Pendirian Kerajaan Berkaitan Hukuman Sebat

Kabinet kerajaan Pakatan Harapan hari ini telah membincangkan kes yang mana dua wanita telah di sebat kerana melakukan hubungan yang luar biasa.
Pihak kami berpendapat bahawa ini tidak mencerminkan keadilan dan timbangrasa oleh agama Islam.
Sebaliknya kita tahu bahawa ini adalah kes pertama bagi mereka dan biasanya dalam kes pertama kita perlu memberi nasihat dan tidak seterusnya melakukan sebat sehingga diketahui oleh seluruh negara.
Ini memberi gambaran yang buruk kepada agama Islam. Sebab itu kami berpendapat bahawa kalau pun ada kes-kes yang semacam ini pertimbangan hendaklah diberi kepada keadaan tertentu yang mana dalam Islam kita boleh menjatuhkan hukum yang lebih ringan sementara kita memberi nasihat dan sebagainya.
Amatlah penting kita menunjuk bahawa agama Islam ini bukanlah agama yang bengis yang suka menjatuhkan hukum hukum
yang berat yang mengaibkan orang. Ini bukan cara-cara yang digalakkan oleh agama Islam ini adalah pendapat kabinet kerajaan dan kami harap kita berhati-hati dalam mempamerkan Islam sebagai agama yang tidak ada tolak ansur tidak ada bertimbangrasa sedangkan kita selalu apabila bermula sesuatu bermula dengan Bismillahirrahmanirrahim Dengan nama Allah yang maha pemurah lagi maha pengasihani tetapi kita tunjuk seolah-olah dalam Islam ini tidak ada perasaan pemurah sama sekali. Inilah pendapat Kerajaan Pakatan Harapan pada mesyuarat nya pada hari ini.
Sekian terima kasih.


98 thoughts on “Pendirian Kerajaan Berkaitan Hukuman Sebat”

  1. Adeh Dr. Haji Dzulkefly bin Ahmad, apa cerite? Macam X Amanah je

    JTI to Health Ministry : Clarify position on SST implementation

    KUALA LUMPUR (Sept 21): JT International Bhd (JTI Malaysia) today urged the Ministry of Health (MoH) to clarify the government’s position on the implementation of the sales and service tax (SST) on cigarettes. JTI Malaysia alleged that the ministry’s inaction has resulted in a price war in the market.


  2. YAB Tun,

    Saya berpendapat apa2jua yg berkaitan Ugama Islam rujuk kapada Mufti2 dan Alim Ulamak kita. Mereka2 yg bijak Pandai untuk menkaji kesesuaiannya mengikut Al-Quran dan Hadiz.

    Kalau perlu di pinda pelembagaan kita pinda. Saya rasa kita boleh dapat sokongan dari wakil2 dari parti2 pembangkang Islam dan wakil Islam di Dewan Rakyat.

    Dengan ini lambat laun orang2 Islam akan lebih berkeyakinan dengan kerajaan yg menjalankan pentadbiran peraturan Islam.

    Bagi yg bukan berugama Islam kita kena buat roadshow dan beri kefahaman kpd mereka apabila sesuatu yg nak dipratikan.

    Peraturan Islam adalah terbaik dan mudah untuk keharmorni dan kesejteraan hidup.
    Jika mereka faham, saya yakin mereka akan bersetuju.

    Kalau kita balik ke zaman2 nabi2 dulu, tak semuanya rakyatnya ketika itu semuanya berugama Islam. Apabila Islam menunjukan contoh2 terbaik mereka bersetuju memeluk Ugama Islam.

    Kita lantik Menteri dari Mufti2/Alim2 Ulama. Tugaskan mereka mencorakan keperluan Undang Islam ini.

    InsyaAllah jika kita bulat kaarah ini, Allah akan bersama2 dan membantu kita.

    Maaf Tun, komen saya ini. Sekadar memberi pandangan.


    Rule of law approved in federal parliament must be implemented, no pilih kasih, period.

    She as mp of parti politik registered and regulated in this country must be very clear on this stand eventhough her daddy may be the – elect president of parti keadilan rakyat to be sworned in as the 8th prime minister of malaysia.

    If she wrote in for appeal, does she knows she could be warned or fined for contempt of court?

    But i guess she wont be subjected to this ruling kerana bapak ku bakal menjadi perdana menteri malaysia kerana aku orang islam dan melayu kut.

    Perhaps the case on why custom diraja malaysia hold the jewleries from pak lebanon of our ex- first lady eventhough she is the ex umno president’s wife would made her realize, the rule of law is always there, and no one is above the rule of law, therefore, jangan buat, atau repeat the same mistake,

    No matter how much belas kasihan she has sebagai orang melayu dan orang islam, but in the eyes of opposition political parties, she is perceived as scoring brownie points, itu saja.

    If she really want to help this criminal, then, she should get a good lawyer for this criminal with new evidence so that his death sentence could be delayed, or pardoned, itu saja.

    If as mp of pkr also do not understand, then pkr is no difference with umno baru, betul tak?

  4. Yup, tribalism is very much alive in them after more than 6 decades of merdeka.

    When you look back, you will see how far we have went through eventhough we have so much of these dengki hasut sesama diri antara mereka yang bergelar pejuang dan pendekar bangsa dan agama.

    If the current achievements are still not enough, then, they need to ask themselves again and again, are they not good enough, or are they not rich enough?

    It is sad and regretful to see all these dengki hasut di permainkan di kalangan umun yang boleh menjolok mata dan menyakit perasaan masyarakat umun di negara ini.

    If they still dont self censored themselves, then sweet dream will become nightmare to them.

    Yup, patriot walaupun makan pencen dan tak kaya, tapi mereka bukan jenis yang meminta sedekah dari atau dipergunakan oleh mana2 pihak parti politik kegemaran mereka to polish their image.

    Bak kata, tak pandang, tak sokong mahupun tak bagi, takpa, tapi jagan hina patriok tua kita.

    Mereka ini adalah askar, mereka bukan pengemis.

  5. Yup, mubarakchan can bring out any stories of grandfathers and grandmothers, or great great grand uncles or relatives of lee kuan yew name geroge and keep repeating the failed policies of singapore and many more, but when you go to the actual site, you will know the difference lor.

    Mubarakchan ini merepek apa, dia ingat hanya singapura ada mamak restoran kah, kami takda ke?

    Kan sri sense kata dia tak suka singapore, but dont hate singapore.

    If the blog owner and his kaki bodek still believe in these stories, good luck and all the best.

  6. Assamualaikum Ayahanda Tun,

    Mohon ruangan berbalas pantun dengan Cikgu Bedah..

    Huhuhu (menangis hiba).. kesian Cikgu sampai sasau (gila) angkara kami.. mohon maaf pada Pakcik di rumah kerana tak pasal2 terpaksa tanggung beban jaga orang gila dalam rumah (strategi twist ayat bikin panas).

    Janganlah bersorry2 sangat bukankah Cikgu spesis yang suka dibangkang.. maklumlah kami memang suka menghina orang dan juga suka dihina.. Kami juga Melayu mudah lupa tak macam Cikgu.. cuma kami tak berapa minat Kromok tapi minat Queen dan nak pergi tonton Bohemian Rhapsody di pawagam sekejap lagi ni.

    Kami tidak sehebat manapun.. adoiii sakitnya.. uwek.. pahitnya kebenaran ini.. cukup Cikgu cukup Cikgu tak tertanggung rasanya hihihi..

    Kalau rasa pandai sangat maka bersedialah untuk terima kutukan dari orang yang tak sepandai Cikgu.

    Yelah kami jenis Melayu yang h*pr*k sebab suka melaga-lagakan orang dan sarat dengan perasaan hasad dengki terhadap orang Melayu yang ada kelebihan berbanding kami TIDAK MACAM CIKGU yang perfect merangkap acah2 prefect. Sebab Cikgu kencing mencangkung, anak murid kencing duduk.

    Islam itu agama yang lemah lembut dan bukan bengis ibarat kata ayahanda Tun maka janganlah kita bertikam lidah tetapi tunjukkanlah contoh teladan yang baik kepada mereka mudah2an terbuka pintu hati mereka. Menyertai Bersatu pun atas seruan ayahanda Tun bukan setakat jadi penulis atas kerusi empuk tetapi sanggup turun ke padang jika perlu. Kami juga mahu orang Melayu lebih resilient dan berani bersaing dengan bangsa lain dan jangan asyik merintih sahaja dan salahkan orang lain.


  7. Salam YAB dan DiSanjungi PM Tun Dr. Mahathir,

    Izinkan saya Tun:

    Hahaha…Dah naik sasau saya lihat si Polan yang meroyan dan meracau entah apa2 di blog ini.

    Orang lain dia boleh hina sesuka hati, tetapi saya sorrylah…Saya pun bukannya pelupa macam si Polan. Semua benda pun dia tidak ingat (salah fakta). Main hentam keromo saja.

    Si Polan yang perasan hebat boleh pula meroyan sakan bila saya kata (hujah) dia dan yang sewaktu dengannya bodoh, dangkal, etc. Apa nak buat; dia juga yang mula kata saya dangkal, berfikiran sempit, dan seterusnya amat bodoh, etc. Kah..Kah..Kah..Rasakan…Kebenaran amat pahit.

    Memang bodoh pun… Diri sendiri boleh pula kata orang lain bodoh @ dangkal. Malaysia Baru kot. Dia boleh, tetapi orang lain dia kutuk! Alahai…

    Si Polan ini memang jenis Melayu h*pr*k sebab suka melaga-lagakan orang dan sarat dengan perasaan hasad dengki terhadap orang Melayu yang ada kelebihan berbanding dia. Ini memang sikap keji SEGELINTIR orang Melayu (saya tidak kata semuanya) yang patut dibuang. Tidak boleh lihat orang Melayu lain lebih dari dia.

    Lagi bertambah h*pr*k sebab kepada orang bukan Melayu yang istiqamah menghina dan mencela orang Melayu Islam si Polan ini amatlah memberi sokongan padu. Alahai…Ahli Bersatu ini Melayukah? Bangga betul dia bila ada si Polan (sejak dulu lagi) hina Melayu/Islam (secara umum – kaum dia saja yang hebat). Ini bukan bodoh ke namanya?


    Terima kasih Tun.

    – Semoga Allah SWT sentiasa merahmati Tun sekeluarga –


    Sri sense talked about sayang kepada kucing atau anjing does not mean she has motherly love and tanggungjawab sebagai owner of those pets.

    Does she knows negligence of owners can caused harm to these pets, her family and the public in question if she has no know how to solve these issues?

    Yup, a relative of mine with auristic son same age with him got beaten by bullies out there too, kan bukan semua manusia adalah baik hati punya.

    Nasib baik nothing bad happened to him.

  9. Tun

    It Is nice and quiet this morning being a holiday when people are relaxed and put their cares away.

    Most of them do not realise the great cost and hard work put in by you Tun, and your distinguished predecessors like the Tunku, Tun Abdul Razak and Tun Hussein Onn to give our beloved Malaysia and her Rakyat peace harmony and prosperity for all time the feel good feeling of comfort and cossetted in one’s own home.

    You all are the leaders who were responsible and cared for the welfare of the Rakyat in more ways than one. As a result, our country with a couple of minor hiccups arising from its incarceration by colonialism could easily have been still-born and never made the grade.

    We never boasted that we hit above our weight. It is not in our nature to do so. This is where foreigners like Lee Kuan Yew took advantage of our courtesy and politeness and tried to push us into the realm of having an inferiority complex to feel small vis-à-vis Singapore which actually affected most of the Malaysians who worshipped him because of brain-washing..

    Even up to this date, no Malaysian dare to speak about him. When he was alive, Singaporeans in Singapore would look behind when ever his name was mentioned. Even in this distinguished Blog there are some who avoid mentioning him. What is so special or frightening about this ordinary person like any one of us ? Nothing.

    I have always said that I did not wish to comment on his personal attributes but only on his 47 Failed Public Policies of his fables and foibles. However, I will furnish just a snippet on this man since I must have aroused some attention claiming to be his brother-in-law by marriage. Thus

    In October 1951, my elder brother George was married to Lee Kuan Yew’s only sister Monica. I was preparing for my Cambridge Syndicate Examinations and did not attend with my mother. My mother arrived a few days earlier than the wedding day. At the Oxley Road residence, she helped Lee Kuan Yew’s mother to clean up the crockery and noticed that they were not used. His mother and father seemed to have been separated. At the wedding reception held at the Raffles Hotel, my mother being the most senior of the bridegroom’s family was by protocol stood at the head of the welcome line to receive or to see the guests off. But Lee Kuan Yew brashly pushed my mother to the back of the queue and put himself at the head. My mother was the wife of the owner of the old Istana Negara and was not accustomed to this manner of treatment by a 28 year old. She returned to Kuala Lumpur and was quite upset until she was calmed down by some relatives and also realised the fact that George was her favourite son.

    The PAP was founded in 1955. I met Lee Kuan Yew for the very first and last time in 1956 when he was part of the Marshal delegation to Whitehall on self-government for Singapore. At the University Arms Hotel, Cambridge, he was invited by the Malayan Association for dinner. When I met him at the long bar , he was nursing a tall cool beer dressed in a tuxedo and I was dressed in a crumpled Burton suit. He asked me curtly,’ Are you George’s brother ?’ I replied,’ Yes!’. That was the end of the conversation. Singaporean scholars did not impress me since 1954. My view of Causeway politics is entirely different from his. Mine was entirely sympathetic and attuned to the KMUK crowd at Malaya Hall of which I was the only non-Malay. Fast trek to the 1990s. There were 2 family weddings in which I was supposed to seat next to him. I sent my wife instead.

    For those who do not understand why I always mentioned Lee Kuan Yew and called him ‘narcissistic and self-centred’, I hope I have answered part of their curiosity. His behaviour was also confirmed by my elder sister who was a Raffles College contemporary of Tun Abdul Razak, the Royal Professor Ungku Tan Sri Abdul Aziz, Ungku Tan Sri Mohar Badiozaman, Tan Sri Taib Andak, Tan Sri Hamdan, Dr Goh Keng Swee, Lim Kim San, etc. She told me,’ Lee Kuan Yew was always liked that and hate to lose.’

    With the above information, and putting it within the context of my factual comments of his Policies and attitude towards our beloved Malaysia, it is crystal clear to read his intentions towards our beloved Malaysia from the 1962 Water Agreement right through many others to the Pulau Batu Puteh tango and onto the Malaysia Killer of the Malays and the non-Malays the TPPA/CPTPP ! We Malaysians must learn how to quard against threats and danger against our Homeland. Our Tun, the Tunku, Tun Abdul Razak and Tun Hussein Onn did it for us. it is time we wake up as concerned citizens.

    Hence I have said that our courageous and brilliant Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad saved our beloved Malaysia and her Rakyat by the skin of the teeth.

    Cynically, the fat boy and his 1MDB inadvertently woke us up a bit only. Some are still feeling very coddled and comfortable. The TV every night shows what is to come for us IF WE LET DOWN OUR GUARD IN A WORLD WHERE ANIMAL EATS ANIMAL EVERY DAY FOR BREAKFAST !

    Malaysia Boleh Tun as always !

  10. Hari hari mau, who wants to do this kind of bodek works?

    Hajar kata dia baik hati dan bersimpati, you think she will do this bodek works at no charge?

    Even sri sense pun tak segan and asked for high fee for her bullshit consultancy.

  11. I think after going through all these kejutan for the past 10 years, not only ms phang learned her lesson hard, and malaysian voters too had learned the lesson hard.

    Tapi yang pastinya, there is no way umno can be the perdana menteri di negara ini walaupun mereka ada pas sebagai perjuang sehala mereka, unless pkr president is willing to let go this once in a life time opportunity to become the next prime minister of malaysia.

  12. Assamualaikum Ayahanda Tun,

    Mohon izin sekali lagi mencelah untuk menghangatkan suasana sementara pena hampir nak tumpul kerana si polan ini kalau bertinju macam cerita Labu Labi kih..kih..kih sampai beratus round lamanya dan dalam kes si polan bertinju dengan Wajaperak dahulu sampai bertahun2 sehinggalah si polan tanpa segan silu mengisytiharkan dirinya pemenang dengan pukulan TKO.

    Bagi pembaca lain mohon maaf sekali lagi dan anggaplah ini sekadar penglipur lara.

    1. Biarlah jadi cacing sekurang2nya boleh berkhidmat sebagai umpan untuk Cikgu kalau hendak pergi memancing dan boleh dapat ikan yang isinya lembut untuk Cikgu makan so tak perlu Cikgu tampal p*l*d*n* tak gitu Cikgu? kih..kih..kih.. Lagi satu pandai Cikgu kami jalan memang mendabik dada nak buat macam mana muda lagi katakan.. Cikgu jangan tiru macam kami buruk rupanya..

    2. Ala.. penatlah terangkan jalan kerja pada Cikgu . . mungkin tak salah Cikgu juga sebab Cikgu hanya tahu matematik sekolah rendah. . come on Cikgu ini Add Math itu yang kami kena canang sampai ke seluruh pelusuk dunia.. kemudian kelakar Cikgu pun kena stail seantero dunia.. tidak boleh bunyi Indon itu tak berapa jauh.

    3. Ini kami tabik mengenali Cikgu memang Cikgu bukan spesis yang suka mengaibkan orang tak percaya tanya diri Cikgu sendiri.. tetapi mengenali Cikgu juga spesis yang pantang orang naik tocang ( maaf Cikgu sekarang trend anak muda toncang naik ke atas sudah lumrah hihihi).. bab fitnah memfitnah dan mereka-reka cerita itu memang kerja kami yang selalunya disertakan dengan andaian2 yang tidak seberapa pandai seperti Cikgu tetapi bukan anak muda yang kami galakkan untuk terus menulis.

    4. 5. 6. Letih dengar leteran Cikgu bodoh bodoh bodoh.. bukan cakap Cikgu bodoh tetapi kekerapan Cikgu mengeluarkan perkataan bodoh itu membuatkan kami kesian kat Cikgu sebab ini Add Math Cikgu bukan matematik biasa. (maaf Cikgu kami menyakat jer saja tambah bodoh itu lebih sedikit supaya Cikgu boleh balas pantun)

    4.5.6. Berilah peluang anak muda balas sebab ini topik dia, kami ini yang sepandai mana hanya buat pencelahan bukan pencerahan.


  13. “SELAMAT HARI MALAYSIA” kepada seluruh rakyat Malaysia.

    Izinkan saya Tun:

    1. Dah macam cacing kepanasan si Polan yang bermulut celupar ini. Alahai…Sudah lah mata pena pun tumpul dan mungkin sudah berkarat, tetapi masih lagi mahu mendabik dada.

    2. Matematik mudah (+-) yang setaraf MATEMATIK SEKOLAH RENDAH pun kawan baru dia, iaitu si ‘Anak.muda’ GAGAL, tetapi bukan main cakap besar lagi si Polan canang seluruh dunia kononnya kawan dia dapat mematahkan hujah2 saya (dalam kes rasuah YB LGE). Kelakar bangat!. Kah..Kah..Kah..

    3. Saya sebenarnya kesian dengan Sdr. ‘Anak.muda’ sebab terlihat agak kabur (‘blur’) tentang urusan jual-beli rumah. Main hentam saja bila buat pengiraan. Saya fikir saya tidak mahu ulas lanjut sebab kalau saya ulas lagi takut mengaibkan orang pula. Tetapi sekarang, saya akan jawab komen ‘Anak.muda’ sebab ternampak sudah naik tocang @ berlagak pandai menghina orang – saya pun boleh hina balik orang yang menghina saya secara setimpal menggunakan fakta betul asalkan saya tidak ‘memfitnah’ dan mereka-reka cerita seperi si Polan yang ‘syok sendiri dengan andaian2 bodoh beliau.

    4. Sekali pandang saja (saya bukan ajen hartanah), saya sudah tahu yang dakwaan bahawa Miss Phang masih untung tidak benar sebab bayaran bulanan pinjaman pun sudah melebihi RM300K – secara kasar pun dah kira rugi walaupun kos2 lain belum lagi dicampurkan (tapi hairan pula mengapa tiada orang lain yang sanggah – majoriti pemuja LGE @ DAP kot). Dari segi pembuktian saintifik (guna logik akal pun boleh), jika premisnya (asasnya/ basic premises) sudah salah, maka hujah (statements / claims) yang lain2 pun sudah secara otomatik salah (FALSE – the whole claim is false) dan boleh dibakul sampahkan sahaja. Tapi ‘Anak.muda’ bagi pula alasan2 bodoh lain untuk menjustifikasikan yang LGE (yang beliau amat kagumi seolah-olah LGE ini suci bersih) tidak korup..Alahai…pandai befikirlah kononnya…hampeh ada…

    5. Jika Miss Phang TIDAK KORUP, beliau sepatutnya berpuas hati dengan untung dalam RM1.47 JUTA. Tidak perlu mengampu/merasuah sesiapapun termasuk LGE. Wang keuntungan ialah wang HALAL Maaflah, saya tidak sekali-kali berkompromi dengan rasuah; saya juga tidak pernah menyokong segala SALAH LAKU rejim Najib (siapalah yang dituduh “cuma tahu mengampu”).. Sila buktikan jika saya ada membela segala salah laku DSN; bising macam tong kosong menuduh orang pun tidak berguna.

