2. In my opening speech I stressed that the war in Palestine is not a religious war between Islam and Judaism. It is a territorial war resulting from the European powers carving out a slice of Palestinian land in order to create the State of Israel.
3. It is grossly unjust for the Europeans to solve their Jewish problem by taking land belonging to the Arab Palestinian to give to the Jews for their homeland. It is grossly unfair that they should transfer their problem to the Arabs.
5. They came together because they were moved by the human tragedy that is happening in Gaza, Palestine. That the Palestinian Arabs are mostly Muslims did not lessen the feeling of sympathy felt by the participants.
6. Two doctors from Jordan were present. They had gone to Gaza to show their sympathy and brotherhood and to help treat the casualties. They were not prepared to see the carnage caused by Israeli attacks.
7. The Israeli forces appeared to be using new kinds of shells and bombs which exploded after bouncing off the ground hurling sharp metal shrapnel which cut deep into the bodies of the victims.
8. Many had their arms and legs severed by the shrapnel, while others died when the shrapnel cut deep into their bodies and organs.
9. One man was saved because the shrapnel cut into a small Quran he had in his pocket but stopped short of his chest.
10. Phosphorus bombs scattered white phosphorus all over the victims. The phosphorus sticks to the body and burn as long as there is oxygen in the air. It burns through the skin, through the muscles and through the bones. It is impossible to remove the phosphorus without cutting deep into the tissues and bones.
11. The pictures of decapitated bodies, shrapnel severed arms and legs were horrifying. The surgeons had to operate on stretchers with several operations going on in one room at the same time. There was blood everywhere and yet there was no blood for transfusion.
12. The video also showed Israeli men and women being interviewed. They were quite hysterical, shouting and demanding that the Palestinian children should be killed as they, the Israeli women had lost their children because of rocket attacks by Hamas.
13. The Gaza attacks exposed the horror of modern warfare. No one is spared. The town of Gaza is reduced to rubble and bodies were strewn everywhere. Children were buried under the rubble of fallen buildings, with only their dead heads visible. There were burnt bodies of babies.
14. Professor Gurdial Singh spoke about how Israel could be tried by an International War Crimes Court.
15. Then it was question time. An Englishman voiced his anger that the pictures of the atrocities were not made public in the United Kingdom. He wished that the Jordanian doctors could give their briefings together with the pictures in London.
16. Responding to the remarks, Professor Michel Chossudovsky pointed out that the Western media is owned by a small number of people and they control the news contents. They were obviously pro-Israel and their policy is to promote the Israeli cause against Palestine and Muslims in general.
17. Many of the questions asked showed strong sympathy for the Palestinians. The questions were from all races and religions.
18. Then a young Arab man took the floor. The first thing he said was to emphasise that the Palestinian war is a religious war. Muslims must support the Palestinians because of their faith. There can be no two ways. The Arabs must fight a holy war against the Jews. They must fight because the Jews are the enemies of the Muslims, of the Arabs.
19. I felt uncomfortable, as there were many non-Muslim supporters of the Palestinians in the audience. Making the Palestinian war as a religious war seem to reject the sympathy and support of the non-Muslims.
20. A Chinese Catholic got up to reply that he has full sympathy for the Palestinians who had lost their land, who had been driven out of their country to live as refugees. He thought that the Palestinians were unjustly treated and the Israeli killings of the Palestinians were against all humanitarian values. He did not see it as a religious war but a war against injustice and oppression.
21. I was depressed by the attitude of the young Arab. It seems he was moved only by the hatred of the Jews. On the other hand the demand of the Israeli woman to have Palestinian children killed also exposes her bitter hatred of the Palestinians.
22. This is wrong. Of course enemies must hate each other. But that must not be the reason for the war. Actually it is a product of the war.
23. The real reason for the war is the seizure of Palestinian land to create the state of Israel. The objective of the Palestinians should be the re-conquest of the lost land, including removal of the settlements set up by the Jews. The whole war must be directed with this objective.
24. What I realised when the young Arab vehemently declared that the war is a religious war was that the war would have no end. The objective was to kill Jews because of their religion.
25. On the Jewish side it is the same. They want to kill and destroy the Arabs because they hate the Arabs. That explains their brutality, their targeting schoolchildren, babies and old people. That also explains the diabolical weapons that they use, not just to kill but to cause as much pain and disfigurement as possible.
26. The Israeli leaders, especially the military are said to welcome Hamas rockets. To provoke Hamas into firing their rockets the Israelis blockaded Gaza.
27. When Hamas fired the rockets, Israelis would condemn the deaths, especially of children. The people were angered by the death and demanded retaliation, which the military duly obliged with massive attacks out of all proportion to the damage done by the unsophisticated Hamas rockets.
28. For their part the Palestinians would show the effects of Israeli brutality, the destruction of the towns and the deaths of innocent children. The hatred against the Jews was fanned to red heat, and Palestinians would become ready to kill the Jews in any way they can. They would fire more rockets and the Jews would retaliate with even greater force and brutality.
29. Both sides have now forgotten the reasons for their war. It is like the clan war of old, when for generations the hatred would be kept alive and both sides would want to go on fighting and killing each other.
30. The Palestinians are getting the worse deal in this “I kill your people, you kill my people,” fighting.
31. I was asked by the Jordanian doctor, when will this war end. I think it will have no end because it has degenerated into feuds of old, when Semitic tribes fight each other for generations simply because they were traditional enemies. The original reason for the enmity has long been forgotten.
32. If the war is going to be terminated both sides must try to remember the original cause and negotiate for peace. The backers of the contestants should cease providing money and weapons so they will continue to fight. Instead they should urge both sides to discuss a peace not based on who is more powerful but on justice.
Assalamu’alaikum Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad,
Religions in other words are ways of life. Meaning it’s a ruling on how it’s respective practitioners act/live their lives in every aspects may it be political, social or as individuals. Effecting their patterns of thinking, methodologies and policies in every level of conduct from worshipping, concept of justice to burial ceromonies.
I humbly suggest it is wise for Tun to reconsider Tun’s remark stating the issue in Palestine as not a religious conflict. Thus broadering Tun’s view on how to actually hand the problem to a determined resolvement.
I trust Tun, as a very learned and experienced Muslim character in history, the above fact are sufficient to be apprehanded by Tun for furthering progress towards global success in humanity.
May Allah The Most Beneficient bestow mercy upon this ummah (all human race).
Assalamu’alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh.
Dr Mahathir
Joshua Kumar’s synopsis (Feb 12,2009) on the
history of the middle east paints an accurate historical
claim for the existence of the State of Israel.
Historical borders change all the time.
The Islamic World should also be accountable to its own actions:
– ‘Istanbul’ should be returned to ‘Constantinople’.
Christians would have a legitimate claim to lost lands
– ‘Pakistan’ should be returned to India as the ‘Mogul’
invasion islamized India by force. Hindus have the legitimate
claim to that right.
– Turkey should return ‘East Cypress’ and muslims settler’s
should freely leave and return the rightful land to Cypress.
– Muslims involved in historical (Malaysia) or recent (Indonesia)
race riots in the name of Islam should apologize and offer a
conciliatory gesture for deaths that occurred. After all, South Africa and Northern Ireland have made peace.
– Muslims should bring to justice the the murderous regime of
Sudan (Janjaweed) and Pakistan for the murders of Sudanize
and Muslims in Bangladesh.
-Dubai should stop subjugating islamic labourers from Pakistan
and India. They should be given a fair wage and relatives compensated for suicide cases.
– etc,etc,etc.
– Finally, Sunni’s should apologize to the Shia’s for murdering the
Prophet Muhammad’s Grandson Ali.
My point is to add perspective to the ‘Let’s bash Israel forum’.
We see the world from our own magnifying lenses but its hard
to look at the mirror and see one’s own flaws.
There seems to be a Xenophobic attitude towards Israel. Israel,
while not perfect, is a democracy with more freedom than any muslim
country i know off. Its ok to critize Israel on Al Jazeera etc,etc,etc.
I’m often shocked to hear things on the Mosaic Podcasts
on views and expressions that would have landed me in prison in
Malaysia. Yes, Palestinians are suffering. There is a war being waged by Hamas. However, if you look on the Israeli side. Arab Israeli’s enjoy full citizenship and a higher standard of living with freedoms.
I used to be a Malaysian and was not afforded an opportunity for
post-secondary education. Yet, Arabs who are Israeli citizens in
Israel enjoy that. I watched with amazement on an arabic news cast
as an arab unversity student in Israel complained about her
education as I did not even have that opportunity in Malaysia.
Jewish doctors in Israel treat Palestinians without regards
to race of religion. For what its worth. Israel has made many
attempts at reconciliation i.e. Camp David accord and negotiations
with Yasser Arafat (‘A Case for Israel’ ~ Alan Dershowitz).
In fact, Anwar Sadat whom I deeply respect paid the ultimate price
for peace with Israel.
It is easy demonize the U.S. as a supporter of Israel
While turning a blind eye as Iran uses ‘HAMAS’ by proxy to
terrorize Israeli citizens. ‘Samir Kuntar’ one particularly
despicable individual smashed the head of a 4 year old boy with
his rifle. I won’t elaborate further on his escapades except to
quote a newsweek article. His attacks are “so sickening they
give pause even to some of Israel’s enemies”. Whats worse,
to be paraded around by Hamas, Syria and Iran like some hero
makes me sick to my stomach. Sir, when you are confronted with
the likes of a ‘Samir Kuntar’ with the support of these regimes.
Would you not do anything in your power to protect your family?
If we only think this is simply a territory,race or religion issue, we are part of the problem. After all, human being aren’t as intelligent as we always think we are, we just can’t seem to be able to beat the evils within ourselves. Blame it on the all mighty Nature, lousy human behaviors merely exist to serve the evolution theory. When you are perpetrator,you will justify your actions against your perceived enemies; while when you are the victims,you want to revenge. Hatres entails revolution in your actions,this in turn drive evolution. Big challenge!
assalamualaikum TUN,
Tun, dulu saya sangat pelik sekali kerana melihat kekuatan israeli yang kerdil itu dapat menawan palestine yang gah.
tapi tidak sekarang ini.
Tun, bila saya berada di tanah Arab hampir 2 tahun ini baru lah saya sedar bahawa israel itu tidak sekuat mana tapi bangsa palestine atau pun Arab sendiri yang lemah. mereka hanya pandai berbicara tapi tidak berani bertindak untuk berjuang. mereka dikira malas dan pengecut.
Saya dan rakan di sini kecewa bekerja dengan mereka dan adakalanya hampir hilang rasa simpati terhadap palestine. Bangsa arab itu pentingkan diri sendiri dan hanya berbaik dengan kami untuk kepentingan diri mereka. Mereka langsung tidak bolih dikritik, suka dipuji dan lupa diri serta kami tidak bolih tunjuk bijak sikit pun. Bangsa Arab ini kejam betul. tak hairanlah banyak orang yang melalui pengalaman bekerja dengan bangsa ini tidak ambil peduli kemelut di middle east.
Bagi mereka punya pengalaman menerima kekejaman dan tekanan kerja secara psykologi maka akan ada perasaan dendam terhadap orang islam. mereka sebagai mangsa akan berdoa akan mengharapkan israel sebagai bangsa yang akan memusnahkan bangsa Arab yang kejam itu.
Tun, saya rasa Tun adalah orang yang dapat sedarkan bangsa Arab yang bersikap bongkak itu. Tolong lah Tun.
Tun, saya tidak mahu perasaan dendam itu menular juga ke negara kita. Saya dapati ada ciri-ciri sikap buruk bangsa arab itu mempengaruhi orang Malaysia yang tak guna akal dan dikuasai perasaan dan wujudnya perasaan dendam antara kaum. Lihat lah kemelut politik negara kita sekarang ini sungguh menakutkan.
Saya doakan Tun sihat dan dapat berjuang selagi ada keupayaan.
Tun, u r the best in my life.
Dear TUN,
What is happening in Our Country now, the whole world focusing on the world crisis and here the politician only focusing in PERAK crisis? Since 8 March last year till today the politic crisis prolong in our Country. Will this situation come to end
Nak berkongsi sikit ttg artikel yg pernah sy baca…
Dlm Al Quran dah tersurat…
Kemuncak kuasa kaum yahudi/munafik & sewaktu dgnnya bila mereka
menguasai kawasan “EMAS HITAM” di dunia iaitu di Sg. Furat…
Mereka akan meluaskan empayar dgn menguasai kws ini termasuk berusaha menguasai Palestin, Lubnan, Iran dsb.
Tetapi, akan muncul satu kuasa Islam yang akan menewaskan mereka kelak dan Wallahualam bila dan siapakah kuasa Islam itu…tidak kita ketahui…Barangkali Iran?? Itu semua urusan Allah…
Dan bila telah sampai masa itu…percayalah kiamat sudah menghampiri kamu (tanda2 akhir zaman…)
Semoga Allah terus melindungi kita dan saudara2 kita yg berjuang ke jalan Nya…Byykan doa supaya Yahudi dan konconya2 diberi balasan oleh Allah…Amin..
(artikel tersebut lebih kurang bermaksud seperti di atas..di keluarkan kalau x silap pada tahun 2003/04 yg lalu)
Al-Quran adalah wahyu yang diturunkan oleh ALLAH kepada Nabi Muhammad untuk menjadi panduan kepada umat manusia sehingga hari Kiamat. Ia telah sempurna, sentiasa benar dan tidak ada yang lebih benar darinya.
Walaupun begitu ALLAH memberikan ruang yang seluas-luasnya untuk manusia berfikir dengan menggunakan akalnya. Sebab itulah manusia merupakan mahluk yang terbaik ciptaanNYA, malah lebih baik daripada Malaikat. Sebab itu malaikat diperintahkan sujud kepada Nabi Adam. Dengan syarat, manusia mengikut apa yang diperintah ALLAH dan meninggalkan apa yang dilarangnya. Sekiranya manusia memilih untuk tidak menurut perintahnya, manusia boleh bertukar menjadi mahluk yang paling hina, lebih hina dari haiwan yang tidak dianugerahkan akal untuk berfikir.
ISLAM diturunkan lebih kurang 700 tahun selepas Nabi Isa untuk membetulkan akidah manusia yang telah jauh tersimpang. Ketika Nabi Muhammad masih hidup ia tidak berpecah belah. Namun, selepas kewafatan Nabi Muhammad terutamanya ketika pemerintahan Saidina Ali, Khalifah Islam yang ke 4, umat Islam telah mula berpecah. Ia menjadi semakin buruk selepas itu.
Ini semua terjadi kerana masing-masing mempunyai tafsiran yang tersendiri mengenai Al-Quran. Lebih malang lagi kita bukan hanya berbeza pendapat malah tidak boleh menerima pendapat orang lain. Kita merasakan pendapat kita lebih benar dari orang lain.
Semakin lama, umat Islam semakin lemah kerana sikap kita sendiri. Berhentilah menyalahkan orang agama lain. Lihatlah kelemahan diri kita sendiri. Hanya dengan itu kita boleh bertambah kuat. kelemahan kita adalah disebabkan oleh diri kita sendiriiaitu tidak mengamalkan apa yang sebenarnya di tuntut oleh Agama Islam.
Sekian terima kasih. wasallam
kepada hsm_cai,
salam Tun,
Tak guna banyak cakap mari kita umat islam hantar senjata kat Palstin ganyang Yahudi. Lama lama banyak orang dia mampus dan dia dapat penjaran dari itu.
Ni nak cadang OIC utarakan satu pakatan ketenteraan didewan raayat menteri luar Rais Yatim awal2 dah tolak ,macam mana ni. Mana semangat jihad kita. kalau nak cadang pun tak mahu bukan tak berani,kalau ta’berani tu bolihlah tahan ni tak mahu,palinglemah semangat menteri kita ini. Adakah dengan cadangan itu negeri kita akan diserang olih Yahudi itu atau takut apa lagi.
Setakat dengan sajak dan hulurkan derma tak ada kesudahan selagi tidak bertindak menalorkan sistem pertahan ,seperti sistem pertahan udara dan sengata pemusnah kerta kebal itu sudah cukup mengajar yahudi ini.
Mari kita sama sama berjihat hantar senjata ke Palstin, ayoh!!.
Biar lebih kerja dari banyak cakap. Wasalam.
Dear All Readers,
Pardon this question from an agnostic as I read with interest all the contentions especially those that are connected with religion, as I realize that this can very senstive.
Where is God when all these atrocities are perpetuated in HIS name ? How much longer must mankind be tolerated in the killing of one another if there is a GOD ? Have anyone seen HIM ?
Hello Dr. Tun,
here is my response to the points you’ve brought up.
with regards to point 1: will the committee criminalize the shooting of qassam missiles at israeli civilians? will it criminalize the execution of fatah members by hamas operatives?
with regard to point 2: this is very true, i hope more people will understand it. but the conclusion is that we have nothing against malaysia and malays, unlike what some people here think.
with regard to point 3: you’re very wrong on this one. the jewish ‘problem’ is as much of oriental (mashriqi) jews as it is of western (ashkenazi) jews. our lives in the arab world were better than in the christian world, but they were horrible enough (again, i urge you to read this: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Farhud). we need our own country to survive. how would you survive if it weren’t for malaysia? beaten up, abused and oppressed, like most minorities in this world.
with regard to points 4-22: war is horrible. there is no denying. but who is there to judge who’s responsible and who started? the discussion should have been about that. had this war been less terrible if for any palestinian killed, there was a jew killed? no.
with regards to point 23: should be… but it isn’t. their war is to wipe israel off the map. each and every jew to be sent away – to countries that don’t want them at all, to countries that will abuse them and act antisemitically – arab or european alike! only the turkic people have a decent history of not abusing the jews (like azerbaijan), and that is why there is still a vibrant jewish community there.
with regards to point 24: it may surprise you to know that i don’t hate arabs – being linked to arab culture like many jews with history in arab countries, and despite how they oppressed and even at times massacred us. i want peace. but we can’t have peace when the objective is to found ‘dar al islam’ on all of israel/palestine. i will fight to my last drop of blood to prevent that.
with regards to point 32: how can you expect to stop the carnage, if you want to be one sided and not even recognize israel’s right to exist, and prevent malay people from talking to israelis or coming to israel/vice versa???
ridiculous to label jews “Nazis” and with same breath praising “Hitler”.
Dr.Ali Sina, handsomely formulated. that muslims’ absurdity is like an ocean without the bottom.
Assalamualaikum hsm-cai,
Terima kasih kerana bersetuju dengan saya. Sekurang-kurangnya saya tak keseorangan.
Dalam memperkatakan masalah Palestine kita perlu berfikir dengan menggunakan iman bukan nafsu. Segala yang berlaku adalah dengan izin ALLAH dan IA mahu mengajar kita sesuatu yang tidak kita ketahui. Segala yang berlaku pasti ada kebaikkannya cuma kita manusia yang lemah tidak dapat melihat dan memahaminya. InsyaALLAH suatu hari nanti ianya akan menjadi bertambah jelas dan nyata.
Memang benar ramai daripada kita mahir membaca Al-Quran dengan segala bentuk bunyinya. Malangnya kita tidak cuba untuk memahaminya. Sedangkan Al-Fatihah yang hanya mempunyai 7 ayat, dibaca sekurang-kurangnya 17 kali sehari (kalau kita sembahyang) selama 365 hari setahunpun kita tak tahu maknanya, inikan pula seluruh Al-Quran. Kita semua yang mengaku beragama Islam patut malu dengan diri kita sendiri.
Dalam pada itu, kita hanya mendengar makna Al-Quran daripada mereka yang mengelarkan diri mereka Ustaz (sebahagian) tetapi hanya menggunakan Al-Quran untuk kepentingan diri masing- masing. Benarlah seperti yang dikatakan diakhir zaman manusia akan memperdagangkan Al-Quran. Marilah kita semua bukan hanya membaca Al-Quran malah memahaminya sendiri. Dengan itu kita pasti akan lebih berjaya.
Sebarlah segala apa yang saudara fahami terutamanaya Surah Al-Israk ayat 1-7, kerana itu merupakan kewajipan kita sebagai Umat Islam. Jika tidak kita akan berdosa.
Sekian. Wasallam
kepada ash075387,
Dear Matahari
enough said, the Nazis teaches the jews pretty well and the jews are acting well on it to the palestines.
Dear Selva,
You can’t keep Religion at Distance. You need rules and to abide them just as human rules (put seat belts on, etc etc) The thing is about being divided, it doesn’t only happen in the muslim world. Also, the problem is because there are this extreme muslims party who thinks they are the best and everyone has to go on their way of ‘goodness’ which leads to extremism (when islam encourages patience, forgiveness and understanding), and there are careless muslims party who only enjoys fun life (foolish activities – drinnking alcohol, party, gossips, adultery, gambling, eating too much, etc etc.. ) the best is of course, to stay moderate, not too extreme, not too careless.. you need religion to feed your soul, for example controlling anger, have patience, and all these, we can create tolerance & peace..
Assalamualaikum Tun. Harap Tun sentiasa sihat sejahtera di bawah lindungan Ilahi.
Tun selalu mengajar supaya kita semua supaya belajar melalui sejarah. Tetapi kebanyakkan rakyat Malaysia terutamanya orang Melayu beragama Islam tidak pernah hendak belajar melalui sejarah. Mereka buta sejarah. Akibatnya kita bakal mengulagi kesilapan lampau. Sejarah bakal berulang.
Ketika Malaysia diberi kemerdekaan oleh British pada tahun 1957, Orang Melayu diberi syarat untuk menerima dan berkongsi kuasa dengan kaum Cina dan India. Pada pendapat British tak mungkin bangsa Melayu akan menerima syarat tersebut. Malang bagi mereka, pemimpin kita pada kita itu lebih bijaksana seterusnya menerima syarat tersebut kerana bagi mereka mendapatkan kemerdekaan itu lebih penting. Tak mungkin kita mampu menewaskan British dengan kuasa ketenteraan. Kesan daripada kebijaksanaan tersebut kita mampu berdiri sebagaimana sekarang.
Bayangkan sekiranya pemimpin kita menolak syarat tersebut dan berkeras untuk menguasai tanah yang berdaulat ini 100%. Kita berkemungkinan akan terus berperang sehingga kini dan tak tahulah apa yang akan terjadi.
Perkara yang sama juga berlaku kepada orang Palestine. Mereka diminta berkongsi dengan dengan orang Israel. Mereka enggan bertolak ansur walaupun sedar mereka lemah. Akibatnya selepas sekian lama, mereka semakin lemah manakala Israel pula semakin kuat.
Kini Israel berjaya memecahkan Palestine kepada dua kumpulan iaitu Fatah dan Hamas. Fatah mengatakan Hamas radikal manakala Hamas pula mengatakan fatah sekular ( boneka Amerika ). Ketika orang Palestine bersatupun mereka tak mampu mengalahkan Israel, inikan pula setelah berpecah belah. Fikirkanlah!!!
Kini perkara yang sama juga berlaku di negara kita. Orang melayu telah terpisah kepada dua. UMNO mengatakan PAS radikal manakala PAS mengatakan UMNO sekular. Bukankah itu sama dengan keadaannya dengan di Palestine? Mungkin dalam masa 50 tahun lagi kita juga akan mengalami nasib yang sama seperti Palestine. Renungkanlah!!!
Oleh itu sedarlah bangsaku. Kita tak jauh bezanya dengan apa yang sedang berlaku di Palestine. Cuma mungkin masanya belum sampai. Ia bakal menjadi kenyataan sekiranya kita semua terus leka dan berpecah belah.
kalau kita fikirkan secara mendalam, kenapakah orang Palestine gagal dalam perjuangannya kita mungkin mampu mencari penyelesaiannya.
Pada pendapat saya, orang Palestine semakin lemah kerana setiap kali menghadapi masalah mereka menunding jari kepada orang Israel. Mengikut buku ‘The Secret’, sekiranya kita melakukan sedemikian rupa, kita akan terus menyerap kelemahan musuh dan seterusnya memberi kekuatan kita kepada musuh. Lihatlah ke dalam diri kita, akui kelemahan dan perbetulkannya, InsyaALLAH kita akan dapat meningkatkan kekuatan.
Dalam masa yang sama, tahukah kita apa yang di praktiskan oleh orang Israel dalam mentadbir negara adalah sebagaimana yang disaran oleh ISLAM:
1.Sentiasa taat setia kepada pemimpin selagi pemimpin tidak menyuruh kita melakukan maksiat.
2.Berlaku adil kepada semua tanpa mengira pangkat dan kedudukkan.
3. Mengutamakan kepentingan bangsa, agama dan negara melebihi kepentingan keluarga dan diri sendiri.
4. Menguatkan pertahanan negara.
5. Sentiasa bersatu padu dan tidak berpecah belah.
Itulah yang orang palestine dan juga orang Islam Di malaysia mesti lakukan. Kembalilah kepada ajaran Islam yang sebenarnya bukannya Islam yang bersifat rhetorik.
Sekian terima kasih. Wasallam.
Dear Hanan,
Based on your Zionism info, it
Assalamualaikum Yang berbahagia Tun.
Nak mintak sedikit pendapat. Harap Tun dapat menjawab pertanyaan saya ini.
Apa kata kalau saya katakan, apa yang berlaku di Palestine ketika ini telah tertulis di dalam Al-Quran semenjak lebih 1400 tahun yang lalu. Sebagai orang Islam kita mempercayai Al-Quran itu benar dan itulah yang tertulis di dalam Al-Quran (rujuk Surah Al-Israk ayat 1 hingga 7). Kemungkinan tidak ramai dari kita orang Islam yang mengetahui bahawa apa yang berlaku di Palestine kini telah tercatat dalam Al-Quran kerana kita membaca Al-Quran tanpa memahami maknanya.Mungkin ada yang tak membaca Al-Quran langsung.
Kini ALLAH memperlihatkan bukti kebenaran Al-Quran, kebenaran Nabi Muhammad S.A.W. dan kebenaran ALLAH, tuhan sekalian alam. Kalau kita masih tidak dapat memahaminya, ini kerana kita melihat dengan menggunakan mata kasar tanpa melihat dengan mata hati. Lihatlah dengan nama Tuhanmu.
Tidaklah salah bagi kita merasa hiba melihat kekejaman yang berlaku, tetapi itulah juga yang berlaku kepada Nabi Musa ketika beliau mengikuti Nabi Khaidir (Surah Al-Kahfi), bila Nabi Khaidir membunuh seorang pemuda. Nabi Khaidir melakukannya kerana beliau dianugerahkan ilmu di mana beliau boleh melihat apa yang bakal berlaku di masa depan. Kita tidak mempunyai ilmu tersebut. ALLAH lebih mengetahui apa yang kita tidak ketahui.
Walaubagaimanapun kita tidak perlulah khuatir kerana ALLAH berjanji dalam surah yang sama bahawa umat Islam akan bangkit kembali di Bumi Palestine. Janji ALLAH sentiasa benar dan ALLAH tidak pernah memungkiri janjiNYA. Saya amat yakin itulah yang akan berlaku.
