1. Saya amat gembira dengan report polis terhadap saya kerana kononnya membuat kenyataan yang tidak berasas berkenaan Forest City di Gelang Patah yang menelan belanja berbillion Ringgit.

2. Walaupun bodoh tetapi laporan polis yang dibuat berjaya menarik perhatian kumpulan yang pekak, buta dan tuli (PBT). Saya akan membuat penjelasan yang lebih panjang dan mempamerkan fakta-fakta berkenaan projek ini apabila saya dihadapkan ke mahkamah.

3. Yang saya hairan ialah kenapa orang PBT ini tidak report kepada polis akan laporan dalam beberapa akhbar oleh Bloomberg, sebuah agensi berita berkenaan ekonomi.

4. Besar kemungkinan puak PBT ini tidak baca, atau kalau baca sekalipun tidak faham. Yang dilapor oleh Bloomberg lebih dari yang saya sebutkan dalam ucapan saya.

5. Sekarang selepas saya jelaskan asas dakwaan saya, buatlah laporan polis terhadap Bloomberg. Tetapi saya yakin mereka tidak berani. Tujuan laporan mereka terhadap saya bukan diasaskan kepada kenyataan saya itu tidak betul. Laporan dibuat untuk menghentikan saya dari bercakap benar. Dalam Malaysia sekarang ini kebenaran amat ditakuti. Pembohongan disanjung tinggi.

6. Saya syorkan NGO-NGO ini membuat lawatan ke Forest City untuk melihat dengan mata kepala sendiri keadaan di Bandaraya berkenaan. Cuba sahkan penduduk dan pembeli bangunan-bangunan di sini terdiri dari orang tempatan, terutama orang Melayu.

7. Sahkan juga bahawa tanah ini disewa dan bukan dimiliki kekal seperti yang tertulis di papan tanda yang didirikan dan siaran kepada bakal pembeli dari Cina.

8. Dahulu, di waktu kita kurang bijak, Singapura telah dijual ke British. Sekarang ini Singapura menjadi negara asing yang tidak mungkin dikembalikan kepada Johor.

9. Penjualan tanah untuk dibangun dan diduduki oleh orang asing selama-lamanya tidak banyak berlainan dengan penjualan Singapura.

10. Malangnya PBT tak mungkin faham implikasi penjualan tanah Johor ini. Jauh sekali dari menyamakannya dengan Singapura.

11. Nasib baik lebih ramai rakyat Johor yang boleh faham tentang masalah penduduk asing yang akan berada di Johor selama-lamanya. Tidak ada mana-mana negara di dunia yang sanggup menerima kemasukan ramai orang asing ke negara mereka.

12. Amerika dengan penduduk seramai 325 juta pun menolak kemasukan orang Mexico dan oleh Trump, orang Islam.

13. Di Palestin, pembinaan bandar-bandar untuk orang Yahudi di tanah milik orang Palestin ditentang oleh mereka. Di Eropah kemasukan pelarian dari Syria dan lain-lain negara Arab dan Afrika dihalang oleh mereka.

14. Jika majoriti rakyat Johor menolak Forest City dengan kemasukan orang asing, pendirian mereka tidak sedikitpun berbeza dari pendirian bangsa-bangsa lain terhadap kemasukan beramai-ramai orang asing untuk tinggal di negara mereka.

15. Sesungguhnya NGO-NGO ini mengkhianati bangsa dan negara kerana menyokong penjualan wilayah di Malaysia kepada orang asing yang akan mendiri bandar-bandar mewah diduduki dan dimiliki selama-lamanya oleh mereka.

32 thoughts on “LAPORAN POLIS NGO”

  1. Chinese voters too are just like the malay and bumiputra voters, if they find that the dap spoke man is foreign, alien, to them, they will cut ties with dap immediately.

    Race and religion issues are super sensitive, dont play play.

  2. After 5 years, there will be another general election to be called.

    Pas insan jugak, mereka pasti mahu hidup mewah jugak.

    Takkanlah hari hari makan nasi lemak di tepi jalan, betul?

    Apabila mereka dapat upah, mereka pun mahu cuba hidangan yang lebih mahal dan mewah, kan?

    After 5 years, there will be another tok haji in place, therefore pas political party too just like other political parties, is evolving to adpat to the future to sustain their positioning.

    But, will their hardcore supporters support tok hadi haji awang punya manifesto, itu adalah terpulang kepada pengundi akar umbi mereka di kampung halaman mereka.

    Numbers dont cheat, and the more you want to push for nasionalism in the name of malay and islam struggle, the more you will get resistance from the public.

    Malaysia tak nak, takpa.

    Fdi can always go to other countries in the region that welcome fdi.

  3. Can pkr melayu jugak retain selangor by keeps spreading salt on their malay wounded wira in the next general election, it would be judged by the selangorian and other states’ political parties.

