1. I can understand Malaysiakini not wanting to be labelled as anti-Semitic but I don’t think it is necessary to omit certain words which give a totally different interpretation of what I said in my speech at the General Conference for the support of Al-Quds.
2. What I said was “Jews had always been a problem in European countries”.
3. You omitted “in European countries” thus implying that what I said was not just the Europeans but Jews were a problem for everyone including the Muslims.
4. I would like to point out that in the past when Europeans confined (the Jews) to ghettos, and periodically massacred (them), they used to seek refuge in Muslim countries (of North Africa and the Ottoman empire). They couldn’t have gone there if Muslim countries were less hospitable than the Europeans. Even today Jews live in Muslim countries including in Iran. It was only after the United States welcome the Jews that they ceased to migrate to Muslim countries.
5. For the hospitality of the Muslim countries they were repaid by the Zionist by seizing Palestine to create the State of Israel. Not content with seizing Arab land they went on to expel the largely Muslim Palestinian.
6. All that I say here can be verified by the history books of Europe. If Muslims are antagonistic towards the Jews today, it is because of the way the Jews repaid them for their hospitality.
Salam Tun,
I think…nothing can we expect from a group that was saved from the calamities by Allah s.w.t through
his servant Prophet Musa a.s in which they suffered for hundreds of years and then later went astray
by worshipping the ‘golden calf’……? There’s something about the character that could tell us all
about the group….And that has got nothing to do with anti-semitic…that’s just some facts from the
Dear Tun, saya berharap Tun sehat senantiasa,
Hanan & Dtan,
Get some rest bro. And get some sleep as well. Nanti rosak mata ngadap komputer lama.
Akum Tun & Bloggers
Thx for your comment Tun, nice topic.
Hanan ni toksah dilayan. Nama pun zionist…buang maso je…baik berniaga or baca buku.
I urge you not to try to be smart here. Do not imply in any way that Dr. Norman Finkelstein is my hero. Be informed that he is not my hero but his views & findings have earned my respect. And despite being a Jew yet he denounces Zionism. He is a person who calls
Dr Mahathir,
Per Non-Jibaok entry on March 15, 2010 6:53 AM
Dr. Norman Finkelstein makes a very lucid argument
against Israeli policies. His views do cater to the
Pro-Arab views. This does not necessarily make him
right. Like all intellectuals he engages in ‘sophism’
i.e. digs facts and twists or bends it to suite his
philosophical view of life. No doubt Non-Jibaok’s hero.
A better context for viewers to have a more open
mind is to see his debate with Harvard Professor Allan
Dershowitz. When you look at the push and pull rhetoric
between both professors. I got the sense of his biasness
on which factual sources he considers as being valid.
He can’t attack Dr.Dershowitz’s intellectual capacity
(I detected a hint of jealousy maybe he did not get a tenure
at Harvard). So he attacks his sources and comes to the
conclusion that ‘my facts are better than yours’ therefore
Israel is wrong etc, etc, etc. I am not saying that
Alan Dershowitz is better.
The point I want to make is that the world never
solved territorial issues by ‘Ivory Tower’ mentality.
The situation on the ground is fluid and ever changing.
We can quote international law , twist historical facts
and put a million links to U-tube videos to try to
convince others. While we allow some countries to
circumvent international law and others are held to a
higher moral standard. As well, between Non-Jibaok and
Hanan I only have so many hours a day to view those
U-Tube links and read all the rhetoric.
Here are some offers to consider
the other
Rather than dismiss both, be constructive or offer a
Peace Be With You
You had posted several URL videos that shall not make things any better. What do you hope to achieve by posting those videos? Is it in effort to agitate & make Arabs & Muslims even more furious..? If that is so, then to what good and positive purpose would it serve anyone..?
And you also persist in making feeble attempts to defile & ridicule the Arabs, Palestinians & Muslims. This is not a positive way of making best of the situation. In fact you are making it even worse in putting across greater discord & strife..! Is this the pertinent & rational thing to do..? As far as I am concern, you are just up to no good.., period..!
The first video propaganda you had posted postulates as though the Palestinian & the Nazi
I am somewhat surprised that you responded to my comments. Thus, it would only be proper that I reply. And here is my response.
I am really shock that you have dubbed Dr. Norman Finkelstein as being ignorant. It is quite bewildering to find a Jew to condemn or slam a fellow Jew, perhaps due to some differences in principle or opinion on certain issues. Or are there other issues that shall be revealed for this enmity on your part? We shall see.
It is apparent that you have become a bit rattled when I put across the arguments and points of this very brilliant man (Dr. Norman Finkelstein) on how to resolve all the brutality, killings & misery in Israel-Palestinian conflict
Those video clips (and more are available), are my answers to you and the ignorant like Dr. Norman Finkelstein (even he is a Jew). Those who have their ideas from the peaceful lunch and their soft beds. Those video clips are describing well who is the evil and what cruelty means, either by education, brainwashing and-or by practice. Apparently those are some counter pictures to the red blood pictures on the “criminalize war” propaganda website. Hatred and avenge will never settle anything but mire more into hatred and avenge.
I’ll remain being a Zionist and what you think is really not bothering me. Zionism is far better way of life than the Islamic terror which is a way of life by many Muslims. This is what Dr. Norman Finkelstein, Dr. Mahathir and you are defending. Good luck. You
Dr Mahathir,
Per Prof_Ridcully entry on February 20, 2010 8:36 AM
The verse from the Quran I quoted is Surah 19:33.
An honest mistake on my part. I remembered the quote but
forgot the reference.
Thank-you for quoting 2 Corinthians 12:16
that verse is best complemented by
1 Thessalonians 2:3 (New International Version)
3 ‘For the appeal we make does not spring from error or
impure motives, nor are we trying to trick you.’
It matters not to me whether you wish to except my
message or not. The gospel is what it is. Even Judas
who walked, watched and saw the miracles Jesus performed
eventually betrayed him. My message is just that. A
message, that’s all. If you want to use subterfuge
ala Surah 9:5 then I feel sorry for you.
why talk about jews,
in malaysia, the natives of sarawak pushed away by the semenanjung groups and the loggers (syarikat balak) from their ancestor lands so they can make profit….there are jews in malaysia….think really hard, and u will find them…
I have said over and again that I have nothing against the Jews, but I do however despise the Zionists.
One particular Jew (Dr. Norman Finkelstein) have sincerely & whole-heartedly given his mind & effort in helping-out the Palestinians in regaining back their homeland & territories that was robbed & stolen from them by those Zionists-Israeli since the year 1967
Hey Hanan,
Here’s something that might be of interest to many of us, take a look here:-
Be reminded that Dr. Norman Finkelstein is a Jew (living in USA) who has been banned from entering Israel due his criticism & dissenting views towards The Zionist state of Israel. Just observe his witty, candid & sane points in arguing with Dr. Raanan Gissin (the former advisor to Ariel Sharon) who instead was rather erratic and lied occasionally during the discourse.
So, are you (as a Jew) still proud when those Zionists of Israel had massacred, stole & lived on the lands of others…, eh Hanan..!?
Aaaaah…, God-Almighty is Great. Now Jews are bashing other Jews – especially those Zionist ones. One day, justice will be done in The Palestine.., God-Willing.
Hey Hanan,
Do your remember the young American woman by the name of Rachel Corrie..? Do you remember what she died for? Do you know who ‘murdered’ her? Take a look here:-
That’s what those arrogant & cruel Zionist regime have done to countless innocent & harmless civilians.
But we shall always remember Rachel Corrie – The Girl with a Dream…, even though the Zionist-controlled Western mass-medias had for year blocked any coverage about her story to the rest of the world…!
What say you about this? Still proud to be a Zionist.., eh Hanan..!?
One thing that needs emphasis here is that the creation of Israel was always about (1) re-settling large numbers of European Jews to Palestine and (2) the erasure of post-Ottoman Palestine in order to create this ‘Jewish state’. It also was done in full mockery of what the victors of WW II said about the end of European landgrabs and European colonialism. Not only did they try and keep their own versions of it, they armed and enabled European Zionists so they could launch Israel. That is how ultimately Europe dealt with its ‘Jewish problem’. Even after the ravages of the Holocaust and WW II, European Jews and Jews of European descent (such as in the US) were the demographic majority–the so-called ‘Ashkenazim’ (although this is really a diverse group and has been largely assimilated in the US). And it was the Zionist movements from these populations, along with European (especially French) and then American help that have aided and enabled the creation of the current abomination that is Israel. That it should look so much like an evil mini-me version of the US is also no coincidence.
Dear Hanan,
It’s been quite some time since I made any comments on this (chedet) forum. Since my last comments (sometime in early 2008), I would occasionally browse this forum and flip over some topic(s) as inserted by the good Tun Dr. M, but would just move on without leaving any comments.
However today, I am somewhat surprised to find your comments on the ever familiar topic of The Jews. I now feel compel to give some remarks or response due to your comments, especially in your last paragraph & sentence, which have touched my feelings. Your last paragraph and sentence but somewhat
To Fingolfin,
You said:
And Quran, since Muhammad (pbuh) finished conveying all of the verses, has not been ammended until this very second you are reading this. I am very confident of it and so are each and every muslim in this world.
Lets go a step further – I challenge you to show me two Quran that is different in its verses from one another. Understand that Im talking about the original version, not the tafsir/translation of It. Let me know if you have found any, ok buddy.
Read the extensive research here
dr. M,
your item no 4. is wrong…
the jews were mistreated both by the white christians and arabs.
over 2500 years ago, many jews who took refuge to India and still residing even today, the jews were treated well by the hindu community from ancient times till today.
jews no need to pay any jiyza to hindus nor any ghettos of jews in any indian city where they chose to reside…
from somebody that i dont want to state his/her name..
“….Jews of Malaya?
Why did they vanish from Malaysia
after Merdeka if the Muslims are
loving them so much?
If you loved them,
why didn’t you call them
back to Malaysia while you were PM?….”
are you talking nonsense? jews of malaya?
can you show to us that the jews community
really exists in malaysia?
you talking by fact or just from your
emotion and feelings?
then, i thought you know about hitler..
why he killed jews… if you don’t know,
better you search for that reason…
perhaps your government hide the true fact,
the history from their citizen.. don’t want to make their
citizen know the truth!
everybody in this world know how crime israel
in this world. i think you know that,
just a few country make the diplomatic relations
with israel..
i wonder, why israel, untill now, attack
palestine.. and the weapons..
is that fair that israel use the sophisticated
weapon but the palestine use the stupid weapon and
just throwing the stones?
is that fair?
what is the main purpose of israel attack the palestine?
to make sure that palestine disappeared from this world?
i also wonder, how israel can generate their income
although just a few country make the diplomatic relations?
and why the global economic crisis always happen
when United State have the president elections?
it’s happen more than one times..
coincidence? How many coincidences do you want?
until now it coincidence? hahaha, dont make me laugh..
ask yourself.. which country is others give the tittle cruelest..
remember, cruelest not crueless.. and i didnt make the error typing..
Dear YAB Tun, salam mesra harap sihat. Kiriman saya dgn izin…
Which critic is not a victim of misquotes?
>Theresa Kok was misquoted on azan issue.
>Karpal Singh was misquoted on suing Sultan matter
>Tok Guru was misquoted on praying for God
You may have a lot of comments and other things to read so I’ll keep this short for you and all readers.
Google “Balfour Declaration 1917” and that might help answer all question you might have (or trigger you to ask more) regarding this matter. No matter who is in charge of Britain, it is their ‘duty’ now.
Jew and their problems Now has become Arab Palestinian Problems
In the Begining Bible tells handsome Joseph was sold to Eygptian and later rise to become important man in Eygpt Goverment. That fortune expended to Jews who migrated to Eygpt and left Palestine.
During Moses time Jew were out of favour and become slaves. Moses lead them to conquer Palestine – dubb as promised land–Bible tell God that promise to Moses . Moses never enter Palestine. So the promise if any has expired!!!
But Jews national ideology remain. It is is the source of Racism and Nationalism .God promise land God Chosen people. Under blue print of Bible Jew claim that right . Joshua implementde it , David continued . Jew made Judaism so exclusive that non can becaome of wanted to convert to Judaism.
Judaism become Nationalism and give rise Zionism.
Being Unique and ultra nationalism unassimilated accept for the lost tribe Jew is not well anywhere When Jew became weak the were driven out of Palestine twice . Once to Babylon present day Iraq and in 73 AD driven out by the Roman.
Paul vesion of Neo Judaism – Christianity spread but it back fire. Christian blame Jew for killing Jesus. Jew are not welcome in Chritian Land. They were free in Andalusia (Spain) under Muslim rule and were presecuted soon when Muslim Andalusia fell. Infact that
I don’t like Israel Jews for what they do – killing innocent children and women with their ‘phosphate bombs’ and I would like to think that not all jews are ‘war-crimes’ criminals and war-mongering. They are everywhere polluting the world – big banks in US, Hollywood movies, etc….
Memang tak patut mereka buat begini (letak maklumat separuh lengkap)
Assalamualaikum dear Tun Dr. Mahathir.
You said that Muslims gave refuge to Jews in their countries. Is this a “total” truth?
As I’m a good music lover of all genres, including SE Asian music, I’m a sworn audiophile. I just picked up yesterday an old LP vinyl record of my collection. The record was pressed in England somtimes in the 50’s and is even a mono record. On that record was recorded one of the greatest Israeli singers (the greatest in my perspective). Her name is Shoshanna Damari.
While listening to the record, I read the information on the back cover and found her life story as it was composed that time (in the 50’s). The singer passed away already in 2006 but she left us a great artistic legacy.
I would like to share her story with you. I simple photographed the record cover and OCR’ed the text of the back side into a text you can read.
This is the story of Shoshanna Damari:
“When Shoshana Damari first steps into view on stage or on screen, one is struck immediately by a beauty so breath-taking that one’s breath literally is taken away for a moment. There is a touch of Near-Eastern exoticism to the face and features of Israel’s greatest singer-intense black-brown eyes, a flawless olive complexion, a bewitchingly flashing smile that parts beguiling lips. And, each gesture of her form is informed with a dynamism that dominates everything within line of its sight. Then, she lifts her voice in song-a strange, throbbing, unique voice that’s sultry and haunting in tender moments, irresistibly stirring when the mood is dramatic-and one knows beyond doubt that one is in the presence of one of the world’s truly great performers.
Miss Damari’s emergence as a star of international fame parallels the entry and growth of Israel as a state upon the stage of the world. Pridefully, Israelis will tell you that, for her people, her rich, incomparable voice, with its tantalizing echo of the orient, reflects an of the joy and pride of a new nation. And, well it might, for Miss Damari’s personal tale reads much like that of most of her fellow-countrymen.
The captivating folksinger was born in the town of Damar in Yemen, that mysterious Arabic land of desert wastes and burning sun where life still goes on much as it did in Biblical times. When she was only two years, persecutions against the ancient Jewish communities of the country began. Her father, a distinguished rabbi and teacher, especially was a marked man and was forced to decide to flee the land where his family had lived for many centuries.
Assalamualaikum Ayahnda Tun & Bonda,
please allow me,
tqvm dearest bro ahmadkamal for a very valuable lesson in responding to my view. i’m sorry, too if i have offended others with my comments. i realize now that it’s too naive…
fyi, i’m not searching for any political platform in my life. i’m a happy teacher. i might’ve given a wrong idea that you’ve perceived it as my ambition to be a politician one day. tq again for looking at it that way but i dont intend to be one. i might have presented my halfbaked view regarding politics & other superficial views; i owe that to my immature thoughts. but i’ve mentioned that i’ll also criticize the government if there’s a need as i’m not simply a ‘yes man’. it’s just that i might have not put down the correct tone in my opinions. Some of my comments might have looked ‘hollow’ & got to learn a lot more from you & Ayahnda Tun…):-
tq again, bro & wish you all the best where ever you are, InsyaAlah.
May Allah SWT bless Ayahnda Tun & Bonda, always.
just my brain wave…
Dengan izin Tun,
Many non-Muslims like to take a cavalier approach when it comes to the Holy Quran.
