(English translation at end of write-up)

1. Dunia ternampak mengutuk Israel kerana serangan tidak berperikemanusiaannya ke atas Gaza. Tetapi seperti biasa dunia tidak membuat apa-apa. Kenapa tidak? Kerana Amerika Syarikat berada di belakang Israel.

2. Dunia seharusnya juga mengutuk Amerika Syarikat. Pesawat pejuang dan bom yang digunakan adalah buatan Amerika. Jika ada kehilangan senjata, Amerika akan menggantikannya. Dan Amerika juga akan membiayai Israel bagi meneruskan keganasannya.

3. Selagi Amerika menyokong Israel kita akan lihat kebiadaban Israel membelakangkan pendapat dunia dan mereka akan terus membunuh orang Arab Palestin dan menghancurkan penempatan dan bandar mereka.

Continue reading GAZA


1. I came home from Yemen on Thursday, Dec 25th. It was Christmas Day and offices were closed. I was tired and appreciated the holiday. I was too tired to visit Christian friends even. I merely wished them Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, via my blog.

2. The next day I went to work. Kuala Lumpur was quite empty. Then I realised that many, including Government servants had decided to take Friday off, so that they could have a really long holiday because Saturday and Sunday would be weekends and as a bonus Monday would also be a holiday being the 1st of the Muslim New Year. Five days holiday. We can go round the world in that time.

3. But after Monday holiday, workers in the public and private sectors can take time off for two days until Jan 1st when we will have another holiday. If we are smart we can actually have eight days holiday. Time to fly two times round the world.



Saya dan isteri mengucapkan selamat menyambut Ma’al Hijrah 1430 kepada semua rakyat Malaysia khususnya kepada para Muslimin dan Muslimat. Semoga kedatangan tahun baru ini akan memberikan kita lebih kekuatan dan semangat untuk memperbaiki diri kita. Insya’allah usaha yang mulia diberkati Allah subhanawata’ala.

Mahathir dan Hasmah

1 Muharram 1430 Hijrah


1. Every day we hear, we read and we watch on television reports about acts of terrorism somewhere. No place seems to be free from terrorism.

2. From Indonesia to New York, suicide bombers, airplanes, cars and vans loaded with explosives are being blown up, killing people and destroying buildings almost with impunity.

3. Security measures have been taken, using sophisticated and costly methods, specially trained anti-terror squads, electronic detectors and tedious body searches, including scrutiny of shoes, hand bags and luggage. But the terror attacks have gone unabated. We seem to have to live with this danger striking where we least expect with no end in sight.

Continue reading TERRORISM


1. I have always been for privatisation. In fact privatisation started during my time. People know all about the Government companies, departments and functions which were privatised. Some were successful, some were not. But I don’t think people know about privatisation proposals which had been rejected. I know about them because the proposals were studied carefully before they were rejected. There were reasons of course but there was no necessity to make public the rejections or the reasons.

2. With regard to the Institut Jantung Negara, I must say I have a personal attachment to it. I don’t think I need to explain why. The IJN is really the institution that is physically closest to my heart.

3. IJN is a unique institution. It started as a Government department but the Government felt that it was unfair to put the staff on Government pay scheme. So it was corporatised. As a corporate body it has been successful in giving the people good service. It is one institution that has not been subjected to criticisms and vilifications by the press or the public as most other institutions have been. We often hear of its many “firsts” and we are proud of them.

Continue reading IJN PRIVATISATION


Melayu Mudah Lupa

1. Kadang-kadang kita lupa. Oleh itu izinkan saya catat semula laporan akhbar Berita Harian (Mac 24, 1993) berkenaan kenyataan Dato Seri Anwar Ibrahim apabila DYMM Yang di-Pertuan Agong, Sultan Azlan Shah memberi perkenan kepada Undang-Undang Perlembagaan (pindaan) 1993 (kekebalan Raja-Raja).

2. Katanya “Isu ini sebenarnya memberi pengajaran berguna kepada semua pihak termasuk Raja”.

3. Dalam New Straits Times (Mac 24, 1993) pula dilaporkan: “In Butterworth, UMNO Vice-President and Finance Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim said the royal assent has helped close the chapter on the subject which he described as a milestone in the process of political maturity of the nation.



1. Today’s Starbiz reports that 50 billion US dollars of investor’s money were lost by just one man.

2. Bernard Madoff invested US5000 of his money to set up an investment firm. Such was his personality and sales talk that he was able to convince lots of rich people to invest their money with him. The returns were so good that his fund became exclusive, open to select people only.

3. When he was arrested recently by the FBI he admitted that “There is no innocent explanation”.

Continue reading PAK MAN TELO – NEW YORK


Saya dan isteri saya mengucapkan selamat menyambut Hari Raya Aidiladha kepada semua rakyat Malaysia yang beragama Islam, khususnya pembaca blog .

Di hari yang mulia ini marilah kita sama-sama berdoa akan kesejahteraan dan keselamatan rakyat Malaysia serta semua umat Islam yang sedang mengerjakan ibadah Haji di tanah suci Mekah.

Semoga amal ibadat mereka dalam mengerjakan rukun Islam yang ke-5 ini diterima Allah s.w.t. Semoga mereka dianugerahkan haji yang mabrur, insya’allah, serta selamat pulang ke tanahair dan ke pangkuan keluarga.

Disamping kegembiraan ini, janganlah kita lupa kepada mereka yang mungkin tidak bernasib baik seperti kita.

Justeru saya dan isteri mengambil peluang ini mengucapkan takziah kepada keluarga mangsa tragedi tanah runtuh di Ulu Yam Baru dan Bukit Antarabangsa baru-baru ini.

Mahathir dan Hasmah