    If syariah akta ruu355 is pushed through by umno, pkr and pas, then, the political power struggling would be narrowed down within themselves only.

    Good, bad or ugly no one know henceforth general election must be called to determined the pm for the next 5 years.

    Bak kata, masuk kandang lembu mengauk, masuk kandang kambing mengembek.

  4. Win win or zero sum, you think the voters care?

    Now everyone is paying gst taxes to putrajaya government, meaning voters are the tuan rakyat to putrajaya, they are no longer bn or oppositions punya fixed deposit.

    But if dap insists of pushing for malaysian dream, dap malaysian family dream, its for sure wont go well with their own grassroots, especially their chinese grassroot supporters because they cant even curb inflation and the cost of doing business.

    On the other side, if umno insist to increase bantuan rakyat 1 malaysia to show umno is not bankrupt by merging with pas, it would be backfired too because this br1m shows umno still stuck in the era of vote buying in the eyes of local and foreign investors.

    Bak kata, if the old ones dont go the new ones can never come.

    Yeap, history is written by victors so to speak. You think only karl have rambutan history writer mer?

  5. There are many general elections a head. The household debts is so high and over-price, you think the locals can afford?

    In china, their central government already curbed the property development via anti-lobby, i mean anti corruption, and they already pushed out home ownerships package more affordable so that the young ones are willing to purchase house to cool down the property market.

    In here, you still talk about alahai racism?

  6. The DAP Chinese support for and against DrM is politisai aimed at a win-win situation. DrM going up or down or underground, they still win, win and win.

    That’s why I call 2017 as The Chinese Year of the Talking-Cock. Kokok berderai, ekor penuh taik!

    DrM can order “mee siam mai hum” from Lim Kit Siang, and the DAP numero uno will intuitively understand what the born again anti-UMNO politisai meant. Anything, so long DAP can have a room in Sri Perdana.

    History, after all, is written by the victors. Tak gitu?

  7. Salam Dearest YAB Tun,

    1. I found an article (on Forest City) written by a DAP supporter in Mr. Lim Kit Siang’s blog (I seldom read Kit Siang’s articles; just curious).

    /// Full article

    Selling Reclaimed Johor Land is Good for the Economy

    Koon Yew Yin
    19th January 2017

    A few months before the end of last year, I wrote on the state of the economy in an article chiefly directed at market investors and the business community. In my article I touched on the Chinese investment wave and noted that this was a most important partnership emerging between Malaysia and China which would boost our nation’s economic fortunes. I followed up this with another on “The China X Factor in Malaysia’s Future”

    In my second article, I noted that the Chinese are investing here for their own benefit and not out of charity. I wrote:

    Let’s make no mistake. This is not about PM Najib’s, Malaysia’s or Malaysian Chinese’s interests that China is making these deals. China will be the X factor in Malaysia’s development in any transformation programme for our nation. If we want to make it a win-win deal, we have to work to pursue our national advantage.

    I had also written
    The most important thing we can learn from the Chinese example, is that we have to free the creative enterprise and spirit of the people, especially the young.
    No freebies – just hard work, a no-nonsense, fair and competent government, and incorruptibility which was high on the governance agenda, has made China the power to respect throughout the world and in Malaysia.

    But there is also a lot wrong in China now that mainland Chinese are trying to eradicate. Let us learn from that too.

    I had hoped that our leaders would take my advice in the right spirit.
    Imagine my shock then to see that Dr. Mahathir has chosen to focus on the subject of Chinese investment and to use it as a political football in his effort to bring down the Najib government.

    But I should not be surprised as Dr. Mahathir is a political animal par excellence. Since he has not been able to topple the Prime Minister on the 1MDB and personal donation issues, he has to find another issue. And the Chinese investment in Johor is a ready made one for political mischief and trouble making.

    Here I must express my strong agreement with the Sultan of Johor who has rightly in my opinion condemned Dr. Mahathir for going too far in twisting the issue.

    Firstly, the land being sold to Chinese investors is not existing land or land that is being taken away from existing Johorean residents.
    It is reclaimed land. Even if it is existing land it is obvious that vacant land will remain vacant, unused and of little or no value if no one is prepared to spend money to develop it. This is the situation with much of Malay reserve land which partially accounts for the sorry state of the Malay economy.

    Secondly, there are positive multiplier effects from the sale of land to foreigners. No sensible leader from any country in the world – except perhaps North Korea – will object to foreigners buying up property and taking up residence. In fact, even the developed countries such as Australia, Canada and Britain are doing exactly the same in
    trying to attract foreign investment including in the property sector. The result of this is that many Malaysians – including most likely too Dr. Mahathir himself and his children – have bought property abroad.
    Just as Dr. Mahathir has come out with various challenges in his latest letter on the Forest City issue including the need to “let all transactions be transparent…Do this honestly. No hiding”, I would like him to tell us how many properties and details of other assets he and his family members have kept abroad.

