1. A commentator MoMan who confesses to being a great admirer of mine and is involved in the Labu airport project has tried to explain why Labu airport is necessary.

2. However his reasons for wanting the airport at Labu is mainly because the KLIA is not efficient. Following are its shortcomings;

a. Because of the purchase of the wrong radar KLIA is handling only 35 aircrafts on its two runways when it should be handling 70. This causes delays morning, lunchtime and midnight

b. KLIA’s sophisticated conveyor belt is not functioning well because sorting the bags is being done by immigrants who cannot read Malay or English

c. Weak security. Airport operator not investing and managing its people well.

d. Airport operator of the Low Cost Carrier Terminal wastes money building extensions at ridiculously escalated price.

3. Other points raised to justify Labu are;

a. Air Asia needs a permanent home fast.

b. By 2013 Air Asia will need to carry 25 million passengers.

c. KLIA built on swampy land – costly to build.

d. London has five airports. New York has three airports. So has Rome, Paris, Tokyo, Melbourne and Nice.

e. Resuscitate Keretapi Tanah Melayu from the living dead. KTM can make RM62 million a year carrying passengers from and to Labu airport.

4. Now if I may give my opinion; a-d are about inefficiency of KLIA. You don’t solve inefficiency by building a new airport. I suspect immigrant labour would still be used at Labu.

5. Air Asia needs a permanent home fast. KLIA can provide that. Klia has 25,000 acres, bigger than Putrajaya. There should be enough space for the 25 million Air Asia passengers and more.

6. KLIA handles 25 million passengers now with two runways and 35 aircraft movements per hour.

7. Labu will have one runway and will need to handle 70 movements per hour in order to handle 25 million passengers. But according to you Gatwick with one runway and great efficiency (busiest runway in the world) handle only 40.6 movements per hour. Will Labu beat Gatwick and handle 70 movements per hour with one runway?

8. All those hubs have as many as five airports. But are they eight kilometres from each other? Heathrow is 40km from Gatwick, Stanstead, Croydon and Luton. All the airports are at least 40km from each other. Labu would be seven kilometres from KLIA. Even Subang is more than eight kilometres from KLIA.

9. It is the same with all the other airports serving the cities named.

10. KTM may not be making money but it is not dead yet if we go by the number of passengers using the commuter. KTM and the Express Rail Link (ERL) will have to invest a substantial sum to carry 6 million more passengers. They may not want to. In which case you will have to rely on road transport or subsidise their development. You have already said you will not do so.

11. Air Asia does not serve most of the long haul routes originating or terminating in KLIA. There will have to be double checking and double handling if Air Asia passengers want to use the KLIA for their travels to or from foreign countries. You need to have dedicated roads or trains between Labu and KLIA.

12. The biggest argument against Labu is its nearness to KLIA. With two control towers uncoordinated control over movements and stacking before landing, with 70 x 2 movements per hour, the possibility of crashes is very real.

13. The government appears to be in control of both Air Asia and KLIA. Why cannot there be negotiations over handling charges instead of spending RM1.6 billion on a new airport?

293 thoughts on “LABU AIRPORT AGAIN”

  1. Assalamualaikum Tun,
    Thank to god that we had an Extraordinary Man like you in Malaysia. All this while we’ve been a role model country to the world by our development, but nowadays we’ve been practically bluffed outdo by our 5th PM. I believe that we can provide a full strength professional service by our KLIA. It has been a real anxiety by your goodself for the said issue (KLIA).
    Thank you very much Tun for the great point of view of KLIA and LABU.

  2. a majority will say its a waste of money to build labu airport. in facts its illogical.
    but to some its opportunity to get rich quick. best part is they thought the majority is stupid as they are.

  3. Salam Tun
    DS Tony tak agak-agak nak test, sanggup jadi mangsa. Kadang-kala idea-idea baru membuatkan kita bingung. Tapi M’sia Airport tak perlu bingung…celik cepat sebelum terlambat.

  4. salamualaykum tun,
    well, i should say thank you for developing this country. you are right about the distance between airports in england. yes you are right again!
    may i ask whether developing airports these days seems to be the trend of this country? i have never heard of tony fernandes in the first place. who is he? how was he able to come into the limelight of this nature? how did air asia shoot off?
    buying up hospitals too? hiking up prices too?
    what is really happening here?
    corruption level is getting higher by the day. whats really happening? why isnt there any form of action nor investigation taken against the black monkey from rembau?
    to my understanding and research, syed hamid albar, the son of our late jaafar albar was a former legal practitioner at the judicial and legal services. may i request to your sound knowledge of the law as a layman whether is syed hamid administering the law in accordance to principles of natural justice, albeit there is so much of gag going on with respect to the current affairs of the country.
    i do not support anwar. the reason being its because he started the party hopping thing since sabah days when pairin kitingan was there. so, what shit is that idiot talking about i really wonder.
    hopefully, let us know in your blog, what is your next course of action to save this country from deteriorating further.

  5. Dear Tun,
    I hope you will still have some time to explain on this comment.
    I am not sure if there is some one or some kind of an analytical body in our country that analysis benefits and losses created by Airasia to our country? I am an ordinary person, ever since Airasia came into existence, I flew nearly 30 times overseas to our neighboring countries with my family, friends, collages so on and so forth. If I think for a while, 25 times was really unnecessary. I hardly see any people on that flight from our neighboring countries, if there were any, either the domestic helpers or the workers returning home or groups of new workers coming to work in our country. Where ever we went we bought package tours of 3-4 days from travel agents that looked very cheap RM400-RM700, all in, we did shopping in those countries, everything looks & feels very cheap, we all feel happy for some time until we come back, start usual activities and realize that we had spent at an average of RM1200 all together for ticket, package and shopping. I felt that after every trip, I spoke to my friends and most of us had felt the same way until we see another Boom of Free seats and the phenomena repeats.
    Lately ever since Airasia has been pushy for so called Labu Airport, I start thinking about this. Airasia has flown now more than 30 Million people. Is there anyone recording? how many of those are Malaysians going overseas? How much shopping do they do out side the country and bring back to this country without paying any tax? How much that costs to Malaysian Economy? How many foreigners fly to Malaysia and how many of those come with their merchandise? Pay no taxes, sell that in Pasar Malam’s then take money home and come back with more merchandise? How many of those foreigners stay back as illegal workers who couldn’t take the traditional under water roots of illegal immigrants? How many foreigners come to Malaysia as real tourists for the first time but look down at Malaysia due to rude & no service minded Airasian staff and swear never to turn back? I hardly see any TV ads from Airasia in other countries ( I may not see because I am not there for longer periods) but I see Airasia does everything to send Malaysian money out of this country, he takes his service fees ( I am not sure if he pays tax for that, he might be getting tax rebates under some kind of privileges), the bulk goes to Airbus or the banks that finance the purchases but I feel someone should calculate the damage that is being done to this country. If it is left unchecked, we will see our country full of low cost goods in our homes, in the markets, in the streets. We will see low cost labor flying in and out of the country taking the jobs of our high cost educated people. Please some one stop this man>>>> please check on him>>>> please save our country.

  6. salam tun,
    mcm2 laa comment yg diutarakan…but from my point of view, there’s nothing interesting here in this issue except for the importance of their own pocket money..why not trying to fully utilised the klia itself instead of making a new one..some of the party trying to make things complex by giving the fact here and figure there but all in all, there’s up to the wisdom of leadership now to implement it or not.

  7. Dear Tun
    I have not read your comments for some time until this AM.
    The problem with this country in general, and with Malaysians in particular, is that there are too many self-proclaimed “experts” who make comments, public or otherwise, without verifying their facts, or worse, without having the facts.
    Besides the safety, economic, practical issues and more, there is no reason for us to have another commercial airport within the vicinity of KLIA or within the MMSC or within Selangor, WP and Negri Sembilan purely because of the logistics involved.
    As it is, imagine lugging your 20+ Kg of luggage alone between the LCCT and KLIA by bus or taxi. The time, cost, stress, inconvenience and other factors could lead to missing connections, missing luggage and losing patience. As a traveller, we are also concerned with airport security.
    As the “silent majority,” we believe money, both private and public funds, should be best spent on projects benefitting the majority and our national image. Projects like better public transport in cities and between towns, less expensive communications and internet access, more less expensive or free medical care, expand local education facilities to cater for more student intake, more affordable public housing, focus for more self-sustaining agriculture, livestock and food generating projects, more medium to high-end job opportunities, more mechanization and automation in low-skilled, low-end jobs and many more.
    We can if we want to !

  8. A’kum my dearest Tun,
    Semoga Tun berada didalam kemanisan iman dan kesejahteraan Allah s.w.t.
    Let me say this in english. I was one of the engineer during the construction of KLIA. I knew every single corner of KLIA from Main terminal Building to the Hammerhead. I work with Takenaka Corp which construct The Satelite A building( International Gate Lounge C1 – C37).
    I totally agreed with all your views on this matter since the execution of labu airport(IF), took lots of malaysian paid tax fund.
    on the master plan of KLIA, there is part of the land intended for another building of Satelite B building including transit train.Due to whatever reason (I believed you put on hold due to the needs on that particular situation- well u have save gov money) the building and the train was erased from the master plan.
    Furthermore with current situation of global economic crisis, the idea brought by sime darby conglomerate are base on individual interest… They keen on the project in order to make their order book higher so that they got sustain power during the crisis…. What about small contracting companies like me… The money should channeled to economiy enhancement programme which benefit to numbers of small entreprenuers and not to one giant conglomerate.
    If the proposal approved by the goverment…Air Asia will finally diverting international carriers from klia to labu…maybe in 5-10 year from now….. i confident and dare to write that the goverment on the process of killing national public carrier MAS and airport operator MAB if labu in the making. The Goverment by all forces must protect MAS without failure.
    Finally, yet KLIA was not tested operation 100%… Therefore DO NOT APPROVED… divert portion of the money to improved the services, find proper personnel for efficiency and let THE WORLD TALK on KLIA…. While another portion of the money, do other thing such as for the poor,public transport and others….
    Thank you Tun and i will write again in your blog.
    Best Regards

  9. Salam Tun,
    Izinkan saya mencelah komen ini….
    By RajaChulan on February 2, 2009 1:00 PM
    //LABU is but a manifestation of the frustrations faced by Air Asia, especially by Datuk Seri Tony Fernandez when dealing with “nuts” such as MAHB,KLIA and MAS.//
    If Tony is dam good and wise, he should have made Air Asia successful without any invisible helping hand from Pak Lak & family. The share price of Air Asia has gone down means investors are not interest. Everyone knows that he is a puppet to the pengkhianat negara, that Oxford young black monkey. We should say MAHB, KLIA and MAS are victimised silently by these nuts (morons) for 5 years now.
    //Air Asia wants to be a commercial driven world class organization. Air Asia is the standard flag bearer for wanting world class efficiency, competency and a merit based commercial organization.//
    If Air Asia wants to be a commercial driven world class organization, why did they choose Labu and rob our MAHB, MAS and KLIA businesses. If they are dam good, move to Johor and compete with Changi airport or move to Penang and compete with Thailand airport to bring in revenue for our country. Air Asia knew very well they are unable to compete with these 2 airports. The rakyat is fed up with these connections that make Malaysia a dungu to the world. Enough is enough and no more dirty jobs!!!!
    //Whereas, MAHB, KLIA and MAS are all typical Malaysian subsidy (NEP) minded, inefficient, useless, HP6 organizations. MAHB, KLIA and MAS are all staffed with incompetent, NEP based race and politically UMNO leaning people of the BN Government.
    Herein, arises the Conflict.//
    Conflict??? Air Asia is allowed in the free market aviation industry. However, when the market is down, Air Asia knew that they will not be able to sustain in long term, thus they came up with the stupid idea of Labu. To me, you and your Tony are much more incompetent than these staffs. Tony is not smart at all neither he is wise because he has chosen our stupid flip and flop PM to be his boss!!!!
    //Air Asia is therefore much subjected to the envy, jealousy or even flexing of muscle and sabotage by MAHB, KLIA, MAS and the like.//
    I never fly Air Asia because I personally think that Tony cannot be trusted. You think your Tony is so good that MAHB, KLIA, MAS and people are envy, jealous, flexing muscle and sabotage Air Asia, don’t over estimate your Tony and yourself. If possible, let KLIA, MAHB, MAS and Firefly take over Air Asia.
    Go away, Raja Chulan, we have had enough of these “so called educated persons” who does not even know the true meaning of democracy and justice, barking aimlessly at Tun’s weblog, you tak ada maruah dan tak tahu malu ke???
    Good night Tun.

  10. Salam Tun , mungkin si Luncai tak mengerti Mathematics . Musim banjir ni biarlah Labu tak menjadi

  11. This just proves a chronic uniquely human trait- we just cant share…. There are a lot more collateral damage than just a potential crash should labu go ahead.. One crash would potentially shift all travel into KLIA- this will have a catastrophic effect to MAlaysia as a whole..
    Why cant they just use the Subang terminal? The problems that you have listed- I think ALL OF IT are related to management problems and not geographical or location problems.
    I think the interest of going ahead with this is the collateral benefits gained from the project going ahead, rather than how it will affect air asia per se. And dont get me started on the environmental effects this may have- have the assessment being done while we are on the subject?

  12. Salam Ayahanda Tun. Minta izin sikit kalau dapat T. kasih Tun. (Tak dapat pun tak pe Tun, tetap tabik kasih dan hormat daripada kami Tun).
    Hah captain marvel – kek marbel, aku ni sibuk. Jadinyo sebelum kamu nembak, baik deng nembak kawal dulu hah.

  13. Sime Darby has a very critical issue on their this year revenue and really can be solved through a great deal with Air Asia. Thats actually the main agenda why DS. Zubir really need to make the LABU Airport happened.

  14. Salam Ayahanda Tun.
    Dallas Fort Worth (DFW) dan Love Field Airport adalah merupakan 2 buah lapangan terbang yang tersenarai pada ranking 3 dan 5 dalam kategori FAA

  15. Maaf, kesalahan saya, Love Field sebenarnya mengendalikan 6 juta penumpang pada tahun 2007.
    Betul kata Nixman, macam membandingkan antara orange dan apple. Tapi bilangan penumpang semata-mata bukanlah risk factor untuk perlanggaran pesawat. Faktor yang menyumbang kepada perlanggaran pesawat adalah bilangan pergerakan pesawat itu sendiri.
    Pendek kata, lebih banyak pesawat berlepas dan mendarat, kemungkinan berlaku perlanggaran lebih tinggi. Setuju kan?
    Okey, pada tahun 2007, Dallas Fort Worth Airport secara purata mengendalikan 1876 perlepasan dan pendaratan sehari. Dallas Love Field pula mengendalikan 677 perlepasan dan pendaratan setiap hari.
    Pada tahun 2007 juga, KLIA hanya mengendalikan 531 perlepasan dan pendaratan setiap hari. Kenapa berlaku macam ini? Kerana di KLIA, penerbangan dikendalikan dengan pesawat-pesawat berkapasiti besar. Tidak seperti Love Field yang penerbangannya dikendalikan dengan B737 dan A320 sahaja.
    Justeru KLIA dengan penumpang sebanyak 26 juta hanya mengendalikan 531 penerbangan sehari. Kalau Labu Airport handle 25 juta pada tahun 2013, saya jangkakan penerbangan setiap hari paling banyak pun 650 penerbangan sehari. Ianya tidak akan sebanyak Love Field kerana Labu Airport juga hub kepada AirAsiaX yang mengendali pesawat kapasiti besar.
    Bagaimana pula dengan KLIA pada masa itu? Harus diingatkan bilangan penerbangan akan sedikit berkurangan kerana AirAsia telah keluar dari KLIA. Tapi kalau MAS semakin maju mungkin bilangan penerbangan boleh jadi 800 sehari.
    Jadi mana yang lebih berkemungkinan berlaku perlanggaran? Di Dallas atau di Kuala Lumpur? Saya harap semua jelas bahawa isu perlanggaran pesawat tidak boleh diterima langsung sebagai alasan yang logik untuk berhujah against Labu Airport.
    Dallas: Fort Worth (1876) vs Love Field (677)
    Kuala Lumpur: KLIA (800) vs Labu (650)

  16. Tun, your comment on the frogs was straight to the point. But don’t you think the slapstick comedy staged by Hadi and Anwar was amusing? When Anwar was going around the world, bragging that he 30 MPs will jump and wanted Dolah to talk about handing over power where was the question of morality? Hadi and PAS will accept whatever suits them and will interpret the religion according to their whims and fancies. To me it is an insult as a Muslim and the religion of Islam.

  17. Salam tun,
    Saya nak comment on Jimmarvel “Point ke-12, kalau dilihat kepada bandar dunia lain, Dallas umpamanya. Dallas-Fort Worth dan Dallas Love Field airport hanyalah 7 km jaraknya. Masing-masing menguruskan 59 juta dan 1.45 juta penumpang setiap tahun. Tiada pun satu kejadian pesawat yang mahu mendarat atau berlepas dari dua lapangan terbang ini berlanggar. Ini kerana FAA mempunyai prosedur dan kriteria yang spesifik bagi menangani isu ini. Justeru ianya tidak wajar lagi dijadikan alasan, dan mereka yang menjadikan isu perlanggatan sebagai alasan sememangnya tidak mengetahui banyak perkara mengenai aviation.”
    ..silap tu….di bandingkan movement 59 juta dgn 1.45 comparing orange to apple. AirAsia kata mereka akan kendali 25 juta pada 2013. Bukannya 1.45 juta seperti Love-Field. Jumlah yang sebegitu sudah tentu akan bawa pada byk pergerakan trafik udara. Memang isu perlanggaran udara satu isu yag sangat dikhuatiri dan dan ini bukan alasan orang biasa, tetapi pendapat profesional dari saya yang sudah bertahun-tahun dalam idustri penerbangan Malaysia.

  18. Salam Tun,
    Saya agak tidak bersetuju dengan niat Air Asia untuk membuka KLIA ke dua di Labu.Ini kerana bagi saya KLIA yang di bina di Sepang adalah mercu tanda bagi Malaysia.Jika ada 2 buah KLIA,ini akan mengelirukan para pelancong yang datang ke Malaysia.Kerajaan telah membina KLIA sekian lama,tapi kenapa Air Asia masih mahukan lapangan terbang mereka sendiri?Tidak bolehkah mereka menggunakan kemudahan yang telah di sediakan?

  19. Asslkm Tun.
    I want to comment on your point number 10;
    “KTM may not be making money but it is not dead yet if we go by the number of passengers using the commuter. KTM and the Express Rail Link (ERL) will have to invest a substantial sum to carry 6 million more passengers. They may not want to. In which case you will have to rely on road transport or subsidise their development. You have already said you will not do so.”
    In Japan, they’ve made it a national law to develop its national rail networks called “Nationwide Shinkansen Railway Development Law”(source: so that japanese has good public highspeed railway transport.
    Too bad the only debate/bill/law our parliament can talk about is the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission Bill.
    The so called air asias “entrepreneur of the year” have lost all my respect since his only business strategy to success is bribing our leaders by giving an airbus for free as a gift. No dignity in doing business at all.
    wish u good health Tun.

  20. Dear Dr M,
    Sir, I appreciate your views. But, AirAsia is a remarkable airline company that has made heads turned towards them by other budget and full fledged airlines around the globe. Tony Fernandez is a corporate genius which we cannot deny of his efforts and strategies that has made AA so successful even during these downturn times.
    Malaysia is gifted to have such a son who has entreprunerial vision and wisdom to turn AA a Malaysian company, into a profit making airline. Such a person cannot be stopped of growing and seeing new growth potentials and planning ahead for the great harvest.
    His plan to have an exclusive airport for his airline reflects his passion and patrotism for both his company and country. The government should infact sit down with him and listen to his views, support and co-operate with him to make his vision generate wealth for the nation.
    This will enhance more entrepreuners like him to grow further and expand their businesses, knowing that the government supports them. Infact, he has shown success in his current standing and why not have the confidence in him that he will do better as well on his proposal.
    I support AirAsia to have its own terminal. Thanks
    Joshua Kumar

  21. saya tak faham mengapa masih ada lagi orang yang cuba nak beria-ia sangat agar LCCT Labu ini d bina. Kalau kita baca komen-koen dari banyak blog dan cakap-cakap di pejabat dan di mana-mana sahaja perjumpaan boleh dikatakan sebhagian besar menolak cadangan itu. Air Asia ni memang agak bongkak sikit maklumlah dah banyak laluan dan untung besar daripada aktiviti penerbangannya. Tengok sajalah ada pegawai tertingginya tak pernah sekalipun saya dengar berucap atau beri komen kepada media dengan menggunakan bahasa melayu. Kalau ia pun nak gunakan bahasa inggeris apa salahnya sekali sekala cakap bahasa melayu. Jijik sangat ke nak cakap melayu. Duduk malaysia dah lama takkan tak tahu cakap mlayu. Bangla yang 3 bulan saja kerja di pam minak pun panai cakap melayu. sedar dirilah sikit


  23. Decision On Labu Airport After Airasia-MAHB Talks
    KUALA LUMPUR, Feb 3 (Bernama) — The government will make a decision on whether to build a low-cost carrier terminal (LCCT) in Labu, Negeri Sembilan after AirAsia Bhd (AirAsia) and Malaysia Airports Holdings Bhd (MAHB) complete negotiations.
    Transport Minister Datuk Seri Ong Tee Keat said AirAsia and MAHB were now holding discussions to avoid overlapping functions.
    Alamak !! Apalah kerajaan kita ni malu sangat nak istiharkan keputusan bahawa rancangan untuk membina Labu Labi International Airport dibatalkan. Be firm lah. Takkan nak buat keputusan macam Pak Lah, flip, flop, flup !!!
    Dalam hal ini saya teringat ada sebuah lagi Melayu yang sungguh popular, liriknya seperti berikut:

  24. KLIA tak efisien? Biar betul
    Saya terpanggil utk komen pasal perkara ini setelah terbaca beberapa komen mengenainye… Seingat saya KLIA telah beberapa kali menang anugerah ‘Best Airport’.. Tak kan la tak efisien kut unless ada kong kalikong dengan badan yang memberi anugerah tu. Walallahualam.
    MAB pulak sibuk kata nak restructure.. tapi tak nampak pun apa2 perubahan nyata.. sahamnye masih sekitar dua henggit jer. Yang nampak jelas.. makin banyak jawatan SGM dan GM.. GLC kecik mcm tu pun ada ramai SGM dan berpuluh2 GM? Kan ke jawatan2 ni semua company bayar.. drebar, minyak, tol, kereta dan mcm2 perks lainnya dan yang dah retired, sambung kontrak dan bila habis kontrak pulak jadi penasihat.. tak ada ke muka2 baru.. tandus sangat ke bumi Malaysia ni dengan org2 yang lebih berkalibar.

  25. Aslm, Just to add something which has been gnawing in my mind for sometime. They say the Labu airport is off. Good. But they also say that MAB will build a new LCCT in consultation with Air Asia. The problem statement! Why Air Asia? Who is Tony a/l Fernandez? What is the Transport Minister doing? When is the EPU and other relevant government authorities going to make their stand? Where do we go from here? How are KJ/Kali/Musangitam going to override the Najib’s desicion?
    Tun, had they listened to you and proceeded with the double rail-tracking system, it would have been completed by now and people would be able to land at Ipoh and catch the connecting flight from KLIA and Ipoh would be able to wake up from the deep slumber and the KL folks would be able to sleep more.

