1. I had hesitated about writing the Pohon Maaf article even. I thought I would surely be misunderstood. I would be accused of being a racist.

2. Sure enough, although many agree with me, some felt sad that I had become a racist, others merely use nasty words against me.

3. When the opposition did very well in the 2008 elections, foreign observers talk about a wind of change in Malaysia; about how racialism had been rejected, how Anwar, their favourite would soon take over the Government.

4. I had differed from these casual observers because I know that it was not rejection of racial politics which helped the opposition. It was simply disgust on the part of members of UMNO, MCA and Gerakan of the Premiership and leadership of Dato Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi. Talking on the ground, this was quite obvious.

5. Far from the opposition’s “win” being brought about by rejection of racial politics, it has actually enhanced racial politics. We talk more about race and racial interest than we did in the last 50 years.

6. The Malays are feeling the loss of their political base and the Chinese and Indians appear to be glorifying in the new political clout. As a result, subjects which we before regarded as sacrosanct are now brought up and made to be entirely in favour of the Malays.

7. Against this unfamiliar attack against them, the Malays are unable to counter. Their leaders have deserted them. In their frustration they tend to become abusive.

8. I am not defending nor do I like what Ahmad Ismail of Bukit Bendera said. It does not contribute to lessening the tension between the races. But I feel disgust at the inability of the present Malay leadership to manage racialism. It is degrading for the second highest leader in the Government to be apologising for every instance of improper behaviour by UMNO members.

9. The person who should apologise should be the culprit himself. If he refuses then he should face the UMNO disciplinary committee.

10. He may have a corruption case against him but suddenly making charges about his corruption smacks too much of abuse of power. The same thing has happened to the SAPP leadership.

11. It does seem that the Government of the Opposition parties are not unlike the present BN Government. Government agencies are being used for political purpose. I had admired Lim Guan Eng for his sound approach to problems. I feel sad that he has done what he has done.

12. It took a long time for me to live down the label as a Malay ultra. I had gained such strong support from the Chinese community in the 1999 Election when the Malays deserted me that I felt I was no longer regarded as a Malay ultra by the Chinese generally (the Opposition Chinese excepted). I was grateful for the Chinese support and I had many times publicly acknowledged that much of Malaysia’s development was due to the dynamic Malaysian Chinese entrepreneurs and businessmen. But of course there are still Chinese who regard me as anti-Chinese.

13. I cannot please everybody. If I am again labelled as anti-Chinese and anti-Indian I really would not rebut. After all, my Cabinet colleagues and the people I helped to advance in their political career also condemn me.

14. Perhaps people should wonder why during the time of the previous four Prime Ministers, who were also Presidents of UMNO, there were no such utterances by UMNO members. And there were practically none from the non-Malays either.

1,172 thoughts on “POHON MAAF (2)”

  1. Salam,
    Dear Tun,
    Muhyiddin Yassin or Ali Rustam should be TPM…
    As for the minority issues in Malaysia, i think dia orang ni
    sekarang bersikap seperti “diberi paha , dah nak naik ke kepala”
    Persoalan azan di masjid-masjid tidak harus di bangkitkan lagi, as
    for now nak sembahyang, nak buka puasa terpaksa pasang telinga,
    padahal azan merupakan alunan yang sungguh syahdu…
    Macam mana orang-orang Cina akan rasa kalau kita bangkitkan
    permasaalahan pembakaran kertas dan colok kecil maupun yang besar,
    kadang lebih besar dari manusia,terutama waktu perayaan “bulan
    hantu” merosakkan udara alam sekitar yang kita hidu dan bernafas,
    atau mungkin kita boleh juga suruh dia orang perlahankan “laungan”
    yang dimainkan semasa lion dance waktu musim perayaan Tahun Baru
    Cina sebab “laungannya” lebih merusakkan deria pendengaran dari
    suara azan…

  2. By Fazilah on September 19, 2008 2:45 PM
    Dearest Tun,
    I am in the opinion that the present govenment should take the following steps in returning people’s confidence over the current political situation.
    1) Pak Lah to step down. If we can’t vote him out, he should try diplomacy..even persuade him and make him understand why he has to step down.The situation just won’t get better until he does.
    2) Najib to lead the Country as the new Prime Minister.
    I agree with Fazilah on many of her views, however Najib is neither a strong experienced leader nor the visionary. There are no indicators that Najib can lead the country, and bring us back to economical glory. His involvement with the national service has destroyed his ability to manage the programme, after all, we see a steady increase of challenges/crimes affecting the trainees. If he cannot run the NS efficiently, why would anyone think he is a capable candidate as the PM?
    The shortcomings associated with Najib has drowned any possibility of allowing him the chance to prove himself worthy in the eyes of Malaysians. Najib does not seem to have a will of his own, and he seems too passive. What we need is a stronger and more confident PM to guide Malaysians back to social harmony, economical might and living in our own country with no fear of being robbed, raped or kidnapped.

  3. Just cannot understand why you choose not to understand the truth behind the success of the opposition in the recent elections. The PM decided to hold the elections earlier so that the defacto leader of the opposition will not be eligible to contest. Little did he realise that that strategy have worked totally against him. Why? because of that decision he gave the outright freedom to the defacto leader to choose to campaign all over the country. That was the determining factor especially so after the exposure of the Lingamgate video. You can play around with the Rakyat with everything else but definitely not the judiciary.Things were made worse when the secretary general of BN who was implicated in the video was nominated to contest in Putra Jaya. The “correct, correct, correct” tune was broadcasted throughout the nation during the whole duration of the campaign and in my opinion that was the main single factor for that historical swing. If the defacto leader was eligible to contest, than he would have to focus more on his constituency leaving very little time for him to campaign nationwide. UMNO looks bad in 1999 when you were still around and thats why BN lost Terengganu but UMNO did very well in 2004 after you left. The shit and burden that you left behind was just too much for the PM to handle. Thats why BN performed very badly in the recent election. Its nothing to do with the Malays, Indian or Chinese. The sensitivities of the rakyat cannot be taken for granted like what you did during your reign.

  4. salam Tun….perkembangan politik di negara kita skrg merisaukan sy la Tun….ekonomi kita seperti retak menunggu belah……….bantulah barisan pemimpin kita skrg Tun….hidup Melayu..!!

  5. Dearest Tun,
    I am in the opinion that the present govenment should take the following steps in returning people’s confidence over the current political situation.
    1) Pak Lah to step down. If we can’t vote him out, he should try diplomacy..even persuade him and make him understand why he has to step down.The situation just won’t get better until he does.
    2) Najib to lead the Country as the new Prime Minister.
    3) The new govenment under Najib should appoint Tun as the Official Advisor for all Governmental Matters – especially with regards to Security and Finance matters
    4) Tun to use the “power of word” to bring-back all Malays together as one team. Park aside “personal interest” for the sake of our country…be it Keadilan, Umno, Pas etc.
    5) Talk to the Chinese and Indians separately. Bring back their confidence and respect for the government once again.
    6) Every Leaders above (who love this country) must look at people’s interest globally- rather than own. Sit down together and addresss current financial & security issues rather than showing off ‘who is better that the other’?
    Until then…I don’t see we are moving into any positive direction.
    Terimakasih Tun dan Selamat Berpuasa.

  6. salam TUN..
    sy adalah salah seorng ahli umno..ape yg sy nak bg thu… utuk mengembalikan kegemilagan melayu sperti dlam pemerintahan tun ialah.. Tun sendiri perlu telibat secra langsung sperti dlu dlm umno.. dgn kepimpinan yg bgitu lemah skarg adalah amat mengecewakan ank muda skrg..anak muda dh x bminat nak masuk umno kerana terlalu byak rasuah..setiap kerja yg dilakukan sekarg adalah rasuah.. yang nyata sekarg ialah pemimpin tertinggi negara kite telah menerima rasuah dri kaum lain..wassalam..

  7. asskum TUN yg dihormati, saya amat sedih dgn keadaan senario politik yg dihadapi oleh UMNO ini sekarang.
    Saya salah seorang golongan Pemuda yg mahu berjuang didalam UMNO, tetapi sedih melihat barisan kepimpinan sekarang, sudah ditidak menunjukan contoh yang baik pada generasi baru..UMNO seperti retak menanti belah sahaja, pertama kali saya dgn ikhlas nyatakan UMNO sekarang RAPUH…
    Dimana dia barisan kepimpinan yg seperti dahulu, Berani kerana benar.. Jika kita lihat di dalam Barisan Nasional yg terdahulu kita dapat lihat B.N sebuah parti Perpaduan Semua Kaum, bersatu menuju kearah mengukuhkan negara Malaysia, Tetapi kini kita lihat kita sesama sendiri pun berpecah belah..rata2 rakyat menperkatakan hal ini..
    Pendapat saya apa yg diperlukan kini adalah satu majlis penasihat perdana menteri utk menasihati apa yg diperlukan sebelum membuat apa2 keputusan. Majlis Ini harus diketuai oleh TUN dan barisan Ajk terdiri daripada golongan pemimpin terdahulu dari B.N dan golongan2 profesional yg berintegriti…
    Apa2 pun TUN, saya amat menghormati TUN…saya menyokong penuh Datuk Mukhriz sebagai K.P UMNO Malaysia..Sekian
    arman azha hj abu hanifah
    Ketua Cawangan UMNO
    Cawangan Pusat Bandar Damansara Jaya
    Bahagian Petaling Jaya Utara

    Minta laluan TUN,
    To singamalaya on September 11, 2008 3:36 PM
    Jangan silap Singamalaya, memang ada banyak CINA angkat senjata melawan Jepun dulu dan mereka ini KOMUNIS.
    Wassalam TUN.

    Sekarang ini masa terlalu suntuk untuk dibazirkan.
    Berbagai bagai telah dibahaskan, diterangkan dan hakikatnya, MELAYU tetap MELAYU, CINA tetap CINA dan INDIA tetap INDIA.
    Ada lagi,
    RAJA tetap RAJA, Kontrak Sosial tetap Kontrak Sosial.
    Yang lupa diri tetap akan kekal sedemekian dengan hujah2 mereka.
    Yang lupa janji pun begitu termasuk yang nak merampas hak orang MELAYU tak akan berganjak dari hujah2 mereka. Soalnya sejauh mana mereka ini akan mendapat sambutan bagi niat2 jahat mereka.
    Tapi tak semua yang lupa janji. Masih banyak yang menghormati perlembagaan dan Kontrak Sosial.
    Bangsa MELAYU telah diasak dengan pelbagai cubaan termasuk dari kuasa2 besar dan MELAYU MASIH DI SINI. Cuma bagaimana kita akan kekal di sini akan ditentukan dengan bibit bibit yang akan mencatitkan sejarah.
    Dahulu MELAYU membina rumah di TANAH MELAYU dan membinanya melaLui RAJA RAJA zamam silam. Orang Asli pada masa itu pun rela diperintah oleh RAJA RAJA MELAYU. Kalau tak diperintah oleh RAJA melayu, mereka akan diperintah oleh orang lain juga akhir. Dan TAKDIR menentukan mereka diperintah oleh MELAYU. KALAU CINA DATANG DULU UNTUK MEMERINTAH, MAKA CINA LAH RAJA KITA, BEGITU JUGA JIKA HINDU DATANG DULU MAKA HINDU LAH RAJA KITA.
    RAJA RAJA MELAYU telah membawa pembaharuan pada masa itu di dalam ketamadunan dan sistem FEUDAL telah berjalan begitu lama.
    Dalam mengharungi perjalanan hidup kita (MELAYU), kita didatangi oleh tetamu tetamu dan kita memperlawa mereka masuk rumah kita.
    Kebiasaannya tetamu yang datang rumah disambut baik oleh orang MELAYU kerana ini lah resam MELAYU.
    Ada tetamu yang begitu seronok tinggal di rumah kita sehingga mereka ini tidak mahu pulang dan ingin menjadi sebahagian dari keluarga kita.
    Ada juga tetamu yang berlagak baik pada mulanya untuk mendapat kepercayaan dan kemudiannya terjermalah akan sikap sebenar mereka setelah mendapat kekuatan.
    Orang MELAYU ini penuh dengan belas kasihan, kalau dia nampak orang lain merempat, tiada pertolongan dari sesiapa dan tiada tempat bergantung di tepi jalan kat luar rumah, mereka akan pelawa orang yang susah ini masuk dan beri makan asalkan orang yang merempat ini baik dan tiada niat jahat.
    Sikap ini masih diamalkan hingga sekarang, saya sering memberi makan seorang India yang tiada rumah dan meminta belas kasihan orang ramai. Saya suruh isteri saya bungkus nasi untuk dia dan dianya akan berdoa dalam bahasa Tamil untuk kami tanda kesyukuran, kami tak kisah sangat dengan doa dia, cuma kasihan saja.
    Di kampung saya pon ada, dimana Ibu mertua dan saudara saya selalu bungkus lauk dan nasi untuk seorang India yang selalu merayau sana sini tiada tempat tinggal kerana keluarganya (adik beradik) tidak memperdulikannya dan sekarang ini beliau tidur dalam pondok kebun di belakang rumah dan orang India ini amat berterima kasih kepada keluarga mertua saya. Dia sekarang menolong membersihkan kebun yang tak besar sangat pun, sekangkang kera saja di belakang rumah mertua saya. Dia juga dapat pakaian walau pun tak baru malahan duit juga dapat walaupun tak banyak dan dia tumpang mandi di bilik air luar rumah.
    Sekarang orang India ini ada sedikit ruang tanah yang dibenarkan oleh mertua untuk dikerjakan bagi menanam sayuran dan dia pada suatu masa telah membawa banyak jenis sayuran untuk diberi kepada keluarga mertua saya. Mertua saya hanya ambil sedikit dan yang lain dia suruh Orang India tu jual untuk buat belanja2 rokok dia. Orang India ini sangat berterima kasih sehingga menitis air mata. Sehingga sekarang dia masih ada di pondok belakang belakang rumah dan keluarga saya tidak pernah menganggap orang ini sebagai satu ancaman. lagi pun dia ini telah dikenali oleh semua orang kampung. Cuma yang tidak dibenarkan ialah jangan ada apa2 tokong kecil. Kalau nak sembahyang kuil banyak di persekitaran, itu pesan Ayah Mertua saya.
    Dia beragama HINDU dan berumur dalam 50an. Saya pernah bertanya kepada kedua mertua saya macamana kalau tiba2 satu hari orang ini meninggal dunia. Mertua saya kata “tak pa la kalau takdir dia mati kat belakang tu nanti kita panggil la mana-mana SAMI HINDU untuk urus dia .. kan banyak tokong HINDU dekat dekat sini”. Mertua saya orang Sungai Petani.
    Saya cuma tak boleh bayangkan satu perkara saja dan ianya tak mungkin berlaku. Jikalaulah lah orang India ni ada waris dan satu hari waris dia datang dan menuntut bahawa pondok dan sebahagian kecil tanah yang telah dikerjakan untuk bercucuk tanam tadi adalah miliknya. SAYA RASA MAU MAKAN PENENDANG, TERAJANG, SIKU DAN TAH APA2 LAGI LAH.
    Wassalam TUN.
    P.s. To rarunasalam (RAVI):
    Seems that you so caring and full of compasionate for others. Why dont sometimes drop by at my in-laws place and pay a visit to this INDIAN guy. It might turn out to be your long lost relative .. who knows .. by the way his name is Mutta ..

  10. It doesnt matter how hard an earthquake hit,
    It doesnt matter how strong a tornado spin,
    It doesnt matter how hot a volcano burst,
    It doesnt matter how high a tsunami is measured,
    And when an earthquake, tornado, volcano, tsunami taking over together, “It still doesnt matter”.
    What does matter is how many lifes have we save today.
    What does matter is how many lifes our leaders intend save today.

  11. Assalamualaikum Ayah Tun,
    Saya ingin meluahkan isi hati saya pada ayah tun bahawa saya selalu bertanya pada diri saya hari2..
    Apakah akan terjadi pada bangsa Melayu kita akan datang?
    Kenapa?? kenapa?? Kenapa Orang Melayu Malaysia masih tidak nampak bagaimana orang melayu di singapura?? -saya hairan-
    saya amat setuju dan percaya pada pendapat ayah tun tersebut..
    You are the true father of Modernization Ayah Tun!!
    Take a good care of your health please,okay!
    Im totally worry bout your heart problem..

  12. UMNO and Tun Mahatir have radicalised the malays to the extent that they have become racist and bigots culminating in May 13 1969 race riots. Looking at whats happening today, Ahmad Ismail’s “Cina pendatang” and Khir Toyo’s Azan statements gives the malaysians a rare
    glimpse into the workings of UMNO war machine and their hand in stirring up the May 13 race riots.
    Is UMNO good for Malays and Malaysia, I think not. Going back in time
    to the glorious period of Malaccan Sultanate, it was a golden age
    for race relations in the Malay Peninsular. In the absense of state
    interference in race relations, Malacca gave birth to three new truly
    Malaysian races,the Baba-Nyonyas, the Chittys and the Grago Portugese.
    They have adopted and assimilated the Malay culture and language,
    disproving Tun Mahatir’s claim that non-malays have rejected assimila
    tion into Malay culture.But the non-malay rejection of malay culture
    today is actually a reaction to and rejection of UMNO malay supermascist ideology.

  13. Tun,
    My comment might not be via-a-vis to your article. However, I think I should comment nonetheless. What I dont understand is why was the man proven to have uttered racist remarks not charged under any of the defamation or sedition laws which are so rampantly being used? Why was someone who merely commented on that remark charged under this law? I simply dont get it.

  14. Assalamualaikum Tun,
    Saya merasa bertuah dapat menulis kepada Tun. Ada beberapa perkara yang saya nak coretkan di sini.
    Pertama, saya mengagumi pimpinan Tun sejak dari dulu lagi dan semasa saya berkhidmat dalam kerajaan dulu. Banyak budi Tun kepada seluruh rakyat Malaysia. Terima Kasih tidak terhingga buat Tun dan juga keluarga yang memberi kami peluang mendapat pemimpin seperti Tun.
    Kedua, saya terharu kerana Tun kembali kepada UMNO. Bersyukur saya kehadhrat illahi jika menjadi kenyataan. Biarlah Tun sentiasa dalam UMNO dan bersuara lah demi kebaikan umat melayu. Ramai melayu kini telah lupa diri dan asal usul. Mereka yang mengingkari perjuangan UMNO adalah mereka yang suatu ketika dulu sudah dapat nikmat dan apabila tidak dapat mereka menjadi penentang.
    1. Ada peniaga yang menjadi ahli pembangkang, siapa yang beri mereka peluang berniaga?
    2. Ada pegawai dan kakitangan kerajaan menjadi ahli pembangkang, jawatan dan gaji mereka siapa yang bayar?
    3. Ada tokoh korporat yang menjadi ahli pembangkang, kenikmatan mereka siapa yang cipta?
    4. Ada peguam dan hakim yang menjadi ahli pembangkang, aakah ilmu yang mereka dapat tu percuma?
    5. Ada bekas menteri, bekas ahli parlimen dan bekas2 YB menjadi ahli pembangkang, mereka ini sebenarnya lebih kepada kepentingan peribadi hingga sanggup mengenepikan kehendak rakyat.
    Mereka semua tidak sedar. Pemimpin pembangkang terutama PKR hanya lah tunggangan demi cita-cita roket, bulan mengambang dan bulan songsang di awan biru. Apabila pemimpin PKR duduk di atas akan berlaku lah haru-biru dikalangan mereka dan pemimpin itu akan dijatuhkan oleh sekutu-sekutunya dengan cara yang amat licik. Kelicikan mereka sudah nyata sekarang dibeberapa negeri.. contohnya Perak dan Selangor. Dan kita tunggu dan lihatlah, yang ruginya Melayu.. menang sorak (kerana berjaya menyokong pembangkang) negara tergadai (menjadi seperti bosnia).. nauzubillah..
    Tun, bapa saya semasa dia sihat dulu dan semenjak DSAI di pecat telah banyak memburuk-burukan Tun dalam kehidupan hariannya. Sehingga saya terpaksa menjauhkan diri kerana tidak sanggup mendengar tohmahannya terhadap kepimpinan Tun. Saya memohon maaf kepada Tun bagi pihak bapa saya tentang perkara ini. Sekarang ni dia dalam keuzuran. Permohonan maaf ini saya lakukan kerana saya tidak mahu pemergian dia dibebani oleh kerana tidak dapat kemaafan dari Tun. Diharap Tun maafkan bapa saya ye..
    Sekian, semoga Tun sihat senantiasa dan teruskan idea Tun dalam blog ini. Saya sokong. Wassalam.

  15. I felt compell to write after reading the various comments. I wonder if it’s possible to get your comments on the malays’ certain tendency as below…
    1. They seem to lack a pride in the bahasa Malaysia/melayu, their own language. it’s evident by the number of words now which are directly from english (ie sukses, bajet, etc) when there’s perfectly good malay words (ie kejayaan, belanjawaan etc). Not to mention the words taken from arabic. Too many to mention, just have to look at the tv programmes, even malay programmes got arabic titles in it. where is the pride of the national language?
    2. Why do Malays when talking to other races and foreigners tend to copy their accent? why do malays have to talk like chinese lingo/accent and indonesian accents when talking to them or presenting on tv? why can’t we stick with malay accent or even bahasa baku? are we that weak or having an inferior complex?
    3. Where has the tolerance gone in Malay Malaysians? Malays are getting very rile up when churches and tokongs are being built but do they not understand the respect that is due to other religions/faith? Even Nabi Muhammad s.a.w. respects the other faiths and that is why Madinah was so successful under his administration. Compare to the number of mosques and surau in the country, the other religion also reserve their rights to practice as per the constitution. That Islam says “tiada paksaan dalam Islam” means you can’t force your way through everything but you have to cultivate peoples believe in it.
    4. All these talk of ketuanan melayu and where are the malays? The owners of big restaurants are still chinese and malays are still shouting, selling their food at a hawker stall. Content with it, and not willing to work harder to achieve better glory.
    This probably needs to be edited a bit but I’m just writing because I am so sadden that the malays are losing their identity. They’re more arab than the arabs themselves and have lost their pride as a malay. It’s all rhetorics nowadays with malays wanting the easy way out, submitted on a plate to them and not having to work their way to the top. I do feel a sense of jealousy when americans are so proud being americans and that they believe wholeheartedly in the american dream -nothing to stop you from success if you’re willing to work hard for it. Shame that the Malays never opened their eyes. Perhaps Tun should write more poems as this seems to move the malays more than your speeches and writings?
    Warmest regards.

  16. Jika mengikut definisi kata-kata Ahmad dari UMNO Bkt Bendera:
    Moyang rakyat malaysia keturunan Cina ialah Pendatang.
    rakyat malaysia keturunan Cina ialah Pendatang.
    jika ini disetujui , maka ..
    Ayahanda Tun Dr. Mahathir berasal dari Kerala, India,
    Ayahanda Tun Dr. Mahathir ialah pendatang.
    Maka, Tun Dr. Mahathir ialah pendatang.
    keturunan Tun juga ialah pendatang.
    Salah !! ini semua salah… mengikut definisi Melayu dlm perlembagaan Malaysia ialah mereka yg mengamalkan budaya dan istiadat melayu dan beragama Islam, maka Tun ialah Melayu. Begitu juga dgn Cina Malaysia, mereka ada rakyat Malaysia mengikut perlembagaan , bukannya pendatang !!!
    sangat setuju.
    how you only can become a malay even though your father is a malayalee?

  17. what is happen right now is all because of our fault..theres nothing to do with our fellow Chinese or Indians..Its all because of us…Malays still sleeping…

  18. Salam All
    As for me its simple…whatever happen to Malays right now is not due to our fellow Chinese or Indian friend…Its because of Malays themselves….

  19. Hello Tun,
    Good that you will be rejoining UMNO, it will be good for Umno to have one of its prominent member back.
    This is a good opportunity for you to play some constructive part in the political party as well as the nation.
    You are an elderly statesman who can pass on the experience and knowledge to the next generation.
    My humble suggestion is please put a) the nation above everything else b) human values above politics c) justice and fairness above impartiality and d) Nationality above race, creed or religion.
    This is a golden opportunity given to you, please do not in any way compromise, it is up to you to decide what kind of a legacy you are going to leave behind.
    There is this British policy of “divide and rule” whereas we can change it to “Unite and rule”.
    There is a saying whereby politicians make strange bedfellows. I know it is not easy being a politician who does not compromise but you are not just a politician but a respected statesman. Please live up to this expectation of the general population.
    I hope the future generation can read in the history books of just not the PM who had built the twin towers of his time but was also intrumental right till the end to seeing a nation, united and progressive.
    May God grant you long life.

  20. hahaha!!!
    ada org claim kunun nya kaum cina bersama2 mengangkat senjata menentang tentera jepun, kerana nak mempertahankan negara…
    ada lak org claim kunun nya kaum cina sama2 kerja kuat utk membangun kan negara ini…
    hehehe…. piiiirrrraaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!
    sume tu hanya utk survival sendiri je…
    diorang lawan jepun sebab diorang tau jepun akan ganyang diorang cukup2, lanjutan dari sejarah perang china-jepun…
    diorang kerja kuat lak pasal nak bolot sume peluang ekonomi utk kepentingan bangsa diorang je…
    budak2 melayu buta sejarah zaman skrg bleh la korang gula2kan…


  22. I am not a supporter of anyone nor do I have any hatred with anyone. I am a Malaysian who enjoy peace and properities. However I find that the recent remark made by AI has the motive of polarising the relationship of a multiracial society. It is definately hurting the feeling of others.
    AI’s remark changed my perspective and point of view on BN. The message from his speech (not to mention his supporter’s act) shows that BN is of no difference with the opposition coalition. The more I sees from the tv news about him the more I find the resemblance of traits of him with opposition leader.
    Yes, there is nothing wrong for AI to speaks about his race special rights nor defend the rights. The point is how could he be making controversial remark by labelling other race as squatter in a public? Who cares if he is doing such taboo in his private enslosure like his home, bathroom, bedroom or whatsoever. But it is definately not a wise thing to do that at a public speech disregard if it is attended by his supporter, his own race, or whoever.
    Imagine someone is trying to label, differentiate, discriminate, question, curse his identity (not to mention his ancestor’s identity) in a public speech or a public function attended by reporters and DPM. How could he and his supporter had react to that?
    What is the purpose of him of doing that?
    As a representative of a multiracial BN, AI should know that he is not only representing his own race at his constitution. By doing so he has failed to remember 4 important facts:
    a) The party he currently represent are still a part of the multiracial coalition called BN. The people which voted his fellow member as wakil rakyat which on top elected him as the leader of the group are form by multiracial society. Without the people’s vote he is nothing.
    b) What is the objective and purpose when BN coalition was form and how hard his forefather and ancestor fought to reach these objectives. Yet he single handedly destroy these effort.
    c) God created the world for everyone to live in peace. I believe there are no religion teaching which tells us that God allow us to label others with different identity than us as squatter. This is more like a self declaration of a status against others.
    d) The history he was refering to is only half of the fact where almost all of the ancestor of Malaysian nowadays comes from all over the world disregard the timing their ancestor reach here. In other words he does not even know or have solid evidence to tell that if his ancestor is originately from this land. What qualifies him to use such remark on other race for the speech?
    Base on the news yesterday I am glad that he has been suspended by the party for 3 years.
    Looking on how arrogant he speaks of his stand even after the announcement of the suspension I can only conclude that he does not even have the basic quality to be called a leader or represent rakyat. If he still conscious about his position as one of the representative of a party component of BN, he should reflect or resign consider the 4 important facts highlighted where there are nothing qualify him to make more damaging statement at the public.
    Such people like him can only erode the unity of the society and capable only of creating the recurrence of 13 May tragedy. We do not need a leader with such traits and it is such a disgust of having them. Lastly remember these phrase “Kerana Nila Setitik Rosak Susu Sebelanga”.

  23. Salam buat TUN sekeluarga,
    Ahmad Ismail akan terus menerajui UMNO Bahagian Bukit Bendera sebagaimana yang berlaku semasa beliau BANKRUPT dahulu pada awal tahun 90an dahulu.
    Cuma dahulu Anwar Ibrahim “di belakangnya” (!!??). Anwar juga telah melepaskan Ahmad dari kemelut BANKCRUPTCY dengan pemberian kontrak ratusan juta ringgit melaui proxy. Dalam ucapan2 Ahmad pun selalu disebut-sebut “KEKANDA ANWAR IBRAHIM” (!!??).
    Pada masa REFORMASI Ahmad begitu lantang mencemuh TUN, tapi TUN masih berinya tempat. Pentadbiran Ahmad terlalu kotor. Siapa yang tahu, tahulah.
    Ahmad adalah seorang yang sangat kaya hasil dari arwah abangnya RAHIM ISMAIL (Tun kenal baik orang ini). Waris Rahim Ismail sangat marah dan tidak puas hati kepada Ahmad kerana segala harta jatuh kepada Ahmad. Bagaimana jadi begitu kena tanya waris arwah Rahim lah.
    Abdul Rahim Ismail seorang pejuang MELAYU tulin tidak seperti adiknya.
    Sekarang Ahmad nak jadi HERO dengan mencanang popularity murahan.
    Wassalam TUN

  24. Salam buat TUN sekeluarga,
    Tun, minta laluan sikit berkenaan komen Khalid Nordin terhadap persetujuan TUN untuk kembali kepada UMNO.
    Khalid Nordin Kata : Kita akan pertimbangkan (kemasukan semula TUN dalam UMNO)
    Bagi saya budak bodoh Khalid ni tak payah la timbang2 lagi. Ini peluang keemasan. Sepatutnya alu-alukan. UMNO ni bukan tok nenek siapa punya. UMNO orang MELAYU punya. Jadi, kepada Khalid ni janganlah jadi bodoh, dangkal dan dungu.
    Saya rasa kalau saya ambil tempat Khalid lebih bagus dari Khalid sendiri kalau setakat ‘kemampuan diri’ gitu-gitu saja. Tak ada idea bernas pun.
    Senior2 lain dalam UMNO banyak yang mengalu-alukan hasrat TUN. YANG TAK SUKA HANYALAH KAKI BODEK dan orang-orang yang tak perdulikan penyatuan MELAYU.
    Khalid ni perlu cermin diri dan tanya orang ramai betul2 suka aku ka , atau cuma syok sendiri macam Pak Lah juga. Shame on you Khalid, you are a disgrace for BANGSA MELAYU sama macam Pak Lah.
    Kepada Pak Lah pula kalau setakat nak MENJAHANAMKAN NEGARA saya pun boleh jadi Perdana Menteri, tak payah susah2 buat pemilihan buat perabih duit rakyat saja.
    Wassalam TUN.

  25. Salam buat TUN sekeluarga,
    Saya telah save ruang ni termasuk feedback dan semuanya ada 500 + pages dalam WORD.
    Saya rasa ini lah topik yang paling hangat diperdebatkan dan terasa nak komen maklum balas pembaca:
    Minta laluan TUN,
    To takretichat on September 5, 2008 7:02 PM
    Saya setuju dengan ‘takretichat’ ramai juga ahli parlimen tak fasih bahasa BM termasuk Kit Siang .. bukan itu saja malah beliau jarang sekali menyebut “dengan izin” bila menggunakan BI semasa dalam dewan.. Kurang ajar betul .. BI Kit Siang pun bukannya bagus sangat pun .. 1000 kali bagus TUN punya BI
    To Jasonjong
    You prove that not all Chinese are racist same goes to the Malays and Indians. Syabas bro..
    To denal15 on September 5, 2008 7:14 PM
    Melayu tak dayus jika tidak menyokong Ahmad Ismail. Ahmad ada agenda tersendiri dan memang kurang matang dalam politik peringkat Nasional. Rapatkankan barisan kita Denal. Insyaallah..
    To mhelmiba on September 5, 2008 7:16 PM
    Saya tak rasa TUN adalah seorang pembangkang .. lebih tepat dikatakan pengkritik
    To Naz on September 5, 2008 7:17 PM
    You have a point there Naz, and I think the racism within need to be controlled by one self within them, not to be shared on open forum. Everyone wants their race to prosper.
    To zzemy on September 5, 2008 7:26 PM
    It’s 13 May zzemy not 16 May hehe .. typing error I presume..
    To hellboy on September 5, 2008 7:26 PM
    You too prove that not all Indians are racist .. it a very good idea for u to suggest an NGO lead by TUN… I’ll be among the first to join .. but in this near future hellboy we Malays desperately need TUN to guide us .. Real happy to hear TUN will rejoin UMNO..
    To crazyellysee on September 5, 2008 7:38 PM
    A true Malaysian you are. A patriotic Chinese indeed.
    To gig on September 5, 2008 7:09 PM
    Saya juga berpendapat seperti tuan, tetapi setelah memeliti kita MELAYU harus memberi tempat kepada Kaum lain juga, marilah bersatu dan jangan sakiti saudara BUKAN MELAYU kita lagi .. saya juga pernah terlanjur kata dan saya kesal .. jangan hancurkan harmoni kaum yang ada sekarang ya.. mohon sangat.
    To jasonjong on September 5, 2008 7:11 PM
    You are my non-Malay brother .. you understand it all bro .. TUN is not an EXTREME RACIST .. racism exist in everyone of us .. An Ultra Malay TUN is, maybe .. but nothing’s wrong being an Ultra Malay since to me Tan Sri Koh Tsu Koon is an Ultra Chinese so is Kit Siang and Samy Vellu is an Ultra Indian (in my opinion).. that what make things work .. sorry if I’m wrong.
    To azarimy on September 5, 2008 7:11 PM
    Hope things turnout better after TUN’s rejoining.
    To revolutionist on September 5, 2008 7:12 PM
    To thlong on September 5, 2008 7:13 PM
    Sabar Pak Long .. Insyaalah ianya akan berulang
    To Ramesh on September 5, 2008 7:59 PM
    For you our starting is wrong .. but to me our starting is full of compassionate .. I’m sure lots more opinions ..
    To saint on September 5, 2008 8:00 PM
    Are you sure we are ready to give all up sir? I don’t think so .. I love to see dragon boat race, chinghay etc .. im a malay brought up in Chinese surrounding .. I can live with Chinese School, I was schooled in one even, I can live with existence of Chinese Opera, Tamil School, Wail-wail, etc (not all are suppose to be mentioned due to sensitivity). If 1 ‘Bangsa Malaysia’ I think it will not work since we have to consider the extremist as well in order to avoid chaos. What wrong with many identities in Malaysia.. foreigner seems to admire it .. and it provides verity to us all .. I understand if are touched by some writers .. nobody in this world can please everybody
    To sherizz on September 5, 2008 8:18 PM
    Common Sherizz of course Malaysia is still safe generally although every got ‘kes bunuh’ now .. but I don’t feel unsafe to travel anywhere .. cheers sis/bro..
    To kuthe2 on September 5, 2008 8:24 PM
    Bro .. saya pon ada jugak kutuk mereka2 ni .. tapi saya yakin many of other races are not like that .. now we firm up since Tun nak join balik UMNO .. u still have rational inside u .. take care bro
    To Malaysian Indian on September 5, 2008 8:33 PM
    Deyy .. pigi skolah la .. chitt
    To chin on September 5, 2008 8:38 PM
    Your remarks toward TUN is very untrue sir .. Tun have enhance the economic fundamental that benefited Chinese the most but at the same time pushing the Malay from their left out position and not putting Indian and others left behind. Very very untrue “Chinese was quite happy doing business among them selves and overseas only” and you know that .. Who benefited most in local the industries? Don’t answer wrongly just for the sake of your irrational sentiment and own satisfaction.. MELAYU will always be MELAYU, Chinese will always be Chinese (ex. even they have occupied the US hundreds of years, they still cannot be departed from China Town because they love their culture), and Indians will always be Indian as they have their own culture .. Just live with the ‘Social Contract’ nobody will disturb you sir .. “Bangsa Malaysia” will not work out here and is full of extreme unforeseen agenda by culprits such as the “Bangang Kit Siang” and the “Kurang Ajar Karpal”.. good day to you sir.
    To salman on September 5, 2008 8:38 PM
    Quite an option there you have sir .. but Im kind of like better Mukhriz to remain his seat and other rather than Mukhriz could sacrifice their seat for TUN for the sake of this nation.. better steel Pak Lah himself .. Salam
    To terongpipit on September 5, 2008 8:43 PM
    Some cut and paste .. its extremely a good article (no offence to Indian). It’s a must for all of us to know .. it is not racial afterall .. it is facts .. thanks for the info
    To Xin on September 5, 2008 8:53 PM
    Sayang TUN juga.. 
    To princeofpeace on September 5, 2008 9:03 PM
    Jangan risau la bro .. DSAI tu mamun.. otak dia tak secergas TUN dan mungkin dah nyanyuk .. Biasa la, tak dapat nak jadi PM mimpi pon jadi la.
    To RyscheClyde on September 5, 2008 9:04 PM
    I foresee the same thing sir .. that proves that MALAYS totally are not extremist and still we can live with that .. that’s why BUMIS need the NEP and other have to live with it .. we give and take .. what is history is history .. facts are facts .. but there is always more un-chaotic ways to address those matters ..
    To ariffabusamah on September 5, 2008 9:19 PM
    I don’t think all Chinese wants to turn us into republic.. only the KURANG AJAR one .. Malay also got KURANG AJAR one so do Indian especially the NO BRAIN HINDRAF .. If anybody is trying to push hard for a republic country in a large number, I think “PERANGLAH KOT”. If not, Askar Melayu Di Raja, Polis Di Raja tu nak letak mana ya .. takkan nama saja Di Raja ya.. and lately PAT (Panglima Angkatan Tentera) has utter his deepest concern to this current situation. A REPUBLIC WILL NOT HAPPEN..
    To jl118 on September 5, 2008 9:23 PM
    Way to go bro .. I believe many of other races with you.. Let us firm up ..
    To inisse on September 5, 2008 9:38 PM
    Good leaders cannot be breed like goats or cows.. I don’t blame TUN for not breeding good leader, it is ridiculous.. and it is compulsory “building the hardware of the country” as u interpreted it .. we need it badly .. I need it badly .. but I don’t feel TUN neglected the ‘software’ .. it is not fair to say that .. but of course TUN cant do all things for everyone ..
    To furido1585 on September 5, 2008 9:39 PM
    Sememangnya Tun adalah Pemimpin Islam Sejati malah di peringkat dunia dan diakui oleh masyarakat antarabangsa termasuk Yahudi .. Siapa tak Nampak TUN sebagai Pemimpin Islam memang ‘buta perut’ dan ‘buta hati’.. buakan seperti Pak Lah yang nak tunjuk sangat dia ni Islam lalu dilancarkan ‘Islam Hadhari’ buat main2. Langkah ini telah menakutkan dan memberi pelbagai salah anggapan di kalangan orang bukan Islam. Apa yang Hadhari pon tak tau lah .. pak lah – pak lah .. tak penat lelah.
    Dalam pemerhatian saya semasa pemerintahan TUN, memang TUN mengamalkan:
    1. Hukum Syarak yang 5
    2. Hukum Adat Yang 4
    3. Hukum Akal yang 3
    Hukum2 ini adalah asas yang wajib bagi umat Islam mematuhinya dalam kehidupan seharian.
    To kucau on September 5, 2008 9:41 PM
    TUN is not only a brilliant tactician but also a great strategist .. orang baru fakir ABC dia dah fakir sampai Z .. That’s why we love him and further more need him.. wassalam
    By apanama on September 5, 2008 9:44 PM
    Unbridle Freedom is a foolish decision made by Pak Lah .. MORONS will start taking advantages out of it such as HINDRAF, KIT SIANG, ANWAR and KARPAL.
    By tunnusantara on September 5, 2008 9:46 PM
    History does prove things.. but our willingness to share that’s what make us strong as a nation ..
    To be continue ..
    Wassalam Tun.

  26. By kokeeism on September 10, 2008 1:11 PM
    I would like to comment on the report in the Star on September 6 titled ‘Dr M : Why must Malay leaders say sorry ?. I read with utter disbelief and felt disappointed at Dr M remarks in his blog ….
    Dr M complained that when Hindraf leaders hurled racial accusations against Malays and Wee the Chinese boy who made headlines and top chart with his infamous song titled ‘Negarakuku’, no leaders from the other races came forward to say sorry. Dr M is comparing two identical issues but different in nature and perspective . Ahmad Ismail is representing UMNO and UMNO is a member in BN with MCA and MIC as members too…

    This ‘cockkeeism’ guy may have a point but now we wud like to give him one poser?
    How come none of the BN coalition parties demanded Yong Teck Lee to be repremanded as SAPP is also a member of the coalition?
    We read with utter disbelief that Yong Teck Lee, the president of a BN coalition party cud proposed a VOTE OF NO CONFIDENCE on the PM,President of UMNO, a member and also Chairman of the coalition?
    You must be having halfpast(6) sleep and that why you read with one ‘cock’ eye closed.

    therefore sincerely ask those who had making biased statement against chinese to stop repeating the statement , instead
    they should learnt the good virtues of chinese of contributing back to country and society for welfare work from the profits they reaped from country and society.
    Exco Member of MCA KEPONG DIVISION

  28. tun dan isteri yang disayang dan dikagumi
    Bagi anakanda segala punca adalah dari dsai yang durjana..memberi ruang pada bangsa lain melecehkan bangsa kita..memutar seribu kata membelit semua bangsa kerna ketamakan jawatan yang diangan angannya..dulu alangkah damai malaysia ini semasa tun disingah sana alangkan bahagianya jika permikiran tun ada yang bawa maka malaysia akan damai sentiasa apa anakanda berharaf agar tun akan bersama kita lagi dan membetul kepincangan yang telah berlalu Umno masih perlukan tun…Hidup UMNO Hidup Tun..Kami tetap sanjung tun sepanjang masa

  29. Askun Tun,
    Saya hairan jika sesetengah pendapat komentar disini mengatakan “one malaysia one bangsa” yang mereka pegang, mengapa isu ahmad ismail masih lagi membuatkan mereka terasa dan kecewa.Apakah mereka masih lagi merasa mereka bukannya malaysian?.
    Perkara yang dibangkitkan oleh ahmad ismail akan menjadi lebih besar jika kita sebagai rakyat malaysia masih lagi terasa dengan pandangan peribadi ahmad ismail tersebut.Ramai komentar disini saya lihat mahukan one malaysian one bangsa tetapi mereka masih lagi terasa dengan isu ahmad ismail ini.Bagi saya ini tak masuk akal.Jika mereka masih terasa dengan isu ini maka mereka tidak layak memperkatakan one malaysia one bangsa kerana ia seolah-olah membenarkan apa yang ahmad ismail katakan dengan menunjukkan sikap kecewa mereka.
    Jika ada bangsa lain bertanyakan saya tentang perkara ini seperti contoh “ahmad tak patut cakap macam tu” saya akan menjawab “kenapa you mesti terasa youkan rakyat malaysia bukan seperti apa yang dia cakap”.Apa yang ingin saya katakan adalah Fakta sejarah tetap sejarah ia tidak boleh berubah tetapi kita boleh mengubah dan mengukir untuk mencoret sejarah yang baru di masa hadapan.Ahmad ismail bercerita tentang sejarah tetapi kita bukannya hidup di zaman itu kita di era globalisasi mestikah kita terasa dan kecewa dengan apa yang dia katakan atau sengaja mengatakan kecewa kerana inginkan sesuatu yang baru di sebalik isu ini?
    Jika inginkan one malaysian one bangsa saya nasihatkan janganlah cuba menaguk di air yang keroh.Apa yang termaktub untuk diagihkan kepada setiap bangsa di Malaysia yang dicoret oleh nenek moyang kita tidak akan dapat diubah.Jika ingin diubah jangan sangka air yang tenang tiada buaya.

  30. Assalammualaikum..
    Walaupun saya bukan ahli UMNO, rasa kesal dan kecewa dengan tindakan UMNO sendiri mengantung keahlian Ketua UMNO Bukit Bendera. Mana letaknya maruah MELAYU yang semakin LAYU?
    Selamat Bersahur.

    By AMAR on September 9, 2008 9:13 PM
    Tun, I beg your forgiveness for digressing in your well-written article here, but I’m compelled to let your readers know about the situation and make the right decision for the sake of our beloved country,..

  32. Monday, September 08, 2008Antara pendatang dan penumpang.
    Syed Iman.
    Pada mulanya saya agak keberatan nak ulas kekecohan yang berpunca ekoran daripada kenyataan ketua UMNO bahagian Bukit Bendera, Pulau Pinang bernama Ahmad bin Ismail. Sama ada benar atau tidak apa yang didakwa dikatakan olehnya mengenai rakyat Malaysia keturunan Cina bukan persoalannya kerana isu tersebut sudahpun merebak dan mengapi-apikan keadaan.
    Jika tidak ditangani dengan cermat, teliti dan bijak, isu itu boleh ditangguk dalam air yang keruh oleh anasir-anasir yang ingin melihat negara ini hancur serta mengundang campur tangan kuasa asing. Dalam zaman dunia tanpa sempadan dan liputan meluas dan segera oleh media elektronik antarabangsa, apa yang berlaku di sesebuah negara itu tidak dapat disembunyi atau dinafikan.
    Isu pokok yang dibangkitkan oleh Ahmad Ismail membabitkan persoalan “menumpang” iaitu rakyat Malaysia keturunan Cina adalah penumpang di negara ini. Beliau menjelaskan bahawa ia merujuk kepada zaman pra-Merdeka. Bagaimanapun, sensitiviti rakyat Malaysia keturunan Cina telah terguris.
    Saya tidak mengenali secara peribadi Ahmad Ismail, tetapi kenal agak rapat dengan Allahyarham abangnya, Abdul Rahim Ismail, pemilik Syarikat Pembinaan Rahim yang pada satu ketika dahulu agak terkenal sebagai sebuah firma pembinaan Bumiputera yang unggul di Pulau Pinang. Saya tidak tahu apa dah jadi dengan syarikat itu selepas Abdul Rahim meninggal dunia.
    Secara peribadi, saya tidak setuju dengan apa yang didakwa dikata oleh Ahmad Ismail atas beberapa sebab.
    Bagi saya, hampir 90 peratus rakyat Malaysia, khususnya di Semenanjung, adalah pendatang dan kita semua sebenarnya menumpang hidup di bumi Allah. Kita bukan pemilik kekal tetapi hanya menumpang.
    Sebagai contoh, saya sendiri adalah keturunan pendatang yang menumpang hidup di bumi bertuah ini. Datuk nenek di sebelah bapa saya berhijrah dari Makkah dan dari Brunei ke sini manakala di sebelah ibu pula dari Hadhramut, Yaman. Kami adalah pendatang dan penumpang sama seperti hampir semua penduduk negara ini khususnya di Pulau Pinang.
    Bagi Ahmad Ismail, dia juga datang dari keluarga pendatang dan menumpang hidup di negara ini. Ahmad Ismail tidak boleh menafikan hakikat bahawa datuk neneknya adalah pendatang dari India untuk menerokai penghidupan yang lebih baik dan selesa di bumi bertuah ini.
    Perdana Menteri Abdullah bin Ahmad juga tergolong dalam kategori yang sama. Datuknya di sebelah ibu adalah pendatang dari wilayah Guandong, China. Pendek kata, datuk Pak Lah iaitu bapa Allahyarhamah Kailan bernama Hassan Salleh atau Hah Su Chiang adalah seorang pendatang. Beliau berhijrah ke Tanah Melayu dari wilayah Guandong (Kwantung) pada pertengahan abad ke-19 dan menetap di Bayan Lepas sebagai pekebun getah, pesawah padi dan kemudian saudagar intan berlian.
    Najib Tun Razak, Timbalan PM juga berasal daripada keluarga pendatang iaitu dari Sulawesi, Indonesia atau lebih senang disebut orang Bugis manakala sepupunya Hishamudin Hussein tidak terlepas daripada darah keturunan Turki.
    Datuk nenek mantan PM Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad juga pendatang dari Kerala, India manakala ibu Almarhum Tunku Abul Rahman berasal dari negeri Siam (Thailand).
    Kesultanan Melayu Melaka pun dibuka oleh orang pendatang dari Sumatra bernama Parameswara, seorang anak raja atau bangsawan beragama Hindu.
    Dalam sejarah kesultanan Melayu, kita dapati ada yang ditubuh oleh pendatang dari Bugis dan ada pula dari Hadhramut selain dari Minangkabau.
    Hampir semua orang Melayu di sini berasal dari luar Tanah Melayu tetapi diiktiraf sebagai “bangsa Melayu” oleh Perlembagaan Persekutuan. Kita adalah “Melayu mengikut takrifan Perlembagaan” iaitu beragama Islam, mengamalkan adat resam Melayu dan bertutur dalam bahasa Melayu. Malangnya, bahasa Melayu nampaknya dimatikan oleh orang Melayu (UMNO) sendiri apabila dinamakan sebagai bahasa Malaysia.
    Oleh itu, orang Arab seperti Syed Hamid Albar dan saya, orang Aceh seperti Sanusi Junid, orang India seperti Kader Sheikh Fadzir dan Nor Mohamed Yakcop, orang Bugis seperti Najib, orang Minang seperti Rais Yatim, orang Jawa seperti Mohamad Rahmat dan yang lain seperti dari Madura, Pulau Boyan, Siam, Burma, Yunnan (China) dan selatan Filipina dengan mudah boleh diiktirf sebagai “Melayu”.
    Mereka diterima sebagai orang Melayu tidak kira sama ada mereka bertutur bahasa Melayu atau tidak di rumah umpamanya si Arab berbahasa Arab, si Jawa berbahasa Jawa dan si Minang berbahasa Minang atupun si Mamak berbahasa Tamil.
    Bahasa-bahasa yang disebut itu bukan bahasa Melayu dan jika dilihat dari sudut Perlembagaan Persekutuan, tidak boleh diterima atau diiktiraf sebagai bangsa Melayu. Walau bagaimanapun, atas kepentingan dan faktor politik, semuanya diterima sebagai Melayu dan Bumiputera.
    Oleh itu, adalah tidak adil untuk menuding jari kepada orang Cina yang juga kaum pendatang sama seperti orang Arab, India, Aceh, Minang, Batak, Mandailing, Jawa, Madura mahupun Bugis, sebagai menumpang di negeri ini. Kita tidak boleh menafikan bahawa sebilangan besar datuk nenek orang Cina telah berhijrah ke negeri ini semasa Kesultanan Melayu Melaka, bahkan kesultanan-kesultanan terdahulu di Kedah mahupun Terengganu dan Kelantan serta semasa Francis Light berjaya menipu Sultan Kedah untuk menduduki Pulau Pinang pada 1786.
    Kita adalah kaum pendatang yang menumpang hidup di negeri ini. Golongan yang boleh diiktiraf sebagai orang asal atau anak bumi tulen adalah mereka yang kita kenali sebagai Negrito, Jakun, Semang, Jahut, Orang Laut, Orang Darat, Senoi dan suku kaum masyarakat Asli lain yang masih menjadi penghuni belantara.
    Kita tidak harus lupa akan sumbangan dan pengorbanan semua kaum dan suku kaum untuk membangunkan Malaysia sama ada dari sudut ekonomi, kemasyarakatan, keselamatan dan yang paling penting kesepakatan dan perpaduan. Semua orang yang kena dan seharusnya membayar cukai, berbuat demikian tanpa mengira kaum atau asal keturunan, sama ada pendatang atau penumpang.

  33. Monday, September 08, 2008Antara pendatang dan penumpang.
    Syed Iman.
    Pada mulanya saya agak keberatan nak ulas kekecohan yang berpunca ekoran daripada kenyataan ketua UMNO bahagian Bukit Bendera, Pulau Pinang bernama Ahmad bin Ismail. Sama ada benar atau tidak apa yang didakwa dikatakan olehnya mengenai rakyat Malaysia keturunan Cina bukan persoalannya kerana isu tersebut sudahpun merebak dan mengapi-apikan keadaan.
    Jika tidak ditangani dengan cermat, teliti dan bijak, isu itu boleh ditangguk dalam air yang keruh oleh anasir-anasir yang ingin melihat negara ini hancur serta mengundang campur tangan kuasa asing. Dalam zaman dunia tanpa sempadan dan liputan meluas dan segera oleh media elektronik antarabangsa, apa yang berlaku di sesebuah negara itu tidak dapat disembunyi atau dinafikan.
    Isu pokok yang dibangkitkan oleh Ahmad Ismail membabitkan persoalan “menumpang” iaitu rakyat Malaysia keturunan Cina adalah penumpang di negara ini. Beliau menjelaskan bahawa ia merujuk kepada zaman pra-Merdeka. Bagaimanapun, sensitiviti rakyat Malaysia keturunan Cina telah terguris.
    Saya tidak mengenali secara peribadi Ahmad Ismail, tetapi kenal agak rapat dengan Allahyarham abangnya, Abdul Rahim Ismail, pemilik Syarikat Pembinaan Rahim yang pada satu ketika dahulu agak terkenal sebagai sebuah firma pembinaan Bumiputera yang unggul di Pulau Pinang. Saya tidak tahu apa dah jadi dengan syarikat itu selepas Abdul Rahim meninggal dunia.
    Secara peribadi, saya tidak setuju dengan apa yang didakwa dikata oleh Ahmad Ismail atas beberapa sebab.
    Bagi saya, hampir 90 peratus rakyat Malaysia, khususnya di Semenanjung, adalah pendatang dan kita semua sebenarnya menumpang hidup di bumi Allah. Kita bukan pemilik kekal tetapi hanya menumpang.
    Sebagai contoh, saya sendiri adalah keturunan pendatang yang menumpang hidup di bumi bertuah ini. Datuk nenek di sebelah bapa saya berhijrah dari Makkah dan dari Brunei ke sini manakala di sebelah ibu pula dari Hadhramut, Yaman. Kami adalah pendatang dan penumpang sama seperti hampir semua penduduk negara ini khususnya di Pulau Pinang.
    Bagi Ahmad Ismail, dia juga datang dari keluarga pendatang dan menumpang hidup di negara ini. Ahmad Ismail tidak boleh menafikan hakikat bahawa datuk neneknya adalah pendatang dari India untuk menerokai penghidupan yang lebih baik dan selesa di bumi bertuah ini.
    Perdana Menteri Abdullah bin Ahmad juga tergolong dalam kategori yang sama. Datuknya di sebelah ibu adalah pendatang dari wilayah Guandong, China. Pendek kata, datuk Pak Lah iaitu bapa Allahyarhamah Kailan bernama Hassan Salleh atau Hah Su Chiang adalah seorang pendatang. Beliau berhijrah ke Tanah Melayu dari wilayah Guandong (Kwantung) pada pertengahan abad ke-19 dan menetap di Bayan Lepas sebagai pekebun getah, pesawah padi dan kemudian saudagar intan berlian.
    Najib Tun Razak, Timbalan PM juga berasal daripada keluarga pendatang iaitu dari Sulawesi, Indonesia atau lebih senang disebut orang Bugis manakala sepupunya Hishamudin Hussein tidak terlepas daripada darah keturunan Turki.
    Datuk nenek mantan PM Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad juga pendatang dari Kerala, India manakala ibu Almarhum Tunku Abul Rahman berasal dari negeri Siam (Thailand).
    Kesultanan Melayu Melaka pun dibuka oleh orang pendatang dari Sumatra bernama Parameswara, seorang anak raja atau bangsawan beragama Hindu.
    Dalam sejarah kesultanan Melayu, kita dapati ada yang ditubuh oleh pendatang dari Bugis dan ada pula dari Hadhramut selain dari Minangkabau.
    Hampir semua orang Melayu di sini berasal dari luar Tanah Melayu tetapi diiktiraf sebagai “bangsa Melayu” oleh Perlembagaan Persekutuan. Kita adalah “Melayu mengikut takrifan Perlembagaan” iaitu beragama Islam, mengamalkan adat resam Melayu dan bertutur dalam bahasa Melayu. Malangnya, bahasa Melayu nampaknya dimatikan oleh orang Melayu (UMNO) sendiri apabila dinamakan sebagai bahasa Malaysia.
    Oleh itu, orang Arab seperti Syed Hamid Albar dan saya, orang Aceh seperti Sanusi Junid, orang India seperti Kader Sheikh Fadzir dan Nor Mohamed Yakcop, orang Bugis seperti Najib, orang Minang seperti Rais Yatim, orang Jawa seperti Mohamad Rahmat dan yang lain seperti dari Madura, Pulau Boyan, Siam, Burma, Yunnan (China) dan selatan Filipina dengan mudah boleh diiktirf sebagai “Melayu”.
    Mereka diterima sebagai orang Melayu tidak kira sama ada mereka bertutur bahasa Melayu atau tidak di rumah umpamanya si Arab berbahasa Arab, si Jawa berbahasa Jawa dan si Minang berbahasa Minang atupun si Mamak berbahasa Tamil.
    Bahasa-bahasa yang disebut itu bukan bahasa Melayu dan jika dilihat dari sudut Perlembagaan Persekutuan, tidak boleh diterima atau diiktiraf sebagai bangsa Melayu. Walau bagaimanapun, atas kepentingan dan faktor politik, semuanya diterima sebagai Melayu dan Bumiputera.
    Oleh itu, adalah tidak adil untuk menuding jari kepada orang Cina yang juga kaum pendatang sama seperti orang Arab, India, Aceh, Minang, Batak, Mandailing, Jawa, Madura mahupun Bugis, sebagai menumpang di negeri ini. Kita tidak boleh menafikan bahawa sebilangan besar datuk nenek orang Cina telah berhijrah ke negeri ini semasa Kesultanan Melayu Melaka, bahkan kesultanan-kesultanan terdahulu di Kedah mahupun Terengganu dan Kelantan serta semasa Francis Light berjaya menipu Sultan Kedah untuk menduduki Pulau Pinang pada 1786.
    Kita adalah kaum pendatang yang menumpang hidup di negeri ini. Golongan yang boleh diiktiraf sebagai orang asal atau anak bumi tulen adalah mereka yang kita kenali sebagai Negrito, Jakun, Semang, Jahut, Orang Laut, Orang Darat, Senoi dan suku kaum masyarakat Asli lain yang masih menjadi penghuni belantara.
    Kita tidak harus lupa akan sumbangan dan pengorbanan semua kaum dan suku kaum untuk membangunkan Malaysia sama ada dari sudut ekonomi, kemasyarakatan, keselamatan dan yang paling penting kesepakatan dan perpaduan. Semua orang yang kena dan seharusnya membayar cukai, berbuat demikian tanpa mengira kaum atau asal keturunan, sama ada pendatang atau penumpang.

  34. Umno Bukit Bendera division chief Ahmad deserves a more fitting chastisement for his radical ways.
    He should be dismissed from the Umno so that he could dwell comfortably with his mob of prehistoric politicians.
    He does not believe in national unity. He does not believe in living peacefully with the other communities.
    He prefers to create distrust among his colleagues in BN.
    However I guess Umno needs a person of Ahmad’s expertise to be on standby when PakLah might need of his services.

  35. Salam Tun,
    I always admire you as the best PM ever.
    1) to Jan…Agreed….one school for malaysian.
    2) I think AAB is not suitable as PM of Malaysia. Till now he did nothing to generate revenue for the country. He needs more time. Malaysian cannot grant him that time any longer. 1 term is consider long enough to evaluate his poor result.
    3) The country well consider good until this man took the lead. I think this man is getting confuse. More of his decision now is not firm enough to convince Malaysian. Lembik.
    4) Malaysian need a tough and inteligent PM to lead in this complex economic enviroment.
    5) It doesn’t matter who become PM of Malaysia. As long as he/she can sustain good economy and we can cari makan…good enough.

  36. Jan,
    you should check the definition of racist and the causes of it.
    In my view, you are racist. We have Proton but this does not stop Malaysia ignore the foreign branded cars. Since you wan the government to close down the chinese and tamil school, why not include islam school and also open all the national university to all races without looking at their skin colour.

  37. Orang-orang di kawasan Ahmad Ismail memang tahu dia seorang yang garang dan orang-orang di sana semua takut sama dia.Kononnya membela bangsa melayu, sebenarnya dia buat semua untuk kepentingan peribadinya. Cuba tanya orang-orang melayu di tempatnya, siapa orang ini.

  38. We Malay are r.a.c.i.s.t ?
    I live in a peaceful society here, my neighbours stands from chinese and indians all around. We live in a very harmony surroundings. We doesn’t exchange foods during festive season only.. but we did it all the time. The Auntie live in front of my residence, me n myfam treat as like she our my mother. We concern each other as we are all Malaysian-Raced. We even do our shopping most at an Indian shop located far from our house rather the nearby Malay shop. Why? because the price is average and most of all they’re very polite.
    We are all Malaysia-Raced citizens. The only thing is not to offend the right of Malays and Islam as it’s main religion as how we pay our respect to yours.
    I bet these never happened or only few tiny cases and never brought up to be a big issue in time our Ayahnda Tun in on the lead. So it seems like a few group of peoples are taking advantage of ‘the lack of DSAAB adminstration and himself’ to take down the throne away no matter if it has any connection to religious or racist senses. “This is the time to act” says these groups. Furthermore they take this into politics where it became more worst than ever.
    What I hope…?
    I hope we can all live like as when i was brought to grow up like in the 70’s to 80’s to 90’s until the millenium year. I cant define it here but i can still remember that we live in a peaceful, harmony nation. Far, far away from today’s nation.
    Recently, Buletin Utama on the TV next to me announced that Ayahnda Tun is back in UMNO and made confirmed by Tan Sri Muhyidin Yassin. That’s good news…I hope that there would be many changes it time to come. Changes that would bring us back.
    Back to our glorious time as one UNITE MALAYSIANs.
    My comments to Pierce Wong comments ;
    which he wrote : “If Rakyat Malaysia keturunan Cina is considered as Pendatang, then the Malay should also fall into this category. Googling “Origin of Malays” shows that the Malay is originated from Yunnan, China. Therefore, if the Chinese is considered to be Immigrants, the Malay is no different as they are also originated from China. Probably, the only difference will be that the Malay leave China earlier than all the other Chinese”
    p/s : Mr. pierce wong.. i think u’d agree with me if i say that by history, the monkey is actually the first to be living in this country… Then u will of course said “ye lor… that monkey came from China too, Only that monkey is earlier than my monkey….” :)wakaka..

  39. Salam buat TUN sekeluarga,
    Saya telah save ruang ni termasuk feedback dan semuanya ada 500 + pages dalam WORD.
    Saya rasa ini lah topik yang paling hangat diperdebatkan dan terasa nak komen maklum balas pembaca:
    To takretichat on September 5, 2008 7:02 PM
    Saya setuju dengan ‘takretichat’ ramai juga ahli parlimen tak fasih bahasa BM termasuk Kit Siang .. bukan itu saja malah beliau jarang sekali menyebut “dengan izin” bila menggunakan BI semasa dalam dewan.. Kurang ajar betul .. BI Kit Siang pun bukannya bagus sangat pun .. 1000 kali bagus TUN punya BI
    To Jasonjong
    You prove that not all Chinese are racist same goes to the Malays and Indians. Syabas bro..
    To denal15 on September 5, 2008 7:14 PM
    Melayu tak dayus jika tidak menyokong Ahmad Ismail. Ahmad ada agenda tersendiri dan memang kurang matang dalam politik peringkat Nasional. Rapatkankan barisan kita Denal. Insyaallah..
    To mhelmiba on September 5, 2008 7:16 PM
    Saya tak rasa TUN adalah seorang pembangkang .. lebih tepat dikatakan pengkritik
    To Naz on September 5, 2008 7:17 PM
    You have a point there Naz, and I think the racism within need to be controlled by one self within them, not to be shared on open forum. Everyone wants their race to prosper.
    To zzemy on September 5, 2008 7:26 PM
    It’s 13 May zzemy not 16 May hehe .. typing error I presume..
    To hellboy on September 5, 2008 7:26 PM
    You too prove that not all Indians are racist .. it a very good idea for u to suggest an NGO lead by TUN… I’ll be among the first to join .. but in this near future hellboy we Malays desperately need TUN to guide us .. Real happy to hear TUN will rejoin UMNO..
    To crazyellysee on September 5, 2008 7:38 PM
    A true Malaysian you are. A patriotic Chinese indeed.
    To gig on September 5, 2008 7:09 PM
    Saya juga berpendapat seperti tuan, tetapi setelah memeliti kita MELAYU harus memberi tempat kepada Kaum lain juga, marilah bersatu dan jangan sakiti saudara BUKAN MELAYU kita lagi .. saya juga pernah terlanjur kata dan saya kesal .. jangan hancurkan harmoni kaum yang ada sekarang ya.. mohon sangat.
    To jasonjong on September 5, 2008 7:11 PM
    You are my non-Malay brother .. you understand it all bro .. TUN is not an EXTREME RACIST .. racism exist in everyone of us .. An Ultra Malay TUN is, maybe .. but nothing’s wrong being an Ultra Malay since to me Tan Sri Koh Tsu Koon is an Ultra Chinese so is Kit Siang and Samy Vellu is an Ultra Indian (in my opinion).. that what make things work .. sorry if I’m wrong.
    To azarimy on September 5, 2008 7:11 PM
    Hope things turnout better after TUN’s rejoining.
    To revolutionist on September 5, 2008 7:12 PM
    To thlong on September 5, 2008 7:13 PM
    Sabar Pak Long .. Insyaalah ianya akan berulang
    To Ramesh on September 5, 2008 7:59 PM
    For you our starting is wrong .. but to me our starting is full of compassionate .. I’m sure lots more opinions ..
    To saint on September 5, 2008 8:00 PM
    Are you sure we are ready to give all up sir? I don’t think so .. I love to see dragon boat race, chinghay etc .. im a malay brought up in Chinese surrounding .. I can live with Chinese School, I was schooled in one even, I can live with existence of Chinese Opera, Tamil School, Wail-wail, etc (not all are suppose to be mentioned due to sensitivity). If 1 ‘Bangsa Malaysia’ I think it will not work since we have to consider the extremist as well in order to avoid chaos. What wrong with many identities in Malaysia.. foreigner seems to admire it .. and it provides verity to us all .. I understand if are touched by some writers .. nobody in this world can please everybody
    To sherizz on September 5, 2008 8:18 PM
    Common Sherizz of course Malaysia is still safe generally although every got ‘kes bunuh’ now .. but I don’t feel unsafe to travel anywhere .. cheers sis/bro..
    To kuthe2 on September 5, 2008 8:24 PM
    Bro .. saya pon ada jugak kutuk mereka2 ni .. tapi saya yakin many of other races are not like that .. now we firm up since Tun nak join balik UMNO .. u still have rational inside u .. take care bro
    To Malaysian Indian on September 5, 2008 8:33 PM
    Deyy .. pigi skolah la .. chitt
    To chin on September 5, 2008 8:38 PM
    Your remarks toward TUN is very untrue sir .. Tun have enhance the economic fundamental that benefited Chinese the most but at the same time pushing the Malay from their left out position and not putting Indian and others left behind. Very very untrue “Chinese was quite happy doing business among them selves and overseas only” and you know that .. Who benefited most in local the industries? Don’t answer wrongly just for the sake of your irrational sentiment and own satisfaction.. MELAYU will always be MELAYU, Chinese will always be Chinese (ex. even they have occupied the US hundreds of years, they still cannot be departed from China Town because they love their culture), and Indians will always be Indian as they have their own culture .. Just live with the ‘Social Contract’ nobody will disturb you sir .. “Bangsa Malaysia” will not work out here and is full of extreme unforeseen agenda by culprits such as the “Bangang Kit Siang” and the “Kurang Ajar Karpal”.. good day to you sir.
    To salman on September 5, 2008 8:38 PM
    Quite an option there you have sir .. but Im kind of like better Mukhriz to remain his seat and other rather than Mukhriz could sacrifice their seat for TUN for the sake of this nation.. better steel Pak Lah himself .. Salam
    To terongpipit on September 5, 2008 8:43 PM
    Some cut and paste .. its extremely a good article (no offence to Indian). It’s a must for all of us to know .. it is not racial afterall .. it is facts .. thanks for the info
    To Xin on September 5, 2008 8:53 PM
    Sayang TUN juga.. 
    To princeofpeace on September 5, 2008 9:03 PM
    Jangan risau la bro .. DSAI tu mamun.. otak dia tak secergas TUN dan mungkin dah nyanyuk .. Biasa la, tak dapat nak jadi PM mimpi pon jadi la.
    To RyscheClyde on September 5, 2008 9:04 PM
    I foresee the same thing sir .. that proves that MALAYS totally are not extremist and still we can live with that .. that’s why BUMIS need the NEP and other have to live with it .. we give and take .. what is history is history .. facts are facts .. but there is always more un-chaotic ways to address those matters ..
    To ariffabusamah on September 5, 2008 9:19 PM
    I don’t think all Chinese wants to turn us into republic.. only the KURANG AJAR one .. Malay also got KURANG AJAR one so do Indian especially the NO BRAIN HINDRAF .. If anybody is trying to push hard for a republic country in a large number, I think “PERANGLAH KOT”. If not, Askar Melayu Di Raja, Polis Di Raja tu nak letak mana ya .. takkan nama saja Di Raja ya.. and lately PAT (Panglima Angkatan Tentera) has utter his deepest concern to this current situation. A REPUBLIC WILL NOT HAPPEN..
    To jl118 on September 5, 2008 9:23 PM
    Way to go bro .. I believe many of other races with you.. Let us firm up ..
    To inisse on September 5, 2008 9:38 PM
    Good leaders cannot be breed like goats or cows.. I don’t blame TUN for not breeding good leader, it is ridiculous.. and it is compulsory “building the hardware of the country” as u interpreted it .. we need it badly .. I need it badly .. but I don’t feel TUN neglected the ‘software’ .. it is not fair to say that .. but of course TUN cant do all things for everyone ..
    To furido1585 on September 5, 2008 9:39 PM
    Sememangnya Tun adalah Pemimpin Islam Sejati malah di peringkat dunia dan diakui oleh masyarakat antarabangsa termasuk Yahudi .. Siapa tak Nampak TUN sebagai Pemimpin Islam memang ‘buta perut’ dan ‘buta hati’.. buakan seperti Pak Lah yang nak tunjuk sangat dia ni Islam lalu dilancarkan ‘Islam Hadhari’ buat main2. Langkah ini telah menakutkan dan memberi pelbagai salah anggapan di kalangan orang bukan Islam. Apa yang Hadhari pon tak tau lah .. pak lah – pak lah .. tak penat lelah.
    To kucau on September 5, 2008 9:41 PM
    He’s not only a brilliant tactician but also a great strategist .. orang baru fakir ABC dia dah fakir sampai Z .. That’s why we love him and further more need him.. wassalam
    By apanama on September 5, 2008 9:44 PM
    Unbridle Freedom is a foolish decision made by Pak Lah .. MORONS will start taking advantages out of it such as HINDRAF, KIT SIANG, ANWAR and KARPAL.
    By tunnusantara on September 5, 2008 9:46 PM
    History does proves things.. but our willingness to share that’s what make us strong as a nation ..
    To be continue ..
    Wassalam Tun.

  40. To bloggers,
    Some said that our national school is not at par with Chinese school. That’s why they prefer Chinese. Let me tell you, your idea is not a solution. Your action invites more problems and racial bias in future generation. If you really love Malaysia, and said that you are true Malaysian, together we must strengthen National school. There is only one school, not many racist schools. The name already implies it is a racist school – Sek.Keb. Cina, Tamil etc.

  41. Tun,
    I feel really disappointed to read ‘Pohon Maaf’ which is penned by a leader of such calibre. To me your comment has provoked Ahmad to be even more daring and acted like gangster.
    And your Pohon Maaf 2 sound short of an appology for the ‘Pohon Maaf’ just in time to stop another May 13. So, your words/blog is very powerful and I hope/beg you in future to be more sensible and responsible for the sake of all Malaysian.
    On fairness, whether Bumis or not, we are now all born in Malaysia, and have contributed one way or another. My neighbors are Malays and Indians, and we visit/offer food to one another. One Ahmad and One Mahatir can destroy all this feeling. Looking at the current political scene, may be the non-bumis will have equality in another 500 years. Lets look forward to year 2508.

  42. Dear Tun Mahathir,
    I’m wandering who should be the next Prime Minister, Pak Lah, Najib, Anwar or Tun.
    Pak Lah – after 4 years of administration, inflation has gone up, make drastic change in fuel price result in other goods price gone up. Is it a wise decision? I’m doubt about it.
    Najib – Yes Sir, man. Heard a lot about the negative news published.
    Anwar – Economy crisis in 1997, does he contribute to the ecomony? If he take charge what will happen to Malaysia then?
    Tun Mahathir – in power of over 22 years, has seen the development of Malaysia, step by step to achieve develop country status.
    Who should be the next PM?

  43. RACIST?
    M’SIA NI..
    M’SIA NI..

    Sekian Tun.

  45. Pahlawan Melayu atau Pengkhianat Bangsa?
    Perwatakan dan gaya Dato’ Ahmad Ismail menampakkan beliau seorang Panglima Perang Besar bangsa Melayu yang begitu garang dan tegas. Seolah-olah tidak ada seinci pun yang akan diberikan oleh panglima ini dalam menegakkan kedaulatan dan keagungan bangsa
    Tetapi adakah ini kebenaran atau persepsi semata-mata? Kalau benar ia hanya persepsi, silat persepsi sebegini rupa hanya boleh diajar oleh seorang ahli politik sahaja. Ahli politik yang ketandusan prinsip. Ahli politik yang dahulunya berwajah pejuang bangsa dan kini sudah bertukar rupa untuk menjadi musuh bangsa Melayu nombor satu, Anwar Ibrahim.
    Seni halus yang dimainkan oleh Ahmad Ismail berbau Anwar. Anwar dengan liciknya menarik perhatian orang ramai kenegeri Sabah dan Sarawak sedangkan pergerakannya banyak tertumpu di Semenanjung Malaysia, terutamanya di negeri kuatnya Pulau Pinang.
    Fakta yang sahih menunjukkan Anwar Ibrahim telah mengambil Ahmad Ismail sebagai anak didik politiknya ketika Anwar menjadi Ketua Perhubungan Negeri. Dari ahli biasa, Ahmad Ismail diangkat oleh Anwar hingga beliau memegang tampuk kepimpinan Bukit Bendera. Dalam tempoh ini, segala kemahuan dan nafsu duniawi Ahmad Ismail dipuaskan oleh Anwar. Ahmad Ismail begitu terhutang budi dengan jasa yang telah ditabur oleh mentor politiknya.
    Pada tahun 2008, Anwar meraih hutang budinya dari Ahmad Ismail. Namun, bukanlah kenangan kisah silam sahaja yang berjaya membuat Ahmad Ismail mengkhianat bangsa sendiri. Kerakusan dan ketamakan Ahmad Ismail menjadi pendorong utama mengapa dia sanggup menggadai maruah diri, maruah bangsa dan maruah UMNO.
    Setelah Pulau Pinang jatuh ketangan Pakatan Rakyat. Dunia Ahamad Ismail menjadi semakin gelap. Dia seolah-olah karam dalam lautan politik yang bergelora ini.Hanya Anwar sahaja yang boleh menyelamatkannya.
    Dengan sekelip mata, Ahmad Ismail dengan relanya menjayakan wayang dan mengupas agenda sebenar Anwar Ibrahim yang telah menggegar negara baru-baru ini. Ketika sidang akhbar itu berjalan, pesan Anwar Ibrahim bergema di dalam Ahmad Ismail – “Bakar semangat Melayu, Pastikan BN berpecah tanggal 16 Sepetember ini. Pastikan Gerakan dan MCA keluar dari Barisan. Bila aku kembali berkuasa kau akan menerima habuannya.”
    Tanggungjawab UMNO ialah untuk memperjuangkan nasib anak bangsa, dan dengan nada yang sama, kepada pemimpin yang sengaja membelakangi tanggungjawab ini demi kepentingan peribadi, UMNO harus berani menjatuhkan hukuman seberat beratnya. Kerana UMNO alaf baru ini tiada tempat untuk pengkhianat anak bangsa dan boneka Anwar Ibrahim seperti Ahmad Ismail ini.

  46. Datuk Chua Jui Meng is going for the MCA president’s post in the party elections next month. This is indeed good news, especially since MCA’s string of failures and toothless attempts to advocate positive social development amongst the Chinese community.
    The present MCA leadership does not have the capacity and capability to make any changes. With Chua in the picture, I am confident that MCA will play a more vibrant and proactive role in BN.
    Unfortunately for BN and their politicians, Umno has reached rock bottom. Umno is in no position to help its BN partners. Umno is burdened with its own internal problems.
    As for Chua’s proficiency as a politician, I believe he would be able to contribute more and he would be able to change the 2nd class position of MCA to a more effective party.
    But Umno does not seek any changes in its leadership. What Umno is now, is no longer what it was 7 years ago. Umno and MCA, and many other BN parties, does not command the respect of the Rakyat. Malaysians are deeply tired of the noises coming from BN. I am tired of looking and listening to our PM. He does not have anything constructive to say. To me, he appears to be lost in the oblivion that he has created.
    Lets hope that more credible politicans come forward to challenge the present leadership. Lets hope and if you are in the position to vote, for a leader that is able to save us economically and socially.

  47. Pemimpin yang berani bersuara seperti Dato Ahmad ditentang sendiri oleh orang melayu. bangsa asing tak perlu bertindak pun kita dah tunjukkan diri kita lemah dan lembab.

  48. First thing first: How about Bahasa Malaysia (national Language) and English(International language) for the people of Malaysia.
    We want to be Malaysian but create a divider- Mandarin news, Tamil news, Tamil school and Chinese school. We want the Malays to forgo their land for all the Malaysians concept but keep the languages to each different specific group.

  49. Dear Tun,
    The word is out that you’re rejoining UMNO. So you’re still keeping your hand in politics.
    Sir, what do you think of recent comments by senior UMNO politicians about a recurrence of May 13th? Are not these the type of comments for which the ISA was formulated? Why then is it not used when many less inciting words have been punished very quickly?

  50. What a pity Ahmad Ismail has to apologized for reading Malaysian history book aloud in public. The topic is the origin of Malaysian Chinese and Indian. Non-Malays are hurt and and their outcry want swift and stern punishment for him, but not for the boy who sung Negaraku upside down and the HINDRAF display of power recently. Maybe MCA and non-Malays will exert pressure the topic be thrown out from our history book. All these years only non-Malays question Malays special right and Islam as official religion which is trespassing the constitution. That means the Malays are happy the way non-Malays obtain their citizenship? until today they are still quiet…the soft Malays dare not say anything. Hope CODE of ETHIC suggested by present cabinet will bar every Malaysian from questioning the SOCIAL CONTRACT forever. Those who did, will really burn their finger. This way the Malays are protected from the big bullies. Good luck

  51. I would like to comment on the report in the Star on September 6 titled ‘Dr M : Why must Malay leaders say sorry ?. I read with utter disbelief and felt disappointed at Dr M remarks in his blog which says Malay leaders shouldn’t be saying sorry over the racial overtone uttered by Bukit Bendera division chief .
    I could not fathom how Dr M with such a social and political standing also touted as the most outstanding leader in the Muslim’s world could churned such a lopsided argument for the public to stomach. Dr M complained that when Hindraf leaders hurled racial accusations against Malays and Wee the Chinese boy who made headlines and top chart with his infamous song titled ‘Negarakuku’, no leaders from the other races came forward to say sorry. Dr M is comparing two identical issues but different in nature and perspective . Ahmad Ismail is representing UMNO and UMNO is a member in BN with MCA and MIC as members too. They are sharing the same platform for the struggle and pursuit of an excellent, glorious and distinguished nation called Malaysia as being propagated under Pak Lah’s regime. Do you say nasty things about your brothers in public and put him in an embarrassing and precarious situation. No reasons whatsoever for one to touch on race and religion sensitivities as the leadership of Umno and Government have warned and been parroting this loud and clear. To go against this norm in the spirit of Barisan Nasional is unbecoming in the highest order and blatant disregard for the leadership.
    Interestingly, Ahmad was nowhere to be found in two weeks and later came out with excuses that he was quoted out of context after the leadership of UMNO apologized, simply ridiculous and nerve-wracking. Supposing Ahmad is nobody and he is not representing any Malay dominated organization especially not the biggest component party in BN. Then I think he can say whatever he likes to his heart’s content. Who bothers to ask him for an apology. Maybe all he gets for his racist behaviour are a sinister look and cold treatment from colleagues and neighbours so long as he doesn’t go around doing it repeatedly, he is safe. But what happened here is exactly the opposite. Leaders in particular must be extra careful lest they will be remembered forever for the antics they have committed. Hence, it mattered for him to apologise because making an apology would not degrade him but not doing so make him one.
    In the case of Hindraf, why should MIC leaders come forward to say sorry when they themselves are targets and victims of the campaign. Hindraf is an independent force which does not work or being affiliated with any Government ‘s body or party. Besides, Hindraf is fighting a cause for their community complaining of been marginalized whether real or perceived is another question. In a movement like this do you say nice things to garner support. Definitely you have to speak racial issue because that is the reason you are in the movement. Can we blame the Indian leaders for not apologizing on behalf of the Hindraf leaders when they themselves became victims in March 8’s election. Do we still need Hindraf leaders to say sorry when they have been dealt with severely under ISA.
    I wondered how Dr M could drag Wee as a comparison when he was just an undergraduate living abroad with no political or affiliation whatsoever to represent and his song was to air his personal frustration and opinion. He only got himself and maybe his family to be blamed and frowned on for his partly antagonistic, comical and creative lyrics. Why should Dr M take the Chinese leaders to task for Wee’s childish behaviour. I urge Dr M to think again next time before making any comparison. Remember not to compare a chicken’s egg with the goose. They won’t look or measured the same no matter how or what we use to do the job. Probably is time to really retire. Hence, the gesture of saying sorry from the Malay leaders is timely, most appropriate and much needed. This is simple reason and logic for the nation to move on as one. Nevertheless, the Chinese are a forgiving lot because this is not the first time.
    How could a leader still mention such a thing after 51 years of Independence. Could he not accept and acknowledged the fact that the non-Malays have contributed immensely towards the country’s economic wellbeing and education standard both before and after Independence and the fact that majority of us alive today mattered and need to be treated fairly, in whatsoever policy the Government is contemplating simply because we are born here after 1957 and have profound reasons to be called heirs of this country namely Malaysia. Any premise to refute this can be conceived as not honouring and relegate our forefathers’ stand on consensus and equal footing basis when they fought for Independence.
    Did Persekutuan Tanah Melayu gain Independence through sheer efforts of one race. British gave us Independence through the joint effort of UMNO, MCA and MIC called Alliance and our willingness to forge a tie and assured our colonial master that we are capable of governing this country ourselves. I doubt we would be given Independence so smoothly if not for the joint effort. Could the leaders of the dominant party today not acknowledge this fact and give due credit to the other races for their contribution to that historical event. This known fact is well documented in history. Ahmad shouldn’t be harping on the sensitive immigrant issue even though he alleged to be misquoted by the media. I felt that this is a non-issue anymore as the Government has been practicing affirmative policies since May 13 to ensure a more balance and equitable society after British’s divide and rule policy as perceived by all. Leaders of non-Malay in the BN coalition had been so subservient to the policies of the ruling party to the point of losing their own people support on March 8. It is a reality that must be heeded by all. We did not achieve Independence by effort of one race or party. This we mustn’t forget lest you be called ‘Melayu mudah lupa’. I dare not imagine what would have happened if not of the cooperation and consensus made back then that had so convincingly moved the hearts of our colonial masters. Can we still be fighting over ownership and rights issues now without Independence. Without Independence how far can we go.
    Leaders of UMNO shouldn’t feel so threatened by the call of equal rights as their special rights enshrined in the Constitution are still very much intact. To be jittery about it are xenophobic and lacking in confidence to deal with the onslaught of globalization, liberalization and meritocracy . Sooner or later we will be bulldozed by tides and waves of open market and borderless world. Are we still fighting over leftovers by the giant corporate then. On the other hand, are the so called immigrants living here for ‘free’. Aren’t their presence here have contributed tremendously towards the overall good of the country like paying taxes, creating job opportunity through corporate and business entities which had benefitted everyone.
    As I pondered further over the fuss created these last couple of months and began to wonder what the real causes. I begin to fathom that under the disguise of rights and ownership issues, the real culprit actually is economic pie of the country or what we commonly known as bread and butter in layman term. This is what make us a little ‘kiasu’ and moved us to fight to make sure we are not losing out in the name of race, rights and dignity. This has also enlightened me on another aspect of life. With all the emphasis and importance placed and preached by religious authorities and clergyman with regard to the spirituality of man after all comes second when put alongside material concerns. Undeniably, material aspects in life override spirituality for most of us if not all. For ‘my race and my root’ chants a staunch racist, echoed by others. This has been the slogan of chanting of late.
    I wish them all good luck as they continue to race over the racial issues for ego or glory I’m not sure. One thing for sure is it will soon fade away in the wrap of time and will be witnessed by generations to come. For God’s sake let’s wake up from our slumber. Let’s ask the most pertinent questions as to what we are actually fighting. Who cares not even God, this has been the manifestation of human nature from everlasting to everlasting, simply unchangeable otherwise history wouldn’t be so soaked with bloods and tears of them who pay no heed to the perennial voice of God which says ‘we are but a big family in this globe and love thy neighbour as thyself’. Who cares!
    Whether 916 will be a reality or not I leave it to the MPs to decide. Even though some may say this is not democratic and dirty tactics. Ask yourself has the ruling party been so cleaned and democratic in their decades of reign. The country’s ills today like racial divide, corruption, unjust policies, illegal immigrant, malpractices of all sorts in the ‘kautim attitude’ and ‘know-who mentality’ are very much the trademarks and hallmarks of BN’s ruling. To overhaul the whole system and machinery, nothing short of 916 can achieve. Therefore, to Malaysians who disagree, just bear with it and let the outcome speaks for itself. History will remember those MPs who make the right decision as true nationalist in this new era to create a new Malaysia. In politics, at times you have to be Machievallian to bring about meaningful change. Let’s pray for God’s blessing to be upon our modern warriors and fighters and may our dream come true. One nation, one hope, and one dream.

  52. Salam Tun,
    I always admired and respected you. Am always proud whenever any of my foreign friends were mentioning your name especially when they know that I am a Malaysian. Malaysia economy and status was well known to the world especially when you were the Prime Minister then.
    Since your retirement, Malaysia is not the same anymore because we didn’t have the caliber leader like you who knows what to do and act especially during sensitive situation like now. I hope everybody realize that we are Malaysians and we all should work together to make Malaysia more prosperous, peaceful and strong economy. Dont let certain parties or group of people destroyed the unity we have for their own selfish purposes! If we are truly Malaysians then think carefully before making any decision/choices especially to those who said ‘I dont care’!
    I do agreed with you that those who make mistakes should be responsible for their acts, apologize and punish for it!
    I hope by Tun decision to join UMNO again will ease the tension and bring back harmony to the country and may Allah swt blessed and protect you.

  53. I thought i have sent in my comment, why is it not published, wondered any censorship or technical error. Please check. TQ

  54. An worsening economy will create more social problems for Malaysians. Our country is steered by Umno towards political hara-kiri. PakLah is wasting the country’s resources on everything that is worthless and suits the selected few. The stock market is in the slums and we have racists in Penang.
    Taking about racists, Ahmad Ismail would be openly known as Malaysia’s infamous individualist who seeks to reap the attention of the public. He thinks that he can negatively talk about the other communities while the Non-Malays must keep their mouth shut. He thinks that he is better than everyone else.
    Well this fellow should just climb a tree and hide.

  55. This is totally out of context. Enough cheap issue and someone like you Tun cannot wait any longer to witness this. This is what MALAYSIAN has paid for the price of weak LEADERSHIP.

  56. Salam Tun & Rakan2 bloggers yang lain…
    I can understand why Datuk Ahmad Ismail is behaving that way, and not willing to apologize.. And he has the back-ups from all the pemimpin UMNO Penang..
    Also the latest uproar about his spat with TS Koh Tsu Koon & Gerakan… One thing, probabably they have personal problem between them.. Tetapi masaalah lain yang besar dan lama di P Pinang memang telah lama wujud..
    Walaupun 17 tahun menerajui
    P Pinang, apa yang mereka telah beri atau bantu orang Melayu??? Pulau Pinang ini sapa yang punya.. Orang2 Melayu di sini kerdil & tak ada kepentingan & pembelaan.. Pulau Pinang ni sapa yang bina?? Contractor2 Melayu jangan harap la nak jadi kaya macam negeri2 lain, contractor2 jadi kaya.. Di Sini boleh kira berapa orang sangat Melayu yang agak kaya..
    Ya, cuba tengok projek banyak yang naik di sini.. Reclamation tanah by IJM secara senyap2 along the coastal highway.. Memang bagus dan meyenangkan.. Tapi tak dengaq khabar berita atau sok-sek sok-sek, tiba2 saja dah naik.. Tak ada sapa bantah atau kata apa.. Tak tau sapa buat.. Yang jadi issue cuma beberapa projek seperti PORR atau Second Bridge..and the latest Penang City Center(PCC) di tempat lumba kuda tu, itu pun pasal ada terkena harta benda depa dan selepas DAP naik..
    Coming from Penang, this have been a big problem here.. Melayu Pulau Pinang sudah lama di pinggirkan.. Sudah lama.. Di sini Melayu adalah minority.. Kalau nak kata takut Malaysia jadi macam Singapore,
    mai tengok di Penang dulu.. Bukan saja jadi macam Singapore, dah lebih daripada Hongkong dah..
    Dato Ahmad & pemimpin2 UMNO Penang sanggup mereka di kenakan tidakan, mereka sanggup & rela menghadapinya..Mereka terpaksa berkorban walaupun kaum lain marah.. They try to Penang Malays true hero.. Especially Dato Ahmad..
    Suara Melayu Pulau Pinang tak pernah didengari..Atau tidak banyak yang membantu, terutamanya di sebelah pulau ni..
    Sebab tu saya rasa dia orang ni buat riuh-riuh macam ni..Baru masyarakat buka mata, baru pemimpin2 Melayu dan Cina kecoh2 sikit.. baru tahu masaalah Melayu P Pinang ..
    Nak harapkan DSAAB atau DSAI?? Walaupun mereka berasal dari sini, jangankan nak dengar kami, nak jenguk pun tidak.. Masing2 pun nak jaga kepentingan diri je..
    Tak ada orang lain yang nak bela Melayu Pulau Pinang.. Nak harapkan Ketua Menteri II dari PKR tu, entahlah.. Bolehke defend orang Melayu?? Tak nampak apa pun lagi.. Yes Man juga la agaknya..
    Saya tidak begitu mengenali Dato Ahmad, cuma secara jauh tahu beliau.. Nampak orangnya memang agak arrogant..Secara personal, ahli keluarganya pun ramai yang kaya2 dalam politik walaupun sekolah sampai Tingkatan 3 saja..
    Tapi ramai orang Melayu di Pulau Pinang ni susah & daif.. Memang second class citizen.. Sendiri kena struggle.. Kalau ada Melayu Penang yang senang, cuma 1% dari rakyat pulau Pinang.. Rata2 mengeluh seperti merempat di negara sendiri..
    Mungkin orang luar tak faham.. Kalau tak tinggal di sini tak tahu.. Tetapi masaalah perkauman memang wujud di negeri ini.. You can feel the stress in the air.. Saya dapat rasakan perbezaannya.. Berbanding dengan layanan, hurmat menghurmati & mentaliti kaum Cina di negeri2 lain terutama di Kuala Lumpur atau Kelantan..
    I feel those Chinese who wrote here and not happy with your statements here Tun, majority are not from Penang.. These people feel hurt because they don’t behave or think like Penang Chinese… Or I could be wrong?? This is only my personal oppinion..
    Bila Dato Ahmad kata dia tak marah apa yang berlaku padanya… Tapi the Grassroots dan ramai Melayu terpinggir yang akan marah.. He is probably talking & protecting Penang Malays..
    To me, he has one supporter here on this matter.. He is right on that one!!
    Mungkin ada rahmatnya atas perkara yang berlaku ini.. Harap2 selepas ini Penang menjadi tempat yang lebih baik untuk Melayu..

  57. nak tanya,jika kita terpijak kaki org adakah ogr yg terkena pijak tu minta maaf?ni bukan isu antara melayu dan cina,ni hanyalah ahmad sendiri yg ungkit masyarakat cina pendatang(tak perlulah mengajar sejarah time kempen) dan ahmad sengaja alihkan masalah ni kepada kaum melayu dan cina yg sedih lagi agama islam, tetapi ni hanyalah kenyataan peribadi ahmad kenapa kaitkan melayu keseluruhan?sya sekeluarga sangat sangat menghorhati tun lagi lagi bapa sya,tetapi seorang pemimpin harus lihat kearah penyelesaiaan bukan dlm hal ni tambah api,kita semua akan rugi,kenapa harus pertahan seseorang tu jika ianya salah?adakah jika ahmad membuat kenyataan ni melayu akan maju malaysia akan membanggun?kini ekonomi kita meleset pendidikan lemah,kemiskinan bertambah.apa salahnya bersatu majukan malaysia?isu kaum ni bilalah selesai?51merdeka tetapi masi lagi ada orang ungkit hal hal yg suda jadi hakikat dan keyataan yg tak boleh diubah..

  58. salam tun, diharap tun dpt membimbing pula pembaca2 blog tun sendiri agar lebih matang dlm memberi komen yang berguna dan tidak kebudak-budakan. TERUTAMA sekali kepada yang selalu “berlumba” untuk menjadi “i’m the first…” atau lebih kurang yang sewaktu dgnnya.

  59. Salam buat TUN sekeluarga,
    Tun jika Melayu juga pendatang saya rasa elok ditambah Sekolah Jenis Kebangsaan yang lain untuk mencapai keadilan optimum.
    Sekolah Jenis Kebangsaan Jawa.
    Sekolah Jenis Kebangsaan Bugis.
    Sekolah Jenis Kebangsaan Mamak.
    Sekolah Jenis Kebangsaan Minang.
    Sekolah Jenis Kebangsaan Patani.
    Sekolah Jenis Kebangsaan Arab.
    dan sebagainya.
    Wassalam Tun.

  60. Salam buat Tun sekeluarga,
    Saya tidaklah begitu arif tentang politik.
    akan tetapi, keadaan negara sekarang ni amat menyedihkan saya.
    Sebagai rakyat biasa, kami amat mengharapkan pemimpin kami sama2 bersatu untuk membangunkan dan memajukan negara dengan ikhlas untuk kepentingan rakyat dan negara..
    Isu2 agama,perkauman sebegini..hanya akan mengulang sejarah jika asyik di provokasi oleh golongan tertentu..meskipun saya tidak pernah mengalami peristiwa 13 Mei..Na’uzubillahi minzalik..saya tidak pernah punya angan2 utk kembali ke zaman itu..
    Malaysia yang dulunya jauh lebih aman harmoni keadaannya kini telah porak poranda..bagaikan menanti saat utk..hmm…saya dan rakan2 yang baru mulakan hidup kami sebagai rakyat malaysia yang bekerja turut terasa tertekan..bolehkah Malaysia kembali pada zaman yang aman tanpa pemberontakan di sana sini..? zaman di mana semua kaum saling menghormati agama dan kaum masing2 ? zaman di mana sesama kaum dan agama tidak bermusuhan?
    Semalam saya mendengar berita dimana Tun akan kembali semula..kami semua bersyukur sekiranya ia benar-benar terjadi..setiap pemerintah juga insan lemah ciptaan Allah..ada kelebihan dan kekurangan masing2..akan tetapi bila pemimpin2 ini bersatu..saya amat berharap..Malaysia akan menjadi tempat paling selamat dan aman untuk kami diami..
    p/s: saya amat mengagumi Tun dan kegigihan Tun. Buku biografi mengenai Tun saya beli dan hadiahkan pada insan tersayang kerana saya percaya dengan mengetahui kehidupan seseorang yang kami sama2 kagumi dan mengetahui penat lelah serta kesukaran yang diatasi Tun hingga berjaya kini akan membuatkan dia juga lebih teruja untuk menjadi seseorang yang lebih gigih berusaha untuk berjaya dalam kehidupan.

  61. Dearest YAB Tun,
    Lihatlah perkembangan terkini.. Ahmad dah semakin menjadi jadi. Oleh kerana AAB dan Najib membelanya atas isu ‘pendatang’, kini dia berani mendesak Gerakan meninggalkan BN. Apa dah jadi? Adakan AAB akan terus membelanya dan menyalahkan media kononnya laporan media tidak tepat??
    Kepada Pak Lah, letaklah jawatan sekiranya anda tidak lagi mampu megawal keadaan. Takkan nak dibiarkan orang bawahan bertindak sesuka hati mereka? Janganlah sudah terhantuk baru terngadah…

  62. I dislike any racial statement that aim to label Malaysian Chinese as immigrants or question chinese loyalty to Malaysia. All those are prejudice statements .
    The chinese has contributed significantly towards the social and economic development of our country since the early day and has considered this country as their homeland.
    When the Japanese invaded our country many chinese voluntarilry took up the weapons to fight against the Japanese invaders. The japanese occupation in Malaya had caused grievances not only to chinese but to Indian ,Malay and other races as
    well. The Japanese soldiers damaged mosques and lot of Malay village folk were send to burma to build the “River Kwai death railway”. It is therefore wrong to label all those chinese who fought against Japanese as communist terrorist that acted against the interest of the country.
    Many chinese merchants such as the founder of Lee Rubber ,Doctor Lee Kuan Cian has practiced a good virtues of contributing back to society for welfare work from the profits they made from society.According to my late father GOH GUAN LEE who had been working with LEE RUBBER for years,Doctor Lee Kuan Cian divided his businees profits into three portions , one third of his profits went to company as redevelopment fund for the company , one third as a bonuses and benefits to his employee, and another one third as fund for social welfare.In fact the EPF system adopted by our country today is formulated according to the management system practised by Doctor Lee Kuan Cian.
    Until today the Lee Foundation founded by Doctor Lee Kuan Cian is still providing asistances to the needy irrespective of race and religion.
    The chinese comunity of Malaysia had shown a good example to the world by contributing help generously not only to the chinese but to the victims of tsunami and Iraqi war. We are loyal to the king and country and we follow the rule and we lead a right livelihood.
    I therefore sincerely ask those who had making biased statement against chinese to stop repeating the statement , instead
    they should learnt the good virtues of chinese of contributing back to country and society for welfare work from the profits they reaped from country and society.
    Exco Member of MCA KEPONG DIVISION

  63. Assalamualakum
    Tun apa khabar?saya harap Tun dan keluarga sihat walafiat. Betulkah Tun kembali kepada UMNO?saya berharap sangat-sangat Tun dapat kembali pada UMNO,bagi memulihkan parti melayu yang semakin hari semakin lemah dan tercabar. Kalau Tun perasan sejak Dato Sri Anwar Ibrahim di lepaskan banyak masalah yang berlaku di negara kita. Krisis politik,perkauman dan krisis hak orang melayu. Sekarang Tun telah tahu yang hak perlembagaan negara kita dicabar dan dipersoalkan,jadi saya berharap Tun kembali pada UMNO dapat menyatupadukan kaum di negara kita dan memulihkankrisis politik yang melanda negara kita. Sekian Terima Kasih
    Hidup Tun!!!

  64. Assalammualaikum
    Di sini saya ingin meminta pandangan dan komen dari Tun. Mengapa DSAAB begitu beriya-iya mengambil hati, memujuk, mengikut segala permintaan MCA, Gerakan berkenaan isu Datuk ‘Ahmad Ismail’. Saya amat kecewa dengan cara pemimpin2 tertinggi menangangi isu ini.Seperti mereka takut dan terus mengikut kehendak mereka utk mengambil tindakan tegas pada ‘Ahmad Ismail’.
    Saya tidak berpuas hati kerana mengapa DSAAB mengikut saja apa yg mereka ‘mahu’ sedangkan pilihan raya umum Mac lalu, Gerakan dn MCA kalah teruk di Pulau Pinang, tidak berfungsi.Apakah perkara ini DSAAB tidak peduli atau beliau tidak mahu mengusutkan fikiranya.Jelas pada saya beliau takut akan hilang sokongan yg pada saya sokongan sudah pun semakin kurang.
    DSAAB lebih mengutamakan perasaan bangsa lain daripada bangsa sendiri,tidak sedar maruah bangsa sendiri semakin hari semakin susut nilainya. Saya bukannya hendak menyokong atau setuju 100% terhadap kenyataan ‘Ahmad Ismail’ tersebut, tetapi ada kebenarannya yg bangsa cina harus sentiasa ingat sebab itu adalah fakta sejarah yg mereka perlu ingat.Pada saya sejarah nenek moyang kita tidak boleh di ketepikan dan dilupakan begitu sahaja.Bagaimana bangsa kita ditipu, ditindas, dipinggirkan.Kalau diingat kembali sudah pasti org2 melayu akan sedih dan berasa marah dan dendam.
    Tetapi saya tahu bangsa melayu tidak begitu, tidak dididik dengan cara yg kasar, lasak dan bermusuh musuhan.Bangsa melayu lembut hati, tidak suka akan rusuhan dan pemberontakan atau pergaduhan. Lihat seperti rakyat Thailand ketika ini yg mendesak presiden nya meletak jwtn. Adakah kita mampu lakukan seperti mereka.Mungkin pada masa2 yg tertentu sahaja kita mampu lakukan.
    Namun saya faham kita harus berfikir ke hadapan dan berpndangan jauh, tetapi sesekali perlu juga menoleh kebelakang.Saya percaya Datuk Ahmad Ismail tidak berkata bahawa kaum cina adalah ‘pendatang asing’ tanpa alasan, mesti ada sebab2 tertentu beliau mengatakan demikian. Jelas nampak DAI tidak berpuas hati dengan DSKSK sampai ada penyokong DAI mengoyak poster Dato Seri Koh Tsu Koon. Tidakkah kita terfikir kenapa begitu sekali berlaku. Sedangkan mereka adalah di bawah 1 bumbung, 1 pasukan walaupun lain jurulatihnya.
    Saya berharap Tun membaca komen saya dan memberi pendapat dan apakah yg akan Tun lakukan sekiranya Tun berada di tempat DSAAB sekarang ini. Sekian terima kasih. Wasalam


  66. Tun,
    I don’t know if you read this, coz this gonna be 1000+++ post. But I really want your opinion on how to unify THE MALAYSIAN.
    I’ve read some of the comments above, and I’ve been thinking about how and what we should do to unify the country. Surprisingly, most of ppl here are also thinking the same way as I do, which is EDUCATION. If we wanna change this nation, we cannot dramatically change everything. I’m agreed to have a MALAYSIAN ppl rather than the MALAYS and NON-MALAYS. But I will NOT AGREE to achieve that in a short period of time. EDUCATION is the answer, for me. We don’t need to abolish the SK(J) (or SMK(J)), but we gave them choices to be part of MALAYSIAN by sending their kid to SK or SMK, they will get all the privilege that the MALAYS have, as MALAYSIAN. Maybe we can also open the ‘so-called’ boarding school that usually for BUMIPUTRA to the non-bumi, to teach our kids to be more competitive in the early age. Than after that we can start with our Higher Education, no more quota, but based on the person ‘actual’ achievement.
    Maybe some of my malays counterpart will not agree with me. But it has been 51 year since independence, and I believe Tun also has this ‘The MALAYSIAN’ vision (I think Tun talked about that during your tenure, it just you always said the MALAYS are not ready yet, are we now??). I believe in order to compete globally, maybe we can start ‘training’ our future generation to compete with each other, in a good way of course.

  67. Dear Tun,
    I see my posting on your pohon maaf 2 is blocked!. Well it is your blog and obviously, you have every right to decide what appears and what not. I can buy that!
    However, your HIS-story must be made plain clear so as everyone, Malaysians or non Malaysians should know the truth!. Not many people knew your HIS-story i guess.
    Today, a lot is being said about Anwar is a stooge of foreigners, the West, and yes even Jews!. He IS, i guess, when his friends are Gore, Cohen, Wolfowitz….. How come this man who was an International Muslim student leader and harsh critic of the establishment in the late 70’s and early 80’s suddenly being ‘converted’ to be with the Jews?, and the West?.
    I read a lot and do many research on politics either Malaysian, Asians, Europe, US and the world. There is a common trend if we are guided to see. And this is the trend that is repeated far too often especially in majority Muslim countries.
    This country of ours are also subjected to many events that eventually will see that the ‘cycle’ repeats itself. They always say that ‘IT’s POLITICS YOU SEE’!.
    Tun I leave this comments with the questions below…..
    After saying that you will not re-join UMNO as long as Pak Lah is still President, you made an about turn by agreeing with Mr Muhyiddin’s proposal to come back into UMNO.(TV 3 News last night!). Why you come back? Is it for your son?….very obvious but part of the reason. To ‘HELP UMNO’?….Your presence WILL obviously destabilise UMNO as those in there WILL fight you off knowing their love to keep their ‘positions’. Will your presence can easily create a stabil situation where everyone will smile, forgive, hug and accept each other, ie in UMNO?….not that easy, i guess. So why come back and create the ‘problem’ in UMNO and in this country?….
    There lies the ‘catalyst’ for the ‘cycle’. And in the process, will create uneasiness, upheaval?, unstability, revolt?, …..and this is the standard ‘cycle’ i was referring above.
    Tun, remember, UMNO brought in Anwar into their fray, and today he is a ‘product’ that you created. I guess the ‘creator’ is being called in again to kill off the ‘uncontrollable prodigal son’?.
    And the ‘cycle’ continues…….
    The Mind!.

  68. Ybgh. Tun,
    Isu Bukit Bendera menghangatkan. Berbagai pendapat dan saranan keudara. Tidak semua menyokong dan sebaliknya.Namun yang jelas melayu yang lebih membantah kenyatan dari melayu (Bukit Bendera). Lebih gabra lagi pemimpin tinggi UMNO dah mohon maaf. Apa ni ? Kita patutnya, bila orang melayu disergah, kita melayu reramai menyergah balik mereka, kita sokong dulu orang kita, kemudian bila mereka dah senyap baru kita siasat, ambil tindakan keatas Bukit Bendera jika perlu. Itu la sebenarnya cara Islam. Itu le baru bersatu namanya. Saperti Ybgh Tun ingatkan mengenai wanita bogel tu, minta maaf dek kerana akhirnya wanita melayu yang dibogelkan. Isu dibawa olih kaum pendatang, mangsanya, Noh Omar, KPN dan wanita kita. Patut le UMNO mula dibenci. Dulu zaman sultan melaka mereka beri puteri (katanya) untuk ambil hati sultan, akhirnya mereka dah hampir dapat Negara. Ada pula cadangan dari Ketua Wanita UMNO supaya jangan dibangkitkan lagi sejarah, supaya kita jadi malaysian. Itukah perjuangan UMNO ? Nak jadikan Malaysian ?. Ni dah tanda tanda nak jadi Singapore.
    Di ingatkan melayu yang diatas tu, tak merasakan bagaimana kaum pendatang ni dah mula bersikap melampau. Kami yang dibawah ni sedang merasakan. Dah tak nampak pemimpin yang ada ni balih mengatasinya. Keadaan ni berlaku kerana kajahilan pemerintah kini yang jahil.
    Antara sikap-sikap kaum pendatang ni : Parking kereta sesuka hati, dibandar mau pun di taman perumahan sesuka hati, bila dirumah bising, buat kuil dihalaman rumah dengan aktiviti yang menganggu, buang sampah dilongkang, curi bunga untuk sembahyang konon, bela anjing berak merata-rata, berkumpol-kompol membising, kaki ampu dan bermuka-muka ini antara sikap-sikap mereka yang membuku dihati. Penguatkuasa boleh mereka beli. Dibalai polis, mereka bebas keluar masuk pejabat pegawai, apa dah jadi ? Keadaan ini membuat orang melayu, perlahan-lahan jadi sekam, paling dayus, melayu lari duduk hutan. Pemimpin jahil kat atas apa tahu ?
    Isu papan tanda, isu raja-raja, isu majlis peguam, isu hindraf, isu tonto, isu lori hantu, semua tu antara yang mengsanya ialah melayu, juara nya kaum pendatang ni. apa pemimpin tolol tu tak nampak lagi ? Mereka sibuk bagi duit raya kat felda, mereka sibuk pasal koridor.
    Sitolol cakap nak jimatkan hasil negara untuk generasi akan datang, tapi kat perak, dulu orang melayu tak diberi tanah , (agaknya nak bangunkan tanah datangkan hasil negeri perak.)Sekarang bila mereka memerintah, sesuka hati tanah diagih kepada kaumnya, Melayu tak nampak lagi ke ?
    Dari sekarang, sementara ada kuasa ni (dah nak hancur pun) Agihkan hasil ASB semaksima mungkin kepada melayu. Tanah yang ada, bagi je kat orang melayu, adakan syarat supaya tak bolih dijual. Ujudkan satu skim pencen untuk orang melayu selama-lamanya. Melayu bila dah kaya, mereka jadi yakin.
    Islam dari dulu dah pernah berperang. Apa pula sekarang ditakutkan dengan perang ? Jangan jadi bacul.
    Orang dah tak hormat kat PM lagi, so tak usah nak beri nasihat, dah tak dipedulikan. Berhenti je, tak jadi kesalan melayu pun. Bila panglima tentera beri pandangan, sedangkan beliau ialah kakitangan kerajaan, apa maknanya PM tu ? jawabnya PM gagal menjalankan tugas.
    Nanti bila sikitol jadi PM, TPM dari kaum pendatang, Menteri Kewangan si Nizar Jamaluddin, saksikan lah bagaimana khazanah negara dirompak dan diaggihkan sesuka hati- masa tu dah tak bermakna lagi ??
    Melayu merdeka ke ?
    Senantiasa mendoakan kesejahteraan dan kebahagiaan Tun.

  69. I agree with Kimmy’s comment on September 9, 2008 3:10 PM.
    Malaysia won’t be where we are today without the help from all of us. As someone has correctly pointed out, yes we Malays are considered “pendatang” as well. But what does one gain from labelling each other? It is rather selfish to utter that to those who have helped built Malaysia as it is today.
    There are so many issues that we should be focusing on, one that would reap the country more benefit. The politicians should buck up and stop behaving like children.

  70. gaijin is alwaz a gaijin..no matter how hard u denied it..rite sir?when u was a prime minister..this issue never come up because u stood againts the clan..and make knowns that malaysians own’s malaysia..and there is no right to discuss the social contract..but now bcz of D0L..ah..ppl talk about this even at the root..
    DOL..step down!!!Um*o guys..walkup ahhh..bring down this Old hack either by dignity..or by force!!!
    p/s: Just tired of all this bullsh*t!!!

  71. Assalamualaikum TUN.
    Sorry TUn mencelah sekali lagi.
    Yang si Koh Su Kun tu nak marah-marah apasal? Dia marah pasal si Ahmad Ismail pijak gambar dia ke atau dia marah pasal dia pendatang? Kalau ya pun.
    Banyak besar hidung dia nak ugut2 UMNO dan BN dan putus hubungan. Putus la talak 3 pun tak apa.
    TUN, dulu orang pijak2 gambar TUN, Orang boo2 TUN , orang hina2 TUN kata mahaFiraun la, mahazalim entah apa-apa lagi. Tun relax je.Cool je. Tak da pun TUN buang orang tu kerja kalau dia penjawat awam, tak da pun TUN tarik biasiswa mereka kalau mereka tu students, tak da pun TUN ugut mereka kalaupun mereka dari sukoi, tak da pun TUN potong kontrek mereka kalaupun mereka businesman dan tak da pun TUN singkir mereka kalau mereka ahli politik.
    Ni la yang saya heran si hidung besar lagi kembang ni nak tunjuk angin dia. Piiiiiraaah. Nak tunjuk hero tak kena tempat.
    Selamat berpuasa TUN dan TUN Hasmah.
    Love u always TUN.

  72. Dear Tun
    Just to let you know that my user name rbn stands for my name Ramlee Bin Nordin. After reading your condition to comment on your blog I wanted to change my username but did not know how. TQ

  73. Hello Tun
    For the first time in my life I feel compelled to voice out my sentiment. I have over the years grown to admire and respect you for what you are and has stood firm being your loyal supporter when you were in power. I am now so upset and very sad at what has happened to our country since your departure from the helm of government. All this talk of racism is bad for us. For someone like me who is biologically 1/2 chinese, 1/4 indian and 1/4 malay – where do I stand? I am absolutely sure there are so many more like me out there. What I want to say is simply this – We are having a LEADERSHIP CRISIS and a fish always rot from the head, never from the tail!! So we Malaysians should wake up and do something about it before its too late. Well now I have said my piece, I want to wish you and your wife the very best of health. I admire your guts Tun and hope you will live to see us through these tough times. May Allah always be with you. TQ

  74. Salam Tun,
    On the whole, our people are not matured enough to handle sensitive issues.Actions must be taken against people who try to stir racial sentiments.We have to be decisive in dealing with this kind of trouble maker.

  75. boleh tak jika kita katakan itu adalah hak ahmad untuk bersuara?(jika tidak ada agenda lain ke atas tindakan nya)
    hanya bertanya…sebab kenapa wujud kebebasan bersuara,kebebasan akhbar dan sebagainya…?still ader kekangan terhadap kebebasan yang diwujudkan sendiri oleh manusia….

  76. Now, this Ahmad Ismail guy – who does he think he is? He keeps on adding fuel to fire and said something about “warning from the Malays”…. As far as I’m concern (I’m a Malay btw) he is only representing himself and ought to be send to Kemunting for being overly seditious. Now Pak Lah, show us your integrity and credibility! Ahmad Ismail is just an unwanted catalyst for most of the Malay community who strive to live in harmony, who strive to move forward, not backward citing history, speaking of which we must also study our roots. Some of our forefathers had hailed from India, China, Nusantara, etc.

  77. Dearest Yg Bhg Tun,
    It seemed that the ‘racist’ issue brought up by Ismail remained to be the main topic that coverred the various events on Tuesday. Maybe to many of us Malaysians..it was just like the rest of the other days!
    Let us take a look at what had transpired;
    1. The Chief of Arm Forces had to some extent, warned the Government to get hold of the ‘racist’ issue and put it to an end immediately.
    The point is on why has it got to be to such an extent? I just couldn’t recall the last time the Army had voiced out! To me, his voice represented the voice of the Yang Dipertuan Agong. Frankly, I just couldn’t disregard the possibility that the current impact over such an issue had already reached it’s critical point!
    2. The BN Central Committee had decided to let UMNO to take stern action on Ismail..immediately!!
    This had never occurred before! Why must UMNO waited until then? It seemed that the whole of UMNO MT Members had followed the wait and see style…wait a little longer and a little more and well…just a bit more, in the hope that the issue would die off by itself!! Was it simply because Ismail’s persistance that he did not do anyhing wrong and that the whole issue was made up by the media..to that the UMNO leaders were undecisive to what kind of action to take. The whole bunch of so called ‘reputable malay leaders’, had somehow became the typical of ‘Mr No Happening’ style! What a SHAME!!!!!
    3. Some fourty nine MPs went abroad merely to learn more about Modern Farming, not withstanding the very fact that, to many Malaysians, it was made merely to ‘kidnap’ and prevent them from becoming ‘frogs’ before 16th September, and in doing so they would probably be fed until their fat stomachs would burst!!
    There goes the tax payers money!! Maybe, to accomodate this visit had the general order in preventing government departments activities be held in hotels and all were uplifted!! If all these are true..what a short of such dots and what a hip of hops!!
    4. Somehow..the only event today that made Malaysians’ day was simply YOUR COMING BACK TO UMNO!! To me..this what matters most simply because you are needed the most now.. You just need to save us, the country and all.
    To Malaysians, I can simply say that our best option is to have TUN to come back and lead us again…even for a while, to bring back the glorious moments we’d missed, rebuild our weakened economic strength and mend all damages done, so that we can walk tall again, full of pride being Malaysians!!
    May Allah’s blessing be with you and your family Tun.. all the way through! Insyaallah.

