable as there is competition towards the availability and offer in market.
    i have also come through some statements by pak lah that there are plans to crate an estate type environment to erase the poverty.thats a good idea.such ideas can be implemented in sabah and sarawak.something have to be done there.it is important as they are always a part of us.
    i am sure there are many who can invest.banyak orang kaya yang ada di negara kita.orang US dah bagi tahu saya.ada 40 orang kaya dalam negara kita(smile).kalau boleh di pujuk saya rasa beban kerajaan akan kurang sikit kerana dengan ada pelbagai cara ,lebih cepat satu satu projek boleh di lancarkan .setelah itu pemantauan terhadap pelaksaan saja yang perlu.the main thing is to get started.
    apart from these when such things are implemented ,some serious planning and some consideration must be given to the collection,distribution and marketing chain of network so that it does not skid away from the original intention of price control.
    there has been some feed back from the united states amcham about the rate in our industrial tax and electricity.i think this is done in good faith.i feel that the govt should look into this matter seriously.if we can reduce the level of charges for the industrialist use ,many might consider of investing.it will only increase the chances of us being choosen compared to others.this will provide more vacancy and job availability.
    i think they have somepans to open here and send soe workers from there on higher post like ceo and gm stuffs like that.they can send anyone for working but not for spying.as all ofthe people around the world know that US like spying on people and possibly spies will be spying through a binocular from the office window(smile).if they open here based on opportunity i personally feel that they will also save cost as well as create opportunity for their people.if this ever happens i hope to see the most beautiful ladies from US working as GM’s and CEO in companies.i have seen ukranien and hungarian(smile).seriously we have to consider on the two issues.seriously it will be a deciding factor towards the investment and investors.
    i still feel that the cort case for the drug trafficers and pushers are slow.there must surely be a way things can be speed up.if things are speed up only means that the case can be brought to court,punishment and most important is the evidence can be destroyed.if things are kepy very long in the store room people will tend to forget and many things can go wrong.it is better to complete things faster and destroy it before it can fall back into wrong hands.maybe when the person is brought to court to be detained the evidence can be provided in court and with court order the evidence is allowed to be destroyed.better to finish off this people before they destroy the lives of many others.the society doesnt want them.
    i have to go now and hopeto catch up with you later when i have more time.

  152. if sime darby gang of people are so smart, go aim to buy Ford or GM to show us u are rich and capable. you can even travel to africa and build an aids hospital there.

  153. Tun:
    Your article should really start with the following corrections:
    “I have always been for piratisation. In fact piratisation started during my time….”
    Yes, the father of modern piratisation commenting on the piratisating habits of the den of thieves known as UMNO.

  154. Yang Berbahagia Tun.
    Saya baru sahaja selesai membaca buku En ZAM, ‘surat Dr Mahathir’ yang telah banyak membantu saya mengenali Tun dengan lebih dekat lagi. Pembacaan tersebut telah menambahkan lagi keyakinan saya selama ini akan konsep ‘mahathirisma’y ang amat saya hayati malah mengkaguminya. Yang terakhir sekali adalah pendirian Tun mengenai cadang penswastaan IJN. Jitu dan tepat apa yang Tun perkatakan yang boleh diadikan panduan oleh pemimpin masakini untuk menilainya. Sementara itu izinkan saya mendapatkan komen Tun kalau berkesempatan mengenai kegusaran saya (mungkin ramai lagi) pencinta pemartabatan bangsa Malaysia mengenai kemampuan 2 orang calun Timbalan Presiden UMNO iatu YAB Mohd Ali Rustam (??). Dan Mohamad Mohd Taib, yang sebelum ini pernah didapati melakukan satu kejutan di Australia di zaman pemerintahan Tun? Harap dapat luangkan masa. Terima kasih.

    Remember during Air Asia’s taken MAS’s route few years back?
    for social responsibility they promise to handle rural air routes in Sarawak n Sabah by Fly-X or something.. then what happen!!?? that routes not profitable… give back to MAS….
    NOW that X names flying high to LONDON!!!
    Mau percaya lagi ka kata kata manis dari tokey2 mata $$$$an tu!!!

  156. Assalamualaikum Tun,
    This is what happen when they replace the professional with the fourth floor boys and some goons making decision…..flip flop in every thing.
    You are the best thing that ever happened in our country Tun. Take care and good luck Tun.
    May Allah bless us all “Hidup Tun Dr Mahathir” Aminnn.

  157. Tertarik juga membaca komen rakan rakan disini.
    Kalau benar Sime Darby berniat untuk mengambil keuntungan keatas ‘Pelancungan Perubatan’, Sime Darby perlu memulakan sendiri. Sebagaimana Air Asia ditubuhkan disamping MAS yang dilindungi oleh kerajaan wujud.
    Dalam hal ini MAS hanya di gunakan oleh orang yang mampu. Jauh sekali kebanyakan rakyat biasa tetapi kerajaan membelanya bermati matian. Menghidupkannya dan mengelakkan dari di beli sekalipun.
    IJN lebih berkepentingan kepada rakyat banyak di bandingkan dengan MAS. Tiba tiba bila mengenai ini kerajaan jadi BODOH!
    Sime Darby kaya. Kalau tak cukup kaya lagi kerajaan boleh membantunya di segi kewangan jika mahu. Kalau benarnya ia mahir dalam pengurusan maka buktikan lah. Beribu ribu pakar malaysia di luar negeri yang boleh di panggil balik. Siapkan saja ruang untuk mereka. Pasti mereka kembali. Jika tak malu dapatkan nasihat Air Asia iaitu Fernandez.
    Yang pentingnya wang. Kalau ada wang Sime Darby dalam sebentar saja dapat menghidupkan satu lagi IJN baru. Satu ketika akan menjadi ikutan IJN. Seperti TV3 menjadi pujaaan RTM. Sehingga bahasa karanganya sama. Wujud perkataan, ‘mampu’, ‘boleh menarik nafas lega’ dan entah apa apa lagi kemiskinan bahasa tv3 yang di tiru.
    Seeloknya jangan menjadi perampas org miskin.
    Bina la hidup sendiri yang berjaya.

  158. Dearest Tun,
    I totally agree on you. As a government doctor myself, i don’t have any trust in any private hospital. They were run to make as much profit as they can without thinking much about the care of the patient. No private hospital care about the poor. IJN should never be privatized. The BN government should leave it as it is. As my knowledge, you are the only BN leader who seek treatment in a government hospital in Malaysia. You gave your ‘heart’ to the IJN doctors. I have talked to my colleagues who have seen and treated you previously. You have trust in our medical fraternity. All of the current BN leaders seek medical treatment in other countries such and USA or Australia. It shows that they don’t trust in the Malaysian medical fraternity. If Sime Darby were allowed to take control of IJN, it would be a major disaster to the people in Malaysia. Nobody can ever afford to get any heart disease. If Sime Darby really wants to help the poor, they should start to do it at Subang Jaya Medical Centre first. Only then we will know their true intention.
    Thank you.

  159. Dear Tun,
    I think Sime Darby top management should “copied” Johor Corporation (JCorp) ways of doing things to expand its medical industries businesses. JCorp had sucessfully expand its health industries and its present in almost major cities in Malaysia. Sime Darby should learned the hard way to expand its medical industries and not rely on government at all times. Sime Darby may have a lot of money but IJN should be left alone. Sime Darby should use its money to buy over PANTAI Holdings or GLEANEGLES instead.

  160. Assalamualaikum Tun.
    Dalam 3 hari ni saya rasa amat marah pasal cara perjalanan Kejohanan Pencarian Jaguh Catur Terengganu 2008.
    Seingat saya,saya pernah tanya/mintak apa sumbangan yang Tun boleh bagi pada kejohanan tersebut.
    Maka sekarang telah berlangsung grand final.Dengan kehadiran IM Mas Hafizul,FM Mok dan NM Md Kamal Abdullah kejohanan tersebut nampak grand jugaklah.
    Saya sedih kalaulah betul Tun telah menyumbangkan sokongan dan kejohanan tersebut telah pun berjaya diadakan.
    Dengan cara pemilihan peserta (sekolah dan open) dari 5 siri jelajah seluruh daerah Terengganu (lebih kurang setahun)dengan sokongan/pengorbanan peserta dari jauh,tetapi alih-alih pada grand final nama-nama yang tidak tersenarai dan tidak pernah tunjuk muka pun dapat masuk kejohanan.
    Ini kerana hanya seorang punya pasal.Mdarshad.Blog caturterengganu.blogspot.com yang selalu saya war-warkan selama ni.
    Saya amat marah sekiranya Tun benar-benar telah menyumbangkan sesuatu,tetapi telah disalahgunakan.
    Tiada langsung ‘terima kasih’.
    Terima kasih Tun.

  161. Dear Tun,
    The privatisation of IJN should be scrapped off rather than put on hold.
    Should Paklah or Najib proceed with the takeover by SD, then, bye bye to BN in the next GE !

  162. Salam bahagia Tun.
    Kerajaan tidak sepatutnya mengambil jalan mudah dengan melepaskan semua tanggungjawab awam dengan cara penswastaan. Ia hendaklah dilaksanakan secara berpilih mengikut kesesuaian. Setelah begitu banyak perkara diswastakan, kini sampai masanya dasar ini dikajisemula kerana perkara yang tinggal tidaklah banyak sangat itupun perkara-perkara yang teramat mustahak, justeru kerajaan sepatutnya mampu mengendalikannya. Sekiranya semua perkara diswastakan apa yang tinggal untuk dilaksanakan oleh kerajaan? Umum mengetahui bahawa saat ini kos sarahidup amat tinggi sebahagiannya disebabkan oleh penswastaan bidang-bidang tertentu yang secara langsung berkait dengan kehidupan rakyat. Janganlah hendaknya kos ini ditambah lagi.

  163. Dearest Tun,
    This is just another issue created for upcoming KT by-election..!
    Create one…let it fire-up for a moment. Then distingush it..!!
    That shows how the BN government’s cares and listen to the rakyat..in hoping they buy it’s..!!
    Expect more of it… in coming days before the by-election end..!!
    Something that touches the peoples heart.. deep-in.!!

  164. 1997…. Pglmn pahit sy dgn IJN. Sy diarah hospital kerajaan utk dpt kan rawatan lanjut di IJN.
    Sudah biasa tidak dikenakan caj di hospital kerajaan (sy tingkatan 4), kami sekeluarga terkejut dikenakan caj byrn selepas buat pemeriksaan (echo shj). Caj yg agak tinggi untuk keluarga penoreh getah. Kami hanya byr suku dr jumlah caj selepas m’buat rayuan di bhgn kredit.
    Slps bberapa bulan, surat merah sampai di rumah untuk menuntut baki caj. Sy ada appointment lagi dgn pihak IJN… Ayah berkerut dahi & mengeluh dgn surat amaran yg diterima. Bantuan saudara2 dirayu.
    Ayah tanya “Nak teruskan rawatan di IJN?”… Wajah sayu ayah saya renung, & sy mengerti, ayah mengharapkan sy mengerti mslh kami. Saya kuatkan smgt, “Tak payah le ayah, alang ok da….”.
    Kini, bila lalu depan IJN, sy fobia. Sy sanggup tanggung sakit ini untuk beberapa tahun. Jika ditakdirkan umur masih panjang & ada rezeki, insya-Allah, sy akan sambung rawatan di IJN kembali.
    Harapan saya, pd ms tu, IJN masih dikendalikan kerajaan seperti skrg…. tidak dijual kepada penyangak2 yg hy memikirkan keuntungan.!! Cukuplah fobia kami sekeluarga….

  165. Salam Ayahanda Tun. Just very quickly before I go on my cheap year end break, I am going to borrow fellow commenter S.Tan format here a bit. Thank you Tun.
    Otak udang

  166. Dear Tun,
    Of all GLCs, why IJN? why not MAS, why not other GLC? First, IJN was making profit in the past few years. Second, comes the demand and need of the market. It proof making even more profit after privatisation, that’s why SIME DARBY are interested to take over. Put MAS as an example, they failed to makes profits and almost bankrupt few years ago. Who are interested to take over? Third, if the subsidies are too much for the Gov to taking care of, then what about GHs in the country?
    Well, obviously this is one of ‘his’ unfinished business that he wanted to do before leaving the Gov.
    If Pak Lah seems useless, then Najib are not much difference.

  167. Dear
    YAB Tun,
    I am a 28,indian male.I have been suffering from bells palsy for almost 14years now.I have been suffering from it since i was 16 years old,when it happened i went for physical theraphy at Universati Hospital but after a few months,the doctor told me that i just need to eat more vitamins and massage my face more but till this day it has not fully recovered.I am really tired and sad by the way the Govermant Hospital such as HKL and Universati,i went there last year to both hospitals and they told me that there is nothing wrong with me and told me that it

  168. Tun,
    I wish you a Happy Birthday. May Allah bless you with good health. A good politician will try hard to be connected or nokiad to the people he/she served. The good strategy is always looking at the stomach of the people not only closed to you but the ‘last mile’. IJN is very dear to the ordinary people and should always be the property of the Government of the day i.e. the property of the people. Sime Darby if the real intention is for social responsibility to all Malaysian populaces, should build new private IJNs that are more efficient and more cost friendly to the ordinary people separate out to last nook and corner. Please don’t touch the present IJN.
    Tun, my inner sense says we are going to lose the Trengganu by-election. Sad nookvillage.

  169. Dear Tun,
    My advice to Najib. Just stop having privitization exercise if he wants to stay longer as Prime Minister. Privitization with hidden agenda will lead to BN government go “BUNGKUS” in no time. Make no mistak about it.

  170. Dear Tun,
    It is very simple deduction to answer. This present bunch of Barisan Nasional leaders led by UMNO are good for nothing. They are a bunch of “dah bodoh stupid leaders”. Their political strategies are haprak and HP6. I doubt these UMNO leaders are intelligent enough to counter all the opposition onslaught against them. When they announce new policies, at the end of the day the policies backfired and become laughing stock. Again flip, flop, flup affair !!!!
    Their mentality of privitising certain government agencies are nothing more than to manipulate the proposals and what will be gained out of it for themselves in monetory term rather than really looking at the benefits that can be derived from privitization for the rakyat.
    In this case, siapalah “HANTU” yang mencadangkan supaya IJN diswastakan? Mungkin kroni Najib dan Pak Lah !!!
    UMNO oh UMNO !! Memang dah BODOH STUPID !! Pemimpin UMNO memang dah tidak ada credibility lagi esok, lusa dan selamanya …….. !!!

  171. Assalamualaikum Tun dan pengunjung che’ det,
    Just food for thought,
    I just wonder why health minister keeping his mouth shut pertaining to this issue?
    Selamat sejahtera semua.

  172. Salam Y.Bhg Tun,
    1. Saya tumpang gembira dengan kejayaan IJN beroperasi tanpa bergantung kepada kerajaan manakala Pertubuhan Berita Nasional Malaysia (BERNAMA) yang diperbadankan sehingga kini masih gagal untuk berdikari?
    2. Terdapat kemusykilan dengan skim gaji di BERNAMA. Sebahagiannya skim Kerajaan dan sebahagiannya skim bukan kerajaan. Kedua-dua mempunyai kelebihan sendiri.
    3. Skim kerajaan, segala berkenaan dengan skim ini dirujuk kepada JPA. Manakala skim bukan kerajaan, ikut suka BERNAMA untuk buat apapun tanpa merujuk kepada JPA. Bermakna, siapa pandai bodek bos, cepat lah naik (kebanyakkannya perempuan). Yang tak pandai bodek bos tu nanti jadi seperti G13, dibuang kerja tanpa perlu mengikut prosedur. Datuk Azman Ujang pun lepas tangan je dan dia gelak besar bila G13 memfailkan kes mereka di mahkamah. Katanya lagi “8 hingga 10 tahun tak tentu lagi kes G13 boleh selesai dan mereka tak boleh menang”. Tidak tahu kenapa beliau boleh mengeluarkan kata-kata tersebut.
    4. BERNAMA masih lagi bergantung kepada geran kerajaan. Segala bisness semuanya tidak mendatangkan untung, kecuali kepada individu tertentu.
    5. Penat dah cerita pasal BERNAMA ni. Yang pastinya, pekerjanya ditindas dari dulu sehingga sekarang. Tiada siapa yang berani melawan kecuali G13. Yang lainnya hanya menerima sahaja takdir mereka.
    5. Semoga Tuhan merahmati mereka.

  173. Assalamualaikum.
    We are being very capitalist when it comes to privatisation. Meaning the owner of the capital is the first priority when it comes to reviewing companies performance. I dont know how the contract reviews are being done, but so far everything is going up. Tolls, electricity, water charges, regardless of the increasing scale of the business, it seems like there is no merit at all to the people.
    Why dont they do it step by step, by defining what is wrong with the current performance/wellbeing of IJN before jumping straight into the conclusion!

  174. Salam Sejahtera kepada Tun dan Keluarga.
    Tun sebenar nya saya tak faham lah Tun mengapa IJN perlu di privatise.
    Saya sungguh hairan bagaimana kerajaan di bawah pimpinan Pak Lah mentadbir negara. bukan makin maju kedepan tetapi kebelakang.
    Saya masih ingat lagi kata kata Tun kalau nak bersaing kita perlu berlari laju daripada pesaing kita.Sekarang ni kita bukan lagi lari kedepan tapi undur ke belakang.
    Sekarang mereka kata privatise IJN dan di ambil alih oleh sime darby nanti lama lama di kuasai oleh Singapura.Tak ke mereka ingat apa terjadi kepada Pantai holding, kalau tidak kerana kebijaksanaan Tun ia pun menjadi milik negara jiran kita. Memang benar lah Tun kata MELAYU MUDAH LUPA. Saya terlalu hairan lah Tun.Soalan saya,Ada kah orang Melayu ni BODOH SANGAT.mungkin mereka suka di peralatkan!
    Satu lagi perkara tentang harga minyak.Dahulu kalau Pak Lah dengar nasihat Tun harga barangan tak melonjak begini rupa.Habis duit kerajaan di agih kan malah berbilion ringgit semasa harga minyak di naik kan.Sekarang apa dah jadi.
    Dulu ada orang kata Tun bengrup kan negara.Tetapi dengan sekelip mata di tunjuk kan siapa membengkrup kan negara .Tuhan Maha Adil Tun.
    yang penting kita melakukan perkerjaan hendak lah bersungguh dan ikhlas.Kami tahu hasrat Tun melaku kan pembedahan jantung ada lah untuk menunjukkan Malaysia Boleh.Adakah kita tak percaya dengan doktor doktor kita.
    Di kota tinggi berhektar pasir di gali untuk di hantar kemana?
    Tun pernah mengatakan kerajaan mahu menjual pasir ke negara jiran,mungkin ini ke? Siapa yang memantau.
    Kalau lah jembatan bengkok di laksanakan perkara kesesakan di bangunan Iskandar tak lah kesesakan begitu teruk sekali.
    Di mana silap nya orang Melayu.
    Tun tolong bantu lah kami.Kepimpinan mu amat di perlukan.
    Tun May God Bless You and Your Family. Insha Allah.

  175. I seriously agree with you Tun. I was waiting for you to make a comment since the issue started. I had my opinions, but thought probably I got it wrong. But now I am confident to say that stuff Paklah were saying were mere political statements. How dissapointing, he seem totally lost. The moves he took to repair the damage were only causing more damage.

  176. pelik sekerang kerajaan BN tak digemari oleh rakyat.masa nii pulak dia umum kan benda yang lagi membangkitkan ketidak puas hati rakyat.dia org memang tak mahu memperbaiki keadaan.malah membuukan kan lagi ada la.macam nak kalah je pilihan raya akan datang ni.

  177. Yang dihormati TUN,
    Saya SETUJU IJN memang excellent!
    Pada 19/12/2008 baru ni dah kali ke 5 saya bawak anak ke IJN untuk memantau masalah jantungnya. Terima kasih Dr. Mazeni (Pediatric). Semua pesakit gembira dengan para Dr., Nurses dan staff, all of you are THE BEST. Anak saya juga pernah pernah dibedah sebanyak tiga kali di HPKL (Hospital Peaditric HKL). Terima kasih Dato’ Dr. Zakaria, Dr Dayang, Dr. Shereen, Dr Deep dan semua Nurses & staff. They are also THE BEST.
    Tolong lah KEKAL kan IJN SEPERTI SEKARANG dan semua Hospital Kerajaan yang lain. TOLONGLAH wahai PM dan bakal PM.
    Kepada siapa lagi kami nak minta tolong.
    Terima kasih.

  178. Dear Tun,
    If you have the time ask ASTRO for the film “Sicko” and watch it. Hope Malaysia health care dont go the US way.

  179. PruBSN Takaful dah jadikan IJN sebagai panel untuk client2 yg perlukan rawatan jantung. Orang miskin yang ada medical card PruBSN Takaful boleh gunakan medical card ini untuk bayar kos rawatan. Minimum rm50,000 setahun hingga maksimum rm150,000 setahun. Dah cukup sangat dah tu untuk bayar pembedahan jantung.
    So, supaya IJN lagi berdaya maju, elok lah kita yang tak mampu nak bayar kos rm50,000 untuk pembedahan jantung ni ambik medical card. Supaya takaful yang settlekan bil tu. IJN dapat duit dan kita yang miskin ni dapat rawatan yang secukupnya tanpa menyusahkan kerajaan.
    boleh emailkan pada saya [email protected] untuk maklumat lanjut.

  180. Kerajaan flip flop……..yg patut buat tak buat….new CIQ di Tambah Johor apa dah jadi?…sesak….nampak nya kena le buat jambatan selepas bazirkan duit bayar pada contractor…..ni IJN pula nak di swastakan, tapi kerajaan masih bagi bantuan…apa ni?….biarkan IJN macam tu bolih tolong orang susah….nanti jika di swastakan hamya orang kaya saja yamg mampu……!
    Salam buat Tun dan “Happy belated birthday” semoga panjang umur!

  181. Dear Tun, salam mesra HARI JADI moga sihat sejahtera. Dgn izin.
    Krjn yg rakyat pilih tak sanggup jaga kepentingan rakyat miskin, nak lepaskan beban IJN. Boleh harap syarikat swasta yg bukan kita pilih?? Pak Pandir pun tak kan tertipu dgn dongeng ini! Ini lah padah politik bercampur perniagaan (GLC sebagai catur politik)
    Pesakit di beri rawatan sama tanpa kira miskin kaya di IJN. Dgn swasta jgn harap ia sama. Tentang jaminan kos, kalau murah layanan buruk dan berbeza ‘we are back to square one’
    Kerajaan wajib sediakan kemudahan pilihan yg murah bagi segala keperluan rakyat. Bukan lepaskan tugas itu pada swasta. Kalau begitu kita undi ‘swasta’ dan ‘privatise’ kerajaan.
    Dah lah rakyat dilayan, di asing mengikut bangsa, ini pula nak dilayan ikut miskin kaya.

  182. Assalamualaikum Tun,
    Happy Birthday,
    1.Satu lagi IDEA BODOH Pak lah sebelum pencen.
    2.Mesti ada SESEORANG yang cuba mengambil peluang sebelum Mac 09, sementara Pak Lah masih ada kuasa.
    3.Kepada Pak Lah, Kalau nak serah kuasa tu, serahkanlah saja jangan buatkan SEGALANYA DAH HANCUR baru serah.
    4.Negara dah banyak HANCUR oleh tangan kamu.Rakyat tak suka kamu. Masih tak faham ke !!!
    5.Cuba tanya, apa yang Pak Lah BINA dan apa yang Pak Lah HANCURKAN sepanjang jadi PM? Termasuklah yang terbaru yang cuba nak dihancurkan ialah IJN.Yang paling teruk hancur ialah UMNO, BN, EKONOMI dan PERPADUAN KAUM.
    6.Kepada DS Najib jangan ambil Pak Lah sebagai penasihat apabila jadi PM nanti kalau tidak negara akan bertambah HANCUR.Dapatkan nasihat dari orang yang telah banyak MEMBINA negara seperti TUN.
    Doa moga Tun dan Keluarga sihat selalu.


  184. dearest tun,
    wishing u a belated happy birthday. May Allah grant u long life and good health. Keep up the good work.

  185. Assalamualaikum Tun, It doesn’t connect on the motive of Sime Darby to take over IJN in order to help the poor . As you know, the objective of the company is to maximize shareholder wealth. Thus, i believe they want to turn IJN to profit-making institute like Pantai Hospital.

  186. Happy Birthday Tun.
    May God bless you with many more bithdays to come.
    Yes, IJN should not be privatised.

  187. OrangBaruLahir
    Dengan izin Ybhg Tun
    Finding the right balance for development in regional medical treatment market
    Merger and acquisition, are part of the normal approaches to growing the size and business of any company, more so in the case for SIME DARBY which has been given the responsibility by the government to lead the development in the NCER Northern Corridor Economic Region.
    As part of the 3 prong strategy laid down for the NCER, one of the strategy was to develop the Medical Holiday Strategy, where early sucess can already be seen in the numbers of holday makers that had arrived in Penang, from far away places as Indonesia and other part of the ASEAN Region. With the liberalisation of trade between ASEAN, there is already a growing need to have good medical facilities within the region itself catering to the growing wealth seen in the region. Traditionally Australia and Singapore has dominated and appropriately addressed the this growth area, annually seeing flocks of travellers seeking treatment for treatment not normally available within their own country.
    SIME DARY has already a growing medical business within its portfolio of business engine, and the strategy to acquire IJN, an almost hidden jewel of government lead initiative catering to open heart surgery would fully complement its growth strategy to provide high end medical treatment for the region. It would normally have taken SIME DARBY maybe 5 to 10years to develop the a similar set of capabilities if it were to go on its own, trying quickly at the same time market itself, position its own brand and acquire the necessary market share. The story for SIME DARBY would purely be a capitalist approach to seized the growing opportunity.
    IJN has presented itself, as a fully developed open heart business practice, ripe for a take over to benefit both SIME DARBY and the NCER development initiative lead by the present day government, and it would just be a matter of time if not SIME DARBY, other present day capitalist would also present similar proposal to acquire IJN from the MOF Incorporated.
    The growth opportunity present a new development drive for Malaysia to provide a new growth area to partly drive the future for the country, and if not developed would see other countries within the region position themselves for the substantial growth in medical holidays. This strategy is well position for Malaysia, as it had taken improved strategies to provide better air transportation throughout ASEAN with MAS and Air Asia catering to a bigger market of air travellers, but it must also be complemented with nearby hotels, food outlets to those family members temporarily seeking treatment for the ill, and it can been seen for an open heart treatment, family members would be expected to stay longer to look after the ones that are seeking treatment.
    The case for IJN to grow its pratice beyond Malaysian borders can also be the next leap for SIME DARBY, operating almost similar facilities outside Malaysia, with the talented and experience already flourishing within IJN.
    Thus finding the right balance for Malaysia own indigineous need for open heart surgery is a question that must be properly answered by SIME DARBY, before the IJN acquistion could be given the blessing. Rightly or wrongly SIME DARBY must answer the original purpose for the setting up of the IJN by the government in the past, and how the domestic needs can be addressed without hurting benefits already derived by the Malaysian population, if not SIME DARBY would just be a nothe rmodern day plunderer of the poor to further enriched the already rich. The same thing could also be said about the various highway development concession, the correct mechanism must be in place to protect the not so richseeking open heart surgery from IJN.
    This must also be a perpetual condition to future sales of the IJN stake by SIME DARBY if SIME DARBY will not be the final vehicle for the privatisation, and conditions must be set similar to the Telekom Malaysia Privatisation exercise that the government would have a golden share in finally deciding any merger, partial sale of the IJN stake.
    Conditions to protect the local rates charge to Malaysian must also be imposed as perpetual condition of service with the necessary pratical timelines for review. Conditions to the livlihood of the real engine of IJN must also be inplace that the specialist, doctors, and all those currently employed must be guaranteed for the period of their current employment.
    The IJN would at some time be privatised, but the right balance must be conditional to the exercise so that all the kera di hutan would not get the best treatment which was earlier meant for the Malaysian.
    May ALLAH bless this country and may we achieve tolerance as citizens of the world.