  26. ermmm…. aku pikir cara senang, tuan punya Air Asia tu sapa dengan KJ? pikirlah sendiri kengkawan semua… so..bila secara lansung atau tidak… kroni jugak… memang BN mampus PRU13 ni dengan kuasa Allah.. dan tangan2 pemangkah…

  27. Assalamualaikum Tun,
    Saya memang sangat tertarik kepada pendapat Tun mengenai isu Airport Labu ini. Aviation industry adalah my interest and saya suka berbincang mengenai hal ini.
    Dalam point Tun yang keempat, saya bersetuju. AirAisa merupakan syarikat penerbangan tambang murah yang mengutamakan penjimatan dari semua aspek termasuk tenaga kerja. Justeru buruh murah dari negara luar akan digunakan dan efficiency tidak akan improve.
    Namun begitu, dalam point kelima, Tun tidak jawab soalan. AirAsia memerlukan hub sendiri dengan cepat, tapi Tun bagi point KLIA ada tahan luas 25000 ekar. Kalau macam tu Sime Darby pun ada tanah yang luas di Labu untuk bina Airport. Tun harus menerangkan bagaimana KLIA boleh gerenti AirAsia supaya mereka boleh mendapat hub sendiri dengan cepat.
    Dalam point keenam dan ketujuh, saya berseuju. Satu runway memang mempunyai capasiti yang sangat terhad. Tidak mungkin utilisasi sampai 70 movement per hour boleh dicapai.
    Mengenai point kelapan, memang betul jarak mereka cuma 7 km. Tapi kedudukan mereka lebih strategik kerana dekat dengan laluan KTM dan highway Utara Selatan. Dari segi accessibility, Labu airport mempunyai kelebihan berganda berbanding KLIA.
    Point ke-12, kalau dilihat kepada bandar dunia lain, Dallas umpamanya. Dallas-Fort Worth dan Dallas Love Field airport hanyalah 7 km jaraknya. Masing-masing menguruskan 59 juta dan 1.45 juta penumpang setiap tahun. Tiada pun satu kejadian pesawat yang mahu mendarat atau berlepas dari dua lapangan terbang ini berlanggar. Ini kerana FAA mempunyai prosedur dan kriteria yang spesifik bagi menangani isu ini. Justeru ianya tidak wajar lagi dijadikan alasan, dan mereka yang menjadikan isu perlanggatan sebagai alasan sememangnya tidak mengetahui banyak perkara mengenai aviation.
    Akhir sekali, point ke-11. Memang betul AirAsia tidak banyak penerbangan jarak jauh yang originate atau turun di KL. Tapi itu situasi di masa sekarang. Di masa hadapan AirAsia akan mempunyai sekurang-kurangnya 175 pesawat jarak dekat dan 30 pesawat jarak jauh. Visi AirAsia ketika itu adalah semua penumpang akan transit di Labu Airport tanpa menggunakan KLIA. Justeru tidak timbul isu penumpang terpaksa bergerak jauh untuk transit dari atau ke KLIA kerana ketika itu semua orang hanya akan menggunakan satu lapangan terbang, sama ada KLIA atau Labu. AirAsia akan menjadi lebih berdikari dan mengoperasi penerbangan ke lebih banyak destinasi antarabangsa dan mampu bersaing dengan MAS.
    Atau Tun sebenarnya mengutamakan kepentingan MAS?

  28. Salam kasih dan hormat Ayahanda Tun.
    “By melayumoden Author Profile Page on February 3, 2009 3:46 PM”
    Merujuk kepada komentar seperti diatas, saya memohon sedikit ruang disini untuk memohon maaf kepada melayumoden. Memang tepat sekali kata-kata beliau tentang persendaan Labu dalam komen-komen disini (saya juga memang tak terkecuali). Sikap berbangga dan megah beliau ini mengingatkan saya kepada sikap orang Perancis di Paris. Terharu, saya juga tumpang merasa kebangaan beliau disamping saya juga memohon maaf kepada beliau atas komen-komen saya yang telah turut juga menyentuh sensitiviti penduduk setempat Labu. Labu adalah sebuah tempat yang tenteram dan kaya dengan sikap hormat-menghormati sesama tetangga nya. Apa pun, saya mohon maaf kepada penulis melayumoden. Wassalam.

  29. Assalamualaikom wtw,
    Tun Yang Dikasihi,
    Mujurlah Tun antara yang mula-mula menimbulkan bantahan kepada cadangan pembinaan Airport Labu. Kalau tidak saya pasti cadangan itu akan menjadi kenyataan. Maka akan bergembiralah mereka yang mendapat ‘keuntungan’ dari projek itu.
    Saya hairan bagaimana kabinet yang terdiri dari orang-orang yang dikatakan ada fikiran dan berwawasan boleh bersetuju pada dasarnya tentang cadangan itu. Nasihat dari mana yang mereka terima tanpa mengambil kira hal-hal teknikal dan nasib KLIA yang dirancang sebegitu rupa oleh Tun untuk menampung ratusan juta penumpang yang masih jauh dari mencapai matlamatnya? Apakah kabinet sekarang hanya tahu mengumumkan projek-projek mega guna untuk mendapat publisiti murahan disamping memberi kemudahan kepada kroni mendapat keuntungan segera? MasyaAllah! Mudah-mudahan Allah mengampuni dosa-dosa mereka yang buta hati dan hilang pertimbangan.
    Pada saya, Terminal LCC pun tidak perlu kerana keupayaan KLIA masih mampu untuk menampung keperluan Air Asia. Kenapa kita misti membazir membelanjakan ratusan juta untuk LCCT? Dan tiba-tiba mahukan satu lagi bandara (Istilah Indonesia) yang jaraknya hanya beberapa km dari KLIA. Dan sebagaimana kata Tun, jarak yang begitu dekat memungkinkan berlakunya kesibukan pesawat untuk naik dan turun dan akibatnya membuka ruang kepada berlakunya kemalangan. Apakah pandangan DCA tidak diambil kira sebelum kabinet membuat keputusan?. Wallahua’lam.
    Kejayaan Air Asia menjadi satu syarikat penerbangan tambang murah dirantau ini memang memberangsangkan walaupun perkhidmatannya ‘indah kabar dari rupa’. Tapi untuk membiarkan Air Asia membayangi MAS dengan memberi segala kemudahan dan keistimewaan adalah satu perkara yang tidak patut berlaku. Saya takut Air Asia akan besar kepala apabila mempunyai bandara sendiri seperti Labu. Sekarang pun Air Asia menganggap LCCT hak mereka dan petugas-petugas DCA misti mengikut cakap mereka di LCCT.
    Pengumuman yang mengatakan cadangan bandara Labu dibatalkan amat melegakan majoriti rakyat. Tapi kenyataan Menteri Pengangkutan yang mengatakan Kabinet belum membuat keputusan membatalkannya, boleh mengelirukan. Kita tidak tahu apa sebenarnya berlaku. TPM cakap lain menteri cakap lain. Akhirnya wartawan yang akan disalahkan!
    Apa pun, saya berharap Tun akan terus mendahului bantahan cadangan pembinaan itu. Bukan kerana Tun suka-suka nak bantah tapi semimangnya Tun berwawasan serta waras didalam membuat sebarang komen.

  30. YAB Tun,
    Assalamualaikum, Selamat Sejahtera and Selamat Petang.
    I sincerely hope that the government is serious in stopping this LABU project, eventhough Ong TK may sound non-committal.
    Through my earlier comment under different heading, I posted my view based upon my long years experience associated with aviation and air space management. I wish to reiterate my 2 cents worth opinion with other readers and hopefully my suggestion could be considered if it is worth to be called a ‘suggestion’.
    As mentioned by some commenters, to have 2 airport so close to each other is not practical in any aviation sense. It is a recipe to invite disaster. It is an aviation safety hazard!
    Lets put that aside. Lets think rationally on how to overcome present LCCT’s congestion and boost KLIA main terminal’s capasity.
    Factually, KLIA main terminal is still underutilised. LCCT at KLIA is congested and the present extention is not helping much to ease this congestion. The number of passengers are growing. Low Cost Carrier Airlines need bigger space to accommodate this growing numbers. MAHB will not be able to complete the proposed LCCT under KLIA Master Plan before 2012.
    I would like to suggest the followings:
    a. MAHB kick start to build the LCCT under KLIA Master Plan immediately. Go for open tender. Sime Darby, Air Asia (they said they could raise the fund privately), and any other interested parties could bid and participate. The project is to be completed by 2011.
    b. To ease the congestion at LCCT, Air Asia X and some of Air Asia regional flights (flights to Indian sub-continent)and foreign Low Cost Carriers such as Cebu Pacific and Tiger Airways etc could utilise KLIA main terminal to embark and disembark. I am sure the government could persuade MAHB to negotiate for a more preferential handling charges to these Airlines for using its aerobridges and baggage handlings. (shops located in KLIA main terminal will be happy with more customers patronising their outlets).
    c. If these Low Cost Carriers insists of using LCCT as their embarking and disembarking point, so be it. They could still park their aircraft at other parking bays at the International Terminal parking areas. Passengers could be ferried to and from LCCT terminal to the aircraft using special buses. There should be special routes within the manoeuvring areas in KLIA for these buses to ply. This will ensure safety. This plan will not incur extra expenses except for the purchase of airport transit buses.
    * International Airports around the world is resorting to this kind of arrangements when there aren’t enough parking space and earobridges for aircraft to park.
    The above 2 suggestions could be used to overcome the present and projected congestion at LCCT until MAHB could build KLIA LCCT under the KLIA Master Plan.
    These 2 suggestions could end THE LABU Airport episode. This should be a truly ‘WIN-WIN’ solution to all parties except maybe to those who have hidden agenda….

  31. Salam.
    Im in AA.
    Tun, i totally agree with you regarding this matter.
    Who need an airport which is totally out of the range from the current KLIA?
    All we need its just an add-on to the current LCCT that we have. Eventhough, what we might know the current LCCT is only a “temporary” structure. All we need is improvement. not a new concrete structure which we all know it will not benefit any of party.
    Add on facilities that will benefit the passengers, AA staffs, MAHb staffs, Immigartion & Customs staff. all we need for a better airport is:
    1. more retail outlets
    2. more F&B outlets
    3. bigger surau
    4. better toilet (probably add on shower for those who overnite at the airport)
    5. more check-in counters with more comfortable space
    6. bigger boarding hall for international departure.
    7. more efficent immigration clearance
    8. Shuttle bus services on tarmac (this is esp for raining time or whe a/c is park far away from the arrival)
    Yes, its true AA dont have departure every mins. but AA have more flites and it is expanding very rapidly.First A320. then A330 now A340. totaly we need a better facility to catered for all that.
    one more reasons why we should maintain in KLIA because we do have a lot of foreign passengers that need to take a connecting flites throygh MTB. Moving to Labu, will only make it difficult for them if there is DELAY (very famous for that)
    Come and see the airport early in the morning. Esp, during the high seasons of travel. So jammed like Puduraya. Pity to the elderly and mothers travelling with infants.
    there are more serious problem that boss shuld look after in terms of WELLFARE.
    or maybe stick to the plan that MAHB have. new terminal the one that MAHB has proposed before which a new LCCT parrarel with the current MTB-KLIA.
    its better said than done i think..

  32. Dearest Tun,
    Good health to you and your family. So many justifications had been presented by those “wanted” Labu but none of it justified!
    Why the airport management team do not have visibility like Tun?! Why are they always behind the pace of everthing?! Very very poor in “continous improvement plan” minded. If they really see the crowd from Firefly, AirAsia, Tiger airways, Jetair….then just do improve the LCCT/KLIA immediately.
    Look at Singapore, if they see it and they do it! So we got to decide fast if we really want our lovely KLIA to be on par of the changi airport!

  33. Salam Tun,
    I am soo tired of this current government. It does not make any sense to even argue this topic. Buang bateri saja.
    It is a “no brainer” bak kata orang putih.
    KJ can build his house in LABU if he wants to .. and Pak Lah buleh dok sebelah dia. Labu and Labi!
    Letih Letih! Issue macam nih pun kita kena debate and argue.. macam mana nak maju!
    Why can’t people make money on projects yg sama sama untung, rakyat and themselves! Less arguements.
    What would we do without you Tun. Take care of your health and continue the fight!
    Salam my dearest Tun.

  34. Air asia dah dilayan double standard oleh gov malaysia sekarang.
    Idris jalan buat Firefly, pastuh jual bangunan MAS, lepas tuh tak malu mengaku buat untung banyak . Aku pun buleh buat ‘untung’ banyak dengan jual bangunan kalau macam tu!.
    Tidak akan ada orang mempertikaikan Tun untuk mengatakan KLIA adalah gagal, tidak sekali2.. tapi saya percaya.. pengurusan KLIA itu sendiri gagal dan double standard. Betul salah satu pendapat diatas, firefly punya refurbished… tuhs alah 1 contoh.
    Masa AirAsia mintak subang airport pun, diorang di reject mentah2 tanpa soal siasat dan tiada perbincangan baik.
    Biarkan peniaga buat kerja dia sendiri tanpa gangguan politician atau campurtangan orang kerajaan (yang berkepentingan).
    Kalau tak, nanti Industri Penerbangan kita jadi rosak… MACAM BOLASEPAK MALAYSIA yang dicampuri oleh orang2 politik dan berkepentingan.. (datuk itu datuk ini bla bla bla)

  35. Heloo Mr Tony.. hutang sama M.A.B. sudah berpuluh juta.. kasi sattle dulu… jangan ini macam kawan.. mau lari ka..?

  36. Dear Tun,
    Yesss!!..Thanx to u for making the issue on this Labu Airport…if not..surely by now they hv started their project happily.
    Will be glad if u can share ur opinion on the National School issue as posted By pakbelalang on January 31, 2009 4:36 PM.
    My opinion is, the current system has its weakness where the ethnic gap become more obvious compared to the older generation, plus our current school has not emphasized on the patriotism spirit…maybe Indonesian is better in this?..what say u

  37. salam to everyone
    nak kutuk airport baru, kenapa nak memain-mainkan nama LABU itu sendiri. ini ke sikap orang kita? sedangkan Israel pun disebut betul, Labu pula disebut labu-labi etc..
    Tolong hormat kepada penduduk Labu yang sayangkan tmpt tumpah darah mereka, tmpt mereka mencari rezeki, bermastautin. Jangan memperlekehkan nama tempat orang..mcm orang takde ilmu dan biadap.
    Orang Labu pun bukanlah hadap sangat nak airport baru. Mengejek-ngejek nama tmpt ni setau saya mcm perangai budak sekolah.
    Hentikan lah..benda pun dah tak jadi stop talking about the new airport ok? case closed!
    Tun, sudah la tu, tak payah lah cerita pasal new airport ni lagi.. lagi cerita, lagi org mengejek-ngejek, lagi org letak komen yang sia-sia dan tak berfaedah…

  38. Salam Ayahanda Tun,
    After all is said and done, even if LCCT@LAbu doesnt take off, at least now the whole country knows where pekan Labu is.. 🙂

  39. As’kum,
    Kenapa masih nak diteruskan juga Projek LCCT Labu,Rakyat sebenarnya memerlukan pengangkutan awam yang lebih sempurna, bukannya airport baru.
    Salam, M.Y.K

  40. Dearest Tun M…
    Say no to LABU!!! LABU is only one way to enrich the already super rich umno leaders….

  41. Salam Tun,
    Minta maaf sebab lari tajuk sikit, hanya nak bagi pandangan , projek besar ni kalau dibuat perlulah difikirkan keuntungannya kepada negara, saya tertarik melihat dokumentari mengenai jalan kapal yang dibuat dinegara china, dimana kapal yang besar dibawa masuk dengan mengunakan laluan yang dibina oleh manusia. saya rasa tentu chedet pernah menonton dokumentari tersebut , pada pendapat saya kalau kita bina jalan air yang melintasi perlis ke kelantan tentunya akan menjadi laluan singkat kapal2 dagang dari seluruh dunia malahan kapal2 ini akan terselamat dari serangan lanun di selat melaka dan kita akan mendapat keuntungan yang tinggi, hingway juga boleh dibina termasuk pelabuhan diperlis dan dikelantan juga boleh dibina untuk pemunggahan barang jika mereka tidak mahu menggunakan laluan kapal. Pada pendapat saya ini bukan sahaja akan mendatangkan keuntungan dinegari tersebut tetapi juga malaysia. Mungkin buat masa ini kos juga memainkan peranan kan, tetapi jika boleh direalisasikan impaknya sangat besar dan juga kemungkinan singapura tidak suka idea ini. Bagaimana pun pilihan ditangan kerajaan.
    lagi satu mengenai bekalan gula jika kita sering bermasalah dengan bekalan gula , bagaimana jika kerajaan membuka sebuah syarikat sendiri untuk menimport atau memproses gula untuk negara supaya harga dapat dikawal dan tidak sewenang-wenangnya diambil kesempatan oleh org yang tidak bertanggungjawab…itu idea saya lah tidak tahulah pada pandangan org lain.
    Semoga Tun sihat selalu bersama keluarga
    sayangkan malaysia

  42. Salam kasih dan hormat Ayahanda Tun. Hanya sedikit coretan nota dari saya Tun.
    Pulau Batu Putih : Lenyap dari muka bumi, hanya tinggal kini Pulau Pedra Blanca.
    Jambatan Bengkok: Tak boleh buat sebab seperti semua al-maklum, tidak “mendapat” kebenaran Singapura.
    Bandar Iskandar Economic Region: Cuba tengok siapa pemilik sebenar sekarang ini. Pasti semua banyak tersandar dan mungkin ada juga akan pitam sekejap.
    KLIA East (Air Asia Labu Airport):
    1)Jika lapangan terbang dibina dengan jarak kurang daripada 40KM diantara mereka, maka ICAO (pihak yang memantau aspek keselamatan penerbangan sivil/komersil dunia) yang beribupejabat di Amerika Syarikat akan menurun taraf KLIA dan KLIA East kepada gred bawah CAT1 Keselamatan (Kategori 1).
    2)Jarak antara lapangan terbang KLIA dan KLIA East (yang telah dicadangkan oleh Air Asia dan telah dibatalkan oleh Kerajaan) adalah cuma dalam 10KM sahaja.
    3)Jika ICAO menurun taraf mana-mana lapangan terbang didalam mana-mana negara ke gred bawah CAT1, maka semua pesawat yang datang dari negara berkenaan juga akan dengan ini juga mungkin akan dihadkan daripada memasuki ruang udara Amerika Syarikat dan mendarat. Bererti, segala perjanjian-sama penerbangan komersil Malaysia dengan Amerika Syarikat akan mungkin tergugat. Jika ini berlaku, berbillion negara akan tanggung kerugian.
    Berpandukan fakta-fakta diatas, siapakah sebenarnya yang akan untung besar? Singapura tentunya apabila Changi akan terus diberikan pengiktirafan dunia, dan manakala pula KLIA di turun taraf. Sekarang kita tengok pula siapakah diantara entiti yang “kononnya” nak bagi duit besar labur di Labu untuk lapangan terbang kedua ini? Begini: saya boleh janji bagi tuan/puan pinjam RM100, tapi saya bagi berperingkat-peringkat. Entah saya nak bagi penuh ketidak pun belum tentu lagi. Tapi lapangan-terbang tuan/puan dah kena turun taraf dah. Janji memang senang punya kerja. Saya cuma nak “damage done”. 3000 hektar tanah prime lagi dapat. Tak payah sibuk reclaim sana-sini. Kos Yahudi boleh main kontra punya.
    Cara Yahudi berniaga adalah halus dan teliti (suka cara main masuk ikut belakang). Jikalau kita tak juga lagi halus dan teliti daripada mereka (tapi jangan sampai main belakang dulu), maka kita akan kena telan macam itu sahaja. Hanya kenangan bakal menanti KLIA dan industri pelancongan serta F1 Malaysia jika Singapura berjaya dalam agenda mereka ini. Pusing satu dunia, masuk keluar semua pintu, habis 1 passport chop, akhirnya kita balik semula kepada realiti kemaraan Singapura yang turut juga dianjurkan oleh kepimpinan lemah negara kita. Cukup lah sudah saya berkata disini tentang ini. Terima kasih Tun.

  43. Assalamualaikum WBT Tun yang di hormati,
    Untuk makluman Tun, saya berpendapat yang mana hasil usaha tun dalam mewujudkan sektor kewangan Islam bermula dgn penubuhan Bank Islam telah berjaya menarik minat dunia malangnya Bank Islam sendiri yang mana saya pasti Tun wujudkan untuk membantu dan untuk menjadikan sebagai batu loncatan orang-orang Islam terutama bumiputera untuk meneroka sektor kewangan yang dikuasai oleh bangsa asing telah atau sedang menuju (dengan lajunya) kepada kemusnahan jelas sekali bakal terkubur niat murni Tun itu.Ini adalah hasil dari sikap mabil mudah dan tidak percaya pada kebolehan bangsa sendiri oleh pihak pemegang amanah.
    Jelas sekali kita lihat bagaimana dengan bermulakan penukaran logo yang cuba menyakitkan hati umat islam sendiri iaitu logo yang lebih menonjolkan perkataan ‘BAN ISLAM’ daripada bank islam (Ianya masih belaku hingga sekarang pada kebanyakan tempat). Ini berlaku tatkala mana pihak perunding yang diambil tidak sensitive/peka akan maksud yang dibawa dan lebih penting pihak perunding itu sendiri bukan dari org2 Islam dan tidak mengetahui akan apa itu Islam yang mempunyai konsep kusus dalam kewangan. Hasil dari teguran masyarakat barulah pihak bank menukar logo tersebut supaya lebih menonjolkan ‘Bank Islam’. Atas kos dua kali penukaran yg mana masih tidak selesai lagi.
    Lebih malang lagi, pihak pengurusan atasan yang mana pengambilannya lebih cenderong kepada bukan Islam ataupun bukan Melayu. Pada saya, sebagai Bank yang mewar-warkan ISLAM sebagai kata utama, kateria Islam itu sepatutnya diutamakan. Tidak adakah org islam yang boleh memegang jawatan-jawatan tersebut didalam Negara mahupun dunia sehingga menggambil orang2 bukan Islam yag tidak sensitive kepada agama ini. Hinggakan ada yang terang2 menghina kebolehan anak2 melayu itu sendiri dengan perkataan melayu malas dan melayu tidak boleh dipercayai.
    Sudahlah kebanyakan ‘vendors’ yang diambil dari kalangan bukan islam dan bukan bumiputera, ahli dari kalangan2 pekerja juga mula diubah kepada bukan muslim.
    Dan sejak kemasukan org2 ini, ada beberapa kemuskilan berlaku seperti mana pembaziran, perbelanjaan yang terlalu mewah dan banyak menuju kepada syarikat2 yang mana mereka ada mempunyai hubungan tanpa melalui process tender yg sempurna.
    Berlaku juga cubaan untuk membawa wang keluar dari bank secara besar-besaran yang mana tidak pernah berlaku sebelum ini sehingga kemasukan org2 ini.
    Kemasukan org2(kroni2) mereka dgn pangkat2 besar tapi menjalankan kerja sama seperti org bawahan mereka atau hanya sebagai pengantaraan (messenger) dari atas utuk org bawah.
    Dimanakah tujuan utama yang cuba diusahakan dulu untuk membantu masyarakat Islam dan bumiputera yang mula terkubur sekarang ini hasil usaha pihak2 pemegang amanah ini.
    Sesungguhnya benar apa yang Tun katakan, ‘Melayu Mudah Lupa’.
    Dan saya ingin menambah lagi seperti berikut, ‘Ada melayu yang buta hati dan buta mata selepas dibantu oleh Melayu yang lain hingga berjaya hinggakan tidak mahu memandang atau duduk sekali dengan melayu lain’.
    Diharap agar Tun dapat memberi sedikit permerhatian, nasihat mahupun teguran kepada mereka yang berkenaan sebelum keadaan bertambah parah.
    Salam kepada bapa kemajuan bangsa yang saya kasihi dan kagumi.

