
Love Conquers All

1.​Two reports in the local papers attracted my attention. They are about love – the irresistible emotion which drives us to do great things.

2.​Remember Romeo and Juliet. Their love for each other is as well remembered today as at the time of William Shakespeare.

3.​Fans of Hindustani films will never forget the love story of Laila and Majnun. In Malay history there are many love affairs.

4.​The first article which attracted my attention is the question by a man as to why he cannot marry the man he loves. Marriage is of course about lovers marrying each other.

5.​It has nothing to do about procreation of the species by man and woman. If a woman loves a woman, that is enough for them to marry. And the same when a man marries a man.

6.​Imagine when this becomes the culture and practice of the human race. We will not need family planning; no condoms, no birth-control pills and no human race before the century is out. Man’s will be done.

7.​Another report on love caught my eye. It’s about a daughter’s love for her father. She had been having sex with her father willingly for the past three years. So she asks why cannot she have sex with someone she loves. Yes. Why not?

8.​There is nothing wrong physiologically? She may have a child by her father. So what! Goats and cows mate with their fathers and grandfathers.

9.​The scientists talk about passing on the bad genes. Religious people and narrow-minded moralists simply forbid such relations. But today we believe in freedom and human rights. And of course free love. Why should we be restricted in any way.

10.​But why restrict to daughters who love their fathers. What about sons who love their mothers. Then there are sisters who love their brothers vice-versa, nieces who love their uncles vice-versa and nephews who love their aunties. They all should be entitled to sexual relations.

11.​But love does not stop there. People love pets. They love cats and dogs and horses. Should bestiality also be part of love.

12.​It would be a great world with everybody loving everybody else. It would make a great civilisation based on endless love.

13.​Love I think is the most noble of human emotions. It is something that can be felt but never truly described.

14.​But today love simply means having sex. And that is all there is to it.

15.​I am no romantic. But still I feel the people today, especially the young are missing something.

48 thoughts on “Love”

  1. Dear Tun,
    Please allow me to quote Puan Dr Hajar as beow,

    [[[Hajar’s GravatarHajarDecember 20, 2013 at 8:50 PM | Permalink
    Salam YAB & Yg diKasihi Tun,

    Allow me Tun:

    For Hj. Amin Tan, December 6, 2013 at 1:36 PM :

    1. Frankly speaking, I do not dislike DSN, but in my opinion he is not a good leader; very weak.

    2. Like I said before, I have every right to disagree with the majority, and I can criticize any leaders as long as I know the limits. I will never go to the street to protest (terpekik/terlolong/memfitnah/terbaring/ tertiarap/ memfitnah / etc.).

    3. Being obedient (all the time) to someone who is not doing the right thing (for our beloved “Agama/Bangsa/Tanahair”) is wrong. Ini sudah seperti cerita “raja yang bogel & perasan pakai pakaian cantik, tapi tiada siapa yang berani menegur…semua memuji..”. In Islam we must ‘tegur/mengkritik’ leaders who are not on the right path. Of course if I run ‘amok’ or ‘terpekik/terlolong memaki hamun pemimpin2’, then you can call me a rebel. If I am just expressing my opinion on DSN’s performance, then I guess no one has any right to say that I am a ‘fasikun’.

    4. DSN is making a lot of mistakes appointing the wrong people/CON-sultants.

    // You said: If I have wrong you, please forgive me. Saya pohon maaf zahir dan batin. //

    Ok, no problem. Saya maafkan saudara Hj. Amin Tan. Saya juga minta maaf jika ada terkasar bahasa.

    Rakyat akan sayang dan kasih kepada pemimpin yang dekat di hati mereka seperti Tun Mahathir yang berjiwa rakyat dan faham masaalah majoriti rakyat.

    Terima kasih Tun.

    *** Semoga Allah SWT melindungi Tun sekeluarga. ***
    Dear Puan Dr Hajar,
    Please forgive me if I used the word ‘fasikun’ on you as a rebel is a bit too much and impolite . Please allow me to elaborate on the issue of being rebel, dissent and agreement . I notice that your criticism of DSN is personal and vague. This is not fair and he has no way to rectify his weaknesses. You should give specific example and instances where you think DSN has been weak and his advisors are useless, conmen and mere sycophants or toady.
    On the other hand, I too criticise government policy of increasing prices of patrol and toll and conveniently said it is reducing subsidies. The truth is the government needs the money to fund mega projects at the expense of burdening the rakyat. If Selangor state government can budget for a surplus, why can’t the central government do the same just for once. With so much hue and cry, DSN should be sensitive to the burden of the ordinary people and cancel a few mega projects and use the money to buy over PLUS, the highway concessionaire. The priority should be the rakyat not glamour and fame. Wallahu alam

    amin tan

  2. Salam YAB & Yg diKasihi Tun,

    Allow me Tun:

    For Hj. Amin Tan, December 6, 2013 at 1:36 PM :

    1. Frankly speaking, I do not dislike DSN, but in my opinion he is not a good leader; very weak.

    2. Like I said before, I have every right to disagree with the majority, and I can criticize any leaders as long as I know the limits. I will never go to the street to protest (terpekik/terlolong/memfitnah/terbaring/ tertiarap/ memfitnah / etc.).

    3. Being obedient (all the time) to someone who is not doing the right thing (for our beloved “Agama/Bangsa/Tanahair”) is wrong. Ini sudah seperti cerita “raja yang bogel & perasan pakai pakaian cantik, tapi tiada siapa yang berani menegur…semua memuji..”. In Islam we must ‘tegur/mengkritik’ leaders who are not on the right path. Of course if I run ‘amok’ or ‘terpekik/terlolong memaki hamun pemimpin2’, then you can call me a rebel. If I am just expressing my opinion on DSN’s performance, then I guess no one has any right to say that I am a ‘fasikun’.

    4. DSN is making a lot of mistakes appointing the wrong people/CON-sultants.

    // You said: If I have wrong you, please forgive me. Saya pohon maaf zahir dan batin. //

    Ok, no problem. Saya maafkan saudara Hj. Amin Tan. Saya juga minta maaf jika ada terkasar bahasa.

    Rakyat akan sayang dan kasih kepada pemimpin yang dekat di hati mereka seperti Tun Mahathir yang berjiwa rakyat dan faham masaalah majoriti rakyat.

    Terima kasih Tun.

    *** Semoga Allah SWT melindungi Tun sekeluarga. ***

  3. Assalamualaikum…
    errr…e he he he…
    saja nak luahkan kecelaruan minda kat blog ayahanda tun m…kaler buleh nak panggil semua gelaran seorg bapa pd tun m….hu hu hu..
    stress la ayah…errr…ayah jgn stress ek….baca n senyuuuuuum jew tau…
    zaman dolah mati mati kata tak beli jet peribadi…zaman najib ni…dok pertahan rosmah kat pau 13..berbillion ringgit p pulau mana tah tak dapat pulangan pown…katanya nak buka pelancongan rumah ibadat..katanya bkn tuk ugama buddha jew…tp..fikir marhein mcm saya ni kan na…haram bulih percaya depa ni…cakap lain buat lain….mcm subsidi katanya kerajaan tanggung beban tinngi kat sunsudi /n buat gst .kunun2 lebih seratus negara buat gst..apada hal ikot negara lain yg bg beban kat rakyat..kata rakyat di utamakan…saya tak rasa tertipu kaler takdew citer pasai lesap berbillion ringgit tu….saya pown sanggup berkorban tuk negara…soalnya la ni..pemerintah suh rakyat jelata berkorban sementara depa membazir berbillion ringgit pd pencapaian yg langsung tak nampak…rakyat nak rasa pown jauh sekali…..adakah perlu saya p ngundi pd pru 14….klo najib n d gang masih lagi buta mata hati perot perasaan akal fikiran tuli telinga…buangmasa p ngundi…bkn nak bg negara lagi gah tp lg merudum…klo tak silap najib ada kata jgn asyik ingat kegemilangan lepas…fikirkan masa dpn…mmg tak leh asyik ingat tanpa buat hapa hapa utk kemajuan masa akan datang…tak bulih ke kita jdkan kegemilangan lepas sebagai garis panduan dan garis sempadan yg patut kita atasi kegemilangan semalam…bkn buat keja jaaaauh jaaaaaauh di bawah kegemilangan semalam….la ni siapa pm….rosmah/najib…mengapa mesti nak war2kan apa yg rosmah buat dlm pau lepas…kalo org lain yg sebut…saya pown hikot bangga…olehkerana najib yg sebut…saya jd keliru..siapa pm..saya kira ini hal rumahtangga..citer jer kat kaum kuarga sendiri bkn dln pau..pau tuk bincang pasai negara…ini yg saya rasa dr seorg pekeja kilang…mungkin saya baca lah di blog blog yg tidak angguk2 geleng2…blog blog yg betol depa sokong yg salah depa kata salah…wat to do ayah….alaaa…yah ayah tak yah stresss ek….anggap sebagai bahan bacaan penglipur lara…trillion terima kasih tunnnnnnn…jasamu takdapat saya balas…malah rakyat m’sia pown tak dapat membalas…hanya Allah yg dapat membalasNya….lebiu tun berdua….lebiu….he he he…..

