1. One way of demonising an opponent, particularly a political opponent, is to give him a derogatory label.

2. At one time Lee Kuan Yew labeled me as a Malay ultra. After that caught on, I could do nothing that would not be labeled as extreme. Even if I make the most innocent statement, it would be considered as extreme, as racist.

3. It took me decades to live it down. When I was appointed Deputy Prime Minister there was consternation among the Chinese. What was going to happen to Malaysia when this Malay ultra took over the Prime Ministership?

4. However, by the time I stepped down I had managed to belie that description. In the 1999 Election it was Chinese votes which helped give me the 2/3 majority in Parliament.

5. Now the doomsday label is Mahathirism. Such was the fear of this thing called Mahathirism that Tan Sri Muhyiddin had to assure the public that Najib’s ascendancy to the Premiership would not bring back Mahathirism. The foreign press seem to imply authoritarian Government with Mahathirism.

6. No one has yet described the rule of Dato Seri Abdullah Badawi as Badawism. It must be because he is said to be liberal and free from authoritarianism. But is he?

7. It appears to be simply because the mainstream media, print or electronic, is totally controlled by him through his hatchet man, Kalimullah. And Kali ensures that the media plays up Abdullah’s supposed liberalism, his transparency, his tolerance of the press etc. That the media blacks out any news that is not flattering of him is not noticed by readers, especially the foreign press.

8. Until the bloggers came into the picture and their blogs became extremely popular as they reported the truth, the black-out was effective. Now Kali’s media reports some of the news and views appearing on the blogs.

9. But still the general public is not aware of the kind of authoritarianism of Abdullah. Ministers and civil servants critical of him have been removed. Many are in cold storage. Tan Sri Sanusi Junid who was President of the International Islamic University was one of those removed. No one has been appointed to his vacant place yet.

10. A whole bunch of journalists working with the UMNO owned paper had to resign, to be replaced by Kali’s nominees from Singapore.

11. But Kali has friends amongst the foreign journalists. So we do not hear of Badawism. But privately people have given all kinds of uncomplimentary labels to the 5 years of misrule by the fifth Prime Minister of Malaysia.

12. By now people can draw their own conclusions as to whether Mahathirism in whatever form has returned.

224 thoughts on “MAHATHIRISM”

  1. Dear Tun…
    Saya sekarang berumur 31 tahun berasal dari Perak, hidup di bawah pentandbiran tun selama 22 tahun….saya bengga dan bersyukur mempunyai peluang untuk menikamati malaysia moden dan progresif di bawah pemerintahan tun selama 22 tahun…tak dapat di bayangkan what’s malaysia look nowadays without tun…kali terakhir saya dapat melihat tun secara dekat adalah pada tahun 2000 di stadium melawati di shah alam sewaktu tun mengistiharkan ITM menjadi UiTM,kala itu saya berasa gembira dan seronok melihat impian pelajar ITM untuk pengiktirafan kerajaan terhadap ITM menjadi universiti telah menjadi kenyataan….hingga kini saya masih mengikuti perkembangan Tun dari jauh…tetapi penghormatan saya terhadap tun tidak pernah luntur…
    Berkaitan dengan Mahathirism,itu semua tidak saya peduli..tun telah membuktikan di bawah pentadbiran Tun,Malaysia telah menjadi makmur dan cemerlang…saya amat bersyukur sekiranya Datuk Najib dapat menruskan legasi Tun setelah kita rakyat malaysia mengalami tempoh 5 tahun dalam kegelapan di bawah pemerintahan perdana menteri kelima.sekian semoga tun di berkati allah dan sihat sejahtera.

  2. Dear Dr. Mahathir/Tun Mahathir,
    I have been living under Mahathirism for 18 years AND there is nothing bad about it. I dont know about other people, but i have always believe in you :), all your effort and time that you had invested for the country and I am truly grateful for that…btw, I second Lobo’s comments.
    I admire your character as a person and as a leader. Whatever choices you decided to take and seemed wrong to other people, I know you did it for the sake of your country, many people may not understand this….
    I cried awfully on your last day as the fourth Prime Minister for I know that i will see less of you. When I get married, I will tell my children of a significant man that has led Malaysia to where it is now and will make sure that the story be passed on to many generations of mine…
    I bought a book called “Mahathir Mohamad, an illustrated biograhpy by E.Yu” and it was very interesting and inspirational indeed…your name has a deep impact on me and i am sure, to all MALAYSIANS…You will always be MY idol…
    Yours truly,
    Shanisah S.
    016-827 2487
    [email protected]

  3. Salam Tun…
    saya antara golongan belia yang amat menyanjungi dan manyayangi Tun.Saya membesar dalam pimpinan dan pengaruh Mahathirism.kalau orang muda skarang idolanya artis2 terkenal yang ntah ape2,Tun merupakan idola saya yang ke-3 selepas Rasulullah S.A.W. dan Arwah Ayah saya,Adam Bin Ali.
    Mahathirism…cukup best,cukup mantap,cukup bijak..pengaruh tun mmg kuat..banyak jasa tun pada bumi bertuah ni..
    saya x paham..mcam mana org2 yang menghina,mengutuk,melupakan jasa tun dengan muka x malu masih bole nak berbangga dengan KLCC,Putrajaya,Litar Sepang,Menara KL yang tun telah bangunkan untuk membuka mata dunia terhadap negara ini..
    saya bru mula membuka blog ni dan tertarik dengan tajuk “Duri Dalam Daging” yang tun kirimkan tahun lalu..2 orang mamat tu dengan x malunya cakap camtu..hahaha…betol2 x sedar diri punya manusia..
    Lagi satu mengenai lahirnya ketua perasuah di dalam ketua pemuda UMNO.Saya bukan la minat sangat hal politik ni,tapi dengan adanya bangsat macam dia bersama dgn bapa mertua kesayangannya tu,jahanam la bangsa kita Tun.
    Perihal Anuar pula,sudah terang lagi bersuluh,makhluk tu seoarang pengkhianat bangsa dan negara sendiri.Saya pernah dengar mengenai terdapat hubungan dia dgn USA.x tau la btol ke tidak tapi kalo betol mmg saya x heran pon.Ntah macam mana la PM “islam hadhari” tu bole bebaskan mangkuk tu dari ISA.Punya la nak tunjuk baik..
    Terus terang saya cakap,saya x nampak langsung apa sumbangan PM hadhari tu pada negara sepanjang memegang jawatan PM.Yang saya nampak dia just mengumpul arte untuk family,mengayakan anak menantu yang hantu sebanyak yang mampu sbelum meletak jawatan.Saya x pernah tertarik dengan ucapan2 dia dalam perhimpunan UMNO or else.Sejak Tun letak jawatan sbg PM,saya dah x rasa sronok lagi dan rasa mcam bukan duduk di Malaysia yang dulu..Org tua hadhari tu kalu berucap bukan macam Tun,dok tunduk je baca text..ada otak xleh pakai..kalo masuk blaja mane2,buat presentation baca text mcm tu kompem2 kena baling marker atas kpale.nak juga sya baling kasut mcm wartawan iraq baling kt Bush dulu..haha
    Tun,ayah saya baru meninggalkan sya sekeluarga 13 april 2009 lalu.saya nak nyatakan disini,beliau amat menyayangi tun.teringin benar dia berjabat tangan dengan Tun namun x kesampaian.Pengaruh Mahathirism dalam diri dia telalu besar sampaikan baju kemeja lengan panjang tanpa kolar yang macam Tun slalu pakai tu pon dia ada 2 pasang..hahaha..Saya harap Tun dapat sedekahkan Al-fatihah untuk dia…
    Akhir kata,smuga Tun sihat dan teruskan usaha Tun untuk membela bangsa melayu,agama Islam dan negara kerdil berjiwa besar ini…
    Kami sekeluarga amat menyayangi Tun.Hilangnya Tun di dunia ini,maka hilanglah pembela orang melayu dan orang Islam yang sejati..Semoga Allah Panjangkan umur Tun…
    Haris Adam a.k.a Lobo89
    [email protected]

  4. Dearest Tun,
    I’m an expatriate who staying in Malaysia from some time. whether you will believe me or not when i came to Malaysia i use to listen your speeches even i don’t understand that much of charm n charisma Tun has to attract anyone on the earth. but slowly i have pick up the Bhasa to certain level:)
    if am not mistaken it’s nothing wrong to say Mahathirism coz you are the one who took complete responsibility on your shoulder to show the world that Malaysia also existing on this earth.
    i even say loud and clear if we can change the country name to “Mahathirasia” or “Mahasia” coz most of people know Malaysia means Mahathir and vice versa Mahathir means Malaysia.
    I pray to god that to give you more energy to voice for the brighter Malaysia.
    May Allah always shower his blessings on you..
    With love

  5. Dearest Tun,
    Sweet may not all be good; bitter may not all be bad.Whatever said, ‘MAHATHIRISM’has done alot of good for us. Like the saying goes : “If you are standing straight why worry if the shadow is crooked” Move on Tun, we are all for you.

  6. Assalammuallaikum Tun,
    Today I had the best tea time experience ever. I have been to many bakeries all over Malaysia for I am truly a bread lover! But nothing beats the different types of breads and pastries offered at THE LOAF, Kuala Lumpur. Everyone of them had their own distinct taste.
    The service was prompt and the workers are well trained and practise “budi bahasa budaya kita”. I was awed by the many customers patronizing the outlet… and when I left, most of the shelves were already empty…
    Your cute cheesecakes are to die for… It was worth every sen I paid..You really do practice what you preach… the americans and europeans may have the …..bean and ……bucks but I am proud to be a Malaysian for I have THE LOAF! kudos to you, Tun… MALAYSIA TRULY BOLEH.. You’re my HERO and you’ve inspired me in so may ways… TERIMA KASIH TUN ATAS SEGALA-GALANYA…DARI KERETA NASIONAL PERTAMA HINGGALAH KE KEDAI ROTI YANG SUNGGUH LUAR BIASA!!!!!! Saya doakan semoga Allah merahmati Tun dan isteri dan dikurniakan kesihatan yang baik, InsyaAllah….
    Nur Suharziani.

  7. salam Tun
    hai hai warga blog
    lame tak jenuk ni, so ari ni sy tertarik dengan tajuk mahathirism, bak kata org tua.. mulut tempayan boleh ditutup tp mulut manusia mane boleh.. selagi bernyawa pasti berkata-kata baik dan buruk
    saya memang meminati Tun sejak dari kecil.. buku yg berkatian politik yg telah dibaca pada waktu itu “siapa presiden umono antara tengku razali dan TUN” masa tu kecik lagi tak berapa faham sangat politik dan tidak tau itu buku politik..tapi saya membaca demi memenuhi masa lapang
    telah hidup bergitu lama sekali diangugerahkan umo yang panjang, rezeki yg berlimpahan, tapi saya tahu… duit2 yg ada pada TUN suatu hari nanti pasti terpulang semula kepada rakyat bila tiba masanya, biarkan rakyat yang selalu buat-buat tahu mengatakan apa yang mereka hendak katakan.. namun tugas TUN sebagai ketua tetap perlu berjalan seperti biase…
    memang pada zahirnya, rakyat lihat TUN memberikan idea-idea mega kepada negara.. namun disebaliknya ada THINK TANK yg membantu urusan serta kelancaran tugas-tugas semasa TUN bersama kerajaan
    TUN berjaya satukan idea2 dari setiap org serta menzahirkan idea2 tersebut…
    akhir posting
    semoga TUN sentiasa sihat selalu
    Fazly Mohd
    Kota Anggeriks

  8. Salam Tun dan sekeluarga,
    Saya pertama kali melawat blog Tun ini, dan saya amat tertarik dengan pembacaan blog Tun bertajuk Mahathirism. Walaupun saya masih muda (19 tahun), tetapi saya dapat rasakan Mahathirism ini tidak membawa kepada keburukan, tetapi kepada kebaikkan Tun sendiri. Tidak kisah bagaimana manusia takrifkan Mahathirism ini, tetapi ini semua bergantung kepada individu sendiri. Saya dapat rasakan bagaimana rasanya segala kesenangan, ketenangan yang dikecapi pada masa dahulu, ketika pemerintahan Tun sendiri. Tiada siapa pun yang dapat melawan Tun, dan semua orang sendiri percaya dengan personaliti Tun sendiri, sehingga Tun sendiri begitu terkenal di seluruh dunia. Saya berharap, Mahathirism ini akan dapat diteruskan oleh generasi-generasi saya pada masa akan datang, dan semoga Tun dan sekeluarga sentiasa dirahmati oleh Allah SWT, dan segala sokongan muda saya tetap akan berada di sisi Tun dan sekeluarga. Amin~ Keep it up Tun!!
    Yang sentiasa menyokong Tun,

  9. Dear Tun Dr Mahathir
    Far from being an insult, becoming an “ism” is a compliment where you are concerned. Being a non-Malaysian and a guest in your country, I have been aware of the tremendous influence you still have on the political,social, cultural life of the nation. I believe you also have significant standing internationally.
    From reading your blog and from other literary sources I know how courageous you have been in speaking directly about issues that concern you. It is so refreshing to hear from leaders who are prepared to say what they believe even if it is unpopular or challenges common beliefs and opinions. Your voice is heard at home and abroad and long may that continue.
    Chris Preece


  11. You were right when you said “what’s wrong with Mahathirism?” I dont find anything wrong with it.
    Ya sure, there some bad incidents during your time and you had your fair share of mistakes but hey! you are human afterall. I would like to believe that you made those decisions (bad and good) based on the fact that it was the best at that given time. If anyone is to judge you, they must be fair to judge both side.. the good and the bad and I am very sure the good outweighs the bad.
    Malaysia could never have another leader like you and as a Malaysian, it is heartbreaking to acknowledge this fact. It is heartbreaking to realise that our golden era is gone, we are aimlessly drifting away to oblivious because we dont have a strong leader and people are simply suffering greatly. Sigh.. yes, we have not come to the point where the streets are littered with people begging or eating from rubbish bins but we soon get there.

  12. I like the Mahathirism label given to you. In fact I have been propagating that Tun Abdullah administration should continue with Mahathirism instead of trying to come up with new policies. Mahathirism to be reflects strong leadership, good policies and what matters most it gives us the rakyat the identity and proud to be malaysian. When I travelled, am proud of the country because many foreigners recognised your good leadership. In fact when I was in Mecca, in front of Kaabah, a Nigerian confessed that how luccy malaysian to have such a progressive prime minister.
    So my dear Tun, keep blogging and voice you views. Opposition are afraid of mahathirism because they know they are going to loose.

  13. salam ayahanda Tun..
    i smell something fishy in the air, as if some unseen hand is attempting to turn PM against u regarding who’s gng to be the next Petronas Adviser.Stay healthy Tun !

  14. “However, by the time I stepped down I had managed to belie that description. In the 1999 Election it was Chinese votes which helped give me the 2/3 majority in Parliament.”
    Melayu muda lupa! Mahathir pun muda lupa!!
    If the Chinese gave you the sacred 2/3 majority in 1999, it was not because they loved you so much. It was because about a week or two before the polling date you “threatened” May 13 would happen once again. Like as if that election was about race. No sir that election was about UMNO having lost the support of the Malays. UMNO could not rely on the Malays to give them the 2/3 majority. You needed overwhelming support from the Chinese. At that time, the threat of May 13 remained a useful tool and you used it. Now of of course you can should and scream May 13 till the cows come home, you and UMNO can desire it. Its not going to happen!!

  15. Salam ayahanda Tun,
    Its really proud of you when you are labeled by the world which had brought your own era called Mahathirism. I think it is new word to be inserted in the dictionary! Well, your vast action, decision and criticism makes them actually respect and affraid of you….You are one step ehead from other leadership. You are really gifted and born to be a leader…You stand at your own ground with full of knowledge, facts and figures that support your wise decision.
    May God bless you and bonda Siti Hasmah too…not to forget to all your family too!!

  16. Dear Tun,
    Are these DIRTY words?
    MAHATHIRISM, Journalism, capitalism, socialism, etc….
    No Bushism? No Sadamism?
    A Rose .. (What’s in a name) by any other name it will smell as sweet (as a Rose)…Romeo & Juliet.
    Journalist are good at calling people (and peoples) names. Let them be, as they need to earn their keeps to feed their families.
    MAHATHIR will SMELL SWEET in the hereafter – we all Prey to Allah to a leader who will have no problems answering to his deeds for his people.

  17. Dearest Tun Dr Mahathir,
    I think it is the Mahathirism that made us a country to be reckoned with the whole world today.
    Personlly, I like the sound of it!
    Take care.
    CP Lim

  18. Labelling retsricts one’s objectivity, and you have rightly refused all labels, leaving it to history.
    If one has to ascribe labels for your tenure, it’s simply has to be one of wise statesmanship. At best, you would only go so far as to say, ‘My Way’, which thinking people recognise as the way of wisdom. In leaving this puszzle to be resolved by the reader, again you engage the people on equal terms, without any condescension, which accounts for our continued endearment to us.
    But, seriously, what’s your way, and how does the current leadership measure up to it?
    Wisdom comes with integrity, and knowledge which in today’s environment includes knowledge of science and technology.
    So,let me try to list some of the more critical attributes of wisdom that from my perspective characterised your tenure and work:-
    1. knowledge of how things work, including their long term dynamics and the time constants involved.
    2. integrity
    3. humility, including allowing people around you to reach their full potential, which might be greater than yours
    4. objectivty, which includes extensive consultation with those with experience and knowledge
    5. using win-win stratgies, instead of zero-sum games
    Badawi didnt have these.
    Does the current administration have it?
    Probability of a wise leader succeeding another is not good.

  19. Dengan Izin Tun…Terima kasih..
    Saya tahu anda berumur 50’an dan elderly.Seorang profesional juga.Tetapi kali ini anda dah terlampau.Ada 2 golongan profesional utama di Malaysia iaitu Perubatan dan Pertahanan ( Very Much Primary ) dan anda bukan dari golongan profesional ini..Sit back and enjoy the ride..
    //Mahathirism, semua bapa aku punya harta//
    Anda dari golongan ‘colonial mentality’?..Tidak kah anda tahu Tun berkongsi dan mereka yang macam anda tidak berkongsi?..Anda dan konco memenuhi tembolok sendiri sahaja? Tun berkongsi dan kami memang dapat rasa bapa punya harta..
    //Mahathirism, menipu secara terang-terangan, aku peduli apa, depa mudah lupa//
    Menipu apa dan di mana?..Jelas anda juga bukan golongan profesional yang ulamak…Tak nampak tulisan ajijasin10 tentang Kaabah..?
    Yang buta itu bukanlah mata tetapi mata yang di dalam dada.
    Surah Al Haj56.
    //Mahathirism, menyalahkan Pak Lah, tak pandai Tadbir, sedangkan duit tabung kerajaan Malaysia habis di gadai//
    Mana bukti?..Hazrin menuduh Tun menipu tetapi lupa bahawa Tun telah menyatakan pada blognya yang terdahulu bahawa beliau telah menyerahkan pada Abdola Ahmad Badawi tunai bernilai jutaan ringgit milik UMNO..Tunai..encik..Lucky you are not a Doctor or Military Personnel..I would not trust the operation scalpel to you neither the MIG nor the Sukhoi..
    //Mahathirism, dah terbalikkan parti melayu UMNO jadi parti Mamak//
    Apa kau cakap ni Hazrin?…Mamak tu hina dan
    Me….layu…tu mulia?…Yang penting kita semua Islam..
    //Mahathirism, aku peduli apa, depa nak syok tengok, KLCC, F1, KLIA, Bank Islam, Univesiti Islam, takaful, pembangunan semua aku bagi, aku dapat rasuahkan seluruh negara dengan wang buat wang, biar depa sebok dengan projek dan kerja, depa nak aku bagi…//
    Dahulu Iblis adalah ketua para malaikat.Akhirnya dia kafir kerana mendakwa dirinya adalah lebih mulia dari Adam…sebenarnya dia nak menuduh Allah tu bodoh dan tidak pandai..
    This is the ultimate blasphemy.
    Orang yang lulus berbakti sebagai Dr kebanyakkannya adalah penyayang..Mungkin mereka menyeleweng dengan ujian..tetapi Tun tidak kerana kami ada penglihatan mata hati..
    “Orang yang tidak dapat melihat dengan mata hati adalah memegang agama seperti kulit sahaja” Imam Al Ghazali Ihya Ulumuddin..
    Ayat di atas Surah Al Haj ayat 56 sesuai untuk anda Hazrin.
    //Mahatirism, pemimpin yang berjaya membawa seluruh umat Malaysia menjadi agen Zionis yang effektif untuk merosakkan generasi akan datang//
    Berat tuduhan ini..Ko jawablah di akhirat..Cuma rajin-rajin lah baca Ayat Al Quran ini
    “Kebenaran itu jelas dan nyata.Sesiapa yang nampak kebaikan adalah kepadanya dan sesiapa yang buta maka aku ( Rasullulah s.a.w ) bukanlah pemelihara. Surah Al An Am.”
    Ada orang bertanya siapa aku dan apa tugas aku.Hayati hadith Rasulullah s.a.w ini.
    “Apabila kamu lihat seseorang di zalimi maka bantulah dia”.
    Tak malu kah kau Hazrin menganggu Tun yang patut kau anggap bapa???
    Who I Am?
    The Faceless and Nameless one..The one in connection from they who landed in Normandy in D Day…

  20. Salam Tun,
    Menjadi ‘Suara Yang DiDengar’ oleh kawan mahupun lawan lebih memberi impak melahirkan generasi bangsa yang lebih dihormati. Tun telah menjadikan Malaysia dikenali, dan berhak berbangga dengan konsep ‘Mahathirism’. Tun akan sentiasa diingati dari generasi demi generasi.
    ‘Mahathirism’ adalah satu pencapaian dalam usaha membawa negara ke satu tahap yang lebih baik, tetapi menjadi ‘kejutan budaya’ sesetengah masyarakat dalam memenuhi tuntutan keadaan dan masa. Pandangan setiap manusia itu berbeza namun ‘kata-kata’ berbangga dipimpim oleh Tun sepanjang tempoh kepimpinan sebagai Perdana Menteri dahulu.
    Kini suara Tun masih lagi ‘Suara Yang DiDengar’ oleh kawan mahupun lawan.
    Terima kasih kerana mengorbankan masa dan tenaga untuk anak bangsamu. Semoga Allah s.w.t. memberkati segala usaha-usaha murni Tun.

  21. Tun,
    Kalaupun dilabel apa, Tun patut rasa bertuah kerana susah nak dapat label begitu. Ketika tahun 1998 dan 1999, saya ingat lagi saya pernah bergaduh dengan kawan sekolah saya yang menghina Tun kerana DSAI. Mereka mengutuk2 Tun dan tidak langsung mengucapkan terima kasih kepada Tun. Saya terkejut kerana dia yang dikatakan penyokong kuat DSAI,ayahnya bekerja dengan kerajaan, memakai kereta-kereta mewah (yang dipercayai dapat melalui rasuah kerana dari seorang polis yang berpangkat inspektor rumahnya lebih besar dari ayah saya yg pangkat lagi besar), sering ke luar negara dan menggunakan alatan moden yang kebanyakannya diperkenalkan oleh Tun terutamanya komputer, internet dan pengangkutan awam yang canggih seperti komuter, erl dan LRT.
    Saya berdiri atas pagar kerana pada saya, politik ini memeningkan kepala saya yang tak pening. Walaubagaimanapun sy amat mengagumi Tun kerana pada saya, Tun banyak berjasa kepada kami.
    Pak Lahism mungkin wujud iaitu islam Hadhari. Itupun ramai yang tidak setuju dengan kewujudan islam Hadhari kerana isteri beliau sendiri pun tak pakai tudung dengan betul, anak dia lagi la! Menantu die pon ntahlah perangai macam tu kan. Tahu tak kenapa ramai lari ke pembangkang? Kerana Islam Hadhari. Dia mencipta Islam Hadhari untuk apa? Pemodenan? Apa? dia ingat dia tu Nabi ke nak ubah2? dalam kubur takdenya Malaikat tanya “awak islam hadhari ke islam biasa?”. Memang ianya satu konsep sahaja tetapi tak perlu diubah perkara dalam Koran. Itulah penyebabnya ramai lari ke pembangkang kerana tidak mahu terpesong. Walaupun Tun pernah menjadi perdana menteri, seingat saya lah (xtaulah kalau Tun pernah mencipta satu konsep keislaman) Tun tak pernah tukar apa-apa.
    Pada saya, biarlah Tun dilabel apa pun. Saya tidak kisah asalkan negara/rakyat kita tak pening nak pilih pemimpin dan saya tetap akan sokong Tun. Dah la sekarang ini A kata B, B kata A, A nak pangkat B, B nak pangkat A. Satu persatu masalah timbul dan benar kata seorang commentor, Tun dulu cepat satu langkah tapi kerajaan sekarang lewat ke belakang. Tak payah nak tunjuk baik je, tangan dan kaki serta otak kena gerak secepat. Kalau nak kalahkan Tun, langkah la dua tapak. Betul tak Tun?
    Ketika Tun mengundurkan diri, satu sekolah saya di Jepun bertanya saya “Kenapa? kalau dah penat dengan Malaysia, datanglah ke Jepun!” dan kawan di UK dan US pun bertanya benda yang sama. Ketika Bush dipilih, some of them even asked me “can you ask Mahathir to Run USA? He’s better than Bush!”… Saya bagaikan tidak percaya. Kerana Tun jugalah, Malaysia dikenali bukan kerana kami tinggal di atas pokok, kerana kejayaan Tun!
    Tahniah dan berbanggalah Tun. Hidup Mahathirsm! Sapa tak suka dengan Bapa Pemodenan kita ini, gi duduk kat Somalia. Internet sume takde. Duk diam2 sana… lumba lari dengan Singa!