  44. Salam YAB Tun,
    1. Datuk Abdul Azeez Abd Rahim – Penggerak Putera UMNO tidak seharusnya diberi tanngungjawab tersebut. Siapa yang tidak kenal beliau sebagai seorang yang mempunyai kepentingan peribadi. Beliau adelah kroni KJ.
    2. Yang terbaru KJ adalah seorang yang tidak bertanggungjawab…Datuk Soh Chee Aun telah dijadikan kuda hitam beliau. Sepatutnya FAM memecat KJ kerana gagal menjalankan tugas dan tanggung jawab sebagai Pengurus Bola Sepak Negara.
    3. Wahai orang UMNO….mengapa anda sekelian takut bersuara untuk membetulkan kedudukan parti. PR13 akan melihat kehancuran UMNO..jika masalah ini tidak di atasi.
    4. YAB Tun, please comeback to lead the country…DSNTR is too soft and always play safe whatever decision he makes. That’s not good for the country.
    5. Orang2 lama dalam UMNO bergadai bergolok harta dan benda serta air mata untuk kemerdekaan negara..senang2 sahaja KJ dan kroninya memadamkan pergorbanan ini. KJ dan kroni adelah tali barut negara jiran yang hendak menjahanamkan negara kita. Keluarkan KJ dan kroni2nya dari UMNO…sekarang…
    6. Sya masih penyokong setia UMNO.

  45. Salam ayahanda Tun,
    As a fellow kedahan and SAHOCA member I support you Tun.
    Tun, I grew up in the same town and in the same school as yours and somehow I feel that your thought and mine are the same.
    Anyway, Tun, my comment below by no mean to offend you, you are our hero and a great statesman that we, Malaysian of all races ever have. My comment:
    Tun, whatever issues that have been heppening in Malaysia are all because of you, Tun. You have developed and done everthing for the country. You built the tallest twin tower, longest bridge, sopisticated and modern trains, airport, monorail, LRT, PUTRA, just to name a few.You built high-tech industries and also high-growth areas and etc, etc, etc. Hence,your successor has nothing else to do, accept walking pass the “CORRIDORS” and enjoy the sight seeing and during free time, he (your successor) and other members of goverment and political parties will have more to time to spare to quarrel, and squabble with each other, simply because..THEY THINK THAT THEY HAVE NO MORE THINGS TO DO FOR THIS COUNTRY AND ALL HAVE BEEN DONE BY TUN.

  46. YAB Tun,
    All in all….this Labu Airport is a bad idea.
    The only question I want answered now is..
    How did Sime Darby announced that the Cabinet have agreed and then the DPM said the Cabinet have not agreed yet?
    I think having a ‘flip-flop’ Government is worse than having a bad idea.

  47. Salam Ayahanda Tun. Mohon agar dapat kiranya di-izinkan sedikit ruang untuk saya disini. Terima kasih Tun.
    Shaharum Ramli

  48. Good Morning to all Chedet followers,
    Once again our low life politician(Mr KJ) have managed to make big bucks out of the Malaysian Goverment.This is an act of lunacy and great waste of the people money.First it was IJN and now this.
    I think the people of Malaysia knows quite very well who is the PM of this country.It is definetly not Badawi.It is definetly KJ.
    I dont understand how the other cabinet and MP’s in Malaysia just sit around and just do nothing when all this fiasco decision for this past few months have just not angered the public but certainly have given the public a sore eye view of the stupidity of the Malaysian goverment on even listening to this idiotic proposal.
    I agree 100% on most of the opinion’s that have been shared by all the bloggers in this column.This proposal just shows you that the next UMNO General Election come this March will full of unwanted characters being elected for immportant position.Regardless wether UMNO are cracking down the corruption or not it is no point for them to vote in up-coming election.KJ definetly will win his position as the new Ketua Pemuda UMNO and there is no chance for Mukhriz.I do hope that Mukhriz would win that position by a large margain,god knows what other capable things that KJ will do to gain the power of some of the corrupted UMNO politician inside the party.
    Good Column TUN.Take care yourself.
    Now Playing : G/Z/R – Plastic Planet

  49. A bit late to comment due to problem registering to your blog. But anyway, are these people serious about building another airpost. I mean toney fernandes has done good job of bringing about airasia service to malaysia. his idea was not new. but i think this idea about building another airport is an example that this guy is starting to exceeding his shelf life. previous success is not an indicator of future success. With regards to sime darby, maybe a new definition of GLC business is needed. Other than maximising shareholders’ value, maximising stakeholders’ value are utmost important.

  50. Assalamualaikum Tun,
    1.Apa lagi yang dikatakan BELUM SELESAI yang perlu dilakukan oleh Pak Lah + KJ.sehingga terpaksa menangguhkan PEMILIHAN UMNO kepad Mac 09?
    2.Yang nyata, selagi ada peluang ianya mesti digunakan sebaik mungkin.
    i.Jual IJN
    ii.LCCT Labu
    iii.Melancung ke sana sini
    3.Kalau tiada bantahan,akan ada banyak kepentingan lagi yang hendak diberi atau dijual kepada Sime Darby.Yang penting %nya ada.
    4.Tahniah KJ + Musa Hitam kerana bijak mempergunakan Pak Lah sementara Pak Lah berkuasa.

  51. Salam Ayahanda Tun. Minta izin sedikit (T.kasih).
    To Raja Chulan – Salam. I finally agree with fellow commenter CheDeen that when you went and shift a manual without pressing on the clutch plate, you would go crunch and kaput. So please be sure brain is engaged before putting mouth into gear – especially if you are driving a Jewish import – that thing is fiercely self centering no doubt. Best Regards

  52. Salam Ayahanda Tun.
    Tony Fernandes (I am spelling that correct finally) is a savvy businessman. He took in a near bankrupt and demoralized Air Asia from DRB with just few ailing 737

  53. Askm Tun & fellow readers
    Well, praise to Allah that the silly project have been scraped. GOOD RIDDANCE TO BAD RUBBISH I’ll say. But, what next? March seems to be far away before that old fart steps down. I have a funny feeling it would not end here~ just a hunch though.
    That aside, one must wonder what is running through the mind of BN’s top brass? The party lost miserably in the last GE. Too overconfident, ignorant, arrogant and blind to face facts. Like everybody here mention, BN is falling apart. UMNO is in shambles, nobody knows what’s going on inside other BN component parties. People have lost confidence in the “BN BRAND”. Somehow until now, it seems that there are no solid solution to their predicament~
    Unless something can be done about it, the current ruling government might as well hand in the seat of power to the so-called “Pakatan Rakyat” on a silver platter even before the 13th GE~ I honestly wouldn’t want such thing, ruled by some make-shift and “all talk, no show” party/coalition with leaders that are “willing to stab each other when the other is not looking”.
    I can’t help but commenting on a comment about Anwar. Yea sure, he’s a great speaker. Brilliant mind but for the wrong reason. He’s a TRAITOR who’s willing to sell the country to foreign powers and he would say anything to win support. KJ and his ilks too, these people should not be allow to rule or put in charge of anything. They’ll just destroy everything that they can get their grubby hands on.
    Till then, may Allah blessed Tun and the family good health and good fortune. Same goes to all readers/bloggers/fellow countrymen.
    P.s, this might sound kinda silly to ask of you Tun but, can I have a copy of “The Malay Dilemma”? Wanted a copy but couldn’t get one, so I was wandering if I could get one from you Tun. If possible, with your autograph Tun. Thanks xD

  54. Salam TUN,
    Cadangan saya agar gunakan KLIA seberapa maksimum yang boleh,
    Kalau perlu menaiktarafnya baru buat.
    “Orang kita mudah lupa,
    Mula-mula mahu cari wang juta-juta,
    Selepas ini mencari kuasa,
    Kemudian mencari mangsa………..”

    By pakbelalangAuthor Profile Page on February 2, 2009 11:32 AM
    Dear Tun,
    Sathianathan and Chin Aun sacked for national team

  56. Assalamualaikum Tun,
    Mohon kepada Tun untuk kita bincangkan isu WPI selepas ini jika ada kelapangan.
    Terima kasih.
    Selamat berjuang Tun !!

  57. Salam Tun,
    Mintak jasa baik Tun habaq kat MAHB kalu nak buat Low Cost Carrier Terminal pun buat la yg the best jangan lagu dok buat kerja pak pandiaq.

  58. Dear all,
    Let’s be clear of this Air Asia-Labu issue. First of all, the current LCCT looks like a make shift ‘godown’ which is made out of zinc sheets. IS that how we Malaysian wanted to potray a local born Top 10 brand. Did anybody take a drive to Terminal 3 @ Subang which cater for Fire Fly. How come the copy cat gets a new re-furbished with state-of-the-art airport. How much is their contribution compared to Air Asia.
    The rakyat entrusted the Government to act fairly and all racres are given a fair treatment. Tony is very clear in his business objectives and he justified for a high-tech airport. Look at KLIA now, full of foreigners and when it comes late night, it’s like a ‘ghost town’. I have seen Changi and Hong Kong airport, busy every hour. KLIA is under utilised and why the hell we need so many airports ? Why don;t they allow Air Asia to operate out of KLIA in order to fill up the empty slots ? Please don’t mix business with politics, the country will die of natural death when the children is ‘raping’, ‘reaping’ & ‘ripping’ it for their own benefits.

  59. Askm Tun,
    Open letter to everybody, lol,
    1. I agree with Tun about efficiency.
    2. Whatever reason give by Moman is like when Pakatan Rakyat decide to change a proton perdana to Toyota Camry. (hope ur not politician and juz normal business minded people,lol)
    3. I think Patriotism should come 1st before whatever reason.
    4. If we have enough will power in patriotism , This whatever problem can be overcome…
    5. Sad to say today malaysian political leader (Bn and Pakatan rakyat) talk more about efficiency then patriotism.

  60. Dear Tun,
    saya nak cadang satu je… on the gaza issue that is.. Selain dari boikot relevan produk, maybe Tun boleh initiate another campaign. A campaign to stop using the word “Israe*”. Simple kan? If we never ever going to accept the existance of that gov/country, why should we agree to called them by the name then. if the whole islamic countries agree, “Isr***” will be just another word in the wikipidea. Imagine the psychological effect that can be achieved. Sekiranya perlu kita sebut ttg pihak itu, mybe we should just mention it as “pihak itu/tmpat tu/mereka itu”. Rasanya benda yg kita jarang sebut lama kelamaan benda tu luput / dilupakan / hilang .. wallah’hualam..

  61. Salammm.
    Teman setuju amat dng Tun dan juga “Malaysian”.. Mungkalo si toni dan labu2nya tu nak sangat buat Lpg terbang rakyat… baik ler dia ambik ipoh yang di tinggalkannya dulu tu.. develop kan dan kurang2nye orang kampong teman tu dapat sedikit sebanyak manfaatnye.. getik benor teman nenguk deme2 ni.. tamak haloba nak ngumpul harta dunia utk diri sendiri.. dah tu namakannya untuk rakyat kunun… bukah lagi hampeh.. tapi gampang dah tu..

  62. Assalamualaikum Tun,
    Semoga Tun sentiasa sihat dalam menjalankan tugas harian.
    Tahniah Tun atas kejayaan demi kejayaan yang dicapai sejak laman web ini dilancarkan. Sememangnya perjuangan kita masih belum selesai dan kita dituntut untuk terus berjuang sehingga ke nafas kita yang penghabisan. Cinta kepada negara juga sebahagian daripada iman. Tiada noktah untuk itu. Tahniah Tun !
    Serangkap lagu M Nasir untuk kita kongsi bersama :
    Pada Mu jua tertuju segala jalan
    Pada Mu jua cinta ku serahkan
    Kerna hati seorang pencinta
    Pandangannya satu
    Matanya hanya melihat Dia
    yang melihatnya
    Hanya Dia kekasihnya
    Selamat berjuang Tun !!

  63. Salam Tun yang dikasihi,
    Terima kasih diatas sokongan padu Tun terhadap KLIA.
    Kami amat menghargainya..
    Hidup KLIA !

  64. Salam Tun..
    Inilah masalahnya, kita sudah mempunyai airport yang bertaraf dunia di KLIA, buat apa kita nak sibuk2 bina lagi airport..dekat dengan KLIA pulak tu.. Kalau dibuat di JB ke atau Langkawi ke tak pa lah jugak. Daripada kita bazirkan RM1.6B untuk KLIA East, lebih baik kita gunakan wang tersebut untuk `upgrade` kan airpoet yang sedia ada di malaysia ni. Kalau LCCT tidak mampu lagi nak tampung penumpang yang banyak pada masa depan..why don`t guna wang tersebut untuk memperbesarkan lagi LCCT.Tambah kemudahan yang sedia ada daripada membazir…Ini hanyalah pandangan yang cetek daripada saya.

  65. ur one dirty fellow Mahathir… Dun forget wht goes around, comes around. Ur talking so much, y dun u explain now abt ppl telling ur an indian, mamak n ur dad was born in kerala, india. so now let ppl know how the hell u became a malay since ur dad is an indian. that is my question to u. if u say ur mum is a malay or by defination ur a malay, then just change ur name from Bin Mohammad to Bin Ur Mother’s Name. then i think everybody will agree that ur a malay. until then for me ur still an indian. anyway congratulation for becoming the first indian prime minister of malaysia and the longest serving indian prime minister of malaysia and the most successsful indian prime minister of malaysia. and double conratulation for this, actually u hv managed to convince,confused n con the malays to accept u as a Prime Minister and a Malay by defination. that is the joke of the century. may b in malaysia ppl are not laughing abt this statement which was told by u in riz khan’s interview but ppl in overseas are laughing n even some of them are asking me how can ur country was having this joker as a PM and the most insulting is when they know actually u were the PM for 22 years. cheers mahathir n i really hope u will comment on this statement…

  66. Now that the labu project had been cancelled, what’s important now is to improve the existing lcct, including KLIA transit into it, imagine passenger now have to take taxi or private car which is very costly. adding more counter for checking in is also a priority. building another lcct however is required, but in long term.
    Funny news

  67. Apa lagi…. mmg sah la projek2 ni semua kepala Khairi Jamaluddin. Yang Pak Lah pulak ikut saja cakapnya.
    Rakyat Malaysia kena lebih berpengaruh dalam urusan keputusan kejaraan. Sebab kerajaan tu sepatutnya kita punya, bukan setakat hanya guna duit kita!!!
    Say no to KJ!!!

  68. No Problem In Supervising RM1 Billion Allocation – Musa
    KOTA KINABALU, Feb 2 (Bernama) — Chief Minister Datuk Seri Musa Aman today refuted claims that there were delays and supervisory problems in the channelling of the special RM1 billion allocation for Sabah.
    “There’s no problem in getting the RM1 bilion. What is important is speedy implementation so that we can implement all projects the fund is intended for,” he said.
    He was asked to comment on newsreports in a local daily today quoting Sabah Progressive Party (SAPP) president Datuk Seri Yong Teck Lee as questioning why the fund was put under the Implementation Coordination Unit (ICU) of the Prime Minister’s Department.
    Yong claimed that projects under the ICU were still under the control of federal authorities.
    This Teck Lee continues to harp on who controls who. His brain is really HP6, indeed. He is trying to champion the Sabahans. What a shallow mentality he is. It is a very old fashion way of thinking. It doesn’t matter who controls who. The question is that we should ensure that the funds are being allocated for the purpose of development and it is available to be disbursed. Why question whether it is being control by the state or federal governments.It is irrelevant and very petty. Don’t be narrow minded. Teck Lee should be proposing something good for the Sabahans and ensure that it benefits them directly.
    Come on, Teck Lee, please grow up!!!

  69. Yang memerentah kerajaan negeri Perak sebenarnya DAP. PKR dan PAS diperkudakan dan sungguh memalukan bangsa Melayu. Saya sungguh kecewa dengan PAS dan lebeh kecewa lagi ialah UMNO yang tak sedar diri hinggakan hancur parti dipergunakan oleh pemimpin yang tamak haloba, rasuah dan sombong bodoh dan lebeh terok lagi DAH BODOH STUPID.
    Sampailah masanya PAS dan UMNO bergabung untuk mempertahankan kedaulatan dan memertabatkan bangsa Melayu dan agama demi kesejahteraan rakyat seluruhnya. Bangsa lain Cina, India memerlukan kepimpinan orang Melayu yang berkalibar bukan sahaja untuk menjaga kepentingan kaum mereka tapi juga keselamatan mereka.
    PAS tidak harus terus mengugat kepimpinan orang UMNO tapi sepatutnya bersama-sama bersatu tenaga menjaga maruah orang Melayu dan agama. Kita tidak mampu berpecah belah kerana akhirnya merugikan bangsa sendiri. Cukuplah!! Kita hendakkan generasi akan datang anak cucu kita tidak hidup merana terombang ambing kerana perbuatan pemimpin kita yang pentingkan diri. Siapa yang rugi? Anak cucu mereka pun rugi sama. Fikir fikirkan lah saudara diluar sana. Saya merayu sangat kita bersatu padu sama-sama menempoh kehidupan yang penuh cabaran !! Tolonglah wahai pemimpin Melayu yang berakal. Baliklah kepangkal jalan. Jangan biarkan suasana politik sekarang dijadikan medan untuk menghancurkan bangsa sendiri.

  70. I totally agree with you, Tun. KLIA, if properly managed, should suffice.
    Tony & cronies are just trying to cream off whatever they can before the old King passes on in March.
    Sime Darby is a GLC. So to say that this is a private sector initiative is really stretching it.

  71. Dear,
    Pak Belalang…. ( refer to your comment)
    In Chedet, anyone can give any comments or their opinions. But please make sure the words you are using is not hurt’s anyone.
    Pak, boleh bersuara, tapi asalkan jangan lupakan moral( ajaran agama) di sana. Itu lebih penting Pak!
    I hope you got it!

  72. I shall care only the bottom line whether a new airport is needed-money. If building a new Labu airport would maintain/lower the air fare that i pay to fly, i would definitely support that move, it’s a good one! Otherwise, please negotiate with KLIA to get a better deal landing in KLIA extension.
    Other than that, the rests are just ‘politic’ talk… for the people, we should only think bout how much impact to the fare that the people is going to pay.

  73. Dear Tun,
    Slightly on the light side today. I think even the name is not very inspiring – for an airport. Labu Airport does not seem to have oomph.
    I think names can inspire and there are such things as ‘weak’ names. For example when the Japanese attacked Malaya in WW2, the commander of the British forces in Malaya was a man called Robert Brooke Popham. Sounds like Popeye the Sailorman. The Japanese were led by Tomoyuki Yamashita. The Japanese won.
    When translated into English, Labu becomes ‘pumpkin’. Imagine the pilots radio-ing the Control Tower ‘MH835 calling Pumpkin, Over’. Somehow does not sound right.
    A car that is made on a Monday (and can therefore have technical problems) is also called a lemon. Something that has gone sour.
    “MH835 calling Lemon, Over”
    Tun, here is a good name ‘Mahathir Mohamad’. Here is another one ‘Syed Akbar Ali’.
    Syed Akbar Ali.

  74. Dear Tun,
    No matter how much I admire you BUT one thing you could not do “change the attitude of Malaysian (read malay)” You managed to change some of these people to “melayu baru” with its consequences! ‘membujur lalu melintang patah. Labu to me is a case of sick child wanting the mother to do something. MAB, DCA or who ever manage KLIA is not doing its job or look at the exorbitant charges imposed. Reduce this and increase in efficientcy at KLIA, Labu will disappear. Will somebody in KLIA management willing to stand and be counted for the problem in KLIA (in Malaysian context You definetately be kick out “lawan tokeh” and if KLIA is still one of the “golden goose” among the few that have survive. Then que sera sera. Sorry Tun my honest opinion.

  75. Salam Tun & members,
    Sorry for not commenting your articles due to hectic year end tasks at office hehehe…anyway i just able to read the articles..
    Enclosed is the article quoted from utusan malaysia online:
    Kewajaran LCCT dikekalkan di KLIA
    Oleh Ainul Asniera Ahsan
    [email protected]
    Ketua Pegawai Eksekutif AirAsia, Datuk Seri Tony Fernandes menunjukkan tapak terminal penerbangan tambang murah yang dicadang dibangunkan khas untuk syarikat itu di Labu Negeri Sembilan baru-baru ini. – AFP
    Meskipun AirAsia memerlukan Terminal Penerbangan Tambang Murah (LCCT) baru di Labu, Negeri Sembilan untuk menampung 15 juta penumpang menjelang 2010 namun ia masih tidak cukup kuat untuk syarikat penerbangan tambang murah itu meraih sokongan daripada kerajaan.
    Pelbagai dakwaan kerasnya terhadap Malaysia Airports Holdings Bhd. (MAHB), seperti lambat respons terhadap pertumbuhan pesat penumpang AirAsia, juga nampaknya tidak mampu menangkis kritikan demi kritikan yang dilemparkan sehingga hari ini.
    Malah, pada Jumaat lalu, kerajaan menolak cadangan syarikat penerbangan tambang murah itu untuk membina terminal baru yang dikenali KLIA East yang menelan belanja sebanyak RM1.6 bilion.
    Bagaimanapun, AirAsia tidak pulang dengan tangan kosong apabila syarikat penerbangan tambang murah itu dilaporkan berjaya memperoleh beberapa konsesi.
    Selain itu, AirAsia juga berjaya mendapat jaminan mengenai caj dan cukai lapangan terbang lebih rendah dan syarikat penerbangan itu akan berunding dengan MAHB mengenainya dan dibenarkan memberi input mengenai spesifikasi LCCT.
    Mengulas mengenai perkembangan cadangan pembinaan KLIA East, tokoh ekonomi negara, Tan Sri Ramon Navaratnam berkata, walaupun kerajaan perlu memberi fokus kepada pelaksanaan projek impak tinggi untuk merangsang ekonomi tetapi ia bukan untuk projek KLIA East.
    Menurut Navaratnam, Pelan Induk Lapangan Terbang (PILT) merupakan pelan yang terbaik pernah dilahirkan oleh Malaysia untuk menjadikan Lapangan Terbang Antarabangsa Kuala Lumpur (KLIA) sebagai hab penerbangan utama negara.
    Oleh itu, prosedur PILT perlu dipatuhi kerana ia adalah untuk kepentingan rakyat Malaysia pada jangka masa panjang.
    ”PILT dibuat bukan dalam masa setahun atau enam bulan sebaliknya memakan masa bertahun-tahun, jadi saya tidak nampak rasional untuk mengadakan satu LCCT yang bukan di dalam lingkungan KLIA,” katanya kepada Utusan Malaysia.
    Orang awam yang tidak ketinggalan membicarakan isu itu di warung-warung turut mempersoalkan mampukah Sime Darby Bhd. (Sime Darby) menanggung kos pembinaan KLIA East sebanyak RM1.6 bilion?.
    Apabila difikirkan semula, kenyataan-kenyataan itu memang ada kebenarannya meskipun persoalan tersebut dicetuskan daripada borak-borak kosong di warung-warung tepi jalan.
    Sebagai antara syarikat utama yang menjana pendapatan untuk Permodalan Nasional Bhd. (PNB), mungkinkah tindakannya untuk melaksanakan projek itu akan menjejaskan tanggungjawabnya kepada firma pelaburan negara tersebut?.
    Kebarangkalian memang ada kerana masakan AirAsia berkemampuan untuk membayar kos pembinaan KLIA East itu secara tunai. Apakah akan terjadi kepada nasib pelaburan bagi 6.56 juta pelabur Amanah Saham Bumiputera (ASB) yang rata-rata dimiliki oleh golongan bumiputera?.
    Lagipun dalam keadaan sekarang, masih adakah institusi kewangan yang berani untuk mengeluarkan wang sebanyak itu? Ia kerana, paling tidak tempoh pembayaran semula projek pembinaan KLIA East pasti melibatkan tempoh jangka sederhana dan panjang.
    Satu lagi persoalan benarkah KLIA East itu akan dibiayai atas inisiatif swasta (PFI). Perlu difahami bahawa PFI dalam istilah ekonomi adalah projek yang dibiayai sepenuhnya oleh swasta tetapi di Malaysia amalan itu tidak berlaku seperti itu.
    Di Malaysia, amalan PFI digunakan dalam dua keadaan iaitu pertama, PFI dapat memudahkan pelaksanaan projek kerajaan dengan lebih cekap dengan mengimbangi perkongsian risiko dan ganjaran antara kerajaan dengan pihak swasta.
    Kedua, PFI boleh digunakan dengan kerajaan memberi bantuan untuk meningkatkan daya maju projek sektor swasta yang dikategorikan sebagai strategik atau dalam bidang yang dipromosikan.
    Jadi, yang mana satu pilihan AirAsia? Sama ada yang pertama atau kedua nampaknya kerajaan masih perlu membuat pelaburan dalam projek tersebut. Untuk lebih terperinci lagi, kita boleh mengambil contoh projek pembangunan Putrajaya.
    Ia adalah PFI yang dibangunkan oleh Petroliam Nasional Bhd. (Petronas). Walaupun Putrajaya kini sudah berusia lebih 12 tahun tetapi sehingga sekarang kerajaan masih melakukan pembayaran untuk projek tersebut.
    Justeru, memang wajarlah kerajaan menimbangkan semula cadangan kelulusan KLIA East supaya keputusan akhir berhubung projek itu tidak menimbulkan tanda tanya kepada rakyat.
    Daripada membiayai projek yang hanya menguntungkan pihak tertentu sahaja, adalah lebih baik sekiranya kerajaan membuat pelaburan yang menguntungkannya seperti menggantikan sistem radar penerbangan antarabangsa yang kini sudah melewati usia lebih 15 tahun. Bukankah itu lebih baik untuk menjaga keselamatan tanah air!
    Lebih penting dan utama, sistem penerbangan negara tidak perlu bergantung kepada Singapura.
    Please send my regards to Tun Siti Hasmah…

  76. You are right yet again Tun…..
    Sime Darby…..AirAsia……
    All Crony Based Company…..
    They Are Good For Malaysia because they provide jobs….
    but to come out with this Idea ,is just plain Dumb…
    (Ideas For Sime Darby if u count the IJN proposal)…
    To cover the hole they want to dig up bigger hole….
    They r like Pak Pandir……..
    I respect Them because they are SuccesFul…..
    But It doesnt Mean that all their ideas r Good….
    Thanks Tun for highlighting this on Your blog…
    Its good that people can read and decide For Themselves….
    Keep up the bright opinion Tun….
    Wish u Long n Healthy life….
    P/S:PakPandir08-Anwar Is As Brilliant As Tun Mahathir.Both r good leaders.Lets not dowgrade anybody….Nobody is 100% right.