  188. Salam Ayahanda Tun.
    2 reasons why BN would lose the by-election.
    1. People know all too well who Wan Farid is and what he stood for. Wan Farid is one of the 4th floor boys and Khairy

  189. Assalamualaikum yang Berbahagia Tun,
    Kami sekeluarga mengucapkan SELAMAT ULANGTAHUN YANG KE-83 buat Tun yang amat kami sayangi dan sanjungi. Semoga Allah memberikan Tun umur yang panjang, kesihatan yang baik, anak2 yang soleh dan solehah, rezeki yang murah serta kehidupan yang bahagia dan sejahtera selalu. Semoga hidup Tun sekeluarga sentiasa diberkati dan dirahmati Allah. Amin ya Allah. Perkenankanlah doa kami buat insan yang banyak berjasa kepada kami ini.

  190. In Singapore, they have National Heart Centre, National Eye Centre, National Cancer Centre, National Dental Centre , National Neuroscience Centre etc etc.
    All names start with national but corporatised and over 80 percent of patient subsidised.
    All under one roof…Singapore Health Services.
    No money to pay? no problem, can use Medisave ie cut from your CPF savings.
    Govt built first class healthcare institutions and let people use their CPF savings to pay. CPF money keeps rolling around. Very smart.
    Should Malaysian Govt follow Singapore style?.

  191. Salam Tun,
    Saya bersetuju dgn pendapat Tun.
    Kenapa harus IJN?? kenapa tidak KTMB?? lagi banyak untung!!! boleh juga meningkatkan mutu pengangkutan awam. KTMB pun makin teruk perkhidmatannya…sekadar cadangan untuk difikirkan…

  192. Tun & rakan blogger,
    Di blog Tukang_dok_peghati ada terdapat:
    “Tanda tanya semakin tersebar tentang kenapa TS Musa Hitam sebagai Pengerusi Sime Darby berdiam diri tentang hal ini..
    Malah, ada beberapa Blog memaklumkan yang KJ bersama suami DS Shahrizat turut kelihatan semasa ‘press conference’ MOH semasa hal ini dibincangkan..
    Nampaknya ‘TANGAN-TANGAN GHAIB’ gagal menyembunyikan diri mereka..”
    Buatlah pendirian anda sendiri wahai mereka akan memilih ketua-keuta UMNO Mac 2009 ini. Setuju kah anda sama-sama dengan mereka bahawa Sime Darby diswastakan ??????????
    Bacalah blog Tukang_dok_peghati di http://sensecredaccountability.blogspot.com/2008/12/sakit-jantung-kerana-ijn-siapa-yang.html

  193. To anaco,
    Saya hargai semangat patriotik anda dengan mengesyorkan tentera ambilalih pentadbiran negara ini tetapi tidak bersetuju kerana itu akan mengakibatkan negara kita akan berada dalam undang2 Marshal Law dan akan menambahberatkan lagi apa saja keadaan anarki yang diakibatkan oleh ahli2 politik sekiranya pemimpin tentera juga nanti akan dipergunakan atau dipengaruhi oleh ideologi politik.
    Kita dah lihat Indonesia, Thailand, Myanmar, negara2 di Afrika dan mana2 negara yang dipimpin junta tentera, kita patut waspada dengan situasi itu sebelum membenarkan tentera memerintah negara ini.
    Kalau anda seorang tentera, anda harus ingat adakah kita mempunyai seorang jeneral yang ada kaliber dan karisma untuk mendapat kepercayaan rakyat bagi mengambilalih tampuk pemerintahan Malaysia dan mentadbir negara ini bukan kerana dia memiliki kekuatan tentera di belakangnya tetapi kerana dia memang seorang pemimpin tulen yang tidak mempunyai ciri2 buruk pemimpin2 politik yang anda benci sekarang ini?
    Kalau keadaan politik negara ini menjadi teruk sehingga “tak boleh tahan lagi” (untenable), kita bimbang opsyen tentera akan jadikan Malaysia “from bad to worse” kerana kita tahu kaliber jenis apa yang ada pada jeneral2 kita sekarang. Maaf saya kata begini tapi pada rakyat yang tahu dan memahami, kita semua tengok dengan mata masing2 mana ada jeneral kita yang boleh kita sandarkan harapan untuk menjadi pemimpin tentera dan pemimpin politik sekarang ini?
    Kita biarkan negara kita ini ditadbir oleh sistem demokrasi, kita belum kekurangan pemimpin2 politik, kita cuma sedang menghadapi krisis kepimpinan. Kalau kita fikir kepimpinan sekarang akan menghancurkan negara kita, kita harus fikir apakah kepimpinan baru tidak akan menghancurkan Malaysia? Kita jangan hanya fikir yang dengan menggantikan kepimpinan yang ada sekarang akan menyelamatkan Malaysia.
    “Better a known devil than unknown angel”?????
    Lest we forget about the use of military, remember that war is the extension of political ideology.

  194. Dearest Tun,
    Happy Birthday to you! and to your family a very happpy, healthy and prosperous 2009!
    We all love you!

  195. assalamualaikum tun
    thanks for the quick save tun,they were already planning the to rob the Rakyat again.
    same old story,for the Rakyat…to benefit the people….we will take care of the old and poor..blah…blah…blah.if tun had been a little late…”hancur IJN,Rakyat pun masak”.
    DSNajib,shows the same flip flop mentality just like paklah,today we privatize tommorow different story.do your homework first before blowing your horn next time,malu hang…malu kami…malu umno jugak.baru nak pick-up sikit dah buat perangai bangsat macam paklah.

  196. Dear Tun,
    Lets go to the basic concept. What is privatisation means? If I said privatisation is to change the owners of a company from government to normal citizen (rich people). Is that correct? If so, then it is clear that the real intention of privatisation is to transfer government’s money to the new owner(s) which I’m sure Tun knew who they are – AAB cronies lah.
    Now I wonder what was the intention of privatisation during Tun era? I bet 90% of the intention was also same as mention above.

  197. Salam Tun,
    it has been a while since my last comment. frankly speaking, as a government, they should provide the best service to their electorates because it is their duty to do so. not because they need to, and not also for “satu lagi projek oleh bn” tag, but a must for any sane government who looks after her citizens. life is too precious to put it into dollar and cents. israel traded one dead soldier with 250 plus live prisoners! how much they value their citizen.
    2. With regard to the Institut Jantung Negara, I must say I have a personal attachment to it. I don’t think I need to explain why. The IJN is really the institution that is physically closest to my heart.
    # this makes me grin for a while!
    why must right what is right? just maintain it, and it won’t costs even 0.1% of petronas money to have such facilities. or such an institute also is another money making machine for the 4th floor! as if the present government only expert in making money out of their own citizen? why don’t they tell sime darby to go and buy some other institution oversea and expand into the global market, create names and exposure world wide? at least, the legacy of sime darby may reach everywhere in the world and become another house hold names.
    kudos to Tok Det.

  198. SALLAM TUN dan BONDA,

    As i have said before, You did a great job and are continuing to do a great service by having this blog.
    You are right about IJN not to go Private as your reasons are what the general Public WANTS…
    and nothing more.
    Has it not made enough money from the other ventures????
    With Warm Regards
    George Devan
    [email protected]

  200. salam2u DR M,
    Cadangan pengswastaan IJN adalah satu idea yang tak rasional dari pemimpin no 1 dan no 2 malaysia. Mereka ini tak tahu langsung menyelami akibat yang terpaksa ditanggung oleh rakyat jelata yang bukannya mampu untuk menerima kesan secara langsung bila kepentingan perniagaan mengatasi khidmat sosial. Takada orang yang nak berniaga rugi. lupakanlah sime darby akan hasrat murnimu itu. semuanya ada agenda tersembunyi. Walaumacamanapun DR M is the best leader. hidup DR M.

  201. Dear Sir – Happy 83rd birthday. Take care of your health, we need you more than ever!!!
    Dear DSN – I’ll make it simple…..I refrained from voting PR in March 2008 even though I was not happy with the government. But you touch IJN and BN will lose 2 more votes (my wife & I) to the opposition in the next General Election.

  202. salam TUN,
    Happy Birthday to U Sir,
    1.May ALLAH Bless U;
    2.May your life cherished;
    3.May happpiness surrounds U;
    4.May your health be at best all the time;
    5.May ALLAH give me a chance to meet U personally.
    THANK U….
    THANK U…..
    THANK U……
    THANK U…….
    THANK U……..
    THANK U………
    THANK U……….
    THANK U………..
    for being our leader.ASALLAMUALAIKUM…..

  203. Ayahanda Tun sekeluarga, Assalamualaikum…………
    Selamat harijadi Ayahanda Tun. Sama – sama kita berdoa semoga Ayahanda Tun sentiasa sihat, panjang umur dan dirahmati olehNya. Salam perjuangan …………

  204. TUN,i wish you happy birthday,merry christmas and happy new year.I fully agree with you malaysia will not achieve vision 2020 due to political instability like what you said,just forget about this vision,TUN.We as the rakyat of malaysia will never know what will happen on the next day right now,every hour,minit,second is looking like very dangerous,bad things happening more than good things,i can feel it and it is truth.I feel like very depressed and terrible all the time without you rulling our country.You took 22 years to build up this nation but it only took few months for this nation to destory,the theory is when making out a thing is difficult when destroy is very easy just few second will do.TUN,we as the rakyats are suffering like hell now u know or not?probably you cannot feel what we feel right now and you will never know about this feeling.I was wondering why did u pick pak lah as our leader as first?and called him to step down in the end and he is going to step down soon?TUN,sometimes one decision can change the whole life,if one mistake u made,you are finished.believe me.

  205. Menswastakan agensi-agensi kerajaan ni ada baik dan buruk nya.
    Kalau kena dengan cara nya akan mendatang kebaikan kepada rakyat dan jika tidak, semua pihak akan susah..
    sebagai contoh, menswastakan air kpd syabas di selangor memberi kebaikan rakyat miskin apabila menggunakan air secara percuma. tetapi sebalik nya di kelantan, rakyat terseksa dgn penswastaan air kerana macam2 masalah yg timbul.

  206. Assalamualaikum Tun Yang Dihormati,

  207. Assalamualaikum wbt Tun dan blogger semua..
    Riuh betul bila timbul kenyataan nak swastakan IJN.. semua takut harga perkhidmatan naik.. rasa nya sbb orang melenting..
    Perokok, pemakan yang tak pantang, orang yg tak tahu jaga kesihatan dan semua pesakit jantung akan bimbang dengan penswastaan itu.. baru terasakan bila nikmat nak hilang.. dulu tak menghargai..
    alhamdulillah sekarang ditangguh.. harap2 terus tak jadi.. kira ada hikmah juga dengan hasrat itu.. sekurang-kurang nya apabila tersepit akan menjadikan rakyat menghargai sumbangan kerajaan itu selama ini.. baru lah insaf dan bersyukur.

  208. Salam Tun,
    Yes, I agree with you Tun. Leave the IJN alone. Sime Darby don’t you dare to take over IJN, my father in-law without fail has visited and still visiting IJN twice a year for more than 20 years and he loves the doctors and nurses over there who has treated him well.
    What the hack is going on with Sime Darby, Pak Lah and Najib too trying to privatise IJN, I think it’s good for you all to go and fly kites. At least when you sit under the coconut tree more brilliant ideas will strike you to improve BN and the country. Worse come to worse the lightning will strike you guys. Kaboom.

  209. “Happy birthday – Semoga Tun akan lebih dirahmati Allah dan dapat terus menyumbang kepada negara” Your writings in the blog has been so enriching and inspiring.
    Yes, please do not let IJN goes into the hand of Sime Darby or any other business-oriented company. “the government will regulate the charges and fees” konon… tolongla Pak Lah and co…stop the destruction you are doing to the rakyat and country.
    The poor and the middle-class family needs IJN, do not take them away from us. We have endured enough sufferings (in many forms) from series of blunders the current weak inefficient government have made over the last few years.
    Jangan sampai majoriti rakyat kata “enough is enough!” in the next PRU (despite not believing in the opposition)..
    I hope some of the ministers are reading your blog to hear what the rakyat have to say. Nak harapkan Pak Lah to read your blog… I think he is too sleepy to do just that.
    Teruskan menulis Tun. Your wisdom is needed.

  210. ********************************************************************Privatisation : The guiding principle is whether by privatizing, All Malaysians  will enjoy better services and amenities at cheaper costs.******************************************************************** @Not by the forms of privatisation that are merely the transfer of ownership from the government to a few individuals/corporation,in order to cut government public expenditure/do less jobs..nothing.################################################################### IJN-Unthinkable move penetrated into the minds that our government wants our Malaysians’ patients to enjoy “A World-class medical fees” in order to maintain/attract/pay  ” The World-class medical profession ” growing out of $$$$ accidentally , enabling them come-back & compete artificially globally…! Is it possible by A Corporate entity to maintain /attract A World-class Medical-profession as usual as before without sacrificing the benefit of our patients ..?
    Not all privatisation will benefitting all Malaysians or even the government at all the time..Let alone to pick a well-managed & organised government-corporation..like IJN..! Instead, the government should take initiative to review & look into the much more financial burden, problem-created & ineffective government organisation thoroughly and privatise it…for the benefit of the people of all Malaysians….!Insyallah

  211. Happy birthday, ayahanda Tun.. Saya doakan Tun sihat selalu. Semoga Allah panjangkan usia Tun dan dimurahkan rezeki.. Saya tetap penyokong Tun dulu, kini dan selamanya.. Teruskan perjuangan Tun..

  212. Happy birthday, ayahanda Tun.. Saya doakan Tun sentiasa sihat.. Semoga Allah panjangkan usia Tun dan dimurahkan rezeki.. Saya tetap supporter Tun sejak saya lahir, sampailah saya sudah 18 tahun ni.. Teruskan perjuangan Tun…

    Dear Tun,
    1. Sepatutnya Kerajaan sekarang kaji dulu seperti yg Tun lakukan dan kemudian jika OK baru buat announcement. Ini belum dikaji implikasi telah dibuat pengumuman untuk buat privatisation IJN.
    2. Selepas buat pengumumum oleh pembesar UMNO, dapat bantahan, pembesar UMNO baru rujuk ke Kabinet untuk buat keputusan. Jadi Kabinet digunakan untuk shield bad decision by pembesar UMNO. Macamana boleh jadi begini. Kenapa kabinet tidak dirujuk untuk mendapat pandangan terlebih dahulu sebelum announcement.
    3. Tanpa kajian mendalam Kabinet menangguhkan keputusan privatisation ini. Jadinya privatisation ini masih lagi ‘on’ menunggu masa yang sesuai.
    4. Kawan-kawan minum pagi saya kata ini belum jadi PM lagi, dah jual kepentingan kerajaan, tak tahu lah kalau dah jadi PM, agak-agak Bank Negara, Bank Simpanan Nasioanl pun boleh dipertimbangkan untuk djual. Tak perlu rujuk Kabinet pun. kalau tiada bantahan teruskan aje. Kalau ada bantahan baru rujuk Kabinet untuk cari jalan keluar yang selamat.
    5. Jika Sime Darby hendak melaksanakan CSR, kenapa tak bina satu lagi IJN, ini nak ambil jalan mudah sebab infra kerajaan dah buat dah. Takeover dan manage account ajer. Macamlah take over RapidKL, maintenance bus kerajaan yang buat.
    6. Jika Sime Darby nak buat CSR untuk orang melayu, kenapa tak ambil alih Pusat Pemulihan Dadah atau pun Hospital Tanjung Rambutan ajer, itu baru namanya memperjuangkan CSR.
    7. Jalan yang paling baik untuk menutup kemelut ini ialah Sime Darby menghantar surat kepada Kerajaan menarik balik cadangan privatisation tersebut dan wartakan IJN sebagai entiti Kerajaan selama-lamnya.
    8. Usaha ini baik dilakukan sebelum pilihanraya Kecil K Terengganu, kalau tidak Pak Najib dan Pak Lah susuhlah pergi KT nanti takut kena boo ajer.
    9. Usaha sedang dibuat untuk memecahkan tanah di Dataran.. untuk buat second KLCC.

  214. ABDULLAH’S MARCH-Ini baru permulaan Tun,banyak lagi Pak Lah perlu selesaikan sebelum Mac 2009.Wassalam.

  215. Assalamuaalaikum Ayahanda Tun Yang Dihormati Lagi Amat Di Kasihi,

  216. Happy Birhtday Tun. I’m 9 years old today and i share the same birhtdate with you. I also want to be a doctor. After reading your biography on a book , I decided to work at Maha Clinic, Pekan Rabu, Alor Setar, Kedah.
    Ezanin Mazlan
    P.S : My father and i loves your personality

  217. assalammualaikum ayahanda Tun, smoga sehat2 selalu.thanx 4 ur comments utk bela rakyat, agama, bangsa dan negara….u r d best leader yg sy kagumi smp skarang…Tun telah banyak berjasa kpd negara…so pandangan Tun perlu diambil kira oleh semua pihak terutama kerajaan pimpinan paklah…to paklah,jgn pentingkan political survival je,pikirlah rakyat n negara.org cmni la yg rosakkn umn…actlly umno x slh…tp org yg pegang umno tula kebanyakknnye buat salah..contohnye kes ijn ni la….,,,sime darby x payahla nk tamak sgt2…kalo pn nak amik untung amikla benda lain tp jgnla amik ijn..buatla untung tempat lain…kepada Tun,,sy respect idea2 n komen2 yg org lain x prnh pkr..u r genius….wassalam

  218. Betul kata Tun,dah lah Barisan Nasional dah tak popular sekarang dah nak buat pulak satu lagi magic bodoh hasil drpd pemikiran Pak Lah..ahli kabinet BN mungkin tak sedar,Pak Lah dah nak berambus March 09 ni so dia mana peduli pasal keadaan sekarang..Janji kenyang,betul tak Pak Lah..nanti dah kalah baru padan muka..Sayang UMNO dulu sebelum sayang Pak Lah yang tak patut disayang tu..


  220. please++++
    do spotchek for their management exspecially their ceo and the gang.
    so many people left because of them. expecially nursing is the majoriti left. after this new matron sit in their chair plus compromy with the ceo and gang. they only know and thing about their ‘perut serta jenis nasi yang mereka makan’ never ever thing other people.
    everybody can c now so many foriegner nurse…. u cakap itik dia cakap ayam. bila tanya u not understand english dia geleng tapi sebenarnya geleng dia tu faham. lepas tu tersengih2.
    and the also diskriminasi to prety or ugly nurse exspecialy when u go for interview as a staff nurse or apply for student nurse. inilah dia orang yang tak tahu apa iti koprat mereka ini sebenarnya adalah kaki keparat yang suka makan duit orang dah perut tu besar sedar2lah diri esok awak dapat heart attack baru tahu mana kerusi mejanya.
    betul seperti commenter yang hantar kalau dah keluar ijn nak masuk balik kena tengok sapa yang inchargednya perut gendut, yang bertudung berlagak alim serta rambut yang merebang ada lagi ke tidak………
    maaf lah saya bercerita apa yang saya dengar betul atau tidak tanyalah pada mereka yang keja di ijn.
    kasihani lah staf yang di tekan serta rakyat yang berada di golongan pertengahan dan ke bawah.
    wahai pak haji yang bergelar datuk tapi tak bertauliah hentikanlah permainan sandiwara yang tak akan menang in.
    Allh itu maha kaya
    tun hope u can do something for their organisasi.

  221. Dear Tun Dr M,
    Being government controlled corporation is the most ideal status for IJN. If it is privatization then the tendency for it to for profit maximization would be unavoidable(after all that is the paramount target of any private corporation. This could only be achieved by either increasing the charges to the patients or by cutting cost. Both the alternatives will adversely affect the patients.
    So, as you have been insisting, it is better for it to be government control for the well being IJN patients. If Sime Darby wants, let them establish a similar medical centre on it’s own.

  222. To Billyboy:
    Just one thing i want to say to you…talk is easy…everybody can talk…but if you do the job,i sure you will do the mistake too, human not perfect,if in US also we can read lots of mistake done by their doctor…dont say something u do not know..

  223. Dearest Tun,
    You are a man of all embracing vision, one can say without a doubt Malaysia’s former premier always spoke his mind.
    Dear Malaysian of all races, today December 20th, our ‘Bapa Pemodenan’ turns 83. In celebrating his birthday, let us remember always and bring it close to our heart the premiership of the much loved and often controversial Dr M.
    Happy Birthday Tun,
    Semoga Allah sentiasa merahmati kehidupan Tun sekeluarga dan semuga sihat – sihat selalu. Amin…

  224. Dear Tun
    First of all I want to wish you a very happy 83rd birthday! Semoga Allah panjangkan umur Tun, dan di berkati dengan kesihatan yang baik.
    I just cannot comprehend why IJN should be sold to Sime Darby. The rich can afford to go to Gleneagles, Ampang Putri or even overseas for medical help. Where is the poor going to go when IJN is being bought and managed by Sime Darby!! They are only interested in making money and not in the welfare of the patients.
    God, what else is this govt going to sell off at the expense of the Rakyat’s welfare? Scary!
    Have great celebration of your birthday with your family, Tun.

  225. Dear Tun,
    I agree with your comments 100%. I also owe my life to IJN b’cos since my bypass in 1995, the professional and dedicated doctors and staff of IJN has made this possible. Being a pensioner I would also like to thank the caring Government who made this possible.I would not have been able to pay the cost. I am not sure whether Sime Darby will honour the same after privatisation. We pensioners will not be able to afford the daily cost of medication prescribed by IJN which is a continous process. Guess there will be no alternative for us but wait for God’s decision.
    IJN Patient.

  226. Salam Tun, moga allah memberi rahmat buat tun+family…selamat hari lahir ke-83.
    Minta idea Tun bagi menangani krisis ekonomi kali ini…saya seorang peniaga kecil disektor perkhimatan kejuruteraan M%E dan bagaimana rakyat harus bertindak didalam situasi begini

  227. Selamat Harijadi kepada ayahanda Tun!!
    If gov give Sime Darby take over..i will not pangkah barisan but will pangkah other..maybe BN want to see parlimen Pagoh jatuh pada pembangkang!!!
    Semoga Tun dirahmati Allah

  228. Assalam alaikum
    YABhg Tun. Dr Mahathir
    By refer to the IJN privatization I have two remarks here i.e, for our self goods in the future, and for uncertainties that Malaysia will face particularly the Malaysian who are still in second and third class family or individual.
    To become a developed country in this 11 years from now privatization means “Inc.” Everything assets we have in Malaysia such as hospitals, school, higher learning institutions and so forth must be privatize apart. Once the late John F Kennedy said that, “dont ask ourself what country can do for us, but we must ask what we can do for the country.” Privatization is the noble answer for. ” what I/We should do for the sake of our beloved mother land, Malaysia. Japanese nation already do privatization, and everything is worked and they now cultivated the benefits of.
    Malaysia is still in take off stages at this moment. for some Malaysian they might think that privatization of IJN is something rediculous and out of “insanity” mind. The implementation of IJN might be hurt the second and third class familiy/individual. The implementation just benefits the first class family/individual.
    In the future I mean in year 2015 or 2020 or after 2020, Allah the Almighty willing, all Malaysians are wealth and fully educated, first class mindset, no more hard core poor or second/third class…schools, hospitals, IJN should be privatize for our own good, for our beloved motherland good, and might be for the world apart.
    I also support the idea of privatization towards “Malaysia Incorporation.” And its implemenation must be fully study by take account the pros and cons. If we want to be “Malaysia Incorporation” we should begin today though we have to sacrifice some thing.
    * * *
    Tun, saya ingin mengambil kesempatan ini untuk mengucapkan “selamat Menyambut Hari Ulang Tahun Kelahiran yang ke 84.” Semoga Tun dilanjutkan usia dan dimurahkan rezeki. Saya dan Malaysia memerlukan Tun, dan saya dan Malaysia akan sentiasa berdiri teguh bersama-sama Tun untuk manfaat bersama.
    Samsudin Saharan
    [email protected]

  229. selamat hari jadi Tun..
    semoga dipanjangkan umur dan hidup diberkati sentiasa oleh Allah SWT

  230. YBhg Tun,
    Saya bersetuju dgn Tun, buat masa ni tak perlulah Kerajaan meswastakan IJN. Kalau kerajaan laksanakan juga hasrat ini. PRU 13 pasti akan berpihak kpd pembangkang. Biarlah IJN mcm tu, belajar dari kesilapan yg lepas. Rakyat bukan benci BN,cuma sakit hati dengan beberapa Ahli Politik BN yg hanya tunggu hari pd Mac 09 ini.
    Semuga Tun Sekeluarga diberi ALLAH sehat sejahtera dan panjang umur supaya dapat membetulkan kesilapan demi kesilapan yang dibuat oleh kerajaan sekarang dan seterusnya.

  231. .
    Dearest Tun,
    Again, I agree with your thoughts. Cheers!
    A HAPPY “official” BIRTHDAY to you, Tun!!
    From, Same Wavelength &, Fellow-JULY10,youngest-in-family “baby”!! 🙂
    Wassalam wR wB.

  232. assalamulaikum Tun,
    thank you so much for your concern about the IJN current issue. I had watched the press conf. May Allah bless you. Tun deserve All the credit.

  233. Billy Boy,
    I don’t know where you get your facts and figures from. Maybe from Mars.
    That is the whole problem with the vocal minority in Malaysia. They get half truths and go by the axiom that if you SHOUT loud enough it becomes the whole truth.
    And we the rest of Malaysian go goo-goo and ga-ga; believing by the Malay saying “kalau tiada angin, manakan pohon bergoyang”.

  234. Assalamualaikum wbt Yang Berbahagia Tun!
    Selamat Hari Jadi semoga dikurniakan Allah SWT kesihatan yang baik panjang umur dan murah rezeki!
    Salamat sejahtera untuk Tun sekeluarga!

  235. I agree with an earlier comment that the whole IJN privitisation sounds like an exercise in Corporate Finance.
    As The Tun mentioned in a ‘reasonable’ man’s thinking how in heaven will this exercise float in any direction you view it.
    Hence, the obvious reason is this will benefit some investment banking scheme (which seem to be hard to come by currently).
    Lets put an end to all this directionless exercises like the cancellation of the Causeway Bridge, the knee jerk spikes in petrol price, the corridors….. What an embarrassment and to play into the oppositions hand, when clearly it is the work of fellow party members to strengthen personal/family? position and weakening other ‘potential’ treats from within. Cukup Lah!

  236. Salam sejahtera buat ayahanda sekeluarga, semoga diberkati oleh ALLAH SWT.
    Alangkah mulianya insan yang bernama “Mahathir Muhammad”, seorang pemimpin Malaysia yang pertama, yang sanggup merperjudikan nyawanya untuk dibedah pulih jantungnya oleh pakar2 tempatan yang ketika itu rata2 rakyat tidak mengetahui akan kewibawaan mereka ini. “Mahathir Muhammad” lah yang membuktikannya bahawa ‘Malaysia boleh’.
    Amatlah sedih bila cadangan perswastaan IJN diwawarkan oleh kerajaan yg dipilih,banyaklah sungguh plan2 yang dicadangkan tidak pun banyak menolong rakyat pertengahan mahupun yang miskin, kerana kadar kemiskinan masih ada.(Ni dia x nak betui2 focus)
    Apa yang rakyat nampak sekarang ini, semacam kerajaan sekarang ini sedang menguruskan satu perniagaan yang mana keuntungan dicari daripada rakyatnya sendiri, bukannya, rakyat mendapat keuntungan dari kerajaan. Jadi siapa yang sebenarnya mendapat keuntungan ini? Kasihan….
    Semoga ayahanda tidak merasa jemu untuk berjuang demi rakyat. Apa yang dapat anakanda dan rakan2 buat untuk membalas akan jasa2 ayahanda, hanya lah berdoa agar roh ayahanda nanti ditempatkan di kalangan para suhadah.. Amin
    Yang ikhlas

  237. Salam Tun,
    Agaknye.. UMNO dah bersedia sangat untuk kalah teruk pada PRU13 nanti. Kenapa keputusan yang diambil pelik sangat. Ramai lah lagi orang sakit jantung (orang miskin la..). MP peduli haper.. Sokong tetap, duit projek banyak nak bayar bil IJN.. takder hal..