  78. Please give me a break!!!!!!!!!!!
    Can’t everybody see that this is a dirty tactic played by umno trying to get back it supporters from PKR.
    I really hope these people can do something more productive to the country instead of just shouting here and there!
    We are going to have a DEFICIT budget ahead!
    Does anyone know what deficit means!
    To all the politician – please focus on the economy!
    Business is slowing down + cost rising = slimmer margin + tax only cut 1% + investors are leaving the country!

  79. Salam untuk Ayahanda Tun sekeluarga ….
    Saya amat tertarik dengan tulisan azuan ajunidi berkait kereta Chery dan Tata. Pada keseluruhannya kita patut memahami maksud yang tersirat. Walau sebaik mana sekalipun Chery dan Tata, kedua – dua kereta tersebut perlu akur dengan keistimewaan yang dimiliki oleh Proton dan Perodua. Ibaratkan songkok, walaupun harganya murah berbanding kasut tetapi martabatnya amat tinggi sehinggakan ianya diletakkan di atas kepala. Amat zalim jika songkok diletakkan di kaki. Begitu juga dengan kasut tersebut, ianya juga dianggap zalim jika kita letakkannya di atas kepala.
    Semua jenis kereta boleh memecut selaju mungkin tetapi perlu berhati – hati kerana setiap jalanraya mempunyai had laju yang telah ditetapkan. Jika benar Chery dan Tata mempunyai kelebihan sekalipun Proton dan Perodua tidak pernah cemburu, apatah lagi hendak melanggar Chery dan Tata kerana Proton dan Perodua sedar kesannya amat buruk kepada semua pihak.
    Janganlah sesekali Chery dan Tata melatah jika Proton dan Perodua tersilap masuk lorong diwaktu malam kerana Chery dan Tata juga pernah tersilap lorong. Yang pentingnya lampu kena pasang dan jangan sengaja cuba masuk no entry. Biarlah Proton dan Perodua dengan keistimewaannya semasa berada di kilangnya kerana Chery dan Tata juga mempunyai keistimewaan tersendiri semasa berada di kilang masing – masing. Kepada keluarga Proton dan Perodua yang lain sedarlah sikit, jangan guna GMC untuk melanggar Proton dan Perodua.
    Kepada Ayahanda Tun sekeluarga dan blogers teruskanlah perjuangan untuk agama, bangsa dan negara.

  80. Salam sejahtera pada Ayahanda Tun,
    Semoga sihat hendaknya dan dilindungi Allah sentiasa,
    kita telah dikejutkan dengan berita ‘racist’
    bilamana nampaknya semakin diperkatakan oleh ‘mereka’,
    perkara ini nampaknya telah semakin menjadi-jadi,
    kenapa kita harus mengungkit perkara ini berkali-kali?
    apakah kesudahannya?….
    apakah yang diinginkan lagi?,
    tidak cukupkah dengan apa yang kita beri?
    tidak cukupkah dengan kebebasan yang telah diberi?,
    tidak cukupkah dengan kemewahan yang telah diberi?,
    tidak cukupkah dengan keharmonian yang telah Tun warisi kepada kita selama ini??
    Renungkanlah wahai rakyat malaysia,
    “apa yang berlaku diluar sana”,
    hormatilah sesama kita,setiap manusia ada kesabarannya.Usah diungkit lagi perkara lalu “buang yang keruh ambil yang jernih”.
    Salam kedaulatan…..

  81. Hello Dear Tun,
    Just a satire for you:
    Once upon a time there was a monkey that came across a tree which was nested with birds and decided to clear the tree of its inhabitants and to occupy it.
    The monkey enjoyed the fruits of the tree and became its permanent inhabitant. In the process of time an ape happened to come along and found the tree and also decided to occupy it along with the monkey.
    In the course of time the ape decided to bring along two other monkeys so that all three monkeys could help the ape upkeep the tree. The three monkeys worked hard to trim, prune and upkeep the tree for the ape.
    As time passed by the three monkeys could not take the yoke of the ape and decided to unite together to get rid of the ape. The monekys ridded themselves of the ape through their perseverance and unity.
    They, the three monkeys, enjoyed the fruits of their labour but as time passed by, they realized that they were not sharing the fruits of the tree fairly and a policy was called for. The first monkey that occupied the tree, prior to the occupation of the tree by the ape decided to implement the policy of fair distribution.
    The first monkey also decided that it will be known as the “tree monkey” because it was the original occupant of the tree and the other two immigrant monkeys will be known as “tree branch monkeys”
    All was going well until the classification of the word “tree monkey” and “tree branch monkeys” were played up to the extreme until a gap was wedged between the monkeys and discrimination cropped between them.
    A war broke out between them and they naturally used the fruits of the tree to belt one another until no fruits were left on the tree and if that was not enough; someone advised one of the monkeys to cut down the tree since the whole problem would not have arisen if the tree did not exist in the first place. We do not know which monkey was responsible for cutting down the tree but at the end of it the problem was solved, the three silly monkeys did not have a tree to fight about.
    The moral of the story?
    Good health to you.

  82. kalau cina dah dapat makan banyak dari orang melayu di bumi melayu, maknanya orang melayu dah berjasa besar kepada cina, orang melayu berkongsi hasil negara dengan cina. takkan cina nak sapu habis. takkan tuan tanah nak biar orang yang guna tanahnya bolot habis hasil tanah.tak patut. cina dan india mesti faham, kan lebih elok berhenti isukan pekrara ini. buat mcm dulu2 sudah…
    salam ..

  83. Kalau sekiranya Tun memperkatakan kata-kata penipuan dan hasutan oleh kaum lain terhadap bangsa Melayu dikatakan ‘racist’ ? Jadi macammana dengan yang melakukan dan menjaja penipuan itu di luar negara ? Sungguh memalukan Malaysia dan kita sebagai warganegara merasa amat malu…Apa yang kita nak panggil orang-orang ini ? Apa yang patut dilakukan ke atas orang-orang ini ?
    Manakala Anwar pula menyokong orang-orang ini. Rasanya Anwar sekiranya menjadi PM selepas Pak Lah, bakal membawa lebih banyak kerosakan kepada negara kita.
    Entah le Labu…..

  84. Greeting to All,
    Let me confirm what you portray us Singaporean – Malay.
    1)Minority – true 15% of 4 million plus.
    err.. but we still speak Malay.
    2)Discriminated – true
    err .. ONLY by being LAZY that is – so thus it goes for all Singaporean.
    3)Controlled Religious Freedom – Islam. – True
    We have to contribute willing for mosque/education funds.
    err.. but we have 300 plus mosque that is well maintain and fully utilised.Also Madrsah that is expanding till today.
    4)Higher Education achievement – True, many student of Malay Muslim have gone thru the hell on earth thats University education. And we dont need scholarship cos we pay it ourselves. Its the thing call CPF!!
    5) High ranking Military/Security Officers – err… shhh state secret..btw how do you guys know that there isn’t? wow great intelligence agency huh!
    6) Minister portfolio other than the one we have now. – true.
    err .. but the “Kafir” are doing a good job in providing Malay/Muslim the space to do our thing.. think that is highly commendably isn’t, for a “Kafir”.
    7) Not many land ownership – True.
    err.. but if all Malays and other Singaporean own land,,pray tell me how and where should we put the 4 million plus people? Maybe buy land from our neighbouring countries..? Not forgeting we need land for factories, commercial building, etc..
    oh I get it.. we don’t need them..no need to work huh?
    8) Lack of political freedom – err maybe you guys can teach us how and what is political freedom?
    9) Discrimination at work – well every country have that. But if I get to speak Mandarin its not a problem anymore! Cos here you want a job it have to be compete for, not a given right!
    Hmmm what else?…
    Oh yes… you favourite tagged line… Kiasunism!
    Hey.. we have to be!! Die Die must be no 1..
    Remember.. you kick us out.
    We got no natural resources.
    We need to survive.
    Btw… the PAP government is not perfect, I am not a fan of them, but let me put it this way.
    They provided food,shelter,religious freedom and self respect…
    And finally.. to all Ex Singaporean who condemn your birth right.. I have this question for you.
    Why in gods name, did you ran away?
    No guts to stay and fight to defend your birth right?
    I hold high respect for you Sir, but this Singapore bashing get to become a comedy(a bad one that is) and ludicrous.
    Wishing all a good evening!
    Being Malay does not accommodate you to blamed others for your short coming!

  85. Salam Tun..
    I am big fan of you..I even cried the day when u left your post as the PM. As a Malaysian, i really felt lost. And as the result, you can see what is happening now in Malaysia.
    I am not blaming you or wht so ever, Tun…How would you know these things would happend one day, rite? But, I really hope and i know it would be a dream come true,for you to rule Malaysia again as what you have done before…
    My dad once held quite an important post before in the cabinet (now retired). He told me the same thing too….Pak Lah has either to step down or he has to change his ‘way’ of ruling…Those years, nobody dared to talk of such nonsense openly…They know it’s totally sensitive matters…but now, everybody talks freely and even THE PM appologize for nothing….
    And , overall, it efects everything….criminals are now everywhere…Malaysia is NOT a safe country anymore. Apa yang tak puas hati, senang..tembak aje sekarang..
    Please tun…After knwing that you will be participating UMNO again, hopefully u can try to sort things back to normal again…I will always pray for you and I will always support you, Insyallah..
    Azura Amin

  86. Assalamualaikum Tun, Tahniah kerana menjadi seorang yang genius dan pragmatis. Saya memang kagum dengan kehebatan Tun sejak lama lagi, Tun seorang yang berfikiran 10 atau 15 tahun ke hadapan dalam menangani berbagai masalah, saya percaya tun mempunyai analisis yang lengkap sebelum membuat sebarang keputusan. Paklah dan pasukannya kebanakannya tidak mempunya pemikiran kritis dan kengkadang berdakap macam orang tak berapa cerdik seperti Rais Yatim, alangkah malunya bila seorang PM mngcadangkan sesuatu tetapi terpaksa tak dapat dilakukan seperti gaji 2 kali sebulan.
    Malaysia memerlukan orang saintifik dan analitis seperti Tun supaya kita Negara tercinta ini kembali ke KEGEMILANGAN dan JUARA negara sezaman

  87. Dear Tun,
    I definitely do not agree on the speech made by Datuk Ahmad Ismail, irrespective whether it was reported out of context by reporters(whether they’re under influence of the powers of today). There should not be any mention of any statement that can be manipulated by some crooked parties and then being branded as racist.
    I believe we should be focussing on the issues that’s been confronting every malaysian today – weak economy, poor govt administration, weak leadership, hip-hop decision making, and not forgetting the danger that lurks in the form of the new opposition leader, DSAI.
    I would like to share an article written by a western writer named Mike Billington, written not too long ago describing many facets and facts about DASI…please read on
    Anwar Ibrahim — British Empire Tool To Recolonize Malaysia
    by Mike Billington September 5, 2008
    In most countries around the world, among the many which are now
    being subjected to political destabilization by the British and
    their asset George Soros, the guiding hand and the financing of
    the British Foreign Office is hidden behind the facade of
    “democratic” opposition forces demanding regime change over
    local issues, diverting attention from the global financial
    collapse and the danger of world war sweeping across the globe.
    Not so in Malaysia, the former British colony, where a
    self-confessed agent of the economic and strategic policies of
    the new Brutish Empire, and its leading agents in the U.S.
    neoconservative and green-fascist movements, is openly declaring
    himself to be the new savior of Malaysia.
    This satanic savior, well-financed after several years of
    lucrative positions in Washington and London neocon think tanks,
    universities, and cushy World Bank positions, has declared his
    intention to buy off (“persuade”) enough Members of Parliament
    to join his opposition coalition and take over the majority,
    making himself Prime Minister. He even won a by-election last
    month in Penang, making himself the official leader of the
    opposition in the Parliament.
    Meet Anwar Ibrahim, known to readers of {EIR} as a spokesman
    1. George Soros: When Soros led the speculative assault
    on Malaysia and its neighbors in 1997, then-Prime Minister Dr.
    Mahathir Mohamad, alone in Asia, stood up to the hedge funds, and
    the IMF and World Bank, by imposing currency controls against the
    speculators, thus, saving his population from the devastation
    which crushed his neighbors in Asia. Anwar, who served as Deputy
    Prime Minister and Finance Minister to Dr. Mahathir at the time,
    had demanded that the speculators be given free rein, and imposed
    “IMF conditions without the IMF,” until Mahathir fired him and
    imposed currency controls. Anwar defended the speculators,
    admitting that he had circulated Soros’s papers to policymakers
    in Malaysia, and defended Soros when Mahathir called Soros a
    thief and a moron. Soros went on a tirade against Mahathir,
    threatening that “the country will be destroyed,” and insisting
    that Mahathir “needs to be removed from office.” Anwar led
    anarchist demonstrations against Mahathir, calling him corrupt
    and undemocratic.
    2. Paul Wolfowitz: The arch-neocon, and a leading
    architect of the illegal and insane war on Iraq on behalf of
    Britain’s Tony Blair and Dick Cheney, has been an outspoken
    defender of his friend Anwar, providing numerous employment
    opportunities for him in the United States, when he was released
    from prison in 2004, after serving six years on corruption and
    sodomy charges. In 2005, when Wolfowitz was appointed to head the
    World Bank by George W. Bush, Anwar praised him as a man who
    “passionately believes in freedom, and understands the issues of
    poverty, environment degradation, living conditions and health
    issues which are very much a World Bank agenda.” At the World
    Bank, Wolfowitz set about cutting off funding for nations which
    refused to accept Anglo-American dictates, perhaps killing even
    more people than he had through his job at the U.S. Defense
    3. Al Gore: Even before his genocidal campaign to shut
    down Third World development under the war-cry of the fraudulent
    “global warming” hoax, Gore travelled to Malaysia in November
    1998, two months after Dr. Mahathir took his stand against the
    IMF and the speculators, to speak at an APEC (Asia-Pacific
    Economic Cooperation) meeting. Anwar was leading violent mobs on
    the streets of Kuala Lumpur, while Gore, speaking before Prime
    Minister Mahathir and leaders from across Asia and the Pacific,
    praised the anarchists on the streets as “the brave people of
    Malaysia” demanding “reform”–which to Gore and Anwar meant
    following IMF conditionalities, and allowing unrestrained foreign
    control of the economy. Malaysian Trade Minister Rafidah Aziz
    called it “the most disgusting speech I’ve heard in my life,”
    while Mahathir said, “We should fry him.”
    – Anwar’s Money –
    Now, let’s look at some of Anwar’s employment in the years
    after his release from prison, on his first sodomy charge in
    {{1. Johns Hopkins School for Advanced International Studies
    (SAIS),}} where his pal Wolfowitz had previously been the dean.
    {{2. Georgetown University}} in Washington, D.C.
    {{3. St. Anthony’s College, Oxford,}} where he met often
    with Al Gore, who was running a hedge fund in London, profitting
    from the fraudulent “carbon swaps” created by the global
    warming hoax.
    {{4.}} Consultant to the World Bank,}} hired by Bank
    Director Paul Wolfowitz.
    {{5.}} {{AccountAbility} }, London, Honorary President.
    {{6. International Crisis Group}}, a leading Soros-financed
    NGO (Non-Government Organization) .
    {{7. Foundation for the Future,}} set up by Dick Cheney and
    his daughter Liz, to promote regime change in Southwest Asia.
    Anwar allowed Wolfowitz to put his girlfriend on the Foundation’s
    payroll, a bit of corruption which ultimately cost Wolfowitz his
    job at the World Bank.
    As one Malaysian offical told this writer upon hearing of
    Anwar’s numerous positions in Washington and London: “Ah, so
    this is how they plan to finance Anwar’s subversion of
    – Anwar’s Policies –
    Anwar makes no effort to hide his intention to stop
    industrial and infrastructural development in Malaysia, and
    throughout the developing sector generally. Immediately after
    being ousted in 1998, Anwar told the {Asian Wall Street Journal}
    that developing countries should stop “pointing a finger at
    speculators and put their houses in order first,” by ending
    their “ambitious plans for outlandish projects.”
    In response to a public question from this writer in 2005,
    Anwar defended his effort to impose IMF austerity and free-trade
    dictates on Malaysia, despite the fact that such policies
    subsequently destroyed the economies of Malaysia’s neighbors. The
    IMF policies were “beneficial,” he said, in trying to stop the
    major infrastructure projects of the Mahathir government,
    especially the Bakun Dam in Sarawak, which were only meant to
    enrich Mahathir’s “cronies.” “Yes, the growth was robust,” he
    said, “the people escaped poverty–but that was all on the
    surface. Underneath, there was corruption, no transparency,
    authoritarian leaders, and no free media.” He also told {The
    Age} of Australia that the 1997-98 IMF/hedge fund looting and
    destruction of the Southeast Asian economies was “a gale of
    creative destruction that shook the complacency of Asian
    societies and governments.”
    So why is this British imperial agent still tolerated in
    Malaysia? The world financial system is collapsing, with
    speculation- driven hyperinflation driving up oil, raw materials,
    and food prices, beyond the control of any local government. The
    current government in Malaysia, lead by Mahathir’s former deputy
    Abdullah Badawi, was at first unwilling to acknowledge that
    Malaysia would be crushed without taking emergency measures to
    protect against the impending crash. When fuel and food prices
    skyrocketed, popular discontent was aimed at the government,
    which allowed Anwar’s fascist diatribes to appeal to an angry
    In the last few months, however, the Abdullah government has
    acknowledged the impact of the global crisis on his country, and
    adopted emergency measures to double food production, encouraged
    the first moves toward a serious nuclear power program, and
    coordinated with the other Southeast Asian countries on working
    with China and India on regional development projects and joint
    financial defense. These measures are necessary, but not
    adequate, to meet the crisis, but it is all too obvious what
    would happen if the British were to get their boy Anwar into
    {For an analysis of Anwar’s philosophical dedication to the
    ideology of the British Empire, see “Anwar Ibrahim Defends
    Asia’s Colonial Master” by this writer, at
    _http://www.larouche pub.com/eiw/ public/2005/ 2005_10-19/ 2005_10-19/ 2005-17/pdf/
    62-66_17_int. pdf_
    (http://www.larouche pub.com/eiw/ public/2005/ 2005_10-19/ 2005_10-19/ 2005-17/pdf/ 62-66_17_ int.pdf)
    I hope the diehard and staunch supporters of DSAI and the heads of parties within PR read this article and understand the danger of wanting to place their idol up there as the head of government….please think hard before we lose everything in our beloved country to colonial masters. Our forefathers went through this before and managed to pull our country out from the hold of foreign powers. Don’t follow this puppet of the west and risk losing everything we’ve got now.
    Tun, I beg your forgiveness for digressing in your well-written article here, but I’m compelled to let your readers know about the situation and make the right decision for the sake of our beloved country, just like the recent news about you coming back into UMNO and straighten up all that’s gone crooked and bent within the party. You are the only one who has the character, charisma and ability to do it. I’m with you in this quest Tun.
    May Allah bless you and your family.

  88. Malaysia’s leaders nowadays are very WEAK. I say you, WEAK.
    Look at Pak Lah for example. It is obvious that he cannot control his cool and he knew that he was under-pressured by the opposition leaders. I wonder when will Pak Lah will step down as PM. I wish there will another you Tun. Someone visionary, intellectual and rational. Seriously, Pak Lah is LEMBIK.

  89. By qasasa on September 9, 2008 6:08 PM
    Tun, ingin juga saya bertanya.
    adakah kita orang melayu ini terlalu cepat untuk minta maaf.?
    saya nampak begitu ketara. Tidak salah untuk meminta maaf, tapi lihatlah apa kesannya. melayu dilihat lemah. Kita orang melayu di malaysia terlalu hendak menjaga hati yang lain. Tapi yang lain tu ada tidak menjaga hati kita orang melayu.
    Tun, apakah melayu sebenarnya..?
    buat salah minta maaf tak salah.
    Government is a ‘person’ consists of different parties and races. Government say sorry does’t means Malay sorry.

  90. Assalamualaikum Tun,
    Sometime in October 1985, I was sent to New York Long Island, USA for a security system product’s training in the factory that we represented. I remembered, during my transit at San Francisco airport for domestic flight to NY, there were group of Chinese people mostly young and below 40 years of age queued in single line to have their passport stamped at the immigration. In-front of me a tall American man in suit queued behind these Chinese people just like the rest of us for the same reason. I overheard the American was cursing a Chinese woman in-front of him and said “move up you f*****g scum, dirty Chinese and move your stupid bag out of my way, you shit!” I was young in my early twenties and first time travelling to the US too. Can you imagine how helpless I was to see the poor Chinese woman who cannot speak English turned around and bowed down humbly and said “thank you sir, thank you sir, thank you” Nod her head up and down with a smile not actually understand what that American was actually saying. If, the Indians were there I believed they would be treated the same way as the Chinese. In my heart I said “how racist the white American man was towards coloured people” I was no exception when the custom officer on duty checked my luggage. He abruptly asked how much money I had with me, my return air ticket, where will I be staying and purpose of my visits. He did not care even I told him that I had enough money for the period and carried an American express card with me. Not until I told him that I was attending a security training to protect his American Embassy back home, only then that he stopped interrogated me further. The officer was very pleased and even ushered me to the counter where a lady’s immigration officer stamped on my passport and wished me a nice journey. I was so relieved but in my mind it was not over yet until I arrived in New York. From NY airport, I was advised to hire a limousine (actually a minivan with several seats) to Long Island. It was midnight when I had arrived NY. No one to receive me but was lucky it was a smooth ride and had no trouble. On my arrival at Long Island, the Limo stopped near the cafe next to Howard Johnson Hotel. It was about an hour ride and I went straight to the hotel to check in but only being told that my name was not registered. Since, it was very late at night and I was exhausted, I asked for a room and was told there wasn’t any even for the suite room. I asked for a phone to use but the counter staff just simply refused me and said there wasn’t any too. I sat at the sofa thinking what to do next when a white couple came in and asked for a room and they were immediately checked in. Imagine, how racist the White skin Americans were! USA the most democratic country in the world? bullshit!
    On my return, I had unfinished work to do. I need to install the security system I had learned from the factory. My job required me to work closely with the embassy’s marine officers.
    Interestingly, I had learned that the American marines were taught about the individual races NATURAL CHARACTER as part of their security intelligence. One of the marines had told me that he was taught the natural behaviour of the Malays, Chinese and Indians natural instinct. He said, if you do not pay what you owed to the Malays, as long as you do not make them angry, you are safe. In fact if, you were lucky just like most of the Chinese and Indians in Malaysia, the Malays when they are happy with you even their land and citizenship would be made available for you. Just look how simple the Malays had given Singapore away just like that! No blood spill. Almost all Chinese and Indians born in Malaysia were given citizenship. Please, this did not happened in Indonesia during Pak Soekarno time yah!
    As for the Chinese, even if you owed them five cents and you refused to pay back, be prepared that they would go after you till they get back what you owed them. You may say and do what you like trying to make them angry nothing would happen.
    As for the Indians, be careful when dealing with them, they would twist and turn their words. Like an old Malay’s proverb which said if you see an Indian and a snake which one you would kill first? Do you all know?
    So, to the majority of the Chinese and Indians please think wisely before you say anything bad, seriously could hurt, unreasonable demands from the hospitality and kindness of the Malays. Don’t be like an old Malay proverb which said, di-beri betis hendak peha, di-beri peha kepala pula!

  91. You Write From Your Conscious Mind Tun. I Know U Have No Fear. Bravo!
    Tanyalah Diri Masing-Masing Apa Sumbangan Selama Ini Pada Negara. Tak Pun Pada Masyarakat. Kalau Ada Kecintaan Terhadap Bahasa Pengantar Negara, Boleh Senyum Dengan Ikhlas Pada Oranglain Yang Berbeza Bangsa & Fahaman, Tak Kira Siapapun Melayu, Cina, India, Dll, Dia Wajarlah Dihormati. Tapi Yang Asyik Mengutuk Sesuka Mulut Itu, Peduli Apa Dengan Keangkuhannya. Tak Ke Mana Dia Dengan Perangai Begitu. Malah Makin Bebal Sendiri.
    Biarlah Tun DiBenci Kerana Membongkar & Menulis Semua. Seratus Orang Anti Dengan Kelancangan Tun Bersuara, Sejuta Mendukung. Tun Suara Kami. Tunlah Pemimpin Yang Berani.
    All My Love For Tun Mahathir.

  92. TO my opinion, if a leader is not strong, indecisive, lack of command, slow response and wisdom, it can cause deterioration not only to the party, but nation as whole.
    Recently, there are many news highlight on the politics especially topple government, accusing each other between party leader, conspiracy issue, and mores to come. WHY? WHY? WHY?
    REASON ! The leadership is weak and others are taking the advantage. I agree a leader cannot please everybody, but not to the extend making drastic decision that cause rakyat suffer.
    I’d like to hear Tun’s comment on the government action to reduce the fuel price.
    I hope Ahmad to pohon maaf and think thoroughly. Pak Lah can make decision instantly and take action immediately. Not until everyone start to raise the issue and start to look into it. This is what I meant not decisive slow response.

  93. Hi CYLD,
    What are you saying? Being a driver is degrading? Is so happens that there any many malay drivers driving chinese bosses around, and this kind of statements can be misconstrued wrongly. Jeez, just because the current leadership is weak, you think you can say whatever you want.
    I used to know one Malay driver who reports to immigration about mistreatment by his Japanese boss resulting in the Japanese to be sent packing. I know also, one Malay dirver being mistreated by his
    Chinese boss but just keep quiet because of livelihood. What a Malay to do.
    Screw you CYLD.


  95. Hi Tun,
    Just wanted to remind some bunch of ppl who stubborn keep saying all Non-Malays condemning Malay Rights!
    I repeat! Not all of us Non-malay condemning the Malay rights! Why you all keep repeating all this. Dont you see all this was political motivated??!!
    We’ve never ask MIC/DAP/Gerakan/PBS/MCA n etc to question about equal rights!! Do you all really see any chinese puts up a Rally or Demonstration on the street asking for EQUAL RIGHTSS!!!?? If got any, I think Malaysia wouldnt be safe to walk around now!
    Those Non-Malays who unhappy with system here, they didnt ask for anything! They just left Malaysia and migrated to somewhere else whereby equality and fairness are inplace eventhough they are “PENDATANG”. For those who still here like myself, we still love our country, family and frens here and we’ve learn to live with it “rules and regulations” here.
    I can only proudly say Malaysia systems have taught me to be more INDEPENDENT and not to rely on govnmnt helps. I fought my own way to Uni myself with no help from govmnt. I save all my hard earned money from part time job to support my education. Not a single sen i get from govnmnt! Thanks to Malaysia, I’ve learn to stand with my own feet. And now, I’m a high tax payer! I treat it as repayment of my gratitude to Malaysia for allowing me to stay here. Most of the non-Malays contributed huge sum of tax more than the 60% of Malays contributed (please correct me if I’m wrong). SO Ahmad Ismail, please stop harrasing the Non-Malays!
    Rather than harrasing us, please focus to save all those Mat Rempits and Malay poverty! That its your REAL job to protect & save the Malays! Stop b*llsh*ting at everyone!

  96. Tun, ingin juga saya bertanya.
    adakah kita orang melayu ini terlalu cepat untuk minta maaf.?
    saya nampak begitu ketara. Tidak salah untuk meminta maaf, tapi lihatlah apa kesannya. melayu dilihat lemah. Kita orang melayu di malaysia terlalu hendak menjaga hati yang lain. Tapi yang lain tu ada tidak menjaga hati kita orang melayu.
    Tun, apakah melayu sebenarnya..??

  97. siapa kata sekolah cina hanya unuk bangsa cina.
    tak kurang juga banyak melayu yang hantar anaknya ke sekolah cina.
    sekolah cina juga merupakan sekolah kebangsaan di bawah perlembagaan.
    (nama penuh ialah sekolah jenis KEBANGSAAN cina)
    jangan disebabkan sekolah kebangsaan hilang popularity-nya dan salahkan pulak sekolah cina.
    orang yang berpemikiran sempit saja yang tak dapat terima semua ni.

  98. I don’t think Chinese really care about what Ahmad said. Chinese have been living all over the place in the world and if we do really care the status in a country, we won be migrating here and there right.
    All we care is make money. Obviously, UMNO,gerakan and MCA cannot guarantee this and that why we vote them out. Strange what are they doing in Penang making noise. Probably that is the only thing they can do for a loser

  99. What do you call a person that’s calling other peoples as ‘penumpang’?
    the answer is ‘Ahmad’ (driver)

    By yun on September 8, 2008 8:02 PM
    Saya merupakan seseorang warganegara Cina Malaysia.
    Saya dididik di SJK Cina dan SMJK cina yang terunggul di Kedah.
    Namun,saya masih mempunyai sekelompok besar rakan-rakan bukan Cina yang akrab dan mesra. KEnapa????
    Sebab kita saling menghormati dan memahami…

  101. A little bit off topic but interesting nonetheless,
    There were Indian/hindu cities in Malaysia 700 to 1000 years before Melaka.Bujang Valley is one such example, while interestingly the site for the lost city of Gelanggi has been closed to the public.
    I wonder why.
    Another excerpt from “An Early History of Kedah,Nik Hassan Shuhaimi Nik Abdul Rahman”,
    “In ancient Kedah there is an important and unmistakably Hindu settlement which has been known for about a century now from the discoveries reported 1840s by Col. James Low and has recently been subjected to a fairly exhaustive investigation by Dr. Quaritch Wales. Dr. Wales investigated no fewer than thirty sites round about Kedah. The results attained show that this site was in continuous occupation by people who came under strong South Indian influences, Buddhist and Hindu, for centuries.”
    I am a 6th generation Malaysian Indian and my ancestors were not brought here by the british but had traded here and settled in areas around penang and kedah.& still a 2nd generation Indonesian is a bumiputera and I am a pendatang.

    By hkmagoo on September 7, 2008 9:59 AM
    Dear Tun,
    Your background is a mix Indian Malay.
    Not only you, but most of “Malays” are mixed.
    The Malays originated in Yunnan, China. They Proto-Malays were also known as Jakun.
    They were seafaring people. Probably because of their seafaring way of life or trading, they were believed to have lived in coastal Borneo. They then expanded into Sumatra and the Malay Peninsula. A Portuguese historian, Godinho de Eredia, referred to the Malays as Saletes (Orang Selat, or People of the Straits).
    The true history is Malays came from Kemboja, Siam, India, Jawa and most of all from Yunan, China.

  103. Afternoon Tun,
    I am ver glad to hear that Tun is coming back to UMNO.If that is true,Tun you can have my first vote.
    To all bloggers with the no respect to others race or whould like to see malaysia to have war between races/religion,
    Let get into to the fact.Before blaming people races ,think back who you work for a chinese company /indian company/malay company/governer dept/foreigner company.With the attitude of that silly word ” pendatang “.Any body do agree with me if this issue gone worst and all those companies owner who so called “pendatang” withdrawn their company from malaysia and moved to elsewhere.1)where do the gov get the money from?will be there any subsidies for those son of malaysia?2)will there any job left to take care of your living expenses,which the company will employed the best out of the best(have you ever think about that).Those who behaved racist/not multi racial in malaysia are those should called “pendatang” because they are the one does not deserved to be call malaysian.
    So please can you all guys Stop being racist and keep malaysia harmony.Would you like our country to be the next poor country.Do you agree with me TUN.
    *this is written without any hatred or and racist to any person or religion*.
    Proud to be malaysian

  104. Salam Semua
    Orang Melayu dan beragama Islam hendaklah berpegang kalimah “LAILLAHAILLAH MUHAMMADARASULULLAH”, untuk terus HIDUP kita perlu JIHAD . ALLAHUAKHBAR
    Orang Melayu dan beragama Islam hendaklah berpegang kalimah “LAILLAHAILLAH MUHAMMADARASULULLAH”, untuk terus HIDUP kita perlu JIHAD . ALLAHUAKHBAR
    Orang Melayu dan beragama Islam hendaklah berpegang kalimah “LAILLAHAILLAH MUHAMMADARASULULLAH”, untuk terus HIDUP kita perlu JIHAD . ALLAHUAKHBAR
    Apabila kita berpegang kepada AMANAH ALLAH untuk menjadi Khalifah yang ADIL, maka orang-orang KAFIR akan redha dipimpin.

  105. Afternoon Tun,
    I am ver glad to hear that Tun is coming back to UMNO.If that is true,Tun you can have my first vote.
    To all bloggers with the no respect to others race or whould like to see malaysia to have war between races/religion,
    Let get into to the fact.Before blaming people races ,think back who you work for a chinese company /indian company/malay company/governer dept/foreigner company.With the attitude of that silly word ” pendatang “.Any body do agree with me if this issue gone worst and all those companies owner who so called “pendatang” withdrawn their company from malaysia and moved to elsewhere.1)where do the gov get the money from?will be there any subsidies for those son of malaysia?2)will there any job left to take care of your living expenses,which the company will employed the best out of the best(have you ever think about that).Those who behaved racist/not multi racial in malaysia are those should called “pendatang” because they are the one does not deserved to be call malaysian.
    So please can you all guys Stop being racist and keep malaysia harmony.Would you like our country to be the next poor country.Do you agree with me TUN.
    *this is written without any hatred or and racist to any person or religion*.
    Proud to be malaysian

  106. Salam Tun,
    Well the cry for bangsa malaysia and not being racist is very popular nowadays for people who wants to be popular..
    Well… instead of just making noise, can these people start by doing something..
    Lets start with the education system and language. Lets start by closing down any school that has race-biased name in it, and those are the Sekolah Aliran China dan Tamil. Lets start with that. Lets see, if those are screaming for bangsa malaysia be willing to to do that. Lets see if they are really serious about bangsa malaysia.

  107. Salam buat Tun dan semua,
    Sbg anak Malaysia, sy terpanggil utk berikan pandangan ttg keadaan skg. Sy rasa dukacita, tidak selamat dan takut tentang masa depan yg tak keruan.
    Kenapa hak2 org Melayu telah mula dipersoalkan dgn lantang? Kenapa tiada lagi rasa hormat-menghormati sesama kaum yg kita pelihara sejak dulu lagi? Kenapa org Melayu sendiri menjadi boneka utk memusnahkan bangsa sendiri? Dan yang penting, kenapa semua ini terjadi? Puncanya ialah tiada perasaan hormat-menghormati.
    Sy mahu melihat Malaysia yg dulu. Ketika semua kaum boleh menjalin kerjasama erat utk apa jua perkara. Tetapi sekarang, hanya disebabkan politik yg begitu dungu, baik pembangkang mahupun kerajaan, telah menyebabkab rakyat jadi keliru, berpecah-belah dan ada jugak yg tidak ambil tahu.
    Apa yg sy perhatikan, ahli2 politik sekarang ini tidak mementingkan kesopanan dan kesusilaan. Ke mana perginya Rukun Negara mereka ini?
    Pada saya, apa yg berlaku pada rakyat adalah berpunca daripada ahli politik, dan sekiranya ahli politik itu bijak, maka rakyat akan terbela. Jika ahli politk itu dungu, maka huru-hara lah jadinya. Sy sangat sedih sebab arena politik di negara kita dipenuhi oleh orang2 yg tidak sekolah! (Maaf jika kasar bunyinya).
    Ingatlah, kita ada RUKUN NEGARA yg kita belajar sewaktu di sekolah.
    Kalau kita berpegang pada RUKUN NEGARA itu, sudah tentu tidak akan berlaku situasi yg menyakitkan hati semua kaum di Malaysia ini sekarang.
    Apakah mereka semua tidak sedar, sekiranya kita berada dlm situasi kelam-kabut, negara kita akan dijajah kembali? Sedarkah mereka akan mata-mata yg sedang memerhatikan negara ini dan menunggu masa sesuai utk menjajah? Adakah kita mampu pertahankan negara kita apabila kita berpecah-belah? Ya, sekarang kita boleh ribut tentang hal itu dan ini, bergaduh tentang perkara yg entah apa2, tapi fikirlah, adakah kita boleh ribut lagi bila sudah dijajah kembali?
    “Buat apa gaduh2 sama kita, Malaysia kita ini kecik aje, kalau semua gaduh sapa nak jagaaaaaaaa”. Fikir2 lah. Tun, masih adakah harapan utk kita kembali ke waktu dulu?

  108. Dear Tun,
    Wonder why during the tenure of previous 4 PM there is no such things of racial statement, etc…because at that time the country was not manage by weak leaders and there is no advantage that can be used by the opposition against the leaders. Nowadays, everyone can create anything to go against the leadership..why? because the leadership give so much room for them to maneuver while the leaders busy calculating the monies that went into their pockets.

  109. Salam Tun,
    Jan suggested that the Chinese and Tamil Schools should be abolished. I totally agree with him but for a different reason. I trully believe that one school for all (“mixed”) will benefit everyone, no matter what race you are.
    1. The children will learn from a tender age, the different cultures and religions of others from their own experience mixing with each other (not from reading the text books). The better they understand each other, the better they respect each other.
    2. More tolerance with each other and will grow up to be more open minded and easy to adapt to different environment.
    3. Promotes healthy competition among the students. When you see the other races do better, you tend to work harder to prove that you are equally capable.
    I don’t know whether this could be taken as a measure of success of “mixed” school produces more broad minded and competitive individuals but if my memory serves me well, the top 5 (or was it to 3) finalist of the angkasawan program comes from St. Paul, St. John, Convent etc….
    Also if the Chinese and the Indians insist on having their own school, to further learn about their culture / religion etc, then they can have similar school such as the Sekolah Agama…
    After all we are talking about Bangsa Malaysia and the best way to start is with our children. They are our future.

  110. Tun, I could not agree with you on 2 things here. You say there were no such racial utterances during last 4 premier. Are you sure? You seems to forget during Operasi Lallang in 1988. At that time racial tension was at its peak.Leaders of various utter racial remarks.
    There is nothing wrong with saying sorry from Umno leadership. Is it wrong for a father to say sorry if his child being mischievous towards his neighbour.
    I think you are too critical towards the present leadership for what ulterior reasons or motive i’m not too sure. Apology from Umno leadership is a message itself to tell the non-Malays that they have realised their hegemony and high-handedness in governing this country all this while as that is the perception to all.
    Umno you may say is a bit soft in dealing with indiscipline among the members include your son who had been so vocal calling for PM to step down due to its low popularity after March 8.
    I think you are wrong to say that the Chinese supported you during 1999 election because they really endorsed your leadership though some are. Actually the Chinese wouldn’t want PAS to come to power due to worries that Malaysia might turn to Islamic state with hudud law and so on.They have no choice but to vote for BN as you say in your comment on why Pakatan Rakyat could win now.
    What happened now in fact is good before real reform and change can take place.A thorough house cleaning definitely will cause noise and mess before the house can be restored to a nice and cozy place for the comfort of all.I think is a big error to say that the Malays has lost their political base. To be accurate, Umno and cohorts with those who can benefits from it. I must say what Malaysians want today are not race-based politics. That’s why Pakatan Rakyat can be so popular because we are sick with racialism since your time whereby you have strengthen your position and grip in power so much so that grievences and dissatisfaction had been kept at bay.Now the chinese and Indian are more vocal because they have been pushed to the limit by being treated as second class citizens for far too long.

  111. Tun yang dikasihi…
    Sebenarnya pada saya apa yang berlaku adalah kenyataan ‘racist’ yang berbau politik. Ada pihak yang membangkitkan rasa2 ini dan pemimpin Kerajaan terperangkap sendiri atas permainan yang dicatur oleh orang lain samada oleh reporter tersebut dan keadaan di dalam UMNO yang semakin kritikal dan tidak dapat dikawal.
    Hakikatnya, kami rakyat jelata masih hidup aman damai, berkerja sama dan tiada rasa racist tersebut. Terima kasih kepada TUN yang mendidik rakyat kini yang boleh berfikir …memang ada yang terpengaruh kepada perkara ‘racist’ tersenut tapi belum ada kekacauan antara bangsa yang berlaku.
    Seterusnya, biarlah luncai terjun dengan labu-labunya. Kerajaan sekarang masih belum sedar dan tidak akan sedar….Saya sendiri telah mengenali ‘kebodohan berterusan tanpa dangkalan’. Saya cuma menunggu masa 4 tahun berakhir, namun sedih tiada seorang pun calon pemimpin yang layak dikedepankan dan tiada pilihan oleh Rakyat seperti saya….. melainkan…. Kembalilah Tun…..

    UMNO dah jadi Parti Koyak Rabak(PKR)
    Nasib baik dalam Parti Gerakan tidak ada klon ‘Ahmad Ismail’,
    kalau tidak gambar Ketua Perhubungan UMNO Pulau Pinang pun senasib dengan gambar pemangku Presiden nya.
    Kepada Ketua Wanita Gerakan kami katakan,
    Jangan bimbang, setakat koyakkan gambar dan ‘kutuk’ habis ketua Perhubungan Pulau(dah) Putih(mata) sudah tidak ada lagi kesan kepada maruah parti UMNO yang sudah Pun Koyak Rabak dikerjakan oleh Presiden UMNO itu sendiri.
    Buang masa dan buat kerja sia2 saja.
    Perbuatan ’emosi’ Ahmad Ismail adalah kerna terlalu hampa kehilangan negeri lahirnya kepada DAP dan Koh Tsoo Koon sebagai Ketua Menteri BN dijadikannya ‘scapegoat’ dan harap2 dapat gelaran ‘pendekar’ melayu.
    Nak Koyak Gambar Ketua Perhubungan nya takut nanti ‘miss’ soru
    dan silap2 jadi ‘penderhaka’ atau orang ‘tidak mengenang budi’ Ketua Perhubungan nya.
    Emosi anakanda2 Chedet.com adalah terkawal. Kalau orang Gerakan koyak dan pijak gambar AAB kami hanya mampu ketawa ( apalah ada pada depa lagi ) TETAPI, jika orang Gerakan dan BN dapat mengusung AAB(sekali harung dengan Kuncu-Konconya) keluar dari kedua2 bangunan PUTRA, kami Rakyat yang kini dahagakan kesejahteraan dan keselesaan hidup akan kembali menyokong UMNO dan Barisan Nasional selagi ada ‘Bulan’ dan ‘Rocket’ dan ‘Biru’ langit.

  113. Yang Bahagia Tun,
    Hmm….I thought Matthias Chang is a chinese Tun? You being addressed as racist…..wow that’s new…..
    I wonder now why you shake my hands when I saw you the last time at KLCC…..If you are racist you wouldn’t do that besides I am a commoner……
    Tun….you are an inspiration to all walks of life in Malaysia! Racist…..far from it!

  114. salam tun,
    semakin hangat isu kaum disini. ada yg kasar,lembut dan sederhana dlm komen mereka. saya cuma mahu semuanya berakhir disini.
    walaupun keturunan saya bercampur-campur namun saya tetap menerima hakikat bahawa BUMI INI (TANAHAIR INI) MILIK MELAYU.’TUAN’ UNTUK TANAH INI ADALAH MELAYU.HAK-HAK KEISTEMEWAAN MELAYU MESTI DIPERTAHANKAN.
    pada sesiapa yg tak faham kenapa MELAYU MEMPERJUANGKAN HAK-HAK MEREKA DIPERTAHANKAN ,berbaliklah kepada pelajaran sejarah terutama tentang bagaimana kemasukkan kaum2 lain di tanah air ini.
    kaum cina & india dan etc kalau nak tuntut lebih2 ,tuntutlah pada penjajah yg bawak mereka dulu atau nenek moyang mereka yg tujuan asal datang berdagang.SO, FULL STOP, TANAH INI ADALAH WARISAN BANGSA MELAYU .
    NAMUN, TIDAK SALAH KITA HIDUP BERBAIK-BAIK DAN MEMAJUKAN NEGARA INI YG MENJADI BUMI TUMPAH DARAH DAN LUBUK REZEKI KITA SEKIAN LAMA ..!ALL THREE MAJOR RACES ALREADY BLENDED TOGETHER. Perkataan ‘immigrant’ atau pendatang TIDAK SESUAI untuk di rujuk kepada kaum yg telah lebih seabad berada disini, ianya sesuai kepada pendatang2 yg masuk haram dan halal mencari rezeki disini berdasarkan kontrak tahun masing-masing. Bukan hanya mencari rezeki, membuat jenayah pun makin menjadi-jadi juga.
    lagipun kaum cina & india atau kaum minoriti lain seperti portugis,siam etc mungkin dah tak ada saudara-mara lagi kat negara ASAL mereka.kalau balik negara ASAL, mungkin untuk melancung atau mencari kesan2 atau waris2 mereka sahaja.
    fact is tanah ini warisan bangsa melayu.

  115. Tun,
    By shaifudin mahmud on September 5, 2008 7:02 PM
    Salam Tun,
    Pada pendapat saya, orang Cina menggunakan politik untuk memastikan suasana hidup yang lebih produktif tetapi Melayu menggunakan politik untuk hidup, atau hidup dalam politik. Setiap perkara perlu di politikkan ! 🙁
    Dari dulu saya mengagumi Tun…bukannya membabi buta. kalau yang salah, saya katakan salah. Tapi yang pasti, saya dapat menerima segala pendapat Tun dan saya sanjungi wawasan Tun. Dan jika ada tindakan Tun yang agak ‘pelik’, saya akan katakan pada diri sendiri…. pasti ada sesuatu yang saya tidak tahu. Tun tidak akan memperbodohkan diri begitu saja.. Jadi saya sabar, reserved my comments dan akhirnya, ternyata Tun benar juga.
    Racist dan perkauman TIDAK SAMA ! sifat Perkauman ada pada semua manusia, kerana Tuhan jadikan kita berkaum2 maka normal la kita memperjuangkan kaum kita. Tapi bila sudah terlalu extreme ke tahap merendah2kan kaum lain… makanya itu baru racist. Tun bukan racist… tapi pejuang kaum Melayu and to a larger extend…pejuang bangsa Malaysia !
    By Jinggo on September 5, 2008 6:46 PM
    Salam Tun,
    Kalau yang no 1 pun blurr tanpa focus yang tepat yang bawah-bawah tu lagilah teruknya…
    Selamat Berbuka Puasa.
    – Jinggo Rock –

  116. Salam buat semua,
    Manusia mempunyai natijah yang berlainan. Mungkin hari ini kita merasakan bahawa apa yang dikatakan ada kebenaran. Esok tak tahu lagi. Manusia haruslah ingat yang kebenaran akan terbukti juga satu hari nanti. Jangan selalu menyalahkan manusia lain.Pandangan atau percakapan adalah satu lumrah kehidupan manusia.

  117. The intemperate and ill-judged remarks made by Ahmad Nordin provide ample fodder for political capital. How could the words of a relatively light-weight politician become the standard-bearer for a political icon like UMNO, – that even the DPM deems it necessary to apologise on his behalf or dedicated politicians like Dr.Koh and LKS make it seem worthy to attack, truly beats me.We would have expected more maturity from people who have served in government, and those who vouch for power
    One would however be hard-pressed to call him “rascist” in the true sense of the word.Th situation seems to be blown out of proportions.I think some of us inc Dr. M have been called worse things before. We have turned meaningless rhetoric into political poison.
    Here’s Wiki :
    “According to the Oxford English Dictionary, racism is a belief or ideology that all members of each racial group possess characteristics or abilities specific to that race, especially to distinguish it as being either superior or inferior to another racial group or racial groups. The Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary defines racism as a belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular racial group, and that it is also the prejudice based on such a belief. The Macquarie Dictionary defines racism as: “the belief that human races have distinctive characteristics which determine their respective cultures, usually involving the idea that one’s own race is superior and has the right to rule or dominate others.”
    Some politician hollering “pendatang” to others does not make him rascist,nor does it offend “deeply” or merit the attention and debate that we’ve given assorted foolishness shown by some of our politicians
    Many people are identifying with issues,values and class – not race. It is just not disatisfaction with gutless leadership or corrupt UMNO politicians or the expectant gravy-train that fuels corruption that led to the events of 803 nor even the spine-lessness of BN partners,even influential ones like the MCA.
    While the emergence of the Anti-Hero DSAI seemed timely to many – i think we need to look deeply at why the Pak Cik with the kopiah voted DAP or why so many of those temple-going aunties voted PAS ?
    I think the world has changed and we need to look beyond race at the phenomenon developing across in the USA for some thought-leadership in voting patterns, and what exactly are the issues and values peopple are identifying with.
    UMNO needs an educated dynamic true working-class hero for all Malaysians, not a fat-cat with a private jet whose has lived off the cream of privilege or extended Treasury contracts .
    Honest PAS, and the indefatigable DAP or the Anti-Hero Anwar have plenty of hope to provide for in this new milieu.
    Additionally, the late Baby-boomers and Millenials identify with a completely new sephalogical architecture based on today’s values system.And, it is not based on race.
    The are reaching out for Obama. And in our own country ( unfortunately for some), Anwar

  118. It is very irritating to read comments question about term “PENDATANG”…you cannot change history…you cannot change the fact of world war 1, because it was happened. Similar to our own beloved country scenario,..it is fact that Chinese, Indian, Bangla, Filipinos, Cambodian all are “PENDATANG”..Only Chinese n Indian came here long time ago and became a citizen,..but still they will never be a Bumiputra…PLEASE ACCEPT THAT.
    “Be grateful that ur family can live in harmony and enjoy the benefit from this country”
    Your anchestors came to this land with a new hope, that they cannot get from their own country China and India…ENOUGH IS ENOUGH…don’t make Malay and other Bumi MAD!! We alreay kind and generous to all of you.

  119. Good day Tun,
    I have been a great admirer of your leadership and contributions to the country, but from the moment I read your blog, I can’t help but to think that your article “Pohon Maaf” had in one way or another inspired Datuk Ahmad Ismail to lash out and non-malays namely Chinese during the recent controversy.
    Tun yourself, knowing earlier that your blog will be widely publicized and misunderstood by the media should not have criticized whatever that have been done in the past, especially racial comparisons where you mentioned Chinese did not apologize to Malay when racist statements were made. The statement proves provocative especially to a country like Malaysia.
    I am not saying that you’re a racist but what I like to emphasize is that Datuk Ahmad Ismail has done a great job in deteriorating the relationships between Malay and non-Malays, I hope you will use your power of blogging to help put the matter to rest instead of helping to spark the already burning anger inside Malays. The last thing that we all Malaysians want to see is the May 13th incident.
    Please help.

  120. Tun, I’m Chinese and will forever support Tun. Tun, I want the old Malaysia back dimana semua kaum hidup dalam aman & damai.
    For my personal opinion, apa yang berlaku sekarang adalah semua angkara DSAAB & DSAI. Terutamanya DSAI. For me, kacau bilau dinegara sudah dijangka apabila berita menyiarkan DSAI keluar dari penjara.

  121. Tun dan semua warga Malaysia,
    Cuba selami dan fahami rentetan sejarah peristiwa 13 Mei 1969, rusuhan kaum dan darurat pada 16 Mei 1969…..Siapa Dalang di sebalik peristiwa itu…mengapa terjadi…
    Sepatutnya Kerajaan sudah ada formula untuk mengelak daripada Peristiwa Berulang. Kelihatannya percikan-percikan api perkauman sudah mula dirasai….
    Saya mohon maaf jika di sini saya bersifat racist. Tapi PEMBOHONG jika seseorang itu tidak ada perasaan SENTIMEN PERKAUMAN sekelumit pun. Setiap individu yang normal sangat BERBANGGA dengan BANGSA KETURUNAN masing-masing. Jadi jangan cuba nak LUCUTKAN sentimen itu dari setiap individu dengan menafikan HAK mereka utk. MEMPERTAHANKAN bangsa mereka. Perkataan RACIST wajib dipandang POSITIF… bukan NEGATIF.
    Cuba bandingkan dengan Indonesia dan Thailand yang tidak membenarkan perkauman… hanya ada satu Bangsa Indonesia dan Bangsa Thailand. Kesihan sahabat Cina kita di sana tidak bebas mengamalkan budaya mereka…bahkan nak bawa nama keturunan-nama cina pun tidak boleh, mesti guna nama Indonesia.
    Saya mohon maaf lagi… jika kita tidak mempertahankan KETUANAN MELAYU …jangan salahkan sesiapa jika fenomena melayu di Singapura akan kita alami. Singapura yang aslinya milik melayu..kini diperintah oleh Bangsa Cina, dan yang paling kasian apabila Bangsa India lebih mendapat tempat berbanding Bangsa Melayu sendiri. Satu penghinaan besar apabila baik Presiden mahupun Ketua Menteri bukan dilantik dari kalangan BANGSA YANG ASAL@ ASLI MENEMUI SINGAPURA @ TEMASIK. Inilah penangan KESAMARATAAN yang dicanangkan oleh PEMBANGKANG.
    Maaf saya terlalu emosi.

  122. I would like to comment on the report in the Star on September 6 titled ‘Dr M : Why must Malay leaders say sorry ?. I read with utter disbelief and felt disappointed at Dr M remarks in your blog which says Malay leaders shouldn’t be saying sorry over the racial overtone uttered by Bukit Bendera division chief .
    I could not fathom how Dr M with such a social and political standing also touted as the most outstanding leader in the Muslim’s world could churned such a lopsided argument for the public to stomach. Dr M complained that when Hindraf leaders hurled racial accusations against Malays and Wee the Chinese boy who made headlines and top chart with his infamous song titled ‘Negarakuku’, no leaders from the other races came forward to say sorry. Dr M is comparing two identical issues but different in nature and perspective . Ahmad Ismail is representing UMNO and UMNO is a member in BN with MCA and MIC as members too. They are sharing the same platform for the struggle and pursuit of an excellent, glorious and distinguished nation called Malaysia as being propagated under Pak Lah’s regime. Do you say nasty things about your brothers in public and put him in an embarrassing and precarious situation. No reasons whatsoever for one to touch on race and religion sensitivities as the leadership of Umno and Government have warned and been parroting this loud and clear. To go against this norm in the spirit of Barisan Nasional is unbecoming in the highest order and blatant disregard for the leadership.
    Interestingly, Ahmad was nowhere to be found in two weeks and later came out with excuses that he was quoted out of context after the leadership of UMNO apologized, simply ridiculous and nerve-wracking. Supposing Ahmad is nobody and he is not representing any Malay dominated organization especially not the biggest component party in BN. Then I think he can say whatever he likes to his heart’s content. Who bothers to ask him for an apology. Maybe all he gets for his racist behaviour are a sinister look and cold treatment from colleagues and neighbours so long as he doesn’t go around doing it repeatedly, he is safe. But what happened here is exactly the opposite. Leaders in particular must be extra careful lest they will be remembered forever for the antics they have committed. Hence, it mattered for him to apologise because making an apology would not degrade him but not doing so make him one.
    In the case of Hindraf, why should MIC leaders come forward to say sorry when they themselves are targets and victims of the campaign. Hindraf is an independent force which does not work or being affiliated with any Government ‘s body or party. Besides, Hindraf is fighting a cause for their community complaining of been marginalized whether real or perceived is another question. In a movement like this do you say nice things to garner support. Definitely you have to speak racial issue because that is the reason you are in the movement. Can we blame the Indian leaders for not apologizing on behalf of the Hindraf leaders when they themselves became victims in March 8’s election. Do we still need Hindraf leaders to say sorry when they have been dealt with severely under ISA.
    I wondered how Dr M could drag Wee as a comparison when he was just an undergraduate living abroad with no political or affiliation whatsoever to represent and his song was to air his personal frustration and opinion. He only got himself and maybe his family to be blamed and frowned on for his partly antagonistic, comical and creative lyrics. Why should Dr M take the Chinese leaders to task for Wee’s childish behaviour. I urge Dr M to think again next time before making any comparison. Remember not to compare a chicken’s egg with the goose. They won’t look or measured the same no matter how or what we use to do the job. Probably is time to really retire. Hence, the gesture of saying sorry from the Malay leaders is timely, most appropriate and much needed. This is simple reason and logic for the nation to move on as one. Nevertheless, the Chinese are a forgiving lot because this is not the first time.
    How could a leader still mention such a thing after 51 years of Independence. Could he not accept and acknowledged the fact that the non-Malays have contributed immensely towards the country’s economic wellbeing and education standard both before and after Independence and the fact that majority of us alive today mattered and need to be treated fairly, in whatsoever policy the Government is contemplating simply because we are born here after 1957 and have profound reasons to be called heirs of this country namely Malaysia. Any premise to refute this can be conceived as not honouring and relegate our forefathers’ stand on consensus and equal footing basis when they fought for Independence.
    Did Persekutuan Tanah Melayu gain Independence through sheer efforts of one race. British gave us Independence through the joint effort of UMNO, MCA and MIC called Alliance and our willingness to forge a tie and assured our colonial master that we are capable of governing this country ourselves. I doubt we would be given Independence so smoothly if not for the joint effort. Could the leaders of the dominant party today not acknowledge this fact and give due credit to the other races for their contribution to that historical event. This known fact is well documented in history. Ahmad shouldn’t be harping on the sensitive immigrant issue even though he alleged to be misquoted by the media. I felt that this is a non-issue anymore as the Government has been practicing affirmative policies since May 13 to ensure a more balance and equitable society after British’s divide and rule policy as perceived by all. Leaders of non-Malay in the BN coalition had been so subservient to the policies of the ruling party to the point of losing their own people support on March 8. It is a reality that must be heeded by all. We did not achieve Independence by effort of one race or party. This we mustn’t forget lest you be called ‘Melayu mudah lupa’. I dare not imagine what would have happened if not of the cooperation and consensus made back then that had so convincingly moved the hearts of our colonial masters. Can we still be fighting over ownership and rights issues now without Independence. Without Independence how far can we go.
    Leaders of UMNO shouldn’t feel so threatened by the call of equal rights as their special rights enshrined in the Constitution are still very much intact. To be jittery about it are xenophobic and lacking in confidence to deal with the onslaught of globalization, liberalization and meritocracy . Sooner or later we will be bulldozed by tides and waves of open market and borderless world. Are we still fighting over leftovers by the giant corporate then. On the other hand, are the so called immigrants living here for ‘free’. Aren’t their presence here have contributed tremendously towards the overall good of the country like paying taxes, creating job opportunity through corporate and business entities which had benefitted everyone.
    As I pondered further over the fuss created these last couple of months and began to wonder what the real causes. I begin to fathom that under the disguise of rights and ownership issues, the real culprit actually is economic pie of the country or what we commonly known as bread and butter in layman term. This is what make us a little ‘kiasu’ and moved us to fight to make sure we are not losing out in the name of race, rights and dignity. This has also enlightened me on another aspect of life. With all the emphasis and importance placed and preached by religious authorities and clergyman with regard to the spirituality of man after all comes second when put alongside material concerns. Undeniably, material aspects in life override spirituality for most of us if not all. For ‘my race and my root’ chants a staunch racist, echoed by others. This has been the slogan of chanting of late.
    I wish them all good luck as they continue to race over the racial issues for ego or glory I’m not sure. One thing for sure is it will soon fade away in the wrap of time and will be witnessed by generations to come. For God’s sake let’s wake up from our slumber. Let’s ask the most pertinent questions as to what we are actually fighting. Who cares not even God, this has been the manifestation of human nature from everlasting to everlasting, simply unchangeable otherwise history wouldn’t be so soaked with bloods and tears of them who pay no heed to the perennial voice of God which says ‘we are but a big family in this globe and love thy neighbour as thyself’. Who cares!
    Whether 916 will be a reality or not I leave it to the MPs to decide. Personally, I strongly feel that this is the right time, now or never to make a bold move out of personal conviction and nationalism. Even though some may say this is not democratic and dirty tactics. Ask yourself has the ruling party been so cleaned and democratic in their decades of reign especially under your regime. The country’s ills today like racial divide, corruption, unjust policies, illegal immigrant, malpractices of all sorts in the ‘kautim attitude’ and ‘know-who mentality’ are very much the trademarks and hallmarks of BN’s ruling. To overhaul the whole system and machinery, nothing short of 916 can achieve. Therefore, to Malaysians who disagree, just bear with it and let the outcome speaks for itself. History will remember those MPs who make the right decision as true nationalist in this new era to create a new Malaysia. In politics, at times you have to be Machievallian to bring about meaningful change. Let’s pray for God’s blessing to be upon our modern warriors and fighters and may our dream come true. One nation, one hope, and one dream.

  123. Hi Dr. Mahathir,
    I think they are trying to create chaos, or maybe those who speak up never ever uses their brain to think as a leader of Malaysia.
    Frankly, being a chinese I was upset with the remarks from Ahmad Ismail, but I was even more disappointed by the our PM’s reaction, following by the unreasonable apologize by UMNO, represented by the Deputy PM. They are the leaders of Malaysia, once they said they are sorry for making the remarks on behalf of Ahmad Ismail, it means UMNO acknowledge the remarks, but apologize because they shouldnt be saying so. How could they represent the Malays to say sorry to Chinese? Then they are representing Malays in Malaysia to acknowledge they dont like Chinese, but I have many Malay friends, where we got no problem being friends and live in harmony. A leader has to be discipline, and those who are sitting in the parliament should know our “rakyat” expect more towards them as our representatives. They are not allowed to highlight this kind of issue, and strict actions should be taken immediately the remarks are made and being penalized to ensure no one will do such things anymore.
    What the heck of saying, “I will tell him not to do it again?”- THis means, other people can do it and say sorry again.
    Dr. Mahathir, forgive those who has not being smart enough to understand your remark. If they want to be disappointed and upset, you cant do anything, because you cant cure stupidity.

  124. Seperti biasa, Che Det memutar belit fakta untuk menyokong hujah-hujahnya. Dia kata Orang Cina dan India take pernah minta maaf. Namwee telah minta maaf,(namewee.blogspot.com/2007/08/apologize-announcement.html) dan Hindraf masuk ISA. Adakah Che Det setuju orang yang tak minta maaf seperti Ahmad Ismail kena masuk ISA?

  125. YB Tun dan blogger yang lain,
    Semua bangsa manusia akan memperjuangkan bangsanya sendiri. Apa nak pelik? Cuma bezanya extreme atau tidak saja!
    Kalau nonton drama/filem dari Hong Kong/ China, kita lihat org Cina akan memperjuangkan bangsa mereka, filem Tamil dr India pun sama. Orang India akan memperjuangkan bangsa India, malah kaum kulit hitam dan putih di USA yang kononnya bebas dari racism lagi teruk!
    Jadi apa sibuk pasal racism di Malaysia? Semua menteri baik dlm kerajaan atau oppos. menyebelahidan membela bangsa masing-masing. Ada yang berani bercakap di khalayak ramai tetapi ramai yang main sembunyi-sembunyi. Di depan cakap lain, di belakang cakap lain. Ini biasa dan semua orang tau. MCA+gerakan tetap sokong DAP dan sebaliknya. MIC tetap sokong PKR atau Hindraf. Semua orang maklum benda ni. Main politik tetap diteruskan kerana lidah orang politik tak sama dengan lidah rakyat…
    Yang BODOH hanya Melayu BN dan Melayu PKR dan Melayu PAS. Mereka tetap dengan ideologi masing-masing. Tidak akan memperjuangkan bangsa Melayu bersama-sama. BIAR BANGSA MEREKA ROBOH DAN BINASA, NAMUN UNTUK BERSAMA-SAMA MEMBELA BANGSA SENDIRI TIDAK AKAN SEKALI-KALI.

  126. salam Tun,
    rasanya hal berkaitan racist ni saya juga terasa meluahkan pendapat sendiri. Sememangnya kita tak patut untuk mengetengahkan perkara ini. apatah lagi melabelkan kaum-kaum lain sebagai pendatang kerana dari sejarahnya Melayu juga adalah kaum pendatang cuma kita datang lebih awal dari mereka. Kalau dilihat secara teliti, kaum cina dan india (lain-lain juga) yang datang dari tanah air mereka dahulu telah lama ‘pergi’ dan sisa mereka yang tertinggal ini sudah bergenerasi. Generasi-generasi baru ini asalnya(lahirnya) disini seperti kita. Jika mereka hendak pulang ke tanah asal juga tidak boleh kerana mereka bukan berasal dari sana. Jadi, layakkah mereka ini dilabelkan pendatang?
    Saya juga tidak menyalahkan kaum Melayu yang mempertahankan hak kerana kita sememangnya berhak. Apalah salahnya kita berbaik dengan mereka seperti sebuah keluarga tanpa ada perasaan prejudis mahupun diskriminasi. Sedarkah kita bahawa Cina telah menguasai hampir keseluruhan ekonomi Malaysia? jadi tidakkah rugi jika kita mengutarakan hal-hal perkauman kerana kita sendiri yang akan rugi. Graduan-graduan Melayu yang tamat belajar nanti akan bekerja dengan mereka (kaum cina terutamanya). Melayu sendiri membeli produk keluaran orang cina, beli barangan runcit dikedai cina dan mendapatkan perkhidmatan orang cina. jadi jika isu ini ditimbulkan, kita sendiri yang menempah susah.
    Dari sekolah rendah anak-anak kita sudah diasingkan mengikut kaum. tiba diuniversiti barulah hendak bersatu. Bagaimana nak bersatu jika sedari usia 6 tahun hinggalah 17 tahun baru nak mengenali bangsa lain? Itupun kalau nak berkenal-kenal.
    Sememangnya semua kaum di Malaysia kini mempunyai perasaan racisme. Orang cina misalnya sudah mendidik anak-anak mereka untuk tidak makan dikantin sekolah. alasannya peniaga kantin (majoritinya melayu) membersihkan najis menggunakan tangan. Orang india juga sama tetapi tidak begitu terserlah. Kita sepatutnya saling menghormati kerana kita semua saling memerlukan. Berbicara tentang kontrak sosial, mengapa kontrak sosial tidak di didik dari usia muda? Dedahkan betapa pentingnya kita mentaati kontrak sosial tersebut. Jangan bila sudah terjadi sesuatu isu perkauman barulah kita mengeluarkan perkara-perkara dalam kontrak tersebut. Terus terang saya katakan saya sendiri tidak tahu apa kandungan kontrak sosial yang termaktub semasa hendak menuntut kemerdekaan dahulu.
    Jadi, saya harap kita semua sebagai rakyat Malaysia, buangkanlah perasaan racisme antara kita. tak kisahlah cina ke melayu ke, kita berbelanja dengan ringgit Malaysia, ic kita ic Malaysia, maka jadilah orang Malaysia. Nak pertahankan hak pun, fikirlah akibatnya kepada generasi akan datang. Jangan nanti mereka salahkan kita kerana membawa kesengsaraan kepada mereka.
    Semoga Tun, isteri dan keluarga sihat.
    Selamat beramal dibulan Ramadhan Al Mubarak.

  127. Assalammualaikum Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad,
    Pertama sekali, saya nak ucapkan selamat berpuasa kepada Tun sekeluarga. Semoga sihat wal-afiat sentiasa.
    Saya amat bersetuju dengan pandangan Tun tentang isu ‘pohon maaf’ tu. Ianya tidak ada kena mengena mengenai perkauman.
    Pentadbiran sekarang ni nampaknya lemah dan tidak dapat mengawal keadaan di dalam negara. Jadi, apa-apa sikit, depa nak minta maaf, lagi-lagi minta maaf. Sampaikan tak usul periksa pun depa dah pi mintak maaf. Bila dapat tau kita silap orang, alangkah malunya.
    Dan pada pendapat saya, seharusnya mamat rapper Malaysia yang berketurunan cina tu patut minta maaf pada semua rakyat malaysia kerana menghina agama Islam sebagai agama rasmi negara dan mempersendakan lagu Negaraku. Ada pihak yang mengatakan yang mamat ni kononnya budak. Alahai, dia bukannya budak tadika yang baru belajar ABC, dia budak universiti. Bukankah kita duk laungkan yang belia bakal pemimpin negara? Macam nikah belia Malaysia? Amat memalukan. Kalau betul ni negarakuku, awat yang dia mai balik Malaysia? Pi lah cari negaraEmas atau negaraBerlian. Yang dia mai balik sini ni menunjukkan yang Malaysia ni bukanlah negarakuku tetapi Negaraku yang dicintai.
    Hindraf ni pula satu pasal. Dahlah menipu bulat-bulat, lepas tu memalukan negara pula pi minta tolong kat orang putih tu (saja mengada). Depa ni memanglah tak minta maaf kerana dah kena tindakan undang-undang. Tapi yang si MIC tu pi simpati dengan Hindraf tu yang buat kita marah. MIC tu parti komponen BN dan patutnya membela kerajaan daripada tuduhan liar seperti ini, bukannya dia yang pi simpati.
    Memanglah apa yang Ahmad Ismail kata tu tak kena, tapi mahukah rakyat Malaysia berketurunan cina ni mahu berfikir kenapakah orang Melayu Malaysia ni berperilaku sedemikian terhadap mereka? Bukan kerana banyak orang Malaysia cina ni bawa kereta besar-besar atau duduk di rumah mewah-mewah dan kaya-raya. Orang Melayu Malaysia bersifat demikian kerana kebanyakkan (walau tak semua)orang cina Malaysia ni amatlah ‘racist’. Bab nak menuntut itu dan ini memang tak sudah-sudah. Berani pula mereka ni pi tulis nama jalan di Penang tu dengan tulisan Cina pula. Bukankah bahasa kebangsaan negara kita ialah bahasa Malaysia? Bukankah kita kena ada identiti sendiri walaupun dalam menuntut ilmu kita tidak dapat elak daripada menguasai bahasa Inggeris?
    Alhamdulillah Malaysia sekarang dah maju. Harap-harap pemikiran rakyat kita pun majulah macam negara kita. Alhamdulillah sepanjang Malaysia diperintah oleh orang Melayu semenjak Merdeka, rakyat Malaysia berketurunan cina dan india tidak pernah disisihkan dan dinafikan haknya dan tidak dirampas hartanya. Tetapi katakanlah, (secara hipotetikal) kalau Malaysia diketuai oleh rakyat Malaysia berketurunan india atau cina, bolehkah hak,peluang,biasiswa,kontrak akan diberi kepada orang Malaysia berketurunan Melayu? Tengok sahaja di Singapura kita semua boleh mengagak. Jangan kata diberi peluang, dengar cerita nak azan sembahyang pun tak boleh, Nauzubillah.
    Semoga Allah memelihara Malaysia kita Tun, sebab banyak yang di luar tu kisahkan diri depa sahaja, bukan negara.
    Insya’Allah, Malaysia BOLEH!

  128. Saya tak tau nak hantar kat sapa surat nih, saya tulis kat sini saja lah kot.
    Dear Pak Lah,
    Tolonglah bagi jawatan PM kat orang lain. Jangan bagi kat Najib pulak. Bagilah kat orang yang disukai oleh orang ramai.
    I love Malaysia!!!!!
    Thanks Tun!

  129. I respect you because you are really strong leader. You make every Malaysians have one dream, which is Wawasan 2020. You’ve done a lot of things to promote Malaysia to whole world. You know how to handle all the tough stuffs especially goes to racial issues. You know how to make sure all races have a satisfy answers all the time. But, this time you really make me disappointed. I believed if you haven’t step down, you won’t say comment like this. However, i still respect you for what you’ve done to Malaysia and hopefully this issue will end soon and every malaysians just focus on Wawasan 2020, not races issues anymore.

  130. Now (Or should I say decades ago) the westerns (i.e Americans) came up with “We are the World” to unites the people of the world. We in Malaysia still hanging on “Proud to be Malaysian”. We should change our mindset. We should not only have good relationships among Melayu, Cina dan India. Kita seharusnya memupuk semangat kekitaan diantara manusia seluruh dunia. Broaden up your mind and give more to yourself and to the world.

  131. Dear Tun and all the readers!
    To me, politics are such a lame topic. It always divide and differentiate colours among human beings. There are always no togetherness in politics. And now, such a respecful leader like Tun can gave such a comments about races differences. I guess Tun don’t have real non-Malay friends.
    I am a non-Malay who entered Sekolah Kebangsaan. I have bunch of Malay friends. But it doesn’t stop me from having non-Malay friends too. We all don’t know the differences among us coz we shared the same interest in musics, foods, sports and activities. We don’t talk about politics coz politics always talk about races.
    Nowadays people always said “Proud to be Malaysian”. I rarely use this statement coz it’s such a lie and hypocrits. I am rather proud to be human who shares the equal abilities and sitting under the same sun!

  132. Dear Tun,
    There is no such thing as “national unity” or “perpaduan” whatever people like to call it. All we need is just to be able to stand each other and at the moment we are doing that. I agree with u that the malays have been very tolerent sampai people accused us of ethnic cleansing pon dok sabar je. Thats ok coz sabar is a good virtue but other races have really got to realize that they are really taking things for granted. We have managed to live in relative peace despite not having the same religion, speaking different languages, even disagreeing with some of the food others eat…but we tolerate so be grateful and stop complaining coz other people go to war for a lesser reason than that.

  133. Dear Doctor,
    I’d be suprised if you ever got around to reading this, judging by the one thousand odd remarks you get and a large majority being glorifications of your greatness. But sir, if ever this beautiful nation falls to a time of racial persecutions and warfare I hold you responsible.
    How can you and that Ahmad Ismail destroy the harmony that we had worked so hard to build. Where is the Malaysian spirit and muhibbah? I would never take arms to assault my Malaysian brother irrespective of his race or religion because that is not the Malaysian way and yet, you, once cammanding general of our nation are inciting hatred among our Malay brethren. Must we embrace for disaster, sir, because you are masterminding this as your last great work?
    Please stop this, dear doctor. if you cannot help develop this nation anymore, the very least you can do is not be party to its devastation.
    For the sake of Malaysia and all her children, i beg you to stop.

  134. Hi Tun,
    What can I say but many are stirring the hornets nest. There are many priorities which are needed to be addressed by the nation yet all of us are stuck in the mire of racism. The guy in Penang is too emotional to think clearly because even when he was trying to clear the air about his anti comments about the Chinese he further implicated himself instead of clearing himself. A guy like this should be excused because I have only heard about him recently.
    Now coming to you my dear Tun, what can I say? A person of your calibre unable to play your part as a honest arbitrator. You who wanted to play an important role to unite the Muslim world but doing everything possible to keep the Malaysians apart. Bravo, if this is how you want to end up in the history books, sorry no one can help you. Age can produce sages but then; also senile relics.
    I enjoy your blog anyway hope I have not offended you, if so, my apologies.

  135. I used to admire Dr. Mahatir and dismissed corruption ‘rumours’ bout him but now im having doubts seeing his true colours in this blog.
    bottom line is ahmad tried playin the racial card at a ‘malay’ gathering unaware that in this age everyone of every race will hear his words through the media.
    now hes scared and would certainly have been jailed/kicked out if he was chinese.
    worse thing is he’s showing the public UMNO’s weakness and how spineless Badawi is in just asking him to ‘explain’ or ‘not to repeat’ the words he said.

  136. Hello there,
    All this while I have been reading your opinions on issues in the country, I also read the comments that accompany every issue.
    I would have to say that using the term ‘pendatang’ is not appropriate since we have come a long way since the very first ‘pendatang’ arrived in Tanah Melayu.
    Contributions were made equally in all aspects of the country’s development and progress. Definitely, this has been forgotten when Ahmad uttered the word ‘pendatang’. It is not as if other races have been sitting and watching while the malays worked hard to shape the country into what it is today…What is visible today as the nation’s pride and joy had the contribution of each and every Malaysian in it. Why do we call ourselves Malaysian and fill in as ‘Malaysian’ in nationality when anytime someone can just get on the stage and start calling us ‘pendatang’? Look up the dictionary for the word ‘pendatang’ and the word ‘warganegara’ before using them..I am sure Kamus Dewan can give very clear definitions for both.How can a person be ‘pendatang’ when they have ‘warganegara’ status and are subjected equally to all rules,policies and taxations that the government implements?
    Is it possible for UMNO leaders ‘top and below’ to get their speech checked before they deliver them as this is not the first time anyone in UMNO to be so blunt (the lady from Perak and the issue on Indians and snake)?
    What is with these people anyway? Freedom of speech does not mean you go around speaking whatever you like-perhaps being in certain party makes people extra insensitive towards other races in this country.
    What can be said here is ‘an individual’s attitude has just started to expand into a race based issue’-

  137. I wouldnt say that Tun is racist, you are saying what you think, and being outspoken has always been one of Tun’s most distinguished traits. and it is true that one cannot please everyone, but I’m proud that you’ve always stuck to your principles. Selamat Bulan ramadhan Tun!

  138. Dear Y.Berhormat Tun,
    How are you? Hope you are good health. I only want to touch the issue of Datuk Ahmad Ismail. Datuk Ahmad was the first person to stand up to defend the Malays rights..Maybe he is speaking for the Malays but not meant to be heard by the Non-Malays..Unfortunately the Reporters of the Chinese Sin Poh was there and without knowing the whole facts on what he is talking about..Moreover this days the Non-Malays have said a lot of thing about the Malays and proudly condemning the Malays rights, Religion and privileges..They should be a bit more careful what to say and what are their rights..
    That’s all I want to say..
    Selamat Berbuka Puasa. Tun.

  139. I fail to see the issue of whether the Chinese in our country are immigrants or not. Yes, we read the history books and every Malaysian knows that the Chinese and Indians were originally from different countries. What’s the point of bringing it up if it’s general knowledge? Unless the intent is to degrade the Chinese to some extent (which I believe was Ahmad’s intent), there’s no point in bringing it up. Orang Aslis could easily say the same thing about Malays since their ancestors ‘got here first’ but they don’t say it because they know it’s rubbish to say such things. To say that the Chinese were immigrants from another country also implies that they are mere squatters, which is wrong because they have proven to be more productive and enterprising than the average Bumiputera. In my opinion, it’s us Bumis who have yet to prove ourselves. Shame on Ahmad.. indeed, he needs to be stripped of his citizenship.

  140. To ams,
    i beg to differ, i respect koh tsu koon, the ex-leader of gerakan && dr. ng yen yen from mca, because they are the truly “malaysian” leaders from the chinese ethnic, i have attend their speech before && trust me they are not racist at all (atleast not their speech). i think the malays should demand apology from karpal sing && lim kit siang (DAP), why AHMAD have to apologize when leaders of their own freely can insults the Malays. They should be “dibuang kewarganegaraan” as they have insult our sultans, the “malaysian” sultan && promote hatred among malaysian.

  141. Hi Tun:
    Thanks for sharing your thought. As a Malaysian “Chinese”, I love my country but you know what, when I am overseas, people refer me as Malay, I sort of like that, because as have nothing to be ashamed of to be a Malsyian.
    As of a business man, I do not care about who is running the contry, just do a good job, give us a good life and make us a proud Malaysian.
    Can Malay rights be removed? No no and no, because Malay are still the majority. Why keep mentioning it to create racial tension?
    If Chinese do well, they will reinvest more back to the community instead of “betraying” the country by migrating to other places. Give them a sense of belonging if not 100 years from now, smart and rich Chinese will all gone, left over Chinese will not be a threat to any other race and we can certainly imagine how Malaysia is going to be….
    Sad sad and sad seeing what is happening to the country….. Thanks again for writing and giving us a place to voice out…. love you and long life Tun!

  142. Dear Tun,
    We need a bogey man for UMNO and for Barisan as a whole to unite the parties.
    How about the zionist and Americans?Gearge Soros(remember?) Imagined or real, do you think you can create something with your connections?How about getting a singaporean to belitlle malaysians or UMNO or Barisan?This would certainly create a reaction.
    However,with the current premier i fear there will be no reaction,and this will defeat the purpose.
    I love you Tun.Bapa kemajuan.
    yours sincerely,
    azuwar adib.

  143. Salam Tun,
    Setelah melihat video keterangan Datuk Ahmad mengenai kenyataannya. Saya boleh menerima apa yang dikatakan oleh Tun. Saya setuju dengan pendapat Tun.
    Beliau bercerita mengenai sejarah Pra Kemerdekaan pada sekitar 1950an.
    Kenyataannya tidaklah mengenai keadaan ketika ini(sekarang).
    Mungkin tidak berapa sesuai untuk beliau menceritakan perkara itu yang begitu sensitif.
    Tetapi apabila didesak, dicemuh, dihina serta dipaksa meminta maaf hanya kerana memberitahu kebenaran sejarah negara. Apakah maksud semua ini?
    Sudah tercatat di dalam sejarah serta perlembagaan bahawa orang Melayu, Cina dan India serta kaum-kaum yang lain telah bersetuju mengenai hak masing-masing. Mengapa perlu diubah?
    Jika tidak dilaksanakan secara adil maka tanggungjawab kita untuk “membetulkan keadaan”.
    Saya sentiasa menyokong Tun dan anakanda Tun (Dato’ Mukhriz) dalam memperjuangkan nasib Agama, Bangsa dan Tanah Air.
    Salam perantauan

  144. To Terongpipit:
    I mentioned ” Jikalau apa yg dicakapkans adalah benar”. Saya tidak pasti jika ini adalah fakta sebenar atau myth semata mata. Tapi ni la link dia:
    Ada yg cakap, adil tidak bermakna sama rata. Saya bersetuju , itulah sebabnya ada “Weighted Average” yang akan bergantung kepada populasi masyarakat. Di Malaysia terdapat 54% Melayu, 26% Cina, 10%India dan 10% lain lain. Plan terbaik untuk negara ialah menggunakan angka angka ini untuk membantu masyarakat. Jika negara ada “set-aside” budget untuk membantu orang orang miskin, peratusan ini akan digunakan. 54% budget itu untuk melayu, 26 % itu utk cina. Peratus yg sama haruslah digunakan untuk university. Sudah tentu ini akan mengambil masa yg lama untuk dilaksanakan, tapi adakah UMNO menuju ke arah itu? Saya tidak nampak,tak ada report yg boleh terangkan macam mana negara menbelanjakan duit masyarakat. jikalau ada tolong terangkan. Yang sama nampak orang kaya melayu pun dapat scholarship.
    Ada orang melayu yg cakap pasal racism di dalam syarikat swasta. Cina semua upper management. Adakah ini Racism ? Maybe and maybe not. Orang memilih kakitangan bukan sahaja berdasarkan kelayakan tetapi juga tahap keselesaan berkerjasama dengan orang orang ini. Jikalau ada 2 orang yg kelayakannya sama, saya tentu akan memilih orang yg saya rasa selesa untuk berkerja bersama sama. Ini mungkin berdasarkan mentality dia, apa yang dia suka sampailah apa yang dia makan .
    Saya berkerja di U.S. Saya tak de lar banyak peluang pomotion. Macam mana lah nak promote bila dia orang tengok american football, saya tengok bola sepak liga perdana. Adakah ini racism? Maybe and Maybe not

  145. fikirkan.in no particular order
    1.bila org melayu ke shopping centre, selalunya.. salesman kaum china tidak akan memberi brochure atau approach org melayu.. adakah disebabkan org melayu tak mampu? tak kaya? or not up to their standard? tak percaya, go see fer yerself n observe
    2.tak menghormati kawan melayu or india, tapi selalunya dgn melayu. mereka lebih suka berbahasa cina, membuat kita terpinga-pinga atau rasa tak sedap sebab mereka bergelak tawa kita tak tahu apa yg mereka bincangkan.waktu kerja, mereka suka komen dlm bahasa cina sebab apa? kalau bergaduh atau berselisih faham dgn kita, mereka akan berbahasa cina antara mereka.
    3.bila berjual beli, kita (melayu) samada tidak dilayan, tak bersungguh melayani, suka melebihkan bangsa mereka, dan quote harga yg berbeza dgn yg ditawarkan kpd org melayu.selalunya kita akan dpt harga mahal atau biasa sahaja tetapi bangsa mereka diberi harga murah, offer yg istimewa dsbnya. lihat sahaja ketika berjual beli bab barangan, makanan, di pasar dsbnya.
    4.mereka suruh org melayu toleransi beragama tetapi mereka suka memasuki hal ehwal agama Islam, mahu kita memahami kehendak mereka supaya Islam itu mengikut kesesuaian mereka. adakah org Islam suruh agama lain utk mengikut telunjuk Islam? mereka lebih suka mencampuri daripada memahami.
    5.bila kita berjalan di shopping complex, bila bertembung dgn org cina, ramai yg buat tak tahu jalan terus dan tidak memberi ruang kepada kita, samada kita membawa anak(trolley) atau bersendirian, berkeluarga. mereka akan penuhi jalan walaupun melihat kita.kekadang mereka buat2 tak lihat, jadi kitalah juga yg kena mengelak.
    6.ada sesetengah pembeli cina suka berlagak sombong, bila meminta sesuatu. mereka akan marah2 dan merendah2kan kita.sebab mentaliti yg dididik dikalangan mereka, org melayu pemalas.
    7.jika jawatan kerja, untuk mengelakkan yg mereka tidak rasis. maka diletakkan syarat kerja, yg berbahasa cina adalah advantage.. berbeza dari iklan yg sebelumnya, meletakkan syarat berbahasa cina dan inggeris.tak nak percaya? lihatla iklan2 yg berlambak.
    8.jika kita lihat, syarikat yg dikuasai org cina selalunya meletakkan ramai pekerja melayu dan india diperingkat bawahan dan hanya 1 atau 2 dijawatan yg tinggi,sekadar mencukup quota yg disyaratkan kerajaan. tidak hairanlah kita sentiasa lihat, dibahagian akaun majoritinya adalah kaum cina, bukan tiada melayu yg layak tapi cina diutamakan.lihat sahaja di kebanyakan syarikat2 yg dipunyai org Cina, bangsa cina lebih diutamakan.walaupun org melayu sudah lama bekerja dan mempunyai pengalaman luas, tapi org fresh graduate cina terus mendapat gaji yg tinggi walaupun tiada pengalaman dan jika membuat persamaan dgn fresh graduate melayu, tangga gajinya amat berbeza.
    9.org melayu walaupun berkuasa, masih memberi ruang kepada bangsa asing untuk memakmurkan perniagaan, memegang jawatan dan post tinggi. tetapi org Cina, bila berkuasa.. org melayu dipinggirkan, diletakkan pada peringkat bawahan.. lihat saja di Singapura, mengapa org melayu diletakkan byk diperingkat bawahan, di penang.. lihat saja syarikat2 di sana. majoriti pekerja bawahan adalah org melayu dan india.dan selalunya org india diberi jawatan tinggi sedikit dan ini kemudiannya diterjemahkan pula oleh pegawai tinggi india, dgn merekrut pekerja2 di bawahannya org India, dan dinaikkan pangkat dgn senang org yg bangsa yg sama. lihat di penang, org melayu dipinggirkan,tanah rizab melayu semakin terhakis.org cina tahu cara utk memenangi org melayu adalah dgn memberi rasuah, membeli permit2 org melayu, menteri.. melayu untung ribu, cina untung 100,000
    ini adalah pengalaman sendiri yg telah dilalui saban tahun, berpuluh2 tahun.. dan nampaknya sekarang, semakin ketara. orang cina dan juga india sudah mula tidak menghormati hak kuasa org melayu yg selama ini memerintah dinegara ini, dan mula mempertikaikan bermacam2 hal org melayu. mungkin org cina tak puas hati, atau ada dendam kesumat terhadap org melayu kerana mereka berpikiran, org melayu malas dan walapun diberi bermacam2 masih tidak maju dsbnya.disebabkan itu, mereka menghukum org melayu dgn perlakuan2 diatas.dan perkara ini semakin parah dgn perlakuan melayu yg berpikiran moden ala acuan barat. hak sama rata yg diperjuangkan barat diadaptasi dgn senang hati oleh mereka tanpa memikirkan agama dan nasib bangsa.
    melayu dikatakan rasis tetapi realitinya kita sendiri tahu siapa yg betul2 rasis di Malaysia ini.

  146. Hey dude, why so worries? To me, you’re not a racist, just a blogger. So write what you think, just like western country. In term of people like or dislike you, that is their taste. No worries man!
    Don’t worry too much with your race/grandson future, young people will figure their way out.
    For the old folks, bottom line they are fighting for “maruah”, power and $$.
    Again, that thing Ahmad Ismail, he is nothing. So.. no comment.
    The world is so beautiful; we Malaysian must not waste time fight each other. (enjoy the clip http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e5Q0CLlFFm0)
    If you like to fight, then fight for Malaysia status in world ranking; not the race ranking in Malaysia… cheers.. 8^)

  147. Hello Tun.
    When I am observing the present political and racial scenario, be it past leaders like you or present leaders, irrespective of which political parties they belong to, one important fact remains that almost every single politician played politics and was only concerned in mainting a political climate that suited their whim and fancy. It is a known fact that politicians played the racial issue as a political mileage.
    When can we expect a politician to call black as black and white as white. When we will understand the basic fact that one is a human being before labelling them as Malays, Chinese, Indians or others. When can we realize that emotional hurts does not belong to any one race or creed. At the rate the politicians are sowing the seed of racial discord in this country I believe they are sowing it very deep, it will go down the line to at least another one or may be even two generations. Which present politician will be a permanent citizen or bumiputra of this nation, are we not forgeting every single person leaves behind everying to enter the hereafter to meet the Creator.
    What am I saying? It is not the present that we should be concerned about but also the future. If we allow every single politician to voice out his opinion without being accountable then we have not progressed into a matured society. Every person must not only be accountable for his or her actions but must face the consequences.
    *Memohon maaf” during Adil fitri will become superficial and meaningless if it is practised only during Adil Fitri. My opinion is that the concerned politician did step the line, and should APOLOGIES.
    May God bless you with long life.

  148. apa lah AAB dan NTR nak mintak maaf pulak ni…. suruh org yang kata tu lah jawab, no offence to all chinese, indian and malay also, kalau nak negara maju jangan nak mengata satu sama lain dan jgn main api buat macam yang dah ada cukuplah pasal racis tu toksah dok sebut. bukan saja Melayu mudah lupa tapi Malaysia telah Lupa sejarah. Respect other before u earn the respec from other. lama lama semua rugi. Hat ni tak suka yang ni, yang tu tak suka yg ni lama lama sendiri mau ingat. Bless tun and may allah save MALAYsia. Selamat Hari Lebaran to all

  149. Salam Tun,
    Sangat sedih melihat tulisan anda yang sangat berbau perkauman, hanya kerana mementing blog anda terus dibaca( as large readers were malays) ataupun Tun ingin membuat sesuatu untuk berkuasa semula, you forget who you are and what the chinese and indian did for you past many years when you incharged.Now we know your real colour. Anyway we still thank you for what you did and grateful to had such a great leader like you in Malaysia. May god bless you and your family. I will stop reading your blogs because it is restricted for malay only and to them to discuss how to do more discrimanatio0n toward other races.
    Not malay but human being who like every human being , including malay.

  150. Rujuk komen “ahloon on September 8, 2008 5:20 PM”
    pasal sekolah cina…
    Pada pendapat saya, sekolah hendaklah untuk semua bangsa.
    Tidak boleh khusus untuk satu bangsa sahaja.
    Melainkan sekolah khas agama yang fokus kepada keagamaan masing2 misalnya:
    Sekolah Agama Islam,
    Sekolah Agama Budha,
    Sekolah Agama Hindu,
    Sekolah Agama Kristian..dll,
    Perpaduan akan terbentuk dari pergaulan yang dipupuk sejak dari kecil..dari persekitaran rumah kita, di tadika, di sekolah rendah, di sekolah menengah, diuniversiti…
    Apabila kita membentuk keluarga kita sendiri, kita tahu bagaimana mendidik anak2 kita erti perpaduan.
    [email protected]

    By imran on September 8, 2008 4:07 PM
    Presiden UMNO : Rais Yatim
    Tolong usahakan….

  152. Salam Tun,
    Macam ni lah jadinya kalau Melayu bergantung sangat dengan ekonomi orang China.Kena maki hamun pun tak berani angkat kepala. Memang salah kita (malas, tak amanah- betul ke?).Jadi boleh kah Tun tolong pikir pikir cara meningkatkan ekonomi orang Melayu tanpa bergantung kepada kerajaan dan orang China? Saya percaya Tun pun bukan calang calang pasal ekonomi ni. Kepada orang Melayu mai la pakat pakat kumpul duit (macam ASN dulu)kalau itu saranan Tun.
    Nawaitu dulu Tun,apabila Melayu berjaya nanti dan bangsa bangsa lain rasa terhimpit, bantu lah mereka kerana mereka rakyat Malaysia juga.Janganlah kita mungungkit ungkit..
    raya ni nak beli baju raya anak anak kat mana ya?…Sunshine, Jusco, mydin?

  153. We,non-malays don’t wish to have a special previleges like the malays have but just to have a little hope that the future for this country is not threntening to our children. We are only hoping the government can give equal opportunity to non-malays in term of education..

  154. Salam Tun,
    Does racism is really exist in real life or just become political agenda to gain the support from the various ethnic groups in Malaysia? Ah Chong, Ali & Ramasamy are the famous names in text books during my school day and are we still having great relationship with teh tarik & various festival involving us. As I can see down on the ground all of us, the malaysian still presume the relationship that we are always have as before…the only culprit to this issue is the politicians who have their own agenda normally to regain the support and diverted the arising issue away from the public. If racism is really the issue now on the ground, 2nd 13 May has already in place. Don’t be suprised the reality on the ground is totally different from the racism issue raise by the politicians. Ramasamy registered to be members of “Kelab Penyokong Pas”…Question???? He doesn’t has the confidence anymore to his ethnic party…esp the leader. Why PAS…because he is MALAYSIAN and not an Indian anymore. Please all Malaysian…don’t get yourself involve with these political agenda…use your intelectual and broad mind to determine which are the thruth, fact and illusion…afterall they are enjoying oversea now with the so call government money which actually belong to us..thats the real racist.

  155. Salam buat Tun dan semua,
    Kepada Chinese dan Indian diluar sana,nampak Melayu aje lah yang jahat dan bersifat perkauman. Bagaimana pula antara Cina dan India? takda sifat perkauman ka? Cuba masa bertafakur depan tokong tu, tutup mata seminit dua and ask yourself secara jujur “which one I prefer…?”.

    By imran on September 8, 2008 4:07 PM
    Presiden UMNO : Rais Yatim
    Tolong usahakan….

  157. Salam Tun,
    Izinkan saya menyokong Mushroom Universe,
    Betul tu Mushroom dan kalau kau nak tau Si Amat tu anak didik si Anuar dulu.
    Kepada Pulau- sempena Ramadan ni, turut serta saya sedekahkan Alfatihah kepada Allahyarham Cikgu Syed.
    Tanjung Bungah 1985-2005

  158. The current leader is weak. That is why the leaders now are becoming more ruthless and not sensitive. They know that end of the day what can Pak Lah say, what can he do. The best part in his statement, he is putting the message across that Ahmad Ismail is still right that message has been misinterpreted by other quarters.
    Come on…. what has been siad has been said. Do you think that Malaysians now are not so intelligent to observe and to judge.
    This issue does not arise during our previous Prime Minister. Because they know the next minute they will face disciplinary actions as they are endangering the most precious inheritance of our country ‘harmony among races’.
    The sentiment has started and Pak Lah has allowed it to happen. Imagine that the rest would think that it is allright to utter such statement.

  159. Quote from JAn”Fyi Tun and those who like Chinese school.
    Whether you accept it or not, it is a fact that Chinese school is the agent of racism. I suggest that you (those who do not agree with me) go to the secondary national school and make some RESEARCH and see how is the behaviour of Chinese students from Chinese primary schools and Chinese students from primary national schools. Ask the teachers. Open your eyes and see the difference.
    If the Chinese really think as true Malaysian, why are they reluctant to go to national school? (not Malay school, NATIONAL school). For sure, they think that national school is inferior to their own school. This is the source or root of racism. If you want assimilation and better Malaysia for everybody, you have to start it from small not when you are 13 years old! My conclusion is Chinese school should be closed (root of racism), and all Malaysian should goto national schools. Singapore can do it, why not us?”
    ….jAN, saya berasa bahawa ENGKAU yang kena melihat perangai remaja-remaja Melayu di Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan ….
    Pada masa ENGKAU menunding jari ke arah sekolah Cina sebagai sumber perpecahan kaum, yakin saya nyatakan di sini bahawa ENGKAu merupakan rakyat yang berFIKIRAN CETEK dan even belum membuka mata anda dgn seluas-luasnya lagi…
    Saya merupakan seseorang warganegara Cina Malaysia.
    Saya dididik di SJK Cina dan SMJK cina yang terunggul di Kedah.
    Namun,saya masih mempunyai sekelompok besar rakan-rakan bukan Cina yang akrab dan mesra. KEnapa????
    Sebab kita saling menghormati dan memahami…
    Sebagai seseorang Muslim dan penganut agama Buddha, kami masing-masing faham dan akur kepada ajaran agama masing-masing.Saya yakin dan tentu bahawa seseorang yang mempunyai pegangan agama yang teguh, tidak akan sesekalipun menyatakan sesuatu yang mencetuskan huru-hara di bawah bumbung sendiri.
    Fikirlah betul-betul.
    SALAM SEJAHTERA dan AMAN saya ucapkan
    serta POHON maaf atas sebarang lanjur kata…

  160. saya ingin terangkan sesuatu di sini.
    rakyat kita tidak tahu siapa itu BN.
    BN merupakan kerajaan malaysia buat masa ini.
    BN terdiri daripada UMNO MCA MIC PPP GERAKAN dan parti-parti yang lain.
    BN bukan UMNO punya.
    UMNO boleh keluar daripada BN juga. BN masih dipanggil BN walaupun tiada UMNO.
    Nampaknya rakyat keliru dengan siapa dia BN selama ini.
    Dan nampaknya BN hanya ada UMNO, parti lain macam tumpang.
    Jika nak desak parti lain keluar daripda BN, saya rasa lebih biak gugurkan parti BN.
    Parti-parti ini tak akan hidup lama.

  161. By Jan on September 8, 2008 10:29 AM
    Fyi Tun and those who like Chinese school.
    Whether you accept it or not, it is a fact that Chinese school is the agent of racism. I suggest that you (those who do not agree with me) go to the secondary national school and make some RESEARCH and see how is the behaviour of Chinese students from Chinese primary schools and Chinese students from primary national schools. Ask the teachers. Open your eyes and see the difference.
    If the Chinese really think as true Malaysian, why are they reluctant to go to national school? (not Malay school, NATIONAL school). For sure, they think that national school is inferior to their own school. This is the source or root of racism. If you want assimilation and better Malaysia for everybody, you have to start it from small not when you are 13 years old! My conclusion is Chinese school should be closed (root of racism), and all Malaysian should goto national schools. Singapore can do it, why not us?
    nice crapping around here.
    If all national school provide teachers who can teach tamil and chinese, it is not necessary to have chinese and tamil schools. There is 25% of chinese in this country not 0.25%, so don’t compare with other country.
    Compare with chinese and national school, what is the different?
    There is a lot of malays family wanted to send their kids to chinese school because of the good education. I wasted 2 year in form 1 & 2 because what we learn already teached in primary chinese school.

  162. Salam Tun,
    Malaysia is just really extreme. It’s either Freeze or Burn. It could be a good trait, yet it could turn around and bite Malaysia real hard and that is what is happening now.
    People will never be satisfied. Retrieved one, wants another, fights for it, gets it, wants another again. Tun, you’re not superman. You can only do so much and whatever people want to regard you as, why bother? As long you know yourself, your close and Loved ones know, and God knows – there is no need to knock on every Malaysian’s door and explain.
    People tend to overlook what goodness you have brought upon this Country. Even with the slightest slip, and fingers are pointed at you. Tough eh?
    Cut every one of us open, and all you see will be the deep red colour of our blood. Now, what is so different?
    Yours Humbly.

  163. Dear Tun,
    Apakah Makna ‘MALAYSIA’ ? Kebanyakan kami sudah lupa apakah maknaya bagi mencintai tanah air Malaysia. Tetapi apakah yang kami cintai? Apakah yang membuat kami sebagai orang Malaysia berbeza degan orang asing di bumi ini?
    Dalam definisi saya, Malaysia adalah budaya unik yang tidak dapat diganti. Keunikan kami ialah ‘ROJAK’ maknaya kami hanya kongsi satu kebudayaan dan keturunan.
    Kebudayaan and Keturunan kami adalah terdiri daripada Kaum Melayu, Cina, India.
    Kebudayaan kami ialah saling mempelajari dan memahami. Itulah jiwa dan tenaga rakyat MALAYSIA!
    Kami tidak seperti negara arab, cina, india atau western. KAMI BERBEZA DARIPADA SELURUH DUNIA KERANA KAMI ANAK MALAYSIA.
    Dear Sir whenever you gave speech in the UN meeting. You gave a hope to the world as we MALAYSIAN from different races, religions and cultures can live peaceful and harmony to strive forward for a common goal. Dear Sir, I believe this is the true Malaysian’s Dream that you intend to preach upon us.
    Dear Tun, you will always be remembered by the world as a hero of just for third world country.
    Im am sick of politician who provoke sensitive topic for his/her personal gain. History clearly identified that Malay, Chinese and Indian all played their part in the fight for Merdeka.
    The fact is we as the youth and future of malaysia will not be divided. Politic will not take away my frienship and memories with my Malay, Chinese and Indian friends. NEVER!!
    In the era of globalization we are competing with the whole world! There is no time fighting within our own or we will be left behind indefinately. WAKE UP MALAYSIAN!

  164. Dear Tun,
    It feels really good to know that I can actually get on the internet and write my thoughts to the ex premier of this country.1st and foremost,Thank you for developing Cyberjaya.
    I would like to comment on a few emotional people who said non Malays cant speak proper BM.The Malays have alot to blame on themselves for this.Its solely your fault.How do you want me to speak your language fluently when 95% of the words are not even yours.You have not done your part in ensuring your written language was properly tailored.I don’t need to supply examples but they just took words from others and changed the spelling.They had the chance and control of the education system but you guys were too ignorant choosing the shortcut to success.
    One dude posted that only the Malays are in the armed forces and police.How about me serving justice and I know there is a limitation to my success.How about I work in the army and still a 2nd class citizen.
    This racism issue starts when we the Rakyat reach 17.I get good grades and I dont get into University.I have to sit in bloody Form 6 or unless my father has AP then A-levels bolelah while the Malays both the dumb and the smart who are my good friends get into some University with a course of their choice,added with allowances,loan,oh well even car loan eg: own a perodua.
    When generations of non Bumis are watching this happen, we feel neglected metaphorically for all the simple things.Go on and have your rights you need help but we having to pay extra when buying a house,pay extra buy land or car irks us.This is what we are condemning.Why the hell should I pay more to buy a house just because the color of my skin does not match the soil my forefathers toiled for?
    The Chinese work really hard and it is their mentality that has brought them this far.They can be studying in chinese schools wear chinese clothes but we did vote for BN didn’t we till Pak Lah and inc decided else.
    Walk around a city centre and ask yourself how many Malay owned businesses are there that are run without government help like a photo shop,eye wear,clothes etc.You will find those around bus stations or community centers where allocation has been put there for them.They did not allow to be challenged or changed.
    Do not just keep blaming the Chinese for the Malays setback by saying we are asking so much or being racistIf anything racist,you made us become that way.Ask yourselves how many kedai runcits are run by Malays in the city.Do not include mamak.How about restaurants and not stalls?Let me give you an example:In MMU Malacca,there are hardly any Malay restaurants anymore and their service are deteriorating from bad to worst.Added to that,it is the Indonesian lady running a restaurant that has got all the non Malays eating there.Who is to be blamed?
    Dear Tun, you have done a great job for Malaysia but you failed to articulate their mindset.It is about teaching a man to fish and not telling him he owns the sea get another to build the ship the nets and handing him the fish to eat.That’s why people still keep harping on where we came from.It is about where we gonna go from here that makes where we came from meaningful.
    If the Malays are so concerned about their rights and privileges, have they not for single second thought about the plight of Orang Asli here.
    Tun, you were part of a plan to obliterate so many Asli and indigenous people of their existence in Sarawak in the name of development of the Bakun dam.Do we need 12 dams that supply half of the power for a coal mining company?
    I apologise for being a little off topic but these are things that bother me that need rectification of the highest level.We are not enjoying the new political clout or celebrate Anwar’s reign but finally there is an avenue for change and self realization.
    I really hope we can all get together cause together equals forever.
    P:S – Jan,adegan demo amat melucukan and demo perlu lebih mahir memikir. kenapa sekolah Cina sahaja?sekolah agama dan sekolah tamil bukan ‘agen’racist ke?

  165. mari kita semua MELAYU, CINA, INDIA, terima hakikat bahawa kita semua adalah PENDATANG pada bumi ini!
    kepada sesiapa yang cakap pasal sekolah cina.
    perasaan kami sama juga dengan kamu pada palajar-pelajar dari sekolah pure melayu dan sekolah agama. tak jauh bezanya.
    itu bukan salah sama ada kami belajar di sekolah cina atau tidak.
    masalahnya, polisi-polisi pendidikan, polisi-polisi negara telah luput.
    sampai sekarang saya tak tahu lah siapa yang telah rampas hak istimewa melayu, siapa yang telah rampas maruah melayu, apakah benda sebenar yang melayu sudah hilang?


  167. Majoriti orang negara ini adalah orang Melayu Islam. Islam adalah negara rasmi negara dan tercatit di dalam perlembagaan. Sesiapa juga bertindak mencemari kesucian Islam, tindakan ISA atau apa juga yang perlu adalah wajib diambil oleh kerajaan. Hina Azan? Mempermainkan lagu negaraku?
    Rupanya ramai orang “lain” salah faham tentang hak istimewa orang melayu Malaysia. Kami bukan semalas dan bodoh seperti disangka orang “lain”. Kini kami masih bersaing dan berusaha sendiri untuk berjaya tanpa mengharapkan bantuan kerajaan. DEB bukan berfungsi secara jatuh dari langit ke atas riba kami. Tanpa usaha dan pendidikan kami tidak akan mampu merebut peluang. Kami tidak dapat manfaat apa-apa jika kami malas.
    Bangsa lain memonopoli secara besar-besaran dalam bidang ekonomi, cth bank-bank, pemaju perumahan, kegiatan ekonomi semuanya diberikan peluang kepada orang lain. Sebaliknya, dengan apa yang ada, Kami sudah mencuba dan akan terus mencuba sampai berjaya. Kami menjadi mangsa diskriminasi bila mahu mohon pekerjaan dalam sector swasta, iklan-iklan di akhbar utk jawatan bertaraf eksekutif selalunya menyebut Mand^&(@^!&@ atau CH@!@)!* only iaitu nama kaum lain sahaja. Bukankah itu perkauman yang terang-terangan?

  168. Dear Tun
    I was against the affirmative policies you brought in that has created this racists supremacy thing today and still is against it. I feel that it could have been done differently without depriving the non-Malays of anything but at the same time, help the Malays to go forward. Any policies that is unfair will have its reprecussions in the long run. Don’t you think it is a mistake? Everyone, no matter how brlliant is immune to mistakes. However, it is never too late to rectify this mistake. You, Tun can, if you are willing, rectify this mistake by educating the people, if you truly love Malaysa. Even though you hurt our feelings with this unfairness, I still cried when stepped down, when you sick and when your own people sprayed chemical on you. I know I am not the only non-Malay to do that. Even though you are not my or our race, we still feel for you and all those Malays who suffered like Nurin’s case and more. Never did we feel or think of race. So, why can’t Malays, especially UMNO Malays feel for other races?
    Anyway, there were many things that you did for our country that I do respect. One very important one was bringing English into Maths and Science. A very brave and intelligent move. However, to bring racial harmony back again, I do believe all vernacular schools should be closed but only on condition that a better school and system replace it and that is a full-day session school that also have mother-tongue classes, half the subjects taught in English and half in Bahasa. This is to bring kids of all races together from young but not sacrificing the important of learning another language. Do see my more detailed suggestions at :
    Do not let politics and greed destroy our nation and people is my plea to you and all the politicians of this country.

  169. Looks like Malays are in a sorry state.
    One Malay is trying to uphold Malays rights but weakk to do so; and another Malay is merely following what other race wants them to do.
    Malays have to go on saying sorry and sorry and unable to get the word sorry from others who started offending us.
    Taking punches and pleasing others is one one the Malay culture already.
    Still cant get it, what is going on with the UMNO leaders.
    Is it because of corruption has taken its toll in the Umno party?
    Stop agreeing and repeating in showing your support for what Tun Mahathir has written, but do something that will produce positive results that other Malays as well as other factions / races will follow.


    Actually Tun you shouldn’t even bother with this Pohon Maaf(2)…Anybody who read that with an open mind and non-racist heart will get what you’re trying to point out…As I’ve mentioned in my comment in the first article, Tun was not being racist but merely stating the current circumstances on how Chinese conveniently called other people racist when they themselves done things which are racist in nature as well as Malays are being oppressed to jaga hati org lain when the other party just attack attack and attack and some chinese politician using the Ahmad’s case as political mileage….AND THESE ARE PEOPLE WHO ARE THE SO-CALLED FAIRNESS CHAMPION
    Who brought up all these racial sentiment in the first place when last time it is almost non-existence? Who suddenly calls for abolishment of hak melayu without looking at history/ or doing some sort of analysis on the unique situation in Malaysia that maybe it cannot be done JUST YET..who are the ones who conduct a forum Memeluk Islam without even studying on Islamic rules (Chinese/Indian maybe flexible in their religion teaching that most can convert into whatever they want, but do they know that Islam is different to that – and do they even bother to know why such rules are made like that is islam and so on)…AND THESE ARE THE SAME PEOPLE WHO ARE THE SO-CALLED NON RACIST, PEACE LOVING
    But these people, who obviously a racist by thinking for not looking at the article beyond that took the opportunity to lash out to you by calling you Malay ultra/racist…some even go to the extent of calling Malays pendatang themselves and suddenly become the defender of orang asli (when i know before this pandang orang asli sebelah mata pun tak nak)….They forget to mention about Kerajaan Melayu yg telah bertapak berkurun lamanya…If they really want to know how Malay feel about having to give (it is given not even earned), how would they like it if I suggest that we open citizenship to Bangladeshi and Indonesian immigrant as well since they also contribute a lot to the development of country (the situation is the same 51/52 years ago where Malays have to mengalah)..I’m for it as this way Malaysia’s muslims population will rise and I’ll be helping my muslim brothers/sisters (this is the same policy singapore did to increase the chinese population by admitting single chinese mum from China in the country)..
    In a nutshell, Malays shouldn’t be scared to be called racist as this is a psychological war to make us feel guilty and subsequently submit to whatever these people wants….Only Allah knows what in your heart and their heart(whether you’re racist or not)…but for me everyone of us is racist (proven scientifically) to certain extent but rest assured that at least Malays are not as racist as other people who try to take away what’s been agreed before in the name of GREEDINESS AND KIASUNESS

  172. kesuma wrote;
    orang asli”
    kesuma, terkekeh-kekeh sy membaca komen kesuma. i was thinking whether we could juz study the history back 200 or 300 yrs ago OR back to when the era of adam & eve…
    ayo yo, tanah air ini mmg bangsa MELAYU yg punya.orang asli yg ada sebenarnya berbangsa melayu(asli) juga tapi di kategori ‘tribal group’ atau kaum pribumi. mereka lebih lama bertapak di nun pendalaman dan menjalankan carahidup yg berbeza. kita pula dah berkahwin,bercampur dengan macam2 jenis keturunan dan latar belakang,so jadilah kita macam mana kita2 sekarang.
    saya bukan pakar sejarah tapi SPM dulu dapat A1, oklah tu…
    apapun, pasal racism ,i say NO to racism.when we have to apologise then we apologise.Regardless who raise this (sensitive) issue.Have respect to others(races) who their grandfathers had fight & sacrifice along our pejuang2 untuk kemerdekaan dulu.
    BUt kalau dah melangkau batasan dan mencantas hak2 org melayu sebagai kaum bumiputera maka,ianya wajar di tentang.Ini tanahair kita,nenek moyang kita disini.

  173. Najib is a true gentleman of class for apologising on behalf of inferior members of the party. There is nothing wrong in apologising when a hurtful remark is uttered. You become the better man or woman for it – you bring dignity to the whole scene. When your subordinate refuses to comply with a request, it is a great leader indeed who will take the stand to apologise to the country on the rascal’s behalf. As a citizen of Malaysia, I expect my leaders to take responsibility for the lousy actions of their subordinates. That is why we choose leaders of great strength of character and courage of convictions. However, dignity, understanding and class is NOT what most of your extremely prejudiced and blinded-by-racism followers seem to have when they write in, with hatred and fear, on issues they hardly understand. All fanned by your caustic, careless and thoroughly racist remarks.
    Comparing Ahmad with Hindraf ( who is asking for their rights as equal citizens – not major projects, mind you from the government and not insulting Malays – oh how clever the Master is in turning it around, eh?) and Wee (a young boy experimenting with music and being as silly as young boys will be )is so childish and so out of context that I think one has to be very senile or very silly to even go there. Tut Tut Tut, I ask again…what are you trying to achieve, Dr. Mahathir? Complete the total desecration of unity amongst us that you began 30 years ago? I once thought your were smart, that you were about progress, but now I realize how evil and malicious you are. Stop this.
    Tell your followers to be rational and FAIR. Tell them that we are all Malaysians, and we have together built this country and we will have no choice but to move forward together. We can make this beautiful or we can make it ugly. And if it turns ugly – EVERYONE will point their fingers at you. They already are – from the top most echelons of corporate society to the lowest level grassroots. Not everyone lives in the delusional world of Umno. Most of us live in the REAL world, deal with REAL people and know the REAL situation. Wake up, oh wake up Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohammad. Wake up and smell the hibiscus. I weep for a beautiful country torn apart by unscrupulous people who care not for her but only one race. I weep for her as she gets raped and beaten by the demons of race politics and I die slowly inside as I see her spirit and soul ruined and in tatters from the greed, hatred, and vileness of lesser men who cannot ever see the big picture. Who will never let her blossom into the beautiful woman that she can become.
    I weep for Malaysia. May God save her from her destroyers. Please God, grant her strength, grant her mercy but most of all grant her wisdom and protection to survive the downward spiral that many are sending her to.

  174. Aslm Tun,
    Saya cuma nak bagi pandangan ikhlas, taknak memihak kepada sesiapa. Pada pendapat saya, saudara Ahmad tak perlu minta maaf. Dalam press conference tu dia dah jelaskan apa dia cakap rujuk kepada zaman pra-merdeka dan adalah fakta sejarah. Jadi kenapa dia perlu minta maaf. Saya tengok dalam blog-blog kaum bukan Melayu bukan main lagi seronoknya mengutuk orang Melayu macam-macam, ada mereka disuruh minta maaf…ada pemimpim mereka minta maaf bagi pihak mereka…saya rasa tak perlulah untuk dia pohon maaf kalau dia sendiri rasa apa dia cakap tak salah, buat apa nak paksa dia.itu saja..saya dah muak tengok politik malaysia…pemimpin semua macam tak boleh nak pertahan orang melayu lagi…itu saja…kalau orang bukan melayu tak suka apa saya tulis ni, lantak korang la..korang pun bukan sentiasa betul pun…sekian.

