1. Ops Lalang happened when I was Prime Minister. I did not order it.
2. Tun Hanif has already clarified that it was the decision made by the police. (Watch here)
3. A Prime Minister has to listen to the police. They are responsible for the security of the nation. Their opinions and advice cannot be simply brushed aside.
4. The parties in Pakatan Harapan had always blamed me for ops Lalang. But when it served their objectives they very gladly accepted me as a colleague and also as the candidate to be their Prime Minister.
5. During the time I was the fourth Prime Minister, Anwar had weekly demonstrations. I did not stop him.
6. But now that he is the Prime Minister he does not allow Malays to even discuss the problems that they face.
7. The proclamation that we have drawn up did not blame other races for our misfortune. We are blaming the crooked Malay leaders only. They are the leaders who abused their authority, who stole money, who did not help the Malays to overcome their poverty.
8. If we cannot find a solution for the problems faced by the Malays, then we must assume that it is the wish of this Government to promote proverty among the Malays.
9. This bias against the Malays is a manifestation of the racism of the Government. It is sedition because it is against the constitution of our country.
10. It is therefore the Government leader who should be arrested for sedition.