1. Saya mengalu-alukan perhimpunan umat Islam yang bertujuan mempertahan kedaulatan Islam dan Perlembagaan. Saya sokong penuh tujuan-tujuan tersebut.
  2. Tetapi saya tertanya-tanya samada benar tujuan mendaulat Islam atau bertujuan mendapat sokongan bagi parti-parti politik tertentu. Yang pertamanya yang memimpin dan berucap ialah pemimpin Parti politik UMNO dan PAS. Dan akhbar melapor hasrat perhimpunan ialah untuk memperingati Kerajaan akan kedudukan agama Islam.
  3. Jika ia bertujuan mendaulat Islam, sepatutnya ia tidak terhad kepada parti politik tertentu sahaja. Gandingan parti-parti ini tidak mencerminkan solidariti orang Islam. Bahkan ia mengasing dan memisah umat Islam di Malaysia.
  4. PAS sejak awal lagi mendakwa orang parti UMNO adalah kafir kerana bekerjasama dengan orang kafir. Dakwaan ini masih tidak dibatalkan. Bahkan Amanat Hadi yang mendakwa Kerajaan UMNO adalah kafir dan kematian pejuang melawan Kerajaan UMNO, jika meninggal adalah syahid.
  5. Sekaligus dakwaan PAS dan Amanat Hadi memecah belah orang Melayu buat kali pertama. Orang Melayu semuanya beragama Islam dan termasuk golongan Sunni (Ahli Sunnah Wal Jamaah) pimpinan Imam Shafie. Tidak ada kelainan pendapat atau fahaman mereka berkenaan agama Islam sejak dahulu kala lagi. Mereka berpecah dengan mendalam dan teruk hanya apabila PAS ditubuh dan mendakwa orang UMNO kafir kerana bekerjasama dengan orang kafir. Demikianlah taksubnya orang PAS terhadap dakwaan ini sehingga ada yang anggap ibu bapa mereka yang menyertai UMNO sebagai kafir. Mereka dakwa perkahwinan orang UMNO tidak sah dan perlu dikahwin semula. Sembelihan orang UMNO haram dan tidak boleh dimakan oleh orang PAS dan bermacam lagi.
  6. Sehingga sekarang PAS tidak pernah batalkan dakwaan UMNO kafir mereka dan Amanat Hadi. Bagi PAS orang yang tidak sertai PAS adalah kafir. Mengikut PAS hanya ahli PAS sahaja Islam. Sudah tentu orang Islam yang mencari suaka di Negara bukan Islam sudah jadi kafir.
  7. Bagaimanakah PAS bersama UMNO berhak dakwa perhimpunan mereka menggambar solidariti orang Islam untuk kedaulatan Islam.
  8. Ada pula orang yang berjawatan, yang membisu seribu bahasa berkenaan dakwaan PAS dan Amanat Hadi. Apakah mereka terima kesahihan dakwaan PAS dan Amanat Hadi.
  9. Ada orang Islam yang kononnya ingin mengamal ajaran Islam. Tumpuan mereka adalah kepada perkara yang kecil yang mempunyai unsur politik. Sebaliknya larangan keras agama Islam tidak mendapat teguran dari mereka.
  10. Sekarang kita sudah dapati orang Islam Malaysia yang menyertai peperangan sesama orang Islam. Mereka sanggup membunuh orang Islam, sesuatu yang dilarang oleh agama Islam. Tidak ada gerakan oleh orang Islam yang ingin mendaulatkan Islam ini yang berhujah berkenaan dosanya membunuh, terutama membunuh orang Islam.
  11. Orang Islam itu bersaudara. Tetapi persaudaraan orang Islam dihapuskan dengan penubuhan PAS yang memperalatkan Islam secara salah untuk hancurkan persaudaraan antara orang Melayu Islam yang wujud sebelum PAS ditubuh.
  12. Yang lebih buruk lagi ialah melaungkan nama Allah semasa himpunan untuk memperkuatkan politik pecah belah oleh parti. Nama Allah diguna untuk menghalalkan penolakan ajaran Islam bahawa mengkafir orang Islam tanpa sebab yang nyata. Membuat dosa dengan melaku amalan yang dilarang oleh agama tidak sepatutnya disusuli dengan menyebut nama Allah.
  13. Islam melarang mencuri, tetapi PAS berunding dan bekerjasama dengan pemerintahan sebelum ini yang terkenal dalam dunia sebagai pemerintahan pencuri. Sekarang PAS terus berganding bahu dengan orang yang ditolak oleh masyarakat kerana mencuri.
  14. Ramai juga orang Melayu yang kerap menuduh Kerajaan ini tidak mendaulatkan Islam. Tetapi sebaliknya rombongan demi rombongan orang Islam datang dari negara-negara Islam lain yang dakwa bahawa Malaysia adalah contoh negara Islam. Dimana-mana juga di luar Negara terdapat orang Islam yang pandang tinggi Malaysia sebagai negara Islam. Mereka nyatakan keinginan melihat negara mereka menjadi seperti Malaysia.
  15. Kata mereka penduduk Negara mereka yang 100% Islam tidak pun dapat mentadbir dan menstabilkan Negara mereka, jauh sekali dari membangun Negara mereka. Kerap kali mereka bermusuh sesama mereka, membunuh dan berperang. Demikianlah huru hara di Negara mereka sehingga ramai yang terpaksa berhijrah ke Negara bukan Islam. Kelainan suku kaum, kelainan fahaman ajaran Islam, kelainan politik, kelainan pemimpin menghalang keamamanan. Kerapkali mereka terpaksa akur dengan kehendak kuasa besar yang bukan Islam. Ada juga yang dipengaruhi oleh Yahudi, samada secara langsung atau tidak langsung.
  16. Orang Islam di Negara-negara ini sering kagum dengan Islam di Malaysia. Mereka tidak mendakwa bahawa Islam tidak didaulat di Malaysia. Yang menuduh hanya orang Islam di Malaysia sahaja.
  17. Ya. Kita tidak potong tangan, tidak pancung kepala, tidak lontar batu untuk bunuh wanita yang dituduh berzina. Kita tidak berbuat demikian kerana Islam utamakan keadilan. Apakah adil memotong tangan orang Islam tetapi mengenakan penjara dua bulan pencuri bukan Islam. Apakah adil menghukum wanita yang dirogol tetapi tidak lelaki yang merogol. Ya. Tidak ada empat orang saksi. Tetapi ada bukti lain. Ingatlah Zulaikha bersalah kerana baju Yusuf koyak dibelakang. Ini disebut dalam Al-Quran. Di zaman ini kita boleh kenal perogol melalui berbagai cara.
  18. Syariat Islam mengutama keadilan, bukan hukum dan bukan saksi. Sesuatu yang tidak adil bukan Islam. Menentukan keadilan adalah ajaran Islam.
  19. Sesungguhnya tuduhan yang dilempar terhadap Kerajaan bukan kerana tidak mendaulat Islam, tetapi semata-mata kerana politik. Dalam usaha ini agama Islam yang suci menjadi buruk kerana kepentingan bukan agama.
  20. Sekali lagi saya ingin bertanya kepada Haji Hadi dan PAS samada mereka masih nafikan Islam saya dan orang yang bukan menjadi ahli atau penyokong PAS.

342 thoughts on “MENDAULATKAN ISLAM”


    Pada awal bulan Muharram ini,kita dikejutkan penangkapan pengikut – pengikut mazhab syiah oleh jabatan agama Islam Selangor. Penangkapan ini melibatkan rakyat Malaysia dan warganegara asing yang menetap di Malaysia yang terdiri daripada dewasa dan malangnya juga melibatkan kanak – kanak. Penangkapan ini adalah atas dasar ‘penetapan fatwa’ yang telah ditetapkan oleh jabatan agama Islam Selangor dan mengikut ‘SOP’ seperti mana yang disebut oleh Menteri besar Selangor. Menurut laporan media, penangkapan warganegara asing yang memegang passport Iran juga telah ditahan dan di dakwa.
    Tidak terhad kepada penangkapan dan penahanan, JAIS juga telah menyediakan khutbah jumaat yang telah di baca pada solat jumaat di seluruh masjid di Selangor, khutbah anti syiah yang menyeru umat Islam di negara ini untuk bersikap anti syiah dan memerangi pengikut syiah dengan melaporkan kecurigaan ‘kesyiahan’ jiran – jiran mereka kepada pihak berkuasa. Saya ingin mengajak pembaca untuk kembali kepada 2011 ketika tercetusnya perang di Syria dan bagaimana fenomena ‘jihad’ di kalangan umat Islam di Malaysia yang malangnya telah menyebabkan ratusan jika tidak ribuan umat melayu Islam Malaysia menyertai kumpulan pengganas ISIS yang membunuh manusia tidak berdosa di Syria dan di Iraq. Ketika itu, kempen anti syiah telah di institusikan oleh jabatan – jabatan dan parti politik kerajaan, badan bukan kerajaan(NGO) yang melibatkan ustaz – ustaz, mufti – mufti malah penjawat awam bagi menggerakkan kempen anti syiah untuk menyokong ‘pejuang mujahidin’ yang memerangi kerajaan Syria yang di pimpin oleh Bashar Al Assad yang dikatakan seorang syiah yang membunuh orang – orang sunni di Syria.
    Kempen ini telah menggambarkan dengan persepsi dan fitnah bahawa syiah itu sesat, kafir, dan orang – orang syiah ingin membunuh orang – orang bermazhab sunni. Setelah 8 tahun berlalu, kita dapat melihat kempen ini telah membawa malapetaka kepada negara Syria dan Malaysia itu sendiri di mana ribuan rakyat Malaysia telah menyertai kumpulan pengganas ISIS yang telah membunuh beratus ribu rakyat Syria yang terdiri pelbagai agama dan latar belakang tidak kira Islam dan Kristian, telah menjadi mangsa korban kepada pengganas ISIS dan kemudiannya pengganas ini menjadi ancaman kepada negara kita sendiri. Malangnya, sumbangan kempen anti syiah yang telah di institusikan ini, digerakkan di negara kita telah menyumbang kepada rekrutmen kumpulan pengganas ISIS. Setelah pentadbiran kerajaan bertukar, dengan harapan ianya akan menamatkan ‘institutionalized terrorism’ di negara kita tetapi malangnya ini tidak berlaku malah ianya menjadi lebih buruk lagi.
    Memetik laporan Malaysiakini bertajuk ‘JAIS ikut SOP serbu penganut Syiah – MB selangor’, keterangan media oleh Timbalan Pengarah Jais, Azlinda Azman penangkapan ‘penganut’ syiah dibuat kerana Syiah dikatakan adalah ajaran sesat dan bercanggah dengan agama Islam. Ini kerana Azlinda menyatakan bahawa syiah menolak ijmak ulama dan Islam bukan syarat wajib untuk mengerjakan haji. Saya ingin mengajak pembaca untuk merenung sejenak dan menggunakan kapasiti intelektual untuk mengupas kenyataan pegawai JAIS ini. Negara republik Islam Iran yang 90% umat Islamnya bermazhab syiah, menjadikan sistem majlis syura ulama sebagai hieraki teratas di dalam pentadbiran negara mengatasi parlimen. Majlis syura ulama ini terdiri daripada ratusan ulama yang telah dilantik mewakili setiap daerah di Iran. Setiap keputusan parlimen hendaklah ditapis dan persetujui oleh majlis syura ulama ini dan ini dinamakan ijma ulama(konsensus ulama) . Amat mengejutkan dan mengecewakan apabila pegawai JAIS dengan beraninya menipu dan menyebar fitnah terhadap ‘penganut’ syiah bagi menjustifikasikan penindasan terhadap kebebasan beragama di negara ini. Keduanya, jika betul syiah itu menolak Ijma ulama, konsep Ijma Ulama bukan terdiri daripada rukun Islam itu sendiri di mana mazhab fiqh dalam kumpulan Ahlul Sunnah Jamaah itu sendiri berbeza pendapat mengenai ‘Ijma Ulama’ ini. Tetapi, jika ya rukun wajib Islam terdiri daripada Ijma Ulama, sudah ada penetapan terhadap mazhab syiah ini oleh ijma ulama seluruh dunia yang terdiri daripada pelbagai mazhab Islam, di mana mazhab Jaafariah dan Zaidiah(syiah) adalah sebahagian daripada mazhab – mazhab Islam. Penetapan ini sudah ditetapkan ribuan tahun dahulu dan yang terkini pada 2004 melalui mesej Amman (Amman Message) di Jordan di mana Tun Abdullah Badawi adalah salah seorang yang menandatangan penetapan tersebut. Juga, Universiti Al Azhar, pusat sumber rujukan terbesar Ahlul Sunnah Wal Jamaah telah mengeluarkan fatwa oleh Sheikh Mahmud Shaltut pada tahun 1959 bahawa syiah Jaafariah adalah cabang kedua mazhab dalam Islam. Di dalam hal ini, seperti yang dikatakan oleh Timbalan pengarah JAIS Azlinda Azman bahawa Syiah itu sesat kerana menolak Ijma Ulama, bagaimana dengan JAIS itu sendiri yang menolak Ijma Ulama mengenai penetapan mazhab syiah? Mengikut takrifan beliau sendiri, adakah JAIS telah sesat?
    Peristiwa malang ini juga telah mengakibatkan keretakan di dalam hubungan diplomatik kita dengan negara – negara Islam yang bermajoriti mazhab syiah seperti Iran. Dilaporkan perdana Menteri kita akan melawat Tehran tidak lama lagi bagi lawatan kerja dan diplomatik bagi membincang isu sejagat yang melibatkan umat islam seluruh dunia dan isu palestin khasnya. Sudah ada desas desus lawatan ini mungkin di batalkan atau terjejas akibat daripada tindakan keganasan oleh JAIS dan kerajaan negeri Selangor. Ini adalah perbuatan sabotaj di pihak kerajaan negeri Selangor terhadap Kerajaan persekutuan dan Perdana Menteri. Saya mengesyorkan agar Perdana Menteri Tun Mahathir mengambil pandangan serius terhadap tindakan sabotaj kerajaan negeri Selangor ini dan menghentikan ‘Institutionalised terrorism’ ini. Perbuatan ini tidak ada tempat di negara kita yang mengamalkan kebebasan beragama, toleransi dan keamanan sejagat. Saya tegaskan, perbuatan ini tidak ada tempat di dalam negara kita yang tercinta ini.

  2. salam Tun,


    Pada awal bulan Muharram ini,kita dikejutkan penangkapan pengikut – pengikut mazhab syiah oleh jabatan agama Islam Selangor. Penangkapan ini melibatkan rakyat Malaysia dan warganegara asing yang menetap di Malaysia yang terdiri daripada dewasa dan malangnya juga melibatkan kanak – kanak. Penangkapan ini adalah atas dasar ‘penetapan fatwa’ yang telah ditetapkan oleh jabatan agama Islam Selangor dan mengikut ‘SOP’ seperti mana yang disebut oleh Menteri besar Selangor. Menurut laporan media, penangkapan warganegara asing yang memegang passport Iran juga telah ditahan dan di dakwa.
    Tidak terhad kepada penangkapan dan penahanan, JAIS juga telah menyediakan khutbah jumaat yang telah di baca pada solat jumaat di seluruh masjid di Selangor, khutbah anti syiah yang menyeru umat Islam di negara ini untuk bersikap anti syiah dan memerangi pengikut syiah dengan melaporkan kecurigaan ‘kesyiahan’ jiran – jiran mereka kepada pihak berkuasa. Saya ingin mengajak pembaca untuk kembali kepada 2011 ketika tercetusnya perang di Syria dan bagaimana fenomena ‘jihad’ di kalangan umat Islam di Malaysia yang malangnya telah menyebabkan ratusan jika tidak ribuan umat melayu Islam Malaysia menyertai kumpulan pengganas ISIS yang membunuh manusia tidak berdosa di Syria dan di Iraq. Ketika itu, kempen anti syiah telah di institusikan oleh jabatan – jabatan dan parti politik kerajaan, badan bukan kerajaan(NGO) yang melibatkan ustaz – ustaz, mufti – mufti malah penjawat awam bagi menggerakkan kempen anti syiah untuk menyokong ‘pejuang mujahidin’ yang memerangi kerajaan Syria yang di pimpin oleh Bashar Al Assad yang dikatakan seorang syiah yang membunuh orang – orang sunni di Syria.
    Kempen ini telah menggambarkan dengan persepsi dan fitnah bahawa syiah itu sesat, kafir, dan orang – orang syiah ingin membunuh orang – orang bermazhab sunni. Setelah 8 tahun berlalu, kita dapat melihat kempen ini telah membawa malapetaka kepada negara Syria dan Malaysia itu sendiri di mana ribuan rakyat Malaysia telah menyertai kumpulan pengganas ISIS yang telah membunuh beratus ribu rakyat Syria yang terdiri pelbagai agama dan latar belakang tidak kira Islam dan Kristian, telah menjadi mangsa korban kepada pengganas ISIS dan kemudiannya pengganas ini menjadi ancaman kepada negara kita sendiri. Malangnya, sumbangan kempen anti syiah yang telah di institusikan ini, digerakkan di negara kita telah menyumbang kepada rekrutmen kumpulan pengganas ISIS. Setelah pentadbiran kerajaan bertukar, dengan harapan ianya akan menamatkan ‘institutionalized terrorism’ di negara kita tetapi malangnya ini tidak berlaku malah ianya menjadi lebih buruk lagi.
    Memetik laporan Malaysiakini bertajuk ‘JAIS ikut SOP serbu penganut Syiah – MB selangor’, keterangan media oleh Timbalan Pengarah Jais, Azlinda Azman penangkapan ‘penganut’ syiah dibuat kerana Syiah dikatakan adalah ajaran sesat dan bercanggah dengan agama Islam. Ini kerana Azlinda menyatakan bahawa syiah menolak ijmak ulama dan Islam bukan syarat wajib untuk mengerjakan haji. Saya ingin mengajak pembaca untuk merenung sejenak dan menggunakan kapasiti intelektual untuk mengupas kenyataan pegawai JAIS ini. Negara republik Islam Iran yang 90% umat Islamnya bermazhab syiah, menjadikan sistem majlis syura ulama sebagai hieraki teratas di dalam pentadbiran negara mengatasi parlimen. Majlis syura ulama ini terdiri daripada ratusan ulama yang telah dilantik mewakili setiap daerah di Iran. Setiap keputusan parlimen hendaklah ditapis dan persetujui oleh majlis syura ulama ini dan ini dinamakan ijma ulama(konsensus ulama) . Amat mengejutkan dan mengecewakan apabila pegawai JAIS dengan beraninya menipu dan menyebar fitnah terhadap ‘penganut’ syiah bagi menjustifikasikan penindasan terhadap kebebasan beragama di negara ini. Keduanya, jika betul syiah itu menolak Ijma ulama, konsep Ijma Ulama bukan terdiri daripada rukun Islam itu sendiri di mana mazhab fiqh dalam kumpulan Ahlul Sunnah Jamaah itu sendiri berbeza pendapat mengenai ‘Ijma Ulama’ ini. Tetapi, jika ya rukun wajib Islam terdiri daripada Ijma Ulama, sudah ada penetapan terhadap mazhab syiah ini oleh ijma ulama seluruh dunia yang terdiri daripada pelbagai mazhab Islam, di mana mazhab Jaafariah dan Zaidiah(syiah) adalah sebahagian daripada mazhab – mazhab Islam. Penetapan ini sudah ditetapkan ribuan tahun dahulu dan yang terkini pada 2004 melalui mesej Amman (Amman Message) di Jordan di mana Tun Abdullah Badawi adalah salah seorang yang menandatangan penetapan tersebut. Juga, Universiti Al Azhar, pusat sumber rujukan terbesar Ahlul Sunnah Wal Jamaah telah mengeluarkan fatwa oleh Sheikh Mahmud Shaltut pada tahun 1959 bahawa syiah Jaafariah adalah cabang kedua mazhab dalam Islam. Di dalam hal ini, seperti yang dikatakan oleh Timbalan pengarah JAIS Azlinda Azman bahawa Syiah itu sesat kerana menolak Ijma Ulama, bagaimana dengan JAIS itu sendiri yang menolak Ijma Ulama mengenai penetapan mazhab syiah? Mengikut takrifan beliau sendiri, adakah JAIS telah sesat?
    Peristiwa malang ini juga telah mengakibatkan keretakan di dalam hubungan diplomatik kita dengan negara – negara Islam yang bermajoriti mazhab syiah seperti Iran. Dilaporkan perdana Menteri kita akan melawat Tehran tidak lama lagi bagi lawatan kerja dan diplomatik bagi membincang isu sejagat yang melibatkan umat islam seluruh dunia dan isu palestin khasnya. Sudah ada desas desus lawatan ini mungkin di batalkan atau terjejas akibat daripada tindakan keganasan oleh JAIS dan kerajaan negeri Selangor. Ini adalah perbuatan sabotaj di pihak kerajaan negeri Selangor terhadap Kerajaan persekutuan dan Perdana Menteri. Saya mengesyorkan agar Perdana Menteri Tun Mahathir mengambil pandangan serius terhadap tindakan sabotaj kerajaan negeri Selangor ini dan menghentikan ‘Institutionalised terrorism’ ini. Perbuatan ini tidak ada tempat di negara kita yang mengamalkan kebebasan beragama, toleransi dan keamanan sejagat. Saya tegaskan, perbuatan ini tidak ada tempat di dalam negara kita yang tercinta ini.

  3. C&P

    Tuan-tuan perasan tak kita orang Islam, teks khutbah Jumaat kita disediakan oleh pej. Agama Islam tiap negeri. Penceramah2 agama disurau mesjid kena dapatkan tauliah pejabat2 agama Islam tiap negeri. TETAPI…
    Adakah teks ucapan paderi2 digereja Kristian ada badan pemantaunya?? Sami2 dikuil2 yg dikatakan kebanyakannya diimpot dr India adakah ajaran dan pidato ceramahnya dipantau. Apakah paderi dr luar negara dipantau ucapannya. Adakah ucapan paderi tiap hari Ahad digereja disediakan oleh kawalan kerajaan? Agama lain bebas sebebasbebasnya beraktiviti tetapi Islam agama Persekutuan serba dikawal. Maka sebab itu kebencian penganut agama lain terhadap Islam bertambah2… siapa ajar mereka benci Islam? Siapa provok mereka hina Rasulullah? Adakah dari gereja dan kuil? Ada kita dengar paderi tugasnya digantong sbb provokasi terhadap Islam? Ada kita dengar sami2 dikuil2 diperiksa oleh Imigresen? Agama mereka bebas, Agama kita dibelenggu??
    Ucapan pendakwah Islam dipantau oleh org bukan Islam dan dianggap mengahasut.
    Sedarkah kita??

    Asalamualaikum tun…
    Salam senja, selamat sejahtera…


    When bahasa melayu diutamakan under the previous moe, malaysians are split and divided on national policies played by political parties in the name of malaysia boleh, gemilang, cemerlang dan terhilang until 1malaysia with kpi index.

    Henceforth, malay splinter groups were established, and with permission from ros, today, malaysia has pkr, amanah and now bersatu to fight for malay and moslem votes.

    When khat calligrahy diutamakan moe hari ini, and rename bahasa melayu as bahasa malaysia, will malay wannabe, i mean, katak, bersatu dengan ppbm to strengthen pakatan harapan to protect the official religion this time?

    Mr lim, do you believe the superficial talk that problems in hong kong is beneficial to your constituencies under dap?

    Frankly speaking, i dont agree.


    I strongly believe beijing do not allow hong kong to regress and become another north korea of the past under province of guangdong.

    Do you want to see fujian province become independent province, and bypass beijing because you favor taiwan politics who claimed they are officially a republic of china representing mainland chinese?

    Foreigners do not undestand, contohnya mubarakchan, i can accept, but yellow slimmy worms dont understand, dont you think you dont understand the history of china?

    As long as the tide is not off, no one knows who is swimming naked in there.

    When market saturation begins, new solution will come up to generate new market, henceforth, the fundamental in learning economics is due to scarcity.

    Can kuala lumpur, federal terrority, be added in the list of asian tiger?

    Political parties in malacca, penang and labuan also want to their constituencies become asian tiger, tapi, penduduk tak cukup, so how?

    Can sukuk bond sells?

    Dulu tak boleh, kini, lagi tak boleh.


    Bersih only did one mass protest, but malay political parties have done so many protests, did you see ds najib came out to stop them?

    Whenever malay protests he and his wife were in overseas kuat shopping via credit card ambank.

    Dulu, saya tak erti politik tanahair.

    Kini, saya erti.

    One thing is i am very sure is Saya Tak Nak Malaysia regress and turn out to be a pariah country due to political power struggling within the political coalition in robbing paul to pay peter as if malaysians are still living on trees and dependent on perigi for water storage.

    Which way they go, i am not sure since this is a political issues within the political of the divide to survive, atau stay relevant, to be the bossku.

    Rangka sudah ada, which way to go?

    When khat calligraphy is introduced, then, kristian, taoist and hindu caligraphy must be added in bahasa malaysia syllabus.

    Jika tidak boleh, then, dont implement.


    PH under PPBM will loose votes of non malay muslim in peninsula, sabah and sawawak, and they do not have the numbers to form cabinet at federal level.

    Pendek kata, pi mai pi mai tang tu.

    P/s: should mof dap under ppbm bailout toll highways this time with dll still need to feed by sweets?


    May i ask, should public transport including commercial airlines allow breast feeding since due to science breakthrough, infant instant power formula is allowed for processing to feed the infant population?

    If you ask me as malaysian, even when the breastfeeding activists succeeded in lobbying the ruling government of the day to allow breast feeding in public transport including commercial airline, i wont do it.


    Breast feeding is very intimate and personal bonding between my baby and my spouse, so i wont do it the public even when the rule of law in this country allows it.

    There is always pros and cons.

    There is always yesayers and naysayers.

    Whoever garned the majority votes to form the cabinet and name the perdana menteri, we will know what lies a head in the next 5 years.

    Is it legal?

    Is it illegal?

    Entah, since no one knows as long as the tide is not off.

    Either you are with the ruling, or you are with the opposing sides.

    Mr trump wants to build a wall to stop immigration to make america great again.

    Will it works?

    No òne knows.

    Whoever garnered majority votes, he will become the President of USA for the next 4 years based on rule of law, not rule of president men.

    When the decision not to extend lynas license is based on vote counts, not economic bilateral trades, then, pakatan harapan under bersatu is no difference from barisan nasional under umno baru iaitu MAN PROPOSED, GOD DISPOSED with malay biased policy, kata mubarakchan.

    Can he do it again?

    A vote loss by ph pas under bersatu tun dr mahathir mohammad is a vote won by bn pas under umno yb zahih hamidi.

    Are you ready?

  6. Mari kita bersama-sama lakukan kebajikan untuk Islam. Kita INFAQ sedikit REZEKI kita untuk ISLAM. Moga ia menjadi bekalan kebajikan bagi diri kita dan juga kebajikan atas ayah dan Ibu kita yang mendidik kita. Moga dalam kesempatan usia yang diberikan Allah SWT, sempat bagi kita berbakti untuk Islam. Ameen.

    Website Yayasan YPEM ->

  7. Mari kita bersama-sama lakukan kebajikan untuk Islam. Kita INFAQ sedikit REZEKI kita untuk ISLAM. Moga ia menjadi bekalan kebajikan bagi diri kita dan juga kebajikan atas ayah dan Ibu kita yang mendidik kita. Moga dalam kesempatan usia yang diberikan Allah SWT, sempat bagi kita berbakti untuk Islam. Ameen.

    Website Yayasan YPEM ->

  8. Saya ingin meminta maaf kepada Dr. Tun Mahathir kerana telah membuat satu sticker whatsapp Tun sedang memakai kopiah Ikhwan. Saya bukan staf GISBH, tetapi telah ditegur oleh mereka untuk menghormati Tun. Saya membuat sticker tersebut kerana terlalu excited setelah melihat Tun memakai kopiah Ikhwan, tiada niat buruk terhadap Tun. Ampun maaf Tun. Harap dapat memaafkan saya.

  9. Good morning!

    Macam2 kisah. Kes Azmin. Bukan Azmin.

    Kes ex-Agong. Bukan isteri lagi. Keluarlah video tunjuklah betapa romantik pasangan ini. Siap lawyer jawab lagi they no longer married.

    But Tun, I only kisah bila bursa malaysia sentiasa lemah because that’s my source of income. Bila tempat I cari duit jadi susah cari makan, I susah hati.

    Bab politik ini bila election nanti baru you all tau. Sekarang cakap pun bukan ada gunanya.

    Semalam, kes apanama?

    Hari ini, kes 1MDB. Bukan Najib Mohammad Razak?

    Hari ini, kes FGV. Bukan Isa Samad?

    Look at the mirror, kata Azmin to Anwar.

    Who was the political master behind Azmin and Haziq?

    Azmin kata beliau tahu, tetapi, he cannot speaks out who is the political master behind the sodomy as muslim.

    If they do not recognize the trade mark of superman, then, they do not understand what is copyrights.

    Value of assets only depreciates.

    Value of assets never appreciates unless the owners of the assets decided to re-invest into the assets to earn back what was spent or accumulated n the past.

    Absolute power corrupts absolutely.

    Henceforth, general election must be called to get the mandate from the voters via westminster parliamentary democracy.

    Sekejap bumpiputra biased policy, sekejap islam biased policy, sekejap malay biased policy, sekejap bumiputera biased policy.

    Pas masuk pun tarak guna kerana pengundi mereka pun tetap tidak percayai mereka.


    After going through all those gutter politics, have they adap to rapid changes of the world economy?

    Sultan cannot rule, but sultan can said tak nak.

    Voters cannot rule, but voters can vote tak nak.

    Perdana menteri and kabinet comes and go, so are the presidents of the political parties, tak gitu?

    Bak kata, tak nak takpa, tapi jangan hina.

    Only muslim can decide, dll mesti submit?

    Jika tidak, they will be labelled as traitors?

    Dont sue the federal government that feed you, sue the political masters that have done injustice, is that so hard to understand?

    Do these malay youngsters know the trademark of superman?

    P/s: semalam, dia cantas dia, hari ini dia cantas dia. besok dia cantas dia. lusa dia cantas dia. pendek kata, it makes no sense who can jual better. jika tak nak, then, it is best to berundur, or resign, itu saja.

  10. Good morning!

    Macam2 kisah. Kes Azmin. Bukan Azmin.

    Kes ex-Agong. Bukan isteri lagi. Keluarlah video tunjuklah betapa romantik pasangan ini. Siap lawyer jawab lagi they no longer married.

    But Tun, I only kisah bila bursa malaysia sentiasa lemah because that’s my source of income. Bila tempat I cari duit jadi susah cari makan, I susah hati.

    Bab politik ini bila election nanti baru you all tau. Sekarang cakap pun bukan ada gunanya.

  11. Salam,

    Tidak-tidak. Saya tidak mahu dengar akan nilai pasaran saham yang muram, hutang negara meningkat, pengangguran bertambah, hutang negara meningkat, penjualan aset atau apa lah. Apa? masih ramai yang terhidu gas beracun di Pasir Gudang? ini semua rekaan. PH dapat menangani isu negara dengan baik. Saya akan tetap sanjung Tun.

    Mana ada rasuah, mana ada video maksiat dalam PH. Saya tak mau dengar lagi. PH akan tetap saya sanjung. Kes terowong tak sama dengan 1MDB. saya akan pekakkan telinga saya akan rungutan rakyat. Mereka semua pemalas dan mengharapkan bantuan kerajaan sahaja.

  12. Assalamualaikum Tun,

    Saya ingin komen mengenai pemilihan Bersatu ditunda kepada Jun tahun depan. Saya berpendapat ini adalah satu langkah ke belakang. Ini bermakna pemimpin-pemimpin Bersatu masih adalah dari lantikan dan bukannya pemilihan. Tun sendiri berkata pemimpin-pemimpin lantikan ini tidak “perform” dan lebih menjaga kepentingan diri sendiri. Mereka tidak menambahkan ahli-ahli kerana khuatir mereka digulingkan dari jawatan.

    Ada juga yang berkata jawatan-jawatan tertinggi Bersatu tidak dipertandingkan. Cara apakah semua ini? Ini semua cara-cara pemimpin UMNO dahulu dalam mengekalkan kuasa mereka. Tun berkata kita ahli-ahli Bersatu jangan jadi seperti UMNO, dalam dalam pemilihan parti, ikut pula cara UMNO. Nampak tidak kena.

    Demikianlah juga ada rungutan saya terima, bahawa ahli-ahli Bersatu tidak memegang jawatan dalam kerajaan atau GLC tetapi ahli-ahli UMNO pula di bawa masuk boleh pula memegang jawatan. Saya juga terima rungutan banyak cawangan dan bahagian tidak aktif. Mesyuarat-mesyuarat jarang atau tidak ada langsung diadakan. Ianya memberi gambaran ahli-ahli hanya diperlukan ketika pilihanraya sahaja.

    Saya khuatir, kalau keadaan ini berterusan, iainya akan memberi kesan negatif kepada Bersatu terutama dalam mengembeling tenaga dalam PRU akan datang. Sekarang pun saya dengar dalam pilihanraya kecil, terpaksa import ahli-ahli Bersatu dari luar kerana kekurangan ahli di kawasan pilihanraya. Jagalah ahli-ahli Bersatu.

    Sekadar pendapat peribadi.

  13. Assalamualaikum Tun.

    Terima kasih pada yang menjaga saya.

    Saya di Brunei. Ada projek katering offshore.

    Semoga urusan kalian dipermudahkan. InsyaAllah.

    Terima kasih Tun.

  14. Assalamualaikum tun

    1.malam ini khabarnya tun akan ke majlis pkr di port dickson.diharapkan tun akan dapat menamatkan semua persengketaan ini.

    2.pada saya kalau anwar nak jadi pm senang je, dia hanya perlu makan, tidur jaga kawasan parlimennya dan sabar menunggu sehingga smpai waktunya.tapi untuk azmin jadi pm, ianya memang agak sulit.konspirasi dan sebagainya memang perlu dilakukan.

    3.mustahil untuk azmin jadi pm kalau dia kekal timb presiden pkr.andai itu berlaku, apa jadi pada anwar?presiden pkr yg hanya nganga sahaja?

    4.jadi azmin perlu menimbulkan satu isu besar supaya dia dan gengnya dapat berpecah dari pkr dan mungkin sertai bersatu kerana peluangnya jadi pm lebih cerah jika disitu.lebih baik kalau dia dapat jadi presiden parti bersatu. Ts muhyidin pun dah mula difitnah menandatangani memorandum anwar jadi pm.kalau dapat ganti ts muhyidin jadi presiden pun seronok juga kan azmin.

    5.pada saya cash masih lagi king.begitu juga kuasa yang ditawarkan pada seseorang andai kata salah seorang itu dapat jadi pm.double cross, mungkin triple cross pn mungkin dan kuasa tetap raja.orang yang nampak seperti team anwar mungkin bukan team anwar pun sebenarnya.mungkin hanya proksi azmin saja.

    6.apapun disebabkan apa yang dilakukannya 20 tahun lepas, anwar tetap dalam kedudukan tidak selamat.saya andaikan apa saja yang keluar dari mulutnya semua tun ragu2 keikhlasannya. Yelah pada 20 tahun lepas, tun cakap didepan tun die senyum sahaja tapi dibelakang tun, die merancang untuk menggulingkan tun,gunakan zahid sebagai proksinya untuk menyerang tun kerana dia tahu dia takkan jadi pm kerana masalah moralnya itu.

    7.anwar memang pada saya boleh dikatakan sesumpah terbesar dimalaysia,orang yang berubah mengikut warna ikut pada keadaan tun perlu firm.andai kata tun cakap saja saya pilih anwar dan bukan azmin, saya fikir keadaan akan jadi reda dan tidak bergolak sangat seperti sekarang.

    Jaga diri tun.dan selamat hari lahir ke 94.age hasn’t slowed you down one bit 🙂

  15. Good morning!

    Tun, selepas Tun jadi PM semula, Pak Lah jadi PM semula, selepas itu Najib jadi PM semula, kena complete circle tu, baru Anwar boleh jadi PM.

  16. It’s getting more interesting! Uglier too! Yeah, gutter politics…

    You mean getting more exciting and vibrant to be part of the trillion dollar debt restructuring deal of share mana pihak turun dan letop lagi?

    Whatever tdm wants to do, no one can stop him.


    Being in this blog for 2 decades, you still dont know his style in dictating the direction of the economy of who gets what, who dont get what with bumputra status of nep?

    Contohnya, i saw no smoking sign of stricter punishment with myr10,000 and hukum penjara of 2 tahun, then, i can safely conclude the mindset of minister of health has not improved yet, but still stuck in dulu2 punya mindset kerana bossku legacy.

    What is bri?

    Being part of the global economic players for emerging markets, china has the obligation to generate economic growth in china, and outside china for the next 50 years to come.

    It is up to tdm to play his part in this initiative, and it is up to the political parties of the divide to challenge him and his kabinet to win votes, janji menang, baru bikin.

    Pakai dulu, menyesal kemundian with forever got tomorrow one of tunggu besok, tunggu lusa baru bikin punya mindset is deeply rooted in the mindset of malay bumiputra races

    Whichever coalition gets the majority votes, they will be the winner for the next 5 years.

    I heard that nep bumiputra status policy has increased to 35%, is it true?

    It would be safer for chinese voters to be level down to 2nd class citizens so that consensus of ruling and shadow governments is still relevant regardless of what happened in the future kerana bossku, malu apa.

    Not being part of the political party members, ruling government at putrajaya, shadow state governments structure is not the end of the world, or not patriotic to this country as voters, right?

    Siapakah tikus, tuah dan jebat?

    Itu terpulang kepada selera dan citarasa of the wannabes to play their part to be the trillionaire group.

    Whoever become the next perdana menteri, hakikatnya, adalah sama iaitu who can jual better for the next 5 years until the next general election is called.

    Therefore, no need to get jeles because to the perjuang melayu dan agama, only they can be the perdana menteri, why change this status quo?

    If the pendatang dont like, then go back to fix the states or mother countries that they come from via federal unearned budget, thats politics.

    Able or not, we just have to wait it out who is in, who is out.

    Jika tak hepi, tunggu saja giliranmu dipanggil, tak gitu?

    Mendaulatkan islam is more important, or unity of races is more important, itu terpulang kepada ruling government at putrajaya with de factor power of authorithy to decide.

    Take care, and all the best to all of the wannabes.

  17. Salam Dearest YAB PM Tun Dr. Mahathir,

    Allow me Tun:


    It’s getting more interesting! Uglier too! Yeah, gutter politics…

    And we already knew that the videos are not deepfakes (Tun was wrong…).

    2. Something to ponder:-

    “Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I’m not sure about the former.” – Albert Einstein

    “Never argue with stupid people, they will drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience. “ – Mark Twain

    “Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt.”
    – Abraham Lincoln

    “Showing off is the fool’s idea of glory.” – Bruce Lee

    “Silence is the best response to a fool.” – Unknown

    Thank you Tun.

    – May Allah SWT bless Tun and family –

  18. Salam YAB dan DiSanjungi PM Tun Dr. Mahathir,

    Mohon izin Tun:

    1. Undi 18: Saya percaya ini satu kesilapan. Orang yang tidak @kurang matang tidak wajar diberi kepercayaan untuk memilih Kerajaan bagi menentukan hala tuju Negara. Negara akan menuju kehancuran jika ‘budak-budak’ diberi tanggungjawab besar mengundi pada PRU. Contohnya, kerana digula-gulakan dengan janji PTPTN tidak akan menghalang peminjam2 tegar (senarai hitam) dari pergi keluar negara, berduyun-duyunlah mereka mengundi PH (dulu PR). Mereka tidak tahu apa yang betul dan apa yang salah. Ikut emosi dan kehendak diri sahaja. Janji pemberian wang ringgit @ dedak lagilah mereka suka. Yelah, budak-budak memang suka gula-gula.

    Undi 18, atau increase mp seat by land size, hakikatnya adalah sama iaitu janji menang whereby winner takes all, loser takes all.

    2. Isu video lucah seks songsang: Dari awal lagi saya sudah katakan yang Tun tidak sepatutnya memberi kenyataan yang memihak kepada Menteri yang didakwa sebagai salah seorang pelaku dalam video tersebut. Tun membuatkan pihak POLIS dll. pihak yang terlibat dalam penyiasatan kes ini berasa serba salah. Lebih elok Tun katakan yang Tun masih menunggu hasil siasatan dari pihak berkaitan (tidak perlu katakan komplot politik /konspirasi menjatuhkan dll.). Saya sedih kerana Tun masih lagi mahu memihak kepada YB tersebut. Tun jangan buat kesilapan lagi memilih pengganti Tun.

    Did they do it?

    Each state got different set of syariah laws, atau natural laws for malay muslim. They were caught in sabah’s hotel, meaning the hotel that they checked in does not comply to p & c policy? The question now is both yb azmin and haziz are malay by race though their birth places might be different, so will both yang berhormat azmin ali and haziz pkr member be charged under natural syariah law of sabah for commiting the sodommy act because they are muslim eventhough he is a minister, and his lover is lawyer by profession?

    3. Amat malang sekali kerana PH dipenuhi oleh para pemimpin dan penyokong yang songsang pemikiran mereka. Saya katakan sedemikian kerana yang mengamalkan seks songsang @ luar tabii dan segala macam maksiat yang ditegah dan diharamkan dalam Islam boleh pula disokong oleh kawan2 dan para penyokong tegar mereka yang beragama Islam (yang kafir lain cerita).

    When she thinks the act is songsang because she is female malay muslim, then, by all means, she can hasut, oops, i mean, influence, her siblings, relatives, colleagues and friends to vote opposition coalition what, thats her choice of politics, kan malaysia dah merdeka for 6 decades.

    In the past, i feel sorry for them, but after going through all these horrendous gutter politics again and again, i loose hope in local politics especially issues pertaining to syariah compliance policy. why? when there is change of government due to gutter politics, halal can become haram, haram can become halal, very scary and uncertain.

  19. HBT …If you are a Dog
    Dogs needs to Bark. Then Malaysia is not a place for you
    My advice is you get a Master and follow the instruction
    If yr Master name you Jojo
    Jojo ….Sit …you sit
    Jojo…..Catch the Ball ….You go and catch the ball
    We Malaysia are Not born in a Cage
    We have wings to fly

    You can keep those chocolates all by yourself, sibotak, tak da orang peduli pun kata sri sense.

    As saying goes, racism, cronism and nepotism happen everywhere, henceforth, general election must be called to get the mandate from the political parties.

    Political scheme?

    It looks like a pak man telo scheme, bukan?

    Nangis2, sindir2 pun tarak guna.

    Adakah itu 2 kali 5 = 10?

    Adakah itu 5 × 2 = 10?

    It is up to their selera to decide who they prefer to be their perdana menteri.

    Take care and all the best to the wannabes, and thank you.

  20. Salam YAB dan DiSanjungi PM Tun Dr. Mahathir,

    Mohon izin Tun:

    1. Undi 18: Saya percaya ini satu kesilapan. Orang yang tidak @kurang matang tidak wajar diberi kepercayaan untuk memilih Kerajaan bagi menentukan hala tuju Negara. Negara akan menuju kehancuran jika ‘budak-budak’ diberi tanggungjawab besar mengundi pada PRU. Contohnya, kerana digula-gulakan dengan janji PTPTN tidak akan menghalang peminjam2 tegar (senarai hitam) dari pergi keluar negara, berduyun-duyunlah mereka mengundi PH (dulu PR). Mereka tidak tahu apa yang betul dan apa yang salah. Ikut emosi dan kehendak diri sahaja. Janji pemberian wang ringgit @ dedak lagilah mereka suka. Yelah, budak-budak memang suka gula-gula.

    2. Isu video lucah seks songsang: Dari awal lagi saya sudah katakan yang Tun tidak sepatutnya memberi kenyataan yang memihak kepada Menteri yang didakwa sebagai salah seorang pelaku dalam video tersebut. Tun membuatkan pihak POLIS dll. pihak yang terlibat dalam penyiasatan kes ini berasa serba salah. Lebih elok Tun katakan yang Tun masih menunggu hasil siasatan dari pihak berkaitan (tidak perlu katakan komplot politik /konspirasi menjatuhkan dll.). Saya sedih kerana Tun masih lagi mahu memihak kepada YB tersebut. Tun jangan buat kesilapan lagi memilih pengganti Tun.

    3. Amat malang sekali kerana PH dipenuhi oleh para pemimpin dan penyokong yang songsang pemikiran mereka. Saya katakan sedemikian kerana yang mengamalkan seks songsang @ luar tabii dan segala macam maksiat yang ditegah dan diharamkan dalam Islam boleh pula disokong oleh kawan2 dan para penyokong tegar mereka yang beragama Islam (yang kafir lain cerita).

    Terima kasih Tun.

    – Semoga Allah SWT sentiasa merahmati Tun sekeluarga –

  21. HBT …If you are a Dog
    Dogs needs to Bark. Then Malaysia is not a place for you
    My advice is you get a Master and follow the instruction
    If yr Master name you Jojo
    Jojo ….Sit …you sit
    Jojo…..Catch the Ball ….You go and catch the ball
    We Malaysia are Not born in a Cage
    We have wings to fly

  22. Yang menjayakan Negara bukan Perkauman ,bukan ukuran masing masing bertujuan untuk kepentingan masing masing seperti yg diimpi HBT & Lim Kit Siang

    Jika macam ini, then, sibotak can lobby jakim and tabung haji fund to get mr zakir naik to sebarkan his political ideologi in public universities, tak payah pakat dengan pas punya.


    I am very sure both of the political divides especially pas will sure diam diam punya and let it happen so that pas can still relevant to retain rural malay votes.

    Those who opposed kutipan zakat to build more mosques, more airports, more highways, then, they must go to tanjung rambutan there untuk hari tua mereka.

    I cannot stop you sibotak, and i am very sure mr lim kit siang knows where he stands today.

    I fully support the cancellation of china’s gas pipelines by tdm, why?

    Because the money of people’s republic of china is my public money too since i am chinese by race holding malaysia passport.

    Moreover, racism and extremism is very much alive in here, and it would be best to cancel this project now before its too late.

    Jika mau main racist and religion issues, i can do that too.

    But i chosen to ignore and not get involve because it is time and energy wasting to save chronic sinking ship that wont change the past.

    India is the 4th country to send their men into space after usa, russia and china.

    The project was aborted last minute, and i believe india too can land on moon one day, keep it up, dont give up, india.

    P/s: to korek or not the dark secrets of the past, the ball is with macc at putrajaya.

  23. Salam,

    Saya merasa amat terharu dengan kehebatan Tun dan PH mentadbir negara. Malaysia sekarang sudah menjadi lebih baik dari zaman DS Najib dulu. Ekonomi kita makmur, nasib orang2 Melayu serta bangsa lain lebih terjamin. Jurang antara kaum juga sudah semakin baik.

    Kini Pendakwaraya lebih telus dan ahli2 kabinet lebih mantap. Hutang negara diurus dengan baik dan segala isu2 negara diuruskan dengan baik. Negara kita bersih dari gejala rasuah dan maksiat lainnya. Agama Islam disanjung tinggi bahkan oleh orang bukan Islam.

    Kami amat menyanjung Tun setinggi tingginya. Harap Tun dapatlah terus memperjuangkan PH. Segala kenyataan yang dikeluarkan oleh Tun kini amatlah mencerminkan kredibiliti.

    Yang amat menyanjungi Tun,

    Pengundi Melayu PH GE14

  24. I am not angry anymore at what she expressed in here but i am really really dissappointed with her supreme racist mentality of semua dia punya, dll kena shut up as if voters are blind and stupid like her.

    When comes to states’ land issues, states’ sultan have the absolute power to decide, but when comes to federal land, i guess whichever coalition wins out, they will decide.

    How could a racist call a nationalist a racist, it doesnt make sense, dont you think so?

    Pendek kata, it is merely politicing in seeking attention to score brownie points, nothing more, janji bossku hepi.

    Before mps of the divide in lowering voting age to 18 years old just to stay relevant, i sure hope they know why child labouring is not encouraged today.

    Tdm can do what he sees fit, but as voter, i can deny him a vote too.

    I am not in his shoes, but whatever he wishes to do at his last term of perdana menteri, i wish him all the best.

    P/s: when bad things happen, there must be good reasons, and when these hardcore malay muslim biased supporters see this as an opportunity to get rich overnight, then, they bound to repeat the same mistakes again and again.

  25. Menyentuh pandangan Musato
    Siapa tubuH BERSATU
    Adalah sebab musebab Kenapa BERSATU di tubuh ?

    BERSATU di tubuh dengan tujuan awal Tun untuk menyelamatkan Malaysia
    Dari di Gadai olih Najin dan seKutu kutunya
    Tun telah bersusah payah ,berusaha sedaya mungkin hingga Tun yg lebih Tua
    lebih berpegalaman , lebih berilmu sanggup menghadap Najib
    Menasihati beliau supaya berundur
    Tapi sayang , Bodoh Sombongnya Najib yg membuat Najib juga UMNO Tumpas
    UMNO kalah di sebabkan kebodohan , keangkohan Najib bersama isterinya
    Rosmah Mansor. Lebih lagak dari buat . Inilah kenyataannnya sekarang
    UMNO tumbang bukan kerana Tun
    UMNO harus tumbang dengan Pemimpin seperti Najib dan perikut
    Masa berlalu Najib sudah ditewaskan orang tua yg berusia 93 tahun dengan begitu mudah sekali
    Nyata dan Benar UMNO tewas ditangan Tun begitu mudah kerana Kepimpinan
    Najib yg tidak Benar sama sekali
    Saya yakin tak perlu Tun bersekutu dengan DAP, PKR atau mana mana Parti
    Parti Tun tetap akan menang tanpa Pakatan bersama
    Namun mungkin ada hikmahnya disebalik
    Cuma wujud pemimpin seperti Lim Kit Siang yg bakal dan akan mengambil kesempatan akan Pakatan sesama ini
    Beliau sudah pun beranggan untuk dapatkan PM Cina untuk Malaysia walau impian beliau mungkin akan berlaku bila beliau mati kelak.Psst……. lihat nanti tindakan ulasan HBT eh

    Yang menjayakan Negara bukan Perkauman ,bukan ukuran masing masing bertujuan untuk kepentingan masing masing seperti yg diimpi HBT & Lim Kit Siang
    Yg bakal memajukan Negara adalah penglibatan manusia yg Berjiwa KeNegaraan
    Berniat Tulus lagi Ikhlas walaupun bodoh dengan Kallimah sebenar
    Yg nyata mungkin kesemua yg ada dalam Arena politik Malaysia
    Kebanyakan semuanya berimpian dengan niat masing masing
    Kalaulah akau dilantik……….akau akan !!!!!!!!!!!
    Aku akan kasi projet ini pada HBT …….Aku akan ????????
    Aku akan $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
    Niat inilah yg bakal menhancurkan Negara.
    Lebih Bijak beliau lebih Cepat lah Negara Hancur……lihat saja Najib . Glamor beliau terutama Rosmah dah putus

    Saya lihat , mungkin saya salah
    Niat Perjuangan sejati ada pada Tun Mahathir , Muhideen Yasin, Syed Sadiq, Khairy Jamaludin , Vateran lama Rafidah Aziz, Pak Lah walau tidak cekap jadi PM tapi punya niat yg Kukuh,Syed Hamid Albar dan berberapa lagi
    Niat Perjuangan yg Ikhlas adalah Tunggak Kejayaan

  26. Salam YAB dan DiSanjungi PM Tun Dr. Mahathir,

    Pemimpin Islam yang prihatin dan bijak ialah pemimpin yang mendengar denyut nadi majoriti rakyat. Tun cemerlang kerana Tun salah seorang pemimpin sedemikian.