  4. Nice try age of enlightment.

    In MALAYSIA, We only have
    1. Bumiputra
    3. Pendatang india
    4. Lain lain pendatang.

    Please dont change this facts.

    Accept it or just leave

  5. Salam yg Bhg Tun,

    Teringat nenek saya mengamuk pada satu hari tu Yg Bhg Tun,

    “Bertokak jo lah kerjo kelian. Sini bertokak, sinun bertokak. Dimano jumpo bertokak. Apo juo yang tak cukup lai. Umah bosar, kereto pun bosar. Poi sekolah pakai derebar. Nak berbini dah bagi bini. Nak berlaki dah bagi laki. Apo juo yang tak cukup lai.”

    Salam maaf Tun.

  6. Dear Tun,
    Please allow me to address Puan Dr Hajar on her criticism and dislike of our beloved Prime Minister YAB Datuk Seri Najib Tun Abdul Razak.

    Dear Puan Dr Hajar,
    With due respect for your sincere and heart felt views of Datuk Seri Najib, let me caution you on dissent and agreement in a democratic society like ours. Malaysian voters and UMNO members have cast their votes and a Prime Minister is chosen. Unless we are sour grapes, sore losers, anarchists, enemy agents or anti national, we should abide by the decision of the majority of the voters and UMNO members and stop agitating and toe the line. In loghatul Quran ‘samiakna wa atokna’ meaning listen and obey.
    If we continue to belittle and poke fun at the Prime Minister, we are undermining his credibility. Even in islam, once a democratic decision was made to appoint a Khalifah, Abu Bakar, Omar or Othman, everyone must comply and toe the line. Those who rebel in islam are fasikun. So in islam, we have Mukminun, muslimun, kafirun, munafikun and fasikun.
    It is the infinite wisdom of UMNO to allow the president to appoint anybody to be in the MT. Otherwise UMNO would be parochial, archaic and stunted. Datuk Seri Najib did the right thing and he never breaks any law.
    Taksub or idol worshipping is forbidden in islam. I do not idol worship Datuk Seri Najib. I admire and adore his brilliance, intelligence, wisdom and strategies. Our prime Minister deserves the support of every Malaysian from every shade of political persuasions.
    I have no intention to hurt you in any way, Puan Dr Hajar. If I have wrong you, please forgive me. Saya pohon maaf zahir dan batin.
    Seldom, very seldom does complete truth belong to any human disclosure; seldom can it happen that something is not a little disguised, or a little mistaken.

    amin tan

  7. Salam YAB & Yg diKasihi Tun,

    Allow me Tun:

    To Hj. Amin Tan on December 5, 2013 at 9:55 AM.

    You said:
    “Dear Puan Hajar,
    It is improper, inappropriate and unpatriotic to criticise our Prime Minister as you do. You keep on comparing Tun Dr Mahathir and Datuk Seri Najib. Please do not instigate Tun Dr Mahathir to go against our beloved Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib. It would further weaken the Malays and UMNO.
    What is wrong with appointing a non UMNO member to become a MT of UMNO? They already have more than 25 UMNO member as MT. It is the prerogative of the President to appoint anybody he considers talented and capable to work in his team. This is called being inclusive embracing the concept of 1Malaysia. On the contrary, you are advocating a very narrow, racist approach. Datuk Seri Najib should be allowed or even encouraged to appoint Azmin Ali as a Federal Minister just as President Barack Obama appointed his political rival Hilary Clinton as the Secretary of State. President Richard Nixon appointed Henry Kessinger, a lecturer at Harvard University, as the Secretary of State.
    Puan Hajar sounds like Lim Kit Siang because you continue to oppose the Prime Minister. Puan Hajar must remember that Datuk Seri Najib is the head of our legally elected government. Anybody who continues to criticise the Prime Minister can be considered to be unpatriotic to the nation and anti national.”

    My comments:

    1. Saya ada hak & bebas untuk mengkritik PM DSN. Malaysia negara demokratik. Saya ahli UMNO yg telah mengundi BN pada PRU-13 dengan harapan DSN boleh memartabat Agama, Bangsa dan Negara tercinta ke arah yang jauh lebih baik dan di redhai ALLAH SWT. Namun, langkah beliau semakin sumbang. DSN gagal.

    2. Untuk bertanding jadi ahli MT UMNO, seseorang mesti telah menjadi AJK bahagian sekurang-kurangnya sepenggal (correct me if I am wrong). We must follow the basic rule; tiada pengecualian. Tidak semena-mena bukan ahli UMNO di lantik jadi ahli MT UMNO. Jangan salahkan mereka yang sudah lama menjadi ahli UMNO jika mereka tinggalkan UMNO kerana perkara-perkara seperti ini. Obama dan Hillary Clinton dari satu parti (correct me if I am wrong); contoh yang tidak relevant.

    3. Jika saya di anggap seperti Lim Kit Siang (yang tidak akan sekali-kali mengundi BN), cuma kerana saya mengkritik DSN, saya rasa Hj. Amin Tan telah silap besar dan patut mohon maaf dari saya. Niat saya dengan niat Kit Siang memang jauh berbeza. In addition, your last statement is too much – seperti ada unsur ‘komunisma’. Janganlah taksub sangat dengan DSN.

    Terima kasih Tun.

    *** Semoga Allah SWT melindungi Tun sekeluarga. ***

  8. Dear Tun,
    Please allow me to quote Puan Hajar as below,

    [[Hajar’s GravatarHajarDecember 4, 2013 at 11:21 PM | Permalink
    Selepas Tun sudah benar-benar sihat, Tun boleh bertindak (demi cinta kepada agama, bangsa dan negara) untuk membantu kami sekali lagi untuk mendapat PM baru yang lebih berwibawa. DSN nampaknya sudah hilang punca; beliau lemah, dan banyak perkara yang beliau lakukan merugikan UMNO/Melayu. DSN sebenarnya tidak sesuai menjadi Presiden UMNO (parti Melayu), kerana beliau tidak berjiwa Melayu/UMNO jati. Ada kah logik untuk beliau melantik seorang yang bukan ahli UMNO untuk jadi MT UMNO? Ia sama seperti melantik rakyat asing (bukan warganegara) menjadi Menteri di Malaysia. Siapalah agaknya yang menasihat beliau dalam hal ini? Yang dah jadi ahli UMNO bertahun-tahun & ada kebolehan untuk menyumbang melopong melihat senario ini… ]]

    Dear Puan Hajar,
    It is improper, inappropriate and unpatriotic to criticise our Prime Minister as you do. You keep on comparing Tun Dr Mahathir and Datuk Seri Najib. Please do not instigate Tun Dr Mahathir to go against our beloved Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib. It would further weaken the Malays and UMNO.
    What is wrong with appointing a non UMNO member to become a MT of UMNO? They already have more than 25 UMNO member as MT. It is the prerogative of the President to appoint anybody he considers talented and capable to work in his team. This is called being inclusive embracing the concept of 1Malaysia. On the contrary, you are advocating a very narrow, racist approach. Datuk Seri Najib should be allowed or even encouraged to appoint Azmin Ali as a Federal Minister just as President Barack Obama appointed his political rival Hilary Clinton as the Secretary of State. President Richard Nixon appointed Henry Kessinger, a lecturer at Harvard University, as the Secretary of State.
    Puan Hajar sounds like Lim Kit Siang because you continue to oppose the Prime Minister. Puan Hajar must remember that Datuk Seri Najib is the head of our legally elected government. Anybody who continues to criticise the Prime Minister can be considered to be unpatriotic to the nation and anti national.

    amin tan

  9. Salam YAB & Yg diKasihi Tun,

    Tun membuat keputusan yang tepat dan bijak bila meletak jawatan sebagai penasihat Petronas. PM dengan jelas tidak ambil kira nasihat dan pandangan Tun yang sebenarnya amat SAYANGKAN Petronas dan Malaysia.

    Lebih baik Tun angkat kaki pada masa ini sebelum Petronas musnah di hadapan mata Tun.

    Petronas memang sudah lama stabil dan berada dalam keadaan amat baik semenjak Tun masih lagi PM Malaysia; Tun banyak berjasa dalam memacu kejayaan Petronas di peringkat antarabangsa. Pada masa itu, tenaga professional2 Melayu yang banyak membantu, dan Petronas tetap cemerlang, gemilang dan terbilang.

    Namun, PM yang kita ada sekarang ini mempunyai para Penasihat yang sebenarnya memberi nasihat-nasihat yang tidak boleh dipakai & juga bercanggah dengan objektif-objektif asal penubuhan Petronas, dan saya yakin Petronas sedang menuju ke arah bibit-bibit kemusnahan.

    Apa pun Tun, saya sebagai rakyat yang banyak terhutang budi dengan Tun amat sayangkan Tun, dan saya yakin ramai lagi rakyat Malaysia yang amat sayangkan Tun. Jadi, Tun kena jaga kesihatan dan dengar nasihat Tun Hasmah supaya Tun tidak terlalu letih dengan pelbagai aktiviti; banyakkan rehat.