  77. Salam Tun and all.
    I believe there is something else that Tony wants.
    This whole fiasco about building a new airport in Labu is just a Houdini so that all of us would miss the real thing.
    Please remember that Air Asia never paid their landing charges to MAHB. The amount is now nothing less than RM100 million.
    Therefore a round table discussion with all the big guns is a blessing for Tony.
    Besides bargaining for a new tariff, there must also be some discounts on the current bill.
    A change of status from being second to MAS, to the Golden Boy could be another.
    Well….our elders might be right regarding that “snake” analogy.
    All the best Tun.

  78. assalamualaikum Tun
    I had a conversation with a pilot friend of mine…from Air Asia
    of course….He said that he will resign as for fear of safety
    if the Labu airport materialised…

  79. my comment on your statement #13.
    1. It does not matter. there aren’t any logical reason why they want to spend RM1.6B for a new airport. They just want to spend RM1.6 billion. That’s it. It can be on an airport, or ECER, or a new Central Economic Region, or a bridge, tunnel, structure.
    2. The question that should be asked is, why do they want to spend RM1.6B. That, dear Tun, will be an interesting thought. Hint: Who’s getting the project?

  80. Tun.
    Saya telah baca kesemua komen disini perihal Labu Airport.
    Saya sokong ramai pendapat tidak perlu ada nya Labu Airport kerana berberapa fakta yang tak bolih diterima.
    tapi maseh ada komentar disini yang maseh tak faham dan cuba menyokong projek tu diteruskan.
    Contuh nya. izinkan.
    By 2009 on February 1, 2009 1:38 AM
    Komen saya dan pendapat saya bukan masaalah wang atau tak bolih nak buat satu lagi Airport. Dua tiga lagi pun tak apa.Tak kisah duit sapa.
    Issu nya nya kerana tapak di Labu tak sesuai. Terlalu hampir dengan KLIA. Ini akan menimbulkan banyak masaalah. Terutama dari segi keselamatan pesawat2 yang akan mengunakan ruang udara yang terhad.
    Buat lah kat Tanjung malim ker Bentung ker, maseh dekat dengan KL city. Kenapa nak celah kangkang KLIA jugak. Macam nak bersaing pulak. Saya sokong kalu buat kat Rembau lagi best.
    Jadi saya harap pada komen2 yang menyokong tu fikir2kan lah dengan waras.

  81. Dearest Tun
    Your answer and justifications is most logical. It’s based on fact and common sense for which Moman didn’t thought of. Including our 1/2 past six Malaysian Goverment under the leadership of the sleeping PM and his parrot deputy.
    Take care dearest Tun and best regards.

  82. Apa dah jadi kepada politik negara sekarang ini? Semua dah tonggang terbalik politik negara kita ini. Dengan saat-saat kita menghadapi krisis ekonomi keadaan politik dah jadi kacau bilau. Macam mana kita nak bagi tumpuan untuk hendak menyelamatkan rakyat dari masaalah ekonomi yang serius dan tidak menentu. Siapa yang akan jadi mangsa? Fikir-fikirkanlah.
    Anwar Ibrahim ini banyak bawa balak kepada negara. Selagi Anwar ini masih lagi menghantui politik negara selagi itulah kita akan lihat suasana politik dinegara kita seolah-olah dah jadi macam gelanggang sarkas melihat “badut badut politikus” mempamirkan jenaka bodoh mereka.

  83. salam buat tun & keluarga,
    KLIA…. dulu tun dicemuh kerana membina KLIA… merugikan rakyat.. buat airport besar… negara kecik je…. subang airport pun dah ada…
    NOW…. nak tambah satu lagi airport pulak….
    Tak cukup besarkah KLIA tu? prasarana yang dibuat cukup baik, jalanraya, train, dan macam2 lagi… tu semua duit rakyat…
    Guna kan akal… KLIA runway masih boleh ditambah. Tanah masih lagi banyak…. gunakan kemudahan yang ada secara optimum…
    SIME…. GLC yang hanya menurut perintah…(atau sudah ada kira-kira dalam projek ni?)
    Janganlah menyiksa rakyat sebegini rupa… wang ringgit boleh di cari… maruah bangsa……. sekarang dimana????

  84. Dearest Tun,
    Please come back to Malaysia’s government. Malaysian youths cannot afford to live with the second mistake by you not returning to Malaysia’s gov after trusting Pak Lah to run this country. We also cannot bear to face the possibility of D.S Anwar Ibrahim becoming the next PM as BN is on the verge of falling apart. Please tell me what can I do to make Malaysia just like in 2003 and the years before that. I have not reached the age to vote. Please tell me what can I do to help Malaysia to change. Please do not tell me to study hard because that is what I already am doing.

  85. Assalamualaikum Tun,

  86. Assalamualaikum Tun.
    Semenjak join blog Tun ni saya telah membeli 3 buah buku pada November dan Disember 2008.
    Salah satunya bertajuk ‘SISTEM POLITIK ISLAM’ yang telah dibeli sambil memegang seplastik RM1 keropok lekor goreng untuk dimakan.
    Buku ini telah ditulis oleh seorang ulama luar (maaf tak ingat namanya) berdasarkan Al-Quran dan Hadith dan telah dialih bahasa oleh 7 orang pensyarah UIA kalau tidak silap saya.Buku tersebut telah diterbitkan pada Mei 2008.
    Saya berpendapat bahawa, walaupun saya tidak berupaya untuk menerbitkan sebuah buku sendiri,maka memadai sahaja sekiranya saya dapat menaip ‘seperti’ buku dalam blog Tun ini.
    Salah satu perkara yang dinyatakan adalah satu hadith yang jelas dari Nabi Muhammad s.a.w yang bermaksud secara umumnya’perlu patuh pada pemerintah walau apa pun terjadi selagi boleh menunaikan sembahyang di tempat yang didiami’.
    Oleh itu saya berfikiran terdapat beberapa liga (peringkat) dalam SISTEM POLITIK ISLAM ;
    1. Liga rakyat.
    Semua rakyat perlu patuh pada pemerintah selagi mereka boleh menunaikan ibadat sembahyang di tempat yang didiami.Dari hadith Rasulallah yang amat jelas,dasar ini adalah mandatori.
    2. Liga Syura
    Ahli-ahli fikir,pakar politik yang berpengalaman dan etc. perlu berbincang sesama sendiri bagi menyelesaikan maslahat masyarakat dan negara setelah tidak dapat mencapai kata putus dari sumber Al-Quran dan Hadith.Perbincangan ini dikatakan wajib dan bukan sunat.
    Secara praktikalnya,apa saja masalah yang berlaku pada Malaysia dan telah diperbincangkan di dalam blog ini adalah berdasarkan pada dasar TAAT DAN PATUH PADA PEMERINTAH.
    Saya fikir Tun Mahathir Mohamad pun turut bersetuju pada dasar mandatori ini,walaupun ternampak banyak tentangan dari sudut pandangan Tun sendiri.Ini adalah kerana Tun berada pada Liga Syura.
    Dengan terbuktinya kebenaran dari Hadith Rasulallah s.a.w tersebut maka liga yang ketiga tidak perlu diperbincangkan.Dan saya juga tidak menggalakkan ia diperbincangkan dan tidak perlu dibuktikan setelah terdapatnya kebenaran dari Hadith tersebut.
    Liga itu ialah Liga 13 Mei.
    Saya tidak tahu apa pendapat dari seluruh alim ulama di Malaysia tentang kenyataan ini dan sebetulnya saya sendiri pun tidak cukup sembahyang 5 waktu apatah lagi melakukan sembahyang-sembahyang sunat.
    Tapi perlu saya rekodkan.Semoga dengan ayat-ayat yang pendek ini dapat meyakinkan kita :
    Terima kasih Tun.

  87. Salam Ayahanda Tun. Nampaknya Tun kena buka warong kopi pulak dah. Warong kopi Chedet Kubang Pasu pun waronglah Tun, janji kroni Labu-Labi tak dapat bailout. Ni pesanan khas saya tujukan untuk para kroni-kroni berkenaan:

  88. Dear Tun,
    LABU is but a manifestation of the frustrations faced by Air Asia, especially by Datuk Seri Tony Fernandez when dealing with “nuts” such as MAHB,KLIA and MAS.
    Air Asia wants to be a commercial driven world class organization. Air Asia is the standard flag bearer for wanting world class efficiency, competency and a merit based commercial organization.
    Whereas, MAHB, KLIA and MAS are all typical Malaysian subsidy (NEP) minded, inefficient, useless, HP6 organizations. MAHB, KLIA and MAS are all staffed with incompetent, NEP based race and politically UMNO leaning people of the BN Government.
    Herein, arises the Conflict.
    Air Asia is therefore much subjected to the envy, jealousy or even flexing of muscle and sabotage by MAHB, KLIA, MAS and the like.
    Raja Chulan.

  89. A’kum Tun,
    Kerana urusan kerja, saya mejejakkan kaki 1-3 kali sebulan di KLIA semenjak 2005 untuk pergi ke negara Thai, S’pura, Filipina, Jepun, Korea, Taiwan dan US. Oleh itu saya boleh merumuskan berikut: KLIA masih di bawah potensi sebenar dari jumlah pengunjung. Ada kalanya KLIA sunyi sepi, banyak gate yang tidak dipakai.
    Membuat airport baru 8km dari KLIA adalah sesuatu yg mengejutkan. Tetapi kerana pentadbir2 Putrajaya sekarang mempunyai “track rekod” membuat keputusan terburu2 dan kontroversi, saya tidak hairan dan rakyat telah muak.
    Pentadbir2 di Putrajaya sekarang masih menunjukkan kelemahan yang diperkatakan pembangkang: duit kerajaan banyak yang bocor, efficiency rendah. Pemberian pakej rangsangan adalah dialukan tetapi pembaziran ketara adalah mengecewakan.
    Kenapa negara kita masih ketinggalan berbanding S’pura, sedangkan kita mempuyai sumber tenaga, semulajadi dan kemudahan? Jika pentadbiran kerajaan yang efficient, tahap ekonomi kita pasti akan dapat mengalahkan S’pura bila2 masa.
    BTW, saya memfokuskan kepada pembangunan laman web untuk online biz sahaja. Sample website yang saya buat untuk faztrad ent. Jika berminat, hubungi saya [email protected]

  90. salam tun,
    dearest gov n moman..tun tulis
    1. The biggest argument against Labu is its nearness to KLIA. With two control towers uncoordinated control over movements and stacking before landing, with 70 x 2 movements per hour, the possibility of crashes is very real.
    2. The government appears to be in control of both Air Asia and KLIA. Why cannot there be negotiations over handling charges instead of spending RM1.6 billion on a new airport?
    hmmm.. =]
    .. 🙁 ?
    adib 😀

  91. Salam Tun
    There is NO LABU airport..period..unless they want to make one at Kuala Pilah or Rembau…and clogged up the traffic..which actually MAY work as there are KTM infrastructure already serving the area.
    Anyway, all hype about all these, all I ask is Air Asia..and the rest of the budgets go back to SUBANG and Firefly and the props to SUBANG Airport (though maybe PDRM don’t like it)
    But it’s the way forward. We will have Kuala Lumpur XC Terminal systems, means KLIA-XKL(CITY)-SZB all already linked up….
    Or some wise crack want to build up Malacca Airport to a hub??
    Azrin @
    Zyraz Chocolates

  92. nice info but maybe you forget put this also….
    1. because khairy was there….
    2. he want to gain some respect and make people of negeri sembilan
    terhutang budi
    3. then he can became menteri besar
    4. to those who maybe forget, he still targeting to become prime
    minister by the year 2018. Menteri besar is his 2nd step after the
    first (married paklahs daughter)…

  93. salam Tun,
    Ur are one of the most brilliant ppl in the world !!!
    I really SALUTE u TUN!!!
    All the best to u Tun!

  94. Assalammualaikum Tok Det.
    1. Labu Airport dah scrap-out.
    2. Tony Air Asia dan jadi “Tony Labu”
    3. Musa Hitam dah jadi “Musa Labi”
    4. Maka jadilah mereka “Si Labu-Labi”
    Sebuah kemenangan manis buat chedet dan rakyat.

  95. dio oghang buek airport tu sobab sonang nak lari anak boranak……… yolah skandal kan monimbun duit banyak pun tak bobalui kut masuk jel kuaso tak lamo lae dah takdo dah UMNO n sombilan tak lamo lae nak tojungkit tok mat hasan yang mulio baru ni pocat tuan mufti e yang bolago angin dongan alasan nak cari oghang yang lae handa dan buleh momimpin dongan borkosan memang mb ni dalam koadaan state of denial dalam kato lain tak tontu arah bilo ado kuaso gunokan lah baik baik jangan nayo oghang lobih lobih lae alim ulama yang sopatut e dijadikan tompek rujukan kut kut ado yang tak paham janganlah dibuekkan musuh pulak….

  96. Keadaan ekonomi dunia kini semakin meruncing dan memberi tekanan kepada negara. Kesannya amat buruk sekali, terutamanya ekonomi negara. Apa yang saya lihat, kenaikan harga minyak, kemelut ekonomi dan kempen serangan Israel terhadap Palestin merupakan cara halus Barat untuk menguasai ekonomi dunia termasuklah FTA yang kini menjadi isu utama perbincangan dalam WEF. Saya tak dapat melihat kesan positif terhadap dasar FTA ini. Malah ianya akan menjadikan negara-negara membangun seperti Malaysia kecundang dalam persaingan ekonomi global. Selepas ni apa pula perancangan orang-orang gila ini terhadap dunia dan apa pula tindakan kita untuk terus “survive” dalam ekonomi. Mereka sudahpun menjajah kita secara halus tanpa kita sedari.

  97. Tun, I fully agree with you. If there is any logic in Air Asia’s argument, we will also be expecting the building of airports for Firefly, Tiger Airways, etc. I feel that there is absolutely no reason for airport to be built for a single airline operator. Airport should be built to serve the people and not to be built for some airlines as their homes. I have not come across such an airport before and I don’t think it serves any public interest to build such an airport and if we scrutinise Air Asia’s arguments for building such an airport, the reasons put forward are none other than to serve its economic wellbeing and not for the public interest. I just wonder how the government could even consider allowing Air Asia to build an Airport to serves its interest when Air Asia does not even put forward a good ground to build it based on public interest requirement. If Air Asia’s logic is extended, would the government turn down its request to build a hospital or a high way or a rail service just for its own use (even if Air Asia solely is to finance the building of them)?

  98. salam Tun,
    wow! with this latest airport episode, I’m amazed on how government decide to lavishly spend its people money without ehsan on its people but individual. Mmmmm ! Wonder how much it is going to cost (is it possible anybody ever calculate this) the average abu, ah choong, siva, ghulam ali & suparjo to live in the future (say 10- 15 yrs time)knowing that all agreements to increase cost about all life’s basic necessity were sealed with private parties i.e water, electricity, toll, etc. The only logical hope that people have is on the lowering of income tax and income per capita.

  99. Dear Tun,
    Hope that all is well. I am a fond reader of this blog, very informative with a lot of insights on our country. Nothing related to the airport, but can you share what are your thoughts on KTM’s development throughout these years. I see that our railway lines are a little primitive compared to other available railway technology. Of course I am comparing our rail network with developed countries which leads to my observation to a certain pattern, that all developed nations have good railway network, it is like a vein running across these countries. A good rail network would also reduce risks of road accidents. However, I also think that maybe there is low feasibility of having these “space-aged” rail networks in our country due to the costs. With new technology comes high cost and I don’t think we Malaysians are prepared to pay high prices for travelling in these fast trains. Maybe our fuel costs is much lower than these developed nations that it is more cost effective for Malaysians to just get it their personal mode of transportation, get on the highway and travel inter-state. These are just my thoughts but would love to know what are your thoughts on this. I admire what you have done for us and our country and hope that all is well with you.

  100. Salam Tun,they think they can do anything with Tun Musa Hitam at the helm of Sime Darby.TMH felt that he must leave something behind to be remembered,so that is why he is pushing forward with the IJN and the Labu Airport proposals.TMH will be just a name in Malaysian political History.Sorry TMH,you are in both Contraversies.Better luck next time,think of some better ideas if you got the Brain.It was fated that he resigned without being asked to do so. Tun,you
    chartered you on your destiny and a legend.

  101. Dear Tun,
    Minta izin untuk membuat kenyataan.
    A commentator MoMan, please stand up and identify yourself.
    As a truly Malaysian, janganlah segan sebab kita adalah angkatan ‘Malaysia Boleh’!

  102. Dear Tun,
    I do agree on development as this shows progress, in particular for Malaysia. But I do notice that we are not good in upkeeping our facilities to be World Class.It is sad to see , for example KLIA to be neglected when it comes to the maintenance of it.Even the restrooms in the airport seem to be worn out.Why are we not able to learn from other cities like New York.The Empire State Building is currently being upgraded and refreshed where necessary ( this world renowned building is older than KLIA ).I think we should look at KLIA,i.e how to make the airport from Good to Great. Labu is definately not a solution but a problem.

  103. Salam Tun,
    a) Because of the purchase of the wrong radar KLIA is handling only 35 aircrafts on its two runways when it should be handling 70. This causes delays morning, lunchtime and midnight .
    Adalah tidak masuk akai jika pihak berkuasa membuat kesalahan membeli RADAR yang salah? Dah berapa biji lapangan terbang yang dibina oleh kerajaan dan nak beli RADAR pun tak tau ‘specification’nya atau ada sesuatu yang tak betoi kot?
    Tapi Allah SWT maha mengetahui, semoga mereka yang pertunjuk dari ilahi.

  104. x payah la buat airport labu labi tuh… bahaye… baik gune duit tuh buat highway d sabah… d sabah kami perlukan highway… jln yg sedia ada d kongsi oleh LORI, KRETA dan MOTOSIKAL dan kadang2 org berbasikal dan x ketingalan pejalan kaki yg nak berjalan atas jln raya gak… bygkn dalam satu lorong je d kongsi oleh semua.. saya ada penguna jalan utama Beaufort- kota kinabalu dan hanya jln ini yg menghubungkn warga brunei yg ingin berkungjung ke kota kinabalu.. sedih kalo spjg jalan sgt mencabar kerana satu lorong jalan d kongsi oleh semua penguna yg saya sebutkn tadi.

  105. Tun.
    Izinkan.Copy and Paste.
    Malaysia scraps AirAsia’s new airport plan: govt official
    AFP – Sunday, February 1
    KUALA LUMPUR, Feb 1, 2009 (AFP) – Malaysia’s government has rejected an ambitious proposal by budget carrier AirAsia to build a 460-million-dollar airport outside the capital, a top government official said. More »
    Bernama – Saturday, January 31
    KUALA LUMPUR, Jan 30 (Bernama) — The decision on AirAsia’s proposal to build a new low-cost carrier terminal (LCCT) costing RM1.6 billion in Labu, Negeri Sembilan will be known in two to three weeks’ time, said Transport Minister Datuk Seri Ong Tee Keat. More »
    Yang mana satu betul ni……Ada yang kata projek tu dah ‘scrap’
    Ada pulak kata maseh dalam pertimbangan.
    Macam kisah Nasib Si Labu Labi pulak….

  106. Salam Ayahanda Tun. Izinkan saya disini menyambung sedikit coretan saudara saya Tuan Haji Samurai Melayu tadi. Memang saya juga tertanya-tanya dimanakah batang hidung MACC/Suruhanjaya Anti Rasuah yang baru ditubuhkan, didalam isu kemelut Labu East/AirAsia/AeroVentures/AirAsiaX/SimeDarby ini… Saya terasa bahawa semua disini adalah lebih matang dan arif untuk membuat konklusi kita tersendiri. Tak kan lah tak ada langsung walau sedikit pun unsur nepotisma/kronisma didalam pertalian semua pemain watak utama dalam kemelut ini? Pelik saya rasakan. Tetapi jika saya melihat dari sudut heraki “survival” dan permainan politik maka saya tak lagi rasa pelik. Oleh itu pada pendapat saya yang tak sepertinya ini, MACC/Suruhanjaya Anti Rasuah hanya jatuh dalam kategori “badan politik” dalam pentakrifan peribadi saya. Maka tak lagi ada peliknya. Apapun seperti juga kata saudara Samurai Melayu, diharap MAS akan dapat juga mengurangkan harga-harga tiket dilaluan antarabangsa mereka. Saya yakin Datuk Seri Idris Jala mampu atur langkah kompetitif ini. Kami rakyat memang nak juga beri sokongan kepada MAS, tapi kalau sampai nak berasap poket, kita memang tak mampulah saudara Samurai Melayu. Apa nak buat.
    P.s: Nama saya tak pernah ada dalam senarai passenger manifesto Air Asia. Kepada yang (sedang) berkenaan, tak payah cari lah. Buang masa anda saja. Tk.

