2. When Malaysian products cannot be sold at home, it becomes almost impossible to convince foreign buyers to buy them. The question that foreigners often ask is whether Malaysians especially the Government have bought them.
3. Despite this failure to market Malaysian products locally, some have still managed to be marketed abroad. And some have been very successful.
5. There are excuses of course. The foreign suppliers have been supplying for years and years. They just cannot be dropped.
6. Even when the products have been well accepted abroad, the Government and its agencies cannot be convinced.
7. The Government wants to be transparent. Perhaps if awards of contracts are published just as offers of contracts are, then the public and the local businessmen would know who gets what, how many times and for how long. The contract process should also be made known. If contracts are to be for five years then we should know why contracts are given for longer periods.
8. Then Malaysians would know why they have been failing all these while. They would then be able to take necessary steps to become competitive. In fact other foreign suppliers too can take corrective action.
9. At the moment we can read the advertisements on new projects up for tender. But who wins the tender is not publicised.
10. An open Government keen to be transparent should do this. That it was never done before is no reason it cannot be done now. Previously no one promised to be transparent. But now we all hear about transparency.
11. Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) is not coming in as much as before. We cannot compete with China or Vietnam, not even with Thailand and Indonesia. While we should continue to promote FDI, we should also help the local investors. We should remember that their earnings stay in the country, much more than the earnings of foreign owned industries.
12. If we help them our industries can become world players. At the moment we do not have our Sony or Hitachi or Samsung or Hyundai. We have the technical capacities for truly Malaysian products and companies to be as well-known as those of Japan and Korea.
13. We merely need a little boost from Malaysians, particularly from the Government and its numerous agencies and companies.
14. I hesitate to write this article because I fear that those in charge would make life even more difficult for Malaysian companies, presuming that they had complained to me.
15. But what I say here is public knowledge. We should really be helping ourselves.
About Proton car industry….I’m interest to comment about Proton car..I drove these car since 2005 and i know many problem involving engine and accessory from proton car….many customer think proton car has many problem to fix better and better for year by year because proton workers not perform like Toyota worker……
What you have build for the Auto Industry has become a warm bed for corruption, abuse of power, torturing the public, and giving fishes to people instead of getting them to learn fishing. Period. It has been proved after 20+ years. It is a fact. No competition WILL NEVER leads to improvement. Period.
Please close it off and stop torturing our future generation please. I beg you.
Let the private sector do the Auto business, and Government should not have any part of it.
Let the Auto business drive by private sector. Government should move away from it.
Dear Tun,
1. I am glad that you had written this article. I read it with great interest.
2. As you had articulated, our attitude of worshipping foreign products is second to none.
3. I wish to share my view on another similar aspect of our attitude towards anything foreign.
4. In actual fact, I feel sorry not only to our local manufacturers but equally to my fellow Malaysian professionals. We suffer the same fate.
5. We have a good pool of Malaysian professionals who are plying our respective trades in Malaysia and abroad.
6. For obvious reasons, many companies in Malaysia are still keen to hire foreign expertise be it in engineering, financial etc.
7. These companies are willing to pay an astronomical amount of money to engage foreign expertise even though the cost of engaging an equally qualified, industry recognised and experienced Malaysian professional is much less.
8. Working hard [& smart] and giving your total commitment to the job/company are not the criteria for career advancement in the eyes of these companies since there are other underlying factors that determine or even to some extent undermine the capability and competency of our local professionals.
9. I have been working abroad for a long time. So I am keen to return home to live and work in Malaysia but I am finding it difficult to do so. There are various reasons and challenges that I have to overcome.
10. As Malaysian, it puzzles me that Malaysian companies are not keen to engage Malaysian professionals.
11. Obviously salary is not the reason as these companies would rather engage foreign expertise and would have no objection in paying them an extortionate amount of salary instead.
12. Why are they not keen in hiring our own professionals either from home or abroad?
13. That’s the question.
YABhg Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad
For what it’s worth as an idea should want answered, if ever the thought of manufacturer of the optical accessory cosmetics does crop up would the oppourtunity lead anywhere else?
a good investment begins with a clear intention.
Apa yang dilakukan oleh kerajaan Selangor….menghabiskan ratusan ribu ringgit bagi mengupah pakar forensik dari Thailand (dari Thailand?!!!!) hanya untuk menimbulkan keraguan ke atas dapatan pakar forensik tempatan…..contoh yang sangat baik bagi menunjukkan bagaimana pemerintah (di Selangor) sendiri tiada kayakinan ke atas kapakaran tempatan. Kenapa begitu?
Bajet hampeh……najib mcm pak lah juga…..ada ker semangat bagan pinang nak dijadikan ukuran…..
Salam Tun,
Your comments are really spot on. I am the co-owner of a Bumiputera engineering company and we have been producing innovative technical solutions for the engineering industry in Malaysia and internationally. In fact, our company has even invented and patented one engineering product that is capable to protect all the external metal pipes not only in Malaysia but throughout the world – which would lower the cost of maintenance of the pipes. It took my team about 3 years before we are even allowed to go for a pilot project in this country and in the meantime, we have to go deep in our pockets (even had to borrow money from friends) to survive our daily expenses. Ironically, our foreign clients want to give it a try when our GLCs are …ohh… so cautious because it is “MADE IN MALAYSIA”.
There was one even a strange encounter with a GLC in which during our presentation to them about or product, we had to answer so many questions ranging from good ones to really stupid questions. On the next presentation in another GLC, we brought my “Mat Saleh” classmate from the US who was holidaying in Malaysia. He was an accountant by profession and he has no idea whatsoever what engineering was all about let alone our technical product. Yet, as favour to me, he sat down with us and learned about our product and within 2 weeks, he was “our expert and principal” from overseas. Guess what? During our presentation to the GLC, there were hardly any questions from the GLC and “our expert” even said to the GLC officers that if there are any inquiries, please revert the questions to “his local representatives” (that’s us by the way, the very people who invented and patented the product) who have been personally trained by him!! This is reality…
Often times, the GLCs will say that they will develop local capability and yet when it really counts, the GLCs preferred the imported ones because the imported ones have already been proven. But again, how are we going to prove that our product is just as good if we are not given the chance to prove ourselves?
Even my friend who is also my competitor from the neighbouring country has said that if I were the citizen of that neighbouring country, that country will go all out to help innovative companies like ours.
For your information Tun, I have seen how our neighbouring government goes out of the way to help my friend’s company (same size with my company and doing the same industry) to develop its innovative products to gain recognition internationally….our government has yet to realise about this matter and this is really unfortunate for Malaysia.
Believe it or not, I am one of the Bumiputeras who believe that we are capable to do the things ourselves if we are willing to work hard, patient and persistent in whatever we do. We have brought-up our company from zero and I believe 100% that we are capable in the international market. If the government wants to help, I really welcome it. If not, that’s ok, we have been surviving so long on our own anyway and we will continue to develop more innovative engineering products on our own.
I really hope that through this column, the government will take notice that there are Bumiputera/Malaysian companies who are just as innovative and if not better than their international counterparts. All the government needs to do is just to look closer and act quickly before their competitors get hold of their technologies…….
PS. Our technical people have even developed “green products” which have already been proven and recognised by one of the local authorities in Malaysia.
After 50years+, our economic should not depend in Government anymore. Companies should drive the majority business be it local or foreign, with that, the Government deficit will be less, and white elephant project like PKFZ can be avoided. Politicians should banned from business directly. How can a politician holding director post of a company?
Government should focus in social services more. Any politicians looking at the single mother situation? The brutal beaten child situation? Do we have a body to look after the children who is abused by parents? Children should be the future of the country, and it is sad to read those child abuse news on paper where NO ONE is taking responsibility of it. Isn’t that suppose to be a Government rule which is more important than building a road, or bridge?
Our government has totally forgotten the humanity progress.
Dear Tun and bloggers
This is my thinking
Malaysia has a low population it is one of the reason the chance of Malaysian products can fly is slim.
A small percentage of Malaysian products are successful abroad because their products has been succeeful locally and these manufacture are of different kind. They learned from the restriction of marketing and sales of their product locally, still succesful and willing to learn how make it happenned in countries where the population is greater.
Definately, the successful one is the low tech consumer products which has more chance of winning for some obvious reasons.
The government has to play the role. A better and effective role in helping Malaysian products. They do promote awareness of buying Malaysian products but unfortunately they just stops there.
As our government is considered young. It is carried over from the past that we must first promote awareness.Which is true.The premiership after you learned this.But they forget to learm from you about follow through. So at present and in the future this has to change, there should be follow through.
Upon succesful promotion of awareness,the government has to promote good execution by having policies to support local products.This policies has to be carried out by Government Agencies and they are to be monitored inline with the policies and the expected results.It may even uses the GLC to support this.
Talking about GLC. Some of them monopolies in certain industries. So they are not to be solely appraise by the numbers that they produces.They are formed entreprenually and carries good causes. One of thier good cause is to support Malaysian entreprenuer and Malaysia products. This is the area that they have not been seriously measured. They must!.
Things have not been that good in the past few years. Hopefully corrections are going to be made.Momentum of successful correction has to be maintain.
Hopefully you can advise, teach or even remind the current administrator about follow through.Go a step backward and look into execution. Do not be influence by the past premeirship which were swamped by only promoting awareness.Maybe to cover ineffective execution?
For me, the current administration has done sufficient awareness campaign of their good intentions.A lot of people put hopes on them. So they have only to start producing results. When people have hopes, people will give time. Hopefully they do not waste the time.
Thank you,
p/s more of my writing on these issues are available at http://www.afandi-bereng.blogspot.com . Maybe you want to comment a bit.Tq
Its not the consumers fault for the foul of local industries. I think the company itself should produce more and more innovative, attractive and competitive products.
No wonder why Malaysian didn’t buy Malaysian products, because in our mind, all of the products are low quality, maybe not at all.
Have you all heard about Modenas GT 128? I think that is a “good” product. I know that a lot of people have bought the bikes, maybe because the design was good, but sadly not the performance. If the performance is better than tebetr, I think all Malaysian will forget about Yamaha and Suzuki and remember to Modenas.
Have you all heard about the CSL handphones? If I am not mistaken, someone said that the products were made by local? But as I know, the CSL phones are made by China. So actually, who made the phone? We or China?
And in my opinion about Proton, why don’t they just produce sports cars? Maybe a model that can challenge Mitsubishi or Evo? Or 407 etc. I think if they do, of course rich people will consider to buy Proton’s sports cars. Proton has a lot of free capacity, so I think space is not the problem. Maybe Proton engineers lack of ideas? I think if Proton make a contest in designing their new cars, of course a lot of Malaysian will be participated, and of course new design will be produced.
p/s: i didn’t like the new EXORA’s design..
Salam Tun yang saya hormati.
Bukan shj sektor perindustrian, sektor perkhidmatan pun menerima nasib yang sama. Pihak kerajaan sendiri telah mengambil khidmat nasihat pakar-pakar dari luar, yg seterusnya menggunakan kos yang jauh lebih tinggi dari jika menggunakan kepakaran tempatan. Kenapa begitu?
Apa pun jgn stress…come and visit spa anggerik…..confirm tempatan!
assalamualaikum tun,
saya suka menarik perhatian berhubung dengan buku yang dibekalkan ke sekolah-sekolah. Bahagian teknologi pendidikan, kementerian pelajaran ada meminta penerbit2 buku di negara ini untuk menghantar tajuk2 buku untuk dinilai. Projek ini menelan jutaan ringgit. Untuk perhatian, buku2 yang dinilai ini akan dibekalkan ke perpustakaan sekolah sahaja (bukannya buku teks).
ramailah penerbit tempatan menghantar buku mereka untuk dinilai. setiap buku yang hendak dinilai dikenakan caj, tak ingat saya berapa ringgit tetapi rasanya seratus lebih jugak utk satu judul. Setiap penerbit menghantar berpuluh judul untuk dinilai.
Kalau buku penerbit tersebut diluluskan, seronoklah tetapi ramai yang kecewa. yang mengejutkan apabila saya terbaca pendedahan dari website ini iaitu http://www.fauzulnaim.com.my/dunia-penerbitan-buku-dicemari-dengan-korupsi-projek-btp-pelik-tapi-benar.html.
Bagaimana kualiti buku disekolah hendak ditingkatkan seandainya apa yang ditulis oleh penulis di atas adalah benar?
Yang Amat Berbahagia Tun,
Your comment on the blog really seems related to my letter posted to you couple of months ago, the incident really happened to our company and its is our firsthand experienced, one of the GLC in Malaysia which I can
Salam Tun,
Saya bersetuju dengan komen tun.
Sokongan dari kerajaan amatlah penting dalam memajukan apa jua industri di negara ini termasuklah kerjasama dari semua pihak yang berkepentingan seperti pihak bank dan kementerian2 yang berkaitan. Kegagalan untuk menjayakan sesuatu industri/projek itu selalunya berpunca dari kurangnya sokongan dari mereka ini kerana:
– Keadaan ini akan lebih sukar sekiranya pihak-pihak tersebut terlalu berhati-hati berdasarkan rekod kegagalan terdahulu. Sebagai contoh dalam bidang pembinaan kapal, “tycoon” seperti Amin Shah telah menyebabkan syarikat2 yang “geniune” berhadapan dengan berbagai kesukaran.
– Kurangnya kefahaman oleh pihak kerajaan ataupun bank tentang sesuatu industri tersebut menyebabkan kegagalan mereka mengenalpasti “geninue players”. Projek2 diserahkan kepada mereka yang tertentu seperti Amin Shah kerana hubungan beliau dengan pemimpin2 tertentu..(saya rasa Tun pasti tahu)
– Kurangnya kefahaman juga menyebabkan peraturan2 yang tak munasabah menyebabkan hasil dari sesuatu indurtri tersebut tidak competitve di pasaran.
– Kurangnya kefahaman dalam pengurusan perniagaan oleh pihak syarikat juga boleh menyebabkan kegagalan.
– Tidak ada kejujuran dalam perlaksanan tersebut dalam semua peringkat
Oleh itu process ini hendaklah dilakukan dengan cara menyeluruh iaitu bermula dengan pemimpin tertinggi negara hingga ke pegawai kerajaan, bank dan juga syarikat itu sendiri. Sikap2 buruk seperti kepentingan peribadi, kronism dan yang merugikan syarikat dapat dikurangkan kalau tak dapat dihapus.
Kalau ini mampu dilaksanakan, saya yakin negara akan dapat jimat berbillion2 ringgit dan dari penjimatan tersebut kerajaan mampu membantu banyak lagi syarikat/industri dengan menyediakan project2 yang ber faedah.
BN akan terus memerintah sekiranya kejujuran bukan sahaja dilaksanakan malah dilihat berlaku. “..don’t assume”
Mampukah kerajaan 1Malaysia ni
Yang Amat Berbahagia Tun,
Your comment on the blog really seems related to my letter posted to you couple of months ago, the incident really happened to our company and its is our firsthand experienced, one of the GLC in Malaysia which I can
Salam Tun,
Isn’t it obvious that these information is being hidden from the general public simply because that’s how money is being channeled back to UMNO? UMNO / BN awards government contracts (be it big or small) to their associates and cronies so that a significant amount can be siphoned back to support their political moves?
What transparency?
salam tun..
saya sokong apa yng di perkatakan oleh tun..
di harap tun sihat dan sejahtera supaya idea dan pendapat
tun dapat kita kongsi bersama.. amin..
Abdullah akan terima anugerah khas UUM pada 12 Dis
KUALA LUMPUR: Bekas perdana menteri Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi akan diberi penghargaan oleh Universiti Utara Malaysia (UUM) menerusi anugerah khas Mahaputra yang akan disampaikan pada malam bankuet diraja UUM di sini pada 12 Dis depan.
Pak Lah will continue to get several honorary doctorates and awards every year.
His contribution to the nation must be “gemilang, cemerlang and terbilang” indeed !! kah, kah, kah , hee, hee, hee !
Dearest Ayahanda,
The Star Online reported………
//Tuesday October 13, 2009
Conflicting calls made on how MCA
Salam Tun,
I see that Malaysian not only reject malaysian product but services especially those who are not familiar with the workscope. eg Petronas use oversea design consultant for local project (onshore) where is we have numbers of local design consultant in Malaysia.
Salam Tun,
Semoga sihat dan ceria selalu.
Think that MINDSET need to be overhauled. Government, relevant agencies, public must rewire their PERCEPTIONS towards local products.
Must educate and create awareness of how we MALAYSIAN can help the country by buyg local products. I’m sure lots of Malaysian out there who has the SPIRIT and LOVE for the country. depa lagi bersemangat if thy know that thy can contribute by way of purchasing local products.
On the other hand, M’sian manufacturers must be COMPETETIVE and produce GOOD PRODUCT QUALITY. I own WAJA CAMPRO, and sadly to mention that our NAtional car really let me down BIG TIME. banyak masalah.
We like to support our local product, BUT local manufacturer must produce GOOD product. GOOD is not necessarily expensive (i.e: kalau selalu masalah, that is not good).
Tun Dr Mahathir,
I m glad you feel sorry for us, manufacturers struggling to compete not only among ourselves in a scattered, unfriendly, easily manipulated malaysian peninsular/borneo market, but also facing a great deal of stress to penetrate neighbouring markets such as indonesia, thailand and the phillipines..not to mention China or vietnam etc. with the so called “buatan malaysia” patriotic logos or spirits.
Ok, very simple. why manufacture? why industrialized? and how? utillize nation’s resources like raw materials and convert them into quality products with developed skills and technology and market them to all over the world.
The population in malaysian land area do not create a massive concentrated trading demands for consuming own produced materials and producers see it’s own too tiny and as an experimental market for trial and error. And consumers in malaysia are devided into many parts: sophisticated calculative and massive break even type.
but let me cut to the chase here. do we have advantages like sufficient manpower to acommodate the industries’ need for production? do we have quality skilled vibrant labours? do we have encouraging and equal supports for the government ministries in terms of liberal policies in taxes, securities, transparent labour officers and less religiously extreme minded labours? do we have universities or training centres supported by government to develop the students with preparation for the industries? are the young people getting the right educations and infos to adapt to the need of the manufacturing environment? are they keen to even work in the manufacturing environment? are our government officers even keen to entertain the industries? or at least hold relevant seminars and training programmes for all industries not just one or two preferences? is the home affair ministry keen to fight crimes, fight curruptions, less bully the foreign workers, less harass the healthy job creating sectors like us.
take beer for example. they have bintang in indonesia, sam miguel in the phillipines, singhar in thailand. we have carlsberg and guiness anchor, brands certainly not ours. cigarettes, sampoerna, gudang garam in indonesia, we have british tobaccos and phillip morris, brands certainly not ours. beverage, snacks, garment, art & craft, automobiles, everything else hardly can compete due to lack of enthusiatism to join forces in international trade shows and exhibitions. The local event organizers are less professional than other countries.
People want to sell cheap affordable products to make high margin. consumers are lured by brands but not quality. do we have compulsory consumer education in the high school? do the consumers know well about their rights and know well to manage their daily lives? does our government insist of training the people to be quality consumers who knows the basic laws, economy circle, priveleges, insurance, morgage, car purchase, land purchase, wardrobe management, quality of life, living standard, employment rights and environmental responsibility?
we have more surau and mosques than entertainment industries such as clubs, bars, pubs or those in which the stressed, work hard bunch get something to work hard for. At least they get to have some spending on releasing tensions. We want to encourage open market, advanced and aggressive industrialization. but less entertainments. yes, we have illegals in which the cops love because of huge incentives for them. The more harassment, the more the customers feel like being a criminal having a drink in a bar. and as it gets further, the cost will be bared by the consumers and they would prefer to bring their extra saved money to somewhere else where service are better, more liberal, more comfortable and definitely cheaper like in thailand.
just recently we see less proton car drivers opening their door to pay the toll fees. these drivers did not buy proton simply because they love the buatan malaysia. simply they cant afford the heavily taxed import cars AP offered to those “priveleged” ones. These consumers just feel annoyed and helpless when parts breakdown and have a couterfeit replacement to avoid cuthroat price by “authorised” dealers. they have to risk their pocket and pride when dealing with the tol truck and the traffic police who are very good in directing an accident scene to fabricate a police report to claim good “income” from the insurance company. more accident the merrier.
malaysia simply do not have the convincing convenience to be competetive. Our policies are made to make us more and more lazy and otherwise find ways to vacate to some place else with more opportunity to perform our skills. We have too many restrictions here and we are losing our warm hearted courteous behaviour. We doubt and are sick and tire dof many things.
Now that our human resources ministry claim that those foreign workers, not bahasa malaysia speaking, low class farmers, stinky, discriminated by immigresi, are now the skilled, backbone, and spontenous bunch of the malaysian manufacturing, plantation, service and maybe one day security sectors. yet we want to get rid of them, less rely on them, start all over again, close down your factories, stop receiving your orders, strink down your business, invest your money else where, stop developing or increase your cost.