Bagi saya umat Islam di Malaysia sepatutnya mengambil iktibar dan seterusnya meningkatkan Iman kita kerana saya pasti jika kita masih belum berubah dan melakukan apa yang disuruhNYA malapetaka pasti akan menimpa umat manusia. Apa yang berlaku di Palestine kini di lihat di seluruh dunia samada melalui televisyen dan internet. Seluruh dunia melihat kebenaran Al-Quran dan ALLAH. Kini pilihan terletak di tangan kita. Sekiranya manusia masih ingkar bala akan menimpa seluruh umat manusia sepertimana umat umat yang telah dihancurkan sebelum ini.
Kita begitu bersemangat ingin menolong umat Islam dan penduduk Palestine, kadang-kadang saya tertanya kenapa kita tidak begitu bersemangat untuk menolong jiran kita atau penduduk kampung kita yang juga dalam kesusahan. Ada yang tak ada rumah, ada yang tak makan, ada yang dianiaya malah ada yang tak mengaku mereka yang beragama Islam di sini sebagai orang Islam. Apa yang sebenarnya kita fikirkan. Selamatkanlah diri kamu, keluarga kamu, jiran kamu, negeri dan keluarga kamu dan mungkin seterusnya dunia. Mungkin kita telah melupakan keutamaan yang perlu kita lakukan.
Mungkin ramai yang tidak setuju dengan pendapat saya. Saya bukan berkata mengikut pendapat saya tetapi itulah yang tertulis di dalam Al-Quran yang sepatutnya menjadi rujukan utama kita. Bacalah Al-Quran dan fahamilah maknanya. Al-Quran tidak pernah silap, Ia sentiasa benar, hanya kita yang tidak dapat melihatnya.
Pada saya, Umat Islam di Malaysia tidak banyak bezanya dengan umat Islam di Palestine. Melihat keadaan kita sekarang yang berpecah belah(seperti di palestine), mungkin dalam masa 50 tahun akan datang kita pula akan mengalami nasib yang serupa. Ketika itu, kita pula yang mungkin di bom seterusnya menagih dan merayu bantuan dari orang Palestine dan masyarakat dunia. Fikirkanlah.
Saya amat berharap Yang berbahagia Tun membaca tulisan saya ini dan seterusnya dapat memberikan response. Harap maaf sekiranya tulisan saya ini menyakiti hati sesiapa, kerana itu bukanlah tujuan saya. Berkongsi ilmu itu adalah fardu. Jika tidak kita akan berdosa.
Sekian terima kasih. Wasallam.
I feel insulted that us jews, been commemorated by members here of killing 4 prophets and Jesus Christ. (tho according to koran Jesus was not killed. I premise they are munafiq) and not listed our much more horrifying killings of:
unicorns, flying fire spitting dragons, gargoyles, pegasuses, mermaids…etc
to fadzireen
“As reported by Associated on June 15 2003.A noble deeds by the Israeli to withdraw troops from parts of the Qaza strip and the Palestinians expressed readiness to take control of security.Elsewhere a Palestinian is killed and the militants vow to revenge.This is the beginning of ‘the eight years of rockets raining into Israeli town’.”
not only troop also citizens from their homes. hamas rebelled against PA. and took over Gaza. and the homes once were of jews became substituted for terror activity directed against israel with rockets. hamas initiated attack as part of their charter to continue to fight israel. and this is went on, eight years.
“Israel fight wars by proxy: Remember the Sabra and Shatila massacre in Sept 16 1982.Ariel Sharon instructed the Israel defense force to surround the outer perimeter of the two Palestinians refugee camps.In the meanwhile,he allows the Christian Phalangists militiamen inside the camps to massacre an estimate of 3500 Palestinians.”
PLO initiated war against israel using Jordan boarders. PLO even planned to take over Jordan. the Jordanians expelled them in this event. 2000 were killed in process.
the PLO found a new position from which to continue to attack israel. in Lebanon. the christians were not happy about it as the Palestinians initiated attack on their neighborhoods. raping their women. but this yet raised them to take revenge on larger scale. not until their leader was assassinated.
sharon failed to forcast the outcome.
“The Kahan commission was established to investigate,and recommended that Sharon be removed as head of Defence Ministry.After much resistants,he resigned,and later formed the Kadima Party.”
he did not pull the trigger nor command it to take place. yet he is the one to be hunted. odd where of the Christian Phalangists Pierre Rizk intelligence chief during this massacre period. became an financial assistant to Arafat.
“Eg.of a good Jews:Abba Eban served Israel’s foreign minister,defending the country’ reputation after the Six Days war.Nonetheless,he was a strong supporters of giving the territories ocuppied in the war in exchange for peace.”
he also said “Palestinians never miss an opportunity to miss an opportunity.”
“Sociologist Baruch Kimmerling was an outspoken critic of Israeli policies.”
what should we deduce from the fact he is an outspoken critic of Israeli policies?
“Map of biblical Israel shows that Ashdod,Askelon and Gaza belongs to the Philistines.The name Palestines comes,via Greeks and Latin,from the Philistines”
it does not comes from arabic. and Philistines comes via hebrew. DUH
Salam Tun,
This Arab people is full of hopeless hope as long they are not united and adamant about The Israelis returning the land that they captured during the 1967 war…
Meanwhile the Israelis will just continue with their wayang kulit to fool the world with their innocence…eg 10tons of bomb only destroy small area in Gaza…
The United Nation is just the stage where live performance of the wayang kulit is watched by hundreds of people from all the Nations of the World…
Sadly the story will always ended the Palestine people is the victim and the Israelis is the victor….( vict.. vs vict..)
Dear Hanan,
Just for my knowledge. Thank you.
Salaam Tun,
Agree with you that this is no longer about religion but this war is about annihilation of a human race, i.e. Palestinians.
Dear Ali Baba,
If you like to get an explanation about what is the Talmud, please refer to http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Talmud
I still don’t understand what has the Talmud to do with the Palestinian conflict. But if you are asking for just as a base of generic knowledge it is welcome.
Hanan, Jewish and an Israeli Zionist.
Salam Tun,
Your recthoric on ‘Israel right to exists’ is a myths,America,the world police has undertaken and contain this threat,thus ensuring Israeli’s existence.Israeli Airforce has an estimate of 1000 planes in their inventory,so that they can subdue and bomb the Palestnians back to stone ago.With such fire power(shock and awe) in hand,naturally,Israel is happy to receive the barrages of vintage /classics rockets launched by the hapless Palestinians.
With this contrast in fire power,yet in the eyes of the civilised world,the hapless Palestinians is seen as the aggressor.
The Israeli and allies has concorted and successfully reshape the thinking of the world communities.
The recent Israeli incursion,when brought to the UN,with negative result, frustrate the Palestinians even more.
Road Map for peace: The principles of the plan were first outlined by US President George Bush in a speech on June 24 2002,in which he called for an independent Palestine state living side by side with Israel in peace.
One condition was lopsided,that the Palestnians elect a new Prime Minister (Mr Abbas)before the plan can be initiated.No need to change Israeli Prime Minister.
As reported by Associated on June 15 2003.A noble deeds by the Israeli to withdraw troops from parts of the Qaza strip and the Palestinians expressed readiness to take control of security.Elsewhere a Palestinian is killed and the militants vow to revenge.This is the beginning of ‘the eight years of rockets raining into Israeli town’.
Israel fight wars by proxy: Remember the Sabra and Shatila massacre in Sept 16 1982.Ariel Sharon instructed the Israel defense force to surround the outer perimeter of the two Palestinians refugee camps.In the meanwhile,he allows the Christian Phalangists militiamen inside the camps to massacre an estimate of 3500 Palestinians.
The Kahan commission was established to investigate,and recommended that Sharon be removed as head of Defence Ministry.After much resistants,he resigned,and later formed the Kadima Party.
These Israeli politicians are pulling wool over your eyes to pursue and strenghtened their polical career.If this conflict is resolved,you will never rally behind them.
Eg.of a good Jews:Abba Eban served Israel’s foreign minister,defending the country’ reputation after the Six Days war.Nonetheless,he was a strong supporters of giving the territories ocuppied in the war in exchange for peace.
Sociologist Baruch Kimmerling was an outspoken critic of Israeli policies.
Map of biblical Israel shows that Ashdod,Askelon and Gaza belongs to the Philistines.The name Palestines comes,via Greeks and Latin,from the Philistines
Dengan Izin Tun..
Come on Hanan…Where’s your version of Shabra and Shatilla ‘Chronicle’??
I am waiting…or dont’t you have any???
Dengan Izin Tun..
Come on Hanan…Where’s your version of Shabra and Shatilla ‘Chronicle’??
I am waiting…or dont’t you have any???
to Ali Baba
you’re gone off topic.
for not to derail the thread here where you can get an info about talmud:
to mohd. saiful
“From my opinion,the world knew that holocoust is not made by muslim.”
an oxymoronic statement.
fact: Mohammad Amin al-Husayni Grand Mufti of Jerusalem collaborated with Hitler
“Arabs, rise as one man and fight for your sacred rights. Kill the Jews wherever you find them. This pleases God, history, and religion. This saves your honor. God is with you.”
Salam sejahtera Tun
Orang-orang Kristen cukup menderita dalam konflik Israel dan orang Palestina
Brother Andrew berkata
The truth about Hamas,
Hamas discourages Palestinians from seeking treatment in Israel
By Anav Silverman (YNETNEWS)
One of the most frequently reported items in the Arab-Israeli conflict today are the crossings between Gaza and Israel. As the only way for cargo, aid, and other goods to enter and leave Gaza, these crossings are essential to the livelihood of the 1.4 milion Palestinians who live in the Gaza Strip.
Ten minutes away from Sderot, sits the Erez Crossing – the only crossing that serves as a pedestrian exit point for Gaza Strip residents entering Israel. The crossing is open to Palestinian workers holding permits and families seeking medical treatment in Israel. Large numbers of journalists and international foreign press also pass through the point.
I recently had the opportunity to visit the Erez crossing where the first site that greeted me was a brand new medical center, which had been opened at the start of the unilateral ceasefire between Hamas and Israel in mid-January. Israel’s Magen David Adom ambulance service, in cooperation with the Israeli Department of Health, opened the center to treat wounded Gazans, with the Israeli government investing millions of dollars into its construction.
The new Israeli medical center can handle 30 patients per hour and is staffed by paramedics and doctors who specialize in emergency medicine, pediatrics, trauma, gynecology, orthopedics, and other fields. It is equipped with state of the art laboratories, X-ray machines, and a pharmacy.
“The only problem,” said Shlomo Tzaban, a manager at the Erez Crossing, “is that the medical center stands empty. No one is using it because Hamas discourages Palestinians from seeking treatment at Israeli hospitals.”
Before entering Erez, Palestinians must first pass through a checkpoint on the Gaza side. Hamas controls that point on the Gaza end and therefore has complete authority on Palestinians seeking to enter Israel. Subsequently, there has been a dramatic decrease in the number of Palestinians seeking medical treatment in Israel – down to 80-90% – says Tzaban.
“Everyone in Gaza lives under Hamas control,” explains Tzaban. “Hamas uses terror and fear to rule the Palestinian people.
Dear Kamal Ahmad,
Salam Alaikum, ש
Salam kasih dan hormat Ayahanda Tun. Minta diizinkan sedikit ruang jika boleh Tun. Terima kasih.
Dear Hanan. I have read some of your comments. All I can say is that you should continue to make your writings here. See, most of my fellow country man and woman have no real idea what a Jew is like. How you think, how you relate to others (non Jew). We don
Salam semua. Sudahlah tak payah kita bertengkar dengan Yahudi. Kerana sebenarnya didalam kitab Torah dan juga Psalms – mereka telah juga turut bertengkar dengan tuhan mereka sendiri. Mereka adalah suatu bangsa yang taksub dan bongkak. Mereka juga adalah satu bangsa yang paling pandai tikam belakang dan memutar belitkan semua fakta kepada keuntungan mereka.
Mereka berpendapat begini: 1)Ambil dan kumpul semua fakta, 2)Teliti semua fakta, 3)Kemudian susun semula fakta-fakta tadi mengikut susunan yang akan membawa keuntungan maksima. Itu adalah cara mereka berfikir.
Untuk berkawan dengan Yahudi ibaratkan mengadai separuh jiwa dan untuk bertengkar dengan Yahudi harusnya telah hilang seluruh jiwa. Tuhan meletakkan bangsa Arab yang kasar sebagai sempadan mereka supaya mereka tidak lagi boleh memperluaskan ketamakan mereka sehinggalah turunnya Al-Masih Isa a.s. Setiap satu ada sebabnya.
Bertengkar dengan Yahudi saudara dan saudari saya sekelian, adalah sebenarnya amat membuang masa. Tuhan sudah tahu, hanya bangsa Arab sahaja yang boleh menghalang mereka akhirnya. Sebab itulah Israel terletak di tanah Arab dan bukan di Texas atau Nebraska. Telitikan, setiap satu tetap ada sebabnya.
Mereka ini tidak akan sesekali mengaku kalah, sepertimana juga mereka telah mengugut/memaksa tuhan dan Nabi mereka sendiri. Yahudi – ini anda hanya baru berurusan melalui laman web. Bukan lagi berdepan (kepada yang pernah – maka tahulah). Jika berdepan, jika kurang kesabaran pada hati dan tangan yang muda, alamatnya akan berakhir juga dengan kekejaman. Kerana itulah maksudnya untuk menjadi seorang Yahudi di bumi Allah.
salam Tun,
I regret that im not a good english user, but i try my best.
to hanan,jewish and an israeli zionist,
From my opinion,the world knew that holocoust is not made by muslim.
The Nazi made the final solution to their problem ( to expel jew and non german people out of german land).Then, the jew came to palestine (that is not belong to them ),occupied the land,then form military troops to invade all palestine according to zionist concept (so called written in their holy books ) that the land belong to the jews.So it is not the muslim that act like nazi,but the zionist itself. Hamas only have self made rockets,not like israel that have state of the art weapon and bombs.(same thing happen during holocoust,whereby jew got nothing at all).The world will turn around somedays and it is payback time.(That is written in Al quran).So Hanan,you dont have to accuse muslims as terrorist or criminal, but the act of terror exactly came from you, the zionist.
Mohd. Saiful, Muslim and Malaysian Malay
Dear Hanan,
I appreciate for your explanation for Zionism. Could you please explain a brief of Talmud?
Thank you.
salam Tun,
to Hanan,
You have no moral grounds to give advice.
Zionist Jews are the ones who turned Gaza into a HUGE CONCENTRATION CAMP!
Dengan Izin Tun..
My my Hanan..What was it that you called the article…The Terrorist Chronicle?
Now you tell me what happened in Shabra and Shatilla according to your version…
From the Just ever….
Hanan, Jewish and an Israeli Zionist
Dear Ayesha, all other bloggers,
I really didn’t mean to insult JJJ and JJJ please pardon me using you as an example. It was just an example how a dialog cannot be performed by tagging people as a group or a nation or a religion. If there are some
to JJJ
“exactly my point,it was not named Israel!It the Palestinians were occupying a land named Israel (or some other jewish sounding names..)then you might have a case.”
you missed this paragraph from my post:
“Philistines are believed to be Aegean origin. yet there is ‘no historical records’ that can be affirm anything about them. all the information ‘stem from the bible’. another ‘problemic’ detail is that the name ‘Philistine’ is ‘jewish attribute’. it means ‘invader’.”
“Anyway you come across suonding like a hard core Zionist (or supporter)”
you made a logical fallacy:ad hominem; directed at a person’s emotions or personal sensitivities as opposed to ‘rationale’ or ‘objective facts’ (especially as in a court trial, whether in appeal or in attack)
Now it will be interesting to see how these Zionists here will try to twist this fact!
No amount of media manipulating,of portraying hip chic modern-looking images of Jewish leaders can alter this plain simple truth!”
wishful thinking.
Damn you Hanan, it will be to the jews israeli zionist terrorist not just the extremist islamic terror.
Dear JJJ,
You are the twister of facts.
I would compare all Muslim beheads criminals and Hamas to the Nazis. I would compare the Muslims who murder Muslims to Nazis.
Do you mind?
Get closer to the mirror and wash your face well before you speak up.
Your jargon is not gaining even a single grain of the peace picture. You’re not promoting even zero.
“Itbakh al Yahood” flows in your blood just because you have been brainwashed.
Hanan, Jewish and an Israeli Zionist.
I would support Dr Mahatir Mohamad
salam Tun,
to ygalg,
exactly my point,it was not named Israel!It the Palestinians were occupying a land named Israel (or some other jewish sounding names..)then you might have a case.
Anyway you come across suonding like a hard core Zionist (or supporter)
Now it will be interesting to see how these Zionists here will try to twist this fact!
No amount of media manipulating,of portraying hip chic modern-looking images of Jewish leaders can alter this plain simple truth!
Salam Tun,
Young men and women can be influenced and manipulated easily by the wealthy and powerful politicians, media owners, peers, heroes or events because they have not gone through the reality of and hardship in life. I believe this young Arab man will change his mind if he has gone through personally this horrible and indespicable truth of war that was window-dressed in religion. I have seen some of these pictures which were emailed by a reporter of our local TV station. She informed us that these pictures will never be distributed in the western countries that are controlled by Jews, and she is right.
I have never seen such frightening scenes even in hollywood movies. A young boy was killed and his feet (sepasang tapak kaki) were missing. A young body was burned until it became a piece of cloth (thin) with no internal organs and we can see through this body, I think it was caused by the phosphorous bomb. There are some young Israel girls look so happy and excited in writing messages on the rocket missles.
An Israel online friend (an old man) of my teenage child has had sent some pictures on their side. If we compare these pictures, the damages and brutality caused by the Israel force were far, far, far more greater than the Palestinine Hamas. Tun, I believe majority of the Israelis do not know what happened in Palestine because their government must have disallowed these pictures to be shown in Israel which can cause kind and moderate Israelis to oppose to this brutality. Because of internet and weblog, I am sure many Israelis knew the truth.
Tun, revenge is not encouraged in Buddhism. Hatred and fury caused by enemy could lead us to seek revenge because we are human beings with emotion. The cause and effect of revenge will never end if we continue to seek for self-claimed justice and pass down to the next generation, thus it
Dear Tun,
I have been following this war for since childhood days. I did a little study, though not as much as you and the knowledge you possess, apparently my conclusion is the same with yours. That this war will never end. Many more will die, both sides.
Instead, from the war of liberation, in years to come it will be a war of religion. To make thing worse, Muslim is always labeled as terrorists rather than peace-loving religion, as it is widely believed now. hence, Muslim may not get whatever support from the world’s power.
Moreover, Arabs, through history, have shown they are not united.
So, the saga continues. We could only pray that one day, no matter no far it is from now, the war will end.
I can not understand is why Astro would chose an Israeli based company and Israeli technology for the supply of thier new gold smartcard. Nobody cares!
to JJJ
“If the jews were the original inhabitants then they would have named it otherwise,not Palestine as it is known today.” “As it is Palestine were named after the original inhabitants,the Philistines!”
historically yet can be confirm what was the real name of the disputed land. now that you use the biblical account I will give you accordingly response thus from theological POV.
the land name was ‘Canaan’, due to his first inhabitants. god handed the land to Israelites. the land was divided among the Israelites tribes. and with it each portion of the land named by it’s tribal inhabitants. judah, dan …etc. there are cities that still known till today are of biblical origin. ashkelon, gaza, jaffa…etc.
Philistines are believed to be Aegean origin. yet there is no historical records that can be affirm anything about them. all the information stem from the bible. another problemic detail is that the name Philistine is jewish attribute. it means invader.
Canaanites on the other hand historically found to be real. they were the first civilization that introduced to us the alphabet.
back to Palestine. ‘Philistines’ were not the ones who named it. and were not the original inhabitants. furthermore historically not yet been proven that exist and what were their original national name.
For those who forgot the terror attacks by Muslims (Palestinians and/or Arabs) against the Jews (Israelis) since 1948. Those are legitimate actions and should not be called terror or actions against humanity. Obviously Israeli civilian innocent people cannot be counted as victims of terror – just a legitimate liberty actions. In counter what Israel is doing is not self defence, but a terror of a state. Those are just some of the events I made a research about. It would be interesting to know what would the Malaysian govermrnt or people do against those terror actions?
Sorry for being sarcastic – just for balancing the the weigh. The list can be longer but I ignored many events of the 70’s-80’s. I don’t think you are so patient to read the whole list.
You should start thinking how this can be stopped. How violence of both sides can be stopped for a better future for both peoples to live side by side.
Border conflict, 1949-1956
Jan 1, 1952 – Seven armed gunmen attacked and killed a nineteen year-old girl in her home, in the neighborhood of Beit Yisrael, in Jerusalem. The Mixed Armistice on investigation found that the case against Jordanian infiltrators could not be substantiated.
December 31 1951/ Jan 1 1952 a rape murder occurred. The MAC investigating officer, Major Loreaux, reported that the body of the girl had been found hidden in a cave about a mile from the Jordan border, the girl had been raped and murdered her face had been mutilated. Nothing, however, had been found to indicate that Jordanians had committed this atrocity. The case had not been discussed by the Commission. Major Loreaux expressed the opinion that the Israeli police would have a better chance of finding the killer than the Arabs would.[4]
The incident was used as pretext for the Israeli
Dear Tun,
What a wonderful blog. The more I read, I gain much more knowledge. Hanan comments are very interesting. As I understood it and compare with your comments earlier, these people (Israel – Palestin) seems to know and understand what they are doing. They both know what is right or wrong. It doesn’t bother me anymore, I lost my pity for them. I’ll skip this topics because their not taking ‘peace’ seriously. Good luck to Hanan. Good luck to Hamas and Fatah.
My reply to “azienmat” and “Tubar” and “Hanan”.
1. Please realise that Hamas is a legally elected govt. that WON the elections in 2006. Much of pro-Israel-corporate Media did NOT highlight this.
2. Please read the books:
1.THE NEW JERUSALEM, by Michael Collins Piper.
2. Hamas: Unwritten Chapters, by Azzam Tamimi.
3. Children Under Occupation, by Ibrahim Abu Al- Hayja’.
3. Please read the letter “The BALFOUR DECLARATION” which literally gives away someone’s else land to a group of people, and the 2nd part of the letter was clearly breached by ZIONIST-ISRAEL from 1948 to this day.
Respectfully Tun,You said that the europeans transferred their Jewish problem to the Arabs. That is they took Arab kand and created Israel. Now where else could they have created Israel? I am being told that Jewish Israel is mentionred both in the bible and the Koran. Israel was a small state in 1949 – About the size of our Pahang. In 1967 Nasser ‘irritated’ Israel by closing the Gulf of Aqaba. That came in handy to the Israelis. They took over the Golan Heights, Gaza, Sinai, West bank etc. Around 1974 (?) Anwar Sadat tried to recapture the lost land of Sinai etc. He started off well but then he was outmanoeuvred. Anwar was sensible. He knew he could not defeat Israel at this point of time. He signed a peace treaty and got back almost all. Egypt got back what it lost by PEACEFUL means. Of course Anwar was not liked by some. They got rid of him. Yasser Arafat too decided to make some peace with the Israelis so that his peoples suffering will be lessened. Now Hamas has decided to catch the bull by its Horns. Hamas shoots a few tame rockets into Israel. It is looked up as Hero. In retaliation the Israelis Pound all and sundry in Gaza.. The people suffer. You know fire is hot – it is STUPID to to put your hands into it. The Arabs should wait for their time. They have immense wealth yet the fight among themselves. More Arabs have died in fighting each other than fighting Israel
to Abi Qalam
you asserted “legitimate holy war” on what ground you base it to be legitimate?
so many claimed their religions to be true, none really succeeded to prove it. including Islamic apologists. Koran contains erroneous details. contradictions and plagiarism.
with facts like that you’re falsifies ‘legitimacy’ of ‘Islamic holy war’.
you want to remind the public about baseless myths? isn’t it according to Islamic myth i.e as written in Koran; jesus hadn’t died? to which myths you’re adhere to; Islamic or Christian?
Salam sejahtera TUN,
Hanan – “And don
What means Zionism, Judaism? Why I feel a Zionist, as some of you asked.
Just one comment prior reading the whole Zionist related issues, I think many of you didn’t got my intention of my previous message. I’ll leave the interpretation of it to your self intellectual understanding.
1. Zion:
A hill in Jerusalem, which, after the capture of that city by the Israelites, became the royal residence of David and his successors. To simplify, it is another name of Jerusalem.
2. Zionism, the national movement for the return of the Jewish people to their homeland (Eretz Israel, means the Land of Israel) and the resumption of Jewish sovereignty in the Land of Israel, advocated, from its inception, tangible as well as spiritual aims. Jews of all persuasions, left and right, religious and secular, joined to form the Zionist movement and worked together toward these goals. Disagreements led to rifts, but ultimately, the common goal of a Jewish state in its ancient homeland was attained. The term
I find it odd when human want to advocate peace but on one hand hates one of the groups.If you want to find a permanent solution you need to love all whether Hamas, Jews , American or others.What do you expect when you support palestine and hate Israel? More Hatred and nothing else.Furhermore there is no point talking about the past as the past is gone , look at the present time and find a solution for both parties. Human are intelligent but it directed towards selfish pursuits in the areas of wealth , pride , defender of world peace and knower of the universal truth.What is missing? Person with wisdom and compassionate.Where to find them? In your hearts.Forget about facts as it distorts the peace process.Why blame Israel ? Look at our members of parlimens and they are the same rogue as the Israel member of parlimen but in our case they rob the country resource , commit crime , tell lies and hamba kepada wang.To change others please change ourselves in the first place.
We second it.
Criminalise war is definitely one quick, immediate step for peace. It is obvious we may have different opinions than Tun M but for this point, we agree.
However, bear in mind, humans will always find better, creative and cunning ways to hurt others and for selfish gains that over-rides the purpose of greater good (sake of the whole). Humans need to learn that we can never bring wealth to our tomb. What are we leaving behind that can be beneficial to our next generation? Hatred, resentment, greed?
We have once heard the city flooded with books and business seminars that touch on re-engineering our corporate and workforce. Ultimately, the message should be re-engineering ourselves with good universal values. Then only we have hope in our next generation of leaders. If the society or politics keep on promoting racial based agendas, there will never be any common ground for coming together for mutual prosperity.
The world seriously needs to re-engineer itself with leaders embedded with peace values.
Dear All,
All the religion in this world taught us to uphold peace and treat each other with respect. I believe Tun Dr. Mahathir put a great deal of effort to emphasise this by pointing out, in plain and simple English, that the Arab – Israel war is actually about land and not religion.
However, it is sad to see most of the comments posted failed to realise this and as usual it becomes “Israel bashing” session. Come on guys, we can do better than this.