It seems even sensible commenters like dtan is no exception.
The closest verse I can find to the one you quoted is from Surah Maryam (Surah 19:33):
“So peace is on me the day I was born, the day that I die, and the day that I shall be raised up to life (again)”! [Yusuf Ali]
Surah Maryam as you know is named after Maryam [Mary], the mother of Prophet Isa [or Jesus, alayhi salam], and deals with his miraculous birth. In Islam, Mary is highly regarded and revered as a mother of one of Allah
Dear Tun,
All controversies are caused by us; men.
Truthfully, luakuneng.blogspot.com
Dear Tun,
I’ve always heard you mention about the Middle Eastern conflict. But more so from the current situation NOW. This place has been a bedrock of hostility for the past 4,000 years. But we don’t need to go back that far.
Maybe you could elaborate on more recent events,
1. 1936
Salam Tun
I totally agree with you on this. I think you are one of the very few Moslems (and Malaysian) who is aware of this historical fact and so know the real story about the Muslim’s goodwill towards the Jews in offering them a safe haven when they were persecuted by the Europeans.
I think one important point I have to make is that many (if not most) Moslems especially Muslim Malaysians are totally in the dark about this fact. They do not know. I did not know too until I read your blog. You are a very learned and well read man, Tun. Please do continue to share your knowledge with us Malaysians. The more well informed we are, the better people we will be, and the better judgements we will make.
Thank you for this new knowledge on the Muslims offering hospitality to the Jews during the European persecution era. As stated in the Quran, the Jews certainly are an ungrateful lot!
Assalamu Alaikum Tun,
“Wajaperak,I won’t waste my breath or effort in enlightening you…it will take a far wiser person than me to get any sense into you,..”
-Author Mr .Ravi
Ravi, I think you have misculculated the depth of the sea you had jumped into. Next time please make a right culculation and don’t forget your life jackets.
Thank you very much for your feedback and criticism.
It is said that a successful man/woman is one who
can take a lot of criticism and feedback.
Firstly, I would beg the Good Doctor Tun for my
Wow! There are an awful large number of Islamic
Theologians’ in Malaysia eventhough Islam is
is a religion based on jurisprudence 🙂 God Bless
your hearts and i do not wish to engage in
intellectual sophism.
Yes, I have read the Quran. Infact, I did have a
serious one to one conversation for about two weeks
with a devout Lebanese Sunni Muslim. Mr J. and I shared
scripture Al-Quran and Bible. He made references
to the Quran as I with my Bible. So I did read
the Quran and discussed differences. That was a
while ago.
My favourite verse is:
‘Blessed be the day I was born, the day I died and the
day I will be resurrected’ ~ Surah 4:21
On a serious note. We came to the conclusion that there
was an easy way of coming to a consensus. We believed in
the God of Abraham. So we both agreed to go home and
and ask God to reveal himself in private. I recommend
that you give it a try.
I believe that we are close to the ‘end of days’. One
of the bloggers’ called me a ‘Parrot’. My reply is this.
If I am a Parrot and I keep repeating ‘the house is
on fire’. It’s up to you to decide if you want to stay
in it or leave.
Acts 2:17
In the last days, God says, I will pour out my Spirit
on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy,
your young men will see visions, your old men will dream
A’kum Tun. Moga dirahmati selalu hendaknya.
Kat sini saya saja nak bagitau kat Tun yang saya ‘for the first time’ melayari laman web Malaysiakini itupun saja nak baca isikandunganya sebab Tun ada memberi komen dalam blog Tun nih. Tapi selepas melayarinya buat hanya seketika dan saya dapat simpulkan bahawa laman web Malaysiakini memang betul2 mengarut dan dipenuhi dengan segala fitnah, dakyah dan hasutan pada tahap tertinggi yakni pada tahap ‘Dewa’.
Pendapat saya yang ikhlas buat Tun insan yang tersayang tak payah lah lagi Tun membuang masa dan tenaga mengunjungi laman web Malaysiakini yang sememangnya dizahirkan oleh manusia2 yang ‘half-cooked’ atau separuh masak serta dilayari dan disokong pula oleh mereka2 yang sewaktu dengannya.
Saya dapati laman web malaysiakini sedikitpun tidak memiliki unsur2 ilmiah dan hanya lebih mirip dan cenderung hatta hanya kepada fitnah,tohmahan dan putar alam semata-mata.
Malaysiakini terang dan nyata dimiliki dan dirancakkan oleh manusia-manusia yang ‘bodoh takleh diajar, cerdik takleh nak tumpang’.
May I Ayahanda Tun,
//By pakpandir08 on February 18, 2010 12:44 PM
don’t know whether this topic is true or not, but what we can ensure is recently Tun’s son become among the 20 richest man in Malaysia …
I think alot of people are interested on how to become rich like Tun’s son … may be Tun can share abit the tricks or ways on how to become rich?//
Dear pandir08,
Why must you ask Tun to share the tricks or ways on how to become rich. There is no magic tricks and ways in becoming rich. There are only fools who think that they can become rich one day by asking the rich man to share his tricks and ways. Even if Tun Dr M explains to you, I don’t think you can get the essense out of it because you are a born non-rich…..
quoted from dtan
“Dear Wajaperak,
I would suggest that you broaden your horizons rather than
have a singular minded approach to history. If you want to compare
history and scripture. You need to use a benchmark i.e. timeline.
For example:
The birth of Islam did not occur until 610AD (after Christianity).
How can you say that the Prophet Daud (King David) is a Muslim ?
He was an Israelite. How can Muslims take ownership of a lineage
when you don’t even call yourselves Israelite’s? Is it because Muhammad
claimed to have a final revelation? Even that is disputed, as Islams’
revelations differ so greatly between Judaism and Christianity.
Jesus didn’t die on the cross, Jews believe in Ezra (Where did that
come from?) etc etc etc.
I would say that Muhammed had a different revelation simply because
Islam does not accept any of the Torah or Bible scriptures. It makes logical
sense because if you want claim lineage you have to accept some
portions of older/other scripture inorder to connect the dots.”
Few words of advice for you dtan……please get your facts correct and do some research before trying to correct others. I have read both the bible and Quran, as to me i need to know and understand both of it’s content before i can make any judgement or comments towards other religion.
As from your reply i can simply say that you’ve never read the Quran and that’s why the contents of your reply above are of no value and shows of how ignorant you are.
1. Islam is derived from the Arabic root “Salema”: peace, purity, submission and obedience. In the religious sense, Islam means submission to the will of God and obedience to His law.
If you have read the Quran…..you’ll know that
2. The birth of the religion that is built upon peace, purity, submission and obedience has never had a date because no one knows when exactly prophet Adam was created or even the angels….everything that is created by God submits to God….since prophet Adam, countless prophets were sent by God to deliver his divine messages to their people and it just so happens that prophet Muhammad was the last prophet as promised by God and mentioned in the bible itself, ignorant people like thinks that was the birth of Islam.
3. Below taken from bible King James version (the first version of the bible that was translated to English in the year of 1611 and to think all of those years the Bible was in Greek language…so all christians that can’t read Greek refers to what?
From Bible KJV : Deuteronomy 18:18 – 20
18 I will raise them up a Prophet from among their brethren, like unto thee, and will put my words in his mouth; and he shall speak unto them all that I shall command him.
19 And it shall come to pass, that whosoever will not hearken unto my words which he shall speak in my name, I will require it of him
20 But the prophet, which shall presume to speak a word in my name, which I have not commanded him to speak, or that shall speak in the name of other gods, even that prophet shall die.
4. Again you are ignorant, never did Islam rejects the Bible and Torah altogether but simply many of it’s contents had been changed by man
5. Just imagine, how could just because to please Emperor Constantine and convert the Roman empire into christianity, they come up with the Trinity Doctrine…..dosen’t that meant that the bible had been changed since then? Why does the words of prophet Jesus, Saul of Tarsus and the other apostles not enough? and had to be added to the bible? Can you say the current bible today with it’s countless versions are authenthic?
A’kum Tun!
It’s been awhile now the last time I wrote on your blog. I’ve always keep track on your post but this time I’ve decided to pen my thoughts.
First of all, I would like to comment on your son being listed as one of the richest man in Malaysia. He is not a millionaires but a billionaires! I wonder how would he make that amount of money.
Well, maybe itu rezeki dia.
Criticizing Jews regarding their wrongdoings is not an issue here. It is like the Western criticizing the muslims when they bomb or kill anyone around the world. So if the Jews also do an act of terror, they must be condemned as well. Does not matter if they are Muslims, Christians, Jewish or any other religions. But every time we criticize the Jews, we are to be condemned of being anti Israel! This is not fair!
My comment on the issue of Islam and Christians and Jews, to me they are all the same. All the religions in this world come from Allah. He has sent down His messengers to give one duty to us which is to worship God Alone. Nothing else. It is the same commandment in all the Books sent down. So, the Christian, Jews and Islam must come from Allah as well because Prophet David (Daud) is a Jew but practicing the correct teaching of Islam based on the teaching of the Book(Torah). Torah was also from God(Allah). Same goes to Jesus(Isa). He is a Muslim too. He brought down Bible(Injil). And Muhammmad was the last prophet. He brought us the Koran(Quran). s
So here you can see that all the teachings in Islam is the same but it was better from time to time by Allah. From the time of Christian until Islam the last religion. So it is not up to us to judge anyone in this planet whether or not they are believers or non-believers. To me all of them are believers provided they believe in God(Allah).
You see the sufferings of the Muslims and the people around the world today is because they do not pray to God anymore. They abandon God. They instead turn to another human being or to statue or to animals to ask for forgiveness and blessings. Human being, animals and knowledge all are made by God. He has placed into this world. Why cant we just stop fighting and protesting against one another and instead start worshipping God alone and pray to Him day and night.
Insyallah He will give us His blessings!
thank you
Assalamualaikum TUN,
To dtan,
Obviously u know nothing about Islam.
Every muslim all over the world will tell u that Beginning from Prophet Adam till the Final Messenger Prohet Muhammad, They are all Muslim. Yes the word Islam and Muslim comes into usage at a later stage along the line of Prophethood.
Islam puts Faith before race.
All the Prophets and Messengers before Prophet Muhammad came with similar message that is there is only one God.
Next message was to follow new order or to follow orders, rules given earlier which was revealed to Prophets or Messengers that came earlier and has pass his time.
Next message was informing their followers of the coming of Prophet Muhammad as the Final Messenger and to follow Him if they live to meet Him.
Some Messengers and Prophets were given revelation such the Torah, Zabur, Injil(Bible) and Finally The Quran as the Final revelation.
All these revelation are from God indeed.
But only in the Quran that God promise to keep this Particular Revelation intact as it was revealed to Prophet Muhammad.
This prove to be so as most of the earlier revelation has been ALTERED by human who has vested interest.
Just take the Bible which has gone tru so many changes by Human ever since the council of Nicea decided to include and exclude whatever they feel suitable that meet their interest.
Some revelation have been hidden by people who have interest.
Just ask yourself why were there Jews in Madinah before the coming of Prophet Muhammad.
Bcos their earlier revelation revealed that the last Messenger will be coming to a place with description that fits Madinah.(Go check it out if u bother)
But as usual the Jews being very racist people on earth are not able to accept Prophet Muhammad as He was not of their stock,a Jew, got it dtan. But only one Jew at that time and place accept Prophet Muhammad as He fit all the description provided in their earlier scriptures.
Part of our faith is to believe all the scriptures given earlier to the Prophets and Messengers.But most if not all has been lost or distorted except for the Quran which God promise to protect it till doomsday.
Israelite is not a faith, it is a race.
By the way do you know that the Jews do not accept conversion into Judaism by any Tom, Dick or Harry. Only selcted people can convert to Judaism. What does that mean? Racist lah. got it dtan.
Attempt has been made to distort the Quran, but like God promise it was discovered by Muslim time and again. It is still happening till today. The west will never stop their effort to change the Quran or distort its message.
As Muslim we accept all Prophets and Messengers as Muslim regardless of their ethnic racial background.
But what happen to their teaching later on that was distorted by their followers,is not their fault.
Thanks Tun for this opportunity.
Tun M, you have eulogised PM Najib’s administration and leadership as good because you are hoping that he would elevate your beloved son to be a full Minister soon!
In politics,all leaders without exception, are egocentric, just wanting to gain self-glory and build their own empires. No one is selfless. All this talk about people first is empty talk, with double-standards being practised all the time in most countries. History is replete with numerous examples of political leaders pursuing their own selfish personal agenda.
As suspected, wondering why u chose this topic, mkini has something for you, and mr soros, u knew this coming earlier. Or are they hitting back?
Whatever well done Tun, smart anticipating strategies, huh?
Salam kasih dan salam hormat Ayahanda Tun. Selepas membaca komen anakbudu3 saya terpanggil untuk memberikan sedikit kata nasihat kepada sahabat saya ini. Minta izin Tun dahulu.
Mungkin saudara/saudari ini masih muda dalam batuan politik beliau. Mula-mula sekali saya ingin menjelaskan disini bahawa cabaran tidak menjanjikan kemenangan atau juga kekalahan. Cabaran hanyalah laungan untuk perhatian ataupun juga adakalanya cabaran adalah merupakan sebuah ekspresi kekecewaan. Pada komen saudara/saudari, saya rasa biarlah umum menjadi hakimnya samada komen dizahirkan dari inginkan perhatian atau sebenarnya sebuah nukilan kekecewaan yang tidak dapat dibendung lagi. Kita semua perlu ingat apa yang Datuk Seri Abdullah Badawi serta cabinet beliau telah buat ketika berhapan dengan asakkan pembangkang sebelum PRU12 yang lalu, masihkah anda ingat apa yang beliau serta menantu beliau katakana kepada rakyat?
Assalamualaikum Ayahnda Tun & Bonda,
please allow me,
couldnt agree more with ahmadkamal on the heavy-bag issue & the way our government is handling the price of goods especially daily provisions. as i’ve mentioned somewhere, a few times, i’ll say what i think is not right with our government though i support them (not blindly, thy) . it’s not because of self-righteous claim or being hatred about almost everything but simply because we have our own thoughts and can be empathy with people at the grass root.
im a teacher myself & can see my daughter struggling every morning with her heavy bag stuffed with the textbooks, notebooks, workbooks n sationery for the day even after she has followed the schedule. this issue has to be resolved by education minister a.s.a.p. because we dont want our children suffer with their back. and it’s the norm in any ministry that they, the subordinates, have to wait for the minister in charge to say something, then only they will act! do they not have the capacity to overcome things???
once we were introduced by this flexible time-table some time ago but sadly, i dont know why, it didnt work the way it was supposed to work… it was a good move to relieve the children’s burden but all had gone in vain due to no reason. dead. pls do something ds muhyidin!
used to go to the markets & grocery shops, met with lower-income people who’ve been directly hit by hike in prices. we may not feel that bad about the prices of goods nowadays since financially, we can afford to buy daily provisions according to our need. fish, vegetables, rice, sugar, flour etc & ready-made or fast foods – some people have them every day as they find these convenient & time saving. but imagine families with only meager income, a trishawman, a small stallkeeper, cakes seller or odd job man in the village… they will be blinking their eyes hearing the prices of the things & later, what they take home may only last for that day. the next day will be another heartbreaking story…
it’s high time that the government own the stock of basic stuffs as to help the poor at time needed most. government must see that people are kept at bay when emergency arises & not to let the third party take the opportunity to mess up the situation especially with the capitalism pattern intermittenly occurs in our market. the poor will never make it in this very competitive market world. pls hear our plight, dear PM.
on behalf of my poor relatives whom i know still, many back in my kampung, planting paddy, tapping rubber for their landlords, doing odd jobs around the kampung & in other kampungs, i can feel your hardships. every time we went back, they’d be praising our parents (bless arwah ayah) me & my siblings for having agood & stable lives as all of us got through our study, managed to support ourselves & repay their kind deeds as much as we can, Alhamdulillah…
Tqvm Ayahnda Tun & Bonda. Both of you’v been my inspiration.