Foreign workers will be the future sustance of the malaysian brand products. These guys consume more as they are labours. They need more energy so they eat more rice and sugar. As those wealthy spoiled insecured local malaysian consumers, they pay for an expensive branded clothings and household or luxurious products but made in China or Bangladesh.
Salam petang Tun.
Nak minta tun tulis citer2 berkenaan orang melayu pulak. boleh kut ??. tun bagi ler perkara2 yang pada pendapat tun menjadi punca kepada orang melayu gagal dalam perniagaan sekali gus gagal mencapai status ekonomi seperti yg disasarkan.
Saya sendiri sebagai orang yg berdarah melayu, nampak banyak benda yg orang melayu kena berubah kalu nak maju dalam perniagaan.
Nak tanya Tun, sama ada Tun perasaan atau tidak.
Kita ada Kolej Komuniti, ada IKBN, ada Giat Mara, ada politeknik, ada IKM, dan banyak lagi tah haper2 institut yg menyedia tempat bg bebudak lepasan sekolah (PMR & SPM) pergi menimba ilmu. ada mcm2 kursus yg disediakan. bebudak kita melayu yg paling ramai gi belajar.
Ambil contoh, bebudak yg ambil kursus motor mechanic atau mechanical engineering. ramai yg boleh pomen enjin. tapi yg heran tu tak nampak pun pertambahan bilangan bengkel mekanik keta-motor milik orang melayu. sedangkan bebudak cina ngan india meka tu tak der pulak masuk pusat2 yg saya sebut tadi. boleh buka bengkel, boleh repair keta-motor, terra pula tu. ngaper jadi cam tu Tun. citer2 cam ni ler yg Tun patut keluar, sekurang2nya orang melayu buka mata sikit.
Satu lagi, bebudak melayu kita pun pandai pomen kenderaan juga, memang tak dinafikan. kekadang tu belum habis belajar lagi udah pandai. dia pandai modify motosikal untuk tujuan nak merempit atau lumba haram. dia pandai pomen motor untuk tujuan nak curi spare part. ingat tak, budak tu sekolah teknik di langkawi, rumah emak bapa dia di jitra, tiap kali dia balik bercuti mesti ada motor yg hilang. last sekali kena cekup juga dengan polis, rupanya dia curi motor, pas tu dia dismantle ambil spare part jual. keluar dalam surat khabar citer ni. tak tau sama ada tun ada baca atau tidak.
Kalu tun nak tolong orang melayu. benda cam ni la tun jangan tinggal dalam blog ni.
OK boleh kut.
Good day to you Tun,
This is so true Tun, and exactly what happened to my bro-in-laws company/factory(I was part of it too) which makes electrical home appliances. It was so difficult to get support from MITI, banks and also other government organizations as none of them have faith in our local products. Eventually the company went down and both of us are bankrupt, it was a good/noble idea to have our own Malaysian product, just like Proton but unfortunately dreams and reality are two things, and we found out the hard way not everyone shares that passion and dreams.
Salam TUN,
For me before we decided to sell malaysia brand we have to ensure first that our goods is in high qualities. How can we porud of our brand if the goods sold foreign country most better quality than supplied to us.So government need to take an actions to ensure that our branded price equal.Thanks
The acquisition of accurate international market information probably remains the biggest challenge to our Malaysian manufacturers. New strategies must be crafted and innovative products must be generated to appeal distant and “less friendly” clients. International recognition for quality is a must. At this point it would be useful to reexamine critically our National Science & Technology policy in a way to facilitate research for technological innovations generally and industrial competitiveness in particular. Also the government should focus on the quality of the Malaysian academics to ensure increase flow of new knowledge, know-how and a large pool of cost effective and technically competetent professionals.
******Kepada Menteri2 Semua****
Bila dah ada KPI, perlu ada tindakan. Jika Ketua tak capai KPI tukar ke Jabatan lain yang kurang penting supaya depa sentiasa berusaha meningkat tahap daya saing. Kenaikan pangkat mesti berdasarkan KPI, kalau tidak orang Melayu tak akan berubah! Mesti ada sedikit tekanan, InsyaAllah Melayu maju ke hadapan. Seprkara lagi,ketua jabatan kerajaan tak semestinya Melayu tetapi majoriti kakitangan awam mestilah Melayu. Bukan Melayu banyak berkebolehan dari orang Melayu. depa boleh jadi ketua di Jabatan kerajaan dan secara tak lansung boleh bagi contoh kepimpinan yang bak untuk orang Melayu pelajari “online(?)”.
***kepada Menteri Pengajaian Tinggi*****
Apa dah jadi dengan IPTA Malaysia. Universiti Chulaloongkorn (terkenal main ragbi zaman dulu) di Thailand pun lebih baik dari Universiti Malaya. USM patut ditarik balik gelaran universiti APEX dan diserahkan kepada Universiti Malaya. Mesti kenakan tindakan kalau tidak depa duk rileks saja. Negara akan terus rugi. Cara singkat Univ Malaya nak naik tangga World Rangking tanpa melibatkan banyak kos ialah mengumpul semua pensyarah terbaik di IPTA seluruh Malaysia untuk berkhidmat di Univ Maalaya. Bawea semua lat depa dan anak2 murid postgraduate depa. Pensyarah2 yang kurang prestasi boleh pindahkan ke Universiti yang baru ditubuhkan.
***Kepada seorang Pemimpin PAS Shah Alam****
YB Khalid Samad kata tak payah berterima kasih kepada kerajaan kerana dia belajar di luar negara pakai duit rakyat bukan duit orang politik. Untuk pengetahuan YB, tanpa polisi kerajaan mungkin YB tak dihantar ke luar negar untuk belajar di University of Leeds dan pulang berkhidmat di Petronas. Tak adakah orang lain yang lebih berkelayakan dari YB masa itu?
Mungkin ramai akan ikut fahaman “baru” ini dengan tidak mengucapkan terimakasih kepada sesiapa seprti yang diajar oleh YB. Jangan terima kasih kat guru sekolah kerana depa dapat gaji bulan bukan sukarela. Jangan terima kasih kat Tok Imam bagi khutbah sebab depa dapat elaun. Jangan terima ksih kat doktor sebab hang bayar duit kat dia .jangan terima kasih kat ibubapa sebab tanggungjawab ibubapa. Harap2 YB tidak bermaksud sedemikian.
YB Khalid adalah contoh golongan pembaharuan PAS yang dikenali “golongan Erdogan ala Dato Seri Anwar Ibrahim”. Perangai depa kasar nak serupa dengan perangai kebanyakan orang UMNO tetapi berselindung di belakang bendera PAS. Sikit hari PAS serupa nasib macam UMNO kalau berterusan sebegini. WallahuAlam.
Dearest Ayahanda Tun,
//Palanivel: The MIC is the real Indian ‘sakti’ in M’sia//
Palanivel said MIC is the real Indian “Sakti” in Jln Ipoh, the brickfield area. Without duit disuap ke dalam mulutnya by our dear PM Najib, dia ingat MIC ada Sakti ke??
When PM Najib was asked by a reporter what if Ong TK does not want to resign as President of MCA, he answered.. How can we assume something that has not happened? Well, Tun, he said his PARTY is more important than people..
People First = President First
Performance Now = Pirates Now
Today, 1 Malaysia = 1 Finger.. Alamak!!
This is 1 Malaysia under Empire Abdul Rahman as claimed by Palenviel that Tunku liked to work with Indian, I think he misunderstood what A.R. stand for in the dictionary of The Razak Family. I remember clearly that when Tun Razak was the PM, chinese children were taught to sing NegaraKu as “Dah..Dah..Laku, Tunku Chui Fu (Tunku buka seluar)!!! Duri2 Dalam Daging, I am wondering who was that duri2, definitely not Mr Lee Kuan Yew of Singapore nor Communist Chin Peng, this is the TRUTH, Enough is Enough of racist leaders!!
Good night Tun, very dissapointed with Najib.. fed up with UMNO/Barisan Nasional- the LICENCED PIRATES 1Malaysia like 911-BUSH & BLAIR who rob in the day light under today’s leadership of Mr Barrack Obama, DP Japan and Mr Wen JiaBao, what a 1Malaysia 1Finger JOKE!! Sorry for my frustration, Ayahanda. Revenge is a bad culture!!
what are your thoughts about the concerns that there is threat from Indonesians against Malaysia?
Isn’t this another of your administration’s lack of planning and control when making Malaysia dependant on Foreign labour?
I wonder why no one takes you to task on such matters…I guess people are just used to taking criticism from you, but afraid to criticise you back.
To your credit, you might say you did not have any control as this was something that Ministry of Human Resources decided at the time to just allow significant migration from Indonesia.
But you were PM at the time sir when Malaysia opened it’s doors to “cheap” foreign labour. The buck stops with you.
Do you admit this was another clear oversight from your part?
Hi Tun and brotherhood,
This is my first time commenting on the blog.
From my personal experience, Working towards GLC companies is only viable if you have a “KUAT” cable. I tried and realized it’s wasting a lot of time and money. I’ve moved away from that direction, it’s not the primarily focus for me.
Working towards *swasta* industry is much clearer. It is either you’re good or not good. Of course, i’m referring to oversea swasta company. Some local *swasta* company has similar mentality with the GLC. I’ve done IT projects in SG, HK, India and currently Australia directly with the customers. The transparency set by customer is very high and no time wasted. Of course the customers are very demanding, but if you’re a customer who spend that much of money, Who’s not demanding if you’ve to fork up the money!
On Proton, I won’t be complaining here as i know it has enough feedback. 😉
I tend to agree to some of the commentors in the blog that going forward, Malaysia will not be bright as Indonesia and Vietnam. Luckily Thailand is having *masalah teknikal*, else we’ll be passed by them. We could forget about Singapore at they’re way in front now. Singapore is now competing with HK, Taiwan and Korea.
As a Malaysian, I’m looking forward for 2-party system. I hope the politician will put the people and country first. And I’ll vote for whichever party which will bring a brighter Malaysia. Be it BN or PR.
Hope you and your family well.
Dear Tun, salam Aidil Fitri selamat bahagia dan harap sihat. Kiriman saya untuk tajuk ini….
Examples of epic buy M’sian disasters are Perwaja Steel and Proton. After decades of protectionist measures to prop them up, they still remain village champions. Village champions should not require costly protection!
Tariff protection, monopoly shield, price dictator are sharp tools. You can cut yourself!
After 25yrs of Proton, M’sia vehicle production is only 550,000 uts
with Proton below 200k and miserable exports (
Salam Tun,
Maaf sebab melencong skit..ni ttg pilihan raya esok at bagan pinang. I dun understand y ambil Md Isa?Setiap kali BN nmpk nak menang ada ja pilihan yg kita buat salah. If nak menang pilih orang baru, muka baru..kesilapan demi kesilapan kita buat macam mana nk menang Tun?
Esok if menang saya ucap tahniah if kalah then that’s it..kali ni pun pak yg dok kat atas tu x dengar apa yg rakyat nak. Dah muak ngan orang corrupted even if dah bertaubat…tolong cari muka baru, pilihan raya kecil bukan tempat utk cuba nasib or nak bersihkan nama..ni la gelanggang BN nak bangun..ni x, asyik bagi Anwar peluang nk kutuk ja:(rimas sebab x ubah2..lepas gagal esok nanti akan ada pulak org dok depan TV bincang2 sebab apa gagal tapi sama jugak…
Masa utk berubah..jadi ubah cara kita fikir……tolongla jgn buat salah dah…susah2 Tun ja yg advice dia org ni…nape la degil sgt:(
Memang PR xleh nk manage Malaysia sebab ada 3 kepala..kita nk satu ja n BN yg layak tapi for now sume yg kita langkah utk piliahn raya ni macam xbetul ja…tolong UBAH!!!!!!!!!!
**harap sangat barisan depan kami sumenya tulus,tegas and KUAT..kami kat belakang ni mmg kuat cuma nak yg depan tu betul, baru barisan belakang betul**
Dear Tun,
We need to ask ourselves why our own products are so lowly perceived and we can rarely find a Malaysian brand conquering all the way to the global podium:-
1) Firstly, we should be eliminating political patronage in all potentially great industries eg. telecommunication, wireless broadband, bio-technology, higher education, healthcare etc. Somehow, some influencial politicians or their cronies seem to lay their greedy fingers and “corner” industries they deem potentially profitable.
2) Many local businessmen and entrepreneurs ought to blame themselves for allowing political patronage to take root. For example, take short-cuts and cutting corners knowing that they are protected; paying bribes to speed things up knowing that the local government have conveniently complicated procedures and rules; contributing to election funds in return for the right to flout rules. Sometimes it makes you wonder how certain CF’s are being issued when construction conditions are not met.
3) Our market and economy are not allowed to freely run ie. laisser faire.
4) We don’t have the prosper thy neighbour mindset. We also developed the “tall poppy syndrome” in our society.
5) Our country’s laws and regulations ie. justice, intellectual property need to be updated. There has to be strict enforcement for breach of business regulations. MACC can continue to collect evidence while the PKFZ is sitting like a humongous white elephant, being charged daily interest and no takers. Why investigations in other countries can be concluded so fast? I am sure their crooked corporate citizens are just as smart, if not smarter.
6) One of the biggest hindrance to foreign investment is our antiquated labour laws, designed to win votes and relegate our own workforce into incompetency in the process.
7) Lastly, we need to ask whether, with the mindset and attitude of our population, are we ready for world-class achievement? If we choose corrupt candidates in even by-elections, that shows we are condoning corruption. The rot can only deepen.
Dear Tun, for the sake of our country’s competitiveness, we really need to put our foot down and replace some of the people running the affairs of our country. That means being serious and prosecuting those in breach, no matter what title they hold. Uphold those who genuinely wish to produce. Protect those who do not wish to conform with rotten values.
Otherwise we are going back to stone age and left behind by other countries by generations.
Dear politicians, stop all the rhetoric and take drastic action NOW. Otherwise, step down and take your supporters with you before you corrupt the rest of our once-dignified country.
Albert CH Lee
Dearest YAB Tun,
1. I agree with Tun, especially on items 9 and 10.
2. I believe that we MUST give priority to our local products. And, the LEADERS (in the government) MUST SHOW GOOD EXAMPLES BY BUYING LOCALLY MANUFACTURED PRODUCTS.
3. I feel disgusted reading some NEGATIVE comments on the quality of Proton cars. I work among Malaysians (majority), and from my observations the majority does not even bother about quality when it comes to their quality of work
Allow me to refer to another of your important institution here.
In a recent Perdana Leadership event in Sime Darby Convention Centre of industry leaders (please see Industry Insights Seminar 2009, I quote:
“In his speech, Dr. Mahathir mentioned the government needed to form targeted groups with access to data, knowledge and expertise to better understand the problems faced by the various sectors.”
We do have a 4 billion ringgit problem with the flight of software licenses to foreign proprietary vendors. It needs better understanding because there are complex issues such as servile market behaviour, wanton consumerism, severe absence of local expertise and more FUD (fear, uncertainty, doubt). Yes, it does needs a target group. Wow! Doesn’t it make you wonder how this 84 year old man seems to be thinking straight while the the whole admin is wanting?
Is such a group formed for using FOSS (Free and Open Source Software)? If not, should not the government form one? Such a group like our visionary ex-PM said, is “to better understand the problems faced…”
What is mean by forming? Asking for public volunteers or funding it? Has not the govt received taxpayers funds form the forced public already? What is then meant by funding the target focus group? Making it beg and fill in long unrelated forms which i find everytime i want to propose a new innovation? Does innovation needs business commercial justification in its infant stage? Is this doing things right or doing the right thing?
The government by funding the new OSDC.my (Open Source Developers Club) directly to conduct roadshows and training of know-how on using free and open source alternatives will directly address this complex problem of proprietary licensing loss.
Dr. M is known to break rules even world level IMF rules and world class economist like Paul Kruger has even accounted that he does unprecedented unproven things.
Redhuan D. Oon
PendAtang Dengan Izin
Saya bersetuju bahawa industri pembuatan negera tidak harus terus bergantung kepada kepakaran teknology luar. Para usahawan negera perlu terus berusaha untuk membina teknology sendiri. Saya ambil contoh industri otomobil adalah tindakan yang bijak.Walaupun setakat ini kualiti otomobil kita tidaklah sehebat otomobil jenama mercedes dan toyota tetapi kepakaran teknology yang di perolehi oleh anak-anak Malaysia adalah sesuatu yang tidak boleh di nilai lagi harganya. Oleh itu industri otomobil hendaklah terus di pertahankan. Penggantungan kepada tenaga kerja daripada luar hendaklah di hentikan secara berperingkat-peringkat kerana jika para usahawan terus bergantung kepada tenaga asing masaalah penggangguran akan meningkat di negera ini. Apa yang penting ialah kerajaan dan pehak swasta/usahawa hendaklah berganding bahu untuk melatih para pengganggur kita supaya mereka memiliki skill yang di perlukakan oleh pelbagai industri di Malaysia.Kita perlu ingat masaalah social yang di timbulkan oleh pekerja asing sesuatu yang tidak boleh di pandang ringan oleh semua.
Saya amabi bersetuju dengan saranan Timbalan Perdana Menteri bahawa bilangan saintis dan penyeledik harus di pertingkatkan.oleh itu para usahawan hendak jugalah memainkan peranan di syarikat masing-masing untuk menwujudkan saintis dan penyelidek yang bijak pandai.
I do not wish to make it hard by going deep into Economics, but shall make it simple;
A father who loves his sons, and daughters would never pamper the sons, and daughters, but show them the way, and pave the right path for them to go for glory.
They would complain, and whine, and detest their father for not helping them. But in the end, they would thank their father for showing the right path instead of helping them directly.
If the father puts the son in a restricted competition, he would never be able to face the real challenge ahead. He would then, blame the father for his failure to prepare him of his actions.
Once a son is successful, he would be able to give way to the other siblings to prosper as he does. The other siblings will never have a hard time to repeat the same success.
As a matter of facts. Compare to Thailand and Indonesia, our workmanship need to improve. Look at our giant government building, stadium, highway and bridge, we spend Million and billion, but the result is very ugly.
Dear tun,
I was appointed a local rep of a british tube bending system company in 2003. I had approached UMW, went to their subsidiary AISB, went to Perodua etc. This british company produce a precision engineering tube bending machine. Whereby designers can upload and download the bending design from anywhere to any of their machine. The bending is so precise it was used for fuelline of Airbus etc. It can be used to bend clothes hangers, most of auto frames, seats and many more. Unfortunately the local vendors scared to invest as they felt the auto business was a sunset venture or stretching their investment.
Saab is a spin off of a fighter jet of Sweden.
My conclusion is if we start 1 up technology to jump start any business at least we will fall at par with the technology that we aim for.
Daf of Netherlands only produce the best ignition system that Volvo used. (That was in the 80s)
If I had targeted at Aerospace like CTRM business so my auto sector will just be a bonus .
I wonder how long it takes Proton to consider the capitalisation of the Brand ‘Lotus’. If I have my way I wish to develop and design Merchandising under licence now (never too late) ‘Lotus Brand- Watches, Sunglasses, Etc..
Since TonyAAsia is leading this global branding lets push him a bit more to put the Lotus Merchandising as a Malaysian LV etc..
YOu may remember when I produce a range of Lacquerware under Kraftangan design in Vietnam that you wanted to see. At least now the spinoff of some jeans sold at Harrod are produce in Malaysia. Lets see maybe Harrod can hold our LOTUS global brand too.
These are all about Leveraging.
MUI Group owned Laura Ashley – Another global brand, maybe let Idris Jalal pick this up. So 2 great rival can really put Malaysian quickly on Global Map once again. Salvaging lost time.
Looking at Najib strategic move on France President is another positive move little spent , huge return.:
1) Lobby for AirAsia landing rights based on merits of biggest purchaser of Airbus 320
2) Ensure Bruni song release played on MH flights.
3) Whisper to Bruni husband , happen to be the President.
4) Bruni so happy,
5) The bureaucracy, diplomacy of France compromise totally.
6) We gain another Super Power on ourside (hope stronger and longer too)
I may be driving peugeot soon instead of German or Japanese soon.
We just need CEOs and government leaders with B_ _ _ _ and ready to risk their job if they cannot deliver.
