MY wife and I wish our Chinese friends including those who greet us at shopping complexes and other gatherings a Prosperous and Happy Year of the Rooster.

I would like to thank my Chinese friends and supporters for their support during and after my term as Prime Minister of our country Malaysia.

Lately attempts are being made by certain people to label me as anti-Chinese. This is to serve their political agenda. They know they are lying.

They want the Chinese not to support the DAP and the other parties who want to remove Najib as Prime Minister. They want to perpetuate Najib’s kleptocracy. They ignore that I am not opposed to FDI from China but only against mass immigration. I am against mass immigration from any country. No country allows mass immigration. Selling land for foreigners to build cities for people from their own country is not FDI. The BN and UMNO in particular should declare that they want to flood this country with foreigners.

I am not anti-Chinese. I am pro multiracial Malaysia and Malaysians.

My record will show that all races prospered during my premiership. In fact Malaysia became known as an Asian Tiger.

Najib’s kleptocracy has destroyed Malaysia’s prosperity and Asian Tiger image. Now Malaysia is known as one of the most corrupt countries in the world. He cannot pay 1MDB loan of 42 billion, yet he has now borrowed 55 billion. This will bankrupt Malaysia.

All races are suffering because of Najib. We all have to work for his removal.

Still I hope Malaysian Chinese will enjoy a Prosperous and Happy New Year.

Kong Hee Fatt Choy.

22 thoughts on “KONG HEE FATT CHOY”

  1. The reason i brought in usa presidency election into this blog is to let all of us to see what happened to usa could happen to anyone of us here. Why? Both republicans and democrat are so divided until quite substatial sum of the americans gave up their voting rights. Unfortunately, our so called seasoned and experience politicians think this is something they can laugh at.

    You find this a laughing matter?

  2. If you think about this, then, as mps, will you have the heart to serve in this country genuienly, tak betul?

  3. Have you ever think, all of us do not have choice too. If you think about this, you will begin to question yourself, is this what you want this country to be in 50 years from now?

  4. Education failed in uniting the people, or the intepretation of social contract failed? Chicken first, eggs first?

  5. http://www.malaysiakini.com/news/372323

    They cant even fix myr and klci acceptable by the world market, now, they are so glad to allow influx of foreign muslim refugees into the country.

    Bawa masuk 10,000, under syariah law, mereka boleh kahwin empat, then, in 50 years later, the new story will be, saya muslim jugak?

    Then, they will ask, peliknya, where are the chinese?

    Inilah apanama karl kata, naturilization of entah apa tu seolah2 counting for the sake of counting.

  6. Kung hee fat choy itu apa? It is not even recognized as official language. T

    The chinese gentlemen believe when negotiation failed, you dont go robbing or bombing others to show your might. When negotiation failed, the they can go for the exchange of culture and tradition within china and outside china, tak salah kan?

  7. Dear Tun,

    Kung Hee Fat Choy! Happy Chinese New Year to Tun and Tun Siti Hasmah too!

    How are you dear Tun Mahathir? It’s been a while since I’ve last dropped a few words here in your blog. I hope you’re doing just fine – as can be seen you were smiling handsomely beside uncle Lim and Dato Zaid Ibrahim yesterday.

    MO1’s government is going all out doing all they can to ‘kill’ you and the DAP. The reverse is happening when the Malay community is moving the opposite way away from UMNO. Those who are of mixed ethnicities (sino) have realized this a long time ago. Lim Kit Siang has never been what the UMNO people have lied about him. That is why he and his party are still standing firmly on the ground stronger than ever. And that is also why Dato Zaid Ibrahim has chose what he has chosen –

    You are doing what is only right Tun. Don’t you ever look back. Have faith and hope. Love and sincerity. And luck will come your way.

    Love you Tun!

  8. Before you open up may 13, lets open up ww2 case too if you want to talk history, right?

    I visited callie castle, and i read the facts written on this tin mine british family who came here all the way from great britain to malaya. Omg, they too couldnt retained the sovereign wealth of their family that passed down from generations after ww2 broke out.

    If we want to find out the facts, we just google saja, bukan?

  9. Why oh why?

    Anti-chinese sentiment again and again is a blessing, dont you think so?

    At least, this anti-sentiment, will let the chinese think deeply should we be able to live comfortably and safely in a country whereby the chinese political parties become puppet, i mean shadow, to their political masters?

    You know what, you should feel grateful and bless that majority of tye chinese were so disipline and followed orders during the rallies.

