1. With the price of oil going up higher and higher, many in this country are thinking about power generation. At one time the Malaysian Government had decided on a four fuel policy for the generation of electric power. We wanted power plants to use either fuel oil, gas, coal or hydro power. We had excluded the use of nuclear power.

2. Why did we reject nuclear power?

3. I am not a nuclear scientist but I believe I know enough of the dangers of using nuclear (fissionable) material.

4. When Hiroshima and Nagasaki were atom-bombed, the scientists who invented the bombs thought that the destructive effect would be only from the huge explosion due to fissionable material. So did their victims – the Japanese.

5. As a result the Japanese entered the destroyed cities to carry out rescue work and to clean up.

6. It was only later that they realised that the residual radiation would cause a variety of radiation sickness and diseases. The radiation remained harmful for a long period after explosion. Even today there are people who had entered the bombed area in those days who are dying of a variety of diseases, including cancer, contracted through exposure to radiation from the Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombs.

7. I think we all know about the Chernobyl disaster in Russia. Despite thousands of tons of concrete being poured into the site, the power plant is still emitting dangerous radiation.

8. Besides this we should know that radioactive material used as fuel for power generation remain radioactive and dangerous to health after the fuel has been exhausted. The waste cannot be disposed anywhere, not by burial in the ground nor dumping in the sea. It can be reprocessed by certain countries only. This requires the dangerous material to be transported in special lead containers and carried by special ships. Most ports do not allow such ships to be berthed at their facilities. Reprocessing means that the nuclear material again becomes active and harmful to health.

9. The fact is that we do not know enough about radioactive nuclear material. Once it is processed it remains a source of danger forever.

10. We have some experience dealing with radioactive material. In Perak we have a site where we had buried by-products of tin mining (amang) which had been processed to become radioactive and which was used to colour television. We had poured tons of cement on the buried material. More than one square mile of the burial site is barred to humans. The site is still radioactive and dangerous.

11. If we have a nuclear plant, besides not being able to get rid of nuclear waste, we may have accidents which can endanger people living even far away because of the material being carried by water (ground water) and wind.

12. I think the authorities should rethink the idea of nuclear power plants. Scientists do not know enough about dealing with nuclear waste. They do not know enough about nuclear accidents and how to deal with them.

13. Until we do, it is far better if Malaysia avoids using nuclear power for electrical generation.

179 thoughts on “NUCLEAR POWER”

  1. Please tell our PM Najib not to make the biggest mistake and turn Malaysia into a nuclear dumping ground for western countries that know that the future lies with microwave transmission of solar energy.
    In fact, Obama has been presented with a special report on Space power transmission to earth and NASA is heavily involved with this research. Japan is confident that it can depend fully on space solar transmission 20 years from now.
    Third world and developing countries are again becoming dumping grounds for

  2. salam….
    saya ada cadangan mgkin lbih baik dr gune kuasa nuklear
    sbb dr kesan sampingan apa kata gner dr kuasa lakuran ttp guner gas hidrogen dan helium macam yg ad kt matahari. lbih kuat dr kuasa nuklear. tp mmrlukan usaha yg sgt gigih & kejituan dlm pengiraan sgt tggi….
    klo x pon gner jer HHO…extract dr air
    pembakaran secara terancang & pengeluaran besar-besaran
    sumber yg xkn abes dinegara malaysia ni….
    risiko dan kesan sampingn pada alam sekitar adalah minima
    tp sgt memerlukan teknologi yg sgt tggi…
    kos juga berkurangan sbb ia lbih kpd maintaimence
    hanya pd awal projek shj ia berkos tggi
    Fikir2 kan lah….

  3. Dear Tun.
    We are now looking at Biomass powerplant to produce electricity and i am looking for investors to build the power plant which costs RM 80 Million.
    We have engineers, work force and project papers except investor.
    Dr. Jaya

  4. Berikut ialah ekstrak daripada halaman 18 dan 19New Sunday Times mengenai kuasa nuklear:
    1. Pengerusi Lembaga Perlesenan Tenaga Atom Prof Datuk Dr Noramly Muslim menyatakan:
    (a) Malaysia mempunyai kepakaran yang mencukupi untuk membina loji kuasa nuklear,
    (b) negara kita mempunyai lebih kurang 80 pemegang ijazah PhD dalam bidang teknologi kejuruteraan nuklear,
    (c) negara-negara di Eropah sedang mempertimbangan semula keputusan untuk menutup loji kuasa nuklear,
    (d) (i) isu bahan buangan nuklear sengaja dipolitikkan,
    (ii) bahan buangan nuklear boleh dikitar semula,
    (iii) bahan buangan nuklear lebih berharga daripada uranium asal
    (e) keputusan sama ada memanfaatkan kuasa nuklear untuk menjana tenaga elektrik bersifat politik
    2. Prof Jong Hyun Kim daripada Jabatan Kejuruteraan Kuantum dan Nuklear di Institut Tinggi Sains dan Teknologi Korea pula menyatakan:
    (a) untuk membina sebuah loji nuklear, Malaysia cuma memerlukan separuh daripada 20 tahun yang diperlukan oleh Korea untuk tujuan yang sama,
    (b) perangkaan Syarikat Kuasa Elektrik Nuklear Korea menunjukkan bahawa kos untuk menjana 140 TWh tenaga elektrik oleh
    (i) loji kuasa nuklear ialah RM1.77 billion
    (ii) loji arang batu ialah RM106 billion
    (iii) loji gas asli ialah RM1.3 trillion
    (c) mengambil iktibar dari peristiwa Three Mile Island dan Chernobyl,peningkatan dan innovasi teknologi membolehkan loji kuasa nuklear yang akan dibina jauh lebih selamat daripada yang dulu.

  5. YBhg Tun,
    Saya rasa lambat laun kita kena juga pertimbangkan penggunaan kuasa nuklear ini. Memang ada risiko. Semua benda yang kita buat memang ada risikonya. Kita boleh belajar menangani risiko ini daripada mana-mana negara di dunia yang sudah menggunakan kuasa nuklear ini sejak bertahun-tahun yang lampau.
    Salam Tun.

  6. assalamualaikum Tun….
    sebagai generasi muda yang rasanya lebih berani mengambil risiko menerokai teknologi,saya berpendapat sudah tiba masanya kita mula mencongak rangka awal ke arah penggunaan teknologi nuklear.
    kita bukannya “membunuh diri” apabila ingin menggunakan teknologi nuklear kerana sebagai negara membangun kita juga sebenarnya mempunyai teknologi serta ilmuan yang terbilang yang pastinya dapat memastikan langkah yang kita akan ambil nanti ke arah rancangan penggunaan kuasa nuklear ini adalah berada di landasan yang paling SELAMAT.
    Dan kita juga bukanlah negara perintis yang mengambil risiko ini untuk menjadi “tikus makmal” tetapi kita hanya perlu mengambil dan mengubah sedikit “skrip” yang telah digunakan oleh negara maju lain dalam menjana kuasa drpd penggunaan teknologi nuklear.
    Marilah kita mula melangkah setapak lagi ke hadapan untuk paling tidaknya dapat melihat dari jarak yang lebih hampir kelibat negara-negara maju lain yang telah jauh ke hadapan…

  7. Dear Tun,
    please allow me to give my opinion
    nuclear has bringing so much problems
    learn from history and current situation
    so dont let the others see Malaysia the same as Iran
    we should handle first democracy..
    then you can think of nuclear
    isnt that right?
    btw,Malaysia is Islamic country
    have to remember that

  8. Salam Tun,
    Apa kata kita teliti rancangan ini dengan merujuk pakar-pakar saintis nuklear kita dan luar negeri dahulu kemudian baru 1Malaysia buat keputusan. Terima-kasih.

  9. salam sejahtera Tun..
    saya tak bersetuju dengan tun kali ini…
    saya menyokong pendapat beberapa bloggers lain yang menyokong
    Malaysia sepatutnya boleh mula usaha untuk penggunaan tenaga nuklear ini…atom nuklear yang akan digunakan jenis uranium 235…
    guna reaktor nuklear ini, bukan sahaja jimat, malah jumlah tenaga yang akan dihasilkan juga banyak dan tahan lama.. malah lebih selamat utk alam sekitar daripada bahan api fosil terutama arang batu
    kita tak boleh nak guna solar, angin mahupun hidro lagi sebab jika guna solar.. kos nak bina janakuasa solar tu lagi tinggi daripada reaktor nuklear tetapi, hasilnya cukup rendah. jumlah tenaga yang dihasilkan cukup rendah.. angin? lagilah merepek.. malaysia bukan ada puting beliung yang kuat dan blh jana kuasa elektrik.. pasal hidro ni, kita dah ada banyak.. tapi apa yang berlaku? kemusnahan alam juga kan? hutan ditebang tetapi janakuasa hidro juga terhad kepada beberapa tahun sahaja..bahan api fosil dah nak habis..
    kalau tak guna reaktor nuklaer, tak mustahil, malaysia perlu import elektrik pulak..bil elektrik pun melambung2 tingginya.. gaji tak sepadan..kos hidup tinggi..
    dulu org pun memperlekeh idea2 tun tentang kereta proton.. apa kata mereka? tak berkualiti.. diperbuat daripada tin milo? tapi apa yang berlaku selepas 20 tahun?
    camtu gak dgn idea putrajaya, klia, litar sepang.. semua pandang serong..tapi akhirnya akui bahawa ada kebaikannya..
    jadi, berilah ruang dan peluang kepada usaha untuk tujuan ini.. jangan berfikiran sempit dan hanya nampak negetif je.. jika asyik fikir negetif, maka hasilnya negetif lah.. cuba pandang jauh ke hadapan.. macam tun masa keluarkan idea wawasan 2020 pada tahun 1990..(30 tahun punya matlamat tu)

  10. Hello Old Chap…
    I agreed with you on this matter, the similar thoughts i had on some matters that i had wrote.
    Until we do, it is far better if Malaysia avoids using nuclear power for electrical generation.
    Totally agreed with you Old Chap…
    Plus, you wouldn’t want to see my kids nor our future generations to be born as an E.T (radioactive mutation), and greets you with such :
    Eppp beep… beep epp toot, greetings Che eepp Det… toot and beepp epp earthlings.
    Luqmanul Hakim bin Abd Rahim bin Abdul Wahab
    URL :
    Email : [email protected]

  11. Tun, for the first time, i’m not on the same side with you.
    Tun, our country too much depend on thermal (fossil) energy which fuel was from hydrocarbon like natural gas (Paka), diesel (Sultan Ismail), and coal (Jimah and Tanjung Bin).
    There’s a lot of way in what we called Renewable Energy; to generate electricity, such as Biofuel, Geothermal, Tidal Energy, and the most popular Solar Energy and Wind Energy. There were in your comment, that want Malaysia to go for this kind of energy generator. BUT, please keep in mind that Solar and Wind that used solar panel and wind turbine respectively, are very low in effieciency, about 10%. The best solar panel using CIGSS (Cuprum Indium Galium Selenium Sulfur) Thin Film in Nevada was at 18.8% effiecient. That’s not all, solar cells produce Direct Current (DC) but we used Alternative Current (AC) in the National Grid. So, we must convert first to AC before connect to distribution grids. Here, there also energy loss for about 12%.
    Of course we cannot implemented wind farm in Malaysia simply because Malaysia only experience hard wind during monsoon only. Furthermore, wave energy also cannot be implemented for the same reason.
    Denmark Government already spent 1.3 billion Pound Sterling to build offshore wind farm. Japan Government spent 1.0 billion Pound Sterling in photovoltaic (solar panel) technology. Are Malaysia Government ready to ‘waste’ money like them, with the current technology that we have?
    Are Denmark and Japan really lose their money? Not at all. In Denmark, they created profit of 2.0 billion Pound Sterling annually and an industry for 20,000 Danish. Japan hold 50% share for world market and create 15,000 work for a profit 0.6 billion Pound Sterling annually. But once again, are we ready for this? I think, you know the answer. Renewable energy means there were a lot of cost and required high technology to start.
    Of course you can’t compare the effect of Nagasaki and Hiroshima bombings. It was used as a weapon, not as an electrical energy. For Chernobyl and Three Mile Island case, today technology so much advanced. Every little aspect being considered, to keep disaster at minimal possibility.
    We must know that, natural uranium only contain 1% required Uranium-235. But this can be increase by a technique called Nuclear Enrichment. This technique if not in proper used, can upgrade the Uranium-235 contain from 1% to 90% which was a weapon grade. For reactor grade, 4% of Uranium-235 needed. But enriched uranium also can be imported from commercial facilities on open market. So, Malaysia will have no problem if they afraid to be blame like Iran case, but at a cost. China and Japan have this kind of facilities. With the growth in nuclear technology, Australian scientist already develop nuclear enrichment using Separation of Isotopes by Laser Excitation (SILEX). This technology claimed to be at 33% efficient compared to decades of gaseous diffusion and gas centrifudge.
    We must know that Thailand, Vietnam and Indonesia already in their way to build a nuclear reactor. I have visited MINT (now known as Malaysia Nuclear Agency) in Bangi back in 2005. The personnel there told us if one of these reactor blow-out, Malaysia cannot escape the consequences as we really close to them.
    Hydrocarbons largely contribute to Global Warming. The effect are ‘not’ scientifically proven, as many blame to the industrial sector, transportation sector and other sector rather than to the power plant.
    The more we build fossil fuel power plant, the more we contribute to Global Warming. In a long time, we feel the effect, just like now. Earthquakes, tsunamis and floods are everywhere on the world. Even in the past years, Egypt (if not mistaken) experience snow phenomena!
    Radioactive waste storage is one of the problems. Some countries using underground repositories. But we must take in mind that nuclear waste takes up little space compared to wastes from the chemical industry which some remain toxic indefinitely.
    Nuclear power plants and nuclear reactor are guarded inside a reinforced containment building, and thus are relatively impervious to terrorist attack or adverse weather conditions. Nuclear power does not produce any primary air pollution or release carbon dioxide and sulfur dioxide into the atmosphere.
    If we keep staying away from the nuclear, and wait for the right time, say another 10 years, I am afraid it will be too late. To build a nuclear reactor, it takes for 10-15 years at best to 100% completed. I am afraid at that time our hydrocarbon fuel like coal, oil and natural gas refineries and mines already depleted and at its peak price.
    Depleted hydrocarbon fuel, means we already lose 87% of our electric generation capacity. Hydroelectric only contribute 13% to the capacity, eventhough there is a lot of hydro dam (not include 2400MW Bakun Dam).
    Starting in 1965, France made large investments in nuclear power and three quarters of its electricity comes from nuclear reactors. Switzerland is planning to cut its energy consumption by more than half to become a 2000W society by 2050 and the United Kingdom is working towards a zero energy building standard for all new housing by 2016. In 2005, the Swedish government announced the oil phase-out in Sweden with the intention to become the first country to break its dependence on fossil fuel by 2020.
    Still, where is Malaysia? The best answer must to be blame at the cost and technology.
    Yes, Nuclear Power Plant is a non-renewable energy. But estimation from discovered mines, uranium would be last for another 80 years. At least, a long time enough for the world before totally change to Renewable Energy sources.
    p/s: As a final year student and not a university professor, there maybe some of the numbers, facts or statistics given were not accurate. But I already tried my best using legitimate sources like RMK-9, EIA website and electronic journal.

  12. Tun,
    bagaimana dengan projek BAKUN di sarawak bukankah kerajaan malaysia sudah membelanjakan jutaan ringgit di sana, kenapa tidak di teruskan projek itu? bukan kah projek itu di hasilkan oleh ke bijaksanaan pemimpin waktu itu, dan kalau mengikut perancangaan awal projek ini, bakun boleh menghasilkan tenaga amat mencukupi untuk seluruh negeri di malaysia. selain daripada itu projek ini dapat membantu pertanian dan pelancungan, dengan adanya penjana hydro di bakun malaysia tidak perlu bimbang lagi tentang turun atau naiknya harga minyak di pasaran dunia

  13. Tun,
    I’m not too sure that our M’sian scientists have reached first world standard to install & run the nuclear plants safely.Better to tap other sources of energy.The Bakun dam in Sarawak provides HEP.That is one source.At least we still have petroleum fr Trengganu –good for another two decades.After that what happens????We also have LPG.Would like to see the revenue fr these resources translated into goods & services for our People please……….to upgrade our standard of living.
    I seriously think we don’t need so many iconic projects & landmarks when the very basic needs of people have not all been met!!!!

  14. Jati diri ialah masalah utama masyarakat kita. Kita tidak yakin kita mampu membuat sesuatu. Kita terlalu banyak bergantung kuasa asing. Kita tidak mampu membuat sesuatu kecuali hanya meniru orang lain. Malah denai basikal pun dipanggil Mat Saleh sebagai arkitek. Padahal berapa banyak denai tidak resmi telah dibina oleh orang tempatan.
    Kita tidak percaya dengan kebolehan orang tempatan. Kita tidak yakin keselamatan sebenar sesuatu pekerjaan ialah milik Allah. Manusia hanya mampu berusaha.

  15. Are we ready to have nuclear power generation? Have we got the expertise to manage the plant? Technically, I don’t think TNB has the technical capacity to manage the plant. They are still not efficient even to manage the existing power generation.
    There are other better alternatives than having nuclear power. Whoever initiate this idea must stop dreaming. It won’t happen. Don’t waste time.
    TNB should concentrate more on the maintenance of its exiting power generation plants.There are a lot of pilferages happening within TNB organization. If they do internal management audit on their system and procedures I am very sure there are a lot of things not being implemented according to standard operating administrative procedures.
    For example,there are certain maintenance services jobs like maintaining of the sub stations which are not being tendered out for years. WHY? This is wrong. Somebody must answer this without any hidden agenda. The contractors should NOT be continuing doing the work without reviewing their efficiency. The standard procedure should be every 3 or 4 years there must be fresh tender exercise to determine whether the current contractors should be extended or terminated their services.
    The CEO must be sleeping without monitoring what is going on in the tender department.

  16. Salam,
    Pada 1979 saya pernah belajar di UK dalam bidang NDT. Masa tu pelajar Korea pun sama-sama belajar dengan kami. Korea kiranya setaraf dengan Malaysia dari segi kemajuan pada sekitar tahun 80an. Sekarang mereka telah meninggalkan kita jauh di belakang. Teknologi nuklear telah memajukan mereka.

  17. Salam Tun yang dikasihi…
    Saya mempunyai pandangan yang tidak selari dengan Tun di dalam isu tenaga nuklear ni
    Dari pembacaan saya tentang komen yang diberikan oleh kementar,,saya dapati kebanyakan mereka mempersoalkan tentang macam mana hendak melupuskan sisa bahan nuklear..
    To my limited knowledge Tun, sebenarnya bahan api yang diguna untuk penjanaan tenaga nuklear adalah Uranium-235,,suatu bahan yang mempunyai setengah hayat yang tinggi iatu lebih kurang 703,800,000 tahun,,jadi disini tidak timbul isu bagaimana hendak melupuskan bahan radioaktif tersebut. Bahan itu boleh diguna sehingga 703,800,000 tahun (rujuk wikipedia) sebelum tenaganya berkurang kepada setengah tenaga asalnya..Saya rasa reaktor-reaktor nuklear yang ada didunia ini mungkin tidak pernah setakat ini menukar bahan api mereka,,cuma maintenance saja diperlukan dan untuk melupuskan bahan api Uranium -235 ini memerlukan masa sekurang-kurangnya 703,800,000 tahun selepas penggunaannya….
    Tentang penggunaan tenaga solar,,saya berpendapat untuk membangunkan teknologi penggunaan tenaga solar secara komersial,,memerlukan modal yang besar,,mungkin menyamai modal untuk sebuah reaktor nuklear,,tetapi tenaga yang dijana tidak setinggi tenaga yang dijana dengan menggunakan reaktor nuklear,,jadi jika untuk perancangan jangka masa panjang,,penggunaan tenaga nuklear adalah lebih menjimatkan.
    Pekerjaan di reaktor nuklear juga boleh dikatakan antara paling selamat didunia ( dalam konteks pekerjaan teknikal),,jika langkah keselamatan yang digariskn dipatuhi.
    Oleh itu,,saya menyokong penggunaan tenaga nuklear di Malaysia. Persepsi masyarakat terhadap tenaga nuklear adalah negatif disebabkan peristiwa Hiroshima & Nagasaki,,tapi itu didalam konteks bm nuklear. Penggunaan tenaga nuklear dalam konteks penjanaan tenaga adalah amat bermanfaat disamping menjimatkan kos dari segi perancangan jangka masa panjang.
    Walaubagaimanapun,,jika penggunaan tenaga nuklear ini diimplementasikan di Malaysia,,mereka yang bertanggungjawab menjaga reaktor ini perlulah terdiri daripada mereka yang mempunyai integriti yang tinggi,kerana prosedur keselamtan adalah sangat ketat dan attitude “tidak apa” perlulah dielakkan. Walaubagaimanapun,,jika reaktor nuklear hendak diwujudkan dimalaysia,,masa yang diperlukan adalah sekurang-sekurangnya 15 tahun,,lebih kepada perancangan jangka masa panjang. Mungkin saya salah seorang yang akan bekerja disektor ini,jika saya sudah mempunyai Phd dalam bidang nuklear,,insyaallah,,hehe.
    Saya adalah bekas pelajar didalam bidang nuklear di IPTA. Perbetulkan saya jika ada fakta2 yang saya kemukakan salah.
    Somoga Tun sentiasa di rahmati Allah..
    Best Regards.,

  18. Yes Tun.
    you’re right -absolutely right! Sad to admit humbly that Malaysia is still many2 steps behind the super Powers.She should not dare think of building high -tech nuclear Power plants.First things first.Put right our economy,politics,clean up the systems, curb crime,improve our important infrastructure–educational,transport & health facilities before thinking of trouble-shooting in very high -tech fashion.Then running into greater health problems when they realise that they have done wrong.By then it would be too late.
    We cannot even cope with our choked roads in KL business district.Even our Railway system has yet to be modernised la!!!!Still behind time man!!!