  175. A’slm Tun dan salam sejahtera juga buat rakan-rakanku rakyat Malaysia sekalian,
    Semoga berbahagia sentiasa hendaknya dan selamat berpuasa bagi yang beragama Islam.
    Saya adalah seorang yang amat mempelajari cara tun berfikir dan itulah juga kelebihan yang ada pada diri tun yang saya ingin miliki. Sebelum saya memulakan bicara saya yang pertama kalinya dalam blog ini, izinkan saya menyampaikan hasrat hati saya untuk tatapan tun dan semua. Ampun dan maaf saya pinta terlebih dahulu atas segala pandangan yang akan dikemukakan selepas ini.
    1. Saya dapati ramai yang tidak sepenuhnya memahami apabila tun berbicara dalam bahasa Inggeris. Seperti yang semua sedia maklum, kemahiran tun berbahasa Inggeris amat bagus dan ini memungkinkan ramai tersilap tafsir tentang apa yang sebenar-benarnya yang di maksudkan oleh tun sendiri. Tetapi saya fikir saya faham apa yang berlaku, kemungkinan tun juga seperti saya, kadang kala adalah lebih mudah untuk kita meluahkan suara hati kita dalam bahasa Inggeris dan ada kalanya lebih mudah untuk kita meluahkan rasa hati dalam bahasa Malaysia. Bergantung kepada keadaan dan keselesaan kita terhadap sesuatu isu yang ingin kita bicarakan pada masa itu. Namun saya melihat, apabila membicarakan tentang isu (pohon maaf1) seperti ini, saya berpendapat adalah penting untuk menyampaikannya dalam bahasa yang mudah difahami oleh segenap golongan yang membaca laman blog ini supaya apa yang tun sampaikan tidak ditafsir sewenang-wenangnya mengikut fahaman mereka sendiri. Sehinggakan ada yang menghentam tun dengan pelbagai kata-kata. Saya amat sedih kerana saya memahami apa yang diperkatakan dan dimaksudkan oleh tun, jadi saya melihat ini sebagai sesuatu yang boleh diperbaiki untuk kebaikan bersama.
    2. Sebagai rakyat Malaysia yang berketurunan Melayu, namun dalam darah saya sendiri ada darah keturunan Cina, India dan Afghanistan dari nenek moyang saya, justeru saya melihat kita semuanya adalah rakyat Malaysia yang perlu dihormati adat resam, agama dan keperluan masing-masing yang dipegang sekian lama. Saya percaya, ramai di antara rakyat Malaysia mempunyai susur galur keturunan seperti saya yang bercampur-campur. Walau apa pun keturunan kita, sama ada Cina, India, Iban, Kadazan dan juga lain-lain kaum yang berbilang banyaknya di negara ini, dan mungkin bercampur-campur keturunannya, selagi kita adalah rakyat Malaysia, kita perlu menhormati hak dan kepentingan setiap rakyat Malaysia yang lain.
    3.Kita perlu memahami hak dan keperluan masing-masing yang berbeza, seperti berbezanya dua insan yang bergelar suami dan isteri untuk hidup bersama yang mana perlu untuk saling bertolak ansur dan memahami hak dan keperluan masing-masing untuk terus hidup bahagia bersama-sama. Kita perlu melihat dalam konteks yang lebih menjurus ke arah perpaduan semua kaum dan bukannya berpecah belah seperti sekarang ini. Saya sebenarnya berasa amat sedih melihat perpecahan yang berlaku sekarang ini yang mana semua kaum sudah hanya memikirkan tentang kaum masing-masing sahaja dan tidak lagi memikirkan juga kepentingan kaum-kaum lain.
    3. Tidak kira kita dari kaum apa sekalipun, saya berpendapat kita perlulah mengurangkan dasar mementingkan kaum sendiri sahaja. Fikirkan juga perasaan kaum-kaum lain. Kita perlu mamahami bahawa setiap kaum di Malaysia adalah unik dan punyai pendirian dan keperluan yang tersendiri. Takkan kita sanggup melihat negara luar menjajah semula negara kita seperti dulu hanya kerana kita tidak dapat bertolak ansur atas satu-satu perkara yang sebenarnya boleh diselesaikan secara baik? Takkan kita sanggup untuk melihat susah payah nenek moyang kita dan jerih payah kita sendiri memajukan negara sebelum ini terhapus begitu sahaja kerana kita berpecah belah? Itu adalah sesuatu yang akan merugikan diri kita sendiri dan juga seluruh rakyat Malaysia. Kita semua adalah rakyat Malaysia. Kemana lagi kita akan pergi kalau negara ini hancur?
    4. Sekarang ini saya melihat ramai pihak bermain api untuk kepentingan masing-masing, sudah terhapuskah ideologi perpaduan yang kita semai sebelum ini? Sebagai seseorang yang amat menyayangi negara Malaysia, saya amat takut dan sedih melihatkan perkara ini berlaku di depan mata sendiri. Ramai yang masih terlena dan tidak sedar bahaya yang akan menimpa jika kita masih terus begini. Malah semakin ramai yang yang memburukkan lagi keadaan. Seharusnya keadaan ‘kucar-kacir’ sekarang ini perlu ditenangkan agar tidak menjadi semakin teruk. Bertolak ansur dan berunding secara damai adalah jalan terbaik untuk mengatasi masalah yang berlaku sekarang.
    Terima kasih tun kerana membenarkan saya menyisipkan kata-kata saya dalam laman blog tun yang hampir setiap dua hari sekali saya cuba mencuri sedikit masa untuk membacanya. Buat rakyat Malaysia sekaliannya, KITA ADALAH BANGSA MALAYSIA YANG KUAT DAN BERSATU PADU. KEKALKANLAH PERPADUAN KITA SELAMA-LAMANYA!

  176. Good day to you Honorable Tun,
    May God bless Tun & family good health & happiness always.
    I agreed with Tun, that you are not “Racist” if you were racist, Malaysia will be a different Malaysia. Till today, multi racial live in harmony, peace & prosperous from the country wealth, and I believe it will continue today, tomorrow, & future.
    Successful Chinese entrepreneurs need government support so do other as well. So is a Win – win situation for all. This is what I called Smart Administration.
    Recently, regarding Ahli UMNO bahagian Bukit Bendera’s statement, Penang. I just really wonder what was his real intention, I don’t think he got that kind of “Guts” unless he has support from upstair. What he did was a slap to the Presiden of Umno also Timbalan Presiden Umno. Who is he??? to make this kind of statement?? I really felt that our PM has no “Guts” to fire him, our TPM needs to apologised on behalf. I really wonder who he is??
    Really sad to know our Leaders has not “Guts”. He should face the displinary action from Umno despite, he is throwing the harsh words while our PM & TPM sapu di belakang..sigh….
    Honest speaking, I am sick of those “SICKO” playing Racial Cards, at the end of the day “Rakyat” is suffering. Those “SICKO” enjoying their wealth while “Rakyat” need to cope with the inflation everyday..sigh…
    Whether BN or Pakatan Rakyat, I think what “Rakyat” wants is Peace & be Prosperous with our Malaysia wealth.
    Pendatang sebelum atau setelah, tak kisah, kerana ini adalah sejarah, fakta sekarang, kita “Rakyat” Malaysia, Keluarga Malaysia, gunakanlah otak masing masing fikirlah, untuk Demi Malaysia yang tercinta, kita “Rakyat” harus menpunyai Peminpin yang tegas & pandai untuk mentadbir Malaysia.
    Sekian Terima Kasih

  177. I agree with Jan. Not just Chinese school, Tamil school is also the root of racism.
    Chinese an Indian kids who go to these schools tend to be more inclined to their country of origin. i/e China and India.
    Not only that, you could see that some private TV stations are now showing more and more programs from the Mainland China and Taiwan, and I thought this is Malaysia! What the heck is going on here?
    Malaysia and Melayu are being invaded by foreigners in disguised.
    More and more Chinese and Indians from their mainland roam freely in this country without visas and proper permits. They stay here and get married and then apply for citizenships. Then they say the Malays are racist…WHAT?????
    Enough is enough.

  178. YAB Tun,
    I think that anybody who responded to the recent `pohon maaf’ issue,YAB Tun included, whether agreeing or disagreeing,IS,in a way, a racist. Think about it! Anyway what`s so bad having allegiance towards one`s race? Its like being patriotic to one`s country. Indeed being patriotic is a very desired requirement of any citizen of any country, Malaysia included. In fact if one is unpatriotic, he would be chastised – like that student who poked fun at Negaraku. So if one is being patriotic to his race, like what that Bukit Bendera UMNO chief allegedly did, why is he being hounded to make an apology? for what?
    Anyway, most of us have not heard, or read what Datuk Ahmad Ismail(DAI)had said during the run-up to the Permatang Pauh bye elction. I wish that someone could reproduce in full what DAI had said – then we could judge whether DAI should apologise or that Sin Chew reporter should OR in fact no apology was really necessary.
    Now about UMNO being weak as Tun had said – I agree. Indeed the whole malay race is weak. But is it b`cos of Abdullah Badawi? I think not. Even if Tun were to now resume being the PM, or Najib, or even Anwar, the malays will remain weak, that is , in the context of social mix of Malaysian. You know why? b`cos the malays have been too accomodative to the other races far far too long so much so that they (non-malays) dare demand equal rights.
    Despite we the malays being in control of the Govt administration, politics, royalties,the armed forces, judiciary,and just about everything else other than the economy – we are still `powerless’ to exert our special rights in our own country. Oh yes, we have NEP, Islam Hadhari or what have you. But these policies are just on paper. At implementation – we fail. And you know why? b`cos we are not united nor unified in our efforts. And why is that? bcos we have all succumbed to greed. and when we are greedy – we lose our defence systems. Look at the present `rubbish’ of the government administration – tidak-apaism,lazy, undedicated and worst, corrupted to boot. And look at the present muddle the politicians are creating. Look at that guy who`s unabashed at being touted as the PM-in-waiting label. And along the way, he condemns everybody who is anybody in UMNO as he traverses the country flaming hatred towards his own kins whom he assumes wud be the biggest hurdle for him to achieve his lust, oops, sorry, his aim. And astonishingly, there`s another Malay who even gleefully accepted a `crowning’ post(not control or authority) in DAP – because he said BN had failed to create a cohesive Bangsa Malaysia. DAP must have promised the `carrot’ of a very senior ministerial post to him should it ever be in control politically. Otherwise how cud these `traitors’ spit on their own kins and brothers just by the prod of their non- malays `friends'(sic) who obviously want equal if not better share of power of control of malaysia ASAP, and whom these traitors now stupidly go to bed with.
    And you Tun, I`m sorry to say, also contributes towards the weakening of the Malays, previously, by `exposing’ the royals, and now by incessantly attacking the apex political party of the country, UMNO, and its present leader who is also the leader of all malysians.You should have instead maintained the `godfather’ status that you already were – and diseminate guidance to UMNO,the malays, and other citizens rather than being vindictive& confrontational. You would have gained more respect that way. as it is now there are people who even say that you are `nyanyok’. That saddens me very much b`cos I`d had much admiration for you and for the things that you have done for the country.
    We need to find a new leader of the Malays – someone who would command respect of everybody-nationally and internationally. He must firstly have impeccable leadership qualities, totally uncorrupted, dedicated & sincere,has vision, has religious virtues, multi-lingual perhaps,has multi-interests, authoritative and courageous but not dictatorial. last but not least, he must be fair.
    Oh yes, he must also be healthy and strong willed. Is there someone like that in our midst? I am sure there is.
    Find this guy, and when he is found I would think that his first duty is to look into ways of binding the Malays to cohesively exist towards acheiving Islam Hadhari status, say,by 2020. If he has to change or amend the UMNO constitution to do that so be it. And if he has to change the General Order for betterment of the country, so be it. I think only then, and only then, could the Malays regain its rightful respect from other citizens.
    I rest my case for now….
    And finally

  179. Dear Tun,
    your article had flavours of racism. Good that you have clarified the issue. One pertinent question, are you coming back to umno as widely reported in the blogs?
    regards and wasallam

  180. Dear Tun and all bloggers,
    Due to our country political turmoil, issues rises and issues such as racist card will definately be one of them. Dear bloggers, on my personal view all this chaotic matters only arise during this kind of time, created by politicians who struggles to gain or regain in power with their desperate moves. They need issues. For politicians it’s all about popularity. The more issue they solve the more popular they get. So, lets create some issues. Solving the issues is just easy. All they need to do is just by speaking of equality, give some promosises, some guidelines, promise of fairness to all, future plans and they be your hero of the day. but are they realy genuine on this?
    Come on Malaysians, think about all this. racial issue is a game for politicians especially during now, it’s realy dangerous game. So, we Malaysians should think or feel what is realy like being a Malaysian or living in this country. We have been living together in this country more than half a century facing the same issue time to time but we still stand united, aren’t we?
    We as Malaysian citizen must have the responsibility to study and to understand the roots of our mother contry and let the generations knows of what the country made of. Why there is NEP, why there are parties by group of races and why there is Perlembagaan. All these appears to correct the damages that our invaders done. And we just cannot compare to our neighbouring countries that stand as so called one bangsa as they are not seperated by races from the begining.
    I’m not against NEP but the NEP will one day have to be abolished but, it needs to achive for what it has planned for. Then we all can have the equal rights and be the pure Bangsa Malaysia.
    Actually, till today, I’m still puzzle over what are the Bumi’s thinks and the Non-Bumi’s thinking. Why are the Bumi’s still depending on previlage? Previlege were given to Bumi’s as opportunity or stepping stone to build and strengthen the capability to compete for the betterment of their lives. Previllege can be the greatest weakness.
    For the Non-Bumi’s, are they desperately wants to become the king or ruler of this country? Are they desperately needs the previlege for Bumi’s to be taken out so that they can be suceesful? Are they really restricted in doing things? Are they really living dangerously in this country? Or the wealth they have now are just not enough? It’s all amazed me.
    I hope and I beleived that all the issues of racism and voices of dissafatory are not came from majority of Malaysian.
    By the way, you are a great leader and I dont beleived you are racist you just being conscience.

  181. Assalamualaikum,
    Tun saya Anak Kecil yang masih sangat mentah dalam politik juga dapat merasai kepincangan Pucuk Pimpinan yang ade sekarang semakin hari semakin lemah dan ade saja perkara-perkara yang timbul tidak ditangani dengan bijak dan sebaliknya memburukkan keadaan dan suasana.
    Apa pendapat Tun mengenai bagaimanakah kami boleh mambantu untuk memperbetulkan keadaan? Sipakah yang boleh bangkit dan tukar kepimpinan yang ade dengan aman damai.Dia asyik tidur saja…..
    Ramai yang menolak kepimpinan sekarang dengan memilih PKR Anwar tetapi,,,,,.
    Jika kita menolak Anwar juga menolak Najib siapakah pada pndangan Tun Paling layak menjadi PM dan bagaimanakah pada pandangan Tun ia boleh menjadi kenyataan?
    Saya Anak Kecil yang sentisa berdoa supaya Malaysia diterajui oleh kepimpinan yang dapat membawa kemajuan dan kesejahteraan pada keseluruhan rakyat yang pelbagai kaum.
    Saya kagum dengan ketegasan dan semangat Tun.
    Wassalam dan selamat berpuasa.Saya nampak ketenagan pada Tun bila saya berjabat tangan dengan Tun tempoh hari.Semoga Allah sentiasa melindungi Tun dan keluarga.


  183. Please forget about all this nonsense from now on, my fellow Malaysians. Doesn’t really matter who should apologize and doesn’t really matter whether apologies are made. STOP the issue that could create instability ultimately.
    In the end, it will always remain the fact for at least another 100 years that other non-Malay and Baba Nyonya like myself will always be known as Pendatang.
    Whatever it takes, success is always created within oneself. Not within the government policies. Since young, I had always think that being a pendatang in Tanah Melayu, I should strive for success and true enough, I am more successful than anyone else now. Competition will eventually enhance growth.
    So, look forward everyone.

  184. Mahathir has ruined Malaysia and he has failed to bring forward the mindset of the Malay. Once globalisation is taking it’s full effect, the race which cannot without any form of external aids would be heading for extinction. To us, Mahathir was a lousy leader who has failed to bring up Malay’s standard to par in the past 20 years.

  185. Dear Tun,
    Thank you for “pohon maaf 2”. I know you are not a racist and deep down inside like i said the last time you are just angry at the current situation in this beautiful country. Well keep up with your blogs as they will make me and many other malaysians stronger day by day.
    Have a good day Tun.

  186. salam TUN,
    to non malays who r racist & doesn’t like to live in malaysia: yang pasti, bukan kaum melayu yang memainkan sentimen kaum ini dulu..nape bukan melayu tak puas hati lagi? ini bukan singapore ‘u’ nak tuntut macam2..bukan melayu ramai yang ‘berjaya’ di tanah melayu..melayu tak kecoh pun..and it’s also good for u rite? go do ur own business or change ur nationality to other country!!

  187. My dear TDM

    First & foremost..has anyone of those ‘agreeables’ been to any of those chinese & tamil schools to have a first hand view before they come to agreement on closing down those chinese & tamil schools? Have they compared the standards of teaching in those schools with any other government schools? Do they know those students from those chinese & tamil schools speak and write better bahasa & english than any other govt schools. .let alone in maths & science. Do they know how well disciplined those chinese & tamil school children are? Do they know there are other races as well in those schools..particularly in the chinese schools? These are only a few simple things one should know before agreeing to anyone or anything. To progress towards “One Malaysia One Bangsa” idealogy..we need to progress & develop our very own MENTALITY first. There are “NO PENDATANG” in this country…definitely not those children. They were all born & bred here in their very own country. They are all rightful citizens like you & me. So please THINk … TQ

  188. Jan,
    The answer is simple, you can’t learn chinese in most of the national school, at least my previous high school. Chinese language is so important and useful in the future market. I’m sure that even Malay apart from Indian are now studying at Chinese School than National school.

  189. Tun bukanlah seorang “racist”. oleh kerana teramat marah dengan megaprojectnya telah dibatalkan oleh orang No.1 itu, dia mengamuk dan dia terus menghentam orang No.1 itu. Pada kali ini di pohon maaf part 1,dia sendiri pun tidak sedar sehingga telah menyebabkan kesilapan dan menyebabkan kaum-kaum lain terus hentam balik dan menuduh Tun macam-macam.Saya tidak fikir Tun akan begitu bodoh kerana Tun memang tahu dalam politik,siapa racist dia akan hancur. Jadi Tun pun dengan segera membetulkan kata-katanya dalam pohon maaf part 2, dengan demikian barulah semua kaum kagum dengannya. Jadi kadang-kadang sesiapa saja boleh buat kesilapan, tapi dengan segera membetulkan kesilapan tersebut supaya semua orang boleh terima, dengan demikian tidak perlu meminta maaf pun orang lain akan maafkannya.Ini baru peminpin yang agung.
    Berkenaan dengan peminpin Umno Bukit Bendera itu, Saya fikir ini mungkin ada muslihatnya sendiri,dia itu siapa,dipulau Pinang bukan lagi BN yang memerintah,dia tahu tiada peluang lagi untuk cari makan, jadi dia melakukan semua ini hanya menjatuhkan BN saja dan secara tidak langsung undi-undi berbilang kaum akan berpindah ke pihak lawan.Saya berani cakap parti-parti non-malay dalam gabungan BN akan kalah teruk dalam pilihanraya seterusnya. Silap-silap dia ini kawan AI.

  190. 1. WHATEVER ISU PERKAUMAN TIDAK AKAN DISENTUH LAGI…agar perpaduan terus terjamin,tidak ada sindir-menyindir..atau soal siapa hormat siapa..coz kita bukan melayu cina india atau bumiputera lain ,,kita adalah rakyat malaysia..
    2.Penggubalan undang-undang berkaitan menyentuh isu perkauman atau keagamaan untuk menghormati perjanjian yang telah termaktub dan menjadikan kita aman dan harmoni.sesiapa yang menjadi dalang atau memulakan sepatutnya dihukum dibawah akta keselamatan dalam negeri kerana menganggu gugat perpaduan dan ancaman keselamatan..
    3.Program MESRA rakyat dihidupkan kembali seperti ilham Tun dahulu untuk mengukuhkan perpaduan negara..
    percayalah..isu sensitif kalau disebut berpanjangan akan menghancurkan perpaduan kita.so hentikanlah..

  191. Salam and Selamat berpuasa untuk semua.
    It is a blessing in disguise. I am referring to Dato Ahmad Ismail’s controversial so-called racist remark. Somebody has to do it sooner or later so that history is not forgotten and keep people on their feet (or toes) forever. Now let’s see what game Dato Ahmad is playing, so far from afar he impressed me. Let’s also wait and see what the current leadership would do to get out of the present mess. Furthermore he “is in control” and he “is the PM”. Kail cuma panjang sejengkal, nak tunjuk hebat konon!!

  192. A’kum Tun.
    I hope Matthias Chang and Akramsyah Sanusi have earlier reported a much better political development than the so-called New Dawn for Malaysia.
    Yes I’m referring to your reported alliance with Ku Li.
    I have already given my potential rating above (versus PR). I just would like to take this opportunity to wish both of you, supporters, allies and concerned Malays, Muslims, Bumiputeras and Malaysians ever success.
    You have inspired us many times on many fronts. We will be with you as you have been with us in our hour of need.
    Semoga Berjaya, InshaAllah.

  193. To All The Non-Malay leaders in Malaysia and CheDet.Com bloggers,
    True racist leaders:-
    A. George Bush
    B. Paul Wolfowitz
    C. Ariel Sharon and all the present and previous leaders including Ben Gurion The first prime minister of Israel.
    D. The Neo-Cons (only thinks about how the Jew can control the world – how come the Chinese and Indian races just keep their mouth shut up regarding this case? Too scare to fight huh or is it because no ANG POW given to your OWN RACE ????? )

  194. YAB Tun,
    I had restrained from commenting and had been waiting patiently for your response to Pohon Maaf, especially after the print media picks it up and political party leaders have their say.
    And now, after you write Pohon Maaf2, I can no longer wait to say how I feel.
    Yes, it was very sad and dissapointing to read the rationality and logic that you drew in arguing your case on why Ahmad Ismail. It is not an allegation, because he admitted saying those words, albeit as a matter of fact and in a premerdeka context. And when the pressure was being exerted, you come up with all sorts of irrelevant and unrelated events to make connection to racialism.
    This is totally unexpected and unbelieveable!. OK, can we assume this Pohon Maaf2 an apologetic revocation of your earlier stand on this Ahmad’ case. I hope it is because then it would mean a lot to all those who have held you in high esteem and servitude.
    All we look for is a great leader who stands up in the simple name of principles and values. Yes, we can understand you can’t please everyone, especially those racist who do not believe in the Malaysian Malaysia concept. Nor can you please anyone who does not subscribe and hold unto basic human values such as RESPECT.
    Sometime back, someone called you a Recalcitrant and the entire nation was behind you demanding for an apology. Why was it called for, if not for doing what is morally and decently right.?
    It saddens me to see you destroying the admiration, credibility and legacy that you have garnered for a greater Malaysia. As you had mentioned in Para 8, it seems that you have succumed to “disgust” with the inability of the Malay leadership, specifically UMNO.
    For your own sake and for the people, I beg of you to bury the baggage and reconsider retiring fully from further adding fuel to racial issues. I worry for your health, happiness and image. If you still wish to blog and have a say, please do so without raising confusion, controversies and contradictions that can damage efforts to destablise racial tensions and further polarisations.
    Lets think of the future generations – our cucus. What advice should we give when they have angrily made a racist remark?. Should we use the guidelines of Pohon Maaf or just simply use Para 9 of Pohon Maaf2.
    I still love you Tun and wish you the best of health and prayers. Selamat Berpuasa.

  195. Dr. Mahathir… from my view, you were a very nice person- im from alor star and my parents use to go to your clinic to get medicines..you wewre the doctor in- charge ( maha clinic) my mom was your patient. we use to stay nearby your house… you were a very humble , honest.. etc etc…i adored you so much… i was always proud to tell people overseas that you are from my hometown… and as well i was very proud of you internally .. as you and me are from the same place. but as time passes by…. you changed. time changed you….maybe time & power…both changed you. my brother use to say a lot of things about you being racist… i didnt believe it… but after reading the pohon maaf… i started to believe that now… i dunt prefer you much now… im sorry to say… but im not proud being the same state as you… you lost a lot of respect from various people from many places…you broke their trust.
    i dunt care about anwar- wether he builds or not… but at least you should have not selected badawi- i was very surprise with your selection . the moment i heard badawi’s name being told by you… i was shocked – ” who is this man? never heard him before? I HOPE WE DUNT HAVE TO EAT BUBUR WITH GARAM!” i swear upon god’s name .. thats what i said- and it seems if this doesnt stop here- my last sentence is gonna come true with years time if badawi REMAINS PM. A smart man like you could make such a big mistake– i couldnt accept it!!…its just like saying ” make your house by your own hands and destroyed it later with your own hands!”
    anyway goodluck for your son – lets see what he can do for our country.

  196. A’kum Tun & blog Chedet’s reader,
    It looks like somebody is playing racial card to divide and conquer Malaysian in order to fastrack self political ambition. Sadly, Datuk Ahmad Ismail is also joining the bandwagon and fell under the trap. Since I came back from the states in 1996, I did not see Malay, Indian and Chinese take turn at each other. So I am surprise to see this of late.
    As for Hindraf, let the A-G take them to the court under seditious act as oppose in using Internal Security Act. This way, they would not become heroes and elected as MP.
    As for the Chinese nor Indians, they should not feel Malay treats them as immigrant. We are Malaysian and have been live in harmony for decades. Lets not become lab rat as wanted by these political parties. Lets not divided and fell into the trap set by them.

  197. By terongpipit on September 5, 2008 8:43 PM
    Salam Tun,
    Cut & paste from Jebat Must Die untuk renungan bersama, jadi kontrak social bukan mainan UMNO tetapi ianya adalah fakta.
    Speech by MIC President, Tun V.T. Sambanthan in the Parliament on 1 June 1965:
    “Now, in 1955 we won the elections with a great majority. Then we obtained freedom in two years time. During this period, we had to discuss citizenship and various other things. Now what did the Malays do – since we are speaking on racial lines – what did the Malay leadership do? They had 88 percent of the electorate still with them. What did they do with citizenship.
    If we look around in Asia and East Asia, particularly, you will find that my race the Indian race, is not welcomed in Ceylon, is not welcomed in Burma. Look at my brother Chinese race, it is not welcomed in Thailand, in Vietnam, in Cambodia, in all the other areas. What help do they get for citizenship in all these territories? In Burma, as we know, Indian have been send packing, in Ceylon they refused them citizenship and in Burma it is likewise. I know it, you know it. And yet in Malaya what happened? Here we found that the Malay leadership said, “We shall take them unto ourselves as brothers, we shall give them full opportunity to live in this country, we shall give them every opportunity to become citizens.” And so, in 1957, for the whole year, we waived language qualifications, and tens of thousand of Indians, Chinese, Ceylonese and others became citizens.
    As I said, it has been my great good fortune to have born in this country. Where else can you find a more charitable, a more polite, a more decent race than Malay race? Where else can you get such politically decent treatment for any immigrant race? Where else in the history of the world? I ask you. These are the facts. Who are you to safeguards us? I am 10 percent minority race here. But I am happy here.”

  198. salam tun.
    ini merupakan kali pertama saya terpanggil untuk menulis atau memberi komen dalam blog tun ini.
    dalam isu ini, pada saya ianya hanya disebabkan oleh pemimpin melayu kita yang sekarang ini pada pendapat saya kurang ambil peduli hal berkenaan orang2 Melayu sendiri. Mereke kurang peka dan ekoran itu sekiranya ada isu2 yang agak sensitif berkaitan org2 melayu pemimpin ini hanya dapat tahu pada saat akhir dan hanya mengambil sikap tunggu dan lihat sahaja, sama seperti apa yang dilakukan oleh pak lah. takut juga saya nanti sikap ini menular pada semua pemimpin melayu kita kerana macam yang kita nampak sekarang ni…semuanya FOLLLOW THE LEADER… masalahnya pada rakyat jelata macam saya ni la.
    saya juga tak salahkan pada kaum cina atau india yang marah akan isu ini kerana pada saya…semenjak dua menjak ini mereka terlalu berani mengenengahkan isu2 yang agak bahaya(pada saya) kerana mereka tahu… akhirnya..pemimpin melayu akan mengalah dan memohon maaf atau hanya akan ambil tindakan pada saat yang pailng akhir…
    JIKA PEMIMPIN MELAYU kita lebih tegas dan firm dalam ape sahaja keputusan atau tindakan yang boleh menggugat bangsa melayu, saya jamin bangsa lain pon tidaklah selantang atau sejantan mana nak usik hal2 berkaitan kaum melayu.

  199. Tun,
    1. Ramai Rakyat di Malaysia tidak faham dan tidak tahu fakta sejarah Malaysia. Cakap semborono sahaja mengikut sesedap rasa.
    2. Agak keterlaluan bila Setiausaha Agung MCA pun boleh memutarbelitkan sejarah. Apa yang diajar di sekolah?.
    3. Saya masih berpendapat sekolah untuk BANGSA MALAYSIA mestilah SATU. Tidak perlu sekolah Jenis kebangsaan yang hanya menanam bibit perkauman.

  200. Nampaknya segala komen dan juga pandangan yang diberikan oleh Tun Mahathir di sini menjadi perhatian kerajaan dan dijadikan bahan politik. Saya berpendapat bahawa BN perlu menyelesaikan masalah dalamannya terlebih dahulu sebelum menyelar mana-mana pihak. Sekiranya ahlinya sendiri tidak patuh kepada parti, bagaimanakah mereka hendak mengendalikan negara
    Memilih Rakan: Kualiti atau Kuantiti?
    Anda Meraba atau Diraba?
    Antara Mamak dan McD, Yang Mana Pilihan di Hati?
    Pesta Membeli Belah Raya Bermula!
    Google Adsense: Keuntungan Di Luar Batasan!
    Pesta Membeli Belah Raya Bermula!
    Peminat Psychic?
    Menonton Rancangan TV Secara Percuma di Internet
    Berita Sukan Yang Aneh
    Usain Bolt Lagi!
    Cuil dan Google Chrome

  201. PAk Belalang (alias Mr. Lalang!):
    During this period of Ramadhan, please don’t display your stupidity and idiotic behaviour by calling some Ministers “stupid.” Let be your heart, mind and thoughts be pure. Be a good Muslim at least during this holy period!

  202. Tun,
    Benar sangkaan Tun, bahawa nukilan Tun kali ini pasti menoreh atau sekurangnya mencalarkan perasaan individu tertentu.
    Maaf yang dipinta oleh sesetengah pihak tidaklah seberat tolak ansur orang Melayu selama ini. Tidak kiralah samada dahulu atau sekarang, pastinya tidak mungkin dapat dibayar biar berapa harga sekalipun.
    Suka atau tidak, bagi orang Melayu, di sinilah tempat lahir dan matinya kita. Mungkin kepada orang lain mereka masih punya tempat untuk mengadu nasib jika apa-apa berlaku di Malaysia tetapi bagi orang Melayu (rasanya tak semua ada passport antarabangsa) kemana lagi tempat nak dituju?
    Enough is enough, janganlah sampai agama Islam pun nak dipolemikan, janganlah hak istimewa yang ciput tu pun nak direbut. Kerana selama ini pun tak ada atau mungkin tak ramai Melayu yang berjaya dan kaya kerana bukan Melayu, tetapi pastinya KULI ramai. Itupun orang Melayu tak marah. Mulia sungguh hati budi Melayu.

  203. The intemperate and ill-judged remarks made by Ahmad Nordin provide ample fodder for political capital. How could the words of a two-bit politician become the standard-bearer for a political icon like UMNO – that even the DPM deems it necessary to apologise on his behalf or dedicated politicians like Dr.Koh and LKS make it seem worthy to attack, truly beats me.
    One would however be hard-pressed to call him “rascist” in the true sense of the word. Here’s Wiki :
    “According to the Oxford English Dictionary, racism is a belief or ideology that all members of each racial group possess characteristics or abilities specific to that race, especially to distinguish it as being either superior or inferior to another racial group or racial groups. The Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary defines racism as a belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular racial group, and that it is also the prejudice based on such a belief. The Macquarie Dictionary defines racism as: “the belief that human races have distinctive characteristics which determine their respective cultures, usually involving the idea that one’s own race is superior and has the right to rule or dominate others.”
    Some politician hollering “pendatang” to others does not make him rascist,nor does it offend “deeply” or merit the attention and debate that we’ve given assorted fools like him.
    Many people are identifying with issues,values and class – not race. It is just not disatisfaction with gutless leadership or corrupt UMNO politicians or the expectant gravy-train that fuels corruption that led to the events of 803 nor even the spine-lessness of BN partners,even influential ones like the MCA.
    While the emergence of the Anti-Hero DSAI seemed timely to many – i think we need to look deeply at why the Pak Cik with the kopiah voted DAP or why so many of those temple-going aunties voted PAS ?
    I think the world has changed and we need to look beyond race at the phenomenon developing across in the USA for some thought-leadership in voting patterns, and what exactly are the issues and values peopple are identifying with.
    UMNO needs an educated dynamic true working-class hero for all Malaysians, not a fat-cat with a private jet whose has lived off the cream of privilege or extended Treasury contracts .
    Honest PAS, and the indefatigable DAP or the Anti-Hero Anwar have plenty to hope for in this new milieu.
    The late Baby-boomers and Millenials identiy with a completely new sephalogical architecture based on today’s values system and it is not based on race.
    The are reaching out for Obama, and unfortunately for some Anwar.

  204. Dear Tun,
    Masyarakat kita telah banyak berubah semenjak 50 tahun lalu. Perkahwinan campur telah banyak berlaku dalam segenap lapisan masyarakat samada dari golongan bangsawan maupun bawahan. Perkara tentang perbezaan bangsa dan agama bukan suatu isu untuk menhgalang kita terus hidup dalam harmoni. Bahagiakah kita dengan kemegahan asal keturunan sedangkan hakikatnya kita hidup dalam ketakutan dan penuh prasangka di antara satu sama lain?
    Tolonglah rakyat Malaysia, semuga kita dapat warisi keamanan dan ketenteraman hidup ini kepada generasi akan datang.
    Walau apa pun, Tun amat saya hormati dan sanjungi. May Allah Bless You Always. Love U Tun.

  205. Salam again Tun,
    We meet again… I enjoy reading your writings.
    I agree with some of the comments laid here..It is so sad that to see how degrading our politicians could be until they could toy around with sensitive issue like race.. Are they asking for May 13 again? I was just wondering, with all the infestation going on- one after the other, who is actually running this country? President Lincoln had said that “government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth”. BN is to die a painful death if they continue acting for the benefit of themselves rather than the country…
    Coming back to the issue RACE.. Coming from a mix parentage, what am I? Part of me is chinese, another part is indian, and the rest is malay. Which group should people like me belong to? The constitution label me as a malay because I was born as a muslim, but then again, does that make it right? Am I a malay?
    This issue should stop once and for all. There was never a unity among us Malaysians to begin with.. that was why we had MIC, MCA and UMNO.. and one may say that was why they chose PKR.. but look at the reason for PKR to be established in the 1st place.. It was not for the people, but basically for one person in particular..
    Malaysians always had high tolerance for each other.. and thats about it.. and being mere humans, how much tolerance could one take??? That I quoted from Rehman Rashid.. He said, it is not respect and not love but tolerance.. and one day the tolerance might dissapear and then we will be in trouble… Smart guy.. guess he was actually telling us the future then.
    Till we meet again Tun.. signoff for now..

  206. Dear Sir,
    Sad really sad. We Malays are in a big MESS.
    Again as you had advised the Arabs “to stop & think”. I guess we need to do the same here.
    Sir with due respect, Malays have been weakened not only because our leader, Pak Lah is weak but Malays have also been confused & played out by Anwar Ibrahim.
    Sir, here if we have to stop & think, which to tackle first. Logically we should strengthen our leadership then fight Anwar but unfortunately since Malays are confused we have to tackle Anwar then strengthen the party.
    Sir, you must realized how the Malays are very reluctant to topple their leaders. As such we cannot garner enough support in this futile exercise
    Please, Sir we need all your efforts & strategies to stop Anwar. We must all declare Anwar as our common enemy.
    Hidup Melayu.
    K. E. Boy.

  207. We support you TUN…..
    ALL, I refer to:-
    Comments By Samson Saw on September 7, 2008 6:14 PM & thethinker- on September 5, 2008 6:59 PM .
    The immigrant chinese and Indian who were brought by
    british for business purposes as labours in farms and mines. Malays so tolerance to give them citizenship and to share our political power with them in our land so called malay Land or Tanah Melayu, provided our Malay Rights, Islam and our King must be protected.
    They agree. We accept them. Please do not disturb this social contract which were agreed by our founding fathers – Tunku, Tan Cheng
    Lock, and Sambathan. This was very abnormal for the indegenius group to give way parts of their rights to immigrants comparatively
    to the history of other nations.
    UMNO has protected chinese and Indian in M’sia to allow them to practice their religion, cultures, languages and schools whereby these rights are never been given by government of Indonesia, Thailand and even singapore to the accepted immigrants.
    Asimilation were not occured in M’sia.
    In Indonesia and Thailand no chinese schools and even no chinese names. Malays are very tolerance here.
    As civilian of M’sia, chinese own lands in malaysia but in Singapore which governed by Chinese, Malay in Singapore are can be said as treated immigrants not allowed to own land, restricted to practice their religion Islam, cultures and no malay high ranking officers in army.
    In private sectors in M’sia comparatively 4 times bigger than public sectors have been dominance by non-malays especially the chinese.
    By experienced, when we are under chinese organisation in any sense i.e in private sectors or even in chinese local goverments sectors, the discrimination by races are very visible. Only chinese being promoted, the rest choose to resign due to displeasure (This is facts). ASK THE REST?? MOST AGREE????
    Until now 51 tahun sudah merdeka’ cakap bahasa malaysia pun tergagap-gagap’!! Mana Jati Diri Malaysia?? Org nak tubuh sekolah kebangsaan satu bangsa Malaysia pun susah, you org cina lawan habis – habis!! Macam mana nak claim Malaysia for malaysian or Equal Right??? Sacrify dulu yours , Then baru OURS.- Takkan Always Malays to tolerance all the times. Tun Dr Mahathir- Jati Diri dia Melayu dan Malaysia 100%. Bukan macam org cina – Jati Diri Tong Sang Masih membara???? Macam Mana nak Malaysian For Malaysia? Tengok TV Malaysia pun susah, habis balun rancangan-2 TV dari China. We dont allow our land Malaysia to be ‘Malaysia For 2nd China’ You got Mainland China, Hong Kong?? Ours only this land!!! Kami Owner of the land.
    Sacrify dulu yours , Then baru OURS.

  208. Salam ayahanda tun,
    Nampaknya ayahanda tun buat semua orang makin hangat dan terus gelisah.MCA, GERAKAN dan UMNO sedang panas berkempen mengharapkan ayahanda endose mereka.
    Jadi nampak juga orang cina dan india dikedai kopi sudah mula merasa rimas dan gelisah bila ayahanda mula usik dan celupar sedikit masalah isu perkauman(mohon maaf – dan buktinya 13 UMNO bhg P.Pinang menyokong saranan Tun)
    Ayat mula mula yg saya beritahun kepada kawan kawan selepas pilihanraya lalu bergini bunyinya -lebih kurang
    “Apabila syaitan besar dilepaskan (Anuar.I),Apabila Pelesit dibiarkan berkuasa dan bermaharaja lela (KJ), Apabila Ayahanda tun mahathir dihina dan diperlekehkan dan yg terakhir apabila pesta JOM KECOH dihalalkan TV3 oleh Dato seri Lendir (Farid R)
    Maka dapat lah kita perdana menteri yg totaly gagal mengemudai pentadbiran negara dan melindungi umat melayu (masih perlukan tongkat).Dalam kata lain Pak Lah kita tidak cukup pandai merencanakan MALAYSIA yg dikelilingi musuh yg bersembunyi dan musuh yg nyata.
    Sekian terima kasih, salam untuk bonda dan MUKRIZ.
    Yunos A.hamid

  209. Salam Tun,
    Saay tetap salahkan Tun sebab melantik Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi sebagai Perdana Menteri dan membuang Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim walaupun dia tidak melakukan liwat.
    Tun seharusnya bersabar dan jangan terlalu membenci Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim. Tun harus akur dan mengetahui bahawa Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim juga adalah seorang pemimpin Melayu yang hebat dan setanding dengan Tun.
    Janganlah disebabkan rasa marah dan kebencian yang mendalam akibat hasutan orang lain Tun “berpatah arang” dengan Datuk Seri anwar Ibrahim.
    Tun seharusnya “memohon maaf” daripada Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim sekeluarga secara berdepan dan maklumkan kepada seluruh rakyat Malaysia dan perbetulkan keadaan.
    Apa yang Tun percaya bahawa Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim telah melakukan liwat adalah salah sama sekali. Itu semua adalah hasil daripada hasutan dan konspirasi orang lain. Ternyata sekali banyak kelemahan “bukti” dan “fakta” yang lemah untuk mensabitkan Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim dengan “Kes Liwat” tersebut.
    Sudah tiba masanya Tun perbetulkan keadaan yang berpunca daripada tindakan Tun sendiri.
    Akhirnya Tun sendiri “berpatah arang” dengan Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim. Siapa yang rugi?
    Jika benar dan 100% Tun percaya bahawa Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim telah melakukan liwatadalah lebih baik Tun sendiri bermubahalah bahawa Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim telah melakukan perbuatan terkutuk tersebut. Alang-alang mandi biar basah Tun. Seluruh dunia telah tahu Tun mengambil jalan untuk mengaibkan Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim.
    Berbuat baiklah sementara masih ada hayat dan jalan penyelesaian.
    Jangan kerana ego dan sifat angkuh, pembohongan dan penipuan dibawa ke alam kubur.

  210. I agree with you this time, ahmad should apologize. Btw wheres pak lah? he seem to leave malaysia on auto-pilot????

  211. Tun,
    Salam to Tun, Family & Bloggers,
    Tun, Much has been said,some are understood, some are misunderstood etc.Tun the sincerity of Tun is never ever doubted.Tun handling of matters is highly professional and has been proven during Tun as PM of Malaysia.Yes, its impossible to pleased everyone,and some decision made is never pleasing to be made by those making decision.
    Present Weak PM,and the goverment is the root causes of present racialist,Judges,Bar Councils, Hindraf,etc.Everday its getting worse and just awaiting for happenings.UMNO is weak, because it’s President is weak.UMNO is corrupted because it’s President is corrupted.UMNO can never be saved because it’s President need to be save, for face value, even the results of the PRU12 & PP indicated that major changes is required.BN components parties are not happy with the current PM and they too cannot do anything because UMNO failed to act fast and promptly.Now with Tun Blogs present AAB is accusing that Tun is the causes of all the happenings.Salam Tun, awaiting for Tun advise and guidance for immediate changes for the good of UMNO & BN. Vision 2020 or Mission Impossible.

  212. Dear Tun,
    I have been lucky to have travelled to many countries in the course of my career, and I had come to agree with your policies and philosophy in managing our country, when you were our PM.
    This was not always the case, as I often disagreed with what I perceived as your often harsh and simplistic views.
    When I was in Caracas in the late 90’s, travelling from the airport to the city, I spoke to the taxi driver about what life was like in Venezuela. I did not know that Venezuela was (is) an OPEC member, and I was surprised that there was so much poverty and slums — you see, I was ignorant, and thought that all OPEC member countries were rich.
    Then, I came to learn that Indonesia was an OPEC member (until their withdrawal recently), and during my visit to Jeddah, I was surprised to learn that much of that kingdom’s oil riches were closely held by the Saud family, unlike Dubai, and perhaps Brunei, where the populace were enriched. I also learnt that they were trying to manage discontent among their populace in Saudi Arabia, and after seeing the private airport, and private island for the royals — just like a lush tropical, rainforest amid a sea of desert sand — I could understand why there was discontent at the way the royals were spurning their wealth; ergo, how Osama could have thrived with his brand of religious fanaticism.
    Indeed, travel broadens the mind, and I started to realize the monumental task you had to manage Malaysia.
    I am in full agreement when you state that the results of the recent General Election was a rejection of BN-UMNO-Badawi government. It just HAPPENED TO BE MORE PREVALENT among Chinese, Indians and “Others”, as compared to Malays as voters, because UMNO managed to win relatively more seats than the component parties.
    I was fed-up with politicians running for office so that they and their extended families could get “contracts”, I was inwardly angry that a railway gatekeeper could be elected as an MP, receive a datukship, and build a mansion that flouted all the laws — and get away with it. Then, when the so-called pillars of our nation’s future, the pedigree families like Hishamuddin and their ilk fanned the flames of racism and nothing was done about it, it was certainly the last straw. Preceding the GE, it was common to hear “If there was a monkey running against a BN candidate, vote for the monkey as you have nothing to lose”.
    What I cannot accept is that you have endorsed the likes of Najib and Muhyidin, when it is commonly perceived that they have enriched themselves substantially at the cost of the nation. It is all so hypocritical, for them to speak out against corruption, yet be involved indirectly through family members and nominees to enrich themselves with “projects”.
    Do we really have anyone who’s capable to lead the country because he is inherently capable, and will do it because of his/her love of the country? Am I being too naieve to expect this of our leaders and potential leaders?
    Can we do away with the fact that we need to prove someone is corrupt, and instead use the court of public opinion; thereby, a person should not only be incorrupt, but be seen in the public eye as such.
    People may PERCEIVE that you were also corrupt during your tenure, and you have challenged them to prove it. I think that in the court of public opinion, your great achievements more than make up for any hiccups along the way — you are, after all, human just like the rest of us.
    Certainly, it may all have been innocent, but the court of public opinion is based on the talk at the coffeeshops and mamak stalls. There is no smoke without a fire smouldering somewhere.
    Is Najib innocent in the Altantuya affair? Probably, but he is tried in the court of public opinion as being guilty because we do not wish to have a leader who has such associations, true or not. Similarly, Muhyidin and the PERCEIVED enrichment during his tenure as MB in Johore.
    We are not blind to the designer clothes, expensive cars, and palatial homes that our politicians suddenly grace themselves with — where does it all come from?
    So, my dear Tun, can you please identify someone to takeover, who is in the court of public opinion capable and incorruptible? Really, is there any such person?
    Until there is such a person, I am willing to give Anwar Ibrahim a chance to prove me wrong.
    Best Regards,
    LK Tan

  213. Tun,
    Bagi saya Tun bukan la racist. Saya rasa perkara ini senagaj digembargemburkan kerana harapan kepada Tun semakin menggunung untuk memulihkan Malaysia. Pak Lah, Najib hancur berkecai. Nampak sangat bila dapat memerintah negara keadaan yang aman dan makmur (selepas Tun Bersara) mereka jahanamkan negara ini. Saya tak tau apa mereka akan buat kalau negara ini dalam keadaan kemusnahan. Saya boleh rasa mereka mungkin melarikan diri! Sbb sekarang dah pengecut. apatah lagi dalam chaos.

  214. To SingaporeMalay
    Sebenarnya kalau nak dikirakan ramai orang Melayu Malaysia pun adalah kaum pendatang : Bugis, Boyan, Jawa, Madura, Minang dll. Jadi istilah ‘pendatang’ jgnlah diperpanjangkan

  215. Assalamualaikum Tun,
    The best step for PakLah to take is to step down. Ahli-ahli UMNO yang tak ada kepentingan diri sudah tidak nampak relevennya PakLah. Sebagai pemimpin negara berbilang kaum, PakLah jelas gagal.

  216. Salam sejahtera TUN
    Saya mengakui pemimpin tertinggi negara pada masa ini benar-benar lemah.Mereka sudah tidak mampu lagi utk mengawal orang-orang di bawahnya.Tun mengesa supaya mereka berundur tetapi siapakah yang layak untuk menggantinya?Saya percayai majoriti rakyat juga tidak tahu siapa yang layak.Ataupun memang tiada yang layak?
    Pakatan Rakyat?Saya pun tak pasti kerana parti-parti di dalamnya mempunyai ideologi ybg berbeza.Tak mungkin mereka akan dapat bersatu.Sekirannya mereka memerintah,kerajaannya juga tidak stabil.
    Siapa lagi yang layak?
    Saya dalam dilema,
    Saya keliru,
    Saya tiada pilihan,
    Saya sedih
    Saya kecewa
    Adakah kita tidak lagi mempunyai pemimpin berkaliber yg boleh memimpin negara ini.memimpin kaum melayu,cina,india dan kaum kaum lain
    Fikir-fikirkan la….

  217. Dear Tun,
    just to quote my sister`s conversation… about lim guan eng
    sister 1:
    “lim guan eng is good, he try to follow khalifah islam leadership at penang… bla bbla bla..”
    sister 2:
    ” aku percaya 100% jer if HE peluk Islam”…
    hahaha.. FUNNY!!!
    ** saya lately tertarik dengan parti pas, sebab dalam pas pon dah ada banayak perubahan, banyak ahli2 nya terdiri dari ahlli2 akademik dan profesional dAN saya rasa pas bukan lagi parti kampung. BAK KATA orang, modal yang paling penting ialah modal ehsan, kualiti sesuatu parti bergantung pada ahlinya kan? hehe…

  218. Sudahlah..enuff is enuff..
    In my opinion not on tat AH MAD is racist can i can say most of the malaysians are actually racist..take a look at all the comments..racist here and there..say chinese this and that..say malay this and that..
    Semua pun tak puas hati antara satu sama lain..cakap saja nak aman nak sejahtera tapi semua bohong..
    Enuff is enuff..berhentilah memberi comment yang menguris hati..
    Saya sebagai orang cina sedih melihat comments orang melayu yang menkritik orang cina..why punish evryone(all the chinese) for what other ppl did?

  219. Dr M,
    Kita melayu mmg tak payah lah nak minta MAAF dia atas kesalahan Dato Ahmad (mulut dia yg leaser, tak bertempat)
    Yang bangsa lain pun kita telah lama tinggal kan peristiwa 13May tu dah dekat 39tahun tak silap saya.Kenapa kita tak berkumpul demi kebaikkan, kesejahteraan MALAYSIA kalu betul2 ni lah NEGARA tercinta kita semua. Masalah lebih besar yg berada di depan kita tak terlerai (OUR YOUTH yg sekarang ni entah apa2 lah) ni nak di tambah kan dgn masalah yg remeh temeh.

  220. In Singapore, the PAP government policy is based on the domination
    of the Chinese. A Malay will never become a PM for Singapore in this decade even if he or she has the necessary credentials.
    Chinese from all over the world can come and live in Singapore and treat it like their own country if they wish to do so. Getting a Singapore citizenship is no problem for them. And given the right opportunity, and of course with hard work, they will be able to achieve excellence in whatever field they wish to endeavor.
    Priority will always be a given to the Chinese regardless of their origin and there is no fair play in most cases for the Malays who is the minority and are now being treated like a second class society of the country.
    The PAP government knew that in any country, the majority race will always stand a chance to form the government. And that is why, the government has to ensure that the majority race should always be the Chinese, and if there are any changes in the quota of the population, an influx must be done to ensure that the Chinese is always the majority of the population.
    If this is not racist, perhaps the DAP whose policy mimic PAP can explain?

  221. Yg Bhg Tun,
    I cud not disagree with your points. The malays are now being pressured by the non-malays. These non-malay leaders are so ‘gung ho’ & ‘daring’ as a result of our present weak malay leaders. To me, the non malay leaders shud listen the real issue as highlighted by YB ADUN Ahmad Ismail. He is correct to say that the reporter is to be blamed and to apologise bcoz of his ‘doctored” writing in the media. Whilst, the Gerakan leaders are taking advantage of the situation. Bak kata pepatah melayu, menangguk di air keruh.
    Water is under the bridge. What the BN leaders cud do now is to manage the situation very carefully. If the BN leaders have gone thru the Retreat Session recently, then, I am sure they wud have learned some good tips or techniques on problem solving. Apply these techniques, or else, all those monies spent for the session wud go down to the drain. Remember, these monies are the taxpayers’ monies.

  222. Dear Tun
    This comment is for the Chinese folks who condemn the NEP, blame the NEP, curse the NEP, etc.
    To the whole lot of you, I want to say that you are LOSERS.
    When I was in school, I did not do well in my studies due to distraction. So, my lower middle-class parents did not have to empty their savings or beg the government to finance my studies or to ship me overseas to some expensive university. Some local affordable institution was what I needed. Today, I am doing much better than my classmates who scored high grades and achieved heaps of academic awards. I make enough income to feed my family, educate my children, look after my parents and protect an army of employees.
    If you cry over the NEP and whine that you are suffering because of the NEP, you have a LOSER’s mentality. I pity the people around you – your children, your grand-children, your great grand-children – you are poisoning them with your LOSER’s mentality.
    For those educated in Chinese schools, I beg you to learn to speak Malay fluently and understand Malay culture. This is the first step to calling yourself Malaysian. Don’t point a finger at others – you take the lead and do it first.

  223. First of all, Thank you Tun M, for this second post.
    Secondly, regarding some comments above, I would like to reply by saying thank you to all Malays who gave us an opportunity to live in this country. Thank you for always reminding us, we are just immigrant and “tumpang” in your country.
    Even though Malays do aware they are also immigrant, but they claim this land theirs first, as in, first come, first serve. Therefore, this is their land.
    But why Malays still have some kind of assumption that non-bumis especially Chinese exploiting their country wealth? Government / Malays already tried their best to protect their Malays rights and given full assistance by government.
    Then how non-bumis can still survive successfully in this country? How? Is it because one survive with completely spoon-fed by government and while the other survive completely using their brain? So think about it.
    One species can survive better and grew stronger when facing more obstacles but one species can get weaker when they live with easy life.

  224. Dr M,
    The fact is that in any of these ethnic – be it Malay, Chinese & India surely there will be a few extreme-minded people and we have to deal with them all the times. The group is actually minority and once in a while can influence others especially in their desperate attempt to nurture their concept. I note some of their comments in your blog did exposed their truly self. The majority group would be wise enough not to be affected by their remarks – after all it shows the freedom of speech that our government had been brag out loud.
    The problem with the Malay is that we are not accepting that we’re actually falling in silence. Most of us just pray and hope it all to be over – but did Allah remind us ” Dia tidak akan mengubah nasib sesuatu kaum sehingga kaum itu sendiri berusaha mengubah nasibya ” We knew and we always utter this, but where’s our faith to it?
    So please ask yourself my Malay friend – Have we do our best to end this turmoil?
    Tun, you’re not a Malay-Ultra. You hate Malay who’s lazy and stubborn and hope things can be mend and made ready by itself. You don’t object when you witnessed non-malay gained their wealth as the result of their effort during your era. What we know is that each ethnic need a strong leader to advocate them. And the country need a strong character to maintain its peace and harmony by being corporative with all the ethnic leaders.
    Most of the people now believe that Anwar have this charismatic value. I have no objection since none of the leader in UMNO can even match his quality. They all are a YES MAN to their weak leader and they will never defend the rakyat’s right.

  225. Tun,
    I think there is nothing wrong with Dato Seri Najib apology to Chinese Community. The main problem here is the Chinese community over demanding that make things worse.
    Just like a son of a father has done something wrong and the father has apologised to you, would you accept his apology? In normal case I think most fathers would accept the apology but will advise to this father to look after his son more closely. Unfortunately in this case they have a neighbour (opposition) who like to see this family members quarrel (mau tengok wayang) and they preesed on to the issue demanding the son must make apology himself and their noices had made even the father B loses his stand sometimes.
    Afterall who is this Admad Ismail in UMNO? Actually there is nothing MCA, Gerakan and MIC need to worry about? They need not dances to the music of the opposition. Moreover this is not the stand of UMNO unless it is a resolution of UMNO General Meeting. Dato Seri Najib apology had clarified this.

  226. Dear all,
    We Malaysian can live happily among one another despite race, belief, gender and age throughout the times before and after Merdeka. However, its is the politicians and some party leaders who like to manipulate and mingle on the racist issue. Its hurtful to see that even a supposely well educated Party Leaders can have such shallow mind, they are suppose to be a leader, a role model, someone to join the rakyat to strike for higher achievement as a total Malaysian, but he chose to be “katak di bawah tempurung” an ostrich..
    Therefore, we should never ever support any party that can even tolerate racist practise, nor dare not take any action on its members for irresponsible remark.
    To foreigners, nowadays, Malaysia is a laughingstock because we have politicians more ACTIVE than Bill Clinton and yet, racist claim by party leaders after 51 years of independent.
    Lastly.. who is Malaysian? To me, i think anyone born and trying their best to contribute to Malaysia is already a Malaysian, at least in my heart, i feel i am a local Malaysian.
    Thanks for your magnificent led thoughout the years and now.

  227. Dr M,
    When you were PM, I had expected you to be the one that will change racial politics once and for all and was grousely disappointed that the same old policies was still carried out. You at the time had the support of the people and the charisma to make changes for the good of the country. Kudos must be given to you for the opening up of the country for foreign investments and for developing the country. Unfortunately this progress did not carry over into the political arena. It was still along racial lines. Maybe you have a profound dislike of LKY’s Singapore idea of a Malaysian Malaysia and let your heart ruled your head.
    The whole world is changing with the new information technology age where information is disseminated and readily available. Unlike the old days where the govt. can censor and select what the people are allowed to listen to or know, the rakyat today is more tech. savvy and can investigate themselves. Pictures and videos don’t lie and can be passed on quickly. There is no hiding of evidence anymore. DS Anuar Ibrahim is more in tune to the new world changes and is willing to change to get the mass support. UMNO is still living in the past. I doubt even with your charisma, you can help UMNO win the election the next time around if BN continue along the racial lines.
    You may not be a racist but you did not do anything to discourage racism in Malaysia when you were in power. Malaysia boleh does not mean anything if you do not feel like a true Malaysian. It will still be Malay, Chinese, Indian or others. I don’t think I will ever see in my lifetime of a “true” Malaysian.

  228. Reference to Johndoe.
    I agree with him. Najib is not a suitable replacement for the position of PM. He does not have his own views. Everything he says seems to agree or support his boss. He has not shown to the Rakyat that he is a capable leader.
    Najib does not have any leadership skills, much less communication and problem-solving capabilities. He is ill-informed and extremely shy of the public. He is someone that the public is unable to reach out to. After all, didn’t someone throw a mineral bottle at him once? Such is the anger people feel of his persona.
    As for PakLah, I grow tired of talking about him, but at the same time I am unable to keep quiet about him.
    He has shown numerous times that he prefers to keep silent or remains passive when it comes to taking action on chaotic Umno agents. But when it comes to the other BN parties, he does not hesitate to take action. Such discrimination is unacceptable but PakLah seems to like it.
    Talk about the PM for all Malaysians! What rubbish!

  229. Dear Tun
    Any special program,i.e. Majlis Berbuka Puasa dan Sembahyang Terawikh with your Blog Supporters this Ramadhan that you would organize?
    Just wondering if might organized it.
    Thank you and regards.

  230. Kepada orang Melayu, janganlah tunjuk lembik sangat dengan orang Cina ni. Tanpa kerjasama kita, depa pun tak boleh hidup senang. Orang Cina ni, kalau kita bagi betis dia nak paha, kita bagi paha dia nak “..ehem ehem” pulak. Lama-lama kita tak dapat apa. Hanya putih mata dan gigi saja.
    Hidup Tun!

  231. Tun,
    Plus minus, plus minus,plus minus the result is Tun you are exceptionally good. That is why we were better off under your leadershp.Malaysia is great.
    Plus minus,plus minus,plus minus the result is AAB you are also good but very weak. Need to improve yourself greatly. That is why we are now facing with full of uncertainties as to where we are heading. Anarchy perhaps.
    Plus minus,plus minus, plus minus the result is DSAI you are weak and sickly dangerous. We are going into a drain and be a divided Nation. Malaysia will be sinking and drowning. Bloodshed perhaps.
    I would always prefer to be under you Tun.Racial is unavoidable but much under control. All Malaysian prefer PEACE and PROSPERITY. I hope Allah will give us a better leader soon. Thank you.

  232. Assalamualaikum dan salam sejahtera semua,
    Isu perkauman di Malaysia kini seolah-olah telah tidak terkawal lagi. Semoga Tuhan masih memberkati negara kita ini dan dengan kuasaNya kita semua masih boleh membina masyarakat yang aman dan berjaya di masa depan.
    Jika hendak diungkit asal usul bangsa, sesiapa yang masih buta sejarah asal usul Melayu di negara bertuah ini, silalah rujuk ke blog di bawah, pasti anda akan dapat menghayati sejarah silam bangsa Melayu kembali.
    http://sejarahnagarakedah.blogspot.com/2007/04/ 50-tahun-merdeka- tapi-buta-sejarah.htm
    Kepada kaum yang masih mempertikai asal usul bangsa Melayu ini, dan juga bangsa Melayu sendiri yang masih buta sejarah, carilah dan banyakkanlah membaca buku-buku sejarah lama atau silalah ke blog di atas dimana banyak sejarah silam dapat kita pelajari. Jangan hanya semata-mata merujuk kepada sejarah yang dicipta dan direka oleh penjajah bagi menenggelamkan sejarah kemegahan empayar dan benua Melayu Islam di nusantara ini sewaktu zaman dahulu.
    Setelah kita mengenali dan mengetahui sejarah asal usul bangsa, barulah kita akan lebih menyayangi tanah air kita sendiri…

  233. Salam….
    Dear Che Det,
    Wish you happiness always.
    I don’t know Ismail Ahmad at all until recently.
    Sad but true, his politically incorrect statement is true based on historical fact. Why he said it in an open forum is mystery to me.
    What’s happening now is basically the diminishing state of the so-called “SOCIAL CONTRACT” under Pak Lah’s administration.
    Please come back Tun.
    Thank you always.

  234. Salam YAB Tun,
    Selamat Berpuasa dan semoga kesihatan YAB Tun insyaallah sentiasa dalam keadaan baik, amin.
    Yes!! Datuk Mukhriz akan bertanding jawatan Ketua Pemuda.Inilah yang dikatakan anak jantan. Walaupun pelbagai cabaran terpaksa beliau hadapi, namun beliau tetap meneruskan perjuangan beliau.Tahniah kepada Datuk Mukhriz. Saya doakan Datuk akan memperoleh kemenangan.
    Wahai bloggers semua, marilah kita ramai-2 mendoakan agar kemenangan berpihak kepada Datuk Mukhriz.
    Berkenaan isu ‘mohon maaf’, saya rasa perbuatan Najib tempoh hari telah menjatuhkan maruah bangsa Melayu secara terbuka.
    Itu semua hanya berlaku kepada anak Melayu yang berfikiran cetek dan tak memikirkan kesan jangka masa panjang kelak.
    Bapa saya membesarkan kami sekeluarga di penempatan majoritinya penduduk Cina .Kerana semangat kebangssaan beliau yang tebal, beliau sedikitpun tidak gerun dengan orang-2 cina.
    Manakan tidak, pernah suatu ketika dulu, kerana menceburkan diri dalam perniagaan yang dipelopori oleh orang cina, beliau pernah digertak oleh samseng-2 cina agar mengundurkan diri.Tetapi, beliau dengan secara diplomatik, telah berkata “lu mau gertak kasi gua sendiri takut tinggal di negara gua sendiri, ini negara gua & nenek moyang gua, lu jangan kasi tau gua apa gua boleh buat atau tak boleh buat di negara gua sendiri”. Lebih kurang macam tulah bapa saya berkata-kata kepada samseng cina tersebut.
    Akhirnya, samseng-2 cina mengalah.Malah ketika bersama bapa saya, saya sendiri pernah bertemu dengan salah seorang dari mereka.Apa yang berlaku ketika itu, samseng tersebut menyapa bapa saya dengan baik malah menunjukkan reaksi sedikit malu dan kesal dengan apa yang telah cuba dilakukan kepada bapa saya dahulu.
    Kenapakah pemimpin yang mempunyai sebesar-besar kuasa di negara ini menjadi begitu pengecut kepada bangsa pendatang?
    Apa lagi yang mereka mahu hakis dari bumi anak melayu ini?
    Semua orang tahu, ekonomi disini dikuasai oleh bangsa apa.Berapa ramai pula kaum india telah dapat memegang jawatan/pekerjaan professional,terutama sekali peguam,doktor,akauntan.
    Inikah yang dikatakan pentadbiran yang berat sebelah?
    Saya pernah bekerja sebagai juruaudit syarikat-2 komersial.Semakan saya terhadap hak milik tanah disekitar lembah kelang ini saja pun telah menunjukkan orang-2 cina telah banyak mempelopori hak milik tanah-2 tersebut.
    Apa lagi yang mereka mahu?Sedangkan kalau di bumi asal mereka,belum tentu mereka dapat memperoleh tanah walau sekangkang kera.
    Dapatkah mereka merasa memandu kereta Mercedez? Sedangkan dinegera nenek moyang mereka sendiri selepas zaman millenium pun mereka masih lagi naik gerek..?? Geram betol laa saya pada najib & paklah.
    Semoga Datuk Mukhriz peroleh kemenangan agar anak cucu cicit saya kelak tidak menjadi hamba kepada tanah air mereka sendiri.
    Semoga Allah s.w.t.sentiasa melindungi YAB Tun serta keluarga, amin.

  235. Assalamualaikum Tun..
    apa kabar?semoga sihat hendaknya disamping isteri tersayang..
    hmmm.takut sebenarnya kalau2 hasrat anwar untuk jd PM tercapai,habis rosak malaysia,kenapa la rakyat2 yang sokong anwar tu main sokong je,X selidik dulu sapa anwar sebenarnya…hmmm..sungguh sedih…dunia akhir zaman..kacau bilau.

  236. Asalamualaikum kepada muslimin semua terutama Tun yang saya kasihi,
    Teruja saya ingin meluahkan pendapat saya kepada semua kerana saya adalah mereka-mereka yg di gelar ‘silence majority’ atau duduk kat atas pagar.
    Pertama, untuk merujuk kepada kekalahan BN pada Pilihanraya umum lepas ia adalah kerana kami (terutama Org Islam & Melayu)tidak memberi sokongan kami kepada calon-calon dari MCA, Gerakan, MIC, PPP dan yg lain kerana marah dan tidak berpuas hati atas tindakan mereka-meraka ini yg kerap mempersoalkan dan menjatuhkan martabat Agama Islam, hak-hak org Melayu dan Kuasa Sultan. Padan Muka Mereka, sekarang mereka semua nak salahkan UMNO sahaja tanpa melihat diri masing-masing. Ingat, untuk menang mereka juga memerlukan undi org Islam and Org Melayu. Buktinya, Umno masih memperolehi kerusi yg banyak manakala yg lain… hanya seperti tong yg kosong.
    Kedua, Isu pentadbiran pak Lah juga menjadi punca utama kerana tidak serius menangani isu-isu diatas. Membiarkan org bukan Islam melekehkan agama yang indah ini dan org Melayu. Kami sebagai rakyat manjadi marah dan kecewa. Akibatnya adalah sewaktu pilihanraya.
    Ketiga, Kerajaan tidak perihatin akan masalah rakyat dan banyak melakukan pembaziran.
    Sekian dulu, cukuplah 3 yang mana belum pasti dapat diperbetulkan kerana semua pemimpin yg ada hari ini.. berkepala besar dan gelap hatinya.
    Semoga Tun suami isteri diberi kesihatan yang baik dan dapat menunaikan ibadah puasa dengan sempurna.
    Semoga Allah memberkati Tun.
    p/s saya dan rakan-rakan juga adalah penyokong kuat Tun pada 1999.

  237. Dear Tun,
    90% of my neighbours are Chinese (true story). We live in middle income housing area. Just to ponder, my next door neighbour (left side) send their children to Chinese school. Hardly, they interact with me or my children (almost none). They do not like to socialize with Malay. My next door neighbour (right side) who is a business man selling shirts, pants, clothing etc. send their children to national school. Their children always say hi to me and my children. They are some interaction between races – a healthy one. We can communicate and interact as Malaysian. So from here, we can see the product of our education system.
    I believe Chinese school is the source of racism!

  238. Fyi Tun and those who like Chinese school.
    Whether you accept it or not, it is a fact that Chinese school is the agent of racism. I suggest that you (those who do not agree with me) go to the secondary national school and make some RESEARCH and see how is the behaviour of Chinese students from Chinese primary schools and Chinese students from primary national schools. Ask the teachers. Open your eyes and see the difference.
    If the Chinese really think as true Malaysian, why are they reluctant to go to national school? (not Malay school, NATIONAL school). For sure, they think that national school is inferior to their own school. This is the source or root of racism. If you want assimilation and better Malaysia for everybody, you have to start it from small not when you are 13 years old! My conclusion is Chinese school should be closed (root of racism), and all Malaysian should goto national schools. Singapore can do it, why not us?

  239. Tuan, mohon laluan..
    kluangman said…
    TDM tidak mampu melakukan apa apa yang lebih berkesan dari sebelum ini (selepas keluar UMNO) di luar UMNO atau dari dalam UMNO jika diterima semula..sayang semuanya sudah telambat.
    TDM wajar terus berada di luar UMNO seperti yang dijanjikannya, Tun tidak patut termakan gula gula mana mana pemimpin UMNO untuk membawanya kembali ke dalam UMNO dengan ‘kononnya’ ahli ahli UMNO beramai ramai akan menyokongnya. Semua ini adalah ‘bohong’ dan ia sekadar merosakkan reputasi TDM sendiri.
    Jelas ahli ahli UMNO sendiri khususnya pemimpin UMNO sekarang yang tidak mahu menyahkan Dolah itu sendiri, mereka masih mempertahankan Dolah, mereka besetuju BN masih majoriti. Bagi meeka Dolah sekadar lemah biasa sesuai dengan lembeknya, bagi meeka tidak ada cacat celanya Dolah, lebih lebih lagi sejak berbini baru dan KJ mula mendiamkan dii..Pealihan kuasa seperti yang dijanjikan adalah menu alternatif yang mampu menenangkan ahli UMNO.
    Jadi apa perlu (apa kejaddahnya) orang luar seperti TDM masuk semula UMNO dan ingin mahu melakukan perubahan. Masa TDM telah berlalu, tanggungjawab mendaulatkan UMNO terletak kepada pemimpin sekarang..
    Jika UMNO gagal berubah hari ini dengan kepimpinan yang ada sekarang, biarlah Anwar menambahmusnahkan menambahcepatkan lagi kubur UMNO..
    Hanya ada SATU SAHAJA LANGKAH KERAMAT yang mungkin memulihkan UMNO, Kerajaan dan Negara hari ini iaitu Dolah sendiri kena berjumpa dengan Tun, menatang dan menerimanya kembali ke dalam UMNO sebagai Penasihat Presiden dan Perdana Menteri. Mampukah Dolah merendahkan egonya..
    7:24 PM

  240. tukar lah semula Malaysia jadi Tanah Melayu…
    barulah diorang tau siapa tuan tanah dan siapa penumpang…
    lepas ni lagi ramaila pendatang yang nak sama ratakan hak masing-masing dengan melayu… bayangkan lepas 40 tahun akan datang… anak-anak pendatang dari pakistan, bangladesh, indonesia, filipina, vietnam, nepal, thailand menuntut hak sama rata..ape yang akan jadi kat melayu dan orang asli malaysia? cuba lah menumpang buat cara menumpang..orang dah bagi duduk free, dudukla elok2.. jangan la lebih-lebih dari tuan rumah plak… fikir-fikir la sendiri..

  241. By pudil on September 7, 2008 1:42 PM
    sepatutnya, kerajaan Malaysia dari dulu lagi jangan layan tuntutan kaum lain.Sekolah Cina, India patutnya ditutup.Hanya satu sekolah je yang dibenarkan.Lihat sahaja Indonesia, mereka jadi negara Bangsa.Itu pun , bile gawat tahun 1998, habis orang Cina di sana, dilanyak dan diganyang.Sikit punya untung Cina dan India di Malaysia, kutuklah orang melayu macam mana pun, kami tetap tidak bertindak.Kerana orang Melayu kaya dengan adap dan budi bahasa.Amat malang sekali, bila ada orang Melayu yang sanggup jadi tali barut kaum lain semata-mata untuk menang undi kaum lain.Dato Seri Anwar adalah tali barut yang terbesar sekali dalam Malaysia yang perlu ditentang habis-habisan.Anwar lah yang bakal menjahananmkan Malaysia, orang melayu sejahanam-jahananmya.
    Many Malays send their kids to chinese school because they know they can get better education there and not sleeping and playing in the class when teacher teaching.
    I don’t know why you like Indonesia so much and compare with it. Perhaps you can go back to Indonesia. Malaysia is not only for Malays but all Malaysian.

  242. Dear TDM
    Thank you for your blog. I think the matter is now settled because this Bukit Bendera chief has finally gone live on TV despite much pressure against him to state that the Sin Chew Jit Poh reporter that reported him had taken his speech vastly out of context. I don’t know if you saw the TV but Datuk Mansor said that he was referring to the times when the Chinese were brought over to Malaya by the British as immigrants to work the tin mines, etc. But this Sin Chew Jit Poh reporter just took that portion of his statement and potrayed it as a racist statement. So there is an invisible third party (the SCJP reporter) who caused all this and who does not have the courage to come forward and clarify the issue.Again, the media has shown that it cannot responsibly report any news and events factually with truth and accuracy which is especially important now with political tensions simmering and starting to boil.
    I just read The Star Online today and I am worried and I see it as a real possibility that many BN component parties may leave BN and leave UMNO alone. There are many suggestions from Youth leaders from MCA branch and Gerakan chief Koh Tsu Koon is very unhappy with UMNO. But Datuk Mansor has mentioned his relationship with Dr Koh very clearly on TV that night (he admitted knowing Koh for 18 years) and Dr Koh should not regard Datuk Mansor as racist anymore after he has come forward to reveal the truth behind his statement on TV the other day.
    What do you think Tun ?

  243. It’s interesting to find that Tun kept saying the PM has controlled over the media and cut off whatever you said. Well, I am surprised that when you condemn them, I expect you to be able to allow people to comment on your blog. My comments on UMNO supporters should be put up cos’ I don’t see it as offensive. Perhaps Tun was agitated when I used the word “Recalcitrant” which reminded you of what the former PM of Australia said of Tun. Here, I like to reiterated that when I used my word “Recalcitrant”, I am not referring to Tun but on Ahmad who refused to apologize. That stubborn and “recalcitrant” attitude does not go down well to many Indians and Chinese. Nevertheless, I do hope you will feature my comments on that article cos’ it is a fact that whenever the non-Malays voiced out something, UMNO supporters will over react and protest – and what’s more, ended up in dungeon. This has happened to Lee Kim Sai, former MCA leader who was even stripped of the title of Datukship for his comments on NEP. Similarly, the Hindraf leaders who were put behind bars now. But when those recalcitrant UMNO supporters protested outside the Bar Council shouting “Cina Babi”, “Cina balik kampung”, NO ACTION were taken against them. The same goes to the protest held outside Komtar against Lim Guan Eng – no police permit and those UMNo culprits got away with it. So I don’t agree with your comments on the Ahmad issue. Apologizing should be the way….By the way, FOR those who kept saying non-Malays are not fluent in malay. I beg to differ. I scored straight As in my STPM – Both Kesusasteraan and Malay paper and in the university, I was one of the top scorers in the Malay Lingustic Department. I speak and write Malay much even better than the Malays themselves. And best of all, I am proficient in many languages, and now work as a Director in a multinational company. I’ve interviewed many people from all walks of life, and sadly, I discovered many Malays are still unable to speak a single word of English properly. THANKS to the championing of Malay language by all those Malay-ultras like those bloggers above! This is the result of the Government education policies. I am glad many more are able to speak many languages. The Chinese and Indians can speak more than 2 languages. But the Malays speak only 2 languages (only a small number can speak more). Also, go ahead continue with your NEP or whatever ketuanan Melayu policies (including affirmative action) cos’ the benefits will be reaped by the non-Malays because they will strive even harder to challenge the Malays who seem to be so complacent with themselves (spoonfed by the Government). Like some bloggers above, good for the non-Malays cos’ they will work even harder and smarter while the Malays get lazier and corrupted! Continue and bring in more such policies!

  244. Assalamualaikum Tun,
    1. Satu perkara yang non-bumi timbulkan ialah melayu juga PENDATANG!
    2. Tetapi kita orang melayu dan bumiputera telah terbukti tinggal di MALAYA ini sejak 500 tahun yang lalu dan mungkin lebih. Berbanding pendatang Cina dan India yang hadir baru berapa tahun! Penjajah yang tinggal BERATUS tahun pun tak mintak apa-apa dan dah balik negara mereka pun. Orang PORTUGIS di melaka juga lebih sedar diri berbanding orang cina ni. Ramai mereka yang buta sejarah. Kerajaan patut wajibkan matapelajaran SEJARAH termasuk di sekolah kaum meraka!
    3. Satu perkara lagi, Tun di label sebagai MAMAK malah dikata berasal dari India. TETAPI Tun berjuang untuk orang MELAYU! Bukan untuk India dan Mamak, sebab Tun orang yang SEDAR diri dan berterima kasih! Sebab itu saya SOKONG Tun!! Mana ada kaum lain yang bangun mempertahankan hak orang melayu dan islam. Berapa ramai pemimpin non-bumi yang antara mereka membantah secara bersungguh pendudukan YAHUDI di PALESTIN?? Tak ada pun.
    4. Jadi MEREKA yang buta sejarah sepatutnya MALU dengan tuduhan terhadap Tun seorang MAMAK termasuk ANTIMAMAK dan yang lainnya. Orang melayu yang turut melabel Tun sebagai MAMAK patut lebih berasa malu yang amat sangat sebab MAMAK inilah yang berjuang untuk mereka!

  245. Assalamualaikum Tun,
    Apabila oarang no 2 kerajaan phon maaf bagi pihak ahlinya, itu menanda pendirian parti, tapi yang empunya diri bagaimana ?
    Tak apalah itu, bukankan soal perkauman merupakan sesuatu yang dilarang diperkata dikhalayak umum seperti yang termaktub didalam perjanjian semasa 13 mei dulu? Tun kalau Tun boleh komen,
    Salam, perjuangan Tun amat besar nilainya.

  246. Salam Ayahanda Tun,
    Memang dah dikata dan diduga, gandingan PM dan TPM masa ini adalah gandingan yang sangat LEMAH. Saya memang menolak 100% mereka berdua ini. Di mata saya, mereka tiada KETOKOHAN. Saya khuatir konsep RAHMAN akan berakhir dengan Najib. Nauzubillah! kalau ia diakhiri dengan NIK AZIZ takpa juga. Minta-minta konsep RAHMAN bertukar jadi RAHMAT atau RAHMAH. Setidak-tidaknya Tengku Razaleigh atau Hamid Albar boleh jadi pengganti! Mudah-mudahan ada orang dalam UMNO yang tampil sebagai TOKOH yang berwibawa, syaratnya BUKAN dari golongan SEMANGAT 46 dulu!
    Kalau Najib jadi PM, saya rasa lagi teruk Malaysia, itupun kalau dia tak ikut acuan yang telah Ayahanda Tun buat dulu. Kalau dia dok ikut acuan PAKLAH, PARAH kita nanti.
    Dah bosan mengata pulak sekarang ni, adalah disyorkan semua masjid-masjid dan surau-surau menganjurkan SOLAT HAJAT agar PAKLAH berundur segera dan MENGHAPUSKAN pengaruh subversif menantunya secepat yang mungkin. Semoga kesan calar yang ada sekarang dapat sembuh dengan cepat sebelum tiba gelombang ganas politik masa akan datang.
    Mudah-mudahan Ayahanda TUN dipanjangkan umur agar dapat bersama-sama dengan kami untuk melihat Malaysia kembali bersinar, makmur dan sejahtera.

  247. pinga, hampir tiap-tiap hari isu-isu yang dibangkitkan oleh TV3 & Utusan lagi teruk, semuanya berunsur perkauman, bila mereka kena tindakan?
    >>By pinga on September 7, 2008 12:57 PM
    >>Isu di dini sebenarnya berpunca dari reporter itu sendiri. Beliau yg >>menimbulkan isu ini dan sepatutnya kerajaan ambil tindakan terhadap >>reporter dan akhbar yg mengeluarkan berita tersebut, habis cerita.

  248. First of all . Want to let u know I’m a Malaysian Chinese .I strongly disagree with what u say . In fact it hurt non-malay feels a lot . If not NEP , Malaysia will even developed to a further state. I remember during your time , you condemn strongly on Racist(aparteid) policy in South Africa .. But now see what u say and did to Malaysia ??? After 50 years of Merdeke, the facts is Malay still need “Tongkat” from government ,( remember this is a facts). Also , if you trace back Malayu history . They just migrate to this land earlier than other races , they are not the real BUMIPUTERA( including u).
    If you really Love Malaysia . Do something more constructive .. NOT destructive.
    Malaysia had lots of natural resource .. But only ruin by corrupted Minister. If you love your country . Expose all of them …
    Wake-up Ex-prime minister . Love your country and stop creating disharmony among Malaysian .

  249. Assalammualaikum Tun,
    I agree with you. You are not a racist nor do you promote racism. At least those who do not see what you see, i call them idiots regardless race or gender.
    And this Ahmad Ismail of Bukit Bendera chap.What can anyone expect from Penang UMNO when the current PM is from the rejected UMNO state. Even educated Malays do not participate in UMNO unless one have a strong motivation to become quickly rich.
    Ahmad Ismail before he become Bukit BenderaUMNO Head used to work in Rasa Sayang Hotel in Batu Ferringghi.Housekeeping Unit.
    Does anyone need to wonder more why he make the racial statement?

  250. Assalamualaikum YABhg Tun.
    Terima kasih kerana memberi penjelasan lanjut bagi memperbetulkan persepsi bloggers yang ekstrim sehingga sanggup menafikan sumbangan YABhg. Tun kerana diri mereka rasa dikritik. Sekarang sudah jelas bahawa mereka masih fanatik.
    Parti BN yang didokongi pelbagai parti bangsa secara berkompromi boleh dianggap sederhana. Manakala DAP dan PAS hanya mewakili satu kaum. Keadilan pula sanggup berpura-pura ikut rentak pelbagai kaum. Ketiga-tiga parti ini boleh dianggap terlalu kekiri atau kekanan mengikut tafsiran masing-masing ahli. Keputusan PRU12 menunjukkan parti berfahaman kekanan atau kekiri yang memperjuangkan sesuatu kaum semakin diterima.
    Adalah malang jika keadaan ini berterusan. Kebencian diantara kaum akan lebih parah seterusnya mengundang bencana.
    Diharap bloggers yang telah mengkritik YABhg Tun diharap lebih rasional dan bersikap sederhana. Kesederhanaan lebih baik dari bersikap fanatik. Makan vitamin berlebihanpun boleh mendatangkan kemudratan. Hayatilah amalan YABhg Tun; “makan ketika lapar dan berhenti sebelum kenyang”. “Tengah sedap berhenti”. “Ketika dipuncak kuasa, letak jawatan”.
    Semoga YABhg. Tun sekeluarga dirahmati Allah.

  251. Salam Tun & family,
    It seems that your post has opened the floodgates and now everyone albeit anonymously has an opinion on racism. As a malay I feel that much of what you have written is true though it may not be pleasing to non-malays. Like you also say, the weakness of the malays mainly is due to the lack of leadership by the present bastions of malay power ie. those in power in UMNO. I feel that as we have an affinity for our families so too will we be biased towards our own race. This is in general of course and I am sure each and every Malaysian has good friends who are not of the same race.
    But again Tun, however much we talk about this matter, it does nt solve anything, the govt still acts like it is ni denial though I am certain they know exeactly what they are doing. It seems your successor has been able to fool many people, including yourself and including his No. 2. What I and many others want to know is what can we do about it? The government machinery is much too strong for individuals to have any impact on it. Sad to say, Tun, youo must also bear some responsibility for this thru the implementation of quota for nomination in umno. I understand that at the time you had your agenda and did not want anything to get in the way of your implementing it. Now however it is being used to dettrimental effect. And there is little that those who are in UMNO but are not in power can do about it. I fear that the same fate will befall the ISA. Though its preventive powers are necessary, the use of such powers are at present largely discretionary. If nothing is done, than we may see the ISA being truly used as a weapon of aggression and oppression.
    Tun for evil to prevail, all that is required is for good men to do nothing.

  252. Salam Tun & family,
    It seems that your post has opened the floodgates and now everyone albeit anonymously has an opinion on racism. As a malay I feel that much of what you have written is true though it may not be pleasing to non-malays. Liek you said also, the weakness of the malays mainly is due to the lack of leadership by the present bastions of malay power ie. those in power in UMNO. I feel that as we have an affinity for our families so too will we be biased towards our own race. This is in general of caourse and I am sure each and every Malaysian has good friends who are not of the same race.
    But again Tun, however much we talk about this matter, it does nt solve anything, the govt still acts like it is ni denial though I am certain they know exeactly what they are doing. It seems your successor has been able to fool many people, including yourself and including his No. 2. What I and many others want to know si what can we do about it? The government machinery is much too strong for individuals to have any impact on it. Sad to say, Tun, youo must also bear some responsibility for this thru the implementation of quota for nomination in umno. I understand that at the time you had your agenda and did not want anything to get in the way of your implementing it. Now however it is being used to dettrimental effect. And there is little that those who are in UMNO but are not in power can do about it. I fear that the same fate will befall the ISA. Though its preventive powers are necessary, the use of such powers are at present largely discretionary. If nothing is done, than we may see the ISA being truly used as a weapon of aggression and oppression.
    Tun for evil to prevail, all that is required is for good men to do nothing.

  253. salam TUN
    saya rasa sebagai orang yang telah bersara, TUN tidak lagi terikat dengan mana mana pihak , oleh itu sebagai bangsa Melayu TUN berhak mempertahankan bangsa sendiri supaya tidak di perlekehkan oleh pihak yang masih tak pernah rasa cukup dan menuntut yang bukan bukan .
    Segala apa yang TUN curahkan dan bina malaysia ini untuk kepentingan bersama masih juga tidak dihargai mereka , jadi tak perlulah lagi kita bersusah payah untuk memuaskan hati mereka yang tidak tahu berterima kasih ini. kekalutan yang berlaku adalah disebabkan kerakusan mereka untuk membolot semua yang ada dan mengambil kesempatan atas kebaikan dan sikap toleran tuan rumah dan golongan majoriti, tidak ada negara di dunia ini yang melayan golongan minoriti dan pendatang berlebih lebihan seperti apa yang mereka dapat seperti di Malaysia.

  254. Salam TUN and readers,
    Syukur ada laman BLOG TUN, u make it clear what is the wrong doings by the UMNO and PKR….
    1. Cam anjing dan kucing MEREKA SEDANG BERCAKARAN dan
    2. GAJAH dengan GAJAh bergaduh KANCIL di Tengah menjadi mangsa
    and that is RAKYAT!

  255. Dear Tun.
    Everything that should be said, has been said. I can feel the tense in between races. Melayu mmg mudah lupa dan tidak berterima kasih. Sometimes I wonder why do we need to give subsidies and many more benefit to them if they don’t appreciate it?
    They choose to be lazy.
    They choose to be stupid.
    They choose to be left behind.
    They choose to be mat rempit.
    They choose to be drug addict.
    Perhaps, now it is time to change the policy for the Malays. Give the benefits for the Malays only to those who really worked hard and succesful.
    Jangan diberi lagi secara membuta tuli. Biar mereka rasakan. Nk dapat hak keistimewaan melayu, biarlah yg benar2 berjaya and berusaha keras sahaja yg boleh memilikinya.
    Otherwise all these benefit will be wasted. And country will never be develop.

  256. YAB Tun,
    What you say was perfectly clear. The current Government and a few opportunistic politicians try to capitalize on the issue by spinning it out of context.
    What you explain was not racist at all. In fact it was the most objective statement from a leader of the nation. The other leaders simply responded like morons to say the least.
    Anyway, the point is clear for all to see – DS Abdullah is incompetence in all the critical areas in leading Malaysia i.e running a political party, managing a multi ethnic political landscape, handling sensitive issues, motivating a nation, managing elections, managing the economy and most of all self appraisal.
    He just seemed clueless and helpless. Worse still, his yes-man right hand man seemed to have duplicated his incompetency almost flawlessly.
    It is very sad indeed that, in their desperate attempts to cover their incompetencies, they choose to highlight whatever in their paths that may help them towards that cover.
    You have put the ‘racist’ issue into perspective Tun. Keep explaining to the people and God willing people will understand.
    I can tell you the problem with Malaysia is not the people….its the morons that we somehow made the mistake to choose as our leaders. I hope come the next GE, we as the people of Malaysia will be wiser.
    God Willling.

  257. Assalamualaikum TUN.
    Selamat berpuasa dan selamat menyambut Hari Raya Aidil Fitri.
    TUN, mereka yang mainkan isu-isu panas sekarang ni baik dalam UMNO. MIC, MCA, Gerakan, DAP, PAS atau PKR ni, sebenarnya ada udang balik batu. Tahulah kan di Malaysia ni “LOMBONG EMAS”. Nak korek lombong ini kena jadi champion. Nak jadi champion kena ada isu-isu panas di bawa. Tu la ada yang sampai terlajak mainkan isu perkauman dan agama. Kekadang tu sikit je masalahnya tapi diperbesar-besarkan. Nak jadi hero.
    Love u always TUN.

  258. Mereka sebenarnya opportunis.Di tengah2 konflik mereka menyelitkan diri. Menyatakan disisih tetapi yang menikmati kemewahan berlebihan bumi tercinta ini sebenarnya mereka. Lebih teruk orang kita jadi driver, kuli mengangkat barang, pencuci pinggan.Lebih teruk ada yang rela diperalatkan demi kepentingan diri. Mereka bukannya merintih kerana sedih akibat ditindas tetapi sebenarnya terus menerus mengugut untuk mendapat sesuatu yang lebih. Kita mengakui sumbangan mereka memajukan ekonomi namun sumbangan itu bukan dipohon percuma. Pulangannya diperolehi menjadikan mereka raja ekonomi. Namun nampaknya masih tidak mencukupi.

    Actually Tun you shouldn’t even bother with this Pohon Maaf(2)…Anybody who read that with an open mind and non-racist heart will get what you’re trying to point out…As I’ve mentioned in my comment in the first article, Tun was not being racist but merely stating the current circumstances on how Chinese conveniently called other people racist when they themselves done things which are racist in nature as well as Malays are being oppressed to jaga hati org lain when the other party just attack attack and attack and some chinese politician using the Ahmad’s case as political mileage….AND THESE ARE PEOPLE WHO ARE THE SO-CALLED FAIRNESS CHAMPION
    Who brought up all these racial sentiment in the first place when last time it is almost non-existence? Who suddenly calls for abolishment of hak melayu without looking at history/ or doing some sort of analysis on the unique situation in Malaysia that maybe it cannot be done JUST YET..who are the ones who conduct a forum Memeluk Islam without even studying on Islamic rules (Chinese/Indian maybe flexible in their religion teaching that most can convert into whatever they want, but do they know that Islam is different to that – and do they even bother to know why such rules are made like that is islam and so on)…AND THESE ARE THE SAME PEOPLE WHO ARE THE SO-CALLED NON RACIST, PEACE LOVING
    But these people, who obviously a racist by thinking for not looking at the article in an open mind or from others’ perspective took the opportunity to lash out to you by calling you Malay ultra/racist…some even go to the extent of calling Malays pendatang themselves and suddenly become the defender of orang asli (when i know before this pandang orang asli sebelah mata pun tak nak)….They forget to mention about Kerajaan Melayu yg telah bertapak berkurun lamanya…If they really want to know how Malay feel about having to give (it is given not even earned), how would they like it if I suggest that we open citizenship to Bangladeshi and Indonesian immigrant as well since they also contribute a lot to the development of country (the situation is the same 51/52 years ago where Malays have to mengalah)..I’m for it as this way Malaysia’s muslims population will rise and I’ll be helping my muslim brothers/sisters (this is the same policy singapore did to increase the chinese population by admitting single chinese mum from China in the country)..
    In a nutshell, Malays shouldn’t be scared to be called racist as this is a psychological war to make us feel guilty and subsequently submit to whatever these people wants….Only Allah knows what in your heart and their heart(whether you’re racist or not)…but for me everyone of us is racist (proven scientifically) to certain extent but rest assured that at least Malays are not as racist as other people who try to take away what’s been agreed before in the name of GREEDINESS AND KIASUNESS

  260. Salam Ayahnda Tun, mintak maaf bahasa saya kasag, “DEPA TAK DAK TELOG” Sikit sikit mintak maaf. Bok keluag keris, mintak maaf, klip video rakyat seniri kena ketok ketampi, mintak maaf. Apa ni??
    Salam to Bonda Tun Siti Hasmah.

  261. Good-day Tun & Family,
    I have always respect you as one of the best leader that this country has ever produced. Like you said, you have done your best for this nation though in doing so you might have step over the line a little but history does tell us that all great leader does that to overcome certain obstacle before taking a great leap forward.In other words we all have to make sacrifice for the betterment of a nation.
    I notice that in your writing you are always concern about UMNO. Well forgive me if i’m wrong…but I do feel that the present UMNO is at a critical cancerous stage whereby you treat it you might kill it or if you don’t it will die eventually. The reason is corruption, corruption and corruption. Unless there’s reform within UMNO itself, reform the leaders’ election process etc, you stop corruption UMNO dies and if you don’t they will eventually be killed by the rakyat.
    So the only logical thing I could think of (again my apology if I’m wrong) is if TUN could do the unthinkable i.e. forget about UMNO and start promoting something Mutli-racial , anti-racism and anti-corruption.Start telling the parents where many like me still look up to your great leadership to tell their children about the essence of multi-racialism, anti-racism and anti-corruption in this nation. Use your influence to promote a anti-racism law that punish those that make racist remarks or those that does not help or hire a person because of racial reason etc.
    Thanks and happy Ramadhan Tun.

  262. Slam TUN.
    Setelah meneliti akan setiap perenggan tulisan TUN,dan membaca semua komen2 dari rakan2 dan lawan saya telah mendapatkan satu soalan ia itu ANGKARA siapa???
    Dan jawapan nya pasti ramai akan setuju. ABDULLAH BIN AHMAD BADAWI.pERDANA MENTERI MALAYSIA YANG KE 5.
    Dan terlibat sama menantunya dan penghuni tingkat 4 yang telah menceroboh (sistem) kuasa executive PM. Dan menjadikan nya kelihatan lemah dan tidak berkarisma dan tidak berwawasan.
    Segala agenda politik dan pentadbiran diurus selia olih orang2 ini.
    PM diberi bantal….zzzzz!!!!
    Kerana itu dia maseh dilamun mimpi2 kemenangan BN di PRU11.
    Sekian. Wallahwaalam…

  263. Salam Ayahanda Tun, besok (09-09-08) akan bermulanya peperiksaan UPSR untuk para pelajar Tahun Enam. Tahun ini juga adalah merupakan satu titik yang penting dalam agenda pelajaran negara kerana pada tahun ini juga kumpulan pelajar pertama yang telah dididik didalam bahasa Inggeris bagi mata pelajaran matematik dan sains mereka akan diuji tahap pendidikan mereka. Sebenarnya, kumpulan pelajar ini juga akan menjadi bahan kajian kepada pakar pendidikan dan juga tidak kurang sesetengah para ahli politik yang bertopengkan pendidikan. Setelah enam tahun mereka dididik dalam bahasa Inggeris bagi kedua-dua mata pelajaran berkenaan, pendedahan satu kajian yang telah diadakan oleh beberapa badan pendidikan tertinggi negara baru-baru ini telah membawa seribu-satu kerunsingan kepada para ibubapa dan juga pendidik. Ini adalah kerana kajian ini telah mendapati bahawa selepas hampir enam tahun pembelajaran dilangsungkan dalam bahasa Inggeris, tahap penguasaan bahasa Inggeris dikalangan pelajar Tahun Enam adalah jauh lebih rendah daripada apa yang telah disasarkan oleh kerajaan.
    Daripada keseluruhan 1,700 pelajar Tahun Enam yang diuji dalam kajian pendidikan ini, adalah didapati bahawa:
    1- Pelajar cuma mampu mendapat 7.89 / 20(markah penuh) bagi ujian matematik
    2- Pelajar cuma mampu mendapat 4.08 / 14 bagi ujian sains
    3- Tahap kefasihan / pemahaman pelajar bagi mata pelajaran Inggeris cuma lah pada tahap rendah 11.87 / 31.
    4- Sejumlah 780 pelajar didapati cuma faham “kadang-kadang” sahaja pada apa yany diajarkan kepada mereka.
    5- Sistem ini telah juga didapati gagal dalam tujuannya untuk meningkatkan lagi penguasaan bahasa Inggeris dikalangan pelajar apabila didapati Cuma 14% hingga 19% sahaja yang benar-benar berjaya menguasainya.
    6- Para pelajar Melayu diluar bandar serta Sabah Serawak (dan juga mereka yang dibandar) adalah golongan paling rendah tahap pemahaman dan penguasaan mereka.
    7- Cuma para pelajar Melayu/Cina/India daripada golongan keluarga berekonomi pertengahan-atasan sahaja yang benar-benar dapat menyesuaikan diri dan terus menyerlah dalam pembelajaran mereka.
    Rata-rata golongan pendidik yang terlibat didalam merangka kajian-kajian ini telah bersetuju bahawa pembelajaran matapelajaran matematik dan sains dalam bahasa Inggeris adalah sesuatu yang berketepatan dan wajar untuk menjamin kualiti dan daya saing modal insan negara, namun mereka mempertikaikan cara-cara pengimplimentasian kepada polisi ini oleh pihak-pihak berwajib kerajaan. Seperti yang ramai dikalangan ibubapa sedia maklum, kebanyakkan warga pendidik masih lagi belum dapat memberikan tahap 100% efisyensi kepada peranan mereka dalam sistem pembelajaran ini. Juga pihak Kementerian Pelajaran dilihat gagal menjalankan peranan eksekutif mereka dalam analisis, percaturan dan pengimplimentasian bebanan tanggungjawab mereka ini. Pada tahun 2004, kerajaan telah memecahkan Kementerian Pelajaran kepada dua entity: 1) Kementerian Pelajaran dan 2) Kementerian Pengajian Tinggi demi untuk memberikan lebih ruang dan lebih fokus kepada YB Menteri Pelajaran untuk menjamin kejayaan polisi ini.
    Hari ini cuma tinggal satu hari sahaja lagi ke UPSR, semua pihak sedang menunggu dan menantikan keputusan dan juga statistik program ini. Sesetengah pendapat yang telah diterima pakai oleh pihak KPM adalah pendapat-pendapat politik yang berkebarangkaliannya tersasar daripada erti sebenar isu ini. Dalam kemelut dan kancah dunia “globalisasi” negara kita amat memerlukan tahap modal insan kelas pertama demi menjamin kesinambungannya di masa hadapan dan juga hari ini. Oleh itu jangan lah disalahkan orang yang telah mengilhamkan polisi yang tepat dan penting ini, jangan dibuang kesalahan disitu dan kemudian dibasuh saja tangan.
    Tidak semudah itu. Ibubapa sedang memerhatikan dan menilai anda semua yang duduk selesa dicabang-cabang tertinggi bidang pendidikan negara. Seperti yang selalu saya perkatakan, kegagalan (minta simpang tapi jika ada) cuma perlu dijatuhkan kepada pihak Kementerian Pelajaran atas apa jua kelalaian dan kegagalan mereka (memang banyak), dan juga pihak kerajaan (lagi hebat banyaknya) kerana gagal menjadi “whip” terbaik pada polisi penting kerajaan dan sebagai instrumen pemantauan tahap kualiti serta komitmen dalam metodisma pengimplimentasiannya. Jangan lah cuma nak sibuk dengan “whip” parlimen sahaja. Banyak lagi jenis whip ada.
    Nah, dua isu yang berbeza, dan jangan nak disatukan kepada satu isu sahaja kerana ini akan hanya membawa kepada polemik politik yang tiada akan ada hujungnya. Apapun, marilah kita bersama-sama berdoa untuk kejayaan anak-anak kita semua. Kami juga memohon agar dapat juga Tun dan Toh Puan berdoa kehadrat Allah demi untuk kejayaan anak-anak kami semua. Terima kasih.

  264. Yg Bhg Tun,
    Jangan risau….yang penting di sini adalah untuk mempastikan melayu tidak dipinggirkan di negara sendiri seperti di negara jiran kita.
    Nampaknya kerajaan hari ini telah mengabaikan banyak tanggungjawab mereka terhadap isu ini.
    Bah kata Mr Linderman, “ada kala kita harus menghancurkan untuk membina”

  265. tun,
    apa nak buat nasi dah jadi bubur…..
    saya muda lagi tapi saya pun tak tahu nak buat apa??
    cerita pon tak tahu mana yang benar?
    tapi bila saya tua nanti mungkin saya tahu pasal apa??
    tapi semua sudah terlewat kot, ye benar!!
    di malaysia(malayu) yang tua nak jadi ketua?
    yang muda nak jadi hamba(kuli),
    yang kecil dinasihat ikut perangai orng tua,
    sebab tu lah ada nasihat orang2 tua.
    akhir sekali kita yang merana…. ha3333
    sebab minda macam orang2 tua… ha3
    walaupun masih muda….

  266. saya x faham situasi yang melanda malaysia sekarang.
    dlm media (tv): pelajar2 uitm buat demonstrasi pasal mempertahankan hak org melayu, org bkenaan buat kenyataan racist yang mengejutkan suma pihak. nampaknye mcm media nak tunjuk org melayu je yang racist ni. klu dprang buat mcm tu, dorg x mewakili kesuluruhan dpd rakyat melayu. The remaining Malay, tidak racist. Kami gembira berkongsi negara dgn warga malaysia kaum cina dan india, dan bumiputra yg lain. kami gembira dpt bergaul dgn mesra dan tinggal dgn aman damai dalam satu kawasan, bersebelahan rumah dgn mereka. tidak ada masalah utk menyesuaikan diri kerana that is the way dari 51 tahun yang lalu. Kenapa perlu masalah racist timbul lagi sekarang?
    betul ke hindraf ckp mcm tu tun? sy cadangkan agar tun clarify lagi apa yg hindraf ckp.. biar rakyat aware..

  267. Dalam entry ‘Pohon Maaf’, Tun telah menggunakan reason yang membandingkan situasi yang melibatkan sentimen perkauman dan cara kerajaan mengatasi situasi tersebut, untuk mencapai conclusion bahawa kerajaan sekarang sangat lemah dan tidak menjalankan tanggungjawab dengan baik dalam menguruskan perkara-perkara sensitif.
    Tun, ramai yang salah faham kerana tidak membaca secara kritikal dan tidak dapat membezakan reason yang digunakan untuk mencapai conclusion. Mungkin sistem pendidikan kita belum cukup bagus.
    Namun ada pula yang tidak setuju dengan perbandingan yang Tun gunakan, menurut mereka pelajar universiti tidak sama dengan seorang pemimpin. Hakikatnya, isu perkauman tetap isu perkauman, tidak kira siapa yang timbulkan. Persoalan yang utama ialah bagaimana kerajaan mengatasinya?

  268. Dear Tun,
    Agreed. It is not that the opposition won, but the sickening attitude of UMNO members/leader that is the downfall. Our concern is increasing cost of living, fuel hike etc…
    They never think about THE RAKYAT!


  270. Assalamualaikum Tun & sekeluarga..
    Disini saya terlebih dulu mengucapkan selamat menyambut bulan ramadhan yg mulia..
    Tun & semua pembaca saya ada sedikit pandangan yg ingin di kongsikan dari rintitan2 coretan Tun ini..
    pandangan saya.
    1)Dahulu masa kita kecik Ibu & Bapa kita berpesan begini ” nak belajar betul2 tau nanti besar buleh jadi menteri ‘ itu harapan ibu bapa dulu sebab ilmu tu penting sangat tapi sekarang ini’nak simpan duit tu nanti buleh buat belanja berkempen senang jadi wakil rakyat’duit tu lebih penting dari ilmu,nampak beza dahulu dan sekarang?macam mana nak dapat pemimpin yg berkualiti???
    2) Umno memohon ampun & maaf sebab melayu hanya pandai & berani sesama melayu jer bangsa asing tak berani, contoh yg senang kita kata org melayu kan handal ilmu santau tapi naper kita tak dengar pun bangsa asing kena santau asyik org melayu jer jadi mangsa?jadi pikir sendiri kemana arah kita & di mana kita berada?tak usah la nak pertikai kenapa TPM tu bengap sangat.
    Jadi Tun jgn susah hati ok..
    kenyataan Tun benar tapi kalau buleh tu saya amat teringin melihat Tun,Nik aziz & anwar ( org yg berilmu )duduk semeja berbincang supaya kita buleh bersatu, yang sudah2 tu sudah lah kita mulakan yg baru sementara luka masih kecil lg, gunakan lah bulan yg berkat & mulia ini sebaik mungkin.
    insyaallah semoga Tun akan jumpa jalan penyelesian.

  271. Hakikatnya setiap orang membaca cerita yang sama tetapi fahaman yang diambil berbeza, Kita tak akan tahu apa yang sebenarnya dalam isi hati Datuk Ahmad dan dengan niat apa beliau mengungkit perkara lampau yang tak akan dapat diubah.
    Yang nyata hanyalah semua pihak telah menangguk di air keruh dengan menjadikan isu ini bahan untuk menaikkan agenda politik masing-masing. Jika setiap pemimpin politik yang sedang memimpin masyarakat Malaysia kini betul bertanggungjawab dan mahukan Bangsa Malaysia yang lebih sihat dan progresif, sudah tentu dari awal-awal lagi suara seorang ketua bahagian begini tidak berlu diapikan lagi bagi menambah kusut masalah kaum Negara.
    Rakyat Malaysia tahu, dan seluruh pemimpin UMNO, MCA, MIC, DAP dan PAS tahu pekara asas yang membenihkan semangat perkauman, yang menidakkan pembenihan Bangsa Malaysia yang ikhlas adalah sistem pendidikan kita.
    Marilah semua rakyat Malaysia bersatu mendesak supaya semua anak-anak Malaysia bersekolah dalam sistem yang sama dari tadika hingga ke universiti. Jika sistem sekolah China itu terbaik untuk membina Modal Insan Malaysia yang paling kompetititif, terapkanlah sistem ini di semua sekolah. Mana-mana ibu bapa yang merasa perlu anak mereka didedahkan dengan sistem Cina, India, Islam/Arab — hantarlah anak-anak itu ke sekolah tambahan. Yang penting sekolah rasmi wajib bagi setiap kanak-kanak umur 6-16 tahun adalah satu sekolah yang sama sistem, sama aliran.
    Jika kita tidak beralih dengan segera, lebih ramai anak-anak Malaysia yang akan tercicir kerana seperti umum tahu yang amat baik dan cemerlang dari sekolah Jenis Kebangsaan dan Sekolah Agama hanyalah di Asram Penuh dan di bandar-bandar. Ramai anak-anak sekolah kebangsaan, sekolah agama rakyat dan Jenis Kebangsaan desa yang tercicir. Dan kanak-kanak ini lebih susah untuk menyambung semula ke sistem sokongan kerana tahap penguasaan bahasa mereka rendah.
    Satu lagi fenomena yang sedang berlaku adalah lebih bertambahnya jurang antara yang mampu dan yang kurang mampu — bagi kebanyakan yang mampu, bila mereka merasakan sekolah kerajaan tidak merangsang anak mereka dengan baik, mereka boleh beralih dengan menghantar anak-anak mereka ke sekolah swasta. Akibatnya anak-anak dari keluarga yang berada dapat bergaul dalam keadaan sihat dan majmuk di sekolah swasta, dan anak-anak di sekolah kebangsaan dan Jenis Kebangsaan di besarkan dalam persekitaran yang tidak mencerminkan kehidupan sebenar yang perlu untuk membentuk Malaysia yang kompetitif.
    Sudah sampai masanya Pemimpin dan Rakyat Malaysia bersatu dengan ikhlas supaya anak-anak kita dididik untuk bersatu dari kecil lagi — bukannya cengan cara ‘paksaan’ bila sudah dewasa dengan Khidmat Negara sahaja. Khidmat Negara mungkin lebih membantu untuk membetulkan satu-dua yang tersalah arah, tetapi untuk melenturkan buluh perlulah dari rebungnya.
    Rakyat Malaysia yang sayangkan Negara perlu menolak mana-mana Pemimpin kaum yang masih menegakkan pengasingan kaum di sekolah. Mereka telah ketinggalan keretapi.
    Latifah Daud

  272. Dear Tun,
    Stop being racist and try not to “spinned” the story by saying you were misunderstood and you hesitated to write etc.
    You were PM for 22 years its humiliating if you say you were misunderstood after you already made it clear RACIST remark.
    If you were to argue that apology is not necessary than perhaps the BN gov administrators can starts with using ISA againts Ahmad for his remark and claim its a national threat just like what you use to do to your political opponent.
    Mind you that Hindraf leaders are detained under ISA!

  273. .
    Thanks for reminding us Malays of The Other (3rd) propaganda/”myth” by your ULTRA-chinese’s TWIST & SPIN, ie. Hang Tuah not a Malay.
    – 1st SHALLOW PROPAGANDA, orang asli’s land
    – 2nd STUPID PROPAGANDA, Malays from Indon.
    For PROPAGANDAS #1 and #2, please refer to my answers posted above.
    For PROPAGANDA #3: The so-called research was done by some s’poreans… picked some random grave at Bukit China in Melaka CLAIMING that that was Hang Tuah’s, got some samples, &…. VOILA!!! Like SUDDENLY, turned out to be a chinese DNA &, IMMEDIATELY “claimed” that Hang Tuah is chinese…. How bloody stupid & biased a research, with RACISM running VERY HIGH at the back of those KIASUs, was that???…
    FYI, no one knew where Hang Tuah had disappeared to after he threw his Taming Sari KERIS into the lake. Some said he disappeared, some said he went to Pahang. WAllahu’alam.
    Laksamana Tun Tuah was a Malay & that “Hang” could’ve been a title given by the Chinese Emperor (just like his daughter’s, ie. Li Po), as Tuah & his 5 friends were Famous Warriors and ALSO act as Ambassadors for the Sultan of Melaka. They have gone to many countries including to Arab Saudi to do their Hajs.
    FYI, the Malays have always been well-known as Seafarers and I believe all of the later Sultans of Melaka (Sultan Muhammad and later) have gone to do their Hajs. Sultan Alauddin Ri’ayat Shah in fact, was killed in Pagoh after paying some respects (graves) before leaving for his long journey for Haj (he was about 33 years old when he died).
    (yes, it’s a normal tradition for the Malays here to visit graves during both Hari Rayas, Raya Puasa and Raya Haji)
    So, please just STOP being so Desperate in Wanting to believe some MALICIOUS story “created” Especially by some SHALLOW ULTRA chinese!
    hindraf??? – Weren’t they the ones who accused the Malays of doing ETHNIC-CLEANSING to the Tamils?
    – Weren’t they the ones who went ALL OUT Lying to the WORLD (internet, MEDIAS) about their Fellow Countrymen?
    – Weren’t they the ones who Even Went OUT OF MALAYSIA to England, India & whatever other places/countries to “sell” the Malays?
    And, you said IMPLYING that those hindraf group are “ok” CITIZENS????
    => it is not simply Trying to “justify” that hindraf and nameweewee are not “leaders”. Point is BOTH their extend of seditious & Malicious attacks on the Malays AS WELL AS on ISLAM is… TRULY Despicable.
    BOTH namewee’s & hindraf’s Malicious & Seditious ATTACKS are to the Whole Wide WORLD… & not to some Kampung Community in some Nothern part of Malaysia!
    Please think Objectively & Rationally on the Person’s ACTIONS and the DEGREE of “attacks”.
    #2. Whatever Ahmad said are simply Facts. And, one should Behave like a CITIZEN if one wants people to perceive/APPRECIATE one as one.
    Yes, him saying that (which are facts & not some lies) AFTER The Many UNGRATEFUL “citizens” THREW Malicious & Seditious “attacks” to the humble & VERY patient Malays.
    – Behave like a CITIZEN if you’re REALLY rooting for Malaysian Malaysia, whereby; you’d TRULY UNDERSTAND the Essence OUR Country’s Constition & Respect it just like your civilized “forefathers” who understood it.
    – Behave like a CITIZEN with the Objective of UNITY, PEACE & PROGRESS.
    – Behave like a CITIZEN if you don’t want people to STILL perceive you as pendatang living in your own SEGREGATED “world” in your own SEGREGATED “school”.
    To my FELLOW-MALAYSIANS (ie. TRUE SINCERE Citizens of Malaysia) such as:
    eduard, 121212, Firstborn, string, LKS, foo, seanlo, John G, wtc, Magician1980, white, alfresco, & Many More whom I can’t keep track;
    God Bless you True Sincere Malaysians for being able to:
    1. See the Bigger picture,
    2. Hear the Positive calls,
    3. Smell the Deeper message,
    4. Touch the Soft hearts,
    5. Taste the Winning formula.

  274. Tun,
    This racial debate should stop. Whoever is right or wrong?
    it should NOT be discussed in the first place.
    We should be looking at our back our self to see who we really are?

  275. Assalamualaikum Tun…..
    Semua parti dalam komponan parti BN adalah perkauman…..kecuali sebahagian daripada parti-parti komponan bumiputera dari Sabah dan Sarawak, kerana ahlinya adalah tidak tertentu kepada satu jenis bangsa sahaja….
    Parti UMNO untuk orang melayu dan bumiputera,
    MCA dan gerakan adalah untuk orang cina
    MIC adalah untuk orang india….
    Semua parti-parti ini termasuk Sabah dan Sarawak digabungkan dalam Barisan Nasional BN………untuk bangsa Malaysia.
    Tetapi isu ini semakin tegang sejak…..
    Pak La memerintah….
    Sejak Hindraf dan Majlis Peguam mempersoalkan soal bangsa melayu dan agama islam…….
    Sejak menteri dari DAP Pulau Pinang mahu menghapuskan DEB……
    Kesalahan adalah bukan kerana orang melayu atau UMNO, atau MCA ataupun MIC……ataupun mana-mana parti komponan.
    Orang melayu wajar mempertahankan bangsa dan agama mereka hanya kerana setelah mereka merasakan ada pihak lain mahu mempersoalkan hak orang melayu dan agama islam…………
    Tetapi saya melihat setiap hari kebangsaan, hanya orang melayu dan bumiputera sahaja yang ramai mengibarkan bendera Malaysia di kereta, orang cina dan india jarang saya nampak atau tiada………
    Dari sini bagi saya jelas orang cina dan india kurang petriotik kepada negara Malaysia berbanding orang melayu.
    Salam sihat untuk Tun sekeluarga, selamat berpuasa….

  276. Assalamualaikum semua!
    Setelah membaca hampir keseluruhan isu yg Tun bangkitkan dan membaca komen2 dari semua pembaca, rasanya tidak keterlaluan kalau saya katakan bahawa satu tindakan drastik perlu diambil memandangkan persefahaman majoriti atas sebab & punca kepada berbagai permasalahan yg timbul sejak kebelakangan ini, tidak lain dan tidak bukan adalah berpunca dari kelemahan kerajaan yg memerintah sekarang. Ramai yg berpendapat BN sebagai sebuah parti masih releven di dalam mewakili semua bangsa yg ada di Malaysia untuk 4 perdana menteri terdahulu. Begitu juga UMNO yg telah diterima sebagai parti tunjang di dalam BN untuk 4 perdana menteri sebelum ini. Semua sedia maklum bahawa BN tidak akan menjadi kuat tanpa sokongan padu dari parti2 komponennya. Yg pasti, bukan parti yg menjadi masalah tetapi pemimpin2nya. Ini nyata dan jelas dengan bukti & prestasi yg telah ditunjukkan, sehinggalah kepada kepimpinan yg ada sekarang ini. Satu usaha serta tindakan yg berani perlu untuk melakukan perubahan dari dalam. Lakukanlah sesuatu di dalam proses pemilihan kepimpinan yg sedang berlangsung sekarang. Kita tidak perlu takut untuk memperjuangkan sesuatu yg memang telah menjadi dasar parti, dengan mengikut segala perlembagaan dan peraturan yg ditetapkan. Hanya itulah satu2nya jalan yg paling hampir untuk melakukan perubahan. Memang akan ada halangan, kesulitan & tekanan yg akan dihadapi. Itu memang sesuatu yg sudah dijangkakan. Hanya kecekalan & keberanian yg tinggi dikalangan perwakilan yg diperlukan untuk menjalankan misi ini. Kenapa perlu takut? Perwakilan bukan melanggar perlembagaan & peraturan mesyuarat. Cuba fikirkan sejenak…….kenapa anda menjadi perwakilan? Disinilah titik tolak kpd segalanya. Mainkanlah peranan anda untuk memberi kesedaran kpd rakan2 perwakilan kali ini. Satu peranan kecil yg akan membawa perubahan besar. BUKTIKAN DENGAN TINDAKAN !!
    Saya yakin dan percaya….tindakan inilah yg Tun harapkan. Bertindaklah sebagai tanda sokongan & kasih kita kepada Tun, UMNO, Melayu & Malaysia!
    Tahniah juga diucapkan kpd Malaysian Vote (http://malaysianvote.blogspot.com) kerana inisiatif yg telah diambil melalui blognya. Saya pasti ia mampu menghasilkan sesuatu.
    Kepada Tun, teruskan perjuangan yg belum selesai. Percayalah, kami semua rakyat Malaysia dari semua bangsa & agama, akan terus menyokong Tun, tak kira atas platform apa pun. Terima kasih.
    Mohamad Fauzi Mariwim

  277. Assalamualaikum Tun.
    Sunnguh mwnyedihkan ketuanan melayu telah dipijak pijak oleh kaum lain. Amat memalukan pemimpin yang ada sekarang tidak dapat pertahankan ketuanan orang melayu. Walaupun tpm dah memohon maaf bagi pihak Ahmad Ismail untuk menenangkan keadaan namun barisan pemipmin mca dan gerakan belum berpuashati dengan sendirinya menunjukan siapa mereka sebenarnya.
    Wahai kaum melayu perhatikanlah tarian mereka dan berawaslah sebelum perkara yang lebih tragis menggilis kaum kita.