May Allah SWT bless both of you, always.
just my brain wave…
Hi all,
Just want to respond to some of dtan’s postings:
dtan; u said:
“The birth of Islam did not occur until 610AD (after Christianity).
How can you say that the Prophet Daud (King David) is a Muslim ?
He was an Israelite. How can Muslims take ownership of a lineage
when you don’t even call yourselves Israelite’s? ”
dtan, u really sound like someone who talks and repeats after listening to others… just like a parrot, if one wants to put a synonym on your name.
before you ask “How can you say that the Prophet Daud (King David) is a Muslim ?”, u should try to go and understand the word ‘muslim’ first.
A “Muslim” is a person who keeps Islam as his faith.
What is Islam? Islam is a religion which believes in The One True God (whatever name ppl call him – but this is another entire lengthy topic so I wont go there).
Now lets look at what was the One message EACH AND EVERYONE of the prophets (these include, among others, the names like david, solomon, moses, abraham, jesus, jaacob, muhammad – peace be unto all of them) tried to convey to their people. Its simple – THAT THERE IS BUT ONE GOD!
Now His religion (I use the masculine term for God just for simplicity) has been around since before any of these prophets were born, in fact, since before humans came into existence i.e. before He created Adam.
“Islam” is just a word, in Arabic means, ‘to surrender’. In essence, to surrender your entire being to the service of the One True God. Hence, there is nothing wrong, in whatever angle one wants to see it, with the statement that “King David (pbuh) was a muslim”. It just means that King David was a prophet who believes in The One True God.
And further, Islam is not ‘taking ownership’ of any lineage whatsoever. To God’s eyes, we are ALL human beings – be it jews, chinese, indians, malays, caucasians, african, latino etc. We are all the same as far as He is concern. He created us in different races just so that we could learn about ourselves from one another, not for an excuse to have bloody wars against each other!!
dtan; u said:
Is it because Muhammad
claimed to have a final revelation? Even that is disputed, as Islams’ revelations differ so greatly between Judaism and Christianity.
Jesus didn’t die on the cross, Jews believe in Ezra (Where did that
come from?)
dtan, i should say what u said above to you – Where did that come from, mate?
When has Muhammad’s (pbuh) teachings differ so greatly with the teachings from the other monotheists? Islam believes in Jesus (not as a god but as a prophet). Islam believes in Jesus being resent to earth again as the Messiah. And most of His teachings bear great resemblance of all of the teachings of the Books – Torah, Psalms and Bible before he revealed the final revelation in Quran.
Now you may ask why then, Islam doesnt accept all of these other Books, now?? The answer is – All of the other Books are not in its full entirety, in its original form anymore. Some of the verses and messages were added and/or omitted in the “recent” publications.
Who are we to ammend what has been said by the prophets?? I leave that for you to ponder.
And Quran, since Muhammad (pbuh) finished conveying all of the verses, has not been ammended until this very second you are reading this. I am very confident of it and so are each and every muslim in this world.
Lets go a step further – I challenge you to show me two Quran that is different in its verses from one another. Understand that Im talking about the original version, not the tafsir/translation of It. Let me know if you have found any, ok buddy.
There is nothing wrong with God’s religion, be it judaism, christianity or islam. Its just we, the ones who are supposed to practise them in His way were the ones doing all the wrong things in this world. And Im talking about each and every one of us!!
Peace to all…
Semoga mendapat keiizinan dan perkenan dari Tun..
Mr ravi aka rarunasalam..Finally..I got you where it matter’s most!!
Now..read carefully..
When Bill Clinton “misdemeanor” with Whitehouse unpaid summer intern broke out,naturally the American press hounded him.This is my own version of his interview ( “press” and “release” ? )with one fictious press representative.
Light Note:
Press : Mr Clinton sir..it is true to you have sex with her?
Clinton : No..No..utter nonsense.Just where you do you get this idea?
Press : Ok..Mr President..maybe you did bed her?
Clinton : No..It’s all rubbish..
Press : Or did copulation between you and her took place?
Clinton : No damn you.Nothing “improper’ took place between us!!
Press : Ok..Mister President..Do you care to told your account?
Clinton : In brief?
Press : Yes..in your brief..err I mean make it brief..
Clinton : You know I am a saxphone player.So..All I did, I taught
her sax ( emm..the sound does not seem’s right? )in
courses.You know I even treats her many meal.
Press : So..You did admit of having intercourse with her?
Clinton : Yes I did..Between the course of the sax and the meal I
did have “intercourse” with her..:))
Press : There you have it..Our esteemed Mister President
categorically denied any sexual relations with the Intern
( who cannot be named for obvious reasons..psst.Until she
willing to sell the confession to the highest bidder).But
Mister President did admit having intercourse with her!!
There Mr Ravi..For the Great “US” of “A” it is a joke playing in term and definition..Coming back to local scene..There is one Senior Politician who verified that tomorrow is not an election date when asked when is the election date..
Walla!!!..Lo and behold..The Parliment dissolved the very next day and what does the Senior Politician said??
It is a “strategic disinformation” of winning several leverage..
For us..The farmer,rubber tapper,fisherman,peasant and the man on the street..This is pure lying..And again when asked when will be the next petrol increased..No..not in few month time..Again..
Lo and behold..The next day the petrol price increased manyfold that makes the rakyat suffers and angry still..
So..Mister Ravi..Life is all about belief.You does not belief Tun have contributed so much to this countries..Yet you believe in his succesor..Who “lost in deep meditation looking for Al Ghazali”..many times over..Ordinary people like me believes that he stole forty winks more so often..
So..here we differ..It’s ok to have differrent beliefs..It’s ok to have irritant that provides catalyst for oyster to breeds pearls..But the pertinent question is..
Do you think you can hoodwink us the ordinary citizen..? The commoner?
Mr Ravi sir..I remember you are the needed irritant in Tun blog to breeds pearls..But sir..it is neccessary?..
Terima kasih Tun..
First treat your fellow Malaysian with respect and as an equal. Then go and talk about other countries.
When you discriminate against other Malaysian because of their religion or race, what right do you have to tell others not to do it. It’s like the pot calling the kettle black.
Semoga diizinkan dan mendapat perkenan Tun..
King David ruled Israel about 3,000 years ago while islam was born in 632 A.D. (about 1,600 years later than King David). So, please reveal to us how David was Muslim. It was the Muslims who changed David to Daud and Abraham to Ibrahim and Moses to Musa.]]
You are an educated man of a calibre.At least a lot more than Mr Ravi..in my opinion that is..So..
Apart of having my on opinion, I have my own belief.This set of belief I shared most with my muslim counterpart.We got our source information from Al Quran and hadith.In this belief..Allah stated all that I have stated earlier..And I respect your views and belief of not believing them..
[[Is it your contention then that Abraham and Moses, born Jews who practicised Judaism, were also Muslims? And perhaps the Buddha and Guru Nanak too?]]
Yes..it is true..Starting from Adam,Noah,Abraham ( Ibrahim ) and Jews..all were Muslim.Buddha in other name is a muslim too.Have you seen the monk practiced their prayer’s..In China once I saw them rise up and down similar to muslim prayer’s..Guru Nanak..I believe so too..Have you check their integral part of faith??
Muslim are united once..From Ham and Sam ( Black and White ) they multiply to many faith and believes..It’s ok not to beliefs..It is
not ok to ridiculed other faith and belief..
What was that? I am guilty of my own admonishment?? Nah..That ain’t true brother..I responded they ways thing warranted response..In this sense..donplaypuks please “look” up the real definition of “blind”..For where tunnel vision is concerned,there is no
new definition to the terminologies..
I am not guilty of this view where tunnel vision and parallax view distorts my images..but
Do you??
Terima kasih Tun..
Semoga diidinkan dan di perkenankan Tun..
I would suggest that you broaden your horizons rather than
have a singular minded approach to history. If you want to compare
history and scripture. You need to use a benchmark i.e. timeline.]]
Agreed.On this aspect, you should take you own advice..The timeline is from Adam a.s.where the Jews and the Christian refused to acknowledeged.They have their own version of truth regarding history.We have our own that is Al Quran.The TIMELINESS..
[[The birth of Islam did not occur until 610AD (after Christianity)
How can you say that the Prophet Daud (King David) is a Muslim ?]]
The birth of Islam is engendered together with Prophet Adam a.s..So
if you all the people in this world does not believes them will not changed the salient fact.Thus..it does not comes as suprise that Prophet Daud a.s is a Muslim!!
[[He was an Israelite. How can Muslims take ownership of a lineage
when you don’t even call yourselves Israelite’s? Is it because Muhammad claimed to have a final revelation? Even that is disputed, as Islams’ revelations differ so greatly between Judaism and Christianity.Jesus didn’t die on the cross, Jews believe in Ezra (Where did that come from?) etc etc etc.]]
It is true Nabi Daud a.s is an Israelite.That’s why Allah admonished them in Al Quran..Surah Bani Israil is specifically mentioned them..Muhammad s.a.w does not claimed final revealation..It was commanded and decreed to him by Allah.Disputes..yes..that is the term and definition’s..
Islam says Nabi Isa a.s ( pray who is Jesus ? ) did not die on the cross.Isa as.
“Di angkat kepada Kami ( Al Quran )
And we believes in Ezra too.Only in Islam he is Nabi Uzair a.s, the story mentioned in Al Quran..
[[I would say that Muhammed had a different revelation simply because
Islam does not accept any of the Torah or Bible scriptures. It makes logical sense because if you want claim lineage you have to accept some portions of older/other scripture inorder to connect the dots.]]
Agreed.Islam does not accept Torah and Bible.We only accepts Taurat and Injil.Taurat and Injil is unblemish from human interference..The same cannot be said about Torah and Bible..It is logical sense to accept the portion of older scripture..That is unblemish Taurah and Injil which is consolidated in one final and perfect scripture..Broaden you horizon’s..Wether to agrees or to diasgrees..
That final scripture is
Al Quran..
Terima kasih Tun..
don’t know whether this topic is true or not, but what we can ensure is recently Tun’s son become among the 20 richest man in Malaysia …
I think alot of people are interested on how to become rich like Tun’s son … may be Tun can share abit the tricks or ways on how to become rich?
salam Tun,
“Wajaperak,I won’t waste my breath or effort in enlightening you…it will take a far wiser person than me to get any sense into you,..”
-Author Mr .Ravi
Yo Ravi!Are you claiming to being wise?Really?Enlightening?
Hahahahaha..erk!Man you really make me laugh out loud rolling on the floor wanna puke!
Dr Mahathir
Per Wajaperaks’ entry Feb 17, 2010 8:31 AM
Dear Wajaperak,
I would suggest that you broaden your horizons rather than
have a singular minded approach to history. If you want to compare
history and scripture. You need to use a benchmark i.e. timeline.
For example:
The birth of Islam did not occur until 610AD (after Christianity).
How can you say that the Prophet Daud (King David) is a Muslim ?
He was an Israelite. How can Muslims take ownership of a lineage
when you don’t even call yourselves Israelite’s? Is it because Muhammad
claimed to have a final revelation? Even that is disputed, as Islams’
revelations differ so greatly between Judaism and Christianity.
Jesus didn’t die on the cross, Jews believe in Ezra (Where did that
come from?) etc etc etc.
I would say that Muhammed had a different revelation simply because
Islam does not accept any of the Torah or Bible scriptures. It makes logical
sense because if you want claim lineage you have to accept some
portions of older/other scripture inorder to connect the dots.
Assalamualaikum ayahnda Tun & Bonda,
Izinkan anaknda,
Sabarlah ayahnda Tun. doa kami yg menyayangi Tun agar Allah Ta’ala tetap memelihara Tun. apa nak dikata, rata2 dunia berita telah dipengaruhi oleh cara pemikiran zionist. contoh paling dekat yang ada di malaysiakini. umum mengetahui semua berita dlm malaysiakini tentang Tun merupakan berita buruk2 belaka, tidak ada sedikitpun kebaikan Tun bagi mereka ini walaupun hakikatnya mereka hidup senang hari ini hasil dari pemikiran & pemerintahan Tun dulu. sengaja mereka buta, Tun. semuanya dirancang sebegitu rupa supaya ketua umum mereka di sini nampak hebat & betul sentiasa. namun bukan semua rakyat malaysia ni berfikiran seperti malaysiakini & angkatan kaki pusing berita mereka. saya yakin sebahagian besar rakyat malaysia masih bersama Tun & percaya kita bukan mudah dibutatulikan oleh puak2 yang berpaksikan zionist ni. kita juga tidak semestinya menerima bulat2 apa yg Tun kata tetapi bila kita merujuk kepada sumber2 lain yg menyokong kenyataan Tun, tentunya kita harus menerima kenyataan yg ada.
saya akui bukan semua yahudi itu jahat kerana ada yahudi yg mendapat hidayah & memilih menjadi Muslim (banyak bukti di u-tube) tapi yahudizionist yg totok tak mungkin menerima hakikat bahawa mereka ialah bangsa yang dilaknat oleh Allah Ta’ala. mereka tetap merasakan mereka bangsa yang terpilih sedangkan hakikat itu hanya wujud hanya semasa mereka diselamatkan oleh Nabi Musa A.S dari kekejaman firaun yg menghalau mereka dari bumi mesir dahulu. Bila Nabi Muhammad S.A.W diutuskan ke dunia, umat Islam pula yang menjadi umat terpilih sebagaimana tersebut dlm AlQuranulKareem. inilah hakikat yang tidak dapat diterima oleh zionist sehingga hari ini, Wallahu’aklam… Namun, dalam Islam hanya mereka yang betul2 beriman & bertaqwa diterima Allah SWT. sayangnya dunia hari ini lebih menerima kelaziman yang dibawa oleh yahudi terutamanya melalui budaya melulu barat yang menghalalkan segalanya demi kemenangan mereka. politik barat terutamanya yg diterajui US bukanlah satu2nya sistem yg perlu kita teladani kerana banyak yang tidak kena dgn sistem itu sendiri.
terbaru, senator evan bayh (indiana) meletakkan jawatan sebagai anggota senat US kerana tidak dapat menerima sistem politik US yang beliau anggap “gagal berfungsi”, “mempunyai penyokong2 tegar yang lumpuh pemikiran” & menjalankan kempen2 yang berterusan untuk mempertahankan kedudukan anggota senat sehingga mereka ketiadaan masa & sukar meluluskan undang2. “AP’s Liz Sidoti says Evan Bayh’s dislike for the Senate is a reflection of the public’s perception that there’s too much partisanship and things don’t get done in Congress”. dalam sistem liberal US pemilihan senat dipengaruhi oleh sokongan koperat yg mengeluarkan perbelanjaan yg besar bagi memastikan kemenangan tokoh pilihan mereka. persoalannya, siapakah dibelakang korporat2 ini? tentunya mereka yg menguasai ekonomi US & mahu terus menguasai ekonominya….
dan kita di malaysia pun mempunyai tokoh yg ditaja oleh kuasa asing ni. asyik sibuk menafikan hubungannya dgn mereka sedangkan rentak hidup sentiasa dibayangi puak2 barat hinggakan pihak asing dijemput masuk ke dalam kediaman untuk makan semeja, menerima sokongan dari semasa ke semasa dalam pelbagai bentuk, pengajian anak2nya sendiri dia akui ditaja oleh barat. sebab itulah dia sedia tunduk kepada kuasa asing dgn sentiasa menagih simpati dari pihak asing dalam kes perbicaraannya dulu & sekarang. semalam khabarnya pemimpin2 asing di doha menunjukkan simpati mereka terhadap beliau yg kononnya dianiayai dgn konspirasi yg tak habis2…
ingatlah hai rakyat malaysia, takkan ada pihak asing yg bersimpati dgn nasib seorang melayu beragama Islam jika tidak ada kepentingan di pihak mereka! kalau ada mamat sorang ni dari kg jenahak ka, kg gelam ka, yg merayu simpati dari pihak US atau Australia kerana kes perbicaraannya di mahkamah, adaka US @ Australia akan menerkam tunjukkan simpati mereka?? maafla, tak ciumbau punyala…yg merayu ni sorang penentang kerajaan tersohor, yg pihak asing boleh gunakan sepenuhnya untuk menyalurkan pengaruh mereka…sendiri mau ingatla!