    The estimated cost for the Forest City is about Rm 440 billion.
    Ever body, except Dr. Mahathir, can see that this astronomical amount will be a big boost for our economy. The amount of Chinese money from investment in Johor will definitely have trickle down effects in terms of employment generation, GST revenues, etc. At the same time the continuous spending by the Forest City residents – presumably not only Chinese but also Singaporeans and other foreigners – will surely benefit the local economy.

    Hopefully this initial wave of Chinese property investment will benefit other sectors. Personally I think the figure of 700,000 mainland Chinese staying in JB and becoming citizens is being used by Dr. Mahathir as a scare tactic to frighten the Malay electorate.

    But even if a small fraction does invest in JB we can expect benefits to the local work force in tourism, education, construction, food and entertainment industry, etc. And if even a smaller proportion decide to stay on and invest in manufacturing and the higher end sectors which the Government has had little success in attracting investment, then the gain not only to economy but also to society will be even greater.

    Finally I must say that I support Dr. Mahathir and others in wanting to see justice done in the 1MDB case and other important issues. But when he or any of the other leaders plays racial politics, it is necessary to stand up and speak against them.



    2. It’s not shocking (so predictable) to see what this writer has to say about the Forest City project. I believe Kit Siang agrees with him.

    3. The link ( suggested by ‘Mr. RD’ contains only ‘cakap2 / kenyataan politik’ – just a ‘safe answer’ (and since Tun M is now a ‘friend’ of DAP). Hypocrites can simply ‘twist’ (putar belit) their words to make them look good to the public depending on the audience and what they ‘believe’ their ‘target audience’ would like to hear. Their ACTIONS (not words) show their true colors.

    P/S: Those who consistently label others as racists are the REAL RACISTS. Same old ‘dirty’ tactic …Alahai.

    Thanks Tun.

    *** May Allah S.W.T. bless Tun and family ***

  8. Obviously, the story of his sudden death in klia 2 would be viewed in the angle political context. It is really up to the ruling government and political parties of the divides to play their parts on how they want to justify or glorify this story to score the brownie points.

    May mr kim lives a better and happier in his next life.

  9. By looking at the pictures of kim jong nam in news reports, one would be able to see he is born super rich, but he could lived in a lifestly of constant stress, unhappy and stress not so healthy by judging his face and body weight. What really happened to him?

  10. Have you ever think, and pause for a while, karl, and asked why matsuhita’s national brand, the most favored home appliance dah off the shelves for decades? You know their what brand represents matsushita locally and internationally? You think big company like them would sit down there waiting for japanese government to save them via lobby in the eyes of japanese and the world including big china market?

  11. Assalamualaikum Tun,

    “Enjoyment appears at the boundary between boredom and anxiety, when the challenges are just balanced with the person’s capacity to act”. – Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi

    Tun, your persona, wise-cracking thoughts, charisma, vigour and courage of a tiger spark their adrenalin so high they became itchy and restless. These young turks are over-arousal by Tun’s life and times as Premier that they just had to channel their neurotic-anxiety towards Tun (they became more neurotic after Tun stepped down and left umno).

    They want to let lose all worms in the can? – let them. Aren’t they afraid they might be opening their own closets full of skeletons? Shouldn’t they conduct a thousand more studies before they made the report? Well for a start they only agreed to set up a special task force, rci IF NEEDED is set up after the outcome of the probe. Another waste of time and money! When and how long does it take? What about the Igp’s probe on 1MDB’s financial scandals, the world’s biggest scandal – is it over yet?

    Sifat Tun dan MO1 beza jauh sekali seperti langit dan bumi. Tun menjawab sendiri segala pertuduhan dan persoalan, tidak lari dan tidak sembunyi, tetapi MO1? – dia lari dan sembunyi, para tukang karut mengarut bermacam2 statemen yang menambah lagi banyak tanda tanya. Apabila dia rasa masanya selamat dan ok untuk buka mulut bukannya dia memberi jawapan kepada persoalan2 tetapi menghentam Tun pula.

    “Happiness is not marrying someone who you can live with but it is with who you can’t live without”.
    I would like to apply this in the country’s context. Right now this beloved country cannot live without Tun. We have to admit we still need Tun. This is Tun’s last jihad – to Save Malaysia. Let us join forces with Tun to bring back Malaysia’s glory, peace and harmony.

    May Allah Bless and Protect Tun and family always. May Allah grant Tun with great wealth in health, happiness and knowledge. Take extra care in your safety and thank you Tun.

  12. You cant even make yourself to be less racist, you expect other races to be less racist against you? Kata lawan greed is fear, the end result, atau consequences, would be backfired too.

  13. Blood is thicker than water?

    Love is higher than a mountain, love is thicker than water?