    Saya yakin Tun membaca dan menilai komen-komen yang kami tulis di blog ini.

    Sebenarnya, apa yang saya tulis yang berkaitan politik semasa lebih kepada pandangan @ pendapat peribadi, dan bukannya nasihat. Tak tahulah kalau ada yang betul2 yakin dan percaya yang mereka adalah Penasihat Tun. Orang yang ada Ph.D pun tidak berani mengaku sebagai Penasihat Tun 🙂 … Entahlah…

    Tun kata belia sekarang cepat matang. Maaf cakap saya tidak setuju langsung dengan pandangan Tun. Remaja belasan tahun dan belia dalam dua puluhan yang saya nampak majoritinya kurang matang. Yang sudah berusia lebih 30 tahun pun banyak yang tidak matang dalam berfikir dan bertindak.

    Walaupun mereka dapat akses kepada maklumat / info yang banyak dan terkini, perangai mereka (majoriti) masih macam budak-budak. Asyik bergantung kepada ibu-bapa, orang lain, dan mengharap bantuan / dedak dari Kerajaan. Sikit2 mahukan bantuan seolah-olah mereka tiada tulang 4 kerat (yang sihat dan cukup sifat) untuk berusaha dengan lebih gigih bagi menjana pendapatan yang lebih. Sekarang duduk dalam rumah pun boleh menjana wang.

    Terima kasih Tun.

    – Semoga Allah SWT sentiasa merahmati Tun sekeluarga –

  27. Assalamualaikum Tun.


    Ini ceritanya.

    Setelah Tun Mahathir tidak berjaya (atau saya fikir tidak akan berjaya) dengan pergerakan bersama sama veteran dan orang berpengalaman dalam politik untuk menyingkirkan DS Najib secara sah samada melalui mahkamah atau pun parlimen, Tun Mahathir saya lihat di kaca tv TUN berkata “jangan buat saya macam ni. Saya dah tua.”

    Seingat saya kenyataan itu terbit dari hati Tun setelah Ku Li membelot Tun dengan sertai UMNO.

    Tun telah bersusah payah ke Sabah dan Sarawak untuk menyakinkan ahli parlimen untuk melakukan undi tidak percaya pada PM ketika itu, iaitu DS Najib dengan mengikut cadangan Ku Li.

    Ku Li hanya memberi cadangan, tetapi Tun Mahathir yang jalankan. Namun idea itu gagal. Kemudiannya Ku Li belot dengan sertai UMNO.

    Saya yang melihat ini dari jauh, hanya menulis “itulah ikut kawan-kawan”. Tun jawab pada ‘rasa’ saya “saya dah tua”.

    Sebelum bergerak dengan lebih mendalam saya tanya Tun dengan menulis “kalau UMNO jatuh siapa nak sambut?”

    Bermula dari situ, seingat saya Tun keluarkan kenyataan “orang tak suruh pun, saya akan buat.”

    Maka di sini telah saya rekodkan tentang mimpi pertemuan saya dengan Tun yang berlaku tidak kurang dari 3 kali.

    Dalam mimpi, saya tidak banyak bercakap. Malah saya hanya banyak diam. Bagi saya terserahlah pada Tun untuk melakukan apa yang patut. Saya percaya pada Tun.

    Ia termasuk ditemani oleh Tun Siti Hasmah sekali. Kedua dua Tun tidur di rumah ibu bapa saya. Sempat lagi saya tanyakan Tun, “kenapa tidak tidur di rumah saya sahaja, di sana ada aircond.” Dah dikatakan mimpi, tiada jawapan diberikan. Tetapi kedua dua Tun ini nampak gembira dan romantis seolah olah sedang berbulan madu.

    Melalui mimpi mimpi, secara nyatanya saya dapat rasakan Tun sedang melakukan sesuatu. Sedang melaksanakan rancangan.

    Dan benarlah berita mimpi itu. Tun bercadang menubuhkan satu parti baru yang bernama BERSATU.

    Maka secara langsung Tun telah menjawab pertanyaan saya, “siapa yang akan sambut jika UMNO jatuh?”

    Bagaimana Tun Mahathir laksanakan penubuhan BERSATU, itu adalah atas kebijaksaan Tun dalam berpolitik.

    Perlu kita ingat bahawa, mimpi juga adalah antara ilmu pengetahuan yang ada pada yang berkebolehan sepertimana yang dirakamkan dalam Al Quran berkenaan cerita Nabi Yusuf a.s

    Terima kasih Tun.

  28. Assalamualaikum Tun.


    Ini ceritanya.

    Setelah Tun Mahathir tidak berjaya (atau saya fikir tidak akan berjaya) dengan pergerakan bersama sama veteran dan orang berpengalaman dalam politik untuk menyingkirkan DS Najib secara sah samada melalui mahkamah atau pun parlimen, Tun Mahathir saya lihat di kaca tv TUN berkata “jangan buat saya macam ni. Saya dah tua.”

    Seingat saya kenyataan itu terbit dari hati Tun setelah Ku Li membelot Tun dengan sertai UMNO.

    Tun telah bersusah payah ke Sabah dan Sarawak untuk menyakinkan ahli parlimen untuk melakukan undi tidak percaya pada PM ketika itu, iaitu DS Najib dengan mengikut cadangan Ku Li.

    Ku Li hanya memberi cadangan, tetapi Tun Mahathir yang jalankan. Namun idea itu gagal. Kemudiannya Ku Li belot dengan sertai UMNO.

    Saya yang melihat ini dari jauh, hanya menulis “itulah ikut kawan-kawan”. Tun jawab pada ‘rasa’ saya “saya dah tua”.

    Sebelum bergerak dengan lebih mendalam saya tanya Tun dengan menulis “kalau UMNO jatuh siapa nak sambut?”

    Bermula dari situ, seingat saya Tun keluarkan kenyataan “orang tak suruh pun, saya akan buat.”

    Maka di sini telah saya rekodkan tentang mimpi pertemuan saya dengan Tun yang berlaku tidak kurang dari 3 kali.

    Ia termasuk ditemani oleh Tun Siti Hasmah sekali. Kedua dua Tun tidur di rumah ibu bapa saya. Sempat lagi saya tanyakan Tun, “kenapa tidak tidur di rumah saya sahaja, di sana ada aircond.” Dah dikatakan mimpi, tiada jawapan diberikan. Tetapi kedua dua Tun ini nampak gembira dan romantis seolah olah sedang berbulan madu.

    Melalui mimpi mimpi, secara nyatanya saya dapat rasakan Tun sedang melakukan sesuatu. Sedang melaksanakan rancangan.

    Dan benarlah berita mimpi itu. Tun bercadang menubuhkan satu parti baru yang bernama BERSATU.

    Maka secara langsung Tun telah menjawab pertanyaan saya, “siapa yang akan sambut jika UMNO jatuh?”

    Bagaimana Tun Mahathir laksanakan penubuhan BERSATU, itu adalah atas kebijaksaan Tun dalam berpolitik.

    Perlu kita ingat bahawa, mimpi juga adalah antara ilmu pengetahuan yang ada pada yang berkebolehan sepertimana yang dirakamkan dalam Al Quran berkenaan cerita Nabi Yusuf a.s

    Terima kasih Tun.

    Dalam mimpi, saya tidak banyak bercakap. Malah saya hanya banyak diam. Bagi saya terserahlah pada Tun untuk melakukan apa yang patut. Saya percaya pada Tun.

  29. I am not surprised indeed I expected my Racist in Disguise HBT
    would feedback to me. Thanks, HBT. I expect this by the way
    See..look at yourself. Look at the mirror
    You always complain.
    Typical Chinese Kiasu character who is always Blunt at Sharing

  30. Correction: if you dont like cleaniness, disipline, efficiency, challenges, hardworks, respect, acceptance, follow instruction, responsibility, laziness, safety & security, certainty, tidak apa attitude, rule of law based on fairness and equality, race & religion base policy, preserving cultures, traditions and diversity among races, etc., then singapore is not right place for you, sibotak.

    There is no point crying over spilled milk.

    Benefit of doubts is always there, so never jump into conclusion.

    It is about vote counts to dictate the federal budget, if i am not in this blog, i can never know gutter politics of cantas-mencantas and sabotaj could go so low just to win votes to dictate the unearned federal budget.

    I guess tdm already had the answer to bailout or revive mas via takeover this time with or without ph or bn supports.

    The rest is history.

    If still not happy, then, vote ph, bn, pas dll independent political parties.

    P/s: time for youth portfolio programmes to be trimmed and capped at age 18 to 30 years old at the federal level, and state governments can decide to follow or not, why? because all ministries are under federal government, not under political parties or state governments. when age is above 30 years old, mereka mana ada masa nak attend programmes since they are busy to raise their young family.

  31. HBT. So you just went to Singapore after 15years
    So 1-day visit you could tell everything
    Singapore, Malaysia is the same
    The racial card is being played whilst keeping the good card with them
    The only difference I can say is
    In Singapore, Things are well organized
    Too well that you don’t have a life of yr own
    You live to Work NOT Work to live
    Even the Dogs are not allowed to Bark

    Wake Up HBT . It is going to be Maghrib

    How do you know singaporeans dont have life of their own, sibotak?

    If you dont like cleaniness, disipline, efficiency, challenges, hardworks, respect, rempit, lepak, follow instrustion, responsibility, laziness, safety & security, certainty, tidak apa attitude, rule of law based on fairness and equality, race base policy, diy, preserving cultures, traditions and diversity among races, etc., then singapore is not the right place for you, sibotak.

    By the way, i travelled local capital cities of other states in malaysia except sabah and sarawak due to works and leisure.

    Saya bukan buta, pekak dan bisu bahasa, so no need to tell me how i should live my life, or vote, sibotak.

    Pride and prejudice, only sibotak has, others dont?

    Puasa itu wajib. Sembahyang itu wajib.

    No worries, malaysians, and foreigners in general know how to deal with and adapt to this issue, musato.

    P/s: the question now is the rural malay vote base, it is either they support umno or pas which is also chicken and egg issues, but are they mampu to stand alone without other races for this trillion dollar question?

  32. Assalamualaikum Tun.

    Puasa itu wajib. Sembahyang itu wajib.

    Saya selitkan cerita berkenaan puasa kerana teringatkan Kitab Hikam (kitab tasawuf) yang mana sejarahnya ia dibawa dan diterjemahkan oleh Syeikh Abdul Malek (1650-an) ke alam Melayu.

    Ia adalah karangan asal Ibnu Athaillah As Sakandari.

    Berkenaan ilmu laduni.

    Terima kasih Tun.

  33. Assalamualaikum Tun.

    Pn Mai tanyakan saya di tajuk mana saya selitkan cerita berkenaan ‘Dozen Person’ MH17.

    Tapi saya fikirkan beliau cuma mahu saya pastikan sekali lagi cerita berkenaan patriotik tersebut, kan.

    Seingat saya, idea penyelesaian mengambil ‘black box’ MH17 tersebut ditulis adalah ketika Tun menyiarkan artikel berkenaan kawalan keselamatan di perairan Sabah.

    Hari itu adalah ketika hari saya off day dari kerja selepas sibuk menghadap 2000pax group church Singapore.

    Kebetulannya ia adalah di bulan Ramadhan 2014.

    Kerana penat bekerja, maka saya mengaku saya tidak berpuasa pada tengahari off day tersebut.

    Saya makan tengahari di atas sofa sambil mengadap tv1 kalau tak silap.

    Ketika sedang makan itu telinga saya merasa ‘serabut’ kerana terdapat individu terasa semacam membebel di kaca tv.

    Saya angkat muka saya dan saya perhatikan siapakah yang sedang bercakap di tv1 itu. Kemudian saya kembali sambung makan kerana fikirkan tiada apa yang menarik.

    Namun dianya masih ‘membebel’ seolah olah saya terasa begitu lama dia bercakap.

    Kerana itu saya perhatikan betul betul apa yang dia cakapkan berserta dengan sarikata. Saya perhatikan betul betul wajahnya, adakah dianya ikhlas atau tidak – seolah olah beliau bercakap dengan saya.

    Saya dapat menangkap terjemahan kata kata beliau “mayat kami sudah simpan elok, tapi tiada siapa mahu datang ambil”.

    Saya tidak mengenali siapa Alexander Borodai yang bercakap ketika itu. Tetapi saya tahu bahawa tragedi MH17 sudah 3 hari berlalu tanpa ada jalan penyelesaian ketika itu.

    Di atas dasar ilham yang datang ketika itu, saya perhatikan lagi paparan di kaca tv apakah persediaan yang dilakukan oleh Malaysia.

    Saya lihat, penyelamat Malaysia memakai pakaian rasmi. Maksudnya askar dengan pakaian askarnya, SMART dengan pakaian SMARTnya.

    Kerana itu, tanpa membuang masa saya terus menulis di sini dan mencadangkan Malaysia perlu pergi ambil ‘Black Box’ tanpa memakai pakaian seragam. Ini kerana kita sedang berdepan dengan ‘peperangan’.

    Sebenarnya saya kagum kerana Tun amat prihatin dengan tulisan idea saya yang ditulis pendek ketika itu sedangkan tajuk artikel tidak berkaitan dengan tragedi MH17 malah suasana politik ketika itu tidak begitu panas.

    Terima kasih Tun.

  34. HBT. So you just went to Singapore after 15years
    So 1-day visit you could tell everything
    Singapore, Malaysia is the same
    The racial card is being played whilst keeping the good card with them
    The only difference I can say is
    In Singapore, Things are well organized
    Too well that you don’t have a life of yr own
    You live to Work NOT Work to live
    Even the Dogs are not allowed to Bark

    Wake Up HBT . It is going to be Maghrib

  35. Assalamualaikum,

    Semoga Tun dan Tun Siti sentiasa sihat sejahtera selalu, di samping keluarga tercinta.

    Mohon izin Tun:

    Happy belated birthday 🍰 kepada Tun Siti. Mohon Tun sampaikan. 🙏, terlambat.

    p.s: @Hajar 👌, orait.

  36. Dear Tun,

    Today is the 12th July just a day apart from your birthday please allow me to wish here a very Happy 93rd Birthday to dearest Tun Dr. Siti Hasmah, may God bless Tun Siti and Tun Mahathir with all the blessings that one could pray for, may both of you be healthy and strong in heart, mind and body, may the hope you wish for our beloved country to be back on the road to recovery become the foundation that leads to everlasting reality. You are both loved and admired by all, friends and foes, remember that. So here’s to both of you dearest bonda and ayahanda, I love you. Happy 93rd and 94th birthdays!


    After watching crazy rich asian movie, i travelled to singapore as tourist with friends few months back after 15 years for the first time for leisure.

    I felt safe and convenient using their public transport.

    To my surprise, singaporeans do not have race and religion supremacy mindset whereby i saw malay races dining in non halal restaurant just like ordinary people.

    I would say, singapore is a well planned garden city country, and you just feel safe walking in there without fear as long as you behave yourself with good and polite manner.

    Eventhough you feel safe, you will see notice of police to remind their citizens and foreigners not to take safety for granted.

    I guess their founding father had set the mindset of his generation and future generations by implementing national policy based on majulah singapura whereby singapore is for singaporeans no matter where they are regardleds of race and religiion background during that time, that is after being expelled from malaya by the then tunku rahman.

    Why singapore is being treated as enemy to malaysia after more than 60 years of merdeka?

    Reason why, mr twinpeaks and the likes already gave their comments to make their political stand in here clear and loud.

    Their comments hurt, and their ultimate political objectives are more personal and party based where by vote counts is very important to them to stay relevant to dictate the unearned federal fund with new economic policy of sekejap ini, sekejap itu, janji menang baru bikin.

    Will dsai be the next perdana menteri to replace tdm as per promise in 2021?

    If tdm does not pass down, how would grassroot leaders of malay and other races look at him that would make ph, especially pkr, with the bunyi gigitan of sodomy part 3?

    If they are good, and play with the rule of game, they will survive.

    If they are no good, even if you give them tongkat and bantuan, they will only become weaker and weaker.

    Race and religion conflicts already a thing of the past.

    But, mr president of usa wants to make america great again, but can he gets what he aimed in the name of nasional government via bureacratic policy this time?

    I prefer multilateral trades because it creates jobs since we are multi lingual with diversity of cultures and traditions.

    I dont prefer unilateral trades because tarif does not increase job opportunities.

    Menegak atau melintang, the political choice is with tdm and his component parties.

    Whoever become the next perdana menteri, life will go on as usual for the voters.

    Even if i dont like that cup of tea, i will never spit on it because it is morally wrong, and must never pass down such spitting to the next generations.

    As long as race and religion supremacy is being played to dictate the unearned federal budget, then, it is pointless to talk above equality and fairness.

    In here, i wish the wannabes all the best and hope they are grateful with what they have achieved so far, and never bite the finger that feed them.

    P/s: we can never change the past, but we can improve as we move along.


    Bisik hati sudin : I’m most certain the more appropriate word is communist instead of terrorist.

    Bisik hati ku : I’m most certain the more appropriate word is farcist instead of terrorist.

    Usa is no longer a federalism but merely a national government in which their states are merely bureacracies, unfortunately.

    Frankly speaking, i dont know why i never like history when it talks about pakistan but after being in this blog for years, i began to realize why i never like this topic.

    I already said, i am not muslim, but if i have to choose between muslim and non muslim, i will choose non muslim market.

    Miskin takpa, janji tak dipaksa2kan masuk islam, itu saja.

    So, the ball is on the table of mr tommy thomas and bar council.

    Sure hope the chinese political leaders stay firm and know their position very well for not making chinese voters being scapegoats, tongkat and beggars for their so called political survivals.

    Rule no 1, never loose money.

    Rule no 2, never forget rule no 1.

    I may not be smart, but i definitely can learn and improve as i move on.

    P/s: the wannabes can show their displeasure in media, but the decision maker is tdm and bersatu as the perdana menteri ke-7. the temptation of perdana menteri is far too great for the malay muslim wannabes to reject, obviously, they prefer to be levelled up to the federal level to dictate the unearned federal budget to appoint who and who to set a company to run the national portfolios to unite malay muslim. alahai, we still talk about race and religion unity of who gets what, and who dont get what. without basic foundation in computer coding languages, there is no way we can level up to cashless economy to avoid being rob, snatch thief when we travel in local and oversea for work and pleasure.

  39. Salam YAB dan DiSanjungi PM Tun Dr. Mahathir,

    Langkah membenarkan golongan yang berhutang dengan PTPTN (disenaraihitamkan oleh CCRIS) untuk mendapatkan pinjaman perumahan bagi rumah pertama amat mendukacitakan.

    Didikan yang salah ini tidak wajar diteruskan. Kita tidak mahu membentuk generasi yang liat @ enggan membayar hutang. Mereka mesti bersedia menghadapi akibat dari sikap @ perangai buruk mereka untuk dijadikan pengajaran. Tidak perlu bertolak ansur dengan golongan yang tidak tahu berterima kasih. Mereka menyusahkan banyak pihak!

    ( )

    Golongan yang enggan membayar hutang, kehidupan mereka akan kekal susah (kesempitan wang) dan hidup tidak berkat.

    Dalam ISLAM, orang yang sudah mati pun wajib membayar hutang. Waris wajib melunaskan hutang simati sebelum pembahagian harta pusaka dilakukan.

    Mohon izin Tun:

    SELAMAT HARI LAHIR YANG KE-93 BUAT TUN DR. SITI HASMAH! Mohon Tun sampaikan. Jutaan terima kasih kepada Tun Hasmah kerana sudi berkorban untuk kesejahteraan kita semua. Pasangan yang sungguh manis 🙂 . Semoga berbahagia hingga ke Jannah!

    P/S: @Abbas, thanks 🙂 …

    Terima kasih Tun.

    – Semoga Allah SWT sentiasa merahmati Tun sekeluarga –

  40. Assalamualaikum Tun.

    Terima kasih ‘uncle adelheid’ atas ucapan birthday ke 7 tahun pada Aafiya, anak saya. Ia akan menjadi kenangan dan pendorong kepadanya satu masa nanti. InsyaAllah.

    Terima kasih juga pada Pn Mai kerana setia membaca taipan saya dan sudi menyertai Bersatu kerana saya. Lebih lebih lagi berkenan berada dalam cawangan Bersatu yang sama dengan saya.

    Jutaan terima kasih juga pada Harliza yang turut setia membaca taipan saya di sini. Terima kasih atas ucapan selamat berangkat ke Brunei.

    Di atas semuanya adalah dari blog ini.

    Datuk Ahli Majlis Pimpinan Tertinggi ada membalas wasap saya. Katanya sama samalah kita nasihat menasihati.

    Tak tahulah samada Datuk ada baca atau tidak tulisan saya kali ini. Tapi terlebih saya mohon maaf sebab menaip cerita berkenaan di sini. Bukan sikap saya membuka aib atau mengadu domba atau memanjang manjangkan cerita.

    Sekadar untuk dijadikan bahan penulisan yang ada isinya. Untuk tatapan pengetahuan orang muda. Pelapis masa depan negara.

    Apabila saya kata saya adalah penasihat Tun Mahathir, maka bermaksud ia bukan satu proses sembarangan nasihat yang diberikan dan diterima oleh Tun Mahathir yang tiada berkuasa rasmi ketika itu.

    Untuk menerima nasihat itu, Tun Mahathir perlu terlebih dahulu menerajui Malaysia sebagai PM selama 22 tahun dengan jayanya dan perlu disepak terajang hingga dihentak dan dihenyak henyak sesuka hati oleh lawan dan akhirnya ditinggalkan keseorangan.

    Kemudian barulah ia dinasihati. Allah Maha Kuasa.

    Nasihat yang diberikan itu hanyalah biasa biasa sahaja. Namun penerimaan nasihat itu adalah sesuatu yang luar biasa.

    Terima kasih pada Allah swt yang memberi sedikit peluang ‘berperasaan’ kepada hambaNya.

    Walaupun tampak gagah namun tenaga muda tiada kudrat tanpa gerakNya.

    Terima kasih Tun.

  41. Assalam Tun.

    …in to Reply Abbas Jul 10,2019 9:33 AM
    “Ada satu terrorist kat sini….”

    I’m most certain the more appropriate word is communist instead of terrorist.

  42. Dear Tun,

    Baru buka blog Tun and terbaca komen saudara musato. Allow me to wish a very happy 7th birthday to musato’s daughter, belajar rajin-rajin jadi orang yang cemerlang suatu hari nanti, have a bright future, jadi pelapis kpd masa depan negara suatu hari, remember your mother and father.

    Take care dear Tun. Happy 94th birthday again. Love u Tun.

  43. Assalamualaikum Tun.

    Selamat Hari Lahir ke 94, Tun.

    Saya selalu beritahu anak perempuan saya yang mana dah darjah satu sekarang bahawa tarikh birthday dia sama dengan Tun. 10 Julai.

    Kadangkala dia ada tanya jugak, bila nak jumpa dan bergambar dengan Tun. Abang abang lain tak apa pulak boleh, katanya.

    Happy Birthday Tun.

    Terima kasih Tun.

  44. Yang Amat Berhormat Tun,

    Selamat menyambut hari ulang tahun ke-94. Semoga sentiasa berada dalam keadaan sihat sejahtera.

    – Idea

  45. Dear Tun,

    Happy birthday Tun! Happy 94th birthday, may you have many more birthdays to come, may you be blessed with good health, strength and longevity of life. May God bless you with wisdom and knowledge to steer the country to greater heights again. Just so you know we are very proud to have you leading our nation once again for the second time. Stay as you are Tun. Love you Tun Mahathir.

  46. Happy Birthday….Birthday Boy
    It’s a marvelous age of 94 still striving for Malaysia
    Its Ok Tun as long as you feel productive and enjoy yr doings
    Both you and Datin Siti Hasmah are Super Couple of the World 2019
    Both should be recognized by UNESCO

    The world needs a strong voice against the US for Israel
    You are the One Tun in a polite manner
    I also love President Durterte of Philippine
    Of being outspoken but True
    Recently he told off the United States, Trump dares to attack China
    And stop making Phillipne like the bait worms for the US against China

    The US is Ugly character in today World
    It has to Stop
    Stop being Fools of Israel, Threatening World Peace & Harmony

  47. Selamat Hari Jadi PM Malaysia! Special day, special person and special celebration. Happy Birthday, Tun. You are awesome!


    Penat I pi CGS CIMB office. Rupanya semua client lama ada masaalah dengan live quote. Ratusan dah datang. Ada yang datang sejauh Seremban. Bayangkan Tun, 3 ribu clients. Katalah yang aktif 1,500, tak ke havoc tu.

    Nak jadikan cerita IT department elek. Dealers kat dalam kena bantu clients settle masaalah access live quote. CIMB tak nak buat, dia orang pun dah banyak clients. Budak2 CGS formerly Jupiter la kena buat.

    Itulah sebab I intai2 SJ Securities sebab dekat dengan rumah I. Jauh2 ini leceh kalau ada masaalah sebegini. I difahamkan ada pelanggan datang 2 3 kali.

    Memanglah jual beli kita boleh buat sendiri online tanpa dealer or remiser tapi bila ada isu2 berbangkit sebegini kena juga pergi bertandang opis mereka. Almaklum lah kita hanya retail investors bukan big corporate atau institutional clients.

  48. Ada satu terrorist kat sini. Suka tulis panjang-panjang. Boring nak letak komen! Blog dia takde orang nak visit kot. Tumpang sebar propaganda fitnah dia kat blog Tun. Kalau kat New Zealand, PM Arden tak bagi peluang kat oreng macam ni.

    Hajar, Sri Sense, I suka baca you.

    Anyway, happy birthday Tun! 🍰

    Assalamualaikum Tun dan Tun Siti, semoga sihat sejahtera selalu di samping keluarga tercinta.

    Melayu, bersatu kita teguh, bercerai kita roboh!

  49. Salam YAB dan DiSanjungi PM Tun Dr. Mahathir,


    Terima kasih kerana masih sudi menjadi PM Malaysia. Tun pemimpin Islam yang paling unggul di persada dunia. Saya doakan Tun dan Tun Hasmah beroleh kesejahteraan hidup dunia-akhirat.

    Saya sokong seruan Tun supaya orang Melayu/Islam bersatu demi Agama, Bangsa dan Negara. Umat Islam mesti ketepikan apa jua persengketaan demi perpaduan Ummah. Kita semua bersaudara. Memanglah orang kafir dan kufur suka melihat umat Islam bercakaran sesama sendiri. Perpecahan di kalangan kita membawa keuntungan kepada mereka.

    P/S: @Sri Sense, 🙂 🙂 Benarlah wahai tuan hamba…he..he..he…

    Terima kasih Tun.

    – Semoga Allah SWT sentiasa merahmati Tun sekeluarga –

  50. Assalam Tun.

    Selamat menyambut ulangtahun hari kelahiran ke-94.

    Semoga sentiasa sehat agar tugas utama Tun utk menyatukan orang Melayu dan menaikkan kembali kegemilangan Malaysia saperti sebelum 2003 akan mencapai kejayaan, insyaa Allah.

  51. Good afternoon PM Malaysia

    Kawan ada bertanya apa I fikir tentang muaafat nasional. Well seperti selalu I tulis sini, I suka jika semua Melayu dan Bumiputera bersatu. Join dulu lepas tu kalau gaduh, sesama kita kan.

  52. Good morning PM Malaysia!

    Khabarnya jawatan PM Malaysia bakal ada perebutan kuasa. Khabarnya ada blogger anti BN dapat naik jadi BOD Petronas. Khabarnya KJ marah professor University. KJ Tun bukan KJ Najib. Initial sama tapi tak sama orang.

    Khabar2 ini bukan dibawa angin tapi tertera dalam bentuk tulisan.

  53. Good evening!

    Hajar, modus operandi dia dan ramai yang seperti dia, buruk2 kan semua orang, supaya nampak dia baik sangat, buruk2 kan idea orang lain supaya nampak idea dia bagus sangat, jahat2 kan kita semua supaya saham kita jatuh, saham orang dia naik meletop letop.

    Bab ejaan tu hahaha tak dapat la hamba membantu hahaha kan dia pendatang…orang Nepal kan hahaha Pendatang2 ni I no layan. Buat I no layan. Buat menyemak aje. BYE!

    Insider tips?

    Sri sense naik jom heboh atau jom hamba, with her wordpress, takda masyAllah since dato seri n had implemented his ambitious high income nation status economy policy with gst with malay biased policy via makan angin dan shopping sini sana.

    Aiyoyo, kos tambang transportation, installment untuk kereta dan perumahan aysik tak turun2, tapi gaji tak nak2 pun, so how?

    Jika kalah undi, BYE!

    Jika menang undi, HELLO?

    Bak kata, for those who think time no longer a luxury, they bound to make the same mistakes just to stay relevant, janji menang, sri sense peduli apa, takda orang tahu pun.

    She can continue with her bluffology, but it is still come back to chicken and egg issues.

    I am not contesting for any mp or wr seats, so it does not affect me, but maybe she is struggling to make a come back to strike her pen writing power here to get attention with her hamba style this time kut.

    Issue macam ini, saya tak akan pening kepala.

    There are things we can do, there are things we cannot do.

    Youth willing to die for earth?

    Dont you think the word die sound so terrorizing, dont they have a better word for that?

    P/s: when they taste the real power, no one know what they will do when they become greedy and fearless behind the scene. tak pa, jika tak hepi, then, vote opposition coalition again to make your stand.

  54. Pendek kata, mind our own business as cronism and nepotism too happens everywhere.

    Intelligent people avoid, the not so intelligent people retaliate.

    Jika tersalah tema dan langkah, untung pun boleh jadi rugi.

    Jika tersalah tema dan langkah, it can cause votes loss too.

    Jadi, pandai2 lah mereka ini yang mengelarkan diri mereka sebagai tuah dan jebat.

    Absolute power corrupts absolutely.

    Therefore, never choose the extreme path of no return.

    What will happen, it will happen.

    What will not happen, it will not happen.

    Do your best.

  55. Moron means a very stupid person.

    Dada ke, peha ke, kepak ke, its up to them to make noise or retaliate.

    Adakah mereka ini pembodek penakut to nabi m, mao, stalin, hitler, obama or trump?

    The synergetic effects of cronism and nepotism may lead to 1+1=5

    The antagonistic effects of cronism and nepotism may lead to 1+1=-5

    Betul tetap betul.

    Salah tetap salah.

    But, can voters accept?

    It is very much depend on how the wannabes play with the issues.

    Never count chicken before eggs hatch.

    Big can never fail?

    Big can bully?

    When general election is called, everyone will know who is in, and who is out.

    Good luck.

  56. Good evening!

    Hajar, modus operandi dia dan ramai yang seperti dia, buruk2 kan semua orang, supaya nampak dia baik sangat, buruk2 kan idea orang lain supaya nampak idea dia bagus sangat, jahat2 kan kita semua supaya saham kita jatuh, saham orang dia naik meletop letop.

    Bab ejaan tu hahaha tak dapat la hamba membantu hahaha kan dia pendatang…orang Nepal kan hahaha Pendatang2 ni I no layan. Buat menyemak aje. BYE!

  57. Salam Dearest YAB PM Tun Dr. Mahathir,

    Allow me Tun:

    A ‘bodoh-sombong’ moron wrote the following:-

    Tepuk dadah, tanya selera” (HBT456 Jun 28,2019 11:38 PM)

    P/s: dada is breast, dadah is illegal drug” (HBT456 Jul 6,2019 1:47 PM)

    Astaghfirullah…this moron still wants to display her foolishness here.

    “dada is breast”? Kah..Kah..Kah…
    “Tepuk dadah”? LOL… So funny…I couldn’t stop laughing…

    And, yet this moron dares to (consistently) label Malays / Muslims as ‘bodoh-sombong’ and ‘pemalas’. She did not even make any effort to double-check what’s the meaning of ‘dada’.

    Thank you Tun.

    – May Allah SWT bless Tun and family –

  58. “P/s: china is a very very very huge population country, and to lead china, their leaders must be very firm and strong.”

    This is the kind of attitude that will keep Malaysian Chinese as second class citizens forever. If one cannot change one’s basic mindset, one only has oneself to blame.

    Being 2nd class is not a bad idea, at least, we are not ended up as punching bags.

    Bak kata, once bitten, twice shy.

    When bitten many times, we also become smarter, resillient and wiser in using our basic right to make our stand legally too.

    P/s: wang politik, oh wang politik masih releven?

    Melayu mudah lupa.

  59. P/S: Now I have to follow (a bit) her style of writing (‘rojak BM-BI’) to make her understand BM better. She can’t even differentiate between ‘DADAH’ and ‘DADA’ (keeps making the same mistake…).

    Itu suka hati aku, hang ini bising apa?

    She can vote who she wants, but she cannot tahan me to vote who i want.

    For those who see power abuse as the priority to get rich overnight, they bound to set law that cannot be accepted by the public.

    Who wants to be trillionaire?

    P/s: dada is breast, dadah is illegal drug, and both also can be consume depending their gaya hidup. if moe still stick to old way of doing things, then, ph must be prepared to loose votes of those who really contribute real income for the revenue at state and federal level.

  60. “P/s: china is a very very very huge population country, and to lead china, their leaders must be very firm and strong.”

    This is the kind of attitude that will keep Malaysian Chinese as second class citizens forever. If one cannot change one’s basic mindset, one only has oneself to blame.

  61. Y.A.B Tun,


    Izinkan saya menulis tentang satu budaya yang nampak seolah betul-betul Islam namun bila diselidiki dengan teliti,ianya bukanlah budaya atau ajaran Islam sebenar:- “Tidak boleh/haram berjabat tangan dengan bukan mahram”. Inilah yang dimaksudkan. Tiada dalil dari Quran yang melarang berjabat tangan walaupun dengan bukan mahram. Tetapi orang sekarang mudah menerima ajaran ini tanpa selidiki lebih dalam lagi. Mereka juga tidak dapat bezakan antara ‘menggauli’ dan ‘berjabat tangan’ lalu mereka mengharamkan apa yang tidak diharamkan Tuhan. Saya percaya Tun memahami maksud saya. Semoga kita kembali ke jalan yang lurus.

    Terima kasih.

  62. Boleh, takda orang peduli pun jika sri sense ingin push for what what what funds under one roof again, janji menang, baru bikin with malay biased policy of man proposes, god disposes this time.

    She will never understand why massive protests and mobs launched by student activists that made hong kong sar and beijing looks bad and oppressive in the eyes of the world.

    They can protest sampai bila2 pun takda masalah sampai tukar chief minister again and again, but the decision of cm appointment must be approved by beijing, the capital of ancient china since ming dynasty.

    Hong kong after the return to mainland china with one country, two systems for the next 50 years, does not have general election like us, but the basic common law of hong kong is the utmost foundation that built hong kong as where they are now, but can this foundation remain?

    It is very much depend on the maturity of uk, beijing and hongkong leadership to play their parts.

    Does she know insider trading is illegal and could be manipulative?

    If she thinks her bluffology, oops, i mean, consultatancy, can still jual, by all means go a head.

    No worries, as voters, if you are not hepi, then, just vote opposition coalition to pecatkan pakatan harapan under parti pribumi bersatu, boleh what, dont you think so, sibotak?


    I am very sure, local malay political leaders shall berebut2 to be the next perdana menteri that favor their races only, janji dapat kuasa istimewa to continue their struggles of agama dan bangsa melayu to dictate the unearned federal fund, janji menang, dll punya mesti ikut, jika tidak, engkau ini biadap dan derhaka.

    It is up to the maturity of political divides in presenting their causes to manipulate the sentiment of the voters to defend their seats since malaysia is famous for the wrong reason.

    P/s: who knows, as malaysian i may fly to hk or beijing this time as tourist to visit hk disneyland and shanghai disney resort since we do not have high speed rail that connect mainland china. maybe one day i may fly to new istanbul international airport too to visit turkey as malaysian. I like the imported grapefruit of turkey origin, taste great and juicy too, what about you?

  63. Good morning Tun

    I nak cerita pengalaman. My first CDS account I buka di TA Securities. However service not so good. I buka pula kat RHB Investment under my friend. I ingat masa itu RHB Investment under Mat Salih. Memang terbaik RHB Investment. Sering menang award dan services provided to client memang terbaik.

    Selepas itu I buka under Jupiter because Jupiter Securities ada office di Subang Jaya and I masa itu tinggal di Subang Jaya, mudah kan sebab dekat. Apa2 jadi I pi saja office mereka. Service? Jupiter jauh lebih professional dari China Galaxy yang baru ini.

    Oleh kerana all this havoc about migrate sana sini. I singgah di SJ Securities. I dapat tau mereka ada T10. Pada yang tak familiar dengan stock market pasti tak tau apa ini T10.

    I tanya dealer, T10? Bukankah bursa kata sekarang T2? Dealer kata, T10 product kami. I tanya, how does it work? He said to me, Puan taruh 10K kami bagi 20K. Kami bagi T10. I fikir interesting juga product ini.

    Anyway from my pengalaman, its not much of T2 T4 or T10 but the services yang diberi oleh syarikat berkenaan amat penting. Juga brokerage fee how low can you offer.

    Jika disatukan semua stock broking companies under one roof memang lah less competition and also customers memang lah tidak dapat memilih dengan baik.


  64. Salam Dearest YAB PM Tun Dr. Mahathir,

    Allow me Tun:

    /// Hajar can continue with her mengumpat, sri sense can continue with her bluffology, i dont really care care. /// (Jul 5,2019 10:03 AM)


    Obviously the GREATEST hardcore ‘pengumpat’ (HBT456) is feeling the heat. Makan cili api maa…Pedas…

    This person does not truly understand the word ‘mengumpat’ (as always; trying to show off, but ‘hampeh’) because she is the one who keeps on grumbling (MENGUMPAT / ‘pok-pek, pok-pek, pok-pek’; writing nonsense /garbage) in this blog insulting the Malays/ Muslims/ Bumiputera, and spewing lies about others. Sadly, she can’t even remember her own writings (garbage).

    This moron (this in not ‘mengumpat’ since she always says she doesn’t really care…), is not only a ‘pengumpat’ but also a ‘penipu’ and ‘pemfitnah’.

    I was merely telling the truth (stating down facts in my comments) to knock some sense into this person’s head (which is full of sh*t…)!

    P/S: Now I have to follow (a bit) her style of writing (‘rojak BM-BI’) to make her understand BM better. She can’t even differentiate between ‘DADAH’ and ‘DADA’ (keeps making the same mistake…).

    Thank you Tun.

    – May Allah SWT bless Tun and family –

  65. Thank you to all of you in sacrificing your life and time in building this country to where we are today.

    Dont give up, do your best!

  66. May i say, goodbye bollywood, hello hollywood, mr twinpeaks?

    I am sure mac arthur would prefer to be casted as celebrity of hollywood more than bollywood.

    You know something, mr twinpeaks, as the most powerful man in usa, mr president trump needs to get permission from the hosts of south and north korea to show good manner, that is minta izin, which is never outdated.

    Tak pa, perdana menteri come and go too, if jemu pandang anwar dan guan eng, mereka boleh pandang hisham dan kj, takda masalah.

    Betul tetap betul.

    Salah tetap salah.

    If its yours, it is yours.

    If its not yours, it will never be yours.

    Therefore, dont waste another generation or 2 to tell them what is halal, and what is haram.

    Time to move on, and all the best to the wannabes.

  67. General MacArthur should have been given the green light to invade China when the Americans had the chance during the last Korean War in 1950. He wanted to, but his President stopped him, luckily for Mao.
    Who knows, they will get a second bite of the apple in the coming Korean War soon. If Trump is still in power, it is possible this will happen. So, good bye to Communist China, and welcome to a (finally) modern China.

    Perhaps, it is a blessing to the mao to pause and rethink their business model so that they could be more realistic, not too high and ambitious in their sales target.

    Move on bah and treat it as a lesson, that is never take the voters and customers for granted for the trillionaire contest.

    P/s: china is a very very very huge population country, and to lead china, their leaders must be very firm and strong. sini, susah kes, sikit2 tarak suka, tukar gomen as if only they can decide who gets what, and who dont get what. i oredi said, winning or loosing is not important, most importantly, is to get it politically and economically right.

  68. General MacArthur should have been given the green light to invade China when the Americans had the chance during the last Korean War in 1950. He wanted to, but his President stopped him, luckily for Mao.
    Who knows, they will get a second bite of the apple in the coming Korean War soon. If Trump is still in power, it is possible this will happen. So, good bye to Communist China, and welcome to a (finally) modern China.


    The spending tabiat of his children is not something that we should be proud off too but if his geng is alright with it, then, thats the choice khazanah needs to make.

    Man made accidents happened.

    Boeing apologized for the tech fraud of their product line, max 737, and their top man re-assured that the fraud of safety issues of passengers and clientele are their utmost priority immediately, without fear or favor.

    In here, entah lah what are these defenders had done except blaming others but not themselves.

    Jeff amazon said, cleaverness is gift, but choices are not gifts.

    How would he end his story when he reaches 80 years old, he shared his thoughts with his supporters recently just like robin baidu in sharing his ai tech officially in beijing recently.

    Trust no doubt is important, but when faith of a vision is loss, then, it is meaningless to move on.

    Yup, it is always about chicken and egg issues.

    If they are good, they will improve, play by the rule of the game set as they move on.

    If they are no good, even if you give them priority, tongkat and bantuan, they will only become weaker and weaker.

    As saying goes, look before you leap, never count chickens before eggs hatch since no one know what will happen next due to unforseen circumstances.

    No one is born perfect.

    After reading the craps of mr twinpeaks, will you want sabahan malay mps to decide our destiny?

    They cant even play by the rule of law, you think pkr will not ended as umno baru when they put their self interests above the country and fdi to stay relevant because they are malay, bumiputra and bumiputera too?

    Only malay muslim can decide, dll cannot decide?

    Hajar can continue with her mengumpat, sri sense can continue with her bluffology, i dont really care care.


    Learn to deal with it too, ladies

    P/s: who wants to be trillionaire? with this kind of blame game, they cant even have the gut to admit and apologize, asyik fikir macam mana nak jadi kaya raya diri mereka by cantas mencantas, blaming others but not themselves kerana aku orang mahathir, orang pak lah dan orang najib treating the voters like dedak seekers. bukan semua orang can tolerate hate speech, therefore, pandai2lah mereka yang mengelarkan diri mereka sebagai perjuang bangsa dan negeri mereka masing2. technocrats vs worshippers? ruling vs shadow government? buffologists vs biologists? bluffologists vs believers? boleh atau tidak, the choice is with mps and wr of the political divides before next general election is called. the obligation of voters is to vote when general election is called.

  70. Tun

    For HBT 456. You are a cowardly yellow skinned worm of a spineless Chinaman hiding behind a FAKE NAME insulting other races and religions over and over again. You keep calling yourself a non-Muslim So what is so special ? YOU ARE STILL A COWARDLY CHINAMAN. You have no ideas or honest opinions of your own because of your GPI caused by the syphilis you got in Batu Lane. Stop using my name to gain kudos, stupid coward of a Chinaman hiding behind a FAKE NAME who want to talk BIG when confronted. All the other commentators were too polite to you stupid Chinaman. I will not give you a centimetre leeway in any aspect as long as you ARE A STUPID CHINAMAN HIDING BEHIND A FAKE NAME LIVING IN OUR BELOVED MALAYSIA GIVING ALL CHINAMEN A BAD NAME. If you are a honourable chinaman, UNMASK YOURSELF LIKE ME. Why so scared, coward of a Chinaman ?

    Malaysia Boleh Tun as always ! No problem. It is time all Chinamen realise that they are the same and normal like anyone else. We have met some who are so VERY CLEVER AS TO BE STUPID ! In you we TRUST Tun ! Keep smiling and let the good hormones flow !

  71. Here is what the Chinese community can do. Do yourselves and the world a favour, and everything will be fine.. China’s economy and future, and how others view the Chinese community outside of China.
    The Chinese people INSIDE China must emulate the actions of Taiwanese and Hong Kongers and RISE UP against the oppressive regime that is the Chinese Communist Party. AND Chinese people living OVERSEAS such as in Malaysia and Australia etc. should drum support for the isolated Taiwanese and Hong Kongers by holding daily protests in front of the Chinese embassies all around the world. If you all do this then the world will take note that YOU, the ordinary simple Chinese public, are not actually sleeping with the Public Enemy No. 1 of the world, the Chinese Communist Party. More global support will pour in for you, the miserable Chinese.
    What have you the Chinese people got to lose? Communism? You never invented this scourge anyway.. Karl Marx and Vladimir Lenin did and the Russians are very happy to see that you become their ideological slaves right to this day to your own detriment (he..he..). Are you going to lose China as it exists now? Even if it does break up into separate components, all the better. Each component doesn’t have to be taken care of and can chart its own destiny with greater freedom. In fact there is less desire to break up once the oppressive regime is kicked out. All of you can live peacefully in China and never have to migrate to faraway places like Malaysia and Canada, like your ancestors did.
    If you call yourself smart in business, hardworking etc.etc., then why don’t you show that you collectively have the guts to stand up against your oppressive Communist government and lead the way towards democracy that you all clearly prefer and love (by your constant reference to voting and elections). Just copy what the Hong Kongers are doing and China will change for the better. But instead, we see Chinese everywhere (especially in Malaysia) longing for the continuation of Communist rule in China. That is no one’s fault (not Confucius or the demised emperors of ancient China), BUT your own people’s fault.
    If you like to be hated forever by the entire world, then so be it. We are more than happy to oblige.

  72. HBT456.. can you stop using the word Bah..

    You are not a Sabahan.

    The word bah doesnt belong exclusively to sabahan, mr twinpeaks.

    Chinese inside and outside mainland china uses bah word in our conversation and writing too including xinjiang uirghur.

    Please do your homework first before you speak out, if not nanti kena you ban atau sanction, dont blame others, blame yourself jika terhilang undi due to sombong bodoh.

    P/s: please be reminded that chinese in mainland china are not communists, they are ordinary folks just like we malaysians. the only difference is they do not have general election to elect their leaders.

  73. Salam YAB dan DiSanjungi PM Tun Dr. Mahathir,

    1. Mujahid nafi kaitkan Xinjiang, Uighur dan berita palsu dalam ucapan di China

    Cakap berbelit-belit…sikap munafik @ bermuka-muka. Menteri dari parti Amanah ini amanahkah? Beliau diberi amanah untuk menjaga kepentingan Islam dan umat Islam di Malaysia.

    2. Chinese tourists break into eco park, strip it of all its lotus flowers

    Bunga dalam taman umum pun mahu di sebat. Tamak atau kiasu?

    Jika sudah ada notis yang tidak membenarkan para pelawat untuk memetik bunga2 di taman, maksudnya mereka telah mencuri bunga2 tersebut.

    Mereka memang suka dapat barang PERCUMA kot! Sanggup mencuri…Yelah jika beli mesti keluarkan duit sendiri.

    Dalam Islam, kita dilarang mengambil barang (mencuri!) yang bukan milik kita.

    Saya selalu dengar cerita segolongan manusia di Malaysia yang amat tidak beradab (dalam majlis) bila makanan di rumah terbuka Hari Raya Aidil Fitri untuk orang umum pun mereka angkut keluar (bungkus). Kebuluran sangatkah?

    Tetapi ada di kalangan golongan ini berdegar-degar mengutuk orang Melayu / Islam suka makan dedak @ rasuah dan harapkan bantuan. Alahai…Bagai meludah ke langit…

    Terima kasih Tun.

    – Semoga Allah SWT sentiasa merahmati Tun sekeluarga –

  74. “Treat it as a blessing to all, and move on bah.”

    HBT456.. can you stop using the word Bah..

    You are not a Sabahan.

  75. I already knew what happened, and i dont really care how you look at the uneducated chinaman, mubarakchan.

    No communists, is he sure?

    Then, as mp from negeri beliau must lobby dpm cum kdn to tarik balik the printing permit from utusan melayu bhd.

    I am wondering can they differentiate isis and communists or not.

    I am least worried about the student protests in hong kong in challenging beijing, the ancient capital city stretching back to 3 millennia years (3,000 years) in mainland china starting from ming dynasty to qing dynasty until today.


    Hong kong leaders and their enforcers knows how to deal with these violent acts instigated by the student activists.

    Yes, they will be charged in the court of justice of hong kong to show the world that basic common law of hong kong would be protected and maintained by beijing, people’s republic of china for 50 years.

    Halal, atau haram, it is up to the political divides to decide who they prefer to be their next perdana menteri to lead them.

    It is up to the voters to cast votes when general election is called.

    The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago.

    The best time to plant a tree is now.

    To be or not to be, that is not the question.

    Able or not, we will see how far kita semua can go.

    If mubarakchan thinks the money is not haram, then, take it, takda orang peduli pun,

    Good, bad, ugly or evil, the choice is in your heart.

    P/s: i am done with this topic, and i am grateful with what i have gained eventhough i have gone through few decades of financial crisis. as saying goes, never choose a path of no return. to nail or not, the choice is with AG at putrajaya.

  76. Tun

    For HBT456.

    I told you not to use my name. In this instance you took my words out of context and planted them in you anti-Muslim, anti-Malay slants, you stop this. You slimy boneless uneducated Chinaman.

  77. sibotak Jul 2,2019 8:05 PM

    Dari dulu Kerajaan Malaysia macam lembab tak habis habis
    Pulau Pisang , Pulau Batu Putih yg di pertikaikan
    Sedangkan Tanah KTM Tanjung Pagar yg Nilainya lebihg berharga
    Di kasi begitu saja . Walau pun dinama tukar
    Penukaran 2 Tanah Kecil di bahagi Dua sama Singapura di Tukar
    Dengan Tanah KTM yg begitu Luas dan Berharga

    Saya yakin ada yg tak kena
    Kita selalu Rugi kerana Pemerintah yg Bodoh dan Budaya Rasuah yg amat

    Maksudnya, sibotak kata mereka suka benda percuma, bodoh atau malas?

    They said they want welfare, but at the same time, they dont want to pay taxes and bunga faedah because its kafir to them as muslim.

    All they want is tongkat, atau bantuan, tak gitu?

    With this kind of 1 sided policy, then, no need to talk about equality and fairness because to them, chinese are pendatang to them.

    In fact, i already gave up hope in this country’s political landscape of the so called new economic policy with muslim biased policy turned malay biased policy as per mubarakchan’s assumption of man proposes, god disposes.

    Being the 2nd class citizen in this country definitely would be safer since we are pendatang to them no matter what we do.

    It is not worth it to be in the front line since almost 100% kakitangan di pusat kerajaan mahupun negeri, all vvvips are hold by malay chosen by their political parties.

    After more than 60 years of merdeka, atau 6 decades of being 2nd class citizen, you still want to argue with them what is halal and haram?

    To them, quality is not important, janji murah dan percuma.

    Its alright, not being in ministry level is not the end of the world.


    Treat it as a blessing to all, and move on bah.

    P/s: can do, you do. cannot do, dont force. why? by the end of the day, they will still continue to do all sort of politics yang hanya merugikan mereka saja.


    A big blow to singapore tuas port at johor state, penang port at kedah state and other ports in others states?