  10. Disaat orang Melayu sibuk berpolitik bergaduh kerana politik tidak berkesudahan, orang Cina membesarkan ladang babi di Kuala Langat. Syarikat China meninggalkan kolam maut di Kuantan. Mangsa nya, yes, adalah orang Melayu. Sepatutnya isu seperti ini harus ditangani sekiranya benar ingin Melayu maju. Ada soalan yang bermain di kepala mengenai sikap ahli politik Melayu. Bila hendak tumbangkan Umno mesti nak jadikan Dap sekutu. Why oh why? For the last time, bukanlah orang Cina yang meletak ahli politik Melayu dipersada pemerintahan negara. Tetapi orang Melayu. Think about it. Looks like both Najib and the other pakatan mengutamakan kaum Cina. Maka tunggulah saat kejatuhan.

  11. Meaning, we can forget about malaysia boleh, gemilang, cermerlang and terbilang and 1 malaysia. Even in chinese new year, one can see the way political parties in playing with the rhetorics can stood so low just to win votes. Bagi bukit emas pun takda guna.

    Gōng hè xīn xǐ
    Good luck in the year ahead!

  12. Dear Tun Dr. Mahathir,
    First of all my heartfelt gratitude to Tun for wishing all Malaysian Chinese; “A Prosperous and Happy Year of the Rooster, KONG HEE FATT CHOY.”

    Prior to the Chinese New Year holidays, I attended a tea party organized by my secretary in Medan, Indonesia. I even lead my staffs, all clad in red shirt for a video recording wishing all the people, “Kami dari PT. MM mengucapkan Selamat Tahun Baru Cina … Gong Xi, Gong Xi, Gong Xi. Fa Chai, Fa Chai, Fa Chai.” Later I asked my staffs did they really know the origin and meaning of Gong Xi Fa Chai. Some answered it is just an auspicious greetings for the Chinese New Year.
    I explained, literally Gong Xi Fa Chai means: “Congratulations and be Prosperous”. Chinese New Year/Lunar New Year or Spring Festival marks the end of the winter season where people emerge from the harsh winter of freezing temperature; the first word they said to each other is “Congratulation! You had survived another year.” The end of winter also signify the beginning of Spring where everything spring back to life, thus it is the time all activities start; be it land cultivation, construction, trading, business and etc. This is the opportune time for all to put in the hard work and be successful in whatever they are undertaking hence the greeting of “be prosperous”.

    As usual my family and my siblings spend the Chinese New Year in our Alor Star home with our mother where we have our reunion dinner on the eve of New Year. On the New Year morning we paid our respect to our late father at Wat Siam Padang Sera, Kubang Pasu, Kedah. We then visit our elder relatives where we exchanged Ang Pow (Red envelope) with their unmarried children. For this year we came out with a new itinerary. We adjourned to Gunong Jerai and spend the New Year first night at Gunung Jerai Regency Resort. We checked into eight inter-connected rooms and enjoyed the “together time.” At the dining tables we shared tales of our previous year endeavours and plans for our new year. Mum is in her happiest mode having all her children and grandchildren around her and I strongly believe my late father is watching and smiling from above. The million dollar question will surely pop up to all grandsons passing the traditional marriage age of 25 (eldest already touching 30) and mum will be bemoaning when will she becomes a great grandmother.

    Dear Tun Dr. Mahathir,
    My childhood memory of celebrating our diversity in New Year celebration which I extract from my memoir looks so near, yet so far now;
    As children we looked forward for each festival as during Hari Raya my father would bring back packets of Malay delicacies from his customers. We children will scour the packets in search of the most wanted “Ketupat”. During Deepavali our Indian neighbours would give us the best Indian delicacies and during Chinese New Year my mother would reciprocate with the kueh bakul, kueh kapit, bahulu and others. I don’ see that anymore these days. Sharing of self prepared festivities foods had been turned into a sensitive issue on the basic of food preparation. Thus the only melting pot nowadays is at politician’s open house, which make me wonders is it by design.
    What have happened Tun?

