Oil Price


price of crude oil has increased by 400 percent in the last three
years. It follows that the price of products must increase, sooner or
later. In other countries petrol prices had already increased. In the
United Kingdom one litre of petrol sells for more than one pound
sterling or RM7. In the United States it is about RM5.

That the
price in neighbouring countries has gone up is shown by the rush to
fill up by Thai and to a lesser extent Singapore vehicles.

Government has now announced an increase in petrol price by 78 sen to
RM2.70 per litre, an increase of more than 40 per cent.

Continue reading Oil Price


Tujuan baik tidak halalkan jenayah

Dato Zaid Ibrahim, Menteri Undang-Undang kecewa kerana dia akan
dihadapkan ke Jawatankuasa Disiplin UMNO sedangkan dia hanya
mempertahankan Perdana Menteri.

Peguam ini tidak faham bahawa tujuan baik tidak menghalalkan jenayah.

Takut kerana salah?

Ahli-ahli dan pemimpin cawangan dan bahagian UMNO tidak dibenar mendengar ucapan saya.

Apakah pemimpin tertinggi UMNO takut kerana mereka punyai banyak kesalahan yang mungkin dibongkar oleh saya?

Continue reading Snippets

Multi-racial Malaysia


I have been asked “What is the meaning of a multi-racial Malaysia to me?”

multi-racial does not mean the same thing to every multi-racial country
e.g. Singapore claims to be multi-racial but basically it is a
predominantly Chinese State.

Because of the refusal of the
descendants of migrants from China and India to be assimilated by the
indigenous people we have to accept the retention of the identity of
Malaysian citizens of Chinese and Indian origin. The people of
Indonesian origin chose to be assimilated by the indigenous people, so
they don’t constitute a separate entity.


Continue reading Multi-racial Malaysia

Royal Commissions

1. The Royal Commission is not a court of
law and is not supposed to judge and sentence people. But the fact that
such commissions are often manned by judges or ex-judges seems to
indicate that principles of justice and determination of right and
wrong should be based on legal principles.

2. But clearly the Royal Commission on the Lingam tapes has allowed itself the liberty of stretching legal principles in order possibly to achieve a certain objective.

3. One sentence in the report is very telling and I quote, “In the process, Dr Mahathir Mohamad was also entangled. That possibility was ominous when
examined against the factual circumstances surrounding the rejection of
Malek Ahmad as Chief Judge of Malaya. Their ultimate aim or purpose could not be ascertained with exactitude given
the limitation under the (Commission) terms of reference. It could be
related to the fixing of cases as submitted by counsel for the Bar and
others. Certainly it is reasonable to suggest that it could not be anything but self-serving.”

Continue reading Royal Commissions

The Racist Card


is strange that whenever people like Param Cumaraswamy accuse others of
being racist they end up by exposing the racist in them. For them you
are racist only if you talk about Malays and their need to catch up
with other races. If you talk of the imagined plight of other races in
Malaysia, and make ridiculous statements that the Tamil Indians in
Malaysia are facing “ethnic cleansing” when you know that no such thing
is happening, it is not racist.

It is only in Malaysia that
people of immigrant origins, so identified by their insistence on being
linked race-wise with their countries of origin, are actually accepted
as citizens.

Continue reading The Racist Card


Touching one million hits among bloggers seem to be something to be
celebrated. I was told that most bloggers will congratulate each other
when one of them hits the million mark, and call the one millionaire.

bloggers have described my achieving the million mark within a month of
my first posting as something phenomenal; one even suggested that it
may be a world record of sorts.

I do not know whether it is.

To me, what is more important is that I have managed to generate enough interest to get that kind of traffic in my blog.


The Criminalisation of War

When I was in Japan recently I had the
opportunity to explain about Malaysia’s Non-Governmental Organisation’s
campaign to make war a punishable crime.

The Japanese had been
guilty of perpetrating brutalities during their Manchurian Incident and
war against China and also during the Pacific War.

On the other
hand they were the only people in the world to experience the first
ever nuclear war, of having their citizens of Hiroshima and Nagasaki
reduced to ashes by atomic bombs, with the loss of 200,000 lives and
thousands more struck down by radiation sickness later.

Continue reading The Criminalisation of War

UMNO yang bukan lagi UMNO

Saya ucap terima kasih kepada beberapa ahli UMNO yang mahu saya kembali menjadi ahli.

sejak saya melantik Dato Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi sebagai Perdana
Menteri dan dianya mengisi jawatan itu, UMNO tidak pernah layan saya
sebagai ahli UMNO, jauh sekali sebagai bekas Presiden UMNO.

awal lagi Menteri-Menteri UMNO, pemimpin-pemimpin UMNO dilarang
daripada berjumpa dengan saya atau menghadiri apa-apa majlis di mana
saya mungkin berucap.

Continue reading UMNO yang bukan lagi UMNO

Pemimpin Pemusnah

Apabila musuh menyokong ketua pasukan lawannya, kita boleh ramal ada sesuatu yang tidak kena berkenaan dengan ketua tersebut.Inilah
yang kita sedang lihat berkenaan dengan Presiden UMNO sekarang. Secara
langsung dan tidak langsung kita lihat ketua-ketua parti lawan
menyokong pengekalan Dato Seri Abdullah Badawi sebagai ketua atau
Presiden UMNO dan Perdana Menteri.

Demikian Karpal Singh,
musuh ketat UMNO menasihatkan saya supaya bersara dan tidak
campurtangan dalam urusan kepimpinan Dato Seri Abdullah Badawi.

Continue reading Pemimpin Pemusnah


Malaysia is a country which practices the rule of law. Our laws must
cover every aspect of our societal life, so we will know exactly what
we can do and what we cannot do. Prime Ministers in particular must
have everything spelt out for them in this respect. This will enable
them to be charged if they had breached the rule of law long after they
had retired.

Governments, serving Prime Ministers and
Ministers are well placed to initiate action against others. But when
the Government, the Prime Minister, the Deputy Prime Minister do
something wrong, like cover-ups for example, then police reports may be
made against them. But how can the person reporting be sure that the
police will investigate without fear or favour.

Continue reading THE RULE OF LAW