  22. Tun
    I hope you are well.
    It is true that the term Mahathirism has been coined too many a time in a negative light that it now connotes authoritarian leadership by you. However, as with the comments left before me, I beg to differ. In my personal view, Mahathirism equates to stability, identity and prosperity for Malaysia. My point is simply this, the term is purely a matter of perception and interpretation.
    The barking minority is loud but they do not sustain themselves. It is a shame that in this era, the majority, more often than not, is always silent. What the latter lack at the moment, is direction and a focal point to channel their support. It is my sincere hope that you and your inner circle do not give up on Malaysia. If there is anyone who has the passion and foresight to steer Malaysia back on course after Badawism, it is you – Tun.
    God bless.
    Ps – On a lighter note, you might not have heard this Tun but there are quite a few of us out there who in our collective disappointment refer to the fifth Prime Minister of Malaysia as Bapa Kegagalan. Of course, that is a matter of perception and interpretation too…

  23. Tun,
    I think that you are a good political strategist.I would rather you be a good Malaysian politician /retiree than an Ultra Malay.I believe the leaders have to be seen to be fair politicians otherwise we as a Nation won’t be able to tick & move forward.If not we will always have hurdles & stumble clumsily along the crooked road.

  24. Assalamualaikum,
    Yang Berbahgia Tun,
    I don’t mind Mahathirism, so long as the country is safe, prosperous and stable. If Mahathirism makes Malaysian feel proud, confident and protected being a Malaysian and having a good leader like u…why not…Maybe some adjustment and modification to suit the current ‘situation’, ‘generation’ and ‘needs’ …

  25. Dear Tun, salam mesra harap sihat. Kiriman saya untuk tajuk ini dgn izin…
    Badawism does not exist yet. Somebody is trying to create the recipe, using own ingredients. Careful it may backfire (not in this blog however!)
    Using press pliancy as gauge, MSM (media perdana) is beholden to PM since 22yrs ago. Mahathirism calls it ‘editorial second guessing’. Now with Pak Lah its labelled ‘4th floor editorial’. Pinning this on Pak Lah is Mahathirism trying to invent Badawism. Is not bonus votes and quotas for party election nominations more authoritarian?
    Citing blog views damning Pak Lah’s muzzling of the press, I believe it is anchored on Che Det and Umno dissidents blogs. Other blogs condemn his weakness (unassertive, non-performing). Compare how many newspapers were shut down previously? Pak Lah is not wily or savvy enough to keep ‘press poodles’.
    On tyranny, dissidents dare to defy Pak Lah to dismiss them and get honours for it. Under Mahathirism they will surely be destroyed and will resign to save their honour instead. Compare the no of resignations previously with firings under Pak Lah. Who is the tyrant?
    Mahathirism is neither idolizing praise nor purely uncomplimentary. It is the true legacy. Like strong medicine, it is horrible but may do you good. Like wonder drugs it relieves, but will make you a helpless dependant.
    It is odd! In Badawism, victim of demonisation is quiet but the accuser is blog rousing? But for Mahathirism the ruckus from which side?
    By the way, I notice the comments released now relate more to the topic instead of any subject commenters please. Of course traffic will ‘appear’ to slow but I applaud the strive for relevance not quantity and selective publicity.

  26. Assalamualaikum WBT. Yg Bhg Tun, mudah-mudahan sentiasa dalam rahmat Allah SWT sehat walafiat.
    Era kepimpinan Tun masih lagi segar dalam ingatan majoriti rakyat Malaysia yang cintakan kedamaian dan keharmonian hidup. Jadinya jika ada pihak mengaitkan kepimpinan hari ini kepada Mahathirism atau mengikut kefahaman saya ada pengaruh Tun Dr. Mahathir tidak menimbulkan sebarang masalah kalau dinilai dari segi positif. Mengingati dan mengambil contoh-contoh terbaik apa yang telah dilakukan pemimpin terdahulu terhadap kemajuan pembangunan negara seharusnya diterima dengan baik oleh semua pihak. Tun telah dengan jayanya menerajui kepimpinan negara selama 22 tahun. Aura kepimpinan Tun masih lagi menjadi sebutan dan ingatan oleh banyak pihak, dan ada yang mengharapkan agar kepimpinan masa kini yang diterajui YAB Dato’ Seri Mohd Najib Tun Hj. Abdul Razak menggunapakai elimen-elimen terbaik dari kepimpinan yang telah Tun amalkan.
    Era kepimpinan Perdana Menteri ke 5 dikatakan oleh banyak pihak telah berjaya membawa satu era keterbukaan di Malaysia khususnya dari segi keterbukaan menyuarakan pendapat. Tetapi malangnya akibat dari keterbukaan yang diunjurkan tanpa sebarang kawalan dan sekatan yang bersesuaian mengikut budaya berbagai kaum di Malaysia, ianya telah mengundang berbagai masalah dalam negara sehingga ke hari ini. Ada pihak yang membuat tuntutan-tuntutan yang tidak munasabah, membangkitkan isu-isu sensitif berbungkait dengan soal perkauman sehingga mengenepikan kepatuhan kepada kehendak Rukunegara. Seingat saya semasa Tun menerajui kepimpinan negara perkara seumpana ini tidak berani ditimbulkan secara terbuka oleh mana-mana pihak, dan jika ada telah dapat ditangani dengan begitu bijaksana oleh Tun.
    Budaya negatif cara penentangan terhadap kepimpinan atau pemerintah oleh rakyat negara jiran (Thailand) seperti berdemonstrasi secara jalanan termasuk mogok lapar telah dan sedang ditiru oleh parti-parti pembangkang di negara Malaysia khusunya Pakatan Rakyat yang dianggotai oleh Pas, DAP dan PKR. Inilah juga ciri-ciri budaya berpolitik yang menjadi amalan Ketua Pembangkang Dato’ Seri Anwar Ibrahim dalam usaha mendapatkan simpati dan sokongan rakyat.
    Sama-samalah kita sebagai rakyat Malaysia yang mempunyai sifat jati diri yang tulin memikirnya. Sekian, salam hormat untuk Tun.

  27. Salam Tun.
    Terima kasih atas kesudian Tun meluangkan sedikit masa, bertukar-tukar pendapat dan buah fikiran, bersama saya dan rakan-rakan di Seremban pada pagi Ahad yang lepas. Pertemuan dengan Tun amat bermakna buat kami yang keliru dengan senario politik tanah air, terutama sekali dalam merungkai kemelut politik yang melanda negara ketika ini. Keramahan, gelak tawa, keterbukaan dan gurauan Tun akan sentiasa saya kenang. Walau apa label sekali pun yang diberikan kepada Tun, saya percaya ada sesuatu yang baik dalam diri Tun, terutama sekali sifat dan nilai kebapaan yang ada dalam diri Tun. Saya akan terus mengingati kata-kata Tun kepada saya sebelum melangkah meninggalkan saya dan rakan-rakan yang dalam kekusutan,

  28. Salam….
    Consider myself one of the Mahathirism product. I just graduated during that era…so i live through the era n feel confortable with it.
    After that particular Badawism took over …ayyoyyooo… memacam timbul…
    Pak Lah ambil alih sepohon pokok yang rendang dan berbuah lebat… lepas tu pokok tu tetiba luruh daun satu persatu… bukan setakat tu sajer..buah2nya busuk dan tk boleh lagi di harapkan….semua dahan2 jadi tumbuh kulat dengan dedalu yang bertenggek menyebabkan pokok asas hampir mati….
    Orang yang waras boleh merasai perbezaannya. Its time pokok tu di segarkan semula….
    so kesimpulannya…Malaysia ni sememang serasi dengan corak Mahathirism tu sebenarnya…
    so what kalu ia ujud semula…..
    GO FOR IT!!!
    Tun… ur way of thinking ni mengalahkan Einstein!!! well at least dalam bidang masing2…eheh!!
    so seruan kepada All King’s men and all The King’s Horses!!! Lets Preserve Tun’s way of thinking.. jadikan ianya sebagai satu sabjek dalam pengajian universiti sebagai sabjek wajib….
    Hmmm ..kinda radical kan….but u r great la Sir!!!

  29. Salam Tun,
    MAHATHIR(ISM) – Not susceptible to control enable him to wake us up from umpteen years of slumber after being colonized, exploited and oppressed by the British colonial masters. Having kept silent, during the British reign, that resembled stupidity; it is only right Tun Mahathir (and also his predecessors) are able to dismantle the colonial yoke and set us free! Mahathir continued defiance earned him to be labled recalcitrant by the former Australian PM. Yes! these people want you to become PATSY. When you can be easily cheated and victimized to their advantage, then your name will be recorded in their ‘good book’. Not for Mahathir – his job is to fight the first battle of the next war!
    What about us, what can we do to change???? Buka mata/minda bang oi!

  30. Dear Tun and Fans of,
    As a Malaysian, I have the right to describe what “Mahathirism” mean to me or what symbolises “Mahathirism”
    If you are interested to know what I think ‘Badawism’ mean that’s easy to describe too…it is LAID BACK, OUTDATED, NOT SO SMART, HYPOCRITE, OUT OF INNOVATIVE IDEAS and the lust can go on.
    Okay lah….only a Malaysian living thru the era of ‘Mahathirism’ and ‘Badawism’ have the right ti interprete what it means to a Malaysian. So, who cares what everyone else outside of Malaysia have to say about it.
    Take care Tun, you rock!

  31. Ybhg Tun my view of MAHATHIRISM and the LEGACY of the LEE DYNASTY in Pulau Temasek.
    Off course it is a discourse not supported by detailed facts but a general review of what I believe had transpired between UMNO in Malaysia and PAP in Temasek.
    Quote –
    Sudah 50tahun MALAYSIA membantu membangunkan “Majulah Singapura”, dengan bekalan air yg tidak pernah putus, bekalan bahan makan yg ternyata murah lagi berkualiti dari hasil penguasaan towkay-towkay Cina di Temasek mengawal pengeluaran sayuran bermutu di Cameron Highland, pengeluaran ikan yang paling segar dari para nelayan melayu, dan penghasilan dari ladang ternakan, ayam itik dan babi dari semenanjung MALAYSIA.
    MALAYSIA juga menyumbang bekalan air yang menjadi enjin pengerak pelbagai industri dan kilang elektronik yg memerlukan punca air bersih dan air terawat, dan bekalan air yang menjana industri perhotelan yang menjadi asas kukuh bagi industri perlancongan Temasek yg sudah menjangkau 5 abad,
    Disamaping air, bahan makanan, MALAYSIA juga menyumbang sejumlah tenaga buruh murah yang terlatih, fasih berbahasa Inggeris dan mampu dipekerjakan oleh sejumlah kilang-kilang di Temasek yg menyaksikan pergerakan hampir 300,000 tenaga buruh yg menyeberang tambak johor setiap hari.
    Setelah alam sekitar Temasek menjadi masalah, Temasek mula mengeksport kilang-kilang “kotor” mereka di pelbagai kawasan industri di Johor, sama seperti startegi Amerika memindahkan industri kotor mereka ke pelbagai lokasi di Mexico.
    MALAYSIA juga menjadi sumber bahan asas bagi pembangunan kota konkrit Temasek, isu yang agak berlarutan adalah bekalan pasir yg sangat diperlukan dalam sebarang pembangunan kota konkrit, dan kini pasir yg lebih bermutu turut membantu kemajuan industri elektonik di Temasek dalam pengeluaran memory chip yg memerlukan pasir silika yg menjadi kontroversi yang tidak mampu dijawab [waffle] dan tidak dijawab dengan baik oleh Menteri Besar Johor sebagai kepala penguasa yang mempunyai kewajaran tanggungjawab mengahalang kerosakan bumi Melayu untuk terus membantu membangun Temasek.
    Kini setelah 50 tahun, Temasek berjaya menawan keluasan Tanah Melayu menjangkau keluasan 5 kali keluasan pulau Temasek apabila Abdullah Ahmad Badawi menyerahkan ISKANDAR kepada pengusaha dari Singapura.
    MALAYSIA juga dari dulu menjadi pusat pengumpulan bahan asas ‘semi completed goods’ bagi pelabagai industri disingapura yg kemudian di tukar nama dan dijenama semula untuk menunjukkan bahan tersebut dibungkus dan disediakan di Pulau Temasek.
    Kesemua ini sudah pasti tidak berlaku dengan begitu saja, yaini tanpa pengetahuan Menteri Perdaganagan Antarabangsa, Menteri Luar, Menteri Besar Johor, bahkan Timbalan Perdana Menteri ataupun sejumlah anggota kabinet Malaysia baik dizaman Mahathir, zaman the sleeping beauty Abdullah maupun dibawah the handsome prince [sebab selalu pakai lip stick] Mr Naib Razak.
    Apakah pemimpin UMNO ini kesemuanya bodoh atau begitu mudah diperbodohkan oleh pemimpin parti PAP dari Temasek sebuah pulau kecil yg bergantung hidup dengan pelbagai bahan import dari MALAYSIA?
    Kenapa kah pemimpin UMNO ini berkerjasama memajukan “Majulah Singapura” tanpa membatasi sebarang kegiatan eknonomi yg merugikan MALAYSIA dari pelbagai sudut, yg nyata dan selalu dihebohkan seperti isu penjualan air terawat yg begitu murah sedangkan orang Johor harus membayar tarif yg lebih tinggi, penjualan bahan makan yg lebih baik mutunya kepada rakyat Temasek sedangakan orang malaysia hanya dapat pengeluaran yg bertahap second hand dari segala jenis sayur, hasil ternakan, hasil tangakapan laut, dan kenapakah kerajaan tidak membatasi pergerakan perkerja terlatih keTemasek untuk mementingkan industri di Malaysia, sedangkan Malaysia sendiri harus “mengimport” hampir 4juta tenaga buruh asing pada masa sekarang.
    Ternyata formula “Majulah Singapura” dibantu sepenuhnya oleh segenap pemimpin MELAYU dalam UMNO, kerana tanpa bantuan “org UMNO” ekonomi Temasek boleh lumpuh, malah kualiti kehidupan rakyat Temasek mungkin jauh lebih rendah jika MALAYSIA tidak membekal bahan makan “premium” kepada Temasek.
    Sudah pasti kesemua in berlaku dengan penuh kesedaran dan pengetahuan pemimpim MELAYU UMNO kerana tak masuk otak jika dikatakan kesemua pemimpim MELAYU UMNO bodoh dan tidak boleh melihat bahawa kejayaan “Majulah SIngapura” adalah diatas keringat, darah dan usaha rakyat MALAYSIA dan segala bahan mentah dari MALAYSIA.
    Maka jika kita bergerak dengan kefahaman bahawa pemimpin UMNO tidak bodoh atau tidak begitu mudah diperbodohkan, maka jelas tanpa bersuluh, kejayaan Temasek adalah diatas hasil usaha kerajsama yg begitu erat diantara UMNO dan PAP.
    Tapi kenapa pula UMNO sering memomok-momokan kejahatan Temasek dan legacy dinasti LEE, sedangkan secara sedar UMNO membantu mempertingkatkan ekonomi dan sosial Temasek?
    Sudah pasti jika MAHATHIRism telah berjaya menumbangkan IMF dan lebih bijak dari IMF, MAHATHIRism harus lebih pintar dari PAP Temasek, tapi seolah-olah MAHATHIR, ANWAR, DAIM, TENGKU RAZALEIGH, [sudah pasti] ABDULLAH dan NAJIB kelihatan lebih bodoh atau begitu mudah diperbodohkan oleh pemimpin Temasek.
    Sebenarnya angaapan yang paling logik adalah kesemua pemimpin UMNO sudah didalam “kocek” pelbagai towkay-towkay dari Temasek, yg menjadi masalah adalah bagaimana mengekalkan agenda “Majulah Singapura” pada setiap perubahana kuasa pucuk pemimpinan tertinggi dalam UMNO?
    Ini lah sebahagian isu yang timbul dalam isu jembatan bengkok, pusat pemerintahan baru ISKANDAR, lapangan terbang milik persendirian di LABU@KLEast [yg sudah pasti akan dibiayai sepenuhnya oleh pemerintah Temasek];[dalam gimik the greatest magician in MALAYSIA oleh ABDULLAH membebaskan ruang udara MALAYSIA untuk dimiliki sepenuhnya oleh Temasek melalui gimik penerbangan murah Air Asia] dan terkini pembukaan jembatan ke tiga antara MALAYSIA dan Temasek.
    Kesemua ini hanyalah hasil kerjasama yg begitu erat diantara UMNO dan PAP, yang mustahil dapat terhasil jika pemimpin-pemimpin UMNO benar-benar menjaga kedaulatan negara MALAYSIA dengan Temasek yg sudah begitu lama diwar-warkan sebagai duri dalam daging.
    UMNO dan PAP sudah lama menjalin kerjasama sulit untuk memajukan Temasek dalam agenda “Majulah Singapura”, kerana tanpa sokongan dan dokongan UMNO, Temasek tidak akan dapat air, tidak akan dapat tenaga buruh, tidak akan dapat pasir dan tanah, tidak dapat membangun sistem perhubungan darat dan udara yang cepat dan efisyen yang menjadi tulang belakan kemajuan Temasek, yang membolehkan pelancong ke Temasek – melancong dengan agak bebas sehingga mewujudkan weeked gamblers ke Genting Highland.
    SEBENARNYA siapa jadi agen siapa ? Analisa yg mudah jelas menunjukan kemsemua pemimpin UMNO menjadi agen Temasek, dan agen yg paling dihargai adalah yg bergelar Perdana Menteri – yg memberikan kata putus dalam setiap isu yaini air, bahan makanaan, pasir, tenaga buruh, kemudahan pengangkutan, kemudahan membangun kilang “kotor” dengan bahan limbah yg merbahaya di sekitar Johor – hanya pertemuan 4 mata yg dapat menghasilkan kerjasama yg sedemikian, yg terakhir adalah jabat tangan NAJIB dan LEE HSEIN LOONG yang memetraikan kerjasama yang lebih erat dengan pembinaan jembatan ke tiga.
    Yang pasti kena bohong adalah orang MELAYU yang masih menaruh harapan kepada UMNO untuk menjaga kepentingan mereka, sedangakan UMNO menjalin begitu banyak kerjasama yang bermatlamat dan berakhir dengan agenda yang terus memajukan dan mengekalkan agenda “Majulah Singapura”, yg sedikit sebanyak terkandung dalam polisi kerjasama ASEAN [eheemm- eheem PAP / UMNO] – “Prosper thy neighbor”
    It is UMNO that has continued to enriched its trusted neighbour governed by PAP, as to who makes the money maybe we will know if there is a new government in MALAYSIA that has not been bought over by the singaporean – maybe not a government lead by ANWAR, maybe not a government lead by LIM GUAN ENG – just maybe a government lead by the purist ulama in PAS [excluding the edrogan clique which is more ANWAR than PAS]
    Temasek tidak akan terus mengecap kemajuan tanpa ada sokongan yg baik dari pemimpin tertinggi UMNO – ini adalah hubungan sulit yg sudah hampir terlerai diakhir pemerintahan MAHATHIR – apabila ABDULLAH secara tiba-tiba tidak mahu meneruskan agenda pembinaan jembatan bengkok – yg merupakan agenda MAHATHIR untuk mengeratkan hubungan sulit Singapura-Kuala Lumpur. Tapi hubungan itu sekarang semakin diikat rapat dengan “proposal” terbaru NAJIB membina jembatan ketiga – yg secara simbolik menunjukkan keakraban hubungan UMNO-PAP.
    Mungkin kita tidak akan pernah tahu siapa menjadi agen siapa – tapi sudah pasti UMNO tidak pernah bermain api dengan mencurahkan bensin dengan menaikkan kemarahan rakyat untuk membenci singapura dalam pelbagai bidang MALAYSIA terus mengalah – isu air, isu tenaga buruh dari segi pengembalian wang CPF, isu tanah pembangunan tanah KTM, isu pasir, isu ISKANDAR, isu ruang udara, isu Batu Putih, isu re -export of Malaysia semi completedfabricated goods assembled and packaged in Singapore.
    FAKTA yg jelas dan tidak dapat disangakal adalah MALAYSIA is SLAVE STATE of the Singpore PAP – whatever PAP commands the leaders in UMNO will KOW TOW to them at every instance
    No it is not SINGAPORE that is the enemy but it is the most senior leadership within UMNO that has propagataed and prolonged the continued existence and enrichment of the Republic of Singapore – as to who is pulling the string well “it maybe AMERICA” – at the end of a very long string just to sustain a nuclear free zone to ensure their continued sphere of influence remain intact with prior history of communism within the region and now with the possible re emergence of CHINA as a super power
    Close Quote
    I regret to put this forward, but personally I have not seen any “animosity” between MAHATHIR and LEE KUAN YEW – both have tolerated each others presence within the small land space called the GOLDEN CHERONESSE that has helped enriched both nation. At no point in time has there been a generally tense situation between the two nation, arguably MAHATHIR or any of the PRIME MINSTERS could have stirred up enough negative emotional energy of the MALAY population at various critical juncture which would see both nation breaking diplomatic ties, but that has never happened.
    The shadow play continues unabated between the new PMs – the 3rd bridge strenghtening the strong bond between UMNO and PAP

  32. Salam TUN,
    Ini first time saya sign-in sebelum ni hanya pembaca jee..
    keluar dari tajuk skit…lepas ni diharap TUN boleh bagi komen
    pasal Chin Peng a.k.a pengkianat negara & bangsa…
    saya amat tidak bersetuju dengan sesetengah pihak yang ingin melihat
    Ching Peng kembali ke tanah air.Bagi saya sebagai anak selepas Merdeka adalah amat tidak patut sekali untuk pengkianat negara.
    Banyak nyawa telah terkorban angkara komunis…banyak anak-anak
    kehilangan bapa…banyak isteri-isteri kehilangan suami…banyak sekali pengorbanan yang telah dilakukan oleh perajurit-perajurit
    negara…saya harap pihak yang berkenaan dapat menilaikan dulu kesan
    dari tindakan itu…apa kata bekas-bekas pejuang negara…adakah
    pengorbanan mereka tidak dihargai…
    Untuk Perajurit/Pejuang/Polis/Askar etc… Negara;
    Terima Kasih diatas Pegorbanan mu…
    Dan tak lupa juga untuk TUN,
    Terima Kasih kerana Pernah Menjadi Perdana Menteri Malaysia
    Banyak Jasa TUN pada negara…
    Semoga Allah Melimpahi Rahmat & Berkat-Nya pada TUN

  33. In response to your posting.
    By hazrin on May 24, 2009 7:57 PM
    hazrin boy ….. you sounded so stupid. I believe you knew nothing about the topics you’ve brought up.
    Knock it off …. anwar’s blue eye boy.

  34. Correct…correct….correct. Mahathirism is about selective amnesia. Mahathirism is about manipulating the police, the AG’s Chambers, the judiciary, the civil service – to do your dirty work. Mahathirism is about forcing GLCs to take over your children’s failed businesses. Mahathirism is about allowing cronies to steal from the country – look at Daim, look at Tajuddin, Halim….
    Another phrase for Mahathirism is “Bukan Gua Bikin”.

  35. You are smart because you know how to play the race cards. But looking at the records in 22 years you have not uplifted Malaysia in a significant way. Corruption and cronyism is rampant.
    Be a gentleman. Badawi was selected by you and instead of helping him you set out to destroy him and in the process making Malaysia a mockery.
    Trust is important. You will not hesitate to cancel an agreement just because you don’t like it. You can U-turn at will.
    The high crime rate in Malaysia is caused by your decision to allow new citizens in by the millions so that they can vote the opposition out. That was reckless indeed.
    If one travel by KTM from Tg Pagar, passport is not chopped. Only Singapore can tolerate your nonsence.
    You use your language skills to great effect but only on your own citizens because they are the only one that want to believe you.
    And lastly to put Annuar in jail for sodomy and abuse of authority showed what kind of a man you are.
    Ultra is too kind. Mahathirism is something we want to forget.

  36. MAHATHIRISM, malay Ultra, authoritarian …. whatever they call you, Tun, you’re still the Most Ultra, most Mahathir, and most authorised PM ever, period….
    Long live Mahathirism!!!!! May God bless you, Tun Siti Hasmah and all of us Malaysians……
    warm regards, and sunshine always!

  37. Tanda-tanda UMNO/BN akan hilang kuasa telah jelas kerana:-
    1. Org bukan Melayu telah menjauhi BN.
    2. Najib cuba memenangi hati org bukan melayu dgn mengorbankan kepentingan melayu dan membuatkan org melayu marah.
    3. Najib cuba berbaik-baik dgn Singapura yg terkenal dgn sifat tamak, mementingkan diri.. tidak disukai TDM yg ramai penyokong.
    4. Usaha Najib utk menyelamatkan ekonomi negara belum menunjukan kejayaan atau masih meragukan.
    5. Sekarang zaman internet..ada 12juta pengguna internet terutama pengundi muda..Utusan Malaysia, RTM dan UMNO sendiri telah dianggap ketinggalan zaman.
    6. Krisis Perak telah membuktikan KETIDAKADILAN wujud dalam institusi kehakiman negara.
    7. PR berjaya meraih simpati rakyat apabila institusi kerajaan seperti Polis, Mahkamah, SPR, SPRM, AG, dll digunakan untuk menekan kebebasan bersuara dan hak asasi maknusia.
    8. Tahap ekonomi orang melayu masih ditakuk lama.