    The political impact is definitely a big blow to bersatu in uniting federated and unfederated states under pakatan harapan.

    Boleh means boleh, tak boleh means tak boleh.

    Brunei dollar atau Dollar brunei, it makes no difference.


    Brunei dollar tetap brunei dollar, and it cannot be changed to Dollar brunei kerana musato kata.

    Absolute power corrupts absolutely.

    P/s: whoever becomes the perdana menteri, it makes no difference. rasuah, donation atau lobi, its up to those wannabes to decide the next course of strategy in fishing votes. to rci apa2 scandal, atau tidak, i leave it to those in power and in opposition to rebut pangkat perdana menteri. good luck, and all the best to the wannabes.

  79. Tun, you my Friend
    I luv you, Can’t you see
    The Old one and the Young one
    Oh, …… Sarimah

    Sempena Zakir Naik ada di Malaysia
    Mengapa tidak kita memeriahkan dan mengambil kesempatan
    menyatu padukan Ummah kita
    Ummah kita perlu Perhimpunan
    Perhimpunan bukan Bersih 1,2 atau 3
    Perhimpunan bukan untuk menentang sesiapa
    Tapi perhimpunan mempereratkan Siratul Rahim kita sesama Dunia Islam
    Demi Ummah
    Kita jemput Pensyarah Islam kita yg terkenal seperti Yusuf Estees, Yusuf Ivans, Mufti Menk, Nauman Ali, Shabir Ally & many more
    Islamic Leaders from the Middle East, Afrika and from all routes of Islamic Nation
    We call them for a Feast, A Nasheed, A get together in the name of the UMMAH
    We need to see each other today
    We need to hold Hands Together
    We will make History
    We are Uniting our Ummah
    Putting our Differences behind
    Iran, Saudi, Libya, Iraq, Yemen leaders of all conflicts
    We make them see eye to eye
    To one Qiblat
    It’s No Compulsion

  80. Good morning PM Malaysia

    I think zaman pentadbiran PH memang jauh teruk dari zaman BN.

    Recently as a client of Jupiter Securities I dapat tau, diam tak diam stockbroking firm ini dah tukar pada China Galaxy JV CIMB.

    Ini telah menyusahkan client, dah 3 hari I tak boleh masuk trading hall. Mereka sekarang guna tading hall CIMB. CIMB ini pun satu hal, nak cakap dengan the real person cukup susah, asyik asyik recorded voice telling us how busy they are.

    Not only that the old Jupiter office tak angkat phone, the new China Galaxy office also tak angkat talipon. Jadi I tak tau la kalau Tun kata partnership dengan China ini bagus untuk Malaysia. Apa yang I nampak based on this experience satu aniaya besar telah berlaku. Sikap acuh dan acuh buat ramai nanti hilang duit.


    Why must voting age to be reduced?

    Is it because of other countries did this, then, malaysia must follow?

    Other countries do not have 9 sultan taking turn as agong in every 5 years, then, other countries wajib follow malaysia then?

    Is it because vote counts is very important to stay relevant, or to bailout themselves for their 1 sided policy brought down since dr mm until today?

    My children were influenced by dap, and they wanted to help by registrating themselves as voters when their age turned 21 years old with waiting period of 3 years to be effective, as far as i know, ada tukar atau tidak, i am not sure.

    I did not interfere since they are mature enough to make their stand in their peer group, but i asked them how much do they know about the political structure that shaped this country to where we are today, and they said they dont know.

    Then, i asked, do they intend to excel in politics as future career?

    If yes, then, they must pick a political party that would provide them the stepping stone to shape them as future politicians.

    If no, then, they should just go a head in registrating themselves as eligible voters when the next general election is called so that they can make their stand in next general ballot box.

    The main reason that i do not agree to reducing age at this turbulence of another global financial crisis beyond our countrol made by the then bn which was silently agreed by ph during the tenure of dsn and bn.


    Absolute power corrupts absolutely whereby only perdana menteri can decide who gets what, and who dont get what via nep, janji menang baru bikin, tak kisah boleh atau tidak by using race and religion supremacy conflicts to manipulate the sentiment of the voters khususnya, the kampong voters to stay relevant by forming ruling and shadow governments due to federated and unfederated states that form malaysia since merdeka until today.

    Instead, i think maintaining voting age at 21 years, and whoever do not register themselves as voters via political parties or federal government agencies, tak kisah mereka ini dari negeri mana should be penalized, contohnya, a penalty of myr200 at federal level as a stepping stone with no timetable first.


    Changing law is tough since no one knows who is swimming naked as long as the tide is not off.

    Boleh atau tidak, it is up to mps of political divides to debate to make it mandatory, or not in august house, atau federal parliament.

    This mandatory policy shall shape the voters in general first so that chicken and egg issues can be maintained to be inclusive so that no one is left out.

    P/s: tipu orang kampung senang, tipu orang bandar susah, tipu orang global lagi susah. to continue with gutter politics of sodomy will only make the political masters look bad in the eyes of the general public. jika tak nak kongsi, then, cerai bah.

  82. Dari dulu Kerajaan Malaysia macam lembab tak habis habis
    Pulau Pisang , Pulau Batu Putih yg di pertikaikan
    Sedangkan Tanah KTM Tanjung Pagar yg Nilainya lebihg berharga
    Di kasi begitu saja . Walau pun dinama tukar
    Penukaran 2 Tanah Kecil di bahagi Dua sama Singapura di Tukar
    Dengan Tanah KTM yg begitu Luas dan Berharga

    Saya yakin ada yg tak kena
    Kita selalu Rugi kerana Pemerintah yg Bodoh dan Budaya Rasuah yg amat

  83. Salam YAB dan DiSanjungi PM Tun Dr. Mahathir,


    1. Menteri Agama Kerajaan PH tidak berfungsi dan tidak boleh diharap. Kebetulan saya tonton di TV beliau bercakap di pentas mengenai Maqasid Syariah. Merapu saja lebih sebab beliau sendiri tidak faham tentang Maqasid Syariah.
    (Rujukan mengenai Maqasid Syariah: )

    2. Kenyataan Menteri Agama Tun tentang orang Islam Uighur di China yang dianiaya (dikurung dan didera) secara mental dan fizikal amat meloyakan seolah-olah dia pernah tinggal di kem tahanan Xinjiang. Bodoh tahap gaban Dr. Mujahid ini rupa-rupanya (maaf cakaplah). Orang macam inikah yang Tun harapkan untuk mendaulatkan Islam?

    3. Sejak dari dulu lagi saya memang tidak berkenan dengan YB Azmin yang khabarnya mendapat kepercayaan Tun sebagai (kononnya) pemimpin yang berkaliber. Saya tidak pernah percaya kepada Anwar Ibrahim, dan saya juga tidak pernah memandang Azmin sebagai seorang pemimpin yang boleh diharap. Pada pandangan saya karakter Azmin amat meragukan sejak dari mula lagi saya melihat beliau bersama Anwar (yang disabitkan dengan jenayah sodomi). Azmin juga amat liberal dan tidak sesuai menjadi PM Malaysia.

    4. Persoalannya, bolehkah kita harapkan Anwar atau Azmin untuk mendaulatkan Islam? Maaf cakaplah, mereka memang tidak boleh diharap.

    5. Malangnya, para pemimpin Islam dalam Amanah dan Bersatu pun banyak yang agak jahil dalam hal berkaitan hukum-hakam agama Islam. Contohnya, lihat saja Dr. Mujahid. Merapu meraban saja yang dia tahu. Amat memalukan sebagai Menteri Agama.

    Terima kasih Tun.

    – Semoga Allah SWT sentiasa merahmati Tun sekeluarga –


    As umno baru punya president, will he dare to take the challenge to de-register umno baru, and rename as united malaysia nasional organization as victor to re-write history?

    He wont dare to take the challenge because he is afraid of loosing pas support in his home state.

    Melayu mudah lupa, then, so be it.

    To rasuah them is easy, but to change their tongkat mindset is very very very tough, but if he as president wants to push for merger of umno baru and pas to stay relevant, then, by all means go ahead.

    Sri sen. kata habuk pun takda, perhaps she too must have forgotten what her geng had done when dsn became peerdana menteri.

    Bak kata, bagi bukit emas pun tarak guna, jangan kata ah choo takut, nanti ah kow pun lari.

    P/s: today, we have witnessed mr trump to cross over the border of north korea from south korea, and he would be remembered for being the 1st usa president to end the civil war in the korean peninsula to make historical impact. does sibotak knows where is pacific ocean?

  85. There is a huge difference between racist and stateman which has nothing to do with lgbt or animals, sibotak.

    For those who assume history repeat itself, they are bound to make the same mistakes since mps and wakil rakyar could be rigged with snap of fingers behind the voters.

    Eventhough i am not hongkonger nor taiwanese, those slogans and action used by student activists hurt.

    Can pas still be the next kingmaker for ph or bn?

    P/s: long road test a horse’s strenght. i have gone through the financial crisis, and i am happy that my family members are doing fine until today. victor re-write history? as long as race and religion supremacy and gutter politics re being played again and again, if voters are not ready, apa2pun tak akan jadi punya.

  86. HBT 3/4
    { No, i dont agree students are being used as the political agents to topple the government of the day.


    It would be very unfair to the non moslem either.}

    HBT You are Truly Racist and a Religious Hatred
    You are sold by The West Media
    You need to seek the Truth

    What has political agents has to do with Moslem or Non-Moslem
    Why need to use the word Moslem
    Is Non-Moslem not Human to be political agents?
    Just because of student kena cane. You need to bring up a case of Moslem & Non-Moslem. Perhaps the student is Rude, so it ought to teach a lesson
    And this student will Thanks to his teacher in the future

    HBT is a Racist in Disguise
    A waste of time indeed entertaining her, but I like

    HBT most non-moslem consent LGBT
    Perhaps you yourself consents it in the name of Democratic, Human Right
    But if it happens to yr own family you will turn yr table around
    Common Hypocrites character among Chinese like you
    Vice versa if yr sister, mother or Aunty are taken as Mistress
    You would say its wrong, But if it is another Mother, Sister or Aunty are taken as Mistress, you will say its Ok.
    That’s the reason Islam has the solution to yr problem

    God creates Adam & Eve
    God never creates Adam & Steve
    We Human from Adam till today
    Do not see any Dog, Cat nor any Animal behaving LGBT

    I am touching you on this as I’ve seen a constant Racist
    Religious Hatred on you
    I just try to knock yr Head
    With The Muslim Greeting
    Assalamualaikum kum kum


    No, i dont agree students are being used as the political agents to topple the government of the day.


    It would be very unfair to the non moslem either.


    Absoulute power corrupts absolutely.

    There are things we can do, there are things we cannot do.

    Dont cane students of teenagers because their parents are not vvip nor moslem.

    Dont pamper students of teenagers because their parents are vvip and moslem.

    Keep the status quo, nurture them to adapt to the future.

    P/s: the cikgu who still cane students in public to show their bossy way, then, the cikgu needs to be cane and do counselling too. if moe cannot handle, then, let political parties and the divide to show them the exit in next general election. siapakah yang bayar musato to do the writing? itu kena tanya bossku. melayu mudah lupa, then, so be it, tak gitu?

  88. Assalamualaikum Tun.

    Memandangkan HBT dah sebut pasal Dollar Brunei dan Ringgit Malaysia, jadi di sini saya nak sebut sikit la pasal duit.

    Sekarang saya menulis di sini sebenarnya saya telah dibayar Ringgit Malaysia beribu ribu.

    Ada la tulis sikit sikit kebelakangan ini, kan.

    Saya tulis di sini saya kurang kukuh kewangan, alhamdulillah sebelum ini tulis kat sini cuma percuma, tapi kebelakangan ini tulisan saya dibayar.

    Saya tulis kat sini saya tak dapat makan tengahari, alhamdulillah, bukan setakat lunch, dinner, breakfast pun saya dapat rasa.

    Itu seronoknya merengek dan menulis kat sini.

    Siapa bayar? Kompani saya yang bayar. Saya fikir mereka tidak bijak matematik macam HBT sebab bayar saya tapi biar saya berpuasa dan berhari raya di Malaysia. Duduk bersenang lenang. Tanpa berbuat apa apa. Cuma menulis di sini😋😋😋

    Nikmat apakah lagi yang kamu dustakan?

    Terima kasih Tun.

  89. The defination of synergism is a synergistic effect arising between two or more agents, entities, factors, or substances that produces an effect greater than the sum of their individual effects.

    Contohnya kita pakai nombor yang diberikan musato to show the effect: 1+1=5

    It is opposite of antagonism.

    Antagonism is an effectt of active hostility or opposition.

    Contohnya: 1+1=-5

    Oops cantas, oops lalang still relevant today, musato?

    Bak kata, jika tersalah tema dan langkah, untung pun boleh jadi rugi.

    Sweet dreams are made of this, who am i to disagree?

    I always believe good deeds are greater than evil deeds.

    The glass of water is always half full to me, what about musato?

    Jika niat mereka adalah murni, mereka pasti akan nampak cahaya di hujung sana.

    Jika niat mereka adalah bukan murni, mereka pasti tidak akan nampak cahaya di hujung sana.

    Jangan lupa, perdana menteri must call for general election to get mandate from the voters via political parties.

    Tepuk dadah, tanya selera dan citarasa musato sendiri, boleh atau tidak?

  90. Assalamualaikum Tun.

    Ye la HBT, cina pandai matematik. 1+1=5.

    Tapi kalau nak tahu bab agama Islam, kita manusia ada roh/jiwa dan jasad/badan.

    Contohnya macam mimpi. Kita boleh jalan ke mana mana, tapi badan/tubuh tidur.

    Itulah di namakan alam maya.

    Jasad tidak berganjak dari tempatnya, tapi jiwa bergerak gerak.

    Terima kasih Tun.

  91. Assalamualaikum Tun.


    Saya kira saya pasti ke Brunei akhir bulan ini untuk bekerja. Panggilan telah diterima.

    Aku cuma nak tanya musato, adakah gaji bulanan atau upah sehari dalam bentuk matawang Brunei Dollar ditawarkan untuk berkerja di sana?

    Kini, 1Brunei Dollar = 3.06 Malaysia Ringgit.

    Does musato know how Multiplication Table works in reality?

    I never study in agama state control schools or vernacular schools so i am not sure whether subjet matematik is compulsory or not to be taught since vote count is more important to the political parties to form ruling and shadow governments.

    As for mandarin, i learned it all by myself without parents’ assistance, cikgu atau language centres because i am biologically a Chinese, atau Yellow skin by race.

    As for agama, i just tick ‘Buddhist’ followed my parents’ prayers tradition since thats the choice we have in Malaysia format for the compilation of population demography based on IC atau Identity Card that we hold issued by KDN.

    But, i know religion is the main political and economical excuses to declare military wars on others dari dulu hingga kini.

    Selamat tinggal Malaysia, maksudnya, musato bakal pilih tinggalkan kampung negerimu, Malaysia, dan bakal pilih menjadi bakal warganegara Brunei kemudian atau menjadi imported foreign workers sementara to raise his young family?

    Dulu, saya tak erti, kini saya erti.

    When comes to race and religion issues, i am color blind.

    Can do, i will say i can do it.

    Cannot do, i will say i cannot do it.

    Bak kata, siapakah mereka yang makan cili, merekalah yang rasa pedas.


    Politics was never a career that could rich you overnight due to change of government.

    Similarly, politics was never a career that could not bankrupt you overnight due to change of government.

    Benefit of doubts is always there.

    If they are good, work hard and stay focus, they will survive.

    If they are weak and pampered, they will not survive

    When bad things happened, find out the root cause.

    When bad things happened, never find another political excuse to stay relevant, or bailout themselves assuming orang luar tak nampak.

    Even if i dont like that cup of tea, i will never spit on it because it is politically, economically and morally wrong.

    You cannnot make a baby in 1 month by making 9 women pregnant.

    It is either we learned, or we dont when we move on.

    I still contribute my comments here not because i want you all in here to say yes, or to say no since i am just a common voters just like you and me.

    Cakap besar, semua pun tahu.

    Apabila ada masalah besar, semua mps buat tak tahu, dan pilih lompat, slander, suspicious, mempermainkan politik yang amat menjijik dan menyampah for their comfort zone of 1 sided view, you rasa voters in general will not vote against them?

    Yup, as voters, i can choose to turn my eyes, ears and heart blinded by my greed and fear, and just let it happened.


    If not hepi, i just vote opposition parties, tak gitu?

    Bak kata, there are so many choices out there for us to make a decent living, tak payah pakai strategy yang amat bisa dan menyampah just for the sake of vote counts.

    Bak kata, pandai2lah mereka yang berkuasa ini.

    Meritocracy, Mediocrity atau Rule of Federal and State Parliaments, itu terpulang kepada ideologi politik members of parliament masing2.

    Progress atau Regress, the choice is with AG@Putrajaya appointed by the Perdana Menteri.

    To nail or delay, the choice is with AG@Putrajaya appointed by the Perdana Menteri.

    Good luck, and God bless you all in here.

    P/s: is it a gift or mystery? No pain, no gain still relevant in post IT era with 5G in process to improve lifestyles of all of us in this world? are you ready to adapt to this 5G advance Technology that bound to be upgraded to 6G, 7G, so on and so on unless Technocrat can come out with something that can replace 5G as we move along? can perdana menteri, mps dan wakil rakyat predict since vote counts is more important for them to stay relevant?

  92. Assalamualaikum Tun.

    Beginilah gambaran Ketika Cinta Pada Allah swt Bertasbih. Lagu yang dicipta oleh ustaz dari Indonesia.

    Airmata mengalir deras ketika lagu ini dimainkan.

    Namun setelah dihebahkan kepada umum airmata tiada lagi mengalir. Mungkin ada beberapa perkara tidak boleh dihebahkan. Namun ini adalah pentadbiran negara. Ia perlu didakwah dan dihebahkan. Mungkin di tempat lain air mata akan kembali mengalir fikir saya.

    InsyaAllah dan ianya betul.


    Bertuturlah cinta
    Mengucap satu nama
    Seindah goresan sabdamu dalam kitabku
    Cinta yang bertasbih
    Mengutus Hati ini
    Ku sandarkan hidup dan matiku padamu

    Bisikkan doaku
    Dalam butiran tasbih
    Kupanjatkan pintaku padamu Maha Cinta
    Sudah di ubun-ubun cinta mengusik resah
    Tak bisa kupaksa walau hatiku menjerit

    Ketika cinta bertasbih nadiku berdenyut merdu
    Kembang kempis dadaku merangkai butir cinta
    Garis tangan tergambar tak bisa aku menentang
    Sujud syukur padamu atas segala cinta

    Lirik Lagu Ketika Cinta Bertasbih – Melly Goeslow Feat Amee

    Terima kasih Tun.

  93. Assalamualaikum Tun.

    Benar kata ‘ulama :

    “Kita tidak akan benar-benar mengenali seseorang itu melainkan setelah bermusafir dengannya”.

    Kerana safar (سفر) itu dari sudut bahasa bermaksud “menonjol” seperti firman Allah:

    وَالصُّبْحِ إِذَا أَسْفَرَ

    Iaitu: “Dan waktu subuh apabila ia (menonjol) terang berderang” [al-Muddaththir: 34].

    Kata ulama:

    “Mengembara dinamakan sebagai safar, disebabkan permusafiran membongkar serta menonjolkan karakter, sikap dan akhlak seseorang, kerana ketika itu bermacam cabaran dan kesukaran yang dilalui bersama”.

    Justeru hakim/qadhi dahulu bila menerima tazkiah (recommendation) atau kritikan seseorang terhadap seseorang, mereka akan bertanya kepadanya:

    “Adakah kamu pernah bermusafir dengannya?”.

    Jika jawapannya tidak, maka mereka akan berkata kepadanya:

    “Jika begitu, kamu belum benar-benar mengenalinya!”.

    Terima kasih Tun.

  94. Assalamualaikum Tun.


    Orang berilmu dan beradab tidak akan diam di kampung halaman.

    Tinggalkan negerimu dan merantaulah ke negeri orang.

    Tinggalkanlah tanahair dan mengembaralah.

    Bermusafirlah, nescaya kamu akan mendapat ganti kepada orang yang telah kamu tinggalkan.

    Berlelah-lelahlah, manisnya hidup terasa setelah lelah berjuang

    Aku melihat air menjadi rusak karena diam tertahan.

    Jika mengalir menjadi jernih, jika tidak, akan keruh menggenang.

    Singa jika tak tinggalkan sarang, tak akan dapat mangsa.

    Anak panah jika tak tinggalkan busur, tak akan kena sasaran.

    Jika matahari di orbitnya tak bergerak dan terus diam.

    Tentu manusia bosan padanya dan enggan memandang.

    Bijih emas bagaikan tanah biasa sebelum digali dari tambang.

    Kayu gaharu tak ubahnya seperti kayu biasa jika di dalam hutan.

    Jika engkau tinggalkan tempat kelahiranmu, engkau akan temui darjat mulia di tempat yang baru dan engkau bagaikan emas yang sudah terangkat dari tempatnya.

    Pergilah merantau untuk mencari kemuliaan karena dalam perjalanan itu ada lima kegunaan, iaitu: menghilangkan kesedihan, mendapatkan penghidupan, mendapatkan ilmu, mengagungkan jiwa, dan dapat bergaul dengan banyak orang.

    ─ Imam Syafie
    (Diwan as Syafiie)

    Terima kasih wahai Imam.

    Terima kasih Wahai Tuhanku, yang memberi petunjukNya.

    Terima kasih Tun.

  95. No wonder World is not at Peace and will never be
    The world is terrorized by US Lies, by West hypocrisy
    Run by World no 1 Liars that is the US for Israel
    And The world ignores these Lies as if nothing happens

    The world is Blinded by US Military Might & influences
    Deafened by US Lies, Blinded by the US for
    Israel Evil intentions of Supremacy

    This is Why World is never and can never be at Peace
    They Lied too many. YET the World buys it
    For fear of individual interest & Greed

    God Gracious provides almost Muslim World with Wealth, with plenty of Natural Resource. Yet the Muslim are unable to prepare themselves securing their Sovereignty. Best of all they buy weapons from their own enemy
    Today Arabs is a Disgrace to Prophet Muhammad p.u.h

    The US puts Gun on the Table for Talks
    Unable to professionally secure and compete with its Economy. They need to threaten Economic interests with Military Threats with Extortions

    Sanctions impose, heavy Taxes on a bilateral agreement, Dishonor Agreement made, Talks Bluntly as if they know it all, Telling Bed Time Story to an Adult, Framing others, Fixing Murders Weapons in the hands of the innocents, Disrespectful of other Nation Sovereignty, Killing innocents live just for their Greed. You name it all. Its Gangsterism practice by US for Israel

    US for Israel is playing God, playing the innocents, playing the Victim
    Yet they are the True Culprits that Destroyed the World today blaming and fixing others. This is Barbaric of The 21st Century

    The world is abetting to US Crimes for their Economic pleasures
    Complying US Sanctions on others illegally & unlawfully is abetting to US injustice

    They have made Palestine Fools from Day 1
    Generations after Generation
    They never meant Peace nor Democratic
    US felt they have the better weapons, The Military Supremacy
    They are above all, World must listen to them
    Well they are wrong
    They thought they plan well
    They forgot there are better and the best plan of all
    The world can form another NATO
    Compromising, Russia, China, Iran, North Korea and many more to form the next NATO. Justice will prevail

  96. Assalamualaikum Tun.


    Saya kira saya pasti ke Brunei akhir bulan ini untuk bekerja. Panggilan telah diterima.

    Saya fikir selepas Tun dah jadi PM, saya harap Tun dapat membetulkan apa yang tidak betul.

    Malah saya juga berharap saya tidak lagi aktif menulis di sini. Melalui pengalaman di sini (pengalaman kerohanian) seperti saya katakan adakala adalah amat menakutkan. Takut pada kuasa Allah swt.

    Sepanjang 10 tahun iaitu sejak Mei 2008 saya di sini, kehidupan kewangan saya banyak dibantu oleh isteri saya walaupun saya bekerja.

    Saya kira ini adalah masa untuk saya kembali melaksanakan tanggungjawab saya sebagai ketua keluarga dan menyediakan diri sendiri. InsyaAllah.

    Dalam tempoh masa itu juga kita berupaya dengan izin Allah swt menyelesaikan beberapa isu penting negara termasuk menukarkan PM 2 kali dan 1 kali menukarkan kerajaan. Kerajaan BN kepada kerajaan PH.

    Walaubagaimanapun, kerana rasa bertanggungjawab pada negara tercinta, wahai negaraku Malaysia, adalah amat rasa bersalah meninggalkan negara tanpa mengucap selamat tinggal.

    Paling kurang pun perlulah saya tinggalkan sedikit hubungan dengan arena politik negara.

    Maka saya membuat keputusan untuk menghubungi Dato Rafiq dan meninggalkan sedikit maklumat berkenaan diri saya pada beliau. Beliau ada memberi respon, namun jika beliau sudi memanjangkan lagi hubungan silaturahim ini, maka dengan izinNya InsyaAllah kita akan ketemu lagi di lain waktu dan tempat.

    Kebetulannya, beliau adalah antara orang muda yang dikatakan orang harapan pelapis Bersatu. Malah saya juga bersetuju dengan penerangan cara ideologi politik beliau.

    Walaupun saya terpaksa mengambil masa yang panjang dalam melakukan sedikit kaji selidik berkenaan ‘who am i’ iaitu keputusannya saya dapati bahawa saya adalah dari susungalur Sayyid Abdul Rahman (Tokku Paloh 1818-1918) dan Syeikh Abdul Malek (Tok Pulau Manis 1670-an) namun keluarga saya pada masa ini tidaklah punyai hubungan dengan orang politik atau pentadbir setempat mahupun negara.

    Mungkin jarak masa antara 100-350 tahun telah memainkan peranan yang memutuskan hubungan dalam pentadbiran.

    Kerana itulah juga saya tidak mendekati Tun Mahathir secara peribadi. Cuma di sini di Saya rasa saya terbatas.

    Cukup saya memberi pandangan serta nasihat melalui penulisan di sini dan Tun jalankan idea dan pandangan pandangan saya dengan jayanya itu sudah cukup bagi saya. Saya gembira dengan itu.

    Saya mengaku pada Dato Rafiq bahawa saya adalah penasihat Tun M di

    Saya telah menulis itu sejak sekian lama dan telah dibaca oleh perpuluh juta orang di sini.

    Inilah maklumat yang saya cuba tinggalkan kepada beliau. Dan penulisan ini akan saya majukan kepada beliau setelah ia disiarkan di sini.

    Jika ada apa apa keraguan dan persoalan, seperti mana ia telah disiarkan oleh, maka segala pertanyaan bolehlah dikemukakan kepada juga.

    Selamat tinggal negaraku, Malaysia.


  97. HBT 3/4
    I don’t need to prove anything to you
    You are Worthless
    You are Typical Chinese Kiasu
    Zakir is worth a Million of you
    You don’t understand the True Meaning of Life
    No wonder most Chinese Families broke into pieces
    Children disrespect their parents because of Greed
    Happens in the Chinese Community
    I don’t need to clarify this
    You know it yourself as it happens in yr own family
    Feel very Sorry for you

    Conclusion: racism happens everywhere. extremism happens every second, everywhere. injustice happens every second, everywhere. unfairness happens every second, everywhere. each of us has greed, but that does not mean being greedy is hak istimewa untuk sibotak saja, betul tak?

    Tun kita perlu memperhebatkan lagi Zakir Naik
    Naik ke Pentas menembusi seluruh Tanah Malaysia
    Di Johor, Melaka semerata Malaysia
    Penang terutamanya tempat pembiakan HBT
    Semoga matanya yg sepit tahu erti Kehidupan sebenarnya

    Conclusion: it is up to sibotak to decide, but can penang voters in general accept and play by the rule of law, it is a different story today. why china fireball banned protests hong kong and taiwan to be reached out to 1.4 billion population in mainland china? if you read and understand the history, culture and tradition of china, you will know why this drastic action is taken.

    Expalin to me Why ?
    Chinese upon Death of their Luv one often Cried so Miserably
    Whilst The Muslim can take it Peacefully?
    Why do Chinese Suicide rate high in almost every part?
    Why do most Chinese send their parent to Old Folks Home?

    Conclusion: i dont intend to answer you this question because sibotak is using a racist perception to downgrade chinese in general secara buta tuli since we have general election in every 5 years. in fact, those states under strong umno- pas influences, they are already made the choice in making friday and saturday as weekend holidays following uae without debates in federal parliament, so why make so much noises now?

    You need to learn Islam to understand all this
    Tun Mahathir has humbly secure Zakir for Malaysia

    Conclusion: when the referee played dirty by cutting off the rope in the middle, both sides will fall. how will other referees look at this dirty playing referee?

    The question is not tdm, the question is can the wawasan 2020 sustainable in the next 50 years from now? Are the cabinet ministers choosen by him can do their jobs without fear or favor? whichever political coalition wins out the majority votes, they will dictate the forecast federal budget for the next 5 years, itu saja.

  98. America feared and ungentle facing International Economic World Competition

    Economic competition is about working Hard. Is about Demand & Supply. Is about Respect, Honesty, Cohesion, Understanding, Taking care of Nature, providing comforts to lives, provides
    Food on the Table with Pen & Paper
    Not with Guns on The Table

    This is very UnGentleman of America, hypocrites name themselves
    as Develop Advance Democratic Nation
    US is a Shame to The World

    You don’t pun Guns on the Table for Food, Clothing nor Comforts
    US must learn to earn an Honest Living
    Same goes to HBT 3/4 Must learn the Word Halal
    You simply don’t take the Haram then you feel proud of it
    The after you Feed your own Children

    When you keep on Digging, Keeps on Searching
    You are Never Rich though We see you as Millionaire or Billionaire
    Rich people sit in Masjid who don’t bother much about Materialistic
    They will work for Necessities

  99. Satu Dunia tahu Amerika tipu untuk Israel
    Dunia tetap mendengar dan memakan penipuan Amerika untuk Israel
    Bukan saja Negara Eropah, Barat yg telan Penipuan Amerika
    Malah Dunia Islam seperti Malaysia sendiri
    Sanggup telan Penipuan Amerika kerana Takut

    Kadang dalam cakapan kita Hebat melaungkan Perasaan
    Tapi yg nyata Dayus akan Perbuatan
    Apakah tidak bolih kita Bersatu dengan Negara lain yg ingin Bersatu
    Bukan untuk menentang Amerika tapi Bersatu tidak melayan seruan Amerika
    Kita hanya perlu pulaukan Amerika dengan tidak mendengar Arahannya

    Begitu juga Russia, China , North Korea
    Sebaik melawan Amerika adalah tidak mendengar langsung apa yg Amerika mahu
    Tutup segala pintu mendengar, Tutup segala pintu melayan Amerika
    Saya yakin Dunia akan bertambah Aman dan Maju Jaya

    Selama ini Amerika melaungkan kehandak dan kepentingan mereka dan Israel
    Dengan menipu Dunia, Memperbodohkan Manusia Dunia
    Apa yg Amerika bolih buat kalau Dunia atau sebahagian kita memulaukan Amerika
    Kita tidak perlu melawannya tapi hanya memulaukannya

    Dunia Tidak Bolih Tunduk pada Amerika untuk Israel
    Dunia bolih Bersatu dengan adanya Russia, China, North Korean, Iran dan yg Berahajat Bersatu untuk Memulihkan Dunia

    Ternyata hingga kini
    Amerika bohong Dunia tentang Sept 11
    Bohong dan memfitnah Iraq, Syria , Palestine, Afganistan dan banyak lagi Negara Dunia Ketiga yg lemah dan di Fitnah ,diTipu , di Zalimi untuk Israel

    Nyata Amerika sebenarnya Penakut
    Iran sudah Besedia , China sudah Bersedia , Russia lengkap Bersedia
    North Korea mengalu alukan tarian Amerika
    Amerika Berdalir dalih kerana Takut

    Bukan Peperangan yg ku pinta
    Tapi Jangan Fitnah, Menzalimi Negara yg Lemah
    Ini satu Penganiayaan terhadap Ihsan sesama

    Dimana Malaysia di ini hari
    Adakah kita masih di belenggu dengan 1MDB , dengan Politik Liwat
    Budaya Rasuah , Budaya Kata Mengata sesama ,masih lebih Lagak dari Buat
    Masih berpegang pada kata kata Laksamana Hang Tuah
    ‘Takkan Melayu , Hilang di Bumi ‘
    Tapi yang nyata Hang Tuah yg Hilang dulu entah kemana ?
    Pergi Batam kot, Nagoya Hill, Batam Centre ?

    Kita kena berdepan dengan Kenyataan
    Bertapak di Bumi yg nyata
    More Positive and more moving ahead without Fear nor Threat

  100. Hello Mahathiak. Kalau nak daulatkan Islam stop lah dealing with all these jubok clan. Pass the baton to non-jubok baru suci dan diberkati.

  101. Malaysia complying with US sanction against Iran
    Is Abetting to US Crimes towards A Nation Sovereignty

    US for Israel Interest is at the Expense of other Nation Sovereignty
    and at the expense of Millions of Innocents Lives
    No Nation of how poor allow this to happen
    UN is absolute Dummy Organization for Mankind
    It is corrupted and used by US for Israel

    Palestinian Peace Talk hold by US is a Bull
    US are never sincere to uphold any Justice for Palestine
    It is Smart & very Right of Palestine and Iran not to have any Talk with US
    Same also to North Korea
    As it was never for a Talk
    It’s actually A Scam
    A Scam meaning The intention to Cheat
    Never for Democratic nor for Mankind

    Design to cheat Palestine, Iran, North Korea and Fooled The World
    What is it to Talk. When Trump simply tore its International Agreement with Iran, Just like that.Just a Piece of Paper. A piece of Junk
    It’s very Rude indeed and very Unprofessional and very Holligans

    Once Iran Hit
    It’s an all out for Iran
    Israel must be part of it and share the cake of War
    Israel will pretend as if it had nothing to do with US aggressiveness
    Israel plays innocents, plays The Good Guy
    It is Israel that is so Keen on this War
    US is just an Idiot
    Look forward to seeing Bush, Blair, Netanyahu, Trump son or sons
    On the Frontline, since their Father is eager & excited

    Every Muslim is a Live Weapons
    They luv to Die in Sahid
    Americans will Die for Medals
    And Pumps of Guns tribute upon their Death
    That’s The Diffences

  102. HBT 3/4
    I don’t need to prove anything to you
    You are Worthless
    You are Typical Chinese Kiasu
    Zakir is worth a Million of you
    You don’t understand the True Meaning of Life
    No wonder most Chinese Families broke into pieces
    Children disrespect their parents because of Greed
    Happens in the Chinese Community
    I don’t need to clarify this
    You know it yourself as it happens in yr own family
    Feel very Sorry for you

    Tun kita perlu memperhebatkan lagi Zakir Naik
    Naik ke Pentas menembusi seluruh Tanah Malaysia
    Di Johor, Melaka semerata Malaysia
    Penang terutamanya tempat pembiakan HBT
    Semoga matanya yg sepit tahu erti Kehidupan sebenarnya

    Expalin to me Why ?
    Chinese upon Death of their Luv one often Cried so Miserably
    Whilst The Muslim can take it Peacefully?
    Why do Chinese Suicide rate high in almost every part?
    Why do most Chinese send their parent to Old Folks Home?

    You need to learn Islam to understand all this
    Tun Mahathir has humbly secure Zakir for Malaysia

  103. Kalau si Arab kasi Zakir Naik 2.6 billion untuk memperjuagkan Islam
    Bolih lah saya percaya, sebab Zakir Berilmu dan ada landasan

    Sibotak, jika saya kata Apple tak akan pilih malaysia to assembly iphone mereka, you percaya tak?

    It wont be a surprise for the manufacturing of critical components that needs to be highly protected and guaranteed by the government, to cater china, india and asean markets, they may choose singapore.

    Zakir Naik ini tetap indian muslim, beliau bukan warganegara malaysia, mahupun orang penang, so saya tak tahu apa yang sibotak nak prove his points.

    Who would be vetoed to buy MAS, this time under khazanah?

    Jika gabungan bersatu-umno-pkr-pas can make this deal possible, then, they can be billionaire overnight.

    Therefore, whoever become the perdana menteri malaysia it makes no sense.

    Tension of usa-iran is on and threatening, so current minister of transport cannot say why no one inform him, mubarakchan.

    I dont intend to argue, and i do not want to get involve in this topic since i am not muslim.

    But, when the political parties of divide are okay with this topic, then, by all means go a head.

    Can do, then, you do.

    Cannot do, dont force.

    Good luck and all the best.

    I am signing out this topic permanently.

  104. Assalamualaikum Tun.

    Orang muda.

    Yep. Saya memang ahli Bersatu. Namun parti bukan kiblat saya. Parti hanyalah sebagai alat untuk memerintah negara.

    Ia terbuka kepada sesiapa sahaja untuk mengundi mana mana parti. Tun Mahathir sudah/sedang bersihkan UMNO dan mana mana manusia yang bersekongkol bersama kerajaan kleptorasi terbesar di dunia.

    Ia adalah tugas sebagai seorang pemimpin. Pemimpin sejati. Nak sokong kerjasama UMNO-PAS sokonglah.

    Tetapi sebagai pemimpin kita tidak boleh bahagi bahagikan cara memerintah negara mengikut kaum. Kita perlu menghimpunkan semua kaum dengan satu cara pemerintahan yang diterima ramai.

    Islam itu tidak jumud. Islam itu tidak membebankan.

    Baru baru ini baru saya tahu yang Tun Mahathir pernah menyebut tahun lepas 2 nama orang muda yang boleh dijadikan sebagai pemimpin harapan masa depan dalam Bersatu.

    Satunya semua orang tahu iaitu Syed Saddiq. Keduanya adalah Dato Rafiq.

    Walaupun saya berada di bahagian, namun menteri menteri atau dato dato pun susah nak bersua muka dengan saya. Kalau dapat bertentang mata tu, kira bertuahlah.

    Diaorang pun tak kenal saya. Saya pun tak kenal diaorang.

    Syed Saddiq pernah datang, tapi saya tak dapat hadir ke program beliau.

    Namun Dato Rafiq saya sempat mengeteh dengan beliau pada satu masa bersama sama pimpinan negeri.

    Beliau sebagai orang muda yang berumur 30-an sempatlah menerangkan ideologi perjuangan beliau dalam politik. Saya tertarik dan bersetuju dengan cara beliau.

    Pada pertemuan pertama, di mana saya duduk, beliau nampak sedikit berusaha untuk hampir dengan saya. Mungkin beliau ingin mengetahui sedikit sebanyak pendapat/percakapan saya juga sebagai orang muda, yang mana tiada kesempatan yang menjelma.

    Sudah tentu semua orang diberi no kontek beliau.

    Oleh kerana beliau kelihatan sedikit berusaha untuk mendekati saya, maka saya sedikit berkenan untuk mengadakan temujanji dengan beliau. Sekadar berkenal kenalan bagi saya.

    Saya ada menelefon beliau dan dengan cara bersopan bertanyakan bagaimana mahu menetapkan temujanji? Telefon no PA dibelakang kad saya kata beliau.

    Maka tentunya saya telah tinggalkan maklumat yang diperlukan untuk menetapkan temujanji tersebut. Namun harapkan PA, PA pun senyap sunyi.

    Tapi tidak mengapalah bagi saya. Saya tidak berhajat apa apa pun. Kalau on, saya on sajalah. Kalau tak, susah juga nak bersembang dengan saya.

    Itulah adatnya. Ingin ketemu orang alim pun apabila memerlukan beritahu dulu orang kanannya, pun sama juga hasilnya.

    Cuma saya teringat kisah saya yang lalu masa budak budak dan remaja.

    Saya mungkin terlampau baik dan lurus. Entah dari guru mana (mungkin dari bacaan buku) saya dapat fikiran yang saya mesti bersifat baik pada semua orang hatta yang berada di kaki lima sekalipun, kerana seseorang itu mungkin wali Allah swt, kita tidak tahu.

    Saya berharap semoga saya beroleh keredhaanNya apabila ketemu dan berbuat baik dengan orang orang yang dikasihiNya.

    Begitu juga apabila ada seseorang memerlukan permintaannya itu ditunaikan, tunaikanlah ia dengan tulang 4 kerat diri sendiri dengan seberapa segera yang boleh.

    Dengan tertunainya hajat kepada orang yang berhajat itu, InsyaAllah semoga hajat yang kita pohon juga dapat terhasil dalam keberkatanNya.

    Itulah pesan saya pada orang muda yang ingin menjadi pemimpin negara.

    Kasih sayang Allah swt melimpah ruah. Begitu juga kasih sayang yang akan kita tumpahkan pada rakyat rakyat kita. InsyaAllah.

    Terima kasih Tun.

  105. Assalamualaikum Tun.

    Saya ada baca sikit sikit sahaja pasal Hj Hadi kata orang muda yang undi PH tak ‘mengaji agama’.

    Dengar kata Syed Saddiq dan Pemuda Amanah ada hentam kenyataan Hj Hadi juga la.

    Pada pandangan saya tak payah nak fikir banyak banyak, saya memang setuju kalau nak kata orang muda yang sokong PH memang tak ‘mengaji’ agama.

    Sebab kalau yang sokong PAS mesti selalu fikir pasal agama.

    Saya bukan kata PAS itu betul. Cuma bila sebut PAS je mesti ingat agama. Kalau sebut PH mesti tak ingat agama. Jadi sebab tak ingat agama la undi PH. Walaupun PH itu lawan kerajaan kleptorasi terbesar di dunia.

    Lagi pula, ada keluar kenyataan nak bawa masuk K POP dan cerita pasal e games.

    Hiburan nak melalak boleh. Tapi nampaknya ia lebih kepada kelalaian. Semata mata ke arah hiburan tanpa matlamat ke arah iman dan takwa.

    Itulan tujuan kita sebagai orang Islam hidup di muka bumi ini kan. Menjadi khalifah.

    Nanti saya sambung lagi pasal orang muda. Nak keluar makan jap.

    Terima kasih Tun.

  106. When orang putih label as chinese as pig, i dont feel it as humiliation.

    As saying goes, they must be good reasons when bad things happened.

    Find out the root cause, and learn to improve the farming of pig farming industry to avoid swine flu that kills.

    For those who used such label to anti-european, they can never learn and improve due to their ego and ignorant by judging the book by its cover.

    The gutter politics of pkr is no difference with the gutter politics of umno baru.


    Kerana mereka sama2 berebut to dictate the unearned federal budget to rich their cronies first what.

    Hakikanya sama saja, iaitu my way or your way, my land or your land.

    P/s: when toilet is wet, then, this is the best place for pembiakan kuman which have nothing to do with musatp punya religion supremacy. yup, there is a huge difference between buffologists and biologists, so, to tukar atau tidak cara pakai public toilet, itu terpulang kepada citarasa dan selera negeri masing2 yang berbilang kaum which have nothing to do with how the world laugh at malaysia what.

  107. By the way, korea import 99.9% sayur untuk buat kimchi dari china, mana tahu, mungkin with back up from mr xi, mr kim junior may open up land for tanam sayur kimchi too to be exported to korea and outside korea to tap yellow skin market first what, and its huge and spread all over the major cities in the world too.

  108. You rasa the political power struggling in south china sea territory is due to fishing industry, undersea 5G fiber cabling, arm sales industry or oil and gas industry?

  109. Salam YAB dan DiSanjungi PM Tun Dr. Mahathir,

    Hari ini hari ke-6 saya puasa sunat Syawal.

    Esok saya sambut Raya lagi 🙂 … Tetapi di bulan Syawal yang mulia ini ada pula skandal video seks songsang membabitkan pemimpin PKR yang plot dramanya masih berterusan.

    Rasa ingin muntah melihat perlakuan-perlakuan keji dan menjijikkan orang Islam di dalam PKR.

    PKR parti terbesar dalam PH yang kini mentadbir Malaysia; namun amat menyedihkan sekali melihat segala tindak-tanduk para pemimpin di dalam PKR yang nampak amat hipokrit.

    Para pemimpin dari parti-parti lain dalam PH pula tidak berfungsi dalam menangani kes skandal video luar tabii yang amat memualkan ini.

    Mungkin ini KIFARAH dari Allah SWT kepada PH.

    Doa taubat (Surah Hud [11:47]):

    “ Dia (Nuh) berkata, “Ya Rabbku, sungguh aku berlindung kepada-Mu untuk memohon kepada-Mu sesuatu yang aku tidak tahu akan hakikatnya. Jikalau Engkau tidak mengampuniku, dan (tidak) menaruh belas kasihan kepadaku, nescaya aku termasuk orang yang rugi.” – Q.S. Hud (Nabi Hud) [11]: 47. ”

    Where is lebanon located?

    It was reported that the ruling elite suka shopping america made weapons to elevate their status via taxing their citizens but not because they need such arm force.

    Why jewelry lebanon bekas bini perdana menteri dan menteri pertahanan ditahankan custom di raja malaysia, perhaps, sri sense and hajar can explain?

    You rasa the political power struggling in south china sea territory is due to undersea fishing industry, 5G fiber cabling, arm sales industry or oil and gas industry?

    Hajar boleh beraya sampai bila2pun, takda masalah since there are so many of her styles in gomen sector berebut2 jadi kaki bodek bossku, tak gitu?

    She can show off too her displeasure and struggles for her interpretation of supremacy in agama and bangsa melayu of her state, no one will stop her what since her circle of influence is very limited selepas merdeka in 31 Ogos, 1957.

    P/s: the organizers, activists and hongkongers can keep their struggle for democracy sampai tukar chief ministers as many as they want one and began to question kenapa kadar inflasi hanya naik, tak turun turun. when the geng aged they began to question kenapa langit masih berawan putih more than biru muda walau saya melayu muslim. Kenapa matahari sunset masih berwarna oren tua? Jangan lupa, shanghai index can over take hang seng index jika activists masih nak teruskan perjuangan demokasi mereka eventhough beijing does not want this to happen.

  110. Good morning Tun

    Bab Islam ini, I rasa tulisan Azmi dalam blognya menarik dan baik sekali. Kalau nak baca isu hangat semasa The Voice pun baik juga. RPK? I biasa juga baca. Macam biasa RPK, tetap menyengat. Sarawak Report lama tak baca. Claire hanya popular zaman nak jatuhkan Najib, now like old news.

    Perception ini penting, bagaimana target audience memandang you. Bagaimana nak ubah satu perception hanya orang dalam lapangan PR saja boleh buat. I boleh buat tapi Tun tak nak panggil I hahaha

    Anyway saja nak kongsi sedikit cerita semalam. I semalam pergi kedai jual batek songket nak beli kaftan batik. I biasa beli kaftan disini. Tiba2 semalam boss kedai bertanya I tinggal dimana, bila I sebut tempat, dia terus jawab itu tempat orang kaya. Kaya? Dia kata sebab ada orang tinggal situ order berhelai helai kain songket hantar terus ke rumah. Kaya!

    I jawab orang professional. Pekedai kata orang professional orang kaya la. Cepat I jawab, I tak kerja, dah pencen, anak je kerja. Mampus, nanti dia tak kasi diskaun pulak dihari lain. hahaha

  111. Salam YAB dan DiSanjungi PM Tun Dr. Mahathir,

    Hari ini hari ke-6 saya puasa sunat Syawal.

    Esok saya sambut Raya lagi 🙂 … Tetapi di bulan Syawal yang mulia ini ada pula skandal video seks songsang membabitkan pemimpin PKR yang plot dramanya masih berterusan.

    Rasa ingin muntah melihat perlakuan-perlakuan keji dan menjijikkan orang Islam di dalam PKR.

    PKR parti terbesar dalam PH yang kini mentadbir Malaysia; namun amat menyedihkan sekali melihat segala tindak-tanduk para pemimpin di dalam PKR yang nampak amat hipokrit.

    Para pemimpin dari parti-parti lain dalam PH pula tidak berfungsi dalam menangani kes skandal video luar tabii yang amat memualkan ini.

    Mungkin ini KIFARAH dari Allah SWT kepada PH.

    Doa taubat (Surah Hud [11:47]):

    “ Dia (Nuh) berkata, “Ya Rabbku, sungguh aku berlindung kepada-Mu untuk memohon kepada-Mu sesuatu yang aku tidak tahu akan hakikatnya. Jikalau Engkau tidak mengampuniku, dan (tidak) menaruh belas kasihan kepadaku, nescaya aku termasuk orang yang rugi.” – Q.S. Hud (Nabi Hud) [11]: 47. ”

    Terima kasih Tun.

    – Semoga Allah SWT sentiasa merahmati Tun sekeluarga –

  112. Regarding the controversy surrounding the alleged MP and Minister.. one cannot imagine what the poor fellow is going through right now, and especially his family. My sympathy for them.
    This episode is a good example of what the nation has to go through to see if it is really ready to be called a developed nation. Here are a few tips of what I am talking about, and I welcome any criticism with an open mind.
    1) The entire world is looking at Malaysia right now, scratching their heads and wondering if they themselves are therefore less of a morally upright nation as they had sometimes and knowingly chosen a gay or a lesbian to lead their countries as their Prime Ministers and Presidents. A few developed countries have done this and see no reason why a he or she cannot do an excellent job at running the country.
    2) We have to decide how much personal and religious doctrines should we allow to govern a nation. Some countries are excellent in ensuring their economies remain dormant as foreign investors are forever scared of going in, while simultaneously ignorant of the fact that their attitude is the very reason for the economic mess they are in. Seems like these countries never want to grow up.
    Whichever path we take, let’s just be sure that we send the right signal to foreign investors who are extremely crucial to providing Malaysia with its much needed development and employment to even those who are dogmatic. And I am very sure that Tun already knows this, and as for the public, make your stand seriously and grow up.

  113. Otai yang mendesak Tun kasi tarikh bila nak tahtakan DSAI jdi PM
    Sebagai Otai mesti BerOtak
    Bolih minta Tun tarikh tapi tak perlu desak atau tuntut kalau
    Otai ini semua Beradat

    Saya sendiri tidak setuju Tun berjanji demikian
    Tapi janji tetap janji, Tun perlu laksanakan
    Kerusi PM bukan Kerusia Musical Chair

    Tidakkah kita perlajari peristewa PM Najib yg berlalu
    PM yg tidak bertanggung jawab, lebih lagak dari buat
    Kalau ia pun nak bohong , pergilah bohong budak Kindergarden

    Kalau si Arab kasi Zakir Naik 2.6 billion untuk memperjuagkan Islam
    Bolih lah saya percaya, sebab Zakir Berilmu dan ada landasan

    Ini tiba masa untuk Anwar Ibrahim
    Semoga hari akan depan lebih baik dari hari semalam untuk Malaysia

  114. Assalamualaikum Tun.

    Saya tak fikir bersumpah dengan nama Allah swt boleh selesaikan masalah hudud.

    Seperti kisah Nabi Khidir a.s dengan Nabi Musa a.s. Ia adalah kisah berkenaan tinggi dan luasnya pengetahuan. Seseorang tidak boleh mendabik dada mengatakan “akulah yang terluas pengetahuannya”.

    Malah kejadian pengalaman yang dilalui oleh Nabi Khidir as masih juga dilalui oleh orang orang yang diberi peluang dan terpilih olehNya.

    Samada perbuatan jenayah itu dilakukan, ia memang dilakukan dan jelas dilakukan. Cuma ia dilakukan kerana ilmuNya itu.

