1. Now more than 40,000 Palestinians have been killed. Effectively they have been killed by the United States of America.
2. Trump wants America to be great again.
3. Forget it.
4. The United States of America will never be great. In fact, even in the past it was never great. The claim to greatness, to being the champion of human rights, to justice and the rule of law: those claims were hypocritical. For the United States was founded through genocide, the genocide of the native “Red” Indians. We should not therefore be surprised that today the US supports the genocide perpetrated by Israel on the Palestinians. It is the US way.
5. The tally is not final. There are 10,000 more dead, buried in the rubbles.
6. And the diseases that now affect the surviving Palestinians will take the life of hundreds more.
7. And the US rejoices. Its ceasefire proposal is a sham. It has done nothing to implement the proposal. Instead, it is sending more arms to the Israelis.
8. When Israel assassinates Ismail Haniyeh in Iran, the US demands that Iran should not retaliate. It does not tell the Israelis to stop the genocide in Gaza.
9. God damn America. You are the biggest hypocrite in the history of the world.
10. How dare you try to get other countries to join you in your provocations so that wars be fought to settle conflicts.
11. You think more of selling arms to kill people than the rule of law and the maintenance of peace.
12. Your wealth accrues from killing people and the destruction of countries.
13. Go to hell – America the great hypocrite.

1. Zahid Hamidi berkata dialah orangnya yang menjatuh saya demi menyelamat UMNO.
2. Sebenarnya UMNO kalah dalam PRU 14. Kalah tidak bermakna hapus. Kalah bermakna tidak dapat jadi Kerajaan.
3. Di waktu Zahid datang jumpa saya, dia baru jadi Presiden UMNO. Dia ingin tahu apa akan jadi kepada UMNO setelah kalah.
4. Bagi saya UMNO sudah tidak lagi berpegang kepada dasar penubuhan UMNO iaitu berjuang untuk bangsa, Negara dan agama. Parti yang mengguna nama UMNO berjuang untuk wang (Cash is King).
5. Oleh kerana perjuangan tidak sama dengan perjuangan asal UMNO, hak untuk dikenali sebagai parti UMNO sudah hilang. Oleh itu adalah lebih baik bagi nama UMNO tidak diguna dengan cara membubar parti yang mengguna nama UMNO.
6. Zahid tidak bersetuju dan tidak membubar partinya yang mengguna nama UMNO.
7. Saya tidak boleh dijatuh oleh Zahid atau UMNOnya. Parti yang kalah tidak berhak jatuh parti yang menang. Selepas berjumpa, Zahid kali kedua, beliau cuba jelaskan yang dia tidak bersalah dalam tuduhan rasuah yang disebar umum.
8. Saya jelaskan saya tidak berkuasa membebaskan beliau. Bukti yang cuba ditunjuk kepada saya sepatutnya ditunjuk kepada hakim mahkamah.
9. Sebab yang saya letak jawatan ialah apabila kemudian parti saya, Bersatu, menolak nasihat saya. Pada kebiasaannya apabila seorang pemimpin tidak lagi diberi kepercayaan oleh pengikutnya dia, secara terhormat sepatutnya letak jawatan. Dan itulah yang saya lakukan.
10. Zahid tidak perlu mendabik dada sebagai hero yang menjatuh saya dan menyelamat UMNO.
11. Zahid bukan hero. Ia hanya seorang yang menghadapi tuduhan dalam mahkamah dan sanggup bekerjasama dengan musuh ketat UMNO, iaitu DAP, supaya jadi Timbalan Perdana Menteri demi menyelamatkan dirinya dari dibicara berkenaan kesalahannya.
2. Sebenarnya UMNO kalah dalam PRU 14. Kalah tidak bermakna hapus. Kalah bermakna tidak dapat jadi Kerajaan.
3. Di waktu Zahid datang jumpa saya, dia baru jadi Presiden UMNO. Dia ingin tahu apa akan jadi kepada UMNO setelah kalah.