  238. salam Tun yang ku sayang..diharapkan tun sihat..bila tun berhenti ibu saya menangis..ibu saya peminat setia tun..kenapa bangsa Melayu sekarang tidak dihormati. Parti pembangkang sekarang begitu berani memperkecilkan bangsa Melayu.Tidak seperti zaman tun menjadi PM. Di mana silapnya?
    pekerja asing berjuta-juta, rakyat kita menganggur.bagaimana perkara ini boleh terjadi? saya masih terkilan kerana tak dapat melihat ceramah tun di UKM…bila nak datang UKM lagi?? buatlah sesuatu supaya anak melayu tidak terpinggir .
    salam sayang kepada tun dan sekeluarga..:)
    [email protected]

  239. YAB Tun,
    I hate to differ with you on your assertion that the IJN provides a good and caring level of customer service. Certainly this is not the case with their front desk or counter service. I will like to relate my personal experience during a recent visit there. Feeling unwell, I sought to seek a preliminary assessment on my condition. This was my first time there and I found that the counter instructions somewhat confusing. I was forced to seek advice from a counter staff. Cognizant that I should wait my turn to ask, I waited until she had finished dealing with another customer in front of me; there was only two of us in the line at the time. When she finished after a good few minutes later, she simply ignored me. When I asked how I could register my turn for consultation, she promptly directed me to another person. That person subsequently redirected BACK me to her. Throughout the time, she made it plain to me that I simply being foolish and am disturbing her. Obviously, she has not been coached that a person with an ongoing heart discomfort could be disorientated and should be rendered every assistance notwithstanding that I probably being ‘foolish’ by asking the obvious. Being an OKU, am I also ‘moving and talking funny’ for her liking?
    She asked firstly me for a consultation deposit – I honestly do not remember how much exactly – but it must a few hundred ringgit. When I expressed surprise over the sum being asked, she simply answered uncouthly and curtly that ‘IJN is a Sdn. Bhd.’, meaning that they are not in the business of rendering charity. The spontaineity of her reply is most disturbing as it underscores that she must be saying this scores of time everyday.
    Tun, if the IJN is the organization that you ascribe it to be, then this particular staff has inflicted it a great injustice. My experience notwithstanding,I must agree with you that the IJN should not be privatised, In such incidents could happen under a government corporatised company, what would happen if it is to be operated by a profit driven company and a monompoly in its’ field?

  240. Y.A.B. Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad
    Selamat hari jadi yang ke 83. Di doakan semoga Allah swt memberkati, merahmati, di murahkan rezeki, di berikan kesihatan yang wal

  241. ASWT YAB TUN,

  242. Salam buat Tun dan isteri,
    Saya mengucapkan Selamat Ulang Tahun buat Tun. Semoga di panjangkan umur dan terus sihat.
    Berjuang lah Tun kerana masih ramai rakyat seperti saya yang merasakan pentingnya kepimpinan Tun untuk kami.
    Salam sayang dari saya dan keluarga…

  243. Why dont we offer scholarship to the patient’s child so this personal relation between the IJN and family can benefit sustainability of the IJN in future and we can increase more doctor in Msia. The scholarship tern may include subsidy for their parent treatments, but any bridge of contract will impose penalty to the student at least 75% payment -or- by the pointer. IJN can try get the loan first and the result may come later.
    erm,better stop tale-tell the problem, be part of the solution

  244. lets privatize the whole country!
    once the heart is on privatization then the whole body should follow!

  245. Dear Tun,
    The Barisan Nasional government now is run by CLODS.
    A day before govt “agreed in principle”, the next day postpone because need to study.
    This means no study was done before the “agreement in principle” was given.
    Another example is Shahrizat Abdul Jalil. She made three different decisions in three days.
    A day before the Wanita Umno meeting, will contest, the next day won’t contest, the following day contest. How to be a leader.
    An the PM, the biggest CLOD of all, only knows how to set up commmittees and commissions but never takes any action.
    Set’s up a JAC but appoints as Chief Justice someone who himself had stepped down as Umno disciplinary board member on the grounds he had compromised integrity.
    If he is not fit to be on Umno’s disciplinary board, is he fit to be Chief Justice?
    Enough said, I don’t think the Sleeping Beauty is ever going to wake up unless it concerns his family.
    Best Regards

  246. Dear Tun,
    I’m 17 years old and had completed my SPM examination and would like to take this opportunity to wish Tun Happy Birthday and may God give you more Birthdays in the future.
    SELAMAT HARI JADI, semoga usia Tun dipanjangkan oleh ALLAH YANG MAHA ESA.
    Sicd Ling

  247. Salam Tun,
    You are right! Sometimes I wonder is our Government is mature or not?????
    A small boy will know that this is a NOT workable although the government is talking about Company’s CSR. How’s about Government’ CSR then!!!!! Sometimes the government just LOVE to create turmoil to the Rakyat. Of all sudden, IJN to Privatise, then the Rakyat will get ANNOYED. Are they naive or incompetent to understand basis needs and wants for the Rakyat!!!. No wonder, the BN lose their 2/3. I am strong supporter to GOOD Goverance BUT not this way of so-called GOOD Goverance. They are trying the water and eventually fall inside and drown.


  249. Dear Tun,
    Happy Birthday, semuga Tun panjang umur, diberi kesihatan yang baik dan yang penting saya doakan agar Tun sentiasa di rahmati Allah.

  250. Asalmulikum TUN,
    Semoga terus sihat dan panjang umur. Saya mengharapkan supaya TUN kembali memerintah sebagai PM semula (SESUATU YG HAMPIR MUSTAHIL). Sungguh menyedihkan pemimpin Malaysia tanpa mengira kerajaan BN atau pembangkang PR tidak lagi mempunyai sifat perihatin dan cintakan negara.
    1. Jika pemimpin yg baik tidak terdapat dikalangan ahli ahli politik yg melacurkan jiwa dan negara utk WANG maka pihak tentera wajib menjalan tugas mereka bagi mempertahankan MALAYSIA daripada musuh musuh dalaman. TENTERA DAN RAJA RAJA JALANKAN TANGUNGJAWAB DAN TUGAS YANG TELAH DIAMANHKAN PADA ANDA , HAPUSKAN MUSUH MUSUH YG MENGANCAM SAMAADA LUAR ATAU DALAMAN.

  251. Tun,
    Best wishes and many happy returns!
    I totally agree with your opinion on the IJN privatisation. The questions that linger are how is SD going to justify the acquisition to its shareholders?
    When I first read about the IJN proposal, the first thing that came to my mind was that does not make business-sense for a large corporation like SD to even consider. Next, is it going to be another financial manoeuvres – some sort of money transfers, something cooking, perhaps? The cooking is going to burnt?

  252. Betul kata Tun. Sekarang ni dah le BN tak popular dikalangan rakyat. Yg Pak Lah setuju nak bagi Sime Darby beli control over IJN ni kenapa? Saja nak bagi nampak Najib tak bagus nanti kot? Klu dah nak turun tu turun je le. Tak payah nak campur lagi urusan kerajaan lagi. Dulu masa dpt jadi pemerintah tak buat apa sangat. Ni lepas dah nak turun baru la mcm2 nak buat.

  253. Tun Che Det
    The Lions are at the gate.Some are watching from a distance.They can see abundance food in there.If you just shooo…them away they’ll come back later.Hit the head pack hard enough and the rest will run helter skelter.

  254. My Dearest Tun,
    I’m simply agreed with your opinion on this matter. I didn’t see any rationale on the IJN privatisation, IJN have done extremely well service to the people and Malaysia of course. By privatised this institution it would possibly jeopardise the future this institution and more importantly well service its provide all this while to the people of Malaysia since it inception.
    Clearly, it is not a wise decision by the government, moreover it would further tarnished government popularity which is currently not so popular.
    But recently, I have read newspaper stating that the Deputy Prime Minister said the government at this moment has decided to abandon this proposal. Hopefully, this issue would not re occur in the future.

  255. Dear Sir,
    You said: “12. The Barisan Nasional Government is not too popular today. Why do something that may give the opposition another issue to belabour the Government.”
    That is also exactly the point Sir.
    Not just the Opposition but the whole country is getting quite fed up with these mindless antics. First they make grand announcements to all and sundry about this or that.
    Then when there is a hue and cry, only then it opens their eyes to the real issues. Then they make a hasty retreat and look really silly. This IJN thing is typical.
    The handling of the Yoga Fatwa was even more silly. You allow these people to frighten the whole nation with a poorly thought public announcement. Then even the Malay Rulers had to come out and make statements to reassure the people.
    The whole thing only made the Government (and also Muslims) all look so silly again. Its never ending.
    With a By Election looming in Kuala Trengganu on Jan 17, the MB of Trengganu fires people, moves people around and reshuffles the State Civil Service – to the dismay and protest of many people.
    But he became MB in April 2008 – 9 months ago. Why reshuffle now – less than four weeks before the By Election? This type of fickleness will win votes?
    They just do not instill confidence anymore in anything. This is the Government we have today. Every other thing they do gets a negative reaction from a large majority of the people.
    Syed Akbar Ali


  257. Salam Tun.
    Wahai pemimpin BN, cukuplah dengan kesilapan demi kesilapan yang dilakukan kerana ianya tidak sepatut berlaku berulang-ulang kali.
    Kami sudah semakin muak dengan tingkah laku anda. Apakah anda tidak menggunakan akal yang Allah kurniakan?
    Apakah ini sebahagian daripada Plan Peralihan Bulan 3? Cukuplah, jangan sampai orang membenci anda semua. Banyak-banyaklah berisytifar.

  258. Dear Tun Dr M,
    Equation mudah…keanapa sime darby nak ambil alih IJN
    IJN = Sime Darby = Subang Jaya Medical Centre = RM$$$$$ = KJ + Musa hitam $$$$$

  259. Tun – selamat Hari Jadi yang ke-83. Semoga Tun & Tun Siti Hasmah dipanjangkan umur dan murah rezeki. Ameen.

  260. Assalamualaikum Tun,
    Semoga murah rezeki dan segala usaha Tun diberkati Allah.
    Semoga Allah Melindungi Tun Dunia dan Akhirat. Amin.

  261. Dear Y.Bhg Tun,
    My mom has been admitted to IJN on 18/12/08 recently due to heart rhytym abnormality. She undergo a half day treatment at day care ward at 1st floor. Coinsidently, when I’m waiting outside the lift, the security guard on duty has stopped me from entering one of the lift that has just opened. Surprisingly, I look up and recognised that was our Health Minister, YB. Datuk Liow Tiong Lai walking out the lift accompanied by Dato’ Izzudin Ahmad, FAM Secretary General and the most hatred person Mr. Khairy Jamaluddin. What there are doing there especially Dato’ Izzudin and KJ is questioned me. Is there any players or ex-players been admitted? At the same day in Parliment lobby, our beloved leader without subtance, Pak Lah has made statement that government as no objection on the Sime Darby’s proposal as long as the social resposibilities are taking care off. What a ‘drama king’ happened!

  262. Dear Tun,
    Happy Birthday and may god bless you.Hope one of your birthday wishes is the IJN privitisation will never take place.

  263. Dalam Malaysia Today Pak Tun menulis PERLU ADIL DAN BIJAK MENULIS BLOG, dah cakap camtu pun pun tetap ada bloggers di Malaysia Today yang hentam balik Pak Tun dengan kata2 yang tak manis. Macam ni lah Pak Tun, bila Pak Tun atau sape2 buka blog, kena berani dan bersedialah untuk terima kenyataan bila kita buka blog kita sebenarnya mendedahkan diri kita sebagai target.
    Sebenarnya Pak Tun tak payah bimbang apa orang nak kata sebab Pak Tun seorang yang cukup berani mendedahkan diri sebagai target dengan membuka blog dan blog Pak Tun rasanya paling banyak terima kunjungan sampai 10 juta, takde blog lain di Malaysia sehebat blog Pak Tun. Orang suka kunjung blog Pak Tun sebab blog Pak Tun ni macam shopping complex yang ramai pengunjung, dari blog Pak Tun lah penulis2 blog dapat exposure yang lebih meluas, depa tulis dan orang baca, macam peniaga shopping complex, buka kedai dan tunggu orang singgah, beli tak beli nasib, janji tempat tu ramai orang.
    Pembaca pulak sama macam pembeli di shopping complex, kadang2 beli, kadang2 singgah dan kadang2 lalu depan kedai tu tengok pun tak. Pak Tun pun macam tuan punya complex tu, Pak Tun tahu camna nak buat complex tu menarik untuk dikunjungi, orang suka ke tak suka ke itu lumrah, you can’t win them all, you win some, lose some.
    Yang penting ialah konsep blog Pak Tun tu apa dan ada “niche” yang blog lain tak ada. Jangan patah hati hanya kerana orang hentam Pak Tun, you must go on blogging, life must go on, be bold!
    When the going gets tough, the tough gets going…….

    Tun looks great with the new hair cut, look very smart, relax, nice, humble and friendly in video clip star online yesterday. Eventhough I was unable to meet Tun personally in Mid Valley because of work, in my heart Tun is always my best and most repected PM. Bila hati baik, maka mukanya bertambah baik, inilah Tun yang rakyat sayang dan hormat.
    Muka serius Pak Lah kita is getting more and more bodoh and ego, very disgusting and irritating, inilah kita kata, kalau hati busuk, maka muka akan tampak semakin jahat, memang ‘ngam’ dengan stail Pak Lah.
    Enjoy yourself today, and we need Tun to drive us out from our Pak Lah’s mess but not today and tomorrow. Tun, I sincerely hope that Tun can enjoy every minutes with Tun’s family, relatives and close friends. HAPPY BIRTHDAY TUN!

  265. I had my angioplasty done at IJN recently although I could had had it done at any other private medical institution in Malaysia (SJMC included, which is owned by Sime Darby). Privatisation of IJN, by SJMC or any other private companies, will spell the death of one of the best government institution that we have in Malaysia. As you pointed out, the business model of Sime Darby is very much different from the government. Sime Darby is in the business to make money. How the hell can they follow the government business model when they privatise IJN beats me, as IJN provide services to majority of the rakyat, which cannot afford major procedure or surgery at any private hospitals, including the privatised IJN. KEEP IJN UNDER GOVERNMENT CONTROL. IT IS A VERY GOOD GOVERMENT OWNED INSTITUTION. LEAVE IT AS IT IS.

  266. salam Tun,
    I am touched that so many have responded passionately to your article.Many of us have experienced having a family member or relative treated at IJN one time or another.
    We must never forget that Tun literally put his life on the line,trusted our own local medical experts and opted to have his by-pass operation done there,instead of taking the easy way out and have it overseas.
    Sime Darby is a business entity.Will it cater for the ordinary folks and poor patients?I don’t think so.

  267. Salam Tun yang dihormati,
    Takde apa cuma nak bertanya kat PM kita tu
    Dipeti dr BH…..
    Kelmarin, Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi, menegaskan sebarang pengambilalihan IJN Holdings oleh Sime Darby jika dilaksanakan, mesti memastikan golongan berpendapatan rendah terus menikmati kadar bayaran rendah di IJN seperti diamalkan sekarang.
    saya nak minta DSAAB senaraikan apa faedah2 SELAIN golongan berpendapatan rendah TIDAK AKAN MENDAPAT APA2 MANFAAT. Tetapi jangan bimbang kos sama macam biasa…
    Ada tak faedah (duit masuk ke apa ke..) yang tak nak dijelaskan?
    Nak minta isi faedah2 dalam kedua2 kotak
    Kotak A: Rakyat
    Kotak B: Peniaga cum politicians
    jangan lupa bawak cermin muka skali masa isi ruangan tu.
    Sekian, terima kasih.

  268. Salam Tun,
    Well said, Tun. I could not agree more.
    Note – Tun, yesterday (19.12.08) was my 40th birthday. Amid news of old friends making better life or struggling with fatal disease, one question pop up. What have I achieved? Did I make it as I have imagined it 20 years ago or failed miserably? Do I have another 20 years to make good of my promises to myself? Only time will tell. As for Tun, Happy 83rd Birthday.

  269. Marilah kita semua, yang suka dan yang nyampah pada Pak Tun, yang terer dan yang tak terer menulis dalam blog ini, yang pro dan yang anti Pak Tun, kita lupakan sekejap perbincangan kita dan kita sama2 ambil kesempatan untuk ucapkan, pada hari ini, 20 Disember ini:

  270. salam tun,
    sekarang terbuktilah ada tangan-tangan gaib di sime darby dengan bonekanya zubir yang tak pandai jadi ceo.siapakah tangan gaib yang mengarahkan ijn di jual ke sime darby?selepas maybank,pantai,westport,iskandar,jambatn ciq..tanga-tangan nilah yang menghancurkan umno yang buat rakyat marah.sekarang tangan gaib ni gunakan sime darby untuk buat lcct baru di tanah orang negri 2500 hektar tanah anak negeri 9 dikasi free untuk sime darby buat lcct.lcct sekarang akan jadi pembaziran,untuk wang rakyat sebab di desak oleh pemilik air asia datuk kali dari pro negeri jiran.betapa banyak wang rakyat dileburkan untuk kepentingan datuk kali pro lee kuan yew akan digadaikan,inikah yang di panggil shop till you drop.betapa pandainya tangan gaib ni menggunakan duit pnb untuk kepentingan poket sendiri selepas kes maybank dan juga kes ijn..adakah tangan gaib ni ingin membuat last buck sebelum pak mertua pencen.
    memang sekarang pnb perlu menjawab kepada rakyat malaysia ,melayu khasnya mengapa tangan gaib berleluasa membuat investment atas duit pemegang saham dengan kerugian dari golden hope,guthrie,inp,dan maybank.seharusnya zubir dipecat,datuk kamapiah berhenti kerana membuat keputusan atas kepentingan tangan gaib tanpa melihat sentimen pemegang saham majoriti rakyat malaysia.berhentilah menggunakan duit pemegang saham pnb untuk kepentingan peribadi.datuk zubir dan hamid kamapiah harus meletak jawatan kerana bertindak mengikut perintah tangan gaib bukan kepentingan majoriti pemegang saham.marilah rakyat malaysia keluarkan semua wang anda dari pnb,sime darby,maybank,pantai,dan aset pnb untuk mengajar dan katakan TIDAK kepada TANGAN GAIB YANG INGIN MEROMPAK MODAL PEMEGANG SAHAM UNTUK KEPENTINGAN TANGAN GAIB BERKEMPEN UNTUK PEMILIHAN PEMUDA MAC INI….

  271. Good morning Tun, may Allah bless you with many more happy returns of your birthdays.
    Well, someone wants to make money, so something of a public property have to be sold.Very good. Thats been happening for a long time before. DS Najis says tat Sime Darby promised to look after the poor, wow i salute Sime Darby for taking the burden off the government in doing charity. Najis is our next PM and look at how stupid he sounds.
    So now you all know looking clever is not clever after all…rite
    These bastards will sell everything b4 the next GE cause they know they are screwed.
    They just sell everything n stash away billions and ready to fly off this country leaving the next govt penniless…
    They will even sell their mother if they get a got bribe and deal…

  272. Dear Tun,
    Forgot to wish you “happy birthday” as I had written my comment earlier in your blog. May Allah give you good health and going strong blogging. We enjoy your interlectual discourse.

  273. Dear Tun,
    My father was hospitalised in KK’s QE hospital for two weeks before they diagnosed him as having a heart attack.No other procedures were forthcoming,but they put in a pacemaker & then arranged to send him to IJN.Fortunately,my dad is a retired government servant,so all cost were borne by the government.Upon arrival at IJN,he was given the best & most profesional medical care i have ever witnessed.Everything is so clockwork like and my dad underwent the angiogram,then a triple bypass surgery.All the employees of IJN knows what they are doing,from the surgeons & doctors & nurses down to the cleaners & security personal.I was there when Tun was discharged from IJN and it is one of the highlights of my life.You were right when you mentioned that there was not a single complaint about IJN.I had the opportunity to mix & mingle with all the patients & their loved ones and not once have i heard a complaint about IJN.(There is some grumbling about the food at the cafeteria though).We are not rich people,but not once did we feel that we were segregated.In fact we mixed freely with some patients who are extremely rich.The IJN is indeed a unique foundation & the status quo must be preseved.I would like to add that the IJN is one of your top legacies that you have done for the rakyat.My dad has since recovered and is now fit & healthy and i know that i owe this to the IJN.

  274. Assalamualaikum TUN Dr Mahathir,
    A very Happy Birthday to you TUN
    May Allah grant you long live in good health.
    Malaysia needs you Sir, so does the Islamic world too.
    You may not be perfect, no one is anyway, but you are certainly the Best person for These job.
    How I wish you are still the PM of Malaysia till today.
    Looks like only you can save Malaysia from what it is today.
    Tahir Jumat.

  275. Assalamualaikum Ayahanda Tun Dr Mahathir , Bonda Tun Dr Ct Hasmah dan rakan-rakan di blog che det.com,
    1. Selamat Hari Lahir Ke-83, semoga Allah memberi keberkatan dan kesejahteraan kepada Ayahanda, Bonda serta keluarga.
    2. Terima kasih atas segala jasa baik ayahanda kepada rakyat Malaysia terutama telah membuka mata kami akan perkara-perkara yang benar tentang kerajaan kini.
    3. Anakanda serta rakan-rakan di blog che det sentiasa menyokong Ayahanda dulu, kini dan selamanya.
    4. Semoga Ayahanda terus menulis dan terus menulis…
    Rose Hadi

  276. My father did a bypass surgery in IJN on March this year. I am very grateful to all the staff in IJN for their great effort and hospitality. I could only see smiles on their faces during the 3 weeks I was there.

  277. Dear Tun,
    You’re not being biased by saying that IJN is good & give better service. I my self experienced the same thing.
    I’m shocked when Gov agreed with Sime Darby proposal. Actually I’m afraid if it happens coz my son is still waiting for his operation date. I maybe sounded selfish but we are self payer. Both my hubby and me are not working with the Government. Quite afraid if the charges will increase.
    Hope the gov still thinking about the rakyat.. I rest my case here…

  278. Penswastaan IJN merupakan jalan mudah untuk mengaut keuntungan dengan daripada kepayahan rakyat.Kerajaan hanya berdolak dalik untuk menghalalkan cara,
    Apakah sebenarnya yang berlaku?
    Kerajaan menyatakan kebajikan kakitangan IJN akan diperbaiki dan dapat mengurangkan pengaliran keluar kepakaran.
    Sime Darby menyatakan perkhidmatan akan bertaraf profesional dan pelaburan 1 bilion akan disuntik untuk menaik taraf kemudahan IJN.
    Sektor Kesihatan adalah perniagaan yang menguntungkan.KPJ,PANTAI,SUNWAY adalah hospital swasta yang berteras keuntungan.Pelaburan atau penyediaan satu kemudahan kesihatan yang bertaraf profesional adalah sangat tinggi.Pelaburan 5-10 Billion tidak mustahil untuk hospital matang setaraf IJN.Pelaburan berisiko ini tidak sesuai bagi menghadapi kegawatan 2009/2010
    Sime Darby merancang dan berharap kerajaan akan memberi pengurusan 51% supaya mereka tidak perlu mengeluarkan perbelanjaan yang tinggi untuk menyediakan prasarana, HANYA DENGAN BERJANJI (TETAPI SELALU BOLEH CULAS)PELABURAN 1 BILLION ,SIME DARBY akan memiliki IJN.Taktik ini penting bagi menghadapi kegawatan ekonomi yang dijangka pada 2009/2010.Jika gawat benar terjadi SIME DARBY dapat menangguhkan pelaburan 1 Billion atas alasan kegawatan tetapi IJN telah menjadi milik SIME DARBY
    Adakah kerajaan sudah bangkrap kerana tidak dapat menyediakan 1 billion untuk menaiktaraf kemudahan IJN sehingga terpaksa menswastakan IJN.JAWAPAN INI HANYA BOLEH DIJAWAP OLEH CUKONG-CUKONG SIME DARBY DAN AHLI POLITIK kerana mereka berharap mendapat sedikit tempias jika penswataan ini berjaya.
    Rakyat biasa pasti akan tertindas kerana penswstaan hanya menambah keuntungan syarikat dan pasti perkhidmatan di IJN akan memerlukan kos yang tinggi.RAKYAT memerlukan perlindungan kerajaan kerana RAKYAT yang memilih KERAJAAN,jangan RAKYAT hanya diperlukan semasa memilih WAKIL RAKYAT sahaja.

  279. Salam Tun and a very good morning to you.
    Enough said. The IJN will not be privatized at all. I think we all should be very thankful for your views on the matter.
    On another aspect, I would like to wish Tun a very happy birthday. May Allah bless you always. I pray for your health and semoga Tun dipanjangkan umur.
    Take care dear sir. Cheers

  280. Selamat pagi dan salam Tun,
    Tun kata:
    IJN = Institut Jantung Negara = Korporasi Kerajaan = Maruah Negara
    Langkah BN:
    Harga Rokok = RM6 (1 Jan 09) = Kenaikan Jumlah Pesakit2 Jantung = Kenaikan Bisnes IJN = Monopoly Atas Nama Negara = Idea SIL- KJ = Idea Tony Blair = Meningkatkan Living Standard Malaysia = Kekayaan Sesetengah Pihak Bukan Kerajaan Dan Rakyat?????
    Pak Najib tidak membantah cadangan

  281. Dear Tun,
    Thank you for you view. I am against privatisation of IJN. IJN is one of the best, if not the best institution the we have. If Sime Darby think they can improve IJN then the should build thier own IJN or take over any existing private hospital..but not IJN please.

  282. In the first place why would Sime Darby want to dump their money in IJN if not for profit? In any business venture, progressive increase in annual profit is very vital and this is usually achieved by increasing prices/fees charged to the end user.Its a case of what goes up never comes down as far as price of goods and services are concerned.Sime Darby is not a welfare body and will never be. The govt of the day should reject this proposal outright.