I love the subject of Global Branding.
salam tun dan para pembaca untuk pengetahuan semua saya dan semua team reefer yg bekerja dipelabuhan tanjung pelepas adalah team terbaik didunia dan servis paling baik less 0.2 selama 7 tahun berturut turut dan diakui sendiri oleh orang luar dan clien . walaupun pada mulanya kami x tau tapi kami belaja dari zero hinggalah kami pandai thank tun kerana ilhamkan ptp , kami buat terbaik untuk syarikat , tapi bila setengah pengurusan mula mencari modal untuk mencari wang dalam masa ni dgn mengkontrakan kepada pembida dan kami terfikir dimana kami nak pergi , dan apakah nasib kami dan berbaloikah selama nie apa yg kami korbankan , walaupun dapat offer dari luar kami bertahan demi kemajuan syarikat , tapi kerana ketamakan dia sanggup memijak orang bawahnya demi kekayaan adakah ini adil , dan semua projek yg berlaku dalam ptp seperti x logik dgn bila kami tau tentang claim qoutation semuanya bernilai jutaan , nampaknya habisja duit ptp semuanya lari dan jadilah ptp seperti gajah putih , semuanya berlaku bila tun undur diri ,betulah tun katakan melayu mudah lupa
Tun, dengan izin.
by Kadok Okt.8,2009.11.55pm.
Memang itu lah realitinya. Negara Islam seakan disekat drpd menguasai teknologi tinggi dan berpotensi yang boleh menguasai dunia.
IGAUAN-IGAUAN silam(era perang salib) masih menghantui Barat. Mereka khuatir Islam akan bangkit kembali & menguasai dunia dan menyaingi mereka.
Tapi itu hanya lah satu igauan yang sudah berlalu dan ianya tidak mungkin berlaku sedemikian lagi. Bagi kita ilmu pengetahuan dalam teknologi adalah keperluan. Kerana itu dituntut oleh pembimbing kita, Nabi S.A.W. menyarankan agar umatnya mempelajari dan mecari ilmu walaupun sampai ke negeri Cina.
Demikian lah betapa Islam memuliakan orang yang berilmu berbanding dengan orang yg tidak berilmu seperti termaktub dalam Al-Quaran berbunyi” Adakah sama bagi orang yang berilmu dengan orang yang tidak berilmu sekira kamu orang-orang yang berakal”.
Negara Islam harus bersatu dan sanggup kelauar dari kepompong Amerika. Buka kita tak suka Amerika tetapi kita perlukan kebebasan untuk memilih jalan sendiri.
Kenapa IMF memaksakan negara Asia Timur termasuk Malaysia & Indonesia agar pinjam IMF semasa kegawatan 1997.
Sebabnya ialah kerana Amerika adalah penyumbang dana terbesar dan skali gus berkepentingan didalamnya. Jika sekiranya negara yang disasarkan itu berjaya dipaksa ambil pinjaman, maka Amerika hari ini boleh goyang kaki kutip hasil duit bunyanya saja berbilion dolar(kerana pinjaman adalah dalam USD).
Sekarang baru terbongkar, bahawa Amerika telah cetak wang sewenang=wenangnya tanpa had dan tiada nilai sandaran(emas). Ini samalah macam duit pokok pisang Jepun perang dunia kedua.
Mungkin duit itu lah yang akan diberikan sebagai pinjaman kepada negara Asia Timur yang dipaksakan untuk meminjamnya. Dan mereka akan menerima balik bunga hasil pinjaman yang dibayar oleh negara peminjam yang mana nilai wangnya dari negara peminjam ada nilai yang disandarkan.
(Rujuk artikel Tun,The East Asia Economic Community, perengan 3~6).
Kerna itu lah agaknya Amerika kini jadi hampir bankrap kerana duit yang sudah banyak dicetak itu tidak dapat diedarkan sebagai pinjaman kerana banyak negara menolak IMF. Strategi untuk mengutip bunga bebilion dollar setahun akhirnya tidak menjadi kenyataan.
Nasib baik Malaysia zaman Mahathir menolaknya. Jika tidak sampai bila agaknya negara akan terus membayar hutang untuk tanggung Amerika yang kutip duit hasil bunga.
Apa lagi.. Ceti la tu.
salam tun pa khabar , saya amat berdukacita pa bila projek mega yg tun ilhamkan akan menjadi seperti perwaja , port tanjung pelepas akan menjadi seperti perwaja kerana korupsi dalaman , dgn berlakunya pengunaan duit yg x munasabah dan membazir .saya yg berkerja hampir 10 tahun berkhidmat disana merasakan port tanjung pelepas dalam bahaya , saya sebagai pekerja x tau nak mengadu kepada siapa , kami bangga dan kami buat terbaik , tapi kami takut apa yg tun impikan selama nie akan berkubur gara gara ketamakan seseorang harap tun dapat membuat sesuatu. terima kasih asalamulaikum
I don’t think anyone can take you seriously at your lament.
The Global market is quite neutral and there simply cannot be a M’sian made or invented product that is accepted overseas or internationally but cannot find support at home from businesses and consumers alike.
Unless or course, it’s a product which has no use in M’sia like nose cones for Inter Continental Ballistic Missiles or casings for nuclear bombs or something like that!
For M’sians to be in the forefront of innovative technology and producst, the Education System must improve by leaps and bounds and M’sians must be cut free from all sorts of protectionist legislations and policies to compete internationally ON MERIT. Merit is a concept that has been lost in M’sia for 40 years and is the single most preventive barrier to M’sians becoming genuine inventors and entrepreneurs. That and the lack of open tenders for Govt projects which leads to over inflated costs, corruption and crony and money politics.
And it all started with the NS Highway project where you were directly behind not calling for tenders and set a “New” way of Govt and political parties muscling into commercial ventures with the Rakyat as the bleeding sucker!
That’s the price WE, the poor citizens, are paying after 30 years of economic rape, plunder and mismanagement!
We are all of 1 race, the hUman Race
Kepada pencinta kereta PROTON…ini ada satu cerita menarik untuk dikongsi.
Saya sekarang memiliki kereta kedua saya selepas puas menggunakan ISWARA 1.5 manual(1994) dan kini memandu sebuah kereta WAJA. Auto 1.6 buatan penghujung tahun 2002. Millage kereta tersebut kini adalah LEBIH 360,000km dan sehingga kini ia masih bergerak lancar di atas jalan raya Malaysia ini. Memang pernah berlaku sedikit “technical mulfunction” pada cermin bahagian pemandu dan belakang, tetapi ia minor…dan telah pulih sepenuhnya. Tetapi apa yang dibanggakan adalah komponen enjinnya yg masih berkuasa serta tahan lasak.( boleh disyorkan kepada pihak PROTON untuk dijadikan bahan kajian R&D mereka, jika sudi…)
Sekarang angah dan alang saya pun memandu kerta Satria NEO dan PERSONA. Pun diorang kata best gak…dah syok diorang pakai…color pun sama, “silver” ketiga-tiga. Bila berkumpul bersama rasa bangga lak…sebab semuanya PROTON.
Yang penting, apabila memandu… kita harus menjiwai kereta itu…jadi segala perasaan negetif tidak akan terlintas dan pemanduan kita jadi ceria dan lancar. Itu yang penting. Servis berkala juga perlu…percaya pada kemampuan kereta tersebut dan pasti hasilnya juga bakal mengembirakan.
Tun, Mohon maaf,nak bertanya sikit dan mengharapkan jawapan yg sewajarnya dari Tun…terdapat sedikit maklumat terkini yg diperolehi dari segolongan yang terlibat secara langsung di dalam industri pembuatan kereta tempatan nasional serta dari syarikat yang bertanggungjawab penuh dalam aktiviti penyelengaraan kenderaan2 rasmi milik kerajaan.
Benarkah ura-ura bahawa kereta Rasmi Kerajaan iaitu Model Perdana akan dihentikan pengeluarannya dan bakal diganti dengan jenama Mercedes dan Volvo?.
Adakah benar pekerja dan staf di kilang Proton Tanjung Malim telah dianaktirikan oleh pihak Pengurusan di Kilang Proton Shah Alam?.
dan disebabkan oleh perbuatan tersebut maka satu kejadian “panas” telah berlaku di dalam kawasan Kilang Proton Tanjung Malim baru-baru ini, tetapi ia tidak diketahui oleh pihak media tempatan?.
dan yang paling musykil lagi ialah mengenai maklumat berita proses VSS sedang dijalankan oleh pihak syarikat Shell Malaysia baru-baru ini…dan ia akan disusuli oleh beberapa syarikat gergasi yg lain.
Industri Malaysia sememangnya tidak pernah sunyi dengan isu yang menggemparkan…baik dalam sektor indusri pembuatan mahupun perkhidmatan…ia berkait-kait serta mempunyai agenda besar yg tersendiri. Seolah-olah direncanakan dengan rapi agar dapat menutup lompong-lompong yang ada. Namun begitu staf serta tenaga kerja bawahan akan terus menerus menjadi mangsa keadaan serta sekelip mata merana.(yang dikhuatiri lagi adalah kepada pekerja2 tempatan yang berbilang bangsa,jantina dan had umur menjadi mangsa)
Sepatutnya bila telah digubal sesuatu undang-undang serta polisi idustri negara, polimik panas dalam sektor ini harus berkurangan dan stabil…namun yang berlaku adalah sebaliknya.
Isu ini cukup menarik untuk dikongsi bersama…namun ia hanya dikongsi di alam maya sahaja…seronok dibaca tetapi tiada tindakan susulan yang kukuh dan sewajarnya dapat diambil.
Luahan pendapat serta pengalaman individu menjadi santapan mata dan sentuhan hati kecil segelintir para bloggers yg simpati…
Apa yg perlu adalah agar kita sepatutnya terus menyokong dasar polisi industri negara yang sedia ada dan terus menyokong dan membela hasil kerja, perkhidmatan dan barangan buatan tangan dan curahan idea dari anak-anak Malaysia ini. Perlu ada rasa bangga dan lebih bersifat nasionalime bila menggunakannya.(bukannya emosional…)
terima kasih Tun.
Salam YAB Tun,
Untuk berjaya pada masa ini terutamanya bagi orang yang berniaga mereka terpaksa sujud kepada pihak bank dan sistem kewangan yang ada sekarang.
Sudah tiada zaman ini istilah seperti bantuan ikhlas untuk membantu rakyat miskin, bangsa miskin malah saudara sendiri yang miskin. Kalau ada pun cuma janji-janji manis penguasa yang berkuasa dan orang-orang politik.
Bagi mereka yang susah dan merimpat hanya dapat bergantung harap kepada Allah sahaja.
yg amat dimuliakan tun, salam..
saya pun ada juga menghantar dengan tangan saya sendiri satu produk
“lain dari kebiasaan” (dari ilham sendiri)untuk kegunaan umno. boleh
digunakan untuk berkempen dan sebagainya untuk tujuan promosi. tetapi
apa yang di hujah oleh tun, sikit pun tidak ada yang salah.
beberapa keberangkalian mungkin boleh diteka:-
1.nak supply sendiri, 2.nak suruh kawan-kawan supply.. 3.dll
sekian. wallah hualam..
Saya telah dua kali cuba menjadi pengguna setia kepada kereta nasional Malaysia – Proton. Pertama pada 2005 dan kedua menjelang April 2007. Kedua-duanya adalah dari jenis Proton Perdana V6. Awal tahun depan saya bercadang menukar kereta saya sekali lagi tapi ia bukan dari kenderaan keluaran Proton. Kesetian saya kepada Proton hilang disebabkan telah berasa meluat dengan mutu pembuatannya yang rendah dan kos penyelenggaraannya yang agak tinggi.
Empat tahun lalu, seorang kenalan saya pernah memberi nasihat percuma kepada saya agar tidak memiliki kereta Perdana V6. Menurut beliau lebih baik mempunyai kereta mewah buatan Jerman yang berusia 10 tahun jika dibandingkan membeli Perdana V6 yang baru. Pendapat kenalan saya itu disokong oleh seorang lagi kenalan saya yang datang berkunjung ke rumah baru-baru ini.
Perdana V6 milik kerajaan diguna beliau sebagai kenderaan rasminya. Sambil berseloroh, kawan saya sempat berkata: “kesian kepada sesiapa yang menggunakan Perdana V6. Kualitinya mendukacitakan. Kalau lima tahun lalu, saya enggan menerima pendapat sedemikian kerana berasakan sense of belonging saya terhadap Proton adalah menebal namun kini saya mula berkongsi pendapat sama dengan ramai orang termasuk dua kenalan saya itu.
Pengurusan dan kakitangan Proton Holdings Berhad wajar mengambil apa yang diluahkan saya ini dengan hati yang terbuka. Mereka perlu giatkan usaha untuk meningkatkan kualiti semua kereta keluarannya agar bukan saja menjadi pilihan ramai malah mampu membuatkan rakyat Malaysia terus berasa berbangga.
Proton telah saya anggap berada diambang kemerosotan. Namun ia bukan bermakna industri kereta nasional ini telah gagal kita semua dan patut ditamatkan saja riwayatnya. Jika Proton berada ‘dalam tangan’ yang layak sudah tentu prestasinya akan bertukar baik dan kembali meraih populariti terutama dikalangan rakyat Malaysia.
Dearest Tun,
//EGM is a chance to prove MCA is serious about reform: Ong
Published: Friday October 9, 2009 MYT 2:29:00 PM
Brieftly I can point down above issue as below:
1. Our rakyat – we have a mindset that imported always better than local made. Well, partially right but not entirely wrong. It’s kind of “once bitten, twice shy”
2. Our manufacturer – Proton for example, made a good effort to get TUV certification for Savvy model in term of quality guaranteed. However, it’s not enough. They need to extend it the rest of their model. Then, of course, maintain the quality.
3. Our government – Why allow our goverment dept to buy imported cars for official use? I can accept if it’s 4WD as we haven’t build that yet, but executive car? Why renovate office with imported materials if it’s available locally?
4. Our policy – Tax imported goods just to protect local goods? If local made goods price differ about 10-20% than imported goods, but better quality, don’t blame the consumer. Regretly, I still buying Japanese brand electrical appliances as it is reliable with slight higher price.
I bought Neo for my own use last year, even I simply can buy Civic/Camry, and planning to buy Exora instead of Wish/Stream next year. I simply can’t resist the enjoyment driving Proton.
1) I don’t think consumer will ignore the product if it is good regardless of it’s origin.
2) It is the protection rules prohibited a fair competition platform for all players. The result is very obvious, those who take on the competition will learn and improve. Those who survived only with local policies protection fail miserably outside Malaysia (Proton, MAS, Maybank, TM all failed in overseas project/investment).
Those been giving fish to eat all the while, will not learn how to do fishing.
Salam tun
Saya teringat kerajaan terengganu yang telah membeli kereta mecesdes ,katanya kereta tempatan tak bagus, kalau macam tu ,saya rasa pemimpin tempatan pun tak bagus la …..baik tukar je kerajaan terengganu tu dengan orang jerman…..dengan kata lain kpd MB terengganu fikir sebelum cakap.
Salam hormat buat YAB Tun berdua,
Mudah-mudahan sikap kerajaan dan agensi di bawahnya akan berubah. Jika industri tempatan berjaya maka banyak lagi yang menampung hidup di bawah industri ini turut merasa kebaikannya.
Apa yang menyedihkan, polisi kerajaan nampaknya semakin bertambah rumit sehingga menyusahkan orang Melayu untuk menceburkan diri dalam perniagaan. Banyak orang Melayu yang bekerja makan gaji sambil berniaga hanya untuk menambahkan pendapatan. Tetapi oleh kerana dasar kerajaan yang semakin lama semakin ketat menyebabkan orang Melayu juga yang rugi kerana tidak dapat menguasai ekonomi di samping kuasa membeli yang cukup terbatas.
Saya rasa tidak salah seseorang itu bekerja sambil berniaga. Mungkin suatu hari dia akan berjaya dalam perniagaan dan berhenti kerja. Itu lebih baik daripada bekerja sampai pencen dan tidak mempunyai semangat untuk bersaing. Sedangkan jika dia berhenti kerja lantaran perniagaannya semakin maju, bukankah kerja tersedut boleh disandang oleh orang lain yang lebih memerlukan.
Daripada rakan-rakan saya mendengar kerajaan banyak menyediakan peluang-peluang tetapi module yang ada sekarang nampaknya masih tidak ‘mesra pelanggan’ sehingga ‘takers’ atau sambutan daripada orang Melayu begitu kecil jumlahnya. Macam mana nak bersaing dengan bangsa lain khususnya kaum Cina yang begitu kukuh cengkamannya terhadap ekonomi.
Hal ini mungkin disebabkan penjawat-penjawat dalam jabatan kerajaan terdiri dari mereka mempunyai mentaliti makan gaji. Sudah tentu dasar yang dikeluarkan akan hanya terlingkung dalam perspektif dunia pekerjaan bukannya dunia perniagaan. Seharusnya kerajaan mengambil pendekatan yang lebih berani kerana cara ‘takut-takut’ yang diamalkan sekarang tibak membolehkan orang-orang Melayu khususnya dalam industri yang dikuasai oleh orang-orang Melayu berubah daripada keadaan mereka yang rata-rata adalah dhaif sekarang.
Berapa kerat sangat orang Melayu yang jadi pengeluar atau manufacturer. Kebanyakannya berada dibawah iaitu orang tengah atau pembekal-pembekal yang berskala kecil. Siapa yang tidak mahu pernigaan yang maju dan akhirnya menjadi pengeluar (itulah cita-cita dan impian saya) tetapi system yang lebih menyeluruh dan mantap diperlukan agar orang Melayu secara kolektifnya berjaya dalam bidang perdagangan dan perniagaan.
Pandangan jika orang-orang Melayu berjaya akan menentang kerajaan kelak adalah pandangan yang kuno sekuno masyarakat Hang Nadim di zamannya. Ia hanya menandakan kerajaan yang tidak mahu berubah dan peka dengan keadaan semasa.
Tun berdua jaga diri ya.
Dear Tun,
I used to own a Proton Waja, local product and one of the dissatisfied customer both with the product and after sales service. Imagine reporting back to vendor against some problem and getting the answer sounds like this “maaf encik, kereta nih memang macam tuh” *sigh* .Now I am back driving a foreign car and I am happy. I dont know when I will consider national car again. As of now, they’re still hopeless.
Good day sir.
Asalamualaikum…..nak kata saya taksub dgn barang buatan m’sia idak lah jugak….tapi saya puashati ngan kita perodua saya yg dah 8thn saya pakai…syuuuuuuuuuukur alhamdulillah takde masaalah problem…..bila ke pasaraya saya cari barangan tempatan…
beli cucuq tepi jalan pun saya cari org tempatan yg jual….kaler saya tau org luar punya sekali tu jelah saya beli….tak dinafikan masih ramai org m’sia yg bercitarasa luar negara sbb iklan pun banyak barangan luar rasanya kan no….paper pun yg paling utama ialah semangat pmnya…….
Dear Tun, salam Aidil Fitri harap sihat bahagia. Kiriman saya untuk tajuk ini..
The invisible rakyat has always clamoured for transparency. The high and mighty (including ex PMs) will froth official secrets. When the high and mighty become invisible, transparency suddenly has a meaning. Its impossible as 22yr precedent is insurmountable. Anyway, better late than never.
Buy Malaysian only can cut both ways. It can become another tongkat to prop up inefficient local industries. Our automotive industry, perfect example. M’sia has the most advanced vehicle assembly industry in Asean pre-Proton. This stagnated under buy Proton policy and now Thailand is the Detroit of the East (but M’sia has the biggest Asean passanger car mkt!) M’sia now imports thru Thailand post AFTA.
Handouts (economic policy) has failed, lets not make holdouts (local products policy) our next 40yr lesson. Let market forces and buyers wisdom dictate not political policy! Unless you think there is a deliberate buy foreign policy? Dont listen to a few cry babies!
If local is that good and still rejected, look for corruption not change of policy!!
Salam Sejahtera Ybhg Tun,
by nahar 8th Okt 2009, 2012 am.
Cadangan saudara kpd Ybhg Tun supaya membawa negara Malaysia sebagai peneraju untuk mendahului negara2 Islam yg lain untuk mengembalikan semula kegemilangan Islam dalam penerokaan teknologi, ilmu pengetahuan dll adalah baik sekali.
Tetapi pada pandangan saya, masalah besarnya dalam isu tersebut adalah disebabkan negara ini adalah sebuah negara Islam yg diiktiraf. Dari pengamatan saya, negara Islam tidak dibenarkan sama sekali untuk cuba berusaha menguasai teknologi dunia. Mana2 negara Islam yg cuba untuk menguasai teknologi dunia akan ditekan ( pemimpinnya akan di perlekeh, difitnah, diboikot dsb nya) secara langsung atau tidak langsung sehingga kita mengikut kehendak mereka.
Pada masa ini negara yg sedang ditekan adalah negara Iran kerana teknologi nuklearnya.
Malaysia telah berjaya meneroka beberapa bidang teknologi yang penting tetapi kini nampaknya seperti akan terkubur. Misalnya industri pembuatan kapalterbang negara Eagle-XTS yg gah ketika dahulu tetapi kini senyap sunyi selepas Ybhg Tun meletak jawatan. Alasan kegagalan tidak diketahui.
