Berikut ialah teks penuh perutusan Perdana Menteri Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad sempena sambutan Hari Kebangsaan 2018:

Assalamualaikum dan Salam Sejahtera kepada semua rakyat Malaysia.

1. Buat ke sekian kalinya, kita menyambut Hari Kebangsaan. Secara rasminya, ia adalah Hari Kebangsaan kita kali yang ke 61 mengikut kiraan hari pengumuman kemerdekaan pada 31 Ogos 1957 yang dibuat oleh Tunku Abdul Rahman di Stadium Merdeka.

2. Banyak peristiwa yang telah dilalui oleh Persekutuan Tanah Melayu yang kemudiannya Malaysia sejak mencapai kemerdekaan dari jajahan British kepada sebuah Negara berdaulat dan bebas melakar halatujunya mengikut acuannya sendiri.

3. Mulai dari hari itu tugas yang digalas oleh Kerajaan dan juga rakyat ialah mengisi kemerdekaan tersebut.

4. Cabaran yang dihadapi bukan sedikit. Sebagai sebuah negara yang baru merdeka, semuanya terpaksa dilakukan dari awal ataupun “starting from scratch.”

5. Ia bukan sesuatu yang mudah–hampir semua lapangan, pengalaman dan kepakaran dimiliki oleh pentadbir-pentadbir dan cerdik pandai penjajah dan amat sedikit dari kalangan anak bangsa yang mampu mengambil-alih sepenuhnya tanggungjawab itu.

6. Malahan sebahagian dari sistem pentadbiran dan perundangan yang ditinggalkan agak sukar untuk dilaksanakan kerana ianya direka bersesuaian dengan keperluan mereka sebagai penjajah. Penduduk tempatan tidak dapati sesuai untuk diterima sepenuhnya.

7. Namun kita boleh bersyukur jika dibanding dengan negara lain yang terpaksa hadapi keadaan yang lebih teruk kerana penjajah meninggalkan negara-negara itu dalam keadaan kucar-kacir, tanpa pentadbir yang terlatih atau perundangan yang sesuai untuk dilaksana.

8. Negara kita bernasib baik kerana kebijaksanaan kepimpinan Negara pada masa itu yang berjaya mendapatkan kemerdekaan menerusi perundingan dan bukan pemberontakan dan tumpah darah. Dengan ini bekas penjajah dapat membantu di dalam keselamatan, pentadbiran dan perancangan masa depan Negara.

9. Bantuan mereka bukanlah semata-mata kerana perasaan bertanggungjawab. Ia juga kerana keperluan kestabilan dan keamanan supaya pelaburan mereka dalam perladangan dan perlombongan terselamat.

10. Persekutuan Tanah Melayu ataupun Federation of Malaya yang menggantikan Malayan Union memang kaya dari segi hasil buminya. Kekayaan ini menyumbang banyak kepada kemajuan penjajah.

11. Dalam konteks ini, kemerdekaan yang dicapai cuma akan bermakna hanya apabila kita berjaya menghakis genggaman neokolonialisme atau penjajahan ekonomi yang mencemar kemerdekaan kita.

Dengan usaha yang gigih kita berjaya memajukan negara sehingga kita dapat tebus balik kekayaan kita. Satu daripada usaha kita ialah dengan mengadakan ‘ Dawn Raid’ untuk membeli secara halal ladang Guthrie kita. Tetapi kita dituduh merampas atau nationalise.

12. Namun demikian kita masih sanggup menerima pelaburan asing (FDI) termasuk dari negara penjajah juga. Tetapi mereka tidak dibenar campur tangan dalam politik dan pentadbiran negara. Kemerdekaan kita tetap dipelihara.

13. Kemudian Persekutuan Tanah Melayu beralih menjadi Malaysia. Kesanggupan orang Melayu bertolak ansur tidak dapat dipertikai atau ditandingi oleh sesiapa.

14. Walaupun Malaysia mempunyai lebih banyak bangsa dan suku kaum, tetapi ianya tetap aman dan stabil dan membangun dengan pesatnya sehingga dikenali sebagai Harimau Asia. Sesungguhnya kemampuan Malaysia menjadi sebuah negara maju menjelang 2020 tetap ada.

15. Tetapi malangnya pertukaran pemerintahan membawa perubahan dasar dan pendekatan. Sistem demokrasi dan pentadbiran mengikut undang-undang digugur dan diganti dengan cara-cara lain. Hasilnya ialah Wawasan 2020 menjadi impian kosong.

16. Demikianlah kerosakan dan tekanan yang dirasai oleh rakyat sehingga mereka berasa seolah-olah mencapai kemerdekaan sekali lagi apabila PRU 14 menghasilkan perubahan pemerintahan.

17. Ya, rakyat mencapai kejayaan hasil pendirian tegas mereka. Tetapi nikmat tidak datang melayang kerana kemenangan dicapai. Tindakan terhadap penjenayah juga tidak dapat dilakukan dengan serta merta.

18. Seperti kita tidak suka kepada cara-cara pentadbiran dahulu begitu juga kita tidak boleh amalkan cara yang kita benci dahulu. Pentadbiran mengikut undang-undang memerlukan masa untuk dilaksanakan. Tetapi percayalah akhirnya penjenayah akan meraih hukuman yang setimpal dengan kesalahan yang telah mereka lakukan.

19. Sementara itu rakyat dan Kerajaan perlu berganding bahu untuk memulih semula negara. Tugas kita memang berat. Tetapi tidak ada kuasa yang boleh menghalang gandingan rakyat dengan pemerintah.

20. Kita sudah lihat bagaimana negara yang telah kalah dan hancur dalam peperangan dapat memulihkan negara sehingga dalam masa yang singkat dapat kembali maju kerana semangat dan usaha oleh rakyat dan pemerintah.

21. Kita juga mampu. Kita juga boleh pulih semula negara kita Malaysia.

22. Kerajaan boleh tadbir dengan baik, berjimat cermat, berdisiplin dan mengawal nafsu. Ini sedang dilakukan. Walaupun masih sedikit tetapi pencapaian dalam mengurangkan hutang sudah ternampak. Kerosakan jentera pentadbiran telah dapat dipulih semula. InsyaAllah dengan tindakan yang sedang dan akan diambil, negara akan sihat semula.

23. Tetapi rakyat juga perlu memain peranan. Jikalau Kerajaan tidak mampu hulur wang seperti dahulu, sebabnya ialah pembaziran seperti dahulu akan jejaskan proses pemulihan. Lagipun Kerajaan ini tidak mencuri wang rakyat untuk diberi kepada rakyat sebahagian dari hasil pencurian.

24. Cara sebegitu bukanlah cara yang terbaik. Kerajaan ini akan wujudkan lebih banyak peluang pekerjaan dan perniagaan. Dengan cara ini pendapatan yang diperolehi lebih memuaskan. Ia adalah hasil titik peluh sendiri dan sudah tentu ia halal.

25. Untuk ini Kerajaan akan memberi pelajaran dan latihan serta juga biasiswa. Kepakaran pekerja akan ditingkatkan supaya pendapatan akan bertambah.

26. Kita akan naikkan upah mengikut kemampuan. Tetapi yang perlu diingati ialah kenaikan upah tidak bermakna jika kos sara hidup naik bersama.

27. Untuk menentukan kenaikan upah menambah daya beli, produktiviti perlu ditingkatkan melalui cara pengurusan yang lebih cekap, peningkatan kecekapan pekerja, penggunaan mesin, robotik dan otomasi dan tambahan pelaburan oleh majikan. Kerajaan akan beri insentif dan hadiah kepada mereka yang berjaya meningkatkan produktiviti dengan kos yang terendah. Kenaikan harga hasil perusahaan hendaklah dikawal.

28. Tetapi sepanjang masa Kerajaan akan bantu rakyat yang benar miskin ataupun kurang upaya. Mereka akan dibantu lebih baik dari BR1M umpamanya. Memberi 500 Ringgit atau 1200 Ringgit setahun tidak mencukupi untuk hidup sempurna. Ya. BRIM akan dikurangkan beransur-ansur tetapi yang daif dan tidak bekerja ataupun tidak dapat bekerja akan dibantu secara lebih bermakna.

29. Kita rayakan Hari Kebangsaan kali ini dengan perasaan lega dan selesa. Sesungguhnya ini adalah Kemerdekaan kedua bagi kita. Kita sudah bebas daripada belenggu pemerintahan kejam. Hidup kita lebih selesa. Kerajaan PH ini akan jamin keadilan bagi semua rakyat, tanpa mengira kaum atau bangsa atau agama.

30. Sesuai dengan pencapaian dan perasaan yang kita lalui dan kongsi bersama, tema Hari Kebangsaan tahun ini ialah “Sayangi Malaysiaku.”

31. Adalah diharap agar perasaan ini kekal dihati kita semua. Saya yakin, selagi perasaan ini ada bersama kita semua, apa saja perbezaan, percanggahan dan rasa sangsi yang timbul, Malaysia akan tetap utuh dan maju.

32. Selamat Menyambut Hari Kebangsaan. Semoga harapan kita agar Malaysia terus maju, aman dan saksama akan kekal selamanya. Sayangilah Malaysiaku ini. Wabillahi Taufik Walhidayah Wassalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.

Terima kasih.


70 thoughts on “PERUTUSAN HARI KEBANGSAAN 2018”

  1. *****
    Selamat malam, diucapkan sejahtera,
    Negara islam, dinamakan Malaysia..

    -Pemasyhuran Malaysia-
    Dengan nama Allah Yang Maha Pemurah lagi Maha Mengasihani. Segala puji-pujian bagi Allah Tuhan seru sekalian alam dan selawat dan salam bagi junjungan kita Nabi Muhammad dan bagi sekalian keluarga serta sahabat-sahabatnya.

    Bahawasanya oleh kerana suatu Perjanjian yang diperbuat pada Sembilan hari bulan Julai tahun Seribu Sembilan Ratus Enam Puluh Tiga antara Persekutuan Tanah Melayu, United Kingdom, Borneo Utara, Sarawak dan Singapura maka telah dipersetujui bahawa hendaklah disekutukan Negeri Sabah, Negeri Sarawak dan Negeri Singapura dengan Persekutuan Tanah Melayu yang mengandungi Negeri Pahang, Negeri Terengganu, Negeri Kedah, Negeri Johor, Negeri Sembilan, Negeri Kelantan, Negeri Selangor, Negeri Perak, Negeri Perlis, Negeri Pulau Pinang dan Negeri Melaka dan bahawa Persekutuan itu hendaklah dinamakan “Malaysia”.

    Dan bahawasanya oleh kerana pihak-pihak dalam Perjanjian yang tersebut telah bersetuju bahawa mulai daripada penubuhan Malaysia maka Negeri Sabah, Negeri Sarawak dan Negeri Singapura hendaklah tamat daripada menjadi jajahan takluk Duli Yang Maha Mulia Baginda Queen dan Duli Yang Maha Mulia Baginda Queen tiada lagi mempunyai kedaulatan dan kuasa dalam ketiga-tiga buah Negeri itu;

    Dan bahawasanya oleh kerana telah dimasyhurkan suatu Perlembagaan bagi Malaysia yang akan menjadi kanun yang muktmmad didalamnya;

    Dan bahawasanya oleh kerana Perlembagaan yang tersebut itu telah diadakan syarat bagi menjaga keselamatan hak-hak dan keutamaan-keutamaan Duli-duli Yang Maha Mulia Raja-raja serta hak-hak asasi dan kebebasan sekalian rakyat dan bagi mengekalkan keamanan dan kemesraan di dalam Malaysia sebagai Kerajaan yang mempunyai Raja yang berperlembagaan dan yang berdasarkan demokrasi cara berparlimen;

    Dan bahawasanya oleh kerana Perlembagaan yang tersebut itu telah disahkan oleh suatu undang-undang yang diluluskan oleh Parlimen Persekutuan Tanah Melayu dan Parlimen United Kingdom maka telah berjalanlah kuatkuasa Perlembagaan itu pada Enam Belas hari bulan September tahun Seribu Sembilan Ratus Enam Puluh Tiga;

    Maka dengan nama Allah Yang Maha Murah lagi Maha Mengasihani, saya Tunku Abdul Rahman Putra ibni Almarhum Sultan Abdul Hamid Halim Shah, Perdana Menteri Malaysia dengan persetujuan dan perkenan ke bawah Duli Yang Maha Mulia Seri Paduka Baginda Yang di-Pertuan Agong, Yang Terutama Yang di-Pertuan Negeri Singapura, Yang Terutama Yang di-Pertua Negara Sabah dan Yang Terutama Gabenor Negeri Sarawak dengan ini mengistihar dan memasyhurkan bagi pihak umat Malaysia bahawa mulai daripada Enam Belas hari bulan September tahun Seribu Sembilan Ratus Enam Puluh Tiga bersamaan dengan Dua Puluh Lapan hari bulan Rabiul Akhir tahun Hijrah Seribu Tiga Ratus Lapan Puluh Tiga, Malaysia yang mengandungi Negeri Pahang, Negeri Terengganu, Negeri Kedah, Negeri Johor, Negeri Sembilan, Negeri Kelantan, Negeri Selangor, Negeri Perak, Negeri Perlis, Negeri Pulau Pinang, Negeri Melaka, Negeri Singapura, Negeri Sabah dan Negeri Sarawak dengan izin dan kehendak Allah Rabbul–Alamin akan kekal menjadi sebuah Negara demokrasi yang merdeka lagi berdaulat serta berasaskan kebebasan dan keadilan dan sentiasa mempertahankan serta memelihara keamanan dan kemesraan umatnya dan mengekalkan keamanan di antara segala bangsa di dunia ini.

    “Selamat Hari MALAYSIA”



  2. As the saying goes, too many chefts spoilt the soup.

    Will they listen to this sincere advise, i leave it for election commission to decide to approve or not the registration of new political parties to split votes.

    Race base?

    Need base?

    National base?

    International base?

    Yes, it is easier to say yes because takut hilang rezeki periuk nasi.

    But, when they said no, will you listen?

  3. Perhaps she could share with us why holiday inns too had no choice but closed down in shah alam after the depegged of trading us dollar and the implementation of capital control policies after september 1, 1998?

    Why hajar ini bising sangat with mr lim guan eng’s case being aquitted by the state law, atau, the highest court in penang when she is not even the voter in that state?

    Perhaps to her, myr250k, atau usd700k, under syariah compliant law is not suapan mahupun power abuse because she is muslim, not buddhist, christians, hindu or other faiths?

    Orang luar nampak, tapi insiders ini kta mereka tetap betul kerana mereka ini pak mubarak, i mean, pak arab?

    When a principle could be dated, that is the value you will get at that date, simple and straight foward, no need to cakap banyak2 one.

    After going through all these ugly politically driven events and judiciary court cases, i believe the younger generation will do better than their past leaders.

    Therefore, the young malay ciku rafizi of pkr no need to claim this, and that, since everyone knows politicians could be rigged behind the voters.

    Islamic fund, atau conventional fund, mereka tetap regulated funds under the watchdog of bnm, iaitu bank negara malaysia.

    Jika ds mukhiriz mohammad of ppbm has the ambition to be the future prime minister, then, he should go for it, no need to wait one.

    Sebagai melayu dan muslim, your ambition is to be the prime minister of malaysia tanpa pilih kasih, atau tanpa beli undi via parti2 politik tempatan as we are in 21st century, not 20th century.

    Why must ppbm open only to umno members, but not bn component parties base on rule of law as per federal constitution?

    We are living in post it era whereby all information could be shared.

    Garang tak semestinya betul.

    Lembik tak semestinya lemah.

    By the end of the day, voters of all states including sabah would cast votes when the next general election is called.

    Whichever coalition wins out the majority, they will name the prime minister and the cabinet.