  283. Yg Bhg Tun;
    Baru baru ini, adik saya telah dimasukan ke IJN untuk pembedahan pintasan jantung. Adik saya bukanlah orang berada dan kami sedar kos rawatan untuk penyakit kritikal seperti ini amat tinggi. Walau bagaimanapun, setelah pembedahan berjaya, beliau tidak dikenakan sebarang charge memandangkan isteri beliau ialah seorang kerani di jabatan kerajaan.Saya amat bersyukur dengan kemudahan yang disediakan di IJN.Setelah membaca berita tentang hasrat penswastaan IJN ini saya merasa sangat marah. Kita semua sedia maklum, bahawa dalam perniagaan, keuntungan adalah penting. Jadi saya terfikir bagaimanakah Sime Darby ingin membuat keuntungan jika mereka menerima pesakit miskin seperti adik saya ini? Dan jika benarlah Sime Darby & kerajaan berjanji untuk memberikan pengecualian bayaran kepada orang miskin, kenapakah tidak dilakukan di Subang Jaya Medical Center (SJMC)? Saya ingin tahun, berapa ramaikah orang miskin seperti adik saya itu mampu mendapat rawatan di SJMC?
    Saya fikir, jika kerajaan teruskan juga langkah ini, maka kerajaan ini sangat bodoh & tidak sensitif langsung kepada kehendak rakyat. Malahan lebih bodoh, hasrat ini diumumkan ketika BN akan menghadapi pilihanraya parlimen Kuala Terengganu (KT). Jangan terkejut nanti, isu ini akan dimainkan sepenuhnya oleh pembangkang di KT untuk menunjukkan betapa bongkak dan tidak sensitifnya pemimpin BN & BN akan kalah teruk di KT.Betullah kata Tun bahawa pemimpin BN ini tidak sedar diri…dah lah tak popular…buat pulak tindakan bodoh & tak popular…lagilah marah rakyat kepada mereka. Saya hairanlah, siapalah penasihat2 pemimpin BN ini..
    Akhir sekali, ketika melawat adik saya di IJN tempohari, sebaik melangkah masuk ke IJN, terpampang plak perasmian yang ditandatangani oleh Tun.Pada ketika itu, saya hampir menitiskan air mata mengenangkan betapa jauhnya pandangan Tun ketika menubuhkan IJN.Kalau bukan idea Tun yg tubuhkan IJN dulu, dimanalah adik saya & orang miskin ingin mendapatkan rawatan jantung…jika kami diserang penyakit kronik, kami tak mampu hendak pergi mendapatkan rawatan ke SJMC atau ke luar negara seperti arwah isteri Pak Lah yang berbulan2 dirawat di hospital first class di Amerika!!!
    Terima kasih banyak2 Tun kerana menubuhkan IJN. Kami sekeluarga terhutang budi & nyawa kepada Tun. Jika bukan kerana idea & usaha Tun menubuhkan IJN…saya tidak tahu apakah nasib yg akan menimpa adik saya dan orang miskin lain…
    Selamat Menyambut Hari Ulangtahun Kelahiran..moga Tun dirahmati Allah sekeluarga…

  284. Dear Tun,
    I was shocked that Sime Darby have the heart to but over IJN and make money out of sick people. And I totally agree with you. I think the government still need yr advice cause there are no quality on the current leadership. Pls help the rakyat especially the poor and blocked the idea of Sime Darby buying over.

  285. Assalamualaikum Tun,
    Saya ingin mengucapkan selamat menyambut hari lahir yang ke -83. Semoga Allah panjangkan umur Tun, serta di berikan kesihatan yang berpanjangan. Saya ingin juga mengucapkan terima kasih kerana jasa Tun kepada negara memang tidak pernah saya atau sesiapa pun warga Malaysia untuk lupakan. Saya amat berbangga Tun berkhidmat dengan jayanya menaikkan nama Malaysia dimata dunia. Harapan saya semoga Tun terus memartabatkan lagi Malaysia dimata dunia walaupun Tun tidak lagi menjadi perdana menteri. Bagi saya Tun adakah idola saya. Idola sebagai bapa pembangunan Malaysia yang mencapai ke tahap dunia. Semoga Allah merahmati jasa Tun kepada agama, bangsa&negara.

  286. Salam Tun,
    May each day you’ll continue to enjoy the good day. “Happy Birthday!”
    May other service providers, be it private or government, are able to emulate the success story of IJN. I see no reasons why others can’t do it, if their staffs continue to get professional training and imbued with the right attitude towards giving a superlative service to those needing their services. Everyone is important.
    This has to be the order of the day.
    Upon acquiring this right attitude and put it into practice, the big corporations and the government will certainly benefit it, and so will the employees; unless both the big corporations and the government adopt to be selfished and choose not to compensate/reward their employees fairly.
    If Malaysians working in neighbouring countries can provide world class service, why not here in Malaysia!

  287. Dear Dr M,
    I always have this opinion that if ones want to make money they should not be a doctor.
    There is this coffee shop talk about a very prominent businessman from Malaysia where the advice that he got from his father the three businesses that he should not touch:
    1. Entertainment also read Gambling
    2. Hospital
    3. I cannot remember exactly what it is.
    Well he seems to be following the advice.

  288. Dear Tun,
    It is heartening that Tun has voiced out about this issue.
    One simple question, how would Sime Darby benefit from it if charges are controlled and what are the motives behind?
    If this is a business deal Sime Darby will lose out based on ever increasing medical costs.
    Some hidden issues behind that we do not know.
    When Tun voiced out, everyone is worried because Tun is our former PM and a very intelligent one.
    Today’s paper, Deputy PM has announced that the deal is on hold.
    Tun, please voice out on prices of basic goods that have not come down after drop of fuel prices.
    Appreciate that Tun is our voice to check and balance the administration.
    May Tun stay healthy always.

  289. Dear Dr M,
    It’s all about our poor RAKYAT ….. the $$$ burden is getting heavier over the years since you left Dr M.!

  290. yeah! saya sokong anda..
    nasib baik dato’ najib suruh tangguh…
    kalau tak..entah la..haih..

  291. Salam Tun ,
    Betul , kenapa IJN sebuah institusi yang telah banyak berbakti kepada masyarakat perlu di Privatekan ?.
    Sime Darby -patut melihat segmen lain yang lebih menguntungkan .
    Biarkanlah IJN sepertimana matlamat asal penubuhannya tanpa ada unsur unsur mencari keuntungan.
    Memo drp Doc Doc Pakar semalam menjelaskan mereka tidak tamak dan menuntuk gaji lebih sepereti digembar gemburkan .
    Kerajaan BN- tidak sepatutnya menyokong usaha ini.
    Sharm Al Sheikh.

  292. IJN…the institution to help poor people to get treament. It is was Tun idea. I will never forget it. The by election in Kuala Terengganu is on the way, BN just won the seat majority below 700 votes..if the BN government to continue to privatise the IJN, i could not see how BN going to retain the seat.Actually they are helping opposition to put one more seat in parliament.
    Keep writting and give your brilliant idea Tun..myself and family will always pray for Tun and wife.

  293. Tun & Rakan Bloggers,
    Saya telah dibedah di IJN untuk pintasan jantung pada July 2007. Sepupu saya pula beberapa tahun yang lalu. Setelah menerima pembedahan ini, kemungkinan besar kami perlu mengambil ubat-ubatan sepanjang hayat.
    Bagi sepupu saya tu ok lah kerana beliau bekas kakitangan kerajaan tetapi tidak saya. Saya perlu membayar yang kos yang banyak untuk ubat-ubatan setiap bulan. Walau bagaimanapun, syukuralhamdullilah yang saya dapat bantuan dari badan kebajikan IJN untuk ubat-ubatan dan saya perlu bayar sebahagian sahaja dari kos bulanan.
    Soalnya, boleh kah pihak yang ingin mengambil alih IJN akan memberi bantuan seterusnya kepada orang-orang seperti saya ni yang saya percaya begitu ramai sekali. Bukan kah pihak yang ingin mengambil alih tu memang memandangkan keuntungan yang BESAR untuk pengambilan alih ? Kalau tidak, kenapa susah pilih IJN? Bukan kah banyak lagi badan-badan lain yang boleh dipilih ?
    Seterusnya, IJN sememangnya banyak menerima derma dari pesakit-persakit dan orang ramai yang sangat berpuas hati dengan perkhidmatan IJN. Kemana duit-duit tu akan pergi sekiranya ianya akan diambil alih oleh pihak yang ingin mengambil alih ini ?
    Harap kerajaan fikir-fikirkan lah hal rakyat… Minta lah pihak yang hendak ambil alih tu buat peniagaan lain yang tentunya lebih menguntungkan dan biarkan kerajaan uruskan IJN ni.
    Terima Kasih.

  294. Assalamu Alaikum…
    Another proposal which needed to be questioned is the necessity of a second railway company. As it is, it may be just another way for somebody connected to make money (by setting it all up at inflated costs) and then after “operating it for a year” dumping it on the government to take over (with the same old excuses). In the meantime, they have pocketed their money. A few projects come to mind following the same script.
    How many times must we go through this?

  295. Salam Tun,
    Kakak saya nurse kat IJN dia berpeluang merawat TUN dulu dan dia sangat berbangga dapat berhikmat untuk Tun,
    Tolong nasihatkan si Najib ni sat,
    IJN tu dah cukup bagus tak payah nak kacau IJN,
    Kalau nak buat duit tu tak payah lah guna IJN, banyak lagi cara lain,
    Saya cadangkan depa ni buat dulu sesuatu yg sama macam IJN tu kat tempat lain(Sabah,Serawak,Penang atau Johor) dan depa uruskan tempat tu macam mana pun yg depa suka dan jika terbukti cara depa lebih baik baru mai uruskan IJN.
    Tak payah nak berebut, banyak lagi pesakit kat Malaysia p buat IJN yg baru, bagi rakyat tengok depa punya kerja(Najib dan Sime Darby)kalau boleh buat IJN baru yg lebih hebat lepas tu mai usik IJN ni ok la.
    Rakyat kat kampung dah mula naik meluat kat Najib,
    Harap dia tak ikut bos dia yg dok ada la ni.Buat malu Penang saja.
    Tak habis-habis dok tidoq.
    Harap semua pihak faham, semua keputusan yg akan dibuat akan memberi kesan kepada pesakit dan keluarga depa.lebih lebih lagi kat org-org miskin macam kami ni.
    Jangan nak berpolitik kat tempat yg salah,
    IJN bukan tempat berpolitik.
    Sebagai orang yg terhutang budi kat IJN, saya rasa Tun masih ada CARA untuk kekalkan dan selamatkan IJN dari depa ni.
    Kami org kampung minta Tun selamatkan IJN,
    Semua yg bergelar pemimpin belajar dengar suara rakyat kalau tak mau kena laknat dari tuhan.
    tak lupa jasa staff IJN akan sentiasa dihargai
    Terima Kasih.
    Maaf kalau ada yg tersalah kata.
    P/S Kak we are proud of you from Ana,Hazim,Iman and the geng.

  296. Asalamualaikum,
    Buat my dearest Tun,
    Thanks again and again, saya tak tau la apa ada dalam otak Pak Lah dan Kabinet melalut ni, di masa kita tengah kuat bersedia untuk hadapi rakyat di P36 K T dia buat onar lagi. Untuk pengetahuan Tun ramai orang di K T pergi ke IJN termasuk sepupu saya pesara kerajaan bekas attendant hospital besar KT, jika ia diswastakan bagaimana kah kos untuk menampung perbelanjaanya ??? DS Najib sedang memulakan langkah sumbang ketika ingin menjadi presiden Umno. Apakah beliau ingin dikenali sebagai Bapa pengswastaan Institusi kesihatan Malaysia ??? Apakah kelak Imej beliau pembela koporat dan bukan rakyat ?? Tidak kah beliau ingin menjadi seperti bapanya yang membela rakyat sehingga ketika kematianya ribuan rakyat menangis termasuk saya dan bapa saya !!!
    Jangan la hendaknya kita kepimpinan UMNO membuat tindakan DANGKAL yang menjauhkan lagi rakyat dari kita. RASAI LA KESUSAHAN RAKYAT JANGAI DOK HANYA JAGA KRONI KITA DI BAHAGIAN !!!

  297. I agree with Tun. I’m a government pensioner and had a coronary bypass two years ago.It was a successful operation done by a very competent team of doctors, and looked after by very friendly and well trained nurses.One may get the same or even better treatment when it is privatised, but on a cost that lower income or even middle income patients will not be able to afford let alone the poor.IJN is one of the best specialised hospitals of its kind in the region and moving towards to be one of the best in the world.Let it be.
    Former patient & a frend of IJN

  298. Yang Berbahagia Tun,
    1) Di bawah kepimpinan Abdullah Badawi Islam Hadhari, kumpulan swasta pun mula memikirkan kebajikan yang dulunya banyak ditanggung oleh kerajaan. Terima kasihlah Sime Darby. Terima kasihlah Pak Lah kerana berjaya para pemodal untuk membuat khairat, tapi barang-barang keperluan rakyat biasa terlalu membebankan.
    2) Sebagaimana Tun, dibimbangi pengswastaan IJN mendatangkan kesan kepada golongan rakyat miskin. Tak pa kot, orang miskin jarang sakit jantung ( Tun kata 80% mereka diIJN ), yang kaya duit banyak diIJN atau di luar negara pun boleh. Sime Darby dapat buat lebih banyak pahala.
    3) Atau sudah ada tukang kipas, kecemerlangan IJN sudah menjadi lubuk wang. Siapa yang bakal dialu-alukan memasuki gerbangnya?. Malaysia boleh!

  299. Assallamulaikom…Tun Mahathir.As far as I know IJN is not as helpful as it is.It is still a “rich man club”.My friend Abang Abdul Nasser Abang Suut got to pay RM300.00 just for consultation fee.He said the cost ot the open-heart surgery maybe more then that.He got operated in Kuching which was just RM2,500.00.This was in year 2001.Now he is bubbly healthy.It really contradict of what you said that IJN is also helping the poor. For your record my friend is a restaurant worker and is own his own.Please correct me if I am wrong.Thank you.

  300. Sir,
    Salam to you, Tun Hasmah, all your family members and all Muslim bloggers. To non-Muslim, Good Day, Mate.
    When I first heard about this matter, my questions were:-
    A. Why?
    – I have lots of questions but I think they will remain unanswered. I agreed with your statement –
    “9. There are far too many questions about this privatisation which need to be answered. Some I think cannot be answered.”
    B. Who is the group behind it?
    – Sime Darby Bhd. Fine, that is on the paper. We knew that Tun Musa is the Chairman of Sime Darby, a closest ally of AAB. We knew that Sime Darby own Subang Jaya Medical Centre but why not KPJ Bhd. KPJ own chain of hospitals and it is own by a Johor State’s corporation. They are the leading corporation in medical business.
    Who will be the beneficial owner of the deal? What is the shareholding structure of the company? Who is the controlling stakeholder?
    Again, I agreed with your statement –
    “9. There are far too many questions about this privatisation which need to be answered. Some I think cannot be answered.”
    My only answer to this deal is that somebody has decided to take IJN as part of his pension plan.
    Your comments, Tun.
    Jimmy Hillhead.
    Edinburgh, Scotland
    (At the end of the season and looking forward to a quiet holiday with my family before the school open next year)(I need that break as my family has complained that I am starting to neglected them)

  301. I do not agree too….not to mention the poor, pensioner..even middle income people like me will hesitate to go n get the treatment.
    SJMC bills is never been cheap…what more if it’s heart surgery!
    People r happy with the current IJN management…why not they maintained it.

  302. Dear Tun,
    The Corrupt UMNO government is jolsting the hornet’s nest, and this time it is going to cost them the Kuala Tereanggu seat. Beware! The rakyat is watching and the price that UMNO has to pay is very costly. They never learn and will never learn. The petrol issue hasnot been well addressed and this is going to make matter worse.
    How can the poor and the pensioners which made up 80% of the patients at IJN to pay even a fee of few thousands? The greedy UMNOs and its associates must be punished and punish to the core of their bone-marrow. This is the time the government must use the PETRONAS money to show the caring government it is championing. The rakyat is only waiting for PRU13 to venge their anger. Most of the UMNOs topbrass has no blog like you Tun, so they dont understand and did not get the necessary feedback. The got their feedback from their ‘spin doctors’. This government must be removed at any cost if this privatisation project takes off, for many other institutions will be privatised soon to feed the greedy UMNO leaders.

  303. Dear Tun,
    Selamat Ulang Tahun daripada kami sekeluarga, semoga bertambah kesihatan. Terima kasih atas semua jasa-jasa Tun terhadap Negara dan kami bangga menjadi anak Malaysia.
    Semoga panjang umur,
    Hidup Tun M


  305. Salam, Tun. Terlebih dahulu saya ingin mengucapkan selamat hari lahir buat tuan. Secara kebetulan, hari lahir saya juga jatuh pada hari ini. Pada waktu saya bersekolah dahulu saya pernah menjadi sasaran rasa cemburu sesetengah orang disebabkan persamaan kita ini!
    Memang benar IJN satu organisasi yang sgt berjaya dan bagi saya, patut dijadikan contoh oleh semua organisasi lain di negara ini tidak kira awam atau swasta. Pakcik saya sendiripun pernah menjalani pembedahan bypass disana. Semua kakitangan IJN yang saya pernah jumpa memiliki lebih service attitude berbanding dengan business attitude!Ini membolehkan mereka mencatat kejayaan demi kejayaan yang seolah-olah tidak disedari oleh sesiapa!
    Sebarang perubahan yang positif adalah sangat dialu-alukan.
    Hassan Baser, Sri Gombak

  306. Dear tun,
    despite of what ever your personal feelings toward IJN, I obsolutely agree with you.There is no recessity for that IJN to be privatised. The organisation, their service, their track record has proven.
    Yang saya tak faham tu kenapa organisasi yang sebesar itu (sime darby) nak sangat IJN tu…..ye lah mudah kan everything dah ada….everything govt. dagh sediakan.
    Saya fikir kalau sime darby nak sangat mereka boleh buat seperti yang sama atau yang lebeh baik….tapi mereka takut a nak buat pasal sapa nak pergi kat depa…..public at latge dah ada IJN…. yang kaya raya ada Tawakal, Glen Eagle, Subang Medic, Hospital Pantai, Pusat Perubatan University……Ampang Secialist center…
    Untuk kerjaan: Janganlah menggadai sedikit kemudahan yang PATUT disediakan pada kaum pendapatan rendah. Let the people enjoythe facility dan be proud at least and about the last in their life that there is a govt yang perihatin.
    As tn reminded: Dalam masa kerajaan BN yang rapuh ni jangan lah nak uat isu isu yang menambahkan kebencian raayat pada kerajaan. Cukuplah kerana kebencian raayat kepada satu dua individu dalam BN dan especially UMNO….(Presiden skrg…anak menantuya). Nanti ditambah pulak kebencian raayatpada presien yang akan ditabalkan tak lama agi…….

  307. Salam Tun,
    Moga sihat hendaknyer….ermmmm mcm tu la government yg ada skrg…
    nak lepas tangan…setiap apa yg dilakukan sejak kebelakangan ni semua mangkin menyusahkan rakyat…yang senang menteri2…kabinet2…da rakan2 meraka jer… Kalau da menteri kewangan tak mampu nak menguruskan IJN sekali pon, pikir lah alternatif yg lain,…mcm Tun kata, kalau da mereka Sime Darby boleh ikut semua syarat2 yg di tetapkn kerajaan, buat ape nak kasi mereka??..apa alasan nya??..teruskn je mcm biasa..bagi pendapat sy
    cuma ada 2 jawapan..pertama kerajaan tak nak menanggung rugi untuk menampung cost perubatan rakyat yg kurang mampu.. kedua..ada pihat tertentu mendapat habuan dari pemindahan ke sime darby??..tu je alasan yg kita nampak…..kena ingat Sime Darby nak amik ke kalau IJN tak boleh buat duit?? mungkin dalam tahun pertama,kedua or ketiga Sime Darby ikut syarat2 tu…lepas tu..depa kata tukar policy mereka kata tak boleh survive cost meningkat, so charges n fees kena naik….who knows??..
    so sama2 lah kita undi Barisan Nasional yang membela menteri2,kabinet2 dan kawan2 mereka…pasal rakyat..lantak depa lah….

  308. salam tun, what d stupid comment by AAB to privatised IJN? He think d sime darby is just to make charity???? I totally not agree with this, but, who are we to protest. We only can comment from outside. Hope Tun can do d best to resolve this matter.

  309. Dear Tun,
    It is about money on one side and about doing good deed on the other side. It is about balancing social responsibility on one side and taking care the shareholder needs on the other side. Both the govt and Sime Darby can walk the tight rope well. Both are rich to take any losses if there should be. I am not sure if this is one of the remaining plans ot things to do found in the 4th floor sacred diary, but are they close to every one hearts ?

  310. Dear Tun,
    I totally agree with your point# 12 “The Barisan Nasional Government is not too popular today. Why do something that may give the opposition another issue to belabour the Government”.
    I wonder what cross the minds of the 2 leaders when they are considering privatisation for IJN. Once privatised, the government cannot expect Sime Darby to stop making profit. As a GLC, they have “scorecard” in performance and if became liability, the CEO will be replaced.
    My message to PM & TPM, leave IJN alone!. Rakyat has already suffer under those 2 leadership, don’t bring more suffering to rakyat. Don’t repeat the “oil price” fiasco…until now the price of good remain high.

  311. Salam sejahtera Tun,
    This is not about power. Neither is this about control. My simple belief is, this is all about pure greed and jealousy. Two of the most heinous of deadly sins. “Agama, bangsa dan tanahair” are just a sing-along rhetorical slogan being overused for this purpose. I am deeply saddened by these latest development. To me, IJN is one of the many government created bodies which is sacrosanct to the normal citizens of this country especially the un-“rich” or “privileged”.
    Somehow or rather, the “puppetmaster” who is orchestrating this sick “shadowplay” has no quibbles, let alone any sense of humanity in even pushing this so called “brilliant” idea forward. How sad,if this person’s only agenda is “V” for vendetta even after 20 years..
    Semaga Allah sentiasa Melindungi diri Tun berdua.
    Azadin Jaafar

  312. Yang Berbahagia Tun,
    Moga moga dalam sihat dan sentiasa diberkati Allah.
    To me, privatising IJN is the same as privatisong the government hospitals. If Sime Darby wants to have something like IJN in their fold, create one. Pusat Perubatan Johor owns many provate hospitals. Follow their footsteps.
    Really wonder why the Government sort of agreed to privatise IJN. Many people disagree.
    Apa nak jadi ???

  313. Dear Sir, It’s so funny why a business cooperation like sime darby wants to take over IJN when the bottom line is there is no money. I am sure there,s money to be made or they will adjust the system so that they make money and in the process make IJN as any other private hospitals in the country. Sime Darby owns Subang Jaya Medical Centre (SJMC) and they are aware how lucrative medical business is and therefore they are getting IJN because they will never run out of patient. I believe almost 80% to 90% of patient with heart related disease in the country are treated there, so all the poor people who hope that they have a cheaper treatement is in for a suprise. What is wrong with these people, why disturb something that is running well and without any problems. I guess IJN’s problem just started and they will successfully mess it up and be happy about it. God Bless.

  314. Dear Tun,
    I agree with you on the privatisation of IJN in not a good move but what is the reason to privatise it in the first place? One day i hope i can shake your hands as it has been one of my dreams since 1999.

  315. Tun Sir,
    Salam. I totally agree. IJN should be left alone. I was shocked to read that corporatised IJN was going to be privatised. I was even more shocked to read that private sector Sime Darby has some peculiar economic knowledge that will enable them to maintain the current charges! I am not such a believer to accept that corporatised rates will equal private sector rates. You are right, privatisation of IJN will certainly raise many eyebrows because many in the “business side of the heart” know how profitable it can be once left to the market forces. So, why give it to the market forces? This move must be resisted.

  316. From what I gather among my peers, most are fed up with the current attitude of the BN led government. The BN government seems to be deaf and are not having their ears on the ground “that people are really fed up” with the current happening. After losing much ground in the last election, BN government seems to carry on with their business as usual, thats ” Penswastan “. SSM information service counter is the latest and now they are looking into IJN.
    Petty thieving, car break in and house break is happening every where. If you note in most housing “Taman” are having their own security despite the police claiming our crime rates is one of the lowest in the region.
    You cant help but notice where ever you go in Malaysia, even to remote villages. You meet Indonesians, Negros, Myanmar and etc. Many Taxis and buses are driven by this people. Some of them are selling carpets, clothes, ice creams and personal accessories openly in our kampongs and tamans. Our City, Bandar, Kampong and street are not safe anymore but the police still claim our crime rates is one of the lowest in the region.
    Now this orang asing are daring enough even to beat our locals. This matters have been raise by our locals in the papers with police reports and even our wakil rakyat have raise the matters in Parlimen. However I and my peers fail to note any positive action taken by the BN Government on this matters.
    I am going point blank here, I and many of my peers don’t like PKR, DAP or PAS for reasons of our own. But if the current situation does not change for the better, we only have two choices.
    One is to pray to Allah Lord of the Universe that the same suffering affecting our daily life. Allah The Almighty should divert most of the adversity to all our Ministers and top government officials and may be some of it to their spouses, children and relatives, may be only then positive action are taken to erase our grouses.
    Two at the next election leaving us with no choice may be we have to vote for the Monkey instead.

  317. Mengapa tiba-tiba hendak diswastakan IJN.
    Mereka yang hendakkan angsa berteluremar itu tidak pernah memikirkan masalah politik yang melanda. Kalau boleh angsa itu hendak disembelihnya.
    Apakah kerajaan telah bersedia menerima kritikan dari rakyat yang memerlukan perkhidmatan IJN demi kepentingan puak tertentu?
    Bila mata sudah kelabu akal tidak boleh berfungsi dengan baik.

  318. Assalamualaikom Y Bhg Tun,
    Memang betul apa yang Y Bhg Tun kata tu, saya setuju 100%,tak ada logiknya langsung untuk diprivatkan. Si bodoh manalah yang nak buat bisnes rugi. Kadang2 kita pun tak faham dengan depa tu, banyak hal termasuk yang lain juga kalau orang biasa pun boleh nampak tak betul apa yang depa nak buat kenapa agaknya depa buat juga ya. Nak kata bodoh …pandai.. tapi kalu pandai ngapa gitu??????

  319. salam Tun,
    saya sangat setuju dengan Tun….
    diorang ni buat keputusan ikut senang diorang
    duit masyuk (untung diri sendiri).. sampai lupa
    org2 yg tidak berkemampuan kt bawah ni…
    anyway saya mengambil kesempatan untuk mengucapkan terima kasih
    atas jasa dan sumbangan Tun kepada Malaysia di mana saya adalah
    salah seorang yang merasai nikmat nya….
    dan hingga saat ini sy percaya Malaysia masih memerlukan Tun….

  320. Tun, kalau tun kata hati tun dekat dengan IJN, saya pun begitu juga kerana saya salah seorang patient IJN tahun 1996, sebak rasa bila kata nak diswastakan. Kerajaan mesti adil dalam perkara ini, dah banyak yang kerajaan dah untung, takkanlah IJN pun nak buat untung?Akhirnya rakyat yang susah.

  321. Assalamualaikum Y.A.Bhg Tun,
    Di kesempatan ini saya ingin mengucapkan Selamat Hari Lahir buat Tun yang ke 83, semoga Allah akan panjangkan usia Tun dan dilimpahkan kesihatan dan kesejahteraan yang berpanjangan. Wassalam
    Nizam Rahman

  322. Dear Tun, salam mesra moga sihat sejahtera.
    Happy birthday Tun Mahathir. May God bless you for the good you have done and forgive you for your human failings. Life at the peak…everything flows downwards, only arrows point skywards.
    Only those with the sight, might and height reach greatness. Moga panjang usia, bahagia sentiasa , rezeki berpanjangan, hidup penuh aman.
    Dari Anak Malaysia (My dad is about your age Tun. He was a poor sawmill worker till he retired. No complaints here.)