  38. To hell with the critical demons. Most of them are young critters, born with silver spoons made during the Mahathirism era.
    They do not know how to say thank you for the development process but only know how to twist and turn facts to demonise successful people.
    They prefer to believe the lies spread by the opposition, rather than spurring higher.
    Not much can be done to correct the situation fuelled by disgruntled fools except self realisation.

  39. Salam Tun,
    It seems to me that you despise Pak Lah, Kalimullah and Lee Kuan Yew. Now that Pak Lah is out of the picture you should be ecstatic. I wonder who was the one that appoint Pak Lah as his successor; anyway truth will sooner come out of error than from confusion. It is very easy to forgive others for their mistakes; it takes more grit to forgive them for having witnessed that of our own. The only real mistake is the one from which we learn nothing.

  40. Assalamualaikum…
    Pa khabaq che det ??? Sihat ka ? Cheq kat sini tak berapa sihat…
    Regarding this topic, this is the second time you talks about it, ” Mahathirism “.
    Can i clarion to speak of this matter ?, lantakkkkk pi la Che Det depa nak kata Mahathirism la apa ka. Yang depa susah hati pasai pa ? Yang depa dengki pasai pa… ?
    Che Det… lantak pi lah depa dengan ” depatism ” nak kata apa pun, mulut tempayan boleh ditutup, mulut burung kakak tua, sumbat dengan roti pun, dia dok bercakap lagi.
    Pedulikan depa Che Det, i know how does it feels. My situation are the same shoe as you are fitting in. Yang penting, you berjasa budi kepada Negara ini, dan mereka tidak mampu membalas jasa budi you.
    Remember what i always quoted ?
    When Deeds Speaks, Words Are Nothing
    African Proverb
    You’ve proven alot, but they had not, even dozen of chances given. Not your fault, not mine neither, it’s their self to blame.
    Old men… you just ignore those rubbishes. I’m with you all the way… !!!
    Luqmanul Hakim bin Abd Rahim bin Abdul Wahab
    URL :

  41. Salam tun,
    Saya pun tak paham ‘ism’ ni. Buat apa kita menyusahkan kepala kita dengan perkara yang bukan-bukan. Hidup ni simple saja….mana yang baik tu kita jadikan pedoman mana yang tak baik tu jadikan sempadan. Apa pun permata tetap permata……ia tetap berharga. tq tun.

  42. Ybhg Tun,
    Have been and will always be Ybgh Tun strong supporter. LKY is actually afraid of Ybhg Tun thus ultra malay was created. LKY is a ungrateful and will not give way if there is no benefits for Singapore he will always have his way and when Tbgh Tun was then Malaysia PM. LKY is the most worried man in Singapore because tremendous changes was then implemented for the benefits of Malaysia. Singapore Port PSA was almost paralised because of the opening of Tanjong Pelepas Port in Johore.Ybgh Tun Mahatahirism knows that LKY is not going to negiotiate even for the good caused on water agreement because Singapore is ever winning and never ever want to compromise and making more money for its Republic.
    Wonder why another bridge need to be constructed in Pengerang. The Causeway need to be remove for free flow of the sea water.A crooked or Straight Bridge need to replaced the Causeway. The area near Pengerang is mostly being reclaimed and almost nearing Johore, probably Singapore has a hidden agenda for proposing this?
    A study need to be conducted before agreeing with such proposal.
    What ever it is Malaysia 4th PM is a gifts to us Malaysian from the Almighty Allah, and is the most hatred PM for the Western Power and a Hero to the Muslim World.May Allah Blessed Ybgh Tun & Family always.

  43. “In the reality world, sometimes we do the right thing but sometimes we don’t… It’s also merely depend on each individual’s judgement & opinion too… Anyway, the most important is to look forward by taking wise action now but must learning from the past experiences…” – it’s just my little shallow thought.

  44. Salam sejahtera buat Tun dan Datin..semoga tun berdua didlm keadaan yg sejahtera..
    izinkan saya untuk memberi sepatah 2 kata buat saudara Hazrin.
    Saudara Hazrin, terharu sungguh saya membaca pantun atau pun sajak yang saudara hazrin huraikan tentang maksud dan makna “Mahathirism”
    Andainya benar lah apa yang ditafsirkan oleh saudara itu..saya berdoa semoga saudara akan sentiasa dirahmati oleh allah dan dibukakan hati utk berjaya membuka hati2 bloggest2 disini akan kebenaranya.
    Tetapi andainya apa yang saudara tafsirkan itu adalah fitnah semata2 saya berdoa semoga allah panjangkan lah lagi usia tun dan datin dan berkati lah hidup beliau berdua sehingga ke akhir hayat.Dan allah turunan lah musibah kepada org yg sentiasa tidak bersyukur dan sering mengutuk dan mengata tun dengan pelbagai anggapan dan tomahan.Amin2 ya rabil alamin
    Sya bukan lah seorang rakyat yang taksub kepada tun tpi saya hanya sekadar menghargai jasa2 tun.Bagi saya samaada baik atau buruk cara pemerintahan tun yang pasti ramai rakyat di malaysia ini merasa akan kesannya sama ada kebaikkan dan keburukannya .Biasalah selagi kita semua digelar manusia mana pernah puas dgn apa yang adakan..
    Buat tun semoga kuat dan tenang.

  45. Salam YAB Tun,
    Sesuatu gelaran adalah sama juga seperti label, tanda, simbol, signboard, dsn. bertujuan untuk menarik perhatian dan untuk menyampaikan mesej kepada orang ramai agar dapat ditafsir makna tersebut mengikut pendapat pemberi atau pengelar gelaran tersebut bagi tujuan-tujuan tertentu.
    Sebagai contoh gelaran atau melabel puak extreme orang-orang Islam sahaja sebagai ‘terrorist’ adalah tidak patut, salah dan tidak adil. Ianya membawa gambaran seolah-olah orang Islam sahaja yang jahat dan ganas melebihi penganut agama lain.
    Sebarang gelaran sama juga dengan pengunaan sebarang istilah didalam ayat perkataan dimana sebutan yang hendak digunakan harus dikenali maknanya terlebih dahulu dan diselidiki samada tepat atau tidak untuk digunakan.
    Hanya mereka yang jahil dan ingkar terhadap kebenaran sahaja mudah terpengaruh dengan apa sahaja yang disajikan dihadapan mereka tanpa cuba memikirkan secara mendalam kebenaran dan ketepatan sesuatu gelaran itu samada sesuai atau tidak dan salah atau benar pengunaannya.
    Apakah tidak kita memikirkan atau tidak mengunakan akal atau pun mungkin setiap pancaindera dan qalbu kita telah dikhatam oleh Allah kerena malas mencari kebenaran dalam kehidupan di dunia ini?

  46. Dear Tun,
    I am suprised why you are upset of being label an ultra. In fact you are just as good in giving label to others. Rewind back to your early years in politic,you easily qualify as a Malay Ultra.
    As for the Chinese support for you that you mentioned,it doesn’t mean anything.The Chinese are realistic bunch. Give them an conducive enviroment for doing businees, a little of fair play and
    reasonable oppurtunities for their children education, they vote for you. You are smart enough to exploit that.

  47. Cynical. What really is, is that, we are anything else but ultra. Calling names – a voluntary task assumed by some [then and now] to ensure that the supreme conquerors words about us be reminded and forever maintained. That

  48. Honestly, I want Mahathirism kind of rules are brought back ruling our beloved country.
    Really missed your era. People like you will bring prosperous to this country.
    You were never racists. I’m proud having you as one of Malaysia leader.

  49. Salam Ayahnda Tun…
    With your Mahathirism had produce thousands of Phd graduates, thousands of Doctors, engineers, Architects, and many more professionals..Without Mahathirism , we would end up being a kuli to the colonial.
    For me Pak Lah make a blunder to the country stability ..Please reject Kali …..

  50. Salam Yg Bhg,
    Whatever labels they gave you, to me Mahathirism can live forever. Straight thinking people are proud to have you as the premier then and don’t mind if you be one again now.
    No one in the cabinet now can replace or come close to being you.
    There is only one Mahathir and won’t be two.
    We hope Malaysia will have one guy in the future that will take on your trait and lead this country.
    Badawi and his gang are just good for nothing.
    He was there for that short moment in his life not because of his effort but because you put him there.
    The only ‘smart’ thing about him is his Kalli and SIL.RIP.

  51. Salam Yun,
    There is always 2 side to a coin. It’s a matter of which side we look at it. Some may like it and some may not. The most important thing is to look at the bigger “picture”. Other people putting or giving label to a person is very easy but can a person achive what is necessary?
    Frankly, I do not directly receive any favour or gain million of ringgit during your time as the PM but indirectly I do feel and enjoy the “fruits” of your stable goverment. I can see that you have the guts to carry-out the idea eventhough some of it does not give the desired result. On the whole, it is very much better that Pak Lah time where we are slow going backward.
    Soory Tun, this may be out of the topic of your writing.
    I still have one BIG complain even during Tun’s premiership till now. The thing is M’sia is expensive if compared to other country. Pls compare it by ratio and not by exchange rate. If by exchange rate, forever M’sia is cheaper than S’pore, Japan or other conutries.
    Anyway, thank you for for continuous writing and look forward to your future ideas.

  52. Salam sejatera Tun,
    Sebelum saya bercerita tentang Mahathirisme disini saya ingin memperjelaskan apa yang saya faham serba sedikit berhubung dengan ideologi politik. Setakat yang saya tahu terdapat beberapa jenis sistem politik dan ideologi-ideologi yang tertulis di dalam buku-buku yang terdapat di pasaran global iaitu Anarkisme, Anarko-kapitalisme, Anarko-komunisme, Aristokrasi, Anti-komunisme, Autoritarianisme, Centrisme Radikal, Definasi Klasik republik, Demokrasi, Fasisme, Federalisme, Hijau, Kapitalisme, Komunisme, Konservatisme, Korporatokrasi, Leftisme, Liberalisme, Liberalisme Klasik, Libertarianisme, Libertarian sosialisme, Marxisme, Meritokrasi(pengamal hampir tulin Singapura)Minarchisme, Monarki, Nasionalisme, Nasional Sosialisme, Oligarki, Post-komunisme, Rasisme, Republikanisme, Sekularisme, Sosialisme, Sosialisme Demokratik, Stalinisme, Totalitarianisme, Teokrasi.
    Mahathirisme adalah suatu istilah atau jenama suatu pengamalan politik yang lahir di negara Malaysia.(Mengikut pemahaman saya Mahathirisme merupakan suatu konsep ideolosi era modern, Mahathirisme ini merangkumi semua intipati terbaik sistem politik yang ada seperti di atas dan banyak lagi ramuan-ramuan ideologi lain yang saya kurang faham). Tetapi apa yang penting dengan ideologi tersebutlah nama Malaysia dapat diukir cantik di dalam peta Dunia sehingga ianya memudahkan urusan pentadbiran negara pada masa tersebut dan selepasnya dengan pemimpin-pemimpin dari luar negara. Terbaharu adalah ucapan tahniah yang diberikan oleh Presiden AS Obama kepada Datuk Najib Tun Abd Razak kerana berjaya memegang tugas sebagai PM ke 6 Malaysia. Ucapan itu jelas menunjukkan yang ada keselesaan dan keserasian konsep yang dibawa oleh Datuk Najib dengan konsep yang diamalkan oleh Presiden USA sekarang. Berbalik kepada soal Mahathirisme, nak cerita pasal Mahathirisme ini terlalu banyak untuk diceritakan jadi saya pendekkan cerita saya pada sudut negeri Sabah dan juga isu-isu “Contemporary” yang berlaku di Malaysia.
    Bagi saya bukan sesuatu yang salah atau menakutkan bila di lebelkan sedemikian. Bila sesuatu yang salah apabila dilakukan oleh kita maka kita akan takutlah dengan orang ini dan orang itukah. Perkara itu boleh berlaku kerana kita telah melakukan sesuatu yang bertentangan dengan undang-undang negara. Kalau Mahahirlisme itu menakutkan mengapa sekarang ini saya masih berani dan berminat untuk menulis serta turut berkongsi pendapat di dalam blog pengasasnya. Lagipun saya dapati tidak ada satupun tulisan saya di dalam blog Tun ditapis atau diubahsuai dari penulisan asal saya. Yang menakutkan adalah saya takut tersalah bahasa dan maksud yang kita tulis lain maksudnya bila dibaca oleh orang lain maklumlah sekali tulis je tak boleh

  53. Assalamualaikum YABhg.Tun,
    Anggap sahaja label MAHATHIRSM yang di berikan itu sesuatu yang positif. Yang penting Allah tahu Tun telah berusaha melaksanakan tugas dan amanah rakyat dan negara dengan sebaik mungkin. Sebahagian besar tugas Tun telah berjaya di laksanakan. Jika ada pun yang kurang berjaya ( ada ke ? ) adalah perkara biasa. Tun merancang ,Allah yang makbulkan. Tetapi secara keseluruhan perancangan Tun semua berjaya. Alhamdulillah HiRabbil Alamin. Tun jangan ambil pusing sangat dengan kata kata orang. Gila kita di buat nya. Sebagai orang politik, Tun memang di kelilingi olih musuh musuh politik. Olih itu kata kata yang memfitnah,memburukan imej, mengumpat, mencerca anggap lah asam garam dalam politik. Saya percaya Tun seorang yang kuat semangat. Perkara remeh temeh seperti ini tak mendatangkan apa apa mudarat pada Tun. Selain itu Tun seorang yang di-sayangi Allah. Sebab itu pelbagai aniaya dan perkara tak baik yang cuba di kenakan kapada Tun selalu tak mengena atau tak menjadi ( INI DI SAHKAN OLIH ANAK MURID PALING KANAN DALAM SATU KUMPULAN ZIKIR/TAREKAT SEWAKTU SAYA BERSAMA NYA – BELIAU KINI
    Pengalaman saya tentang kebaikan Tun:
    Saya seorang peniaga kecil kecilan yang serba kekurangan. (berniaga kraftangan dari rotan). Satu hari dalam tahun 1995 , saya ada membuat pamiran serta jualan kraftangan rotan di Kompleks SOGO,Jln Tunku Abd.Rahman,K.Lumpur. Kebetulan hari itu Tun shoping/membeli barang di SOGO. Tun telah ternampak saya sedang mempamir serta menjual produk rotan saya. Tun terus singgah dan melihat produk rotan saya dengan penuh minat selama lebih kurang 20 minit ke 30 minit. Sebelum beredar balek Tun bertanya kapada saya “ADA APA MASALAH MENJALANKAN PROJEK INI”. Sambil menggeletar saya “tersilap cakap” dengan menyatakan masaalah pekerja asing.Asal nya nak cakap kekurangan MODAL. YABhg. Tun telah meminta saya datang berjumpa beliau di JPM (Jabatan Perdana Menteri),Jalan Dato Onn,Bukit Perdana Kuala Lumpur. Saya sebenar nya malu nak ke JPM kerana kereta saya burok dan kemek sana sini. Pada masa itu saya memakai kereta Toyota model KE30.Walau macamana pun saya kuatkan semangat ke JPM olih kerana menerima jemputan dari mulut Dr.Mahathir sendiri.. Hasil pertolongan Tun saya di luluskan membawa masuk pekerja Indonesia seramai 10 orang.
    Moral di sebalek pengalaman saya ini ialah Tun seorang maanusia yang luar biasa kebaikan nya. Antara saya dan Tun tidak pernah kenal antara satu sama lain. Tun seorang yang suka menolong dan tidak memilih bulu walau pun saya seorang peniaga kecil kraftangan rotan. Sewaktu di SOGO pakaian saya agak lusoh dek peloh serta berbau .Namun Tun maseh sudi mendekati saya dan bertanya masalah. Yang lebih mengharukan Tun sudi menjemput saya ke pejabat nya di JPM jika inginkan pertolongan dari nya. MashaAllah. Maha suci Engkau Ya Allah menzahirkan seorang pemimpin yang begitu baik bernama Tun Dr.Mahathir b Mohamad.
    Daripada cerita pengalaman saya seperti di atas, tuan/puan dapat bayangkan siapa itu TUN DR.MAHATHIR BIN MOHAMAD. Semoga Allah sentiasa mencucuri rahmat dan melimpahkan kaseh sayang nya yang tidak putus putus kapada Tun Dr.Mahathir Mohamad seisi keluarga. Amin Ya RabalAlamin.
    Nota : ada satu lagi cerita kebaikan Tun. InshaAllah akan di ceritakan di episod akan datang.
    e-mail rosbidar: [email protected]

  54. Dearest Tun,
    Your hard work and efforts that you have put in during your tenure as the Prime Minister has been highly regarded.
    Malaysia today will be radically different if not for your contributions.
    However, i do hope that the Singapore-bashing episodes could be ceased immediately and the insults on our leaders should come to a halt.Blog users should also be advised that hurling insults and degratory remarks of other countries should be done with careful thoughts and accountability, should their claims be untrue. We,Singaporean believe that a free media should come with responsibilty in character and truth from one’s source, not just blatant disregard of its consequences and facts.
    Many Singapore-bashing commentators here forgets that the Singapore government does what is best for its citizen as a whole.The public media does not engage in back-biting or hurling abusives on Malaysia and its issues as we believe that as good neighbours,back-biting and belittling of our neighbours are detrimental to the relationship of the two countries.Contrary, the opposite is true in the Malaysian local media.i was taken aback after reading a malaysian paper during the Pedra Blanca issue as the tone and choice of words of the editor was rather harsh and aggresive as if gathering the anti-singapore sentiment among its readers were the main priority.Now, who is not practicing good neighbourly practice here?
    The issue of the crooked bridge, dear readers, should be treated with an open mind and let us not be too partisan on the subject. Some reported that they wanted a bridge so that water can flow freely underneath it and the area can be clean. i would suggest that the money be put to better use by cleaning up the drains and streets of Johor Bahru instead, since that is the most important thing to do now.Why should Johorean pay attention to the flow of water along the causeway? Do they live on stilts houses like those in Brunei and this severely hurts them? The water eventually flows out at either side of the straits. Doesnt Johorean wants clean streets and a vibrant city to attract visitors? im sure they, instead of thumping on the bridge issue during this financial difficulties period, it would be great if we move on to issues that are more dire and important.
    There are some demands that Singapore made to MALaysia regarding this issue but it was only to even out the benefits that both countries will achieve.
    This does not mean that Malaysia,in particular the State of Johor, are subservient to Singapore’s demand.No one says that Malaysia cannot do what it does in its own country. sure it can!
    Hundreds, even thousands of Malaysian enter Singapore every morning, seeking and benefitting from Singapore’s educational and job opportunities. At night, Singaporeans enter Malaysia to shop and dine , boosting its local economy. Did Singapore demand workers and students from Malaysia? these people who enters Singapore, knows best their intentions in this tiny Republic things that they might not get in the land of theirs.How can then people says that Singapore is arrogant and self centred?
    Just imagine one day, if this is true, wouldnt it leave thousands of Johorean jobless and hundreds of students unable to attend school?
    wouldnt the economy of Johor collapse?
    Is there a need of a bridge then?
    And who should be responsible for this, Singaporean leaders that many of you loathed?
    it would be wise to think through before any false comments are made reagarding issues that affect countries since in the end, it will not be one happy day for those who create lies and mischiefs.
    We do believe that ‘Malaysia Boleh’ slogan is a patriotic cry for many Malaysian. this slogan brings about many ‘can’ to the country, even those whom many despise.
    yours sincerely,

  55. Dear Tun
    Mahathrism is much better than Anwarism. Anwarism is about telling lies, fighting at no real caused, making false pledge and promoting street demonstration. Anyway, i am against the ism they put on you.

  56. Asalamualaikum bapak….
    mahathirism firaun mahazalim o ntah hapa hapa ntah selain mak bapak saya bapak n mami hasmah ada dlm setiap doa saya…
    hmmm….najib ni semakin tak boleh di harap…..muhyidin pun takkan takde pendapat yg boleh dipakai…..

  57. dear all,
    what’s wrong with mahathirism??..i like it. and actually i wish that tun will be our PM again. take care tun and family 🙂

  58. Salam Tun,
    Nampaknya masih ramai lagi rakyat MALAYSIA yg lupa dengan JASA-JASA yang Tun pernah berikan kepada MALAYSIA…agaknya dorang pura-pura lupa atau memang PALUI dari dulu lagi…Kalau bukan kerana TUN selama ini, rasanya dah ramai rakyat MALAYSIA yg menjadi pengemis di negara sendiri…Tak kisah lah apa jua gelaran yg diberikan kepada Tun…Tun tetap pemimpin agung di mata saya…

  59. salam hormat Tun Mahathir
    Gelaran “Mahathirism” sering di sebut oleh penulis2 Malaysiakini.Golongan penulis2 ini bilangannya terlalu kecil dan tdk boleh mempergaroh rakyat jelata.Pendukung sistem Mahathirism terlalu ramai dan majority rakyak Malaysia adalah penyokong Tun.Apa kah penulis2 Malaysiakini tidak mengikuti blog chedet atau pura2 tidak faham pendapat majority.Pemimpin Parti Pas harus menyedari kalau mereka mahu melihat Tanah peningalan nenek moyan bangsa ini tidak di jajah lagi mereka harus bersatu dengan UMNO demi masa depan anak2 dan cucu2 mendatang.Apa kah pemimpin2 Parti Pas tidak menyedari parti mereka di peralatkan oleh parti DAP.Lihat di Perak DAP mahu mekuasai dengan tujuan serahkan sewenang2nya Tanah pusaka ke pendukung mereka.Tunjuk2 persaan yang sedang berlaku sebahagian besar yang melibatkan diri adalah anggota DAP.Ini di namakan kasi betis mahu peha.Kalau lah Parti UMNO dan Parti Pas bersatu masa depan dan Martabat bangsa ini terjamin dan suara minority senyap sama seperti tetangga2 Malaysia.Hidup Mahathir

  60. ajijasin
    salam alaikum YABhg Tun Dr berdua…..
    Hadiah buat Ayahanda Tun Dr Mahathir dari seorang aku….
    Sesungguhnya aku amat mengkagumi Mahathir
    Biar berjuta orang mengata dan mencaci
    Tetap aku mengasihi dirinya
    Bukan apa yang dia telah lakukan untuk negara tercinta ini
    Aku melihat lebih daripada itu
    Aku lihat dia pernah mendapat kelebihan
    kelebihan yang tidak diperolehi oleh orang Melayu lain
    Itulah orangnya bernama Mahathir
    Bagi aku
    Sesungguhnya aku memandangnya amat tinggi nilainya
    Ingin aku bertanya
    Siapakah lagi di dalam Malaysia ini yang telah mendapat TUAH ITU!
    Pernahkah kamu terfikir tentang itu?
    Oleh itu amat mengasihi Kaabah
    Seperti mana Rasulullah SAW amat mengasihi Kaabah
    Dan aku amat mengasihi seorang Melayu
    bernama Mahathir kerana itu…..
    Terima kasih Tun Dr Hj Mahathir bin Mohammad.

  61. Izinkan nswamy,
    By nswamy on May 24, 2009 11:44 AM
    tambi nswamy,
    Malaysia is lucky and blessed with only 1.8 millions of indians.(Samy Vellu give us this figure), thank god. No matter what we (Malays or Chinese) did, you guys (I refer to those who have a bit of education) seem to “talk a lot”. Well, I should say, if you do not like Malaysia or under a Malay Administrative, you should fly out from the country. I am sure if you are in China, if you were talked like this to the ex-leader, you will be stoned to death by the chinese, not the chinese authority!!!
    All wise and smart indian leaders in the world including Malaysia are killed or tourtuned by indians because you guys are indeed men with no heart and no toleration. If you are not happy, work hard and accept your fate, stop preventing the earth from rotating!!! If you can’t accept your fate, get yourself drunk and shut-up. I mix with indians but I never want to be closed with you guys because you guys are violent and full with vengence just because you have a bit of education.
    Hi Mr Ravi,
    You are just a sorrowful old man who is inferior and know nothing about economy and administrating a country. If you have the gut, get Sammy down, what a joke!!!! I am sure you dare not!!!! If you are not happy, it’s simple, you can support Nizar, Raja Petra, Mr Anwar or even Mr Guan Eng. For god sake, stop marginalizing the indian community in the country with your irresponsible comments!!!
    Good night Ayahanda Tun.

