1. Lately I have been mystified.
2. There is a report that organised crime is found in Malaysia.
3. What I cannot understand is the report that they paid income tax
and also fines.
4. Do criminals pay taxes.
5. How do they declare the source of their income.
6. Can they say they stole the money.
7. If they pay tax on their stolen income, do they get to keep the
balance after taxes.
8. Do the income tax people report to MACC about the stolen income.
9. Do they report to the police.
10. I understand all the businesses of these organised criminals have
been closed.
11. What happens to the workers?
12. Have they lost their jobs and their pay.
13. Or is the Government looking after them.
14. I fully support police action against these organised criminals. It
seems that they operate in twenty other countries.
15. The report says the police have asked these countries to act against
these organised criminals.
16. What is the cooperation shown by foreign police?
17. Have they sent back the criminals to Malaysia?
18. Or have they arrested these criminal organisers.
19. I am mystified.
20. Can somebody enlighten me.