    Selepas Tun sudah benar-benar sihat, Tun boleh bertindak (demi cinta kepada agama, bangsa dan negara) untuk membantu kami sekali lagi untuk mendapat PM baru yang lebih berwibawa. DSN nampaknya sudah hilang punca; beliau lemah, dan banyak perkara yang beliau lakukan merugikan UMNO/Melayu. DSN sebenarnya tidak sesuai menjadi Presiden UMNO (parti Melayu), kerana beliau tidak berjiwa Melayu/UMNO jati. Ada kah logik untuk beliau melantik seorang yang bukan ahli UMNO untuk jadi MT UMNO? Ia sama seperti melantik rakyat asing (bukan warganegara) menjadi Menteri di Malaysia. Siapalah agaknya yang menasihat beliau dalam hal ini? Yang dah jadi ahli UMNO bertahun-tahun & ada kebolehan untuk menyumbang melopong melihat senario ini… 🙁

    Terima kasih Tun.

    *** Semoga Allah SWT melindungi Tun sekeluarga. ***

  10. Dear Tun,

    Please allow me to quote Rahman 2012 as below,
    [[Rahman 2012
    November 28, 2013 at 1:00 PM | Permalink
    Salam Tun

    CHUCK earned his nickname because he CHicken out dUCKing simple questions.

    Now he has also proven unable to comprehend English and Arabic and displayed characteristics of a true munafiq. He earned himself a higher standing as HYPOCHUCK (HYPOCrite + CHUCK).

    Let me teach HYPOCHUCK Arabic 101 which I have picked up from الجامعة الأردنية.

    In Islam, a munafiq is a noun for hypocrite in singular form.

    Munafiq’s plural form is munafiqun; it refer to two sick minded hypocrites like HYPOCHUCK and his equally sick-minded accomplice w*j*hber*k.

    In short, a munafiq cannot be addressed as munafiqun. Therefore, in Arabic, it is grammatically incorrect to say HYPOCHUCK Al-Munafikun or w*j*hber*k Al-Munafikun.

    Al-Munafiqun is the 63rd Surat of the Al-Quran which no right-minded genuine Muslim would made fun of.

    Since both HYPOCHUCK and w*j*hber*k made fun of this Surat of Al-Quran despite of my earlier kind reminder asking HYPOCHUCK not to do so, both of them are therefore CONFIRMED Munafiqun.

    Salam Tun]]


    Dear Rahman,

    Your ‘explanation’ of the arabic words munafiq and munafiqun attributing the two words as being singular and plural respectively, is wrong.
    ‘munafiqun’ is a grammatical situation of being the object(bangun kena buat) as opposed to being the subject in a sentence.

    Please do not say i am your bully when I point out your ignorance(kejahilan). Muslims should be proud of the Battle of Uhud where our holy Prophet was the commander. The mistakes committed by the muslims archers by abandoning their position to chase after the war booty was revealed in the holy Quran.
    You should be thankful to Saudara Wajaperak and Tun Perak for standing up against falsehood, hypocrisy and those against islam.

    amin tan

  11. Salam Tun,

    Long time i have not been around here at your blog home, i have had medical and life issues to tend to.

    On the subject of love, you accurately put it that religious people simply say no, Allah forbid or God forbid, without ever knowing why or what exactly is forbidden. And then they stray of making their own set of religious rules, to the point of making it “haram” to marry someone they do not prefer or approve. I suppose Allah has given these religious people tremendous wisdom beyond our comprehension.

    In this modern age of contraceptives, sex between any adult is possible, even between sons and daughters and fathers and mothers. It is a taboo in most societies, even in advanced societies. Yes, in the Science of Life, there is the concern of passing on bad genes or heritage of genetic diseases. And that is the traditional fear of us human civilization ever since time immemorial.

    Whether this is today a solid basis or this foundation of genetic science still valid given the multitude of us humans today i am not so sure. My point is that bad genes remain in incestry relationships, but they also remain within “blood” relations, or “kahwin saudara ( sanskrit sodara )”. So we really ought to marry well outside our community or society, as per Islamic and Prophetic advice. This randomizes the chance of passing on bad genes. As nature would have it.

    Marriage within family circle, within relatives, and even within communities ought to be discouraged. Malaysian Malays must be allowed to marry freely a Malaysian Chinese or a Malaysian Indian or Malaysian Arab or Malaysian Mat Salleh ( Serani ) and certainly Malaysian Orang Asal.

    At this point i wish to stop Tun, for i can hear the war drums of them religious extremists as well as them racists and supremists. I fear for my life Tun, as always.

    A friend told me you had to visit the hospital again, and i believe you have been cared for very well. I wish you speedy recovery and hope you will continue to contribute excellent ideas and writings on this your blog.

    Thank You Tun

  12. Dear abdul Rahman 2012 Al-Munafikun,

    You have proven the hypothesis that when a munafiq is given barracks of condemnation on what he thinks , he states and he does, which really a hit-on to the masses opinion and thinking, then the munafiq will move away for being afraid of losing the bigger opporutunity – that is to confuse and sway the people in believing that he is the so-called saviour of the people in this country.

    So goodbye Al-Munafikun, it is not me who can forgive you but Allah. But Allah has stated:

    ” It is all the same for them whether you ask forgiveness for them or do not ask forgiveness for them; never will Allah forgive them. Indeed, Allah does not guide the defiantly disobedient people.”

  13. Salam Tun.

    Due to the most dedicated and unmatched love for the togetherness and well-being to her family (and to hell with anything else in this world), Kak Wan was often quoted “…dah terlalu banyak saya berkorban dan bersabar kerana abang Non!”

    We are witnessing how the undivided love from a woman/wife can destabilize a nation, a race and a religion which purportedly belong to her (as she steadfastly claimed).

  14. Assallammualaikumwarahmatulahiwabarokatuh..
    Mohon ruangan.Terimakasih.

    Just to share some info with all readers, actually PORK AND WINE ARE BANNED IN CHRISTIANITY! Well I wonder what happened to these laws haha. Why dont the Christians obey their own laws as stated in the bible is beyond me]

    Actually there is no Christianity.This belief actually postulated from Islam.’Someone’ simply chose not to believe the original and he was believed by bilions of billion upon them that to our contention does not mean it as right..

    The decree was in Taurah and Injil later documented in Al Quran.

    Dear Abdul Rahman 2012.
    Thank you.
    We might agree to disagree but the end is all mattered.

    Terima kasih Tun.

  15. Tun,

    Mohon izin Tun diberikan ruangan,

    He…he…he, aso456 is talking about love. Siapa mahu in love dengan aso tua456?He…he…he.

    Aiya aso, setahu gua lu punya Mb Selangor & co kini sudah lagi kaya naik gaji berlipat ganda guna duit rakyat tanpa malu.Syok sendiri sudah macam itu animal farm punya cerita itu kerbau pendek tanpa tengkok kini sudah berlagak kalah daripada tuan lama.He…he…he.

    Tengok nanti, itu tokong busat pun nanti akan ikut sama sebab SS ingat dia pun pandai macam itu LKY.

    Lelong…lelong…lelong, siapa mau ini aso busuk takut mandi? Lima dirham, empat dirham, tiga dirham, dua dirham, haiya satu dirham pun olang tak mau ka?Ini macam bisnes jadi broker tak untung lo…gua mau minta keleja dengan Mb Selangor sebagai driver Mb sebab gaji driver Mb Selangor berlipat kali ganda daripada driver PM.He…he…he.

    Salam Tun.

  16. Dear “abdul Rahman 2012” Al-Munafikun,

    Whatever you say, you have proven yourself a True Munafik by claiming gay marriage is sensible.

    O…. hypocrite Rahman 2012 ! ….you are sure going to hell fire,
    And when thou seest them their figures please thee; and if they speak thou givest ear unto their speech. (They are) as though they were blocks of wood in striped cloaks. They deem every shout to be against them. They are the enemy, so beware of them. Allah confound them! How they are PERVERTED!
    Whether thou ask forgiveness for the hypocrites or ask not forgiveness for them is all one for them; Allah will not forgive them. Lo! Allah guideth not the evil-living folk.
    The hypocrites make their faith a pretext so that they may turn (men) from the way of Allah. Verily evil is that which they are wont to do