  323. Salam Tun,
    Totally agree with you Tun…Saya juga banyak persoalan yang rasanya tak terjawab tentang kerajaan ingin menswastakan IJN..
    Benefit sama ke~? Untung ke Sime Darby kalau ambil alih IJN..
    Of course diorang nak making profit but how kalau tak dengan charge yg bertambah…
    Agaknya siapa punya idea and dalang laa disebalik keinginan Penswastaan IJN nie…aper laa motif diorang agaknya…
    Tak tercapai Akalmu.. 😉

  324. Assalamualaikum Ayahanda Tun,
    Saya sangat setuju dengan pendapat ayahanda, saya harap kerajaan akan menghentikan skim gila ini….biarlah IJN berjasa pada rakyat Malaysia…
    2. I understand Ayahanda why did you privatise the other govt project. It had to be done.
    3. I always believe in whatever decision you make ayahanda because you will never make any decisions without studying it first. That what make you different from the others. You always have the ‘Midas Touch’ and I sincerely love you for that sir.
    Please take a good care Ayahanda, we need you still, its been honour to live under your guidance……

  325. Tun yang amat dikagumi
    Assalamualaikum..didoakan moga Tun dan keluarga sentiasa di dalam lingkungan rahmatNya.Ini kali pertama saya membuat komen di ruangan ini tapi saya tak pernah terlepas mengikuti ruangan Tun ini. Saya merasa amat bersyukur kerana hidup di bumi bertuah Malaysia terutamanya semasa di bawah kepimpinan Tun. Malangnya segala kemajuan yang telah Tun lakukan selama bertahun demi kepentingan bangsa dan negara telah dihancurkan satu persatu oleh pengganti Tun dalam masa yang amat singkat.Apa yang saya perhatikan kebelakangan ini amat-amat mendukacitakan. UMNO yang ada pada hari ini makin tidak boleh diharapkan lagi menjadi payung kepada bangsa Melayu.
    Tolonglah Tun..tolong pulihkan kembali keadaan.Perjuangan belum selesai..kita telah dijajah kembali..yang lebih peritnya kita dijajah oleh bangsa sendiri yang tamak haloba..
    Penswastaan IJN yang dicadangkan bukan lagi untuk kepentingan kemajuan bangsa dan negara, tapi hanya untuk kepentingan individu tertentu.
    Sehingga ke hari ini saya tidak nampak sebarang usaha dilakukan untuk memulihkan UMNO. Yang saya nampak hanya usaha-usaha untuk menguburkan terus UMNO.
    Saya akan terus menyokong Tun, dan saya amat-amat pasti terlalu ramai yang sentiasa menyokong Tun. Kami akan sentiasa berjuang bersama-sama Tun.
    Terima Kasih.
    Warisan Kubang Pasu
    Kampung Lantrum

  326. Dear Tun,
    I hope my comments find you in excellent health and may abundant blessings be with your family.
    Kindly refer:-
    1) The details of IJN privatization should be released, scrutinized and should NOT to be approved unilaterally by the present administration. Already too many opague transactions have been whisked through public scrutiny.
    2) Look at the Value Cap issue.
    3) Remember the merger of the 3 plantation companies, with Sime Darby involvement.
    4) Hospitals, utilities and educational institutions should not be profit-centres and cash-cows to listed conglomerates. They should never leave government hands in the first place. In Sydney where I lived for 8 years, the best hospitals belonged to their government. That is where our tax-payers’ money should go to. I don’t wish to see my tax going to Value Cap, Sime Darby, Eurocopter deals whatsoever, as I also have no idea what GLC’s that my EPF savings will be directed to next.
    5) Why can’t we let incompetent government-linked companies fail and let those responsible learn from their mistakes? Forget Wall St., look after Main Street. Forget the connections, focus on the people who need help.
    6) My message to the present administration – if you have become so brazen that you totally disregard the voice of your citizens, if you think you are entitled to absolute power that your actions cannot be checked, your defeat is certain at the ballot box.
    Pardon me for saying, Tun, if no one can come up with a feasible and intelligible plan to save our flagging economy, then they don’t deserve to be in government. Reducing petrol prices 6 times is to garner the votes of simpletons, don’t our administration know that deflation causes more job losses?
    Vote those self-serving politicians out quickly to avoid further damage to our country.
    Albert CH Lee

  327. 1) I think someone is trying to make money out of it.
    2) Talking about money, as far as everybody’s concern about money politics, it is happening now and then, even during UMNO top position candidacy nomination process, several mil of RM already changed hand, can we imagine how much the amount will be in March 2009.

  328. Dear Tun,
    Its sad to hear such prestigious institution is proposed to be taken over. The govt may be considering that its too much for them to subsidise it. But really if it is subsidising, the govt should consider applying the system to other private hospitals. I am sure there is a long waiting list at IJN. What the BN govt would gain is that it shows it cares for these patients. But turning the institution into private will benefit the rich only. Where will this poor patients turn to? Its just morally wrong!

  329. This is a real blunder if it comes true; privatization of IJN. IJN has been managed efficiently thus far, especially in providing very specialized service to heart patients who are from the low_income group. The wealthy can go elsewhere for treatment, including going overseas. The poor have only IJN to go to.
    Sime Darby should not be poking their nose into this institution which has done good service to the people. Why disturb IJN. If reward for the specialists, doctors and staff can be quadruply raised by Sime Darby taking over, this issue can be tackled by the Government.
    Sime Darby should compete in the open market like what its SJMC doing very well now, not robbing IJN which has managed to discharge the Government’s social responsibility all these years. Even a stupid man cannot accept the argument that Sime Darby can take over IJN without charging extra to the poor. This argument makes no sense. Is Sime Darby prepared to take over IJN and not making profit? Nonsense!
    You are right Tun! Not only will the Opposition use this issue to lambast the Government; this is the beginning of the end of Barisan Nasional if this issue is not properly tackled.
    Kalau boleh diswastakan untuk faedah rakyat dan negara, sudah pasti zaman Tun lagi IJN diswastakan. INILAH BEZANYA PENGSWASTAAN BIJAK DENGAN PENGSWASTAAN TERLAJAK.

  330. Tun,
    Saya bersetuju dengan pandangan Tun. Kadangkala goverment telah membuat satu stigma seolah-olah semua institusi yang berkaitan dengan kerajaan akan dikaitkan dengan prestasi yang lemah. Kalu di privatise akan lebih effesien. Bagi saya ianya tak semestinya begitu walaupun sebahagian besarnya kita tidak dapat menafikan bilamana halacara pengurusan yang bersifat konvensional gagal untuk menyaingi pengurusan yang berasaskan komersil.
    Tun.. sempena dengan 20 Disember.. Selamat menyambut Harilahir yang ke 83.. semuga panjang umur,beroleh kesihatan yang baik. Moga pengalaman, wisdom, instinct boleh dikongsi bersama.. ke arah Tanah Melayu yang lebih berjaya.
    Hepi Birthday

  331. Akum Tun,
    Hoping you are in good health besidebeloved family. I do not know well better than you do regard the IJN but from my bottom heart agreed with you. We have so many specialist hospital at current why not the goverment contribute certain insentive to the people where they already contributed a lots while their were in well situation. Nobody instead the staff who like to serve for people would like to be admitted but heart deases was unexpected. May be the current leader being fluent by Kingdom Hospital!! Whatever TUN you comment maybe 5% affected but pls continue the critisation may be for young leader….

  332. Salam Tun,
    I can see your point. I was thinking of it also. I always proud that Malaysia have such hospital and it is a government hospital. Really hope that they keep their words that we dont have to pay more.

  333. Tun Che Det,
    Maybe SD forecast 80% of their heart patients in the near future will come from the rich people sector.From their research they conclude that poor people will have less heart problems.

  334. Dear Tun,
    After all the blunders in which Pak lah and his half past six goverment did ,I think this is the worst,only morons can agree to the idea of selling IJN to Sime Darby.
    Pak lah , Najib and all the Cabinet Ministers, the Rakyat will never ever forgive this stupid decision to sell IJN to Sime Darby.You and your government will be cursed forever,the RAKYAT had enough of this stupid ideas.STOP IT !

  335. Assalammualaikum YBhg Tun Dr. Mahathir,
    I totally agree with your stand on the privatisation of IJN. As you’ve mentioned, IJN provides safety net for heart related conditions to Malaysians from all walks of life, especially for government servants and pensioners. Without such safety net, then heart conditions treatment will be out of the reach of government servants, pensioners and the rest of Malaysians who can’t afford the treatment from private hospitals.
    We are aware that Sime Darby has taken over the Subang Jaya Medical Centre and the propose taking over of IJN would complete their stable of medical facilities. What Sime Darby should have done is to build their own heart specialist facilities and complement IJN so that Malaysians would have more choice on where they want to be treated.
    Anyway, the propose takeover has been shot down by the government by virtue of the announcement made by Dato’ Sri Najib.
    It seems to be the right thing to do but the issue of IJN’s privatisation shouldn’t have come up in the first place.
    Lastly, our humble thank you to Tun for highlighting the IJN’s privatisation issue and we are forever grateful to Tun for continuing to represent normal citizens in raising the issues that affecting citizens of Malaysia.
    Regards and Wassalam
    Shah Alam

  336. To the honorable TDM,
    I feel so sad when at this crucial moment there still got a ‘demon’ likes human try to act like Dracula. They only think how to sip/suck money and as well as power from every opportunity without thinking the long run result of their action. Where they put their sense of belonging to the nation when everything they want to change it into golden eggs. And finally nor their next generation or ordinary people like me get the benefit.
    For this type of people, we should not tolerate to them anymore. There should be no more chance to them to play as a role in highest political stage.
    We must put the ‘fullstops’ to their carrier before too late to do so. All this must have a force ending to them…..
    Don’t think that citizen like me will let it pass and only said'” lantak kaulah labu….”
    I said this because “Aku Sayang UMNO” and Malaysia…..

  337. dear tun,
    menswastakan IJN ni kerja gila kalau diteruskan. Agreed with you totally that it should be as it is today.
    Tak dapat nak dibayangkan kakitangan kerajaan macam saya ni yang sekarang dgn GL dpt bantu orang tua termasuk mertua mendapatkan rawatan utk meneruskan sisa sisa kehidupan di sana.
    kalau Sime Darby dah pegang 51% dah tentu sebulan gaji saya tak dapat nak tampung kos ubat-ubatan mereka. Ni tak termasuk lagi kos rawatan kalau perlu masuk wad.
    apakah rasionalnya? Sejuk sikit bila baca Najib kata ditangguhkan tapi bukan dibatalkan!!!!
    lebih baik DAP memerintah kalau macam ni

  338. Dear Tun,
    Saya bersetuju ngan pandangan Tun, kalau diteruskan juga, Kerajaan BN seolah-olah mengudang bencana pada PU13, BN ni tak fikir ke masalah rakyat, dah la rakyat dah meluat dan menyampah, dok buat perkara2 yang menyusahkan rakyat. Depa ni nak bagi PR memerintah agak nya.

  339. The people who approve this privatisation is not thinking for the benefit of the people but for themselves. Simple at that. Further disappointment with the move of the government. What’s next?


  341. salam
    secara peribadi tidak bersetuju dgn penswastaan IJN
    sekalipun sime darby tu GLC tertapi saya tidak yakin ia dpt melakukan CSR dengan baik..
    Sime darby sebuah syarikat yang berdasarkan keuntungan, jadi jikalau berlaku penswastaan maka, akan berlaku peningkatan kos operasi seterusnya meningkatkan kos perubatan yang ditanggung oleh para pesakit

  342. Now Sime Darby (?? already hold) about to have 51% controlling stake in IJN. Good for people perhaps, that the sake of rakyat health are now in the hand of some people who will become main “controller” who shall be playing God.
    Is there necessary for Sime Darby to do so? Why not just open up a new private hospital specialising in its expertise area. Man, I never know that the greedy of the west has come to the east – who are willing to put money above anything else.
    To them: Welcome to corporate world and enjoy enjoining multinational that are squeezing our neck by pressing it harder!
    I’d like to pose one question: Do they have to squeeze local’s neck in order to make rich?
    And that is Malaysian culture (perhaps not all) – Jagoan kampung!
    Well, dont take this the wrong way, should I make anyone feel bad, do recover quickly and read my post for christmas and new year greetings.
    Shahirasul Idrewoods
    Financial Article
    Web of Debt – Ellen Brown

  343. Mr.Tun, you are not bias but is your status had made you been treated well during your treatment in IJN (i guess).
    Serve the poor in the country usually is a big headache to Government and any of organization because it just increase the expense without any return. If IJN has to stop keeping loss, i think there only has two ways ( of coz, is ‘my’ personal two ways):-
    1) INCREASE the wealth of country and DECREASE the money corruption as low as well. ( the stupiest answer always been forgotten by ‘smart’ people )
    If one country rich, then only they can serve the poor without profit/loss conflict due to CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility). The goverment dont want to bear the loss of IJN shows that our country is poor. Got money to build ‘castle’ in Klang but did not serve the citizen. Pity….
    so i always talk to my friends: “Malaysia is a very NICE country but
    the Malaysian Government not so NICE.”
    2) Management of IJN
    There must something to able to fix the financial problem. Cut cost is usually the know well solution. According to Sin Chew Jit Poh few days ago, our country has excessive doctor and nurse trained. Of course, i dont know what to do to improve the management os IJN because im not of it, but if some organization occur losses, i guess the CEO should able to do somethings. If i talk so much here, i should able sit on his/her CEO chair and not reply comment in here.
    Anyway, this is my comment. I still hope Goverment can support this IJN as well to save many lives. And please, no more mistake in any surgery as i saw too much that baby’s hand had to cut off due to nurse’s mistaken.
    Doctors and nurses, your few seconds mistaken can just simply bring down a person whole life. Take note that, dont spoil your reputation as well our country, Malaysia.

  344. Asalamualaikum bapak…
    ini lah perbezaan paling ketara antara kepimpinan bapak n dollah badawi….dollah hanya tau memerah keringat rakyat tapi bapak memberi inspirasi kpd rakyat utk memajukan diri….saya terasa mcm dijadikan hamba abdi oleh kepimpinan dollah badawi….segala2nya terasa kami
    rakyat yg mesti menanggung kos perbelanjaan dollah n keluarga..

  345. Assalamualaikum YB Tun,
    1.Saya rasa seperti ada pihak yang mahu menghapuskan legasi Tun
    secara perlahan-lahan.Mungkin ini prasangka saya saja,saya tidak pasti.
    2.Melihat saja barisan lembaga pengarahnya,mmm….salah seorangnya
    yang lantang mengkritik Tun.Mungkin hatinya ‘sehitam’ namanya.
    3.Harap ditangguhkan terus cadangan penswastaan ini.
    4.Masih menyimpan keratan akhbar yang menyiarkan berita Tun menjalankan pembedahan pintasan di IJN dahulu.
    5.Rasa lambat pula menunggu DSAAB turun dari ‘Tahta’.
    Walau bagaimanapun,Semoga Tun menjaga kesihatan Tun.Walaupun Tun tidak mengenali saya,saya dan suami sentiasa mendoakan kesejahteraan Tun dan Tun Siti Hasmah.
    Semoga Tun dirahmati Allah dan ceria selalu.

  346. assalamualaikum Dato Sri,
    Saya setuju 100%, jangan privatise yg ini, pasal kesihatan jangan main2. walaupun hari ini saya ada RM500 ribu, tapi saya tak mau guna utk bayar perbelanjaan IJN. Inilah duit saya utk hidup dengan isteri setelah pencen. berapa lama bolih tahan, kalau kena belanja utk kesihatan, kalau hidup 20 tahun lagi mcm mana. tak kan selepas bayar belanja IJN lepas itu saya kena minta sedekah utk makan seharian sampai mati. saya tidak akan teragak2 undi parti lain sekiranya kerajaan buat senang2 dalam hal ini. jangan lah pandang bolih jimat ratus juta sekiranya dibuat privatise, ingat sama bolih memerintah lagi atau tidak. sudahlah rakyat kena bayar mcm2, ini pun kena juga. benda lain bolih tunggu, pasal kesihatan mana bolih.

  347. Dear Tun,
    Agreed with you tun..wounder what was the agenda behind this privatisation.
    Moga sihat selalu tun.

  348. Kepada Pak Lah dan Najib. Tolonglah jangan buat benda2 yang memalukan UMNO dan org Melayu. Tindak tanduk tuan2 buat org Melayu/UMNO nampak bodoh. Tolong pass baton kat org Melayu yang cerdik sikit macam Rais Yatim tu.. Kita ada brain leaders tapi tak diguna. Dok harap Master of Warlords jek yang memimpin UMNO. Bilalah UMNO nak kembali pulih ni. Rasa macam menanti buah yg tak gugur2. Takkan nak tunggu kucing bertanduk kot.

  349. I think Pak Lah should berambus earlier is better lah. Benda mudah macam ni pun dia tak boleh pikir. Pak Najib pun 2 X 5 gak. Nampak sangat Pak Lah dengan Najib ni tak de people sense and people touch dalam jiwa depa. Dok asyik harap penasihat 24 jam.. Jenis pemimpin malas berfikir.. So silalah blah…Whatever it is UMNO mesti kita sokong, cuma pemimpinnya yang kena blah..

  350. Salam Buat Tun,
    Apakah motif sebenar pengambil-alihan ini..?
    Apakah rasionalnya seorang MP ‘muda’ dalam akhbar Utusan Malaysia hari ini mencadangkan bukan sahaja IJN tetapi hampir keseluruhan hospital pakar jantung milik kerajaan diambil-alih oleh Sime Darby..?
    Siapakah sebenarnya dibelakang urusniaga ini? Jika mengambil-kira sekitar 2% fee juru-runding, jika nilai IJN sekitar RM800 juta, tentu puluhan juta RM juga feenya.
    Kalau betul Sime Darby ingin kembangkan pusat jantungnya, ambil sajalah beberapa hospital pakar swasta terutama milik asing yang dah amat terkenal ‘nama’nya.
    Harap2 penangguhan urusniaga ini terus kekal. Jika tidak, akan bertambahlah rayuan derma di media untuk mencukupkan perbelanjaan bedah nanti.

  351. Dearest Tun,
    Like you, IJN has also helped my family. Although not directly but they helped us with making the necessary decisions with regards to one of my family member.
    Though I do not agree with some of the things you said about IJN’s efficiency when treating the poor and the rich, I do agree that the privatisation will result in more bad than good. I think there is a hint of greed when it comes to this privatisation. It might relate to the way some people are thinking at the moment – a US-like insurance based medical treatments.
    It will come a time when IJN will charge people (rich or poor) an arm and a leg to do surgery on their hearts. It is up to the people to agree to pay. If they can’t pay, they will have to seek aid elsewhere. And I believe that this is the true motivation for this privatisation.

  352. assalamualaikum Tun yg di kasihi……..sekiranya Tun berpendapat bahawa privatise IJN adalah kurang bijak,ini bermakna yg pihak kerajaan tidak membuat kajian terperinci/sedalamnya.apa pun,semoga Tun sihat untuk terus memberi pendapat mahu pun kritikan yang membina.wslm.

  353. Salam sejahtera Tun sekeluarga yang dikasihi.
    Nampak jelas kepimpinan Pak Lah adalah pelingkup bangsa Melayu.Inilah wajahnya apabila golongan ‘warak’ diberi peluang mentadbir negara.Dengar kata Mat Sabu pun teringin nak jadi Perdana Menteri Malaysia.Tolonglah!Kalau lembu kita boleh buat korban,orang-orang ni lebih rendah mertabatnya dari lembu.Sebelum berundur banyak lagi kerosakan akan dilakukan dengan niat ‘membunuh’ Tun Mahathir.Bab IJN ini sahaja sepatutnya sudah membolehkan Umno undi tidak percaya kepada kepimpinan Pak Lah.Gerakan Penghapusan Petualang patut dilakukan sekarang.

  354. Assallamualaikum Tun,
    We already have enough private hospitals charging exorbitant fees,so there’s no need to add another.
    Happy Birthday to you and may Allah bless you and family always.

  355. Assalamualaikum wrt Tun –
    Harap Tun & isteri sihat2 selalu.
    I think this proposal needs to be evaluated deeper. It cannot be a “typical” privatisation deal – not for an institution like this.
    A while ago, I read an article by Bill Gates (I believed in Times magazine) – called Creative Capitalism. Gates suggest a new business model that involves partneship between corporations, government, NGO and people – so that everybody gains, and nobody is left behind. Perhaps Tun is familiar with this, and can share your thoughts in future blogs. If anybody can think “out-of-the-box”, it is you !!
    p/s We all miss you, Tun. Your famous signature is still on the back of my birth cert. (BCG immunization in the 70’s at MAHA clinic)I left to work abroad in 2003 and never was in M’sia under Pak Lah’ administration. Perhaps I didn’t miss much !!
    Salam from Houston,TX.

  356. Hello Dr Mahathir
    I have always been a great admirer of your achievements and I agree with you totally that IJN should not be privatised simply because they are doing a wonderful job serving the people’s needs. Sime Darby is a congolomerate, their main purpose is to make as much money as they can out of their investments. If they are not going to charge exorbitant fees for services rendered, how else are they going to get returns from their investments. They are not entirely planning to run IJN out of charity.

  357. Assallammualaikum Tun,
    Last ke chedet.com Ucapan Hari Raya Haji daripada Tun. Agak sibuk dgn tugas dan baru balik berkursus. Org Ekonomi kursus belajar Agronomi. Kebetulan Langkawi dikatakan tempat mula2 Lada (Piper Nigrum) ditanam oleh pendatang Acheh ke Tanah Melayu. Masih adakah pekebun lada di Langkawi?
    Tahniah dan terima kasih kepada Tun kerana selepas Raya Haji artikel2 Tun bagi saya sangat menarik dibaca, penuh dengan maklumat dan kurang atau tiada langsung SERANGAN POLITIK. Cuit sikit2 tu kira oklah.
    Berbalik kpd tanaman lada tadi. Apa kata Tun usahakan menanam lada barang 100-200 pokok di Langkawi. Saya rasa kebun lada ni boleh dijadikan tarikan pelancong di Langkawi. Mat Salleh ramai yang tak pernah tengok pokok lada. Mungkin MPB (Malaysian Pepper Board) boleh membantu Tun kerana MPB memang bercadang memperluaskan tanaman ini ke seluruh Malaysia. Sebagai makluman Tun, pada masa ini lebih kurang 95% pengeluaran lada Malaysia datangnya dari Sarawak.
    Sekian untuk kali ini Tun. Teruskan menulis.
    Sri Aman

  358. Dear Tun Dr Mahathir
    Happy Birthday!! May you be blessed always =)
    greetings from students abroad..

  359. Assalamualaikum Tun,
    Saya setuju dengan pendapat Tun. Kerajaan perlu memperhalusi langkah untuk mengswastakan IJN. Tidak semua institusi yang ada di negara ini akan memberi menafaat yang sewajarnya kepada rakyat apabila diswastakan.

  360. Salam YABhg Tun,
    Kerajaan Persekutuan yg ada sekarang memang ternyata kebodohannya..
    Dalam keadaan saperti sekarang ini, sepatutnya kerajaan memikirkan langkah2 popular untuk mendapatkan semula sokongan rakyat keseluruhannya..
    Alasan dan jaminan oleh kerajaan dan sime dirby tidak masuk akal..
    Keputusan tidak popular ini akan menyebabkan kerajaan bertambah sukar untuk mendapatkan sokongan sebaliknya parti pembangkang akan menggunakan isu ini dengan sebaik2nya untuk politikal milage mereka..

  361. YB Tun,
    Mengapa BN perlu mengswastakan IJN? Adakah kerajaan tidak dapat mengendalikan IJN yang begitu penting kepada semua rakyat terutama golongan miskin. Adakah BN tidak ada perkara lain yang ingin dirombak?.
    Sepatutnya BN perlu merombak isu penting seperti sistem persekolahan hari ini yang tidak dapat menyatukan rakyat menjadi “Malaysia”. Lahirnya pemimpin bukan Melayu dari generasi baru yang seolah-olah begitu jahil tentang sejarah Malaysia. Anak-anak hari ini begitu terasing diantara satu sama lain berbanding dengan generasi dahulu. Ramai yang tertanya mengapa jadi begitu. Jawapannya mudah sahaja iaitu sistem persekolahan yang berpecah mengikut kaum masing-masing.
    Sekiranya pemimpin Melayu terutamanya ragu-ragu untuk memainkan peranan yang penting ini, maka Malaysia akan menghadapi masalah besar pada masa hadapan. Inilah yang diinginkan oleh puak-puak yang mempunyai agenda jahat terhadap Malaysia yang irihati melihat Malaysia diketuai oleh Melayu.

  362. Together For 1 Nation, 1 Malaysia as 1 United Bangsa Malaysia
    Privatisation of IJN
    To Tun and All Malaysians,
    Congratulations Tun that something dear to your heart still hurts you when taken away. Spare a thought on so many things dear to the Rakyats hearts which were not resolved because our leaders are not issues focused. All that they are concerned is power and Mega Ringgits and KPI success is measured in Mega Ringgits as the yardstick for corporatisation. Social Responsibility and Rights of the Rakyats are the responsibility of each of us regardless of your income tax contributions at higher than corporate tax rate of 27%.
    Social Responsibility under the guise of Charity; by the rich and the famous are made with mileages in mind and not from the heart. What have human race become?
    Is Malaysia too small for all Malaysians to be obsessed with self gratification, pride, egos, self denials of our failings and wastages of money, resources and time? Malaysian deserved better than Ringgits and Sens when the basic needs of care and love; food and shelter are not even addressed by our master planner and tacticians.
    Singapore was ours and poor at the point of split. RM1 equal to SGD1 and the new nation of Singapore depend heavily on Malaysia for trade and survival. But today at SGD1 equal to RM2.37 our poor servant is now too expensive and lord over Malaysia without any natural resources.

  363. soalan..
    kenapa sime darby?
    apa track rekod sime darby ni?
    1. mereka dah take over 2 syarikat perladangan terbesar di malaysia – patut jadi sangat hebat laa sekarng!?
    – tapi yg sebaliknya berlaku.. Sime darby jadi lagi rugi! rugi pada urusniaga pasaran hadapan! pelik kan?
    2. Sime darby juga take over auto dealership – apa jadi kepada division auto mereka? lingkup! lepas 1 quater take over.. terus merah!
    3. Sime Darby juga dah take over Subang Jaya Medical Center – dah tukar nama pun jadi Sime Darby Subang Jaya Med. Center – harga bilik dah di naikkan..! tu belum harga lain lagi tu! kos perubatan lain!
    so.. secara logiknya lah..! ada ke satu syarikat awam yg berorientasikan keuntungan yg nak berniaga tak mau untung? mana ada! perolehan mesti di tambah dari satu suku ke satu suku akan datang! kalau pendapatan stagnant.. maka di katakan syarikat tidak lagi berkembang dan berdaya maju…!
    apa cara Sime darby nak kaya cepat? Di malaysia ni.. punya lah ramai orang sakit jantung! semua orang pun bertumpu ke IJN! situ lah tempat terbaik utk cetak duit sekarang!
    gila.. aku sakit perut baru ni masuk sunway medical center .. total bil 12,800! kalau sakit jantung berapa lah? mau 200-300 ribu!
    aku melawat kawan aku kt IJN ari tu.. buat bypass .. company cover.. baru berapa eh.. puluh2 ribu jugak!
    kalau dapat kt Sime darby.. abis laa! kos insuran akan jadi tinggi..! semua pun tinggi!
    taken from bincang.net …

  364. dearest tun,
    i doubt that sime can maintain the current price IJN is charging. Being a corporate body and answerable to its shareholders, profit is the end of the game. There are many heart patients cannot afford to be treated at IJN at the current rates what if it is privatised.
    Kota Kemuning

  365. Saya bersetuju dengan pendapat TUN. Kenapa perlu nak diswastakan IJN? Adakah mereka ini tak cukup lagi duit yang mereka dapat.Benda yang elok untuk rakyat hendak diambil daripada rakyat. Iaitu pihak IJN telah memberi harga yang murah untuk sesuatu treatment utk pensakit IJN. Tidak kira orang kaya atau miskin.Mereka ini masih tidak faham mengenai kebajikan rakyat yg perlu disediakan oleh mereka. Yang penting bagi mereka keuntungan yang segera diperolehi oleh org-org tertentu.Mereka ini tak fikir kebajikan rakyat.Kalau macam ini penganti Abdullah saya rasa BN akan kalah sekali lagi.

  366. Dear Tun,
    I’m glad that you are at this side on this matter.
    Healthcare and education are supposed to be government’s two most important responsibilities. If they are all privatised, then what is left to our government to do?

  367. Dear Tun,
    Just a continuation of what I wrote just now.
    1. Now I have a clearer view after reading the latest update from the STAR. It seems not the doctors of IJN wants IJN to be sold.
    2. IJN is under MOF , looks like some Powerful man in MOF want this deal. Hey my guess is right: to this joker, IJN = Helicopters + Submarines.
    3. This guy has no mercy for Poor Rakyat
    4. This guy only want commission !!!
    5. Again this Powerful MOF guy want Terengganu to go to PAS.
    Hurray, BN paving way for another disaster for themselves.

    Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad turns 83
    No other name has been so closely knit into Malaysia’s recent history than Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad. Fondly called Dr M, he was Malaysia’s longest serving Prime Minister, occupying that seat from 1981 to 2003. A man of all embracing vision, one can say without a doubt Malaysia’s former premier always spoke his mind.
    On December 20th, our ‘Bapa Pemodenan’ turns 83. In celebrating his birthday, we take a look back at the premiership of the much loved and often controversial Dr M.

  369. Dear Tun,
    I certainly agree with you on this issue 100% as I can’t understand the rationale behind the proposal to privatize IJN.
    I mean why the government have to sell away a very well functioning and well respected institution?
    Today, our future PM Datuk Seri Najib said as was reported in the papers that “it is important for Sime Darby to give high priority to social programme if the company is interested to acquire the IJN”..
    My question is until when they will bare the social responsibility?
    Sooner or later, like any business entity their motive would be to maximize profit, so how they are going to ensure that the poor can have the same treatment at an affordable price?
    I urge and beg to the government to leave IJN alone as it is already providing an excellent service. It has what many institutions don’t have, PEOPLES’ FAITH.
    Sharu, Port Klang.

  370. Assalamualaikum TUN,
    Its true what u said. Privatization can only means one thing, efficiency in profit making.
    Not just the charges will go up but the working environment will to change to a corporate state of mind instead of an institution of charity.
    Look at what happen in the US(i just watch the movie ‘sicko’ by Michael Moore). I think we better come out something like the NHS in the UK.
    Maybe you can elaborate more on why we cant do something like that.
    salam sejahtere TUN and family semuga sihat walafiat.

  371. my thoughts…
    privatisation is a proven way to improve quality of services rendered by an organisation.
    however, whether it will continue to serve in the interest of public is still questionable??
    i guess we just have to wait and see.

  372. Salam Tun,
    I am from Sarawak and this is my first time commenting in your blog. I cannot help but to respond in full support of your view in objecting to the privatisation of IJN. I have not been to IJN and I don’t have any attachment to it but for the sake of the poor people of Malaysia, I also urge the Government to stop this stupid idea of privatising the IJN. Perhaps, they can tell us how Malaysians would benefit if IJN is privatised.Perhaps,they know something that Tun does not already know but from your writing above I doubt very much they could come out with anything better.

  373. Assalamuailaikum Ayahnda Tun
    1. Sudah lama saya tidak menulis didalam blog Ayahnda Tun, mungkin kerana teramat sedih kerana kebiwaan kerajaan Pak Lah makin dihujung perjalanan.
    2. IJN sebuah hospital jantung kebanggaan semua rakyat malaysia dari golongan miskin, sederhana, kaya,jutawan dan billionwan.
    3. Apabila IJN dijual kepada Syarikat-syarikat yang kaya, sudah pasti kebangaan rakyat sudah hilang terutama dari golongan miskin dan sederhana. Bagi mereka digelar jutawan dan billionwan mungkin mereka angggap masih murah untuk masuk IJN.
    4. Apabila rakyat miskin dan sederhana sudah hilang kebanggaan dengan IJN maka rakyat miskin dan sederhana mungkin diam memprotes dengan mengundi parti lain untuk masa depan mereka.
    5. Sekian lama kepercayaan mereka terhadap BN sudah hilang dan mereka mula memberontak dengan memberi undi kepada parti lawan.
    6. Yang untung besar syarikat awam, kaki-kaki lobi di MOF untuk dapatkan kelulusan menjual IJN , bapak-bapak menteri yang ada kepentingan, dan Parti pembangkang.
    7. Yang rugi RAKYAT MALAYSIA, MELAYU,CINA DAN INDIA menanggis tidak berlagu.

  374. Dear Tun,
    This is my first time in giving a comment in your blog. I certainly agree with you. With no doubt, IJN is one of the most successful institution especially in the cardiovascular fields.
    I cannot understand why the front line, ruling government had agreed to the rubbish idea 🙁 The rakyat will warned the government in the k.terengganu parliament election that is just around the corner.
    I think, all this rubbish idea were not happened during your time. Prime MInister Abdullah and his current deputy is totally not deeply concern about the rakyat.
    It makes me, one of the common rakyat, feel very sad and disappointed. Why this can be happen to our beloved nation and country.
    If they cannot afford, if they are not ready and willing to help the rakyat, especially the poor, Why they are still given a chance to govern our beloved country ??? MELAYU MUDAH LUPA.
    Please held a media press conference, address a clear message to the Mr Prime Minister and his deputy,that they are not doing a wise decission as they should be. please Tun. if you can save the IJN from privatization, you already help a lot of people. With Allah’s permission, only you can do this task.PLEASE.

  375. Akum Tun,
    BN politicians r brainless after u left, but during yr time they r brainless too…. u use yr brain for the country….n now what they do similiar to yr time …..they r still brainless….they thought by privatisation is always sucessful.

  376. Totally agreed with TDM..what about poor and low income people if IJN was privatised…but seems like DSAAB not really happy with this..only future PM show interest.

  377. Assalamualaikum Tun,
    I totally agree with you. The government should leave IJN alone. If Sime Darby want to take over IJN , they should match words with deeds. Their health flaship SJMC, has never shown real caring attitude to the patients going there.
    When once I was admitted to SJMC for a chest pain this was how I was treated by SJMC:
    First, they wanted an initial deposit of a few thousand dollars before giving a full treatment.
    Secondly, they would not perform an investigative treatment, unless I agreed for a full treatment.
    Thirdly, they would not allow me to use their ambulance to send me to another goverment hospital but instead told me to get a private ambulance.
    Lastly, they told me to pay first for the preliminary treatment that I received there before I could go to another hospital
    This is my horror story and I have heard of so many horror stories from patients who have dealings with SJMC. Thus if Sime Darby could not carry out their social responsibility through their flagship SJMC, I wonder how they could do a good job in IJN.
    In comparison when I was admitted to IJN at 12 midnight, they were doctors and staff who treated me kindly and admitted me without hassle. Stories that I have heard about IJN are all praise.
    I agree with Tun and urge the government to reconsider in giving up IJN. This is something we should not give up. It is our life.
    I am glad that Tun is leading the movement to save IJN.

  378. Dear Tun,
    I totally agree with you.
    BN really dun understand how malaysia system works.
    Maybe the PM and DPM & some of their boys never visited IJN before. I hope they go and visit the place and decide whether to sell it to Sime.
    Will SIME play “con” mission and pay commision at the same time?? If SIME want to provide cheaper and affordable healthcare for the poor, they should consider create a new wing for the poor in SJMC and all other sime’s related hospitals.
    How on earth Sime will do charity work for Malaysian?? Maybe they just want good cardiologist to be siphoned to SIME hospitals and get foreign consultants from Bangladesh or India to replace IJN consultants and charge the same rate. Hmm maybe this way they can make RM 100 million profit to boost their current bottom line.
    SIME will promise sky to CON BN and pay them some COMM, IJN is not SUBMARINE, DPM & PM don’t play with fire. Maybe you guys will predict UMNO will fall and try to sell all Government link companies and get some pie. I strongly believe you guys are not that naive to believe these ULAR !
    Wake up BN, if you guys are smart you should create more IJN to force SIME , KPJ, Pantai and the rest of the hospitals to lower their fees. Healthcare is a lucrative business, but don’t put us poor people poorer. BN= Bangunlah Nyanyuk, dun fall prey to SIME proposal and put rakyat at risk.
    If not because of IJN our family already spent close to RM 100,000.
    Maybe the next move SIME is going to offer is Health Insurance, to all fellow Malaysian. SIME Insurance.
    BN Status QUO please!!! If BN dun have CERDIK project, just stop being smart and listen to RAKYAT.
    ERRRRR, geramnya saya.
    WHat puzzle me most is BN will consider their proposal.
    Even a layman like me will reject this proposal ! what to consider? Hire consultants? Hire more people to study this ? create a 500 pages proposal @ a price !!!
    Wake up BN

  379. If its perfect as it is, don’t touch it then. Dear Pak lah government, do not become like “tikus membaiki labu” because we the citizen are not stupid. When the guard shouted” Luncai terjun dgn labu-labunya”, we will not say “biarkan…biarkan”. Stop Pak Lah! You have done enough damage to our country (financial, racial relation, international standing etc) that will take generations for us to recover.
    However, I think Sime Darby does have their right to acquire IJN only if they make their business planning public, so it can be scrutinized.
    Wassalam. Makaseyy

  380. Salam Tun,
    Yes. I totally agreed with you. If this institution fall under private company, I think the death rate in Malaysia will be high. The poor will suffer…

  381. Dear YAA Tun,
    I agree with you that this institution must be protected.It must become the benchmark by which all government institutions are administered because it is the only institution that reflects the racial composition of the country.

  382. Assalamu’alaikum Tun,
    I don’t care if I’m not the first one to comment, but I do care if it happens that u urself publish my comment in ur ‘Father of all blog’. For this I thank u.
    Love ur Pak Man Telo- New York.. hahaha.. it made my intestine intertwined.
    I think the issue with IJN is, our current Dollah used to be pampered by the Aussies back then. So he had no ‘heart’ for the Institute.
    Somebody should ask him and Najib to watch ‘Sicko’ from Michael Moore.

  383. Kudos Dr M!
    I love your comments! IJN should not be privatised. It will cause a lot of hardship to many people and it is obvious Pak Lah did not think about the consequences if IJN is privatised. I pray to God that it will not happen.
    Thank You Dr M..i wished you are still our PM.

  384. Assalamualaikum Tun.
    Kelmarin ada jugak pergi tengok upset pada game grand finale.
    Patut bagi brilliancy prize pada meja 4.
    Tapi sampai hari ni masih tak nampak nampak apa-apa pun….checkmate ke?
    Terima kasih Tun.

  385. Tun, Alhamdulillah sebagai seorang doktor kerajaan saya juga setuju dengan pendapat Tun. IJN sememangnya institut yang sepatutnya dipelihara sebagai Semi-Private/Government Hospital yang menempatkan banyak kepakaran berhubung Cardiology dan Cardiothoracic Surgery. Semua orang mengatakan Pakar Perubatan Malaysia tamakkan gaji yang lebih tetapi dengan tersiarnya berita (mengenai pakar IJN menyatakan mereka tidak pernah minta gaji lebih)tadi, saya harap rakyat Malaysia tahu yang Doktor bukannya peguam yang cuma pentingkan duit sahaja. Saya ingin memuji pakar perubatan kerana saya tahu kalau dibandingkan gaji mereka di hospital swasta atau paling dekat di Singapura, mereka patut dihargai dan bukannya dicemuh. Saya selalu mengatakan kekalkan doktor kerajaan kerana mereka sebenarnya yang merawat rakyat dan harus mendapat taraf yang sepatutnya mereka nikmati. Untuk isu ini saya harap kerajaan BN bawah Dato Sri Najib memikirkan semula kerana insitusi kesihatan hampir tidak pernah mendapat untung kecuali kalau Dato Sri mahu rakyar terpaksa ke hospital berbayar semata-mata untuk mendapatkan khidmat pakar seperti IJN- Jizurimin

  386. Salam Tun,
    BN government had lost its head, now it is going to lose its heart to the people. Is there any thing to be gained from this privatisation? Or is the BN government had now refuses its social obligation to the rakyat and only think of money? If Sime Darby want to do charity work, then open another IJN in the north or east Malaysia. Do not bluff the rakyat with promises that we know you cannot keep oh wahai pembesar-pembesar BN. They still do not get it…

  387. SELAMAT HARI JADI TUN SEMOGA TUN SIHAT DAN DIBERKATI ALLAH,Saya sayang Tun,hanya Tun sahaja seorang pemimpin Umno yg masih saya sayangi dan sangat saya hormati.Saya harap Tun terus menulis untuk memperbetulkan segala kesilapan yang dilakukan oleh pemimpin umno sekarang.saya lihat umno lebih menuju kehancuran.yang jelas pemimpin umno masih lagi tidak sedar diri.mereka tidak mendapat pengajaran serta iktibar dari kekalahan PRU yg lepas.Saya berani bertaruh umno/BN akan kalah pada pilihan raya kecil Kuala Terengganu yg akan dtg.
    Salam Tun Pejuang bangsa yg tulin.

  388. Salam to Tun and all,
    Medical personnel in IJN oppose such move. Bravo…I salute you all.
    God bless all of us.

  389. Tun,
    saya bersetuju dengan pandangan Tun. Pada saya, badan-badan kerajaan yang begitu hampir dengan rakyat khususnya yang berkaitan dengan kesihatan (hospital/klinik), pendidikan (ekolah/universiti), sektor pertanian dan perikanan serta penternakan sepatutnya diapung menjadi lebih baik dan lebih sempurna.
    rakyat kebanyakan sentiasa menanti berta baik yang bakal memberi kebaikan dan kemudahan kepada mereka dan bukannya soal penswastaan yang biasanya mengundang kepada kenaikan kos, yuran baru dan sebagainya sedangkan sektor kesihatan umpamanya adalah sektor yang amat rapat dan dekat dengan rakyat.
    apa lagi dengan kos rawatan di hospital swasta masa kini yang cukup tinggi.
    saya rasa, semua ini akan menjadi bahan kempen pihak pembangkang khususnya semasa pilihanraya kecil kuala trengganu tak lama lagi.
    namun jika dilihat disebaliknya, ada sebabnya mengapa isu ini dibangkitkan oleh mereka.
    hendaknya dimasa hadapan, isu-isu rakyat harus dibela dan diberikan keutamaan dan bukannya berita-berita sebegini.
    ampun maaf,
    cikgu kita

  390. Salam to Tun and all,
    I really dissapointed with Najib. He keeps on making funny statements. Few months ago he said our country NOT affected by the economic crisis…he might be blind not to realise the high cost of living now and the number of workers losing their job. Now he is saying that IJN will stay the same costwise after SD takeover. HA HA HA….. Can someone knocks some sense into his skull. Very likely he is playing according to script given by some one. BUT as PM to be..he should be more sensible. Keep acting like this and next PRU will be a gone case for BN. Terengganu by election will definitely goes to PAS.
    God bless all of us.

  391. Satu lagi keputusan otak lembab yang dibuat.
    Apabila orang yang berfikiran waras dan bijak menjadi bodoh atau terencat akal. Berhati hati lah.
    Anda tidak boleh berlakun bodoh di universiti sebagaimana semasa di sekolah. Tidak ada orang bodoh di universiti. Begitu lah perumpamaannya.
    Apabila membaca tajuk bodoh itu tiba tiba saja darah naik walaupun jantung saya masih sihat lagi.
    Tentu Sime Darby perlu meraih keuntungan. Dia bukan syarikat kebajikan. Takkan seorang pun dalam kerajaan Barisan Nasional tidak faham ini.
    Kemudian berita pada TV3 malam ini dari kenyataaan Najib memperjelaskan kiasan ‘masyuk’ oleh Sime Darby dan mereka mereka yang masyuk.
    Kerajaan akan mengekalkan IJN seperti sediakala. Ertinya mudah. Sime Darby kenakan bayaran mahal. Kerajaan keluarkan duit. Kemudian bagi bagi sesama kawan kawan.
    Ini ertinya modes operandi biasa. Geram tengok duit kerajaan banyak maka cari idea supaya duit itu keluar.
    Penagih dadah tepi jalan pun tau taktik ini.
    Jahanam nampaknya Barisan Nasional pilihanraya sekali lagi.
    Kerana nafsu.

  392. Assalamualaikum ayahanda Tun, memula sekali Selamat Menyambut Hari Lahir semoga sihat sejahtera dan panjang umur disamping keluarga.Tentang IJN nak diambil oleh pihak swasta pada saya rakyat yang marhain akan menderita itu pendapat saya.

  393. Y. A. Bhg Tun
    If there is one thing about political ideology that you have made abundantly clear, many times in the past, it is the need and wisdom to take a pragmatic and practical approach, when it comes to matters that affect the country and Malaysians. Going by your wisdom, therefore there is no need to be ideologically pure, in this case the role of the private sector, and to take privatization to a level that hurts the governed.
    I am sure the present Government knows this. It is elementary. So please unravel Tun for us what you think is the

  394. Apalah Sime Darby, kalau kau nak sangat IJN tu, kau buat satu lagi IJN private macam private hospital lain dan takyah ganggu IJN ni, tak leh ke kau berfikir camtu? Ni kalau tak ada orang buat bising pasal penswastaan IJN, aku gerenti Najib tentu senyap tak kan cakap nak tangguh, tau pulak kau takut ye Najib? Ni lah integriti pemimpin2 kita, bila nak buat tak pernah fikir, kalau rakyat tak bising teruskan, bila rakyat bising sanggup jatuhkan air muka arahkan tangguh, tak ada rasa malu ke pemimpin2 kita ni cakap boleh tarik2 semula?. Tangguh? bukan batal? maknanya bila dah reda teruskan semula. Aku caya kalau Pak Tun yang buat keputusan waktu dia jadi PM dulu, kita jangan mimpi nak tengok dia tarik cakap dia balik. Tuhan tu kaya Dia masukkan Pak Tun ke IJN supaya hari ini kita dapat dengar Pak Tun tak bersetuju dengan penswastaan IJN. Kalau lah Pak tun tak masuk IJN, agak2 korang mau ke Pak Tun suarakan tentangannya dalam blog ni? sampai Najib pun gelabah like hell terus tangguhkan penswastaan IJN. Aku fikir yang patut diswastakan sekarang ni ialah seluruh kerajaan Malaysia.

  395. Assalamualaikum Tun,
    They postponed the decision on this IJN takeover by Sime Darby?Must be due to Kuala Terengganu’s by-election?
    Sime Darby is said to be so horrific and so inhumane towards their own staffs as written on Sime Darby Watch blogsite.
    Is Najib a copycat of PakLah?PakLah and his 3K-Khairy/Kamalludin/Kamarudin (Oct 2003 to March 2009)but now or in the future it’s Najib and his younger brother?Maybe Najib needs to move to the ground more often and feel the power of the people.
    Then he may tell PakLah to tell Sime Darby not to even come close to IJN again.
    Better to announce a donation of many millions to IJN from Sime Darby?every year donate to IJN-that’s better for Sime Darby’s image,right?Wassalam.

  396. Tun,
    pak lah makin hari makin berani buat keputusan yang melampau.kita perlu pertahankan IJN.setiap rakyat malaysia pasti memerlukan IJN.Tun, tunjukkan jalan macam mana kami sebagai rakyat nak menghalang tindakan ini.
    Hidup Tun!
    Hazman Abu Bakar

  397. I am a Sime Darby Staff and I oppose to this move. I wonder how on earth that the bosses especially Strategy & Business Development even consider the feasibility of this acquisition. Or are they just decide merely on instruction of their bosses.
    People like Tun Musa Hitam who is the Chairman of Sime Darby and those sit in the Board also seemed to loose their credibility when an utterly rediculous decision like this being made by the management of Sime Darby.
    A lot of crazy decisions being made by the top management of Sime Darby since the merger which the only explanation can be deduced from it is that one or two poacher will stand to make personal gain financially. Think! You are enthrusted to public money! Reevaluate yourself and resign if you are in this frame of mind!!

  398. Salam Tun:
    Recalling back the day that my aunt, I cannot say she is poor but neither she is rich, lower class ordinary people perhaps, she was diagnosed with multiple heart complications. She’s so fragile and weak that she can’t even chew five spoonful of rice without panting into deep heavy breathing. Even breathing is much too much of a struggle for her. We thought we are seeing the last of her until she was refered to IJN.
    After she had undergone various procedures and a new set of valve, she is still a living testimony of professionalism and undivided attention and care shown by the prestigious Institut Jantung Negara staff members and the good thing is that we do not need to go around asking for fund to be raised in order to get her procedures carried out. It is enough with what the family members forked out collectively and the subsidised fee by the government/IJN.
    Like Tun, there are so many more other people who hold IJN closed to their heart! I can’t imagine the institution falls into the hand of profit oriented capitalist business entity with so much of promises that IJN will be the IJN that it is now when their shareholders are screaming for profits and dividends. Just look at Tenaga Nasional, they are looking at the burden of RM500 million losses with the oversupply of power that is not needed from the IPP. There is no hints of the IPP coming into terms with Tenaga Nasional to lessen this burden but instead there are talked that the burden will have to be absorbed by the rakyat.
    It is so true that this government is the least popular of any of the previous government. Now they are the ‘Less-caring Unpopular Government’. If this IJN deal did really come true, just imagine the stick from the rakyat for the PRU13.
    Or is there anybody waiting and hoping for a sackload of ‘commission’ for this deal to come true?

  399. Hi Tun! Fully support your view on this issue. I am sure the Government has got more important issues to look at right now.

  400. Why Najib let PakLah off the hook this initiative of privatisation was done a few month back . the announcement by Najib was not at the right time and at wrong political lanscape do not fall into AAB trap..
    Shahrizat husband was there during the announcement?

  401. assalamualaikum tun yang saya hormati…
    saya sentiasa menyokong tun.. teruskan usaha tun untuk selamatkan rakyat Malaysia… love u tun…

  402. I am a Sime Darby Staff and I oppose to this move. I wonder how on earth that the bosses especially Strategy & Business Development even consider the feasibility of this acquisition. Or are they just decide merely on instruction of their bosses.
    People like Tun Musa Hitam who is the Chairman of Sime Darby and those sit in the Board also seemed to loose their credibility when an utterly rediculous decision like this being made by the management of Sime Darby.
    A lot of crazy decisions being made by the top management of Sime Darby since the merger which the only explanation can be deduced from it is that one or two poacher will stand to make personal gain financially. Think! You are enthrusted to public money! Reevaluate yourself and resign if you are in this frame of mind!!

  403. tak tau la tun….
    sounds funny at the moment… maybe becoz of economic downturn kot…..
    but to overcharge the poorers is not the good thing to do…. dah terbalik dr matlamat IJN…..
    i hope the government is doing the right thing…

  404. please don’t give to sime darby. why ijn? why internal people did not know about this? somebody sabotage this company or the people have their own startegy to get the benefit from the ijn. i think ijn should be managed by the medical line not coperate men. exspecially from board diretor chairman till the ceo. the coporate men more think about himself …… not for staf and ‘poor patient’.
    i hope u can help us. ijn was openned because of your idea.

  405. Rakyat mengharap kerajaan yang ada, mesra pada rakyat dengan memberi rakyat kemudahan awam yang baik dengan harga minima. Inilah sepatutnya sebuah kerajaan islam yang baik. Bil letrik , air, minyak petrol, transport awam, kesihatan dan bahan asas makanan perlulah harganya murah dan mampu untuk semua orang. Sekiranya IJN diswastakan, mana rakyat mampu untuk membayar gaji CEO yang boleh mencapai ratusan ribu ringgit sebulan.Kasihan kami rakyat biasa semakin terpinggir dan dihimpit kemiskinan. Gaji 1000 pun dah macam 300 aje…Kalau anak kena jantung berlubang, siapa lagi yang nak tolong. Rakyat adalah tanggungjawab kerajaan. Ini tingkat 4 punya idea ke???
    BN memang nak kalah pilihanraya agaknya.

  406. Assalamualaikum..
    Yalah..Allahyarhamah Endon dapat treatment dekat USA…and most BN leader kalau sakit dapat treatment dekat the best and most expensive hospital in the world. So..mana la diaorg tahu susah payah poor people..
    The idea of IJN Privatision is the stupidest decision can be made by the government lead by the stupidest PM and govt that we have today. Apa lah dosa rakyat Malaysia sehinga kita berkerajaankan bunch of stupid people??
    How on earth, a normal business entity (Sime Darby) can think other than making money in their investment. How their shareholders can part with their money without getting monetary gain back? Ada sapa2 sini yang buat business nak rugi??
    Tak payahlah cerita dalam suratkhabar.. Govt will set the condition here and there before Sime Darby can takeover IJN. That for their political mileage only.
    And after the privatization is done..gone all the condition and restriction..jadilah macam private medical center yang berlambak dekat m’sia ni. Baru je nak check in, deposit dulu..walhal hamba Allah tu dah separuh nyawa nak mati. No money, no treatment..

  407. Tun
    Saya rasa gelaran yang perlu dipadankan kepada Pak Lah ialah “BAPA TIKUS BAIKI LABU NEGARA’.
    Omputih bilang ‘If it is not broken why fix it?’ .

  408. Dear Tun,
    Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb.
    Before commenting on this issue, allow me to express my warmest regards and wishes to you on the occasion of your 83rd birthday. I raise my hands heaven high and pray that the Almighty will endow you with the best of health, happiness and vigour in Islamic spirits.
    Many Malaysians have indeed benefitted from the service rendered by IJN. My mother was one of the many who underwent a bypass surgery almost 10 years ago. Coming from a middle class family, we had very little savings and we could not afford to have her surgery done at the private hospitals. IJN came as a saviour to us as even though we paid for the surgery, it was only half of what the private hospitals have quoted us. By the grace of Allah, she went through the surgery successfully and has lived through it for ten years. Many Malaysians out there would have had similar experiences like mine and I bet that those many people who have been with IJN through out the years would not agree to this idea of privatisation.
    The PM and the Health Minister had said that the government would ensure that IJN would continue its services and charges at it is, but I wonder how? Once privatised, it would not be possible for IJN to maintain its current charges and the poor people would be greatly affected. Let IJN maintain its status quo.

  409. Dear Tun,
    1. Sime Darby needs to re-think again about buying a stake in IJN which operates the national heart institute. They may think that they can attract more professional staffs such as cardiologist, surgeons, and so on by paying them a higher income but this also means the charges will be higher than before.
    2. True by turning IJN into private sector, Sime Darby can expand their health business into long term profitable business due to rising affluent and health consciousness in Malaysia; they also need to comfort a lower group income and this will sure lower their profit. Sime Darby will need to pay an expensive price of IJN

  410. Assalamualaikum Tun,
    Absolutely agree with you Tun, 100%. I’m a medical doctor who work with the goverment. I can recall few extremely poor patients from rural area in Sarawak having to travel all the way to IJN for their newborns’ congenital heart disease. These are extremely poor people, they live on rice and salty fish, or perhaps even less than that.
    But IJN is indeed a centre of excellence and has provided these patients with great services and treatments with good outcome. I agree with all the issues you’ve raised. So as you rightly said, leave IJN as it is for the benefit of the people.
    A concern doctor.

  411. Salam ayahnder Tun,
    I smell a rat…..a near death one. Tun perasan tak, mana jer PM ni pergi mesti ade jer bende yang kengsel, nape agaknya erk? Jadi PM sepenggal…dipenggalnya jambatan bengkok tu. Haaaa….dah jam bagai nak rak sekarang ni kat tambak tu. Tengoklah nanti, atas alasan permintaan rakyat, jgn terkejut nanti tiba-tiba tau-tau dah award jer kontrak buat jambatan tu ke company lain, sudah tentunya dengan harga yang jauh lebih tinggi.
    Pergi MINDEF pun gitu, pospone plok beli heli. Yg peliknya…dia yang dah jadi Menteri Pertahanan, dia yg sibuk nak pospone transaction yg dah finalise,yg menjawab jual beli tu nape harga gitu gini, Najib yg kene jawab….dia molek ade duduk sebelah dengan muka mengantuknya. Rasanya akan jadi macam kat atas gak.
    Ni tak pasal-pasal nak bagi IJN ke business entity….Sime Darby pulak tu.
    Satu nasihat saya…lepas ni ayahnda jgn kene bypass lagi. Takut nanti bila masuk kat sana ayahnda tak mampu pulak nak bayar kos bedah dengan pencen PM ayahnda tu. Kami rakyat marhain ni takpe, tunggu jer lah turn kat HKL ker atau Hospital Sg. Buloh. Kok tak pon tunggu turn sape dulu ke ling lahad sebab stroke.
    Doa sehat sejahtera untuk ayahnde dan bonda Tun.