  62. Selamat malam Tun,
    What ever it is! It is for the best interest of the rakyat and country!

  63. Mahathirism, semua bapa aku punya harta,
    Mahathirism, memahami Malay Dilemma dan mengambil peluang terhadap kelemahan orang melayu.
    Mahathirism, mementingkan imej dan prespektif.
    Mahathirism, menipu secara terang-terangan, aku peduli apa, depa mudah lupa.
    Mahathirism, bersikap pragmatik pada kata-kata hanya untuk menarik minat golongan sasaran pada sesuatu ketika sahaja.
    Mahathirism, menyalahkan Pak Lah, tak pandai Tadbir, sedangkan duit tabung kerajaan Malaysia habis di gadai.
    Mahathirism, menswastakan hak kerajaan dengan kehebatan Penswastaan, dan menswastakan kerajaan semula dengan Jenama GLC.
    Mahathirism, tidak menabung simpanan emas selama 20 tahun(1981-1999), dan menjual simpanan emas dari 72Tan ke 36Tan pada tahun 2000.
    Mahathirism, janji aku jawab, depa gerenti tepuk tangan punya.
    Mahatirism, Apa namaaaaaaaaaa, kunuuunnya saja…
    Mahathirism, dah terbalikkan parti melayu UMNO jadi parti Mamak…
    Mahathirism, memesongkan nikmat sebenar manusia, mengejar teknologi benda mati ( Kereta, komputer, DVD dsb) dan meninggalkan teknologi benda hidup ( pertanian, ternakan dsb).
    Mahatirism, membiarkan nilai eksport 200% melebihi KDNK, berbanding dengan negara maju nilai eksport hanya 20% dari KDNK.
    Mahathirism, aku peduli apa, depa nak syok tengok, KLCC, F1, KLIA, Bank Islam, Univesiti Islam, takaful, pembangunan semua aku bagi, aku dapat rasuahkan seluruh negara dengan wang buat wang, biar depa sebok dengan projek dan kerja, depa nak aku bagi…
    Mahatirism, pemimpin yang berjaya membawa seluruh umat Malaysia menjadi agen Zionis yang effektif untuk merosakkan generasi akan datang.
    [email protected]

  64. Assalamualikum Tun Yang Amat Dihormati,
    1.Gelaran ini diberikan oleh LKY kepada Tun,kerana perasaan bimbang beliau terhadap pemimpin melayu ketika itu yang begitu kuat semangat nasionalisme akan menindas kaum lain.Walaubagaimanapun,LKY
    sendiri pernah mengaku anggapan beliau meleset terhadap Tun kerana di bawah kepimpinan Tun kaum cina tidak dipinggirkan di dalam arus pembangunan negara.
    2.Mahathirismlah,negara ini yang berasaskan pertanian telah ditransfomasikan ke negara membangun yang berasaskan perindustrian.
    Peluang pekerjaan banyak, iklim pelaburan dan perniagaan yang baik dan banyak lagi yang tidak perlu dihuraikan lagi(hanya pembangkang dan mereka yang tidak tahu bersyukur,dengki dan kecewa tidak mahu mengaku).
    3.Era Mahathirismlah saya bersemangat dan bangga menjadi warganegara Malaysia yang dipimpim oleh Tun.Tidak semua pemimpin yang boleh memimpin negara yang mempunyai masyarakat majmuk.Yang ramai pandai ‘bersyarah’,mengkritik(bukan membina)dan propaganda murahan.
    4.Mahathirism ini diburukkan oleh pihak pembangkang.Pembangunan oleh pemimpin yang lalu termasuk Tun,tidak dihargai oleh generasi yang tidak sedar diri ni.Mereka banyak dipengaruhi oleh elemen negatif oleh pihak yang tidak bertanggungjawap terutamanya ahli politik.Unsur ini senang meresap ke minda generasi ini yang kurang jati diri dan kenegaraan tambahan pula mempunyai sifat dan sikap yang saya nyatakan tadi.Maka tidak menghairankan sekarang sudah ada
    kejadian penderhakaan,kurang ajar dan berani menyentuh isu sensitif
    secara terbuka.’Human right’tidak salah.Tetapi ‘Human right’digunakan untuk menegakkan matlamat individu yang boleh mengugat keharmonian negara,apa gunanya.Kejadian ‘pelik tetapi benar’ seperti ini berlaku semenjak Tun Lah memegang jawatan.
    Tiada salahnya sekira Tun menegur dan menolong kaum melayu,begitu juga pemimpin kaum lain terhadap kaum mereka.Yang penting untuk kebaikan bersama dan tidak merampas apa-apa yang sudah termaktub di dalam perlembagaan.
    5.Kelemahan dan sikap’authoritariantism’dalam senyap Tun Lah telah lama diketahui.Tetapi apa yang boleh dikatakan oleh ‘silent majority’ and ‘ordinary’ rakyat like me?
    6.Bagi saya,Tun telah menjalankan tugas dengan berjaya,tetapi kesinambungan ini telah gagal dibawa oleh Tun Lah,tidak seperti sebagaimana Tun mengambil tugas ini daripada Pm terdahulu.Semoga Najib dapat menjalankan tugas dengan sebaik mungkin.Yang penting mesti tegas,politik negara diperkukuhkan,keharmonian antara kaum MESTI dipelihara,barulah pembangunan lain dapat dilaksanakan dengan berkesan.
    Saya berdoa semoga Tun dan Tun Siti Hasmah dirahmati dan dilindungi Allah.We love you,Tun!

  65. I think Mahathirism means an accolade, a global treasure and the golden age of Malaysian modernisation. Deep down, people are just jealous, being playful and do not acknowledge that our great Tun is an extraordinary person.
    Just look around. No one in the world has done what our great Tun has given to our nation during his 22 years in office. It is a remarkable achievement bar none. All the national leaders of the world could only do one or two national agenda like the New Deal, the Hoover Dam or the current A$43 billion FTTH project in Australia. Our Tun has provided for us with many ultramodern infrastructures, institutions and facilities. Tun vision was to provide the facilities so that the people of Malaysia can make use of them to earn a living and to generate the revenue for the country. The fact is how many people know what they are for, let alone how to make use of them for their own good.
    Of course, there are jealous people, but I have this to say to them. Even if given RM3 trillion, all of you cannot do all of what our great Tun has done. People just talk, but most of the funds would be disperse into blackholes with nothing to show.
    Mahathirism also means a vision for the country, like 2020. It is a challenge for all of us to understand it further, adapt it to the dynamic changing world and move our nation forward in the Malaysian context.
    I have met our great Tun once and had briefly spoken to him. He is definitely not an authoritarian as projected by the media. If you have a chance, speak to him and find out for yourself. Far from it, he is a person of great intellect, a person who can connect to anyone naturally and a person who cares and understand people instinctively. At that time in 1985, he probably saw me as a curious boy just focussing on his work with a great conviction. That was my treasured moments interacting with another human being – our great Tun.

  66. Dear Tun,
    I still want to have my say even tho’ am 2days late. “Mahathrism” gave me and fellow malaysians the name and recognition we proudly get 2day. Y? Even a cab driver in Egypt knew who Mr Mahthir is and u know how uplifting it is to see him give a thumbs up! I don’t hear much of what’s left of Badawi and am glad to see the last of him…I’ll give Najib a chance and hope he can give us “Najibism’ as in same breath as ‘MAHATHIRISM’

  67. askm Tun,
    1. i love mahathirism…
    2. Terimakasih kepada pihak pembangkang terutama anwar kerana berjaya mengharumkan ‘mahathirism’, kalau tidak kerana anda semua mahathirism mungkin tidak akan dikenang dan mungkin dilupai seperti perdana menteri malaysia sebelumnya,
    3 Terimakasih juga kepada P lah, kerana telah membuktikan bahawa ‘mahathirsm’ telah meletakan standard yang tinggi kepada sesiapa yang ingin menjadi perdana menteri malaysia.
    4. Saya tidak akan rasa malu dan rasa berbangga bercerita kepada anak cucu nanti yang saya telah dibesarkan dalam era ‘mahathirism’
    5. ‘Mahathirism’ is a legend…

  68. Assalamu Alaikum Tun,
    Tun, whatever they call you, either “Mahathirism” or dictator and so on, you had proved to the world that the country was progress very well and the people live in harmony during your tanure. My friend from an African country said Mahathir is the best leader to represent the third world interest against the hypocrete “democratic” developed countries.

  69. saya nak jambatan bengkok
    saya nak kapal2 dagang lalu di selat johor
    jangan layan singapore yang bodoh
    dan jangan jadi bodoh layan singapore
    kesimpulannya Tun nasihat la kepimpinan agar teruskan buat apa yang
    Tun buat sebelum Pak Dollah stop kan apa yang Tun buat..
    sekian sila buat tlg lah…

  70. nswamy,
    At least he is smart enuf to build superstuctures and other facilities. What have u gotta offer?
    We dont have super minds YET.
    air headed malaysia is not his fault. Its the ppls fault in not studying properly. He did ask u n i to study didnt he? He has done his part, now its our turn. He already has a supermind, we havent. So if we dont have superminds its our fault. He has prepared the facilities. If we are not winning any nobel lurettes, dont blame him. its our fault. at least he was a nomanee for the peace nobel prize. i bet u didnt even win ur primary school science project.
    “we have no known nobel laureate, no known invention( nope proton does not count and it has failed everywhere even in our own country , it only survived because of govt tax laws and protection) , no great corporation, no world class university – all things that tell us the next generation would pack a greater punch, KLCC can become a ghost building, putrajaya and cyberjaya ghost city”
    Those are our developements so far. We will soon have more if u and i are smart enuf to be smarter. Thats wht a developing country is all about. Work for it la. it takes time. Why are u criticizing wht we already have? just not good enough for you is it? What are u aspecting? To have proton turn in to ferrari , invent a time machine, build a GE, win a cpl nobel laurettes in a day and turn putrajaya into washington before u can even scratch ur nose?
    He told the west not to bail out bcz the world economic crisis is dffrnt from our 98 crisis. Clearly u hav not been reading a lot so far.
    u sound as if, these developements he has made for u are just not good enuf for you.
    Maybe you can do better mate.

  71. why bother with what people say? This is a war of pride!! Just save the country ….before our leaders creates more mess.

  72. Saying that Tun Mahthir is a racist or a dictator is a bit of an exaggeration.
    Fighting for his race does not mean he is a racist.
    Anybody would want to see his/her race succeed.
    Remember that it is because of him, malaysians, particularly the chinese and Indians got lots of business opportunities. Vincent tan, a. Krishnan, and many other average chinese businessmen. Had he not provide and developd and industrial malaysia, none of these business oppoturnities which contributed to the wealth of the chinese, indians and malays would have existed. He fights for malays to make malays at par with other races, but at the same time, he did bring up other races as well. doesn’t it sounds fair enough? Does that make him a racist?
    Running a centralize admin (mainly being a leader who is particular about detail), and at times strict, does not make him a dictator. In fact that is how a leader should act. (which to a larger extent, effective. So why should anyone have any problem about it?). After all, elections, parliament and other democratic tools were being mantained as the engine of malaysia politics. How is that authoritarian? he is authoritarian in the areas which demands it. Beyond that, it all comes down back to the parliament and elections. Does that make him a dictator/authoritarian?
    Appreciate the complexity of the whole issue concerning mahathir’s leadership or any issues at all. Only that way can you make the best judgement of things.

  73. Dear abs,
    Nice to hear your comment. Thanks for regarded Malaysia as your 2nd home, I’m truly touched by it. Anyway, I would like to apologize on behalf of that bloody Malaysian who stealing your money. They should thrown into jail for stealing and their citizenship should confiscated for embarrassing Malaysia.
    Your intention to settle in Malaysia has make me wonder why some of Malaysian didn’t feel that. There’s many cases that a few Malaysian has migrated to some places namely Australia and etc. It make me wonder, what wrong with Malaysia, do Malaysia not conductive enough to be our home, or too many obstruction in pursuing life in Malaysia or anything else? These are the things make me pause.
    For your info, one of regulation to be Malaysian PR, you need to live in Malaysia for at least 2 years and cannot have dual PR (If I’m not mistaken). This is happen to my bos who is foreigner who having dual PR, until now his application to get Malaysian PR unsuccessful despite has been live in Malaysia since 1993.
    I’m sorry for that and hoping that it would not deteriorate your feeling towards Malaysia as your 2nd home.

  74. Hi ALL
    everyone is missign TUN ‘s biggest strategy.
    1) elect a weak president with good islamic credentials – this is Tun Badawi; this is to avert PAS build up
    2) then await for him to make mistakes- which his administration did
    3) then put all the blame of Mahathirs own excess and Badawi’s squarely on badawi – he managed this pretty well and he had a lot of help from other malaysians, was not really too difficult
    4) now challenge the people to think about the certainty he brought and not the excess and misgovernance
    what we need to be doing is clever in pointing out
    1) no of bank rescues performed by him and not standing on high moral tone asking america to close down non performing banks
    i ask tun , why did not not close down UMBC or Bank Bumiputra
    there is a murder assosiated with bank bumi still unresolved
    2) the no of time petronas money and other govt run funds used in doing various rescue including many of his own sons transgression ex Pantai holdings, MISC Oil tanker purchase by Petronas
    come on mattie Mirzan, mokhzani were always pushed to the forefront they did not belong and they along with Daim and his bunch of merry men swallowed much of Malaysia’s wealth.
    YES Malaysia – we have lost the game , we have superstructures but not superminds
    look at chasing of Mount everest, and chasing moorthy’s body later, round the world in sailing boat and antartica expidition and planetarium none of them are significantly life changing, and finally resulted in sending one guy on a free flight to the moon..
    we have no known nobel laureate, no known invention( nope proton does not count and it has failed everywhere even in our own country , it only survived because of govt tax laws and protection) , no great corporation, no world class university – all things that tell us the next generation would pack a greater punch, KLCC can become a ghost building, putrajaya and cyberjaya ghost city
    simply because they are real estate projects and not Unique in offerring services or collection business
    coming back to badawi bashing, atleast the man had balls to give the rakyat some say and also his party members and he will go down in history as the man who allowed back some space. you on the other hand – well check out the economist article written about you in 2003, that would says 51% for all the real estate projects, no to 49 % for all the excess, misgovernance and corruption. now with your constant bashing of one person for your failings – i think we will take away 30% from your 51%. Meaning you are a failed Pm and have not seen yourself in the way others will see u.

  75. Tun,
    Another agenda being brought is the proposal of new bridge near Pengerang, Johor.
    1. Supposedly the curve bridge or whatever jambatan should be built in replacement of tambak johor. We people only want the water to flow smoothly and clean.
    2. I believe sombody or someone must have influence najib on this matter, a matter on how to “FILL” their pocket.
    3. Building another bridge is totally a waste of rakyat’s money. If the bridge been built, I can say that we can forget about curved bridge coz the governmnet later will say ” we already had enough bridge”. On the other hand, somebody had gone with their pocket “LOADED”.
    What is your opinion TUN?

  76. Tun, you are an ultra all right. The government service is now 90% run by Malays. In the private sectors where Malays dominate they are filled by Malays created by DEB who cannot withstand the financial crisis of the late 90’s. The top Government Commissions are filled by 95% Malays, the MACC, the SPRM etc.
    The revenue from petroleum are stashed in Petronas, now guarded zealously under you. Your east Malaysian brothers have to beg from father PM for a cut but given a mere cupcake. The Malays in Peninsula have improved their living in leaps and bounds while we east Malaysians are 25 years behind with a university only 8 years ago. The state is filled to the brim with PTIs at every corner to fulfill your dreams of Making Sabah a Malay State. You blame our border to be too long while the Malaysian Army and Navy are merely sleeping in their bunkers most of them bloated unfit to go inside the jungle.
    You are an ULTRA all right!
    Najib now creates the battlecry of 1Malaysia after 55years of independent. I’m afraid he is too late. The damage you created is just too massive, that he’ll live only to remember himself as the shortest serving PM in Malaysian history.

  77. Dengan Izin Tun..Terima kasih..
    Abag Kamal Ahmad..
    Near the shift key on the 3rd key to the left is a symbol of left pointing arrow without the body ( open arrow ).Open arrow symbol is on top of comma key and close arrow is on top of dot or fullstop key.
    If you want to text something bold use this open arrow b close arrow.( Hypertext html ) and type the intended bold letter..
    Preview..and walla..
    On BTN issue I believe it all regarding the proper administrator..One glaring example is by the removal of the previous PM and the installment of the present one..Ceramah Agama and daily compulsary prayers in BTN is very good.No other courses emulate this…

  78. Assalamualaikum Tun sekeluarga.
    Istilah “MAHATHIRISM” yang diperkenalkan oleh DSAI telah dipergunakan secara meluas oleh PAS untuk menimbulkan kebencian dan kemarahan orang-orang Melayu kepada UMNO. Namun pihak UMNO tidak mengambil kisah akan hal tersebut sehinggalah generasi muda pada masa ini betul-betul marah kepada UMNO. Ini dapat dilihat pada setiap kali pilihraya di mana aliran bagi bebudak muda ni telah memilih selain BN. Orang Melayu sekarang ini telah merasakan selesa dari segi pembangunan yang telah diusahakan oleh Tun. Generasi muda tentunya tidak akan merasai usaha-usaha kerajaan dalam pembangunan. Apa yang mereka dengar adalah keburukan-keburukan pemimpin UMNO dan salahlaku pemimpin UMNO. Pendapat saya UMNO dibawah pimpinan Dota’ Najib harus menumpu kepada pemulihan imej UMNO dimata generasi muda sebab PAS memang pandai membuat orang menjadi marah. Itulah sebab nya pemimpin PAS yang amat dihormati oleh pengikutnya boleh berpendapat “Boleh berkawan dengan syaitan ” dan pendapat ini diterima oleh pengikut-pengikut tanpa bantahan.

  79. Salam Ayahanda Tun,
    Mahathirism is the Main Brand Index in our Malaysia’s politics which is similar to our KLCI index. All politicians from different parties are using Mahathirism branding to gain their platform in positioning their wealth and power to national and international levels, some supported Mahathirism and some did not. We have to admit that because of Mahathirism, we have Anwarism and Badawism. I sincerely hope that “ism” will be stopped spreading into DS Najib’s leadership. No More “ism” behind a leader’s name because it will made the wrong perception of “hero-ism” in that particular race.
    As for Badawism, it has created damages to our Rukun Negara and political stability in just 5 years due to his FlipFlop and his family greed. To me, I do not even want to think and say anything about what Pak Lah has done to Malaysia during his leadership. It is embarassing to tell the world that our ex-5th PM was caught sleeping during working hours and this is a fact that no Malaysians can denied and I understand some bloggers are on Pak Lah’s side out of sympathy.
    Let us hope that DS Najib will be able to turn around with the 1Malaysia concept to develop our country further be it politically or economically. Without Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad’s and our supports, DS Najib and his cabinet will not be able to make it. Let us move from “Bersih, Cekap, Amanah” and “Cemerlang, Gemilang, Terbilang” to “People First Performance Now”.
    Good day Ayahanda Tun, and keep on talking and blogging as and when you like because no one can deny your contributions and hard work in making Malaysia as it is today.

  80. Salam Tun,
    Your ideas were and will be the best, otherwise Malaysia will not be as what we have achieve now.
    Kalau Tun ada masa, boleh tak Tun lihat laman web saya , cetusan idea meningkatkan budaya penyelidiakn di kalangan penduduk malaysia. ianya akan dilancar tidak beberapa lama lagi.

  81. hi tun, there r so many pm n they carry only pangkat tun but u have extra 1 mahathirism, good or bad history will tell. for a teacher to remember his student well, he must have something extraordinary, so u 2 musthave something ‘berada’. no politician in this world only people talking good n nobody talking bad, as far as malaysian concerned, up 2 2 daY, U R STILL the top politician in our country. i like to hear people talking about u so that i could learn more what type of politician he is.

  82. Dear Tun,
    Mahathirism…a brief period in the long ribbon of time,certainly uncertain,understandably misunderstood,surely tumultuous, but undeniably unprecedented…for when even giants cowered, we once stood tall; when others hesitated and stood back, we instead leapt forwards…you my dear sir, led us to be what we shouldn’t be; you made us into what we wouldn’t have been; you made us make that jump that we couldn’t have; a quantum leap into the future, a revolutionary leap rather than an evolutionary crawl. That’s Mahathirism…
    Obama Malaysia

  83. Dear Tun,
    Mahathirism…a brief period in the long ribbon of time,certainly uncertain,understandably misunderstood,surely tumultuous, but undeniably unprecedented…for when even giants cowered, we once stood tall; when others hesitated and stood back, we instead leapt forwards…you my dear sir, led us to be what we shouldn’t be; you made us into what we wouldn’t have been; you made us make that jump that we couldn’t have; a quantum leap into the future, a revolutionary leap rather than an evolutionary crawl. That’s Mahathirism…
    Obama Malaysia

  84. Assalamualaikum YABhg. Tun,
    Bila kita mula membina dan memilikki KLCC, beberapa negara lain kemudiannya rancak saling membina mercu tanda tertinggi mereka masing-masing…
    Bila kita mula membida F1 dan membangunkan Litar Sepang (ke-3 di Asia), beberapa negara Asia lain termasuklah Singapura yg lebih awal maju dari kita pun melakukan perkara serupa…
    Ini cuma salah satu bentuk “MAHATHIRISME” yang pada pendapat saya telah dicetuskan oleh Tun dan kesannya hampir ke seluruh dunia…
    Ini tidak termasuk berapa banyak negara membangun yang telah menjemput Tun untuk memberikan input contoh bagaimana Malaysia dibangunkan atau delegasi asing yang datang melawat mempelajarinya.
    jadi apa masalahnya dengan “MAHATHIRISM”?????
    my two cents…

  85. LKYism: The end shall justify.
    “The sins of the father shall be visited upon the son…”
    I have had the opportunity to be aware of the sentiment when it was announced that his son had cancer.
    It is “not right” to wish death upon another human being, but, many believe that HL will not out live his father.

  86. Dear Sir:
    Be comforted:
    LKYism: “The end shall justify>”
    I have been in sg long enough to know and understand the sentiment when his son had been first announced to have cancer.
    The first thought that struck many people (well, at least most of my acquaintances) is: “The sins of the father shall be visited upon the son…”
    It is “not right” to wish death on another human, but, as I am aware, many do not expect HL to out live his father.

  87. Salam YABhg Tun yang dikasihi
    I was grown up in Mahathirism era, and I felt so comfort then. I experieced 5 years full in misery as Malaysian under Badawism. I would rather die than to see this soil is ruled and poisoned by Anuarism. May Allah bless and guard this country from such wrongdoers.

  88. Ayahanda Tun,
    1. Macamana anakanda Tun dapat majoriti undi masa pemilihan ketua pemuda UMNO tak boleh menang..? Mungkinkah Badawirisma ke yang menyebabkan perkara ni berlaku..? (Jasa mendemokrasikan UMNO..!)
    2. Pasal LKY – tak perlulah kita bising-bising sangat. Kalau kita jadi dia pun, mestilah kalut, air umtuk rakyatnya nak minum pun ditadah dari tanah orang. Kemuncaknya, air jamban pun terpaksa dikitar-semula untuk diminum oleh rakyatnya (tapi LKY patutnya ingat, orang kita tak sezalim orang lain, cuma ramai tak sedar kebaikkan kita ni termasuk kat negara kita sendiri..!)
    3. Hentaman Tun kat Tun AAB – kena la hentam, kalau tak orang lupa lak jasa-jasa besar dia membebaskan 5 negeri dari cengkaman BN. Dah tanya pun pada kawan yang berjiran dengan dia kat Kepala Batas (rumahnya hanya beberapa ratus meter je dari rumah asal TAAB), acap ke TAAB ni balik lepas dapat Tun.. Jawab dia, tak de dah..! Sebab – misi membebaskan P.Pinang dari BN dah tercapai..! (Kata kawan ni la..).

  89. Salam Tun,
    Mahathirism is the best era for Malaysia. And I strongly believed so..
    Thank You Tun.

  90. Assalamualaikkum Dr.Mahathir and Dr.Siti Hasmah,
    I’m Jeffry Suresh Bin Abdullah.
    1.MAHATHIRISM is the only ‘LIFE SAFING EQUIPMENT’ which can ‘JUMP START” the “Malaysia’s Heart”, from stop working.
    2.Some people who write against your bashings on previous leader refuse to learn that..if destructive weaknesses not identified, recorded and reminded, it will return itself in our life cycle and bring more damages to the country and the people.
    That’s why we learn history in schools.
    Why some still don’t understand this?
    But never mind, we save our cry this time…
    3.I still remember a pscyhological study by an international body about ten years back, saying with evidence; People who complaints a lot in thier life time, live much longer…(and of course constructive critiscm and with wise mind..without emotions, just like you!).
    I can’t remember other scientific reasons that were given except, one that; Complaints creates continual brain activation and helps in reproduction of brain cells.
    When the brain functions well, the whole body and the organs will be in a right function too. At least better to a certain degrees.
    Jeffry Suresh Bin Abdullah

  91. I believe the former BN supporter doesn’t really know what racist really mean. So if u dont have anything good to say, better not say anything at all. It’ll do ur heart good. 🙂
    Once i read an article from USA about racism.. It said in the article, when a white man calls a black man, black, he is considered racist. But when a black man calls a white person white, he’s not considered racist.
    Personally, i dont think Tun is a racist because during His era, chinese n indian continued living securely n made their income without any worries. At the same time malays continued progressing thou at a slower pace but still noone got left out.
    As a malaysian woman, i came from a mix background. Chinese, indonesian, vietnamese and malay blood runs in my veins, i live as a malay woman for i love this country and would do anything for my country. A Malaysian would give anything to make sure this nation remain peaceful and prosper for our future generations.
    To be a malaysian, there shouldn’t be malay, chinese, kadazan, iban or indian.. There should only be a malaysian. Not chinese malaysian or indian malaysian. But are we ready for that? 😉
    Dear Tun, whatever nastyness are being said about u are from the envious fools who can only talk but put them all fools together couldn’t amount to one great leader as u. As a person or as a leader.
    Thank u Tun.