Proton pun seolah2 akan mengalami nasib yang serupa. Apabila berlabuhnya kapal aircraft carrier di Pelabuhan Barat, Mitsubishi bingkas mengemas kain baju dan meninggalkan Proton dengan seperti talak tiga. Walaupun tahu bahawa Tengku Mahaleel adalah yang tebaik (proven the best) tetapi dia tetap dipecat drpd Proton. Alasannya tidak diketahui. Volkswagen terlalu malu untuk mengatakan tidak kepada lamaran Proton.
Siemens ( syarikat Jerman yg membekalkan lokomotif ERL) dan Weysman & Freytag ( syarikat Jerman yg mambina Menara Kuala Lumpur) turut mengemaskan kain baju mereka dan meninggalkan Gamuda Berhad seorang diri menyiapkan Smart Tunnel Kuala lumpur.
Negara Russia seperti tidak gembira untuk menghantar angkasawan negara keangkasa. Tetapi disebabkan oleh keadaan terpaksa kena hantar juga. Mereka menawarkan capsule Soyuz mereka yg dah tak pakai kpd negara sebagai bahan pameran.
Sepanjang masa2 yg lepas, negara2 kalah perang ini (Jerman , Jepun dan Russia) nampak bersungguh untuk membantu Malaysia untuk membangunkan negara. Mereka suka untuk membantu negara yang suka membangunkan dan membebaskan diri mereka sendiri.
Assalamualaikum Ayahnda n Bonda,
please allow me,
to kamal,
thank you for sharing the news with us. used to read hizbinet a few times while in UK back in 95-97 but hate to continue because i felt weird when many of its content made our mind stoop so low, as low as retarded hybrid of pariahs…
the pas information youth chief should be held under ISA for his irresponsible & undermining statement. what if we tell the same to our army (all belong to the royal) in kelantan to outdo the kelantan state government? could they accept this statement?? i bet the state government will go chaotic over it and start exercising all the power they can to hold and stop such remark!!! pas should teach his people properly on how to manage themselves & stop playing with sensitive issues…damn those hooligans who like riots so much!!! dont spark the fire when you know you wont be able to control it
i pray that our people stay rational all the times & not to pawn the peace we have for gaining momentarily pride…please remember how our past leaders & rakyats had worked days & nights to make what Malaysia is today. dont ruin everything just because of few things that we feel not satisfied with. if we think & work together SINCERELY as Malaysians, InsyaAllah, God will bless all of us. i dont think opposition government can drastically turn everything as they wanted so much to change all the things. have they made it any better in their states???
May Allah SWT bless you both Ayahnda Tun & Bonda Toh Puan…
just my brain wave
Assalamualikum Ayahnda Tun n Bonda,
Please allow me,
To those who keep questioning why Tun did not call for buying Malaysian goods during his time, i would like to say that please refrain yourselves from doing so because Tun was the one who encouraged the Malaysians to come up with their quality manufactured goods so that not only local people would purchase the products but could also be exported. He met with many local researchers & manufacturers who came forward with their views and talked to him directly and helped them to make their dreams come true…Tun was also the first to use Malaysian made car – a Proton -which was one of his brainchild projects…many were sceptical about it and many rediculed his aspirations. In fact, till now, those with their mind blockaged; blinded, muted & rottened heart cannot forsee what Tun has paved for the nation all this while…
Who are you to judge? have you made any worthwhile contribution?
May Allah SWT bless you both Ayahnda n Bonda.
just my brain wave
Dear Tun,
1. When I was working for a multinational company, I used to get mechanical parts for the company’s machineries fabricated locally.It is as good as the original. Cost one third of the original price and can be obtained within a very short time. I only need to produce a sample. For information, our local machine shops can produce precision items and they have up-to-date facilities and expertise.
2. Rubber products is one area where our local industry excel.
Thank you for allowing me to share my experience.
Remove the uncompetent politician from political parties. Put ground rules, politician must at least has master degree from reputed university.
Remove uncompetent government servants that are not innovative and creative in running government machineries. Ask local manufacturers put up their own KPI, increase quality, be sensitive to users complaint and act on it. Quality is the most priority. I am not sure if Proton know about this slogan.
Last year I bought 3 Pensonic desk fans, and another one manufactured by Khind. All of them broke down just after 2 years of usage. Can I buy from these manufacturers again in my life? No, now I switch to Panasonic desk fan.
Local product.. Tak payah tengok benda atau produk yang besar atau gah… Cuba tengok barang SMI or IKS… Konon boleh dipasarkan di TESCO, Carefour and so on. Masa launched panggil Pak Menteri. Sudahnya produk tu bukan duduk kat main rack… tapi kat corner yang bukan top spot… so jadilah hidup segan mati tak mau….
After “Buy British Last” and Look East” policies Dr Mahathir instituted “Malaysia Boleh” and “By 2020” to help further propel our industries. We realise the wisdom in Tun’s step by step approach and timing of such strategies.
These days, the crafty big Napoleons are trying to dismantle the mechanisations already in the grind. Rhetorics is the name of the game. Everyday they make pronouncements – so much billions we have and so much billions of money coming in.
After failing to convince the majority of people here with 1Malaysia, Najib is going to convince the world with his 1World idea. This is a ploy to divert our attention and to curry favours with the West. The West named him Najibnomics. He has yet to get out from the shadows of his father!
The West is fond of naming names to meet their agenda – Mr Clean, Renaissance Man, Mahathirism.
Malaysia is harking the darkness.
Dalam keadaan Sang Matahari sentiasa merah marah dan bulan kegelitaan dengarlah Tak Naik (dengan izin Penyu Menangis, Utusan Melayu, 30 Julai 1986):
Malam ini
pokok hari gobor
suara guruh bertagur
di kaki langit timur
kilat gajah menyambar
awan mendung menutup jari
bulan mengambang tak jadi
bulan tak terbit
bulan tak naik
bulan jatuh di langit merah
bulan tenggelam di laut hitam.
Other than the lack of support from the government, the consumer themselves have less or no confidence in Malaysia made products. But it’s not totally their fault because there are some products which is really didn’t meet the standard. Not to blame any side but i believe the government should really support the brand itself and monitor the production of the products, use them and the credit will goes to them. It’s automatically helps to market the products indirectly and it shows to other countries that the government really support the Malaysia brands. That’s how Malaysian will see it, then the consumer will buy the products.
I myself working for a Dutch company and their product is not really good. In fact, we did substitute some of the product with Malaysia made product, with the same design but better quality. The price is cheaper and it is more profitable. Why use foreign brands when we have ours? It’s the same.
Government tender..it has been like that for years for contractors whereby
1.During open tender, unsuccessful tenders wouldn’t know why they failed to secure the job even their tender prices were low. There were clauses in the bid document whereby awarding parties has the right to award to anybody they seem fit for the work. In fact Ministry of Finance is the most powerful, they can rejects recommendation make by the tender committee.
2.In 1999 I bid for a road construction project in Cameron Highland. I secured the job at RM82 million ringgit..way below the estimates produce by JKR.
3.I was struggling to complete the work. Quantities of certain material in the Tender document were not there. The project were behind schedule and JKR were not happy.
4.KP Kerjaraya advised me to withdraw since I was bleeding with tight cash flow. I agreed on conditions that my performance bond would be return and my license with PKK would remain intact. KP KerjaRaya agreed and wrote to KSU Ministry of Finance for endorsement who rejected after more than 3months of waiting.
5.My contract were terminated and Minister of Works at that time instructed the KPKR to award the contract to another contractor for RM125million(excluding RM20million has been paid to me) and I have to pay the differential sum. The Government has to pay a total sum of RM140million to complete the road. I argued with them,they should consider me with that sort of price. I told them that my grandfather who is a fisherman can deliver the job at that price. They were not happy and chase me out from their office..they said that it is in the contract. I told them it is a man made law.
6.I fight back and with your help I got back the contract converted into lump sum contract(still RM82million). MTD Berhad agreed to complete the job provided that I agreed to allow them to do the Phase 2 Engineering Faculty of UPM in which tender committee has strongly recommended me for the task. I did the first phase, completing the 8 blocks of laboratory within 8months.
7.KSU Ministry of Finance throw away the recommendation and award to another contractor at a higher price..I do not know why! As I mentioned earlier it is normal in Malaysia..Malaysia Bolih!
8.MTD Berhad withdraw their team in Cameron Highland and again I was terminated for good..my Company was wound up in 2004. It is a pity,really. It took me 17 years to built Company in which I started as a class F contractor and upgraded to class A in 1995. Most of the station along the KTM’s commuter route were constructed by me.Now there is case studies on why Pretech Sdn Bhd failed based on their own stories, I was never consulted. I wish they would give me a chance to explain and detail out everything..
9.Anyway I am still proud to be part of contractors that involved in the Country’s development! Salam Tun. Hope you will continue writing in your blog for which I enjoyed reading. Thanks.
Dgn Izin Tun..
Have you gone personally to all the relevant ministry in Putrajaya?..Or you hope somebody to do the leg work for you? You will be suprise to learn it took a lot of leg work to walk all around Ministry in Putrajaya..Try it..
Terima kasih Tun..
Dengan izin Tun..Terima kasih
Anak Bahau (S.Choudhury)
I am touched by your lamentation here Mr.Have you contacted the relevant ministry personnel Ministery Of Health? Go by their proper ranking and hierachy up to the Minister.Go and seek explanation and help.In your quest,never took excuses as an answer.You will see the difference when you reach the ministerial level.
We in the MOH is not the burden of the people.But unfortunately this Ministry is the biggest in Malaysian Government.People took advantage they should be ashamed of.And most shameful the enforcement is lacking and much to be desired for.
Go mister to the Ministry.There is many kindred soul in our Ministry.A lot more than you can find in another Ministry.
Thank you Tun.
Dearest Tun,
May I,
//By pakbelalang on October 7, 2009 11:53 PM
Dear Tun,
1. Sometimes I just wonder if Pakatan Rakyat were to govern our country how the economic scenerio would be!
2. I think in no time Malaysia would go down into the “longkang” and become a failed state. Make no mistake about it!
3. They are just greenhorn administrators and would be groping where to start.
4. They would continue highlighting the “BLAME GAME” business as an excuse to cover their weakness.
5. They will quarel among themselves which policies to be implemented.
6. DAP will insist on Malaysian Malaysia concept.
7. PAS will propagate its Islamic and Hudud concept.
8. PKR with NO concept at all except to stay in power and continue with all the rhetorics brainwashing the naive and gullible rakyat in order to stay in power and be popular.
9. At the end of the day all of them would become clowns of the first order resembling the one acting in the Great London Circus showing their stupid antics.
10. As for all Malaysians, without the slightest shadow of doubt they would become like “Pak Pandir” !!
11. The only thing Malaysians would say to console themselves is “DAMN IT, WE ARE BEING MADE LIKE STUPID FOOLS” !!//
Dear Pakbelalang,
Have you ever think that the clowns in PR & BN are planning merging effect behind the Agong, Raja2 Melayu and rakyat before next PRU 13??
PR & BN will merge as follows:-
1. UMNO (Najib) and (PAS) Hadi A-wang may be in the process of “teka’ party behind UMNO members and Tok Nik Aziz (PAS) in Kelantan by privatising the land of Kelantan into ladang Palm Oil controlled by GLC.
2. MCA(Ong TK) and DAP(Lim GE), and don’t forget Ling Liong Sik, Lim Ah Lek and Lim Kit Siang have same family
“surname” and they represent Hokkien Lang with same surname. Singapore 1st lady, Ho Ching is a lady and she is not a Hokkien, so these kiasu MCA & DAP men will only fight for themselves and ahli keluarganya if Ong TK menang. However, if Dr Chua SL menang, MCA is still relevant to topple DAP.
3. PKR (Anwar) and Gerakan (Koh Tsu Khoon) are getting no where because they only represent Penang saja.
4. Indians lagi terok, dah berbelah 8 cebisan kuih dan kini berbelah lagi kepada Hindraf (5,000 members, kononnya).
If BN and PR still prefer to think that they can manipulate and blur Agong, Raja2 and rakyat, Malaysia will have to use DP Japan strategy to choose the next PM approved by Agong and Raja2 Melayu, back up by Parliment members. Constitution can be changed to prevent social unrest, encourage growth & development, enhance racial harmony, do you copy C’razy F’rog and the politicians??
Good day Tun.
Assalamualaikum Tun Mahathir,
Memang sedih kalau kita lihat keadaan industri Malaysia buat masa sekarang. Walaubagaimana pun untuk kita terus bersedih, kita tidak akan selesaikan masalah ataupun situasi ini.
Saya rasa ada 3 perkara yang Malaysia perlukan untuk memperbaiki atau mengubah terus keadaan ini.
1. Pengusaha yang gigih. Adalah satu kenyataan bahawa untuk menjadi Mr. Sony bukanlah mengambil masa yang singkat. Tetapi ia bukanlah tidak boleh dilakukan. Malaysia memang boleh. Malaysia perlu ada ramai rakyat yang gigih. Gigih dalam konteks ini bererti, suka mencari ilmu, sabar, kreatif dan suka meningkatkan kreativiti (bukan sahaja dlm erti kata produk tetapi dlm selok belok perniagaan). Pengusaha perlu memimpin diri mereka untuk berkembang. Berbangga lah dengan usaha anda. Janganlah berfikir berfikir untuk bekerja dan suatu hari nanti kita boleh “pencen”. Tun Mahathir pun tak pernah pencen. Kita sebenarnya akan pencen bila kita mati sahaja.
2. Kerajaan yang kuat. Ini sebenarnya perlu sebab dengan kuatnya kerajaan, maka kerajaan tidak perlu membuang masa dalam berpolitik sahaja seperti yang berlaku sekarang. Kerajaan yang kuat akan dapat menumpukan usaha dan sumber untuk membantu industri Malaysia. Harus diingat bahawa kerajaan hanya boleh berperanan MEMBANTU. Yang boleh meningkatkan industri ialah pengusaha itu sendiri.
3. Sikap rakyat yang suka kan barangan tempatan. Buat masa sekarang, kita masih dapat lihat bahawa rakyat kita masih sukakan barangan buatan luar. Memang kita dengar ayat ini “Saya beli barang luar sebab kualitinya”. Kita sepatutnya melihat di negara-negara seperti India dan China. Jepun jangan cakaplah. Rakyat mereka begitu komited dengan barangan tempatan. mereka akan bercakap tentang betapa bagusnya barangan mereka walaupun kita akan berpendapat sebaliknya. Keadaan ini amat membantu industri dalam negara mereka dan kita boleh lihat hasilnya sekarang. Kita juga boleh melihat barangan buatan Amerika Syarikat yang ada pelekat “Proudly Made in The US”
Industri kita tanggungjawab kita. Negara kita, tanggungjawab kita. Kita, tanggungjawab kita
Terima Kasih Tun Mahathir.
Governments by design are not good innovators. They can be good regulators. Use the taxation power to change things like what you did via HRDF.
Another big example is also happening in another inspiration from you in 2002 for the country to look at using Open Source software instead of proprietary software which cost us 4 billion ringgit in licensing costs.
I have asked for a peaceful demonstration to highlight such a plight and flight of currency from our shores at electronic speeds. It is time we tax from those foreign companies for some of that RM4b they make from us. A 1% tax is nothing to them but alot to our open source movement. It is RM40 million, and we can use that to train our graduates how to use open source software.
US fines Microsoft USD1 million per day. The European Union has fined Microsoft Euro 1.7billion forcing it to change or further suits follow.
We are more friendly. We may not fine. But we can tax.
Redhuan D. Oon
PendAtang Dengan Izin
We may not have many good FINNISHED products, but we definately have plenty of good Intermediate products.
Anyway, we have all the skills, resources and technology. Only lack passion and interest. Semua mau cepat untung dan kaya.
Ayahanda Tun sekeluarga, assalamualaikum
Hi, Tun & others
1) In my opinion, people doesnt really care wether its local or
other countries brand nowadays..example;
-Old Town Coffe over Starbucks..when we need the taste of local
coffee, there we go..what we learn from them is..The place &
environment..its not damn hard..
2) Proton for example..does toyota vios really better than Gen-
2..do you people have any idea some of proton’s or toyota’s
engineers/expertists switch over each other…the facilities???
does Toyota to much better compare to proton? what so wrong
about merging tech with other good company?? Do you people
really think that Nissan GTR totally design by japanese?
a) the problem is no longer quality…it’s all about marketing &
strategies..pls take note how honda promote the V-
tec,environmental hybrid car and so on..let’s the
really smart & talented malaysian run the show..to the
politicians, just mind ur position…pls ‘manipulate’ what best
we have on board..
3) Why we keep thinking about industries that had being dominated
by some other big players…how about other things and niches??..
4) Do we have a lack of confidence??..Do we know who is Jimmy Choo?
he can..why others cant then?
5) Some racist may say, “this race is lazy while they are so bright
& hardworking”…for me it’s totally wrong..it’s all about survival..in regards of their needs & wants, people regardless their race, is up to another level of interest so that this kinda issue for me is relevant no more.
For those who still not change their mindaset..1 question : WHY???
I suppose the main reason behind this is problem people like you Tun..The politician…
U have brought up an interesting subject to discuss. I do agree with your statement.
As u have stated, Malaysia also want to have our own “Product Name” that can compete in global market.
Wadoohh.. persoalanya bagaimana ya Tun. Kerana dinegara kita tidak ada Bill Gate, Mr.H.Ford, Mr.Austin, Mr.Toyota, Mr.Mazda, Mr. Hitachi, Mr.Mitsubishi dan sebagainya untuk menjadi inventor.
Bunyinya memang senang untuk diperkatakan tetapi agak sukar dicapai tanpa semangat dan budaya kerja orang-orang kita yang gigih dan jitu.
Semangat dan budaya kerja orang kita tidak lah sehebat orang Jepun, Korea dan Cina yang berjaya mencontohi Barat. Mereka ada perasaan bangga pada bangsa dan negara. Jestru itu apa-apa kerja yg mereka lakukan ialah atas semangat untuk menjaga keharuman dan nama baik bangsa dan negara.
Semangat patriotik dan semangat juang mereka adalah tinggi terhadap bangsa dan negara. Jadi tidak hairanlah kenapa produk mereka menempa nama pada hari ini.
Budaya kerja berpasukan mereka untuk menghasilkan QC sesuatu produk sehingga ke end user amat dikagumi. Mereka mengambil kira semua aspek hingga sekecil-kecil permasaalah iaitu KESILAPAN SIFAR dalam proses pengeluaran.
Vedor juga merupakan satu masaalah kerana secara tidak jujur membekalkan komponen yang tidak berkualiti. Semasa hendak memenangi kontrak, sample yang diberi adalah berkualiti, tetapi apabila sampai diperingkat pembekalan sebaliknya.
Inilah yang berlaku kepada Proton satu ketika dulu. Vendor-vendor tidak membekalkan kepada Proton komponen yang berkualiti. Jesteru itu berlakulah banyak permasaalah dan sungutan pengguna kepada kualiti Proton.
Tun, sebenarnya untuk menjadikan sesebuah negara itu sebagai sebauah negara maju, harus ada idola yang akan menjadi pencetus revolusi kearah tersebut.
Negara Barat yang mula berkembang maju seperti German yang mula bergera maju ketika di zaman Hitler, Russia di zaman Stalin, Italy di zaman Mussolini, Amerika di zaman Roosevelt, Jepun di zaman Meji dan berbagai negara lain yang bergerak maju termasuk Korea Utara yang walaupun tidak maju telah berjaya mencipta teknologi peperangan nuklear untuk mempertahankan diri dan penerokaan angkasa lepas.
Ini ialah kerana ada idola yang dapat memacu dan mencetuskan revolusi untuk menaikkan semangat rakyat.
Di Malaysia, selama dua dekat; Tun adalah idola yang telah mencetuskan revolusi rakyat memacu negara kearah industri yang berbagai. Kita sebenarnya jika tidak; sudah lama boleh menjadi negara industri yang terbilang jika Tun masih terajui negara.
Pada zaman Tun MSC, Airod, Proton, Hicom. Perwaja dan banyak lagi yang tidak ingat disebut telah diujudkan.
Satu lagi bidang yang Tun sepatutnya ujudkan tetapi tidak sempat mungkin – Pusat Robotik Negara, iaitu suatu industri yang berpotensi dan penting untuk kemajuan teknologi masa depan yang dapat digabungkan dengan teknologi-teknologi lain seperti laser, komputer, remote control dan sebagainya.
Industri ini akan ujudkan banyak industri hiliran baru di samping boleh menggunapakai produk industri hiliran yang telah sedia ada.