    6. Tetapi Miss Phang tamak, dan orang yang telibat dengan rasuah biasanya didorong oleh rasa tamak haloba! Mungkin ada orang tidak tahu yang harga tanah yang telah bertukar STATUS sudah pasti mencanak naik harga / nilainya (dapat jauh lebih tinggi dari RM1.47 JUTA). Biasanya orang merasuah untuk mendapat kelulusan cara belakang (cara haram). Takkan perkara mudah ini pun orang yang mengaku pandai berfikir tidak boleh fikir.

    Terima kasih Tun.

    – Semoga Allah SWT sentiasa merahmati Tun sekeluarga –

  14. Will they ever learned, or will there continue with this sikap?

    Aku pun malas nak tegur.

    Apabila semua pun malas nak tegur, then, why called for rci?

  15. Orang luar nampak, takkan lah mereka tak nampak.

    Those who allowed them to break the law are as guilty as those who broke the law.

    Since they cant even menegakkan kedalautan undang- undang, they why contest for mp?


    As amanah mps and holding 2 critical ministry portfolio, if they also cannot follow the rule of law of the state concerned, you think they will follow rule of law at federal level?

    I know in here, no one will voice out.

    But as voter, when the party president also cannot follow the rule of law, it simply means anyone also no need to follow rule of law lor.

    Then what was said out there is mps made the law, but they are the ones who broke the law.

    They just formed the government, and they broke the law, but they forgot under pakatan harapan, there are other political parties to.

    1st step is a mistake, then the steps after that would be mistakes too.

    Hakikatnya adalah sama, iaitu ultra, atau tidak kukuh.

    The question would be, kenapa beliau boleh, kenapa aku tak boleh?


    No recognition of uec means no donation from king of saudi arab for 1mdb too?

    No recognition of uec and no donation from king of saudi arab means all oversea projects of barisan nasional kena dibatalkan based on unilateral, bilateral and multilateral trades and diplomacy kerana takut hilang undi orang melayu dan orang islam?

    Yup, pas can agree to disagree with tok hadi awang in terengganu, and he received myr 90 million from the then bekas perdana menteri is ya atau tidak, and for such ruling, it is up to political parties of mps to decide.

    Bak kata, pandai2 lah orang muslim dan orang melayu di negeri2 tersebut.

    Adakah bahasa kebangsaan boleh diubahsuai kepada bahasa malaysia mengikut citarasa parti orang melayu dan orang pas, dan kemudian diubahsuai kepada bahasa melayu itu tak mustahak.

    Mana tahu mungkin bahasa malaysia pulak ditukarkan kepada bahasa arab kerana pas menang besar pada hari nanti contohnya, pru15, dan president pas jadi perdana malaysia, boleh kan kerana ini pun adalah mimpi seseorang president pas muslim, tak gitu mubarakchan?

    But in the hearts of malaysia, jiwa bahasa kebangsaan tetap di hati, dan tak boleh di tukar syiok sendiri punya.

    When the sign of syariah mps are more than the sign of non- syariah mps in that states, then, you will know is time to kiss goodbye permanently to that state.

    Malay sia, atau Malaysia, itu tak mustahak.

    Agong kita berdaulat.

    Sultan kami memang berdaulat.

    President too come and go, but agong negara dan sultan negeri2 tanah melayu tetap kekal.

  18. Kes ganas, dera dan membunuh kucing ini adalah warganegara asing?

    From cctv, they look like muslim from far far away kingdom, and i guess pdrm tidak akan memberitahu identiti mereka mungkin kerana pdrm wajib simpan rahsia under archaic akta yang tak update pun kerana busy perang mulut di parliament walaupun minda mps negara jiran atau negara di seluruh dunia dah update to adapt to trend of keganasan tanpa border, atau bordeless world.

    Dulu, cctv tidak wajib dipasangkan di bangunan kersjasn negeri mahu pun wilayah kerana sifat jimat cermat, betul sri sense?

    Kini, even the operator of that lobby had installed cctv for insurance and safety purpose kerana takut users curi, atau merosakkan commercial laundry machines yang pastinya adalah lebih mahal daripada household laundry machines kut.

    I guess the operator didnt expect this to happen, and the clip of the video was published in social media to be shared so that it could be picked up by the authority and to all laundry operators in this country, mahupun dinegara lain.

    Upon knowing such video, pdrm took the action immediately, and thats the blessing.

    Bak kata jika api kecil dibiarkan, apabila api kecil dah jadi merak, then, it would be too late, and the attack of 911 had made the world see things differently today.

    You like singapore, or dont like singapore, thats your choice, but you cannot stop others from liking singapore and mr lee kuan yew, right?

    Itu dah bukan rahsia, bak kata, there is no secret in politics too.

    The opposite of love is hate.

    To err is human.

    To forgive is divine.

    To let go is to give yourself a new life, tak gitu?

    When mps broke the law, what would happened jika dibiarkan saja?

    I am not a member of any political parties, sri sense.

    To love my country and leaders, it has to be from my heart, tak payah showcase atau asyik sindir atau bodek saja.

    Talk is cheap, tak gitu?

  19. Tun

    Congratulations and Best Wishes to our Yang Di Pertuan Agong and the New and Incorruptible Government of Malaysia for the 55th Anniversary of Malaysia and the recent 61st Anniversary of Merdeka. Two poignant dates which have deep meanings to some and not much to others.

    Our beloved Malaysia is fortunate to have come this far in peace an harmony despite the insidious attempts by outsiders like Lee Kuan Yew to undermine our true Malaysian purpose and identity which is like a young flower bud which needs to bloom in a peaceful, harmonious and healthy environment or a baby born in 1957 or 1963 which some young superman or woman calls OLD in their insouciance.

    Before we Malaysians deserved to be up there in the pantheon of the greats of the 4 small important countries of the World, we must know the facts or the basics of what made us great or what made us suffer. This is call History which civilised and matured societies take great store and pride in husbanding all sources pertaining to this.

    We do not love or hate anything without a basis or fact. We are not animals but Humankind born to work and to die for a cause. And in most causes we do it for our families.

    Finally, our good, great and brilliant Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad when compared to Lee Kuan Yew is like chalk and cheese, revealed his guiding light for the very first time to all of us and those who come after him so that they too will be like him, successful and confident :-

    He said to us all, ‘STRIVE FOR THE BEST IN EVERYTHING’ This was his life long motto in his heart and mind. This was what made him strived for. This is what Life is to those who understand what Life stands for. But he too understood that Life was not a bed of roses with its inadvertent pitfalls along the way. We all learn from our mistakes.

    These are precious words for us to cherish because every Great Person is driven by the sound of his own drums, so to speak.

    Yes ! Let us not forget the insults, the abuses and all the foul words heaped on Tun especially after his retirement in October 2003 till 9th May 2018. All these seemed to be forgotten in a jiffy.

    The smartest lady lawyer in Singapore told me in Singapore in 1982 when I consulted her on a libel suit (of that fellow who claimed I helped him to secure Benta from Sime Darby in the Singapore Business Times which in fact was engineered by its Chairman), ‘ In this country, news today are forgotten tomorrow. You are a non-starter !)’ This is also why I mention about Lee Kuan Yew factually and only his Failed Public Policies now and then as the background to all the nonsense he created in our beloved Malaysia. I should know. I am his brother-in-law by marriage and took the Cambridge Open Examination. Most parachute in by way of scholarships etc.

    It is not the above which I really wanted to talk about this morning, Tun. I was distracted from my original purpose on the subject of the Elites and Malaysia beginning 1957 and how very fortunate, our beloved Malaysia is still in one piece, in peace and harmony to day !

    Tun, it slowly dawned on me that the first two Ministers of Finance of Malaya/Malaysia might not be conversant with the functions of both the Currency Board of Malaysia, Singapore, Sarawak, Sabah and Brunei and also the Central Bank, Bank Negara Malaysia. The reason is the Currency Board only dissolved in 1972 whilst Malaysia had the Bank Negara Malaysia since 1957.

    By not understanding these functions, the inadvertent result was the extension of the Colonial economy with its biased distribution of Wealth amongst the citizens which were pigeon-holed or incarcerated as to their ability to gain Wealth. In other words, the Malays were stuck at 2%, the Chinese 25%(including the monopolies)and the British 70% of the best. Right up to 1971 the year of the launch of the NEP in theory but up to 1982 in practice.

    This was the background which the Malay and non-Malay graduates faced when they were in the market place – The elites. They found everything stacked against them in their own homeland with a Government which practised the Currency Board Policy which meant the Government spent only what it earned. This means the rich got richer and the poor got poorer. With a slow economy, fewer opportunities because the Government spent nothing on infrastructures, and the majority of the citizens stuck in no-mans land, the following led to the tragic riots of 13 May 1969 :-

    1. The agitation of Lee Kuan Yew and his cohorts in the Dewan Rakyat (1964-85). 2. The slow economy 3. The imposition of Custom duties in Pulau Pinang. 4. An unfortunate incident in Kepong. 5. The Causeway was open and not restricted to the 2,000 Singaporean gangsters (Registered in 1972) 6. The Malay and non-Malay elites were disaffected. 7. All the political parties worked up for the 1969 GE. 8. The catalyst was when MCA withdrew from the Alliance at 2.30 p.m 13th May 1969 sending the WRONG message to its long-time partners. MCA rejoined at 10 pm that night. The damage had already been done.

    All the above facts were the cause of the melt-down to a tragedy. It is good to know the facts because our beloved Malaysia is a living tapestry of different peoples living together always.


    And the elites ? The Malay elites were the cause of their own attrition in the BMF (1984) and the Renong (1997) Eras which reasons I will mention no more. The non-Malay elites have been drifting away post-1969 without understanding the aches and pains of the growth of a young Nation from Colonialism.

    Our beloved Malaysia literally was launched into the wide wide World with NOTHING. The Malays had no business of note until Sime Darby in 1975 with the support of the Great Statesman Tun Abdul Razak and YBM Tengku Razaleigh of my 1972 Concept.. Not even elites. But through the fortitude of our stalwart and determined Prime Ministers the Tunku, Tun Abdul Razak, Tun Hussein Onn and our Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad, Malaysia and her Rakyat gained from strength to strength.

    What did they do which made Malaysia so ?

    By being NORMAL, DISCIPLINED, HAVING COMMONSENSE AND THE MOST IMPORTANT OF ALL, THEY KEPT THE PUBLIC SECTOR FINANCES SEPARATE FROM THE PRIVATE SECTOR – all in our Sovereignty and National Interest. There was no Greed, Weakness of the Flesh or a Soft Under-belly.

    This normal form of democratic administration ended after the retirement of Tun in October 2003.

    From 2004-2018, the Corrupt and Uncaring BN Government began with the Pulau Batu Puteh tango right through to the missing Billions of ringgits in the Ministry of Finance of all places. Even in the Treasury, MONEY is not safe with the Corrupt and Uncaring BN Government.

    With the Corrupt and Uncaring BN Government there was no MONEY to up-lift the education standards of the rural students. But unlimited MONEY of Billions of ringgits for the NS camps for students already well-taught in our Sekolah Kebangsaan ! FELDA’s RM 6 Billions were ran-down to RM 2 Billions. Minor officials could amass RM 2.08 Billions or could collect 10,000 Rolex so to speak.

    I hope these explain why I said our beloved Malaysia and the Rakyat escaped a living death by the skin of our teeth because of the COURAGE AND BRILLIANCE OF OUR TUN DR MAHATHIR MOHAMAD.


    Thanks to you again Tun for saving our beloved Malaysia and her Rakyat with your foresight, brilliance and courage. Our fellow citizens are so well-endowed and looked after living in a Great Country that they do not know the meaning of ‘REFUGEE’. It’s on TV every night.

    I was a refugee once.

    Malaysia Boleh Tun as always !

  20. Good morning YAB Tun

    SELAMAT HARI MALAYSIA. Khabarnya Tun sambut diSabah tahun ini. Kalau ditanya nama mana I suka, I lebih suka MALAYA sebab bunyi aggressive, MALAYSIA ini sounds so lemah lembut.

    Semalam astro awani ada keluarkan kes bunuh kucing. In my humble opinion, mereka yang menderakan binatang, tanpa mengira bangsa, harus dikenakan hukuman berat lebih dari yang ada sekarang.

    Keduanya, I ingin suggest, pihak kerajaan adakan program free neuter untuk kucing dan anjing. Cara ini dapat kurangkan pembiakan haiwan2 ini.

    Haiwan yang telah neutered boleh dilepaskan semula atau dihantar kerumah orang tua2 yang sedia ada sebagai teman penghuni disana. Sementara pets adoption program telah ada dijalankan oleh badan2 NGO seperti SPCA, PAWS dll.

    I sayang binatang, kucing dan anjing. Tak bela anjing sebab tak mau sukar untuk sembahyang. Kalau nampak kucing atau anjing kurus tepi jalan, I beli makanan bagi haiwan ini makan. I ada 3 ekor indoor kucing, semua ambil dari animal shelter. I against beli kucing sebab ramai breeders hanya fikir nak jual saja. Cara breeding boleh buat product defect. Bila dah defect ada yang ambil langkah bunuh atau buang.

    Hari ini I malas nak cakap pasal team Minister Tun, sebab kalau tengok kat FB dah banyak LGE kena kutuk, macam mana tak tahu nama terus charge 10%.

    Kalau dengar bisik2 kawan sekeliling pun ramai yang gelak besau dengan karenah PKR, sekejab secret society, sekejab dedah itu ini. Malah dah ada joke about Anwar jadi bahan lawak. Something about mirror, but I didn’t get the whole sentence. A lot of hahaha going around. An air of negativity. Nazri yang nak sokong Anwar pun kena belasah kaw kaw online.

    Hari ini I nak cakap about neighbours. For example I don’t like my neighbour sebab rampas my parking space, letak barang dalam kawasan rumah I. I hanya tak suka tapi I tidak benci. Mungkin satu hari I dalam kesusahan, sakit ka, tiba2 mereka yang tolong hantar I ke hospital. I am referring to Singapore. Segala problem dan tidak kepuasan hati boleh diskus secara baik antara jiran.

    Mubarak Chan,

    Yes Sir, I agree with you on HBT. And I also agree with Housewife on you. Thank you for sharing your experiences with us. But less Singapore, less LKY please. I don’t like Singapore but I don’t hate them.

    That’s all for now.

  21. Tun

    A good example of the clash of civilizations as a result of colonialism and its aftermath is one specimen on this Blog who claims to look like a Chinese but is hollow inside devoid of Chinese cultural ballast or the rich cultural heritage of our beloved Malaysia. A failed specimen in Life no doubt, now trying to do down others behind a cowardly façade of a pseudonym. This pathetic specimen could not even produce a paragraph with his poor English or Malay which was rightly pointed out by Hajar and Sri Sense. This specimen is just a nit contributing to the Malaysian rubbish.

    Malaysia Boleh Tun ! It pays to change shirts every day !

  22. Aiyoyo, changing shirt into red means progress, or regress, is still too early to tell ler.

    New political party kena ada new party flag, new logo and members what, and anyone also can do so if they want to set up new party, right?

    He is not changing the malaysian flag nor the flags of other states what.

    The glass of water is half full to mubarakchan?

    The glass of water is half empty to mubarakchan?

    Be greedy when there are fearful, and be fearful when they are greedy.

    Absolute power corrupts.

    To be or not to be, thats not the question.

    Able or not, we will see how far kita semua can go.

    It is either we learned, or we dont, itu saja.

  23. Assamualaikum Ayahanda Tun,

    Suka baca tulisan Anak Muda.

    Kami dapat terima mesej yang hendak disampaikan dengan jelas.

    Forum ini bukan kelas matematik pun tetapi biasalah kalau ada Cikgu Bedah di sini yang akan ambil kira sebab tidak boleh terima hakikat hujahnya boleh dipatahkan.

    Buat Anak Muda teruskan usaha murni anda dan jangan pedulikan sangat rasukan makcik suka cari pasal ni.

    Beliau ini tidak akan terima pendapat orang lain dan pantang kalau ada yang membantah, tak percaya tanya pakcik yang menghabiskan usia tua bersama makcik ni, seksa dibuatnya.

    Buat pakcik banyak2lah bersabar dan simpati jua boleh kami hulurkan.


    p/s : Syukur.. ayahanda Tun dikurniakan isteri macam bonda Siti kan.. 🙂

  24. Assamualaikum Ayahanda Tun,

    Suka baca tulisan Anak Muda.

    Kami dapat terima mesej yang hendak disampaikan dengan jelas.

    Forum ini bukan kelas matematik pun tetapi biasalah kalau ada Cikgu Bedah di sini yang akan ambil kira sebab tidak boleh terima hakikat hujahnya boleh dipatahkan.

    Buat Anak Muda teruskan usaha murni anda dan jangan pedulikan sangat rasukan makcik suruh cari pasal ni.

    Beliau ini tidak akan terima pendapat orang lain dan pantang kalau ada yang membantah, tak percaya tanya pakcik yang menghabiskan usia tua bersama makcik ni, seksa dibuatnya.

    Buat pakcik banyak2lah bersabar dan simpati jua boleh kami hulurkan.


    p/s : Syukur ayahanda Tun dikurniakan isteri macam bonda Siti kan.. 🙂

  25. Tun

    A significant comment by a significant personality.

    ‘ HE ONLY CHANGED HIS SHIRT.’ A classic comment no doubt.

    But he changed his shirt from BLUE to YELLOW and finally to RED and became the YAB Perdana Menteri again. Obviously, he is not brain-dead !


    Malaysia Boleh Tun as always !


    Alahai, pas masih nak buat serangan kejutan di tapak terengganu?

    Pas mudah lupa, mereka jugak macam umno dan menunjukkan keris gergasi potong kek pulut, bukan?

    Pas lagi dasyat, dahaga, and lapar than umno, dont you think so?

    Therefore, why mata putih and get angry in playing such low class strategy with them?

    Since they dont even respect and accept themselves as tuanpunya tanah, you think they will respect and accept us as non muslim under federal constitution?

    Bak kata, tak nak tak pa, jangan hina lgbt kita, tak gitu?

    With sebat hukum dilancarkan oleh organ pas, jika lgbt di negeri itu diderakan oleh hetrosex pas mahupun orang terengganu, apakah mereka patuh buat?

    As victims, you can file report to polis diraja malaysia because dera is a criminal act under federal constitution, mudah kan?

  27. Tun

    See the difference between the CORRUPT AND UNCARING BN GOVENRMENT 2004-2018 AND THE NEW AND INCORRUPTIBLE GOVERNEMENT of the old and the young, the good and the great ?


    It was good, very good for the Minister to suggest a way out even in 2018 when it should be 2004, for the rural students to enter universities. This shows the Sincerity and the Will of the New and Incorruptible Government of the old and the young, the good and the great. As it is, there are many ways to cut a cake. The rural students now should have NO FEAR OF NOT GETTING A UNIVERSITY EDUCATION GIVEN A NEW AND INCORRUPTIBLE GOVENRMMENT WHICH ONLY THINK IN THE RAKYAT’S AND THE NATIONAL INTEREST and not their pockets like a minor official could amass RM 2.08 Billions in 10 years or another could collect 10,000 Rolex so to speak !.

    When were the Malays’ interests protected and made money for the Rakyat by the CORRUPT AND UNCARING BN GOVERNMENT AND THE GLCs 2004-2018 ?

    Malaysia Boleh Tun as always ! Better late than never.

  28. Tun

    A very good morning to you. Saturday is restful, peaceful and quiet in our beloved Malaysia, Where else but Malaysia ?

    Something light-hearted with no evil intentions or agenda this morning. A couple of snippets from the statements made by the iconic Ministers of your New and Incorruptible Government of the old and the young, the good and the great. Thus :-


    Hmm. I thought Lee Kuan Yew and Hitler said the same too ! This was quickly corrected by hubby who said instead of a trio there would be a duo !Acheh !


    Please, Sir, the rural students have their self-respect and dignity. Let the Government UP-LIFT their standards by having supervised dormitories by matrons in urban areas to attend preparatory colleges set-up for them to take university standard entrance exams. And open these to ALL the Rakyat. This is CHEAP AND REWARDING FOR ALL IF NO CORRUPTION. It is not fair and just to the academic staff and those undergrads who were not given the relaxed entrance requirements. A little more time for the rural students should be no problem. Like this the rural students will stand PROUD, CONFIDENT AND STRONG WITH NO INFERIORITY COMPLEX ! Definitely, the universities rankings would be affected if entrance requirements are relaxed.


    Sir, at first glance I thought it was a statement from a Man from Mars. Since you are not but our respected and honourable Minister – to err is human. to forgive is divine. First, many Malaysian investors lost in China and kept quiet. Second, to succeed in China, the successful ones speni all the time in China (at the expense of their families) mixing up with Mayors, Party Secretaries, or Groups like the military etc. The ATM for crooks, Sime Darby ventured into China a few years ago with RM 2 Billion and was silent since. In 1982, I suggested Sime Darby to grab all the bunkering facilities at the Chinese ports. They set up a tiny facility at Port Said, Egypt if you know where this was. 10 years later IOI, KLK and Kuok filled the void. Second, GLCs were set-up to GRAB MONEY BY THE CORRUPT AND UNCARING BN GOVERNMENT. Third, and this is not a joke. Our dear Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad paid a visit to China just a few weeks ago to explain why the ECRL had to be reviewed because of NO MONEY IN MALAYSIA sic GLCs. Fourth, not many people are aware that the Chinese people are not spoilt with riches like us Malaysians – freedom of speech or wealth. The Chinese are very hungry. For example, at least one million of them are smarter than Lee Kuan Yew. One look by them would melt any ambitious foreign investor. Beware in China.