    Dikatakan juga kesalahan/kesilapan perbuatan yang berlaku ketika dalam keadaan ‘dzauk’ adalah dimaafkan.

    Bagi saya penggantian alternatif 4 saksi adalah teknologi dan sains. Ia bleh dikemukakan dalam mahkamah sivil. Itu pun jika pengadu berani dan yakin mereka di pihak yang benar.

    Tidak pernah pula saya dengar bahawa hukum hudud diperhalusi setiap masa dan nampaknya masih menggunakan fatwa yang lama.

    Apa yang saya tahu setakat ini, video deepfake Azmin ini dikatakan video yang dilakonkan oleh warga Filipina.

    Saya fikir Tun Mahathir telah tahu sebab itu Tun dah keluarkan kenyataan berkenaan deepfake ini.

    Terima kasih Tun.

  115. Good afternoon Tun

    Aiseyman tak habis2 nak jadi PM. Kita dengar pun dah naik meluat, geli geleman. Sepuluh kali cakap benda jijik jadi tambah menjijikkan.

    I tertarik baca kotak syed kata on this issue. Lebih logik dari membaca apa yang tertera kat news portal. Dapat sokongan sana la, sokongan sini la.

    DSAI ingat PM post ini macam Sultan naik tahta ka? Pilihan in a hand of a few. Susah2 Tun bubar saja PARLIMEN. Bagi balik power to the rakyat memilih.

    Berita lawak jenaka dalam bulan Syawal ini adalah TPM hadir rumah terbuka MP Port Dickson. It is so funny ramai tergelak besau. Ada kata why not pemberita add TPM dijangka akan tidor sekatil dirumah MP Port Dickson. hahaha

    Sex Video, sebenarnya isu deepfake ini a new thing. Very recent la. Betul ke fake or real, susahlah nak cakap, but I can say this la, pasal video ini Azmin dimata I jatuh 50%. PKR terus 0 in my eyes.

  116. Assalamualaikum tun

    1.kes video azmin ni, kalau tengok dari satu perspektif, ianya nampak mudah saja. Orang menganiaya azmin.ingin menghancurkan karier politiknya.

    2.tapi semakin banyak bukti2 yang keluar ni dia jadi makin pelik sebenarnya.bukti2 yang keluar semuanya tak masuk akal dan nampak bodoh. Dimulakan dengan video pengakuan seperti nak umum hari raya, disamping menyuruh sekali sprm melakukan semakan pada akaun yang terangan tidak wujud,keperluan untuk menyebarkan didalam whatsapp group pemimpin pkr sekaligus ingin menunjukkan seolah2 penyebaran video ini didalangi orang dalam pkr(sebarkan pada wartawan rasanya susah terlebih cukup) haziq bertanya tentang jadual azmin dll.

    3.semua bukti ini kononnya ingin menunjukkan azmin homoseksual tapi sebenarnya ia sengaja dibuat begini untuk menunjukkan yang azmin dianiaya oleh orang didalam pkr.saya rasa azmin ingin kenakan anwar ibrahim sebenarnya.. firasat saya sajalah.

    4.saya langsung tak menyokong anwar ibrahim, tp saya bertambah risau kalau azmin dilantik menjadi pm ke8 kerana andai azmin korup dikemudian hari, legasi tun akan tercalar dan anwar akan diangkat sebagai “the unsung hero” yang dinafikan hak sebagai perdana menteri sepanjang hidupnya oleh tun. Anwar boleh terus menjaja cerita dongeng sedihnya bagaimana dia berjuang secara ikhlas untuk negara malaysia tercinta dan tun akan diingati sebagai orang yang tersalah memilih pengganti selamanya.

  117. Dear Tun,

    Happy Father’s Day Tun. There are many fathers in the world but there is only one you. You occupy a special place in our hearts. May God bless you. Love you Tun Mahathir. Have a great day today.

  118. Salam Dearest YAB PM Tun Dr. Mahathir,

    Allow me Tun:

    1. Blission wasn’t involved in Sandakan by-election, says Sabah PKR Youth

    Such a liar…Not sure who to believe now…Frankly speaking, I don’t trust any of them.

    2. Gutter politics? Who started this dirty tactic? Who (first) accused Anwar of sodomy (in Parliament)? Who exposed Chua Soi Lek’s scandal? Who exposed other sex scandals involving previous leaders (previous Government)?

    3. ‘Qazaf’ (in the Quran) falls under ‘hudud’. The one that we have is not ‘hudud’ (Qazaf under ‘Jabatan Agama Islam’ –> ‘takzir’). The FT Mufti should advise YB Azmin to do the ‘sumpah laknat’ (as a good Muslim). Anybody can simply deny, deny, deny…

    Thank you Tun.

    – May Allah SWT bless Tun and family –

  119. Assalamualaikum Tun.

    Tentulah bila saya gunakan nama Mufti WP kita tidak boleh membangkang pandangannya.

    Namun seperti saya katakan, kita masih terbuka pada pandangan di antara ‘orang yang sepatutnya’ berkenaan hudud. Bukan untuk perbahasan awam.

    Cukup sekadar kita katakan tiada 4 saksi, ia adalah jenayah Qazaf.

    Seperti contoh, semasa kes DS Sri Anwar berjalan ketika dulu, saya berfikiran apalah sangat berkenaan mengadu kepada jenayah Qazaf.

    Dan saya mahukan kes itu pergi ke mahkamah sivil. Dan ia berlaku walaupun saya tiada kena mengena dan berkuasa untuk mengarah supaya ia berlaku, iaitu dibicarakan di mahkamah sivil.

    Dan seperti yang telah berlaku.

    Terima kasih Tun.

  120. Assalamualaikum tun

    1.saya terlihat post terbaru tun didalam instagram iaitu harapan tun pada anak muda. Benda yang sama tun cakap didalam dewan parlimen pada pada 18/10/2018 lalu. minit 1:07:45 . selepas hampir setahun tun ulang lagi ayat yang sama, saya fikir mungkin tun selalu fikirkan masa depan negara ini andai tun dah tiada nanti.ataupun tun risaukan pada kebolehan generasi muda yang akan menyambung memimpin negara ini kelak.

    2.tun memang hebat.semasa saya kecil mak saya selalu kata pada saya yang dr mahathir ni hebat.otak cair dapat berfikiran jauh.orang lain baru selangkah tun dah 10 langkah.tapi tak kira bagaimana jauhnya pemikiran kita, saya rasa mustahil untuk kita menilai seseorang itu dan apa yang akan dilakukannya kemudian berdasarkan sikapnya sekarang.ya menilai orang dari segi kebijaksanaannya mudah tapi mencari pemimpin yang berintegriti tinggi, tidak akan tumbang pada hasutan syaitan, itu yang sulit sebenarnya. Harini mungkin orang itu baik, jujur dalam bekerja, tapi tiada jaminan apa pun yang hari esok, bulan depan, tahun depan die akan kekal begitu.

    3.dulu tun pilih pak lah kerana dia adalah mr clean, juga memilih najib kerana dia adalah anak tun razak, sebelum berkuasa memanglah clean, tapi bila dah berkuasa apa sudah jadi? wang dan kuasa ni memang dahsyat, dapat mengubah manusia dalam sekelip mata saja. Kadang2 bila saya dengar dan lihat orang mengutuk cara pentadbiran tun selama 22 tahun dulu, saya terfikir jugaklah berapa kerat saja manusia didunia ni yang bila die dah jadi orang no 1 dalam negara, berkuasa mutlak dan memimpin sekian lama selama 22 tahun, berapa kerat sajalah orang yang takkan tumbang pada hasutan syaitan?saya percaya yang mengutuk tu sekaligus akan tumbang bila berada dalam kedudukan itu.

    4.atas sebab ini, saya rasa dalam tun memilih pengganti tun sebagai pm ke 8, anwar ibrahim patut diberi peluang atas beberapa faktor. kalau kali ini dia tak jadi perdana menteri lagi, sudah pasti dia akan terus mengulangi semua yang dilakukannya sepanjang 20 tahun ini dan perkara ini takkan berpenghujung.selain itu, andai kata tun memberikan dia kuasa pada separuh penggal kerajaan ini, jika anwar korup sekalipun tak banyak kerosakan yang dapat dilakukannya dlm tempoh 2 tahun sebelum pru 15. Kalau tun memilih azmin atau sesiapa sekalipun, tiada jaminan langsung yang dia takkan tumbang dan seterunya korup dikemudian hari.dan satu lagi, saya rasa untuk rakyat nampak kebenaran sebenar sepanjang 20 tahun ini, yang mana satu kaca dan permata, anwar ibrahim perlu diberi peluang sebagai perdana menteri.

    Contoh rakyat kita tun, mudah dihasut, mudah dipengaruhi, sampai ketahap tak masuk akal sebenarnya. Satu contoh perkara yang tiada kaitan saya nak cakap tapi ianya dapat menunjukkan cara dan budaya rakyat kita. Baru-baru ini ada satu artis singapura yang aktif dimalaysia bernama alif aziz yang tular kerana curang kepada isterinya. Yang curangnya aliff aziz tapi yang kene sekali tempias dihentam disosial media adalah dua lagi artis lain yang bernama aliff juga iaitu aliff satar dan aliff syukri.hanya nama awalannya sama terus rakyat kita menghentam tanpa usul periksa dan mengikut speech free media memang bahaya dimalaysia dengan keadaan rakyat kita yang semacam ini.

    6.saya tak dapat bayangkan seorang yang berusia 94 tahun, patut menghabiskan sisa hidup dengan berbuat apa yang disukainya tetapi perlu masuk kembali ke gelanggang sepak terajang politik. Ayah saya baru berusia 62 tahun tapi mak selalu cakap yang ayah sekarang dah tua jadi cepat sensitif.jadi saya berasa kasihan melihat tun masih lagi dicaci maki pada usia 94 tahun, disuruh mati cepat…. Saya harap satu hari nanti saya dapat berjumpa dan bersalam dengan tun, dan dapat berkata i love u 3000 tun 🙂

    11.selamat hari raya aidilfitri tun.minta maaf kalau ada terkasar bahasa.

  121. Assalamualaikum Tun.

    Saya baca penjelasan Mufti WP Dr Zulkifli Mohamad Al Bakri berkenaan video yang dikatakan YB Azmin Ali.

    Mufti berkata adalah jenayah Qazaf jika tidak disertakan dengan 4 saksi.

    Pada pendapat dan apa yang ada dalam pengetahuan saya, saya bersetuju dengan pandangan ia adalah jenayah Qazaf kerana tidak disertakan dengan 4 saksi.

    Kes ditutup.

    Terima kasih Tun.


    I for sure do not want another era of sibotak, muka macam ini.


    It has nothing to do with race and religion issue.

    I have been too long in this blog, and i think geng ini will do anything,by hook or by crook, janji menang.

    The picture of haziq was super imposed, and it was done by amateur of anyone also can do, and if they are in this industry, they can differentiate.

    Look at his body, dont you think it looks like an incredible hulk wearing black long sleeves of polo shirt, tak gitu?

    Why this picture was being circulated?

    For those who thought history repeat itself, they will bound to make the same mistakes with forever got tomorrow one of tunggu besok, tunggu lusa baru bikin.

    Apabila menyesal, they will lompat for their owm survival, nothing more.

    Dont be too serious and have high hope with local politics.


    The higher hope you have on them, the more dissappointment you will get.

    If you as voter who think mps and wr can serve you better and make improvement, than cast votes to them.

    If you see no improvement even voting ruling or opposition, then, you will know its time for you to move out to else where.

    Yup, bak kata takkan lah malaysia hilang di dunia unless the mps and wr asked for it.

    When syariah mps and wr are more than non syariah mps and wr, you will know its time to say selamat tinggal malaysia, negaraku.

    I already made my stand as voter.

    What about you?

    P/s: ada apa2, please berbahas in federal parliament.

  123. Dear Tun,

    In light of what I call ‘sicko drama’ only in Malaysia people find such juicy stories so interesting and will go all out to look into even the tiniest detail. To heck with any other issues which are more realistic and more urgent. Forget about those damned kleptocrat, our economy and the plight of our ordinary rakyat.

    Tun, I hope you have been informed of what the Sabah PKR Youth deputy chief has spurted out today. According to Blisson Zainuddin miss Haziq badgered him on Azmin’s whereabouts in Sandakan prior to the by-election. If miss Haziq is indeed in a lovey dovey relationship with Azmin he could have directly known the latter’s schedule from Azmin himself. Tapi tidak, instead kena dig from other sources. That proved miss Haziq’s credibility. I for one will not waste my time entertaining this kind of juicy drama orchestrated by some you know who people to kill off his or their enemy in common (Azmin). I wonder if they will be up to something else more moronic in the near future just to fulfill their desires to be in power or be the number one.

    Tun, I hope you will have the wisdom to see things clearly and not just as what are being served by certain highly crooked minds yang takda kerja lain tapi menghendap dan mengira-ngira menjatuhkan orang lain dengan cara paling jijik.

    To Azmin you stay calm and focused. Don’t dance their tunes. I believe you know what to do.

    Take good care Tun.

  124. Salam Tun,

    Just to point out another perspective of seeing things. There is always 2 side of a coin. In this recent commotion, quickly Azmin’s sympathiser denied the video and confession from Haziq. Well, the article below provide another side of a coin:

    The report explains that in deepfake videos, blinking patterns are usually physiological signals that aren’t well presented. The average person, according to the research, blinks at a resting rate of 17 blinks/minute, while reading will drop this to 4.5 blinks/minute and 26 blinks/minute during conversation.

    Examining the confession/accusatory video from earlier, it actually looks authentic. Do note that this is my opinion, based on the political aide’s blinking pattern during the video. In addition to that, deepfake videos have also been known to have slightly distorted/monotonous audio, and the video here has relatively natural-sounding audio.

    One last caveat, however. The aforementioned research was conducted in June 2018, which may not seem like a long time. But one year is a long time when it comes to technology.

    Nic Ker,Malay Mail Wed, 12 Jun 2:35 PM MYT

  125. The anti-exradition bill of hong kong special adminitrative region would be approved eventually to protect political, economic and social stability so that hong kong would remain shinning and glittering as the pearl of the orient in south gate of mainland china.


    Mr trump has put his re-election card on to reduce asylum seekers dramatically on the land of the united state of america to make america great again.

    This is an international social safety issue which needs to change to keep usa and the world on earth a safer place to live, and if you are american citizens, will you vote mr trump on this issue from macro economic point of view in line with un in new york, usa?

    Macam ini, young hongkongers are spoilt children, and they could be easily swayed manipulated by internal forces that anti-government, or seperatists due to language barrier kerana hanya tahu cakap cantonese saja, bahasa lain memang tak boleh.

    How many hk sar cm already been forced to resign or step down since the return of hong kong to main land after leasing of 99 years to british expired in 1997?

    Yup, 1 country 2 system was agreed upon by late mr deng xiopeng and late margaret thatcher during the signing ceremony, and everyone is aware including hongkongers.

    Instead of forcing their cm to resign, these freedom cum democracy activists should enhance english as the original language in their court and parliament to prove 1 country 2 systems by keeping cantonese as their sar language to differentiate hongkong from mainlaind china, i dont think beijing has problem with this issue.

    These activitists and organizers are so aggressive in protesting democracy year after year, and is getting more desperate, but outside china except taiwan, they are so afraid of being barred entry or charged, and they said they love hongkong, dont think they are contradicting themselves?

    Now these protesters are challenging hongkong police force patience, when police have no choice but retaliate to protect the police force, civilians and public and private assets, then, they will kata police ini zalim dan tidak keperimanusiaan and make headlines.

    Dulu, 64th student movement marching toward tian-an-men was to force the late deng to step down because of his reform, and he had no choice but retaliate with army because thats was still the main task of PLA, not the police during that time and made headline in world news.

    This 64th student movement that lead to deaths of entah berapa students already tercatat in modern china history for the future generations to learn.

    Dont forget, these PLA is human too, they have family and children to raise and protect just like these students, you and me.

    When PLA retaliated, these protestors said ‘we cannot believe the PLA soldiers retiate via tembakan.

    No matter what happened in the past, there is always benefit of doubts on why this happened.

    Find out the root cause, not to find another political agenda to bailout themselves.

    Bak kata, wealth does not pass through 3 generations even in western developed countries.

    So pandai2 lah perjuang bangsa dan negeri masing2.

    Unite Malaysia stand.

    Disunite Malaysia fall.

    Which way to go?

    Federated malaya with bumiputra biased policy?

    Unfederated malaya with islam biased policy?

    Federation of malaysia with islam as official religion with malay monarchy constitution?

    As for demand of kebangsaan and vernacular schools including agama school, it is up to the political parties to keep or not for their party survivals.

    Gojek kini pun dah nak buat paylah cashless system, sini, boleh terima atau tidak?

    It is so clear that malaysiankini too is so biased in their your say views to put the political masters a better choice to vote.

    Bak kata, beliau boleh buat, yang lain semua tak boleh buat, mana adil?

    Which way to go?

    Jika kena sanction, dont blame voters, blame themselves.

  126. Good morning Tun

    Wah macam2 nama ada sekarang. Pakatan Hancing. Parti Koyak Rabak. Kedengaran rata2 online.

    I tak berapa minat sex video terbaru ini sebab ini more of PKR internal problem. Dua watak terlibat dalam adengan salah laku disisi Islam adalah orang PKR, satu Menteri, satu setiausaha Timbalan Menteri, dua2 pun agama Islam dan mereka datang dari satu parti. Satu kata bukan dia, satu pula kata dia dan Menteri tersebut. Perbuatan jijik ini jadi tambah menjijikkan.

    Sebagai pengundi biasa I cuma boleh berkata, kalau dah muka bekas banduan, muka bekas porn star tak layaklah jadi Menteri apatah lagi jadi PM. Walaupun Islam I moden, I duduk dalam negara Islam, I tetap akan kata, you all memang tak layak memegang apa2 jawatan besar dalam pentabiran kerajaan sekarang mahupun kerajaan yang lepas.

  127. Assalamualaikum Tun.

    Semoga Tun dalam keadaan sihat dan bertenaga seperti biasa.

    Saya selesa dengan keadaan sekarang. Gunakan kuasa Tun tu.

    Saya ada bersembang dengan darah daging kami. Saya kira nama Tokku Paloh (1818-1918) lebih diingati mungkin kerana peritiwa itu baru berusia 100 tahun.

    Ia disebut sebut dan dikatakan mempunyai pertalian dengan kami.

    Manakala nama Syeikh Abdul Malek (1670-an) amat jarang diselitkan dalam cerita kami. Mungkin kerana jarak peristiwa tersebut berusia lebih kurang 340 tahun.

    Bagaimana saya tahu dan saya boleh sebutkan nama kedua dua wali Allah ini sedangkan saya bukan berada di zaman mereka?

    Tokku Paloh (1818-1918)

    1.Beliau adalah seorang pejuang dan penentang penjajah.

    2. Nama tokoh ini adalah yang pertama muncul dan dibaca biodatanya oleh saya semasa saya sedang tertanya tanya kenapa dan mengapa – ‘who am i?’

    3. Penyelesaian masalah ekonomi 2008 didapati di kawasan Cabang Tiga, tempat kelahiran Tokku Paloh. Ada saya rekodkan.

    Syeikh Abdul Malek (1670-an)

    1. Seorang waris pemerintah yang besar.

    2. Terdapat kitab tasawuf Kitab Hikam (ilmu laduni) yang diterjemahkan dan masih aktif dibacakan di Malaysia.
    – ilmu laduni secara ringkasnya adalah seperti mana Rasulullah saw yang buta huruf serta tidak tahu membaca tetapi diberi pengetahuan oleh Allah swt.
    – Pada pandangan saya, cara cara ini masih terjadi pada keturunan baginda saw.

    3. Dikhabarkan bahawa kerajaan Majapahit/Srivijaya yang kuat ketika itu telah ditumbangkan dengan campurtangan dari keluarga Syeikh Abdul Malek.

    4. Perkara no 2 dan no 3 (2 PM dan 1 kerajaan telah ditukarkan) ini telah diredkodkan dalam blog ini

    Perkara perkara di atas saya mahu kaitkan dengan situasi semasa sekarang.

    Saya selesa dengan Tun Mahathir jadi PM sekarang. Tapi untuk saya memberi nasihat seperti Tun tidak mempunyai kuasa sebelum ini, agak berat bagi saya.

    Tun lebih kepada pembangunan fizikal. Saya mungkin lebih kepada kerohanian. Ia memerlukan masa yang panjang untuk diteliti dan dijalankan sebagai pemerintah.

    Hudud mungkin perlu dikaji selidik secara praktikal. Tapi saya fikir ia mungkin tidak akan terjadi pada zaman Tun ini. Ia memerlukan pendekatan perbahasan oleh mereka yang ‘diberi ilham’

    ‘Diberi ilham’

    Ia adalah pengalaman saya. ‘Kami’ akan berkumpul dan ‘bermesyuarat’ seperti mana berkumpulnya saya dan Tun Mahathir di sini.

    Kebetulannya saya akan berada di Brunei, InsyaAllah, untuk bekerja sebagai Baker, bukan sebagai penggubal undang undang Brunei.

    Seperti mana saya berjawatan Baker ketika di Malaysia ini.

    Janganlah takut berbuat kebaikan kerana ia seperti magnet yang menarik aura aura kebaikan itu sendiri untuk berhimpun beramai ramai.

    Terima kasih Tun.

  128. Salam YAB dan DiSanjungi PM Tun Dr. Mahathir,


    Ish..Ish.. Sama saja cara Polis menangani KES orang yang membuat laporan Polis terhadap ahli Kabinet (ahli politik) Kerajaan yang berkuasa. Jika yang membuat laporan ialah pihak lawan, Polis akan MENDERA pihak yang melapor. Ini cara ISLAM kah wahai Tun? Adilkah?


    Ish..Ish..Laporan Qazaf lah pula. Mengapa pula orang lain yang sibuk membuat laporan Qazaf? Tuan punya dirilah (yang dikaitkan sebagai pelakon lucah) yang sepatutnya membuat laporan Qazaf.

    Apakah Polis akan menggeledah rumah Hilman atau rumah YB Menteri yang dikaitkan dengan skandal video lucah tersebut?

    Haziq (tidak malukah?) ada membuat laporan Polis, dan khabarnya beliau diugut oleh Hilman (orang YB Menteri yang dikaitkan dengan video lucah). Apakah pihak Polis akan menggeledah rumah Haziq?

    Golongan yang menyokong LGBT (dan mempertahankan aktiviti2 songsang mereka) akan lambat laun mendapat kesan buruk dari tindakan mereka. Insaflah…

    Umat Islam dilarang sama sekali menyokong dan mempromosi aktiviti-aktiviti golongan LGBT ini. Mereka bukan khunsa (dua jantina). Mereka golongan yang enggan menerima ketentuan Allah SWT, dan ingkar terhadap perintah Allah.

    Maaf cakap, Tun sepatutnya tidak membuat kenyataan yang kelihatan memihak kepada Menteri Tun (yang didakwa terlibat).

    Terima kasih Tun.

    – Semoga Allah SWT sentiasa merahmati Tun sekeluarga –

  129. “which way best fit the interest of this country name malaysia? malay and islam biased policy so that they can continue to makan angin to earn race base undi by exploiting the non malay muslim races after more than 60 years of merdeka?”

    That’s right, HBT456. So get used to it. He..he

    If mr twinpeaks think thats righteous, and can earn their votes, by all means go a head, janji meanang undi.

    Malay sia, then Malay sia lah since takda orang peduli pun.

    Dedak pun jadi lah.

    P/s: gajah gaduh sama gajah dalam bilik, dia ingat pergaduhan gajah sama gajah tak kena bilik dia? if still not hepi, then, they really need to ask themselves again, are they not rich enough, or are they not powerful enough?


    But those are not cata nor mice wor, they are koncu to the political masters.

    Siapa boss?

    As saying goes, there is no free lunch in this world.

    What will happen, it will happen.

    What will not happen, it will not happen.

    P/s: power abuse is not new, will they still get away this time by confusing the voters?

  131. Video edit ‘Deep Fake’ dan Fitnah terhadap Azmin Ali

    1. Video lucah yang nampak sangat palsunya. Entah Hazziq tu main dengan gay mana, tapi yang dituduhnya YB Azmin. Dari segi tubuh dan rambut dah tahu bukan Azmin, tapi di edit nya muka Azmin. Cara keji guna video lucah ni bukan kali pertama dan semua sedia maklum pihak mana yang gemar cipta video lucah untuk jatuhkan orang lain . Pihak musuh akan cari orang yang bentuk kepala dan badan yang mirip dengan Azmin supaya bila wajah di edit dengan teknologi Deep Fake, ia akan nampak seperti benar.

    2. Dari segi bukti alibi juga boleh direka. Hazziq boleh cipta satu masa dia memang bertemu dengan Azmin di hotel fourpoint untuk diskusi kerja. Kemudian pada masa yang lain pula, Hazziq merakamkan aksi lucah dengan gay upahan untuk menfitnah Azmin. Boleh jadi di bilik hotel yang sama, tapi pada waktu yang lain. Ataupun di hotel yang berlainan, tapi hiasan dalaman yang sama. Tarikh dalam video lucah itu juga pada tahun 1970. Kan mengarut dan nampak sangat menipu tu, Hazziq tu belum wujud pun pada 1970, hatta dalam bentuk sperma atau ovum.

    3. Jangan terkejut jika nampak sangat kesungguhan ‘musuh politik’ Azmin untuk menjatuhkan beliau. YB Azmin Ali adalah pemimpin politik yang berwibawa dan berimej bersih, Memang sudah lama pihak musuh mencari-cari kelemahan Azmin. Dan video lucah adalah jalan terakhir, nampak sangat desperate dan taktik keji sebegini seharusnya ditolak oleh seluruh rakyat Malaysia. Mujurlah Tun Mahathir nampak taktik keji ini.

    4. Si Hazziq tu tanpa segan silu mengaku melakukan hubungan seks sejenis. Nampak sangat dia dibayar oleh musuh politik Azmin untuk menjatuhkan imej pemimpin berwibawa itu. Kalau di Brunei, boleh dihukum bunuh atau setidak-tidaknya dihukum penjara seumur hidup. Harap kerajaan Malaysia mengambil tindakan tegas terhadap individu yang mengaku berlakon dalam video lucah, apatah lagi video gay. Sekurang-kurangnya bagi hukuman 30 tahun penjara dan denda RM 3 juta kepada sesiapa yang mengaku terlibat berlakon dalam video lucah. Baru dia tahu langit tinggi rendah, duit dedak dia dapat untuk fitnah Azmin ni pun mesti paling kurang pun RM 2 juta. Kalau di China sesiapa yang berlakon video lucah akan dipenjara bertahun-tahun dan didenda lebih sejuta. Hazziq ni ibarat Saiful 2.0, undang-undang tegas perlu digubal supaya tiada lagi Saiful 3.0, 4.0, 5.0 dan taktik video lucah yang merosakkan masyarakat ini dapat dihapuskan.

    By Hafiz Husin

  132. Good morning Tun

    How was your raya? Mine busy la Tun. Cucu2 nak balik MRSM, anak nak balik Jepun. Naik Air Asia online lain kat kaunter lain. Jadi kecoh pula. I cuma boleh kata dengan menantu Air Asia biasekle, naik MAS next time.

    Duduk kat Jepun memang semua mahal. Tapi negara maju so macam2 bentuk bantuan mereka bagi pada resident. Anak I pun ada EPF, jepun punya la. Laki kerja wife also dapat.

    Cucu I pun dapat bantuan sara hidup. Nak makan roti canai frozen pun harga puluhan ringgit duit kita. Beli tepung pun mahal giler. Ada kawan pergi cuti dengan family kat Jepun, dia kata duduk 2 hari 1K duit Malaysia habis beli makanan. Makan kat machine sahaja pulak tu. Tak sempat beli barang lain.

    Have a nice day!


    He is a lawyer in profession, pa to that shorty malay chap iskandar apanama of pkr, I am wondering will his lawyer be subjected to syariah charges on sodomy in sabah because he is malay?

    Can pas be the kingmaker for next general election?

    Do you think hongkong mass protest of anti-extradition law lead by of 64th tiananmen student movement activists, lawyers, media, business people and young hongkongers could lead to the rebirth of soros legacy?

    The bankruptcy cases of lehman brothers and hanjin shipping are still fresh in the mind of investors, you think mr trump can still pull this trick to make america great again?

    P/s: can sodomy case marks endgame chapter of victor re-write history? can sodomy case marks a new chapter of victor re-write history?


    Helang terbang tinggi
    Pipit terbang rendah
    Jangan meninggi diri
    Nanti kena sanggah

    There are so many of hajar women in this country who thinks they are the best of the best, she thinks i will waste my time to peer with her race and religion?

    Bak kata, she is not even my cup of tea, why should i peer with her since we have general election in every 5 years?

    P/S: Cuma ada 4-5 orang sahaja di sini yang kenal dengan HBT456. Pada PRU13 dia dan anak lelaki dia undi DAP (dia yang uar-uarkan). Tapi disebabkan dia kaki penipu / putar-belit/ kaki fitnah, dia kadang-kala berpura-pura sokong BN. Siang malam kerja dia mengutuk/ menghina/ memfitnah orang Melayu/Islam. Peliknya dia selalu tuduh orang lain rasis, tapi diri dia lagi HAPRAK / hipokrit @ munafiq. Kalau setakat penulisan ‘rojak BM-BI’ orang tidak sekolah pun boleh lakukan…Alahai…

    She can write, puisi, slander or said what she wants as long tdm allows, it is her to deal with the political environment factor beyond her control, not me.

    If she is still not hepi, then, she really needs to ask who she will support when next general election is called.

    P/s: bahasa kebangsaan melayu or bahasa jawi melayu to unite kaum melayu di semenanjung including sabah dan sarawak, bn, ph, independents and ngo to decide in federal parliament, tak payah ada special branch punya when you have faith with your country men and women after more than 60 years of merdeka.

  135. Salam YAB dan DiSanjungi PM Tun Dr. Mahathir,

    Mohon izin Tun:

    Helang terbang tinggi
    Pipit terbang rendah
    Jangan meninggi diri
    Nanti kena sanggah

    Siakap sinohong
    Gelama ikan duri
    Ah Soh cakap bohong
    Lama-lama jadi pencuri

    Main tarik tali
    Badan pasti cerdas
    Sdr Sudin sudah kembali
    Nyonya nyany*k terasa pedas

    Si kiasu suka menipu
    Tamak haloba sudah pasti
    HBT memang suka merapu
    Sikap memfitnah sudah sebati

    Jalan-jalan ke Gunung Daik
    Singgah sebentar di pasar siang
    HBT ¾ berlakon baik
    Konon suci bersih macam Kit Siang

    ISLAM Agamaku
    MELAYU Bangsaku
    MALAYSIA Negaraku
    Tun Mahathir PM kesayanganku 🙂 🙂

    Saya yakin Tun sudah menerima hakikat bahawa para pemimpin PH ramai yang tidak boleh diharap. Sebab itu Tun sudah mula berubah dalam membuat keputusan…

    P/S: Cuma ada 4-5 orang sahaja di sini yang kenal dengan HBT456. Pada PRU13 dia dan anak lelaki dia undi DAP (dia yang uar-uarkan). Tapi disebabkan dia kaki penipu / putar-belit/ kaki fitnah, dia kadang-kala berpura-pura sokong BN. Siang malam kerja dia mengutuk/ menghina/ memfitnah orang Melayu/Islam. Peliknya dia selalu tuduh orang lain rasis, tapi diri dia lagi HAPRAK / hipokrit @ munafiq. Kalau setakat penulisan ‘rojak BM-BI’ orang tidak sekolah pun boleh lakukan…Alahai…

    Terima kasih Tun.

    – Semoga Allah SWT sentiasa merahmati Tun sekeluarga –

  136. Tun, you my friend

    Kerajaan Malaysia dan Indonesia perlu sering bertemu, berusaha sama
    tolong menolong , memperiratkan Ukhwah bagi membangunkan Negara dan Bangsa
    Walau Malaysia , Indonesia ada banyak Hasil Bumi, Kita masih di belenggu dengan Hutang , Keresahan dan KeTidak Stabil
    Kita perlu Berubah

    Di mana Silapnya ?
    Sedangkan Singapura, serupa Israel yg tidak punya apa
    Berdiri Teguh dengan Duit dalam Kocek yg Penuh
    Mata wang yg amat Besar ,Ekonomi yg Stabil, Ketenteraan yg Mantap
    Penghuni dan Kerajaan nya yg main peranan membangunkan mereka tanpa Rasuah jadi Budaya

    Sifat Kerajaan dan sifat Rakyat Melayu juga perlu berubah
    Perlu Berilmu, perlu menunduk padi ,perlu bersungguh ,perlu banyak bersabar terutama orang Melayu yg asik suka bergaduh sesama sendiri , Dia ni macam orang Arab juga .Suka Bergaduh nak tunjuk Samseng tak Berfaedah

  137. Tun

    Specially for TWIN PEAKS – a Malaysian/Bumiputera/Muslim/Humanitarian which order you like. You are one of the few THINKERS on this distinguished Blog. You have my deepest respect and admiration for your sincere Comments which came from the bottom of your heart – ALL WITHOUT MALICE to your fellow commentators.

    On your yearning for POLITICAL EQUALITY FOR ALL, I regret to say the Malaysian Political Sphere is governed by our CONSTITUTION.

    And on 13 May 1969, even though there were many different participants including the British, NO BLAME SHOULD BE PLACED ON ANYONE AS SUCH. A CONFLAGRATION LIKE THIS SOMETIMES IN HISTORY DID HAPPEN like the start of the First World War when a member of the Austrian Hapsburg family was assassinated in the Balkans.

    In the case of our beloved Malaysia’s tragedy of 13 May 1969, IT WAS THE FUNCTIONS OR NON-FUNCTIONS OF THE BRITISH COLONIAL CURRENCY BOARD of MALAYA, SINGAPORE, NORTH BORNEO, SARAWAK AND BRUNEI WHICH WAS THE CAUSE OF 13 MAY 1969 when unfortunately our newly independent Government and its Ministers did not understand the difference between the functions of a British Colonial Currency Board – you only spend what you earn and a Central Bank – banker to the Government, issuer of the currency and to safeguard it. In 1972, the Currency Board was formally dissolved. I was there.

    And in anticipation of a red hot issue coming up right now whilst another is simmering down, I am certain our beloved Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad may agree with me on this quotation and with your permission TWIN PEAKS, thus


    Through the loss or attrition of Malay/Bumiputra elite for 3 generations arising from 1970 to 2018 by their own self-affliction and self-indulgence, our beloved Malaysia is now short of talent to rule.

    The lack of Malay/Bumiputra elite hampers our beloved Malaysia’s developments progress due to the constraints as laid down by the Constitution even though we may have many non-Malay talent. This is the NUB. This is the RUB !

    These Malay/Bumiputra elites (many of them my friends) have disqualified themselves from Public Office due to just a moment of weakness whatever this meant, TWIN PEAKS.

    Even though ALL OF US LOOK ALIKE, a person’s ability and characteristics are well-hidden until revealed or exposed in the place of work. There is no other means of measurement. Hence, some tried to obviate their failings by acquiring FAKE PH.D CERTIFICATES or through PLAGIARISM (copy-cat). These are the facts at the present time, TWIN PEAKS.

    But we put our Trust on our beloved Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad with the full knowledge of another ancient saying, ” ONCE BITTEN TWICE SHY “. on his selection of talents to carry out the appointed tasks in the Government. ALL THE HOT AIR IS FROM THE NAYSAYERS, DETRACTORS, TROUBLMAKERS AND MORONS. Agree TWIN PEAKS my friend ?

    Malaysia Boleh TWIN PEAKS as always ! No problem. Our beloved Malaysia right or wrong !

  138. Assalamualaikum Tun.

    Oleh kerana saya teruja dengar berita terkini, maka saya berasalah nak selitkan di sini sedikit cerita.

    Pada pertama kali saya nak jumpa Tun pada hari Jumaat di Masjid Negara lama dulu, saya singgah di R&R di antara perjalanan tersebut.

    Sedang saya minum, datanglah hamba Allah yang ingin jual buku agama. Saya belek belek, saya fikir 2,3 kali nak beli atau tak nak.

    Saya beli. Buku karya Tuan Haji Dato Ismail Kamus. Buku fardhu ain.

    Di dalamnya tercatit surah surah amalan bacaan orang orang terdahulu sebelum tidur.

    Sudah tentu bila saya sampai di Masjid Negara, saya cuba sembahyang di sebelah Tun. Tapi Tun punya bodyguard tak bagi. Sebelum itu pun, dia ini sibuk betul betulkan pistol di pinggang semasa saya sedang tunggu Tun sampai.

    Maaf la ye. Saya rasa sedikit menyampah. Adakah dia sengaja tunjuk tunjuk pada saya?

    Dan Tun pun sampai. Dan teruslah dianya cium tangan Tun.

    Dan kebetulannya pada masa yang sama khatib kata lebih kurang maksudnya “tangan emak tak cium”.

    Kan dah kena sound.

    Kembali pada buku fardhu ain tersebut, surah surah amalan sebelum tidur seperti yang dinyatakan adalah surah yasin, al mulk dan al waqiah.

    Semasa saya di Makkah tempoh hari, hari pertama dan kedua subuh saya disambut adalah dibacakan surah surah ini.

    Buku dan pengetahuan yang saya tahu dari belian buku semasa pertama kali bersalam dengan Tun di Masjid Negara.

    Terima kasih Tun.

  139. It is good to have someone like Ilioni to participate in discussions in this blog. A refreshing change which I thought I would never see here.. at least someone with common sense and good contribution.

    Pilih kasih is not something new, and why all quiet and so confident during dsn era?

    MACC cannot handle sharks, tapi harga ikan bilis tetap naik jugak.

    Taktik macam ini masih boleh jual?

    With this kind of 1 sided politik, dont expect miracles.

    To them, janji tangkap muat, dan menang, dll punya kena ikut.

    Root cause and truth is not important.

    If as mps, you cannot take it, then resign and migrate is an option too.

    Therefore, no need to get angry nor frustrated with local politics, its not worth it.

  140. It is good to have someone like Ilioni to participate in discussions in this blog. A refreshing change which I thought I would never see here.. at least someone with common sense and good contribution.

  141. The purchasing power of the majority race is still very very very low though their family members are huge.

    Dulu, china is accused by amerika lawmakers for currency manipulation.

    Kini, china is accused by amerika lawmakers for cashless economy pulak.

    Bak kata, when leaders no longer have the luxury of time to choose, they bound to repeat the same mistakes.

    Therefore, usah buat protests sini sana walaupun the organisers get permit from kdn.

    To nail, or to delay, the decision is with AG at putrajaya to decide.

    Bak kata, renung2lah pro-jaguh di negeri masing2.

    Adakah anda ini tikus, tuah atau jebat?

    Ini dia punya, itu dia punya, yang bukan dia punya dia pun kata dia punya.

    Yup, there is no free lunch in the world.

    P/s: bak kata, siapakah mereka yang makan cili, merekalah yang rasa pedas.

  142. I am intrigued by Ilioni’s suggestion on the appointment of the heads of MACC and other key public offices such as the Bank Negara governor. It is fascinating to note that after decades of independence from colonialism, we have not formed a united Malaysian race, one that is free from ethnic and religious undertones. It is rather unfortunate that the country is still mired in this dreadful situation. Blame the current free-for-all primary and secondary education system for this. As a Bumiputera and a Muslim, One would have Suspected that I would protect and advance the interests of Bumiputeras and Muslims in this country. On the contrary, I actually would not. But how many Bumiputeras and Muslims have my kind of thinking? Not many, I can tell you. On the other hand, I would advance the interests of Any particular ethnic group (including of Bumiputeras) not because I am one of them, but because for the sake of peace and economic advancement, this IS what is required. We have to learn from history, that this is a nation of Bumiputeras. To say otherwiise Will invite a repeat of May 13, 1969. That we can be sure of. So let’s not play with fire.
    The appointment of the MACC chief according to the incumbent Prime Minister’s sole decision is Necessary at this point in time of Malaysia’s history. I am not sure what goes behind Tun’s mind, but I cannot be far wrong to say that Tun does not think that Malaysians collectively are ready to appoint someone without the race card in play once more. Remember, to move forward towards an advanced nation status, Malaysia Must get rid of corruption at all levels. There is No Other Choice. In addition, the Malaysian public Must develop a mind that that is Not only talking about the rule of law, but seen to be Individually Ruled by the rule of law. That means, we must not spit on the road, throw rubbish anywhere when no one is looking, drive without thinking that you still have to live the next day, stop buying counterfeit branded products from countries like China, try inventing (through R&D) our own products instead of shamelessly back-riding on other people’s inventions (like China Inc.), and the list goes on.
    Then, only then, can we talk about putting up a structure of appointment like that found in Western countries. It is a dream for now, but we must change our own personal habit and though process, if we ever want to reach that level. So, in short, Tun has made the right decision! But that is just an opinion.

  143. 1. Should the power of appointment of critical departments (such as the MACC, justice department, bank’s governor, etc) which needs to be neutral / independent in nature (from the political parties) be consolidated in one person hand or should that not be done by a group of larger group of people (such ex-CJ, ex-MACC chief, one prominent business representative, PSC chief, ex-bank governor, current PM (with one vote), a few others with some representative membership limited to a few years (limited to two term). Appointment are done based on the best candidate by scoring; put forward by these board members. Suitability ranked by the board members using a closed voting publicly monitored (preference ranking performed by these group of people).

    Conclusion: it is too late to revamp the political system set by dr mm until dsn was dragged down. As saying goes, winner takes all, looser takes all. There is no ‘if’ or ‘but’. why? during pak lah era, corridor sini sana with islam biased policy pun tak jadi jugak.

    2. The absolute power of PM to be able to do this kind of appointment. Is this not a problem if we have a future PM who is corrupt? Have we not learnt enough from history?

    Conclusion: Malaysia has huge reserve forest land but small population, so it is tough to differentiate corruption vs lobby since vote counts is important.

    3. While Tun is still in power, I urge Tun to reconsider how the system should work and revamp it to avoid the problems that we have seen before.

    Refer conclusion 1.

    What is being proposed might not be the perfect solution but at least it triggers us to take a good look at our appointment system to ensure and avoid consolidation of power in one hand and at the same time, avoid deadlock which could delay the appointment of important role in the critical institution.

    Conclusion: it is up to political parties of the divide especially umno baru, pas and pkr to pledge support or not to parti Bersatu to continue kongsi formulae of ruling and shadow government.

    Summary: hate speech is the root cause of terrorism, so pandai2 lah mereka yang mengelarkan diri mereka sebgai perjuang melayu dan agama. aku pun nampak, takkan lah mereka tak nampak. to nail or to delay, the decision is with AG at putrajaya. whichever coalition that garner majority votes, they will decide who is in, who is out, and this press statement would be made by the current perdana menteri.

  144. Salam Tun,

    It’s been quite a while since I last commented. I’d like to wish Tun a very good health in many years to come. Regarding the appointment of Latheefa as the MACC head solely by the Prime Minister. I am sure that Tun has your own very good reason for this. But, I have a few questions that is worth thinking,
    1. Should the power of appointment of critical departments (such as the MACC, justice department, bank’s governor, etc) which needs to be neutral / independent in nature (from the political parties) be consolidated in one person hand or should that not be done by a group of larger group of people (such ex-CJ, ex-MACC chief, one prominent business representative, PSC chief, ex-bank governor, current PM (with one vote), a few others with some representative membership limited to a few years (limited to two term). Appointment are done based on the best candidate by scoring; put forward by these board members. Suitability ranked by the board members using a closed voting publicly monitored (preference ranking performed by these group of people).

    2. The absolute power of PM to be able to do this kind of appointment. Is this not a problem if we have a future PM who is corrupt? Have we not learnt enough from history?

    3. While Tun is still in power, I urge Tun to reconsider how the system should work and revamp it to avoid the problems that we have seen before.

    What is being proposed might not be the perfect solution but at least it triggers us to take a good look at our appointment system to ensure and avoid consolidation of power in one hand and at the same time, avoid deadlock which could delay the appointment of important role in the critical institution.

    Thank you for listening and reading!

  145. Mendaulatkan Islam

    Menlindungi Zakir Naik
    Membantu Iran
    Membina diri kita sendiri

    Zakir Naik di Fitnah serupa fitnah Sept 11 yg dilimpahkan pada Dunia Islam hanya untuk memberi alasan bagi Amerika memusnahkan Negara Timur Tengah
    Bagi memperkuatkan Israel , mencuri harta dan Minyak Timur Tengah dan membonekakan Kerajaan Timur Tengah supaya tunduk pada US untuk Israel
    Zakir Naik dituduh kesalahan Money Laundering. Mentang mentanglah Negara kita busuk dengan Kesalahan Najib Money Laundering , satu alasan , satu fitnah yg padat untuk Zakir Naik Money Laundering
    Sebenaranya Kerajaan India takut pada Zakir Naik sebab beliau telah membawa Kebenaran di Bumi India dengan memperjuangakan ajaran Agama Islam. India rasa tergugat sebab Zakir sudah berjaya mengIslamkan ramai penganut Kafir di India ,di Negara Barat dan di Dunia, Bukan kerana kesalahan Money Laudering . Itu hanya satu Fitnah terhadap Zakir serupa fitnah Sept 11 terhadap Dunia Islam
    Kita dicabar , di Duga dan wajib kita melindungi Zakir .

    Wajib kita juga membantu Iran yg bakal dan sedang di Ugut US sekarang
    Walau kita upama Telur , US Durian
    Kita langgar kita pecah .Kita dilanggar kita juga yg pecah
    Namu Kebenaran wajib didukung . Maruah perlu di sanjung
    Dan kita perlu tidak gentar Guruh di Langgit
    Kita perlu selalu bersiapa sedia , perlu membina Kemampuan Ketenteraan

    Membina diri kita sendiri

    Malaysia perlu Bangun
    Budaya Rasuah perlu di hapuskan supaya Negara kita bolih Maju
    Lihat saja , Kita Malaysia juga Indonesia serupa Negara Arab yg telah dilimpahkan Kurnia olih Allah s.w.t . Namum kita sama Negara Arab masih dibelanggu dengan masalah dan hutang puitang. Sedangkan contoh yg terdekat Singapura , Israel tidak punya Hasil Bumi bolih jadi Kaya Raya dan Negara yg Berteknologi Tinggi yg tidak Berhutang malah punya simpanan dan berkemampuan membantu dan memperbonekakan Amerika.
    Di mana silapnya ? Siapa penghuninya yg mainkan peranan memajukan Negara mereka
    Penghuni dengan Kerajaan yg positive , yg tidak Ber Rasuah, yg Satu Hati ,Yg berani membuat Perubahan

    Pejuangan adalah Tanggung Jawab setiap Ummah
    Setiap kita perlu berusaha menyatu padukan Ummah
    Dunia Islam perlu Pemimpin
    Dunia Islam mesti berani berubah

  146. Salam Dearest YAB PM Tun Dr. Mahathir,

    I fully support Tun’s decision in Zakir Naik’s case:-

    Definiteley, Dr. Zakir Naik is not going to be given a fair trial in India.

    He is a good Muslim. Kafirs dislike good Muslims. They prefer Muslims who have deviated from the original Islamic teachings and do things their way.

    I watched some of his videos. Dr. Zakir Naik knows exactly what he’s talking about and one thing for sure he always uses verses from the Quran to support his arguments.

    He also has vast knowledge about other religions and their holy books. In fact most of the time he would point out some similarities (teachings) between several religions and where in the Quran and the other holy books (original versions) we could find the verses related to what he was talking about.

    It’s amazing that he is able to remember so many verses from different holy books and simply recalls them during his talks without even referring to any of the holy books (hardcopy / sofcopy).

    Dr. Zakir Naik is one in a million. May Allah SWT bless and protect him.

    Thank you Tun.

    – May Allah SWT bless Tun and family –

  147. But the prc national pledged quilty for the theft crime committed on foreign land, but amoi melayu muslim in domestic land apabila tertangkap, dia kata dia tak tahu itu adalah beruang, dia ingat binatang itu adalah anjing, and make media statement some more, and she is a muslim ler.

  148. But the prc national pledged quilty for the theft crime committed on foreign land, but amoi melayu muslim in domestic land apabila tertangkap, dia kata dia tak tahu itu adalah beruang, bukan anjing, and make media statement some more, and she is a muslim ler.

    Macam ini, i rasa musato tak baca berita antarabangsa khususnya entertainment news.

    Kini, speaker madam nancy as democrat wants to send trump to jail, itu lah sebabnya, suddenly, mr trump kata 5% tarrif on mexico trades is suspended infinetly.

    Why suddenly u-turn?

    Semua pun tahu mr trump is a real estate moghul and avoided paying taxes for decades, and he bought a resort in northern ireland, jika saya tak salah right after became usa president.

    To him now, winning votes is a priority, and if he looses out, supporters of democrat in their federal government will go after him.

    Pikir sini, pikir sana, mr trump adalah businessman cum republican member, mungkin beliau kini rasa memang tak berbaloi meneruskan trade war dengan china, rusia and the rest of the world to make america great again to build wall and increase tarif, and by the end of the day, due to hate, his democrat enemies might bankrupt him and send him to jail for tax fraud and power abuse when he looses undi what, tak mustahil one this can berlaku punya, betul tak?

    Jadi malu apa, bossku?

    P/s: Kini, mr xi dan mr putin, met up again to lebih memperkukuhkan bilateral trade antara northern china and southern russia at their border sebagai presidents negara besar tersebut. To russia with love can happen too, why? Prc takda general election, but russia ada general election what. bak kata, tak nak takpa, tapi jangan hina.

  149. Instead, i prefer to support climate change initiatives because it is less evasive and more human because of mankind for our future generations to come.

    Even if i become trillioanire but the air that i left for others to breath in is not healthy and the water that i left for others to drink is full of toxin metal composites due to massive clearing of reserve land for industrialization mega projects, is it righteous and can be benchmark against religion and race supremacy of i am the winner for the next 5 years?

    You cannot have a law that favor a race by exploiting other races, ia memang tak betul.

    Yup, i can be like them, tutup sebelah mata aje, and get rich overnight so that i can migrate to my dream land, dont you think i am no different from warmongers or spy mongers to destroy countries that i cannot tolerate?

    An eye for an eye?

    Violence against violence?

    We are a small population land with huge beautiful and greenest forest reserve land in dotted zone of khatulistiwa in malay, and equator in english, to keep it or to exploit it massively to become trillioanire overnight, the choice is with ph, bn, independents, ngo and votere.

    Adakah itu debt trap atau unearned revenue?

    Itu terpulang kepada selera dan citarasa negeri masing-masing.

    I already made my stand here, what about you?

    To be or not to be, that is not the question.

    Able or not, we will see how far kita semua can go.

    To continue kongsi atau bercerai, the decision is with the winner of the general election in the next 5 years.

    Intelligent people avoid, the not so intelligent ones retaliate.

    Politics was never a career that can make you rich overnight.

    Politics was never a career that cannot bankrupt you overnight.

    To be or not to be?

    Which way to go?

    Good luck and all the best to you all, and may all your wishes are blessed and come true.


    Do it or die still relevant today with malay biased policy this time?

    You die or i die still relevant today with malay biased policy this time?