  19. Salam,
    Dari tanah kita datang dan kepada tanah kita dikembalikan. Begitu juga bahan radioaktf. Kita ambil Uranium dari bumi dan kita perkayakan menjadi bahan radioaktif untuk dimanfaatkan. Begitu juga bila kita ingin kembalikan kepada bumi, kita miskinkan, cairkan, batukan/kuburkan semula. Kehidupan ialah risiko.

  20. Well, I beg to differ.
    True that I myself am not absolutely sure about the current status of nuclear power generation to provide a strong supportive arguement for its use. But then again, to immediately write it off would not be a wise sort of thing either.
    As the years go by and more research are being carried out, there would definitely be advancement made by scientists all over the world. It could happen that a revolutionary discovery is made, and nuclear power generation would then be feasible.
    In short, yes I agree to a certain extent that nuclear power generation has its hazards and downside, but do not be too stereotype against it.

  21. Assalammulaikum Tok Det
    1. Dah lama tak tak bagi komen dalam blog Tok Det ni. Sibuk sikit la ni.
    2. Tapi terpanggil jugak nak bagi komen pasal nuklear ni.
    3. Kita patut ada kepakaran teknologi nuklear dan patut meneruskan kajian lebih mendalam.
    4. Mana tahu saintis kita boleh menemui teknologi perlupusan sisa nuklear yang mesra alam. Berebut negara lain nanti. Boleh buat duit tuuuuu.
    5. Teknologi apapun banyak mudaratnya. Contohnya teknologi internet/IT dan mobile technology. Ponografi, online gambling, online game, hasutan, fitnah dan segala karut-marut semuanya boleh diperolehi di hujung jari. Senang cerita macam-macam ada!
    6. Teknologi hydro, petroleum dan gas, solar, angin dan sebagainya pun pasti ada impak mudaratnya. Manusia mungkin tidak atau belum tahu lagi. Manusia hanya boleh belajar melalui eksperimen, pengalaman lampau, penemuan sejarah, akeologi dan sebagainya. Manusia tidak nampak impak yang akan berlaku di masa depan!
    7. Lagipun negara bukan kuasa nuklear sentiasa dilihat lemah dan ketinggalan.
    8. Memang benar nuklear membawa kemusnahan yang besar. Tetapi sebagai sebuah negara kuasa nuklear sekurang-kurangnya negara kita tidaklah mudah dibuli dan diugut oleh negara lain. Bukanlah nak berperang tapi ini realiti yang sedang berlaku di dunia sekarang. Sampai bila nak jadi pak turut?
    Your all times die hard supporter


  23. Dear YBhg Tun and blog readers,
    On 6 and 9 Aug every year, Hiroshima and Nagasaki would spent one moment in time to mourn the deaths of its citizens due to atomic bombing of both cities while the world watched horror.
    ronically enough, it was Einstein the shooked the foundations of physics with the introduction of his Special Theory of Relativity, who warned President Roosevelt that the element uranium that as potential source of energy could also be turned an extremely powerful type of bomb.
    The misuse of nuclear science and technology has lead to the of bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki on 6 and 9 Aug 1945. At least one Malaysian who witnessed the bombing of Hiroshima is alive today to tell the story.
    As the world watched in horror, the Japanese vowed to rebuild the devastated cities. And today, Japan has 55 operating nuclear reactors. Not only that, it is an exporter of nuclear technology; it is also a strong contender in ITER, a grouping that advocates thermonuclear fusion for future electricity-producing fusion power plants
    So between fission and fusion, where does Malaysia fit in the roadmap?
    While we lament between the pros and cons of nuclear energy, the world is moving fast forward and leaving us far behind. Whether we like it or not, nuclear science and technology is a necessity for the survival of the future generation.
    There is always two side of a coin

  24. Y.A. Bhg Tun,
    Saya fikir kali ini saya tidak akan bersetuju dengan Tun walaupun saya memang peminat tun sejak 1 September 1999. Saya tidak bersetuju kerana;
    1. Seperti komen dari Kamel AHmad, kalau kita mengikuti perkembangan teknologi nuklear yang terkini kita dapati teknologi mereka sudah menjadi semakin selamat dan murah. Teringat salah satu buku yang bercerita tentang sejarah pembuatan kereta tapi maaf saya dah lupa buku itu secara spesifik, Apa yang ditakut-takutkan pada masa kereta mula dipasarkan secara komersial ialah akan ada orang yang akan mati hangus kerana ada tangki yang menyimpan petrol perlu dibawa ke sana dan ke mari. Ianya satu risiko yang amat berbahaya dan boleh membawa maut. Tapi dari berjuta orang yang menggunakan kereta sehingga hari ini, berapa ramai yang mati hangus setahun?
    2. Saya juga bersetuju tentang penumpuan kita kepada teknologi hijau, Namun kos yang tinggi dan volume penjanaan yang rendah menunjukkan jalan di hujungnya yang masih jauh. Hanya matahari dan angin sahaja yang mungkin boleh dituai secara efektif di Malaysia.
    3. Saya juga ingin melihat manafaat sampingan dengan membawa tenaga nuklear kedalam malaysia seperti pertukaran teknologi dan pewujudan industri sampingannya yang benilai tinggi.
    4. Suka atau tidak Nuklear adalah pilihan terbaik yang ada masa ini untuk Malaysia bagi menggantikan fosil.

  25. Tun.
    Posting pasal Nuclear power ni agak dapat respond ramai juga. Pelbagai pendapat dari warga chedet mengambil bahagian. Memang topik sebegini menarik untuk di bahas dan di bincangkan. Ada yang setuju dan ada yang tidak. Biasa lah tu.
    Tapi sekarang ni timbul pulak issu Parti Komunis Malaya. Ada pehak pulak mahu kerajaan membenarkan Chin Peng ketua nya di benarkan pulang ke Malaysia.
    Semacam dah ada usaha untuk menghidupkan kembali fahaman komunisma di negara ini. Pada waktu ini pun semacam dah ada famhaman itu di mainkan oleh sesetengah pehak. Cuma pendekatan nya berbeza dari dulu. Harap pehak kerajaan tidak alpa atau leka akan ancaman ini.
    Agency inteligent kerajaan perlu menyiasat perkara2 ini seluas2 nya mana lah tahu fahaman ini sudah bertapak semula di negara ini.
    “Haraf TUN dapat cerita sedikit sejarah komunis ini. Ramai anak2 muda zaman ini tak tahu sejarah ini. Kekejaman bintang tiga ini memang tak boleh dimaafkan.
    Saya maseh teringat beberapa kawan2 saya di sekolah menengah di Ipoh pada sekitar awal 70an telah kehilangan bapa2 mereka apabila komunis menyerang hendap konvoi Polis Hutan (yang berpengkalan di Hulu Kinta) dekat Bentong. Ramai mereka telah terbunuh dalam serangan itu.
    Pengurusi Gerakan PP, Dr.Teng Hok Nan mesti mohon maaf pada seluruh rakyat Malaysia akan kenyataan nya mahu kerajaan membenarkan Chin Peng pulang ke Malaysia. Dia juga mesti diambil tindakan di gugurkan dari jawatan nya sekarang.
    “Chin Peng” tak boleh ,”Cimb Bank” ok.

  26. Dear Tun,
    I don’t understand why we want to use nuclear power while we get sun everyday. It is just weird because as a graduate from Germany majoring in Environmental and Chemical Engineering, I totally concern about our future because I see the least effort from the government to use the Green Energy. Germany, a country with four seasons can use photovoltaic and all kinds of reusable energy, but why not us? Fraunhofer Institute in Germany as an example where Malaysia can try to find a help.
    I totally agree with statement from Fareen. Nowadays, Germany is slowly shutting down their nuclear power plants. So, Malaysia wants to build without any experts in this field?? Fikir-fikirkanlah.
    Best Regards,
    Azman Jadi

  27. S A L A M B A H A G I A T U N, T I D A K P E R L U K I T A C A K A P T E N T A N G N U C L E R P O W E R, S E K A R A N G K I T A A D A P O W E R G R A B D I P E R A K, S U N G G U H M E M A L U K A N, N A M P A K N Y A N A M A M A L A Y S I A D I M A T A D U N I A D A L A M Z A M A N N A J I B L E B I H T E R K E N A L D A R I P A D A Z A M A N T U N D U L U. D U N I A K I N I K E T A W A P A D A M A L A Y S I A. S U N G G U H M A L U L A H T U N.

  28. Dear Tun,
    I am totally disagree with your opinion.As we know a lot of countries are using nuclear power in generating their electricity and this has helped them to save so much money.Actually as long as we do not abuse it,it will not be dangerous.If the OPEC agree with the decision of Malaysia to use nuclear powewr for positive intention then why don’t we just try it as it will really benefit the people.

  29. Tun,
    you are so outdated!
    tenaga nuklear adalah satu2 nya sumber tenaga eco-friendly di dunia yg telah dikomersialkan. sumber tenaga lain seperti SOFC, solar, angin masih lagi diperingkat kajian, belum menguntungkan dan tidak dpt membekalkan tenaga secara stabil.
    safety standard bagi loji nuklear sekarang jauh lebih tinggi berbanding tahun2 semasa Tun menjadi perdana menteri. itu cerita lapuk. research in nuclear energy is rapidly advancing.
    tengokla semangat org jepun, walaupun mereka dibom di hiroshima dan nagasaki, tetapi 30% sumber tenaga mereka dari nuklear.xde apa2 yg berlaku pun. lagi la di jepun kerap berlaku gempa bumi. tun pun selalu datang jepun, kalau nak kena radiasi, dah lama tun tekena radiasi tu.
    france generate lebih 70% sumber tenaga dari nuklear. masih selamat sampai sekarang.bahkan menjual sumber tenaga ke negara jiran. paris masih lagi menjadi tumpuan pelancong dari seluruh dunia. selamat je pelancong2 tu.
    germany yg menutup seluruh loji nuklear mereka, menghentikan geran penyelidikan berkaitan nuklear, menutup pusat-pusat penyelidikan nuklear, tetapi membeli tenaga dari france. bermakna, depan org depa kata x mau nuklear, tapi diam2 depa la yg dok guna tenaga nuklear.
    canada n us sudah lama develop polisi utk tenaga nuklear ni, dah lama guna pun.israel lagi la berlambak loji nuklear.
    sekarang, kapal selam pun dah dilengkapi dengan tenaga nuklear utk menggerakkannya.
    bahkan syarikat2 kereta jepun berlumba-lumba membuat kajian untuk menghasilkan kereta menggunakan tenaga nuklear. tak lama lagi loji nuklear akan bergerak di atas jalan raya, berada di pejabat dan rumah. sentiasa di samping anda!
    syarikat2 jepun seperti tokyo electric, toshiba, ebara, ishikawajima-harima(IHI), mitsubishi heavy industry (MHI) mendapat tender berbillion, mencurah-curah dari seluruh pelusuk dunia untuk membangunkan loji nuklear. ini membuktikan keyakinan masyarakat antarabangsa dengan teknoloji nuklear sekarang.
    bank2 di jepun telah lama melobi untuk menjadikan bahan bakar nuklear sebagai barangan yg boleh di niagakan di pasaran terbuka seperti produk minyak. setelah matinya industri minyak, bahan bakar nuklear dijangkakan akan mendominasi sektor pasaran tenaga. tak lama lagi tu.
    apa lagi nak ditakutkan dengan nuklear ni? secara perbandingannya org yg mati di atas jalan raya kerana eksiden jauh lebih ramai dari org yg mati kerana radiasi nuklear. kalau takut sangat mati, tutup dulu lebuhraya utara-selatan dan jalan2 yg merbahaya di seluruh negara, tutup proton kerana syarikat tu la yg membekalkan kenderaan terbanyak di malaysia yg menjadi penyebab kematian terbesar. selamat la kita semua.
    berkaitan pemprosesan sisa buangan nuklear yg hanya dimiliki oleh negara tertentu seperti yg dinyatakan oleh Tun. bukan sisa buangan nuklear saja, industri kereta juga hanya dimiliki oleh negara tertentu. tidak semua negara boleh memilikinya. jadi, kita perlu berani belajar. jika kita menutup ruang loji nuklear, sampai bila pun kita takkan dapat belajar. org nk belajar akan ke luar negara, tpt yg ada teknologi tersebut. lantas bekerja disitu dan develop kepakaran di situ. takkan berhijrah ke tempat yg xde kerja bersesuaian dengan kepakaran mereka. maka kita akan terus ketinggalan. berapa banyakkah teknologi yg berasal dari malaysia?
    perkara yg perlu diberikan perhatian, indonesia dan thailand sudah mengumumkan untuk memiliki loji nuklear. vietnam juga ingin menjejak langkah. malaysia akan dikelilingi oleh negara pengguna tenaga nuklear, kalau takut radiasi dengan “air laut dan angin” seperti yg tun kata, lambat laun sampai gak nanti ke malaysia, entah dari utara atau selatan.
    dengan menolak teknologi nuklear, bermakna kita membodohkan dan melemahkan diri kita sendiri.
    dengan memiliki loji nuklear akan:
    meningkatkan public awareness.
    memacu pertumbuhan ekonomi dengan adanya sumber tenaga alternatif yg murah.
    menggalakkan kajian-kajian penyelidikan berkenaan teknologi nuklear.
    mempunyai kepakaran berkaitan khidmat runding nuklear.
    mempunyai kepakaran berkaitan undang2 nuklear serantau.
    macam-macam lagi.
    masyarakat saintis penyelidik sedang memikirkan untuk melombong, mengembangkan sektor pembuatan termaju, menjana tenaga dan pelbagai lagi aktiviti di angkasa lepas. di sana banyak lagi element yg baru yg belum diteroka dan di manfaat. teknologi nuklear akan menjadi tulang belakang kepada tamadun baru, bukan tamadun dunia, tapi tamadun cakrawala. jika kita terus pesimis dengan teknologi nuklear, maka kita akan terus menjadi bangsa pengguna, bangsa yg dijajah di abad datang.
    bukankah Allah telah mencabar umat manusia dengan firmannya; “sekiranya engkau punyai daya upaya dan kekuatan, jelajahlah alam semesta/cakrawala.” tidakkah kita mendapat pengajaran dari cabaran tersebut?
    fikir-fikirkan lah.
    saintis pro-nuklear,
    produk dasar pandang ke timur.

  30. Assalamualaikum Tun Mahathir,
    I cannot agree more with your point no. 13. We need to know and study more. Until then, no nukes for power in Malaysia. Please do not just copy other countries and just simple use “what is good for those countries is also workable in Malaysia”.
    For one thing, I’m really worried with our maintenance capability and culture. We have shown that we are not yet as capable in maintaining things. And I thought, concern of our maintenance capabilities is one of the reason why we do not accept incinerators in our backyard? And hmmmm…. if we cannot even accept incinerators, how on earth can we accept nuclear plant in our backyard?
    Our society must also learn on how to reduce our energy use. Its a responsibility of each and everyone of us not only on the government.
    Terima kasih Tun Mahathir

  31. Asalamualaikum Tun!
    Good engineering topic! Nuclear power.
    I have to agree with some of the Pros and Cons conveyed by Tun and other bloggers. Some are optimist and some are skeptic. As an engineer myself, I’m not against the technology, the idea of having unlimited power of Nuclear to power the national Grid is intriguing. Just for the sake of argument for those who doesn’t know the potential power of Nuclear, do you know that Nuclear material as little as a cup of coffee could powered up an F-16 jet fighter for 20 years non-stop! Then again, I have to agree with some opinions that Malaysia doesn’t have that minimum requirement for quality and management control of a nuclear facility. Our contractors and consultant are not equip and experience to embark in such project. Our infrastructure support (rescue, radiation control, fire brigade etc.) will not be able to cope up with possible radiation leakage emergency.
    Currently I’m working with the Power Generation and Distribution Industry (transmission, substation, hydroelectric, wind power, you just name it, we will build it!). Our controversial Bakun Hydroelectric Project is expected to generate somewhat 2400 MW (once fully operational and completed). China’s 3 “Gorgeous” Hydroelectric Dam will generate about 10,000 MW worth of energy for its energy starve of 1 Billion populations (and it is still not enough). This shows that energy crisis is not just face by the Malaysians, the entire world is having the same dilemma. The very reason why disparity between rich and poor countries increases. War is wage upon countries which owns that cursed ‘black gold’ or oil (Iraq, Afghanistan etc.)
    Unfortunately, based on our local energy consumption or future demands predicts that in 20 years time Malaysia will be running out of green alternative energy (typically hydroelectric power). We could not keep on flooding every known land areas for hydroelectric projects (Bakun Hydroelectric flooded zone or reservoir is as huge as Singapore!). To make matters worst, a lot of the native people of Sarawak (typically the Orang Ulu, Ibans etc.) have to be moved out from their homes. Not to mention, the large size of green lush forest that will be destroyed too.
    I believe its going to be very difficult to convince Malaysians to allow for such risky Nuclear project. It was even difficult to convince Malaysians to build that Incinerator Plant few years back. Malaysian likes the idea, unfortunately they don’t like the risk involved. Still 50/50 if you ask me. Unless we can come out with other green energy alternatives, it seems like Nuclear is our imminent fate!

    Tun..bleh siar kan komen ini?…
    salam warga BNM..
    saya adalah dari puluhan ribuan ahli yang melabur dalam KONGSI MODAL SEWA KERETA di NORADZ TRAVEL & SERVICES..BNM telah pun memBEKU akaun NT pada OKTOBER 2008 dan semenjak itu juga kami tidak memperoleh bayaran seperti mana sebelum BNM memBEKU akaun NT..agak terkejut dengan apa yang berlaku, tp kami redha ini adalah tugas & tanggungjawab BNM, tp masa yang diambil terlalu lama sehingga kan ada antara kami telah pun melepaskan kenderaan yang tidak dapat dibayar bulanan..saya join NT bukan sebab nak bermewah2, hanya untuk mendapat pendapatan sampingan untuk memenuhi keperluan hidup masa sekarang, untuk simpanan berkahwin, dan juga untuk simpanan HAJI ibu bapa saya..disebabkan BNM memBEKU akaun NT, nampaknya semua harapan yang ada semakin pudar dan semakin hancur..syarikat ini juga syarikat MELAYU, yang mana sering kali syarikat2 MELAYU menjadi serbuan BNM, dan syarikat BANGSA lain tidak pula diserbu dan diBEKU kan akaun mereka hanya kerana EKONOMI berada ditangan mereka, SANGAT KECEWA atas dwi-standard ini, adakah MALAYSIA bukan lagi milik bangsa MELAYU?..inilah nasib bangsa MELAYU yang sering ditindas oleh bangsa sendiri….apa yang kami ahli NT mahukan sekarang adalah BNM memulangkan kembali baki MODAL yang telah dilaburkan supaya kami dapat menyelesaikan hampir kesemua masalah kewangan kami, ini bukan lah ugutan tp RINTIHAN bangsa MELAYU yang diTINDAS oleh MELAYU sendiri, kami mahukan duit kami sendiri, jangan lah diLEBURkan pula duit itu kedalam akuan BNM, sesungguhnya DUIT yang diperoleh secara HARAM tidak akan membawa kerberkatan, duit itu adalah duit ahli NT, duit rakyat, PULANGKAN lah duit kami, seperti mana DATUK SERI NAJIB sendiri selalu katakan “RAKYAT DIDAHULUKAN, PENCAPAIAN DIUTAMAKAN”..jadi kami ahli NT menuntut BNM mendahulukan masalah kami dengan memulangkan BAKI MODAL kepada ahli NT dan utamakan PENCAPAIAN cemerlang dalam menguruskan masalah NT dengan BIJAK..PRU-13 akn datang, jika puluhan ribu ahli NT ini belum mendapat kan semula baki MODAL mereka, mereka ini akan tergolong dalam golongan yang tidak berpuas hati pada kerajaan yang tidak prihatin dengan masalah kami, hanya disebabkan campur tangan politik yang tidak suka untuk melihat syarikat MELAYU MAJU, masalah kami ini berlarutan sehingga 8 bulan tanpa apa2 berita dari BNM, yang ada hanya “MASIH DALAM SIASATAN”..klise…

  33. salam tun dan rakan bloger
    harap semua ceria hari ini
    saya tertarik dengan pandangan bloger “Godfather”
    penggunaan tenaga nuke akan secara tidak langsung akan meningkatkan atmofera serantau.sudah tentu jiran2 kita akan jeling “something ” pada malaysia.
    even nak buat jambatan pon kita dah pening kepala,nak bina reaktor nuke lagila.baru2 ni korea utara dah buat nuke weapon test.
    kita akan diminta membuat penjelasan dan kena minta keizinan daripada setengah jiran kita kalau nak bina nuke reaktor.
    berbuih mulut kita jelaskan,mereka akan putarbelit kenyataan.sama macam mr anti pembelit1.
    kita belum bersedia dan kita perlu bersedia dengan secukupnya jika ingin mewujudkan sumber nuke di malaysia.
    fikir..fikir dan renung tentang kesan dan generasi akan datang..

  34. Maafkan saya kerana mencelah ruangan Tun dalam ruangan ini..
    Saya di sini mempunyai hajat untuk menarik Tun ke ruangan blog palestine yg dibuat oleh pelajar2 perubatan Mara Malaysia di Alexandria Mesir sempena minggu Palestine di sini..
    Diharapkan Tun boleh berkongsi idea mengenai Palestine jika mempunyai masa yang cukup …

  35. Maafkan saya kerana mencelah ruangan Tun dalam ruangan ini..
    Saya di sini mempunyai hajat untuk menarik Tun ke ruangan blog palestine yg dibuat oleh pelajar2 perubatan Mara Malaysia di Alexandria Mesir sempena minggu Palestine di sini..
    Diharapkan Tun boleh berkongsi idea mengenai Palestine jika mempunyai masa yang cukup …

  36. TUN,
    Najib ni dah mula dah..
    Nuke pulakk.. ituhari jambatan ketiga di Pengerang johor. Mana peginya jambatan bengkok?
    Dah nampak dah..
    Dah start najib nak bengkok ni.
    I had start to concern slowly, as i had comment on my last issue-somebody or someone has influence najib on this WASTED proposal just to “LOAD” their pocket with their WASTED agenda.
    Tell you what aa, instead of radioactive WASTE issue, think of What happened to our brother AHMEDINEJAD’s country iran.
    I can still remember that our country had been accused n suspected as a central for international terrorist by some zionist.
    Don’t make such unthinkable proposal laa najibb.. we all people nowadays is not stupid u know. Your speech few days after being elected as PM, is totally out if compared presently u know.
    I wonder what is in your mind right now Najib. You say that you want to fokus it right, but you are straying from the narrow way!
    Think of your proposal again. Think carefully cos i can see your days of becoming PM is getting shorter.
    You know what i m thinkin right now najib? I can see what will happen but I can’t tell you now. Only when the time is right. Allah knows. THE PATH YOU CHOOSE, THE TRUTH WILL COME.
    I m happy to see u as PM recently n I respect you Najib. But currently, honestly i m loosing my faith in you!