  17. Tun

    For a lifetime, our fellow Malaysians cannot believe that Singapore spied on all of us. They did since 1972 according to my observation when their super-duper computers became operational and all Immigration and Governmnet forms were digitalised. Malaysia’s Immigration Department computers were operational in 2000 and were dysfunctional and had to be kicked-start.
    Right up to the advent of the Web and till the early years of the 21st Century I paid monthly visits to the Republic of Singapore to see and hear for myself the going-ons outside Malaysia as our news were always 1 month late and some things I wanted could not be purchased here due to the absence of shopping Malls. But this has all changed and I do not to travel to Singapore at all. I heard and knew that most frequent visitors were under surveillance if not known to the very top because everything is micro-managed. There were instances which aroused my attention and I thought the Republic was wasting their time monitoring me just because I am an innocent visitor to the Republic whose only interest was in World War 2 books and classical music CDs and ate a couple of meals at my favourite restaurants. Then, after 9/11, certain events happened to me which I thought was odd. One morning at 6 a.m. I heard some noise outside my 5 star local owned hotel room. I peeped outside and saw a full platoon of the Fire Brigade marshalled in the passage way. Another instance, I received a cheque drawn on a New York bank signed by a member of the ruling family which was first accepted by the local bank and 1 day later I was told that the bank could not do the needful by a wooden faced Manager who refused to answer further. I was a customer of this bank for 40 years and I was known to the Chairman as well. On another instance, I took a MAS flight back to KL and before the plane touched down at the KLIA, there was a bomb hoax call and the plane was towed to a designated area and nothing was found. Further, I normally booked in at this 5 star local hotel. On 2 occasions in succession, I was upgraded into the same junior suite. On the second occasion I was upgraded to the same suite which was unclean and half-eaten sushi was deliberately left lying all over the place. And on many occasions, my moblile phone did not work properly. As I consider myself a normal and private person, I just did not care about the interference with my private rights as my conscience is as clear as crystal. But I thought it was odd, very odd that a Government would waste so much of their citizens money to spy on others for no purpose. And the interesting aspect of all these incidents is that I could enter the Republic on my old IC alone – the number was unique in Cantonese – 671818 which I noticed its uniqueness something like 30 years after I obtained the IC.
    Spying on others is Singapore’s way of life as there is nothing much to do in the Republic. But it is a waste of money which accordingly contributed to the brilliant Lee Kuan Yew’s 12 Policies failures for Singapore.

    Love is a many splendoured thing but not spying on good friends and neighbours,

  18. Salam Tun
    Dear Tun Perak and Wajaperak.
    I think the discussion went too far from my comfort zone.
    With your blessing, I wish we could stop this tit a tat once and for all.
    Honestly, I have no intention to make anyone upset or discomfort.
    It was for mental sparring and discussions between Gravatars only.
    If I have offended anyone of you in any way, my sincerest apology.
    Thank you; I learned a lot in this blog from you all.
    I would retire from this discussion permanently.
    Once again, my apology.
    Abdul Rahman 2012
    Salam Tun

  19. Salam Tun

    CHUCK earned his nickname because he CHicken out dUCKing simple questions.

    Now he has also proven unable to comprehend English and Arabic and displayed characteristics of a true munafiq. He earned himself a higher standing as HYPOCHUCK (HYPOCrite + CHUCK).

    Let me teach HYPOCHUCK Arabic 101 which I have picked up from الجامعة الأردنية.

    In Islam, a munafiq is a noun for hypocrite in singular form.

    Munafiq’s plural form is munafiqun; it refer to two sick minded hypocrites like HYPOCHUCK and his equally sick-minded accomplice w*j*hber*k.

    In short, a munafiq cannot be addressed as munafiqun. Therefore, in Arabic, it is grammatically incorrect to say HYPOCHUCK Al-Munafikun or w*j*hber*k Al-Munafikun.

    Al-Munafiqun is the 63rd Surat of the Al-Quran which no right-minded genuine Muslim would made fun of.

    Since both HYPOCHUCK and w*j*hber*k made fun of this Surat of Al-Quran despite of my earlier kind reminder asking HYPOCHUCK not to do so, both of them are therefore CONFIRMED Munafiqun.

    Salam Tun

    P/S: Boarding now…

  20. Assallammualaikum Tun..


    Munafik yang mendakwa dirinya dengan nama Allah sudah melampau keterlaluan.Bukankah satu laporan polis patut di laporkan terhadap binatang ini…maaf Tun..malaun ini..maaf Tun..
    munafik ini kerana mempersendakan ajaran Islam?

    Saya menunggu jawapan Yang Berbahagia Tun..

    Ribuan terima kasih Tun..


  21. Uncle Mub,

    15.8. It’s about uranium for nuclear plants in USA, China, Canada, Russia, Iran, Afghanistan etc…

    15.9. What about Bakum Dam, aren’t you guys going to do anything with it?

    16.0. Well, biasalah, semua mahu take “tak pening” way out, kan tu bukan duit aku.

    16.1. What did UMNOputra propose as bonus for kaum UMNOputra?

    16.2. BR1M, Felda Ventures, War at Sabah, manipulating judges, perkasa cari pasal, talk peace with PAS etc…making themselves looked so stupid, no class and yet they talk big about perjuangan untuk islam dan negara.

    16.3. What happened to Hu Jin-tao?

    16.4. Hu Jin-tao loves the party, therefore, he took the responsibility to give up the military power to Mr Xi Jin-ping.

    16.5. What to do, his secretary general’s son killed a civilian kerana mabuk di atas jalanraya semasa memandu Ferari gifted by businessman kena exposed in newspapers.

    16.7. United Malay National Organiszation indeed a communist party, and that’s why English educated gentlemen like TAR and Hussein Onn left the party before they died.

    16.8. Go and increase the price of electricity la, and make inflation naik gila, by the end, siapakah akan kena?

    16.9. Man proposes, God Disposes because you guys know nothing about love kerana semua kecut hilang kuasa untuk hidup mewah tanpa malu pakai duit rakyat.

  22. Salam Tun,

    Yo Rahman the impostor is back to his old tricks again! All muslims know that homosexuality is haram and muslims cannot simply condone homosexuality, lesbianism and LBGT. Of course Rahman the impostor is challenging this as he is not a muslim.

    Those who condone can be considered UMAT NABI LUT. Feel free to google if you dont know what it means.

    Just to share some info with all readers, actually PORK AND WINE ARE BANNED IN CHRISTIANITY! Well I wonder what happened to these laws haha. Why dont the Christians obey their own laws as stated in the bible is beyond me.

    Deuteronomy 14:8
    King James Version (KJV)

    8 And the swine, because it divideth the hoof, yet cheweth not the cud, it is unclean unto you: ye shall not eat of their flesh, nor touch their dead carcase.


    Proverbs 20
    New King James Version (NKJV)

    20 Wine is a mocker,
    Strong drink is a brawler,
    And whoever is led astray by it is not wise.

    Ephesians 5
    New International Version (NIV)

    15 Be very careful, then, how you live—not as unwise but as wise, 16 making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil. 17 Therefore do not be foolish, but understand what the Lord’s will is. 18 Do not get drunk on wine, which leads to debauchery. Instead, be filled with the Spirit, 19 speaking to one another with psalms, hymns, and songs from the Spirit. Sing and make music from your heart to the Lord, 20 always giving thanks to God the Father for everything, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.

    And there are also laws in the bible which stated that women must cover their heads!
    I’ll copy paste upon request hehehe.

    Thank you.

    DAPshit@Jeff Ooi is a anjing kurap.

  23. Assallammualaikum Tun.
    Terima kasih kepada semua ruangan yang Tun beri kepada saya.
    Saya mohon ruangan lagi..

    Tun Perak.. have the third eye that can see who “The Highhandedness” really is!..
    Thank you..
    Nevertheless since he is a corward,we all should be very patient with him.

    “Sifat-sifat yang baik itu tidak di anugerahkan melainkan kepada org org yang sabar dan tidak di anugerahkan melainkan kepada org org yang mempunyai keberuntungan yang besar.

    Al Fusilat ayat 35.

    His Munafikun derserve a la guerre comme a la guerre.But on the very constant medium pressure.I noted that he has sick logic.

    Let me illustrated an example.
    There was once a Tzar in Russia who promised his subject of love that he will not put his subject on death sentence no matter what their crime is.Now he had meted a severe punishment for his subject who revolted him.”How to kill this **stard without him renegading on his word?Easy then.He will be flogged 10 stroke each by a parade of soldier’s.No death sentence but he will surely die by thousand’s soldier stroke in those parade.

    Hmm how fair and kind could I be..Mused him..:) you noted the same characteristic with our Munafikun here?..:)

    In perception of truth,our path crosses.Some made you cross,other find’s soul mate.Merely our agreement will confined to the concensus.The collective concensus of thoughts,belief and opinion.

    Terima kasih Tun.

