2. Firstly one must remember that it is a preventive law, that is it is to be applied before a crime is committed. The law cannot be applied after the crime is committed. For this there are other laws.
3. Secondly it can be applied only in certain specific cases, as for example when there is a threat to the security of the country.
5. However it had been used in the past to incarcerate political opponents, as when Aziz Ishak was detained.
6. At this point visitors to this blog are likely to say I did the same. I admit I did detain people under the ISA in the 1987 Ops Lalang. But it was not because they were members of the opposition. The police had informed me that there was likely to be racial clashes over the issue of Chinese education and the intention of some UMNO members to hold a million strong demonstration in K.L.
7. The people detained were not only members of the opposition but included UMNO members. As soon as the threat passed the detainees were all released. The issue was not political opposition to the Government but the threat to national security.
8. I don’t expect this explanation would be accepted by my detractors. But that is normal. Detractors would never admit to being wrong.
9. On the ISA, it seems odd that some who were detained under the ISA supports this preventive laws. I am sure they don’t support abuses of the law though.
9. When the so-called war on terror was launched by Bush and Blair, they did not hesistate to detain so-called suspects without even being sanctioned by any law. They were so critical about our ISA before but not only did they detain thousands of the so-called suspects, they actually tortured the detainees when they felt threats to their security. I will not talk about their invading Iraq and Afghanistan and the killings of thousands of innocent people.
10. The so-called protagonists of human rights were clearly critical when others resort to preventive detention. When they felt threatened they not only detain people but they did this without any law which provides for such act.
11. Just because our critics are hypocrites does not mean that we should retain the ISA. But there is a need for preventive detention in Malaysia simply because without this threat racist extremists would undermine the stability of this country. That extreme racialism can lead to violence is not something we can take lightly. We must value our stability because it has made it possible for this country to develop much faster than other countries.
12. Can the ISA be replaced by a court hearing. In Malaysia courts take a long time to pass judgement; months or even years. By then the violence would have taken place, i.e. the court action would have failed to achieve the prevention that the law is meant for.
13. Still there is need to review the ISA. I don’t think it should be done away with but there must be a clear cut provision as to when it could be used. We cannot have people being detained for three days and then released because the detention was for the detainee’s safety.
14. Perhaps the period should be shortened to one year and the six monthly review be carried out by properly qualified individuals who have the country’s interest heart besides a desire to maintain human rights.
Salam Ayahanda Tun,
saya harap ISA tidak jatuh ditangan orang yg tidak bertanggung jawab. Dan menyebabkan rakyat menaruh dendam terhadap orang yang mengadakan ISA.
saya rasa ISA diperlukan, dan perlu dibicarakan, supaya tidak menganiayai sesiapa.
Demonstrasi bukan amalan kita !
when I’m down with infections, I take antibiotics or antivirals and the distasteful pain killers. But I endure great pains before my illnesses recover.
Had I allowed vaccines to those illness in the first place, I wouldn’t suffer that bad or might not be infected at all. Vaccination might be painful to my body, but it pays.
So, it makes sense one has to choose the preventive measure via ISA… oops… I mean, vaccination.
Cheers everyone.
Assalamualaikum Tun,
I feel very very angry when Pak Lah make a decision to release Anuar Ibrahim.That was an awful mistake.He jepardise this country.I don’t understand it.How come the leader can make this nonsense mistake? He ruled this country like playing cards.
selamat hari raya kepada Tun dan keluarga..saya tertarik untuk memberi komen mengenai ISA ni. Ramai rakyat kita tidak faham pentingnya ISA pada negara ini. Memang negara kita mengamalkan demokrasi dan kita sebagai manusia memang mempunyai hak sebagai manusia tetapi…tidak mempunyai hak untuk memporak perandakan negara dan kemakmuran yang selama ini telah dicapai. Kebebasan bersuara bermaksud kita menyuarakan pendapat kita dengan cara yang betul tanpa ada hasut menghasut, bantahan jalanan, rusuhan yang menunjukkan kebebasan tersebut digunakan secara beremosi, ego dan menggunakan pendekatan yang salah..bila memperjuangkan pendapat atau suara sendiri, ia patut dilakukan dengan bijak dan dengan jalan yang betul dan bukannya menghasut atau mengeluarkan kata kata yang mempengaruhi orang lain untuk mengetengahkan sesuatu persoalan secara beremosi dan dan menyusahkan orang lain. Bila ada suara sumbang yang boleh menimbulkan hasutan yang boleh menjatuhkan negara dalam jangka pendek atau panjang, semua unsur tersebut perlu di bendung dari awal. “mencegah lebih baik dari mengubati/terkena” semua permasalahan perlu dicegah dengan mengawal si pencipta masalah..jadi wajarlah sekiranya mereka di asingkan supaya semua saki baki yang ada akan menjadi lebih tenang dan bukannya bertambah buruk. Sekiranya tidak ada ISA, bertambah banyaklah berlaku demonstrasi jalanan, rusuhan, hasutan dan juga kebebasan bersuara yang tidak beretika dengan menghentam negara/kerajaan dan menjatuhkan sesama sendiri. “kerana mulut badan binasa” biarlah kita menjaga adab, berfikir dan bertindak dengan bijak dan bukan dengan emosi,jangan kerana 1 pendapat hancurkan keamanan satu negara…ISA seperti mencegah sebelum terlewat ” kerana nila setitik rosak susu sebelanga”. Bila berkata tentang demokrasi dan hak bersuara, kita berkata tentang ‘Negara’. Negara mempunyai tanggungjawab mempastikan kita rakyatnya aman dan makmur, dan kita sebagai rakyat yang hidup di dalam negara ini bertanggungjawab untuk memelihara dan mempastikan semua yang kita ada sekarang ini tetap kekal dan bukannya menjadi rakyat yang tidak bersyukur, tidak menoleh kiri dan kanan bertindak mengikut perasaan dengan tidak memikirkan akibatnya pada diri,keluarga,orang lain dan negara! Orang selalu bertanya “kenapa ditahan padahal belum dibuktikan bersalah?”, “mana erti demokrasi atau kebebasan bersuara?” , “mana hak asasi manusia?” tetapi bila semuanya sudah terlambat…orang akan berkata ” kenapa tak di kawal dari mula lagi?”, “kenapa tidak ada tindakan dari kerajaan?”, “kenapa kerajaan biarkan?”, kenapa kerajaan itu?kenapa kerajaan ini?…semuanya akan berbalik pada kerajaan/negara…pada masa itu siapa yang dipersalahkan rakyat…kerajaan juga…contoh situasi adalah penjenayah ditahan dipenjara kerana mencuri atau merompak..kesalahan itu dapat dilihat dan dipenjarakan kerana terdapat bukti jadi kesalahan itu dapat dikawal kerana dia disumbat dalam penjara…dalam ISA contohnya sekiranya ada unsur-unsur hasutan dan dikhuatiri akan mempengaruhi orang lain yang mana akan atau telah menyebabkan demonstrasi jalanan atau rusuhan yang menyebabkan ketenteraman awam terjejas, ia perlu di kawal dengan mengasingkan ketuanya sehingga keadaan kembali pulih dengan meletakkannya di bawah ISA…dua situasi ini berbeza tapi motifnya “kawalan supaya tidak menjadi lebih buruk dan teruk” Oleh itu saya amat bersetuju penggunaan ISA ini diteruskan kerana saya menilai ia sebagai bentuk kawalan dan bukannya hukuman…saya berpendapat kerajaan atau wakil rakyat perlu turun di kawasan masing2 untuk menerangkan apa itu ISA?supaya rakyat faham tujuan ISA diadakan dan bukannya mereka mengetahui ISA dari penerangan orang-orang yang sememangnya mempunyai motif tersembunyi yang telah diputar belit. sokong Tun.
salam 17 syawal Malaysiaku…
Cuma akta ini perlu penambahbaikan dan bersesuaian dgn situasi negara kini. Ancaman serta perbuatan subersif segelintir kumpulan dan kelompok individu manusia di bumi bertuah ini masih berlaku dan sedang giat diusahakan demi mencapai matlamat propaganda dan maksud gelap di pemikiran masing-masing.
Langkah-langkah pencegahan dan “correction” yang sesuai dengan kesalahan yang telah dilakukan adalah perlu dan mesti diteruskan. yang salah perlu dibetulkan, yang menyeleweng perlu disedarkan.
Itulah fungsinya dan gunanya I.S.A.
Yang kecoh berterusan adalah dari kelompok manusia yang taksub dengan dunia politik mereka. Perjuangan politik yang tunggang terbalik menjadi laungan yang sia-sia kerana majoriti yang terjebak tidak tahu langsung hujung pangkal tentang ISA itu sendiri. Janji biar negara kucar kacir dan rakyat jadi gundah gulana…itulah matlamatnya.
Golongan ini juga sanggup mempersetankan erti dan kepentingan demokrasi negara demi kekenyangan isi hati perut politikus-politikus ini. Juak-juak politik ini juga sanggup melebihkan dan mementingkan hal dunia dari melihat keberkesanan kebajikan dan kemakmuran rakyat jelata. Segala isu akan diputarbelit dan dijadikan santapan minda generasi kini.
Akibat dari perbuatan sebegini maka Anak2 Malaysia terus menerus akan menjadi mangsa rakus mereka ini…
Bila minda dah di”block” maka hati telah mati, semangat cintakan tanahair turut berkubur bersama dengan cita-cita yang rapuh lagi menyeleweng.
Akta dan fungsi pusat ISA itu tetap releven dan berkesan dalam membentuk semula pemikiran dan jati diri seseorang manusia itu…ketahuilah bahawasanya yang salah tetap salah dan kesilapan lalu itu sebenarnya boleh diperbetulkan dan dibimbing semula…
Ingatlah, tidak terlambat sedikitpun untuk diri kita semua ini untuk merenung sejenak dan berfikir secara waras dalam meneruskan kehidupan didunia ini pada jalan yang benar dan lurus…
YABhg Tun,
…threat, if you might want to call it as such, can come from people sometimes you’d least expect.
Salam Tun, You said isa is a law that can detain a person before he breaks the law, why do the government have to put a person who is not guilty in prison? whereas a person is not guilty unless proven(that’s democracy)in a communist country a person is guilty and detain unless proven otherwise.so we must be better cos In Malaysia we practice both. I have nothing against isa ruling but i don’t agree to the double standard and in some cases the isa is being execute, to protects the interest of certain party only. Its ok during the era of the communists, it should be alright for drugs offend be it the pusher or the addicts,a person or group who want to change the ideology of a system we practice or the constitution but not for citizens who want to express, highlight the wrong of a political party or against an individual who are corrupts and prejudice in executing his duties as a government officer or politician, it is wrong to put a person or any citizen under isa if he want or seem to pose as a challenge in a political system which is not against the constitution,where we practice democracy.
Rumpun Melayu di Indonesia. Hanya kerana kekeliruan oleh adu domba media orang putih berkenaan sejenis tarian menyebabkan nak berbambu runcing dengan Melayu di Malaysia. Senangnya dipermainkan. Senangnya diperkotak-katikkan. Oramg putih buat fitnah sikit sahaja mereka sudah percaya.
Barangkali benar Rumpun Melayu baik di Malaysia mahu pun di Indonesia bahawa pemikiran mereka memang tidak stabil. Pelupa. Mudah jadi wayang kulit. Tok dalang tinggal tahik dan goyang sikit saja. Maka menari-nari lah kulit-kulit kerbau yang mana yang tampak nya hanya bayang-bayang.
Hai lah Melayu….bayang-bayang rupanya kamu.
Di Kuala Lumpur sikit hari dulu…..terjerit-jerit marahkan Bar Council yang pro Hindraf. Yang dalam Bar Council tu pulak memang ane-ane yang non-muslim yang cuba main-main dengan Islam. Tapi ane-ane ini ikut landasan undang-undang. Yang bayang-bayang diluar ni cuma pandai demonstrasi terjerit-jerit macam wayang kulit. Tu lah Melayu. Kenapa biarkan Bar Council kurang Melayu?
Pasal budak melayu suka jadi mat rempit….mat lepak….minah rewang…mana dapat jadi lawyer. Mereka tak mahu jadi bagus. Nanti orang kata macam bagus. tak bagus tu.
Yeah, couldn’t agree more, for most Malays teenagers – Jadi bijak ni hanya untuk nerds saja, untuk geek. Bila ada budak Melayu yang berjaya, atau cuba mengubah nasib, apa respon pertama dari golongan ni? “POYO, Bajet pandai, Kerek, ape barang jadi camtu” itu lah realitinya. Padahal mereka ini tidak sedar, hanya ilmu mampu selamatkan sesuatu bangsa, samada bangkit atau musnah dalam sejarah.
Yang jenis ni tahu, cuma menghabiskan duit mak dan bapa untuk clubbing, snooker, cyber cafe sampai tengah malam, melepak, bergaduh sesama sendiri. Kadang-kadang ada mak bapa yang sayangkan anak sanggup bagi berapa anak itu mahu, kerana anak sendiri.
Bila pergi ke sekolah bergaduh dengan kawan sekolah, salah sendiri tidak dilihat, tapi salah orang yang paling dilihat. Bercinta bagai nak rak dunia, putus cinta sampai nak mati. Dapat bercinta dengan amoi, jaja satu koridor, padahal yang duduk senyap itu bercinta dengan itali pun tak kecoh
Masuk Universiti pulak ponteng kuliah tak berkesudahan, orang lain datang Universiti nak belajar, dia datang nak cari bini, orang pergi kuliah dia tidur, orang tidur dia clubbing.
Pantang dorm selamat, bawa masuk betina dalam bilik, kaki arak, kaki judi.
Bila kena barred dari ambil exam, dia minta mak bapa tolong dan mak bapa pun yang sayangkan anak lebih ni pun tolong. Si bapa dengan mak kerja besar, sekali datang terus lepas.
Bagi mereka ni, merempit, melepak, bergaduh la paling hebat sekali atas bumi ni.
Asalkan ada orang yang cuba majukan diri dengan belajar bahasa lain, dilabelkannya mat salleh celup, berlagak, poyo, bukan melayu, dan macam-macam lagi.
Asalkan ada seorang melayu dari kalangan mereka ni yang lain sikit, dipulaukan. Sebab tak ‘cool’ kalau tak jadi macam mereka ni. Bahasa Melayu jadi bahasa rojak, sampaikan terbawak-bawak ke mana saja pun guna singkatan. Nak type ‘mereka’ pun susah sangat, sampai guna mrk je.
Dapat guna bahasa inggeris slangs, dah perasan bagus, padahal dia tak tahu bahasa itu orang inggeris sendiri pandang rendah, dan tak guna.