  37. Dear Tun, salam mesra harap sihat bahagia. Kiriman saya bagi tajuk kali ini…
    …………………Pollution Safety
    Nuclear plants pollute by radiation risk from accidents (rare) and waste disposal (end of cycle). It does not generate pollutants (emissions) daily like fuel plants. It is cleaner but more dramatic. In 50 yrs cars kill, maim more people than nuclear accidents so far, yet we build more cars.
    Chernobyl is old technology, accidents are caused by humans not the technology.
    ………………..Sediakan Payung
    Nuclear technology is not like making proton, building Petronas twin towers, expensive kampung Putrajaya (lifeless at night, sleepy at day) It takes time. We must acquire the tecnology now then we can manage the plant many yrs later. We need nuclear programme now even we have no need for a plant yet.
    Otherwise in future we will be a tenant of nuclear plants instead of landlord. We cannot be left behind, fossil fuels are depleting and non renewable.
    ………………..Economic Security
    Other than food security, nations need energy security to avert economic threats. Economic chaos from previous world oil crisis and fuel price hikes are warnings we need energy security. France, Japan, Korea are examples of reducing fossil fuel dependancy.
    ……………….Disaster Phobia
    If fear of disaster is reason for scrapping nuclear energy, hydro power plants pose disaster risks too. Bakun destroys the environment even before it generates a single watt. Land, forest and life the size of S’pore diasappears (Or is it indirect logging permit)
    ………………..No Privileges Protection
    Nuclear expertise cannot be obtained by the way you get ahead by NEP aid. Nuclear race is colour blind. Other nations will not be held back!

  38. Nuclear is not for now, but for the future
    In ten years or so, gas is no more a guarantee for energy source. It may depletes and need to be imported. Malaysian gas can only last for about 40 years at today’s rate of consumption. However, gas consumption will not be constant but will increase over time while gas field is harder and more expensive to develop.
    Another important source for energy generation is coal which is fully imported. More than 10 million ton of coal has to be imported to satisfy the demand by power sector. Similar to oil, the price of coal fluctuates and reaches its highest point at about the same time as oil. Current exporter of coal such as Indonesia, India and China will become a net importer of coal in few years of time when national demand for coal poses greater concern by the people. By that time, Malaysia will have to pay enormous amount of money to secure the supply of coal.
    Currently, the major fuel for base load power generation is gas and coal. Base load power generation refers to electricity supply that has to be supplied at all the time. As such, the source of this electricity must be stable and constant.
    Hence, the following cannot be the base load:-
    1) solar power – dependent on the sun shine; no sun shine, no power.
    2) wind – dependent on the wind speed. P Msia coverage of wind is too low. No wind – no power. Why build wind turbine when the turbine cannot even move.
    3) Hydro – hydro in Peninsular Malaysia is limited and will fully be develop in ten years or so. The capacity is relatively small and can only account for about 5% of total energy generation. Not all hydro can run 24 hours, e.g. lake/river level has to be maintained.
    Thus, solution for base load generation in the future is NUCLEAR. Yes it will be expensive to build at first, but it will pay itself over time.
    As for coal and gas, yes it is not that expensive to build at first, but over time, in order to continue running it, the cost will be enormous due to the fuel price. And in the end, the public will face higher electricity tariff.
    Nuclear fuel is cheap because
    To fuel a 1,000 MWe for 1 year you will need:
    Coal – 2 MILLION TONNES of coal
    Fuel Oil – 1.96 BILLION GALLONS of oil
    Natural Gas (Combined Cycle) – 87.6 BILLION SCF of gas
    Nuclear (fission) – 30 TONNES of uranium

  39. Salam wrt Tun
    Petikan dari akhbar The Star:
    KUANTAN: The operations of an Australian mineral exploration and chemical processing company at the Gebeng industrial site here will be strictly monitored to ensure minimum environmental damage.
    KUANTAN: Australian mineral exploration and chemical processing company Lynas Corp Ltd plans to invest RM1bil to build a facility to process lathanides in Pahang.
    Adakah kita masih belum belajar dari kesilapan lalu? …mudah lupa.

  40. Dr Mahathir,
    As a student studying physics at UPM who grew up to admire your Vision 2020, I am very disappointed that such a good leader for Malaysia and developing countries has swallowed the unscientific anti-nuclear propaganda pushed by the green environmental movement. I have become convinced for some time that a Nuclear Malaysia is the way to achieve vision 2020 and beyond. However, I could not see a clear way forward. Last week I attended a public lecture at UKM by one of the founders of South Korea

  41. Salam Tun, semuga Tun sentiasa sihat sejahtera,
    Saya ingin membetulkan fakta yang ditulis oleh anti pembelit1, bahasa pengantar di Universiti sepatutnya Bahasa Inggeris, bukan Bahasa Malaysia kecuali UKM. Anda jangan menulis mengikut perasaan anda yang sentiasa membankang apa yang kerajaan buat, kaji dulu sebelum tulis. Kalau nak membangkang pun biarlah berfakta.

  42. Assalamalaikum dear friends,
    You must not be surprised about my supporting Dr. Mahathir on that issue. If you read my actual supporting it is about the issue and not about the person. When an issue is complying to my personal logic I support it and the man behind it. I may have sharp arguments on other issues with Dr. Mahathir and not agree, but when it comes to something we can see in parallel eyes I’ll not be against “just to make a turmoil”.
    Friends, don’t learn from that supporting comment that from now on I’ll be the “yes-man” to Dr. Mahathir. There is still a gap to bridge over.
    Another interesting approach. Just think about if we could utilize the efficiency losses from all our “machines” (mainly lost heat) we could have a lot of energy. Just remember how our invented machines are not efficient since most of them are still needed to be cooled to a normal operation temperature. One of the most efficient machines on earth is the electric transformer (efficiency is higher than 85%) and it is still getting hot in many cases. In some extreme cases the core is even higher than 100C (water boils in that temperature…steaming).
    In the Israeli Technion Academic Institute there is a team of scientists that works on an apparatus which can produce electricity from roads while vehicles are traveling along. Just think that the electric train can re-collect part of the energy (the efficiency losses) back from its rails and consume less power from the electric station or its self diesel generator. It sounds a fantasy, but let us wait and see. I hope it will be another invention of the Jewish state for all humans benefit.
    Hanan, Jewish,

  43. salam Tun,
    i assume this isn’t just about the nuclear ‘power’ isn’t it?

  44. Is it not true that radioactive material (1/2 life) and radiation from waste radioactive material deteriorate with time? Is it not true that our earth receives bombardment of all sorts of numerous harmful rays (x-rays, gama rays, beta rays etc) every second. In fact the sun is the mother of all fissionable atomic and sub-atomic activities on a ‘titanic’ scale.
    Is it not true that other human activities such as using mercury and its by-product to separate gold from the ore contaminates the ground water? and also directly are harmful to humans and other living things?
    The question that begs to answer is managing the waste materials to what is the safe level of exposure. If we persist we will succeed to find a way to manage it. If we don’t will be left behind in the nuclear energy and its technology. We MUST not dwell on the negative (i.e. failure to manage) and let the past scare us. Let the past be the lesson for us to work on.
    Other fuels are not sustainable except solar, wind, waves, geothermals which are inefficient, clumsy and hardly sufficient. Nuclear materials is relatively sustainable by virtue of the fact that it can be re-processed.
    There are many other benefits and spin-offs from nuclear technology from the tiny but most acurate watch ever to the largest aircraft career, space technology – the next frontier, economic, security etc. If we miss the technology and lag behind – we may be wiped out.
    I am definitely for nuclear energy – both for the energy and the spin-off benefits from the technology.

  45. Malaysia must make serious investments in solar energy to exploit the sunshine we have most of the day except of course during cloudy and rainy days. We don’t have winter. But even in winter the sun does shine beyond the tropics but with very nuch less heat.
    Malaysia should aim to be the world leader in exploiting the sunshine and not be mere user of the product produced by others. Malaysia should make this as their field of excellence in the world.Let us be serious about it and not just be satisfied with the solar-powered car fabricated by UTM; it is just child’s play.
    The mentality of those in government is just to make money, a very short-sighted attitude and without vision.
    Involving in nuclear power generation is a very, very risky endeavour especially with the Malaysian lackasaidical attitude in everything. The stringent Japanese did experience a nasty nuclear incident due to human error quite recently;for not changing the valve on its due date. The US, UK, and Russia all have experienced the problem.France will also face the problem in due time.
    The maintenace of nuclear plant is more stringent than maintenance of the aircraft. The water being used in the nuclear power is the cleanest and purest water not just in terms of mineral content but in its ion content; the water used in the drink industry is dirty compared to the nuclear industry. The water in nuclear power plants has to be pure water to prevent corrosion and other side effects that must be avoided. Nuclear power is no joke and it is not just serious; it is DEADLY SERIOUS.
    Yes the technology is better now but human error is always there during design, construction, operation and maintenance. You simply can’t do everything perfect, this is nature.
    Yes we can afford the nuclear plant in terms of cost and personnel(to operate) and location (not earthquake prone) and even storing the spent fuel(can be sent overseas for re-processing).
    But one of the requirements for the permission to be given by the IAEC is the number of personnel for the rescue and repair team must be sufficient. The time allocated for an individual to be exposed to any radiation is limited and is inversely proportional to the degree of radiation. The time given could only be 20 minutes exposure per person. Just imagine in a major incident the situation may need 20 people to work at the same time to repair the damage and may need about 7 days to complete the repair work.How many people do we need? (just do your own calculation to understand the figure).We need to have that number of people on standby.
    What about the hospital facilities? What about the effect on the public.What about the food and water that has been exposed to radiation.What about the long tern effect. It is just too risky for Malaysia having a small land area and limited number of population.
    What about the damages that the neighbouring countries will claim against us?
    For the above reasons, not only Malaysia, even India should be prevented from operating a nuclear power plant much more so since India is so bad in its contruction and maintenance of its infrastructure because the nuclear exposure will affect a very wide region.
    If Malaysia operates a nuclear plant then other ASEAN countries will also want to do the same,we can’t trust ourselves in preventing a nuclear debacle, how can we trust others.

  46. Salam Tun,
    Saya berfikiran bahawa, tenaga nuklear itu perlu..cuma kajian secara mendalam perlu dibuat…Ambil contoh negara maju yang lain…jadikan ianya panduan kita dlm merencanakan blueprint untuk membina janakuasa nuklear….jgn takut untuk mencuba..kita dewasa ini pun, telah ramai saintis-saintis yang sudi menumbang…MINT yang ditubuhkan sejak sekian lama mcm tiada fungsi…kita ajak bijak pandai di MINT untuk sama-sama mengkaji segala kemungkinan….saya amat menyokong proses peralihan penjanaan kuasa kepada pengunaan tenaga nuklear….
    Regards Bokbong
    Do The Best For The Future . . . . .

  47. Salam Tun and Family,
    1. I agree with u regarding the nuclear issue. my field of study is Chemical Engineering, in my point of view the use of nuclear will bring more harm to the human HEALTH and ENVIRONMENT rather than benefit.
    2. Many articles and research journal have been published to support this statement (Nuclear energy brings more harm than benefit) and i hope anyone who agreed to implement the nuclear energy in MALAYSIA to read and study it first thoroughly.
    3. my suggestion is Hydrogen Fuel Cells/ Hydrogen Energy. no effect towards human health and no effect towards environment, CLEAN ENERGY. Solar energy is an alternative also.
    4. Many people say it is extremely HIGH COST and will take more time to research it. Think logically everyone, how many trillion dollars has been spent and how long does it take to achieve current petroleum technology?
    5. We need development, and for that renewable energy is essential. but NOT at the cost of our health or our FUTURE generation health right? think logically everyone

  48. Salam,
    Bukan pertama kali untuk saya tidak bersetuju dgn pendapat Tun tapi kali ini saya tidak bersetuju dan kecewa dengan Tun.
    1) tiba-tiba ramai Yes-man dalam blog Tun. Setuju tanpa selidik. Saya kecewa. bagi parpu-kari, rilek bro.. kipas slow-slow.(ramai orang lain, tapi parpu-kari punya blog saya ada ikot juga)
    2) Ramai yg terus terasa bahaya untuk menggunakan kuasa nuklear di Malaysia untuk menjana elektrik dan orang-orang yg sama akan membawa pemikiran mereka keluar dan akan menpengaruhi orang lain untuk menidakkan kebaikkan tenaga nuklear sebagai pengganti penjana kuasa menggunakan diesel ataupun arang batu yang menjana kuasa yg sedikit tetapi lebih mencemarkan alam sekitar.
    3) lebih mengecewakan saya, saya rasa lebih dari separuh pelawat blog Tun hanya membaca pendapat Tun dan terus memberikan ulasan mereka tanpa menghiraukan mengenai pendapat orang lain yg menyokong penggunaan tenaga nuklear.
    4) Saya ulang pendapat-pendapat orang lain dalam blog ini
    i) Toxic waste dr janaan kuasa Nuklear boleh di kitar semula, dari sekali fueling yg di lakukan utk menjana kuasa selama 10 tahun, lebih 90% dari uranium terbakar manakala kurang 10% yg bersamaan ‘a few bucketful of waste’ terhasil. dari 10% ini ia banyak digunakan dalam bidang2 lain seperti perubatan dll.
    ii) hydro power sememangnya baik utk alam sekitar tapi saya percaya Tun sendiri sedar berapa peratus dari tenaga elektrik yg terhasil di Malaysia adalah hasil dr tenaga hydro. namun, tenaga hydro lebih mendatangkan keburukan hasil daripada ‘deforestation’ yg menghapuskan kuasa hijau untuk bumi dan juga habitat utk banyak haiwan liar yg menyebabkan haiwan liar mula berebut tanah dgn manusia di kawasan-kasawan pendalaman dan kampung.
    iii) Bakun mmg boleh menghasilkan tenaga yg mencukupi utk Malaysia malah boleh menjual kepada negara luar tetapi siapa yg menderita?
    kadangkala saya rasa informasi yg di terima oleh Tun lebih menguntungkan kepada 2 pihak, 1 tuan punya tanah yg menerima habuan pampasan(sekiranya ada) 1 lagi ialah hasil jualan kayu-kayu balak yg di tebang utk ‘memberi’ laluan kepada machinery utk tiba di kawasan project.
    iv) tenaga solar adalah irrelevant setakat ini kerana masih mahal untuk menghasilkan photocell
    5) Tun, selama ini saya merasakan penangguhan reaktor nuklear di Malaysia adalah di lobi oleh tuan punya IPP. yg mana selia selenggara IPP penggunaan diesel dan arang batu adalah rendah dan tidak berapa memerlukan tenaga pakar yg mahal dan boleh di pandang remeh tetapi sebuah reaktor nuklear dgn 3rd world mindset hanya mendatangkan keburukan dr kebaikan. Oh terlupa, hanya 1 reaktor nuklear boleh digunakan untuk mereka tutup kedai. Bagi yg banyak merungut dan ‘passing the cost to consumer’, mereka layak tutup kedai. Kalau tak silap saya, elektrik percuma di Iran.
    6) Harap Tun memperbetulkan pandangan Tun dan membezakan antara Reaktor Nuklear dan Bom Nuklear. Uranium memerlukan penguraian yg lebih ‘halus’ sebelum boleh menjadi sebiji bom. Teknik yg memakan masa dan kuasa. Atas dasar inilah dapat IAEA membezakan Iran membina bom atom atau nuklear untuk kegunaan jana kuasa.
    7) Tun, saya dah cukup kecewa Malaysia tak bersetuju guna Incinerator utk pengurusan sampah pepejal. Reaktor nuklear adalah perlu untuk mengurangkan kebergantungan terhadap arang batu dan diesel yg bakal habis tak lama lagi.
    8) bagi pembaca ulasan ini yg tidak tahu macammana Reaktor nuklear berfungsi. ianya menggunakan air yg di panaskan oleh uranium dan menghasilkan steam. Steam ini menggerakan turbin seperti turbin dalam hydropower dam.
    9) Chernobyl sudah lama berlaku. takkan Tun nak orang Malaysia dan dunia hidup di masa lampau? Reaktor nuklear sekarang sudah canggih Tun. Kita sendirik pun ada reaktor nuklear kecil di Bangi kan? untuk penyelidikan dan pembelajaran.
    10) Toxic waste yg terhasil dr industri perkilangan adalah jauh berbeza dari toxic waste yg terhasil dari Janaan tenaga Nuklear.
    Saya amat-amat mengharapkan Project Reaktor Nuklear berjalan dgn lancar di Malaysia, tetapi untuk menunggu 2025 untuk mula menggunakannya, agak terlambat? adakah rakyat Malaysia perlu setiap kali menempuh kenaikan tarif elektrik yg membebankan dari IPP yg menaikkan cost ketika harga minyak naik dan enggan menurunkan cost selepas menyatakan mereka menggunakan arang batu pula.
    Adakah ini juga masa yg ditetapkan oleh IPP supaya mereka juga boleh mengumpul dana untuk memulakan perniagaan lain?
    Kurangkan kebergantungan kepada petroleum yg menjadi mainan US selama ini. Dgn adanya tenaga Nuklear untuk menjana elektrik yg murah, kita boleh mempromosikan penggunaan EV(electric Vehicle) yg semakin popular di China. Kita sudah ketinggalan sekali dalam pelbagai aspek. Adakah kita ingin ketinggalan sekali lagi? Proton-DE mampu mengeluarkan EV untuk Malaysia. Harap roadside charger untuk EV tidak di manipulasi untuk mendatangkan keuntungan berlipat ganda kepada sesetengah orang.
    Tun, harap Tun boleh memperbetulkan propaganda Tun dan merujuk dengan orang yg mahir dgn tenaga nuklear bukan dari pemilik IPP.
    Khairil Jamil

  49. Tun, You have made a wrong choice again…!!! This time was Najib.
    We have to start another bashing again.
    Stop Najib!!
    Say no to 3rd Bridge!!
    Say no to Chin Peng!!!
    Say No to Hindraf!!
    Say No to Omar Ong!!!
    Say No to Hamid Albar!!!

  50. Assalamualaikum Ayah Det, Mama and family,
    I had been reading your article on nuclear power and i’m very surprised by the fact that Hanan i supportive of yr comments. i totally agree with u that nuclear technology has to be studied thoroughly before we (Malaysia) take that step to implement it as the alternative energy source. this would be applicable to all countries in the world especially the ones testing their nuclear strength cos it has to be collective so that the damage from the effects of nuclear will not harm mother earth. a lesson to be learnt from hiroshima and nagasaki….why doesn’t the human race (ESPECIALLY THE US) learn from past experiences and mistakes?? why do we need such nuclear firearms and power to protect our countries?? will only do more harm than good but the eqation will be that the super powers will generate more wealth and when the stock pile of nuclear over the hill, then the super duper powers will arrange for war to dispose of the nuclear weapons with the excuse of other weaker nations are having weapons of mass destructions being built…the fact is being built where as the super duper powers already has and it is time to test the nuclear weapons before it expires or the R&D centers will not have any funds to further develop more detrimental nuclear the biggest culprits and terrorists will be the super duper power nations. why don’t the US just send the warships to north korea just like wht they did to iraq and afghan?? my opinion, the US r afraid cos they do not know exactly what the north korea has in store if they were to attack based on the findings. north korea has sent out nuclear tests just like india and pakistan…why no action by the US or other super powers??..
    there are many ways to source for alternative energy as the basic foundation of energy generation is the same… whether it is the primitive or modern way…the dynamo system is one aspect and by far the most conventional one… why can’t we improve the dynamo with the modern technology that we have instead of having the destructive alternative nuclear energy which will be harmful to our next generations to come.
    my warmest regards to Ayah, Mama and family. Take care and God Bless..
    Wassalam…suffian NG

  51. Dear Che Det,
    I always like reading your blogs. This article is good as well, but a detailed study should be done for nuclear power. A lot of countries are already using it safely and have less problems than conventional gas or coal plants.

  52. Too risky to use nuclear. I think, renewable energy is the way to go (wind turbines & solar cells). Besides Malaysia may need Singapore’s permission to go nuclear!

  53. Dear Tun,
    Are we at the stage where we have no other choice but take up nuclear energy? I think not. We still have an abundance supply of energy from conventional sources. However, we must keep abreast with the advances made in the nuclear field such that we’ll have the know-how ready if ever we need to put up our own nuclear plants. We must not dismiss this energy source as too dangerous and umanageable for its already proven otherwise and in common use now. Neither should we dismiss the possibility of yet another ‘Chernobyl-like’ accident, however small its probability of happening. Its being prepared for all kind of contigencies thats important.
    Did I spy Hanan extending an ‘olive branch’ at Tun? Hehe.