  92. I am an outsider (foreigner) as such my comment is purely away from all Malaysian Political wrangling (same as everywhere on earth nowadays)..I do respect all Malaysian leaders as such and definitely the PEOPLE who managed to coexist and create an EXAMPLE of an economically stable and developed Country for whatever called 3rd. world …Malaysian Economy (before and after 98) and how the administration of Dr. Mahathir has handled it SUCCESSFULLY became an example to follow..Several if not all of his ideas and thoughts during his administration and after deserved worldwide attention ..Oct 31st. 2004 all newspapers worldwide commended him as the one who navigated safely and successfully with Malaysia during some of the most turbulent era in current history which has witnessed some great incidents economically and politically …I don’t see why not all that is called after him “MAHATHIRISM”?? Why not look to the half full (it is more than half) glass of his era which is an unprecedented achievement among our so called countries???
    Good leadership is a privilege and gift from Al Mighty God so why try to muck the image of a good leader during time when good leaders are scarce ..
    I keep on telling my Malaysian friends that you have to be proud of what has been done by forefathers and other leaders and definitely Mahathir, and unless you see the outside you shall never appreciate what you have…
    I write this after 11 yr. of continuous visits to Malaysia as a place I adore and people I respect..However that does not mean I have not been through hard times with a Malaysian (the very sluggish procedure of Malaysia My Second Home which now let me think seriously of an alternative when I retire from where I work now in GCC, the iressponsible behavior of a Malaysian friend and colleague who snatched me a sizable amount of money, but that all is limited ..One pr two among 28 million!!) !!)Let us look always to the brighter side…
    Mahathir has been a good leader because he is a good servant to his nation even after he left the office:
    “Good leaders must first become good servants. ” –Robert Greenleaf
    God bless and help all

  93. Salam Tun.
    Mahathirism. So what? Let them call whatever they want. Its still the best years Malaysia’s had.
    What’s important now is not to let those DARK AGES (2003-2008)reoccur and also not to let those JUBURISM takes over Malaysia in the future.
    Tun, any comment on current issues i.e. “Teng Hock Nan wants Chin Peng to come back”, “Hindraf threaten the government” and May 13’s 40th anniversary.

  94. every “rism” has their own x factor to be called “rism” after all……too bad tun, ur mahathirism bring the good factor to us….may be to some it doesnt, but u just need allah to believe in ur kindness not ppl….
    for me mahathirism make me feel strong, big, same as other human being, bold, positive, infinite spirit, tolerance, real islam and believe in myself…..
    mahathirism make me proud to be malay(first time in my life), u know tun many insurance company still hold mahathirism to encourage them to work hard(?of course malay agent, if chinese agent they like conficious, mao ze tong,jacki chn)
    let them talk…..but for us who born in your time, we proud to live, to breath, when tun dr mahathir is still pm…we will ensure u that we will tell our grandchildren so they can tell their granchildren about tun dr mahathir……despite what ever label u got and what ever history will write about u….
    for us….mahathir is the greatest malay ever born in malay history…..

  95. Salam Tun,
    Memang tidak boleh dinafikan kehancuran yang Dollah Badawi telah lakukan kepada negara dan masyarakat pada hari ini. Salah laku beliau dalam pentadbiran telah membawa kepada kehancuran khususnya yang berlaku dalam masyarakan Melayu kini…. Saya berasa sgt sedih dgn apa yang berlaku pada org melayu hari ini.
    To former BN supporter,
    I don’t think you ni penyokong BN pun….
    You don’t understand what Tun had done. You only follow your anger.

  96. Salam hurmat Tun;
    Go to hell what people wants to say about you Tun.You are the BEST and nobody can DENY that.Without you, I do not think we can be proud of what we are today as a Malaysians.You are everything Tun.

  97. Yg berbahagia Tun,
    Pepatah melayu lama ada mengatakan bahawa harimau mati tinggalkan belang, manusia mati tinggalkan nama. Olih itu jelas sekali label atau gelaran Mahathirism yang di berikan itu sungguh bermakna dan meninggalkan kesan yang amat mendalam kepada mereka yang menggelarkannya terutama tentang apa jua yang Tun laksanakan sepanjang menerajui negara selama 22 tahun.
    Bukan apa pun, mereka cemburu dan terpegun melihat tiny Malaysia membangun dengan begitu pesat sekali semasa Tun in office, lebih-lebih lagi memikirkan seorang doktor perubatan menjadi arkitek pembangunan negara.

  98. Dear Ayahnda CheDet,
    As they say, you can’t put a good man down!
    You can throw durians at him, but rest assured the result will be lempuk. ;D
    If your detractors concoct “Mahathirism” intent on making it as negative a term as possible, apparently the joke is on them. 😀
    I dare say the comments you are receiving for this entry is a good representation of how most reasonable thinking Malaysians, at home and abroad, feel about “Mahathirism”. We’ve embraced it and made it our own!
    If 22+ years of a Malaysia where we felt secure about the present, hopeful about the future and proud about our collective achievements is to be called “Mahathirism,” so be it. That shining era in our history needs to be called something anyway. What better than to be ism’ed after the beloved person who had the courage of conviction to make all that happen.
    Looks like your jealous and vindictive depreciators, inside and outside the country, will just have to choke on their boomerang. 😀
    Product of Mahathirism and Damn Proud of It!

  99. Salam
    Biarlah apa yang yg mereka kata atau tulis “Mahathirism ke”, apa2 ke biarlah itu pendapat mereka tapi saya percaya Tun masih ada kredibility yang tersendiri. Kalau dulu saya sembahyang jumaat di Masjid Putrajaya. Saya dapat lihat sendiri antara Tun dengan Pak Lah pada masa jadi PM dulu saya rasa tun masih dihormati dan masih ramai pengikut. Ingat masa tu nak menyelit ambil gambar dgn Tun tapi tak dapat nak celah kerana terlalu ramai yang serbu..agak2nya boleh tak nak ambil gambar bersama untuk dijadiakan kenang-kenangan.
    Apa pun Tun kenyataan mereka sebagai “Mahathirism” tapi mereka semua kena berterima kasih kerana Tun telah membawa MATA dunia.
    Salam Hormat

  100. Salam Tun
    Tak patut tun digelar Mahathirism jasa tun kepada agama,bangsa dan tanahair tak ternilai.

  101. Dear Tun, salam mesra harap sihat sejahtera. Kiriman saya untuk tajuk ini dgn izin…
    There is no Rahmanism, Razakism, Husseinism, Badawism. It is not a ‘label’ you stick on anybody but has to be earned. Minimum criteria is at least 3 terms or 15yrs leadership record. Another is the capability to perform feats that ‘shock and awe’. Any other M’sian qualifies?
    Umno haram dan putus dua dgn S46, hambat hakim besar, projek mega(h), sekat bidang kuasa Sultan, penangkapan ISA terbesar diM’sia (ops lallang), tolak, pecat dan hilang percaya pada 4 timbalan (lebih dari M’sia perlu 3 PM dlm 24thn), Umno berbelah lagi dgn PKR dan reformasi, DPM pertama masuk penjara, PM pertama disoal (Lingam inquiry, sebab Pak Lah dibenci?), skandal wang (Bank Bumiputera, BNM rugi Forex, Perwaja fiasco) pertama kali M’sia gaduh dgn negara lain (S’pura,US,Australia. Dgn Indon pasal Anwar), cronyism, Umnoputera dan politik wang lahir, ex PM buka blog menghentam PM pilihan sendiri.
    A short term PM is easily remembered for either failure or achievement. It is black or white. A long running one is not so clear. He has ample time to do both, do good if he is a lousy PM and do wrong if he is a good PM!
    Why is Mahathirism a surprise label? A leader performing many good deeds is ‘expected’ of him, but doing any wrong will be unholy and uneasily forgiven. Demonisation and derogatory is the concern of guilty conscience.
    Do we need to clean a clear concience here?

  102. Tun, you are racist ???, cha ya nun is also racist, kap lam ya nge is also racist,what the heck. Everybody is racist in malaysia

  103. Salam Tun dan Toh Puan,
    Dont deny ant Mahathirism is just only are word that have nothing value. I hope Tun just ingore this kind of word.
    Yehh The BN still think that they will win the next election WITHOUT WORK HARD. Just wait the media to promote them.
    BN cannot just sit and warch, but must go down and meat orang kampung / masyarkat, see they problem and try the best to solf the problem without any power or money. On that time people will see the BN is orners to solf the problem.
    Well cant do anything to this people that inside media control. Just work hard and smart can change everything. But politic is deferent. U work hard is those mean that u will bean choose as candidete in next election.
    Tun can u just open are office, so the people can see u and nead your help. I hope with this open office, it will change the way of politic and business.
    Tun we all love u so much, we miss your idea.

  104. Salaam,
    YESS. Bring Mahathirism back!
    They can label it whatever they like. They always do. They never liked any strong Muslim leader AKA ‘Asian’ Tiger anywhere in the world. For them, only Israel and Zionism have any rights to everything….developing nuclear arms without being sanctioned, controlling American Administration and policies, occupying other peole’s land, using illegal war weapons without being dragged to court, sending women and children to jail without trial. The list goes on.

  105. Salam kasih dan hormat Ayahanda Tun.
    Tun, what should be read into this? Where is DSN KPI index forms? Which counter must the rakyat queue up for the KPI forms? Because we have some serious disgruntling issues to put right here. This Shabery Chik is a classic example of a politician who has completely no sense of public sentiment awareness, a politician who thinks on his feet with mouth wide open, and a politician who never made sure to see if brain has already been engaged before shifting mouth into gear. All I can say to Datuk Seri Najib is that he should get rid of liabilities such as this in his now loosening camp. This kind of misfiring is absolutely very bad PR for the PM and the government. Nazri Aziz is another case for this brand of considerations from the PM. Sometimes, when we don

  106. SALAM,

  107. The very person, who accused Tun Dr Mahatir Mohamed a Malay ultra, controlled the press. He put his own people to manage the most influential newspapers in the country.
    Coincidentally, the successor to the Tun was playing the same game. However, Malays being Malays cannot see the game played by the biggest crooked of a Prime Minister Malaysia have ever had. He took all the time in the world to step down. While in power, he took great pains to make doubly sure that the image of UMNO is totally tarnished in the eyes of all Malaysians. The successor to the Tun could see that there is big money to be made and he and his cronies, using proxies everywhere to see that the last land of the Malays will be wiped out.
    Good luck to all Malaysians, not only the Malays, the Chinese and the Indians for not being able to see that Badawism is now being practiced in Malaysian politics. The

  108. Aslm’kum Tun,
    Biarlah apa depa nak kata pada Tun, sedikit pun tak calar.. Ketika kita susah, miskin, meminta-minta pada negara maju.. tak siapa pun peduli… lihat pada negera-negara afrika.. apa depa dapat? negara arab? lihatlah dengan mata kepala sendiri! adakah itu kita mahu terjadi kepada anak cucu kita? Saya tidak mahu lagi ‘bow’ kepada mana-mana manusia di dunia ini sepertimana datuk dan moyang kita dahulu.. enough is enough.
    Kepada kawan-kawan saya yang berbangsa Cina dan India… baca sejarah ‘Tanah Melayu’.. jangan.. please.. kita kawan… kita kawan baik kan? Saya tahu ramai rakan-rakan bukan melayu saya yang setia pada negara ini… Dato Yuen, Kepten Ramasamy dari ATM dan Mantan Ketua Vat 69, beliau berbangsa India.

  109. Dear Tun,
    During your administration what news do we get from the BN controlled msm …as far as i remembered only Anwar’s sodomy trial.
    What about the rosy scandals of Renong,MAS,BMF,Proton,Bakun Dam,BNM Forex loss, Perwaja Steel etc..??
    Oops!. i shot at my own foot!

  110. I am a chinese, and born during Mahathirism. At least the country was so prosperous, safe and most importantly you handled 1997 financial crisis which nobody did before.
    Since Badawism, crime is everywhere and most people lost their jobs, then they got no choice other than robbing on street.

  111. Salam buat Tun dan Keluarga
    Mahathirism atau apapun yang penting kita telah mengecapi kemajuan dan akan terus maju insyaallah tetapi dengan syarat;
    1.Mengurangkan politiking dalam kerajaan
    2.Mengajar parti dalam komponen BN agar “jangan nak tunjuk hero”
    3.Menyusun strategi “BARU” untuk mencapai kemenangan dlm PRU13
    4.Menyediakan “PLAN STRATEGIK POLITIK” yang bersepadu dan Hebat
    5.Memberikan dan meningkatkan keyakinan RAKYAT secara menyeluruh
    6.Meneroka Ekonomi Baru dengan menyertakan RAKYAT sebagai entiti utama
    7.Menyemarakan semangat “Aku Bangga Jadi Anak Malaysia”
    8.Menyusun strategi mematahkan serangan pembangkang dengan secara menyeluruh dan berkesan
    9.Menawan kembali hati RAKYAT dengan pendekatan BARU
    10.Menyusun kembali EKONOMI khususnya ORANG MELAYU
    11.Bersatu menghadapi segala masalah dengan satu SUARA
    12.Orang Melayu jangan kena TOLAK dan makin berANSUR dengan sebarang isu berkaitan dengan kepentingan MELAYU
    13.Menguatkan dan menyusun kembali jentera kerajaan dengan pendekatan BARU
    14.Kita sama-sama memberikan sokongan kepada Kerajaan dengan Inspirasi Dan harapan BARU.

  112. Dear Tun, i strongly agree that mahathirism really works some how during ur time…….lets c during Datuk Seri Najib’s era….. god bless 😉

  113. Hail Mahathirism! I love the era of your administration… full of peace, growth and properity…. Semoga Tun dilindungi Allah selalu.

  114. askm w.b.t & very good evening to yang amat berbahagia Tun,
    I still remember at the moment,when i’m still young,around 4 to 5 years old.It was the moment when my father has brought me to Perhimpunan SEMERAK at Lubok Jong, Pasir Mas, and secondly,in the openning of Jambatan Salor,Pasir Mas.It was the time when i see you from far.
    And couple years later,when i’ve grown up and able to understand what the people sorround keep talking.It was the time when the older folks have passing and spreading hatred againts you.
    I still remember when my father was an imam,whereas he’s UMNO supporter,and always being like that until now,that was the time when he’s has to calculate the number of jemaah in order to make sure that’s enough 40 people to perform jumaat prayer.It was the time when i see so many times he was crying when he realize many people would not come because he’s UMNO supporter.But he continue to serve.
    Whatever -ism that they called,you named it,you’ll found that i’m in the frontline totally support that as long it’s benefits the country.
    ** to Yang amat berbahagia tun…if you still remember when you went to Kelantan around 1988/1989 for SEMARAK gathering and official openning of Jambatan Salor at Jajahan Pasir Mas,i was among thousand of peoples who went there **

  115. Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wa barakatuh,
    Yes, I can see the reasons for you to be phobia of labelling. But Mahathirism is not only meant to be demonising, instead a label most suited for your style of leadership. There cant be any other label!
    Believe me, Mahathirism is most accepted to Malaysians who are open minded, blessed with the true picture of leadership. As for those who are anti-Mahathirism, they are the lost lots. They knew that Mahathirism is in the thinking of the masses, and they just want to distract it. But, of course they failed. Up till now, we are waiting for another leader aptly to have that ‘ism’ behind his name!
    Anyway, its up to honourable Tun to interprate the real meaning of Mahathirism, but of course it will as hard to abolish it from the path of history made by Tun for Malaysia… and I mean truely Malaysia.
    And may I add, by the virtue of 1999 election, Malaysians are basically the people who knew how to unite. But they will fumble if the leader is weak and just simply couldnt be a leader acceptable to all. All the Malaysians views and values before the 1999 election must be recorded, purely for the sake of the next generation, be it the leaders or the people.
    Mahathirism is a mind that will juggle Malaysians even for the next few decades.

  116. Salam Buat YgBhg. Tun,
    Saya memang sakit hati kalau orang “playing the racist card” in any discussion, so just for the following :
    ” By former BN supporter on May 23, 2009 3:10 PM
    Ya ya ya . But you are RACIST ! dont you dare deny it ! ” the following will become any of us should the balancing act is not being put in place :
    1. The plight of the Tamil in Sri Langkar
    2. The plight of the immigrant chinese in Papua New Guinea recently
    3. Not to forget the plight of ethnic chinese in Indonesia during the 1997-98 crisis.
    All because there is no ballancing act. Just because you don’t get all that you want that doesn’t mean your life is so miserable here. So be grateful that we are not part of that. Perhaps you need to visit the Straits Times Sg, Blog. Don’t cherry pick what you want to read but try to browse through everything and you will stumble upon the word “SHITizen” and they are not refering it to the Malay in Singapore but those who take Singapore as their new home.
    Kind regards

  117. Assalammulaikum tun….
    Sejujurnya dulu saya xberapa suka tun…mgkin disebabkan saya berlatar kan keluarga yang menyokong pihak yg selalu membangkangkan kerajaan tun…wlaupun sekarang saya msih dipihak lawan tun…tp skrang, sy amat tertarik ngan cara permikiran tun…sy suka cara tun berfikir sebelum bertindak sesuatu…sy respect tun sbgai seorang tokoh yg telah berjaya…teruskan membantu MALAYSIA terus bangun dan terus disegani dunia..pulun tun pulun…=)

  118. Dear Tun,
    The label Mahathirism is entirely appropriate. It embodies both good and bad elements. There’s no need to deny that authoritarianism is part of Mahathirism, and pretend to be an angel. It is obvious from the way you have continued to push for your agenda since you stepped down as PM (think crooked bridge, for example).
    Mahathirism is what has got us here today. By that I mean the economic and social progress we have made, but also the despicable way the legislature, judiciary and executive powers have been unified to work against the people. Overall the good outweigh the bad. It is the aftermath of it which makes the people recoil at the thought of revival of Mahathirism. You created a system which worked well under your premiership, but such a system is so prone to abuse, we have seen in the last 5 years how it has led to the near devastation of what it achieved in over two decades. It is Mahathirism because you completely revamped the system to suit your leadership. Put another guy in there and the system completely crumbles. Maybe that’s why you are so keen to mould whichever leader happens to be in office to suit the system. Unfortunately, that is seen as interference in the government. We would rather have a system that suits any leader who may be in office. So that revamp of yours, it’s not a good thing.
    But I wish you could just let it go, Tun, and learn to accept ‘Mahathirism’ as a compliment. It is what you have to show for your 20+ years at the helm. There is no Badawism because the other guy does not deserve a similar label to his name. It shows in your writing that you are still bitter about him, but we have to move on. We wanted him to resign. He complied and faded into oblivion, so leave him alone. Perhaps you could learn a thing or two from him about enjoying retirement, too.
    Don’t sulk over the negative connotation of Mahathirism. That is hardly injutice compared to what the general rakyat have to live through. At least you still enjoy the privilege of a former statesman and all the perks that come with it. At the very least, the police will not arrest you or your lawyers for spurious reasons.

  119. **************************************************************
    Why a small red dot below our country like Singapore never
    seemed to be like by Tun…their leader also being labelled this
    and that for Authoritarian..Premiership..their leader their people
    their nation prosper & progress amazingly…& highly regard ,respect
    & support..till todate..?

  120. salam Tun,
    I pity thambi Ravi who is deaperately trying to catch Tun’s attention…
    I really think the phrase ‘self-importance’ suits you best!

  121. Salam Tun,
    “By former BN supporter on May 23, 2009 3:10 PM
    Ya ya ya . But you are RACIST ! dont you dare deny it !”
    I challenge ‘former BN supporter’ to SHOW PROOF!Come on quick..we are waiting!Or else damn you!

  122. Dear Tun,
    1. Actually it is nothing wrong with mahathirism, cause it is simple and it works. Not to worry majority of us doesnt mind if mahathirism is applied in Malaysia government for another 1,000 years. Majority of us got jobs can live our dreams, many got rich (even though it is noticeable some is bunch of cronies-but who dont select their own crony?). Things are moving fast. And most important, there always a second chance. Out of 10 decision, i can simply say 7 are spot on, 3 are bad ones.
    2. I dont mind also if Badawirism works, but the problem is i cant accept Badawirism cause it doesnt works. Its like giving everything to foreigners especially to bunch of Singaporean and white dudes. And most of the MP doesnt fear him, they just smoke around the parliament like he doesnt exist and to make things worst bunch of self-proclaimed freedom fighter lawyers can tell him what to do in judiciary system. The economy are bad and keep on flip-flopping, etc etc. I dont have anything against him but he doesnt have the “IT” factor for being a PM. I can say he is the nicest guys in the world but he doesnt have it as a our leader. And actually hes doing the work that opposition wanted and thats not right. Im so sorry to say this, when he was ruling our country, i felt that im being ruled by bunch of singaporeans. Out of 10 decisions, I can say 9 bad ones and 1 spot on (He must done something good).
    3. Regarding Anwarism, the only thing that is happening that some middle aged single lady likes to hang around with younger hot guys and cried when pictures got blown off, multiple by- elections, some clown face “court jester” messing around our front page newspaper and jumping cause not happy got removed from MB post which is due to some froggers originated from his own party. And the best part the frogger method was highly promoted by his own boss. Nothing is happening in Selangor or the states under opposition, was hoping some huge changes especially on the economy and harmony side but nothing is happening, sigh and same thing is happening bribery and favoritism. Out of 10 decisions, i can say 10 bad ones and -5 spot on.
    4. For Karpalism, the only thing significant that is happening are some brawl with UMNO youths in the parliament and the quote of the decade “Anwar perlu bertaubat” haha. Well i can say 1 spot on decision – quote of the decade “Anwar perlu bertaubat”
    So conclusion, among the all the “ism” mahathirism seems to work just fine even there are some rough edges compared to others that DOESNT WORK AT ALL!!!!.
    PS. a simple personal message for Nizar, it is tough luck that decisions goes against you for the MB position. But i dont feel sorry for you, It is time for you to take care the people of Bukit Gantang instead of keep on chasing the stuff at the end of the day u going to loose, that is your main responsibilty for the people of Bkt Gantang. And stop using word like rakyat with you. The difference in Perak is only 3 seats, half of Perak are against you.
    And I doubt that u might be able to perform as Perak MB nicely cause it is simple, half of Perak are against you, and Sultan having issues looking at your face and worse you are busy with your court case chasing after MB post. Please be reminded general election is due in 3 and half years. So instead chasing for MB post better keep in check your career first, stay in Bukit Gantang as MP so next election they will vote for you again with better luck u might have a second shot as MB.

  123. salam Tun,
    MAHAthirism,MAHAzalim,MAHAfiraun etc.,
    Oeang2 yang panggil Tun dengan gelaran seperti di atas ada yang dah meninggal dunia,entah2 tak sempat minta maaf.
    Ada orang yang kata Tun tengok blue film dengan cucu,dia dah jalan pun.Apa agaknya balasan diakhirat untuk orang sebegini ya?
    Ada orang kata Tun sembah berhala dalam rumah (termasuklah beberapa orang sedara-mara saya sendiri),cepat2lah mintak maaf.Entah esok lusa mati tak sempat bertaubat.
    Ada orang buat sembahyang hajat nak jatuhkan Tun dulu,sekarang SAH MENJADI BONEKA DAP!
    Kepada mereka2 yang terasa pedasnya,cepat2lah minta maaf selagi nyawa masih dikandung badan.Sesungguhnya fitnah2 dan tohmahan2 kebanyakannya datang dari orang2 yang bertopengkan agama tetapi berhati busuk.
    Saya pelik dan hairan…..orang UMNO dilabel kafir tapi sanggup berkerjasama dan menjadi boneka DAP (agaknya DAP ni lebih Islam dari orang UMNO kot?)!

  124. Is that same Mahathirism and vandalisme. I thought vandalisme is more under PLah era. Btw Tun your service record 22 year will be broken by Nik Aziz who will reach 22 year administration by 2012. Is that posible he cant break your record. Must do something to stop it.

  125. Salam buat Tun berdua moga dirahmati Allah s.w.t.
    1.Rimba Emas kembali bekerja dalam kerajaan ketika ekonomi mengalami kemerosotan ketika Soros telah bermaharaja dahulu niat untuk membantu kerajaan.Walaupun sebagai kerani rendah dan terasing dari pimpinan atasan namun hati kecil hanya Allah s.w.t sahaja yang mengetahuinya.
    2. Namun niat itu tidak dipedulikan oleh ketua baru yang dilantik selepas ketua lama bersara dari perkhidmatan.Betul kata Tun manusia mudah lupa apabila selisa.Jasa serta periuk nasi seseorang kadang-kadang tidak dipedulikan kalau soal terbilang dititik beratkan.Yang berada diatas dengan yang dibawah masing-masing bagaikan terasing.
    3.Sekarang bila Tun buka ruangan komentar ini baru berpeluang Rimba Emas luahkan cerita ini sedangkan dulu Tun orang nomber satu saya pula berada dibawah.Sebabnya mengapa ? kerana dibawah Tun beradanya ketua-ketua dan dibawah ketua-ketua itu ada lagi ketua-ketua yang lain.
    4.Hubungan Tun cuma atas arahan serta fomula-formula yang diperkanalkan Tun dan ternyata Tun berjaya malah amat membangakan.Tetapi dalam banyak kejayaan itu Tun juga bergolak bila adanya perebutan merebut jawatan.Yang mana Tun berjaya serta cepat mengenalnya Tun berjaya mengatasinya.Cuma satu sahaja musuh yang Tun gagal mengatasinya iaitu musuh dalam lipatan.Ialah..kalau dalam lipatan mana Tun nak nampak..cuma hati kecil cuma dapat meneka.tak lebih dari itu..Allah s.w.t sahaja yang maha mengetahui..
    5.Rimba Emas yang dibawah dan terasing dari Tun nampak serta terdengar kata dari belakang Tun..tapi Rimba Emas hanya mampu membiarkan saja sambil beristiq’far..apakan daya cerita ini boleh diterbalikkan oleh mainan fitnah.Malah yang terlebih hebat dari’Mahathirism’iaitu ‘Maha Firaun’pernah terucap dari rakan sekerja.Setelah diselidiki nyata mereka penyokong kuat parti pembangkang.Jadi dalam kerajaan dibawah Tun sendiri tidaklah bersih dari hanya penyokong kerajaan.
    6.Sifat keterbukaan Tun memberi rahmat kepada rakyat malah kepada mereka yang tidak sukakan Tun malah membenci kerajaan cuma benteng diri mereka yang dibawah tidaklah sekebal Tun.Ramai yang tak percaya kalau dikatakan Rimba Emas dan Tan Sri Junid dibuang kerana faktor sokongan kuat pada Tun kerana alasan yang diberikan si pengerusi faktor yang berkaitan perjawatan.
    7.Rimba Emas dibuang oleh perkauman kroni bawahan sementara Tan Sri Junid oleh pihak atasan.Mereka tidak percaya kerana selesa dengan pekerjaan yang mereka ada sekarang.Benarlah kata Allah s.w.t manusia di jadikan serta bernafsu dan terlalu berdamba atas kepentinga diri sendiri… kalau tidak tentu ramai yang sanggup berkorban memberikan pekerjaan..jawatan…gaji…harta…yang lebih tinggi dari yang dimilikinya.
    8.Shukur dan sabarlah kerana ada hikmah disebaliknya sesungguhnya Allah s.w.t sentiasa bersama mereka yang beriman kepadanya.Semua manusia akan kembali kepadanya dan diadili seadil-adilnya.
    9.Mengikut arahan Allah s.w.t menjamin dunia dan akhirat sebaliknya arahan manusia yang tidak maksum memeningkan kepala serta penuh nafsu -nafsi.Tepuk dada tanya iman..