    What happened to bakun dam, perwaja steel, pka dll punya national mega-infrastructure with bumiputra biased policy?

    It will be interesting to watch how madam lat as macc chief comm. in justifying the law made by AG at putrajaya in justifying her warrant in op anti-corruption during her term,

    P/s: hongkongers in general protest anti-extradiction law, why? macam ini, in mainland china, their rule of law set dari dulu dulu favored drug free sampai kini but hongkong ex-lawmakers favored drug tolerant. even singing national anthem of mainland china, the activists protest. these hongkongers who took part might regret later itulah sebabnya madam carrie lam does not want to back-off. i did not attend any protests organized by opposition parties because i understand how this country is found and built, but i know, if pilih kasih masih diteruskan, hakikatnya tidak akan kukuh, why? it is still come back to your way, or my way. if their voters and party members are not ready, hakikatnya adalah tidak kukuh. this is something ph, bn and independent needs to think deeply.

  151. “In usa, they have talents and capacity to do 5G, but americans are angry because china copied them and came out with their own copyright that offer cheaper and improved version that lead to the ban of huaiwei.”

    Wrong again HBT456. I tell you the REAL reason why Huawei is banned from not only the US market, but from virtually all western markets and eventually also non-western allies who have sensitive industrial and military information; so far Malaysia cannot see what the Chinese possibly want to ‘steal’ from the country, except maybe the technology on how to quadruple the output of palm oil in less than half the time. So Malaysia is not affected, not just yet anyway.
    The REAL reason is.., the Chinese everywhere LIKE to copy and reverse-engineer inventions of others, especially the Japanese, Americans and Europeans. How on earth do you think Huawei and Oppo and all the other so-called tech giants of China become what they are in such a so short space of time. Let’s be honest, Chinese scientists everywhere are trained Not to invent new things, but to Copy and Reverse-Engineer other people’s inventions. Even Chinese businesses in Malaysia prefer not to manufacture but only to Sell what other people make.. in other words, to act as the Middleman. Why? Because they DON’T know how to invent !!
    The most controversial and recent industrial theft is how Chinese scientists and engineers in China (and America too) hacked into Lockheed computers to steal the designs of USAF stealth fighters. THEY GOT CAUGHT WITH THEIR PANTS DOWN !
    So, look. China is out of the game FOREVER. The lesson is this.. You can only get so far committing a crime like industrial espionage. Once people catch you, you are permanently outcast. That is what is happening to China right now. And it will get even worse for China. Just watch.

  152. Assalam Tun.

    Ini nyonya half past six sudah puluh2 tahun mohong, lagi apa mau jadik ooi!!
    Ajak minum teh pun tatak belani ooo!

    Siapakah mereka yang mohong, lagi apa mau jadik ooi, itu terpulang kepada pendirian sudin.

    Adakah itu nyonya half past six, aku hanya baca time sebagai 6.30pm, 6:30ptg atau 18:30.

    Jika masih tak hepi, mungkin sudin boleh tukar kepada bahasa jawi pulak.

    P/s: apabila pas menang besar dapat posisi mb kedah, mereka tukar bahasa negeri kepada bahasa jawi, umno, pkr dan pas tak kata apa2 pun. is it a dog? is it a bear or is it a cat? jangan lupa, stray cats wont bite, but stray cats can caused skin rashes to public if the owners just let them free roaming in serviced apartments too.

  153. Assalam Tun.

    Ini nyonya half past six sudah puluh2 tahun mohong, lagi apa mau jadik ooi!!
    Ajak minum teh pun tatak belani ooo!

  154. Which way to go, i am not sure, but if melayu/islam masih diperkasakan by exploiting other races, then, there is NO point of wasting another generation or 2 to tell them what is halal and haram.

  155. Chinese traditional medicine is 100% plants and herb based, but i am not sure why one belt one road of china is being linked to illegal wild life proaching since panda bear is the protected wild life of china, and everyone is aware of it.

    I am not sure about malaysia since mps especially malay and muslim are very busy with their brotherhood politics, and i am not sure why they felt threatened after sharing power for more than 60 years with their component parties.

    What is 5G?

    For consumer market, in fact, 4G, is enough, but for infra-structure, we may need 5G.

    In usa, they have talents and capacity to do 5G, but americans are angry because china copied them and came out with their own copyright that offer cheaper and improved version that lead to the ban of huaiwei.

    I guess this is why americans trade lawmakers are angry, and i fully understand their frustration, thats why huawei owner said he buys iphone for his family until now.

    After using iphone, you will have 2nd thought of changing the brand.

    I still think the touch screen of iphone is still the best in the world that no one can copy, or replace.

    I am not sure whether blue, yellow, red or what what colour metered taxi would be phased out or not since our malay mps agak slow when comes to their race and religion protection, but they need to phase out metered taxi sooner or later to keep up with the future sustainablilty of cashless for survival.

    Perhaps they can talk to alipay to provide them advice on this since it is definitely cheaper to make sure taxi owners will not be out of job.

    It is devasting to know until today, mps of political divides are more interested to put their party interest and members above local investors, fdi, people, country and allies.

    I wont choose between usa, china, europe, uk when comes to business senses.

    But, if i have to choose between muslim and non muslim marķet, i will choose non muslim market.

    Bak kata, you keep your religion at heart, and i keep my religion at heart, no need to nationallize islam teaching since islam is the official religion at federal level.

    Malaysia boleh lagi atau tidak, i am not sure.

    But, if melayu/islam masih diperkasakan by exploiting other races, they would be isolated and left behind.

    Which way to go, i am not sure, but if melayu/islam masih diperkasakan by exploiting other races, then, there is on point if wasting another generation to tell them what is halal and haram.

    P/s: to love and be loyal to my country, i dont need to join any political parties as voters, dont you agree?

    But, to protect or not the users of 5G, this is the job of mps bukan sekala apa cina mahu, apa keling mahu and apa melayu mau.

  156. What kind of nonsense is HBT456 spouting now? In case you are forgetful, let us remind you that the person that you are requesting from, our leader, is head of the PPBM, the Parti PRIBUMI Bersatu Malaysia. Get it?
    As a member of PPBM too, I would leave the party if I betray the trust that has been placed upon me to Protect the interest of Bumiputera in the country.
    So, zip up or get lost.

    By all means, go ahead, mr twinpeaks since it wont affect me whoever becomes the de facto perdana menteri in waiting.

    We may not be the best, but we are not the worst either.

    But, we definitely can improve as we move along.

    P/s: as de facto perdana menteri in waiting cannot even answer the questions throw at him for the appointment of macc chief comm., either he is fool or a liar. As saying goes, distance of road test the strength of horse. adakah itu keldai atau kuda, sooner or later, voters will find out themselves.


    In this matter, i support singapore prime minister in chairing asean by speaking fact compiled by 3rd independent party outside vietnam and cambodia.

    It is no surprise at all for hun sen to retaliate asean claim chaired by singapore this time.


    Because hun sen is seeking for re-elected, but is his opposition party strong enough to split the votes of his ruling party?

    Prime minister lee is not seeking for re-elected, but is his chosen candidate is prepared to take over, and is the opposition party to pap is mature and prepared to split pap votes, or as check and balance power?

    The writer mentioned ‘was it faulty design, ‘as the aircraft was sometimes known as the widow maker?”

    This remindered me in the begining years of blogging in here, some haters, atau naysayers complained window of proton always gave them problems.

    The only technical reason i can think of now perhaps its because during that time we need to park our cars under hot sun during working hours along the streets, or in factory premises, that might caused componenents of window deformed, the local call it as wear and tear, its like one because you want cheap products what.

    Talk about jimat water, we can always ask hardware shops to recommend tap that designed to jimat water, boleh kan?

    Why pkr vice chief youth now is calling madam lat of chief macc comm. to resign?

    P/s: i wont get surprise if mr trump is re-elected for another term. why? with or without changes of impeachment law, it wont affect the voting pattern. why? apabila aku jemu pandang anwar dan guan eng, aku boleh pandang hisham dan kj, tak mustahil what, janji menang, betul tak? voting pattern is different from buying cars too.

  158. “My only wish for tdm and tsh treat all malaysians equally, and may both succeeded in rallying political parties at federal level to aboliah bumiputra quota system once and for all.”

    What kind of nonsense is HBT456 spouting now? In case you are forgetful, let us remind you that the person that you are requesting from, our leader, is head of the PPBM, the Parti PRIBUMI Bersatu Malaysia. Get it?
    As a member of PPBM too, I would leave the party if I betray the trust that has been placed upon me to Protect the interest of Bumiputera in the country.
    So, zip up or get lost.

  159. Salam YAB dan DiSanjungi PM Tun Dr. Mahathir,

    Mohon izin Tun:

    Selamat Hari Raya Aidil Fitri
    Buat Tun yang berhati mulia
    Terkejutnya saya tidak terperi
    Latheefa Koya jadi Ketua Pesuruhjaya (SPRM)…

    Syariat Islam mengutamakan KEADILAN
    Itulah kata-kata Tun yang sering diulang-ulang
    Adilnya Islam kepada semua golongan
    Harap Tun kotakan janji yang telah banyak dibuang ke longkang…

    Banteraslah rasuah tanpa memilih-milih (‘selective prosecution’) siapa dan golongan mana yang perlu didakwa!

    Perbuatan memilih-milih (dalam pendakwaan) TIDAK ISLAMIK.

    Pendakwaan mesti dilakukan terhadap mana-mana individu tanpa mengira pegangan politik serta kedudukan @ pangkat.

    Saya cabar Latheefa Koya untuk membuka kembali siasatan dua kes rasuah dan salah guna kuasa Lim Guan Eng.

    Terima kasih Tun.

    – Semoga Allah SWT sentiasa merahmati Tun sekeluarga –

  160. HBT456, the rest of the world do hope people like you THINK before you speak.
    By the way, China’s economic bubble will burst very soon. But no one could care less. China needs the world, the World does Not need China. GET IT?

    Who was the bekas menteri perumahan before ph won?

    Before mr twinpeaks, the self syiok sendiri punya haprak menteri, please pakai your otak first before you speak.

    I am least worried about china.


    They already forseen and well prepared for this crisis when mr trump was elected as the president of usa.

    On one hand, ph wants to implement zero smoking eateries, but on the other hand, kedai runcit stesen minyak can jual rokok.

    Meaning smokers cannot smoke in eateries, they can smoke in petrol station, home and highways?

    Mana masuk akal punya?

    To rasuah them is easy, but to change their tongkat mindset is very very very tough.


    Because they could be rigged with snap of finger.

    Bak kata, tak nak takpa, tapi jangan hina.

    P/s: malay trap can still happen after all protests of all kinds made since bersih 2.0? jika masih boleh berlaku, it means it was done to frighten chinese race.

  161. 3) We need to accept that this country was founded and will forever remain a Bumiputera nation. There is no need to question the supremacy of Bumiputera, as that will only get those who question get into more trouble. So non-Bumiputera communities Must accept this reality and migrate to other countries if they are not willing to accept this reality.

    In fact most of the children of english speaking bumiputera already migrated to overseas, now only left with non bumiputera children who cannot speak proper english and malay languages, but cukup untuk cari makan, so how?

    Indian also can only speak a little malay and english cukup untuk cari makan, so how?

    But malay wants to speak malay only, so how?

    If mr twinpeaks is not happy, why not rally votes for your state assembly of sabah to use english as state government language?

    Therefore, no need to use jet fighters of usa to scare peninsula citizens what.

  162. That’s right.. China better watch out US Air Force B52s with their nuclear payload flying near China’s coastline anytime the Middle Kingdom has funny idea on Taiwan or the South China Sea.
    So China, keep dreaming for the next 5000 years. he..he..

    Same goes to you mr twinpeaks, so Sabah, keep dreaming for the next 2000 years. ha..ha..

  163. Macam ini, jika bossmu kata saya mesti mahu minum susu kambing tempatan, apakah anda akan buat sebagai pemerintah am?

    Adakah anda akan terus chop rubber stamp di putrajaya kerana yang minta pinjaman adalah orang kuat umno, pkr dan pas?

    Jika bossmu kata, saya mesti mahu bikin ladang ternakan kambing-kambing secara besar-besaran kerana saya suka minum susun kambing, anda mesti lah sebagai pemerintah am akan wajib approvekan kerana the ruling government had succeeded garned 100% support for nep with bumiputra status policy, obviously, malay bumiputra supporters will get the say first to get the grant from forecast budget, dll punya kena tunggu giliran, atau get your own funding through financial market, betul tak?

    Apakah terjadi kepada National Feedlot Corporation and tabung haji with umnoputra and umno wanita as chairman?

    Apakah terjadi kepada 1mdb and felda global venture?

    Like i said, if racism can make you rich overnight, fuck the government of the day so that you can get rich overnight.

    Will you do that?

    Geng (bahasa malaysia) vs Gang (bahasa inggeris).

    Apabila mereka kena diheret di mahkamah, mereka mana ada takut punya,

    Mereka pun tak rasa segan, who are the voters to tell them off?

    If they know their job, they shouldnt felt threatened.

    If they dont know their job, they will get panic kerana takut boss tak hepi what.

    When population is more educated and open minded, the influence of political parties, will decrease gradually, are you ready?

    P/s: the rule of law is always there, and if changing the rule of law is seolah2 bikin ladang ternakan kambing, hakikatnya mesti tidak akan kukuh punya. what will happen next? We just have to watch closely what will they do to rally votes to support them lor.

  164. That’s right.. China better watch out US Air Force B52s with their nuclear payload flying near China’s coastline anytime the Middle Kingdom has funny idea on Taiwan or the South China Sea.
    So China, keep dreaming for the next 5000 years. he..he..

  165. Yang Amat Berhormat Tun,

    Semoga sentiasa berada dalam keadaan sihat sejahtera. Selamat Hari Raya dan Maaf Zahir dan Batin.

    Saya Yang Menurut Perintah

    1. Dahulu ayat ini sering dilihat pada surat rasmi kerajaan. Apakah yang sebenarnya dimaksudkan dengan ayat ini?

    2. Sebenarnya mereka yang bekhidmat di sektor awam, sama ada berpangkat tinggi atau rendah, perlu menurut perintah-perintah yang dikeluarkan; iaitu Perintah-Perintah Am. Maka, ayat ‘saya yang menurut perintah’ bermaksud seseorang itu menurut Perintah-Perintah Am, dan bukannya arahan Ketua Jabatan semata-mata.

    3. Dalam memberi arahan, Ketua Jabatan juga perlu menurut Perintah-Perintah Am. Pelanggaran Perintah-Perintah Am, sama ada oleh Ketua Jabatan atau pun pegawainya, boleh ditafsirkan sebagai ingkar perintah.

    4. Akan tetapi, dengan keadaan zaman yang begitu cepat berubah, kebanyakan Perintah-Perintah Am menjadi kurang sesuai. Sebahagiannya menjadi lapuk. Walaupun terdapat sedikit usaha untuk mengemaskini Perintah-Perintah Am, ianya tidak mencukupi.

    5. Dengan itu, tidak semua penjawat awam yang masih lagi menghayati Perintah-Perintah Am. Penjawat-penjawat awam yang baharu juga jarang mengimbas dan memahami Perintah-perintah Am. Ramai yang menandatangani ayat ‘saya yang menurut perintah’ seketika dahulu tidak mengetahui apa yang dimaksudkan. Jalan mudah ialah menafsirkan bahawa setiap pegawai perlu menurut perintah ketuanya.

    6. Keadaan ini menyukarkan perubahan dalam perkhidmatan awam. Sekiranya setiap penjawat awam berpegang kepada Perintah-Perintah Am, perubahan perkhidmatan awam akan menjadi lebih mudah. Dengan mengubah Perintah-Perintah Am, cara berfikir dan cara bekerja dalam perkhidmatan awam juga boleh ditukar.

    7. Perintah-Perintah Am perlu dirombak sesuai dengan keperluan dan keadaan masa kini.

  166. Dear Tun,

    Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri Tun and Tun Siti Hasmah. Hoping to wish you both again next year. Semoga Tun berdua terus sehat, cerdas dan cergas. Jaga diri selalu. You are both in my dua selalu.


    My only wish for tdm and tsh treat all malaysians equally, and may both succeeded in rallying political parties at federal level to aboliah bumiputra quota system once and for all.


    Mr twinpeaks, in his honest opinion, had written as “By the way, I have not even touched the unbelievably fearsome (even by Russian standard), US nuclear arsenal. A drop of just one in the centre.. will wipe out the entire Middle Kingdom within seconds. So let’s not even talk about invading Taiwan, let alone venture into the South China Sea. he..he..”

    Representative of usa defense had clearly pointed out there are actors without referring to china in propaganda to exscalate trade and military wars in south east asia sea to be blown up out of proportion to be used as way to rich themselves overnight in vote counts.

    Duri dalam daging is the most horrendous enemy of mankind, because no one will know what these actors will do when they get elected.

    Press freedom must be allowed as it is crucial to counter check and balance with hideous motif.

    Selamat hari raya aidilfitri, and happy holidays.

  168. Assalamualaikum Tun dan Tun Siti. Selamat Hari Raya Aidil Fitri dari kami sekeluarga. Ampun maaf sekiranya terkasar ayat bila response. Semuga Tun berdua happy di samping keluarga tersayang di hari yang mulia ini. Assalamualaikum.

  169. One more thing, i havent even touch on the phillipines’ president duterte yet after he sent back 69 containers of wastage signed by his previous ruling party to shame canada to make headlines that he is the hero of the phillipnes to seek re-election.

    Mr twinpeaks should never touch on the sensitive politics on hong kong and taiwan because you know nothing of what these so called activists are trying to tell the world.

    I am least worried of what mr trump is up to, but one thing i am sure he is being judged, recorded and filed for every speech that he made by the public media in his home states and country.

    Is Anwar ibrahim only layak to be de facto prime minister?

    I sure hope so, but when time comes, he too would be tested to make hard choices to get re- elected once he taste the real power of the top most vvip in the cabinet.

    Dont be too obsess with politics in this country, it is just only a game of numbers to dictate the forecast budget with or without hang parliament in every 5 years.

    So long, and selamat hari raya, and be safe when on road.

    P/s: after reading the comments of mr twinpeaks, he had shameless, fearless and ugly heart, the best way is to let God to deal with him.

  170. Kini you tahu kenapa sabah masih paling miskin lagi?

    Gua tarak suka cara mr twinpeaks yang bodoh sombong tak erti budi dan tempat, gua bagi undi kat bn kerana mereka berebut to serve the voters like me, boleh kan?

  171. “If trump can increase military spending via import tariffs to counter middle east conflicts, then xi can increase state subsidy to increase military spending to counter conflicts raised by usa and their allies in south china sea”

    HBT456.. what are you smoking, friend? You are dreaming again.
    China will Never even get to 1% of the US Armed forces strength. Not even the Soviet Union could despite trying for almost 5 decades. So what makes China think it can? Huawei the spy agent is already closed out of the entire Western sphere. Malaysia may have to follow too eventually, but nicely.. as we don’t not want to lose the current Chinese investments at the same time.
    Just remember this.. China needed the Soviets to build its first aircraft carrier, which by the way was built with outdated Second World War technology. The Japanese can outgun the Chinese 10 times faster in building any warship or military plane if it has to. Because Japan already Has the technology. Even tiny Israel is far advanced in military technology than China.
    China’s PLA uses Vietnam-era Soviet technology which it reverse-engineered to build hundreds of so-called “indigenous” jet fighters. Just because they will soon have hundreds of jet fighters does not mean they can get off the ground. They don’t even have the latest avionics and weapon system!
    By the way, I have not even touched the unbelievably fearsome (even by Russian standard), US nuclear arsenal. A drop of just one in the centre.. will wipe out the entire Middle Kingdom within seconds. So let’s not even talk about invading Taiwan, let alone venture into the South China Sea. he..he..

  172. And by the way, on South Asia.. India had never been since its independence in 1947 been under US influence. Pakistan on the other hand is always working with the CIA. So how on earth can PM Modi lobby President Trump for assistance.
    As usual, you are spouting nonsense without any historical factual basis. In Trump language.. you are FAKE NEWS. he..he..

  173. HBT456, you got it all wrong.

    In the first place, there is no link between the import tariff increases or US-China trade war with the Middle East situation. If there was, it would have occurred a long time ago under former US Presidents.
    US defense budget is paid through its fiscal spending which runs into hundreds of billions annually. The US government does NOT need to raise this via import tariff as it can easily finance this through the sale of treasury bonds globally to Japan and Europe. It has done this since the Vietnam War.
    The US-China trade war is solely to Make America Great Again. Its core manufacturing rustbelt has been decimated by uncontrolled Chinese imports, resulting in high unemployment. Thus the imposition of taxes on China products. President Trump is the first US President to stand up against the blood-sucking two-faced Chinese.

    So, I do hope you get your historical and economics facts right next time…

  174. HA..HA..HA.. That is The Biggest National Cr*p I had ever heard, HBT456. What on earth do you people, the descendants of Chairman Mao Tse Tung, who massacred nearly 100 million of his own people during the Great Leap Forward and Cultural Revolution, have to teach Taiwan and Hong Kong, let alone the rest of the World? The Socialist nonsense. Don’t make me laugh..

    I am not laughing nor complaining, and i know how serious the problem of such dangerous assumption of victor re-write the history is heading without exit plan b to create more quality and skill jobs for the future generations.

    Mr obama democrat tried his very best to negotiate with 22 arab nations with different regional and religion interests to agree on one single treaty giving that the conflicts of shites and sunnis in southern pakistan was unsolved for decades with the slogan of change.

    Do you think mr trump junior republican will not seek re-election to allow him to negotiate a single treaty with iran to counter balance 22 arab nations and pakistan to flex their mussle in middle east to increase their military spending with his slogan of to make america great again with tariffs?

    As for india, it is up to india prime minister to lobby mr trump to counter pakistan and small countries in india ocean or not, its none of my business to say no.

    At least, i saw the negotiation of trump junior with north korean kim junior collapsed in hanoi, vietnam.

    If trump can increase military spending via import tariffs to counter middle east conflicts, then xi can increase state subsidy to increase military spending to counter conflicts raised by usa and their allies in south china sea, it wont affect me a voter since i am not contesting for mps and wr.

    Japan can extend soft loan to maintain and retain export oriented market to taiwan and their allies via their investment arm and banking and at the same time to increase their military spending to counter china and korea conflict in south east china sea, it wont affect me as voter since i am not contesting for mps and wr.

    In usa, under the impeachment law, opposition party cannot send their president to jail, they only can unseat the republican and democrat through election, and in maximum, usa president can sit for 2 terms only, but will this constitution change in the future, only republican and democrat can decide.

    Who invaded iraq?

    Mr bush junior, i sure hope mr twinpeaks have not forgotten that.

    Jika mahu cakap sejarah, then, they should go major kursus sejarah so that they can teach in schools.

    Pendek kata, whoever wins out, life will go on as usual for voters.

    It is not a secret that politicians could be rigged behind the voters.

    Can do, you do.

    Cannot do, dont force.

    To be or not to be thats not the question, able or not, we can see how far kita semua can go.

  175. China Will Never become a developed country. It is FOREVER a developing country. FULL STOP. India will bypass China within 10 years from now.

    Yes, later on mr twinpeaks will claim india bypass usa, janji menang dulu.

  176. This is my personal opinion on which direction we should be heading towards.
    1) We need a strong two party system, irrespective of whether that will result in a hung Parliament and a weak government. For me, that is the price of a democratic system of governance, which (whether we like it or not) is the only viable form of governance that produces a stable society.
    2) We need a single (not multiple) educational system. At the moment, it is a free for all system, that results in perpetual disunity. We need everyone in this country to accept only One Language schools (whatever it is). If Tun ask me what that language should be, I say it is English. Not because of my personal fluency in it, but because it will unify the country and produce a world class human resource. All vernacular schools should be abolished.
    3) We need to accept that this country was founded and will forever remain a Bumiputera nation. There is no need to question the supremacy of Bumiputera, as that will only get those who question get into more trouble. So non-Bumiputera communities Must accept this reality and migrate to other countries if they are not willing to accept this reality.
    4) ALL religious based parties must be abolished or renamed, as religion must not be used as the foundation of a stable modern nation. Religion should stay inside the home and individual family. ALL religious laws must be Not contradict globally accepted and decent human rights laws.

  177. China Will Never become a developed country. It is FOREVER a developing country. FULL STOP. India will bypass China within 10 years from now.

  178. “China has been labelled as the world’s factory since they opened up china 30 years ago, dont you think time has come for the chinese government to implement socialist econmoy with chinese characteristics to improve the lifestyle of her people to mark developed country status in next lead of 30 years from now?”

    HA..HA..HA.. That is The Biggest National Cr*p I had ever heard, HBT456. What on earth do you people, the descendants of Chairman Mao Tse Tung, who massacred nearly 100 million of his own people during the Great Leap Forward and Cultural Revolution, have to teach Taiwan and Hong Kong, let alone the rest of the World? The Socialist nonsense. Don’t make me laugh..

    HBT456, the rest of the world do hope people like you THINK before you speak.
    By the way, China’s economic bubble will burst very soon. But no one could care less. China needs the world, the World does Not need China. GET IT?

  179. Now president trump talked like bekas perdana menteri, dsn, to seek re-election.

    Huawei 5G is dangerous, but usa arm sales is not dangerous?

    Kalau yang paling popular kot amoi2 China sebab ramai gang lelaki China Malaysia terkejar kejar cari amoi dari sana.

    Ya lor, even taiwanese ah moi pun sapu, and made headlines in entertainment news, and now she still got time to gossip and talk about makan free in hotel so that she can submit claimes to mof as if dsn is still her boss kut, tak gitu?

    Sure hope tdm will not back off, maverick, flip flop kerana takut hilang undi melayu/islam sri sense and hajar.

    Selamat hari raya aidifitri to malaysians of all races. For those who decided to work during this festive season, selamat berkerja.

  180. Tun

    Huawei ini susah sikit nak cakap. Amerika ini anti komunis. Dari dulu lagi if rakyat Amerika pro komunis kena tangkap masuk jel. Spy spy pulak, lagilah. Sorry I tak pakai Huawei phone. Sebab I ragui kualiti produk2 dari China. Kalau ada pilihan lain, I akan beli dari negara lain.

    Kalau yang paling popular kot amoi2 China sebab ramai gang lelaki China Malaysia terkejar kejar cari amoi dari sana.

    China baik dengan Malaysia? Entah.

    I ingat dulu ada kes Ambassador China yang buat kecoh pasal warga Malaysia keturunan Cina di Petaling Street. Cuba Tun check balik zaman BN.

  181. Sinis betul kenyataan Tun! Malang sekali ada di kalangan orang Melayu Islam yang masih lagi khayal dan tidak tahu apa yang sepatutnya mereka lakukan untuk MEMPERKASA diri dan orang Melayu/Islam. BERSATUlah demi perpaduan Ummah. Elok Tun berbaik-baik dengan UMNO-PAS-PUTRA. Keluar saja dari PH.

    Indeed, it is a blessing to local chinese race, if hajar wants to sapu all also no problem as long as sri sense hepi.

    Mana tahu, to own huawei is an exclusive right for the china market, maybe they have pre loaded source mainly for anyone who want to tap china market in chinese and english language.

    Increasing tariff on american products by the chinese government wont hurt american brands in china domestic market since these traders can always source locally in china, and in neigbouring countries.

    China has been labelled as the world’s factory since they opened up china 30 years ago, dont you think time has come for the chinese government to implement socialist econmoy with chinese characteristics to improve the lifestyle of her people to mark developed country status in next lead of 30 years from now?

    I have enough with this topic, and whoever wins out, i wish them all the best.

  182. Good morning Tun

    Isu yang pernah dibawa oleh Hajar, berbuka puasa sesuka hati tanpa mengira tempat. Sultan Johor pun menyebutnya Sultan Johor dukacita dengan Ahli Parlimen Johor Bahru. I sokong titah Sultan Johor.

    I juga tidak faham kenapalah team PH ini suka sangat cari pasal. Benda dah elok dikacau kacau saja2 nak buat tak elok.

    Sememangnya ikut tradisi kita hanya berbuka puasa di masjid dan di rumah bersama keluarga, paling terror kat hotel2. Usually hotel2 ini dikhaskan untuk companies nak belanja customers tanpa mengira bangsa, itu sebab makan buffet di hotel mahal, more of acara business. Namun gitu ada juga kawan2 nak buka puasa bersama kawan2 yang lain tanpa mengira bangsa, more of acara makan beramai-ramai bukan acara agama. Nak sembahyang ada bilik khas untuk orang Islam.

  183. Salam YAB dan DiSanjungi PM Tun Dr. Mahathir,

    “SALAM AIDIL FITRI KEPADA SEMUA UMAT ISLAM” terutamanya para pengunjung blog Chedet. Maaf zahir dan batin.


    Sinis betul kenyataan Tun! Malang sekali ada di kalangan orang Melayu Islam yang masih lagi khayal dan tidak tahu apa yang sepatutnya mereka lakukan untuk MEMPERKASA diri dan orang Melayu/Islam. BERSATUlah demi perpaduan Ummah. Elok Tun berbaik-baik dengan UMNO-PAS-PUTRA. Keluar saja dari PH.

    2. Tentang isu Huawei, saya ada terfikir untuk beli telefon baru Huawei sebab kameranya yang canggih. Tetapi memandangkan saya inginkan fungsi2/Aplikasi2 yang ditawarkan oleh Google, saya batalkan hasrat tersebut. Kamera canggih boleh digunakan untuk swafoto. Kan saya suka pergi makan angin…duit banyaklah katakan…hahaha…

    Saya tidak pasti samada kenyataan Tun tentang Huawei baik untuk Malaysia. Musuh jangan dicari…

    Kesian melihat si Polan ‘Halaman Bersama Teman’ yang tidak tahu bahawa Google bukannya ‘Open Source’. Tahap kefahaman dia amat bercelaru / rendah. Dia memang banyak buat salah dalam ulasan2 beliau (tidak faham apa yang dia baca, termasuk komen orang lain), tetapi suka tunjuk pandai, dan tidak pernah mahu mengaku salah – sama macam Kit Siang yang suka putar-belit sehingga terbelit. Baik diam saja dari mempamerkan kebodohan di sini.

    Terima kasih Tun.

    – Semoga Allah SWT sentiasa merahmati Tun sekeluarga –

  184. Wrong again HBT456. The person who was exceuted was DPRK’s Special Envoy to the US. As far we know, the Foreign Minister is still dancing.
    You know.. you could be sent to their labour camp for misleading statements. Be careful…

    Is he dancing or dangtut now, it is not me to decide what.

    During 1890s, brit army troop burned down 1st washington official building, is mr twinpeaks saying hollywood scriptwriters could be sent to labour camp for misleading historical fact by their current president?

    During that time, mat salleh troops also burned down the pagoda in forbidden city under the watch of empress dowager during qing dynasty that lead to opium war was also incorrect, mr twinpeaks?

    Whether mr twinpeaks like it or not, china will grow and strenthen in asia, and have their own national interest and ambition as mr xi used poems to describe the situation as china is not a pond, it is an ocean, no matter how strong the wind, the ocean will remain there, yup, takkan lah tanah besar china hilang di dunia.

    Whether mr twinpeaks like it or, voters have the right to cast votes when general election is called.

    Progress or regress, it is up to the political parties of the divide to jual their political campaigns to get votes because vote count is important for them to decide to dictate the forecast budget for the next 5 years.

    Which way to go?

    Itu kena tanya selera dan citarasa negeri masing-masing.

    As voters, our obligation is to vote.

    Selamat hari raya aidilfitri.

  185. “Have you read the news of north korea’s workers’ party executed their foreign minister and 4 others at mirim airport for letting the summit in hanoi between trump and kim junior collapsed?”

    Wrong again HBT456. The person who was exceuted was DPRK’s Special Envoy to the US. As far we know, the Foreign Minister is still dancing.
    You know.. you could be sent to their labour camp for misleading statements. Be careful…


    Alahai, here they go again.

    Mungkin umno baru telah lupa bahawa tiang umno di penang terjatuh dan terhempas ke atas pemandu tionghua sampai mayat tak ditemui.

    Why roc taiwan under ms tsai ying-wen pushed to legalize same sex marriage?

    She did this is for her political party survival, and to show mainland china, hongkong and macau that their stand is independent so that the ruling party of taiwan can make decision to chart the direction for taiwan at taipeh.

    At last, usa under mr trump, they got nod from her ruling party to open up usa embassy in taiwan@ taipeh.

    Meaning, taiwanese now can attract yellow skin to get married and divorced jika tak ngam with the citizens and their foreign partners of different nasionalities, itu saja, nothing else.

    The truth is as simple and plain as that, that each vote matters to them.

    P/s: instead, umno baru should worry more, if they still continue to push for malay and islam biased policy, then, they are alienating and isolating themselves from the common market, and terrorism attacks cannot be ruled out if they keep instigating such protests.

  187. Have you read the news of north korea’s workers’ party executed their foreign minister and 4 others at mirim airport for letting the summit in hanoi between trump and kim junior collapsed?

  188. My honest opinion is this.. if the chinese community are not satisfied with the way Malaysia is run by Bumiputera leaders, then by all means they are welcome to leave the country and migrate back to China or other countries. And good luck to you all. he..he..

    Have you read the news of north korea’s workers’ party executed their foreign minister and 4 others at mirim airport for letting the summit in hanoi between trump and kim junior.

    The punishment for this execution is they were being labelled for spying for usa, hence, traitor needs to be executed, sure hope mr trump got the message.

    Why should i worried, mr twinpeaks since i am not contesting for mps or wakil rakyat?

    Yes, i heard you, mr twinpeaks.

    Dont forget, you are pendatang sabahan muslim in my state, if you dont like, then go back to where you belong, hi hi hi….

    Thats politics.

  189. “P/s: the chinese parents are worried that their daughters fall in love with low skill labours from asean, i am not sure indian parents worried or not?”

    For HBT456, I believe that you are living in a dreamworld inside your own head. Look, when the Chinese came to Malaysia, they have to abide by the laws of our country. They cannot change the laws according to their wishes, only we the Bumiputeras can. That is the Bumiputera inherent and permanent right enshrined under the laws of this nation, especially the Federal constitution and state constitutions. The post-independence role of the state Sultanate system exists to protect this reality.
    My honest opinion is this.. if the chinese community are not satisfied with the way Malaysia is run by Bumiputera leaders, then by all means they are welcome to leave the country and migrate back to China or other countries. And good luck to you all. he..he..

  190. Good morning Tun PM Malaysia

    Pagi yang cerah, sempena nak raya beberapa hari lagi, saya ingin mengucapkan SELAMAT HARI RAYA, MAAF ZAHIR BATIN khas buat Tun sekeluarga.

    Juga kepada semua kawan2 seagama disini, SELAMAT HARI RAYA, MAAF ZAHIR BATIN.

    Kepada Mubarak Chan dan kawan2 yang bukan Islam HAPPY HOLIDAYS.


    Sekali lagi saya ingin bertanya kepada Haji Hadi dan PAS samada mereka masih nafikan Islam saya dan orang yang bukan menjadi ahli atau penyokong PAS.

    I rasa the above dah terjawab, bila Haji Hadi kata dia sokong Tun sebagai PM selama mana Tun mampu. I doubt PAS sokong DSAI jadi PM. I cuma tau Haji Hadi kata Tun sebagai PM. Dari segi Islam, ofcourse la Tun seorang doktor, Haji Hadi seorang guru agama, mana la sama Islamnya. Ini bukan bererti tidak Islam. Kafir mengkafir sesama Islam adalah tidak baik. And I doubt Hadi dan ketua2 PAS masih bercakap soal kafir mengkafir ini. This more of an old issue. Ini cuma pandangan peribadi ya.


    Rendang yang dah siap masak makin mahal. Nasib baik saban raya I buat rendang sendiri. So boleh cut cost sikit. Lagipun, rendang kat kedai bukan saja mahal, tapi juga tak sedap mana, Tun!

    Bila I kata, nak pergi rumah sedara ini kita bekalkan rendang, anak perempuan I pasti jawab, hish rendang kita sikit, tak cukup! hahaha Bila kawan anak lelaki nak datang, my son akan intai kuali rendang dulu, ok you can come, there’s rendang for you! Begitulah saban tahun, pasal rendang pun mereka bergaduh sesama sendiri hahaha

  191. Assalamualaikum Tun.

    Berkaitan dengan perkara yang saya sebutkan berkenaan pelapis pemimpin negara.

    Sebagai ahli Bersatu semestinya terdapat sistem pentadbiran yang perlu dilalui. Tapi bagaimana perlu untuk kita lakukan adalah terpulang kepada kreativiti sendiri.

    Saya tidak kisah untuk sesiapa sahaja yang lebih muda dari saya untuk menapak ke peringkat yang lebih tinggi dalam sistem pentadbiran negara.

    Mungkin saya tidak berminat ke arah itu. Tiada keperluan bagi diri saya.

    Jika anda datang ke tempat saya untuk mencari sokongan sebagai pelapis pemimpin negara, saya pasti akan menyokong. Asalkan anda adalah individu yang nampak bersih dan bersih serta tahu menggunakan kuasa dengan betul.

    Saya tidak janjikan apa apa. Tapi itulah bagaimana orang orang alim dahulu kala dan juga sekarang, membina pelapis di bawah mereka. InsyaAllah.

    Bagi yang jadi imam, akan membina pelapis imam.

    Bagi yang memimpin akan membina pelapis pemimpin.

    Seperti saya sebutkan contoh sembahyang jemaah tempohari. Sembahyang solat Isyak di Masjid Puncak Alam telah dikatakan batal kerana imam tertinggal satu ayat dalam Al Fatihah. Manakala bilal serta jemaah tidak langsung perasan dan menegur ketika peristiwa itu sedang terjadi dalam sembahyang.

    Solat itu batal dan perlu digantikan.

    Terima kasih Tun.

  192. I really do not want to see another economical cycle of hatred when perdana menteri baru is sworn in, and have the power of authorithy to put his men to replace the men chosen by the bekas perdana menteri.

    If you like reading, perhaps you may want to read American Trap written by French author too.

    If you like movies, perhaps you may watch hollywood movies and drama, you will realize in every movie and drama that they made, it is always american patriotism first, a role modelling of the new world whereby sacrifices and hard choices need to make to save millions of lives and sovereign wealth across the world in the future.

    Rangka sudah ada, which way to go?

    P/s: if politicians are transparent and clean, they will never allow sekatan of news or crtitism, instead, they should listen.


    It affected me too, and i made payment based on the overcharged bill.

    After that, i received another tnb bill reading the same period but the amount pattern is similar to what i used monthly.

    Instead of calling tnb phone no. or go to kedai tnb, i download myTNB apps after reading the 2nd bill, and found out i was overcharged at the balance.

    I chosen to wait it out for the next month hardcopy bill read by their employees, and from they i monitor.

    Technical glitch of new system happens, instead of complaining, i chosen to adapt.


    If we dont trust and have faith with our own country men, who else can we trust?

    Will RTS downsouth be privatized?

    Imso, the answer is a big NO.


    I really do not want to see another economical cycle of hatred when perdana menteri baru is sworn in, and have the power of authorithy to put his men to replace the men chosen by the bekas perdana menteri.

    We cannot change the past but we can improve.

    We can never improve if we do not find out the root cause of the past.

    P/s: the partisan politics of the wannabes is so clear and loud. have they changed? No, they have not change at all. politics was never a career that can made you rich overnight, and politics was not a career that can never bankrupt you overnight.

  194. Not only that, even malay woman of age 40 plus with adult children got her savings cheated by a younger handsome pakistani whom she married for many years who ran a way with his new malay girl friend, and hajar still have the heart to say bersimpati dengan kaum saya, atau dia memang benci kaum saya?

    Sure hope there wont be a sub-prime mortgage meltdown and sharp decrease of bursa malaysia due to changing hands when perdana menteri ke-8 sworn in in 3 years from now.

    I really have nothing to say, and i dont know what to say.

    P/s: i sure hope before they voice out their stand, please think of the consequences. confident crisis is not something you can play play.


    Kes macam ini memang manyak, even my young ex-colleague pun kena, suami pakistani took their son bla back to his home country.

    I am just wondering if the father or mother is muslim, and married malay muslim and have children, then, by right the case must be trialed under common law, atau federal court, cannot be under syariah law, or state court one.


    Common sense will tell us should there be any changes of syariah laws, it cannot be changed in dewan rakyat negeri without debate in federal parliament.

    The worst thing is the ruling, opposition, pas and independent parties allowed it to happen, how ugly and scary the truth is under this topic.

    So how?

    P/s: the chinese parents are worried that their daughters fall in love with low skill labours from asean, i am not sure indian parents worried or not?


    Jumaat terakhir dibulan Ramadhan..
    Semoga mahir dimasa hadapan..

    Bazar Ramadhan KL,
    Jln. Raja, Dataran Merdeka.
    Dari pemerhatian..Harap agar dpt dipertingkatkan kualiti penganjuran pd tahun tahun mendatang..
    : syarat permohonan yg lebih terbuka,
    (dpt menggalakkan kepelbagaian produk / usahawan melayu)

    : proses pengundian dijalankan lebih awal & telus.

    : penggunaan khemah (marquee tent) yg lebih sempurna..
    Yg tak bocor & juga mempunyai platform lantai yg ditinggikan sedikit dari aras jalanraya (masalah hujan/air naik)
    Begitu juga dgn masalah pengudaraan & hawa dlm khemah..
    (Memula kipas, kena komplen, tambah aircond)..

    Walau apapun.. sy bagi
    7/10⛦ utk penganjuran bazar tersebut..
    (terima kasih juga dgn bayaran lesen & perkhidmatan utk petak niaga yg boleh dikatakan murah).

    Tahniah DBKL & tingkatkan kualiti..

    p/s: Tahun depan, jika kualiti penganjuran dpt dipertingkat, bayaran lesen & perkhidmatan ‘naik sikit’ pun tak apa..bolehh aje…hehe..,

    InsyaAllah, ada rezeki.. umur panjang..tahun hadapan..😉

    Lepas raya apa nk cerita..??
    Kisah penguasa dgn penjaja..?
    Saya meniaga di Danau Kota,
    mencari rezeki dikaki lima..😥

    sy ingat jp lg tengahari nk gi niaga lah kt Masjid Jamek Kg. Bharu buat lelong produk..😁


    Asalamualaikum Tun,
    Selamat pagi & Salam hari Juma’at.
    26hb Ramadhan 1440H

  197. HBT456, why don’t you invite him to become a member of your family? he..he..

    That’s right, HBT456. So get used to it. He..he

    Thats not my job to approve the forecast budget for the local human right activists, and to get rubber stamp for such causes, they know where to ask.

    Mana tahu, mungkin pas pulak want to invite them to become the member of their family to increase their membership in quantity to show they have the numbers, memang tak anih one, tak gitu?

    Mungkin, pas rasa mereka yang paling berlayak, and want to lobby such budget to champion such cause kerana mereka sama-sama muslim what.

    P/s: it is still come back to chicken and egg issues, so it is up to the political of the divides to win votes of the constituencies that they contest.

  198. “which way best fit the interest of this country name malaysia? malay and islam biased policy so that they can continue to makan angin to earn race base undi by exploiting the non malay muslim races after more than 60 years of merdeka?”

    That’s right, HBT456. So get used to it. He..he

  199. “Will he be deported back to bangladesh?”

    HBT456, why don’t you invite him to become a member of your family? he..he..


    Our perdana menteri is in tokyo, japan, to make a stand in a forum representing malaysians of all races, am i right?

    There was a terrorist attacks executed by anak elite bangladesh group that anti-foreigners who bring economis progress to create jobs in a very popular spot for expatriates to dine, and some of the victims are japanese with dignatries were killed in that bombing on that day.

    Macam, ini, during ww 2 under japan imperialism, young japanese were recruited as soldiers to invade east asia from north to south asia to declare japan emperor as furore of east asia, and at this age, male puberty is very high, nafsu sex amat kuat, so how?

    Jadi mereka tangkap young, not so old and old women by force to work as comfort women for these soldiers to kurangkan nafsu sex so that they could focus in expanding their military power to conquer east asia starting from china all the way down south until president usa entah nama apa decided to lepaskan w biji atomic bomb at hiroshima and nagasaki selepas japanese soldiers bombed usa military base at honolulu in pacific ocean.

    In fact, japan had already paid the pampasan via donation and barter trades of technologies transfer for this grievous mistake of their imperialism sampai jepun cabinet tukar bendera mereka with a plain white cloth with little red round dot symbolize blood in the middle right after they surrended in ww 2 to mark the end of their imperialism invasion of few years.

    This is to remind the young and future japanese generations to learn from this grievious mistake of imperialism that sacrificed so many lives and wealth of so many innocent japanese and neighbour countries.

    Jadi, japanese porn and sex gadgets are very popular in world market.


    Aiyo, nafsu kuat , no need to rape la, beli street service, buku, online atau gadget tu aja, apa2 yang malu ini jika you rasa you ingin dapatkan servis ini, betul tak?

    Tetapi, isu macam ini memang sensitive and its embarassing to be label as pak hamsap because malaysians in general are conservative, so mps pun tahu, jadi mereka tak akan bawa isu ini to bentangkan di federal parliament what, betul tak?

    The reason i put this out is not because i am anti-japanese or pro-bangladesh.

    Have you ever think that this young bangladeshi too might copied his bangladeshi , foreign and local peers of his age group, and not knowing it is morally wrong and could be arrested to touch the buntut of these young girls di mana ada mereka yang buat, ok aja, takda orang peduli pun, betul tak?

    I am not sure what will happen to this young man.

    Will he be sent lock up?

    Will he be sent to hospital sakit jiwa kerajaan?

    Will he be absorped by the human right activists to counsel him via social works?

    Will he be deported back to bangladesh?

    Local activists said they champion human rights and go green recycle programme, but when things go wrong, it is kind of weird to read the word ‘ treason’, dont you think so?

    They allowed import of sampah waste under go green recycle programme, at the same time, they allowed import of low skill workers from poor countries to sort the sampah waste to show they are berperikemanusiaan.

    Ini adalah salah pengundi, perjuang activist, parti politik tanahair atau kakitangan kerajaan persekutuan?

    P/s: you rasa baju dan aksessori uniglo dibuat dari negara mana? no doubt cotton wool is very popular, but if cotton wool is being used to sort manually via labor intensive policy of a country, i wont buy eventhough it is very cheap. why? because i dont know how many labour human lives were sacrifice for such cotton wool industry that can cause lung disease to these labour and their next generations to come. therefore, never judge a book by its cover dengan tulisan yang hanya menyedapkan hati menteri2 tanahair kita saja of 1 sided view. what should be done? yup, there is no free lunch or freebies, therefore, which way best fit the interest of this country name malaysia? malay and islam biased policy so that they can continue to makan angin to earn race base undi by exploiting the non malay muslim races after more than 60 years of merdeka?

  201. Assalamualaikum Tun.

    Saya baca ‘false and fake news spread faster than truth’.

    Setiap dari kita memberi pandangan hasil dari pembacaan. Bahan baccan itu boleh diperolehi dari mana mana pada zaman alam maya ini. Samada benar atau tidak benar.

    Ia juga dinilai dari segi perasaan dan penglihatan.

    Sebagai seorang Islam bagaimana kita mahu tahu ia benar atau tidak?

    Pada saya keyakinan itu datang dari Allah swt.

    Puteri Balqis menyingkap sedikit kain sehingga menampakkan betisnya apabila menganggap laluan yang dilaluinya adalah air, sedangkan tidak. Itu cerita Nabi Sulaiman a.a

    Manakala Nabi Khidir a.s pula dengan sengaja membocorkan perahu kepunyaan seseorang.

    Akan sentiasa ada false and fake news. Namun yang paling penting jaga hati, pemakanan atau dengan kata mudah dengarlah kata kata kebaikan seorang guru dan amalkan ia.

    Seorang Islam tidak mengagungkan antara sesama manusia mahupun bangsa.

    Cukup untuk menjaga hak diri sendiri sudah membolehkan kita menjaga keluarga, agama, bangsa dan negara.

    Tiada yang benar melainkan kata kata Al Quran.

    Tiada yang benar melainkan kata kata seorang mursyid.

    Terima kasih Tun.

  202. Salam YAB dan DiSanjungi PM Tun Dr. Mahathir,

    Nampaknya AG yang Tun lantik sedang berusaha keras untuk melepaskan para perusuh dan golongan yang dituduh terlibat dalam kematian arwah Adib (seorang Melayu Islam).

    Seperti yang dijangka, tujuan utama inkues kes mencari punca kematian arwah Adib ialah semata-mata mahu mensabitkan kematian Adib sebagai mati dilanggar (tersepit) oleh trak Bomba; konklusinya nanti ialah punca kematian arwah Adib ialah kerana arwah dilanggar.

    Rakyat bukan boleh diperbodohkan oleh ‘pakar’ yang nampak amat tidak pakar. Andaikata Syazlin (peguam) bersetuju dengan TEORI MENGARUT pakar tersebut, sudah tentu Syazlin tidak diberi tekanan sehingga terpaksa menarik diri.

    Terima kasih Tun.

    – Semoga Allah SWT sentiasa merahmati Tun sekeluarga –

  203. Pemimpin negara dan negeri tak tahu nak selesaikan masalah except hard sell theirs opinion in media?

    Sebab tu saya TERLAMPAU RISAU, TERLALU TAKUT kalau Tun menulis kat sini.

    Musato needs to risau dan takut, why?

    Look at the chosen candidates holding the ministry portfolios closed to tdm’s heart, you will know he would push through look east policy with malay biased policy this time, janji menang undi kaum majoriti.

    What he had gone through when dsn became amat berkuasa dan bermahalela with absolute support from his supreme umno leaders, it is not a top secret what since press media is allowed to cover political statements made by ex-prime ministers and others too across the borders without sekatan.

    Itulah sebabnya tdm kata he cannot afford to loose, musato pernah terasa apakah yang tdm pernah lalui pada detik masa itu?

    PM yang berkuasa penuh dan sultan sultan terpaksa kata okey.

    Ia adalah amanah. Amanah yang tidak boleh main main. Sesak nafas sampai fikir oksigen itu perlu dibayar. Takut pada Allah swt.

    HBT pernah tak terdetik di hati kecil, “saya ada tuhan?”

    The main reason i signed in this ‘blog to unblog’ is because i wanted to find out the root cause why ringgit was depegged from us dollar as trading dollar comes with capital control with bumiputra status policy on september 1st, 1998.

    Detik masa ini, saya teringkat barisan nasional speech made by dr mm in rtm after the sacking (or before the sacking, cannot remember) of dsai on 1/9/1998, and general election was delayed, atau postponed, for 2 years, and was called in year 2000, betul?

    Perhaps, due to my tertiary education in chosing economics as major kerana khusus ini adalah minat saya pada masa itu, i have chosen to compare usa and china for my final paper by applying macro economic theory.

    Kini, anak-anak saya sudah besar dan berdikari, saya kini ada masa lapang to do what i want to do, not what i need or have to do to earn a decent and stable salary based on market requirement and salary offered.

    In fact, race and religion supremacy no longer relevant, but this is how malaysia is built since merdeka via perikatan of political parties to form the cabinet to seat in federal and state parliaments via ruling and shadow governments to implement dasar pembangunan, perpaduan dan pemodenanan semenjak kita merderka dari dulu hingga sekarang.