    Kata lawan cinta is benci, maka makan senjata atau backfired.

    Can you laugh and make this a satire of the current, hottest and most read news in headlines as this could happened to anyone of us here, scary and frightening, do you agree?

    I couldnt as voter, what about you as mps?

    To unite malay, umno president and bn chairman needs to find a platform, betul atau salah?

    I cant and wont stop anyone of you here to be more racist because we are living in an imperfect world.

    But i prefer to be less racist, and i hope my children and my grand children would be less and less racist in years a head.

    Each one of us has to make a choice, more or less racist?

  14. Salam Dearest YAB Tun,

    Mohon izin Tun,

    For ‘Mr. RD’ (Feb 15,2017 10:00 PM),

    Thanks for reading my comment, and thanks for your response. I think you got me wrong here.

    1. In my opinion, DAP and MCA (I agree with you on MCA) are the same – both are full of hypocrites. I’ve said a long time ago that MCA is hopeless (as a BN component – “gunting dalam lipatan / talam dua muka”). I don’t trust both. Sorry…

    2. I mentioned Kit Siang because he is the MP for Gelang Patah (where FC is).

    3. One more thing, I stay in Selangor and I don’t like what I see (happening) around me (as a Muslim).

    4. Both BN-UMNO/ MCA/ MIC/etc. and DAP/ PKR/ PAS/etc. (Oppositions) are ‘hampeh @ haprak’.

    Thanks Tun.

    *** May Allah S.W.T. bless Tun and family ***

  15. If mca did not let umno to contest on bn ticket, you think legoland and hello kitty could be implemented? Why bn loose it to dap, you forgot again? If mca did not let go penang state’s contiuency to gerakkan, you think gerakan could be formed?

    Whats the point of crying over spill milk, and start blaming everyone? Will that make you feel better?

  16. If you think you can do it, then, go ahead and do it. But, will you get enough mandate to push for your versi of arab donation, that, i am not sure. If you think the truth is subject to bias or hypocripte, then, let it be. Whoever become pm, he still need to serve. Whoever become pm, we still need to vote when general election is called, bukan?

  17. Dear Hajar.

    I think you have a warped perception on DAP & Kit Siang. I’m not a fan of the DAP too. Its only because of 1MDB’s scandal, that I started to realize that they are not as UMNO-Najib, today.
    Yes, Kit Siang seems to be friendly with Singapore & China, especially after winning Penang in 2008. That was also when 1MDB-Jho Low’s shit haven’t hit the fan and when they are also chummy with PAS’ Nik Aziz & Haji Hadi, conspiring to oust UMNO-Najib and BN.

    Now… its different… especially after breaking off with PAS and PAS chummy with UMNO-Najib. Definitely China would treat DAP with suspicious & contempt, especially after Lim Guan Eng erected that Sun Yat-Sen Statue/museum. Surely this would not not bode well with Mainland One-China policy towards Chiang Kai-shek’s Taiwan.
    The whole world knows Mainland China’s hostility with Taiwan and now… with dissidents in Hong Kong which was agitated by the West and it mainly born-again Evangelist Chinese citizen.
    Mainland China and it authorities in Hong Kong must have also ‘noticed’ DAP’s Superman Hew Kuan Yew involvement in that Umbrella Revolution in 2014.

    In contrast… today… its the MCA that have mutual Party-to-Party relation with the Communist ruling Party of China. In fact, it UMNO/BN under Najib that send MCA’s ex-President, Ong Ka Ting and Chew Mei Fun as Special Envoy to China.
    That was also why the Chinese envoy to Malaysia, decided to go to Petaling Street with MCA’s Politicians to ward-off that Geng Baju-Merah intimidation, during Bersih rally, not so long ago.

    If you want to know DAP’s views on FDI, please read Kluang MP Liew Chin Tong’s statement at the following URL:

    Thank You.

  18. Salam Dearest YAB Tun,

    1. I just wonder whether or not Mr. Lim Kit Siang and DAP/PKR support you on the Forest City issue.

    2. Gelang Patah is Kit Siang’s area since May 2013 (PRU-13).

    3. Is he aware of the potential ‘Chinese immigrants problem’. Or is he ‘happy’ and glad that JB is going to ‘flooded’ with many people of his ‘kind’?

    4. Kit Siang is also known for having very close relationship with Singapore (and leaders from Singapore). He’s pro-Chinese and Pro-China.

    5. What has he done so far to help those Johoreans in Gelang Patah regarding the ‘FOREIGN City @ Forest City’ issue?

    6. What if the Forest City was built by a company from the Middle East (Muslims), and was sold to Muslims (instead of Chinese)? Would they (pro-Chinese/China) accuse others of ‘giving out ICs to immigrants (Projek IC II) for votes?