  126. Salam kepada Tun dan para Bloggers,
    Sempena DSN ke singapura beberapa hari yang lepas saya di pasir gudang telah ternampak beberapa jet-jet pejuang terbang rendah melalui kawasan pasir gudang. saya masih tak tahu negara kita punya ka atau negara jiran kita punya angkara ni.tak kira lah negara mana yang punya tp ianya amat mengganggu saya. saya cuma ‘curious’ itu saja.

  127. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@

  128. YABhg Tun,
    Salam hormat. Mahathirism is Vision 2020. Sebaliknya “Badawism’ dikaitkan dengan kegagalan Mac 8, 2008, flip and flop.

  129. Dear Tun,
    Firstly, you are my/our hero, a true Moderate Malaysian Revolutionish in your own special ways !.
    Like many other revolutions, there are constant competition between relatively moderate leaders and the extremists, and most unfortunately normally the extremists always won. BUT, not in your case, you/we WON as a true moderate in the Malaysian manner and style.
    I salute you Tun, YES indeed, you are like a father to all of us.
    We fought against the Japanese Invation/Communist terrorists/Confrontation/Racial Riots and all of us loyal citizen won, and now all Malaysian can live in peace, so I call for all citizen that we all have a stake in the success of Malaysia. Lets play our part proactively for the future generation to live in peace and end with our success story ,,,,O.K. ?.
    Be proud of your Mahathirism !!!! its an honour TUN.

  130. Assalamualaikum Tun.
    Buku ketiga yang saya beli adalah ‘Surat Daripada Dr Mahathir’ oleh Dato’ Zainuddin Maidin.
    Kekurangan buku ini adalah profil psikologi Tun Mahathir seperti mana yang diidamkan oleh Allahyarham Rustam A.Sani.
    Saya rasa saya adalah di antara orangnya yang rapat dengan Tun Mahathir dari segi emosi dan psikologi beliau.
    Tun amat jarang membuat keputusan pentadbiran dengan melibatkan emosi yang tidak terkawal dan secara peribadi.
    Hari ini saya cuma ingin memberi satu sahaja dahulu yang mana saya rasa tidak semua orang tahu iaitu :
    1. Tun masuk ke dalam UMNO kembali bukan kerana harta atau pangkat tapi cuma ingin dicatitkan dalam sejarah 100 tahun akan datang untuk dibaca oleh anak cucu beliau.
    Terima kasih Tun.

  131. apa yg nak dikisah kan dgn mahathirism, depa dok kata mahathirism, tapi mahathirism ni la yg dok bagi malaysia makmur dan kaya raya disemua peringkat bangsa di malaysia ni. macam mana dgn anuarism, nizarism,hadirism,karpalrism ini semua perosak bangsa ,agama dan negara. tak da org nak tulis mengenai depa pun. byk bangsa melayu skrg ni terlalu leberisation sgt..walhal tak tahu apa ttg liberal tu. dulu PAS tentang sgt dgn liberal ni tapi la ni sokong gila babi pulak, bukan selsema babi tapi sokong gila babi plak….malaysia apa lah yg tingal skrg ni kat anak anak kita ni….byk org kerja kerajaan amik gaji duit kerajaan, tapi belakang kutuk dan cerca kerajaan…depa ni mengaku islam tapi rasululluah dah label depa ni munafik yg harus ditentang kerana mereka ini lah perosak sebenar sesebuah negara sbb politik lawan nampak terang…org pembelot ni tak nampak mcm api dlm sekam…tak sedar kerajaan abih byk duit bagi anak2 depa sekolah, free medical kat semua hospital kerajaan utk anak anak depa, cuma bawa surat sekolah dan wang pendaftaran saja. depa ni muka tak tahu malu jadimunafik slps tu menghalalkan sendiri perbuatan mereka…mana depa belajaq benda ni…haaa…nu anuarism dulu dok ajaq masa mula2 kena buang. melayu apa yg tak sedar diri , pemimpin org buang lps guna pakai sampai sendiri rosak. bila terngadah nak salahkan org….

  132. UMNO is the still the best bet for the Malays. It is still relevent dulu, kini dan selamanya. Make no mistake about it. Don’t discard UMNO totally. UMNO has got all the political infrastructure to move forward for the next 50 years. What the Malays need to do is to identify those irrelevent Malay leaders who are haprak and HP6, still “menenggek” within UMNO rank and file and discard them dalam “longkang”. There are a lot more of these haprak and HP6 UMNO leaders together with their “gurkhas” who are still surviving. They are still hanging and mingling around the corridor of power within UMNO like “hawks”. The earlier to get rid of them the better. At least with the new team on board, UMNO have managed to kick some of them out, but still not enough. There are still leftovers “burung gagak”!!
    The pressure groups (NGOs) within the Malay community must continue to put UMNO leaders constantly on their toes so that they would not be able to deviate from UMNO agendas for their self-interest.

  133. Dear Tun,
    Im quite naive in the world of political moves, i believe majority of it is a matter of perception, a make believe world. Just as what you wrote. Now…
    What is it that most people only see and judge the 1% mistake that we do or believe that we do and ignore the 99% of the good thing done?
    Why do people take much longer time to recover from the little negative issues drummed up or labelled at one but tend to have short memories on the many good things spoon fed to them?
    How does one going to prove or change the perception that what people see or hear is not actually what happen? Is it possible that it can be done in a much shorter time or would it take a generation?
    I am now reading this book tile “the Shock Doctrine” by Naomi Klein and Im amazed at level of details that what is happening around the political world are actually ‘engineered’ by whom we generally know who. All mostly done with a precision of a doctor. (I hope the Dewan Bahasa Pustaka have enough people to translate this book in Bahasa of the thousands and thousands of science books they still have to translate. Or is this part of a much broader world domination?). What a make believe world they created for their political and economic ambitions.
    Tun, do you have answers to these small questions or Malaysian people memang mudah lupa?
    Iskandar Shafie

  134. Assalamualaikum Ayah Det, mama and family,
    After reading much from your blog and comparing to the reports from the media, it is definitely true to the fact that badawism is even worse than mahathirism. badawism has brought destruction to the nation and it was already too late when the ppl of malaysia notice the damaged that was done to the nation. the whole government was under the control of the 4th floor boys which is led by yrs truly’s son-in-law. everything was linked to them and there was no development in areas where funds were allocated. the only area developed is their own ‘pockets’ and with the negative feelings of the rakyat, the government did not get the 2/3 majority required in the parliament to effect the easy paasage when bills are tabled during the 12th GE. besides that, it made yrs truly’s family amassed great wealth and i wonder why the MACC is not there to investigate the wealth of the ppl concerned????? MACC is suppose to be the independent commission or is it the independent commission ala badawism??…
    can anyone tell me wht’s wrong with mahathirism?? has anyone been out of malaysia during the early 80’s or early 90’s where malaysia is not even known to the world. but then, mahathirism has brought malaysia to the world and is duly respected by developing nations around the world. you had set the look east policy way back in the 80’s and during mahathirism, majority of the 3rd world and developing nations were adopting the look malaysia’s policy as we have been steadily developing towards the 2020 vision set by you as a develop nation. but alas, with badawism, we are pushed back so fast that we are now back to square one and need a lot strength, determination and sincerity to put malaysia back on track towards the 2020 target. thus, a lot of hard work needs to be put in by the present leaders and i honestly do symphatize with the present leaders as the damaged done by badawism is far worse than anyone could imagine……but i do believe that the present leaders are capable of turning the negativities into positive ones and this will be proven during the 13th GE…but then as time is not an advantage, there is a lot of hardwork required to be done and time should not be wasted on unnecessary issues such as the issue in the state of Perak. the issue could have been resolve if we look at the cause of the problem and rectify it. there should not be any personal agenda and solutions should be collective and not based on individualism. the present leaders should show sincerity in restructuring the whole nation towards a better future for all malaysian and not only the bumiputras. this will coincide well with the 1MALAYSIA concept adopted by our dear PM. all other ethnics are also malaysians and they too hold the rights to cast their votes as well…sincerity will be the motto to drive the ppl who has voted against the government to re-think before casting their votes during the 13th GE. the present leaders should also evaluate the strategies of the opposition as the opposition leader was once in the ruling coalition and knows all the ins and the outs of the ruling coalition. it would help the present government to change its’ strategies and dare to be different so that the opposition leader will not be able to anticipate the next move(s) and to ensure that all malaysians are comfortable with the sincere actions of the present government. i just hope whatever the present government does for the rakyat is not only perkhidmatan di bibir mulut but instead perkhidmatan yang menjadi kenyataan untuk memperbaiki kerosakan yang telah diakibatkan oleh badawism. kehidupan rakyat malaysia juga akan ditingkatkan.
    i apologise if my comments had provoke any individual or party but then again, i am just stating what i feel and it would be the wish of all malaysians that malaysia would be returned to the stage where we all live harmoniously without any racial tensions.
    i wish ayah det and mama the best of health and may grace of ALLAH S.A.W. be bestowed upon the both of you. My warmest regards to the family as well.
    Wassalam…..suffian NG

  135. The minds of people are easily influenced by the media because there are too many gullible people in Malaysia who believe without thinking. Observe, the many forms of ‘ketaksuban’ towards political parties, religious sects and MLM scams an etc. This happens because of the lack in the culture of thinking. This is most prominent among university students. Students who will one day lead the country. We must be exposed to more intelligent and mature thinking, if not Malaysians will continue to be gullible to believe in mere small speculation in blogs and etc. Unfortunately, the environment that we are in does not promote such ideals. Please read:

  136. Assalamualaikum Ayah Det, mama and family,
    After reading much from your blog and comparing to the reports from the media, it is definitely true to the fact that badawism is even worse than mahathirism. badawism has brought destruction to the nation and it was already too late when the ppl of malaysia notice the damaged that was done to the nation. the whole government was under the control of the 4th floor boys which is led by yrs truly’s son-in-law. everything was linked to them and there was no development in areas where funds were allocated. the only area developed is their own ‘pockets’ and with the negative feelings of the rakyat, the government did not get the 2/3 majority required in the parliament to effect the easy paasage when bills are tabled during the 12th GE. besides that, it made yrs truly’s family amassed great wealth and i wonder why the MACC is not there to investigate the wealth of the ppl concern????? MACC is suppose to be the independent commission or is it the independent commission ala badawism??…
    can anyone tell me wht’s wrong with mahathirism?? has anyone been out of malaysia during the early 80’s or early 90’s where malaysia is not even known to the world. but then, mahathirism has brought malaysia to the world and is duly respected by developing nations around the world. you had set the look east policy way back in the 80’s and during mahathirism, majority of the 3rd world and developing nations were adopting to the look malaysia’s policy as we have been steadily developing towards the 2020 as a develop nation. but alas, with badawism, we are pushed back so fast that we are now back to square one and needs a lot strength and sincerity to put malaysia back on track towards the 2020 target. thus, a lot of hard work needs to be put in by the present leaders and i honestly do symphatize with the present leaders and the damaged done by badawism is far worse than anyone could imagine……but i do believe that the present leaders are capable of turning the negativities into positive ones and this will be proven during the 13th GE…but then as time is not an advantage, there is a lot of hardwork required to be done and time should not be wasted on unnecessary issues such as the issue in the state of Perak. the issue could have been resolve if we look at the cause of the problem and rectify it. there should not be any personal agenda and solutions should be collective and not based on individualism. the present leaders should show sincerity in restructuring the whole nation towards a better future for all malaysian and not only the bumiputras. this will coincide well with the 1MALAYSIA concept adopted by our dear PM. all other ethnics are also malaysians and they too hold the rights to cast their votes as well…sincerity will be the motto to drive the ppl who has voted against the government to re-think before casting their votes during the 13th GE. the present leaders should also evaluate the strategies of the opposition as the leader was once in the ruling coalition and knows all the ins and outs of the ruling coalition. it would help the present government to change its’ strategies and dare to be different so that the opposition leader will not be able to anticipate the next move(s) and to ensure that all malaysians are comfortable with the sincere actions of the present government. i just hope whatever the present government does for the rakyat is not only perkhidmatan di bibir mulut but instead perkhidmatan yang menjadi kenyataan untuk memperbaiki kerosakan yang telah diakibatkan oleh badawism. kehidupan rakyat malaysia juga akan ditingkatkan.
    i apologise if my comments have provoke any individual or party but then again, i am just stating what i feel and it would be the wish of all malaysians that malaysia would be returned to the stage where we all live harmoniously without any racial tensions.
    i wish ayah det and mama the best of health and may grace of ALLAH S.A.W. be bestowed upon the both of you. My warmest regards to the family as well. Take care.
    Wassalam…..suffian NG

  137. Salam Tun.I can feel ur feeling…and I am no more holding Anuarism. My comment is simple.the anuar issue is just too complicated. U must try to rejustify it. Ayway u still the valuable brain to the country. wasalam. ceria selalu..(wajah u, Tun Dr.Mahathir imbas2 wajah ayah saya)

  138. Tun, for your info, the current KSN Tan Sri Mohd Sidek Hassan has appoint as President of UIA to replace Tan Sri Sanusi Junid.
    Hope you can make a correction in the para 9 of this articel.
    Up to the peole how they want to interprete what is Mahathirism. For me , because of your leadership people know where is Malaysia.
    Thanks Tun.

  139. Assalamualaikum Ayahanda Tun. Syabas kepada kerajaan yang ada pada hari ini, namun jangan mula berkompromi dengan Singapura dan jangan mula tunduk pada permainan mereka. Dan jika pula ada mula kedapatan kembali suara-suara dalang yang bertanya apakah keperluan Jambatan baru antara Malaysia dan Singapura? Ketepikan soal keperluan! Ini adalah soal maruah kita, soal maruah yang telah tergadai dek kealpaan dan kebuntuan pentadbiran Abdullah Badawi dan menantu beliau Khairy Jamalludin yang telah berlalu.
    Sejarah tidak rasmi Malaysia akan mencatatkan bahawa diantara Oktober 2003 hingga ke Mac 2009, Kerajaan Malaysia telah ditadbir oleh seorang anak muda (serta konco-konco beliau) yang juga menantu kepada Perdana Menteri ke-Lima Malaysia (seperti mana ada terdapat Sejarah tidak rasmi Amerika Syarikat dimana Amerika telah ditadbir oleh seorang Presiden Wanita pertamanya, iaitu isteri kepada Presiden Warren G Harding ketika suaminya sedang melingkup, kemudian sakit dan langsung nazak semasa sedang menjawat jawatan Presiden Amerika Syarikat).
    Tambak yang ada hari ini harus dirobohkan dan laluan air perlu dibuka semula. Jika tidak 100% jarak Tambak Johor, memadai dengan hanya pada bahagian Malaysia sahaja. Jambatan yang bakal dibina kelak mesti mempunyai cukup laluan had ketinggian untuk laluan kapal-kapal kontena bersaiz besar

  140. Let “Mahathirism” come back if it is good for Malaysia, don’t ever sell-out to Singapore.

  141. Assalamualaikum Ayahnda n Bonda,
    just my brain wave…

  142. Salam buat semua,
    Tiada apa yang perlu di risaukan dengan apa-apa gelaran yang di berikan. Baik malay ultra atau mahathirism, bagi kami generasi Tun Dr Mahathir amat berbangga dengan satu-satunya pemimpin agung umat Melayu ini. Ingat dengan Presiden Charles de Gaulle, hingga kini masih ada yang bangga menggelarkan mereka gaulist dan fahaman gaulism ( termasuk Mitterand, Chirac dan Sarkozy ( dan kalau dalam UMNO sekarang ada yang berani menggelarkan mereka Mahathirist, tabik untuk mereka.
    Saya menyokong UMNO dari jauh dan tak mampu untuk mendokong perjuangan UMNO sebelum ini kerana untuk ke depan dalam UMNO perlu kos yang tinggi. faham-faham saje la. Saya mendaftar menjadi ahli UMNO pada hari DS Najib disahkan sebagai Presiden UMNO dengan harapan DS Najib dapat mewarisi sekurang-kurangnya semangat Tun Razak kerana untuk mewarisi semangat Tun Mahathir saya rasa tak siapa yang mampu.
    Tapi selepas mengambilalih kerajaan dari rejim Pak Lah, DS Najib dan UMNO tidak bergerak kemana-manapun. Media baru (blog) langsung tidak di ambil berat. Ya betul.. hampir semua menteri ada blog termasuk PM, tapi semuanya hampas. Macam baca pekeliling perkhidmatan awam sahaja. Langsung tak ada inisiatif untuk memulakan perang secara agresif untuk mempengaruhi mereka yang masih ada simpati pada UMNO. Kalau adapun macam Rockybru, blogger ini bukannya bloger UMNO tetapi lebih kepada kebenaran. Yang boleh dikatakan penyokong UMNO adalah seperti Voice, Big Dog ataupun Pasquale. Itu sahaja. Kita perlu lebih agresif dan ilmiah. Agresif saja macam Parpu Kari tapi agak emosional.
    Dan kunjungan DS Najib ke Singapura, nampak sangat play safe yang menjadi imej sebenar Najib. Tak perlulah di sebut apa yang dikatakan tapi tajuk awal Malaysian Insider yang cukup gembira dengan jambatan baru dan kekalnya Tambak Johor boleh menggambarkan segala-galanya. Mana dia isu sebenar nak membolehkan air selat johor bebas megalir dari selat melaka ke Laut China Selatan. Seekor pun rombangan Malaysia tak menyebutnya tapi jambatan baru hubungkan Changi yang di war-warkan. ye la kalau Iskandar dah Pak Lah cop dia punya legasi,kalau buat jambatan bengkok Mahathir punya legasi, apa yang tinggal untuk Najib, nak harap perjuang FELDA dah ada imej Tun Razak kat situ.jadi lebih baik cadangkan jambatan baru. Teringat kata-kata ” Ini Idea Saya”. Bodohnya pemimpin Malaysia.
    Jadi.. bagi anak-anak muda bacalah siapa De Gaulle yang sanggup mengeluarkan HQ Nato di Fountainebleu kerana tidak mahu tentera asing di bumi Perancis. hidupkanlah MAHATHIRISM. Pada cendikiawan, kaji dan buatlah thesis dan makalah berkenaan MAHATHIRSM. And pasti akan dikenang sejarah dan menjadi rujukan utama sebuah Malaysia Moden suatu hari nanti.
    Kepada DS Najib, sedarlah. Clock is thicking. Louder. Anda mungkin PM terakhir UMNO (melayu). Masih ada kesempatan sebelum PRU13 (2tahun lebih je lagi).

  143. I have no problem with “Mahathirism” even if we really do have one. Because Malaysia flourished under Mahathirism despite some of the implementation weaknesses or imperfections in your policies. After all you are a human who was trying to do your level best to administer and lead the country. Some people called you “Kuku Besi or Dictator”…and I have no problem with that too, because personally you have not harmed me & my family and neither through your policies I was suffering.
    Sincerely speaking, I have no “cable” in the goverment to be used to enable me to become an instant millionaire neither I cari makan using the “The Concept Of Tecnichal Know Who” to accelerate my business. I am simply a Malay lady with children to feed who use her brain,energy & knowledge day in day out to survive in this country. I tak makan gaji , so for those in the same boat they will know the size of challeges that we face every day in order to cari makan.Malay proverbs say “pakai tulang 4 kerat”. No politics whatsoever.
    When you ruled the country, we feel secure and the economy prospered. For majority of people out there who are just like me, we need that foundations to enable us to live harmoniously, without the feeling of insecurity & economically we were stabled. All that we want to do is to “cari makan halal dan berkat”. With Allah’s will, Mahathirism also has opened many eyes globally that Malaysians and especially Malays are not some weaklings that can be belittled. We have achieved many achievements either domestically or globally.
    To those who loves to criticise you. When I say all these it does not mean that I worship or try to “bodek” Mahathir or Mahathirism. I am simply admitting what I have experienced through 22 years of Mahathir administration and I comparing this with my life experienced during his successor administration. Life is hard out there and everybody knows it except for the few. Despite some people dislike you & criticised you….I still have faith in you to lead the country if you have to. To those who likes to say bad things about you ….all I can say if they were chosen to be the Prime Minister of Malaysia..would they be able to take this country to a greater heights than Mahathirism regimes or at least be at the same par like what you had done for the country, for Malaysians in general or for the Malays specifically. I dont think they can. All that they can do is criticise, criticise and criticise…!!! Because they find joy in doing it…..!!That’s all.

  144. Dear Tun Dr M,
    It is true that you were discredited and demonized by other leaders and hated by certain communities internationally. However, those leaders and communities within themselves were actually envious of your wide knowledge history and what was Malaysia’s loss. Apart from that they realized that you would not repeat the same mistake.
    On another aspect, they were afraid of you might take revenge of the past history of Malaysia. Some of the leaders were afraid that you might succeed more than them. They also realized that your capability goes beyond what you have studied and learnt. Yes, I am talking about your success in taking over the Finance Ministry Portfolio for about 5 years.
    It is not an exaggeration to say that Malaya should have had leaders like you during the 50s and during the invasion of the west of the Malay Sultanate.
    Some might say I kaki ‘Kaki bodek’. I would say to them that we should acknowledge not only the bad but also good of any individual.

  145. YAB Tun,
    Assalamualaikum, Selamat Sejahtera and a very good morning.
    Its been sometime since I last penned my comment but when I read your writing regarding ‘Mahathirism’, I rasa ‘terpanggil’ to offer my view.
    To those critics of the so called ‘Mahathirism’, I am asking them ‘SO WHAT’. The so called ‘Mahathirism’ brought our country to a new height in the world standing in the 22 years of ‘Mahathirism’ era.
    Your era could be considered as the rise of Malaysia or ‘Golden Era’ of Malaysia in the eyes of the world.
    When I was still serving the government, I had the opportunity to attend courses, seminars and meetings overseas. During my interactions with our overseas counterparts, I was really proud to be recognised as a Malaysian and I felt prouder when some of these people would mentioned that they would wish that their country would have a leader like Dr M. Some even mentioned that they wish they could ‘borrow’ Dr M or be seconded for one term to sort out their country’s leadership problem.
    Some people has this perception that anything ‘ism’ is bad. Look at China. Communism is not that bad after all eventhough the west was trying and is still trying very hard to portray and label it as bad. China’s economy is thriving and western investors are looking for opportunities to trade there.
    Say whatever you like, if ‘Mahathirism’ could bring Malaysia back to its glory days, I am for it.
    I pray that YAB Tun and Tun Siti Hasmah be blessed with good health always.

  146. Tun
    To some extent I would say you are the best marketer in the world. You had successfully

  147. salam ayahanda tun,
    Tun memang seorang yang berpandangan jauh serta bijak membuat keputusan. Ini kerana setiap keputusan itu telah dipertimbangkan sebaik mungkin sebelum dilaksanakan walaupun dikatakan extereme.Namun sekiranya itu yang terbaik maka itulah yg perlu dilakukan bagi kebaikan bersama.’Prevention is better than cure’
    semoga Tun sentiasa sihat agar dapat terus memberikan idea serta pandangan yg bernas.

  148. Dear Tun,
    You are qualified for “your-ism” as you are a great strong leader. But, now I’m afraid of all this as it is inherited, it is too powerful and it lead to manipulation, especially with crooks around, and crooks are unavoidable from geneneration to generation as this is not perfect world. Don’t you suffer from “your-ism” inheritation?
    Do we need one party over-power governance now? I say no, after your 22 years ruling, I need a system that balance all sort of powers and I think this means progression. The only power I have is to vote against the over corrupted power to embrace change.

  149. Welcome back Dr Mahathir,
    Heard you were on a lecture trip overseas. By the way, is anyone
    or any organisation,compiling your lectures/speeches made
    overseas or even locally? Recently,DPM Tan Sri Muhyiddin
    has announced of an Idea Bank, maybe they should also
    incorporate your ideas and views in this set up.
    If international organisations/Universities are willing to pay
    you for thousands of USD for each lecture why not our Govt.take
    this opportunity to compile all your thoughts and lectures into
    a book or keep them in the Idea Bank.?
    Back to your point about Mahathirism. Actually when your
    adversary is of a different opinion from yours then the name-
    calling arises.As far as Im concerned,it doesnt matter what
    one is labelled as,as long as he/she is a true leader and
    able to fight for his/her country and people. A leader who does
    not want to kiss someone else’s ass just to please that
    someone. A leader who is able to call a spade,a spade.
    I believe to be a leader in a multi-racial country one has to
    be strong in mind and character and at the same time
    knowlegable.However one is not always fortunate enough to be
    blessed with both qualities.
    If a leader has strength but lacks knowlege,then he/she can
    always have a learned team to assist and advise him/her.If a
    leader is smart like David but without Goliath’s strength he
    can still fight him and win.
    If by practising Mahathirism we can fight Goliath,then I say,
    why not?