    I had re-read Tun’s book; “A Doctor in the House”
    Chapter 36: Islam and Islamisation.
    Tun had explained in length the golden era of Islamic Civilisation, where Islam emphasized on the need to read (Iqraq). Thus early Muslims apparently read the works of the Greeks, the Indian, the Chinese and the Persians. More than that, they carried out their own researches to add up to their body of knowledge in many fields. It was well documented that Muslim scholars are the one who pioneered astronomy, algebra, the study of disease and medicine, celestial navigation, and more.
    For centuries, Muslims were well ahead of other civilisation in the mastery of the sciences, medicine and mathematics. But around the Fifteenth century, new interpretations began to spread, saying that (Iqraq) referred to the reading and acquisition of religious knowledge only. And unfortunately, Muslims and their religious teachers stress more on “fardhu ‘ain” (the performance of prayers, fasting, alms-giving and the Haj) which earns merit only for oneself is more important in the afterlife than the “fardhu kifayah”, the injunction which required that Muslim communities must have among them individually whose ability and actions will serve in the defend and promotion of the welfare of their communities and of Islam itself.
    Almost immediately after such teaching, the Muslim civilisation regressed whereas the European Christians, who were then living in the Dark Ages, noticed the superiority of Muslim civilisation and decided to acquire the knowledge of the Muslim. They learnt Arabic and studied scientific and other books in the great libraries of the Muslim world and make translation first into Latin and then into other European language. Thus the European Christians rapid advancement in science and technology and with their much-improved weaponry, they were able to project their power in many Muslim lands and to the Far East.

    On Chapter 58: Education
    Although I was Minister of Education, the details of the Islamic syllabus were determined by Pusat Islam.
    Unfortunately, the syllabus that was adopted neglected instruction in the Islamic way of life and its character-building values (ad-din). Emphasis was instead placed largely on the proper performance of the rituals. Islam was taught as a religion of ritual, of dos and don’ts of formalistic requirements and prohibitions, not as a religion of far-reaching human and moral responsibility, not as a way of life. Worse, many of the Islamic religious teachers were supporters of PAS, who took opportunity — and abused their position and public trust — to implant political creed and outlook into the minds of their young students..
    Although religious teachers were of junior status in most school, they were powerful. Even the head teachers dared not discipline them for fear of being accused of failing to respect religion.

    Dear Tun Dr. Mahathir,
    One of Tun’s old friend and former business partner Mr. Koon Yew Yin had call for opposition parties to stand firm and to reject PAS if it insist on the hard line condition of support for RUU 355 before any kind of opposition electoral understanding is arrived at. Will Tun please support him?
    In retrospect, Tun’s declaration that Malaysia was an Islamic Country had opened a Pandora box for hardliner conservatives PAS to demand eventually a Shariah law as opposed to our Rukun Negara and our Constitution. As non-Muslim Malaysians we are told we have no say in Islamic Affair or being accused of failing to respect Islam as our Federal Religion if we were to oppose the RUU355.
    In Tun’s own words, Quran advocates an Islamic community and not an Islamic country. In the Quran it is not the punishment that is stressed. Indeed Muslims are enjoined to forgive and be merciful. Unfortunately many “learned” Muslims are not quite happy with tolerance as taught by the Quran. They would prefer Islam to be stricter, more severe punishments (believing that the only thing that would qualify a country as Muslim is if we decapitate and chop off the hand of criminals. But that is an arbitrary criterion) and violently opposed to other religions. In fact a very learned mufti once told me that other than Islam, there is no other religion. I found this very disturbing.
    Yes, Indeed very disturbing, with RUU355 up for debate in Parliament in the coming parliament session. What will be the outcome? Where will it lead Malaysia to?
    May god have mercy on us?

    Yours truly,
    SS LEE

  13. Assalamualaikum Tun.

    Secara peribadi saya juga ingin mengucapkan Kong Xi fa cai khususnya kaum Cina di Malaysia dan mengikuti blog ini.

    Setiap tahun jiran saya berbangsa Cina menghadiahkan bertong-tong limau.

    90% Cina di penepatan saya tidak sombong dengan saya, jadi saya juga tidak sombong dengan mereka.

    Terima kasih Tun.

  14. Tun, you differentiate between local chinese and foreigners who are chinese, I think that’s make you unracist. A racist would classify them as all being the same despite the local chinese being raised and influenced by living in Malaysia often many generations. So those who
    accused you may in fact be the racist ones, to classify foreign chinese as being the same as local Malaysian chinese.