Masuk Punk, Skinhead, dan bermacam lagi gangster, dia ingat Punk ni cool, supreme, padahal dia tak tahu apa itu ‘Punk’ dan ‘Skinhead’.
Asal kerja saja, buat sambil lewa, orang call tak angkat, pergi bersembang dengan kawan sekerja. Buat kerja slow, cakap buat hari ni tu tunggu seminggu baru dapat. Asal dapat duit lebih masuk, terima sahaja, haram atau halal tidak dikira. Cakap pukul 8 pagi, pukul 3 petang baru dapat.
Syarikat harapkan perlindungan, buat ikut sedap hati je, tiada perlindungan tengok? boleh hidup ke tak?
Dapat naik ke atas kerana ‘bantuan’, tapi perasan bagus. Merasa diri bijak sangat, professional konon. Tak ada kuota boleh ke masuk dulu?.Asal ada benda boleh gelak itu hiburan berkualiti, benda bersifat ilmu dicemuh.
Ada hati minta meritokrasi, mintak hapus DEB dan lain-lain, tapi tidak sedar diri itu sendiri hasil bantuan. Budak meritokrasi pulak yang berhabisan nak pertahankan DEB, dia nak hapus.Padahal kalau tak dibantu dulu, belum tentu dia tu siapa dia sekarang.
Salam Aidil Fitri Tun,
ISA mesti terus ujud. ISA harus dikemaskinikan. ISA harus diperlengkapkan.
Paku kalau dah dilantak boleh dicabut semula. Tapi lubang yang ditinggalkannya akan kekal. walau pun ditutup lubang itu namun kekuatan permukaan tetap terjejas. Tapi kalau yang dilantak itu keras, pecah papan. Hancur berderai. Jadi kalau dah nampak tukul BAKAL dihayun, hentikannya sebelum papan rosak.
Rumpun Melayu memang mudah lupa. Rumpun Melayu memang mudah latah. Barangkali boleh dikatakan pemikiran Rumpun Melayu tidak stabil.
Konon Melayu Liberal. Di alak sedikit berdemonstrasi lah dia. “Hapus ISA” teriaknya.Siapa punya mahu ini? Melayu yang mahu ke? Hujung-hujung yang mahu ISA terhapus tetap bebas, yang berteriak masuk jerjak. Siapa masuk jerjak? …………Melayu! Bodoh!
Rumpun Melayu di Indonesia. Hanya kerana kekeliruan oleh adu domba media orang putih berkenaan sejenis tarian menyebabkan nak berbambu runcing dengan Melayu di Malaysia. Senangnya dipermainkan. Senangnya diperkotak-katikkan. Oramg putih buat fitnah sikit sahaja mereka sudah percaya.
Barangkali benar Rumpun Melayu baik di Malaysia mahu pun di Indonesia bahawa pemikiran mereka memang tidak stabil. Pelupa. Mudah jadi wayang kulit. Tok dalang tinggal tahik dan goyang sikit saja. Maka menari-nari lah kulit-kulit kerbau yang mana yang tampak nya hanya bayang-bayang.
Hai lah Melayu….bayang-bayang rupanya kamu.
Di Kuala Lumpur sikit hari dulu…..terjerit-jerit marahkan Bar Council yang pro Hindraf. Yang dalam Bar Council tu pulak memang ane-ane yang non-muslim yang cuba main-main dengan Islam. Tapi ane-ane ini ikut landasan undang-undang. Yang bayang-bayang diluar ni cuma pandai demonstrasi terjerit-jerit macam wayang kulit. Tu lah Melayu. Kenapa biarkan Bar Council kurang Melayu?
Pasal budak melayu suka jadi mat rempit….mat lepak….minah rewang…mana dapat jadi lawyer. Mereka tak mahu jadi bagus. Nanti orang kata macam bagus. tak bagus tu.
Jadi bila ada hal yang mereka pandai adalah terjerit-jerit…..terlalak lalak….walhal mereka itu sebenarnya bisu, tuli dan pekak…..bayangkan bunyi apa yang keluar dari mulut mereka?
Maaf Tun……tiba-tiba rasa nak marah pada bangsa saya sendiri.
Assalamualaikum Tun,
If there is no ISA, if there is a hundred or a thousand died in one night du to riot, the Prime Minister must step down.
Therefor we may see a new Prime Minister every year. It will do wonders to this beloved country.
The community does not know that there are 1. sane people 2. half sane people and 3. insane people living together. All the three look alike.
It is the insane people that is most likely to cause trouble. Therefore it is true that only the insane people would want to abolish the ISA.
The opposition in ever come into power will still use ISA but in different name, maybe Temporary Friendly Detention Act. T F D A.
Selamat Berjuang Tun
Slm Tun
Mohon maaf kiranya yg ditulis ada salah faham semata-mata,
yang saya faham dari ISA : menahan seseorang dlm tempoh tertentu dengan alasan, org yg ditahan adalah ancaman kepada negara. Penahanan dibuat tanpa perlu dijelaskan dgn bukti yg kukuh serta tidak memerlukan waran.terpisah dari keluarga dan dunia luar(dipenjara). didera (untuk tujuan soal siasat) dari sudut psikologi & fizikal.
persoalan yg perlu dfikirkan :
1. Adakah adil seseorang yg belum terbukti bersalah dikatakan bersalah?
2. Adakah tindakan kerajaan dlm membendung atau menangkis ancaman dgn menahan seseorang yg dianggap memberi ancaman kepada negara tanpa perlu bukti adalah sentiasa benar dan betul?
3. Adakah kerajaan bertanggung jawab terhadap kebajikan ahli keluarga tahanan sepanjang masa tahanan? (nafkah,trauma, ugutan,ketakutan,pandangan serong masyarakat,penantian,kerisauan,kasih sayang dll)
4. Apakah setiap hukuman yg dbuat adalah sesuai dengan kadar ancaman yg telah diberikan oleh tahanan?(ditentukan kadar ancaman untuk tindakan penahanan)
5. Adakah menyuarakan hak dsaluran yg salah(bila saluran yg betul selalu tersekat/tidak sampai) dikatakan ancaman?
6. Sekiranya kerajaan berlaku adil, adakah ancaman-ancaman terhadap negara akan tetap berlaku & berterusan?
persoalan yg tidak berkaitan dgn ISA
1. Adakah ‘JASA-JASA BAIK’ pada masa lalu boleh dianggap sebagai menutup/memaafkan satu kesalahan yg dilakukan pada masa sekarang?
sekian terima kasih
I can never agree with the argument that ISA is relevant and justified because other countries such as the US have similar legislation like The Patriot’s Act etc. Just because another country practices something bad does it mean we have to as well? Can we not be a positive example to the world and say no, we will not clamp down on the fundamental rights of our people in the name of “national security”? I also disagree with you argument that the ISA is applied to “specific cases” which constitute a “threat to national security”. There is nothing specific in a definition such as “threat to national security”. That simply leaves an open book for the Home Minister to define anything he wants as a threat to national security. Also, justifying a legislation such as the ISA by saying our “courts take a long time to pass judgement” is a very convenient and irresponsible measure. If this is a problem with the courts then it is our judicial system which should be reviewed and improved on, instead of taking the easy road and implementing a law that severely curtails the fundamental rights of our own citizens; which I find ironic because by doing this we ignore the problems in our judicial system which is the institution that is supposed to be upholding the very liberties that the ISA curtails.
Assalamualaikum Tun,
Senang kata ISA ni boleh diibaratkan macam doktrin pertahanan pre-emptive strike yang diamalkan oleh Amerika Syarikat dan Israel serta negara jiran seberang tambak. Tujuan cuma satu, hapuskan dahulu masalah sebelum masalah tersebut memakan diri tetapi dengan cara yang lebih kejam iaitu mengakibatkan banyak nyawa manusia yang tak berdosa melayang.
Bezanya dengan ISA dinegara ini, cuma mengkuarantinkan petualang atau pengadu domba yang mempunyai niat jahat untuk memporak perandakan keharmonian rakyat berbilang kaum dinegara ini.
Kaum mana yang begitu lantang memperjuangkan penghapusan ISA ni? Apa motif mereka sebenarnya? Kepada rakyat negara ini yang terpengaruh dengan agenda mereka cubalah buat kajian sikit. Kesudahannya orang melayu juga yang melalak dan ditahan pihak berkuasa semasa berdemonstrasi untuk menghapuskan ISA tempoh hari. Mana Suaram? Mana DAP? dan yang paling bestnya mana HINDRAF (yang semua sudah tau ketua mereka lari lintang pukang keluar negara).
Kononnya atas dasar hak asasi manusia. Di Amerika pun dah ada Homeland Security dimana salah satu daripada tugas mereka adalah mencurigai setiap rakyat negara mereka sendiri dengan mengintip setiap pergerakan warganegara negara tersebut. So mana dia hak asasi?
Sekian, wasallam
Seremban 021009 11:39am
Dear Tun, salam Aidil Fitri moga diberkati dan sihat sejahtera. Kiriman saya untuk tajuk ini…
ISA mcm DEB, mudah dipermainkan. Malahan ia dibenci krn sudah diperalatkan. Tujuan tersuratnya memang suci murni, tapi penggunaan tersiratnya menyimpang jauh, sejauh bumi dgn langit!
Kalau lirik dan lagu tak seiring tak akan merdu alunannya. Usah nak paksa ia berterusan. Hapuskan saja lah. Ini nasib rentak ISA mainan Umno. Cari lirik betul baru kita padankan semula. Sementara itu kita dengar selingan PR.
The good (PR), the bad (ISA) the ugly (Umno) is now playing.
Bukan saja ISA dan DEB, undi bonus, kuota pencalunan, daftar pengundi pun sudah dipermainkan. Ini hasil dari pengalaman 52thn berkuasa mutlak!
ISA is a powerful weapon of mass detention (WMD). This absolute power corrupts absolutely. It is proven unsafe even in the most advanced democracy, what more a guided democracy like ours.
If Bush and Blair cannot be trusted with ISA, we can entrust supremacist goofies and goons in M’sia?
Dearest YAB Tun,
1. ISA is still relevant. But, most Malaysians DO NOT BELIEVE IN PREVENTIVE MEASURES. ATTITUDE problem, I guess.
2. Any laws must be applied with proper knowledge & wisdom. Tun Dr. M has done that in the past. At least we had lived in peace for 22 years. Without knowledge (on ISA), we would have
Salam Hormat YAB Tun,
ISA perlu diteruskan ujud, sapertimana dinyatakan Tun.Lainlah kalau tampuk pemerintahan berubah,terus lenyapkannya dan ganti dengan akta yang lebih sesuai dengan keadaan masyarakat negara ini yang saya fikir tidak mungkin berubah dimasa akan datang kecuali malapetaka diturunkan tuhan kepada rakyat Malaysia ini.Naauzubillah.
Tun berjasa untuk semua.Terima Kasih.
Salam Tun,
I think everyone is confused with ISA.
The main function of ISA was misinterpreted as a LAW of criminal or LAW of wrong doing.
The MAIN function of ISA is to maintain the country at peace in all time irrespective of any forms of actions that will lead to harm to the nation and rakyat. And we can see that racial is the BEST tools to garner support to create chaos to the nation and people. And ISA is to be used to avoid any mishap to the rakyat.
We can see in China, UK, and the riot started with racial and religion and it can DESTROY a country just like that after years of development.
Thus, please understand the nature of human being and it’s easy to provoke than promote harmony.
Dear Tun,
Allow me to respond to Adam.
Dear Jane,
I agree with you . I had a look at DAP blog and some of the chinese blog. Yupp.. they certainly give us a good bashing.
I just want to share with everybody about a poll done in America.
Polls shows most American consider racism a problem.
Blacks more than twice as likely to call racism a serious problem.
Almost half of whites and blacks say they know someone who is racist.
Only a few of either race say they are racially biased themselves.
If the poll is done in Malaysia, I suppose the result would be almost the same , with different colours.
Thank you for your respond, at least someone see what I see.
YABhg Tun,
Sir, I would appreciate if you could comment on my suggestion about creating a ” freedom of speech zone ” in Malaysian. I made this suggestion on your blog sometime early last month. Although this idea is not new but I believe it can act as an alternative platform for the rakyat to voice out their greviences or opinion on all topics or issues in the country. As it is now, people are making all sorts of statements, comments and accusations on the net but at the same time hiding behind computers or pseudonyms.
It would be interesting to see if those same people who made fiery comments on the blog dare to do so on open stage. Just like in Parliment,they can repeat their statement outside the so called ” freedom of speech zone ” if they so wish willingly or maybe after being challenged. But, ofcourse just like in Parliment, once you are outside, you are lible for your statements.
Salam Tun,
Sebagai rakyat Malaysia saya, rasa marah dgn kenyataan Salini yang mewakili Suaram dalam kenyataannya yg dikeluarkan di Malaysiakini (http://www.malaysiakini.com/news/113901) tempohari, berikutan komen Tun dalam aktikel kali ini.
Dia kata, “Mantan perdana menteri nampaknya tidak menyedari realiti bahawa rakyat Malaysia menentang keras ISA dan mereka mahu ianya dihapuskan segera.”
Tambahnya, “Ini telah dinyatakan dengan jelas kepada kerajaan apabila ribuan rakyat mengadakan perhimpunan pada 1 Ogos lalu menuntut supaya ISA dihapuskan.”
Lagi katanya, “Beliau (Tun) telah menahan lebih 2,000 orang di bawah ISA, termasuk bekas timbalan perdana menteri yang juga pemimpin pembangkang sekarang, Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim.”
Dei Nalini, podah! Boleh pi dah.
Yang pertama, dia patut sedar bahawa ribuan rakyat yg mengadakan demonstrasi yg menuntut supaya ISA dihapuskan bukan suara majoriti! Rakyat Malaysia ada 20juta (yg layak mengundi ialah 15juta)! Yg berhimpun hanya ada beribu. Itu hanyalah permintaan minoriti yg seharusnya diabaikan oleh kerajaan bagi menjamin kepentingan majoriti.
Kedua, betul ke rakyat Malaysia menolak ISA? Kalau betul la rakyat tidak menyukai ISA dan tindakan Tun menahan 2000 org itu, kenapa rakyat terus mengundi untuk pemerintahan Tun selama 22 tahun?? Tambah2 pulak Tun menggunakan ISA untuk Operasi Lalang pada tahun 1987. Jika kami, rakyat Malaysia, tidak menyukai tindakan Tun, kenapa kami mempertahankan undi kepada barisan kepimpinan Tun selama 16 tahun dari 1987 hingga 2003?? Kami pilih Tun kerana kami tahu, penahanan 2000 itu mempunyai sebab2 yg bertujuan untuk menjamin pembangunan negara seperti yg dirasai sepanjang pemerintahan Tun. Kemajuan yg nikmatnya telah dikecapi oleh majoriti rakyat Malaysia.