Tun. cuba lihat bagaimana Amerika dan negara maju lain kini telah banyak menggunakan robotik dalam banyak perkara. Dalam industri pembuatan, dalam penyelidikan bencana alam, dalam peperangan, Penyelidikan & penerokaan angkasa lepas, penerokaan dan penyelidikan dasar laut dan sebagainya.
Dalam peperangan umpamanya askar sudah tidak diperlukan untuk terus kemedan pertempuran untuk mengempur musuh. Hanya dilakukan dari satu pusat kawalan seperti menggunakan pesawat peninjau, sistem peluru berpandu yg menepati sasaran dan sebagainya. Ini dapat mengurangkan risiko kematian kepada anggota.
Dalam bidang industri perkilangan masa kini memang telah banyak menggunakan sistem robotik. Tetapi yg terkini dalam bidang penerokaan angkasa lepas, penerokaan dasar laut dalam(cari gali dll), teknologi peperangan, dan teknoogi penyelidikan berbahaya yang memerlukan alat seperti robot ini.
Kita dapat lihat kehebatan filem-filem Amerika yang sebenarnya itu bukan khayalan tetapi sebagai satu realiti pada masa depan yang sedang mereka usahakan.
Tun, patut kah kita harus ketinggalan dalam bidang ini. Harap Datuk Najib boleh masukkan ini kedalam Pelan Pembangunan Industri kita. Jika Tun masih ada tentu perkara ini boleh diketengahkan.
Tun, apa kata Malaysia mengambil alih peranan mengembalikan zaman kegemilangan Islam zaman silam, dimanan penyelidikan dan penerokaan ilmu pengetahuan diterajui oleh orang Islam.
Jika tiada negara Islam lain yang boleh lakukan, apa salahnya negara kita yang memainkan peranan itu?.
Tetapi adakah kita sanggup.
Jawapannya; kita harus kembali kepada ajaran Al-Quran sebenar yang mana Barat banyak mengkajinya dan memperaktikkannya.
Tun, dan pembaca lainnya, Ini adalah sebagai satu pandangan saja.
Talking about low quality, pretty much is because of the poor outlook of Local products.
They always need an Artistic adviser.
The direction of our industries seems following outdated footsteps…
unsustainable… We started car industry right before other country suffer for their market and pollution problems…
simply following others…
made some of us worried, how if the fossil fuel suddenly finished ?
Sounds silly to ask…
To make our country strong in industry field, we have to see what potential we got, let’s say Green Industry? I think we need lowest cost to achieve this compare to other country.
Recycle industry in cooperate with Waste management… We can earn so much from creating recycled material…
the solar energy plan ?
we can collect same amount of money that used to build KLCC,
to build these field…
clean up our river, earn some from fisheries..
earn some from Cuti-cuti Malaysia…
can promote our country so well… =P
benefits us in every way…
I wonder what is the barrier of this possibility ?
I really loves Malaysia,
If one day, this would happen, I’ll serve Malaysia until the day I been buried into the ground….
Dear Tun,
1. Sometimes I just wonder if Pakatan Rakyat were to govern our country how the economic scenerio would be!
2. I think in no time Malaysia would go down into the “longkang” and become a failed state. Make no mistake about it!
3. They are just greenhorn administrators and would be groping where to start.
4. They would continue highlighting the “BLAME GAME” business as an excuse to cover their weakness.
5. They will quarel among themselves which policies to be implemented.
6. DAP will insist on Malaysian Malaysia concept.
7. PAS will propagate its Islamic and Hudud concept.
8. PKR with NO concept at all except to stay in power and continue with all the rhetorics brainwashing the naive and gullible rakyat in order to stay in power and be popular.
9. At the end of the day all of them would become clowns of the first order resembling the one acting in the Great London Circus showing their stupid antics.
10. As for all Malaysians, without the slightest shadow of doubt they would become like “Pak Pandir” !!
11. The only thing Malaysians would say to console themselves is “DAMN IT, WE ARE BEING MADE LIKE STUPID FOOLS” !!
You could advise them to learn from Singapore about transparency.
Anyway, you never trusted Singapore.
You were in the team that was all out to destroy Singapore.
Turn off the water! No more grass! Stop selling them sands! What else? Please list it. Be real!
It is still not too late to work with Singapore but you are as you said, “A nobody”. You cannot do anything.
Maybe, closing down your website would be a better option.
Many people praise you now and then but would they really care for you?
I am sorry, today I am a little rude.
Nevertheless, wishing you and your family Selamat Hari Raya and Best Wishes!
Learn from Singapore on how to transform racism into an art form hidden by the eye of the commons?
Apa khabar Tok det….semoga sihat sejahtera
Topik ni pun menarik juga…
Cerita pasal barangan tempatan ni Tok det….saya sendiri ada memilikinya. saya rasa barangan tempatan ni takde masalah sangat
cuma kurang cantik , kurang dari segi kualitinya…paling menjadi masalah harganya tidak setimpal dengan kualitinya ….itu sahaja saya rasa masalah nya…takpe pelan-pelan kayuh nanti lama-lama okeylah tu .
Assalamualikum Tun,
Nampaknya banyak komen yang ditinggalkan disini, harap Tun masih lagi membaca luahan perasaan seorang anak muda yang lahir dari DEB dan telah menceburkan diri dalam perniagaan meniti jalan yang pernah dilalui oleh orang tua saya sendiri.
Benar kata Tun, bahawa produk buatan Malaysia boleh mencapai taraf dan kualiti atau lebih baik dari produk – produk luar negara. Malaysia sebenarnya bertuah kerana mempunyai kedudukan geography yang ternyata tidak dapat ditandingi luar kerana kita mampu mendapatkan teknologi barat dan tenaga buruh murah [walaupun tidak semurah cina]
Keluarga saya adalah pengilang dan produk keluarkan kami adalah setanding dengan produk luar bahkan Australia sendiri mengiktiraf bahawa produk keluaran saya adalah yang terbaik kalau tidak didunia, di asia namun disebabkan kelemahan kawalan kerajaan dari segi pemantauwan dan harga, produk ini telah ditiru dan dijual dengan harga yang terlampau murah. Lambakkan produk produk dari luar terutama dari China telah melemahkan pasaran kerana harga yang ditawarkan jauh lebih murah dan kerajaan sudah pasti menggunakan barang kelas kedua.
Tun, percayakah Tun sekiranya saya katakan tiada satupun orang yang arif dalam bidang ceburan saya sehinggakan standard standard barangan yang dikeluarkan oleh SIRIM dicedok bulat bulat dari luar dan ditentukan oleh SALESMAN? bukan ditentukan oleh engineer atau professor tapi SALESMAN!
Tun, adakah disebabkan harga, tiada duit bawah meja kami sebagai pengilang terpaksa menanggung kerugian? Pihak kerajaan sekiranya ingin diajak berbincang, mereka hanya akan beri alasan ingin pergi kursus atau sedang berkursus. Kursus banyak kali tapi malang tiada satu pengetahuan baru yang diperolehi. Hanya yang mereka nampak duit.
Kami pernah bercadang untuk melaburkan lagi banyak duit untuk membuat produk keluaran Malaysia seratus peratus, namun atas disebabkan faktor faktor yang Tun sendiri sedia maklum, impian itu kami tidak dapat laksanakan….
agree with u
we open up to all and sundries but never help our own
we allow foreign hypermarkets unrestricted access to our markets but do not lift a finger to help the
local hypermarket operator
all the political rhetoric but NO action
Dear Tun,
What you suggested needs careful consideration Tun.
Are you suggesting we protect Malaysian products (thus industries) or are you suggesting Malaysian products go for competing against international products.
For any product there needs to be a market segment that the producers are targeting. So are they targeting the local market or the global market. And if global market – which sector?
What the Government needs to do is give the local name a big helping hand in expanding overseas thru the various agencies.
For those product targeting local consumption the industries and goverment needs to work hand in hand.
There still needs to be competition but amongst local industries. Non locals are given “demerit” points if they want to compete.
The Goverment buyers needs to moderate their expectations and specifications. The purchases may not be the “best” buy but the less than good local product needs to be been moderated in its use and cost effectiveness.
If the government buyers plays by open market principles locals will never get the support they need.
Lets look at China. They start with poor quality products and in time are able to make international quality products. They even have a way to produce products – there are those for local market (low quality) and international ones of the same product for export.
The Malaysian government needs to look for a model that will work for us. The aim is to help local industries to survive and then to help them make international quality products for export.
Where there is a will there is a way.
Impossible is nothing – when Goverment and industry work together as 1Team – 1Malaysia.
Dear Tun,
My name is Anak Bahau (S.Choudhury)and I am using my daughter’s user name to connect with you as I have been having a horrendous time trying with mine, must be the age !.
In all the years that I have been following you, I believe that your article on Malaysian Manufacturers and their perils could not have been written by anyone better than what you have done.
I started a medical company after 20 years in a multinational in 2002. My company manufactures finished surgical sutures including synthetic absorbable which matches any multinational any day both in quality and prices. My company is the first Malaysian Medical devices company with a class III CE mark accredited for export to Europe. This is the highest class risk class medical device. I export to Thailand, Indonesia, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Iraq, Poland, etc. Ours is the only Malaysian company of this nature, in 2003 when we launched the suture suddenly the MoH tenders that were held by the multinationals suddenly disappeared and to be replaced by a free for all a free for all with specific lock downs as in the recent UKM tender. I was one of the foolish chaps to have help write the road map for the Medical devices Industry under the IMP3.
My sales in Malaysia is lower than in Sri Lanka and even Indonesia. How come, As an elder statesman that I respect, I need your advise of whether I should kick out the 55 people that I employ, close the factory and move to another ASEAN location where I have an even chance, at least a failure which I cannot crib about. By the way during your time Biotech and Medical were the promoted industries, I suppose these directions retired with you Tun! When one goes for an eye test one reads the alphabets and I am supposed to read NATIONALISM when I am blurred. The multinationals have 95% of the market while I struggle with 5% for a product if procured in Malaysia could save a couple of millions. A sad story indeed. This skirmish could either get me into trouble or get me some where. Wish me luck
Tun, for our sakes, take care of you health
with best warmest reagrds
anak bahau,negeri sembilan
Produk buatan Malaysia hanya akan diterima ramai bila faktor “malas” dibuang dari terus menghalang keupayaannya menyaingi produk yang sama dari luar negeri. Ia ada hubungkait dengan kualiti kehidupan rakyat negara ini sendiri.
Jika kebanyakkan rakyat negara ini malas menjaga kebersihan diri, malas belajar dan malas bekerja, sebarang produk yang dihasilkan tidak akan menarik minat pembeli disamping membazir tenaga, masa dan wang untuk menghasilkannya.
Kita ambil contoh negara Jepun, Korea dan China yang tidak jemu-jemu menghasilkan barangan baru yang menarik dari segi innovatifnya. Walaupun ia dihasilkan dari bahan-bahan yang berkualiti rendah, tetapi kerajinan mereka mencuba berulang-kali untuk menjadikan produk mereka berciri-cirikan keperluan terkini, telah menarik minat pembeli antarabangsa.
Kita harus mencontohi Petronas yang tidak jemu-jemu mencari pelaburan baru di seluruh Dunia walaupun saingan dan rintangannya amat besar. Dengan itu, pengeluar barangan Malaysia haruslah bersifat lebih cekal dan rajin. Lebih kerap kita mendengar mereka mengeluh kerana sudah berputus asa dengan usaha yang sedikit itu, semakin sukarlah mereka untuk pergi lebih jauh lagi…
malaysia dah di cop sebagai negara yang mengamalkan rasuah secara berleluasa tanpa tindakan oleh pihak kerajaan mahupun pihak berwajib bagaimana nak tarik pelabur..
sedih dengar komen orang luar negara berkaitan keselamatan rundingan pelabur asing lebih-lebih lagi apabila kes atlantuya dikaitkan..
Harap tun boleh jernihkan kembali imej negara yang telah banyak tercalar dek kedua-dua isu tersebut.Tiada guna kempen berjuta jika imej negara terus busuk dan meloyakan.
Salam Ayahnda Tun dan Kawan2
Semoga impian Ayahnda Tun dahulu dapat dilaksanakan..
baca berita ini…
Oil states say no talks on replacing dollar
Reuters, AFP/Istanbul/Sydney
HE the Deputy Premier Abdullah bin Hamad al-Attiyah and Turkish Minister of Energy & Natural Resources Taner Yildiz shake hands after signing a MoU to set up a Joint Energy Working Group to identify potential areas of co-operation in the energy sector. Al-Attiyah said there had been no meetings on the dollar replacement issue
Big oil producing nations denied a British newspaper report yesterday that Gulf Arab states were in secret talks with Russia, China, Japan and France to replace the US dollar with a basket of currencies in trading oil.
The dollar eased in response to the report, which was written by The Independent
finally a topic that I can support you 100% in whole…
yes, Malaysian manufacturers are at a massive disadvantange. They have been at this disadvantage for a very long time.
To be able to manufacture high quality products, there is a large reliance on flawless quality assurance, adhering to standards (having standards in the first place), and finally marketing.
Unfortunately, we/Malaysia lacks in all 3 aspects.
We have no real evidence that quality assurance is a key indicator used in our manufacturing industries.
Yes, our local manufacturers state they have tight QA process bla bla, but I think you will agree this is only lip-service.
Look at our Proton Saga, national car – can you honestly put your hand on your heart and state its a state of the art (or at least high quality) product?
As for second point, having standards and adhering to it – other than one-two computer parts manufacturing and one-two electrical appliance manufacturing who understand the importance of this, the local manufacturing community have no sense of what standards entail. Standards is both about transparency as it is with having ethical manufacturing operations.
Companies want to just create the products and put it on shelf as soon as possible, however if they only provided statistics of how many of those on shelf products can stand test of time as well quality against competition, they can see “short cuts don’t pay”
Finally MARKETING…lets face it…this is a big requirement in todays world. Marketing is important, PERIOD!
Our Malaysian companies need to not take the easy route – they have to spend the Marketing dollars…they have to BRAND their goods creatively and appropriately so that the target market is attracted to the BRAND. The Marketing team must look at telling a compelling story…not just be a 3 minute jingle…
Do you think Malaysian manufacturing BRANDS and MARKETS itself well?
Lets ponder about that last question and hope you can give your take on it, given you are a “manufacturer” …a manufacturer of bread that is…
Dear Tun Dr M,
Malaysia is one of the gifted nations of Asia. Its multiracial population, its well balanced resources, its strategic location and most of all its tag as halal goods. All these are strengths that should be manipulated and exploited to the advantage of Malaysian entrepreneurs.
My prime choice is the food and food related industries. Being a Muslim county, we will easily be trusted by fellow Muslim country around the globe. If at all I not correct I remember 1 Malaysian toiletries company had a significant control on the Middle East and many other Muslim countries’ market. I do not know the status of the particular company as there is no news of them.
Now, a company specialized in beverages has taken the footsteps of the former. I hope they succeed and at the same time sustain their growth.
The Prime Minister, YAB Najib Razak, has recently highlighted that the bilateral relationship between Malaysia and Turkey is set to upgrade. Well, it is a news in all aspects.
Since, both Turkey and Malaysia, are Muslim nations, both could come up with exploiting the halal products market. Malaysia could accumulate resources and produce the merchandise. Turkey,in return, could take the role of a distributor and retailer throughout Europe and in the Middle East. Turkey is the ideal partner since they control the halal food and Muslim products all over Europe and its neighboring middle eastern countries.
Malaysia too could take over marketing,distribution and retailing of products from other Muslim nations in the region of East Asia and South East Asia.
Multiracial background is a solid advantage for Malaysia as it would automatically garner attraction from China,Japan,India and Indonesia.
I conclude that there are a lot of opportunities for Malaysian Entrepreneurs which are waiting to be tapped. Off course the Government should be informative and helpful to the entrepreneurs.
Salam Tun,
Pertama kali nak beri comment dalam blog Tun.
Kenapa susah orang kita nak beli produk buatan Malaysia? banyak faktor tapi Rasuah & “know who” sebab teratas. Kerajaan banyak mengeluarkan polisi untuk membantu terutama pengusaha tempatan Bumiputra. Yang menjadi masalah ialah orang2 atau agensi2 yang ditugaskan untuk melaksanakan polisi tersebut yang menjadi perosak.
Ini pengalaman saya: Saya ekspot barangan yang kami buat dah sepuluh tahun. Masa nak sokongan pinjaman bank memang sukar. 2 tahun baru lulus dengan macam2 syarat. Kalau orang sakit dah mati dan kalau mati dah hidup balik.
Saya beli syarikat Denmark yang beroperasi di Malaysia tanpa modal kerana dapat beli cara asuran. Permintaan export mula meningkat olih itu kita perlu tingkatkan pengeluaran dan kita perlu wang pinjaman dari Bank untuk beli toolings ( RM800k termasuk RM200k duit sendiri). Tun pun tahu masa tu krisis kewangan tiba 1997 tapi kami lebih dapat untung kerana jual barang dengan harga di tahap lama 1USD=RM2.50 padahal masa krisis 1USD=RM4.80 hampir 2 kali ganda.Pelanggan pula bayar dulu dengan T/T. Mana sekarang nak dapat macam tu sebab orang tidak percaya sama sendiri. Tapi Bank yang ditugaskan khas olih kerajaan untuk membantu syarikat macam kami, tak kisah lansung itu semua. Turun naik turun naik, 2 tahun baru dapat itu pun tak cukup sebagai yang dikehendaki. Mungkin saya tak hulur under-counter. Akautan saya suruh buat sebab dia dah fed-up dengan kerenah bank tadi. Apa nak kata ambil jugalah jumlah yang diberi tapi operasi teresut2lah kerana tak cukup kewangan untuk order toolings. Beri pinjaman RM500k jagar rumah bangaloh saya harga pasaran RM1.1juta. Dah tu minta pula cagaran director guarantee dan aset tetap yang ada. Apa nak kata, kami tak ada pilihan lain kerana semua Commercial Bank sebok nak collect hutang saja, tak mahu beri pinjaman lagi. Alhamdulillah, kami masih beroperasi tapi tenat jugalah, sakit tapi tak matilah kerana itu kerja Allah.
Saya cadangkan satu perkara untuk memperbaiki perkara ini. Segala2 nya berpunca dari angkara nafsu yang Allah beri pada semua manusia dan untuk berjaya dan selamat di dunia dan akhirat, kita diseru supaya mengawal nafsu tersebut melalui Ilmu Quran & Hadith. jadilah seorang yang beriman. Lain kata – ISLAMkanlah orang Melayu dulu dan jadilah orang yang beriman.
saya orang malaysia…saya ‘cuba’ sokong produk malaysia
tapi proton hilangkan yakin saya….akan kebolehan produk malaysia..
semua produk malaysia tidak dijaga dengan baik
persekitarannya..(hampir penuh dgn PATI..dan PADI (dengan izin))
dan semua..bagaimana dapat keluarkan produk yang hebat..
Salam Tun,
Adakah kita betul betul serious untuk membangunkan produk buatan Malaysia? Tak kira siapa yang membuatnya asalkan ianya dikilangkan di Malaysia dan melalui proses pengilangan. Di antara sebab produk Buatan tempatan menghadapi masalah menebusi pasaran tempatan sendiri ialah:
1.Definisi barang buatan tempatan melalui ICA industrial Coordination Act yang dikeluarkan MITI terlalu longgar bertujuan menggalakan pelaburan asing yang mengakibatkan produk buatan luar negara seperti China dipasang dan ditambah cat atau ada sedikit assembly disahkan buatan Malaysia.
2. Walaupun ada produk buatan tempatan yang boleh diterima diluar negara,sebagai 1 Malaysia tak kira siapa membuatnya mesti diberi keutamaan. Hakikatnya professional seperti doktor, engineer, akitek, begitu juga askar dan pegawai kerajaan, polis ,bomba,pensyarah sebagainya lebih rela menyediakan spesifikasi yang mengagungkan produk luar negara walaupun produk tempatan berkualiti.
3. MOF telah mengeluarkan surat Pekeliling mewajibkan penggunaan barangan buatan tempatan,tetapi masih terdapat agensi membeli barangan luar negara melalui agen tempatan. Adakah agen tempatan memberi pulangan terbaik kepada negara atau pembuat tempatan yang tulin.Fikir sebagai 1 Malaysia.
4. Jika terdapat syarikat pembuat tempatan yang tulin di beri kontrak mesti ada hasad dengki untuk menamatkan kontrak tersebut atau mecari jalan untuk membolehkan syarikat baru diberi kontrak.