  4. Salam YAB dan DiSanjungi PM Tun Dr. Mahathir,

    Mohon izin Tun:

    1. Kepada ‘Hang Jebat Derhaka’,

    Betullah. ‘Budak2 mentah’ dalam blog ini ingin tunjuk pandai, tetapi ternampak bodoh.

    Saya yakin dia (dan keluarga) tidak tahu siapa AG Tommy Thomas dalam kes YB LGE. Mungkin si Polan juga tidak tahu bahawa AG mengangkat Ketua Pengganas Chin Peng sebagai HERO KEMERDEKAAN Malaysia. Lawak juga bila difikirkan; takkanlah AG mahu menyokong supaya YB LGE didakwa sedangkan dia sudah bertungkus-lumus untuk membela (peguambela) LGE semasa belum dilantik jadi AG. AG berkecuali? Orang bodoh saja yang percaya.

    2. Si Cina kiasu yang rasis tahap gaban yang sentiasa memberi komen mengarut dan merepek dan sentiasa istiqamah mengutuk dan menghina Melayu / Islam (tulis ikut suka hati berdasarkan otak sewel @ ‘loose’ dia termasuk memfitnah saya) pun saya kenal sangat perangainya. Berpura-pura kononnya dia ‘neutral’ tetapi sebenarnya penyokong tegar DAP. Anak-beranak sokong DAP.

    Konon nak tunjuk pandai BM (tahap rojak sajalah), tapi antara ‘betis’ dengan ‘peha’ (nak guna peribahasa, tetapi tunggang terbalik; sama macam orang Cina cakap Melayu) pun dia tidak tahu yang mana satu. Lepas tu dok ulang benda yang sama berkali-kali. Dan takkan dia masih tidak tahu kenapa saya timbulkan perkataan ‘loose’ beberapa kali. Bengap sangat kot!


    Siapalah yang memulakan (perintis) BUDAYA DEMONSTRASI JALANAN?

    Eh, mestilah BN/UMNO kan, sebab penyokong2 dan pemimpin2 kesemua parti dalam PH baik2 belaka. Suci bersih dari segala kekotoran! Tidak mungkin PH boleh buat perkara buruk seperti berdemonstrasi secara haram; ini mesti BN/UMNO punya angkara – memang dasar penyangak sebab ada yang kata orang Melayu keturunan penyangak (yang bukan Melayu baik sangatkah?). Jika benar, memang teruk betul BN/UMNO ni sebab menjadi perintis aktiviti haram demonstrasi jalanan!

    Tetapi saya mesti puji juga para PENYANGAK Melayu dalam UMNO yang tidak membuat kekacauan semasa kalah pada PRU14 yang lalu. Mereka boleh menerima kekalahan tanpa mencetuskan keadaan huru hara. Tun sendiri mengakui yang peralihan kuasa berlaku dengan aman damai. Syukur Alhamdulillah. Maksudnya para penyangak Melayu dalam UMNO masih lagi ada disiplin diri (sikap sabar- beriman). Alhamdulillah…

    4. YB Lim Guan Eng lebih baik kurangkan bercakap kerana saya sudah naik mual mendengar alasan2 bodoh beliau tentang pelbagai isu termasuklah isu SST/GST, hutang negara, dan projek2 mega (sekejap mahu dibatalkan, sekejap ditangguh, sekejap diubah-suai), etc. Tolonglah buat dahulu kajian2 mendalam baru bercakap supaya tidak nampak seperti orang bodoh!

    Lagi satu, apakah dengan cara berterusan menyalahkan bekas PM Ah Jib Gor dan rejim terdahulu untuk segala masalah boleh menyelesaikan masalah negara masa kini? Tugas memulihkan Negara sudah di tangan PH. Kurangkan bercakap, dan buat saja kerja yang diamanahkan. (Saya tidak perlu lagi kutuk orang yang sudah hilang kuasa – ini sudah dikira satu pembalasan; sudah jadi sejarah, dan sedang menunggu pembalasan2 lain dari Allah SWT).

    Nilai USD kepada Ringgit untuk hari ini: 1 USD = RM 4.15013. Bila agaknya Kerajaan PH boleh pulihkan nilai Ringgit? Sebelum PRU14 (saya ada beli USD), saya dapat dalam 1 USD = RM 3.87/3.88. Sekarang apa dah jadi?

    Saya tidak nampak apa2 yang YB LGE sumbangkan untuk mengatasi masalah negara selain menubuhkan Tabung Harapan Malaysia untuk mengutip derma. Budak sekolah pun tahu untuk tubuhkan tabung bagi mengutip derma. Jika saya jadi Tun, saya sudah pecat LGE.

    Lagipun, anda (LGE) sudah hilang kredibiliti disebabkan dua kes rasuah dan salah guna kuasa yang telah digugurkan. Alasan2 pembebasan penuh yang diberikan amat lemah dan dangkal (tahap hujah budak sekolah) seolah-olah rakyat Malaysia semuanya bodoh2 belaka! (Teringat saya kepada ‘PakPandir08’ yang suka tuduh orang lain bodoh2 belaka…Dia ni penyokong tegar DAP).

    Mungkin para penyokong PH yang taasub boleh diperbodohkan, tetapi bagi kami yang tiada apa2 kepentingan peribadi (dalam PH / BN) perlu diyakinkan dengan alasan2 kukuh yang masuk akal. Berrmotifkan politik @ konspirasi kononnya! Orang lain pun ada beli hartanah, dan tahu harga pasaran semasa beli hartanah. Takkanlah main beli saja!

    Terima kasih Tun.

    – Semoga Allah SWT sentiasa merahmati Tun sekeluarga –

  5. The complaints of hang jebat are nothing new to me after being in this blog for years.

    Mungkin his types are still stuck in the tradition way of getting fund directly from the federal level via his political party kut to do their programmes just to get votes in the constituencies under their watch.

    Do they pay taxes, or do they pay zakat ikut kemampuan mereka?

    Dont forget, ppbm is the splinter group being formed by the ex-umno member with no. 1, and no. 2.

    Bak kata, never bite the hands that feed you, tak gitu?

    What happened in the past, it is already a past tense.

    When mr lim kit siang threaten to sue ex-igp using dap’s lawyers in 48 hours, dont you think what he is doing is no different from what ds najib of umno in suing ex-mca president with tun title?

    Cock vs Bull, does it really matter since chinese race is still pendatang to them eventhough our forefathers have been here for few generations, just like other races?

    The question is still come back to chicken and eggs issues between the political parties of the divides.

    Kongsi atau tidak, itu terpulang kepada parti2 politik mereka.

    There are many grades of toilet papers, which grade do you prefer?

    Rule of law?

    Rule of man?

  6. Assalamualaikum,

    Saya setuju dengan Hajar tentang Faridina ni. Tengah fana agaknya dapat jadi ahli PPBM. Kita kenal dia dalam ruangan ini dah lama tapi dia tak kenal kita padahal kita dah 8 tahun menulis komen dalam ruangan ini. adakah dia tahu kita juga telah lama menyokong Tun melalui komen kita? pakat hentam macam orang khayal. Inilah yang dikatakan orang memuja orang yang tak tahu hujung pangkal topik apakah yang dibincangkan. Seronok dapat jadi pengikut setia parti PPBM.

    Bila saya menyeru supaya jadi neutral bermakna orang macam kami tidak terikat dengan parti. Rakyat biasa. hanya mengundi. Neutral bukan lalang tapi atas pagar. Kritik mana yang salah dan puji mana yang baik. Anda bila dah umumkan keahlian PPBM anda maka anda tidak lagi jadi neutral. Faham. Apabila anda sudah jadi ahli parti memang lah anda akanjadi berat sebelah. Kami tidak. Kami akan mengundi parti mana yang kami fikir layak pada PRU depan. faham.

  7. Imagine if you are the forefathers in fighting for independence of african continent via christianity vs islam supremacy that lead to splitting out of many independent countries as today sharing the common goal with only wild animals coupled with huge poverty, slavey and hunger, will you make fun of them via religion supremacy eventhough you are black being raised in other countries outside of the continent?

    The white supremacy do not want to cancel debts via slavery, and at the same time, they made noises by accusing them barbaric in killing wild animals for making living, dont you think they are hypocrite and forgot what their fore fathers did to them?

    Is sound like them, but is not them?

    Surat layang, surat hasut atau surat fitnah, will ag thomas tommy orders for pdrm to investigate eventhough no one file polis report in this country?

    It is to up the local mp to decide, because other countries involved for sure will take action against their citizens to uphold the rule of law independently regardless who they are as long as they are the citizens of that particular countries just like the past scandals including yang terkini punya 1mdb and felda global ventures of umno and barisan nasional.

    Dah terang sangat, jadi busuk ke atau tidak, itu terpulang kepada perjuang bangsa melayu dan agama islan mereka since everyone is aware of the issuea today.

    The ball is on the table of mr tommy thomas.

    Will the lagu of forever got tommorow of tunggu besok, tunggu lusa baru bikin didengangkan lagi kerana jiwa dan perasaan melayu mesti dijagakan kerana takut hilang undi mereka to stay relevant?

    As voters, our obligation is to vote only, itu saja.

  8. Perhaps mubarakchan thinks ular is naga kut.

    By keeping the ular, he think he is safe, feel protected kerana ada orang dalam kerajaan, apapun boleh bikin.

    I cant blame him for such kleptocratic, i mean racist act since everyone was doing the same during his era.

    I helped my late boss too to type a letter attention to the then yb ds ong ka ting.

    The complaint letter sound like threat to me and after typing out, i asked my gm, is he serious and did he send the letter out, the answer replied was a no.

    Mereka ini orang lama, and what they did is common as everyone did the same during that era since political parties of the divides dictate who gets what, and who dont gets what via who they know, not what they know in knocking out their enemy through boat rocking since its about politics.

    Saya pun orang lama to the younger generation now, but i chosen not to do what the orang lama of my parents’ era did by aysik lecturing, dictating, parenting in telling the younger generation that aku makan garam more than them, due to my education and experience background.

    Siapakah mereka yang tak pernah young?

    I am not sure what the future would be, but one thing i am sure is jika mereka yang masih degil, tidak bertoleransi, dan tamak, mereka pasti akan ditumpangkan kaum mereka sendiri.

    Bak kata, siapakah makan cili, mereka lah yang rasa pedas.

    Once again thank you for allowing my thoughts to be penned here since i wanted to find out what triggered the depegged of the trading us dollar and the implementation of capital control.

    My final conclusion is instead of reforming, it would be best and safer to minimize red tapes and infighings and make it simple and more transparent so that everyone knows including your enemies or rivals of different states and races knows whats going.

    The bad news is 1mdb and felda global ventures are loosing lots of cash because they were set up based on ketuanan melayu, and this is equivalent to the projects of putrajaya cum cyberjaya loosing lots of cash too whereby they were set up based on ketuanan islam.

    The good news is everyone knows about these cash loosing mega projects accumulated due to race and religion supremacy of the past perdana menteri since malaysia boleh until today.

    The highest constitution is at federal level, and this is how malaya was built with the federal coalition registered in malaya being formed by the fore fathers of merdeka.

    September 16 was declared as national public holiday shared by all including sarawak and sabah.

    Malaysia, or malaya, borneo and north borneo, pakatan harapan decides.

    Unite there will be malaysia federation.

    Disunite there will be malaya, borneo and north borneo sharing ringgit malaysia.

    Federal law for all regardless states, atau hukum hudud for muslim majority states, both coaliation of the divides to decide their next course of action for the next 50 years from now.

  9. As karma said, what goes around comes around.

    Itu lah tahi lembu, mana ada value lagi.

    Moreover, such financial confidence crisis had happened so many time until voters got jemu, mereka tukar kerajaan persekutuan lor.

    Good paymasters can turned into bad paymasters are so common, takkan lah dia tak erti pun.

    Perhaps she will appeal for debt write-off kut of i help you, you help me again and again by singing lagu zero corruption with mubarakchan and the likes kut.

    Cakap besar, siapapun pandai.

    Gaya mahu best of the best, gaji mahu tinggi.

    Apabila kerja tak erti, patern mereka adalah semua salah orang bukan islam.

    Will they get away this time around?

    Debts or untapped future revenue, itu terpulang kepada citarasa pakatan harapan.

  10. Good evening YAB Tun

    I was not too pleased with hutang negara disebut berkali-kali. Its not about honesty lagi kalau disebut berkali-kali, dah jadi macam marah geram kecewa.

    Imagine ini, kalau satu keluarga tu berhutang banyak, dan hampir separuh dari ahli keluarga asyik cakap pasal hutang hutang non stop kat sesiapa saja yang sanggup mendengar, lagu mana nak selesai masaalah ini.

    Bank dengar pun tak sedap. Mula nak check lebih2 on the whole family five C’s; character, capacity, capital, collateral and conditions.

    That’s all for now.

  11. Tribalism is very much alive in her.

    Jika pakaian dan wajah hajar menjolok mataku, lebih baik aku pandang pakaian dan wajah lain yang saya rasa lebih selesa, betul tak?

    Metoo# can be very racist if she cross my state, tak gitu?

    Bak kata, mind our own business.

    If some one go to your house and lecture you on the history of democracy without borders secara buta- tuli, how will you feel?

    We dont have to go far, the cartoons of nabi muhammad already made both ex- umno and ex-pas youths took the action of protest in national’s capital city of malaysia secara kuat2, siapakah yang memalukan diri?

    Bak kata naga jika yang atasnya tersengat, yang bawahnya pasti akan mula berpecah.

    Melayu mudah lupa?

  12. Salam YAB dan DiSanjungi PM Tun Dr. Mahathir,

    Mohon izin Tun:

    1. Geli hati saya melihat si Polan meroyan seperti berikut bila idola2 beliau dikritik:

    “Kesian awak dan geng Najib @ UMNO jer yang rasa macam tu hari-hari mau.. kami semua rasa lega dapat keluar dari mulut harimau bau busuk tu dan sekarang dalam proses nak mengawetkan harimau tu dan simpan dalam kandang Sg Buloh.

    Ceh ceh ceh kempenlah dari sekarang tak payah nak tunggu PRU 15 bagai.. Ada masa turunlah berkempen dalam dua lagi PRK di Selangor dan gunalah isu ‘Korupsi dan salah guna kuasa mesti ditentang habis-habisan tidak kira besar atau kecil nilai suapan @ rasuah’ Kalau boleh bawak sekali Ajib Gor awak tu pasti boleh beri isyarat pada pengundi untuk Protes kerajaan PH.”

    2. Saya yakin si Polan ini samada dung* atau sudah hilang akal sebab fakta “penulisan” pun tersasar jauh (salah). Siapalah agaknya antara ahli keluarga ini yang menulis komen bodoh @ dangkal ini…Menulis secara berjemaah pun masih lagi merapu-meraban…Alahai…

    3. Kesian si Polan (dan keluarga beliau…) sebab mereka ingat orang yang mengkritik idola2 mereka ialah penyokong2 bekas PM Ah Jib Gor / UMNO/BN. Saya ingat lagi Hj. Amin Tan (saya harap beliau sihat; lama sudah tidak memberi komen di sini) tegur saya bila saya mula mengkritik DSN. Pada masa itu Tun belum lagi mengkritik DSN, dan masih lagi baik dengan DSN.

    Terima kasih Tun.

    – Semoga Allah SWT sentiasa merahmati Tun sekeluarga –

  13. Tun

    Two interesting headlines this morning :

    1. NSTP. The Spratlys. ‘What is the GOVT’s STAND ?

    2. NSTP. Q2 Global Consumer Confidence Survey. ‘Malaysians ranked 7th IN THE WORLD.’

    And extensive coverage of Tun Daim Zainuddin’s – Chairman of the Council of Eminent Persons – TV3 interview by NSTP. But it was absent in both The Malay Mail and The Star. Interesting times. Interesting media.