    Meanwhile to Tun and all the readers, enjoy this old article I have found It is the spirit of Malaysia when Tun was in charge 🙂
    Take note of how he describes the Malaysia he grew up in, when
    Tun was in charge 🙂 . What a time it was ! 🙂

    “We were Malaysians first”

    By Ding Jo-Ann | 19 November 2009 | Read [11] Comments | Print This Post Print This Post

    Tony in Airasia clothes

    “DREAM the undreamable, believe the impossible, and never take no for an answer.” AirAsia chief executive officer Datuk Seri Tony Fernandes certainly lives by his company’s creed.

    Under his leadership, AirAsia and Air Asia X have just won the Centre for Asia Pacific Aviation award, beating airlines such as Singapore Airlines and Cathay Pacific. Not bad for a company that had just two planes and one destination eight years ago, Fernandes himself notes in his blog The Entrepeneur.

    During a 5 Nov 2009 interview with The Nut Graph in Kuala Lumpur, Fernandes reminisces fondly of flying with his entrepreneur mother, who introduced Tupperware to Malaysia. His childhood memories include poignant moments of composing songs with her in the middle of the night.

    He also remembers growing up in a Malaysia that was “fun” where people were united, regardless of race; and dreams for that to happen again in Malaysia.

    TNG: Where were you born?

    Tony Fernandes: I was born at Kuala Lumpur (KL) General Hospital on 30 April 1964, year of the dragon, Taurus.

    Where did you grow up?

    My first house was just behind Bukit Bintang, Treacher Road (now Jalan Sultan Ismail). The road and house still exist — I just drove past the house the other day. I grew up in KL till I was 12 and then was sent to boarding school in England. I was in England until 1990.

    I went to Alice Smith [School] which is why my Malay is non-existent; I suffer for that. I went there from when I was five till 12. I spent seven years in Alice Smith, I hate admitting it.
    Tony being held by his mother

    Can you trace your ancestry?

    My father was an Indian citizen, a doctor. He was from Goa, but spent most of his time in Calcutta. He came here to work for a short stint and ended up meeting my mum. He had a green card (for temporary residents) most of his life. Just before he died, he got a red card (for permanent residents). He spent half his life here.

    My mother was a Malaysian from Malacca — Ena Fernandez. They both had the same surname — one with “z”, one with “s”. She was a music teacher. She started Tupperware in Malaysia and she was amazing, she could sell ice to an Eskimo. Her parents were Malaysians, about second or third generation.

    So, what generation Malaysian are you?

    I’ve never really thought about that, I just see myself as Malaysian, I don’t look at what generation and all that.

    What are your strongest memories of growing up?

    Subang Airport. My mother used to fly a lot because she was in Tupperware and I used to fly with her. I used to hang out a lot in Subang Airport, meeting her or flying with her when she went to different places and conventions.

    My mother used to compose songs. She would sing and I would sit on the Yellow Pages phone book and play the piano. Sometimes she’d wake me up at 3am and say, “I’ve got a song, come let’s go and compose.” I can still remember the songs like “I’ve got a Tupper feeling in my head”.

    I also remember playing sports with my neighbours. I lived in a street with Indian, Chinese and Malay [Malaysians] all in the same street. We all played football or badminton together — over the gate, in abandoned fields. There was never much talk of race in those days, we were Malaysians. Of course we knew our heredity, you can’t run away from that, but we were Malaysians first. I’ve never thought of myself as an Indian.

    Has the way you see yourself as a Malaysian changed?

    No. I’ve been very consistent, look at AirAsia. There is no race in AirAsia. It’s a meritocracy, people all intermingle and do their own thing. I never hear anyone talk about race. It’s never changed in my mind.

    What are some other stories that you hold on to from your family?

    My memories of growing up are of having fun. I think Malaysia is a great place, it was fun; we always had fun.

    My mother was a very unique person; she used to have many parties. When [musicians like] The Platters or Ray Charles were in town, she’d invite them over to the house and we’d throw a party for them. In those days, you could just call them up at their hotel and invite them over; it was great.

    I remember jamming with Ray Charles in my house. Later on, Ray Charles was a Warner Music artist and when he came to Malaysia, he was very emotional. He remembered my mum and I was vice-president of a record company and he was performing; it was cool.

    Do you still play musical instruments?

    I’m doing very little music now. Music’s my life, I spend a lot of time listening to music, I don’t play much now.

    When my mum died, something died [within] me, I was very close to her and it brings back painful memories. She died when she was very young. I was 16 so life changed dramatically after that because she was so full of life. I don’t play much, just once in a while. I don’t think my kids have heard me play either.

    How do you connect with these stories as a Malaysian? What do you think is the essence of being Malaysian?