  24. Tun

    What a coincidence by all counts ! The moment this LOVE topic appeared on your distinguished Blog, we have this SPYING WITHOUT LOVE FROM SINGAPORE the home of the dysfunctional meritocrats from Oxford, Cambridge, Harvard, Yale, Stanford, Princeton, Chicago, MIT etc. Yes ! The great University of Cambrdige have produced many great men and women for the United Kingdom and the World with Nobel Laureate winners galore ! But one thing which is nevery mentioned was the fact that this great University produced 3 personalities from the upper class of Great Britain who betrayed their own up-bringing at a critical time in the couintry’s historical struggles in the 20th century. The names were Blunt – the Curator to the Queen’s Art Collection, MacClean and Burgess – the top ranking diplomats in the British Secret Service. The secret information between London and Washington DC was passed onto Moscow oven-fresh. The reason why the Trio got away for so long before they were exposed by chance was the fact that since they come from the upper class of socially structured Britain, they were above suspicion and above all, they were educated at the Univeristy of Cambridge, a place like Oxford, specially for the 1% British elite.
    And coincidentally, we have the Republic of Singapore exposed as a spy in the hallowed tradition of spies around the World. And most of these Singaporean chaps come from the University of Cambridge too, like the most treasonous spies of Great Britain, Blunt, MacClean and Burgess. After claiming to be ‘abang-adek’ and now admitting Singapore did spy on her closest friends but without any harm even though the information so collected were distributed to all and sundry to the chagrin and disgust of the countries which were spied upon. I have no words to describe such actions. Surely, it is not in the tradition of the University of Cambridge to indulge in such a slimy thing by upper-crust people.
    The way it was done by Singapore on her unknowing friends and neighbours was without due consideration given to the SOVEREIGNTY belonging to those who were breached in the still of the night – like rape.
    And to top it all, Blunt, MacClean and Burgess were not heterosexuals. They inspired the James Bond series of films, like ‘To Russia with LOVE’ which it is claimed ‘SPYING IS THE OLDEST PROFESSION IN A WORLD WITHOUT LOVE !’

  25. Tun

    As you are aware, I am more interested in LOVE of the political kind. For years certain people of our beloved Malaysia were under the spell of LOVE with the Republic of Singapore. Through this love potion, the most obvious was the parachuting of a PAP cadre into the top job of the long-time UMNO owned New Straits Times, as if we Malaysians do not know our ABC. To ease this gent’s sufferings in the ULUS, he had a luscious Sime Darby contract place on his lap. Fast trek to the present. His Excellency the Ambassador from the Republic of Singapore told the media that Singapore does not mean any harm by spying on his ‘abang-adek’ relationship whether in private or in public. Since the information so gathered was not meant to harm anyone, THEREFORE IT IS NO LONGER A SECRET which could have been used as a tool to blackmail, etc.etc. BUT THERE HANGS THE TALE. The secret information was disseminated to the CLUB, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, the United Kingdom and the United States. And the Republlic of Singapore was/is the collecting agent appointed by the Club to do the needful. This is ‘Abang-Adek’ for us without LOVE.
    However, it is interesting to note that when i first appeared on this distinguished Blog, the brilliant Lee Kuan Yew had only 7 failed Policies for Singapore eg.
    1. Money was used as investment to be a tool of Foreign Policy which killed innocent men, women and children. Vide Thaksin. Shinawatra. The Bangkok Riots 2003-2013.
    2. US$108 Billions were lost by the dysfunctional meritocratic pyramid of yes-men with the smartest fellow on top. Vide. Channelnewsasia. Lee Kuan Yew November 2008.etc.
    3. The 2 Child Family Policy of the 1970s and 1980s – the real killer. Vide Singapore Government’s White Paper on Population. 2013
    4. Humanity and Multiculturalism never practised. Vide Channelnewsasia December 2011. The Curry Smell Tribunal, the 188 bus drivers strike, the toilet fights, etc. etc.
    5. A perfunctory Judiciary which is well-known the world over. Vide. Dr Woffles Wu. Shaw. The Aussie, Malaysian and German drug mules. Tan Koon Swan. Mr Chee etc.etc.
    6. 5,000 pigs imported daily. The flower nurseries contracts. The King of the Road. The Sale of Kim Eng Securities to Maybank. etc. etc.
    7. Lee Kuan Yew assumed power in 1959. He is still there. During this period, Malaysia has had 6 democratically elected Prime Ministers. Washington DC. Where are you ?

    By the end of 2013, this hallowed list has increased to 12 !

    8. The highest paid Cabinet Ministers in the World for a one-street town. Vide. Warren Buffet.
    9. No World Class Transportation established. Vide. Mahubani. Distinguished diplomat and scholar.
    10. A full fledged Army with aging Gurkhas Brigades, rusting tanks, F35s, drones, AWACS, 2 submarines, corvettes, spies (now proven to be true), secret caverns, the S$2 Billion strategic water reserve, long range artillery and missiles etc.etc.
    11. A full panoply of spies, espionage, secret codes, swallows, ducks, etc.etc. to spy on the Republic’s neighbours who live on without a care in the World and have no war-like intentions.
    12. The 1966 establishment of the Singaporean Trojan Horse DAP to oppose with the slogan ‘Malaysia for Malaysians’ until this year 2013 when it became ‘Malaysia for Malaysians with a Malay bias.’ NOW IN SINGAPORE, a popular slogan is ‘ SINGAPORE FOR SINGAPOREANS !’ But the DAP failed to deliver a conquered Malaysia to save the brilliant Lee Kuan Yew’s legacy. Will Malaysia’s entry into the infamous TPPA save him and Singapore to maintain a status quo at best and we do a hara-kiri ?

    Man proposes. God disposes.

  26. I read a number of religious scriptures – Song of Solomon , incest of Lot and David’s adultery action is recorded in the Jewish belief in one of the part of the Old Testament. Printed and recorded. You cant change that document and thus no defamation because everything written in that scriptures is translated directly.

    Let read what Wiki said about Song of Solomon,

    “….. it celebrates sexual love.[2] It gives “the voices of two lovers, praising each other, yearning for each other, proffering invitations to enjoy”.[3] The two are in harmony, each desiring the other and rejoicing in sexual intimacy; the women of Jerusalem form a chorus to the lovers, functioning as an audience whose participation in the lovers’ erotic encounters facilitates the participation of the reader.[4]

    References :

    [2] : a b Garrett 1993, p. 366.
    [3] : a b Alter 2011, p. 232.
    [4] Exum 2011, p. 248.

    We had several discussion amongst us – Chinese , Christian, Muslim Sunni and Muslim Syiah while in overseas. The Chinese lady asserted that there is nothing wrong to procreates with anyone as per her religious belief, of course you are punishable by the common law. In fact, you could get some of the newspaper cutting published in Malaysia regarding this matter on Chinese belief.

    On the other hand, I believe religion plays a part in the well manner of human race. So “the inspired Song of Solomon” is not an inspiration to me , as a muslim. In addition, Islam on the other hand regards that all prophet be them Sulaiman (Solomon) , Luth (Lot), Daud (David) has not committed any sin. In fact their conduct should be good example to human kind.

    Islam also upheld the constitution of marriage as a mean to grow the human population within a strict syariah law. Of course , we are worried if the “Dada” or daddy in that story is a muslim which means lack of self-control and iman within our society. Obviously, if he is a non-muslim, the other community AND the law need to reach him – not muslim main primary concern.

    Gay marriage is nonsense. That is why abdul Rahman 2012 is called Al-Munafikun.

  27. Dear CHUCK

    Say you:

    “Some of the inspiration came from “Song of Solomon” , free education on how to “make love”; and ohh… pardon me, English or rather American English are blatantly straight forward in their interpretation and thinking, they equate the notion of love with sex by “making love”.

    “By the Al-Quran, all prophets are respected people and free from sin, be them Nabi Lut (Lot), Nabi Daud (David). But some people told me that Lot commit incest and David commit murder and adultery, after all they said human sin and David is the only begotten son of God, these statements are surely not from Quran but from some other religious scriptures.”

    “A relief – the “dada” who committed incest with his daughter is not a muslim. Well, his religion (if he has any) surely does not has moral obligation to prohibit people from procreates with whoever they want. That is what a Chinese friend told me.”

    Say me:

    Laws of Malaysia, Sedition Act 1948, Section 3. (1) (e), Section 4. (1) (a) and (b)

    Salam Tun

    P/S: What’s your real name again? CHUCK?

  28. Tun,

    Masih membincangkan mengenai istilah Love. Terbaru ialah mengenai cinta tanpa batasan seorang pemimpin negara terhadap isterinya.

    Seperti yang saya sebutkan sebelum ini, isteri pemimpin negara ini boleh menjadi liability terhadap UMNO dan kerajaan pada PRU-14 nanti jika pemimpin ini tidak berbuat sesuatu menyekat pergerakan dan tindak tanduk isterinya yang keterlaluan melebihi seorang ahli politik (pemimpin negara?).

    Terkini ialah tindakan isteri pemimpin ini mengguna jet eksekutif milik negara untuk ke sana sini di luar negara. Tidak kisahlah jika langkah itu untuk mengeratkan hubungan antara isteri-isteri VIP antarabangsa mahupun untuk persatuan dan sebagainya.

    Pokoknya berpada-padalah apabila menceburi sesuatu bidang itu lebih-lebih lagi jika seseorang isteri itu bukan orang politik sebab apabila seseorang isteri itu melebihi orang politik, mereka harus bersedia untuk dikritik oleh pembangkang dan orang ramai seperti ahli politik.

    Saya bukan anti isteri atau pemimpin ini tetapi bimbang lebih-lebih lagi dalam keadaan politik semasa, akan kesan jangka panjang terhadap UMNO dan kerajaan pada PRU-14 nanti berikutan tindak tanduk isteri pemimpin ini.

    Nampaknya pemimpin ini lemah dalam istilah love (syahwat?) dengani wanita ini dan tidak dapat mengawal isterinya manakala pak-pak menteri semuanya yes men seperti yang Tun tulis sebelum ini berhubung kelemahan dalam UMNO dimana pengikut sanggup berbuat apa sahaja termasuk mencium tangan ketua mereka hanya kerana mahu membodek pemimpin mereka.