4. Bagi saya UMNO sudah tidak lagi berpegang kepada dasar penubuhan UMNO iaitu berjuang untuk bangsa, Negara dan agama. Parti yang mengguna nama UMNO berjuang untuk wang (Cash is King).
5. Oleh kerana perjuangan tidak sama dengan perjuangan asal UMNO, hak untuk dikenali sebagai parti UMNO sudah hilang. Oleh itu adalah lebih baik bagi nama UMNO tidak diguna dengan cara membubar parti yang mengguna nama UMNO.
6. Zahid tidak bersetuju dan tidak membubar partinya yang mengguna nama UMNO.
7. Saya tidak boleh dijatuh oleh Zahid atau UMNOnya. Parti yang kalah tidak berhak jatuh parti yang menang. Selepas berjumpa, Zahid kali kedua, beliau cuba jelaskan yang dia tidak bersalah dalam tuduhan rasuah yang disebar umum.
8. Saya jelaskan saya tidak berkuasa membebaskan beliau. Bukti yang cuba ditunjuk kepada saya sepatutnya ditunjuk kepada hakim mahkamah.
9. Sebab yang saya letak jawatan ialah apabila kemudian parti saya, Bersatu, menolak nasihat saya. Pada kebiasaannya apabila seorang pemimpin tidak lagi diberi kepercayaan oleh pengikutnya dia, secara terhormat sepatutnya letak jawatan. Dan itulah yang saya lakukan.
10. Zahid tidak perlu mendabik dada sebagai hero yang menjatuh saya dan menyelamat UMNO.
11. Zahid bukan hero. Ia hanya seorang yang menghadapi tuduhan dalam mahkamah dan sanggup bekerjasama dengan musuh ketat UMNO, iaitu DAP, supaya jadi Timbalan Perdana Menteri demi menyelamatkan dirinya dari dibicara berkenaan kesalahannya.
1. Oi! Bila lagi?
2. Kata nak tunjuk bukti jika diberi masa dua minggu.
3. Sekarang sudah lebih satu tahun.
4. Bukti konon saya curi duit Kerajaan berbillion –billion.
5. Duit sebanyak ini tidak boleh disembunyi.
6. Kalau benar saya curi berbillion Ringgit, awak tentu boleh bukti.
7. Tapi mana dia bukti??
8. Konon ada kotak penuh dengan dokumen-dokumen. Tunjuk la.
9. Oh. Rahsia konon.
10. Ada duit di bank Switzerland.
11. Saya jemput kita sama-sama pergi Switzerland.
12. Senyap sunyi. Tak sambut jemputan saya.
13. Sebaliknya pergi kacau anak saya.
14. Tunjuk la – mereka bagi berbillion kepada saya?
15. Tidak tunjuk sampai sekarang.
16. Yang tahu cakap bohong.
17. Buka mulut bohong.
18. Takut hadap mahkamah.
19. Tidak payah takut.
20. Semua orang tahu awak bohong.
21. Tunjuklah bukti kalau ada. Saya sedang tunggu.
2. Kata nak tunjuk bukti jika diberi masa dua minggu.
3. Sekarang sudah lebih satu tahun.
4. Bukti konon saya curi duit Kerajaan berbillion –billion.
5. Duit sebanyak ini tidak boleh disembunyi.
6. Kalau benar saya curi berbillion Ringgit, awak tentu boleh bukti.
7. Tapi mana dia bukti??
8. Konon ada kotak penuh dengan dokumen-dokumen. Tunjuk la.
9. Oh. Rahsia konon.
10. Ada duit di bank Switzerland.
11. Saya jemput kita sama-sama pergi Switzerland.
12. Senyap sunyi. Tak sambut jemputan saya.
13. Sebaliknya pergi kacau anak saya.
14. Tunjuk la – mereka bagi berbillion kepada saya?
15. Tidak tunjuk sampai sekarang.
16. Yang tahu cakap bohong.
17. Buka mulut bohong.
18. Takut hadap mahkamah.
19. Tidak payah takut.
20. Semua orang tahu awak bohong.
21. Tunjuklah bukti kalau ada. Saya sedang tunggu.
1. Please, please, please stop the massacre of the Palestinians.
2. Israel does not respect international opinion or laws.
3. The international community which respects the rules of law must act! Must enforce!
4. Please send an international peacekeeping force to Gaza to protect the Palestinians.
5. Please send a strong and big international peacekeeping force to stop the genocide.
6. Please in the name of humanity, the sanctity of human lives.
7. Please stop the massacre.
8. I appeal to the decency of the world to stop the massacre.
1. The Malay states which occupied the Malay Peninsula were independent of each other. They were all weak because they were small and poor.