  278. Dear Che det
    I’m totally 100% agreeable with you, umno now has become so apologitic in every ways, example,last time, I don’t understand why hishamuddin have to do the same of the keris incident, why the other races are so sensitive about the malay culture, not umno problem if they don’t understand, but yet,we apologise,tak pa, you are not a racist but the malay champion, yes you are. Every race need a champion, pak lah not reliable, annuar???? don’t dream. Our country are still make up of various races, they is no such thing as a malaysian races, not in a thousand years, a race speak one language and one culture,here even some minister cannot speak proper bahasa…you be strong and may god bless you and your family. Selamat Berpuasa.

  279. There is not even an iota of doubt that you are a racist. Throughout your rule you had talked more about the well-being and welfare of one community. It’s common knowledge. Why then, Tun, you try to defend yourself and say you are not one. It’s a futile attempt to do so. No one believes you.

  280. Salam buat TUN sekeluarga
    Minta laluan sikit TUN.
    Kepada Pak Lah : Sekarang ni barulah Pak Lah tahu (tapi dia memang tak akan mengaku dan buat tak tahu) akan pentingnya apa yang dibuat oleh TUN dahulu dan akan kebenarannya.
    Maksud saya ialah mengapa perlu Lim Kit Siang di masukkan dalam ISA dahulu.
    Mengapa perlu Karpal dimasukkan dalam ISA dahulu.
    Mengapa perlu ada sekatan media untuk yang tertentu.
    Mengapa perlu tidak melibatkan keluarga dalam politik.
    Mengapa perlu Anwar terus dipenjarakan kerana membahayakan negara.
    Mengapa perlu tidak terlalu obses mengayakan keluarga.
    Mengapa perlu dengar nasihat TUN.
    Mengapa perlu Pak Lah turun dengan segera.
    Wassalam Tun.

  281. Dearest Tun,
    your words always inspire me. Dear Tun, it must be tough to be in your shoes. even in this blog, you really show your professionalism to even publish crappy comments that surely hurt your feelings. really miss your era whereby those time i feel very proud being Malaysian, proud having you as our Prime Minister. hope that DS Najib will be a charismatic PM, better than DS Abdullah AB, eventhough surely he can’t beat you. not yet a PM, obviously now he has to face Opposition’s & their follower who strongly believe that he is a murderer (lies repeatedly told resulting many to believe?).
    hoping that you will write your insight about future Malaysia, and what will be become of Wawasan 2020…

  282. Tun,
    Nampaknya UMNO sudah tidak relevan lagi.Tujuan dan hala tuju nya telah hilang entah ke mana.UMNO sekarang telah memusnahkan segala tujuan sebenar UMNO yang sebelum ini ditubuhkan.UMNO sekarang tidak lagi melihatkan keutamaan orang2 melayu,UMNO sekarang telah tidak lagi melihat kepentingan orang2 melayu,UMNO sekarang telah tidak langsung mendengar keluhan orang2 melayu sendiri.
    UMNO sekarang bukan lagi untuk orang2 melayu.UMNO sekarang adalah untuk orang yang mengapalainya sahaja dan untuk orang2 tertentu yang disukai nya sahaja.
    Maka itu,UMNO sudah tidak relevan lagi untuk dimegah2kan maupun dipertahankan.UMNO tidak lagi relevan untuk orang2 melayu.
    UMNO adalah wakil orang2 melayu.Apabila UMNO lemah,seumpama menunjukkan bahawa bangsa melayu ini juga lemah.UMNO yang begitu terlalu lemah sehinggakan GERAKAN dengan berani mengugut untuk keluar BN kerana GERAKAN tahu UMNO sekarang banyak bergantung kepadanya untuk bertahan sebagai kerajaan.
    Kita tidak boleh salahkan tindakan yang dibuat oleh GERAKAN.Sebagai komponen minoriti,ini adalah peluang terbaik bagi mereka untuk membuat sesuatu.Ianya boleh terjadi pada sesiapa pun.
    Hakikatnya, UMNO pimpinan sekarang yang telah mengizinkan ini dilakukan oleh GERAKAN.
    Perkara begini tidak pernah berlaku pada pimpinan UMNO yang sebelum ini kerana keutamaan pemimpin2 terdahulu ialah memperkuat dan memperkukuhkan perpaduan dan ekonomi orang2 melayu.
    UMNO kini tidak lagi relevan dipertahan atau dimegah2kan oleh orang2 melayu.
    Biarlah parti PAYUNG pun Tun,tubuhkanlah demi untuk orang2 melayu tapi mesti dipimpin oleh Tun sendiri kerana kalau tidak Tun,tidak ada orang yang layak membetulkan keadaan sekarang ini.
    Kalau “Ahmad” yang pimpin tak ada orang yang berani ikut kerana kurang keyakinan tapi kalau Tun yang pimpin,pasti ramai yang akan terut bersama Tun termasuklah saya sendiri.Kalau Tun tubuhkan,izinkan saya jadi ahli nombor 3 selepas Tun Siti Hasmah.
    Saya sentiasa mendoakan moga Tun terbuka hati untuk mempertimbangkannya demi untuk orang2 melayu Tun.
    UMNO ditubuhkan untuk orang2 melayu.
    UMNO bukan ditubuhkan untuk UMNO sendiri.Berhenti berharap dan berhijrahlah.

  283. Dear Tun
    Everything depends on the leadership of the day. A strong leader would not have allow or tolerate racially offensive remarks by his party members or by any members of the component parties. A strong leader would have make a stern policy regarding racist remarks or statement by his own party members and the components parties. Any issues pertaining to racial injustice or inequality should be discussed and resolved strictly indoor. Each component party is responsible to discipline their party members on the matter and should be held accountable for any infringement of the policy by their party members.
    If the remarks came from the opposition then the ISA and Seditious act should be used in an affective way. Im all for the use of the ISA as long as it can guarantee peace, harmony and stability in this multi racial country.
    The issue of `siapa pendatang’ is not much different from the egg and chicken debate. But the most important thing is to respect each other by respecting and honouring the agreement made by our founding fathers with respect to racial rights. Our founding fathers had agreed that the malay should be accorded a `special rights’ and at the same time the rights of the other races should be respected.
    The problem today arised when other races, sensing that the malay whom are politically weak and vulnerable began to question the special rights accorded to the the malay and even to the extent of having a forum discussing a sensitive issue pertaining to islam as the official religion of the country. And its only apt for the malay in defence of their rights began to question the rights or event the existence of other races as well. If this continues..where would this lead us?

  284. Tun , apakhabar?. Bagi saya bukan isu perkauman patut dibangkit kan oleh Melayu, China dan India pada masa sekarang. Sepatutnya isu ke-tidak bolehan atau ke tidak matangan pemimpin sekarang untuk guide ketiga-tiga bangsa ni untuk menuju puncak bukan untuk jatuh dari puncak. Buat orng-orng BN dan rakyat Malaysia, kalau sayang Malaysia , cari lah jalan untuk undurkan pak Lah secepat mungkin sebab lagi lama dia dok situ lagi syoklah anwar….atau kata lain…get ready lah untuk dijajah lagi oleh USA…..good luck.

  285. Dear Tun,
    If you realize most of the upper class people are sending their children to overseas with one thing stuck on their mind “Leaving the country for good” may it be Malays, Chinese, Indian, etc
    How can they have such thoughts? There must be a reason for them to have such thoughts. I must admit that most of those people are non-Bumis simply because “No special right in Aus/UK/US are always better than No special right in Malaysia”
    Non-Bumis are contributing to the country in all fields but what do we get in return? To be labeled as “Pendatang” which is sad to hear. With no special right on our side, we’ve to work harder than anyone else to earn a living in this land which is fair but if someone are not appreciating of what we’re contributing to this country please ask your ancestors with respect why they allowed pendatang to live in this land back then. They should not allow us to stay.
    I must admit that while you’re still a PM back then i have every respect for you simply because we can see your vision and what you’ve done for the country. At the very least Malaysian are proud to see Twin Towers, KL Tower, Putrajaya, Sepang, KLIA, etc during your era. But since you resigned as PM what does Malaysian see?
    Please treat non-Bumis as investors, what can Bumis do to convince non-Bumis to keep working hard and to contribute more to the country? Please let me remind all of us that Bumis has a very important role to play, how Bumis pull the string are up to them. If the non-Bumis Malaysian are not treated the right way how Malaysia are going to attract big investors to invest in Malaysia, i don’t know.
    Once the Bumis has stable down i have every reason to believe that non-Bumis will follow suit and Malaysia will move as ONE not a few.
    Thank You.

  286. 1.Kenapa kita perlu mempertikaikan kedudukan sesuatu kaum ataupun bangsa di Malaysia. Yg penting adalah kita perlu saling hormat menghormati diantara satu sama lain dari sudut beragama dan kepercayaan.
    2. Sesetengah pemimpin UMNO apabila bercupap atau membuat kenyataan tidak mengkaji perkara tersebut dalam semua aspek dan ia akan memberi impak serta kesan negatif daripada beberapa sudut. Sebagai contoh, bagi yg mempertikaikan kedudukan org Cina di Malaysia, sudah tentu Org Cina akan merasa marah dan terancam dan mula akan memberi reaksi negatif mereka dlm kehidupan seharian. Berapa banyak org Melayu pada masa ini bekerja di bawah Syarikat Cina dan berapa pula banyak Cina yg bekerja di bawah org Melayu????
    3. Kita tidak perlu berasa bangga menjadi Org Melayu jika kita tidak dapat menguasai ekonomi dan politik di Negara kita. Jadi, kenapa perlu kita duduk dalam selimut sambil melaungkan perkataan Hidup Melayu.
    4. Bagi org Melayu yg mempunyai semangat penjuangan Melayu, gunakan landasan yg tertentu bagi membela nasib org Melayu yg kini makin ketinggalan dibawa arus pemerintahan Org MElayu sendiri.
    5. Janganlah menjadi Isu perkauman sebagai batu lonjatan untuk permainan politik. Fikirkanlah apa yg akan terjadi kepada lapisan bawahan yg sedang bekerja dan mencari pendapatan daripada kaum lain.
    Apa yg terjadi semasa 13 Mei lalu jangan kita lupakan. Rakyat telah susah ketika ini dan mereka akan menjadi bertambah susah jika pergaduhan serta rusuhan berlaku.
    Apa yg penting kita semua perlu memberi Fokus kepada kestabilan Ekonomi dan Politik Negara bagi memastikan anak-anak serta cucu-cucu kita dapat akan hidup dengan lebih selamat, aman dan berjaya di Malaysia.
    Kita Semua Rakyat Malaysia. Melayu, Cina dan India adalah RAKYAT MALAYSIA. Tiada Kelas Pertama, Kedua dan Ketiga. Simpan Perjuangan Kita sebagai Semangat Untuk Kita Berjaya dan Menjadi Lapisan yg disegani di Malaysia.

  287. Saya cadangkan mula hari esok, melayu jadi cina, cina jadi melayu.
    lepas 3 bulan, kaum cina dan melayu akan lebih memahami antara satu sama lain.
    sayangkan antara satu sama lain, kita orang Malaysia bukan cina atau melayu sahaja.
    Wish peace always… 🙂

  288. Salam buat Tun & bloggers
    Saya yang tidak berapa pandai bahasa inggeris pun paham yang apa Tun cuba sampaikan. Bagi saya Tun bukan rasist tetapi seorang yang diketahui anti ketidakadilan, dimana orang bukan melayu boleh mengata/berbincang apa saja tentang orang melayu/ugama islam dan dalam masa yang sama orang melayu tidak dibenarkan berkata apa-apa untuk mempertahankan diri.Adakah ini balasan kepada sikap tolak ansur,sindrom tak apa dan PhD yang menjadi darah daging orang melayu.
    Sejak selepas PRU12 orang melayu telah banyak bersabar dan dengan kemenangan PR di 5 negeri tidak bermakna memberi lesen kepada orang bukan melayu mengata dan mencaci mereka.
    Dalam keadaan sekarang, hubungan antara kaum agak kurang mesra berbanding sebelum PRU12. Ini adalah disebabkan oleh ahli-ahli politik yang gila (gila mempertahankan kuasa dan gila merampas kuasa). Apakah dosa orang melayu sehinggakan dihukum begini rupa. Didalam kita menyambut bulan perayaan merdeka, jadikan pemimpin2 berbilang kaum yang terdahulu sebagai contoh dimana atas dasar tolak ansur dan waras berjaya menghalau British daripada tanah bertuah ini. Andaikata pada masa itu ada pemimpin2 gila, Malaysia tidak akan menjadi seperti hari ini.Sejarah membuktikan bahawa pemimpin gila telah membawa kemusnahan dan kesusahan kepada rakyat.

  289. salam tun dan slmt berpuasa.tahniah d ucapkan atas keberanian tun menegur kepimpinan negara masakini dlm pelbagai isu.usaha murni ini mesti d teruskan demi agama bangsa dan negara.syabas dan tahniah

  290. salam tun dan slmt berpuasa.tahniah d ucapkan atas keberanian tun menegur kepimpinan negara masakini dlm pelbagai isu.usaha murni ini mesti d teruskan demi agama bangsa dan negara.syabas dan tahniah

  291. Dear Tun,
    If Rakyat Malaysia keturunan Cina is considered as Pendatang, then the Malay should also fall into this category. Googling “Origin of Malays” shows that the Malay is originated from Yunnan, China. Therefore, if the Chinese is considered to be Immigrants, the Malay is no different as they are also originated from China. Probably, the only difference will be that the Malay leave China earlier than all the other Chinese.

  292. dear tun,
    i fully agree with Tun’s stand on Malay’s should be fighting for their rights. this is actually applicable to anyone regardless of race.
    however, i disagree with Tun for using a terrible & lousy example on why non-malay community members were not being penalized when issuing racial remarks or whatsoever.
    a better example should have been like on how Datuk Onn has fought gallantly against Malayan Union, etc..

  293. Hi Dr,
    Going through all the comments by bloggers, and of course my personal point of view, it looks (as a matter of fact) that despite all the ‘huhahs’ going on in our country, the 3 largest group of races, Malays Chinese & Indians remain living harmoniously. I too have many friends of different races, and the fact that we are all MALAYSIANS remains undisputed (and can never be). There are ppl who are too racists, but they are too minor in sense of group. And the minority largely comes sadly from our very own leaders, when they should be promoting unity instead of riot (another).
    The question on whether Malays are the ultimate in this country doesn’t matter now, it will nvr change.
    Picking an opinion from a fellow blogger, if at all Indians & Chinese were to be chased out of Malaysia, is that possible in reality? Indians & Chinese are Malaysian citizens too.
    We shouldn’t forget that all races contributed in achieving our Independence.
    My point is, I see Malays Chinese & Indians are united in many ways (the rakyat), but the Goverment & some corrupted leaders are the main pepertrator to racial disatisfactions, by distinguishing races & throwing hurtful remarks or deeds. That leads to hatred amongst Malaysians regardless of race towards one or another.
    Truth is, Malaysia needs every races, ethnics and what not (as present) to be called Malaysia.

  294. Tun,
    Jangan silap, pendirian saya adalah berikut:
    1) Orang Cina dan Orang India pernah menggadaikan nyawa untuk mempertahankan negara dari Komunis, Jepun dan yang paling akhir ialah British.
    2) Orang Melayu pernah bersama sama orang India dan orang Cina untuk membela nasib tanah air dari penjajah.
    3) Apakah tidak ada penghargaan kepada orang India dan orang Cina yang telah banyak berjasa dan sanggup menggadaikan nyawa untuk negara tercinta???
    4) Apakah ini balasan yang diberi kepada orang Cina dan orang India??? Sanggupkah orang Melayu untuk melabelkan orang India Malaysia dan orang Cina Malaysia sebagai pendatang asing??
    5) Adakah orang Melayu sendiri (tanpa pertolongan orang Cina Malaysia dan orang India Malaysia) yang telah berusaha untuk membangunkan negara selama 51 tahun ini?
    5) Ini, (memanggil orang Cina sebagai settingan/ “squarters”) tidak betul. Jauh sekali dari kebenaran.
    I hope you, Ahmad Saiful and UMNO will take back the statement of calling the Malaysian Chinese as squarters. If not, you will still be alive to watch the destruction of UMNO and BN, the very parties that stood to fight for our independence, 51 years ago. Don’t let UMNO be charged the death sentence by the rakyat.
    We are very disturbed and annoyed by what has being going on and we seek a very transparent explaination from UMNO and BN.
    If the BN can’t bail the citizens of Malaysia (be it Malays, Indians or Chinese), who else are you going to bail?? The squirrels? The orang Utans? The lizzards??????
    Don’t sit down and do nothing about the sinking ship. It has alredy hit the iceberg.

  295. Salam sejahtera Tun
    Saya benar-benar berharap pemimpin kita tidak kira melayu,cina atau india akan berhati hati apabila mengeluarkan kenyataan kelak.
    Sekirannya terlajak kata,minta maafla.berani buat berani tanggung.
    Saya benar benar sedih melihat keadaan negara kita sekarang.Ianya seperti tidak mempunyai hala tujuan.Politik menjadi kelamkabut sehingga saya sendiri tidak tahu untuk percayai siapa lagi.Semuanya nak berkuasa.
    Bukan saya sahaja yang merasa begitu,ramai lagi kawan saya sama pendapat dengan saya.Dahulunya saya merasa bangga dengan negara saya malaysia tetapi sekarang saya berasa amat malu terutamanya keadaan politik negara kita.
    Saya tidak berani utk fikir apa yang akan terjadi pada negara saya msia kelak sekirannya perkara ini berterusan.Adakah ianya akan “hancur”?
    Rakyat sedang hidup susah dgn kenaikan harga petrol dan kos sara hidup.Janganlah tambah masalah kita dengan isu perkauman lagi.
    Percayalah,tiada pihak yg akan menang dlm isu perkauman ini.Sekirannya ianya tidak ditangani, rakyat msia(tidak kira melayu,cina dan india)juga yg akan sengsara.
    Kita tidak kira melayu,cina atau india saling memerlukan antara satu sama lain.Melayu tidak boleh berkata mereka tidak perlukan cina,cina tidak boleh berkata mrk tidak perlu melayu.Begitu juga India.Setiap kaum mempunyai peranan masing masing.
    renung renungkan apa yg anda lakukan sekarang.Ingat, org melayu,org cina atau pun org india… mereka semuanya rakyat msia.Tiada satu pihak pun boleh dianggap sebagai “PENDATANG”.Istilah ini hanya wujud pada zaman sebelum merdeka dan BUKANNYA SEKARANG”.

  296. TUN,
    Baru baru ini ada tertulis dalam artikel di internet menyatakan bahawa parti DAP telah memberi sumbangan serta melulusakan sekolah agama rakyat. Mereka mengatakan bahawa sekolah agama rakyat amat penting bagi didikan pelajar pelajar melayu yang telah diharamkan oleh kerajaan pusat BN.
    Tujuan DAP menyokong serta meluluskan sekolah agama rakyat adalah untuk mengaburi peluang pelajar pelajar melayu untuk memajukan diri kearah kemajuan. Ini adalah kerana SAR telah diharamkan oleh kerajaan kerana pendidikan yang diberikan di SAR berunsurkan kemuduran dan perpecahan.
    DAP tahu bahawa SAR merupakan sebuah tempat didikan yang diterajui oleh PAS. DAP juga tahu dengan adanya SAR ini ramai nanti ibubapa orang melayu akan menghantar anak mereka disana. DAP juga tahu bahawa SAR tidak mendidik untuk memajukan diri sebaliknya akan merosakkan kemajuan untuk orang orang melayu. SAR juga telah terbukti memberi didikan sonsang- dan tujuannya ialah untuk melahirkan golongan-golongan pemarah.
    DAP mempergunakan teknik ini untuk menghancurkan kemajuan orang melayu terutamanya orang Islam dalam era globalisasi. Ia merupakan satu langkah untuk memastikan orang melayu menjadi “katak bawah tempurung”. SAR tidak melahirkan pelajar pelajar untuk berfikiran quality sebaliknya pemikiran pelajar pelajar ini akan tertutub. Maka dengan itu secara tidak langsung akan menyebabkan kemuduran dari segi akal pemikiran. Dan ini memberi peluang lebih luas bagi mereka untuk “control” golongan golongan ini.
    Kerajaan BN mempunyai sebab sebab tertentu mengapa tidak mahu memberi keutamaan kepada SAR. Kerana kerajaan BN tahu, SAR akan hanya membawa kemunduran dan akhirnya kehancuran untuk memajukan diri kearah yang lebih baik.

  297. Dear Tun,
    I think many M’sian chinese don’t regard China as their homeland otherwise they would have returned to China.All these racist talk make me sick.Some bloggers said “You started all these, Tun.”Now you started blogsite to get a million bloggers’ views.It’s a waste of peoples’ time too sebab apa kah Rakyat biasa boleh buat dari armchair? I believe you have a guilty feeling.
    Anyhow I will still pray for your soul ‘cos it will only go agst my God -fearing nature if I do otherwise.
    Many comments are badly written so I skip those that I cannot read.Kind of mind-boggling!.Too much internet work is bad.Tun it’s ok for you.You have many assistants to help out.
    Tun you are of almost same age as my beloved dad .My dad has long since retired & is not active in Politics.Tun, I wish you a very happy retirement.
    I understand that during Ramadhan orang penganut Islam mau buat biak dan tak boleh berdosa.Mau jaga lidah pun.Yah Tun??.Tingkah laku pun mau betul.
    Selamat bersara dan berpuasa.

  298. Asalamualaikum to Tun & family,
    I agree with you in total of what you had commented. Today’s leadership have nothing on their own stand except noting and bowing to pressures which keep them in fears of what will happen tomorrow.
    Sometimes I wonder any issue related to Malay, people try to fan it fast and start to talk about being more Malaysian but when come to asking more chinese schools they dont seem to feel that its a selfish thoughts and suddenly talks about being Malaysian dissappeared.

  299. Saya nak tambah sedikit tentang reaksi Ahmad Ismail. Jangan cuba calahkan media. Jangan gunakan tektik PUSING. Semua orang tak setuju (of course kecuali kawan2 nya). Kalau dia ada kata…sebelum merdeka pasti reporter (dan lain) akan dengar. Dia cuma nak PUSING. Janagn fikir orang lain tak nampak hakikat yg sebenar.
    Lagi cara dia bercakap memang kurang **** kata tak racist siapa yg percaya?

  300. Dear TDM
    There are so much talk on racial and social contract lately. It is indeed disheartening to know sensitive issues like this are still making its round. In the first place, this issue should not have sufaced and would have dissolved immediately, had the “chief” towed the line much earlier. Instead, such ruckus was left to drag on and on, which didn’t do the rakyat any good. No doubt such sensitive words were already spoken..in truth or in denial, damage has already been done. Therefore, an apology from the culprit is definitely in order. If not, at least strict and genuine disciplinary action should be taken by the party to ascertain such profanity does not re-occur.
    However, to BN Coalition..it was once told…
    Now is the time to stop making senseless warning about leaving the coalition with a big ‘IFs” … JUST LEAVE WITHOUT FEAR!!!
    And to the Government…JUST DO YOUR JOB RESPECTFULLY!!!
    The Rakyat will only support a Government with good Governance. cheers.

  301. Hi, Malaysia
    Orang yg salah, tak kira siapa harus didenda atau hukum.Ada orang kata dulu Wee Meng Chee,Hindraf dan sebagainya tidak minta maaf atau dilepaskan sahaja.Tapi jangan lupa Wee ada buat maaf,sekurang2nya diinternet,dimana semua itu berlaku. Dan ketua2 Hindraf pula ditahan bawah ISA.Bukan seperti yg dikatakan tidak apa apa. Jadi apa yg akan dibuat kpd Ahmad Ismail…Tuhan yg tahu. Jangan lupa, didalam kes kes yg lalu orang2 UMNO dll pernah lakukan perbuatan yg ganas dan diluar batasan seperti perhimpunan yg berbau ganas, hingga memanjat pintu masuk orang lain dan jerit jerit. Kalau macam itu mana orang mahu minta maaf. Nak orang minta maaf bersopanlah dulu.
    Lagi soalnya kenapa Ahmad Ismail nak timbulkan topik ini? apa gunanya? apa ajenda di sebalik batu?
    Orang Melayu harus maklum bahawa kaum lain bukan nak menyoal tentang kedudukan Melayu tetapi perbuatan segelintir orang menyakitkan hati orang.Ada hak istimewa pun bukan bermakna tidak perlu peka pada perasaan orang lain.

  302. ASSALAMUALAIKUM…AYAHANDA TUN dan salam sejahtera semua kepada para bloges semua…cuba kita fikir sejenak apa yang ayahanda TUN perkatakan didalam POHON MAAF(2)..Jika ANDA mengata ayahanda TUN “RACIST”.., saya rasa ada yang belum paham apa yang ayahanda TUN perkatakan…(lihat ke atas dan fikir-fikirlah).. SEMUA KITA hendakkan KEAMANAN,KEHARMONIAN DAN KESEJAHTERAAN HIDUP..,DIDALAM SEGELINTIR ANDA YANG MENGATAKAN AYAHANDA TUN “RACIST”.., cuba kita lihat sikap dan sifat segelintir ahli politik kita semasa di dewan PARLIMEN yang mulia..Bagi saya,kadang-kadang malu rasanya melihat karenah mereka seperti ANAK-ANAK kecil, bercakap benda-benda yang tak sepatutnya (FIKIR-FIKIRLAH wahai MP semua)..,janganlah menunjuk lagak,seolah-olah anda saja yang bijak dengan membawa isu-isu yang lama di ungkit semula,isu yang kecil di perbesarkan kemukakanlah hal-hal yang masuk akal dan masalah sebenar rakyat….,TUJUAN SEBENAR ANDA DI DEWAN PARLIMEN HARUS DI INGAT..,DISINILAH SAYA MERASA SIARAN SECARA LANGSUNG TIDAK BERAPA SESUAI,kerana akan ada berlaku salah tafsir rakyat dan putar belit fakta oleh segelintir ahli MP kepada rakyat..,OK, apa yang menyebabkan perkara yang kita katakan”RACIST” semakin panas diperkatakan adalah disebabkan sentimen yang di mainkan oleh parti PKR dan DAP,yang berusaha untuk menjadi pemimpin baru di “MALYSIA”..,jangan kita hanya pandai menuding jari kepada ayahanda TUN saja,cuba kita lihat lebih luas pemimpin lain yang ada pada hari ini seperti,DSAI,LIM KIT SIANG,KARPAL S, cuba kita lihat balik apa yang pernah mereka perkatakan..,semua kaum inginkan keamanan, TAPI janganlah mengapi-apikan kaum dijadi modal untuk menjayakan agenda politik.., fikir-fikirlah KUASA KEKAYAAN SEMUANYA PEMBERIAN “ALLAH”(tuhan)..,MENGAPA TERLALU TAMAK SEHINGGA SANGGUP MERACUNI KEHARMONIAN,KESEJAHTERAAN DAN KETENTERAMAN YANG TELAH LAMA DI NIKMATI…………….,,,,,,,,hairan aku, jika NIAT nak jadi pemimpin cuma nak berebut POPULARITI,GILA KUASA dan KEKAYAAN pada zaman ini,ANDA silap.., kini kami sudah bijak,jangan sampai kami menggunakan kebijaksanaan kami untuk menjatuhkan “ANDA”…Kepada Paklah dan rakan sekabinet carilah cara mengatasi masalah(PENTING SANGAT),belajarlah dari mereka yang terdahulu,jangan malu jangan segan,…,…,INGAT!!!!! HANG TUAH MASIH HIDUP,SELAGI TAMING SARI MASIH ADA…,SEMOGA DATUK MUKHRIZ BOLEH MENJADI HANG TUAH BARU DIZAMAN INI…,dan semoga suatu hari kita sama-sama jadi HANG TUAH…, berjumpa kelak datuk….,

  303. Gerakan is reviewing their role in BN.
    Others should follow suit.
    I believe Gerakan can do better outside of BN, and away from the weaknesses of Najib and PakLah.
    I believe PakLah should also leave BN, as it is now he does not have much support from his own Malay supporters, much less the non-Malays. After all, no one seems to be able to talk much sense into the PM. Or no one wants PakLah to correct his own errors so as that he would be known as a toothless PM.
    Let Umno Bukit Bendera division chairman Datuk Ahmad run Umno. Maybe he would sink the party faster within 3 months.
    I cannot wait to see these cretins running amok in Umno.

  304. Yang Dihormati Tun,
    Sekolah persendirian(SP) yang berteraskan kaum sebenarnya punca kepada masalah perkauman. Walaupun ada buku teks sekolah yang menghuraikan secara mendalam tentang sejarah lahirnya Malaysia tetapi kerjasama dan penghayatan SP diragui. Sesiapa sahaja yang memperjuangkan SP selain sekolah kebangsaan sebenarnya yang menggalakkan semangat perkauman dan tidak ikhlas bila berhujah tentang semangat Malaysia. Golongan ini mempunyai agenda sendiri. Masalah perkauman akan berterusan sampai bila-bila.
    Apakah akan wujud masalah bila anak-anak kecil dari berbilang kaum diletakkan dan belajar ditempat yang sama?. Jangan jadi pemimpin yang hipokrit yang bercakap tentang hak samarata, keadilan dan Malaysia sekiranya perkara yang paling mustahak inipun bertindak sebaliknya.
    Fikirlah sendiri orang-orang melayu…………

  305. Salam Tun…….Apa yg Tun perkatakan kali ini ada kebenaran di sebaliknya..Kita tidak boleh mempersoalkan siapakah yg betul & siapakah pula yg salah di dalam hal ini. Masyarakat Malaysia hidup berbilang kaum & agama. Cuma yg membezakan mereka adalah dari segi status bumiputera @ non-bumiputera. Hakikatnya masing2 hidup bagai aur dengan tebing andai antaranya sokong-menyokong tebing tidak mudah rebah, Hidup dalam suasana yg harmoni & saling percaya mempercayai sudah disemai tapi ada segelintir yg masih berfikiran fanatik, Setelah sekian lama hidup dalam iklim & adat resam ke ‘malaysian’ yg unik & tidak terdapat di dalam mana2 budaya di dalam dunia ini kebanyakannya faham akan natijah bahawa Malaysia akan hancur sekiranya semua kaum bergaduh. Namun begitu suasana kini telah berubah.sejak era globalisasi & kebanyakan masyarakat berbilang kaum kini lebih berfikiran matang..
    Apa yang Tun maksudkan ialah peminpin2 terdahulu begitu cepat menghidu isu2 yg berbangkit sekiranya ada berbau perkauman.. Sekiranya isu2 sebegini tercetus, pemimpin2 terdahulu dapat memperhalusi & mencari akar umbi (root canal). Tun sendiri berpengalaman menangani sensitiviti ini daripada terus merebak & menjadi semakin panas. Apa yg penting pemimpin2 terdahulu dapat menyelesaikan sensitiviti ini dengan idea berhemah.& tidak menyinggung perasaan kaum lain. Namun begitu terimalah hakikat Msia bukan lagi dihuni oleh spesis 3 kaum terbesar iaitu Melayu, Cina @ India tapi kaum2 Malaysiaraya dari indon, Bangladesh, Filipina & juga kaum2 lain yg terdapat di Sabah&Sarawak yg setengah2nya juga boleh dianggap sebagai bumiputera.
    Pemimpin sediada perlu bertindak pantas jangan biarkan dendam menjadi kesumat. Apabila nasi sudah menjadi bubur tiada gunaya lagi. Kota Melaka boleh dirobohkan angkara mulut badan binasa, sokong yg dibina ratusan tahun ranap binasa dengan sekelip mata atas sikap manusia yg durjana. Ayuh sedarilah…..HIDUP TUN MA

  306. Salam Tun,
    I am one of your admirers from across the causeway. I have always been a supporter for your “MEGA PROJECTS”. The first being the Proton….It has come a long way ever since. I am proud of it though I am not a Malaysian (but my grandparents and parents were Malaysians. And my wife is a Malaysian herself).
    About Mr. Anwar…Thank you, Tun. It’s good riddance. I wonder why people are supporting that hypocrite! He had almost sold Malaysia in 1998-1999.
    Thank you for your vocal displeasure towards the westerners whom I see are keen to bullying the Asian. They are not our masters anymore!
    With regards to the recent issues of racial displeasure, I have to agree with you that it takes a great leader to ensure racial tensions and displeasures are contained. However, the remarks from the Bukit Bendera UMNO leader is uncalled for.
    Though Mr. Abdullah is weak I still think that he is the only one that can rectify the solution. Malays should rally around him not because of him but for the country itself.
    Corruption cannot be eradicate unless the people thenselves fight together. Just imagine a driver caught speeding. He will try to bribe his way through. This kind of action itself is like condoning or encouraging bribery and corruption. So it is an effort of everybody. If only Malaysians can think this way. To stop corruption will takes time. EVEN ANWAR CAN”T DO IT IN 1 DAY!!
    Anyway Tun, I hope to see someone like you will rise before that ANWAR sell the country.
    Lastly, All this while everybody benefits from the bumiputera rights. May it Malay, Chinese or Indian. However, the Malays need to rise collectively, contribute collectively and always put the country before self until one day we are above other races in terms of education and economy.
    To all other races, forgive me but Malaysia is Tanah Melayu. This is the only Malay Land. We can’t go to China and expected to be treated with priviliges. Also the same if the Malays go to India. We won’t be treated the same…… Just remember that even though the Malays are the bumiputeras but never other races are treated like second class citizen like me as a Malay in my own country across the causeway….

  307. Tun,
    Perhaps, Tun will be kind enough to give your definition of a racist and racism in your subsequent post.
    Many thanks.

  308. Tun,
    1. Saya amat bersetuju dgn Blogger Poh Soon yg mengatakan bahawa bukan orang Melayu yg hilang influence di Malaysia tapi UMNO sendiri serta parti-parti seangkatannya yg hilang tempat di hati rakyat oleh kerana keangkuhan pentadbirannya….
    2. Jika Pak Lah tidah dapat ‘melihat’ dan menilai betul-betul mesej rakyat 8 Mac dan Permatang P, MUNGKIN 16 September merupakan satu-satunya cara untuk membuka mata Pak Lah serta pemimpin2 negara ni….
    3. Saya berasa orang Melayu sebenarnya semakin dihormati kaum lain di negara ni terutamanya Melayu yg hard working, think far, respect others, genuine…. seperti Tun sendiri…. jika kaum2 lain benar-benar racist, kenapa pulak kaum lain amat hormati Tun, jika melihat komen-komen dlm blog ni….
    4. Bagi saya, negara ni sebenarnya mempunyai ramai pemimpin2 Melayu yg berkebolehan tetapi mereka ni kurang berminat dalam politik. Ramai golongan ini adalah ahli profesional yg berpelajaran tinggi serta mempunyai pengetahuan yg luas seperti yg diharapkan oleh Tun….
    5. Dan bagi mereka yg berminat dgn politik dan berkebolehan tidak mendapat tempat dalam UMNO, jadi mereka ni menjadi pemimpin-peminpin dalam PAS dan PKR. Dan imej yg dipapar dapat diterima dgn senang oleh rakyat sebagai harapan baru kerana ‘how worse can it get if i choose this youthful Wakil Rakyat compare to the current UMNO leaders?
    6. Saya tidak akan terkilan sekiranya parti PAS menjadi lebih relevant buat orang Melayu dalam masa 5 tahun dari sekarang setelah pemimpin2 tertinggi PAS sekarang berundur dan digantikan dgn golongan profesional yg sememangnya dah mendapat tempat utk menerajui parti PAS dalam masa terdekat….
    7. Sebenarnya ramai orang Cina di negara ni bukanlah supporter Anwar Ibrahim… tetapi bagi mereka who else can they choose from dan seperti di atas, how worse can it get?
    8. Saya ingin menambah komen seorang Blogger dalm chedet.com, Orang Cina hanya gunakan politik utk mencari wang dan jadi lebih produktif sebab mereka bukan Bumiputra, orang Melayu guna politik utk politik sebab politiklah yg memberi kekayaan paling direct dan senang, tak perlu kerja kuat. Inilah sebenarnya dilema Tun, dilema Melayu….
    Apa dah jadi sampai negaraku jadi macam ini?

  309. Salam Sejahtera Untuk Tun Dan Keluarga.
    Tun sebenarnya perkara ini mudah sahaja.
    Malaysia dan rakyat nya jadi begini kerana pucuk pimpinan yang tidak bijak dan berwibawa.
    Untuk menyelesaikan perkara ini tidak lain dan tidak bukan PAK LAH MESTI UNDUR. INSHAALLAH SEMUA AKAN KEMBALI PULIH.
    Susah lah Tun kalau orang berdendam dan tak terima kasih.
    ikut lah sifat murni Tun yang tidak berdendam.Kalau lah Tun berdendam Pak Lah tak menjamah pun kerusi Perdana Menteri.
    Tun jaga kesihatan GOD BLESS YOU

  310. Yang dihormati, ayahanda Tun…
    Semasa menuntut kebebasan daripada British, semua kaum bersatu kerana berkongsi satu tujuan yang sama, iaitu kemerdekaan. Ketika dibawah pimpinan Tun, rakyat sekali lagi bersatu demi mencapai satu matlamat, menjadi negara maju melalui Wawasan 2020.
    Pimpinan AAB yang lemah menyebabkan semua kaum mula bertelagah. Kini semuanya kembali menjadi individualistik, bagai enau dalam belukar melepaskan pucuk masing-masing. Bersaing dalam keadaan yang tidak sihat.
    Izinkan saya memetik semula rangkap yang telah Tun tulis lebih kurang 12 tahun dahulu, dalam puisi yang hingga kini menyayat hati saya, “Perjuangan Yang Belum Selesai”;
    Tugas kita bukan kecil
    Kerana mengisi kemerdekaan
    Rupanya lebih sukar dari bermandi
    Keringat dan darah menuntutnya
    Lagi pula apalah ertinya kemerdekaan
    Kalau bangsaku asyik mengia
    Dan menidakkan,
    Mengangguk dan membenarkan,
    Kerana sekalipun bangganya negara kerana makmur dan mewahnya
    Bangsaku masih melata dan meminta-minta di negaranya sendiri
    Bukan kecil tugas kita
    Meneruskan perjuangan kemerdekaan kita
    Kerana rupanya selain memerdekakan,
    Mengisi kemerdekaan jauh lebih sengsara

  311. Dear Tun,
    To label Malaysian Chinese or other non Malays as ‘pendatang’ is not only racist but is to deny the basic decency and respect that millions of patriotic citizens their birth right and their allegiance. There is no other countries that we Chinese could go to. We did not choose to be born Chinese in Malaysia. We work hard. We speak the national language because we were educated to be be Malaysian. We pay taxes. We contribute to the development of our country. We cheer the Malaysian team against China in the recent Olympic badminton finals. We can not go back and change history. We are what we are and we are the product of all the choices our forefathers had made. What we could do is to build a strong country that leverage our differences. The minorities of this country are not challenging the special rights of the Malays as they pertained to the guarantess in the Constitutions. We just want to be given the respect and equality that all citizens deserve.

  312. Salam Tun,
    I fully agree with thethinker.
    Let’s think for a sec: What is to be proud of Proton being a ‘Made in Malaysia’ car if everyone can only associate Proton with inefficient management and poor quality automobile producer? I would rather Proton run by someone (a Malay, Mat Salleh, Indian or Chinese) who is capable to bring proud to the rakyat.
    Similarly, as a pendatang Tun contribue to the nation building. This is the true spirit of a Malaysian and we are proud of as our Prime Minister (regardless of your origin)
    Unlike Ahmad Ismail (a bumiputra) who is only associated with graft, narrow-minded and incapable of anything else.
    Malaysian need to be open minded if we are serious about making Malaysia a world class 1st world country.

  313. people… kenapa ada sekolah pelbagai bangsa???????
    kan senang..kita punya asas penubuhan and perpaduan is INTEGRASI
    INTEGRASI mean…suburkan identiti n budaya setiap kaum and hidup dalam satu negara secara aman dan tenteram..so cut all the crap..be a MALAYSIAN…stop all the nonsense.. kita rakyat biar bersatu..biarla ahli politik mainkan agenda…kita tak kisah…malay cina and india is MALAYSIAN…so, KEEP HOLDING ON> LOVE YOU ALL

  314. wlow,
    Malaysia adalah Tanah Melayu!
    Hak2 keistimewaan Melayu bukan diberikan kepada Melayu – Melayulah yg menetapkan dan mempertahankannya. Kerana tanah ini tetap Tanah Melayu. Mujur Perlembagaan memberikan hak kewarganegaraan kepada bangsa pendatang lain pada masa itu. 13 Mei berlaku kerana hak2 ini dirampok oleh bangsa yg tamak dan tidak mengenang budi – bangsa yg “diberi betis, nak rampas paha”!
    Betul, toleransi bukan sebelah pihak tetapi keuntungan sentiasa di pihak bangsa lain – Melayu ketinggalan sebahagiannya kerana toleransi ini. Kalau ada kedai Cina dlm suatu pekan, ada org Cina membeli di kedai Melayu?
    Menyebut 90%tax keluar drp hotak meterialism, bukan nationalism. 300% contribution sekalipun tidak bermakna sesuatu bangsa itu sayangkan negara. Itu pun hasil penguasaan ekonomi dan perahan kekayaan – lebih 50thn dahulu, Melayulah yg memberi peluang dan membenarkannya. Tax contribution itulah yg kononnya bg mengaji utk melayan kerenah ‘mereka’ di jabatan2 kerajaan, utk menjaga harta dan kepentingan ‘mereka’ dan membela/menyara ‘mereka’ di hospital2?
    Ya, bangsa Cina dan India patut rasa amat bertuah. Dan tidak patut selalu menuntut maaf drp tuan tanah yg telah memberi peluang dan hak sebegini banyak.
    p.s.: Gerakan dan MCA hendak keluar drp BN? Sudah dijangkakan – pembelot. Dan jelas, bila keadaan nampak merugikan, mereka berfikir tinggalkan BN – selfish!

  315. Salam Tun
    I have been following your blog consistently since the beginning and found it very interesting and thought provoking.
    I am a Malaysian graduate student currently writing a thesis with a working title of Malaysian Democracy and Governance. Part of the thesis will focus on affirmative action and new economic policy as well as the current development of malaysian politics.
    I wish to have the opportunity to be able to interview Tun as i believe it would further enhance the quality of my thesis. Unfortunately, other than the blog itself, I am unsure on the appropriate method on how to contact Tun. I hope that Tun would not deem that this is too forward or rude and would kindly consider my request.
    I am more than willing to submit a formal request letter detailing the thesis outline as well as my personal details. I would be grateful if you could instruct me the appropriate way to request the interview formally.
    Melorina Kamaruddin
    MA Candidate
    International Peace Studies Program
    Graduate School of International Relations
    International University of Japan

  316. Tun,
    Ramadhan Kareeem!
    1.Saya dok hairan laa nih sebab kenapalah politik sekarang jadi teruk sangat.
    2.Yang DSAI kata dia kena fitnah, org. sumpah merata-rata, Pak Lah & Najib ada cerita busuk masing2….awatlah depa nih tak boleh nak kerja untuk bagi maju negara bagi elok2?
    3.Zaman Tun dulu pun banyak isu tapi taklah teruk serupa lagu nih.
    4.Mungkin rakyat sekarang dah mula naik besaq kepala nak tunjuk sapa jagoan… untuk apa dan siapa.
    5.Bagi saya PRU12 dah selesai, yang mana suara ramai nak kene lah ikut.
    6.Lagi satu kenapalah semua yang nak masuk politik, pastu buat untuk “perut” masing2 besaq…niat pun dah tak betui; yang nih kena ubah segera!
    7.Kalu macam DSAI and family saja, kalu duduk diam2 makan pencen anak-beranak pun dah senang, tuduhan yang telah dan memang berlaku pun dah terlepas; apa nak lagi???..nak buat porak-peranda negara sendiri…hei Brutus betui la depa2 nih.
    8.Saya rasa Tun boleh amik peranan yang strategik, deal betui2 ngan Pak Lah, kukuhkan parti, cari cara terbaik (selama nih bukan ke banyak penasihat2 yang cerdik-pandai, mana depa nih semua?…jangan harap kat 3K tuh depa tuh bantah-barut lagi dan hidup untuk perut je, rakyat apa depa peduli!Harta berjuta 7 keturunan makan tak habis!)
    9.Tun, duduk lah semeja dengan depa2 nih, selesaikan cara baik dengan penuh hikmah, saya rakyat kecik nih tak senang tidoq malam sebab ketidak-tentuan politik, ekonomi dan sosial sekarang nih yang amat meruncing.
    10.So,pikiaqlah dalam2 untuk u all semua (ramai yang baca nih-semua puak ada), jangan jadi lagu nih. (Pak Lah pun satu, awat ler ego+ketegag sangat tak mau bincang ngan Tun (tengah duk idup lagi nih bukan kaa…dah takdak sok, menyesai tak sudah..sorry Tun kata lagu nih) ini tidak, sume jasa2 Tun depa nak cuba delete or dalam bahasa komputer Ctrl+Alt+Del!
    Malaysia nih dah best dan penuh nikmat dari banyak segi, boleh tambah-baik lagi, jangan lah rosakkanya.

  317. Dear Tun,
    Just to share some great remarks about you that keep hoovering in my mind and many of my friends be it Chinese, Indians and others, especially now when you are no more our PM..but somebody is!!
    1. When I was in Phnom Penh in late ninetees, the people of Cambodia considered their country was treated just like ‘the fourteenth state of Malaysia’. They had so much respect on you being the Malaysian leader who was so concern in getting neighbouring countries to prosper.
    2. When I was in Jakarta way back in late eighty, I met a group of Bowian and Javanese people. Their remark on you was such that almost half of developement in their place was simply caused by a person named Dr. Mahathir…. that was the kind of recognition they had on you.
    3. When touring European countries like UK, Germany, Netherland, Italy, Germany, Switzerland, Vatican City and France in 1994, whenever we stopped for refreshment at the R&Rs, we were asked where we were from. The moment we mentioned Malaysia..the spontaneous remark we heard was ‘ Malaysia!…Mahathir!..you were very lucky..if only that he is our Prime Minister/President’. Thereafter, we had to exchance our Parker pens with their cheap ball-point pens!!!
    4. Way back in the eighties, neneties and late twenties..whenever we, the business people met over glasses of teh tarik and roti chanai and talk about the country and politics (non whatsoever related to racial isues!!)..it always ended with such a conclution ‘Comeon..why we worry, let Tun takes care of the country, he knows what to do ma..whatever decision he makes, at the end of the day..he surely right ma and everything will be back to normal..sure one!’
    The above amongst others, had somehow made us so proud to be Malaysians..we were recognised and to some extent being respected by the people of the world, making our presence well accepted by them..even the Aussies and Americans!!
    During your tenure as Prime Minister..we Malaysians felt so secured especially the manner in which you handled all sensitive issues and crucial moments.. mainly those involving economics downturns and political browls!!
    For those who had accused you of being a ‘racist’ or ‘malay-ultra’..please do some reading..look at the nine challanges that need to be properly addressed towards achieving Wawasan 2020..only then all of you, those who don’t even bother to read and find out about anyhing to really understand the kind of Leader we should have missed!! Moreover with the current senario..just think weather that could be achieved and how much we would lose once delayed.
    To that Tun, just find a way for the rest of the leaders especially UMNOs and BNs to put some sense into Pak Lah’s head that his best contribution being a PM now is by stepping down and hand over the leadership to DSN or else just wait..Agong may have you to take the lead again!! So Tun, do take very good care of your health and keep fit with your routine..but not so much on horse riding ok!!
    Frankly, Dear Tun…we do miss ‘colourful moments’ during your leadership…if only you could make a comeback!
    May Allah Blessings be with you and family always. Insyaalllah.

    By sham on September 6, 2008 4:16 PM
    just to answer your doubts and remind you what you may have forgotten. In your tenure no one i mean no one can, knowingly or unknowingly say, publish, dream,or talk, against your policies or statements for fear of untold misfortune would befall his him/her and her family/ies.
    So if you say there was no racial slurs during your tenor in leadership that was because everything was done underground and what you saw was what you wanted to see the perfect malaysia where everything was serene.
    The present premier would be recorded in history as the MAN who took on challenges head-on, and started the transparency of the MALAYSIAN GOVT. GOD BLESS HIM.

  319. Dear Tun,
    Retirement is just not retirement if you keep messing around with country matters now. You wanted to retreat from politics, then, don’t make comments that defame one or the other.
    A blog is a mere mass media, but when its on the internet, it spreads like wild fire. What a blogger expresses cannot be taken back, therefore, bloggers need to think before typing something that causes conflicts.
    We might not know of your intentions, but whatever it is, thoughts need to be processed through the brain before letting it out.
    Selamat berpuasa.

  320. Use to respect Tun Dr.M but i guess at that time i was dillusioned by the media. Never realise how many great mistakes you make. ok, i know u brought us twin towers, klia, sepang circuit. With your due respect, i think in your 22 years in charge, is that all you can give us??? If there is much less money-wasting activity involved, i believe we will be way better than most SEA countries. Dr.M always take pride in these mega projects but over the years i believe he can do more than just this few. Of course,if he opted to do more, more “money activities” are involved. The fact that you handpicked your successor than later condemning him is atrocious. Definitely, he had learn a few tricks from you too. I use to think in 2003, what happened if Dr.M to step done, what will happen to the government?? You are the only one capable of leading the country. BUT knowing and being exposed to the other side of the story now, i’m just glad you went. You apologised that you menzalimi anwar b4, if that is true i believe ur sin is beyond redemption. People have children and wife while he melingkup in the prison.
    i’m not the supporter of Anwar. Far from it. but i have no choice to just opt for opposition because BN is no longer fighting for Malaysia.
    Dont take for granted that the predecessors of BN leaders brought us Independence, BN could continue ruling the country. We were fighting a common enemy then.

  321. Assalamualaikum Tun,
    When a nation is under serious threat, it is the duty of every able bodied men as young as 14 yrs old to be called-in to serve to defend their country from the aggression of the enemies. A country will collapse and paralyze when turmoil and kiosk happen due to unwelcome invasion of outside forces. Killings of women, children, rapes and genocide will happen. It is a very frightening and confusion situations which, nobody likes to see it happen right here in-front of our doorstep. All government machineries and logistic prepared during peaceful time will not be enough to stop the aggression even with the help of the army, navy, air-force, police and other uniform groups without the total sacrifices and undivided loyalty of the citizen of the country.
    However, if the political situations in Malaysia is under serious threat of collapse due to unresolved differences from the different parties within the government which vastly have been accused by the people for being corrupt and greed, this may lead to the take-over of the present government by the oppositions who are unfortunately by far has no experience in running this country. This may cause turmoil and kiosk too, mistrust among the various races, jeopardise economy, no racial harmony, more corruptions will happen, higher inflation and the whole country systems will be disarrayed. Greed will remain, crimes will be rocket high, security of the people is threatened and no proper developments will take place. More jobless and country gradually will collapse.
    So, what will be the solution?
    It is none other than to call for a National Service to the Nation. Famous, confident, proven leader and Prime Minister who MUST serve the country to put all matters in order. This is a National Service call to protect the nation’s racial harmony, economy, security, and future generations from being dismantle after 22 years of truly visible and proven ruling in nation buildings. Regardless of his age and health situation, he is required to serve his country. This is a MUST as there is nobody else who is capable to run this resources rich and developing country. He must be the one who is respected and trusted by the people by all major races in this country. Willingness to put things in the right track and improve further to promote harmony, internal security and develop towards vision 2020 target as planned.
    In my opinion, Dr Mahathir Mohamed is the MAN and the exact ex- Prime Minister and the only choice of the people. He is the leader who will bring the peace and prosperous life back to normal. Under his leadership all grievances and unhappiness among the people will settle down and NEW waves of business opportunities, jobs availability, low inflation, world class educations, stronger economy, respectful law and order, respectful high court, truly fair knowledgeable judges, highly regarded trust worthy police and new major project developments will emerge. A NEW generation of Malaysians will rebirth. Highly educated, professional, maturity in thinking, good humane mentality and respected by the world citizens.
    But how to implement?
    Honestly, it is all up to you, the 6 million people and more in this blog who supported him a former great leader, Prime Minister and son of the soil of this beloved country.

  322. 8. I am not defending nor do I like what Ahmad Ismail of Bukit Bendera said. It does not contribute to lessening the tension between the races.
    I have read and re-read the above sentences from para 8 of Pohon Maaf (2). Yet I have not been able to decipher from the sentences whether Tun actually agrees with Ahmad Ismail’s statements or not.
    OK, you will not defend Ahmad Ismail for what he said. And yes, you do no like what he said.
    But do you actually agree with what he said? You appear to have cleverly avoided this point.
    Given what was said in Pohon Maaf, I would have thought that Tun could have made your position clearer.
    Many thanks.

  323. Malaysia is 51 years old, well generally for most if not all 51 year old human beings, the maturity, wisdom and life experience can already be considered as seasoned, and most probably admireable. Sadly, that’s not the case for the comparison for our beloved country. The more I think about what’s happened in the last few years, the more my heart is getting sour and eventually, bitter. Malaysians = a united race. That’s what I was told and educated by my teachers and basically, that’s what I see personally. Then why all this talk about Chinese vs Malay, or perhaps Malay vs the rest of the non-Malays? Chinese, Malay, Indians, etc…this is to me, ethnicty, like it or not we have all fought, struggled, survived and lived together for so many meaningful years. We have progressed nonetheless, so admirably under Dr. M, yet so many criticized him. I just want to say what I have kept in me for a very long time. The development and progression of a nation all come with a price. It’s just a matter of, how big the price tag is? Dr. M had turned this little (potato like country, south of Thailand, north of Singapore – That’s what Malaysia was known to my foreign friends about more than a decade ago), into a well known, respected nation. Yet, what’s happening now? The whole world is looking at this nation as a sick joke. I just hope the people of Malaysia, if you call yourselves Malaysians, start waking up and look around, what have you done to progress yourselves, not yet your country, but yourselves. What have you done to ensure you’re useful to the building of this nation? If you cannot answer yourself satisfactorily, then I suggest you look again and stop your whining and complaining. Wake up! Other countries who struggled through heaven and hell have progressed so much while we’re stuck. I don’t suggest what actions should be taken against someone who is not sensitive enough and make irresponsible racial remarks, but a leader who is not sensible enough, how do you call him/her leader? It’s like, if the father is the head of the family, and keep telling the children this X race is bad, evil, stupid, blah blah blah… it’s a chain reaction…all hell will break loose one day. Therefore, a leader is still a human, and everybody makes mistakes, for God’s sake, if one is at fault, just apologize. Why would he need someone to apologize on his behalf? Unless, he’s still trying to snake himself out of the situation by saying he was misquoted, etc? Come on, be a man, if you said something wrong, just say sorry… instead of singing Elton John’s Sorry Seems to be Hardest Words…
    All in all, Dr. M is just saying what he thinks he should say, that’s what we call freedom of speech. Freedom to express your views, not to be thought as freedom to call names or condemn others. Stop acting childishly, again look around and look into mirror, with all your whining and complaining, what have you done???
    My sincere wishes and prayers for Dr. M and his family, your efforts in making what Malaysia is today definitely will not always be candies to everyone, but most importantly, you delivered the results. I have total respect for you, may God bless you for many years to come and stay healthy!

  324. Tun,
    Ahmad Ismail is really a coward with no ball. There were several eyewitnesses who could confirm that Ahmad Ismail did name-call the Chinese Malaysians “penumpang” (squatter), which is a term even worse than pendatang (immigrant) when going into the ears of the Chinese Malaysians. However, he now tries to deny that he did say that word “penumpang”. He did ask the Chinese Malaysians to go back to China but now he claims that he never said that. He just wants to twist and turn now in order to avoid further trouble. That shows that Ahmad Ismail is really a big liar cum opportunist.
    If all the Malay contestants want to win in UMNO party election, then I hope Tun can call upon the Malay contestants not to attempt using the racist tactics again. Their racist tactics will not only shoo off most foreign investors from Malaysia, but it will also force the non-Malays to divest their assets in Malaysia and flee to overseas capital market in order to avoid the Malay facist nuisance! Tun please watch up for yourself since your several sons are still betting a very high-stakes in Malaysian stock exchange market. The Malay racists’ poisoned shrimp tactics in fishing on the UMNO political gain will eventually hurt the Malay tycoons more than anyone else! Just bear in mind that the non-Malays shall not be turned into a scapegoat again when the financial status of the Bumi companies are to be deteriorating and falling into the classification of “PN4” or “PN17” in the Malaysian Stock Exchange since the Malay racists are the culprits who ask for the economic disaster.
    Even such a nice Malaysian Chinese political leader as the acting president of Parti Gerakan, Dato Dr. Koh, is considering withdrawal from Barisan Nasional’s membership. How many friends can those people in UMNO get now if they are to remain as a racist party?
    Tun, please form a new political party with your own political influence and don’t ever get bogged down with the present UMNO which has already lost its reputation and credibility to continue as a respectable dominant party in Malaysian politics. Forming a new party will be an easier and cleaner way for you to build up another political empire which will sooner or later be chaired by your beloved clever son, Mukhriz Mahathir. I think the name “Parti Mahathir” will sound much nicer than “Parti UMNO Moden” for the new party since with the name “Parti Mahathir”, Tun does not need to continue living in the dark shadow of UMNO. And with “Parti Mahathir”, Tun will have a much stronger assertion to portray yourself prominently with the massive support from your mundane followers.
    Do you want to give the “Parti Mahathir” suggestion a serious thought, Tun?

  325. dear tun,
    can you let me say something in your blog to our current PM,since there is no avenue on the Internet for us to let him know our concerns and also our pains at what recent events have led to.
    dear Hon. Prime Minister,
    YB Dato Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi,
    What news we can know of your leadership and we can read about are from ours newspaper and less than favourable views from the Internet written and espoused by bloggers, RPK, Tun Mahathir and many others.
    I am a 41yr old Malaysian Chinese and after what I have read from news about the callous remark of YB.Ahmad Said and reaction of your trip to Penang – I must say this, as a citizen of the country, this is the last straw that breaks the camel back,
    I have seen with great hyprocrisy, about you talking about reporting the truth and also the inaction of you to discipline UMNO leaders such as the MB of Terengganu, and knee jerk reaction of announcing you will do something and reversing the decision 24 hours later. Are you really in charge of the country or not?
    The truth is as much as I can see, you are just ignoring whatever that is going around you. As for as I can see, if someone like RPK is going around to defame your government and your DPM, the first correct action is to seek justice in the court of law and if you are right, you may sue him to his bankruptcy and even jailing him for sedition. But there is no action to prosecute him but attempts to scare him into submission by the Police. If RPK is in Singapore he would have lost his home, his website and jailed and later go begging on the streets just like Jeyaretnam.
    Your lack of affirmative action or rather total inaction and brushing off attacks by doing nothing, reflects that you are hiding the truth and making a spin of the truth.
    To be honest, Mr. PM you are lucky to be in Malaysia as most of us Rakyat are not into extremes. If you was in a Thirld World nation, there would be assination attempts or coup detat of your government and a civil war.
    I do not blame or even dislike YB.Ahmad Said for what he said. He did what he did due to his reality around him and you have much to blame for not stopping this issue the moment it cropped up. You left the issue to fester until the Chinese make it a big issue.
    You have time and time again fail to think the far reaching effect of a event affecting the Rakyat and taking immediate corrective action. I read somewhere that you could not even contact the YB.
    It is a big joke and laughable when your own newspaper, reported that. A PM is not in control of his communications and called the person on the phone. If I was you, I would have kept my mouth shut as it is real embarassing!
    There is trully no collective decision, consensus in whatever your Government is doing. It is dire straits. I have seen this coming when your Mid Term Review came into publication. A lot of economic goals were off target and I suspect the stats are not right also. I shuddered to think what Truth is – if Price Waterhouse is to audit the MTR. Are you just taking the day off – like all the MPs for a study tour?
    Do you know why there is incessant blogging and negative perception of yourself and the rest of the Cabinet? I tell you the truth – I can say that Mr.PM that you are lazy and indecisive. You may be having the view that you are working hard but I can say that you are not at all. Your Cabinet ministers are like a band of keystone cops (remember the slapstick police after Charlie Chaplin?). Everyone is doing his own thingy and messing up.
    Running a country is a lot of work and the decent thing to do if you hate the job – well, you know the answer. The history book will write you off badly judged by the Rakyat’s perception of you. It seems harsh when Malaysians only remembered the few bad years and not the good that you did.
    But with so many detractors around you and your own inaction – you will be responsible for all the blame and final outcome, if issues dragged on. It is just like a snowball, becoming larger in size rolling down a slope.
    I have met you and once admired your sense of diplomacy from your dinner speech at PPP event in KL. I have only sympathy for the turn of events as you have buried UMNO and BN due to your laziness and work ethics. Many Malaysians and people on the street do not like you and have voted against you. The longer you wait, you risks the choice of a force departure than a graceful exit.
    KT Kong.

  326. …..
    Heboh di akhbar di Jakarta, ANWAR IBRAHIM buat kenyataan akhbar di jakarta dalam acara silaturahminya dengan ICMI dan Ormas Islam di Menara Bank Mega Jakarta, sabtu kelmarin, bahawa undang Malaysia tak berperikemanusian…
    “Ditanya mengenai hukuman rotan TKI(Tenaga Kerja Indonesia),Anwar mengatakan hukuman rotan kepada TKI iligal adalah tidak berperikemanusiaan, dan akan dihapuskan bila beliau menjadi PM”
    Ditanya tentang TUN MAHATHIR, kata Anwar:” Mahatir Mohammad itu sudah tua uzur, omongannya sudah tidak bisa dipegang lagi”
    Apakah tindakan seorang AP boleh memperlecahkan undang-undang Malaysia, memperlecahkan TUN tokoh negarawan Malaysia di pentas dunia…?????
    Apakah jenis rakyat Malaysia dan Melayu Anwar Ibrahim ini…????
    Kami merasakan Anwar Ibrahim tak tahu keadaan sebenarnya undang-undang Indonesia berbanding Malaysia. Beliau hanya sedap berkata-kata dalam LAKUNANNYA selama ini.
    Kami rakyat Malaysia yang berada diJakarta terasa MALU seorang AP memperlecehkan Malaysia di luar Malaysia.
    Salam perjuangan

  327. …..
    Heboh di akhbar di Jakarta, ANWAR IBRAHIM buat kenyataan akhbar di jakarta dalam acara silaturahminya dengan ICMI dan Ormas Islam di Menara Bank Mega Jakarta, sabtu kelmarin, bahawa undang Malaysia tak berperikemanusian…
    “Ditanya mengenai hukuman rotan TKI(Tenaga Kerja Indonesia),Anwar mengatakan hukuman rotan kepada TKI iligal adalah tidak berperikemanusiaan, dan akan dihapuskan bila beliau menjadi PM”
    Ditanya tentang TUN MAHATHIR, kata Anwar:” Mahatir Mohammad itu sudah tua uzur, omongannya sudah tidak bisa dipegang lagi”
    Apakah tindakan seorang AP boleh memperlecahkan undang-undang Malaysia, memperlecahkan TUN tokoh negarawan Malaysia di pentas dunia…?????
    Apakah jenis rakyat Malaysia dan Melayu Anwar Ibrahim ini…????
    Kami merasakan Anwar Ibrahim tak tahu keadaan sebenarnya undang-undang Indonesia berbanding Malaysia. Beliau hanya sedap berkata-kata dalam LAKUNANNYA selama ini.
    Kami rakyat Malaysia yang berada diJakarta terasa MALU seorang AP memperlecehkan Malaysia di luar Malaysia.
    Salam perjuangan

  328. Dear Tun,
    Greetings and Salutations.
    Even before you wrote minta maaf (2), I had guessed your actual rationale for writing the first one.
    Could have been so much better if the first one was not written and only minta maaf (2) had been written.
    I know you didn’t intend to hurt the feelings of the other communities, but a “banana kick” always seems to hit the wall.


  330. The existance of ppl like “Temenggung” will ultimately lead Malaysia to the ancient time and possibly becoming like Zimbabwe.
    Anyway, I belief majority of the Malay and Malaysian are matured and NOT racist at all. Moreover, ppl like Temenggung will never be successful nor becoming a good leader. Relief!

  331. Salam kepada YAB Tun dan rakan2 bloggers,
    1. Kenapa mereka tidak mahu bersekolah bersama-sama orang melayu di
    sekolah kebangsaan? Kenapa mahu kekalkan kecinaan tetapi mahu
    sama taraf dengan orang melayu
    2. kenapa masih ramai yang tidak tahu bercakap bahasa melayu? (spt
    cina di Indonesia bercakap bahasa indon, cina di filipina dengan
    tagalog, cina di thailand bercakap bahasa thai)
    3. kenapa apabila parti pembangkang menang di kuala lumpur dulu,
    Mei 1969, kaum cina dan india mencarut, menunjuk
    kemaluan,menghina dan membawa penyapu untuk ‘menghalau’ orang
    melayu keluar K.L.? Kenapa sebelum ini boleh berurusan dengan
    orang melayu dengan baik? walhal dari zaman kesultanan melaka
    kaum cina dan india diberi layanan baik oleh orang melayu. kaum
    cina dan india boleh tinggal di kampung2 orang melayu. Tetapi
    tiba2 bertukar menjadi orang yang lupa daratan apabila menang
    pilihanraya…adakah motif mereka berbaik2 dari dahulu hanya
    4. kenapa pertikaikan kontrak sosial? kenapa sebelum
    mendapat kerakyatan bersetuju dengan kontrak tersebut?
    5. kenapa persoalkan kedudukan istimewa orang melayu?
    6. kenapa merasuah orang melayu? ini sama seperti orang putih
    rosakkan kaum cina dengan candu.
    7. kenapa sabotaj orang melayu dalam bisnes? (tiba2 saja menaikkan
    harga barang apabila kontraktor melayu maju, menyorok
    stok…supaya bisnes melayu mati)
    8. kenapa setiap kali UMNO menghadapi masalah spt dalam PRU 1999
    apabila ramai melayu menyokong anwar pembelit dan PAS, parti
    komponen cina dalam BN membuat demand kepada UMNO? Ini
    opportunis, bukan kawan.
    9. kenapa semasa pihak ekstrem spt hindraf kelas rendah menghina
    melayu, pemimpin kaum cina dan india sokong mereka?
    10. kenapa semasa pariah council menghina melayu dan Islam, kaum
    cina backing pariah council?
    11. kenapa pemimpin parti cina dlm BN ‘menghina’ UMNO dengan
    demanding maaf (kes di permatang pauh) tapi menolak pohon maaf
    oleh Najib? Saya rasa sudah merupakan satu penghinaan si Najib
    mohon maaf, tapi lagi kurang ajar apabila pemimpin kaum cina
    demand yang lain pula, seolah2 Najib is nothing to them. INI
    12. kenapa orang melayu pulau pinang dipinggirkan? kenapa pulau
    pinang nampak seperti hongkong? Just becos you have the power?
    13. kenapa harga barang yang dijual kepada orang melayu lebih mahal
    daripada yang dijual kepada kaum cina sendiri?
    14. kenapa di dalam kerajaan ada kaum cina yang pegang jawatan
    tertinggi tetapi dalam swasta (lebih2 lagi bukan GLC)top
    management majoritinya kaum cina? lebih pandai ka?
    15. kenapa profesional kaum cina banyak lari dari Malaysia dan
    tinggal di luar negara? kesetiaan mereka juga saya sangsi…
    16. kenapa persoalkan penglibatan remaja cina dalam khidmat negara?
    kenapa yang ramai volunteer masuk khidmat negara adalah orang
    Tun, for speaking out loud, yes I’m a racist, but how I wished I can truly trust the chinese and the indians in this country. The extremes betrayed the malays’ goodwill and trust.

  332. When ALP formed Government of Australia, taking over from the Liberal/National Coalition long term administration, one of the first acts of Prime Minister Rudd was to appologise to the Indigenious communities by improper government handling of the past…
    extract of his words were “….To the Stolen Generations, I say the following: as Prime Minister of Australia, I am sorry. On behalf of the Government of Australia, I am sorry. On behalf of the Parliament of Australia, I am sorry. And I offer you this apology without qualification. We apologise for the hurt, the pain and suffering we, the parliament, have caused you by the laws that previous parliaments have enacted. We apologise for the indignity, the degradation and the humiliation these laws embodied. We offer this apology to the mothers, the fathers, the brothers, the sisters, the families and the communities whose lives were ripped apart by the actions of successive governments under successive parliaments. In making this apology, I would also like to speak personally to the members of the Stolen Generation and their families: to those here today, so many of you; to those listening across the nation”
    There were mixture of reactions, mostly applauding, some still standing by theme of principal – why should the present Government, and more importantly the current PM appologise for misdeeds of another era, another government, another parliament…
    I originally felt the same sentiment of the latter group – why should the PM appologise for something he himself was never party to.
    But I later realised, that as a leader of a country, you can’t heal rifts if you don’t heal wounds. You sometimes have to become humble and appologise for another, so you can start getting people to cool down before they loose their heads completely and further flame the issue causing severe damage in long run.
    But Mahathir doesn’t think so. Mahathir has become this aloof and irresponsible person who doesn’t realise the mechanism of community, and how an unproductive comment from one person in an organisation could reflect on the organisation in whole.
    In the case of the DPM and the PM appologising for someone of their party, under their leadership, who has uttered poorly constructed remarks, I commend them. I commend them because they have the right idea to first calm things down. They have the right idea to set the record straight that the sentiments uttered by this individual, is not one shared by them or the party/community in general. The appology was their personal offering, and of their party, and I find it amusing that Mahathir would continue to politicise anything and find “shit to stir for lack of better expression”, especially when he has no respect for the august body that kept him President for 22+ years.
    Mahathir has been ranting about everything that PM Abdullah gets involved in, and keeps harping on PM Abdullah’s corruption. But the best is he has not come out to make an official complaint and report to support his accusations. What is the evidence he so makes these claims on then?
    And I find it disgusting certain groups of Malaysians have jumped on this bandwagon, and rather ask Mahathir to declare those evidence, just blindly support him and criticise the PM.
    So what say you – Should Mahathir put his money where his mouth is, or should he be allowed to continue his unproductive rantings?

  333. Salam Sejahtera Tun,
    I think these lame stupidity, constant denial and fact twisting of these people should stop as an act of self-respect. I pity their ancestors, them and their future generations. I hope they could be more grateful and respectful after knowing and having them as neighbours, friends, colleagues etc. for so long.
    Good Day Sir!

  334. Tun,
    I don’t think it is wrong for DPM to apologise. Since that Ahmad fella is a member of UMNO, what DPM did is very courages. For this I salute him and perhaps he can make a very good PM after all. A parent will usually apologise if their child has been naughty or did something wong. Usually the child will be asked to apologise too and perhaps a canning when he goes back. In this instance the child has no respect for his parents and is indeed “kurang ajar”.
    To all the chinese:
    Please don’t get upset over the remark as you should believe in yourself. Why bother when a idiot make such a remark. Just forgive him as he got no brains. There are better things to do than to ponder over these issues.
    The leaders have apologise. Let bygones be bygones and concentrate on making malaysia a better place to stay.
    Rgds and God Bless

  335. salam tun,
    saya sokong 100% tulisan tun, saya percaya semua orang melayu sokong tun. Cuma paklah tu buta perut, bodoh yang hanya mementingkan diri sendiri. Saya harap tun sahaja sekarang ini yang boleh menyelamatkan orang melayu. JANGAN BIARKAN PAK LAH MEROSAKAN ORANG MELAYU.

  336. [PART 3]
    17. TUN, dalam kemelut politik Malaysia sekarang ini, yang Allah beri saya nampak dan yakin, Dgn izin Allah satu-satunya pemimpin yang dapat satukan kembali orang islam yg telah jd berpuak2 ini ialah salah seorang syura yg mengendali dan menerajui kerja nabi/kerja dakwah yg berpusat di Masjid Sri Petaling. Sy katakan begini krn jika sekiranya, pemimpin selepas Pak Lah dr kalangan UMNO, tetap orang islam dr parti lain akan marah krn mslh yg dihadapi oleh UMNO sekarang. Jika pemimpin dr PKR iaitu Anwar jd PM, pasti orang islam UMNO akan perangi habisan. Jika sekiranya dilantik dr kalangan orang PAS, pasti UMNO dan PKR akan tentang. DAP pasti tentang habisan2. Kemelut takkan habis.
    18. Jadi untuk buat semua orang islam tenang dan bersatu, pemimpin yg meneraju orang islam dan negara ini mestilah yg orang yang bukan dr berlatar belakang politik. Dia mestilah orang yg berpengalaman puluhan tahun meneraju satu kumpulan orang islam di negara ini. Di belakangnya semestinya orang yg ikut dan taatnya puluhan dan ratusan ribu orang dlm menggerakkan kerja nabi di negara ini. Dia juga mempunyai hubungan dgn syura2 yg gerakkan kerja nabi/kerja dakwah di setiap negara seluruh dunia spt negara2 dari benua Amerika, benua Eropah, benua Afrika, benua Australia dan benua Asia. Pada hemat saya, Allah beri dia kemampuan utk satukan kembali umat islam di Malaysia ini sbgmana Allah gunakan Nabi saw utk satukan Aus dan Khozroj di Madinah. Keinginannya utk melihat manusia menjadi baik sbgmana yg Allah mahu sejak dr kecil telah mendorong dia utk bersusah payah utk usaha menghidupkan kembali kerja nabi yg telah ratusan tahun orang islam tinggalkan sehinggakan dia dgn izin Allah mencipta satu alat utk perubahan sikap manusia dr buruk jd baik.
    19. Kepimpinannya dan pengalamannya dan kebijaksanaanya susah nak disangkal krn utk meneraju kumpulan dakwah/tabligh bukanlah satu kerja yg mudah krn kebanyakan orang yg menyertai utk lakukan kerja nabi ini kebanyakan dr kalangan orang yg ingin berubah kpd baik dan mempunyai byk masalah dlm kehidupan. Kalau calang2 orang, tak mampu utk menanganinya,krn pelbagai ragam manusia yg ingin berubah dr buruk iman amal kpd baik iman amalnya. Memimpinnya menuntut sabar yang tinggi dan cerdik serta bijak utk menangani setiap mslh yg wujud dlm kerja dakwah ini.
    20. Sepengetahuan saya, TUN sendiri telah dilawatinya baru2 ini dan TUN telah terima hadiah drnya dgn buku yg berjudul ‘The misunderstood jewel of the last century’
    21. Pada hemat saya, bila masa yg Allah tentukan berlaku tidak lama nanti, Allah akan angkatkanya utk memimpin orang islam dan negara ini. TUNlah orang yg paling sesuai dan layak utk menjadi penasihatnya krn berpengalaman meneraju negara ini selama 22thn. Dan TPMnya adalah Tan Sri Muhyidin krn dia adalah amat cocok digandingkan yg disebutkan diatas krn beliau antara pemimpin negara yg Allah bg taufik jaga agamanya dgn baik.
    22. Semoga Allah selamatkan kita dr pemerintah yg zalim yg didalangi oleh yahudi yang mahu hancurkan islam pd 16 september ni.
    Wallah waklam…

  337. Dear Tun,
    This is got nothing to do with SRJKC or SRJKT. Those who say vernacular schools should be closed down are mere opportunists. If that was true, then UiTM must be open to all Malaysians, religious school must not be allowed to operate, so on and so forth. If we are all for a single curriculum, then we must do it right from the start. Unlike UiTM, SRJKC and SRJKT are open to all races. BN’s candidate for the Permatang Pauh by-election went to a SRJKC and that was trumpeted throughout the election campaign as something truly remarkable. If anything UiTM nurtures more racism than SRJKC or SRJKT. In this age of globalisation, I say, we should allow our citizens to learn as many languages as possible, even Hebrew if you could just put aside your prejudice and hatred towards the Jews. No wonder Malaysia is heading for a cul-de-sac. Malaysians are too narrow-minded, both the public and those government.

  338. [PART 2]
    10. Orang bukan islam mesti menerima kenyataan bahawa keistimewaan yg org islam di negara ini dapat bukan kerana melayunya tetapi kemuliaan yang Allah anugerahkan krn bangsa melayu beragama islam dan mereka merasakan kemuliaan agama islam sehinggakan memuatkannya dlm perlembagaan negara ini dan meletakkan agama islam sbg agama tertinggi di negara ini. Allah lah yang muliakan orang islam di negara ini yang majoritinya adalah melayu. Begitu juga keistimewaan Allah kpd orang islam dr bangsa2 lain krn kemuliaan dan keistimewaan itu datang dr Pencipta langit dan bumi yakni Allah kpd yg setiap beragama islam.Sekiranya orang melayu negara ini tidak amalkan islam dgn betul lagi, akhirnya Allah tidak akan kurnia kemuliaan lagi spt yang berlaku kpd negara2 islam spt Bosnia, Afghanistan dgn Allah hantar orang yang buruk iaitu Amerika yang bersekongkol dgn yahudi menguasai mereka wlpn berdoa depan Kaabah pd Allah mohon bantuan, Allah takkan bantu. Ini krn org2 islam dinegara tersebut dan seluruh dunia telah tinggalkan perintah Allah yg pertama dan perintah2 Allah yg lain sbgmana hadis Nabi saw dibawah;
    Daripada Hazrat Aishan r.anha berkata nabi bersabda dlm hadis Kudsi ”Wahai manusia, sesungguhnya Allah telah berfirman kepada kamu, buatlah kerja amal maaruf nahil anil mungkar(buat kerja nabi) sebelum tiba masanya kamu berdoa kepadaKu tetapi aku tidak akan memperkenankan doa kamu, kamu meminta daripadaKu tetapi Aku tidak akan memberikan kepadamu, kemudian kamu mohon bantuan kepadaKu terhadap musuh-musuhmu tetapi aku tidak akan membantumu, riwayat ibnu hibban.
    Hadis ini jelas menunjukan yg Allah telah tidak bantu org islam sekarang termasuk pemimpin2 negara2 islam krn tinggalkan kerja nabi sptmana Allah beri bantuan kpd Nabi dan sabahabt2nya dizaman pemerintahan mereka dulu.
    11. TUN, saya tidak nampak satu orang pun dr barisan pemimpin yang ada sekarang dpt meneraju dgn baik negara yang berbilang bangsa ini samada dr UMNO, PAS, PKR dan lain2 setelah TUN. Pemimpin yang baik adalah pemimpin ajak rakyatnya beriman kpd Allah melalui kerja nabi, keadilan terhadap rakyat, kebaikan tersebar kpd rakyat spt zaman pemerintahan zaman Nabi di Madinah dan Khulafak Ar-Rasyidin. Pemimpin ini diangkat krn keimanan, ketaqwaan dan ketaatannya pd Allah. Pemimpin2 inilah yang dibantu oleh Allah. Ini krn mereka jd pemimpin bukan kerana minta utk dilantik jd pemimpin tetapi mereka dilantik oleh Allah krn keimanan dan kesolehan kpd Allah.
    12. Pemimpin yang berjaya adalah pemimpin yg dibantu oleh Allah. Orang yg dapat meneraju negara ni mesti orang dibantu dibantu oleh Allah. Allah bantu orang yang dlm hatinya ada taqwa pd Allah. Orang yg ada Allah dalam hatinya mesti orang yg iman kuat. Dan Allah akan kurniakan iman yg kuat mesti kpd orang yg buat kerja nabi/dakwah spt nabi saw. Sbgmana firman Allah diatas ayat 110 Ali-Imran iaitu setelah buat kerja nabi( amal makruf nahi mungkar) akan diberi iman yg kuat.
    13. TUN, saya tak nampak Pak Lah, Najib, Anwar, Hj Hadi, Nik Aziz dr kalangan orang yg akan dibantu oleh Allah dlm pemerintahan mereka krn mereka sendiri telah tinggalkan kerja nabi. Sebab itu setiap masalah yg datang kpd negara ini Allah tak bantu utk selesaikan krn utk bantuan Allah dtg mesti melalui pemimpin yg dekat dgn Allah.
    14. Semua orang nak Pak Lah turun, ramai yg tak nak Anwar jd PM krn ada hubungan dgn yahudi dan ramai tak setuju dgn cara Hj Hadi Nik Aziz jd PM. Najib lebih kurang sama dgn Pak Lah. Jadi siapa yg layak jd PM Malaysia slps ni?
    15. Sebenanarnya TUN, dgn kewujudan sistem berparti setelah selama 50tahun di Malaysia tidak menampakkan kesatuan umat islam malahan wujud puak2 spt yg berlaku di zaman Mekah-Madinah jahiliah cthnya Aus dan Khozroj telah bertelegah berkurun2 lamanya. Samalah yg berlaku yg mana orang islam dlm UMNO dgn puak2nya, orang islam dlm PAS dgn puak2nya, orang islam dlm PKR dgn puaknya, yg dlm JIM, ABIM, dlln. Semua pertubuhan2, parti2 dan NGO2 yg dipimpin orang islam sebenarnya senjata dan racun berbisa yahudi yg telah menghancurkan kesatuan orang islam secara senyap dan terancang.
    16. Setiap pertubuhan, parti, NGO yg disebut diatas berbeza fahaman dan akhirnya bertelagah krn kekurangan iman dlm hati krn tinggalkan kerja nabi/kerja dakwah.
    Bersambung [PART 3]

  339. PART [1]
    Salam TUN,
    1. Hakikat sebenarnya, semua manusia adalah kaum pendatang di setiap sudut bumi Allah ini. Manusia dicipta oleh Allah asalnya daripada Adam dan Hawa. Daripada satu orang berkembang biak sampai sekarang. Semua manusia didunia ini adalah pendatang. Samalah di bumi bertuah Malaysia ini juga dihuni oleh kaum pendatang tidak kira yang Melayunya, Cinanya Indianya Ibannya kadazannya dan dllnya.
    2. Hakikat sebenarnya, berbanding dgn Melayu dan India & cina, Melayulah yang mula2 datang dan menghuni di bumi bertuah Malaysia ni. Ratusan tahun berbanding cina dan india datang ke malaysia.
    3. Hakikat sebenarnya telah diketahui oleh kebanyakan manusia bahawa tiada agama yang tinggi disisi Allah melainkan agama ISLAM. Dan dari sudut Perlembagaan Malaysia bhw telah termaktub dalam Perlembagaan Malaysia bahawa Melayu adalah beragama ISLAM dan ISLAM adalah Melayu. Dan TIDAK wujud dlm perlembagaan negara ini bhw Cina adalah islam dan Islam adalah cina, begitu juga India smmngya tidak termaktub dlm perlembagaan.
    4. Bumi ini adalah milik Allah. Tiada siapa yg milikinya melainkan Allah. Dan Allah menjanjikan kemuliaan keistimewaan hanya akan diberi kepada yang percaya kpdNya, beriman dan taat akan perintah2Nya. Siapa yang Islam akan diberi keistimewaan oleh Allah. Ini janji Allah kpd manusia sbgmana disebut dlm Quran yg bunyi firmanNya ” Bumi ini adalah waris hamba2Ku yang beriman”. Siapa mereka yang tak islam utk mempertikai hak keistimewaan orang islam di malaysia ini? Ini merupakan ketentuan Allah utk memberi hak keistimewaan kpd orang islam di malaysia. Siapa yg islam akan diberi hak yang sama rata dalam agama islam. Jika sekiranya Cina dan India spt Lim kit Siang dan Karpal Singh masuk islam dan yang lainnya masuk islam, mereka akan terima hak keistimewaan yang sama. Hilanglah masalah tuntutan hak yg ada sekarang. Tapi mereka enggan dan membangkang habis2 dalam parlimen spt dilakukan oleh Lim Kit Siang dan Karpal Singh. Mereka cakap ‘langkah mayat sy kalau nak jadikan negara ni sbg negara islam”, bila PAS beria2 nak jadikan malaysia sbg negara islam.
    5. Tentangan ini berlaku antara sebabnya, keinginan PAS utk islamkan negara ni tanpa lalui proses yang telah dilalui oleh Rasulullah dan sahabat2nya, 13 tahun di Mekah(jalankan kerja nabi) dan 10 thn di Madinah(jalankan kerja nabi + tegakkan perintah2 Allah yg ke2 dan seterusnya) . Cara PAS yg tidak ikut cara nabi menyebabkan penolakan utama yang tak islam kpd pemerintahan islam. Dan tentangan ini berlaku krn salah org islam sendiri langgar perintah Allah iaitu meniggalkan perintah Allah yg pertama iaitu tidak buat kerja nabi/kerja dakwahkan islam kpd mereka yg cina dan india yg belum islam spt comment sy(search comment by mdz5046) dlm topik TUN yang bertajuk ‘ Snippets – “Pohon maaf”, utk dpt kefahaman lanjut tentang kaitan kerja nabi, nubuwwat, khalifah dan masa depan politik malaysia.
    6. Berbalik kpd point 4. kembali. Tidak ada hak utk orang bukan islam utk mempertikai hak keistimewaan orang islam di malaysia. Malaysia ni milik Allah, bumi milik Allah dan Allah bgtau dalam Quran bhw bumi adalah milik hambanya yg beriman. Begitulah malaysia ini, adalah milik orang islam. Tidak ada pertikaian lagi. Allah bukan nak jadikan bumi ini dihuni oleh yang tak beriman kpd Allah krn bumi adalah milik Allah. Kalau nak hak istimewa dr Allah, masuk islam dgn sebenarnya2 dan bukan krn nakkan harta dunia.
    7. Kerana itulah Allah hantar nabi2 utk ajak manusia beriman kpd Allah dgn menerima agama islam. Ini berlaku sejak dari nabi Adam hinggalah Nabi Muhammad saw. Dan SETERUSNYA wlpn nabi2 tidak lagi dihantar tetapi umat nabi muhammad saw diberi tgjjwab kenabian utk meneruskan dakwah nabi2 dgn mengajak manusia beriman kpd Allah sbgmana firman Allah dalam surah Ali-Imran yang bunyinya” Ayat 110″
    [110] Kamu (wahai umat Muhammad) adalah sebaik-baik umat yang dilahirkan bagi (faedah) umat manusia, (kerana) kamu menyuruh berbuat segala perkara yang baik(mengajak kpd yg belum beriman kpd beriman kpd Allah) dan melarang daripada segala perkara yang salah (buruk dan keji iaitu mempersekutukan Allah dgn selain dr Nya) serta kamu pula beriman kepada Allah (dengan sebenar-benar iman) dan kalaulah Ahli Kitab (Yahudi dan Nasrani) itu beriman (sebagaimana yang semestinya), tentulah (iman) itu menjadi baik bagi mereka. (Tetapi) di antara mereka ada yang beriman dan kebanyakan mereka orang-orang yang fasik.
    8. Manusia dicipta oleh Allah.Allah mahu semua manusia beriman kpd Allah. Itulah keinginan Allah. Walaupun Firuan, Namrud, Haman, Abu jahal, Abu Lahab, Lim kiat Siang, Bush, Karpal Singh, Tony Blair, Paul Wolfowitz, William Cohen, Howard tidak suka utk dgr ini semua. Menjeritlah mereka dalam parlimen spt yang dibuat oleh Karpal Singh dan Lim Kit Siang. Buatlah macam2 perancangan Yahudi dgn tubuhkan NED-national endowment democracy, KAF-konrad adennuaer foundation dan gunakan orang islam spt Anwar ibrahim utk hancurkan islam. PASTI bg Allah semua ni adalah umpama sarang2 labah. Bantuan Allah pasti akan datang bila orang islam di Malaysia bangkit kembali buat kerja nabi, cara nabi dan sanggup susah payah spt nabi.
    9. Spt yg diberitahu dlm Quran bhw mana2 yang tidak mahu beriman dibumi ini, Allah akan hapuskan mereka drpd muka bumi Allah setelah kaum2 terdahulu spt kaum Hud, Ad Thamud & dlln enggan menerima dakwah nabi2 utk ajak mereka beriman kpd Allah. Begitulah yang akan berlaku di Malaysia tidak lama nanti setelah segolongan dr orang islam di negara ini yang sedang jalankan kerja nabi dgn mengajak yg bukan islam kpd islam dan ajak yg dah islam kpd perintah2 Allah.
    Bersambung [PART 2]

  340. “By Jan on September 7, 2008 9:15 AM
    It is high time to call for closing of Chinese schools. It breads racism. Nowadays, children from Chinese school can’t speak Malay and do not like to mix with Malays. It is only a time bomb that racial chaos will happen in this country.”
    WRONG! Many of my friends from SJKC who then went on to SMK scored A for BM in SPM. Those who were from SK, then to SMK can’t compete with them.

  341. salam Tun…
    saya xfaham kenapa Ahmad membangkitkan soal tu masa kempen di permatang pauh, apa rasional dia menceritakan apa yang dia dakwa sebagai sejarah yang cina ini pendatang dan ketuanan Tanah melayu adalah milik melayu….
    Bodoh punya ahmad…lagi bodoh sebab Najib dan Pak lahpun mintak maaf untuk pihak orang bodoh.. it better to MCA, MIC n Gerakan to pull out from BN…biar umno duk sorang2..n mati sorang2…
    No place untuk politician cara lama yg x up to date ngan perkembangan zaman…
    Ok Tun, nanti lepas 16 september Tun boleh cabut dari Malaysia..alhamdulillah

  342. Tun,
    Memohon maaf adalah satu sifat orang Melayu yang paling saya kagumi. Ia juga adalah sifat yang amat disanjungi dalam Islam. Tiada kaum yang cukup bersedia meminta maaf selain dari kaum Melayu.
    Ia mungkin baik dan ia mungkin kurang baik. Macamanapun bagi orang Melayu ia merupakan tabiat dan budaya orang Melayu yang disukai ramai termasuk kaum-kaum asing.
    Pernah saya menjelajah Cape Town di Afrika Selatan dan ada ramai orang putih di sana mengatakan mereka memilih rakan kerja dari orang Melayu kerana mereka amat boleh dipercayai. Orang Melayu mempunyai satu sifat malu, iaitu sekiranya mereka tidak boleh melakukan satu tugas, mereka siang-siang berundur dan tidak suka berbohong. Apabila dah siap kerja baru diketahui oleh orang lain. Sikap agak pendiam pula.
    Saya perhati Tun Dr. Mahathir mempunyai sifat sedemikian juga. Tidak suka menunjuk-nunjuk tentang kebolehan diri sehingga ramai yang tidak sedar akan kebolehan Tun sehingga lama kemudian. Dan Tun amat sabar menahan dari kritikan sehingga membiarkan sahaja sehinggalah terlalu lambat kesan dan akhirnya ramai yang mengambil kesempatan.
    Ya, memang Tun telah mengkritik habis-habisan Pak Lah. Dan kini senantiasa tidak lupa menggesa orang Melayu lain berfikir dan bertindak sama jua.
    Harap-harap tabiat diam-diam orang Melayu yang baru mengejutkan PRU12 akan dapat tembus jalan untuk mengejutkan sebelum PRU13 yang masih jauh lagi. Hendaklah mereka tunjuk lebih undi protes sekiranya perlu dalam apa jua pilihanraya kecil walaupun sudah berbuat demikian dalam Permatang Pauh baru-baru ini.
    Salam berpuasa semua peminat-peminat CheDet (dan para pengkritik jua)
    Redhuan D. Oon
    PendAtang Dengan Izin

  343. tun yang dihormati, saya tak kisah la jika wakilrakyat tu nak kena siasat ke apa ke pasal dia cakap tu kita tak dengar dgn jelas, elok la siasat. kalau salah , memang dia hina orang, buat kecoh kaum lain, masuk ke jel, masuk la. tapi apa hal bila org buat benda tak betul kat islam, sakit kan hati org melayu, kecoh seluruh rakyat melayu, contohnya, tiada tindakan sama dibuat ke atas org yg buat forum pasal islam, cakap sedap mulut dan buat statement dan perkara2 yg tak patut seumpamanya? tu saja saya nak tanya …

  344. Saya amat setuju dengan penerangan daripada thethinker on September 5, 2008 6:59 PM, sila rujuk kepada Perlembagaan Malaysia.

  345. Dear Tun,
    Selagi Pak Lah jadi Perdana Menteri, orang Melayu sudah hilang maruah mereka. Pemimpin UMNO sudah tidak dihormati lagi. Maka itulah sebabnya orang lain berani bersuara dengan lantang mempersoalkan bermacam isu hak orang Melayu.
    Apa yang Pak Lah lakukan sekarang akan menjahanamkan bangsa Melayu. Oleh itu saya ingin seru kapada ahli-ahli UMNO dari peringkat Bahagian supaya menyedarilah hakikat sebenarnya bahawa UMNO dibawah pimpinan Pak Lah telah gagal dalam segala-galanya untuk memertabatkan bangsa Melayu.
    Apakah orang kedudukan Pak Lah mesti dipertahankan “at whatever cost” sehingga boleh memudharatkan UMNO dan bangsa Melayu.
    Sedarlah wahai ahli-ahli UMNO, janganlah apabila sudah terdesak baru nak bertindak. Inilah masanya ahli-ahli UMNO mesti bijak berpolitik dengan mengambil tindakan yang tidak popular tetapi akan menyelamatkan UMNO dan bangsanya, iaitu dengan mendesak keras supaya Pak Lah letak jawatan dengan segera tanpa menunggu peralihan kuasa sehingga 2 tahun lagi.
    Jika ahli-ahli UMNO masih kononnya hendak menghormati Pak Lah dengan memberi peluang beliau pegang jawatannya selama 2 tahun lagi maka saya fikir itu adalah satu tindakan yang sungguh bodoh, tidak bijak dan tidak masuk akal kerana UMNO tidak boleh lagi bertahan lama jika Pak Lah masih lagi “bertahta”. Allah beri kita akal yang sempurna untuk berfikir dengan waras dan bukan berfikir mengikut nafsu yang akhirnya akan memakan diri dan membinasakan keturunan bangsa kita.

  346. Saya telah membaca comment yang disampaikan oleh kwek on September 5, 2008 6:52 PM. Nampaknya, ia lebih layak menjadi pemimpin yang “sentiasa memohon maaf” kita berbanding dengan Ahmad Ismail yang “amat sombong” pada pandangan saya. Jika ke luar negeri, amat memalukan saya dengan kerakyatan Malaysia kerana kami masih dianggpakan sebagai penumbang yang lahir di bumi Malaysia ini, lebih-lebih kami adalah pembayar cukai-cukai yang membina negara ini. Mengapakah negara ini dinamakan Malaysia ?
    Slogan Singapore: Singapore for Singaporean. Begitu juga, China for chinese. Jadi, Malaysia for Malaysian. Jika Malaysia for Melayu, so orang-orang lain seperti orang Cina, India, Iban, Kadazan dan lain-lain harus dikeluarkan. Kerajaan BN memang kurang matang.
    Sebelum tahun 1996, saya amat menghormati Tun and kerajaan BN. Tetapi, kerajaan BN telah merobahkan rumah halaman saya di Sungai Petani, Kedah pada tahun 1996 di mana datuk saya yang mula tinggal di situ and bapa saya berumur 73 yang dilahirkan di kawasan tersebut. Saya sudah pasti juga dilahirkan di rumah kawasan (bukan di hospital Sungai Petani). Bayangkan, bagaimanakah perasaan sekeluarga kami sehingga abang saya tidak suka kepada Malaysia kerana dasar diskrimanasi yang dilaksanakan sehingga tidak mahu lagi kerakyatan Malaysia yang memalukannya.
    Wakil-wakil rakyat BN bukan lagi wakil-wakil rakyat yang sebenar lagi. Namun, mereka merupakan wakil-wakil projek-projek yang mencari keuntungan atau wang. Mengapakah kita harus sokongnya untuk merampas harta-benda dan cukai-cukai daripada rakyat jelita bagi kepentingan sendiri ?
    Sudah 51 tahun bagi Malaysia, masih asyik mangatakan Melayu untuk Melayu, Cina untuk Cina, India untuk India, sepatutnya kita sentiasa luahkan Malaysia untul Malaysian. Untuk mencapai objektif tersebut, UMNO, MCA dan MIC harus dibubahkan terlebih dahulu dan dibentukkan parti BN atau lain untuk bangas Malaysia kerana mereka adalah penghalang intergasi nasional bagi Malaysia.
    Mengapa memohon maaf adalah sukar bagi pemimpin-pemimpin BN ???
    Layakkah orang yang sombong menjadi pemimpin ?

  347. What was said by Ahmad is regrettable, but it does not represent the view of majority Malay and other Malaysian. It is a statement made by an ill informed and insensitive person. To put it short, an idiot!!
    What should have been done earlier by UMNO leaders is to seek explanation from Ahmad and reprimand him if it was fact that his words were malicious and disrespectful to the community. This should have been done sooner before the issue is raised by Opposition and other BN component parties. UMNO leaders should have been more forward thinking and speedy in its actions…pre-empt instead of being re-active.
    A public apology by an UMNO top leader for the wrong doing of others shows weakness. Especially that the person involved is not even remorseful for what he did. If it was up to me, Ahmad would have been slapped behind closed doors and would have been ‘hanged’ (not literally) in public view.
    Things have really been out of control for BN. The case with Ahmad is just a tip of the iceberg of what is wrong with UMNO and BN today. Sadly, selfish and greed are part of the UMNO culture nowadays. UMNO and BN is rapidly losing the respect of the People. We have leadership crisis within UMNO and BN. Things must change… and it must change immediately!!! Not in 2010, and not to another ‘frail’ leader. The current leadership in UMNO forgot all the fights and the vision of UMNO leaders of yesteryears. The late Tun Razak did not implement all he did for UMNO to be what it is today. We need a leader who understand the legacy of Tun Razak and the other forefathers to continue the leadership of Malays and Malaysian. Sadly, not many in UMNO understand it and even fewer are able to take up the leadership mantle…….

  348. What was said by Ahmad is regrettable, but it does not represent the view of majority Malay and other Malaysian. It is a statement made by an ill informed and insensitive person. To put it short, an idiot!!
    What should have been done earlier by UMNO leaders is to seek explanation from Ahmad and reprimand him if it was fact that his words were malicious and disrespectful to the community. This should have been done sooner before the issue is raised by Opposition and other BN component parties. UMNO leaders should have been more forward thinking and speedy in its actions…pre-empt instead of being re-active.
    A public apology by an UMNO top leader for the wrong doing of others shows weakness. Especially that the person involved is not even remorseful for what he did. If it was up to me, Ahmad would have been slapped behind closed doors and would have been ‘hanged’ (not literally) in public view.
    Things have really been out of control for BN. The case with Ahmad is just a tip of the iceberg of what is wrong with UMNO and BN today. Sadly, selfish and greed are part of the UMNO culture nowadays. UMNO and BN is rapidly losing the respect of the People. We have leadership crisis within UMNO and BN. Things must change… and it must change immediately!!! Not in 2010, and not to another ‘frail’ leader. The current leadership in UMNO forgot all the fights and the vision of UMNO leaders of yesteryears. The late Tun Razak did not implement all he did for UMNO to be what it is today. We need a leader who understand the legacy of Tun Razak and the other forefathers to continue the leadership of Malays and Malaysian. Sadly, not many in UMNO understand it and even fewer are able to take up the leadership mantle…….

  349. What was said by Ahmad is regrettable, but it does not represent the view of majority Malay and other Malaysian. It is a statement made by an ill informed and insensitive person. To put it short, an idiot!!
    What should have been done earlier by UMNO leaders is to seek explanation from Ahmad and reprimand him if it was fact that his words were malicious and disrespectful to the community. This should have been done sooner before the issue is raised by Opposition and other BN component parties. UMNO leaders should have been more forward thinking and speedy in its actions…pre-empt instead of being re-active.
    A public apology by an UMNO top leader for the wrong doing of others shows weakness. Especially that the person involved is not even remorseful for what he did. If it was up to me, Ahmad would have been slapped behind closed doors and would have been ‘hanged’ (not literally) in public view.
    Things have really been out of control for BN. The case with Ahmad is just a tip of the iceberg of what is wrong with UMNO and BN today. Sadly, selfish and greed are part of the UMNO culture nowadays. UMNO and BN is rapidly losing the respect of the People. We have leadership crisis within UMNO and BN. Things must change… and it must change immediately!!! Not in 2010, and not to another ‘frail’ leader. The current leadership in UMNO forgot all the fights and the vision of UMNO leaders of yesteryears. The late Tun Razak did not implement all he did for UMNO to be what it is today. We need a leader who understand the legacy of Tun Razak and the other forefathers to continue the leadership of Malays and Malaysian. Sadly, not many in UMNO understand it and even fewer are able to take up the leadership mantle…….

  350. What was said by Ahmad is regrettable, but it does not represent the view of majority Malay and other Malaysian. It is a statement made by an ill informed and insensitive person. To put it short, an idiot!!
    What should have been done earlier by UMNO leaders is to seek explanation from Ahmad and reprimand him if it was fact that his words were malicious and disrespectful to the community. This should have been done sooner before the issue is raised by Opposition and other BN component parties. UMNO leaders should have been more forward thinking and speedy in its actions…pre-empt instead of being re-active.
    A public apology by an UMNO top leader for the wrong doing of others shows weakness. Especially that the person involved is not even remorseful for what he did. If it was up to me, Ahmad would have been slapped behind closed doors and would have been ‘hanged’ (not literally) in public view.
    Things have really been out of control for BN. The case with Ahmad is just a tip of the iceberg of what is wrong with UMNO and BN today. Sadly, selfish and greed are part of the UMNO culture nowadays. UMNO and BN is rapidly losing the respect of the People. We have leadership crisis within UMNO and BN. Things must change… and it must change immediately!!! Not in 2010, and not to another ‘frail’ leader. The current leadership in UMNO forgot all the fights and the vision of UMNO leaders of yesteryears. The late Tun Razak did not implement all he did for UMNO to be what it is today. We need a leader who understand the legacy of Tun Razak and the other forefathers to continue the leadership of Malays and Malaysian. Sadly, not many in UMNO understand it and even fewer are able to take up the leadership mantle…….

  351. What was said by Ahmad is regrettable, but it does not represent the view of majority Malay and other Malaysian. It is a statement made by an ill informed and insensitive person. To put it short, an idiot!!
    What should have been done earlier by UMNO leaders is to seek explanation from Ahmad and reprimand him if it was fact that his words were malicious and disrespectful to the community. This should have been done sooner before the issue is raised by Opposition and other BN component parties. UMNO leaders should have been more forward thinking and speedy in its actions…pre-empt instead of being re-active.
    A public apology by an UMNO top leader for the wrong doing of others shows weakness. Especially that the person involved is not even remorseful for what he did. If it was up to me, Ahmad would have been slapped behind closed doors and would have been ‘hanged’ (not literally) in public view.
    Things have really been out of control for BN. The case with Ahmad is just a tip of the iceberg of what is wrong with UMNO and BN today. Sadly, selfish and greed are part of the UMNO culture nowadays. UMNO and BN is rapidly losing the respect of the People. We have leadership crisis within UMNO and BN. Things must change… and it must change immediately!!! Not in 2010, and not to another ‘frail’ leader. The current leadership in UMNO forgot all the fights and the vision of UMNO leaders of yesteryears. The late Tun Razak did not implement all he did for UMNO to be what it is today. We need a leader who understand the legacy of Tun Razak and the other forefathers to continue the leadership of Malays and Malaysian. Sadly, not many in UMNO understand it and even fewer are able to take up the leadership mantle…….

  352. What was said by Ahmad is regrettable, but it does not represent the view of majority Malay and other Malaysian. It is a statement made by an ill informed and insensitive person. To put it short, an idiot!!
    What should have been done earlier by UMNO leaders is to seek explanation from Ahmad and reprimand him if it was fact that his words were malicious and disrespectful to the community. This should have been done sooner before the issue is raised by Opposition and other BN component parties. UMNO leaders should have been more forward thinking and speedy in its actions…pre-empt instead of being re-active.
    A public apology by an UMNO top leader for the wrong doing of others shows weakness. Especially that the person involved is not even remorseful for what he did. If it was up to me, Ahmad would have been slapped behind closed doors and would have been ‘hanged’ (not literally) in public view.
    Things have really been out of control for BN. The case with Ahmad is just a tip of the iceberg of what is wrong with UMNO and BN today. Sadly, selfish and greed are part of the UMNO culture nowadays. UMNO and BN is rapidly losing the respect of the People. We have leadership crisis within UMNO and BN. Things must change… and it must change immediately!!! Not in 2010, and not to another ‘frail’ leader. The current leadership in UMNO forgot all the fights and the vision of UMNO leaders of yesteryears. The late Tun Razak did not implement all he did for UMNO to be what it is today. We need a leader who understand the legacy of Tun Razak and the other forefathers to continue the leadership of Malays and Malaysian. Sadly, not many in UMNO understand it and even fewer are able to take up the leadership mantle…….

  353. What was said by Ahmad is regrettable, but it does not represent the view of majority Malay and other Malaysian. It is a statement made by an ill informed and insensitive person. To put it short, an idiot!!
    What should have been done earlier by UMNO leaders is to seek explanation from Ahmad and reprimand him if it was fact that his words were malicious and disrespectful to the community. This should have been done sooner before the issue is raised by Opposition and other BN component parties. UMNO leaders should have been more forward thinking and speedy in its actions…pre-empt instead of being re-active.
    A public apology by an UMNO top leader for the wrong doing of others shows weakness. Especially that the person involved is not even remorseful for what he did. If it was up to me, Ahmad would have been slapped behind closed doors and would have been ‘hanged’ (not literally) in public view.
    Things have really been out of control for BN. The case with Ahmad is just a tip of the iceberg of what is wrong with UMNO and BN today. Sadly, selfish and greed are part of the UMNO culture nowadays. UMNO and BN is rapidly losing the respect of the People. We have leadership crisis within UMNO and BN. Things must change… and it must change immediately!!! Not in 2010, and not to another ‘frail’ leader. The current leadership in UMNO forgot all the fights and the vision of UMNO leaders of yesteryears. The late Tun Razak did not implement all he did for UMNO to be what it is today. We need a leader who understand the legacy of Tun Razak and the other forefathers to continue the leadership of Malays and Malaysian. Sadly, not many in UMNO understand it and even fewer are able to take up the leadership mantle…….

  354. What was said by Ahmad is regrettable, but it does not represent the view of majority Malay and other Malaysian. It is a statement made by an ill informed and insensitive person. To put it short, an idiot!!
    What should have been done earlier by UMNO leaders is to seek explanation from Ahmad and reprimand him if it was fact that his words were malicious and disrespectful to the community. This should have been done sooner before the issue is raised by Opposition and other BN component parties. UMNO leaders should have been more forward thinking and speedy in its actions…pre-empt instead of being re-active.
    A public apology by an UMNO top leader for the wrong doing of others shows weakness. Especially that the person involved is not even remorseful for what he did. If it was up to me, Ahmad would have been slapped behind closed doors and would have been ‘hanged’ (not literally) in public view.
    Things have really been out of control for BN. The case with Ahmad is just a tip of the iceberg of what is wrong with UMNO and BN today. Sadly, selfish and greed are part of the UMNO culture nowadays. UMNO and BN is rapidly losing the respect of the People. We have leadership crisis within UMNO and BN. Things must change… and it must change immediately!!! Not in 2010, and not to another ‘frail’ leader. The current leadership in UMNO forgot all the fights and the vision of UMNO leaders of yesteryears. The late Tun Razak did not implement all he did for UMNO to be what it is today. We need a leader who understand the legacy of Tun Razak and the other forefathers to continue the leadership of Malays and Malaysian. Sadly, not many in UMNO understand it and even fewer are able to take up the leadership mantle…….

  355. What was said by Ahmad is regrettable, but it does not represent the view of majority Malay and other Malaysian. It is a statement made by an ill informed and insensitive person. To put it short, an idiot!!
    What should have been done earlier by UMNO leaders is to seek explanation from Ahmad and reprimand him if it was fact that his words were malicious and disrespectful to the community. This should have been done sooner before the issue is raised by Opposition and other BN component parties. UMNO leaders should have been more forward thinking and speedy in its actions…pre-empt instead of being re-active.
    A public apology by an UMNO top leader for the wrong doing of others shows weakness. Especially that the person involved is not even remorseful for what he did. If it was up to me, Ahmad would have been slapped behind closed doors and would have been ‘hanged’ (not literally) in public view.
    Things have really been out of control for BN. The case with Ahmad is just a tip of the iceberg of what is wrong with UMNO and BN today. Sadly, selfish and greed are part of the UMNO culture nowadays. UMNO and BN is rapidly losing the respect of the People. We have leadership crisis within UMNO and BN. Things must change… and it must change immediately!!! Not in 2010, and not to another ‘frail’ leader. The current leadership in UMNO forgot all the fights and the vision of UMNO leaders of yesteryears. The late Tun Razak did not implement all he did for UMNO to be what it is today. We need a leader who understand the legacy of Tun Razak and the other forefathers to continue the leadership of Malays and Malaysian. Sadly, not many in UMNO understand it and even fewer are able to take up the leadership mantle…….

  356. What was said by Ahmad is regrettable, but it does not represent the view of majority Malay and other Malaysian. It is a statement made by an ill informed and insensitive person. To put it short, an idiot!!
    What should have been done earlier by UMNO leaders is to seek explanation from Ahmad and reprimand him if it was fact that his words were malicious and disrespectful to the community. This should have been done sooner before the issue is raised by Opposition and other BN component parties. UMNO leaders should have been more forward thinking and speedy in its actions…pre-empt instead of being re-active.
    A public apology by an UMNO top leader for the wrong doing of others shows weakness. Especially that the person involved is not even remorseful for what he did. If it was up to me, Ahmad would have been slapped behind closed doors and would have been ‘hanged’ (not literally) in public view.
    Things have really been out of control for BN. The case with Ahmad is just a tip of the iceberg of what is wrong with UMNO and BN today. Sadly, selfish and greed are part of the UMNO culture nowadays. UMNO and BN is rapidly losing the respect of the People. We have leadership crisis within UMNO and BN. Things must change… and it must change immediately!!! Not in 2010, and not to another ‘frail’ leader. The current leadership in UMNO forgot all the fights and the vision of UMNO leaders of yesteryears. The late Tun Razak did not implement all he did for UMNO to be what it is today. We need a leader who understand the legacy of Tun Razak and the other forefathers to continue the leadership of Malays and Malaysian. Sadly, not many in UMNO understand it and even fewer are able to take up the leadership mantle…….

  357. What was said by Ahmad is regrettable, but it does not represent the view of majority Malay and other Malaysian. It is a statement made by an ill informed and insensitive person. To put it short, an idiot!!
    What should have been done earlier by UMNO leaders is to seek explanation from Ahmad and reprimand him if it was fact that his words were malicious and disrespectful to the community. This should have been done sooner before the issue is raised by Opposition and other BN component parties. UMNO leaders should have been more forward thinking and speedy in its actions…pre-empt instead of being re-active.
    A public apology by an UMNO top leader for the wrong doing of others shows weakness. Especially that the person involved is not even remorseful for what he did. If it was up to me, Ahmad would have been slapped behind closed doors and would have been ‘hanged’ (not literally) in public view.
    Things have really been out of control for BN. The case with Ahmad is just a tip of the iceberg of what is wrong with UMNO and BN today. Sadly, selfish and greed are part of the UMNO culture nowadays. UMNO and BN is rapidly losing the respect of the People. We have leadership crisis within UMNO and BN. Things must change… and it must change immediately!!! Not in 2010, and not to another ‘frail’ leader. The current leadership in UMNO forgot all the fights and the vision of UMNO leaders of yesteryears. The late Tun Razak did not implement all he did for UMNO to be what it is today. We need a leader who understand the legacy of Tun Razak and the other forefathers to continue the leadership of Malays and Malaysian. Sadly, not many in UMNO understand it and even fewer are able to take up the leadership mantle…….

  358. What was said by Ahmad is regrettable, but it does not represent the view of majority Malay and other Malaysian. It is a statement made by an ill informed and insensitive person. To put it short, an idiot!!
    What should have been done earlier by UMNO leaders is to seek explanation from Ahmad and reprimand him if it was fact that his words were malicious and disrespectful to the community. This should have been done sooner before the issue is raised by Opposition and other BN component parties. UMNO leaders should have been more forward thinking and speedy in its actions…pre-empt instead of being re-active.
    A public apology by an UMNO top leader for the wrong doing of others shows weakness. Especially that the person involved is not even remorseful for what he did. If it was up to me, Ahmad would have been slapped behind closed doors and would have been ‘hanged’ (not literally) in public view.
    Things have really been out of control for BN. The case with Ahmad is just a tip of the iceberg of what is wrong with UMNO and BN today. Sadly, selfish and greed are part of the UMNO culture nowadays. UMNO and BN is rapidly losing the respect of the People. We have leadership crisis within UMNO and BN. Things must change… and it must change immediately!!! Not in 2010, and not to another ‘frail’ leader. The current leadership in UMNO forgot all the fights and the vision of UMNO leaders of yesteryears. The late Tun Razak did not implement all he did for UMNO to be what it is today. We need a leader who understand the legacy of Tun Razak and the other forefathers to continue the leadership of Malays and Malaysian. Sadly, not many in UMNO understand it and even fewer are able to take up the leadership mantle…….

  359. What was said by Ahmad is regrettable, but it does not represent the view of majority Malay and other Malaysian. It is a statement made by an ill informed and insensitive person. To put it short, an idiot!!
    What should have been done earlier by UMNO leaders is to seek explanation from Ahmad and reprimand him if it was fact that his words were malicious and disrespectful to the community. This should have been done sooner before the issue is raised by Opposition and other BN component parties. UMNO leaders should have been more forward thinking and speedy in its actions…pre-empt instead of being re-active.
    A public apology by an UMNO top leader for the wrong doing of others shows weakness. Especially that the person involved is not even remorseful for what he did. If it was up to me, Ahmad would have been slapped behind closed doors and would have been ‘hanged’ (not literally) in public view.
    Things have really been out of control for BN. The case with Ahmad is just a tip of the iceberg of what is wrong with UMNO and BN today. Sadly, selfish and greed are part of the UMNO culture nowadays. UMNO and BN is rapidly losing the respect of the People. We have leadership crisis within UMNO and BN. Things must change… and it must change immediately!!! Not in 2010, and not to another ‘frail’ leader. The current leadership in UMNO forgot all the fights and the vision of UMNO leaders of yesteryears. The late Tun Razak did not implement all he did for UMNO to be what it is today. We need a leader who understand the legacy of Tun Razak and the other forefathers to continue the leadership of Malays and Malaysian. Sadly, not many in UMNO understand it and even fewer are able to take up the leadership mantle…….