Ketiga, kemenangan besar pembangkang pada PRU12 yg lalu bukan kerana rakyat menyokong pembangkang yg memperjuangkan pemansuhan ISA. Ini kerana, tidak ditekankan oleh pembangkang dalam kempen2 mereka bahawa ISA akan dimansuhkan dibawah pemerintahan mereka. Yg dikempenkan adalah betapa teruknya pemimpin BN. Tambahan rakyat mmg dah lama meluat dengan Pak Lah yg tak reti buat keje, tapi tak mau turun2. Rakyat makin susah hidup bawah Pak Lah. Satu cara utk sedarkan Pak Lah ialah utk undi pembangkang.
Ini pesanan & cabaran saya untuk Nalini, jika kamu mahu tahu sama ada rakyat menyokong pembubaran ISA, senang sahaja. Selitkan dalam agenda politik pakatan pembangkang bahawa ISA akan dimansuhkan serta merta di bawah pemerintahan mereka dan canangkan niat kamu itu ke dalam seluruh media masa, biar semua rakyat Malaysia tahu. Untuk kempen yg adil, kerajaan juga harus dibenarkan utk terus mendidik rakyat bagaimana ISA membantu pertumbuhan negara dan dibenarkan terus memperbaiki pelaksanaan ISA tersebut. Nah, di situ nanti kamu akan lihat, apa pilihan rakyat majoriti. Usahlah diambil kira bilangan yg berdemonstrasi kerana ianya terlalu kecil utk mewakili suara majoriti rakyat.
Bagi saya, kita harus abaikan saja kata Nalini & Suaram itu buat masa ini kerana ianya bertentangan dengan kehendak majoriti rakyat Malaysia. Yg berhak utk menentukan sama ada ISA harus diteruskan atau tidak adalah rakyat Malaysia, bukan Nalini mahupun Suaram.
Tun, saya akhiri komen saya ini dgn memanjat doa kepada Tun sekeluarga agar sentiasa sihat sejahtera selalu, dihindari daripada kesusahan & dipanjangkan umur. Amin.
Dear Tun,
For the majority of Malaysians – we accept that it (The ISA)is a necessary tool the goverment needs to have to ensure the peace and stability of Malaysia.
Its only those new-liberals or would be “freedom” proponents who thinks that Democracy is a religion – that thinks otherwise.
For sure they have western inclinations and are western educated. I am not saying western is bad…only that this “religion” comes from the west as such the people getting education from there will be influenced somewhat.
For such people – please re-examine your purpose for wanting ISA to be abolished. If it so that Malaysia can become prosperous well and good. But can it really happen. How can the nation be prosperous if we have instability and chaos in out midst?
Perhaps they also think it is needed but DO NOT TRUST THE GOVERMENT to do the right thing. So to them chaos nevermind as long as the goverment do not abuse this power.
In that case we need you again to re-examine your priorities. If you think it better to be dead and free rather the alive and see the goverment abuse the ISA..then good luck to you. You actually don’t belong heren nor anywhere in this world.
So is freeedom your goal or prevent goverment abuse your goal?
Or perhaps your goal is just to make the goverment looks bad so you can topple them and take over. If and when that day comes good luck to you and all Malaysians…if you keep the ISA you are a hypocrite but if you abolish it..you risk chaos. You (and we) end up between a hard place and a rock.
More people were detained under the ISA during your regime. Most of the detainees were your opponents. Please do not pontificate on the ISA. You do not have the “moral uprightness” to talk about this matter, Tun!
Salam Tun,
Kecewa sangat apabila nasihat Tun pasal ISA dan ISA (calon Bagan Pinang) tidak diterima pakai…..Kalau nasihat Tun pun depa x mau dengar, apa lagi kalau dari rakyat marhaen…kecewa sangat…
Ibarat macam tali pinggang, dipakai bila nak diguna je….
Salam Sejahterakepada Tun dan keluarga.
1)Saya setuju 100% tetang apa yang Tun hujjahkan berkenaan ISA.
2)Saya sangat bersetuju sekali kalau Tun menjadi penasihat kerajaan.Sekarang Malaysia telah jauh tersasar dalam apa bidang sekali pun.
3)Dulu banyak pelabur asing melabur di negara kita tetapi sekarang HANCUR LEBUR.Mereka berpusu-pusu ke negara jiran.
4)Tun JEMBATAN BENGKOK macam mana Tun? Itu maruah kita, jangan biarkan ia berlalu begitu saja.
Tun may God Bless You and family.
Salam Tun
I am one of the critics of the ISA (as it is used now, not the concept behind it) and I would like to thank you for writing a separate blog addressing this issue.
I believe you when you said you used the ISA not spitefully, but to prevent big clashes between the Malays and the Chinese. If you had not written this blog to tell me about this, I would not have known. This is why I had wished we had http://www.chedet.cc on the very first day you become PM so that we can communicate so closely like this. And I am sure many loving Malaysians would like to communicate closely with a very capable man and (ex)Prime Minister such as how chedet allows.
My criticisms of the ISA does not come from your ikhlas concept behind it but on how it is now actually used by the many current UMNO leaders although I admit Bukit Kamunting really had a fullhouse during Ops Lalang in 1987. But I supposed it showed that you really had the capabilities to be a firm leader calling for a tough stance if the situation warrants it, rather than a ‘dictator’ who wants to keep his opponents quiet. I have known you through your writings and through the papers for quite a while to know you are not a bad person.
The problem now is that the ISA is being misused and the Home Minister has absolute powers under the ISA. Many BN federal ministers are also abusing the federal-state hierarchy structure of governance and examples can be seen in the MACC and the Petronas and Sabah/Sarawak petrol and timber royalty.
Anyway, perhaps it is better for it to be abolished if there is nobody currently capable to apply it fairly. It is too powerful a law.
Assalamu Alaikum Tun,
I believe on you and I am in the opinion that you have done the right thing when you applied the ISA on race extremist during your tenure.
In short, ISA is still relevent by taking into consideration our social adn economic structure as well as our multi-religious socities which is very sensitive to touch. Any mistakes in handling Malaysian socities, even the smallest one, could lead to racial tension.
In this respect, everybody must think rationally and try to convice ourself that ISA is a preventive law to preserve national security. ISA is applied for anti-hormony people. We should not allow this country’s hormony’s society to be jeopadised by this small group for their self interest and hiden motive only known to them.
Perhaps if we should established a panel who is appointed by the DYMM, to decide whether to held or release any detainees, not just rely on some powerful/influential figures.
Its difficult to do away with laws like ISA, but it must be carried out properly.
The West favour pre-emptive strike. Kita dengan ISA memadai.
We should send the one who has destroyed the country to ISA to stop him walking around to further destroy the country.
We should send one who is deemed destroying the country to ISA to prevent catastrophe.
Najib is as smart as the destroyer. He named the most famous beachtown in Malaysia as Armytown. Rebranding exercise again such as Islam Hadhari!
Notwithstanding the blood, sweat and tears of our army (two of my siblings are in the army) who wants to visit an army town for relaxation? It is a misnomer for local and global tourism. Yet, Najib is talking and gearing towards globalisation! His synhcronisation is myopic.
This country is bankcrupt of money, ideas and leadership. Biar menang sorak, tak apa!
People who are drowning are desperate to cling onto anything even to the extend of bringing the country and everyone else down.
As a preventive before we are drowned in violence and turmoil use the ISA.
YABhg Tun,
….can anyone tell me what the bloody hell is this…ISA??
….is it the one that can get you into Guantanamo..??
Drug Trafficking can get you…hanged! Dead..!! Can’t top that punishment for an offence…can you. Why the opposition not making noice about that! Is it because of the fact that…drug traffickers are not politicians…???
Good thing about the other “ISA….” though. Heard, he was announced as the BN candidate for Bagan Pinang. Now..that is one happy…ISA!!! That’s one ISA…everbody would love to be in his shoes right now!!
To put things simply, the ISA is analogous to nuclear weapons. Given that Malaysia don’t have nuclear weapons, the ISA is as close to a nuke that can be, and the unfortunate thing is that it can only be used on its own people.
Everybody would like to have nukes since it is so powerful and nobody wants it to be used as it causes so much destruction and side-effects.
The nuclear-capable countries have clear and defined protocols for escalation leading to the authority to launch a nuclear strike. Most of all the ‘keys’ to the button to launch can never be held by one person.
As it is now, the way the ISA can be invoked is equivalent having the keys to launch held by one person (the Home Minister).
If we really cannot do away with the ISA (I’d rather we do away with it), we had better make it really difficult to invoke it. Ie., all (including a portion of the opposition) should be in agreement as to what constitues a legitimate threat to NATIONAL security. A national security threat should be one that transcends political divides.
Currently, the judge and executioner are the same for the ISA to be invoked since it bypasses the courts. Imagine having the home minister and the government of the day to have the keys to nukes and can use it anytime … on its own people.
Dear Tun,
Selamat Hari Raya! I believed there are goods and bads. The bad if it been abused, and the good is so far our country is in peace. Is not wrong if we do away with ISA and let see what happen to this country? If problem rise, then it will be a good reason for the ISA to be continue. I can see no one in this country likes ISA especially the politicians, to them ISA is not “Internal Security Act” but “I Simply Arrest”! Good health to you TUN & Family.
Assalammu’alaikum Ayahanda Tun dan Bonda Tun Hasmah,
Mereka yang minta dihapuskan ISA sebenarnya adalah yang dah ketandusan akal anugerah Allah.Dan kebanyakan mereka yang melalak ini adalah orang Melayu yang mengaku ISLAM.Adakah Islam mengajar kita menderhaka kepada pemimpin atau ketua kita? Kita boleh membantah tetapi ada tertibnya, ada caranya, ada sopannya….perbuatan yang telah ditunjukkan oleh mereka-mereka ini amat memalukan dan menjijikkan.Inikah cara orang Islam??? Penganut ugama lain terkejut, hairan,keliru dan kebanyakannya ketawa melihat gelagat orang Islam ini….Ke mana perginya IMAN, AKIDAH kalian??? Sama-samalah kita bertaubat dan menginsafi keterlanjuran ini. Kembalilah kepada kesucian ISLAM yang sebenarnya. Janganlah kita menafikan keESAANNYA, KEBESARANNYA….Janganlah terpedaya dengan tipu helah SYAITAN dan mereka-mereka yang mendalangi huru-hara ini.Islam sedang diperlekehkan…bersatulah hamba-hamba ALLAH dan umat Muhammad S.A.W. Tegakkan dan pertahankan ISLAM. Renungkanlah dan lu pikirlah sendiri….
Kepada Ayahanda Tun, semoga ALLAH memberikan HidayahNya dan kekuatan agar terus memberikan nasihat dan bimbingan kepada anak Melayu dan Islam serta rakyat Malaysia amnya.Hanya Allah yang Maha Mengetahui niat suci ayahanda untuk ugama, bangsa dan negara.
Assalamualaikum Tun Yang Amat Dihormati,
1.Menyokong penuh akta atau undang-undang negara yang melindungi negara dan rakyat daripada anasir yang boleh membawa kemudaratan.
2.Ancaman datang dalam pelbagai bentuk tidak kira masa.Samada dicetuskan oleh rakyat negara ini sendiri atau ancaman daripada luar.Pencegahan awal,salah satunya ialah ISA.Kita tidak boleh merasakan negara kita akan sentiasa aman dan selamat selamanya.Kerana adanya undang-undang sebegini,negara kita sentiasa aman.Kenapa segelintir mereka harus takut dengan ISA,jika mereka tidak membuat salah?Hanya mereka yang menyimpan niat menghasut dan ingin melakukan kerosakan yang ‘menggelabah’ dengan akta ini.Mereka yang menyokong pula hanya mengikut ‘skrip’pemimpim mereka yang melaungkan akta ini kejam,tanpa mengetahui kesan sekiranya akta ini dimansuhkan.Jangan pula sudah terhantuk baru tergadah.Sudahlah anggota keselamatan seperti polis tidak menang tangan dengan kes-kes yang banyak sekarang ditambah pula dengan karenah pembangkang yang tidak sudah-sudah membawa masalah,apakah hendak ditambahkan lagi beban kepada mereka dan negara?Masa dan kos pula terpaksa dihabiskan untuk soal keselamatan negara yang sepatutnya diambil sebelum terjadi apa-apa kejadian yang tidak diingini(‘prevention is always better than cure’).Agenda pembangunan negara akan terjejas,justeru itu memberi impak secara langsung kepada rakyat itu sendiri.
3.Kepada mereka yang ‘melalak’inginkan ISA dimansuhkan,apakata mereka ini dinasihatkan ‘join’anggota keselamatan seperti polis.
4.Bagi saya,tindakan Tun adalah tepat pada 1987,sekiranya tidak dilakukan sudah tentu transformasi cemerlang yang dilihat sekarang tidak berlaku,kerana banyak masa terpaksa dihabiskan untuk menyelesaikan isu-isu yang sengaja dibangkitkan oleh pihak yang tidak bertanggungjawab(Lim Kit Siang,salah seorang pemimpin yang suka membangkitkan isu perkauman).Lihat sahaja pemerintahan PM-5 yang lemah,maka banyak pihak yang ‘naik lemak’,tambahan sekarang dengan perkembangan teknologi internet dan sebangainya,khabar angin dan ‘cerita jahat’ senang tersebar.
5.Mungkin boleh diperbaiki akta ini,tetapi untuk memansuhkannya akan mengugat keharmonian,keselamatan dan kesejahteraan negara,
semasa dan masa hadapan.
Akhir kata,terima kasih kepada Tun di atas jasa dan keikhlasan Tun kepada negara.Semoga Tuhan sentiasa melindungi dan merahmati Tun.
Salam Tun,
I thought last night I saw your article titled GLC here? & now it’s gone?…
I thought I wanna use that on that unknown level4 Omar Mustafa chap!
Why is kj’s kaki still around in Najib’s time??? Najib doesn’t have his own set of “clever” kids, ke?
Hope you could please post that good article demi Malaysia, up again.
Thank you, Tun.
Aslkm Ybg Tun,
Those people who calls for the abolishment of the ISA is living in a fantasy world.By the time you bring the culprits to Courts, lives would have been lost. It would be too late. The Gov’t would be blamed for not taking preventive measures. ISA must be maintained but must not be abused. Politicians must not be exempted from being detained under the ISA as they are the most expert in fanning racial or religious sentiment.
Dear Tun,
Allow me to respond to Adam.
I agree with you . I had a look at DAP blog and some of the chinese blog. Yupp.. they certainly give us a good bashing.
I just want to share with everybody about a poll done in America.
Polls shows most American consider racism a problem.
Blacks more than twice as likely to call racism a serious problem.