    7. Too bad, PM Najib @ Ah Jib Gor is also pro-Chinese/China (siap ada nama Cina lagi). He’s also very nice towards Singapore (isu2 tanah KTM, air, jambatan bengkok, etc.- semua memihak kepada Singapura). His 1MDB scandals can be used to threaten/pressure him.

    8. Someone here has been harping on the so-called ‘Projek IC issue’ (he mentioned ‘Kaum Sulu’ – Muslims) in Sabah that happened a long time ago (the RC already presented their report: No such thing as ‘Projek IC’: Why didn’t this person mention about all the citizenships granted to the ‘Chinese/Indian immigrants’ when we became independent in 1957? Bias? Hypocrite? How about those missing tourists from China (highlighted during Pak Lah’s time)?

    Thanks Tun.

    *** May Allah S.W.T. bless Tun and family ***

  19. Ini kenyataan bukan Andaian atau saja nak bikin runsing

    Singapura contoh terdekat
    Lee Kuan Yew berjaya menukar sejarah Singapura
    Nama sekolah Melayu , Tun Sri Lanang , Maju , Sang Nila Utama
    Nama Jalan Melayu hanya tinggal di kira Jari
    Estate perumahan , sekolah , Jalan Raya semuanya sudah tukar milik malah tukar nama dan sejarah
    Nama sekoloh kini Gonshang ,Shunqun Pei Tong dan apa lagi saya tak tahu

    Hingga satu ketika Madrasah juga mahu di bubarkan olih kerajaan Singa
    Kononya masa depan untuk Madrasah kurang Cemerlang
    Lama kelamaan Madarasah yg di Wakaf akan bertukar jadi milik Kerajaan
    Lee Kuan Yew juga mengatakan orang Melayu juga pendatang ke Singapura
    Namun Lee Kuan Yew , Bijak tidak menggunakan kekerasan tidak seperti Yahudi
    Beliau tahu akan akibatnya

    Sekarang Johor
    Sedangkan Orang Melayu Johor tak setanding dengan ekonomi Cina Johor
    Di pelawa pula Handalan ekonomist dari China , Kiasuism dari Singapura
    Sememangnya mengundang kegugatan pada anak Bumi

    Berjimatlah semasa berada
    Dah takada apa yg nak di jimatkan
    Dah kosong dah ,,,,begitu juga dengan Tanah
    Nilaikan ia semasa ada , dah takda baru tahu mana kau duduk nanti

    Dengan pembangunan Forest City sudah nampak tertekan nasib anak bumi
    Yg biasa Nelayan , membenih Kupang , Kerang di Johor
    Sekarang Hasil mereka sudah tercemar
    Yg sayang Tuhan kurniakan kita dengan perairan yg ada hasil bumi, yg indah
    Kita musnahkan dek kerana nak membangunkan Forest City

    Infrastructur akan bercendawan , Anak Bumi akan Berkeliaran
    Sebab Anak Bumi tidak mampu juga bukan budaya dan ciri kehidupan orang melayu hidup gaya Hong Kong , hidup betuhankan Kebendaan

    Masuk pula kemudian DAP yang bakal di sokong saudara baru kita
    PAP pula dibelakang DAP

    Maka nasib Anak Bumi , UMNO , BERSATU juga tidak ketinggalan
    nasib keturunan Sultan berkemungkinan tergugat dan akan berakhir
    Hanya menunggu masa sahaja

  20. DrM and Dotted Lines

    SSLEE, as per

    You need not feel offended, since you can speak good Bahasa Malaysia and not guilty like the other Chinese in the news report. Or if you do, for some obscure reasons, perhaps it is better to leave you alone, for you to calmly sort it out respectfully.

    Some people are being called out on their shit hypocrisy and are infuriated because they cannot explain. To persist by denying and arguing endlessly is not a way out. You still need to have the guts to understand, and not mix issues like a cocktail drink, just to drown your confusion.

    To those local Chinese, they can choose to speak or to unspeak BM since they still get their Malaysian passport because there is a flaw, I mean a Law, the Constitution, that allows for that to happen.

    Now, that brings us to DrM’s worry about the 700,000 mainland Chinese who would also be roaming around Johor Bahru very soon with Malaysian passport in hand.

    Do you see the dots that the visionary DrM sees?

    Some people are simply blind, deaf and mute. PBT, as the good doctor says. How can we agree to disagree on this…

  21. Assalamualaikum, Tun.

    Dalam pada Presiden Donald Trump menyeru supaya pelaburan Amerika di luar negeri dialir kembali ke negara mereka, maka haruslah kerajaan kita berbuat demikian untuk mengukuhkan ekonomi.

    Satu contoh yang paling ketara dalam soal ini ialah pelaburan FGV di Indonesia, tanpa penglibatan dalam pengurusan ini. Keputusan ini amatlah diragui.