  54. Dengan Izin Tun..Terimakasih..
    Thankyou Owlz for mentioning my name.
    //But, our knowledge about the safety management of hazardous
    material such as radiated nuclear waste is not good enough…//
    It’s why we have to share resources.Imagine if Microsoft does not want to share their knowledege in computer software..Where does it leaves us?The questions is wether the Nuclear Power willing to share their knowledge in this aspect?
    //produce quality nuclear-science graduates first//
    Our geniuses Cabinet line-up ministers
    must understand these first.//
    We are flawed in this aspect.We do have sufficient graduates in all required fields but unfortunately we dont have geniuses cabinet line-up ministers.Tun is professional with tertiary education.
    How many cabinet ministers have PHD? These clown opps sorry..bozo..opss I did it again..Is the administrator or bosses..Do you know how difficult to succeeds in an evironment where bosses and administrator know less than you ??
    //Study it deeply and make some
    research… Read and read a lot from any available resources or its
    not worth it to pay your high-salary of minister standard and can
    have Perdana V6 Executive drivers for free of charge supported by
    the public taxes… Prove it that your salary is also on the same
    par on your knowledge and working capability// are such naive.Most of our problem is education.Most bosesses have education that is not match with intellect…yet they decide policy with have direct and dire consequences to the public.
    Let’s go for the easier one.The suffering of public in waiting areas of Outpatient Hospitals and Clinics..If you do the studies you will understands that Nuclear Power concept have certain similar concepts how are things are runs in this Institutions..
    Best regard for your studies.

  55. saya setuju dengan Tun..
    negara kita banyak bergantung pada arang batu dan fuel..
    usaha Tun mewujudkan Empangan Bakun amat dipuji.
    Malaysia belum ada kepakaran mengendalikan tenaga nuklear..
    sebelum sumber kita habis,perkuatkan usaha terokai ‘renewable power’..
    jangan terhadkan minda kita pada tenaga nuklear..
    Tuhan anugerahkan bumi dengan berbilion keunikan.
    ‘tidal energy’ misalnya hanya menggunakan mekanisme pergerakan bumi-bulan dan matahari-bumi untuk membekalkan tenaga elektrik..
    bagaimana dgn wind power?bukankah negeri pantai timur sesuai untuk tujuan itu?
    kerajaan harus bijak..jangan hanya mengikut trend..saya percaya org Malaysia kreatif

  56. salam tun dan rakan bloger
    seronok membaca ulasan tun tentang teknologi nuklear
    memang nuklear ni merbahaya kepada manusia
    memang namkpak moden dan canggih
    namun kita masih belum bersedia untuk ke peringkat ini
    bukan kata kita tolak membabi buta,namun persediaan perlu ada
    ilmu,kepakaran,penyelenggaraan,pelupusan,kos dll…
    kita perlu mendalami dan memahami sesuatu perkara sebelum melaksanakannya
    kepada Anti Pembelit 1
    dah jelas dalam pemikiran kamu hanya kebencian dan pemikiran yang sentiasa berniat buruk memperlekehkan orang lain
    jelas sejelasnya.
    jangan la jadi seperti setengah orang yang hanya tahu memepersoal dan meremehkan orang untuk dapat perhatian bloger dan tun.
    amat menjengkelkan

  57. Most of the commentators here have missed the point completely. If we start our own nuclear programme, we must also allow our neighbours to have their nuclear programmes. Then it becomes a race, a sort of proxy war where the Americans will supply technology to Singapore, the Chinese will supply technology to Indonesia, the Russians will supply technology to Laos and Vietnam, etc etc. We may be confident of our own ability to manage our nuclear programme, but what about our neighbours ? You want a nuclear plant in Sumatra ? In Singapore on one of the islands ?
    No, until ASEAN has the political and economic maturity to handle an issue as big as nuclear technology, it should remain a nuclear-free zone.
    Once you open the pandora’s box, you won’t be able to close it. Be responsible to future generations.

  58. Assalamu alaikum TUN….
    Topik2 yang Tun kemukakan dalam blog ini amatlah tepat pada waktu2
    tertentu dan padat degan fakta2 seiring dengan pengalaman Tun..
    Ini kali pertama saya menulis komen dalam blog Tun..
    Saya rasa bangga kerana dapat berkongsi dgn penulis2 komen yang lain…
    Semoga ALLAH mencucuri rahmat ke atas keluarga Tun…

  59. Dear Tun and whoever read this,
    I am agreed with Tun.. however safe the nuclear power plant is, we just can’t leave the radioactive material that will last forever for our next generation.. now we think we already have all the safety features to avoid disaster like in Chenobyl, but we never know in the future once you already have the radioactive, how it will be handled by other generation of people.. I am pretty sure when Russia started to have their nuclear powerplant they have thought it will not be possible to have a disaster like Chenobyl, but somehow it still happen..
    Our country is blessed with sun shining throughout the world.. so it is better to tap into that..
    One must be able to understand the concept of energy to fully understood how to extract it.. we have to think out of the box to be able to tap energy from even from our daily routine.. I have read from American inventor Dean Kamen, he is creating an electric generator from the movement of walking.. just imagine that if we could tap energy from endless way of natural resources.. there will be an unlimited supply of electrical energy and we do not even have to resort to use nuclear powerplant..

  60. Salam Tun,
    Saya rase Anti Pembelit 1 baca web pembakang je kot,lain kali baca semua lah blog, buku, surat khabar dalam negara, luar negara lepas tu nilai bukan terima bulat2 apa yang ditulis.Gunakanlah rasional fikiran tu. Kalau BBC dok hantam Tun tu betul ke, BBC Gunakan perenggan ayat dari Tun yang mengelirukan orang yang membaca supaya nampak Tun salah tu betul ke? kenapa agaknya mat salleh ni tak suka Tun?cuba fikir balik…pas tu gunalah nama betul , kenapa guna nama samaran?

  61. TUN.
    Sebelum negara kita ingin membina reaktor nuclear dan mengunakan tenaga ini untuk keamanan maksud nya untuk kuasa letrik kegunaan industri atau pun domestik, kita kena pasti lah agar cukup tenaga pakar nya untuk mengendalikan projek ini. Persediaan mosal insan kearah teknology ini mesti di tingkatkan.
    Anak2 sekolah pastikan siap sedia di beri ilmu dan latihan dalam bidang ini sepanjang masa bermula sari sekarang.Tapi macam mana jika anak2 Malaysia hari ini maseh terkial2 memperlajari ilmu sains dan mathematik. Tambahan pula maseh belum settle pembelajaran dua ilmu ini dalam bahasa apa.Inggeris atau melayu.
    Sebagai negara yang akan menuju ke alaf sebuah negara maju wajar jugak lah kira nya kita mempunyai tenaga nuclear ini.Menunjukan status sebuah negara maju. Saya yakin Malaysia mampu untuk menjayakan projek ini.
    Masaalah bahaya atau tidak itu akan bergantung pada cara mana kita mengendalikan. Pehak yang bertanggung jawab pastikan tidak berlaku kecuaian. Jangan lah jadi macam pengendali projek MR2. Berlaku keretakan pada tiang2 nya.
    Pada “Anti Pembelit” Cermat dan berhemah lah bila berhujah di sini.
    Kalau konon nya anda seorang yang berpelajaran tinggi dan berilmu tidak lah sebegitu cara kritikan anda pada TUN. Kecuali anda seorang penulis upahan atau pencacai sesaorang2 untuk menulis sebegitu.

  62. salam TUN
    Boleh Tun cerita sikit pasal pembunuhan yang begitu kejam di lakukan oleh kerajaan sri lanka..sebagai isu kemanusiaan dan ia bukanlah isu perkauman..

  63. salam Tun,
    setahu saya semasa palestine di bedil Tun ade menitis air mata…itu hanya baru fahaman Tun dengan rakyat palestine sama ia itu agama islam.. tatapi kena di srilanka pembunuhan rakyat tamil dengan begitu kejam di lakukan tidak pernah media atau pun kerajaan malaysia tidak pernah mengambil kira…kita di malaysia orang tamil dan adalah sama se bangsa dengan orang tamil di srilanka… tatapi bila kina nak tunjuk simpati kepada mereka kita dilebel pulak sebagai menyokong pertubuhan penganas LTTE…semasa palestine di bedil seluruh malaysia melayu china india semua tunjuk simpati sampai menteri pelajaran time tu hishamuddin ade sampai buat demonstration dengan budak budak sekolah..di srilanka pun manusia juga kan?mengapa pula bila kita nak buat perhimpunan sebegitu tidak di beri permit pulak dan di label penyokong LTTE…
    setiap orang harus melihat sokongan itu sebagai isu kemanusiaan dan ia bukanlah isu perkauman seperti yang di ingat segolongan rasict yang tidak mengenali erti simpati.

  64. I just found out Malaysia produces solar panel for Germany but we don’t encourage our own countrymen to use them. For example giving tax rebates for home owner that install and use solar power. But this would cause TNB profit. It all comes down to greed with Malaysian government.

  65. TNB just announce it hope to get government commission to build a nuclear power plant by 2025. With the money involve and knowing BN’s history it will most likely go ahead with the plant.
    Our government will go ahead with the build because of the money they and their cronies can make. ( I just hope they don’t sacrifice quality and safety just to make more profit.)
    Their bonehead supporters will support will support this because they see nuclear power = technology = military power. Do they even know the concept of nuclear deterrent ?. Nobody wins in a nuclear war. Do they even know that if Malaysia become experts in alternative energy it would a major tech. boost to our country and it’ll future proof our country.
    Some like “anti pembelit” will support nuclear because you are against it. Sadly the mind of most Malaysian are not able to think on an issue without involving their emotion of hate.
    And do they think the other south east countries will keep quiet.
    A nuclear accident in any sate will effect the entire south east Asian countries. Of course they would also want their own Nuclear power plant. How confident of are all of us of other countries safety standard. Remember Bali, what would have happened if they manage to get some nuclear material from the plant to make a dirty bom. I would rather keep the south east Asia region a nuclear free zone
    If the gov. really cares about its people, it would commission TNB to invest in alternative energy for long term usage and for future generation. Selling what’s left of our oil to invest into making Malaysia oil independent. And who knows we can even export our surplus energy.

  66. Mungkin kali ni Tun bangkitkan isu nuklear mungkin berdasarkan kepada isu pengalihan sisa nuklera dari Peranchis ke Jepun yang mana mendapat bantahan dari rakyat Jepun. Kesian Jepun terpaksa menerima sisa-sisa dari Peranchis. Mungkin kapal pengangkut sisa nuklear tersebut ada melalui Selat Melaka tanpa rakyat Malaysia mengetahui (rasa sudah tentu pihak berkuasa Malaysia mengetahui!!!)
    Senjata atom yang dibina berdasarkan kepada teknologi nuklear di reka oleh Saintis Yahudi Amerika untuk mengalahkan Jepun dan Jerman dalam pada perang dunia ke 2. Ini disebabkan bagi membalas dendam terhadap Jerman yang telah membunuh bangsa Yahudi di Jerman. Yahudi lah melagakan Negara-negara yang terlibat dalam perang dunia pertama dan kedua dan mungkin juga perang dunia ke tiga.
    Saya setuju dgn pendapat Tun bahawa kita perlu menolak sumber tenaga nuklear kerana ianya tidak memberikan timbalbalas yang positif kepada keselamatan walaupun sumber tenaganya amat besar.
    Kita sebagai Negara yang Allah swt kurniakan pelbagai sumber tenaga yang bersih lagi selamat. Oleh kerana itu kita mempunyai alternatif dalam mencari sumber tenaga yang baru seperti hidro elektrik, solar dan angin. Selaras dengan tugas kita di mukabumi untuk tidak melakukan kerosakkan malahan diminta untuk memakmurkan muka bumi ini selagi daya mampu kita.
    Walaubagaimanapun, masih tidak terdapat tindakan serius dari pihak kerajaan (mungkin rakyat tidak mengetahui usaha-usaha kerajaan) dalam memilih sumber tenaga alternatif kepada rakyat Malaysia. Pelbagai teknologi tenaga solar dan angin telah dikenalpasti untuk dibangunkan walaubagaimanapun, kita hanya memandang sepi teknologi tersebut.
    Sumber-sumber tenaga ini mampu memberikan kos yang rendah berbanding dengan sumber tenaga yang berdasarkan disel, arang batu dan juga gas. Sudahnya rakyat yang perlu membayar kos yang lebih tinggi berbanding dengan pengusaha-pengusaha Janakuasa Persendirian (IPP) yang mewah dengan bayaran-bayaran konsesi dari Tenaga Nasional Berhad (TNB). Yang selalu mengalami kerugian adalah TNB. Antara usaha untuk menampung kerugian TNB, menaikkan charge kepada penguna. Dengan ertikata lain, rakyat juga yang menanggung kerugian TNB. Dalam erti kata lain, hak rakyat dinafikan.
    Saya cuma hendak mengimbas kembali pada zaman pemeritahan Tun dahulu. Tun telah mendapat gambaran Malaysia sejak pada tahun 1995 lagi. Sepatutnya usaha-usaha murni telah telah dilaksanakan malahan rakyat mungkin telah menikmati hasilnya sekarang. Di manakah kepincangan yang telah berlaku? Mungkin kakitangan-kakitangan kementerian tidak melaksanakan tugas mereka atau mungkin kertas-kertas kerja yang telah disediakan oleh pihak yang berkenaan telah disimpan di bawah karpet.
    Oleh kerana kegagalan tersebut, oleh itu saya ingin mencadangkan kepada kerajaan agar pembangunan untuk sumber tenaga alternatif ini dilaksanakan oleh syarikat berkaitan kerajaan (GLC) selain daripada TNB yang telah gagal melaksanakan tugas mereka. Dalam pengamatan saya, syarikat GLC yang berkelayakan ialah UEM Group kerana memiliki infrastruktur (lebuhraya PLUS dari utara ke selatan). Ini sesuai untuk membangunkan sumber tenaga solar dan angin. Khazanah sebagai badan pelaburan kerajaan perlu membantu UEM dalam usaha tersebut.
    Mungkin adalah merupakan salah satu tugas Tun yang belum selesai lagi (hanya Tun sahaja yang tahu). Sementara kesempatan yang disediakan oleh Allah swt, kepada Tun dan juga Kerajaan Malaysia perlu mengambil langkah yang perlu sebelum nasi manjadi bubur, sebelum kemurkaan Allah swt datang. Hak rakyat perlu yang telah sekian lama dinafikan perlu dikembalikan semula. Ada masanya kita perlu menyatakan yang benar walaupon pahit. Ada masanya kita perlu mengenepikan kehendak orang di sekeliling kita kerana hak orangramai yang perlu diutamakan. Dengan kuasa dan tenaga yang diberikan oleh Allah swt perlu dilaksanakan sewajarnya tanpa mengira kepentingan peribadi dan juga kepentingan segelintir umat. Tun perlu tinggal kan lebihan muatan (exccess bagge) yang menganggu momentum Tun selama ini. Keikhlasan perlu diutamakan, insya Allah Malaysia akan jadi berkat untuk rakyatnya. Jangan lah kita menang sorak kampong tergadai.
    Salah satu teknologi sumber angin :

  67. Dear Tun,
    I want to pose a question whether having “qiyamul-lail” often practise in most residential schools is good for students?
    Below is an extract written by a writer in his book:-
    “When examinations are due students are often required to attend special prayer sessions late at night. They are given the hope that by participating in such rituals their grades may improve.
    Granted praying to God should put anyone in a proper frame of mind, but students who are already burdened with heavy workloads and studies are made physically more tired by staying awake into late night. When they wake up in the morning from insufficient sleep and tiredness it may not help them cope any better with their studies.
    The Quran does tell us to stay awake (tahajjud) at night in prayer and reading the Quran but nowhere in the Quran does it tell students to stay awake at night in prayer so that they may get better grades. It would be far more effective if students spent whatever time they had reading their books and then to get sufficient sleep. That will be better to get higher grades.”
    I tend to agree with the writer’s view and I think this programme initiated by school headmasters should be reviewed. It is not productive. Surely, there must be other practical alternatives to motivate the students in their preparation for exams.

  68. salam tun,
    Betul jugak tu…..buat apa kalu membahayakan kata orang jangan cari bala!!!! tengok keliling kita dulu banyak lagi sumber lain contohnya tenaga solar. Cuba adakan lebih lagi penyelidikan agar tenaga matahari dapat dijadikan alternative baru.

  69. Isn’t nuclear technology reserved for the Americans only?

  70. Salam YAB Tun,
    Saya ingin menarik perhatian semua terutamanya Tun sendiri tentang pengalaman yang benar sebuah syarikat bumiputra.
    Apabila membaca blog kali ini teringat semula saya akan pengelaman dan rasa kecewa amat sangat saya dan sahabat-sahabat saya hingga ke hari ini. Ketika itu kami semua terdiri daripada lepasan pelbagai universiti tempatan dan dari luar negera dengan kelulusan daripada pelbagai bidang dan jurusan, telah berpeluang untuk bertemu semasa menghadiri satu skim khas kerajaan iaitu skim latihan siswazah yang pertama kali dahulu.
    Kami telah berpeluang membentuk satu team dan telah bekerjasama didalam sebuah syarikat kami sendiri khusus dalam bidang penjanaan tenaga mini-hidro. Dalam masa yang sama kami juga mengamalkan kerja-kerja kami sendiri setelah lulus dan mendapat lesen melalui skim khas tersebut diatas dengan menubuh firma masing-masing.
    Apa yang menarik ialah melalui syarikat kami itu kami dapat bersatu dan dengan mengunakan modal kewangan daripada kami sendiri, telah berjaya untuk melakukan segala kerja-kerja awal bagi mendapat kelulusan dan lesen penjanaan dari pihak-pihak yang berkaitan.
    Berbagai pengalaman telah kami perolehi terutamanya apabila berkaitan dengan faktor manusia (termasuk pegawai itu dan ini, consultant itu dan ini, dsn.) sehingga akhirnya kami terpaksa bergantung kepada segala kebolehan, kepakaran dan kekuatan team kami sendiri sahaja kerana serik dengan kerenah dan perangai berbagai-bagai jenis manusia yang tidak faham akan misi dan visi murni syarikat kami dan semestinya juga atas faktor kewangan.
    Untuk memendekan cerita, hingga hari ini kami masih gagal untuk memulakan satu projek pun walaupun telah mendapat kelulusan bagi kawasan tertentu untuk memulakannya. Semuanya hanya disebabkan atas ketidak stabilan politik semasa dan perangai buruk pemimpin-pemimpin yang ada yang kebanyakannya tidak ikhlas untuk membantu.
    Hari ini, kami telah kehilangan segala-galanya sekarang. Demi untuk mencapai visi dan misi murni kami, kami hanya mampu hidup dengan apa yang ada sahaja dengan membantu satu sama lain dengan melakukan pelbagai kerja lain. Ada juga yang telah menarik diri dengan pelbagai alasan tetapi kami amat memahami sebab utama mereka itu.
    Sekarang umur-umur kami semua sudah hampir setengah abad dan ada yang diawal 50’an. Kami masih lagi tetap berharap dan masih lagi yakin bahawa segala pengorbanan kami semua tidak akan menjadi sia-sia dan akan membuahkan hasil jua. Kami bukanlah orang-orang yang ternama, kaya atau berpangkat dan kami bukanlah jenis yang suka meminta-minta. Tetapi kami ada perasaan dan amat terkilan kerana ilmu dan pengalaman kami tidak berpeluang dimanfaatkan. Ini adalah satu kerugian yang amat besar bagi agama, bangsa dan negara kami sendiri.
    Apa yang kami harapkan sekarang ialah agar suatu hari nanti orang-orang seperti kami juga akan diberi peluang. Manalah tahu dengan satu peluang sahaja dapat mereka menjalankan kesemua projek-projek impian mereka dan berjaya mencapai cita-cita masing-masing dengan menikmati sedikit kemewahan dan kejayaan dalam hidup dibumi sendiri tanpa mengorbankan marwah dan nilai-nilai murni kepercayaan dan agama masing-masing.
    Di negara kita saya pasti banyak lagi syarikat-syarikat tempatan yang mengalami nasib yang sama seperti syarikat kami. Bukannya kita tidak boleh maju atau kurang kepakaran, tetapi disebab terlalu banyak red-tape, ranjau dan rintangan terpaksa dilalui yang menyebabkan ramai yang kecundang dan patah semangat untuk menrealisasikan segala impian masing-masing yang berkesudahan dengan kekecewaan sahaja.
    Apabila sudah berjaya sesebuah syarikat itu selalunya dan pada kebiasaannya barulah banyak pihak yang datang ingin menghulurkan pelbagai jenis bantuan yang sebenarnya amat diperlukan semasa di peringkat awal permulaan dahulu. Pada masa itu, mereka semua pula memerlukan kita sebab kita dahulu juga tidak diperlukan oleh mereka semua.

  71. Older generation medical doctors like Dr Mahathir and Dr McCoy are anti-nuclear for a very good reason. As young doctors they were horrified and disgusted by the barbaric nuclear bombing of the civilian population of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Many honourable people of their generation have similarly rejected nuclear technology as just too dangerous for mankind. Kept a closely guarded secret at the time but now widely acknowledged, the nuclear attacks ordered by Britain

  72. Dear Tun Dr M,
    Of course, I agree with you, of the hazards of nuclear and its usage. However, the main reason nuclear energy is used is the increase in the cost of other substitutes. So, the only way to stop usage of nuclear power is to control the cost of Oil, gas and coal. Hence, the petrolium and other energy producing nations should be pressured not to increase the cost of their supplies.
    If this is not done, then, we have no choice but to go for nuclear power supply.

  73. Dear Tun,
    Slowly but surely, alternative energy technologies are starting to become mainstream. Even on Kapas Island we are using Solar Energy for our electricity !.
    Wind power is also growing and about 1% of the World’s energy is already generated by the Wind too. Apparently, it is expected to rise to 10% by 2020.
    Your Vision 2020 does not cater for this unfortunately !!!
    Another good sign is the use of electric car and more and more models are becoming available and perhaps you can advise Proton to seriously look into this too ?.
    The idea is to end dependency on import oil or trying to get it from nuclear ways plus “to achieve zero-carbon sources”.
    In Malaysia there is plenty of potential for solar power, which will be environmental friendly plus benefits too.
    With our abundant sunshine, solar power should grow in importance. Perhaps with a plant that works by employing heat from the sun to make steam and thus drive a generator, rather than using expensive solar cells to produce electricity directlt ?.
    In fact, solar cells are not going away, they are being deployed faster than wind turbines and apparently the amount of electricity they generate is growing by the day.
    Biofuels, the other green alternatives to petrol and diesel, are also made ultimately from sunlight, via the plant-building process of photosynthesis !.
    No doubt, we will see some interesting changes in the World of energy-lah.

