1. Malaysia is a great country.
2. It is a democracy.
3. It has a written Constitution.
4. The Constitution is the supreme law of the country.
5. Nothing, no law, that breaches the Constitution can be accepted as legal.
6. But from the word go the Constitution was breached by Malay adat.
7. No one questions this aberration.
8. Since then many of the provisions of the Constitution have been ignored.
9. Its okay.
10. Why okay?
11. Well it is Malay adat-tradition.
12. But some are not even adat.
13. Some are blatant disregard for the law, even the Constitution.
14. But we, well, we should know what is good for us.
15. Better let it be.
16. That is safer.
17. And so this great country with its great constitution consciously close both eyes and see nothing, both ears and hear nothing and a more that smells nothing.
18. Congratulations Malaysia.
19. You are doing fine.