Saya juga khuatir walaupun barangan buatan Malaysia tetapi pekerja yang membuat barangan tempatan ialah pekerja asing,jangan pergi jauh tengok kilang kita.Apa gunanya bawa FDI tapi pekerjanya orang asing habis keistimewaan yang diberi cabut lari kenegara lain.Cuba usahakan local investors dan beri keyakinan dan keistemewaaan seperti di beri keppada FDI.Kita
Dear Tun Dr. M and fellow bloggers,
We should know long ago that Globalisation will take place no matter what.
Malaysia is no more a third world country which could serve cheap labours.
We cannot compete with other countries such as China, India, Indonesia or Vietnam in term of providing cheap labours.
We are also not yet an industrialized country which can do investment in other countries. We are in the middle, neither investor nor cheap labour provider.
Fortunately, our people have the knowledge. Thanks to your policy that allows outside companies open up their plants in Malaysia. Thanks also to a good education to our people.
For me we have enough people with knowledge!
All we need is government effort to put our professionals and skilled workers together. Build world class companies in what we do best. Electronics, furniture and rubber industries are examples. We have enough qualities to produce high quality products. Build a good R&D center and have a good research with universities and we can become leaders in the industries.
We are no more cheap labours providers. We have to move forward to become leaders and become investor country. Just hoping to improve FDI is not a wise move. It is a thing of the past to us. We have to move forward and become leaders!
Salam Tun, i really hope u can explain n give us your views on the newly created Ekuinas. Do u think it would benefit the malays in the long run?
PKR banyak menghancurkan nilai murni rakyat malaysia yg sebelum ni lebih baik dari sekarang ………..kini suruh tentera pulak mengulingkan kerajaan?kalau dgn pilihanraya ttak tumbang dgn cara nir……..tak habis2 mempurak perandakan keadaan .bila dah dapat kuasa tak dapat buat apa dan sibuk menyalahkan org lain untuk menutup kelemahan pihak mereka http://www.gvoprofits.com/etp2020
Asalamualaikum Tun and bloggers,
I beg to differ! Malaysian products still haven’t reached that customer-satisfaction level yet!
Allow me to share my hands-on experience with one of our local car manufacturer, Proton.
I have sent the car to the service center 7 times on multiple quality complaints. In which the car up until today, haven’t reached that 10k mileage. The problems ranging from suspension system, engine, power windows (very common), rubber sealant and et-cetera. The list just goes on.
We have spent a lot of money to buy this ‘problematic’ national car. Furthermore, we are imposed with National Automotive Policy hefty tag price. The locals at East of Malaysia (Sarawak and Sabah) are still imposed with custom tax and duty for Proton cars? Wonder why? But, Malaysians are still expected to support Proton?
I’m planning to sell my Proton car as soon as possible! Better spent a bit of money and buy imported Japs or Continental. Worth the money and sweat!
Salam Tun dan Sekeluarga
Pada pendapat saya yang tida seberapa, jawapannya ada pada inovasi. Masalahnya bagaimana untuk membudayakan minat pada sains, teknologi dan merekacipta pada usia muda.
Salam Tun
produk tempatan mendapat sokongan rakyat biasa tapi tidak dikalangan pemimpin dan orang berada.
Kereta Malaysia – Proton dan Perodua. rata2 yg memilikinya adalah dari kalangan rakyat biasa (yg kurang berkemampuan). tapi jarang dilihat ada pemimpin (drp wakil rakyat sampai kpd menteri) yg menggunakan kereta nasional itu. yg selalu kita nampak mereka duduk dalam mercedes, bmw, dan lain2 jenama hebat luar negara. begitu juga dengan orang2 yg berada (yg kerja pangkat besor, yg jadi kontraktor besor, yg meniaga besor), sebelah mata pun depa tak pandang keta2 keluaran proton dan perodua ni.
Penilaian Kualiti – nak kata keta buatan malasia tak bagus. dah hampir 10 tahun penulis guna keta malaysia. proton wira. tak ada masalah pun. biasalah kalau sampai masa kena tukar minyak hitam .. tukarlah. bila tayar dah tak ada bunga .. ganti baru lah. bila minyak petrol dah habis .. parking tepi jalan .. jalan kaki lah kalau tak mau isi petrol. nak kata tak laju .. 140 – 150 tu biasalah bila di atas lebuhraya. kalau nak lebih laju lagi pun boleh .. kalau tak berjumpa dengan polis trafik, berjumpa dengan malaikat maut.
Pemimpin duk promote rakat suruh guna keta nasional, tapi depa sendiri tak guna pun. jabatan kerajaan pun tak semua yg order keta nasional, lebih banyak yg beli keta luar negara.
Itulah jawapannya kepada soalan ” kenapa industri tempatan tak maju dan susah nak memasarkan pruduk ke luar negara ”
Kita sendiri yg sabotaj industri kita. hendaknya kita pakat2 lah sedar sikit .. kita beli barang luar negara, depa yg untung sedangkan duit kita mengalir keluar. kalu kita beli barang tempatan .. duit kita tak mengalir keluar .. duk pusing dalam negara ni lah untuk faedah pembangunan negara kita malaysia juga .. nikmatnya rakyat malaysia juga yg dapat rasa.
Tun, ini satu topik yang cukup menarik sekali…
mengenai industri negara, saya sebenarnya terlibat secara langsung dalam salah satu sektor industri berteraskan perkhidmatan iaitu industri percetakan komersil. Syarikat saya ditubuhkan pada awal tahun 80an dan masih relevan dan berdiri teguh sehingga kini.
Namun begitu saya ingin berkongsi sedikit pengalaman selama saya berkecimpung didalam industri ini. Sebagaimana yang kita maklum bahawasanya sektor industri percetakan merupakan salah satu penyumbang terbesar kepada hasil KDNK negara. Industri ini turut melalui beberapa fasa perkembangan teknologi yang tinggi dan standard perkhidmatan yang lebih berkualiti.
Namun begitu terdapat beberapa perkara yang sering menyekat perkembangan industri ini untuk terus diterima pakai dan berkembang lebih besar dan global lagi. Saya bermaksud lebih menjurus kepada pengusaha percetakan komersil berstatus sederhana besar(medium) dan memiliki status kontraktor bumiputra dan mempunyai lesen cetak yang sah dari pihak KDN.
Masalah utama adalah dari segi keupayaan modal pusingan yang besar. Modal ini perlu dalam pembelian atau penambahan mesin cetak dan peralatan yang bersesuain. kebanyakkan mesin cetak offset ini dikeluarkan dan dibawa masuk dari negara seperti German, Belanda, England, Jepun dan USA. Adakalanya kos pembelian sesebuah mesin cetak atau peralatan sokongan mencecah sehingga 4 juta sebuah!
Ini belum lagi termasuk dengan kos pemasangan dan latihan sebelum sesebuah mesin ini beroperasi penuh.
Kos kertas juga sering kali menjadi penyebab mengapa industri ini tidak mampu memperoleh keuntungan besar pada sesuatu masa. Kertas merupakan satu daripada bahan mentah komiditi import utama dalam industri ini. Tidak ramai pengusaha bumiputra terlibat secara langsung didalam industri kertas ini. Kertas-kertas ini kebanyakkan di’indent’ dari negara Finland, Korea, Jepun, USA, Thailand dan Indonesia. Negara Malaysia ada mengeluarkan kertas sendiri iaitu dari Sabah dibawah label SFI tetapi standard kualiti kertas dari SFI tidak mencapai tahap seperti kertas-kertas indent itu tadi.(sebab standard kayu ‘pulp’ tidak sama dengan jenis pokok kayu ‘pulp’ di negara tersebut.)
Kebanyakkan kertas yang di’indent’ dari luar ini dijual mengikut ‘rate’ nilai wang US dollar. Bila US dollar naik maka harga kertas akan mencacak naik. Bila ini berlaku maka kos harga percetakan yang ditawarkan kepada pelanggan juga akan naik, tetapi para pelanggan kurang ingin memahami situasi sebegini lantas mereka berkuasa untuk memilih untuk mengguna pakai kertas yang lebih rendah kualitinya,janji murah. Bila kertas kurang kualiti dipilih dan diguna maka hasil kerja cetakan akan menjadi kurang standard kualitinya sebab kertas-kertas ini mempunyai daya penyerapan dakwat yang berbeza serta mempunyai tahap ciri ‘coating surface’ yang berlainan.
Standard pemikiran dan penerimaan idea juga menjadi penyebab mengapa industri buku dan percetakan negara kurang berkembang luas. Mengapa? Sebabnya masih terdapat segelintir pemikiran yang masih tidak dapat menerima perubahan dan revolusi ‘design & layout artwork state of the art’. Mutu persembahan pada muka kulit dan bahagian text sering kali dibantutkan oleh sikap-sikap begini. Golongan ini tidak mampu untuk menerima perubahan sesuatu ‘design’ secara radikal kerana minda mereka telah diasuh dan di’set’ untuk menerima elemen kotemporori sahaja, akibatnya berlakulah ‘static design’ pada sesuatu produk yang dikeluarkan. Berlakulah pembaziran idea kreatif yang sepatutnya mendapat tempat dan rujukan industri percetakan dan yang berkaitan dengannya.
Teknologi percetakan sedang berkembang luas maka sepatutnya ia seiring dengan kepesatan penerbitan buku dunia dan seharusnya negara Malaysia mengambil peluang ini untuk menjadi sebuah negara pengeluar mesin dan peralatan percetakan serta menjadi sebuah negara yang berfungsi sebagai hub percetakan serantau yang lebih disegani dan dijamin kualitinya.
Jika kereta kita boleh hasilkan, tidak mustahil kita juga mampu mencipta dan mengeluarkan mesin cetak offset jenama sendiri.
Terima kasih.
YABhg Tun,
…back then we had Dato’ Seri Rafidah Aziz.
Charity as they say, begins at home. It is a question of self respect and national consciousness. Where government fails to encourage local industry they champion the causes of others. If it is done on the basis of price competition alone then it encourages local industry to find bases abroad at the expense of local jobs and local capital.
If competition is based on other factors such as technical or marketing superiority then local government needs to evaluate the merit in providing that little ‘legs up’ for a local industry or competitor lacking these qualities by providing the stimilus or other incentive for it to reach that critical benchmark of that particular technological or marketing deficit to become equal. It is a government duty.
For all of this, one needs leadership and critical thinking abilities. You can tell who owns a nations hearts, minds and bank balances by what’s placed on their supermarket shelves, their shop windows and out their TV stations and popular magazines.
In Australia today maufacturing is dead. It suffered the same cultural cringe of having to drive a Holden instead of a Toyota or MG, drinking a Grolsch instead of a Fosters, wearing a Pierre Cardin instead of a PP Whitmont.
The alternative was for the local companies to then go abroad (China mainly) and produce their goods at lower cost to re sell into their home markets which they did here.
The only difference then was that a labourer could afford the PP Whitmont shirt, the cheaper car and a much cheaper flat screen. He may have lost his job to China but his comparitive advantage lay in the dole and the subsidies paid towards it by mining giants.
Eventually a government that allows capital purchases from abroad, pays for it from its foreign exchange reserves. It ends up exporting not only local jobs but also draining its foreign reserves ensuring risk of the country’s own sovereignity. In the end that falls into the hands of the IMF, World Bank and greedy capital rich neighbours wanting an industrial corridor on a 100 year lease. Malaysia will literally shrink in value and in size.
If thesse industries have the will and cannot find adequate local markets for their goods and services, we can market them successfully anywhere including back into Malaysia from abroad.
Gopal Raj Kumar
Assalamualaikum Tun sekeluarga,diharap Tun berada dalam keadaan sihat sejahtera. Saya sudah lama tunggu bila Tun nak bicara pasal topik ini. Saya bersetuju dengan PEMBELA.Perkara yang sama juga pernah berlaku kepada saya.Syarikat saya mengeluarkan produk2 makanan berasaskan beras perang ( brown rice ) seperti bijirin sarapan pagi, minuman dll.Bila saya bawa produk2 ini kepada pihak bank dan agensi kerajaan untuk bantuan pinjaman,mereka hanya pandang sebelah mata sahaja.Boleh pula mereka nak bandingkan produk2 ini dengan produk keluaran luar negara seperti nestle.Apa kurangnya produk keluaran tempatan?Produk saya ini mendapat pengiktirafan dari MARDI dan jauh lebih berkhasiat dari produk2 keluaran nestle (utk pasaran Malaysia). Insyallah dalam hujung tahun ini saya cuba untuk pasarkan produk ini ke Tesco ( setelah berpuluh kali ulang alik dari Kedah ke KL!! ). Saya harap sangat orang-orang melayu muslim kita jangan terlalu mengagungkan produk2 keluaran luar negara.produk keluaran Malaysia juga sama taraf dan ada juga yang lebih baik dari produk luar.Ingatlah selagi kita bergantung kepada produk luar,selagi itulah syarikat luar boleh mempermainkan kita.
Sokonglah produk tempatan!!
Saya akan kirimkan beberapa produk2 saya kepada Tun agar Tun boleh merasai sendiri produk kita lebih baik dari produk luar
Cucu-cicit Pak Jab Pedu
[email protected]
p/s : Selamat Hari Raya Tun,tahun ni tak dapat bersalam dengan Tun.sibuk sikit raya tahun nie.
Assalamu Alaikum Tun,
Tun, some our fellow Malaysian, especially the elite group, are not merely abandoning Malaysian manufacturing products but also many others including education. They prefer to send their children abroad rather than pursuing studies locally. It seems like that our local institutions are just for second class citizens or the poor eventhough our local universities have proven themselves to be on par with known unvesities abroad. Our local universities had won many gold awards in many academic or scientific international competitions. So why our people especially our leaders themselves should send their children abroad?.
In this respect I must solute our Minister of Regional dan Rural Development Datuk Seri Mohd Shafie Apdal who choose to send her doughter to study in UiTM. She came out as one of the award winning graduates. Syabas Datuk Seri, Kepimpinan melalui teladan.
Tun Dr M,
I dunno whether i am not aware of this or what. Beside Proton, i dont even know what are other Malaysian made products. Sorry to said this. The government is campaining “Belilah Barangan Malaysia” but did they aware that there are thousands or maybe millions of Malaysian out there don’t know what is Malaysian made products except Proton. Lol!!
Beside that, even if i know Malaysian products, if i compare the price,it is somehow equal or even more expensive than imported product. My argument is, should the price cheaper or maybe cheapest than imported product??
1st they are locally made, to deliver the product, they did not involve custom, shipping + + +. If imported products, to deliver to this nation, i guess involve alots of thing, shipping, custom, contena, bla bla bla..
2nd it is a consumer behavior where they had assume that imported products are more quality than locally made. So do something to change this.
The fact of the matter is that the business world is not straight forward. I read a lot of generalized comments in this website – corruption, useless, why don’t you did it… it’s easy to criticise but a lot difficult to actually do something.
In this matter – specific suggestion that can be identified and implemented would be better.
In tender process, if a well known brand say Dell put in tender at RM2 million but an unknown XYC Sdn Bhd put in bid at RM500k – should you award to XYC Sdn Bhd? If later they fail to deliver what they promised or the building they construct collapse, who will get the blame. Commenters here would be first to wallop them – either way.
For the record – I’m not with the govt and have been frustrated with the same issue before. But I do understand the dilemma faced. My solution, work hard to get one break and then make sure I continue to deliver to gain their trust. (p.s. many local companies Chinese and Malays alike, failed on the 2nd test).
By pun9227Author Profile Page on October 7, 2009 12:32 AM
Maybe, closing down your website would be a better option.
Many people praise you now and then but would they really care for you?
Salam buat Tun dan semua pembaca,
Menarik sekali topik ini,saya merasakan dan berpendapat pandangan ini baik untuk kita renungi bersama dan diperhalusi.Saya juga mencuba dalam industri perkilangan ini sejak 2006.Akan tetapi pihak berkenaan masih lagi tidak memberi peluang malah ditutup sepenuhnya peluang yang ada. Saya sebagai bumiputra yang ingin bersama gagal.Sebagai contoh MOF telah mengeluarkan pekeliling yang mana hanya syarikat tertentu sahaja boleh membekal kepada pihak kontraktor dalam semua projek projek kerajaan.Selama ini produk yang kecil dari segi nilai dalam jumlah keseluruhan tender yang mana sebelum ini syarikat syarikat pembekal / pekilang harus membuat strategi pemasaran dalam memasarkan produk mereka kini………..tidak perlu lagi kerna MOF sudah tutup peluang dan ruang.Alasan MOF adalah membantu pihak bumuputra,ya saya setuju dalam membantu tetapi bantuan juga ada had masa! ada syarikat bumiputra dibantu hingga 15 tahun!
Penyalahgunaan kuasa sebegini akan merosakkan melayu yang benar benar ingin berubah dan berwawasan malah kita akan kehilangan melayu wibawa yang benar berjuang.Haruslah kita sedari bahawa ramai melayu diluar sana berkeinginan,berkemampuan dan kehebatan idea untuk bersama memacu dan membantu dalam merealisasikan wawasan 2020.
Jika kita mempunyai sistem vendor saya cadangkan agar had masa 3-5 tahun sudah lebih dari mencukupi dalam membantu.Semoga bangsa Melayu dapat bangkit dari kelenaan ini yang mana umpama tidur hingga dinihari!malas nak bangun tapi perot sudah kelaparan.
Semoga pihak kerajaan dapat memberi peluang setidak tidaknya ruang agar lebih ramai melayu dapat memcuba dalam perindustrian.
Item 4 seperti kata Tun amat diharapkan dan dapat direalisasikan.Barangan yang tidak perlukan kawalan seharusnya dibiarkan bersaing dan barangan kawalan jika perlu seharusnya barangan teknikal yang mana di bawah pengawasan pihak/jabatan teknikal iaitu KKR dan JKR.Dalam zaman tun ada juga pekeliling dalam mempromosikan barangan buatan malaysia melalui pekeliling MOF.Dimana banyak agensi kerajaan melaksanakan dan pertumbuhan dijangkakan.
Dearest Tun,
Base on this news from The Star Online.. Yes, I feel sorry for Malaysian Industries under 1Malaysia concept that was planned in 1997. I laughed when I read this news as the PM encourage FDI in Paris just to cover the Altantuya’s case?
//Wednesday October 7, 2009
Najib: 1Malaysia a concept for the world
By CHOI TUCK WO (he may be a hokkien equivalent to “Osama”
bin Laden)
PARIS: The 1Malaysia national philosophy can be extended to the concept of 1Region and ultimately 1World, said Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak.
He said this would be the next logical extension of the philosophy based on mutual trust and respect between all communities.
Najib said he believed this was the right formula not only for national harmony but also for enhancing regional and global peace.
Salam hormat YB Tun,
Berdasarkan penelitian saya dengan berinteraksi dengan pegawai atasan kerajaan, menteri dan ahli korporat, kurangnya penerimaaan produk tempatan disebabkan oleh beberapa faktor:
1). Persepsi (perception).
Bagi mereka apabila tertera “Barangan buatan Malaysia” maka ianya adalah pilihan terakhir. Itu pun disebabkan terpaksa membeli atas slogan “tolong barangan tempatan”.
Saya pernah terjumpa seorang bekas pegawai atasan kerajaan tidak boleh meneguk air disebabkan gelas yang disediakan bukan gelas berkaki (glass for drinking wine), padahal hanya untuk meminum air sejuk. Saya pernah terjumpa seorang ahli korporat yang tidak boleh memakan makanan tempatan sebaliknya makanan Itali seperti pasta dan seumpamanya. Mungkin perkara ini remeh tapi ianya menunjukkan “ketebalan” jati diri kita sendiri.
Sebaliknya saya pernah terjumpa seorang tokoh agama menyediakan kuih-kuih kampung di pejabat untuk hidangan kami dan beliau merasa bangga dengan produk tersebut.
2). Kepentingan diri.
Contohnya agenda peribadi dan rasuah. Ada kalanya kerana dengki maka tender tersebut tidak diberi walaupun segala syarat telah dipenuhi. Rasuah telah menggelapkan segala proses tender yang telus. Syarikat luar negara menpunyai dana yang cukup untuk “membeli” pegawai atasan. Cara “membelinya” mungkin dalam bentuk “perbelanjaan keraian” (tajaan makan di hotel mewah, bercuti sekeluarga di luar negara, pembelian kasut dan lain-lain barang berjenama mewah, tanggungan kos baik pulih rumah atau kereta). Manalah ada pengusaha tempatan terutama bumiputera yang berkemampuan melakukan ini semua. Bajet untuk keraian tiada.
3). Memang produk tempatan tidak bermutu dan pengusaha barangan tempatan hanya hendak memburukkan pihak kerajaan (Saya harap YB Tun berhati-hati dengan perkara ini. Takut-takut ada pihak yang meneguk di air yang keruh). Saya pernah terjumpa seorang pengusaha yang sememangnya tidak dapat menghasilkan produk yang dikehendaki dan perkhidmatannya amat buruk tetapi memburukkan pihak kerajaan kerana telah menolak pembidaannya. Mereka ini adalah “opportunist” atau hanya untuk mengaut keuntungan jangka pendek.