  74. Dear Tun,
    Slowly but surely, alternative energy technologies are starting to become mainstream. Even on Kapas Island we are using Solar Energy for our electricity !.
    Wind power is also growing and about 1% of the World’s energy is already generated by the Wind too. Apparently, it is expected to rise to 10% by 2020.
    Your Vision 2020 does not cater for this unfortunately !!!
    Another good sign is the use of electric car and more and more models are becoming available and perhaps you can advise Proton to seriously look into this too ?.
    The idea is to end dependency on import oil or trying to get it from nuclear ways plus “to achieve zero-carbon sources”.
    In Malaysia there is plenty of potential for solar power, which will be environmental friendly plus benefits too.
    With our abundant sunshine, solar power should grow in importance. Perhaps with a plant that works by employing heat from the sun to make steam and thus drive a generator, rather than using expensive solar cells to produce electricity directlt ?.
    In fact, solar cells are not going away, they are being deployed faster than wind turbines and apparently the amount of electricity they generate is growing by the day.
    Biofuels, the other green alternatives to petrol and diesel, are also made ultimately from sunlight, via the plant-building process of photosynthesis !.
    No doubt, we will see some interesting changes in the World of energy-lah.

  75. Salam YAB Tun,
    Patutlah perangai orang-orang Perak itu pelek. Mungkin mabuk kena bahan radioactive amang. Kita harus bersabar dan cuba mencari rawatan yang sesuai kepada mereka semua.

  76. Salam Tun dan Toh Puan,
    Saya ada terbaca “anti pembelit” punya ulasan, saya berpendapat, kata-kata anti pembelit ini tidak menunjukkan kematangan berfikir dan berbicara pelbagai topik dan wacana yang berlaku di sekeliling.
    Saya berani mencabar “anti pembelit” ini, menunjolkan diri, bagi tahu nama sebenar, dan laman web dia. Saya yakin dia tak mampu berbuat demikian. Nama dia pun, nama samaran, bukan nama sebenar, saya tak tahu siapa nak belit siapa.
    Saya melihat Tun cuba mengalir pimikiran rakyat daripada bercakap tentang politik. Mungkin Tun menlihat mainan politik ini tak kan habis dan tiada penghujungnya. Kita ubah selara berbicara dan bertukar-tukar pendapat dan idea masaing-masing.
    “Biar miskin harta, jangan miskin budi bahasa”. Inilah kekurangan “anti pembelit”. Tidak matang berbicara dan mengolah sesuatu artikel. Saya yakin Tun ada alasan yang munasabah untuk bercakap mengenai hal ini.
    Saya meminta “anti pembelit” membuka minda dan bagi tahu siapa diri yang sebenar. Jangan jadi jaguh kampung tetapi yang sebenarnya kampung sendiri tergadai. Isu bahasa dan isu poltik jangan di buat main. Saya meminta “anti pembelit” banyakkan membaca buku dan berbincang dengan cara berhikmah dan bersopan santun. Guna bahasa yang tertib berlandaskan ugama Islam dan adat Melayu dan budaya ketimuran.
    Sekian terima kasih.

  77. Salam Tun dan Toh Puan,
    Yes Tun was right about nuclear use and how to soft the problem or how to handle the situastion if anything happen to the nuclear that have been use to generate the power surpley.
    Malaysia have so many hoose to generate the power. We still can use win power and solar power. Is about now the goverment take action to make sure for new house policy, any new housing must have solar power and wing power to generat angergy to the house.
    Let STOP talking about politik and bull shit Perak asambely. huhu..

  78. Salam Ayahnda Tun….
    Why must we exposed our country with this disaster materials..We are slowly killing our future generations in the name of nuclear power..Many technologies still available for power generation…
    “Love healthy future generation”…

  79. Salam Yg Bhg,
    comment by Concerned Malaysian on May 24, 2009 5:30 PM.
    “Nuclear power is viable and safe. Current plant designs will not explode like a bomb, it is not possible. In fact the new plants are able to withstand plane crashes (similar to 9/11)”
    With respect to your opinion.
    No doubt nuclear plants can be equipped with safety features that adhere to strict internationals standards, but Malaysia is not ready for nuclear power, not for another 50 years and not ever.
    Malaysia can be ambitious but not too ambitious as to having own nuclear plant.
    Where do you think it will be situated?
    How sure are you that the ‘tidak apa attitude’ would not exist among the people that will be involved in maintaning the plant, how ever high the standards might be?
    Yes Chernobyl was a case of poor plant design and negligence, but you must remember that negligence can happen at the most highest security and well planned plant too.
    Like Dr M said, it is better if Malaysia avoids using nuclear power for electrical generation until scientist know enough about the accidents and method of dealing with it.

  80. assalamualaikum tun…
    tahniah dah hampir hit 2 juta.
    mak aih ada iklan bisnes pc kat atas..huhuh..
    duit masyukkk…
    inilah mahathirism.
    pandai buat duit.
    bukan huru hara.
    dulu samapi tv german sibuk kata.
    “malaysia heaven of unvestment”
    viva Tun
    Allah rahmati Tun.

  81. Dear Tun
    To some extent, I aggree with your opinion on the safety aspect. German for example shy away on the use of nuclear power and give their focus more on renewable energy under ‘fed in’system.However, safety is just a perception based on statistical figure. Nothing is absolutely save, riding motor bike is not safe, every day riders get killed but we can accept it.Necessity in life make people still riding motor bike. Compare with Japan, a coutry always rocked with earthquake, if we want to use nuclear power it is much safer here, so far we manage to avoid the need to use nuclear power. Now most of our electricity is derived from gas and coal and with carbon trading activities, the question is can we sustain it in future if other people, our competitors, obtained their electricity in a very cheap way using nuclear power and produce almost zero carbon dioxide emmision. In future electric vehicle is almost certain so the question is can we get a relatively cheap electricity to remain competative. To some extent, I like the British way of doing thing, open ended “The best available technique but not entailing excessive cost” so every thing should be possible including nuclear power if it is so compelling.

  82. Assalamualaikum dan salam bahagia Tun M.
    Tajuk yg amat menarik. Semasa kita membaca blog terpopular ini, apa yg berlaku disekitar kita, karbon monoksida dibebaskan secara menggila oleh kenderaan (tanpa apa-apa rawatan) begitu juga volatile organic compound (VOC) bahan mudah meruap diguna dalam cat-cat bangunan sbg cth. dll.
    Soalan, kenapa perkara-perkara ini tidak kita risaukan sedangkan ia merbahaya kepada pewaris/legasi kita; sbb kita dilahirkan sekarang, bekerja adalah untuk kita punya pewaris iaitu anak-anak pewaris masa depan kita.
    Pendapat konservatif berkenaan dgn minyak, adalah ianya akan habis, sepatutnya habis tahun 2005, memandangkan telaga minyak baru dijumpai, sumbernya masih ada sampai ke beberapa dekad mendatang. Pendapat unortodoks, minyak tidak akan habis kerana sisa-sisa terapai (fermented) secara berperingkat (layer by layer). Soalnya kos nak cari tu camna pulak dan universiti Malaysia tidak ada menawarkan ijazah Geofizik serasanya.
    Soalan, sekiranya emas hitam ini sudah tidak ada di Malaysia, apakah sumber bahanapi yg bakal kita guna terutamanya dalam sektor pembinaan, perumahan, kenderaan dll.
    Nak taknak kita kena guna sumber nuklear. Teknologi nuklear sudah matang dan loji yang pertama dibina sekitar tahun 1930 an – 1940 an. Dan sekarang design loji nuklear sudah moden dan dapat mengelakkan kebocoran walaupun terganggu dgn gempa (rujuk siri gempa bumi di Jepun). Data tentang perkembangan design boleh didapati dari Nuklear Malaysia (formerly knows as MINT) dan TNB.
    Kenapa France masih menggunakan nuclear power dan Jepun tidak berganjak menggunakannya sebagai penjana elektrik. Untuk makluman, US, UK dan Jerman telah membatalkan polisi untuk tidak menggunakan tenaga nuklear. Ini semua disebabkan harga minyak yg amat tidak stabil. Info lain, tenaga biomas, solar dan hidroelektrik, outputnya terhad dan jangka hayatnya tidak sepanjang nuclear power. Maklumat boleh dirujuk dalam internet.
    Yes, pembangunan tenaga nuklear mempunyai 3 cabaran besar di Malaysia tetapi ia amat berguna: 3 cabaran tersebut ialah, kos perkapita yg tinggi, keterhadan kebolehan pakar dan terpenting penerimaan masyarakat.
    Kedudukan ahli politik dan artis amat tinggi di Malaysia. Saya amat berharap memandangkan Tun makin dekat dgn kerajaan supaya cuba memartabatkan saintis setaraf dgn status artis dan ahli politik. Ahli saintis Malaysia tidak kurang hebatnya, boleh rujuk MTE ekspo yg diadakan di PWTC saban tahun dan lihatlah jumlah inovasi yg diadakan. Jika saintis selalu masuk tv (sebagai cth) mudah bagi mereka menerangkan berkenaan dgn kepentingan tenaga nuklear ini. Saya cabar Tun….
    Sekian, wassalam.

  83. Salam Tun, hope you and your family are find and well. Insha’allah.
    To produce electricity, nothing more. So, why the lackadaisical attitude with TNB. When proposed to built Bakun on full scale, nobody saw the future in it. Why we don’t see any wind-turbine nor solar tech being used to generate electricity.
    This bless land of ours have all the natural resouces for us to harness but lack the brains and the will to decide. What more the tariffs can be lowered.
    Maybe, this is not feasible because the CEOs think the profits and salary hike cannot materialized. Rakus sungguh!

  84. Assalamualaikum Dear Tun,
    Yes Tun….No Nukes, No Nukes, No Nukes…….! I think the idea of saving the planet or saving the cost by developing the nuclear power plant is really questionable…Especially at this time…..It is worth to think about it for milllions of times before we really commit onto this….Maybe it’s better to develop our own Super-Carrier and Naval power to make sure that our maritime borders are safe for the International Trade….Wassalam

  85. Salam Tun,
    Persoalan utama yang perlu dijawab oleh saintis dan jurutera tempatan ialah adakah cukup selamat untuk mendirikan loji Nuklear di negara-negara yang berada pada garisan Khatulistiwa?
    Kita sudah cukup panas dengan haba yang tinggi dari sinaran matahari yang terik dan bila ditambah dengan bahan aktif seperti Nuklear, secara lojiknya, kita mendedahkan diri kita pada kebocoran yang sukar dikawal kerana suhu sekeliling kira menghampiri tahap lakuran. Ia juga akan memerlukan kos yang tinggi dengan keperluan penyelenggaraan yang lebih cekap dan lebih kerap dari kebiasaan dari negara-negara yang mempunyai suhu lebih dingin. Lebih-lebih lagi, rakyat kita mempunyai rekod penyelenggaraan yang lemah dalam berbagai bidang.
    Membina loji nuklear di sini akan mendedahkan kita kepada sasaran penyalahgunaan bahan aktif tersebut dan kerosakkan berskala besar di dalam negara yang kecil ini. Tak lupa juga peningkatan penyakit kanser baru akibat pencemaran nuklear yang tidak dapat dilihat dan dikawal dengan mudah. Sedangkan kita masih lagi tidak sedar kanser yang disebabkan oleh sinaran matahari yang melepasi lapisan ozon yang bocor akibat pencemaran alam. Bagaimana pula sisa-sisa toksid yang masih gagal kita atasi kerana penyalahgunaan bahan-bahan kimia di dalam negara ini?
    Soalan terakhir untuk para saintis kita, kenapa masih belum ada teknologi penukar haba kepada tenaga elektrik? Sedangkan kita mempunyai haba yang tinggi sepanjang tahun untuk digunakan sebagai sumber tenaga elektrik yang boleh disimpan dan digunakan semula pada musim tengkujuh.

  86. Salam Tun,
    i’m not quite agree with nuclear as energy source. no doubt there is big advantage of it but one mistake/ disaster could wipe entire country. are we willing to take that risk?
    There are a lot of potential alternatives other than nuclear.
    I think oil companies should provide some fund for extensive research of alternative fuel.

  87. I noticed quite a few commenters here urged Malaysia to go for nuclear energy based on ‘many advanced countries are doing it. If it’s good for them surely it is good for us’ line of thinking.
    One of Tun’s legacy is for us to think ourselves what are good or bad for us and make our own decisions. Just because the so-called First World countries says good – does not mean it is good for us. The 1997 Asian Financial Crisis is the most striking success.
    If we have followed this dogma we would have suffered terribly in the current American Banking Crisis. Instead, thanks to our horribly conservative banking system, our banks does not participate in hedge funds and highly profitable (and at the same highly risky) derivative funding programs. Because of that, we don’t have stories of mass home repossessions and mass unemployments in our land.
    If we know the risk of nuclear powers – despite the oh so powerfully tempting – do we need to risk our children’s future and take a chance? Jangan main api…

  88. Salam Sejahtera Tun dan warga Che Det,
    1) I am against nuclear power in Malaysia at this point. My fears stem not only from our seemingly poor maintenance culture, but the haphazard way we go about things. And a hazard such as this will tend to blow up at the rate things are going nowadays.
    2) If the present Government is looking at this direction, who will be the license holder? Another crony, an independant license holder who can then sell at exorbitant prices for supplying “Green Enercy’ or the euphinimous TNB, a semi-Governmental organisation?
    3) Why would we need to spend our tax-payers hard earned tax ringgit (and also those collected from “saman ekor’s”) to send these spent rods to so-called “Technology Developers” who will use this spent fuel to be enriched again and either sold back to us at high prices to power the reactors or used to make more weapons?
    4) Yes, I agree there are some countries who use Nuclear Technology for power generation, but they have been using this technology for decades, as a means to use and produce weapons grade uranium. They can also reprocess the waste, and have means to store them in some deep caverns dug in some huge mountains, or simply dumped into the ocean. Can we imagine, if a little country like Malaysia has some nuclear weapon potential? Or a hideaway in Gunung Tahan,or Kinabalu, etc?
    5) Which bring me to my next point, where are we going to locate it? Do I hear any volunteer states? Anyone? It was such a difficult task to locate a site for an incinerator for solid trash, that eventually it was given up. Asian Rare Earth is still viewed with disdain in Perak, remember?
    6) Will the electricity charges actually be reduced due to nuclear power and less reliance on fossil fuels, or will it go up to help finance this “lucrative to someone” venture?
    7) Why do we Malaysians not appreciate the bountiful God given Malaysian sunshine many of the Mat Salleh’s crave for which drive up sales of air-cond units in Malaysia and just invest in Solar Energy? Or find some plains and harness wind energy? Or Waves from the sea? We may not even need the National Grid for this, small localised power plants can work at remote areas, thereby supplying deep interior areas with electricity cleanly. What? Oh! I see,it will affect the bottomline of the many Government linked personalities owning interests in independant power producers and TNB shareholders. We cannot allow that now, can we?
    8) So, my question is, are we looking at justifying why TNB will need to raise it’s electricity tariffs again, when the world economy is faltering? Or is it just some wise guy’s idea to line his/her/their pocket? For those of us living near any ports or airports, will we be happy to see a ship/plane carrying nuclear fuel/waste sailing in/landing near us? What about road users who will be sharing the same roads as the transporters?
    9) I would not, but then I am only a majority, who cannot make a difference in a Democracy. It is the minority, among those we have elected as our representatives, who will determine our fates. So in future, choose intelligent, rational MP’s and DUN’s, not hooligans or pompous kacang lupakan kulit types who are only interested in themselves until the next election stumbles around, when they try to hoodwink the masses again to further their self interest.
    10)God, help us to see with focus, clarity and objectivity, lest we hurtle down the path of no return…

  89. Assalamualaikum Tun,
    Kerajaan Malaysia boleh menggalakkan green technology bagi mengurangkan kebergantungan kita kepada fossil fuel untuk menjanakan kuasa. Kos permulaan mungkin agak tinggi, tetapi ini perkara yg biasa untuk satu teknologi baru. Mungkin kita boleh fikirkan untuk mewajibkan setiap rumah dan bangunan baru dilengkapi dengan sel solar yang boleh menjimatkan penggunaan tenaga daripada grid elektrik – bayangkan seperti sistem hibrid di mana sistem pendawaian pintar rumah / bangunan tersebut boleh menyimpan kuasa solar dan menggunakannya sewaktu diperlukan. Malaysia mempunyai banyak institusi pengajian tinggi dan agak menghairankan, kita kurang menggunakan kepakaran mereka untuk mencipta sesuatu sistem yang baru. Seperti dasar pandang ke timur yang dipelopori oleh Tun, saya amat kagum dengan negara Jepun di mana teknologi mereka kebanyakkannya direka untuk mengatasi masalah tempatan yang unik untuk negara mereka (contoh terbaik, sistem parkir kereta automatik bertingkat yang mengatasi masalah kekurangan parkir mereka).
    Pada pendapat saya, sudah tiba masanya Malaysia melangkah ke hadapan dengan memberikan tumpuan yang lebih kepada bidang sains dan teknologi.
    p/s Saya sarankan Tun, jika ada kelapangan masa, menonton siri rencana “Prototype This!” di Discovery Science.. Saya selalu bayangkan orang kita mempunyai semangat dan minat mendalam dengan sains dan inovasi seperti mereka di Amerika.

  90. Salam kasih dan hormat Ayahanda Tun.
    France is 80% dependent on nuclear power for energy with 59 nuclear power plants, the US is rated at a 50% (debatable) dependency with 109 nuclear power plants and Japan at 35% dependency with 63 nuclear power plants while 30% of US energy is still derived from coal and the remainder 20% is either wind, solar or hydro. Modern reactor designs could actually be very safe and cost effective for cheap power generations. But newer compact type of reactors could also produce weapon-grade plutonium as it

  91. Salam Tun,
    Siapakah yang mengutuskan untuk menggunakan kuasa nuklear ini? Tidakkah mereka tahu mengenai bahaya tentang kuasa nuklear?
    Tun, ketika saya berada di Jepun utk pertukaran pelajar, kami telah berjumpa dengan salah seorang yang masih hidup dan terselamat dari kuasa nuklear tersebut walaupun muka dan badannya nampak mengerikan…
    Ketika dia menceritakan pengalaman dia sebagai seorang survivor, saya amat bangga dan terharu malah sedih mendengar pengalaman beliau walaupun kdg2kala rasa mereka deserve to get it but not all of them..
    sehingga sekarang, apa yang difahamkan, kami tidak dibenarkan memasukkan tangan ke dalam mana2 sungai, longkang atau tali air bagi mengelakkan terkena radiasi nuklear sbg langkah keselamatan. Bg kami ia sesuatu yang melucukan krn kejadian itu telah lama berlaku tetapi negara jepun ingin menggelakkan kecelakaan yang bakal berlaku kepada kami dan mereka memberitahu pernah ade yang mati keracunan kerana terminum air sungai dan mandi air sungai tersebut tp tidak dihebohkan utk keselamatan juga….
    saya berasa, kita haruslah mengamalkan langkah berjaga2. nuklear juga boleh menyebabkan kita tidak mengamalkan “Earth go Green” kerana ozon makin menipis… Dengan menggunakan nuklear, bukankah ia lagi akan menipiskan keadaan ozon?
    Sila comment

  92. TUN.
    Saya rasa tak payah lah negara kita guna ‘nuke power’ untuk menjana kuasa letrik. Negara kita kaya dengan sumber alam semula jadi. Gunalah apa2 kaedah yang lebih mesra alam dan selamat.
    Lagi pun negara kita kecil. Kalau berlaku apa2 pada logi nukelear itu, sudah pasti tak ada kawasan lagi untuk menyelamatkan diri.
    Tapi kalau dah terpaksa juga, buat lah. Usahkan untuk tenaga letrik, nak buat bom Atom pun tak apa kalau keadaan memerlukan untuk pertahanan nrgara. Mana lah tahu kalau2 kena serang oleh negara2 musuh.
    Tun, izinkan nak sentuh cerita dari Perak. Nizar bekas MB Perak akur serahkan semula Camry pada kerajaan Perak. Bagus lah buat bergitu. Rakyat pun dah tahu dan faham siapa MB Perak sebenar nya.
    Tak payah lah ajak rakyat buat mogok lapar selama 3 hari. Itu semua membuat rakyat susah saja. Kalau ajak rakyat berpuasa penuh pada bulan ramadan itu satu yang baik. Bukan budaya rakyat Malaysia menganjurkan mogok lapar sedemikian. Kata Mufti Perak hukum nya Haram.
    PAS oh! PAS bila lah nak tunjuk teladan yang baik sebagai pejuang Islam yang tulin. Segala perlakuan dan tindakan pemimpin2 PAS bertentangan dan bercanggah lagi mengelirukan dari ajaran Islam yang sebenar2 nya. Ego, tamak, riak, takbur,fitnah,menganjur keganasan dan pelbagai tindakan yang melampau. Semua sikap2 ini tidak langsung mencerminkan sebagai pemimpin2 Islam yang sebenar nya. Sabar,tawakkal,sopan santun,tidak riak, tidak mefitnah, Islam itu bersaudara,tidak berkawan dengan ‘syaitan’, tidak kata tuhan mencarut, dan lain2 yang karut marut.
    Yang jelas PAS itu sebenar nya adalah sebuah parti politik biasa. Langsung tidak ada kena mengena degan agama Islam. Hanya rethorik untuk mengelirukan rakyat yang beragama Islam.
    Kaum lain dah pun nampak PAS itu apa. Kerana itu mereka menyokong dan mempergunakan PAS untuk melebarkan pengaruh politik mereka.
    Tidak ada negara Islam atau pemerintahan Islam akan ujud di Malaysia jika pun PAS memerintah.
    Kesian nya maseh ramai umat Islam di Malaysia ini telah dikelirukan oleh permaianan politik PAS yang konon nya memperjuangkan negara Islam.