    Perhaps, our politicians of the divide are so used to race and religion supremacy, to ask them to change is impossible, why?

    To them, janji menang, baru bikin.

    Apabila tak jadi, the wannabes will continue to use race and religion supremacy to voice their stand, stay silent elegant atau buat komplen kepada parti kesayangan masing-masing, dont you think so?

    The federal official religion is islam, masih ada ahli2 parti politik tanahair rasa posisi islam tergugat, and continue to hard sell their stand, dont you think mereka ini terlalu perasaan?

    If they are good, they shouldnt feel threatened at all, dont you think so?

    Do you think usa treasury is being arrogant, ignorant and tidak berperikemanusiaan for protecting their citizens, interest and allies even in the event of sending usa troops to protect such cause in sharing power and economics across the border, and world?

    Itu lah sebabnya, saya kata jika mereka yang terpilih buta huruf teknikal dan geografi, mereka tidak akan sampai ke mana2 jua.


    Winner takes all, similarly, looser takes all.

    The winner will decide who gets what, and who dont get what, janji menang, baru bikin, kemudian menyesal with forever got tomorrow one punya mindset, tak gitu?

    The chances of usa republican in bombing iran is not bluffing because they have no choice after so many rounds of negotiation with them.

    Chinese communist and pla already make their stand very clear, if they have no choice, they too will use their media, diplomacy and military actions to protect their people and allies to engage further negotiation further for win-win situation.

    P/s: i am not sure what will happen next, but with the current political situation for umno to request AG at putrajaya to resign for not being able to justify the death of bomba adip, you will know they will do anything at all costs janji menang. why? to them, root cause atau truth is not important, janji buat political statements to sedapkan hati dan jiwa melayu, dll punya mesti diam, atau shut up, tak gitu? bak kata, mereka ini suka korek lubang sini, lubang sana, tetapi, hanya satu penutup saja, so how? jika yang teratasnya tersenget, yang bawahnya pasti akan berpecah, so which way to go?

  204. Assalamualaikum Tun.

    Kita ni bertuah sebab ada Tun Mahathir.

    HBT, musato tak kisah pun boleh bersaing atau tidak dengan bangsa sendiri.

    Ada kemahiran, ada simpanan apa nak buat semua pun boleh.

    Pemimpin negara dan negeri tak tahu nak selesaikan masalah except hard sell theirs opinion in media?

    Sebab tu saya TERLAMPAU RISAU, TERLALU TAKUT kalau Tun menulis kat sini.

    Saya tak susah nak jual saya punya pandangan. Sebab Tun adalah posmen saya. Tapi ia jadi semakin menakutkan bila dapat tahu tiada orang lain dapat selesaikan masalah selain musato.

    Kita telah turunkan 2 PM dan satu kali telah tukarkan kerajaan Malaysia.

    PM yang berkuasa penuh dan sultan sultan terpaksa kata okey.

    Ia adalah amanah. Amanah yang tidak boleh main main. Sesak nafas sampai fikir oksigen itu perlu dibayar. Takut pada Allah swt.

    HBT pernah tak terdetik di hati kecil, “saya ada tuhan?”

    Terima kasih Tun.

  205. Mca has the right to question dap, just like when dap questioned Mca in the past.


    Mca has the right to question dap, just like when dap questioned dap in the past.

    So how?

    It is still come back to the voters to decide when general election is called.

    If you loose hope, vote opposition coaltion or migrate, betul tak?

    Bak kata, political parties can choose, voters too can choose.

    Therefore, dont be too obsess in vote counts since no one knows what will happen in the future since perdana menteri must get the mandate from the voters via political parties.

    Never bite the finger that feed you, and be the grateful lot rather than be the frustrated lot.

    A vote win for ph is a vote loss for bn.

    Both of the coalition really need to scratch their heads to win or split votes.

    Pusing sini, pusing sana, still go back to square one, just like trump met abe for golf this time similar to what obama did in the past, but can abe wins out in july general election? it is very much depend on how mature the opposition party and the media in japan and outside japan in challenging him to create headlines, hence to increase readership on paper and online, thats public money too earned via journalism.

  207. Adakah itu hutang negara atau hutang ah long, itu terpulang kepada pendirian musato.

    Musato kena tepuk dada, adakah musato boleh bersaing dengan kaumnys sendiri?

    Apakah yang sedang berlaku?

    I rasa tiada tokoh negeri mahupun negara ada cara penyelesaian except hard sell their opinions in the media.

    P/s: i am sure the freelance writer rais hussin does not read and watch news run by prc, why? the communist comrade of Turkic Uyghur was charged for corruption, if he did, he wont write rubbish to make his stand.

  208. Assalamualaikum Tun.




    365,000 akaun?

    Minta pendapat orang ramai?

    Jaga PTPTN je kot. Upah 3 orang pekerja gaji rm5000 sorang. Kerjanya selidik sorang demi sorang peminjam PTPTN dan tentukan tindakan patut diambil berdasarkan individu. 1. Bayar rm50 je. 2. Bayar penuh bulanan 3. Saman. 4. Halang keluar negara. Itu kerja ofis.

    Kerja lapangan.

    Setiap daerah lantik 3 pekerja gaji rm4,000 campur elaun perjalanan pergi setiap rumah peminjam.

    Rekodkan paras keberadaan si peminjam. Pastikan alamat betul. No tel betul. Rekodkan status pekerjaan semasa.

    Tentukan tindakan patut diambil. 1. Bayar rm50 je. 2. Bayar penuh bulanan. 3. Saman. 4. Halang keluar negara. Itu kerja lapangan.

    Kemudian terdapat 3 orang di atas yang putuskan ketepatan keputusan ofis dan lapangan untuk diteruskan.

    Setel masalah.

    Asyik pot pet pot pet perbelanjaan keluar, air liur berkurang, reputasi tak bagus, hutang makin bertambah.

    Sebab tu bisnes Ah Long lagi bagus.

    Terima kasih Tun.

  209. Salam YAB dan DiSanjungi PM Tun Dr. Mahathir,

    Dalam keterujaan dan keghairahan sesetengah pihak untuk MENDAULATKAN ISLAM (kononnya), ada yang sanggup melakukan perkara-perkara yang pada pandangan saya amat janggal di bulan Ramadhan yang mulia ini serta boleh mendatangkan kemudaratan kepada umat Islam di Malaysia.

    1. Apa perlunya menjemput orang bukan Islam untuk berbuka puasa dengan orang Islam? Mereka berpuasa jugakah? Ada banyak cara lain lagi untuk memberi kefahaman tentang ibadah puasa. Lagipun, banyak hotel2 dan restoren2 menyediakan ‘buffet’ Ramadhan, dan orang kafir boleh lihat sendiri keadaan semasa berbuka. Ia terbuka kepada semua – Islam dan bukan Islam. Kelakar pula bila ada yang kata kita mahu orang kafir rasai suasana berbuka puasa.

    2. Lebih bertambah janggal bila mana ada pihak menganjurkan majlis berbuka puasa yang terbuka kepada orang bukan Islam di surau, dan kalau saya tidak silap saya nampak majlis tersebut di buat di dalam ruang solat. Kalau ye pun berniat baik mahu bergaul mesra dengan orang kafir, takkanlah sampai begitu sekali. Mengapa tidak diadakan di perkarangan surau atau buat di kawasan lapang @ padang (jika ada) berdekatan?

    3. Dan sepuluh kali janggal dan PELIK, ada pula (saya baca) pihak yang berbuka puasa di rumah ibadat orang bukan Islam. Kegilaan apakah ini? Adakah kita umat Islam di Malaysia amat merempat (bangsat – maaf cakap) sehingga perlu berbuka puasa di rumah ibadat orang kafir? Adakah kita kekurangan masjid2 dan surau2 di Malaysia? Adakah golongan (jika golongan asnaf) yang berbuka puasa di rumah ibadat tersebut terpaksa berbuat demikian kerana ketiadaan makanan di tempat lain, dan tiada dana (penderma2) lain yang lebih afdal? Atau apakah Kerajaan kita sendiri sudah muflis dan perlu mengemis kepada orang kafir untuk memberi orang Islam makan semasa berbuka?

    4. Bagaimana dengan solat Maghrib yang perlu dilakukan segera selepas berbuka? Takkanlah pula perlu bergegas balik atau cari surau/masjid berdekatan untuk solat. Sempatkah?

    5. Hukum bersolat di dalam rumah ibadat orang kafir ialah MAKRUH (ini menurut fatwa Kebangsaan). Elok ditinggalkan. Lagi satu, jika ada berhala2 besar di dalam rumah ibadat itu, apa pula hukumnya jika kebetulan kiblat menghala ke arah berhala tersebut? Pada saya ini membawa kepada SYIRIK! Lagipun di Malaysia kita ada banyak masjid dan surau di merata-rata tempat. Di tempat membeli-belah pun ada surau. Jadi tidak timbul soal yang kita terpaksa (darurat) bersolat di dalam kuil atau gereja (atau perkarangan)!

    6. Maaf cakaplah…Semakin banyak perkara2 pelik berlaku akhir2 ini. Jangan nanti kita dilaknat oleh Allah SWT. Jagalah kesucian agama Islam, dan jagalah maruah kita sebagai umat Islam.

    Terima kasih Tun.

    – Semoga Allah SWT sentiasa merahmati Tun sekeluarga –

  210. Bak kata orang putih, the apple is rotten to the core, meaning, memang kena buang.

    The only thing that i didnt expect is the 4th floor boys are so fearless and greedy that they forgot they are malaysian.

    Jet li rejected the casting role for hollywood matrix because hollywood producer wants his kung fu martial art to be filed and recorded for digital imaging.

    He told the press that he rejected because without his country state full sponsorship for his training to be excellent in martial art sport, he would never gain fame and become the highest paid chinese actor outside china.

    He said, if his movement is taped, then, it would be very unfair to other martial art players who trained so hard for their whole life.

    Can you reject such offer?

    Itulah sebabnya, patriotism can never be bought with money and fame.

    If patriotism can be bought, then, that is fake patriotism whereby money can kow tim.

    P/s: good luck to dsai and pakatan harapan, especially the malay ministers.


    Those who cheat are as quilty as those who allowed them to cheat.

    Will the young and dangerous reckless indian man driver be allowed to be bailout by penang high court because he is a minority race, and the victim is chinese?

    Adakah musato rasa lega dan hepi?

    P/s: did tony fernandez involve too since he married in entah mana punya island with his korean girl friend a couple of years ago?


    His article is full of imagination without substance and proof.

    Instead, he should write to question why birotata is no longer relevant.

    P/s: i am not sure will tdm aporove the 20% quota for bumiputra contractors or not for ercl, but i hope he wont approve such quota in era baru malaysia. why? its hard broken to see bumiputra contractors being bankrupted by their state government because they cannot handle the jobs. If i am being racist and extreme, then, so be it.

  213. Tun

    Duit ini penting. Sekarang semua pun perlu duit. Ada yang hilang pekerjaan. Ada yang tiada dapat kerja. Ada yang hilang source of income bila breadwinner masuk jail. Ada yang tak layak dapat bantuan tapi perlu bantuan sangat. Stock market performance pun jadi teruk sejak PH naik. Ini satu pekembangan tidak sihat. Kami agak bosan dengan kenakalan Menteri2 PH. C’mon get serious!

    Ini apa pula cerita tiba2 saja lawyer appointed by Menteri Perumahan dalam inkues Adib tarik diri. Bosanlah dengan AG Malaysia ini. Macam2 hal tidak masuk akal dia boleh buat. Ah I tak perlu cakap, kalau orang2 Tun rajin, carilah sendiri.

  214. Good morning Tun

    I tertarik baca komen2 online berkenaan puasa dan Marina Mahathir. Nampaknya Mujahat tak termasuk dalam senarai. Oops Mujahid, memang ramai orang panggil dia Mujahat sekarang.

    From my daughter I juga ada dengar cerita kalau kat Kuantan orang yang tak puasa, tangkap masuk van jenazah. Dulu I pernah sebut sini tentang soal moral, bila mana di Putrajaya I nampak ramai ibu muda berhijab beli makanan untuk anak mereka dan sedia duduk semeja ketika anak makan dikhalayak ramai. Nampak sangat tiada disiplin. Saolah mereka menggalakkan pula anak2 tidak hormat bulan pulan.

    How about orang sakit dan kena makan ubat. I for example after jalan tak sampai sejam dalam shopping complex ada masa mula rasa nak pitam. I kena taruh sesuatu dalam mulut. Ini bukan saja dalam bulan puasa malah hari2 dalam bulan lain pun sama.

    My pendapat membeli makanan pada bila2 masa dalam bulan puasa, sepatutnya boleh dan dibenarkan. Cuma elakkan makan dikhalayak ramai pada yang tidak berpuasa. Kalau terpaksa makan, sorok2lah makan. Sebab bukan semua orang Islam boleh berpuasa dalam bulan puasa, malah dalam Islam sendiri ada tertera golongan tertentu yang tidak boleh berpuasa.

  215. Haters said, huawei logo is apple cut into pieces.

    Aiyo, huawei logo represent lotus.

    What is the meaning of lotus flower in china?

    Lotus: The lotus is one of the most significant flowers in the Chinese culture. It symbolizes the holy seat of Buddha. Because the flower rises from the mud and blooms in exquisite beauty it symbolizes perfection and purity of both the heart and mind. It also represents long life and honor.


    Dulu, umno baru youth leader and pas youth tunjuk perasaan in front of usa embassy but no charges were filed.

    Kini, psm wants charges to be filed?

    I guess psm must have forgotten a local pakcik tua india security guard raped a young malay girl until she died made headline.

    Melayu mudah lupa.

    P/s: what will happen, it will happen. what will not happen, it will not happen.

  217. MenDaulatkan Islam perlu pengorbanan

    Dunia Islam perlu Pemimpin
    Pemimpin perlu satukan Ummah

    Turkey wajar jadi Pemimpin Dunia Islam
    Dunia Islam perlu berusaha menyatu padukan Dunia Islam
    Ia bermula dengan Pemimpin Negara Islam
    Bercakap di PBB hanya Masuk Angin Keluar Asap

    Pemimpin Dunia Islam perlu membangunkan Ketenteraan
    Perlu berani dan mendogak
    Bukan hanya menadah tangan dan mengharap Ikhsan dari musuh Islam sendiri

  218. On the LGBT controversy, in my honest opinion… I don’t think we are ready to accept it yet.

    Sabah is not ready for lgbt controversy, and sabah state assembly has the absolute say on this matter, but mr twimnpeaks cannot stop same sex couples to get married out side sabah, and out side malaysia.

    Frankly speaking, when i see indians championing the lgbt cause in penang, in fact i am worried about their safety due to dengki and hasut by their hardcore enemies of intolerance racist bigots party members.

    A couple of years back, i was approached by 2 foreign muslim, and from their dressing and skin color, i guess they must be imported from northern muslim country, asking for tambang to go back to bangi.

    They were so emotionally depressed, and might be conned to work in this country via human trafficking syndicates with permit due to projected dermaan.

    I did not know how to react properly, and i gave them myr20 each, and adviced them to be careful in asking for sedekah because they could be beaten by the not so nice locals.

    After the incidents of same skin color of an uncle and a nenek in scolding me for not buying stuffs from them in exchange as sedekah, i told myself, i will not donate to local, and foreigners even if they have permit to do so including international online donation.

    As saying goes, donate at your own risks too because human race is greedy and fearless until they forget their obligation as the citizens of the country.

    There are many copycats out there, and the worst thing is they copied for the sake of copy without even asking are their target market, or investor, ready to accept such ideology, or concept?

    P/s: head you take, body i take and legs you take? if the voters are not ready, apa2 part you take pun tak akan kukuh punya, and will ended as white elephants. numbers dont cheat, but politicians cheat. as saying goes, be very very fearful when these politicians become gready. similarly, be very very greedy when these politicians become fearful. rome was not built in one day, but rome was destroyed in one day due to salah langkah dan salah tema. which way to go?


    Loyalty is the utmost priority in umno baru political party whereby all members wajib to follow, jika tidak, mereka pasti akan dicantas, and it happened right before general election was called, dah lupa?

    Yang aku tahu punya, bini bekas perdana menteri dan menteri pertahanan suka menyanyi karaoke.

    Beliau kata she needs to spend myr1,200 on her hair alone for government functions, dah lupa?

    The jewelleries that she ordered is it for her own?

    The real threat to the beijing’s commmunist political party is massive corruption that could split china into pieces, and at the end, their people will suffer too.

    There must be solid reasons on corruption ground why beijing hold the 2 ex-diplomat of 2 canadians until today after the exposure of huawei’s cfo with her illegal dealing with iran on the soil of usa.

    I already said, the more the malay and bumiputra protest and demand, the more their political parties’ members get confuse.

    But they have choice either to protest, to settle in court or out of court without jeopadizing the ongoing projects at state and federal level that would be enough to feed all of us in a generation or 2.

    It is not about people power, it is those who are elected able to do their job or not.

    There is always a starting point to rectify what when wrong.

    Similarly, there is always an ending point to rectify what went wrong.

    Vote counts is a must to dictate federal budget, or the unearned future revenue for the current and opposition coalitions.

    Vote counts is not a must to get bailout at the expense of other races.

    Why challenge the status quo of malay biased policy?

    To them, only they can be perdana menteri because malay is muslim.

    Bak kata, jika tersalah tema dan langkah, yang untung pun boleh jadi rugi.

    But, malay are nice people too, in fact, they are more than delighted to welcome regulated fdi to build their states at federal level.

    But, malay too just like other races, could be manipulated to topple a government.

    P/s: the likes garnered in the official facebook account of dsn is spammed by his hardcore supporters, and why are they still doing that? Will he get re-elected? Who send dsai to jail? Can you guess? to be the perdana menteri of malaysia, he or she must be jack of all trades, and master of none. why? because he or she needs to support his political first via money politics, and this is something not unfamiliar to the insiders.

    Bak kata, you can fool someone sometimes, but you cannot fool them all the time.

  220. Assalamualaikum,

    Tahun 2018 adalah satu tahun yang mana saya banyak ditipu. Dalam tahun inilah saya ditipu seorang jurujual kerusi urut menyebabkan saya kerugian besar. Saya juga ditipu oleh seorang mekanik yang mana kereta saya tidak dibaiki walaupun wang telah dibayar penuh malah alat2 ganti sedia ada dicuri dan dijual kepada orang lain.

    Dari segi politik, saya juga diyakinkan oleh Tun supaya undi PH kononnya negara akan bankrap tetapi akhirnya mendapati bahawa ini juga adalah satu penipuan yang besar. Malah nilai pegangan saham saya jatuh dengan teruk hingga menyebabkan saya pula hampir bankrap. Nilai tukaran wang teruk, harga komoditi jatuh menjunam, sektor pekerjaaan semakin menguncup, harga barang makin naik, hutang negara bertambah, aset negara banyak dijual dan yang paling keji : peningkatan sentimen anti agama Islam dan bangsa Melayu dari juak penyokong PH terutama DAP dalam kempen alam maya mereka.

    Pedih rasanya tapi apalah yang hendak dikata. Satu yang saya dapat pelajari dari tahun 2018 ialah saya tidak akan mudah percaya lagi kepada orang. Apalagi orang itu telah banyak kali tipu, u-turn dan tuduh sebarangan.

    Semoga Allah selamatkan Malaysia dari segala bala bencana dan juga musuh2 Islam. Disini saya juga ingin mengucapkan selamat berpuasa kepada semua umat2 Islam di Malaysia.


  221. On the LGBT controversy, in my honest opinion… I don’t think we are ready to accept it yet.
    The reason is firstly, our nation has an ‘official religion’, and when you have an official religion, all laws can only be passed in parliament if they don’t contradict the essential tenets of that religion. I believe, as Musato said, most other religions are similar in their basic tenets as to Islam.
    Secondly, religious beliefs are still embedded in the Majority of Malaysians. And when the majority does not agree with a proposed law, and as we are a democratic country, that law will not be passed. This is the same thing that happened in the United States, where anti-abortion laws are easily passed in certain states but are strongly opposed in others.
    In short, Malaysia is not ready yet to pass what I consider very liberal laws, as the majority of its citizens are not prepared to accept them yet. But in the future.., that may be a different result. But for now, no.

  222. About 15 hours ago HISTORY Facebook share ini

    On this day in 1950, the design of Malaysia’s national flag, the Jalur Gemilang, was first adopted and hoisted in front of the residence of the Sultan of Selangor.

    After the foundation of Federation of Malaya on 1 February 1948, the Federation Legislation Council held a national competition for the design of a new flag in 1949. Among the 373 entries, the final 3 designs were announced through a public poll published in The Malay Mail. On 28 November 1949, majority of the votes had chosen the flag designed by architect Mohamad bin Hamzah.

    The initial design by Mohamad had 11 blue and white stripes with a yellow star and crescent over a red background on the top left corner. The design was adjusted, and the stripe color was changed into red and white, while the canton color became blue. Yellow symbolises the sovereignty of Malay rulers, while red, white and blue indicate that the country belongs in the Commonwealth. The crescent represents Islam which is the official religion of Malaysia. The current flag has 14 stripes and a 14-pointed star which shows the unity of the Malay states.

    On 26 May 1950, the Federation of Malaya flag was first hoisted in the Sultan of Selangor’s residence in an official procession held by British High Commission.

  223. Good morning Tun

    Antara kes ayng tak manis Gara2 salah masuk laluan, wanita Cina diserang sekumpulan pengunjung Bazar Buluh Kubu Kota Bharu. In the first place kenapa dia gatal2 masuk situ. Dah tau bulan ramadan, mestilah pengunjung ramai disitu.

    Cerita ini I dengar dari my daughter, dia kata wanita Cina ini terlanggar kaki budak, dah tu sebut perkataan ‘bodoh’. I fikir sejak Tun mempopularkan perkataan ‘bodoh’ ramai pula pengikutnya. Kalau Tun kata TMJ bodoh, tak salah kalau orang lain pun bodoh sama.

    Anyway to me salah wanita ini, siapa suruh dia main masuk2, I sendiri pun kalau nak pergi bazar ramadan, pasar tani or even pasar malam mana ada main masuk laluan, mesti park jauh2.

  224. Salam YAB dan DiSanjungi PM Tun Dr. Mahathir,

    Kewajipan membayar hutang menurut ISLAM:

    Dalam Islam, jika seseorang berhutang tetapi tidak berniat (dan tidak berusaha bersungguh-sungguh) untuk membayar hutang tersebut, dia mati sebagai PENCURI (jika hutang tidak dilunaskan bila dia mati).

    Contohnya: Seorang pelajar mengambil pinjaman PTPTN (berhutang dan sudah ada kontrak untuk membayar balik mengikut terma2 & syarat2), tetapi tidak langsung berniat untuk membayar hutang tersebut, dan cuba sedaya upaya memberi pelbagai alasan dangkal @ bodoh untuk mengelak dari membayar hutang tersebut (walaupun mampu; telah bekerja, dan mampu pergi bercuti ke luar negara, dan membeli harta/aset dan barang2 yang bukan keperluan dan boleh lagi bermewah-mewah dengan HP canggih, dll.). Tiba2 mati kemalangan…

    Rasulullah SAW bersabda,
    “Siapa saja yang berhutang lalu berniat tidak mahu melunasinya (membayarnya), maka dia akan bertemu Allah (pada hari kiamat) dalam status sebagai pencuri.” [HR. Ibnu Majah no. 2410. Syaikh Al Albani mengatakan bahwa hadits ini hasan sahih].

    Para peminjam PTPTN yang enggan membayar hutang mereka memanglah ibarat pencuri. Disebabkan mereka tidak ada rasa tanggungjawab untuk membayar hutang mereka, pelajar2 baru yang ingin mengambil pinjaman dari PTPTN menghadapi masalah sebab PTPTN sudah kekurangan dana. Para peminjam yang liat membayar hutang telah MENCURI peluang pelajar2 baru untuk mendapatkan pembiayaan bagi pengajian mereka – menyusahkan orang lain.

    Malangnya, Kerajaan PH telah MEROSAKKAN POLISI berkesan / efektif (termasuk menghalang peminjam2 yang enggan membayar hutang untuk ke luar Negara – mesti bayar amaun minima baru boleh pergi) yang telah Kerajaan BN perkenalkan sebelum ini.

    Jadi siapakah yang telah merosakkan sistem dalam PTPTN yang menyebabkan PTPTN berdepan masalah lebih besar (kutipan hutang semakin berkurangan)?

    – Prinsip saya, “hutang mesti dibayar” (wajib). Jadi para peminjam PTPTN mesti melunaskan hutang mereka.
    – Saya harap HBT456 [May 25,2019 8:36 AM] (penyokong kuat DAP) yang suka memutar-belit penulisan saya (memfitnah saya) patut cermin diri sendiri dan insaf. Agaknya fahaman Taoism dia membenarkan dia memfitnah orang lain sesuka hati kot…Ataupun dia sudah nyanyuk dan lupa apa yang orang lain tulis.

    Terima kasih Tun.

    – Semoga Allah SWT sentiasa merahmati Tun sekeluarga –


    It is an open secret of such quota, but the point is not about this quota, the point is whether their state governments are ready to handle such infra structure ecrl.

    It they failed, then, its a debt trap at state and federal level.

    This is something that bn and ph need to consider.

    Jangan nanti tak jadi, they blame their failure at beijing’s one road, one belt initiatives via anti-chinese in the name of race and religion supremacy outside federal parliament.

  226. To legalize same sex marriage or not at federal level first, or state level first, its up to the mps of the divides to debate the pro and cons in federal parliament.

    To publish a porn book in writing, comic or filming, go sell your stories or scripts to the publishers or producers since mereka fasih akta cetak dan akta filem negara ini.

    But i am not sure whether child porn is legal or not at federal and state level since our mps are so indulge in vote counts just for sake of winning votes for the past 10 years.

    Seperti pasukan keselamatan yang bawa bekal hanya untuk sebulan tetapi operasi memakan masa selama 3 bulan di hutan.

    HBT fikir diaorang akan makan apa. Ayam? atau biawak atau babi hutan?

    Ini musato kena tanya menteri pertahanan negara, jangan tanya saya.

    Benefit of doubts is always there, and there must be good reasons when bad things happened.

  227. Assalamualaikum Tun.

    HBT tanya pendapat saya pasal rasa peri kemanusiaan terhadap manusia yang melakukan aktiviti gay dan lesbian dalam soal cari makan.

    Saya tahu HBT tiada amalkan apa apa agama. Tapi ramai di sini tidak tahu. Jadi saya bagitau.

    Mana mana agama termasuk Kristian melarang perlakuan gay dan lesbian. Hukuman yang termaktub adalah hukum mati.

    Saya tahu HBT bukan lesbian. HBT cuma menyokong gay dan lesbian atas dasar kasihan sebagai manusia.

    Saya rasa elok kita tidak bercakap mengenai orang lain. Kita cakap pasal diri kita dulu.

    Dalam Islam kami membahaskan secara terbuka setiap perkara. Islam mencangkupi cara hidup manusia. Termasuk perkara berkaitan seks (terbuka namun terkawal).

    Lelaki perlu berkhatan. Ia membuang sisa kotoran di kepala kemaluan lelaki. Ia juga menambah nikmat ketika aktiviti seks.

    Ramai Cina pun berkhatan sekarang.

    Posisi seks. Terdapat buku buku untuk bacaan pengantin dijual di kedai buku. Termasuk seni Cina kuno, India kuno dan Melayu.

    Posisi seks boleh di mana mana kecuali ketika datang darah dan melalui lubang dubur.

    Ia berkaitan dengan kesihatan dan jangkitan kuman. HIV.

    Dalam Islam wanita adalah ladang tanaman bagi lelaki. Yang didatangi dengan lemah lembut.

    Untuk penjagaan alat sulit wanita, bulu kemaluan perlu dikemaskan. Termasuk lelaki.

    Dibasuh dengan air bersih dicelah celah lapisannya. Bersihkan segala kotoran. Atau mungkin perlu diwangikan.

    Kenapa perlu guna air, bukan tisu? Tisu pun boleh guna jika tiada air. Guna air adalah keutamaan bagi hilangkan warna dan bau kekotoran. Seperti nasihat seorang perempuan Cina lepas saya eksiden motor. Naik keretalah selamat dari naik motor. Saya fikir amat jarang Cina naik motor, kan.

    Babi? Kenapa tak boleh makan?

    Orang Melayu boleh makan babi. Dibolehkan makan jika tiada sumber makanan lain selain babi tersebut. Ia dipanggil darurat.

    Seperti pasukan keselamatan yang bawa bekal hanya untuk sebulan tetapi operasi memakan masa selama 3 bulan di hutan.

    HBT fikir diaorang akan makan apa. Ayam? atau biawak atau babi hutan?

    Terima kasih Tun.

  228. When mrs teresa may gave her speech on her resignation as prime minister, and ended her speech with emotionally choked voice by stressing “i love my country”, with her action of turning and walking back into her office, it made me wonder, did she mean she regretted being too indulge and in love with her conservative party that lead her to the victory of being the negotiator for brexit deal with eu?

    Huawei is being accused of stealing usa intellectual property, but why no one from usa is accusing hollywood avengers in creating thor by stealing the character of thunder god from the chinese literature who can create wind, thunder and rain to exploit the chinese market?

    Republican and democrat can do what they see fit with the patriot law, but in reality, less than 30% of the american citizens vote no matter how much political fund they have dumped into it via us dollar.

    If mr trump bomb iran, and iran retaliate back, what will happen?

    I guess the conflicts of interest between usa and muslim world are more divided than ever, perhaps they enjoy military wars to show their mighty of wmd.

    But kata, the intelligent people avoid, but the not so intelligent ones retaliate.

    It is up to umno-pas to lobby bersatu, maaf ke, atau pura-pura, the ball is on guan eng’s table.

  229. Good morning Tun

    Maaf cakap, parti Bersatu Tun ini tidak dilihat sebagai sebuah parti yang mengamalkan budaya Islam. Menteri2 Tun tidak mengamalkannya. Mungkin some of them anggap mereka liberal. Cara bersila pun salah, tidak Islam, tidak Melayu. Hari ini tertarik baca soal salam atau berjabat tangan sesama Islam.

    I nak kongsi artikel ini Keutamaan Berjabat Tangan Ketika Bertemu

    Dari al-Bara’ bin ‘Azib radhiyallahu ‘anhu, dia berkata, Rasulullah shallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam bersabda,

    مَا مِنْ مُسْلِمَيْنِ يَلْتَقِيَانِ فَيَتَصَافَحَانِ إِلاَّ غُفِرَ لَهُمَا قَبْلَ أَنْ يَفْتَرِقَا

    “Tidaklah dua orang muslim saling bertemu kemudian berjabat tangan, kecuali akan diampuni (dosa-dosa) mereka berdua sebelum mereka berpisah.“

    Baca selengkapnya


    Pendek kata, when % of students who refused to pay, not consistent to pay or gets excited to be loan defaulters by giving all sort of excuses, what will happen next?

    These young students who are serving the pptpn loans will start to think, why should they serve pptpn loan since majority of the students dont serve tak kena apa2.

    You cannot have a law implementor who favors a race at the expense of other races, memang tak masuk akal punya.

    With the 90:10 quota system proposal, the young non malay muslim generation, then need to serve high property loan, high transportation cost, and now high education loan, but malay muslim is still protected under this quota system, tak bayar pun takpa with the alasan of hajar, janji menang undi negeri, tak gitu?

    I am not sure whether they feel proud or not being a protected race, but one thing i am very sure is, ‘it is about vote counts of race and religion’ to dictate the federal budget.

    Jika hajar merajuk, by all means go a head.


    No one can stop her from voting umno malay, but she cannot stop others from voting ph malaysian.

  231. Salam Dearest YAB PM Tun Dr. Mahathir,

    1. Umno veep rejects ‘Bangsa Malaysia’ concept, insists must centre on Islam and Malay culture

    I am with UMNO on this matter.

    We have vernacular schools (Chinese/Tamil) all over Malaysia, and it’s really ridiculous to talk about ‘Bangsa Malaysia @ Malaysian Malaysia’.

    Please get rid of the vernacular schools first, and then we can talk/discuss about ‘Malaysian Malaysia’.

    One more thing, ask those non-Malays (majority) to brush up on their Malay language (BM). It’s so embarrassing to have Malaysians who can’t even speak BM properly. Even the Banglas and Rohingyas speak much better BM that quite a number of those Malaysians who promote the ‘Malaysian Malaysia’ agenda without shame. These OKUs (in learning BM) should simply give up their citizenship and go back to their beloved Motherland that they are so loyal to until today (and forever…).

    2. If PH decides to introduce a subject to teach (introduce) all religions/ faiths at Sekolah Kebangsaan, then I can guarantee that my vote will forever go to BN-PAS (current Oppositions). The only objective of this move is to spread other religions/ beliefs/ faiths to/among the Muslims (so that many will /can become ‘murtad’). Those Muslim kids (primary /secondary levels) are too young to differentiate between what is right and what is wrong (in Islam). Please don’t make this big mistake. It’s going to invite Allah’s wrath. Furthermore, it is also against our Federal Constitution. ISLAM is our Official Religion.

    3. Brunei’s sultan returns Oxford degree after gay sex death penalty backlash

    Bravo Sultan Brunei! Very honorable decision! You do not need the Oxford honorary degree. It’s worthless @ useless…

    Thank you Tun.

    – May Allah SWT bless Tun and family –

  232. Wrong HBT456.
    Google is not open source. Android is. But even that is only the current one and Huawei will face a marketing nightmare once the Android’s new version comes into the market next year. The key to Huawei’s success is the number of apps available on its phones.. which it won’t have once its developer platform (Google) is not installed as Huawei phones are not certified. Sure, its China market is less affected, but its global market surely will (unless Huawei comes up with another plan.. but it’s dead in the water whatever they cook up).

    I am not sure what huawei technologies is up to at this special gazetted zone in opening up china at shenzhen first, guandong province, is going to do next but i know their domestic market catering the common buyers of this province and other major cities in other provinces is enough for them to buffer and transform themselves to the next generation, or next level.

    Even microsoft is not supplying its software for huawei tablets, mr twinpeaks understand what that means?

    For me, huaiwei or other brands of smart phones, as long as they cater my needs with right pricing, i will buy.

    So, pandai-pandai lah mr twinpeaks yang mengelarkan diri dia sebagai sabahan muslim since the voting pattern of general election and by elections is different from owning a smart phone, atau telefon pintar.

    Even if i know the truth, there is nothing i can do.

    It is up to them to repent or not in the name of official religion.

    As saying goes, intelligent people avoid, stupid people follow.

    Betul tetap betul.

    Salah tetap salah.

    Will jho low, his parents and other partners surrender?

    Are there in macau, hongkong or cayman island, british overseas territory?

    Will they have the courage and gut to come back to be trialed in malaysian high court, on what terms and conditions, since their malaysian passports no longer valid?

  233. Wrong HBT456.
    Google is not open source. Android is. But even that is only the current one and Huawei will face a marketing nightmare once the Android’s new version comes into the market next year. The key to Huawei’s success is the number of apps available on its phones.. which it won’t have once its developer platform (Google) is not installed as Huawei phones are not certified. Sure, its China market is less affected, but its global market surely will (unless Huawei comes up with another plan.. but it’s dead in the water whatever they cook up).

  234. Setakat tengok HBT pakai bikini atau seluar pendek apa nak kisah. Pakai singlet pun tak kisah.

    Itu ari, i pergi dbkl buat urusan kerajaan wilayah, aku tak pakai mini skirt, tapi skirt aku sikit pendek dari lutut kaki saya.

    Itu pemuda melayu kakitangan kerajaan persekutuan kata aku tak boleh masuk, tapi, kakak melayu, kata, takpa, boleh bagi masuk aje, very sopan and understanding.

    So i looked at that young man in his late 20s, and asked him, must i go back and change my skirt, but the more matang punya kakak, kata, tak payah, dan suruh saya masuk.

    So how ar?

    So in order to make both hepi, i pulled down my skirt since i lost weight so that i can cover half of my lutut, and senyum dengan ucapan terima kasih for their servis kerajaan persekutuan walaupun aku ini subsidy, tax payers, epf and socso contributors who pay them gaji bulanan, and i walked in.

    There are ways to solve problems, it is very much depend how we solve problems especially dealing with mankind.

    I chosen the polite diplomacy, not the confrontational hostile diplomacy.

    Game of throne?

    I never even watch one episode of such drama, but i am happy that the fans like the drama that create income for the old, middle age and young actors, actresses or even gay and lesbians, and thats my choice micro-economics preference.

    What about musato?

  235. Assalamualaikum Tun,

    Why dont you try and have a sitting with those you speak about and come to a consensus for benefit of the ummah. If the leaders could sit together and put ego aside and do it for Allah Im sure the result shall be good. The followers will follow the actions of the leaders, and the leaders have to ask themselves as to whether their actions divides or unites the ummah.

    whether its for their own political goals and egos, or their outmost love for their Agama, Bangsa dan Negara.

    The disputes are mostly petty, and a united front could achieve far greater.

    Sometimes i do wonder why leaders like yourself daim, anwar, najib, hadi etc couldn’t put aside their differences and work collectively.

    right now its so divisive, when in reality we are all brothers under islam.

    i know it may be naive, but maybe we should work for it, instead of accepting the status quo.


    Are you ready for the bigger picture that is about to turn?

    No matter how political parties and middlemen organizers in politicalizing pptpn loan, subsidy petrol and bantuan sara hidup, these programmes, atau portfolios, will only increase fiscal expenditure of the ex- bn and current ph coffers, in exploiting the current taxpayers for the future generations in order to retain votes.

    What will happen next?

    Myr will depreciate further, bursa malaysia remains robust and challenging with bnm opted cutting points of base lending rate to stimulate domestic property and manufacturing industries to generate growth, why?

    I dont think bn or ph want to abolish nep sooner, or later, to keep status quo, iaitu, mesti menang dulu, baru bikin.

    Jika tak boleh, we will see whether they will set up new political parties, lompat atau retire just to stay relevant tanpa kira mampu atau tidak, janji menang undi kaum majoriti even at expense of sitting down there doing nothing at all, or main politik yang amat tak masuk akal punya as if voters are blind and deaf.

    Why deloitte is being raided, but no arrests made?

    What happened to goldman sach of 1mdb?

    Once a trust is being betrayed, it may take years to rebuild, but when a trust is betrayed, it might not be recovered.

    Dont forget, perdana menteri of malaysia must called for general election to get mandate from the voters of all states including sabah, excluding sarawak.

    After more than 60 years of merdeka, why challenge the status quo of malay bumiputra policy?

    They will never appreciate nor be grateful because to them chinese is pendatang under the topic of “mendaulatkan islam”.

    Dont forget, all political parties have silently back this topic dari dulu hingga kini behind the voters via agree to disagree, disagree to agree, reject or accept, tak gitu?

    P/s: beijing will continue with their one road, one belt initiative cautiously. huawei got no pre-download of google service spells the end of huawei market capitalization? google is an open system, and buyers of new huawei can choose to download or not google services outside china, why? chinese in china dont use google services some 15 years ago what, so without pre-download of google services wont hurt the chinese mainland market capitalization of 1.3 billion population. but, beijing and their ministries will continue to support boeing usa, but some provinces in mainland china may opt to penalize boeing usa. being the leaders of prc, both president and premier cannot take side, and they must honor what they have sign in any treaties with the world, and that’s china, janji no civil and international military war that could split china apart.

  237. Berita terbaru penyanyi Korea disabitkan dengan kegiatan merakam video lucah sendiri.

    Just because of 1 bad apple, young korean industry players are being generalized as all bad apples?

    Jangan lupa, korean entertainment could be rigged too just like their politicians too.

    Jika mereka yang terbabit dengan kesalahan, mereka pasti akan dihukum penjara.

    Mahkamah mereka tidak boleh pilih kasih atas alasan kaum mereka dengan bukti kukuh dan lepaskan mereka.

    The old way of doing things via pilih kasih no longer relevant, itu lah sebabnya, umno baru dan barisan nasional tertumpang.

    Mike pompeo of usa said pentagon could send 10,000 usa troops to counter iran, and there is no way beijing, china, can stop them, then how?

    Of course, jika betul2 berlaku, beijing will evaculate their ambassodor staffs and employees working in this middle east region.

    Apa2 pun, american taxpayers and voters need to decide with 2 political parties whether to support republicans or democrats atau military war or no military war?

    P/s: is republican mr trump calling a bluff in using patriot law to counter iran as last option? he is not bluffing, and if he wins big in his general election which due in year 2020, mr trump will bomb iran. itulah sebabnya, beijing, prc stands firm with their principle in not supporting or using military as last option in mainland and outside china to counter failed negotiation even at the expense of crippling huawei technology.

  238. Assalamualaikum Tun.

    HBT Korea dan Jepun menjadikan ia sebagai satu industri. Video adalah terancang dan difilemkan.

    India tidak. Tetapi terdapat beberapa keadaan di mana India ke arah itu. Ia diarahkan.

    Bodoh tu maksudnya bodoh la HBT.

    Porno tu maksud ada bunyi, ada posisi dan bahagian sulit didedahkan.

    Setakat tengok HBT pakai bikini atau seluar pendek apa nak kisah. Pakai singlet pun tak kisah.

    Berita terbaru penyanyi Korea disabitkan dengan kegiatan merakam video lucah sendiri.

    Terima kasih Tun.

  239. Salam YAB dan DiSanjungi PM Tun Dr. Mahathir,

    Sempena sambutan NUZUL AL-QURAN semalam, wajarlah kita (umat Islam) berusaha dan istiqamah untuk memahami kandungan Al-Quran Al-Kareem. Eloklah belajar B. Arab (nasihat kepada diri sendiri), dan faham nahu2 B. Arab yang amat rumit berbanding BI, dll. bahasa.

    Kerajaan yang mendaulatkan Islam sudah semestinya mendaulatkan Al-Quran, dan cuba dengan sedaya upaya untuk mengikut ajaran Islam dan menurut segala perintah Allah SWT yang tercatat dalam Al-Quran.

    Jika Islam dan umat Islam dibiarkan dihina dan tiada tindakan tegas diambil oleh Kerajaan, keadaan ini menunjukkan yang Kerajaan tidak mendaulatkan Islam. Peliknya jika sebaliknya yang berlaku cepat saja tindakan diambil terhadap orang Islam. Adilkah?

    Umat Islam juga mesti istiqamah dalam memperbaiki taraf hidup (ekonomi) kita supaya tidak dihina, dianiaya, difitnah dan dipandang rendah oleh orang kafir. Tengok saja golongan kiasu yang fikir mereka saja yang bayar cukai. Meluat betul dengan perangai buruk orang sebegini. Kaki fitnah, jadi batu api dan menghasut saja kerjanya, tetapi perasan bagus.

    Kepada yang sentiasa sengkek (asyik keputusan wang), sebenarnya, bukan susah untuk jadi kaya (hidup senang), dan ada wang yang banyak. Pokoknya, kena ada disiplin diri yang tinggi dan tahu untuk mengurus kewangan (peribadi) dengan betul. Jangan membazir, dan berbelanjalah mengikut kemampuan. Ukur baju di badan sendiri. Tahu membezakan antara KEPERLUAN (needs) dan KEMAHUAN (wants). Jangan ikutkan nafsu; gunakan AKAL fikiran yang waras bila berbelanja. Orang Islam (yang ikut ajaran Islam) sepatutnya tahu semua ini.

    Lagi satu jangan sombong / angkuh berlagak seolah-olah diri hebat dan tidak layak untuk melakukan kerja tertentu dengan gaji yang tidak seberapa (pada tanggapan mereka). Jika itulah saja kerja yang ada, dan permohonan2 untuk jawatan2 lain ditolak, terpaksalah lakukan juga kerja tersebut untuk menyara kehidupan. Itu lebih baik dari menganggur dan menyusahkan keluarga. Islam amat menekankan tentang betapa pentingnya untuk umat Islam bekerja (kerja halal) dengan bersungguh-sungguh.

    Saya banyak membaca buku/artikel mengenai pengurusan kewangan (peribadi) kerana mahu tahu rahsia menjadi ‘Jutawan’ (how to achieve ‘financial independence’: “Financial independence is the moment when your investments start paying more than your expenses.”). Sebenarnya tidak susah. Tidak perlu jadi Saintis Roket! :).. (tapi saya memang Saintis.. 🙂 hahaha… ).

    Pada saya kalau seseorang sudah ada lebih dari satu juta Ringgit wang tunai ia sudah lebih dari cukup (tiada hutang). Wang kita boleh ‘bekerja’ (menjana wang) untuk kita, dan kita boleh goyang kaki saja. Kalau rasa2 mahu terbang ke Paris, London, Rome, LA, New York dll. pergi saja.

    Saya ada buku “Rich Dad Poor Dad” (Robert Kiyosaki) dan buku “The Millionaire Next Door” yang amat membuka mata/minda tentang siapa sebenarnya yang betul2 kaya. Ada banyak lagi buku2 motivasi dari dalam dan luar Negara yang boleh dibaca untuk meningkatkan ilmu tentang pengurusan kewangan. Saya anggap buku2 bermanfaat sebagai satu pelaburan. Pelaburan yang paling berharga ialah pelaburan untuk menimba ilmu pengetahuan.

    P/S: Kalau golongan asnaf dan B40 pun mampu melancong ke luar Negara, maksudnya tiada masalah bagi para peminjam PTPTN untuk membayar hutang tertunggak mereka. “Now everyone can pay their loan!”

    Terima kasih Tun.

    – Semoga Allah SWT sentiasa merahmati Tun sekeluarga –

  240. Berkenaan nak panggil BTS, K Pop Korean ke Malaysia untuk menarik pelancong. Jika Syed Saddiq rajin meneroka, Korean bukanlah satu bangsa dan negara yang perlu dicontohi buat masa sekarang dari segi moral.

    Tarian dan video dalam FB yang budak budak sekolah pun boleh tengok berkenaan bangsa Korea kebanyakkannya adalah bertemakan lucah dan memang porno pun.

    Jika macam ini, mungkin parti bersatu primbumi boleh mensyorkan musato sebagai pengarah radio tv malaysia, first thing he must censor tarian hindi movies yang agak porn jugak, very bad for budak2.

    Musato rasa peminat hindi movie akan mengamuk tak?

    Bodoh itu maksud apa?

    With this kind of wannaebes, i wish ph best of luck.

  241. Assalamualaikum Tun.

    Sebenarnya saya memang bertujuan untuk membicarakan berkenaan Tun tidak menyediakan pemimpin pelapis mengikut laluan pengalaman hidup Tun atau saya katakan sebagai tarekat Tun.

    Tun cuma ikut sistem. Dulu siatem UMNO. Sekarang sistem PH.

    Tun angkat Syed Saddiq jadikan pemimipn muda sebab kebetulan Syed Saddiq muncul dalam radar semasa menentang UMNO.

    Ya, kita tahu Syed Saddiq fasih English dan pandai debat. Tapi dari segi pengisian jiwa masih kosong.

    Tun kata berikan pengalaman. Tapi pada pendapat saya, pengalaman akan datang mengikut usia, tetapi jati diri dan pengisian jiwa belum tentu dapat jika tidak dipenuhi pada masa kanak kanak dan remaja, walaupun kita ini dipanggil Islam atau pun ‘Syed’.

    Maafkan saya jika sebut Syed Saddiq sebagai contoh.

    Berkenaan nak panggil BTS, K Pop Korean ke Malaysia untuk menarik pelancong. Jika Syed Saddiq rajin meneroka, Korean bukanlah satu bangsa dan negara yang perlu dicontohi buat masa sekarang dari segi moral.

    Tarian dan video dalam FB yang budak budak sekolah pun boleh tengok berkenaan bangsa Korea kebanyakkannya adalah bertemakan lucah dan memang porno pun.

    Jika itulah yang perlu dipanggil untuk menarik pelancong ke Malaysia, tak tahulah saya nak kata apa.

    Mungkin Syed Saddiq ada baca ini. Maaf sebab taipan ini terlalu terang. Semoga ia perlu diperbetulkan pada masa akan datang.

    Pada orang muda, saya pun muda lagi, bila saya tegur bab lucah, jangan nak cerita berkenaan ‘burit’.

    Peringkat bawah ke atas ke adalah ayat biasa untuk dengar “buaya makan pun, saya tak bising, bang”

    Tetapi berbeza dengan Tun. Tun pandai English dan ada prinsip akhlak.

    Tun berjaya melalui jalan bahasa. Bahasa Inggeris. Kembangkanlah bakat bahasa Inggeris tu pada yang sudah ada akhlak dan jati diri untuk dijadikan pelapis pemimpin negara.

    Bukan hanya ikut sistem. Cungkillah, bukan hanya permudahkan orang yang berada dalam radar penglihatan Tun. Itulah tarekat Tun.

    Saya bukan ceritakan berkenaan Bersatu sahaja, tetapi berkenaan semua Menteri menteri Islam Malaysia serta pembangkang.

    Terima kasih Tun.

  242. She doesnt have to know me, but the public in general know who is her and her boss.

    Melayu mudah lupa, even Cina dan India pun mudah lupa apabila mereka dapat kuasa.

    Are you ready?

  243. Assalamualaikum Tun.

    Lama tak berborak dengan HBT123.

    Perkataan “bodoh” tu bukan perkataan mencarut kalau HBT nak tahu.

    Bodoh adalah bodoh dari segi maksudnya.

    Terima kasih Tun.


    Saya fikir kata kata itu hanyalah kata kata Mat Saleh.

    Pepatah Melayu kata, belakang parang diasah lagikan tajam (orang bodoh jika belajar bersungguh sungguh pun jadi pandai).

    Maksudnya, jika melayu yang beragama islam bersusah payah untuk menyelamatkan rumah mereka di DEPAN halaman dari tertelan api marak, dan yang berumah bersama mereka pula tanam api-api kecil di BELAKANG rumah yang mereka membina bersama sebagai orang islam adalah halal, musato?

    Adakah musato akan tepuk tangan dengan meriaknya sebagai tanda lega dan satisfaction sebagai jiran terdekat rumah terserbut?

    Berbini 4 pun mampu, adakah musato rasa mereka x mampu beli apple, huawei, xiomi, oppo, nokia, samsung, sony, asus dll punya jenama?

    No matter how great leaders are, they will leave the world when their time is up.

    Dulu in the 70s, there are many chinese from mainland china willing to leave their home land to search for their apple dream in new york.

    Some made it, some didnt made, and that was tragic.

    But, today, they dont need to go through human traficking syndicates to go overseas, they can fly with boeings what using prc nasional passports, betul?

    Even all of us also can afford to take flights to oversea what including musato, betul tak?

    Kalau Tun bertanya tentang daulat, daulatkah ini?

    Tun, If you can’t beat them, join them Kalau UMNO dan PAS kuat maka wajarlah Bersatu join sama. Just saying.

    You can never make a baby in 1 month by making 9 women pregnant, and no one can change this mother nature law.

    Quote from mr warren buffett:

    You don’t need to be a rocket scientist, investing not a game where 160 IQ beats 130 IQ.

    P/s: mampu, atau tidak, itu terpulang kepada selera dan citarasa negeri masing-masing in the name of new economic policy. rasis vs rasis, who wants to be the trillionaire?

  245. Assalamualaikum Tun.

    Terima kasih Pn Mai sebab prihatin apa yang saya tulis mengenai pengalaman makan minum saya yang tak cukup.