Almost half of whites and blacks say they know someone who is racist.
Only a few of either race say they are racially biased themselves.
If the poll is done in Malaysia, I suppose the result would be almost the same , with different colours.
Here is a comment an ethnic minority women in UK says
” I have more trouble being a woman than being a minority”
My own experience when I worked as a houseman in a UK hospital. When I introduced myself to a patient and told her I was going to get her history and followed by examination. She shouted at the top of her voice ” I do not want any coloured people to touch me, I only want white people” . Yupp… and that happened in one of the ” civilised ” society.
For those who thinks they are so high and mighty and that they are right 100% of the time please think hard. We are all human with failings.
I wonder, those who asks for equality for everybody or asking us to follow the UK system. What if 50 years down the road, the permanent residents from Indonesia requests they get to vote and get equal everything… what would be their opinion ?
Until then Tun, take care of yourself. I suppose you are used to bashings from left, right or any direction that one could think of.
Salam hormat.
Dear Tun,
1. Kalau kita hendakkan negara yang bebilang bangsa hidup aman damai, kita tidaklah usahlah hendak berhujah panjang lebar lagi dengan memainkan sentimen rakyat supaya ISA dimansuhkan.
2. Memang tepat sekali ISA mesti dikekalkan.
3. Janganlah cuba hendak bermain api, akibatnya nanti akan makan diri sendiri.
4. Mereka yang beria-ia supaya ISA dimansuhkan adalah mereka yang berkepentingan sempit yang kononnya ISA melanggar Hak Asasi Manusia.
5. Hak Asasi Manusia digunakan oleh mereka sebagai satu cara untuk menyenangkan mereka memperjuangkan agenda sempit mereka.
6. Mereka tidak dapat menggunakan senjata yang paling popular sekali untuk cepat menjadi jaguh kepada bangsanya dengan memainkan api perkauman dan agama.
7. Mereka jahil atau pura-pura jahil seolah ISA ini tidak memberi kebebasan bersuara.
8. Kita mesti terima hakikat bahawa kebebasan bersuara yang mutlak (abolute freedom of expression) akan membawa padah kepada keamanan negara.
9. Rakyat negara kita belum lagi boleh diiktaraf sebagai bangsa yang mempunyai budaya yang “tolerant” antara kaum.
10. Rakyat negara kita senang dipengaruhi oleh extremist kaum dan agama.
11. Akhir kata, ISA adalah satu akta yang paling berkesan sekali untuk mencegah “makhluk perosak” yang inginkan negara kita dalam keadaan tidak stabil dan hura-hara.
12. Itulah agenda mereka. Mereka akan sentiasa gunakan ISA ini sebagai wadah mereka untuk terus melaungkan supaya ISA dimansuhkan untuk tujuan politik sempit mereka.
The question of whether or not the ISA is justified is a moot point. Detention without trials is common place and central to the administration of civil, criminal and international law. It is not without precedent or controversy for the fact at least in common law countries, it appears on the face of its implementation to be unconstitutional.
As long as the ISA remains within statutory confines it is lawful. If it is not, the constitution then provides for the executive to exercise its powers to make such ordnances to cater for situations where a threat or impending danger lurks.
There are many aspects of the administration of civil, criminal and international law in most countries that appear to be either unconstitutional or at least a breach of accepted interpretations of civil liberty or
Ayahanda Tun,
Three names were submitted to Najib by the UMNO Youth and Najib is presently deciding between the three names and its no easy task.
1) Isa
2) Abdul
3) Samad
Additional names on list:
1) Tan
2) Sri
Salam Tun.
To pakpandir08 – reporter?? To me, as a normal rakyat, I do find him “threatening” to the stability of this country of mine (as much as it is yours). So, please think of the REAL Majority peaceful rakyat Malaysia.
ie. NOT your own “perasan majority” group. Just because one is “LOUD”, that does not make one a “majority”; or, your LOUD group, like an entire rakyat’s “voice”!.. Get Real.
Until you realize this simple fact, maybe then, will you & your LOUD demo-hungry people tak jadi ‘pakpandir’ lagi…
Thank you, Tun.
Salam Tun.
ISA masih diperlukan kerana ianya masih relevan dalam situasi semasa. Cuma sedikit pembaharuan dan pengubahsuaian mungkin diperlukan. Kita, sebagai rakyat malaysia yang sentiasa menghormati undang-undang dan memelihara keamanan serta keselamatan tidak perlu takutkan ISA.
p/s: errr… ISA di Bagan Pinang saja tak diperlukan …hehe
G’ Day Tun,
Thank you for your comprehensive description of ISA and what it mean to the security of the country. I often wonder how it works and why it create so much publicity. I guess the only thing we could do is to ensure that the system is managed properly and review from time to time. Thanks again
saya mempertahankan Akta ini. nempak gayanya kita mempunyai pemikiran yang serupa. Mungkin kita boleh bekerjasama hahaha.
Sebenarnya saya telah membaca isu ISA dalam blog TS Sanusi Junid. Tahulah saya akan kebenarannya.
In the past [including when you were in charge], the detention of some people really LOOKED like it was politically motivated. Can’t really blame the people.
Some people don’t realize the importance of such acts. A good explanation backed with proof about the relevancy of the act would help, perhaps? The so called forum/debate [or whatever you call it] between KJ and Zaid Ibrahim had lacked content. Give the people reasons why we still must have this act.
The act may seem barbaric to some people. But in my opinion, stay out of trouble, and you won’t be detained. That is of course, IF the present ministers don’t use it for their own benefits.
And if you say that you really hadn’t used it for you own gain, then I’m glad to hear that.
Selamat Hari Raya Tun Mahathir.
Young and Naive.
Salam kasih dan salam hormat Ayahanda Tun.
Hishamudin is going for the Durex corner here. As could be plainly observed, Durex has been the main sponsor
Salam Tun,
Maaf lari sedikit dari topik,
mengenai kg Buah Pala, Saya agak kelakar apabila membaca di sebuah blog pembangkang yang menguraikan tanah kg buah pala tersebut adalah tanah seorang inggeris, kita kena ingat inggeris membuat penjanjian dengan sultan muhamad jiwa iaiatu sultan kedah mengenai perlindungan daripada siam tetapi inggeris telah menipu sultan kedah secara tidak langsung penjanjian sepatutnya sepatutnya telah terbatal , tanah tersebut adalah tanah sultan kedah dan sepatutnya tanah pulau pinang kembali semula kepada negeri kedah
“Prevention is better than cure.” it to late to take action after the incident happened..but dont misused the law for personnal or political seek.
tahniah tun kerana berani bangkitkan isu isa, walau it may back fire to u.
isa adalah akta & penguatkuasaan amat penting terutama negara yg multiracial macam malaysia. no dispute of its existance. walabagaimanapun, kelemahan akta ini adalah terdedah kepada salah guna kuasa oleh menteri dalam negeri. seperti yg berlaku dalamk tempoh pemerintahan tun dlm kes ops lalang & kes dato seri anwar.
atau zaman tun hussein, yg mana directified oloeh tun samasa mengambilalih negara.
akta yg perlu ini, boleh ditambahbaik dgn cadangan:
1) kuasa menteri dalam negeri (isa) boleh dibatalkan oleh dymm agong
2) dalam tempoh 3 bln, pihak pendakwaan perlu membuktikan prima facie di mahkamah, sblm proceed dgn penahanan.
3) kuasa penahanan diputuskan oleh hakim seperti proses pengeluaran waran oleh mahkamah kepada polis.
dengan ini barulah dapat diterima oleh mangsa, keluarga mangsa, majlis peguam, parti pembangkang & rakyat khasnya.
ketiga tiga cadangan di atas adalah untuk tutup ruang salah guna kuasa yg boleh dibuat dgn ammat mudah & berjuta alasan. tun lebih mengetahui.
apa kata tun?
Dearest Tun,
Before Mr Obama took over US, people like Tony Fernandez, Adrianna Teoh, Alex Yoon were viewed as famous, aggressive and succesful just because they were covered by Prestige, Tattler, VVIP magazines and media press.
I never favour people like him, he is just only a donald trump. He is one of the culprit who caused the downfall of UMNO and made other races go aginst UMNO. Too ambitious, bodoh arrogant, he is a ZERO, and without Tun he is nobody, and today he is KJ’s trusted friend. Tony and KJ should never be allowed in our KEMENTERIAN if Tun want stability and growth in Malaysia. However, putting them into private sectors are good!!
Tun, please rest and you are thinner now in the picture.
Tak payah la Tun nak comment lagi pasal ISA. ISA might be appropriate during your and your predecessors time. Now things have changed
Salam Tun,
Looking at the current political situation now, ISA should not be abolished. ISA should be used on NGOs like paria HINDRAF and the song writer for ‘Negarakuku’ who had blatantly make fool of the national anthem, Islam, azan and the Malay people in general, but your predecessor AAB took it very lightly when tackling the issue. He has truly no balls to impose ISA to a 23yo chinese young man who had almost caused racial clashes in Malaysia during his premiership.
Yes, ISA is forever…
Thank you
i think it’s all depend on who’s the boss.
Assalamualaikum Tun, our Malaysia hero,
I agree with you 120% on the issue od ISA. It should be retained because of national security, for me personally the question of it being relevant or not is not the real issue, but the thing is if I don’t intend to do any harm to stability of our beloved country then why should I be afraid of ISA.
I don’t think that an ordinary citizen of Malaysia can be arrested if he or she hasn’t done any thing that could threaten the national security like what happened is the USA, just because having the same name as a suspected so called “terrorist” you wil be sent to Guantanamo Bay detention camp.
The bottom line is that if you don’t intend to spark a fire that could destroy our beloved nation, then you don’t have anything to worry about. Sometimes it makes me wonder why nuar berahim going around saying that he will be detained under ISA and then turn around and start a demonstration against the ISA. It seem that he wants to provoke the government to take action and detained him under the ISA and delay the justice proses that he will be facing charges against him in court on the sodomy trail. Well its like what Sun Tzu said “attack is the best form of defence” but for me is better to face the problem and deal with it rather than blaming someone else. Stand up and be a man and don’t be a coward.
In short we still need ISA because with this new world order enemies not only come from abroad but within our nation too with the intentions to divide and tear us apart and rob us of our independence that we have achieved and built for half a century.
Lastly, Tun keep on educating us so that we become more informed of what is really going on in this beautiful nation of ours, and for that we love you Tun. “Hidup Tun Dr Mahathir, our national hero and treasure” and may Allah bless you and all of us always. Aminnn….
Salam Tun,
One of the latest reasons that lead to 2008 crisis in US was due to the issuance of Green Cards (PR Status) which allow and encourage Foreign Direct Investments base on trust and civic consciousness. Today, US had learned the lesson, and the price that US paid involves trillion dollars.
To those hypocrites without “trust” and “civic conciousnes” would definitely agreed to retain the ISA as a “tool”. Yes, there is a need for preventive detention in Malaysia because without it, the threat racist extremists would undermine the stability of this country and extreme racialism can lead to violence.
Majority of our Malaysians are not civic consciousness icluding our BN and PR leaders and members, like we say, Ketua tanpa sivik kencing berdiri, pengikut2 pasti akan kencing berlari and this will cause instability in our education system, politic and economic landscapes that could lead to serious threat to the country which we must not take them lightly.
ISA cannot be replaced by a court hearing because Judges and lawyers can be bribed to pass unfair judgment and the case can be dragged by unforeseen hands. Furthermore, ISA had been abused due to racism and favouritism, and we cannot run away with it, hence, there must be a clear cut provision as to when it could be used.
Yes, I agreed with Tun that the period should be shortened to one year and six monthly review be carried out by properly qualified individuals who are trustworthy, civic conciousness and must have country’s heart beside a desire to maintain human rights.
Tun, we don’t expect this explanation would be accepted by our detractors and is normal. Be passionate and and put ourselves in their shoes because we are human beings. The worst detractor (enemy) maybe ourselves and they may be our best friends, trusted aides and relatives, and the late Saddam Hussein of Iraq is a good example of “betrayal by own cousins and trusted aides” who got him caught and sentenced to death in kangaroo court by Bush & Blair. Thousands Iraqis were killed, and those who might have indirectly caused death to these Iraqis would never ever admit that they have done sins because they favoured Uncle SAM’s strategy..!!
Good day Tun.
LOL – I especially liked your comment – “Detractors would never admit to being wrong.”
I guess, you’re like the person who says while it’s right for you, its wrong for others…and you write a blog to justify your position. That would not make you a detractor…
The same applies for you, you have never been wrong all the time.
And that frustrates me…And these people in power are the biggest hypocrites…they insist their rights need to be protected, but not of others…they have money and position to protect them!
How is that makes them hypocrites? “they insist on their rights be protected, not others” that is not showing any sign of obvious hypocrisy, less they claim they would protect.
Some of your blogs attract racially insensitive comments. Some of your blog raises comments that under your administration:
1/ you would not have allowed it to be published
2/ you would have used the issue to put such people under detention for raising those ill comments (and stirring racially insensitivities)
Stirring racially insensitivities? take a peek at some of DAP blog? and might as well check out those Chinese chatting box, and you will see limitless insults on Islam, and the Malays without anyone say a word about it.
I could read Chinese, I know there are a lot of newspaper which propagates racism but they are still fine without acting taken on them, and it is not the only one, some racist comments in Chinese can be seen that often.
When some unwanted facts and truth is mention, it is like making some people unhappy.
However, now you have retired – you dont see it as a personal responsibility to maintain principles. Its not your headache, but of your successor(s). In fact, you provide a platform for such poor behavior and irresponsible comments.
Stating some facts about race is not irresponsible at certain points when truth is needed and/or under certain limitations allowed, except when someone recklessly engage in racial insult without any solid reasons to do so.
So, if you maintained policies in your administration because they were for the greater good of the country, then why don’t you stop being a hypocrite and chastise those who irreponsibly comment on your blog?
Why dont you ask LKS and some others to chastise their irresponsible readers first? Insults on religion is very sensitives.
Well you wouldn’t because your argument would then be “everyone’s entitled to an opinion”…the argument between us would then proceed to “what about all those who did have an opinion when you were PM and you just stifled them? What about Tunku who you censured?”
It does not necessarily going to be, “everyone’s entitled to an opinion”. It could be something else such – there are many comments each day, and it is not easy to moderate dozens of comments at once.
Sir…as you see, there is no end to this tit-for-tat between us…does that make me a detractor…absolutely…that’s how you would label those who go against your views…what about a person/persons entitled to an opinion? LOL
Yes, that is what you would label those who said something against your view as well. Except there might be differences in names. May not be labelled as “Detractor”, but something more fancy.