  93. ‘ 13. Until we do, it is far better if Malaysia avoids using nuclear power for electrical generation. ‘
    it is far better also if BN (UMNO especially) avoids using ‘monarchy power’ plus ‘ legislative power’ for next ‘general election’

  94. Salam sejahtera ParpuKari,
    1. Itulah masalah besar dengan ramai daripada orang kita dengan mudah menerima bulat-bulat apa yang diperkatakan oleh orang yang kononnya hebat seperti Tun Dr M.
    2. Ok, saya tak mahulah kata Tun Dr M tak hebat. Beliau memang hebat dalam percaturan politik. Kalau tidak masakan dapat beliau memegang tampok pemerintahan Malaysia selama 22 tahun. Kalau tak hebat, tidak akan beliau berjaya dalam krisis perlembagaan yang melibatkan institusi raja dalam tahun 80an atau 90an. Itu saya tabik.
    3. Tetapi tak akanlah Tun Dr M hebat juga dalam sains nuklear. Apa yang Tun Dr M bicarakan cuma pengetahuan cetek mengenai bahaya bahan radioaktif yang dipelajari oleh budak sekolah rendah atau menengah.
    4. Macam inilah ParpuKari, saya syorkan kita membimbing anak-anak kita supaya mempelajari ilmu sains nuklear. Ini kerana masih lagi
    banyak yang boleh diterokai oleh manusia walaupun ia bukan sesuatu yang baru.
    5. Mungkin bahan radioaktif boleh digunakan untuk menjana tenaga elektrik untuk menggerakkan kereta ataupun untuk menyalakan lampu,
    memanskan air, menguasakan pendingin hawa dan peri sejuk, dan lain-lain di rumah.
    6. Tuhan maha pemurah menyediakan segala sesuatu di alam semesta untuk manusia terokai. Cukuplah kita ini diperbodohkan dan ditakut-takutkan oleh orang-orang politik, saya tegaskan bukan Tun Dr M sahaja dan bukan BN sahaja, tentang ini tak boleh itu tak boleh, tetapi kalau nak memperkudakan kita, disuruh melaung ‘Malaysia Boleh!’
    7. Kalau sebagai ibubapa kita tak sempat mempelajari semua ini, jangan pula kita biarkan anak cucu kita jahil macam kita juga.
    8. Soal satu sekolah, bahasa Melayu sebagai bahasa penghantar di sekolah dan universiti, bahasa Inggeris sebagai bahasa penghantar untuk anak-anak kita belajar sains dan matematik, semua ini permainan politik nak suruh rakyat Malaysia berbilang kaum bercakaran antara satu sama lain.
    9. Saya mengajak parpuKari beranjak paradigma dan berfikir melampaui batasan yang diwujudkan oleh orang-orang politik untuk mengongkong orang-orang biasa macam kita ini. Lebih baik anak-anak kita terkorban kerana melakukan penyelidikan dalam bidang sains nuklear, misalnya, daripada hidup dan mati di dalam kepompong ‘ISA’ yang kita warisi daripada penjajah Inggeris tapi terus menerus digunakan oleh orang-orang politik yang merupakan graduan Oxfordlah, Cambridgelah, Britainlah, Amerikalah, Jepunlah dan lain-lain.
    Terima kasih. Maaf kalau tersinggung atau terkasar bahasa.

  95. Salam Tun
    Again it is very refreshing to read your blog articles after I waited for quite sometime for the Bahasa Malaysia-translated series on financial speculation and currency trading to finish. I marvel at how you are able to switch from writing about ‘Mahathirism’ to ‘Nuclear Power’ or more specifically nuclear waste. Your articles are again very clearly written and although you don’t have a very extensive technical knowledge on nuclear science or nuclear engineering, you clearly recognise the danger and harm nuclear power can do to Malaysians.
    I have one main point on your article: The problem here is that Malaysians (or Barisan National) nearly ALWAYS follow the West, even though they know it is harmful and the dangers has clearly been stated in the Quran (esp. the Jews). We follow their financial system, we follow their education system, we follow their way of life, we follow their entertainment system. Everything the West do, we follow. This is why the Prophet PBUH;s said in his hadith: “We will follow the “West” even though they lead us through a lizard’s hole!
    I am on your side on nuclear power. In fact I feel the whole world should not use nuclear power (but I have to reserve my comments on this for countries that do not have hydro, coal or wind power). However of course the West at this point in time, will not listen. They have even built their superiority in amassing nuclear power arms and are trying to prevent Iran from doing so.
    But why do I feel our current or future Malaysian leaders will eventually bow down to the use of nuclear power? None of our leaders (except you and some of your predecessors) have strength of character and wisdom and vision and the necessary friendliness and openness for us Malaysian public citizens to be able to feel close to our leaders. In fact I do not feel close to Najib at all. I feel that he is just doing things his way, not listening to the people – I mean I can’t connect with him as I can connect with you. Probably it is the way of thinking – we are very different people. What is definitely for certain, the problems Malaysians are facing now is vastly very different and on a vastly different scale than a few decades back. And many Muslim Malaysians are neglecting Islam and embracing modernism and the West. This is a very dangerous trend indeed.

  96. Salam Tun,
    Thanks for the facts about nuclear power.
    Countries like United States or European countries has a huge land mass and large deserted and isolated area to bury their nuclear wastes. This is different case in Malaysia, where our land resource is much much more valuable and we are in tropical region, most of them covered by either ancient jungles or secondary forests. The rest covered by large plantations, we do not have any deserts or dead canyon to bury our dirty stuff.
    No doubt that the most advanced nuclear power can be very safe, where breeder reactor technology can “recycle” 90% of nuclear waste back to nuclear fuel. And we can bury nuclear waste in very deep underground(like depleted oil rig) where there is no way it can harm any life being. And the nuclear fuel dissolved in seawater can power the entire human civilisation longer than sun can power earth.
    But can we affort all these? Can we affort any mistakes? Can our future generation affort these?
    We could not afford to allocate land for the purpose of nuclear waste disposal for thonsands of generations in the future.
    – – – – – Renewable Energy – – – – – –
    Further more, there are much options we can look at, like most of the poster mentioned here, green energy. Do we have enough resources allocated in this topic? Do we have enough researchers looking into this matter? Are we doing enough to find a balance to fullfill our needs as well as our nature’s needs?
    First look at the uniqueness our Malaysia if we are looking into renewable energy:
    – Agriculture waste: agriculture sector plays an important part in our economy, are we utilizing every possible agriculture waste? Like biogas generation, oil palm waste in coal power plant, etc. Our palm oil mills can be designed such that it is energy self sufficient by burning EFB as fuel and still have surplus of power, are we utilizing the surplus effectively?
    – Hot climate: we have a very sunny weather. And hence the potential of solar energy. If 1-2 square meter on each roof is too expensive, how about large scale solar power plant using mirror focusing technology to power a steam turbine(like solar tower).
    – Wind: we have a lot of beaches with constant wind speed, wind storm like typhoon or tornado is none exsistance, anybody look into the area of wind energy?
    – Sea: we have a long sealine, and sea wave energy is the only renewable energy that is 24/7, are we looking into this inexhaustible energy source?
    Rather then building expensive renewable energy source to feed our greed, are all our buildings energy efficient? So many buildings rely on heavy air conditioning in their air ventilation, why can’t we utilize natural air flow, natural lights or using more efficient air ventilation systems? Why must we have air conditioned office blocks when all the primary schools are on fan and windows?

  97. Salam ayahanda Tun,
    Sebagai orang yang ade sedikit pengetahuan dalam nuklear, saya tidak bersetuju dengan entry Tun kali ni.
    Sememangnya nuclear waste sangat merbahaya kerana masih bahan radioaktif beraktiviti tinggi. Pun begitu, waste ini masih boleh dikitar semula untuk digunakan semula dalam reaktor nuklear dan kita juga ada engineering yang mampu membina sistem yang akan menguruskan nuclear waste ni dengan baik dan selamat.
    Tenaga nuklear adalah 100 kali lebih murah dari tenaga lain. dan kos bagi membangunkan sistem solar untuk menghasilkan tenaga elektrik voltan tinggi sangat mahal.
    Penjanaan elektrik menggunakan tenaga nuklear boleh memacu pembangunan industri dengan pesat. Lihat bagaimana ekonomi Korea Selatan maju selepas mereka memiliki reaktor nuklear untuk janakuasa elektrik.
    Dari beratus-ratus reaktor nuklear yang ada di serata dunia, hanya 1 sahaja yang meletup di Chernobyl akibat kegagalan sistem. Adakah ini bermakna kita perlu terus menolok penggunaan tenaga nuklear?

  98. Assalamualaikum Yg Berbahagia Tun,
    1. Hanya untuk memaklumkan maklumat yg terkini, Presiden Universiti Islam Antarabangsa Malaysia pada masa ini ialah Tan Sri Mohd Sidek bin Hj. Hassan, iaitu Ketua Setiausaha Negara. Beliaulah yang telah menggantikan Tan Sri Sanusi Junid sebagai Presiden.
    2.Terima kasih atas jasa-jasa Tun kepada kemajuan Malaysia.
    Regards, Wassalam.

  99. Say no to nuclear power!
    However, if if we still need to, why not build somewhere on the Rocks that we won in the Pulau Batu Putih case (and facing Singapore). hahaha..

  100. Salam Tun, if we use hydro, there would be a lot of permanent wasteful land remained as submerged areas/kampung under water as a resultant of building up dams for potential energy such as tasik Bading , Termenggung and Kemenyek.
    The solution is energy saving alternatives; for an example energy storage such as “ice thermal plant” for air conditioning; making ice at night taking advantage of night generation of power plants which are normally under utilization during night time due to low demand and run (melting down) the ice thermal during the days normally at the peak period. Understand , in American the energy companies give free these ice thermal tanks to building owners as they save new investment in power plant to meet new demands as they maximize their plants .
    ( In Malaysia TNB have tried to do this but they were ill advised ;they used ‘chilled water storage tank’ instead of ice thermal tank which have two advantages of 1).Lower temperature( below freezing point), thus requires smaller sized air conditioning equipment, and 2).Small storage tank, 10 times smaller than the chilled storage water tank,as in ice thermal tank the energy is stored in in form of latent heat of fusion. )
    To encourage the industry to use this alternative, a lower night tariff have to be introduced.

  101. Sebelum ni saya setuju dengan kuasa nuklear untuk elektrik sebab lebih murah, tapi Tun telah buka mata saya , baru saya tahu sisa nuklear tidak boleh dihapuskan, malah sainstis sendiri pun tidak tahu nak hapuskannya.Baik kita pakai punca kuasa yang lebih selamat.

  102. I believe nuclear power is the way…
    To cut emissions of CO2, deforestation that is caused by hydro power, to save spending on fuel power which is less effective…
    Fuel is running out as well, remember the times when it surged to USD90 a barrel. That time sparked everyone into considering nuclear.
    One day the price of fuel might skyrocket again.
    To take the risk of adopting nuclear and moving forward, I feel is worth it.
    More info on nuclear power:

  103. Salam buat Tun Dan Keluarga
    Pada pendapat saya
    Kita tak menentang asalkan untuk kebaikan semua
    Kita tak menolak asalkan ianya memberikan manfaat untuk semua
    Kita tak menyisihkan asalkan ianya tak membahayakan semua
    seperti kata Tun
    ” The fact is that we do not know enough about radioactive nuclear material” (pinjam sikit)
    itulah penyebabnya
    Mungkin “MOSTI” atau “MINISTERY” yang lain boleh sebarkan dan “GOV” boleh jadikan satu “MISI” baru untuk negara…..macamana?

  104. assalamualaikum tun…
    we certainly dont want our country to suffer like japan n russia due to nuclear disaster n those radiation…rejecting the nuclear power usage is the best decision.
    take care n b safe..

  105. Dear Tun,
    Our fragile planet Earth is traversing the vast expanse of space. It is the only know entity among the trillions trillions trillions … that is just perfect for biological life. The condition is just right and we have just moved into the right time slot. If the Earth mass is just smaller, then the weaker gravitational pull is not sufficient to capture the atmospheric gases like oxygen, nitrogen, ozone and the rain clouds. If it is bigger, then it may move into higher orbit and it will be too cold for life. With so many other things that must be just right for life, the Beautiful Big Blue Marble is many times more than just a miracle. Since the 1800s, the disturbances of the Earth natural ecological balance with water, air and particulate pollutions have been unprecedented. If we poison the Earth further, so to speak, then we have no where to go to soon. The major challenge is to preserve the natural order of the Earth through knowledge and human ingenuity. Humans, having the highest faculty on Earth, are the custodian. If we destroy it, then we have only ourselves to blame. That is the end of our destiny. It is like. One Legacy. No Destiny.
    …… We had poured tons of cement on the buried material. ……
    The rare earth extraction operation stopped in Perak during Tun administration. That decisive action saved a lot of folks’ health in Perak. It means that our Government then really cared for and looked after the people. Money was not everything. Today I am concern whether our laws and our state administrations and institutions have the means to prevent abuses in the future. The most effective means are the grassroots and those working in the state administrations. There should be a channel like a neutral body or an NGO which they can report abuses without any retribution.
    There are hidden cost to clean up the toxic fumes and pollutants to produce electricity by burning hydrocarbons. The actual cost could be as much as RM30 instead of 50 cents per Kilowatt-hour. The carbon credit scheme by planting trees to soak up CO2 is not the solution because of the fervent consumption. Neither is CO2 sequestration. It is not inert like wood and can be dangerous if there are major leaks of compressed CO2. The sinister aspect is the by-products produced by burning hydrocarbons. Today we have modern diseases like allergies and asthma. Correct me if I am wrong. Forty years ago, people in their 80s were tough whereas people in the same age group today are soft although there were major advances in health care. I believe that this is due to the air we breathe, the water we drink and the food we consumed.
    Fossil fuels will be exhausted soon. Coal may last for the next 200 years at today’s rate of consumption. Wind, solar and hydro powers are not enough unless the population is reduced to that of 1800s or probably about 60 millions. This leave fission power as the transition power source to fill in the gap until the next breakthrough. The ultimate power source is fusion power as the main electricity source and hydrogen as a portable source for direct combustion or for fuel cell. It can be done. The main problem it the fact that the world has very few good leaders. There are far too many greedy people punting in the equity market, shifting the funds around the globe, wasting all the precious resources and destroying the Earth in the process. With a funding of RM1 trillion or more, the world can have many little Suns as the main power sources.
    The main problem of fission power is nuclear runaway and radioactivity. In the event of a nuclear runaway like in Chernobyl, Three Mile Island and Windscale, the wind had carried the radioactive particulates and polluted vast swatch of land in Europe, US and UK. Those were indeed major disasters as the air was not so pure anymore. The next major problem is the radioactive wastes that take millions of years to decay to the inert state. As there are still dangerous for umpteen years, there is a possibility that these radioactive materials will find its way to the ground water even if stored in stable geological rock formation.
    Malaysia can look into the Fourth Generation of fission power plant. There is no harm because we are not building a fission plant here until we know for sure that it is inherently safe. One such nuclear reactor is the pebble bed reactor. Its main features are:
    – Passive safety.
    – Higher thermal efficiencies.
    – The gases do not dissolve contaminants or absorb neutrons.
    – Core has less in the way of radioactive fluids.
    – High temperature gas to crack steam to produce hydrogen.
    Malaysia was looking into starting up fusion power activities in Kota Tinggi about two years ago. More than ten years ago, an experimental fusion reactor almost achieved the breakeven point for a short duration. It is not far-fetched. Thirty years ago, the two major methods were magnetic confinement and deuterium implosion using lasers. There could be more breakthroughs since then. Fusion reactors are still experimental, but the following is clear:
    – Almost an unlimited supply of deuterium fuel from sea water for many millions of years.
    – Inherently safe. Any deviation from the controlled parameters will quench the reaction.
    – Most of the radioactive tritium would be burned in a deuterium-deuterium fuel cycle meaning no dangerous waste.
    In the age of the fusion economy, the excess electricity can be used to produce hydrogen. Then the world will be totally pollution free on the energy scale. The main issue is funding. The US, Europe and Japan that had so much of capital resource, real or imagine, did not do much over the past forty years. With the right leaders then, sumptuous funding and a collective and coordinated effort, perhaps the world would have a few operational fusion power reactors now. Sending a person to the Moon and back forty years ago was a remarkable feat. That was because the space program then has the right people and the funding. It is only natural that fusion power will be next.
    Kind Regards,

  106. Dear Tun,
    Saya bersetuju bahawa Malaysia sememangnya masih belum layak memiliki penjana kuasa nuklear bagi keperluan tenaga electrik domestik. Namun, saya melihat keperluan kepada negara kita untuk mula mengenali dan melakukan penyelidikan terhadap tenaga nuklear sebagai langkah untuk mengantikan gas dan arang batu.
    Antara sebab mengapa saya fikir bahawa Malaysia patut melakukan penyelidikan dalam bidang nuklear adalah:
    1)janakuasa gas dan arang batu memberikan kesan yang sangat buruk kepada alam sekitar. Bahkan pada masa kini saya berpendapat penjanakuasa seperti ini lebih memberikan kesan buruk daripada penjanakuasa nuklear.
    Pejana kuasa gas dan arang batu sememangnya membebaskan CO2. CO2 sememangnya akan menyebabkan pemanasan global. Suka untuk saya tarik perhatian Tun terhadap apa yang berlaku di kutub utara dan selatan. Keluasan Ais semakin berkurang disebabkan pemanasan global.
    2) dalam jangka masa panjang, janakuasa gas dan arang batu bukan sahaja memberikan kesan kepada alam sekitar, tetapi kita menangung risiko kehabisan sumber alam berkenaan. Justeru, adalah baik sekiranya nuklear di gunakan sebagai sumber tenaga alternatif.
    3) stesen janakuasa hidroelektrik kelihatan bersih dan mesra alam. Namun ramai yang tidak menyangka bahawa pembinaan janakuasa hidro menghapuskan kawasan Hutan yang sangat luas. Dan ini tidak berlaku sekiranya janakuasa nuklear digunakan. Suka juga untuk saya janakuasa nuklear tidak menghasilkan gas CO2(karbon dioksida)
    Saya melihat bahawa Malaysia tidak layak memiliki janakuasa nuklear(nuclear reactor) adalah seperti berikut:
    1) Kurangnya penyelidakan mengenai pengendalian nuclear reactor.
    2) Kos bagi pengkayaan uranium(uranium235 adalah sedikit secara natural, maka ia perlu dihasilkan) adalah mahal.
    3)kurangnya pakar nuklear di malaysia.
    4)kos pengendalian sesetengah nuclear reactor adalah tinggi, bahkan lebih tinggi jika dibandingkan dengan reactor gas dan arang batu.
    Tidak seperti Tun, saya tidak melihat tenaga nuklear sebagai sumber tenaga yang ,merbahaya. Sekiranya ada kepakaran, dan teknologi, hasil lebihan radioaktif dapat di uruskan dengan sempurna. Di sesetengah negara maju,sistem pemprosesan semula bahan buangan radioaktif sedang giat dibangunkan. They called it Accelerator-Driven Systems[1]. Dengan sistem ini, kemalangan yang berlaku di chernobyl adalah mustahil. Saya juga yakin Tun tahu dan sedar bahawa kemalangan di chernobyl merupakan kemalangan nuklear reactor yang terakhir sejak 23 tahun lalu. Kemalangan tersebut sememangnya disebabkan reactor design tidak memenuhi ciri-ciri keselamatan. Sepanjang 23 tahun teknologi tenaga nuklear telah menjadi sangat baik dan efektif.
    Justeru, saya melihat malaysia patut menceburkan diri dalam penyelidkian dan pembangunan tenaga nuklear,bagi mengurangkan kebergantungan kepada gas, dan arang batu serta bagi menghasilkan tenaga yang lebih bersih.
    [1] Nuclear Physics, Principles and Applications; John Lilley 2001.

  107. Salam Tun. Sebagai seorang yang mempunyai latar belakang nuklear, sangat agak tidak setuju pendapat Tun kita tidak perlu tenaga nuklear. Sebabnya mudah, seperti projek proton yang diilhamkan oleh tun, projek nuklear juga boleh membangunkan byk industri lain yg berkaitan. Sudah tentu apabila kita membangunkan teknologi yang kritikal ini, kita akan mengambilkira byk faktor, keselamatan, alam sekitar dan sebagainya. Bukankah ini juga satu industri sampingan yang berkaitan nuklear?
    Saya rasa kalau dihimpunkan kesemua jumlah kematian kemalangan reaktor di seluruh dunia, (tolak hiroshima dan nagasaki, itu adalah penyalahgunaan teknologi nuklear), terlalu kecil jika hendak dibandingkan dengan mereka yang mati akibat kemalangan jalan raya. Sebabnya mudah, kerana mereka tahu nuklear itu merbahaya, mereka mengambil langkah penuh keselamatan yang tinggi dan berterusan untuk mengendalikannya. Melainkan jika Tun sendiri tidak percaya dengan sikap orang kita, yang suka ambil mudah, dan hangat2 tahi ayam saja.
    Reaktor tenaga juga telah byk mngalami evolusi, kini reaktor yang menggunakan sisa reaktor nuklear sebelumnya yang mana menghasilkan sisa yang lebih rendah juga telah dicipta. Saya massih tidak nampak kenapa kita tidak boleh membawa teknologi ini di Malaysia?
    Sebuah reaktor nuklear dan bhn apinya mungkin mahal, tetapi bhn api ini boleh bertahan untuk tempoh yang lama barulah ditukar ganti. malahan ada negara yang bersedia untuk mengambil sisa ini untuk diproses semula. Tiada apa yang perlu kita takut dengan pencemaran. janakuasa berasaskan petroleum, gas asli dan arang batu sudah terbukti mencemarkan alam. Projek empangan hidroelektrik memusnahkan kawasan dan hutan yang banyak. Janakuasa nuklear? Tiada gas karbon mahupun air tercemar yang terhasil, kerana konsep kerja nya berlainan.
    Apa yang sebenarnya kita takutkan dengan tenaga nuklear ini? Soal pencemaran, letupan, kemalangan adalah kerana kecuaian manusia itu sendiri. Kita sendiri mempunyai sebuah reaktor nuklear untuk tujuan penyelidikan di Agensi Nuklear malaysia bangi, namun kita tidak pernah mendengar pernah berlaku kemalangan disitu. Dan malangnya apabila kerajaan dahulu tidak mahu meneruskan projek nuklear ini, reaktor ini tidak digunakan seoptimumnya, hanya sekadar menjalankan ujikaji – ujikaji yang di boleh dianggap ‘biasa’ oleh masyarakat sains.
    saya secara peribadi menyokong sekiranya kerajaan ingin meneruskan projek penjanaan elektrik dengan tenaga nuklear ini. We need a sustain energy untuk tempoh yang panjgang, walhal minyak dan bahan api yang lain harganya tidak menentu, xkanla kita mahu korbankan lagi byk hutan untuk membina janakuasa? Nuklear bukan sekadar untuk membuat bom ataupun tenaga elektrik sahaja. Ia lebih dari itu. dan nuklear bukannya teknologi masa hadapan, ia teknologi masa lalu dan kita masih ketinggalan kerana dimomok – momokkan kononnya nuklear itu bahaya.
    Saya pernah mengambil petikan ucapan tun dari laman web yang menyatakan bahawa negara Islam perlu mempunyai senjata nuclear sebagai deterrent kpd negara barat, link- . jadi jika Tun bersetuju negara Islam perlu mempunyai senjata nuklear, mengapa tidak kepada tenaga nuklear? Barat cukup takut jika negara Islam maju dalam teknologi nuklear, dan sedang kita baru mahu mendirikan teknologi nuklear berasaskan fission proses, mereka telah pun menguasai fusion proses.
    sampai sini sahaja. Maaf ayat pukul 2 pagi.. berterabur..harap sampai msg saya

  108. KANGAR, May 24 (Bernama)
    Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department Datuk Jamil Khir Baharom said the government was considering the possibility of using mosques throughout the country to train soldiers for the territorial army.
    The Raja Muda of Perlis, Tuanku Syed Faizuddin Putra Jamalullail proposed that each mosque produce four such soldiers each year.
    Is the govt. trying to train Muslim jihadists just like the Taliban?
    With due respect to Tuanku Raja Perlis who mooted the idea of producing 4 soldiers in each mosque a year is totally not a good idea at all. I think it is best to make use of the Mosques to produce quality imams or religious scholars rather than producing soldiers.
    That’s the problem when you have ex-army officer running the country’s religious affairs.
    Kalau pun nak berfikiran kreatif tolonglah fikirkan apakah implikasinya dan buatlah selidik kaji dulu sebelum membuat kenyataan.

