1. It is almost impossible to find words to describe the horror and atrocities wantonly committed, daily, on Palestinians, especially children.
2. We, the world, witness these in the comforts of our homes but, we are powerless to do anything.
3. It is heart wrenching to see children in Gaza, running around looking for their parents, most probably dead.
4. For goodness sake, these are children, the same age as our children, our grandchildren, whom we would fuss over even after insect bite.
5. Have we lost our humanity? Have we no compassion, no pity, no tears for them?
6. Indeed, we see protests all over the world but it doesn’t seem to bother those with the power to put a stop to it.
7. While we can’t expect the bloodthirsty Israelis to stop their murdering spree, we should at least see leading civilised nations doing the needful. They can make a difference.
8. The civilised world have achieved great things and even send people to the moon. And yet, they can’t even put a stop to the massacre of the Palestinians including their children.
9. We fight for animal rights, only to allow people human beings like us being continuously humiliated in the worse possible way…abused, tortured and killed over more than 70 years!
10. We fret over poverty and homelessness yet, we see, Palestinian homes being bulldozed, villagers evicted and their houses flattened, with the people still in them. And now entire neighbourhoods, buildings, hospitals are bombed and razed to the ground.
11. The civilised world witness before their eyes daily, genocide being committed.
12. And there are those who remain silent, quietly, extend support to Israel – moral and material – arms, intelligence and funds.
13. What kind of people are these?
14. They talk about Israel’s security. On Oct 7, some 1,400 Israelis were said to have died. Since then almost no deaths. But 10,000 Palestinians have now been killed. How many more do the Israelis want to kill?
15. Whose security is actually the one that had been breached?
16. We see Israeli soldiers but no Palestinian soldiers, only civilians.
17. It seems that the US and its allies do not want the murders to stop.
18. Israel now talks of a 4-hour ceasefire daily, a humanitarian pause. Seemingly to allow civilians to move to “safe” areas.
19. Once this pause is over, the killings will continue and the non-combatants will die in droves, bombed and blasted into smithereens.
20. What is happening in Gaza is not war. There are only Israeli soldiers mass murdering Palestinian civilians, children included. It is a massacre by a State on a people.
21. It is a conflict that has breached everything that is humane, morals and values. It is a massacre devoid of all sense of humanity.
22. A conflict where the arrogance, despicable, brutal, uncivilised nature the Zionist Jews are displaying for all to see.
23. We no longer have a right to claim we are civilised.
24. We have become barbarians.