Vicious cycle Tun – anyway keep spinning your versions..and I’ll keep detracting…
Despite many people condemning the ISA they do not realise the internal security advantage it gives to the people. With the existance of ISA itself seems to deter many a racial extremist and minimize the threat of Malaysian that would undermind its security. The ISA will need to be reviewed to stay relevant as you say.
And your explanation is very on the nose when explaining that it is a preventive act. I never thought of it that way. To differentiate other acts with ISA in that way. Thanks again Tun.
The US actions was as always contradicting in the way they say they do things and the way they actually do things, no surprise there. They will criticise this and that. Not that I dislike Americans just their leaders that have pre conceived notions of us.
By Ceylonese LawyerAuthor Profile Page on September 28, 2009 9:59 PM
Tun Yang Amat Dikasihi. Terima kasih atas penjelasan Tun berkaitan dengan isu yang sensitif ini. Diharap kerajaan faham tujuan kita mempunyai ISA ini dan tahu cara menggunakannya. Semoga rakyat marhaen tidak teraniya dengan akta ini. Salam untuk Tun Hasmah.
Ayahanda Tun,
Saya setuju sangat agar dikekalkan ISA.Sebabnya, ia ibarat insurance bagi mengekalkan keamanan negara kita.
Orang macam saya , rakyat jelata apa ada hal.Tak buat salah,takut apa.
Yang takut ni orang yang banyak buat perangai.Kena tangkap memang padan muka.
Sekian dari saya from Kuala Pilah.
By chillsberryAuthor Profile Page on September 29, 2009 12:07 AM
I hate to say this Tun, but what will happen to this country when you are gone? i admire you Tun but the only thing i feel angry with you when you fail to prepare your successor well.
you love to think we’re following other countries. but we are different as you can see – we detain people to protect them, and so far in the new administration they have not detained someone politically linked to BN. well, we malaysians are not stupid.
anyway, who has the final say on when the ISA can be used to detain someone? is it the home minister? the PM? the police? is there a requirement to publicly justify their detention immediately to the nation? i think the nation should know of this person if he is so dangerous immediately. don’t you feel so? “Nothing but wind” is right that an ISA supreme council may be a good option. (but please leave our stupid home minister and his allies out of it, malaysians don’t need to be protected in a cell for god’s sake.)
you may like to think of this law as a preventive law. but our future leaders might not feel it needs to be used as a preventive law. it is very much open to abuse, not only by BN but any party that may lead the country in the future. is there any way of preventing abuse of this law? or is there any law to protect abuse of detainees detained under this act, because as yet they can be detained and tortured without them knowing the real reason.
Salam Tun,
saya ingin bertanya ada tak negara didunia ini yang tidak mempunyai ISA lansung atau akta yang sama seperti ISA? Dalam keadaan manakah sesebuah negara tidak memerlukan ISA atau yang serupa dengannya. Setahu saya, semua negara mempunyai Akta yang boleh disamakan dengan ISA, mungkin terminology sahaja yang tidak serupa.
Salam Tun
Dalam keadaan negara majmuk yang masih tidak ada keseimbangan ekonomi di antara kaum, ISA memang diperlukan..tapi mestilah digunakan sebaik mungkin tanpa dimanipulasi oleh mana-mana pihak..adil yang penting disini..ISA ada di Singapura, bahkan undang-undang macam ISA ada di Amerika Syarikat..Lihat sahajalaa Teluk Guatamao yang masih tidak ditutup itu?Tapi dalam konteks Amerika Syarikat, mereka telah menyalahgunakan..
Heran juga Tun, hari itu diaorang buat demo hapuskan ISA..kenapa diaorang tak buat demo hapuskan sahaja Teluk Guatamao yang terdiri daripada ramai orang Islam yang tak bersalah????Memang cukup menyusahkan betul2 Perosak Rakyat (PR) ini..sehinggakan peniaga-peniaga yang berniaga pun susah..kebetulan saya berada di Pasar Seni waktu itu, diaorang siap ada T-Shirt lagi..siapa yang sponsor mereka Tun? Yang herannya rata-rata diaorang nie bukan orang KL..sampai nak naik LRT di Stesyen Pasar Seni pun bertanyakan orang..nampak sangat orang luar..orang KL buat tak heran jer..lepas tue menyusahkan orang kerana berlaku kesesakan lalu lintas di KL hari tue..diaorang tue sepatutnya mintak maaf kepada keseluruhan masyrakat KL yang ingin menikmati cuti dengan lapang dada bukan dengan keadaan serabut dengan kesesakan lalu lintas..Apa diaorang dapat?Menyusahkan orang sahaja..
Yang memalukannya, rata-rata Melayu…buat demo kat tempat Melayu..kalau berani buatlaa kat Petaling Street dan Bukit Bintang..mana pergi perjuang2 ISA dari DAP???Sedarlaa..golongan DAP ini memang cukup pandai..Cuba tengok isu Bagan Pinang…DAP laga2kan UMNO dan PAS..padahal diaorang tak bertanding..senyap sahajalaa!!!Jagalah negeri mereka di Pulau Pinang..bukan Bagan Pinang…
Sepatutnya orang Melayu kena tau agenda tersirat DAP ini…kononnya PAS berkawan dengan DAP kerana nak tarbiah mereka..Tarbiah apa bendanya..kalau terang-terangan langkah mayat aku dulu???
PAS janganlah diperbodohkan oleh DAP lagi dengan menjadi jaguh ISA ke depan, tetapi DAP sendiri tak nampak batang hidung..Jadi ISA memang diperlukan supaya takde manusia yang bertalam dua muka seperti DAP..DAP kalau nak mintak ISA dihapuskan..suruh abg mereka di Singapura, PAP mansuhkan dulu..lepas tue baru boleh fikir mansuhkan ISA di Malaysia..kalau tidak tutup mulut jerlaa DAP yerr!!!!..
Dear Tun,
IMHO on democracy, is there such thing as if we vote against one government (elected by majority) then we shd/have to/must go against in everything, in everyway, in every sense? Eventhough if it were to brings more good? In my “shallow” understanding, once majority has chosen then we agree that the chosen is to GOVERN YOU! If we go otherwise, obviously we’re ANTI-DEMOCRACY to the bone! We only support democracy if we wins but we’ll go all-out stumping over it if we lose. That is sooo sick! and I’m seeing them among us. Ugly sights indeed.
Good day sir!
Assalamulaikum Dear Tun and fellow bloggers,
I think I am not late in saying Selamat Hari raya Aidilfitri. Firstly I would like to stress out that I am a keen supporter of ISA since I knew the word peace. For me, I like to have a strong government who think for the majority silent people who preferred a good stability in this blessed nation, my beloved Malaysia.Different country will have different political approach in maintaining peace but for Malaysia, we have the reliable ISA which have been proven to prevent a lot of mishap and tragedy from occurring. Like Tun written regarding OPS Lalang, I know that Tun acted based on national interest. ISA also stopped many possibilities that can destroy our nation like the Al-Arqam movement, HINDRAF act of defiance, DSAI plot on overthrown an elected government through people street power, Jemaah Islam Malaysia (JIM)for alleged terrorist plan, Teresa Kok (Seputeh MP)for insulting Islam, Raja Petra (blogger Malaysia Kini) as well as few Chinese paper journalists who tried to increase racial tension and many more. Many foreigners will think that it is unjust for detaining them but they do not know that in Malaysia where no 1 race can claimed to be majority. For observation,
Estimated Population in Malaysia for 2007
Saya setuju penjelasan Tun;
Untuk itu saya perlu beri satu iktibar yang boleh dikaitkan agar mereka yang mempertikaikannya faham.
Dunia sekarang di landa wabak A(H1N1), suspects(yg ada tanda-tanda penyakit ini) perlu ditahan dan dikuaratin. Kaedah ini akan digunakan walau siapa pun menerajui negara.
So, bagaimana pula dengan mereka yang didapati ada tanda-tanda membawa penyakit seperti(ada penyakit suka menghasut, penyakit suka buat kacau, penyakit hasad dengki dan dendam, ada penyakit yg sentiasa tidak puas hati menganggap mereka saja yang betul dan orang lain tak betul??). Cuba menarik orang lain agar sekongkol dengan mereka.
Orang seperti ini juga dinamakan berpenyakit. Penyakit itu berpotensi tersebar dan berjangkit yg boleh membawa kemudaratan kepada negara yang telah elok dibina.
Jadi perlu ditahan dan dikuarantin, demi untuk keselamatan negara yang telah elok aman & makmur.
Ketahui lah, mereka yang berpenyakit ini cuma diasingkan saja bukan ada apa-apa kemudaratan pun pada mereka. Makan, pakai, perubatan semua cukup. Cuma perlu diasingkan saja agar penyakit yang dibawa tidak merebak dan merosakkan minda orang lain.
YAB Tun,
Negara akan menuju kearah kehancuran sekiranya ISA dihapuskan. Langkah pencegahan adalah terbaik dalam negara yang berbilang kaum,ugama dan kebudayaan saperti malaysia. ISA boleh digunakan segera keatas mana-mana pihak yang cuba meniupkan api perkauman dan perkara-perkara yang sensitif menyentuh kebebasan berugama dsb. Malaysia saperti diperuntukan dalam Perlembagaan adalah negara Islam tetapi mengiktiraf kebebasan kepada penganut ugama lain. Banyak isu berkaitan sensitiviti ugama yang tidak dapat ditandatangani dengan undang-undang yang lain melainkan dengan ISA. Tindakan pencegahan sebelum mala petaka yang lebih besar. Banyak contoh di dunia ini yang kita patut kita pelajari saperti permusuhan antara puak di Lebanon sehingga menghancurkan tamadun sebuah negara dan permusuhan antara kaum di Rwanda sehingga beratus ribu rakyat disembelih tanpa belas.
Malaysia berjaya memerangi komunisma semasa zaman dharurat sebahagian besar kerana ISA dan negara berjaya berada pada tahap sekarang kerana kestabilan politik melalui penggunaan ISA yang berkesan.
Golongan yang menentang ISA mengharapkan sesuatu yang bebas supaya mereka bebas bergerak untuk menabur fitnah kepada Kerajaan dan memainkan sentimen perkauman bagi memancing undi. Kepada mereka mendapat kuasa adalah agenda utama sekarang.SelepaS berkuasa mereka akan menyanyi dengan nada yang berlainan bagi mengekalkan kuasa. Lim Guang Eng menjadi contoh terbaik yang sanggup menghadiri majlis berbuka puasa dimerata tempat untuk mempengaruhi orang Melayu dan menunjukan sifatnya sebagai seorang pemimpin yang berjiwa saperti Khalifah Islam termashur tetapi boleh ke kita membaca isi hatinya yang sebenar. Orabg Melayu Pulau Pinang sudah terpengaruh dengan nya. Lim Kuan Yew melakukan perkara yang sama dengan orang Melayu Singapura diperingkat awal kepimpinanya. Malahan orang Melayu dilantik sebagai Preseden Pertama Singapura. Tetapi apa yang ada pada orang Melayu Singapura hari ini. Betul mereka lebih mewah dari orang Melayu di M
Salam Tun dan sekeluarga
6. At this point visitors to this blog are likely to say I did the same. I admit I did detain people under the ISA in the 1987 Ops Lalang. But it was not because they were members of the opposition. The police had informed me that there was likely to be RACIAL CLASHES over the issue of CHINESE education and the intention of SOME UMNO MEMBERS to hold a million strong demonstration in K.L.
Jelas sekali apa yang berlaku adalah taktik PECAH DAN PERINTAH yang digunakan oleh org2 politik dari kedua-dua belah pihak. Rakyat juga yang susah, ironinya negara2 yang mengamalkan DEMOKRASIlah paling banyak berlaku huru-hara.
This sort of thing can only be appreciated when those opposing it experience damning scenarios such as riots and communism.
Fortunately rather, we live in a peaceful country so within the last couple of decades nothing serious had happened.
As usual the Malaysian ‘way’ – dah kena batang hidung sendiri baru tau – if we remove ISA and bad things happen then only those people, mostly the young generations, would appreciate ISA.
To those people – stop kidding yourself. We don’t live in a perfect world. There are so many bad guys out there.
Salam Tun,
Kebanyakan mereka yang bantah tidak tahu kegunaan ISA yang sebenarnya , mereka banyak dipengaruhi org2 tertentu yang mahu elakkan diri dari ditangkap ISA yang menghalang mereka dari mencapai objektif mereka termasuk gunakan isu ISA untuk menyalahkan kerajaan,ada juga org tidak tahu ISA akan digunakan selepas polis mendapat aduan/laporan/dan siasatan telah dijalankan mendapati jika dibiarkan ia akan menyebabkan kekacauan dan kemudaratan. Golongan muda juga yang buta sejarah dan yang tidak pernah merasai keperitan akibat pergaduhan kaum dan kekacauan komunis dan sebagainya menyebabkan mereka marah terhadap pengunaan ISA ini.Jika kekacauan berlaku cuba fikirkan mengenai ekonomi kita dan sebagainya, jika bom disana sini bagaimana org nak berniaga dan bekerja , semua org akan rasa tidak selamat dan ekonomi malaysia akan hancur ,kuasa asing akan masuk campur dan bermulalah semula era penjajahan.
/// 11. Just because our critics are hypocrites does not mean that we should retain the ISA. But there is a need for preventive detention in Malaysia simply because without this threat racist extremists would undermine the stability of this country. That extreme racialism can lead to violence is not something we can take lightly. ///
This is a very relevant and important point – racist extremists and racialism. To eliminate them, or reduce their impact, we must look at the root cause. How did Malaysia come to this sad state of affairs where everything is defined by race? Who is the biggest culprit? Who craft policies based on race? And who was constantly harping on one race losing power and losing their land?
ISA perlu kekal. Mungkin tiada ancaman komunis pada masa kini. Namun ancaman lain seperti ancaman parti perkauman seperti DAP yang selalu mempertikaikan hak-hak Melayu, kedudukan Islam, kedudukan bahasa Melayu dan hal-hal lain yang sensitif perlu dibendung melalui ISA.
Jika ISA tidak ada, pihak cauvinis kaum tertentu ini akan mengambil kesempatan untuk bercakap sesuka hati mereka tanpa memikirkan kesan terhadap negara dan perasaan kaum majoriti. Mereka hanya mementingkan nasib kaum mereka sendiri sehingga sanggup mempertikaikan apa yang telah termaktub dalam perlembagaan negara.
Mereka hanya melihat kepada perlembagaan jika perkara tersebut menguntungkan mereka. Contohnya artikel mengenai kebebasan bersuara dan beragama. Tetapi jika perkara dalam perlembagaan tidak menepati matlamat mereka, seperti Islam agama rasmi, bahasa melayu bahasa rasmi, hak istimewa orang Melayu, biasiswa, pendidikan dan sebagainya, mereka akan menentang habis-habisan. Malah pada masa ini mereka tergamak campur tangan urusan umat Islam seperti isu arak di Selangor, isu Kartika, dll. Ini kerana kerajaan tidak menggunakan ISA sepenuhnya bagi membendung perlakuan yang boleh membangkitkan rasa tidak puas hati masyarakat Islam dan Melayu. Apatah lagi jika ISA dihapuskan.