    1. The NSTP Spratlys article contained much provocative comments as though its intention is to spoil the close friendship between China and Malaysia. But the information which it provided showed otherwise.

    The present situation in the Southern Seas or the South China Sea arose from a long history of claims driven by the rise of new nations bordering it and bolstered by the promulgation of laws which were either National or International. Malaysia has always taken a wise stand of dialogue base on her SOVEREIGNTY, NATIONAL INTEREST AND DIGNITY. Hence, Malaysia had never had any problem with China or other countries especially she is now one of 4 MOST IMPORTANT SMALL COUNTRIES OF THE WORLD and trekking towards the likes of Visionary Switzerland, Democratic India and Good Governance Japan.

    The many courageous and brilliant claims by our Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad on the reefs and islet which dotted the South China Sea as related to Malaysia’s continental shelf rights showed his recognition of our Sovereignty, National Interest and Dignity and the prevailing International Laws of the Sea.

    This Article reflects poorly on the next Government which was subsequent to the retirement of Tun in October 2003.

    After over 50 years of inaction, the Government rushed off to the International Court of Justice, The Hague with an aged Cambridge law professor in tow. And lost big time. Not only that the smart, clever and cunning Singaporean elites published a book to rub more salt into the wound by implying the Malaysians were stupid compared with themselves.

    All knew that it was a sandiwara for two or it takes two to tango. It is well-known that Lee Kuan Yew paid top dollar to Thaksin, tycoons, and 4th rate athletes from China to satisfy his agenda. He used money freely in such causes for his own interest or Singapore’s.

    The factual information in the Article belied its intended purpose because it proved beyond any doubt that our good Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad did what was due from him and more, putting his subsequent successors to shame. They forgot about Sovereignty, National Interest, Dignity due to Greed, Weakness of the Flesh and the Soft Under-belly.

    In fact, the factual information provided by the author answered his own question !

    2. NSTP. ‘ Malaysians ranked 7th in the World.’ This is a Report on the rising Malaysian consumer confidence in step with the New and Incorruptible Government since 10 May 2018 ! Who knows best but the Malaysians themselves.

    An earlier International Survey put Malaysia as one on the best places to live at 6th Place. But if the 5 South American countries are removed from this List, then Malaysia is Numero Uno or No. 1.

    3. With Tun Daim Zainuddin’s, Chairman of the Council of Eminent Persons, cogent assurance that the New and Incorruptible Government will have ZERO TOLERANCE FOR CORRUPTION coupled with its Realpolitik Foreign Policy and what the outside World had surveyed us in terms of every day living, which investor local or foreign would not like to invest and live in our beloved Malaysia ?

    Malaysia Boleh Tun !


    Cikgu kencing berdiri, murid kencing berlari.

    It is either he is the fool, or the liar.

    If racism and religion become the tool of manipulation can make you rich, should you follow their angin, atau follow the law?

    I do not want another era of mahathirism, what about you?


    If you read between lines, you will know mr j solomon as the authority appointed by previous barisan nasional government to chair mtuc, the word betrayed is immature, cari pasal and could create hatred or anger to english speaking community especially his race towards the newly elected government pakatan harapan of 4 months old.

    Panas badan, langsung tidak bertoleransi, tunjuk perasaan, adakah ini budaya kita sebagai rakyat malaysia?

    Mr kula is the new minister in charge for this portfolio, and mr j solomon, and mereka sama2 pun kaum india, he should fix official appointment to see him directly, why need to showcase his anger through penning his thought in malaysiakini?

    Worst still, the leader of psm of the same race jugak used the word kow tow and has his thought penned in malaysiakini as if kakitangan kerajaan wilayah mahupun negeri tak erti buat kerja, majikan mahupun pekerja swasta tak faham labour law?

    Like what they said, the law approved is meant to be broken.

    What to do, this is boleh land, maverick, flip then flop.

    Mereka pun tak sedar diri, who are we to tell them off?

  16. Assalamualaikum Ayahanda Tun,


    Era orang memuja orang sebenarnya telah lama dipraktikkan rejim terdahulu seperti orang memuja berhala supaya dapat habuannya berupa wang ringgit kerana bosnya praktikkan konsep “cash is king”.

    Pejuang Bersatu tidak puja pemimpin macam berhala pun sebab tak dapat duit pun malahan keluar duit sendiri adalah.

    Dalam PH kami bebas menegur pemimpin yang berlainan parti dalam pakatan harapan apatah lagi pemimpin parti yang baru sangat jadi pembangkang.

    Kami puji dan hargai pemimpin yang kompeten dalam PH dan tidak gemar bila ada pemimpin dalam PH yang di luar kerajaan yang suka ‘enter frame’ dan asyik memikir diri sendiri bukan memikir nasib rakyat.

    Biasalah jadi parti lawan akan sentiasa mengkafirkan lawan dan terkini menyirikkan lawan pula.

    Ada orang tu ‘tak memandang siapa2 pun sebagai suci’ sebab rasa dirinya dah cukup suci sehingga boleh menjatuhkan hukum syirik pada orang lain sesuka hatinya.

    Kalau kami perlu memuja manusia maka ahli politik langsung tiada dalam senarai kerana hanya ibubapa sahaja layak dipuja.

    Tak payahlah nak jadi pendita sampai nak menyeru semua rakyat biasa pulak.

    Lebih pelik suruh neutral (faham ke maksud neutral) tapi bebas memuji sesiapa yang benar serta mengkritik sesiapa yang salah!

    Rakyat biasa era ini bebas merdeka untuk memuji atau mengkritik pemimpin dan tidak akan didakwa pun macam zaman rejim terdahulu.

    Apa dah.. istilah macam ‘lalang’ mana ada buat penilaian? Dia tak buat penilaian pun dia ikut arah angin bertiup maka penilaian dibuat oleh orang yang meniup angin ke arahnya.

    Jebat tak cukup derhaka ini kena berguru lagi ya.


  17. War heroes, terrorists atau jihadists, mereka tetap adalah mass murderers and its not something that human civilization should be proud off via glorification, dont you think so?

    How would they be honored is very much depend on the leaders of the particular countries, and such honor titles would be officially released through statements to the media for them to pick up.

    Mubarakchan and the likes can continue to live in their past glory of man proposes, god disposes with whatever nasional programmes that they want to undertake with malay, or islam bias policy, no one will stop them, and thats for sure.

    When a mirror is cracked, the cracks are always there unless we replace with a new mirror.

    When comes to think of it, the wound still hurt.

    Is it because they are poor, they can steal?

    Is it because they are poor, they can rob?

    Is it because they are poor, they can cheat?

    Is it because they are poor, they can kill?

    When voters are bitten too many times, they too would be more resillient in exercising their votes to tell off the political parties not to take them for granted.

    Numbers do not cheat, but human including politicians cheat.

    We cannot change the past, but we definitely can improve as we move on.

    Winning, or loosing is not important.

    But the path, or journey that we have gone through is more important.

    When bad things happened, there must be some good reasons, therefore, do not be lazy and never take things for granted.

    Pendek kata, change, or be changed, it is up to the insiders to call the shots.

    Good luck, and God bless!

  18. I can differentiate muslim of different races, and i am local, dont forget that, mubarakchan.

    Why bn still loose in last general election?

    Tudung ke atau dr, refer to the comment made by hang jebat, i am sure the blog owner knows what that mean.

    Like she said, if not happy, kasi tukar aja via noise making.

    But one thing is for sure, agong kita berdaulat.

    Sultan kami memang berdaulat.

    Tapi, adakah ahli2 politik tempatan berdaulat, political parties of the divide decide.

    As voters, our obligation is to vote, itu saja.

  19. Tun

    With your esteemed permission, a coward of a nobody HBT456 keeps on harping on the same old theme, his/her jealousy and hatred of innocents who bear him/her no harm. He must be a tubercular patient under treatment.

    I had a similar experience in the KLGH when I was a houseman. I was in charge of Ward 14. To access this Ward 14, I had to walk pass Ward 13. In Ward 13, there was a Chinese under treatment for chronic TB. He glared at me every time I walked past. I just ignored him. By and by, he wrote a letter to the Superintendent of KLGH that I was trying to kill him by just walking past him. The stupid Superintendent forwarded this letter to the Minister of Health, Ong Yoke Lin for his consideration. Of course, I was cleared of any wrong doing because I was not in charge of Ward 13. Chronic TB had affected the crazy patient’s brain like HBT 456.

    The African Americans look like Africans but inside they are hollow and lost all their African cultural ballast. 100% of the African Americans are like this.

    In Malaysia HBT456 is the Malaysian Chinese version of the African American. They look like Chinese but inside they have been hollowed out and have no Chinese cultural ballast.

    This is the reason these people like HBT456 congregate together to worship the same religion as the African Americans in an unconscious attempt to find a mental spiritual home.

    I reckon 30% of the Malaysian Chinese are like the African Americans, 30% still have the Chinese cultural ballast and 40% are in transition due to urbanisation, job mobility, generational change, modern way of life like getting together without getting married, living in ghettos, HBT456 view of the Malays and others etc. Sad.

    I am confident the New and Incorruptible Government of the old and the young, the good and the great will lead our beloved Malaysia up to the highest tier of achievement. The sentiments already showed us the POLITICAL WILL AND INCLINATION. Who are you HBT456 ?

    HBT456 is jealous that our beloved Malaysia overnight became ONE OF THE 4 MOST IMPORTANT SMALL COUNTRIES OF THE WORLD BEING BRITAIN, SWITZERLAND, JAPAN, MALAYSIA. Thanks to the brilliance and courage of Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad. He loves his hero Lee Kuan Yew who cheated to go up to Cambridge. How HBT456 ?

    Malaysia Boleh Tun !

  20. mubarakchan is so outdated and loss touch with the political, economical and social factors be it in this country, the region and east asia with his so- called ultra-nationalism of man proposes, god proposes with malay bias policy of manipulating the rule of law assuming everyone agrees with his stand kut.

    He still ular here, ular there, i mean shocked here, shocked there, and thats why it is no surprise that united malay national organization did so badly in last general election.


    Because mereka tak sedar diri yang kita kini berada di post it era whereby information could be shared.

    Bak kata mereka, payau lawan sama payau, harimau tersenyum base on self-syiok thesis kut assuming people lupa what happened by blaming naga again and again.

    He thinks holding gold, he could dictate what he wants?

    Us dollar is still the preferred trading dollar which has nothing to do with gold reserve mahupun oil.

    Us dollar is still the preferred trading dollar because of the advance technology of the future of role modelling in which leaders of the world are so admired and want to be part of them.

    When pkr claimed it is unislamic to do canning on the lesbian couple in terengganu, it makes me wonder why unislamic word is used, dont you think thats weird because islam, just like christianity, buddhism, hinduism etc…is a proper noun which cannot be used by adding ‘un’, dont they know?

    Democratic Action Party, atau DAP believes in malaysian malaysia, and mca is malaysian chinese association.

    Gerakkan is just another splinter group out of mca due to mother tongue kut as everyone knows tdm had ruled this country with his iron fist eventhough he had retired since then.

    For those who still stick to the buffologist theory of malay bias by manipulating the rule of law to favor themselves, they too will sell out their soul and body one day just to get rich overnight, bak kata cikgu kencing berdiri, murid kencing berlari.

    The Boy Who Cried Wolf stated the moral at the end of the Greek version is, “this shows how liars are rewarded.

    To be or not to be, thats not the question.

    Able or not, we will see how far kita can go.

  21. Tun

    Two minor headlines of note yesterday.

    1. Minister.’ Wipe out image of DBKL is Centre of Corruption.’

    The DBKL has been known to be Corrupt since the mid-1960s especially the Town Planner Dept. The first Malaysian town planner was seen at the Mandarin Court, Federal Hotel every night. The culture he left behind grew into a monster to this day. The nitty-gritty of the alleged accusations are well-known in Kuala Lumpur which I do not intend to elaborate. However, the Corruption not only dwell at the top level but right down to the ground level, the potty and bumpy roads of KL.

    Driving along the roads of KL these days is like navigating a ship through a mine-field. If you avoided a pot-hole, you are either faced with another or a bump which gets bigger and bigger as time rolled by. I always complained to my wife why the DBKL spends so much money on so many bumps when so many pot-holes are left unattended.

    For example, there is a pot-hole in the middle of the road Jalan Tun Abdul Razak near the KLGH towards the RSGC. This pot-hole has been there since 1961 when I was a houseman – 57 years !

    Obviously, Corruption must be involved because there is the Law, the Highway Code and rules and regulations governing the practice of driving. My view is that there should be no bumps along the road because if the drivers want to speed or do whatever, it is their responsibility to face the music. By not building these absurd bumps anymore DBKL would have removed one factor for CORRUPTION and save a lot of money.



    For example, I asked an UMNO Divisional chief why he wanted RM 500,000 from me to make an appointment for my friend to see a Minister with no guarantee of success. He told me in no uncertain terms that he could see the top people making a lot of money, he should also look after himself because at the end of the day, the top people are not going to look after him. He had good foresight.

    And did anyone notice how the sign-boards along the highways and by-ways are positioned ? Without fail, if you are a stranger to the locale and rely on the sign-boards to show you the way, you will always get lost and spend a lot of time going round and round finding a non-existent road. The sign-boards seemed to have been put up by workers whilst those in charge were elsewhere having a cup of teh-tarik !

    On DBKL, a Tan Sri from Hong Kong could get anything he wanted by being frank like, ‘ How much do you want ?’ He got everything he wanted.


    2. Minister. ‘ I get to bottom of poor performance at Asian Games.’

    Sports is a celebration of Youth, of Life and the Future. Success in Sports for a Country tells the World much which cannot be put into print in so many words.

    From Dictators to Democracies, Sports is also a show piece of endeavour, meritocracy and success in gold medal terms.

    In Singapore, Lee Kuan Yew as usual with his smart, clever and cunning bought 4th rate Chinese athletes from China to boost the image of Singapore over 15 years ago. His athletes are known as the Great Wall of China in the Regional Games. He forgot that they do expired by date. This is why you see some aged Singaporean athletes still lumber on and be defeated by teenagers from China. It does not pay to buy athletes from other countries because Singapore created its own void in the natural development of her indigenous athletes.

    And as for Malaysia, the Great Statesman Tun Abdul Razak took a personal interest in the development of sports in Malaysia. Before this most of the sporting clubs were closely held and controlled by communal groups.

    The deterioration of Malaysian sporting standards came after his untimely demise when politics began to seep into sports. This reached a crescendo of negativity under the corrupt BN Government. And much precious money was wasted.

    Tun Abdul Razak suggested I restructure the Selangor Shooting Association which in 1965 was controlled by just 33 Hakka Chinese with a penchant to travel to the Olympics at Government expense. The condition for being a member was that the applicant must have a gun licence. The whole lot of 33 Hakkas were removed and the doors of the Association was thrown open to anyone interested in the shooting sport. Since the 1970s, all Malaysian Shooting teams have been multi-racial. The Association is the richest for many years with millions of ringgits in its coffers. That was the easy part.

    How to create athletes of INTERNATIONAL STANDING AND WIN MEDALS ? This is the most difficult part and takes years to achieve the desired result if any.

    In the 1960s, Malaysia was tops in most sports especially in football and badminton. Now, Malaysia is No. 14 at the recent Asian Games. Hong Kong, Taiwan beat us. Countries which were never known to do well in sports but in recent years, these have succeeded in badminton, cycling, tennis, table-tennis, swimming, basketball, golf, archery etc.

    IT IS PRUDENT FOR THE NEW MINISTER TO HAVE A LOOK AT THE MODELS OF SPORTS DEVELOPMENT BY HONG KONG AND TAIWAN. I expect these countries adopted the AMERICAN MODEL to their Asian physical attributes. By improving on these Models to our needs, Malaysia saves a lot of time agonising over what could be done or not to be done with our own sports development.