    Tun, tulisan seorang penulis blog, A. Kadir Jasin terhadap isteri pemimpin ini harus dipandang serius jika UMNO dan kerajaan masih mahu duduk di Putrajaya pada PRU-14 nanti.

    Salam Tun.

    P.S. Terdapat kesilapan ejaan pada tulisan saya sebelum ini terhadap perkataan penyanyi Amy Mastura telah dieja sebagai penyanyo Amy Mastura.Mohon maaf.

  29. Salam Tun

    It is widely believed that an inclination to homosexuality is inborn and incontrovertible. However science has yet to find a confirmed link in terms of genetics causes of homosexuality.

    If gays and lesbians are caused by genetic predispositions, I would support gay marriage because gays cannot produce offspring with natural means and their flawed gene has no way be passed down resulting in the extinction of gays and lesbians in one single generation.

    Unfortunately, homosexuality is more of a sociological phenomenon to me.

    Salam Tun

  30. Salam Tun,

    tak keterlaluan kalau saya kata, ‘Love is Catching Fire’, hingga apinya turut merebak dan menghangatkan blog ini dengan persoalan Love yang hanya Tun sahaja tahu bagaimana untuk huraikannya secara sinis dan manis, tapi penuh dengan makna, tanpa terlalu berat untuk kita fikir-fikirkan. Barangkali, Tun pun telah membaca The Hunger Games Trilogy atau sudah menonton Catching Fire sewaktu berehat di IJN.

    Fenomena kebebasan mecinta (+) menge-seks objek dan individu yang semakin berleluasa di negara liberal adalah bukti bahawa ada golongan manusia di negara ini yang sedang merekayasa suatu kaedah untuk memperalatkan undang-undang sekular bagi tujuan memberi mereka kebebasan mengamalkan LGBTA, yang support network nya semakin meluas dan semakin lantang bersuara secara terbuka dengan mendapat sokongan dari tokoh politik tempatan.

    Di Malaysia kita ada Seksualiti Merdeka dengan jurucakapnya seorang lelaki Melayu(Muslim?) yang telah dengan bangga mengishtihar, “saya gay, saya OK ..” secara terbuka di YouTube, dengan tanpa dikenakan apa-apa tindakan oleh pihak JAKIM. Diam itu tanda setuju? dan diam itu kerana berhati-hati adalah dua respon yang boleh digunakan oleh pihak yang berkepentingan untuk melancarkan kempen mereka seterusnya secara lebih agresif, teratur dan berkesan.

    Dengan sokongan moral dan lambakan dana dari ‘pejuang’ Keadilan yang menjadi tulang belakang kempen mereka itu, serta reaksi yang mendatar dari pihak agamawan, maka tidak heranlah jika suatu hari nanti di Malaysia, undang-undang sekular yang lapok berkenaan seksualiti akan diganti dengan akta baru yang lebih mesra dan lebih terbuka terhadap Love. Mungkin fenomena di Eropah juga akan berlaku di Malaysia suatu masa nanti di mana tagline Love Conquers All (termasuk the Law) akan mengambil tempatnya apabila lelaki gay menjadi PM.

    Apa-apa pun, sesungguhnya jaluran-jaluran kabur di antara motivasi seks dan ketulusan cinta akan sering diperalatkan oleh binatang politik (seperti watak President Snow dlm Hunger Games) untuk menambat sokongan massa di bawah sedar, sekaligus menjadi ubat untuk melupakan komplikasi dan masalah kehidupan mereka yang sebenar.

  31. Assallammualaikum Tun.
    Moga di beri ruangan..:(

    Dear Tun Perak..
    [Some of the inspiration came from “Song of Solomon” , free education on how to “make love”; and ohh… pardon me, English or rather American English are blatantly straight forward in their interpretation and thinking, they equate the notion of love with sex by “making love”]

    The moment we strays from the path that what Islamic Jurisprudence lies the very foundation, for sure we are going to had it!..The clear very example is our “Highhandedness”…:)

    In life, one must follows the path that have been treaded for us by the Rasuls,sages and the saints.One simply cannot do otherwise..

    For most of us the commoner ,we can never attain love that is Mahabbah.We can only achieve Mawaddah..That is Allah blessing for us..

    The strayed’s and the transgressor’s can only be dealt with dakwah.A very serious one at that which we will receive severe repercussion from them.For them who not up to the task must refrain from writing and saying so the subject.

    The Highhandedness is clear example.We must bring him back to the very basic thinking of Islamic proportion.As long he refuses to do so, we must not engage in any more discussion with him.

    I befriended a Psychiatric Specialist once and he told me the most enduring task is dealing with mentally disable children.The moment a children throw tantrum you must not rewards him or her..What?..Temporary relief?..Is that not what drugs and alcoholic beverages claimed the role?.No..Do not reward tantrumist..:)

    The Highhandedness is a tantrumist.He throws tantrum here and there to get the love and responses he could not get elsewhere..Instead of capitulating,one must be strong and resist his wanton act.

    He is a man of tertiary education outwardly but still a child inside..:)

    So remember dear Tun..


    Terima kasih Tun.

  32. Tun

    What a wonderful subject LOVE is that you have brought up ! Love thy neighbour as thy self – this latest espionage fiasco from the Republic of Singapore springs to mind my view of the future of Singapore in less than 50 years which is as follows :-

    1. Singapore becomes the 53rd State of the United States. By spying for the latter, it has already become a vassal State and it is only a matter of time before formalities are concluded. Only the other night on the CCTV, I was quite amused by the fact that this huge country with 1.3 billions, wanted answers from an ex-Minister of the Republic.

    2. Singapore becomes a British Crown Colony.

    3. Singapore re-merge with Malaysia. With the rising dissent in the Republic, this has become a real possibility.

    4. Singapore maintains her status quo with the aging Gurkha brigades, rusting tanks, F35, AWACS, 2 submarines, corvettes, spies (now proven to be true), the S$2 Billion water strategic reserve, the secret caverns etc. against her neighbours who have no wish to conquer her. By getting rid of the military hardware and tear up whatever secret Immigration agreements with others and capping the population at 4 million, the Republic of Singapore becomes really the World’s Best ! Acheh !

    To Singapore with LOVE !

  33. Love Hurts , Love is Beautiful
    Loves is so many thing
    Love is spent with time not money
    Time with Family , Friends , Neighbor , Society & with God

    Love is
    I love you can”t see
    The old one & the young one……………oh Sarimah

    Cinta Tanah Air Perlu Pergorbanan
    Perlu bersefakat bersatu
    Malaysia mesti bersedia menempuh ringtangan
    Dunia Islam sedang di Gugat dengan pelbagai Fitnah
    Love is also the KEY

  34. Salam Tun,even though you stay in hospital,but you still could write an interesting topics with full of sarcasm.That is why you are a special man.I won’t say you are a great man or leader otherwise people will think I am doing apple polishing! Not my style Tun.
    This topics reflect our society state of mind. Material wealth seemed to be our main concern but hardly any improvement in our god guided value that suppose to make us a better human being.
    With so called human right as championed by Uncle Sam and supported by our fellow Malaysians, this kind of thinking will definitely shaped our society.Hillary Clinton declared that equality in marriage is integral part of human right.She made this doctrine as corner stone of her foreign policy,if she is elected as US President.Today even United nation become the champion of this human right.
    Declaration of Universal human Right was signed in 1948. Malaysia or rather. Malaya was not independent yet.We are still fighting the Malayan union as forwarded by the British.I wonder who speaks on our behalf. Today we were told that we are the signatories of this declaration on human right thus we must accept and respected those pinciples.
    Just the word Allah was written and used in Malaya in 1762. Who ruled Malayan at that time. Our Sultan practically has no role to play in the administration but we must accept this argument.
    I think you are right Tun,until and unless we speak on this issue otherwise the silent majority must accept the noisy minority. Yes we must respect each other belief but must according to what is acceptable by Allah and Sunnah.Not just to full fill your endless lust.If we start to do what we like without any slightest barrier,we will indeed pay a heavy price later.

  35. Salam Ayahanda Tun,

    Saya anak muda Malaysia yang sedang belajar di England sekarang.

    Saya terkejut. Saya tidak sangka. Tetapi benar dunia sudah menjadi pelik.

    Macam2 yang saya belajar. Boleh lah saya rumuskan sebagai ‘semua benda harus menjadi luar biasa utk menjadi biasa’

    Mungkin kerana latar belakang pembelajaran saya daripada sekolah rendah ke universiti yang berteraskan agama islam menyebabkan saya cenderung untuk menilai kesalahan berlandaskan hukum agama. (Dimana cara ini salah utk negara sekular) Tetapi akal logik saya, bagaimana sekali pun saya fikirkan, tidak tergamak utk mengiyakan salah paham akhlak ini.