To Tun. Dr Mahathir and all peace loving Palestinians, Israelis and citizens of the world, I wish everyone regardless of their religion or race….”Happy Valentine”.
-Palestin tidak akan berdaulat selagi diperintah parti berjenama islam seperti Hamas.
-Lebih 50 tahun mereka menuntut hak daerah mereka, tiada nampak jalan bagaimana mereka nak menang.
-Rakyat mereka telah diperintah dan dikuasai pemikiran Hamas maka sukar untuk mereka mencari rundingan damai yang itu sajalah opsyen yang ada.
-Malaysia telah merdeka 50 tahun dulu waktu parti islam belum kuat lagi, Kalau politik yang ada hari ni ialah tahun 50an belum tentu akan merdeka kita hingga hari ini.
-Setahu saya tiada negara yang merdeka dari penjajah di pimpin oleh parti islam (kalau ada tolong betulkan).
-Rakyat Palestin lemah, tiada kuasa untuk berperang, tak pandai langsung nak berunding & bawa berbincang, dipenuhi bermacam jenis emosi. Sampaikan walau setiap hari ada yang gugur tapi menangisnya mengalahkan orang yang mati kat M’sia (Jangan marah ya Palestinie).
-Pejuang Islam apa ni?
-Mungkin orang luar yang akan tolong memerdekakan negara ini.
-Mungkin Israel tergerak dan lembut hati ‘melepaskan’ Palestin dan rela hati memberi semula tanah yang dirampas itu.
Salam sejahtera TUN,
Dibawah ini saya ada mencatat serba sedikit yang saya tahu dari pada Buku yang tertua sekali didunia kenapa Hanan bergitu yakin…
Keyakinan Hanan — “Therefore the land was belonging to Jews prior any Muslim was even born including Prophet Muhammad.
Why the press keeps on emphasising that Hamas took control over Gaza through violence? I thought Hamas won the elections, in 2006, right?
Isn’t that democracy???
There is no doubt that the Zionists are in complete control over the media. News that we all have known about the conflict are mostly lies, sided with Israel. This is saddening.
Dear Hannan,
Do you know that not all Jews are supporting Zionist to establish Israel state in Arab land. Do you know about it? For your information it is Jews sins what make God put all the Jews were scatered all over the world. Once Jews redeemed their sin, then God will send a Messiah to lead Jews back to Israel. Clearly, a Messiah is someone choosen by God which is clearly not organisation who is using certain parts of your Torah quotes to justifiy of Jews to so called reclaimed back your holy land. From your quoting here it showed to me that are actually driven by your personal hatred toward muslim in order to justify your facts.
My question to you, does Judiasm promoting killing to justify your needs? Dont use certain baits of Quran to justify your argument, we also can use that by using certain Toran baits to justify our needs.
Please open your mind, there also certain Jews are against Zionist, Zionist is secular Jews organisation who using certain part of Torah teaching to justify their political agenda. Clearly, this against the whole concept of Judiasm right?
Don’t confined your mind based on your feeling and heart (as you told Dr. M to start listen Jews point of view anyway).
Again, I beg you…….. please to listen to others point of view with free of mind without any prejudice whatsoever in order to avoid bias towards your feeling and judgement.
Hanan always states as a Jewish and an Israeli Zionist. The word of Zionist make me wondering what Zionism is. Is it a religious or a nation or a race? Wondering whether all Jewish or Israeli are Israeli Zionists.
US keep supporting Israel by supplying money and weapons. Why does US keep supporting Israel while US knows that Israel keep occupying the Palestinians land, keep developing the settlement for the Jewish or Israeli or Israeli Zionists, keep expelling the Palestinians? Does US support Jewish or Israeli Zionists? Doubted US supports Jewish because most of Americans are Christians, besides, it
Hanan,since you’re quoting Qur’an, would please quote us Torah saying about Zionism? And what is Talmud Hanan?
Dear Tun,
What is your opinion on the matter of “DOING THE RIGHT THING AGAINST DOING THE THING RIGHT” on these issues of Palestine and recent domestic Political Turmoil ?
Historical, religious belief, humanitarian, legal, etc as basis of argument lead to conflicting conclusion but the reality of “EHSAN ” to all mankind seems to be neglected.
Pada pendapat saya isu Palestine ini akan selesai jika
1.Puak Hamas & Fatah bersatu menentang Israel
2.Semua negara Arab bersatu menentang Israel
3.Semua orang Islam bersatu menentang Israel
4.Semua manusia bersatu menentang orang Israel
Kesimpulannya ” BERSATU ”
Bersatu kita bersatu
Dengan setia berganding bahu
Jiwa teguh berpadu
Kita “Anak” Melayu
(pinjam sikit)
Oleh itu
“Bersatu” lah untuk kita jadi “Beribu”
“Bersatu” lah untuk kita jadi “Berbatu”
“Bersatu” lah untuk kita jadi “Begitu”
terima kasih
Dear Tun,
What you said makes alot of sense. However, when humans are overwhelmed with emotion we tend to lose our sense of logical and factual thinking.
Emotions are very important to us cause that is what makes us humans, have compassion, zeal and happy. But emotion when misguided can being distruction on us.
This is what is happening to us.
Therefore it falls on the people given Authority to act Responsibily – weighing the good sense that leaders must have. Drawing on the positive emotions and not succumbimg to the distruction emotions.
Leaders like Obama, Hamaas, Brown, Ahmadenijad, Sakozi, Putin, Hu Jintou, etc… to take it upon themselves to work towards the objective as outlines by Tun in the above posting.
We need leaders who dare to the buck the trend and work for peace.
No man is an Island, No nation the world.
We are the world. We have to leave together and make it work.
Our vision and objectives must be clear on this.
Well hanan is back. it just a matter of time anyway.
just want to write something,hehe
i remember reading the reply that hanan post on HANAN topic. at that time his comment were very long and detail, showing that this dude is something. he try to show that he is not driven by anger and religious hatred.
suddenly his recent post here are full of emotional, showing his true nature. he keep blaming the Hamas 100%. he even ridiculously try to justify the used of forforus bomb, which is funny and damn hypocrite. keep on mentioning about the hamas rocket and lets us forget the whole battalion of ruthless Zionist army with all their fire power blowing countless Palestinian in residential city, because 8 year of rocket rain on the border of Israel is far more serious, eh hanan?
reading your comment, it show that you are the one who is hypocrisy at the highest level.
Dear Tun,
When I read about your speech not too long ago about ‘The Jews rule the world by proxy’, I didn’t think it was such a good idea to say it at that time. But that’s just me. Maybe you knew the publicity that it would attract and get the world to realize it. Brilliant!
But I think much of the world is still oblivious to that fact.
I applaud your unrelenting effort towards the betterment of all humanity.
Salaam Tun.
Zionist-Israel has been breaking the International Law COUNTLESS times for YEARS. Never trust the MAINSTREAM media. The MAINSTREAM media never highlights this important fact and also falsifies information, and spreads lies. …Iraq, Saddam Hussein and WMD that was never there, Sept-11 “attack”, blah blah blah.And now Iran. Predictable.
Please go the following website and make your own conclusions and furher research.
1. http://vodpod.com/watch/1264582-israel-attacks-gaza-silence-from-mainstream-media-about-israeli-violations-of-international-law
2. http://vodpod.com/watch/1341520-warmongers-who-sold-you-the-iraq-war-are-pushing-for-a-war-with-iran-?mp=19&pod=dandelionsalad
If you have information (outside the mainstream media) such as above, please forward to as many peopkl around the world, so that they all wake up to the TRUTH and JUSTICE……and stop the WARMONGERS attacking Iran, and …your country next…
SHINAH @ Kuala Lumpur
Salam Tun, hope you are in good health and in Allah’s Grace and Mercy.
I want to share with you and with KLFCW on a few video evidences of the chemicals and weapons used by Zionist-Israel on Palestinian civilians.
1. http://vodpod.com/watch/1283147-willie-pete-went-to-gaza-white-phosphorus-shells
2. http://vodpod.com/tag/white+phosphorus
Thank you all.
May justice and morality prevail.
Assalamualaikum Tun,
I think this is the first time I wrote twice in one of your postings. This comment is particularly about Hanan’s writing. If I am not mistaken Hanan is a Jew. He may not present the views of all Jews or Israel but at least we can see what the other side is thinking.
From simple fact of view, Israel is killing a lot of innocent people. Anyone who tries to argue their way to justify what Israel is doing is simply wrong, wrong and wrong.
It seems Hanan think highly of you Tun as a leader of the Muslim world. Well, he is right on that and if its anyone that can lead and influence the Muslims, its Tun Dr. Mahathir.
Tun, you have wrote one article specifically to reply to Hanan. What you wrote may be right, even your posting titled “Palestine” is correct.
However, remember in history and the early days of Islam, there are bound to be people who are blinded to the truth. Remember, the pharaoh who proclaimed himself as god? Remember Abu Lahab and Abu Jahal during the days of the prophet? And many others who have been shown the truth that there is one and only one god and that is Allah. But what do these people do? They continue to disobey and refuse to accept the truth even though truth was facing right in front of them.
Therefore, in this world, it must be accepted there will always be people who does not want to see truth. They will always try to argue and justify what they did is right when plainly it is wrong for all to see.
This is the first time I hear using phosphorus bomb to detect traps. The affects of phosphorus on humans is known to the military. To use it on a densely populated area like Gaza? Whatever the intention be? I wonder….
I do not want to be drawn in an argument with Hanan as I think it is futile. Others who may want, may do so.
I think the Muslims and are other non-Muslims who are sympathetic to the Palestinians have made known their stand. And people like Hanan has also made their stand. So, our stand is ours as their stand is theirs.
Maybe it will take people like Hanan another 100 years to see that killing of thousands of innocent Palestinians is simply wrong. Do we have time to wait until they change?
Very true Tun. Most people already forget the real cause, or they simple don’t try to understand and see the past.
No offend, but I think both party are using religion issue to seek support. Anybody who want to try to settle this problem should put aside the ‘hate’ factor, or else… nothing good will be achieved.
We Muslim support Palestinian not just because of brotherhood spirit and Muslim unity, but also because we believe Palestinian freedom is being denied and their land being taken away illegally.
Dear Sir,
Can we open a branch of PAS in Gaza??? After all, they call themselves “pembela islam”….he he he
It is better to send PAS to Gaza than to bring Gaza to Malaysia.
Thank You Sir, keep on writing!!!
Dear Tun,
As a Muslim, I understand the Palestine’s problem from a Muslim’s from of view.
As a Human, I understand the Palestine’s problem from a Human’s from of view.
But blah blah blah…
Americans (not the people, and definitely not the governmnt as a whole) do not kill people just because…
But like I said before… blah blah blah….
Palestine/Jews will always be a neverending story, ain’t it…
It never started as a religious war. I still pray it is not one now… But damn nobody knows the future…
Happy greetings Tun,
Both sides, Israel and Palestine possess too much baggage accumulated over decades of prolonged war to be able to stop this act of inhumanity against mankind, with each side acussing the other of provocation thereby warranting counter-attacks, much to the dire detriment of its civilian population, especially the Gazans.
Even the UN`s meek and belated intervention has proven to be futile in the face of Israel`s total rejection and continuing brutal aggression against helpless civilians without any punity by the world body and/or any country for that matter. Only the US has the clout to intervene (if it choses to) or help stop this lop-sided war.
Unless there is a concerted and genuine effort by neutral counries or personalities who profess unmasked unbiasness can any peace negotiations be ironed out between the warring states. No amount of sanctions, boycots or calls to criminalise Zoinist leaders for war crimes at the World Court will stop Israel into thinking that there is no place for them in the Middle East. Patience, understanding, compromise and compassion are needed to overcome this gargantuan hurdle with a view to seek permanent peace for all.
Thank you. Regards.
Dear Tun
Thank you for sharing what has transpired at the forum. For those who might have missed it, I would like to highlight that in a newspaper report recently, RM2.7 million was collected at masjid throughout the country during 3 consecutive jumaat prayers to be donated to the people of Palestine. That is what rm1, rm2 contribution can achieve when the number contributing is big. Never underestimate the power we actually have.
So, going back to your post on BOYCOTT, i believe it is worth the effort so long that everyone do their bit. I believe that as Muslims, we will be asked – ‘when your brothers and sisters are being annihilated in Palestine, what did you do?’ I hope when the time comes I am able to answer that I sent them my prayers and that i reduced or better still stop spending the ‘rezeki’ bestowed on me on products produced by the very people who support the killings, directly or indirectly and hope that Allah has mercy on me for doing so little.
You mentioned in your post about pictures presented at the forum. Is there a website where we can view these pictures? So far, i have only come across one good site that have pictures of what is happening in Palestine. I read some of the comments here and your previous posts on Palestine/israel. Some gave extremely good feed backs while some others just twist and turn your words and waltz their way through trying to defend what is clearly wrong in the eyes of many throughout the world.
Should anyone feel the need to convince themselves that the boycott is necessary, i urge you to view the slide show below. Pay close attention to pic 20 where a boy no more than 5 years old with a bullet wound in the chest. Collateral damage? i doubt it.
Salam kasih dan hormat Ayahanda Tun
“By Hanan on January 30, 2009 6:46 AM”
Saya baca balik posting terawal Hanan macam yang link diatas tu. Cuba Tun tengok sekali lalu, apa yang Berita RTM siar dan tak siar pun dia boleh tahu. Hairan kan? Sebab setahu saya di Malaysia RTM belum lagi buat digital sequence programming format untuk siaran RTM. Makna tak boleh lagi streaming Berita RTM kat internet macam TV3. Jadi macam mana Hanan boleh tahu dari Israel? Dan dalam komen ketiga Hanan, dia ada sebut
Hanan’s taking advantage….. but not smart enough….. still meaningless!
Salam Dr. M…
May you give me a permission to answer some points raised by Hanan..
Shalom Hanan..nice to hear some POV from a Zionist like you…
Therefore the land was belonging to Jews prior any Muslim was even born including Prophet Muhammad.
Salam tu you, Sir.
Got an email from a friend regarding “Mengapa Yahudi Bijak?”. Since your blog is very popular, would like to share with other readers.
Thesis by Dr. Stephen Carr Leon. Malay Translation.
Setelah berada 3 tahun di Israel kerana menjalani housemanship dibeberapa disana, ada beberapa perkara yang menarik dapat saya perhatikan untuk dijadikan tesis ini, iaitu “Mengapa Yahudi Bijak?”. Memang tidak dapat dinafikan ramai cendikiawan berbangsa Yahudi, dari segala bidang,Engineering, musik, saintis dan yang paling hebat ialah bidang perniagaan,dimana ia memang paling tersohor. Hampir 70% perniagaan didunia dikuasai oleh kaum Yahudi, dari kosmetik, pakaian, pemakanan,senjata, perhotelan,perfileman di Hollywood dan sebagainya.Ketika tahun kedua, akhir bulan December 1980 dan sedang saya menghitung hari untuk pulang ke California saya terfikir apakah sebab nya kaum Yahudi begitu pintar? Kenapa tuhan memberi kelebihan kepada mereka? Apakah ini suatu kebetulan? Atau olah manusia sendiri? Adakah bijak boleh dijana? Seperti kilang pengeluaran? Maka saya pun tergerak membuat tesis untuk Phd saya,disamping kebaikan untuk umat sejagat dan dapat hidup secara harmoni…
Untuk pengetahuan anda tesis yang saya lakukan ini mengambil masa hampir lapan tahun, ini kerana untuk mengumpulkan data-data yang setepat mungkin.Antara data-data yang saya kumpulkan ialah pemakanan, adat resam, agama, persiapan awal untuk melahirkan zuriat dan sebagainya dan data-data tadi saya cuba bandingkan dengan bangsa dan kaum-kaum lain.Marilah kita mulakan dengan persiapan awal melahirkan zuriat. Di Israel,setelah mengetahui yang sang ibu sedang mengandung, pertama kali saya perhatikan ialah, sang ibu akan sering menyanyi dan bermain piano dan si ibu dan bapa akan membeli buku metamatik dan menyelesaikanmasalah metamatik bersama suami, saya sungguh hairan kerana teman saya yang mengandung sering membawa buku metamatik dan bertanya kepada saya beberapa soalan yang beliau tak dapat selesaikanya, oleh kerana saya memang minat tentang metamatik,tentu saja dengan senang saya membantu beliau. Saya bertanya kepada beliau,adakah ini untuk anak kamu? Beliau menjawab, “ya, ini untuk anak saya yang masih di dalam kandungan, saya sedang melatih otaknya, semoga ia menjadi genius apabila dewasa kelak” Perkara ini membuat saya tertarik untuk mengikuti perkembangan beliau seterusnya. Berbalik kepada metamatik tadi, tanpa merasa jenuh beliau membuat latihan matematik sehingga beliau melahirkan anak.
Seperkara lagi yang saya perhatikan ialah pemakanan beliau, sejak awal mengandung beliau gemar sekali memakan kacang badam dan kurma bersama susu,dan untuk tengah hari makanan utama beliau ialah roti dan ikan tanpa kepala bersama salad yang digaul dengan badam dan berbagai jenis kekacang, menuru beliau daging ikan sungguh baik untuk perkembangan otak dan kepala ikan mengandungi kimia yang tidak baik yang dapat merosakkan pengembangan dan penumbuhan otak anak di dalam kandungan. Menurut beliau ini adalah adat orang-orang yahudi ketika mengandung dan ianya menjadi semacam kewajipan untuk ibu-ibu yang sedang mengandung mengambil pil minyak ikan.
Ketika saya diundang untuk makan malam bersama orang-orang Yahudi, perkara pertama yang saya perhatikan ialah menu mereka. Setiap undangan yg sama perhatikan ialah mereka gemar sekali memakan ikan (hanya isi atau fillet) dan biasanya daging tidak akan ada bersama di meja jika ada ikan, menurut mereka, campuran daging dan ikan tak elok dimakan bersama. Salad dan kacang adalah suatu kemestian, terutama badam. Seperkara yang pelik ialah mereka akan memakan buah buahan dahulu sebelum memakan hidangan utama. Jangan terperanjat jika anda diundang kerumah Yahudi anda akan dihidangkan buah buahan dahulu. Menurut mereka,dengan memakan hidangan karbohidrat (nasi atau roti) dahulu kemudian buah-buahan, ini akan menyebabkan kita merasa ngantuk dan lemah dan payah untuk memahami pelajaran di sekolah.
Di Israel, merokok adalah taboo, apabila anda diundang makan dirumah Yahudi,jangan sekali-kali merokok, dan tanpa malu mereka akan menyuruh anda keluar dari rumah mereka dan merokok di luar rumah mereka. Menurut saintis di Universiti Israel , siasatan menunjukkan nikotin dapat merosakkan sel utama pada otak manusia dan akan melekat pada genes, ini bermakna keturunan perokok bakal membawa generasi yg cacat otak (bodoh atau lembab). Suatu penemuan yg dahsyat ditemui oleh saintis yg mendalami bidang genes dan DNA… Para perokok harap ambil perhatian. (Ironi nya,pemilik pengeluar rokok terbesar adalah …… tekalah sendiri..!)
Perhatian saya selanjutnya ialah melawati tadika mereka.Pemakanan anak-anak tadi cukup dikawal, makanan awal ialah buah-buahan bersama kacang badam,diikuti dengan menelan pil minyak ikan (code oil lever).Dalam pengamatan saya, kanak-kanak Yahudi sungguh bijak dan rata-rata mereka memahami 3 bahasa iaitu Hebrew, Arab dan Inggeris dan sedari awal lagi mereka telah dilatih bermain piano dan violin, ini adalah suatu kewajipan. Menurut mereka bermain musik dan memahami nota-notanya dapat meningkatkan lagi IQ kanak-kanak dan sudah tentu bakal menjadikan budak itu bijak.
Ini menurut saintis Yahudi, gegaran musik dapat stimulate(semacam senaman untuk otak) maka itu terdapat ramai sekali genius musik terdiri dari kaum Yahudi.Seterusnya ke darjah 1 hingga 6, anak-anak Yahudi akan diajar matematik berkonsepkan perniagaan dan pelajaran sains amatlah diberi keutamaan. Di dalam perhatian peribadi saya, perbandingan dengan anak-anak di California ianya jauh berbeza tentang IQ dan boleh saya katakan 6 tahun kebelakang!!!Segala pelajaran akan dengan mudah ditangkap oleh anakYahudi. Selain dari pelajaran tadi sukan juga menjadi kewajipan bagi mereka dan sukan yg diberi keutamaan ialah memanah, menembak dan berlari, menurut teman saya ini memanah dan menembak dapat melatih otak memfokus sesuatu perkara disampingmempermudahkan persiapan untuk perhidmatan negara.
Selanjutnya pemerhatian saya menuju ke sekolah tinggi(menengah) disini murid-murid ditekankan dengan pelajaran sains dan mereka digalakkan mencipta produk, segala projek mereka walaupun kadangkala kelihatannya lucu dan mengarut, tetap diteliti dengan serius apatah lagi ianya berupa senjata, perubatan dan engineering, idea itu akan dibawa ke institute tinggi di Politeknik dan Universiti.
Satu lagi yg diberi keutamaan ialah fakulti perniagaan.Saya sungguh
terperanjat melihat mereka begitu agresif dan seriusnya mereka tentang perniagaan. Di akhir tahun di universiti, para penuntut di
bidang niaga dikehendaki melakukan projek dan mempraktikkanya dan anda hanya akan lulus jika kumpulan anda(10 pelajar setiap kumpulan) dapat keuntungan sebanyak $US1juta! Anda terperanjat? Itulah kenyataan, dengan rangkaian seluruh dunia dan ditaja sepenuhnya oleh syarikat milik Yahudi, maka tidak hairanlah mereka dapat menguasai ½ perniagaan di dunia! Siapakah yg mencipta design Levis yg terkini? Ianya dicipta di Universiti Israel oleh fakulti bisnes dan fesyen.
Pernahkah anda melihat cara orang Yahudi melakukan ibadah mereka? Salah satu caranya ialah dengan menggoyangkan kepala mereka, menurut
mereka ini dapat mengaktifkan otak mereka dan menambahkan oksigen di kepala,banyak agama lain di Timur Tengah, seperti Islam juga ada menyuruh umatnya menunduk atau menggoyangkan kepala, ini guna dapat mensimulasikan otak kita supaya bertambah aktif. Lihat orang-orang Jepun, mereka sering menunduk-nundukkan kepala dan ianya sebagai adat. Ramai orang-orang Jepun yg pandai? Adakah ianya sebagai kebetulan? Kegemaran mereka ialah sushi (ikan mentah).. Adakah
ini kebetulan? Fikirkanlah!
Berpusat di New York, Dewan perniagaan Yahudi bersedia membantu mereka yg berminat untuk melakukan bisnes (sudah tentu untuk Yahudi
sahaja) jika mereka ada idea yg bernas, jawatankuasa akan me mberipinjaman tanpa faedah dan pentadbir dari jawatankuasa tadi akan bekerjasama dengan anda untuk memastikan yg perniagaan mereka menurut landasan yg betul.Maka itu lahirlah Starbuck, Dell comptr, Cocacola, DKNY, Oracle, Perfileman di Hollywood,Levis, Dunkin Donut dan ada beratus kedai ternama di bawah naungan dewan perniagaan Yahudi di New York. Graduan Yahudi dari fakulti perubatan New York akan disarankan untuk mendaftar di persatuan ini dan digalakkan memulakan klinik mereka sendiri dengan bantuan wang tanpa faedah, barulah saya tahu mengapa hospital di New York dan California
sentiasa kekurangan doktor pakar.
Kesimpulanya, pada teori saya, melahirkan anak dan keturunan yg bijak boleh dilaksanakan dan tentunya bukan semalaman, ianya memerlukan masa, beberapa generasi mungkin? Persiapan awal adalah ketika sang ibu mengandung,galakkanlah si ibu melakukan latihan matematik yg mudah tetapi konsisten disamping mendengar musik klasik. Seterusnya ubahlah cara pemakanan, makanlah makanan yg elok dan berhasiat yg baik untuk otak,menghayati musik sejak kecil adalah baik sekali untuk penumbuhan otak kanak kanak,dengan bermain
piano dan violin sudah tentu dapat melatih anak anak mencerdaskan otak mereka demikian juga sukan yg memerlukan konsentrasi yg tinggi, seperti memanah, bola keranjang, dart dan menembak.Merokok menjanjikan generasi yg moron (goblok) dan sudah tentu genes bodoh akan mengikut ke generasi si perokok..
Lawatan saya ke Singapore pada tahu 2005 amat memeranjatkan sekali, di sini perokok seperti dianak tirikan dan begitu susah sekali untuk perokok dan anda tahu berapa harga sekotak rokok? US$ 7 !!! ini bersamaan perbelanjaan sehari untuk makan anda!! Saya puji sekali sikap pemerintah Singapore dan menkjubkan sekali!!!dan seperti Israel ianya begitu taboo dan cara pentadbiran dan segi pembelajaran mereka hampir serupa dengan Israel , maka itu saya lihat banyak institusi pelajaran mereka bertaraf dunia walaupun hakikatnya negeri Singapore hanyalah sebuah pulau sebesar Manhattan !!
Anda mungkin musykil, benarkah merokok dapat melahirkan generasi goblok, saya telah menemui beberapa bukti menyokong teori ini.Lihat saja Indonesia,jika anda ke Jakarta, di mana saja anda berada, dari
restoran, teater, kebun bunga hingga ke muzium hidung anda akan segera terbau asak rokok! Dan harga rokok? Cuma US$ .70cts !!! dan hasilnya? Dengan penduduknya berjumlah jutaan orang berapa banyak kah universiti terdapat disana? Hasil apakah yg dapat dibanggakan? Teknologi? Jauh sekali. Adakah mereka dapat berbahasa selain dari bahasa mereka sendiri? Mengapa mereka begitu sukar sekali menguasai
bahasa Inggeris? Ditangga berapakah kedudukan mereka di pertandingan
matematik sedunia? Adakah ini bukan akibat merokok? Anda fikirlah sendiri.
Di tesis saya ini, saya tidak akan menimbulkan soal agama atau bangsa, adakah Yahudi itu zalim sehingga diusir semenjak zaman Paraoh hingga ke Hitler, bagi saya itu isu politik dan survival, yg ingin saya ketengahkan ialah, mampukah kita dapat melahirkan generasi yg bijak seperti Yahudi? Jawapannya ialah mungkin dan tidak mustahil dan ianya memerlukan perubahan,dari segi pemakanan dan cara mendididik anak dan saya kira hanya memerlukan 3 generasi sahaja. Ini dapat saya lihat sendiri tentang cucu saya, ini setelah saya mengajar anak saya melalui program yg telah saya nyatakan di
atas tadi, pada umur 9 tahun (cucu saya) dia dapat menulis karangan sepanjang 5 muka surat penuh. Karangannya hanyalah mengenai Mengapa Saya Gemarkan Tomato!