  107. Assalamualaikum
    Let me quote “. Now if I may give my opinion; a-d are about inefficiency of KLIA. You don’t solve inefficiency by building a new airport. I suspect immigrant labour would still be used at Labu.”
    Tun, jika Tun lihat itulah yang di praktiskan oleh kerajaan sekarang ini. Apabila tidak puas hati dengan ‘efficiency’ JAKIM dan Majlis Agama Negeri dalam isu2 Halal – HDC diwujudkan.. dengan alasan untuk compliment JAKIM dan Majlis Agama Negeri.. HDC just a postman actually.. semua kerja sudah dilaksanakan oleh JAKIM, MATRADE dan juga SMIDEC.. Kenapa tidak di ‘upgrade’ agensi yang sedia ada? Kenapa sanggup membazir duit dengan mewujudkan HDC?.. sedih, tapi itulah yg terjadi.

  108. Tun,
    1. Hopefully come March, 2009, the new PM sees as far as the previous PM (you). Many of your mega projects are very steep in strategy, but alas too steep a learning curve for others to climb on.
    2. Many of your ideas are like chess games, but again, how many in the cabinet even heard of the words opening moves, gambit, end game?
    3. Problem is either many of the people up there do not read, or too busy with counting and stashing their sudden loot. Power has grown to corrupt those high above easily.
    4. I suggest we reconsider feudal rule where there is an immutable monarchy and no further money-politics.
    Redhuan D. Oon
    PendAtang Dengan Izin

  109. Salam kasih dan hormat Ayahanda Tun.
    Spurring on Labu economically is always a welcomed notion. But not via an extension of the KLIA and its activities this way, in the form of an Air Asia airport in Labu. By Air Asia occupying the newly Extended KLIA LCCT facilities could just as well be a new beginning for Labu and its populace. The distance of just 10KM away from the present KLIA set up would gradually be reduce in a more convincing and responsible economic manner by steady growth of economic activities and demands created by increased passage in KLIA and the Extended KLIA LCCT facilities. That sounds more attainable and less greedy in the present economic situation. Surely, some politicians, land owners and cronies would have to curtail on their greed now, but this is the fact of today

  110. Salam Tun,
    Betul kata Tun. Kalau nak tambah efficiency.. beli lah radar baru.hehehe.. plus, alasan yang diberi semua tu boleh di settlekan di KLIA. Tak perlu sampai nka buat airport baru. Dah lah dekat sgt. Nama pun dah pelik “LABU”. Nanti ditertawakan org jer.

  111. Assalamualaikum Tun,
    We all knew that AirAsia surviving with their Advance-booking tickets scheme, just to keep the business moving. Therefore, more and more gimmicks they have to put on, just to make people feels that their seating are secured. But I don’t understand why people willing to pay first(advance-booking), when the service is NOT perform yet ! Is their service that good? or is their promotions so lucrative?. In other words they are using future money for everyday survival !
    The question is, what will happens when people stop buying advance-tickets? Mr Tony realize this, and that’s where the new-airport idea comes in…..
    I believe, he just wanted to get rid/sell his not-so-profit headache, which is AirAsia and try his luck in logistics businesses. Maybe he can manipulates those area… he believe.
    Will the government bail/rescue this dying company? or perhaps
    SIME DARBY will took over AirAsia one day and expands their horizon? Good luck to the new buyer.
    Wassalam. AVI

  112. Personally i think we shall keep Kuala Lumpur International Airport remain as the One and Only One international airport for M’sia.
    What’s the point of having an additional airport that serving the same functions where we can tap on existing resources that available in KLIA? Labu & LCCT are as if domestic and international airport for Air Asia only. Just thinking what will happen if we have a new airline born in the future, whats next? maybe we’ll have another new domestic and international airports…all in Sepang. Nowadays I take Msia’s political news and policies as a joke, i find it hilarious…
    Just wonder whether the GOVERNMENT thinks Msians are brainless?

  113. semua ni strategi air asia. They got nothing to lose. Apa yang berlaku semua orang cakap pasal ni. yang untung depa sebab dapat memaksa MAHB percepatkan expansion on LCCT dan kalau lambat salah kerajaan. tambahan pula air asia dapat free promotion. Go air asia.

  114. Dear Tun,
    To those UMNO members who aspire to be polished politicians like Tun M, they must first prepare themselves to do a lot of reading so that they won’t be condemned as haprak, HP6 and dah bodoh stupid politicians.
    A lot of UMNO leaders now do not have good brains to move the country forward.If the situation is allowed to persist without discarding the deadwood UMNO leaders and replace with highly knowledgeable leaders with good brains and good heart then there will be no future for UMNO. UMNO will continue to have politcians with inferior quality and finally will drag UMNO into the dirty longkang.


  116. Salam YAB Tun & fellow bloggers,
    1. I know Tun and some of us know what Dollah and his goons are up to…making money before he leaves. Let’s take a look at some of these somewhat similar evidents;
    a. When the british were about to hand over hong kong to china, they immediately approved the building of the kaitak airport ..costing billions and where did they get the money from? from the chineses in hong kong. Mat sallehs got the contracts
    b. When the americans destroyed iraq, they then approved the building of iraq..using whose money? iraqi monies from selling of petroleum (which was sanctioned before this). If I’m not mistaken, Dick Cheney’s Halliburton got the contract. And for a mere 200m, Dollah allowed Halliburton to invest in iskandar…blood money.
    c. Now dollah, using sime darby, khazanah (funny thing is he is still the boss of khazanah and not najib who’s the finance minister), other share holders like EPF, Tabung Haji..wanna make money from Labu airport. Just like is thug son-in-law who could manage to get millions to start his business whereas that idiot was jobless…the father -in-law is the same, steal from the people! mana pegi suruhanjaya pencegah rasuah?
    d. Now dollah travels all over the world…tying contracts for malaysia or his goons and family? at our expenses…the people is suffering in this economic crisis but the dollah families and goons are getting richer.
    2. Now take a look at these nonsenses;
    a. crooked bridge was cancelled may be because dollah’s goons were not in the picture…but later dollah managed to get singapore involved but in return malaysia had to sell sand, allowed our airspace to be open to singapore…change of mind when is families were in the picture
    b. railway tracks (dual)from JB to padang besar was cancelled may be becos his families were not in the picture…but later on, with different and more expensive cost, he agreed to built and this time his goons are involved…
    c. a bumi firm was given the contract to built monorail in putrajaya..but when dollah came to power, he cancelled the contract…but now it seems his son’s company bought over that bumi firm and they (son’s company) may resume the monorail project
    d. so, I can safely say that when KLIA was built, dollah’s family members and goons didnt have their shares…but Labu is the best chance to make money
    3. So..what I see is not legacy that he (dollah)wanna leave, but just replacing the players during Tun’s era with his family members and goons..just copycat..cancel and replace. I bet all the so-called new ideas are from the jews (especially thru singapore) and chineses close to dollah. Just like alibaba malay entrepreneur, dollah just wanna quick profit!only his family members and goons who know nuts become richer..
    4. If I’m wrong, just show me where and how the malays can be helped? At least during Tun’s era, many malay millionaires are produced…and there were a number of programs to really help malay in becoming millionaires and even billionaires. obviously when there are more rich malays, there are much more richer non malays.
    Tun, we know this Labu stuff and other projects created are just excuses for the greeds to become richer.

  117. Salam buat Ayahanda Tun,
    Labu dah jadi labu peram tapi kalau disimpan air kat dalamnya, amat menyegarkan. Tapi kes LABU ni berbeza, tekaan saya saja – kalau tak kena atau sipi-sipi, maaflah..
    1. Kerajaan N9 dah pinjam duit rakyat (tabung pencen pusat a.k.a EPF)untuk mem’bail-out’ kemungkiran pembayaran pampasan kepada peneroka setempat atas kegagalan projek mega terdahulu – itupun tak tau siapa yang membrokerkannya.Rasa-rasanya tanah ni dekat benar dengan projek LABU dan tempiasnya mesti sampai.
    2. Projek LABU ini jika menjadi, ia satu-satunya cara meningkatkan nilai tanah yang dipegang (bebanan) kerajaan N9 dan dengan peningkatan ini, cepatlah pengautan untung dilakukan. Mungkin ada pihak lain yang telah memasang angan-angan untuk ‘mengambil-alih’ tanah yang dipegang oleh kerajaan N9 ini pada ‘harga tanpa potensi ‘dan kemudian dibangunkan sekelip mata atau dijual dengan ‘harga penuh potensi’.
    3. Kegagalan projek LABU ini mungkin memaksa kerajaan N9 mencari sumber atau cara lain membayar semula pinjaman berkenaan dan mungkin salah-satunya dari penyerahan aset negeri (aset air) kepada kerajaan pusat melalui perbadanan aset air kebangsaan. Agak-agak boleh ditekakah harga sebenar aset air berkenaan..? Sebab menteri airnya dari negeri yang sama(serkap2 saja).

  118. Rakyat negara ini belum lagi sampai ke tahap menganggap sistem penerbangan udara sebagai sesuatu alternatif penting.
    Mereka masih mengharap pengangkutan darat seperti bas, LRT/ monorel pilihan ke tempat kerja mahupun berjalan-jalan. Ini perlu disedari oleh pihak kerajaan mahupun syarikat2 besar yang melabur projek tersebut. Mereka ini perlu memikir tanggungjawab yang telah ‘diberi’ oleh rakyat terhadap mereka. Ini bukan soal saja keuntungan malah sumbangan sosial kepada kepada rakyat teramai (yang mengguna), dan ia juga menyumbang kearah memodenkan lagi pengangkutan awam antara bandar besar dan kecil.
    Rakyat lebih memikirkan soal pelaburan dan kemajuan yang dibuat ini adakah ia memberi manfaat & keuntungan balik pada mereka. Saya ingat ini pihak kerajaan dan ‘syarikat2 rakyat’ ini terlupa dan abaikan.
    Pndek kata, perbanyakkan habis duit kearah kesejahteraan negara, bukan projek yang kelihatan membazir dan nampak tak menyumbang apa-apa dan kelihatan suka-suka.

  119. Pakatan Rakyat Reps May Join BN – Abdullah
    KUALA LUMPUR, Feb 1 (Bernama) — Prime Minister Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi said today there is a possibility that several Pakatan Rakyat elected representatives in Perak would join the Barisan Nasional.
    “God willing, it will happen,” he told reporters when asked to comment on talks that there would be Pakatan Rakyat assemblymen in Perak crossing over to BN.
    I hate to see wakil rakyat jumping from one party to another.
    By joining the ruling party or opposition party through “backdoor” is unethical.

  120. Response On Syabas Audit Urgent, Says S’gor MB
    SHAH ALAM, Jan 31 (Bernama) — The Selangor government is urgently waiting for a response from the Energy, Water and Communications Ministry on the audit report on water concessionaire Syabas Bhd, said Selangor Menteri Besar Tan Sri Abdul Khalid Ibrahim.
    “We wrote a letter on it more that a month ago to the minister concerned (Datuk Shaziman Abu Mansor) but have yet to get a reply. This is quite urgent because we need to resolve not only the concession awarded to Syabas but also on the restructuring of the water industries in Selangor,” he told reporters after Kolej Antarabangsa Industri Pendidikan Selangor (INPENS) 13th convocations here today.
    Abdul Khalid said this in commenting on a report in the ‘The Sun’ newspapers yesterday that the audit revealed Syabas had allegedly breached several terms of the concession agreement.
    The Selangor government wants the 30-year concession awarded to the company to supply clean water to consumers in the state to be terminated because of this.
    Why Khalid is so eager to penalise Syabas by wanting to terminate the concession agreement? What is his true motive? If his motive is political in nature then I think Khalid’s brain is really haprak and HP6, indeed.
    If you have problems with Syabas management, just call them and sort out the matter. What funny things the PR government trying to do. It looks like they want to portray themselves as a caring government. Bullshitt !!

  121. Dear Tun,
    Thanks for campaigning against the new airport. I am with you in this 110 percent. It’s so ridiculous to read and listen to those arguments put forth by AirAsia and Sime Darby and some ignorant politicians who I bet stand to gain from this new airport. We tax payers cannot afford to pay for inefficiencies and rent-seeking behaviors of people who want to make quick bucks and act like scanvengers at the expense of other public priorities. If KLIA and KTM and other government entities or GLCs for that matter are not efficient, fix those efficiencies (fire incompetent management, retrain people, etc) not building another airport or building another North-South/East West train tracks. That’s a waste of public money. We have the first class facilities but sadly we have third class mentalities and attitudes.
    Those politicians who make trips to overseas such as to UK, Australia, US, Japan etc, for once, take public transportations in these countries and watch and learn how and why public transportations in these countries are good and efficient. For once, forget about chauffered driven or rental cars or use embassies’ cars. You will get some clues of how to improve inefficiencies in Malaysia.

  122. “Why cannot there be negotiations over handling charges instead of spending RM1.6 billion on a new airport?”
    You hit the nail right on the head there Tun. I suspect that it is a case of ‘too many chefs spoil the broth’. In this case, no negotiation would work if each individual, group etc. is thinking about their own selfish interests instead of the customers they should be serving.

  123. Salam Sejahtera Untuk Tun Dan Keluarga.
    Tun biasa lah Tun Moman ni semua talibarut,orang kata gunting dalam lipatan.mungkin talam dua muka.
    Tun, untuk mengembalikan kewibawaan UMNO dan BN Tun hendak lah menerajui tampuk pinpinan UMNO semula.Setidak tidak nya Datuk Najib hendak lah mengambil Tun sebagai penasihat Negara.Kalau tidak dengan sendiri nya UNNO menggali kubur nya sendiri.
    Pak Lah OH Pak Lah lihat lah apa dah jadi sekarang.Saperti yang telah Tun katakan Pemimpin Pemimpin yang tak menjalan kan kerja dengan betul kelak akhir nya akan di kutuk masharakat sehingga akhir hayat nya.
    Tun you’re the best the one and only.
    Tun jaga kesihatan kami selalu mendoakan sihat selalau InshaAllah.

  124. By kchan on February 1, 2009 10:48 AM
    If you have ever been to the current lcct you will hope for a new airport too, be it in current klia or in labu. a new and better manaaged airport is urgently needed. that’s what every passenger is hoping for. political asides.
    I strongly agree. Good management and good maintenance were rare things in this country. By the way, if AA still want the airport, find a more suitable place or they can start lobbying the opposition leader so they might get it after next BE.
    At this time, there are few more interesting topics like the food and goods prices (inflation). We heard the goverment plan and effort to control the inflation but still no different to most part of the country. lower oil prices didn’t have much effect. Still wondering why. Unemployment start to increase. The goverment still doing nothing but concentrated in KT election as a benchmark? Now Pensiangan. People are benchmarking the goverment for what they have been done to the people.
    The BN is getting weaker every seconds. Why don’t do SEMARAK things as what Tun did. Talk to people, sit with them, shake their hands, smile at them, ask them what their problems? Easier way? Make the @1 to post comments or pictures or else by peoples then see what is the current status in whole country. Dare?

    This article was first published in The New Paper on Jan 29, 2009
    Fatso? AirAsia boss blasts blogs for getting personal
    TONY Fernandes may be synonymous with Air Asia and credited with revolutionising budget air travel in Southeast Asia, but in cyberspace, comments about him have been vicious and personal.
    And ‘Air Asia boss blasts blogs forgetting personal’ is the most common slur.
    Such comments hardly fazed him, said Mr Fernandes in a candid interview with liberal news portal Malaysiakini.
    Instead, the ‘sick and twisted’ blogs have inspired him to trim down, he joked.
    Controversy is no stranger to this 46-year-old, who is frequently spotted in photographs donning his red Air Asia cap.
    Recently, he sparked a hot debate when he announced Air Asia’s plans of building and operating a new budget RM1.6 billion ($669,000) terminal in Labu, a sleepy town 50km south of downtown Kuala Lumpur, reported The Straits Times recently.
    And the loudest critics to this plan has been former prime minister Mahathir Mohamad, who slammed the government for approving it and demanded to know why an expansion of the space next to KLIA won’t do.
    In the first of a two-part interview with the news portal, he said: ‘Dr Mahathir gave us the (airline) licence and we owe him a lot for giving us the licence.
    ‘I don’t think he detracts against us … But he hasn’t heard all sides of the story. I don’t have access to him and he doesn’t see our problems.
    ‘In his blog, he has congratulated AirAsia for having received such high numbers of passengers… (and) on our presentation (on Labu). He still has questions, and his and a lot of other people’s views are ‘why can’t it be built here (KLIA)?’ And we’re trying to argue that the ‘why’, (and) articulate it.’
    ‘Hopefully we will be given a chance to show our side of the story.’
    But beyond Dr Mahathir, Mr Fernandes also hopes to engage bloggers whose attacks against Air Asia have become personal and are not objective.
    He said the main reason for harsh salvos online is due to Air Asia’s ‘guilt by association’ or ‘purported closeness’ to certain politicians.
    That, he said, has spawned stories that allege he snagged prized deals and gained easy success.
    To all this, he says: ‘I’m ‘collateral damage’, aren’t I?
    ‘There’s just a vicious community of bloggers out there who just spout hate. I’ve tried to engage them. I’ve even invited them here.’
    The criticisms became rife recently, when bloggers latched on to Air Asia’s sponsorship of a team of amateur footballers under MyTeam, to play Manchester United’s reserve team at Old Trafford.
    MyTeam – brainchild of Mr Khairy Jamaluddin, an MP and PM Abdullah Badawi’s son-in-law – is a football reality TV show in search of amateur footballers with the potential to play for the national team.
    MyTeam was a hit and its success got Mr Khairy elected as deputy president of the Football Association of Malaysia in Sept 2007.
    Biggest mistake
    Said Mr Fernandes: ‘The biggest mistake of my life, and to be fair to (Khairy), is (when his) team came to propose sponsoring the MyTeam (football project). ‘
    He added: ‘How fantastic – taking guys from the rubber estates, from kampungs, from new villages – to London to play Manchester United. This airline is all about making dreams come true. We’ve also sponsored Manchester United. How great!’
    But then, it backfired when rumours spread that Mr Khairy and other influential politicans owned 40 per cent of AirAsia.
    To this, he said: ‘I hate to sound like a politician, but put a Bible, Quran, whatever, in front of me and I’ll swear on it and say no. I only did the MyTeam thing with him (Khairy). Malaysia has become a bit sick and twisted, if you read some of the blogs.
    ‘There are so many dodgy deals and concessions out there, but none of them get hammered. But after this (AirAsia’s sponsorship of MyTeam) had gone public, we got hammered. ‘
    Critics have been unfair in their biased assessements, and he argued that he has had to labour his way to get his business to where it is now.
    If he had been a crony to influential officials, his airline would not have lost several lucrative contracts to MAS, he said.
    Do you have any comment Tun about above articel?

  126. Salam Tun.
    Labu oh Labu dah tak jadi sebab ramai yang tak setuju.
    Sekarang ni …gula oh gula pulak.
    Menurut sumber inteligen industri pemprosesan gula di utara, permintaan untuk menaikkan harga gula sebenarnya berlaku disebabkan oleh kesilapan strategi perolehan dan pemasaran pihak industri itu sendiri.
    Perlu kita ingat bahawa gula adalah barangan kawalan dan industri sentiasa menikmati subsidi daripada kerajaan Malaysia. Dengan lain perkataan ketika harga gula mentah import meningkat, maka sebarang peningkatan kos masih mampu diserap oleh industri dengan adanya imbangan kuota eksport gula bertapis dan subsidi daripada kerajaan.
    Keadaan ini berlaku tahun lepas ketika kos bahan api melonjak dengan tiba-tiba akibat spekulasi.
    Pihak industri yang panik telah membuat salah perhitungan ketika menandatangani kontrak perolehan gula mentah dari luar negara. Oleh kerana terikat dengan kontrak perolehan tersebut, maka mereka terpaksa membelinya dengan harga yang dipersetujui ketika itu sedangkan hakikatnya harga gula mentah kini telahpun turun disebabkan kos pengangkutan yang menurun selari dengan petroleum.
    Beribu tan gula yang sudah siap diproses gagal dieksport disebabkan harga yang ditawarkan lebih tinggi daripada harga pasaran terkini. Pengeluar gula di negara jiran seperti Thailand, Filipina dan Indonesia telah merebut peluang eksport ini disebabkan mereka memperolehi bekalan gula mentah pada harga semasa.
    Akibat kerugian yang ditanggung ini, pihak industri ini telah memohon kepada kerajaan untuk menaikkan harga gula tempatan.
    Persoalannya, wajarkah para pengguna menanggung kos akibat kesilapan pengeluar?
    p/s: Saya tidak cuba untuk menghantar ulasan ini kepada blog shahrir samad kerana beliau tidak pernah respons.

  127. Klu yg bercakap tu mmg ada kepentingan, hujah apa pun dikatanya benar. Cuba tanya Pak Lah, Musa Hitam, Tony Fernandez. Tapi apa pulak kata rakyat jelata? Jgn pasal nak kayakan 3-4 org ni, kepentingan negara dan rakyat diabaikan…

  128. The hidden agenda is the hundreds of millions that AirAsia owes MAB, and which AirAsia is trying desperately not to pay. MAB won’t budge, so there is a standoff which only the various ministries can intervene. Unfortunately for AirAsia, this government is paralysed. Tony Fernandez can sell ice to eskimos, so he starts a campaign to get attention, and what better way than to tell the world that AirAsia won’t survive unless it gets what it wants.

  129. Tun, those who wanted to build another LCCT at Labu are actually themselves as labu-labu……doesn’t make sense at all. Don’t they know that Tun had the KLIA projected as the regional hub in ASEAN and with its world class facilities?? Do not mind those labu-labu….

  130. What sort of government do we have ? We have a finance minister that intervenes in Air Transport Policy. We have a transport minister that defers to other ministries.
    Like Tun said, if there is inefficiency, treat and correct the problem, not waste billions of RM on a new airport that causes other problems.
    Maybe this stupid government will give me a mandate to construct a new subway line around KL since all the other light transit lines suck. I promise I won’t need government funds, so can I have my approval please ?

  131. Dear Tun,
    If Tony managed to get the airport people to reduce the fees he have to pay them then his gambit to build KlIA East have been very successful 😉
    Well done Tony.
    Better stil why don’t we get Tony to run KLIA. Maybe he can do a better job. What say you Tun?

  132. Tun yg dihormati, please excuse me, I am going to be off topic here.
    How come I dont hear anything about the pakej merangsang ekonomi pertama, and now we are already in the phase of “receiving” the second pakej? As a common rakyat, I am so confused.
    Who benefit from the first package? I am sorryyyy I am so ignorant…but can someone enlighten me?

  133. salam bapak…
    sajer2 berborak na bapak na….
    kalo nak sgt buat airport baru buat kat s.bernam bagus gak…
    saya nih bukan lah kaya o bergaji banyak….kalo s.bernam ada airport senang lah saya nak balik kg masa raya sbb drive penat 5/6jam tau….jammed pulak kut atas…penang s.bernam tak larat wooo…kalo ada kapalterbang kan senang jimat masa duk kt kg pun buleh lame sikit…heheheheeeee….
    ni pasai mkn lak nih…saya kalo bab mkn kalo makanan sedap mahal pun takper…bukan kiter nak mkn ari2 kat situ ye dak…lagi pun mustahil lah pekedai tu nak juai makanan yg seme2 mahal2…beli lah mane yg kiter mampu….kalo nak murah bulehhhh…masak sendirik….
    jimat aper……
    ni…dollah nih…..kalo betoi lah dia letak jawatan mac nih…saya nak posa se hari lah……syukur akhirnya di blah…najib lak toksah
    nak suka sakan….kalo duk tak reti2 gak minta tunjuk ajar dr pak tun
    jgn harap saya nak p ngundi….bye2 gudbye……umno…..