2. The British found it easy to extract agreements from each state separately. In fact, when the British “gave” four Malay states to Siam, the other Malay states ignored the fate of these states. They did not seem to have a feeling of loss.
3. It was only when the British decided to form the Malayan Union that the “rakyats” of the states realise the need to ignore state loyalties and independence and to unite. Had the states tried to resist individually, the British would not have taken their objections seriously.
4. The right to ascend the throne of each state was somehow dependent on British recognition of the aspirant. By threatening not to recognise the candidate if he did not sign the MacMichael treaty, all the Sultans signed. This meant ceding the states to the British. The Ruler would only be responsible for the religion of Islam and Malay traditions. They retained the Sultan title but the states were no longer under their rule.
5. Fortunately, the rakyat realised that each state was too weak to resist the British Malayan Union plan. The rakyat came together and formed a Malaya wide organisation to deal with the Malayan Union proposal.
6. The Rulers then felt they had the support of the rakyat of all the states. As a result, they agreed to the rakyat’s proposal that they boycott the installation ceremony of the first British High Commissioner of the Malayan Union.
7. The Malayan Union lasted only for two years before it was terminated. In its place the British accepted the proposal by UMNO and the Rulers for the formation of the Federation of Malaya. With that the Rulers regained their sultanates, albeit as constitutional rulers.
8. Had the rakyat of the different states not resisted and spoken with one voice, the Malayan Union would be with us today.
9. We know that when the British bought Singapore, they opened it to so many migrants from India and China that the Malays were numerically outnumbered. Eventually Singapore became an independent country where the Malays make up a poor minority. Singapore no longer has a ruler. It has a President appointed by the elected Government.
10. Had the British succeeded in their plan of a Malayan Union, the likelihood is that large numbers of migrants would flow into the country. As with Singapore, when Malaya gained independence it would not be a Malay country. All that identifies it as a Malay country would disappear as the Malays would become the poor minority in the nation.
11. It is fortunate that the Rulers joined the people in opposing the Malayan Union. Had each state, by itself tried to oppose the British plan, it would not have succeeded.
12. History records that Harold MacMichael met the Rulers of each state one at a time. As a matter of strategy MacMichael met the Johor Ruler first, knowing that if he agreed the other Rulers would also agree. And indeed, after Johor signed the MacMichael agreements the other Rulers ceded their states to the British.
13. It was the rakyat of all the states of Malaya who united and forced the British to terminate the Malayan Union. No state can claim that it defeated the Malayan Union by itself.
2. The British found it easy to extract agreements from each state separately. In fact, when the British “gave” four Malay states to Siam, the other Malay states ignored the fate of these states. They did not seem to have a feeling of loss.
3. It was only when the British decided to form the Malayan Union that the “rakyats” of the states realise the need to ignore state loyalties and independence and to unite. Had the states tried to resist individually, the British would not have taken their objections seriously.
4. The right to ascend the throne of each state was somehow dependent on British recognition of the aspirant. By threatening not to recognise the candidate if he did not sign the MacMichael treaty, all the Sultans signed. This meant ceding the states to the British. The Ruler would only be responsible for the religion of Islam and Malay traditions. They retained the Sultan title but the states were no longer under their rule.
5. Fortunately, the rakyat realised that each state was too weak to resist the British Malayan Union plan. The rakyat came together and formed a Malaya wide organisation to deal with the Malayan Union proposal.