    Dear Sir, how close can Malaysia and Singapore get ? We had ‘abang-adek’,or ‘5 eyes’, or ‘very private retreats’ which worked up to ‘very hot relationships’ with the Corrupt and Uncaring BN Government.( churned out by the brainwashing Singapore media ) And Singapore’s Ministry of Information is the largest next to the United States in a one-street town sort of a place whereas Hong Kong, Monte Carlo and Gibraltar have none. Singapore’s spy and intelligence system is World’s Best next to the United States with the help of Mossad, CIA and MI5 since 1972 ! A huge military cannot move without a huge intelligence system. The bio-date of selected Malaysians young and old are in data banks since 1972 – their strengths, weaknesses, desires, sexual peccadilloes in colour etc. Vide. Wikileaks. They even know the number of hairs in my arm-pit! Young UMNO aspirants invited to speak at INSEAS set up specially to butter them with a view that they become Ministers. Indeed, some became Ministers and were involved in the Lee Kuan Yew’s creation TPPA/CPTPP – the Malaysia Killer. So meticulous was Lee Kuan Yew.

    However, overnight our beloved Malaysia since 9 May 2018 became one of the 4 MOST IMPORTANT SMALL COUNTRIES IN THE WORLD BEING BRITAIN, SWITZERLAND, JAPAN, MALAYSIA. Man proposes. God disposes ! Where are you, singapore ?

    5. Minister, ‘ THE BEST PERFORMING CURRENC IN 2018.’ True.

    Malaysia Bolleh Tun as always !

  29. Hajar

    1.ya memang saya melakukan kesilapan.memang phang telah kerugian dalam penjualan banglo tu.

    2.sebenarnya saya ambil enteng saja harga penjualan banglo kerana bagi saya itu bukan penanda kalau harga lagi murah,itu pasti rasuah dan kalau harga lagi mahal,itu baru betul.saya pandang dari sisi yang lain sikit..

    3.phang kehilangan satu peluang terbaik untuk menjadi jutawan kaya raya.dia sepatutnya berbakti kepada najib dan membuat pengakuan yang dia terpaksa menjual rumah dengan harga murah kerana risaukan projeknya dipenang.sama seperti kes khIr toyo.confirm LGE tak boleh lari dah.kite semua tahu perasuah ni tiada integriti.ketaatan mereka terletak pada the highest bidder.tapi sayang bukan itu yang telah dibuat phang malah dia terus mempertahankan LGE.

    4.tongong bin bahlol bukan dirujuk pada orang jual aset harga murah sampai rugi tapi merujuk pada perasuah yang tak reti nak merasuah.patutnya perasuah ni semua kene belajar sikit dari otai mcm taib mahmud.15 kes sprm tapi satu kes pun tak dapat nak dakwa sebab hitam putih tiada.

    5.kita nak benci, nak anti dap pun bencilah tapi saya rasa orang yang pernah nak perjuangkan gadis bawah umur dirogol sampai dipenjarakan bertahun ni saya rasa patut diberi credit sikitlah,_1997

    6.tun mahathir sendiri berkata dia sekarang memang menghadapi kesukaran untuk memgubah persepsi melayu pada dap selepas dia sendiri yang menjadikan dap syaitan. Tun mahathir pun x berjaya, jadi siapalah saya.

  30. Tun

    Sorry ! A small typo error in my previous comment.’……500,000,000 Indian ladies.’

    The titanic MONEY GRAB by the Corrupt and Uncaring BN Government got me all confused in addition to the maximization of money leakages wherever possible by these crooks.

    Like, I forgot a big ticket item in private hospital administration is the insurance companies which pay out HUGE COMMISSIONS TOO ! All these COMMISSIONS have to stop sometime. The best is to get rid of all these EVIL, CORRUPT GLCs as soon as possible which are difficult to control by a government, like CANCER.

    Malaysia Boleh !

  31. Tun

    Ah ! Another fine classical Malaysian early morning in peace and harmony. Where else but our beloved Malaysia ? I certainly loved to get up at the crack of dawn to ferry my grand-daughter to her Sekolah Kebangsaan. No problem. The headlines this morning Tun ? Thus on the front-pages :

    1. Malay Mail. ‘ SHAFEE IN THE DOCK.’


    3. Financial Daily. ‘ US$972M WENT INTO NAJIB’S ACCOUNT.’

    And tomorrow Tun, it will be the 10th Anniversary of the collapse of one of America’s foremost finance houses, Lehmann Brothers.

    The strange thing is that our domestic financial pantomime is linked with the Lehmann Brothers as far as I can see. Fine economists by your side will understand what I am talking about like Kondratieff Wave etc. But the exception are those think-thanks which are not by your side and did not think in our National Interest within the context of World affairs big and small.

    What I will talk about this morning is not with a beautiful hindsight but based on the conduct and behaviour of those who were elected to the highest positions in the land. Those who had the POWER to do GOOD or inflict DAMAGE on the Rakyat and ultimately themselves by their uncaring and crude acts.

    Immediately after you retired in October 2003, the BN Government was corrupted by the leaders themselves, Singaporeans looking for low hanging fruits and the ADOPTION OF THE GLCs as recommended by certain quarters TO SAVE GUARD MALAY INTERESTS AND MAKE MONEY FOR THE RAKYAT without realising that these are tools of authoritarian governments like Singapore, Russia and China. That’s the beginning.

    WTIH THE GLCS IN PLACE IN 2004, THEIR DEMANDS FOR SPACE BY WAY OF FINANCIAL SUPPORT FROM THE GOVERNMENT AND THE BANKS EFFECTIVELY SQUEEZED OUT BOTH THE MALAY AND NON-MALAY PRIVATE SECTORS WHICH COMPETE. The GLCs command 40% of the Bursa’s capitalization today. This translates the balance into 60% belong to the Private non-Malays and Malays. The Malays have only 30% of the total Private 60% Bursa capitalization in a SMALL COUNTRY WITH A SMALL ECONOMY. Tun, you understand this. This is one IMPORTANT FACTOR TO BEAR IN MIND AS TO THE SITUATION IN 2004.

    In June 2006, the US Fed Governor Alan Greenspan stated on his last Congressional hearing before his retirement that there were bubbles in the property markets in California and Florida. And he left it at that with no questions asked. The US sub-prime mortgage market boomed with the Lehmann Brothers holding US$146 Billion securitised mortgages ! The biggest at that time. By January 2008, Lehmann Brothers missed the opportunity to re-structure. On 15 September 2008, Lehmann Brothers filed for bankruptcy with US$639 Billion assets and US$ 619 Billion debts with shareholders equity at US$ 25 Billion ! They and no one else thought about RISK !

    By 8 October 2008, Wall Street Crashed with Lee Kuan Yew’s Singapore losing (officially) US$ 108 Billions. The World markets lost US$ 10 TRILLION !

    The majority of the financial and economic experts were caught short except for a few who did not forget the wonky Kondratieff Wave concerning the behaviour of markets over a long period of 40-70 years.

    From 8 October 2008, the Fed went through 3 Quantitative Easings a nice word for bailing out the World Financial System with about US$ 3 Trillions ! Before this the US Fed had been printing so many banknotes, they lost count since 1972 Bretton Woods because there was no more gold backing for the mighty Dollar to extend its hegemony on the World. A piece of paper would do – IN THE US PAPER DOLLAR WE TRUST began in 1972 !

    Since 8 October 2008, the U.S and the World entered into a technical recession papered over by the 3 QEs which not only bloated the Stock Exchanges around the World but also all the markets on commodities or other markets. What we are seeing now, are FAKED MARKETS IN A PAPERED OVER RECESSION – THE LONGEST EVER – Due for a gigantic collapse if not handled correctly.

    And there was a collapse of the oil prices in 2015 which brought down the oil contractors on the Bursa – the PRIVATE SECTOR MALAYS who are now left in a limbo BECAUSE OF THE WALLOPING OF MONEY BY THE CORRUPT AND CARING BN GOVERNMENT FROM THE PUBLIC SECTOR AND THROUGHT THE GLCS IN THE PRIVATE SECTOR ! Where are the safeguards to protect the interests of the Malays and make money for the Rakyat ? No help for the Malay contractors of the Private Sector 2015-2018 !

    To add to the mess, the think-tanks were staffed by yes-men who could only say yes and gave no advice on the future for our beloved Malaysia to come. Maybe this is the reason why Malaysian think-tanks do not think to give timely advice to the non-experts !

    1) The above mentioned FACTS proved that the Malay entrepreneurs and also the non-Malay entrepreneurs did not BENEFIT FROM THE ACITIVITIES OF THE COMMUNISTIC GLCS or from the Corrupt BN Government Policies if any.

    2) The rampant CORRUPTION by the BN Government from top to bottom weaken our WHOLE POLITICAL AND SOCIO-ECONOMIC STRUCTURE against the international financial background as above.

    On top of this, the GLCs played their own CORRUPT GAMES which were self-serving like investing RM 80 Million in an Israeli e-retailer in bras, undies and lingerie to make a comfortable future for 500,000 Indian ladies to lose all in a jiffy. Or RM 2 Billion in UBS to carry Lee Kuan Yew’s legs and lost all in a jiffy too. The person responsible said these LOSSES ARE COLLECTIBLE ! Who invests to collect losses ? We invest to collect PROFITS.

    Then another story concerns investments with NO PURPOSE and REASON in Turkey, India and China. The IHH invested in Turkey (now interest rate 24%) when its tycoons were bailing out. And now IHH wants to bail out the bankrupt Fortis India for RM 2.04 Billion and the fractious Singh brothers in financially troubled India, too. The fellow managing IHH takes RM 100 Million basic salary per annum with no special qualification. Khazanah paid S$ 130 Million for a Singaporean caper concerning the same fractious Singh brothers not too long ago. What is all this nonsense tossing the Rakyat’s precious money outside of Malaysia which is OBIVOUSLY BENEFITTING A FEW INSIDE AND OUTSIDE OF MALAYSIA. Not forgetting that my friend the richest Muslim in India told me generic drugs factories give HUGE COMMISSIONS !

    And those horror examples of what the GLCs did. are only a few. What about the rest which we must expect to do the same like 1MDB, FELDA, Maybank buying part of a Singaporean share-broking house for over S$1 Billion ? etc. etc. And many many more. The list is endless !


    I hope now others will understand that you Tun with your courage and brilliance saved our beloved Malaysia and her Rakyat – a deed which has never been done before in the World !

    Members of your Good and Incorruptible Government have mentioned the Government has NO MONEY.

    Of course, thanks to the Corrupt and Uncaring BN Government and the GLCs which grabbed the MONEY IN THE PUBLIC SECTOR BY THE FORMER AND THE LATTER, THE GLCs IN THE PRIVATE SECTOR, a complete RAPE of the Rakyat’s financial resources, worst than the Rape of the Sabine Women in Ancient Rome. ALL THE MONEY GONE. That is the reason the Government can only give a RM 50 raise in salaries and reduced the cash hand-outs drastically !

    Where were the safe-guards for the Malay interests and made money for the Rakyat ? Both the Public and Private Sectors were drained dry by wanton CORRUPTION BY THE CORRUPT BN GOVERNMENT ?

    Finally, all the 3 headlines could have been averted if the BN Government from 2004-2018 was not CORRUPT AND UNCARING and treated the Rakyat as stupid !

    Fortunately, our beloved Malaysia is now in the good hands of Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad who will prescribe the right Budget for our beloved Malaysia’s rapid recovery. No problem.

    Malaysia Boleh Tun as always !

  32. Tun

    A very good morning to you. A fine cool and drizzly morning in a country in peace and harmony without comparison anywhere in the World which is our beloved Malaysia !

    And the headlines Tun ? A headline which made me extremely happy and another which made me reflect why our think-tanks don’t think.

    And our foremost economist Prof. Jomo beats them all. Maybe he is not stuck high up in the ivory towers like them and those in the World’s Best city state Singapore (even without the Oracle of the East, Lee Kuan Yew) which is better than Hong Kong, Monte Carlo and Gibraltar. Thus,

    1. The Star Higher Education Supplement Page 3 ‘ Congratulations ‘ so says this advertisement to 147 A Level students who had achieved 3 As to 4 As of which 89 are Malays ! Who says the Malays are different from the non-Malays. The whole lot was admitted to the best British Universities, 8 to Oxbridge and many to the University of London’s top colleges and excellent British universities further afield.


    It was the Corrupt BN Government with its uncaring Policies which caused the Malays to stumble in later life when faced with temptations, seductions, etc from foreigners mainly Singaporeans looking for low hanging fruits. Beware of Greeks or Singaporeans bearing gifts !

    How did this happen ? I love to go down to the lowest level on the ground to do things so that I have an up-to-date of our fellow citizens behaviour and emotions.

    For example, an UMNO looking sub-contractor nearly sent me to fertilize the daisies at a Shell petrol station just a few weeks ago in his brand new Renault orange colour fast back. No doubt he was all het up with the New and Incorruptible Government and had money problems. On many occasions, the same type of fellows in Protons would drive like Michael Schumacher past me. Times are bad for some. As I said before ‘To err is human, To forgive is divine.’

    To me these incidents exhibit the great DISCONNECT when a Government changes hands. So be it.

    I was told that a fresh brilliant Muslim Indian University of London graduate was employed by a Government hi-tech unit. He was requested to prepare the budget. He budgeted RM 5 Million. His superior told him to change the figure to RM 12 Million ! He became very upset. He consulted his wise father who told him to do what he was instructed. This brilliant fellow after presenting the budget returned to London. Our beloved Malaysia lost an elite of the First Order !

    I heard many stories concerning excellent and well-trained Malays who returned and performed NORMALLY AND WELL. But sooner or later, they were under PEER PRESSURE TO BE OTHERWISE.

    These two real examples of Life in the working place illustrate 2 important factors which are current today :-


    The so-called Lee Kuan Yew’s type of meritocracy based on the Ivy League and Oxbridge benchmark was FAKE.

    In 2014, 2 Ministers announced that in future applicants for jobs and promotions should not be based on their academic qualifications alone but also on their other talents.

    I have always been of the view that some of us develop faster mentally than others. Therefore, our criteria for selection should not be based only on academic qualifications alone but also on sports or other interests which non-academics excel. Like this we have a wider pool of talent to serve the Public or the Private Sectors. It is fair and just.

    I believe that there was a report yesterday that in order to get more undergraduates from the rural areas, the universities should lower their entrance standards. Here are the following reasons why this should not be done.

    1. It is not the standards set by universities which prevent students from entering. It is the preparation and motivation of the students themselves which is the key to their entrance requirements. In fact, the Government had been doing this since the Colonial days by sending students from the rural towns to live in dormitories set up by urban schools like Victoria Institution, Malay College Kuala Kangsar etc.


    THE BEST HIGHER EDUCATION THE NEW AND INCORRUPTIBLE GOVERNMENT CAN GIVE TO THE STUDENTS FROM THE RURAL AREAS IS TO SET-UP SPECIAL COLLEGES FOR THEM TO GIVE THEM TIME 1-2 YEARS OR MORE TO PREPARE AND UP-LIFT THEM TO ENTER THE UNIVERSITIES WITHOUT LOWERING THE ENTRANCE STANDARDS. This is DIGNITY for all without besmirching the students, the universities and the relevant authorities. I waited 1 year to get into a university. At an young age a year or two makes no difference.

    2. Lower the universities entrance requirements also means lowering the RANKING OF THESE UNIVERSITIES IN THE WORLD.

    A good example was Lee Kuan Yew who cheated to get into the bottom-most non-college of the University of Cambridge by the back door. He did not take the important Entrance Examination. He did not have Latin or Greek. He was over-aged 23 years old which Cambridge forbids. His best was when he achieved a Double First in Law in competition with a handful of ex-soldiers of World War 2 after he had 3 1/2 years of special tuition in Law with the un-employed British trained lawyers while he worked during the day with the Japanese Broadcasting Service in Singapore. And the soldiers were fighting and killing. Thereafter, his career in life began a downward spiral with being last in the important Bar Finals of London. (His wife was placed 3rd out of 200. Later my wife was placed 7 out of 700). His Public Policies were fables and foibles, 47 of them one of which FAILED is his MALAYSIA KILLER TPPA/CPTPP and now ending with 900,000 male Chinese age 21-50 arising out of his FAILED 2 CHILD FAMILY POLICY OF 1972-1984.

    3. To lower the Entrance Standards of universities means this is unfair and unjust to both the academic staff and the undergraduates. We cannot have double standards in the academic World of free thinking, action and creation.

    And in comparison with our good Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad whom I consider far more brilliant and capable with solid achievements than the narcissistic and self publicity-seeking Lee Kuan Yew using the media, tycoons, swallows, ducks etc to brainwash unsuspecting souls. It’s like comparing chalk and cheese.

    We must give every opportunity for Higher Education to the young and the old like half-way houses, preparatory colleges, public and private, or vocational colleges for those who could not make the university entrance grade.


    NOWADAYS,WITH THE WORLD OF THE NET, A PERSON NEEDS NOT HAVE AN UNIVERSITY EDUCATION BUT ONLY A FORM 6 EDUCATION SUFFICES BECAUSE THE UNIVERSITIES DO NOT FAIL STUDENTS AS OFTEN AS IN THE PAST AND FOR SOME UNDERGRADUATES, THESE ARE ACTUALLY SOCIAL PLACES UNLESS A PERSON WANTS TO BE A PROFESSIONAL LIKE A LAWYER, DOCTOR, ARCHITECT, ENGINEER ETC. Well-known examples are Gates, Buffet, Son, Ma, Zuckerberg etc. Those Malaysian Chinese examples like their fathers were mee sellers, rubber tappers, store-keepers,lorry drivers etc are Malaysian Chinese fables. My father really was a kitchen dish washer ! This beats them all !

    I believe all Malaysians the old and the young should have affordable education at the university level if so desired.

    For myself like our Tun, I did not go to fancy overseas private schools. I went to a poorly endowed Mission school immediately after World War 2 and did not have a proper education thereafter I began with English and Classical Cantonese and studied Hindi and Urdu in between and ended up studying English, Classical Cantonese and Latin. The events during the Emergency of 1950-1951 really frightened me. When I was overseas, I studied very hard so that I would not be forced to return home and also enter a university like Edinburgh,London, Oxford or Cambridge. I had the motivation and the will to do so. I believe everyone of us has the same if properly given the opportunity as there are early or late developers.


    Where was the MONEY to educate the Rakyat as it was reported a minor BN politician could amass RM 2.08 Billions in about 10 years or another could collect 10,000 Rolex so to speak or in the early 1980s, a MCA leader after 6 years as a politician could remit S$ 100 Million from Singapore to his girl friend’s bank account in Hong Kong ? How much could a big politician amass ? Or as reported, over ONE TRILLION RINGGITS FLOWED OUT OF THE COUNTRY BETWEEN 2003 t0 2010 !

    Without CORRUPTION, all will get a Higher Education, the old and the young. When I was young, I met a white hair student in London. He was studying to be a doctor !

    Malaysia Boleh Tun as always !

  33. Good morning YAB Tun

    Market hari ini merah tapi O&G counters hijau. Kalau ikut prediction semalam sepatutnya O&G counters naik. Then again hanya prediction, my lecturer pernah kata, if someone tells you he can predict the market, he’s a liar. No one can predict the market, only God can!


    I jarang setuju dengan komen Siti Kassim. Bila beliau terlalu hentam jabatan agama I marah, which I think over over sangat, tentang other things beliau kata I neutral. Tapi yang baru ini I 100 percent setuju. Reject Anwar in PD, Siti Kasim tells voters Lawyer-activist Siti Kasim today called on voters to reject PKR president-elect Anwar Ibrahim in the impending Port Dickson by-election, saying the party and his family “must be thought a lesson”.
    “They did this three times! No more! They think they can do whatever they like at our expense? Nope!,” she said on Instagram.

    I baru2 ini kata kat hubby sebenarnya Tun tak perlu minta maaf dengan mereka yang pernah Tun penjarakan. Sebab mereka memang crazy. Tengok sekarang I yang normal voters melihat dari jauh pun pening mereka buat. Imagine those yang kena deal with them everyday, lagi pening.

    Hubby kata dia pernah baca Najib makan ikan patin, rupanya dekat opis. Hubby kata bagus juga. I jawab Yup, jalan makan2, buat kerja and collect evidence. Since LGE suka aibkan dia, dia pun keluar bukti hahaha Kami consumers juga suka Najib buat kerja untuk kami. hahaha Anehnya pekerja gomen tak ke diarah pantau. Kan ke saman2 ini hanya orang gomen boleh issue terhadap peniaga2. 🙁 Takkan lah kami yang normal voters kena buat kerja, HEY WHERE’S YOUR LETTER TO SHOW YOU CAN CHARGE SST?”