  134. Investment as mush as 1.6billion on LABU is an unrealistic idea. Better save the Rakyat’s money during this economy turmoil, which should be the main objective now. KLIA is an aesthetic and state of art work and now the primary focus should be on improving the facilities and efficiency at KLIA. I am not a frequent passenger at KLIA but recently i fly from KLIA to Narita Airport. As a first timer i can only say, KLIA is beautiful airport but Narita serves the purpose as the Airport.
    Building a new complete airport is like running away from problem solving at KLIA. How if the LABU airport too doesn’t turnout to be as the desired result. Will another new airport will be build at Mantin or Kuala Langat or wherever within the 10 km radius of KLIA? Really hope Sime Darby can invest on our public transport. RAKYAT’s will appreciate and hail SD. Thanks Tun for sharing the LABU airport issue.

  135. I must say that if the people in putrajaya serve our nation above themselves and being more analytical like Tun, this flip flop decision will never happen thus save our country from embarassment. The recipe of this fiasco is a mixture of greedy businessmen, low thinking decision makers and self interest politicians.

  136. hi tun, very good and we really appreciate your argument and opinion, we will be the judge and see who is more reasonable. we will then support.this round you win. one up for you tun.

  137. Assalamualaikum Tun,
    Yep, can’t agree with you more. Why nowadays govt love to solve problem with creating another problem??
    I’m still amazed with the petrol rebet solution which in the long run, poorer rakyat who suffered the most when prices of basic goods such as rice, cooking oil, onions, etc are hiking due to petrol price increased. These are the rakyat who don’t own any vehicle, who can’t effort to have one.
    On Labu Airport, please.. not again. Don’t solve a problem with creating another problem. Please look again into KLIA. Why this futuristic airport is build in the first place??
    Clearly, current govt can’t visualised a vission that is already been set for them. Already been lay upon them.
    Oopss, what else other than personal interest and gain.

  138. Salam Tun,
    To pipi feb1 2:13am.
    – ” Building Labu Airport is not a bad idea at all
    It will create more opprotunities for new people ”
    pipi,YOU DON’T GET IT DO YOU ? Building another airport
    with two separate air traffic control close to each other
    is inviting disaster.
    However if you still pro to the Labu airport plan, i have a
    suggestion for you. Just reserved some plot of land there and name
    If disaster happen, its not far to get the victim burried.
    BTW, I brought alot of my client to the LOAF and they all love it.
    Jangan on that day your ” MONEY NOT ENOUGH ” tak or… ?

  139. Tun,
    By looking at the whole episode of Labu Airport, it is quite obvious that Tony Fernandez is keen to have Sime Darby as the white knight which will bail out Air Asia (if the debt of hundred millions ringgit owed by Air Asia to MAHB is an accurate information).
    On the other hand, the Umno Federal Government is also keen to squander away the huge cash deposit accumulated by Sime Darby during the Palm Oil boom for the past two years. As oil palm plantations are the core business of Sime Darby, I personally feel that Sime Darby may be overstretching itself by diversifying its businesses into either Airport business or Medicare business (IJN). Most stock investors do not like to invest in a clumsy and overfat conglomerate business. Therefore I think Sime Darby would have better restrained itself in its business expansion.
    If Umno Federal Government is keen to borrow the fund from the Malaysian local private sector, it can actually consider selling interest-bearing bond to the cash cow private corporates like Sime Darby. There is no need to use the hanky panky, twist and turn way of corporate exercise in order to squander the money from Sime Darby for some questionable capital expenditure purpose.
    In the current bleak business situation, it is imperative for Umno Federal Government to increase the public spending in order to spur the economic activities. As economically there are still good development potentials for building inland road infrastructure in East Malaysia and politically it is also favourable to Umno, Umno Federal Government can indeed borrow from the cash cow corporates in order to make investment in the government-owned projects.
    When the world has the confidence crisis in the prospective economic performance, it is no point to rely too much on the privatisation project in order to get the prime firing in economy. The answer for economic solution during a lacklustre economic climate should lie in the public spending.

  140. 1. Looking at the Labu Airport issue, it is not as simple as most of us think it is. Talking is easy, especially when we’re not even trying to put ourselves in the shoes of the person/company most affected. Hence, let’s try to dissect the issue and study it piece by piece.
    2. As devil’s advocating has always been lacking in order to scrutinize the real problem to churn a solid outcome for action to be taken upon, let us do take this advantage and unwind our mind to analyze the issues that was set forth. This advantage should be viewed from a business perspective, reason being that Air Asia is a business entity, publicly owned to be properly laid. And the fundamental issue here is how Air Asia could lower their overall cost of operations. Justifying this article, lowering cost must be looked in terms of business standpoint, political and emotional aside.
    3. Being a public listed organization, these band of corporate managers are fiduciaries of a group that owns the organization, the shareholders. These shareholders are, when opened to public, to serve the public in terms of profitability. And public here means only to those who owns any amount of Air Asia’s share, some privately owned by individuals, some through their investment vehicle company whilst their common shares offered will be offered to people, bonding together as minority shareholders watchdog group. In short, Air Asia has a responsibility to grow your share value with accountability to every action that they partake. Henceforth, lowering cost translate to higher profitability, which in turns performing their responsibility to their shareholders, of which any listed company have to do since they’ve subscribe to this capitalist approach.
    4. For Air Asia to reduce their operational expenses (in order to gain more profit), they can improve efficiency internally, but it’ll be quite hard to control something that they do not have a hand in, which is externally. And the latter factor is what they are trying to handle, as improving internally could be done continuously from within. For that, they’ve proposed to have their own low-cost carrier terminal (LCCT). Pushing this proposal to materialize would not be as easy, because it drags along many parties, namely the government, Malaysian Airport Holdings Berhad (MAHB) and Malaysian Airlines (MAS).
    5. To start, people asked the government why they need 4 airports in a same vicinity? As Subang airport’s clientele list are mostly private airlines like Berjaya Air and Transmile with limited flights; Sungai Besi is an army-base aviation centre, used for armies and sometimes royals. That leaves us to KLIA which, as the acronym shows, does not operate in KL. This RM 10 billion 1998 airport should be able to cater millions of people, at par with Paris’s Charles de Gaulle airport. But sadly KLIA fails to be as what their master plan pushes them to be, an airport of choice within ASEAN region, of which fails to attract as many passenger and airlines they need to make them attractive enough. Subtly saying that these 3 airports are not considered as in the same vicinity, what’s wrong with having another one, though having it in another state is also considered same vicinity. With very high traffic in Heathrow, London still has 8 other airports within its vicinity (using the word vicinity properly this time). Personally, Stansted airport for LCC is as beautiful as KLIA.
    6. To further understand Air Asia’s proposal, one need to understand an airport business. Owning/operating and airport is not a lucrative business, the profits, if profitable, is very marginal. There are 2 main players in an airport business, one is the operator and another is the owner of the airport. As an owner, they gain revenues by imposing market rate charges on various services to airlines and passengers, the capacity utilization of the airport, the location, passenger service charges, landing charges, retail business and parking. Operators can’t simply play around with the rates as it is being regulated by the government, and our rates are quite low in the region. An operator of an airport recoups their investment through airport tax and lease rents. Having said, an airport is a long term game. This shows that Air Asia is not trying to make money from this business in a short run, but as mentioned, sticking to their core business and trying to lower their operations cost.
    7. Supporting that an airport business is not as profitable, take Senai airport. In 2003, Syed Mokhtar took over operations of Senai through Senai Airport Terminal Services (SATS) Sdn Bhd. Then, currently MMC is proposing to own Senai through RM 1.95 billion of 696.4 million shares of MMC at RM 2.80 each, but later changed the proposal to RM 1.7 billion cash to avoid SC probe on the deal (any proposal involving transfer of shares have to go through SC, but if it is cash, it only has to go through the shareholders’ agreement only). FY2008 end June shows that Senai lost RM 24.8 million. But, the reason behind this is partly the same as Number 12 below and other reasons that might derail this article if insist being written.
    8. Next is MAHB, they are both operators and owners of some 39 airports in Malaysia, plus 4 airports outside. All airports’ constructions are funded by government, except Alor Setar and Kota Baharu, where they financed it themselves. MAHB has been making profit before their IPO in 1999, and how they manage to be very profitable is through the help of government for the construction cost, on a concession of repayment fees for 50 years

  141. Salam Tun,
    Semasa kabinet meluluskan projek ini adakah mereka terfikir apa yang Tun tulis diatas?
    Adakah kabinet sekarang cuma ‘rubber stamp’ kepada Pak Lah?
    Kabinet tak ada rasa tanggung jawab kepada negara dan sumpah mereka semasa memegang jawatan ke?
    Kalau macam ni just pick any tom, dick, mary or harry to become member of kabinet lor!
    Kabinet bukan bertugas untuk Pak Lah TETAPI untuk negara!
    Itu pun tak FAHAM ke?

  142. Dear Tun,
    As always, you are so brilliant in your observation. You are not ‘Satu dalam Sejuta’ but ‘Satu dalam Berjuta-juta’..
    I pray you and wife are blessed with good health always.

  143. Assalamualaikum,
    menurut sumber MAHB menguruskan 39 airports di dalam negara dan tidak semua airports tersebut memberi keuntungan malah lebih kepada social obligation kepada negara dan rakyat…. Mungkin MAHB memerlukan pendapatan dari KLIA untuk menampung kos operasi di lapangan terbang yang lain. Sebagai contoh lapangan Terbang Ipoh yang sudah tiada aktitiviti penerbangan komersil hingga ke hari ni. (susah teman nak balik kg)
    Air Asia hanya memandang kepada keuntungan sahaja… sebagai contoh penerbangan luar bandar di Sabah & Serawak… rugi… tak boleh hidup pulang balik ke Malaysia Airlines… mujur ada MAS yang mempunyai tanggung jawab kepada rakyat malaysia… sanggup menerima kembali.. walaupun hanya 2 pesawat yang masih boleh digunakan dan selebihnya telah di canabalised.
    walaucamna pun Tun YOU ARE NEGARAWAN!!!.. HIDUP MAS!!! HIDUP KLIA
    Dalam Industri Penerbangan ni, AirAsia harus mempunyai unsur – unsur kebajikan kepada rakyat bukan perabih duit rakyat….hampehh!!!

  144. Salam Tun,
    I do not know is this MoMan. But if we were to follow his logic, Kota Bharu and Kuching need another airport because of poor luggage handling at those airports. This has been the trouble with most Malaysians (including top leadership) when facing problems like to create other problems. Of course while doing so they can pocket some of the benefit personally.

  145. As salamu’alaikum Tun,
    Saya amat tertarik dengan rancangan untuk membina lapangan terbang baru di Labu.Memang ngamm tu bina lapangan terbang di situ, nanti kita beri nama LTA Luncai di Labu….jadilah macam siLuncai terjun dengan labu-labunya.Lepas itu kita minta dia orang bian pula kilang kapalterbang di siti, bukan apa nanti senang. Lepas keluar dari kilang boleh terus terbang, dalam setahun sudah boleh jimat beratus juta.Selepas siap semua itu baru pihak terbabit boleh bina hospital pula berdekatan lapangan terbang berkenaaan, yang seeloknya hospital jantunglah tak perlu lagi nak beli IJN. Dapat untung berjuta-juta ringgit lagi.Kalau semua itu tak menjadi tanam labu sajalah, boleh ditinkan dan dieksport.
    Semoga Tun sentiasa berada dalam keadaan sihat.
    Terima kasih.

  146. a politically bizness gambit to the very best….either way airasia gonna get own airport somehow….. that way the intended money (billions) would gets its justification of spending. The beneficiaries?….please let us know.

  147. salam tun
    surely kj n the 4th floor team bengang habis kt u…byk attempts mereka lately telah ditelanjangkan b4 project take off…ijn, labu airport…yg sempat berjalan monsoon cup n masjid kristal…tu pun dh byk duit this team buat…rakyat makin susah, harga barang menaik, tambang bas nak naik, gula nak naik…
    err…bn sure turunnnya…
    as for the 2 state assemblymen yg disappear tu, kesian, tindakan terkebelakang…pr jgn takut, 2 pergi, 30 mari…
    we, normal layman people akan tetap menentang kekejaman dan ketidakadilan…as for najib (read: and rosmah), things are not easy 4u wlp u think u hv the money to buy people.
    allah is great!

  148. Good Day Tun. This is my real name. I have been following your blog since day 1 but have not leave any comment. However, I feel very strongly on the Labu airport issue. I agreed fully with you Tun on your view about the Labu issue. Assuming that we can convert or build some of the LCCT facilities within KLIA, is the Government sure that there will not be any over-capccity? I have not seen any research or statistic or projections including the sampling size, if any, on expected passengers passing through the airport. What plans the government or the relevant bodies have to ensure that the projected number of passengers using the airport could be achieved? AirAsia projected to handle 25 million (is this realistic?) by 2013. What about MAS passenager handling by 2013? Will it by less than AirAsia? Are they business traveller or tourists? What about domestic travelling? There are many questions yet to be answered and as such even building LCCT facilities within KLIA require a relook.

  149. The public safety factor alone is more than enough reason to reject this new airport. It is unfortunate that some quarters think that money is more important than safety.Only really dumb person will insist that labu airport is viable.
    Increase productivity & save time, for free.

  150. Assalamualaikum Tun,
    If air asia wants to look for a new home, why not choose JENGKA, BERA Pahang or Mersing Johor? Just a thought……..
    Well said Tun and I hope The govt closed this case as soon as possible. “Hidup Tun Dr Mahathir and may Allah bless us all”. Aminnnnn……..

  151. salam Dr M…
    saya kasihan dan tertanya-tanya di manakah bakal PM kita?isu yang begini sudah berulang-ulang..bukankah sudah dinasihati agar berdirilah sendiri..jangan berteduh di bawah bayang-bayang sesiapa..saya faham penolakkan terhadap Pak Lah yang banyak kekurangan tapi penerimaan terhadap Dato’ Najib yang begitu begini bagaimana pula?

  152. Salam Tun,
    Dalam kes ini, rakyat jelata dah boleh nilai yang mana baik dan buruk. Apa yang boleh dikatakan kerajaan BN kita sekarang ni lebih zalim dari YAHUDI sebab bunuh rakyat malaysia dengan senyap, gunakan duit rakyat malaysia dengan senyap dan diam untuk kepentingan sendiri. Yang Peliknya, PM kita sekarang duduk diam dan lihat percaturan yang diatur oleh anak menantunya tanpa sepatah kata. Tapi kita kena tahu dia tu ISLAM HADHARI, duit masuk hari-hari.
    Jadi duduk diam pun duit masuk hari-hari kira OKlah. Kami ni peniaga, nak cari makan sehari-harian pun susah tak ada siapa pun yang ambil tahu. duit ditaburkan untuk kroni dan bukan untuk rakyat.
    Saya yakin bulan march ni Pak Lah tak jadi turun sebab otaknya yang seminit untuk mengubah keputusan yang dibuatnya, TPM pula kemungkinan besar bukan Dato Najib sebab kes altantunya dan kapal selam…kemungkinan kita akan mengubah tapuk pemerintahan kepada PKR. Bila Orang Kuat UMNO nak sedar yang diri mereka dah tak Famous dan buat la kerja dengan betul.
    Tun, Tolong rakyat malaysia yang sedang dianiaya oleh tapuk pemerintahan yang buat-buat bodoh tapi duit masuk hari-hari dalam poket mereka…….
    Hidup TUN…..!!!!!

  153. Tun,
    The inefficiency and losing money in the operation of MAS/MAB before Jala Idris could be easily summarised due to 3 main reasons : pilferage among staffs; conflict of interest in contracts; high flamboyant directors/managers. Jala has to certain extend improved the management of MAS/MAB. Mamon comments seem to suggest some of the reasons have been revisited in MAS/MAB that brought about the problems of inefficiency in certain operational lines. The management problems could easily be rectified within MAS/MAB by management team and not through the creation of nearby Labu Airport. There are some big known personalities in Sime Darby and Air Asia needs to be studied for real reasons in the creation of Labu Airport. Don’t waste money Mamon, life is costly these days.

  154. Tak perlu bina Labu Airport. Upgrade Airport sedia ada. Jangan pula bila dah terlalu banyak penstrukturan akan membebankan.. rakyat dengan banyak tol… dan sebagainya..

  155. The KLIA has been managed by a bunch of lousy idiots.
    a) The directional signages are not placed properly at the correct position and location. Try find the food court and the directions to the domestic departure main entrance. You will be bewildered.
    b) The toilet are getting more dirty and some of the doors and tiles are damabed and not replaced. The toilets are infact very smelly, it is only due to the excessive use of the scented cleaning liquid that it smells ok. The stains on the toilet floos have never been scrubbed since its operational.
    c) The ceiling strips are crooked, some are dangling down and showing all the black soot accumulated during all these years and nobody from the management cares!
    d) The complex has lost its shine due to utter neglect.
    e) Many of the employees have vey low IQ and sometime plain stupid.They don’t have the love and care for the airport infrastructure and services. They only want their monthly salaries.I was caught up during one of the peak late night long queqe for taxis. The direction signage indicated that for the taxi is at gate 1 and a couple of us did so.After sometime feeling rather frustrated I asked the girl why there are no taxi? The girl replied that I was waiting at the wrong gate. I was angry because t the sign clearly showed gate 1. The stupid girl said no, please join the others at gate 3. This is how stupid the employees at KLIA.
    f) There are frequent changes in the designation of the departure gates. You can have a simple bet with your travelling companions whether there would be any changes or not after the last announcement.
    g) Their English are no good, sometimes you can’t understand what they are trying to say, but they sound like americans!
    I can list more items, however, improve KLIA and Labu airport will be redundant.
    The proposed Labu airport is just a get rich quick scheme for a few people. The idea is stupid and the main aim is making money.
    If the government continue to pursue the matter and implement the project, then this will definitely be one of the contributing factorin the downfall of BN. Last night Ong Kee Teat mentioned that it is still under review and not rejected by the government. They delay is because a few others also want some money from the project.
    This is typical.

  156. If you have ever been to the current lcct you will hope for a new airport too, be it in current klia or in labu. a new and better manaaged airport is urgently needed. that’s what every passenger is hoping for. political asides.

  157. Dearest Tun,
    I am sorry to suggest this. Malaysia must be safe from destruction.
    We can’t help it, but to ask you to become the official government advisor.
    If Najib becomes the PM, he must appoint you to be his advisor. The whole Malaysian will demand him to do that. We shall not take any more chances or we will suffer.
    Even if AAB resign, he will leaves all his clever stooges up there to give Najib a hard time. Again, they will come out with clever and funny ideas to fatter their pockets.
    We had seen too much, but we can’t do anything about it.
    Dear Najib, please think about it and do the right thing.
    For Malaysia.

  158. Dearest Tun,
    I am sorry to suggest this. Malaysia must be safe from destruction.
    We can’t help it, but to ask you to become the official government advisor.
    If Najib becomes the PM, he must appoint you to be his advisor. The whole Malaysian will demand him to do that. We shall not take any more chances or we will suffer.
    Even if AAB resign, he will leaves all his clever stooges up there to give Najib a hard time. Again, they will come out with clever and funny ideas to fatter their pockets.
    We had seen too much, but we can’t do anything about it.
    Dear Najib, please think about it and do the right thing.
    For Malaysia.

  159. Salam Tun,
    Saya tertarik dgn komen Sdr Suqizam bahawa pembiayaan untuk projek LCCT Labu ertinya akan dibiayai melalui sumber Sime sendiri atau private financing yang tidak melibatkan wang taxpayer dan seharusnya kita semua tidak perlu risau.
    Soalnya sekarang Sime (GLC)tu kepunyaan siapa? kalau ianya kepunyaan Khazanah, Khazanah tu kepunyaan MOF dan ertinya kerajaan? Dan kalau kepunyaan kerajaan dah tentulah kepunyaan RAKYAT. As a taxpayer we have every right to know what’s happening in Sime Darby or any GLCs
    Semuga Tun senantiasa sihat panjang umur dan senantiasa dalam peelindungan Allah SWT

  160. Salam.
    Well we know Sime Darby has lots of money. But, again kalau sime darby nak sangat ‘do something’ utk develop Malaysia ni, please invest on public transportation. I’m currently residing in Japan. Public transport here is amazing. I don’t say perfect but it’s very convenient. Japan yang ada 120juta rakyat pun tak buat airport dekat2 macam LCCT ngan Labu. Tp diorang develop train system yg efficient. Bullet train covers almost all area. For instance, Tokyo – Nagasaki 1300km. Tu belum going north to Sapporo etc. Even though flight service pun ada going to main cities in Japan (or even overseas). Of course Malaysia takkan mampu jadi macam Japan within 2-3yrs but at least pls do something. Please show honesty in developing Malaysia rather than restricted by ‘narrow minded politics’.
    If they think public transport is good enough, hmm…wondering when using Jalan Klang-Banting at 7.45am, still there are a lot of school students waiting for bus. From batu 8 to Banting about 30minutes. Wondering what time the school session starts ya…Ministers, don’t believe? Try by yourselves!

  161. if what he says is true that klia is inefficient and also partly due to the control tower system inability to handle more flights…why dont the G just upgrade them by purchasing a better system? Idiot!!! not TUN but him…cheers

  162. Salam,
    Apa gunanya ada banyak Airport.adakah banyak airport boleh membanyakkan hasil kerajaan.Saya rasa pendpatan kerajaan bukan berpunca dari banyak airport,tapi boleh membanyakkan pendpatan pemimpin ada le rasanya.Kalau ramai pelancong datang sekalipun tak semestinya mereka nak guna banyak airport tu.Untuk kemudahan rakyat,emmmm…jauh sekali.Golongan mewah jelah dok guna.Yg sederhana dan susah ni dok tengok je kapal terbang lalu atas kepala.Tak perlu banyakkan airport,tapi banyakkan jalanraya yang bercirikan selamat pengguna.

  163. Wow!! A landing in less than a minute each. Better than Star Wars. No kidding.
    What about take off?
    Did Air Asia buy VTOL(Vertical Take Off and Landing) vessels?
    Ini la betul betul MALAYSIA BOLEH………or Malaysia Bodoh.
    In all my years as a Logistician, this must be the most ridiculous Logistics Idea of all time.
    Imagine the top most aircraft stacked to land is in OUTER SPACE.Ha ha ha.

  164. Hi all,
    Again SPOT ON Tun.
    I totally object the idea of having another airport in Labu.
    Doesn’t make sense why build another airport so close to KLIA.
    If Barak Obama can ask the CEO of citibank to stop purchasing executive jet why cant our leaders ask the parties involved to sit together and negotiate in the best interest of our beloved country.
    By the way who is running this country anyway? is it the syarikat Berhad or is it the multipurpose political party?