  360. What was said by Ahmad is regrettable, but it does not represent the view of majority Malay and other Malaysian. It is a statement made by an ill informed and insensitive person. To put it short, an idiot!!
    What should have been done earlier by UMNO leaders is to seek explanation from Ahmad and reprimand him if it was fact that his words were malicious and disrespectful to the community. This should have been done sooner before the issue is raised by Opposition and other BN component parties. UMNO leaders should have been more forward thinking and speedy in its actions…pre-empt instead of being re-active.
    A public apology by an UMNO top leader for the wrong doing of others shows weakness. Especially that the person involved is not even remorseful for what he did. If it was up to me, Ahmad would have been slapped behind closed doors and would have been ‘hanged’ (not literally) in public view.
    Things have really been out of control for BN. The case with Ahmad is just a tip of the iceberg of what is wrong with UMNO and BN today. Sadly, selfish and greed are part of the UMNO culture nowadays. UMNO and BN is rapidly losing the respect of the People. We have leadership crisis within UMNO and BN. Things must change… and it must change immediately!!! Not in 2010, and not to another ‘frail’ leader. The current leadership in UMNO forgot all the fights and the vision of UMNO leaders of yesteryears. The late Tun Razak did not implement all he did for UMNO to be what it is today. We need a leader who understand the legacy of Tun Razak and the other forefathers to continue the leadership of Malays and Malaysian. Sadly, not many in UMNO understand it and even fewer are able to take up the leadership mantle…….

  361. What was said by Ahmad is regrettable, but it does not represent the view of majority Malay and other Malaysian. It is a statement made by an ill informed and insensitive person. To put it short, an idiot!!
    What should have been done earlier by UMNO leaders is to seek explanation from Ahmad and reprimand him if it was fact that his words were malicious and disrespectful to the community. This should have been done sooner before the issue is raised by Opposition and other BN component parties. UMNO leaders should have been more forward thinking and speedy in its actions…pre-empt instead of being re-active.
    A public apology by an UMNO top leader for the wrong doing of others shows weakness. Especially that the person involved is not even remorseful for what he did. If it was up to me, Ahmad would have been slapped behind closed doors and would have been ‘hanged’ (not literally) in public view.
    Things have really been out of control for BN. The case with Ahmad is just a tip of the iceberg of what is wrong with UMNO and BN today. Sadly, selfish and greed are part of the UMNO culture nowadays. UMNO and BN is rapidly losing the respect of the People. We have leadership crisis within UMNO and BN. Things must change… and it must change immediately!!! Not in 2010, and not to another ‘frail’ leader. The current leadership in UMNO forgot all the fights and the vision of UMNO leaders of yesteryears. The late Tun Razak did not implement all he did for UMNO to be what it is today. We need a leader who understand the legacy of Tun Razak and the other forefathers to continue the leadership of Malays and Malaysian. Sadly, not many in UMNO understand it and even fewer are able to take up the leadership mantle…….

  362. What was said by Ahmad is regrettable, but it does not represent the view of majority Malay and other Malaysian. It is a statement made by an ill informed and insensitive person. To put it short, an idiot!!
    What should have been done earlier by UMNO leaders is to seek explanation from Ahmad and reprimand him if it was fact that his words were malicious and disrespectful to the community. This should have been done sooner before the issue is raised by Opposition and other BN component parties. UMNO leaders should have been more forward thinking and speedy in its actions…pre-empt instead of being re-active.
    A public apology by an UMNO top leader for the wrong doing of others shows weakness. Especially that the person involved is not even remorseful for what he did. If it was up to me, Ahmad would have been slapped behind closed doors and would have been ‘hanged’ (not literally) in public view.
    Things have really been out of control for BN. The case with Ahmad is just a tip of the iceberg of what is wrong with UMNO and BN today. Sadly, selfish and greed are part of the UMNO culture nowadays. UMNO and BN is rapidly losing the respect of the People. We have leadership crisis within UMNO and BN. Things must change… and it must change immediately!!! Not in 2010, and not to another ‘frail’ leader. The current leadership in UMNO forgot all the fights and the vision of UMNO leaders of yesteryears. The late Tun Razak did not implement all he did for UMNO to be what it is today. We need a leader who understand the legacy of Tun Razak and the other forefathers to continue the leadership of Malays and Malaysian. Sadly, not many in UMNO understand it and even fewer are able to take up the leadership mantle…….

  363. What was said by Ahmad is regrettable, but it does not represent the view of majority Malay and other Malaysian. It is a statement made by an ill informed and insensitive person. To put it short, an idiot!!
    What should have been done earlier by UMNO leaders is to seek explanation from Ahmad and reprimand him if it was fact that his words were malicious and disrespectful to the community. This should have been done sooner before the issue is raised by Opposition and other BN component parties. UMNO leaders should have been more forward thinking and speedy in its actions…pre-empt instead of being re-active.
    A public apology by an UMNO top leader for the wrong doing of others shows weakness. Especially that the person involved is not even remorseful for what he did. If it was up to me, Ahmad would have been slapped behind closed doors and would have been ‘hanged’ (not literally) in public view.
    Things have really been out of control for BN. The case with Ahmad is just a tip of the iceberg of what is wrong with UMNO and BN today. Sadly, selfish and greed are part of the UMNO culture nowadays. UMNO and BN is rapidly losing the respect of the People. We have leadership crisis within UMNO and BN. Things must change… and it must change immediately!!! Not in 2010, and not to another ‘frail’ leader. The current leadership in UMNO forgot all the fights and the vision of UMNO leaders of yesteryears. The late Tun Razak did not implement all he did for UMNO to be what it is today. We need a leader who understand the legacy of Tun Razak and the other forefathers to continue the leadership of Malays and Malaysian. Sadly, not many in UMNO understand it and even fewer are able to take up the leadership mantle…….

  364. What was said by Ahmad is regrettable, but it does not represent the view of majority Malay and other Malaysian. It is a statement made by an ill informed and insensitive person. To put it short, an idiot!!
    What should have been done earlier by UMNO leaders is to seek explanation from Ahmad and reprimand him if it was fact that his words were malicious and disrespectful to the community. This should have been done sooner before the issue is raised by Opposition and other BN component parties. UMNO leaders should have been more forward thinking and speedy in its actions…pre-empt instead of being re-active.
    A public apology by an UMNO top leader for the wrong doing of others shows weakness. Especially that the person involved is not even remorseful for what he did. If it was up to me, Ahmad would have been slapped behind closed doors and would have been ‘hanged’ (not literally) in public view.
    Things have really been out of control for BN. The case with Ahmad is just a tip of the iceberg of what is wrong with UMNO and BN today. Sadly, selfish and greed are part of the UMNO culture nowadays. UMNO and BN is rapidly losing the respect of the People. We have leadership crisis within UMNO and BN. Things must change… and it must change immediately!!! Not in 2010, and not to another ‘frail’ leader. The current leadership in UMNO forgot all the fights and the vision of UMNO leaders of yesteryears. The late Tun Razak did not implement all he did for UMNO to be what it is today. We need a leader who understand the legacy of Tun Razak and the other forefathers to continue the leadership of Malays and Malaysian. Sadly, not many in UMNO understand it and even fewer are able to take up the leadership mantle…….

  365. What was said by Ahmad is regrettable, but it does not represent the view of majority Malay and other Malaysian. It is a statement made by an ill informed and insensitive person. To put it short, an idiot!!
    What should have been done earlier by UMNO leaders is to seek explanation from Ahmad and reprimand him if it was fact that his words were malicious and disrespectful to the community. This should have been done sooner before the issue is raised by Opposition and other BN component parties. UMNO leaders should have been more forward thinking and speedy in its actions…pre-empt instead of being re-active.
    A public apology by an UMNO top leader for the wrong doing of others shows weakness. Especially that the person involved is not even remorseful for what he did. If it was up to me, Ahmad would have been slapped behind closed doors and would have been ‘hanged’ (not literally) in public view.
    Things have really been out of control for BN. The case with Ahmad is just a tip of the iceberg of what is wrong with UMNO and BN today. Sadly, selfish and greed are part of the UMNO culture nowadays. UMNO and BN is rapidly losing the respect of the People. We have leadership crisis within UMNO and BN. Things must change… and it must change immediately!!! Not in 2010, and not to another ‘frail’ leader. The current leadership in UMNO forgot all the fights and the vision of UMNO leaders of yesteryears. The late Tun Razak did not implement all he did for UMNO to be what it is today. We need a leader who understand the legacy of Tun Razak and the other forefathers to continue the leadership of Malays and Malaysian. Sadly, not many in UMNO understand it and even fewer are able to take up the leadership mantle…….

  366. What was said by Ahmad is regrettable, but it does not represent the view of majority Malay and other Malaysian. It is a statement made by an ill informed and insensitive person. To put it short, an idiot!!
    What should have been done earlier by UMNO leaders is to seek explanation from Ahmad and reprimand him if it was fact that his words were malicious and disrespectful to the community. This should have been done sooner before the issue is raised by Opposition and other BN component parties. UMNO leaders should have been more forward thinking and speedy in its actions…pre-empt instead of being re-active.
    A public apology by an UMNO top leader for the wrong doing of others shows weakness. Especially that the person involved is not even remorseful for what he did. If it was up to me, Ahmad would have been slapped behind closed doors and would have been ‘hanged’ (not literally) in public view.
    Things have really been out of control for BN. The case with Ahmad is just a tip of the iceberg of what is wrong with UMNO and BN today. Sadly, selfish and greed are part of the UMNO culture nowadays. UMNO and BN is rapidly losing the respect of the People. We have leadership crisis within UMNO and BN. Things must change… and it must change immediately!!! Not in 2010, and not to another ‘frail’ leader. The current leadership in UMNO forgot all the fights and the vision of UMNO leaders of yesteryears. The late Tun Razak did not implement all he did for UMNO to be what it is today. We need a leader who understand the legacy of Tun Razak and the other forefathers to continue the leadership of Malays and Malaysian. Sadly, not many in UMNO understand it and even fewer are able to take up the leadership mantle…….

  367. What was said by Ahmad is regrettable, but it does not represent the view of majority Malay and other Malaysian. It is a statement made by an ill informed and insensitive person. To put it short, an idiot!!
    What should have been done earlier by UMNO leaders is to seek explanation from Ahmad and reprimand him if it was fact that his words were malicious and disrespectful to the community. This should have been done sooner before the issue is raised by Opposition and other BN component parties. UMNO leaders should have been more forward thinking and speedy in its actions…pre-empt instead of being re-active.
    A public apology by an UMNO top leader for the wrong doing of others shows weakness. Especially that the person involved is not even remorseful for what he did. If it was up to me, Ahmad would have been slapped behind closed doors and would have been ‘hanged’ (not literally) in public view.
    Things have really been out of control for BN. The case with Ahmad is just a tip of the iceberg of what is wrong with UMNO and BN today. Sadly, selfish and greed are part of the UMNO culture nowadays. UMNO and BN is rapidly losing the respect of the People. We have leadership crisis within UMNO and BN. Things must change… and it must change immediately!!! Not in 2010, and not to another ‘frail’ leader. The current leadership in UMNO forgot all the fights and the vision of UMNO leaders of yesteryears. The late Tun Razak did not implement all he did for UMNO to be what it is today. We need a leader who understand the legacy of Tun Razak and the other forefathers to continue the leadership of Malays and Malaysian. Sadly, not many in UMNO understand it and even fewer are able to take up the leadership mantle…….

  368. What was said by Ahmad is regrettable, but it does not represent the view of majority Malay and other Malaysian. It is a statement made by an ill informed and insensitive person. To put it short, an idiot!!
    What should have been done earlier by UMNO leaders is to seek explanation from Ahmad and reprimand him if it was fact that his words were malicious and disrespectful to the community. This should have been done sooner before the issue is raised by Opposition and other BN component parties. UMNO leaders should have been more forward thinking and speedy in its actions…pre-empt instead of being re-active.
    A public apology by an UMNO top leader for the wrong doing of others shows weakness. Especially that the person involved is not even remorseful for what he did. If it was up to me, Ahmad would have been slapped behind closed doors and would have been ‘hanged’ (not literally) in public view.
    Things have really been out of control for BN. The case with Ahmad is just a tip of the iceberg of what is wrong with UMNO and BN today. Sadly, selfish and greed are part of the UMNO culture nowadays. UMNO and BN is rapidly losing the respect of the People. We have leadership crisis within UMNO and BN. Things must change… and it must change immediately!!! Not in 2010, and not to another ‘frail’ leader. The current leadership in UMNO forgot all the fights and the vision of UMNO leaders of yesteryears. The late Tun Razak did not implement all he did for UMNO to be what it is today. We need a leader who understand the legacy of Tun Razak and the other forefathers to continue the leadership of Malays and Malaysian. Sadly, not many in UMNO understand it and even fewer are able to take up the leadership mantle…….

  369. What was said by Ahmad is regrettable, but it does not represent the view of majority Malay and other Malaysian. It is a statement made by an ill informed and insensitive person. To put it short, an idiot!!
    What should have been done earlier by UMNO leaders is to seek explanation from Ahmad and reprimand him if it was fact that his words were malicious and disrespectful to the community. This should have been done sooner before the issue is raised by Opposition and other BN component parties. UMNO leaders should have been more forward thinking and speedy in its actions…pre-empt instead of being re-active.
    A public apology by an UMNO top leader for the wrong doing of others shows weakness. Especially that the person involved is not even remorseful for what he did. If it was up to me, Ahmad would have been slapped behind closed doors and would have been ‘hanged’ (not literally) in public view.
    Things have really been out of control for BN. The case with Ahmad is just a tip of the iceberg of what is wrong with UMNO and BN today. Sadly, selfish and greed are part of the UMNO culture nowadays. UMNO and BN is rapidly losing the respect of the People. We have leadership crisis within UMNO and BN. Things must change… and it must change immediately!!! Not in 2010, and not to another ‘frail’ leader. The current leadership in UMNO forgot all the fights and the vision of UMNO leaders of yesteryears. The late Tun Razak did not implement all he did for UMNO to be what it is today. We need a leader who understand the legacy of Tun Razak and the other forefathers to continue the leadership of Malays and Malaysian. Sadly, not many in UMNO understand it and even fewer are able to take up the leadership mantle…….

  370. What was said by Ahmad is regrettable, but it does not represent the view of majority Malay and other Malaysian. It is a statement made by an ill informed and insensitive person. To put it short, an idiot!!
    What should have been done earlier by UMNO leaders is to seek explanation from Ahmad and reprimand him if it was fact that his words were malicious and disrespectful to the community. This should have been done sooner before the issue is raised by Opposition and other BN component parties. UMNO leaders should have been more forward thinking and speedy in its actions…pre-empt instead of being re-active.
    A public apology by an UMNO top leader for the wrong doing of others shows weakness. Especially that the person involved is not even remorseful for what he did. If it was up to me, Ahmad would have been slapped behind closed doors and would have been ‘hanged’ (not literally) in public view.
    Things have really been out of control for BN. The case with Ahmad is just a tip of the iceberg of what is wrong with UMNO and BN today. Sadly, selfish and greed are part of the UMNO culture nowadays. UMNO and BN is rapidly losing the respect of the People. We have leadership crisis within UMNO and BN. Things must change… and it must change immediately!!! Not in 2010, and not to another ‘frail’ leader. The current leadership in UMNO forgot all the fights and the vision of UMNO leaders of yesteryears. The late Tun Razak did not implement all he did for UMNO to be what it is today. We need a leader who understand the legacy of Tun Razak and the other forefathers to continue the leadership of Malays and Malaysian. Sadly, not many in UMNO understand it and even fewer are able to take up the leadership mantle…….

  371. What was said by Ahmad is regrettable, but it does not represent the view of majority Malay and other Malaysian. It is a statement made by an ill informed and insensitive person. To put it short, an idiot!!
    What should have been done earlier by UMNO leaders is to seek explanation from Ahmad and reprimand him if it was fact that his words were malicious and disrespectful to the community. This should have been done sooner before the issue is raised by Opposition and other BN component parties. UMNO leaders should have been more forward thinking and speedy in its actions…pre-empt instead of being re-active.
    A public apology by an UMNO top leader for the wrong doing of others shows weakness. Especially that the person involved is not even remorseful for what he did. If it was up to me, Ahmad would have been slapped behind closed doors and would have been ‘hanged’ (not literally) in public view.
    Things have really been out of control for BN. The case with Ahmad is just a tip of the iceberg of what is wrong with UMNO and BN today. Sadly, selfish and greed are part of the UMNO culture nowadays. UMNO and BN is rapidly losing the respect of the People. We have leadership crisis within UMNO and BN. Things must change… and it must change immediately!!! Not in 2010, and not to another ‘frail’ leader. The current leadership in UMNO forgot all the fights and the vision of UMNO leaders of yesteryears. The late Tun Razak did not implement all he did for UMNO to be what it is today. We need a leader who understand the legacy of Tun Razak and the other forefathers to continue the leadership of Malays and Malaysian. Sadly, not many in UMNO understand it and even fewer are able to take up the leadership mantle…….

  372. What was said by Ahmad is regrettable, but it does not represent the view of majority Malay and other Malaysian. It is a statement made by an ill informed and insensitive person. To put it short, an idiot!!
    What should have been done earlier by UMNO leaders is to seek explanation from Ahmad and reprimand him if it was fact that his words were malicious and disrespectful to the community. This should have been done sooner before the issue is raised by Opposition and other BN component parties. UMNO leaders should have been more forward thinking and speedy in its actions…pre-empt instead of being re-active.
    A public apology by an UMNO top leader for the wrong doing of others shows weakness. Especially that the person involved is not even remorseful for what he did. If it was up to me, Ahmad would have been slapped behind closed doors and would have been ‘hanged’ (not literally) in public view.
    Things have really been out of control for BN. The case with Ahmad is just a tip of the iceberg of what is wrong with UMNO and BN today. Sadly, selfish and greed are part of the UMNO culture nowadays. UMNO and BN is rapidly losing the respect of the People. We have leadership crisis within UMNO and BN. Things must change… and it must change immediately!!! Not in 2010, and not to another ‘frail’ leader. The current leadership in UMNO forgot all the fights and the vision of UMNO leaders of yesteryears. The late Tun Razak did not implement all he did for UMNO to be what it is today. We need a leader who understand the legacy of Tun Razak and the other forefathers to continue the leadership of Malays and Malaysian. Sadly, not many in UMNO understand it and even fewer are able to take up the leadership mantle…….

  373. What was said by Ahmad is regrettable, but it does not represent the view of majority Malay and other Malaysian. It is a statement made by an ill informed and insensitive person. To put it short, an idiot!!
    What should have been done earlier by UMNO leaders is to seek explanation from Ahmad and reprimand him if it was fact that his words were malicious and disrespectful to the community. This should have been done sooner before the issue is raised by Opposition and other BN component parties. UMNO leaders should have been more forward thinking and speedy in its actions…pre-empt instead of being re-active.
    A public apology by an UMNO top leader for the wrong doing of others shows weakness. Especially that the person involved is not even remorseful for what he did. If it was up to me, Ahmad would have been slapped behind closed doors and would have been ‘hanged’ (not literally) in public view.
    Things have really been out of control for BN. The case with Ahmad is just a tip of the iceberg of what is wrong with UMNO and BN today. Sadly, selfish and greed are part of the UMNO culture nowadays. UMNO and BN is rapidly losing the respect of the People. We have leadership crisis within UMNO and BN. Things must change… and it must change immediately!!! Not in 2010, and not to another ‘frail’ leader. The current leadership in UMNO forgot all the fights and the vision of UMNO leaders of yesteryears. The late Tun Razak did not implement all he did for UMNO to be what it is today. We need a leader who understand the legacy of Tun Razak and the other forefathers to continue the leadership of Malays and Malaysian. Sadly, not many in UMNO understand it and even fewer are able to take up the leadership mantle…….

  374. What was said by Ahmad is regrettable, but it does not represent the view of majority Malay and other Malaysian. It is a statement made by an ill informed and insensitive person. To put it short, an idiot!!
    What should have been done earlier by UMNO leaders is to seek explanation from Ahmad and reprimand him if it was fact that his words were malicious and disrespectful to the community. This should have been done sooner before the issue is raised by Opposition and other BN component parties. UMNO leaders should have been more forward thinking and speedy in its actions…pre-empt instead of being re-active.
    A public apology by an UMNO top leader for the wrong doing of others shows weakness. Especially that the person involved is not even remorseful for what he did. If it was up to me, Ahmad would have been slapped behind closed doors and would have been ‘hanged’ (not literally) in public view.
    Things have really been out of control for BN. The case with Ahmad is just a tip of the iceberg of what is wrong with UMNO and BN today. Sadly, selfish and greed are part of the UMNO culture nowadays. UMNO and BN is rapidly losing the respect of the People. We have leadership crisis within UMNO and BN. Things must change… and it must change immediately!!! Not in 2010, and not to another ‘frail’ leader. The current leadership in UMNO forgot all the fights and the vision of UMNO leaders of yesteryears. The late Tun Razak did not implement all he did for UMNO to be what it is today. We need a leader who understand the legacy of Tun Razak and the other forefathers to continue the leadership of Malays and Malaysian. Sadly, not many in UMNO understand it and even fewer are able to take up the leadership mantle…….

  375. What was said by Ahmad is regrettable, but it does not represent the view of majority Malay and other Malaysian. It is a statement made by an ill informed and insensitive person. To put it short, an idiot!!
    What should have been done earlier by UMNO leaders is to seek explanation from Ahmad and reprimand him if it was fact that his words were malicious and disrespectful to the community. This should have been done sooner before the issue is raised by Opposition and other BN component parties. UMNO leaders should have been more forward thinking and speedy in its actions…pre-empt instead of being re-active.
    A public apology by an UMNO top leader for the wrong doing of others shows weakness. Especially that the person involved is not even remorseful for what he did. If it was up to me, Ahmad would have been slapped behind closed doors and would have been ‘hanged’ (not literally) in public view.
    Things have really been out of control for BN. The case with Ahmad is just a tip of the iceberg of what is wrong with UMNO and BN today. Sadly, selfish and greed are part of the UMNO culture nowadays. UMNO and BN is rapidly losing the respect of the People. We have leadership crisis within UMNO and BN. Things must change… and it must change immediately!!! Not in 2010, and not to another ‘frail’ leader. The current leadership in UMNO forgot all the fights and the vision of UMNO leaders of yesteryears. The late Tun Razak did not implement all he did for UMNO to be what it is today. We need a leader who understand the legacy of Tun Razak and the other forefathers to continue the leadership of Malays and Malaysian. Sadly, not many in UMNO understand it and even fewer are able to take up the leadership mantle…….

  376. What was said by Ahmad is regrettable, but it does not represent the view of majority Malay and other Malaysian. It is a statement made by an ill informed and insensitive person. To put it short, an idiot!!
    What should have been done earlier by UMNO leaders is to seek explanation from Ahmad and reprimand him if it was fact that his words were malicious and disrespectful to the community. This should have been done sooner before the issue is raised by Opposition and other BN component parties. UMNO leaders should have been more forward thinking and speedy in its actions…pre-empt instead of being re-active.
    A public apology by an UMNO top leader for the wrong doing of others shows weakness. Especially that the person involved is not even remorseful for what he did. If it was up to me, Ahmad would have been slapped behind closed doors and would have been ‘hanged’ (not literally) in public view.
    Things have really been out of control for BN. The case with Ahmad is just a tip of the iceberg of what is wrong with UMNO and BN today. Sadly, selfish and greed are part of the UMNO culture nowadays. UMNO and BN is rapidly losing the respect of the People. We have leadership crisis within UMNO and BN. Things must change… and it must change immediately!!! Not in 2010, and not to another ‘frail’ leader. The current leadership in UMNO forgot all the fights and the vision of UMNO leaders of yesteryears. The late Tun Razak did not implement all he did for UMNO to be what it is today. We need a leader who understand the legacy of Tun Razak and the other forefathers to continue the leadership of Malays and Malaysian. Sadly, not many in UMNO understand it and even fewer are able to take up the leadership mantle…….

  377. What was said by Ahmad is regrettable, but it does not represent the view of majority Malay and other Malaysian. It is a statement made by an ill informed and insensitive person. To put it short, an idiot!!
    What should have been done earlier by UMNO leaders is to seek explanation from Ahmad and reprimand him if it was fact that his words were malicious and disrespectful to the community. This should have been done sooner before the issue is raised by Opposition and other BN component parties. UMNO leaders should have been more forward thinking and speedy in its actions…pre-empt instead of being re-active.
    A public apology by an UMNO top leader for the wrong doing of others shows weakness. Especially that the person involved is not even remorseful for what he did. If it was up to me, Ahmad would have been slapped behind closed doors and would have been ‘hanged’ (not literally) in public view.
    Things have really been out of control for BN. The case with Ahmad is just a tip of the iceberg of what is wrong with UMNO and BN today. Sadly, selfish and greed are part of the UMNO culture nowadays. UMNO and BN is rapidly losing the respect of the People. We have leadership crisis within UMNO and BN. Things must change… and it must change immediately!!! Not in 2010, and not to another ‘frail’ leader. The current leadership in UMNO forgot all the fights and the vision of UMNO leaders of yesteryears. The late Tun Razak did not implement all he did for UMNO to be what it is today. We need a leader who understand the legacy of Tun Razak and the other forefathers to continue the leadership of Malays and Malaysian. Sadly, not many in UMNO understand it and even fewer are able to take up the leadership mantle…….

  378. What was said by Ahmad is regrettable, but it does not represent the view of majority Malay and other Malaysian. It is a statement made by an ill informed and insensitive person. To put it short, an idiot!!
    What should have been done earlier by UMNO leaders is to seek explanation from Ahmad and reprimand him if it was fact that his words were malicious and disrespectful to the community. This should have been done sooner before the issue is raised by Opposition and other BN component parties. UMNO leaders should have been more forward thinking and speedy in its actions…pre-empt instead of being re-active.
    A public apology by an UMNO top leader for the wrong doing of others shows weakness. Especially that the person involved is not even remorseful for what he did. If it was up to me, Ahmad would have been slapped behind closed doors and would have been ‘hanged’ (not literally) in public view.
    Things have really been out of control for BN. The case with Ahmad is just a tip of the iceberg of what is wrong with UMNO and BN today. Sadly, selfish and greed are part of the UMNO culture nowadays. UMNO and BN is rapidly losing the respect of the People. We have leadership crisis within UMNO and BN. Things must change… and it must change immediately!!! Not in 2010, and not to another ‘frail’ leader. The current leadership in UMNO forgot all the fights and the vision of UMNO leaders of yesteryears. The late Tun Razak did not implement all he did for UMNO to be what it is today. We need a leader who understand the legacy of Tun Razak and the other forefathers to continue the leadership of Malays and Malaysian. Sadly, not many in UMNO understand it and even fewer are able to take up the leadership mantle…….

  379. What was said by Ahmad is regrettable, but it does not represent the view of majority Malay and other Malaysian. It is a statement made by an ill informed and insensitive person. To put it short, an idiot!!
    What should have been done earlier by UMNO leaders is to seek explanation from Ahmad and reprimand him if it was fact that his words were malicious and disrespectful to the community. This should have been done sooner before the issue is raised by Opposition and other BN component parties. UMNO leaders should have been more forward thinking and speedy in its actions…pre-empt instead of being re-active.
    A public apology by an UMNO top leader for the wrong doing of others shows weakness. Especially that the person involved is not even remorseful for what he did. If it was up to me, Ahmad would have been slapped behind closed doors and would have been ‘hanged’ (not literally) in public view.
    Things have really been out of control for BN. The case with Ahmad is just a tip of the iceberg of what is wrong with UMNO and BN today. Sadly, selfish and greed are part of the UMNO culture nowadays. UMNO and BN is rapidly losing the respect of the People. We have leadership crisis within UMNO and BN. Things must change… and it must change immediately!!! Not in 2010, and not to another ‘frail’ leader. The current leadership in UMNO forgot all the fights and the vision of UMNO leaders of yesteryears. The late Tun Razak did not implement all he did for UMNO to be what it is today. We need a leader who understand the legacy of Tun Razak and the other forefathers to continue the leadership of Malays and Malaysian. Sadly, not many in UMNO understand it and even fewer are able to take up the leadership mantle…….

  380. What was said by Ahmad is regrettable, but it does not represent the view of majority Malay and other Malaysian. It is a statement made by an ill informed and insensitive person. To put it short, an idiot!!
    What should have been done earlier by UMNO leaders is to seek explanation from Ahmad and reprimand him if it was fact that his words were malicious and disrespectful to the community. This should have been done sooner before the issue is raised by Opposition and other BN component parties. UMNO leaders should have been more forward thinking and speedy in its actions…pre-empt instead of being re-active.
    A public apology by an UMNO top leader for the wrong doing of others shows weakness. Especially that the person involved is not even remorseful for what he did. If it was up to me, Ahmad would have been slapped behind closed doors and would have been ‘hanged’ (not literally) in public view.
    Things have really been out of control for BN. The case with Ahmad is just a tip of the iceberg of what is wrong with UMNO and BN today. Sadly, selfish and greed are part of the UMNO culture nowadays. UMNO and BN is rapidly losing the respect of the People. We have leadership crisis within UMNO and BN. Things must change… and it must change immediately!!! Not in 2010, and not to another ‘frail’ leader. The current leadership in UMNO forgot all the fights and the vision of UMNO leaders of yesteryears. The late Tun Razak did not implement all he did for UMNO to be what it is today. We need a leader who understand the legacy of Tun Razak and the other forefathers to continue the leadership of Malays and Malaysian. Sadly, not many in UMNO understand it and even fewer are able to take up the leadership mantle…….

  381. What was said by Ahmad is regrettable, but it does not represent the view of majority Malay and other Malaysian. It is a statement made by an ill informed and insensitive person. To put it short, an idiot!!
    What should have been done earlier by UMNO leaders is to seek explanation from Ahmad and reprimand him if it was fact that his words were malicious and disrespectful to the community. This should have been done sooner before the issue is raised by Opposition and other BN component parties. UMNO leaders should have been more forward thinking and speedy in its actions…pre-empt instead of being re-active.
    A public apology by an UMNO top leader for the wrong doing of others shows weakness. Especially that the person involved is not even remorseful for what he did. If it was up to me, Ahmad would have been slapped behind closed doors and would have been ‘hanged’ (not literally) in public view.
    Things have really been out of control for BN. The case with Ahmad is just a tip of the iceberg of what is wrong with UMNO and BN today. Sadly, selfish and greed are part of the UMNO culture nowadays. UMNO and BN is rapidly losing the respect of the People. We have leadership crisis within UMNO and BN. Things must change… and it must change immediately!!! Not in 2010, and not to another ‘frail’ leader. The current leadership in UMNO forgot all the fights and the vision of UMNO leaders of yesteryears. The late Tun Razak did not implement all he did for UMNO to be what it is today. We need a leader who understand the legacy of Tun Razak and the other forefathers to continue the leadership of Malays and Malaysian. Sadly, not many in UMNO understand it and even fewer are able to take up the leadership mantle…….

  382. What was said by Ahmad is regrettable, but it does not represent the view of majority Malay and other Malaysian. It is a statement made by an ill informed and insensitive person. To put it short, an idiot!!
    What should have been done earlier by UMNO leaders is to seek explanation from Ahmad and reprimand him if it was fact that his words were malicious and disrespectful to the community. This should have been done sooner before the issue is raised by Opposition and other BN component parties. UMNO leaders should have been more forward thinking and speedy in its actions…pre-empt instead of being re-active.
    A public apology by an UMNO top leader for the wrong doing of others shows weakness. Especially that the person involved is not even remorseful for what he did. If it was up to me, Ahmad would have been slapped behind closed doors and would have been ‘hanged’ (not literally) in public view.
    Things have really been out of control for BN. The case with Ahmad is just a tip of the iceberg of what is wrong with UMNO and BN today. Sadly, selfish and greed are part of the UMNO culture nowadays. UMNO and BN is rapidly losing the respect of the People. We have leadership crisis within UMNO and BN. Things must change… and it must change immediately!!! Not in 2010, and not to another ‘frail’ leader. The current leadership in UMNO forgot all the fights and the vision of UMNO leaders of yesteryears. The late Tun Razak did not implement all he did for UMNO to be what it is today. We need a leader who understand the legacy of Tun Razak and the other forefathers to continue the leadership of Malays and Malaysian. Sadly, not many in UMNO understand it and even fewer are able to take up the leadership mantle…….

  383. I totally agree one thing with MCA secretary-general Datuk Seri Ong Ka Chuan about Chinese gained citizenship by sacrificing their lives for the country.If we are pendatang or anak tumpungan,then how should Malaysian people or people like Ahmad Ismail paid life to Chinese people that have been scarified for defend Malaysia when world war two?Chinese play part as defend Malaysia.If not us or any other race(include Malay and India) defend Malaysia,can Ahmad Ismail live peaceful like now.And another,Chinese people work hard to contribute Economic Malaysia and became Modern Malaysia Today.We part one the part to make development at Malaysia became nowadays.My point is Chinese people is not pendatang.

  384. Dear Tun,
    Don’t worry, I don’t think you’re a racist! I understand what you mean to convey.
    In my opinion, what Ahmad Ismail said regarding the Chinese being squatters would of course be misinterpreted as that the govt. and the nation does not consider the Chinese community as residents, but as unwanted foreigners, hence the backlash. Making this statement at the heat of our current political fiasco only adds fuel to the fire. He is a politician, a wakil of the Rakyat. He should be careful about what he says because most of the time people are going to take it seriously.
    Wee Ming Chee might have made fun of the Azan prayer, but his comment obviously comes from a person who does not understand much about the religion and therefore he merely describes what the prayer sounded like to him, and to him it sounds like a love duet. The rest of the lyrics are merely his POV, a satirical venting through the medium of a song. But I do agree, using the negaraku as his choice of song is very very wrong.
    As for the Hindraf, I do not undertsand why they did not reveal this to the public. Probably to avoid any confrontations and violence or bad publicity?
    As a Malaysian, I do not mind that that the govt. gives certain privileges to the Malays and Bumiputeras. That is because they need it more than us. Everything has its two sides, it just depends which one we prefer to look at. I have Malay and Indian friends and we get along just as well. Because at the end of the day, we are Malaysians all the same. My Malay and Indian friends also ask me if its okay for me to eat beef (when they’re sharing their food with me), which implies that we are generally aware of each others needs and limitations. Its not the same with some people of the older generation though. However, this is unavoidable because when there are differences comparison would still exist even if subtly.
    Dear TDM, it is thanks to you and our ex-leaders of our country that we can achieve our current racial harmony. Let not allow some unworldly statement of an impulsive nitpicking minister get the best of us.

  385. Melayu pun datang dari Java (Jawa), Sumatera (Minangkabau/Acheh), dan Sulawesi (Bugis) selepas Portugis mejajah Melaka. Melayu adalah Pendatang yang tidak tahu asal usul nya, baca lah buku Jared Diamond “Guns, Germs, and Steel”, tentang asal usul Melayu, Sebenarnya Melayu Pendatang dari Taiwan. Pribumi Semenanjung Malaysia sebenar adalah Orang Asli Negrito, baca lah: http://www.andaman.org/BOOK/chapter35/text35.htm, dan Pribumi Borneo adalah Dayak and Kadazan-Dusun.
    and Tun juga Pedatang dari Kerala: http://malaysianunplug.blogspot.com/2008/06/dr-mahathir-was-reminded-of-his.html
    Tak paya la Ahmad Ismail bangkit org lain punya sejarah asal usul, dan Tun tidak bantah.

  386. Salam Ramadhan Tun….
    Pertamanya, saya cukup gembira dan bersyukur kerana Tun masih lagi sihat serta dipanjangkan umur…Alhamdulillah..
    tetapi jauh disudut hati..terdetik rasa..alangkah gundah gelananya hati Tun bila melihat keadaan Malaysia kini….dan terlintas dihati…sepatutnya Tun tidak perlu melihat dan merasa kekecewaan yg sebegini rupa
    Saya menyertai parti politik bila melihat seluruh kaum kerabat keluarga saya menyertai parti UMNO dan benar-benar berdiri di belakang Tun..mereka benar-benar mengabdikan diri pada parti dan lebih tepat lagi pada kepimpinan Tun
    Tapi sayang sekali…apabila Tun membuat keputusan mengundurkan diri, kami kaum kerabat amat kecewa..takut..resah..gundah gelana memikirkan nasib Malaysia di tangan org lain…tetapi masih lagi mengekalkan diri sebagai ahli parti…kami juga masih mengambil pendekatan tunggu dan lihat apakah kepimpinan baru mampu membawa Malaysia lebih kehadapan…jika tunggak baru ini mampu maka kami tidak akan teragak-agak untuk terus berbakti….walaupun dihati kami telah mula terbayang nasib Malaysia kelak apabila kepimpinan beralih tunggak
    Nampaknya kegusaran kami berasas dan kini kebimbangan kami telah mula menampakkan diri…Malaysia kini bergoyah…dan sedang digoyahkan…
    Kami kaum kerabat mula tawar hati untuk terus mengabdikan diri pada parti dan lebih telus..kepimpinan kini….terlalu banyak kepedihan dihati yg telah diciptakan oleh kepimpinan kini dan kerabatnya…
    Kami kaum kerabat telah bersepakat untuk meninggalkan parti dan akan hanya berbakti pada tanah air dengan cara kami sendiri..kami tidak mampu lagi menjadi pemerhati dan kami akan terus mempertahankan maruah Melayu dan tanahair dengan cara dan strategi kami sendiri……
    Semangat tidak kenal erti kalah Tun adalah pembakar obor perjuangan kami….
    Kami kaum kerabat akan terus berdiri dibelakang Tun..hanya menunggu semboyan perjuangan dibunyikan dan telah bersedia jiwa dan raga untuk menuju ke medan peperangan mempertahankan bumi tercinta…
    Salam ramadhan dan semoga perjuangan kita semua direstuiNya..

  387. Saya generasi cina yang ke-empat di malaysia…
    moyang saya pendatang…
    ke empat…generasi ke empat…..sampai bila kita di panggil dan dilayan sebagai penumpang? sampai bila?….
    Its been many years i heard malay people tell us chinese…we gave u this , we gave u that , we gave u all so much….be gratefull , be thankfull , bla bla bla…..
    I beg all malay pls keep this thoughts in ur mind forever….pls…dun change the way u think….its is because of all this remarks for all this years…i’ve become a very successfull chinese that is only tumpang’ing in ur tanah melayu…
    Without week malay…there will be no strong chinese …right?…
    Cina pendatang , india pendatang , melayu tuan tanah……saya berharap permikiran ini tak akan berubah….sebagai seorang pendatang..saya telah berjaya kalahkan banyak orang melayu di tanah nya sendiri ….good for me!!!

    By samuraimelayu on September 6, 2008 6:24 AM
    14. Perhaps people should wonder why during the time of the previous four Prime Ministers, who were also Presidents of UMNO, there were no such utterances by UMNO members. And there were practically none from the non-Malays either…
    ‘Samuraimelayu’ POHON MAAF(2X) IF our dawn of 6th comments were deemed ‘irrelevant’ and ‘sensitive. BUT,
    DEPA KATA .. I SUDAH (minta) AMPUN (ISA)

  389. Not necessary to have chinese school if all primary school and secondary school teach chinese language and tamil to the following races.
    Laws and rules of Malaysia not realy fair to certain races. ‘Obama’ we need you.

  390. askm Tun,
    selamat berbuka puasa bersama keluarga.
    slepas pohon maaf 2, apa lagi mesej yang Tun nak sampaikan pada Melayu dan kepimpinan Melayu nie Tun?

  391. The word here is “international” school. If simple things like this is not easy for some to comprehend, it is no wonder we are where we are today. Are Malaysians now talking about being one bangsa, Bangsa Malaysia or are we talking about being Bangsa ANTARABANGSA?
    If you don’t see yourself as “pendatang”, then you are not. At the same time, if you feel strongly that Malaysia is not your country to call home, then it is not. No one can change how you feel & what you believe.

  392. asalamualaium,
    tun you were once supported by the chinese is not bcause they like you…you should know that it is because what you give to them that it is suppose belongs to the bumi…like malay said they (chinese) “tak sokong buta2 ja”…for example you are the one that introduce the meritocracy policy…you said that it will help the malay to compete with the pendatang(chinese) bullshit!!…at that time you were so desperate to get support from the chinese because the malay seem to favour Anwar…you should also remember that you are the one that increased their(chinese) quota in scholarship which result in the decreased of malay student studying abroad or in local university…these kind of ‘give’ that they get here(in Tanah Melayu) is surely not guaranteed if they live in their motherland where they have to compete with billion of chinese which are smarter than them…So no wonder why the chinese in Tanah Melayu supported you in the 99 election…you should always remember this…and i want to stress that “MELAYU TAK MUDAH LUPA”!!!!

  393. To Temenggung
    You are ‘pendatang asing’ too. Happy with this sentence?
    If you realy read the history books, you should know where your grandsire from. Malays, Chineses and Indians are ‘pendatang asing.’ Only orang asli are not.
    Ahmad DARE to TALK, NOT DARE to TAKE the responsibilities. All the newsreporters heard what he said. Even the malays also feel embrassed by looking at the chinese newsreporter.

  394. Assalammualaikum w.b.t buat Tun sekeluarga,
    Tun ,
    Politik kita semakin kacau bilau. Isu agama dan bangsa terus dipermainkan. Kasihanilah anak cucu kami nanti. Mereka juga ingin hidup aman damai dalam negara majmuk tercinta ini. Buat orang2 politik ( kerajaan & pembangkang ), hentikanlah!!! Kami tidak mengundi untuk melihat kalian bergaduh seperti kanak-kanak.
    Semoga Tun dapat membantu.
    Selamat Berpuasa buat Tun dan Keluarga.

  395. Salam hormat Pak Tun Mahadhir
    Saya kurang faham hampir semua pendapat dan kritik di Malaysiakini(Englih)
    yang menghina dan tuduh Tun macam2 adalah dari bangsa lain contoh
    Helen Ang,josh Hng dan banyak lagi dan mereka memuji2 Pak Anwar.Saya mengharapkan orang2 melayu juga harus beri pendapat mereka karna kalau mediam diri petanda setuju.Tetapi di blog Tun ada berjuta2 pendukung Tun.Penulis ini saolah2 membalas dendam terhadap Tun.Saya percaya mereka segaja tidak mahu sentuh perkara yang baik dan kemajuang negara Malaysia waktu Tun dulu. Mereka pura2 tidak tahu bahwa Tun mempunyai berjuta2 pendukung yang sanggup berkorban nywa demi untuk agama,bangsa dan negara.Contoh waktu saudara Kapal singh terima peluru tanda teguran keras supaya jangan biadap dengan raja2 melayu temanya saudara Lim Kit Siang mengatakan beliau tidak percaya hal semedikian rupa bisa terjadi di Malaysia.Kedua2 pemimimpin ini kononnya tidak mengerti dan paham perasaan orang2 luar kota,ladang2 Felda dan di kampong2. Mereka yang penting adalah ingin mempertahankan kelangsungan hidup keluarga sehari2
    dan tidak paham apa itu constitutions ,Bar counsel,dan lain2.Mereka pentingkan martabat bangsa taat pada hukom dan raja2.Mereka akan memerontak kalau sesiapa menghina raja2 melayu dan mempersoalkan hak2 orang2 melayu dalam negaranya sendiri.Mudah2an mereka konon nya
    interlektual berfikir dulu dan paham perasaan rayaat majority khusus mereka di luar kota,kampong masih mengharap Tun memimping Malaysia lagi.

  396. salahuddin mentioned the following on September 6, 2008 3:08 PM
    2. …All this while the chinese and indians have speak out their views openly without acknowledging the malay’s sensitivity.They even questioned about the malay privilege in this country and they did not apologize.
    3.I will not be surprised that one day Malaysia will be like Singapore. The malays are treated poorly. They are not even treated as citizen of Singapore. They have no respect from the chinese and indians over there. The same situation will happen to Malaysia when the malays are weak,corrupted leaders being voted in, and more power being given to the non-malays.
    For his point 2, I would like to reiterate that the so call special privilege were granted to “BUMIPUTERA” and not MALAY. MALAY does not equal to BUMIPUTERA, meaning that not all malay are bumiputera. salahuddin saying that Chinese and Indian questioned about the malay privilege and yet never apologised. However, i would like to clarify that we didn’t questioned the BUMIPUTERA privilege. We questioned about the DEB. Please be mindful that DEB and Bumiputera privilege are totally different issue. However, in many event, the politician especially those from UMNO had mislead the general Malaysian that both are the same.
    For the point 3, its mentioned that Malay singaporean are being treated poorly. However, there is no fact given. Thus, how true is the claim? From my understanding, there are a percentage of HDB flat reserved for Malay community in housing estate. Further more, i had seen real progress in the Malay Singaporean. I can see that the racial sentiment in Singapore is not as terrible as Malaysia. It is common for us to see different race, Malay, Chinese, Indian, foreigner mixed together and even having meal together.

  397. Salam TUN…
    Nak Cerita sikit ni…keluar topik sikit…
    Ceritanya begini…
    Ada org bertanya. Siapa yang kau sokong? PAS, UMNO, DAP, KeADILan?
    Dijawabnya begini. Pas bukan, UMNO pun bukan, DAP lagi bukan, KeADILan jauh sekali…
    Ditanya lagi. Habistu siapa kau sokong?
    Jawapannya. Dulu Kini dan Selamanya sokong ku hanya untuk TUN MAHATHIR…
    Shamsuri Yusoff 730818-11-5379

  398. 1. Race based politics (e.g. UMNO, MCA, MIC) and initiatives (4 DPMs … rubbish) have long expired its used by date. All I want is 1 PM and 1 DPM who talks for everyone. I couldn’t care less about what color he or she is.
    2. Religion needs to be removed from politics. It only works in an homogenous environment AND only for a short period. Humans will still find a way to differ on the topic because no one knows the ‘whole truth’. That’s not going to change.
    3. Blogger Jan said “Children from Chinese schools do not speak Malay and don’t mix with Malays”. I am not sure where to begin here … did Blogger Jan give enough thought before writing that? It is a freaking problem with EVERYONE!
    4. Tun has progressed the nation most. But Tun did nothing to remedy the racist under-current the nation balances on. Nobody did! Don’t cite NEP, please. It is a flawed concept. The only good thing out of that is Tun’s (this) blog and Raja Petra’s blog. We can finally discuss things with maturity (barring the Neanderthal’s who live to smear in blogs)
    5. Blogger WKS, here is the challenge … I look forward to the day when I complete a form without having to state my religion. That information has absolutely no relevance! In some respects, Malaysia is 20 years behind other countries that went thru a phase of redefining itself.
    6. When (and if) ready, Malaysia should setup an independent commission chartered to abolish racism. This body should be taking on problems head on like;
    (a) Businesses hiring based on race. Promotions based on race. etc. etc.
    (b) Even challenging the governments policies like discounted house prices (someone once told me if Tun Daim really needs a discount when buying a house). Discounts should be given to people with lower income.
    THE MALAYSIAN DILEMMA (pun intended); Tun quite clearly says that affirmative action by nature discriminates. Affirmative action (especially in its current form) cannot co-exist with equality.
    Have a good week ahead.

  399. UMNO gelar ku sebagai pendatang,
    kenyataan yg bersifat tidak matang.
    Manusia ni ada banyak pantang,
    janganlah layan ku macam binatang.
    Tiba-tiba Gerakan berkokok,
    macam monyet diatas pokok,
    Dulu duduk diam dengan rokok,
    kini hebat macam teresa kok.
    Selepas undi MCA berubah,
    pendirian sekarang nampaknya tabah,
    Dulu tak bermaya macam digigit lebah,
    perubahan ini tidak munasabah.
    Ahli politik suka berdebat,
    pecahbelahkan rakyat bukan main hebat.
    Bulu ketiak ku sudah lebat,
    dah tahu kamu ni bersuhabat.
    Wahai kawan-kawan yang disayangi,
    marilah kita bercita-cita tinggi.
    Isu ini diheboh setiap pagi,
    sebab pilihan parti tak lama lagi.

  400. Dear Tun,
    Malaysia is Malaysia do not compare it with Singapore, Indonesia, USA, UK, China or India.
    The great leaders who led Malaysia choose the best policies that works and had worked for Malaysia and Malayisan until today – granted it did not make everybody happy – bit it worked. Malaysia is a respected nation in the world is testimony to that. DO NOT FORGET THAT!
    Tun, if you had your way what do you think is the best option for UMNO and BN to clean up the NEP, especially its implementation, in this era of a more enlighten, educated, vocal and passionate middle class population?
    Perhaps we can learn a thing or two from you?
    Best Regards

  401. Dear Tun,
    An apology is in order, sir. Your Mohon Maaf 1 sounded very partisian. It caused a lot of distress to alot of people who know you better. Though your intentions we in the right place, the words came out rather harsh. The least is an apology for the posting which caused distress, eventhough it was not intended.
    Its funny sometime when you want to say something and it comes out wrong or the listeners misinterpretes your words.
    As they say people will listen to what they want to hear!
    Anyway apologising is not a sign of weakness but a sign of a great leader (if indeed an error had been perceived by the listeners). But please do not go around apologising for others, that really shows your weakness!!!
    Ahmad’s huha is a case in point. Was it a case of misinterperations and misperception? If so it is just a very small matter – yet it has been blow out of all proportion!!! Media responsibility is called for as it started from the media report; and with out finding out the facts; people started to jump on the bandwagon..in this case including our most respected Tun. It shows Tun is human and human make mistakes.
    More so as the saying goes. To err is human and to forgive divine.
    Lets ALL MALAYSIANS not forget whether Chinese, Malays, Indians, Punjabis, Kadazans, Kadayans, Dayaks, Eurasians, or any ethnic group as long as they hold the Malaysia Passport (and MYKAD) we are Malaysians.
    Do not begrudge that. Malaysians are all in it together.
    The policies that the previous goverments (via BN) had in place was exactly to ensure the welfare of all the Malaysian, by ensuring peace, stability, prosperity and harmony. It can only be done when there is racial hormany in this diverse community of the ethnic groups in the population.
    Its no easy task. Lets not undo what has been put in place for all Malaysians.
    If we do need to change, and we surely need to change with the times due to the change in peoples attitudes and outlook, lets do it gradually. During time of stability.
    Lets not do it thru chaos, because the cost to Malaysia and Malaysians will be very high.

  402. thank you for the clarification Dr Mahathir.
    I hope it can be wake up call for the president of UMNO.
    I am a Malaysian indian medical officer working in a district hospital.
    I’ve had many instances whereby a patient (Chinese/Indian) around schooling age having an appaling command of the Bahasa Malaysia/English. They can’t even put forward their complaint and they end up being translated to me by their parents or grandparents who are apparently fluent in those languages.(which actually might not be the complaint at all!!!)
    I would wonder why…
    The elders could speak the language without formal schooling because of their close relationship with the Malays in the kampung and for them unity and nationalism is fostered via our lingua franca.
    Unfortunately,from my perspective education and schooling is becoming very segregated (i.e Chinese and Tamil schools with its own curriculum). I feel its time to let go the current schooling system and to incorporate Chinese and Tamil education into our national school.This is to ensure our children would attain strong command of Bahasa Malaysia/English which direct/indirectly translates to a better Malaysia.

  403. Dear Jan,
    I’m from chinese primary school, and mind you that it didn’t *breeds* racism. it never. I have primary school mates which are Malay, please ask any one of them to seek the truth.
    second thing, I’ve been taught with Bahasa Malaysia, our national language. Why everything has to label as Malay? who’s the racist here?

  404. Tun ,
    Nampaknya Tun sendiri dah tak boleh cakap pasal bangsa Melayu atau sebarang tindakan daripada bangsa lain yang jelas racist . Nanti Tun pula akan digelar racist .
    – Isu ini mudah sahaja kerana Tun menyentuh mengenai isu Namawee dan hindraf yg begitu disokong oleh mereka yg menuduh Tun racist .
    – Hindraf disokong oleh ahli poltik seperti DAP dan PKR , macamana mereka mengatakan ianya one man act? . Mereka mendapat sokongan dan dikatakan wira rakyat dalam masa yg sama mereka menghina Melayu dan Islam .
    – Begitu juga dengan si Namawee yg bukan sahaja menghina lagu negaraku tapi mengherdik azan dan orang Melayu , bagaimana pula ianya bukan one man act kerana jelas dan terang disokong oleh ahli politik cina dan juga kita boleh melihat sokongan yg tak berbelah bagi di forum internet dan blog-blog non malay . Dan dikolej ada yg memainkan lagu-lagu ini dihandphone mereka dengan diiringi gelak ketawa tanpa rasa malu dan segan . Tapi bila Tun menyentuh isu ini, Tun pula dikatakan racist .
    – Nampaknya kita orang Melayu tak boleh sentuh pasal perkara ini jika tidak kita pulak yg akan dituduh racist . Lihatlah pada blog lim kit siang yg selalu memainkan racial card dengan fakta yg salah , malangnya dia tidak pulak dikatakan racist .
    – UMNO tak boleh cakap pasal Melayu lagi nanti UMNO akan dilabel sebagai racist , hanya parti macam DAP yg akan bebas terus cakap pasal bangsa mereka sendiri dan menuduh dengan bebas . orang lain ingin menghapuskan budaya dan adat mereka .
    Selamat berpuasa Tun , semoga rakyat Malaysia dapat bersatu dalam keadaan hari ini .

  405. Dear Tun,
    i am truly and honestly an admirer of your work especially in putrajaya the amazing city which you have been creditted with personally and i believe will remain your shining crowning achievement for the ages.
    Not to be denied Tun i think is your inability as well as that of the other malay leaders of malaysia to understand what it feels like to live in post 1969 Malaysia as a non malay. If you had excepted your indian hereditary and become an MIC member i doubt you would have wrote pohon maaf or even laid down the ground rules for what has become our countries unwritten social contract. Possibly your greatness in all you have done would have never been as you may not have become PM ever. In that in itself a gross and outright ludacracy of fairness and just rights. Call me hot headed yes those last lines were emotional and im sorry. Enshrined in a written constitution or not its spirit somehow guarantees for generations to come the same delivery of rights and privileges with a strong advantage to one race.
    Its bad enough that our situation is such, indian tamil schools negected by a government with only one cabinet representative for our race and a percentage of representation in parliament under your good rule which would be questionable. Indians the race from which you sir stem from have been second class citizens for far too long. A resurgence in the recent election have given many young malaysians such as myself a breath of fresh air. Remarks like the ones uttered during the permatang pauh bi election campaign should be labeled as racist. Apologies from the leadership is sufficient for some but to others it seems the likening of the sorry’s of teh parents to a remorseless youth with no common sence to even apologize yet when seminars on faith are organized those who parade violently need not apologize but the organisers are made to do so instead ?
    Stretching it? yes being unfair probably. Not the same situation true i agree once again i owe these comparisons to emotions. But dear dear Tun why don’t you accept your indian parentage? become one of us legally? denounce your claim to special rights receive the second class treatment that most indians have over the years and then write your addition to pohon maaf? Are too many sorrys too much to ask? if we were not sensitive of what we said before can we not be sensitive from now onwards? just because calling an african american nigger was accepted before it does not mean they will tolerate it today and in that sence many of your ‘it happened before but no on said anything about it’ arguements are easily rebuttled.
    Tun i do not mean to hurt you. you have a strong sense of statesmanship and you are a masterful stewart however Tun you are Indian but you never admitted it and therefor i do hope that you do not deny those you do admit to being chinese or indian the right to an apology one to many. Its a luxury we rarely receive and a right we ought to have .
    thank you and sorry.

  406. Assalamualaikum Tun,
    Pertamanya,saya ingin mengucapkan terima kasih yang tidak terhingga diatas segala jasa-jasa yang telah ditaburkan selama 22 tahun Tun menjadi Perdana Menteri Malaysia. Saya amat pasti,tidak kira bangsa atau parti apa pun yang wujud di Malaysia ini(walaupun ada yang membenci Tun) sedikit sebanyak tetap akan mengiktiraf dan menghargai jasa Tun kepada negara.
    Hari ini kita sendiri dapat melihat keadaan politik di negara kita semakin tidak stabil akibat dari kelemahan dan ketidakmampuan seseorang yang telah diberi mandat oleh majoriti rakyat untuk mentadbir. Walaupun pada mulanya saya tetap menyalahkan Tun kerana telah menyerahkan tanggungjawab menggalas jawatan Perdana Menteri kepada Pak Lah. Tetapi akhirnya saya dapat menerima kesilapan Tun kerana setiap manusia yang lahir di muka bumi ini tidak lekang dari melakukan kesilapan. Saya juga ingin memohon maaf diatas kesalahan saya kerana telah meletakkan punca segala apa yang telah berlaku di negara kita ini datangnya dari Tun sendiri.
    Saya bukanlah penyokong mana-mana parti politik. Saya bukannya ahli UMNO dan bukan ahli parti pembangkang. Saya amat mengkagumi kepimpinan Tun walaupun terdapat juga cacat celanya,tetapi seperti apa yang saya nyatakan tadi,setiap manusia yang lahir di muka bumi ini tidak lekang dari melakukan kesilapan.
    Sebenarnya saya terpanggil untuk memberikan satu cadangan walaupun saya pasti mungkin Tun dan penyokong Tun akan mengganggap bahawa cadangan saya ini adalah satu cadangan yang bodoh dan tidak masuk akal. Saya tidak kisah walau apa pun tanggapan terhadap cadangan saya ini. Saya menyarakannya atas konteks untuk melihat melayu kembali bersatu tanpa mengira fahaman politik masing-masing.
    Cadangan saya supaya Tun dapat bermuzakarah dengan pemimpin-pemimpin Pas walaupun Tun sendiri berpendirian bahawa Pas juga sebenarnya tidak boleh dipercayai. Pertamanya,ketepikan perasaan ego yang wujud dalam diri masing-masing. Biarlah apa yang akan orang katakan kepada kita tetapi atas dasar ingin melihat melayu kembali bersatupadu. Ketepikan fahaman dan politik masing-masing kerana politik hanyalah wadah perjuangan. tujuan yang utama ialah melihat kembali orang melayu bersatupadu. Saya juga amat yakin pemimpin-pemimpin Pas insyaallah mahu bermuzakarah dengan Tun tetapi seperti yang saya katakan tadi, keegoan diri yang menguasai diri.
    Saya juga yakin Pas kini telah merasakan bahawa perjuangan mereka bersama Pakatan Rakyat tidak akan kemana. Sebab itu Pas kini mengambil pendirian tunggu dan lihat jika benar Anwar Ibrahim akan menjadi Perdana Menteri apakah kesannya kepada perjuangan Pas.
    Pas adalah benteng yang ke dua bagi orang melayu sebenarnya selepas UMNO. Jika hari ini kita melihat UMNO pimpinan Pak Lah semakin terumbang ambing dan mungkin akan karam,mengapakah kita sanggup memperjudikan penyokong-penokong yang begitu sayangkan UMNO dan pasti akan kecewa bila melihat UMNO sendiri semakin tidak dipercayai oleh orang melayu. Apakah kita tetap mahu bergayut di dahan yang semakin reput. Bukan bermakna apabila Tun bermuzakarah dengan pemimpin-pemimpin Pas menunjukkan Tun ingin menyertai Pas. Bermuzakarah atas dasar menyatupadukan orang melayu.
    Saya amat yakin jika Tun dapat bermuzakarah dan berbaik-baik dengan pemimpin Pas,insyaallah niat murni dan ikhlas Tun untuk menyatupadukan melayu akan mendapat sokongan yang tidak berbelah bagi daripada orang melayu sendiri..
    Selamat Berpuasa

  407. I totally agree the comments posted by thethinker on 5/9/2008, all of us are born in malaysia, we are malaysian, no matter where our ancestor from. Recently government is trying to attract foreigner to choose malaysia as their second home. What you think if they read this Pendatang issue.
    Really disappoint for what Ahmad had said, some more he is one of the BN leader. He should responsible for what had said, rather than twist the story and blame to other people. He even blame ex-CM not to do more acting, chinese won’t support him anymore. What is this statement?? A politician should serve for everybody, even somebody is not with the same party. We dont need such leader, we need a leader that will serve for everybody, not matter what race,religion and party also.
    If he really want to ping point who is Pendatang, i would said all people in the world are pendatang to earth. Because there is nothing on earth at the beginning.
    By -thethinker- on September 5, 2008 6:59 PM
    Jika mengikut definisi kata-kata Ahmad dari UMNO Bkt Bendera:
    Moyang rakyat malaysia keturunan Cina ialah Pendatang.
    rakyat malaysia keturunan Cina ialah Pendatang.
    jika ini disetujui , maka ..
    Ayahanda Tun Dr. Mahathir berasal dari Kerala, India,
    Ayahanda Tun Dr. Mahathir ialah pendatang.
    Maka, Tun Dr. Mahathir ialah pendatang.
    keturunan Tun juga ialah pendatang.
    Salah !! ini semua salah… mengikut definisi Melayu dlm perlembagaan Malaysia ialah mereka yg mengamalkan budaya dan istiadat melayu dan beragama Islam, maka Tun ialah Melayu. Begitu juga dgn Cina Malaysia, mereka ada rakyat Malaysia mengikut perlembagaan , bukannya pendatang !!!

  408. Assalamualaikum Tun,
    Moga Tun dalam keadaan sehat walafiat.
    1. Saya ingin meminta pendapat Tun dalam 2 kertas cadangan yang saya ingin kemukakan;
    a) KEADILAN – menahan kemaraanya.
    b) PROTON – satu rekaan baru untuk memantapkan jualan kereta serta kepakaran teknologi Proton sedunia.
    2. Saya gerenti tak akan mengambil seminit dua bagi mempersembahkan konsep konsep ini. Ini bukan cadangan atau rekaan yang luarbiasa dan mustahil.
    3. Saya sangat-sangat memohon agar Tun sudi membalas saya secara emel peribadi untuk melanjutkan perkara ini.
    Sekian ribuan terima kasih

  409. There was less talk of racial connotation because of the silencing of the media, the impotency of the judiciary, the dominance of BN strongmen in every aspect of the people’s life and the perpetuation of the ISA. People were afraid to speak up and let things be the status quo which does not mean that there was no problem but that the problem was left in some empty corner to fester. The unbound political realities has shown that the problems have not been solved by any previous government but mere forgotten and has now been exposed again when the rug was taken off revealing the dirt underneath. People don’t support parties for the party’s sake, we support anyone willing to bring about a change and not for anyone racial groups. Tun confidence and support is relative, the Chinese supported you in 1999 because we believe that you would bring about change and that there were no better alternative at that time. We gave a resounding boost to BN in 2004 for the change that Abdullah promised to bring and the rakyat decided that in 2008 that the government no longer seeks the aspiration of the rakyat at heart and thus we offered the vote to the better candidate. BN does not have the monopoly in politics and the rakyat now has a choice to make and if the Pakatan shows that they put themselves above the rakyat or that the BN has truly reformed then the rakyat will cast their vote for the more deserving party again. PS the Chinese and Indian are not glorifying the new political clout, Bumis still make up the majority of the voters in most constituencies (thanks to some handy delineation in the voter boundary) so please don’t belittle us that non-bumis are the only ones wanting change, the result of March 8 and the permatang pauh by-elections have also shown that the very people UMNO seeks to woo are deserting them. If that is not symptomatic of deeper problems. Tun if you truly want to save Malaysia (which is already stretching the credibility at present) be a force for uniting the people not more racial semantics and power play, the malays are not pawns and that goes for the rest of Malaysians.

  410. Salam Tun,
    Melayu sudah tidak sekuat dulu, tiada pemimpin yang benar2 berani memperjuangkan hak bangsa kita. Amat menyedihkan bila kita dimalukan tanpa pembelaan, bahkan pemimpin yang ada memalukan diri sendiri.
    Bertuah dapat jumpa Tun & isteri di majlis doa selamat & tarawih di Putrajaya baru2 ini. Sedih sekali tak sempat cium tangan Tun,sibuk di balakang tabir serve makanan pada hadirin. Semoga Tun sentiasa sihat dan di bawah lindungan Allah. Berani kerana benar, walaupun pahit.
    Mohamad Hafiz
    Shah Alam

  411. I think Tun’s having trouble with his internet again this weekend.It’s okay Tun we just wait until tommorrow.

  412. Assalamualikum, Tun ….
    Permohonan maaf dari pihak TPM & PM amat mengecewakan saya kerana hanya berdasarkan laporan media, kedua-dua pemimpin tertinggi melatah dan terus membuat permohonan maaf; tanpa merujuk kepada kes/fakta sebenar.
    Tetapi seperti kebanyakan penulis komen diruangan ini; saya setuju isu perkauman tidak seharusnya wujud lagi. Hanya kelantangan beberapa pihak yg meneguk di air yg keruh yang membuatkan isu ini berbangkit berulang-ulang kali sejak tampok pemerintahan negara diterajui AAB. Sayang… sayang…
    Suasana politik amat tidak memberangsangkan; yg amat rugi lah rakyat sendiri. Terutama golongan sederhana dan miskin….
    Kenapa lah Tun berundur terlalu awal??

  413. Gunakan akal untuk menilai segala tindak tanduk pemimpin kita hari ini..betapa lembap nyer orang no 1 dalam UMNO, teragak2 untuk menjawab soalan wartawan. Kurangnya yakin orang ramai terhadap PM kita, tapi masih ramai yang tak sanggup kehilangan jawatan, memuji segala tindak tanduk tak berasas Abdullah Badawi. to KJ, kalu terbaca komen aku nih, kirim salam kat pak mentua hang ek.tak abis2 flip flop dia..heh,
    Salam Tun Mahathir,
    Salam Ramadhan

  414. Dear Tun,
    Sungguh malang nasib saya, Lebai Malang. Mudik ke hulu, mulut hilang, ke hilir tanah hilang.

  415. I couldn’t agree more with Jan & Sam’s comments on closing down of Chinese & Tamil schools. High time! Not being racist here, but aren’t we heading towards “One Malaysia, One Bangsa”?? So the need of these schools are irrelevant. Unless there are still “pendatang” in Malaysia who speaks & understand no word of BAHASA MALAYSIA.

  416. Tun,
    I too disappointing with your comments Tun. I alway is a supporter for Tun but after Tun said that one’s no need mohon maaf after said racism remarks. If like that did Tun mean every malaysian can make racism remark but no need to be responsible with what we say? Tun should advise malaysian not to make such racism remark as it will destroy Malaysia harmony but instead Tun said no need mohon maaf. The comment of Tun maybe will maybe worser the situation. LETS US ALL PROTECT OUR COUNTRY HARMONY.

  417. Dear Tun,
    Maybe the current season of Flip Flop has affecting you to write your 1st comment on the racism issue. Nevertheless, a person at your level of calibre should avoid this to happen whether you did it intentionally or not but it has damaged your good images which had given all the Malaysains.
    Tun, if the present UMNO is unable to table out its internal problems it is very suspicious that if he could capable to become to act as a BIG BROTHER of BN and to work with his alliance parties in the components.And again this RACISM card will be misused by all the political leaders forever.
    We must always remember that if we are divided we are like a plate of scatter sand, but if we are united and work together, we could do everything very much better.This is a simple theory. So all Malaysian please throw all the problems and RACISM into the rubbish bin and start create ONE DREAM, ONE VISION AND ONE NATION for the sack of our country and the people.
    May God Bless Malaysia always!

  418. Halo Tun,
    Your article is good for Malay people.
    Leader of your caliber can do more than this!
    I went to Popular bookstore to buy “Dr. Mahathir’s Selected Letters to World Leaders” by Abdullah Ahmad (RM49.90). Those letters you sent to great leaders are inspirational and makes sense to me.
    However, i am greatly disappointed with you now as your work in chedet demonstrate your behaviors and thoughts are emotional and narrow minded. what happen to you?
    Are those letters to world leaders are written by your staffs?
    C’mon old man, be a great leader and unite Malaysians as one. Show to the world you are a great man worth mentioning 100 years later!!!!!

  419. As’kum Tun,
    Saya rasa saya harus berjumpa Tun. Mungkin kita boleh berbincang cara terbaik untuk menurunkan DS abudllah dari jawatannya.
    My Name is Roslan B. Ismail
    working at oil and gas company Global Process System
    Di ampang.

  420. Salam Tun
    Your blogs have too much commentators, I doubt very much you read them , and if you do have the time, you would choose and select. The trouble with UMNO is not that they play racial politics and I concur with Prof Khoo Kay Kim that racial politics in Malaysia will always be the norm here in Malaysia as long as identification by race in all forms are not erase. In Indonesia people are indonesian first. In their official form to be fill we are ask whether we are indonesians or others here in Malaysia the blanks are more. We are ask to tick whether we are Chinese Indian Malay or others not Malaysians or others. Vernacular school is supported and continue to strive, so before anyone call me others as racist look inward first. I am a racist but not a chauvinist. I am all for Malay rights as long as it did not infringe on other races rights. Racist is to me is a person who loves he or her race more and for that I am guilty. It is blasphemous of me to say I am not Malay but it equally wrong for me to take away people’s wealth because I am a Malay. It is not wrong for me to fight for my race as long fighting does not cloud my emotions. I am against prejudices but i cannot help being one at times but my religion help me to guide me. It is my baramoter. What Datuk Ahmad did is not wrong because he is stating a fact and it was taken out of context. But he should also say he is also ada darah pendatang. Apa tidaknya darah India mengalir di tubuhnya. He is a Jawi Peranakan. What is wrong also was not to say he was sorry but he was not conciliatory.
    Conciliatory is one of the budaya of the Malays which I am fond of. But being Jawi Peranakan dia tidak tahu adat. He could have say I am sorry if my words have hurt other Malaysians but believe me it was said during a discourse of history and was base on facts. For that I cant apologize. Now by saying that it would have appease others and still keep his maruah. Sayangnye Pak Lah can’t even keep this warlord in check. Yes, he is one of the famous malay warlords in UMNO whom I despise for being corrputed and uncooth. Orang Penang kenal sama Ahmad Ismail. But the thing was under you, this warlord were keep in check, one of the famous one is the late Datuk Attar Aziz the Batu Road UMNO division chief. If this warlord was necessary in UMNO then keeping them in check is important for UMNO president. Pak lah fail. Remember the late Datuk Zack, who built a palatial palace on a tol land? Pak Lah fail then too. So enough said to me the President has shown his weaknesses for all to see. And if the downfall happen it is because of him.

  421. I second statement by Jan on September 7, 2008 9:15 AM
    Here’s mine
    Satu sistem persekolahan untuk semua kaum. Tidak perlu ada sekolah untuk bangsa-bangsa tertentu. Sekolah Jenis Kebangsaan ini hanya akan melahirkan individu-individu yang ‘confined’ kepada bangsa mereka sahaja. Tetapi perlu diingat bahawa sekolah agama (Islam) bukanlah sekolah untuk melayu sahaja kerana agama islam itu bebas dianuti oleh semua bangsa. Jika mahu ditubuhkan sekolah kristian, buddha atau hindu juga tidak menjadi masalah. Tidak ada agama yang mendorong kepada kejahatan kecuali kejahatan oleh yang menganutinya.
    I also agree that racial chaos will happen anytime, anywhere… if nothing is done… It’s worrying because our PM is sleeping all the time…

  422. salam Tun,
    Mengapa perkara sedemikian berlaku pada waktu ini.Mengapa isu seperti cium keris,Ketuanan melayu, ahmad ismail, lagu negaraku di permain, hindraf berlaku semuanya selepas pemerintahan tun.Kalau kita mengenang pada waktu zaman pemerintahan tun kita 3 bangsa masing-masing boleh bergurau senda tanpa mengira soal perkauman tetapi sekarang isu yang dimainkan media boleh menjadikan kita masing-masing bermasam muka.Kita rakyat Malaysia seharusnya ada pendinding atau barrier sekiranya ada hal yang sedemikian berlaku kerana jika dilihat perkara ini akhirnya akan kemana?Perpecahan.Kita sudah dididik di zaman tun supaya mempunyai jiwa yang kental untuk mempertahankan Malaysia tidak kira apa bangsa dan apa sekali isu yang penting peace.Siapakah dalang yang menjadikan isu perkauman ini berleluasa dan mahu melihat huru-hara di Malaysia yang aman.Apakah campurtangan kuasa luar atau musuh dalam selimut? Berhati-hatilah rakyat Malaysia tidak kira apa bangsa kita tetap dibawah satu payung Malaysia kentalkan jiwa terhadap apa jua isu perkauman kerana ia membawa kepada perpecahan.

  423. I think the community needs your thoughts. At least I appreciate your comments from the time you started your blog. You have been providing the balancing comments that the community need in forming up their own view on the issues that have attracted public attention. Carry on with your thoughts YABhg Tun, because today the nation does not have any at the moment.
    I believe it is good to express one’s feeling, however, one should not belittle anyone at least not to call anyone by any unpleasant name. I believe it is non ethical.
    Based on your POHON MAAF (2), I do agree with one of the responses that there is no necessity of being called racist by any one because as of today everyone in Malaysia more than 25 million are already citizen with the issuance of IC and Passport.
    I also agree that any leader who responded to this trivial issue that is polimic is not yet fit to lead the nation. He needs more time to learn, at least to learn to become like you, Tun. Thank you and best regards.

  424. it is obvious that the previous 4 prime minister work hard for the good of malaysia and all races. that is why nobody complaint and there’s no racial tension. it is the current government and the opposition parties that breeding racialism nowadays. to be short malaysian’s nowadays breeds racialism among themselves.it is stupid.because of some people words, we throw away the good things we had and running for things that are uncertain.how stupid can we be.blinded by selfish agenda.one day malaysian will regret fully of what’s happen today.
    Tun, god bless you. only you can put this country back together.not the current leader.they are jokers.they make fun of people.i bet they are probably laughing on jokes about what happen here in Malaysia.
    Hazman Abu Bakar

  425. Salam buat TUN sekeluarga,
    Saya juga sudah merasa ada yang akan salah anggapan terhadap mesej Tun. Tun tidak pernah menyokong kenyataan Dato’ Ahmad Ismail sebenarnya tetapi hanya melahirkan rasa kesal dan sedih mengapa pemimpin kaum lain begitu melatah sekali.
    Saya juga rasa pelik mengapa apabila DAP sentuh hal MELAYU secara sensitif dan menghasut, pemimpin BUKAN MELAYU lain tidak pernah menyarankan supaya ISA dikenakan terhadap orang2 tertentu.
    Saya juga bukannya menyokong Ahmad Ismail malah saya juga kenal secara peribadi Ahmad Ismail ini kerana pernah menjadi J/kuasa Pemuda Bt. Bendera beberapa belas tahun dahulu yang dipilh tanpa bertanding.
    Ahmad Ismail pernah mencemuh Tun dahulu semassa REFORMASI kerana beliau adalah orang paling kuat DSAI di Pulau Pinang. Berbagai tomahan dilontarkan terhadap Tun namun sehingga sekarang beliau kekal sebagai Ketua Bahagian. Begitulah terbukanya Tun orang tu punya cemuh dia, tapi Tun tak simpan dalam hati.
    Bagi saya, saya telah menentang Ahmad Ismail kerana lebih kurang pada tahun 1995 /96 beliau telah istihar menentang Tun dalam senyap dengan memberi sokongan padu kepada DSAI yang sedang berkonspirasi untuk menjatuhkan Tun. Setiausaha Bahagian dan beberapa J/kuasa Bahagian pada masa itu juga telah letak jawatan kerana tidak setuju dan tidak rela dibeli oleh orang-orang ini.
    Pada masa itu mencurah curah wang yang disalurkan kepada bahagian ini melalui DSAI. Ahli-ahli hantu “phantom members” begitu ramai ditempatkan ke dalam cawangan2 baru yang mana nama mereka telah diambil dari senarai kilang2 di Pulau Pinang dan borang keahlian mereka diisi sendiri oleh oelh orang2 Ahmad. Alamat sya duduki pada masa itu ditempatkan beratus ratus nama ahli hantu. Saya telah membukukan aduan bertulis kepada DSAI selaku Pengerusi Perhubungan Negeri pada masa itu dan tidak dilayan. Hakikatnya memang saya tewas teruk kerana saya kerdil. Sekarang ini saya tidak berpolitik lagi hanya ahli biasa.
    Berbalik kepada hal perkauman ini sekali saya rasa Tun bukan menyokong Ahmad tetapi lebih kepada bertanyakan mengapa begitu agresif sekali mereka2 ini terhadap kenyataan Ahmad padahal ada kenyataan yang lebih buruk lagi dibuat terhadap orang MELAYU dan tidak ada nasihat atau respon yang seagresif ini dari pemimpin kaum BUKAN MELAYU terhadap pemimpin anti MELAYU ini.
    Hindraf begitu berani putar belit kenyataan dan buat drama tamil tetapi mereka ini dianggap hero oleh sebilangan orang yang tak sedar diri dan tak sedar diuntung. Siapa pemimpin BUKAN MELAYU yang ada memberi amaran kepada mereka ini? Ada sorang .. Sami Vellu.
    Jika ikutkan perasaan perkauman saya rasa MELAYU juga boleh minta gantirugi mengapa British bawa masuk bangsa asing dulu yang telah mengaut sebahagian kekayaan dan harta di BUMI MELAYU ini yang mana orang MELAYU telah bermurah hati untuk memberi mereka tempat dan warganera
    MELAYU tidak rela memberi tempat kepada Jepun, tidak kepada British dan tidak juga kepada Komunis. Tetapi saya rasa Orang MELAYU secara majoritinya boleh berkongsi dengan Warganegara Malaysia lain. Apa yang dituntut adalah hak Orang Melayu yang telah menghuni dan mempunyai RAJA MELAYU sejak berabad dahulu tanpa mempertikaikan kekayaan yang BERLEBIH LEBIH yang dimiliki kaum lain.
    Lihat saja kubur MELAYU yang sempit berbanding berbukit-bukit yang dimiliki orang lain. Dari segi kubur pun MELAYU sanggup bersempit-sempit dan bertindih-tindih. Tak apa kita beralah. Itulah MELAYU.
    Orang MELAYU juga boleh hidup dengan dikelilingi oleh kandang2 babi, arak, judi, rumah urut dan pelacuran yang jauh dari kehidupan orang MELAYU. Ya memang ada Orang Melayu yang minum arak, judi dan sebagainya, tetapi secara senyap2 kerana ini bukan resmi hidup Orang Melayu.
    Bagaimana Karpal Singh boleh mempersoalkan Kredibiliti Raja dengan begitu biadap dan angkuh. Ada tak pemimpin BUKAN MELAYU lain yang beria supaya perkara ini jangan dibangkitkan? Tujuan Karpal sebenar adalah untuk jadi hero kepada anti BUMITRA dan MELAYU dengan erti kata sebenar menampar muka MELAYU. Tapi MELAYU sabar.
    Saya tidak juga bersetuju dengan kenyataan Ahmad. Ahmad adalah orang yang terdesak untuk mengekal kuasa dan sanggup berbuat apa saja. Beliau juga mengamalkan politik keluarga di mana ramai sanak saudara beliau di dalam J/kuasa bahagian. B
    Peristiwa 13 May tercetus kerana sikap RACIST yang tinggi pada masa itu dan hal2 lain hanyalah sebagai pemangkin dan penyumbang kepada perbalahan kaum tersebut. Penghasutnya adalah DAP.
    Lim Kit Siang semakin lantang dan berani menyentuh hal sentitif orang MELAYU kerana dibelakang nya ada DSAI yang dilihat kononnya sebagai pejuang MELAYU masa kini. DSAI merestui segala cemuhan terhadap MELAYU yang dibuat oleh penganmal RACIST EXTREME iaitu Lim Kit Siang. Itulah DSAI.
    Mencabar Tan Sri Koh adalah sama seperti mencabar sebahagian besar kaum Cina dan ini tidak penting kepada Ahmad. Memang Ahmad tidak begitu gemar kepada Tan Sri Koh sejak dulu lagi atas sebab peribadi dan bukan atas dasar perjuangan MELAYU.
    Bagi saya Tan Sri Koh telah membuat yang terbaik termasuk banyak menolong Orang MELAYU di Pulau Pinang. Tapi apa nak buat, PERCATURAN PAK LAH YANG SUKU MASAK TELAH MENJAHANAMKAN SEGALANYA.
    Tan Sri Koh tidak pernah menyalahkan Pak Lah secara terangan kerana saya fikir dia sensitive terdahap Orang MELAYU yang mahu tak mahu penghulunya yang tinggal nyawa2 ikan adalah PAK LAH.
    Orang Cina tidak boleh menyifatkan kenyataan Ahmad sebagai kenyataan Orang MELAYU. Pada hakikatnya ramai orang MELAYU Pulau Pinang memang benci kepada Ahmad yang mengaut keuntungan peribadi hasil dari kedudukannya sekarang untuk diri sendiri dan orang terdekatnya.
    Saya percaya Ahmad beliau masih ada rasa simpati yang tinggi terhadap DSAI yang telah banyak menolong Ahmad dengan Kontrak benilai ratusan juta ringgit walaupun masa Ahmad Ismail BANKRUPT suatu masa dulu. Jangan terperanjat jika Ahmad boleh berpaling tadah menyertai PKR suatu masa nanti.
    Wassalam Tun.

  426. Dear Tun,
    Below is a statment made by a very stupid minister:-
    Ouote: “In Putrajaya, Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department Datuk Seri Nazri Aziz said there is nothing wrong with Umno leaders apologising on behalf of members who had hurt the feelings of minority races as the Malays were the “big brother” in the country.
    Stating that the Malays should take the lead, he said such apologies did not make the leaders weak.”
    Nazri is making a fool of himself.What a shame !! Making a flip flop statement like “lalang” – no principle. Cakap tak serupa bikin !!. He is a dreamer. He is like his Pak Lah “dah bodoh stupid” still in a state of denial as if without realizing that the UMNO leadership is already haparak, HP6 and like “pondan”. A lame duck and “tempang” leadership of Pak Lah who does not get any more respect from other races and losing 5 states to the opposition.UMNO leaders are being bullied and “kelentong like small kids” by Anwar and his “gang of HINDRAF, BAR COUNCIL and the rest of the “racist” NGOs. What a shame to lose the Permatang Pauh by-election with thousands of UMNO members did not vote for BN. What does that reflect. It simply reflects UMNO members have lost confidence with UMNO leaders particularly the “sleepy” Pak Lah. UMNO leaders are like “hidung tak mancung, pipi tersorong”. Tak sedar diri lagi.
    Remember UMNO leaders – respect is to be earned and you have lost the respect until you are brave enough to get rid of your “write off” PONDAN LEADER by the name of “THE MOST HONOURABLE DATO’ SERI ABDULLAH BIN AHMAD BADAWI, THE LAME DUCK, HPRAK AND HP6 PRIME MINISTER!!
    He is too “pondan” to manage a multi-racial country. He is a disaster, indeed !!. He is actually the culprit who has lost control in managing racial issues.

  427. sepatutnya, kerajaan Malaysia dari dulu lagi jangan layan tuntutan kaum lain.Sekolah Cina, India patutnya ditutup.Hanya satu sekolah je yang dibenarkan.Lihat sahaja Indonesia, mereka jadi negara Bangsa.Itu pun , bile gawat tahun 1998, habis orang Cina di sana, dilanyak dan diganyang.Sikit punya untung Cina dan India di Malaysia, kutuklah orang melayu macam mana pun, kami tetap tidak bertindak.Kerana orang Melayu kaya dengan adap dan budi bahasa.Amat malang sekali, bila ada orang Melayu yang sanggup jadi tali barut kaum lain semata-mata untuk menang undi kaum lain.Dato Seri Anwar adalah tali barut yang terbesar sekali dalam Malaysia yang perlu ditentang habis-habisan.Anwar lah yang bakal menjahananmkan Malaysia, orang melayu sejahanam-jahananmya.

  428. I have to agree with thinker, the only locals would be Orang Asli, Iban, Bidayuh, Kenyah, Kelabit & Kadazan. The rest are all pendatang such as Bugis, Jawa, Mamak, Minang, Cina, India & Sulu. Even Sultan Johor is a PENDATANG.
    It make no sense. What make sense is that we are Malaysians. The races that unite to fend of communist, confrantasi & British to form Malaysia.
    By -thethinker- on September 5, 2008 6:59 PM
    Jika mengikut definisi kata-kata Ahmad dari UMNO Bkt Bendera:
    Moyang rakyat malaysia keturunan Cina ialah Pendatang.
    rakyat malaysia keturunan Cina ialah Pendatang.
    jika ini disetujui , maka ..
    Ayahanda Tun Dr. Mahathir berasal dari Kerala, India,
    Ayahanda Tun Dr. Mahathir ialah pendatang.

  429. I feel very sad. Your VISION 2020 has become meaningless. No one seen to mention it and the current situation is moving backward from your vision. The current government does not push it or pull it back in the right path of the vision.

  430. By anakkubangpasu on September 5, 2008 7:02 PM
    assalamualaikim Tun,
    sejak akhir-akhir ini saya juga berasa sedih dan terkesan dihati saya tentang isu meminta maaf yang dilakukan oleh TPM.Seperti yang Tun tulis di artikel pohon maaf 1 amatlah tidak adil kepada melayu sendiri apabila kaum lain yang sewenang-wenangnya mempermainkan kedaulatan bangsa melayu di Malaysia.Dan lagi menyedihkan apabila perdana menteri dan timbalannya terhegeh-hegeh meminta maaf kepada kum cina dan india.Nampak sangat mereka ini terlalu takut dan boleh dikatan sebagai pengecut sehingga membiarkan perkara ini berlaku.Menang sorak kampung tergadai.
    PM dan TPM terhegeh-hegeh minta maaf sebab takut 16 September berlaku. Itulah masalahnya jika kerajaan menang dalam pilihanraya tanpa majoriti yang kuat. Zaman Tun politik dan ekonomi Malaysia lebih stabil berbanding sekarang. Walaupun berlaku krisis 1998 dan krisis Penyangak matawanga Malaysia berjaya keluar dan menangani krisis tersebut. Sekarang ini saya ternanti-nanti tarikh 16 Sept. apakah berlaku senario melompat parti seperti yang didakwa oleh pembangkang.
    Malaysia telah menjadi lemah dan tidak lagi kedengaran suara-suara Malaysia di persada antarabangsa. Kesultanan Melayu Melaka jatuh ke tangan Portugis 1511 adalah disebabkan angkara bangsa Melayu sendiri yang bersubahat dengan musuh.
    Ambillah pengajaran dari sejarah……..

  431. Salam Y. Bhg. TUN
    sememangnya apa yang dikatakan TUN, MELAYU MUDAH LUPA memang tak diragukan lagi , Cuma TUN lupa juga dan patut tambah adalah MELAYU LUPA DIRI , jika dilihat dari komen dalam Pohon Maaf 1 dan 2 ini ada sekor dua melayu yang mungkin senang dan educatedlah sikit ,ingin nak perjuangkan bangsa malaysia konon nak ikut telunjuk kepala roket dan kuncu kuncunya , walau apa yang kita amalkan sekarang ini racial tolerance masih kurang kata mereka , mereka hendakkan apa yang melayu ada harus semua nya di beri sehingga habis barulah di namakan kejayaan konsep malaysian malaysia.
    Bolehkah TUN sedarkan mereka ini bahawa jika apa yang telah di beri ini habis semuanya dan masih lagi tidak akan di hargai dan tiada rasa syukur dalam kamus hidup mereka sebaliknya diri yang tiada apa apa tinggal itu akan diperhambakan pula .

  432. salam tun,
    rasa2 pal lah dah tk menentu..baru2 ni kata dh dngar alasan ketua bahagian bkt bendera..pak lah mcm dh jd habit dh terantuk baru nk mangadah

  433. Dear Tun,
    My comment is simple. Although I hate UMNO so much but I salute Mr Ahmad of Bukit Bendera MP. He is bold and loud. He is a leader of confidence and dignity. Unlike UMNO leaders who are coward and know only to say “sorry” “sorry” “sorry” until god knows when..What Mr Ahmad had said is true. Dont u all learn history of Malaya??
    Unite MALAYS
    Unite MALAYS
    Unite MALAYS

  434. YBHG. Tun
    Saya amat terpanggil berkaitan dgn apa yang berlaku di Permatang Pauh. Salah kah Ahmad Ismail berkata sedemikian walhal dia memperkataan soal bangsa tersebut semasa kemerdekaan megikut Perlembagaan Malaysia. Sebaliknya, apabila orang yang bukan Melayu mengeluar perkataan atau catitan yang boleh ditafsir sebagai racist, orang Melayu tidak pernah tuntut supaya pihak berkuasa memohon maaf. Pada hal ada mereka menganjurkan Furom yang facist kita tidak pernah menyuruh mereka memohon maaf. tetapi kenapa pemimpin kita berharap Saudara Ahmad memohon maaf. Tidak perlu memohon maaf.
    Saya tetap menyokong dan mempertahankan apa yang Tun perkatakan

  435. Tun,
    Isu di dini sebenarnya berpunca dari reporter itu sendiri. Beliau yg menimbulkan isu ini dan sepatutnya kerajaan ambil tindakan terhadap reporter dan akhbar yg mengeluarkan berita tersebut, habis cerita.


  437. Tun
    Tun dan semua ahli UMNO yang perlu berusaha untuk pastikan pucuk pimpinan sekarang ditukar ASAP

  438. If you want to close down the vernacular schools, you should also close down all the international schools… or ban Malaysians from going to international schools… let’s see what the Malay VIPs would say…

  439. Salam Sejahtera Kepada Jan
    Berkenaan tentang isu Jan mencadangkan nak tutup semua sekolah jenis kebangsaan Cina kerana ia membangkitkan isu perkaunman dan pelajar2 di sekolah cina tidak dapat bergaul atas pandai berbahasa melayu. Di sini, saya ingin memberitahu Jan, bahawa pemikiran kamu memang sempit dan tidak tahu soal akar isu perkauman yang selaman dibangkitkan. Isu perkaunman bukan dari sekolah tetapi dari orang politik. Lihatlah apa yang telah berlaku oleh Dato’ Ahmad di Pulau Pinang.
    Aset atau senjata utama BN adalah isu perkauman, tanpa aset ini, perlukan BN diwujudkan lagi?
    Selama ini, saya yang bergaul dengan kawan2 saya yg terdiri daripada berbilang kaum, kita semua tak menghadapi masalah. Tetapi setiap kali isu perkauman dibangkitkan, semuanya daripada ahli2 politik yang cuba nak jadi wira2 kaum mereka kononnya tetapi hanya mempunyai motif untik kepentingan diri sendiri.
    Kalau tak percaya, panggilah BPR siasat harta dan kekayaan mereka dan juga keluarga mereka. Berdasar dengan pendapatan mereka, kita akan tahu mengapa mereka memiliki begitu banyak harta.
    By the way, Jan. I can speak good madarine, Bahasa Malaysia dan juga Bahasa English kerana saya ini dididik di sekolah jenis kebangsaan cina. I doubt that you can setanding saya.
    Sekian, Wassalam!

  440. Asmkum Y.Bhg Tun
    Semua berpunca daripada Pak Lah dan rakan. Saya akan kembali menyokong UMNO dengan syarat Pak Lah resign as PM dan Presiden Unmno. Selain daripada itu KJ, Nazri, Hishamudin dan Najib also useless and should be out as well. The worst PM ever

  441. You are Melayu,cina. india or what ever race it may be. That is what you are.So, to anyone still doubtful about the race issue in Malayia . please refer to our history book written during the 60’s. still remember the Hai San and the Gee Hin in Perak? Malaysian mudah lupa.

  442. Tun,
    Salam Sejahtera.
    New Malaysian, generasi muda kini dah banyak berubah dengan “informasi dunia” yg boleh didapati dlm internet. Kini, Kita tahu apa berlaku di Thailand, US dan kaitkan politik kita. Justeru itu, mereka tahu apa itu “Keadilan” dan apa itu “Kebenaran”.
    Wawasan 2020 yg diperkenankan oleh Tun adalah utk melahirkan Malaysian yg berkelakuan & berpemikiran “MATANG” dari segala aspek.
    Kerajaan Malaysia juga berusaha mengeratkan nilai perpaduan melalui Jabatan Perpaduan Negara, Khidmat Negara , Kursus Bina Negara dan sebagainya demi memupuk SEMANGAT PATRIOTISME.
    Dan Kini, Segelintir Pemimpin UMNO masih tak sehaluan dengan usaha yang telah sejian lam diusahakan sejak Perdana Menteri Malaysia Pertama. Amat sedih sekali apabila pemimpin ini lupa akan akan sejarah Barisan National, tujuan gabungan antara MCA & UMNO dan kemudiannya UMNO & MCA & MIC.
    POHON MAAF ini mungkin penting dan mungkin tak revelen, tapi Pemimpin UNMO dan Pemimpin2 dalam BARISAN NASIONAL mesti mempunyai objectif dan arah tuju yg sama, Wawasan 2020. Harap harap, Jangan jadi apa yg telah berlaku pada tahun 1999, Kerajaan Negeri Terengganu PAS yang tidak berpengalaman mentadbir negeri Terengganu (ramai Pemimpin yg tak berpengalaman). Mereka ditolak sama sekali oleh RAKYAT pada pilihan raya penggal seterusnya.
    Akhir kata, marilah kita rakyat malaysia terutama Pemimpin BN menonton wayang “Filem 1957: Hati Malaya”, filem arahan Shuhaimi Baba. Cubalah memahami Sinopsis 1957.
    Atau boleh menonton online:
    Semoga rakyat Malaysia menyayangi negaranya sendiri dan berusaha bersama sama menuju Wawasan 2020 atau Malaysia Maju 2057.
    Terima Kasih.

  443. Salam Tun,
    Based on your second article of Pohon Maaf 2, I hope that you are not under pressure to come out the statement on the clarification just because you are being commented as an racist based on you article Pohon Maaf 1.
    I believed this blog is to input your opinion but not as you vehicle to capatalise your political motive.
    I will much respected you to stand hold on your article 1 and clarify the reason why you said that but not giving out your reasons and excuses as telling us that we all are misundertsand on you statement.
    They way you express now in your artcle 2, it seem that you knew that there will be a misunderstanding on you statement. Hence, I’m doubt that why you never clarify it earlier in you article 1 but now?
    I was a bit depress as you are my respected leader before in politic but now it also seem that you are trying to do the same likewise the UMNO Penang is doing but only thing that you reacted faster to clarify the whole issue in a better manner (Putar Belik). Over here, I need to explain to Tun that we, the Malaysian, are no longer stupid like what you all think off.
    I, as a Malaysian will stand on as Malaysian forever irrespctive who you are and what you are. This is my country and I shall die for it and nobody will ever say that I’m a Pendatang.
    May god bless you and you family. Salam!

  444. Dear Dr.M,
    I agree with yr comment that Hindraf had made racist remark in their struggle but what Ahmad Ismail did is not any different than Hindraf leaders. The only different is 5 Hindraf leaders are under ISA detention but Ahmad Ismail is free and he will remain free bcoz the he is a Malay. I wonder during yr time of reign all policies that were made on national unity had hepled to integrate the multi-racial Malaysian or spur racial hatred? I just want the people feel free to talk,discuss and even an Indian go to a Malay house for dinner and vice versa like we have seen in P ramlee’s movies.There should be no racial bounderies when we want to talk about national unity!
    Take care Dr M

  445. Salam Tun,
    Dulu masa sekolah rendah, menegah dan universiti sekitar 1980 – 1996 semua baik2 belaka antara kaum di Malaysia ni. kami boleh bermain, berbual, berbincang dan berguarau bersama. Kenapa sekarang tidak? Adakah disebabkan oleh tiada mata pelajaran moral dan tata rakyat lagi? Sigh..! Kalau lah keadaan seperti dulu… kan bagus…
    Selamat berpuasa dan berbuka puasa.

  446. As usual, people like to twist your words to suit their own interest.
    After so many decades of living together, one would think that Malaysians would have accepted the fact that everyone is different regardless of race and thus have differing opnions/likes/dislikes. Also, the fact that we have lived together for so long would mean that everyone contributed to the country all this while. There is no need to talk about who has been squatting in the country.
    Whether a person is Malay, Chinese, Punjabi, Indian, Mixed or Sabahan/Sarawakian, the race does not make the person superior. It is the person/individual’s abilities that make him/her superior and that has nothing to do with race or religion.
    I would agree that the leadership of our country is weak at this point of time and it is actually downright miserable to see our country’s leadership reach this state.
    We can write all we want and give all the opinions we want to give but we will not be able to change anything at this point. I guess for you Tun Dr, you are in a way a common civilian like any of us now i.e. can’t do anything as an individual in a country like this. All we can do is wait for the chance at the next election when we cast our vote and that is when our opinion counts

  447. Jan… I think u are totally wrong, chinese school is not cause of racial chaos, people is the one, especially Malaysia politician. Please don think so shallow! Now students from chinese school even can speak & write Malay better. dun u agree? U should change your own mindset! Every Malaysian have freedom to chose what they think is better for their children. If government can manage properly, effectively, openly and fairly at sekolah kebangsaan in Malaysia. I dun think chinese will chose chinese school (actually only minority still study at chinese school). Right! THINK OPENLY! U BOLEH! MALAYSIA BOLEH!!!!

  448. To Jan
    50% of citizen in UK speak other language than english and 25% of them do not know how to speak english. Unlike Malaysia all citizen can speak Malay language. Nowdays a lot chinese peoples can’t speak chinese.

  449. Tun,
    Tolongla kembali kepada UMNO dan pulihkan UMNO sekurang-kurangnya menjadi penasihat kepada Parti Keramat Melayu ini. Saya tidak sanggup melihat bumi bertuah in rebah setelah kita mengecapi pelbagai kemanisan kejayaan demi kejayaan sepanjang 22 tahun Tun menerajui Malaysia. Selamat Berpuasa.

  450. I noticed some people are merely playing the batu-api role. It seems these individualists are firm believers of Hilter-like race supremacy.
    I find it amusing to see some Malay extremists seeking to destabilize our country with their radical views. They in fact should consort themselves with Hindraf to obtain their radical and leftist views.
    Its amazing to see that Umno does not have the capacity to maintain social harmony and public order. Perhaps they are busy trying to enhance their own political power that they are not keen to help their fellow Malaysians.
    Tun, I am saddened that your dream of Vision 2020 is under seige by these numskulls from Umno.

  451. Tun,
    I have a dream. One day there will be no Malay, Chinese and Indian in Malaysia. We called ourself as Malaysian.
    Strong agreed that we are all selfish, we are all self centered. But we cant deny we should take out the RACE issues.
    If Tun still want to assist ir SUBSIDY your “People” … you are only KILLING them.
    I agreed most of the chinese businessman are also using Malay status or corruption to do well in their business. Sometimes i fell hurt when i see my senior look down to Malay. Claming they slow and lazy … i feel hurt … i dont why it happen like that because of their family back groud?? Or because of their unfairfully treated.
    COme out with debate … we discuss and say out one by one … let the whole nation know … in such a way to let our friendship ” chinese, malay and india” getting better.

  452. look how the media and government is using what u said to make them look better.damn them to hell.
    latest remarks from Kedah MCA Youth chief Datuk Boey Chin Gan; elect 4 DPM,1 for each race…CRAP!!!!!!!thats ultra racism

  453. Salam Tun,
    Thank you for speaking out on this issue.
    Franky, I respect Ahmad Ismail for firmly holding his stance.
    If there is anything racist at present now, I think are the Chinese schools.
    Selamat menunaikan ibadah puasa to Tun and seluruh keluarga.


  455. Sudah silap, lagi nak nafi. Sekarang pula nak main samseng, tuduh semua kesalahan kepada pemberita, ugut nyawa pemberita secara terbuka!!! Seperti Malaysia dia punya, langsung tak ada undang-undang!!! Macam mana ini macam punya orang boleh dipilih jadi pemimpin……. betul betul kasihan melihat Malaysia yang merdeka 51 tahun ini lagi boleh wujud orang macam ini yang berfikiran cetek. Betul memalukan Malaysia di mata dunia. Dialah orang yang ada agenda sendiri. Hanya tahu main isu perkauman untuk mendapat sokongan. Kalau dia bangkitkan isu kenaikan petrol, isu inflasi Malaysia, isu ekonomi masa depan negara…. Berapa bagus rakyat jelata semua…… Sedarlah rakyat Malaysia dari semua kaum, inilah pemimpin yang kita mahukah??? Orang macam inilah yang menyebabkan Malaysia semakin merosot dan kehilangan persaingan di dunia, jangan biar agenda dia tercapai. U boleh… Malaysia mesti Boleh!

  456. Orang Melayu perlu bersatu demi kekuatan bangsa. Dalam kemelut politik sekarang kita perlu kembali ke pemerintahan Khilafah

  457. Tun
    Could you comment the status of Orang Asli and pribumi Sabah and Sarawak. We are looking forward to hearing from a great politician like you.

  458. This might be childish, but…
    By baman on September 6, 2008 11:00 PM
    Dr., maybe it’s time you stopped commenting on Malaysian politics and retire to somewhere in the beautiful countryside we have in this country. The more I hear you comment on anything, the more I think that you are going senile.
    Dr., after 22 years of ruining this democratic country, please give it a rest. Malaysians are fed up. Pease stop. Thank you.
    No, baman. Malaysians are not fed-up with listening to Dr M’s comment. In fact, we welcome his comments in all fields. Dr M, please don’t stop writing your articles. If not for your supporters, at least write and voice out to frustrate people like baman.

  459. The so called ‘New Dawn’ that Anwar uttered are fill with hypocrisy…Why on earth when you want to setup a new race ‘Malaysian’ you gave land for Chinese to setup schools with only one race…if they didn’t mix up with other races from primary and secondary i don’t see these racism going to fade another 50 years to come…

  460. salam Tun,
    It hurts me that some of the commentators here can be so irresponsible with their comments.They only show that they are shallow,narrow minded and full of hatred in their souls.
    This is the downside of blogging where some hide behind their online nicknames and hurl abuses at others without justifications.
    ‘…how do you expect me to look at a muslim brother without bitterness?…put yourselves (the malays)(the special ones) in our shoes for a moment…you force our children to learn your language, condone your prayers conducted openly in public,deny us entrance to public universities, government scholarships, job promotion…how do u think all this makes us feel…???’
    I take exception at ‘you force our children to learn your language’.
    To refresh the memories all like-minded commentators here,
    In the words of the late Tun Tan Siew Sin (1916-1988), “The Malays, through UMNO, were generous enough to relax the citizenship laws of this country to such extent that within 12 months of independence, 90 percent were still non-citizens after nearly 100 years of colonial rule in the Malay States. In return for this major concession. the MCA and the MIC agreed to continue the policy of preserving the special position of the Malays while at the same time upholding the legitimate interest of other communities.”
    ( “Tun Tan answers critics on special previlages”, 3oth April 1969)
    Moreso, in the words of Tun VT Sambathan, “Now, in 1955 we won the elections with a great majority. Then we obtained freedom in two years time. During this period, we had to discuss citizenship and various other things. Now what did the Malays do – since we are speaking on racial lines – what did the Malay leadership do? They had 88 percent of the electorate still with them. What did they do with citizenship? If we look around in Asia and East Asia, particularly, you will find that my race the indian race, is not welcomed in Ceylon, is not welcomed in Burma. Look at my brother Chinnese race, it is not welcomed in Thailand, in Vietnam, in Cambodia, in all the other areas. What help do they get for citizenship in all these territories? In Burma, as we know, Indian have been send packing, in Ceylon they refused them citizenship and in Burma it is likewise. I know it, you know it. And yet in Malaya what happened? Here we found that the Malay leadership said, “We shall take them unto ourselves as brothers, we shall give them full opportunity to live in this country, we shall give them every opportunity to become citizens.” And so, in 1957, for the whole year, we waived language qualifications, and tens of thousand of Indians, Chinnese, Ceylonese and others became citizens…As I said, it has been my great good fortune to have born in this country. Where else can you find a more charitable, a more polite, a more decent race than Malay race? Where else can you get such politically decent treatment for any immigrant race? Where else in the history of the world? I ask you. These are the facts. Who are you to safeguards us? I am 10 percent minority race here. But I am happy here.”
    (State Assembly Debate, 1st of June 1965)
    So to exodus_boy,GEORGE (of the jungle) and others (you all know who you are)….

  461. tun,
    you will always have supporters… continue doing what you are doing.
    i feel that criticism is good for the government, and if they can’t handle it, means they are making too many mistakes or just trying to avoid the topic….
    you are the best pm ever…

  462. Tun,
    I refer to your point No.5 saying “Far from the opposition’s “win” being brought about by rejection of racial politics, it has actually enhanced racial politics.” I differ in what you perceive.
    My observation is that the opposite won because the voters desire a change of the whole political system, being sick of weak leadership, mismanagement of nation’s economy, corruption, abuse of power in police and judiciary systems. Multiracialism is another important factor in the minds of young voters.
    However, UMNO fails and still refuses to understand voter’s wish to do away with communal politics. This is a big problem with present UMNO. Instead of considering a new approach by taking the path of multiracialism, UMNO chose to challenge this new trend of mindset by raising racist issues. I think it is high time UMNO wakes up, drops communal politics and replaces it with multiracial politics. In so doing, I believe Gerakan, MCA, MIC and other component parties of BN would not consider leaving BN, but stay put with BN to move towards a truely multiracial two-Barisan political system which all true Malaysians will be proud of.
    What say you?

  463. National Service atau Khidmat Negara patut dihentikan serta merta kerana ia lansung tidak berfaedah kepada generasi muda..
    I went to NS early of this year and just because the malays were majority, they called the non malays with names and even bullied them..this what we call semangat hidup bersatu padu?..
    Im not writing to say im racist because im not at all..i got many malay friends and they are all very kind and nice to me..i even have a malay bestfriend..just wan to say that the malays that are not from the city are not being fair to the non malays..why is this happening to us?..
    Tun i wish you can make things right..evrything is already in mass..

  464. Salam Tun;
    I strongly believe that you should do what late Dato” Onn did . He sacrificed himself , left UNMO and start new party for all Malaysian without consider what races they are. Dato’ Onn for sure knew , he will then not be popular among Malays but did what he considered to be right.
    Forget about UMNO since that party already with uncured cancer of those coward, non-capable and corrupt leaders.
    As for school I wish the public schools can also teach Chinese/Indian/other languages so that my kids can easily learn those languages/cultures etc in school. It can be done on Saturday and no problem if I need to pay extra fees for it.
    Wawasan school is a good idea but we cannot totally abolish Chinese/Indian/ other races schools. With normal public schools teaching those languages then all our kids can master or at least can converse in several languages. With public schools teaching Chinese/Indian/Kadazan or other ethnic languages, then I trust the chinese / indians and others , later on or slowly will send their kids to public schools as the kids can learn few other languages not just chinese or indian alone.

  465. Dear Tun,
    Your background is a mix Indian Malay.
    Not only you, but most of “Malays” are mixed.
    The Malays originated in Yunnan, China. They Proto-Malays were also known as Jakun.
    They were seafaring people. Probably because of their seafaring way of life or trading, they were believed to have lived in coastal Borneo. They then expanded into Sumatra and the Malay Peninsula. A Portuguese historian, Godinho de Eredia, referred to the Malays as Saletes (Orang Selat, or People of the Straits).
    The true history is Malays came from Kemboja, Siam, India, Jawa and most of all from Yunan, China.
    Therefore, Malays are actual immigrants. This fact can be proven in today Bahasa Melayu is a mixed language, mainly Hokkien origin.
    eg, Tong, Tahu, Kicap, meehoon, kueytiao, Kuih, sarong, sabun..etc..
    Therefore, Malays are speaking Hokkien everyday!!
    If you think Malay is from Indian origin, it may be true, simply because they also speak Indian Language, such as, “roti, Raja, Malaya, …etc..
    also, pls. read;
    Mempelam – from Tamil Mampalam meaning A type of fruit.
    Kedah – From Tamil Kadaaram a state in malaysia.
    Kari – From Tamil Kari meaning Curry.
    Tirai – From Tamil Tirai meaning screen or curtain.
    Logam – From Tamil ulogam meaning metal.
    Bahaya – From Tamil Abaayam meaning danger.
    katil – From Tamil Kattil meaning bed.
    Therefore, UMNO’s claim is nonsense. NEP is a corrupted idea. Please send all the UMNO members back to school to learn more about history.

  466. From the beginning we thought Tun was the smartest among the Umnoputra in UMNO or among the Malay.Tun definately thought he was.But now it shown that Tun was not.

  467. To Jan on September 7, 2008 9:15 AM,
    You say that it is the time to close down chinese school?..
    To me if that were to happen, then we shud close down UITM because it breads racism too..see wut happened recently..students in UITM say NO to non malays..dont you think they are being racist?..why dont they keep quiet because it is only a suggestion..their Majlis Perwakilan Pelajar can handle it..dont need all trouble to make banners and ect..
    Im sure the non malays dont even want to enter UITM..

  468. Salam Tun;
    I strongly believe that you should do what late Dato” Onn did . He sacrificed himself , left UNMO and start new party for all Malaysian without consider what races they are. Dato’ Onn for sure knew , he will then not be popular among Malays but did what he considered to be right.
    Forget about UMNO since that party already with uncured cancer of those coward, non-capable and corrupt leaders.
    As for school I wish the public schools can also teach Chinese/Indian/other languages so that my kids can easily learn those languages/cultures etc in school. It can be done on Saturday and no problem if I need to pay extra fees for it.
    Wawasan school is a good idea but we cannot totally abolish Chinese/Indian/ other races schools. With normal public schools teaching those languages then all our kids can master or at least can converse in several languages. With public schools teaching Chinese/Indian/Kadazan or other ethnic languages, then I trust the chinese / indians and others , later on or slowly will send their kids to public schools as the kids can learn few other languages not just chinese or indian alone.

  469. Salam Ramadhan untuk Che Det & semua bloggers,
    Nampaknya di zaman pemerintahan Pak Lah ini, banyak sangat isu perkauman yg digembar gemburkan. Sebagai warga Malaysia, saya sangat takut terjadi satu lagi tragedi 13 Mei yg boleh menghancurkan negara tercinta ini. Kita tidak mampu menjadi sebuah negara Yugoslavia kedua yg akhirnya berpecah belah menjadi beberapa republik kecil berdasarkan kaum kerana masing-masing hanya berjuang demi survival kaumnya sahaja.
    Saya berpendapat semangat perkauman yg begitu subur di negara ini sejak merdeka dahulu sehingga kini ialah kerana pemerintah kita masih mewarisi amalan British yg memerintah secara divide & rule. Semasa pemerinthan British, orang Melayu, Cina & India sengaja diletakkan dalam sektor ekonomi & sosial yg berbeda bagi menghalang mereka bersatu menentang kolonial. Malangnya selepas merdeka pemerintah yg kononnya merdeka dari kongkongan British masih mengamalkan divide & rule ini bagi memudahkan Perikatan & BN terus berkuasa. Pemimpin BN dari parti UMNO biasanya bercakap lain apabila berhadapan dengan orang Melayu, tetapi mereka akan bercakap lain pula apabila berhadapan dengan orang Cina & India. Begtu juga dengan pemimpin MCA & MIC mereka akan bercakap lain apabila berhadapan dengan kelompok kaumnya, tetapi sekali lagi akan bercakap lain apabila berhadapan dengan kelompok kaum lain. Mereka terpksa menjadi hipokrit demi untuk menjaga periuk nasi masing-masing.
    Perpecahan yg berlaku sekarang sebahagian besar adalah hasil sumbangan parti-parti perkauman UMNO, MCA, MIC dan parti-parti lain yg begitu kuat perkaumannya. Bagi menyelamatkan survival bangsa Malaysia, barangkali sudah tiba masanya semua parti yg berasaskan kaum tertentu tidak kira ia bernama UMNO, MCA, MIC dll itu dibatalkan sahaja pendaftarannya oleh kerajaan. Biarkan hanya parti-parti yg memperjuangkan ideologi universal sahaja yg terus hidup i negara ini. Kita tidak mampu berpecah belah lagi oleh gelagat pemimpin-pemimpin yg hanya mementingkan diri dan enggan belajar dari sejarah itu. BN tanpa berasaskan semangat perkauman boleh wujud, tapi parti-parti komponen perkaumannya itu perlu dibubarkan sahaja.
    Sepatutnya pemimpin kita perlu belajar dari Parti Rakyat yang ditubuhkan sejak lebih 50 tahun dahulu tetapi masih boleh bernafas sehingga kini walaupun tanpa memperjuangkan isu perkauman lapuk & kuno itu. Biarlah kita kalah dalam pilihanraya kerana enggan memperjuangkan perkauman lapuk, tetapi tidak menghancur & menggadaikan masa hadapan negara tercinta ini dengan menggunakan bom yg berumpankan perkauman.

  470. Sunday September 7, 2008
    Leaders upset with Dr M-The Star
    will they report this ‘Pohon Maaf(2)’ ?

  471. Malaysians!! Open your eyes!..if you all can see in america or china..they fight against each other eventhough they dun have ‘berbilang kaum’ like malaysia..apala yang nak dikecoh kecohkan…jgn kerana kita hidup bersama sama dgn pelbagai kaum, apabila kita bercanggah pendapat atau sesuatu masalah telah berlaku, isu perkauman akan timbul…if we continue doing this…forever the chinese malay indian will be fighting for their own race only..
    Kita semua rakyat malaysia..susah sgt ke nak hidup bersatu padu?..pemerintah yang terlalu lemah yang telah mengakibatkan semua ini berlaku..ade jugak yang bersikap mementingkan diri sendiri sampai menguris hati kaum lain..
    To the current leaders..please use your head..because of SOME of u ppl..we malaysians are against each other..
    Kalau dah janji EQUAL RIGHT FOR ALL, tunaikan lah janji itu..
    This is not MALAYsia..It is MALAYSIA..

  472. Tun,
    You are surely a Malay Ultra, if not how can you lead a Malay and Islam party for 22 years. Sadly your programs and actions are turn into SUPER malay ultra by some of your assistants.
    Tun, stop protecting and doing damage control for UMNO and its goons cause it will not do any good for you. Time is up for UMNO and its policies. If you need to proof you are not Malay Ultra or racist or to come back into active politics, please form a new party with true Malaysian identity (not single race party and not based on any religion)

  473. Tun,
    I think you realized your mistake. (Sort of) Retracting the previous post of Pohon Maaf by having this Pohon Maaf 2 is a good move, however, as a legend and respectable leader, you should also be aware of the implication of every single move you made.
    Again, I would like to say, anyone wrong should apologize and there is nothing wrong with doing it so. This incident also reflects the maturity of DPM to apologize on behalf, though Ahmad himself should do so. He is not being scared but it takes lots of courage to apologize on behalf knowing that attacks will come from leaders like yourself. Agitated perhaps.
    Selamat Berbuka Puasa.

  474. Thanks so much Tun for the statement. And for this matter, I am with you. We have to accept other races as Malaysian. Yes we are Bangsa Malaysia. However, history is still a history. Malays tolerate a lot. Our willingness to share our land with other races were already enough to show how tolerate we are. Why ask for more? If the history wrote that Malaysians migrated to India and China,were we will be given the same right and privileges? I have many indian and chinese friends, and i’m not racist. But I know my right as peribumi and defending it until today. Because Malays tolerate a lot!..
    P:/s Can’t wait for the wind of change on 16 Sept.

  475. Salam..
    betul la ape yg Tun katakan..mmg 1000% sy sokong ape yg Tun katakan..even ape yg dikata oleh YB tu mungkin xpatut..tapi dah terlajak kata…ape boleh buat..anyway…sy harap Tun dapat kembali semula ke arena politik…we malaysian need u..xkira dari kerajaan or pembangkang…

  476. Tun,
    It is high time to call for closing of Chinese schools. It breads racism. Nowadays, children from Chinese school can’t speak Malay and do not like to mix with Malays. It is only a time bomb that racial chaos will happen in this country.

  477. As the saying goes, the world is round we shall get back to our starting point once we completed going around. There are only one (1) race on earth, we are all earthling living in this earth why should we be calling ourself American, English, Chinese, Indian, Saimese, Indonesian, Malaysian and so on? Here we are all Malaysian why should be call as Malay, Chinese, Indian, Kadazan, Iban and so on? The reason I can think of is that for those politician the more the earthling split the more they will gain. American using human right, democratic, enviroment to cause split, in Malaysia they used race to cause split.