kita juga tidak nafikan pemikiran totok pengikut parti2 politik di malaysia juga wujud. kadangkala tidak masuk dek akal cara penyokong2 parti2 politik ini menyuarakan sokongan mereka. saya tidak menamakan mana2 parti tetapi boleh dikatakan ramai yg hilang pertimbangan dalam menunjukkan sokongan kepada pilihan mereka sehinggakan ahli2 politik yg terang2 merosakkan agama, bangsa & negara disokong membuta tuli, mereka yg dikatakan alim ulamak menjaja agama, menukar watak dari bandar ke desa, dari biasa2 kepada ustaz waraq, dari arus moden ke cara kampung ulu, penuh kepura-puraan tanpa rasa segan & malu kepada Allah Ta’ala yg Maha Melihat, Maha Mendengar & Maha Mengetahui!!!
mereka tunduk kepada tekanan rakan & lawan, tidak berupaya membimbing keluarga kejalan Allah, tidak berani & gagal menyatakan kebenaran, bersubahat dlm segala kemasyalahatan, mempermainkan undang2, memanipulasikan orang bawahan, menfitnah, berbohong hari2 bak makan nasi hatta sanggup memperdagangkan ayat2 suci AlQuran semata2 hendak kekal berkuasa termasuklah yg menjadikan parti politik mereka sebagai warisan ahli keluarga tanpa mengenangkan susahpayah, penatjerih penyokong2 tegar mereka yg miskin dan kaumkeluarga mereka yg papa kedana yg sepatutnya wajib mereka tolong. sebaliknya tokoh2 politik ini memperdaya & mempergunakan penyokong2 setia mereka demi untuk menjayakan cita2 sendiri yg tersangat ingin berkuasa. setelah berkuasa sedikit, mereka ke sana ke sini berkawan dgn bangsa asing yg sedia menanti peluang untuk memecahbelahkan kita…berapa ramai yg sudah merasa peritnya tapi belum juga sedarkan diri semata2 kerana berpegang kepada slogan yg basi??? bila anda susah, ditangkap kerana berdemonstrasi menyokong tokoh pilihan anda, apakah tokoh pilihan anda pula menyokong anda bermati-matian? harap2 ramai yg semakin sedar…
begitu sinis politik kepartian di negara kita. sayangnya rakyat biasa tersepit di bawah. namun sebagai manusia yg di kurniakan akal, fikirkanlah kesannya kepada keluarga kita – anak cucu keturunan kita – sekiranya kita menganggap kerajaan yg ada di malaysia ni tidak cekap mentadbir negara, buatlah pertimbangan yg wajar. namun jangan kerana membangkang membabi buta, kita gagal melihat kebaikan yg sedia ada. kita sepatutnya mendokong aspirasi kerajaan yg mahu melihat negara kita menuju wawasan 2020 sebagaimana yg ingini oleh Tun, InsyaAllah. tetapi bukan semua bentuk perlaksanaannya kita patut sokong. jika ada kecelaruan, berbincanglah melalui saluran yang betul, jangan asyik menghemtam dari belakang kerana ianya tidak memberi apa-apa kebaikan bahkan menambahkan dosa kita yang semakin bertambun, membazir masa kerana cara begitu tidak mendatangkan hasil kecuali syok sendiri dok maki hamun kerajaan…apa yang kita dapat? syaitan jugak yg untung!
namun, ada kakitangan kerajaan yg bersikap seperti gunting dlm lipatan, pembelot & hari2 hidup dalam kepura-puraan demi gaji yang mereka terima. di kalangan guru ramai yg TERANG2 menyokong pembangkang & sentiasa berfikiran macam pembangkang, serba-serbi dibangkang walau kepada perkara baik sekalipun, semata2 kerana mereka penyokong pembangkang & mengiyakan apa saja kata pembangkang tanpa menyelidik lebih lanjut. saya bersimpati dengan mereka tetapi lebih bersimpati dengan majikan/gb/pengetua yang terpaksa mengahadapi karenah guru2 bertalam dua muka begini. takut meletakkan jawatan tetapi terus-terusan sampai mati mematuk tangan yang memberi…
bukankah pelik ada “seorang cikgu tu” (rasa2nya ramai kakitangan kerajaan persekutuan yg berperangai begini) yang terang2 mengaku menyokong tok guru, atau pemimpin pkr, dap dan mengatakan kerajaan malaysia ni kejam, penipu, pemimpin malaysia dilabelkan sebagai pembohong, penyangak, menyalak sana-sini bagaikan anjing, sultan di negeri sendiri di anggap tidak ada hak menentukan MB dan bermacam tohmahan serta memberitahu beliau tidak membaca suratkhabar, menonton tv tetapi menghentam kerajaan seolah2 dia tahu serba-serbi selok-belok pemerintahan negara & negeri. rasa2nya perlembagaan negara & negeri sendiripun buta!!!
cikgu2 yg begini eloklah letak jawatan kerana jika anda berkata kerajaan penipu, mengapa anda sanggup makan gaji dengan kerajaan penipu? jika anda mengatakan kerajaan ini pembohong, menindas cikgu, mengapa anda masih juga ingin makan gaji dengan kerajaan begini? jadilah seorang guru mulia pekerti, letaklah jawatan anda sekarang & kerjalah dengan kerajaan yg anda anggap tidak menipu, yang anda sokong sepenuhnya. mengapa? tak berani? sebab gaji guru keraaan negeri kecik dari yang anda terima sekarang kan? pencen pun ciput jugak, kan? sayangla pulak jika anda berhenti walaupun BERLAWANAN dengan jiwa pembangkang anda kerana anak2 anda juga sedang menerima tajaan kerajaan penipu ini iaitu dari jpa, petronas & mara dan lain2 tajaan. habis pengajian mereka juga mengharapkan kerajaan akan mengambil mereka bekerja seperti anda, kan? mengapa anda terima tajaan dari kerajaan penipu ini? tidakkah anda bersubahat juga namanya bila menerima tajaan jpa, petronas & mara bagi pengajian anak2 anda sedangkan badan2 ini adalah kepunyaan kerajaan yang anda anggap penipu? bagaimana anda nak menjawab jika anak2 anda tanya soalan yang sama macam saya tanya kerana kita sudah tentu ajar anak2 kita jangan ambil barang atau terima duit dari orang lain apatah lagi jika orang itu kita tidak suka @ benci…senang saja didikan kita, kan? tetapi amalan, tindakan & perbuatan kita jauh berbeza dengan ajaran kita sendiri…amat jauh
anda katakan anda berhak terima gaji kerana anda BEKERJA tetapi anda lupa DENGAN SIAPA anda bekerja? apa pulak yang anda tarbiahkan kepada anak2 anda? bahawa tidak mengapa kita menerima pemberian dari pihak yang menipu kerana kita berjuang atas landasan yang betul? bahawa tidak salah kita memakan hasil dari pekerjaan kita yang gajinya diberi oleh pihak yang menindas? bahawa kita redho sekarang berada di bawah kerajaan penipu & menerima gaji darinya kerana kita tidak ada pilihan lain? bahawa kita tidak salah menerima tajaan kerajaan penipu ni walaupun kita sedar hakikat kita menerimanya dari pihak yang amat kita benci? bahawa berkerja dengan kerajaan penipu ini adalah demi kelangsungan hidup kita ke anak-cucu? untuk memberi contoh kepada pelajar2 kita bahawa tidak salah melawan pihak yang sedia memberi kebaikan kepada kita? bahawa apa yang kita perjuangkan hari ini walaupun terpaksa bergaul, makan & minum bersama2 pihak yang menyokong kerajaan tetapi tidak lari dari “perjuangan” asal kita?
ada juga mengatakan sultan tidak ada hak menentukan MB. bagaimana jika gb/pengetua menukarkan seseorang guru itu ke sekolah lain? adakah anda akan kata gb/pengetua anda tidak berhak menukarkan anda? gb/pengetua mempunyai hak penuh menukarkan anda sekiranya beliau berpendapat anda tidak memberikan kerjasama sepenuhnya kepada beliau atau dia memang tidak menyukai anda – satu sebab itu sahaja mampu membuatkan anda ditukar, belum lagi sebab2 lain!. bolehkah kita bekerja dengan orang yang tidak kita sukai? apa lagi jika sekolah “cluster” atau sekolah cemerlang. gb/pengetua berkuasa penuh! tetapi biasanya yang menjadi gb/pengetua sekolah begini amat tinggi rasional mereka, mereka selalunya menukar orang yang suka membangkang, saya amat memakluminya… tidak seperti pembangkang, kalau boleh semua orang dia nak ketepikan, satu sekolah, dia sorang saja dok ada!!
jadi, mengapa pulak sultan yang memerintah negeri & rakyatnya, yang tahu undang2 badan tubuh negeri perlu tunduk pada pendapat anda sedang baginda tahu natijahnya jika terus mengikut rentak pembangkang? mau tergadai negeri nanti…selidiklah dahulu undang2 tubuh negeri sendiri sebelum melompat kepada kesimpulannya. tanyalah diri sendiri siapa sebenarnya yang mahu merosakkan kita di negeri kita sendiri…orang lain kah atau kita sendiri?
bertindaklah segera jika anda merasakan anda jujur dan berada di pihak yang betul. letak jawatan sebagai guru yang berkhidmat dengan kerajaan persekutuan kerana rasanya mendengar nama kerajaan persekutuan pun anda dah loya, bagaimana anda boleh tahan bekerja dengan kerajaan ini, ya? bekerjalah sendiri, berniaga atau buka taska, sekolah sendiri, gunakan kepandaian yang anda dapat hasil dari ilmu yang anda belajar disekolah kerajaan, dimaktab kerajaan atau di universiti kerajaan untuk mencari rezeqi yang lebih bersih & mulia. saya bukan sengaja mencabar anda yg berfikiran begini tetapi hakikatnya anda tidak layak menyatakan apa-apapun mengenai majikan anda kerana anda tidak berupaya untuk berbuat lebih baik dari itu.
kita & anak2 kita membesar hasil dari kebajikan yang kerajaan sediakan – klinik ibu, hospital kerajaan, sekolah kerajaan, maktab kerajaan, universiti kerajaan, segala2nya dari kerajaan tetapi kita sengaja lupakan semua hakikat itu hanya kerana beberapa perkara yang tidak memihak kepada kita & keluarga kita atau pemimpin pilihan kita? adakah semasa belajar kita & anak2 kita tidak mendapat bantuan biasiswa, buku teks atau bahan2 pembelajaran? adakah kita tidak mendapat guru2 yang baik semasa belajar dulu? adakah bila habis pengajian kita tidak diberi tempat yang sewajarnya? adakah selama kita bekerja, kita di tindas sehingga tidak mendapat faedah apa-apapun? adakah bila bekerja, orang lain naik gaji, kita tidak mendapat kenaikan tersebut? adakah kita tidak diberi cuti mengikut peraturan kerja dan tidak pernah dibenarkan bercuti sepanjang bekerja? adakah ketua tempat kita bekerja mencekikdarah kita dengan memotong gaji kita sesuka hatinya? adakah kita yakin gaji yang kita terima adalah yang kita terhak?
belajarlah menerima hakikat walaupun pahit. jangan anggap pertanyaan2 saya ini sebagai tidak perlu direnungkan. tanyalah hati kecil anda, anda mahukan yang macam mana sebenarnya? kalau anda mahukan kekayaan seperti oranglain, carilah kekayaan tersebut namun bukanlah dengan cara menjatuhkan oranglain atau melalui cara yang keji. bukan semua keinginan kita boleh dizahirkan, bukan semua impian boleh kita capai kecuali mati. yang ini, tidak ada insan yang mampu menolak takdirnya, saudara saudari. akan adalah serba sedikit kecacatan sepanjang hidup kita kerana tidak ada sesiapapun yang sempurna kecuali junjungan kita yang maksum. jika ini kita fahami, kita patut bersyukur banyak2 kerana kita tidak miskin sebenarnya… mungkin jiwa yang miskin kerana sukar menerima takdir!
belajarlah menghargai kebaikan yang ada sebelum semuanya hilang di telan usia. belajarlah menyedari bahawa tidak guna membangkang semata2 kerana sikap yang suka membangkang. jangan suatu hari nanti anak2cucu kembali membangkang & memaki hamun anda semata2 kerana anda anggap anda berhak atas segala2nya kerana mereka juga akan berkata mereka berhak! jangan bersikap orang lain semua salah tetapi aku tidak. kembalilah mengenang jasa, tak kiralah dari siapapun kerana itulah yang dituntut oleh Islam. lihatlah kebaikan yang selama ini anda nikmati. takkanlah tidak ada satu apapun yang anda pernah nikmati dari kecil hingga dewasa? adakah anda terus-terusan mewarisi kemiskinan ibubapa anda? adakah anda menjadi semakin bodoh setelah bertahun2 belajar sehingga tidak mampu memikirkan kebaikan2 yang ada disekeliling? apa lagi yang anda inginkan setelah menghampiri suku abad, setengah abad atau hampir satu abad hidup anda hinggakan terus merasakan masih serba-serbi kurang? lihatlah orang yang lebih susah hidupnya tetapi mereka tidak mengeluh-kesah, membangkang segalanya seperti anda. jika anda rasa kekurangan dari segi ilmu agama, maka itu adalah lebih baik dari memanjang menidakkan nikmat yang dirasai selama ini…
Maaflah ayahnda kerana mengambil ruang menyatakan hal ini kerana anaknda hairan mengapa ramai yang suka melihat gelas setengah kosong dari gelas setengah penuh!!!
jadilah insan yang tahu berterima kasih & bersyukur dengan nikmat kemerdekaan ini. negara kita aman & damai kerana kitalah yang mendokong keamanan ini, bukan oranglain yang datang membantu…jangan jadi bangsa yang angkuh, yang tidak mahu bersyukur. sekali lagi ingin bertanya kepada kakitangan kerajaan yang tidak pernah mahu berterimakasih atas segala nikmat Allah Ta’ala turunkan kepada negara kita melalui kerajaan kita, apa lagi yang anda semua mahu? mahu memerintah sendiri? perintah anak2 anda sendiri dahulu terutamanya yang sudah sewasa. jika semuanya mengikut kata2 anda 100%, mujur…
Semoga kita semua mampu memperbaiki kekurangan diri, anak2 & keluarga sendiri dari asyik melihat kekurangan orang lain & melabel & memaki hamun mereka sesuka hati…sempat mintak maafka nanti? kalau tak sempat, susah ooo nak mati…
Salam bahagia akhir kata buat Ayahnda Tun & Bonda. Moga diberkati Allah Ta’ala selalu..
just my brain wave…
A’kum Tun. Moga dirahmati selalu hendaknya.
You are an absolute denial person. I think you are under someone payroll and your sole responsibility is to rebut anything and everything about Jews evil doings.
You need not to do all these rebuttal as we that you called Goyim knew Jews a lot more better that you do, and you seemed to be so naive and blurred about your very own natives. And you must be ashkanazi Jews (the fake Jews of Khazars origin with Talmud faith).
Jews always remain Jews – These people are the truest and biggest anaconda of all the anacondas! That’s why they looove snake.
Salam Tun,
Kita tahu permainan mereka, tetapi bagaimana mereka(Zionist) memanupulasi situasi sehingga dunia terpaksa tunduk dan mengiakan yang putih adalah hitam dan sebaliknya.
Ketamakan dan tipu helah mereka menyebabkan ketidak tentuan politik dan keselamatan dunia sekarang.