Orang Melayu terutama dalam PAS perlu membuat perhitungan jangka panjang dengan puak cauvinis kaum seperti ini dan tidak hanya menurut membuta tuli sehingga sanggup menjadi kuda tunggangan pihak cauvinis ini dengan turun bertempur dengan polis di jalanan, seperti yg berlaku beberapa bulan lalu. Sesungguhnya puak ultrakiasu ini akan menggunakan apa sahaja cara termasuk mempergunakan pihak lain sebagai proxy mereka bertempur dengan polis di jalanan supaya mereka tidak perlu melakukannya.
Dear Tun
To all your detractors, as they will keep on detracting no matter what, they will finally realized that you are the man of your words, you fight for what you stand for. And above all, you have the patient when being criticized that/ which only will reveal your wisdom. Anyway, what are your puny detractors compared to your years of experiences.
But, they will keep on detracting which without they realize, they are detracting only their own self. LOL.
Kepada Tun berdua:
Selamat Hari Raya, Maaf Zahir dan Batin.
ISA = I Simply Arrest
It is a good tool, but one needs to review how it should be utilized.
ISA has the reputation of being the government’s trump card.
Agreed, Tun. Points very clear indeed.
If the opposition still continue with their own selfish hidden ‘human rights’ agenda, just ask them to look at their “boss” down there, the little dot but with humongous & very kiasu ISA.
Controlled democracy is good. Here in Malaysia, hypocrites are very loud.
With respect to racial extremisms, just stick to our Contitution as, as citizens (& of any country in this world), we simply must abide by them to be good/sopan, honourable, respected & loyal citizens.
Free citizenships (jus soli) had long passed. After 52 YEARS it is high time they understand their being here, & respect this land and its known-for-centuries humble & friendly people (yes, whom even agreed to that jus soli deal which no other country would.. by simply giving free citizenships to hard labourers & with numbers in the million at one go!).
I believe until all is mature enough to know this simple truth/fact, they’d be humble/sopan & respect our country’s constitution & everything tied to it (ie. just as anybody would, if they migrate to any other countries in this world!); & only then can we be lenient on the ISA – as this is BASIC 101 for anyone to be citizens of any country in this world.
At the moment, they’re simpy IGNORING their simple duty as citizens to at least, get to know & understand this country’s being, it’s constitution, & everything that’s tied to it.
After more than half-a century, PROVE MUST THEY DO if they’re sincere citizens of this already known Malay Muslim nation that had existed with its own civilizations, & for centuries at that.
Understand, humbleness & respect one another – SIMPLE.
PEACE to all sincere, mature & humble citizens (not selfish, immature/shallow & biadap/arrogant people).
Salam Tun,
From what u explain in ur blog about the ISA was 101% correct.
I;m agreed the ISA must be remained until KIAMAT!!
Dear Tun,
NTV7 held an sms voting sometime back which posed the question :
‘Should ISA be used for those who question the rights of Malays?’
The result was a shocking 80% opposition! Now those ungrateful Malays know why the Chinese are against ISA.
i think you are wrong Tun … i thought (same as others) ISA is used to detente someone with the purpose to protect him/her …
don’t you remember that there is a reporter detained under the act, and the home minister explain the reason of detention is to protect her?
what you have explained seems not the same as what had happened … everyone also have his explanation but sometime it smells so fishy …
hmmm …. everything is so confusing … president Bush said attacking of Iraq is for freedom and human right … don’t know i should trust him or not …. so many people “cakap tak serupa bikin” …
Asalamualaikum Tun
selamat hari raya to you and family. I agree with you 100%.
best regards
Saya setuju pentingnya ISA dipertahankan demi untuk menjaga keselamatan negara ini.
Bagaimanapun tindakan menahan seorang wartawan sebuah akhbar Cina di bawah ISA baru-baru ini dengan alasan demi menjaga keselamatan diri wartawan tersebut adalah satu tindakan yang bukan sahaja bodoh, malah mencacatkan dan mencemarkan tujuan penggunaan undang-undang itu di kaca mata para pengkritiknya.
Saya tidak tahu bagaimana kerajaan ketika itu boleh terlepas pandang menggunakan ISA terhadap wartawan tersebut tetapi ia adalah satu contoh penyalahgunaan yang keterlaluan tindakan preventive law berkenaan.
Saya harap kejadian seperti tersebut tidak akan berulang lagi pada masa-masa akan datang kerana ia secara tidak langsung akan membuktikan kepada orang ramai betapa ISA jika tidak dikawal boleh disalah gunakan oleh pihak-pihak tertentu untuk kepentingan peribadi mereka.
Jika perkara ini berlaku Tun, tiada guna negara ini menjadi sebuah negara maju, jika rakyatnya hidup dalam ketakutan seperti berada di sebuah negara polis.
Tun, saya pernah pergi ke Iraq selepas perang teluk yang pertama, walaupun saya bukan penyokong Amerika Syarikat dan menentang keras pencerobohan negara itu ke atas Iraq, saya dapat merasai bagaimana kehidupan rakyat Iraq yang sentiasa berada dalam keadaan ketakutan di bawah pemerintahan Saddam Hussein.
Rakyat Iraq ketika itu bercakap dengan berhati-hati dan ada yang akan pandang di sekeliling mereka terlebih dahulu apabila bercakap dengan rakyat asing kerana polis rahsia Saddam Hussein sentiasa berada di mana-mana tempat kononnya untuk menjaga keselamatan negara itu.
Pada ketika itu, rakyat asing tidak dibenarkan menggunakan telefon bimbit dan Internet untuk berhubung dengan negara masing-masing. Saya juga percaya perbualan telefon saya semasa berada di sebuah hotel di Iraq ketika itu telah didengar curi oleh polis rahsia negara itu.
Saya bersyukur kepada Tuhan apabila dapat kembali semula ke negara ini dengan selamat dan berada di sebuah negara yang aman dan damai.
Saya harap apa yang berlaku di Iraq tidak akan berlaku di negara ini pada masa-masa akan datang.
Salam Tun.
Akum Tun,
whatever it is, nobody is able to come near to what to what you’ve achieved for this nation of ours…
The problem is, nobody knows how to control it like you did during your years in office…
I don’t blame the ISA for anything… it’s been with us for ages..
During your time, it was also used on certain individuals but did Barisan lose the election?.. nope!!..
It’s not the ISA, it’s not UMNO, it’s not Barisan Nasional, etc…
It’s because of the arrogance of certains individuals in power who think that everytime they open their mouths, everyone else has to shut theirs…
Individuals who only show their ugly faces when it’s election time..
There’s so much much to say… but to say it all now would require me to consume more caffeine.. which I don’t think is vey good..
Till next time!!!
Dear Tun
“I don’t expect this explanation would be accepted by my detractors. But that is normal. Detractors would never admit to being wrong.”
Equally, ‘benevolent dictators’ and supporters of draconian sledgehammer-to-a-fly actions mainly against Opposition politicians will never admit to being wrong! If the threat that led to Ops Lallang had dissipated quickly, why were Kit Siang and Karpal held under 2 year detention orders?
The fact is using the ISA for other than against those who plan to overthrow the Govt, engage in terrorist activities or subvert national security has always been based on iffy and subjective Police and Executive thinking.
Thus a reporter was recently arrested under the ISA ‘for her own protection’ while MP Teresa Kok was hauled up based on rumour and absolutely pathetic investigation and action by the police!!
“But there is a need for preventive detention in Malaysia simply because without this threat racist extremists would undermine the stability of this country. That extreme racialism can lead to violence is not something we can take lightly. We must value our stability because it has made it possible for this country to develop much faster than other countries. ” TDM
This is the usual ‘right to possess nuclear deterrent/profileration false arguement, i.e. plain hogwash!!
There are sufficient provisions in our Penal Court to arrest and charge those who utter racist rhetoric and conduct or insult other religious or engage in actions that would be deemed so. One need not use the ISA and deprive the accused of their rights under the Federal Constitution and UN Human Rights Charter to which M’sia is a signatory. If the police and security forces are on their toes, many a potential disaster can be averted without having to invoke the ISA.
The fact is the ISA is Unconstitutional! You cannot have ‘probable cause’ and ‘innocent unless proven guilty’ provisions in the Consitution and then pass a law like the ISA against citizens. It makes way for lazy Executives and Police.
But who can take you seriously? You condemn Guantanobay but praise Kamunting!!
We are all of 1 race, the Human Race
Akum Tun,
Selamat Hari Raya.
Apa Tun tulis memang betul agar sesiapa yang membaca boleh dijadikan pentunjuk dan hidayah.
I think I know something about this act and its application.- Now there’s an understatement.
The problem I have with ISA it can be abuse by those in power.
Currently there are no checks and balances on ISA.
RPK arrested under ISA-why
You are correct. Knife can be used for dining purpose or may not. Most important depends on how the person uses it.
I hate to say this Tun, but what will happen to this country when you are gone? i admire you Tun but the only thing i feel angry with you when you fail to prepare your successor well.
Selamat Menyambut Syawal buat Yg Bhg Tun,
ISA ni tak lebih adalah kerana negara kita telah mencapai kekayaan. Kalau kita papa kedana, makan kais pagi untuk petang, kais petang untuk esok pagi sudah pasti tak ada masa berfikir pasal ISA. Apatah lagi nak berdemo.
Kalau negara ini miskin, ahli politiknya nak ke parlimen kayuh basikal pakai cawat (bukan pakai kot – sebab sepasang kot tu dah boleh sara duit dapur orang miskin sebulan dua..!), nescaya tak ada yang berlumba jadi juara.
Jadi, makin kita kaya, makin ramai nak jadi juara dan ISA ini hanyalah satu isu saja..
Assalamualaikum Ayahanda Tun.
I have just sign in to your blog. I have been following your comments and critics for sometime and have decided to join in the crowd to leave comments which I think may contribute and it’s purely from my thoughts. Also taking this opportunity to wish you and your family Selamat Hari Raya Maaf Zahir dan Batin.
ISA should be maintain in this country for a simple reasons that is we are living in a multi racial country. Any race tensions created by certain unresponsible politicians may create another May 13 in this country. To avoid this peace loving country ISA should be applied to put those unresponsible persons behind the ISA motivation camp for them to learn and ponder their mistakes. Politicians are making a huge cry to abolish this law for thier own political mileage so that they can have more rooms to voice and create tensions and become hero’s for the day. Normal citizens does not even care about this law.
Thank you.
I do agree that preventive laws are necessary. I feel there is a very thin line between its proper use and abuse. This responsibility, however, lies with our leaders. But before we get leaders we can trust with this heavy responsibility, we have to make the right choices in electing them.
Leaders have to be educated in how to govern responsibly.
The people have to be educated in how to vote responsibly.
The country suffers otherwise.
Like they say, we deserve the leaders we get.
Dear Tun,
1. I agree that a review is timely. ISA has served its purpose for a budding Malaysia.
2. Some kind of preventive law should still be in place to control extremists be it racial, religious etc. Extremists still exists in all parts of the world. Those countries who yelled about human rights would make a lot of noise when one of their life was lost but no remorse whatsoever when thousands and thousands of other peoples life was lost. A third world peoples life is very cheap to them. Sigh!
3. I wish our MP could learn the art of discussing without getting agressive towards the end. I watched a lot of UK parliament discussion when I was a student. They used a lot of strong words too but they did not get aggressive.
4. I believe, professionals from all ethnics should lead their people of how to discuss issues level headedly.
5. In 1996, I attended an induction course for government doctors. There were good compositions of Malaysian malay, chinese and Indian dcotors. We were allowed to discuss sensitive issues which would not be allowed in public. We were able to discuss in a mature manner and not getting agressive towards the end.
6. Yes, Tun, I am glad about this blog because we are able to discuss without getting aggressive. Worst come to worst only the computer suffer injury…he he.
7. Take care Tun.
8. Salam hormat.
I’m almost sure the people who are supporting the anti-ISA movement don’t really know what it actually means…
Mereka hanya membuta buli menyokong pergerakan ini semata-mata pemimpin kesukaan mereka yang ingin memperoleh populariti dengan membuat isu berkenaan kekejaman ISA…
assalamualikum Yang Amat Berbahagia Tun, semoga sehat sehat selalu insallah.Why should anybody be afraid of the ISA?we also have the capital punishment,why should anybody be afraid of it, If we are not a threat to the security of the country, why should we be afraid of the ISA. If we are not a murderer, why should we be afraid of the capital punishment. Whether it is ISA or Capital punishment, they are there to protect the people from murderers and those who are a threat to the security of the country. SO RETAIN the ISA. wasalamualikum.
Salam Tun,
Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri kepada Tun sekeluarga.
Saya sememangnya setuju ISA dikaji semula tetapi bukannya dimansuhkan. Negara berbilang kaum seperti Malaysia semestinya wajib ada “prevention law” kerana masyarakat kita masih belum matang sepenuhnya dan perbalahan kaum boleh terjadi bila-bila masa. Saya juga minta agar pakar dan ulama Islam dapat membuat kajian mendalam tentang “prevention law” dan menasihati kerajaan agar perlaksanaan ISA jelas ternampak adil. Kuasa mutlak menteri perlu diganti dengan sebuah jawatankuasa penasihat yang dianggotai oleh bekas hakim dan bekas pegawai kanan polis dan SUHAKAM.
Golongan yang menjerit,meraung dan berdemonstrasi agar ISA dimansuhkan terus pastinya tidak faham akan kepentingan ISA atau sengaja buat-buat tak faham.Puak-puak Anwar Ibrahim ini tidak perlu dilayan kerana ianya tidak memberi apa-apa kebaikan kepada kerajaan. Cuba kita bayangkan jika Pakatan Pembangkang memerintah, mereka hapuskan ISA, kemudian terjadi rusuhan kaum…maka mereka pasti akan salahkan polis kerana lambat bertindak….maka polis akan jawab dengan berkata bahawa mereka tiada kuasa untuk membuat ‘prevention arrest” walaupun perisikan tahu kumpulan yang mulakan rusuhan…..cuba bayangkan apa akan jadi seterusnya…..