    Itu pengalaman saya. Pengalaman Tun, Tun tak cerita susah senangnya. Yang kita tahu sebelum ni, bekas orang orang besar negara cuma nak Tun tutup mulut dan diam.

    Pada pendapat saya, menjaga negara, baik kita mahupun anggota beruniform serta mana mana individu, pengorbanan adalah asam garam yang perlu ditempuhi.

    Ada hadith Rasulullah saw yang memberi maksud kesusahan itu bagaikan air yang mengalir bagi mereka yang mencintai baginda.

    Jangan ingat berjawatan Menteri, Perdana Menteri contohnya adalah tempat untuk glamour dan tempat kumpul harta tetapi tidak menjalankan tanggungjawab, amanah pada rakyat dan negara.

    Saya di sini saya fikir saya sangat rapat dengan Tun Mahathir. Kami berbincang apa yang patut berkenaan negara. Bagi yang tidak tahu, pada permulaan blog ini diwujudkan “blogging to unblock” Tun dalam keadaan keseorangan disisihkan dan dipaksa diam oleh pentadbiran kerajaan masa itu.

    Maka Tun telah pilih seorang dua untuk ‘lawan menulis’ di sini. Saya adalah antaranya atau satu satunya yang dipilih mengikut gerak hati Tun (alam maya kan, tak nampak siapa).

    Dan seperti saya tulis, saya ada sedikit latarbelakang yang membolehkan saya terus menulis di sini.

    Saya mungkin tidak capai expectation Tun Mahathir untuk maju ke depan ketika Tun dan negara susah. Tapi setakat itulah saya mampu lakukan. Saya juga individu yang tiada circle dikeliling.
    Hanya Allah swt yang ada☺️

    Dalam Malaysia ni macam macam ada. SB pun merata rata. Saya tiada apa perlu disorokkan.

    Kecuali saya perlu beritahu “saya perlu bergerak”, walau negara dalam kerajaan baharu.

    Terima kasih Tun.

  246. Good morning Tun

    Pilihan Tun perkataan DAULAT. Mengikut dewan bahasa DAULAT Definisi : 1 bahagia; kebahagiaan (pd raja yg memerintah). 2 benar; ya (digunakan utk raja). 3 kuasa atau hak yg tertinggi atas sesuatu hal (spt pemerintahan).

    Kalau Tun bercakap soal daulat agama Islam, my pendapat UMNO sudah lakukan, PAS sudah lakukan, PH tidak lakukan.

    Kita telah lihat banyak insiden antaranya masuk Masjid berucap, membersih kubur Islam yang dilakukan oleh golongan bukan orang Islam. Manis kah? Bukankah ini merupakan satu pencerobohan?

    Anehnya bila ada pasukan petugas beragama Islam masuk kuil India, mati, sampai hari ini nasibnya masih tidak terbela.

    Kalau Tun bertanya tentang daulat, daulatkah ini?

    Tun, If you can’t beat them, join them Kalau UMNO dan PAS kuat maka wajarlah Bersatu join sama. Just saying.

  247. The opposite of love is hate, but this is the political risk that mr twinpeaks need to take, not me, the voter.

    Perhaps, i have been too long in this blog, so it wont matter at all since i believe good deeds are always greater than evil deeds.

    Poor daddy is written in traditional chinese as 窮爸爸.

    Poor daddy is written in simplified chinese as 穷爸爸.

    Rich daddy is written in traditional and simplified chinese as 富爸爸.

    The world was never perfect, henceforth, general election must be called to get the mandate from the voters via political parties.

    Great leaders are born, not made.

    As long as race and religion supremacy exist, there shall never be fairness and equality in malaysia.

    P/s: whoever become the perdana menteri and form the kabinet, life will go on as usual for voters.

  248. Assalamualaikum Tun.


    Saya fikir kata kata itu hanyalah kata kata Mat Saleh.

    Pepatah Melayu kata, belakang parang diasah lagikan tajam (orang bodoh jika belajar bersungguh sungguh pun jadi pandai).

    Dikhabarkan dalam buku ‘Kitab Ilmu Perubatan Kesufian’ (Judul asal Kitab Al Tibb Al Rauhi As Suffi – karangan Sheikh Hakim Moinuddin Chisti) – diringkaskan bahawa Rasulullah saw bersabda bahawa terdapat 300 lebih ahli sufi tulen yang berada dikedudukan tahap masing masing pada setiap masa.

    Jika salah seorang meninggal, maka yang dibawahnya akan menggantikannya.

    Di bawah 300 lebih ahli sufi ini pula akan diikuti pula oleh pengikut pengikut masing masing yang dikenali sebagai peminat kesufian.

    The Great Leader ini yang masih hidup berkebolehan untuk memberitahu/mengajar pengikutnya mengikut tatacara perjalanan kehidupannya.

    Maka itu timbulnya pelbagai nama tarekat. Semuanya menuju kepada keredhaan Allah swt. Jalan yang lurus serta benar untuk diikuti.

    Dalam solat apabila imam tersilap bacaan, makmum dibelakang akan menegur. Ini kerana pengetahuan bacaan pengikut (makmum) adalah setara dengan imam di hadapan.

    Apabila imam batal sembahyang, makmum di belakang akan melangkah ke hadapan menerajui sembahyang berjemaah.

    Terima kasih Tun.

  249. This is solely for HBT456 and people of similar inclination in this country.
    Do you realise how this country was founded ? Perhaps your history knowledge is very shallow, in which case I suggest that you and your type go back to school.
    Now.., here is something that you should know about. It seems that you take a lot of pleasure instigating the Malays and Borneans into rising up against their own kinds. It is about time that others too instigate you and the Chinese community to fight among yourselves. But, alas, that is a rather pointless exercise, which means that it may not be necessary. Let me tell you why, and please LISTEN very carefully.
    You repeatedly want everyone in the forum to know that you are an Independent Voter in Malaysia (I rather doubt that you are a real Malaysian citizen, and even if you are, it is very unfortunate), one who has no loyalty to any Coalition of parties. Well, that is your choice… but let me tell you, why you and the Chinese community’s choice is of no real consequence in this country, not for the next 2000 years of your Motherland’s history (i.e. China).
    Malaysia was founded as a Bumiputera country with a Constitutional Monarchy designed to protect the status quo, either by peaceful political means or otherwise (if necessary).
    Thus, whichever Coalition of political parties that you and the Chinese community choose to give your full support to in any General Elections, You will NEVER have the political power that you wished you can have. There will NEVER be a Chinese Prime Minister.. because as you said, that your ultimate Loyalty is to the People’s Republic of China, wherever you are. Your fluency in Bahasa Malaysia is immaterial at any time in your case, because your unkind words show that you have NO LOYALTY to your adopted country Malaysia, let alone any modicum of respect to others.
    Here is another thing. If you want to prove your loyalty to your adopted country, you and the ultras in the Chinese community should cease asking the government to give Equal recognition to the Mandarin Language, or Matriculation places, or the UEC, or to all the Chinese schools in the country. Malaysian governments from which ever Coalition of parties, whether in power or in opposition, are under NO obligation to give you want you want.
    If you are not satisfied, try migrating to neighboring countries like Thailand, Indonesia, the Philippines, Vietnam. Or the USA, the UK, Canada, Australia and New Zealand. And see if you can demand these things from their governments. And we wish you good luck. Or you can become a full member of the Chinese Communist Party and migrate to China. And let me say this.., you will be doing the exact opposite of what the smart people of Hong Kong are doing, as they want to get out of China and not to stay there. In short, consider yourself VERY FORTUNATE as being Chinese living in Malaysia. Bumiputeras are very tolerant but even tolerance has its limit. So, bear that in mind at all times. Be moderate in your demands and be humble when you are not in China.
    By the way, us the Borneo people, if we are sometimes quarreling with the Federal government over our MA63 rights, please remember that You and the Chinese community should Not interfere, as this is merely a Family quarrel (i.e among the Bumiputeras). It does not concern you or the Chinese community, either on the Peninsula, or the Chinese in Sabah and Sarawak. So, if you are polite (perhaps you are not), just stay out of it, unless you wish for the Bumiputeras of this country to hate your kinds even more. And your welfare and that of the future generations of your community will get even Worse than now. So that is my advise for your own sake. And I hope you listen very carefully, good man.

  250. Salam Dearest YAB PM Tun Dr. Mahathir,

    Allow me Tun:

    /// “They performed haj using 1mdb fund, and called themselves good muslim too, but they chosen military action via bombing lahau datu in 2013 stand-off with muslim militant, without even border to get approval from federal parliament , siapakah yang tak betul?
    I already said, dont waste time in telling them what is halal or what is haram because they will never appreciate what we have done.
    If she is not happy, then, vote opposition party in next general election.
    P/s: dia ingat arm sales itu sama dengan kangkung sales ar?” ///

    A moron in action!

    For someone who eats pork @ b*bi, this moron has no shame talking about ‘halal / haram’ in ISLAM.

    And, sadly this moron keeps on displaying her moronic behavior…


    @Sri Sense, memang ramai pelakon handalan dalam PH 🙁 .. hipokrit..


    Thank you Tun.

    – May Allah SWT bless Tun and family –

  251. Ralat: Frankly speaking, the glass of water is always HALF FULL to me, but i am not sure about those glasses of water that is politically connected to malay parties.


    Menurut perintah vs berkhidmat untuk negara?

    Which tagline more feasible and acceptable to the current and future generations to come?

    I chosen berkhidmat untuk negara.

    Not being in federal & state governments or glc is not the end of the world.

    Being an employee and voter, i can choose to work in a place that fit my lifestyle.


    If there is no country, then, there will be no home.

    I am not muslim, and i will never be.

    My children too shall not be the muslim.

    Bak kata, pandai2 mereka ini yang mengelarkan diri mereka sebagai perjuang melayu dan islam.

    Bak kata, tak nak tak pa, tapi jangan hina.

    Good luck and best of luck to the parti pemerintah dan parti pembangkang.

    P/s: dont be too obsessed with vote counts. if they are not ready, even if you give them more bantuan, they will still said tak cukup punya kerana mr twinpeaks really believe without malay votes, there will be no malaysia after more than 30 years of sharing power. it is not up to him to decide, it is up to all of us to decide when general election is called.

  252. Here is the fact today. If you hold a public referendum in both Sabah and Sarawak, I can assure you that faced with the prospect of being controlled by the local Chinese population, Sabah and Sarawak natives will gladly remain in Malaysia. Borneo natives are loyal and will fight along their Malay brothers against any attempt to usurp the status quo.
    OK, clearer now..?

    To usurp the status quo by repeating in taking (a position of power or importance) illegally or by force again?

    I oredi said, the only factor that barisan nasional did not take into their political calculation was the migration factor.

    Dulu, it was not clear nor loud due to no internet.

    Kini, it is lagi clear and loud, itulah sebabnya umno baru bn tetumpang.

    Tomorrow, it shall be clearer and louder, so OK or not?

    Mr Trump said he is inspired with Great Wall of China, henceforth, he believes creating jobs for american patriots via patriot law is to build wall at mexican border to make america great again because he doesnt like loosers of wars.

    But, on the other hand, the democrat believes creating jobs for their civilians of usa is to build HSR via grant in their middle kingdom to increase welfare revenue for all american folks.

    Frankly speaking, the glass of water is always half empty to me, but i am not sure about those glasses of water that is politically connected to malay parties.

    Kuah lebih dari sudu, kata mereka.

    Gaya mahu.

    Gaji mahu besar tapi tak berkemampuan.

    Apabila ada masalah, mereka pilih komplen, lompat, protes, sabotaj dan merajuk.

    Therefore, investors can safely conclude the meaning of be fearful when politicians are greedy, be greedy when politicians are fearful since there is no free lunch in this world.

    Syed saddiq is young and handsome, and could be ended up as idola gadis2 melayu muda to fancy him, but might made pemuda hates him kerana rasa dengki but politics is not tv apprentice reality show or mr universe crown.

    P/s: when you look back what you have done in the past, you laugh, then, you will be OK, but when you cry and frustrated, then, you will be NOT OK. malay bumiputra votes or malaysian votes, the choice is with the political of the divides. rangka is already built, so how you want to make this rangka more feasible and sustainable in the future?

  253. Assalamualaikum Tun.

    Wow, tindakbalas yang cepat.

    Satu langkah yang amat baik.

    Semoga berjaya.

    Terima kasih Tun.

  254. As a Sabah native and a Muslim, with a maternal grandfather who was a Baba merchant from Singapore, and just to briefly enlighten us on Sabah’s recent history. I can say this because my ancestors were part of Malaysia negotiations in 1961.
    North Borneo natives overwhelmingly agreed to jointly form Malaysia with Malayan malays, in order to counterbalance the encroaching Chinese majority of Singapore. The pro-Communist sympathizers in British Borneo territories of North Borneo, Sarawak and Brunei were almost exclusively Chinese, and they wanted the British government to give independence to the Borneo colonies. They said that the formation of Malaysia was a neo-colonial plot.
    Here is the fact today. If you hold a public referendum in both Sabah and Sarawak, I can assure you that faced with the prospect of being controlled by the local Chinese population, Sabah and Sarawak natives will gladly remain in Malaysia. Borneo natives are loyal and will fight along their Malay brothers against any attempt to usurp the status quo.
    OK, clearer now..?

  255. About trade wars between US and China, I see opportunity for this region.

    If US tak ambil dari China, Malaysia ada, Vietnam ada, India ada product yang sama, beli saja dari negara bekenaan. Kalau kilang sana nak ditutup buka saja la di rantau sini. All we need lobby saja la. My advise jangan hantar China Malaysia nego, the trend now kat sana anti Chinese. Ini semua boleh baca dari cara US bercakap under Trump. Even di Australia mana ada MP keturunan China, baru sekarang ada dua yang nak tanding. Tu pun lawan semasa mereka. Sure la seat tu keturunan mereka punya nanti. Just saying.

    Baik I promo my link

  256. China, the People’s Republic of China, or whatever shenanigan we want to call it.
    It is a proven Clear and Present Danger to not only Malaysia, but to all ASEAN countries. Sure, they are pursuing their Belt and Road whatever.. but behind their trade and investment initiatives, they are unashamedly taking over Southeast Asia. If you are not Blind, just look at all the creeping little so-called fishermen airfields built in the middle of international waters in the South China Sea. They are used as military airfields. It is the reason Sabah has a naval base for use by the free world, against oppressive creepy regimes like China, or the Middle Kingdom as they like to call themselves as. It’s a joke.
    Only the Fifth Column living in ASEAN countries are rejoicing. No body else.

    The real threat to you is “DEMOKASI”

    In fact i am not sabahan nor sarawakian, so i dont really bother how you exploit this asean initiative to rich yourself or to voice your stand since i have travelled to many countries eventhough i am not a pro-oku.

    But i have good and caring friends from sabah and sarawak including brunei too.

    I am just only a voter, and i have the basic right to vote the coalition that fit my lifestyle.

    This song is for you mr twinpeaks, or winston whatever to sing with the original singers and feel their struggles in the past:

    P/s: jika tak nak kongsi kuasa dan ekonomi, then, cerai is the best way out.

  257. China, the People’s Republic of China, or whatever shenanigan we want to call it.
    It is a proven Clear and Present Danger to not only Malaysia, but to all ASEAN countries. Sure, they are pursuing their Belt and Road whatever.. but behind their trade and investment initiatives, they are unashamedly taking over Southeast Asia. If you are not Blind, just look at all the creeping little so-called fishermen airfields built in the middle of international waters in the South China Sea. They are used as military airfields. It is the reason Sabah has a naval base for use by the free world, against oppressive creepy regimes like China, or the Middle Kingdom as they like to call themselves as. It’s a joke.
    Only their Fifth Columns living in outside China are rejoicing. No body else.

  258. China, the People’s Republic of China, or whatever shenanigan we want to call it.
    It is a proven Clear and Present Danger to not only Malaysia, but to all ASEAN countries. Sure, they are pursuing their Belt and Road whatever.. but behind their trade and investment initiatives, they are unashamedly taking over Southeast Asia. If you are not Blind, just look at all the creeping little so-called fishermen airfields built in the middle of international waters in the South China Sea. They are used as military airfields. It is the reason Sabah has a naval base for use by the free world, against oppressive creepy regimes like China, or the Middle Kingdom as they like to call themselves as. It’s a joke.
    Only the Fifth Column living in ASEAN countries are rejoicing. No body else.

  259. Good morning Tun

    Sekarang orang bercakap May 13 sempena bulan Mei, dan DAP berkuasa. Banyak perkara dalam kertas putih jadi tajuk bualan. Ada juga yang terlibat buat2 baik tak nak mengaku. Because of this ramai orang Melayu sayang Tun Razak, cara dia bangunkan Malaysia yang punah ranah.

    Ini catitan dari wikipedia, boleh compare notes

    Hajar, Syed Saddiq tu drama queen. Dia main drama aje. Bila get into trouble lagi lah banyak drama dia buat, Anwar Ibrahim pun boleh kalah hahaha. Aritu semasa tunggu kat bilik menunggu dentist, I baca paper BH, rupanya budak nakal Mazlee tu ada column kat situ, I tengok tajuk pun bukan main puitis terus tak baca hahaha I bagi barisan Menteri 20 markah sahajalah. Kalau ikut hati nak kasi 0 markah sebab stock market more merah dan more jatuh dari zaman Najib dan BN. Zaman Pak Lah stock market naik sikit aje, Pak Lah excited. Bangga Pak Lah apa dia cakap dapat menaikkan KLCI.

  260. Assalamualaikum, Tun.

    Maafkan, kerana memberi sedikit sebanyak komen yang tidak berkenaan dengan topik ini.

    Apa yang disarankan oleh Maszlee, Menteri Pendidikan, sewaktu memberi ucapan di USM sememangnya memalukan.

    Janganlah mendaulatkan “undi Melayu”, dengan cara mengorbankan keharmonian antara kaum dan kepentingan Negara. Jangan juga meracunkan pemikiran anak-anak muda kita dengan unsur-unsur perkauman.

    Tak usahlah mengatakan yang matrikulasi adalah untuk golongan miskin atau lemah dari segi akademik.

    Cakaplah apa yang berlogik. Apa yang BN buat dulu jauh lebih bermakna, iaitu menubuh TARC untuk memberi peluang yang saksama kepada semua kaum. Apa yang LGE lakukan, iaitu mengurangkan peruntukan bajet kepada TARC, mendatangakn kesan yang TARC tidak lagi menampung bilangan pelajar yang besar, dan seterusnya mengikis peluang pendidikan kepada generasi muda.

    Menteri Pendidikan sememangnya yang paling lemah dari segi prestasi di dalam kabinet sekarang.

  261. Assalamualaikum Tun.

    Kesinambungan dari penulisan terdahulu…

    Antara kelemahan Tun semasa mentadbir negara adalah tidak pandai cungkil dan sediakan pelapis pemimpin.

    Tun terlalu ikut sistem. Dulu masa UMNO, Tun ikut sistem UMNO. Dengar kata dulu Tun bela DS Anwar. Tapi saya tidak fikir Tun yang cungkil bakat Anwar. Itulah adalah karakter dari individu itu sendiri. Tun cuma permudahkan sahaja.

    Lihat sajalah paras kehebatan pemimpin yang kita ada sekarang ini. Mengagumkan bukan ?

    Ada masa kita lihat dan fikir sesuatu perkara itu tidak masuk akal. Tetapi seseorang pemimpin itu lahir dari satu perkara yang ‘luar biasa’.

    Rakyat memerlukan pemimpin. Pemimpin memerlukan petunjuk dan hidayah dari Allah swt.

    Kita tidak berbicara tentang membangunkan masyarakat. Kita berbicara berkenaan mencungkil bakat pemimpin.

    Satu perkara yang Tun tidak lakukan dengan berkesan selama ini. Seperti Tun kata dalam artikel di atas “saya tidak Islamkah?”

    Terima kasih Tun.

  262. I just cannot believe that we have people who believe that they are good Muslims but forget (do not know) that debts must be repaid (‘wajib’), and must be given priority over other desires / wants.

    Even those who want to perform the Hajj must also make sure that they pay their loans accordingly (must not miss any installments).

    They performed haj using 1mdb fund, and called themselves good muslim too, but they chosen military action via bombing lahau datu in 2013 stand-off with muslim militant, without even border to get approval from federal parliament , siapakah yang tak betul?

    I already said, dont waste time in telling them what is halal or what is haram because they will never appreciate what we have done.

    If she is not happy, then, vote opposition party in next general election.

    P/s: dia ingat arm sales itu sama dengan kangkung sales ar?

  263. Salam Dearest YAB PM Tun Dr. Mahathir,

    1. As a citizen, I am free to vote whoever and whichever party I want – my rights. There’s no restriction or direction/instruction for me to support (vote) any particular party. Only a MORON would believe that one needs to vote for the party in power if one is a civil servant. I know many civil servants who voted PH during GE14. But, now they are already talking about changing the Government again. Just look at our hopeless Finance Minister, Lim Guan Eng. If we want to change him, then the only way is to change the Government (if he is still the Finance Minister until GE15).

    2. Syed Saddiq: No to blacklisting PTPTN loan defaulters–ptptn-loan-defaulters/

    Syed Saddiq said: “I disagree with the policy to blacklist those who took up PTPTN loans, who are unemployed graduates or who are not earning a decent salary,”

    My questions:

    Are you Okay, Syed Saddiq?

    How about those loan defaulters who are employed (for many years) and earn decent salaries, but still refuse to repay their loans?

    Do you think it’s okay (mentally) to simply avoid/evade paying up loans and at the same time travel overseas for holidays, umrah, etc. (Have money for holidays overseas, but no money to repay loans 🙁 )

    I just cannot believe that we have people who believe that they are good Muslims but forget (do not know) that debts must be repaid (‘wajib’), and must be given priority over other desires / wants.

    Even those who want to perform the Hajj must also make sure that they pay their loans accordingly (must not miss any installments).

    3. Travel ban not happening

    Of course…I believe the majority of more than 400,000 (almost half a million votes) PTPTN loan defaulters who were previously banned from traveling abroad (before GE14) gave their votes to PH during GE14. Now they are free to go overseas. Yeah, PH encourages loan defaulters to not repay their loans. Well done PH! PH is good at instilling NEGATIVE VALUES to the rakyat…

    Thank you Tun.

    – May Allah SWT bless Tun and family –

  264. Ok. I may be getting into hot water on this, but let me just be frank and honest.
    In a lifetime, a person can only learn one or two languages really well, and if one hopes to utilize them at the work place, languages MUST be learnt as early as possible. That means parents must begin communicating with their young children from the time they start to speak their first words.
    So, frankly, if you want to speak English well and fluently, you must learn it as soon as possible from the time you learn how to speak your first words.

  265. So.., don’t lose the forest for the trees. But that is just an opinion.

    Then, stay in sabah and be the guardian for your forest for the next 200 years, or perhaps 1 trillion years to come.

    Dont buy china jet fighters because they are built for their domestic arm sales of 1.3 billion population.

    If usa jet too expensive, go buy russian types, cheaper, but make sure your men can be trained and you got zone for them to train.

    If not, nanti beli kerana dapat komisyen lumayan, but cannot operate kerana tak erti bahasa teknikal dan geografi, and blame it to the chinese.

    P/s: oil and gas you take, timber also you take? if this is wawasan 2020, then, there is nothing to be proud off. to be or not to be, that is not the question. able or not, we will see how far kita semua can go. there is no point crying over spilled milk. move on soldiers, and dont look back.

  266. To be myopic or short-sighted unfortunately is a human condition. Some nations are in this category, either by design or by mistake. The former offers no hope but the latter can be corrected.
    When Iran diverged from Western influence, it knew fully well what it was getting into and looks like they are very prepared to pay the high price now. The same with North Korea and Cuba. At the other extreme are economically failed, independent states, of which there are countless examples throughout the world.
    Malaysia has always had very pragmatic, sort of middle-of-the-road approach, governments. So, we can count ourselves lucky. But we have to keep moving and keep improving our mindset as a nation, so as to keep up with the economic leaders of this world and not be left behind, or at worst be ostracized and left out. That is not good for our future generations.
    So.., don’t lose the forest for the trees. But that is just an opinion.

  267. Assalamualaikum Tun.

    Oleh kerana pengamalan dalam bidang bidang tertentu dalam Islam telah mengambil masa yang agak lama sepanjang kehidupan seseorang individu, maka perlulah kita tahu di mana saat pertambahan pengetahuan berkenaan ilmu lain dapat dilakukan.

    Untuk menghafaz Al Quran yang sempurna mungkin memerlukan 6,7 tahun.

    Jika seorang remaja seawal usia 13 tahun telah mengikuti pengajian Al Quran ini, maka usia selesai untuk bergelar hafiz adalah pada umur 20 tahun.

    Jadinya pada usia 20 ini, seorang hafiz itu bolehlah dibantu untuk menimba ilmu baharu yang lain pula.

    Jika cadangan oleh Perdana Menteri kita untuk menggalakkan pelajar menguasai Bahasa Inggeris, maka elokkah ia di ajar pada usia tersebut kepada para para hafiz kita.

    Saya tidak fikir mempelajari Bahasa Inggeris lebih susah dari hafal Al Quran.

    Terima kasih Tun.

  268. Assalamualaikum Tun.

    Diceritakan dalam buku terjemahan berkaitan perubatan sufi tarekat Chistiyah, bahawa bukanlah seseorang syeikh itu mempunyai semua kemahiran perubatan. Melainkan hanya apa yang telah syeikh tersebut berjaya amalkan sepanjang 20, 30 tahun hidupnya sahaja.

    Ia mungkin kelihatan mudah, hanya dengan satu tiupan dari mulut syeikh, maka si pesakit terus sembuh. Tetapi apa yang orang awam tidak tahu adalah amalan berterusan syeikh tersebut sepanjang seluruh kehidupannya.

    Terdapat ramai antara kita menyukai cerita cerita bekenaan ‘magik’ tarekat dan tasawuf, sehinggakan salah tafsir berkenaan hal ini. Maka terjerumuslah ia ke dalam hal hal kebinasaan.

    Setiap amalan yang berterusan bagi ahli sufi adalah bagi mencapai keredhaan Allah swt sahaja. Itu sahaja.

    Amalan amalan ini seperti dikatakan perlu berterusan. Saya tidak fikir ia adalah meletihkan malah boleh menimbulkan nikmat yang amat pada pengamalnya.

    Setiap orang mempunyai pintu diri masing masing bagi mencapai tujuan mendapat keredhaan Allah swt.

    Ada yang melalui solat. Ada yang melalui bersedekah. Ada yang melalui pekerjaannya dan seterusnya.

    Ya, ia adalah bergantung kepada kesukaan anda. Teruskan dengan hobi anda secara istiqamah dan pastinya terkandung perbuatan baik kepada makhluk Allah swt di dalamnya, termasuk manusia.

    Tiada yang menentukan dan mengubah nasib manusia melainkan usaha dan amalannya.

    Terima kasih Tun.

  269. Assalamualaikum Tun.

    Dalam Islam untuk mencapai tahap tahap tertentu memerlukan pengamalan. Istiqamah. Amalan yang berterusan.

    Sejak kecil saya sering terdedah dengan perkataan “pengalaman”. Manusia sentiasa berkembang seiring dengan peningkatan usia, samada dari segi fizikal, mental mahupun rohani.

    Tapi saya tidak rasa pengalaman membolehkan seseorang pemimpin menjadi semakin baik dalam keupayaannya memimpin.

    Seorang pemimpin memerlukan nilai nilai akhlak serta jati diri yang baik yang diamalkan sejak kecil lagi.

    Seharusnya pemimpin itu mengikuti peredaran zaman dan perkembangan semasa. Namun yang menjadi pegangan dan prosedur yang membolehkan beliau membuat keputusan dalam cara kepimpinannya adalah nilai akhlak dan jati diri yang sudah terbenam sejak kecil lagi.

    Pengalaman mungkin mengajar manusia jangan berbuat demikian, berbuatlah demikian. Tetapi akhlak tidak berbolak balik.

    Berbuat baik hatta kepada kejahatan yang mendatang pun boleh dikatakan satu kemestian yang perlu ditunaikan. Itu adalah pengamalan dalam Islam.

    Maka itulah dikatakan Tiada Daya Melainkan Dari Allah swt.

    Adalah salah untuk mengukur kewibawaan seorang individu itu untuk memimpin melalui “pengalaman”.

    Pastikan akhlak dan jati diri itu telah terbentuk dan cungkillah ia. InsyaAllah, insyaAllah beroleh aman adanya rakyat.

    Terima kasih Tun.

  270. Mana tahu, mungkin kali lain, mereka akan pusing lagi dengan keris gergasi to potong kek pandan pulak.

    Ada pulak mereka yang amat menyayangkan oku kata, please speak english to my boy because he doesnt speak malay as he is raise in australia.

    Do i need to feel kecil hati for the parent’s choice in educating their children?

    Of course NO.

    Bak kata, mind our own business what.

    In fact, i dont mind if these wanabes shouting by calling the chinese as pendatang, why?

    Jika tarak hepi, mudah aje, iaitu pakai undi to pecat the ruling government betul, tak?

    It happened on may 09, 2019 what.

    P/s: yang betul2 hijack suara pengundi adalah parti2 politik tanahair, iaitu, orang kuat oku. if they treat voters as dedak, obviously, voters also treat them as dedak. I am having national dialogue here, i am not debating for the sake of debating as saying goes never baling batu in a glass house because everyone can see and feel with a touch on screen.

  271. There is nothing to be ashamed of what we do in our own country. It is completely up to us as only we know what’s best. The most important thing is peace, so that there is prosperity for our future. But that does not mean the world will agree with what we do.
    For instance, the OECD is a prestigious club to belong to. All nations know this, yet there are less than three dozen countries. Membership is not easy. And remember, most of the existing members are Western countries. They have ideas on democracy and economy that we don’t necessarily agree with. Even though we will be economically developed soon, our socio-political ways may not be acceptable…
    A good case in point is the rejection of the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination as well as the Treaty of Rome.
    You cannot have your cake and eat it too. But that’s the choice we make.

  272. HBT456.., an ounce of discretion is worth a pound of wit. Stick to the facts, good man.
    I was referring to China, not the Chinese.

    What is the correct name of modern china?

    It is called People’s Republic of China, not China or Communist China.

    Why Beijing shall never surrender to terms and conditions requested by Washington DC, United States of America?

    Because such terms and conditions could split china into pieces.

    I am chinese, yellow skin, and this is the biological fact that i can never deny or feel ashame off, what about you as sabahan muslim?

    The public money of prc nationals is also my public money too.


    Because i am a chinese, and i have the national and international obligation to protect the land of my ancestors.

    Other races dont protect, its alright, but that does not mean you can simply said what was not true as if i can only afford to travel local sites.

    The solution to the long standing problem of racism and prejudice is, there isn’t one. It will always exist. A fact of life.
    The best way not to be treated as a butt of joke is to focus on better economic achievement than everyone else. The Japanese and Koreans have done it. So have the Taiwanese and Singaporeans. The Chinsese are trying their hardest right now.. not sure if they will ever succeed (probably not, sorry China).
    Malaysia is on the verge of developed country status. Once we are officially an OECD member country as the first Muslim nation to do so, global opinions on Islam will start to turn for sure.. albeit very gradually. Don’t expect miracles.

    If you as muslim doesnt feel ashame, then, dont expect me to feel proud of your achievement as sabahan muslim.

    To nail, or delay, it is up to AG to decide at Putrajaya.

    How many of the young generation know him?

    I would say, none.


    Because they subscribe sportify in internet, mana ada tonton tv punya.

    What happened in the past, we cannot change.

    What happened in the future, we can only improve.

    It is either we learned, or we dont.

    P/s: the unity of pas-umno wont jadi one for the sake of tangkap muat. later on, they will still gaduh2 punya just to stay relevant, itu saja.

  273. Assalamualaikum Tun.

    Bila kita nampak DS Anwar bakal ganti Tun sebagai PM, kita gelabah sebab nampak Tun ni macam orang tak berperasaan.

    Tun tak tahu ke bla…bla..bla..

    Pada satu masa ID saya disekat di blog 1Malaysia (Najib) sebab post link web lucah, saya mengadu pada Tun di sini.

    Tun kata buat apa nak bising? Periksa mesti juga periksa. Saya (Tun) pun kena periksa tapi takkan nak panggil kawan kawan, “hei, tolong saya, saya PM Malaysia, tau?”

    Pasal kelucahan, Tun kata “takkan saya bodoh nak biar pisang berbuah 2 kali?”

    Tentang Tumblr tempohari, saya ada terlihat ada individu yang sanggup muncul dalam tv mendedahkan bahawa ada kebocoran dalam tapisan dewasa tumblr.

    Terima kasih kerana membawa isu berkenaan.

    Sekarang saya lihat, ia sedikit okey. Ia memerlukan pemantauan berterusan.

    Terima kasih Tun.

  274. Assalamualaikum Tun.

    Selamat Hari Guru.

    Semua orang ada guru. Saya juga ada guru di sini. Guru saya di sini adalah Tun Mahathir.

    Tun tak buka kelas. Tapi saya berjaya masuk kelas Tun.

    Berkenaan artikel di atas, ia adalah artikel berkenaan politik. Sebab tu saya tak nak panjang panjangkan.

    Jika dipanjang panjangkan, ia perlu tersusun dan berpanjangan. Rasanya mungkin tak berbaloi dengan masa dan tenaga serta hasil kemudiannya.

    Lagipun, DS Anwar Ibrahim akan ganti Tun kan. Biar dia lah nanti buat kerja pulak. Tun sekarang ni buat bahagian admin siap siap sudahlah. Ambil masa Tun sikit. No hal punya.

    Perlu saya beritahu Tun, Tun jangan ambil serius sangat apa yang saya taip la ni, seperti dulu dulu.

    Dulu apa yang saya taip, dalam masa 3 hari akan Tun setelkan. Paling lama pun, dalam masa seminggu lebih berkenaan penyelesaian krisis harga minyak dunia.

    Saya kata buat cepat cepat. Tun kata “ada prosedur”.

    Saya cuba tulis santai santai je la ni di sini. Saya tak update hal politik semasa. Mungkin tak berkenaan dengan tajuk artikel pun.

    Kalu tak nanti saya pun susah nak bernafas. Asyik fikir mati sahaja. Sebab takut. Takut pada kuasa Allah swt.

    Kalu macam tu, tak jadi apa satu pun saya nak buat. Nak buat gempak gempak itu takut, nak buat gempak gempak ini takut.

    Last last buat yang biasa biasa ja boleh. Sebab takut tak tentu arah.

    Dulu lagi la, ada satu artikel tu yang Tun baru post tengah malam, saya telah dikejutkan (dibangunkan dari tidur) untuk membacanya. Yang mana saya bagi pandangan kontra dari apa yang Tun tulis pada malam itu juga.

    Kerana itu saya katakan pengalaman berada di sini “ia menakutkan”. Takut pada kuasa Allah swt.

    Terima kasih Tun.

  275. HBT456.., an ounce of discretion is worth a pound of wit. Stick to the facts, good man.
    I was referring to China, not the Chinese.

  276. Always remember one very fundamental thing…
    China Needs the world to survive, but the world does Not need China.
    It will never happen.. not for another trillion decades.

    Without chinese votes, there is no way you can build your dream.

    In boleh land, apa2 pun boleh.

    Melayu mudah lupa.

    Then, so be it.

  277. Dear Tun,

    May you always be in good health.

    The Nation That Never Sleeps

    1. Imagine the 4×100 metres relay. In this event, four sprinters run in turn to complete the 400 metre track. If there are enough runners to participate, the relay can keep on going. At any time then, there will always be people running on the track.

    2. Imagine the same relay happens in offices. Forever, the offices will be in continuous operation. Processing time will be drastically reduced since now there are always people working in turn.

    3. An eight hour work day becomes a 24 hour work day. Literally, three work days are shortened into one work day. This will also mean three work years become one work year. Plainly, three years of work is done only in one year.

    4. The economic benefits of this conversion are multi-fold. First, people will find more flexibility in their working hours. One will be able to work during the day while the spouse works in the evening or at night. Taking care of children will be more manageable under this scenario compared to both working at the same time.

    5. Second, offices will require less space. One desk or office room can be shared by three employees as they now work in turn. This means less expenditure on buildings and assets for organisations – be it in terms of purchase or rental.

    6. Third, utility consumption may increase but considering the overall demand will become more evenly distributed for the day, peak charges may be eliminated.

    7. Fourth, congestion – typically faced by many cities of the world – may be subdued. Not only will we see better traffic flow on road but we will also observe less overcrowding at LRT and Commuter stations.

    8. Finally, we will be able to interact with any part of the world without time difference delay. Difference in operating hours will no longer be a cause of delay.

    9. I am not sure when we can really become the nation that never sleeps but the eco-system in Klang Valley is conducive enough for us to start working towards it. Perhaps, the civil service could start first by gradually rearranging its current set of flexible working hours.

  278. Always remember one very fundamental thing…
    China Needs the world to survive, but the world does Not need China.
    It will never happen.. not for another trillion decades.

  279. Then, hajar can only vote ph, bn, pas atau independent parties in her kampong state if she is not kakitangan kerajaan persekutuan.

    But, if she is kakitangan kerjaan persekutuan, i am afraid she has no choice but vote ph, iaitu, dsai, unless she resigned from the federal government lor kerana ada kabel oku, betul tak?

    Few days ago, i saw a gay couple of bangladeshi holding hands in sharing public lrt with the locals.

    First thing that popped in my mind, will they be subjected to organ pas punya supervision since dulu ada lobbyist tanahair kata pas organ kena bersenjata to do khalwat raid, something like that.

    Will this foreign gay couple be belasah oleh kaumnya walaupun beragama lain?

    I guess jika mereka kena belasah due to dengki, they have no choice but to buat report kat bangladesh embassy.

    If being frank is perceived as racist, extreme and isis, then, there is nothing much to talk.

    Where is the most feasible location to start-up electric car since this is the most popular tourist spot with udara sejuk in highland to save earth via minimizing carbon dioxide?

    Genting highland, pahang, but can they mampu to do it alone?

    P/s: beijing will never give in to allow usa to access to their information technology since china is for people’s republic of china. but, those usa based companies that supply components to huawei’s china market, they have choice to set up a branch in shenzhen or import compnents from other usa companies outside usa what that cater huawei great china market. trump can make america great again, xi also can make china great what, apa yang susah-susah ini since president usa comes and go, so are the premier of china what. bak kata, can negotiate, then, negotiate for win win. if cannot negotiate, then, dont waste time, apa yang susah2 ini? bak kata, lambat takpa, janji selamat. selamat berpuasa dan selamat berbuka puasa.

  280. Hi everyone,

    About the prejudice we sometimes encounter travelling overseas, this is how I see it.
    The Japanese used to be butt of jokes for Americans at the beginning of the Twentieth Century, but after the Bubble Burst in the late 1980s, Americans and Europeans started to love everything Japanese. Koreans too were laughed at when Hyundai and KIA boxy imitations of Toyota and Honda, were first introduced to the world market around the same time, but today who is laughing at Samsung phones or the Koreans themselves. No one is laughing at the Americans and the Europeans for as long as people can remember, perhaps only when Marco Polo first visited China centuries ago.
    In Malaysia, to be honest, We too look down at anyone from ‘Africa’ (doesn’t matter they are rich Africans). We say they are smugglers and what not. In Sabah, I haven’t come across a single Sabahan who has anything good to say on Indons and Pilaks, sad to say of my own home state.
    So what is the common thread here?
    The solution to the long standing problem of racism and prejudice is, there isn’t one. It will always exist. A fact of life.
    The best way not to be treated as a butt of joke is to focus on better economic achievement than everyone else. The Japanese and Koreans have done it. So have the Taiwanese and Singaporeans. The Chinsese are trying their hardest right now.. not sure if they will ever succeed (probably not, sorry China).
    Malaysia is on the verge of developed country status. Once we are officially an OECD member country as the first Muslim nation to do so, global opinions on Islam will start to turn for sure.. albeit very gradually. Don’t expect miracles.

  281. Salam YAB dan DiSanjungi PM Tun Dr. Mahathir,

    1. Saya yakin Tun berusaha mendaulatkan Islam di Malaysia dan di mata dunia.

    2. Namun demikian, saya sedikit pun tidak percaya kepada Anwar dan yang sewaktu dengannya (dalam PKR/DAP/Amanah) untuk mendaulatkan Islam. Saya doakan Allah SWT tidak benarkan Anwar jadi PM Malaysia walaupun untuk seketika.

    3. Sepanjang pengalaman saya dan pengembaraan saya di luar negara, satu perkara penting yang saya amat syukuri sebagai rakyat Malaysia ialah hakikat bahawa masjid2/surau2 di Malaysia yang amat mesra wanita. Syabas kepada Negara Islam Malaysia! Tempat berwuduk boleh dikatakan (majoriti) ada di dalam kawasan solat wanita (tidak risau tentang aurat terdedah).

    4. Umat Islam selalu didiskriminasi bila berada di Negara2 kafir. Contohnya, baru2 ini di lapangan terbang satu negara kafir (negara maju), beg galas (backpack) saya habis diselongkar. Lagak pegawai tersebut macamlah saya ini penjenayah (mesti sebab saya pakai tudung – Islam), sebab dia bercakap pun menengking-nengking, macamlah saya pekak. Malu betul sebab semua barang pun dia buka (letak atas meja) termasuk barang2 peribadi; geli pun ada. Amat menyusahkan; bila beg sudah diselongkar bukannya senang nak susun balik – berserabut. Kerana geram, saya hempuk2 beg tersebut untuk zip balik setelah saya sumbat saja apa2 yang telah diselongkar. Mungkin pegawai tersebut tidak puas hati bila tiada apa2 dijumpai di badan saya bila diperiksa oleh pegawai lain; ada bunyi bila lalu bawah pengimbas – biasanya sebab sepit/pin rambut/ kerongsang; orang lain pun ada juga yang berbunyi, tapi tidaklah teruk beg mereka diselongkar. Lagipun takkanlah pengimbas tangan canggih yang dilalukan di seluruh badan saya masih tidak mencukupi; habis kepala saya ditekan-tekan/picit dan badan saya diraba-raba entah berapa kali lalu sebab tidak percaya saya tidak sorok apa2 benda terlarang; ingatkan negara canggih/maju tidak perlu raba-raba lagi… 🙁 🙁 🙁 .

    5. Banyak masa terbuang melayan kerenah orang kafir yang berprasangka buruk terhadap umat Islam. Pengganas (terrorists) sebenar bukan dari kalangan umat Islam (yang ikut ajaran Islam sebenar). Islam melarang (haramkan) kita memberontak/mengganas/membunuh diri/ melakukan kerosakan di bumi Allah SWT. Bukannya susah bagi mana2 pengganas untuk menyamar sebagai orang Islam semata-mata untuk mencemar imej Islam. Di blog ini pun ada orang kafir yang menyamar/menipu jadi orang Islam.

    6. Umat Islam mesti bersatu dan berusaha mengubah nasib kita yang asyik ditindas dan difitnah. Jangan haraplah orang kafir mahu mendaulatkan Islam. Bagaimana untuk mendaulatkan Islam jika aktiviti2 maksiat (haram dalam Islam) dibolehkan di kalangan mereka. Pesta arak/judi dan aktiviti haram LGBT pun mereka daulatkan juga!

    7. Saya bukan ahli politik. Jadi saya tidak boleh dituduh menggunakan agama & bangsa semata-mata kerana politik. Saya berhak untuk memilih mana2 pihak yang saya yakin lebih berusaha dalam mendaulatkan Islam. Saya bangga menjadi Melayu Islam di Tanah Melayu yang bertuah dan permai ini. Setiap kali saya ke luar negara, saya amat bersyukur bila selamat mendarat di Tanahair tercinta ini.

    Terima kasih Tun.

    – Semoga Allah SWT sentiasa merahmati Tun sekeluarga –

  282. Good evening Tun


    Special Branch barred from Warisan media events

    SB not a problem if they identify themselves, says Warisan

    Shafie Apdal spins Special Branch issue, wrongly accuses blogger of mischief

    Sabah CM’s office accuses ‘blogger’ of pitting Warisan against Special Branch, denies barring officers


  283. Mendaulatkan Islam

    “Dan berpegang teguhlah kamu sekalian dengan tali Allah dan janganlah kamu sekalian berpecah belah, dan ingatlah nikmat Allah atas kamu semua ketika kamu bermusuh-musuhan maka Dia (Allah) menjinakkan antara hati-hati kamu maka kamu menjadi bersaudara sedangkan kamu diatas tepi jurang api neraka, maka Allah mendamaikan antara hati kamu. Demikianlah Allah menjelaskan ayat ayatnya agar kamu mendapat petunjuk”

    Jika Hati Ikhlas
    Yang susah jadi mudah ,yang benci jadi sayang ,wang harta bukan ukurannya
    Saya menyeru saudara saya di PAS, UMNO , PKR ,PRIBUMI yg beruagama Islam BERSATU dengan Ikhlas dengan tidak mengenepikan Bangsa atau Agama lain

    ISLAM di Hina
    Taraf Umat Islam adalah yg terbawah sekali dek di Fitnah
    Peinpuan Media juga Politik Barat
    Mereka merangcang ini semua
    Dari Sept 11 hingga kini
    Umat Islam di Fitnah melakukannya
    Sedangkan Israel Yahudi yg merancangkan dan menuduh Islam melakukannya
    Dunia Islam Tidak di bela
    Walau di Fitnah , di Zalimi dari Sept 11 , Musnah nya Negera Islam
    Afganistan , Syria, Iraq , Libya dan banyak lagi
    Pemimpin Islam yg tulin , Saddam ,Gadafi, Osama, Assad & ramai lagi di fitnah kononya mereka menzalimi Rakyat sedangkan merekalah yg sesungguhnya membela rakyat mereka sendiri
    Kezaliman terhadap Rohingya , Rakhine, Malawi di Philliphine tidak di bela
    PBB hanya Bersandiwara

    Yahudi , Israel merancang ini semua dengan menganjingkan Amerika
    Meraka memfitnah segala Kejahatan yg berlaku kini pada Dunia Islam
    Seolah merekalah mangsanya dan berlagak seperti Hero sedangkan mereka merancang ini semua

    Kini Israel bersungguh sungguh merapikan Dunia untuk memusnahkan Iran
    Dengan menangjingkan Amerika , menipu Dunia seolah Israel adalah Mangsa
    Ini bukan persoalan Nuclear
    Ini mencari alasan menipu Dunia supaya menzalimi dan memusnahkan Iran
    Dimana Pegangnya kita Berpaut pada Tali Allah ?

    Kita sudah lihat Negara Islam di Timur Tengah di Tumbang satu persatu
    Apakah Suara kita untuk Iran pada Dunia ?

  284. I am not sure have you played rope game or not.

    I played in primary school, and until today, i still remember the rule of rope game very clearly,

    P/s: today internet had advanced to a stage whereby all of us can access to news that are relevant to us. Jika referee suddenly main kotor and cut the rope in the middle, both sides will fall, how will the voters, fdi, media, political parties and world perceive the referee di bawah tajuk “mendaulatkan islam?” mereka pun tak rasa segan, who are we to tell them off, tak gitu?

  285. Good evening Tun

    Tadi I ada komen about Warisan kat my wordpress. I baca berita online about it. I rasa aneh bila ada yang menyebut special branch masuk menyamar jadi reporter. Setau I mana ada special branch masuk pakai pakaian polis. Apala you all ini.

    For example, masa Tun dulu buat function kat Shah Alam – Kempen Selamatkan Malaysia. I ada singgah dengan hubby. I tengok ramai lelaki Melayu professional disitu.

    Hubby bisik bukan, special branch yang ramai. Hubby memang tak nak duduk lama, I masukkan sedikit duit dalam tabung kat kaunter. Bukan besar hanya ratusan ringgit sahaja. I ingat masa tu I nampak Datuk Noor Farida diri situ sembang dengan seorang wanita lain. Tidak tau apa mereka bualkan, nampak macam serious juga.

    Good Night.

  286. Dear Tun,

    Selamat berbuka puasa, and a Happy Mother’s Day to bonda Tun Dr. Siti Hasmah.

    Behind every family is a woman who nurtures love soft and gentle yet she is as strong as steel. Bonda Siti Hasmah is mother to all Malaysian, she is the backbone that bonds not only her immediate family but all Malaysians who regard her as the mother of this nation this country called Malaysia.

    May God bless you dear mother with excellent health, strength and longevity of life. May God protect you and surround you with love. I love you dear Tun Siti Hasmah. Happy Mother’s Day.

    Love you too dear Tun Mahathir. Take good care both of you, drink lots of water during this hot month.

  287. Hi

    Nampak gambar Tun pergi bazar ramadan. Crowd tak lah ramai macam lawatan Najib. Tun jangan pula bersedih. Sebab area orang Melayu. Kalau Tun pergi China town mungkin ramai kerumun Tun.

    I juga pergi beli my favourite popiah kat Section 14 PJ semalam. Crowd beli popiah amboi panjang juga, setiap orang beli paling kurang 15 popiah. Tukang gulung popiah seorang sahaja, so kena lah tunggu lama.

    Bila I balik nak masuk Federal Highway nampak terpampang PBPM, cukup besar tulisan tergantung, pendekata orang buta pun boleh nampak. Barangkali Tun nak I tau situlah opisnya, datanglah.

    I juga nampak Najib pergi Sandakan tumpang Mat Sabu. Mula2 I ingat Najib bergurau bila tengok video betul lah. Mereka naik satu pesawat kapal terbang.

    I kasi tau hubby semalam DAP menang kat Sabah. Hubby terkejut. I biasalah neutral sebab kat Sabah macam2 boleh jadi. Rasanya tak perlulah LKS dan LGE sombong lebih2 konon dah kalahkan Najib pukulan knockout. Takut esok LKS dan LGE pulak yang knockout.

    Oh ya I juga ada nampak Hadi Awang kata terima kasih kat Tun kerana telah membersihkan nama PAS dan UMNO. I wonder juga adakah sebab FUH kat wall FB KCD 🙂 Or maybe Tun memang hati baik dalam diam walau luar nampak jahat. 🙂 Entahlah I dunno.

    Selamat berpuasa.

  288. Assalamualaikum Tun.

    Secara beradabnya saya tulis saya ini adalah penasihat Tun Mahathir.

    Tapi disebalik sebenarnya, sayalah pentadbir negara. Melalui Tun M.

    Berkenaan DAP, saya tidak kisah DAP berada dalam PH.

    Dalam hidup saya, saya bukanlah jenis yang play safe. Saya juga risk taker macam Tun.

    Kita boleh uruskan. Cuma saya risau anggota pentadbiran selain Tun M mampu atau tidak melakukan apa yang perlu untuk menstabilkan politik dalam negara.

    Dari kenyataan umum menteri menteri pun, kelihatan tidak mampu.

    Sudah tentu pandangan saya ini adalah pandangan salah seorang selain Tun M yang telah berusaha dan telah berjaya menukar satu kerajaan negara kepada kerajaan PH.

    Saya bukan ahli politik. Saya bukan orangnya yang pandai mengambil peluang.

    Seperti saya jelaskan susungalur saya adalah dari darah ahli sufi Tanah Melayu. Sebelum ini saya tidak tahu menahu langsung berkenaan itu.

    Saya sedikit ragu ragu, kenapa dan mengapa? Namun ia terjawab melalui ruangan di Utusan 2008 melalui artikel Syeikh Yayasan Sofa yang mengiyakan, bahawa pengetahuan dari Allah swt hanya diberikan kepada orang yang baik baik.