Selamat sejahtera dan semoga kita dapat melahirkan manusia yg bijak dan bersifat mulia untuk kebaikan manusia sejagat tanpa mengenal batasan bangsa dan agama.
Salam kasih dan hormat Ayahanda Tun. Saya rasa kurang senang bila blog Tun ini pun juga dipantau oleh Sayanem Yahudi. Sedih jugak Tun sebab sebenarnya, kelemahan Melayu yang memberikan mereka ruang ini. Saya harap sesiapa Melayu yang sokong PKR dengan DAP – sudah lah. Sedar lah sikit apa yang sedang diperjudikan. Tentang PAS, saya tak yakin PAS akan dapat bertahan lama dalam Pakatan Rakyat pun. Sayanem, Sayanem – Sayanem! Memang bahaya Yahudi ni!
Wassalam Ayahanda Tun.
Hanan the…
what ever u said… aku tetap benci yahudi.. yes i’m anti-sematic
Salam kasih Ayahanda Tun. Tun ada perasan tak si Hanan ni? Bila Tun tulis pasal Mozzarella dia tak komen, dia diam. Pasal Airport Kali di Labu pun dia diam. Tapi bila Tun tulis saja pasal Yahudi, choih dia sampai. – Ada Tun perasan dak? Sayanem? Sure punya Tun. Tu atas tu, sepupu sama kala dengan Sammy Davis Jr, Joshua Kumar – tu tak Sayanem? Tinted glass punya Sayanem. Tu dia lah Melayu, mai kita cekik sama sendiri. Hang sepak pungkok aku, aku tendang pungkok hang. Anwar? Jangan libatkan dia hal macam ni. Bahaya. Tapi kita tak sedaq sedaq lagi, sama kita punya channel pun dah di bolos Sayanem network depa. Hebat noo. Tu la, duk kata dah. Hanya dengan 26 abjad, satu dunia depa putaq belit yang kata Yahudi ni.
Wassalam Ayahanda Tun.
Dear Tun,
I would like to reply to the comment made by Hanan.
Dear Hanan,
I appreciate your effort to explain the major points regarding this matter. Somehow you must also understand that the action taken by the HAMAS or Israelis army are both wrong and should be condemned. There is not one religion in this world including Islam, Christian, Judaism or Buddha or any other that teach the people to kill another human being. It shows that you are very arrogant and ignorant person who thinks that killing one another is fine. You call yourself to be a Jew but I am sure that your religion does not teach you to kill others.
I also need to remind you that the blockaded done by the Israelis army on Palestinians people from getting good supply and other supply has caused to all this problem. If they allow the Palestinians to live their lives without any sanction on them, they will not be getting any rocket attack from the HAMAS. I am sure of that. The Zionist continue doing so because they want to have a valid reason to retaliate by killing more Palestinians so they will be perished from this earth. That is your Zionist ambition. I know you know this very well. Since you yourself claimed to be a Zionist.
You can go on and say whatever you want about this whole issue. But for me and I think for most of the people in this world, they do not like you the ZIONIST. It is not because you are an Israelis but it is because you are ZIONIST. I have a good friend of mine who happen to be an American Jew. But he lives his life simple and do business as usual without any problem here in Kuala Lumpur. And I am sure that there are many more of them who are good Jews around the world. Same as muslim. We also have the good muslim around the world who follow the God’s revelation which is the Koran. But somehow we also have the bad Muslim around the world who commit suicide bombing in the name of Allah.
And the Palestinians are very stubborn and they will do whatever it takes to win. Same goes to your people of Israel. They will do what it takes to win too. So you tell me Hanan, do you want this to continue? Do you want to see people living side by side without any problem or living side by side but killing each other and make each others life hard enough that the kids can’t go to school, no food to eat, no proper education, no places safe to go and live their life like 1000 years ago with no electricity, no internet connection.
If you choose to see them living that sort of life then I must say that all your argument earlier was for nothing. Because you are just as arrogant as the Palestinians Arab. You are very selfish person who only think for yourself and your people only. You are very stubborn who does not want to listen to any other voice around the world that condemned the killing of innocent people of Palestine.
Do you remember what you did before to people of Jenin? People of Gaza? Other top leaders of the Islamic ruling party? You do not care because their blood is nothing compare to your people. The Hamas kill your people not more than 20 people in the recent attack but the Israelis army killed more than 1500 of innocent people. So you tell me, is there any fairness in your attack? Is there any logic to your killings? Come on Hanan. I am sure you have a good brain to think for yourself. Maybe you should take a bit of time to think about it. But maybe also you do not have a good heart so you will take as many minutes as possible but you will never understand it. You will not get what I am saying and the world is demanding. Because you are just as bad as the Arabs who are stubborn and ignorant towards another people’s point of view.
We are living in 20th century now and we still killing one another just to fulfill our lust and to be in power.
Now in Israel they are having an election to elect a new Prime Minister. I pray to Allah that the new leader will be a good leader who has a good heart and who will not kill the innocent people like the previous leader of Israel. But I doubt it though because as long as the Zionist mentality is still in power, they will continue killing people for no reason.
I hope that all Arabs in the middle east get up and fight the Israelis. They are very small country will less than 4 million people. The Arab Gulf combined will get more than 100 people. I am sure the Arab will win anytime by just fighting one on one. There should be easy. But it is not as simple as that. Because the Arab leaders are coward. They do not want to risk their fortune by involving in the war between the Palestine and Israel. They rather spend their money on sleeping with as many girls as possible and buying alcohol to make them drunk all the times and splashing the money on building their mansion and buying sport cars as many as the one in the car dealer show room.
You may argue with the best brain in the world Hanan but you will never change your mentality about this war. You have something that is blocking your brain from receiving information clearly just like the Palestinians being blocked from getting food from Israelis. That is why both of you are acting like animals because you can;t get what you want. You just acting like animals who only think to fulfill their lust and wish list.
thank you
Dear Dr M ,
Sir, in my opinion, I feel that you have not understood the basics of the conflict in Israeli-Palestinian unrest.
The Israeli-Palestinian conflict is based on History, Religion and Sentiments. One has to know the history of Israel. How it existed and where it all began.
One must also understand that Islam began after Judiasm and Christianity existed. 600 plus years later than Christianity was practiced as a faith and religion. But Israel existed way beyond 1300BC during the time of Abraham.
Abraham had 2 sons , Ishmael and Issac. And Issac had 2 sons Jacob and Esau. In Judaism and Bibilical text of faith , God changed Jacob’s name to Israel and he had 12 sons who later became the 12 tribes of Israel till today.
We also see the Isralites went to Egypt in serach of food and settled in Egypt as became as slaves there. Egypt was not a Muslim nation then.
Moses led them to the Land of Israel, that is cited as the promised land by God to the decendants of the patriarchs, Abraham, Isaac and Israel (Jacob), which is the current place where both the Israelis and Palestinians exist.
The Rule of Israelites in the land of Israel starts with the conquests of Joshua (1250 BC).
In 587 BC, Babylonian’s Nebuchadnezzar’s arm captured Jersusalem , destoyed the Temple of the Israelities and exiled the Jews to Babylon (modern day Iraq) fom their homeland.
The year 587 BC marks a turning point in the history of the region. From this year onwards, the region was ruled or controlled by a succession of suerpower, empires of the time in the follwing order:
Foreign Empires that ruled in Israel Period Empire Major Events
587 BCE – Babylonian
Destruction of the first Temple.
538-333 BCE – Persian
Return of the exiled Jews from Babylon and construction of the second Temple (520-515 BCE).
333-63 BCE – Hellenistic
Conquest of the region by the army of Alexander the Great (333 BCE). The Greeks generally allowed the Jews to run their state. But, during the rule of the king Antiochus IV, the Temple was desecrated. This brought about the revolt of the Maccabees, who established an independent rule. The related events are celebrated during the Hanukah holiday.
63 BCE-313 CE – Roman
The Roman army led by Titus conquered Jerusalem and destroyed the Second Temple at 70 CE. Jewish people were then exiled and dispersed to the Diaspora. In 132, Bar Kokhba organized a revolt against Roman rule, but was killed in a battle in Bethar in Judean Hills. Subsequently the Romans decimated the Jewish community, renamed Jerusalem as Aelia Capitolina and Judea as Palaestina to obliterate Jewish identification with the Land of Israel (the word Palestine, and the Arabic word Filastin originate from this Latin name).
The remaining Jewish community moved to northern towns in the Galilee. Around 200 CE the Sanhedrin was moved to Tsippori (Zippori, Sepphoris). The Head of Sanhedrin, Rabbi Yehuda HaNassi (Judah the Prince), compiled the Jewish oral law, Mishna.
313-636 – Byzantine
636-1099 – Arab
Dome of the Rock was built by Caliph Abd el-Malik on the grounds of the destroyed Jewish Temple.
1099-1291 – Crusaders The crusaders came from Europe to capture the Holy Land following an appeal by Pope Urban II, and massacred the non-Christian population. Later Jewish community in Jerusalem expanded by immigration of Jews from Europe.
1291-1516 – Mamluk
1516-1918 – Ottoman
During the reign of Sultan Suleiman the Magnificent (1520-1566) the walls of the Old City of Jerusalem were rebuilt. Population of the Jewish community in Jerusalem increased.
1917-1948 – British
Great Britain recognized the rights of the Jewish people to establish a “national home in Palestine”. Yet they greatly curtailed entry of Jewish refugees into Israel even after World War II. They split Palestine mandate into an Arab state which has become the modern day Jordan, and Israel.
So, we see, Israel had been invaded by many empires and were driven out of their homeland which was theirs. These had been also been prophecied by prophets of then, that they will go into such ordeal.
So, whats wrong in Israel occupying their own land and are actually accomodating the Palestinians. The land originally belongs to Israel. Also God Almighty is with them, they cannot be shaken after so many wars with them by the neighbouring countries.
Salam kasih dan hormat Ayahanda Tun.
🙂 Tu yang saya tulis dalam bahasa Melayu tu. Tak mau duk sangkut dengan Yahudi putaq alam macam ni la. Bagi dia 26 abjad Rumi, dia putaq alam satu denia Tun 🙂 Kalah sapa spin doctor di KL tu…apa nama dia? eish tak ingat..duk jual surat khabaq dengak kata…:)
Dear Dr. Mahathir,
May Allah bless you.
maybe they need to attack Palestine to get more and more benefits? otherwise they didn’t have target at all?
A;kum Tun,
I am very proud of you of what you had done so far on this issue. But let’s not be forgotten that the Arabs themselves do not want to improve their well being. So as long as they have this ego in their mindset, they will always be acting and behaving the same way.
I’m very upset with the Muslim around the world because they choose to kill and call it as a JIHAD when Allah clearly said in the Koran that no one is allowed to kill another human being. If you kill one person is like you kill all mankind. So what are they point of killing? Allah already made it clear. But because of ego and of course some hatred feeling towards the Jews, this has made situation worse.
I agree with you Tun that this war is not about ISLAM or JUDAISM or religious war but its about territorial war. Somehow the MUSLIM do not understand it. They insist on killing them back. So this war will go on forever.
That is why Allah send our last Prophet to be an Arab because Allah knows what type of people they are.They are stubborn and egoistic people. They do not care about what happen to the children, women, and the old people of Palestine who suffered the most from the rocket attack. They want to accomplish their mission of getting to kill as many Jews as possible but they know they will not succeed in doing so. Yet they continue sending rockets over to the Israelis territory. They get even greater attack from the Israelis army with more than 1000 people killed for nothing. Just because of egoistic? Come on. This world is too good for us to die for nothing and claiming it to be a SYAHID when Allah already said you do not kill another mankind.
For your effort and hard work, I thank you and I salute you for that. I agree with some people saying that they want you to be the middle person to handle this case and get it done over with. I am sure you are more than capable of doing it. But again, as long as the Arabs do not want to change their destiny, they will be among the losers. Even in the Koran also Allah mentioned about it.
I am MUSLIM myself but I pity ISLAM as a religion because of all this ARABS who claimed them to be the chosen one or to fight in the name of ALLAH and all sorts of other claims. That is why the western people or any other people in the world hate ISLAM. So sad that they hate ISLAM because of the behavior of the MUSLIMS. Only if they understand the meaning of ISLAM which is only to Submit to God alone and no others.
For the Arabs around the world, wake up people before it’ s too late.
thank you
one must find the root of problem to tackle the problem itself. the root is too deep to be found while the problem is growing.
as we malaysian, we also like to overreact to certain issues without seeing the situation from outside the box. please see things thoroughly before making any assumption or judgement. sometimes what we see is just the tip of the iceberg.
God gives us mind to think rationally. At this time around, most people around the Gaza strip do not use their mind effectively. How many distruption, disaster, killings must occur to win a war that they themselves do not know the reason and cause of the war?
I feel pity for the victims. They died longing for peace and freedom in the own homeland.
Near Total Zionist Jewish Control Of The British Media:
After television news, daily newspapers are the most influential information medium in America. Sixty million of them are sold (and presumably read) each day. These millions are divided among some 1,600 different publications.
One might conclude that the sheer number of different newspapers across America would provide a safeguard against minority control and distortion. Alas, such is not the case. There is less independence, less competition, and must less representation of majority interests than a casual observer would think.
The days when most cities and even towns had several independently owned newspaper published by local people with close ties to the community are gone. Most of them were bought out or driven out of business by the mid-1970s. Today most “local” newspapers are owned by a rather small number of large companies controlled by executives who live and work hundreds or even thousands of miles away.
The fact is that only about 20 percent of the country
Here is how the Zionist Jews control Western media:
Electronic News & Entertainment Media
Continuing government deregulation of the telecommunications industry has resulted, not in the touted increased competition, but rather in an accelerating wave of corporate mergers and acquisitions that have produced a handful of multi-billion-dollar media conglomerates.
Whenever you watch television, whether from a local broadcasting station or via a cable or satellite dish; whenever you see a feature film in a theater or at home; whenever you listen to the radio or recorded music, whenever you read a newspaper, book, or magazine
Dear Dr,
It has been quite sometimes since my last comment. Anyway, let me first congratulate you for having more than 10 mil visitors into yr site. I recalled making a challenge to you before but you did very well!
Also, tahniah for your unstoppable efforts in making sure that Pak Lah, the worst Prime Minister this country has ever had, coming to his senses and agreeing to resign next month. Actually, he should have resigned long time ago. This country has suffered enough due to his many ‘flip flop’ actions. I hope Najib will take immediate corrective actions to put this country back to where we were before.
Now back to Palestinians issue. I have seen plenty of charity events being organised in Malaysia to collect donations for the Palestinian cause and I feel it is very UNFAIR. Money collected are to be given to Palestinians to reduce their suffering, develop their infrastructure and rebuild their future. This is all done just because the Jewish regime had bombed their land, destroyed their life and killed their children. And now we are made to pay for the actions of this bloody regime. To me, the regime must be brought to the war criminal court and made to pay and compensate for what they had done to the Palestinians.
At the same time, I would like to suggest to you that whenever you have the opportunity to speak at the OIC forum (to all leaders of the Islamic nations), please get all the leaders present except the Arab leaders, to strongly condemn the Arabs for what actually happened to the Palestinians. To me, nobody should be blamed for this problem except the Arabs. With the money that they have, they never put it to good cause; for good knowledge and research; to develop high technology; to build sophisticated weapons; etc.
Instead, they use the money to satisfy their lust and grediness. When we really think about it, they deserve what they get and perhaps, Allah may want to test them until they realise the real purpose of their existance on this ‘muka bumi’. Until then, Arabs will always be Arabs, fighting each other, never bother of their own blood and not wanting to unite as one strong and solid ummah who could rule the world like before.
To you Dr, stay healthy as Malaysians still need you!
Realitinya, kisah Palestin ini adalah kisah manusia yang telah mendedahkan realiti kepalsuan atas nama “sokongan hak kemanusian”. Ia juga memaparkan kezaliman yang bermaharajalela dalam “new world order’. Adalah menakjubkan mereka telah mempertahankan hak binatang dan menghalang manusia dari menyakitinya sedangkan mereka telah menzalimi manusia yang hidup dalam keadaan yang menyeksakan dan ketakutan akibat serangan mereka yang bertali arus. Pendudukan zionis ini adalah contoh penjajahan barat yang berlaku sehingga saat ini tapi dalam pelbagai bentuk kepalsuan.
Saya percaya, tidak lama lagi Allah akan membalas kezaliman Israel di “negara” mereka sendiri. Bila dan bagaimana, hanya Allah yang tentukan. Tahniah di ucapkan pada rakyat malaysia yang memboikot, menderma dan berusaha bermacam cara menyedarkan semua berkaitan isu ini. Tapi persoalannya, sampai bila?
Sepatutnya dari dahulu lagi umat islam pertahankan empayar dan mengukuhkan kekuatan selepas Salehuddin al-Ayubi berjaya merebut Jurusalem. Ya, memang kita berjaya mencipta ilmu dan di sanjung tinggi masa itu kerana umatnya teguh iman dan aman damai berbilang agama. Tetapi Israel bukan begitu. Mereka jijik melihat islam berada di tengah tengahnya. Apabila nanti al-Aqsa roboh kerana yahudi menggali terowong di bawahnya, apakah kita tidak menyalahkan mereka? Apakah kita bersetuju jika Israel mengatakan al-Aqsa roboh dengan sendirinya? Ada juga sesetengah pemimpin arab berkata perlukan strategik untuk bertindak, tetapi dari 1948 hingga sekarang, tidak jumpa lagikah strategiknya? Israel tiada kelemahan atau umat islam itu sendiri yang lemah?
Semua ini berpunca dari pemimpin pemimpin Arab itu sendiri. Tidak keterlaluan jika saya kata, MEMERANGI PEMIMPIN ARAB LEBIH BAIK DARI MEMERANGI ISRAEL. Dengan sikap pentingkan diri dan berkecuali mereka, terlalu menjengkelkan. Pada mereka, minyak lebih berharga dari isu Palestin. Pada mereka, berkelahi sesama sendiri lebih baik dari bersatu. Pada mereka, kepentingan politik mereka lebih penting dari tuntutan agama. CELAKALAH KAMU WAHAI PEMIMPIN ARAB. Mereka ini sebenarnya lebih zalim dari zionis.
Sejauh mana umat islam sekarang boleh mengajar pemimpin arab itu? Jika Arab henti keluarkan minyak dengan niat kerana Palestin, DEMI ALLAH saya sanggup berjalan kaki kemana saja. Adakah Petronas, Brunei dan lain lain pengeluar minyak islam sanggup?
Tidakkah kita berasa malu hidup di zaman umat islam yang penuh dengan sifat bakhil dan banyak angan angan? Tidakkah kita berasa malu hidup di zaman umat islam yang lebih cintakan dunia daripada mati? Ke mana kita hendak pergi sebenarnya? Hidup pun tiada jasa pada saudara seagama, mati pula di soal Allah mengapa tidak menolong mereka. Umat islam percaya pada rukun iman, percaya Allah itu maha adil, tetapi jika solat lima waktu pun kadang kadang kita sendiri terlepas, layakkah kita mengharap keadilan itu pulang kepada kita?
I’m a free thinker but i don’t know much about Palestinians and Jewish so called religious war. The actual problem is from the leader of both country. It’s useless that talk about how violent the war is or whose fault is it. Can the people in the war or even the leader now see what had happened before and they just fight for a reason which they don’t see at all. It’s not the citizen fault if there’s war in their country maybe they were uneducated but the leader should be blame.
The leader want to fight, just fight to each other themselve not sacrified the innocent citizen who just follow order. If they willing to peace they just need to brain wash the next generation using the Emperor QI( 1st emperor of China who united the whole china). They can delete everything they knew about the unreasonable war to next generation. Moral education is the the thing both country lack of. The people need to know in every circumstances there’s always consequences. I can’t see what good consequences they can see in this endless war. Is it they love to see their people die for some reason they believe but never know why? Is it worth to die that way?(I’m sure they were given another reason that they can’t see, sound like a good reason but it’s not because they were lack of knowledge)
Tun, if they really want talk about justice all this won’t happen. I don’t look up on them for brave fighting in war because it’s stupid but sympathy them for their life who live for a war where it will continue. Their leader make the citizen live like a bugs where it they do the same thing as the last generation and pass to the next generation and so on. Even bugs know when to defend themselve when it needed. I know all these word won’t heard by any of them eventhought it really get to them, they won’t understand. The mistake of the whole thing it’s both country choose a wrong leader. It’s just they are living way too far behind any country who have little of knowledge. ‘Everyone have their own dream to live, not to live for someone dream’
Hi Tun,
Pada pendapat saya, selagi Negara2 Islam terutamanya Negara2 Arab selagi itulah rakyat Palestine akan menderita….
Hulur duit sahaja tidak mencukupi mungkin akan mengurangkan beban rakyat palestine tetapi sampai bila…
Assalamualaikum Tun, The history of war which is now referred as Palestian-Israel war, is a very big history indeed. It is a history of war as long as mankind itself. So to say that it is because of the European, or Israel, or Palestian, or the Arabs, is not leading to anywhere. In other words, by involving all human races or religions, in Palestinian cause, will lead to nowhere, and on the contrary, it will only lead to more intense arguments, debate, polemics or whatever.
The only way is to focus on amicable solution, even if it only involve a segment of the land, the people, or whatever. Manking must made headway, even if it is only a step forward.
Those Palestinians and Israelis, who are adaptable enough to live side by side, must be promoted and make known of their achievements, so as to see that lights of peaceful living do exist amongst the Palestinians and/or Israelis.
salam Tun,
my friend Matahari,
you said you like to look at things objectively,but I think you were deceptively misled by cunning indoctrination through western media.
This is twisted logic at its best.If the jews were the original inhabitants then they would have named it otherwise,not Palestine as it is known today.
As it is Palestine were named after the original inhabitants,the Philistines!
Open up your eyes and see.Another cunning deception the western media is trying to impose on the world now is the image of The Dome of The Rock (Masjidil AL-Aqsa)in Baitulmaqdis.
The image they want the world to see is the one with the golden dome,right?It is actually the image of another mosque nearby,built in the 15th century.Dome of the Rock is actually an old building nearby.
Why you asked?Because when the jews get to actually demolish the Dome,they will still be able to fool the world by showing the image of the mosque nearby!
How long were the jews actually in Palestine before they were dispersed thousands of years ago?You’d be shocked!
Now if we were to follow the Zionist jews twisted logic,the world’s maps would be turned upside down.The White Americans should be evacuated out to make way for the Red Indians,so do their cousins in Australia and New Zealand!
Please try to be really objective next time!If you were to be really objective,then you will find that you do not have a choice but to symphatise with the plight of the Palestinians.
good of you to ask Tun to read the Holy Bible,but which version,may I ask?
And may I suggest that you also try to read the Holy Quran?Don’t worry,there is and always will be only one version.Not even a single word can be taken out or put in.
Oh yes,and try to be REALLY OBJECTIVE when studying the Holy Quran as many people (especially white folks!) who are interested in finding REAL truth are beginning to discover for themselves.
Why it may even be life-changing!
Salam kasih dan hormat Ayahanda Tun.
Tzipi Livni (99% Bakal PM Israel yang baru) adalah bekas agen risikan Mossad Israel dan juga bekas ahli kepada pertubuhan yang menamakan diri mereka Irgun
I am wondering what will Hanan say about this….
Assalamu Alaikum Tun,
A big question on these middle east perenial problems are who should be a trusted mediator that can guanratee fair treatment especially to the Paletinians. All United Nations appointed peace brokers so far seem like siding Israel. So is there any hope for justice solution for the Palestinian?
For T,
By T on February 10, 2009 1:54 PM
It is grossly unfair for the British to give Sabah and Sarawak to Malaya…
….fact ignorant jerk
..and yet,the ‘owner’had to have passport to enter the ‘given states’
What peace when the government of Livni which launched the attack on Gaza is being voted back to power? No parties advocating peace were voted into power in yesterday’s elections. The media in Israel is also under the control of elites bent on war and carnage.
The voices of protest and dissent with Israel’s policy have been there right from its inception or even before it. Martin Buber, a Jewish theologian didn’t think the solution to the Jews’ problems was a physical state anywhere, but renewal of the Jewish mind. So your comment somewhere why not a state of Israel in the US brings home the point.
The state of Israel was set up by religous fanatics, with the backing of the US whose policies in the region have suppressed all voices of moderation.
Perhaps a new generation exposed to the internet and the sordid truth, and the movements to criminalise war are our only hopes of peace again and a Palestine where both Jews and Arabs can live together with dignity.
what baffles me is that all throughout your 22 years of administration, you’ve been openly opposed to the Israeli administration. Now, your tune seems to have changed – you say you’re personally not against them, just their intention to expand their landmass.
You’re criticism of their type of personalities being the cause of Asian economic crisis, your continued criticism of their political ideologies being the cause of the continued disruption of peace in the Middle East Region, and your lack of direct initiatives to broker any peace deals between the Arab & Isreali nation.
Malaysia is positioned to be an ideal infrastructure to bridge the gap between the Arab Muslim and Jewish fabric. Yet, Malaysia under you was all about hatred for the Israeli administration, not about finding the compromise. Malaysia allowed US and Britain to form such platforms, and when things didnt work out, criticise those very countries who for 1/have major issues ironing out the differences between the conflict nations 2/with most of their internal politics influenced by their Israeli descendent citizens.
What do you expect – you can’t be inciting hate in one end, and then “faking concern” in another.
Either you really want peace in that region – and if you really are sincere, set up a true committee to engineer the peace.
The fact you set up a foundation to criminalise WAR, and not a foundation to foster peace is you realise, it’s easier to point fingers…but a lot harder to work towards success!
So, sir, I humbly ask of you – You can still run the foundation to criminalise War – there will always be those hard nuts. But be sincere and set up a sister foundation to “Foster Peace in the world”.
“Don’t be afraid of success!”
Al-Fatihah buat semua rakyat palestin yang rebah dibumi sendiri..terlalu sedih bila menatap mayat-mayat anak kecil yang tak mengerti apa-apa tetapi telah menerima azab sedemikian rupa..
terkenang baby kecil dirumah,kalau boleh seekor nyamuk pun tak nak hinggap menggigit badan dia..inikan pula luka,berdarah,hancur & ntah ape lagi yang patut ditulis kat sini bagi menggambarkan betapa seksanya mereka dibedil,dibunuh sedemikian rupa..Ye,mereka mati Syahid..terlepas dari segala azab kubur..cuma naluri seorang ibu terlalu sedih melihat semua itu.Semoga Allah melindungi bumi Palestin dari terus direjam dengan begitu kejam sekali..