Jangan kita ambil tak endah akan kemampuan mereka. 2 state solution memang telah dipersetujui oleh pihak Palestin pada siding keamanan Oslo, akan tetapi ianya tidak menjadi kenyataan kerana permainan kotor pihak Zionist ditambah pula mereka merancang untuk menundukan Hizbollah dan Iran dengan permainan kotor yang sama. 3 in 1. Sila lihat semua 3 bahagian video ini:-
False Flag Attacks in Argentina March 1992 dan July 1994
Bhg 1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=puQPQ4UFzDE
Bhgt 2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sbi10oawsHM
Bhg 3. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-elCNz2czso
Kalu peristiwa ini boleh dirancang apa lagi yang boleh dan telah mereka buat bagi memenuhi agenda rakus mereka. Mungkin ada baiknya kita meneliti sedikit rujukan, siapa mereka ini sebenarnya dan apa agenda mereka:-
a. The Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy -John J. Mearsheimer
b. The Holocaust Industry – Norman G. Finkelstein
Sekiranya ingin jalan yang lebih singkat sila tonton video ini:-
c. (Defamation 2009-Yoav Shamir)
Ironinya kesemua mereka(a,b,c) adalah berbangsa Yahudi dan contextnya selari dengan ucapan Tun Semasa Persidangan OIC 2003″ “But today the Jews(Zionist) rule this world by proxy…”
p/s – “It’s a Trick, We Always Use It.” (calling people “anti-Semitic”): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jUGVPBO9_cA
assalamualaikum Tun.
malaysia kini atau orang yang mengendalikannya adalah mereka yang tidak mempunyai matlamat .hanya nak cari populariti kononnya mereka
pejuang kebebasan.lihat lah latarbelakang mereka.diri sendiri pun
tak betul.
memperjuangkan tamadun songsang.mcm amerika.kononnya pejuang
kebebasan manusia sejagat,tapi dia lah yang telah menyebabkan ratusan ribu rakyat iraq mati,rakyat palestin menderita tak kurang juga ramai yang meninggal dunia.
sesungguhnya manusia adalah ciptaan ALLAH yang mulia dan tinggi
darjat nya berbanding mahkhluk lain ciptaan NYA.kita diberi akal
oleh NYA untuk kita berfikir yang baik dan buruk.
namun begitu ALLAH tetap bekalkan kita(hambanya) dengan Al-Quran sebagai
panduan andai manusia buntu atas apapun masalah yang kita hadapi.
apabila manusia berfikir sebagai seorang manusia tanpa panduan agama
dan Al-Quran sama lah macam haiwan yang hidup dalam dunianya iaitu
hanya mengikut fitrah kejadiannya ,tanpa panduan dan pedoman.
hebatnya manusia bukan kerana mereka bijak dan pandai berfikir tetapi kerana kita ada panduan,pedoman.barangkali tidak ada manusia
yang berjaya tanpa pedoman dan panduan oleh manusia terdahulu.
berkaitan dengan kebebasan pula .sebenarnya jika kita anggap
diri kita sebagai manusia maka tiada kebebasan mutlak untuk kita,
sebab kita hidup berteraskan agama juga undang undang.
KECUALI haiwan yang hidup tanpa undang undang .
minta maaf Tun jika lari dari tajuk.
Noted Westerners who symphatize the Palestinian/Arab struggle or not pro-Jews/Zionists:
William Shakespeare – The Merchant of Venice, Shylock
Sir Richard Burton – adventurer, scholar
Noam Chomsky – world-reknown linguist, scholar, and political analyst. Wrote among others “Fateful Triangle: The United States, Israel & The Palestinians”, South End Press, Cambridge, 1999 (2nd ed); and others
Edward W. Said – scholar, author
Robert Fisk – leading foreign correspondent in the Middle East. Wrote “Pity the Nation: Lebanon at War”, Oxford Univ . Press, 1992 (2nd ed); etc
Mohammad Assad – Polish Jew who embraced Islam. Wrote “The Road to Mecca”, Dar Al-Adalus, Gibraltar, 1980 (4th ed); etc
Paul Craig Roberts – noted US economist
Lord Galloway, UK – recent Palestina Viva campaign
Gwynne Dyer – international affairs expert. Wrote “The Mess They Made: The Middle East After Iraq”, Scribe Publ., Melbourne, 2007; etc
Lawrence of Arabia – see “With Lawrence in Arabia”, “The Seven Pillars of Wisdom”
David Pryce-Jones – author of many non-fiction and fiction books. Wrote “The Closed Circle: An Interpretation of the Arabs”, Phoenix Press, London, 2002; etc
Karen Amstrong – foremost commentator of religous affairs, awarded the Muslim Public Affairs Council Media Award, 1999. Wrote “Islam: A Short History”, 2000; “Holy War: The Crusades and Their Impact on Today’s World”, 1992, and others
Alijah Gordon (Allahyarhamah)- Malaysian Sociological Research Institute (MSRI). “On Becoming Alijah. Part 1: From the American Revolutionary War through Burma, March 1957”, MSRI, K Lumpur, 2002; and other books
Dear Tun,
Malaysiakini is an opposition website and all the comments
are people who have hatred for the goverment nothing is
said good however good the goverment does.
Take care
I won’t waste my breath or effort in enlightening you…it will take a far wiser person than me to get any sense into you, and I know when I have faced my match against someone who has his head in the sand like yours…
Enjoy the smokes mate…
Assalamu’alaikum Warahmatullah Dear Tun,
Well Sir, what can we expect from a group that was saved from the calamities by Allah s.w.t through
his servant Prophet Musa a.s in which they suffered for hundreds of years and then later went astray
by worshipping the ‘golden calf’……? There’s something about the character that could tell us all
about the group….And that has got nothing to do with anti-semitic…that’s just some facts from the
May Allah s.w.t bless you with a great health and grant us the great victory !
Thank You, Wassalam
If you are talking about “the rise of Israelite Kingdom”, have you ever question yourself regarding the original people occupying the Canaan (Palestine) at that time?
Who did invade them?
Who did brought the 12 Israelite tribes to the Canaan? and whence?
And at what rights, the Israelite can reclaim their lost kingdom and land?
If they can do that, then why the original occupants of the Palestine land loss their rights to do the same? and whence?
If you don’t have the answers to all the questions instantly,
Then I believe your history knowledge is just limited to “the rise of Israelite Kingdom”, not hundreds of years before that.
On the false claim of the Jewish homeland – Mohammad Assad* (Polish Jew who embraced Islam) argued with Dr. Chaim Weizmann, foremost Zionist:
‘But it is our country,’ replied Dr. Weizmann, raising his eyebrows. ‘We are doing no more than taking back what we have been wrongly deprived of.’
‘But you have been away from Palestine for nearly two thousand years! Before that you had ruled this country, and hardly ever the whole of it, for less than five hundred years. Don’t you think that the Arabs could, with equal justification, demand Spain for themselves – for, after all, they held sway in Spain for nearly seven hundred years and lost it entirely only five hundred years ago?’
Dr Weizmann had become visibly impatient: ‘Nonsense. The Arabs had only conquered Spain; it had never been their original homeland, and so it was only right that in the end they were driven out by the Spaniards.’
‘Forgive me,’ I retorted, ‘but it seems to me that there is some historical oversight here. After all, the Hebrews also came as conquerors to Palestine. Long before them were many other Semitic and non-Semitic tribes settled here – the Amorites, the Endomites, the Philistines, the Moabites, the Hittites. Those tribes continued living here even in the days of the kingdoms of Israel and Judah. They continued living here after the Romans drove our ancestors away. They are living here today. The Arabs who settled in Syria and Palestine after their conquest in the seventh century were always only a small minority of the population; the rest of what we describe today as Palestinian or Syrian “Arabs” are in reality only the Arabianized, original inhabitants of the country. Some of them became Muslims in the course of centuries, others remained Christians; the Muslims naturally inter-married with their co-religionists from Arabia. But can you deny that the bulk of those people in Palestine, who speak Arabic, whether Muslims or Christians, are direct-line descendants of the original inhabitants: original in the sense of having lived in this country centuries before the Hebrews came to it?’
Dr. Weizmann smiled politely at my outburst and turned the conversation to other topics.
* quoted ad vertim from his book “The Road to Mecca”, Dar Al-Andalus Ltd., Gibraltar, 1980 (2nd ed) p95
Aku tak kisah bila org nak panggil aku ‘blind supporter of Dr. Mahathir’. Apa korang dah buta hatikah dgn apa yg dia dah buat selama ni.
Dear friends,
Besides condemning and telling the world of Isreal
Assalamu Alaikum Tun,
Tun, let me use your blog to response “dtan”‘s idea in your blog. He raised an issue about the unrest or unhappiness of Muslims in many part of the world–in southern Philippines, southern Thailand, India, Indonesia. Verry simple answer dtan. Because they are not treated as they deserved. Don’t forget Muslims in the eastern part of China. They too are being brutally oppressed..look at non Muslims in the muslim countries..are they being oppressed? no, they aren’t. They even given special previlige ex.appointed as senior minister or senators. About the Muslims unhappiness in Indonesia is not the same case as in southern Thai dan Philippines and India. Some Muslims in Indonesia might only not happy with certain system being implemented by their own govenment. So, dtan in future, be careful in making conclusion from observation.
Congrat Tun,
Your son among the richest in Malaysia. Najib’s brother listed too, I am not surprise. But your son.. ermm… . Tak ada beza huh!!. Macam tu la kot bunyi memperjuangkan hak melayu. Relative first, other last or none.
Persepsi seorang pemimpin yang baik untuk di contohi. Saya akan simpan dalam kepala otak saya.
Tq tun for everything, kirim salam kami pada mereka yang kaya.
this small piece should definately make your supporters very happy as mkini has been quite bold in its news report past few years. And nobody able to put a stop to them, they thought…
Well, its the same site whom you volunteered to give anti Samy Velu articles a day before GE12 and kind of like supported him to lose.
I am sure they did not quote you word to word too or misinterpreted, as i believe and i am sure you would not have said something against your own party friends, right?
Wow, what now?
The stories depicted by History Channel should be treated as another opinion or differences in opinion. It may be correct or biased or just another assumption as all of these events happenned thousand of years ago. This depends entirely on how the appointed “experts” or “panels” define “history”. Some are really good and some are biased.
Most of the biblical tell-tale such as narrated by “Battle B.C.” is a mixture of gospel, assumption, and entertainment based on the Old and New Testament. Non, as far as I’m concerned, uses The Al-Quran as one of the main sources. Of course, a Christian will rely on the Bible as its main reference, a Jew will go for the Torah and a Muslim would definitely go for the Al-Quran. So, who’s right and who’s wrong is subjective.
But the elected “panels or commentators” in History Channel do gave us a powerful hint;
“History are written by winners”
True indeed. True or False? I truly belief the one and only untainted 1400 years old Al-Quran and As-Sunnah explains everything clearly. 😉
Assalamualaikum wbt Yg Bhg Tun & family,
Today is 3rd Rabiul Awal 1431 Hijrah, Wednesday, 105pm (17/2/2010).
Yg Bhg Tun as rightly pointed out by Mr T in his comment today, kindly accept my apology for such comparison for my intention is only to illustrate a few examples of other leaders who were also quite vocal against US & Israel. I have no intention whatsover to also refer to whatever human weaknesses that they may have committed. And yes, in my opinion, you stand above the rest as countlessly the US & Israel were put on the defensive spot as they dare not seriously confront you openly for fear of doing so might increase more and more global support for you.
Akhir Kalam thank you to Mr T for alerting me, i really appreciate it and again thousand apology to Yg Bhg Tun. I end with the concept of Taubah (repentance) that is available in Islam as how worst was Saddam Hussein but he passed away with Al Quran and Takbir. This remind me of an incident those days in Islam that a criminal who has murdered 100 person finally was promised Jannah(Heaven) by Allah swt since he was on the way to Masjid to repent when he died.
(Malaikat was instructed to measured about the distance to Masjid and the result was that he died closer to Masjid sincerely wanting to repent). Wallahualam.
3rd Rabiul Awal 1431 Hijrah 117pm Wednesday (17/2/2010)
drsyediskandarislamicbankingfinance.blogspot.com or
[email protected]
Ok Tun, u the man!
Btw, I read somewhere that Tun has given D.S.Najib a thumb up. Well Tun, I can’t figure it out why u say that becoz i see and heard more about D.S.Rosmah than D.S.Najib. I would give D.S.Rosmah a thumb up haha! Why not?
King David ruled Israel about 3,000 years ago while islam was born in 632 A.D. (about 1,600 years later than King David). So, please reveal to us how David was Muslim. It was the Muslims who changed David to Daud and Abraham to Ibrahim and Moses to Musa.
Is it your contention then that Abraham and Moses, born Jews who practicised Judaism, were also Muslims? And perhaps the Buddha and Guru Nanak too?
Wow, you give a whole new definition to the word “BLIND!!”
We are all of 1 race, the Human Race
Dear Tun MM,
To Hanan on February 15, 2010 6:20 PM,
You are the racist Zionist smut that pervade the blogosphere. You only read what appeals to you and cannot accept a view that does not conform to your ideology.
The genocidal Zionist cause you inadvertently support, distort issues as YOU and they see fit, please read the Goldstone Report on your beloved regime massacre of Palestinians and your bloody Zionist response. You being a blogger can find these links.
Seeing that you have a special interest in TMM, I will let you (if you don’t already)know that TMM had allowed an Israeli cricket team to participate in Malaysia, despite very strong opposition from various quarters.
I tell you what (this is local colloquialism), visit my “anti-semitic” blog and lets see if you can accept another point of view. Comment as you see fit and I will be most happy to respond.
Regards to Tun and all at home
Asalamualaikum Tun,
Long time no “write” (no see & no hear). This maybe off topic, I did read a newspaper release on the “Top 40 Richest” people in Malaysia.
Phew~ We are talking about “Billionaires” and Not “Millionaires” or “Jutawan Rupiah”.
The world is in the collapse of capitalism and here we have few lucky people manage to overcome the “Reccession Tsunami”. I congratulate them.
Its RM 1,000,000,000 (minimum) they have in their possession.
Phew~ Wonder where the money comes from? Thehehe, of course lah from “business”. This news is really something, a small fry like me would not even dare to comment a lot.
This is the Top 40 Richest Businessman or CEO or Business leaders in Malaysia. Ok, that is a bit “fair” if you ask me. Considering, they are in the private sector. Still can “cover” line a bit though.
But, I wonder, is there any Top 40 Richest “Non-Businessman” or Top 40 “Rich Government people in Malaysia”? (this is a question, not an allegation 😉
If private sector people can hit Billions in Ringgit, wonder how much the “non private sector” people could make? Trillions or Zillions perhaps?
I guess, I have asked too much.
Holy “notes” to ponder:-
“Allah melaknati pemberi rasuah dan penerima rasuah dalam hukum.” (HR al-Tarmizi, Ahmad & Ibnu Hibban)
“Dan janganlah kamu makan harta benda kamu di antara kamu dengan batil dan kamu ajukan perkara itu kepada penguasa (hakim) dengan maksud supaya kamu makan sebahagian dari harta orang lain dengan dosa, sedangkan kamu mengetahui.” (al-Baqarah: 188)
YABhg Tun,
….Malaysiakini! Welcome to the real world..!!!!
Hi, MalaysiaKini,
If what Tun claiming true, then fire the reporter and/or editor. Make a public apology.
If what Tun claiming is not ture, then upload the voice recoding (your reported should have) to public domain for us to decide.
If you do not have voice recording, then stop calling your self as independent new network. And refund my subscription.
Dear Tun,
You were fast when MalaysiaKini ‘miss-lead’ your statment, but you were silent when Utusan and other UMNO controller natioanl media ‘spin’ sotry to thier benifite.
I know you will justify this with good and sarcasm answer (as you did for 22-years).
I still repesct you for the ‘GOOD’ thing you done for me, my family, my race, my state and my country. All is mine is ours too and we thank you for that.
/// 1. I can understand Malaysiakini not wanting to be labelled as anti-Semitic but I don’t think it is necessary to omit certain words which give a totally different interpretation of what I said in my speech at the General Conference for the support of Al-Quds. ///
Tun, I think Malaysiakini is just learning from the great master – you yourself. When you said Johor sells water to Singapore for 3 sen, you omitted the cost of building the dam, infrastructure and the cost of purification of the raw water. When you accused the previous administration of selling Agusta for only 1 Euro, you omitted to mention that the price took into consideration the debt, liabilities and contingent liabilities.