    Walau apa pun I tetap sayang Tun. I ingat lagi betapa susahnya Tun. Kawan2 Tun banyak kena dengan income tax. Tun nak jual The Loaf also kena. Sampai sekarang I lalu kat The Loaf Empire perhati masih tutup dengan barang2 masih didalam. Mungkin Tun boleh tolak kat I macam Tony Fernandez dapat Air Asia 🙂

    Anehnya juga disini, ramai yang lari dari blog ini. Tun dah jadi PM tiba2 muka2 ini muncul semula. Dan ada juga bersama dengan kami semasa susah tapi bila Tun jadi PM mereka terus hilang tak datang sini, malah ada juga yang dah masuk PKR.

    Of course ada juga komen2 sini yang I nak delete dan buang dalam trash. Baca pun sakit mata. Kita tak sentuh dia tapi dia sibuk nak sentuh kita. Tapi I bukan admin hahaha

    Take care TUN

    That’s all for now.

  34. Salam YAB dan DiSanjungi PM Tun Dr. Mahathir,

    Mohon laluan Tun:

    Sdr. ‘Anak.muda’ (Sep 11,2018 3:23 PM):

    1. Saya merujuk kepada komen anda di sini seperti berikut (guna balik link yg anda beri):

    /// 6.dalam kes phang li koon ni dia masih lagi dapat untung walaupun jual rumah bawah market value.saya malas nak tunjuk operasi matematik lagipun yang didalam blog ni semua bijak dan genius2 belaka. sebulan berapa phang bayar pada bank. Dah bayar berapa banyak dia bayar pada bank. setiap bulan berapa dia rugi sebab bagi sewa rm5k pada guan the end of the day,dia masih untung dengan menjual rm2.8 juta.itu satu fakta. Dan phang li koon juga tidak mengaku yang dia menjual atas dasar risau mengenai projeknya di penang.dua perkara ini yang membezakan dengan kes khir toyo.///

    2. Cuba anda jelaskan dengan lebih lanjut tentang dakwaan anda seperti di atas.

    Harga belian (Phang) ialah RM2.5 JUTA,dan harga jualan (kepada LGE) RM2.8 JUTA. (RM300K sahaja perbezaannya) . Bayaran bulanan pinjaman dan sewa sudah diberi; anda sendiri boleh kira kos yang ditanggung Miss Phang untuk melunaskan bayaran pinjaman bulanan; matematik mudah seperti kata anda.

    Bagaimana dengan yuran GUAMAN, SETEM DUTI, KOS UBAHSUAI RUMAH (khabarnya mencecah RM100K – sebelum disewakan), INSURANS, etc. Jika guna AGEN, pembeli kena caj sekian2 peratus dari harga rumah (agak banyak). Adakah ini semua sudah diambil kira? Cukai taksiran/pintu (tahunan) pemilik mesti bayar (ini mungkin boleh diabaikan). Ini semua pun sudah mencecah ratusan ribu ringgit.

    3. Lagi satu, peniaga (individu) manakah yang ‘tongong bin bahlol’ (memetik ungkapan anda) sangat sehingga mahu menjual pada harga lelong (RM4.27 JUTA – RM2.8 JUTA= RM 1.47 JUTA) dan hilang/rugi RM 1.47 JUTA begitu saja? Boleh percayakah yang ianya tiada kaitan dengan kes lagi satu (mengubah status tanah yang Miss Phang ada kepentingan)? Tolong jawab sikit.

    4. Miss Phang BUKAN SAKSI pihak pendakwaan; beliau salah seorang dari 2 tertuduh – dia bersubahat dalam kes rasuah dan salah guna kuasa ini.

    5. Jika saya salah, saya akan minta maaf. Tetapi jika anda tersalah kira, anda juga perlu mengakui kesilapan / kesalahan anda. Kita tidak perlu terlalu beremosi dalam hal ini.

    Terima kasih Tun.

    – Semoga Allah SWT sentiasa merahmati Tun sekeluarga –

  35. Tun

    Four headlines raised more questions than answers this morning – another wonderful morning of peace and harmony in our beloved Malaysia. Thus,

    1. The Financial Daily – ‘More cash calls are likely among O & G companies’.

    2. The Star. ‘More Malls to enter the fray in the Klang Valley’.

    3. Malaysiakini. ‘DBKL has failed the Malays.’

    4. A gentleman. ‘ Why is the ringgit falling after 9 May 2018 ?’

    1. The O & G companies are mainly contractors with a total market capitalization of RM 10 Billion, a total debt of RM 32 Billion and cash with near cash of RM 4 Billion. A rather disparate scene in a fledging industry born out exclusivity. In other words, the O & G Industry is in deep trouble of illiquidity which spelt trouble for the banks for sometime, at least 3 years.

    Malaysia has its Private Sector expertise in O & G now up a pole of problems which could have been averted if the Corrupt BN Government had governance at heart since 2004 by fine tuning its governance and care for the Rakyat, rich or poor, entrepreneur of worker.

    The Corrupt BN Government did nothing of the kind but got itself involved in MONEY, MONEY, MONEY personally themselves in a big way. The EPU was not up-graded from its 20th Century functions. The think-tanks were not thinking by being yes-men from 2004-2018.

    Who suffers for this period of fun and games at the Rakyat’s expense ? The Rakyat, the rich and the poor, the entrepreneur and the worker. The harm done to the general economy by the GLCs are beyond belief in terms of competition with the Private Sector with their Government backed financial strength taking away the financial support what should rightly belonged to the Private Sector by those extremely highly paid executives who are not Civil Servants and owned no shares. Who can compete against the GLCs ?

    And as a result, the GLCs created a huge debt in the Kingdom of GLCs, in addition to the RM 32 Billion total debt of the O & G Companies.

    2. These 2 are only starters before we come to the huge problem now rising for the past 2 years from the huge developments of property all over. Those in the know are aware that both the O & G and the debts of unsold property developments are the cause of political bottlenecks of one type or another. But the damage from huge debts incurred by the GLC’s from 1MDB down to the smallest GLC is as yet unaccounted for. Please take note. The birds will come home to roost once TRANSPARENCY AND CLEAN BALANCE SHEET PRINCIPLES ARE IMPOSED ON THE GLC’S ,either sooner or later. For how long can the lid be kept on the sins of the GLCs ?

    The only saving grace after knowing the above-mentioned huge debts as were permitted by the Corrupt BN Government is that in China, this dire situation is 1,000 times larger. Both the Systems in China and Malaysia are similar. On the one hand, the supplicant goes before the Mayor and the Party Secretary in China, and in our beloved Malaysia, it is the Mentri Besar who counts. The two bottlenecks are similar in the creation of BUBBLES in China and Malaysia.

    3. And the infamous DBKL with its equally infamous Town Planning Dept or the Deptments which approve anything is a microcosm of the Approval System in the whole country which gave rise to the bubbles concerning properties in every round of the economic cycle for decades.

    4. A situation which could have been obviated if the Prime Minister is well-informed and caring for the financial health of our beloved Malaysia which is translated into the good health of the Rakyat.

    But this important element of good governance which should be the fine tuning tool via the EPU, etc., to up-grade our survival on down-turns was never in place even though in the World of the Web, the man or woman in the street is well-informed.

    The Head of any Government in the World should be well-informed at all times. If not, he or she would be out of a job in no time at all. Forewarned is forearmed always at the top of every heap of POWER !

    But in Lee Kuan Yew’s case he over-played this hand eg. the judiciary, the military and the spy system have always worked overtime in his or Singapore’s interest. In Malaysia’s case, nobody cares for the Rakyat up to 9 May 2018 from 2004 ! What a shame !

    And what does the above facts mean for us Tun ?

    A looming banking crisis is on the horizon arising from the RM 32 Billion Debts of the O & G companies, the unknown multi-billion ringgit or foreign debts of the property development companies and the communistic GLCs with unknown Government approved liabilities of indeterminate value.

    Within this context, the Singaporean doctor with the RM 100 Million basic salary a year still wants to save the bankrupt Fortis of India and the fractious Singh brothers ? Who really benefits ? Since 9 May 2018, it is solidly proven that we Malaysians are not that stupid like some.

    Tun, it is good that all malfeasances are exposed. The culprits caught and charged in Court.

    Thanks to your Leadership of the New and Incorruptible Government, the old and the young, the good and the great, our beloved Malaysia just escape a living death by the skin of our teeth. We nearly died standing as we Malaysians say. And we escaped being a Slave Colony of tiny Singapore with only 900,000 Chinese males aged 21-50 via Lee Kuan Yew’s creation TPPA/CPTPP !. Vide. Singapore Government White Paper on Population. 2011.

    From now onwards, your New and Incorruptible Government knows best !

    Malaysia Boleh Tun as always !

  36. Good evening YAB Tun

    Back in the old days, I biasa juga dengan function gomen, protokol all those things. Siapa patut di dulukan all those things.

    Anyway since I free sikit, I baca berita online, antara rangkap “Stopped at Pau Yik Mun restaurant, Tg (Tanjung) Malim to buy pau. Clearly SST is imposed even though this shop is mid-sized! Pau shop also subject to SST,” wrote Najib.

    As a consumer I have to agree with ex PM. Remember LGE, I am just a normal voter ok. I cannot simply side you, because you give me more problem.

    Let me story sikit about Yik Mun. I am very familiar with this place. Masa I kecil, ayah kalau pergi KL, balik mesti singgah sini beli pau. Sekarang I dah berusia bila lapang teringat peristiwa lama kami drive kejab ke Tanjung Malim.

    Antara kedai yang famous dalam bandar yang terletak antara border Perak Selangor ini Andri Nasi Padang selain dari Yik Mun. Berbalik pada Yik Mun, kalau restaurant kecil ini dah charge service tax, all I can ayoyyo, tak nak lah lagi makan kat restaurant.

    Lagi baik jangan makan langsung as tadi I tanya hubby berapa harga barang yang dibeli supermarket, beliau jawab RM120. I tengok barang dan terus kata, ini kos like RM100 sahaja sebelum ini. I know sebab I rajin beli barang dari supermarket. Tengok barang pun dah boleh agak kos.

    Sebelum LGE get overly defensive please turun padang and check the prices. He might be the ex PM, but as a consumer I kata memang harga sekarang rata2 dah lebih tinggi dari zaman GST.

    Another rangkapan I baca in another news “It’s only natural for Anwar to spend more time with people who have access to the ground because Azmin and some other people spend more time just in Selangor,” said Rafizi.

    I must say this sound so much like time nak jatuhkan Khalid. About spending too much time in Selangor don’t care about us in PKR things. Jealous jealous. Over and over again. Macam main rekod lama. This party really buat I pening therefore as normal voter, I tak minat place my bet on them.

    That’s all for now.

    Goodnight Tun, sleep tight.

  37. 1.saya tengok dalam blog ni ramai jugak yang sibuk bercakap mengenai rasuah lim guan eng.

    2.tetapi untuk menyamakan kes lim guan eng dan khir toyo ni.kalau tengok dari surface mungkin nampak sama tapi kalau tengok dari terperinci ianya agak berlainan sebenarnya.



    5.beza paling utama dalam kes khir toyo,penjual rumah secara terangan mengaku yang die menjual rumah dengan harga murah kepada khir kerana risaukan mengenai projeknya di negeri selangor.dan tiada keunutngan langsung yang die dapat dari penjualan tu malah rugi berjuta.

    6.dalam kes phang li koon ni dia masih lagi dapat untung walaupun jual rumah bawah market value.saya malas nak tunjuk operasi matematik lagipun yang didalam blog ni semua bijak dan genius2 belaka. sebulan berapa phang bayar pada bank. Dah bayar berapa banyak dia bayar pada bank. setiap bulan berapa dia rugi sebab bagi sewa rm5k pada guan the end of the day,dia masih untung dengan menjual rm2.8 juta.itu satu fakta. Dan phang li koon juga tidak mengaku yang dia menjual atas dasar risau mengenai projeknya di penang.dua perkara ini yang membezakan dengan kes khir toyo.

    7.apa2 pun kalau benar guan eng rasuah, dia memang tongong bin bahlol.rasuah patut dilakukan tanpa ada hitam putih.dia patut ingat dia adalah pembangkang.dia sentiasa diperhatikan.kalau saya jadi guan eng,saya pasti akan cakap pada phang “aku bagi kau projek kau bagi aku 1 juta”. Dapat duit saya terus simpan dalam peti besi dirumah(najib style). Rm1 juta tu lepaslah buat bayar sewa rumah 20 tahun.nanti dh nak dekat 20 tahun saya paw lagi duit.janji jangan ada hitam putih.

    8.saya teringat tun pernah berkata dulu semasa ditanya pemberita.tun jawab dalam bahasa inggeris tapi bunyinya begini. “Orang yang mencuri duit berjuta(million) ini saya boleh faham tapi mencuri berbilion ini sesuatu perkara yang baru.najib telah mencipta rekod dunia sebagai pencuri paling besar”

    9.apa yang kita boleh tafsir dari cakap tun mahathir ini rasuah memang perkara biasa dikalangan kerajaan.revenue malaysia contohnya tahun lepas dalam 220 billion(rm220 ribu juta).kalau curi satu juta agak2 boleh nampak tak duit tu sudah hilang???ini bukan bermaksud tun membiarkan sahaja perkara ini berlaku tapi untuk mendakwa perasuah bukannya perkara yang senang.bila dua pihak pemberi dan penerima sudah kawtim.hitam putih dalam transaksi pun tiada macam mana kita nak dakwa dia.kita tengok orang tu memang kita dapat baca yang dia makan rasuah tapi kalau nak dakwa dia di mahkamah, mungkin kita takkan menang pun.contohnya rosmah takkan didakwa sebab tiada hitam putih untuk mendakwanya walaupun kita tahu dialah dalang ibu 1mdb.

    10.mat sabu pun ada berkata juga baru ni yang tun memberi amaran keras pada barisan Kabinet kalau diketahui makan rasuah akan dipecat serta merta.kenapa tun tak bagitahu sprm?sebab nak dakwa memang susahlah.tapi nk buang orang macam mana tan sri muhyiddin dan dato shafie apdal dibuang tu takde masalah.tak perlu alasan pun.

    11.saya baru sedar ada orang disini marah saya sebut mengenai melayu keturunan penyangak.yang sebut tu bukannya saya tapi sahabat saya,dan dia pun tahu bila tengok ada satu ustaz ni bercakap di youtube.tapi ustaz ni tak cakaplah keturunan penyangak tapi bahasa yang lebih lembut iaitu melayu ni dari kaum madyan yang “kurang pertimbangan”. Borak2 dengan sahabat saya tu pun bermula apabila pekerja saya yang menjadi penyangak penyamun disini semuanya orang melayu sahaja.saya mengambil melayu,cina,india dan juga org foreigner untuk bekerja ditempat saya.tapi penyangak yang tak amanah dan mencuri duit yang ditangkap semuanya melayu.sedih tapi itulah hakikatnya.

  38. Salam YAB dan DiSanjungi PM Tun Dr. Mahathir,

    Mohon laluan Tun:

    ‘Faridina & famili’,

    1. Tak payahlah ber-Cikgu dengan saya sebab saya bukannya Cikgu. Panggil saja saya Dr. Hajar.

    2. Seperti Sdr. Wajaperak, saya yakin anda tidak akan panggil saya Dr. Hajar. Beranikah? Anda dengan Sdr. Wajaperak @ Zubir sama saja. Suka merendah-rendahkan orang lain. Dia yang mula mempertikaikan tahap pendidikan (banyak kali, sehingga saya kata saya ada Ph.D.) saya sebab saya tidak bersetuju dengan pendapat dia. Dia ada mengaku yang dia ambil SPM tiga kali baru lulus. Alahai…orang macam ini pun boleh dengan angkuhnya memperlekeh orang orang lain.

    3. Saya sudah beri pandangan saya tentang AG, LGE, hukum sebat dan saya juga ada beri beberapa ‘links’ yang saya kira ada pendapat lebih bernas tentang isu2 ini. Tidak perlulah untuk buat andaian2 bodoh serta melulu tentang saya. Tahukah anda yang anda memfitnah saya dengan andaian2 bodoh anda?

    4. Jika saya kata anda (dan famili) bodoh dan berfikiran dangkal, saya ada sebab2 yang kukuh. Cuba baca balik komen2 anda terhadap saya, bukankah anda yang memulakannya? Lagipun tuduhan2 liar dan berunsur fitnah anda terhadap saya seperti saya menyokong DSN & geng serta PAS (berdasarkan kenyataan anda tentang hudud) adalah satu penghinaan terhadap saya (juga satu FITNAH). Anda dan keluarga nampak bodoh sebab saya memang banyak mengutuk DSN dan geng (baca komen2 terdahulu saya) dan sampai sekarang saya juga tidak pernah menyatakan sokongan terhadap BN mahupun PAS.

    5. Takkanlah anda bodoh sangat untuk menidakkan hakikat bahawa setiap manusia ada juga kebaikannya dan boleh menerima pujian jika benar. Jika saya puji tindakan baik pihak BN/UMNO yang tidak menimbulkan hura-hara selepas kalah PRU14, apa masalah anda?. Kerana kebodohan melampau, anda enggan berpijak di bumi yang nyata. Tak gitu?

    6. Sekarang, saya akan balas balik apa yang orang (pembuli siber) kata terhadap saya sebab saya pernah cuba berlembut tetapi hampeh. Lagipun, Tun M pun ok saja bila saya kata anda sekeluarga bodoh @ dung*. Tun pun pernah kata perkara sama (‘dumb’ @ dung*) terhadap penyokong2 taasub DSN. Jadi tidak perlulah anda sekeluarga MEROYAN sakan di sini. Faham! Dalam Islam tidak salah kita balas balik hinaan orang terhadap kita. Diri sendiri tahu siapa yang benar2 bodoh.

    7. Lagi satu, anda kata “PakPandir08 bodoh boleh diikut” (faridina Sep 9,2018 8:48 PM). Ternyata anda mempamerkan sekali lagi kebodohan melampau anda. Jika PakPandir08 boleh diikut, ikutlah cara PakPandir08 (dahulu) yang sentiasa mengutuk, memfitnah, dan menghina Tun, termasuk mengatakan Tun yang lebih bersalah dalam kes DSN & geng (dengan cerita hantu dia…). Ada berani?

    8. Saya rasa tiada faedah berdebat lagi dengan orang yang tidak mahu menerima fakta. Teruskanlah dengan komen2 syok sendiri yang dangkal @ bodoh anda wahai keluarga ‘Faridina’.

    Terima kasih Tun.

    – Semoga Allah SWT sentiasa merahmati Tun sekeluarga –

  39. Tun

    This wonderful morning I have an interesting topic which is my typo errors in my previous comment on this Blog.

    For these typo errors, Tun, I offer my humble apologies for my mistakes which were committed whilst I had the important Golf match on TV in mind even though I am not a golfer.

    Mistakes are part of our Humankind make-up. As doctors we tried to avoid mistakes always which fortunately seldom occur because of our intensive and thorough training on our mental ability to deal with emergencies or crisis. Hence when you recently admitted making some mistakes, you gained my eternal admiration and respect for being courageous, wise and logical on a matter which is to me of little importance if admitted as a mistake. But if a person denies that he or she had done no wrong in Life, then, it is a different matter concerning the person’s mentality and his or her view of others.

    I have met people who said they have never committed any wrong or mistake in their lives. I would put these people in the lowest category of Humankind especially in the present World of social media.
    By recognising our mistakes, we can move forward and progress to improve ourselves.

    Long ago I recognised that the closest aides were a bane to the political health of our beloved Malaysia which would give a bad impression to any Administration which have them. Indeed, this did happen even in the infamous 1MDB affair.

    A foreign closest aide in 1992 told me to resign immediately from my Directorship of both Cycle & Carriage Ltd Singapore and Cycle & Carriage Bintang Berhad or he would report me to the Prime Minister.

    In 1984 I was appointed by EPF to restructure the Company and was successful by 1992. And this foreign closest aide was so brazen to breach his welcome in our beloved Malaysia. I quickly resigned so that he could sell at no valuation the prime properties of Ardmore Park and the HQ of C & C Bintang to his bosom friends and his criminal acts be recorded in the 1993 and 1994 Annual Reports of both the Companies to this very day. At the material time this foreign closest aide was collecting Stradivarius violins and banks when in 1982, he was only carrying the Samsonite of our top personality Tan Sri Basir Ismail in JB.

    In fact I was the first closest aide in 1984 and was given the task to support the Bursa which I found it impossible to do because Singapore was always dumping shares. I did not cross the red line and said so it could not be done with the linked Stock Exchange. This was the ONLY instance when there was no scandal by a closest aide.

    Thereafter, these closest aides committed scandals after scandals by crossing the red line with the Rakyat’s money for reasons best known to themselves. In each scandal, there was a red line that could not be crossed. All of them crossed it knowing full well the facts and the consequences. This is the reason why I always said IT WAS THE CLOSEST AIDES WHO WERE THE CAUSE OF ALL THE SCANDALS IN THE 20TH CENTURY when there was a clear separation of Public and Private Sectors activity in Malaysia.

    When mistakes were deliberately made by the closest aides for their own interests and gain, these cannot not be forgiven. And hopefully, they should be ashamed that they enriched themselves in this manner. To quote Balzac,’ Behind every great fortune. A great crime.’