6. The Rulers then felt they had the support of the rakyat of all the states. As a result, they agreed to the rakyat’s proposal that they boycott the installation ceremony of the first British High Commissioner of the Malayan Union.
7. The Malayan Union lasted only for two years before it was terminated. In its place the British accepted the proposal by UMNO and the Rulers for the formation of the Federation of Malaya. With that the Rulers regained their sultanates, albeit as constitutional rulers.
8. Had the rakyat of the different states not resisted and spoken with one voice, the Malayan Union would be with us today.
9. We know that when the British bought Singapore, they opened it to so many migrants from India and China that the Malays were numerically outnumbered. Eventually Singapore became an independent country where the Malays make up a poor minority. Singapore no longer has a ruler. It has a President appointed by the elected Government.
10. Had the British succeeded in their plan of a Malayan Union, the likelihood is that large numbers of migrants would flow into the country. As with Singapore, when Malaya gained independence it would not be a Malay country. All that identifies it as a Malay country would disappear as the Malays would become the poor minority in the nation.
11. It is fortunate that the Rulers joined the people in opposing the Malayan Union. Had each state, by itself tried to oppose the British plan, it would not have succeeded.
12. History records that Harold MacMichael met the Rulers of each state one at a time. As a matter of strategy MacMichael met the Johor Ruler first, knowing that if he agreed the other Rulers would also agree. And indeed, after Johor signed the MacMichael agreements the other Rulers ceded their states to the British.
13. It was the rakyat of all the states of Malaya who united and forced the British to terminate the Malayan Union. No state can claim that it defeated the Malayan Union by itself.
1. Malaysia adalah negara subsidi.
2. Kita bukan sahaja beri subsidi kepada rakyat kita, tetapi juga kepada negara asing.
3. Sehingga kini kita masih jual air mentah dengan harga 3sen seribu gelen.
4. Perkiraan menunjuk yang Singapura dapat subsidi sebanyak RM39 million setahun dari Malaysia (Johor) berbanding jika (jualan air) berharga 45sen untuk 1000 gelen sehari sejak dari permulaan penjualan 250 million gelen sehari.
5. Jumlah dari 1962 hingga 2023 (61 tahun) Kerajaan Malaysia memberi subsidi kepada Singapura berjumlah RM 2,379,000,000 (Dua billion tiga ratus tujuh puluh sembilan million).
6. Yang rugi ialah negeri Johor kerana air disedut dari sungai Johor.
7. Nasihat saya jual air mentah Johor pada harga 3sen 1000 gelen sehingga kiamat.
2. Kita bukan sahaja beri subsidi kepada rakyat kita, tetapi juga kepada negara asing.
3. Sehingga kini kita masih jual air mentah dengan harga 3sen seribu gelen.
4. Perkiraan menunjuk yang Singapura dapat subsidi sebanyak RM39 million setahun dari Malaysia (Johor) berbanding jika (jualan air) berharga 45sen untuk 1000 gelen sehari sejak dari permulaan penjualan 250 million gelen sehari.
5. Jumlah dari 1962 hingga 2023 (61 tahun) Kerajaan Malaysia memberi subsidi kepada Singapura berjumlah RM 2,379,000,000 (Dua billion tiga ratus tujuh puluh sembilan million).
6. Yang rugi ialah negeri Johor kerana air disedut dari sungai Johor.
7. Nasihat saya jual air mentah Johor pada harga 3sen 1000 gelen sehingga kiamat.
1. An Israeli stated on TV that Israel has a right to defend itself.
2. Does this mean that only Israel has the right but the Palestinians have no right to defend themselves?
3. What is happening now is that Israel is committing genocide on the Palestinian people in Gaza. This is the opinion of the world. It is also the finding of the world court.
4. Already 40,000 Palestinians have been killed. Israel claims that Hamas’ attack killed 1400 Israelis.
5. But for 70 years Israel has occupied Palestinian land, built settlements on Palestinian territory, killed thousands of Palestinians, tortured and killed Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank, occupied Jerusalem, expelled the people there, seized their homes and now waging war against them.