Bersyukur..Malaysia dijauhkan dengan semua itu. Namun tidak terkecuali sekiranya kita sendiri menjemput kesengsaraan tersebut muncul dalam kehidupan kita satu hari nanti..Na’uzubillah..
buat Ayahanda Tun M..jaga kesihatan ye.. 🙂
Salam Tun,
Susah Tun kalau kita cuba pisahkan perang ini dari perang agama. Saya difahamkan, objektif sebenar Zionis adalah untuk “Greater Israel” yang lebih luas dari tanah jajahan sekarang. Dan mereka akan runtuhkan Masjid Al-Aqsa bagi membina Haikal Sulaiman. Itu idaman mereka. Tindakan ini juga mendapat sokongan daripada pihak Kristian Protestant kerana mereka percaya salah satu tanda akhir zaman atau “Armageddon” adalah terbentuknya negara Israel, terbinanya Haikal Sulaiman dan “Jesus Christ” akan turun semula di bumi setelah siapnya Haikal Sulaiman. “Jesus Christ” akan memimpin semua Yahudi dan Kristian ke Armaggedon untuk melawan tentera “Anti-Christ”. Siapakah golongan Anti-Christ yang terbasar? Saya rasa jawapannya seluruh umat Islam.
Saya sudah boleh faham siapa Yahudi dan siapa Zionis. Saya baca melalui internet bahawa ada segilintir Yahudi yang tidak bersetuju dengan apa pemimpin mereka lakukan. Ada yang menentang Zionis melalui “pashkavil”. Ada juga NGO “Naturei Karta” yang menentang pembentukan negara Israel.
Walaupun Zionis diertikan sebagai ideologi dan sekular, tetapi pada saya ia tidak lari dari perjuangan agama. Ada golongan berhaluan kanan yang mahukan orang Arab dihalau dari tanah jajahan Israel. Di Amerika memang diketahui umum majoriti golongan elit “neo-con” adalah pro Zionis dan ada dua kerakyatan, AS dan Israel. Golongan ini juga yang menjadi “penasihat” kepada Presiden AS dan golongan ini juga adalah anggota AIPAC. Saya dapat menonton sedutan persidangan AIPAC melalui youtube yang mana seorang “Reverand” dari Kristian Protestant berikrar bahawa 15 juta tentera salib akan membantu Zionis menentang musuh pada Armageddon nanti.
Mungkin pemuda Arab itu terlalu emosi dengan dunia kerana tidak berbuat apa-apa terhadap pemimpin Zionis dari tahun 1948 hinggalah sekarang. Dan dia juga emosi kerana ada segolongan pemimpin Arab juga bersekongkol denga Zionis dan Amerika. Andaikata nenek moyang kaum Arab tidak memberontak dan bersekongkol dengan Barat menjatuhkan Kerajaan Uthmaniyyah, mungkin keadaan sekarang berbeza. Saya juga berpendapat dia bercakap berpandukan Al-Quran yang cukup banyak menceritakan keburukan Yahudi dan Nasrani. Tiga agama ini, Judaism, Kristian dan Islam memang banyak sejarah dan konflik. Bagi golongan agama lain, mereka perlu faham sejarah ketiga agama ini.
Minta Tun betulkan saya andai saya ada tersalah fakta. Sekian, terima kasih.
Salam Tun,
Actions must also be taken against the people who created the weapons used to kill in the Yahudi – Palestinian war. This can be done even during peace time. Each weapon is made by certain parties and sold for money. When their weapons are used to kill innocent people, the weapon maker should be made responsible for the death or else they should never produce the weapons in the first place.
This is just like taxing the cigarettes manufacturer and purchaser for the smoke emitted from the smoking. Smoking is bad for health, so claim the non-smokers and the healthcare fraternity. So makers and smokers are made to pay more for the cigarettes. Weapons kill innocent people. So, only naturaly for the weapon maker and user to pay for the result of their making.
Dear Tun,
The conflict were started long before the Holy Bibles being writen and they will only end it until no fathers, brothers, uncles, nephews…. to fight. Who to be blame? One Tun Mahathir or two nor three can’t make them forget the word ‘hatred and revenge’ from their mind. He kill my father, I kill his, he bombed my house, I bombed his, they shot my sisters, I shot his…. So, My children will kill theirs, if they kill me, and my great grand children will, and my great great grandchildren will and next generations. Very extraordinary selfish nation. God Damn Israel and Palestine for being so stupid. God Damn everyone who support violence. God Damn the balfour declaration.
I’m sorry formy harsh words.
This war will not end. It has indeed turned into a religious war that started from a territorial one. IT will be an ongoing war like in most part of africa. There can be peace among tribes but carnage could easily be started, for example Kenya.
But first, does the terrorist group in Palestine really want peace, are they working towards it. IS the support of Hamas from certain quarters of the world a good thing. The change also have to start from within Palestine.
Dearest Tun and bloggers,
Thank you Tun for continuously fighting for the rights of the Palestinians. As you have mentioned, both sides have in some way forgotten the reason for the war when vengeance and hatred take over. This is understandable as the issue has been left unresolved for 60 years and passed to next generation. The old facts have been overwhelmed by the latter incidents over the years. And onlookers are even more confused into saying one side is attacking as defense.
So the young Arab has been engrossed in this hatred, looking at it as a religious war between Muslims and Jews, where as the Quran always promote peace and moderation for people of all faiths and never say we can kill a person just because he is a Jew. To kill is a sin. If the enemy kill unjustly does not simply warrant that a Muslim can kill in same manner. I personally do not see Islam as a religion that promotes this vicious cycle. Even prophet Muhammad have codes of conduct during war and conquest that protect enemy civilians. Because every one is Allah’s creation. In this manner Islam received its respect and spread around the world (not labeled as terrorists).
Tun, with your capacity and influence can you help convey the message and information that is lacking to the Western world also. Can you help host same kind of seminars in UK or the US as the next step, as the understanding and exposure is now widespread in Malaysia. This way maybe it will catch the attention of certain people in that part of the world (which are partly responsible for Israel-Palestine issues)and help you drive this effort. Especially with new open minded US administration. Under the hood of freedom of speech they should not stop our spread of truth.
If we cannot penetrate via their media…then maybe we can create our own media this way. I am in support of all that you do.
May Allah bless you Tun.
I really wish I was present at at the forum and fortunate enough to have my two sen worth of opinion heard. Now you see the picture. It is not about religion. It is about territory. The Jews stole the land from the Palestinians with the help of British and other European nations and individuals. They must return it to the Arabs. The question is: where will the Jews go? Into the Mediterranean Sea? To the USA? To Europe? Where can they go? Who will accept them? The Jews have decided to stay put; for good! Unless they are all killed, they will remain in Palestine. How do you kill all of them? That will be genocide. No, all parties must sit down and talk peace. Find a way out of this mess. Otherwise, there will be no end to the tragedy of ‘I kill you, you kill me”. Unless, of course, Ahmadinejad the Persian bombs Israel out of existence with a nuclear warhead. That will make the land uninhabitable to all parties for good. World war 3 will ensue and that will be end of mankind. Problem solved!
Assalamualaikum Tun,
Nice interesting game at http://www.duvar.tv/. For anyone who want to throw shoe at Mr Bush and not get sued.
Assalamualaikum Tun,
It’s hard to admit that they are not wise enough even to protect their own accords and stay on courses. As a Muslim, it’s hard to believe.
Our highly expectation on arabs in the muslim spirit to protect their own neighbors with closing the international border just futile. That’s why Islam is more concern with internal Muslim good spirit rather than races itself.
Thanks Tun to be there. Thank God to have you with us.
Hope to see you one day.
Stay on course !!
Dear Tun!
A class article written from the bottom of your heart, to say the least! Talk and vent your frustrations till the cows come but please appreciate the fact that the ULTIMATE AND I REPEAT ULTIMATE solution must be found by the waring parties ie. the Palestanians and the Jews. Nobody on this planet can solve this problem, unless we look to God, the Almighty’s wisdom! Religion has been hijacked by humans themselves to justify their ego! So it is no more rational thinking that prevails but who is mightier than who that has the last say in events that are currently unfolding around the world!
No point in attending conferences and dialogues as this will never achieve anything concrete! The actual problem is as simple as ABC and like it or not, let me put it bluntly, WE ALL HAVE AN EGO 10 TIMES THE SIZE OF OUR BODIES!!!
Address this PROBLEM first and we, as human beings, will certainly be on our way to solving most of the problems which are right in front of our eyes!!!
For better or for worse, I love you Tun!!! You are indeed a wise man!!!
Assalamualaikum Tun,
Saya ingin memberi komen sedikit tetapi ia menyimpang dari subjek sebenar.
Saya telah mengikuti blog Tun sejak ia dilancarkan.
Hari ini, saya mesti luahkan.
Saya cukup jelak dan geli geleman dengan komen-komen atau pesanan ringkas yang memuji-muji sampai ke langit atau yang menjunjung atau memuja Tun…contohnya, Tun yang disayangi, you are the best, saya sokong Tun 100%, you are the greatest leader etc…sampai ia membuatkan saya susah nak membaca kesemua komen kerana selera sudah tidak ada apabila terserempak dengan komen-komen tersebut.
Siapa yang tidak sayang atau sokong akan pemimpinnya tapi janganlah beriya-iya sangat…cukuplah dengan komen yang sederhana untuk menunjukkan sayang kita…mungkin ungkapan berikut boleh mengingatkan kita – jangan sayangkan sangat seseorang itu kerana mungkin suatu hari kita akan benci orang itu dan janganlah kita benci sangat seseorang itu kerana suatu hari nanti kita akan sayang orang itu.
Saya masih ingat dengan tindakan Tun dulu yang melarang mana-mana jalan atau bangunan dinamakan sempena nama mana-mana pemimpin terutama nama Tun..
dan berkaitan dengan isu yang dibincangkan, saya seru kepada rakyat Malaysia yang ‘gilakan’ Obama…janganlah letakkan harapan besar kepada beliau awal-awal dalam isu Palestin dan Islam, walaupun beliau telah duduk di Indonesia tidak semestinya beliau akan berlaku adil. Kita perlu ingat adil itu adalah meletakkan sesuatu ditempat asalnya.
Wallahualam bisawab. Assalamualaikum.
Ada pun kemelut di Palestin agak sukar untuk mencari penyelesaian nya. Selagi tiada kuasa yang berani memberi tekanan pada Yahudi untuk memberhentikan segala kekejaman mereka keatas bumi Palestin.
Tiada nya kesatuan negara2 Arab dan seluruh negara Islam yang benar2 kuat untuk memaksa Israel dan sekutu nya terus mencoroboh Palestin. Tiada nya ada satu bala tentera negara2 Islam yang benar2 kuat untuk membatu Palestin meneruskan perperangan dengan Israel. Negara Islam harus menubuhkan satu angkatan tentera bersama seperti Pakatan NATO di eropah.
Apa yang kita rakyat Malaysia mampu membantu hanya lah dari segi moral sahaja. Bantuan kemanusian dan doa2 untuk memberi semangat pada rakyat Palestin untuk terus berjuang sendirian mempertahankan bumi mereka.
Hanya Tuhan sahaja maha mengetahui bila ini semua akan berakhir.
Tun, izinkan saya menyentuh sedikit kemelut poltik di Perak. Sebagai anak jati Perak saya maseh tercuit untuk berkongsi pendapat dengan rakan2 warga Chedet.cc.
Walaupun masalah kepimpinan di Perak telah selesai setelah MB dan ahli exco baru di lantik, namun maseh ada kekalutan dan maseh tercemar dengan issu2 saman menyaman dan tidak menghormati keputusan yang telah di buat Duli Tuanku Sultan Perak.
Jelas sekali PKR tidak ‘gentleman’ menghadapi keadaan ini. Sewaktu mereka mengabil alih kuasa tidak ada apa2 pun berlaku. Rakyat yang menyokong BN ketika itu tidak pula cuba menimbulkan hura hara.
Rakyat dan pengundi2 Perak perlu lah bijak melihat dan telah belajar apa yang PKR telah laku kan selama 11 bulan berkuasa di Perak.
Selama waktu itu PKR yang di terajui oleh 3 Stooges Ngeh,Ngah & Ngok@Nizar telah banyak menguris hati rakyat Melayu Perak.
Di harapkan Pilihan raya kecil di Bukit Gantang dapat memberi gambaran sebenar penolakan rakyat Perak keatas gabungan PKR.
Pengundi2 di kawasan itu mesti menunjukan sokongan pada keputusan Sultan dengan tidak memberi kemenangan pada PKR yang telah menderhaka pada Sultan. Daulat Tuanku!
Nizar adalah penderhaka dan pengkianat bangsa melayu. Tiadak layak memakai anugerah darjah kebesaran di Raja. Nizar dan Ngeh perlu memulangkan semula darjah kebesaran itu. Tidak layak di gelar Datuk Sri kerana telah menderhaka.
YABhg Tun:
First I must admit that I simply find it impossible to read all the comments to your writings. I wish I could there are just too many. And I wonder if anyone would have the time and discipline to read mine. But I do hope some will.
I must agree with you that this is NOT a religious war. And I agree with you too that as time passes, people forgot (or perhaps don’t even know) of what started the war in the first place.
I am a muslim, but I have no hard feelings toward the jews nor do I have anything against them. When I was a student many years ago, some of my good friends are jews. What I’m against, however, is the zionist characteristics of the Isreali government (and their supporters) who is so bent on murdering innocent and defenseless palestinians. And they try to depict themselves as the victims instead of the aggresors.
I wish to recommend visitors to your site to visit http://www.normanfinkelstein.com/. Dr. Finkelstein is a jew but has written critically of the zionist movement.
Best wishes YABhg Tun. May Allah bless you always.
[email protected]
AWW Ytc Tun yang saya kagumi,
Saya petik sari tulisan Abi Qalam “I strongly believed, as a fellow muslim and in human brotherhood spirit, the call for jihad can be justify as long as we used the tools exist to us today (media.. media and media) as good as the Jews used it for their benefits (the holocaust – how many film in this genre?)”.
Jihad in this context not fighting arm-to-arm and fist-to-fist or weapon-to-weapon, Muslim definitely loose and be wiped out. Moreover for holy-war, who gave the command? Thus the excerpt from Abi Qalam is good and remember the saying from Prophet (pbuh), (part excerpt) when the Promised Messiah (as) decended he will among others will be breaking-up the crosses and killing pigs. He (as) is not literally breaking every cross and kiling pigs existed in the world, and Allah swt (nauzubillah minzaliq) is not also crazy in sending His messenger to do donkey job of breaking the cross and killing pigs. But it is a figure of speech that “breaking of the cross” is to cause the unbelievers to believe for the truth (Islam) as one example and the “killing of the pigs” relates to the behavioural similarities of the pigs of greed, dumbfounded etc as existed today and to correct what are wrong and to follow the path of Islam. Thus rightfully said, jihad should be carried-out with the best means available (not physical war) and always remember “the pen is mightier than the sword”.
Ytc Tun, what you actually mentioned are very appreciative and correct but there are other people in this world who have narrow-minded and do not see the logical views you just gave.
May the frace of Allah swt always be you. Amin.
salam tun,
i’d like to highlight that u missed out some very pertinent points in this article regarding the jewish problem:
firstly, the palestinian lands that is being occupied by the zionists cannot be compared with any other land anywhere else because it is deep-rooted in religious history and serves as an important place of pilgrimage for jews, christians and muslims. jerusalem was where solomon, or Sulaiman (as), built his temple. bethlehem was the birth place of jesus, or Isa (as), and the al aqsa mosque served as the last earthly station for Prophet Muhammad (saw) before his ascension to heaven (isra’ and mikraj). further, before muslims were told to face the kaabah in mekah during prayers, they were required to face in the direction of the al aqsa mosque in jerusalem. the zionists would not want to occupy any other place other than palestine, and eventually all the land between the rivers tigris and euphrates – this is indeed their grand plan. as far as the jews are concerned, carving out a piece of america or europe as a solution to the jewish problem would not be acceptable at all.
secondly, the transgressions of the bani israel are clearly written in the holy quran. muslims are told to be wary of them and to heed Allah’s warnings to those who transgress. the character of the jew is revealed by the holy quran and based on this, it can be surmised that “a re-conquest of the lost land” would be easier said than done.
so that young arab was probably right to wage war on the jews because obviously, it would be foolish to think that the jews would return to the palestinians their lands on a silver platter…
Assalamualakum Tun,
Agree with your opinion that this war between the Jews and Arab will continue to many many years to come until their (Jews) judgement day come.We can never stop this war but to only continue our support to the palestinean for their survival.To me this has to be the Arabs problem, they must first get their act together before the world does to help their so called brother’s and sister’s in palestine.To Malays it is more wise for us to focus on our own issue such as bribes,drugs,boh sia,rempit,power crazy,free sexs etc.
“Dan (ingatlah) ketika kamu membunuh seorang manusia,kemudian kamu tuduh menuduh sesama sendiri tentang pembunuhan itu,padahal ALLAH tetap melahirkan apa yang kamu sembunyikan”
Surah Al Baqarah Ayat 72
“(Sesudah kamu – wahai Muhammad dan pengikut-pengikutmu)mengetahui tentang kerasnya hati orang-orang yahudi itu maka bolehkah kamu menaruh harapan bahawa mereka akan beriman kepada seruan islam yang kamu sampaikan itu.Padahal sesunguhnya telah ada satu puak dari mereka yang mendengar kalam ALLAH (Taurat)kemudian mereka merubah dan memutarkan maksudnya sesudah mereka memahaminya.Sedang mereka mengetahui(bahawa perbuatan itu salah).
Surah Al Baqarah Ayat 75
Dear Tun,
The reason most of the American politicians “feared” the jews cause most of their scholarships paid by them and some favors especially during campaigns that enhance their political career in terms of campaign funding and good media public image.
The jews can bring down any prominent american/european politicians by showing some dirt on the news paper and for sure the american/european ppl will vote against them and their career as politicians are done. Its a new type of assassination without using any bullets. And they are so crafty that they can lure any politicians making bad decisions or misinterpret them. (at the end of the day politicians are human too). I guarantee most of them politicians knew the decisions their made are tough and might be wrong cause it is against what their preach and hope for….freedom and equality. So instead making the “wrong decisions” and get squizzed out…most of them choose to get paid and have a colorful career or better retirement plan.
Today Obama is considered the hero/savior of the american ppl, even though he is young, he saw wat happened to Yitzhak Rabin or Bill Clinton when both of them almost reach peace among israel and palestinian. Mr Rabin ending up with a bullet in his head and Bill Clinton with Monica Lewinsky. So i doubt Mr Obama will make the “mistakes” as these 2 politicians did. He is the 1st Black President, so he need to show some good stuff what a black guy can do. And achieving peace between Israel and Palestinian is not one of it. If he manage achieve the peace between Israel and Palestinian, i guarantee in a month there will be some scandal story that Mr Obama have some thingy with the white chicks and make him impeached..Ill bet RM 100 on this.
PS, Even though Mr Bush is in hot soup, but he got magnificent retirement plan and his buddies too Mr Rumsfeld, Tenet, Mueller etc. they seem vanished.
So sad that a race that have been prosecuted for more than 4,000 years and when they got their chance to be powerful, organized, wealthy and smart, they didnt show any good examples to the world but they ending up the same type of ppl that prosecuted them, they are no different than the romans, persians, crusaders or even nazis. But as usual the jews are still human, same as palestinian they bombed or us and of course when we human “nothing last forever”. Its the law of nature that no one can change it. The power they got today will eventually run out. And when they lost it…i dunno whether the europeans or americans willing to help out like today…what left is only their neighbour, the angry palestinian.
Assalamualaikum Tun and family,
Yes, finally there it was, a forum on the real reason of why Palestine fought even with their local made unsofisticated rocket vs high tech war planes and technologies. We must continuously stressed out that Israel is a settlement on other people’s homeland. I just don’t understand why other Arabs nation do recognize this ‘country’at any possible cause or reason?
I want to congratulate you on initiating this forum. A forum that tells and remind everyone that this war is NOT between Muslim and Jews. It is between Palestine which represent every religions and Israel.
What the young Arab voiced out that this war should be branded as Muslims vs Jews is not to be accepted. It is because the media is controlled by Jews and always giving footage/pictures and idea/image that all Muslims are look like Taliban and always looking dirty and untidy,carying weapons around with the women always wearing hijab (dirty too), uncivillised, uneducated, very poor and like war. This image associated with 9/11, self bombardment, which they declare war upon. We want the support from other religion, other people too which was demonstate in the forum.
It clearly stated in the al Quran nul Qarim that Bani Israel is a nation who have the most prophet because of their nature of being arrogant and feeling superior of others. Muslims embracing Islam, a religion that promotes peace even its name does represent peace.
PS: Singapore is most likely the nearest to Israel. But in different ways. They do take other people’s homeland (except they don’t kill lives but always demonstrate their military power and purchase high tech war planes from the very same manufacturer where the Israelis did) , and always being very arrogant (especially their drivers on our highways. Oh, you guys too small to built highways right?)
Salam Tun and Tun Hasmah…
Finally I have it from you…you are totally right…what’s happening in Palestine is not a religious war…they are just like babies which fighting for something (as you said…they might have forgotten what)without thinking of their action….
Arab and Israel…memang degil punya kaum…mostly…so somebody has got to start saying something direct to their faces…of course you are the most right person to do that…I suggest you bring Mr. Obama together….he might learn something from it…
Semoga Tun and Tun Hasmah sekeluarga sihat walafiat!
melayu pun boleh jadi macam negara arab kalo terussan begini.tak bersatu.berdnedam.senang kena tindas ngn kaum lain.
Assalamualaikum Tun ,
1. Issues on morality is of universal be it in Palestine or here in Malaysia.
2. Never ending stories.
3. Of utmost important is to ask oneself – niat hati dan implementation of the most basic things in humanity – which all religions and belief tend to agree – a) Berbaik sangka, hormat menghormati dan membuat kebajikan sesama manusia, kepada binatang2 dan tumbuhan dan segala apa yang ada didunia ni.
4. Kebajikan , Berbaik sangka dan hormat menghormati bermula di rumah – kalau pada keluarga sendiri tak boleh nak buat dan gagal… is it possible to implement it just outside our doorsteps?
5. Think about it! and all this is the very basis to humankind.
I think so.
Terima kasih.
Saya sebahgian rakyat Malaysia berasa simpati akan nasib rakyat Palestin. Namun kerana kedudukan geography kita jauh,apa yang dapat saya bantu hanya menghulurkan bantuan menderma setakat yang mampu dan berdoa akan keselamatan rakyat Palestin. Semoga ALLAH melindungi mereka. Amin.
TUN, izinkan.
Saya juga terpanggil untuk menyokong saudara blogger
By JJJ on February 10, 2009 5:16 PM
UMNO can always shoot themselves in the foot by inviting KJ to canvas for voters support at Bukit Gantang by-election.
Baik-baik boleh menang besar kerana isu PR menderhaka kepada Baginda Sultan,terus kalah kerana pengundi menyampah tengok muka dia
Nak tambah sikit… Apa yang saudara JJJ kata kan itu patut dipandang serius oleh pemimpin UMNO didalam usaha berkempen untuk menawan dua kawasan puncak BUKIT tersebut.
Dan juda saya melihat kehadiran EZZAM juga tidak perlu dalam kempen2 ini. Dia hanya menambah kebebcian pengundi2 terutama pengundi2 kelabu yang bertengek diatas pagar. Pengundi2 menyampah mendengar ceramah nya konon nya ada senjata sulit atau dokumen rahsia lah dan cuba menyerang peribadi seaorang degan hujah nya. Ini tidak membantu, malah akan membuat pengundi berasa mual dan nak termuntah. Tektik itu dah lapuk. Terbukti kehadiran KJ dan Ezzam di PP dan KT telah mendatng kemarahan para pengundi pada UMNO.
Lagi pun siapa kah si EZZAM ni yang UMNO bergitu memberi perhatian dan penghormatan untuk dia berkempen. Kalau dia bolih sewenang2 pergi berkempen, saya rasa UMNO bolih lah open pada semua penyokong UMNO/BN seiapa saja untuk berucap mana2 pentas kempen.
KJ tak perlu mengeluarkan apa2 kenyataan atau komen dalam kempen2 tersebut. Dia tak perlu menonjolkan diri, kerana akan kelihatan lebih kepada untuk mempromosi diri sendiri dalam usaha merebut jawatan KP bulan Mac ini. Ini semua akan melunturkan semangat pengundi2 untuk memberi sokongan pada UMNO dan BN.
DS.Najib mesti lah memantau perjalanan kempen2 ini dengan lebih serius dan pastikan jentera2 kempen yang labih berkesan.
Saudara JJJ bolih lah tolong bantu kempen di antara dua puncak bukit yang akan jadi rebutan.
Salam Ayahanda Tun…Saya setuju apa yang Ayahanda coretkan disini… memang benar sekutu2 Zionis berikan masalah Israel kepada rakyat Palestin dan masyarakat Negara Arab… Amerika Syarikat,Britain dan sekutu2 mereka tidak menyiarkan pembunuhan Gaza pada media mereka…. Pembunuhan kejam mesti dilihat dari perikemanusiaan bukan agama! Penduduk dunia tak kira agama mengutuknya! Syabas Ayahanda pemimpin berjiwa rakyat dan kaya dengan kasih sayang! Semoga Allah melindungi Ayahanda dan keluarga tersayang!Ameen Terima Kasih Ayahanda Tun M….
Salam Ayahanda Tun…Saya setuju apa yang Ayahanda coretkan disini… memang benar sekutu2 Zionis berikan masalah Israel kepada rakyat Palestin dan masyarakat Negara Arab… Amerika Syarikat,Britain dan sekutu2 mereka tidak menyiarkan pembunuhanbnuhan Gaza pada media mereka…. Pembunuhan kejam mesti dilihat dari perikemanusiaan bukan agama! Penduduk dunia tak kira agama mengutuknya! Syabas Ayahanda pemimpin berjiwa rakyat dan kaya dengan kasih sayang! Semoga Allah melindungi Ayahanda dan keluarga tersayang!Ameen Terima Kasih Ayahanda Tun M….
the palestine issue,please no more talk or speeches.This is not the time for great speeches.Abraham Lincoln too have to take action,many Americans died to free slavery.Its time for action.No I am not talking about killing and war.Come on nobody can fight USA in war.We should start thinking using other method.We have talk and talk all these years.Just look at the jews,a small country.How does it make country like USA on his side.We should use economic power,educate our people first,especially our youngsters there is too much trouble in our country right now how can we fight if we cant influences country like USA to listen ,At least.This all talking is just like giving an anecdote to a drug addict.Make things worst while we are thinking we are giving the greatest speech in history.Pathetic huh.
Assalamualaikum Tun,
You are the best leader that Malaysia has to offer the world. Keep on fighting for a better and more peaceful world Tun. I salute you and the other two world leaders, Huga Cheves of Venezuala and also Morales of Bolivia for taking actions and speaking against the war on Gaza. “Hidup Tun Dr Mahathir and may Allah bless you always”. Aminnn….