    My short spell in the Sporting World gave me some insights on this form of activity :-

    1. Human Resources – An athlete must look like an athlete, not like a clown. An athlete must have at least NORMAL intelligence. In America, they come from the universities. Because of the years of motivation, dedication and love of the sport, an athlete must be satisfied that there is a future for him or her after retiring from the sport. This is where sponsorships from corporations are important like banks, etc.

    2. Logistics. Each sport must have a proper professional, dedicated and motivated Association to back up its coterie of athletes. A strong head is required to obviate fractional in-fighting which is bound to happen. Politicians do not make good workers or organisers because in a sporting organisation it is all work and no play or talk.

    3. Rewards. Athletes love to be rewarded for their achievements. It seems logical to divide the value of rewards according to the importance of the Games like I) State ii) National iii) Regional iv) Asian v) World vi) Olympics. With the latter gold medal reward ranking the highest like monetary, a property, a scholarship, a job, a car etc.

    4. Training. Local training is not sufficient to make a World Class athlete who needs to gain experience by competing constantly overseas like the famous cyclist Awang. It is the same for all sports. This is where sufficient funding counts.

    5. Sports medicine. This forms a very important adjunct in the grooming and selection of potential World Class athletes – the mental conditioning, the physical build-up and experience. I have noted Malaysian athletes are mostly unfit.

    It is alleged one well-known athlete tooled around in Lamboghinis, night clubs etc.

    6. Coaches. Certain countries do produce good coaches for certain sports. The associations can recommend them and engage and monitor them for results.

    7. Success. With a continuous scheme to develop Podium athletes, it must be recognised that a successful athlete will take many years to gain the Podium.

    8. All sports should be centralised under the control and personal attention of the Minister.

    Apart from the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Tourism, the Ministry of Youth, Culture and Sports plays an important role in the development of our Youths, our Future and our Country. It is time we all take a serious view of Sports as an activity for all Rakyat. It is undesirable to have politicians involved in Sports because it is time consuming and really needs professional, motivated and dedicated officials to man the Associations. Much deadwood has been accumulated over time.


    For example, Malaysia should have won at least 3-4 Gold Medals for Squash. But NOTHING WAS DONE TO ACHIEVE THIS FOR 3 DECADES !

    Malaysia did well in sports previously. With the New and Incorruptible Governmnet, we will rise again. If Hong Kong and Taiwan could do it, Malaysia can do better. In 1977, I visited the Saha Union factory in Bangkok. I saw the workers practising Sepak Takraw at lunchtime Since then, they have done well in this sport !!

    Malaysia Boleh Tun !

    With your permission – faridina, you may contact me at Facebook.

  22. Good morning YAB Tun

    I hope you are doing good. Pagi ini belum nampak tanda nak hujan, lets hope baju di ampaian kering.

    Antara berita yang menarik I baca di MSN.

    1. Musim kedua durian menghasilkan lebih banyak buah berbanding dua bulan lalu. Ada peluang peminat durian dapat durian harga murah. Zaman Tun jadi PM durian menjadi, zaman Najib jadi PM nak beli durian pun mahal. Careful ya, terlalu banyak makan durian boleh menyebabkan sakit.

    2. Will Dr M hand over reins to Anwar? I know these two, says Najib. Tajuk yang menangkap pandangan tapi isi buat I berfikir ini, kenapa Utusan masih interview Najib dalam soal hal semasa.

    3. More quarters demand to know why Guan Eng was acquitted. Tajuk yang menarik malah isu ini memang sedang bermain dalam fikiran voters biasa. Most of us macam tak percaya, dulu Anwar sekarang LGE pula, boleh percaya ka PH ini? Bila lihat gambar terpampang, aiseyman macam romantic couple pula LGE dan wanita ini.

    4. Anwar condemns caning of women, says it ‘lacked due process and understanding’ Bagus tajuk ini tapi bila Anwar komen buat I wonder pula, wajar ke tak, bila beliau yang pernah ada kes lebih kurang sama bersuara tentang isu sebegini.

    5. Azmin: Let party members decide if I will still be PKR’s No. 2. I like this guy, at least his comments to the press tidak mengundang kontroversi.

    The best news I baca so far never underestimate the spy makcik tudung. So happy I celebrated with a can of coke. I jarang minum air gas. The makcik news was an amazing news. WANITA BOLEH, BERTUDUNG ATAU TAK, WANITA BOLEH BUAT WHATEVER THEY WANT TO! 😀

    That’s all for now.

  23. Assalamualaikum,

    Baru saya faham kita sekarang memasuki era orang memuja orang. Dalam PH setiap mereka ada penganut yang taat memuja personaliti pimpinan masing2 macam berhala. Walaupun mereka didapati menipu, tidak kompeten dalam menjalankan tugas serta menyeleweng kuasa, mereka akan tetap dipuja. Disebabkan itu, apa jua yang dilakukan oleh parti lawan walaupun betul akan tetap dicemuh dan dibenci. Syirik Nauzubillah.

    Saya tak memandang siapa2 pun sebagai suci. Kalaupun saya perlu memuja manusia, Ahli politik adalah yang paling terakhir.

    Saya menyeru kepada semua rakyat biasa supaya jadi neutral dan bebas memuji sesiapa yang benar serta mengkritik sesiapa yang salah.

    Tiada istilah ‘lalang’ dalam penilaian.

  24. Assalamualaikum Tun.

    Yup, terlalu banyak kerosakan dan masalah perlu dibetulkan.

    SST pun nampak macam nak bermasalah juga.

    Diharapkan penguatkuasaan dapat berjalan dengan pantas dan lancar.

    Turunkan harga barang yang boleh diturunkan.

    Janganlah sibuk nak hebohkan lagi dalam tv yang orang ramai perlu laporkan kepada pihak berwajib jika nampak berlakunya pencabulan oleh peniaga semasa proses SST sedang dijalankan.

    Tugas kerajaan adalah menjaga rakyat bukan rakyat perlu laporkan pada kerajaan. Perisik kakitangan kerajaan pun dah bersepah dan dibayar gaji.

    Terima kasih Tun.

  25. I think he should focus more on the development of those states that he feels comfortable rather than keeps attacking singapore and china as intruders since everyone knows the local chinese leaders are pak turut what.

    Perhaps, what they have done in the past, they might chosen to lupa.

    Bak kata, new malaysia, new chapter by deleting the past factors kut.

    There is no secret in politics,

    What comes around will go around, so to speak.

    Frankly speaking, i am not sure what would happened in the future since local politicians could be rigged with snaps of fingers.

    Harimau ke atau reptile kodomo dragon, its up to them to play.

    Jika pandangan menjolok mata dan menyinggung perasaanmu, lebih baik jangan pandang.

  26. Peace be upon you Ayahanda Tun,

    Your consent is very much needed Sir to communicate with our wise man here none other than Uncle Mubarak Chan himself.

    Greeting uncle MC from one of the ex magnificent 7 in this blog belonging to the 7th Prime Minister.

    Would like to go for makan with you Sir @ fish head curry Lucky Garden, Bangsar one fine day (been waiting for this moment many years ago).

    We too have had bad experience doing healthcare business with this kiasu Singaporean and would like to share with you over makan.

    We are actually in the process of summoning them in court.
    Hope we can be friends again uncle MC.

    Sorry for what we have written against you Sir!

    We regretted being hash towards you Sir!

    Maafkan kami..
    Maafkan kami..
    Maafkan kami..

    Malaysia boleh!

  27. Tun

    You and the readers must be wondering why I kept on hectoring the Singaporean elites to dig deep into the deep recesses of their brains for answers to Singapore’s present manifold dilemma, a large part was created by their indomitable Lee Kuan Yew which now left them in a lurch.

    His 4 Legacy Initiatives all failed since the end of the Cold War (1948-1989) to 2018. The GDP could not breach 3% from 2002-2018 – 16 years, underlining the dire straits of her economy with no growth. And with time, things become more urgent. Such is the bleak or very bleak scenario as viewed by the Singaporean elites.

    And what did these smart and clever elites missed out as led by their even smarter and cleverer mentor Lee Kuan Yew ? GOLD ! On this we must go back to the basics.

    If we recall, in 1962 the Singapore Government engaged the services of the UN economics expert, a Dutchman Dr Albert Winsemius.

    It was he who put Singapore on the map with his recommendations of the glittering buildings, reclamations, Asian Dollar, Jurong Industrail Park, Changi Airport, etc which catch our eyes today.

    The development of human resources was left to Lee Kuan Yew who screwed down his indigenous Singaporeans from 100% in 1959 to 62% in 2010 through his 2 Child Family Policy of 1972. Vide. Singapore Government White Paper on Population 2011. There are only 900,000 male Chinese aged 21-50 today. What can they do in the nano-seconds World of the 21st Century ?

    Arising from the success of the recommendations of Dr Winsemius and his right hand man Dr Goh Keng Swee, Lee Kuan Yew adopted the firm belief that experts are the panacea to Singapore problems. But he forgot that experts DO NOT PROVIDE ANSWERS TO POLITICAL PROBLEMS ESPECIALLY IF THESE ARE ECONOMIC EXPERTS WHO HAVE STRONG PROFESSIONAL BELIEFS like treating GOLD AS A BARBARIC RELIC – an economist view of GOLD !

    With Lee Kuan Yew’s background on the usefulness of GOLD which to an economist has no economic value, it is interesting to note the following GOLD HOLDINGS as reported by Global Investors, July 2018.

    1. United States – 8,000 tonnes. 2. Germany – 3,000 tonnes – 3. Italy – 2,000 tonnes.- 4. France – 2,500 tonnes.- 5. Russia – 2,000 tonnes.- 6. China – 2,000 tonnes.- 7. Switzerland – 1,000 tonnes.- 8. Japan – 800 tonnes.- 9. Netherlands – 600 tonnes.- 10. India – 600 tonnes.

    These countries have the best economists and the most efficient economic systems in the World. Yet, the list shows they also believe in GOLD not only for esoteric reasons but eclectic as well.

    And with all the Singapore bluster of being World’s Best in most things like the World’s 2nd Best Navy to the United States, the Best Fire Brigade in Asia, the World’s Best Education in Mathematics etc, Lee Kuan Yew MISSED OUT IN INVESTING IN GOLD AT THE TURN OF THE 21st CENTURY WHEN ITS PRICE WAS JUST US$ 300 per oz.

    See the frailty of a human being, Tun, at a time when 100% of the Malaysian Chinese were salaaming him ! And your life long passion in believing in YOUR OWN LOGIC AND COMMONSENSE which comes out BRILLIANT IN TIMES OF NECESSITY ! Now I can see the monologue nature of your dialogue with others ! Maybe you should recommend that those who want to be a successful politician becomes a doctor first !

    At that time, Lee Kuan Yew thought he had a wonderful card of FT importation to boost the GDP up his sleeves followed by the ill-conceived Temasek, the 2 casinos and finally the Malaysia Killer TPPA/CPTPP in 2006. All failed up to 2018. With a beautiful hindsight, these were all SPECULATIVE AND OF NO POLITICAL OR ECONOMIC MERIT. It’s just like hitting the wind.

    But instead of investing huge amounts of money into Wall Street and the City and lost US$ 108 Billions in October 2008 ( Singapore must have invested nearly US$ 500 Billions to lose this amount ), Singapore invested in GOLD beginning 2002, she controls the World with Uncle Sam and up there with Russia and China and our beloved Malaysia in her little pocket by October 2008 !. But Man proposes. God disposes.

    Fortunately, Lee Kuan Yew did not but succumb to the flatteries of the good and great of the United States and invested big time into Citibank and UBS which were 3rd Class entities managed by unqualified personnel as compared with GIC the successful Corporation from 1972-2002. Lee Kuan Yew was seduced to put good Singaporean money into these entities which were operating at a lower level than GIC. The money was CPF trust money from the citizens.

    How did Lee Kuan Yew’s thinking go wrong ?
    First, his perennial fear of losing out. He wanted to play safe but did not think out the options like you Tun.
    Second, he forgot Singapore has no natural resources. Therefore GOLD would have been the investment of choice whatever the economists or IMF say. The decision would have been POITICAL to control the World and her nemesis MALAYSIA. GOLD becomes her NATURAL RESOURCE by artificial creation.
    Third, a huge holding of GOLD would justify the huge military which now only protects Singapore natural resource, BLUFFOLOGY.
    Fourth, the fall out from GOLD would have created new industries, jewellery storage, logistics, banking etc for Singapore.
    Fifth, the United States would defend Singapore to the last ounce of GOLD.
    Sixth, just 4,000 tonnes would have ranked Singapore next to the great United States.
    Sixth, a clean and easy way of achieving WORLD POWER BY THE CONVERSION OF PAPER MONEY INTO GOLD. A daunting POLITICAL MOVE OF THE FIRST ORDER unlike those 4 common garden initiatives cooked up by Lee Kuan Yew and his cohorts to do down Malaysia. THIS WAS THEIR DEAD-END DISTRACTION WHICH LED TO THE DOWN-FALL OF SINGAPORE TODAY AND TOMORROW.

    Just an investment of 4,000 tonnes of GOLD when the 4 legged horse came. But the two-legged Lee Kuan Yew did not jump on the horse, his and Singapore’s saviour. THAT OPPORTUNITY TO FIX MALAYSIA AND BECOME REALLY WORLD CLASS IS NOW GONE FOREVER.

    For us Malaysians, Lee Kuan Yew’s and Singapore’s arduous attempts to get out of her tiny status sets a profound lesson for us.


    If we miss this opportunity, we will miss it forever like LEE KUAN YEW AND HIS OPPORTUNITY TO INVEST IN GOLD TO CONTROL THE WORLD AND MALAYSIA.

    This is Malaysia’s 4 legged horse which has come. We have only 2 legs we better jump on to ride away to SUCCESS. Do not be like Lee Kuan Yew and his cohorts who missed out on their 4 legged horse, GOLD by being too smart and too clever by far.

    We are Malaysians NORMAL and HUMBLE human beings. We do what is expected of us. No more. No less.

    Malaysia Boleh Tun !

  28. Tun

    The idea that the Republic of Singapore confederates with Scotland to form the very first Tele-Parliament in the World is both practical and rewarding.

    This Confederation of Scotland and Singapore is not only viable but also POWERFUL in terms of the natural, economic and human resources of Scotland combined with the resourcefulness of the indigenous Singaporean peoples. This Confederation could have a President from each abode in turn.

    This type of Confederation born out of survival and economic necessity will be the harbinger of the future for little countries to exist in the face of the rise of more super-powers in the World. The Jewish inhabitants in both places could provide the President of the Confederation sometime.

    If the Republic of Singapore with its elite out of sync with their brains and the World keeps on its present course of endeavour in a World churned up by Trump for an indefinite period with unpredictable consequences, the whole beautiful 1st World scenario as presented by Lee Kuan Yew can easily end up as NOUGHT in a tiny place with no human and natural resources because his BLUFF or BLUFFOLOGY HAS BEEN CALLED – which reveals an empty shell of a Republic.

    Given the present circumstances and events which we now know, and many more to come in the future, Singapore’s future becomes bleak, very bleak. With her past blustery record, who wants to be closely associated with her but Scotland ?

    The Confederation of Singapore and Scotland is one serious option which the Singaporean elites should consider. No need to have a mighty military to defend itself against the mythical Malay regional threats. No need to worry about the lack of natural resources. Scotland has plenty. Singapore overnight becomes the chief agent for Scotland’s unique products like financial services, whisky, oil, clothing, motor cars, power generators, etc. The Confederation will be POWERFUL indeed.