Yes, we only realize such things when it happens to us.
Assalamualaikum Tun.
Islam itu cantik,indah serta berseni kata orang-orang agama.
Islam dijalankan perintah-Nya oleh Nabi Muhammad s.a.w.Berketurunan Nabi Ibrahim a.s yang sanggup berkorban nyawa,seterusnya Nabi Daud a.s (keturunan ke-12) serta Nabi Sulaiman a.s yang mempunyai kerajaan terunggul.
Setiap solat kita membaca selawat ke atas Nabi Ibrahim a.s berserta keturunannya iaitu Nabi Muhammas s.a.w.
Mereka yang dangkal dalam suasana Malaysiakini..semakin dangkal dan galak bermain nama Allah dan Muhammad.Mencipta satu-satu isu dengan tujuan untuk menguji respon dan betapa kuatnya iman Melayu.
Melayu yang telah diasahkan dengan ucapan ‘Tiada Tuhan Selain Allah dan Muhammad adalah Pesuruh Allah’ oleh anak-anak yang lahir dari perut Fatimah r.a.
Dari Hadramaut ke Majapahit dengan berpandukan perintah hadith Muhammad s.a.w dan seterusnya ke Melaka.
Melahirkan berpuluh-puluh jenis pangkat panggilan…Syed,sheikh,syarif,mahupun wan…
Sesungguhnya saya berlepas diri dari bermain dengan kata-kata Allah dan Muhammad.
Marilah kita bersama-sama melihat bagaimana Allah s.w.t mentadbir alam.Allah yang Maha Agung dan Maha Berkuasa.
Mencipta gerakan kewujudan empayar yang beralih dari satu tempat ke satu tempat,umpama mencamtumkan tanah-tanah dari satu negara dengan negara yang lain.Negara jauh dari tempatnya antara satu sama lain.
Bagaimana mungkin Dajal tidak mempunyai pengetahuan yang luas setelah melihat segala peristiwa yang berlaku dari zaman ke zaman?
Allah Maha Pengasih Dan Maha Penyayang.
Terima kasih Tun.
Ravi..aka rarunasalam
[[Maybe, your references do not account for the rise of an Israelite kingdom, first under Saul and then under David at about 1000 BC, the date of David’s conquest of Jerusalem]]
Ravi I don’t know wether to laugh or cry at your ignorance..and yet you claimed Tun supporter’s is ‘blind’ and your vision is perfect of 20/20..
For your information David in the name Prophet Daud a.s is a muslim.Not was but still is.He never was a Jew in your definition.He is one of the “Israel” and rightfully “yahudi” is diferrent term that you can ever imagine..
The Bani Israel under him is muslim too.The jews like always..claimed he is not among other..Therefore…in Islam..identity is utmost important..We truly values the proper marriages to borne proper lineage of the generation..
In this sense..The jews claimed what does not belonged to them..They claimed certain prophet is their’s and never was muslim..This can go on forever but one thing for sure is just why you are
Acting on their behalf??
[[If your blind followers wish…am happy to get extracts of history books that you obviously haven’t made reference to.
Or are you going to claim that only your references are correct and everyone else who has a different view to yours is wrong?]]
I am happy to rebut your allegation anytime Ravi..But please spare me any “intelligent” references because it can blinded me for their very “illuminating” light..
For I mister Ravi..is not
That blind…:))
Terima kasih Tun..
/// By Dr Syed Iskandar Syed Jaafar Al Mahdzar on February 16, 2010 11:00 PM
Many of us believe that beside you Yg Bhg Tun there are only fews Statesmen & world leaders that can just speak bravely against the superpower including leaders such as Cheves, Fidel Castro, Ahmadinijad, North Korea President, Allahyarham Saddam Hussein, Gadafi, ///
Dr Syed, I know you meant to compliment Dr Mahathir, but by putting him in such illustrious company, I am not sure readers will perceive them as you intended.
Dr Mahathir,
Allow me to make a few observations
Your premise that western colonials are responsible for the
current mess is a gross generalization of the Palestinian issue.
In your speech in support of Al-Quds you seem to imply that
the Jews were the problem and the birth of terrorism is the
result Palestinian injustices.
Only look at your own backyard in South East Asia and realize
that there are many unhappy Muslims wherever they are.
Remember the recent slaughter in India and the continuing unrest
by Muslims’ in India. What does this have to do with Israel?
India through partition experienced an incredible blood letting as a
result of the insistence of Muslim fringe groups for their own
lands. Pakistan and Bangladesh were given as a concession to
Muslim demands. India, as far as I know. While not perfect has
actually elected a Muslim Prime Minister. Why does Al-Qaeda continue to
resort to terrorism in India?
The unrest in Southern Thailand. Unhappy Muslims living under
Thai rule. What does this have to do with Israel?
The ethnic unrest in Indonesia. Unhappy Muslims. What does
this have to do with Israel?
Again in the Philipines, Muslim unrest. What does this have
to do with Israel?
In Malaysia, fringe groups are also claiming unfair use of the
word ‘Allah’, burnt Churches. Personally, I would urge my brothers
and sisters to ‘give in’. What does this have to do with Israel?
Does the Muslim world tolerate the Jews or do you
accept them. I accept that Palestinians are suffering. I also
accept after Aushwitz, Dachau etc sharing biblical land is the
acceptance of Israel and the righteous thing to do.
Sadly, we see the world from our own pedestal.
Matthew 5:43-44
“You have heard that it was said, ‘Love your neighbour and hate your enemy.’
But I tell you: Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you,
This is what Malaysiakini wants….coverage.
Its all about business…
Dear Tun,
Maaf saya nak lari tajuk sikit.
Lupakan saja Jews ka atau negara2 asing. Tolong FOKUS kat negara kita yang tak tentu arah semanjak pemerintahan Tun dulu. Rakyat continue to suffer and yet we can produce 22 billionaires! Corruption, judiciary, MACC, PDRM and others all in a big mess.
Allah Selamatkan Malaysia.
“Mokhzani Mahathir, second son of former premier Dr. Mahathir Mohamad and Nazir Razak, the younger brother of current Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak are among the 40 richest people in the country, according to the latest survey by the Malaysian Business magazine”
Assalamualaikum wbt Yg Bhg Tun & family,
Tonight is 2nd of Rabiul Awal 1431 Hijrah 947pm Tuesday (16/2/2010).
In winter 1995 prior to proceed to UK to pursue my MBA, I was performing Umrah Akhir Ramadhan/Syawal in cold Makkah Al Mukkarammah & ziarah in colder Madinah Al Munnawarah. At that time a return ticket by MAS was only about RM2,100. Upon arriving from Jeddah to Makkah,i proceeded straight to Makkah Hilton and was shocked to note that I cant stay there for a night as the rate is the same as if I am taking for 2 weeks which was about 14,000 Rial. I left and started to check other nearby hotel and although there were slightly cheaper but all of those hotels insisted on staying a minimum of 2 weeks. One old bangladeshi Imam at a small mosque near Misfalah notices what was happening and invited me to stay at his house near Misfalah after knowing that I am from Malaysia and he introduced me to more than 10 of other Bangladeshi staying there and he then started to talk about how you
(he referred as just Dr Mahathir) is brave in voicing out for the Muslim world. So also with other Bangladeshi staying in the house. He had so much respect for you and Malaysia and that when I wanted to travel alone on taxis sharing with 6 other strangers after Solat Terawikh to proceed to Madinah he asked his assistant to accompany me and make sure that I got a 10 Rial per night comfortable accomodation in Madinah and we arrived during Azan Subuh in Madinah and he left immediately after having Ziarah Makam Nabi Muhammad s.a.w. after Solat Subuh.
In my more than a week in Madinah, the same experience-people there respected Malaysia and spoke the same subject–‘your Dr Mahathir is brave etc etc’.
Well, dear Yg Bhg Tun I did plan to pay the house owner i.e. the Imam in Makkah for letting me to stay in his house for almost a month as I celebrated Syawal and the second Eid (6th day in Syawal fasting) in Makkah. But to my shock, he refused to take a single cent but instead bought many gifts for my father who has in 2002 passed away, for my mother and my wife and soon to be born baby way back then in 1995.
Well, people know u everywhere in Makkah & Madinah and during Syawal celebration, I was invited by the Imam to a former Bangladeshi minister house in Makkah for a big Syawal dinner gathering.
My point of telling all this to you Yg Bhg Tun, after so many years has passed and your stand remains the same on the issue beforehand with your famous speech during OIC 2003 that was broadcasted in CNN that Jews rules this world by proxy.
Just about a week upon returning to KL prior leaving for my postgrads to UK in 1995, I was invited to attend your Sahoca Syawal gathering at your original Seri Perdana in Jalan Damansara KL even though I was not a former student at Sahoca at all where your Yg Bhg Datin Seri (now Tun) was asking me why I shaved all my hair,then I explained to her that just came back from Umrah, murah rezeki when in Makkah & Madinah people were praising Malaysia & Dr Mahathir and upon arrival in KL , I got the opportunity to directly attend a private gathering meant for Sahoca and of course I took the opportunities to take quite a number of photos together with you and Tun Dr Siti Hasmah. Well, Tun if you still keep the front page of Mingguan Malaysia the sunday issue a day after the gathering, you can see me clearly walking with you and the rest from your house gate towards the main house at the old Seri Perdana -the published coloured photograph.
Many of us believe that beside you Yg Bhg Tun there are only fews Statesmen & world leaders that can just speak bravely against the superpower including leaders such as Cheves, Fidel Castro, Ahmadinijad, North Korea President, Allahyarham Saddam Hussein, Gadafi, former Russian President Putin (now PM) etc. In Arab Countries most of its citizen are ok but their leaders sadly , as exposed openly during your recent Criminalize War Conference at the PWTC, sadly these Arab leaders are afraid of US & Israel to the extend they willingly cooperate with these actual terrorist to kill other Muslims including women,children and babies. It is very strange for a Muslim nation bordering Palestine started to build concrete fencing to add and increase the pain and suffering of Palestinians. Many other inhumane acts done by nearby Muslim nations simply because they were afraid of the US & Israel.
Well while poorer Muslim Nations choose to keep quite due to they are afraid that they will be force to settle the mountain high interest based debts, worst the rich Muslims Nations that promised to donate to reduce the suffering of the Palestinians did not really perform what has been promised in a timely manner. Why donate moneys just to be kept away in other accounts that ultimately didnt bring any benefits to our Muslims childrens ,babies etc in Palestine except only might ultimately benefit the enemies and their banking system. Thus it is strange la Yg Bhg Tun to see that a Dubai Islamic Bank appointed Rotchild to arrange and advice the selling of stake in Bank Islam Malaysia Berhad. Yes, perhaps Rothchild has the expertise but is it only Rothchild that has the expertise–what is in the brain of this Dubai Islamic Bank management. (I am not discussing about our Bank Islam here at all, please dont get me wrong) (please also refer to few videos posted on my blog late last year on Rothchild)
Well, many in Malaysia unintentionally helped killing another Muslims brothers,sisters,childrens,babies by coudnt care less attitude by continuing to support the product and services that has been widely known to contribute financially to Israel.
Back in UK in october 1995 upon commencing my postgrads at Aston University Birmingham UK, it was strange to note that amongst the best selling book was the red cover International Terrorism written by Benjamin Nentanjahu that was sold out. (I have to order it in London that has in turn to import it from US and a few weeks later posted it to my studio flat at Handsworth Wood Village, Birmingham) It is quite strange when the promoter of terrorism wrote the book about International Terrorism and it became a best seller. Perhaps all other criminals out there be it robbbers, fraudsters etc etc need to start to write something about the subject that they know most and it will become best seller and thus create another overnight millionaire by virtue of high global demands for such books.
Last but not least Yg Bhg Tun, it is best that you continue to speak strongly on behalf of Muslim nations against those actual terrorist as will contribute InsyaAllah a great deals as your ibadah and rewarded accordingly by Allah swt to you Yg Bhg Tun, InsyaAllah. May you also , in addition, rectify whatever needed to be rectify so that you will InsyaAllah Yg Bhg Tun get the best rewards and benefit from Allah swt plus Syafaat from Nabi Muhammad s.a.w., InsyaAllah Tun.
2nd Rabiul Awal 1431 Hijrah 1117 pm (16/2/2010)
drsyediskandarislamicbankingfinance.blogspot.com or
[email protected]
I guess the books you’re refering to does not account for how the Romans sacked the indeginious people of the land.
Maybe you have never read the history book that documents that Jews have been presided there for over three thousand years, longer than the Arabs.
Maybe, your references do not account for the rise of an Israelite kingdom, first under Saul and then under David at about 1000 BC, the date of David’s conquest of Jerusalem.
If your blind followers wish…am happy to get extracts of history books that you obviously haven’t made reference to.
Or are you going to claim that only your references are correct and everyone else who has a different view to yours is wrong?
This is an age old argument Tun – who does this land called Palestine belong to…just taking sides won’t do Tun…you need to be sincere to find peace in this region.
And in case you want to argue on the basis of legality, let me politely remind you what your friend Yasser Arafat did post UN Partition Plan in 1947.
He not only rejected what he had been championing for which is for an independent Palestinian Arab state – he decided to go to war and lost whatever he had.
The Palestinians could have only had an area much larger than the West Bank and Gaza, which would have been created along with Israel. Thanks Yasser for messing this up!
Salam sejahtera kepada Tun dan Keluarga.
Dulu kalau masa Tun memegang tampuk pemerintahan,mana mereka berani buat begini.
Semua nya kecut.
Itu pasal berita yang di terima hendak lah di tapis terlebih dahulu.
Bayangkan kalau Tun tak terangkan di dalam blog Tun ramai yang akan percaya dengan berita ini seolah aeolah kita yang bersalah.
Tun may God Bless You,please take care
Salam Tun,
Malayasiakini is one Bias and Racist news portal in Malaysia!!
There is only negative thing that’s been reported by this portal.When matters concerning the Malays communities and Muslim at large, their angel of perspective seem rather very narrow indeed.
Anything to do with the Government or the ruling BN party , it’s must be bad through their eye’s. As though there nothing Good been done by the present Government or the past administration.
As for yourself Hons.Tun, you too are not been spared off from their negative views upon what ever matters that may be concern of your. Nothing you have done seem to impress their intellectual faculty.
This Malaysiakini are so narrow minded and so does the portal editotials. They are trying very hard to steer or shape their reader’s to a certain level of their approval thou !!
As for me, this bias portal is for one,to glance through for certain matters of the day. And of course the glaring differences of the bias reporting is always there for one to check it out!!
We the world Muslims can show our disgust at Egypt by not performing the Haj this year!
Salam sejahtera TUN,
MALAYsiakini portal yang TerAmat “bias” !!
MALAYsiakini portal yang Terlampau…kurang ajar..!!
Berita-berita negatif yg sering difokuskan mengenai MALAYsia serta pentabiran yang ada..!! SeOlah-olah tiada langsung kebaikan kerajaan yg dulu maupun yang ada sekarang.!
Bila menyentoh tentang TUN Dr. Mahathir Mohammad, sudut yang paling di gemari oleh portal rasis ini ialah pada sudut negatif yang mana segaja di ada, adakan nya..!!
Banyak lagi kalau nak di perkatakan tentang sikap editorial nya yang melampau. Yang sering saja mengambarkan Orang Melayu ini seolah-olah, satu golongan yang korup, sering meminta-minta dan kaum yang menindas kaum-kaum lain di bumi MALAYsia.
Kalau nak diambil kira M’sia Insider, M’siakini dan berberapa kerat lagi sama saja dengan Utusan Malaysia. Tiada kurang dan lebihnya di antara media-media yang lain di MALAYsia..!!
Lagi sekali….MALAYsiakini is Bias and very Racist portal.Period.
