Abdullah dan Najib

1. Kita di beritahu oleh Dato Seri
Abdullah Ahmad Badawi bahawa dia dan Dato Seri Najib Tun Razak telah
bersetuju dengan peralihan kuasa. Tetapi tidak pula disebut bila tarikh

2. Najib pula berkata dia mahu kuasa (Presiden UMNO dan
Perdana Menteri) diserah kepadanya diwaktu parti dan Kerajaan berada
dalam keadaan sihat walafiat sepertimana yang kononnya pengganti
Presiden dan Perdana Menteri dahulu semuanya menerima peralihan kuasa
apabila parti dan Kerajaan sudah dipulihkan dan berada dalam keadaan

Continue reading Abdullah dan Najib

Samy’s Folly

Looks like those who want to answer my charges are short of ideas.

All they can say is that I am a racist and I was worse than the present Prime Minister.

Now Dato Seri S. Samy Vellu has joined Karpal Singh and Param Cumaraswamy in calling me racist.

These three characters want the Government to free the Hindraf leaders from detention under the Internal Security Act.

must know that Hindraf represents Tamil racists who still look to their
old masters, the British, to protect them. They don’t believe in
Malaysian institutions.

Continue reading Samy’s Folly


After I stepped down there was a lot of talk about the Malaysian
Government being more open. The foreign press gleefully reported that
after I left UMNO, there would be even greater freedom in everything.

would not be able to make a comparison between my “dictatorial regime”
which a certain former judge described in his book as comparable to
that of Idi Amin of Uganda with the present freely elected Government.
But I would like to point out certain things that people and
journalists seem to ignore, which seems to belie the impression of

Continue reading Openness


Bank Account

Several blogs have given space to a scurrilous statement that I, my
wife and my children, have USD 199.45 million and S $ 42,000,000 in
fixed deposit in the Israeli National Bank in Singapore.

2. The scum who alleges this does not have the guts to give his name.

UMNO can make a statement about the money I gave to Dato Abdullah when
I stepped down. Better still Dato Abdullah can explain how much of the
1.4 billion Ringgit in cash, shares and property that my staff and one
of his Ministers handed over to him is still with him.

Continue reading Snippets


1. Pada Pilihanraya Umum 2008 sesuatu yang
tidak pernah berlaku dalam Pilihanraya Umum sebelumnya telah berlaku.
Sebilangan yang tidak kecil daripada ahli dan penyokong biasa UMNO
telah undi parti lawan atau merosakkan undi atau tidak mengundi.

Hasilnya Barisan Nasional telah kalah di lima buah negeri dan satu
wilayah. Di lain-lain negeri di Semenanjung kemenangan Barisan Nasional
adalah tipis. Walaupun Barisan Nasional menang di peringkat pusat
tetapi gagal mendapat dua pertiga daripada kerusi Dewan Rakyat seperti
yang biasa dimenangi sejak merdeka oleh Perikatan dan Barisan Nasional.

Continue reading MASA DEPAN UMNO


Petronas Adviser

have been asked by the media and commentators in my blog as to whether
I would quit as adviser to Petronas following my quitting as an UMNO

I would like to believe it is not exclusive to UMNO members.

to my being adviser, the post was held by Tun Hussein Onn who was
appointed by me following his resignation as Prime Minister. When UMNO
was made illegal and UMNO Baru was formed Tun Hussein remained outside
the party but this did not affect his position in Petronas. He remained
Petronas adviser until he passed away.

Continue reading Snippets


1. Saya berasa amat sedih dengan tindakan
untuk menamatkan khidmat Tan Sri Dato Seri Sanusi bin Junid dari
menjadi Presiden Universiti Islam Antarabangsa.

2. Mungkin dia
telah melakukan kesalahan yang besar yang tindakan ini perlu diambil.
Tetapi secara kebetulan tindakan terhadap Presiden UIA ini diambil
sejurus selepas dia keluar daripada UMNO. Apakah perbuatan beliau ini
yang menyebabkan dianya disingkir?

3. Secara kebetulan juga
sehari selepas dia berkempen untuk anak saya di Jerlun pejabat syarikat
UIA Holdings Sdn Bhd milik UIA telah digeledah oleh Badan Pencegah
Rasuah. Tidak ada apa-apa kesalahan dikesan yang dilakukan oleh
Syarikat atau Tan Sri Sanusi.

Continue reading SANUSI JUNID


Yang Berhormat Dato’ Bung Mokhtar Radin
(Ahli Parlimen Kinabatangan) telah bertanya dalam Dewan Rakyat
berkenaan 1000 lebih bas milik Rapid KL yang tersadai dan tidak diguna.

ini dikatakan asalnya milik Intrakota dan City Liner yang telah
diambilalih oleh Rapid KL yang dipercayai adalah milik Khazanah.
Bas-bas ini masih boleh diguna atau boleh diperbaiki dan dijual oleh
Rapid KL. 

Tetapi Rapid KL tidak berusaha bersungguh-sungguh
untuk mendapat balik sedikit pun daripada kos pembelian
syarikat-syarikat ini. 


Continue reading RAPID KL

Cancellation of bridge to Singapore


I have been asked to please expose all that I know about the misuse of the Rakyat’s money.

response to the above request I would like to identify initially four
of the instances where the Government of Dato Seri Abdullah Ahmad
Badawi has misused public money.

What I write here would not
be based on speculation or suppositions or possibilities. They are the
things which are public knowledge and can be verified.

I need to explain in detail. So I will deal with one subject at a time.

However, I list below the four specific instances;

Continue reading Cancellation of bridge to Singapore



When the Government gave ex-gratia payments to the judges involved in
the Tun Salleh Abas removal as the Lord President of Malaysian courts,
the question that needs to be answered is whether it is because of
Government regrets over something that happened not during the period
this Government was in power or is it because of a desperate attempt to
win support after the disastrous results of the election of 2008.

Had the present Government felt regret, it should have paid ex-gratia
payment (for want of a better term) upon achieving power. But obviously
it only felt regret lately, after its brand new de facto Minister of
Law, who incidentally was suspended for money politics, suggested the
move in order to win the approval of the Bar Council.

Continue reading THE TUN SALLEH SAGA