Dear Tun,
Whether the Arab-Israeli conflict is religious or territorial in nature is debatable. No doubt the conflict escalated with the establishment of the state of Israel on Palestian land through unlawful mean. However, for centuries, prior to 1948 there was no conflict because the Jews were not united and scattered all over the world. Furthermore, under Islamic rule whether in Spain or Middle East, the Jews were treated fairly. When the Muslims and the Jews were persecuted in Spain by the Christians, the Jews who lived in Spain was saved by the Islamic Caliph.
Blame the British and other colonial powers who carved the Palestian territory to create the State of Israel. The Europeans were actually feeling safer without the Jews and shipping them to Palestine was an easy solution. Feeling frustrated, Hitler was probably the only European leader who dared to take actions against the Jews.
The Jews or more precisely known as Bani Israel are the descendents of Prophet Yaakub (Jacob). The word Yahudi might have come from the name of Prophet Yaakub
Salam Tun,
Comment on February 10, 2009 1:54PM
“It is grossly unfair for the British to give Sabah and Sarawak to Malaya…”
History has taught some people a good lesson. Singapura (now called Singapore), Melaya (now called Malaysia), Melaka (now called Malacca) and Pulau Pinang (now called Penang).
The British colonial power had changed so many things to rule Singapura and Melaya (Persekutuan Tanah Melayu), using the Malays and the imported immigrant workers from China and India to their advantage.
Look at how the British manipulated the Malay Royal family at Kampung Glam in Singapura. Making them fight against each other to their own disadvantage and eventually lost Kampung Glam. Ever since then, Kampung Glam is no more a Malay royal reserve but a converted Crown Land to the advantage of the British colonial power.
Having succeeded disowning Kampung Glam from the Malay Royal family, the British did not seem to be contented. They “helped” the late Sultan Abu Bakar to reign Johor, and with the late Sultan Abu Bakar keeping himself busy in Johor, the British continued to work on their next agenda in Singapura.
As Prof. Edwin Lee (The British As Rulers, governing multiracial Singapore, 1867 – 1914) wrote, “…British rule in Singapore could fill the entire political stage without having to share the limelight with any traditional authority. The Malays and other communities would be encouraged to look to the British as the sole ruler. The legacy of the past has been dismantled. The future Malay leaders of Singapore would not be rajas and tunkus.”
Wake up, Malaysians! The current political bickering between the Pakatan Rakyat and the BN must not be allowed to continue to the extend of dividng the rakyat, especially the Malays who fear being governed by the Penjajah Bentuk Baru, and lessening our efforts towards remedying the state of our economy that has been brought about by the onslaught of the economic tsunami, which has its origin in the U.S.; as reported, must be our priority! The mounting number of people being retrenched and unemployed, if not handled properly, could become a national calamity.
Salam Tun
I’m currently in London and some weeks ago there was an issue here where the BBC did not want to air an advertisement asking for a plea to stop the bloodshed in Gaza.
As my wife was browsing at Regent Street, a group of youths caught my eye. They were distributing flyers, newspapers and asking for donations to Gaza. I approached them who were all local white British youths and they informed me of a rally down the street to protest against BBC.
Not having such demonstrations in Malaysia, I took the chance to join and have a look. Indeed, it was a large protest. I would say more than a thousand people were present, with banners and flags, chanting and shouting against the Isreali brutality. It was truly a valuable experience for me, with many speakers going up to the podium and giving speeches. These speakers included Palestinians, local MPs and local activists.
But my point here is to agree with you that this conflict is long gone from being a holy war. Definitely a territorial conflict which has opened eyes of not only the Muslim community in this world. I was very very surprised to see the majority of supporters at this rally to consist of non-Muslims, and they were the ones shouting the loudest. Some even got into scuffles with local police who were trying to keep order. But they didn’t mind a bit, their chants got louder and louder as everyone marched to the BBC Headquarters for one of the leaders to submit a memorandum, expressing disagreement to BBC’s stance on not wanting to air the advertisement, albeit out of orders from a higher political level.
Pity that we don’t see much activists of this genre in Malaysia, most just like to talk over teh tarik and sleep it off later. I feel it is a shame that we as a prominently Muslim country are not doing more than we should to stop this tragedy to mankind from escalating further.
Salam Tun,
I do agree with matanahair that both Ishak and Ismail did bury their father together. But somehow, their sons and daughters fanned the flame of hatred save a few till now. Yes, the beginning of this started with Britain giving Falestine to the Zionists. But we have to realise that the Zionists have been striving to get Falistine for hundreds of years through brain power and hardwork. Now, they are at the point of controlling most of the powerful instruments of civilization (media, technology, education, finance, political influence,…) while the rest of the Arab and Muslim world have become isolationists and being left behind. Now, the war is so one sided, it is hard to see a way out for the Falestine people.
There is no choice that the Arab and Muslim people must start working their socks off to gain control of these instruments of civilization (media, technology, education, finance, political influence,…) so that we can be on level playing field. Al-Jazeera is a starting point for media against the juggernaughts of Fox and CNN. However, we still need our Intel chips and Windows O/S and Google. If you look at the Presidents of the Ivy League schools, most of them are jewish. For years, people believed in Madoff’s Ponzi scheme and you can see who is the US Chief of Staff. If we can control this, then we can be on the same playing field and be at a better position to negotiate. Muslim brothers, wake up!
Dear TDM,
Really excellent article. I have to admit I was worried as you were unclear in your earlier Palestenian articles about who to blame.
Now that you have state your stand, I salute your vision & support you wholeheartedly.
Salam Tun & all,
1.It’s true, it’s not about religion differences, it about the one thing we all have in command,, HUMANITY!, I seen a video on youtube about this volunteer (non-muslim & foreigners) becoming a human sheal to protect a muslim woman going to pick her son out from school & going to grocery store & back.
2.It break my heart & i sob wacthing some of them died & injured.
3.I guess it don’t mean a S@*t even tough the volunteer is from the country like America & Britain & Europe.
4. Heads up to all the volunteer there!
/// By Edwin on February 10, 2009 2:49 PM
Dear Tun,
You write in English, when you intend to shore up the Non-Malay support. You sound very liberal in your English posts.
And you write in Malay, when you intend to shore up Malay support.
‘Ketuanan melayu’ is strongly demonstrated in your Malay postings.
Brilliant strategy…that’s bordering on cunningness.
Anyway, I admire your leadership qualities. ///
Edwin, that is not leadership quality at all. That is gutter politics. That is playing to the gallery. That is forked-tongue, and speaking from both sides of the mouth. That is divide and rule, pitting one race against another. Those are not leadership qualities to be admired.
More than cunning – it is hypocrisy of the highest order.
I think you are right when you said it’s a territorial war that happening in Palestine. But don’t you think there’s another intention or purpose of this war, which is to kill the muslims? and you said that israel rules the world by proxy, they control the media, and the profits of the company such as starbucks and mcd are given to the israel. what is this for? It surely is to destroy muslims.
If I’m not mistaken, I’ve read it somewhere, the Jews actually wanted to claim their homeland. they wanted to claim back the anciet Sulaiman’s temple that they believed was buried under masjid al-aqsa. So, a friend of mine suggested that the only possible solution is to build one country, palestine and israel. do you think it will work?
Salam Tun,I hope Hannan will read this with an open mind.You’ve said it all.I agree with you that the war in Palestine is not a religious war between Islam and Judaism. It is a territorial war resulting from the European powers carving out a slice of Palestinian land in order to create the State of Israel.And to add more to this endless war is the attiude of the Israelis themselves. GOD knows better.That’s the reason why GOD sent more prophets to the Israelis and none to the Malays and yet they’ve killed them all. If prophets can’t changed them, imagine who will ? The Israelis is actually the enemy to themselves (their stupidity, sturbbonness)…only if they realise.
Salam Ayahanda Tun. I can
Dear Tun
I have to agree with Tun that this is a territorial war, as per the cause, and a religeous war, as per its repercussion.
Nonetheless, I am dismayed with the attitude of most of the Peninsular Arbs and the African Arabs, based on the news that I have come across. Compare this with the show of support for the Palestinians in Asia and even in certain parts of the USA.
I believe that if all the Peninsular and African Arabs join “forces,” the weight of their “one” voice can at least be heard in the UN, if not in the world. If Israel and the world view the Arabs as disunited Muslims, obviously the Arabs will have no respect [or feared].
Just as Le Kuan Yew ruled Singapore, the Arabs should be autocratic and authoritarian not only in their own countries but in the region. Only then can the Arabs have the respect of the world and only then can the Arabs in general, and the Palestinians’ plight specificaly, can be heard, seen, felt, sympathized with world-wide. With their lead, the Muslim world can then united and seen as a “united front” [like Braisan Nasional] to overcome the aggressors of the world.
Best wishes
Alpha Tango
Hopefully M’sia won’t become second Palestian in future…well, who knows?
salam tun..
sy sgt kecewa dgn sesetgh org umno yg memberi komen disini…Kenapa mereka tidak fikir secara waras keadaan yg berlaku di perak..Sy tahu ape yg ds Anwar lakukan dahulu adalah salah..16 sept…Ttp kemngkinan beliau tidak gunakan wang untuk umpan calon bn…dan calon bn yg diumpan juga bukanlah yg terlibat dlm kes rasuah…apa yg ds najib lakukan nampak sgt mainan politik yg kotor…hanya org yg x waras sahaja yg tidak nampak cara kotor yg dilakukan najib…sy menghormati tun sbgi seorg yg berjasa besar…apa yg tun komen mengenai di perak sy setuju dgn pdgn tun..tp apa yg umno lakukan hari ini akan memakan diri..percayalah tun…Allah itu maha besar…mungkin dia tak tunjuk skrg maybe di akhirat kelak..Mb Nizar yg sy kenali seorang pemimpin yg sgt baik..jujur..bersopan santun…dan tidak bercakap kasar bahkan dgn org umno sekalipun..perkara ini menyebabkan kemarahan rakyat yg mengenalai beliau (mb Nizar)…dan cara yg dilakukan oleh ds najib tidak patut terjadi ke atas diri beliau…beliau terlalu jujur sehingga kesempatan ini diambil oleh umno (ds najib)…tun..sy berckp bukan soal menyebelahi mana2 pihak..tp ini soal kebenaran…harap tun dpt mengulas kembali mengenai isu di perak…pdgn tun amat berharga bg sy…w/pun sy tidak suka dgnpdgn kebanyakkan org umno yg kbykkn mereka mementingkan diri mereka sendiri drpd bangsa yg sekadar di politik kan oleh mereka utk kptgn peribadi..maaf klu terkasar…itu adlh realiti..pru 12 telah membuktikan..tun perjuangan yg benar adlh perjuangan menegakkan islam….terima kasih tun klu sudi mengulas mengenai isu yg dibangkitkan oleh sy iaitu insan yg x seberapa ini…
anak jati perak…
salam Tun,
saya mula membaca blog Tun sejak ibu bapa saya berbincang tentang keadaan politik di malaysia. saya kagum dgn isi2 kandungan yg ditulis oleh Tun sendiri. ringkas tapi padat dgn informasi n sememangnya ‘an eye opener’ kpd pembaca2 blog Tun. saya amat kagum dgn cara pemikiran Tun n Tun sentiasa pandang jauh ke hadapan n ‘think out of box’. memang susah nk cari pemimpin yg sehebat Tun! keep it up!
anyway, berkenaan dgn konflik Palestin-Israel ni, sebagai rakyat biasa yg masih belum mencapai umur 25 tahun, saya hanya mampu utk menderma kpd tabung kebajikan Palestin n memboikot barangan Israel. bercakap tentang boikot, nampaknya McD n Nestle sangat berani membuat sidang akhbar n menafikan kononnya duit keuntungan mereka akan disalurkn ke Israel n tindakan boikot akan menjatuhkan ekonomi negara. mmg tidak dinafikn 2 syarikat gergasi ni telah memberi byk peluang pekerjaan kpd rakyat Malaysia TETAPI saya percaya duit keuntungan mereka secara x langsung akan tersalur juga (walaupun mungkin hanya 0.01%) kpd org yg paling top dlm organisasi global syarikat2 ini.
setakat ni saja yg saya mahu tulis. saya akan tulis lagi pd lain hari. pape pun wish u all the best n stay healthy Tun. Assalamualaikum.
Barulah Tok det mengerti kenapa islam tak maju agaknya…….
Org Islam gila kuasa ….Org islam gila nama….. Org islam sekarang mahu populariti lebih…. Org Yahudi seronok dapat bunuh org ………
Itulah sifat manusia yang sebenarnya.
Wahai orang-orang yang beriman! Apabila kamu bertemu dengan orang-orang kafir yang sedang mara menyerang, maka janganlah kamu berpaling undur dari menentang mereka.
Dan sesiapa berpaling undur dari menentang mereka pada ketika itu – kecuali ia bergerak ke arah lain (untuk menjalankan tipu muslihat) peperangan, atau hendak menyatukan diri dengan pasukan yang lain – maka sesungguhnya ia tetaplah mendapat kemurkaan dari Allah, dan tempatnya ialah neraka jahanam; sedang neraka jahanam ialah seburuk-buruk tempat kembali.
Sebenarnya bukanlah kamu yang membunuh mereka, akan tetapi Allah jualah yang menyebabkan pembunuhan mereka. Dan bukanlah engkau yang melempar ketika engkau melempar, akan tetapi Allah jualah yang melempar dan untuk mengurniakan orang-orang yang beriman dengan pengurniaan yang baik daripadaNya. Sesungguhnya Allah Maha Mendengar, lagi Maha Mengetahui.
Wahai orang-orang yang beriman! Apabila kamu bertemu dengan sesuatu pasukan (musuh) maka hendaklah kamu tetap teguh menghadapinya, dan sebutlah serta ingatilah Allah (dengan doa) banyak-banyak, supaya kamu berjaya (mencapai kemenangan).
Dan taatlah kamu kepada Allah dan RasulNya, dan janganlah kamu berbantah-bantahan; kalau tidak nescaya kamu menjadi lemah semangat dan hilang kekuatan kamu, dan sabarlah (menghadapi segala kesukaran dengan cekal hati); sesungguhnya Allah beserta orang-orang yang sabar.
Dan janganlah kamu menjadi seperti orang-orang yang keluar dari negerinya dengan berlagak sombong dan menunjuk-nunjuk (kekuatan mereka) kepada orang ramai (kerana hendak meminta dipuji), serta mereka pula menghalang manusia dari jalan Allah dan (ingatlah) Allah Maha Meliputi pengetahuanNya akan apa yang mereka kerjakan.
(Balasan) yang demikian itu, ialah kerana sesungguhnya Allah tidak akan mengubah sesuatu nikmat yang telah dikurniakanNya kepada sesuatu kaum sehingga mereka mengubah apa yang ada pada diri mereka sendiri. Dan (ingatlah) sesungguhnya Allah Maha mendengar, lagi Maha Mengetahui.
Dan sediakanlah untuk menentang mereka (musuh yang menceroboh) segala jenis kekuatan yang dapat kamu sediakan dan dari pasukan-pasukan berkuda yang lengkap sedia, untuk menggerunkan dengan persediaan itu musuh Allah dan musuh kamu serta musuh-musuh yang lain dari mereka yang kamu tidak mengetahuinya; sedang Allah mengetahuinya. Dan apa sahaja yang kamu belanjakan pada jalan Allah akan disempurnakan balasannya kepada kamu, dan kamu tidak akan dianiaya.
Oleh itu, jika engkau menemui mereka dalam peperangan maka hancurkanlah mereka (supaya dengan itu) orang-orang yang di belakang mereka (gerun gentar); mudah-mudahan orang-orang itu pula beringat (insaf).
Dan jika mereka (pihak musuh) cenderung kepada perdamaian, maka engkau juga hendaklah cenderung kepadanya serta bertawakalah kepada Allah. Sesungguhnya Ia Maha Mendengar, lagi Maha Mengetahui.
Dan Allah yang menyatu-padukan di antara hati mereka (yang beriman itu). Kalaulah engkau belanjakan segala (harta benda) yang ada di bumi, nescaya engkau tidak dapat juga menyatu-padukan di antara hati mereka, akan tetapi Allah telah menyatu-padukan di antara (hati) mereka. Sesungguhnya Ia Maha Kuasa, lagi Maha Bijaksana.
Wahai Nabi, peransangkanlah orang-orang yang beriman itu untuk berperang. Jika ada di antara kamu dua puluh yang sabar, nescaya mereka dapat menewaskan dua ratus orang (dari pihak musuh yang kafir itu); dan jika ada di antara kamu seratus orang, nescaya mereka dapat menewaskan seribu orang dari golongan yang kafir, disebabkan mereka (yang kafir itu) orang-orang yang tidak mengerti.
Sekarang Allah telah meringankan daripada kamu (apa yang telah diwajibkan dahulu) kerana Ia mengetahui bahawa pada kamu ada kelemahan; oleh itu jika ada di antara kamu seratus orang yang sabar, nescaya mereka akan dapat menewaskan dua ratus orang; dan jika ada di antara kamu seribu orang, nescaya mereka dapat menewaskan dua ribu orang dengan izin Allah. Dan (ingatlah) Allah beserta orang-orang yang sabar.
Dan orang-orang yang kafir, setengahnya menjadi penyokong dan pembela bagi setengahnya yang lain. Jika kamu tidak menjalankan itu, nescaya akan berlakulah fitnah di muka bumi dan kerosakan yang besar.
Adakah kamu menyangka, bahawa kamu akan dibiarkan , padahal belum lagi terbukti kepada Allah orang-orang yang berjihad di antara kamu dan yang tidak mengambil teman-teman rapat , selain daripada Allah dan RasulNya serta orang-orang yang beriman? Dan (ingatlah) Allah Maha Mengetahui secara mendalam akan apa yang kamu kerjakan.
Wahai orang-orang yang beriman! Mengapa kamu, apabila dikatakan kepada kamu: “Pergilah beramai-ramai untuk berperang pada jalan Allah”, kamu merasa keberatan (dan suka tinggal menikmati kesenangan) di tempat (masing-masing)? Adakah kamu lebih suka dengan kehidupan dunia daripada akhirat? (Kesukaan kamu itu salah) kerana kesenangan hidup di dunia ini hanya sedikit jua berbanding dengan (kesenangan hidup) di akhirat kelak.
Jika kamu tidak pergi beramai-ramai (untuk berperang pada jalan Allah – membela ugamaNya), Allah akan menyeksa kamu dengan azab seksa yang tidak terperi sakitnya dan Ia akan menggantikan kamu dengan kaum yang lain, dan kamu tidak akan dapat mendatangkan bahaya sedikitpun kepadaNya. Dan (ingatlah) Allah Maha Kuasa atas tiap-tiap sesuatu.
Pergilah kamu beramai-ramai (untuk berperang pada jalan Allah), sama ada dengan keadaan ringan ataupun dengan keadaan berat (disebabkan berbagai-bagai tanggungjawab); dan berjihadlah dengan harta benda dan jiwa kamu pada jalan Allah . Yang demikian amatlah baik bagi kamu, jika kamu mengetahui.
Harta benda dan anak-anak mereka janganlah mengagumkan engkau kerana sesungguhnya Allah hanya hendak menyeksa mereka dengan itu dalam kehidupan dunia dan akan hilang nyawanya ketika mereka tidak beriman .
Orang-orang (munafik) yang ditinggalkan (tidak turut berperang) itu, bersukacita disebabkan mereka tinggal di belakang Rasulullah dan mereka (sememangnya) tidak suka berjihad dengan harta benda dan jiwa mereka pada jalan Allah, dan mereka pula (menghasut dengan) berkata: “Janganlah kamu keluar beramai-ramai (untuk berperang) pada musim panas ini”. Katakanlah: “Api neraka Jahannam lebih panas membakar”, kalaulah mereka itu orang-orang yang memahami.
Oleh itu bolehlah mereka ketawa sedikit dan mereka akan menangis banyak , sebagai balasan bagi apa yang mereka telah usahakan.
Semoga dapat membuka minda org islam . kenapa kita lemah
Dear Tun,
The young Arab is just being a young arab… as the Malays would call it- darah muda… If we were to take a different slant on things, the jews are just doing its job… They want a piece of land for the messiah to come so thats what they are doing…. its akin to a virus- take ebola virus, and if it can speak, and you put it under the spotlight for an interview it will just say- “dude, this is what i do, im sorry the man is dead but i cant do anything else… i am even lousy at making coffee!”
The real question we need to ask ourselves is what the muslims/ arabs, neighbours are doing…. when the war broke out, the saudis turned to The States…(??) Ive got rubbish at my door, rather than calling MPPJ to deal with the matter i call MPKB in Kelantan…. I thought these guys are arabs and speak the same language and being muslims and all they might relate, but no…. if i were going to press on, what do they intend to do with all the (was it 38 or 40) eurofighter jets that Mr Bandar Saud acquired during the thatcher administration from the biritsh- leave it on display at the hangar?
Then there is always the issue of boycott… Im all for it but what do we have as a muslim alternative…. NOTHING!…. what happened to us… we do have all the resources to produce things but we are just rubbish at making our own stuff! take cocoa- we produce the thing but my personal favourite are swiss chocolate! say if we take something very simple from beverages, to toiletry use, to something big like finances and medical instruments and pharma- even I was sponsored by J&J in the Asean cardiology conference in KL in 2003…. thanks man!
but when i throw this notion to the floor, here in glasgow muslims, especially malays just went crazy… rather than discussing about the issue and talk about ways to go about creating total consumer independence from western products they just cant see past the fact that we need to buck up and do something- research and development…. they prefer to just boycott and do nothing and put everything under the umbrella term solidarity….live as though you are living for another 1000 years, the greatest man said 1400 years ago….. but we all want a quick fix with everything rather than plan ahead…..uniquely muslim or uniquely malay….. maybe both…
Dear Sir,
If you have time, it would be interesting to read the Bible with an open neutral mind for an “academic perspective”. I am suggesting this so that you can see what is written there and what has happened and come to pass in events in history. You will note writings on Jews being persecuted, then, reunited after many years (which was done when Israel was born). Jews are a chosen race of God; hence Jews are blessed. From a purely academic perspective, “fighting against God” is futile. Pls note comments here are made in “neutral” mode and not saying which religion is right or wrong or superior or otherwise.
Good day to you Tun Dr Mahathir!
My purpose of writing a comment here is to introduce a person to you. His name is Ron Paul, one of the US Presidential candidates in last year’s Presidential elections.
He is a person who courageously speaks the truth, and i believe that you will agree with a lot he is saying.
The media in America has heavily censored him because they do not like a lot of things that he stands for. I truly believe, and so do many people around the world, that he makes an awesome US President, and he is the only person who knows the real problems of America.
Dr. Ron Paul stands for freedom, liberty, and he is a strict constitutionalist. He has been steadfast to his believes since day 1.
Below are some Youtube clips that might be of interest:
Thank you for allowing me to post this comment!
Dear Tun
Cerita Palestin ni lagi sensasi as compared to politics, Anwar, Paklah, Karpal, Hadi Awang, Nizar, Najib, bla bla bla bla !
And errr… perhaps the Arab states are “elegantly silent” (as one reader put it) because they understand the HISTORY better than the rest of us?
I really don’t know. A point to ponder.
Hello everyone… I am not a Jew supporter… why would I be… but I like to look at things objectively.
Perhaps the Jews are the way they are today because of what they have been through… scattered throughout the Earth when nation after nation took over their country from the time they settled in the land flowing with milk in honey in 1500BC.
The Assyrians, Romans and Persians attacked and ruled the nation of Israel for hundreds of years. The Muslims were the last to conquer Israel… some time in 400AD. Then the king of Persia changed the name of Israel to Palestine. During the occupation of the Muslims, many Israelites had left the country but still maintained a strong connection with their home state through religious pilgrimages etc. But they remained a nation without a state for many years afterwards.
In Europe they faced racism mainly because they thrived wherever they went. After the experience of the holocaust I suppose its not hard to understand why they have become so heavy handed in dealing with anyone who is against them. There were attempts to wipe them out before… in the most horrible and vicious ways. NO one should have to go through what they did. And now, Muslims all over hate the Jews… so perhaps this is why they are on defence mode all the time… to them its like another attempt to wipe them out. The hatred that surrounds them is familiar… and so they are reacting and perhaps their over protective stance is to ensure that no one succeeds in trying to wipe them out again.
I am confused though… why do we keep harping on what happened 60 years ago? Everyone knows the Israelites were in Israel before the Muslims… its just that the Muslims were the last to conquer Israel and settle there. The Israelites were scattered without a home and many years later, after the holocaust, they realised they needed their own home, and what better place to lay claim to than they place they originated from?
Anyway… this is how i see things. I feel the whole issue is just widely misunderstood and that if Hamas wasn’t always making the first move in breaking the peace treaty and sending out suicide bombers, am sure the israelites would not have built that great big wall. I think both sides are full of ego centric fools who are too proud to give in and enjoy their piece of the pie in peace.
Met a Palestian man who had been staying in UK for many a years at a hotel lobby in London about 3 years ago. He mentioned that he has a lot of respect and admiration for Mahathir Mohamad, the ex Prime Minister of Malaysia, because he has done much more for the Palestinian cause than all of the so called Arab leaders of the Middle Eastern countries combine. Coming from a Palestinian, now you know why the Arabs leaders will not do and achieve very much to resolve the Palestinian/Israeli conflict. Just lip service…
Dear Tun,
The understanding of the conflict requires a deep understanding of history. Without this understanding, I’m afraid one is not qualified to comment on this conflict.
As far as the history can remember, for the past 3000 years since the the time of Prophet Moses (or even earlier from the time of Prophet Jacob), the Jews have been a menace to themselves and human kind. Cursed by GOD and spread all over the world, the Jews are reclaiming their so-called “promised land” at the expense of the Palestians. Mentioned numerous times in the Quran, GOD cautions the Muslims about the dangerous behavior of the Jews.
The Jews could not accept the fact that the last prophet was an Arab (Prophet Mohamed PBUH). Still in denial, until today some of them are waiting for a Messiah. Ever wonder why the Jews were looking for Prophet Mohamed to be killed even when he was an infant? Because all signs of the last prophet mentioned in Jewish scriptures pointed towards Prophet Mohamed PBUH as the “Messiah” or last prophet. Feeling arrogant and unable to accept the fact, the Jews tried to do what thay had done to Prophet Jesus – kill him.
In modern time, the idea of the “Promised Land” is being used to justify the illegal grabbing of land. The Al-Aqsa mosque is claimed to be seated on top of the ruin on Prophet/King Solomon’s temple. I will not be surprised if one day this mosque will be destroyed by an “accidental bombing”.
I do not see an end to this conflict and it will get worse. As mentioned by the Holy Prophet PBUH, a decisive war between the Muslims and the Jews will be inevitable.
salam sejahtera YAB Tun,
Apa sesungguhnya yang menjadi akar penyebab konflik Israel-Palestin ini?