    Tak bolehkah pelabur-pelabur tempatan membangunkan Forest City, atau Zon Pembangunan Iskandar? Kenapa harus kita bergantung kepada orang-orang asing? Kita mempunyai begitu banyak syarikat yang disenarai di Bursa Saham, dan Bursa Saham kita merupakan salah satu yang paling besar di Asia!

  22. Assalamualaikum,

    1. Rakyat negara China, yang kaya semua dari anggota tentera komunis.Mereka yang setia diberi ganjaran.Agar mereka boleh memenuhi polisi penaklukan dunia.

    2.Bila ‘cash is king’, fahaman ideologi tiada perbezaan.

    3. Adakah sejarah tahun 1511 (506 tahun )akan berulang ?

    Allahu Akbar

  23. Salam Tun.

    1. Almarhum ayahanda Rimba Emas bekas anggota Polis dengan nombor 4729. Almarhummah ibu serta 2 orang kakaknya (ibu saudara) juga isteri kepada anggota Polis.

    2. Salah seorang bapa saudara pernah Rimba Emas khabarkan telah terkorban di tembak komunis di daerah Johor.

    3. Pasti anggota2 Polis seluruh Malaysia juga tidak mudah lupa cerita keganasan komunis salah satunya peristiwa Bukit Kepong.

    4. Harap Polis yang menerima repot NGO ini tidak mudah terima aduan mereka supaya setuju dengan pendapat mereka yang Tun ceritakan tidak berasas.

    5. Betul benda yang belum jadi payah untuk dikatakan berasas. Tetapi sejarah yang berlaku seperti peristiwa keganasan komunis awalnya juga kita tidak ambil peduli sebab tidak pernah terjadi lagi.

    6. Bila berlaku barulah kita ambil peduli perkara yang dikatakan tidak berasas pada awalnya.

    7. Contoh cerita seperti sebelum kedatangan tentera Jepun menyerang negara kita awalnya telah berkelana seorang pemuda Jepun ke tanah air kita hidup dalam kehidupan harian bekerja membaiki basikal.

    8. Tiada siapa yang perasan dirinya adalah seorang perisik bagi pihak tentera Jepun.

    9. Begitu juga cerita-cerita sebelum berlaku pertempuran seperti Bukit Kepong berkeliaran anggota komunis menyamar sebagai penduduk awam.

    10. Sebagaimana tanda2 sebelum musibah begitu juga sesuatu perkara yang akan berlaku ada perancangan di lakukan demi untuk menjayakan perkara tersebut.

    11. Malah pada zaman Rasullullah s.a.w kita kenal seperti nama Khalid al-Walid seorang panglima perang yang penuh ilmu peperangan.

    12. Selalunya sebelum peperangan dalam bentuk ketenteraan benar perancangan awal lebih kepada resikan dalam bentuk penyamaran untuk menutup dari di kesan.

    13. Pihak Polis pasti lebih arif kerana telah terlatih dalam perkara begini bagai kata bidalan air tenang jangan di sangka tiada buaya.

    14. Juga dalam siap siaga pun sepandai-pandai tupai melompat akhirnya jatuh ke tanah juga.

    15. Kalau di negara Sri Langka boleh berlaku kepada pihak Polis sebegitu rupa inikan kita memberi tanah kepada rakyatnya.

    16. Ingat dalam pra peperangan selalunya bukan dalam bentuk ketenteraan.

    17. Siapa sangka awalnya satu bentuk perniagaan akhirnya kita dapat tahu lain pula kejadiannya ?

    18. Pengajaran seorang perosak jika melakukan kerosakan dalam disiplin sistem tentera susah untuk kita ambil tindakan kepadanya kembali.

    19. Sejarah dalam al-quran sendiri menunjukkan penzalim yang terlalu berkuasa akhirnya hanya dapat di hapuskan dengan pertolongan dari Allah s.w.t.


  24. Fariq Islam.

    Macam mana Rakyat tak mempersoalkan ‘Pelaburan China’:-

    1. Sudah la hutang 1MDB-Najib & Jho Low, keliling pinggang… sebahagian darinya tidak diketahui kemana dibelanjakan. Pada masa yang sama RM2.6 Billion, masuk akaun peribadi Najib dan akaun peribadi Rosmah masuk RM2 Juta.

    2. Kleptocracy… atau Rule by Thieves… istilah baru… tidak diketahui sebelum ini, jika bukan kerana scandal 1MDB-Najib & Jho Low, apabila Department of Justice (DoJ) Amerika guna Akta K.A.R.I. (Kleptocracy Asset Recovery Initiative) untuk menyita asset & harta yang dipercayai hasil pengubahan WANG-haram dari 1MDB, syarikat milik Rakyat Malaysia..

    3. Bunga atau interest keatas hutang-pokok saja… sudah RM2 Billion setahun. Bagaimana nak cari duit bayar bunga & baki-hutang jika tiada business lain yang menjana pendapatan atau mendatangkan untung, selain dari menjual harta & tanah-pusaka Kerajaan atau Rakyat?