    Or another quote which is not applicable to the closest aides, ‘ TO ERR IS HUMAN, TO FORGIVE IS DIVINE.’

    Malaysia Boleh Tun as always !

  40. Oh ya, soal conquer conquer ini, sebenarnya tidak timbul sebab approval datang dari admin, kalau admin nak lepaskan, lepaslah komen2 tersebut disini.

    Seperti I sebut earlier, though I tau beberapa orang dalam KCD, but if mereka ada ID lain disini, I also tak kenal.

  41. Good morning Tun

    Bila baca tulisan sdr Mubarak Chan, I teringat ini.

    Years ago, my friend ada office mate keturunan Cina. Bukan mainlah eksyen, dan cukup bangga China ada merata dunia. Bila dia dapat pergi America, dia bukan main bangga dan megah cakap kat kawan I ini, di US ada ramai China.

    Bila dia pulang sini baru dia tau China yang kat US pun tak nak accept dia.

    That’s all for now.

  42. Yun

    On this significant holiday, let me offer a few snippets of myself as a tourist or an observer of touristy activities of a Life-time, thus :-

    1. As I was having a fine breakfast in 6 Star KL hotels on 2 separate occasions, on the first I saw a waiter picked up a lemon from the floor and put it back on the Buffet display table. Likewise, a tomato on the floor was put back on the second occasion.

    2. Years ago, when I frequented the street stalls of KL, rats as large as cats would walk serenely by my legs. But these were not as those I saw in Bombay when I was a boy. However, garbage collection has improved somewhat in KL.

    3. After I had a fine banana leaf dinner at Brickfields, I saw the waiter who just served us wiped the banana leaves after he wiped the tables with the same cloth. Like the Chinese table-tennis players who always wiped the table before they wiped their faces !

    4. As I was enjoying my cappuccino, I saw the waiter re-arranging the rows of chocolate cakes with his bare hands. This also reminded me of the legendary public toilets of KL. In Paris, open air urinals have been installed for men.

    5. A Senior with a full bladder would be in crisis in the Mid-Valley Mall. That is if he can find one. If so, he would be lucky not to find a jam-packed one. To ease himself, he would find he was provided with no facilities like soap, paper or a proper washing facility after he had undressed. All Malls are likewise without exception. Sometimes, it was like climbing Mount Everest to mount the throne if the floor was not flooded. No provision for hooks was provided in most cases. In one upper end Australian restaurant in KL, I found this notice in the toilet,’ Please do not squat on the toilet seat. Thank you’ As regards the Malls, the state of the toilets which are few and far between reflected on the state of Corruption in the Town Planning Dept.of DBKL !

    6. In the early 1990s, I took a cab from Kyoto Railway Station. The driver asked me where I came from. He told me he was a boy soldier in Burma during World War II. He did many bad things and then regretted doing them. He told me War was bad and that he was against wars Here is a civilised gentleman who knew what was right or wrong.

    7. As I sat in the taxi as it was driven out of Changi Airport in the early 1990s, I casually asked the driver how was his business. He retorted ,’Bad.’ I replied,’ You must be earning S$1,200 a month and your wife probably a teacher would have earned the same. Then you have a family of 2 kids and an HDB flat, what more do you want ?’ Without hesitation, he said,’ In Singapore, I no my place in the Sun until my dying day. But I rather be in KL.’ I quickly said,’ Are’nt you afraid of the disturbances now and then.’ He replied,’ In KL, I have opportunities to make MONEY.’ The story of KL taxi-driver Datuk Wong who became a millionaire on the Bursa spread far and wide. The grass is always greener on the other side.

    8 When I was a boy, I saw women in cages along a street in Bombay/Mumbai. When I was a young man, I saw women in glass windows in Amsterdam. There was a condo at the head of Oxley Road where Lee Kuan Yew’s house is. There were a lot of extra-curricular activities which forced him to get the Civil Servants to buy up the whole condo.
    From the late 1960s,he Singapore Government took a realistic and practical view of this human need and marshalled most of the public messes into Geylang by the 1980s for health and taxation purposes as long as the law was not broken.

    9. I asked Gordon my favourite limousine driver who was an ex-police Sergeant, driving for this Singapore Government owned taxi company,’ What do your customers want at the end of the day ?’ He replied nonchalantly,’ The Mat Sallehs are straightforward and direct’ ‘ And the Japanese ?’ I continued. He replied,’ Ah the Japanese are shy and want to be coaxed like ‘ Sir, you must be tired after working so hard the whole day. Do you some company tonight ?’ The Japanese would reply, ‘Yes ! Yes! Yes! ‘ And I went further, ‘ What about the others ?’ ‘That was the problem.’ was his curt reply.
    Mischievously I asked again (JB was red-hot then according to Lee Kuan Yew),’ After you got your customers worked up in JB, where did you take them.’ To my surprise, he said,’ I rushed them back to Singapore so that I got a bigger commission.’ Free market for all human activity even across the Straits ! He told me he was the personal Police driver to the brother of the Big Shot and ferried friends to his place. My was curiosity was aroused after he handed me a well-printed brochure with colour photos advertising the delights available in Geylang and that were plenty as I could discern.

    10. When I was aged 9, I visited the Taj Mahal, Agra, India. It was under renovation. Now in 2018, it is still under renovation. India is a beautiful country with marvellous flora and fauna and many well-preserved buildings of centuries ago. But in China, the Cultural Revolution of 1966 destroyed most of her architectural artefacts which have now been re-built sometimes with plastic. Have a close look.

    11. In the early 1960s, I often flew down to Singapore by the 6 a.m. MSA flight. There were no passengers. The stewardess would accompany me whilst I had my breakfast. By and by they called me Doctor. Later they called me Sir. And by the time they called me Uncle, I knew my expiry date was up ! So with this experience, I always encouraged friends to travel and learn about the World when they are young !

    Our good Minister of Tourism has great responsibilities and duties because his Ministry ranks high in the Government to deliver the goods which are there for delivery at a low cost. Do not be like the Corrupt BN Government when Ministers go on tour at the Rakyat expense with families in tow to the Southern Antipodes which know us well but the sheep and kangaroos outnumber the inhabitants. Or spent the Rakyat’s money to promote London as a Tourist Destination with an expensive Orchid Exhibit and pocket the Gold Medal awarded by the Queen which rightfully and legally belongs to the Rakyst’s National Museum ! Our tourists come from 3rd World countries of China, India, ASEAN and the Middle East.

    The overseas offices of the Tourist Board are an absolute waste of money for decades. The job of garnering the TOURISTS RESTS WITH THE TRAVEL AGENTS WHO DO IT FOR PROFITS AND ARE NOT CIVIL SERVANTS. Let the Government promote Tourism through the Tourist Board AND NOT DO BUSINESS BY SIGNING RM 88 MILLION CONTRACTS IN 8 HOURS ! Charity begins at home by preparing the Rakyat in the hospitality trade and tourism THIS TOURIST INDUSTRY IS BIG, VERY BIG FOR OUR BELOVED MALAYSIA !

    Malaysia Boleh Tun !

  43. Assamualaikum Ayahanda Tun,

    Tumpang laluan menyambung bual bicara dengan Cikgu Hajar.. round ke 3

    Berhubung dengan pendirian kerajaan berkaitan hukuman sebat kami menyokong sepenuhnya kenyataan YAB PM ke 7 dan bersyukur ada ramai dikalangan warga blog keramat ini yang bijak mengupas menyokong walaupun ada dua tiga kerat yang agak sempit pengertian Islamnya dan ada yang sedikit ekstrem dan emosional dalam berhujah.

    Islam adalah agama rasmi negara kita dan sejak berdekad lamanya orang Melayu bebas menjalani ibadah tanpa sekatan dan halangan, demikian juga bangsa lain berlainan agama turut tidak dihalang dari mengamal agama masing2.

    Bangsa Melayu telah berpecah belah apabila fahaman dan ideologi kepartian berbeza2 dan sepatutnya agama Islam menyatukan kita namun ini tidak berlaku kerana agama telah diperalatkan untuk kepentingan politik.

    Apabila pihak tertentu berjaya melaksanakan sebahagian hukum hudud untuk kelangsungan politiknya maka para pengikut yang setia akan bertukar menjadi ekstremis apabila ada pihak mempertikaikan kewajaran hukuman tersebut.

    Islam itu Ad Din maka adalah lebih baik diajarkan dengan sebaik mungkin di peringkat awal sebagai pencegahan kepada sebarang kemungkaran dan bukannya hanya tahu menghukum apabila kita sendiri gagal melentur atau mendidik mereka.

    Nah terimalah hakikat Islam itu adalah cara hidup yang lemah lembut dan penuh nasihat dari peringkat awal pencegahan bukannya dengan cara menghukum umat untuk langkah pencegahan yang akan melihatkan Islam itu bengis dan ekstrim.

    Dikhuatiri jika perkara ini tidak dibendung maka akan lahirlah lebih ramai para ekstrimis Islam yang mungkin bersengketa dengan pihak sederhana atau dipanggil sekular.

    Walaupun hukuman ini dikatakan tidak menyakitkan langsung hanya sebagai langkah deterrent mungkin tetapi implikasinya cukup besar dari sudut persepsi.

    Marilah kita kuatkan dan amalkan cara hidup berlandaskan ajaran Islam dalam institusi keluarga kita sendiri dengan menunjuk contoh yang baik sehingga tidak perlu dilaksanakan hukum hudud itu sendiri kerana semua baik2 belaka dan sederhana.


  44. Assamualaikum Ayahanda Tun,

    Tumpang laluan menyambung bual bicara dengan Cikgu Hajar..

    Amboi Cikgu hendak conquer semua nampaknya mana tidaknya dia pembahas dan dia juga hendak menjadi pengadil dengan mengisytihar pihak lawan kalah dengan pukulan TKO sedangkan round baru masuk pusingan ke 2 hihihi..

    Tidak mengapa itu standard lah Cikgu mana tahu mengalah tetapi sering menyalah pihak lawan dengan menyalak melampau.

    Lepas ini beritahu kawan Cikgu nama
    Pakcik Khalid tu bahawa mata pena lebih tajam dari mata pedang yang membuat Cikgu tidak tertanggung bisanya dan mula menulis menggunakan kepala lutut dari kepala otak hihihi..

    Berbalik kepada isu LGE sememangnya Cikgu dari dahulu tidak dapat menerima DAP yang dikatakan berbau perkauman tetapi lebih selesa dengan MCA yang mudah dijinakkan UMNO.

    Apapun baik DAP mahupun MCA adalah parti pada dasarnya mewakili bangsa Cina sebagaimana PPBM dan UMNO mewakili kaum Melayu kerana kita tidak boleh lari dari hakikat kepelbagaian bangsa dalam negara majmuk kita.

    Untuk menjaga kepentingan pelbagai bangsa maka pelbagai parti telah bergabung dalam satu gabungan maka hari ini terdapat BN dan PH untuk menjadi pilihan pengundi Malaysia.

    Adakah MCA yang Cikgu lebih tolerate menjalankan tanggungjawabnya menjaga kepentingan bangsanya dengan menegurkan UMNO apabila Ah Jib Gor terang-terangan menyebabkan rakyat tidak kira bangsa menjadi pewaris hutang 1MDB?

    Pada hemahnya kami lebih baik DAP seribu kali dari MCA yang hanya memikirkan kepentingan poketnya dari kepentingan bangsanya sendiri dan rakyat Malaysia pelbagai bangsa secara amnya.

    Lebih selamat Menteri Kewangan DAP dari Menteri Kewangan dari UMNO yang rakus merompak untuk keluarga dan kuncu2nya.

    Sebagai seorang yang arif tentang perakaunan kami juga terkejut dengan pendedahan demi pendedahan yang berjaya dibongkar LGE yang juga seorang akauntan pada kelayakkannya.

    Cikgu berang dengan AG Thomas yang telah menarik diri dalam kes LGE dan hakim pula telah menggugurkan kes ini kerana dendam kesumat Cikgu terhadap DAP dan AG Thomas, tidak mengapa kita lihat apakah kehancuran yang bakal menimpa Malaysia jika kedua-dua insan ini still around then Cikgu boleh mendabik dada dalam blog ini atas pandangan jauh Cikgu.


  45. When the public trust is betrayed beyond repair, it is impossible to regain that public trust.

    What will happen, it will happen, and the curse of umno rahman ends with najib because of their greed and fear, and malay votes are split into umno, pas, pkr, amanah and ppbm today.

    Will mca be forced to close shop just because dap wants it?

    What will not happen, it will not happen since chinese is label as pendatang haram in the past, and chinese race is the hardest race hit becaue of hardworking mentality.

    Will indian votes be split further in the name of estate again?

    Itu terpulang kepada pengundi kaum india yang selalu kata mereka ini miskin kerana di marginalized.

    Me too had enough with such pilih kasih politik yang amat low class.

    Thats no point in crying over spilled milk.

    Debts or unearned tax revenue, the ruling government decide.

    Zakat or unearned pencen, the ruling government decide.

  46. Semoga semuanya baik dan kerajaan Malaysia akan terus maju walau dalam apa jua keadaan sekalipun. Kita ada pemimpin yang disukai rakyat pastinya Malaysia akan terus kukuh dengan kepimpinan yang disokong rakyat.

    Media Maklumat

  47. Adakah itu halal, atau haram, they need 2/ 3 majority to change the law at the federal level.

    How did they do it in the past?

    The pembangkang just walked out to tunjuk perasaan, remember?

    Today, pembangkang became the ruling governmnet.

    But, ruling turned pembangkang did not walk out from parliament, but mereka masih lagi protes outside parliament just to earn a jasa title kut via apple polishing?

    Ya lor, siapakah itu lukmam adam?

    Orang melayu ke, atau orang islam?

    Bak kata, cikgu kencing berdiri, murid kencing berlari.

  48. Jika main politik sampai tahap ini again and again to stay relevant, tahi lembu itu mana ada value lagi kerana mereka ini orang melayu dan orang islam, bukan warganegara malaysia yang wajib membayar taxes to federal government at putrajaya mahupun di negeri2 melayu including sabah and sarawak.

    Confidence crisis is not somthing you can play play just to manipulate the sentiment of orang melayu mahupun orang islam.

    Siapakah tuan rumah?

    Tuan rumah itu orang melayu dan orang islam?

    Mereka buat kerana wajib menegakkan islam?

    Jika mereka tu bukan orang melayu mahu pun orang islam buat, itu adalah dosa, atau commit sin?

    If she and hajar feels great in robbing and stealing in broad day light by manipulating the sentiment of orang melayu and orang islam by all means go a head.

    Yup, she could celebarte with gas minuman too when spy makcik tudung retaliate by engaging lawyers to defend herself to file for defamation in court to get pampasan.

    They have been doing that for decades, therefore, when racism and relgion too can make you rich, you can always file court case to ask for pampasan what is the boss like you, tak gitu?

    Kan tu public money of current and future taxpayers, bukan duit poket mereka.

    Bak kata, siapa makan cili, mereka lah yang rasa pedas.

  49. With the thinking of sri sense and support from her likes, hajar, by labelling me makan babi, i am what i eat, she wants federal government to naikkan harga arak and pork again to menegakkan kebenaran in the name of sin tax to revenge or to cover their power abuse in utilizing the public fund in the name of gate lembu mahupun hukum hudud sebat to tell the public not to mess with them?

    Selagi ada sultan melayu dan orang melayu, mereka boleh sahut allah kasi setel sekali lagi kerana melayu tu islam in 2018.

    It sound like them, but it is not them?

    Each financial crisis landed is different, so pandai2 lah orang melayu dan orang islam.

    Bak kata, once bitten twice shy.

    When bitten many times, voters too are ressilient in exercising their voting power.

  50. Salam Tun yang saya amat kasihi.

    Saya amat setuju dengan statement Tun and parliament…rotan dua gadis tidak boleh di terima….first time it is done in the history of Malaysia….not even Indonesia do that….Indonesia is world’s largest Islamic country pun tak hina gadis2 macan ini.

    PAS is taking the Malay and muslim community to zaman purba….masa nabi ramai simpang hamba2, slavery was accepted….why not PAS introduce slavery? Hudud….curi kena potong tangan, paling batu sampai mati….macam2. Islam is about love and hidup berilmu….not about punishment and hina.

    Isshh….cukup lah tu. Terang2 Nampak corruption tapi tak kena rotan, tak potong tangan, kenapa? Why orang politik corrupted tak kena hukum rotan dan di baling batu or di potong tangan? Masa depan….depa nak…anak umur 20 tahun…curi di potong tangan….kalau jadi kat anak pemimpin PAS….depa setuju ka? Orang2 islam di potong tangan….rotan ladies in public, dah jadi apa ini….are we going backwards?

    Kita hidup zaman ini…berilmu, boleh fikir dan ada undang2 kerajaan. Lesbian dan gay…perlu bantuan, pertolongan dan bukan di hina dan di fitnah in public. Depa pun ciptaan umat Allah juga…..mentality kita harus progressive dan bukan backwards. Orang2 yang dok support semua ini….depa pulak macam mana….tepok dadah Tanya sendiri!!!! Jangan pasal cakap2 orang politik…kita hilang akal.

    Ramai di Kelantan amat miskin, poorest state in Malaysia. Buka la mentality untuk drive progress and development di state tu untuk ubah hidup rakyat. Today….tak ada kilang nak invest pun di Kelantan…..kenapa??? Orang miskin di pergunakan untuk kepentingan orang2 politik. Harapkan milion2 duit untuk bantuan dari luar….apa dok jadi? Teramat sedih.

    Stop politicking Islam in Kelantan and Terengganu…..ubah hidup rakyat miskin di negeri tu. Mula la dengan mentality progressive dan bukan nya ajaran2 yang dah lepas zaman. Jadi lah negeri maju dan developed….supaya nasib rakyat boleh ubah not miskin selalu. Pilih lah pemimpin yang ada mentality progressive.


    Jazakallahu Khair

  51. Salam YAB dan DiSanjungi PM Tun Dr. Mahathir,

    Entahlah Tun, ada pula golongan yang jahil tentang hakikat bahawa HUKUM SEBAT sudah ada dalam undang2 Syariah Terengganu sejak 2001 (Seksyen 30 Enakmen Jenayah Syariah (Takzir) Terengganu 2001; Seksyen 125 Enakmen Tatacara Jenayah Mahkamah Syariah Terengganu 2001).

    Disebabkan kejahilan melampau, si Polan menuduh saya menentang hukum HUDUD dalam Islam (Sep 9,2018 8:48 PM). Saya menentang hudud PAS – tidak adil sebab hanya ingin potong tangan pesalah Islam; pesalah bukan Islam tidak kena potong tangan jika mencuri.

    Memang sah orang ini dung*. Adakah patut dia kata/tulis baru sekarang saya kelihatan Islamik Bermakna dulu saya kelihatan tidak Islamiklah ye? Kah…kah…kah..amat melucukan…

    Saya juga kurang pasti siapa si penderhaka dan Pak Cik Khalid yang si Polan kaitkan dengan saya yang menyebabkan saya boleh berubah dan kelihatan Islamik. Besar sungguh pengaruh mereka terhadap saya. Bapa sayakah? Pak Cik sayakah? Memang merepek si Polan ni…

    Mohon izin Tun:

    ‘Rule of Law’?

    Ex-CJ roasts Tommy Thomas over Guan Eng’s acquittal

    Terima kasih Tun.

    P/S: Yang perlukan simpati ialah orang yang sudah TKO.

    – Semoga Allah SWT sentiasa merahmati Tun sekeluarga –

  52. Good morning Tun

    PPBM’s race-based identity not good for PH and nation, says ex-DAP leader Headline di FMT

    I beg to differ. Selagi ada Sultan Melayu, selagi ada orang Melayu, PPBM is right!

    Ini apa cerita nak rebel rebel ni. Aku, dia, dan dia menang banyak seat masa election. Whatever happened to the idea nak selamatkan Malaysia dan buang Najib, BN, kuasa rakus. Sampai kami yang tak minat DAP PKR Amanah pun terseret sama dalam agenda kamu.

    Takpe Tun, Tun naikkan jer harga arak dan pork. Kita kan negara islam. Mereka ini tak buat kerja asyik pot pet pot pet.

    That’s all for now.

  53. Assamualaikum Ayahanda Tun,

    Tumpang laluan menyambung kepada yang berkenaan..

    Baiklah kita gugurkan gelaran makcik memandangkan dari dahulu beliau begitu alergik dengan panggilan ini kerana tiada kelas baginya mungkin, maka digantikan dengan Cikgu.

    Cikgu Hajar sentiasa ajar yang baik2 belaka kepada kita dengan lenggok bahasa penuh sopan serta berhemah dan sarat dengan fakta serta kajian ilmiah yang bermutu tinggi sehingga menganggap dirinya sahaja yang layak menasihati dan meremehkan tindakan ayahanda Tun itu sendiri.

    Walaubagaimanapun pantang bagi beliau jika kita menegur pendirian beliau dan ini akan menyebabkan kita bakal di’fail’kan dan diturun taraf serta dikategori bodoh.