    When the Confederation of Scotland and Singapore is REALITY, it wins the NOBEL PRIZE FOR INNOVATION, CREATIVITY AND VISION in the name of Peace and Harmony in this forever restless World, Tun !

    Your distinguished guests should consider this option in keeping with their invitation to you to be the LEADER OF SOUTH EAST ASIA AND ALSO OF THE WORLD’S PEACE AND HARMONY.

    We all wish the Republic of Singapore well, very well ! No need to parasite on us hospitable, friendly and forgiving Malaysians anymore.

    And of course, there are other options to survive for the Republic of Singapore in the deep recesses of the elites brains but not in the tomes in Kino or Borders ! They will have to discover these the hard way. No free lunch for the elites of Singapore !

    Malaysia Boleh Tun !

  29. The current usa president mr trump is the hardcore supporter of pure capitalism, and he does not believe in welfare.

    He has less than 2 years to perform, and it is up to the american voters of less than 30 % of the population to give him another term of mandate as president.

    Malaysian ringgit already depegged from us dollar, and the value of myr to us dollar and other major currencies is left floating to let the market to decide the actual value to avoid another financial crisis of 1998.

    Why so much us dollar being found in umno linked residences?

    Are they above the law and can get away even if they are being caught?

    Traitor, treason, money- laundering atau cash is king, i guess none of these umno, pas and pkr are willing to take action kerana takut hilang nasi periuk mereka masing2, itu saja.

    With this kind of menurut perintah secara buta- tuli dengan slogan of perjuangan melayu mahupun islam, what do you expect the outcome to be?

    Sayangi lah malaysia, does it make any differences if they still insist they are not wrong?

    I have been in this blog for years, and from the comments, they have not changed at all.

    To them, every votes count, janji menang.

    Thats sad, and regretful to see all these so-called perjuang agama and bangsa just to get elected and become rich overnight.

  30. Tun

    As we slowly recovered from the long week-end of festivities, 2 significant headlines appeared yesterday.

    1. Dr M.’ The Government may have to sell some assets.’

    The biggest bugbear of an asset are the GLCs which dominate 40% of the market capitalization of the Bursa which by right at least 30% should be Bumiputra privately owned. We do want Malay billionaires but NOT MALAY CIVIL SERVANTS BILLIONAIRES.

    The Government has no place in a democracy to engage itself in doing business to make money for the Rakyat. Let the Rakyat do this for themselves in keeping with our non-Communist society.

    Look at the Corruption and Nepotism in the GLCs in the authoritarian States like Singapore, Russia and China, and Malaysia itself.

    Anyone who had the POWER just stole the GLCs money. With thick-skinned faces, they deny this dastardly act ! Imagine a whole generation of elite and qualified Malays of the 3rd Generation wiped out by Greed, Weakness of the Flesh and the Soft Under-belly in less than a decade. Exactly what happened to the First and Second Generations. The only way is to let the business of making money rests with the Private Sector.

    It was out of this World, when the corrupt BN Government invested RM 80 Million in an Israeli bra, undies, lingerie retailer to make the future comfortable for 500,000,000 Indian ladies. And lost it all promptly.

    Then, the stupid RM 2 Billion investment in UBS just to carry Lee Kuan Yew’s legs. And lost it all too.

    Then, the person responsible claimed these LOSSES are recoverable.


    There should be many takers for the GLCs given that our beloved Malaysia is now one of 4 most important small countries of the World being Britain, Switzerland, Japan, Malaysia.

    No one can deny that the New and Incorruptible Government is not fair if the following are eligible to take-over these GLCs :-

    1. Offer to the incumbenr Management before Open Tender.
    2. Offer to the former owners if they did not break the law before Open Tender.
    3. Offer to new Bumiputra investors and their partners by Open Tender.
    4. Offer by Open Tender certain GLCs which do not impinge on the Government’s Policy.
    5. The Government forms a Special Unit to monitor these ex-GLCs like Bank Negara Malaysia’s roaming inspection unit, in the Ministry of Economy.

    With the affirmation that our beloved Malaysia now reverts back to a 100% Democracy, Western or Eastern from an authoritarian fiefdom, a thousand bunga raya will bloom in response to the announcement of this Policy.

    And the second significant headline :-

    2. The Singapore Business Times. ‘ GDP still vital tool but new tools needed to take Singapore pulse.’ – (The other vital tool is Singapore’s indigenous unemployment, Stupid.’)

    This headline underlines the fact it is a repudiation of Lee Kuan Yew’s stubborn belief in Western economic dogmas and textbooks without using his brain to think out options unlike the hall-mark of your brilliance, Tun. It was the good medical training that counted – the difference between Heaven and Earth or the Creation of Money without Money unlike the thieving CASH IS KING !

    With this admission of the failure of using the GDP as a tool to gauge the success of Singapore since its beginning, the whole of Singapore’s economic success from the 3rd World to the 1st World was based on a FAKE PREMISE. How ?

    From 1959 to 1989 when Singapore with a tiny population of 2 Million, an incorruptible Government and a huge revenue from her cruel under-counter trades of hard and soft arms, money laundering, smuggling, toadying up to dictators, sanctions breaking Myanmar, China and North Korea, R & R, US Aid. US military bunkering and logistics, free Vietnam war debris etc, it was a cinch to apply the GDP to this huge WEALTH. It was fine as long as the going was good. But suddenly the music stopped without Lee Kuan Yew noticing after the end of the Cold War with Uncle Sam’s hegemonic spiel which eventually back fired on him, ‘ Globalization, Free Trade, Human Rights’ – all of which were anathema to Lee Kuan Yew.

    His Miracle disappeared overnight when the big boys, the BRICS moved onto to his exclusive Cold War turf. Who would want to buy AK47s from a middleman when they could buy direct with discount and credit from the factories in BRICS ?

    Yet, Lee Kuan Yew throughout the 1990s turned himself into the Oracle of the East with contradictory quotations with flattery from the Western media. He kept going on and on until the Singaporean economy suddenly collapsed in 2002.

    His narcissism kept him going because he thought he could boost the GDP by the importation of FTs from India. This was one of his MONUMENTAL MISTAKES.

    In his irrelevant exuberance, he forgot i) Singapore is very small. The GDP applies to medium-sized countries where it is a useful tool. He forgot ii) the GDP misled him because Singapore’s huge revenues from the Cold War were easy to measure. When these revenues collapsed from the 1990s onwards, the GDP did not help at all but encouraged him to import more and more FTs into a TINY COUNTRY to boost the GDP until this is near breaking point in terms of everything. (This is why Merckel permits immigrants into Germany). Conversely, the same analogy applies to China too because of its huge size.

    As for Malaysia, we should take unemployment as our guide which should be more important than the GDP. We look after our own kind.

    Further, another repudiation of Lee Kuan Yew’s Public Policies was in 2014 when 2 Ministers announced that in future, applicants for jobs and promotions would be considered not only on their academic excellence but also on their other talents.


    In the last 10 years, at least 10 State scholars were involved in sexual harassments. One naked female Cantabridgian with her equally naked Caucasian boy friend ran around Holland Village one Saturday night. Her excuse was that she was bored with her job in Singapore !

    The crows of Singapore, ex India, are coming home to roost. With a diminishing revenue and the impending rise of the SST in 2022 and many other intangible factors to come, Singapore is now on a downward slope due to the elites insouciance of the past by not reading the tea leaves correctly and not considering all the options with their brains in Lee Kuan Yew’s presence..

    In our beloved Malaysia, ONE NORMAL, NATURAL AND BRILLIANT PERSON BEATS ALL. And he never claimed to be an academic genius from Cambridge !

    This is a fast changing World, Tun. It seems the Republic of Singapore makes a perfect fit as a partner in confederation with Scotland to establish the very FIRST TELE-PARLIAMENT IN THE WORLD ! Why not Tun ? No problems with the demographics.

    Malaysia Boleh Tun !


    Eventhough they are mynmmar citizens and are officially employed by reuters, but the myanmmar ruling government of the day has the absolute power to decide when to use the state law on their citizens to avoid rusuhan antara kaum of bloodshed, dont you agree?

    Reuters know the risks, and yet they cover just to sell a piece of news, and if rusuhan that caused bloodshed, obviously the myanmmar ruling government is being blamed, but not reuters, dont you agree?

    I dont have to go far, even the myanmmar foreign workers do not like bangladesh workers here, why?

    Because of poverty, and not educated.

    Even the younger generation of indian race of myanmmar still chew sireh, and not chewing gums.

    Dont they know sireh can caused mouth and tongue cancer?

  32. The act of terlalu obsess with maaf zatin among themselves is meaningless when they think tanah melayu belong to them, but not kaum bukan muslim mahu pun dan lain2, dont you think so?

    When things turned out messy, and even when they are being caught, the mode of operation is damage control, and semua adalah salah orang bukan islam.

    Yup, the chosen ones could be rich overnight, but that does mean they can do what they see fit to stay relevance and get away, dont you think so?


    Because general election must be called in every 5 years via political parties to get the mandate from the voters to elect the perdana menteri.

    Kami ke, atau kita ke, does it makes any differences?


    The protector of islam in terengganu exco had decided to implement canning of lesbian couple being caught for indecent act in public area, dont you think these so called guardians of islam is so out of touch and confused with syariah law mahupun common law after putrajaya was born in 2001?

    Putrajaya, officially the Federal Territory of Putrajaya (Malay: Wilayah Persekutuan Putrajaya), is a planned city and the federal administrative centre of Malaysia. The seat of government was shifted in 1999 from Kuala Lumpur to Putrajaya because of overcrowding and congestion in the former. Kuala Lumpur remains Malaysia’s national capital and is the seat of the King, the Parliament, and all the foreign embassies, and the country’s commercial and financial centre. Putrajaya was the idea of Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad. It became Malaysia’s third Federal Territory, after Kuala Lumpur and Labuan, in 2001.

    Frankly speaking, this pas takiyuddin spoke man bising apa with white paper?

    He means pas terengganu can do what they want, dap penang cannot do what they want?

    Bamboo river and the jail is located at kuala selangor which is under petaling district.

    If sending the officially ex-elected perdana menteri to jail, then, all the malay muslim vvips, malay muslim top official and all staffs in putrajaya since 2001 are guilty of stealing from non muslim, dont you agree?

  34. Assamualaikum Ayahanda Tun,

    PM buat2 terkejut keputusan kes rasuah Guan Eng

    1. Kami rakyat yang mengundi PH bersyukur kerana HARAPAN yang menggunung dapat didaki akhirnya dan inilah ciri2 kerajaan bersih, cekap, amanah yang kami dambarkan selama ini apabila berjaya membebaskan orang2 yang dianiaya rejim Najib antaranya LGE, DSSA, Rafizi dll.

    2. Dangkal sungguh otak manusia yang menyamakan AG sekarang dengan Si Apandi tu.. ialah macam kata ayahanda Tun dahulu kertas siasatan 1MDB sama tinggi dengan dia pun cakap tak ada kes.

    3. Agaknya cik bijak pandai ni mesti tak dapat agak dakwaan ini semua bermotif politik sebab Najib tu kan orang baik2.

    4. Tak payahlah nak bermaaf-maaf sangat.. Ada kami kisah awak hilang keyakinan terhadap kerajaan PH asal jangan hilang akal sudah.. tak ada konon2 ini prinsip undang2 yang adil dan saksama bukan digunakan untuk tujuan mengalih perhatian kes Najib masa PM dulu.

    5. Kesian awak dan geng Najib @ UMNO jer yang rasa macam tu hari-hari mau.. kami semua rasa lega dapat keluar dari mulut harimau bau busuk tu dan sekarang dalam proses nak mengawetkan harimau tu dan simpan dalam kandang Sg Buloh.

    6. Ceh ceh ceh kempenlah dari sekarang tak payah nak tunggu PRU 15 bagai.. Ada masa turunlah berkempen dalam dua lagi PRK di Selangor dan gunalah isu ‘Korupsi dan salah guna kuasa mesti ditentang habis-habisan tidak kira besar atau kecil nilai suapan @ rasuah’ Kalau boleh bawak sekali Ajib Gor awak tu pasti boleh beri isyarat pada pengundi untuk Protes kerajaan PH.

    7. Loyalah asyik meminta maaf dengan ayahanda Tun yang buat2 terkejut dengan sindiran sinis tu.. ini kes message tak sampai.. Oh tak tahu ke PM ke 7 junjung undang2 Negara untuk rakyat negara China bukan untuk rakyat Malaysia!

    Sekian sahaja buat kali ini tunggu round ke 2.. hihihi

  35. Assalamualaikum Tun.

    Terima kasih saya ucapkan pada Tun kerana berusaha bersungguh sungguh untuk memartabatkan serta melaksanakan cara hidup Islam dari peringkat tadika lagi.

    Usah kita terpengaruh dan was was dalam melaksanakan pembelajaran dan cara hidup Islam hanya kerana kerosakan pemikiran berkenaan Islam yang telah dibawa sekian lama oleh PAS.

    Jiwa serta roh hanyalah pinjaman kepada manusia. Semoga makanan kerohanian yang kita sediakan ini dapat mengenyangkan bagi sesiapa yang kelaparan.

    Terima kasih Tun.

  36. Assalamualaikum Tun.

    Tahniah saya ucapkan pada mahkamah syariah Terengganu kerana telah menjalankan hukuman sebat pada pasangan sejenis.

    Saya harapkan mahkamah syariah di negeri negeri lain juga patut turut ikut jejak yang sama.

    Terima kasih Tun.

  37. Salam YAB dan DiSanjungi PM Tun Dr. Mahathir,

    PM pun terkejut keputusan kes rasuah Guan Eng

    1. Rakyat yang mengundi PH dengan HARAPAN menggunung untuk dapat Kerajaan yang amanah dan bersih lagilah teramat terkejut.

    2. AG baru sama saja sahaja dengan AG yang dulu, cuma berada di pihak berlainan. Kononnya berintegriti.

    3. Namun saya tidak terkejut sebab sudah dapat agak akan keputusan ini, terutamanya apabila Tommy Thomas dilantik jadi AG.

    4. Maaf cakap, saya sudah mula hilang keyakinan terhadap Kerajaan PH yang kononnya berpegang kepada prinsip menjunjung undang2 (“the rule of law”).

    5. Nampaknya, “keluar dari mulut harimau, masuk pula ke mulut naga”. Ingatkan kita sudah dimerdekakan dari rejim terdahulu yang korup. Hampeh rupa-rupanya cakap2 (PH) kononnya menentang korupsi.

    6. Korupsi dan salah guna kuasa mesti ditentang habis-habisan tidak kira besar atau kecil nilai suapan @ rasuah. Jika PH pun sama macam rejim terdahulu, eloklah ditukar juga pada PRU15 nanti.

    7. Maaf Tun kerana saya berasa teramat kecewa dengan perkembangan terbaru ini. Inikah yang Tun dan kawan2 Tun maksudkan dengan keadilan serta menjunjung undang2 Negara? Untuk siapa?

    Terima kasih Tun.

    – Semoga Allah SWT sentiasa merahmati Tun sekeluarga –

  38. Assalamualaikum Ayahanda Tun,

    Sahlah sudah apa yang terjadi terhadap LGE adalah kerja-kerja tangan ghaib dari rejim terdahulu.

    Samalah apa yang cuba direncanakan terhadap Shafie Afdal oleh rejim terdahulu.

    Biarlah DAP sepuluh kali dari UMNO yang telah rosak dari atas sampai ke bawah.

    Jika dalam UMNO dahulu macai dan pecacai pun boleh jadi lebih kaya dari Ketua Menteri DAP dan Menteri Besar PAS.

    Geli hati bila ada yang menyindir kesucian kerajaan PH bila mana dah terbiasa dengan kekotoran hakiki dari atas ke bawah kerajaan BN.