  109. Asalamulaikum bapak….
    org m’sia ni pelik kan bapak kan….
    nak bina pusat pelupusan sampah yg mesra alam depa bantah semahu mahunye….kenapa tak dgr pulak cerita passai nak bina kilang kuasa
    nuclear ni yek……kalo dah seterang cahaya matahari tengah hari
    kesan2 buruk nuclear ni tak kan nak dibiarkan je….oh ye…nak tambah sikit…nape yek ladang babi kat negara lain nampak bersih
    tapi ladang babi kat negara kita kotornyaaaaaaaa…..
    nampak mcm org2 m’sia pengotor yek…….

  110. Dear Tun,
    Now I realized the effects that you have mentioned after read about nuclear technology from Wikipedia, all this while I though nuclear reaction would not produced waste, clearly my thought were absolutely untrue, my apologized for that, furthermore I’m not good in physics as you are as mentioned by Tun Hasmah that you are good in physics during your study time in Singapore.

  111. It’s a known fact of nuclear power in it’s capability to produce super efficient energy. Super carrier is power by nuclear reactor and it does not need refuelling in years.
    Common saying is, with great power came great responsibility. The challenge is how to manage such energy safely. This include on how to manage the operation, transportation and also the waste.
    Before we could take the challenge of handle nuclear power, we should able to tackle simple safety issue like preventing LRT train from colliding, express bus killing a lot of people, etc

  112. i was thinking maybe we should dig deep enough into the ground (dont really have to be that deep in certain places) to tap the heat energy of the magma below. this also i think can be use to generated electricity..
    consider hot water spring.. were we to enclose the area and use the steam to run the generator.. that is a natural and inexaustable source of energy..
    the nuclear were use to heat the water to run the generator too.. so y not use earth natural source of heat..

  113. Yes, nice (but important) reminder, Tun. Don’t just simply look at the direct effect, but also consider the side effects. Most of the time people tend to forget about all these things.
    We should look in the past to create a future. Do not repeat a (bad) history.

  114. humans created too much ENERGY. Energy create Heat. dont you think our world is Hot enough nowadays? if you notice, it is nearing HELL.

  115. Salam Tun,
    Yes, we better not to use it. We have to think the other possible way then using the dangerous power ever in this world! Thanks..

  116. Bahaya Sinaran Radioaktif
    SEJAK akhir-akhir ini negara Peranchis dan China berlumba-lumba menguji senjata nuklear mereka untuk mengetahui sejauh mana kekuatan dan kelebihan senjata tersebut.
    Namun kesan selepas ujian tersebut menimbulkan pelbagai kesan negatif ke atas alam sekitar mahupun manusia.
    Bahaya ujian ini jelas dapat dilihat dari peningkatan paras sinaran radioaktif seperti iodin 131 yang terhasil daripada ujian nuklear, seterusnya menjejaskan kesihatan manusia.
    Oleh itu adalah sepatutnya kita meningkatkan lagi kesedaran dan ilmu pengetahuan kita kepada bahaya ujian nuklear yang dijalankan oleh mana-mana pihak.
    Pengukuran sinaran radioaktif dilakukan dalam unit metrik yang dikenali segarai gray (Gy). Satu (1) Gy merujuk kepada tenaga 1 joule yang diserap oleh 1 kg tisu.
    Unit yang digunakan sebelum unit gray ialah rad atau rem.
    Hubung kait antara unit gray dengan unit rad adalah 1 Gy bersamaan dengan 100 rad atau 100 rem untuk sinar X dan gama.
    Alat umum yang digunakan untuk mengukur sinaran radioaktif ialah Pembilang Geiger-Mueler yang merupakan pengukur kepada pengionan yang berlaku apabila sinaran radioaktif memasuki alat pengukur.
    Kesan sinaran radioaktif ke atas manusia
    Sinaran radioaktif boleh menyebabkan molekul di dalam sel-sel hidup terus menjadi ion.
    Bentuk ion kemudiannya bertindak balas dengan ataom lain di dalam sel untuk menghasilkan kerosakan.
    Pada dos sinaran yang rendah seperti sinaran radioaktif yang kita terima dari alam sekitar, sel-sel berupaya memperbaiki kerosakan yang berlaku.
    Pada dos sinaran yang tinggi (sehingga 1 gy), sel tidak berupaya memperbaiki kerosakan sehingga menyebabkan sel-sel mati atau tak normal.
    Sel tak normal kemudiannya membahagi untuk membentuk lebih banyak sel-sel lain.
    Dalam sesetengah keadaan, salah satu kesan dari pendedahan sinaran radioaktif ialah risiko untuk mendapatkan penyakit kanser adalah lebih tinggi.
    Pada dos melebihi 1 Gy, sel yang rosak tidak dapat diganti dengan cepat untuk menyebabkan sesetengah organ seperti saluran penghadaman tidak dapat berfungsi sepenuhnya.
    Apabila keadaan seperti ini terjadi, penyakit yang berlaku dikenali sebagai penyakit sinaran radioaktif.
    Antara gejala penyakit yang dapat diperhatikan dalam penglibatan saluran penghadaman adalah seperti loya, muntah dan lemah anggota badan yang terhasill akibat saluran pemakanan tidak dapat berfungsi untuk menyerap sumber pemakanan.
    Pada dos melebihi 4 Gy pula, fungsi ketahanan badan yang menentang jangkitan akan terjejas dan kebanyakan mangsa akan mati akibat jangkitan kuman.
    Merurut kajian yang dilakukan di Amerika Syarikat, setiap orang dewasa menerima sejumlah 0.36 Gy untuk keseluruhan tubuh setiap tahun.
    Kebanyakan sinaran radioaktif ini datangnya dari sumber radioaktif yang terdapat di sekeliling kita.
    Sumber sinaran radioaktif latar ini termasuklah sinaran kosmik (sinaran partikel bertenaga tinggi dan gelombang elektromagnet dari angkasa lepas), sinaran yang diinduksikan oleh sinaran kosmik (seperti pembentukan C danH di dalam atmosfera oleh sinaran kosmik) dan sinaran semulajadi yang terdapat di dalam bumi (seperti uranium, thorium dan radon).
    Sinaran radioaktif latar ini merupakan lebih kurang 82% dari dos sinaran tahunan yang diterima oleh manusia.
    Kanser merupakan penyakit paling utama berlaku akibat terdedah kepada sinaran radioaktif.
    Untuk kanak-kanak, kanser yang paling cepat berlaku selepas dedahan sinaran radioaktif yang tinggi ialah leukemia terutama sekali mielositik akut dan kronik.
    Biasanya kanser ini muncul antara 2 hingga 4 tahun selepas dedahan dan risiko kemunculan penyakit akan kekal dalam tempoh masa 10 tahun selepas dedahan pertama.
    Selain daripada leukamia, kanser otak dan buah pinggang juga telah dilaporkan apabila kanak-kanak terdedah kepada sinaran radioaktif yang tinggi.
    Untuk orang dewasa, kanser yang kerap berlaku ialah kanser paru-paru, usus, pundi kencing, tulang dan kulit.
    Bagi wanita, kanser buah dada sering dilaporkan. Oleh kerana sinaran radioaktif latar ini tidak dapat dicegah, maka usaha untuk menghalang sebarang kejadian yang akan meningkatkan sinaran latar ini seperti ujian-ujian nuklear dan loji-loji nuklear perlu diharamkan.

  117. I found this recent story very comforting for Malaysia:
    “Seven remote villages in Gua Musang, including three Orang Asli settlements, receive power supply from solar hybrid projects costing RM7.5 million which commenced last year.”
    Such schemes by TNB,must be supported and indeed increased and explanded to other villages and towns in Malaysia. Solar energy is cost-effective and viable!

  118. It is very hard to comprehend why Malaysia, with so much natural resource and advantages at its disposal would opt for a nuclear option when numerous other forms of alternative energy have not be fully studied or understood.
    I believe Malaysia’s energy demand should come from the following sources (percentage-wise):
    Fossil fuel – 50% (There is no hiding the fact that fossil fuel remains the viable status quo).
    Renewable Energy:
    Solar energy – 5-10% (With a very favourable climate, it never ceases to amaze me why hot countries do not utilise this type of energy to its full potential!)
    Wind power – 5-10% (Electricity generated from wind power can be highly variable at several different timescales: from hour to hour, daily, and seasonally)
    Biofuel – 5-10% (Even though Malaysia has a monopoly on palm oil, it must bear in mind the scientific evidence that their use “may sometimes create more environmental harm than fossil fuels”. To balance the needs of the people and the needs of the environment that sustains them, biofuel is fast becoming a turn-off with a lot of pro-green nations)
    Clean coal technology – 10%
    Tidal power – 10% (Although not yet widely used, tidal power has potential for future electricity generation. Tides are more predictable than wind energy and solar power)
    There are many other ideas to harness alternative energy, Malaysia needs the tech. ability and the know-how to come to grips with them. The nuclear option, although desirable due to cost vs volume sustained, it does not address the problem of the undesired consequences of its use, namely high carbon dioxide emissions!

  119. Dear tun,
    I agree with you. I’ve got to thinking that one day the world will be destroyed by all these inventions, really.

  120. x dinafikan bahan radioaktif mmg berbahaya
    tapi bergantung pada radioisotop yag digunakan
    setiap radioisotop ada half-lives yang berbeza
    half-lives = masa yg diperlukan utk aktiviti decay berkurang kepada setengah dari jumlah asal.
    uranium 233, half-live 1.65 x 10^5 tahun = 165,000 tahun
    plutonium 239, half-live 2.44 x 10^4 tahun = 24,400 tahun
    memandangkan risiko nuklear yg tinggi, mmg wajar sekiranya Malaysia x menggunakan teknologi ini. tambahan pula, teknologi nuklear adlh teknologi yang sensitif dan ‘ekslusif’ yang dikawal oleh negara2 tertentu.
    kita masih boleh menggunakan sumber tenaga yang lain. Solar merupakan alternatif yang baik kerana negara kita terletak berhampiran khatulistiwa.

  121. While i do agree that nuclear energy is dangerous but this is half of the truth. Nuclear power is not entirely dangerous as today’s advancement in technology has substantially improved. In my opinion malaysia should not discard the plan to build nuclear power plant because not only we have alternative energy source aside of gas, coal and hydro, we can be the pioneer of nuclear energy technology in this region(SEA), creating more jobs, adding experts and scientist in this country. The only problem that i can think regarding this issue is merely political, not technical.

  122. Dear Tun,
    Agree with you.
    I think it is called the China syndrome.
    Better to be safe than sorry.
    Best Regards

  123. Dear Tun,
    Agree with you.
    I think it is called the China syndrome.
    Better to be safe than sorry.
    Best Regards

  124. agree…try to avoid the nuclear power generator & IPP generators. Better use hydro generator at full capacity.

  125. wow………. DR.. Tun, you were brilliant in finance, and now your article on nucleur is wonderful. i think Tun has answers for any topic. hope the present administration wont do any blundr, without they consulting Tun. asking your opinion wont undermine their [leaders] credibility, but will be seen as something done for the good of the nation. long live Tun, long live your legacy, and may this beloved country prosper.

  126. Dear Tun,
    What ever we to generate power are unfriendly to environment. The earth in fact heading toward destruction and only the Almighty God will able to halt it from completely lifeless and this clear stated by revelation 11: verse 18 to bring to ruin those ruining the Earth. And you have the part to play to make this happen.

  127. Tun, I fully agree with you. “Mother Nature” has had enough of abuse from the timber, oil and gas and various environmental hazardous industries. “Mother Nature’ has kindly provided us with various resources but mankind must know their limit.
    Environmental friendly sources e.g. solar, wind etc. must be considered seriously. No doubt there may be some short term loss, its time that mankind look at the long term benefits not only for themselves but for all living creatures on this planet. The same reasons Tun had conceptualised Putrajaya, Cyberjaya and the KL International Airport, away from the congested city; short term pain but long term gain.
    Nuclear power for energy is a NO NO. The only people who will benefit immediately are probably those who are selling nuclear plant related expertise and equipments. Mankind has over-rated their intelligence. Compare to what God has created, this Nuclear Technology look like a joke and enough warnings have been given in history. Why do we still not learn our lesson? Making a mistake once its forgiveable, but the same mistake twice; you know what!
    Are we here to destroy this planet or are we here to defend it??
    From: The Autobot.

  128. Assalamualaikum Tun,
    Lama tak bagi comment kat Blog Che Det, rindu rasanya.
    1.Moga negara kita akan bebas selamanya dari NUCLEAR.
    2.Negara kita masih banyak sumber tenaga lain yang jauh lebih selamat umpamanya gas dan hydro yang boleh diterokai.
    3.Jangan sampai anak cucu kita nanti akan menyalahkan kita kerana menjadikan TANAH MELAYU ini tidak lagi selamat untuk didiami kerana keputusan yang salah pada hari ini.
    4.Bukan sahaja selamat dari NUCLEAR tapi selamat dari PENDATANG ASING yang tak sudah2 buat kacau di TANAH MELAYU tercinta ini.PENDATANG ASING yang tak tahu dek untung yang dapat rezeki dan kaya raya di TANAH BERTUAH ini tapi masih TAK TAHU BERSYUKUR dan BERTERIMAKASIH kepada ORANG MELAYU yang sanggup berkongsi hidup di TANAH AIR mereka.
    Doa Moga Tun sihat selalu.

  129. Salam Tun,
    1. Saya tertanya-tanya apa hal tiba-tiba Tun berbicara tentang kuasa nuklear.
    2. Apa Tun mendapat maklumat yang kerajaan pimpinan Datuk Najib akan melaksanakan projek penjanaan tenaga elektrik daripada kuasa nuklear?
    3. Dan oleh sebab limpahan habuan daripada projek ini tidak dinikmati Tun, saudara mara atau sahabat handai Tun, maka Tun tidak bersetuju dengan perlaksanaannya?
    4. Saya tanya sahaja,jangan marah 🙂

  130. Salam buat Tun berdua moga dirahmati Allah s.w.t.
    1.Bila tentera Abrahah hendak menyerang Kaabah dengan pertolongan Allah s.w.t.datangnya burung-burung Ababil membawa batu-batu beracun.Kesan terkena batu-batu itu dan azabnya amat dahsyat.
    2.Begitu juga kesah-kesah yang digambarkan dalam Al-Quran kesan-kesan kemusnahan oleh kekuasaan Allah s.w.t pada umat-umat yang membelakangkan hukum Allah serta zalim pada rasul-rasul utusan Allah s.w.t.Semua ini adalah amaran kepada manusia supaya jangan menggulangginya.
    3.Semuanya ditujukan kepada mereka-mereka yang engkar kepada Allah s.w.t.Dari situlah yang dibimbangi oleh malaikat-malaikat terhadap manusia ini sehingga terlanjur mempertikaikannya tetapi ditegur kembali oleh Allah s.w.t bahawa dia maha mengetahui sehingga malaikat kembali sujut memohon ampun…
    4.Kadang-kadang walau pun kita marah kepada negara Amerika sebagai paksi kejahatan tetapi ada satu lagi sifat iaitu naluri yang diberikan Allah s.w.t melaksanakan kehendak Allah s.w.t sebagaimana juga burung-burung Ababil tadi.
    5.Walaupun bom atom dapat mengekang nafsu kesatuan Jepun namun kesannya terlalu besar sehingga diakui sendiri oleh pihak Jepun dan Amerika umpama kiamat kecil bagi manusia.Impaknya juga berkesan atas kebaikan oleh penjajahan Jepun dinegara kita.
    6.Dalam kita beramal supaya dijauhi segala malapetaka dunia.. kini kembali idea pengunaan kuasa atom dalam keperluan tenaga kita.Kita sekarang ingin membawa masuk kesan yang pernah dialami rakyat Jepun dan guna tenaga berisiko seperti negara Amerika.
    9.Kawallah nafsu kita mengikut cara Allah s.w.t.

  131. Ii is pathetic to see the public apathy concerning this issue.Thank you for bringing it up; I coudn’t agree more. You have made the case against nuclear energy succinctly.
    I think energy issues in Malaysia; the production and usage should be looked at holistically, with much greater public awareness being created.
    We need to emphasize renewable energy sources particularly solar, wind and hydroelectric.
    We could provide much greater encouragement of private sector initiatives eg significant subsidies of car purchases where the car utilizes hybrid /fuelcell technologies together with manufacturer’s incentives (special tax credits for research).
    The world is reaching Peak Oil crisis. We could aim at becoming a leader in alternative and renewable energy technologies.
    Your automotive model, based on developing Proton 25 years ago is basically a flop, if compared with others like South Koreans who succesfully penetrated US(world’s biggest market )whereas it seems Proton cannot pass US safety standards, to qualify. Its not your fault for trying, though- you were an indispensable catalyst, as in many other areas. If you had been the CEO, it would have been a different story. But how could one man micromanage 100’s of enterprises?
    But that model could be modified now, to develop advanced alternative-energy designs. If India can build a US 2,000/- car for the masses, why can’t we perhaps a US5,000/- fuel-cell driven car and a national system of hydrogen fuel service network, starting with Klang valley.
    While the future almost always presents potentially fruitful new possibilities,there are some paths that must have the sign “ACHTUNG!Verboten!” erected in front.
    Nuclear energy, alas, is one of them.
    And its good to know you give it a thumbs down.
    Best regards

  132. Salam Ayahanda Tun,
    Yes, scientists of today still do not know enough about dealing with nuclear waste, and they do not know enough about nuclear accidents and how to deal with them. As a rakyat, I will not support nuclear power for electrical generation unless we know how to deal with it.
    Good night Ayahanda Tun.

  133. There was one time before that people were looking for electricity powered vehicle. Imagine if we powered the car with neuclear power and Malaysia has one of the highest road accident in the world….!!!

  134. Dear Tun Dr Mahathir,
    1. Your stand against the use of nuclear power to generate electicity is totally unlike the Prime Minister Datuk Dr Mahathir Mohamad that I knew.
    2. Contrary to your opinions, I think Malaysia should not reject the use of nuclear power to generate elctricity. The government of Malaysia should quickly and seriously produce enough Malaysians who possess the knowledge of nuclear science to not only generate electricity, but apply the technology in other areas such as defence, industry, medicine and health, archeology, agriculture, etc..
    3. It is exactly because we do not know enough about radioactive material that we should go into the unknown realms to explore, learn and acquire the relevant knowledge.
    4. Remember, did Malaysia know enough to kick start your pet project Proton? If we knew enough, why is Proton, after more than 20 years, in such pathetic predicament now?
    5. According to Tan Sri Lim Kok Wing, you played a role in coining the slogan ‘Malaysia Boleh!’. What has happened to the slogan now?
    6. Are you saying Malaysia can only do what others have had successfully done?
    7. No wonder I could forsee Malaysia is not going to achieve whatever is stipulated in the Wawasan 2020, when even a stateman like you is so short-sighted.
    8. Let me suggest Mukhriz think beyond the crooked bridge, P Ramlee,
    New Economic Policy, and the prime ministership!
    9. Of course, I know, it is easier said than done. But talk is what politicians do best.

  135. Dear Tun,
    I agree with you on this one. I will not trust my own people to run the nuclear power plants, not with our infamous work ethics and tidak-apa attitude that could prove costly. We could all end up being blown to radioactive smithereens.
    And I don’t understand why we wanted nuclear power in the first place. Our land is blessed with plenty of natural resources to exploit for such good causes. But no, we had to rape the land and squander the resources. When it comes to useful things like power generation, we completely ignore its potential.
    And I for one think that we should invest in solar power, given the massive amount of sunshine we get all year round. The technology is perhaps not ready but that’s where we could play a part in R&D, if the people who had the power to make the decisions would just divert funds from, say, dubious projects like the PKFZ to beneficial projects like renewable enery research.
    Just because nuclear energy is in the hype doesn’t mean we have to jump on to the bandwagon. Instead, we should look at our own circumstances and consider what works for us.

