1. I watch Al Jazeera TV on the genocide by the Israelis on the Palestinian people of Gaza. It is horrible.
2. Thousands of Palestinians have been killed. Many thousands more wounded. Thousands have lost their legs and arms.
3. The cities and towns in Gaza have been razed to the ground. Even refugee camps of flimsy tents have been rocketed and bombed. The refugees were killed. The survivors flee. But there is no safe place for them.
4. I have never seen such atrocities as being inflicted in our so-called civilised world. It is mind boggling. It lacks any sign of human feelings.
5. What is outrageous is that the other TV channels show almost nothing of the genocide of the Gaza Palestinians. It is as if it is not happening.
6. Since Al Jazeera TV Channel is not watched by white Europeans and Americans, they must believe that nothing is happening to the people of Gaza.
7. They actually believe that the Israeli attacks are meant to achieve security for the state of Israel. And they support the Israeli war against the Palestinians.
8. Basically they are supporting Israeli genocidal war against the Palestinians.
9. I used to think of the Europeans as the pioneers of human rights. Now I know they are hypocrites. I have lost any respect I had for them.
1. I read in the papers that some people are being accused of being involved in organised crime.
2. I have read about the mafia, the Italian version of the organised crime.
3. Still I thought I would consult AI (Artificial Intelligence) for more information on organised crime.
4. I am no expert on AI but I can get information more quickly by asking AI.
5. So I wrote “What is Organised Crime” in the question column in my phone.
6. The following is the reply I got.
7. “Organised crime refers to criminal activities that are structured and coordinated, typically involving groups or individuals that engage in illegal enterprises for profit. These criminal organisations often operate in a hierarchical manner and may engage in a variety of illicit activities, such a drug trafficking, human trafficking, arms smuggling, money laundering, extortion, fraud and racketeering”.
8. I am sure the police have evidence of all these crimes being committed by the organised crime people.
9. They must be making a lot of money. Have they paid tax to the income Tax Department?
10. Can they ask for forgiveness and be detained in their houses.
1. Israel has invaded Lebanon. After Lebanon what?
2. Hamas and Hezbollah still exist.
3. They may move somewhere.
4. To exterminate these two Palestinian groups Israel will have to follow them.
5. Could it be that Israel’s next invasion would be the country that harbours the Palestinians.
6. Armed and funded by the US and the Europeans, Israel will continue its genocide.
7. The world can do nothing. The world is afraid of the US and the Europeans. Act against US cronies and the Third World War begins. No one wants that. So let Israel slaughter Gazans and Lebanese. After that which country?
8. Be prepared to be slaughtered by Israelis and Americans.
9. Losing a few million Arab Muslims is no great loss. Continue persuading the Israelis to cease fire.
10. They will not cease. They are enjoying themselves.
Kita tidak dibenar bercakap berkenaan 3R (Bangsa, Agama dan Raja). Kita tidak boleh bercakap berkenaan jualan saham HeiTech Padu.
Sekarang kita tidak boleh buat hate speech – ucapan kebencian. Masalahnya apakah ucapan yang dianggap membenci. Tidak ada definisi.
Yang akan tafsir ucapan ialah Kerajaan. Walaupun ucapan itu mengelak dari kebencian, tetapi Kerajaan masih boleh tafsir ucapan berkenaan sebagai membenci. Untuk elak dari tafsiran Kerajaan, jangan bercakap. Membisu.
Sebenarnya mulut semua orang sudah ditutup. Sama ada ahli akademik atau ahli dewan rakyat, mereka tidak terkecuali dari dituduh melanggar 3R dan membenci.
Kita tidak pun boleh bercakap berkenaan Perlembagaan kerana Perlembagaan juga menyebut kaum tertentu dan hak-hak mereka.
Akhir sekali Tuan Speaker boleh gantung ahli dewan. Ahli berkenaan tidak pun dibenar duduk bersama pemerhati atau pegawai dalam dewan.