    Tak perlu rasis jika bangsa sendiri pun merompak terang-terangan di siang hari bila diberi amanah dari anak bangsa.

    Kita seharusnya sudah boleh berfikir secara matang dan rasional apatah lagi yang berkelulusan tinggi dan tidak buat perbandingan ala-ala ‘apple to apple’.


    p/s : Bersyukur bila Menteri Kewangan dapat membongkar banyak perkara yang tidak terfikir kita dan berusaha memulihkan kewangan negara dengan seribu ketelusan.


    She can raised any questions that she likes, but one thing is for sure, when the public trust is betrayed, it might not be able to gain back the public trust.

    Boleh means boleh.

    Tak boleh means tak boleh.

    Even when dsai become the next perdana menteri in 2 years time, he too would face a lot of challenges from his peer opponents of ketuanan melayu mahupun ketuanan islam.

    The question is still the same is kenapa beliau boleh, kenapa aku tak boleh?

  40. It looks more like another cycle of tit for tat.

    Even when they are aquitted, the yang dipetua negeri tetap melayu dan islam di pulau pinang.

    The sound bites of man proposes, god disposes means nothing
    since policians come and go as they could be rigged.

    Therefore, do not be to serious in game of numbers.

    But one thing is for sure, penang can never replace kuala lumpur in the hearts of malaysians.

    Merdeka 3 kali, atau merdeka 7x, it makes no differences.

    Funny, or not, its up to the insiders to call the shots.

  41. Tun

    I do not understand why the anti-Government media played up the non-issue of the Forest City development on matters which are well-known to all and sundry for umpteen years. It could only be economic sabotage.

    Malaysia had rules and regulations governing the purchase of land and properties by foreigners in place. I have always considered these conditions too easy for foreigners to comply to these conditions to purchase or to be a Permanent Resident. The cost is far too cheap for any foreigner to obtain a Malaysian Permanent Residency.

    The fee for the PR should now be raised to at least US 1 Million as times have changed and Malaysia is now one of the 4 most important small countries of the World and the cheapest to live in.

    Of the US 1 Million, US$ 500,000 to be deposited in Bank Negara Malaysia at bank rate, US$ 400,000 to purchase a condo and the balance US$ 100,000 for a car assembled in Malaysia.

    Singapore demanded S$ 1.3 Million for a PR over 10 years ago.

    I have not come across a country which does not have strict restrictions to prevent foreigners to have easy access to their lands and properties.

    In Singapore, no foreigner can buy a landed property without the Government’s permission. In Switzerland, foreigners are restricted to certain areas to purchase new wooden chalets or flats only. This narrows down the difficulty of selling later. In Australia, this is the country like New Zealand, changes rules and regulations as regards business and property investments for foreigners at a whim. Trump’s America has gone xenophobic on foreigners especially the Chinese. Britain and the EU have restrictions on the purchase of property by foreigners too. Except for Singapore, none of these countries throw in a PR permit for any purchase.

    The Forest City dilemma was caused by the lack of transparency or opaqueness of the standing rules and regulations of Malaysia which may have arisen through the eagerness of the owners to sell because of the huge size of the development for 700,000 souls.

    As I always said to foreign investors and this applies to before 9 May 2018 only, ‘Unlike Singapore, Hong Kong, Taiwan, China, South Korea, Japan which only have one door, Malaysia has 10 doors. And behind every door there is a friendly Malaysian when you open a door. If you ask him,’ Any problem ?’ He would reply, ‘ No problem.’ That’s when the problem begins.

    And also before 9 May 2018, it was alleged a Hong Kong Tan Sri could get what he wanted in Kuala Lumpur by just asking directly, ‘ How much do you want ?’

    Property anywhere in the World is a sensitive political issue especially in Malaysia with the Governments of the Tunku, the Great Statesmen Tun Abdul Razak, Tun Hussein Onn and Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad always taking the lead to be the referee.

    Our laws, rules and regulations were formulated when the World was a different place and no one had heard of China being a big investor until in recent years. It is important we consider the basics in the history of Malaysia in the eyes of the World which consider us as a bland and unexciting country unlike Thailand, Bali etc. not too long ago.

    Suddenly this smart from China saw the huge opportunity which the whole World did not see. He plunged into Forest City with his OWN BELIEF THAT HE COULD MAKE A BIG PROFIT BY HIS TYPE OF MARKETING IN CHINA.

    He was unaware of the Politics and Socio-economics of present day Malaysia with the ’10 doors Analogy.’ He was involved in a deep conundrum of Malaysia parochial politics before he could say, “Forest City.’ whipped up by the badly bruised BN crowd after the 9 May 2018 GE. Mr Forest City should have known better. There is an ancient saying, The Big Tree catches the Wind.’

    I fully support Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad on his comments on Forest City. What he said was well-known to all and sundry for decades. But due to GREED, WEAKNESS OF THE FLESH AND THE SOFT UNDER-BELLY, all the basics of the wherewithal of a Nation like SOVREIGNTY, NATIONAL INTEREST AND DIGNITY were thrown away by those who were elected by the Rakyat with trust.

    During 2004 to 2018, there have been countless cases of criminal breach of trust at the highest levels. Forest City looks small in comparison as a controversy.

    Every nation avoids the creation of ghettoes, absentee landlords, wheeling and dealing of its properties by foreigners, inflation of its lands etc. Therefore, the Forest City affair was only asking for trouble from day one. No more. No less. It made more enemies in Malaysia than friends.

    For starters, Singapore does not like it to encroach into her environment. The mass of over 1 Million inhabitants discharging their waste into the shores of Singapore is UNFEELING AND UNCARING. George Town Pulau Pinang has this horrendous problem to this very day from 200 years ago !

    Our beloved Malaysia should take the NORMAL and COMMONSENSE view of this Forest City controversy like any other country in the World. No more. No less. This is the easy part. The difficult part rests with the owners and purchasers. CAVEAT EMPTOR !

    This proves beyond any doubt, that your comments were non-controversial and correct in every sense of the words or TWO WRONGS DO NOT MAKE A RIGHT !

    Malaysia Boleh Tun !

  42. Assalamualaikum Ayahanda Tun,

    Terharu sungguh bilamana malam tadi Emak kami berpesan selain doakan kesihatan Mak jangan lupa doakan sama Tun M diberikan kesihatan yang baik dan panjangkan umur.

    Bayangkan Mak kami yang berusia 80 tahun pun tahu ayahanda Tun telah beberapa kali menyelamatkan negara dan penuh percaya bahawa segala kesulitan kali ini akan dapat dirungkaikan oleh PM yang ke 7 ini.

    Suka dengan analogi Rafidah Aziz semasa kempen PRU 14 yang menyatakan negara kita ini ibarat sebuah rumah besar dan kerajaan yang memerintah adalah ibarat kontraktor yang diamanahkan mengawal selia, menyelanggara dan menjaga rumah tersebut.

    Alhamdullilah tanggal 9/5/18 rakyat Malaysia yang diibaratkan penghuni dan pemilik rumah tersebut telah menamatkan kontrak BN dan kontraktor baharu dari PH diketuai Chief Kontraktor berpengalaman Dr M telah diberi amanah memperbaiki rumah yang telah tidak dijaga dengan baik dan hampir roboh ini.

    Sayugia diingatkan bahawa kecekapan kontraktor baharu ini telah berjaya mengesan terlalu banyak kerosakan terutamanya dibahagian ‘foundation’ rumah dan terdapat banyak anai2 yang tersembunyi di sini sana yang keluar tidak disangka-sangka bila disembur racun serangga.

    Kita harus rasa bersyukur dengan kemahiran tinggi pasukan kontraktor PH ini dan langkah-langkah selanjutnya akan dijalankan dengan penuh hemah serta teliti umpamanya isu ada orang luar yang cuba hendak renovate rumah serta hendak jadi penghuni tetap telah dikenalpasti sebelum penawaran kontrak lagi dan kini pasti ditolak kontraktor baharu kerana PH yang diberi kontrak ada pulak sub-kontraktor dari kontraktor lama hendak menyibuk!

    Seperkara lagi kita rasa rimas bila ada pihak dalaman kontraktor baharu ini kelihatan begitu gelojoh (memang trend dia pun) hendak ambil tempat Chief Contractor (CC) bila lihat CC cemerlang buat kerja gigih segigihnya hingga member ni rasa gugat tergugatnya.


    p/s : CC kontraktor lama pula kita bagilah dia berehat panjang dan bersihkan diri dalam Hotel Sg Buloh sebab dia dah puas dan penat buat kerja2 kotor selama 9 tahun.

  43. Salam YAB dan DiSanjungi PM Tun Dr. Mahathir,

    Guan Eng, businesswoman acquitted over sale of Penang home

    I was right… Dah agak dah…

    Yeah sure, based on the “rule of law” YB Lim Guan Eng has to be acquitted.

    He cannot be guilty of corruption or abuse of power because he is in PH.

    A leader in PH is so PURE, HONEST AND CLEAN (‘suci bersih’), unlike those in BN / UMNO.

    Yeah, the corruption and abuse of power charges cannot be true. Slander!

    Tak gitu Tun?



    Thanks Tun.

    – Semoga Allah SWT sentiasa merahmati Tun sekeluarga –

  44. Good morning YAB

    Antara yang I baca online Azmin akhirnya menyerang Rafizi

    Well, Rafizi ini semakin merepek. Ada orang kata kalau Rafizi bersuara itu sebenarnya adalah suara Anwar dan Wan Azizah. In short dia sendiri tak ada suara. Of course I tak tau betul ke tak. Kalau tengok kempen PKR sekarang dah macam kempen nak jatuhkan Khalid satu ketika dulu. Kalau Anwar tak masuk penjara, Anwarlah jadi MB Selangor. It goes on and on. Not funny!

    I personally think sikap Anwar kuat cemburu. Khalid doing ok dia cemburu. Mahathir doing ok dia cemburu. Tak sabar2 nak lanyak mreka2 yang buat dia cemburu. Not funny!

    Rata2 I dengar orang banyak kata Azmin yang layak jadi PM. Dia lebih berwibawa. Then again, since Anwar asyik duduk dalam, Azmin aje yang buat kerja, so no surprise la kalau soal parti dan amnya dia lebih bijak buat kerja dari rakan seperjuangan yang datang kemudian darinya. Thanks to BN.

    Berbalik pada UMNO, ini apa hal Najib masih ahli. Not only that dia act macam taiko. Boring!

    Mot of us dulu pilih PH because UMNO tak nak buang Najib, terpaksalah kami2 ini pergi booth, voted against BN, tapi sekarang muka2 lama masih tebal duduk situ macam no hal pun. Not funny!

    What a disgusting outcome.

    That’s all for now!

  45. Assalamualaikum Ayahanda Tun,
    Beliau Perdana Menteri yang ke 7..
    Tarikh lahir beliau dikecilkan 7..
    Dilahirkan pada bulan 7..
    Isteri juga dilahirkan pada bulan 7..
    Tarikh Kemerdekaan dikecilkan 7..
    Tarikh PRU 14 dikecilkan 7..
    Merdeka kali ke 61 dikecilkan 7..
    p/s : Dalam dunia Islam angka 7 pun banyak membawa erti – Surah Al-Fatihah bilangan ayatnya ada 7, tawaf dan saie dilakukan 7 kali, ada 7 petala langit dan 7 petala bumi.. Wallahualam.

  46. Assalamualaikum Ayahanda Tun,
    Beliau Perdana Menteri yang ke 7..
    Tarikh lahir beliau dikecilkan 7..
    Tarikh Kemerdekaan dikecilkan 7..
    Tarikh PRU 14 dikecilkan 7..
    Merdeka kali ke 61 dikecilkan 7..
    p/s : Dalam dunia Islam angka 7 pun banyak membawa erti – Surah Al-Fatihah bilangan ayatnya ada 7, tawaf dan saie dilakukan 7 kali, ada 7 petala langit dan 7 petala bumi.. Wallahualam.

  47. Assalamualaikum Tun,

    Saya ingin memberi komen berkenaan isu “Forest City”. Sebelum ini, sempena hari Kemerdekaan negara kita, saya ingin bercerita sedikit tentang sejarah negara kita.

    Sebelum wujudnya Malaysia, wujudnya Malaya dan sebelum itu, Persekutuan Tanah Melayu. Pada ketika itu, rakyat Persekutuan Tanah Melayu adalah orang Melayu. Pada sekitar tahun 1800an, ekonomi negara adalah berteraskan perlombongan bijih timah dan perladangan getah. Orang melayu ketika itu, tidak berminat menceburi kedua-dua bidang ini. Maka pemerintah negara ketika itu, British, telah membawa buruh kasar dari India dan China.

    Walaupun ada orang Cina dan India di Persekutuan Tanah Melayu sebelum dasar British ini, tetapi dasar British inilah yang mencetuskan “mass migration” sehingga beratus-ratus ribu orang cina dan india berpindah ke Persekutuan Tanah Melayu.

    Orang India akan melibatkan diri dalam bidang perladangan. Manakala orang Cina pula dalam bidang perlombongan bijih timah. Walaupun mereka berkerja di Malaya, tetapi kesetiaan mereka adalah pada negara asal mereka, iaitu India dan China. Tidak ada niat sedikit pun untuk mereka menjadi rakyat Malaya.

    Demikianlah orang Cina dan India ketika itu, bertahun-tahun lamanya tinggal di negara ini, bercucu-cicit dari satu generasi ke generasi seterusnya.

    Fast forward ke tahun 1957, iaitu tahun kemerdekaan negara kita. Orang Cina dan India yang asalnya hanya mahu bekerja di Persekutuan Tanah Melayu, tetapi setelah beratus tahun menetap di sini, keturunan orang cina dan india ini pula mahukan kerakyatan. Pada asalnya hanya mahu bekerja di negara ini sebagai buruh, tetapi keturunan mereka pula mahu menjadi rakyat Malaya. British pula telah menetapkan syarat, untuk mencapai kemerdekaan, orang cina dan india juga perlu menjadi rakyat Malaya.

    Orang Melayu, dengan sifat bertolak ansurnya, menerima syarat tersebut, untuk menerima orang-orang cina dan india sebagai rakyat negara baru Malaya, dan seterusnya Malaysia, dengan syarat hak-hak istimewa orang Melayu dipertahankan dan dikekalkan, yang lebih dikenali sebagai kontrak sosial.

    Tetapi mengapa saya cerita ini sempena Kemerdekaan negara kita? Sebab orang putih berkata, “Sesiapa yang tidak belajar dari sejarah, akan disumpah untuk mengulangi kesilapan sejaraj tersebut”.

    Forest City akan membawa masuk sebanyak 700,000 orang warga asing dari pelbagai negara ke Malaysia.Kebetulan kebanyakan pembeli Forest City adalah warga negara China. 700,000 orang ini, lebih kurang 10 kali ganda penduduk Shah Alam. Mereka diberi tanah strata “freehold” atau hak milik kekal. Ini bermakna, tanah strata ini menjadi milik mereka untuk selama-lamanya selama mana mereka tidak jual.

    Benar, kita hanya beri visa kepada mereka, bukanya bagi kerakyatan. Tetapi kalau 100 tahun atau lebih dari sekarang, setelah tinggal di Malaysia dari satu generasi ke generasi berikutnya, takkanlah masih nak hanya menggunakan visa sahaja? Keturunan mereka telah menetap beratus-ratus tahun di sini, tidakkah mereka akan cakap kami juga berhak jadi rakyat Malaysia?

    Kita tidak belajar dari kisah dahulu, kita dengan mudah memberi warganegara asing tinggal di sini sehingga beratus ribu ramainya. Kerana apa? Kerana keuntungan, kerana cash is king.

