1. I read in the papers that some people are being accused of being involved in organised crime.
2. I have read about the mafia, the Italian version of the organised crime.
3. Still I thought I would consult AI (Artificial Intelligence) for more information on organised crime.
4. I am no expert on AI but I can get information more quickly by asking AI.
5. So I wrote “What is Organised Crime” in the question column in my phone.
6. The following is the reply I got.
7. “Organised crime refers to criminal activities that are structured and coordinated, typically involving groups or individuals that engage in illegal enterprises for profit. These criminal organisations often operate in a hierarchical manner and may engage in a variety of illicit activities, such a drug trafficking, human trafficking, arms smuggling, money laundering, extortion, fraud and racketeering”.
8. I am sure the police have evidence of all these crimes being committed by the organised crime people.
9. They must be making a lot of money. Have they paid tax to the income Tax Department?
10. Can they ask for forgiveness and be detained in their houses.