4). Secara umumnya, di Malaysia, budaya perniagaannya adalah sama ada kamu kenali seseorang (know who) berbanding dengan kuasa pasaran. Surat sokongan pihak atasan atau melobi untuk menang bidaan akan diperolehi (Sekadar “initial” orang politik sudah lebih daripada cukup). Cuba tanya agensi kerajaan persekutuan dan negeri; dan bank-bank adakah perkara ini berlaku. Kadang kala pengusaha tempatan terpaksa terhegeh-hegeh ke rumah orang berpengaruhi atau menghadiri majlis-majlis tertentu untuk “menunjuk” muka atau paling kurang mengambil foto bersama (Foto tersebut akan digantung di pejabatnya sebagai bukti mengenali seseorang yang berpengaruh. Padahal hanya bergambar saja. Semestinya pihak bank akan meluluskan pinjaman hanya dengan “berkat” gambar tersebut). Ada seorang ahli korporat sanggup menunggu pak menteri di lapangan terbang setiap kali sampai hanya untuk “menunjuk” muka sahaja (Dan berbangga dengan amalannya sebab ianya “menjadi”). Sebagai kesimpulan, kalau tidak dikenali sesiapa walaupun berwibawa, eloklah berniaga mengikut kuasa pasaran sahaja. Lama kelamaan akan diperkenalkan oleh kuasa pasaran kepada umum di mana ianya lebih hebat.
Akhir kata, masalah ini adalah ibarat satu persamaan matematik (equation). Banyak faktor-faktor yang menentukan sama ada sesuatu bidaan tersebut berjaya atau tidak. Oleh itu keupayaan modal insan adalah penting dan ianya yang menentukan kejayaan sesuatu sistem.
Assalamualaikum Tun,
Saya adalah salah seorang pelajar peringkat permulaan dasar pandang ke Timur yang Tun mulakan. Sekarang saya masih lagi di Jepun untuk menyambung pelajaran lagi. Apa yang menarik ialah dasar beli barang buatan Malaysia yang pernah diperkenalkan sehingga hari ini masih tidak dapat menyedarkan rakyat Malaysia. Sedih… Saya masih ingat lagi kata-kata Tun sewaktu datang melawat kami (pelajar Malaysia di Jepun pada ketika itu) sewaktu Tun masih memimpin Malaysia. Kita harus tiru budaya Jepun dan Korea, mereka beli dan sokong barangan buatan negeri mereka walaupun nak beli bateri kecil pun mereka beli buatan mereka sendiri. Kita harus tiru cara mereka memajukan industri mereka. Itulah pesanan Tun ketika itu.
Tapi sekarang ini kalau lihat pelajar2 Malaysia di Jepun, rata2 berlumba2 beli kereta Jepun untuk dibawa balik ke Malaysia. Inilah kenyataan sekarang tentang rakyat Malaysia. Mereka lebih “gah” untuk beli barangan buatan asing kerana kualiti yang dianggap “baik”. Jadi barangan buatan tempatan dianggap tak “glamour”. Cara pemikiran pelajar2 penggajian tinggi pun macam ini, apatah lagi rakyat biasa di Malaysia. Semua tak percaya pada barangan buatan tempatan dan tidak ada semangat untuk menyokong barangan tempatan, supaya satu hari nanti menjadi barangan bermutu tinggi di mata dunia.
Saya percaya Tun kalau lihat industri kereta2 Jepun pun pada mulanya dipandang rendah oleh orang Amerika. Tetapi mereka mendapat sokongan rakyat tempatan dan sedikit demi sedikit mereka mula berdaya saing. Dan lihat sekarang mereka dah maju. Tapi industri kita? Baru nak mula dah ramai buat mulut dan komen menjatuhkan semangat bangsa kita sendiri. Seolah2 yang komen tu mereka yang “pandai2” (ataupun memandai2 saja). Realitinya rakyat kita tak suka sokong bangsa sendiri, jadi macam mana nak maju? Kalau cakap pasal Islam memang bijak, tapi bila nak beli barang orang Islam, semua buat macam tak tahu hukum aje. Itulah rakyat Malaysia. Mungkin kita perlu kesedaran sejak dari bangku sekolah supaya percaya barangan tempatan…tapi kalau guru2 sekolah pun lebih suka naik Toyota (bangga kerana kereta import… boleh riak sikit kat orang kampung), macam mana lah anak2 murid nak beli barang tempatan???
Saya rasa masalah kita SIKAP orang kita sendiri. Bak kata Ketua Polis negara … orang Malaysia sanggup mati di jalanraya daripada ikut undang2… Tun pun tahu kalau dibandingkan dengan rakyat Jepun yang kebanyakannya patuh pada undang2…rakyat Malaysia bukan begitu.
Mungkin kita perlu pemimpin yang boleh menyedarkan rakyat… tapi saya percaya kita perlu masa yang panjang untuk mengamalkan SIKAP macam rakyat di negara maju. Ataupun mungkin selama2nya kita tidak akan maju. Waulahualam.
Assalamualaikum Tun,
Terdapat seorang anak malaysia bernama Zulkifli Haron yang menceburi perniagaan rekacipta bermula tahun 1986. Syarikat beliau, Zull Design Autotronic (www.zulldesign.com.my) masih bertahan sehingga ke hari ini, iaitu selama 23 tahun dan masih menjalankan perniagaan rekacipta.
Beliau tidak pernah mendapat bantuan daripada kerajaan tetapi masih mampu berdiri teguh walaupun tidak mencapai tahap kesenangan seperti ahli perniagaan yang lain. Mengapa? Kerana perniagaan rekacipta adalah berasaskan R&D. Membuat barangan yang tidak ada dipasaran. Makanya, risiko menanggung kerugian adalah sangat besar.
Bermula tahun 1986, beliau telah berjaya menghasilkan ciptaan yang mendahului barat dalam sistem keretanya. pada waktu yang sama, Proton menghasilkan keretanya awal setahun dua.
Kereta boleh bergerak sendiri, wiper bergerak sendiri bila hujan, lampu rendah sendiri bila ada kenderaan dihadapan, sistem alarm yang berspesifikasi tinggi. bayangkan pada tahun 1986, beliau boleh menelefon keretanya untuk mematikan sistem kereta, sama seperti sistem CAPTOR yang dihasilkan oleh barat. Zulkifli mendahului sistem Barat selama 10 tahun lebih awal!!!
Tetapi, beliau masih bertungkus lumus berniaga kerana perniagaan rekacipta tidak mendapat sokongan sewajarnya dari kerajaan. Mujurlah beliau berhati waja, berkeras untuk membantu rakyat malaysia yang berhasrat memiliki mesin2 yang murah harganya.
Walau kedengaran pelbagai kementerian yang bercerita tentang kreativiti dan inovasi, tetapi yang nyatanya, agenda tersebut hanyalah di atas kertas.
Berapa banyak geran yang dibelanjakan oleh kerajaan untuk menggalakkan inovasi tetapi bandingkan pula hasil pengkomersialannya.
Salam Tun…Hope u well.
Before we think about Quality product we must think about quality workers……..The quality of the product depend on the how the worker perform..Do you think our people here performing well in term of QUALITY..???..If we compare to Thailand we still lacking in this matter…So how to overcome this..??…Very simple,just shorten the working hour and increase the basic salary…!!..If we still follow the current Labour Law this will never change…I dont know our goverment dont want to revise this..???..The world has CHANGED and toward different direction but we MALAYSIA still talking about who come to Malaysia first..!!!
Working 48hours,especialy in chinaman company,thr sucking thr workers blood just giving peanuts….can the workers concentrate in their work and product..?…
/// 4. These Malaysians are not asking for protection or even favours. All they want is to be properly evaluated against foreign competitors when they make bids. But somehow they seem to fail always. ///
Tun, if only what you wrote in paragraph 4 is true. Unfortunately, it is not. Without protection, there is no way Malaysian products (I infer from your article that you are referring to industrial/technological products) can compete as we do not have the quality culture or technological edge.
Take your pet project Proton. Without heavy punitive taxes on foreign cars, do you honestly think that Proton can compete with the foreign makes?
Yes, some Malaysian products can compete globally without protection or help from the government. How about rubber, tin, palm oil, timber products, etc? Why don’t we focused in these areas where we have the comparative and competitive advantages?
I think the main problem facing Malaysia is that somehow the policy makers are obsessed with investing in the wrong industries – those sexy and lucrative industries where billions have to be spent. Malaysia has absolutely no comparative or competitive advantages in the motor industry, yet it plunged head-long into it.
We are now seeing the results of wrong policy decisions…
“10. An open Government keen to be transparent should do this. That it was never done before is no reason it cannot be done now. Previously no one promised to be transparent. But now we all hear about transparency.”
Amat terkejut apabila nampaknya tiada seorang pun terfikir semua ini semasa zaman pemerintahan Tun…..apa sebabnya hanya Allah sahaja yang mengetahui.
Rungutan di atas “may be just another feedback or complains from Tun’s son Datuk Mukhriz”…walhal cerita begini sudah lama kami rakyat jelata mendengarnya dan mungkin Tun cuma pekakkan telinga sebelum ini….
Tun! may be you were not a good listener before..tapi Alhamdulillah, sekarang nampaknya sudah banyak berubah walaupun terlambat sebab tiada kuasa lagi dan bukan lagi menjadi ejen perubahan.
Salam kasih Ayahanda Tun.
Tan Sri Isa Samad mempunyai peluang yang sangat kukuh untuk sebuah kemenangan besar di Bagan Pinang dan maka itu juga, para pembangkang sedang bertungkus lumus mencari kelebihan daripada 1001 kekurangan mereka (pembangkang) yang nyata jelas disini. Dari dahulu lagi, Tan Sri Isa tidak pernah mengabaikan pengundi-pengundi beliau dan ini menyebabkan pembangkang kebuntuan sudut serangan keatas BN di Bagan Pinang. Segala isu mereka cuba ikhtiarkan.
Dalam politik siapa yang mahu kalah? Semua pasti mahu menang. Akan tetapi dalam usaha mencari kemenangan, pekerti dan jiwa kita sebagai seorang rakyat Malaysia yang cintakan negara, Raja dan keamanan tidak boleh langsung di gadaikan.
Jelas sekali, taat setia kita yang pertama mestilah kepada keselamatan negara dan rakyat yang bernaung dibawah panji Raja Melayu dan Demokrasi ber-Parlimen Malaysia. Oleh yang demikian, sebarang usaha untuk menjatuhkan/melemahkan sistem ini yang telah tersedia ada akan membawa kepada kemusnahan negara dan kebinasaan rakyat segenap umur, bangsa dan agama.
Saya berharap Tun akan dapat membaca apa yang tersurat dan tersirat disini. Keadaan jika dibiarkan sebegini akan menghancurkan negara kita ini dalam hanya sekelip mata. Percaturan terbaru pembangkang ini adalah sangat merbahaya.
Salam kasih dan salam hormat Ayahanda Tun. I must again apologize to your good self for taking this comment out of context to your original post, but I do believe you too may want to read this Tun.
In this By-Election for the very first time I have observe whereby PAS is finally breaching on the danger zone; the danger zone to a nation and to a country. I don
Salam kasih dan salam hormat Ayahanda Tun. I must again apologize to your good self for taking this comment out of context to your original post, but I do believe you too may want to read this Tun.
In this By-Election for the very first time I have observe whereby PAS is finally breaching on the danger zone; the danger zone to a nation and to a country. I don
Assalamu ‘alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh!
Selama saya mengikuti pekembangan tulisan-tulisan rencana dalam blog Tun ini, saya lihat Tun tidak henti-henti menegur kelemahan kerajaan Barisan Nasional yang tidak reti-reti. Tetapi pada masa yang sama Tun terus juga memuji kerjaaan Barisan Nasional walaupun mendapat layanan yang tidak baik dari kepemimpinannya dan menteri-menterinya. Tun sudah bukan berpolitik lagi tetapi menjaga anak yang dimanja.
Saya ikuti ceramah Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim, saya dapati kritikannya terhadap Barisan Nasional ada banyak yang sama dengan perkara-perkara yang dikritik oleh Tun.
Saya ingat lebih baik Tun tidak memihak lagi tetapi menegur kedua-dua pihak kerajaan dan pembangkang dalam hal-hal perkara yang tidak menguntung negara yang tidak menjanjikan masa depan yang baik untuk anak-anak Malaysia.
Saya menjangka juga Malaysia pada dekad-dekad yang mendatang tidak lagi bercorak atau berbudaya politik seperti di zaman Perikatan atau Barisan Nasional ini. Ada perubahan dinamik kepada mind-set orang-orang Malaysia dewasa ini.
Perikatan dahulu apabila ia melihat bajunya tidak menjadi fesyen lagi ia menukar bajunya kepada fesyen baru iaitu Barisan Nasional. Apabila sebahagian besar rakyat Malaysia menolak Barisan Nasional pada PRU 12 yang baru lepas kerjaan terus memakai baju lama Barisan Nasional yang fesyennya sudah ketinggalan masa.
Jadi apapun visi baru Barisan Nasional ia dipandang sebagai mempertahan yang lama yang tidak seiring dengan perkembangan dunia baru.
Di sana sini kita melihat yang lama itu tumbang, dan yang mustahil orang kulit hitam boleh menjadi Presiden Amerika menjadi kenyataan yang sebaliknya. Kita tidak dapat lagi mengatakan pada prinsipnya orang kulit putih mendeskriminasi orang kulit hitam.
Ada orang kata kalau kita terlalu radikal waktu muda kita akan menjadi sangat koservatif (tidak mahu berubah) waktu tua walau petanda sudah menyuruh kita berubah.
Orang Melayu Tun harus keluar dari kepompong Nasionalisma zaman penjajahan dan sesudah merdeka ikhlas belajar menghargai demokrasi.
Sedikit sebanyak silap UMNO hari ini ialah tidak realistik dalam menghadapi kenyataan rakyat Malaysia yang berbilang kaum yang mempunyai dinamik perubahannya yang tersendiri.
Salam YAB Tun and fellow bloggers,
My only explanations of what’s happening is corruption;
1. some people are misusing their positions to ensure these
nonsenses continue because…
2. of another corruption…making monies from these arrangements.
Try to study all those companies in malaysia working as the so-called sole distributors on behalf of the foreign suppliers. They gained atas angin…just ensure the suppliers are continuously granted the contracts.
Open tenders are just sandiwara because the people in the panel have the winners on their minds, that’s why we didnt know who won the contracts. It’s a disease…very difficult to eradicate.
Dear Tun Dr. Mahathir yang Amat Berbahagia and Bloggers,
Allow me to deviate from the topic….
to make an announcement of the coming event
Hall 1 and 2 KLCC Convention Centre, Kuala Lumpur
8-10 October.
see: http://www.pecipta09.um.edu.my/
This event is jointly organised by the University of Malaya and MoHE and supported by all Malaysian IPTs and some institutions from outside Malaysia. At PECIPTA, IPTs will display their major research findings which have potential application and target for commercialization. The exhibition is Free.
In addition there are side events including:
Seminars (free)
1. International Developments in Intellectual Property Commercialization
2. Innovation in Business: Air Asia as a Success Story
3. Enabling Commercialization through Collaboration
4. Animation: Its more than meets the eye
5. Cross Border Collaboration
6. How to Enhance your Creative Spirit?
Workshop (Fee: RM50/-)
Liquid Crystals and Self-Assembly Workshop
In the Activity Area you will find :
1. Alchemists at work: turning base metal to gold. You can try to make your own “gold-like coin”.
2. This collector item and limited edition “gold-like coin” will be sold as a momento bookmark and proceeds from the sale of these bookmarks will be donanted to charity.
3. The Nobel Prize Winner Ahmed Zewail’s Book entitle Beyond Science will be on sale at a reduced price.
4. Pusat Sains Negara Malaysia will be promoting its latest world class exhibition called “Da Vinci-The Genius”.
Please come to support PECIPTA 09
You could advise them to learn from Singapore about transparency.
Anyway, you never trusted Singapore.
You were in the team that was all out to destroy Singapore.
Turn off the water! No more grass! Stop selling them sands! What else? Please list it. Be real!
It is still not too late to work with Singapore but you are as you said, “A nobody”. You cannot do anything.
Maybe, closing down your website would be a better option.
Many people praise you now and then but would they really care for you?
I am sorry, today I am a little rude.
Nevertheless, wishing you and your family Selamat Hari Raya and Best Wishes!
My first car was a Wira and it was full of quality issues.
Because of Proton I did not trust local product. I just bought a civic made in Malaysia. No quality issue. What does this mean.
Malaysian can produce excellent product.
Proton like other GLC have to buy substandard part and services from cronies. They produce substandard product and service because they know GLC will buy their product no matter what.
This is why Penang’s open tender process is the best.
But of course BN will never agree to this. We know the corruption involve in tenders.
Assalamualaikum Tun,
As Tun have stated, we also want to have our own Sony or Hitachi or Samsung or Hyundai.These are global players whose market are world wide. The question is how do we achieve to become like these Multinational Corporations (MNCs)? The government of course has a role to play to achieve this. I’m sure these MNCs also had a helping hand from their governments in their local markets. I do not see why we should not help ours.
However, having said that, we also do not want the Malaysian Industries rely too heavily on government protection whether its financially or duty imports or import restrictions. It is acceptable during the early stages of the company’s development, they should receive government protection. This is to allow them to grow and become strong. But remember we want them to become world class companies. This means they would have to venture out into the international markets once they are strong enough. We do not want them to become ‘jaguh kampung’ meaning they are only able to capture the local market only but cannot venture the international market. Even this is due to government protection.
This is the challenge for local industries. They should not just look at the local market and become “jaguh kampung’. They should not become so comfortable due to government protection and only focus on the local market. Instead, they should use the local market as stepping stone to achieve greater success in the international market.
In other words, government assistance should be given ,in what ever way possible, so long as it will give positive impact to the company as it continue to strive to be internationally recognized. If there are government agencies that are giving problems, then forward the issue to the appropriate authority, minister or even the Prime Minister. Now we have many government and minister’s website to issue such complaints. I’m sure they would also want local companies to become successful internationally.
In my opinion, even though local businesses are helped by the government via tax incentives or financial assistance, they should see this as bonus. This means even with all these assistance, they should always continue to strive for better quality products or services, better reliability, brand building, better research & development (R&D), while driving down the prices of these products or services through cost reduction initiatives.
It would be sad if a local company get to sell its product or services not because of the quality of the product or services, but because of government protection.
There are two aspects to which to become a global player. One is the physical assets of the company, i.e the factories, transports, machinery and the other is the non-tangible aspect which is human capital development. The CEOs, directors, managers, staff, need to think globally. They must alway be up to date with current development and technologies. They must also a vision and strategy to become a global company.
Government can do so much to assist these companies to become like Sony or Hitachi or Samsung or Hyundai, but it is the mindset of these companies whether they want to become global companies or not that will become the determining factor.
Assalammualaikum Tok Det
1. This is what best could describe our government ministry and officials mentality.
2. Its not stop there. Even all our local politician, professionals, academician in our damned schools and universities, the alim ulama, technocrats, aristocrats and “the hypocrites” are looking high up on foreigners. Especially the orang putih as they are still the master in this country after these 52 years. Meanwhile the ulama so excited with any gurus from Arabs or Egypt as all of them are of ulama perwaris nabi.
3. I have an experience promoting my product and services to government ministry and officials. They just look at it with one eye open. They not even interested to listen.
4. Bank officials are even worst. They just ignore me like a mash potatoes the day I submit my business plan for loan application. One hour presentation and Q&A is just waste of time & money. No response even with many follow up calls, begging like a damned beggars.
5. Thus, don’t be surprised even Malaysian public at large do not convince on our local products and services.
6. As you said there are Malaysian products successful abroad but fails to market locally. 100% agreed with you.
7. The SME products by Malay/Muslim Bumiputeras are even worst. Mostly can only sell at Pasar Malam and Pasar Tani. To make things worst even Malays/Muslim community is not convinced. And to see all these products on hypermarket shelves is only in a dream.
8. I really hope the government authority look into this matter immediately and seriously. Or else market for Malaysian products will forever under control of the giant foreign hypermarket company like TESCO, JUSCO, 7 ELEVEN, etc….. on our own soil. Even worst all nation strategic companies like BERNAS, PROTON, PETRONAS, etc…. will later on goes to the hungry filthy damned rich foreigners.
Bukannya senang nak senang. Lebih-lebih lagi kalau mentaliti masih lagi dijajah selepas 52 tahun merdeka.