  136. Salam alaik Tun…
    by: Tun Mahathir
    [quote]I think the authorities should rethink the idea of nuclear
    power plants. Scientists do not know enough about dealing with
    nuclear waste. They do not know enough about nuclear accidents and
    how to deal with them. [/quote]
    Yea Tun, right… Nuclear fusion is a powerful idea… The sun
    and stars are daily proof of the great energy released when light
    atomic nuclei join together… Lots of power could be produced
    using very little fuel… No greenhouse gases would be released…
    But, our knowledge about the safety management of hazardous
    material such as radiated nuclear waste is not good enough… We
    have to do some research and produce quality nuclear-science
    graduates first… If Im not mistaken, the course is being offered
    by UKM… My friend was one of the student for this course… Same
    age with me also now, 23… A nuclear reactor produces and
    controls the release of energy from splitting the atoms of certain
    elements. In a nuclear power reactor, the energy released is used
    as heat to make steam to generate electricity. (In a research
    reactor the main purpose is to utilise the actual neutrons produced
    in the core. In most naval reactors, steam drives a turbine
    directly for propulsion.) Our geniuses Cabinet line-up ministers
    must understand these first. Study it deeply and make some
    research… Read and read a lot from any available resources or its
    not worth it to pay your high-salary of minister standard and can
    have Perdana V6 Executive drivers for free of charge supported by
    the public taxes… Prove it that your salary is also on the same
    par on your knowledge and working capability…
    p/s: Salam and hye to kamal ahmad, wajaperak, HBT, Hanan, onlooker,
    ah_heng, rarunasalam, anakbudu3 and all of you. Have fun here in
    Tun’s blog… Hahahahaa!!! Peace Malaysia, love you all.
    -University of Malaya, Electrical Engineering Department-
    [email protected], be my friends…

  137. saya bersetuju dengan Tun mahathir
    mmg betul scientist belum lagi mampu untuk menyelesaikan masalah bahan buang nuklear…..

  138. Dear Dr.M,
    Absolutely right, with the swallow experience and attitude that we have it is better to stay away from nuclear energy or technology for the nations good. But on the other hand, i think if we dont venture now ? we will be left out compared to other developing countries.
    Just an opinion.

  139. Assalamualaikum Tun,
    This question have been on my mind for a long time. i always think malaysia have abundant and excess heat and light from the sun and yet we did not (or inadequately) harnest it. years and years, more houses been built and less trees are there to protect our surface from furnacing. i always thought that we should (at least) use our own roof as the site for solar panel. if much of the heat and lights are converted to energy, i thought at least the owner of the house wouldn’t have to pay more for the air conditioning. the energy produced may be used for like lighting for houses or the street, etc. if we could use a whole roof in a taman like TTDI for an example, we may somewhat reduce the amount of energy needed to by supplied by TNB. it is undeniably costy, and loads of issues will rise but in terms of CO2 emission, coal, fuel utilisation, it might help a bit for the next generation. i acknowledge i have no experience at all in this area and i am sorry if what i was saying can never be implemented

  140. Assalamualaikum Tun;
    Pendapat Tun dalam hal Nuclear Power adalah amat tepat. Para pemimpin yang terdorong untuk membina Janakuasa Nuclear Power perlu menjawab soalan Tun berkenan masalah pelupusan sisa nuklear dan adakah mereka bersedia untuk manghadapi sebarang malapetaka. Penyelesaian masalah tanah runtuh kat Bukit Antrabangsa pun masih lagi DALAM fail, ini kan pulak masalah nuclear. Saya Rasa Malaysia belum lagi bersedia mngahadapi sebarang malapetaka Nuclear tambahan pula pada masa ini, pemimpin hanya mengeluarkan berbagai “corrective Action” selepas berlaku sebarang malapetaka. Pemimpin perlu sedar keluasan kawasan yang yang di tinggalkan di Russia selepas inciden Nuclear. Kalau berlaku di Malaysia, semua rakyat perlu melarikan diri dari negara tercinta ini.
    Kenapa Pemimpin ini tidak terfikir tentang Solar Energy? Kenapa OBAMA begitu cendorong pada Solar energy walhal America mempunyai technology Nuclear yang Maju?
    Malaysia akan mempunyai 3 buah syarikat solar manufacturing yang ternama di Dunia. Kenapa para pemimpin Malaysia tidak memahami perkembangan dalam Solar energy ini? Tambahan pula solar panel di berikan jaminan selama 25 tahun. Spain dan germany amat berjaya dalam implementasi Solar energy. Bolehkah pemimpin sekarang menjadangkan dasar pandang pada kedua negara ini dalam technolgy hijau seperti dasar pandanag ke Timur yang di utarakan oleh Tun.
    Saya berharap pemimpin sekaranag tidak mengangap pendapat Tun sebagai temeh remeh. Pemimpin Kita perlu melihat dunia and arah tuju dalam penyedian Kuasa untuk masa depan.
    Salam Tun.

  141. KUALA LUMPUR: Former minister Datuk Seri Jamaluddin Jarjis and ambassador-at-large Tan Sri Ghazzali Sheikh Abdul Khalid are among four persons being considered for the post of ambassador to the United States.
    No,no,no !! Don’t consider JJ at all. Write him off. He is an impressionist. To appoint him as Ambassador to the US is a waste of public funds. Dia banyak bergaya dari berkerja.
    Appoint somebody who is an intellectual, preferably a career diplomat who speaks good English and has the charisma as a diplomat and not suffering from cultural shock.
    He must have the calibre like Tan Sri Razali Ismail. That is the benchmark to appoint an Ambassador to the US.

  142. you have such profound knowledge. that is why i admire you Tun.
    but the only thing i mad at you.
    you didn’t prepare for your successors well.
    Previous prime minister is a sleepy person while the present is said to be connected with Mongolian murder.
    we need a stable and progress country Tun. With all due respect Tun, pls come back and be the minister advisor, if i’m not too much requesting..
    if the opposition take over the country, i just have a worried enough feeling that my country will turn out like Palestine.
    May the God forbids..

  143. Salam..
    Dear Tun,
    I think there will come a time where we have to adhere to the usage of the nuclear power as an alternative to the one we are using currently.
    Hesmel Faznee

  144. Assalamualaikum Tun,
    It is good to know that the government has already start to think about the future energy resources. I think it is about time we reduce our dependencies on the fast depleting, costly minerals.
    1. Blessing in disguised
    I am agree with you that Malaysia as a country which has abundance source of sun and rain has not fully utilize both of the energy sources. We are blessed by either having a rainy day or a hot sunny day with no in between, which in a sense we are having a continuous supply of energy sources.
    2. Encourage and build our own energy industry
    For that matter, the MOSTI and MOHE should encourage industries and researchers alike in studying, developing and implementing solutions by further exploiting both the sun and rain resources we have. We should not totally depending on the researches done by developed countries as most of them have focused their researches on wind (which is not so feasible with our geography), wave and currents (which are known to be low in output per investment as we don’t have many strong currents and wave to begin with), and nuclear energy (with concern of safety). Thus, it is necessary for us to dig deep and lead the researches of sun and hydro power, which are low in their interests. Do a compact intense research group with both industries and research centers involved with an absolute output, that might give some boost startups.
    3. Open options
    Nevertheless, we should not straight away throw other options away, especially the nuclear option as even the Japanese, who endured the Hiroshima incident are currently having 55 operating nuclear plants (as in October 2007) and there are rigorously continuous research being conducted all around the world on the safety and efficiency of the nuclear energy.
    Best Regards,

  145. Salam ayahanda Tun!
    Wow! I thought it was safe to use the nuclear power! But after reading your article, it is very scary la Tun!
    Tak payah la kita nak guna kuasa nuklear ni. Bahaya betul.
    Ayahanda Tun, saya anakanda ParpuKari nak mintak tun tolong ulas pasal kempen satu sekolah yang ditentang oleh mca dan kawan2nya. Kami nak satu sekolah tapi ada pihak yang tidak mahu.
    Saya nak mintak pandangan ayahanda yang tercinta tentang isu ini. Tq ayahanda Tun!

  146. Dear Tun,
    As an engineer with some knowledge on the nuclear industry, I would like to shed some light on your concerns. It is totally understandable that radiation is everyone’s primary concern but radiation from spent fuel only amounts to 0.1% of an average person’s daily dose. In fact we are exposed to more radiation from the ground(rocks) and even the food we eat. Nuclear power is viable and safe. Current plant designs will not explode like a bomb, it is not possible. In fact the new plants are able to withstand plane crashes (similar to 9/11). Furthermore, new plants are equipped with passive safety features that must adhere to very strict international standards. Even a total core meltdown can be managed efficiently. Chernobyl was a one off due to the Russians experimenting on a rather poor plant design and negligence. Thus, having said that, nuclear power can only be introduced in Malaysia if the people involved in the daily management of the plants are disciplined enough to maintain the highest standards and avoid the typical Malaysian tak-apa negligence.

  147. scary facts but truth…
    reminder for them to rethink about
    if more catastrophe then benefits….
    please, do not proceed!!

  148. askm Tun ,
    1. Saya sokong yang kita memang tak perlu atau terdesak kepada keperluan tenaga nuklear sebagai sumber kuasa negara. masih banyak lagi cara atau sumber yang boleh dijadikan sebagai sumber kuasa kerana negara kita contoh seperti tenaga solar, angin atau hidro( sungai atau laut)
    2. Tapi saya juga suka jika negara kita mempunyai teknologi atau pengetahuan yang mencukupi tentang nuklear. Bagi saya kita harus mempunyai senjata nuklear sebagai persiapan jika mana-mana negara cuba mengugut, dan ianya hanya keperluan sebagai mempertahankan diri sahaja. kalau tidak segala penat lelah membangunkan negara hanya akan sia-sia jika kita selalu aje mengalah atau dibuli oleh negara kuasa nuklear, setidak-tidaknya kita boleh membuat keputusan sendiri tanpa takut lagi kepada ugutan…..
    3. pendapat saya diatas adalah bersandarkan kepada realiti ape yang berlaku didunia selama ini dan sejarah telah banyak membuktikan….

  149. Salam tun
    Universiti di Malaysia pun sudah banyak menawarkan kursus nuklear sains. Sepupu saya juga baru habis belajar kursus ini di UKM.
    Well i’m just thinking that if Malaysia did not provide such nuclear projects then it will be brain-drain phenomena which is the science nuclear graduates will work overseas and we will loss their professional skills
    But like tun said until Malaysia is ready and has the capability to build up nuclear station then we will use the nuclear for own purpose

  150. mungkin kerana Negara kita
    1. tak cukup ‘berangin’
    2. Tak cukup ‘terik’
    3. minyak kita ‘terlalu kualiti’ untuk elektrik.
    pasai tu kena guna nuklear kot.. dah takdak alternatif

  151. Assalamu Alaikum Tun,
    I agree with idea Tun. I think better our scientists to focus their research on something already available in our country that can be turned as power resources. Solar energy, wave and wind energy could be researched. Some people claim that it was not feasible. Then that is the challenge for our scientist to turn the perception to the otherside.

  152. On nuclear power plant issue I totally agree with you. Japan and US have had many accident nvolving nuclear power plant. (look under power plant)
    Nuclear waste is another issue, where is Malaysia going to dump it.
    The cost of building a nuclear power plant can easily reach 4 Billion US. The slightest mistake can cause a meltdown. If a meltdown happens it can effect the entire west Malaysia.
    Malaysia should be looking at Norway for alternative energy power plant. We have plenty of solar power, wind power, wave power. Some argue to expensive but this is an investment in the future, which will pay itself back after several years.
    Nuclear power plant is a short term solution which will cost us more in the future.
    But I suspect the $4 billion US building cost is the main attraction. I suspect this cost would double or triple with various middle men getting involve in the project.
    It always comes down to how much money can be made, rather then what is the best decision for Malaysia

  153. Yes, Tun, I agree with you.
    Now I wonder what is happening to the burial site in Perak which is still having radioactive and dangerous? Is the govt. doing anything about it?

  154. ” 6. It was only later that they realised that the residual radiation would cause a variety of radiation sickness and diseases. The radiation remained harmful for a long period after explosion. Even today there are people who had entered the bombed area in those days who are dying of a variety of diseases, including cancer, contracted through exposure to radiation from the Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombs.
    7. I think we all know about the Chernobyl disaster in Russia. Despite thousands of tons of concrete being poured into the site, the power plant is still emitting dangerous radiation. ”
    Facts that I fear at most. For the sake of our beloved Malaysia, say NO NUCLEAR AT MY BACKYARD!!!!!

  155. Salam Tun
    Hope all is well.
    About nuclear power, I have some questions relating to your article above:
    If we dont start trying now, then when do you propose we start?
    After many years the world have been using nuclear, should we wait many more years to come and be left behind?
    Do our scientists lack the abilities and capabilities to manage this so-called nuclear power?
    Can other sources of electric energy be at par with the ever-increasing population in years to come?
    Hope to hear your view.
    Thank you.

  156. Salam Tun and readers.
    1.Thank you Tun for your views regarding this matter. Suprisingly,it came at the moment when I myself,am doing some small thinking about nuclear power.
    2.To be frank with you,although I’m well aware that there are some serious concerns on the nuclear waste disposal as well as the threats posed by the radiation had an accident in a nuclear plant occurred,I’m pretty much in favor of the idea of introducing the nuclear power in Malaysia.
    3.When we look at the composition of electricity power generation for the developed countries,for most of them,more than 20% of the electricity comes from nuclear power;France more than 70%,Japan and Germany more than 25 %,Korea above 35%. This shows that despite of its high risks,nuclear power is still popular in those countries.
    4.For these countries,the demand for electricity is very high and it will increase from time to time. Thus,nuclear power is one of the best answers to solve this problem,since the amount of electricity generated by a nuclear plant is big while requiring a small amount of fuel.
    5.I also believe that nuclear power is one of the main solutions to increase a country’s energy security.
    5.Of course,we are still behind those countries when it comes to the technological aspect of the nuclear power. But that mustn’t be a big problem. Every year,hundreds of students and lecturers are being sent to those countries under scholarships by SPA,MARA,SLAB etc.
    6.Almost all of them,including me,enrol in conventional courses like mechanical and electrical engineering to name a few. To me,since our country’s technical ability is far more better than it was decades ago when these scholarship programs started,the government should start sending students to attend courses on things that we still haven’t really paid special attention to,for example nuclear technology,space and astronomy etc.
    7.Since the past products of these scholarship programs have contributed to our nation’s growth,especially during your premiership,the same can be expected from those who study in courses like nuclear engineering,in the future.
    8.Therefore,the government must at least try to start serious research on nuclear power and subjects related to it,as well as to prepare enough manpower for it,in case we want to have nuclear reactors in our country in the future.
    9.We need to be aware that relying too much on fossil fuels is actually risky on our economy. We can’t remain as we are right now in decades to come,as the resources will deplete sooner or later,while the demand of the electrity will increse .
    Ahmad Amzar
    p.s.If you still remember,I was the one who approached you and Tun Dr Siti Hasmah at Grand Prince Akasaka Hotel,Tokyo last year,on 23/05/2008 . Thank you very much for spending some time with us Tun,although you were busy with your schedule. I hope to see you again next time,insyaAllah.

  157. Assalamualaikum Dear Dr. Mahathir,
    You are absolutely right. It must be a global approach to abandon any nuclear power for energy purpose.
    We must move to a GREEN environment and use GREEN energy. Even conventional fuel like oil, gas and coal are harming our earth. It would be much better for us to invest in research and innovation of using efficiently the solar, wind, sea and soil energy as the well of our energy.
    I can just give a simple example to think of. If we could transform the energy that is accumulated just in the temperature difference between the water of sea and the near land we could have about an endless potential (efficiency should be explored, it is just an idea). The almost endless mass of the sea and ground is a natural potential that is almost endlessly powered by the sun. An example of the energy transformation can be implemented by a Peltier element that can create an electric power if there is a temperature difference on its two side plates. The physical phenomenon is well known. We need to look for how to make it cost effective and physically efficient.
    If we would invest the money that is used to build a nuclear power station for the research purposes of an alternative energy, I’m pretty sure we could find the efficient solution.
    One of the reasons that it is not yet done, are the big oil companies. If the GREEN energy will gain success they will lose money. The same is with the nuclear fuel suppliers (the global superpowers). People are still thinking about GREEN energy as a backup plan or second source. This must be changed via education so our next generation/s will be motivated to go GREEN. This education must include how to consume wisely the energy. Saving electricity power like switching off the non used electrical appliances and lights. Using efficient heating and lighting systems, etc…
    Another example is to invent an apparatus that collects and accumulates the electrical power of a lightning. That energy is Mega-Watts just of a single lightning discharge.
    Unfortunately, wars are catalysts for new inventions but on the other hand, if we would have peace between all world nations we would be able to join our brain power as a team to invent our solutions for a better life and a healthier future. Many times mutual ignorance of people drives humanity to think differently about science and directing the brains against each other rather to work as a team.
    I hope your message will be listened with open ears.
    Hanan, Jewish,
    My weekly epigram ©:
    Don’t be amazed of the nice jar, but value its content
    Quoted by the Jewish Sages of Blessed Memory

  158. Dear Tun,
    First and foremost, I would to pay my condolence to Mukhriz and his in-law family for the loss of his beloved farther in-law. I hope Mukhriz will stay strong during this tough moment.
    Anyway, back to this issue, honestly I’m not expert in this matter. We need to have a through study on the effect of nuclear technology, from there we would be able to understand the positive and negative effect of nuclear technology for the people as a whole. Unfortunately, Malaysia have small numbers of nuclear scientist (I think so, correct me if I’m wrong). If we have enough knowledge of nuclear technology, I believe we still could embark the effort to create nuclear technology for the benefit of Malaysia.
    Therefore, I honestly do not agreed with you that we should stop nuclear technology initiative to reduce on our dependent on other source of energy generation.

  159. Salam,
    Nuclear Power?
    Hirshima dan Nagasaki telah menjadi saksi penting kepada dunia kesan ‘Nuclear Power’.
    Hanya negara yang ego dan rakus sahaja menjana bahan kimia berbahaya ini.
    Di Malaysia juga ada bahan nuklear ni,tapi sekadar untuk kegunaan perubatan dan kemanusiaan sahaja.Cukuplah setakat itu.
    Kenanglah peristiwa bersejarah Hiroshima dan Nagasaki di era Perang Dunia ke-2.

  160. Tun,
    We need to shift our focus to renewable energies. The capital cost of installing a large scale renewable energy power plant can be tremendous but I believe the answer lies in small scale localised production.
    Eg: Dedicating 1-2 sqm of your roof for concentrated solar power generation should be enough for daily generation. I hope you find this link useful and demonstrative of how powerful a small, cheap unit is:
    Solar power for local generation can be done cheaply, the only issue is safety. I wish our local Universities can be prodded into developing localised solar power generators that are safe and viable.

  161. A well-written article. Nuclear power is unmanageable. It’s hard to believe several countries are using nuclear power as their political agenda weapon. Their greed and quest for world domination is simply worrying.

  162. Dear DrM,
    Obama responded to the controversial launching of North Korean’s nuclear missile recently by announcing that US will lead in leaning away from nuclear affairs in it’s future agenda (assuming that he will survive at least one assassination attempt and live to see the next election fighting against the oligarchies. How sincere this remark was is yet to be witnessed. I agree with you regarding not getting caught up with nuclear power as source of energy, as this almost always will end up with the evil side of men manipulating science to gain ulterior motives.
    There are other sources of energy that can safely be explored. Currently, there are vehicles running on compressed air and hydrogen, even water, to name a few of that sources of energy. My personal opinion is that, the world should collectively, unanimously back out of nuclear activities. The amount of money spent on the diversion of nuclear power technology, weapons for instance, and to further upgrade the technology could be instead used to feed the absolutely non relatively poor people throughout the world. But of course, this kind of thinking is wishful….

  163. Assalamualaikum Dear Tun,
    Why is our country not considering solar power at all? This is the BEST!!!

  164. Dear Tun,
    What’s your comment of having one more bridge to S’pore? It still have not solve the problem of the causeway but to divert the attention to the third new bridge. We need the water & vessel to pass thru. Why spend another project to build a new bridge? I don’t buy this idea.

  165. Salam Tun,
    Kesan bom samaada bom atom atau pun nuklear perlu dikaji baik buruknya, dan sebagai orang Malaysia, sudah masanya budaya ingin mengkaji, membuat pernebitan dan memberi pendapat berdasarkan fakta perlu ada dihati kita. Platform yg pertama “”

  166. Salam Tun,
    I’ve the change to see the effects of Atomic bomb at Nagasaki city while i was doing my master in tropical medicine at Institute for Tropical Medicine, Nagasaki University few years back. I can still remember the picture that showed the disaster effect of the bomb to the victims although what had the Japanese soldiers did to us was beyond imagination. In this matter,we should consider the victim who were ordinary people such as old people, children etc. Lets the people decide what is the best for them.

  167. assalamualaikum Tun,
    ini kali pertama saya komen dan saya memang teruja…hehehe
    Tun da best among da best
    i love u Tun….
    hope Mukhriz pun cam Tun….

  168. assalamulaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh,
    apa khabo YABhg Tun dan isteri?
    apa yang diperkatakan tentang “nuclear power” oleh Tun ialah keburukan yang akan dihadapi berkenaan penggunaan tenaga nuklear!
    sememangnya tenaga nuklear ni kesan sampingannya amat besar dan berbahaya pada kesihatan manusia dan alam sejagat!
    bahan buangan daripada sisa tenaga nuklear ni bukan mudah untuk dilupuskan!
    ianya uMpama bahan plastik, seperti beg plastik dan yang berkaitan dengannya, JIKA DITANAM DI DALAM TANAH ATAU DICAMPAK KE DALAM LAUT SEKALI PUN IANYA TIDAK AKAN LUPUS!

  169. There are solution Tun. People in Woking, England had been using tri-generation plant and they save up alot in energy and water usage. I dont know the exact figure but I think its around 50% to 70% saving. I’m shocked that nobody pay attention to what had been done there. I’m an architect and I know a whole bag of ways to reduce our energy usage. All that is needed are people to listen.

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