6. For all these oppression do the Israelis consider it their right? Do they consider the Palestinians have no right to retaliate?
7. Surely the Palestinians also have rights. But they have not committed genocide against the Israelis.
8. Yet the Israelis are killing Palestinian women, children and even babies in order to protect Israel. The excuse is to eliminate Hamas. But the fact is that the Palestinian men, women, children and babies are not the soldiers of Hamas. They are non-combatants.
9. This is not a war to protect Israel. It is a genocidal war to kill all Palestinians in Gaza, the West-Bank, Lebanon and anywhere.
10. The Israelis are truly inhuman.
2. Does this mean that only Israel has the right but the Palestinians have no right to defend themselves?
3. What is happening now is that Israel is committing genocide on the Palestinian people in Gaza. This is the opinion of the world. It is also the finding of the world court.
4. Already 40,000 Palestinians have been killed. Israel claims that Hamas’ attack killed 1400 Israelis.
5. But for 70 years Israel has occupied Palestinian land, built settlements on Palestinian territory, killed thousands of Palestinians, tortured and killed Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank, occupied Jerusalem, expelled the people there, seized their homes and now waging war against them.
6. For all these oppression do the Israelis consider it their right? Do they consider the Palestinians have no right to retaliate?
7. Surely the Palestinians also have rights. But they have not committed genocide against the Israelis.
8. Yet the Israelis are killing Palestinian women, children and even babies in order to protect Israel. The excuse is to eliminate Hamas. But the fact is that the Palestinian men, women, children and babies are not the soldiers of Hamas. They are non-combatants.
9. This is not a war to protect Israel. It is a genocidal war to kill all Palestinians in Gaza, the West-Bank, Lebanon and anywhere.
10. The Israelis are truly inhuman.
1. Although Myanmar is ruled by the Burmese people, the fact is that there are many different ethnic groups living in Myanmar.
2. All the people of different races are citizens of Myanmar. They should all have the rights of the citizens of the country.
3. Unfortunately some are not treated as citizens with equal rights. They are separated, each ethnic group living in its own area.
4. As is usual the different people profess different religions, this should not affect their loyalty to the country.
5. But the majority of the Burmese people are Buddhists.
6. The Buddhist are usually tolerant of people of other religions. In Myanmar however they are not tolerant especially of the Muslims.
7. The Rohingyas are Muslims. They have been living in that area of Myanmar for centuries. They have done no harm to the other ethnic groups in Myanmar. Certainly, they have not been opposed to the Myanmar Government. Unlike the other ethnic groups, they have not been fighting to set their own nation.
8. Yet the Myanmar military have attacked their villages and towns, killing them, burning their homes. They have been forced to flee to neighbouring Bangladesh.
9. The sufferings of these Rohingya migrants are terrible. The old and the sick often could not make the journey. They had to carry their belongings with them.
10. At the end of the journey, they had to rig pitiable huts to shelter them from the weather. There was no water supply, no electricity. Sometimes the huts caught fire. Floods render the tent camps uninhabitable. And many would get sick. There are no hospitals.
11. Why do people do this to their fellow human beings? Wouldn’t it be better if the Myanmar military treat their Rohingya citizens as fellow citizens, entitled to normal treatment.
12. We are all concerned over the genocide of the Palestinians in Gaza. And we should be concerned. But we must not forget the sufferings of the Rohingya. Many have died as the boats they were travelling in, hopeful of asylum in more friendly country, sank in the seas.
13. Malaysia has provided asylum to many refugees. But other countries should also help the Rohingya refugees. They should eventually be settled in some countries.
14. But most of all we would like to appeal to the military Government of Myanmar to allow the Rohingyas to return to their villages in Myanmar. Of course they should be treated like other citizens of Myanmar.
2. All the people of different races are citizens of Myanmar. They should all have the rights of the citizens of the country.
3. Unfortunately some are not treated as citizens with equal rights. They are separated, each ethnic group living in its own area.