Pak menteri Hismamuddin nampaknya semakin lembab…slow…tak ada rancangan proaktif selama jadi menteri dalam negeri…beliau perlu kuatkan imej PDRM, jadikan PDRM badan yang professional….pemilihan anggota baru perlu lebih kemas…wajibkan perokok tidak boleh dipilih sebagai anggota polis… lebihkan “engagement” dengan semua lapisan masyarakat…tangani jenayah secara sistematik dengan bantuan IT…suruh universiti buat “research paper” berkenaan jenayah dan pastikan “recommendation” dari kajian ini dilaksanakan…kita tidak boleh harapkan cara sedia ada…cari keadah baru…wujudkan “QCC” di Bukit Aman….amalkan konsep “Kaizen”….beri ganjaran sewajarnya kepada anggota yang cekap, jujur,berani dan amanah. Saya harap pak menteri kita tidak rugikan peluang yang diberikan sekarang untuk tunjukkan perubahan positif kepada rakyat…jika tidak seperti Tun sebut…PRU13 jangan menyesal!
Dear Tun,
The ISA shd be retained. We do need such preventive law. The west which critised this law b4 found that they do need such law afterall which they openly adopted it. ISA is nothing compared to what happened in Guantanamo cell by the so called protector of human rights champions!
1 Didoakan semuga Tun bertamabah sihat dan cergas membawa isu-isu baru yang berfaedah kepada bangsa dan negara. Tun membuka ruang kepada Semua orang untuk memberi pandangan samada setuju atau tidak. Isu ISA sangat menarik kerana ada pro dan kontra. Gunakanlah fikiran yang waras dan membina untuk memberi pandangan yang membina supaya menjadi sumber penting bertukar-tukar maklumat antara kita.
2.Tun telah berkali-kali menjelaskan bahawa ISA bertujuan mencegah sebelum perkara buruk dan merbahaya itu berlaku. Jika menunggu sesuatu bahaya itu berlaku baharu hendak mengambil tindakan maka tindakan itu tidak berguna lagi seperti nasi sudah menjadi bubur.
3. Peristiwa 13 Mei berlaku sehingga mengorban banyak nyawa tidak berdosa kerana kerajaan tidak bertindak dengan cepat untuk mencegah perkara itu berlaku. Nasib baik kerajaan dengan segera melaksnakan undang-undang darurat. Jika tidak, tentu setiap bandar di negara ini akan bermandikan darah. Tentu urusan mengembalikan keamanan lebih sukr lagi.
4.Peristiwa buruk tahun 1987 yang menyaksikan ops lalang, satu lagi peristiwa yang patut menjadi pengajarn kepada kita. Pemimpin politik yang memanaskan suasa sangat tidak setuju dengan ops lalang kerana mereka menerima suntikan ISA. Yang menerima suntikan itu bukan sahaja prti-parti pemnbangkang tetapi juga parti UMNO.
5. Parti pembangkang telah mencetuskan isu perkauman dan agama yang sangat merbahaya sehingg orang kampung tanpa disedarinya tiba-tiba sudah berada di KL. Bilangan mereka bukan sedikit. Mereka sanggup melakukan apa sahaja, jika agama, bangsa dan rjanya diperkecil-kecilkan. Nasib baik ops lalang dikuatkuasakan. Sebagai ahli parlimen, saya sendiri menyaksikan pertikaman lidah yang hebat berlaku antara Tun Mahathir dengan pemimpin pengkang yang keluar dari tatasusila perbincangan. Dilaur sana perbincangn di kedai kopi dan di tempat meletak kereta sudah sampai kemuncaknya tetapi belum keluar percikan apinya. Nasib baik ada ops lalang.
6. Memang baik jika ada akta atau undang-undang yang boleh mencegah merebaknya rusuhan dan perang saudara.Akta atau unang-undang itu bolehlah dinamakan dengan apa-apa nama pun, asalkan ia boleh berfungsi mencegah merebak lebih besar penyakit sosial yang semakin menjadi-jadi.
7. Saya bersetuju dengan pendapat yang menyrankn supaya ISA yng diperkenalkan lebih lima puluh tahun dahulu, perlu dipinda dan diubah sesuai dengan keadaan semasa sekarang. Namun keperluannya bukan berasaskan emosi dan bukan kepentingan politik.
8. Saya tidak setuju samasekali, jika ISA itu hendak dihapuskan sama sekali kerana ia akan mengundang perang saudara atau perang agama seperti yang berlaku di Iraq Afghanistan dan lain-lain tempat. Sekarang pun sudah ada bibit seumpama itu tetapi masih ada yang memikirkan kepentingan negara mengatasi segakla-segalanya. Mungkin satu hari nanti emosi telah mengamok dan manusia hilang kewarasannya, maka masa itu, semuanya boleh berlaku. Oleh sebab tiu isa masih dan sangat diperlukan lagi.
sememangnya saya mengakui dan menyokong ISA. tapi yang ketara ialah kebanyakan tahanan ISA adalah orang melayu.
Kenapa ISA tidak digunakan kepada mereka yg bukan orng melayu yg dgn sengaja mencabar “social contect” perpaduan rakyat malaysia??
bahkan ada orang cina yg secara terang2 berani menghina lagu negaraku dan ada yg lebih berani lagi menghina azan dan agama islam. kenapa ISA tidak dilaksanakan sedang ia boleh mencetus rusuhan kaum?
Dear Tun,
Detention without trial v. all are innocent unless proven otherwise. Due process of law v. travesty of justice. To act or not to act.
To the victims, it is abuse and misuse of law. To the goverment, they are simply trouble makers waiting to wreck the nation. But why ISA was requently used against members of the opposition baffled the public. Why was it used selectively? ISA resembles very much like MACC (previously ACA) where it is perceived rightly or wrongly by public as end tool against members of the opposition. Are these oppositions that ‘evil and bad’ whilst those in ruling parties (BN) are that ‘holy and clean’?
I know the goverment rationale or constraints for not using ISA against its own members of the ruling parties (BN) namely those members of the coalitions partners because that would surely drive away the supports of the Chinese, Indian or Malay communities that have been supporting the ruling parties. It makes sense, isn’t it?
Hence, the reasons for selective indictment.
For once, just imagine the families of the victim who are caught in between who have to suffer and endure the sharp pains of having their husband, father or even grandfather locked up under ISA.
We can’t really feel the pain or empathy unless one of our kin or closed ones end up doing times in Kamunting under ISA.
You may have my support in other matter but definitely not on this issue. Hence, I totally agree with you that ISA should be reviewed so that it would be transparent, so that everyone can see the boundary clearly.
For Pete’s sake, I don’t to go to jail for opposing Tun’s view.
With all due respect to Tun’s, I hereby rest my case.
Yours truly,
Din of USA
2. Firstly one must remember that it is a preventive law, that is it is to be applied before a crime is committed. The law cannot be applied after the crime is committed. For this there are other laws.
Kenapa HINDRAF lepas ber-protes? Polis x di beritahu atau memang ini didalangi orang politik? Preventive measure kebenda?
ISA adalah keperluan untuk negara sekecil Malaysia.
Mungkin pada masa yang lalu dan akan datang akan ada pencabulan ke atas fungsi utama ISA.
Kerajaan patut membentuk Suruhanjaya bersama untuk mengkaji bukan sahaja aspek perlaksanaan, tetapi keperluan untuk ianya tidak dapat disalahgunakan dan mengelakkan terhakisnya kepercayaan rakyat.
Apa yang lebih penting lagi adalah bagi mengelakkan ianya dari dimanipulasikan oleh pihak-pihak yang sentiasa ‘membangkang’ walaupun pada sesuatu yang baik kepada negara.
The nations that tout themselves with the most advanced of civilizations and who claim to have achieved the greatest degree of civility seem to be unable to let go of what they would regard as – the ultimate weapon- the nuclear bomb. The cold war is over. There is no enemy with missiles pointed at their civilian centers. Yet not a single leader in Western Europe or North America is prepared to say – that the time has come to destroy these weapons which may harm persons who have not been found guilty on a beyond reasonable doubt standard.
Perhaps they feel that the security of their people necessitates the retention of such an array of weaponry, despite the fact that its need has diminished and that its dangers have grown.
In our context, the danger of this nation being undermined by acts of instigation is real. These acts can, when viewed singularly be regarded as innocent enough- standing on a cow’s head so what. But a combination of these acts coupled with the actions and reactions that follow will have as their probable consequence the fanning of racial and religious sensitivities. The momentum that such a spiral could gather would be so great and the results would be so horrifying that one can in hindsight even wonder how did something seemingly so innocent have caused such harm, pain and destruction. Who would have thought that a single assassination would plunge the world into World War I, who would have thought that a group of angry young men would force their way into government and pave the way to World War II as Nazis and facists, who would have thought that one of the two nations formed by a religous community – Pakistan would be plunged into an ever deepening darkness, who would have thought that the innocent socialist philosophies of a simple man would lead a nation to the killing fields.
Likewise if we reflect on May 13th or any other such event, it is difficult to pin point a cause, which is so definitive in character and purpose that it may be regarded as a crime. Yet the presence of such a combination of harmful ingredients necessitates action by any self-respecting government. ISA gives the government that power. This is not a power that can be relegated to a Court. A Court can act when there are criminal charges that may be proven on a prima facie basis and then on a beyond reasonable doubt standard. But when a nation is confronted with a latent threat, the power and the responsibility falls to its democratically elected government to exercise the ultimate power -ISA. That government then stands accountable to Parliament. But as a Government duly elected it has a solemn to prevent the untold harm that may otherwise unfold. As a democratic nation the government will be judged by its actions its honesty and its ability to hold its own in the court of public opinion.
As fate would have it, when the power of ISA is exercised and the threat is extinguished people can with hindsight contend cynically that the power was abused or that the harm was contrived and was never real. This is the burden of duty that a government will have to shoulder. We have to face the fact that when faced with a latent threat to security, the only way to prove to the world that the threat exists is to allow it to fester, to grow and to manifest itself. But can we chance that. What may seem to be an innocent enough caricature, sarcasm of rulers and religion can have untold consequences.
As a citizen, I am mindful of the peace that we enjoy and which we cherish and I would like my government to have at its disposal an instrument that will enable it to intervene and halt a threat to the peace. I would want my government to be able to do so without having to convince some judge that the threat is real. I voted for my government not the judiciary. When faced with such a threat it is my government I turn to. Look around us – can we not see how hard it is to build a peace and how easy it is to tear it asunder. There a nations in this world today that are not even the shadow of their former selves, there are nations who have become ungovernable and we now have a new jargon – “failed states”. I suppose at that point there would be evidence beyond reasonable doubt that instigation had been a foot.
I don’t know about the others – but I don’t want my government to wait until then to realize that something is wrong.
Assalamualaikum Tun..
Selamat Hari Raya Maaf Zahir & Batin
Saya sokong untuk dikaji semula.. terutama dari segi prosedur dan perlaksanaan, tempoh masa penahanan.
ISA seperti Tun kata adalah untuk preventive.. seperti memisahkan api dari bahan bakar.
Kebetulan segelintir pemimpin politik adalah “api” yang boleh membakar “rakyat” supaya bangkit menentang Kerajaan bagi mencapai tujuan dan maksud peribadi. Segelintir rakyat juga yang mudah terbakar, akan terbakar dan merebak. Ini berlaku di Sabah ketika PBS (ketika itu adalah parti pembangkang menentang parti BERJAYA, telah memenangi pilihanraya umum pada tahun 1985), orang perseorangan (juga dipercayai pemimpin politik) telah menyebarkan khabar angin yang menyebabkan kegelisahan rakyat umum supaya PBS tidak boleh menjadi menjadi kerajaan.
Khabar angin itu bertiup cepat.. pemimpin politik memanipulasi keadaan (Tun, you know better what was happening.. and by now, I think you better know, who actually the country’s big traitor, your so called friend or your so called enemy.. rakyat in Sabah know better, however past is past.. to forgive is divine, to err is human).. perarakan secara besar-besaran berlaku di Kota Kinabalu, rusuhan berlaku disertai oleh orang yang tidak dikenali (sebenarnya dikenali.. cuma malas mau sebut).. setelah beberapa hari huru-hara baru kenampakan tindakan diambil [sila rujuk gambar arkib utk lihat.. siapa paling depan dlm perarakan itu]. Akhirnya,polis mengambil tindakan untuk memisahkan punca “api” daripada “bahan api”.. ISA boleh digunakan tapi tidak digunakan..
Ini menunjukkan kerajaan tidak akan menggunakan ISA sewenang-wenangnya.
Untuk sokong atau bantah ISA, kita kena realistik, jangan kerana abang SAM cakap kita pun membantah.. tengok apa dia buat dengan tahanan suspek terrorist.. lagi teruk dibuatnya. Dia buat kerosakan di Iraq, Afghanistan dan lain-lain, itu pun kita sokong dan puja serta jadikan di negara demokrasi contoh????
Whatever you I trust you as you can explain with valid reasons and people trust your sincerity.