  165. The MAIN reason why “some ppl” are against the proposed low cost carrier terminal at Labu … is DUE to their FEAR of competition …
    (1) Khazanah, holds a stake in Malaysia Airports Bhd (MAHB) and Malaysia Airlines (MAS)
    – In this situation, do you think MAHB will provide fair policies to Air Asia?
    I think Tony understand very well the “adat resam” in this country, which make him proposes to get his owm home for Air Asia.
    The adat resam applies as the following … if “certain factor” is not right, some party cannot be too competitive, else they will be claimed as “dah beri paha nak pula betis” … just becoz others that fear of competition … this is what happen in the issue of LABU airport …

  166. The MAIN reason why “some ppl” are against the proposed low cost carrier terminal at Labu … is DUE to their FEAR of competition …
    (1) Khazanah, holds a stake in Malaysia Airports Bhd (MAHB) and Malaysia Airlines (MAS)
    – In this situation, do you think MAHB will provide fair policies to Air Asia?
    I think Tony understand very well the “adat resam” in this country, which make him proposes to get his owm home for Air Asia.
    The adat resam applies as the following … if “certain factor” is not right, some party cannot be too competitive, else they will be claimed as “dah beri paha nak pula betis” … just becoz others that fear of competition … this is what happen is the issue of LABU airport …

  167. Assalamualaikum Tun,
    I do not know personally what’s KLIA capacities and capabilities other than what’s in the paper or on the net/blogs, but I do know this..
    10km apart is really …really …really stupid, to justify this would need technical explanation, not just Need Home Fast, more than 25mil passengers, luggage efficiencies, heeesshhh…

  168. Tun,
    building Labu airport is not a bad idea at all. this will create more and more new opportunities for new people.
    1. jobs opportunities for nearby local redisents.
    2. opportunities for the local land owners.
    3. opportunities for new construction companies.
    4. opportunities for starting small businesses in new airport.
    5. new hotels, motels, shops and petrol stations setups in labu.
    dont over focused on “wasting money” issue. in fact, during the economy down times, this may be a good time to waste money.
    opportunities should be equally divided to all malaysians. if u keep on feeding KLIA, the old fellas will never learn, compete and improve.
    btw, we went to The Loaf yesterday. the environment is nice, but the price tags are not so nice. my japanese friend told me the prices for breads are japanese standard. we gave up dining there.

  169. TUN,
    TWO EXCO PERAK HILANG( Tun Tolong baca rintihan saya ini).
    Just read a distubing news in Malaysiakini.
    Please do guide and advise Najib, to stop whatever he is doing (if is doing that). UMNO is lossing support because of the wrong doing of its leaders. The public can’t tolerate more their behaviours. Bring these two clowns in (they have confessed in the media they wrong doing), will further tarnish UMNO. As a loyal member I don’t want to see such STUPID action by UMNO’s leaders. We are not desperate; we can win back the election; just correct, clean and get rid the bad leaders in UMNO. Go back to basic, fight for the Malay, Religon and Malaysian well being. Tun, please stop Najib, he is continuing doing stupid things, again and again!!!.
    (I sincerely hope the news is not correct)
    Anak Jati Look East Policy

  170. Dear Tun,
    I am currently in New York. The three airports here, JFK,La Guardia and Newark are far apart. Therefore, I do agree with you that Labu location does not make sense.Canceling this project is a good decision. However, I am sorry for those who has a big ego and has interest in Labu.
    We like to build first class facilities, but with third class maintenance . PUTRAJAYA and now KLIA requires our attention. We must upkeep and improve all the time. Someone should check inside these buildings and one will find a lot of work needs done. Do the people working inside cares on the matter or waiting for someone else to move!This boils down to Leadership ( maybe a change will help ).
    Yes, KLIA has great potential to be GREAT. We have to make it great. LABU only serves the special interest….we have to look at the connections then we know why.
    “COUNTRY FIRST” and ” CHANGE” is also relevant to Malaysia if we are to move forward….

  171. Dear Tun Dr M.
    The latest news is that the Labu Airport Project is withdrawn.
    Air Asia was willing to build its own airport at a cost of RM 1.6 billion Ringgit together with Sime Darby. On the surface, having a new airport close by KLIA should case a lot of inconvenience and additional cost to the passengers as well as to the Air Asia.
    I am sure the above would have been considered by Air Asia. Yet they decided to go further. The only indicates that there should be some unexposed problems between MASB and Air Asia. If at all there is any of that sort they need to sit together and sincerely work out the problem and solve it amicably on a win win situation.
    As Dr Mahathir says, having another airport within a short radius was unbelievably decided upon.

  172. Assalamualaikum Tun,
    RM3-4 billion! kos untuk MAHB bina terminal baru AA di KLIA. Akhirnya penumpang AA yang akan bayar kos ini dalam bentuk airport tax dan sebagainya, maka tambangnya tidak murah lagi. Akhirnya AA dan KLIA tidak lagi kompetitif.
    Lebih baik dibina saja airport baru Labu yang kosnya cuma RM1.6 billion dan menepati segala keperluan penerbangan tambang murah seterusnya tambang boleh diturunkan 15% lagi.
    Apakah kerana terlalu sayangkan KLIA kita sanggup korbankan satu lagi peluang keemasan dalam bidang penerbangan. Bolehkah MAHB turunkan lagi caj mereka sedangkan kos pembinaan yang amat tinggi perlu ditampung.
    Jika KL terlalu banyak airport, saya cadangkan supaya Subang dan Sungai Besi ditutup terus, maka KL akan ada hanya 2 airport saja, satu untuk full service dan satu lagi untuk tambang murah.
    Sekiranya projek Labu airport dibatalkan dan operasi AA dipindahkan ke terminal baru tambang murah KLIA :-
    1. Airport tax dan lain lain caj akan dinaikkan untuk menampung kos pembinaan terminal yang amat mahal seterusnya tambang akan jadi mahal.
    2. Penumpang terpaksa bayar tambang ERL RM35 untuk ke KL Sentral berbanding tambang komuter dari stesen Labu ke KL Sentral cuma RM5.10
    3. Tambang shuttle bus dari Labu ke KL akan lebih murah kerana jarak perjalanan melalui jalanraya ke KL dari KLIA ialah 78km berbanding cuma 50km dari Labu.
    Saya berharap agar kerajaan dapat meluluskan project KLIA-East@Labu kerana ianya akan membawa banyak faedah kepada industri penerbangan negara dan rakyat.
    Terima Kasih

  173. Salam Tun and fellow blogger,
    Looks like the growth rate of Air Asia surpasses Europe, America or perhaps the world combine.
    Tony Fernandez should have been the American President or maybe president of EU.
    I tabik this guy, really!

  174. Salam dearest Tun. Very glad to have eventually signed-in to participate in your blog.
    Very spot-on analysis of the Labu Airport. But I still believe the public and the government must be fully aware of the “tersurat” and “tersirat” in the Labu Airport push. As I interpret, it seems airasia game plan has worked and the government finally “cave-in” to airasia long-time demand. At the same time, just imagine the huge revenue flow that will be generated from passenger fee/taxes from the Labu airport operation.

  175. Salam Tun ,
    Bersembang sahaja.
    Taada formula untuk halang UMNO masuk kubur?.
    Saya memang tidak suka UMNO kerana orgnya sombong ,bongkak,berlagak & ramai yg rebut jawatan cara wang tetapi ada yg baik & jujur.Kalau banding Umno & PKR saya rasa UMNO lebih baik lagi.
    Perkembangan terkini sedikit sebanyak menggangu pemikiran semua macam Lanun hendak berkuasa.
    Adakah perpaduan yg ada akan berkekalan ?
    Mungkinkah ada perang Saudara?
    Ekonomi kita akan terjejas?
    Macamana nasib anak cucu kita? Pelestine! memang betul kata takdir tapi semua atas tangan kita.
    Tolong delete jangan masukan dalam comment.

  176. Salam Tun,
    Kalau Sime Darby+Air Asia hendak buat dengan kos mereka tidak ada masalah . Tetapi kalau hendak suruh kerajaan buat dengan menggunakan wang NEGARA (wang rakyat Malaysia) ini adalah suatu yg perlu dibantah secara keras.
    KLIA sudah memadai untuk jangka masa 15/20 tahun lagi.Kenapa perlukan satu lagi diLabu?
    Syarikat kalau hendak cari untung luar biasa guna wang sendiri untuk pelaburan bukan minta kerajaan labur untuk mereka.
    Sama seperti IGN,Idea yg menjahanamkan Wang Negara.
    Masa meleset sepatutnya kerajaan melabur didalam kegiatan ekonomi yg dapat dimenafaatkan pada masa depan bukan pembaziran.Pelaburan yg dibuat pula mesti memberikan faedah kepada rakyat Malaysia bagi menghadapi krisi Ekonomi.
    Sime Darby ada saja idea yg tidak bernas IGN,LABU dan entah apa lagi.Si Tony pula dengan Air-Asia bila kurang untung mula merungut dan dia tidak sedar diri yg mereka ini telah merampas banyak hak MAS.

  177. Dear Tun,
    As usual, you said it all the way. Still can’t figure out the rational behind the KLIA-east project despite the explanation given by Tony and Company.
    Well, will just have to wait n see what our ‘knights of the roundtable’ have to say about it…

  178. Semua ini berlaku sebab pemimpin kita yang satu tu tak tau apa.Yang dia tau naik je kapalterbang terus tidur nyenyak..semua orang tau.Saya berdoa kehadrat Allah supaya pemimpin yang tak tau apa2 sehingga menyebabkan mudarat kepada negara dan rakyatnya akan dilaknat dan menerima pembalasan diakhirat kelak.amin.

  179. The root of the problem seems to be the inefficient and weak MAHB management as contrasted to the efficient strong and capable Air Asia mgmt.The simple solution would then be to get AA to takeover and manage MAHB completely.Then LABU is history and KLIA becomes worldclass overnight.
    Just like in World War 2 when it was suggested that instead of Germans flying to London and the British flying to Berlin on their bomb would be much more efficient and economical for them to bomb their own cities.
    I see a lot of this type of “logic and new think “from the 4th Floor and the GLCs.

  180. like i said the last time, Tony or KJ should go and build this lCC terminal at his best friend(Kali) hometown, Singapore and not his home town Labu.Yes, with our money.Maybe Harry LEE K Y biggest birthday gift of the century frm all of us Malaysian

  181. A’kum Tun,
    Mungkin ada baiknya dikaji reality sebenar AirAsia disebalik kekecohan semua ini, siapa yg akan untung dan siapa yang akan berputih mata. Saya kagum dengan maklumat yg Tun perolehi, namun apa objectif sebenar AirAsia, Tuhan saja tahu. Saya harap dapat jelaskan kedudukan AirAsia dengan lebih jelas lagi tapi saya tertakluk dgn peraturan syarikat, adakah Tun ada personal email? Buleh saya bertukar-tukar maklumat.

  182. Tony Fernandez is a sleek businessman. Of course this country need young professionals like him to make this country prospers. But Tony Fernandez must remember…You can bluff some people sometime…but you cannot bluff all the people all the time !
    Syabas Tun .i salute you.

  183. salam alaikom Tun and Tun .
    Sometimes, and in previous times too, i wondered, maybe you are Mahadi. becos at one time, in one interview by foreign news on TV, the interviewer pronounce Mahathir with the stress on thir , it sounds almost like mahadi,
    anyway,, this time. i wonder why you bother to explain, it seems like these questioners just want to pick on your replies and make an issue out of it, thanks
    god speed and bless you, me . everybody

  184. Dear Tun,
    I have no doubt at all, when you commented on Labu Airport because I truly believe that you know exactly the airport industry. Indeed, you the one who initiated the construction of KLIA, you have all the information about KLIA. In fact from the narrow perspective clearly showed that Labu Airport is not practical idea.

  185. SALAM TUN,

  186. Salam Tun,
    Cerita tentang Airasia inginkan bangunan terminal sendiri bukan cerita baru… di KK, KCH maupun PEN. Ironinya Airasia akan ‘jarumkan’ kerajaan negeri dengan bermacam gula-gula. Yang peliknya kerajaan negeri macam tak tahu yang ‘gula-gula’ tersebut lebih kpd ada niat tersirat pihak Airasia. Untuk LCCT Labu pihak MOT mcm kelu nak buat pendirian , begitu juga pihak DCA. Nampak seperti pakar-pakar dari ‘Airport Standard Division-DCA’ hilang taring dalam memberi nasihat teknikal kpd kerajaan. Orang kampung yang tiada pengetahuan pembinaan lapangan terbang pun tahu yang hasrat membina LCCT di Labu sesuatu yang janggal disebabkan jarak yang terlalu hampir dgn KLIA Sepang… Adakah mereka memang tak tahu nak bagi nasihat atau lidah mereka dah di’bius’ oleh ‘Tangan Ajaib’ ??? Siapakah orang itu…?????

  187. TUN,

  188. Dear Tun,
    When people are so desperate to make huge amount of money, they will not care whether the project is feasible or not. This is the ugly face of capitalist.
    Thank you & Best Regards.

  189. salam sejahtera tun,
    its confirmed now that from day 1, the airasian guy know that they won’t be able to get the approval, they just wanted to flex their muscle… thanks that the malaysian public had open their eyes on the development and activity in our political theater… but they are after a wrong guy.. why until today nobody doing any petition to find out the exact cost of the LCCT extension?? we malaysian had been made dumb or are we dumb??? is that the way our elected government use our hard earn sweat and blood money? can anybody in the economic profession out there teach us how to justify the cost of the LCCT and its extension? had any top management guy from MAB try to receive a visitor from the new extension arrival hall in that terminal? i don’t know wat else to say.
    Tun, please guide us (all the malaysian)what we should do… we are lost….

  190. Hi there!
    After it is all said and done, I suspect it is just a corporate exercise by Air Asia to bring MAB to talk about handling charges and improving facilities for Air Asia passengers. I won’t lose sleep over Labu Site! Cheers!

  191. salam hormat tun, memang benar apa yang tun hujahkan. pertama kali saya mendengar berita ini pun saya was was apa wajarnya airport kedua yg jaraknya hanya sepelaung sahaja. semoga bakal pm batalkan. salam tun.

  192. I am mathematician and try at best to understand the architecture development, but one thing I would not want to know would be – heck, there are always greediness in the people – because we can translate them into formulation.
    I do think that it is unwise to have another close proximity airports, since those interested parties (AirAsia, MAHB) can always work out to fork out solutions on serving the clients at their best – not showing who can give better rebuttal.
    But being an investor myself (though not any significant holder), I do think that investing (by spending money) during this crisis may help to boost the economy and later on more problems will be crystalised.
    Take for instance, from Penang I would prefer to fly on AirAsia and transit for SIA (sorry MAS) – I would need to fork out another sum of money and of course my time could have been wasted, whereby if DOMESTIC and INTERNATIONAL flights can be put adjacently (though may not be operating under same building), it helps the customer better to spend smallest possible change and reducing commuting time, like what we are having now.
    So, AirAsia may want to consider THE CUSTOMERS not for the sole of AIRASIA’S PRIDE to having their own airport.
    Shahirasul Idrewoods

  193. Dear Tun,
    At times, it is a very heartbteaking moment for me as a Malaysian that certain parties are only thinking of filling up their pockets instead of maximized what we’re already have. I’m no expert in this Labu fiasco but my view is parallel with yours as well with other Malaysian.
    It is illogical to build another airport when less than 10 km away we have a better airport facilities including extra acres to be developed with.
    I totally agreed with your view and judgement especially when safety aspect is concern. Safety is paramount in the aviation bussinesses and activities.
    For me, it’s the same issue with the shelved proposal of the IJN privatization. Us, the rakyat have to voiced our displeasure and then only the power that be use their head productively.
    Thank you.

  194. The distance between Labu and KLIA is simply nonnegotiable. It is too dangerous. Improve KLIA and all those problems solved.
    Good sho Tun.
    Hazman Abu Bakar

  195. Tahniah dan syabas UMNO. Saya baru check sama ada saya ahli UMNO ke tidak. Rupanya selama ini saya tidak ahli UMNO. Ada hantu telah kensil keahlian saya di Selangor. Sekarang saya dah isi borang online untuk jadi ahli semula. Saya nak lihat setakat mana keberkesanan system online ini.
    Kemungkinan sistem menjadi ahli UMNO melalui online boleh disalahgunakan oleh orang yang mengendalikan sistem itu sendiri.

  196. aswt beloved YAB Tun,
    Sorry for my hush words
    That IT’s ……
    That’s what happened… WHEN

  197. True… I’m still thinking of the needs of Labu Airport. If you can. MoMan. please reply with honest answers, not just the assumptions.

  198. Salam tun yg dihormati,apakah perlunya sebuah lapangan baru di Negeri Sembilan yg jauhnya baru 10 km dari KLIA,kenapa tanah yg luas diKLIA tidak digunakan naik taraf lapangan terbang sedia ada.inilah soalan2 yg ditanya oleh rakyat kepada Kerajaan BN yg tidak popular sekarang.jangan ambil keputusan yg rosakkan lagi Parti BN oleh Pemimpin2 bodoh sombong.Najib mesti ambil pendirian yg tegas kerana rakyat sedang menilai kamu sebagai pemimpin.Tun yg disayang teruskan perjuangmu yg belum selesai.

  199. Tun,
    The key is profit. That means a lot of money. 70 aircrafts per hour,
    Air asia taxis, AA food, AA hotel, AA golf, AA everything. Tourism. Lots of money can be taxed. Somebody will gain extra bonuses when you’re gone someday. Will they care? Just bunch of greedy peoples.

  200. Salam Tun,
    Moga Allah terus beri kesihatan untok Tun Sekeluarga.
    MoMan Dear, hope you learn something here.
    Having two airports with two separate control 7km apart
    really doesn’t make sense. This is disaster in the making.

  201. Dearest YAB Tun,
    1. As always, excellent explanation with VALID ARGUMENTS BASED ON FACTS.
    2. I doubt if Pak Lah & gang understand what Tun is trying to tell them. I guess

  202. YABhg Tun,
    I think I also want to built a roti canai gerai at Labu Airport because, the roti canai KLIA, not so good lah. And, it’s expensive too…

    By kamal ahmad Author Profile Page on January 20, 2009 7:16 AM
    Saudara samuraimelayu, salam. Lamanya balik Jepun? 🙂 Tak pa, ni homework kelas Mr.Dorai saya salin untuk bacaan saudara.
    ps. Samuraimelayu melawat keBukit Siguntang, Sumatra dengan penerbangan tambang murah dan jumpo sanak sudaro diBukik Tinggi.

  204. This MoMan could be that fatty bom bom who desperately try to get your help to build HIS dream airport, after he fail to pay MAB hundreds of millions!

  205. Dear Ayahanda Tun,
    To cut the story short, actually, someone out there is trying to make big money….. tapi tk kena cara!!!

  206. Salam Ayahanda Tun,
    “Si Luncai terjun dengan LABU-LABUnya…Biarkan, biarkan..” Masalah pentadbiran harini adalah mereka fikir rakyat masih berminda terpencil, dan ‘tidak apa attitude’ is the norm of the day. Jadi begitulah kita ni, sering diperbodoh2kan dengan alasan yang tongong dan jenaka… Bila pentadbiran boleh sedar bahawa lagu yang disuruh nyanyi oleh SiLuncai itu tidak lagi boleh diguna pakai keatas rakyat Malaysia, barulah pentadbiran boleh jumpa cara untuk tangani kemerosotan keyakinan rakyat terhadap mereka semua. Bodoh sangat ke rakyat Malaysia ni? atau apa sebenarnya pentadbiran yang memperbodohkan diri sendiri. Masalah betullah kalau dapat pentadbiran syok sendiri ni, akhirnya rakyat yang tergadai. Bukannya kita gilakan sangat parti pembangkang tu, tapi at least they give serious arguments and justification. Of course, implementation wise, the opposition government still leaves a lot to be desired. Wallahualam.

  207. For whatever reason, I still not agree with this suggestion. No such place on earth 2 airports located within 10km distance. Better focus on other public transport such as improving train system or LRT. Please utilize the underused KLIA!

  208. Dear Tun Dr M,
    Saya seorang pelajar, apa yg kami hendaki adalah penerbangan yg murah, selamat, dan mudah.
    Harga tiket biasanya akan berubah2 mengikut masa. Mungkin sekali harga pada hari2 perayaan seperti hari raya ramadhan, chinese new year, dan juga krimas akan melonjak tinggi.
    Selamat, semestinya aspek yang paling sensitif dlm pemilihan service antara MAS dan Air Asia.Mungkin sekali kapal terbang Mas susah lama dan perlu digantikan dgn yg baru? Air asia pula menggunakan kapal terbang dgn tema ” Non stop flying”. Mendarat, turun penumpang, lepas tu terbang balik. Non stop sampai lewat mlm. Bahaya jugak.
    Mudah, jika hendak ke KLIA, terpastas adalah dgn ERL, tp ianya MAHAL utk seorang pelajar. Bus pula tidak effective 1jam sekali, teksi pasti bukan pilihan utk pelajar.
    Air asia pula ada bus, dr KL central, setiap 15min, murah tp kadang2 kena traffic jam( murah tp lambat, x effective).Ada juga Teksi tetapi confirm reject sebab mahal.
    The best solution ialah KLIA invest kedalam KTM or new train dengan harga yg murah, contohnya RM5. atleast ianya lebih cepat drpd bus.
    ERL boleh dikekalkan dengan harganya kerana ianya direct terus ke KL central tanpa henti, khas utk emergency shj.
    Airport baru ataupun lama tidak menjadi isue yang hangat. Isue yang paling penting, adakah KLIA telah memberi kemudahan ataupun service dgn standard world class? Airport sudah besar, tp sunyi, suram, tidak seperti dulu(ketika air asia guna airport).
    management hanya inginkan contract rm1.6Billion itu. Membair!!!!!
    buat train lagi elok… syarikat bus boleh invest jugak dlm saham KTM or buat perjalanan bus ke negeri2 lain seperti ke utara, ke melaka, ke pahang. Buatkan satu stesen bus d sekitar sepang, jd, semua akan tertumpu ke sepang airport.
    Wahai management KLIA, saya belum puas menikmati service 1st class airport anda. Tingkatkan kualiti. Kuantiti x berguna jika kualiti teruk macam airport peringkat dlm negeri shj.

  209. Tun,
    Excellent reply to all the point raised!
    Today’s paper reported the project had been cancelled. Hopefully no more flip flopping!
    Seriously Tun, the crux of the whole matter is that KLIA is being run mostly by inefficient ex-govt servants (in ex-MAS)and supported by yes-men who have no business sense in the real business world. They are only looking after their self interests (potential opportunities)and only good at making good news reports to get the glamour and rewards and awards that go with the achievements.
    In reality things are no going well at all MAHB operations everywhere. As some foreigners commented we have world class infra but third world management mentality!!!
    How sad. Malu Tu
    Question is who is calling the shots? nows nothing about

  210. Salam Tun
    I am your relative…though we hardly meet but we do support you…have a blessing day onwards…

  211. Salam Tun,
    It is amazing how far some people would go to defend a point which is not defenseable just to achieve their agenda.
    Tun, i read today in the Star papers that the Labu Airport is not going to go ahead, some ministers said it is still under consideration by the government, i dont know which one to believe.
    I dont see a point of waisting billions of dollars during a recession just to cater to Air Asia boss’s personal corporate ambition. Somewhere along the line somebody will make a lot of money to make it a reality. Usually the plan will be discussed on the golf course or big private dinners by all the players, the usual modus operandi.
    In this case, public interests and safety should be the main criteria for approval, but when the EPU and some government agencies got involved, usually they short circuited the redtape and public objections and allowed the project to proceed anyway.
    Tun, i believe Subang Airport is very strategically located and should be revived for all domestic flights. It is very convenient and cost less by taxi to go there.

  212. Labu airpot tak jadi di bina. Sapa kencing sapa? THE LABU LABI INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT. kah, kah, kah !!
    Saya cadangkan Tony Fernandez buat rayuan kat Lee Kuan Yew untuk bina airport di pulau yang Singapura baru dapat dari Malaysia. Cari pasir di Johor dan buat reclamation untuk tapak airport dan runaway di situ. kah, kah, kah.

  213. Nasarudin: I still have the fighting spirit
    IPOH: Bota assemblyman Datuk Nasarudin Hashim said he is brave enough to leave Umno and join PKR.