  412. Salam Nenda,
    Terimakasih kerana cepat memberi komen tentang isu ini.
    Its being so much attention grabbing now, especially when the leaving and future PM giving their “bright” opinion(s), supporting Sime Darby 🙁
    Some people never listen, and never learn eh?
    Theres a saying, if its not broken, dont fix it. Leave IJN alone. Sime should focus to its internal problems.

  413. Dear Tun
    In this issue, I agree wholly and completely with you.
    Privatization of IJN will be one of the biggest blunder by this present administration which is their own making and not inherited.

  414. Dear Tun,
    I fully agree with you that the government should leave IJN alone. It is really a towering institution at its current form. I was a patient in IJN in 2007 and went through a major operation. I just have one word for them – “Excellent”! My operation in IJN made me feel “very Malaysian”. The team of specialist and surgeons from different ethnic background and all the nurses treat and care for everyone with the same heart. They see everyone as a human first and not their skin color. It is this spirit that made IJN great!
    I hope Tun can use your influence to stop IJN from being privatized.
    Best regards,
    Loke Siew Fook
    DAP MP for Rasah

  415. Tun
    I totally agree with you, leave this institution as it is. Every time DSN make a decision, everyone smell rotten rats. Same thing goes to valuecap capital and eurocopter.I dont thing we can see any more wise decision from our future PM for benefit of rakyat during a hard time.sigh…

  416. salam buat Tun moga sihat walafiat
    berita terkini: kerajaan “tangguh”. .
    mungkin selepas pilihanraya kuala terengganu
    memang dah sah selepas pilihanraya kuala terengganu
    fikir2kan la
    siapa yang berkuasa di sime darby?
    siapa yang memiliki sime darby?
    apa kaitan orang ini dengan bakal pm?
    apa hubungan orang ini dengan bakal pm?
    fikir2kan la
    yang pasti
    jika berlaku pengambilalihan
    rakyat akan terus ‘menanggung beban’
    yang miskin akan terus ‘menderita’
    percaya dan yakinlah
    kata2 nak janji tolong dan bantu rakyat
    walaupun dah ‘diserahkan’
    hanya tipu, dusta dan bohong belaka
    yang kaya bolehlah bayar
    yang sederhana akan mati selepas nengok bil ijn
    yang miskin akan mati sebelum masuk ijn pun la !!!
    renung2kan le ye

  417. Saya setujun dengan pendapat tun . Soime darby tu profit base company, saya tak fikir akan kotakan janjinya mengatakan IJN as the way it is

  418. I came across the IJN privatisation proposal in the papers this week and like Tun, I’m perplexed as to WHY? All I’ve read in the papers are pacification by the politicians but there is no single article that laid out what is the purpose of the proposed privatisation.
    It’s true that IJN is a highly respected healthcare institution in the country, nay..make it internationally. As a business person, I can appreciate the priceless value of the knowledge of the institution and its surgeons and staffs. But, what must be recognised that this is to a large extend is due to (a) its huge operating deficits borne by the Malaysian government as part of its social obligations (b) non-profit nature, thus the doctors and nurses first priority is welfare of patients and not the bottomline of IJN.
    Our healthcare system is good as it is. Every resident in Malaysia (regardless whether they are citizens or not, connected or not) can have access to the required healthcare treatment all over the country. If you require better comfort, environment and preferential treatment, there’s ample private hospitals and clinics as alternative. The actual quality is not much different, in fact it is well known among medical practitioners that many of the best doctors and equipments in the country are in the public sector.
    I would encourage bloggers and visitors here to watch Michael Moore’s docu-movie ‘Sicko’ (it is being shown on Astro and DVDs can be easily found) and I’m sure after that, you will appreciate the need to protect the system that we have today and to resist privatisation of IJN and the proposed National Healthcare Insurance scheme.

  419. Dearest Dr M
    …unless the unseen reason is to put BN in a negative light so that in the next election, the people will vote for the alternative party
    And since this impacts the poor the most, the rural folks might just shift allegiance to the opposition.
    We hope this does not happen.

  420. Assalamualaikum Yang Berbahgia Tun Mahathir,
    If you bring up this topic then someone on 4thfloor or Najib’s boys will be scuttling.Surely somebody is going to make money out of this IJN privatisation?
    Sime Darby is in a bit of legal tangle with some of the former directors of the 3 companies from which it was formed today,right?Is Najib the mastermind behind the formation of the present Sime Darby?Coz if he is then 4thfloor boys get something to smear Najib then.Khairy can use this to say that he is not making any money out of this now.Or he might back Najib’s plan all the way coz Najib is his future boss?In other words there is no one else ,except you and us bloggers who are left to voice out disagreement with this IJN privatisation.Wassalam.

  421. Assalamualaikum Tun,
    Absolutely agree with you on this Tun. People’s lives are at stake and they are thinking about making profits. IJN shouldn’t be privatised as it means more money must dish out of poor people’s pockets.
    Doesn’t the government of today care for the people especially the poor who has to hide their pride to beg for money for treatment for their loved ones? Is there an agenda behind this move or someone behind will gain from this, you know like animal’s food chain?
    The government should take care of the well-being her rakyat not adding hardships to the rakyat who has to put up with the ever rising costs of food and medicine. Don’t blame the rakyat if one day they take their dissatisfactions to the streets aggressively, to fight for their rights of living.
    Yes Tun the BN government hasn’t learned her lesson and is digging her own grave wider and deeper. This move will make the government more unpopular and DSN will go down, that is a fact Tun if he agrees with the move. Message from the people is already clear so listen please if you(BN) wants to go on living and do not want to have a heart attack when the people strike back.
    Tun take care of yourself and May Allah Look Upon You Always.

  422. I am with you Tun. Sime Darby main objective is making money. When 80% of the patients are poor people, how can they achieve their objective. This does not make business sense unless there are more to it than what can be seen by the laymen.
    Leave IJN alone. It has done a great job and the country is proud of it. Why mess it up?

  423. I think IJN’s proposed privatisation stems from a greedy politician who is soon to retire. He may have a vested interest in Sime Darby, which might be planning to make money not from the poor patients, but the government who may very well subsidise their treatment (thus the balance going to SD). The soon-to-be retired politician is making ways to continue sponging off the government long after he is retired through various enterprises he and his son-in-law are part and parcel of!

  424. I am totally shocked to read that the Government has no objection to the Sime Darby Proposal. Whatever the terms agreed, I doubt very much the charges would remain as they are now. Afterall, the reason Sime Darby is interested is based on the profit potential of the Institute.
    Being a patient of IJN myself, I am totally happy with the services received from the doctors and staffs of IJN. They are totally professional. And I would be very unhappy if this proposal is approved ultimately, at whatever the agreed terms and conditions they might be.
    How long can Sime Darby hold the lower charges? Few years probably. What will happened after that? PLEASE DON’T PRIVATISE IJN.

  425. Askum Tun..
    Tahniah kemukakan tajuk ini. Kami terasa semakin dekat hati Tun pada rakyat.
    Kelakuan kerajaan sekarang saya lihat lebih kepada menjatuhkan diri sendiri. Isu sebegini punya sensatif pun boleh terjadi. Bukan mencari popular atau tidak, tetapi isu sebegini lah yang membuatkan rakyat meluat pada kerajaan BN. Bukan setakat yg dah meluat. meluat lagi tapi yang tak pernah meluat akan meluat lagi.
    Saya confirm BN akan kalah di Kuala Terengganu. Tahniah pada “Si Pandai @ Pandir” yang mendendangkan benda bodoh nie. Pembangkang tak payah susah-susah mainkan isu sebab ada si bodoh yang membodohkan diri sendiri.
    Pada BN.. jgn biarkan rakyat yang meluat terus buang anda. Sayangilah kedudukan ada sekarang demi Negara, Bangsa dan AGAMA.
    Melayu Berdaulat
    Tarmizie Shahidan

  426. Salam Tun,
    If there’s a petition going against this privatisation, I’d be the FIRST to sign and I’m very sure majority of my friends will too!

  427. Dear Tun,
    Thanks for giving such prominent points on this issue. I’m totally agree with your points and oppose the privatisation of IJN.
    This is simply because the IJN is the “heart” of Malaysians. And our “heart” should be owned by ourselves(i.e. the government that represents the people) instead of any other companies.
    In fact, it’s the only affordable “heart” of Malaysian. Such situation is especially true for those poor to keep their hearts beating in their life…
    From Yinkc

  428. Salam Tun,
    Can’t agree more with you Tun! I have and will always respect you as every decision and every policy that you made while you were our Prime Minister is for we rakyat. I hope you will continue to help us and save our country.
    Thanks and all the best to you.

  429. Salam Tun,
    Maybe someone need to remind our PM this,
    “If It’s Not Broken, Don’t Fix It!”
    But, knowing him as PM, he would probably fix it anyway! Lol
    p.s Tun, bila memoirnya akan terbit?

  430. Tun,
    I fully concur with your view that IJN should not be privatised for many economic, social and political reasons.Why all of a sudden this issue arise is certainly beyond our comprehension, especially as 2008 is coming to a close and March 2009 is fast approaching!!
    I am not an Accountant but whatever rationale behind this proposed privatization is highly questionable. One question that comes to mind is whether this privatization is coerced or a pure business proposal from Sime Darby. Could it be that Sime Darby wish to be a good corporate citizen via its CSR programme or maybe when it comes to the poor who seek treatment, then the bill is passed on to the government for payment!!
    Whatever it is hopefully the privtization proposal was duly scrutinized thoroughly to ensure that the government do not have to bail out IJN midway!!

  431. salam,hehe im the first..huhu..
    yup,betul tu tun,saya setuju dgn pandangan tun dalam hal ini,kebanyakan pesakit yang menerima rawatan di situ adlah glgn miskin…saya juga bersetuju dgn pandangan tun tentang layanan yg diberi oleh staf2 di situ samada doktor ataupun jururawat…adik saya pernah menjalani pembedahan di situ sewaktu berumur 5 tahun..saya dapat rasa ia sebuah pusat rawatan yang paling unggul pernah saya pergi dgn kemudahan nya canggih dan layan yang mesra serta merawat pesakit dengan begitu mesra..saya rasa bertuah pada waktu itu kerana sbg seorg daripada keluaraga berpendapatn sederhana,kami layak menerima perkhidmatan di situ…jadi saya rasa penswastaan ijn untuk diambil alih oleh sime darby adalah langkah tidak tepat..walau sekuat mana jaminan yg diberi,sebuah syarikat yg beroperasi berdasarkan keuntungan masih tidak dapat diberi kepercayaan untuk meneruskan perkhidmatan cemerlang dgn kos rawatan sepertimana sekarang…mugkin perlu difikir balik

  432. Salam Tun,
    Satu langkah yang amat kurang bijak, tidakkan tergesa-gesa. Ingatlah orang lain sama yang kurang berkemampuan. Saya bersetuju dengan pendapat Tun biarlah IJN seperti mana sekarang tambatlah hati rakyat.

  433. allah swt selamatkan tun sekeluarga,
    benar kata tun bukan semua orang mampu, bukan semua menteri atau orang ternama yang akan menyerahkan nyawa atau nasib(dengan berkat atau lindungan allah swt) ditangan anak melayu amnya……..hanya tun saja yang dapat membuktikan bahawa melaysia juga mempunyai ijn yang ternama……………….so dalam keadaan sekarang BN jangan jadi bodoh buat tindakan yang boleh menjatuhkan nama @ imej yang sudah tercalar ke lembah yang hina………..pemimpin BN baik lu pikirlah dulu sebelum buat kerja bodoh.
    banyak dasar pengswastaan yang berjaya tapi janganlah hingga lupa nasib orang awam @ rakyat di kampung yang susah. Tidak ada dasar pengswastaan yang mahu rugi dalam perniagaan………semua caj hospital akan naik, masa tu apa kuasa kerajaan dalam memastikan harga tidak akan naik………….. sebagai CTH : LIHAT TNB @ TENAGA NASIONAL BERHAD YANG SENTIASA MAHU MENGAUT KEUNTUNGAN DARI HASIL NAIKKAN TARIF……….LEPAS TU KATA PANDAI BERNIAGA & MAHU NAIKKAN GAJI CEO & KUNCU-KUNCU SETAN…………..MASA NAIK BAGI TAU HARGA MINYAK NAIK………..LEPAS TU BILA HARGA MINYAK TURUN 7 KALI KATA TNB TAK PAKAI MINYAK………..BODOH PUNYA TNB……….KALAU PANGGIL ORANG BODOH PUN BOLEH DAPAT UNTUNG NAIK TARIF NAIK UNTUNG…….KALAU TARIF ELEKTRIK TURUN SUDAH PASTI HARGA BARANG AKAN TURUN………..
    so saya setuju cadangan tun jangan swastakan ijn…….
    tun u the best………….

    Perkara yang sama berlegar di dalam fikiran saya adakah IJN akan consider orang miskin macam saya selepas privatisation nanti.
    Wassalam TUN.

  435. Assalamualaikum Tun,
    1) Saya bersetuju dengan pandangan Tun mengenai IJN. Dalam keluarga kami ada ahli keluarga yang telah menerima perkhidmatan dari IJN. Sekarang IJN menjadi household name.
    2) Saya pun berpendapat sama, mengapa Sime Darby beriya-iya hendak mengambil alih IJN, sedangkan IJN bukanlah instituisi yang membuat keuntungan.
    3) Sebagaimana laporan akhbar, PM dan TPM menyatakan kerajaan tidak menghalang sekiranya kebajikan orang-orang berpendatan rendah tidak terabai.
    4) Bolehkah Sime Darby berjanji akan menunaikan social service-nya. Adakah social service tanpa keuntungan boleh bertahan selama lima tahun atau lapan tahun, atau pun sampai bila-bila?
    5) Tidakkah Sime Darby telah membuat researchnya? Adakah cadangannya mendapat arahan dari ‘suara-suara dari langit’? Apa sebenar motifnya, kalau hendak untung carilah peluang lain, macam tak cukup keuntungan yang didapati oleh Sime Darby.
    6) Adakah bonus Datuk Seri Ahmad Zubir Murshid dan kuncu-kuncu Sime Darby tidak cukup? Inilah manusia-manusia yang tamak, mengambil keuntungan dari kesusahan orang.
    7) Lupakanlah, biarlah IJN berurusan sendiri. Pak Lah janganlah dengar arahan KJ untuk kali ini. Kita tahu semasa Tun Dr. Mahathir
    jadi PM banyak penswastaan telah diadakan. Janganlah dah nak pencen pun nak ada juga penswastaan, untuk mencipta nama.
    8) Fikir-fikirlah……

  436. I cried (frm the heart) when i read abt this. My empathies goes to the poor who couldnt afford to pay their medical bill$. Tq for sharing yr thought Tun. May Allah protect yr heart for many years more.

  437. Tun,
    thank you.

  438. We don’t need another ‘fixing things were not broken’ and destroy the IJN for sake of power and money.
    Leave it as it is. IJN was great as they’re without greedy peoples make a mess in there.
    It’s look similar attempt by peoples try to invade Petronas not long ago…

  439. Dearest Tun,
    You are right on this issue. Hopefully the privatisation plan will not go thorough.

  440. yes TUN, please tell the UMNO men to look about the economic problems.. why do something unpopular and disturb something which is running smoothly..don’t they ever look at real problems like upgrading public transport, or getting loans for genuine enterpreiters… see how pakatan talks about peoples problems..i think they have to learn a lot from anwar..

  441. Ybhg Tun dengan izin
    Dibawah ini ingin diturunkan cerita hikayat lama alkisah “Paduka Raja Imam Besar Mazhab Hadhari mendapat Wahyu dari IBLIS golongan Tamak dan JIN golongan Haloba”
    Menurut empunya hikayat, pada satu hari Memanda Menteri negeri Mazhab Hadhari yang berjiran dengan Malaysia, telah dipanggil mengadap oleh Tuanku Imam Besar Mazhab Hadhari, dengan serta-merta Memanda Menteri yang taat lagi setia tetapi [sedikit baghal] telah mengadap bertemu Baginda.
    Kata empunya riwayat, Tuanku Imam Besar Mazhab Hadhari telah terbangun dari mimpi dimana baginda telah mendapat wahyu dari IBLIS dari golongan TAMAK yang didampingi oleh JIN dari golongan HALOBA, menyuruh baginda menjual IJN yang memberi khidmat mencuci hati pada hamba rakyat dinegri Mazhab Hadhari.
    Kata IBLIS TAMAK dan JIN HALOBA kepada paduka Tuanku Imam Hadhari, baginda harus mempercepatkan IJN, yang terlalu banyak berjasa kepada hamba rakyat negeri Mazhab Hadhari, dijual, kepada SIMM ANAK DARBI yang akan seterus nya menjual kepada kerabat dan penyembah IBLIS TAMAK dan JIN HALOBA. Kalau baginda paduka Imam Besar Mazhab Hadhari tidak berbuat demikian maka cicin sakti dijari banginda akan kehilangan kuasa dan tidak lagi berupaya memberi kekuasaan pada baginda untuk memerintah hamba rakyat negeri Mazhab Hadhari.
    Alkisah sebaik saja Paduka Raja Imam Besar Mazhab Besar terbangun dari mimpi, baginda pun memerintahkan Memanda Menteri yang begitu taat lagi setia segera datang mengadap. Baginda pun menceritakan tentang wahyu yang telah baginda terima dari IBLIS TAMAK dan JIN HALOBA kepada Memanda Menteri yang begitu taat lagi setia, supaya menjual IJN.
    Maka pitam lah Memanda Menteri barang seketika, apabila menerima perintah dari Paduka Raja untuk menjual IJN yang begitu berjasa kepada hamba rakyat negeri Mazhab Imam Hadhari, kerana walaupun Memanda Menteri begitu taat lagi setia, Memanda Menteri tahu jika IJN dijual akan kacau lagi bilau negeri Mazhab Hadhari. Paduka Raja Imam Besar Hadhari juga telah memerintahkan Memanda Menteri supaya tidak bercerita kepada hamba rakyat tentang wahyu dari IBLIS TAMAK dan JIN HALOBA kepada hamba rakyat sebab musabab IJN harus dijual.
    Alkisah, cerdik juga akal Memanda Menteri yang cukup taat lagi setia, berbuat lupa pada perintah Paduka Raja supaya tidak memberitau mengenai wahyu dari IBLIS TAMAK dan JIN HALOBA yang diterima baginda – Memanda Menteri pun mengisytiharkan penjualan IJN kepada SIMM ANAK DARBI keseluruh anak negeri.
    Mengikut yang empunya hikayat, maka bangkitlah kesemua hamba rakyat marah kepada Memanda Menteri yang membuat angkara bercadang menjual IJN kepada SIMM ANAK DARBI, maka datanglah hamba rakyat kesemua nya mengadap Paduka Raja Imam Besar Mazhab Hadhari, yang buta datang berpimimpin, yang cacat datang berdukung, yang pekak datang berteman, dan dari semua kalangan dari yang cacat lagi cela kesemua mengadap meminta jangan dijual IJN kepada SIMM ANAK DARBI.
    Maka Paduka Raja Imam Besar Mazhab Hadhari, punca sebenar angkara arahan menjual IJN pun tidak berupaya berkata sepatah tentang penjualan IJN. Hendak diperintah sula Memanda Menteri yang cukup taat lagi setia, sudah barang tentu Memanda Menteri memecah rahsia tentang wahyu Paduka Imam besar Hadhari terima dari IBLIS TAMAK dan JIN HALOBA.
    Alkisah setelah menerima mengadap kesemua hamba rakyat maka terpaksa Paduka Raja Imam Besar Mazhab Hadhari membatalkan keputusan menjual IJN, maka ternyata kerana ingkar perintah IBLIS TAMAK dan JIN HALOBA, maka cincin sakti baginda pun hilang kuasa untuk memerintah negeri Mazhab Hadhari.
    Demikianlah hikayat “Wahyu dari IBLIS TAMAK dan JIN HALOBA”
    “Biar putih tulang jangan putih mata”

  442. salam tun,
    saya setuju biarkan ijn seperti sekarang.pakcik -pakcik saya yang bergelar tan sri dan datuk-datuk..semuanya jantung di bedah dan di kasi jantung mechanical di ijn..setiap bulan pergi report di ijn.walaupun pencen diorang besar bekas ksu..tapi buat jantung bateri kos diorang hampr ratusan ribu.pegawai kerajaan free, ..yang kaya macam pakcik saya mengeluh,bagaimana pak cik jual nasi lemak,jual pasar malam dan juga penoreh getah.tindakan yang hanya mementingkan poket.najib,zubir sime darby dan nazir cimb dan pak lah dah nyanyuk atau hilang akal.lagi cepat bn kalah di terengganu..berapa ramai pegawai kerajaan boleh sukarela tolong kempen di terngganu untuk kalahkan bn pilihanraya ni..satu malaysia akan kempen untuk tumbangkan bn..
    nazir tu walau dah berjaya satukan simedarby,golden hope dan guthrie,adakah sime darby jadi hebat?melainkan banyak orang melayu dibuang kerja.jadi nak cover kos rugi sime darby, buat short cut untuk naikkan simedarby beli ijn harga murah.kalau ye pun nak komisen dan kekalkan adward the best ceo in malaysia..prihatinlah sikit.kenapa tak dicipta produk baru,venture baru.contohnya buat kilang ubat untuk hilangkan rasa tamak tengok duit,ubat benci sogokan pemilihan umno.ubat benci rasuah,ubat anti dengki dan iri dan juga ubat anti malas.mesti boleh buat billion dollar usd kalau berjaya di eksport ke seluruh dunia.

  443. Salam Tun,
    1) It is the same old story with the current administration.
    2) They make some foolish move, later try to justify it and look even more foolish.
    3) Sime Darby has become one huge entity by closing down other GLCs. What happen to their former staff?
    4) We all know who runs Sime Darby and who masterminded the merger.
    5) These people do not care about the poor or about social responsibility.
    6) All they care is about corporate manoeuvre and ultimately how much profit they make.
    7) If it fails, rebrand it and sell it to the best bidder. Then we can also open IJN to foreigners for a better fees.
    8) They call it “thinking out of the box”…..
    Dia tipu Pak Lah, dia ingat semua orang macam Pak Lah.
    By the way, Ong Tee Kiat had announce that our rail service will be opened to other entity other than KTMB.
    1) YTL has been lobbying to undertake the privatisation of KTMB but fail.
    2) So the best way to do this is creating another player and if it is successful they may take over KTM.
    3) And there goes thousands of acres of prime land that belongs to KTMB from Perlis to Singapore.
    Habis lah, apalagi yang ada pada TANAH MELAYU!!!!!……

  444. Dearest Tun,
    Betapa IJN penuh sentimental value bagi kami sekeluarga golongan x berkemampuan, manakan tidak disitulah ipar saya(kakitangan kerajaan)mendapatkan rawatan(buat bypass), sehingga menghembuskan nafas terakhir(hanya tinggal beberapa hari je utk buat rawatan seterusnye selepas 10 tahun buat bypass).Pernah dia pengsan ditepi jalan(keletihan & mungkin kelaparan) ketika pulang dari IJN berjalan kaki untuk ke Medan Mara(nak balik ke Segamat naik bas)x ada yg tolong sbb org yg lalu lalang sangkakan dia adalah kutu rayau, sehinggalah petugas DBKL menemuinya dan membawanya ke HKL. Sekiranya di swastakan, apalah nasib golongan seperti kami, adakah akan hanya menunggu maut tiba sbb x mampu nak buat rawatan dimana2.
    Dengarilah rintihan kami kecuali caj yg sama dipraktikkan selepas diswastakan.

  445. Maybe someone in government today just want to get the cleaning contract form Sime Darby when he/she is out of office.Do you know that the cost of replacing a RM1.30 60W light bulb in the government hospitals by the present private company cost RM210.00?

  446. Salam Ayah Det, mama and family,
    The situation of the country as i had commented before …it’s getting from bad to worse. i totally agree with you that they should NOT privatise an institution which is doing a great job in getting recognition worldwide. I really do not know what the government is thinking. Maybe the present government should think about the rakyat and not themselves. The landslides, flooding woes, traffic conditions etc etc (it’s endless) …and yet the ruling coalition is only interested in their own personal agendas which is saddening!!!!! They should be pacifying the rakyat and ensure that the coming economic downturn will have minimal effect on the country and its’ population!!!!!! Sometimes i wished that the present government falls into pieces, but then it is a matter of who’s the bigger devil ..cos what i can see these politicians are only interested in their own political survival and not what is happening to the rakyat.. i.e. the flood situation in penang should be addresses immediately and yet they harp over the languages used on the road signs…how pathetic..sometimes it makes me wonder how could malaysia be back to the malaysia we had during your rule as PM..we were a whole lot of proud malaysians!!..now it is so shameful..with the syariah courts ruling over deceased etc..why was things not done during the period when the decease was alive..jakim and all will stake claim to burying the body of the deceased…why not help them when they are still alive???..i really cannot understand all these happenings..which makes MAlaysia a laughing stock globally!!..Message to the present government…BUCK UP AND BELT UP>>>OR MOVE OUT!!!!..
    I have to apologise if my comments has insulted anyone but it is facts that i had mentioned. Please do address the situation before it goes beyond control – like thailand for example. we malaysians are very accomodating and tolerant BUT tolerance has a limit…
    my warmest regards to you, mama and family. wasallam..suffian

  447. Dear Tun,
    It is now very clear how unimaginative and uncreative the current administration wrt creating economic growth for Malaysia. For any industry, reference and track record are the most valuable intangibe asset. For the case of IJN, it has plenty good track record and who’s who patient list which include our TDM. The standing of IJN as the iconic symbol of Malaysian medical excellence should help other Malaysia private hospitals to promote themselves regionally or globally through its association with IJN. Association such as information, experience and knowledge exchange, etc, could help an unknown private hospital in Malaysia to promote its name for regional market. The govt if has to subsidise this effort, will for sure that the money will not go to the drain. This is one of the effective way to promote “medical tourism”. My friends from neighboring countries while realise the competitive medical cost in Malaysia still have some doubt wrt to quality of Malaysian private hospitals. It may due to lack of information or we are being shadowed by singapore private hospitals. Private hospitals association with well known brand will provide good perception and feel good factor to their potential customers. After all, part of the cure has to do with the mind. IJN can focus to be medical center of excellence which scope among others to set benchmark and standard for other private hospitals and it is important that IJN to be biased toward moral obligations ie for the good of mankind above financial considerations. The continuation of which could only be ensured if IJN under the control of the govt. If we need to put Malaysia as one of the country who has the world class medical facility and expertise, IJN has almost (probably already) reached that level. what need to do next is to put other Malaysian private hospitals benefiting from IJN name through association of franchise but not through acquisition. The prosper of other malaysia private hospitals will increase govt revenue through tax and other mutliplier activity such as hotel/accomodation for patient kin, visitors and friends…

  448. Salam Tun berdua
    I knew it would not be long before we hear from you on the IJN issue, Alhamdulillah. I hope they shelve the intention. We do not need another issue to waste our mindset on on how badly run the BN government is presently.
    Take care and God bless.

  449. Salam Ayahanda Tun. An uncle of mine, a staunch PAS member went into IJN in 1999. Till he passed on a few months back of diabetes complications, he never said one negative line about IJN. I was a younger man, but I remember visiting Pak Lah when he was admitted into IJN then, and I remember how my father cried in the car on the way back. That

  450. Dear Tun mahathir,
    Thanks Tun. Awesome to hear out from you, it releases me from the most uninspiring answer pak lah gave yesterday.
    Anyway, it is a non-issue no more.

  451. A’kum Tun…
    kerajaan skrg mmg bodoh…. semua keputusan buat secara spontan tanpa fikir panjang… Harap Tun terus memberi penjelasan & comment ttg cadangan2 ‘bernas kerajaan Pak lah’….