  478. SALAM SEMUA..

  479. Salam Tun,
    Maaf kerana sudah lama tidak bersama dlm blog ini.
    Saya merasa teramat sedih dengan apa ang didengar dan apa yang ditulis oleh mereka2 diluar sana…. jauh di sudut hati saya, terasa sedikit gentar dengan kemungkinan yang akan terjadi pada 16/9 akan datang atau ‘916’
    Tertanya2 apakah Pak Dolah akan terus tidur? Hanya ALLAH SWT yang lebih mengetahui….wallahualam.
    Those hipokrit leaders in UMNO lah yang menyebabkan UMNO sekarang sudah tidak dihormati lagi, dicemuh oleh masyarakat terutama kaum Melayu sendiri… dan amatlah sedihnya dengan Melayu adalah sikap dok me-layu aja… x ada perubahan, no self confidence, asyik par turut ja, corrupt to jangan cakaplah…
    Saya terbaca komen Mike Tyson masa sebelum PRK-Ptg Pauh baru2 ni, katanya… jangan terlalu mendengar komen2 yang diberikan oleh Tun yang boleh mengugat kestabilan dan sokongan rakyat terhadap negara (lebih kurang macam tulah dari pemahaman saya)…. rasa2 nak makan penamparlah si Mike Tyson nih….geram betul!!
    Kemenangan si Manusia Topeng ni memang dah dijangka… tapi rasa2 dia ni gila pangkat dan darjat, rata2 yang sokong dia ni rasa si Manusia Topeng ni akan membuat perubahan yang lebih adil kepada rakyat tapi diaorang tak kenal betul2 dengan dia ni, almaklumlah dah dibutakan oleh Dr mata…
    Kenapa bangsa Melayu ni begitu jelek sehingga tidak dapat menilai yang mana batu dan permata? … dan si budak KJ tu pun satu, macam bagus sangat…menumpang mentua ja, bukan reti apa pun….
    Si TPM lagilah, macam2 cerita keluar, sampai hal Port Dickson tu pun orang nak published….hee tak tau malu ke?
    Anyhow, saya amat menyokong Mukhriz yang akan bertanding jawatan Pemuda…. syabas kerana sikap yang positif untuk membawa semula UMNO ke jalan yang benar… dengan harapan beliau menang besar!!
    Hidup Melayu ! Hidup UMNO ! Demi Maruah, Bangsa & Agama !
    “Perjuangan Yang Belum Selesai……….”

  480. Assalamualaikum Tun,
    Salam Ramadhan kepada Tun & keluarga.
    Semasa Dato Onn keluar UMNO, beliau tubuhkan parti baru.
    Semasa Tengku Razali keluar UMNO, beliau tubuhkan Parti Semangat 46.
    Dan Tun sekarang sudah pun keluar UMNO, tapi Tun tidak seperti mereka. Saya rasa Tun masih sayangkan UMNO, cuma Tun berkecil hati apabila mereka-mereka yang berikan ‘coklat cadbury’ kepada Tun semasa tun berkuasa ‘la ni’ berikan ‘paraquat’ kepada Tun agar suara Tun tidak lunak dan tidak kedengaran.
    Pada saya, selepas peralihan kuasa dari Dato’ Seri Abdullah kepada Dato Seri’ Najib (jika tiada aral melintang), suara Tun masih tidak diperlukan oleh orang-orang UMNO sebab bukan ‘MELAYU MUDAH LUPA’ tapi segelintir orang-orang UMNO mudah lupa.
    Maka diharap Tun tidak membazir air mata Tun untuk mereka-mereka ini sebab air mata Tun diperlukan apabila Tun diatas kain sejadah supaya Tun dapat berdoa agar Malaysia sentiasa aman dan damai tanpa unsur perkauman yang semakin hari semakin tajam diasah oleh segelintir “MALASIAN FOR ALL”.

  481. Tun,
    Sejak Tun Letak Jawatan, Banyak Benda Sudah Berubah… Out Of No Where Racist Semua Wujud… Even Now When I read Your Blog And Seems Like You Are Being A Racist As Well, Memang Ramai Rakyat Malaysia Yg Baca Blog Tun Tak Sangka Tun JAdi Macam Nie, Where Is The Old Tun Mahatir???? I Nak Tanya Tun, Malaysia Nie Kepunyaan Siapa,Malay,Chinese Or Indian??? Dah La The Main Contributors To Malaysia Are Coming From The Non Malay,Then Apa Nak Kecoh Kecoh???
    So Far La,We As Tax Payers Apa Benefit We All Dapat?Semua Menteri and Goverment Sector Dapat Gaji Dari Kita Yg Bayar Tax Nie,Lagi Nak belagak…Treatment We All Dapat Dari Goverment Macam Gampang,Macam Goverment Pulak Bayar Gaji…Polis Pulak Tak Habis Habis Belagak, Tak Ingat Yg Polis kat Malaysia Nie Makan Gaji Dari Rakyat Jugak… Menteri Menteri Semua Enjoy Ngan Duit Rakyat Jer… Apa Nie Semua????
    Sekian, Thank You.


  483. Assalamualaikum Ayahanda Tun,
    Saya lihat tulisan saya semalam tidak diapprove Tun untuk dipaparkan.. Ini menunjukkan yang Tun walaupun sememangnya seorang nasionalis Melayu yang lantang dan berani, Tun tetap seorang pemimpin untuk semua kaum di Malaysia. Walau apapapun…
    To my fellow Malaysian Chinese and Indians…
    From development on the grassroots and as you can see in cyberspace…. this is how it is gonna unfold… another May 13th is truly imminent… This time, it will be worse as the reach of this chaos will be further…. Many will be lost, Malays and non malays alike…. In the end, since the Army and police are on the Malays, the Malays will triumph….
    Next will be the affirmative action… this time, due to what history have thought us, TOLERENCE and economic policy alone will not guarantee peace (it will for only about 30 odd years, and while we must be lead by a very strong leader), the affirmative action that will be taken is ASSIMILATION… with this, you guys can say GOODBYE to your Chinese and Tamil schools, writing and speaking Chinese and Tamil publicly, your freedom to practice other religion than Islam will be severely reduced, you will have to drop all your racial reference i.e you will have to name your sons and daughters to Malay names…
    Are you ready for this?
    Anak Melayu Bugis Bone

  484. Salam Tun Mahathir…
    Saya menyokong pendapat Tu yang mengatakan bahawa hubungan kaum di negara kita selepas PRU12 semakin bertambah teruk..barangkali jika kerajaan Pak Lah tidak berbuat apa-apa dan masih lagi lena di ulit mimpi yang tidak sudah,…saya yakin bahawa insiden sepertimana 13 Mei boleh berlaku lagi..
    Saya tidak faham mengapa perkara sebegini diperbesarkan berbanding beberapa perkara yang dibuat oleh pihak pembangkang yang sememangnya menguris hati perasaan orang Melayu!!…sebagai contoh si Teressa Kok yang begitu anti tulisan jawi…dengan membuat bantahan terhadap tulisan tersebut yang dipaparkan pada jalan taman seputih…apakah orang Melayu membutakan sahaja mata mereka kerana TEressa Kok ini orang di dalam pakatan rakyat???!!!
    Dimana pemimpin Melayu pembangkang yang bangang…apabila warisan datuk nenek kita diperlekehkan??? Dan tidak pula dihebohkan dalam media atau dalam media pembangkang!!

  485. Dear DrM,
    1. I have not meet you in person before after all these years. The last time i queue up with my family in putrajaya during your open house for 2-3 hours but did not manage to meet you.
    2. Pls advise if you are gonna to have an open house this year.
    3. moving back many years back, if you get a grade 2 in MCE, you cannot proceed to do form six in govt school. no problem, we can study in a private school to do hsc.
    4. if your hsc is not goood enough to enter the limited number of universities, no problem, you can study in some local colleges or go overseas paying your own fees.
    5. upon graduation if you can not work with the govt, no problem work in the private sector.
    6. if you can not get the big contract directly from the govt, no problem, sub contract a small portion from the Big guy.
    7. fast forward many years later. i am a product of your industrialisation. TQ
    8. in the early 90′ even my mat salleh cousins talked about coming over to work in malaysia as during that time economy back in their countries is not so good.
    9. during the financial crisis , when the rm is roller coasting against the $. we find our direction once you pegged it. TQ
    10. at that period when we go overseas people will knows us, or rather malaysia or rather DR M. even when i go to china, the people there talk about the Dr M.
    11. china has about 50 ethnics groups, while watching the olympics
    i am thinking how much they have progress and yet we are arguing or dreaming when our economy is declining.
    12. somebody please help malaysia.
    Looking forward to meet you in person during this Raya open house.

  486. salam tun,
    1. Ahmad is not a racists. He is a political opportunist making a
    racist statement with the intention to fish votes, and gain support to advance his political carreer.
    2. Tun, I believe you are also not malay ultra. I think your mohon maaf part 1, is intented to fan racial sentiment so as to create dilema for the current administration. To topple Dolah Badawi is your real intention. His weaken possition make it difficult for him to please the demand of ultra malay and chinese pride.
    3. The inability of the present administration to nib the problem at the bud plus your comment has succeeded in the revolt of Ahmad and 15 division against umno leadership. Tun you have succeeded.
    4. In your pohon maaf 2, I feel that you might have regretted your action in fanning this racial sentiment.
    5. End of the day, chinese will be made a scape goat for political in stability in umno.
    6. But the real victim is going to be the whole nation. A multi racial nation that has become less tolerant. Our children will inherit this less tolerant nation because of Ahmad political agenda, in reponse because of mca, mic, gerakan, dap political agenda and finally because of your agenda(wanting to topple badawi)
    7. Tun I am indeed very very very Sad. I have never felt so helpless in my life, seeing the nation degenerate to its current state.
    8. Please tun, you are person who has stature of a statesman. As Magaret thacher so aptly put, there many great politician in this world but few can be called a statesman. And she call tun a statesman. So please tun, I feel you could do something about this.
    salam tun.

  487. I must add that the different races in Malaysia had more respect for each other 20 years ago. There’s strong sentiment of racism now exactly because of of your NEP policies. For myself personally, I had the first taste of negative discrimination leaving school with 6 A’s with no acceptance from any local university. My poor parents had to work their fingers to the bones supporting all of us through college. Again, thanks!

  488. Tun,
    I think you have made the most unfair comparison this time. How can you compare a politician’s racism to that of a teenager mocking Negaraku? I have seen many racist email forwards by Malays against Chinese but deleted them because they are insignificant and just plain idiotic. The Negaraku song belongs to the same genre. But racism brazenly exhibited by UMNO leaders is just outrageous. The whole nation appreciates your constructive criticism but I’m sorry to say that your last blog entry was irresponsible, careless and only succeeded to breed more racial arrogance. Thanks! We really need this now, don’t we?

  489. Hi Tun,
    Can he (Ahmad Ismail) be a Bukit Bendera Umno division chief (good chief)? Talk without using his brain to think. Simply brainless!!! I think the roti canai seller can serve better chief than him.
    Why we need Ahmad Ismail here to become chief? GET HIM OUT!!!
    I simply don’t see any bright future now in Malaysia. Politic simply screw up the whole country now!!! Malaysia no longer “boleh”.

  490. warkah utk che det,
    Seribu macam yang berlaku dalam negara
    Beribu soalan bermain di kepala
    Sejuta kerisauan di sudut hati
    Berjuta rakyat risau x terperi
    Hanya satu harapan pemuda mu ini
    Hanya ingin menyaksi melayu kekal abadi
    Doaku sentiasa untuk kesejahteraanmu
    Duhai ayahandaku…..

  491. .
    Kalau anda ikhlas warganegara dan bukan bangsa pendatang,
    1. kenapa anda tak tahu isi (or buat2 tak tahu?) perlembagaan?
    2. kenapa anda tak mahu menghormati isi perlembagaan itu?
    Buktikan yang anda ikhlas patriotik terhadap negara ini. Malaysian Malaysia tidak perlukan sekolah banyak2 jenis.

    What about by those ULTRA chinese like Lim Kit Siang& son, Teresa Kok, Ngeh, and other DAP “leaders” – aren’t they clearly racist?
    #2. what’s with them with ALWAYS trying to deny everything that concerns the Malays?? Including making propagandas ignoring FACTS that the Malays are the Natives/the Penduduk Asal of this land on the Malay Peninsula, in the Malay Archipelago, & situated in South-East Asia??
    #3. The Orang Aslis are the aboriginal tribes of the peoples in Nusantara who live within their own communities in the remote areas/jungles/highlands.
    Just like in any other countries like China, Taiwan, Japan, Thailand, etc.; they DO HAVE their own set of Orang Aslis as well.
    THUS, just like in China and Taiwan with the “civilized” Chinese & their set of Orang Aslis; here in Malaysia too we have our “civilized” Malays & our set of Orang Aslis.
    #4. Another “famous” SHALLOW proganda is “Malays from Indon”.
    Indonesia & Malaysia only cam into existence in the 20th Century.
    Malay Civilizations had existed even before the 1st Century.
    During that time, the peoples within Nusantara/the Malay Archipelago region lived throughout the region with no restrictions/borders of “Indon” or “Malaysia”!
    LASTLY, I really can’t comprehend why those Ultra Chinese want to make propagandas to “BELITTLE” the Malays….. WHY??
    Well, what we all can see is those DAP so-called leaders’ SHALLOWNESS and DESPERATION in “belittling” their Fellow-Citizens. (WTF??!! sigh..)

    Syabas for seeing the points! Only with open & sincere heart & mind, can one grasp & understand the situation OBJECTIVELY.
    Cheers & God Bless.

  492. Salam Tun,
    I am a Malaysian Chinese. From my point of view, I don’t think I need any apologize from “him”. He got his right to express anything in his mind. But the fact is, I am holding a MYKAD with my identification number, with my photo and name on it. I am holding a Malaysian passport with my passport number, identification number, photo and name on it. I think this has enough to prove to the world that I am recognized by the Jabatan Pendaftaran Negara and Jabatan Immigresen Malaysia that I am a Malaysian and not a pendatang.If the world recognized me as a Malaysian, why do i care about his statement? I am holding a valid Malaysian passport where I can apply visa and visit the whole world without any obstacles. I can show my IC to the police when there are any “operasi”.These are the right for all the Malaysian out there no matter you are Cina, India or Melayu. All the Malaysian out there, try to flip the first page of your passport (the page next to the bearer details), see what’s written over there. You will feel proud for having that passport with you (it’s the message from our DYMM Yang Di-pertuan Agong). I think all these has really enough for us to treat us as one of the member of Malaysia. Please don’t get anymore sensitive about the statement by “him”. This is just “his” own point of view. His statement will not change my status in my passport nor my MYKAD. Furthermore “his” statement is Not something great enough to collapse the “perpaduan antara kaum” in Malaysia.
    Let’s cheers for a better Malaysia.

  493. dear tun
    i really not agree with you in here.cause we not ask UNMO person or PM ti apologize.we just want admad to apologize.you know why people will hate BN.cause what they say is right.even they say wrong also can say reporters get wrong meaning.1 person do wrong thing must apologize.i don’t know why pak lah don’t want do something of him.cause this kind of people just make UMNO more lousy.

  494. Tun,
    I don’t think anything is wrong with DPM apologizing, thought it is not necessary. But by doing so he has earned a little bit of respect from now.
    Anwar also apologized, so did Lim Kit Siang and they are respected for that.

  495. Tun, i’m very sad, very disappointed, very upset and very curious because after 51 years of independence, why we are still being haunted by racial issue ?
    Why Malay, Chinese and Indian can’t just sit down together at mamak stall enjoying nasi lemak, drinking teh tarik and listening to Indian song while using abacus to plan for our future ?
    It sounds funny and impossible right? But it could happen should we have mutual respects. I’m sure if Ahmad Ismail happens to be there and feels the harmonious atmosphere, he would want to join the team !
    I’m Chinese and i wish this could really happen !

  496. The reality is that a lot of people are camouflaging their racist antics under so called “new dawn” for Bangsa Malaysia – under the pretext that they only have to gain from everything that Malays are to lose.
    But when you hear what they talk amongst private and the kind of racist sentiments and hatred they show – it is utterly disgusting.
    One example,
    Why bring up more Chinese/Tamil schools
    if one is sincerely wanting One Bangsa Malaysia!
    Why cant people study under same school boards and only have their languages as an optional subject. This smacks of hypocrisy.
    TDM, You put things very plainly with all clarity.
    You say things that are reverberating in the minds of a lot of people. So don`t budge!
    Atleast you speak your heart.
    There are too many liars around in the world.
    Who speak only to Please, where as inwardly they have completely different thoughts running.

  497. By TG PUTERI on September 6, 2008 4:22 PM
    “The grandparents of most Chinese & Indians were immigrants, so did some of the Malays whose grandparents came from Indonesia.”
    WRONG! The Chinese, Indians and Malays are all immigrants. Only the aborigines (Orang Asli, Dayaks, Kadazans, Penans, etc.) are Bumiputeras. But then, if we trace it further, we all come from Adam and Eve. We’re all brothers and sisters… no such thing as immigrants. We’re all Citizens of the World!!

  498. Honorable Dr. Mahathir Mohamad,
    I am very thankful for what you have done for this country, very few leaders in today’s global economy are able to understand that working for themselves within a government instead of working for the people can only bring the country to destruction.
    It would appear that despite all mankind originating from the same Father, racism is still always an issue. It is truly sad, perhaps the education system has yet again failed us in educating the people in what truly is important to one’s life – life itself.
    To the haters whom choose to play the racial card, stirring up accusations and feelings of hatred. I pity you, for you will never find true happiness in life – for even you (despite your social standing and how much power and money you have accumulated in your mortal life) are answerable to GOD ultimately.
    In relation to this thread, I personally do not see a problem in apology – as long as it is sincere. They say ignorance is bliss, but it takes alot greater courage to apologize and sincerely mean it. When a government official puts himself in the face of the media, he is expected to act accordingly and not to his own liking. It is only appropriate for apology if a public wrong-doing occurs especially one with much media attention.
    In relation to the cited Hindraf incident and Wee Meng Chee incident, it would be important to take note that the individuals were not Government related. Neither were either incidents supported or initiated by Government officials. Hence, would it be reasonable to expect apology from a particular race / organization for one man’s actions?

  499. PakLah reminded all quarters, including the media, not to blow out of proportion or sensationalise issues to the extent of creating uneasiness or tension among the races in the country.
    Its funny but I think PakLah and his boys are responsible for opening the flood gates for these mavericks and individualists to wreak social mayhem and political pandemonium. Isn’t this part of his plan to create a more democratic way of life? Isn’t this part of his agenda to introduce transparency amongst Malaysian society?
    PakLah is still defending Datuk Ahmad, and it’s ironic as both individuals are clearly not interested to maintain social harmony.
    They think they have the right to openly highlight Malay issues but non-Malay sentiments should be discussed behind closed doors. Not much of a social contract with these ridiculous conditions, aye?
    Another silly issue is that many in BN are keeping quiet over this issue. I guess they are thinking of their own political survival over the prosecution of a racist. However I do not think PakLah is in any position to take action against any BN members who chooses to speak out against the ever-arrogant Ahmad.
    As for Ahmad, there are many others like him. They egotistically believe that they are the ultimate citizen, protecting the interests of Malaysia. They think that they are untouchable and unbeatable in areas of the social contract.
    Such individualists would surely go down in history as extremist of the highest order.

  500. salam
    and good morning to tun and all malaysian,
    tun yang dihormati,tkasih atas apa sahaja jasa2 tun pd all malaysian. pada yang bersalah atau tidak adalah tidak menjadi kesalahan memohon maaf. dengan memohon maaf bukan bermakna kita kalah tunjukkan betapa cantiknya ajaran islam dan takkan rugi apa2.
    dan marilah kita sama2 tak kira bangsa,agama hidup dlm harmoni dan bersatu kita teguh bercerai kita roboh mcm zaman atuk nenek kita dulu. selamat bersahur …..

  501. Assalmualaikum Tun;
    Ahmad Ismail tu patut pakai akal sama. Kena fikir juga kaum orang asli Negrito juga yang di Sabah Sarawak lebih bumiputra asli dari Melayu itself. Jadi jangan le terlampau sangat dan patutnya minta maaf. Rosak UMNO…. ada orang macam ni….

  502. Good evening Tun,
    Weak leadership in Umno and the Govt breeds ignorance amongst many Umno members.
    Datuk Ahmad should not apologize. What makes people think he would offer a heartfelt apology? He is a racist with a backward mentality. He prefers to disgrace PakLah and Najib by acting like a king of an island. He cares not for his community and he cares little for our country.
    As such, I believe he is in the right political party, as I am sure some of these nationalists would agree with him, privately.
    Even if he does offer an apology, it would be a matter of time before another cretin from Umno would say something silly. There are many surrounding PakLah and Najib, I am sure.

  503. Some people like to express their anger by giving racist talk (race,disability) in the parliement to make someone angry (and they feel happy by doing that) but this does’t means they are realy racist. By this way they hurt alot of people. They are immature.

  504. Assalammualikum Yg Bhg Tun,
    I’m glad that some of those who had commented in ‘Mohon Maaf 1’ realized the real facts of the matter reaised by you, obviously.. with your further deliberation over the subject metter. To me that what made you an Ultra-Malaysian!
    Personally, what made you a great leader was simply your readiness and eagerness to get the right facts and your promptness in facing up to any issue raised. You just never backed-out from any national issues, be it crusial or not and your decisions were always the best of the lots that somehow the commendable results would shut some quarter’s mouths.
    Way back in the seventies when I was studying in VI, a mixed school where Malays, Chinese, Indians and others were mere buddies with everyone worked hand in hand towards excellence with very strong elements of togetherness. Our relationship remain intact till now. I hope the same still in existance now, otherwise a review seems crusial. Politicians should look into such a review rather then politicizing it making their position and status well earned.
    It was true enough as said by many few years back that Malaysians would face leadership problem after you Tun. Obviously they were right! The situation that we are in right now is simply because of the weak UMNO, or rather Malay leaders! Our current PM is yet to even prove his creadibility as an UMNO leader, what more the Country.
    Five year term is just too long a period in evaluating his ability and he should know it. Can the damage be mended before the next election…many just doubt it. If he is a man of honour with the love for the Country and UMNO, he should accept the very fact that he just could not do it anymore to the extent that he is willing enough to step down and let DSN to take over the leadership.
    Personally, to have it mended before the next election..the best of option being you, Tun to come in and only after the situation has been well mended you can hand it over to your successor…but better be real this time though. Otherwise, taking into consideration all relavant factors DSN is in a better or rather acceptable position to take over the leadership and we can start afreash. I believe he must have learned all the lessons over the years as politician, and I believe that will work..with you around though..if not we take him down too!
    May you and family have all the blessings from ALLAH swt. Insyaallah.

  505. I am one of Tun loyal supporter. Voted for BN in 1999 after BN was almost losing the support from BUMIs.
    I believe many Malaysian (Non bumi) understood how we gained independent, the NEP PROJECT THAT aims to help our fellow country man (Malay).We explained proudly to our visitors from other countries about NEP and the unique culture , we are proud to be Malaysian.
    We dont mind to work harder in life, w/o many special priviledges like our Malay friends have enjoyed , such as staying in school hostel and etc, because we too want our country wealth to be enjoyed by all . I personally do not mind really and i believe many of those people that i mixed with share the same feeling.
    As long as every Malaysian can progress , why not , the cake is big enough for every one.
    Why “politician” keep on harping on this type of sensitive issues knowing it will hurt the feeling of concern parties.
    We hope our fellow Malays friends will rise and need not depend on NEP soon. Perhaps by then no body will care what this type of “low class” politician say.
    If Tun still have any influnce over the “green horn” , we wish your little advise would help brighten up Malaysian future.

  506. Tun,
    I feel the Pohon Maaf (2) is your desperate attempt to counter your racist remark – damage control.
    You clearly stated in Pohon Maaf (1) that ‘Why should Malay leaders apologize when the non-malay leafers dont?.
    In your Pohon Maaf (2), your wrote, “The person who should apologise should be the culprit himself”.
    Why? Care to explain this and defend that your Pohon Maaf (1) did not contain any racist message?.
    I’m still in disagreement with your Pohon Maaf 1 and 2 ! Abosolute Racism…

  507. Dear Tun,
    I have not heard or known anyone than Tun that have been well recognized internationally. A good leader is indeed hard to replace. With the current bunch of cabinet minister, I dont know where are we standing among the world. We use to be well respected amonng Muslim countries. I wonder are we still earn that respect since all the sick sodemy case, Hindraf case, “pendatang cina” case crop up. I wonder are we laughing stock of the nation….:(
    I thought i only Indonesia, philippines ..etc only have big mass demonstration . Since when Malaysia join the gang above???? Now it seem that demonstration become a way of life in Malaysia. who suffer? Malaysia suffer as businessman cant do business, ordinary ppl like us dont dare to go out…( road block every where)
    The only consolation for Malaysia this year is the Olympic that show that Malaysia is a multiracial country that all the races stick together. I’m so happy for Chong Wei and Misbun for bringing glory to Malaysia. You see them hug each other when they advance to the badminton final. I belive Tun wife must be very happy to see that BAM have finally landed a silver medal in Badminton singles…
    There is still light in every darkness…Let pray for Malaysia for the light to come in….


  509. assalamualaikum Tun
    Dah lama saya tak bagi pandangan.Rata2 kawan2 lama dan baru saya kebanyakannya kurang sependapat dengan saya berkaitan suasana politik sekarang.Hampir kesemua yg saya jumpa samada yg saya pernah ketahui mereka ini ada yg pernah menyokong umno dan pas walaupun tidak menjadi ahli mana2 parti. Walaupun berbeza pandangan itu tak menjadi masalah dalam persahabatan.Kebanyakan mereka ini semuanya terikut ikut dgn gelombang perubahan selepas pu12. Senang cakap mereka menyokong pertukaran pemerintahan yg ada dgn beralih ke pembangkang. Seperti Tun saya tetap mempertahankan perubahan pemerintahan negara patut berkisar dalam kepimpinan bn dan umno sahaja. Tetapi melihat kpd perkembangan sekarang, tiada kekuatan dari ahli-ahli umno utk berubah kepada yg lebih baik. Mereka seolah-olah menunggu keruntuhan yg lebih besar tanpa berusaha mengatasinya. Yg dah berkedudukan dan senang takut hilang semuanya. Andainya hilang juga biar semuanya berputih mata. Pd pandangan saya suasana politik sekarang bukannya disebabkan kekuatan pembangkang, tapi puncanya kelemahan dan kesilapan yg begitu ketara pada bn dan umno…

  510. Tun,
    Thank you mohon maaf 2. My thought is that your mohon maaf 1 has directly contributed to Ahmad’s arrogance in his media conference
    recenly (flank by all his supporters) I myself was taken aback by mohon maaf 1 …you know…from person you respect most. I just hope you are here to guide this country back on course!

  511. TUN,
    Saya mwngikuti perkembangan Tun semenjak PM lagi dan pendapat TUN 99.99 percent betul apabila tiba masanya setiap persoalan terjawab sendirinya bila tiba masanya samada cepat atau lambat, Walau pun pada asalnya tidak diterima ramai pada awal nya.
    Walau perit bagaimana pun, saya memaksakan jemari menulis meluahkan apa yang terbuku dihati untuk dikongsikan. Semoga diberi perhatian yang positif.
    Ringkasnya, saya sebagai anak melayu jati mendokong cita-cita UMNO kahsnya dan rakyat Malaysia amnya melahirkan rasa kekecewaan teramat sangat bilamana dewasa ini berisan kepimpinan melayu yang kononnya dipilih rakyat walhalnya rakyat memilih (parti) UMNO bukan individu dimaksudkan. Maka titik perjuangan mula berubah bila pemimpin bukan pilihan ramai dipilih pucuk pimpinan untuk mewakili mereka.
    Inilah klimaks nya yang didapati oleh UMNO masakini dengan pihak pembangkang beroleh kemenangan didalam pilihanraya dan saya percaya kemenangan pembangkang boleh meningkat lagi di masa depan, jika pandangan pengundi grassroot tidak diambil kira, malah interaksi antara rakyat dengan pemimpin terus melalui jurang yang melebar saban hari seolah-olah rakyat ini tidak wujud akhirnya. Kemenangan pembangkang terhasil daripada peluang yang diwujudkan oleh pemimpin UMNO sendiri dan Barisan Nasional.
    Kelihatan MELAYU kini telah dinafikan kekuasaannya oleh kaum lain. Dimanakah kekuatan MELAYU sebenarnya?, Apakah kita sanggup membiarkan MELAYU bangsa kita terjajah semula ?.
    TUN patut dan jangan jemu untuk terus memberi pandangan dan menegur
    kerajaan. Kalau bukan TUN sebagai bekas PM yang masih hidup – siapalah lagi yang boleh menegur dan memberi pandangan kepada kerajaan yang diperintah oleh YUN melebuhi 20 tahun. Ini fakta.
    Ketuannan Melayu telah melayakan MELAYU masih mengharapkan subsidi, dana bantuan kerajaan dan berbagai lagi yang percuma tapi masih ketinggalan dari kaum lain yang ada di Malaysia. Mereka berjaya mengupah gaji untuk melayu mencari sesuap nasi untuk diri dan keluarga bagi menyambung nafas untuk hidup.
    Baynagkan lah sendiri, Betapa lemahnya kita, bila kenaikan harga minyak, semua melayu menerima bebanannya kerana Melayu adalah pengguna. Kaum lain terutama entreprenur cina sebagai pembekal tidak menanggong sebagaimana ramai peratusan Melayu kerana barangan harganya boleh dinaikan dengan berbagai alasan. Hasil kenaikan harga ini tidak mungkin akan turun walhal pasaran harga minyak telah turun. Itulah MELAYU…
    Semua ini akan mengugat kekuasaan kerajaan memerintah. TUN teruskan usaha untuk jaminan generasi akan datang untuk menyambung kehidupan dalam keamanan dan kesejahteraan semua pihak mendapat manfaaat.
    Salam hormat kepada TUN NEGARAWAN MALAYSIA
    Sekian Terima kasih.

  512. Tun,
    Selamat menyambut puasa. Pertama sekali saya bersara blogger kwek tidak memahami padangan Tun berkenaan pohon maaf yang dibuat oleh beberapa pemimpin politik UMNO baru – baru ni. Apa yang saya paham ialah Tun berasa UMNO partcularly orang Melayu berada dalam keadaan amat parah sekali sehinggakan mereka sudah tidak mampu mempertahankan maruah bangsa Melayu. Dalam banyak keadaan yang bukan disebabkan oleh kesalahan orang Melayu terutama sekali UMNO orang Melayu seperti telah disalahkan dalam banyak perkara yang terjadi baru – baru ini. Oleh kerana ingin mendapat sokongan politik pemimpin UMNO sanggup memohon maaf diatas sebab yang tak perlu. Akhirnya masyarakat akan berpandangan yang memang orang Melayu dan UMNO benar – benar bersalah dalam hal ini.
    Pada hemat saya salah tetap salah, jadi kita haruslah menanganinya dengan cara yang bijak tanpa menyinggung perasaan bangsa lain. Ternyata pemimpin UMNO tidak bijak dalam menangani isu ini. Mereka dengan secara tidak langsung telah meletakkan UMNO dalam kedudukan yang salah. Pada hemat saya lagi ini telah melanggar matlamat asal UMNO dan amat salah sekali mungkin pemimpin UMNO ini boleh dianggap sebagai menderhaka kepada UMNO.
    Maaf kiranya pandangan saya ingin menyinggung perasaan saudara Kwek.
    akhir sekali saya pohon maaf kepada Tun jika pandangan ini kiranya ianya juga menyinggung perasaan Tun, percayalah saya juga berasa apa yang Tun rasakan sekarang dimana keadaan UMNO dalam keadaan amat parah sekali. Jadi sebagai seorang yang bertanggungjawab saya rasa perlu untuk menyuarakan pandangan saya ini.
    Sekian terima kasih. Selamat berpuasa kepada semua bloggers yang beragama Islam chedet.

  513. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    Salam Tun,

  514. First of all, I guess this is as close as I can get to actually having any form of communication with you, Dr. M, which is an honor. Coming back to this “pohon maaf” issue, I personally think that it wasn’t as much as you being racists. I honestly felt disheartened when you actually said the second man shouldn’t have apologized, but when you said that the culprit itself should apologize, that totally light up my day. Thinking deeper into it, that was my first reaction as well. Why must Najib apologize? Shouldn’t that idiot apologize himself? Maybe it is this deep feeling of closeness that you had formed with the citizens of Malaysia throughout the years that made us feel alienated with the first ed. of “pohon maaf”, but of course, that wasn’t the case when you elaborated further. That, I felt relieved and thankful. Again, keep up the blog. It will never get dull as long as chedet keeps going.

  515. 1)hal sensitive ni ada di mana2 tak kira tempat, be it racial, or political
    2)kat ofis pun ada. misalnya di ofis saya kalau kita ckp psl BN ‘mereka’ mula pandang semacam.
    3)kalu sebut je nama dr mahathir lagilah ‘mereka’ cemek dan angkat kening sesama sendiri.
    4)mereka tak sedar diri yg anak mereka pun ambik biasiswa kerajaan pegi lanjut pelajaran, anak2 mereka pun masuk sekolah2 berasrama penuh yg kerjaan sediakan, merekalah ibubapa yg bangga bercerita yg anak mereka dpt tajaan kerjaan, mereka pun duk aman sejahtera adanya selama ni, tak mau terima kasih lagi???
    5)belum lagi kita defend dr m. kalu defend siaple memang tak tegur kita satu hari tu…itu pun kita yg tegur ‘mereka’ semula…tapi kita tegur pun sebab ada hal2 kerja he..he..
    6)’mereka’ juga ada diklgn yg brpangkat dan melaungkan ‘keadilan’ mengikut slogan reformasi tu..
    7)tapi ‘mereka’ sendiri tak ambil kisah pun tang keadilan kat pejabat.
    8)ada drpd ‘mereka’ tak ambik pusing tang ground staff, ground work functions, kebajikan, bodek habis, dan takut nak berterusterang dgn org atasan(mgmt) the need to reform or review the current office issues. asalkan ‘poket bulanan’ berisi..thats it.
    9)tapi’mereka’ have the guts dan sibuk2 pulak nak buat reformasi utk negara. beria ia sgt sokong dsai ttg ‘reformasi’ ni. ckp je mcm pandai, hypocrite betul.
    10)sebab tu saya amat sceptical and cynical terhadap ‘pegangan mereka’.
    11)tapi ‘tension’ mereka tu beza sikit dari 1998 dulu. masa tu .ha..mereka sanggup berembun kat rumah ‘pujaan’ mereka. sikit punya gah bila mereka cite2 esok paginya psl ‘favourite’ mereka tu..
    12)mcm maniac je mereka tu..
    13)mentaliti ‘mereka’ ni lain sikit. ada ciri2 ‘taksub’ gitu. semacam je…
    15) no 14 tun tu sama lah situasinya…
    mcm murid2 sekarang ni. dah pandai lawan cikgu tak tentu pasal, pancitkan tayar, calarkan kereta, ngadu kat ibubapa psl cikgu cikgi…
    16)dulu2 kalu tak suka pun kita ckp diam2..kalu ngadu dgn emak abah, kita kena bantai balik.
    17)org dulu2 lain..org skrg lain…
    18)zaman dah berubah..dunia dah maju…
    19)semoga tun sihat selalu..

  516. A problem can be contained or be blown out of proportion. May be this is what happen to the racial issue in Malaysia. At first, the water was calm. Then there was ripples. Then there was boiling. And then there is explosion.
    Datuk Ahmad Ismail, the chief of UMNO youth wing in Bukit Bendera defended himself in the t.v. news broadcast. He said that it is unfair for the media to paint him in a bad light without giving him an opportunity to explain first. Then, is it fair for him to belittle the non Bumiputras without telling them first when he wanted to say ?
    As compared to all the high powered politicians, Datuk Ahmad can be considered the lower ranked politician. During the media meeting, his supporters gathered round him and brought his two hands up, signalling their strong support for him. By supporting him, they are supporting everything he said including his political activities. This shows that there are UMNO members who are like these. Confirmation of their superior status in Malaysia. This is his and their true colours. If he cannot discipline himself and he cannot discipline the other fellow UMNO members, then it is no point having him as a leader of chaos and havoc in a multi racial country like Malaysia. I can imagine his indoctrination of Malay superiority among the other UMNO youths under him. What sort of leaders is he raising up ?
    Datuk Ahmad Ismail said that if MCA is in Penang, they will win the election. He said that Datuk Koh Tsu Koon should apologize to him. This clearly shows internal party conflicts and clearly shows that the other components of Barisan Nasional must always lower themselves before UMNO. This reminds us back of those days when we have to call the white men ” Sir “. If MCA has to kowtow all the time against the floor, they will get a permanent head damage and for sure cannot lead the Chinese community. Shouldn’t all components in the Barisan Nasional help each other instead of trying to have a master-slave mentality ? And may be because of this lack of adhesion, that is why Barisan Nasional is breaking up.
    When the reporters tried to get hold of him, they saw that his mansion is deserted. If he is so confident of what he has said, then he should be man enough to be available instead of running away. Is he afraid of the ACA or the special branch or the reporters ? Without realizing it, he has made himself a wanted man.
    Racial harmony can be promoted when we try to see the good in each other instead of the bad. We cannot escape from rubbing shoulders with one another. But surely there is something common for all races to share. Like peace, for one.

  517. ahhh sy rindu malaysia di zaman pemerintahan Tun…everything seem so nice…skang ni mcm2 masalah ade…dah la ngn krisis minyak, n food sedunia tambah plak lg ngn racial tension kat malaysia skang nih…malaysia dah mcm x selamat dh…rusuhan kaum mcm bleh berlaku anytime…sume DSAI punye pasal…

  518. Salam Tun,
    You are not racist. You just speak your minds. And youre practical.
    Just look at your closest neighbours..they dont speak of sensitive racial issues openly but quietly behind closed doors. Thats very smart of them you know.
    And they speak of meritocracy openly but actually they have this so called silent policy of racial discrimination where nobody knows!.
    Dalam diam org Melayu kena tindas!.
    The present Malaysian leaders are not smart as your time.

  519. Assalamualaikum Tun yang disayangi,
    I believe what Tun was trying to say is that Ahmad should apologize and so do the Hindraf and Wee.These people must be responsible to the remarks they made and done.Should each and everyone of us condemn to those remarks made and act done by these people, we can definitely make Malaysia a better place to everyone.
    WE, Malaysian fail to unite becos we allowed irresponsible person to play racist card and we allowed ourselves to buy to what said by them.
    Tun is definitely not racist.It’s normal to sound racist to other racist even though we are not. We’ll only sound non-racist to other non-racist.
    To be so called Malaysian, the Chinese and Indian must accept what decided by the previous government ( the bumi privilege etc) and to be called Malaysian, Malays must see the other races as one of them, to be born and raised here and belongs here.This is their country. This is our country.Both parties must play the part or the imbalanced will create instability.
    Thoughts to ponder
    To Tun and To all bloggers….i came across a blog Yayasan Bina Insan Malaysia which mean to help the poor and the needy.Help them helping other people by start contributing. The url add is http://www.ybim.com.my
    take care Tun. Love you always.

  520. Dear Tun,
    Today AAB said Ahmad is not racist and need not apologise! On Thursday, he said Ahmad must apologised; what a flip-flop AGAIN!!!
    It is precisely this type of flip-flops that will lead to further discontentment, be it today with Ahmad or with other decisions of his. He changes course as though he is a kid! Playing main main.
    Really ALL Bloggers must insist AAB resigns or our beloved Malaysia and the various comunnities will face further diffulties because of his actions!
    Thank you TUN for using your blog to vent my frustrations.
    God bless you always.

  521. i am a Chinese and i have no problem with whatever was uttered; whether Datuk Ahmad Ismail was referring to the present or the pre-Merdeka days when he said that Chinese are squaters.
    What’s the big deal anyway? As far as i am concerned, i am just passing thru and this is NOT my home.
    I will arrive home the day i cease breathing.

  522. Dr., maybe it’s time you stopped commenting on Malaysian politics and retire to somewhere in the beautiful countryside we have in this country. The more I hear you comment on anything, the more I think that you are going senile.
    Dr., after 22 years of ruining this democratic country, please give it a rest. Malaysians are fed up. Pease stop. Thank you.

  523. Nampaknya banyak di sini berkata
    “sejarah itu penting”
    “sejarah itu bukti”
    padahalnya sejarah itu membuktikan kenbanyakan melayu datang daripada Indonesia, Yunnan….. Cina dari China dan Orang India dari India.
    Semua org itu pendatang. TIdak Adil Orang Cina sahaja dilabelkan Pendatang.
    Siapa yang bersalah siapa minta maaf.
    Buktikan kebolehan sendiri, dan bukannya berkelakuan seperti gangster atau barbarian untuk mendapat kuasa.

  524. Salam Tun,
    Saya teringat dulu Tun ada memperkenalkan sekolah wawasan utk menggabungkan SK, SJKC, SJKT dalam satu kawasan. Sejauh manakan usaha itu berjaya & apakah langkah seterusnya olek kerajaan BN sekarang utk menambah-baik keadaan asimilasi kaum sekarang khususnya utk generasi muda?
    Saya melihat keadaan sekarang semakin parah dan org melayu seakan hilang taring dibumi sendiri. Tidak mustahil melayu akan hilang di dunia.
    Harap Tun dapat kongsi perancagan tun andainya sekolah wawasan gagal diterima oleh org india & cina khususnya. Pada pendapat saya, selagi adanya SJKC & SJKT, selagi itulah ada bangsa Malaysia tidak akan berjaya.

  525. Tun
    Jika komen foo betul, boleh dikatakan Kelantan telah mencapai
    matlamat bangsa M’sia. Sementara negeri-negeri yang lain di M’sia
    merebut kuasa and kekayaan tanpa menghirau perasaan rakyat dengan
    mengbangkitkan perkara yg racist.
    Memang betul kata z bahawa orang2 politik M’sia yg mengbangkitkan masalah perkauman. Bukan rakyat biasa.
    Diharap masalah politik diselesaikan oleh orang2 politik sendiri tanpa memberi ceramah di tempat umum. Itu masalah mereka.
    Apa yg kita rakyat mahu dengar ialah “Apa yg telah orang2 politik
    samada BN,PKR ,PAS dll telah buat untuk membangunkan negara kita ke wawasan 2020?” Dimanakah kita sekarang? Setengah jalan ke wawasan atau terus tak jalan langsung.
    Itulah kerja utama mereka dan bukan mengbangkit masalah racist utk mendapat sokongan rakyat.
    Semoga rakyat M’sia sihat dan sejahtera selalu.
    T.Kasih omg

  526. It is very obvious that the non-malays in the urban areas especially Klang Valley, although stay in the same neighborhood with Malays but they are disconnected with them.
    After 51 years of merdeka the urban chinese and Indians still can’t speak in BM correctly. Whereas, they can speak English (not fluent but Okaylaaah..) after staying 2-3 years overseas to further study.
    Some chinese totally lost touch that they are living in Malaysia. They forgot that the Malays have been very accommodative since their forefathers time. Now, they feel that this country is theirs. Non malays are the least numbers in the armed force, in police force, in government agencies etc because they could not make money doing these kind of job. This speaks volume about their mentality, they just want to make a good living and don;t care about the well being of the nation. Let the Malays manage the police & army and get paid peanuts, while I’m making my millions and ate the same time try my luck to claim my rights as Malaysians.
    I support Ahmad of Bukit Bendera. He is a patriot! Najib & abdullah simply does not have balls.

  527. Hi Mat,
    I’m a Chinese and I met you a couple of time in US. I hope you know why. UMNO member are racist to it core. Malay learn about taking (asking for help) at their very young age. They fight hard and even kill if they were unable to take/steal. And now they become our leader. I can assure even when Anwar grab his power shortly, Malaysia will still plunge into disarray. You have teach the Malay to take for far too long and as usual the elite Chinese will give for the wrong reason. Trust me Malaysia don’t have a chance. Tun, You have train us to be a loser for far too long. With PKR/Anwar we would have a immediate catastrophe and with UMNO/Badawi we have a long term disaster. At this moment we need a bunch of patriotic scholar to turn our beloved country around and not politician. All three of you have hurt our country dearly. Enough is enough, lets stop fighting for one moment, or better let work together, give Malaysia a chance. (All respective title was intentionally removed)

  528. Since you are Doctor…How you differentiate Bumiputra and non Bumiputra using the DNA????
    Do u have a scientific prove of how to differentiate them? I can challenge you! It is all under your power only this exist! We all are born in Malaysia Chinese, Malay, Indian in Malaysia are all Bumiputra! You thought you are so smart that using this divide and rule Bumiputra term you can get the power? Get out you! God will punish you due to you had set a wrong direction
    We as what you term as non Bumiputra are the victim of your dictate management! Go to hell u
    Under this system, Bumiputra are really Putra, just like your son, no need to work, get AP, no need to work hard, and the money will come!
    You thought you are smart but in actual you are so stupid!
    You PARALIZED all the Bumiputra! Never mind carry on and paralized them forever!!!!!!

  529. Tun
    I hope you won’t miss this comment.
    I am Chinese from Sarawak. In primary school I was taught that I am a Chinese and I live in a country called Malaysia. I am therefore a Malaysian and I learnt how to speak and write in my national language. I also learnt how to be considerate with people of other races and different religions. Great.
    Then in secondary school I was taught that how the ‘social contract’ worked to get independence. The richer Chinese communities agreed with the privilege of the Malays in exchange for the citizenship. So we are not quite equal. How about the poor Chinese? I asked but the teacher could not answer me. I also wanted to ask whether the races in Sabah and Sarawak were aware of the social contract before forming Malaysia (we did not join, we formed) but thought the teacher would not be able to answer me either.
    I am now grown up. I defended the NEP in many occasions because I realised that it was a rather quick way to help the majority of the poor, and helping the poor is never a bad thing. At the back of my mind, however, I am asking myself why do the rich natives now still entitle for the privilege, and why should the poor Chinese and Indians not be given the privilege? In other words, after a few decades of implementing NEP, why should the NEP not be limited to the people who are poor instead of race? Surely our tax system is now able to identify who is poor and who is rich?
    The answer is the politicians do not see themselves as Malaysians; they see themselves representing the interests of different races. That’s how politics started in Malaysia but surely it can change. School children are taught that we are one nation, we are Malaysian. The politicians are telling people that we are different – we are Chinese, we are Malay, we are Indian. That’s why they ask for apologies.
    Tun, you are my hero. You are a great leader and inspired everyone in this country to work hard to make Malaysia a developed country. I believe you are different from the other politicians. However, please tell me frankly, when you see a Malaysia Chinese, what comes up in your mind first? Anak Malaysia or Orang Cina?

  530. Chinese actually have the same right as Malay but the UMNO make the Chinese as a immigrant! Being a ex-PM you should be responsible for all this!!!
    Since you are a doctor, can please let me know can you prove that from DNA, you are not a immigrant? your ancestor not from INDIA? How about Syed Hamid, His ancestor not from Arab?
    Can you tell me that malay is the indigenous people or The native Orang Asli is the real native in Malaysia?
    How about the story of Hang Tuah, Hang Jebat, How about their DNA studies, Can you publish in your Website?
    We never questions about your right, but why all the UMNO want to questions and talk about Chinese as an immigrant and worse still you ask them not to apologise, what you mean?

  531. askm Tun,
    Member baru ni. Saya setuju dengan Tun. Melayu dah lemah dah. Sebab banyak yang haprak. Dididik suruh jadi pemimpin tapi lain jadinya. Ini punca segala sengketa. Bukan sebab jembatan bengkok tak jadi atau Pak Lah yang lembik.
    Betul tak tun???
    Betul tak Tun???
    Betul tak Tun!!!!!
    Jujurlah pada diri sendiri.

  532. Good evening Tun,
    After 51st birthday of Malaysia, I’M really sad to realize that the our country is moving backwards in term “raceless” or “colourless” politics. But on the other side, I’M grateful that majority of ordinary Malaysians on the street are not racism.
    I wonder whether TUN awares that the racist remarks were only lauded by politician leaders? Be it UMNO/MCA/MIC/GERAKAN/PKR/DAP etc. I have friends/neighbours/colleagues from different races, but we interact/work/play/hand around without any racial barrier. There are no ” Ketuanan”, “Pendatang”, “….”. But why the politicians want to destroy our harmony relationship among races? Perhaps TUN has the answer for being PM for more than 2 decades.
    Now, people talk about globalisation and liberalisation. I think nation leader like TUN awares what is good or bad for a community to enjoy the protection. So, my advice to all political leaders, PLEASE behave yourselves and do say sorry if you did wrong. Gentleman principle.

  533. Assalam Tun,
    Inilah bangsa Melayu kita sekarang walawupun tidak semua hakikatnya inilah perubahan yang sedang berlaku kepada bangsa yang dinamakan Melayu.Melayu adalah nombor satu (1)di M’sia kini,DADAH,JUDI,MAKSIAT,ROGOL ROMPAK,REMPIT dsbgnya adalah MEL………

  534. Dear Tun,
    I think Chinese is more racist than Malay because
    (1) many Chinese do not want to send their children to national school.
    Fyi, most of my neighbours are Chinese. My Chinese neighbours send their children to Chinese school. When I talk to them (their children) in Malay, they will reply it in English. They can’t speak Malay. They only speak in English and Mandarin. What a shame to live in this country and said that you are Malaysian but can’t even speak Malay language. After 50 years of Merdeka, we still have citizens that can’t speak national language. And these are the same person who said other people are racist!
    Fyi, my wife is a teacher in secondary school. She also has difficulty dealing with Chinese students from primary school. When these students enter secondary school, they can’t communicate in Malay. Not only that, their respect toward Malay teachers are very less (unless you speak English to them). They prefer Chinese teachers. I wonder, what are they teaching in Chinese primary school. Look down at the Malays? Malays are all bad? Malays rob their wealth? If we want true Malaysian for Malaysia, these Chinese should be CLOSED. Then there will be some assimilation among the races.
    I used to work in private sector (public listed) and most of the senior position post – 90%(managers and above) are filled with Chinese. 90% of malays work in the lower income group – coolies and junior management. Are all malays stupid and can’t compete? Or is racism being practiced in the company? The company is owned by Taiwanese but 40% of the shareholder is PNB (sleeping partner-don’t care what happened, only knows that at the end of the month/year they make some profit). Poor malays, always being bullied by Chinese even in their own homeland.

  535. Come on Malaysian,
    I’ve been the viewer for this blog for quite a while..
    What i reliazed is –
    1. Do we really have to rely on one person to build Malaysia?
    2. Do we really need to seperated out Malay, Chinese, Indian and etc? Come on, we are now is not compete within Malaysia, world is changing, we shd work hand in hand as a Malaysian to build up a great Malaysia and fight against Globalization…
    I’m not racist, but most of you have a very narrow minded-
    1. oh, Tun, we depend on you…
    2. Oh, we have to help Malay…
    Wake up everyone, world is towards globalization.. we are building a true Malaysia to compete to the rest of the ‘World’..

  536. Dear Tun
    Reading Pohon maaf 1, i wasn’t really thinking Tun is a racist but rather i interpret it as the high leaders such as DPM should not apologies.
    Reading the current news that Ahmad Ismail not only refuse to apologies (because he has his own principal?) but demand both the chinese leaders and the chinese newspaper to apologies. I just cant help to wonder why some of our BN politician fail to understand the importance of choice of words. Although describing a historical fact, they as a public figure should be sensitive enough to use a proper choice of words or sentences.
    Just…i cant seems to agree with Tun this time that DPM shouldn’t apologies. I concur his action because i believe he puts the stablility and harmony of the country and BN before his dignity.
    To RyscheClyde, I agree although not 100% that racist do occur in workplace and our economy. I think education will be the important tool to overcome this. I dont think racist will be eliminate but i think today we see less racist in the younger generation. Let the proper education context and mindset embedded into our younger generation and let the time works its magic
    To wokyoh, the moral of the may 13 1969 incident is not about chinese playing the fire, but it is about the important to be sensitive enough not to hurt others feeling irregardless malays, chinese, indians or the bumiputra in Sabah and Sarawak. Nevertheless, it is so unfortunate that some of our BN politicians can be so arrogant and insensitive. If may 13 1969 incident happen again, we have no one to blame but ourself for choosing arrogant and insensitive leaders.

  537. Ini adalah amat jelas sekali perlaksanaan dwi-piawai (Double Standard) oleh BN.
    Adakah Dato Ahmad Ismail berhak bercakap apa saja oleh sebab beliau ahli UMNO?
    Adakah ini merupakan satu lagi “Keistimewaan” kepada ahli UMNO?
    Semua rakyat Malaysia tanpa mengira bangsa dan latar belakang harus bangkit membantah sekeras-kerasnya percakapan Ahmad Ismail & pemimpin UMNO yang tidak bertindak.
    Rakyat menyeru supaya bebaskan tokoh Hindaf ataupun penjarakan Dato Ahmad Ismail sekali.

  538. Salam Tun serta selamat berpuasa to Muslims & Hi to the rest,
    In reality, isu perkauman dah lama berakar di Malaysia. Yes, the Malays menikmati beberapa kemudahan yang tak seberapa, itupun bila berurusan dengan kontrak kerajaan yang kemudiannya di ali babakan (bukan semua tetapi ramai) akibat kebodohan diri sendiri mungkin juga kerana tidak tahan cabaran bersaing dengan kaum yang memonopoli ekonomi. Siapa kita untuk menipu diri sendiri dalam isu perkauman? Memang benar terdapat diskrimnasi dalam penempatan ke IPTA, tetapi pada masa yang sama terdapat diskriminasi di tempat kerja juga mengikut kaum baik dari segi pemberian imbuhan juga penjawatan. Itu tidak termasuk di bidang perniagaan. Label pemalas, penipu & tidak boleh dipercayai merupakan stigma kepada 3 kaum utama di Malaysia. Racial jokes are flying around freely. Semua ini merupakan duri dalam daging rakyat Malaysia. Unless we learn to trust each other & not let unscrupulous politician intimidate us by playing with the racial issues, the bubbles going to burst soon enough. Politicians got their own agenda for own survival not to mention greed for power and personal gains. Kita rakyat biasa yang ingin menjalani kehidupan dengan aman damai dan mencari nafkah yang menjadi mangsa.
    All I want to plead here, enough is enough. We need to be as one to develop this bumi bertuah and live in peace and harmony. Hope this is not too much to ask for.
    Best regards to all.

  539. Salam Tun serta selamat berpuasa to Muslims & Hi to the rest,
    In reality, isu perkauman dah lama berakar di Malaysia. Yes, the Malays menikmati beberapa kemudahan yang tak seberapa, itupun bila berurusan dengan kontrak kerajaan yang kemudiannya di ali babakan (bukan semua tetapi ramai) akibat kebodohan diri sendiri mungkin juga kerana tidak tahan cabaran bersaing dengan kaum yang memonopoli ekonomi. Siapa kita untuk menipu diri sendiri dalam isu perkauman? Memang benar terdapat diskrimnasi dalam penempatan ke IPTA, tetapi pada masa yang sama terdapat diskriminasi di tempat kerja juga mengikut kaum baik dari segi pemberian imbuhan juga penjawatan. Itu tidak termasuk di bidang perniagaan. Label pemalas, penipu & tidak boleh dipercayai merupakan stigma kepada 3 kaum utama di Malaysia. Racial jokes are flying around freely. Semua ini merupakan duri dalam daging rakyat Malaysia. Unless we learn to trust each other & not let unscrupulous politician intimidate us by playing with the racial issues, the bubbles going to burst soon enough. Politicians got their own agenda for own survival not to mention greed for power and personal gains. Kita rakyat biasa yang ingin menjalani kehidupan dengan aman damai dan mencari nafkah yang menjadi mangsa.
    All I want to plead here, enough is enough. We need to be as one to develop this bumi bertuah and live in peace and harmony. Hope this is not too much to ask for.
    Best regards to all.

  540. “Far from the opposition’s “win” being brought about by rejection of racial politics, it has actually enhanced racial politics. We talk more about race and racial interest than we did in the last 50 years.”
    Dear Tun, I am totally agree with the above statement, which is a reality of what becoming of our society today. Hope our leaders will see it through, though my personal opinion is today we should allow some space for the people to debate on the racial make-up of this country of ours.
    For the malay, it is a reality check, in today’s dog eat dog world – everybody is pushing their own agendas and the malays are blinded from seeing this albeit Anwar’s agenda seems fair to everyone but let’s not forget that HIS OWN PERSONAL AGENDA REIGNS PARAMOUNT ABOVE THE REST!
    Anak Kecil Main Api.

  541. Dear Tun,
    Salam mesra!
    The Pohon Maaf(1) was out,it saddened a lot of your supporters:Non Malays and right thiking Malays.-same to me.
    Then, the following of Pohon Maaf(2)- at least show us a great leader neutral standpoint in multiracial nation country-Malaysia.
    There must be straight-to-point or cruel yet true comments from all walk of wife particularly Non Malays ( I beleive) to your blog after Pohon Maaf(1),leading to the next episode serving its prupose to pacify this group of people/reader/supporters.
    if Pohon Maaf (1) ended up only one episode.Your blog will end up mainly for Malays.A downfall for great leader in this multiracial country.A great leader who always take care of his own people in a single race country compare to a great leader who takes care of the whole nation people consist of multiracial country will bring different meaning to us and our next generation.
    What is future gneration to be ?
    A leader is a public image to whole nation people.
    To most people having open mind and looking for national interest,will always give and take confronting same skin color issue versus different color issue.In old time, our wanted to be Bangsa Malaysia-Malays,Chinese and Indians showed us they great wisdowm and endurances fighting for Merdeka in getting Bangsa Malaysia Status.A Petronas Raya/Kong Xi Fatt Cai/Deepavali advertisement filmed by Yasmin( who has Chinese husband)will bring back to us all the hormonious scenes in the pass which enjoyed by our old leaders.A warm and yet Malaysian feel which we long missed.
    We always touched by a scene (be it in reality of movies) when one color helps different color without second thought whenever situation turns to knife-edge.
    How much of our leaders show this to our people,in our books.Brain storming and such nurturing will bring our next generation backwards to the old time where going backwards in such will definitely bring our country better.
    Let’s pray – whether or not 916 will happen is all depend on how Bangsa Malaysia our leaders will be in taking care of this Malaysia !

  542. If you ask students in secondary school today, who is Hang Tuah, who is Hang Li Poh, they will shake their head and answer don’t know.
    If our government is non-racist, why they cover up and modified the contents of “Sejarah”? Because they scare the Chinese question them. Previously they though those heros are Malay, but later they found out they are from China, so they just remove this. Who is the one alway said don’t play with racist issue, but did it at the back? Please stand up and admit what you did, and not finding execuse for it. If you want execuse, everybody can give you 100 execuse on any topic you pick.
    Right or wrong just depend on you see it, analyze it, view it from what perspective. Please change your mindset of “protect Malay right”, “ketuanan kaum” and etc, the only way to success is be competitive! The concept of “quantity” is over, we want “quality”.

  543. By the way:
    Please save your breath in “desperately” wanting to deny the FACT that the MALAYS are the PENDUDUK ASAL of this Land in the “Malay Peninsula”.
    The fact is: Malay Civilization had already existed here in South-East Asia, or Nusantara, or The Malay Archipelago region, even BEFORE 1 AD.
    FYA, the “Orang Asli” & “Malays from Indon” are the 2 propagandas/MYTHS “created” by THOSE RACIST chinese who are SO DESPERATE to belittle the Malays… (WHY?)
    by confusing the NEW Malaysian generation who don’t seem to know our history by “teaching” them to “deny” the Malays’ HERITAGE here on this MALAY Peninsula in The MALAY Archipelago, with FALSE and UNTRUE statements!!.. (Again, WHY????).
    #1. Orang Aslis/Aboriginal Tribes are found in many countries – INCLUDING in China, Japan and Taiwan.
    Orang Aslis are those people who live in remote areas/pedalaman on their own, and are away from civilization.
    So what right have the “civilized” Chinese in China “claim” that they are also the “penduduk asal” of China or Taiwan?… THUS, it is the same thing here in THIS region, where, the “civilized” Malays are also the “Penduduk Asal” of this regionn – just as much as those Orang Aslis.
    #2. Before Indonesia & Malaysia came into existence, the peoples of this Nusantara or Malay Archipelago region have always been of the same roots – same attire, same language, same food, batiks, songkets, houses/building architecture, traditional games; life-style.
    The Sriwijaya Empire covered the area of Sumatera, Malay Peninsula, Riau, West Borneo, pasrt of Sulawesi, right up to Southern Indo-China (Kemboja, Laos, Vietnam).
    Our Empayar Kesultanan Melaka covered Riau, Sumatera (south of Aceh), and parts of Borneo & Sulawesi.
    So, the Malay people are the peoples of THIS South-East Asia region even BEFORE the names Malaysia and Indonesia existed.
    Please don’t simply accept BASELESS Shallow Propagandas/”myths” brought up by some RACIST-Extremist SELFISH rakyats who seem to be “enjoying” belittling the Malays and DISUNITING US MALAYSIANS!…

  544. Dear Tun
    I was just a little girl when you were our PM and always heard from my grandmother praising you as the best of all Malaysia PM. From that moment I held high respect on you and I stood tall among my foreign classmates as I had you as my hero of my country, Malaysia. And I was so proud of my country whenever I saw you in the tv.
    This morning while I was doing my homework on my laptop, out of the blue, I decided to read the news of my country, and I happened to read about your comment about the Ahmad Ismail’s case. I was so upset after reading your comment. I cried because it hurts so much knowing that my “hero” is a racist after all, he only represents the malay and not the other races. I thought he was the PM for all malaysians.
    All these while, I was so excited and looked forward to go back to work in my own country after my graduation. I wanted to contribute something for my country and be part of it. BUT now I am so confused and started to question myself, “Am I a second grade citizen?” “Where should I go after my graduation?” “Should I apply PR elsewhere where they might appreciate me more?” “How am I going to drop the bombshell,telling my parents that I decided to stay back in OZ to work.” etc etc….I am very sad. Morning Has Broken.
    Anyway, thank you so much for allowing me to write to you. Peace Be With You.
    Siti anak Judie

  545. Salam TUN,
    Nampaknya PM sudah pening kepala apabila penyokongnya negeri sendiri(UMNO P.Pinang) tak sokong pendapat memohon maaf. Apa tunggu lagi UMNO negeri-negeri lain. Ini lah peluang terbaik hendak suruh dia turun. Takkan nak jadi PAK TURUT sampai bila-bila.
    Saya mengucap tahniah kepada Kerajaan Negeri Kedah(PAS) kerana hanya Kedah menunjukkan sikap ANAK MALAYSIA JATI dengan memebeli ruangan satu mukasurat dalam UTUSAN MALAYSIA untuk mengucapkan selamat pada Hari Kemerdekaan Malaysia Ke 51. Syabas kepada Menteri Besar Kedah.
    Kita selalu melaungkan bahawa kita ANAK MALAYSIA dan menuntut hak masing-masing tetapi tak turun padang bersama-sama meraikan hari Kemerdekaan. Kebanyakan yang kelihatan Melayu pada pagi itu. Di manakah CHINA Dan INDIA & PAKATAN RAKYAT? Perselisihan politik tidak boleh dijadikan penyebab kita tidak boleh bersama-sama merayakan hari Kemerdekaan. Inikah dikatakan ANAK MALAYSIA. Sedih….
    Masih belum terlambat lagi untuk mengucap Selamat menyambut Hari Kemerdekaan kepada TUN sekeluarga dan semua rakyat Malaysia.

  546. salam tun.. melayu kini adalah pegecut bukan sepeti melayu dizaman kemerdekahan yang berani dan tegas membuat keputusan bukan seperti pak lahwi.sebagai pemimpin mermerlukan kebijaksanan dan ketegasan untuk mentadbir sebuah negara berbilang kaum.tun yang dikasihi perjuangmu belum selesai…..teruskan..

  547. “Sebaliknya, apabila orang yang bukan Melayu mengeluar perkataan atau catitan yang boleh ditafsir sebagai racist, orang Melayu tidak pernah tuntut supaya pihak berkuasa memohon maaf.” i think Tun has forgotten that there are still 5 hundraf members under detention. It is s very obvious that if any non-malays comes up with racial remarks, they will not be questioned or asked to apologize instead dealt directly with ISA. Therefore, datuk Ahmad should be punished for his comments on chinese nations more or less in the same manner. we should not forget they have contributed major percentage and still doing so for the progression and betterment of the nation.

  548. salam Tun…
    i really feel sad and deserted by someone i respect so much when i read your ‘Pohon Maaf 1’…what have went inside Tun to make you wrote something so racist and to support racist until i read your ‘Pohon Maaf 2’.
    why human eyes see things so shallow??? why we human wants to be racist. we are not animal, while animal killed different species to survive and they never killed same species just because ones has different skin color. think deep inside is it very ridiculous that human hurting or killing just because of different color of the skin or color of the eyes…??? but are we the same in biological…??
    why people want to be racist saying other races are ‘menumpang’ or ‘tenant’ but we never realized that we are all tenant on this world. no ones or race can call himself or themselves a landlord on this earth even the mighty Genghis Khan can’t even owned a single sand on this earth. have you asked yourself, how many ‘race’ had been wipe off from this earth by raged of nature?? God is the only true landlord and we just renting God’s land and in very short time we will be history.
    we malaysian already forgotten the tragedy of May 13th 1969…a lot of innocent lives were lost. because of what that this innocent lives were lost??? i leave the answer to you all to answer. in the end there will be no winner, just loser…everybody will be loser! let us live in harmony and work together for a better future of Malaysia! Malaysia belongs to every Malaysian.
    have anyone think of global warming…what will become us and our children when northpole melted and icebergs come rushing down?? this also i let you to ponder with…
    May God bless Tun and your family always.

  549. Assalamualaikum Tun ,
    bagi saya perkara ini bukan baru, Tun dah banyak guna sentimen perkauman untuk mengaut sokongan masa zaman Tun, takkan tak ingat.
    saya berharap tun dapat berfikir sedalam-dalamnya sebelum membuat komen. Janganla bagi episod 1, 2, 3 dan mengambil kesempatan ini untuk mendapat sokongan lagi.
    komen Tun memang berniat jahat untuk membangkitkan kemarahan orang melayu and menyebabkan negara huru-hara. Kalau sudah bersalah (ketua Umno bkt bendera), apa salahnya minta maaf.
    cukup-la Tun. Biarla saya mengingati keungguhan Tun buat selama-lamanya.
    Thanks Tun and Selamat Berpuasa.

  550. TUN yang disanjungi,
    Sekali lagi Tun tidak konsisten dan mengamalkan double standard dalam tindakan Tun. Tun kata tidak setuju dengan Lim Guan Eng kerana mengetengahkan kes rasuah Ahmad Ismail pada masa ini. Tun mempertikaikan timingnya dan menganggap ini abuse of power. Tun nampaknya adil bila Tun mengatakan kerajaan sekarang juga menyalah gunakan kuasa seperti dalam perkara 11. Sebenarnya Tun telah berkali-kali mengatakan kerajaan salah guna kuasa dalam hal ini dan hal itu. Tetapi Tun telah lupa atau sengaja tidak mahu menyebut suatu perkara yang menjadi pengetahuan umum bahawa kerajaan telah salah guna kuasa iaitu dalam kes liwat kedua Anwar Ibrahim.
    Tun tidak pernah mempertikaikan timing di mana kes ini dijelmakan ? Mengapa ? Selepas itu bagaimana pula dengan sandiwara sumpah Saiful ? Mengapa Tun tidak mempertikaikan timing sumpah itu di buat ? Mengapakah Tun tidak memberi komen tentang cara sumpah yang dipertikaikan oleh para alim ulama ? Jelas sekarang Tun berat sebelah/hilang pertimbangan yang adil dan saksama kerana agenda Tun.
    Seorang kawan yang bernama Tee dalam blog ini meminta supaya mengambil kira jasa Tun selama 22 tahun memberi kesejahteraan kepada negara dan cuba memahami niat baik tulisan Tun sebelum memberi apa-apa komen yang tidak manis. Ya, saya pun setuju dengan Tee tetapi Tun bukan calang calang manusia. Saya dan keluarga saya sangat menghormati Tun dan saya BUKAN penyokong Anwar Ibrahim. Selepas Tun bersara saya berasa amat sedih dan bimbang. Kebimbangan saya memang berasas kerana sekarang dah jelas tiada seorang pemimpim UMNO yang layak menggantikan tempat Tun. Isu-isu perkauman adalh periuk nasi mereka. Mereka tiada idea untuk mentadbir negara.
    Jadi Tun, sudah sampai masanya kita memberi peluang kepada Anwar Ibrahim untuk menerajui tampok kepimpinan negara.
    I love u Tun.

  551. I am very surprised that Tun would actually compare the HINDRAF and Wee’s song with what that Bukit Bendera division chief said. If Tun haven’t already realise, both Wee is not an elected representative of the people and therefore is not publicly accountable and HINDRAF is after all an ‘illegal’ group of people. So how can Tun compare what they did to that division chief who is accountable to the people?
    This drama that recently unfold is very sad indeed and I don’t see an end to this especially when he just, “reminded Umno leaders not to be weak and get carried away by taking care of the feelings of others while being insensitive to the feelings of the Malays.”
    I totally agree with Tun that he himself should apologise since he is the culprit and he doesn’t he should face the UMNO disciplinary committee.
    As an Anak Malaysia, I hope this unfortunate drama is quickly resolved and we can continue to live in harmony and peace side by side regardless of race and religion like how we did for the past 51 years.

  552. Salam Tun
    Nampak gaya kehidupan di Malaysia ini semakin terhimpit dengan keadaan yang mungkin akan menimbulkan rasa tidak puas hati yang meluap-luap. Oleh itu saya ingin mengatakan bahawa semuanya ini mungkin akibat dari sikap toleransi yang terlalu tinggi oleh kaum Melayu dan Kepimpinan Melayu masa kini. Ini saya bangkitkan satu persatu dari pengamatan saya yang tidaklah berapa berpengalaman di dalam kancah kehidupan sebelum Merdeka.
    1. Kelantangan pihak tertentu yang mahu menidakkan peluang untuk bangsa Melayu walaupun telah dipersetujui pada masa penubuhan Malaysia.
    2. Kekurangan untuk bahagian “mereka” selalu dipinta tanpa menghiraukan perasaan bangsa Melayu. Malahan pemimpin Melayu malu untuk menidakkan kebanyakkan permintaan mereka diatas dasar samarata.
    3. Sikap yang tidak mengenang budi serta terlalu angkuh. Mereka membesar dengan perasaan bahawa hak mereka mestilah dituntut tanpa mengira apakah yang telah direncanakan dan apakah pertolongan yang patut mereka berikan.
    4. Sikap yang tidak mengenang budi. Semasa belajar, mereka sanggup membuat cerita sedih kepada Mat Saleh yang mereka tidak mendapat layanan samarata di Negeri Malaysia. Itupun jikalau mereka mengaku mereka adalah rakyat Malaysia. Ada yang lebih hebat sehingga mengaku bahawa mereka adalah rakyat Singapura.
    5. Mereka sendiri tidak bersikap adil kepada Bangsa Melayu. Jikalau kita lihat atau kaji, berapa ramaikah Bangsa Melayu yang diberi peluang yang sama di dalam bidang perkerjaan swasta? Melayu hanya diambil untuk memenuhi kuota yang ada ataupun untuk memudahkan urusan mereka dengan Jabatan Kerajaan.
    6. Berapa ramaikan orang Melayu dijadikan Boneka sebagai “Chairman” di syarikat swasta untuk kesenangan mereka.
    7. Jeritan professional Melayu yang tidak mendapat peluang saksama di dalam mendapat peluang dari segi Gaji,Bonus atau Kenaikkan pangkat. Adakah ini dijadikan modal oleh ahli Politik Melayu ?
    8. Lihatlah betapa daifnya sekolah-sekolah kebangsaan berbandingkan sekolah jenis kebangsaan.
    Pendekkata, Melayu yang diatas sana ingin menjadi perasaan kaum lain sehingga sanggup mengadai perasaan atau kepentingan kaum sendiri. “Melayu kalau nak tolong Melayu susah … berdengki .. Kalau dengan kaum lain kena tarik hidung pun boleh senyum lagi”

  553. dear Tun,
    im new to this blog but i must admit that i do really respect you for all your write up except the recent one (which may have mislead some of us). However, i feel much better now after your clarification in Part 2. Im sure a lot of readers have the same feeling..
    what i cant stand here is that the main media (The Star on 6th Sept) is using Tun’s comment on that piece to make a big huh hah and gives a lot of ppl the opinion that you agreed to that Ahmad’s action..i feel sad such things are happening.only those who is still blur out there will believe that the main media can be trusted..i feel for Tun bcoz millions of ppl who is reading that paper will misunderstood Tun..i wonder if they report what you wrote in Part 2. thinking again..i think we can Dream ON…
    Stay healthy all the time as we need a leader like yourself,Tun.
    Selamat berbuka puasa !
    peace lover

  554. My dear Tun,
    You cited the cases of Hindu Right Action Front and Wee Meng Chee as why UMNO should not apologies. But the fact is :
    (1) Both are not leaders of ruling party nor from any legal establishment
    (2) Government have taken firm action, including ISA detention and self exile
    (3) Wee Meng Chee made a personal apology within a week. MCA and Gerakan leaders did condem the student over his disrecpect for the nation and Islam. Within the Cabinet and out in public domain.
    If Tun may recall ? God bless all Malaysian !

  555. Assalamualaikum TUN yg dikasihi.Semuga dibulan yg mulia ini TUN serta Bonda TUN Hasmah sihat sentiasa didalam rahmat allah subhanahuwataala.
    Terdengar berita dari Langkawi yg ketua bahagianya telah mengusulkan utk membawa pulang TUN ke dalam UMNO semula?ada kah semua cerita itu benar?.Rakyat memerlukan TUN dari melihat negara mendapat mala petaka.Apa kah yg akan TUN Buat untuk menyelesaikan segala kekusutan ini?

  556. Dear Tun,
    On you remarks that “It is degrading for the second highest leader in the Government to be apologising for every instance of improper behaviour by UMNO members…”
    I do not see why it is degrading for Najib to apologise, as he knows the implications of the remarks made by Ahmad. Malaysians are sicked of racial politics, and many Malaysians have deserted the ruling coalition because many of them want one bangsa Malaysia. So it is wise imho that leaders of the government have taken initiative to set good example, for as much as they might want to remain ignorant, at least they seem to have grasped what many Malaysians want. Hence it is disappointing to see that you, someone who is still highly respected among Malaysians, are trying to give the impression that the leaders of the government are apologising for fear of ethnic minority Malaysians. Look, they are doing this because even the Malay Malaysians do not like such racial remarks, and rightly so. It is very clear that what are you doing is trying to undermine the existing government. If you try hard enough, perhaps you do not need to go down to playing racial card again, while still able to achieve your objective. Hope you are all well.

  557. Country like Malaysia is a very unique, we’ve Malay, Chinese, India & others. I’m glad that I’ve this beautiful country. I can have my own religion, few languages to learn, eat whatever food we like, stay at a place I like, I don’t mind Malay have special treament, because I know that this will not affect me but it will continue make the Malay become more & more non competitive to others or to the foreigner, like the Mara Universities, as example case that surely the student will not able to graduated with high quality standard.
    China has one history recorded if the country cannot get the high intelligent in term of IQ & EQ King, the country definately will not able to survive. This proven many from the old decade of years.
    Our country could be very strong & advance if all racial treat it as equall, we will be united, take care each other. This world is changing, Obama (Black skin) may win as President of USA, China will become the most powerful country.
    You can vote this at http://bursastreet.blogspot.com/
    for “Malay leaders nee to say sorry for the racist remark?”
    I personal think NO NEED as because I still can eat, play & live without limitation.

  558. Dear Tun,
    I’m actually a student and I’m not a very political wise student but i do have some comments that i would love to share with Tun. Recently due to the so-called political tsunami by the oppositions, I’ve realised that the present governing party is actually in a very bad and weak form. No doubt BN had been glorious in the past but after what happened recently, those glorified moments end up being nothing in the people’s eyes. I’ll not say that The Opposition party can build a better government because I too,think that two parties with a conflicting ideology can hardly stand steadily for a long period but still, I think by having a strong opposition party like what we are having now is essential for our country’s system improvement. Problems like lack of confidence among the people, corruptions or freedom of press being surpressed had been the real eyesore among the people. Racial problem basically doesn’t exist among younger generations unless those who were influenced by unnecessary ‘party’. So, why would I say that a strong opposition party is important? That’s because when a ruling party ruled for a long period, situation starts to grow easy for the party. The party will start to take things for granted. Since I the first time I learnt anything about politic, I’ve never seen BN faces such a pressured from the Oppositions. In fact, I started to realise the desperations among some BN leaders to get back the public confidence. This will not only help the party to see their own mistakes but this will also push them to really achiece something again. What I suggest isn’t that the Opposition should take over the country, because even if the Opposition took over the country, after a few decades of easy ruling, same situation will happen again. What I really think is that every country should have a strong leader, and the strong leader must have a strong enemy to oppose him.
    ps* somehow extremist of any kind is definitely out of the picture

  559. Hi Tun,
    I am always proud to be a Malaysian-living harmoniously in a multicultural country. Despite that, I am shocked by the racist remark of one of the Malay leader. In fact, I was really sad.
    A note though, life here on earth is temporary, we still need to face the judgment with GOD. Between “political war” and peace. I will choose the latter.We need harmony and unity to progress.
    Life is short. Why choose to argue when you could actually appreciate and encourage each other towards one goal and bring up our country as a truly harmonious and democratic MALAYSIA? We need to feel a sense of belonging, as a true Malaysians-not as an individual Malay, Chinese, Indians, Orang Asli, Bumiputras or whatsoever. We need to be MALAYSIANS.
    “United we stand, Divided We Fall!” Bangsa Malaysia-it is your choice!

  560. assalamualaikum……..
    ini benda kecik je la. takde hal langsung bagi saya. isu ni berbangkit pasal pak lah yang lemah je. kalau dato ahmad ismail ade pon cakap cam tu, paklah cuma perlu cakap benda tu takde isu ataupun cakap la dia dah kasi warning kat dato ahmad dan isu dah selesai. abis cerita. kalau ade sape2 tanya nak mintak tuntut mintak maap la, suruh cium kaki la, kat je isu dah selesai. kalau tuntut jugak lagi masuk je dalam ISA.
    benda ni dari hari tu lagi saya cakap masing2 kena ada sikap sedar diri. sedar la diri tu siapa ye! saya melayu. kalau saya yang melayu ni lahir kat amerika ke, cina ke, saya rasa saya tau bawak diri saya dan tak tuntut yang macam2 kat bangsa peribumi sana. asal tau bawak diri dah la. lagipon bangsa2 lain dari bumiputra kat malaysia ni kan kaya2 semua. apa lagi yang tak cukup? malas nak cakap banyak la. yang penting macam tadi tu la. TOLONG SEDAR DIRI SIKIT SIAPA ANDA NAK MEMANJANG-MANJANGKAN ISU INI.sekian terima kasih. dan yang paling penting paklah cepat la blah.

  561. Assalamualaikum Tun,
    Suddenly i felt so sad about what happen to our country in term of politic, economy, Malays rights or bumiputera right in Sabah and Sarawak. From my point of view, it’s all about leadership, weather the present government is lead good leader or a weak leader. I m not saying Datuk Seri Abdullah as a bad leader but he might be a weak leader, if we recall the previous issue happen in Malaysia for example the Proton issue, AP issue by Rafidah Aziz, Datuk Nazri Abdul Aziz issue, Hindraf, The Chinese youth insulting `Negaraku’ song, Malay Right and Muslim Right and many more, it’s all happen during Abdullah as a Prime Minister of Malaysia. Non of the issue is settle and this issue become interesting topic for the rakyat to discuss in the coffee shop. Who will gain the profit????? Definitely the opposition because they will manipulate the issue during the `cereamah’ . I do agree with Abdullah saying that the way he governs will be different from Tun. But what was happen right now seems Abdullah is just wake up and still confuse what he want or need to do. And the simple way he would say is `Maybe we should setup `Royal Commission’ to investigate the matter and report to YDPA immediately’. To me, it ‘s a bad sign that he can’t make a hyper decision on the Hot issue which required to be solve immediately. Maybe Tun should talk to Abdullah personally or become his adviser/mentor. For example Lee Kwan Yew in Singapore. Tun, Please do something before it’s too late….
    MELAYU MUDAH LUPA!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Melayu mudah lupa
    Melayu mudah lupa
    Melayu mudah lupa
    Dulu bangsanya dipijak
    Melayu mudah lupa
    Dulu bangsanya retak
    Melayu mudah lupa
    Dulu bangsanya teriak
    Melayu mudah lupa
    Dulu bangsanya haprak
    Melayu mudah lupa
    Dulu bangsanya kelas dua
    Melayu mudah lupa
    Dulu bangsanya hina
    Melayu mudah lupa
    Dulu bangsanya sengketa
    Melayu mudah lupa
    Dulu bangsanya derita
    Melayu mudah lupa
    Dulu bangsanya kerdil
    Melayu mudah lupa
    Dulu bangsanya terpencil
    Tiada daulat
    Tiada maruah
    Tiada bebas
    Melayu mudah lupa
    Melayu mudah lupa
    Melayu mudah lupa
    Sejarah bangsanya yang lena
    Tanah lahirnya yang merekah berdarah
    Wahai bangsaku
    Jangan mudah lupa lagi
    Kerana perjuanganmu belum selesai………..

  562. Che Det,.. Suatu masa dulu semasa PBS memerintah Sabah racism nya pun tebal jugak. Siapa sebenarnya yang menebalkan perasaan racism itu… Tapi sekarang ni dah aman pulak. TYak ada Racism.. Kalau ada pun kurang lah.. atau mungkin perasaan itu tengah dormant. Aku rasa di semenanjung sekarang ni pun cam tu jugak.. esok lusa tu reda lah.. apa bila TUN MEMERINTAH SEMULA…

  563. Assalamualaikum Tun, I do agree the things that should be done in UMNO on D.Ahmad case. But could Tun elaborate on the ways that racial issues should be tackle?

  564. Salam Tun,
    Bagi rakyat Malaysia, ini adalah satu peristiwa duka dan pahit tanah air yang kita semua cintakan. Setelah 51 tahun negara ini dilahirkan, soal perkauman masih menhantui kita semua. Sedih dan malu.Jangan kita mimpi Wawasan Tun 2020 akan tercepai, saya khuatir struktur masyarakat dan negara kita akan hancur di zaman globalisasi ini. Bukankah kita telah menerima hakikat bahawa negara ini adalah sebuah negera yang dikurniakan oleh Tuhan dengan berbilang bangsa,ugama dan kebudayaan ? Semua rakyat mempunyai hak masih masih di bawah perlembagaan negara ?
    Saya memohon dengan hati yang ikhlas dan suci supaya Tun sebagai seorang tokoh negara (Statesman)memberikan kata kata yang dapat memdamaikan pergaduhan saperti ini. Jangan menjadi penghasut api pula , dengan maaf. Tun yang saya sentiasa menghormati !!

  565. salam tun..
    no doubt that they are some people who consider themselves rite..
    but no matter what they say now, sooner or later, they will always regret what they say in the future..and it goes on and on until the day comes (sakaratulmaut).
    leave it to Allah..HE knows better what will come to those who have done wrong..amin.

  566. Tun, you write without fear. That’s because you write the truth. You’ve always been fearless and courageous, and always speak your mind. That’s who you are and that’s who you’ll always be. So I find it odd that some people actually expect you to retire quietly. Some even want you to stop writing and giving your opinion. Perhaps they are afraid their deceits and lies would be exposed by all the truths that you’re revealing gradually. Or maybe, it’s too painful for them to accept that what they thought to be true all these years turn out to be false! The truth can indeed be painful.
    On the subject of truth, spinning the truth by the media happens everywhere of course, in varying degrees. In USA, “… a petulant, dissatisfied president is of course not part of the approved White House narrative on Iraq.” The president cannot be described as “frustrated” by the situation in Iraq. The verb that is approved to be used would be “determined.” When asked if the White House considers Iraq to be in a state of civil war, the White House approved answer was, “No . . . there is not a civil war going on.” ….. you have a number of sectarian violence operations going on” (quoted from a washingtonpost.com article titled “Trying to Spin the Truth Away”)
    Malaysia similarly, has spin doctors (doktor putar belit) trying to spin the truth away. The general guidelines would be: put everything in a positive light; use positive words; spin a positive angle (e.g. glass is half-full, not half-empty); hype the positives, hide the negatives; omit the truth if need be; and use only Government-friendly phrases. The key messages must be consistent e.g. all is under control; the Government has the support of the majority; everything is hunky dory, etc. etc. The bottom line is – always make the Government and the PM look good! No matter what!
    Now, to angle a story in a positive light is not wrong as long as it does not mislead. But when it is done to intentionally mislead, it is unethical and the spinned story must be discredited. What the Government’s spin doctors call “managing perception”, I call L-Y-I-N-G! Outright lying or lying by omission, it’s still LYING. And that’s what the Government’s spin doctors do. Lie.
    The truth will prevail. In the meantime, the Government continues spinning the truth because it buys them time – time to let their dastardly plan run its course.
    It would be interesting to read actual “un-spun” news. I am glad that some have been un-spunned by Tun. I always come away with an enlightened perspective after reading Tun’s blog. Thank you Tun.

  567. Salam Tun,
    Now there seems to be some movements toward the systematic dismantling of race-based political parties in Malaysia particularly UMNO so that undeserving politicians may manipulate the country for their own good.
    To counter this threat, I feel UMNO needs to update its Bumiputra policy in order to hold on to power. UMNO will not be able to do this alone without help from coalition partners and vice versa.
    The concept of a “Bumiputra” race in Malaysia was coined by Tunku Abdul Rahman and has its roots in the recognition of the “special position” of the Malays given by the Federal Constitution of Malaysia, in particular Article 153.
    The Bumiputra laws stand out as an unusual public policy where preferential actions benefit the majority race in Malaysia to counter the consequences of racist rule by the British.
    However, there are also Bangsa Malaysia who have contributed greatly to the nation for generations after independence. There is a need to reward Bangsa Malaysia so that preferential actions can benefit these peoples.
    Another controversy is that the Orang Asli of peninsular Malaysia are not considered Bumiputra under the Federal constitution. As their settlement predates that of the Malays, this is considered unfair by many, especially as they are also much worse off than the Malays.
    I hope when you become the Advisor of UMNO, you will work with the new PM to develop new preferential policies to reward Bangsa Malaysia who have contributed to the nation after independence.
    Well, it may not be possible for everyone to have equal rights in some aspects.. It is not to say that every Malaysian owns the country but every Bangsa Malaysia is a stakeholder in Malaysia. A system of recognition must be developed to reward the various stakeholders.

  568. Our country is much more better than Indonesia, China, and Indian.
    I’m Chinese but do not wish to go back China. I feel better staying here. But I wish Malaysia can be governance by a anti-racial party.

  569. Assalamualaikum Tun,
    To me it seems like Malaysia is under attack. We had the monatery attack back in 1998 when Malaysia was emerging as ‘Tiger of the East’.
    Now it seems we are under attack again. This time its the old colonial tactics of divide and conquer.
    What better time to attack a nation than when they are being led by a weak self centred leader like Pak Lah?
    What better ways to divide a multiracial nation like malaysia then to use the racial cards?
    What better ways to carry out this agenda then to attack from the inside with the help of certain groups who are lack of patriotism and self centred?We’ve seen how the actions of certain opposition groups e.g UITM issue and coucils e.g bar council’s forum on islam have lately flamed racial tension and they are other numeruous examples
    Or is this just the figment of my imagination? What do you think Tun.
    Selamat berpuasa Tun
    Nurulhuda Samsudin

  570. Dear Tun,
    You were one of the greatest leader Malaysia ever had and my respect for you is always there. You mentioned about racist remarks by many and I agree with that. But they were not from leaders or elected members. The latest controversy is because the remark was from a leader of some standing and that is why the deputy apologised. But look at the arrogance shown by the Person concerned. It goes to mean that the Deputy PM made an apology for no proper reason or the wrong reason. Thats the weakness.

  571. Salam,Tun Dr. M,
    Saya tak berapa suka ada org menyatakan bahawa org Melayu takkan maju kalau tak ada org Cina. Lemah sangat ke org Melayu? Miskin sgt ke org2 Melayu2 ni sampai kena minta sedekah dari org Cina? Saya ada kawan dari Singapore (a chinese) menyatakan bahawa kalau kereta2 singapore tak masuk JB, PLUS Highway akan rugi. Malaysia akan bankrupt kalau Genting Highlands tak wujud. Saya balas balik kata kalau nak guna servis elok kena la bayar dan kalau Genting tu ada kat Las Vegas sekalipun mesti kena bayar ma… terus kawan saya tu terdiam. Kalau nak gi Amerika ke Australia ke kalau disuruh bayar, kenalah bayar. Bukan sebab diaorg yg bagi org2 Melayu makan dah kita punyer tanah, kenalah bayar tol dan cukai2 tanah semua.
    Sekarang slogan2 di atas masih terus dicanang di mana2 tetapi bukan oleh org cina atau india, tapi oleh bangsa Melayu kita sendiri!!!
    Boleh tak Tun perbetulkan slogan2 di atas. Sampai pada suatu tahap saya rasa hina pulak jadi org Melayu…..Geram..geram.. dan geram….
    Terima kasih

  572. Sorry to tell to ALL MALAYSIANS and expecially to you Dr. that what’s going on in this country is hilarious.
    In Malaysia the educated people talk in very good English BUT not able to understand the real meaning of those words coming out from their mouth.
    When the people use the words DEMOCRACY what do they mean?
    In theory democracy is a word from Greek language and the deep meaning is demos = people and cratos = power so POWER TO PEOPLE.
    This is the meaning of DEMOCRACY and nothing else.
    Keep in mind please.
    In this month of fasting Dr. try to meditate a bit more than usual and guess how many persons are suffering and suffering and suffering just because of NEP.
    Karma is karma and whatever you’ve done it’s coming back with interests.
    A foreigner.

  573. Dear Tun,
    I may be one of the few non-Malays who see your point of view. The apparent lack of leadership and the erosion of support for all BN component parties is the main cause for the racial card to be played over and over again. Suddenly everyone wants to be a hero in the eyes of their respective ethnic groups, and this has resulted in provocative and uncalled for racial statements being issued. The core of the matter is that the current leadership is weak and devoid of imagination (as you have surmised).
    I dread to contemplate the direction the country is currently taking. I pray that common sense will prevail. I also take this opportunity to wish your wife and you, Selamat Berpuasa.

  574. Dear Tun,
    I was dissapointed when I read your pohon maaf 1 but felt relieved when reading your pohon 2.
    1) As a great stateman like you, you need not resort to those racist tactics that is frequently adopted by UMNO Ultras like Ahmad Ismail, Khairy, Abdul Aziz Shaik Fadzil. They are low class politicians that have thier own agenda. In fact, you should be beyond any particular race as you still command respect from all the communities;
    2) You have come out with the concept Bangsa Malaysia, but you did not push it through before you retire; you also have come out with the VISION 2020,
    3) Malaysia only has hope if all of us can think beyond race, so that we can work towards a common objectives, a bigger picture;
    4) I personally feel that UMNO is also always like to play racial card to gain the support;
    5) But nowadays the Malays (especially those younger generation) are more educated and rational, they are no longer be fooled by those ultras like Ahmad, Khairy and so on….
    6) I am dissapointed with Ahmad’s statement, so irresponsible, blame the press, blame the reporter; if he has not come out with such a statement, why Najib can apologise? He is making Najib a fool……….. A few reporters from the Chinese dailies were stunned when he made the statement like that. There were a few Malays looking at them, feeling embaressed…… He got no guts to admit what he was saying……… He is not qualified to be a leader.
    We Malaysians still respect you and hopefully you can come out with something concrete for the betterment of all Malaysians. Selamat Berpuasa.

  575. Salam Tun yang dimuliakan. Orang melayu harus berhati2, stratigy divide and rule sedang berlaku keatas bangsa ini(mlyu). ini selalunya stratigy penjajah, pemimpin kegemaran mereka juga dari bangsa melayu(anwar). wake up ppl, learn from history. maaf tun maybe out of topic.
    semoga Tun & Tun siti mendapat keredhaan allah aminnn….


  577. Assalamuailaikum Ayahnda Tun
    Pak Lah can’t handle crisis in UMNO and BN. Don’t let it become more serious inside UMNO and BN..Please resign and let DSNAR take over and realigned UMNO back on track. If you love UMNO, please leave now..

  578. Tun yang terhormat,
    “Sedarlah pemimpin-pemimpin Melayu tidak kira dari fahaman politik mana pun. Utamakan bangsamu. Tidak ada tempat untuk politik pluralisme kalau hanya kita sahaja yang terpaksa mengalah dan bertolak ansur. Kalau kita terus-terusan begini maka kita akan jadi seperti buih-buih di lautan…”
    Pada 4 May 2008, saya telah mencatatkan di dalam blog saya mengenai perangai pemimpin-pemimpin Melayu bacul dan penakut ini yang suka sangat meminta maaf di atas perkara-perkara yang tidak sepatutnya. Diatas adalah sebahagian dari catatan tersebut.
    Malang sungguh perangai itu semakin menjadi-jadi sekarang. Lama-lama kita akan jadi seperti Pak Kaduk…menang sorak, kampung tergadai! Cuma sekarang Pak Kaduk dah tukar nama jadi Pak Lah!
    Sebenarnya kita memang tidak perlukan pemimpin yang bacul dan penakut!

  579. Assalam Tun;
    saya setuju ngam komen blogger dibawah….something wrong with our present PM
    By Lahm on September 6, 2008 5:37 AM
    Ahmad Ismail said his speech was not a racist remark but twisted by the newspaper. But before this the PM had already uttered an apology. Has the PM spoken to Ahmad Ismail regarding this? Did he investigate the matter first before opening his mouth?
    regarding the media, it is strange that the government allows opposition party’s opinion in the press but not yours. Is Badawi working for PKR.? Is he president of Opposition or UMNO / BN?
    Im confused.

  580. Salam Sejahtera untuk Tun da keluarga.
    1)kita lihat pada zaman Tun memerintah orang Melayu dihormati.Malah pada zaman itu kita saling menghormati satu sama lain.
    2) bukti yang nyata lihat sahaja semasa Malaysia menganjurkan sukan commonwealth seolah semua bangsa bersatu.
    3)kenapa tidak sekarang.
    4)jawapan nya mudah Pak Lah mesti undur semua akan selesai Inshallah

  581. Salam Tun,
    Ini kali pertama saya komen.
    Pasal saya nampak suara org lain lebih kuat dari suara saya.
    Saya nak cerita sikit.
    Saya ni pemurah hati.
    Saya ada rumah.
    Saya duduk dengan anak bini saya.
    Mak bapak saya pun duduk dengan saya.
    Adik beradik saya pun duduk dengan saya.
    Sepupu sepapat saya pun duduk dengan saya.
    Semua orang suka duduk kat rumah saya.
    Satu hari tu ada la kawan saya nak duduk.
    Dia kata dia nak berniaga.
    Dia pun duduk la kat rumah saya.
    Dia kata dia seronok duduk kat rumah saya.
    Dia pun bawak anak bini dia datang duduk sekali kat rumah saya.
    Lepas tu dia bawak pulak mak bapak dia duduk kat rumah saya.
    Beberapa hari kemudian ada lagi seorang kawan saya datang.
    Dia kata dia nak kerja.
    Dia pun duduk la kat rumah saya.
    Dia pun seronok duduk kat rumah saya nie.
    Dia bawak anak bini dia datang duduk kat rumah saya.
    Lepas tu dia bawak pulak mak bapak dia duduk kat rumah saya.
    Sekarang semua orang yang duduk kat rumah saya suka dengan rumah saya.
    Saya memang suka orang duduk kat rumah saya nie.
    Seperti yang saya katakan dia atas saya adalah seorang yang pemurah.
    Sekian cerita saya.
    Salam Ramadan buat Tun dan keluarga.

  582. Assalamualaikum Tun.
    Ini Anwar Ibrahim punya kerja la ni.Strategi dia :
    1. Bangkitkan isu UiTM.
    Supaya Melayu beremosi dan bercakap ikut suka sambil mempertahankan diri sampai tidak sedar secara terbuka menyinggung perasaan kaum lain.Kemudian Anwar Ibrahim akan mempertahankan kaum Cina dan India konon-kononnya.So,sokongan dia akan bertambah kuat.Orang Melayu pun akan sokong dia sebab….Pak Lah Bodoh!
    2. 16 September
    Supaya rakyat Sabah dan Sarawak bangkit emosi diaorang.Maka rakyat Sabah dan Sarawak akan sendirinya terfikir…ini adalah satu kebenaran.Kenapa Malaysia keseluruhannya menyambut Merdeka pada 31 Ogos?Maka akan ada gangguan pada undi PRU ke 13 nanti.
    Anwar Ibrahim bermain psikologi dan emosi rakyat bawahan dan tidak terkecuali golongan profesional.Dia tiada apa selain dari itu.Selain dari keluarganya.
    1. Budget 2009.
    2. Mahkamah Syariah.
    Anwar Ibrahim masih ketinggalan dari segi masa.Usahlah kita-kita menjadi pelakon kepada Anwar Ibrahim.Bawa Ahmad Ismail kepada badan disiplin BN.
    Terima kasih Tun.

  583. Apa khabar tun,
    Kalau tun cakap tebu tu manis, boleh buat gula, pun tentu ada yang cakap tebu tu tawar, gula tu suka dimakan semut. ahhh…macam tu tabiat orang yang tak suka tun.Apapun yang tun cakap,pada mereka semuanya tak betul.Memang banyak orang nakkan Abdullah bedawi meletak jawatan,
    tapi tak suruh khairy jamalludin letak jawatan sekali.Mungkin dia risau, kalau dia letak jawatan, tentu khairy tak ada geng lagi.Ini lah masalahnya kalau ahli keluarga memerintah.Suka juga dengan BN ni, tapi 1000 kali tak suka, kalau PR tubuh kerajaan.

  584. suddenly, everybody is talking about racism but i wonder if they really know the definiton of racism. since malaysia upholds the integrity of United Nation, it is good to review the definiton of racism according to UN definition. Alas, UN does not define racism. However, UN define racial discrimanation.
    So, the question is RACISM = RACIAL Discrimination?
    Next let us examine our BIG BROTHER America’s actions towards other races…

  585. salam Tun,
    nampak nya isu perkauman semakin menjadi-jadi.
    siapa yg buat hal dulu? jwapan nya ialah pembangkang. mereka ini lah yg suka membelitkan suatu fakta dan suka menuding jari ka arah BN.Pembankang sudah ketandusan idea untuk mengambil hati rakyat sehingga menggunakan idea yang mampu menimbulkan kekecohan ataupun lebih teruk lagi rusuhan perkauman.
    ketahuilah bahawa pendatang umpama akar yang menjalar di sebuah pohon kayu dan akan merosakan pohon kayu tempat dia menjalar.
    Nampaknya Anwar dijadikan sebuah tangga untuk pembangkang mencapai cita-cita mereka.Hahaha, kesian si Anwar kena pijak


  587. Thank you for your clarification.
    I have admired you during your administration & your initial message did troubled me.
    The grandparents of most Chinese & Indians were immigrants, so did some of the Malays whose grandparents came from Indonesia.
    However, we cannot denied that all the so called “immigrants” did contribute to the development of this nation.
    During the National Day, I told my toddler children that this is the birthday of Malaysia & we are Malaysians. They were so excited to wave the flags of Malaysia. But my heart was sad as I am afraid when they grew up, they may face the fact that the only country they know is still questioning their right of citizenship.
    I am trully sad.

  588. im not really ‘alert’ on malaysia politic issued before. tetapi pelbagai isu telah bangkit sejak pilihan raya yg lalu membuatkan saya kini agak peka tentang isu politik yg melanda negara. timbul pula isu
    isu tentang tun yg menentang pak lah…
    keadaan sebenar nya bagi agak kelam kabut apabila tun campur tangan.
    tapi sebagai mandat PM, tun layak bersuara.
    pengalaman itu penting….dan bagi saya pak lah patut mendengar nasihat, kritikan dari tun. mungkin jika pak lah mendengar nasihat tun, ia mampu mengubah situasi huru hara politik negara….
    harap tun tetap berjuang………….

  589. tun,
    just to answer your doubts and remind you what you may have forgotten. In your tenure no one i mean no one can, knowingly or unknowingly say, publish, dream,or talk, against your policies or statements for fear of untold misfortune would befall his him/her and her family/ies.
    So if you say there was no racial slurs during your tenor in leadership that was because everything was done underground and what you saw was what you wanted to see the perfect malaysia where everything was serene.
    The present premier would be recorded in history as the MAN who took on challenges head-on, and started the transparency of the MALAYSIAN GOVT. GOD BLESS HIM.

  590. By wlow on September 6, 2008 5:32 AM said: Jikalau apa yg dicakapkan bahawa Cina memberi 90%tax adalah benar.
    Boleh kasi fakta tak? Berapa ramai kakitanganMelayu yang bekerja di PNB, MAS, MISC, MMHE, Petronas, Pernas, TNB, TM dan lain2? Adakah ini semua tak sampai 10%. Jangan menghina kami sampai begitu. Jangan PERASAN bahawa orang Melayu hanya peminta sedekah dengan bangsa Cina.
    FYI, tanpa orang Cina, orang Melayu dapat memajukan Malaysia dengan lebih senang dan mengikut selera orang Melayu kerana tidak ada lagi gangguan. Contohnya Brunei, mereka membangun dengan cara mereka sendiri dan tidak kisah walaupun Singapore lebih kehadapan dari mereka sebab semuanya dalam genggaman mereka.

  591. Dear all,
    One has own right to feel offended over any statement deems sensitive to one own definition..For infomation me very proud of where me family were from, yes we were immigrant..In fact we still have the family tree.. so, wat’s a big deal being labelled such!.. Memang tabiat org mcm tu ‘kacang lupa kulit’..dah senang maju civilised tak nak ngaku dah lah… macam si tanggang pun ada gak tu..
    Everyone, lets cum with me feel proud of where we were from..!!.. Don be shy admitting it or saying it to people every other day… dont get overreacted over things easily orelse it is jus sumthing tht u cud capitalise from.(ONLY GOD WITHIN U KNOWS THT). Wel, being opportunist is also ur rite but make sure rite way rite time if not nyesal tak habis,,
    Simple example.. if we go migrated to LONDON and beranak pinak over there for so many years, and IMAGINE if your grand childrens feel offended being labelled as immigrant family from Malaysia by the British and asking the British to apologise to u..
    Jus accept for wat we are then the nature will find its way responding to u accordingly..
    Thank u

  592. Tun,
    You mentioned,
    “Chinese and Indians appear to be glorifying in the new political clout”
    I beg to defer from you TUN.

  593. For Sept 16, we Malaysians have to be optimistic, it is the day that AAB steps down and that if it happens. A very good shock doctrine put into people’s mind though.
    Nevermind Tun, Malaysians are not stupid, many adores you. Those who condemns you are those who cannot get their life straight or didn’t manage to benefit or rip any resources especially in terms of monies during your tenure as a PM.

  594. Tun,
    Among the BN/UMNO/MIC/MCA/SAPP/GERAKAN/PBDS/PBS etc etc etc etc etc we certainly have GUTTER politicians.

  595. Yabhg Tun,
    Lim Kit Siang dalam ceramahnya kepada beribu-ribu orang Cina di Seremban pada pilihan raya lalu berkata, orang-orang Cina yang mengundi MCA atau Gerakan samalah seperti mengundi UMNO. Bukankah ini satu jenis perkauman yang subversif. Orang Melayu semakin meluat bukan sahaja dengan pemimpin Melayu tetapi juga dengan tingkah laku pemimpin-pemimpin politik lain-lain kaum juga. Mereka tidak henti-henti mengungkit apa yang telah termaktub dalam perlembagaan. Kekayaan negara ini rata-rata milik mereka, tetapi mereka masih berkata orang-orang Melayu tidak adil kepada mereka. Pulau Pinang dulu ekonominya dimiliki orang Cina, hari ini kerajaannya juga sudah jadi milik mereka. Dan masih lagi orang Melayu dituduh tidak adil dan tidak demokratik dan sentiasa menindas!

  596. “Wahai manusia sesungguhnya kami jadikan kamu lelaki dan perempuan dan kami jadikan kamu berbangsa-bangsa dan berpuak-puak supaya kamu kenal-mengenal. Sesungguhnya sebaik-baik kamu di sisi Allah ialah yang paling bertakwa di antara kamu.” (Al-Hujurat: 13)”
    Jgnlah menjadi pejuang bangsa…Kerana tiada ayat dalam Al-Quran atau As-Sunnah yg menyuruh kita memperjuangkan bangsa…

  597. Racism is thrivinhg in malaysia because of bad leadership and “freedom of press”. Newspapers are established to fullfil agenda of owner. They are bound to report only the truth but not necessary the whole truth and sometimes only the selected truth that serve the interest of the owner (community). Sometimes the bigger picture potrayed by a newspaper is totally different from the actual. But then the bigger picture is what is made up in the mind of the readers and not explicitly printed in the newspaper. So most newspapers are very subtle in their reporting. What do you think is being championed by the STAR, Straits Times, The malay newspapers and the chinese newspaper?
    A good government should know what is good control of the media. Media freedom, literally, is not necessarily good. Same with market forces. Leaving entirely to the market forces is not necessarily good. Government should know how to control the market forces and media freedom to protect the people.
    I think both the present government and the previous government of Tun Dr. Mahathir had a hand in media control. The only different is one is good for certain individuals ,or the power that be, and the other is good for the people.
    I believe control of the media and the market by the government is not only necessary but vital to protect the people and to develop the nation.
    I like to highlight also, truth, like pills is bitter but we have to swallow to be healthy. In truth case, to be peaceful with everyone else.
    Finally I wish everyone can restrain from being racist to regain and preserve peace and harmony. I like to subscribe to “Do good to others so that others will do good to you” and “Propser thy neighbour”

  598. Salam Tun,
    Memang benar, bagi mereka memang susah untuk memaafkan.
    Mereka akan memberi berbagai alasan. Lihat dibawah ni:
    Saturday September 6, 2008
    Sin Chew Media stands by reporter and story
    PETALING JAYA: Sin Chew Media Corporation Berhad will stand by its reporter who wrote the story about Bukit Bendera Umno chief Ahmad Ismail’s alleged racist statements.
    Its chief editor Pook Ah Lek said the newspaper would not apologise as it had done nothing wrong.
    “It is a normal tactic by politicians to look for a scapegoat when they are under attack. It is just something he is doing to divert attention,” said Pook.
    Ketahuilah bangsa Melayu/Islam memang dididik dari kecil untuk bersopan santun, berbudi pekerti baik dan memaafkan kerana itu adalah ajaran Islam. Tetapi sikap memaafkan bukan bererti bangsa Melayu/Islam lemah atau takut!
    Tetapi bukan didalam kalangan kehidupan seharian keluarga cina atau India…. ucapan kurang sopan adalah perkara biasa… bagi mereka memaaf sesaorang akan menjatuhka harga diri mereka dan sebab itu cukup susah bagi mereka untuk memaafkan tetapi begitu cekap untuk memohonmaaf dari orang lain.
    I rest my case!

  599. Assalamu’alaikum Tun,
    First time comment. Selamat berpuasa, semoga panjang umur.
    Orang Melayu sekarang ni mengalami revolusi Tun. Moga-moga mereka akhirnya menjadi bijak macam Tun. Mungkin memerlukan sedikit masa. Tun untuk sampai ke tahap ini pun saya yakin pelbagai evolusi Tun pernah alami. Tun usah khuatir. InsyaAllah, orang kita ramai dibelakang Tun.

  600. Dearest Tun
    This is my first posting.Been reading chedet.com from the very beginning. The way tun wrote is very tought provoking and sometime melancholic. I’ve Read somewhere that in this world there are 3 kinds of people:
    1 Those who make things happen (TokDet)
    2.Those who watch things happen (thats us)
    3.Those who wonder what happen (TokLah)
    Best regard to TokDet and please continue writing. Malaysia needs your wisdom and guidance.

  601. Dear Tun,
    Greetings !! I trust you are keeping well.
    What Ahmad wrote reminded me of what I had studied during my secondary schooldays back in the 80s. This issue of immigrants to Malaya. My memory is failing me but I was certain we came across a time when a group of migrants splitted into 2; one called the Golongan Melayu pertama who went north to South China and the other, Golongan Melayu kedua, came into this peninsula.
    I went to research further into the history of Malaya and discovered that it confirms that fact. The Malays, Chinese and Indians are all immigrants to this land. Arguably, the Malays were the first immigrants.
    The above are facts. But why use such facts to make condensending remarks about other people from other races ? I also do not want to go into the agreement our founding fathers went into 50 years back. I’m certain, at that particular time, it was the best thing to do (to maintain racial harmony).
    50 years on, I do not believe it is wrong to review if those early agreements are still relevant in today’s society.
    It is true that all Malaysian citizens have opportunity in this country. But it is more accurate to say that all Citizens in Malaysia do not have EQUAL opportunities. In todays times, when people all over the world are fighting more equality, I’m certain the people of Malaysia are also wanting to be able to say, we, citizens of Malaysia, have equal opportunities in this land.
    How that will be achieved without infringing on, what you termed as the Malay rights, I honestly have no idea.
    The above is the root problem we are facing in this country right now. What we are witnessing are only syntoms and effects of the underlying problem.
    I’ll end here. Have a pleasant weekend, Tun.

  602. TUN…
    Bila sy baca artikel yg TUN post smlm…sy skit pon tak terfikir yg TUN ni seorg yg racist..i understand the reason why TUN postkan artikel tu..Sbb sbenar TUN ialah utk menyatakan betapa TUN tak gemar dengan cara PAKLAH mengendalikan UMNO..but sadly, many of the blogger misunderstood your real meaning TUN….
    i think they should read it once again so that they’re really can understand what your trying to say….
    whatever it is TUN, i will always support u..no matter what…

  603. Dear Tun,
    I am really ashamed with the UMNO top leaders who had apologise publicly for something that was reported and sensationalised in a Chinese news paper. Has UMNO actually investigated what actually being said and whether it is really a racist statement?
    An earlier similar case where UMNO Youth chief had also made a public apology statement on the kris wielding act during UMNO General assembly…I am totally disagree with this action. There is nothing wrong in wielding the kris for a Malay gathering as kris is the symbol of Malay strength but not more than that.
    In short, UMNO current leaders are really weak and it is time for them to go (if they hv not realised this).
    Wrt the racist statement, we do not hear any apology statemnet fr Karpal Singh who had clearly insulted the Sultan of Perak. We had not heard any apology from the Bar Council who had organised forums that had hurt the Malays’ sensativities. And therefore, we shd not be surprised if the Malays have started to retaliate. Again, this had proven that the current leaders had not been able to contain all these racist issues….they are really weak!

  604. A Good day to you Tun. I would like to quote what you have cited in the Star Publications in the case of Wee Meng Chee…………..’ there was no apology from leaders of the community over Wee’s actions ‘……unquote.
    You must have been “miscommunicated” in this particular context. Correct me if I am wrong…………..Wee Meng Chee was not a member of any political party nor was he holding any official position in any political party ! He was not even singing in any “ceramahs” of any political parties. There were no political motives to his actions !
    I would not deny myself the right to say what is true or false, right or wrong…………but if my “enemy” is right, he can have my support. One has to be righteous to be respected.
    The person if at all need to apologise for Wee Meng Chee’s actions is none other than his parents simply because his parents are his “leaders”.
    As for Ahmad Ismail………….who is his leader ? It is very obvious ! The comments made was in a ceramah and it has something to do with political motives and incidentally attended by our DPM. DPM was very silent about it that night. Maybe he has some reasons for being silent on that.
    Well Tun, I must admit that during your premiership, nothing to this extent did ever happened and if it happened, you would have disciplined it without any fear or favour.
    Who should apologise now ? Being a statesman, Tun should know the answer without even having second thoughts.
    Thank you & Best regards to Tun.

  605. Dear Tun,
    Most of UMNO leaders today became leaders due to their parent’s contributions in UMNO. Is there father who had to undergo tough lives and difficulties; is there father who experienced their race almost vanished in this beautiful country by the British and its conspired immigrants, is their fathers not them, not the UMNO leaders today; Pak Lah, Najib, Hishamuddin etc they are just worrying about their own tummies or mere administer of this country. Thus, do they care about the Malays or have they had any vision for their own race? None!!! None of them like you or our previous leaders, you took us to a level what we are now today, and these leaders are destroying it and the dignities of the Malays. Will they really fight for the survival of the Malays and its glory….. Their continuous action is reflective what they really are. Thus UMNO today is irrelevant, fighting just only for their popularity, for their tummies and full of corruption; what choice for us orang Melayu yang kerdil ini ada.
    My father fought well especially during 13 May, his and his commodore scarifying is mere waste if this type of leaders continued to lead the Malay and this country. They should be ashamed and should voluntarily resign from UMNO, holding a Malays party throne yet can’t defend the Malays’ interest. Shame on you UMNO leaders. If the Malays bloods need to be scarified again for this country, I will be there for her Tun, as my father did.
    Anak Jati Look East Policy.

  606. Asalam tun;
    ==> saya setuju ngan blogger berikut:
    By apanama on September 5, 2008 9:44 PM
    It’s crystal clear that all this is happening due to the absence of real leadership, in Umno, BN and the Government.
    Soon, we will become like Afghanistan, some parts of Pakistan or even Somalia where the central government has no control over the various regions and provinces.
    ==> pemimpin UMNO tertinggi yang lain tak nampak ke?

  607. Dear Tun,
    Amboi, tengok semua orang melenting bila Tun bagi comments yang orang biasa tak paham….
    People, please take a few moments to think about what is being meant by Tun instead accusing him to be racist. Don’t jump the gun.
    Sometimes it takes years for people to understand Tun and when they see the results then they will say that Tun is actually right all the while.
    Just one example ok : See how Singapore is excited to host F1, when Malaysia had it for more than 10 years already? Remember how people use to whack Tun saying that it was a waste of money (some stupid people are still doing it now).
    To old fart…i bet you must smell as bad as you sound.
    Take care Tun, jangan risau sangat lah…..

  608. Tun M,
    In the holy month of Ramadhan, thank you for taking all the time to write down these amazing articles. Pohon Maaf (2), I believe many of us saw that coming.
    When I read the sentence, “But I feel disgust at the inability of the present Malay leadership to manage racialism.”, I thought to myself, “Good, Tun M knows the root problem.” At the same time, I thought, “How come Tun’s not mentioning the solutions to these instead of just listing out the bad points ? It is always easy to critic rather than sitting down to brainstorm for the solutions.”
    So, Tun, at the same time that you wish somebody up there to step down for his inabilities that you’ve been listing up till now, do you mind also start listing out on some words of wisdoms on how present or the future Malay leadership could actually work towards managing racialism and also a country that we all will love.
    I didn’t know about the Ahmad Ismail of Bukit Bendera case (I believe I’d rather not know what he had spoken) but what Tengku Faris said during last April still lingers around my mind, the day when I felt that I was labeled as “born as not-so-authentic Malaysian”.
    I re-read what I’ve written after going through the article that mentioned that “It is not appropriate for the other races to demand equal rights and privileges after they had already acquired their citizenships.” and well, it reminded me how heart broken I was on that day. Well, that could be true about our ancestors, what about us who are born in Malaysia, raised up under the constitution and even though a Chinese, studied through kebangsaan schools from primary school ?

  609. Tun ,
    Rasanya penjelasan kali ni semacam tak perlu kerana mohon maaf 1 amat mudah difahami . Ditambah lagi ianya ditulis dalam bahasa Malaysia iaitu bahasa kebangsaan Malaysia . Dan saya faham bila Tun perlu Mohon Maaf 2 perlu ditulis dalam bahasa inggeris kerana nampaknya ramai yg tak faham , kerana mereka bukan bangsa Malaysia .