4. As is usual the different people profess different religions, this should not affect their loyalty to the country.
5. But the majority of the Burmese people are Buddhists.
6. The Buddhist are usually tolerant of people of other religions. In Myanmar however they are not tolerant especially of the Muslims.
7. The Rohingyas are Muslims. They have been living in that area of Myanmar for centuries. They have done no harm to the other ethnic groups in Myanmar. Certainly, they have not been opposed to the Myanmar Government. Unlike the other ethnic groups, they have not been fighting to set their own nation.
8. Yet the Myanmar military have attacked their villages and towns, killing them, burning their homes. They have been forced to flee to neighbouring Bangladesh.
9. The sufferings of these Rohingya migrants are terrible. The old and the sick often could not make the journey. They had to carry their belongings with them.
10. At the end of the journey, they had to rig pitiable huts to shelter them from the weather. There was no water supply, no electricity. Sometimes the huts caught fire. Floods render the tent camps uninhabitable. And many would get sick. There are no hospitals.
11. Why do people do this to their fellow human beings? Wouldn’t it be better if the Myanmar military treat their Rohingya citizens as fellow citizens, entitled to normal treatment.
12. We are all concerned over the genocide of the Palestinians in Gaza. And we should be concerned. But we must not forget the sufferings of the Rohingya. Many have died as the boats they were travelling in, hopeful of asylum in more friendly country, sank in the seas.
13. Malaysia has provided asylum to many refugees. But other countries should also help the Rohingya refugees. They should eventually be settled in some countries.
14. But most of all we would like to appeal to the military Government of Myanmar to allow the Rohingyas to return to their villages in Myanmar. Of course they should be treated like other citizens of Myanmar.
1. Seperti yang dijanji reformasi sedang diadakan.
2. Beberapa dari reformasi yang dijanji termasuklah larangan bercakap berkenaan 3R.
3. Jika dahulu kestabilan negara tidak diutamakan sekarang untuk tentukan kestabilan negara diperkenal larangan menyentuh 3R. Kita lihat sekarang bagaimana amannya negara.
4. Mereka yang tidak menghormati reformasi ini sudah ditangkap dan digari.
5. Ini adalah SOP. Ia termasuk juga tidak ada ikat jamin. Jika dibenar ikat jamin maka rayuan akan dibuat oleh pihak yang bertanggungjawab kepada mahkamah yang lebih tinggi.
6. Ini juga adalah sebahagian dari reformasi, AG boleh henti prosecution. Zahid yang sedang dibicara berkenaan 47 kes terselamat apabila AG henti prosecution.
7. Tidak lama lagi mereka yang lesap berbillion Ringgit duit Kerajaan boleh dipenjara dirumah. Tetapi yang curi sepuluh ringgit hendaklah dimasuk dalam penjara supaya sedar pencurian yang besar sahaja yang perlu mendapat nikmat reformasi.
8. Kuasa Perdana Menteri sudah dinaikkan oleh Dewan Rakyat. Ini akan jamin keberkesanan pemerintahan yang amal reformasi.
9. Bertuah sungguhlah negara.
2. Beberapa dari reformasi yang dijanji termasuklah larangan bercakap berkenaan 3R.
3. Jika dahulu kestabilan negara tidak diutamakan sekarang untuk tentukan kestabilan negara diperkenal larangan menyentuh 3R. Kita lihat sekarang bagaimana amannya negara.
4. Mereka yang tidak menghormati reformasi ini sudah ditangkap dan digari.
5. Ini adalah SOP. Ia termasuk juga tidak ada ikat jamin. Jika dibenar ikat jamin maka rayuan akan dibuat oleh pihak yang bertanggungjawab kepada mahkamah yang lebih tinggi.
6. Ini juga adalah sebahagian dari reformasi, AG boleh henti prosecution. Zahid yang sedang dibicara berkenaan 47 kes terselamat apabila AG henti prosecution.
7. Tidak lama lagi mereka yang lesap berbillion Ringgit duit Kerajaan boleh dipenjara dirumah. Tetapi yang curi sepuluh ringgit hendaklah dimasuk dalam penjara supaya sedar pencurian yang besar sahaja yang perlu mendapat nikmat reformasi.