1. In any country there would be some segment of the people who are rich and some who are poor.
2. There may also be the middle class, people who are neither rich nor poor.
3. Conflict often occurs between the rich and the poor. In one study by an American professor, the rich consume 32 times more than the poor. It is not only consumption but the waste they produce would also be more by the rich as compared to the poor.
4. In these days of climate change the disparity between rich and poor is even more. The rich can deal with the problems arising while the poor are unable to overcome the disastrous effects of the change.
5. The poor feel that they are as entitled as the rich to whatever is enjoyed by the rich in terms of Government facilities. And the poor also expect more leniency by the Government.
6. There is a tendency for the rich to become richer and the poor to become poorer. The powers of wealth then accrue to the rich while the poor may be forced to sell their assets to mitigate the threats.
7. The result may be more losses suffered by the poor as the rich gain from this losses.
8. Left to the natural progress of things the increase in disparities will lead to social tension.
9. The solution can only come from Government intervention. The trend must be slowed if not stopped. Only the Government can do this.
1. A Mr Mark Curtis wrote an article about the “forgotten” war in Malaya (read here).
2. He believes that it was an uprising by people wrongly described as Communist to free Malaya from British rule.
3. And he is right of course. Britain has always supported migration. During colonial days Britain brought Indians and Chinese to Malaya. Britain was surprised when these people rose against the Raj.
4. But now people are migrating to Britain. So far most of them are Arabs, Indians and Africans.
5. Britain should encourage the Chinese to come to Britain. The Chinese have a record of prospering the countries they migrate to. Look at Singapore. A tiny island and yet the only developed South East Asian country.
6. Malaysia too. Of course, China is now the second biggest economy in the world.
7. If 30% of the population of Britain is Chinese, Britain will be prosperous.
8. Of course they might stage an insurrection.
9. Not to worry. You did manage to save your rubber estates in Malaya as pointed out by Mark.
10. You can do the same for Britain.
11. Thank you Mr Mark Curtis. You are right. I have forgotten about the war in Malaya. But now I remember.
1. The Prime Minister has advised the people not to disturb the peace and stability of the country.
2. It is good advise. But the stability of the country is because people are not allowed to speak. You cannot speak on the 3R. You cannot say anything against the Government. Even if you suffer the pain of governmental oppression, you must not complain.
3. The 3R suppresses ordinary people. Now the opposition members of Parliament are being pushed to sign an MOU (Memorandum of Understanding) in which you undertake not to make hate speeches. If you sign then Government will give you funds that members of Parliament are entitled to. Except that it is the Government which decide whether your speech is hateful or not.
4. The member may say something quite innocent but the Government may consider it a hate speech. And you will be punished probably by suspension from Parliament. So after signing the MOU you cannot say anything except to praise the Government.
5. So the privilege to speak freely in Parliament by the member is no longer free.
6. Even now the speaker can suspend a member for six months because he insisted on a supporter of Israel getting a big share in MAHB. The mouth of our representative in Parliament is now shut.
7. So the country is experiencing political stability. It is due to the Government gagging everyone.
8. Should you continue to speak up and criticise. The Communications Minister subtly promises to send a police patrol car to your house.
9. But that is not enough. If you take legal action against the Prime Minister things may happen to you coincidentally.
10. You may be found to have committed some crime. You may be charged under SOSMA. If drugs are involved, no bail and possible death sentence.
11. Or your children may be required to declare their assets over the past 100 years. Failing to do so may mean imprisonment and the rotan.
12. On the other hand if you are being tried for some breaches of the law, in order to stabilise the country the charges may be dropped and you may be appointed the Deputy Prime Minister.
13. Also investigation against you would be stopped if you are supportive of the Prime Minister.
14. Investigation will also be dropped if you are punched in the face or have acid burn half your body if they were done on the instruction of those above the law.
15. So, you see why the country is stable and peaceful. It is the peace of the graveyard.
16. But the social media is noisy. It should be made legal for the social media to be licenced so that they make less noise. Then the peace and stability would be even greater, just like in North Korea.
17. Foreign media is a nuisance. They should be sued. Call them for questioning. And do nothing. Especially when they report the truth which local media are not allowed.