    Nota: Itu pun 1MDB masih boros membelanja WANG Rakyat dengan menaja Haji kepada beratus Tok-Tok Imam, setiap tahun… atas alasan… CSR.

    4. Demi rasionalisasi Hutang yang tidak rasional… Syarikat Edra Global Energy Bhd, anak syarikat 1MDB, menjual semua asetnya kepada China General Nuclear Power Corp dan anak syarikatnya (CGN Group)… lebih-kurang RM1 Billion dibawah harga belian.
    Hasil jualan 60% Bandar Malaysia pula, hanya akan diperolehi pada 2022. Berniaga buloh-kasap apakah ini?

    5. Memburukkan lagi keadaan, harga minyak-mentah dunia jatuh, menyebabkan Petronas/Negara hilang hasil kerana penjualan minyak pada kadar rendah.
    Pada masa yang sama… Ekonomi dunia meleset dan nilai Ringgit jatuh lebih teruk dari Baht dan Rupiah, akibat pesepsi buruk dari scandal 1MDB, yang dikaitkan dengan PM dan berleluasanya kegiatan rasuah dalam agensi-kaitan Kerajaan.
    Kemerosotan nilai Ringgit juga menaikkan harga barangan, terutamnnya barangan import.

    6. Oleh kerana Kerajaan dibawah Najib, yang melantik-diri sebagai Menteri KeWANGan, kekurangan WANG akibat banyak berhutang dan pembelanjaan boros…
    Contohnya… membelanjakan RM7.2 Billion dalam 5 tahun pertama jadi PM untuk bayar Penasihat & Consultant… MatSalleh kaki-botol & berparty-liar pun Najib percaya untuk berinya ‘nasihat’.
    Akibatnya, GST diperkenalkan untuk recover atau mengembalikan hasil yang hilang itu. Kesannya, Rakyat bertambah di himpit kesempitan hidup kerana GST juga menaikkan harga barangan.
    Namun Rakyat yang berpendapatan rendah masih boleh bersyukur. Najib gunakan kaedah ‘Cash is King’ dan beri… BR1M.

    7. Dengan project ECRL (East Coast Rail Line), HSR (High Speed Rail) menghubungkan Singapura & Bandar Malaysia(Bawah-tanah) dan satu hari nanti akan bersambung ke Kunming melalui Thailand, Cambodia & Laos… dan Forest City yang di jual Freehold (Pajakan Kekal selagi ada bulan & bintang) kepada pembeli Rakyat-asing, terutamanya dari China, manakala Rakyat sendiri 1Malaysia, Kerajaan lebih mengutamakan jualan rumah secara Leasehold atau pajakan 99 tahun.

    Jual rumah pada Rakyat-Asing secara Freehold atau Pajakan-Kekal.
    Kepada Rakyat sendiri, dijual secara Leasehold atau Pajakan-99 tahun.

    “Rakyat di Dahulukan”… kepala-b***h apa kah ini?

  25. This is something from history i.e. when Britain was ruling the Commonwealth world. The locals shall be outcast in their own land and the price of goods shall go up due to the wealthy community. Surely we are PBT as well as this is taking place.

  26. Assalamualaikum Tun.

    Setuju dengan Tun tentang isu ini.

    Terlalu setuju dengan golongan PBT iaitu Pekak, Buta dan Tuli umpama manusia haprak lagi merugikan masa depan Negara.

    Golongan PBT ini bukan sahaja dipekakkan oleh habuan seperti habuan wang ringgit dan habuan berbentuk lainnya oleh Najis Razak, tetapi dibutakan hati mereka dari melihat perkara yang elok hinggakan tidak mampu melihat yang mana rasional dan sebaliknya. Tuli samalah maksud golongan yang tidak hirau komen dan teguran yang membina untuk kebaikan masa depan Negara.

    Golongan PBT ini adalah golongan yang lebih merugikan masa depan negara.


  27. Salam Tun

    Tun, you don’t have to worry about Forest City anymore.

    You don’t have to worry about the influx of Chinese anymore.

    The mainland Chinese has started a forum complaining and regretting their purchases of Forest City.

    Now they realized that many of the promises will not materialize until 20 years later.

    Now they realized that the relationship between Forest City and Singapore is not like Shenzhen and Hong Kong.

    Forest City does not get the support from Federal Government like Shenzhen being gazette as a special zone by China.

    Chinese are not buying Forest City anymore, they are not coming in… they will not stay in Forest City…it will be a ghost town.

    As your wish.

  28. Assalamualaikum Tun.

    Mungkin mereka diri sendiri ketakutan, maka untuk menyenangkan hati masing masing terhasillah pelbagai alasan dan bersikap defensif. Lebih lebih lagi yang membuat keputusan adalah PM dan Sultan sendiri. Dua pemimpin besar, persekutuan dan negeri. Bagaimana mungkin salah?