  610. Dear Mahathir,
    First of all, i would like to affirm that you had indeed bring improvement to Malaysia during your 20 years of Premiership (although there are some decision and things that i’m disagree with).
    As for your current article, the following are some of my comment:
    Point 4: I personally agreed that the BN’s March 3, 2008 lose is partly due to the disgusting of some Malaysian against the UMNO, MCA and MIC leadership. However, in my opinion, the factor of rejection of racial politic is there.
    Point 5: Less talk about race and racial interest doesn’t mean that there is no such issue. Its just being wipe under carpet, and talk underground.
    Point 6: I am a Chinese and i personally don’t glorifying in the new political clout. Seriously, i don’t think Malay loss their political base. Its just UMNO loss its politcal based. If i’m not mistaken, there are actually more Malay MP this time round compare to last general election.
    Point 8: I’m glad to hear that Tun Mahathir is not defending with Ahmad Ismail of Bukit Bendera. However, i would like to point out that base on the report from Mandarin Newspaper, there aren’t any sentiment (i personally too) to pressure for the Government or UMNO leader to appologise on behalf of Ahmad Ismail. What we want is to have Ahmad Ismail apologising rather than trying to accuse of media of wrongly reported the issue. I personally had heard too many such lame execuse of blaming media rather than acknowledge their own mistake.
    Point 9: You are absolutely right in saying that “The person who should apologise should be the culprint himself. If he refuses then he should face the UMNO disciplinary committee.”.
    Poh Soon

  611. Hey Dr M,
    There’s usually very little differences in parties on how they play tactics to accumulate political power. It’s always the same play… blame the other party for all the country’s woes, then make the person hate the other party so much that they’ll vote for you regardless of your motives.
    This is a universal tactic, and has been mercilessly effective in getting all types of parties around the world into positions of power.
    You’re far from a racist. Well, i have to say that i hate the fact that malays are getting special privileges (i’m a chinese) from the government, but i don’t hate malays. Just as you can say that you hate the way the chinese people don’t appreciate how much you’ve done for them, but you don’t hate chinese people.
    That’s all fine and cool with me. Besides, i’ve faced racism before. I know what it feels like to walk down a street and have white caucasians spit on you or to have them call you names just because your skin color is different. Now, that’s REAL racism.

  612. “Far from the opposition’s “win” being brought about by rejection of racial politics, it has actually enhanced racial politics. We talk more about race and racial interest than we did in the last 50 years.” … The 2nd sentence actually supports the first. We discuss more about race and racial interest now because of the opposition’s win which was brought about to reject racial politics.
    “The Malays are feeling the loss of their political base” is incorrect. It is UMNO that is feeling the loss of their political base because it is the Malays that are now supporting PKR.
    There is only one law in Malaysia but there are 2 sets interpretations. One interpretation is for those who are politically connected while the other is for the rakyat.
    Sir, I am actually very happy that you are now on the “wrong” side of the political masters. You can see how the policies you put in place in Malaysia, Barisan and UMNO are so restrictive. Since you are still one of the most influential and richest persons in Malaysia, you are actually only experiencing a small portion of what most of the rakyat experiences.
    There is a lot of money at stake The people you have put in power are greedy and ruthless. They will stop at nothing in their attempt to hold on to what they have. The PKR leaders have been drumming into their side not to react to the racial tactics that UMNO keeps resorting to. So much so, that Barisan has to use its own leaders to cause a racial issue behind Mr. Ahmad and the Gerakan/MCA leaders.
    By the way, does the “overseas study trip” for BN MPs make sense to you? They don’t know exactly when they are travelling or what their agenda is or where they are going, but it is NOT related to Sep 16th. Are they then trying to finish off the 2009 budget before Sep 16th? What has happened to all the calls to cut government expenditure? Perhaps these BN MPs just need to spend more time browsing information that is freely available on the internet or to watch the Astro Discovery channels.

  613. Tun,
    Strategi Melayu terlampau defensive, berundur ke Sungai atau ke Bukit.Lama-lama tengelam dalam air atau sesat dihutan. Bukan melayu pula terlampau offensive, tiap-tiap tahap mereka bergerak strategi kemajuan bangsa mereka diatur dengan rapi samada dalam politik atau ekonomi. Kita ada kontrak sosial, ini pun sengaja buat tidak difahami.Ini juga adalah satu strategi dan taktik mereka yang baik. Saya harap orang Melayu faham dan sedar keadaan ini.Kita berpecah tiada gunanya.

  614. 1.What has been said by the Bukit Bendera UMNO member only represent himself. Not the entire UMNO.It is his own opinion.It shouldnt be an issue.Apologize from higher post of UMNO member shows that UMNO is scared that the chinese and indians would not vote for them in the future .
    2.From my own opinion, we need more people like the Bukit Bendera UMNO member. He has guts to speak out his views.All this while the chinese and indians have speak out their views openly without acknowledging the malay’s sensitivity.They even questioned about the malay privilege in this country and they did not apologize.
    3.I will not be surprised that one day Malaysia will be like Singapore. The malays are treated poorly. They are not even treated as citizen of Singapore. They have no respect from the chinese and indians over there. The same situation will happen to Malaysia when the malays are weak,corrupted leaders being voted in, and more power being given to the non-malays.
    4. Remember it is always been MALAYsia.

  615. 1. Tun, you do not have to explain anything to those who called you a racist and uttered bad words to you. As I said in my post in “Pohon Maaf” earlier, you are just stating some FACTS and to some people who are still in denial, those FACTS hurt!
    2. In the 2004 election, more Malays voted for BN than before the 1999 election because of YOU! ONLY in 1999 that the Malays got misled by the master of diversion Anwar Ibrahim.
    3. In the 2008 election, the votes of the MAJORITY Malays went to PAS and PKR because of Abdullah Ahmad. Hence, 4 states, Kedah, Kelantan, Pulau Pinang and Selangor are now under Pakatan Rakyat. These were protest votes. However, Abdullah Ahmad still believe that the Malays love him. Thus, he only needs to take care of other races especially the Chinese and the Indians but NOT the Malays.
    4. Because of this, “the Malays are feeling the loss of their political base and the Chinese and Indians appear to be glorifying in the new political clout. As a result, subjects which we before regarded as sacrosanct are now brought up and made to be entirely in favour of the Malays. Against this unfamiliar attack against them, the Malays are unable to counter. Their leaders have deserted them. In their frustration they tend to become abusive.” (as per your item 6 & 7 above).
    5. I’m not a fan of Ahmad Ismail but I believe that he was just stating the actual FACT of the Malaysian HISTORY, “the Chinese were the immigrants”. It is NOT a racial remark. It is a historical fact! Even the foreigners in Malaysia understand that.
    6. A historical fact is not a racial statement. Therefore, the person stating the historical fact is not a racist. This means no mistake was made. Thus, the person does not owe an apology to anyone.
    7. Now, Lim Guan Eng, the Penang Chief Minister is digging some stuff to shut Ahmad Ismail’s mouth for stating the historical fact, using all possible ways he could. Ahmad could be charged of corruption.
    8. The very first thing in Lim Guan Eng’s mind when he got appointed as the Penang Chief Minister, is to abolish DEB because he thinks that it creates many bad things i.e. bribery, cronism, nepotism, etc. Now, what is so great about this guy who ABUSES the government agencies for his very own political purposes ? His “sound approach” you said Tun ? I agree 🙂

  616. Dear Tun,
    I am Chinese and I never think that you are a racist, neither my family members are feeling like that too. Sorry to say that v had voted opposition parties in the 308 election because v really disappointed on BN leaders not because of v have thought them as racist. The fact that most of the nation rejected them are their incapability in leading the country but sadly yet they seem unaware…

  617. Dearest Tun,
    While I agree that the present Government is weak and that is why it is trying to please/not anger the non bumiputras,
    I disagree with camparing Ahmad Ismail, an Umno leader, to the chinese student nor the Hindraf personalities. In these other incidents, although chinese and indians were involved but they do not represent the MCA nor MIC and most definately not a Ketua Bahagian in the MCA or MIC.
    I think that Dato’ Najib apologize on behalf of UMNO ,in his capacity of 2nd in command in UMNO not as TPM. something very honorable but unnecessary because the apology should come from Ahmad Ismail.

  618. Anwarwood Productions – The Biggest Blockbuster Show on Earth!
    (Anwarwood Produksi – Tayangan Paling Besar dan Hebat di Dunia!)
    Beware! Politics is a game not for the faint hearted in Malaysia. Malaysians will have heart attacks when you see the end. Even if you don’t, you will suffer a mild stroke or high blood pressure. Why? The Titanic 2 show this time directed and scriptwritten by Anwarwood Productions will continue with the following scenes:
    1. Little Napoleons will continue with the phrase “The End Justifies The Means” in protecting their interests.
    2. Some passengers will lose all sense of conscience and humanity when the ship is finally sinking.
    3. Everyone in the ship will rush to get on the lifeboats.
    4. Money is used to buy anything to safe oneself from impending doom.
    5. The Best Actor and Supporting Casts together with Trojan Horses are finally shown at the end of the show.
    Whatever the emotions left at the end of the show, please remember that it was just a show, just like what politics is all about. The reality of living together continues in this land.
    (Versi Bahasa Melayu)
    Awas! Politik bukan permainan untuk mereka yang berlemah hati di Malaysia. Rakyat Malaysia akan sakit jantung apabila melihat kesudahannya. Jika pun tidak, anda akan terkena strok atau darah tinggi. Kenapa? Tayangan Titanic 2 kali ini yang diarah dan diskripkan oleh Anwarwood Produksi akan bersambung dengan adegan-adegan berikut:
    1. Little Napoleon akan meneruskan dengan ungkapan “Matalamat Menghalalkan Cara-Caranya” dalam mempertahankan kepentingan-kepentingan mereka.
    2. Sebilangan penumpang-penumpang akan kehilangan kewarasan dan kemanusiaan apabila kapal sedang tenggelam.
    3. Semua orang akan merebut-rebut naik bot-bot penyelamat.
    4. Wang digunakan untuk membeli apa sahaja untuk menyelematkan diri daripada kehampaan yang akan menimpa.
    5. Pelakon dan Pembantu-pembantu Seniman dan Seniwati Terbaik serta Kuda-kuda Trojan akhirnya dipertontonkan pada kesudahan tayangannya.
    Jika adapun emosi yang tinggal pada akhir tayangan tersebut, harus ingat bahawa ia cuma sebuah tayangan sama seperti gelagat-gelagat politik. Realiti kehidupan bersama masih berterusan di tanah air ini.

  619. Salam buat Tun yang amat saya sayangi semuga dipelihara Allah dengan kesihatan yang baik.
    Tun , Perasaan takut telah pun ada dalam diri saya semenjak jawatan PM diserahkan kepada AAB jangkaan saya sejarah lama berulang kembali dimana Singapura telah keluar dari Malaysia dan diperentah oleh PAP disebabkan oleh keramahan,kealpaan serta ketidakcekapaan segelintir pemimpin melayu pada masa itu. PRU 12 yang lalu telah membuktikan apa yang telah saya takuti, dengan Pulau Pinang diambil pula oleh DAP iaitu parti serpihan daripada PAP kalau tak silap saya semua ini berlaku adalah disebabkan dari kelemahan pentadbiran PM AAB yang ketegasan nya kurang menyengat dan suka cepat melatah.Ini timbul pula isu pohon maaf, belum apa apa dah hantar wakil DS Najib menjadi mangsa wakil PM untuk pohon maaf tanpa menyiasat terlebih dahulu atau meminta penjelasan, nak pohon maaf pasal apa jika itu adalah kebenaran. Tun saya akan berdiri teguh dibelakang Tun untuk memperjuang dan mempertahankan hak Melayu.lebih baik jadi Hang Jebat dari menjadi Hang tuah yang ampu bodek tak kena tempat serta sanggup pula mengadai maruah bangsa bagi mengejar cita cita peribadi. Terima kasih Tun. Salam

  620. Its angered me to hear Najib offer an apology on behalf of UMNO as it angered me for Hishamuddin to offer an apology for wielding a “keris” which is well accepted as ceremonial within Malay culture.
    The leaders of UMNO behaved as they were incapable of defending the Malays right.
    The Chinese also need to be accomodative. I can’t undertsand why the Star and Chinese stream newspaper play the issue of “keris” during an UMNO assembly when what they are doing is just upholding their culture!

  621. Salam Tun,
    Isu berkaiatan ini seharusnya dilihat dari rentitan dengan peristiwa terdahulu yang berlaku.Disebabkan sebelum ini terdapat beberapa pihak yang cuba membangkitkan sentimen yang telah menggundang pelbagai kemarahan pelbagai pihak maka luahan dan pelbagai perkataan telah dibalas dengan kata-kata yang sama dan tentulah yang terbaru dan yang paling dimarahi adalah sikap Majlis Peguam Negara yang menganjurkan 2 forum yang membangkitkan kemarahan penduduk Islam di Malaysia yang seolah-olah mengadakan forum tersebut untuk memperlihatkan keburukan agama Islam semata-mata sedangkan perihal yang terjadi adalah kerana sikap sesorang dan tiada perkaitan dengan agama sekalipun kerana tiada agama didalam dunia ini yang menyuruh penganutnya supaya tidak bertanggungjawab dalam kehidupan.Seharusnya Majlis Peguam terlebih dahulu meminta maaf secara terbuka kerana jelas menunjukan sikap tidak bertanggungjawab dengan apa yang telah dilakukan dan mungkin kerana telah banyak tercabar maka pihak yang lain turut menyatakan kenyataan yang bertujuan memperlihatkan tindakbalas yang berlaku dan inilah yang dinamakan rentitan dari apa yang berlaku.Jangan hanya pihak lain yang mengeluarkan kenyataan tidak di minta meminta maaf tetapi di pihak orang melayu sendri di minta meminta maaf sedangkan di satu pihak yang lagi biadap tidak diminta meminta maaf dan dengan secara angkuhnya Majlis Peguam menyatakan tidak akan meminta maaf bahkan menyatakan akan mengadakan forum seumpamanya di masa akan datang.

  622. salam buat Tun sekeluarga.. semoga sehat sentiase di bulan mulia ini.
    seday jgk memikirkan yg org laen perlu meminta maaf berpuluh2 kali sedangkan bkn salah org tersebut..
    people shuld own up to their mistakes and admit they were wrong, not increase racial tension.. sesedap mulut dia je ckp gtu kat org2 cina..
    saya sendiri bkn lah chinese pure nor pure malay, tp sy dari keturunan cina eventhough i’ve olwez considered myself to be a malay. my chinese grandparents have olwez supported the ruling coalition becoz they see that BN is fair to all races.
    but now racial comments are being said here n there so easily n more often.. who to blame?
    tentang leaders yg tun dah bantu kerjaya tu, only one thing i have to say; melayu mudah lupa.
    allah selamatkan melayu dan malaysia.
    ~selamat berpuasa~

  623. I am 100% sure that 100% of the Malay community is disgusted with Wee Meng Chee and HINDRAF actions. I am 100% sure that 100% of the Malay community agreed with Tun that Malay leaders should not say sorry as reported in the Star. Let me qualify here: The Malays writing in the Star do not represent the “real” Malay thoughts on the ground.
    I am also telling all Chinese and Indians that there is no such thing as Bangsa Malaysia! The true, indisputable fact is, you don’t create a race as race is by-default, dictated by the inherent and distinct origin, color, language and culture of that race. No human being can change origins, color, language and culture of any race! Period!
    If the Chinese and Indians wants to be treated as Malaysians, they can try but only when they sign a Pledge of Allegiance to the Rukun Negara and the Constitution. They can forget about them being Bangsa Malaysia ever because the term Bangsa Malaysia itself carries no intellectual meaning and neither does it carry any biological, social and legal sense.
    If the USA has that requirement for every citizen to sign the Allegiance, why not apply it here in Malaysia? I would love to see all Malaysians sign the Pledge of Allegiance. We must start with Lim Kit Siand and Karpal Singh! If the non-Malays here disagree to sign,we can deport them to any country where they can pledge allegiiance to and we take in the Indonesians, Bangladeshi and Pakistani who are law-abiding and who never questioned the Malaysian Malay, be absorbed as Malaysians. I am sure they would never ask to be a Bangsa Malaysia, challenge the Malays, the Negaraku, the King, Islam or behave like Meng Chee and HINDRAF. Lets have this issue raised and debated in Parliament!
    It is perfectly alright to be a racist. Why can’t Malays join MCA and Chinese join UMNO? It is because we are all racist, every one is! Lim Kit Siang is, Karpal Singh is and Mahathir is. It is alright to be a racist! The real issue is we must never teach another race and think that our race is better than that race. Who is the judge then? What is the basis of this comparison? What is the yardstick? Freedom? How do you measure freedom? Is allowing man to marry man a freedom, choice or a disgust? If anyone disagree, is he curtailing freedom?
    Learned Man

  624. During previous PM we never heard anything about non-Malays questioning Malays right…but now still non-Malays citizen did not question Malays right..the only peoples who questioning Malays right is non-Malay who involve in politic or should I say Non-Malay Politician…

  625. Tun,
    Jemput dtg bercuti kat Kelantan. Duduk lama2 skit.. boleh laa tengok betapa harmoni kami kat sini. Cina, India, Siam, Melayu.. sama-sama cakap loghat kelate.

  626. Dear Tun,
    Do you mind letting us know what made you resigned as our PM. The intensity of public pressure I’m sure much more solid on Pak Lah now. Hope we can have your say on this.
    Thanks Tun and Selamat Berpuasa.

  627. Dear Tun,
    It’s still puzzles me why one have to be racist!
    We are Malaysian and I am very proud of that.
    Back in 1998, when Malaysia hosted the Commonwealth games, I received a call from the General Hospital KL. They asked me whether they can have me on the standby list for blood donation during this games. I am B (-) and it seems that this group are very rare. I do donate blood whenever I can and due to my record with the hospital I was called in.
    The question is, did my blood are meant only for Indian, Chinese, Malay or etc….??? No, that blood goes to anyone who are in need and it doesn’t matter Indian, Chinese, Malay, Dayak, Kadazan or etc…Those who got organ transplant, do they know that organ they received from which race or do they only accept the organ from a particular race and religion??? I believe not. In reality our body doesn’t believe in all these and only accept them from 1 human to another no matter of which race of religion.
    Thank you.
    Harimau 1900.

  628. Sometimes it good to practice the philosophy of –
    in the end, all of us still only want to drink air yang jernih, for the betterment.

  629. Assalamualaikum ayahnda tun dr mahathir…
    tapi pada detik ini, melayu seolah-olah menjadi dayus di bawah kepimpinan abdullah ahmad badawi. pak lah bukanlah pejuang seperti tun. kita ketandusan pahlawan. anwar plak jadi virus untuk orang melayu.. Tun, tolong buka pekung, haprak anwar ibrahim…
    Selamat berpuasa..

  630. The current poiltical tactics engaged either directly or indirectly
    to stir up the sentiments of ‘immigrants’ of Chinese origin is as
    good as launching weapons of mass destruction. The UMNO leaders
    ought to have better political visions beyond your 2020 projection !

  631. Salam Tun,
    SEMUA orang melenting dengan Ahmad.. SATU soalan kepada semua –
    Saya percaya 99.9% mereka yang bising2 ni tak pernah !! Bukan saya nak sokong Ahmad tapi yang kita bising2 ni kita tau ke cerita sebenarnya apa ? Pak Lah ngan Najib yang terburu2 nak minta maaf tu pun tau ke apa yang di ucap oleh Ahmad? Takut jadi macam kes tahanan polis yang didakwa rakyat China, tak pasal2 malu je..
    Cara terbaik – Ahmad carilah sapa2 yang kebetulan ada buat recording masa ceramah dulu atau ingat kan kembali masa berucap dulu, print kan semula dan biar pembaca komen apakah benar ianya seperti yang digembar gembur kan.
    Heranlah orang Malaysia kita ni…CEPAT MELENTING !!

  632. Tun,
    You hesitated the first pohon maaf article, but it was published as a matter of fact. I failed to understand how an experienced person of high EQ like Tun did not envisaged the potential public furore and consequences by publishing it in your blog.
    Besides, should both pohon maaf (1 & 2) were published as a single piece of article, wouldn’t it will save Tun’s time to explain and our time to comment?? Again, I failed to understand your rationale. Or perhaps, by combining both articles togather, the publicity may be below expectation.
    Hope Tun do not get me wrong, thou I’m a strong supporter of yours, I also strongly believe that everyone is entitled for their own opinion without hurting others.
    I hope Tun is not playing fire on us, do not treat us as a game.
    Selamat Berpuasa!

  633. Dear Tun,
    You are trying to exaggerate the criticisms of your “Pohon Mahaf” article into something malicious and extreme : Calling yourself a racist or anti-chinese or anti-Malay. In doing so, you try to justify that criticisms against you are emotional or unwise or unfounded.
    Well, a large majority of moderate citizens like me do not really think that you deserve to be called racist. However, it’s evident that you always view apology as a sign of weakness, and weakness bothers you a lot, regardless of whether the apology is justifiable.
    You are more qualified to be a lawyer (who never admits wrong), than becoming a pacifying leader of a multi-racial nation.
    “It is degrading for the second highest leader in the Government to be apologising for every instance of improper behaviour by UMNO members.”
    That’s right, it’s degrading, so it’s necessary to clean the house and get rid of rotten applies, so that they don’t have to say sorry in the future, but there is nothing wrong with the present apology.

  634. Salam TUN yang dikasihi,
    🙂 Lambat lagi nak buka posa nih..

  635. to Shiau Lee on Sept 5,2008 9:54pm,
    That is precisely why there should be more malay professionls, in fact much, much more than the chinese & indians so that this beloved country is not held at ransom by greedy & faithless non-bumis. It all boils down to sincerity, and being not carried away with the notion that the country owes you everything. If your skills are needed elsewhere, go by all means. This is a free world.
    No need to threaten to withold your professional skills from benefiting the country.

  636. Dear Tun,
    U r my fav leader and will be my fav leader forever..i never think that u r anti chinese or anything..
    I just want to express my feelings about wut had happened recently bout the racist thing..pak lah dun dare to ask ahmad to say sorry because he is scared all the MPs in Penang will support PR if he were to force ahmad to say sorry..ahmad is so sombong during the press confer. and im very very sure BN will lose chinese votes in penang..not only tat..but BN will lose chinese votes from now on..
    Take care Tun..

  637. BANTU TUN

  638. Ayuh rakyat Malaysia, sama sama kita harmonikan negara dan berusaha mencapai wawasan 2020…
    apa guna jadi Melayu, Cina, India, Iban, Kadazan, Asli etc kalau negara kita kacau bilau macam somalia?
    Hormatlah sesama manusia, nescaya Allah akan menghormati kamu…
    Kalau membaca artikel Tun tulis, anda semua jangan hanya guna otak, masukkan sekali elemen hati dan analisis sebelum buat conclusion..
    Salam buat Tun Sekeluarga…

  639. Dear Tun,
    If the leader in Umno have the calibre to explain like you just did (specifically point No.8 and No.9). Many votes could come back to BN, really, at least for me (only if Tun is the PM, I only have confidence if Tun is the PM). After listening to your second post (specifically point No.6 and No.7), now I understand why such harsh words were uttered out. Everyone has emotional burst sometimes, if he could’ve just apologise, it will actually safe his boss’s face as well as BN and get the chinese votes back to BN. Bravo Tun, you did it again! (this message would have significant influence if printed in the newspaper!)
    There’s reason for everything but nobody can give an explaination that can satisfy the malays and the chinese, but your explaination have just open up my mind. It is such a pity they (Umno leaders) could not see your capability to save the party! You are the only one who can save BN but I can’t understand they couldn’t support you. I would.

  640. I think DPM has made the correct move by apologizing over the media for some “racist” remarks that have been uttered by one of their leaders.
    But, DPM has made it very clear that, the remarks uttered by Ahmad Ismail did not reflect UMNO’s ideas or stands.
    I must thank TPM for coming out with such a gentleman move, following mounting pressure from non-Malay leaders, to cool down the situation.
    This all because the coward but arrogant Ahmad Ismail had gone into hiding and made himself uncontactable, even by Pak Lah.
    For that, I salute DPM’s intention. For me, this signified that UMNO is responsible and fair.
    As for Ahmad Ismail, and those who share his biased visions, please ask yourself, who is “Pendatang”?
    Aren’t Melayu, Cina and India themselves all “Pendatang” before 1957?
    Just because the majority and ealier “Pendatang” are Melayu, that doesn’t make other Pendatang less legitimate.
    Is it necessary for the non-Malay Malaysians need to be CONSTANTLY reminded that they are “Pendatang” before 1957 (or perhaps, will forever be)?
    The “Pendatang” issue to non-Malay is as sensitive as “Ketuanan Melayu” issue to Malay.
    Therefore, whatever “racist” remarks coming out from Ahmad Ismail’s big mouth is as foul as whether he was referring to the “Pendatang” before or after 1957.
    For Ahmad Ismail and all his supporters, please be gentleman and come forward with some apology.
    Isn’t this Ramadan month, people suppose to be forgive and forget?
    Selamat berbuka puasa to all.

  641. wahai pemberi komentar semua, baca dan buat penilaian yang atas penulisan tun yang kita kasihi. saya yakin tun bukan racist. org yang bijak macam tun takkan tulis sembrono kan? jgn terlalu beremosi hingga kita lupa membuat judgement yang waras. saya yakin kita cukup matang dan dewasa untuk mengetahui yang mana baik dan yang mana buruk. jangan kita jadikan ruangan komen sebagai tempat kita berbalah hanya kerana interpretasi yang berbeza. saya anak jati malaysia yang mengamalkan perkahwinan campur. saya kahwin dengan seorang wanita cina dan saya tak pernah anggap dia cina walaupun ada perbezaan dari segi agama yang berbeza pada asalnya tetapi saya bangga kerana telah melakukan sesuatu untuk negara saya iaitu mewujudkan anak2 bangsa malaysia. Saya Sayang Malaysia

  642. Greetings Tun,
    It would seem selfish for many of the comments here to ask you to return to active politics and participate in the powers-that-be. I believe you do have your own reservation and reasons, with family and age concerns.
    I am one of the many that voted against the grain for the first time after what I have seen and heard from the government and its mismanagement. As you may have guessed, I had my doubts earlier with regards to the ability and trustworthiness of the opposition after the GE12 but I must say all that has been wiped off and I am willing to give them a chance to govern. Lim Guan Eng has shown statesmanship and the elder Lim with Karpal has finally shown restrain (though for how long yet to see). Religious right PAS has been and all along were moderate and not Talibanese. No teams are ever perfect, just as humans have there flaws, but what separates leaders from tyrants are traits that see them constantly learning and adjusting for the greater good and survival of all. Compromise has always been an element in all leadership.
    Tun, dare I say that you certainly had seen something in Anwar to be more than happy to hand over your reins to him circa 1997. I may be in two minds about the accusation of sodomy, but I certainly see his capabilities and wit/ which is sorely missing in the current political landscape.
    Regardless of whether he forms gov’t come Sept 16, perhaps it would be ideal to work out something between Tun and Anwar for the sake of this country and its future generations. I know what I am saying will be quite difficult to accept by many in UMNO but you are no longer a member, but having said that, it actually may be easier for you to forge this working team.
    Go against the grain, work outside the box. This for as long as I can remember, were your trademark moves.
    I thank you once again for leading this country to great heights and it would be a shame if the next level of an enlightened citizenry be unfulfilled. Openness, racial understanding, ease of interracial intermingling and religious tolerance; Not hiding behind unwritten social contracts or preference of certain groups.
    God Bless You

  643. Tun, don’t compare Wee and Datuk Ahmad. One is immature college student and another one is leader of ……

  644. Salam Sejahtera buat ayahanda dan sekeluarga, semoga diberkati oleh ALLAH SWT.
    You a bone to be “A true leader “A MALAYSIA IDOL”, dare to face the reality,even nasty reactions against you and your able to cooled them down.

  645. Tun,
    Its normal for anyone to be ultra for his race. All humans want his race to succeed and prosper and will always be proud of their achievement no matter where they are and will always protect them from any kind of danger. Like for instant we are proud of a Malay descendant becoming a minister in South Africa (altough not a Malaysian) and ashamed when a malay mixed blood girl become a call girl in London.
    When a a malay is suppressed he will definitely expressed his feelings loud.The wrong doing in this instant is not Dato Ahmad but the malay leaders (UMNO) who have not protected their race well.Its only fair we go to the root for this outburst. I am sure Dato Ahmad meant those words to the DAP who seems to be ‘ultra’ in their actions after holding more power in the state governments.
    I am also sure thousand or million more malays felt the same and unhappy when the Oppositon parties after wining more seats in the election keep on harping their racial rights and for their daring outburst in the media while the malays are feeling outplaced.
    These are all the result of the weaken leadership within UMNO and BN.I have always respected MCA and Gerakan and felt they are a good partner to UMNO but never to the DAP because they never look like they respected the agreed ‘social contract’.
    Leadership change within UMNO must take place now before its too late and before MCA and Gerakan looses their interest towards BN.
    Its a shame to cling on to power when the ‘rakyat’has shown a clear signal for a change of leadership.

  646. Amat kecewa sekali dengan pemimpin2 skang yang lansung tak reti untuk menjaga keadaan supaya lebih baik. Mereka sanggup mempertaruhkan masa depan rakyat untuk mancapai cita2 mereka. Pelik…amat pelik.
    Inikah yang dinamakan pemimpin malaysia?

  647. Dear Tun,
    For Glory you need ONE nation!!. We cannot afford to divide anymore. Malay + Chinese + India + Kadazan = Malaysian.
    Still remembering during 30 years back the people are unite. Example, our football team, music regardless any bangsa they are. That spirit are strong. we almost shot up. Mokhtar Dohari, Arumugam and Soh Chin Aun. We are good at that time. Sekarang banyak merosot. Merosot teruk sekali.We need to unite and cannot racist. Tell me why Tun ?

  648. Let it go Tun. I love reading all your thoughts but why we are still thinking racially? During your time you have spend so much money and time investing into stability of the country (eg. creating strong nationalised economy, institutionalizing syariah, and keeping ‘internal’ security in check).
    Our nation now are adequately rich and stabilised, we can afford to be unstabilised a little (eg. media freedom, real globalised economy, real oil price, political change and yes, racial/religion in-fighting). No matter how sleepy is DSAAB, we can thank him for that. And no matter how corrupted Khairy and immoral DSAI might be, they might be our last hope of real change.
    As a race we are still weak but the world now is no longer the same, we can’t prevent globalisation like they way you want to. We can sit back, be relatively poor and happy or come out to become a stronger race or even better, to think as a nation.
    Rest well Tun and thank you.

  649. i really don’t know how to describe my sadness.. come on Malaysian.. doesn’t care whether we are Malay, Indian or Chinese.. we are still Malaysian.. put aside the racial issue..why not we become matured.. i think the younger generation more understand about unity than us… stop pretending that we are not satisfy with what we have..im sabahan..if you all want to talk about being not equal or racist..i think we sabahan should stand first.. u all should be grateful living in a nice place..nice environment..nice facilities..compared with sabah.. think wisely people…if u want to talk about poverty.. i don’t think malay,chinese and indian is the poorer race..but u all should look sabahan, sarawakian and orang asli..we never want more..we just want development… and peace..thats all.. come on..don’t make racist as a big issue..we should stand as a Malaysian..i proud to be Malaysian forever.. long live TUN and malaysian…love you all people..

  650. Assalamulaikum Tun,
    It’s good that everyone remembers one’s root. There is nothing racist about it.Kita kan mudah lupa..Those pendatang as we all know are no more pandatangs.. in this country.That’s the truth and anyone can contest that. So you have rightly said – why the big fuss to apologise.
    Keep up your good work Tun. Wassalam

  651. I always read and hear comments about how the Chinese in this country controls the economy.
    That is the most naive notion I have ever heard, when the federal government is controlled by UMNO and so are most of the state governments.
    The government spending is the biggest single source of economic activity in this country accounting for as much as 15% of the country total GDP and it is by far the biggest employer in this country. And the Government linked companies control 36% (pmo.gov.my) of KLSE total market capitalization. Total Chinese ownership does not even come close to that.
    Almost all the banks are controlled by Malays. And so are some of the biggest non-listed companies in this country.
    The biggest land owners in this country are Malays. The biggest companies are Malay companies.
    So, please stop repeating this bullshit. That the Chinese control the economy.
    Repeat after me, the government and UMNO control this country and its economy.
    The government also control economic activities either directly or indirectly through controlling funds, taxes, licenses and permits.
    If you are not happy with the economy, blame the government and UMNO.
    If you got less than you think you deserve, blame it on the government and UMNO.

  652. Hello there. Erm sir, I hope you will read my comment.It is not about the thing happens lately…It’s just my feeling about things happens in me.Well, when I was in my lower secondary school, my Sivics teacher had said a rude word to us. He said us chinese must be greatful because the Malays did not chase us back to China. But sir, I AM A MALAYSIAN!! So why must I go back to China?? I just don’t understand.. If we want our country to improve, all races must be unite!! Lastly, I hope that our country will be able to reach Wawasan 2020, no matter the goverment is BN or PR.

  653. TUN,
    1. Selain berbangga sebagai seorang rakyat Malaysia, saya juga
    amat bersyukur kepada ALLAH swt yang telah mengurniakan seorang
    pemimpin yang mempunyai pemikiran yang tajam seperti Tun.
    2. Tun dapat melihat dan menganalisis sesuatu daripada sudut yang
    jauh berbeza daripada yang lazimnya.
    3. Suatu kelebihan yang ALLAH telah kurniakan kepada Tun, dan di
    atas kelebihan inilah, saya sebagai rakyat Malaysia amat
    memerlukan pandangan, idea dan nasihat Tun supaya negara ini
    kekal aman dan sejahtera.
    4. Jasamu akan sentiasa ku kenang.
    5. Terima kasih TUN..

  654. Before i begin, i state that i do not wish to hurt any race or religion with my words…any short sightedness on my part is sincerely regretted…allow me to express the view of a non malay in malaysia…
    i am an indian malaysian…i refuse to call myself a malaysian indian…here is why…when i wake up every morning…when i think about my future…i think how i can improve myself be it from any aspect regardless of my race or religion..
    ….but the way the Institution is set…it looks like i have to think of my future while reminding myself that i am a second class citizen of Malaysia…whatever i acheive will always be shadowed by the fact that i am not a Malay ;therefore not special…therefore if i am i.e more academically inclined than a malay…but he gets better scholarships due to quota system …i have to just shut up or else i will have my ‘hak kewarganegaan’ revoked…because malays have ‘Special rights’…whatever on earth that means…i believe 90% of the non malays share this sentiment….If i am born in Malaysia,grew up,studied,got married,had kids and died in malaysia… am i still just an immigrant who can have my citizenship revoked anytime??
    …how do you expect me to look at a muslim brother without bitterness?…put yourselves (the malays)(the special ones) in our shoes for a moment…you force our children to learn your language, condone your prayers conducted openly in public,deny us entrance to public universities, government scholarships, job promotion…how do u think all this makes us feel…???
    ps : i have no intention of hurting any quarters with my words…it is just an expression of my opinion…please don’t revoke my citzenship because of this…i forever accept that i am a second class citizen of malaysia…an indian malaysian.. Hidup ketuanan Melayu!!!

  655. 1. I had hesitated about writing the Pohon Maaf article even. I thought I would surely be misunderstood. I would be accused of being a racist.
    With due respect, I must say the statement in Pohon Maaf was misunderstood only if Ismail’s racism remarks was let alone brought up in the previous update. Instead of that, comparison was made between HINDRAF & Wee’s case with the remark. And so would Tun ever consider pointing on a more specified object of your thought? Definitely Tun will be defined as ultra to include HINDRAF & Wee to claim that it was unfair to the Malay community, before analyzing the difference between them, the status, the outcome and punishment for respective individual trouble-maker. Even I would like to agree on the “Malay Superiority” term, but I wonder does that guarantee Ismail to jeopardize racial harmony and walk away as freeman. And again, Tun’s statement in Pohon Maaf made it clear that indeed, there were subject of comparison between races.

  656. Sudah 51 tahun Malaysia mancapai kemerdekaan tetapi amat dukacita melihat sesetengah RAKYAT MALAYSIA yang masih merasa diri sendiri sebagai TUAN PUNYA negara ini dan melabelkan sesetengah sebagai ‘Pendatang’!
    Sampai bilakah orang sedemikian insaf akan kebiadaban nya memanggil RAKYAT MALAYSIA yang lahir, membesar, mendapat pendidikan Malaysia, bekerja, menyumbang tenaga kepada MALAYSIA, berumahtangga, dan berharapan generasinya akan dapat Terus Hidup di Malaysia dengan ‘aman, selamat dan maju’ SEBAGAI PENDATANG!
    Mengakui Kesalahan dan Meminta Maaf tidak memalukan, yang memalukan diri malah komuniti ialah Tidak Sanggup Mengakui Kesalahan dan Tidak Sanggup Meminta Maaf!
    Saya tidak sanggup membayangkan tanggapan negara asing sekarang terhadap Malaysia selepas melihat ‘Malaysia kini’ yang pada suatu ketika dan sekarang masih selalu BANGGA dengan kepelbagaian kaum, budaya dan agama!
    Persefahaman itu asas keharmonian!

    satu cadangan yang baik kiranya…anak tun mukhriz kosongkan MP jerlun…untuk beri laluan kepada tun bertanding…seperti azizah buat untuk anwar…dengan cara itu tun boleh masuk parlimen balik dan bertanding semula dengan paklah….untuk presiden UMNO…..saya pasti tun akan menang….
    tolonglah tun…selamatkanlah bangsa melayu ini tun…..

  658. Salam TUN,
    1. i love peace,safe enviroment and sound economy.
    2. i Hate malay, chinese, indians, sabahan and sarawakian that are
    racist as much as i hate liars, conmen, rapist, killers n stupid
    umno’s. i really hate the current leadership of malaysia.
    3. there might be be alot of hatred in me but I LOVE TUN and my
    good chinese, indians, sabahan and sarawakian friends.
    4. The current problem in my malaysia is because of people who are
    failures who are lazy and successful people who are greedy.
    5. If people work hard n smart they will be successful than they
    wont blame each other.
    6. The powerful should help weak and the rich helps the poor be it
    the malay, chinese, indians, sabahan or sarawakian.
    CITIZEN OF MALAYSIA make malaysia strong and peaceful again.
    From me. Ahmad Johari Musa.
    [email protected]
    Malaysian Malay.
    Selamat sejahtera TUN dan Bloggers semua.

  659. to chin,
    Which chinese do not care if all the govt contracts goes to malay contractors…DAP, MCA, GERAKAN? Is is this kind of insincerity among the chinese that makes it more difficult for everyone…do not lace your lips with sugar just to fool yourself.
    Nobody is threathening your children if you would teach them to respect and abide by the constitution.
    Do you not see the fairness that the system has greatly reduced the poverty rate in Malaysia. It has benefited you surely, as I doubt that you’re currently in a worse condition than your forefathers.
    Fairness should also mean we have more professionals among the malays, and not to be monopolised by the chinese & indians as recently as ten years ago…or do you still prefer to see malays as garderners & maids?
    Do you believe that hatred is only felt by the malays? Are the non-malays so pure in their hearts that they don’t share this emotion towards the bumis for their misguided perceptions?
    If the economy is not doing well, the discomfort is felt by all, not just the chinese.
    This land is full of opportunities, otherwise we wouldn’t have the likes of the Lims, Tans, Kuoks etc. Moreover you have your choice of schools & tertiary institutions to suit your communal thinking.
    If you are really honest, teach your children about the constitution and how it came about, and teach them to respect everyone, including the bumiputras.

  660. Tun
    During your tenure as prime minister, we don’t hear any unhappy things over the government, I suppose they are afraid to voice out or they are scared to talk. The reason is simple. Everyone knows.
    However, everybody has the guts to talk or critise now. Why???
    The reason is simple too, they are not that scared now.

  661. Tun,
    I known you are desperate and stress and afraid of losing support, losing popularity, aren’t you? All UMNO leaders refrain to hear your suggestion, advise or support your call.
    Sometime you are acted EXTREMELY racist. I believed your Pohon Maaf were to create a stir and typhoon in BN, aren’t you?
    You are hoping some component parties in BN will pull out (such as MCA,PPP,MIC,Gerakan) and let UNMO suffering, let AAB suffering and all blames will be on his, this is your game, your tactic, your objective, isn’t it?? Proof me wrong if this is not your thought.

  662. Assalamualaikum Ybhg Tun & famili selamat menjalani ibadah puasa.
    1. Perjuanganx politik berteraskan bangsa memang mudah terusik emosi, kerana nilai perjuangan agak sentimen. Tetapi tak bermakna ianya salah, cuma perlu berhatix nanti ada yg terasa. Kalau terlebih goreng pun nanti hangit pula.
    2. Terdapat beberapa faktor yg rancak menyumbang kepada kekalutan yg sedang berlaku:
    – Kaum Melayu berpecah belah kpd 3 (UMNO + PAS + PKR),
    – Kaum Melayu (60%) tapi semakin lemah kerana tidak bersatu
    sebab gejala rasuah berluasa + kecewa dgn pemimpin + fahaman
    politik berbeda
    – Buta Sejarah Kemerdekaan – majority rakyat m’sia tak tau
    bagaimana negara ini mencapai kemerdekaan, peranan bangsax
    melayu, cina dan india, apa yg telah dipersetujui oleh
    – Kandungan/isi persetujuan oleh ketuax bangsa melayu + cina +
    india tidak didedahkan atau di ajar secara terbuka di
    – Pemahaman perkataan ADIL dan KESAMARATAAN utk semua bangsa
    sebagai warga negara m’sia tidak difahami oleh bangsa cina
    dan india generasi baru selepas merdeka.
    – Arus politik yg menuntut perubahan akibat pemimpin yg lemah.
    – Kehadiran DSAI untuk menyempurnakan tugas yg tak mampu
    diselesaikan oleh pihak pembangkang.
    3. Pendidikan sejarah perlu diperkemaskan dan dijadikan subjek kritikal terutama bab kemerdekaan di adakan subjek khas dan wajib lulus.
    4. Gunakan saluran media utk bentuk persepsi yg betul mengenai kemerdekaan jgn guna media lebih kpd kempen politik sahaja.

  663. Salam Tun,

  664. Dear Tun,
    On other point of view, this Si Ahmad did a good job in splitting up the Barisan Nasional component – Gerakan / MCA.
    It would be great to see AAB gone out of control of UMNO and Barisan Nasional. So he won’t go on to claim I have strong support, we have strong majority etc etc. And if so happen, two or three BN MPs jump ship to PKR, the game is on.
    It’s time to bring him down.

  665. Ybhg Tun,
    Pada masa yang sama (selain bicara tentang politik), kita juga kena bicara tentang ekonomi orang melayu/islam ni. Setelah 51 tahun merdeka, kita belum cukup mantap dan mampu utk mengeluarkan dan menguasai barang dan perkhidmatan dengan sendirinya.ini fardhu kifayah yg besar. Kalau kita bersatu kita boleh buat. Sudah ada pelbagai contoh tapi ianya tidak diperbesarkan.. Sekian.

  666. Saya berasa terpanggil untuk menulis di bahagian comment ini. Bukan komen yang panjang yang ingin saya berikan tetapi sekadar berkongsi pandangan. Daripada komen-komen yang di atas dan sebelumnya, nampaknya kebanyakannya kita terlalu BEREMOSI dan bukan berdasarkan kepada fikiran dan hujah berasas. Jgnlah kita terlalu emosional terhadap isu sebegini. Perkara ni kecik saja. Boleh diselesaikan dengan mudah. Banyak lagi perkara besar yang belum diselesaikan oleh kerajaan kita. Janganlah kita asyik duk bergaduh saja. Tengok apa dah jadi pada negara-negara luar seperti Pakistan, Iraq dan even di Thailand. Depa ni lagi teruk daripada kita. Bergaduh sesama bangsa depa sendiri. Negara kita dah cukup harmoni. Jgn la kita duk buat kalau bahasa utaranya, ‘buat pedajal’. Kekalkanlah keamanan. Ingatlah kita pada perpatah yang berbunyi, kerana nyamuk seekor, habis kelambu di bakar. Takan lah sebab kes kecik macam ni kita nak duk hingar sampai bergaduh dan yang paling teruk kalau sampai berbunuh. Lani dekat parlimen kita pun asyik duk bergaduh. Yang rugi sapa? Rakyat la. Kita semua la. tak kira yang undi BN atau pembangkang. Geng pembangkang pulak asyik duk keluar dewan. Macam budak kecik bergaduh. Lani, sapa rugi. Orang yang sokong kerajaan pun rugi, yang sokong pembangkang pun rugi sama.

  667. Tun,
    I agree with your point #1. Not only that you have been misunderstood, with your article, you have unintentionally given a charge to the people to be come racist.
    I also agree with your point #8, no one have asked the #2 leader to apologize but why did you compare apple with rambutan and kacang in the first place?
    Again, I agree with your point #9, but the gesture of what the #2 leader did showed at the least he is trying to reduce the tension. At you time, the victimized would have been send into ISA, instead of the culprit.

  668. Tun,
    The press editors would have a field day twisting your words. Don’t believe me? Check out today’s Star. Read the most read article of the day, “Dr M: Why must Malay leaders say sorry?”.
    See how they put the headline? Misleading, i would say.
    God saves us all if they try and get MCMC block the blogs. No more ‘real’ news.

  669. Tun, first of all, if you believed that what you wrote would be misread by many, you should have clarified them in your first writing itself. you should start off noting that you do not condone what Ahmad has said and that no one else should apologise for him except for himself to do it. but alas, you leave your piece wide open for wrong intepretation. who is it to blame for this? the reader? you should understand that not everyone is as perceptive and deep thinking like you. Many just take what you wrote and make it their ‘quran’. what you did is inexcusable to say the least. look at your comments section in ‘pohon maaf (1)’. did you see the underlining racial tone of a certain race in malaysia? having these comments in your blog, do you still hard headed about malay not being racist? what has the chinese or indians done to deserve being labelled pendatang? is it because we yearned for equality in this land? the NEP has ‘proven’ only 1 thing: enrich the few malays, leave the rest to rot. if we already know this, why dont we change it…to the like of MEP. Help the poor regardless of race. if it is not viable, please do tell.
    I do not agree with you equating a mere student or an NGO’s voice to a stateman’s piece. See how the UMNO members in Penang came in droves to support Ahmad not to apologise and some even again called for the chinese (reporter) to ‘balik tongsan’? tun, i’m a chinese, tongsan is not my motherland…i came from PJ. i’m sure their actions are partly if not all, connected to your first blog. i’m sure ahmad would have at one point of time told them, TUN also said no need apology.
    TUN, your blind quest to put Najib as the next PM has taken a hit on your creditability as well. I have not heard you saying that Najib should clear his name in the Altantuya’s case. How do you justify putting a shady character to the top post in Malaysia?

  670. Salam Tun,
    Pada pandangan saya, istilah “Pendatang” dan “menumpang” yang digunakan oleh Ahmad Ismail yang kini hangat diperkatakan adalah untuk mereka yang bukan dilahirkan di Malaysia dan tidak mempunyai kerakyatan Malaysia tanpa mengira kaum. Jadi, semua yang mempunyai kerakyatan Malaysia, terutamanya yang layak mengundi bukanlah pendatang atau menumpang.
    Ahamd Ismail memanglah tidak layak dipilih sebagai pemimpin sebab beliau tidak mengenang budi pengundi yang mengundi beliau. Bukannya rakyat yang tersalah memilih, tetapi beliau umpama “kacang lupakan kulit”. Beliau juga tidak mengenang budi pemimpin yang terdahulu seperti yang dinyatakan di dalam artikel Tun sebelum ini.
    Kalaulah pembangkan yang membuat kenyataan tersebut, mungkin tindakan ISA akan dikenakan.
    Sekiranya tindakan yang sewajarnya tidak dikenakan terhadap beliau, saya berpendapat kerajaan sekarang telah menyalahgunakan kuasa.
    Beliau seharusnya bertanggungjawab dengan samada memohon maaf atau jika tidak meletakkan jawatan demi menyelamatkan kerajaan Barisan Nasional yang penuh dengan masalah. Bukannya TPM yang memohon maaf!
    Walaupun di zaman pemerintahan Tun dahulu tidak dapat memenuhi citarasa semua lapisan masyarakat, sekurang-kurangnya tiada sentimen yang melibatkan perkauman diperlagakan.
    Apakah kita masih lagi belum mahu belajar dari kesilapan dahulu?

  671. Dear Tun
    People are sensible only when they are sober. When they get angry, they lose their reasoning power. This happens to Malays, Chinese, Indians, Ibans, Kadazans, whites, blacks, regardless.
    Most of the people of this country are short-sighted. They forget that any social unrest can smash their rice bowls to pieces. I don’t get emotional if people are pro-BN or pro-PR as long as I can earn my three meals a day. But, the day they smash my rice bowl, I’ll go and smash their heads.
    I am quite sure I will resort to violence because when I am outraged, I lose my reasoning power. So what if I have to go to prison. If I have to die, it is okay. The truth is that it is pointless to reason with anybody when they are angry.
    I watched the film “Shot Through The Heart” many times. It is based on a true story in Sarajevo during the tragic ethnic civil war. The conflict turned two childhood friends, a Croat and a Serbian, into enemies. Each was assigned the task by their respective ethnic communities to kill the other. A story that can happen in any multi-racial / multi-ethnic country when human relationship breaks down.
    It can happen in Malaysia when people get angry enough to lose their reasoning power. When violence breaks out, the rich people and the crooked politicians can cart away their wealth and seek refuge in other countries. But, where can I go? Will my friends turn into my enemies? If I want to fight, do I have enough fighters to win? A chilling thought!
    Dear Tun, I hope sensible Malaysians understand your message. I hope they are ready to make sacrifices to preserve social stability. If not, they have everything to lose.

  672. Tun,
    When you wrote Pohon Maaf (1), I was upset and wonder why my beloved Tun wrote like that. What has happened? It can’t be that he has gone out of his mind. U don’t know how happy i was after reading Pohon Maaf (2).
    Tun, U are indeed a Great Man as I can feel the sadness and the happiness. I wonder myself how i could be so emotional over the ariticles. I believe the love the rakyat feel for you is very strong as i what i have felt. So please Tun no more racial issues.
    i don’t get it. What is so difficult for this Datuk Ahmad Ismail to apologise. If he has been misinterpreted by the media, he should just say sorry that he was being misunderstood. Only great man apologise. He may not mean what the media wrote but if he were to say sorry and clear the air, he would have gain more respect.

  673. Wahai rakyat Malaysia,
    1. Pada pendapat saya, suasana politik negara kita sekarang ni akan terus meminggirkan Malaysia dari haluan globalisasi dan semua wawasan yang dimimpikan oleh rakyat Malaysia….
    2. Jiran-jiran serta negara persaing yang lain akan terus tersenyum lebar selagi rakyat malaysia teruskan ‘internal fighting’ ni (isu politik + isu perkauman)…
    3. Sepatutnya, kita harus bersatu padu dan gunakan masa dan tenaga kita menghadapi cabaran-cabaran yang lebih besar seperti:
    – ekonomi Malaysia,
    – daya saing Malaysia,
    – perlaburan Malaysia di luar negara,
    – Foreign Direct Investment di Malaysia,
    – ‘menglobalisasikan’ rakyat Malaysia,
    – kemas kini sistem pelajaran Malaysia supaya rakyatnya bersedia maenghadapi isu-isu semasa dunia, serta
    – banyak lagi isu-isu yang benar-benar membawa periuk nasi ke meja setiap rakyat Malaysia…
    4. Muka depan suratkhabar2 di negara-negara yang maju dan yang inginkan kemajuan jarang ada hasutan/ sindiran politik, spekulasi politik, berita politik… Di Malaysia, semua ni membuatkan hampir seluruh 25 juta rakyat Malaysia hilang arah, tension dan risau…. Inilah bahayanya… di mana isu-isu perkauman menjadi alat politik untuk ahli-ahli politik kita demi kepntingan diri dan parti….
    5. Seterusnya ini semua akan melumpuhkan ekonomi Malaysia yang dibina dan diteguh sejak Merdeka….
    6. Perpaduan + Wawasan + Masa + Tenaga = MALAYSIA BERJAYA
    7. Politik + Hasutan + Perkauman = KEMUSNAHAN
    8. Kata seorang pelabur saham antarabangsa yang telah ‘pull out’ dari Malaysia, “I really hope Malaysia is still in one piece come 16 Sep. It was once the best example, but now it is a sad example.”
    9. Saya hanya mampu senyum dan bersedih di hati….

  674. Dear Tun Mahathir,
    Why did you have to give an explaination?
    It is fine.. We all are matured enough to understand the situation at hand..
    I know how you feel, as I mentioned in my previous post, nothing like this had happened in your era, because, no one questioned your leadership..
    Ahmad is an old member, he is not new, but why has he only blasted the chinese now? Because our leader allowed him to do so..
    Everything was going so well during your time, and if anyone tries playing the racist card, it will be turned down.. We were more united then, because you were so capable and powerfull..
    People are more sensitive now, because everyone in Malaysia are unhappy at the current state… Take a look at the state now! I know even you were unhappy when you wrote ‘pohon maaf 1’..
    Our country is in a sad state now.
    You are certainly not racist, all of your loyal supporters knows this, we are trully grateful when you fought hard for us..
    Did you read the Star? They are turning the facts again..
    Making you seem, like you support Ahmad’s actions and making you seem like a racist leader..
    I hate to see AAB using the media against you.. It really hurts me to see them changing your words, twisting them..
    Please do something about this..
    I am sure you have connections to make them stop tarnishing your image like that…
    The media is a very strong source of information, but when wrongly used, it is a destructive tool… Please Tun, stop all these crappy media madness..
    Warm Regards,

  675. Dear Tun,
    Thanks you for further elaborate your previous article. However, by reading some of the comment, we can easily find that many racist have commented in your latest article.
    No doubt we should fight for our own races but for the leaders, they should fight for whole nation and not only their races. If they only care on their own races, then maybe i would suggest they send all other races of people to other country or maybe give them 1 state and let them set up their own nation. I believe after this being done, these racist people will have no more excuse to play on this issue anymore since the whole nation only consist of their own race of people.
    As being other races in this country, we work hard and earn our living as well. We do not have any special privilege like Bumi. However, our contribution does not seem like appreciate by those racist leader. Really felt sad.

  676. Tun, Sejak mula kemerdekaan lagi, orang Melayu dan Islam di Malaysia ini sudah menunjukkan sikap toleransi sangat tinggi. Mereka sanggup berkongsi kuasa dan negara dengan imigran Cina dan India walaupun kalau difikirkan semula sangat tak patut. Sehingga 50 tahun merdeka, orang Melayu masih mampu bertolak ansur. Itulah kelebihan orang Melayu yang cuba exploitasikan rakyat Malaysia dari kaum lain sekarang. Kalaulah kaum-kaum ini menjadi kumpulan majoriti di Malaysia, saya fikir Malaysian dan Melayu dan Islam akan mereka jadikan seperti Singapura. Kaum ini tidak ada toleransi dan berterima kasih, dan kalau boleh dia mahu rebut dan ambil semua. Kaum ini buat macam-macam tuntutan. Mungkin satu lagi yang dia tak buat ialah nak jadi sultan. Mereka sekarang sudah beria-ia untuk menjadi TPM, lepas itu PM pula.
    Saya berpendapat reaksi yang dikatakan racist daripada orang Melayu sekarang ialah kerana mereka diprovok dan dicabar. Cuma kita harap kaum-kaum lain ini janganlah ambil kesempatan dariada kelemahan politik Melayu sekarang akibat percakaran sesama Melayu sendiri. Jika kaum lain mengambil kesempatan daripada keadaan ini, jelas sekali anda semua tidak berhati perut dan rakus. Fikirlah. Janganlah cetuskan perkara yang tidak menyenangkan kaum Melayu. Mahukah anda melihat peristiwa 13 Mei berulang semula. Melayu dan islam di negara ini sudah cukup bertolak ansur dengan saudara semua. Anda sudah diberi hak kuasa politik, kebebasan beragama, pendidikan, ekonomi. Pergi tengok dinegara lain. Adakah kaum serupa anda memperoleh keistimewaan yang sama. Buka mata terang-terang. Jangan pentingkan diri sendiri. Lihat masyarakat Islam negara asal anda. Adakah mereka menerima layanan istimewa seperti yang diberikan kepada anda di Malaysia?. Bukan sahaja mereka ditdalam keadaan mereka lemah dan anda “mempunyai peluang” mengaut di air yang keruh?.

  677. Dear Dr. M,
    I am a Chinese. To certain degree, I agree with you.
    But, don’t you think at this point, religion and race issues have become more and more serious within Malaysia? As a leader who always proclaims that he loves Malaysia shouldn’t you say something more constructive to unite all Malaysians regardless of race than add more oil to the burning fire?
    I do respect you Dr. M and I love my country too. I do not want to see our beloved Malaysia where all the people of different races can live in harmony and happily under one roof become and place where Malays hate Chinese, Chinese dislike Malays, Indians protest against the government….
    Good Luck, Malaysia!

  678. Dearest Tun,
    Cheer up! don’t feel sad about this, let people think whatever they want to think, the important thing is not to stoop to their level. We are daily harping on issues which have been blown out of proportion!
    I am a Chinese married to a Malay just after May 13th. In those days, I would not have dared to walk in Petaling Street with my husband. In Singapore it was worse, people looked at you as though they just wanted to eat you up! But today, we can walk anywhere and noone bats an eyelid. Racial tolerance have come a long way!
    We must allow for freedom of expression, those who understand and are matured will not even be bothered. Pendatang, pendatanglah!! so what, so long as we have good education, enough to eat, family ties and values intact, why be so agitated about who says what, just don’t stoop to their level, that’s all!!! All the demands about apology from so-called MCA leaders, so what?? It’s all about trying to champion empty vessels, ego and loosing face only. Can apologies fill hungry mouths? Can they obliterate deep rooted racial prejudices? His mouth can be forced to say it but can you see his heart? Can they cheat God?
    Our main concerns should be focussed on low petrol prices, food prices, affordable medical care, sound education system…..all races would vote 100% for these benefits, for good times…
    The concern now is that these good times are coming to an end with the hopelessly weak government.
    Tun, we support you making a comeback, make it soon, Malaysia needs you!!! Melayu, Cina or India, turn your back on racism, work hard, study smart and support MAHATHIR! God bless you always Tun.

  679. saya cukup xpuas hati bila Dollah buat statement yg media perlu menyatakan kebenaran tempoh hari..
    bush & dollah both are the same; stupid fools!
    i don’t think election would bring any change..he’ll use all his money to win voters.
    When will the mainstream media change? I understand if the should support the government..but it’s just too much!
    now sudah trend berita racist pulak..apa ni?
    I hope KJ or Dollah or whoever his cronies read this :
    you all are going to pay for all this mess!!!

  680. Tun,
    It is nothing wrong for UMNO leaderships to apologize on behalf of Bkt Bendera. After all, he is a UMNO member. It is also now the responsibility for UMNO leaderships to show the world that they mean business with Bkt Bendera.
    World has changed, we should change, and YOU should lead the change. Forget about the racial stuff, and it brings us no where. Your leaderships and support from all sides of community to you should be put to a good use. I don’t think you want to see Malayisa to be the next Myanmar, and all years of effort went down to drain.
    If you decide to play an active role, i am here for you.
    Best regards,

  681. ~ SIMPLE ~ MALAYsia ~
    Chinese know how to speak Malay.
    Indian know how to speak Malay.
    Foreign workers know how to speak Malay.
    Tourists also learn how to speak Malay e.g. Apa Khabar!
    So if Tun don’t clarify, as a Malaysian, you should understand this.
    On the other hand, everyone should
    ANTI-Virus (xP)
    To comment on ‘Pendatang’, just use simple words,
    You have a Malaysia IC, you are Malaysia citizen.
    You born in Malaysia land, you are Malaysia citizen.
    Take good care to all Malaysian!
    Hope everyone still remember this… “Wawasan 2020”
    The ultimate objective that we should aim for is a Malaysia that is a fully developed country by the year 2020.
    I believe everyone is still looking forward to it~!

  682. Dear Tun,
    Wish Tun have a good health always. It always refreshing to read Tun blogs. Not everyone have the thinking and vision as Tun. I do agree with Tun that Tun did recognize the effort of the Chinese for helping Malaysia economy.The Chinese indeed have transforms Malaysia ecnomy to greater height along with Malays and Indians as goes along.
    The only question is Malay willing to change? Change to better and look forward of how to make Malaysia proud again?If all races work hand in hand and do not cause any racial sentiment and only dedicate to work for Malaysia economy platform, I believe Malaysia will one day become the tiger of south east asia.
    Instead now we are finding who should apologize to who.In school, we are trained to apologized if we utter words / actions / speech wrongly. Is not hard to do.Why now as MP found it so hard to say out? It seem to give wrong impression to the younger generation that if you do wrong, you dont need to apologize and instead ask back the victim of the supporter to apologize….I found it weird..
    Chinese is peace loving country man. They dont like to cause any stir or riot or discomfort to anyone. But if they feel been clasiffy as 2nd class citizen, of cos people tend to be emotional.
    thank you Tun for sharing your thought to everyone here…

  683. Tun,
    I have always respected you and your contribution to the country, but I have to say your way of writing this article is giving the wrong impression to the people, and therefore lead to you be branded as racist.
    1st of all, the Malaysian Chinese are just demanding an apology for a racist remark from a person. A sincere apology should be made from the person himself, and therefore he should apologized personally, I believe this is a fair enough demand, right?
    But you are giving irrelevant examples of other races giving racist remark. For your information, Wee himself did apologized, while some of Hindraf are still in ISA. They paid for their racist remarks already. Whereas in this case, he still refused to apologized, he did nothing to amend the situation, and yet no action has been taken against him. In other words, he did not pay for his racist remark. That’s the difference between Wee+ Hindraf and this guy.
    There is caused to everything. The inappropriate examples has painted you as a racist. Though the follow up explain a lot more about what you actually mean, the newspaper did not adopt your full article is causing more misunderstanding as well. Harm are already done. I hope you will be more careful when you are giving examples next time, because inappropriate examples give different impressions. I still respect you, but things have get more complicated where you play a part as well. I feel really sad that things get out of hand and progress until this stage, simply because of one person.

  684. YAB Tun,
    I restrained from writing my comments after reading POHON MAAF 1(PM 1) because deep in my heart there will be a follow-up. True enough, you wrote POHON MAAF 2(PM 2) which of course cleared up the wrong perceptions that one might have on you through your PM 1.
    When I watched the press conference made by the person in the middle of this mess through TV last night, I felt quite disgusted at the way he chose his words and the tone of his voice. I am wondering whether that particular press conference has the blessing of top UMNO leadership or not?
    If it was true that he was misquoted by the media, why didn’t he came out in the open much earlier to clear the air himself. It took the DPM to publicly apologised on behalf of UMNO, which itself is tantamount to admitting to the mistake made by that person. And now that particular person refuses to apologise and blaming the media. Its becoming a joke!
    The political environment in this country is becoming cloudier by the day. Corruption cases appears in the papers everyday. The number of police reports and counter police reports made on racial issues and allegations are on the rise.
    The world is watching a once role-model multi racial harmony country turning chaotic. I am sure new investors will not make their decision to invest now in Malaysia and established ones are busy looking for new sites outside Malaysia to relocate their business. So much for the future of Malaysian economy.
    I pray and hope that thing will go back to what they were during YAB Tun’s era. I could go to sleep peacefully knowing that when I wake up the next morning, things will be what they were the day before or better…
    But now, I am not sure what to expect when I wake up the next morning … especially as Sept 16 approaches…
    The BBC is going overseas….
    Selamat Berpuasa YAB Tun dan Bonda Tun Hasmah.

  685. Tun
    One wrong cannot justify another wrong. When will it end? Some times we should also look at the world outside and see where we stand. We need to find a balance to express our opinion and the feelings of others.
    Maybe we are short of love and respect for one another and we do not treat people of other races as brothers and sisters. I still remember the days I look forward to playing football with the friends from the police barrack or kampung nearby in the evening.
    We respect one another and we do not look at them as a race but friends. Now we are so polarised!!! I wish I could meet up with those friends who used to play football with us to talk about the old days.
    We made progress in other areas but we are still trapped by that sort of racial line of thinking. Others are catching up!

  686. Tun,
    Allow me the liberty to respond to Sdr. Adam Johari as posted on September 6, 2008 1:58 AM:
    ADAM JOHARI, you said, “On a personal note though, I did disagree in the past article because I thought that Najib apologizing wasn’t an act of embarrassment or weakness, but more of a kind gesture of taking responsibility. Perhaps, in our environment that is increasing in racial tension, Najib apologizing isn’t the right action to go with. I don’t really know.”
    2. For example, in the run up to the PP by-election, the Leader of the day should have reminded all his masses, (a) what is the objectives of our goal, presumably in this instance, to recapture PP from the Opposition, (b) who is the Opposition’s candidate, (c) what is his/her strengths & weaknesses, (d) who are the electorates?, (e) etc, etc.
    3. The Leader should have warned his masses NOT TO TOUCH ON ANY SENSITIVE MATTERS like race, sex, & religion, but instead focuses on “WHAT WE COULD DO BETTER TO REPLACE THE INCUMBENT/YOUR OPPOSITION”, for example, as addressing those sensitive issues could “turn against us!”, as have been seen every time.
    4. Politicians are supposed to be professionals. Obviously, ours are not, mostly! Very sad situation we are in indeed. Politik Kampung! Cakap Tak Serupa Bikin!
    5. These types of politicians will be the first to “CABUT LARI” when something happens, as they have so much to lose, by that I meant their newly found ill gotten wealth, as THEY DO NOT HAVE ANY PRINCIPLES, PRIDE, OR SHAME IN WHATEVER THEY DO! AS I ALWAYS SAID, “TALK IS CHEAP!”
    Sdr. Adam Johari, I sincerely hope that I have not offended you, as that is how I feel, personally. Selamat Berpuasa!

  687. SALAM TUN..


  689. Tun,
    Saya sedih dan geram bila isu sebegini masih lagi bangkit diantara masyarakat kita pada masa masa sekarang… terlalu banyak bukti yang telah kita semua saksikan bagaimana orang melayu tunduk kepada kaum bukan melayu… Tindakan Najib mewakili suara orang melayu memohon maaf sememangnya TIDAK PERLU… ;p 🙁
    p/s; SEJARAH itu penting

  690. Y.Bhg Tun,
    Hakikatnya BILA PEMIMPIN SUDAH HILANG ARAH.. maka RAKYAT AKAN JADI TIDAK TENTU ARAH. Bila rakyat sudah jadi tidak tentu arah, Maka KEADAAN JADI PARAH. Bila Keadaan jadi parah , RAKYAT BERTAMBAH MARAH. Bila Rakyat bertambah marah, maka PEMIMPIN TAMBAH GABRA. Bila pemimpim tambah gabrah, MAKA RAKYAT AKAN TUKAR SELERA. Bila rakyat tukar selara, MAKA PEMIMPIN AKAN DIBUANG MACAM SAMPAH. Bila pemimpin dibuang macam sampah, RAKYAT MENJERIT SLOGAN PO RAH…,
    Persoalannya , selain dari KETUA MENTERI MELAKA yang kini selang tiga minggu menjemput Pak Lah datang ke Melaka ( dalam usaha minta peruntukan untuk buat SUKMA , agar kroni Ketua Menteri bertambah kaya dan dapat memberi bantuan kewangan bagi Tok Ali pertahan jawatan Naib Presiden)TIDAK ADA KAH pemimpin UMNO yang lain yang SEDAR APA YANG BERLAKU DALAM NEGARA. Lagi-lagi yang kita nampak mempunyai kesedaran adalan RAIS YATIM dan MAHYUDDIN.

  691. Dear Tun,
    I have great respect for u. However I think it is not good for u to comment that Ismail should not apologise. On the other maybe he should not apologise because his ancestors are also an immigrants. He should admit that he is also an immigrant.
    As far as I am concerned, the only race that are not immigrants are the Orang Asli.
    Chinese & Indians would have been thrown into ISA if they had made such racist remarks about Malays in the past.
    People who are in power should learn from History of other countries. Everything come in a cycle. They should take care of the people regardless of race, be fair and they will last for a long time.If Marcos so powerful can be toppled, anything can happen. regards,Jennifer

  692. Assalamu’Alaykom TUN dan pembaca budiman,
    I wonder when will we be blessed with another great leader who thinks about the greater good of the people be it muslim or non muslim, malay, chinese, indian or other ethnics… so that PEACE triumphed and evil toppled.
    May God bless us all. Ameen!

  693. Tun ,
    In my opinion , all this nonsensical drama about demanding an apology and refusing to apologise is a plain of waste of time.
    If the “arrogant-I-have-no-respect-for” leader refuses to apologise, his party should take the appropriate action against him . After all , the culprit did not denied ever making the rascist remarks .
    Any inaction by the party’s leadership to take action against him will plainly indicate that the party is not serious about racial unity despite proclaiming to be otherwise.
    And since his remarks are seditious , why aren’t he charged under the Sedition Act ? Bloggers have been charged for remarks of lesser extent. Unless the Act is not good enough for leaders, there should not be double standards in applying the law.
    And let this episode be a reminder to leaders of all races to be careful not to stoke up racial fires.
    My 2-sen of thoughts .

  694. Dearest Tun,
    First of all, i must apologize for thinking that you are playing the racial card again as many have suggested the minute i read your Pohon Maaf (1). I was rather disappointed when i read it coz i don’t wanna believe that your are a racist! I shouldn’t have doubted you sir and for that i apologize. I have always been greatful to have you as our PM and honestly, i still regard you as my PM, the beloved one. It’s sad that someone with Ahmad’s thinking still exists. I’m sure if you are still in control, This Ahmad fella would be in hot soup! Too bad now, we have a incompetent sleepy HEAD to run the country. He even went further to bring the King out to save his dwindling career by saying the King is satisfied with the current administration. To us, the rakyat, so what? He should have listen to our pleas and improve the economy instead. Anyway, this sleepy HEAD is alway self praising. If i were him, i will step down gracefully before situation gets out of hand. I guess thats the trend in Malaysia politics. I haven’t seen a single Malaysia minister admitting to fault by relinquishing their post. Wish you were still on the helm, but this wish will always remain as a wish. Anyway, you take care of yourself and i really hope to bump into you again in Isetan, KLCC when doing my grocery. God Bless!

  695. Salam Tun. It is learn’t that Singapore plans to rejoin Malaysia if Anwar Ibrahim become Prime Minister. I believe that you have heard this kind of rumour. Please tell us whats going on here. I am confused.

  696. salam Tun dan semua,
    1.kalau bercakap tentang bangsa sampai bila pon tak akan abis. Sekarang bukan pasal bangsa… sebetulnya pasal agama. Pasal Islam.
    2.Once non muslim dapat menguasai sesuatu, mati hidup balik pon depa tak akan bagi peluang kepada muslim. Contoh terdekat, singapura, penang dll
    contoh lagi..ekonomi yg dikuasai non muslim..ada bg peluang pada muslim utk mengusai? tak ada! ciput2 tu adalah…
    contoh lagi, india yg menguasai bidang penjualan majalah dan akhbar… ada nak bg org lain pulak kuasai? tak ada!
    Bahkan buku akademik berunsurkan islam di sorok2, yg terpampang buku2 berusurkan hiburan, buku2 yg melemahkan otak semata mata. Untuk apa mereka buat begini? Simple, org lalai, lemah senag di perbodohkan, di gula2kan, di perkotak katik, di jajah.
    contoh lagi.. baru2 ni ada dlm astro bagaimana sepanyol jatuh ke tangan kristian..sebelum ketua Islam serahkan kunci kota sepanyol ada la buat perjnjian itu ini, tapi selepas depa dapat kunci tersebut ada nak ikut perjanjian itu? so sorry.. semua kena paksa convert ke kristian, org yahudi dan islam yg tidak mahu convert dihalau. dan sesiapa yg convert mesti makan babi dan gantung babi di rumah. Bahkan ada polis khas utk menjaga hal ehwal babi. makanya
    sampai sekarang kat sepanyol dah hilang islam.
    sama lah juga halnya di malaysia ini.
    3. Kalau cina pon nak jadi PM jadi lah..tapi cina muslim.
    Islam rahmat untuk seluruh alam, seluruh umat.
    4. Cuba buka mata dan tengok macam mna kedudukan cina, india, paki, bahkan melayu sendiri yg warganegara / penduduk tetap di Britain, di amerika, di austrlia…tengokkkk. Tahu pulak depa sedar diri kat sana. Kenapa bila dok kat Malaysia ni nak naik syeikh pulak? Ada ker depa2 kat sana ni jadi PM, TPM? Kot la ada tong ler bagi tahu…
    faktor2 penyebab naik syeikh tu… boleh lah pikir sendiri…
    tapi kalau otak lembam dngan duit rasuah, dgn hiburan , dengan HARTA, WANITA dan TahTA… macam mana nak berpikir ekkkk ?
    5. Tun, saya sayang dan respek dan tabik spring Tun dari dulu hingga kini dan selamanya.

  697. Dear Tun,
    We will always support you for your clear, direct to the point ideas. We will stand firm and assertive with your statement. To the Chinese, whether they like to hear it or not, it is their business. Remember, the Chinese also like to brand Malays with racial remarks such as perasuah, malas, stupid etc. They talk in Mandarin which most Malay do not understand. I think the Chinese should stop asking Malay leaders for apology as you are equally racist. Just to remind you, it is a fact that ” you are immigrant brought by British”.

  698. 14. Perhaps people should wonder why during the time of the previous four Prime Ministers, who were also Presidents of UMNO, there were no such utterances by UMNO members. And there were practically none from the non-Malays either.
    Salam Tun,
    Yes, we are wondering. What was the secret ingredient that the previous four Prime Ministers had used?
    Come November, my family and I shall be migrating out of our beloved Malaysia, InsyaAllah. Our decision is but another proof how effective your era was in creating able and confident Malays aka Malaysians that see the world as their playing field.
    Upon knowing about our intentions, a Chinese friend of ours asked why do we want to migrate since the Malays have always had it easy here? I was dumbstruck. Talking about going against an unfamiliar attack huh? The only decent answer I could muster was that since it is easy for me, that’s why I want my children to experience hardship so that they will be better than me. I believe this abrupt answer of mine i.e. aiming for our future generations to be better is shared commonly in each and everyone of us. The only difference is our approach and actions in realizing that aim. And our decision on which approach and actions we will take depend on our belief how much we are prepared to sacrifice.
    As a Malay, my ancestors have proven that our race believe in sacrifices up to the extent that some sacrifices were made blindly quoting Tan Sri P Ramlee’s movie depicting how Hang Tuah sacrificed his love for Tun Teja because of his loyalty to his King. But have the current Malays especially our so called leaders become so contented that they are no longer prepared to make sacrifices? AND I AM NOT REFERRING TO MAKING OTHERS SACRIFICE FOR THEIR OWN PERSONAL, FAMILIES AND CRONIES GREED!
    Tun and my fellow Malaysians,
    I continue to wonder why during the time of the previous four Prime Ministers, who were also Presidents of UMNO, there were no such utterances by UMNO members. And there were practically none from the non-Malays either. WHAT HAVE THEY SACRIFICED? WHAT HAVEN’T OUR CURRENT SO CALLED LEADERS SACRIFICED? ARE THEY PREPARED TO SACRIFICE WHEN THE NEED ARISE?
    Semoga Allah murahkan rezeki Tun, rezeki ku, ahli keluargaku serta muslimin muslimat negarawanku sekelian.

  699. Salam Tun…
    Dari Surah Al-Hujurat ayat ke -13
    ” Wahai Manusia…!!! Sesungguhnya kami jadikan kamu semua daripada seorang lelaki dan seorang perempuan ( iaitu Adam dan Hawa ) dan kami jadikan kamu semua berbangsa-bangsa serta bersuku-suku supaya kamu sering mengenali. Sesungguhnya orang yang paling mulia diantara kamu disisi Allah adalah orang yang paling bertaqwa ( orang yang paling takutkan Allah ) Sesungguhnya Allah Maha Mengetahui lagi Maha Mengenali..”
    manusia atau masyarakat itu akan menjadi mulia dengan menjadikan dirinya takut kepada Allah S.W.T. Bertaqwa kepada Allah ertinya Takut kepada Allah dalam erti kata lain takut untuk meninggalkan suruhannya dan takut untuk melakukan larangannya.
    Setiap anggota masyarakat dituntut untuk memilih pemimpin masyarakat mereka dari kalangan mereka yang amat takutkan Allah kerana hanya mereka ini sahaja yang akan memastikan hanya undang-undang dari Allah dilaksanakan kerana manusia ini dicipta oleh Allah maka Allah sahajalah yang layak untuk menetap dan menentukan undang-undang terbaik untuk manusia.
    Sekiranya manusia di masyarakat itu masih dibelenggu kejahilan sedangkan yang menjahilkan mereka adalah pemimpin dikalangan masyarakat itu juga….
    maka selama itulah minda mereka akan tertutup dari mengenali masyarakat yang lain, selama itu jugalah mereka akan ditindas, dibohong, ditipu dan sebagainya kerana hanya manusia yang bersungguh-sungguh bertaqwa kepada Allah sahaja yang akan membawa masyarakat mengenali masyarakat yang lain dan akhirnya menyatukan masyarakat itu di bawah naungan Al-Quran.

  700. Dear Tun,
    When we Chinese learned about the remarks by Bkt Bendera’s representative, and when it was highlighted by Chinese leaders, most of us felt disturbed. Not because of that particular individual “remarks” made during the campaign, but more to the consequences including racial tension (which has been quite volatile so far after a few other cases) that might follows if such matter being boiled up further. We know such remark is not representative of the government or Umno, obviously it was the culprit’s own perception. BUT, why Najib apologize???…it had given a wrong perception that the issue was somehow connected to the government or Umno….and that was something not wise to do, and i agree with Tun that Najib shouldn’t had apologized.
    Whatever peoples labelled Tun whether ultra malay, anti chinese, etc etc…..and many said your government was racial bias, the truth is that other races benefited too when Tun’s policy succeeded in reducing the economic gap among races. Our businesses became better due to improved spending power of the Malays who are also our major customers.That’s also the reason why my parent can afford to buy house, car and sent me to university. And i saw the improvement not only to my family, but to the whole town where i live as well. And now the current government under the sleepy PM is doing damage day by day, not only economically, inflation, etc etc, but also unwisely tackling issue concerning races.
    We still miss Tun, and if previously a lot of us didn’t realise how good Tun was, now we really see the contrast between your government and the current one…very very clearly. Takecare Tun.

  701. saya setuju dgn pendapatRyscheClyde,
    sy bekerja dgn co cina, mmg pekerja melayu ramai tp sbg org bawahan.dan saya sbg acc exec adalah melayu yg berpangkat tinggi di co ini. apa yg saya akan katakan ini adalah disampaikan sendiri oleh bos sy yg juga seorang cina, katanyer mereka x suka amik chinese sbg pekerja mereka sbb chinese bile dah pandai terus berhenti or demand high salary, compare wth malay yg sanggup gj kecik but kj lama. and ader satu lagi unwritten law in this co., x bleh amik org india bekerja kerana terjadi 1 kes dimana boz besar kami di tipu oleh mereka. sya pernah di beritahu oleh boz saya yg saya x munkkin dpt trf ko group co for senior acc exec position kerana sy MELAYU. cuma Chinese dibenarkan utk pegang jwatan tggi di co ini. so can somebody tell me what is this? is this what we call racist? what im trying to say here, smua org pernah jd mangsa kepada perkataan “RACIS” and everybody is “RACIST” don’t point ur finger to others, tgk diri sendiri dlm cermin. klu u bkn racist, u x sayangkan bangsa u sendiri.. tp jgn melampau sgt!!
    mmg ramai lagi org cina dan india yg miskin, begitu juga dgn melayu..

  702. Salam Tun & Bloggers
    While everybody is now worried about the racial tension and facing the uncertain future in Malaysia, the stupid idiotic PM is still happily sleeping.
    It is time for action to remove the culprit and all the cronies who is the main cause to all the problems facing the raayat in Malaysia. We should not keep quiet and let this donkey to ruin the country further. The time to be nice and respect the dumb PM has expired long time ago.
    The people of Malaysia should start by going to Putrajaya in masses to demand the stupid elegant silence PM for his resignation as this is a worthy cause. Insha Allah, without the zombie, Malaysia will be better again and the raayat with different races can live peacefully respecting each other values.

  703. Tun, you write without fear. That’s because you write the truth. You’ve always been fearless and courageous, and always speak your mind. That’s who you are and that’s who you’ll always be. So I find it odd that some people actually expect you to retire quietly. Some even want you to stop writing and giving your opinion. Perhaps they are afraid their deceits and lies would be exposed by all the truths that you’ve been revealing gradually. Or maybe, it’s too painful for them to accept that what they thought to be true all these years turn out to be false! The truth can indeed be painful.
    On the subject of truth, spinning the truth by the media happens everywhere of course, in varying degrees. In USA, “… a petulant, dissatisfied president is of course not part of the approved White House narrative on Iraq.” The president cannot be described as “frustrated” by the situation in Iraq. The verb that is approved to be used would be “determined.” When asked if the White House considers Iraq to be in a state of civil war, the White House approved answer was, “No . . . there is not a civil war going on.” ….. you have a number of sectarian violence operations going on” (quoted from a washingtonpost.com article titled “Trying to Spin the Truth Away”)
    Malaysia similarly, has spin doctors (doktor putar belit) trying to spin the truth away. The general guidelines would be: put everything in a positive light; use positive words; spin a positive angle (e.g. glass is half-full, not half-empty); hype the positives, hide the negatives; omit the truth if need be; and use only Government-friendly phrases. Make sure the key messages are consistent e.g. all is under control; the Government has the support of the majority; everything is hunky dory, etc. etc. The bottom line is – always make the Government and the PM look good! No matter what!
    Now, to angle a story in a positive light is not wrong as long as it does not mislead. But when it is done to intentionally mislead, it is unethical and the spinned story must be discredited. What the Government’s spin doctors call “managing perception”, I call L-Y-I-N-G! Outright lying or lying by omission, it’s still LYING. And that’s what the Government’s spin doctors do. Lie.
    The truth will prevail. In the meantime, the Government continues spinning the truth because it buys them time – time to let their dastardly plan run its course.
    It would be interesting to read actual “un-spun” news. I am glad that some have been un-spunned by Tun. I always come away with an enlightened perspective after reading Tun’s blog. Thank you Tun.

  704. Tun…
    Tiada yang indah melihat
    a)Anak-anak bermain tanpa takut.
    b)Ibubapa gembira di samping keluarga
    c)Malaysian …mantap
    d)Malaysian di puji bila berada di luar negara
    e)Antara kaum menghormati ..
    Teruskan menulis TUN

  705. What is so bad about being as we were before? We were living in harmony and in prosperity. As a nation of mixed race, we were admired by other nations for our ability to keep our multi-ethnic country harmonious and peaceful. And for 50 years, we have managed to keep it that way. Thanks to our earlier leaders and their policies that obviously worked.
    So what if the Malays have special privileges? Aren’t the other races being given opportunities (unequal they may be) to prosper and to live peacefully? All the races were given FREEDOM – the power and opportunity to shape one’s own life: to house and feed a family, with security and dignity, and to practice your faith in peace.
    Isn’t that what we all want and what people fight and give their lives for?
    We should be grateful. Not greedy!

  706. Sir,
    Your no.5 reads,
    “5. Far from the opposition’s “win” being brought about by rejection of racial politics, it has actually enhanced racial politics. We talk more about race and racial interest than we did in the last 50 years.”
    …Meaning: The opposition breeds racial politics. Bravo .. racists to the core.
    6. The Malays are feeling the loss of their political base and the Chinese and Indians appear to be glorifying in the new political clout.
    …Meaning: If this is true, then Malaysia is doomed. Hey you Malaysians, say that it’s not true. Say that we care for each other. Hey you Malaysians in power to-day; take care of us.
    Friends, stop talking of what Malaysia can give, talk of what we can give.

  707. TUN
    orang asli

  708. Salam Sejahtera Tun,
    1. Current Malay politic weather is really deteriorating, diminishing and panicking in everyway. Even people like me who does NOT make politic a daily digest feel so much disgusted with statements made by our leaders. Not just recently but from the start they claimed reign from you. I have bad feeling since then. And now the bad feeling has become worst. I supposed you should NOT take the blame for letting incompetent people driving this country to a dead end. You did things the way it should be. You give people chances to prove themselves worthy a huge responsibility. After a LONG while (proving themselves), how much are they worth now? I think NOT much or may be a little undervalued.
    2. I wish them could have a little self respect and starts taking action what best for the Malay (bangsa), Islam (agama) and Malaysia (Negara). Condemn me racist, if you really know what it means. I am Malay; therefore I will never want to see my race degraded so low in our very own land. Think about it for while, it is not that big in overall and we are willing to share. Don’t tell me you’re not racist at all. You’re born in a race! Race is “bangsa”. Race is also for “lumba” (compete). We compete for sure.
    And we allow you to compete in our very own land. How much hospitality you Non-Malay are expecting? Are you asking us stay out of a house while you take reign in the house? Do you have any sense of gratefulness? Have you ever thought why your ancestor leaving their country and risk their lives in this very land?
    3. As to my observation, whatever happening now is actually not so much rooted from people within the country. Their evil agenda has taken the nation into an ill-stricken condition and sadly, some key people succumbed to them. This shows how weak we are as a nation. This is the right time to strengthen our unity, take a firm stand and re-strategize to avert the wind of attack. Yes, it takes a great sacrifice and our great previous leaders have done so. How I wish current leaders to have self-respect and take a worthy step for once in their lifetime.
    4. To our leaders, there is nothing we cannot fix. Damages are and being done everyday, just fix them. That’s why the nation elected you. If you cannot carry on, we nation never mind, but do not lose hope. Allow others to hand in help. That could be the wisest thing to do. Don’t let the nation remember you as a loser. Bak kata orang melayu,
    “ukurlah baju di badan sendiri”. You have done well and now let others do better. Give chances like others have done to you. Take your ultimatum to a greater stand. Uphold the words “Cemerlang, Gemilang dan Terbilang” if you dare. I wish everyone well.
    5. Thank you.

  709. Salam Sejahtera Tun,
    Saya memang sayakan tanah tumpah darah saya ini dan pergolakan yg berlaku sekarang membimbangkan saya. Melayu berpecah-belah, pemimpin melayu tiada yang berkaliber.Pemimpin melayu/Islam yg ada sekarang tiada seorang pun yg boleh diharap.Jika bangsa lain berkecil hati dgn kenyataan yg di keluarkan oleh “one culprit” tentang isu pendatang, kenapa bangsa lain sokong / berdiam diri dan tidak pula meminta maaf apabila ada pertubuhan bukan Islam yg secara terang-terangan mengadakan forum yg menyentuh hak mahkamah Syariah sedangkan isu yg bincangkan amat sensitif bagi orang melayu khususnya yg beragama Islam. Why? Kenapa Zaid Ibrahim berdiam diri? Why? Bukankah dia hero yg menaikkan semula maruah hakim -hakim yg dipecat yg mana tindakannya itu akhirnya dijadikan bahan oleh bangsa lain untuk memperlekehkan pemimpin melayu dulu dan sekarang.Oh ya…berapa banyak kerajaan duit rakyat yg dia guna utk bayar pampasan? So, harap AAB sedar dan fikir SENDIRI. Betul cakap Tun, pemimpin UMNO sekarang, dihadapan AAB mereka tidak berani membantah dan menyuarakan pendapat, malah menyokong pemimpin yg lemah ini. bcoz they don’t want to loose their position dlm kerajaan dan AAB tertidur dlm puji-pujian org disekelilingnya juga di dlm akhbar-akhbar sdgkan hakikatnya dia dicemuh.(ini pendapat peribadi saya). Dan saya juga tidak nampak agenda Anwar kembali adalah untuk membela rakyat tetapi lebih kepada revenge dan taksub untuk mendapat kuasa. Saya sgt berharap agar pemimpim melayu yg beragama Islam dan mengamalkan Islam bersama-sama merendah diri, duduk semeja dan berbincanglah tentang hala tuju dan apa tujuan anda semua untuk menjadi pemimpin. Demi rakyat atau untuk kekayaan semata-mata? Dan saya masih percaya hanya TUN seorang sahaja pemimpin yang mampu melakukan sesuatu demi masa depan bangsa dan agama kita, namun masa semakin singkat….

  710. Dear Tun
    IMO everyone should not forget their roots and this apply to all quarters. At times, some may get too emotional in passing remarks. Even an adorable cat will retaliate when cornered, threatened and intimidated. Though to apologise is very appropriate when harmony is concern.

  711. salam Tun n slmt menunaikan ibadah puasa…
    Apa yang boleh saya katakan…the time is is coming, the people is rising, n it now the the time untuk UMNO berambus dari pentas kuasa…. sori kasar bahasa tu, ..
    Apa yang berlaku mencerminkan umno telah hilang kawalan, nak menipu rakyat, ramai rakyat semakin cerdik, nak memperbodohkan IQ melalui media, rakyat dah ada media alternatif – everything is expected as soon as u resigned from ur post… dari detik tu saya percaya umno akan tumbang tetapi sayang politician menghalalkan apa jua cara cam Tun x dapat nak lihat sign dgn jelas…
    semoga jenayah umno kepada rakyat malaysia akan dimuktamadkan secepatnya…

  712. Dear Tun,
    Your latest posting shows that the “real” Tun M is dare to face anyone and gain the support of the mass.
    I did comment harshly on your “Pohon Mahaf” posting. I seems that you have overlooked the sensitive feeling of Malaysian in general. But that doesn’t mean that you have lose the respect as one of the Great Leader in the world. I even hope that you would able to win a noble prize for your achievement and unselfishness work. I supported your Wawasan 2020, which now will be an impossible task. I supported your Gerbang Perdana bridge. I even proudly says that Malaysia has been known to the world by your vision. “Buy Last Britain”,”Pandang Ke Timur”,”Currency COntrol”,”EAEC Vision”, etc. These are just a some decision that was taken during your tenure as PM that have pulled all Malaysian together. I would says you are the “Bapa Vision Malaysia”.
    So, when your posting was mentioned about condemning other races, we become uneasy. Realistically, Pakatan Rakyat didn’t won the recent GE BUT actually BN lose it. People are just showing their disgruntled feeling by voting for the opposition. Hindraf is a rubbish or kucing kurap group that actually runs by politicians. Non of the Hindraf members are seems to take up Indian to better Quality WorkLife. I believe a lot of Indians start to believes that they have actually create more disunity rather than unity in Indian communities.
    Basically, the current PM don’t seems to understand the voice of MAlaysian. He is more preoccupied with his self agendas. He don’t have or know how to pull all the Malaysian to work together. His speeches are boring, without any substance. He likes to change his govt. policies overnight. He don’t defend his action. Furthermore, he even can’t control or take action against his own MPs/Ministers. He don’t seems perturbed on current economic condition. Probably, he don’t seems to understand the economic concept well.
    Lastly, forgive us if we have mentioned or posted some harsh words for your earlier posting. “May God Bless You & Your Family”.

  713. Assalamualaikum Tun Pak Det,
    Disgraceful ,humiliated ,shameful and blatantly undermined BANGSA MELAYU with the present so called pemimpin Melayu.
    Don’t even bother to investigate properly what had been said by Ahmad Said, they simply apologize and admit their mistake. He is a MAN , Ahmad Said speak out what actually his words. Bangang betul , sikit-sikit minta maaf or retracted their act eg KERISMUDIN.
    Blatant stupid were manifested by UMNO President during past few yrs UMNO Gen meeting, when he became the spokeman for Azhar Mansor, insisted that guy was purely MUSLIM. Why on earth he spoke the issue that did not related to development of NUSA BANGSA. He wanted to gain popularity sampah murahan. Si Azhar can declared himself Muslim by reciting SYAHADAH je, no need this joker PM spoke on his behalf.
    UMNO is really desperado, The top leader has tarnish the party image!!

  714. Dear TUN and fella Malaysian,
    Well, this is not a matter of RACIST, i belived that over the years of independences, Malaysia has alway been classified as a multi racial and democratic country, definition of multiracial? according to american heritage dictionary online, it means Having ancestors of several or various races, so that indicates that Malaysia back in TUNKU’s time is formed by MALAYSIAN’S Muslims, MALAYSIAN’S chinese, MALAYSIAN”S INDIANS and other native, so why are we talking about pre merdeka? If you all want to talk about history, then please DONT EVER CALCULATE THE YEARS OF MALAYSIA’S INDEPENDENT. If were to look at HISTORY, please define who is the first person who came and migrates people to MALAYA, no doubt he IS CHINESE’S muslim, but he is still a CHINESE.
    Tun, 51 years of Malaysia, what we are here today in the nature of economics or nation, we have out grown many other developing countries, but why is the new government not focusing in developing further but getting into a laughing stock of world?
    I have saw the telecast of Parliament, it seems that the discussion in parliament no longer about the country but for the members to debate over family issues.

  715. Just as Muslims are labeled as terrorists, Malays are labeled as racists. These are labels given by small-minded people. To these simple-minded people, extremists who terrorise in the name of Islam represent the entire Muslim population. And a few Malays who are racists represent the entire Malay race. Never mind that maybe these few were actually defending their race when provoked (by people who are playing the racial card).
    History has shown that the Malays have been nothing but fair and generous to all races, yet these small-minded people chose to ignore this because they are the ones who want to play the racial card. It is a sensitive issue and nothing stokes anger quite as effectively as playing the racial card.

  716. Salam Tun,
    Demi negara bahawa pemimpin-pemimpin yang lama dan baru mesti bekerjasama memastikan keselamatan sentiasa terjamin kerana ini amat menakutkan dan segala yang telah diseimbangkan seharusnya dianugerahkan dengan perkhidmatan mereka yang telah berjaya dan semestinya sudah biasa dengan kerja-kerja membersih dan menstruktur.
    Please stay healthy Tun.

  717. Come on Malaysian,
    I’ve been the viewer for this blog for quite a while..
    What i reliazed is –
    1. Do we really have to rely on one person to build Malaysia?
    2. Do we really need to seperated out Malay, Chinese, Indian and etc? Come on, we are now is not compete within Malaysia, world is changing, we shd work hand in hand as a Malaysian to build up a great Malaysia and fight against Globalization…
    I’m not racist, but most of you have a very narrow minded-
    1. oh, Tun, we depend on you…
    2. Oh, we have to help Malay…
    Wake up everyone, world is towards globalization.. we are building a true Malaysia to compete to the rest of the ‘World’..

  718. Dearest Tun,
    After 51 years of independence and yet we are back to square one.
    Instead of propelling the country forward, we are stuck in neutral in this racism issue all over again. If that Ahmad goon uses his head before opening his mouth, I’m sure much complications can be diverted. Is UMNO itself a racist party? Definitely!!
    Its true that Bodowi is unable to handle this issue, much less handle others.

  719. Salam Tun,
    Walau apapun tanggapan orang pada tulisan Tun tapi saya percaya ada kebenaran di sebalik tulisan Tun itu.
    Dahulu semua dapat hidup harmoni dan tiada gangguan sangat pun sebab keadaan sekarang jauh berbeza dengan keadaan dulu, dulu media-media tidak sebanyak sekarang, hanya media cetak je meluas berbanding tv dan radio..masatu berapa ramai sgt yang ada benda tu..
    Pada semua jgn lupa yang Tun lah yang banyak membangunkan industri ICT dulu, kalau tidak jangan haraplah semua dapat nak merasa kebebasan meluahkan pendapat masing-masing dalam blog atau apa sahaja.
    Sekarang semua media di atas dah jadi benda wajib ada untuk setiap orang, siap mengalahkan minyak kenderaan lagi..
    Saya seronok dapat jadi rakyat Malaysia pada zaman Tun tapi tidak pada masa sekarang. Isu perkauman dah semakin menjadi-jadi.
    Contoh paling nyata sekarang adalah dalam dunia pekerjaan, semakin banyak syarikat yang memberi syarat boleh berbahasa Cina atau Tamil..apa kejadahnya ni?Tidak cukupkah dengan berbahasa Inggeris dan Malaysia sahaja, semua tolong beri perhatian pada perkara ini..
    Saya cabar siapa yang boleh bagi sebab kenapa perlu berbahasa Cina dalam kerja, jangan bagi alasan semua staf dalam syarikat tu Cina, tu hanyalah alasan bodoh sahaja.
    Kepada Pak Lah, sudah-sudah lah…dalam kenyataan akhbar hari ini kamu kata “saya akan pastikan tiada apa-apa terjadi pada 16 sept ini”..?
    Macam mana kamu nak “pastikan” wahai Pak Lah oi? Dengan kekerasan ke, kamu tu bukannya keras sangat pun, boleh buat orang gelakkan kamu je kalau kamu nak berkeras jugak..
    Pada yang nakkan Tun kembali atau tubuhkan parti baru, fikir-fikirlah sendiri kenapa Tun tak bagi reaksi, Tun dah berfikir ke hadapan lebih jauh dari kita berfikir, dan Tun tahu baik buruknya..
    Pada yang membangkang Tun, sedarlah siapa diri tu sedikit..Membangkang berdasarkan buah mulut orang lain, bukti habuk pun takde, fitnah menjadi-jadi..Ramai yang dah terlupa dan tak tahu apa yang terjadi pada penulis buku ‘Sh*t’ dulu..
    Selamat berpuasa kepada semua, jangan dikurangkan pahala berpuasa kalian tu, sia-sia je berlapar seharian..

  720. Good Morning Tun and bloggers:
    Well, right before 8th March general election. BN was still the all mighty ruling party. But after the so called political tsunami which even the opposition coalition did not expected to achieve such support had unfolded the following shameful truth:
    1. That BN is a very bad loser. Is like sport, you could not be winner forever. Take score of what made you lost and improve on it. Time and again they said component parties are loyal and will not jump ship. Then why all the fishy “coincidence”?
    BN has been in power for 51 years, there must be something that works but that something had gone and I say the root of all evil is having a field day and that evil is “Money”.
    Let’s not dance to the tune of evil or we will be burnt and rot in hell.
    I wish well dear Tun.

  721. You don’t get it or very conveniently choose to ignore it. That way you can continue to shift blame elsewhere. Sounds exactly like my wife. So I know what I am talking about.
    This Ahmad of Bukit Bendera stood on a BN, UMNO platform and spoke, not because he was an ordinary citizen or an ordinary supporter of UMNO or a Malay. He spoke in his capacity of a Divisional Chairman and an appointed representative of UMNO. He spoke what was mandated by UMNO and what UMNO has been accustomed to say not just behind close doors, but also in public.
    That is why UMNO needs to apologise and distance itself from those words of his.
    Hindraf says something, it says in its capacity. ITs never been recognised to be representing the Indian or for that matter the Hindu community. MIC is the organisation that has taken that mantle. And MIC is complettely opposed to Hindraf. Hindraf are MIC’s worst nightmare. So why do you expect Samy Velu to apologise for what you find is offensive that Hindraf may have stated?
    AS for the rest of us, yes in coffee shop talk and between ourselves we may have a lot of uncomplimentary things to say about Malays and each othre. We also say those things about Westerners and each other. Amongst the Chinese we say these things about others of a different dialect. Between us Indians we say such nasty things about Tamils, Malayalees, Punjabis and so on. Now, only UMNO Putras find that it is quite alright for them to say what they say out loud and in public. So tell me, how is it that our leaders are supposed to apologise for what we speak in private? Or even if some may have said anything in public it is not from any political platform.

  722. Let’s all take a step back… it’s unfortunate that Malaysia is focused on political issues and not long term economic, environmental or greater social issues. It’s the people that are not reading this blog or have web access that are going to suffer when the nation does not progress from selfish political agendas. If only the fortunate rakyat (yes, that’s you who are reading this) are as passionate about building a sustainable country as debating about who’s right/wrong. Well done to you all.. any foreign investors who are following the turmoil will think twice before having the confidence in Malaysia.

  723. Dear Tun,
    I respect you as our Bangsa Malaysia great leader. But this time, i mean you have worsening the whole situation.

  724. Kepada Pasrah, September 5, 2008 9:34 PM
    Bukan orang Melayu yang berikan kerakyatan kepada orang bukan Melayu, dan bukan orang bukan Melayu yang berikan hak istimewa kepada orang Melayu. Kerakyatan dan hak istimewa adalah asas negara merdeka seperti yang dipersetujui oleh British. Kalau tidak ada sosial contract ini takkan wujud Malaya Merdeka.

  725. The one playing the racial card is not the Malays. Why would they need to? They are the majority with special privileges. They have more to lose if they “play” the racial card.
    A quick glance at the nasty comments and its obvious they are written by HYPOCRITES. They are racists themselves. And I’m sure had the situation been the other way around they would not be as generous as the Malays. Guaranteed!

  726. Dear Tun,
    You are not going to clean up or save Malaysia by yourself, single-handedly. You have hinted on this in your last postings. It is like lifting a big table. You can’t lift a big dining room table by yourself, but you need several people to carry it…It takes collective effort.
    It is obvious that the PM and DPM makes poor leaders, as much as they reflect the nature of poor parenting. We have a “Budak Nakal” in this man Ahmad….Is it so difficult for them to manage him? that the whole country has to be turned upside down because of him?
    Most Malaysian would be appreciative to see both yourself and Anwar get together to solve our present woes, before it is too late. We would all rather forget your tiff with Anwar…As they say and as Anwar says, the past is the past and he would rather leave it behind.
    Chaos can be seen in the light of inspiration…
    If you reconcile with Anwar, and work together with him, you will not be seen as what happened to Tunku and Hussein Oon…bitter and not able to reconcile with you before death.

  727. Dear Dr M,
    I truly admired those who “minta ma’af” before putting in their disagreement on your previous article. It just show that there are lots of respect for you Dr M, ….. and they are just MALAYSIAN!

  728. A’Salam Tun
    Yes now I agree with your Pohon Maaf #2. If Paklah and Najib could not get that culprit Ahmad Ismail to apologize then what is the point for us to RESPECT Paklah and Najib as our leader .They cannot even get this culprit ( just one guy) to do a correct thing under UMNO how we expect them to run Malaysia.
    As what you said…….. Paklah is destroying UMNO and he must quit and majority also will NOT support Najib to be our next PM ….. Same as you I do not wish Anwar to be our next PM….. Things look very dark now for Malaysia.

  729. Salam Tun yang disayangi.
    Tun nak buat lagu mana lagi ni????
    Bangsa kita akan musnah macam ni ja….
    Hancur dibuat dek Paklah dan rakan-rakannya…
    Tun yang disanjung, bagi lah idea tolong anak cucu saya nanti

  730. Klu dah pemimpin Melayu sendiri lemah, asyik nak minta maaf je, macam mana Melayu nak maju dan berani? Dari kes hunus keris (Hisyammudin) sampai la kes yg terbaru (Najib minta maaf tapi tuan punya badan tak nak). Tapi di mana Pak Lah? Asyik dok buat tak tau je. Sini tak tau, sana tak tau! Semua tak tau tapi projek semua nak sapu kat anak beranak. Sokongan rakyat dah makin lama makin terhakis asyik dok kata no problem! Pemimpin macam ni ke nak propel negara ke depan?
    C’mon la pemimpin2 lain UMNO. Bertindak la cepat. Saya masih percaya hanya UMNO yg dapat dan mampu memacu negara ke era yg lebih berjaya. Walaubagaimanapun kepercayaan ini ada hadnya. Klu ambik masa lama sangat, besar kemungkinan kepercayaan ini mungkin beralih pada yg lain! Saya tau ada ramai pemimpin2 UMNO dan BN melayari blog ini. Ambil lah iktibar cepat ye. Jgn nanti anda berkuasa pada parti yg tidak ada kuasa di negara sendiri!

  731. sam
    Dear Tun
    I can accept the Bangsa Malaysia if the Chinese and the Indian can speak fluent Malay. No Chinese and Indian school in Malaysia. Most of them cannot speak proper Malay and yet they want us to acknowledge the Bangsa Malaysia.I felt disgusted to hear the some Malaysian Chinese do not understand and speak Malay.
    Luv U Tun

  732. Dear Tun,
    I’m absolutely confused with ‘Pohon Maaf’ and it’s sequel article.
    Are you against racism or the ‘pohon maaf’ act that follows?
    I am an indian, and a ‘pendatang’ in that sense. I am the second generation of Indian born and bred in Malaysia, so what it takes for me to be a Malaysian?
    Just at the moment I felt like a true Malaysian for the first time in my life, your article confused me.
    Please shed some light….

  733. (1) I considered myself as malaysian and not a chinese. The only
    nation of malaysia is the malaysian not the chinese, malays or
    (2) I am sort of anti racist and i treated my sub-ordinate well
    regardless they are from what races. The capable and the
    ambitious will be promoted in my company which i am blindness
    to think about the race of that employee.
    (3) Malaysia is a sourful country, we can live happily here but
    sharing the wealth. if a country is advance, everybody gets
    (4) I convey my apolozies to Tun if my previous comments on pohon
    maaf 1 sounded unpleasant.

  734. Salam buat Tun serta Keluarga,
    Pak Lah dan Najib siang2 mencemar duli minta maaf adalah untuk mententeramkan keadaan aja. Kalau tidak mungkin jadi huru hara BN agaknya. Tapi malangnya apabila Ahmad buat sidang akhbar dan menyatakan keadaan sebenar dan tidak mahu mintak maaf, saya rasa sekali lagi Pak Lah dan Najib dimalukan macam nak lantik MB Perlis dan MB Terengganu dulu. Kalah kat Permatang Pauh pun malu juga. Berapa punya banyak malu lah!
    Hidup Tun!

  735. salam tun,
    I was one of those people who r too lazy to cast my vote during election time. I did not vote for the past 20 years. But in this 12th election i was the second in line to vote. Why? Bcos i cannot stand the inaction of UMNO on wrong doers like the close one eye case & the late klang guy who built a mansion. Tun, i m not against any party in particular but i think the best thing for Malaysia is for UMNO to stop governing this country for at least a while bcos there r too much corruption. I m sure u must agree that corrupted people must be prosecuted. In this case even the very top ones r also corrupted, so how to take action? Pls b fare to all Malaysian. UMNO must step a side, go thru a consolidation period, throw out all the corrupted people, set up stringent rules for its member and come back as a respected party.

  736. salam tun,
    dear tun, saya malaysian keturunan india…….saya sentiasa mengikuti perkembangan tun sejak zaman persekolahan saya dulu. saya kagum dengan tun especially when u r the PM.Your speech really inspire me.
    sya setuju dgn pendapat tun di atas.di sini sya hendak sedikt perjelasan dari tun berkenaan kedudukan kaum2 di malaysia, saya dilahirkan di malaysia fasih bahsa melayu n sya cintakan malaysia.
    my father also born malaysian.apa kedudukan(hak) sya kalau dibandingkan dgn katakanlah seorg warga singapura atau indonesian malay muslim mendapat warga malaysia.apakah beliau juga mendapat hak istimewa melayu. Apa bezanya saya dgn warga baru ini padahal saya dilahirkan si bumi ini. Inilah tanah tumpah darahku.Jika ya kenapa? disini saya bukan ingin berdebat tapi sekadar hendak satu penjelasan sahaja supaya saya dapat jelaskan kepada anak cucu saya nanti.and saya tak persoalkan hak istimewa melayu,cuma nak tau definisi melayu dalam konteks iniKalau tun tak dapat beri perjelasan mungkin para pembaca blog yang lain boleh perjelaskannya.
    sekin…i will always support tun and hope suatu hari dapat bertemu dengan tun.perjuangan kita belum berakhir………salam hormat semuga Tuhan panjangkan usia tun

  737. Assalamualaikum Tun,
    Permasalahan ini hanya dapat diselesaikan jika kita dapat kembali kepada ajaran Islam yang sebenarnya. Agama kita tidak menghalang kita cintakan bangsa dan tanahair, namun agama kita yang suci melarang kita terlalu bersifat perkauman (asabiyyah qaumiyyah). Allah menjadikan keturunan Adam berbeza dari segi warna kulit dan keturunan bukan untuk membezakan kemuliaan dan kelebihan antara kita.
    Inilah yang sepatutnya menjadikan negara kita dihormati oleh negara-negara lain di dunia kerana Malaysia dapat menyatukan pelbagai kaum tanpa tanpa membezakan asal usul keturunan. Tetapi pada hakikatnya?…Tepuk dada…. Wassalllam.

  738. Salam Tun.
    I would like to make a few points:
    1. I salut Dato’ Ahmad Ismail and Penang UMNO for not apologizing but sticking to the facts instead. We Malays feel that in the wake as you put it, the non-Malays’ new political clout, we should stop making stupid apologies just to “jaga hati” the other side.
    2. Since PRU12, irresponsible quarters have seen it fit to humiliate and make Malays feel insecure by incessantly questioning and sometimes threatening to dismantle, anything that is remeotely connected with Malays and Islam.
    3. We have already lost Tanah Melayu just like BangsaMoro have lost Moroland. Enough is enough. These non-Malays at times in conjuction with their Malay cohorts, have unfortunately thrown away the required discipline to keep the peace in this country.
    4. I don’t think for one second that the Malay/ Islamic policies and symbols in Malaysia are anywhere near racism, discrimination what have you. Otherwise, as we all know matter-of-factly the non-Malays here would have been nowhere near their huge achievements in various fields. Now why do they pretend to have suffered so much and make outright lies?
    5. Coming back to the UMNO Penang, my childhood impression on them was not very good. As a child, I was with an UMNO division delegation touring KL, Perak, Penang, Kedah and Perlis. In all these states except Penang, we received very good hospitality and learned a lot about their development and politics. However we were left to our own device in Penang since very strangely, despite all the efforts, the UMNO Penang host never turned up.
    6. However, the guts that they have lately despite the dismal performance of their state chief, have made me re-considered my long-held “prejudice” on them. I saw Dato’ Ahmad’s open palm. His urat tapak tangan kanan shows that people shouldn’t play play with him.
    7. In UK, we used to have pretty serious discussions among UMNO club members. I think we had made some proposals. Basically we would like the Kedah Sultanate/ government to reclaim sovereignty over Penang Island.
    8. Many Malays and non-Malays alike have said lately that Malaysia needs somebody like Tun at the helm.
    Your comments Sir?

  739. Tun,
    Kita rakyat Malaysia cukup beruntung jika dibanding dengan negara-negara yang terjebak dalam krisis politik sehingga sedikit sebanyak menjejaskan kehidupan rakyatnnya. Suku kaum di Malaysia begitu banyak sekali tetapi kita masih lagi tetap boleh bekerjasama.Sikap yang racist ini telah kelihatan seolah bertapak dalam cara sebilangan pemimpin kita berfikir.Keadaan ini adalah disumbangkan sedikit sebanyak oleh bentuk sekolah yang beraneka jenis dan didalamnya pula hampir untuk kaum tertentu sahaja. Dari segi kemudahan sekolah jenis kebangsaan cina sebai contoh, dilihat lebih canggih dari sekolah kebangsaan itu sendiri.Maka adalah tidak mustahil kaum yang sudah mewah untuk tidak mahu berkongsi kemudahan ini dengan kaum lain.Pendekatan TUN untuk menubuhkan sekolah wawasan sesuatu yang amat bijak dan berwawasan.Cabaran saya sanggupkah kaum-kaum lain berkongsi sekolah tanpa ada jenis sekolah cina dan india,tetapi bahasa mandarin,tamil,iban,kadazan dusun dll dipelajari sebagai bahasa pilihan.Budaya yang diterap dalam sekolah yang berlainan sedikit sebanyak mungkin kurang kental untuk memahami apa yang dirasai oleh kaum lain.Sebagaimana contoh orang bukan bumuputera merasa perlu keistimewaan sepertimana yang ada pada kaum bumiputera,bumiputera pula rasa tercabar sehingga kalau boleh taraf sosio ekonomi biar setanding,ruang perniagan hendak dibuka seadil-adilnya disetiap pelusuk negara tanpa mirip kepada kaum tertentu sahaja.Maka setiap kaum tidak lagi memandang rendah tentang kemampuan mana-mana kaum baik politik atau ekonomi.Kesannya sudah pasti negara akan maju secara lebih total kerana masing-masing sudah menyumbang kepada kemakmuran negara tercinta.Rakyat akan lebih kreatif dalam mencari peluang ekonomi baru tidak lagi bergantung kepada kerjaan.Kita juga sudah tahu memilih pemimpin bijak menyatu padu rakyat dan ilmu ekonominya pula bertaraf global.Kuasa rakyat akan tetap digunakan sebaik mungkin bilamana kelihatan adanya kerajaan memerintah korupsi . Terima kasih….TUN.

  740. talking about racial tension, i think we do have but highly controllable.
    coming from mixed races(chinese/malay/pakis),sometimes you do get different treatment.ex;on salary,benefit and socialising. from my point of view, depends on level of groups.i mean ,it’s related to educational background,social status,upbringing,surrounding,place (where you came from & lived),culture.
    i have a young daughter, one day ,she came home from school(KAFA) and asked me a quite disturbing question , ‘ummi, kita tak boleh kawan dengan orang cina kan?india pun tak boleh kan?’
    i said ‘kenapa tak boleh kawan dik?’ and she answered ‘ sebab dia bukan org islam…!’ wow, coming from mixed races,i felt quite irritating because that was not i taught & educate my children to react.
    so, i correct things back ,i told her ‘ semua org kita boleh kawan, cina, india, org putih,org hitam,kelabu, coklat,pink,biru hijau…asalkan yg baik-baik, yg tak baik kita toksah kawan sebab nanti kita pun jadi tak baik dik..!” she drew a laughter when i said all the colours i could remember at that time. one day ,she also asked when icecream man making his round in the evening..’ boleh tak beli ais krim kat org india?’ i said about the same thing ‘ dik, kalau semua ais krim tu sama je,dengan sapa2 pun, kita boleh beli asal bersih,sedap dan halal’ .What inquisitive mind the child has..! something has triggered her coming with that kind of questions. As a parent, i have to be wise and fair ,not to further confuse the young mind.
    so, saya terfikir jika ada cikgu-cikgu atau ibubapa yg bercakap sesuatu yg menyebabkan kanak2 berfikir begitu (esp, those in pre- schools),ianya sudah tidak baik kerana kita semakin jauh dlm konteks muhibbah.
    Tidak kira jika mrk berbangsa melayu,cina atau india. saya rasa salah satu penyebab kita tidak boleh satukan sekolah kepada satu sekolah kebangsaan saja adalah kerana isu ini ,penerapan didikan dlm kefahaman pergaulan ,it’s nothing to do with one’s ethnicity and religion. when they understand,as they grow up, they will learn to respect others without having to sacrifice their right.

  741. Dear Tun M,
    You were once a person I’ve respected for years since young, however with “Pohon Maaf”, you broke my heart.
    You among all knew the consequences of the “Pohon Maaf” post. However I thank you for posting it still, for that we knew your views and your intention. And some nice fellows could correct the myths and misunderstood facts. Now this “Pohon Maaf 2” sounded more like damage control.
    We vote for the person who could work to represent the people, and if the candidates from any political group, racial or not, are not productive and contribute constructively to the country (somemore racist)..well, sorry you will not get my votes. Eventually, the Ethiopia, is a party of Malaysian, regardless of races and religions. I’m not saying that it’s PKR though.
    The solution for the hoooha is very simple: The person who’ve made the mistake, reflect and be a man, sincerely apologise. End of story. But at the same time, it is painful, every time someone stab a knife in you and apologise afterwards, without truly feeling guilty and ashamed, again and again.
    We knew the answers of a lot of questions, like who are the true bumiputeras, like the importance of fairness and transparency, like who needs help the most (regardless of races and religions)….
    We all have such short time on earth, and how fortunate we are to be born in Malaysia, a country free of natural disaster, tropical weather all year round, and with such unique culture and history.
    We have everything to be successful, yet we are not moving forward, we are not achieving what we should, even after 51 years of independence.
    We are born the same, no superior nor inferior to each other.
    Why not be kind, be empathic, be loving, be fair and be good to each other? Like what all our religions preached. Or what mothers tell their babies they cuddle dearly in their arms.
    Why not?
    Salam Ramadan.