Dunia antarabangsa telah percaya bahwa akar konflik ini adalah masalah Kedudukan tanah Palestin oleh Israel – sebagaimana para politik Palestin dan politik Muslim berkata kepada dunia antarabangsa. Oleh karenanya Barat giat membuat program-program perdamaian
To “sitifarah”,
1. To know Hamas better, better read some books on the history of Palestine and what led to its occupation by Zionist-Jews; and how Hamas came about: (books)
i) Hamas: Unwritten Chapters; by Azzam Tamimi, 2007. ISBN 978-185065-834-4
ii) 20 Persoalan Asas Palestin, by Maszlee Malik. 2006. ISBN 993-9782-31-2 Penerbit: JIM International and JIMedia.
iii) Israel: Kenapa Dunia Tidak Boleh mengiktirafnya: satu sorotan sejarah.(2006) Hafidzi Mohd. Noor. ISBN 9939782-32-0
iv) Berdamai dengan Israel: Berapa Harganya? Hafidzi Mohd. Noor. ISBN/ JIM INternational and JIMedia.
iv) Children Under Occupation. Ibrahim Abu Al-Hayja’. ISBN 977-363-101-X (Al-Falah Foundation, Egypt).
2. Hamas is not a terrorist. Neither is Hizbullah. They both are there as RIGHTFUL citizens of their own land, and have every right to defend their own land and their own people. They do not cheat. They abide by the teachings of Islam. Israel detest that kind of people.
3. When your land has been seized by foreigners (Zionist Jews)and you/ your families are chased out of your own homes and lands,maimed and killed, are you going to sit still and just watch that happen?
It has been SIXTY (60) years since the land of Palestine has been seized and carved into PIECES. ALL entry/ exit points of their own land are controlled by the oocupiers.
The Zionist-Israel has NUCLEAR weapons (=WMD) for decades, Apache helicopters, F-16 jet fighters, warships, white phosphorus and DIME and DU(depleted uranium) and cluster bombs dropped unto the Palestinian land.
(Would you do nothing??)
Dear Tun Dr M,
I am sorry (it was Mohd Osman Mohd Jailus who came late. The corrected article is as follows.
Sorry YB Mohd Osman.
I just finished following the TV3 Prime Time News. As matter of fact there were 3 news coverage involving Corruption.
The 1st corruption charge involved the handicapped wife of Taiwan
Salam Tun ,we are behind you …………….PEACE.may ALLAH bless all of us.TUN,you so smart and brave prime minister……
kalau betul kita tak iktiraf, mana boleh kita menggunakan sebuah nama “Israel” untuk tempat yang telah di rampas dari tanah milik orang lain.
tanah Palestine tetap tanah palestine. oleh itu berita- berita di TV mesti mengkaji semula cara mereka menyampaikan berita.
negara kita ini mesti dijaga baik-baik. mesti dididik baik-baik. dah 50 tahun merdeka dah. dah 500 tahun di jajah.
Salam Tun.
I was in Gaza as a peace keeping forces few years back..and it’s sad.
There are no words about it..as it’s basically what the europeans did to the arabs as how Bush did to Iraq.
It’s not a holy war..but war of the rights.
Best regards
azrin @ http://www.zyraz.com
Zyraz Chocolates
Selamat Malam Tun
Blood drop since Habil and Qabil.
“the womb of the Palestinian woman is the greatest weapon” – Yasser Arafat
dear Tun,
i fully support your push and continue to highlight the key issue of land grab as the main reason for this conflict. the question is how best to get this message into the living rooms of those whose opinions matter, i.e. the rich citizens of the world who can make a difference and voice their opinion back to their own governments to take action. i am beginning to receive some signs that we are making progress, e.g. via the youtube, blogs, your KLFCW, etc, they need to be continued but other avenues need to be developed.
i discussed with a good friend on which strategy would work better, education or weapons to solve this problem. i chose the former as the latter will not get us to where we want to be without using our brains. what i mean by that is being adept at the important subject matters, like law, international relations, technology, and to use it to spread the message. guns aint gonna get anyone anywhere. the zionist lakhnat have access to the best supply of WMD.
the fall of apartheid was achieved thru a symbol of peace and hope – nelson mandela and with that the sheer push of the citizens of the world thru a co-ordinated effort to influence the opinion of world leader which resulted in action being taken. i see parallels here too, in the face of insurmountable challenge, i dont see any problem in getting the message out to achieve the desired behaviour. its all about applying oneself, meticulous planning, perhaps a symbol of peace (a mandela equivalent from amongst the palestinians – definitely not any of the comical characters we have right now who are getting the airtime), absolute focus on execution and some brains to ride any wave of resistance.
i read on your KLFCW site that the un security council pre-empted the motion that was supposed to be called at the general council and blunted the intent of the original motion by replacing it with a much diluted one. now thats what i call meticulous planning, cunning execution on the part of the zionist lakhnat. it shows that they are actively and consciously working to ensure that all key avenues are plugged before it can even get past the door. we need to up the game a long long way before we can get to a point where the lakhnats are even seriously considering a peace deal. the leverage is way too much on the lakhnats side that they can toss and turn any progress towards brokering peace and breaking it down at will. if the palestinians are on a stronger footing, e.g. backed by strong coalition of the world population behind them, they might have a chance. for now we need to get the palestinians into a position to enable them to do some proper negotiations.
i think there should be a balanced international mediation team consisting of key ‘Elders’ to help make peace happen and not biased towards westerners only. you should be in the mediator team, even mr. Mandela. i am not too sure about that idiot tony blair in there representing the quartet.
Dear T Feb 10 2009 1:54pm,
Since when did the British gave Sabah and Sarawak to Malaya? But I guess you did not know the history of Malaysia. My advice to you is get your facts right before you try to write sarcastic comments. But then again I think you are too stupid to understand anyway.
Its inhuman, first the destruction of Lebanon and now Gaza killing innocent lives indiscriminately both sides but the weight of judgment is heavily, very very heavily, against Israel.
My heart aches for the children of Gaza and still aches for those killed and hurt in Lebanon.
I am a Chinese Catholic and in Singapore the Catholic Church raised funds to relieve Gaza.
I read in the Catholic News that the Jews are angry with the Pope for reconciling with a Bishop who had doubts about the holocaust. This is wrong but why cannot the Jews understand the meaning of reconciliation and forgiveness? the Pope held out an olive branch but the Jews wants to knock it out of hi hand. Perhaps this is why Israel is so hell bent on extracting excessive revenge.
Dear Tun Dr M,
I just finished following the TV3 Prime Time News. As matter of fact there were 3 news coverage involving Corruption.
The 1st corruption charge involved the handicapped wife of Taiwan
What would I do if I am the Pesident of Palestine?
1.Do what ever necessary to make peace between Hamas and Fatah. Both sides must commit and realize some of their principle must be put aside to achieve and agreement with one another.
2.Once Hamas and Fatah are in one group, one mission and one agenda, I
Dear Tun,
Sometime I am puzzled….why you are not even raise voice on the ethnic cleansing that currently happening in Sri Lanka?
Any reason for that?
Dear Tun,
When come to Palestine issue it remind me a cartoon on malaysiakini. The cartoon said
Dear Tun, I fully support the comments by Selva FOR THE SAKE OF PEACE, PROMOTE LOVE FOR HUMANKIND BY KEEPING RELIGION AT A DISTANCE. Also we have to review both sides of their news instead of being fed with one side then only can we the world community help them to compromise and not the way round.I fully sympathies with the plight of the innocent from both sides.Lastly i appeal to the world leaders to be fair and honest in their undertakings to bring peace and stability to this universe. Warmest regards to all.
Assalamualaikum Tun,
The root cause of Palestinian/Israel conflict is due to Palestinian land being given for the to create Israel. Therefore it can be said the only way to solve this is to give back the land to Palestinians. But that would mean there is no Israel. Indeed, there should not be an Israel to begin with since it is rightfully Palastinian land. So how do the Palestinian negotiate for peace with something which is illegal in the first place?
If a robber robs another person’s land, then the only way to solve the problem would be the robber to return back the land. Unless, the person is willing to give the land to the robber. What happens if the robber is not satisfied and wants more land? (Seeing that the robber have the military power and ability to acquire more land)
And when the Palestinians fight back with rocks and rockets and kill one or two Israeli is called a terrorist act. But when Israel attacks with tanks, warplanes, chemical bombs, and killed thousands of Palestinians is called self defense? Do the Israel sympathizers hope that the Palestinian should not fight back and let the Israeli kill them one by one?
To see this injustice happen for such a long time in this so called civilized world is a wonder indeed.
I do agree that we should involve non-Muslims who sympathize with the Palestinians. If they want to help, by all means do so. However, seeing that the Palestinians are Muslims, they have a special relationship with Muslims worldwide. All Muslims are brothers. To see a fellow innocent Muslims being killed, there is a responsibility for other Muslims to help. Muslim nations should take the lead to help Palestine.
I do not see Isreal being sincere in wanting peace. Far from it, I see them wanting more and more land. They just need the justification to do it.
They have continued to attack Palestine time and time again. Remember Jenin? Where whole Palestinian family were killed when their houses were bulldozed while the family were still inside. Remember what they did to Yasser Arafat? They surrounded the compound where Yasser Arrafat was staying with tanks. Electricity and water supply was cut off.
Israel is like a big bully. They are arrogant. They attack Palestine because they are are more stronger and they know no one in this world will stop them.
The sanctity of religions have been corrupted by us. Just read half of the replies: Some are missing the point completely and proudly claim that Jews are here to kill Muslims and the other way round. And your persistence, dear Tun, of using the word Jews instead of Zionists or heck, even Israeli or something similar is not helping.
Somewhere up there, somebody reminded us that the Jews killed 4 prophets and Jesus Christ and that’s proof that they’d kill anyone they like. Hell, Malays should be in that also since someone very Malay killed Altantuya. Chinese are killers from young because of that boy who killed his tuition teacher’s daughter a few years back. Indians are also killers somehow, though I can’t recall any recent event. Whites – Hitler. Blacks – Death of Tupac Shakur. Humans are natural killers who’d kill anyone they like, it seems.
Racism was the real catalyst of the Israeli-Palestinian war, I say. If the Europeans weren’t so bias against Jews, they would never have started progroms and systemic abuse of the Jews. Hence, no subsequent Balfour Declaration, no Israel, no war.
Everybody seems to forget the very real alliance that was between Islam and Judaism during the Middle Ages i.e. Islam used to be so much more tolerant towards Jews compared to Christianity of the Middle Ages. Maybe alliance is not the right word but at least, the moral support between the faiths existed.
What we are doing here with our chest-beating and rending of garments is preparing Islam to be the next Judaism. People are racist towards Jews because of the actions of their past [and present] bad apples. We’re the present bad apples who shall make our descendants be hated. The stereotype of violent Muslims are so so terrible right now and we’re only pouring oil to the fire. And the worse thing is that there’s a kernel of truth in it, judging from the comments here.
Cure the root cause, not the symptoms. And for Heaven’s sake, do not spread the infection!
Ottoman Sultan Suleiman I sealed off the Golden Gate in 1541 to prevent the Messiah’s entrance. The Muslims also built a cemetery in front of the gate, in the belief that the precursor to the Messiah, Elijah, would not be able to pass through, since he is a Kohen.
why would Ottoman Sultan Suleiman I and the muslims do that? the year 1541
did it motivated by geopolitical stress?
Dear Dr Mahathir
I am a great admirer of yours and agree with the majority of your views. I think what has happened in Gaza is appalling. Your latest statements are well reasoned but I think the your use of the term ‘Jews’ would detract some from the points you are trying to make. To many in the west and beyond the use of this term is derogatory and I just wondered if you could use some other term perhaps ‘Jewish people’ so that your points can get across to a wider audience. I hope you don’t mind me saying this but it is such an important issue that I think you need to get your points across to all those that might be put off because they feel you are insulting the religon. I am going to be in Langkawi at the end of the month. Are you doing any talks etc that are open to the public?
With very best wishes
Assalamualaikum w.bkth ,
Ayahda Tun Yang dihormati dan kasihi ,
1. masaalah palestin adalah berkaitan wilayah dari awalnya
kerana dalam negara palestin itu sendiri ada nasrani dan
yahudi selain islam ,walaupun mereka keturunan arab dan lain2.
2. penyelesaian utama perlulah isu wilayah bukan bangsa atau ugama.
3. apabila pelestin dan zionist dapat duduk semeja untuk berbincang
satelah kedua pihak mengorbankan hak-hak generasi akan
datang mereka,jalan penyelesaian yang kekal bolih dibina . Saya
setuju perang membawa padah ,manakala pegangan palestin ialah
negara mereka telah diserang olih zionist sementara dalam
padanya dijajah Inggeris secara tidak sedar . Zionist mula
mengaitkan isu ugama bahawa hak mereka di tanah juruselem ujud
sejak nabi ibrahim dan nabi musa kerana terdesak .
4. KLFCW perlu memberi gambaran sebenar dahulu kepada raakyat
Malaysia (tidak mempolitikkan isu palestin ) ,negara2 arab dan
dunia .Palestin dan Zionist tiada
tempat didunia yang sanggup menerima mereka bertapak kecuali
tanah juruselem . Mereka perlu perdamaian yang kekal . Kalau
kita lihat dalam waktu tertekan Gaza dapat membangun begitu
pesat membina masjid2 dan perumahan2 awam yang bermutu walaupun
bergantung kepada negara luar dan terownong2 nyawa yang mereka
bina secara rahsia . Saya percaya apabila mereka dapat berdamai
Palestin dapat menyaingi negara zionist itu sendiri . Palestin
perlu sedar hakikat ini . Berdamailah walaupun ianya
pahit ,pedih dan menjatuhkan maruah sebagai arab . Jihad yang
lebih besar disini ialah melawan nafsu individu itu dahulu .
5. KLFCW perlu mencari jalan berdepan dengan pencetus permasaalahan
ini iaitu bermula dengan Inggeris dan Amerika yang sanggup
memikul tanggungjawab nya untuk menjadi sebuah kuasa
besar .Negara yang perlu diadili perlu mengambil kira negara2
pencetus supaya mereka tidak sewenang – wenangnya bertindak
melulu seperti terhadap Iraq dan Afganistan . KLFCW cintakan
Damai agar segala peristiwa dijadikan iktibar generasi
masa depan membuka mata , hati dan minda.
To my dearest Tun,
Kenapa pemimpin hebat macam Anwar Ibrahim dan Nik Aziz tidak kedengaran memberi komen yang lantang tentang isu Palestin dan kekejaman Israel. Nampaknya, orang yang mereka kutuk macam Tun jugak yang kena cakap tentang ketuanan islam. Yang bestnya, Tun bercakap untuk umat islam seluruh dunia, tetapi di Malaysia ada golongan yang bercakap macam agama Islam tu hanya untuk orang parti bulan. Kesian…….. adakah agama islam itu cukup cetek sampaikan usaha mulia Tun pun mereka tak kenang. Sedih…… Ini bukan nak bodek tapi bukan semua pemimpin Islam boleh bercakap macam Tun. Saya doakan moga-moga Allah s.w.t memelihara orang yang benar termasuk Tun sendiri.
Salam YB Tun,
Semoga YB Tun sentiasa dalam keadaan sihat dan ceria selalu di samping keluarga tercinta.
I just want to share with you and Che Det fans that before Palestinians were rob of their land by these criminals, the Soviets already allocated some land for the Jews as their homeland. This land is located in Birobidjan, Russia on the border of Russia and China and near to Valdivostok city. This proves a fact that there has been a land for these outcasts to live in and they do not want to admit it. For decades, these criminals had grossly deceived the world by telling the Palestinian land is their homeland. What a *#@%^@ !
Zionists chose not to acknowledge Birobidjan, the voluntary Jewish homeland (supported by American Jewry since 1928) of the Jewish Autonomous Region (on the border of Russia and China). To this day this is a flourishing Jewish homeland – a largely unsung region Lady Renouf makes public on both PRESS TV programmes.
Please click or access to below link for more information.
Assalamualaikum Tun,
It is the war on religion or territory?
Perhaps you can brief some history starting from WWI & WWII regarding who cause the war. I believe many of us know not.
I’d like to point out regarding People of the Book in the Quran.
An interesting example of the latter type of falsification tests contained in the Qur’an is the verse which mentions the relationship between the Muslims and the Jews. The verse is careful not to narrow its scope to the relationship between individual members of each religion, but rather, it summarizes the relationship between the two groups of people as a whole. In essence, the Qur’an states that the Christians will always treat the Muslims better than the Jews will treat the Muslims. Indeed, the full impact of such a statement can only be felt after careful consideration of the real meaning of such a verse. It is true that many Christians and many Jews have become Muslims, but as a whole, the Jewish community is to be viewed as an avid enemy of Islam. Additionally, very few people realize what such an open declaration in the Qur’an invites. In essence, it is an easy chance for the Jews to prove that the Qur’an is false – that it is not a divine revelation. All they have to do is organize themselves, treat the Muslims nicely for a few years and then say, “Now what does your holy book say about who are your best friends in the world – the Jews or the Christians? Look what we Jews have done for you!” That is all they have to do to disprove the Qur’an’s authenticity, yet they have not done it in 1400 years. But, as always, the offer still stands open!
more on http://www.missionislam.com/quran/amazing.htm
Thanks for your posting.
I look foward to read another post like this.
Salam Tun,
Yang dahulu menduduki dialah dikirakan memiliki tanah.
Siapa yang lebih dahulu menduduki Tanah Palestin?
Arab Palestin atau Yahudi Palestine? I don’t know.
Pas perjuang hak ketuanan Arab Palestin di ‘Tanah Palestin’.
Tapi Pas menafikan hak ketuanan Melayu di Tanah Melayu.
Kesian Melayu.
Salam Tun,
I 100% agreed with you that this is not about religious war but about greedy. They want land. They are too much.
There is no end for the War until they realise “we had killed all the Palestine!!” That is they objective and goal.
When we are talking about this issue, we can talk but we cannot stop them to attack. Till now America and other european’s country still continues contribute to Israel on no matter sources they need and they are has the power.
We have to continue our pray and stop buying Israel’s partner product. We can do something to weakend they power.
May Allah help us.
Salam Tun,
This link to one of many Muslim Zionism thoughts.
Could Muslim Zionism lead them to peace?
Just asking.
salam Tun,
saya terbaca beberapa ucapan Tun ttg dasar dan polisi k’jaan pimpinan Tun terhadap globalisasi dan ‘jerat’ IMF waktu krisis matawang dulu – ‘analyze the cause and effect. cure the root cause, not the symptoms’ – nampaknya kaedah pemikiran yg sama Tun gunakan utk menilai isu Palestin-Israel. Hmmm… saya setuju benar 🙂
pd saya, yg jd ‘duri’nya adalah Hamas dan Parti Likud. Sama2 keras kepala mempertahankan ideologi dan survival masing2, dgn memperalatkan isu agama dan kaum. Hamas diapi2kan/disokong oleh Iran. Likud pula dpt sokongan US. Bertambah keras la kepala masing2… 🙁
ibarat kaki tertusuk duri, selagi ada duri selagi itulah luka akan bernanah. buang duri, bukan setakat lap darah/nanah. Selagi ada Hamas dan Likud (dan keras kepala masing2), selagi itulah ada perang Palestin.
p/s: saya suka quote Tun ttg tamatnya perang/sengketa Perancis-Jerman, dan penubuhan EU! 🙂
Aslamkum YAB Tun;
1.Masaalah perangan plastine dan iseral kini berlarutan hampir 60 tahun.
2.Saya sokong semua yg Tun gariskan di atas itu.
3.Orang kita pun sama juga kalau tak pun semacam orang arab berebut dalam politik.
4.Semoga allah memberi hidayat dan pertolongan kepada penduduk dan orang arab plastine.
5.Semoga YAB Tun tidak jemu dalam perjuangan ini.
salam Tun,
Soo sorry out of topic again….I just cannot resist!
UMNO can always shoot themselves in the foot by inviting KJ to canvas for voters support at Bukit Gantang by-election.
Baik-baik boleh menang besar kerana isu PR menderhaka kepada Baginda Sultan,terus kalah kerana pengundi menyampah tengok muka dia.
Food for thought?
Salam all,
I have an idea and I hope this is workable: HAmas and Fatah should be friend to each other, so that:
1. Hamas can have Palestine
2. Al Fath can have Israel
3. All the Israelis can be transferred to any states in the US.
How’s that?
If this is not aggreable to the States, how could they allow Israel to occupy Palestine..
Dear Tun,
I undertsand that you owned a very good reputation in islamic world due to your brilliant knowledge, experiences, far view and well judge/analyst on each matter.
I also learnt that this economy crisis depression can cause a war just like Israel & Pakistan; this crisis also lead into unprecedent government colapse and so on…
As your frequent reader, I’m very kin to read your opinion(s) on Malaysia political situation and how do you judge the effects of thier interuption to our economy? expecially with the recent Perak Government matter.
I believe the government interuption on economic especially during this moment are very important, however it seens like the political matter has sub-channel some of our attention from this crisis. Do you they have neglected the urgency of this portion?
Hi Tun,
Why there is not any rep from Israel?
Why there is no video clips showing Gaza/Hamas people cursing Israelis?
31. I was asked by the Jordanian doctor, when will this war end. I think it will have no end because it has degenerated into feuds of old, when Semitic tribes fight each other for generations simply because they were traditional enemies. The original reason for the enmity has long been forgotten.
We cant go back and debate about who has the right on Palestine land. As both sides will have it’s story. Divide the Land & formed self-determination countries between IS & Palestine-Arab which has been proposed by UN since 1948.
“By ezani on February 10, 2009 2:36 PM”
“That is why I am very disappointed why UMNO did not bother to explain hudud law and Islam in the right context to our MCA and MIC friends. I am sure they would understand. Now they are enemies of hudud law worse than ever and UMNO does nothing. As for me, I feel I am on the right path and I pray to Allah SWT to continue to guide me Insyallah”
i just want to reply you wrt your last para “I feel I am on the right path…….”
-Everyone feels that they are on the right path, if you dont believe, try to ask anyone you know who has shown a little bit religious, even one hindu will say that he is on the right path, again try to ask any hindu that seems a bit religious….same goes to other people.
How could one buddhist stays on his religion for so long if the religion he embraced not on the right path???
Nobody will make christian as their religion if they knew that the religion is false.
Never feel or say that we at the right path, only God knows, unless we have asked God and God had replied.
If you feel that you are at the right path, you tend to become religious egostic and tend to blame other who you feel not inline with your right path concept….
May God bless us all…
Dear Tun,
My Arab fren met 1 Palestinian guy somewhere around masjid india. the palestinian guy said he ran from palestine and come here illegally. He also said few thing:-
1. Nobody like Hamas, because of Hamas all these thing happen and they suffer a lot.
2. Hamas start to attack Israel 1st.
3. Fatah has the opportunity like Hamas but they didnt do so.
4. He claim that he is bomb maker.
Comment please what with Hamas actually?
Assalamualaikum Tun,
I don’t know Tun, it was a territorial war at first but until now all I’ve heard is that they the Zionist Israelis have been targeting only at the Muslims, directly or indirectly with the help of their Big Brother, the US. Their main targets have always been the Muslims in Palestine, Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran, Syria, Lebanon and who knows they might even have penetrated into the small Muslim countries or territories that exist in Europe, Russia, China and Asia. Look what happen to India and Pakistan, is it not because of the sly and cleverly planed instigations of the US and her “lover”.
It was even reported that Israel at one time wanted to send her “mighty gifts of destruction” in Mecca but was punched in the mouth. Right Tun?
So hasn’t all these become a bit religious, Tun. The Jews or Zionists Jews or Zionists isrealis or whatever names they are called, have been tortured and killed and treated inhumanely by the Nazis Germans. Then why, after they had accumulated so much strength and wealth, didn’t they attack or throw their utmost hatred and anger and revenge towards Germany? Many countries in Europe, Russia and even US refused to take them in and migrated them instead to the Middle East. Then why not send their revenge to these “friends”?. Maybe they have done it, as what is happening now throughout the world, the economic slump! It is their doing, isn’t it Tun?
After the World Wars when was a non-Muslim country bombed and attacked and oppressed and her people maimed and pulped to death, Tun? Korea? Vietnam?
I’m no historian and my knowledge are limited but I think Tun, the Muslims have always been treated very unfairly and become the unwilling targets of these trigger happy primitive brutes. Remember how they humiliated our beloved Prophet Muhammad (saw) and scoff Islam? Isn’t this their way of instigating and provokoting the Muslims to wage war on them? As I’ve said before they’re very good in the craft of manipulations.
I can understand the overwhelming feeling of the young Arab man. he’s the product of this war. When he was brought to this world, what was the first thing he saw? What was the first thing he heard? What was the first thing he felt?
Tears, blood and cry of pain of his mother in pain not of labour but bullets maybe?
I don’t know Tun. Did you ask him, Tun? Did anyone ask him? The first cut is the deepest. It will always be in his mind and heart.
The young children of Palestine are the products of this war. They go to school and learn the alphabets but to them A is Apache, B is Blood, C is Crawl (to safety!), D is Die, F is F16 and alas many more that should not be in their small minds.
Yes, I agree too that only through negotiations peace will be established. But I believe the egoist, arrogant Zionist Israel will never be the first one to take the first step to put down their weapons.
Sorry Tun, I’m just stating my not worth a two-cent piece of mind.
Anyway I totally believe in your work for peace and justice.
Take care Tun and May Allah Look Upon You Always.
Student G: how did all this started ?
Facilitator L: God said to Abraham ,
Salam Tun,
Yes! Peace is only possible if both the Palestinians and the Israelis are willing to talk and reconcile. Return those land that has been forcefully taken from the Palestinians and start to live and co-existing separately as neighbours, and over the years as good neighbours!
Both the Palestinians and the Israelis must stop thinking hating each other as historical enemies, instead to focus the actual cause of the problem that has brought about the disproportionate killing of the Palestinians by the well-equipped Israelis military backed by the U. S. and the British.
If this could be arranged and compromised, compromised not to be dominated by the stronger power then the arduos road to PEACE is possible.
Salam Dr. M…
I’d too felt discomfort by the young Arab’s remark if I were there…it’s not right to hate them just because they are Jews…even our Prophet(SAW) would never condone such attitude…
Zionist should be blamed, not Jews…they’re the perpetrators behind this conflict all along…
Dear Tun’
This is in response to T.
The British did not give Sabah and Sarawak away.
It was the wish of an overwhelming majority of the
people there in a referendum conducted by the U.N. to
join Malaysia. Please be kindly informed.
Salam YAB Tun,
Peperangan di Gaza menyentuh hati setiap insan didunia ini tidak kira apa bangsa dan fahaman agama mereka. Seluruh alam ini sentiasa meratapi dan turut sedih atas setiap kematian dan pembunuhan yang berlaku disebabkan oleh kerakusan tangan manusia itu sendiri.
Kita harus ketepikan perasaan sentimen sempit keagamaan, fahaman, dsn. dan harus bersatu dan bersama sebagai SEORANG KHALIFAH yang telah diamanahkan untuk menjaga kesejahteraan setiap kehidupan termasuk kehidupan manusia didunia ini.