  214. Salam Tun,
    With so much being said about the KLIA East@Labu, none has ever mentioned about a new township called Kota Seriemas, lies about 5.2km away from the proposed site, exactly along the glide path.
    About 1,000 residents are currently living here and is projected to have about 16,000 in a period of 20 years. Plans are to build 3 schools including a Sekolah Wawasan and a Masjid Jame’. KPJ too is planning a major Nurse Training Centre there, an upgrade from the current facility.
    Residents love the current environment, quiet, safe and harmony. They are very much against the project and have started gathering whatever resources to state their displeasure.
    A great deal of informations have been gathered including about how LCC operates, how they take care of their staff and their aircrafts but would not like to mentioned it here at this point of time.
    Efforts is on the way as a first step to present their case to the Adun. Given the way the rakyat handles their case with the government nowadays, one can imagine what will happen next if this fails and the project gets a go ahead by the government.
    Warga Kotaseriemas

  215. What the people want from the Government
    PETALING JAYA: Many of those who responded to what the Government should offer under the stimulus package are asking for an income tax-free year and tax exemption for buying locally-made goods.
    They also asked the Government to improve public transportation and reduce the country

  216. Dear Tun, Im very sad & upset because Tun never reply or feedback to my request.Is it becuase im nobody to reply?

  217. Moman like Tony Fernandes like AirAsia like SimeDarby, they both like Labu & Labi in P.Ramlee famous film namely Nasib Labu Labi. “While having very high ambitious, they were both fighting to achieve the same ambition while dreaming during sleeping”.
    Everyone now can fly now everyone don’t fly AirAsia. Their morally greedy and illogical proposed Labu has now flying through the mind of every Malaysian.
    AirAsia, don’t you realise that your proposed Labu could damaging Malaysia to be an aviation industry hub target in the long future.
    In fact, AirAsia does not have any single solid concrete reason for the proposed Labu except its own greed. While KLIA have the existing facilities and huge reserve land, the expansion on the swamp land with modern engineering technology of today, it shouldn’t be any much cost different. Just to reply MoMan.

  218. Salam Ayahanda Tun. I had erred in my factual listing over that Pan Am 1977 Canary Island Mishap. It

  219. Tonny kata tak melibatkan duit rakyat…duit swasta..rupa rupa nya duit Sime Darby…Saya yakin PNB masih pegang syer terbesar? PNB bukan kerajaan punya?
    kebanyakan rakyat menentang tapi mereka berdegil nak teruskan juga? Tentu ada UDANG BESAR di sebalik batu kalau diteruskan juga kalau begitu rakyat prihatin kena buat lapuran BBR cepat.

  220. Tun,
    The root cause is due to MAHB not being professionally managed and its most frustrating to get things moving with the present ex-ACT Controllers turned Airport Managers.
    Trust me, am from the Aviation Industry for the past 36 years and have had lots of dealing with the MAHB Management,,,,they don’t have a clue on how to manage our Airports and Aviation Facilities. A bunch of just ‘YES’ man to the Politicians.
    I don’t blame Air Asia,,,,,just get MAHB re-organized and replaced with professional business minded individuals and STOP the Politicians’ involvement too.
    Capt Shariff Abbas.

  221. Dear Tun,
    I wish you and your family in good health. I follow the Labu airport with great interest and until now I could not agree with the plan.
    It would be ridiculous for it to be build when the goverment has alredy spent money on KLIA and LCCT.
    Air Asia and it’s supporters tried it best to justify the planning but no matter how the story is twisted, there are no justifiable reason for another airpot. Why should you build another airport when there is one existing? If the land area is an excuse, then LCCT and KLIA has more than enough land.
    If the radar is an issue, I’m sure that buying a new and more advance radar would be cheaper than building a new airport.
    If Air Asia or Sime have so much money, why not invest in the local facilities and make it outstanding?
    In my personal opinion, the proposed Labu airport project is another way of someone trying to smear LCCT and KLIA name. Obviously some parties will make tons of money too. You will need all sort of approvals in order to do such project eventhough it is a private funding project. These people who give such approval should justify their approval.
    If the goverment agrees to the Labu airport and let Air Asia used it as their “home”, then what will happen to LCCT? I guess now is the best time to give MAS the green light to launch their own budget airline too so that it can use LCCT as their home and this will complement MAS business. If Air Asia can get what they want, why not let MAS too get what it wants? Wouldn’t it be just fair?

  222. ‘Putera members did not take part in protest’
    KUALA LUMPUR: Putera Umno has denied that any of its members were at a gathering on Thursday night to protest against the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Agency’s investigations into corruption in the party.
    Putera Umno bureau head Datuk Abdul Azeez Abdul Rahim refuted reports yesterday that some of the members were involved in a brief demonstration that ended in the handing over of a memorandum to Umno president Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi.
    The protest by 50 Umno members took place at the lobby of Menara Dato Onn just before the party’s supreme council meeting, chaired by Abdullah, was about to start.
    The group had demanded that the party bar the MACC from probing rampant vote-buying in Umno.
    Dah bodoh stupid budak-budak UMNO ni !
    Begini ke nak jadi pemimpin?
    Pemimpin taik kucing, haprak, HP6 !!
    Rosak, rosak, rosak UMNO kalau dapat budak-budak seperti di atas.
    Tak ada qualiti langsong.
    Demo pasal pemimpin mereka kena tangkap rasuah. Satu dunia tahu ada banyak pemimpin UMNO memang rasuah. Bila diambil tindakan untuk membersih gejala rasuah depa buat pulak demo membantah. Kan gila punya kerja. Malu, malu, malu. Tak ubah perangai macam penyangak !!! Hancur UMNO !!!

  223. Salam Tun
    In short, you have address the proponents of the labu airport on how narrow is their thinking. Thank you for doing so.
    I think this is a simple issue that can be resolve easily:
    a. MAHB sells a small piece of land to Air Asia at the existing area and let them built their own terminal. Tony has said they can raise the money.
    b. The government is asking MAHB to built a terminal for air asia which i think is a foolish thing to do. It will create more problems with the on going bad blood between them.
    Tun, can you read my article about this malay nationalist that is pushing the government to abandon the use of english in the teaching of maths and science and them write something about the subject.
    My blog is
    Another Doctor, drrafick
    Thank you

  224. Tun, you seem to have dedicated most part of your life time for malaysia. trying to come up with best decision/move for malaysia to move ahead. yet till after retiring so long you still keep doing analysis/advise for free, the existing government should appreciation & thank you instead of anti-ing you.
    recently in the past (& mostly in future too) many of the government purchases/projects seem to have ridiculious mark up price. those ridiculious ‘atas angin profit’ pressure sometimes temp the supplier to even supply imitation material/goods/spare part to max their profit.
    do you think 1.6b is expensive for this project? 1.6b.. a waste of money when you can use it for better propose which is more needed rather than having 2 airport so nearby. so many better productive ways to spend. might as well spend the money build mini airport in some major town or famous tourist kampung.

  225. hehehe..Hidup DrM. Bukan boleh layan puak-puak tu, macam-macam idea karut depa bawak mai. Labu airport laa dll. Alasan depa karut belaka.

  226. assalamualaikum Tun
    i totally disagreed with the goverment to build another airport,why do we need another airport instead we already have the one that the best in the world this commentator MoWan maybe with his brilliant idea can solve the problem at klia like he mention,or is there something we did not know maybe someone in umno wants to make a big money by building the new lcct at labu,its just nonsense.i am 150 percent disagree.Keep on writing Tun we all miss love you
    Mohd Amin

  227. Tun,
    “13. The government appears to be in control of both Air Asia and KLIA. Why cannot there be negotiations over handling charges instead of spending RM1.6 billion on a new airport?”
    1. I believe we all know what the REAL ANSWER is to your “RM1.6 billion” question…we are not as stupid as they think we are…!
    2. Come PRU13, the BN would lose its power completely, if they continued with their present strategy, which is “to make a fool of those fools!”
    3. Sad really that this is happening after you have given us so much…

  228. SALAM TUN,
    My Dearest Tun, Abdullah Badawi Low Class Terminal International Airport has been cancel so please focus on other topics. Discussion is only purely academic. (NOW ONLY TONI CAN CRY.) Harap Tun dapat komen cara memperkasa UMNO dan orang Melayu serta reply in detail the Palestinian Issues like other muslim leaders e.g President Iran or PM Turkey, nak harap Pak lah sorry la dia tengah tertidur hanya akan bangun bulan mac nanti time pemilihan nak tolong menantu dia, masa tu tengokla macam-macam statement melalut dia keluar.
    Muslim world NEEDS ANOTHER “SALAH DIN”. Saya tau Tun pernah menziarah Makamnya, Gariskan pemikiran Tun cara-cara mengembalikan Baitulmakdis ke tangan yang Hak….

  229. London Launch For Sarawak’s Luxury River Cruise
    SIBU, Jan 30 (Bernama) — Sarawak’s newest tourism product, the Rajang River Luxury Cruise, will be launched in London on Feb 6.
    Minister of Environment and Public Health Datuk Sri Wong Soon Koh said the product would be operated by Myanmar-based Irrawaddy Flotilla Company, Southeast Asia’s largest river cruise operator.
    Congratulations to Sarawak State Government. Good initiative. Hopefully it will succeed. Make sure the facilities are in place to make them comfortable coming all the way from Europe. Ensure that there are good facilities available especially the toilets. These tourists are very particular about cleanliness. It is their culture that whatever they do they always make sure that safety and cleanliness come first. Or else they will just say politely thank you very much, we would rather prefer to stay at home.

  230. Tun, in supporting you….
    Bro MoMan…
    1. I dunnno man.. once a while i’ll take my small daughter to the outer road of KLIA to watch the flights coming in and leaving… a sure delight and awesome view apart from watching it on tv… but we can see when a plane touches down, another navigation lights flickering in the distant following suit.. its almost like every 2-3 mins something would touches down (havent seen a UFO yet)… so as the other side of the runaway where they are taking off.. i am not technically wise in airfield management, but i can see still the logic of jetwash bla blabla.. in keeping the airplanes apart during landing and takeoffs securely… hence i think an airport with 1 runaway handling 70 movements in an hour (appx 1.5 mins per movement is highly efficient)… well unless of course MoMan is expecting flights coming in and out to be ‘bumper to bumper’ in landing and takeoffs.. im sure we can be even more efficient to 120 movements per hour
    2. if Im not mistaken, baggages are handle by LCCT in KLIA separately, LCCT at LCCT, MTB at MTB. what has that got to do with sophistication and needs for a new airport?
    3. again MoMan… how would you know CCTVs in LCCT are not functioning? are you anywhere near the control rooms or whatsoever? I believe those are restricted areas.. and if you do have access means you are an insider.. perhaps. 🙂

  231. Salam Ayahanda Tun. I know that you are busy with the Riyadh forum, but thanks for making that posting and for reading our comments. Anyway, here we go sir.
    A brief no relation introduction: Aero-Ventures (M) Sdn Bhd, is a company founded by Kalimullah Hassan. Aero-Ventures (M) Sdn Bhd is one of the founding share-holder to Air Asia X. For those who don

  232. Salam TDM and all;
    Hope those who wants to create more projects should put national interest first…not the other way around.

  233. Assalamualaikum…
    Yes..I agree with Tun Mahathir, why must government spend 1.6 billion on a new airport??unreasonable…why the government now is not open minded??That why many of malaysian hate with this goverment…I hope the government now will this read article and hope they will understand about this…the goverment now is so ego that why they become like this…
    sy doakan Tun Mahathir diberi oleh Allah SWT kekuatan, panjang umur, murah rezeki dan kesihatan yang baik untuk meneruskan perjuangan kebenaran ini.

  234. tun …u r genius.
    i wish i could see you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    you are my idol forever!!!!!!!!!!!!

  235. Dear Tun,
    No Defections In Negeri Sembilan, Says Mohamad
    SEREMBAN, Jan 30 (Bernama) — Menteri Besar Datuk Seri Mohamad Hasan has refuted claims that there will be defections involving Barisan Nasional (BN) assemblymen in Negeri Sembilan.
    Mat Hassan is in a state of denial. UMNO Negri Sembilan is very fragile. I don’t think Mat Hassan has done a good job politically in Negeri Sembilan. Cronysim is rampant in Negeri Sembilan. Rumour is circulating among the people that Negeri Sembilan has two Menteri Besar. One official and the other unofficial. Apparently, the unofficial Menteri Besar is his elder brother. This is affecting the credibility of Mat Hassan and UMNO. Mat Hassan should be replaced if he continues to be ignorant what is happening on the ground. It will damage UMNO and at the end of the day UMNO NS will suffer the same fate as in Selangor and Perak.

  236. nice points there tun…
    why cannot there be negotiations over handling charges instead of spending rm1.6 bil on a new airport? a very good point there..i am very much agreed with you..

  237. salam Tun,
    nak seribu daya, tak nak seribu dalih.
    macam-macam alasan diorang guna untuk justifikasi pembinaan airport labu. kenapa? dah lantik kontraktor ke? huhu.
    alasan seperti penggunaan buruh asing, inefficiency, salah equipment (radar) dan security boleh diatasi. tak payah buat airport baru. kalau tandas kotor, kita cuci. bukan buat tandas baru.
    masalah yang paling besar adalah jarak antara airport labu dengan KLIA. cuba buat satu lagi KLcentral dekat Brickfields, apa jadi? tambah lagi terminal bas kat pekeliling. lepas tu buat terminal bas baru dekat pudu. better yet, buat stesen bas baru kat tepi setiap stesen bas di Malaysia. sebab stesen bas lama kotor ngan takde security. brrr…

  238. Dear Tun,
    Bringing Malaysian Youth Closer
    By Dan Guen Chin
    JOHOR BAHRU, Jan 31 (Bernama) — The Youth and Sports Ministry’s Criss Cross programme will be part of its efforts to bring Malaysian youth of all races closer to each other.
    And it will include homestay and gotong royong projects as the Youth and Sports Ministry’s Rakan Muda Programme takes on a different approach in it’s effort to get the youth from the different races to interact.
    Minister Datuk Seri Ismail Sabri Yaakob explained that the idea of forming Rakan Muda clubs in the heartland of the various ethnic groups in the country, was not meant to divide but rather to unite.
    “We are in the process of getting such clubs formed in the Chinese New Villages and also in the estates where many Indians still live. We are reaching out to the Chinese and the Indians.
    “And there is no denying that currently the Malays are the majority where membership of Rakan Muda clubs is concerned. We want to change it,” said Ismail Sabri at the launch of the Johor Baru Rakan Muda Cyber Centre at the Youth and Sports Complex here today.
    Whatever programme to unite the various ethnic group is very good indeed.But the best system is to go back to basic. All children must go to national schools. There should not be any Malay, Chinese, Indian or religious schools. This is the only way forward if we want to have fast integration of all races and become true Malaysians. These children must be given the opportunity to learn whatever subjects they wish to learn. They can learn the language of their mother tongue and other languages. They can learn their religion etc. etc. all in one roof. The national schools must be treated as truly national schools and teachers particularly the Malay headmasters and headmistresses should not try to convert the national schools as religious or Malay schools.These teachers should not influence the children by indoctrinating their political or religious belief towards the children. Their profession is to teach, period.

  239. It would be more inefficient if the government insists on building Labu Airport, and it would be on the fifth point on why KLIA is inefficient. Additional terminal is a better option and separate runway (if necessary) should be given to Air Asia. How if passengers wanted to transfer from Air Asia flight to other airlines flights which do not operate in Labu?

  240. Assalam mualaikum Tun,
    What more Air Asia, Tony Fernandez and Mo man want now ? All has been answered I believed . Malaysia is a small country with a small population. We do not need excess airports. Just stick to KLIA which is still under untilised ( period ) .

  241. Asalamualaikum bapak…
    saya takto hal2 penerbangan nih…tp aper yg bapak terangkan masuk akai jugak dr aper yg moman terangkan yg mcm menegakkan benang yg basah….pasai tu kut sharil samad beria2 rega gula patut naik…
    penat lah dgn pangai depa nih…semuga Allah sentiasa memberi kekuatan semangat n kesihatan utk bapak….

  242. Dear Tun,
    Kelantan Govt To Sponsor Palestinian Students
    KOTA BAHARU, Jan 31 (Bernama) — The Kelantan government will care for and sponsor the studies of some Palestinian students at higher educational institutions in the state as part of its humanitarian relief effort for the people of Gaza.
    Kelantan Menteri Besar, Datuk Nik Abdul Aziz Nik Mat said the state government had held talk with Hamas leaders on this and that they had welcomed the move.
    Satu usaha yang murni tapi Tok Nik mesti bertanggong jawab supaya mereka yang diambil belajar disini tidak menggunakan negara kita sebagai pengkalan untuk menjadi “terrorists atau suicide bombers”.

  243. Salam Tun,
    I suspect it’s a get-rich quick scheme.anyway DNR has put his foot down and all plans cancelled.
    Looks like some people will have to brainstorm yet again on how to make the most amount of money before the next GE.

  244. i like your strong comment. Mereka cuba mencipta alasan dengan menembunyikan niat yang sebenar.

  245. Dear Tun,
    All the justification given are mere hogwash.
    The reality is that some people were trying to make a pile at the taxpayer’s expense.
    It would also have set certain precedents – the Royal Malaysia Police, Immigration and Customs would have to be privatised, as the clod Tony Fenandes put it.
    Actually, I would not mind if the current prime minister’s job is privatised.
    Best Regards

  246. Dear Tun,
    You are the best…I miss having you as the PM…the country is in such a mess…eagerly waiting for March…I do believe in miracles…

  247. KP EPU-kerajaan menjadi “guarantor” kpd pemegang konsesi tol kerana tiada bank sanggup beri pinjaman. Kalau mcm tu baik kerajaan saja yg bina dan ambil tol supaya rakyat tahu kita bayar utk kemudahan kita sendiri. Ini tidak, kerajaan jamin (baca rakyat yg menjamin pada hakikatnya kerana parti tpolitik yg memerintah dilantik oleh kita melalui PRU) dan sykt tol kaut untung dan berhak naikkan tol mengikut perjanjian yg kena bayar lbh kita. Sbg peniaga jika tidak ambil risiko itu bukan berniaga namanya itu “welfare” atau “charity”. Balik semula kpd Labu Airport, apa bezanya TDM dan Dollah-Tiada! tak jadi buat kat Labu ttp Air Asia dpt terminal baru juga = zaman TDM iaitu sykt tol dpt jaminan kerajaan dan dpt kaut tol. Yg sentiasa rugi = rakyat Malaysia. Masa utk berubah. PRU13-tentukan nasib kita melalui undi kpd yg berkhimat utk kita bukan sebaliknya.

  248. Dear Tun,
    We have read all the pros and cons of having a new airport. I think public comments have reached consensus that the new airport should not be built, period. That is unanimous comments.
    Now the government should just put the matter to rest and move on to other pressing economic problems that need to be addressed urgently. Don’t waste anymore time discussing further on this issue. It is unproductive.

  249. Salam TUn,
    Thanks for the reply. I love it. I hope you have got your facts right. hahahahaha.

  250. Tun,
    Once again you must make a comeback & actively involved in UMNO & government :-
    1.You must be President of UMNO & Najib as Prime Minister.
    2.You must be a candidate in the next general election.
    2.BN need to restore confidence as fast as possible.
    3.People especially younsters are more confidence to Pakatan Rakyat rather than BN.
    4.We have seen initiatives by government but the confidence is not yet restored, BN lost in Permatang Pauh (expected), Kuala Terengganu, despite:-
    a.Paying to ex-judges
    b.Suruhanjaya Pencegahan Rasuah
    c.Being more open
    d.Cancellation of IJN takeover
    5.No matter whatever initiatives, I do believe it’s hard to get the confidence back to government/BN.
    6.At the same time, your active involvement in UMNO & government will strike fear to Anwar Ibrahim & Opposition.
    7.BN will lose in the next general election if you stay outside UMNO & government.
    p/s: Hard to see out of box approach from Najib to revive UMNO & BN since he is so used to play safe approach

  251. They just need something new and shiny and also to show that our government is so inefficient that they gave a laughable solution to solve a solveable problem. And to coin a phrase, albeit skewerdly “Marahkan nyamuk, bakar kelambu (or is it Labu))

  252. Dear Tun,
    Sime claims that LABU would be built on its own fund and not the public fund

  253. salam..
    Labu LCCT tidak akan dibangunkan.berita tv bagitau.
    Jadi sekarang ini dah tidak jadi isu lagi pasal airport baru.
    Chedet buleh tulis sikit pasal isu lompat parti yang jadi baru-baru ini.ADUN bota punya kes la.yang saya dengar dari orang bota,ADUN itu lompat bukan sebab rasuah atau tawaran exco dalam kerajaan negeri tapi Orang atas UMNO sendiri yang tak jaga/abaikan ahli sendiri.saya bukan nak keji atau kutuk UMNO.sekarang ni kebanyakan orang anggap masuk UMNO untuk DUIT.saya tengok berita TV semua terlalu pro dengan BN.pendapat saya,itu juga jadi punca BN semakin hilang pengaruh sebab rakyat tambah pula generasi MUDA yang kebanyakan sekarang ni belajar tinggi-tinggi,naik jelak dengan diskriminasi,provokasi berita TV di malaysia yang banyak pro kerajaan BN.macam la BN parti yang sempurna sangat.saya bukan ahli parti kerajaan atau pakatan rakyat.Lagi satu UMNO kekalkan ahli yang ada rekod buruk dalam parti siap bagi jawatan menteri lagi.ape dah jadi dengan UMNO ni Chedet.
    saya rasa dalam PRU akan datang ni BN akan BUNGKUS kalau terus macam ni.

  254. Why everybody want to destroy your vision Tun? This is once of what we have in Malaysia. That is why we still can’t fight Western.

  255. Tun,
    Yes, we should not solve inefficiency by building a new facility.
    But I think the people are basically not happy on the way the government is handling the whole Labu Airport saga.
    Pak Lah has been acting like a truly lame duck PM since the beginning of 2009. Under this stressful economic period, we need a bold leader.

  256. Dear Tun,
    I have commented earlier even before the Labu model became clear. True enough it does not make sense for Sime Darby to develop an airport and sell such a large tract of land when they themselves can developed something else and get better value from it. The distance is just too close for safety reason too.
    Country, company and human development take time. Our current failure of sticking to the plan laid out earlier for Vision 2020 has caused a lot of wastage. As much as the current leader wants to leave a legacy of their own, development takes time and sometimes it is better to continue with the plan conceived earlier to preserve the government cash. We already have a masterplan for KLIA which will be more effecient for implementation. The job of the government is to listen but remain cognisance of the existing plan. Unless the existing plan needs to be totally revamp, prudence must remain. Unfortunately when business and politics mingle too close, the nation interest seems to be second to individual or company’s interest.

  257. When i was young, the word “kostan” was frequently used.
    Ihardly hear it these days.
    It means reverse.
    I feel it describes our kerajaan kostan….

  258. errr..thats right sir..
    no need new airport that costing a lot cause KLIA still working and still can handle all the movement..
    why must wasting that lot of money built a new things that we don’t really need..
    aiyooo…think la..
    its simple..
    try learn some basic economic here..
    new airport its not a really good choice to wasting lot of money..
    we oredy have, enough..
    dont compare malaysia with other country..
    we are small la…

  259. government just need to improve and upgrade the KLIA..why we need to waste people money to build Labu airport??

  260. Salam tun,
    Depa masih juga cuba untuk menegakkan benang yang basah,
    menyelesaikan masaalah dengan menambahkan masaalah.
    Semoga sihat selalu,

  261. Tun,
    to do another airport, i suspect, is mainly due to “pork barrel politics”.. mainly to create project for the cronies……… thanks

  262. Tun,
    There wont be Labu Airport anymore, seem like Najib afraid after read your post… anyway.. thanks very much Tun for your concern on this issue. If you dont speak, surely Labu Airport will become reality.

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