    Saya menulis kerana saya lega bahawa sekurang-kurangnya masih ada pemimpin seperti Tun di Malaysia yang berpendapat masalah akhlak begini merisaukan. Saya lega masih ramai orang Malaysia yang juga tidak bersetuju dengan gejala ini.

    Saya berharap apabila saya balik ke Malaysia nanti, Malaysia masih begini.

    Yang sayangkan Islam dan Malaysia,

  36. Tun,

    Menurut Sophocles definasi love ialah:-

    One word frees us of all the weight and pain of life.

    Apabila bercakap mengenai love atau cinta, berikut adalah secara ringkas cerita menarik Oedipus the King yang dikarang oleh Sophocles.

    Oedipus adalah seorang anak terbuang oleh kedua-dua ibu bapanya yang merancang membunuh anak mereka semasa bayi lagi menerusi seorang orang gaji bagi mengelak ramalan Delphic Oracles.

    Mengikut ramalan Delphic Oracles ini, suatu hari Oedipus akan membunuh bapanya sendiri dan kemudian mengahwini ibunya sendiri.

    Orang gaji yang ditugaskan membunuh Oedipus semasa bayi bagaimanapun tidak menjalankan arahan majikannya dan akhirnya Oedipus diserahkan sebagai anak angkat kepada satu pasangan yang tidak mempunyai anak.

    Oedipus telah membesar dan suatu hari tanpa disedarinya membunuh bapanya sendiri Laius dalam satu pergaduhan, sebelum menjadi pemerintah Thebes dan kemudian mengahwini janda Laius iaitu ibunya sendiri, Jocasta.

    Apabila Jocasta tahu dia telah berkahwin dengan anaknya sendiri, dia telah membunuh diri manakala Oedipus sendiri bertindak membutakan matanya seperti cerita Kassim Selamat dan meninggalkan Thebes.

    Tun, melalui cerita Oedipus the King, nampaknya orang zaman kuno pun tidak suka berkahwin dengan anak sendiri sehingga sanggup membunuh diri.

    Sungguh berbeza nampaknya dengan orang zaman sekarang walaupun tidak berkahwin dengan anak sendiri tetapi mempunyai hubungan sulit.

    Tun, saya cadangkan maksud istilah Love yang Tun tulis seperti daughters who love their fathers, sons who love their mothers, sisters who love their brothers vice-versa, nieces who love their uncles vice-versa and nephews who love their aunties dibukukan. Ini termasuklah istilah bestiality.

    Buku ini boleh dijadikan sebagai kitab panduan dan dijual kepada golongan liberal, demokrat tulen, pejuang hak asasi manusia, golongan gay dan lesbian yang banyak terdapat di negara ini.

    Mungkin pemimpin Pas juga boleh menggunakan kitab ini seperti buku jingga bagi mengisytiharkan kesetiaan antara mereka dengan pemimpin-pemimpin PKR dan DAP?

    Kalau PKR dan DAP memperjuangkan hak kebebasan manusia, sudah tentu Pas yang juga merupakan rakan sekutu PKR dan DAP turut serta memperjuangkan fahaman bersama?

    Tun, berikut pula adalah definasi cinta mengikut penyanyo Amy Mastura: –

    Jika ditanya tentang cinta
    Macam-macamlah jawapannya
    Ada cinta yang bawa ceria
    Ada cinta yang sanggup merana

    Sanggup berkorban apa saja
    Hilang kawan hilang keluarga
    Lebih baik cinta pada yang Esa

    Hidup ini penuh pancaroba
    Kiri kanan masalah saja
    Janganlah derita kerna cinta
    Kerana cinta bahagia

    Kalau benar cinta itu buta
    Siapakah jadi mangsanya (Kassim Selamat?)
    Kalau cinta itu cinta setia
    Nangis ketawa sama ha..ha..ha..(betul ke? atau cuma seorang menangis?)

    Kalau kita boleh beli cinta (cinta pun ada rasuah?he…he…he)
    Berapa pula harganya
    Alangkah indah kita dicinta
    Kerana hidup kita lebih bahagia

    Salam Tun.

  37. Dear Tun,

    Some of the inspiration came from “Song of Solomon” , free education on how to “make love”; and ohh… pardon me, English or rather American English are blatantly straight forward in their interpretation and thinking, they equate the notion of love with sex by “making love”.

    By the Al-Quran, all prophets are respected people and free from sin, be them Nabi Lut (Lot), Nabi Daud (David). But some people told me that Lot commit incest and David commit murder and adultery, after all they said human sin and David is the only begotten son of God, these statements are surely not from Quran but from some other religious scriptures.

    What trouble me is this news – Luxemburg got her first “Gay” Prime Minister; this gives some inspiration to some section of Malaysian to promote a gay Prime Minister in Malaysia.

    A relief – the “dada” who committed incest with his daughter is not a muslim. Well, his religion (if he has any) surely does not has moral obligation to prohibit people from procreates with whoever they want. That is what a Chinese friend told me.

  38. Tun

    How appropriate that you brought up this topic of ‘ LOVE ‘. This reminded me of a saying ‘ Love thy neighbour as thyself !’ Obviously, there are people in this small World who do not practise what they preached !
    Please view The honest Singaporean comments on this Singapore made World’s best fiasco are …Simon ‘ Singapore seems to have a habit of selling their friends and neighbours sic Malaysia and Thailand.’ Another succinct Singaporean comment, ‘ Caught Red-handed !’
    But the best one liner was made many years ago by Malaysia’s very own Great Statesman of Asia and the World when Renong Berhad wanted to sell Time Engineering Berhad to Singtel. It was ‘ Sing and tell “. This is known as commonsense which a Prime Minister should have apart from being able to think outside the Box and compassionate. How true as all these love-birds come home to roost !

  39. Salam Tun,

    i think both Chedet && Tun Hasmah are Legend… dah veteren but still lovey dovey… tak macam zaman sekarang, baru jer kahwin 2-3 minggu && berhabis beribu just for a wedding, still terpikir nak kahwin lagi… kita pon tak faham apa yang dicari….

    Semoga Tun sihat-sihat sahaja disamping keluarga tercinta….

    TQ Tun…

  40. Tun

    I like to draw the attention of MNMN, The on, Dont be small minded, the rocket scientist from Singapore, HockBengTeohhalfpastsic, yusof12, saxykumar etc and all those who love the brilliant Lee Kuan Yew with his 11 failed Policies for Singapore and Singapore, the following screamining headlines in the New Straits Times today, 26 November 2013. ‘ Spying spotlight now on Singapore ‘ and ‘ Bangkok under emergency law ‘ The common denominator of these two events is just the red dot. For years, the digits or cohorts from Singapore tried to brainwash us that the brilliant Lee Kuan Yew is jus a benign Santa Claus and that we are deficient in every way to those almighty dysfunctional yes-men of the meritocratic pyramid with the smartest fellow on top. Since 2008, much have been revealed and much more will be forthcoming.
    On spying, the KGB came to town just before Merdeka to look for our Foreign Policy. They could not find it and decided that it was a very well kept secret. And they returned to Moscow. After Merdeka, the Soviet Ambassador congratulated our distinguished Tunku on how well we kept our secrets especially the Foreign Policy. The Tunku nonchalantly replied, ‘ We have none !’
    Singapore changed the format of filling forms from manual to digital in the early 1970s when the super duper computers became operational. Prominent Malaysians were recorded accordingly as with all other interested parties who sojourned there. For information about Malaysia especially politics and commerce, I used to travel to Singaporre once a month because our news then were at least 1 month late. So much so, the Government there thought I was doing something devious. As a result, I could use my old IC until now. But the reason how Singapore gets first class information about KL is through the commercial channels when funding were required from Singapore sources. As I always cracked this joke, ‘ When anyone visits a doctor, sometimes, it is not necessary to strip. But when they visit a banker, they strip all !’ A few ambitious types even boasted in the Singapore golf clubs that they had the ear of the good and the great in KL.
    All in all, the secrets of KL if any are an open secret to our abang-adek without love.
    On ‘ Bangkok under emergency law “, in the mid-1990s, the proposed construction of the Isthmus of Kra Canal was again in the lime-light. Apart from Singapore and some detractors in Thailand, it would have taken off with immense benefits to the poorer countries in ASEAN. The whole region would have flourished. Logically, uprisings in Acheh, South Thailand and Mindanao would have diminished with the huge construction at the Isthmus which would have taken more than 10 years to build. Apart from Thailand, Singapore would have benefitted tremendously because of its efficiency, logistics availabiltiy, engineering know how etc. And Malaysia’s Pulau Pinang, Kota Bahru, Kedah and Perlis down to Kuantan would boom. A Singapore argument which put a stop to all the hopes for the Region was that the Singapore Harbour would be down-graded in time. And by 2003, Thaksin business was bought out by Singapore for a small sum of money, US$1.3 Billions. From then on, Thailand has had numerous riots till 2013 based on Thaksin.
    Man proposes. God disposes. Without much fanfare, a shorter sea passage to Europe via the Siberian North West Passage was developed. This sea route will shorten the one via Singapore from China by 15 days during the 6-7 summer months. And a land route via the rail to Poland was inaugurated in 2013 by China.
    The Isthmus of Kra Canal will never be built anymore – A classic case of missed opportunity and a dog in the manger attitude.
    However, the Trans Kedah-Kelantan Pipeline has become important because of the above-mentioned events.
    Love’s labour lost ?