    Mari kita berbahas secara terbuka dan berhemah menyentuh 3 perkara dahulu;
    1. Kes LGE yang digugurkan.
    2. Perlaksanaan sebahagian hukum hudud.
    3. Kes Lokman beruang dihalang berarak.

    Kemudian biarlah pembaca menilaikan samada kami taksub kepada ayahanda Tun mengkinzir buta atau tidak.


  54. Salam Tun Dr.M

    Saya sangat setuju dengan pandangan Tun & Kabinet mengenai hukuman sebat tanpa timbangrasa ini.

    Pada saya ini adalah tindakan pendek-akal dan tanpa memikirkan kesan & akibat jangka masa panjang. Kebarangkalian besar tindakan kurang-bijak ini dipengaruhi dan bermotifkan politik. Maklum saja, atas kejayaan menjadi Kerajaan Terengganu dan Kelantan, inilah masanya nak tunjuk ‘hebat’ dan benar-benar ikhlas dalam menjuarai RUU355 dan Hudud-PAS.

    Walaubagaimanapun, saya lebih khuatir jika kedua-dua pasangan lesbian itu, akibat kesan psychology diaibkan sedemikian rupa didepan mata 100 orang yang tidak diketahui samada suci dari dosa kecil, maupun besar (tak bayar hutang, misalnya), dengan publisiti meluas, hati mereka akan menjadi lebih keras dari batu dan kemudiannya memberontak. ‘Iman’ mereka menjadi pudar, merasa malu dikaitkan dengan Bangsa Melayu/Islam dan akhirnya lari mencari ‘ketenangan jiwa’ di Negara Kapir seperti Amerika.

    Maklum sajalah, pelarian-perang yang lari dari pergolakan diTimur-Tengah untuk bina kehidupan-baru pun, semuanya mahu pergi ke Negara Kapir di Barat. Tak dengar langsung mereka mahu lari ke Arab Saudi atau lain-lain Negara Islam.

    Berbalik kepada isu sebat… Sudah tentu kesan psychology akan menjadi lebih negatif jika semasa menjalankan hukuman itu mereka diherdik dengan kata-kata cacian atau maki-hamun oleh penonton, sama seperti kita pernah lihat berlaku di Arab Saudi atau Afghanistan semasa dibawah Puak Taliban.

    Dibuatnya selepas ini, mereka lari ke Negara Kapir Amerika, dan kemudian istihar keluar Islam, bagaimana?
    Amerika, sudah tentu akan memberi keRakyatan atau suaka-politik atas dasar kemanusiaan. Kemudian dicanang seluruh dunia bertapa kejam dan tidak bertamaddunnya hukuman-sebat diMalaysia.

    Jika ini berlaku, bolehkah Kerajaan PAS Trengganu dan mereka yang menyokong Hudud-PAS dan RUU355, merasa bangga kerana sudah ‘berjaya’ menyebabkan dua orang jadi murtad?

    Jangan lupa… kita akan ‘mengamok’ atau rasa terhina apabila terdengar, ada Melayu-Islam yang hidup terdesak, pergi mendapatkan bantuan keWANGan tanpa banyak soal-jawab, temuduga dan kaji-selidik di Gereja.

  55. I am not malay nor muslim aiming to be the perdana menteri of malaysia or menteri besar of any states, therefore, whoever become the chosen one and replace tdm, life will go on as usual for voters.

    Jika tarak suka atau jemu pandang, no worries.

    General election must be called in the next 5 years.

    Jika still tarak suka atau jemu pandang, no worries.

    General election must be called in the next 10 years.

    Winninhg, or loosing is not important, but the direction set must be on the right track.

  56. Perhaps mubarakchan can get ppbm member to file polis report in this country for that matter, if he insist.

    He can bill the lawyer fees to pmo, if he likes, since other party members also doing that too, tak gitu?

    Kenapa beliau boleh buat, kenapa aku tak boleh?

    Tdm is 7th prime minister of malaysia, he is not their beloved ayahanda mahupun father, tak gitu?

    Even a voter like me also nampak, takkanlah mereka tak nampak, right?

  57. Tun

    When a delegation of 4 Singaporean visited you recently in their private capacity, there was an up-roar amongst the ruling circle in Singapore.

    The up-roar was not so much on the nature of their visit but the fact that it was you were invited to be the Leader of South-East Asia. I do not understand what is so unusual that our beloved Malaysia overnight became ONE OF THE 4 MOST IMPORTANT SMALL COUNTRIES OF THE WORLD BEING BRIAIN, SWITZERLAND, JAPAN AND MALAYSIA since 9 May 2018. Naturally he Leader should gain concomitant importance in the circle of Nations.

    Within days, a senior Singaporean Minister turned up in Sabah offering gifts to test the soft underbelly of the New and Incorruptible Government.

    Has normal diplomatic protocol been breached ?

    Beware of Greeks or Singaporeans bearing gifts ?

    A back door attempt to save Lee Kuan Yew’s creation the TPPA/CPTPP via Sabah ?

    With the smart, clever and cunning Singaporeans, the belief has always been that no small money goes out, no big money comes in. This is their adage to bribe all for big gains as always which Lee Kuan Yew instilled in them. No more. No less.

    Malaysia Boleh Tun !

  58. Good evening Tun

    Penuh sensasi!

    Sebenarnya I tak kisah pun kalau sidia tu ucap selamat tinggal, tak luak apa pun.

    Lagipun komen darinya sentiasa berbaur hasutan, link dia kasi malaysiakini. Pada sesiapa yang biasa dengan malaysiakini tau apa itu malaysiakini.

    I tak kenal siapa dia, tapi I akui I kenal beberapa orang dari KCD.

    Lagipun online, nama semua boleh taruh tapi kalau google satu pun tak jumpa. Kalau mubarak chan boleh cari, yang tak manis pun ada, so I faham kenapa beliau tak suka Singapore.

    Kalau Tun naik harga pork hari ini, rasanya mereka boleh terima, sidia kata kaum dia pak turut, so oklah tu.

    Goodnight Tun, sleep tight.

  59. Salam YAB dan DiSanjungi PM Tun Dr. Mahathir,

    Mohon laluan Tun:

    1. Masih khayal lagi si Polan n famili…Bolehlah dipadankan dengan si rasis yang berotak ‘loose’. Sama spesis sebab suka merapu meraban & menfitnah orang lain tanpa fakta/bukti sahih.

    2. Alahai…Kesian sungguh. Ahli parti Bersatu Tun yang ini tidak berkualiti dan tidak cerdik dalam membalas hujah – tong kosong saja. Terlalu beremosi sampai fakta sebenar pun dia tidak tahu. Setakat ‘hantam’ saja lah…

    3. Ikutkan si Polan ni, makan naji$ 1.5 kilograms (naji$ = rasuah) halal/ok, tapi makan naji$ 2,600 kilograms haram. Tidak ada prinsip langsung (kalau kawan dia makan naji$, dia halalkan). Fahamkah dia ni hukum agama Islam? Eh, bukankah ahli Bersatu juga berjuang untuk agama, bangsa dan negara?

    4. Maaf Tun, saya terpaksa guna perumpamaan makan rasuah sama dengan makan naji$ sebab si Polan suka sangat menaji$kan orang.

    5. Menurut dia (semasa saya tegur dia menaji$kan orang), “PhD pengalaman hidup” dia lebih hebat (cara dia menulis…) dari PhD yg dianugerah oleh mana2 Universiti di dunia ini. Alahai…Patutlah ramai bangat orang yang ada PhD di Malaysia. Sama spesis dengan si Polan rupanya. Perasan ada PhD. Tukang angkat naji$ pun saya yakin ada pengalaman hidup yang hebat. Boleh juga di gelar Dr. Tak gitu?

    5. Bak kata kawan karib dia, ‘what a looser…’. Nak ajar orang, tetapi fakta semua salah, dan main hentam saja macam orang mabuk. Inilah yang dikatakan bodoh sombong! Amat kelakar…Berhujah pun sekadar buat andaian2 bodoh saja.

    P/S: Alahai…dah ber’Mak Cik’ pulak lah si Polan yang perasan bagus ni. Biasalah, dah tak ada modal lain. Kononnya dia berbudi bahasa dan bersopan santun. Alahai…(Bagi menjawab tuduhan kelakar dan syok sendiri si Polan: saya pernah jadi salah seorang pelajar terbaik di sebuah sekolah menengah).

    Terima kasih Tun.

    – Semoga Allah SWT sentiasa merahmati Tun sekeluarga –

  60. Assamualaikum Ayahanda Tun,

    The Three Stooges

    Hajar tidak boleh diajar..
    Pergi Melaka cari perlindungan Jebat..
    Singgah Seremban jumpa Pakcik Khalid..

    Makcik Hajar pandai tak boleh diikut..
    PakPandir08 bodoh boleh diikut..

    Pernah kasihan dengan makcik ni satu ketika dahulu apabila panglima Waja menyerang bertubi-tubi sehingga menyentuh perkara2 selak kain yang loya dibaca tetapi sekarang naik meluat dan menyampah dengan makcik meroyan seorang ni.

    Kini makcik pun sama dengan PakPandir08 yang suka melabelkan orang lain bodoh bilamana analisanya yang tidak berapa pandai mudah dipatahkan.

    Makcik yang mengaku menyangjungi ayahanda Tun tetapi seringkali melihatkan dirinya lebih pandai dari ayahanda Tun sendiri dengan analisa ke lautnya.

    Makcik ini jugalah yang dahulunya tidak membenarkan ayahanda Tun turun menyertai Bersih yang kotor katanya tetapi hari ini marah apabila pengganti Jamal tongkol iaitu Lokman beruang hendak berarak ala2 Bersih.

    Makcik dari dahulupun cukup rasis terhadap bangsa Cina sampai ke hari ini tidak tahu kenapa mungkin masa belajar dahulu dia tidak dapat markah setinggi mereka dan dapat markah cukup2 makan gitu serta tidak sepandai mereka.

    Makcik ini juga yang dahulunya sering menentang PAS serta hukum hudud mula kelihatan Islamik bilamana memberi lampu hijau perlaksaan hukuman sebat di atas sebab si derhaka dan pakcik Khalid telah bersuara.

  61. Sebat ke, caci ke, korban ke atau busuk ke, aku pun malas nak layan, kan tu agama hajar, aku peduli apa?

    Lantern made of cow skin can produce light?

    Degil atau bijak, its up to her to say what she wants.

    Aku segan, and aku ini pendatang to her, me too learned the word, selamat tinggal.

  62. Assamualaikum Ayahanda Tun,

    The Three Stooges

    Hajar tidak boleh diajar..
    Pergi Melaka cari perlindungan Jebat..
    Singgah Seremban jumpa Pakcik Khalid..

  63. Salam Dearest YAB Tun,

    A. Hukum sebat di khalayak ramai (kepada yang melakukan aktiviti songsang tersebut di tempat awam – boleh diwartakan) wajar diperluaskan dan merangkumi orang bukan Islam sebab dengan cara ini barulah ADIL kepada semua pihak. Adalah tidak adil jika orang bukan Islam (kafir) bebas mengkritik dan menghina hukum Islam sedangkan mereka tidak pula tertakluk kepada hukum tersebut. Apa sebab mereka perlu menyibuk?

    Jika tidak, kita nampak di sini bagaimana dengan megahnya ada individu2 yang istiqamah menghina dan mempersenda hukum Islam. Mengapa orang kafir ini dibenarkan dengan sewenang-wenangnya menghina dan mempersenda agama / bangsa orang lain tanpa diambil apa2 tindakan? Adilkah? New Malaysia?

    B. Allow me Tun:

    Quoted: “The state that i work, live and enjoy life now is full of foreign workers especially muslim workers, and our our so called racist bigots of the hajar and the likes chanting they will do anything for the name of allah and bangsa as if the world belongs to them, and yet she can use the word busuk to describe her feeling, bak kata meludah ke atas langit, jatuh ke atas muka, kan mereka kata mereka adalah tuanpunya tanah, tak gitu?”

    1. I bet this person (with something ‘loose’ in her brain) will not be able to provide any proofs. What a big LIAR and a hardcore RACIST too! Yeah she is so proud of her ‘Darul B***’ state I guess. So many ‘kandang b***’ to cater for her needs (but built around/near Muslims’ homes).

    2. This person proudly wrote here in the past that she ‘eats babi’.

    3. I bet her mouth smells like the animal she eats so often – so ‘busuk’ ma… The saying “YOU ARE WHAT YOU EAT” is so true.

    4. Malaysia would be a better place without this type of pest.

    5. I’ve had it with this person.

    P/S: Orang tak kacau dia tapi dia masih mahu menghina orang lain dan menghina agama orang lain secara berterusan

    Thanks Tun.

    – May Allah SWT bless Tun and family –

  64. Salam tenghari YAB Tun

    Pagi tadi I singgah beli teh kat rangkaian kedai teh yang femes. I tanya budak ini, dulu kan all in, sekarang added pula 6% service tax pada harga. Dia jawab, masa gst ada memang tambah 6%, selepas tiada GST turunkan harga, sekarang tambah 6%. I tanya dia semula, apa beza dari segi harga?. Dia jawab tanpa ragu2, sama aje.

    Well I still think that pizza price lagi tinggi dari zaman GST. Maybe selepas tiada GST mereka naikkan harga, sekarang mereka tambah 6% service tax pula.

    And I think Tun patut naik harga arak double. For example 1 botol 5 ringgit naikkan 10 ringgit. After all Malaysia kan negara Islam. Bagai kata seorang constant contributor disini, negara islam, dia cakap macam mengejek. So silakan naikkan harga arak.

    That’s all for now.

  65. Tun

    Congratulation and Best Wishes to you and PPBM for the 1st Official Anniversary of its Founding ! A Symbol of Courage, Freedom and Justice.

    Who else but our Tun Dr Mahathir Momamad, the Saviour of our beloved Malaysia ? Who else ?

    How fitting that the Anniversary celebrations accidentally coincided with the tennis debacle at the US Tennis Open in New York where the 23 Grand Slam winner Serena Williams lost her cool and disgraced herself by clashing openly and loudly with the referee on her misdemeanours on court. It was only proper Naomi Osaka won glory.

    This incident brings to my mind immediately the vital role our Federal Governments do play in its governance and implementation of justice for all in our beloved Malaysia. Without a referee which is the Federal Government, the whole structure of our Civil Society will go asunder and like Humpty-Dumpty on the Wall will never be put together again – destroying the blood, the tears and the hard-work by you Tun, your distinguished predecessors the Tunku, the Great Statesmen Tun Abdul Razak and Tun Hussein Onn and all the Rakyat who gave their lives to build up our beloved Malaysia as it is today.

    However Man proposes. God disposes. Because 99.99% of the Rakyat are good people, we were saved from the jaws of living death by just one person who happened to be around and had the courage and brilliance to put what was WRONG, RIGHT !

    Hence, when the Serena Williams debacle appeared on the TV screen early this morning, I could not help but to reflect again on how our beloved Malaysia was fortunate to have a good referee, the Federal Government always as led by a distinguished Prime Minister who does not succumb to Greed, Weakness of the Flesh and the Soft under-belly like yourself and your distinguished predecessors !

    What could be a better explanation of our unique Malaysian Style Democracy with a Malay bias with our loyalty and devotion towards the Constitution, the Yang Di-Pertuan Agong and the Royal Sultans ? Strange to say, since the inception of Singapore’s Channelasianews, I have observed interesting reports, one of which today relates to the rise of racism in Russia. The percentage of the nay-sayers have risen to 19% of the population. And there is a strong swing to the Far Right in Sweden’s current general elections.

    Again reflecting on these news reports, it is so very important that our beloved Malaysia’s Rakyat are governed with Zero Tolerance for Corruption and thw Rule of Law always. Human relationships as regards human frailties of emotions and raw instincts are but just below the surface of the skin as we doctors know.

    An interesting headline as of yesterday.

    Minister, ‘MALAYSIA AIMS TO BE WORLD’S TOP 10 TOURIST DESTINATIONS BY 2019.’ – a fair comment loaded with the will to succeed no doubt.

    It pays for us to remember that the TRAVEL AGENTS play an important role to bring in the tourists. To do so they must be not only seen to make the PROFITS but really MAKE THE PROFITS. Then, the wonders and benefits of tourism appear like a magic wand which was once used by the 4th Floor Boys of Putrajaya when they fed treasonously the famished Singaporeans looking for low hanging fruits. Where are you 4th Floor Boys ? Please stand up and be counted !

    Also it is an absolute waste of money and time for the Tourism Board to spend money OVERSEAS with the OFFICES which do not serve any purpose being manned by unprofessional personnel.

    LEAVE THIS OVERSEAS TASK TO THE TRAVEL AGENTS WHO KNOW BETTER. The present set-up is not only a shame but a SHAM !


    One BN Minister promoted at great cost a Malaysian Orchid Flower Exhibit at the Royal Chelsea Flower Show, London – an upper class show to promote London as a tourist destination ! A Gold Medal was awarded to the Minister by the Queen which rightly belongs to the National Museum of Malaysia. The same Minister used Government funds to tour the Southern Antipodes where sheep and kangaroos out-number the inhabitants. Apparently this person was an ex-PR !

    Tun, it is time for the Minister of Tourism stop betraying the trust of the Rakyat had with them by behaving like playboys or girls all over the World in the name of Malaysian Tourism.

    Actually, the battle for TOURISTS to come to Malaysia is right here on our own doorstep ! How ?

    The Tourist Industry in Malaysia is huge from the whole geographical format of the country, the interesting sights of architecture and eco-wonders down to the CLEANLINESS OF THE HAWKERS STALLS and onto to 6 Star hotels surrounded by the myriad of budget hotels with their complement of hospitality staff. – ALL NEED SUPERVISION THAT ALL ARE UP TO WORLD STANDARDS.

    The Minister of Tourism is a tough job but rewarding for the Minister and the Rakyat in terms of the eventual results.

    To back up, there should be Institutes or Colleges to train MORE Rakyat for the Tourism and Hospitality Industry which should be huge to cater to the incoming tourists. We should not do so only WHEN THEY ARRIVE !



    The Government should only spend money to benefit the Travel Agents like supportive advertisements around the World, keep track of prices, security and fair play (no cheating) etc. The Tourism Board should not be involve in COMMERCE like the RM 88 Million Agreement prepared and signed in 8 hours ! Where else but Malaysia under the Corrupt BN !


    It pays to see how the Singapore Tourist Board operated. It was under the Chairmanship of Lee Kuan Yew’s sister-in-law for decades until she retired. I BELIEVE SHE NEVER TRAVELLED OUT OF SINGAPORE BUT TO MONITOR ALL TOURIST ACTIVITIES IN SINGAPORE. She definitely did not do a RM 88 Million contract in 8 hours !Charity begins at home Tun !

    Yes Tun ! The Minister of Tourism will do an excellent job by FOCUSSING AT HOME on the very best for our TOURISTS TO COME – OUR FAMOUS HOSPITALITY, CLEANLINESS (I have seen in China, utensils being washed in dirty canals and vegetables placed on the road before cooking) and just as important CHEAPNESS (no cheating of the tourists)and SECURITY.


    No Minister of Tourism should tour the First World – it’s absurd because China, India, ASEAN, Middle East etc are where Malaysia’s tourists come from. AND THE WEST KNOWS MALAYSIA WELL. Why should we spend money in the latter ? Stupid.

    Malaysia Boleh Tun !

  66. Assalamualaikum tun,

    1.pada ucapan ulangtahun kedua ppbm, tun ada menyebut berkenaan ppbm adalah parti perkauman kerana itulah realiti malaysia sekarang, Tun berkata lagi yang satu hari nanti, mungkin perkauman bukan lagi salah satu faktor, tetapi sekarang itulah realitinya.

    2.adakah tun berharap satu hari nanti kita semua bersatu menjadi satu bangsa iaitu bangsa malaysia? Apabila kita sampai kesatu tahap, asalkan kita mempunyai ic biru yang bertulis warganegara malaysia, kita semua adalah sama.

    3.itu jugalah yang saya harapkan sebenarnya, penulisan saya didalam blog chedet ni mungkin nampak sedikit liberal dan mungkin ada yang nampak saya pengkhianat melayu.KJ pun saya tengok dia cuba menongkah arus didalam umno dan dia dianggap sebagai pengkhianat sekarang.

    4.saya mempunyai sedikit idea untuk kita semua menuju kearah satu bangsa iaitu bangsa malaysia tanpa mengira warna kulit dan bahasa ibunda kita semua.

    5.yang pertama kita perlu mengubah mindset dan persepsi rakyat malaysia daripada “racist” menjadi “nationalism”.daripada sifat perkauman kepada sifat kenegaraan yang sangat tinggi. ianya mungkin ada keburukan juga tapi untuk beralih dari satu perkara yang sangat buruk kepada yang kebih baik kita perlu mengubah secara perlahan lahan.

    6.apabila kerajaan PH seolah2 ingin sedikit adil kepada semua bangsa, orang melayu memang akan terasa sedikit terancam.sebelum ni benteng perlindungan mereka yang merangkumi semua orang melayu, telah ditanggalkan sedikit oleh kerajaan PH.ini menyebabkan mereka berasa tidak selamat.tapi apa yang kita nak tunjuk pada mereka adalah benteng ni masih ada cuma ianya telah diperbesarkan merangkumi semua warganegara malaysia.