8. Kuasa Perdana Menteri sudah dinaikkan oleh Dewan Rakyat. Ini akan jamin keberkesanan pemerintahan yang amal reformasi.
9. Bertuah sungguhlah negara.
1. I am surprised at Guan Eng’s comments regarding my stint as the 7th Prime Minister. I thought he and I worked well together.
2. It is normal for him as Minister of Finance to discuss major issues with me. After hearing my view, the matters would be put to the cabinet for ministers to comment on the proposals. Only after Cabinet’s decision would the matter be placed before Parliament.
3. In the end the Parliament decides whether to approve the matter or not. That is how Government works.
4. Even if promises are made in a manifesto, the cabinet cannot become just a rubber stamp. For example, the manifesto simply proposes abolition of tolls. That is simple. But expressways have to be maintained and sometimes additional lane need to be constructed.
5. The Government did not even have the money to build the road. Maintaining an 800-kilometre expressway is costly. If no tolls are collected the Government or the company would not be able to maintain this first-class expressway.
6. In the end it was the cabinet which decided; not the Prime Minister alone. The Minister of Finance had his say. If the cabinet is not for abolishing tolls, then tolls could not be abolished.
7. I cannot describe the debates in the cabinet as acrimonious. My job was to chair the meeting. I had a right to air my views as did Guan Eng.
8. I never threatened to sack Guan Eng. That is a blatant lie. He was the head of DAP, a coalition member. I must respect his position. The only minister I dropped was Dr. Maszlee Malik, Minister of Education.
9. I did not propose to ban UMNO. I did suggest to Zahid Hamidi that the UMNO he led was not the UMNO which defeated the Malayan Union and won independence for the country.
10. Najib had turned it into a cash-cow stealing billions and making the party corrupt. I told Zahid that the Malays no longer supported UMNO. That was why it lost the elections for the first time.
11. I did not threaten to charge him for stealing Government money if he failed to dissolve UMNO. But he did try to show me documents to prove he was innocent. I told him to tell the court. I had no authority to decide on his case.
12. I had worked with many people during my 22 years as the fourth Prime Minister. I would like to hear from others regarding my behaviour towards them.
2. It is normal for him as Minister of Finance to discuss major issues with me. After hearing my view, the matters would be put to the cabinet for ministers to comment on the proposals. Only after Cabinet’s decision would the matter be placed before Parliament.
3. In the end the Parliament decides whether to approve the matter or not. That is how Government works.
4. Even if promises are made in a manifesto, the cabinet cannot become just a rubber stamp. For example, the manifesto simply proposes abolition of tolls. That is simple. But expressways have to be maintained and sometimes additional lane need to be constructed.
5. The Government did not even have the money to build the road. Maintaining an 800-kilometre expressway is costly. If no tolls are collected the Government or the company would not be able to maintain this first-class expressway.
6. In the end it was the cabinet which decided; not the Prime Minister alone. The Minister of Finance had his say. If the cabinet is not for abolishing tolls, then tolls could not be abolished.
7. I cannot describe the debates in the cabinet as acrimonious. My job was to chair the meeting. I had a right to air my views as did Guan Eng.
8. I never threatened to sack Guan Eng. That is a blatant lie. He was the head of DAP, a coalition member. I must respect his position. The only minister I dropped was Dr. Maszlee Malik, Minister of Education.
9. I did not propose to ban UMNO. I did suggest to Zahid Hamidi that the UMNO he led was not the UMNO which defeated the Malayan Union and won independence for the country.
10. Najib had turned it into a cash-cow stealing billions and making the party corrupt. I told Zahid that the Malays no longer supported UMNO. That was why it lost the elections for the first time.
11. I did not threaten to charge him for stealing Government money if he failed to dissolve UMNO. But he did try to show me documents to prove he was innocent. I told him to tell the court. I had no authority to decide on his case.
12. I had worked with many people during my 22 years as the fourth Prime Minister. I would like to hear from others regarding my behaviour towards them.