  41. Assalamualaikum….
    sekadar pendapat…
    adakah cinta itu kaseh dan sayang yg mendalam…
    adakah kaseh dan sayang bersamaan cinta…
    kaseh…kita akan kasehkan sesama insan…
    sayang…kita akan jatu sayang kpd semua ciptaan Tuhan/baju/kasut/kereta/rumah dll..
    cinta…kita tidak akan menyintai selain manusia pun begitu bkn semua manusia kita cintai…
    pd saya cinta hanya satu…kita cintakan Allah/ rasul/ibubapa/diri dan selebihnya mungkin utk yg bergelar si jantung hati…
    kerana mengikut nafsu cinta diucapkan semata mata utk mendapat apa yg di hajati..
    anak dgn rela melakukan seks dgn ayah sendiri dimanakah sifat kepimpinan seorg llki lebih lebih lg seorg ayah..bkn ker dulu kalo ada gadis di rogol..llki melayu akan kutuk pemakaian gadis tersebut yg menaikkan nafsu llki…samada rela atau tidak ayah ttp merogol anaknya dan apakah yg patut kita lakukan utk menangani masaalah jiwa ini…

  42. Sesungguhnya, cinta adalah karya agung dan suci, kenapa kita harus menghalang mereka daripada bebas untuk bercinta, sayangi antara satu sama lain, bagi saya tiada salahnya, namun, ianya tidak bermaksudkan; kita boleh menhalalkan sesuatu yang luar daripada tabii seorang manusia.

    Manusia adalah makhluk yang istimewa, kita mempunyai peraturan alam yang tersendiri, kita adalah makhluk yang mempunyai akal yang boleh menilai, sama ada perasaan itu baik atau buruk dan bagaimana seharusnya ianya diluahkan.

    Jika, manusia mengikut sesuatu yang luar daripada tabii seorang manusia, maka, mereka adalah lebih teruk daripada segala makhluk yang ada di atas muka bumi ini. Golongan ini seharusnya disedarkan dan dibantu, didikan sejak kecil daripada bangku sekolah hingga dewasa, pendidikan agama dan moral, segalanya harus diketengahkan dan dibincangkan dalam mencari penyelesaian dan melaksanakannya.

  43. Tun

    The United States after winning the Cold War promoted ‘ Globlaization, Free Trade and Human Rights ‘. This very wide ranging has brought about surprising consequences to the United States hersef. On the one hand, we find her ally, Singapore, is nearly subsumed by all the openness of the post-Cold War years to the present phenomenon of each State of the United States Union permitting same gender marriage. Each of the ancient Western Civilizations fell through excesses of life-styles like Athens, Sparta and Rome. All these icons of Western Civilizations were resurrected many hundreds of years later with the wanton excesses erased out in the preparation for the conquest of heathen lands. In the 18th century when the British first arrived in the sub-continent of India, the soldiers were permitted to co-habit with the local females. There was no mention of them doing it with the males. By the 19th century, British females were permitted to live in India and as a result many of them including their children died young. The Indian cemeteries are full of these unfortunate victims of disease.
    This phenomenon of same sex marriage legally sanctioned is of recent origin arising out of the excesses of the citadels of capitalism in the 1980s and the 1990s. I remember as a very young person in post-war London before 1956, there was heterosexual sex everywhere, in the parks, the door-ways, side-dtreets etc. until the 1956 Act against Solicitation was introduced. And now we have, this trend to permit same sex marriage. Has the pendulum swung too far ? And interesting facet on the Western Civilization today as we know it, is the fact that more and more foreigners arrived in all the Western capitals to take up residence. In 1982, a History Fellow of Jesus College, Cambridge, told me that the more foreigners who would arrive in a capital city, the more likely that country would decline. And he cited Rome as the example. He did not mention the word decay or decadent. But it was clear what he meant about England in the 1980s.
    And there we have, Tun, on the one hand, same sex marriage is now gradually officially sanctioned by the Western Governments and on the other, the huge flood of immigrants from impoverished lands seeking succour and safety in these Western lands. Obviously, the urge to produce descendants to further one’s strive in life is diminished together with the arrival of hard-working and ambitious immigrants working for a pittance. In no time at all, the original inhabitants will be overwhelmed vide. BBC staff. All these factors with the double edge sword of mis-managed socio-economics by Western Governments can only lead towards one way in this globalised world of free trade and human rights which is down the slippery slope of no return. And we should not blame China, India, Iran, North Korea, the Middle East etc for this state of affairs which the Western Civilization has created for itself due to overconfidence in its modern development but forgot about the Sword of Democles in its history. Would the peak of Western Civilization be marked by the first same gender marriage in the West ?

    Man proposes. God disposes.

  44. Salam Tun,

    Please be careful with what you say and write as I am afraid that you might offend Brader Anwar Bin Ibrahim haha!

    And I wonder what Azmin Ali has to say about loving another man’s wife? Maybe Dato Nallakaruppan can shed a light? Oh I forget he is being sued and his lips are tied for the time being.

    The more I read your article the darkly funnier it gets.

    DAPshit@where the hell are the 40,000 Bangladeshi voters!

  45. Salam Tun.
    Salam Warga Chedet..

    Kawan saya cakap,
    Realitinya, tiada pemimpin lagi yang tinggal yang mampu mengekang KEBUSUKAN dan KEJELEKAN serta KEROSAKAN yang semakin menjadi-jadi di dalam mana-mana pertubuhan parti politik yang berada di dalam negara kita ini.

    Jentera-jentera politik masa kini telah BERCAMPUR BAUR antara yang HARAM dan yang HALAL.

    PEMIMPIN kita yang ada pada hari ini seakan keliru mana yang dituntut AGAMA dan mana yang MENUJU KE NERAKA.

    Sesama mereka bertali arus menyimpan dendam kesumat atas nama ingin TERUS BERKUASA dengan MEMEGANG KUASA PEMERINTAHAN NEGARA.

    Wahai ANAK MUDA.

    Tugas ANDA di kemudian hari AMATLAH BERAT.

    Persiapkan diri anda dengan MENJAGA SOLAT.

    Satu hari kelak, yang tua akan mati.

    Yang muda akan mengganti.

    Pegang 5 TIANG AGAMA.

    Jangan warisi KEROSAKAN yang ditinggalkan mereka yang telah MEROSAKKAN NEGARA.



    T.Kasih Tun

  46. IMAGINE say
    Gorge Bush ex President of United States , Tony Blair ex Prime Minister of Britain
    In the event of their Duty of World Leadership
    Leader who preaches Human Right that consent Marriage of the same gender
    SUDDENLY Gorge Bush & Tony Blair FALL IN LOVE
    WOW ! What a great world we are living
    And World will have A BIG Party if these two leaders get Married
    Then what happen to Mrs Bush & Mrs Blair Acceptance
    Both are being contested by a male

    Too much Human Right Man forget to be Human
    So my Friend , Girls especially BEWARE !
    Don,t you think Man who goes to Gym with Big Huge muscles are Macho
    These Muscles Gentleman sometimes They are more Gentle towards their male friends
    than you girls , believes me

    So If Dad falls in love with daughter
    Son fall in love with his own mother
    Human Right Consents it
    What happen to the Dad that lost his wife to His own son
    or Wife that lost her husband to her own daughter

    A Pet Dog
    If the Male Owner fell in love & make love to his pet female Dog name Daisy
    And if seen by a neighbor male dog name Mike
    And Mike is very much interested in Daisy
    Imagine the shattered feelings of Mike seeing Daisy making loves to hits owner
    Mike hopes will be broken to Pieces
    Hopefully Mike Don,t Dash the Road & Commit Suicide
    I think that what happen to most Dogs that die on the road

  47. Tun Saya suka penyampaiyanTun persoalan Cinta
    Romeo juga Tun ni eh !

    Persoalan Cinta , persoalan Hati
    Tiada siapa yg salah tiada siapa yg betul
    Jika si isteri atau si suami cintakan yg lain
    Tidak siapa yg salah dan tidak siapa yg benar
    Hati hak individu cuma resikonya PERCERAIAN

    Namun manusia mesti berlandaskan TABII manusia
    Di cipta alam semua berpasangan
    Ada jantan ada bertina,ada Langit ada Bumi
    Yg si jantan suka si jantan , si bertina suka si bertina

    Itu bukan Tabii itu TEBIAT

    Hubungan anak sama orang tua sendiri
    Atau tebiat yg luar dari Tabii Manusia
    Itulah yg membezakan kita antara manusia dan haiwan

    Barat terlalu banyak Human Right
    Yg mengakibatkan mereka lupa yg mereka ini Manusia
    Sampai berfikiran & berkelakuan macam Binatang


  48. Dear Tun,
    Once again you put it down so beautifully. Thank you.
    Tun Siti Hasmah and you are a great inspiration to my wife and I. What a great example of LOVE.
    May you be blessed always.

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