  452. Assalamaualaikum…….

  453. As usual, you are right but your critics will not listen to you because whatever you say is not assessed on its merit but by the fact that it is your opinion.
    My sister had her heart operation in 2004 at IJN. At the same time, my mother was unwell and in her last legs of colon cancer treatment. Between them, our family didnt know if we were coming or going but knowing that my sister was well cared for in IJN by the best cardio-thoracic surgeons this country had, helped. She underwent what was a very complicated surgery, the doctors giving her a 50:50 chance to live. They told us up front that she would either die on the operation table or she will survive. She chose to go for surgery and die trying rather than die anyway, without trying. She survived. My mother died.
    IJN is special to so many people. The staff are EXCELLENT, the doctors are dedicated and professional and good at their jobs. Why does the government feel it needs to fix something that isn’t broken?? It is giving the opposition fodder for defeating them come the Trengganu elections. I wish them luck ….. they are their own worst enemies and don’t seem to need anybody’s help to lose the elections.

  454. Salam Tun,
    1) It is the same old story with the current administration.
    2) They make some foolish move, later try to justify it and look even more foolish.
    3) Sime Darby has become one huge entity by closing down other GLCs. What happen to their former staff?
    4) We all know who runs Sime Darby and who masterminded the merger.
    5) These people do not care about the poor or about social responsibility.
    6) All they care is about corporate manoeuvre and ultimately how much profit they make.
    7) If it fails, rebrand it and sell it to the best bidder. Then we can also open IJN to foreigners for a better fees.
    8) They call it “thinking out of the box”…..
    Dia tipu Pak Lah, dia ingat semua orang macam Pak Lah.
    By the way, Ong Tee Kiat had announce that our rail service will be opened to other entity other than KTMB.
    1) YTL has been lobbying to undertake the privatisation of KTMB but fail.
    2) So the best way to do this is creating another player and if it is successful they may take over KTM.
    3) And there goes thousands of acres of prime land that belongs to KTMB from Perlis to Singapore.
    Habis lah, apalagi yang ada pada TANAH MELAYU!!!!!……

  455. Assalamualaikum YABhg Tun
    Terima kasih kerana memberi pandangan mengenai langkah tidak popular kerajaan menswastakan IJN kepada Sime Darby.
    YABhg Tun berhak bercakap mengenai isu ini kerana merupakan pencetus idea, pembina dan pemaju serta menjadi pesakit di institusi kebanggaan Malaysia.
    Walaupun saya bukan pesakit IJN tetapi pengalaman saya berada di Wad Bunga Raya dalam tempoh rawatan YABhg Tun sudah cukup membuktikan kepada saya bahawa hampir tiada kecacatan yang mengharuskan ianya diswastakan.
    Langkah drastik ini akan pasti menimbulkan pelbagai reaksi sehingga mampu memerangkap UMNO dan kerajaan yang sememangnya tenat.
    Kerajaan boleh memberi pelbagai alasan tetapi mampukah mereka menghalang persepsi negatif pengundi. Kita boleh ramal keputusan pilihanraya kecil P55 nanti.
    Kemungkinan inilah salah satu tindakan yang dirancang DSAAB sebelum meninggalkan kerusi panas kepada penggantinya. Ataupun dia nak sapu semua dengan senafas. Letakkan semua kekayaan dibawah satu bumbung kemudian sapu semua.
    DSNTAR nampaknya sekali lagi dikambing hitamkan oleh DSAAB.
    Walaubagaimanapun kita harap keputusan tersebut dapat dikaji kewajarannya.
    Semoga YABhg Tun sekeluarga dirahmati Allah.

  456. Dear Ayahanda Tun,
    I 100% agreed and support you. The Government should think to do better for people (rakyat) not to burden them and yet somebody tried to make some profit from this privatisation….
    Hidup Ayahanda Tun

  457. Tun,
    You are right. The doctors and nurses at IJN are simply the best!
    The proposed privatisation would only be a new bullet for the opposition to shoot at BN, in time for the Kuala Terengganu by election.
    But the Malaysian Cabinet has since shelved the idea.
    I hope it is not put in temporary hibernation, and I hope the proposal would not be revived soon after the by election.

  458. YABhg.Tun,
    seperti biasa bahasa yang Tun guna sangat “simple” tetapi maknanya sungguh mendalam dan menyentuh perasaan. Walau pun saya tidak pernah menerima rawatan atau melawat pesakit di IJN tetapi melalui tulisan Tun itu sudah cukup menggambarkan keadaan di situ. Semua perkara yang Tun bangkitkan memang benar (tak ada rungutan terhadap IJN). Apa yang penting pendapat Tun selalunya tepat dan mengatasi pemikiran semua “pakar”. Saya masih belum nampak siapakah yang akan dapat memberikan idea seperti Tun. Politik Malaysia tidak akan stabil 50 tahun mendatang.

  459. Assalamualaikum Tun,
    I really agree with your view on this, Tun. I truly can’t understand how government in the first place didn’t find any problem to agree to such privatization plan by Sime Darby. Today, the cabinet said to defer the plan. Again, the flip flop from this government.

  460. Salam buat Tun.
    semoga sentiasa sihat dan panjang umur.
    saya sokong 100% pendapat Tun..
    IJN patut dikekalkan dlm keadaan sekarang, demi kemudahan semua lapisan masyarakat.

  461. Salam TUN!
    saya pun tak faham tentang niat privatisation IJN ni. Apakah ia akan jadi satu lagi kesilapan besar kerajaan HP6 nanti?
    Anyway…teruskan usaha TUN kerana kamai memerlukannya and HAPPY BIRTHDAY !!


  463. Good Day Tun,
    I think the privatisation of IJN is a very wrong move for the
    goverment right now.Let it stays that way.There is a saying “the more things change the more it stays the same”.I know deep down
    all this circus decision made by the current government some of them
    are being benefict by someone.I hope this crazy decision to privatise the IJN is not just somebody political interest.The IJN have given a lot of benefict to community,especially to the poor
    people.I hope Sime Darby doesn’t screw things up with this circus
    Good Comment Tun.Your comment are always thoughtful.
    Now Playing : Korn – Freak on a Leash

  464. Salam Hormat Tun,
    I think you are right. Why need to do something that is againt the people interest and be bashed. BN never learn.
    Thank you

  465. Tun,
    Itulah Malaysia perlu seorang PM yang bijak dan pintar,
    pandai menilai dan membuat keputusan yang betul dan baik.
    Dalam kes IJN seperti yang telah dijelaskan oleh Tun, tiada
    sebab yang baik untuk ianya diswastakan. Jadi, tentulah ada
    orang tertentu yang berminat dan menguntungkannya jika ianya
    Orang yang berkenaan lebih mengutamakan dirinya daripada parti
    politik yang dia wakili.

  466. salam,
    u always bring the brilliant idea that will i adore….
    mis 10 minutes to meet u yesterday…
    only met with your grandaughter…
    hopefully can meet u onthe other event…
    Afif Abd Aziz

  467. Salam Tun,
    Melihat kepada isi ini, saya bersetuju dengan Tun bahawa banyak perkara yang boleh dipersoalkan kenapa secara tiba-tiba IJN hendak diswastakan. Ya, pihak kerajaan perlu menjelaskan kepada rakyat apakah sebab langkah ini yang menjadi pilihan Kementerian Kewangan? Harap dapat jawapan selepas ini dari Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak. Wassalam.

  468. Tun,
    U’re absolutely right. I beleive it must be hidden agenda on this privatisation which only Pak Lah and Najib know. Its ok if government have to subsidised for IJN coz it benefits the majority poor people.
    When it first made known to the public i try to understand why Sime Darby intend to buy IJN if they know it was not profitable institution. At the end `orang susah’ will be `bertambah susah’ coz Sime Darby will increase the rate to recover their losses.

    You are death right Tun. Privatization may looks good in theory but in practical may not be right for IJN as the one of the many stakeholders ;civil servants and pensioners would not be able to foot the usual high cost of the medical bills charged by the new corporate entity. The only exception is if Sime Darby were generous enough to position the IJN as their corporate responsibility service unit to the needy public, basicly 80% of the poor patients.
    I wonder whether the corporate player like Sime Darby is ever willing to return its profits to the society through buying the IJN from the government.Again I have to agree wholeheartedly with you that the privatization of the IJN is unnecessary especially when the IJN is doing well all these years.
    Instead , Sime Darby should think to buy some of the ailing private colleges/institution and turn them around into efficient education service providers.

  470. Dearest Tun,
    I was surprised at the proposed privatisation of IJN.
    If the fees charged cannot be higher what is allowed by the Govt, why privatise at all?
    If after privatisation, Sime Darby is able to improve the efficiency of the methods of operations, does that mean the Govt is not being innovative enough?
    I’m almost sure, after privatisation, fee charges will not remain the same. As all private hospitals, the small prints will show in big amounts.
    As the saying goes, “Why fix something if it’s not broken?”
    Now the decision to privatise has been deferred by the Cabinet. They must have read your blog.

  471. Tun Mahathir,
    I strongly agree to your view on this proposed privitisation of IJN.
    If this level of thinking and consideraion given during the privitisation of Tenaga Nasional dan IPP during Tun’s time, I think we are not in this difficult situation of paying high electricity bill every month.
    This is very good instance to show that sometime people at the top, while in power, could not see its rational when making a public policy.

  472. Salam TUN,
    Banyak pihak menyalahkan TUN atas dasar penswastaan semasa pemertintahan TUN. Kerajaan sekarang melihat kenapa dulu TUN boleh lakukan dan kenapa sekarang mereka tidak boleh??? adakah mereka kini ingin mencabar TUN sekarang atau mencabar seluruh rakyat Malaysia???
    Banyak orang terutama pihak pembangkang menyalahkan TUN atas isu IJN ni… sekarang mereka sedar TUN bukan dalang dalam penswastaan IJN ini..
    Terima kasih tun kerana posting pasai isu IJN dikala rakyat mula kelam dan gundah atas keputusan kerajaan membenarkan sebanyak 51% saham IJN dikuasai oleh SIME Darby….
    Harap semua rakyat Malaysia mendapat gambaran sebenar dalam ISU IJN tersebut….
    Salam mesra,
    Dari blogger pembela negara…

  473. Dear Tun,
    Ask around and you would not be hard to find many people are having personal attachment to IJN. It is indeed the best heart institution in Malaysia. Rightly said,
    “It is our pride and it is doing a good job as it is.”
    To: DS Najib,
    Don’t bull shit us with all the reasoning. You are really no different from a corrupted leader. How much do you get out of the deal with a business entity like Sime Darby ? I will make sure Barisan Nasional wiped out in the next election!!!
    To: Datuk Liow Tiong Lai,
    I am extremely disappointed with you!!! Forget about MCA.

  474. Tok Guru,
    Sokong bulat bulat. Jangan jadikan Malaysia macam Amerika Syarikat dan sekutunya.
    Kami ni anak Malaysia – mempertahankan maruah dan hak kami.
    Si Barisan National, fikir lah Rakyat – bukan semuanya kaya-raya.
    Macam satu kerani, kena rompak kat Subang – pengsan – hantar ke SJMC (Sime Darby Group). Kena bayar dua ribu lebih! Macam mana nak bayar?! Kes ni baru sahaja. Kena pinjam sini sana untuk jelaskan hutang.

  475. Assalamualaikum Tun…
    Isteri saya pernahbekerja di IJN sebagai Staff Nurse di Bahagian Cath Lab.Sepanjang 7 tahun dia bekerja di sana dia bepuas hati dgn gaji & benefit yg diperolehi di IJN. Bersama IJN dia dapat ke luar negara banyak kali. Satu peluang yg saya sendiri tak dapat. Peluang menyambung pengajian ke peringka lebih tinggi. Saya juga diberitahu yg IJN adalah salah satu organisasi yg membayar gaji tertinggi tk Staff Nurse.
    Masalah utama IJN adalah pentadbirannya. Korporatnya yg mungkin perlu di teliti. Saya ada dengar rungutan ttg pembaziran yg dilakukan korporat & sedikit sebanyak benefit yg dinikmati ditarik sedikit demi sedikit. Oleh kerana itu, beberapa org jururawat2 terlatih telah mengambil keputusan berhenti kerja & mencari rezeki di luar negara seperti di Timur Tengah. Isteri saya sendiri telah berhenti dr IJN & sekarang bekerja di Jeddah Arab Saudi.
    Saya bertanya kepadanya, adalah bila dia pulang nanti, dia akan kembali ke IJN?..Dia berkata, tidak sama sekali. Dia sudah fade-up dgn management. Mungkin ramai tak berani menyuarakan rasa tak puas hati mereka pd Tun tapi saya rasa da sesuatu yg tak kena dengan Pentadbiran IJN 3 bermula 3-4 tahunyg lalu. IJN kehilangan ramai jururawat terlatih termasuk isteri saya yg mungkin takkan kembali ke IJN semula selepas tamat kontraknya bersama sebuah hospital di Arab Saudi. Bukan sebab gaji..bukan sebab kerja…tapi rasa meluat dgn pentadbiran IJN yg perlu diubah atau dikaji semula.
    Saya mungkin tak tahu cerita keseluruhannya tapi itulah yg disampaikan kepada saya oleh isteri saya & rakannya di IJN. IJN sebagai sebuah institusi kerajaan harus dipertahankan & yg paling penting fungsinya sebagai sebuah badan utk masyarakat yg berpendapatan rendah harus diutamakan. Bagi saya Sime Darby hanya berminat kepada keuntungan dr industri Perubatan yg semakin meningkat naik sekarang. Kalau kita berjalan di Kotaraya KL kita boleh lihat Pusat Perubatan Swasta mcm cendawan tumbuh. Ada yg sudah menambah bangunan2 baru utk meluaskan perniagaan mereka & kos utk medical sekarang meningkat. Sama juga dgn sektor insurans y turut meningkat kerana ada permintaan tapi kita jgn alpa, adakah Pusat-pusat perubatan swasta itu boleh menyediakan kemudahan & medical fee yg rendah seperti IJN. IJN adalah harapan golongan rakyat berpendapatan rendah & sederhana. Jgn dibiarkan ia dijadikan tempat Konglomerat mencari untung saja.
    Suami Bekas Staff IJN

  476. Tun
    Nampaknya Najib dah masuk perangkap Pak Lah dan keluarga.Tak ada sebab IJN patut diswastakan oleh kerajaan.
    Kalau dikirakan keuntungan, tak banyak yang boleh diperolehi melainkan kerajaan memberi subsidi kepada IJN melalui Sime Darby. Mungkinkah ini cara Sime Darby untuk mendapatkan keuntungan yang tetap dari kerajaan????
    Apa lah yang ada dalam pemikiran Najib ni???

  477. Salam,
    1. agreed with your opinion
    2. BN….stop doing rubbish things.
    3. Sime Darby : focus on your business.Find other company and buy shares, so you may control these companies…but STRICTLY not IJN !..Where is your creative team? Business development team? Ask them to quit…if not, come out with bright ideas.Bring changes!

  478. Salam Tun,
    You are certainly right, Tun. Like people said : Tak ada hal pergi buat hal. Tak adakah hal-hal yang lebih penting untuk mereka yang perlu segera buat ke? Adakah tindakan ‘privatisation’ ini boleh memajukan ekonomi negara yang dihadapi sekarang?? Tolonglah sikit, Kerajaan BN!. Fikirkanlah cara-cara yang lebih baik dan positif sikit untuk menarik perhatian rakyat ini.

  479. Tuan, Salam.
    Macam ini lah statement yang saya harap-harapkan dari seorang yang bergelar Mantan PM Malaysiaku. Kenapa tak ada komen mengenai Sekolah Vernakular dihapuskan?

  480. Assalamualaikum wbt..
    Tun sekeluarga yang saya kasihi dan hormati..
    Walaupun saya tidak pernah berhutang nyawa dengan IJN sekalipun, sebagai orang awam yang duduk di kelas pertengahan, saya dan keluarga sangat tidak setuju bila mendengar IJN mahu “dibeli” oleh Sime Darby.. Sime Darby adalah making profit company dan tidak mustahil, satu hari nanti, matlamat Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Sime Darby akan berubah..
    Nak tak nak, mereka mesti nak untung.. bila nak untung…macam caj laa yang akan keluar dalam patient’s bill… nah!!! bil meningkat!! macam mana orang awam yang kurang berkemampuan nak masuk… jangankan nak buat rawatan, nak masuk jejak kaki nanti pun takut..
    Pada pihak kerajaan…jangan lah teruskan niat mereka.. dalam situasi ini, kebajikan rakyat lah yang harus diutama dan bukan ekuiti pemilikan..
    plz remain IJN as it is…
    -Salam Hormat-
    Mohd Haizi@mtm///20081219

  481. Assalamualaikum Tun Ayahanda kami tersayang …
    Semoga Tun berdua kini sihat walafiat dan dipermudahkan Allah dalam segala urusan.
    Saya juga rasa kurang jelas kenapa IJN di”kongsi” dengan Sime Darby tu, adakah ianya untuk menambahbaik sesuatu yang memang sedia baik atau menambah buruk?
    Walhal IJN rasanya lebih baik dan bagus jika beroperasi seperti dulu. Tanpa sebarang perkongsian (yang pastinya sedikit sebanyak “keuntungan” MUNGKIN lebih dipentingkan, berbanding “amal jariah”, sebab perkongsian “pintar” ini dengan sebuah gergasi perniagaan!)
    IJN adalah satu simbol kekuatan dan “aset modal” politik BN untuk digambarkan kepada rakyat bahawa salah satu amal jariah yang jelas kepada rakyat adalah melalui perawatan di IJN. Tanpa IJN, tanpa Kerajaan BN yang bertanggungjawab menubuhkan IJN, tanpa idea hebat Kerajaan BN mewujudkan IJN, demi keselesaan rakyat, sudah pasti rakyat tidak dapat menerima faedah baik selama ini. Inilah yang patut dikekalkan diminda rakyat.
    Dikatakan selepas “perkongsian” IJN ini, ianya akan tetap beroperasi seperti sedia kala seperti dulu. Rakyat hanya mampu mengharap ianya benar. Nak yakin? Tak berani.
    Semoga segalanya terbaik untuk rakyat Malaysia. Jangan sampai IJN jadi satu lagi “modal” pembangkang melunyaikan BN pada pilihanraya yang akan-akan-akan datang ….
    Salam sayang untuk Tun berdua!
    Tun berdua jaga kesihatan elok-elok … OK!

  482. aswt YAB TUN,
    U r absolutely right.Well anticipated the future constrains and challenges factors that hit back our own people. IJN is our pride for rich & poor.
    Dr Sel

  483. Salam Tun, Harap dlm keadaan yg sihat…
    mengapa harus IJN di swastakan…mungkin agak keterlaluan jika saya katakan bahwa selepas ini ramail pesakit jantung yg perpendapatan rendah akan bnyk kehilangan nyawa kerana tidak mempunyai dana. Umum mengetahui operasi jantung bukanlah memakan kos yg rendah…ianya melibatkan berpuluh-puluh ribu ringgit. Dan saya amat hairan dengan sikap YAB Pal Lah membenarkan ianya di swastakan…dengan alasan syarat yg tertentu. ape syarat2 nye tu?…sebuah bdn korporat mengambil alih IJN…sudah tentu mengharapkan keuntungan daripadanya. Harga ubat semakin mahal..tenaga doktor juga mahal..saya pasti Melalui IJN Sime Darby akan membuat keuntungan tanpa mengira siapa pesakitnya..ada duit…ade pembedahan…x de duit..tunggu la tang tuu….kesiaaannn

  484. Good evening Tun, may god bless you with good health
    This first time writing a comment here. Before this I just read the comments posted here. And this issue on IJN has pulled me in to give few words.
    First of all, we public have no idea why suddenly government wanted to get some business minded ppl into IJN.Isn’t the present leaders should just said “NO” to Sime Darby at the initial stage rather than wait till to date. It show how the present government showing their social responsibility to rakyat.As Tun said, they (BN) just creating another path for Oppositions find a story and hentam bagui-bagui.
    My late dad received a treatment from IJN.He use to say “IJN is his GOD

  485. Assalamualaikum Tun,
    Saya mengucapkan Selamat Hari Jadi. Moga Allah panjangkan usia Tun dan keluarga dengan penuh kesihatan, murahkan rezeki dan jauhi dari malapetaka. Walaupun saya komen darihal Tun, perjuangan sama dengan Datuk saya S.M. Zainul Abidin (yang kawan karib dengan ayah Tun). Juga harap Tun Siti Hasmah tidak lupa dengan kumpulan Hawaiian Quintet dan dan Zainal Alam.
    Satu setuju dengan Tun dimana IJN sepatutnya dibiarkan statusnya. Sime Darby ada masalahnya tersendiri. Tukar logo pun berjuta habis hanyak untuk beberapa bulan. Macam nyanyok orang tua. Nanti harga IJN pun ditukar untuk menyusahkan pesakit. Hanya nak buat duit nanti dengan menekan orang yang sakit (tak ada daya nak elak kerana dah sakit) untuk disubsidise ke tempat lain. Mana tahu, kalau dah terlepas privatisation, mungkin ini sementara (holding in proxy) untuk orang-orang tertentu. Tun mengetahuinya dan Allah Lebih mengetahuinya.

  486. Dear Tun,
    I think the government needs to come out and give a rational for their decision to sell IJN to Sime Darby!
    The public deserve an explanation.
    Else we must register out protest to this dubious move.
    Well Anwar, show us you leadership in opposing this move. After all that’s what opposition are for.
    Whatever changes that are made must benefit Malaysia and Malaysians as a whole!
    Two by-pass and still going strong.

    Tun, saya dah JANGKA ada sebab tersembunyi kenapa IJN menjadi sasaran kali ini.. Saya syak ada ‘BROKER’ yang memainkan peranan sama seperti kes MV Augusta dijual kepada Gevi SPA dan Penjualan saham Pantai Holdings kepada TEMASEK.. Sedikit komen dari Blog saya..
    Tun, kalau tak ade orang yang ‘AKAN KENYANG’, takkan adanya usaha sebegini!

  488. …yes Tun! I truely support your thots on this issue.
    > dah tak de benda lain nak buat ker??..ni tak dak kerja lain, nak cari nama saja la…at our cost pulak tu.
    > privatising a good entity is an easy job and a sure success. If one wants to prove himself, try doing so on a failed entity instead. Govt has lots of agencies which bleed money rather than generating it.
    > i don’t believe govt can control/regulate the fees and operations of IJN once it is privatised. Even if so, why privatise then when you want to control everything???
    – these are all gula2 talks to make us feel comfortable and feel secure. mark my words, the lower and middle income earners like us will be marginalise by this move.
    your last two points just spot on!
    11. Leave this institution as it is. It is our pride and it is doing a good job as it is.
    12. The Barisan Nasional Government is not too popular today. Why do something that may give the opposition another issue to belabour the Government.

  489. IJN should never be privatised. As it is, it is already making RM20million of profit a year. In fact even if the govt has to subsidise RM20million, it still must remain as it is.
    If Sime Darby is so noble, then set up hospitals in the rural areas and treat it as their corporate soocial responsibilty.
    To the management of Sime Darby, please do something original and not ape Johore Corporation which is very successful in the medical business. If ever IJN is to be privatised, then it should go to Johore Corp, as that would make them stronger and be able to internationalise their business. Now instead of creating one strong company, the govt proposes to have two, which will dilute their strength.
    This proposal is defintely not well thought out and smacks of strong lobbying, which is a shame, during these times.
    Actually Sime Darby lacks focus, and is involved in too many sectors. It bought a bank not too long ago and sold it for a RM700million loss. It is losing in some of the motorcar business, as it has gobbled up more than one agency (BMW, Alfa and Ford) and now finds it too much to chew. It even had a smallish corrugated carton plant and now has sold it; and now, after having been classified as ‘the biggest listed plantation company in the world, it finds that the selling price of palm oil may go down below it’s cost of production. It also lost a bidding war to IOI a few years ago and had to retreat by selling off the shares. All these points to lack of focus and diligent study and preparation. Most Malaysians are “shareholders” of Sime through direct shares or by way of PNB’s unit trusts, and we expect world class management and we expect the board of directors to have vision and be mindful of their responsibilties to the millions of shareholders.(Sorry to digress, but IJN is also very close to my heart)

  490. Dear Tun,
    After read your article, i went to look more infor at The Star Online. Syukur alhamdulillah, Cabinet has defer the decision. Thanks to you also for your quick response to oppose this unnecessary privatization.
    My uncle has been a patient there at IJN. We are from middle class society. The treatment of IJN according to my uncle is 1st Class. I salute all the doctors and staff in IJN.
    Semuga Allah membalas kebaikan budi pekerti mereka.

  491. Dear beloved Tun, you are so right in voicing your concern on our government misdoing. Please continue to do so we are behind you. Yes like someone else wrote the other day can you please give your public appearance or talk schedule on this site so we all can attend. Salam, may Allah bless you.

  492. Malaysians should be smart. We should stop doing things that can cause us to go to IJN (heart problems). Eat smart, exercise, stop smoking. By the way, I found this website at Wikipedia. Malaysians who smoke should take a look at it.

  493. salam Tun,
    makin lama, makin parah. kebelakangan ini kerajaan banyak ambil tindakan yg merugikan, baik di pihak rakyat mahu pun kerajaan sendiri. kadang2 sy tertanya2, sy makin bijak menilai atau kerajaan makin bodoh. bila badut2 memerintah…..tangan2 yg kotor menyentuh urusan pentabiran negara…..ni la jadinya…jgn sampai IJN jd Pantai sudah. kerajaan mempunyai tabiat baru agaknya.jual kepentingan negara.

  494. Dearest Tun,
    When I read the news about Sime Darby proposal to privatize IJN, I was sad. IJN will be better off without Sime Dardy. The doctors, nurses and operational staffs are not complaining about benefits and salaries. In a statement signed by 33 of the 35 medical consultants working for IJN, they stressed that the proposed privatization was not a response towards their demands for better pay. I hope the current government will seriously rethink about this proposal. I believe such ideas would have not even discussed during your leadership TUN.

  495. Yes Tun;
    Totally agree with you, my dad is a pensioneer and he benefits a lot from IJN. We didn’t come from a rich family and rely totaly on public services, IJN have helped our family a lot.
    I feel something’s not right with the take over proposal, i’m working with one of the MNC and the aim of the organisation is to minimise the cost and maximise the profit. no profit oriented company is willing to take additional cost and reduce profit, let alone in our current economic situation.I just failed to see the rational behind this action.
    Just giving my two cent

  496. Dearest Tun,
    When I read the news about Sime Darby proposal to privatize IJN, I was sad. IJN will be better off without Sime Dardy. The doctors, nurses and operational staffs are not complaining about benefits and salaries. In a statement signed by 33 of the 35 medical consultants working for IJN, they stressed that the proposed privatization was not a response towards their demands for better pay. I hope the current government will seriously rethink about this proposal. I believe such ideas would have not even discussed during your leadership TUN.

  497. Dear Tun,
    you rock!corporatised is when you leave the asset and liabilty alone and gain through income vs expense.privatization is when you
    include control of the asset and liabilities.
    so whats goin on guys?
    follow counsel of the elder…leave it alone!!
    off kings rd.

  498. This IJN Privatisation is a corporate finance exercise. Someone would have to do the documentations and be paid for it – handsomely that is. This is all money driven. Is MOF so dried out that they need to sell their stake in IJN??? There is no need for IJN Privatisation – it is already a good corporate entity. All the conditions & promises are just to soften the protest. Now that the government do not have to pay a single sen on oil subsidies, use all these excess monies on IJN instead.

  499. YAB Tun,
    The management says that it would extend their Corporate Social Responsibility which yet to be proved but I don’t think they want to suffer losses. As you said 80% of the patient is from the poor families. It is difficult at this time unless they really wanted to leave it as charity.
    I’m with you.
    “Berani Berubah”

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