  150. TUN.
    Mahathirisma lah yang telah banyak mengubah kehidupan rakyat Malaysia sehingga di kenali seluruh dunia. Ramai cerdik pandai di hasilkan. Ramai ahli2 perniagaan dapat bersaing diperingkat global. Dan telah meletakkan Malaysia menuju status negara maju. Jadi apa
    salah nya dengan Mahathirisma jika ia nya dapat di teruskan dan di perbaiki lagi oleh DSNTR untuk memakmorkan nagara.
    Hanya musuh2 politik dan individu yang bersifat dengki akan kejayaan TUN sahaja tidak mengakaui dan mengitiraf Mahathirisma.
    Ingin menyentuh sedikit politik negeri Perak. Tahniah kepada Datuk Sri Dr. Zambry kerana telah berjaya dalam usaha mengembalikan kuasa negeri Perak kepada kerajaan BN/UMNO.
    Sebagai anak Perak di rantauan, saya rasa amat bersyukur akan keputusan ini. Baru lah lega rasa nya, maklumlah ramai lagi waris dan sanak saudara yang berada di Perak tu akan berada dalam keadaan lebih selamat, terjamin, dan dapat dibantu akan kebajikan dan permasaalahan mereka oleh kerajaan yang benar2 bertanggung jawab kepada rakyat. Bukan sekadar hanya mencari pengaruh politik sahaja.
    Pembangkang perlulah menerima kenyataan ini. Mereka telah hilang kuasa di Perak. Usah lah lagi mempertikai keputusan mahkamah. Jangan lah memainkan sentimen rakyat dengan pelbagai fitnah, helah dan muslihat untuk mengheret segelintir rakyat untuk menyokong tindakan mereka semata2 untuk kemenangan politik peribadi mereka.
    Rakyat Perak telah jemu dan muak dengan gelagat2 pemimpin2 pembangkang di Perak. Usah lah terlalu yakin mereka telah mendapat sokongan besar rakyat Perak. Apa yang berlaku pada PRU12 yang lalu itu sebagaimana umum ketahui adalah undi ‘protes’ rakyat pada UMNO dan BN yang di ketuai oleh Pak Lah ketika itu. Sekarang Pak Lah dah tidak berkuasa lagi. Rakyat dah pasti berpuas hati dan akan kembali menyokong BN di bawah DS Najib.
    Usahlah membazirkan wang rakyat dan waktu untuk mengadakan semula pilihan raya di Perak. Tunggu lah PRU akan datang untuk melihat siapa yang akan di pilih rakyat.
    Pada Nizar, sebagai seorang Islam dari parti Islam wajib melihat keputusan ini adalah ketentuan Allah SWT. Qador dan Qadar dari Allah SWT. Setiap rezeki yang diberi mesti berasa syukur. Selama 11 bulan sebagai MB itu satu rezeki dan apabila hilang jawatan itu juga adalah suatu rezeki. Berbalik lah kepada mengingati ALLAH yang maha besar.

  151. Assalamualaikum Ayahnda n Bonda,
    I dont care what ever names or brand they labelled you. To me, YOU ARE THE ONE who always cares for the country. It was during your tenure that you worked days and nights to see that Malaysia become what it is today (minus the damages brought by the fifth PM). I have watched Modern Marvels on the KLCC building for many,many times and that alone has shown me a dedicated leader whom I could never find other leaders to fit in your place, not in another hundred years…believe me, when we see a leader making the country wakes up simultenously the next day he’s in-charge, you know that he’s the one.
    I would really like to see our present PM does something like that, I mean to have something that everybody in this country find in common, e.g, standardise the weekend i.e. make either Friday and Saturday or Saturday and Sunday, as the whole nation weekend.
    I find it strange because until today, after more than 50 years of Independent, we still have different days for weekends in different states in Malaysia. Imagine the official matters and postal problems we have faced all these years. Why do we still adhere our system to some of the impractical things that the colonial left behind???
    I hope to seek agreement on this matter since everyone would like to move forward as 1Malaysia. If we cannot have a 1weekend for the whole nation, all the talks about 1Malaysia is likely to be a fabricated idea.
    Sorry Ayahnda if I sound a bit harsh.
    I would like to see and feel something more meaningful rather than just ideas after ideas…this is something that our new PM should act upon, fast. The idea of 1Malaysia will become a paradox if many of our work hindered by discrepancy in the system, not only this weekend issue, but also a few other matters that the rakyat find very irritating: water admin in each state, syariah court and laws, land regulations and other trivial things that could have been made standardised.
    For 1Malaysia to be appreciated, cut off the inconsistancies…
    Thank you ayahnda for letting anaknda to voice out my heartfelt here.
    May Allah Ta’ala bless you both, here after….
    just my brain wave….

  152. Assalamualaikum Ayahnda n Bonda,
    I dont care what ever names or brand they labelled you. To me, YOU ARE THE ONE who always care for the country. It was during your tenure that you worked days and nights to see that Malaysia become what it is today (minus the damages brought by the fifth PM). I have watched Modern Marvels on the KLCC building for many,many times and that alone has shown me a dedicated leader whom I could never find other leaders to fit in your place, not in another hundred years…believe me, when we see a leader making the country wakes up simultenously the next day he’s in-charge, you know that he’s the one.
    I would really like to see our present PM does something like that, I mean to have something that everybody in this country find in common, e.g, standardise the weekend i.e. make either Friday and Saturday or Saturday and Sunday, as the whole nation weekend.
    I find it strange because until today, after more than 50 years of Independent, we still have different days for weekends in different states in Malaysia. Imagine the official matters and postal problems we have faced all these years. Why do we still adhere our system to some of the impractical things that the colonial left behind???
    I hope to seek agreement on this matter since everyone would like to move forward as 1Malaysia. If we cannot have a 1weekend for the whole nation, all the talks about 1Malaysia is likely to be a fabricated idea.
    Sorry Ayahnda if I sound a bit harsh.
    I would like to see and feel something more meaningful rather than just ideas after ideas…this is something that our new PM should act upon, fast. The idea of 1Malaysia will become a paradox if many of our work hindered by discrepancy in the system, not only this weekend issue, but also a few other matters that the rakyat find very irritating: water admin in each state, syariah court and laws, land regulations and other trivial things that could have been made standardised.
    For 1Malaysia to be appreciated, cut off the inconsistancies…
    Thank you ayahnda for letting anaknda to voice out my heartfelt here.
    May Allah Ta’ala bless you both, here after….
    just my brain wave….

  153. 1) Honestly, I want Mahathirism kind of rules are brought back ruling our beloved country.
    2)Mahathirism shall separate us from Dajjal & world’s elites planned to control the entire world by year 2012, i.e House of Rothschilds and its agents, International Bankers, Israel, US, Singapore, Anwar, KJ, Kalimullah, Berendan Parrera etc.
    3) It is proven that the Mahathirism had succesfully developed this country and changed agriculture to industrial and now a trading nation. This country has been far more richer than year before 1980.
    4) It seems that Najib has to bow to Singapore????? the biggest question mark for Najib.

  154. Correction:
    “Just look at the adverts in today. Now we have the likes of Dell, Proton and Gold Dinar advertising freely out of their own free will to capitalize on the very broad exposure of this blog site.”
    What I had meant by “freely” is of course : freely as a bird at their own free chosen will. The Beetle Lennon Mc Cartney kind of “freely”. Certainly not the PWTC open house kind. I am sorry for the error Tun.

  155. 1. One way of demonising an opponent, particularly a political opponent, is to give him a derogatory label.
    Salam kasih dan hormat Ayahanda Tun. Labeling 23 years of Tun

  156. Dearest Tun,
    I certainly am very proud of Mahathirism and welcome the coming back of Mahathirism. Why not? Somebody once told me that the most brilliant man in Asia is Dr. Mahathir. So, why not? Because of him, the world notice that Malaysia exist. Because of him, this country is more prosperous than ever. The only downturn is, there are more ungrateful lawyers around who don’t think but talk too much. Mere boldness and fearless do not bring peacefulness and prosperity.

  157. Assalamualaikum Tun,
    Whatever labels, names or terms “those people” wish to describe your form or style of administration is beyond our control. Mulut orang, bukannya kita boleh tutup macam mulut tempayan. Whether it signifies tyranny, despotism, cronyism, extremism or whatever “ism” out there, this label which is associated with your name is open to everybody’s interpretation. Different people may define it differently.
    In certainty, if I am to take The Almighty God out of my gratitude list, “Mahathirism” shall be on top of that list. I can safely claim that I am the product of “Mahathirism”. From Standard One to graduation in a local university, I received my formal education throughout the era of “Mahathirism”. What I have become today is the end result of “Mahathirism”. Of course, in my own personal view there ought to be some adjustments here and there during your administrative era but nobody is perfect, right? Having said that, what do I have to complain about “Mahathirism”?
    Rather, I am truly proud that this “derogatory” label is associated with a patriotic Malaysian like you. The world economy was once saved by “Keynesian” economic theory and there was a time when the young generation was swayed by “Marxism”. Even the Islamic world flourished under the “Abbasid” caliphate. However, nobody have heard of “Reaganism” or “Clintonism” or “Blairism” even though the respective countries prospered during those eras.
    As such, do not feel ashamed or humiliated by this particular label dear Tun. There are a lot of tycoons, doctors, engineers, lawyers, teachers or even landscape engineers produced during the era of “Mahathirism” compared to the previous eras. This is the factor that your critics failed to mention regarding “Mahathirism”. If “Mahathirism” is truly bad, then I shall not be able to comment and write in here!
    with regards,

  158. salam Tun,
    betul apa Tun cakap… sepatutnya dah ada dah term badawism tu…. sebab banyak masalah di Malaysia hari ni sebab dia…
    1) Harga barang naik… sebab harga minyak dinaikkan melampau. Masa Tun dulu ada juga naik harga minyak tapi tidak la melampau macam tu. Dia tak fikir ke yang harga minyak boleh turun, tapi harga barang, sekali dah naik takkan turun?!
    2) Kebebasan bersuara. Maaf la kalau saya kata rakyat Malaysia ni belum layak dapat kebebasan bersuara sepenuhnya. Ramai yang belum cukup matang untuk dapat hak sebegitu.
    3) Melemahkan kerajaan. Biar la nak lemah lembut sekalipun, ketegasan kena ada. Seorang pemimpin tak boleh nak jadi baik kepada semua orang, itu yang dia nak buat, sebab seorang pemimpin takkan dapat memuaskan hati semua pihak.
    4) Melemahkan negara. Masa zaman Tun dulu, mana ada Thailand, Singapura dan Indonesia berani. Zaman dia, Thailand ugut Malaysia pasal isu selatan Thai, Singapore demand macam2, Indonesia pulak sebab nak berebut pulau, nyaris tak berlanggar kapal perang Indonesia dan Malaysia.
    Kat atas tu cukup la untuk menggariskan kenapa masalah di Malaysia ni semuanya berpunca dari DIA!

  159. Dearest Tun
    It does not matter whether its Mahathirism, Malay Ultra or what. Whats important is that you have brought Malaysia to the world map the economy to such level that nobody else could in such a short time not only to the Malay but also Chinese and Indian. Malaysia can never be where it is without you. I only wish you can come back but I know the wheels have to move on. I hope Najib and Muhyiddin play up to its mark.

  160. Salam Tun yang dikasihi,
    Your blogs has opened up a lot of people’s eyes where blogs are the another way of reaching others. I have monitoring your blogs through, at this moment the rank is 28,001.
    btw, “Badawism” sound good for new words today.

  161. TUN.
    Syukur dan Alhamdulillah TUN maseh kelihatan sehat dan pergerakan harian pun nampak cergas.
    Pada hemat saya ‘Mahathirisma’ telah berjaya dan amat sesuai ketika itu untuk membangunkan Malaysia. Malaysia yang komposisi rakyat nya belbagai kaum dan etnik. Belbagai budaya, bahasa dan agama amat rumit untuk di tadbirkan dan disatukan sebagai satu negara bangsa. TUN telah berjaya melakukan nya dengan baik ketika itu sehingga lah TUN Lah mengambil alih kuasa. Satu persatu ikatan dari dasar Mahathirisma itu terlerai. Kerosakan nya mula terasa sehinggakan ada yang sampai ketahap yang sukar di baiki.
    Banyak perkara yang telah kita lihat dan kecapi hari ini adalah usaha dan hasil kerja TUN selama 22 tahun memerintah. Tetapi selama 5 tahun bersama TUN Lah kita hanya lihat banyak kemusnahan dan kemerosotan.
    UMNO rosak. BN rosak. Perkauman menjadi2. Jenayah meningkat. Rakyat tak hormat Raja2 Melayu. Peguam2 perlekehkan mahkamah dan mempermainkan undang2 dan perlembagaan walaupun TUN Lah telah berusaha untuk memperbaiki sistem perundangan negara.
    Ekonomi lembab berkembang. Tanah2 wilayah negara tergadai atau pun terlepas pada negara lain. DLL.
    “HIDUP TUN”.
    Apa2 pun saya amat bersyukur kepada Allah SWT kerana negeri Perak dapat di terajui semula oleh UMNO/BN. Tuhan amat mengetahui dan amat berkuasa menentukan segala2 nya. Amin…….

  162. Mahathirism? Yes when someone is jealous or envy of someone else achievement, be it popularity, failure, success, they will brand that person. For me the brand of “MAHATHIRISM” is globally known. If I have your permission and my means I will translate this as a Global Brand. How does Al-QAEDA came into the global scene? Terrorism, Muslim is Terrrorist, AlQaeda Terrorist. Who and how does this come about? What about AL-JAZEERA, COCA-COLA? These are brands , if we can be innovative turning these into brands its just fantastic. The strategy is to relate the brands with accreditation, positive success etc. PR & Promo.
    In your lifetime Tun you will achieve and had achieved more success than failures.
    1) Industrialisation of Malaysia – from Proton and beyond
    2) E-Commerce – HitechPadu, E-Perolehan, Yasmin Technology, Skali, etc
    3) Education – PC Lab, E-Book, etc
    4) TEchnology – MSC, Cyberjaya, Technology Parks, Satellite launches etc
    5) Many many more ……..
    If these initiative were taken to greater height we could had achieved the national goal sooner. Especially the education sector. Muhiydin have to start from scratch. Do he have enough time? After all your efforts and initiative to revamp our education infrastructures, like UNITAR by KUB etc. Now what happen?. It is common that when it is positive there will be self proclaim, otherwise someone will be blame.
    Some of these initiatives branded as MAHATHIRISM were wasted. Why? Politically mooted? I don’t know. Walllah huAlam.
    In the name of national interest and benefits lets quantum leap in our Education initiative. I realize, Rosmah had chosen the right platform to take her to greater height. With the PM supporting these, insyallah our educational at the root will be well establish again. We have to wait and see.
    Yesterday Friday Khutbah said ” Dengan Ilmu boleh cari harta, dengan harta tak tentu dapat ILmu”

  163. Dear Tun,
    Never heard of “Badawism “. Often heard people talking in Mamak Shop about ” Kitchen Cabinet “. Another one as you mentioned few times is “flip flop Cabinet ”

  164. Tun,
    Untuk kami, kami tidak kisah sama ada Matahirism ke dan ntah apa-apa lagi “ism” yang timbul, apa yang penting pada kami ialah apa yang telah dirancang terdahulu untuk bangsa Malaysia tercapai. Untuk umat Melayu pula, mereka perlu bertukar. Utamakanlah keikhlasanan di dalam dirir.
    Kami tidak panggil Tun sebagai ayahanda, kami panggil Tun sebagaimana Anak Haji membahasakan Tun sebagai Ayah Tun. Saya rasa itu lah yang sepatutnya.

  165. We normally cannot see our own weaknesses and excesses. We need others to point them out for us. We, being human, will create all sorts of justifications, rightly or wrongly, for our actions.


  167. Dear YABhg Tun and everyone here,
    It is not only Tan Sri Sanusi Joned, it is also a bit saddened to see such talent not been given proper place according to their respective field. We can see how, for example, a first class degree in economics holder been given office of Higher Education Ministry as to freeze his expertise, ie. Dato’ sri Shafie Salleh, and now cannot contribute much of his know how in economics as some people can realise it.
    Nabi Muhammad SAW pernah berpesan supaya serahkan urusan umat pada mereka yang ahlinya, jika tidak maka pincanglah pentadbiran. Terima kasih.
    fairuz bin kamarulzaman

  168. Assalamualaikum Tun & family,
    As a true Malaysian, I couldn’t be bothered whether its Mahathirism, Badawism or Najibism or whatever “ism” and I don’t give a damn. What really matter is which direction the head of the country is going to bring the country to. Whether its towards better or worse.
    My 47 years of life that God gave me have clearly shown that the 22 years under Tun’s leadership was the era where Malaysia shines in the eyes of the world. Tun Abdullah’s era? I reserve my comments. DS Najib have at least make some progress so far. Good luck to you sir.
    Tun, please take good care of yourself and Tun Hasmah..

  169. Salam,
    Istilah Mahathirism tak silap saya di perkenalkan oleh orang2 Dato Seri Anwar Ibrahim sehingga terbitnya buku Dr. John Hilley berjudul Malaysia: Mahathirism, Hegemony and the New Opposition”(London: 2001)Juga rujuk Aliran keluaran tahun 2003 no. 9 ( Istilah ini juga telah muncul dalam web pengetahuan seprti .
    Apa salahnya Mahthirism jika ianya mendatangkan munafaat kepada rakyat?
    Ramai pemimipn Melayu dari PKR dan PAS adalah hasil kejayaan perjuangan UMNO. Depa selama ini berlakun sokong UMNO tetapi sebenarnya depa benci UMNO! Ramai diantara mereka dan juga anak2 mereka berjawatan tinggi dalam kerajaan dan swasta benci UMNO. Ada yang masih berhidmat dengan kerajaan.
    Ada yang betul2 ikhlas sokong UMNO dan berjuang untuk UMNO pula diabaikan oleh pemimpin UMNO. Tetapi depa tak kisah, depa mengharapkan habuan yang lebih besar dan berkekalan iaitu habuan akhirat.
    Pemimpin Barisan Nasional sila ambil perhatian. Jangan lupa gerakan menghancur Barisan Nasional telah bermula dengan terancang sejak DSAI dan orang2nya tiada pengaruh dalam UMNO mulai 1998.
    Depa pun cipta Parti alternatif iaitu PKR, bila nampak nak lingkup depa umpan PAS dan DAP untk dapat sokongan. Pada masa yang sama,pemimpin UMNO pula berada dalam alam khayalan, terbuai2 dengan kekayaan dan lain2 keseronokan hidup selepas persaraan Tun Dr. Mahathir.Ramai ahli politik gila golf, gila motosikal besar(kalau boleh nak berlumba dengan Mat Rempit yang nama baru sekarang “Samseng Jalanan”) Agaknya lega kot dapat rehat sikit. Tun Dr. Mahathir kuat bekerja dan “cerewet” pasal kerja (sorry Tun). Bila boss garang dah pencen diganti dengan boss “mesra kabinet” apa lagi. Seronok lah macam budak2 sekolah !
    Orang PAS dan DAP dan penyokong2 depa samada rabun atau buat2 rabun dengan orang PKR. Kerana jika DSAI dan orang2nya berkenan dengan dasar Islam PAS, tentu depa dah lama join PAS walupun tidak diberi apa2 jawatan. Tak perlu tubuh Parti PKR, atau pun boleh bubarkan sekarang PKR. Jika depa berkenaan dasar Malaysian Malaysia DAP, tak payah ada PKR juga, masuk saja Parti DAP ramai2.
    Mohon izin: Cerita Perak & PAS
    Dari mula lagi sepatutnya MB Perak ialah dari Barisan Nasional kerana amat jelas BNasional parti tunggal yang berdaftar yang paling banyak kerusi pada PRU12. Mana ada Parti Pakatan Rakyat semasa PRU12. Tdak perlu bubar DUN pun. Dato Nizar dari awal lagi tidak layak dilantik sebagai Menteri Besar. Dato Nizar, PAS, DAP atau Pakatan Rakyat TIDAK PERNAH mendapat mandat dari rakyat Perak semasa PRU12 tetapi mengaku mendapat sokongan rakyat. Pakatan Rakyat bukanlah satu parti semasa pilihanraya.Pakatan Rakyat hanyalah satu gabungan atau pakatan DAP, PAS dan PKR untuk merampas kuasa BNasional di Perak! Samada pakatan ini baik atau jahat, WallhAlam.
    Siapa yang zalim? Pakatan Rakyat lah zalim. Merampas kuasa. mengambil hak yang bukan kepunyaannya. Malangnya kamu kata BNasional yang jahat!
    Dato Nizar, janganlah kamu meminta sesuatu yang bukan hak kamu. Janganlah membangga diri kata kamu dah kaya sebelum jadi Menteri Besar dengan rangkaian perniagaan di luar negara. Rakyat biasa selalunya nampak Pemimpin PAS orang rendah diri. Jangalah kamu menyusahkan lagi keadaan. Kamu cuba menegakkan benang basah!
    Wahai saudara ku dalam PAS, kamu hanya dapat berapa kerusi saja semasa PRU12. Lepas tu kamu bergabung membentuk kerajaan selepas pilihanraya dan kamu mengaku dengan megah bahawa rakyat sokong kamu, pada hal sungguh memalukan seorang Pemimpin Islam sanggup menjadi boneka kepada exco bukan Islam! kamu mahir berkenaan agama, rakyat yang beragama Islam percaya kepada kamu. Pakatan jahat untuk menggulingkan kerajaan BNasional yang dipilih rakyat pada September tahun lepas kamu sokong pula. beberapa Pemimipn PAS dah semakin “pelik” kerana kemaruk sangat sokongan bukan Muslim. Tulisan akhbar Harakah kamu sentiasa berputar belit. UMNO buat semua salah, kamu pula semua betul! Janganlah kamu fikir kamu golongan yang lebih baik. Sepatutnya lagi tinggi iman kamu maka lebih rendah diri dan lembutnya hati kamu sesama Muslim.
    Sekarang dengar cerita ada usaha dikalangan beberapa pemimpin PAS nak wujudkan Dewan khas untuk Bukan Muslim setara dengan Dewan Pemuda dan Dewan Ulama. Hang pa nak panggil Dewan ini apa nama? Dalam Islam, ada panggilan khusus untuk nonMuslim, sila rujuk surah Al-Kafirun. Tak payah lah wujud dewan sebegini, lebih baik hang pa rapatkan barisan sesama makhluk yang jelas dan terang beragama Islam. Bersabarlah dengan perangai orang UMNO walaupun sakit hati memandang. Bersabarlah. Jadikan Nabi SAW sebagai contoh. Orang aniaya tapi Nabi tetap bersabar malah memohon ampun dan petunjuk untuk mereka. Hang pa kalau kena permain2 dengan UMNO, bersabarlah. Janganla garang sangat macam orang PKR. Depa tu sebenarnya bekas UMNO, MIC , MCA dan lain2. depa bermasalah dengan parti asal masing2 sebelum masuk PKR.
    Mohon maaf jika tersilap dan terkasar bahasa.

  170. Salam sejahtera TUN
    Bagi saya mahathirism melambangkan kejayaan negara malaysia selama 22 tahun dan rakyat hidup aman dan damai. Tidak seperti badawisma yang penuh dengan sengsara dan perit. Mungkin bagi ahli politik pembangkangmahathirisma memeritkan mereka kerana tak boleh cari makan kerana BN sentiasa menang dengan 2/3, Karpal singh pun selalu kalah.
    Badawisam ahli politik pembangkang happy kerana letak topi pun boleh menang. Tapi rakyat sengsara dengan Badawisma. Inflasi dan kekurangan peluang perniagaan dan pelajaran. Melayu hampir mampus kerana BADAWISMA. JUsteru itu saya tidak terkejut jika juak2nya dan DAP dan hatta singapore dan wartawan asing memainkan isu Mahathrisma kerana mereka tahu MAHATHIRISMA bermakna sukses kepada negara Malaysia. Badawisma bermakna zzzzzzzzzz

  171. Dear Tun,
    We, the rakyat don’t care about Mahathirism or whatever names created to tarnish you. Its the result that matters. After 6 disasterous years of our former PM, we want to see the lights at the end of the tunnel. And still waiting. By the way, may we have your view about the recent Perak issue? Worried that opposition will get “sympathy” votes from rakyat in the coming election. I wish that judiciary system is always separated from politics.