    Semalam saya mendengar cerita dari individu yang akan menerima perlantikan watikah dengan Tan Sri Muhyiddin beberapa hari lagi. Boleh dikatakan beliau akan saya ikuti dalam bahagian nanti.

    Menarik cerita beliau. Mungkin Tun tak pernah lupa peristiwa di Lot 10 Bukit Bintang pada masa Tun meminda kekebalan raja raja, di mana individu ini telah meletakkan siku di hidung Tun supaya tidak mengganggu ketuanan Melayu.

    Sambil minum tea o beliau memperkenalkan diri, yelah nanti kami akan bekerjasama maka elok juga bagi diri masing masing menzahirkan kenapa menjadi sebahagian dari anggota yang menyokong Tun Mahathir.

    Bagi diri saya, saya memperkenalkan diri sebagai sebahagian dari orang yang mempunyai darah alim ulama dari Terengganu iaitu Tokku Paloh dan Tok Pulau Manis ; orang yang bertasawuf dan bertarekat.

    Atau dengan lebih mudah, mungkin saya perlu katakan saya adalah penasihat Tun Mahathir. Malah saya fikir pandangan saya dalam isu 1MDB dan Najib ini masih tidak lari dari apa yang saya tegaskan sebelum Tun mulakan langkah membongkar isu ini – cuma untuk memperkenalkan diri.

    Individu ini meletakkan siku di hidung Tun? Dan beliau menzahirkan bahawa Tun juga adalah seorang sufi?

    Sesungguhnya Allah swt itu Maha Besar. Maha Mendengar dan Maha Mengetahui.

    Terima kasih Tun.

  29. Assalamualaikum

    Kenapa kita masih memerlukan pelabur asing sedangkan syarikat kita sebelum ini telah membeli syarikat dari luar.

    Saya rasa syarikat dalam negara mampu utk melabur dalam negara dan projek forestry itu

    Duit dalam negara senang utk diusik dan duit luar cuba utk diambil.

    Pelabur terutamanya dari negara tersebut tidak akan menggajikan pekerja tempatan utk jawatan tertinggi mereka. Negara tersebut lebih ego daripada negara besar yang lain.

    PRU kali ini tiada undi utk mereka yg hy pandai janji manis.

  30. Salam Tun

    Harap Tun berdua sihat.

    Dah lama tak lawat Tun disini. Sibuk sikit. Ada dengar kawan sebut tentang ini semalam, katanya dulu kita perang dengan komunis guna senjata tapi sekarang negara kita di jual pada komunis kerana nak duit.

    Report merepot polis hal2 berkaitan dengan apa Tun cakap, pada saya tak penting langsung, tambahan kalau dah jelas keluar dalam Bloomberg. Lagipun ini kan negara demokrasi bukan negara komunis.

    Mungkin penting untuk pihak tertentu untuk isi agenda seperti aku buat kerja jangan engkau ingat aku tak buat kerja. Mungkin juga mereka ini tidak membaca kerana terlalu sibuk dengan budaya mengampu.

  31. Di Malaysia sekarang, kebenaran bukan sahaja ditakuti malah kita mungkin akan ditangkap – atas dasar SOCCMA etc.

    Ya ALLAH swt, cepatkanlah pilihanraya umum Malaysia !

    Berilah kemenangan kepada parti yang ikhlas & benar-benar ingin membantu rakyat dan dapat memimpin negara ini dengan adil dan saksama.

    Kembalikanlah kuasa Sultan-sultan (yang juga ketua-ketua agama Negeri) di Tanah Melayu / Malaysia ini.

    Ya ALLAH murahkanlah rezeki kami dan mudahkanlah urusan dunia kami.


  32. Assalamualaikum, Tun.

    NGO-NGO di Malaysia tidaklah memainkan peranan sepertimana yang diharapkan, kerana kebanyakannya menerima sokongan kewangan daripada pihak-pihak tertentu. NGO-NGO ini mempunyai “tuan” masing-masing.

    Apabila soal Forest City ini dibangkitkan, terlintas dalam pemikiran ramai, bahawa kewarganegaraaan diberi kepada kaum Sulu di Sabah dulu, demi undi kepada parti-parti tertentu. Maafkan, sekiranya saya meluahkan sepatah dua pendapat tentang apa yang berlaku ke atas Forest City berbanding dengan Projek IC Sabah, di mana Projek IC Sabah merupakan pengkhianatan yang jauh lebih serius.

    Dalam pada Amerika giat mengutuk dunia Islam dan menghina umat, negeri China tidak berbuat demikian malah bersahabat dengan negara-negara Islam. Kenapa pula nak memperisukan pelaburan mereka?

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