    Takpelah, kalau keturunan mereka mahukan hak kerakyatan, seperti yang pernah berlaku pada masa kemerdekaan dahulu, itu masalah generasi akan datang, betul tak? Biar tanah tergadai, janji kaya.

    Pada ketika itu, generasi mendatang akan berkata, siapalah yang telah membenarkan warga asing in masuk? Pasti mereka mengutuk generasi sekarang kerana kebodohan mereka yang tidak belajar dari kisah dahulu.

    Mungkin ada yang berkata ini hanyalah spekulasi dan ramalan yang belum tentu berlaku, tetapi negara kita pernah alami situasi begini dahulu. Negara lain begitu pertahankan negara mereka, walau seinchi pun mereka takkan beri kepada orang asing. Kita?

  48. Lu suka atau tarak suka gua takda masalah since i am just only a voter, faridina.

    Jika angka diubahsuai mengikut citaramu, then, be prepared to face those who have different digits, betul tak?

    Aiyoyo, mubarakchan, fake or geniune lee kuan yew’ s policy, i am least worry.


    Gua bo lui, bo power, bo political connections, bo rich & powerful papa mama, then, lebih baik i work, live and enjoy life, betul tak?

    Yesterday, they were enemies.

    Today, they become friends.

    It looks more like changing hands at the highest level just like what they did in the past.

    Ask yourself, are you comfortable in paying taxes to the ruling government that bites your fingers later?

    Menurut perintah atau makan haram, itu terpulang kepada ketuanan melayu mahupun ketuanan islam versi mereka.

    If pakatan harapan really believes in malaysian malaysia, the malay wannabes should tanggal baju tradisi iaitu baju melayu to show the voters that they fight for new malaysia to generate income via new taxing system for the country accorrding to parliamentary democracy, tanpa pilih kasih, berani ke?

    Bak kata, when the old ones do not go off, the new ones can never come.

  49. Salam YAB dan DiSanjungi PM Tun Dr. Mahathir,

    1. Kita sudah merdeka selama lebih dari 61 tahun. Merdekakah minda dan pemikiran kesemua rakyat Malaysia?

    2. Golongan yang taasub (taksub) membuta tuli minda mereka terperangkap dalam ketaasuban mereka terhadap orang atau apa saja yang mereka puja.

    3. Saya berasa hairan bagaimana ada orang yang mengaku cerdik pandai boleh dipengaruhi minda mereka oleh pemimpin2 seperti DSAI dan DSN.

    4. Yang kelakarnya, kedua-dua golongan ini menuduh satu sama lain sebagai bodoh @ tidak cerdik kerana setia (menyokong) secara membuta tuli kepada idola mereka. Yang betulnya, kedua-dua golongan pun dalam kategori tidak cerdik, tetapi sedarkah mereka?

    5. Cukup2 lah memuja orang yang sudah ternyata korup samada dari segi perilaku/ moral / akhlak.

    6. Katanya, akan ada PRK sebelum Oktober 2018. Sepatutnya Kerajaan PH yang mengaku bersih, tidak korup, dan tidak menyalahguna kuasa tidak akan membenarkan mana2 ahli Parlimen atau ADUN meletak jawatan sewenang-wenangnya tanpa sebab kukuh. Jika ianya melibatkan faktor kesihatan barulah dibenarkan meletak jawatan.

    7. Saya cabar Kerajaan PH untuk menggubal undang2 pilihanraya yang tidak membenarkan mana2 MP / ADUN untuk meletak jawatan semata-mata kerana mahu memberi laluan kepada orang lain untuk menjadi MP / ADUN. Tolonglah jangan MEMBAZIR wang dan masa rakyat dengan perkara bodoh seperti ini (beri laluan kepada si Polan untuk jadi PM).

    8. Pada pandangan saya, golongan (penyokong2 tegar) yang masih lagi setia dengan si Polan yang meroyan untuk jadi PM (walaupun sudah didapati bersalah dan dipenjara di atas kesalahan2 jenayah) ialah golongan yang minda mereka masih TIDAK MERDEKA. Sia-sialah sajalah laungan ‘MERDEKA, MERDEKA, MERDEKA…” kerana ternyata mereka masih belum merdeka dari segi pemikiran. Kasihan…

    Terima kasih Tun.

    – Semoga Allah SWT sentiasa merahmati Tun sekeluarga –

  50. Assalamualaikum Ayahanda Tun,

    Anakanda mohon izin serta laluan untuk berbicara dengan taukeh HBT 456.
    Lu jangan sakit hati sama gua sebab lu punya itu nombor 4+5+6 = 15 = 6 tak lak ‘NGAM’ sama itu 7, itu pasat lu cakap “nombor itu hanya angka saja”.
    Gua tak lak ‘renovate’ (ubahsuai) itu angka ma..
    Gua tak lak syiok sendiri tapi gua syiok lamai-lamai sama kawan-kawan sini blog..
    Gua kalau boleh mahu jadi kanak-kanak semula (being childish) tapi itu nombor bukan angka saja sebab gua sudah tua tak nampak kanak-kanak ma..
    Lain2 itu aimless ke, directionless ke, hopeless ke.. berapa banyak less da.. gua talak understand less!!
    Gua harap lu boleh kautim sama gua ya kawan sebab gua mahu ‘renovate’ itu lu punya nama HBT 456 jadi HBT 4444 baru dapat total 16 = 7.
    Happy Baru Tahun merdeka my friend HBT.

  51. Another celebration of Merdeka. After 61 years, the country has moved on with many billionaires, rich middle class and the neglected lower income groups. We get another chance to do it better this time. The fundamentals must be right and we cannot do the same thing and expect different results by singing a different tune.Substance is more important than form.

  52. Tun

    It is refreshing when someone has views different from ours on Sovereignty, National Interest and Dignity. But when someone like HBT456 who only ATTACKS A MALAYSIAN CHINESE AND DARE NOT ATTACKS THE OTHER COMMENTATORS, THEN THIS DIGIT IS A CHINESE-LOOKING COWARD FOR HIDING BEHIND A PSEUDONYM.

    Since this digit seems to have a great love for his HERO LEE KUAN YEW, here is the bare facts about his hero.

    1. Lee Kuan Yew first entered LSE in 1946 which did not fit his ego. He inveigled himself into the bottom-most non-college (meaning a loop-hole for those from the English upper-class but did not qualify to enter a proper College with medieval origins) He did not take the Open Entrance Examination. He did not have Latin or Greek. He was over-aged 23 years which the Cambridge University DO NOT CONSIDER.He cheated to enter Cambridge University. He gained his Double First in Law in a small class of war weary veterans after he had tuition in Law for 3 1/2 years from the unemployed British trained Lawyers in Japanese Occupied Singapore whilst his contemporaries were shell-shocked as soldiers in a terrible war of attrition. This is the fact. A normal law class has a complement of 250. His was probably 50. At the important professional Bar Finals London examinations he was placed last. His wife was placed 3rd out of 200. Later, my wife was placed 7 out of 700. Take not HBT456, the cowardly digit who only attacks Malalysian Chinese.

    FROM THIS POINT ONWARDS ALL OF LEE KUAN YEW’S MAJOR POLICIES FOR SINGAPORE WERE DOWNWARDS TO ROCK BOTTOM. Even the National Day Parade looked funny in a one horse and one street town because he screwed down the indigenous population with his 2 Child Family of 1972 to only 900,000 male Chinese aged 21-50 today. Vide. Singapore Government White Paper on Population. 2011.

    2. Here is the factual list of Lee Kuan Yew’s Public Policies which brought Singapore down to its knees today because of its reliance on FTs and the total loss of its former cruel under-counter trade in ARMS and other forbidden trades during the Cold War 1948-1989. WHICH MADE SINGAPORE VERY RICH. THIS WAS LEE KUAN YEW’S MIRACLE, NOT THE GLITTERING BUILDINGS, NOT LEE KUAN YEW.

    This wealth was the OPIUM which distracted Lee Kuan Yew from facing the REAL CHALLENGES WHICH AFFECTED SINGAPORE AFTER THE COLD WAR. She is now left on her own. Like a beggar, Singapore keeps on trying to REVIVE THE MALAYSIA KILLER TPPA/CPTPP, THE VERY LAST STRAW FOR HER FUTURE SURVIVAL and also the China backed Trade Agreement.

    And more facts.

    i) Lee Kuan Yew created the Anti-Cambridge Godless Neo-Communist Political Socio-economic System imposed on the citizens WITHOUT THEIR KNOWLEDGE supported by meritocrats (apparatchiks) and the West DURING THE COLD WAR 1948-1989). Its future is uncertain because the Americans forget easily. The British try not to forget. The French never forget. The Chinese never never never forget. The Malaysians forgive and forget. Hence, our good and famous Tun had some distinguished visitors recently ?

    ii) The GLCs are COMMUNISTIC, no doubt about it. GLC was coined by Lee Kuan Yew after the monopolistic businesses like DBS, SIA, NOL, Sembawang, Keppel etc became profitable in the 1980s. The original Singapore Government Policy was to encourage businessmen to establish industrial undertakings in the Jurong Industrial Park. All these failed. The Singapore Government had to step in to fill in the employment void by the early 1970s. When Communism imploded in the 1980s, Russia and China adopted the GLCs of Lee Kuan Yew. Later, they found CORRUPTION AND NEPOTISM rampant in the GLCs their vast lands. Only in tiny Singapore and closely monitored by Lee Kuan Yew could the GLCs be controlled. Hence, there were clampdowns on CORRUPTION AND NEPOTISM by Russia and China.

    Only 4 countries in the World today have GLCs, Singapore, Russia, China and MALAYSIA WHICH RULING BN ELITE ADOPTED THE GLCS TO MAKE MONEY FOR THEMSELVES AS IS NOW REVEALED AND PROVEN WITHOUT ANY DOUBT. No Western or Eastern Democracy does business to make money for the people because of CORRUPTION AND NEPOTISM AS CRUDELY SHOWN IN MALAYSIA’S EXAMPLE.

    iii) Lee Kuan Yew’s 4 Initiatives to save Singapore as his LEGACY FAILED BIG TIME eg. The ill-conceived Temasek. The 2 casinos. The FT importation to boost the GDP – could not breach 3% for 16 years beginning 2002. The Malaysia Killer TPPA/CPTPP. He forgot the World had changed because of Globalization, Free Trade and Human Rights.

    iv) The fables and foibles of Lee Kuan Yew’s 47 Failed Public Polices are in Archives. September 2010. Malaysia according to Lee Kuan Yew. I am not concerned with the personal affairs of others.

    v) Our beloved Malaysia faced a long list of the cunning, clever and cruel initiatives by Lee Kuan Yew to do down our beloved MalaysIA but we never RETALIATED.



    ix) Jealous of our beloved Malaysia’s success, HBT456 who only looks like a Chinaman. LEE KUAN YEW FAILED BECAUSE HE WAS LIKE YOU HBT456, an empty shell of a Chinaman. He did not know the 36th Step in ancient folk-lore like you. Lee Kuan Yew was a FAKE.

    x) I only present FACTS not lies like you HBT456.

    Malaysia Boleh Tun !

  53. Assalamualaikum Ayahanda Tun,


    Sudah dapat nombor yang dikecilkan untuk tarikh lahir ayahanda Tun pada 10/07/1925?
    1+0+0+7+1+9+2+5 = 25–>2+5 = 7

    Merdeka dari British 31/08/1957;
    3+1+0+8+1+9+5+7 = 34–>3+4 = 7

    Merdeka dari Najib 09/05/2018;
    0+9+0+5+2+0+1+8 = 25–>2+5 = 7

    Merdeka yang ke 61——->6+1 = 7



    p/s : Pesanan untuk Panglima Boogie kalau ada membaca blog keramat ini mesti cuba-cuba nak kecilkan tarikh lahir kan tapi jangan haraplah bro.. awak punya nanti semak dengan tarikh kena ‘check-in’ di Hotel Sg. Buloh ya!


    Lelaki amanah pakai baju melayu when make official political statements in which they are no difference from umno nor pkr with pas support behind the back in peninsula.

    For these so-called perjuang melayu and agama islam in playing the demo card of mamak, dont you think they have not changed at all and still stuck in denials after so much evidences of power abuse being caught by macc and media since 1998 in the name of nasionalism?

    Yup, south china sea has lots of undrill oil, but the surrounding provinces of china and countries might not allow drilling of oil here to protect their fishery industries in the name of sovereign wealth of each countries.

    Yup, climate warming too had caused the melting of thick ice layer that would make oil rich in north pole another source of feasible oil drilling there.

    But, whether they like it or not, fossil fuel would be gradually be replaced in 2 to 3 decades, and the cost of operation in drilling oil would be very expensive due to decline of dependent on fossil fuel in the future, and this is the major consideration that would prevent major oil and gas industry players to bet on this move.

    The total popupation of malaya, borneo and north borneo is less than 30 millions, but the real local and external threats facing this country is we have too many political parties being set up just to win votes, bukan untuk bikin negara mahupun ekonomi.

    Now amanah said sst no good?

    Maverick, flip then flop kerana takut hilang undi?

  55. Nombor itu hanya angka saja.

    Jika angka boleh diubahsuai secara syiok sendiri, dont you think they are being childish, aimless, take things for granted, directionless and hopeless?

    I do not support pakatan harapan’s tabung harapan because deep in my heart i know there is no way for the current, or future ruling political parties to bet on another unilateral’s rescue or bailout plans based on who they know, not what they know.

    They too had no choice but be more opened in attracting fdi via bilateral or multi- lateral trades.

    Is china a threat?

    The greatest enemy is none other than themselves.

    When serious mistakes made, political denials are trademark of boleh land.

    For those who are still stucked in the past, they would be replaced gradually.

    What will happen, it will happen.

    What will not happen, it will not happen.

  56. Lingerie products in which mubarakchan meant were the branded ones in the world class shopping malls, not those in mydin or giant?

    When he keeps making noises of communistic glc makes wonder me wonder on whether he is confused with gandhirism vs communism?

    What to do, this is boleh land, apa2 pun boleh, janji menang, tak gitu?

    I guess he must be still stucked in the 80s and 90s due to hatred, anger or vengence within his political influences kut.

    The more racism and religion cards are being played by them, the weaker they will be.


    Because they really believe they are the full god, or semi god in disposing anything man proposes as if social media is not born yet just because they think malaysia is in them, they are in malaysia?

    To be or not to be, that is not the question.

    Able or not, we will see how far kita semua can go.

    Whether he likes it or not, general election must be called in the next 5 years.

  57. Tun

    My humble apologies. A small typo error to my list of shameful scandals.

    16. A nobody could extract 1,000,000 barrels of oil from the hard as nails Saddam Hussein and ended up at the top of the UN Sanctions list.
    17. The Communistic GLCs, the ATM for those in control of the Rakyats’ assets and money and were not Civil Servants or Shareholders had a gala time feasting on the Wealth of the Rakyat from 2004 to 2018 by proclaiming they looked after the Malays’ interests and made money for them. The truth is they made money for themselves through golf, first class travel and restaurants, foreign schools for their children, palm oil sludge, factories wastes, fancy cars and salaries ranging from RM 5 Million to RM 100 Million a year BEFORE BONUSES. They created FAKE CORPORATE SCHEMES TO ENRICH THEMSELVES LIKE THE SIME DARBY TAKEOVER OF ALL THE GLC PLANTATIONS FOR NO GOOD REASON or THE CIMB TAKEOVER OF BAN HIN LEE BANK. And within 3 years, the consolidated plantations were deconsolidated for the sole benefit of those in control They can do anything they liked with the Rakyats’ assets and money. They became so very rich that they quickly let go before anyone noticed,
    18. But later events have shown the monumental losses incurred by them like the IIH absurd investments in private hospitals in the WORST POSSIBLE MEDICAL CARE INVESTMNETS IN THE WORLD, TURKEY, INDIA AND CHINA. Turkey and India like Argentina face steep devaluation of their currencies which the World knew for years would happen. Yet the Singaporean doctor with a RM 100 Million per year basic salary still plunges into India with a RM 2.4 Billion investment of the Rakyats’ money (not his) to bail out the Indian brothers who took Khazanah for a ride just a few years ago in Singapore. What sort of business acumen is this at a time like this when there is a shortage of liquidity in Malaysia ? Who benefits ? The Indian brothers ? The Rakyat ?
    18. Then, the Khazanah surreptitious investments :-

    (I) RM 80 Million in an Israeli bra, undies and lingerie company to make the future comfortable for 500,000,000 Indian ladies. This was lost in a jiffy.