    7.kita perlu menunjukkan kepada semua rakyat tentang kelebihan menjadi rakyat malaysia berbanding rakyat negara lain.kita perlu tunjuk pada semua warga desa dan kampung kerana bagi saya semangat perkauman masih menebal dikalangan mereka ini.

    8.kita perlu perkasakan penggunaan mykad. kita perlu bermula dari perkara yang paling mudah,semua warga negara malaysia yang menunjukkan mykad mereka semasa membuat pembayaran semasa membeli barang runcit, membeli minyak petrol dan sebagainya mereka mendapat potongan harga kerana mereka adalah warganegara malaysia.

    9.projek HSR adalah peluang besar untuk kita lebih menunjukkan sifat nationalism kita ini.saya pernah terbaca yang apabila kita ingin membatalkan projek HSR, singapura terpaksa merangka semula pelan jangka pendek dan jangka panjang mereka seolah2 projek hsr ini sangat penting pada mereka.

    10.mungkin tun boleh demand sikit pada mereka.letakkan syarat sedikit.saya tidak berapa suka melihat warganegara singapura membeli belah di johor kerana harganya lebih murah kerana matawang mereka tinggi dan matawang kita rendah. Apakata kalau kita tetapkan harga “special” untuk warga singapura yang membeli belah dimalaysia?yelah tun contohnya kalau kerja mcd di singapura gajinya sama saja dimalaysia iatu 6 sejam tapi singapura 6$ di malaysia rm6.jauh beza tu.

    11.selain tu tugas menteri pendidikanlah untuk menerapkan sifat perpaduan yang tinggi sejak dari bangku sekolah rendah lagi.melentur buluh biarlah dari rebung.tapi terus terangnya saya tak harap pun menteri pendidikan mampu buat perkara ini.dia seorang yang lembik, takkan mampu untuk menongkah arus apabila menerima kritikan yang dahsyat sikit…

    Tolong jaga diri tun

  67. Dah terang sangat, usah diterangkan.

    If pizza is too for her, then, she can choose roti canai.

    She thinks only malaysia got durian?

    Corruption, cronism, nepotism or i help you, you help me, it wont matter now.

    Jika niat mereka adalah murni, mereka pasti akan nampak cahaya dihujung sana.

  68. Good evening Tun

    Nak share my pengalaman beli Pizza semalam.

    Semasa ada GST beli pizza semua dah incuded dalam price. For example harga 5 ringgit all in. Sekarang kalau harga 5 ringgit ditambah dengan service tax 6%. Beli pizza sekarang lebih mahal.

    Durian, not sure, harga macam mana, khabarnya musim sekarang adalah durian dari Pahang. Belum nampak peniaga jual tepi jalan around my area.

    Goodnight Tun!

  69. Salam Dearest YAB Tun,

    1. Shariah caning milder than school’s version, says Terengganu MB

    2. Shafee breaks silence, claims Dr M wanted him to prosecute Anwar’s Sodomy II appeals

    🙁 🙁 Tun must clarify Shafee’s claim.

    Thanks Tun.

    – May Allah SWT bless Tun and family –

  70. Tun

    Yes ! Another peaceful and wonderful Malaysian classic morning for all of us maybe not for someone who takes to ‘canning lesbians’ in Trengganu!

    There is some disquiet on the appointment of the YB to be the Chancellor of the IIU which I find is no big deal at all given the circumstances that there is a dire shortage of qualified Malay elites available after 3 Generations of Attrition of the Malay Elites through self-immolation by their own hands from Greed, Weakness of the Flesh, the Soft under-belly and Politics.

    The First Generation’s BMF, the Second Generation’s Renong etc. and the Third Generation’s 1MDB which also wiped out the Malay elites in full bloom. Even though we may blame this and that, and even Lee Kuan Yew, we cannot escape the fact the Malay elites are qualified adults with good training and background. They were certainly not VESTRAL VIRGINS. Yet all were drawn into doing something I am certain they would rather not do it again if given a second chance.

    But that was the REALITY of the market or public place where Politics and Money met head-on. In the 1960’s, Tan Sri Dr C.C. Too my relative who was the most Senior Chinese Civil Servant to the Federal Government and Adviser on Counter-Insurgency told me that when Communism and Capitalism meets, the former will be corrupted. In our beloved Malaysia’s case, it was the Civil Service which met the Money.

    To add to the evil, the Corrupt BN Government grabbed the whole lot of Private Sector Malay businesses and TURNED THEM INTO GLCs a’la Lee Kuan Yew and labelled the GLCs as ‘SAFEGUARDING MALAY INTERESTS AND MAKE MONEY FOR THE RAKYAT.’ History has proved that this was an excuse for those who had no money and did not own a single share in the GLCs but made money for themselves.

    If they were the owners of the GLCs they would not be investing huge amounts of money into Turkey when its own tycoons were bailing out, or the absurd IHH Rm 2.04 Billion into Fortis India to BAIL OUT THE FRACTIOUS SINGH BROTHERS or RM 80 Million into a Israeli retailer in bras, undies, lingerie to make the future comfortable for 500,000,000 Indian ladies to lose all or RM 2 Billion into UBS just to carry Lee Kuan Yew’s legs to lose all too ! See the Greed, the Stupidity without Thought, the Crazy investments which are unbelievable or out of this World using money belonging to the Rakyat !

    These elites were the 3rd Generation, the 1MDB Generation which was completely wiped out by their own hands,

    And our beloved Malaysia has only one Malay superman aged 80 and a Robin aged 40 in the Khazanah, left !

    Our beloved Malaysia needs not only Malay elites to lead which is literally mandatory but also Chinese and Indians and others too. Now on this aspect Malaysia is hollowed out – a dire situation which most of the Rakyat are unaware of. No Malay elites to lead us, how ?

    Hence, it is paramount that the Rakyat understands that 3 Generations of Malay elites wiped themselves out by their own hands. As a result, YBs maybe required to fill in the important slots now and then. Again this leads to today’s headline:-

    ‘ Dr M, hopefully in search of successor to lead PPBM, ssys many show great capabilities.’


    For the 99.99% of the Rakyat it seemed to be just a great party the 9th May 2018 GE. But for the cognoscenti, our beloved Malaysia escaped by the skin of her teeth from ETERNAL SLAVERY AS A SLAVE COLONY OF SINGAPORE THROUGH LEE KUAN YEW’S TTPA/CPTPP by MALAYSIA’S OWN HAND, THE BN GOVERNMENT BECAME A PUPPET OF SINGAPORE, CHINA A BIG CREDITOR AND MORE !

    All the above mentioned failures of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd Generations of Malay elites, naturally lead us to the ROLE AND RESPONIBILITY OF THE MALAY ELITE which no one has ever raised before.

    The first question is do the Malay elites especially those with POWER realise that they are a special group which is expected to lead our beloved Malaysia together with the Chinese, Indian and other elites. Without the Malay elites, our beloved Malaysia cannot move or even move forward. We are ham-strung through this deficiency in practical and political terms. We are truly stuck in the Augean Stables !

    The second question concerns the Malay elites upbringing, their famous religious and cultural backgrounds etc.

    Third, the pride of Nationalism should have been in place long long ago like in our good Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad. My Nationalism came in 1954 !

    AND OUR BELOVED MALAYSIA WAS SAVED FROM A LIVING DEATH IN THE HANDS OF AN INTERLOPER BY JUST ONE PERSON AND HIS BRAINS ! His courage and brilliance. Yes ! Just one person is all that was required to SAVE US ALL FROM A LIVING DEATH ! Man proposes. God disposes.

    With the 4th Generation of Malay Elites which has a complement of at least more than 2. it is time for THEMSELVES TO TAKE STOCK OF WHAT HAPPENED TO THEIR ERSTWHILE PREDECESSORS – their Fables and Foibles which befell them through Greed, Weakness of the Flesh, the Soft Under-belly and Politics.

    I am not turning Malay elites into ROBOTS.

    I am trying to instill NORMALCY, DISCIPLINE, COMMONSENSE for their benefit and all so that the Malay elites can do every thing under the Sun but do not cross the red line. Here are 2 significant examples :-

    1. All doctors will agree with me that doctors do advise their patients to do anything like smoking, etc but do not abuse the privilege through excesses like a Civil Servant having RM2.08 Billion or 10,000 Rolex ! In other words, be aware of what is right or wrong.

    2. Lee Kuan Yew and his contemporaries all knew that the Dynamic Duo Dr Goh Keng Swee and Lim Kim Seng liked a bit of fun since Raffles College days. He also knew they do not cross the line of doing embarrassing things like making girls pregnant or become DISLOYAL. He knew their place in the Sun with him and he did not care for their personal behaviour AS LONG AS THE LAW IS NOT BROKEN OR THEIR LOYALTY TO HIM. With this COMMONSENSE approach, all parties lived happily ever after.

    It was actually a humane and commonsense approach WHICH THE GOOD TUN DR MAHATHIR MOHAMAD AND HIS PREDECESSORS ADOPTED BUT LEFT UNSAID. It was alleged that the good Tun spent time with the 2nd Generation of Malay elites in Langkawi on certain mornings during which meetings all the attendees nodded in agreement. Out of sight, out of mind.

    At 2 am one night, my friend in Geneva rang me up and told me that he was having dinner with one Malaysian tycoon and his Eurasian girl friend whom he financed an art gallery for her in Singapore. No doubt using the Rakyat’s money. It’s a small small World.

    I have never been happy with the onslaught of Attrition through the years of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd Generations of Malay elites in our beloved Malaysia. I was right in the middle of the 1st and 2nd Generation, what can a friend say when things which happened were not proper in the National Interest ? I could only agonised and forgot about the incidents. I minded my own business with the fear of what eventually will happened. And it did happen. THE DIRE SHORTAGE OF THE VITAL MALAY ELITES TO LEAD !

    This was one reason why the ISEAS was established in 1972 by Lee Kuan Yew to butter up the young UMNO aspirants who eventually became Ministers. Yet, Lee Kuan Yew failed in his Malay Killer TPPA/CPTPP. Man proposes. God disposes.

    It is clear very clear Tun, that the Age old practice of separation of the activities of the Public and Private Sectors in Democracy is paramount to good governance and success.

    The adoption of Lee Kuan Yew’s GLC was a crass mistake of the first order in the mass corruption and depletion of moral values which befell the Corrupt BN Government from 2004-2018.

    Your Policy of separation of the Public and Private Sectors 1981-2003 was correct. But then the lucky digits let our beloved Malaysia down as just one Geneva incident showed.

    From Merdeka 1957-2003, people in senior positions were left to do their own checks and balances. But when greed, morality etc failed, the WHOLE SYSTEM COLLAPSED AS SHOWN FROM 2004-2018. In one instance, a nobody could extract 1,000,000 barrels of oil from hard as nails Saddam Hussein and ended up at the top of the UN Sanctions list !

    It is good to get rid of the evil GLCs and adopt back the Democratic Separation of Public and Private Sectors as regards Money. And from the horrors of the past, the Ministry of Economy establishes a Monitoring Unit like Bank Negara Malaysia’s roaming inspection Unit for the ex-GLCs. No more playing around with the Rakyat’s money and trust.

    My sincere best wishes for Tun in his search for qualified persons to lead our beloved Malaysia without Malay elites we are as dead as the Dodo bird of Mauritius.

    But it must be understood there is only ONE NORMAL AND BRILLIANT TUN DR MAHATHIR MOHAMAD which even Lee Kuan Yew (with the support of the West in his heyday) could not match as the record shows. Let Man proposes. God disposes.

    Malaysia Boleh Tun !

  71. Mca lost so badly because of ketuanan islam.

    Mca lost even worst is not surprise at all, kan ketuanan melayu itu islam?

    Dap naik means mca and gerakan loose.

    Pkr naik means umno loose.

    Pas naik naik means umno loose.

    Hindraf naik means mic loose.

    I think only mca has no conflict of interest with family members holding highest positions in other parties, or glc.

    I still prefer mca because their core struggles are purely base on chinese welfare and education with chinese language, atau mandarin, as teaching language.

    Chinese mentality is different from other races, and we do not like to to beg.

    Jika kerajaan negeri mahupun negara bagi, we are grateful.

    Jika tak bagi, takpa we can cari jalan lain and this is chinese true identity.

    The past is already a past tense, and bringing the past out means nothing to us who have gone through the path, or journey.

    Today is a gift, thats why we call present tense.

    Tomorrow is a mysterry, thats why we call future tense.

    The dust have settled for the next 5 years, and can they be re- elected for 2nd term?

    Yes, i think they will be re-elected because what ph is going through now is no different from what bn had gone through.

    Not being in the ministry is not the end of the world.

    I sure hope mca puts the country above their party interests.

    Boat rocking is not healthy and bad for a country with small population of multi- ethni races.

    Islam is the official religion.

    Islam is not the way of life that non muslim must comply, and i sure hope they are clear with this when they decide to change any laws in the parliament.

  72. Good morning YAB Tun

    Berkenaan dengan kenyataan diatas. I melihatnya sebagai pendirian PH. Terengganu dan Kelantan under PAS. Negeri2 selepas GE, banyak under PH. To me yang paling berhak bersuara soal agama adalah Raja2 Melayu. Terutamanya Sultan dari negeri tersebut.

    What more, tak semua negeri dalam Malaysia sama undang2. At one time I pernah baca kalau Kedah and Perlis golongan Syed adalah nombor 1.

    I teringat seorang kawan dari negara Turki, dulu dia complained to me nak dapat internet pun payah, sebab negeri dia tinggal under a religious party. Dia nak berniaga jadi payah because of this. Walaupun gitu, ini tak menunjukkan semua negeri dalam Turki punya masaalah sama. For example Istanbul tidak ada langsung masaalah dengan internet. Malah internet mereka lebih laju dari kita di Malaysia.

    Merujuk pada kenyataan Tun, I’m not happy with my ministers, says Dr M The problem here Tun, ministers Tun ini, anggap mereka ini keturunan Diva, Angel. Ada yang tak nak buat kerja macam sebab tak cukup timbalan lah, apa2 nak tunggu cukup dulu, come on la, nak buat kerja, buat aje, bukan selalu dapat opportunity jadi minister.

    Ada yang jadi minister mula anggap diri dah macam malaikat angel, penyelamat rakyat dari devil. Dia jahat, aku baik, Oh please la, semua orang boleh cakap, you boleh buat kerja ke tak?

    In my humble opinion, MCA under Tun dulu much better than DAP under Tun sekarang. Nothing outstanding about MCA bila under Pak Lah and Najib, though.

    Part pekerja government slow, mereka memang slow tapi sejak Tun kata rule of law, lagilah slow, fail bertimbun kan. I lebih suka pekerja gomen zaman Tun jadi PM dulu, dimana start kerja awal dan adanya punch card. Serve people dengan cepat sebab the people bayar tax for the government to collect.

    That’s all for now.

  73. These people hate same sex, but they could be the ones that enjoy main suami, bini and kanak2 orang lain, kan under syariah law until today, mereka boleh kahwin empat bini dan under age children with the consent of their parents, tak gitu?

    Moreover, middle east muslim majority countries are still in peperangan of bombing here and there, and by chanting the slogan of jihad for sure would attract these jihad into this country.

    Henceforth, pandai2 lah mp of bn and ph to draw a clear line on this so to avoid attracting them into this country in influencing the local muslim of hate crimes, of white colar mahu pun hate crimes of wars into this beloved state and country belongs to all citizens of malaysia holding surat beranak mahupun ic negara ini.


    Sabah is promoted as tourist spot competing to attract tourists among other neibouring states and countries, but because of the bikini issue, it becomes another hot issue.

    The writer is a native of sabah, and i guess he is station in my state where i vote.

    I guess he is worry his state may ended up as darul bikini, kan tourist spot itu adalah pantai, tak wear bikini, you expect our female tourist guests to wear baju kurung?

    The state that i work, live and enjoy life now is full of foreign workers especially muslim workers, and our our so called racist bigots of the hajar and the likes chanting they will do anything for the name of allah and bangsa as if the world belongs to them, and yet she can use the word busuk to describe her feeling, bak kata meludah ke atas langit, jatuh ke atas muka, kan mereka kata mereka adalah tuanpunya tanah, tak gitu?

    The canning of muslim lesbian couple in terengganu is nothing new to me since it is malay muslim majority state, and they can do anything that they prefer since they hold the majority with crystal mosque.

    Perhaps, the canning of lesbian couple in terengganu may attract the radical malay and foreign muslim of no same sex into the state but, by attracting them does not means they are good people, so pandai2 lah mb terengganu.

  75. Jika tuanpunya rumah pun tak erti menjaga nama baik negeri mahupun negara, obviously local and foreign investors are scare and afraid to invest, tak gitu?

    Yup, perhaps some historians would prefer to think people would forget the past but history tetap history, and it would be dicatatkan in the world history.

    Victor rewrite the history?

    History rewrite the victors?

    Sebagai tuanrumah, adakah melayu muda lupa, atau buat tak tahu?


    Who is the current president of umno?

    With a touch on the screen, everyone who are interested in him will find out will know.

    Why do they still do that?

    There are no secret in politics, jadi pandai2 parti2 politik tempatan berprotes dan berkempen.


    I agree foreigners are allowed to purchase houses in forest city in johor, and other states in malaysia as long as they fullfill the requirement of foreign direct investment atau fdi under 2nd home ownership as non resident in this country.

    Yup, these chinese tourists too need to apply visa to enter malaysia, and maximum date of extension is 90 days.

    If these chinese nationals want to become the citizens of malaysia, they need to go through the same process just like those from other countries that malaysia had bilateral relationship.

    The question now is who will absorp and bear the cost and problems of importing muslim refugees from war torn countries into malaysia?

    Malaysian taxpayers or muslim zakat payers on humanitarian ground?

    For those who live in glass house should never throw stones to other glass houses as we are living in post it era whereby everything is shared officially with a soft touch on the screen.

  78. Assamualaikum Ayahanda Tun,

    Penghinaan Terhadap Khalid Al Walid

    Islam itu Ad Din.. satu cara hidup yang penuh berhemah, lemah lembut, mengajar kita menghormati ibubapa, orang lebih tua apatah lagi pemimpin kita.

    Maknanya percakapan kita, tulisan kita dan perbuatan kita menjadi contoh yang baik2 kepada orang lain agama.

    Makanya manusia yang menggunakan nama samaran Khalid Al Walid (KAD) dalam blog ini janganlah nak over sangat dan mencemarkan kemuliaan agama Islam itu sendiri.

    Kamu tak payahlah nak berlagak KAD kunun dan tunjuk kurang ajar dan biadap kat sini.. amboi sedap mulut kamu mencarut di sini macam orang hilang akal aka samseng kampung pisang.

    Hoi mangkuk kami pun bukan hidup zaman KAD makanya jangan nak meroyan sangat ya.

    Kalu kamu hidup zaman Najib dan ugut Najib macam kamu buat terhadap ayahanda Tun nescaya kamu dah masuk ke dalam.

    Kami ambil maklum ayahanda Tun bekas PM ke 4 dan PM ke 7 kini mengamalkan toleransi dan kesederhanaan dalam menjalani kehidupan sebagai seorang pemimpin beragama Islam yang tidak akan mengambil sebarang terhadap kamu tetapi berpada-padalah.

    Zaman sekarang mata pena itu lebih tajam dari mata pedang dan hati2 kerana kamu akan turut menyinggung perasaan orang lain juga.

    Zaman sekarang dah tak relevan guna pedang untuk kembangkan Islam tapi cukup dengan menunjuk contoh yang baik melalui mata pena dan perbuatan serta tingkahlaku yang baik.

    Khalid Al Walid palsu sila meninggalkan forum ini kerana kamu memalukan kesucian agama Islam itu sendiri dengan persembahan yang hambar dan tiada siapa pun yang sudi mengiyakan kamu.


    p/s : Ingat ya KAD “Terlajak perahu boleh diundurkan terlajak kata buruk padahnya.”

  79. Assalamualaikum Tun.

    Tun buat mesyuarat kabinet ke pasal sebat menyebat undang undang syariah orang Islam ni?

    Jawapan saya. Tun MENGARUT.

    Mungkin dalam mesyuarat tu, Tun pun patut tanya ahli kabinet Tun, “boleh ke saya pergi sembahyang sekejap? Takut mengganggu mesyuarat kita ni?”

    Kalau diaorang kata menganggu, jadi Tun tak payah lah pergi sembahyang. Kan kabinet Tun jaga negara. Kalau negara hancur macam mana bila mesyuarat ahli kabinet Tun diganggu?

    Saya hormat Najib bila mana beliau nak meneruskan jambatan bengkok, Tun kata Najib tanya Singapura dulu, macam mana? nak buat ke tidak?

    Macam tu la bagus. Tanya dulu jiran jiran walau Malaysia ni negara kits sendiri. Negara berdaulat Tun kata.

    Kalau jiran terganggu janganlah diteruskan.

    Barulah negara aman sentosa dan bahagia hingga akhir hayat.

    Terima kasih Tun.

  80. Apakah massage dan tujuan hukuman tersebut

    Pengalaman saya kadang kadang Pegawai yg menjalankan tugas tersebut
    Akhlak mereka lebih buruk dari si penjenayah
    Menjatuhkan Aib sesaorang lebih hina dari siperlaku

    Perlu di Hukum
    Tapi cara menyampaikannya Harus Bijak dan Cermat
    Tak perlulah nak Publisiti atas tujuaan apa sebenar ?