  172. Salam Tun,
    For me as a layman and one of those directly or indirectly affected by Pak Lah’s reign, have my own view of his rule as our PM.
    I have long been an UMNO supporters and was always proud of it disregard of its minor errors and blunders, well we can’t expect perfection of course in this world and one of them is not getting rid of Mr Samy Vellu despite all the major blunders that he had caused BN and also our nation, HINDRAF being one of them.
    Not trying to be a sycophant, during your era, there were assurance of our daily life. Not earning much as a civil servant, overall there is some kind of bliss that makes me satisfied. Everyone’s earning what they deserved and no less and no more than what they have to offer.
    But then came Pak Lah, with his PARITY GAP policy, closing the gap between those who earned WHAT THEY HAVE THE HARD WAY and sacrificed with those who just wait and see.
    Thanks to him, now we have civil servants WHO got promoted for not doing anything special or adding valuable knowledge to themselves but just for simply being there in a lapse of time.. especially I am a teacher. Because of his policy the high achievers would gain less than or not that much of a difference compared to the low achievers. Talk about human capital from the wrong perspective of achievement and motivation.
    Those who achieve more should gain more, but this is not a consideration for Pak Lah and he gave a hike for the non graduates, increments after increments that would get them closer to the graduates and in certain cases MORE than the graduates, especially the DG2941 teachers who earned a degree with lots of sacrifices only to realized that their counterparts had gain more by not doing anything, such as adding new knowledge and skills that they had gained with their degrees.
    This is one of the aspect that most political analysts have missed to point out as one of the factors that caused BN to lose and will lose again if it is not remedied.
    Give merit and credit to those who deserve it especially when they are only answering your own CALL for self improvement. The way the government is treating its teachers will influence the perspective of the people to the government.
    For teachers throughout Malaysia, Selamat Hari Guru. For the non graduate teachers, don’t look down on your graduate friends, they are more knowledgeable and more able than you are despite the fact you are earning more or almost the same with them. It is just numbers and a policy made by a man who is known for his flip flop and controversial policies. We are not taking anything from you, we are just asking for some just consideration for us.

  173. Salam Buat YBhg. Tun,
    CALL IT WHAT THEY WANT, I and millions of others here in this country and abroad truely believe in you. You are loud and your action speaks louder in the best of way.
    Look at those who spoke of you before, what has become of them?
    One particular example that can’t help but to mention is that I remember during 1997-98 crisis, Thaksin who was the then Thai Finance Minister was trying to implicate you with the crisis. Look at what happen to him now. What sort of Legacy that he has left behind? and now he is playing hide-and-seek around the world. The following is the inkling to the begining of everything for him.
    August 12, 2008 Tuesday, 10:10 AM
    They have no choice but the West.Any where in ASEAN will dent ASEAN’s reputation further.Wait till the “dirt” is dug out on Shin Corp….get ready to be bashed Singapore ”
    I can write many others but I think you are well aware of them. Do not feel despair our dearest TUN, the ultimate judge is ALLAH SWT and I will remember you in my “DOA” and pray that ALLAH SWT will always bless you and Tun Siti Hasmah now and hereafter.
    You don’t need to go and study law in London and “what not” yet you stand taller from any of them
    You don’t need to “Kow-Tow” to the west and beg for their support just because you need FDIs and we are save now because of that
    You don’t need to shout Islam Hadhari here and there yet your voice travels across the world wherever there is muslim
    You don’t need any jewish economic advisors to make Malaysia what it is today
    Do I get a discount at your bread shop in PAVILLION ? HE HE. Just “seloroh” je Tun.

  174. Tun,
    Dalam dunia ni … buat baik pun akan di spin kan demi political survival.

  175. my dear Tun, i believed not to believed inputs by those naturally unjust in their reports and I believed that you are doing at your extremely best for the country, only those with blind eyes and heart can’t see what you have done.

  176. Assalamualaikum Tun,
    This actually my first comment on your blog. Previously I just read your entries and honestly I admires your “Mahathirism” administration and really missed it.
    For me Tun, you’re the living proof what Malays / Malaysians are capable of. And as for the negative side of “Mahathirism” label that they put on you, just ignore it because I believes the most Rakyat know and will always realized there are some much positive sides in your “Mahathirism” administration.
    By the way, I hope you can comment on the D.S Najib proposal to built a new bridge on the east of Johor and connect to Singapore. Doesn’t this plan will ruin the original plan of Jambatan Bengkok? Tambak Johor will remain blocking the sea flow at Selat Tebrau and the Johor Bahru will stay as current condition; jammed and the Pantai Lido and Stulang area will naturally “ALIVE”.
    As Johorean, I hope D.S Najib must firm in realizing Jambatan Bengkok. And please don’t ever2 claimed Rakyat Johor against the built of Jambatan Bengkok. Johorean surely want the tambak to be replace and the Jambatan Bengkok definitely will boost Johor economic and tourism to higher level.
    May be Tun can advise D.S Najib or even critic him for this wrong decision.
    Lastly Tun, May ALLAH bless you and Tun Asmah with a good health and continue to contribute the best to MALAYSIAN.

  177. Salam Sejahtera Ybhg Tun,
    Sejarah menunjukan bahawa banyak pemimpin2 dan sarjana Islam mati dibunuh. Antaranya seperti Raja Saudi Al Malik Faisal, Anwar Sadat, Hassan AlBanna (tak pasti..), dan yang terbaru adalah pembunuhan Saddam Hussain dan Benazir Bhutto. Presiden Muammar Gaddafi hampir terbunuh didalam serangan Amerika tempoh hari.
    Saya berfikiran bahawa Raja Al Malik Faisal dan Anwar Sadat dibunuh oleh agen2 anti-Islam dengan menggunakan orang2 Islam sendiri sebagai pembunuhnya walaupun anak saudara sendiri. Ini adalah sebagai hukuman kerana memerangi dan hampir memenangi peperangan Arab-Israel pada tahun 1973.
    Sarjana2 dan pemimpin Islam yang tidak mahu sehaluan dengan ‘Big Brother’ akan sentiasa diperlekehkan. Sekarang ini bermacam cara dan cerita diperhebahkan untuk memperlekeh dan memperburukkan sambil menekan negara Iran kerana tidak sehaluan dengan mereka.
    Ybhg Tun pun sentiasa diperlekehkan oleh mereka kerana sentiasa mengkritik pada mana2 tindakan mereka yang tidak adil dan bukan yang hak.
    Saya berpendapat bahawa politik tanah air banyak dipengaruhi oleh mereka. Politik tanah air pula akan mempengaruhi sosio-ekonomi rakyat.
    Misalnya, harga getah dan timah sentiasa dibawah paras yang rendah semenjak dari tahun 1985 hingga ketahun 2003. Selepas tahun 2003, harga getah dan timah naik melonjak sehingga penoreh getah mampu untuk memiliki sebuah Toyota Hilux.(Satu galakan supaya rakyat Melayu yang mempunyai kebun supaya bertukar menjadi penoreh getah). Ini adalah kerana dasar luar kerajaan ketika itu adalah sangat baik sehingga membenarkan beberapa buah kapal aircraft carrier buat pertama dan beberapa kalinya berlabuh di Pelabuhan Barat sebagai tanda persahabatan. Begitu juga kepada negara jiran sehingga membatalkan projek jambatan bengkok.
    Walaubagaimana pun, harga getah dan timah jatuh semula kepada paras sederhana selepas pengumuman pertukaran pucuk pimpinan pada Oktober 2008 yang lepas.
    Sekarang ini harga getah dan timah agak melonjak semula setelah pengumuman perlantikan Tun Abdullah sebagai penasihat koridor dan MAS dan ini telah mengenepikan pengaruh Mahatirism. Obama pun baru awal minggu ini menghantar surat tahniah.

  178. Salam Sejahtera Untuk Tun dan Keluarga.
    Lee kuan yew memang begitu.Tetapi dia tak sedar siapa yang ultra sebenarnya.Tengok saja di singapura kata meritokrasi,saperti Tun katakan lihat sahaja angkatan tentera Singapura nak jumpa officer Melayu pun susah.
    Meritrokasi hanya perkataan yang bermain di bibir.sama ada ia di juangkan perlu di bukti kan.

  179. To be fair the dismisal of Tun Haji Mohamed Salleh bin Abas, the ridicules trial of Anwar( this really caused you rep.) and the arresting of oppoestion leaders.(OPS lalang)
    The term came into being by your own actions. But the most damage was done to the courts and Malaysia with the removal of Tun Haji Mohamed Salleh bin Abas. Man you sure did equal number of good and damage to Malaysia. But I can’t blame you, power does corrupt the best of us. The road to hell is paved with good intentions

  180. Salam sjastra. Selama tun menjadi pm negara malaysia penuh dgn perbahan dan pembaharuan, ini tdk siapa dapat menafi. setelah tun berundur dari pm dan paklah menjadi pm. malaysia terus mundur dan kurang mendapat pendiktirapan di kelangan negara luar. pak lah bukanlah pemimpin yg cemerlang,terbilang walaupun itulah kata2 pujangga paklah. Yg terbokti paklah adalah sangat lemah dari segi kepimpinanyna. Apa akan jadi pada unmo dan bn? Walaupun tun di tudoh dgn macam2 jenama,ultra malay,faroun,mhathirism. Hakikatnya telah membawa perubahan yg cukup besar di malaysia. Ini saya nak ucap syabas dan penghagai. Namun perubahan dalam umno kini cukup menyedihkan dan pemimpin seperti najib napak ghah tapi lemah bin lembek. Laongan yg hebat dgn wan malaysia, ransangan ekonomi, tak nampak pun perubahan, rakyat terus dgn kesakakitan dan semakin lemah ekonomi nya. apa dah jadi.???? Perubahan telah berlaku di kelangan pengundi, mereka mahu perubahan,mahu pembaharuan, mereka mahu harapan dan impian yg lebah baik,kehidupan yg lebih baik. Rakyat sudah bosan dgn janji manis bn. Rakyat harus di bantu dan di perkayakan namun yg kaya bukan rakyat, pemimpin yg lebih kaya dan bergaya. Rumah seperti istana siapa punya, kereta jutaan ringgit siapa punya? Kalau tak org umno, dan kuncu2nya. Masa utk pemimpin bn utk berubah telah terlambat. Lihatlah apa akan berlaku dalam pilihan raya akan dtg. org kuat bn sudah muak,org atas pagar sudah muak, yg kekal sekita ini org yg masih boleh dapat cari untung dlm bn. Terlalu banyak perkara yg di dedahkan oleh media, tdk terjawab oleh bn. Isu2 yg di bangit oleh pihak lawan tdk ada jawapan yg boleh meyakinkan. Perkara yg berlaku kini menjadi persoalan yg cukup bermakna, umpama kes perak, tangkap sebarangan, guna baju hitam tangkap, nyalakan lilin tangkap, kelakuan polis menyakitkan hati. Media arus perdana org yg lemah pemikiran sahaja yg suka dengar dan baca. Cakap nak berubah tak juga berubah sampai bila? Cukuplah dgn mainan yg membosankan, rakyat sudah berubah, memang mereka mau berubah. Yang rakyat mau keadilan harus di tegakkan, kesejastraan rakyat harus di utamakan. terima kasih dan selamat menerima kekalahan Umno dan bn. bye……..

  181. Assalamualaikum Tun,
    I do think the people are not realise that those bad labels they gave to somebody are actually making that somebody come out as a BRAND. Those things always happened to the good somebody, and don’t we think that the bad labels are actually shows that the people think that that somebody is good?

  182. Tun
    Seems to me your squabble with our LKY is quite deeply rooted, it probably takes a mountain of a PR task to eliminate or never. And at the same time, Pak Lah continues to be your ‘bashing boy’ after handling over mantle to Datuk Seri Najib. Are not Star, NST and the likes not controlled by BN in one way or another going back before your tenure ship as PM? Nothing has changed then, and so too now. Admittedly, our S.T. and the likes have been monopolised too. I cannot say our paper has acted more responsibily in factual/unbiased reporting of events than their counterpart in Malaysia but the larger majority on both sides can be their own judge. Mahathirism or not, you have left a legacy of sorts, Tun.

  183. We know the power of the media and those who control the media also control the mindset. I for one am proud of the Mahathirism label because it reflects the type of strong leadership and stable political rule that many in the West are jealous of.
    Even in Singapore, the government has to hide behind fake scare-mongering and sensational policies to justify their own brand of authoritarian rule. But the tenure of Tun as PM saw no such need for fancy cover-ups or covert ops, Malaysia got what it saw and there was nothing artificial or fake about Tun; the best PM Malaysia ever had and possibly will have for a very long time.

  184. Tun
    never a day goes by where you don’t amuse me with your constant rantings…and I wonder if you’ll ever tire of your own self-importance…
    the fact you have written about “Mahathirism” goes to show you like blowing a fanfare about yourself.
    Sir, you don’t need a bunch of cronies or a bus load of supporters to toot your horn – you are the ONE MAN BAND…
    Just a question – when are you going to post your views on the 3rd Bridge?
    Oh, by the way, if you have problems with Tun Abdullah, and believe he is corrupt, the file a charge – stop complaining…
    else, it just looks like you’re sour grapes about a man who has more honor, more character than you will ever have…
    Tun Mahathir supporters – don’t bother replying on behalf…unless you want to prove that you’re all just blind followers…
    If Tun M. has proof of Tun Abdullah’s misdemenours…then tell him to take it to court… what a joke!

  185. people couldnt depict you. people always fear of uncertainties. thts why they label you as such.
    i couldnt depict u either. but im proud of being a mahathirism product!
    thank you dear tun!

  186. Tun,
    Terima kasih. Walaupun Tun tidak menjawab soalan saya secara direct (mengenai kisah Langkawi yang terpinggir) tapi saya tahu Tun cuba menyampaikan sesuatu kepada saya dan rakyat Malaysia amnya melalui posting Tun yang bertajuk “Mahathirism”. Saya kira posting tersebut telah menjawab kenapa dan mengapa ianya terjadi.
    Sekurang-kurangnya saya rasa lega daripada beratus-ratus email yang Tun terima, email dari saya mungkin telah mengembalikan ingatan Tun ketika zaman pentadbiran Tun dulu, Zaman Mahathirism. Saya tahu Tun takkan ada ganti tapi saya amat berharap salah seorang dari pemimpin kita hari ini bakal menerajui Malaysia sepertimana Tun dan seterusnya membawa Malaysia ke arah kegemilangan.
    Hakikatnya, walau apa pun yang mereka tafsirkan, Mahathirsm telah membawa Malaysia ke tahap ini hari ini. Malaysia yang dulunya di tahap negara dunia ke-3 melonjak ke negara maju di bawah pemerintahan Tun dan kini Malaysia dicemburui oleh negara-negara membangun yang lain. Saya mendoakan moga Tun dan isteri sentiasa berada di bawah lindungan-Nya. InsyaAllah.

  187. Dear Tun,
    There’s nothing wrong with Mahathirism at all. It was benefiting to most of Malaysian during 22 years of rule which had given a significant paradigm shift to Malaysia in particular. Hence most of Malaysian are benefited by it. Before you step in to be PM, most of Chinese community were skeptical towards you, whereby they felt that they will marginalized by your policy. Now they realized their assumption totally incorrect when you became PM.
    I’m sure there’s many of Malaysian wishing you back as PM, unfortunately this is not going to happen. Accepting you back as PM means accepting Mahathirism. That means most of Malaysian love Mahathirism, therefore there is nothing wrong with it, WE ALL LIKE IT AND LOVE IT like KFC chickens “When your taste it’s, it fingers liking goods”.

  188. Salam Tun,
    Walaupun ada yang menggelar Mahathirism bagi menggambarkan pentadbiran pada zaman Tun memerintah, majoriti rakyat tidak menolak mahathirism yang Tun bawa semasa zaman Tun. Majoriti rakyat menyokong Tun. Tun telah membawa terlalu banyak permodenan dan kemajuan negara. Rakyat sedar keikhlasan Tun. Istilah Mahathirism diwujudkan oleh orang-orang yang kecewa kerana tidak berjaya membolot sesuatu secara tidak betul semasa zaman Tun. Mereka kecewa kerana sipolan bin sipolan tidak menjadi perdana menteri. Mereka kecewa Tun telah menggagalkan usaha supaya malaysia meminjam wang dari IMF supaya dengan itu sipolan bin sipolan berjaya menjadi Pengerusi IMF di rantau Asia Tenggara dan dengan itu Malaysia akan sentiasa mengikut telunjuk yahudi dan nasrani. Sebelum dari itu tidak pernah wujud istilah Mahathirism. Inikah orang yang ingin menjadi perdana menteri dengan cara menggadaikan negara?
    Tun.. saya teringat potongan ayat al-quran dari surah al-baqarah yang bermaksud “Orang-orang Yahudi dan Nasrani tidak sekali-kali akan bersetuju atau suka kepadamu (wahai Muhammad) sehingga engkau menurut ugama mereka (yang telah terpesong itu). Katakanlah (kepada mereka): “Sesungguhnya petunjuk Allah (ugama Islam itulah petunjuk yang benar”. Dan demi sesungguhnya jika engkau menurut kehendak hawa nafsu mereka sesudah datangnya (wahyu yang memberi) pengetahuan kepadamu (tentang kebenaran), maka tiadalah engkau akan peroleh dari Allah (sesuatupun) yang dapat mengawal dan memberi pertolongan kepada mu.”(Al Baqarah:120).
    Dari ayat diatas kalau kita renungkan… siapakah orang Islam atau pemimpin Islam didunia ini yang sangat disenangi oleh orang-orang yahudi dan nasrani ini? Adakah dianya Yassir Arafat? Apakah ianya Saddam Hussin.. atau siapa? Belum pernah ada lagi pemimpin Islam yang begitu disenangi oleh orang-orang yahudi dan nasrani ini. Malah nabi Muhammad sendiri pemimpin Islam yang paling agung sekali dihina begitu teruk oleh orang-orang yahudi dan nasrani ini. Mereka melukis karikatur, menamakan haiwan dengan nama Muhammad dan sebagainya. Tapi adalah sangat pelik apabila sipolan bin sipolan yang bercita-cita tinggi ingin menjadi Perdana Menteri Malaysia disokong dengan begitu menakjubkan sekali oleh orang yahudi dan nasrani ini. Apakah keistimewaan sipolan bin sipolan ini berbanding dengan nabi junjungan kita nabi Muhammad s.a.w pada pandangan orang yahudi dan nasrani? Apakah sokongan mereka menunjukkan bahawa sipolan bin sipolan bersedia mengikut cara dan kehendak mereka seperti mana yang telah dikhabarkan di dalam Al Quran?

  189. Who is this Kalimullah, Tun? Is he a “Maulana” of Islam Hadhari from a remote village of Uttar Pradesh? A poor village intelectual !!kah, kah,kah !!
    According to Syed Akhbar Ali in his book “Things In Common” the word maulana means friend or protector. Was he the proctector and promoter of Badawism Pak Lah’s era?
    Najb must monitor this “maulana”. He could be pain in the ass.

  190. Dear Tun,
    Mahathirism has given a lot of development to this country even till now. More than 60% of what Malaysia is now came from the era of Mahathirism….and I believe this is the fact that can’t be denied even by PAS,DAP and PKR. Thank you so much Tun….Mahathirism is Modernization…I’m proud of Malaysia today!

  191. assalamualaikum Tun,
    they can keep trying to demonise Tun,but to us Malaysians…we took us some time,but finally after 5 year of BODOHISM,we realised what was needed to keep a multiracial country safe,financially stable,peaceful and truly independent.
    peduli kata depa.rata-rata orang gomen bila buat perbezaan corak pemerintahan tun berbanding mana-mana pemerintah lain era Tun,Tun dapat markah penuh.rakyat tak merana macam sekarang.UMNO tak hina macam sekarang.kaum -kaum lain tak rakus macam sekarang.Mahathirism brought peace and prosperity to Malaysia.

  192. Salam Tun
    I strongly believed that what you did was necessary to rule the entire nation. I still recall what you mentioned last year in London, “I’m a cruel leader, bad leader.. (or something similarly as that)”. Living in UK made me realise one thing among others which is the perception of people towards Malaysia; Country, Leaders and People.
    When I mentioned/introduced myself (I’m a Malaysian) to most of the people basically in Europe… The only thing that would come out of their mouth in reply is ‘Twin Towers’ and ‘Mahathir’ (With a thumb-up). Frankly, they still think that you are still governing the country without know the ‘existance’ of your predecessor.
    ‘Mahathirsm’ evolves only in Malaysia which announced by any narrow minded human being who feels that others are totally wrong.
    I don’t mind whatever they labeled you for… You would still be my idol.

  193. Dear Tun,
    I’ve always admire you as a leader that has brought our nation to such a great height that nobody would ever imagined.
    Although sometimes people label you as racist and a lot of bad things. I would not know if it is true but I certainly understand those kind of situations that have created the kind of impression on some people.
    We cannot stop or control how others think. But if we have done a great job. Then it would be great enough. I would certainly be more concentrated to look things forward and hope that we can both do a very small part to help our country especially at such a hard time.
    Malays, Chinese, Indians, Kadazans, Ibans shall all work together and I hope we can all put all our differences aside to create a bigger “pie” to share rather than just concentrating how to share the pie that we currently have.
    Yours truly,

  194. Whatever it was, Mahathirism had brought wealth, stability and prosperity to the nation and citizen.
    Badawism on the other hand can be described as clueless, no direction and family oriented.
    People get sick with transparent but bias judgement during Badawism era.
    Sorry Tun Pak Lah, no offend, people will respect you more should you can control your kids better.
    There is no royalty in politics! KJ must remember that!

  195. Salam tun yg dihormati, saya dan seluruh rakyat malaysia khususnya rakyat Negeri Johor yg kecewa cadangan PM kita membina jambatan ketiga disebelah timur dgn kekalkan tambak Johor.Apa ini satu keputusan yg bijak tanpa menepati hasrat rakyat Negeri Johor.Kami rakyat Johor mahu tambak Johor dirobohkan utk kemajuan kawasan sekitarnya kerana Malaysia Negara berdaulat,jgn jadi pemimpin yg bacul kpd Singapura.

  196. Assalamulaikum Tun, Please tolong UMNO n BN dapatkan semula negeri yang terlepas ke tangan pembangkang pada PRU ke 13 nanti
    Generasi Yang Berterima Kasih

  197. Salam Tun,
    Even ism generally indicate some negative sign, but isme itself actually to me is something about idea, about tought.
    So what’s wrong with mahathirsm if your ism brings some good benefit to Malaysia, Malaysian and Malays as majority? Earlier I feel uncomfortable when talking about your duty, effort and achievement among friends. Its like a stigma. But one day I think I should be proud of your works and ideas and this feel remains until to day. You are an Icon to the nation even the opponent deny it at their lips, but deep down the heart they silently admit it as I do till to day. They have to keep in denial because they don’t want to loose their crowd as a celebrity politician.

  198. Dear Tun,
    Interesting isn’t it.
    I remember you saying the police were going all out to block you from speaking in public during “sleepy head”‘s time.
    Thinking of it, a good measurement would be sleepy head explaining his leadership to the public.
    In his case, I think the police would have to “kidnap” people to go and listen to him.
    I myself would not want to listen to what he has to say even if I was paid to do so.
    That was how remarkable Abdullah’s leadership was.
    Need I say more.
    Best Regards Tun, no one will come close to you in centuries to come because a leader like comes around probably once in a thousand years.

  199. Assalam mualaikum
    YTH Tun,
    Even if there is such thing as Mahathirism now surfacing under the leadership of Najib, why not ?
    If it can make this country prospers, make everybody have enough to eat and spend necessarily, improve the economy, I will definitely support it.
    If it is just about freedom of speech, transparency, human rights, but the country becoming poorer and the Western powers becoming richer and authorative in this region..for what then we call ourselves as independent but being controlled like a puppet ??
    Because of somebody who’s idea of Freedom, Human rights, etc, now you see even the minority of the minority are trying to rule this country like Fiji and formerly Zambibia , Nabibia, Kenya, South Africa, etc.
    As long he has the power and being supported by the Western powers i.e USA he dont cae whether his people suffer or not !!
    Not all of the western values are good for this country BUT a lot of our Eastern values and cultures are being appreciated by the Westerners now.

  200. Salam Tun,
    Now I do feel that the old Malaysia as it should be is in the right track… Good to hear the new breath of the crook bridge.. It’s the time for the new PM to prove his creadibility by winning the deal with Singaporean and it will boost the moral and support of Johorean..
    – Jinggo –

  201. Salam YAB Ayahanda Tun :
    You should be proud that the foreign media is intimidated by Mahathirism. In my opinion, Mahathirism is a positive term – among which signifies intelligence, strong leadership, bravery, bold, determination and rakyat-centric delivery.
    Many are aware of the media play during Pak Lah’s days and turn into alternative mediums. Foreign media originated from develop countries can say whatever they want, as many Malaysians have slowly recovered from colonised mindset. They can rationalise better than before – no longer parrots.
    Media play won’t last in this era of choices and liberalisation. It has been proven – it didn’t take Pak Lah long…
    Like many others, I wish you the very best of health.

  202. I don’t mind Mahathirism, so long as the country is safe, prosperous and stable.

  203. Kelebihan yang Tun ada adalah cepat bertindak dan membuat keputusan dan cepat bergerak ke isu yang lain. Tun bergerak satu langkah di hadapan berbanding pembangkang.
    Sekarang Kerajaan lambat bertindak menyebabkan suatu isu berpusing-pusing lama dan pembangkang ada masa untuk buat macam-macam langkah. Kerajaan sekarang satu langkah di belakang. Mungkin Kerajaan fikir boleh mengambil hati sebahagian orang dan ternampak liberal tetapi memakan diri.
    Pembangkang ni ke kiri pun kerajaan salah ke kanan pun kerajaan salah jadi jangan terlalu fikirkan Pembangkang bila buat keputusan ..fikirkan Rakyat buat keputusan pantas dah move ke isu yang lain..biar Pembangkang terus mengejar jangan Kerajaan pulak mengejar…RAKYAT pun jadi letih.

  204. Tun,
    Good to see you blogging on something else other than financial stuff 😉
    You can’t deny that you have created an Era in Malaysia, for Malaysian. So I guess that fits for you to earn the “ism” behind your name 😉
    For those good or bad things that you “might” have done, Mahathirism just sounds right…

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