Y.A .Bhg Tun,
The practice of transparency in any administrations requires keikhlasan (bekerja kerana Allah SWT), kejujoran (honesty) and the most important is sacrifices. The person who is practicing good governance in administration of the country must reject all kinds of temptations either to enrich himself, family, relatives or cronies. The practitioner of good governance must not only clean but must be seen clean by the people.
Power is corrupt, absolute power corrupts absolutely. A system of good governance in the Government must establish a mechanism of checks and balances to ensure nobody is in possession of absolute power even the Prime Minister. The late Tunku Abd Rahman, established a good system of good governance during his tenure as the Prime Minister. He maintained the position of PM but important portfolios in Cabinet were held by other strong personalities such as Tun Razak as his deputy, Tun Dr Ismail as Minister Home Affairs and the most important protfolio of finance was entrusted to Tun Tan Siew Sin. We never heard contracts for works or supplies were given on negotiated basis to certain groups during Tunku, Tun Razak or Tun Hussain as PM.
2.The Prime Minister should not hold other portfolios in Cabinet but must maintain a very effective mechanism to supervise the jobs of other Ministers. Currently, I believe most Ministers enjoy to much freedom in the running of their ministries because PM is also very busy with his position as Minister of Finance . As Minister of Finance, PM enjoys so much powers related to finances of the country and practically he answers to nobody as far as matters related to finances. We should have learn from the past mistakes and several financial scandals and imprudent management that were highlighted in Auditor General Report.
3. People are evaluating the performances of the Barisan Nasional in implementing its promises to establish a good governance in the administration of the country. The initiative for reforms must be clearly projected at the highest level of the Government,probably from the PM himself. His willingness to relinquish the Finance portfolio to other senior member of his cabinet will send a good signal that PM is really committed to a good governance. The position of Menteri Kewangan Kedua should be abolished because it brings a lot negative perceptions to the public on its functions.
4. PM must concentrate on winning the heart and minds of the people. Rakyat expect a good governance and the country is free from any kinds of corruptions, malpractices, nepotism, and worst of all is the practices of giving favors to cronies.
Semoga Allah SWT memberkati kepimpinan YAB Dato Seri Najib.
Tun,why dont you do this/help them during your time ?
Dear Tun
Ha,ha – many will take pot shots at you for not being transparent enough/at all during your years of premiership, now that you are asking for more of it. A few will be roasting you alive and I can imagine (but won’t say) who among the commenters here given their track records in this prestigious blog of yours.
Thats aside, Malaysians are very well known for being brand conscious especially in the apparel they wear and the vehicles they drive. It has to be top of the range (that they can afford) and of course “imported”! Nothing less will do.
But don’t tell me that the government is similarly afflicted. I would understand the govmnt buying the latest telecomm equipment or submarines for that matter from the more advanced suppliers in the global market, but what about commonplace stuff like say PCs or even cars. We have well known local manufacturers (not mere “assemblers”, mind you) for these and other products. I know for example, that most govmt departments use Proton Perdanas for their bigwigs, but its seems only after some pressures were applied on them. Most will go for Mercs (or Toyota Camry – if you dig) given the slightest excuse.
Moving up the value chain is now crucial for our industries, so that our economy will be more brain rather than brawn-based. So that we won’t be so dependent on FDI to drive growth. Our executive/managerial pays are said to be well behind our competitors hence driving away local talents. This need to be rectified quickly so that the talents remain inside the economy lessening our dependence on expatriates.
Its all about putting our economy into a virtuous spiral up the value chain so that we will compete not against Thailand (2008 estimated per capita GDP: US$8,400 – CIA’s world’s factbook), Indonesia (3,900) or Vietnam (2,800) but against the likes of South Korea (27,600), Taiwan (31,100) or even Singapore (51,500). These latter economies has left us quite far behind in term of per capita GDP (Malaysia: 15,200). They were our peers a few decades ago. Somehow they managed to pull away. We simply have to work harder to catch up and not mess up.
Now, don’t anybody dare blame the NEP or the Bumiputeras for this state of affair – but I am sure a few hardcore chauvinists will still do so.
These Malaysians are not asking for protection or even favours. All they want is to be properly evaluated against foreign competitors when they make bids. But somehow they seem to fail always.
There is a sudden gloom upon me after reading the phrase, yes, it is true, all that they wish was to be properly evaluate against foreign competitions.
Dear Tun,
I also hesitate to comment on this topic. I’m not a manufacturer, but i know the difficulty faced by my friends whom are manufacturers. Our manufacturers’ products are unfairly treated. Government should give priority to our Malaysian products, not just focusing on our Malaysian cars but also to our products. In this matter, I salute the State Government of Malacca. They really proud to promote their homegrown products. They have the initiative to use or consume them in their Government offices.
i am wondering what types of products this thread is referring to
Salam Tun dan Toh Puan,
Saya tertarik dgn artikel Tun kali ni,
Keberanian Tun bercakap masalah Industri Malaysia memang patut di bangkitkan dan di perbaiki cara memberi kontark dan ketulusan kerajaan membantu kaum Bumiputra.
Apa projek mereka dapat?
Berapa nilai projek mereka dapat?
Berapa kali mereka dapat projek?
Apa kelebihan mereka daripada kita sehingga mereka dapat projek?
Perlu di beritahu dan di paparkan di surat khabar. Jangan hanya omong-omong kosong tentang ketulusan dan membantu rakyat.
Bukan apa, sekurang-kurangnya kita tahu kelemahan kita dan kita perbaiki nilai produk dan kecekapan kerja tempatan kita.
Saya mencadangkan kita membuka cawangan di bangunan kudutaan sebuah show room produk Malaysia atau kita membina supermarket Malaysia di luar negara dimana ada satu ruang untuk mempamerkan produk Malaysia.
Mengenai syarikat yang dapat selalu projek , bukan kita jalous, dengki dan tak puas hati cuma kita nak tahu apa kelebihan yang dia ada tetapi kita jugak ada kelebihan itu!
Saya mencadangkan sebarang tander alatan pejabat kerajaan, barang yang di gunakan mestilah produk yang di keluarkan oleh syarikat Malaysia dan bukan luar negara.
Saya yakin syarikat Malaysia boleh buat air-cond sendiri dan tak perlu air-cond luar negara.
Promosi produk Malaysia mesti di janakan di luar negara supaya orang luar yakin dengan barang buatan Malaysia. Iklan berterusan dan promosi berterusan dan usaha kuat kementerian amat di galakan bagi menjayakan 1 Malaysia, 1 Buatan Malaysia di Rumah Luar Negara!
Assalamualaikum Tun,
I agree 100% as I am running my own aviation maintenance service company and already have a good breakthrough 12hours time zone away but in Malaysia if I want to bid direct for the contract I was advised to go through another alibaba company.
I feel that the government was responsible for this as it does not have a good policies or in most cases poor implementation and it seem having high regards to the mat saleh is their priority.
I would like to share my experience with you personally if possible and maybe you will listen because nowadays the government is not listening. One way communication is what we have now.
As for my business which is “kais pagi makan pagi, tak kais tak makan” would really getting more advise from a person like you.
In Korea, the Government protects their car makers, even for Japan, Europe, and US. But not for Malaysian car makers.
The Korean uses the Inland Revenue policy to taxes more to those who buy foreign car, The European changes their car regulations every years and make it uncompetitive for foreign players even for the Japanese and yet we let our national car makers die.
For other industries, does anybody bother? We let Panasonic went to Vietnam, others IT companies close down, no other national project on so call “Industry” except the invisible “Corridors”.
We remember your “Buy British Last” and “Look East” policies. You put the brave stand and in that way helped propel the country’s industries.
Yes, we heard comments in the past by none other than the simpleton that Proton cars not up to standard. We hear Proton begging for partners. We know who is not up to standard!
We hear about liberalisation and globalisation. If the government is not supportive of marketing local industries then they cannot be competitive. What can we offer at cheaper price then?
The global arena is not a level playing field. Might is right. By that itself we cannot take the onslaught. Being weak, surely we will be enslaved in our minds and loose our freedom. That is the face of 21st century colonialism.
Our leaders are embedded in city life and have forgotten the living conditions in the rurals. The already developed urbanites benefit most from the Iskandar Regional Project. Those poor souls in the kampongs are only taken care of when elections come. Imagine, the road whic leads to my kampong house (which is just half kilometer away from the Tampin-Gemas trunk road) is still lateritic!!
As you said before the politicians know nothing. For some reasons of their own making, their hands are tied at the back. If the government that we elect cannot give support to the business of its citizens then they are in no business to be the government. Time for change!
Assalamualaikum Tun,
when is the time for Malaysia to revolutionize the crops industry, so that human does not need any intervention and let machine do the work?
when the labour has been replaced by machine, when its time to get free basic food like flour, grain, rice, etc etc..? because food is a RIGHT for every human! how many poor people die of hunger in malaysia or in this world everyday?
look at this like Maslow hierarchy, dont even bother to improve/create other Malaysian Industry like sony, hitachi, tech corporation until gov have solved the basic problem.
this is just my personal opinion, and the reason im saying this is because gov suppose to take care of basic people’s need. like food, shelter, healthcare & education.
the rest should let it float in the true capitalism economy model, stop backing up GLC company like proton, tmnet, mas airline, etc etc.. however i do understand since Independence of malaysia, there are those HAK-HAK bumi, special AP, quota and specialty crap like those and its quite opposed with capitalism. and the rest of the world knows malaysia is the country that practice draconian laws.. somehow this kind of ruling in our society probably doesnt qualify Malaysia to talk about industries standard in global arena.
forgive me if you think im too young to know everything. Regards
Dear Tun,
At last you have brought up subject the have more direct interest to me. I work in a local 100% bumi company that design and develop remote monitoring solution, we are 5-years old. My boss, is well knowledgeable in this field.
Our solution is suitable for remote monitoring need such as water pumping station, sewage treatment station. AS such SYSBAS and IWK is our biggest account.
IWK have supported us by buying our system, which is relative lower cost then imported system. But Sysbas recently decided not buy solution from local. Among the reason are as per TUN have highlighted.
They award 250 site, worth more then 10-Million (whole system) to Siemens. Of this 10-million, remote monitoring will be about 2million.
My boss, actually was worked hard for this, but I guest he does not have the STRONG cable. Or maybe he did not commit for ‘under-table’, being a Haji, he does not believe in this bribery game. He rather hutang at Ah Long then pay bribe.
Now, he wanted me to look for oversea market (I am the marketing manager).
The issue TUN highlight happened because the buyer is spending $$ which they did not earn and not accounted for, it’s tax payer $$, and they can justify their decision, no one can question them. 10million or 20million is same decision for them.
Salam tun, semoga dirahmati Allah selalu. Nak buat macamana itulah yang ada dalam pemikiran orang kita, yang import adalah terbaik padahal sesetengah barang-barang kita lebih baik yang diimport, dah mindset kita begitu…
Najib as Prime Minister should be creative enough to look at all these issues and make the initiative to move forward and help the local manufacturers to prosper.
I do not know what is Najib’s economic agenda and what is really his top priority?
I observe nothing! I hear nothing ! I feel nothing !
I think to promote Malaysian products we have to take pragmatic actions:
1) Stop allowing illegal pirated products and dumped products from China such as clothings, car spare parts, IT peripherals
2) Improve quality and maintenance of Proton cars. How can you pay less for servicing and spare parts from normal garage as compared to Proton service centre? This is ridiculous. Furthermore, maintenance is very expensive and never consider what market wants for example fuel efficiency, immediate stock, etc.
3) Tax incentive for buying Malaysian products
4) Promote innovation. Knowledge items such as books should be made cheaper.
Salam Ayahnda Tun..
Susah kalau berbicara mengenai Produk Buatan Malaysia..Produk Malaysia telah mendapat persepsi kedua didalam minda penduduk sendiri. Malah ini lebih memburukkan lagi produk buatan Malaysia dikondem sendiri oleh rakyat Malaysia..Lihat sahajalah kereta
keluaran Proton.
Kaedah memperbetulkan kepercayaan kepada barangan tempatan dengan memberi pengajaran produk secara meluas dan membuat perbandingan dengan janama-jenama antarabangsa.
Produk menjadi antarabangsa apabila sesuatu produk itu diguna meluas oleh penduduk dunia..Nestle, Sony, Samsung malah Jenama Khinn pun oleh digelar Produk antarabangsa..
Salam Tun, semoga sentiasa sihat dan bijaksana.
Do agree with you . I wonder why Malaysians prefer foreign products. I do believe in Malaysian products.Whenever I buy things Malaysian, products will be my first choice and only if could not find one,other makes will be the choice then.However if the particular Malaysian products fail to lift up to my expectation that will be the last time I bought that made in Malaysia item.But through my experience, 90% of Malaysian products I bought are good.Malaysia Boleh.I make it a point “Malaysian” first.
The govt is promoting Buy Malaysian Products, but the Govt and the top officials prefer foreign product. Cakap tak serupa bikin.
Assalamualaikum Tun,
I believe that malaysian are so used to the idea that that imported products are always good and better than malaysian products. they will choose imported product if given an option.
I sincerely belive that local product is only treated as a symbol, mascot and only for official used. How many rich people in malaysia who use BMW and MERC instead of Perdana?
When they always have this in mind, therefore it is difficult to sell and promote malaysian products are as good, if not better than imported goods.
Do you try to suggest here that the Malaysian people should go for protectionism? Or do you simply suggest that much more incentive such as low-interest rate loan be given to the local manufacturers so that they can stop doing the less lucrative manufacture business but to switch to the high profit loan shark business using the low-interest rate loan proceeds from the bankers?
Pak Lah used to encourage the Malaysian people to go for ruminant farming. However, what result did we see from the goat farmers or the cow farmers in Malaysia? Some already went bankrupt. Some could barely survive by still carrying some skinny animals in their grazing lands. And the remaining others are ended getting themselves involved in the illegal loan shark business with the support of cheap loan coming from AgroBank. This is truly a Malaysian irony!
Hi Tun,
This is my very first comment in your blog and it goes without saying that you are doing a fantastic job. I have been a great fan of yours for as long as i could remember and has been following your posting in chedet since its inception.
In reference to your article above, i am particularly curious of your statement “Perhaps if awards of contracts are published just as offers of contracts are, then the public and the local businessmen would know who gets what, how many times and for how long. The contract process should also be made known”
If this is what you are wishing for from the present government as an ordinary Malaysian now which is my wish as well, why was it was not practiced during your premiership Tun?
Thank you and have a nice day Tun,
Salam Tun.
12. If we help them our industries can become world players. At the moment we do not have our Sony or Hitachi or Samsung or Hyundai. We have the technical capacities for truly Malaysian products and companies to be as well-known as those of Japan and Korea.
What about our MEC at Gambang,Pahang. Now they turn into UMP.
What happen long time ago?i studied at kuantan, feels to work at taht MEC when i am secondary school.but,sad but true,MEC has gone..
How government can curb corruption effectively? I think corruption is the main culprit.
Dear Tun,
I am strongly agree to the statement above.The disconfidence of Malaysians to their own products is the main factor why can’t the local products play an important role on the international stage.We should try our best to rise up the dignity of our own products,we should not have a perception that our products all are low quality.Undeniable that some of our products are not as goos as those imported so that we have to criticise the bad one and use the good one.
salam tun,
saya sokong kerajaan dan rakyat malaysia mesti support/beli barang/perkhidmatan buatan Malaysia yang berkualiti/berpotensi.
cuma, bila dapat sokongan harap janganlah rasa selesa dan tidak mahu majukan diri (atau lagi teruk lupa diri). kenalah jadikan sokongan tu sebagai batu loncatan/pemangkin untuk maju di persada antarabangsa. Kalau sekarang rakyat dan kerajaan beli barang/perkhidmatan kerana ia buatan malaysia, harus 5 tahun lagi rakyat dan kerajaan beli barang/perkhidmatan yang sama kerana kualitinya.
Proton yang dapat perlindungan daripada Kerajaan adalah the best case study. Banyak pros dan cons. Yang baik jadikan teladan, yang buruk jadikan sempadan.
to politician, please dont politicise this issue, this is the way forward agenda huh.
13. We merely need a little boost from Malaysians, particularly from the Government and its numerous agencies and companies.
The Malaysia Government must do something to help our local industries. Even though local company shouldn’t take opportunity to sell their product at higher price in market and but they should increase the quality.
The good is quality and second is quantity
Dearest Tun,
Truly the local manufacturers needed more boosts from the government as well as the whole nation. Locally our business is really facing a serious threat as local conglomerate or bigger business is taking over the scene as they don’t have other markets to feed on (may be is just a money game).
Recently i was paying a visit to Singapore and i finds that Malaysia is slowly lagging way behind others. We are truly losing the rat race or might not be in the race at all. Buildings is increasing every corner, booming every where, new and renew shopping malls springs out here and there. And where were we, our properties truly growing buildings everywhere with lots of banner “For Sale” or “To Let” hanging for years. Even at economic time like this Singapore is pushing the gap faraway from Malaysia. Guess we are truly racing backwards.
Look at Proton which is at the height of it’s game locally now running to the ground. Now ppl are fighting to take over ??? SAD SAD.
Even at times like these our leaders is still fighting to control the cake guess by the time they finish fighting all of them is going to eat sands.
A truly saddened Malaysian.
Tun hope you can do something about it even it is hard.
Take care.
Yes, absolutely true. Even the president of USA wants his governance to be transparent. So, why not in Malaysia?
Salam Tun
Why wasn’t this implemented during your time as PM? I think, at present, Mukhriz can probably help to make concrete your idea since he is currently the acting Deputy Minister at Trade and Industry.
Salam Tun
Ini adalah antara posting yang saya tunggu2..ya..kita kena bantu industri kita..kena bantu barangan kita..zaman sekarang barang2 kita dah berkualiti..buat apa masih guna barangan import yang mahal tue..
apa kata kalau seluruh pasar raya di Malaysia jual barangan kita sebagai keutamaan..jadi orang2 Malaysia akan secara tidak langsung memilih dan membeli barangan Malaysia..
Kita terlalu taksub dengan barangan luar negara..sedangkan tak tentu lagi bagus..Apa2 pun saya amat bersetuju jika barangan Malaysia diutamakan..bukan barangan luar..kita dah ada banyak barangan Malaysia..
there’s 2 reasons why i wouldn’t buy malaysian products – no. 1 – the attitude of local workers – not to be racist but you know and i know. dear former PM you’ve been to many places and i’m sure you’ve seen how the chinese try so hard to sell their products, and how hard they work. with a ‘tidak apa’ attitude and always thinking the taxpayers owe them the bumi protection they’re getting, why should i even give a dime to them? i’d rather fly overseas and buy it rather than give it to these losers.
no. 2 – products here are made by people of ‘tidak apa’ attitude – from right up in the management down to the cleaner. what makes you think they’re of good quality?
and that’s not even mentioning the level of corruption involved in these trades you’ve mentioned.
that’s true and u nailed it right, Tun…i heard from a website recently that our gov. is planning to do away with proton and use merz/bmw/toyota/etc. for their official cars…it’s not a good move as it will kill proton in the long run…if we m’sians cant support our own brands, then would foreigners supports?…we would lose valuable jobs as well…if proton/perodua is not doing well in terms of quality, then make complaints true the right channel so they know their weaknesses…and proton, which is held by the gov. should be monitored in terms of its corporate governance and KPIs so that it would improve well….of course we cant challenge merz/bmw coz proton is still young, but with proper training and government scrutiny, then Malaysia Boleh!…that is just an example here, and this comment does not limit to cars…i can go on and on abt m’sian products, but i have other work to do…the balls is in the government’s hands…as well as the people of Malaysia…where do u want to roll it?
“..At the moment we do not have our Sony or Hitachi or Samsung or Hyundai. We have the technical capacities for truly Malaysian products and companies to be as well-known as those of Japan and Korea….”
Salam Tun
… we also have the remnants of the likes who sold the MVAgusta for RM1.00 … the types of big voices who haven’t got what it takes to see things through … who pours out heaven sounding plans with everything in place … especially how to waste resources … except how to get them (plans) done.
Tun …
Saya pun dah ingat2 lupa, dulu ada satu penjenamaan terhadap alatan elektrik tempatan kalau tak salah saya Malaysia Electronic Corporations (MEC).
Kami sekeluarga mula berpakat gunakan barangan tempatan. Tapi tak lama jenama tu pun hilang macam tu saja.
Kempen beli barangan Malaysia juga dipromosi dengan malas oleh banyak pihak.
Patutnya dr kecil dan dari sekolah lagi kita sudah menyemaikan rasa kecintaan dan kekitaan yang tinggi dalam masyarakat kita untuk lebihkan barangan kita sendiri.
Tun …
Sebenarnya masyarakat kita sudah hilang semangat kenegaraan bila kempen beli barangan Malaysia tidak berjaya pun mencuit hati mereka.
Salahnya siapa Tun! Siapa !!!!!