RA bt2 1/2,Jln.Simpang,TPG.
Dear Tun,
Thank you for allowing me to write.
I agree to comments that M’siakini has an agenda. What does ‘Tanah tumpah darahku’ means? Has it lost its meaning? We should read what M’siakini prints with not only a pinch of salt but with tonnes of it, pun intended.
Why don’t you get off this subject of the Jews once and for all?
Everytime you open your mouth on it, it makes you look worse as a racist of the highest order. After all, it’s not as though your ill-worded and ill-eceived comments will help in any way in resoving the complicated Isreal-Palestine confict.
Why don’t you spend all you your valuable time ensuring all M’sia’s woes – economic, financial, political, social, corruption, race relations, religious bigotry etc., – are put right first before you go on about the Jews and Israel. Charity begins at home and an elder Stataesman should be rectifying the major problems in his country rather than the Middle East conflict which to the average M’sian is a remote issue of little consequence to the bread and butter issues he/she is confronted with on a daily basis!!
You do realise that if you don’t get a proper, official investigation going on the MV Augusta fraud and how Petronas’ dividends were misused by the AAB Govt, you will have failed the Rakyat as Advisor to Proton and Petronas!! That’s more important than whether the jews derserveed to be in ghettoes or the holocaust ever happened (it did)!! You don’t wish to be accused of “Gaji Buta” post retirement, do you
We are all of 1 race, the Human Race
Salam Ybhg Tun,
jangan dilayan sangat tulisan mcm tuh.semoga tun dalam keadaan sihat.
dear tun, semoga tun sekelurga mendapat taufik hidayah dan kesihatan wal afiat.
I agreed ,,, the jews not only the enemies of muslim…. but to the ALL MANKIND….. the history as the fact and the true….
best regards
Salan Tun sekeluarga.Dah lama saya tak menulis.Apa yang saya faham tentang Yahudi nih mereka ni golongan yang menolak kebenaran.Jadi apalah gunanya kita berpanjang lebar dengan bangsa nih.
Salam kasih dan salam hormat Ayahanda Tun.
A Political Secretary to a senior Penang Federal Minister was recently detained with RM2 million cash in his condominium. Should we be surprised? Not really, and not at all anymore. Quite frankly I am surprise at the inanity in carrying that much cash at once. It is common for all this to happen quietly and goes unnoticed, that was the norm then. Political secretaries and their families and close associates too should be openly audited. It is time we take a sober look at the performance of UMNO and BN ministers. It is high time we ask ourselves honestly, could this people really make it past PRU13? Could this gang of shady politicians really be the best hands to save the Kedaulatan Bangsa Melayu dan Kedaulatan Raja-Raja Melayu? Could they even keep parliament after PRU13? Do they even care after that point? Would they still even be in Malaysia for that?
We need to stop bluffing ourselves already. Truth is bitter, but that is the truth for political Malaysia at present.
Tun, perhaps the time has come where we need a new representation. I support UMNO and BN, but I also say that we need a new platform and a new representation to bridge us through this chapter. Carry your responsibility through this Tun. Inshallah, may Allah give you strength to show us the way forward in this epic rescue effort for race, religion and country.
[[major (r)hj.anuar abd hamid ]]
Note:The writter was in Lebanon during the Israel – HEZBOLLAH war in 2006.My salute to Hezbollah fighters,they fought the battle with minimum sophisticated weapon and yet they WON.
Tuan..dalam Perang Bosnia dulu ada berita-berita mutakhir yang tidak di sampaikan ke dalam media.Tidak juga di dalam buku.Berita dari Kashmir dan Chechnya pun begitu jua..
Di sini saya berharap tuan sudi menceritakan dengan terperinci peritiwa tersebut di atas.Tuan telah di rahmati Allah untuk menyaksikan kemenangan Hezbollah itu.Kami yang tak berkesempatan hanya ternganga dan melopong sahaja mendengar..
Harapan saya semoga tuan sudi berkongsi cerita tersebut.Jika ianya rumit dan complicated maka tuan hubungi sahaja saya di e mel ini
[email protected]
Semoga di makbulkan Allah permohonan saya terhadap tuan.Terima kasih.
Terima Kasih Tun..
Salam kasih dan salam hormat Ayahanda Tun.
I am going to say it bluntly: what
Canons of Journalism, Malaysia
‘The primary responsibility of the Malaysian journalist is to report facts accurately and faithfully and to respect the right of the public to the truth…
It shall be his duty to rectify and publish information found to be incorrect.’
Quoted from http://www.medialaw.com.sg/ethics/jcode.htm#malaysia
In this case, Tun has proven that the report is not accurate. Will the writers abide by the canons and humbly publish the rectification ?
Assalamualaikum Tun & to all readers,
I believed it is wrong to label all Jews as problem makers wherever there are in relation to the current situation in the world. Although throughout history and in Quran itself mentioned of their repeated disobedient towards Allah through prophets that were sent to guide them.
The reason why im saying this is that the fact is not only Jews are behind all these troubles but there are groups of secret societies that is being led by the illuminati.
There are so many branches and fractions that linked towards this group. They are the real mover and shaker of the current world we live in now. They control everything…..and i mean everything from financial institutions, world markets, leaders, communications etc
Even training ground for future US Presidents and top ranking to be officials can be found at Yale University through the secret society named skulld and bones. Nearly all of US Presidents are members of this secret society.
If i were to list everything, it’ll take me ages to list it all but if anyone are interested try to do research about the illuminati, freemasons, skulld & bones, east india company (the true pirates), Vril society, symbols within the Israel Supreme Court & in Washington, Albert Pike and Rockefeller just for starters and from there you’ll see the link that it all connects and broaden the prespectives of what more to come that would really be simply shocking.
Illuminati dated back from the period of pharoahs in Egypt, they were responsible of the Palestinian raid by the Knights of Templar in what they call crusades as a cover-up, Waterloo, French revolution, over throwing the Tsar of Russia monarchy, creation of Hitler, Iraqi invasion and the list goes on and on….
I know it sounds so bizarre, but just start to think for an example from where Hitler a bastard gets his finances from……..once you have reached this stage you’ll get to know that Prescott Bush (grandfather of George Bush) along with Averill Harriman was one of the many architects behind the rise of Hitler
I have tried in vain to share what i have researched in these past years within the circle of my friends, i just hope that someone would take an interest and open their eyes wide to what is really happening out there in the world that we live in that have rot so bad
Good morning Ayahanda Tun,
Malaysiakini targets readers with irrational mind whom cannot read and see the facts and environment surrounding the issues or persons. Malaysiakini is a new media strategy embracing reporting and blogging.
Ayahanda Tun, Dr Mahathir Mohamad is Nobody in Malaysia now, hence, when Malaysiakini made slanderous remark by twisting and ommitting words in his speech is no great deal and even our current PM, DS Mohd. Najib Tun Razak and our 1st lady, Datin Seri Rosmah were constantly being terrorised and harrassed by Malaysiakini.
Our PM Najib is wise, civilised and mature in respecting human rights, liberty and justice through main stream presses to walk the talk with Integrity, Accountability and Trasparency to realise the concept of 1 Malaysia by instructing Wisma Putra to handle the Anwar’s sodomy case:-
//Aussie MPs don
Salam perjuangan,
Satu tuduhan serius buat Tun disini :
diharap Tun dapat menjelaskannya semula walaupun isu yg diketengahkan itu merupakan isu basi, tetapi ia amat penting untuk membersihkan nama Tun.
saya juga telah membaca penjelasan Tun tentang Letter to Pm of Israel yg ditulis oleh Tun pada 21/5/2008 dlm blog ini, namun penjelasan yg lebih menyeluruh nampaknya masih diperlukan demi menentang dakyah dan fitnah jahat untuk menghancurkan Tun dan apa yg Tun perjuangkan selama ini!
Yang amat berharap, demi membetulkan persepsi rakyat kpd Tun!!!
saktawal sakranta.
Salam kpd Tun berdua,
Izinkan saya keluar dari topik asal,
Saya agak terkilan dengan sikap kita , sebabagai sebuah negara merdeka yang berdaulat sepatutnya kita lebih gentlement. Kita tidak semestinya menari ikut rentak musik orang, gunakan musik kita sendiri,pedulikan orang lain.
Dulu kes , seorang perempuan ditahan polis, sampai kenegeri Cina kita pergi minta maaf, hari ini pula kita mengarahkan wisma putra merafak sembah kepada matsalleh kanggaro pulak. Kenapa perlu demikian tindakan kita, tak ada “buah” sangatkah kita sehinggakan terlalu takut kepada lanun dilautan pasifik itu.
Pada saya mereka yang bersikap biadap kepada kita ,sepatutnya duta/pesuruhjaya mereka yang patut dipanggil mengadap, bukannya kita yang menyembah mereka.
Peribumi Malaysia
salam Tun
selamat tahun baru cina
sesungguhnya x semua yahudi tu jahat…ada yang baik malah ada sesetengah yang dapat hidayah dan masuk islam…yang jahat dan yang cuba menguasai dunia skang ni is kafir zionist yang berpaksikan sembahan setan dan bergerak melalui proksi2 mereka di seluruh dunia!
faktnya, x semua orang yahudi sokong penubuhan negara haram israel…kebanyakan mereka ni di kalangan fahaman yahudi orthodoks yang bertentangan dengan fahaman yahudi zionist…
namun, bila disebabkan nila setitik, habis susu sebelanga..
that’s why persepsi kebanyakan orang ketika ini menganggap yahudi (boleh dikatakan semuanya) tu jahat…
take care Tun n family
may Allah bless u n family always
Hi Tun, I am indeed very perplexed by this Jew-Christian-Muslim conflict. All these followers pray to the same God. It’s kind of ironical that there seems to be more inter-religious harmony among the other religions. When did we ever hear of Hindus killing Taoists and Taoists killing Hindus? I wonder when God is going to intercede so that all those praying to Him, at least, can learn to love and respect one another.
To me, it doesn’t matter whether you are Jews, Christians, or Muslims. As long as your heart is virtuous, all roads lead to Rome. Religion, to me, is but a mere vehicle to spiritualism. But the greatest irony seems to be that the more religious one becomes, the less spiritual one gets. That is why after all these years, I am still searching.
With due respect to everyone, I am presently trying to learn more about Buddhism. Buddhism says “eradicate greed, hatred, and ignorance”. These three simple words are enough to keep one busy fighting with oneself, without minding others’ business. Buddhism doesn’t allow killing for whatever reasons and they don’t have jihad. Why empower mere mortals to kill another when God could have done it Himself if He really wants to?
Killing innocent people like those who were at the World Trade Centre and the tourists in Bali boggles my imagination. Life is sacred. If anyone wants to kill George Bush, I have no objections, but these innocent souls who have died may not even agree with George Bush, to begin with. So for what reason are they killed?
Dearest Tun,
To Malaysiakini konon,
Can Malaysiakini explain HOW the EU can enact laws that prohibits people denying or even a discourse to establish the veracity of the Holocaust?
By taking a position as Tun suggests, is Malaysiakini acknowledging that the Jews do control/influence the media? Even the internet? You can find these links easily.
Lets discuss the Holocaust if you dare Malaysiakini. Lets see some cohones.
Ah! Maybe you can label me a racist and a conspiracy nut. No problem.
“Also, many anti-war and anti-Bush online sites are scared of being called
Salam Tun & pembaca semua,
Nabi musa untuk bani israel, Nabi Isa untuk kaum Nasrani, Nabi Muhammad pula untuk semua umat manusia. Oleh itu, adalah menjadi tanggung jawab kita untuk menyampaikan kepada semua umat manusia. Pun begitu, bagaimana boleh kita menyampaikan kalau kita sendiri pun belum boleh menjadi contoh yang baik.
Walaupun saya sentiasa ikuti blog Tun tapi dah lama tak bagi komen.
Pada pandangan dan pengalaman saya, ada juga orang yahudi yang baik hati.Saya tinggal di suatu tempat banyak Yahudi di UK dulu. Depa ini jenis ikut agama mereka secara ikhlas iatu tidak menunjuk2. Saya ada seorang kawan baik Yahudi di England dulu, dia pakai ketayap(lebai). Cakap lemah lembut, sentiasa senyum dan sopan santun. Ada Yahudi pula yang makan ayam sembelih orang Islam. Mungkin kerana undang2 UK ketat atau pun mungkin budaya England sopan santun menyebabkan orang lain pun terikut. Tun lebih tahu kerana lebih pengalaman berurusan di peringkat antarabangsa.Mungkin tak sama kot perangai orang biasa Yahudi dan orang politik atau ahli korporat Yahudi.
Yang saya tak suka Yahudi ialah melakukan kezaliman kepada orang Palestine dan mereka tak terima Islam padahal depa lah paling banyak mempunyai Nabi dan Rasul.
As expected from Malaysiakini. Always report half-cooked news.
Even though the Palestinian Authority has won international praise for cleaning up official corruption that was rampant under the late Yasser Arafat, Abbas’ Fatah movement continues to be dogged by the perception that some of its leading officials pursue personal gain and pleasure over the national good.
Salam Tun,
This is a free country, free to twist and turn, to add or omit, just like some known foreign media and TVs which are pro-Zionist.I am not sure is there any Jews synagogue in our country.definitely one can be found in India and may be also existed in our neighboring countries.But I wonder how is it an old Jew cemetery can be found in Penang island.That shows they were here long time ago and accepted by the local people then.
Assalamualaikum Tun,
Just don’t know when this ill-feelings, hatred and suspicious towards each other is going to end. Even in our own background this is happening. People with money, political power and high knowledge assume they can control and manipulate the lesser people. Well they have succeeded. The Jews have become tremendously powerful, politically and economically. I want to believe there are good Jews around. Maybe someday these good Jews will put an end to this unfair war and killings of the Palestinians and give them back their right to live in their own land. Insyallah.
What is the Arab world doing Tun? They have the money and resources. Why can’t they help the Palestinians and the people of Gaza? Why do they close their doors? I feel so ashame of them. I feel less respectful of them now. They bring great developments to their own countries, with the tallest buildings in the world, to buy the world’s greatest football club, to pay millions to the the western artists and so on and on. Well anyway I already pening kepala thinking of all these. I can only pray that one day the people of Palestine will have back their rights. To make this come true that is why people like you is needed. May there be many Tuns like you, Tun.
May Allah look upon you always.
Dear Tun:
If, not because of George Soros Malaysiakini portal will not exist. So, what would you expect?
Salam buat Yg Bhg Ayahanda Tun,
Isu zionis ini yang merupakan salah satu dari cabang operatif illuminati ini adalah isu lama tetapi sesetengah dari kita terlupa perancangan besar mereka malah ianya bermula dari kemerdekaan U.S lagi hampir dua setengah kurun lalu.
Kemuncaknya adalah Orde Baru Dunia dan Tun lebih arif tentang ini. Lihatlah tangan misteri siapa yang mencorakkan dunia dan susun-atur pemimpin negara-negara utama dunia.
Sukalah saya mencabar S/U politik pemimpin sekarang mengupas isu ini seperti S/U Politik Tun dulu, Sdr M.Chang. Apa yang saya dengar, S/U pemimpin sekarang teramat suka melonggokkan harta dan wang ringgit saja hinggakan lebih dari kalangan usahawan lagaknya dan ramai yang tertangkap dan termalulah bos-bosnya… (Ini ciri-ciri Zionis tempatan yang lebih cepat memudaratkan negara kita dan ada kat depan mata kita..)
Dear Tun Dr M,
What you said about distorted information (not specifically from any particular source)is rampant in today’s wide,swift and very affordable information sources. Please allow me to attach my article for Bernama on this topic:
Information, Misinformation Or Disinformation?
Information plays a pivotal role in our lives. It is acquired by us or fed to us for various purposes i.e. for our comfortable living, enrich our intelligence, to excel in our studies, to acquire and progress in our career, educate our dependents and finally be satisfied that we have lived a fruitful life. It is for these valuable purposes we are given the brain (without which we would live a vegetable
dr. M,
your item no 4. is wrong…
the jews were mistreated both by the white christians and arabs.
over 2500 years ago, many jews who took refuge to India and still residing even today, the jews were treated well by the hindu community from ancient times till today.
jews no need to pay any jiyza to hindus nor any ghettos of jews in any indian city where they chose to reside…
Salam, rafiq88, u speak my mind. When we speak out, we are racist, when they speak out they r defending their rights.