    Our strength is our cultural diversity and being able to be known as one.

    Malaysia doesn’t realise how lucky it is. We grew up learning so many different cultures, we have so many different foods. I always say we have such a strong advantage and we don’t really use it.

    We have every type of Chinese known to [human]kind — Foo Chows, Cantonese, Teo Chew — you name it, we’ve got it. We’ve got every type of Indian here. We’ve got Malays from Indonesia; Thais, Filipinos. It’s an amazing culture to have and it should be our strength.

    We were all together. I don’t remember even talking about Chinese, Malay, Indian, we were all together.

    Do we talk more about it now?

    Ya, definitely. We’re more segregated than we ever were.

    Are there any aspects of your identity that you struggle with as a Malaysian?

    Malay, I don’t speak Malay, I feel bad I don’t speak Malay, I really do.

    I can understand it, I can’t speak it very well. I’d love to be able to speak better.

    Describe the kind of Malaysia you would like for yourself and for future generations

    Firstly, a meritocracy.

    Secondly, for Malaysians not to fear speaking up. There’s talk about innovation and building innovation centres, but unless people are free to innovate and think, they won’t innovate. AirAsia for example has a very flat structure so people are allowed to think and allowed to criticise, including criticise me, without fear.

    Thirdly, I hope government is [less involved] in business. [Instead], government should facilitate business. It should get involved if private organisations don’t have the means for example, developing solar technology or building a transport infrastructure system.

    I hope for the days of seeing Malay, Chinese and Indian [Malaysians] all in one street, enjoying themselves. I hope to see kids playing with each other and having fun. Hopefully AirAsia’s small contribution is a world championship F1 team all Malaysians can be proud of.

    I hope we have more creativity in schools and not just focus on scoring As. I don’t think we should have afternoon school — that should be for art, drama and sport. It’s on the sports field that you have integration and experience leadership and teamwork; culture and drama introduces you to expressing yourself through music and acting; the debating society gives you the power to think.

    I hope there are less exams and less emphasis on tuition. We’ve got to have all-rounded people in our country. They have to be well-rounded so you can put them in any part of the world. It’s a good education (that produces well-roundedness), cream always rises to the top and they will always excel and always stand out.

  15. Assalamualaikum wbt Tun.

    Gong Xi Fatt Chai semua. Selamatkan Malaysia kita.

    (2) Mudah2an Bersatu, PKR, Amanah, Warisan, DAP (dan PAS) segera kukuh bersama dlm PH secepatnya dan jadilah Parti gantian kpd BN.

    (3) April 2017, mungkin PRN Sabah. Jika benar, itu mungkin acahan Najib MO1 utk PRU 14. Juga itu mungkin strategi utk paksa PH habis segala2 di Sabah dan seterusnya tidak bermaya utk PRU14. PRU mungkin tidak jauh senggangnya dgn PRN Sabah. Juga mungkin itu isyarat PRN = PRU. Hati2lah PH, jangan terjerangkap di siang hari.

    (4) Tun, tulis dan bercakaplah dgn hati yg lapang. Mudahkan bhs. Mudah2an rakyat mudah faham.

  16. Hari ni Jumaat, semoga berkat…!
    Esok Sabtu.!
    Pada kaum cina diucap….
    “Selamat Tahun Baru”

    Yg lepas, tahun monyet..
    Yg baru, tahun ayam..


    Pemimpin Msia mcm monyet,
    Negara Msia jadi cap ayam..!

    Banjir pertiwi dengan pendatang…
    Ada yg mari, ada yg takmau pulang..
    Kerja happy di negara orang..
    entah sini, apa la buat diorang.?

    *yang sehengget ada ka…??


    ayam Pun ayam lahhh……!!

  17. Assalamualaikum Tun,

    Tun, I believe majority Malaysian-Chinese valued your inner strength, integrity and the good deeds you’ve performed. You’re an impressive figure to them. The Malaysian-Chinese being careful, reflective thinkers, tolerable people who are able to negotiate enormous challenges for centuries, I honestly believe without any hesitation they’re willing to participate with you Tun in wiping out the bad for the good, not for you or themselves but for the peace and love they have to this beloved nation they’re living in now. Malaysia is now their home.


    May Allah Bless and Protect Tun and family Always. Take care and Thank you Tun.

  18. Salam Tun.

    🐓 GONG XI FA CAI 🐓
    Kepada semua rakan – rakan Tionghua yang menyambutnya.


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