  81. Assalamualaikum,

    Tentang hukum sebat yang dikatakan amat zalim tu, ianya tak zalim pun. Sebat acah2 hanya untuk deterent effect. Bahkan tak sakit pun. Kenapa nak sensasikan persepsi negatif, lihatlah kepada teladan yang nak ditunjukkan. Kenapa nak perjuangkan sangat perkara mungkar? Kalau nak kira zalim, saya kira membuang beribu-ribu orang dari pekerjaan dalam masa yang singkat itu lebih zalim.

    Nak menyimpang sikit. Berkenaan tuduhan kepada DS Najib kenapa masih hebat mensensasikan dalam media seolah2 masih lagi ‘dianiaya’ oleh DS Najib. Bukankah sudah menjadi pemerintah. Maka fokuslah kepada pendakwaan mengapa harus didedah kepada umum perkara yang sudah dalam siasatan. Ada laporan mengatakan pertuduhan demi pertuduhan dicanang kepada orang, tetapi apabila pihak tertuduh meminta penjelasan maka dirahsiakan. masih lagi bermain politik atau nak selamatkan negara?

  82. Khalid al walid

    Mungkin saudara lupa tunjang sistem pentadbiran dizaman sahabat nabi bukanlah demokrasi.sistem demokrasi yang berpaksikan pada rakyat ni,kita perlu fikirkan segenap pelusuk rakyat negara ini.tidak boleh abaikan suara 40% bukan islam.

    Assalamualaikum tun,

    1.kalau sayalah jadi tun semasa tun jadi perdana menteri kali yang pertama dulu, saya fikir saya pun mungkin buat mcm tun juga..memerintah secara autokratik..demokrasi tidak sesuai pada semua negara..demokrasi akan tumbang pada negara yang rakyatnya penuh dengan penyangak.apabila sokongan boleh dibeli dengan wang ringgit..hilang integriti hilang maruah

    2.saya selalu fikir juga kenapa melayu ni banyak penyangak ye.adakah faktor ekonomi melayu xberapa kaya yang menyebabkan lambakan penyangak dikalangan orang melayu?ada rakan saya berkata ini adalah kerana genetik keturunan kita adalah dari keturunan penyangak tegar iaitu kaum madyan.adakah itu jawapannya?

    Inilah sebab paling utama saya menentang najib razak.die ingin memperkenalkan budaya rasuah secara terbuka.

    4.baru-baru ini berlaku beberapa kecurian di tempat saya.apabila saya menampal notis hati2 dengan pencuri disertakan sekali dengan gambar najib razak versi badut pada notis tersebut, ada pelanggan saya yang pro najib yang sangat marah pada saya dan berkata saya tak patut mencampurkan urusan politik dalam perniagaan.

    5.tujuan saya berbuat begitu bukanlah supaya tolak BN dan sokong PH.tapi saya ingin menghasut orang ramai supaya benci pada pemimpin rasuah.saya harap negara kita jadi seperti jepun yang mana rakyatnya sangat anti rasuah sehinggakan menteri jepun bunuh diri bila ditangkap kes rasuah kerana malu untuk berjumpa rakyatnya yang sangat benci pada rasuah.

    6.pelanggan saya yang pro najib tu kata lagi pada saya,belum terbukti lagi najib bersalah. Saya hanya tersenyum dan berkata pada dia orang melayu perlu terapkan sikit kata2 omputih ni dalam kehidupan mereka “action speaks louder than words”.buka mata buka minda hanya orang hidup dalam penafian dan otak bebal sahaja yang tidak boleh nampak yang najib ni adalah pesalah.

    7.orang melayu ni senang sangat percaya cakap orang tanpa berfikir menggunakan akal fikiran yang diberi oleh tuhan

  83. Salam..


    Attn: Anak Muda

    Sebenarnya Malaysia mampu untuk mengubah sistem ditakuk British ini kepada sistem perundangan Islam.

    Salah satu sebab mendorong kepada kelambatan ialah takut..Tu je..Takut merusuh la..ape la..Geng kafir xpuas ati..Geng munafik pulak nk selamat dkt dunia.

    Pasal i/c islam nak murtad tu xde masalah pun..Hukum bunuh..Fullstop..Ni kalau die declare la..Kalau diw murtad, die duduk elok2 dalam gua tu lantak die la..Dosa dia dgn Allah..

    Dulu zaman Nabi, masa Islam nak mula tersebar..Mcm2 toleransi. Nak bagi win-win..Kafir nk sembah berhala diorang punya suka, nk minum arak pun lantak..Asalkan kena bayar cukai..

    Situasi lain, Khalid al Walid atas janji dengan Allah, die pernah buat tindakan sesiapa yang xnak masuk Islam pancung kepala..Harap Anak Muda juga arif dengan kisah2 para sahabat.

    Camni jela..1Mereka dengan agama mereka, kita dengan agama kita..Diorang kite hukum la ikut agama diorang..MUNGKIN skrg ni boleh berbeza sikit kaedah perlaksanaannya. Wallhualam..

    Sbnrnye xde masalah pun bg Tun..Yang jd leceh bila nak gubal undang2 tu nk dpt majoriti 2/3. Haa..yg ni kena pk la cara..Jgn putus asa..

    Xpun..bley je kerajaan PAS buat dulu, lepas tu serap dkt semua negeri..Ckp byk xguna..Buat je..Hukum Allah jgn nak takut2..


    Wahai golongan penguasa yg zalim, ingatkah engkau akan kisah Raja Namrud dan Firaun?

    Wahai golongan bijak pandai, adakah engkau lupa akan kisah Nabi Musa dan Nabi Khidir?

    Wahai golongan LGBT, sesungguhnya jalan penyelesaian bagi golongan kamu adalah diterbalikkan kamu ke dalam bumi sepertimana yang Allah telah tunjukkan cara kepada kaum Nabi Luth?

    Wahai golongan kafir dan munafik, tidakkah engkau takut kepada pedang Khalid Al Walid yg telah dikhususkan untuk terhunus kepada diri kamu?

    Wahai golongan yang masih lagi tertanam rasa cintakan dunia dan penuh rasa was-was, adakah kamu masih tidak percaya bahawa kemenangan akhirnya akan berpihak pada Islam?

    Wahai pengikut “Tiada tuhan selain Allah & Nabi Muhammad pesuruh Allah”, adakah kamu lupa bahawa manusia yg tidak tahu menulis dan membaca itu sudah berpesan-pesan tentang peristiwa akhir zaman?

    Wahai manusia, adakah engkau lupa bahawa janji Allah itu pasti?

    Nikmat Tuhan yang mana satu yang hendak kamu dustakan?

    Sekian..& Salam..

  84. Salam YAB dan DiSanjungi PM Tun Dr. Mahathir,

    1. Tidak perlulah dipertikai hukuman sebat tersebut kerana perbuatan terkutuk (pasangan lesbian) dilakukan di tempat awam.

    2. Jika tidak mahu disebat di khalayak ramai, kawallah diri sendiri dari melakukan perkara sama di tempat awam. Jika tidak, berani buat, berani tanggung akibatnya. Tiada isu di sini. Melakukan perbuatan terkutuk di tempat awam tidak malu, bila dihukum di khalayak ramai malu pula. Alahai…

    3. Perlakuan terkutuk di luar tabii oleh dua orang wanita Islam tersebut seolah-olah mencabar kemuliaan dan kesucian agama Islam. Allah SWT melaknat perbuatan terkutuk tersebut.

    4. Memanglah Allah Maha Pemurah Lagi Maha Mengasihani. Jika seseorang sudah bertaubat nasuha dan tidak mengulangi perbuatan yang dikutuk dan dilaknat oleh Allah SWT, penjenayah yang telah membunuh 100 orang pun boleh diampunkan sepenuhnya oleh Allah SWT.

    5. Namun sebagai manusia biasa (pentadbir /penguatkuasa), jika perbuatan tersebut turut melibatkan masyarakat setempat (boleh mempengaruhi orang ramai) yang rata2 beragama Islam, ianya perlu dibendung dengan hukuman yang boleh memberi pengajaran kepada orang ramai dan mana2 pihak yang berniat untuk melakukan perkara yang sama di masa hadapan. Tidak semua jenis jenayah wajar diberi peluang kedua (baru dihukum) kerana bimbang ianya menular dengan cepat jika dibiarkan. Lagipun, biasanya yang ditangkap bukannya pertama kali melakukan perkara terkutuk tersebut, cuma baru pertama kali tertangkap / terkantoi!

    6. Apapun, adakah bakal PM ke-8 mendapat peluang ketiga (entah yang keberapa kali sebenarnya) dari Tun M dan kaum kerabat serta para pentaasub beliau? Jangan nanti Allah SWT MURKA, dan habis semua (seperti negara Sodom, etc.) penduduk mendapat bala bencana. Ini lagilah memberi GAMBARAN YANG BURUK tentang Islam seolah-olah Islam mengiktiraf golongan songsang ini.

    7. Jika aktiviti2 LGBT (mereka bukannya KHUNSA) jadi kebiasaaan kerana tiada tindakan tegas, jadilah kita seperti negara2 yang menyokong perbuatan terkutuk golongan LGBT di khalayak ramai. Saya pernah melihat sendiri golongan ini bercumbuan di hadapan sebuah tugu (tourist attraction). Terkejut saya sebab saya sedang sibuk bergambar dan tertangkap gambar mereka. Astaghfirullah…

    P/S: Mungkin ada yang keliru tentang menjawat jawatan PM (atau apa saja jawatan) buat pertama kali (kali pertama) dengan perbuatan mencuri /penipu / merompak/ merasuah/etc buat kali pertama. Jawatan dengan perbuatan tidak boleh disamakan. Ramai yang sudah berulang-kali menipu /merasuah/etc (dalam jawatan) tetapi baru pertama kali ditangkap!

    Terima kasih Tun.

    – Semoga Allah SWT sentiasa merahmati Tun sekeluarga –

  85. Good morning YAB Tun

    Bila musato sebut tutup muka, I teringat kes makcik tudung. I nampak kat berita Bernama TV, makcik ini masuk court tutup muka, buat I curious dan google, nampak jelas wajahnya.

    Dari itu juga I dapat baca tentangnya. Nothing negative, most of the news & article about her, like terkejut dan timbul admiration terhadap makcik2 pakai tudung. Move over Michelle Yeoh 😀

    Hubby kata “jangan main2, dia boleh order collateral damage!”

    That’s all for now.

  86. Assalamualaikum tun.

    1.bagi saya ini hanyalah satu permulaan.lepas ni saya fikir pas parti penunggang agama akan memainkan isu yang lebih serius pula mungkin hudud.

    2.dulu tun pernah berkata hudud xboleh dilaksanakan untuk orang islam sahaja kerana undang2 islam perlu adil pada semua orang.saya fikir mungkin tun perlu menerangkan implikasinya kerana saya rasa orang yang otak benak cuma nampak selangkah kedepan ni xboleh nak nampak langsung pun implikasi melaksanakan due undang2 berbeza di jangka masa panjang.

    3.saya tahu tun sibuk jadi saya tolong terangkanlah di blog chedet ni supaya tentera fisabilillah seperti khalid al walid boleh baca dan paham sikitlah.

    4.jumlah umat islam dinegara ini adalah dalam 60%.kalau kita mewujudkan satu jenis undang2 sahaja, saya sangat pasti yang 40% bukan islam tidak akan bersetuju dan berakhir dengan rusuhan yang melampau.solusinya adalah kita memerlukan 2 jenis undang2 tetapi itu tidak dapat dilakukan kerana bercanggah dengan peruntukan Perkara 8 Perlembagaan Persekutuan.

    5. negara malaysia adalah sangat berlainan dengan brunei yang telah melaksanakan hukum hudud. brunei yang hanya mempunyai 400 ribu penduduk dan rakyat tidak berkuasa langsung disebabkan sistem pemerintahan monarki.malaysia mempunyai lebih 30 juta penduduk yang mempunyai pelbagai adat dan budaya.

    6.jadi mewujudkan satu jenis undang2 boleh dikatakan mustahil jadi solusinya adalah membuat due jenis undang2 untuk islam dan bukan islam.

    7.Jika ini dilakukan saya tidak hairan jika ramai yang mengaku die bukan islam atau sudah keluar islam.ambil contoh orang yang sudah berkahwin tapi ditangkap zina dengan pasangannya.saya pasti 100% die akan bersumpah yang dia bukan lagi orang islam untuk menyelamatkan nyawa beliau kerana undang2 islam bagi pasangan zina yang sudah berkahwin adalah rejam sampai mati.begitu juga dengan orang yang ditangkap mencuri akan melakukan perkara sama untuk mengelakkan tangannya dipotong.

    8.bagaimana kita hendak membezakan orang islam dan bukan islam dinegara ini?dengan melihat pada kad pengenalannya.

    9.jpn sampai sekarang tidak mengiktiraf orang yg ingin menukar status di kad pengenalan.seperti yang kita sedia maklum dahulu itulah perjuangan lina joy untuk menukar status di icnya yang dikatakan oleh anwar ibrahim dimedia luar negara sebagai “its her right”

    10.sebagai satu negara islam, apa yang dilakukan oleh jpn adalah sangat betul dengan tidak mengiktiraf orang murtad.tetapi selepas ni mestilah ramai yang nak declare keluar islam sebab nak menyelamatkan tangan masing2 dari kena potong dan nak elak kene rejam.

    11.malaysia sebagai satu negara islam akan mengiktiraf warga2 murtad ini secara “official” selepas ini.

    12.sesungguhnya tun, budaya melayu ni atau lebih tepat saya cakap penganut agama melayu ni tak takut pada dosa dan tuhan pun.mereka cuma takut pada persepsi masyarakat sahaja..

    13.bersekedudukan, duduk serumah tapi tak kahwin perkara biasa lah tu. Tapi untuk ada anak haram tak bolehlah, bukan sebab takut dosa tapi sebab masyarakat kita tak boleh terima lagi anak2 haram ni.

    14.saya sebenarnya agak takut apabila saya tahu sekarang ada kes yang nak dibawa ke mahkamah iaitu berkenaan anak haram tak sah taraf ni boleh dibinkan pada lelaki yang mengaku itu adalah anaknya semasa daftar di jpn nnt jadi tak perlulah binkan dengan abdullah lagi.

    15.bagi saya ini antara langkah terpenting untuk membuatkan masyarakat kita boleh menerima budaya mempunyai anak haram itu adalah perkara biasa.

    16.saya faham anak haram itu tidak bersalah dan tidak patut diaibkan satu dunia supaya semua orang tahu dia adalah anak haram tapi masih lagi perlu dibezakan kerana anak haram tidak boleh menjadi wali dan tidak boleh mendapat harta pusaka.

    17.solusi pada masalah ini tun, saya rasa kita perlu menerapkan nilai moral yang tinggi pada masyarakat kita sejak di bangku sekolah rendah lagi.temubual tun semasa kongress bumiputera baru ini tun telah berkata yang nilai moral perlu diberi penekanan semenjak dibangku sekolah sekolah lagi.tapi sayangnya tun bukanlah menteri pendidikan…saya agak kecewa dengan keputusan dan tindakan2 dr maszlee..die banyak memberi peluru kepada pembangkang untuk menghentam kerajaan.

    Tolong jaga diri tun

  87. Assalamualaikum Tun.

    Kekadang saya tertanya tanya. Kenapa ek bila video adegan asmara Melayu muka si lelaki disorokkan? Tapi muka si perempuan ditunjukkan dari setiap sudut.

    Mungkin si lelaki tersebut tidak suka kemasyhuran pada fikiran saya.

    Alangkah ruginya si lelaki itu. Beruntungnya perempuan itu.

    Tiada siapa yang terluka pun. Luak pun tidak. Apa salahnya?

    Terima kasih Tun.

  88. Assalamualaikum Tun.

    Entah mengapa Tun Mahathir PM Malaysia begitu teruja pada Jepun sampaikan dilaksanakan Dasar Pandang Ketimur.

    Dengar kata Tun Mahathir selalu sebut yang orang Jepun selalu jaga maruah. Tercalar sahaja maruah, terus bunuh diri.

    Wow! Hebat orang Jepun. Begitu berprinsip dan bekerja keras!

    Jika dibandingkan dengan orang Melayu, jauh sekali.

    Orang Melayu (atau orang Islam) tidak bermaruah. Kalau tercalar sikit maruah pun tak apa. Kalau kemek maruah sekalipun tak apa.

    Apatah lagi kalau orang panggil orang Melayu pencuri. Ada aku kisah? Aku orang Bugis. Orang Bugis berdarah pahlawan.

    Mana maruahnya. Mana? Dimana perlu dicari maruahnya?

    Entahlah. Buat apa perlu dirotan dikhalayak ramai 100 orang yang berusaha melakukan perkara songsang.

    Jatuhlah maruahnya. Jatuhlah air mukanya. Bukankah Islam itu pemurah dan penyayang? Bukankah Islam itu mengajar tentang pendidikan, bukannya hukuman?

    Wow! Orang Melayu (atau Islam) pun bermaruah juga tau.

    Baruku tahu hari ini yang Orang Melayu (orang Islam) itu punya maruah diri.

    Hebat. Hebatnya.

    Terima kasih Tun.

  89. Assalamualaikum Tun.

    Kenyataan yang tipikal dari kabinet dapur Tun. Menjaga kesucian Islam yang mana Allah itu Maha Pemurah dan Penyayang.

    Tiada paksaan dalam Islam ; satu lagi kenyataan yang tipikal juga.

    Saya fikir Najib tidak wajar dijatuhkan pangkatnya iaitu PM.

    Najib wajar diberi peluang kedua.

    Najib tidak bersalah kerana beliau hanya pertama kali jadi PM. Itu hanyalah kesalahan pertama Najib.

    Bukankah Allah swt itu Maha Pengasih dan Penyayang?

    Terima kasih Tun.

  90. Salam YAB Tun

    Tadi I baru tonton Astro. Channel free. Free sehingga 17 September.

    I nak share about a serial killer. Lelaki Indonesia bernama Ryan. Masa dikampung dikuat agama, siap pakai kopiah, bila dibandar dia jadi a successful model and dia gay.

    Dia bunuh seorang lelaki kerat 7, bila ditangkap dia akui telah bunuh 10 lagi semasa dikampung. Punca dia bunuh guy kerat 7 sebab that guy offer duit dan kereta nak tiduri boy friend dia. Nasib baik guru ajar al’quran tak dibunuhnya semasa dikampung.


  91. Salam..


    Tun..camni la Tun..Aku tau kalau berdasarkan pangkat, ko jauh beza dgn aku. Cuma skrg aku ckp sbg lelaki dgn lelaki. Aku harap ko xambil hati. Ko nak amek hati pun lantak ko la sbb teguran aku ni berkaitan agama.

    Aku nak ko faham. Undang-undang Allah xboleh ko nak ubah ikut citarasa manusia. Ko ckp pasal “agama yang tidak ada tolak ansur” ni kepala otak ko duduk kat mana??

    Agama is agama..Undang2 manusia is undang2 manusia..Ko xboleh samakan undang2 agama Allah dengan rasa simpati yang dtg dari hati yg jugak dtg dari asma Allah iaitu Ar-Rohim..

    Bila pasal bab agama tiada istilah simpati. Ko curik barang org, hukum potong tangan. Allah dah tetapkan hukumNya ko jgn pulak gubal sewenang2nya.

    Skrg masalahnya satu je. Perundangan Malaysia masih dibawah takuk penjajahan British. Skrg ko ubah sistem Malaysia seperti mana yang dah tercatat yakni Agama Islam sebagai agama rasmi Malaysia. Boleh ke xboleh? Kalau xboleh, ko bagi jawatan ko dekat Erdogan.

    Owh..lg satu..Jangan lupa jugak pasal taraf kahwin 18tahun tu. Ko ubah jadi sesiapa yang dah akil baligh, sah kawin.

    C’mon la Tun. Aku phm la dunia dh nak kiamat. Makin byk aktiviti tidak bermoral berluasa. Webcam dengan bini org pun dah xjadi salah.

    Ya..kite xboleh nak bendung kiamat..TAPI..kita boleh kawal daripada ramai lg terjebak dengan aktiviti xbermoral ni.

    Ko ade otak..aku pun ade otak..Pk la sikit Tun. Ko ingat saje2 je ke ko dapat jadi PM? Ko tuhan dah bagi ko power dah. Buat la sikit untuk agamaNya.

    Tun..kalau ko hidup zaman Khalid Al Walid yg sebenar, aku rasa pedang dia dah hunus dah dekat leher ko Tun sbb kenyataan ko kat atas ni Tun.

    Islam tersebar dengan mata pedang. Kalau pk kesian..simpati..Islam takkan berjaya takluk Parsi dan Rome.

    Hurmm..dah la Tun..Mcm mana nasihat aku sblm ni. Ko xtau bab agama, jgn suke2 ko jadi ustaz untuk keluar kenyataan suke2 ko.

    Manusia melakukan kesilapan TAPI segala apa yang Allah cipta itu sempurna dan tiada cacat cela.

    Renungan untuk bersama..Sekian & Salam..

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