2. You wish they would die or go away. You wish you can shut their mouths.
3. But this is a free country and you just cannot shut them up.
2. You wish they would die or go away. You wish you can shut their mouths.
3. But this is a free country and you just cannot shut them up.
2. Saya percaya penyoal berpendapat orang bukan Melayu berasa amat tertekan dan kecewa dengan “ketidakadilan” terhadap mereka di Malaysia (oleh Kerajaan yang dikuasai oleh orang Melayu).
3. Saya tidak tahu samada penyoal ini pernah bertanya kepada tokoh bukan Melayu soalan yang sama iaitu perasaan orang Melayu akan keadaan di negara nenek moyang mereka yang mereka sudah jadi kaum yang secara relatif termiskin dan masih ketinggalan.
On Monday, Education Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin and officials from his Ministry had met me to brief me on what the Government had already decided to do.
Although my views were sought, they are not reflected in the decision.
I have made my views known with regards to this issue in this blog. I will not repeat it but readers can go here.
2. True, I did not negotiate successfully the increase of the 3 sen per 1000 gallons of raw water. You know why? If we demand an increase to 6 sen (100%), Singapore would increase the treated water price to RM1.00 (100%). Of course if we increase to RM6.00 Singapore would demand an increase to 50 x 2000% = RM100.00.
3. Yes, Malaysia profited by buying treated water at 50 sen. Malaysia’s entitlement was only 12% of the raw water it sold to Singapore. The cost of treatment is not RM2.40 as alleged. It was only RM1.20. However, since the Singapore dollar has appreciated against the Malaysian Ringgit from being at par to RM2.40, the same cost to Singapore would now be about 2.4 times the original RM1.20.
I reproduce here the payments made by Petronas to the Federal Government since 1976. That year the Government received RM300 million. The amount increased to RM2 billion in 1981. By 2003 it paid RM15.6 billion to the Federal Government. The total from 1981 to 2003 is RM168.8 billion in 22 years.
From then onwards it increased from RM19 billion in 2004 to RM67.8 billion in 2009. The total for six years is RM253.6 billion.
I am sure the Government had spent the money wisely. It would be interesting to know what the RM253.6 billion was spent on.
2) I cannot reproduce his long article but some extracts relevant to Malaysia merit attention by the Malaysian public who may be worried that the people’s right to be governed by leaders of their own choice has been eroded.
3) Can the King dismiss the Prime Minister? The answer is;
(Versi Bahasa Malaysia di akhir rencana ini)
1. I put the document on the financing of the construction of the Johor Causeway because a Minister in Tun Abdullah’s Government claimed that it is jointly owned by us and Singapore. Therefore Singapore must agree before anything (demolition) is done to the causeway.
2. There has never been any agreement or treaty to say that the causeway is jointly owned. If at all 2/3rd of the causeway belong to Johore. And the 2/3rd must be the part which ends in Johore Bahru because the border on the Tebrau Straits is the deep water line which runs midway between Singapore and Johore. This must also be the border on the causeway. The northern half of the causeway therefore belong to Malaysia, a sovereign independent nation.
3. The suggestion that we may not touch the causeway without Singapore’s permission is not part of any agreement with Singapore. What we do to the part of the causeway which is ours is our sovereign right. Not to exercise our sovereign right is akin to not being independent.
1. I read
somewhere that the Singapore Parliament made up of 82 PAP (People’s Action
Party) members and two opposition (made bankrupt by the Singapore Government)
have just passed a new law which defines one person as an assembly. Before
according to Singapore laws, 5 people would constitute an assembly and police
could arrest them if they had not obtained permission to be together.
2. The new Public Order Act (POA) gives power to the police to tell even
one person to move on because he has now been defined as an assembly.
3. It is explained that this POA is to prevent destabilising street
protests seen in Thailand and terrorist attacks such as Mumbai.
1. Mike, pengusaha keju mozzarella di Langkawi telah kembangkan perusahaanya dengan membuat keju dari susu kambing yang di ternak olehnya.
2. Kualiti kejunya amat baik dan diterima oleh hotel lima-bintang di Langkawi.
3. Mike menunjuk banyak lagi hasil dari proses membuat keju susu kambing dan semua by-products ini boleh diguna untuk buat pizza dan lain-lain.