    Baik baik dari segi menjaga amanah, jujur, ikhlas serta tiada unsur niat lain selain memberi nasihat yang benar.

    Saya masih muda. Masih perlu melalui fasa fasa kehidupan.

    Untuk melalui fasa fasa ini saya tidak boleh memberi separuh jiwa di sini (mentadbir negara) dan separuh jiwa lagi untuk bekerja yang bergaji.

    Saya fikir nilai saya bukanlah rm600 atau gaji minimum rm1100 sahaja.

    Bukanlah satu perkara yang elok untuk saya mengutus surat atau bertemu Tun untuk mengadu masalah tiada pekerjaan yang bagus untuk diri saya setelah semua yang berlaku di sini. Seolah olah saya minta habuan.

    Saya rasa Tun perlu lakukan apa yang perlu. Betul orang politik selalu mengambil peluang. Tapi di sini, kami hanyalah rakyat biasa.

    Bagi orang sufi, jika menangis tiada makanan untuk dimakan, maka Allah swt berikan kemewahan itu, itu sudah cukup merasa terhutang budi dengan Allah swt.

    Bukanlah mengharapkan kemewahan diri sendiri. Tiada kuasa selain Allah swt.

    Namun bagaimana dengan rakyat kebanyakan?

    Kita boleh zuhud. Namun bukan mereka.

    Saya dalam mood standby ke Brunei untuk kerja Baker. Mungkin setahun dua atau dua tiga tahun di sana.

    Saya tidak berasa untuk menulis di mana mana seperti Sri Sense.

    Saya tidak pernah tampilkan wajah dan mungkin Tun pun dah lupa wajah saya.

    Musato 010-2353950

    Terima kasih Tun.

  289. Mahathir, aku tak nak cerita panjang. I give you a message man to man straight to the point. DAP, the well known chinese chauvinistic party of the 80s and 90s is in power. Unbelievable. What have you done. You owe big time to the malays to undo this blunder before you hit your grave.

  290. Good morning everyone.
    Just a few words from me. For all those who decided not to write in Tun’s blog (any longer), I beg you all to rethink. If I may say so, but there could be other reasons which I completely understand, we need a healthy dose of discussions in the new era. And this is just the beginning of that road to becoming a fully developed society. Here is my angle. Just because we don’t agree with one another and throw insults and counter arguments at one another, does not mean that any side should get upset. It is all done in the spirit of democratic participation. Don’t feel intimidated. Stand your ground. You have every right to be heard, and that applies to everyone. I personally wish for more participants to contribute their thoughts. I have no right to impose my way of thinking on others anymore than others on everyone else. But it does not mean that we should get upset or be a bystander. So, please participate in discussions, as it is all done in a good spirit of participation. Tun has given everyone space to speak so let us make full use of it. Thank you

  291. Salam YAB dan DiSanjungi PM Tun Dr. Mahathir,

    1. Mungkin Tun lupa bahawa pihak yang memulakan budaya DEMONSTRASI JALANAN ialah pihak Kerajaan PH (PKR/ DAP/Amanah). Saya masih ingat lagi, saya pernah merayu kepada Tun supaya tidak turun menyertai demo jalanan ‘Bersih’, tetapi Tun dan Tun Hasmah turun juga.

    2. Jadi, Kerajaan PH rasakanlah kesan demo jalanan yang Pembangkang sekarang pelajari dari PH. Salahkanlah diri sendiri di atas (masalah) aktiviti demo jalanan ini yang sudah jadi budaya orang Malaysia 🙁 .

    3. Mengenai sogokan/dedak/elaun /dll, dari dulu lagi saya sudah banyak kali katakan (di blog ini) bahawa budaya memberi ‘wang tunai percuma’ kepada rakyat dimulakan oleh bekas Pembangkang (DAP/PKR/PAS). Dalam Manifesto PRU-PRU lepas, macam2 dedak dijanjikan, termasuklah tol percuma (orang dungu saja yang janjikan tol percuma). Lihatlah apa yang diberikan oleh Kerajaan Selangor dan Kerajaan P. Pinang kepada rakyat mereka – pelbagai bantuan sara hidup; goyang kaki dapat duit percuma. DSN/BN belajar budaya buruk ini dari bekas Pembangkang.

    4. Kalau PH betul2 mahu hapuskan budaya memberi ‘dedak’ (sogokan), sepatutnya pemberian wang tunai RM100 kepada anak2 muda yang sihat walafiat tidak berlaku. Takkanlah dedak RM100 halal pula sedangkan dahulu dedak yang lebih banyak dikatakan haram (rasuah). Rasuah tetap rasuah walaupun pun nilainya sama dengan sebungkus nasi lemak berharga RM2.

    5. Sedih melihat golongan dalam PH yang bersikap munafik, dan suka cakap berbelit-belit. Orang lain beri (BR1M), dikatakan dedak @ rasuah, bila PH beri dikatakan bantuan sara hidup (BSH). Rakyat bukannya bodoh untuk menilai semua ini.

    6. Saya memang tidak hadap kepada apa2 jenis dedak @ sogokan sebab duit saya pun lebih dari cukup. Wang akan sentiasa cukup jika ia datang dari sumber yang halal (berkat); keberkatan wang amat penting. Kepada yang tamak haloba, ada wang tunai sejuta Ringgit pun masih tidak mencukupi.

    Terima kasih @Sri Sense kerana bersetuju dengan saya.
    Terima kasih @Musato kerana membaca penulisan saya.

    Terima kasih Tun.

    – Semoga Allah SWT sentiasa merahmati Tun sekeluarga –

  292. Tun

    Baru baca wall KCD – FB. Pasal beg plastic 20 sen.

    I nak share my pengalaman. Since I tinggal di bandar dalam Selangor, beg plastic 20 sen ini bukan perkara asing to me. Mula dibuat zaman PKR. Mungkin sebab politik PKR ini kencang maka lepas Khalid masuk Azmin, benda itu tinggal begitu, hari weekend no plastic bag, kalau nak bayar 20 sen.

    Now hari2 pun tak ada plastic bag kalau nak satu kena bayar 20 sen. Because of benda in dah lama, I selalu bawa bag sendiri dalam kereta, jadi habit.

    Nak beli baju pun ada kedai tak nak kasi beg, kalau nak beg, mereka suruh bayar 20 sen. Ridiculous kan, baju pun kena.

    Dimana duit 20 sen ini pergi? Tentunya kocek peniaga. Isu ini pernah berbangkit lama dulu kat Selangor. Then again politik Selangor kuat sangat maka benda yang dibuat tinggal begitu saja. Timbul pula PH main copy saja usaha2 ini.

    What Tun can do, kalau tiada undang2, maka buat undang2 a portion of this amount peniaga beri pada government. Kalau 100% tak adil la, kan! Don’t worry none of my money going into this 🙂

    OK Tun, I pun nak jadi macam Musato, tak nak tulis sini, kalau rindu lawatlah laman wordpress

  293. Assalamualaikum Tun.

    Saya dah tau awal sikit dari Sri Sense pasal Fuhh. Tapi tak nak bagitahu la sebab dah tau Sri Sense rajin membaca.

    Tapi ok la, PM promote pada public dalam FB dalam media perdana. Jadi seluruh Malaysia tahu tentang kewujudan dan mungkin Menteri menteri pun baca sini.

    Tentulah di sini kita bagi idea free. Percuma. Saya pun tak berani nak kata apa apa sebab dah banyak kali saya cuba hindarkan diri dari

    Biar saya segarkan balik apa yang terjadi.

    Bermula Mei 2008 sehinggalah 2010, keadaan kehidupan saya semakin merosot dari segi kewangan diri sendiri. Nak kerja pun, kerja biasa biasa sahaja boleh, dalam rm600 masa tu. Belum ada gaji minimum.

    Kemudian terjebak pula dengan kerja gaji rm13 sehari. Dalam keadaan demikian saya tetap menulis tanpa cerita di sini. Sebab bagi saya “ada something berlaku pada diri saya”.

    Dengan gaji rm13 sehari itu, saya perlu bayar parking dan isi mniyak kereta kancil buruk saya untuk ke kerja. Untuk famili saya? Orang yang sudah berkahwin mesti tahu apa yang patut berlaku bila sudah ada 2 anak masa itu. Asam garam perkahwinan.

    Dengan gaji rm13 sehari itu pada tahun 2010 lah saya menangis dalam kereta kerana tidak cukup duit untuk makan tengahari.

    Saya berkata pada diri saya, “apa yang aku buat ni?” “Apa yang Engkau, Ya Allah lakukan pada diri aku ini. Tunjukkanlah apa sebenarnya. Sesungguhnya aku tidak nampak dan tahu, Ya Allah!”

    Dan di tengahari itulah saya semasa sedang menitiskan air mata, saya tertidur dan bermimpi diubati dan ditunjukkan wajah orang yang amat kita kasihi, Rasulullah saw. Pernah saya rekodkan secara terperinci dahulu di sini.

    Masa terus berlalu, alhamdulillah saya berpeluang memasuki industri perhotelan. Dengan gaji yang ada bolehlah saya bagi famili saya walau seciput cuma. Makan? Kat hotel makan tak payah bayar.

    Boleh rasa breakfast, lunch, dinner, sahur. Percuma.

    Aahhhh…semasa sedang menaip ni baru saya terfikir, Allah swt bagi saya rezeki makanan. Ya Allah. Engkau Maha Pemurah.

    Bertukar tahun, terjadi peristiwa MH17. Ia berjaya diselesaikan dalam tempoh yang singkat. Alhamdulillah.

    Semasa itu kerja saya adalah steward (basuh pinggan, periuk, inserts).

    Saya tak berani nak cakap berkenaan idea free, idea percuma.

    Tapi saya rasa saya perlu bekerja dan dapatkan wang untuk menjalani kehidupan dengan selesa di dunia tanpa meninggalkan kasih kita pada manusia dan Allah swt.

    Saya perlu beli pakaian dan tanggung famili dan anak anak saya.

    Saya perlu bekerja. Saya harap saya boleh bekerja. Bekerja tanpa rasa takut pada setiap nafas yang dihirup. Semoga Allah tunjukkan jalan yang diredhai. InsyaAllah.

    Terima kasih Tun.

  294. Good morning

    Hari ini election. I baca tajuk berita Sabah slangs made famous. I don’t think di Sabah saja, malah hubby pun suka guna perkataan boss. Hubby guna perkataan ini sebelum kempen Najib Bossku. Hubby bukan orang Sabah.

    Macam I sebut earlier disini perkataan ini biasa hubby guna, berapa harga boss?, boss sihat nampak arini! Kira lebih kurang macam perkataan darling, yang, dik, abang, orang guna bila tak tau atau lupa nama orang yang mereka berbual dengan tapi masih nak tunjuk hormat.

    Tun, I ini rajin juga pergi kedai rambut. Seminggu sekali. Dah pencen kan. Kena pandai jaga diri sendiri. Ada budak Sabah kata ramai orang kat Sabah nak buang Shafie Afdal sebab isu IC. Ada lagi cerita, segan nak cakap, I rasa Tun carilah sendiri. I also think the Kitingan lebih popular. Tapi research ini tak menyeluruh hanya dari mulut kenalan dan I sendiri pun masih ingat nama Pairin Kitingan up to now.

    I mula2 confuse dengan Parti Bersatu Sabah. Sebab Tun buka parti baru nama itu kat Sabah. Then I teringat PBS, oh ya Pairin Kitingan. Oh parti lama. Samada calon DAP boleh menang, I kasi 50-50 lah Tun. Calon DAP ini macam cerita calon Bersatu kat Semenyih. Yang Semenyih bapa mentua, Yang Sabah bapa. Anyway Sabah ini banyak parti dan sering tukar2 nama, but I ingat Kitingan macam sinonim dengan Sabah.

    Ini pandangan dari orang Semenanjung. Salam mesra untuk semua orang Sabah. Selamat mengundi pada yang mengundi hari ini. Ada masa lawati lah

    Thank you Tun Mahathir. Dan to Tun Siti Hasmah Happy Mother’s Day!


  295. The Chinese People’s Liberation Army? Give us a break !
    How many aircraft carrier does China have? One. It wasn’t even designed or built by them, but by the Soviets who sold it to the Chinese laughingly because it was useless. How many Chinese carrier is combat-ready? NONE. They don’t even have naval planes that can last a dogfight with the Taiwanese, let alone the Americans.
    How many aircraft carriers does the US Navy have? Twelve. ALL combat-ready. They have Top Gun – trained pilots who can fly just a handful of Raptors and run circles around China without even the Chinese knowing it. Let’s not even go into nuclear weapons.
    So, that’s the balance of power for the next 200 years, if not forever. Accept reality.

    Thats no harm for sabahan muslim to dream for balance of power for next 20 years, if not forever. Its also up malay and bumiputra political parties and voters to decide. In fact, I already bangun and accepted the reality long long long time ago.

    Pakatan harapan has 4 years to go.

    Barisan nasional has 4 years to rally.

    Whoever gets the majority votes, they will name the perdana menteri and kabinet.

    As voters, our obligation is to vote when election is called.

    Selamat berpuasa.

  296. Good evening Tun

    I semalam terkejut bila masuk FB ternampak my comment yang kat sini duduk wall KCD. I fikir juga kenapa tak komen Hajar ka, Musato ka, atau si kuat berlagak tu ka, tapi I punya. Pasal itu penat pulak I baca wall KCD. KCD Fuh I, KCD pula kena Fuh dengan ramai orang.

    I sebenarnya komen sini free. Kalau I rasa nak share, nak beri pendapat, I kongsi lah. Andaian Tun buat sendiri lah. I kan ada my own wordpress. I tak terikat pada mana2 pihak. Memang betul ada budak2 Tun kat KCD I kenal tapi takat situ saja. The forummers here kat wordpress Tun, lagilah I tak kenal langsung secara peribadi.

    Then again macam Najib kata kat FB, MenHen. Menteri hal ehwal Najib hahaha so kat sini pun ada satu kikiki entah2 orang yang sama.

    Secara jujur, I rasa Tun jangan kuat sangat mengata orang dalam bulan puasa. Jangan terlalu bercakap kat media massa hal yang bukan2. Orang Melayu tak suka. Orang Islam tak suka. Bulan puasa ini bulan yang mulia. Yang keduanya jangan suka cari pasal dengan orang yang tak mengata Tun. Public tengok mereka akan buat penilaian. Nanti Tun dapat macam2 label yang tak manis.

    I ada sebut I follower Hadi Najib Tok Mat dan beberapa lagi orang BN. Bukan saja I follower KCD atau Mahathir kat FB. Perlu ingat sini follower tapi I tak pernah komen apa2 pun kat wall mana2 pihak. I juga baca banyak blog yang pro dan tak pro PH. Selain itu I baca banyak berita online local dan luar negara. Juga I tidak pernah komen apa2 pun disana. I baca dan kaji keadaan semasa, tapi seperti I sebut earlier, right now business I stock market, I bukan PR consultant untuk sesiapa pun.

    Lagi satu kalau Tun tak nak kecil hati atau marah ada baiknya Tun jangan baca apa orang tulis. Jangan pula biar orang bergaduh sebab nak cari idea, idea begitu takan datang manafaat.

    Seperti I pernah sebut sini, kalau Tun nak I buatkan campaign untuk Tun, Tun boleh minta budak2 Tun kat KCD talipon I.

    Goodnight Tun.

  297. The Chinese People’s Liberation Army? Give us a break !
    How many aircraft carrier does China have? One. It wasn’t even designed or built by them, but by the Soviets who sold it to the Chinese laughingly because it was useless. How many Chinese carrier is combat-ready? NONE. They don’t even have naval planes that can last a dogfight with the Taiwanese, let alone the Americans.
    How many aircraft carriers does the US Navy have? Twelve. ALL combat-ready. They have Top Gun – trained pilots who can fly just a handful of Raptors and run circles around China without even the Chinese knowing it. Let’s not even go into nuclear weapons.
    So, that’s the balance of power for the next 200 years, if not forever. Accept reality.


    Singapore airline shall never merge with malaysia airline system because singapore is for singaporean.

    But air asia must merge with MAS because they dont have choice as MAS carries the name of the country name Malaysia.

    Proton car look so much better after geely took over but the name is still proton, you see the difference?

    Dont forget, china has PLA, and their patriotism is definitely higher than the usa.

    Trump increased tariff on chinese products because he believes beijing is supporting democrat.

    Trump too is afraid of his own shadow since not all republicans support him, but american prefer him over hilary and obama because both these democrat support muslim faith more than christian faith, and that made democrat looses votes.

    Time has come for china to slow down, and with external pressure from trump, beijing will thank him for his hard talk and tarrif pressure in the long run.

    Import tariff and building wall along mexico border, who will asorb the costs?

    Yes, the american consumers will absorp the cost, not malaysian, china and other countries.

    Are american willing to absorp such cost?

    It depends on the maturity of trump’s opponents and usa media in challenging him.

    Will he be re-elected?

    Everyone will know when he must call for general election by 2020.


  299. I lihat frame Gucci dan tanya berapa kos dengan lens. Pekerja panggil boss dalam bahasa Jepun dan boss datang bawa calculator, kira2 dan tunjuk harga 700 ringgit dengan lens sekali to me. Walau yang diskaun hanya frame, tapi pasal dia suka kat I kut, kasi all in one hahaha

    Beli ubat dengan harga myr1 dan myr5 dia pun rasa tak mampu kerana pencen, now gucci frame with lens dengan servis bos jepun oc myr700 dia kata mampu, dia ingat semua pengundi bersikap macam dia kut?

    I guess she will never understand why the purchasing power of japanese remain as one of the highest in the world eventhough yen value is lower than that of china but i am not wasting my time to tell her kerana dia memang bodoh sombong tak erti tempat.

    Perhaps she thinks yen value is equivalent to rupee and rupiah kut.

    I am wondering why only indian muslim can do mamak restaurant and money changer?

    She can continue with her bullshit, and thats her choice.

    But when come general election is up to the political parties and voters to decide.

    To be or not be, thats not the question, able or not we will see how far kita semua can go.

    I rest my case as i already done my part in last general election.

    P/s: rasis atau tamak? Itu terpulang kepada citarasa negeri masing2 in the name of nep.

  300. Let me reiterate once again, for the benefit of one or two commentators here, what I meant when I said that we should think as Malaysian first, and only second as of our own ethnic, religious or provincial backgrounds.
    When I said that we need our leaders to serve all communities, I meant that they must look after the Interests of All communities, not merely those who can ordinarily survive without anyone’s help.
    In Malaysia, we have people who are slower and more relaxed in life, and then there are those who choose to live their lives in a rushed hectic manner. There are people who need help not because they are lazy, but simply because of cultural differences. We must accept this and take it as a given. When the Chinese immigrated from China to settle in Malaysia, like every other immigrants at those time, it is logical that you need to adopt your new country’s way of life. Likewise, the people of Borneo knew full well what we were getting into when we joined hands with Malaya to create Malaysia.
    Fast forward today, I strongly believe that, no matter how I wish that we can do away with affirmative actions like the NEP, it is irresponsible of any leader or future leader who supposedly looks after the interests of All communities, to abolish the NEP or any related policies that gives the Bumiputeras an advantage. At the same time, as a Bumiputera myself, I cannot agree with my other Bumiputera friends that government assistance is enough. It is imperative for every Bumiputera to improve him/herself educationally and without government assistance if possible.
    In short, NEP policies will always be upheld by any future Prime Minister, including a Chinese one, if he finally accepts that he is a leader for ALl communities in this country, and not just a handful.
    I hope that I have made myself much clearer.

  301. “I trust that you don’t mean to insult the people of Borneo over finances…”
    My comment was meant to be a reply to HBT456’s insulting comment on the people Sabah and Sarawak, who have done nothing but good deeds for the country. Firstly by joining the new nation to counter-balance the Chinese population, Secondly, by transfering hundreds of billions to Federal coffers so that West Malaysia can build its highways and industries.
    My comment was not directed at Tun Mahathir, whom we hold with great respect. During Berjaya time, when I was just a small boy, he visited Keningau to officiate the OISCA Training Center at a time he was still a Deputy Prime Minister. My father told me that they both wanted Malaysia to emulate the Japanese. Hence the Look East Policy.

  302. Tun

    sambung sikit, I think 2 scenerio ini, satu pihak, agen2 suka jual nama, satu pihak boss besar tak malu turun sendiri promo product.

    just saying!

  303. Assalamualaikum, Tun.

    Kedaulatan Islam di Negara ini, tak kira HARAPAN atau BN yang memerintah, terbela pada setiap masa.

    Wahai, UMNO dan PAS, cukuplah, janganlah buat gambaran palsu yang kedudukan Islam di Malaysia seolah-olah tergugat atau diancam. Buatlah sesuatu yang baik dan berjasa buat ibu pertiwi! Jangan pula selalu tujukan panah ke arah orang Cina, menghasut dan memincangkan masyarakat majmuk kita.

    Ini Bulan Ramadan, bulan yang mulia. Janganlah buat sesuatu dengan niat jahat! Perhimpunan sebegini tak bermakna langsung.

  304. The objective of wawasan 2020 is to make malaysia a developed industrialized nation via petrol subsidy of look east policy first, and no one can deny.

    It is up to sabah and sarawak ruling and shadow political parties to decide their destiny after more than 3 decades in such policy whether to continue, or discontinue the nep with bumiputra status.

    They wont be able to get 5% oil royalty back just like terengganu and kelantan, why?

    Because these royalty is used to fund highway and petrol retail stations for car users to pump petrol in property development what.

    Instead, they should hire reliable consultants, bukan syarikat konsultant of rm2 punya yang dipilih oleh parti politik, that is really good in city planning to conduct feasible study to increase their state government income revenue from their city dwellers to run their state government operating expenses.

    To make america great again is to make china angry this time so that china may retaliates with wars, or an eye for an eye.

    Will some leaders in mainland and outside china see this as opportunity by raising the flag of anti-american and allies, we just have to watch closely.

    Bak kata, the one that baling the 1st stone is the most guilty one.

    Dont forget, usa presidents lied, and what happened to those countries with dictator leaderships in middle-east region?

    As for peninsulan, race and religion are not the issues, but there are some members of political parties are trying to stir malay and islam supremacy to make malay happy, and its not new.

    When trump said to make america good again, then, copycats would follow to make their countries great again secara buta- tuli, its not new what.

    P/s: whoever garner the majority votes via coalition, they will name the perdana menteri and the kabinet. pakai hitam, kuning, hijau, oren, unggu atau merah, it makes no differences, why? because no one knows who is swimming naked in there as long as the tide is not off.

  305. Good morning Tun

    I haritu pergi kedai jual barang elektrik. I cari dapur RUBINE, tapi jumpa ROBAM pula.

    I tanya pekedai produk mana ini? Uncle tu jawab China. Tanpa di minta uncle ini tambah “Sikalang semua barang buat China ma” I toleh lihat muka uncle ini dengan tegas berkata, it doesn’t matter, saya tanya ini product asal usul mana? Gelabah apek ini terus jawab China.

    Buat mana2 pun boleh buat, cheap labour kan. Kat China, Indonesia, India semua tempat pun boleh. Anyway I tak beli ROBAM sebab I cari RUBINE.

    Semalam I pergi kedai cermin mata, I lihat satu jejaka datang tegur I. Laju betul dia ini. Sah dia ini bukan orang Malaysia. Cakap orang putih pun lintang pukang. Pekerja local datang tegur I, I terus tanya “boss you tu jual cermin mata pula ka?” Pekerja tu terus senyum jawab, “Boss baru seminggu sampai dari Jepun, jarang masuk kedai”.

    I lihat frame Gucci dan tanya berapa kos dengan lens. Pekerja panggil boss dalam bahasa Jepun dan boss datang bawa calculator, kira2 dan tunjuk harga 700 ringgit dengan lens sekali to me. Walau yang diskaun hanya frame, tapi pasal dia suka kat I kut, kasi all in one hahaha

    Selamat berpuasa semua.

  306. Assalamualaikum Tun.

    Saya sebenarnya berusaha bersungguh sungguh untuk meninggalkan blog ini.

    Apabila PH mengalahkan BN saya fikir keperluan saya untuk terus berada di sini sudah tamat.

    Saya ada tanggungjawab lain yang perlu dilunaskan. Namun saya tidak engkar bahawa pengalaman berada di sini adalah amat ‘menakutkan’. Takut pada kuasa Allah swt.

    Saya mengaku setiap tindakan Tun Mahathir sejak saya ‘berbincang’ dengan beliau di sini adalah mengikut apa yang betul pada keinginan serta pandangan saya.

    Sejak Mei 2008 sehinggalah setahun lebih sebelum PRU14, yang mana apabila Tun mula bongkar 1MDB, Tun mulakan langkah dengan mengumpul rakan rakan untuk melawan Najib/kerajaan. Tetapi ia tidak berhasil dan dapat dipatahkan dengan mudah.

    Rasanya itulah kali pertama saya rasa ‘ditinggalkan’. Walaubagaimanapun, saya faham bahawa ia adalah keperluan ‘dunia nyata/dunia fizikal’.

    Namun setelah Tun tidak berjaya, kita kembali ‘berbincang’ dan Alhamdulillah PH menang walaupun Bersatu dinafikan bertanding.

    Pengalaman kita adalah pengalaman menurunkan kerajaan. Kita tahu di mana mahu menyentuh titik kelemahan.

    Dan saya fikir politik Tun tidak cukup bagus untuk menangani situasi politik semasa. Malah tiada orang yang bagus dalam kerajaan untuk menangani suasana politik selain Tun.

    Itu pendapat saya. Saya perlu mengurangkan menulis di sini. Saya benar benar perlu meninggalkan blog ini. Saya harap saya berjaya.

    Saya tahu Tun masih dapat memberi markah yang betul pada prestasi kerajaan iaitu 5/10. Saya setuju dengan itu.

    Take care Tun.

    Terima kasih Tun.

  307. Malaysia tidak bolih diganggu olih perosak Negara yg tidak Bertanggung Jawab
    Ada pembangkang , ada golongan yg tidak senang, merosakan Pentakbiran Negara dengan menghasut ,menyelewengkan Orang Malaysia yg keliru dan yg tidak ada kerja menunjuk perasaan yg tidak ada tujuan nya

    Seperti menuduh Kerajaan tidak berkebolihan , tidak tunaikan janji ,tidak menghormati Islam , Raja Raja dan mereka cari fasal hingga menyalahkan tidak ada sambal belacan pun salah kerajaan.
    Gejala bergini akan membelakangkan & mengundurkan Malaysia
    Kita ada Parliament untuk berdebat bertujuan untuk mendapat kata putus di Parliament.Tapi masih ada yg bertujuan menyeret tidak puas hati mereka ke jalanan yg bakal mengaakibatkan memborontak dan tidak stabil Negara.
    Maka saya berpendapat ISA perlu ditubuhkan semula

    1. Mungkin Kerajaan belum tepati janji
    Tunjukan saya mana Kerajaan yg bolih menetapi janji begitu saja
    Process perlu di laksanakan untuk berjaya . Semua harus berkerjasama termasuk pembangkang untuk menuju pada apa yg di janjikan . Bukan mengamuk nak tepuk meja saja tanpa sokongan dari pembangkang. Kita perlu kerjasama untuk memajukan Malaysia
    2.Tidak hormat pada Sultan ? Saya tidak nampak Tun bertujuan menjatuhkan KeSultanan Malaysia atau tidak hormat pada Sultan .Yang saya lihat Tmj sendiri yg tidak menunjukan Penghormatan .Tidak nampak Tun memperkecilkan Sultan sama sekali . Sultan manusia biasa juga macam kita, bakal melakukan kesalahan .
    Namun No one is above the Law . Ini seharusnya , No EXCEPTIONAL among us.
    Tmj perlu bercampur , masuk arena politik dan bertanding untuk Suara beliau kedengaran di Parliament.Begitu juga Beliau perlu menonjolkan bakat beliau bermain bola sepak
    Ada kata yg Tun tidak tukar PM ke DSAI
    Setahu saya Tun mengatakan dalam tempoh 2 tahun
    Ini baru tahun pertama

    Mengata, mencerdik senang, macam Tin Kosong
    Tapi duduklah di tempat Tun dan bagi seorang yg sudah berumur 93 tahun

  308. I trust that you don’t mean to insult the people of Borneo over finances. If you read the economic history of this nation properly, you will discover that the Borneo states of Sabah and Sarawak are largely responsible for building up what you have in West Malaysia today. Remember the oil and gas revenue of Petronas? In any case, the generous people of Sabah and Sarawak are proud to have contributed to the overall development of Malaysia to the extent that it is virtually a developed country soon.
    On the other hand, we have no problem with anyone becoming a Prime Minister, not only for the Borneo states but for all Malaysia. You see, in Sabah, we have no problem with race. We had three Chief Ministers who were ethnic Chinese. But they were Sabah Chinese and they don’t see themselves as serving only the Chinese community but all communities in Sabah. Perhaps you are not ready to accept this development in West Malaysia?

  309. Dear Tun,

    Tahniah genap setahun Pakatan Harapan mentadbir negara. Teruskan segala niat yang murni, teruskan maju ke hadapan. Jangan mengalah pada cabaran, tegas dalam membuat keputusan dan terima kritikan demi memperbaiki diri. Pakatan Harapan telah membawa negara kembali ke landasan yang betul post GE14. Masa akan membuktikan.

    I pray for you, your team of Pakatan Harapan government. May Malaysia prosper from this day forth.

    Take care dear Tun. Remember to drink lots of water during this time of the year. Love Tun and Tun Siti.


    Estate people?

    Dont you think its too late to gostan?

    Take it, or leave it since there are so many of them berebut2 to be the perdana menteri, dpm and menteri.

    Once bitten by snake, one will be frightened by a sight of rope.

    Jika mahu politik sampai tahap ini, malaysia wont be a failed state, but when perdana menteri failed, he will be voted out, it is only a matter of time since truth shall prevail.

    Yesterday was past, thats why we called past tense.

    Today is present tense, that why today is a gift.

    Tomorrow is future tense, thats why its mystery.

    Accidents happened, and when they happened, they must be good reasons.

    P/s: when population is more open and educated, the influence of political party would gradually reduce, and there is no if and but, its either they learned or they dont, itu saja.

  311. Assalamualaikum Tun.

    Saya baca taipan Pn Hajar.

    Pesan saya, bertawakallah dan berserah dirilah kita semua pada Allah selepas ini.

    Terima kasih Tun.

  312. Assalamualaikum Tun.

    Setakat pengetahuan saya, Syeikh Abdul Malek (Tok Pulau Manis) dan Sayyid Abdul Rahman (Tokku Paloh) adalah orang sufi.

    Orang sufi yang berkebolehan memerintah.

    Sejarah moden Terengganu adalah dari susungalur keturunan anak perempuan Syeikh Abdul Malek yang dikahwinkan dengan galur Habib Abdul Majid (Johor).

    Mereka ini adalah dalam kategori ahlul bait (keturunan dan keluarga Rasulullah saw).

    Syeikh Abdul Malek memilih jalan pertabalan kesultanan Terengganu moden tersebut setelah dipujuk untuk meninggalkan zuriat pada pusat memerintah setelah tidak mahu lagi duduk ditakhta melainkan menumpukan tenaga pada hal hal dakwah.

    Salasilah kesultanan Terengganu boleh diterangkan sepertimana salasilah kesultanan Johor sekarang.

    Namun pasti ada perbezaannya di antara sejarah kesultanan Johor dan Terengganu seperti yang ditulis sejarahnya dalam buku buku Tun Suzana.

    Saya adalah dari susungalur anak anak lelaki Syeikh Abdul Malek (1860-an) yang berada di luar istana setelah syeikh turun takhta.

    Sejarah asal usul keluarga moyang syeikh adalah dari Bahgdad, seperti yang tercatat.

    Berkemungkinan besar selama saya di sini ia adalah antara pengetahuan dari zaman kegemilangan empayar Abbassiyah.

    Sepertimana yang tertulis pada Batu Bersurat. Islam akan muncul dari tempatnya.

    Satu perkara yang besar terpaksa saya tulis berkenaan pengetahuan ini, berkemungkinan besar saya telah dan sedang melalui proses ilmu laduni semasa saya di sini.

    Komen ini tidaklah berkaitan dengan artikel di atas. Tapi adalah satu kenyataan yang perlu diberitahu.

    Terima kasih Tun.

  313. After sharing power for more than 30 years, now only want an orang asli as prime minister for malaysia?

    Prime minister or chief minister for sabah, political parties of the divide to choose, takda masalah.

    Perhaps, taxpayers in peninsula do not need to subsidize orang sabah and sarawak, and we at west here can save the subsidy to develop other states in west.

    I sure hope pengundi orang sabah and sarawak to decide in ballot boxes when her geng propsed orang asli as prime minister for bot sabah and sarawak.

    Good luck to whoever she is….

  314. In today’s Daily Express (the one in Sabah) front page, the headline “Can’t Satisfy Everybody: Dr M” aptly describes the present government’s and all previous governments dilemma since independence. In a heterogeneous society like ours, it is almost an impossible dream. Thus, rather than focusing too much of our national attention on our provincial, religious and ethnic little problems, we should be focusing what we have in common. We should be working together hand-in-hand, despite our endless and permanent differences, and get on with the job.
    Our job as citizens of this country is to ensure that the future generations will inherit a much better economy and therefore livable society. The choice is simple. Do we want to forever bicker with each other over religious, ethnic and provincial matters and end up not working at all but instead forever fighting each other in successive General Elections (and god forbid, into actual riots like in Africa, Middle East and the Indian sub-continent); or do we want to prosper together regardless of who leads the trains as long at we are all moving nicely towards becoming a highly prosperous and developed economy alongside Japan, South Korea, Australia, to name just a few in the region?
    For me, the answer is simple. I don’t care who becomes the Prime Minister. I am a Muslim (albeit of Sabah native background) but I believe that an Orang Asli Prime Minister, if he is the best candidate we have, is good enough for all of us.

  315. Good morning Tun

    Saya setuju dengan Hajar.

    Lgipun setau I Haji Hadi tak mengata Tun. Macam mana I tau? I jadi pengikut Hadi kat Facebook. Kalau mengata pun Anwar PKR ada, itu pun kecil sangat.

    Hadi selalu bercakap tentang kuliah agama, aktiviti agama seperti di Terengganu for example. I pernah baca ada orang menulis kenapa orang tak mengata Haji Hadi? Mudah sangat jawapan itu sebab Haji Hadi tak mengata sesiapa. hahaha You nak gaduh dengan Tok Guru? Buang masa sahaja lah. Bulan puasa lagi pulak tu.

    I for example puasa, tapi jika my blood sugar turun atau terlebih naik, I buka puasa. Pada semua yang ada penyakit baik lah makan ubat, monitor your health. Almaklumlah masuk 40 tahun aje dah ada macam2 sakit. Ada juga umur 20han dah ada kidney failure. Kena jual kuih nak tampung kos hemodialysis yang menelan ribuan ringgit sebulan. Ini cerita orang Melayu Islam. Mana ada free free zaman PH.

    Kalau nak beli rumah pun sama, mana syarikat nak war warkan bumiputra diskaun. Kena pulak yang membeli bertanya, ada bumiputra diskaun?. Zaman PH, kalau ada apa yang istimewa dan khas untuk orang Melayu, Bumiputera kena sorok sorok beb!

    Tun, dalam PH tiada semangat Melayu, dalam PH juga tiada semangat Islam. Jika ramai memilih UMNO dan PAS, Tun jangan berkecil hati, Tun jangan murung. It is what it is.

    As usual my complain about stock market, that’s my business, business dalam lautan merah, politik ini I macam Hadi juga, sentuh sedikit sahaja

    Selamat berpuasa semua.

  316. I realise that this is off the main topic, but like I said previously, as a country that aspires to become a fully developed economy, we as citizens must get rid of our mutual suspicions toward each other. As a Sabah native, I do not see why Sabah and Sarawak must demand to be equal partners in the federation. We can only get this if the federal capital is cloned three-ways, each located in KL, KK and Kuching. As it is presently set up, the federation operates as unitary state with almost absolute control over finances from the federal capital. The alternative is to devolve more development responsibilities and financial resources to support these, to both Borneo states. But the issue here is not political, but economic. We seem to regard that all economic malaise can be resolved by political solution. And that is what devolution of powers simply is… simply a political solution. It will not resolve anything. We must try to understand the root of Sabah’s and Sarawak’s claims for equality. It is the same reason as to why the founding fathers of this country fought for independence from the British, which was to enable us to chart our own economic progress. And look at the result today.. we are regarded as the only Muslim majority country that is knocking the door of the OECD group of industrialised economies. So, is that because of independence? If we are deluded then we say yes. If we look outside our country and see 50 to 100 other independent countries which are struggling to even get to the starting line, or fighting between themselves, then we will realise that political declaration of independence or equality does not make you prosperous as a nation. If it did, then no ordinary Bruneians ever need to work again in their lifetime, as they are an oil-rich sovereign nation with a total population less than a third of metropolitan KK. And ordinary Bruneians still need to work to make ends meet. In short, political equality will not solve the reason why we strive to be equal partners in the first place, that is economic inequality. And economic inequality is due to lack of jobs. Jobs are created through long-term investment by the private sector, not by the government. Civil service is not part of the real economy, it as its limits. So what creates investments and jobs? Is it infrastructures? If we think that is the solution, then KL is already the wealthiest economy in Southeast Asia. But it is not. It has superb infrastructures but the vast majority of its inhabitants are only average and struggling to make ends meet. It is the same everywhere in the country, only a little less visible than KL. It is the same in KK, Kuching, Keningau, Sabah, Sarawak, Kedah, Pahang, Penang and Johor. But at the same time, we can see that certain parts of the country have superior concentrations of certain job types. For instance, almost all significant private sector investment in the electrical and electronic sub-sector in the country are in Penang. Why is that? It is not because Penang has anymore devolved political power than the rest of Malaysia. The answer is not political but economic. It is because that it makes more economic sense to invest in Penang than say, Perlis. (my apology to Perlis residents). For the same reason, Sabah and Sarawak leaders must stop chasing the wrong solution to the wrong problem. The problem is economic, not political. The solution is therefore economic. What every citizen in this country must strive for is to ensure that their respective areas are economically attractive enough compared to other areas for private sector investors. And the real solution lies in personal choices and sacrifices. Individuals must be ready to train and be trained. All the training facilities will be useless unless individuals make use of them, not only during their training period, but after they are qualified. They must look for jobs and not wait for jobs to be created next to their houses. Private investors can see if Sabah is the Real McCoy like Penang if we work hard, individually. Sabah is very lucky that its people don’t have to struggle as much as other states to receive investors. We just open our doors and let people see our mountains and oceans, and presto!, everyone comes from everywhere. Even to stay permanently and make KK their second homes. Without our natural landscape, we will be as bad as Perlis (sorry again to Perlis). It is the plain truth. Sabah’s problem is not its unequal political inheritance, but its problem is that it exists in a country that is on the verge of becoming an OECD developed economy. That is the problem. The inequality in development surfaces and its leaders blame the political masters in KL. If Malaysia is still struggling like the Philippines and Indonesia, or even Thailand, this provincial complaint is still a long way off.
    We have to be careful how we resolve the problem. Political solution may change the ways things are done forever, and if we are not careful the baby may be thrown out with the bath water, so to speak. Meanwhile, the problem is not resolved.

  317. Pak jokowi telah disahkan menang undi majoriti against pak prabowo di negara besar indonesia walaupun bukan besar, but got room for improvement.

    It was reported over 150 members of ec and pdrm died due to over work, and thats tragic.

    Kenapa pak prabowo kalah, dan siapakah pak prabowo?

    Pak prabowo kata negara islam tak boleh membenarkan lelaki peluk lelaki, perempuan peluk perempuan, mereka ini adalah dusta, iblis, atau syaitan, something like that.

    Inilah sebabnya para pengundi marah, dan kasi undi kepada pak jokowi.

    Itu apanama rahman dari umno baru bn sabah kata allah telah memberi penunjuk sokongan undi kepada sandakan, you rasa umno baru bn beliau boleh menang?

    It is just only a week to go whereby voters in sandakan will cast votes on may 11, 2019 whereby there have entah berapa corner fights, atau vote splitting and swap seats behind the voters, we just have to wait it out lor.

    Good day and enjoy ourselves for those who fast and dont.

  318. Assalamualaikum Tun,

    Saya ada terbaca dalam akhbar yang Tun akan menyerahkan kempimpinan kepada Dato’ Seri Anwar apabila tiba masanya. Apabila Anwar menjadi Perdana Menteri, beliau akan diberi ruang untuk mentadbir negara tanpa terikat dengan cara-cara Tun. Saya rasa begitulah hendaknya, setiap Perdana Menteri ada cara masing-masing. Sesiapapun yang akan menjadi Perdana Menteri, beliau kelak akan dinilai oleh rakyat dalam pilihanraya umum. Inilah sistem demokrasi yang diamalkan negara kita.

    Cuma saya pernah sebut, betapa menderitanya rakyat di bawah pemerintahan Najib sebagai Perdana Menteri. Sebagai Perdana Menteri, Najib begitu berkuasa, sehingga walaupun terlibat dengan skandal 1MDB yang berbilion ringgit, negara dihina diluar negara sebagai negara kleptokrat, tiada siapa mampu menghalangnya. Gabungan AG, Gabenor Bank Negara, IGP, dan Ketua SPRM atau dikenali sebagai “the 4 Tan Sri”, pun tidak mampu melawan Najib ketika dia menjadi Perdana Menteri. AG dipecat dan pakatan “the 4 Tan Sri’ dibubarkan.

    Tun terpaksa kembali aktif masuk politik, mendapatkan 1 juta tandatandangan dan bawa ke Majlis Raja-Raja. Majlis Raja-raja pun tidak dapat melawan Najib, walaupun sekarang ada raja yang bersuara tentang isu politik. Pemimpin-pemimpin UMNO, dari akar umbi sehinggalah ke Majlis Tertinggi terus menyokong Najib. Mana-mana pemimpin yang menentang, seperti Tan Sri Muhyiddin, dan Dato Seri Shafie Apdal, dipecat.

    Langkah terakhir adalah melawan Najib melalui pilihanraya umum. Maka ditubuhkan Bersatu. Tetapi pada hari menjelang pilihanraya, Bersatu diharamkan dari bertanding. Pendaftaran Pakatan Harapan ditangguhkan. Maka dalam pilihanraya terpaksa Pakatan Harapan terpaksa menggunakan lambang PKR.

    Walaupun skandal 1MDB terang-terang adalah kecurian besar berbilion-bilion ringgit, BN tetap dijangka akan menang PRU 14.

    Namun, seperti yang kita tahu sekarang, buat pertama kalinya dalam sejarah, pihak pembangkang Pakatan Harapan akhirnya menang PRU 14 dengan Tun kembali sebagai Perdana Menteri ke-7.

    Semua orang setuju kemenangan Pakatan Harapan adalah sesuatu yang diluar jangkaan atau “miracle”.

    Yang menjadi kerisauan saya, jika seseorang seperti Najib menjadi Perdana Menteri lagi sekali, tidak mungkin kemenangan seperti ini berlaku lagi. Andaikata seseorang seperti Najib memerintah negara ini sekali lagi Negara pasti akan hancur.

    Sementara Tun menjadi Perdana Menteri, saya harap Tun dapatlah meletakkan “check and balance” ke atas kuasa Perdana Menteri yang sangat berkuasa ini. Inilah cita-cita kita semasa mahu menumbangkan Najib dahulu. Seperti yang pernah kita bincangkan, Perdana Menteri tidak boleh memecat AG, tempoh maksimum seseorang menjadi Perdana Menteri adalah dua penggal sahaja, SPRM diberi kuasa menyiasat sesiapa sahaja yang terlibat dengan perbuatan korup tanpa campurtangan dari mana-mana pihak, termasuk Perdana Menteri, Parlimen diangkat sebagai tempat “check and balance”, wujudnya dua parti sistem dan wujudnya pembahagian kuasa antara kehakiman, eksekutif dan parlimen.

    Terima kasih Tun. Selamat menjalani ibadah puasa di bulan Ramadhan.

  319. Salam YAB dan DiSanjungi PM Tun Dr. Mahathir,

    1. Eloklah kita bersangka baik terhadap sesama Islam di bulan Ramadan Kareem ini.

    2. Pada pengamatan saya, sudah ada nampak sedikit perubahan sikap yang ditunjukkan oleh ahli2 dan pemimpin2 PAS terhadap umat Islam yang bukan ahli PAS. Mereka sudah boleh bertoleransi dengan golongan yang berbeza pandangan politik. Niat mereka biarlah Allah SWT sahaja yang menilainya.

    3. Golongan munafik amat dilaknat oleh Allah SWT. Mereka ini pura2 beriman kepada Allah SWT. Golongan ini biasanya tidak segan-silu menghina dan mengutuk Islam (umat Islam), tetapi mengaku Islam. Kita juga ada orang kafir di blog Chedet yang mengaku ‘Islam’, dan secara halus menghina Islam (mudah sikit kerja dia).

    4. Antara ciri-ciri orang munafik ialah bila mereka berjanji, mereka mungkir. Apabila mereka bercakap mereka dusta @ suka menipu, dan bila diberi amanah mereka khianat. Orang munafik juga melampau batas bila berbeza pendapat (sanggup berbunuhan contohnya).

    5. Memanglah Malaysia dianggap Negara Islam contoh di serata dunia, tetapi bukankah kawan2 Tun (terutamanya Kit Siang & geng) dalam DAP tidak mahu (tidak pernah) mengaku bahawa Malaysia ialah sebuah Negara Islam? Jadi, bolehkah kita katakan yang PH mendaulatkan Islam?

    Terima kasih Tun.

    – Semoga Allah SWT sentiasa merahmati Tun sekeluarga –

  320. In order to be fair and equal partners, sabah and sarawak should be granted as equal partner, not puppet to putrajaya, imso.

    As for penang and kedah, they can do what they see fit, but they cannot treat other states as their puppet under this tajuk, and they must bear the consequences of their action.

    Privatization is good, but it could be regressive when race and religion supremacy of islam diutamakan, imso, not imao.

    Mark my word, mereka dipilih bukan kerana mereka berkemampuan, mereka dipilih kerana mereka masih ingin menguasai ekonomi negeri mahupun negara, and cronism and nepotism would be repeated in the form of lobby within their circles of influences since this way out is the easiest, by the end of the day.

    They will never progress nor live up to the most advance technology, and will be left behind, it is just only a matter of time.

    Barter trade diplomacy is goodwill in the name of donation, globalization to help thy neighbours to grow, but this goodwill could be see as threat to the oppostion who dont believe in barter trade.

    Usa has patriot act, and they are very skillful in war strategy, and this is something that no one can deny.

    Whether presidents of usa like it or not, they must get the mandate from the american voters iaitu taxpayers of those who vote and dont vote to represent the country to earn back the cost of expensive wars of their past presidents.

    Privatization of MAS?

    It will be interesting to see who gets to do the privatization deal.

    Aku jual, malu apa bossku?

    Race and religion issues become complicated when personal interests is above fdi, people and country.

    They are elected to solve problems facing the country and allies, they are not elected to monopolize the market.

    Voters are not puppet, but members of political parties can be puppet to their masters.

    It is still come back to my land, or your land.

    Jika pengundi tak rela and not ready, then, be prepared for another money loosing mega project skandal.

    We are living in 2019, bukan 1969, please bear that in mind.

    P/s: the old ones will leave, but are the old ones ready to let go? the new one come in, but are they prepared to take over? this is some thing that tdm needs to think deeply as perdana menteri ke-7 di bawah tajuk ini whereby only 52% of the population is muslim.

  321. Perbelahan Agama berlaku bukan kerena Agama
    Berlaku disebabkan keinginan dan nafsu politik
    Ingin menguasai Kuasa & Ekonomy
    Begitu juga persoalan Sunni & Shia
    Tidak tertulis di Quran huruf Sunni & Shia
    Semasa itu Nabi Muhammad S.A.W adalah Rasul juga Pemipin Kaum
    Setelah wafatnya Nabi Muhammad S.A.W
    Barulah timbul Sunni & Shia untuk masing masing hendak menjadi Pemimpin juga untuk dasar ekonomi

    Begitu juga yg berlaku di Timur Tengah
    Di Syria, Iraq, Libya ,Afganiztan, Vanuzuela dan yg lain
    Bukan kerana Amerika membela Demokrasi ,membela Kezaliman , membela Hak asasi Manuasia . Tetapi membela Kepentingan Tamak Haloba Amerika sendiri

    Satu Dunia tahu Amerika Pembohong
    Satu Dunia tahu Amerika ingin menakluk dengan memperbonekakan Pemimpin negara tersebut .Kerana Amerika Gagah & Lengkap akan segala Keperluaan
    Maka Salah Amerika di nampak Benar
    Kentut Amerika yg Busuk dikata Wangi

    Maka saya SiBotak sering merayu ,memohon , mengalu alukan Ummah untuk Bersatu
    Bersatu jika tidak perlawa PH , hanya UMNO & PAS
    Itu bukan untuk Ummah , malah terserlah nafsu ingin Berkuasa mempergunakan Agama untuk Kepentingan Politik mereka
    Mermecah belahkan Ummah akan membinasakan Ummah sendiri

    Maka perlu setiap perbuatan kita mesti berniat
    Niat yg baik di percepatkan ,niat jahat di musnahkan saja

    PH akan lemah selagi bersekutu dengan DAP
    Terkecuali Tun dapat dapat Bermualafkan DAP
    Walaupun DAP satu Party yg berupaya
    Orang Melayu tidak mahu mempertuankan DAP

    Tun berhadapan dengan krisis ini sekarang
    Berkuasa bersekutu dengan DAP ,Pembangkang akan menggunakan ini sebagai satu senjata mereka. PH akan tumbang di PRU15 akan datang selagi PH bersekutu dengan DAP. Perkauman satu Kenyataan yg tidak perlu berlakun seolah ia tidak wujud.
    Begitu juga jika DAP berkuasa kelak
    Adakah Tun fikir DAP akan mengupamakan hak Melayu
    Lihat saja jiran terdekat kita sekarang
    Itu Kenyataan yg Tun tidak bolih Nafikan

  322. “Dimana-mana juga di luar Negara terdapat orang Islam yang pandang tinggi Malaysia sebagai negara Islam. Mereka nyatakan keinginan melihat negara mereka menjadi seperti Malaysia.”

    I completely agree with this statement. The truth is, irrespective of whether we want to accept it or not, the only reason why these countries which I believe are Middle Eastern countries, are in a dilemma is this. They are still stuck with a medieval era political system, that does not accord equal rights to their citizens or any freedom of speech or choice. This keep their citizens in their place, with no incentive to shine, and this effectively leaves only their undemocratic governments to run their economies to their dire consequence (luckily they still have some oil and gas, for now). And as we have discovered rather a bit late in our own country, government must not meddle in running any type of business. But it is not too late to change the basic policy of turning into a truly developed economy.If we aspire to join the rank of a truly self-sustaining developed economy, government must not interfere with how the economy should be run. It should be run entirely by the private sector. Malaysia Airlines should be sold to the private sector, and not to another government-controlled company (that is not privatisation). The new national car project must be started entirely by a private company, with incentives given by the government. But it must not be another Proton-like model again. Otherwise, we are just repeating the same mistake.

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