    (ii) RM 2 Billion in UBS to carry LEE KUAN YEW’S LEGS because Temasek had a substantial interest in UBS. This was lost in a jiffy too.

    All the above bad gigantic investments stink and gives rise to suspicions of foul play.

    Catch the culprits. Charge them in Court.

    Malaysia Boleh Tun !

  58. Assalamualaikum Ayahanda Tun,

    ……….YANG KE 61……….

    Merdeka tahun ini sungguh bererti.

    Tanggal 31/8/1957 negara kita bebas dari belenggu penjajahan Inggeris.

    Tarikh 9/5/2018 negara kita bebas dari belenggu penjajahan Sang Kleptokrat berpendidikan Inggeris.

    Mari kita teliti angka-angka keramat ini untuk mengesahkan kehebatan nombor yang memberi pengertian yang sama.

    31/8/1957 – lihat apa yang terjadi jika semua angka ini dicampurkan dan dikecilkan ;
    3+1+8+1+9+5+7 = 34 -> 3+4 = 7

    Seterusnya lihat tarikh 9/5/2018 ;
    9+5+2+0+1+8 = 25 —-> 2+5 = 7

    Nah kedua-dua tarikh ini dikecilkan menjadi 7 satu kebetulan atau tidak?

    Lebih bermakna erti Merdeka kali yang ke 61 ini bila dikecilkan menjadi;
    6 + 1 = 7 satu, dua, tiga kebetulan?

    Fikir-fikirkanlah apa yang ada disebalik nombor yang telah ditunjukkan Yang Maha Pencipta.

    Memerdekakan rakyat dari kerakusan manusia bernama Najib Razak.

    Salam Merdeka semua.


    p/s : Cuba anda tekan kalkulator tarikh lahir ayahanda Tun pada 10/7/1925 jika dikecilkan menjadi berapa agaknya?
    Nanti bila dapat jawapan berilah tahu..

    Oops tarikh lahir DSAI 10/8/1947 kalau dikecilkan tak akan dapat 7 minta maaf ya..

    Sahlah sudah ayahanda Tun penyelamat rakyat Malaysia!

  59. Tun

    To-day, 1st September, is an infamous day in World History. A date which was exploited by Adolf Hitler by creating a fake border incident between Poland and Germany’s Prussia. With this excuse, he launched a Blitzkreig towards Warsaw.The rest is history which led to our Merdeka on 31 August 1957. Those of us who had gone through the vicissitudes of World War 2 would never treat Life and its values lightly. Fortunately, the Tunku’s generation right down to your generation Tun were steeled by the events which followed AND BECOME REAL LEADERS OF MEN AND WOMEN AND NOT FAKES AS LATTER DAY EVENTS HAVE SHOWN. Our beloved Malaysia should forever be grateful for your Leadership and those of your distinguished predecessors like the Tunku, the Great Statesmen Tun Abdul Razak and Tun Huseein Onn.

    But Life has its ups and downs. And Malaysia was caught in a down period after your retirement of October 2003. Thereafter, the Nation was pulled down in shame by the following events on this list beginning 2004 to 2018 in a country in which thieves of huge amounts of public money have avoided jail.

    1. As soon as you retired, the BN Government rushed off with a aged Cambridge professor in tow to sue for the ownership of Pulau Batu Puteh. Of course, Malaysia lost big time as it was a sandiwara for two or it takes two to tango. To make it hurt more, the Singapore elites published a book to show how stupid the Malaysian Government was. Some one does not understand Sovereignty, National Interest and Dignity.
    2. The 4th Floor Boys held sway until Man proposes. God disposes. A stone felled on the head of its think tank.
    3. The Khazanah was as wide open as The Avenue which led to it for the famished Singaporean boys to pluck at the low hanging fruits. The best were taken without value.53. A nobody could extract 1,000,000 million barrels of oil from hard as nails Saddam Hussein and ended up at the top of the UN Sanctions list.
    4. A burnt-out hard-core PAP cadre was appointed the Chief Editor of the wholly owned UMNO NSTP. He was rewarded a lush Sime Darby Apache contract to make him feel comfortable in the hot and humid Ulus.
    5. A convicted felon from the Omega Securities RM 1.1 Billion cheating scandal was not jailed, paid RM 4 Million fine and laughed all the way to Vancouver to build the RM 1.1 Billion Trump Tower.
    6. A novice was sponsored to drive in the F1 races. He could not make the grade. He gave it up himself without further embarrassment.
    7. Sime Darby sponsored 9 years of ocean racing in New Zealand, the home of its former Finance Director.
    8. Trengannu was not only the origin of the infamous 1MDB but was part of the European minor socialite crowd in sailing fraternity.
    9. A young boy, aged 27, had the influence over the Rakyat’s RM 42 Billion without approval by the Cabinet and the Dewan Rakyat.
    10. RM 113 Million cash, over 500 hand-bags, over 400 watches etc were recorded by the PDRM in the house of a BN official.
    11. RM 19 Billion GST money was alleged to be missing from the Ministry of Finance.
    12. RM 14.5 Billion of LHDN SST refunds missing. It was alleged that this sum was treated as Revenue. If it is as alleged then someone had FIDDLED THE BOOKS OF THE TREASURY LIKE SHOPKEEPER, ALI, AH KOW OR SAMY DOWN THE STREET. A First in the World ?
    13. A small BN minister confirmed to have RM 2.08 Billion. How much a BIG BN MiNISTER GOT ? This is the logical question. Please note his mum was togged up with RM 10,000 worth of LVMH accessories in The Star pic.
    14. Malaysia’s very own beautiful spymaster 004 Cik Bon, the Head of MEOW, licenced to soot to kill with her pearl handle golden Walther PPK was dressed in MACC orange after it was alleged she had sticky fingers with her BOSS’S cash. One wonders whether she planted her spies in the Istana of the President of the Republic of Singapore as butlers and maids ? TO SAVE MONEY ALL SPIES SHOULD BE SACKED, we should not waste time and money poking into the sexual peccadilloes of others like LEE KUAN YEW. Vide Wikileaks.
    15.It was alleged the ATM of the Ministry of Tourism, the Tourism Board (remember the first gent who was sacked in the mid-1980s) concluded a RM 88 Million contract with a Chinese firm in just 8 hours, a World record of sorts concerning a Government Agency.



  60. Assalamualaikum Ayahanda Tun,

    ……….YANG KE 61……….

    Merdeka tahun ini sungguh bererti.

    Tanggal 31/8/1957 negara kita bebas dari belenggu penjajahan Inggeris.

    Tarikh 9/5/2018 negara kita bebas dari belenggu penjajahan Sang Kleptokrat berpendidikan Inggeris.

    Mari kita teliti angka-angka keramat ini untuk mengesahkan kehebatan nombor yang memberi pengertian yang sama.

    31/8/1957 – lihat apa yang terjadi jika semua angka ini dicampurkan dan dikecilkan ;
    3+1+8+1+9+5+7 = 34 -> 3+4 = 7

    Seterusnya lihat tarikh 9/5/2018 ;
    9+5+2+0+1+8 = 25 —-> 2+5 = 7

    Nah kedua-dua tarikh ini dikecilkan menjadi 7 satu kebetulan atau tidak?

    Lebih bermakna erti Merdeka kali yang ke 61 ini bila dikecilkan menjadi;
    6 + 1 = 7 satu, dua, tiga kebetulan?

    Fikir-fikirkanlah apa yang ada disebalik nombor yang telah ditunjukkan Yang Maha Pencipta.

    Memerdekakan rakyat dari kerakusan manusia bernama Najib Razak.

    Salam Merdeka semua.


    p/s : Cuba anda tekan kalkulator tarikh lahir ayahanda Tun pada 10/7/1925 jika dikecilkan menjadi berapa agaknya?
    Nanti bila dapat jawapan berilah tahu..

  61. Salam Sejahtera YAB Tun Dr Mahathir.
    Terima kasih kerana mendapatkan Kemerdekaan Malaysia semula.
    Kami rakyat sungguh berbangga dengan kelurohan YAB Tun.

  62. Good evening YAB Tun

    Sempat tonton seketika wajah Tun disisi Agong pagi tadi. Wajah Tun Siti pun gembira.

    I tak tonton lama, so kalau I nampak macam Hajar cakap tu, I juga turut meluat.

    Hubby pernah kata sebelum ini, macam PKR nak memperkenakan Tun. Itu pernilaian hubby bila baca komen ketua2 PKR yang keluar kat media massa. Tun kata gini, dia orang pi jawab gitu, sepatutnya bagi PM aje bercakap, or tanya PM dulu sebelum bercakap kat public.

    Kalau nak compare dengan BN jauh sekali bezanya. BN lebih setia kawan. DAP, PKR atau Amanah seperti nak makan kawan. Well, itu pandangan peribadi I, terpulanglah pada Tun nak menilai buruk baiknya.

    Walau apa pun I tetap bangga Tun Mahathir, PM kami. Biar apa mereka nak kata, tanpa Tun Mahathir I also tak vote PH.

    That’s all for tonight. Good night Tun.

  63. Tun

    The finest day in our beloved Malaysia’s history.

    61 years after our Merdeka with a New and Incorruptible Government of the old and the young the good and the great in place. A full panoply of the country’s elite in attendance, the Yang Di Pertuan Agong and all. The Rakyat was happy and relaxed. A good sign of the times but their pockets hollowed out by the Uncaring and Corrupt BN Government.

    Catch the culprits. Charge them in Court.

    Finally, Putrajaya as created by your vision takes on its full meaning and usefulness by being fleshed out with important National events like this stupendous show of all what our beloved Malaysia really means. Despite your Policy, a huge building appeared next to Bank Negara Malaysia after your retirement in October 2003. Corruption knows no bounds during 2004-2018. The Rakyats’ money was like confetti. .

    The fantastic success of the Will of the Rakyat and the caring Governments which came after 1957 except for the most shameful and corrupt period of our short history which was after you retired in 2003 to 2018 when Greed, Weakness of the Flesh and the Soft under-belly, took complete hold of the whole gaggle of the ruling elite whom we elected and trusted. For our innocence, the Rakyat paid the price.


    We all believe in our MALAYSIAN DREAM WHICH WILL BE FORTHCOMING WITH THE NEW AND INCORRUPTIBLE GOVERNMENT – a job, a family, a house, a car, education for our children and an easy Lifestyle in peace and harmony.

    Our beloved Malaysia was nearly enslaved as a SLAVE COLONY OF TINY SINGAPORE BY HER OWN HAND THROUGH THE DEVICES OF LEE KUAN YEW THROUGH HIS CREATION, TPPA/CPTPP if the Uncaring and Corrupt BN had won on 9 May 2018. And China would have become a formidable creditor as well. In other words, our beloved Malaysia would have been sold lock, stock and barrel for GREED, WEAKNESS OF THE FLESH AND THE SOFT UNDER-BELLY of the BN elites. Facts discovered after 9 May 2018 confirmed these.

    Despite the temporary difficulty in financial logistics and decades of surreptitious harassments by Lee Kuan Yew ending with the TPPA?CPIPP and the HSR to do us down, Malaysia through your seasoned and wise leadership without any doubt will trek only upwards towards the likes of Visionary Switzerland, Democratic India and Good Governance Japan where we rightfully belong. With our NORMAL THINKING AND BEHAVIOUR WE WILL BE THERE.

    And without much ado, our beloved Malaysia overnight on 10 May 2018 became without any effort, ONE OF THE FOUR MOST IMPORTANT SMALL COUNTRIES OF THE WORLD. Where are you singapore ?



  64. Dear Tun,

    Selamat Hari Kebangsaan/Kemerdekaan Malaysia yang ke 61 Tun.

    Semoga ini titik permulaan ke arah negara dan rakyat yang merdeka dalam erti yang sebenarnya. Merdeka daripada cengkaman penjajah luar (British) dan penjajah dalam (kleptokrat), serta dapat menikmati demokrasi yang sebenar tanpa topeng pemerintah penghisap darah rakyat.

    Perjalanan kita masih jauh lagi Tun. Rakyat Malaysia berbagai etnik budaya agama masih dalam proses mempelajari menerima satu sama lain tanpa syarat (unconditional) seperti mencintai diri sendiri. Bukan setakat di bibir sahaja. Mungkin sehingga ini dapat dicapai barulah Tuhan akan merahmati kita semua dengan aman damai.

    Take good care dear Tun Dr. Mahathir. A happy and blessed 61st Merdeka Day!

  65. Assalaamualaikum Tun serta Tun Siti.
    Semoga sentiasa sihat2 dan diberkati Allah.. Alhamdulillah saya dan keluarga sempat menyaksikan perbarisan hari kebangsaan tahun ini yg merupakan kali pertama secara live… Thanks Tun and team for making rakyat happy and hopeful…

  66. Merdeka! Merdeka! Merdeka!

    Gen M


  67. Salam YAB dan DiSanjungi PM Tun Dr. Mahathir,


    Semoga Negara Malaysia dan Rakyatnya sentiasa mendapat limpahan rahmat dari Allah SWT.

    Mohon izin Tun untuk ulas sikit tentang beberapa isu:

    1. Sejak bila pula TPM sama taraf dengan PM untuk beri perutusan Hari Kebangsaan?

    2. Sejak bila pula TPM turut diberi laungan hebat semasa mahu berangkat pulang selepas sambutan Hari Kebangsaan? Agak janggal rasanya sebab ternampak seolah-olah TPM pula yang berlagak “terlebih sudu dari kuah”. Alahai…

    3. Saya IMPIKAN Malaysia yang BEBAS DARI PEMIMPIN2 YANG BERMORAL RENDAH (termasuk para penyokong tegar peminpin2 sedemikian…tetapi tidak sedar akan hakikat tersebut; dalam penafian).

    4. Saya boleh terima jika seorang pemimpin dipenjarakan kerana menegakkan kebenaran (membela rakyat). Tetapi jika seorang pemimpin dipenjarakan kerana masalah jenayah peribadi (jenayah seksual luar tabii; dan masih tidak bertaubat) terhadap individu2 lain (juga kerana korupsi), maka orang sebegini tidak layak menjadi pemimpin negara, terutamanya sebuah negara Islam seperti Malaysia. Mohon Allah SWT melindungi Malaysiaku tercinta dari bala dan malapetaka akibat dari aktiviti2 haram yang disokong oleh segelintir rakyat.

    5. Lagu tema Hari Kebangsaan pada tahun ini agak hambar, dan tiada mesej jelas yang boleh diketengahkan. Rentaknya pula entah apa2. Tidak patriotik! Cepat jemu bila mendengarnya. Maaf cakap…

    Terima kasih Tun.

    – Semoga Allah SWT sentiasa merahmati Tun sekeluarga –

  68. saya tlh cadangkan slogan ‘malaysia pulih’ (malaysia recovers) bagi merayakan hari kemerdekaan versi kedua ini.

    semua rakyat ‘bangsa malaysia’ wajib mempertahanakan kedaulatan Nya sebagai ‘harga mati’ (non negotiable).

    Merdeka!!! Dirgahayu tanah air ku.

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