Membunuh seseorang kerana berbeza fahaman agama sama juga seakan membunuh satu agama tersebut. Maka membunuh mana-mana kehidupan sama juga seakan membunuh kehidupan itu sendiri dan wajar dihentikan.
‘Membunuh’ segala senjata pembunuh atau pemusnah kehidupan itu adalah lebih baik daripada membunuh mana-mana jiwa yang hidup. Pembuat senjata harus dipertanggung-jawabkan atas setiap pembunuhan yang berlaku dimuka bumi ini, melalui senjata buatan mereka.
Dunia ini akan lebih aman dan damai apabila semua manusia bencikan peperangan dan pembunuhan. Bencikan senjata-senjata terutamanya yang dapat membunuh tanpa mengetahui siapa sasaran sebenar musuh yang hendak dibunuh. Bencikan kemusnahan setiap yang bernyawa, harta-benda, alam sekitar termasuk tumbuh-tumbuhan dan haiwan-haiwan.
Pencetus peperangan yang membencikan keamanan harus dijauhkan dan diasingkan daripada masyarakat yang mencintai keamanan dan kedamaian. Senjata-senjata mereka tidak perlu kita gunakan atau kita beli bagi tujuan membunuh sesama kita kerana yang rugi kita juga dan yang untung adalah mereka akhirnya.
Menghulurkan bantuan berupa wang-ringgit kepada mangsa kekejaman tidak sama dengan memberhentikan terus penyebab sebenar kekejaman tersebut. Kita harus bersatu atas nama kemanusiaan yang mencintai kedamaian dan kebenaran didunia ini, secara bersama mengalihkan tangan-tangan yang ingin memetik apa sahaja senjata pemusnah yang hendak dihalakan kepada mana-mana kehidupan didunia ini.
Sesiapa sahaja yang dipihak yang bathil harus ditentang habis-habisan walaupun seagama, sebangsa, mahupun ahli keluarga kita sendiri. Kerana ketahuilah bahawa pada akhirnya hanya mereka yang dipihak yang benar sahaja yang pasti berjaya dan beruntung.
Mereka yang masih cetek pemikiran dan masih berbicara sesuatu atas nama agama mereka dan berbicara mengikut hawa nafsu sahaja harus diberi amaran dan kesedaran segera sebelum terlambat dan terlanjur sehingga memalukan nama dan imej agama mereka sendiri kelak akhirnya.
Mana-mana agama sekalipun didunia ini tidak akan mengizinkan pengikutnya atas nama agama untuk sengaja membunuh, menzalimi, menyakiti, dsn. mana-mana manusia lain atas sebab perbezaan dan berlainan fahaman agama. Asal setiap agama itu adalah untuk kesejahteraan umat manusia secara keseluruhannya disamping menyembah tuhan atau tuhan-tuhan mengikut kepercayaan masing-masing.
You said it right. This war is not about religion. We all stand to condemn war for any reason and it is a deplorable act to justify a war.
The muslims are a divided lot in the name of religion. They call themselves as brothers but I wonder whether they really know the meaning of the term. The Muslims fight among themselves and there are many Muslims nations who are suspicious among themselves.
What is disturbing is that they use religion to segeregate themselves and utter the word “jihad” to wage atrocities against the opponent for the slight reason.
Coming to our homefront, every street demonstration carried out by the majority race ends up with religious tones and calling for war against the oppressor.
I feel that religion is being politicised and cause unecessary fear among others.
These peaple are overprotective of their religion and tend to misuse or tarnish the purity of the religion.
The Muslim world should not approach the Israeli aggression on a religious perspective. They should not counter attack with a holy war. This is nothing to do with religion and for that matter, Islam is not been attacked in any part of the world. All the killings of innocent people in the name of religion is the doing of irresponssible people who are haunted with deviationist upbringing.
There is more harm done in the name of religion. The segregative attitude of some of the Muslims only encourage animosity against the followers of non-muslims. We often hear the Muslims utter religious slogans to condemn others. GOD would not condone to such behaviours.We humans would never repent or absolve from such acts for we know that GOD would not question us. A nation would be doomed if religion is allowed to take the front stage. Religion is not everything in life and it should be used only as a reference and it is a shame on humankind to allow it rule our life. Everyone of us have commonsenses to counter the good and evil.Live life to its best and stop having fantasies of the other world after death as it does not exist at all. If we can assimilate the reality of life, the world would be a better place to live.
The reality in the Middle East is that Israel is a nation that has been established in the region and it is impossible to remove the nation from the atlas.
The Israelis armed themselves with sophisticated weapons as this is the only way for their survival in a region of hostility.
We could not justify Israel’s acts of aggression on Palestine and we should not allow Israel from further encroachment into Palestine land.
The problem here is that, the Arabs want Israrl to get lost and they dont want to hear that a nation by the name of ISRAEL ever exist.
To bring the war to an end, the Arab nations should come to their sense and recognise Israel and promote peace in the region.
No leader in the proper frame of mind would want to see his people and cities destroyed.I dont agree to Doctor’s #26 on this basis.
Harbouring animosity with Israel cause much harm to Palestine and it doesnt make sense to aggravate tension in the region.
Whether we like it or not, the Arabs should devise a formula to live peacefully with Israel as their neighbour.
Salam Tun,
Sedih betul baca apa yang Tun tulis. Kejam betul rejim Zionist.
Pulangkan tanah Palestin kembali pada rakyatnya.
Saya sokong
YABhg Tun,
For a race to be specifically mentioned in The Holy Quran…
The Jews must be some race….
Salam Tun,
Palestine menyebabkan kita menangis dan kadang-kadang tak bolih tidur mengenangkan kesengsaraan mereka……
Syabas Tun……
Dearest Tun,
Since the UN is so weak and not democratic anymore, let us all leave the UN and strengthen the OIC and NAM. Malaysia should lead the walk-off (beramai-ramai).
So money controls everything including technology, weapons, power….
What’s the guarantee that justice can’t be controlled by money? Isn’t there justice included in democracy? It’s not justice, but the backers who supplying money and weapons can terminate the war. Their morale must be changed, but who will advise them since their proxies are everywhere? Religious can change their morale and terminate the war. Their morale must be free of greedy in money and power.
It’s true, at the beginning it’s not religious war, but like it or not, it’s going to be the religious war. No other choice for people, either moslems, christians, jews, who do not have money and power but always being terorised, killed, expelled, unless they will fight back even the power they have is only hoping God’s help for justice. These people are only think that the earth or world belong to God and not belong to the backers who supplying the money and weapon and so greedy for controlling everything in the world.
Salam Tun,
Interesting dilema isnt it? I saw the comedy movie “The Zohan”, very funny if watched with an open minds. The movie makes jokes of the Israelis and palestinians, how their behaviour borders on stupidity that keeps the war alive after 2000 years. At the end our Israelis hero married a Palestinian girl and lives happily which implies the only workable solution is for them to remain as a Federation with two states – far fetched? maybe, but if they can tolerate, maybe the war can be ended. In one scene, when one party wants to stop fighting, the other party couldnt accept it, because the fun will be over!
Of course the real life is not as funny as the movie, people get slaughtered, thousands maimed, houses damaged,thousands became refugees. While we condemned the Israelis, we also should blame the Arab states for lying idle watching the brutality of Israel on CNN or Al-Jazeera. Since they are not helping or condemning the attack, the Israeli took it as consent and felt free to attack all out. What did Egypt do to help? What did Fatah do to help? Nothing! They even helped the Israelis to enforce blockade at the borders! We Malaysian Muslims objected and shouted foul play louder than all the Arab countries put together! It is a big shame to the Arab countries, these are the people who some of them are descendants from the line of the Prophets! Some of them could not be bothered with the war, because apart from being the same Muslims, they are of different clans, tribes and houses. They are more worried about their skin, fear of US retaliation to their countries, their dynasty future.
Tun, you are a great leader and have done more to the Muslim world than any Arab leaders could ever dreamt. However, there is a limit to what you could achieve. If these Arabs people refuse to change their ways and reunite as one people,under one religion and sect, there will not be any improvement to their fate until hell freezes over!
On the same token, the Malays in this country also should learn from the Arabs, that having the same religion is not enough to be great if we dont unite as one people, one Ummah. We have PAS who thinks they are more Muslims than the UMNO people, we have PKR who thinks they are more transparent,progressive and fair than UMNO, and lastly we have UMNO who think people must not question them as the default champion of the Malays. The joke is they all pray to the same God, wear the same Baju Melayu,talk the same Malay language, practice the same custom, but they cannot get together and unite!Why? Is it because there is no fun in it? No crisis, do drama, no frog jumping, no political posts, no priveleges and no power?
As long as Muslims regardless of races and nationality are not united, others will just walk all over us. All this talks Tun,no matter how noble your intentions are will bear no fruits. It is very sad but true, and the truth hurts.
Dearest Tun,
Not everybody looks at the Gaza war as non-religious. Malaysian Muslims, for example, think of it as an Islamic cause to support Palestine. They can organise convoys to drum up support and donations, and setup donation boxes at toll booths.
Anybody know about Sri Lanka’s northern war zone? More than 70,000 people has been killed since 1983.
Where are the donation boxes for the victims of these wars?
Dearest Tun,I support the proposal by Wok but before I second it(if not seconded yet)I would humbly seek the willingness of Tun to accept the proposal.Like Wok I beiieve that Tun is the only internationally known person who is not only wise and competent but also possess the DESIRE to realise a lasting peace based not on who is powerful but on JUSTICE for both sides.
Dear Tun,
This is what happen when people loss their mind due to greed. The poor and weekend people always a victim. Sorry to them.
Well said Tun. Could not agree with you more on your analysis of the Palestinian/Israeli conflict. It has degenerated into a blood feud, where you kill my brother and I will kill yours. It will never end, not in our life time though. Someone, somewhere have to take the bull by the horn to resolve the conflict fairly, justly and amicably. Do not foresea the Americans, Obama or whoever, doing this as they are not seen as fair brokers. May be, you should give it a try. In the mean time, the killings, although hugely disproportionate as far as the Palestians are concerned will go on.
Please also give support to the overseas Palestinian who were forcefully evicted from their land of birth and are now struggling for their right to return to their homeland. For example a Cartoonist, Mr. Carlos Latuff… see the posting and the link here…..
peace to the world.
“24. What I realised when the young Arab vehemently declared that the war is a religious war was that the war would have no end. The objective was to kill Jews because of their religion.
25. On the Jewish side it is the same. They want to kill and destroy the Arabs because they hate the Arabs. That explains their brutality, their targeting schoolchildren, babies and old people. That also explains the diabolical weapons that they use, not just to kill but to cause as much pain and disfigurement as possible.”
I dont think it will end. I wish it would, but i doubt it. Not in my lifetime.
Going to war is easier than working for peace.
However, your efforts are to be admired. Bless you sir. Let us try to save as many as we can.
Dear Tun..,
I think the Arabian is useless. You see this, many Arab country invest in material like build tallest building, bigger hotel and many more. But none of them spend their money to develope new technolgy of war. All the war fasilities import from USA and person who create is the Jews. True our Last Prophet is Arabian but seem like Arabian now feel like their race is highest from others. It is only oil that make your race is important for the world.
Asslamualaikum Tun…Actually, I fully agree with da opinient that its no actually about religious war..however, it seems that we have to agree with the fact that da Israelis is actually tried various time to conquer the whole palestine land to achieve their own heinous objective…if we look to the history of the war that happens bet. Israel-Palestin bout hundreds years ago…the Israel objective still da same.they want to conquer baitul muqaddis as they felt that it was belong to them,not for the muslims…so i believe that UN has to be reformed again n to be considered wheteher its objective which is to give harmony n peace througout the world has achieved succesfully…lastly, I wish that Tun n Tun Dr. Siti Hasmah at da best of health…Malaysia still need the charismatic leader like you..
Salam Tun,
latest snippets
Umno: Dulu menderhaka kini taat setia http://www.harakahdaily.net/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=19309&Itemid=1
are they suppose to be called traitor (pengkhianat) Tok Det?
GM-1 Myhelth Mangosteen Essence have75 reasons why you need to consume it.
Dear Tun,
It intriques me why the Arab neigbouring countries are having “elegant silence” attitude towards the Palestinian cause? Why?
Why they are not brave enough to combine their military forces to stop the Israelis atrocities towards the Palestinians.Why?
Why they are not willing to sacrifice to help their brothers by using their oil resource as a weapon to pressure the western countries to stop supporting the Israelis by continue supplying with all the sophistcated military hardware to kill the helpless Palestinians . Why?
Basically, the Arabs are not united to support the Palestinian cause. Why?
There are so many “whys” for the Arab leaders to answer. As long as the Arab leaders are behaving indifferently I can bet to the last dollar this crisis can never be resolved peacefully in years to come.
The Arabs themselves got to think for themselves how to solve the problems. If there is no serious commitment among the Arab leaders then it is a pity that we will continue to be hearing and watching the Palestinian children and mothers being slaughtered by the Israelis.
What is the point of having demonstrations all over the world to condemn the Israelis when the United Nations have “NO GIGI” to act !!
Nobody seems to be listening. They are “blind, deaf and dumb” !!
Dear Tun,
Being a muslim I concur with the statment that the war in Gaza should not be looked at, as religious war, ‘cos its will be no end and its will spread to the other muslims world and the muslims in general will hate the Jews forever and vice versa. Like you said the world should recognised the root of the problem which is; the forceful annexation of Palestinians land. The world should seriously sit down and make things right. The world’s leaders are responsible to gurantee the civilization of each race. To the world leaders, stop being mere politicions, for once, please be responsible leaders ‘cos you owe it to the next generation for peace on earth. The war in Gaza might trigger the next world war, if this happen there is no point talking about power, wealth, religions ‘cos human will be perished from the face of earth. Maybe I am dreamer but I am not the only one, so give peace a chance. Words from John Lenon.
Good Day Tun,
The war in Gaza will never end until the American government stops there support to Israel.And the Israel government(dogs) must except that Hamas is a goverment chosen by the Gaza people.
Today is the day that the Israel will select there new Prime Minister.Each of the candidate that is campaining for the spot to become the next P.M promise that more retaliation will be given to people of Gaza if Hamas still control the state.This horrific and brutality against the people of Palestine will definetly gets worse rather than better.
I hope the Israel government or anybody that support this genocide should aware that there will be a backfire from the Muslim community around the world.And please remember that you Jews may win this battle…but you will definetly lose the war.
Keep on fighting TUN.We are behind you all the way.
Long Live TUN Mahathir.
Dear Tun,
You write in English, when you intend to shore up the Non-Malay support. You sound very liberal in your English posts.
And you write in Malay, when you intend to shore up Malay support.
‘Ketuanan melayu’ is strongly demonstrated in your Malay postings.
Brilliant strategy…that’s bordering on cunningness.
Anyway, I admire your leadership qualities.
You were a great PM. This country is crumbling without you.
They say Saddam was a bad leader. But, Iraq was better off with him. He was the only one who could keep the various factions at bay. Iraq has now gone to the dogs.
So was Suharto (indonesia) and Tito (Yugoslavia).
Regardless what people say of their shortcomings, but in reality,
these were strong and decisive leaders, which kept their countries together.
We need another Iraq to be the police in middle east, looks like Iran can be the next police as long as Obama doesn’t bash Iran first.
Salam Tun,
carve out a part of US and move all jews to that land. anyway, that’s what jews have been doing, e.g. new york properties are own by them, buying up properties. to carve out is just to legalise the israel state, as what have been strongly supported by the u.s. but, i guess, the american anti jews won’t allow this to happen.
well Tok Det, even the supporter i.e. u.s. also reject this idea, but where on earth do the u.s. get this feelings that the palestinians and arab will receive the jews with warm hugs.
Salam Tun
Again, I would like to congratulate you on your blog article. Even though the Palestinian issue is a hard topic to write in a neutral, balanced manner, you have succeeded to do so admirably. It also reflects on your ability of being unbiased and just when you were a leader not so long ago. I like your article despite being strongly Muslim sympathetic!
You also have to realize that the Quran has stated that some Jews will never rest easy with Muslims side by side.
Sebagai seorang Islam berbangsa Melayu, I understand a little bit about the slant of the Palestinian-Israel conflict as being a religious war between Jews and Arabs. But I feel that without proper modern education, our ulamak and religious people views tend to get a bit slanted and sometimes they have fixed views difficult to change. It happens everywhere, even in the US, Europe.
The way I see it is that the Quran does mention a very small group of Jews (“people of the book”) who have kept the monotheistic faith of Nabi Ibrahim a.s. even though certain people corrupted the Torah and the Bible. The Quran praised these prople who gladly accepted Nabi Muhammad SAW when he appeared and recognised him as the last prophet from the succession of prophets from Allah SWT. The Quran states these “people of the book” of getting double the rewards as they had remained steadfast on the monotheistic faith despite the corruption that occured during the times of post-Musa and post-Isa.
Despite seeing the conflict as a religious war, I also recognise the sympathies and feelings of non-Muslims and I appreciate them and gladly accept them. I have read about Dr Sonia, a Britich reconstruction surgeon who tried hard to get into Gaza through the Egyptian border but failed just because she is a White European doctor whereas other Arabian medical specialists including Malaysian doctors were allowed in.
In Islam, we should not enstrange anyone who has a chance of accepting Islam. Being friends with them means we can tell them about the truth and wonder of Islam and hence perform dakwah work. But if we enstrange them, we lose the opportunity to do so. So, some Muslim extremeists and fundamentalists who are too extreme are wrong and they should be made to realize so. That is why I am very disappointed why UMNO did not bother to explain hudud law and Islam in the right context to our MCA and MIC friends. I am sure they would understand. Now they are enemies of hudud law worse than ever and UMNO does nothing. As for me, I feel I am on the right path and I pray to Allah SWT to continue to guide me Insyallah.
Salam Tun,
1) The Europeans have been doing injustice everywhere not just in Palestine but here in Malaysia as well.
2) They brought in immigrants to Malaya, Fiji, Maldives, Africa and all their colonies specifically to serve their economic interest.
3) The US have taken over that role now and anything that serves their interest will be persued accordingly.
4) The state of Israel was created by the British soon after the collapse of the Turkish Ottoman Empire. They did not leave it to the Arabs but carved the whole of the Middle East into smaller kingdoms as we know it today not unlike Malaysia with its Sultanates and the various states.
5) The big question is “Why did the Europeans and the US support Israel?”
6) The crusaders have been trying to conquer Jerusalem for hundreds of years wihtout success. They then let the Jews continue the war once the Ottoman Empire vanished.
Does that solve the Jewish problem, maybe……
salam Tun,
Dunia kini hanya menyaksikan kekejaman yang telah dilakukan oleh Zionis terhadap rakyat Palestin di Gaza tanpa berbuat apa-apa..
Ini yang sangat kita kesalkan..
bantuan mencurah datang.. namun kesengsaraan mereka yang menanggung..
Kita mesti berusaha hentikan kekejaman & kezaliman ini…
Saya sokong Wok, meyaran Tun mnejadi mediator membincangkan permasalahan ini..
Semoga Tun sihat selalu…
salam tun
they r just stubborn people, allah chosed them to be that way.
on the other hand, allah has also chosen the palestinians to fight with israelis/zionis. and us? allah has chosen us to perform jihad against them, we shd in any other way still, help and offer help to our brothers and sisters in gaza. their homeland was being occupied.
small or big allah knows and what matters most, our contribution will be counted for in the after days…
keep up the spirit, your points are all factual because u read, nlike others…they don’t read just know how to lie to people…
Perang Palestine & Irael takkan berkesudahan sampai bila-bila. Generasi mereka sekarang sudah hilang punca sebenar kenapa perlu memerangi satu sama lain.
Hamas & Fatah masih dengan kedegilan masing-masing. Simpati kita dan dunia lain hanya sia-sia di pintu masuk sempadan saja. Israel & Mesir masih keras kepala.
Dunia Arab masih diam membisu takut kekayaan dirompak negara maju. Hanya jika mereka kembali berpegang dengan Islam sebenar, maka pasti perang boleh dihentikan. Sekarang mereka berperang akibat benci membenci dan dendam. Jika orang kafir minta berdamai, Islam akan mempertimbangkan.
Assalamualaikum Tun,
To those who think that the Israel attack on Gaza are act of self defence…guys you better think again based on the fact above…
Seremban 100209 2:10pm
Salam Tun,
+ Orang Yahudi akan menjadi musuh umat islam sehingga kiamat
+ Israel dengan bongkak membunuh kanak kanak dan orang tua dengan bom phosphorus kerana mereka tau senjata Palestin cuma roket yang diisi bom tangan!
+ Israel memang mau mengambil keseluruhan tanah Palestin tanpa takut dengan dunia luar..
+ Perlu diingat segelintir orang Yahudi dan penganut agama lain juga membenci peperangan dan mencintai kedamaian… hormati mereka!
+ Umat Islam sukar bergabung dalam melumpuhkan musuh mereka yang sama iaitu Yahudi kerana masing masing berkata: AKU LEBIH ISLAM DARI KAMU!!!!
salam & selamat sejahtera,
Mereka telah ditakdirkan untuk berperang. Termasuklah perang diantara sesama palestine sendiri. Apa yang mampu dibuat hanyalah melihat, berdoa dan menderma.
Tun, I am very thankful to Allah for giving us such a brave, charismatic leader like you. Even at this age, you still actively participate in current issues for in this country and worldwide. You are a true leader.
Alhamdulillah.. Praise to Allah
Salam YBhg Tun,
saya percaya bahwa peperangan di antara rakyat palestin dan zionis tidak akan berakhir selagi mana tidak mendapat sokongan dari liga arab.
biar sebanyak mana kecaman dan kutukan dunia terhadap zionis ianya tida akan memberi apa-apa kesan terhadap zionis jika tanpa apa-apa tindakan dunia arab sendiri.
YBhg Tun, kadangkala saya juga keliru adakah benar warga ini diamanahkan Allah sebagai pemegang kunci-kunci tanah suci umat Islam sedangkan ketakutan mereka berhubung isu zionis ini begitu jelas ketika mana dunia Islam menggesa agar mereka menggunakan kuasa minyak sebagai tekanan ke atas zionis dan sekutunya?
Allah & Rasul lebih mengetahui.
Dear Tun
Thank you for sharing the essence of Palestine forum. I have vet through KLFCW website to get some insights of the foundation.
I truly support the objectives & intention of the org.
Can you share what is the strategy of KLFCW to influence over the International Laws on its effort to totally criminalize the war?
it is the same with Taiwan And Republic of China,
the Singa lapar and Boleh Land
the Afghan and Rusia
cannot call war between religous, but war of the survival of the territory,
maybe can ask Ayah Pin to allocate some space in his Kerajaan Langit..
Good Day TUn
Take Care
It is grossly unfair for the British to give Sabah and Sarawak to Malaya…
Assalamualaikum TUN
saya berasa amat simpati pada penduduk ISLAM di palestin
askar2 yahudi dengan gahnya mengebom bangunan2, jalan2, membunuh anak2 kecil, warga tua, perempuan..adakah mereka yang saya maksudkan ini PEJUANG HAMAS Tun? adakah anak2 kecil yang mati ini memegang ak-47? adakah mereka yang melancarkan roket ke atas warga yahudi seperti dakwa mereka? apakah dosa mereka diperlakukan sebegini? mungkinkah nanti ini akan berlarutan sehingga ke MALAYSIA? benar kata pemuda arab tadi, ini bukan sekadar rampasan tanah untuk yahudi, tetapi seumpama penghapusan etnik! kenapa adolf hitlet dikecam hebat semasa peristiwa holocaust? tidak samakah pemimpin yahudi yang melancarkan ‘perang’ ini dengan hitler? kenapah hitler dikecam dalam sejarah kerana tindakan holocaustnya? berbezakah dengan keadaan di GAZA sekarang?
To those interested, read the book “The Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy” by John J. Mearsheimer and Stephen M. Walt. Mr. Mearsheimer is a professor at University of Chicago and Mr. Walt is a professor at Harvard University.
Assalamualaikum Tun,
The Palestine conflict with Israel will not have an ending unless the European/US and Arab Nation combined sit and negotiate on their behalf.
Will the Arab nations combined do that for the Palestine? Resolve the Land disputes and put to terms with Israel?
As long the European/US keep on backing Israel while Palestine does not having similar backings, I am just afraid the conflict would remain till “Kiamat”. Only Allah knows Bests as what is installed for GAZA and Palestine.
Points below says it all.
28. For their part the Palestinians would show the effects of Israeli brutality, the destruction of the towns and the deaths of innocent children. The hatred against the Jews was fanned to red heat, and Palestinians would become ready to kill the Jews in any way they can. They would fire more rockets and the Jews would retaliate with even greater force and brutality.
29. Both sides have now forgotten the reasons for their war. It is like the clan war of old, when for generations the hatred would be kept alive and both sides would want to go on fighting and killing each other.
I agree on the view that this war should be viewed as a territorial war and not as a religious war. People in Malaysia tend to imply that this whole war and hatred is directed towards the whole community of Jews when the actual blame lies on the shoulder of the Zionists in Israel. Uttering racial remarks that condemn the whole community of Jews in general , which stem from emotional response due to viewing this whole carnage as a religious war would only deter sympathy from the international community which is desperately needed to end things in Gaza due to Muslim countries being too weak to do it themselves. Muslims would also be labeled as racist and further tarnish the image of Islam
Palestin oh Palestin,
Keprihatinan rakyat Malaysia berubah mengikut isu semasa.
Dalam kita memperkatakan isu palestin yg sedang di ‘buli’oleh Yahudi Israel,bila ada isu panas dalam negeri maka mereka telah berubah arah.Tapi serangan Israel keatas Palestin tetap berlaku,gencatan senjata di cabuli walaupun hampir berpuluh dah dibuat oleh PBB.Jadi adakah rakyat Malaysia masih prihatin terhadap konflik di Palestin?
Dear TUN
Palestine yang ada padanya manjidil aqsa tidak akan di bebaskan kecuali oleh pemimpin serupa umar bin khatab dan salahuddin ayyubi
Assalamualaykum Yg Bhg Tun,
As you point out, the dilemma we are facing in Palestine are not as simple as
Teruskan perjuangan tun..
Apa kata kita tangkap mana2 rakyat yang suka buat huru-hara hantar ke Palestine untuk berkhidmat.. dapat juga pahala..
“Instead they should urge both sides to discuss a peace not based on who is more powerful but on justice.”
1. I would like to propose you, Tun, as the Mediator to attain the above objective.
2. I believe you are the ONLY person in this world who is wise and competent to do it.
3. I sincerely hope someone would second me, and move this motion to the relevant authority.
Dearest Tun, We must keep reminding the public that the jews would simply kill anyone that they want to. They have killed 4 prophets and Jesus Christ.
Assalamualaikum Tun yang disayangi. You were the greatest Prime Minister in the world Malaysia ever had!!!