I love your opening words Tun. I knew some people who are there and I can also understand your remarks. Like your post, “the dog that bit the hand that feeds” is never welcomed.
Salam hormat Tun,
Don’t worry, Tun. Sites like Malaysiakini will never, ever, be called anti-Semitic. It’s like calling CNN or the New York Times anti-Semitic.
I don’t subscribe to Malaysiakini. I don’t believe in unnecessarily spending money on — how shall I say it politely — “altered” news. I don’t mind paying for alternative news, but certainly not altered ones.
I managed to scan the comments [all 133 of them] to your piece on their site though — full of bile aimed at your speech save one. They’re the indignant Malaysians; quick to condemn Malaysia, and equally quick at licking gweilos’ boots. To them, even a road sweeper in Washington is superior to most Malaysians except perhaps themselves. As long as the sweepers are from the West.
A reviewer of Avatar said, “Recently, a number of Indian people from the rainforests of South America went to see
Assalamuaalaikum Tun Dr. Mahathir,
You are trying to twist your own words backwards like you did in your all anti Semitic speeches in the past. I read your speech transcript well from the website perdana4peace.
In paragraph #7 it is written: “7. The Jews had always been a problem in European countries. They had to be confined to ghettoes and periodically massacred. But still they remained, they thrived and they held whole Governments to ransom. Even after their massacre by the Nazis of Germany…”
What means “They had to be confined to ghettoes and periodically massacred” ?
Why didn’t you use instead “had to be” a simple word like “were” or “used to be“?
Isn’t it because of your anti Semitic characteristic? As a very good politician and an excellent rhetoric speaker, you are selecting well your words and compose well your sentences. You composed it intentionally to become a confusing meaning so it can be interpreted well by the anti Semites and leave you some retraction from anti Semitism. The usage of the simple word “were” would remove any anti Semitic suspect in your problematic sentence. I’m sure the word “were” is very familiar to you. But “were” is not encouraging hatred toward the Jews who you hate so much. Isn’t it?
You chose intentionally the composition of “had to be” since you still believe that the Jews had to be confined in ghettoes and peridically massacred, even these days. This is the hidden or not hidden message you are transmitting to your Muslim audience.
So kindly, don’t to try and twist your own words backwards. Malaysiakini is probably interpretting well what you mean (and wish in your heart). Now it maybe claimed that Malaysiakini is owned and controlled by Jews like all those lies people are poisoned with.
Palestine was never an independent Arab state and will not be as long as the Jews are living here. All those Arab tribes from the Arabian Peninsula and North Africa are not the owners of the land of Israel and they should return to their original places. The Jews are the owners of that land, even according to Islam. So kindly, take your beloved Palestinian brothers and give them a shelter and place to live in your own country if you love them so much.
Muslim countries gave refuge to Jews. But those Jews paid back those countries by contributing their economy and social life. Even so, Jews suffered pogroms from time to time in Muslim countries as well. The Muslim leaders from the history are so different from the present Muslim leaders so the comparing is absurd. The current Muslim leaders are false Muslims, greedy, arrogant, racist and corrupt. Thus is their hate to the Jews, no other reason. The current Muslims are jealous about the success of the Jews anywhere and the Israeli miracle that we established in one decade or less. Thus you are an anti Semite. I know how angry you are that you cannot defeat the Jews. It looks like you
Dr M,
I advise you to be happy & less combative.I see that you want to clarify your point to clear some misunderstanding.You are very passionate abt the Palestinian cause for personal reasons.You must have a lot of Palestinian friends.Both sides have their grievances.That much I know.I thought during biblical times Jews were already in the holy land.That was how Jesus was born in Bethleham & went to Jerusalem to preach the word of God & healed the sick.He also performed miracles during his work to witness to his followers & those in doubt.
Two great religions–Christianity & Islam were founded in the Middle East.Being over-zealous in our religion can cause grief to others too.
The Christians (Europeans) believe that Jews was responsible for the ‘crufixation’ of Nabi Isa in Jerusalem in 30 AD. This set their persecution of diasporic Jews since then.
The Jews through their financial prowess (Rotschilds, Soros …) are now the power brokers in the US, Europe and in fact the rest of the world. To bow to their demands if not suffer financial backlash, the West must assiduously atone for their crimes of atrocities committed against the Jews in the past.
The Europeans must cleanse their bloody hands, bury history and shift the burden of guilt to the Muslim world. The Muslims are terrorists. The crusade is against them. The holocaust is on them.
Major flashpoints in anti-Jewish pogroms by Europeans:
70 AD – Roman legions under General Titus sacked Jerusalem and destroyed the temple while crushing a Jewish revolt.
132-35 – Romans quelled 2nd Jewish revolt.
1096 – a crusader Count on the way to Jerusalem massacred 1000 Jews at Mainz, Germany.
1099 – by the fall of Jerusalem during the First Crusade some 40,000 Jews and Muslims were savagely butchered.
1492 – at the fall of Granada, the last stronghold of Muslim Andalus, King Ferdinand of Spain issued an edict that expelled 100,000 to Portugal. Many fled to Morocco.
WW2 – holocaust, purportedly 6,000,000 Jews sent to the incinerator by the Nazis.
Allah said the Jews are the chosen people. But they are arrogant, committing genocide in Palestine and Lebanon. Allah knows all what’s in store for all.
Salam Tun & Fellow CheDet’s bloggers,
As for Malaysiakini, it is part of the Jews’s propaganda powerful machine that can make black into white as to prove that if they can disobey GOD ( ALLAH )all this while, who are we that they have to be scared of? There is nothing to be surprised about how they managed to have control in every areas in our present lives; economy, politics, military, social activities, cultural activities, environments etc. They continue to belittle Islam, ( silly issues such as wearing of scarf, building of minaret, Muslim terrorists, cartoons of prophets Muhammad BPUH are some the recent events to reflect the extend of their activities with no boundaries. The key is to offer those selected people or group of peoples (as you have said earlier) to act as their proxy,through human greed for power and wealth.
Do we really believe that Obama can deliver what he had promised, during his “great” speech in Cairo, to the Muslim? The US & European soldiers ( great numbers with trained soldiers, sophisticated & high-tech weaponary, latest technology )will continue to die in Afghanistan fighting “kampong soldiers/people” and they will loose but not perhaps to run between their tails as what had happened in Somalia a few years back. They need face saving but we have yet to see what face-saving action will they take. Little Iran too has become pain-in-arse to them (sorry for the language )Perhaps, the Russian have been and will be laughing because they have learnt the lesson in Afghanistan. Really one should be asking oneself for whom are they fighting and for what? They ( Enemy of Islam ) had never learnt from their defeat during the Crusade. Allah is Great.
We may wish that Hitler should have finished Jews off then but Hitler may also want to leave some of them for history to remember the rationale and justification of his “action” to eliminate the Jews in the first place. Similar setting why the Firaun was mummified for all of us at present time to see how helpless the once self-proclaimed god, who can decide who should live who should die, had become. Wallahuallam.
May Allah bless us all for ALLAH is great.
Dear Tun,
It’s good to hear from you again. All my life, I admired u so much nad I’m totally agreed with u on this matter Tun. Thank You Tun for all what you have did for our nation and you’re just awesome!
Salam Tun,
Kita tunggu jawapan hanan…:)
dan yang sewaktu dengannya.
Salam Tun Dr.M,
Could you please explain more on point no.1?
Why Malaysiakini do not want to be seemed as Anti-semitic?
Who are their masters actually? Are they Zionist/USA?
Maybe you can enlighten us on things outside our knowledge.
Thank you Tun.
Salam Tun & fellow CheDet’s bloggers,
Taking this opportunity to wish our Chinese friends “Gong Xi Fa Cai” may the new year bring happiness, peace & prosperity to all.
Back to your topic —-
Well I have said again & again, the TRUTH can found in the QURAN & HADITH. Jews has been condemned by ALLAH for their ungratefullness to ALLAH’s special blessing given to them since the beginning of time. If that is so, the question then is why ALLAH do not just banish them as what had happened to others before them?
They are left unpunished in this world and continue to inflick cruelty to others fellow human beings with impunity so that the faithfuls ( Yg Beriman ) can witness and be reminded and be alert as not to be like them, if we seek for Allah’s blessing & paradise. wallahuallam.
Therefore let us live with complete obedience to Allah commands & leave out all that Allah forbid, insya’allah, we will be protected.
May Allah bless us all.
salam, Tun..
A simple, but a great post.. I also do not understand why some people are kind of afraid to mention the wrong doings done by the Zionists.. I just don’t understand why.. Are they afraid of something? Don’t they ever think the sufferings of the people of Palestinians? How if we are those people.. Who’s gona speak for us? Come on press.. Don’t be afraid to tell the people the truth just to salvage your credential..
May Allah bless you, Tun..
Dear Tun and family, Aslmkm,
Yhe portal media, Malaysiakini was created in the late 1990s with an agenda.Coincidence with the time when a certain Pro-American- ex-Deputy Prime Minister failed to rise to become Prime Minister…
It’s not as simple as to merely propagate so-called “freedom of information”. Believe me, even the pro-Zionist western Mainstream media, such as TIME, Newsweek, The New York Times, The Washington Post, the main American TV channels, such as CNN, FOX, CBS and numerous others, are tightly controlled by ‘certain quarters’ to ensure only “NEWS” that they want the “world to know”,are transmitted out.
Why? To mould into the minds of the world, the public, certain images that THEY want the world to perceive. Even if they are LIES and HALF-TRUTHS. Such lies are deliberate and purposeful.
1. The lies about IRAQ, Saddam and Weapons of massive destruction (WMD).
2. The LIES about “Al-Qaeda/ Saddam Hussein” and “Muslim terrorists” attacking the NY Twin Towers and WT7 collapse.
3. The ongoing LIES about IRAN and “nuclear weapons”.
4. The LIES about “Muslim terrorists” bombing – London buses, Bali, Spain trains, Mumbai, and many more.
I welcome factual gathering and shared fact-finding on the “hiddenhands” that do the heinous jobs, and blame the “Muslims”.
If I say more, I will labelled as “anti-Semitic”.How convenient for ‘them’ to label others.
May i share with you my article about Malaysiakini.
YAB dan dikasihi Tun
Maaf Tun keluar tajuk!
saya sangat tidak setuju dengan cara anjuran populariti dalam Facebook yang dibuat oleh Kosmo, walaupun Tun dapat nombor undian tertinggi tetapi cara itu memang saya rasa amat tidak sesuai.Siapa persiang-persiang Tun itu? kalau nak dibandingkan dengan Tun dan Dato Najib, lebih-lebih lagi Tun sendiri.Apakah Tun hanya layak dipertandingkan dengan mereka-mereka itu sahaja? bukankah Tun seorang Negarawan yang sememang tidak ada tolak bandingnya!! harap lain kali sama ada Kosmo atau lain-lain akhbar berhati-hati atau fikirlah dengan sepanjang-panjangnya sebelum menganjurkan sesuatu pertandingan, biarlah kena dan munasabah!!
Terima Kasih Tun!!
Salam Tun,
Malaysiakini tried to portray you as an anti-semitic. they’ve always tried to tarnish your good name sir. on another note, why are there so few newspapers in this world except in muslim countries, write about the atrocities committed by the israeli government on the palestinians? the westerners like to lecture us about the freedom of speech and yet when someone tells the truth about the zionists they are condemned and labelled as anti-semitic. but it is absolutely acceptable for them to insult islam. This is hypocrisy at its worst. What’s even more worse is that some of us think that the west is always right.
Malaysiakini is not an ‘independent’ and ‘impartial news portal. It has its own agendas and its own political affilitations no matter how many times they deny it. Their content is largely filled with sensational news items, otherwise they would be deemed boring and lose readership.
People feast of controvesy and sensationalism and Malaysiakini, unfortunately, gives them what they want; whether its truth or fiction!
Salam Tun,
The MalaysiaKini always have are different agenda and try to look bad for everything.
MalaysiaKini is not Malaysia kini, they news look no use for the public to refer as are knowledge and info.
People know, rakyat know that Tun never lie and Tun always talk the true and reality not fantasy.
I hope MalaysiaKini should learn more how to become professional in news and to become journalist and other one please dismiss Raja Petra are coward or pondan!
Salam Tun, wee love u.
Salam Ybhg Tun,
The Jews have a very big appetite for owning land,their mission to take over Palestine has been susccessful and almost completed.
Their next target is to invade and colonize LEBANON,if this is successful than they will proceed further to Syria and Iran.Once all this mission is accomplished than a new Middle East will emerge,a New Middle East that will control all ARAB OIL.The Arabs will be the slave of the JEWS.
Note:The writter was in Lebanon during the Israel – HEZBOLLAH war in 2006.My salute to Hezbollah fighters,they fought the battle with minimum sophisticated weapon and yet they WON.
Salam Ybhg Tun,
The Jews has always been a “problem” to all. But sadly we cannot labelled all Jews the same. I used to study in the US and some of my friends are American Jews. They know I’m a Muslim and this does not stop us sharing views and understanding on certain issues.
I must say the younger Jews generation feels that the occupying of Israel in Palestine land is wrong. But the most sad of all is that the Arabs country can’t be united to help Palestine at all. Here we in Malaysia keep championing the liberation of Palestine BUT what does the Arab nation does? The Arabs are just one big ass smoother when comes to American!
We have OIC to represent Muslim nations but what does it really do? I don’t see what achievement or function OIC stands for. I can see that OIC is a gathering for Muslim nations leaders. Maybe through this gathering, the Muslim leaders can only talk and have short vacation on the nation expenses.
The UN is even worse organization, I don’t see why we need the UN when the world powers can do what they want to do without getting punish.
Just imagine if Malaysia decided to invade Singapore, the US would automatically come and defend Singapore no matter what ever reason or justifiable is our reason to take back Singapore. I’m just saying that the US is just one big bully! The UN are powerless against US.
The Jews can still enjoy their stay in the Palestine land as long as the US control UN and the Arab nation keep on sleeping.
Assalamu Alaikum Tun,
I totally agree with your points Tun. All the while, Malaysiakini has claimed themselves to be championing human rights and “justice”. But what they have done to your speech has tarnished their own image and people trust on them. So Malaysiakini, don’t be double standard.
Assalamualaikum Tun,
The jews have become the most powerful race in the world. They control the US, the world politics and enonomies. And yet everytime someone mention something bad about the jews even though it is a fact that person will be labelled anti semetic. The fact that Israel is exterminating the palastinians in front of the whole world no one care to bother. The muslim world are more concerned with what the US say than doing what is right.What are words compared to innocent lives lost in cold blood. The irony is that the holocoust ended 70 years ago and people still remember but the gaza tragedy people forget as yesterday’s news. And the Gazans are still suffering due to the blockade by Egypt (muslim country?) and Israel.
On another matter, I just like to commend you Tun on your writings. As far as I can remember as I follow your blog, there is not a single spelling or gramatical error. I still do make mistakes in writing reports or making presentations during work. I think if you can do it then I as younger person can do it also. That will be my resolution for this year.
Agree with you Tun….
salam Tun,
That is expected from an entity with ulterior motives.They have a hidden agenda.We can sense it no matter how hard they try to deny.Many of these people are here too trying to bamboozle us with their bullshit like SC Tan,Ravi and co.
Nasib baik Wenger Khairy dah mula merendah diri dan buang ciri2 berlagak nak mampus dia…
Perhatikan dan kaji tulisan mereka ini kerana mereka cuba untuk mengautakan apa2 saja yg Tun tulis disini.
Kita tunggu jawapan hanan…:)
Terima kasih..
Israel not only treats Palestinians like cattle, they also treat their own (Black Ethiopian) fellow Jews like cattle.