I support you but too bad not UMNO or BN of today. Eversince 2004 after BN/ UMNO won thumping victory, they became more racialist in many corporates company and showed how arrogance they were especially during every UMNO General Assembly. Before when most Malays hated you, the non-Malays were solidly behind you, that included me for 5 GE voted for you/ BN. But I am no more for BN dont know for whatever reason I hv changed. Maybe b’cos of UMNO arrogance and discrimination on most of its Govt policies inequality. But Tun if you were now UMNO PM, I bet you non-Malays vote will definitely swing back to you. You just have a way with them to trust and support you even though we know waht ever you do for the Malays are to help all in society. Just too bad Melayu senang lupa…………
assalamu ‘alaikum Tun,
selamat hari raya Tun.semuga Tun sekeluarga sentiasa dilimpahi rahmat dan lindungan Allah S.W.T.tulisan Tun mengenai ISA,menurut pengertian saya,agak defensif.meneliti keadaan politik Malaysia hari ini,sebenarnya ISA sangat jarang digunakan.ada banyak orang yg layak ditahan dibawah akta tersebut tapi hingga kini masih bebas berleluasa malah secara konsisten menyuarakan penentangan terhadap ketuanan melayu dan kedaulatan agama Islam tanpa ada apa-apa tindakkan diambil.
didalam ruang blog Tun sendiri pun terdapat banyak komen-komen pengunjung yg sudah layak di-ISA-kan.pembenci-pembenci UMNO begitu bebas dan lantang menyuarakan pendapat tanpa susila dan sekatan yg wajar.padahal kita tahu bahwa yg mereka benci bukanlah UMNO itu sendiri,tapi lambang-simbol yg di wakili nya iaitu Melayu-Islam.oleh kerana kuasa melayu-islam ditangan UMNO,maka UMNO lah yg cuba dirobohkan,padahal menurut perkiraan peribadi saya,UMNO terlalu lemah dan banyak memberi muka.hanya cakap beberapa pemimpin nya saja yg berdegar-degar,”jangan cabar kesabaran melayu….berjuang ketitisan darah terakhir…” dan berbagai retorik lain,tapi tiada apapun tindakkan di ambil,padahal serangan demi serangan datang bertali-arus dan penyerang bebas merdeka menjadi lebih berani,hanya menunggu topik-topik panas untuk dijadikan kontroversi menyerang lagi.dan UMNO tetap bertahan dgn cuma menepis-menangkis tanpa berani menyerang balas.tapi tetap UMNO tidak di anggap baik atau adil atau demokratik.kebaikkan di anggap sebagai kelemahan dan menggalak semangat mereka untuk bertindak lebih biadap lagi dibumi yg bersopan-santun ini.
malaysia ada undang-undang tapi tiada keberanian dalam pelaksanaan nya sebab pemimpin-pemimpin terkanan kita mahu UMNO kelihatan baik,cuba menjadi popular dan demokratik dan kita kejarkan penerimaan orang.kita tak ada pendirian tegas yg kita pertahankan dgn ISA,sebalik nya UMNO lebih suka bertolak ansur.orng menolak,kita ber-angsur…kita inginkan perdamaian,kita beri s’pura kpd LKY.dia mintak Batu Putih,kita ajak dia ke ICJ,…kita pandai main bolasepak,dia mahir dgn bola keranjang.dia ajak kita bertarung bolasepak,senang-senang kita menang.kemudian dia suluh kita dgn undang-undang bola keranjang,penuh semangat perdamaian,tanpa curiga kita ikutkan juga.akhirnya kita kalah teruk-teruk.soal nya tidak kah kita belajar apa-apa?
belumkah tiba masa nya UMNO bertindak tegas membela kedaulatan bangsa melayu dan kesucian agama islam? apakah kita akan terus dipengaruhi hujah-hujah menghapus atau mempertahan ISA sampaikan kita jadi ragu untuk meng-ISA-kan mereka-mereka yg berhak? sampai bila kita harus bersabar terhadap orang-orang yg mempermain-mainkan kedaulatan Islam dan ketuanan Melayu?
semuga Allah SWT memanjangkan umur Tun demi kebaikan ummah dan malaysia.saya sangat berharap UMNO tidak membeli kedamaian dgn menjual hak melayu sebab itu suatu urus-niaga yg tiada untung nya.sebab kita berdepan dgn peniaga-peniaga tamak yg tidak mengenal puas.kembalikan lah UMNO seperti di zaman Tun memerintah dulu.UMNO yg lembut dalam pertuturan tapi tegas dalam perlaksanaan.
Perlu ada makhamah khas untuk bicara tahanan ISA supaya mereka tidak ditahan terlalu lama sebelum terbukti bersalah. It may be a preventive law, but what if the detainee does not commit any crime? Then it would be unfair to detain them for so long. Thats the least we can do…
Salam kasih dan salam hormat Ayahanda Tun.
Any minister pushing for end to the ISA or to simply replace it with court-room bureaucracy should immediately make way for some one else who has no political mileage to nurse and groom at the expense of a nation.
I am sure many don’t even know who Tuan Haji Abdul Aziz Ishak was. Maybe the includes below may help with that.
ABDUL Aziz Ishak (1922-1999) was a controversial figure, whether as colonial civil servant, journalist or politician. He remains an enigma unlike his brother Yusof who was well known both as a journalist and the founder of Utusan Melayu and as the first President of Singapore after the separation with Malaysia in 1965.
Aziz was, in fact, the only member of the pre-war Kesatuan Melayu Muda (KMM) to have served in the 1955 and post-Merdeka Cabinets under Tunku Abdul Rahman. Be-tween 1955 and 1963, he was the Minister for Agriculture and Co-operatives. He resigned from the Cabinet due to irreconcilable differences with the Tunku and other Cabinet colleagues.
As Minister of Agriculture and Co-operatives, his efforts in rural development to improve the lives of padi farmers and fishermen were important although less known compared with similar efforts undertaken by the Rural Development Ministry.
Another equally important aspect of his political career was his detention between 1965 and 1966 under the Internal Security Act during the Indonesian confrontation.
He was accused of being a traitor and collaborating with Indonesian agents to form a government-in-exile, a charge that he denied.
In his book Special Guest: The Detention in Malaysia of an Ex-Cabinet Minister he describes in detail the irreconcilable differences with the Tunku and the events that led to his resignation, subsequent detention and release. The book was banned and only allowed restricted access in university libraries.
His earlier biographical account Katak Keluar dari Bawah Tempurong stopped at 1955 and his subsequent appointment as minister.
As a result, not much is known about Aziz Ishak and his role in the struggle for independence through the newspaper Utusan Melayu and in the political arena when he was head of Selangor Umno and Selangor Alliance in the mid-1950s when the political bargaining among the Alliance partners were struck.
It was through journalism that Aziz became widely known in Malaya. He wrote feature articles on Umno, on the state and federal administrations and occasionally editorials.
Aziz was a member of the KMM while he was a fisheries officer in Kuala Kurau. In 1946, he and Abdul Samad Ismail formed Gerakan Ang-katan Melayu Sedar (Geram), which was refused registration by the colonial authority. It was closely watched by the Special Branch.
Geram was critical of the Malayan Union; it was also critical of Umno because of the prominent role of the feudal aristocracy within the movement. Geram died a natural death when Aziz moved to Kuala Lumpur in 1948 as Utusan Melayu correspondent in the central region.
Aziz was the only journalist who was appointed a member of the Federal Legislative Council and he played an active role in its proceedings.
In September 1951, he urged the government to declare an end to the Emergency.
His political involvement was varied. Before 1942, Aziz was a member of the KMM and after 1945 sympathized with the PKMM. However in 1950 he joined Umno when it was still led by Datuk Onn Jaafar although his idea of full independence for Malaya at this time was neither acceptable to Onn nor the Tunku.
When the Independence of Malaya Party was formed in 1951 by Onn, Aziz became deputy chairman of the IMP
Dear Tun: I agree with you that a multi racial country likes us needs this type of preventive law such as ISA. Even the west has learned the mistakes and followed us with this preventive law. However. I would also suggest a special court to be establised to trial those people arrested under ISA.
9. When the so-called war on terror was launched by Bush and Blair, they did not hesistate to detain so-called suspects without even being sanctioned by any law. They were so critical about our ISA before but not only did they detain thousands of the so-called suspects, they actually tortured the detainees when they felt threats to their security. I will not talk about their invading Iraq and Afghanistan and the killings of thousands of innocent people.
10. The so-called protagonists of human rights were clearly critical when others resort to preventive detention. When they felt threatened they not only detain people but they did this without any law which provides for such act.
I agree with you Tun, that was what I have in minds,
They are critical when it is about someone else, but when it involves them, it is fine? Clever not?
Oh, wait, They ‘invented’ justice, and ‘invented’ Law. Now this is very ironic.
When they slaughtered thousands of Afghanistan civilians, and Iraqi, have they consider about justice? or human rights?
What about those who have been shoot to death during the campaign? and what about those Palestinians who have died? Human rights too?
They are bunch of hypocrites who think they are always right, and would bend the ‘law and justice’, and human rights to their bidding.
LOL – I especially liked your comment – “Detractors would never admit to being wrong.”
I guess, you’re like the person who says while it’s right for you, its wrong for others…and you write a blog to justify your position. That would not make you a detractor…
Personally, I’m for the ISA act – I would like it used for the sake of national security.
However, I think people in position of power do not get the same level of scrutiny that others of a “lesser” level get. And that frustrates me…And these people in power are the biggest hypocrites…they insist their rights need to be protected, but not of others…they have money and position to protect them!
Some of your blogs attract racially insensitive comments. Some of your blog raises comments that under your administration:
1/ you would not have allowed it to be published
2/ you would have used the issue to put such people under detention for raising those ill comments (and stirring racially insensitivities)
However, now you have retired – you dont see it as a personal responsibility to maintain principles. Its not your headache, but of your successor(s). In fact, you provide a platform for such poor behavior and irresponsible comments.
And guess what, you don’t get anyone coming down hard on you for poor site moderation or getting you to remove those comments. Why? Because you’re not just any person, you’re an ex-PM. More so, an ex-PM who can still pull strings…
I like influence as much as the next person…who wouldn’t. However, principles are not something you have one minute and then discard the next.
So, if you maintained policies in your administration because they were for the greater good of the country, then why don’t you stop being a hypocrite and chastise those who irreponsibly comment on your blog? Well you wouldn’t because your argument would then be “everyone’s entitled to an opinion”…the argument between us would then proceed to “what about all those who did have an opinion when you were PM and you just stifled them? What about Tunku who you censured?”
Sir…as you see, there is no end to this tit-for-tat between us…does that make me a detractor…absolutely…that’s how you would label those who go against your views…what about a person/persons entitled to an opinion? LOL
Vicious cycle Tun – anyway keep spinning your versions..and I’ll keep detracting…
ISA perlu dan bagus untuk memudahkan dalam menjaga keamanan negara tapi masalahnya pengamalnya yang tidak mengikut apa kehendak keujudan ISA.
Sebab tu hanya sebelah pihak saja terjerat dengan ISA ni.
Fikir dan renungkan
Yang amat di sanjungi Tun,
Dalam negara kita yang berbilang kaum, ISA is a MUST !! We can never tell what’s going to happen tomorrow. It’s just not about politics but racial.., so I think ISA must be there. Forget about USA or other countries. We are Malaysia, we have our own ISA. Let them copy us. It doesn’t matter because the “act” is relevant. Teach the school children that there is such a thing as ISA and OSA. Budak-budak sekolah sekarang ni banyak yang kurang ajar. Tak boleh marah sikit. Dah lah nak jentik telinga pun tak boleh.. Bila dah besar, nak lawan kerajaan sahaja. Dah di sekolah dulu, macam tu.. Asyik nak lawan cikgu disiplin aja..Dah besar jadi lawyer. Dia ingat dia dah pandai undang-undang la.. Kira nak lawan aja… Kasi dia ISA, baru dia tau…
Saya sokong ISA dikekalkan sampai bila-bila…
You had swopped in 1987 Ops lalang , about 100 ++ people
Care to share who they were. I do – You had Kit Siang , Karpal and most of DAP, PAS and other top opposition persons in. Who was from UMNO , who is a national leader at that time who you retained?
It looks like Tun you could put you ability to justify anything .
If Police or Forces suspect a person, they would have some evidance to back their suspicion. And when such a threat is produced to a Majistrete you could get warrant. And there is 2 days to 1 week provision under current statue to detain and investigae further.
There are other laws with dangerous arms possession, terrorist act which can be used for such purpose or limit ISA Clearly to terrorism if that is the intention in abcense of clear provision. This must be debated properly in Parliment ,not rubber stampted both by Upper and lower house. In fact there must be a referendum with specific question to what are the provisions needed from the rakyat. We have had no referendum on national question and 788 MP and Senators do not represent every aspect of Malaysian people , which referendum adopted by modern democracy provides. Such a referendum would make the goverment popular when they adopt such a view rather than the current method of govermnent knows best methodology a particular favorite during your time
Tun, you need to clearly listen to your subjects and not be in love with your own product and thoughts, May Allah grant you greater inner understanding your current retired life
Why not try a vote of your website on the issues – do you want ISA? Challenge you to deal with response or takut tahu?
Dear Tun,
Many people oppose the ISA because it has been so blatantly misused and abused. Through it, numerous injustices have been shoved down our throats and we just cannot swallow it anymore.
We talk about the ISA as if it was a disparate issue from all the other woes our country is facing. But it isn’t. It is only part of a deeply rotten system which has undermined the very core of our government’s integrity.
Every person who holds the power to execute the ISA pledges allegiance to a single political party (we know which). The police who execute the orders (or as Syed Hamid put it, sometimes make the big decision to detain people under ISA) are also obviously not politically impartial. To say that they exercise the ISA because they love the country is one big contradiction to everything else they do. ISA has been reduced to just a convenient tool to silence political dissidents and shoot the messenger. If they were truly serious about protecting national harmony, why the need to come up with such laughable excuses as “it’s for Tan Hoon Cheng’s own protection”? (http://thestar.com.my/news/story.asp?sec=nation&file=/2008/9/14/nation/2025921)
If UMNO really like the ISA, I urge them to make it a rule within their party and stop shoving it down our throats. Big-headed UMNO big shots are often the ones most in need of this kind of restraint. The rest of us are sensible enough to know what to do or not do, say or not say. For as long as the ISA stays in its present form, it will continue to be misused and abused. The last thing it will do is benefit our country.
Dear Tun Dr M,
I truly agree with you that ISA should be used for national security and as a tool to prevent any racial and communal fatality. I am all out for ISA. However, it should be used in a just manner and it should not be political in nature.
The decision making related to ISA should be left to a ISA Supreme Council selected from various respectable individuals who have Malaysia and Malaysians at heart.
Some times, the decisions taken could be unpopular. The next of kin of those who have been held under ISA could meet the council for clarification. Any dispute or argument between the ISA detainees and the ISA Supreme Council and the representative of the Government of Malaysia should held in privacy and in a honest manner.
Every country does not have perfect freedom of speech. The highly risky and multi racial country should be very careful in allowing freedom of speech. A single evil soul could create unrest in the country.
It is wises to sacrifice a little bit of our freedom of speech just for a prolonged peace and harmony.
However, there are some who like to play with fire without having to bother of the end result. It is devils like these need to be disciplined in the detention camps.
As a law abiding and peace seeking Rakyat, I am not against the ISA or any other preventive law.
What I am against (and I believe I speak for many) is the independence of such law and action.
Let’s not even start talking about being preventive when the Police are blatantly obvious to be “Pro Govt”. How can ISA or any future changes of ISA can effectively “prevent” crimes where in the first place it is already a crime before being preventive.
Just my thought.
Assalamualaikum Tun,
I totally agree with you Tun. Operation Lalang had actually stopped racial clashes. Malaysia still need ISA.
is there any preventive law besides ISA?
Asalamualaikum…org kalo suka membantah…apa2 jer depa akan bantah….suka no.13….pedas gilerrrrrrrr…..
muga2 m’sia aman mcm dulu…
Dearest Tun,
Thank you for the blog but all this is common knowledge. The very few yang tak tau .. buat buat tak tau saja. If you refuse to approach the matter with an open mind and have already prejudge that everything the Govt is doing is wrong and evil .. kita ceritalah macam mana pun, depa still tak mau dengaq.
The sad thing is, should we listen to them and get rid of ISA. Bila jadi kacau bilau esok nih .. it might be too late to do anything. Bak kata orang, Nasi dah jadi bubur!
Janganlah menentang kerajaan kerana ada motif politik semata mata. Banyak jasa kerajaan dan langkah2 kerajaan yang betul2 mempertahankan kesejahteraan Malaysia yang tercinta ini.
Bak kata Nabil .. Lu pikir lar sendiri!