  742. SALAM TUN,

  743. Dear Tun..
    TQ for your quick explaination regarding the Pohon Maaf 1 because I get worried that some of my friend (non Malay) when read your blog recently have just imagine that you had become Malay hero (or ambil ksempatan) this day due to PLah & Anwar is fighting right now. Hope your explanation accepted all of us.
    Tun…all the best!

  744. Salam Tun,
    When I read your 1st posting on “pohon maaf”, I had expected a number of people to completely miss the point. Some started to throw accusations and more accusations. If they had taken time to digest and not resort to blindly typing their rants, then they would see the bigger picture. It took Tun’s 2nd post on the same matter for some of them to come down their high horses and realize that Tun is nowhere what they had accused Tun off. While I don’t want to accuse them of being racist for accusing of Tun one, maybe in the future they should read more.
    From an early stage my parents and Tun’s habit had cultivated in me a love of reading that has led an understanding of what is between the lines.
    Maybe some Malaysians need to travel in time and read this interview by Tun and Utusan Malaysia http://www.utusan.com.my/utusan/info.asp?y=2002&dt=0616&pub=Utusan_Malaysia&sec=Rencana&pg=re_01.htm
    He is very critical of the Malays. In a country like Malaysia, he laments the fact that Malays are not competitive. If ones reads his interview, one would understand that in the long term, this is not good for a country like Malaysia.
    And during his reign, who prospered most and did non Malays struggled? If his detractors cannot even honestly answer that, then they’re just plain ignorant.

  745. Dear Tun,
    In my years growing up under your leadership, it has never occured to me that you were an ‘Ultra-Malay’. I’ve always believed that u were an ‘Ultra-Malaysian’.
    It seems that in the dire situation this country is in, the time for reflection and sharing of thought has passed. It is now time for action.
    U may feel that this is a ridiculous idea and even a futile attempt for change, but I would like u to consider championing the following actions:
    I call to action your readers and supporters and those who love Malaysia to:
    1. Wear a black armband as a sign of silent protest to the current leadership and to request the immediate resignation of our beleaguered PM.
    2. Write to your MP and state your dissatisfaction of the current leadership and state your support for a change in leadership.
    3. Write to the Ketua Cawangan of your local BN component party stating the same.
    I truly believe that the following actions will snowball and send a signal that the current PM would not be able to miss even if he was fast asleep. It may even help to provide the needed courage for UMNO to call for a change.
    Thank you.
    “Change is the only constant!”

  746. Dear Tun,
    May this mail find you and your family with the best of health and prosperity.
    You are not a racist but a true leader of your country.You have been the PM for the past 22 yeras during your tenure and you dare to speak out of your mind and the thruth.I admired your courage when you speak about any issue during world conference(eg:Palestine issue and Iraq War)without any fear or favour and that shows of a great leadership. My latemother was a Malaysian and my late father was Indonesian/Singapore PR. I was born in Singapore and understand how it feels to be a minority group in my country.
    You are a legend in history book as Malaysian PM.
    Best Regards and Wassallam.

  747. Assalamualaikum Tun,
    1)This is the problem foreseen by LKY before his resignation from the top post. The current government need to continue to serve the people at top performance regardless of their capability. When you quit in 03, you left a huge shoe for Pak Lah to fit in. As compare to LKY, he sticked on until today just to ensure that the government continously serve the people at the same level of performance as he did. Imagine a leader with 22 years of management capability handed over the job to a rookie and the rookie is depending on another rookie to help him out!!!
    2)Management has become very tehnical nowadays require a lot of mathematics, simulations, even some scientific procedures (beside the traditional discipline)to ensure the prescription works, yet we dont see the current management deploy any of them. At least if they can show their analytical prowess, that should be enough.
    3)The current management really should learn how China was unified! Uniting geographically huge countries, with people from various tribes and religions, the amount of sacrifice was huge!
    Thank you for your continous sharing of visions, we will fight them head on!

  748. salam tun
    Saya membesar dibawah pemerintahan tun , selama 23 tahun tak pernah terjadi keadaan seperti sekarang ni.Semua orang terlalu bebas mengucapkan kata-kata yang kadang kala melukakan hati orang lain.terlalu banyak kata-kata akan ada banyak salahnya.cukuplah dengan apa yang ada sekarang jangan dicurah minyak keatas api.semoga MALAYSIA kekal aman damai untuk semua…………

  749. Dear SIR,
    1. Are we truly MALAYSIANS? Which millennium will we belong to?
    2. Why onslaught of the races during the elections? Are we on the right track?
    3. BN is well aware that the ideals we Malaysians are seeking to uphold are irrefutable and are recognized by more Malaysians as a better 2020 vision for the future of our nation.
    4. BN is thus now seeking to draw attention away from issues that are pressing to all Malaysians by focusing on feeble attempt by feeble individuals.
    5. If we are truly Malaysians, we must in fact be anti-racism and pro Malaysians.
    6. We as Malaysians should stand up for the rights of the downtrodden and for integrity of all races.
    7. The failure of BN to produce any more credible critics or criticism than the disgruntled few thus far produced is a clear indication, BN leaders and are not offering a viable, dyanmic vision for a safer, more united and prosperous Malaysia.
    8. Are we going for a viable, dynamic 2020 vision for a safer, more united and prosperous Malaysia?

  750. Assalamualaikum,
    Memang Tun tak salah, tapi siapakah yang menarik kekebalan raja-raja Melayu? Kalau kuasa raja melayu dikembalikan nescaya mana-mana kaum yang ada di Malaysia ini tidak akan bercakap yang bukan-bukan, adakah kerana anak raja Kelantan yang nak melawan Tun dahulu dalam pemilihan parti menyebabkan Tun mengganggu kekebalan raja-raja Melayu??

  751. Assalamualaikum Tun,
    Saya menyokong Tun 100% dan sesungguhnya kita jangan tunduk kepada kehendak dan permainan sebahagian rakyat berbangsa cina dan berbangsa india yang orang kata, sudah diberi betis hendakkan peha.
    Ini bumi melayu dan kita sudah berikan mereka kesenangan selama ini, malah masih sudi memberikan kesenangan untuk di masa hadapan akan tetapi nampaknya sebahagian generasi muda mereka tidak sedar diuntung, kurang ajar dan tamak.
    Perlu di ingat bahawa 2 bangsa ini, sudah teramat tua dan dan mahir dalam segala bidang dan mampu mengambil alih teraju negara sekiranya orang melayu tersilap langkah. Kita sudah lihat apa sudah jadi pada kota singa, jgn sampai tanah kita yang ini pun hilang dari kita.
    Kuatkanlah diri kita dalam bidang masing-masing. Rebutlah kembali apa yang sudah hilang dari kita. Tak kisahlah ia ambil masa 20-30 tahun lagi pun tetapi selagi kita sedar dan mampu, mari kita semua berpadu, melawan dan berjuang. Berjuang tak perlu parang atau pistol, berjuang dari dalam bidang masing-masing. Pastikan kita lebih mampu dan pandai dari mereka.
    Dan ya, saya tidak kata bangsa cina atau india jahat, cuma sebahagian yang tidak sedar di untung. Kita mesti ajar dan lawan mereka.

  752. Askum & selamat berpuasa Tun,
    My first time but not the last. Anyway, do Tun has any personal e-mail address? There are a few things that need your personal opinion for me to understand.

  753. tun,
    visi semasa masa tun jadi pm, ibarat tun membawa kereta ferrari
    tak terkejar dek rakyat…
    tak visi…
    ibarat kereta rosak…tak bergerak
    asyik dok repair sana sini
    penumpang kepanasan…
    pomen asyik dok sembang…muka toya
    pemandu pula pening lalat

  754. Salam Tun and Toh Puan.
    I have two friend chines in school since it wauch from 1 to 5.
    Now i still have two chines frinds. His name Gan and Ping.
    They are very good to me.
    About “opelogies” – TPM doing is wrong. Is up to Melay to say what ever they want. Is up to Chines comunity to acepts or not. The MeLAY GIVE THEY VOTE TO THE CHINESS – we all no that seporter the majority is Melay…but the Melay trust the MIC, MCA, so they give vote and win….so whey the Melay canot say anything?
    We now the town have lot of chiness…but stil the Malay canot put to reperensent them. The cine still what the Chines…so how is racist?
    and about “they call u are racist” i dont think so Tun is racist.
    I remember when Tun have power “the Melay canot survie wihthout chines”..in her spech.
    Tun u are the best leader…U TALK THE TRUE…..that the still Pak Lah dont have….he is carwed.
    I hope Tun continue this isu and talk about it.
    We still need u as are leader…become the PM Malaysia.

  755. Salam Ayahanda Tun. Orang Melayu kini sedar dan bersyukur bahawasanya kita tetap mempunyai payung Raja-Raja Melayu untuk berteduh dikala sebegini. Institusi Raja-Raja Melayu kita adalah unik dan memainkan peranan yang jelas begitu penting kepada kesinambungan kesejahteraan Melayu, Malaysia dan seluruh kaumnya tak kira apa bangsa dan agama. Lompatan 16 September hanyalah gimik dan bukannya realiti kehidupan, juga hanyalah mimpi siang hari sesetengah Mat Jenin & Ass-ociates sahaja.

  756. salam dan selamat bersahur Tun.
    kalu benar apa yang dikatakan oleh para pengunjung blog yang menganggap tun sebagai racist saya mencabar mereka untuk bersetuju dan turun padang untuk berkempen agar kaum-kaum mereka dapat menerima kewujudan sekolah wawasan yang diperkenalkan oleh pentadbiran tun.

  757. Isu terbaru yg panas melibatkan pemimpin melayu Bukit Bendera, menerima reaksi berbeza-beza dari pelbagai pihak. Hari ini, setelah Ahmad membuat kenyataan terbuka di dalam Buletin Utama TV3, ramai yg tersentak dan menimbulkan berbagai persoalan baru yg harus dijawab dengan segera bagi mengelakkan persepsi buruk terhadap UMNO,Melayu & Malaysia. Persoalannya, bagaimana semua ini boleh berlaku? Pihak manakah yg inginkan ia berlaku? Apa yg tidak kena dgn hubungan dikalangan pemimpin atasan UMNO & BN? Kenapa isu sensitif seperti ini tidak diselidik dengan terperinci terlebih dulu sebelum membuat kenyataan? Adakah kebebasan media di dalam melaporkan sesuatu berita sudah sampai ke satu tahap yg di luar kawalan? Berapa lamakah pihak kerajaan perlukan masa untuk meletakkan titik noktah?
    Welcome to:

  758. Tun,
    Ahmad Ismail said his speech was not a racist remark but twisted by the newspaper. But before this the PM had already uttered an apology. Has the PM spoken to Ahmad Ismail regarding this? Did he investigate the matter first before opening his mouth?
    regarding the media, it is strange that the government allows opposition party’s opinion in the press but not yours. Is Badawi working for PKR.? Is he president of Opposition or UMNO / BN?
    Im confused.

  759. salam ..
    smga hr ini kshtn ayahanda TUN &isteri lbh baik dri smlm…
    stu isu amat dtkuti ttp hr ini ia timbul lg(dbwh DSAAB).Bngkitlah anak2 Melayu…kita bersatu tuk sebuah MALAYSIA..
    msih lenakah kita dgn buaian mimpi..
    ekonomi M’sia hr ini dterokai hbat oleh org bkn melyu…
    Tolong lah ayahandakn…bangkitkan kmbli smgt anak2 melayu..
    sm2 kita berjuang…
    Berbakti tuk agama,bangsa &negara MALASIA
    Biarkan Pak Lah dgn ‘sweet dream’

  760. Dear Tun,
    I m at your side for every single word that is spoken and written out of your mind.
    Keep it up.

  761. Orang yg memohon maaf bukanlah pengecut.
    Yg pengecut ialah orang yg tidak berani memberi hak yg sama kepada semua kaum.
    Orang melayu harus sedar bahawa, hak hak istimewa diberi kepada melayu, BUKAN kerana melayu ni hebat! BUKAN kerana tanah ini hak orang melayu!Hak-Hak Istimewa seperti kuota di dalam sekolah dan syarikat, diberi kepada kaum melayu kerana majoriti orang melayu ketinggalan berbanding kepada kaum kaum lain! As simple as that!
    Jikalau hak hak ini tidak diberi pada masa itu,peristiwa peristwa seperti Mei 13, 1969 akan berlaku.
    Yg bertoleransi dalam 50 tahun ini ,bukan hanya melayu, tetapi bangsa-bangasa lain juga!
    Jikalau apa yg dicakapkan bahawa Cina memberi 90%tax adalah benar, siapakah yang memberi byk contribution kepada negara? Di manakah kerajaan menjana capital untuk pembinaan jalan, airport, sepang dan lain lain?
    Ada orang yg memberi komen komen di sini dan post lain seperti “Cina dan india ni , diberi betis nak paha” . Orang orang begini just sounded like some rapist who just said :
    “Hei , aku hanya merogol u, saya tak bunuh , engkau patut rasa bertuah!”

  762. Obama is a black, the second generation. A great part of his life, childhood, was outside America. He was brought up in a Muslim family. Yet there is no problem for him to be a presidential candidate. There could have been some talks about him irrelevant to be the US President, but there is nothing there to stop him from becoming the President of America. Do you think this can happen in boleh for the third or fourth generation Chinese?

  763. Tun,
    Couldn’t agree more with Tun. I had always respected Tun, and I believed Tun had done much more than any of our leaders. With your previous Pohon Maaf entries, I respect your point of view as a Malay. So, I hope you could do the same from my point of view as a Chinese.
    It is universal truth in Malaysia that other race are not treated equally, in terms of basic needs, treatments and opportunities. We were brought up to shut our mouth, or else ISA or “balik China treatment”. Please note: “balik China” treatment is obviously not a possible solution. We need visas to get in China. We are proud holder of nothing else, but Malaysian Passport.
    We are now the 3rd or the 4th generations of “the imigrants”. Malaysia is our only home. In our home, we fear to speak up, and therefore very little “racist” remarks against Malay were publicized. The Malays are otherwise. They knew they can get away with it. (Let’s see what happen to Mr Ahmad)
    Malaysia is like a dysfunctional family. One kid gets everything, the other kids were deprived and emotionally abused. We are not eying at the pampered kid’s toys. We just wanted to be treated equally as a family. Until that day, Unity is impossible.
    Am I racist? Yes, I am. In fact everyone is. We are grouping each other, identify ourselves and discriminating ourselves them solely by our race. Remember, we are Malaysians. One identity, one country.

  764. dear tun,
    the issue is overblown. its simply good manners for the person for him to explain his stand or apologise. in this case he does not think he is wrong and let us leave it at that. but the direction and perception ahmad said does infer that he is racist by calling the chinese ‘squatters’. a lesser polite or even proper label would be immigrants. many of us who are born here would be offended by his remark.
    but it does leave a bad taste as we have seen when malays have a ceramah or a gathering, some extreme views have been taken due to the expense of stirring the crowd and inciting populist move at the minorities. it happens with the umno and we believe it does reflect some truth about the fears of the malay people and also the truth about opportunistic politicians from umno who exploit the issues to gain control and popularity.
    let it be warned that UMNO chiefs have played this tune once too often and even the Malays are disgusted at the ploy and antics of politicians. in the end, the leaders who promote communal feelings will also be rejected by their own.

  765. Salam Ayahanda Tun. According to Datuk Ahmad Ismail, his speech was actually taken out of context on purpose by the media, as well as he was later subjected to a media trial and sentenced by the media to guilty as charged. That’s the whole concern here, a minor jab and we just jump the guns too quickly and peril befalls us one day should the gun may actually be a loaded one. As I have stated before, Tun is no racist and his “Bangsa Malaysia” model is more pragmatic and attainable in peace and harmony. We are with you Tun, always have and always will be.

  766. Salam Tun,
    Bangsa-bangsa lain (& juga bangsa sendiri) sudah berani mempersoalkan tindakan-tindakan kerajaan dan kedudukan orang Melayu di negara kita, kerana kepalanya lemah. Kalu zaman Tun dulu, pemimpinnya sangat kuat & berwibawa, ade ke org lain nak mempersoalkan ape2 skalipun ? Takde.
    Good luck Tun.

  767. Salam dan selamat bersahur tun.
    I don’t know whether u and other readers will read my comments. Its too many and i’m commenting late afterall.This is my 1st time commenting after reading almost all your post.
    you have around 6 million registered user? This is a lot. You want support? This is it. I don’t think you can’t see the number. Now,why don’t you use this support and tell us what to do to correct things instead of just reveling things?Or just tell us what your plan really is so that we can help you.
    Fellow readers,
    What are we all doing here babbling about? Are grumbling and cursing someone gonna change our life?Is saying “I LOVE U TUN”, “I SUPPORT U TUN” will make tun kill pak lah?? I’m not trying to be some smart aleck or degrading other readers, but i really don’t think anything gonna change just by blogging and commenting.Blogging is good for info, but then what? we already being enlightened. then? sleep with it? gosh….we (including me also) really are just talk.

  768. Dear TDM,
    You thought you would surely be misunderstood. You would be accused of being a racist but you still went ahead with your pohon maaf article. What did you want to prove?
    Your blog always full of racist comments. Why is it so?
    Whether are we not a Malay, Indian, Chinese, Kadazan, Iban…. we are all Malaysian. Most of us live and die here. If we see each other as a Malaysian, what is that so big deal whether Malay or Chinese…will get a 100% help from the government if indeed they really need the help. In a good and displine family, the kids don’t really fight, instead they help each other. Perhaps someone has planted “race mark” for all of us as Malay, Chinese, Indian…like things for Malays is so so, things for Chinese is like this like this….Indian…..hence jealousy started and created barrier among all the race. If you think Malays are poor and less fortune, first the government must “fully recognised” us that we are all called Malaysian, then just do it as a national agenda, no need to talk about what… NEP is to help Malay. In fact it is no big deal, no jealousy, as long as we are all recognised as Malaysian under one nation. Malay, Chinese, Indian… race no more exist, what the governmentis helping Malay or whatever race, even a 100% help, there will no be any dispute because we are merely helping our brothers & sisters who are less fortune. Who’s fault? because we have all the racial political parties ? It is time to change ?
    Please take good care of your health.
    Best Regards

  769. YABhg Tun,
    1. Setiap insan mempunyai naluri kasih.
    Pertama kepada ahli keluarganya, kemudian ahli
    masyarakatnya dan seterus kepada ahli masyarakat kaum lain.
    2. Dalam politik wajarlah ia memperjuangkan hak
    dan kepentingan ahli keluarga dan masyarakatnya
    dan kemudian untuk ahli masyarakat kaum lain.
    3. Dalam masyarakat majmuk Negara ini parti UMNO
    (untuk orang Melayu), MCA (untuk orang Cina),
    MIC (untuk orang India)dan lain-lain parti yang
    memperjuangkan nasib kaum masing-masing.
    4. Tidak ada apa salahnya tiap parti berkenaan
    perjuangkan kepentingan kaum masing-masing,
    tetapi perjuangkan tersebut hendaklah dilakukan
    dalam keadaan suasana yang tenang dan waras.
    Tidak ada satu kaum yang kan dapat semua.
    5. Untuk mencapai keadaan suasan yang tenang
    dan aman maka parti-parti berkenaan perlulah
    dikemudikan oleh satu parti yang dominan yang
    boleh menjadi penaung yang mampu mengwujudkan
    ruang peluang membincangkan masalah kaum masing
    dengan beradab dan bertolak ansor.
    6. Sebelum ini parti UMNO kuat kerana di pimpin
    oleh ketua yang tegas, berwawasan dan ikhlas.
    7. Oleh itu UMNO telah menjadi kemudi kepada
    parti-parti perkauman yang ada dalam Barisan
    Nasional (BN).
    8. Negara berjaya capai kemajuan yang dicemburui
    oleh negara lain. Rakyat hidup aman damai.
    9. Ketua UMNO (Perdana Menteri) berjaya selesai
    dan kawal sengkita perkauman jika timbul.
    Perundingan dijalankan dengan tertib dan penuh
    hormat antara satu sama lain.
    10. Negara dan rakyat dalam aman dan damai.
    11. Sekarang senario Negara sudah terbalik.
    Tidak aman lagi. Parti politik dalam BN bertelagah.
    Parti-parti luar BN pula ambil kesempatan membakar
    semangat perkauman.
    12. Ketua UMNO (PM)lemah. Tamak tidak ikhlas.
    Tidak dapat sokongan padu ahli. Tidak layak
    memimpin orang melayu dan Kerajaan.
    13. Supaya orang Melayu tidak teraniaya dan
    menimbulkan huru hara maka eloklah Ketua UMNO (PM)
    berundur dengan terhormat sebelum diundurkan
    secara memalukan.
    14. Ingatlah “Orang Tamak Selalu Rugi”, waspadalah….

  770. Imagine one of McCain personnels telling Obama he is an ‘outsider’ and doesn’t deserve equal rights, let alone running for presidency!
    Funny I am actually speechless!
    Saya tak faham bagaimana ini boleh diutarakan oleh seorang utusan UMNO
    Selamat berpuasa.

  771. Dear Tun,
    all this things will never happened if the gov hv vision & mission for the nation and not for their family. when rakyat voted BN to win in 2004 eletion, the ministers and appointed wakil rakyat abused the power, turned down rakyat’s needs and took easy on rakyat’s problems,they show their errogant and speak ‘tong kosong’ in parliament session.what kind of people are they?? the rakyat have been cheated and was fooled to vote them just to give them seats in parliament for nothing!.None of them hv the credibilities.What a shame!
    Shahrir,when you were outside cabinet line, Wallawey!!!…your were loud over some slacking issues by government.Now when you’re in-you dumbed over the consumer’s issue.(like malay saying ‘menjilat ludah sendiri’)So, you haven’t finish licking eh…???
    Nazri, you are loud too & strong in the cabinet because your are the ‘ampu-balaci’boy. When time comes, you’ll know it.
    Zaid, another guy!Dumbed over bar council issue?

  772. how are you dear tun , may god bless you , i always belive there two side of the coins yes some of us may said true some will said thier are not surprised by your earlier article. but before i voice my commnet just have a look what PKR said http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8ZzsV0587MM now let us look what people on the road said http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3EaY8ZnQBdg&feature=related so dear tun any comment .yet some of us will said i will blame these people for every malay suffering from now on and the near future.. let us all pray to god almighty that will give a mere lesson to all of these people as soon as possible. i just wish we can what is the end of the road .
    Dalina MD
    normal people of MalaySIA

  773. Yg. DiKasihi Tun,
    Your assimilation of the true UMNO spirit is so glaring through your writings and actions. Please don’t be apologetic and run away from being racial when its so important to know where our roots are while at the same time helping and leading one’s own race towards awakening and success.
    The popular punch word to weaken the Malays now is “racist” and so be it. They who use this word on the Malays are opportunist trying very hard to exploit the Malays’ current dilemma to gain political control. They spinned the word “racist” to look trendy and those who do not subscribe to it be made to look outdated and obsolete. They purposely blurred the meaning of racial and racist as interchangeable. That is why any effort by a Malay leader like you to stand up for his own race is labeled as racist. For the trend conscious among some of the so call liberal Malays, they easily succumb to the spin blindly just so to gain feign acceptance and recognition by the non-Malays. The Colonials may they be Portugese, Dutch, British and Japanese did the same thing to the liberal Malays before and even the PAP in Singapore.
    The non-Malays will demand for all sort of concessions through this “racist” phenomenon while giving away not even an inch in return. We will not forget what the non-Malays and their minions the liberal Malays are doing now is show their true colours in times when the Malays are in disarray. The time will come when the Malays shall no longer be apologetic anymore.

  774. Dear Tun,
    Being misunderstood are the spice of life,..specially when we have mixture of races living together in a place call Malaysia.After living together for 50 years…I guess by now we should be able to understand each other…or do we? I’ve read the feedback you’ve been getting and somehow I think most of those who attack you are those who are here for the sack of just doing that…attacking you with all sort of nonsences that they could think of. Pathetic!
    Yes Tun, you can’t satisfy everybody…specially to this…Trigger happy morons!
    Yes Tun, a Leader must be someone who are sincere,loving,forgiving,smart,wise,alert,decisive,firm,visionary and real…all that of you,Sir.I do sincerely thank you for being there when you did and are grateful for still being around.God bless you!

  775. Anwar Ibrahim bukanlah penyebab utama kekalahan besar BN PRU 08.
    Buktinya tiada lagi orang-orang gila yang histeria merusuh dijalan seperti yang berlaku PRU ’99.
    Anwar Ibrahim lebih popular pada ’98 berbanding ’08.
    Bahkan banyak orang kanan Anwar tidak percaya lagi dan lari meninggalkannya.
    Masih ramai orang mempercayai Anwar gay dan melakukan salahlaku seks, dan ia akan berterusan begitu.
    Ramai orang masih meragui Anwar sebagai Perdana Menteri dan watak-watak yang diterajuinya.
    -tapi apa boleh buat takde pilhan,PM skrg pun tak boleh diharap langsung..

  776. pada pendapat saya, sebahagian besar orang bukan melayu menyanjungi dan menghormati TUN adalah atas sebab TUN berjasa dalam pembangunan malaysia sahaja.
    isu-isu lain, seperti perkauman dan hak-hak lain, tak nampak lah yang bukan melayu menyanjungi dan menghormati pada TUN.
    memang banyak yang baik telah TUN lakukan.
    tapi tak kuranglah yang tidak baik.
    kita semua manusia, kita semua berdemikian juga, kita semua tahu dan faham.
    janganlah kita tipu diri sendiri.

  777. Apakah gunanya kita saling benci-membenci. Kita semua adalah penghuni sementara di dunia ini. Gelagat Ahmad Ismail hanyalah batu-api kepada situasi kini. Selagi kita “Malaysian”, haruslah kita bertanggung-jawab kepada negara and bangsa ini.
    Adalah bodoh sama sekali dengan ucapan sedemikian. Kami tidak mahu isu perkauman menjahanamkan negara. Marilah semua hidup dalam keadaan aman dan damai. Kita harus meloncat keluar dari rangka yang berbau perkauman seperti isu ketuanan, isu agama dll. Yang kita semua ini hendaki ialah kemakmuran negara yang dapat dikecapi semua golongan masyarakat.
    Segelintir pemimpin UMNO hendaklah berfikiran terbuka. Musuh kita bukanlah bangsa lain di Malaysia.

  778. Just read Utusan.com.my (stupid newspaper)-
    Apparently Ahmad doesn’t want to apologize. What a stupid person. How did he become Dato’ in the first place? And how can the 12 other UMNO leaders support him? These people are creating even more racial tension in our society.
    Obviously he called Chinese people pendatang. What a moron. Don’t get me wrong, I am the son of a Malay father and a Chinese mother. I’m not trying to be bias here.
    I hope the Chinese people of Malaysia understand that this fellow, a poor representation of a decent human being, doesn’t represent the majority of Malays. Sack him now and feed him to the dogs.

  779. Dear Tun,
    Firstly, You are the greatest leader I have known of all my soon to be 37 years of life. Even though short of 14 years of Merdeka, I am proud to be a Malaysian.
    Sincerely, I think what is happening to-date in Malaysia is truly sad. As I have read few comments says we are just taking few steps back from where we were.
    The question is, How much longer is this so called situation is going to go on and how can we as a nation difuse it constructively.
    Will common sense work? Hope so.
    Is this a a sort of economic game which is placed or it just so happen to be? I guess all the wiser should know better.
    What ever it may be, we are slowly bleeding ourselves and thats the truth.
    I personally hope, leaders can practice what they preach and move on to our vision 2020 as first class Malaysian and First Class Malaysia.
    Personally, I think we just have to go back to basics.
    Selamat Berpuasa to you and family.

  780. Dear Tun,
    Let’s forget about whether we are Malay, Indian or Chinese. It really does not matter for God loves the world and in Him there’s no Jews nor Greeks. In Him, there’s only new creation because He is new and is newness.
    I would respectfully and humbly invite you to know the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, who is the Creator of the universe and whose heart’s desire was shown in the creation of man that is in His image and after his likeness. And He said: man shall have dominion over all the creatures on the earth which means man represents God.
    Kindest regards,

  781. To Chin-
    I am half Malay and Chinese. I understand that things aren’t fair when it comes to affirmative action.
    How could a top scorer non-Malay student not be able to achieve the tertiary education that he/she wants? I saw my own uncle sell his house just to send my cousin to study overseas. Trust me I understand the frustration.
    But, you have to look at the big picture as well. Malays these days aren’t at the same economic level as their non-Malay counterparts. They apply affirmative action because they have to. It’s not to steal anything from the non-Malays, but its more of an act of survival. Its sad but true.
    I wish that Malaysia were more equal when it comes to race. But we haven’t reached that state yet. And I don’t know if the system is flawed or that people are abusing the system, perhaps both at the same time. We need to rectify this situation.

  782. Dear Tun,
    I really feel sad about the situation in our country now and dissapointed to Our leader in fact not only PM, but other leaders, too. I have followed and read the news about `Ahmad pohon maaf’for the last 3 days and I found out that most of the leaders who continue to stir up and agitated are AHMAD’S family members – BN.
    Are they acting? `Berlakon’ to sway/distract the peoples’ concentration in order to cover their incapability or purposely to cause chaotic in order to confuse us that we had voted wrongly in 308 election….. Sickening. In fact, I’m not supporting opposition parties but we have no choice. It was actually not and shouldn’t become a serious problem if they weren’t “stir-fry” the issue. The BN leaders not handle it well or purposely… Only they themselves known better. I hope the Malaysians (Malay, Chinese & Indian Friends)be cool and wise – not to trick by them.
    Just tell us what shall we do now???
    God bless U.

  783. Tun,
    There is nothing wrong being a racist. That is the reality of Malaysia, in fact the whole world. History never lie, so as the future will remain the same forever. US yang dah merdeka beratus-ratus tahun pun masih menghadapi isu perkauman.

  784. Salam buat ayahanda Tun,
    Mengapa 2 teraju utam tidak menyiasat terlebih dahulu perkara ini?? Mengapa terus ke media? Pemimpin Gerakan dan MCA pula tidak mahu duduk semeja dulu untuk berbincang secara tertutup. Ini lah yang dinantikan oleh pihak pembangkang. Menantikan BN untuk berpecah.
    Sangat memalukan… Layakkah lagi mereka untuk dipanggil pemimpin..
    Kepada mereka2 yg mengatakan Tun seorang racist, TAKDE AKAL KER??
    Salam sayang buat Ayahanda dan Bonda.
    Insan biasa..

  785. ini semua angkara tokoh politik dari UMNO, MCA dan Gerakan … issue diheboh-hebohkan hanya untuk tujuan menjadi tokoh pejuang bangsa mereka masing-masing …
    dah 51 tahun merdeka, tapi minda rakyat malaysia ni masih berada di zaman jahilliah … sikit-sikit timbulkan isu perkauman, kewibawaan dan ketuanan … macamlah suka sangat sistem hamba abdi …
    budak kecil lepas 51 tahun, buluh ketiak pun dah jadi lebat … habis rakyat malaysia ni selepas sekian lama, otaknya masih bodoh sangat …
    sesiapa yg memberi kenyataan bahawa mereka bukannya racist … pastinya mereka adalah racist kerana mereka ni penipu … manusia ni banyak kelemahan, dan secara semula jadi terdapatnya unsur perkauman pada diri sensdiri …
    NAMUN, kita ni perlulah RACIST secara RASIONAL … saya cina, tapi kalaulah saya nampak seorang makcik melayu dilanggar oleh seorang pemandu mabuk cina … tentulah saya hentam pemandu cina tu … inilah dikatakan RASIONAL …
    habis komen-komen sini menonjolkan rakyat malaysia hari ini, masih berotak udang … melayu bagi komen yg memihak melayu, cina memihak cina, india memihak india … tak rasional langsung … tiada maknanya kalau sorak kemerdekaan dengan minda sebegini …
    sebagai contohnya, komen pasal iklan jawatan yg bersyarat bahasa cina diperlukan … apalah perkara ni nak diheboh-hebohkan … orang bodoh pun tahulah tanah besar china sekarang ni, menjadi tumpuan pelaburan, dan banyak syarikat malaysia yg berniat untuk mengaut keuntungan di tanah besar china tu … dalam keadaan sedemikian, adalah biasa sekiranya bahasa cina dipertimbangkan untuk sebahagian jawatan …. takkanlah hantar seorang yg tidak mampu menutur apabila pergi ke negara China, mereka tu tak fasih english, lebih-lebih lagi bahasa melayu …

  786. Tun,
    Dear Tun, i am chinese but i have always respected you & thought of you as a father figure…i have came to understand that all your goals & ideas are not easily accepted by shallow & narrow minded ppl that cannot see the beauty in your way of thinking. Therefore it is their loss if they cant see the light at the end of the tunnel. And now since the blind ones are leading the way, they will lead all of us blindly to the dead end & too bad many of us that are not that way will be sunked in the same ship full of these kinda ppl. Sad but true…

  787. thing not happen does not mean it is not exist.
    cuma ada orang yang lebih pandai bermain dalam sebuah permainan.

  788. Tun, great excerpt right here. I knew you would write a follow-up, because I know your the kind of person who is responsible and everything/most things that you state have reasoning behind them. Its good to see how you clarified the first Pohon Maaf article.
    People who wrote in the previous comment who labeled you a racist are people who do not recognize the great person/ leader that you are. They should do more research about you, or at least read your article more closely.
    On a personal note though, I did disagree in the past article because I thought that Najib apologizing wasn’t an act of embarrassment or weakness, but more of a kind gesture of taking responsibility.
    Perhaps, in our environment that is increasing in racial tension, Najib apologizing isn’t the right action to go with. I don’t really know.

  789. Dearest Tun Dad,
    I sometimes wonder what on earth has happened to Malaysia. (Actually I know what happened: Abdullah Badawi happened).
    I grew up in Kota Bharu, where in the Sekolah Kebangsaan I went to, there were four chinese boys in my class of 48 students. These four chinese students, while very close knit with each other, were also very close to me and many other malay studemts. We ate together, played football etc, just like all kids do regardless of race or religion.We are still friends to this day.
    As an adult today some of my closest friends are chinese and indian, and we do lots of things together. Now in Puasa month they join me for Buka Puasa and they observe the buka puasa rituals just like I do, out of respect for the religion.
    Unlike my situation I know some of my friends who find my close relationship with my chinese and indian friends entirely incomprehensible. They have Chinese and Indian aqcuaintances too, of course, but they can’t imagine being as close to them as I am.
    I think the key thing here is respect. And that respect includes not talking about the things that make us all uncomfortable. All of us know our ethnicities, and we respect that we are different. But I think if we are to get along we must stop highlighting the difference and just start living in acceptance of each other. Whether we are Malay, Chinese or Indian, just Stop talking about these sensitive things so openly and brazenly, without regard for the feelings of others!
    My chinese friends know that i feel strongly about the Malay issue and wanting to see Malays do better economically. But they also know that by feeling that way I don’t necessarily resent the non-malays. I am proud and happy that many of my chinese friends are wealthy. I aspire to see my people become equally successful. I am happy that most of my Indian friends are professionals such as doctors and lawyers. I hope to see more Malays becoming good lawyers and doctors too. Having one thing doesn’t mean sacrificing another in this case.
    We really must let each other be ourselves and maintain things the way they have always been.
    The system we have had in our country for the last 50 years has worked for us. So why do we want to tinker with it now just because we think we are more ‘mature’. Just because we are ‘mature’ does it mean we have to do away with viewpoints that have stood the test of time? I always believe that if something ain’t broke, don’t fix it.
    I just think we shouldn’t be too eager to make changes just for the sake of change, just because we can, because we have a fool of a Prime Minister.
    Let’s stick to the formula that has made Malaysia what it is today : Unity in diversity. Viva la difference!
    Thank you Tun, may you be blessed every second of every minute of every day, for all the good you have done and are still doing for us all. Amin.

  790. cukup dah..sudah dah..
    apakah niat sebenarnya bagi orang yang mahu bangkitkan isu perkauman ni? (tak kiralah melayuke ataupun bukan melayu)
    apa yang boleh dia dapat?
    apakah kebaikan kepadanya?
    nak usir semua bukan melayu keluar dari malaysia? ataupun sebaliknya.
    mampukah dan benarkah mahu buat begitu?
    jika tidak, kenapa kita nak bazir masa dan tenaga dalam membincang isu yang tidak membawa sebarang kebaikan dan makna?
    kita harus sedar dan harus cukup matang sejak saat kita merdeka.
    kenapa kita hari ni jadi begini? sebab yang tadbir negara selama ni kerajaan BN. Polisi BN selama ni bermasalah kut.
    tak hairan lah malaysia tak mampu bersaing dengan negara jiran singapura dan negara korea yang seumur dengan kita.
    negara maju rakyat tak maju tak matang tak guna.
    negara tak maju rakyat maju dan matang pun tak guna.
    nampaknya sekarang bukan sahaja negara tak maju malah rakyatnya pun tak maju dan tak matang.

  791. Salam buat Tun N keluarga.
    Dari zaman Tuanku hingga kezaman Tun, Umno merupakan penyatu kepada tiga kaum terbesar di malaysia.Kepimpinan Umno yg tegas n kuat berjaya secara langsung mengukuhkan perpaduan kaum dengan adanya kerjasama erat MCA n MIC. Kepimpinan MCA n MIC dahulu sedar survival mereka berhubungkait dgn kekuatan UMNO.
    Apabila Abdullah mengambil alih pemerintahan,persengketaan kaum menjadi suatu kebiasaan atas nama keterbukaan.Masing-masing kaum seakan bebas untuk mempertikaikan hak dan keutamaan kaum yg lain!
    Kekalahan PRU yg lepas memaksa parti gabungan BN melihat survival mereka.UMNO begitu lemah untuk dijadikan sandaran.Isu-isu kaum dimainkan untuk meraih sokongan.Pada MCA n MIC adalah suatu risiko tinggi untuk berpaut didahan UMNO yg rapuh!Dimata parti gabungan tidak kelihatan usaha UMNO untuk merubah keadaan walaupun perubahan jelas diperlukan.
    Hari ini secara terang Gerakan n MCA menerusi pemimpin kanan mereka menyatakan kemungkinan untuk keluar dari gagasan BN! Umno berkemungkin merasakan parti-parti ini tidak mengenag jasa dan sanggup meninggalkan bahtera BN apabila ada tanda-tanda ianya akan karam.
    Persoalannya siapakah yg sanggup untuk karam bersama jika UMNO sendiri tidak menunjukkan usaha untuk memperbetulkan keadaan! Jelas sekali dari mesyuarat cawangan UMNO yg sedang berlangsung tidak memperlihatkan sebarang perubahan! Semuanya menjurus kpd sokongan terhadap kepimpinan sedia ada.
    Jelas sekali segala punca permasaalahan yg kini menular dinegara ini berpaksi kpd kelemahan pucuk pimpinan UMNO itu sendiri.Demi survival UMNO sendiri, pucuk pimpinan mesti dirombak dan janganlah dikorbankan apa yg telah kita bina selama 51 tahun untuk meraih simpati dan sokongan ketidaksetiakawan parti gabungan BN!

  792. Makku kata: Tak perlu mohon maaf kalau tak salah….!
    Abahku kata: Mohon maaf kalau dah buat salah………!
    Cikguku kata: Buat Pembetulan kalau buat salah……..!
    Kawanku kata: Buat Tak tau kalau dah buat salah…….!
    Sikecikku kata: Ampun Tuhanku Ampun segala dosa umatku..!
    Walhai! Tuhanku,Walhai !Umat-Malaysia terhormatku..sampai bilakah Malaysia tercintaku boleh beraman-damai berbangga-megah semula seperti….masa dulu..!

  793. Saya masih menyokong Tun!Paklah yg perlu pohon maaf sbb lambat sgt nak letak jawatan.. tengok apa dah jadi??
    Selamat berpuasa…

  794. Tun,
    Im working as a recruiter in an employment agency for Malaysia neighbour company and this neighbour company always prefer a Chinese people to work with them. So I always travel with my team here and there thru out the whole Malaysia to find a suitable person for a suitable position. When we do interviews in Penang, we encounter most of the Chinese told us the same reason why they want to work at other place nstead of working in Penang. They said, they hate Malaysia Goverment way of doing things [which some part of it i agree] and in terms of Chinese people rights. As a result, almost all of younger generation Chinese staying at Penang hate Malays. They really hate Malays until some of them can insult Malays without any hesitation. In a long terms, this will get worse if its not being handle in a proper way. Malaysia will be in chaos again. Silap langkah, 13may jadi lagi sekali. kali ni mungkin lebih teruk. Racist is really a sensitive issue. From my point of view, every race in Malaysia have a good enough freedom to compare with our neighbour country. Malaysia is a Muslim-Malay country and tidak salah kalau kerajaan Malaysia melebihkan bangsa Melayu dari bangsa bangsa lain. Kalau hendak dibandingkan dengan negara jiran kita tu.. Rakyat die yang bangsa lain lagi teruk tertindas. For some Malaysian chinese, they maybe forget where does Malaysia words came from. We shouldnt be complaining. We must not complain but live with it, in the same time, we must improve our own self to suit the situation..more over, Semua rakyat Malaysia masih hidup dalam keadaan yang aman damai. [except for politics people la..itu pon sebab diorang semua gilakan kuasa tapi bile ada kuasa, tak kerja betul2, tak menjalankan amanah rakyat dengan betul.. itulah masalah jadi besar]..

  795. Dear Tun,
    Though the ‘racist’ headlines are gracing the front page news daily, I believe it has been planted and continued being highlighted daily mainly for single reason i.e. to keep people off track of the economic hardship people in Malaysia are currently experiencing.
    After reading ‘overdose’ of racist news daily who among us care to complaint about the high inflation rates for June & July ’08?
    As a matter of fact sometime when ask by TV reporters, Pak Lah seems not to be perturbed by the racist things. I bet he is happy as long as people do not ask him what he is doing to overcome the economic crisis as reflected by inflation rate which is of his own doing.
    Why not people of all races unite and in chorus demand Pak Lah to initiate actions to overcome the economic hardships which are affecting all Malaysians irrespective of races!
    Wake up Malaysians and we should no longer be fooled by Pak Lah hiding behind sensational news to hide his worst fears in case people demand effective action to alleviate the economic hardship but he has none up his sleeve.

  796. Salam buat Tun & Keluarga,
    Keadaan sekarang amat menyedihkan buat Melayu, hak2 kiat mula dipersoalkan dan tiada apa2tindakan diambil dari PM sendiri. Akhirnya DS Najib jadi mangsa, minta maaf kepada bangsa lain. Rendah sungguh martabat kita rupanya. Suka meminta maaf atas kesalahan org lain – Melayu zaman sekarang.
    Kawalan dan pengawasan ke atas isu2 sensitif seperti ini langsung tiada, akibatnya akan berlakulah perkara2 seumpama ini. Dan jika PM sekarang ni tak ambil pusing mengenai isu ini tak mustahil rusuhan kaum akan tercetus. Wahai Pak Lah tolonglah fokus pd kerja anda, rakyat sekarang ini keliru tentang siapa sebenarya yg Mentadbir Malaysia.
    Elok juga kiranya Tun dapat usulkan agar Tan Sri Muhyidin bertanding utk post no 1, beliau nampak capable utk pikul tugas ini. Pd saya dia sahajalah harapan yg tinggal. Lihat shj bagaimana beliau memajukan sektor Pertanian dgn adanya MAHA, Sukan Komanwel – semasa menjadi Menteri Belia & Sukan dan harap2nya beliau akan menukar pengurusan tertinggi Proton agar Proton dapat sekali lagi menjana pendapatan negara.

  797. Sincerely Tun, i was deeply sad and hurt by the ahmad ismail comments and yours earlier in pohon maaf 1. I believe the whole entire non-malay community would feel threatened and concerned by this issue. I cannot believe my ears and eyes that such comments can be made from leaders in the country what more the normal people. Is this the real policy and true colors of UMNO? For sure, i myself proudly not a racist. I’m a chinese and my ancestors have been here long before the World War II. I have a large family tree. My relatives consists of chinese, malays, siamese and peranakans. We respect and take care of each other. Isn’t that what ideal Malaysia supposed to be? Malaysia is made of 3 major races and other minorities. It is not build by only one race. I think social contract is outdated and should be abolished. If we really are a democractic country, then we should act like one! and not being a hypocrite by implementing social contracts and racial party systems. What will the investors and outsiders think of Malaysia? A country ruled by only one race? How to achieve vision 2020 if we keep squabbling over small matters? Its time to unite us all irregardless of race and walk ahead hand in hand to forge a better future for our generations to come without fear & doubt

  798. Yg Bht Tun,
    Just a short note to say I read all the above & understand you & your feelings very well.I love M’sia & I think it’s a wonderful place to live & raise a family except I was born & bred there but chose to raise my own family here.I want my kids to have a chance here & learn their mother tongue.I am an OCBC like Arif Shah Omar Shah.Ah ah! I’m more OCBC than him.I’m so impressed that he can speak Mandarin ,Hokkien & other chinese dialects so well. Good for him.It’s an advantage to learn foreign languages.He’s also very smart to do that.Everyone has certain God -given talents.Tun you’re also very smart to be a medical doctor & to be our former PM for so many yrs.Thanks for the good PLUS highways from N-S.
    It’s a good thing you have realised the contributions of the Chinese & Indians.To be a successful leader you got to tap the talents of your people of all races.
    Getting late so continue another time.

  799. DEAR TUN,
    Sorry for the earlier comment and proposal which didn’t get your blessing to be posted.My promised to you is that I’ll continue and to put my effort to the fullest on the ground level to materialise what I believed can help UMNO redeem itself as it was during your time.
    No matter what I still believed that is the best measure to gain back the dignity of UMNO.
    Pardon if I’m wrong.

  800. Tun,
    You must understand we are living in a modern Malaysia where it is a unique country comprises of many races.
    You have done great for the nation and we will not forget. Malaysia used to be nobody and today at least we ae well known for our twin towers, KLIA, F1 etc.
    Your hand-picked current PM just a politician and he has no caliber to manage a country and he has absolutely no vision.
    The old and racist ideology of UMNO will not work for the rakyat now as we have seen enough failure by the current incapable leader.
    Even DAP and PAS are changing, why not UMNO?
    UMNO has long been soaked in politics with absolute power and cronyism, this is the fact.
    UMNO will fall and sink forever and we are seeing a better tomorrow by PR which cares for nation.
    DSAI may not be a perfect leader but do we have chance to wait for another 5 years and let UMNO vanish our lovely country? The answer is clear where UMNO is turning from bad to worse and leading to the worst in history.
    You may not realize before and once you are out of politics, you will realize Malaysia is actually a wonderful country only politics is damn shit. I do not think there is any racial issue except those issues being created by UMNO, this is their tradition.
    Our economy is not moving, investors are running away, fortune of country being robbed by a small gang, education is dropping each year, share market is dropping etc. but corruption level is increasing together with crime rate.
    I am Chinese and I am Malaysian, not the way Ahmad described “penduduk sementara”. He could just go to hell which is already a nice word for him and get lost.
    I will just witness how smart is our useless leader going to deal in this case, I doubt he knows the way to handle and he will fail again to gain support from Chinese and Indian community. Even he is losing many malay supports due to his flip flop attitude and corrupt behavior.
    UMNO is history and will be sunk very soon.
    Tun, if you really care for the Malaysia which was brought up by you to international level, face the fact and realize what the nation wants.

  801. tun,
    u are my men because u never hide from what u said….u say the truth….to other,read tun statement again,he is not racist,he is not only how idioit is the current leadership and stupid of mca n mic….after fail in sungai siput,only come out to help hindraf???what is this men….u r loser…RESIGN NOW…n also mca n gearkan….when kj hit at chinese,where r u keng yaik n ka ting,,,,u r under table of PM…V CHINESE SHAME ON U…V CHINSESE always behind u tun as what v did in 1999…n for anwar,u also anti chinse,,,remember when u in education minister,u try to abolish chinese n tamil school n even force us to read jawi…ANWER U R THE COWARD N DRAMA KING…
    Tun,pls continue,i know u no racist,pls kick out abdullah n kj,,,there the 1 one who racist,same as samy,keng yaik,ka ting….all worried their own pocket n not nation….
    pls do us chinese another help,,kick this idiot out n also anwar as u capable doing it..
    god bless


  803. salam TUN dan warga chedet
    no-5 .i agreed 100% wz u TUN kekesalan timbul sekarang. kemenangan pakatan pada pru 12 mengundang segala masalah.pakatan nampaknya menjadikan hak keistemewaan orang melayu taruhan untuk memikat undi bukan melayu(tiada siapa pun ada hak menyentuh hak ini).sikap lemah lembut umno nampaknya memakan dan menghancurkan diri sendiri.hak orang melayu mesti dipertahankan.AYUH ANAK ANAK MELAYU BANGUN MEMPERTAHAN HAK KITA.TUN SEORANGLAH HARAPAN KAMI,TUBUH KAN PARTI,KITA KESUNTUKAN MASA,UMNO TIDAK RELEVAN LAGI,PASTI ADA PARTI YG LEBIH BERANI MEMPERTAHAN HAK KITA TUN,PINGIRKAN UMNO KAWAN KAWAN.PENGECUT BUKAN SIFAT ORANG MELAYU.

  804. Assalamu’alaikum Tun,
    “Sesungguhnya Tuhan menjadikan manusia dari satu lelaki dan satu perempuan (Adam dan Hawa), Kemudian dikembang biakkan menjadi suku-suku dan bangsa-bangsa yang berbeza-beza, Supaya kita kenal mengenal dan hormat menghormati antara satu sama lain, dan bukan bercerai berai dan bertelagah”
    Apa yang saya nampak sebagai rakyat, antara melayu, cina dan india sekarang tak ada masalah, boleh duduk bersama, makan bersama, dan bertegur sapa sesama sendiri. Cuma segelintir sahaja yang menjadi dajal cuba memarakkan api perkauman. Orang tua pesan jangan cuba main api, nanti terbakar diri. Nanti sebab nila setitik rosak susu setempayan. Fikirkan lah… Jangan bertindak melulu, gunakan akal yang Tuhan bagi. Yang membezakan antara haiwan dan manusia adalah akal. Kalau manusia tak gunakan akal, samalah seperti haiwan yang memang tidak berakal.

  805. Salam Tun,
    Simply well said and sadden by those miss-interpretation.
    “Il n’y aura pas toujour des bien choses mais c’est juste la vie”.
    1. Our true nationality is MANKIND.
    2. They shouldn’t creating more tension. Like the saying goes, anger is a bad counselor and it takes two flints to make a fire. A spark and gasoline, doesn’t need a scientist to figure out what would remain.
    3. People can say and do things to us but it is still up to us as individuals to do what we want with our emotions in response to those things.
    4. Half of the world’s misery comes from ignorance and the other half comes from intelligence. Which half are we part of????

  806. Dear our respected Tun,
    your sincerity and your points of views real touch my heart and i am sure many Chinese out there will real felt what a good leader you are in handling this issue. rather than our current UMNO (including PM) nor do Opposition members (including DSAI) who dare not making a voice, just worrying losing Malay’s vote if condemning Ahmad Ismail, or losing Chinese’s vote if supporting Ahmad.
    Tun, i am the Chinese grow up in your era, and i do felt that all races were living peacefully under your guidance, and the country is progressing so fast that when we are outside there, even if travelling to China, we are proud to claim that we are Malaysian, rather than telling them we are Malaysia-born chinese..no, we are proud to tell them we are “Malaysian” and telling China people we love this country more than any other places in the world. This is our mother land, we born here, live here, and die here.
    i do miss Tun’s period at that time, rather than now everything seem to be huru-hara. everybody is using racist issues just to gain politic power, and they forget actually down to the earth here, we Chinese do make friends with Malay or India people, and the same are with them. Majority of Malay are very friendly and warmth in their heart when making friends with us. so why on earth our leaders just want to exploit the keamanan and plant hatred inside our heart just to gain votes?
    Tun, you are the best leader ever in Malaysia, we SUPPORT you with all of our hearts

  807. Tun, do you think that we can have a similiar case like in US? A President like Obama in Malaysia? in coming 100 years, 200 years? or probably “NEVER” in M’sia?
    Hope all the races are borned to be a Malaysian, disregarding etnic or religion. We always said “Saya Anak Malaysia”, and I was proud to say that to foreigner, but today Ahmad Ismail speech really hurt some people heart. Although he refuse to apologise (maybe he was right or the reporter was wrong), but he should giving in a more softer way instead a aggresive way.
    Never have any ethnic want to take more advantage on each other. Each etnic have their own roles, their right stated in “Perlembagaan”, we should work together, to create a harmony country instead of arguing on racist. Already 51 years, we independenced, but when only we can realize that we should walk hand in hand?
    Is it our country still a baby stage? teenager stage? or adult stage? If today we still quarrel on Racial issues, then when only we can achieve the Vision 2020 set by Tun? Probably no more 2020, is 2050 or even 2100.
    No United, No Nation; No Nation, No Vision. Do we realize that?
    Tun Admires,
    I Love Malaysia (I be Proud to be Malaysian!)

  808. Assalamualaikum Tun,
    1) Keadaan politik di Malaysia sekarang bertambah gawat.
    2) Saya yakin jika Tun masih lagi PM Malaysia, perkara-perkara sebegini takkan berlaku.
    3) Semuanya berpunca dari kelemahan pentadbiran Abdullah Badawi.
    4) Jika Paklah sayangkan bangsa & negara melebihi diri sendiri, sila LETAK JAWATAN segera. Cara ini sahaja dapat menstabilkan keadaan sekarang.
    5) Jangan samapai NASI DAH JADI BUBUR.

  809. Dear Tun
    No body is perfect your point 12 say it all you are not a racist
    you have the guts to say that much of malaysia’s development was due
    to the dynamic malaysian chinese entrepreneurs and businessmen.
    its a fact the chinese controls the economy in most fields we
    cannot deny that.
    The business community benefited so much success during your time
    as PM you created lots of opportunity only the clever and hard working people took advantage to ride on your success.
    When you Critise you know what you are talking and you have a
    solution to your critism you are a DYNAMIC PM.
    Take care…

  810. Tun,
    I have the highest regard for you, as I do for all our former PMs. It’s God’s gift that we have had a succession of super-statesmen (the run ended once you stepped down).
    I think this Ahmad Ismail issue is being blown out of proportion. (I am a non-Malay by the way). Everyone of those people who condemn him (Malay or Non-Malay) should take a good look at themselves in the mirror and ask “have I never made any racist remarks or comments?” I’ll guarantee you 100% of Malaysians (no matter how noble they seem in public), have uttered a sweeping racist-generalisation at least once in their life time. And Yes, even the private comments count. So, people who live in glass houses…
    That said, I would like to just request one thing as a “keturunan pendatang.” I am a 3rd generation Malaysian (my grandmother was born here). I have never set foot in India. I do not identify with most of the “Indian” sentiments of the Indian diaspora. I have never supported nor rooted for any Indian sporting team (I cried when we won the ’92 Thomas Cup). I am a Malaysian through-and-through. I get very annoyed and aggitated whenever anyone calls me Indian when I am overseas. I am a Malaysian, PERIOD. I am only Indian by descent. I understand Malay literature, but not literary Tamil. I speak and write Malay fluently, but can only converse in colloquial Tamil.
    Hence, I would like request just one thing… I would like to live to see the day that my fellow Malaysians stop labelling me a “pendatang.” I am a keturunan pendatang, yes…. but I am NOT A PENDATANG. Some of my grandparents and great grandparents CHOSE/WERE FORCED to come and make a living here. Myself, I believe that GOD chose my place of birth and I feel privileged for it. And when I die, my ashes will be scattered in one of our beloved Malaysian rivers not in the Ganges…
    I am a Malaysian born Malaysian, Tun… Not a pendatang. I am not asking for any special rights, just that one recognition will do for me. Even if I never get it, Malaysia will always remain my Motherland.

  811. saya cukup kesal isu perkauman telah menjadi panas akhir-akhir ni.Di sini saya ingin membuat sedikit pembetulan bahawa malaysia ni bukannya dimiliki oleh orang Melayu shj tapi ia juga dimiliki oleh cina dan india juga.mengikut sejarah, bangsa Melayu sebenarnya merupakan bangsa Pendatang juga seperti cina dan India yg cuma membezakannya adalah melayu datang lebih awal ke malaysia berbanding cina dan india.Kalau diikut fakta yg sebenar, orang yg berhak berkata bahawa malaysia negara mereka hanyalah kaum peribumi di malaysia shj.Kalau Adun bukit bendera boleh berkata bahawa orang cina pendatang tapi dia telah lupa bahawa dia juga adalah pendatang seperti kaum cina dan india.Orang yg tak berakal shj boleh cakap benda yg sedemikian.Jadi sekarang ni sudah jelas bahawa Melayu, Cina dan India malah Mamak semuanya adalah kaum pendatang.Tak payah lagi bangkitkan lagi isu perkauman, yg jelas marilah kita sama-sama memajukan negara dan hidup dgn harmani sebagai rakyat malaysia.Anyway, seperti kata pepatah telajak kereta masih boleh diundur, telajak kata menjadi binasa.Siapalah BN kalau bukan sokongan drpd masyarakat cina dan India, tapi di sini sudah jelas bahawa BN sedang menuju kehancuran dan tidak dapat diselamatkan lagi walau dgn apa cara sekalipun.Yg nyata skg 99% orang cina sudah TIDAK AKAN mengundi BN lagi di PRU akan datang.Selamat Tinggal BN dan Umno.

  812. Dear Tun
    I’ll support you 100%. What were you saying was simple.
    Why leader need to apologize? Let’s the culprit do by himself.
    The other thing is, why do you guys feel that Tun’s articles is racist? Tun just said that nowadays, because of loosing the power, all the component parties in the BN are taking advantage of UMNO. One, because UMNO is weak and need support & second is because there are some opportunist among Chinese & Indian leaders who try to steal Malay right.
    Of course, this wouldn’t happen during TUN’s tenure. All lived in peace since we have our own cakes and UMNO besides MIC, GERAKAN & MCA are strong. We live peacefully as family.
    Let’s head up. We need to support each other. Help each other as what we had done for the past 51 years. Yes, Ahmad is wrong. The Negarakuku’s boy is wrong, HINDRAF is wrong. Why can we live under the same sun & look up at the same moon?

  813. Pak Lah telah ternyata leka dengan pegangannya yang diuar-uarkan sebelum jadi TPM. Inilah Pak Lah, tidak lagi mempertahankan maruah Islam dan bangsanya yang dihina.
    Kita akan berdoa supaya perubahan tsunami akan berlaku di dalam UMNO. HIDOP MALAYSIA!

  814. SALAM,
    ALLAH S.W.T,
    HIDUP UMNO !!!

  815. Assalamualaikum Tun,
    Dalam soal Datuk Ahmad Ismail, saya berbeza pendapat dengan Tun. Dalam keadaan sekarang di mana kita tiada siapa-siapa lagi yang boleh kita harapkan untuk mententeramkan keadaan dan mempertahankan serangan terhadap kaum Melayu, dalam keadaan orang Melayu dan Islam sendiri sanggup diperkudakan oleh orang lain untuk menghancurkan kaum sendiri, dalam keadaan ketiadaan pemimpin yang boleh menangani isu-isu perkauman secara bijaksana, MAKA perlu kita ingatkan kembali rakan-rakan kita dalam perkongsian sosial, sekadar untuk mengingatkan (bukan racist)!supaya jangan menimbulkan perasaan rasa tidak selesa di kalangan kaum bumiputera, mengganggu entropi sosial yang agak rapuh selepas PRU12.
    Selama ini kita diam dan menghormati kaum-kaum lain, kita tidak anggap kaum Cina dan Tamil racist apabila mereka mempertahankan sekolah Cina dan Tamil. Kita diam apabila iklan kerja mengenakan syarat supaya calon mesti fasih berbahasa Mandarin, kami diam apabila tanah-tanah kami melalui customary right di Sabah diambil oleh syarikat-syarikat yang kebetulan (KEBETULAN???) milik orang Malaysia dari kaum Cina. Kita tidak menyalahkan mereka kerana mereka hanya mengambil peluang yang diberi oleh pegawai-pegawai Jabatan Tanah yang kebetulan rapat dengan mereka.
    Kenampakan sangat mereka mengambil peluang untuk menangguk di air keruh.
    Apakah keharmonian kaum dan keamanan yang kita jaga bagai menatang minyak yang penuh selama ini, kita sanggup GADAI untuk kepentingan politik?
    OLEH ITU saya perlu orang seperti Datuk Ahmad Ismail untuk menyuarakan apa yang terbuku di dalam hati “THE SILENCE MAJORITY”.
    meanwhile, Cuba Tun meneropong apa yang sedang DSAB & budak K buat di MayBank? Maybank beli BinaFikir Sdn Bhd dengan harga RM8M dan melantik 2 direktor nya memegang peranan yang lebih besar dlm ASseambankers (Maybank investment banking arm), kenapa nak beli dua orang ini dengan harga RM8M? Aseambankers selama ini tak perform kah???

  816. salam tun
    apa yang tun katakan bukanlah isu perkauman tetapi tentang keadilan. Keadilan untuk bersuara. Keadilan dalam menghukum dan memberi stigma. Adalah tidak adil apabila sebuah pihak dibenarkan untuk bermain api dengan isu perkauman tanpa perlu memohon maaf sementara pihak yang satu lagi harus meminta maaf jika membangkitkan isu tersebut.Apa yang tun tekankan juga adalah tanggungjawab presiden UMNO untuk mengawal keadaan dan situasi bukannya melepaskan tanggungjawab tersebut kepada timbalannya. Kalau begitu lebih baik dia letak jawatan sekarang dan berikan kepada timbalannya daripada tunggu sampai 2010
    Saya ingin minta pendapat tun tentang isu uitm untuk dibuka kepada bukan melayu kerana ada pihak yang mengatakan cadangan itu sudah pernah dibuat sewaktu pentadbiran tun.

  817. Bukan sekali dua Melayu ditempelak. Tu la…kuat sangat tolak ansur. Jangan salahkan orang, pemimpin sendiri hari ni cakap ini besok dah jadi lain… gara-gara nak jaga power, jual seluar la…

  818. And how could you say you admire Lim Guan Eng? He’s the biggest bigot around.
    If Malays ultra are said to vote for UMNO,what party do you think the Chinese Ultra would vote?

  819. in the 1995’s election, 96% of Indians voted BN.In 2008, it’s 50%. More Malays voted for BN in 2008 that they did in 1999.
    So Malays who used to feel secure of their status are running back to BN. If the Bar Council keep attacking Malays and Islam, I can assure you even the hardcore PAS stalwart will be voting for BN soon.

  820. I have been reading your blog for some period of time and like the fact that you promote discussion among people. However, i find it sad that most people seem to just offer unquestioned support without any constructive criticism. Here is my 2 sen worth:
    It just seems to me, and I’m sure this has been said before that you are hell bent in overthrowing the current government. You offer no alternative for any plans but feel that the current government is weak and doesn’t deserve to be in power, rightly or wrongly. The worst of your anger seems to be directed towards DSAAB, a successor you hand picked yourself. I would be very much more impressed if you could give us your views on how to go forth from here as opposed to constantly just criticising the government.
    Also, just because racial baiting never occured during the reigns of previous prime ministers does not mean it wasn’t there. Don’t forget that May 13 1969 did occur. We live in a modern era where information is rapidly disseminated and more available to the average Malaysian.
    Also, there is a greater culture of discussion. I do believe that this has led to a more noticeable talk of issues that would otherwise have been swept under the rug, so to speak in the past. Also, to be honest, I do think the media, maybe not so much the mainstream media but the alternative media, seems to be a lot less restricted during your tenure as prime minister. And I do believe this is a good thing. I think that Malaysians by and large are ready to debate so called sensitive issues in an adult and respectful manner. Why should these issues not be debated? They are important issues that affect everyone. The problem lies when people manipulate things to serve political gain.
    The big difference between today and the days of yesteryears is that there is a bit of economic squeeze. During your reign, for the most part anyway, Malaysia experienced a period of unrivalled growth. It was very easy for people to not mind giving up a little for the greater good. Now with the economic squeeze, people are questioning things and starting to debate this more agressively. People do want fairness and transparency, which lets face it, wasn’t a strong point of your reign. And this is wanted even more so during times of difficulty. When the pie was big, everyone had a slice to keep them full, now the pies a bit smaller, people are fighting over the pieces.
    Anyway, just some criticisms and my 2 sen worth, a man who spent his formative years growing up during your reign as prime minister.
    Don’t get me wrong, I think you were an excellent leader at the time and have amazing admiration and total respect for you. But things change.

  821. Dear Tun
    Racist issue again…..
    you are some with the other small time leaders (division Bukit Flag) ….
    The only hopes that can recover the rulling party already gone….
    Destroy by you and not AB and NR

  822. Dearest Tun,
    One cannot agree when they chinese and indians starts to label Malays as racist but consider this my fellow “Malaysian Indian & Chinese” friends:
    1. Why are we still having “sekolah jenis kebangsaan cina or tamil” in our education system? wouldn’t it a racist to have such schools when the Malays cannot have sekolah kebangsaan jenis Melayu?
    2. Where would you chinese and indians would go or how far would you stand up / protect this land of ours Malaysia if it is under attack?
    3. How “Malaysians” are you when you can support the zionists country when your other Malay Malaysian oppose and condem their act?
    4. Why is it that the chinese and indians would speak english better that bahasa Malaysia when it is clear that the Bahasa Malaysia is our national language?
    5. The chinese and indians would have the freedom to critised Malay rights, religion and culture but the Malays would be labelled “racist” the moment they say something to defend their rights.
    6. What rights has the Malays taken away from the chinese and indians when they can still vote, access to education, medicine and so on?
    7. When we achieved kemerdekaan, our Malays leaders plan to have the indian and chinese sent back to their respective country but the british insist that the Indian and chinese being given Malaysian citizenship. In exchange our Malay leaders ask for a system to be put in place in order to ensure the “tuan melayu” do not lose their rights of place in this country, the indians and chinese leaders agrees to this clause but why is it that the younger generation want to change this?
    8. Have the Malays abandon the chinese and indians in Malaysia? Look around and see who are controlling the economy and how many percent are the Indians and chinese in poor state compare to the Malays?
    Original – Aku Pening
    P/s I too have left UMNO under protest. Now I dare all the UMNO grassroot members for a rally to force AB to step down. I’m willing to sponsor any given vanue for the mass gathering should you UMNO members willing to make the change before it is too late.

  823. Isu terbaru yg panas melibatkan pemimpin melayu Bukit Bendera, menerima reaksi berbeza-beza dari pelbagai pihak. Hari ini, setelah Ahmad membuat kenyataan terbuka di dalam Buletin Utama TV3, ramai yg tersentak dan menimbulkan berbagai persoalan baru yg harus dijawab dengan segera bagi mengelakkan persepsi buruk terhadap UMNO,Melayu & Malaysia. Persoalannya, bagaimana semua ini boleh berlaku? Pihak manakah yg inginkan ia berlaku? Apa yg tidak kena dgn hubungan dikalangan pemimpin atasan UMNO & BN? Kenapa isu sensitif seperti ini tidak diselidik dengan terperinci terlebih dulu sebelum membuat kenyataan? Adakah kebebasan media di dalam melaporkan sesuatu berita sudah sampai ke satu tahap yg di luar kawalan? Berapa lamakah pihak kerajaan perlukan masa untuk meletakkan titik noktah?
    Welcome to:

  824. Pity Tun. Ahmad Ismail is feeling the ‘heat’ now – claimed been manipulated / missjudged by media. Soon enuf, he’ll be joinning u. cerita ‘kepolitikan’ m’sia makin menarik! at this moment, no hero @ crook, yet. semua watak memainkan peranan ‘good boy & noughty kid’, berselang-seli. cmna ending crita ni pun, harap2 maruah melayu tak tergadai sewenang2nya seperti kelihatannya di bawah kepimpinan KJ, ehhh, Pak Lah.

  825. Salam Tun,
    Skit saja sya na catat in regards to Ahmad Ismail remarks Tun……
    Pak Lah………. Play save
    Najib………… Apologizes for nothing; jgn la melatah ta tentu psal
    Ahmad Ismail….. Irresponsible
    You Tun………. Men with principles
    Malaysian…….. We all racist in disguised
    The whole World.. ermmmmm…… we are all different e.g. our DNA, fingerprint… but one thing for sure our blood are all red and we all share the same ground called earth.

  826. Assalamualaikum TUN, saya syukri ydp mppusm. TUN sebenarnya idola saya dalam kepimpinan dan pemikiran. sebagai orang melayu, saya juga sedih dengan apa yang berlaku hari ini. ebelum ni, saya cuma bergerak dalam lingkungan pergerakan pelar di universiti sahaja. jika TUN rasekan pemimpin melayu hari ini tidak bersama TUN, saya boleh jadi penyokong TUN untuk agenda melayu dengan mengumpulkan pemimpin pelajar. bukan saya emosi tetapi sya tak mahu generasi hadapan salahkan kepimpinan pelejar hari ini kerana lambat bertindak. jadi saya boleh kumpulkan gerakan pekimpinan pelajar untuk berama-sama dengan TUN berjuang demi melayu. kalau TUN rasa pejalar universiti boleh bantu TUN untuk membuka kembali mata orang melayu yang lena, saya bersedia. ni no phone saya. 013-7792523 atau [email protected]. nama saya muhammad syukri ibrahim. yang dipertua majlis perwakilan pelajar univeriti sains malaysia. asal endau johor. harap saya dapat membantu TUN. terima kasih.

  827. Bagi saya , Tun sengaja ‘mengapi-apikan’ isu in. Dalam keadaan politik sekarang , hanya denga tercetusnya isu perkauman sahaja , BN mungkin boleh mengelak daripada kehilangan kuasa.
    Jangan di perbodohkan , berhenti comment , berhenti mambantu Tun menimbulkan isu perkauman , ketakutan ,……

  828. Dear Tun,
    I am an UMNO member but I did not vote for BN in the last election because:
    1.I could no longer tolerate the endemic corruption in the country brought about by 50 years of BN rule.
    2.I had enough of the arrogance of UMNO leaders big and small.
    3. The arrogance and inefficiency of the largely Malay civil service.
    4. Total abuse of the NEP by the privileged classes.
    5. The poor education system and the lack of political will to do what needs to be done.
    I love this country and I can see it fast going down the drain if these things don’t change soon. Who the PM was did not matter to me in the end as I could not see anyone else in UMNO who was strong enough to tackle these issues without being killed by UMNO warlords.
    So I voted for people who I believe in.
    I did not vote out of disgust for Pak Lah, I voted out of disgust for UMNO. As did many of my friends.

  829. Dear TUN
    Don’t keep telling Malays is weak and lost!
    They are not weak,they have many highly intelligence people!
    Pls don’t stir up ‘racialism’ topic!
    TUN, you don’t like PAK LAH!
    But, I think PAKLAH,Najib,Nazri,Muyiddin etc…know your ‘trick’!
    You keep telling kaum Malays they are weak, b,cos you want them to think that their Leaders are weak!
    I think they know about it,so Najib says sorry to calm down everybody,but TUN try to stir up again!
    No good,no good….dangerous to the country!
    Good health,TUN

  830. Salam hormat Tun dan bloggers.
    Ingin saya katakan, terutama kepada non-Malay bloggers yang banyak memberi komen marah pada Tun kerana kononnya beliau ‘racist’. Tidakkah tuan2 baca betul2 dan dengan hati yang terbuka? Apa sebenarnya yang Tun cuba sampaikan? Tuan2 semua tahu Tun merupakan seorang yang sangat konsisten dalam memberi pendapat dan buah fikiran kerana beliau berfikir sedalam-dalamnya sebelum meluahkan kepada semua. Belaiu sudahpun berumur 83 tahun yang sudah tentu telah nampak banyak perkara yang orang lain tak nampak. Dan beliau juga masih mempunyai fikiran yang tajam dan jauh ke hadapan berbanding orang yang jauh lebih muda darinya. Takkan kerana satu tulisan tuan2 telah menuduh beliau ‘racist’? Selama ini apa yang beliau buat untuk kita dan negara? Adakah semuanya untuk orang Melayu? Tuan2 kata tuan2 menyanjung beliau selama ini tetapi dengan satu posting, oh… terus hilang respect tu. Jadi bagaimana tuan2 semua menghormati orang? Adakah bila tindakan Tun menyebelahi anda semua baru dikatakan tidak ‘racist’? COme on la…I believe once we believe in a person, we will always believe in him. I believe he is sending an important message to everyone here.
    Selama ini selalu apa yang beliau perkatakan atau perbuatannya disalah-ertikan oleh orang ramai. Lama kemudian barulah orang faham dan nampak apa yang beliau cuba sampaikan. Tetapi selalunya selepas macam2 kata nista dah dikeluarkan barulah nak faham. Beliau tidak mendapat apa2 keuntungan dengan menulis hanya untuk menaikkan kemarahan orang. Jadi bersikap terbukalah. Takkanlah dengan Tun yang dah terbukti rekod cemerlangnya begitu bodoh untuk menghancurkan prinsip2nya. Kalau beliau seorang yang bias,’racist’, takkan dia boleh survive sebagai PM selama 22 tahun?
    Peace upon you Tun and wife.

  831. Dear TDM,
    Any racial issues should not be out in the first place.
    As multi racial country, tolerance and understanding each other culture and belief is one of the most important factor in maintaining peace and harmony. The other one is economy.
    Like Tun have mentioned a number of time from day one until now, the main culprit is the weak leader(s). If the leader that we have now is strong in any sense, he would make sure that nobody not even among friends can use any racial card or economy difference for any purpose either personal agendas or politics.
    As the Chinese and Indians have their right to fight for their community and causes, we Malays also have the right to fight for our self being.
    If somehow, we Malays are seen to be racist by trying to protect our rightful claim as Malaysian majority, then why couldn’t the Indians in Hindraf be the same. Why can’t the Chinese in DAP be the same.
    I am wondering why KS are not apologizing to us Malays? He slandered the Royals, he questioned the Constitution, and much more (DAP people knows more). The same as LKS when he questioned BTN or Teressa Kok when she questioned Jawi.
    How do we want to be peaceful if these kind of people still being supported?
    Last time, DAP are against Sekolah Wawasan and fight to maintain Chinese schools? Why? To preserve their culture? or to preserve their Chinese thinking and mentality? The same with Indians Schools.
    Why not only one type of schools?
    We Malaysian are civilized and well taught on which is right and wrong. Therefore, we can identify which so-called leaders are truly championing our cause and who are not. And from my end, the mentioned above and some UMNO leaders is not.
    We should understand that each race should have leader that can fight for each race causes and privileges. But that doesn’t mean these leader have to distance themselves from others and play racial card. Instead, they should be in discussion to see which way is the best so we can progress.
    Please understand each other. The country have been build by our previous leader with understanding of each race cultures and also by acknowledging each race privileges. For 30 years, we have minimal aggression to each other, do not let these current stupid leaders ruin it.
    Tun is not racist, but he is Malay champion.
    He also have been for 20 years, Malaysian champion.
    If not, we will not be as we were today.
    Proud to be Malaysian,
    Assalamualaikum w.r.t

  832. Yang Amat Berbahagia Tun (YAB Tun)…
    Salam hormat, semoga YAB Tun dan keluarga sihat selalu…
    7. Their leaders have deserted them..
    Saya amat bersetuju sekali.. Pemimpin UMNO sekarang telah hilang “semangat setia kawan’. Apa lagi yang Bumiputera boleh buat kalau pemimpin sendiri sudah menyorok. Nampaknya DS najib benar-benar menjadi kambing hitam. DSAB mengharapkan agar DS Najib hilang sabar dan melawan DSAB dalam Bulan Dis ini. Dengan itu mudahlah DS Najib disingkirkan dari jawatan Presiden UMNO, tamatlah riwayat politik DS Najib. DSAB dan KJ tidak perlu risau kerana habuan telah diberi kepada semua bakal perwakilan. Hanya menunggu masa DS Najib hilang pertimbangan.
    Saya telah dengar penjelasan Datuk Ahmad Ismail. Saya bersetuju ada kebenarannya apa yang telah diucapkan. Dalam keadaan sekarang saya menyokong (walaupun YAB Tun tidak..) dengan tindakan beliau. Bara sudah di dalam genggaman..genggam..genggam.. biar sampai menjadi abu.
    DSAB berundurlah segera…
    YAB Tun.. jagalah kesihatan..
    Wassalam, Pesara..

  833. This is my 1st time making a comment,I’m just a 34yr old Chinese M’sian lady, who never voted before in any general election, I never seen the need to bec I guess i been living a simple life in a wonderful M’sia that i love very much. But lately, since the last general election, so much changes and so many politicians who do and say things without thinking and somehow is like everyone is always bickering. I really wonder are they the correct people to lead us thru this challenging time. Reading the news is tiring. I cannot imagine what my kids future will be like. Honestly, this is the 1st time I am actually worried, that they won’t be able to enjoy the peaceful & caring society during your era. Compared to the current PM,i feel u r more capable bec i understand your ideas and solutions. I really don’t get what the current PM is trying to convey in his speech etc. If i can get thru the whole talk without dozing of myself.
    I definately know u are not a racist, if not i wouldn’t have enjoyed my growing years, the opportunity to good education & a peaceful country. I think majority of us are not racist, I have many good friends who are of different races, we help and enjoy each other company. We even love the ideas of many races in M’sia (yes for all the many festival holidays :P), yeah we do make funny or not so nice comments abt each other races, but we accept each others weakness and faults & we compromise. Why the big politicians can’t just skip the race issue, and work on serious matter like inflation,etc.
    Malaysia really has change, who would ever tot i’ll be writing my thoughts to the Famous Dr M himself. I guess we are all human after all, How i wish there is no such thing as RACIST in the world.
    P/s: I will register, so that I will be able to vote for the next GE. Will persuade my other family members to do so, is for our future generation, looks like we can’t sit on the fence anymore!We have to help ourselves since there can only be one Dr.M ERA.
    Take care, you do look good for your age!!! 🙂

  834. Salam buat Ybh Tun dan pembaca.
    1. Kalau Tun kupas lagi issue ini lagi menarik and more intresting. Tak kira apa pembaca nak lebel Tun,racist ke,benci ke akhirnya kita akan nampak karisma atau sifat leader ship Tun selama ini . Yang penting pada Tun hala tuju atau vision satu satu perlaksanaan yang nak dibuat. Kalau nak layan yang contra sudah tentu vision tersebut tak tercapai. Pada Tun kutukan tak jadi kudis padanya tapi akhirnya vision Tun TERCAPAI. Inilah dikatakan true leader ship. Kepada yang mengutuk Tun ,cuba anda amati betul betul apa yang Tun lakukan selama 22 tahun,sama ada anda suka atau tidak pada Tun kita semua telah mendapat manfaatnya.
    2. No 13 adalah kunci kejayaan Tun. Kalau dibandingkan keadaan sekarang jurangnya sangat JAUH. Kenapa ? Kalau Tun racist kenapa bangsa Cina dan India yang dah jutawan sekarang hidup bahagia?
    3. Nampak sangat pemikiran yang mengutuk Tun masih lembab walau pun berpelajaran tinggi. Kemarahan anda membuat otak anda menutup segala galanya. Seandainya anda berpeluang bersemuka dan berbual dengan Tun dengan apa tajuk sekali pun, pemikiran anda tak setaraf minda Tun. Tanyalah orang pernah berbual dengannya atau mungkin ada pembaca blog Tun yang sudi berkongsi pengalaman bersama Tun.
    4. Saya yakin jika Tun membangkit issue issue yang lebeh mencabar minda kita akan faham cara Tun berkerja. Itu pun kalau otak anda bersedia dan benar benar terbuka membincangkan. Jadi jangan rasa pelik kenapa kerajaan AAB disanggah sekarang. Hanya yang kurang waras sahaja akan mengatakan kerajaan sekarang ok.
    5. Teruskan menulis Tun. Saya begitu yakin bahawa dalam 6 juta pengunjung blog Tun pasti ada yang dah JELAS cara Tun memerentah dulu dan mungkin berguna kepada generasi muda yang bakal memacu negara ini jika ia tidak hancur berderai angkara DSAI.

  835. dearest unreplaceable Tun,
    count me in. the windows of pain pictured clearly on most common malays like me. now, most part of asean countries are in trouble. believe me, the progress seems to fit their global agenda. does ‘etnic cleansing’ like israel 6 days war and ‘how the west was won’ means anything to us all.. malays will live in kampong house reservations while the ‘alien natives’ claimed victory. i’m now cursing all pas leaders (except for nik aziz), all pkr leaders and all of umno members for contributing to this ‘malay failure, unity chaos and this great malay disaster..
    i will blame these people for every malay suffering from now on and the near future.. let us all pray to god almighty that will give a mere lesson to all of these people as soon as possible… maybe today we are unable to react because of ‘false hope’ and ‘wait and see’ attitute still sinking deep in mind. tomorow we will know what to do…. the ‘great malay march!’ it will have the biggest sacrifice to the malay community.
    by that time, i will remind all of you, ‘don’t you run…’
    no more religious sandiwara
    no more racial sandiwara
    and no more political sandiwara
    the anger is burning on every inch of the malay soil.. every single suffering malay is needed.. no matter where you are and from!

    Yang di hormati lagi di sayangi Ayahanda Tun dan Bonda Siti Hasmah
    Syabas dengan pernyataan Ayahanda kali ini.Biar mereka itu terbukak mata nya sikit dan boleh berfikir dengan lebih rasional lagi.Anakanda dah kata dekat depa2 tu dalam comments anakanda dalam artikel Snippets -mohon maaf -supaya :READ BETWEEN THE LINES” atas apa yang ayahanda katakan supaya otak2 mereka itu jangan tersesat,bercelaru dan macam2.
    Kalau pak lah nak bukak RAHSIA HANG – so what- it’s not the END OF THE WORLD .- bukan hang akan jadi PAPA KEDANA. -CUBA JADI JANTAN SIKIT. Tolong -bantu untuk mendapatkan semula keharmonian masyarakat dalam Negara Malaysia ini.Hang suka anwar ibrahim jual Malaysia kat yahudi KA ?
    Semoga Ayahanda Tun dan Bonda Siti Hasmah selalu berada di dalam limpahan Rahmat ALLAH SWT
    Alif Lam Mim

  837. You said: “5. Far from the opposition’s “win” being brought about by rejection of racial politics, it has actually enhanced racial politics. We talk more about race and racial interest than we did in the last 50 years.”
    Well, maybe what I read on the blogs and the papers are messages written of whats been spoken. But don’t take it wrong. IT was spoken even from before your time. Just that no one dared to write it anywhere or there was no such great leveller of an uneven battle field as the internet and blogs in particular.
    You have completely ignored or conveniently forgotten your great Biro Tata Negara (BTN) which I believe is your creation. Whose monstrous brain child was this to go into schools, universities and that silly National Service to indoctrinate everyone to become servitude to UMNO? who thought the Malays at primary school to not talk and play with their Indian and Chinese friends? And before you even start denying this, please ask your own grand child whose parents wisely removed her to a private school so that these venomous creatures infest her with their venom.
    Maybe, you might want to comment on this Biro and its work and how they have infiltrated into even Primary schools such that your own grand daughter had to seek refuge in a private school!! I suppose it is quite o.k. for your grand daughter to be kept away from these pests but not o.k. for other Malay/Muslim kids to be subject to their influence and debauchery!

  838. Dear Tun,
    As you said..we cannot please everybody. All the races should respect each others. Remember our root..

  839. Dear Tun,
    Thanks for clarify your posting on pohon maaf and make us clearly understand your meaning and opinion.
    Yes, Tun cannot please everyone, but as long one consience is clear I think we do not need to care what others think.
    Bravo again to Tun for taking the extra mile to give us a more clearer picture.

  840. Nowdays people talk about fair and equal rights. Why? Because malays are educated and well off than before. They willing to change and this would bring them benefit instead of giving them money. They realize what they need and what government they want. Malays don’t need any ‘protection.’ They can survive with their brain and hands. Yes, I know malays is the poorest races but please HELP THE POOR PEOPLE (MALAYSIAN but not MALAY ONLY) like what Lim Guan Eng did and not only protect the malays like protect the ‘Proton’
    This country ‘tak boleh mencapai wawasan 2020’ with such government. Australia can treat all citizen equally, I don’t see why we can’t.

  841. Salam Tun. Selamat Menyambut Ramadhan. Semoga kedatangannya diharapkan meninggalkan seribu makna dalam hidup kita.
    Secara tulus dari hati, saya menyokong kenyataan yang dikeluarkan oleh Ketua UMNO Bahagian Bukit Bendera itu dan juga penjelasan oleh Tun.
    Namun, disebalik kontroversi rakyat malaysia perlu sedar bahawa sejarah kelahiran malaysia dan tanah melayu tidak dapat dinafikan bahawa melayu dalah peribumi dan kaum india dan cina hanyalah pendatang yang dibawa oleh British.
    Keistemewaan Melayu sebagai peribumi tidak boleh dipertikaikan dan tidak boleh dikurangkan dengan cara apa sekalipun dan pada masa yang sama memberi kesamarataan kepada rakyat malaysia yang lain dalam sesuatu hal berdasarkan kemampuan. Kita tidak mahu ada pihak cuba untuk menolong Melayu yang miskin dan pada masa yang sama tidak memberi bantuan kepada golongan Cina dan India yang miskin.
    Saya percaya, Dilemma Melayu menjadi asas kepada Dasar Ekonomi Baharu. Kemampuan Melayu untuk bersaing dalam bidang ekonomi amat terhad berbanding Kaum Cina yang jika dikaji mengikut asas ketamandunan bangsa Cina, mereka merupakan pedagang dan ahli perniagaan yang amat berjaya. Namun dalam konteks malaysia hari ini, jika terdapat melayu, india dan cina yang miskin perlu ada usaha untuk mengeluarkan mereka dari kepompong kemiskinan tanpa perlu menghidupkan api sengketa seterusnya menyebabkan ketidakpuasan hati, dan akhirnya dendam antara kaum menebal yang akhirnya menjadi bom jangka. Dan inilah yang sebenarnya Pihak Barat inginkan serta Yahudi inginkan. Dan itulah sebenarnya DAP serta PKR terpalit dengan politik api sengketa dan PAS hanya menjadi penapis untuk menjernihkan imej DAP yang anti-melayu serta imej Anwar pejuang Islam sejati.
    Tuntasnya, Kemerdekaan yang kita kecepi akan berlalu pergi, jika pemimpin hari ini leka dan memandang rendah isu-isu yang boleh mencetuskan hura-hara antara kaum. Tindakan tegas seharusnya diambil dan jika perlu lucutkan kerakyatan kepada mana-mana yang masih lagi berdegil untuk menentang prinsip dan mahu melanggar asas yang telah dipersetujui oleh pemimpin terdahulu antara Tunku dengan MCA dan MIC.
    Melayu seharusnya berbangga dengan tanah air ini dan sewajarnya berjuang untuk mendapatkan kembali maruah sebagai kaum peribumi dengan memikirkan perjalanan bahtera merdeka ini. Melayu seharunya menjadi pemgemudi bahtera ini dengan memberi layanan yang baik seperti yang dianjurkan oleh islam kepada penumpang bahtera merdeka.
    Sekian, wassalam.
    Anakanda Merdeka.

  842. Dear Tun,
    Malaysia still need chinese to survive.Look at the olympic games,if without Lee Chong Wei.The name of Malaysia will not even appear in the medal tally.And without Chinese,Malaysia will be just be another Indonesia.I really hopes that Datuk Seri Anwar will successfully take over the government in order we can stand same height will all the rest.

  843. You are claim no action against Hindraf, where are the Hindraf leaders now. Are they in ISA detention ?
    And what happen to student parents house that sang the Negaraku.
    What are they asking from Ahmad put him in ISA, burn down his house. No just a simple apology, a civilize way of ending conflict.
    Have you seen the comments for your first POHON MAAF article. My God, I can imagine what will happen when the oil runs out and there is not enough money to cover NEP. How much MARA loans have not been paid back. How much more money must we put into BTN. These waste will hit us in the future.
    From witnessing the event in out neighbor country. I can imagine which race gets the blame and what will happen to them. I say to all Malaysian now remember how much money our country has now and how it is spend, then blame only yourselves for letting racial hatred blind for the poor choice you made in the election and others by not even taking part in the election.

  844. Dear Tun,
    You have the wisdom and capabilites to lead the current set of leaders
    to commit and declare that We Malaysians are united and reject
    It is sad that even our neighbours` leaders can openly declare their nationality proudly, eg Kami Indon, or we Singaporeans while few of our leaders would declare in their constituency or on a national platform as We Malaysians.
    thank you,

  845. Apabila saya membaca semua artikel TUN, saya sedih sangat mengenang nasib org Melayu, Malaysia.. apa yg boleh saya buat sekarang adalah belajar bersungguh-sungguh, semoga suatu hari nanti saya mampu mengubah semuanya balik seperti apa yang perna TUN buat sebelum ini..saya sayang TUN..

  846. Salam Sejahtera Tun…
    I respect you for what you have done for Malaysia all this while, I am a Chinese, but i felt blessed when you were the Prime Minister of Malaysia.
    Now, thing has turned to bad. In order to strike back the balance, changes must happen.

  847. Salam Tun,
    1) Ahmad racist statement really irked many people.
    2) At this point of time, whether “Pendatang”, “Penghuni”, “Penduduk Tetap” it doesn’t matter anymore.
    3) We need Pemikir, Pekerja, Professor, Peguam, and many more Pendita to help Malaysia to move on. Tun, Malaysian need help. All of us need positive guidance from you and your think tank. Where are your people who at one time able to lead us to become where we are. Now all of a sudden we are moving backwards.
    4) UMNO is very UNPOPULAR now due to their modus operandi remain the same, ~ use race to gain power and money !!!, we are very tired of all those mud slinging and racist remark.
    5) Malaysian need better quality of life and not eating maggi or hawker food every day. Kopi shop seems to be expensive to even a manager, how others going to cope???
    6) We need a Social Economic Reform and a better mechanism and plan to counter the inflation and rising fuel cost. We need Help.
    7) Please politician, don’t drag Malaysian down for your own gain. Get lost if you cannot handle the economy well being.
    8) Budget 2009 deficit is a real shock to us, i think now the screwdriver may cost more than a notebook or PC, ~ Tun who can audit all these for the Rakyat.
    Pendatang Yg Terhormat

  848. Salam Tun,
    Anyway, i’m understand what do you feel now Tun. I think you didn’t mean to talk about the racist. The racist term is just for the people that doesn’t know/ don’t want to know about the history (especially 13 May).
    The people/ person that doesn’t/ don’t want to know/ understand the history will always used it to condemn the country just to realize his/her hidden mission.
    Nowadays, so many people like to use racist term, just because to make clear their mision, and also to take advantage upon the weakness of our present leadership, The Pocket Monster.
    Now, i feel very unsafely to live in the land of Malaysia because there are so many brutal cases (murderer cases ) out of this year. The TV News only shows us a part of the cases, but there are so many cases happened out there.What will happen to our beloved Malaysia? Do our country will follow the situation that happened in Europe or America?
    Please all Malaysian. Don’t make our beloved country live under the Forest Law.
    For Tun and family, please carry on your brilliant ideas to repair our “problem car”. Don’t let the car stopped at the middle of the road, because there was another car that sponsored by international company who follow from behind, and the care has no mercy to infringe our beloved car.
    To all chedet blog, Keep our country away from the maskman who love to see our country destroyed.Fair does not mean their are fair. Fail does not mean their are failed.Just think about it!
    Love u all Malaysian!

  849. dear Tun
    this is a very sensitive issue,but seems like pak lah failed to react to it with urgency.only until when the issues became huge and pak lah became “superman” to the rescue.Maybe jeanne was slow in ironing his superman suit.He demanded that Ahmad apologize after his 2nd man najib had publicly offered an apology on behalf of UMNO.MCA and Gerakan were all up their feet raising their voice championing for the Chinese.Y?To gain back some popularity and ground that they lost during the election.After all MCA and the rest knew that UMNO was the main reason for the political tsunami 8march.As I have mentioned earlier A weak Umno is a weak barisan.Proven again a weak PAK LAh leads to a weak UMNO.
    I believe this does not happen during TUN time.Y does it happen now?Mayb Ahmad was frustrated with the Malay who turn their back on UMNO,trying desperately to win back their heart..came up with the wrong words.Again back to the root,if UMNO is strong,there is no need for these words to be uttered during the ceramah.Again proven UMNO is weak,they really think they have to fight back for Malays votes.
    I am a chinese and I am a proud Malaysian and I believe not all UMNO are racist.We have come to a time that we are united.therefore I dont really see this issue as a big issue,its just blown out of proportion.THe main problem is the root,thats the leader.
    We always think that Hisham in showing of the keris is the reason fall the downfall of UMNO.I dont think so,the downfall is the system,the person who is in charge PAK LAH N KHAIRY.
    do u agree,TUN
    bless u Tun,hope changes will come soon………

  850. As a science student who has great interest in philosophy, I am fully convinced that if racialism (or racism, a more proper word) of whatever sort, is a sin. Anyone who thinks this is a good idea, he/she needs education. If you still think that racialism is a great ideology, go get some education. Something was definitely lacking in the school that you went to if it gave birth to the idea of racism.

  851. Assalamulaikom Tun,
    1. Apa yang terjadi hari ini adalah merupakan hasil dari sistem yang kita amalkan sejak 50 tahun yang lalu. Sekiranya benih durian yang ditanam, buahnya takkan lah pula rambutan.
    2. Kalau Tun sendiri pernah di anggap ultra-malay (mungkin Tun sendiri berasa bangga ?)tidak mungkinkah akan lahir ramai lagi super-duper ultra malay, ultra chinese, ultra tamil?
    3. Dalam tempoh 50 tahun UMNO/BN diberi peluang mewujudkan satu bangsa Malaysia yang utuh namun ternyata ianya gagal.Kita hanya mampu KAWAL agar antara kaum tidak bergocoh. Itupun kerana hasil bumi kita yang makmur dan masing-masing kaum berasa mempunyai kekuatan sendiri. Bangsa Melayu gah dengan kuasa politiknya dan keturunan China dengan kekuasaan ekonominya.
    4.Dua blok kekuasaan ini nampak macam tak lut, sehinggalah, bermula dizaman Tun, kuasa politik Melayu pemerintah nampak kalut dan bercelaru, sehinggalah ke hari ini.
    5.Satu bangsa Malaysia, yang harmoni,DAN sejati perlu diujudkan agar ujud rasa persaudaraan dikalangan masyarakat. Dan apabila berlaku insiden TERLEPAS CAKAP, kita dapat segera memaafkan, tanpa prejudis atau rasa terhina.
    6.Dalam situasi apapun pendekatan secara ISLAM perlulah diberi tempat, kerana pendekatan ISLAM lebih bersifat universal berbanding pendekatan lain.

  852. salam ayahanda TUN, saya jumpa Tun die UTP semasa konvofair. Semoga pjg umur TUN. semoga dapat menurunkan ilmu-ilmu TUN kepada saya suatu hari nanti..AMIN..
    saya sayang TUN,pemimpin Malaysia yg terbilang

  853. Yahoo. this time i may be the first…. Saya setuju dengan pendapat TUN.. Sangat setuju… Perkara sebegini sepatutnya di tangani dengan bijak..

  854. Salam sejahtera kepada Tun,
    Pada pendapat saya, memohon maaf bukanlah sesuatu yang memalukan, kita sepatutnya berani untuk memohon maaf jika kita membuat kesilapan di atas perbuatan sendiri.
    Sebagai seorang ketua yang bertanggungjawab, mereka seharusnya bertanggungjawab keatas kesilapan anak buahnya. Ini adalah prinsip moral.
    Sebagai rakyat Malaysia, saya sungguh bangga dan bersyukur kerana saya dapat melihat dan menikmati bergagai-bagai perayaan daripada kaum Melayu, Cina, India dan sebagainya. Kita meraikan tahun baru kita bersama-sama.
    Kalau kita perhatikan betul-betul, rakyat Malaysia ini sepatutnya tak ada masalah dengan perkauman, semua kaum hidup dengan harmoni, rakan sekerja bekerja bersama-sama, makan pun bersama, malah ada juga yang bersuka ria selepas waktu bekerja. Kaum Melayu, Cina dan India sememangnya boleh hidup dengan harmoni bersama-sama.
    Pada pendapat saya, politiklah punca utama yang menyebabkan keregangan ini. Pemimpin-pemimpin sepatutnya berhati-hati dengan ucapannya, mereka tidak seharusnya menyinggung perasaan mana-mana kaum. Pemimpin sepatutnya bersuara untuk semua kaum dan bukannya untuk satu kaum sahaja, kerana pemimpin-pemimpin ini dipilih oleh rakyat untuk memberi khidmat kepada mereka.
    Saya berharap rakyat Malaysia akan bersatu padu kembali dan memperjuangkan untuk negara dan mempamerkan nama negara kita di seluruh dunia bahawa Malaysia sememnagnya Boleh!! Memperjuangkan untuk kaum tidak bermakna kerana kita sememangnya kaun Malaysia.

  855. First to comment.
    The first article create tension, while the second one sounds better. I believe you have lots of non Malay supporters here where they constantly check your blog. Do not shy them away.

  856. Dear Tun,
    The time has come for us the grassroot members of UNMO to shoulder the task to ousted PAK Lah.It’s our responsibilities to share the burden .
    I plead to all members to be present during this coming general assembly of UMNO this December.This is the opportunity for us to interprate the support for you and seek our right as members of UMNO.
    UMNO doesn’t belong to the entire MTs nor Pak Lah or Najib.UMNO belongs to the entire members.The prime agenda this time is to rebrand UMNO, and to achive this we have to remove Pak Lah and his minions.
    Kepada semua bangsa melayu yang masih menyayangi UMNO, ayuh hadirkan diri di perhimpunan agung kali ini.Kuasa yang mereka miliki datangnya dari kita,oleh itu kita berhak membuat tuntutan yang positif demi kebaikan bangsa.
    Adalah tidak adil untuk kita sebagai ahli UMNO meletakan tanggung jawab hanya dibahu seorang bekas Perdana Menteri yang bernama TUN MAHATHIR MUHAMMAD untuk menyingkir Perdana Menteri yang bacul.
    Wakil-wakil bahagian mungkin boleh disogok tetapi adalah mustahil bagi mereka menyogok keseluruhan ahli-ahli akar umbi yang benar-benar sayangkan UMNO.
    Ibu penyakit yang melemahkan tubuh UMNO adalah Pak Lah dan kuncu-kuncunya,maka untuk mengembalikan kekuatan UMNO, ibu penyakit perlu kita hapuskan dan kuasa untuk menghapuskan ibu penyakit berada dalam tangan kita, yakni ahli-ahli UMNO itu sendiri.
    “Tuhan tidak akan mengubah nasib sesuatu kaum melainkan kaum itu sendiri yang mengubahnya”.
    Kita jupa disana…dengan satu tujuan dan satu suara.UNDUR..LAH PERDANA MENTERI BACUL.

  857. saya yakin tidak ramai dikalangan orang cina, melayu dan india yang racist. Majoriti dikalangan semua kaum dinegara kita suka kepada kestabilan dan keharmonian kaum yang ada sekarang walaupun sedikit panas dan mahu melihat dapat diatasi…Jika atas racism dan ingin menjaga ketenteraman negara tindakan ISA haruslah diambil segera supaya mereka tidak dapat meracuni yang lain. Seperti dalam bidang pertanian…penyakit virus yang menyerang tanaman tiada ubatnya dan jika terdapat dikalangan tanaman yang berpenyakit, tindakan mengasingkanya hendaklah diambil segera.Namun begitu tindakan ini hanya berani di ambil jika pemimpin yang ada kuat dan dihormati, tidak lembik, berani…Di zaman TUN, TUN pun ada mengambil tindakan ini tetapi ramai yang menyokong kerana TUN merupakan seorang pemimpin yang kuat walaupun ada segelintir (yang bersifat racist) yang menentang…

  858. Dear Tun,
    You were the PM when i was in primary school….you were still PM when I left secondary school and entered the workforce.
    I would say that you were very instrumental in shaping Malaysia into a developed nation…thanks to the policies that that were made to support those developments during your tenure.
    but seriously….how far have we progressed in racial relations?…
    Why do you come up with racially charged postings in your blog when you yourself know that it would not do any good?..
    We never had these moments prior to 2007.
    I read ahloon’s comments in your previous post and I agree with him.
    Something is seriously wrong and I hate to see someone i respect posting something with racial overtones.
    I am an Indian….I grew up amongst many Malay and Chinese friends…I studied amonst many Malays and Chinese who are my friends…I work amongst many Malays and Chinese whom i have made my friends…
    Whether we all like it or not….we live in a multi racial country…it is sad when the leaders who are supposed to lead play the racial sentiments to win votes an makes us the rakyat their pawns.

  859. By the way, P/S:
    Please save your breath in “desperately” wanting to deny the FACT that the Malays are the Penduduk Asal of this Land in the “Malay Peninsula”.
    The fact is: Malay Civilization had already existed here in South-East Asia, or Nusantara, or The Malay Archipelago region, even BEFORE 1 AD.
    FYA, the “only Orang Asli” & “Malays from Indon” are the 2 MYTHS “created” by dap to belittle the Malays (why?) by confusing the NEW Malaysian generation who don’t seem to know our history & make them “deny” the Malays (again, WHY?).
    #1. Orang Aslis/Aboriginal Tribes are found in many countries – including in China, Japan and Taiwan.
    Orang Aslis are those people who live in remote areas/pedalaman on their own, and are away from civilization.
    So what right have the “civilized” Chinese “claim” that they are also the “penduduk asal” of China or Taiwan?… Thus, it is the same thing here in THIS region, where, the “civilized” Malays are also “penduduk asal” of this regionn – just as much as those Orang Aslis.
    #2. Before Indonesia & Malaysia came into existence, the peoples of this Nusantara or Malay Archipelago region have always been of the same roots – same attire, same language, same food, batiks, songkets, houses, life-style.
    The Sriwijaya Empire covered the area of Sumatera, Malay Peninsula, Riau, West Borneo, pasrt of Sulawesi, right up to Southern Indo-China (Kemboja, Laos, Vietnam).
    Our Empayar Kesultanan Melaka covered Riau, Sumatera (south of Aceh), and parts of Borneo & Sulawesi.
    So, the Malay people are the peoples of THIS South-East Asia region even BEFORE Malaysia and Indonesia existed.
    Please don’t simply accept whatever “myths” brought up by some SELFISH group/s just to dis-unite ALL OF US MALAYSIANS…
    Thank you.

  860. Asm Tun and family..
    Too much compromise make us a damm losers..i wonder what else their request after this..
    i came across one of your articel during 70’s..’be your self”

  861. The Packing order mentality may take aeons to dissolve.That’s when interacial marriages take over and the world is left with only one race called Humanity. Alexander the Great despite being foolishly ambitious had encouraged mix marriages and led to exchange or sharing of knowledge between the West and the East.He was responsible for the new vista in human life.
    But now despite the great advent of technology and information at the speed of thought, we are reverting and religiously guarding the survival of our own kinds.In one hand we have the religious scriptures that preach equality between all humans and on the other hand social contract which goes on dividing sect by sect. We are now torn apart, not being able to serve both masters have left it in the condition that let nature takes its course.
    Jealousy,comparison and hatred will only destroy us – ash to ash,dust to dust.Difficult it is to share.Perhaps we are destined to be like this.The 3 major ethnics have their own traditions and continue guarding them fervently.To even conceive the concept of “melting pot” is a daydream.Chinese and Indians speak on Bangsa Malaysia but they have never meant it genuinely. It is near impossible given the vast difference in culture and language. Unity in variety maybe a foolish attempt nevertherless worth trying, call it an experiment with “truth”.
    It is better we just carry on with our lives and do our jobs as intended without prejudice.An individual who is almost perfect in every sense can then help to build a better society.The tormented Mind can only corrupt others easily.This is where we have to get some restraint. It maybe a never ending dilemma but we will live it.No aggression is needed.

  862. Assalamu aleikum, Tun Dr. Mahathir. What I have to ask you is will you please urgently reconsider your retirement and resume the premiership before all that you worked for over the years finishes crashing down? Badawi is leading the country into the abyss, Najib is unwilling or unable to take command, and Anwar Ibrahim is waiting in the wings (regardless of whether he takes control on September 16th). If ever there was a need for a return by responsible leadership, this is the time.

  863. Dear Tun,
    I am sorry but to say i believe that people are looking forward a government which can help all Malaysians. I am extremely sad with someone, so called leader at the grassroot level to behave in a such way that created more racial problem. I am also against those leaders from the other component parties of BN to create so much attention towards the statement made by someone who dislike unity. They should instead spend more time with the leading party in BN to bring up more effective methods to improve the quality of livings of all Malaysians, especially those with low income.
    Still the problem is within each component parties in BN. Now it seems everyone at the grassroot level are trying to get attention, with different opinions from those leaders at national level. This is the problem due to so much freedom created by the leadership.
    My hope is everyone, including those from opposition parties to put a stop from creating statements that can hurt the unity of all Malaysians, and start to spend more effort in bring up the economy, improve the spending power, reduce poverty and improve our image as an united nation.

  864. Pak Lah yang lemah telah meletakkan orang Melayu dalam keadaan tidak lagi dihormati oleh orang Cina dan kemungkinan juga orang India. Sebelum nasi menjadi bubur saya cadangkan orang Melayu menubuhkan parti alternatif dengan segera. Nama parti baru perlu difikirkan dengan mendalam. Jika ini tidak dilakukan hancurlah harapan orang Melayu yang tidak meyokong Pakatan Rakyat tetapi tiada parti lain yang boleh dipilih. Disebabkan Pak Lah yang terlalu susah untuk berundur walaupun beliau tahu ramai yang tidak menyukainya, harapan untuk UMNO pulih adlah terlalu tipis. Justeru penubuhan parti alternatif untuk orang Melayu boleh mengurangkan undi Pakatan Rakyat dan parti alternatif ini kemudiannya bersama UMNO mewujudkan kerajaan campuran. Cara begini boleh mengelakkan Pakatan Rakyat berkuasa. Terima Kasih
    Kasim Awang

  865. Hi Tun,hopw you are fine and in good health.I’m an indian and generally I think Indians and Chinese should be grateful and thankful to the Malays for letting us to be citizen here.But I don’t think what he Bukit Bendera Division head said os right and should apoligise,you are reight,the DPM shouldn’t apologise.

  866. Tun,
    The racist issue has always been in every Malaysian mind; especially the Chinese & Indian. You didn’t feel it because for the last 51 years, even more after the May 13 incident; Malay has always been a superior race & the none Malays are forbid to utter a single word on race issue.
    Only after the recent GE, all Umnoputras has lost their direction & they all felt threatened by Anwar Ibrahim reforms and resulted they are all out to play the racist issue again with the hope it will unite the Malay and continue with their $ making condition.
    For goodness sake the country economy is going down to the drain, your successor has zero idea on how to bring our country back on track ! The whole country systems & processes are so chaotic & resulted zero new foreign investment. Ringgit was badly punished for the few days. You cannot blame us for all out support Pakatan for the reform; as we don’t see any way out for our country economy with the current administration.

  867. Dear TUN,
    I am a chinese medical doctor in UMMC. I don’t think you are anti-chinese. And unfortunately more and more of my friends start to support Answar, whom i think is not suitable to be our leader.
    And sadly Abdullah and Najib also not suitable. Would you mind standing out for our country again. I know i am bit selfish to ask that but look at the current BN. There is no respect and understanding among each other. MCA youth leader make comment publicly about Ahmad’s so called racist comment is WRONG! They are putting our country 50 years of effort to unite the people at stake for their/ or this MCA fat guy own benefit ( apparantly he want to run for some higher post..who care!!!! At least give Ahmad’s chance to clarify his statement.
    Malaysia is a wonderful country. We all need to learn how to give and take.
    Thank you for your contribution to us Malaysian.

  868. Salam Tun,
    What ever you do Tun my support will always go with you.
    You are the true leader of the Malays and Malaysia.
    Nik Ismail

  869. Salam Tun,
    Yes,I think they misunderstood you lah…They thought you are racist.Anyway it’s very difficult to please everybody.
    Take care TUN ,and continue writing..

  870. Sir,
    The political situation, currently being played out, between BN and PKR is more of the same chicanery we’ve gotten used to over 51 years, (although I myself havn’t lived that long.) If PKR seizes power, then we can expect another round of the same or similar abuses of government power. If BN remains and regains support, then we’re doomed. So, once again we find ourselves trapped between the devil(Abdullah-BN) and the deep blue sea(Anwar-PKR). What next? 5/13 again? God forbid!

  871. Salam Tun,
    Masyarakat Cina sokong BN pada tahun 1999 bukan kerana mereka nak sokong BN. Ini kerana mereka nampak pada masa itu ‘reformasi’ begitu ketara dan keadaan huru-hara. Mereka tahu sokongan Melayu kepada BN begitu rendah pada masa itu dan mereka tahu BN di ambang kekalahan, jadi mereka sokong BN kerana hanya BN saja yang mampu berikan keamanan ketika itu.

  872. Salam Tun…
    Hubaya..Hubaya Tun
    Saya tak nak komen apa dah lagi Tun..
    Pemimpin UMNOmore yang ada sekarang ne tak pandai bermain politik
    Tak tahu antara yang tersurat dan yang tersirat…
    Sedar lah suatu hari nanti Negara milik kita tapi geran tanah di pegang orang…
    Apa lagi yang tinggal Keretapi Tanah Melayu pun lebih mudah di sebut KTM…
    Nanti jadi macam Hang Tuah di letakan patung nya di Muzium…
    Sejarah akan di tulis semula tak ada Tanah Melayu asal nya —-
    No Man Land….
    Sedar lah dan bersatu lah di bawah satu ikatan UMMAH
    Nak bermubahalah pun kita berbalah..
    Samada terus bercakaran dengan politik yang akhirnya merugi kan bangsa sendiri…Fikir kan di bulan yang mulia ini semuga dapat hidayah…

  873. Tun, your argument is as sound as always. You are spot on in your assertion that it is only within the last few years that racialism has truly been rearing it’s ugly head. Case in point is an Indian friend of mine of 2 decades with whom I grew up with and considered my best friend and as close to me as my brother. There was nothing we would not do for each other and would be at each others side at the slightest hint of trouble. Sadly, the deterioration in the racial harmony of this country was stronger than our friendship, polarising us to our respective “kaum”, soundly building a barrier between us which was impossible to fathom a couple of years ago. I can only shudder to think what things will be like in another couple of years. None of this would have happened during your time. Yes, there were instances of racialism, but you quickly smacked it down. And the reason you could do so was, whether people like to admit it or not, you were always fair to all the races, even when you were still considered a Malay ultra. Pak Lah must go, and from his actions (or more appropriately, inactions) so must Najib. I think it is impossible for things to improve with either of them at the helm. But you say what more can you do? We too ask ourselves what more can we do! I think the rejection by the voters of BN in the General Election and the PP by election should be more than enough for a less arrogant person to take the hint and leave (and yes, it was this rejection and not support for the opposition which cost BN so dearly). May Allah swt have mercy and save our beloved country.

  874. Assalamualaikum Tun ..
    Selamat menjalani ibadah puasa, semoga kita menemui Lailatul Qadar yang kita cari.
    Inilah akibatnya jika orang Melayu tidak bersatupadu dan tidak “seteguh” dulu. Kita sesama kita bercakaran dan “orang lain” bertepuk tangan melihatkan perbalahan kita. Akhirnya kepala kita yang akan dipijak2 oleh mereka. Sikit-sikit kena mintak maaf,maaf, maaf, mereka dah rasa mereka lebih kuat daripada kita.
    Cuma sesetengah daripada kita masih lagi leka dan lena.
    Dok tutup mata dan telinga.
    Tak terfikir nanti kita ternganga.

  875. Salam TUN,
    I agree with you,
    5. Far from the opposition’s “win” being brought about by rejection of racial politics, it has actually enhanced racial politics.
    Which political Party can guarantee us they never touch on their own race for their survival?.
    Even DAP , still promoting Chinese School .
    They are more racist than us…
    Only the good leader able to be Malaysia PM. It is you .. TUN.

  876. Saya rasa mulai sekarang kerajaan harus mengambil tindakan terhadap sesiapa sahaja yang melakukan tindakan yang boleh menjurus kepada racist. Dalam banyak perlakuan racist yang kita boleh lihat secara terang-terangan pada hari ini dapat kita lihat dari segi mendapat peluang kerja peringkat pengurusan di dalam syarikat yang dimilikki orang cina yang hanya terbuka kepada kaum mereka apabila meletakkan pra-syarat penguasaan bahasa mandarin kepada calon yang ingin memohon. Bagi kategori kerja yang dianggap kuli tak nampak pun keperluan bahasa itu. Bukti ini boleh kita lihat di bahagian iklan pekerjaan dalam akhbar arus perdana berbahasa melayu….tidakkah ini dikatakan racist. Yang peliknya macam mana pemilik akhbar ini boleh membiarkan perkara ini berlaku saban hari?

  877. Assalamu’alaikum Tun,
    Selamat Berpuasa!
    Ikhlas dari hati saya, Tun tidak pernah berhenti sebagai PM di hati saya. Tun merupakan pemimpin yang tersohor bagi saya. Saya menyanjungi Tun dan saya fikir ramai yang menyanjungi Tun.
    Selepas Tun berhenti daripada menjadi PM hati saya terasa tawar. Bagaikan tiada semangat…
    Saya cukup tidak mengerti kenapa orang kita menyisih orang bijaksana seperti Tun begitu sahaja. Bukankah elok pengalaman dan pengetahuan Tun sebagai ahli UMNO (sebelum Tun keluar UMNO) dan PM ditimba dan dituntut supaya kita semakin kuat? Hairan orang kita tidak menghormati dan menghargai orang yang banyak berjasa kepada negara walaupun Tun tidak minta berbuat demikian. Agaknya tunggu mati (tidak mengharapkan) baru hendak hargai. Seperti lazimnya…
    Moga Allah permudahkan perjuangan suci Tun.

  878. Tun! Today you talk one,the next day you talk another.
    Keep your words to take the PM out.
    Why not suggest for the new PM in DSAI.
    Give him a try and you’ll definately see that he’ll be a leader of calibre,fair to all races and bring the country to an enlightment for sure.

  879. Assalamualaikum Yg Bhg Tun,
    Saya sangat bersetuju bahawa Anwar dalam cubaan mengaburi orang ramai dalam kes 1998, akan menjual maruah dan kekuasaan Melayu semata-mata untuk tujuan membersihkan dirinya. Kes si Saiful sekarang ini tiada kaitan dengan kes 1998 tetapi dia mengambil kesempatan ini untuk mengait dan membuktikan dirinya tidak bersalah semasa kes 1998. Lihat sahaja di Penang(negeri asal si Dol) dimana orang Melayu digula-gulakan dengan elaun Kafa yang tidak berapa sen dan tak lama kemudian tanah-tanah leasehold di convert ke freehold. Siapa yang untung besar.
    Anwar perosak ketuanan Melayu malangnya tiada apa boleh dilakukan jika si Dollah dan Khairy@KJ@Kera Jantan masih berkuasa.

  880. Dear Tun,
    This is my first comment on your blog. I had been your great admirer
    and supporter since you became the Prime Minister of this country. I feel very sad when people hurl abuses and condemning you. They have forgotten who you are. It is you who brought greatness to this country. That is why you are called the Father of Morden Malaysia. But your former second hand man was to destroy all the goods doing you have done. My family and I really appreciate what you have done to this country when you were the PM. No matter what happen, in our eyes you are the greatest and we will always have you in our heart. May God bless you and your family and good health to you always…Vin.

  881. Salam Tun
    Currently what i see is that the Malay people are weak especially the leaders. Afraid in losing the faith of the other racers, the leader is willing to seek forgiveness of outspoken word by his downliner. Sorry to say, for me, all Malays should stay strongly and firmly to withhold what is our privilege and right as a Malay people in our sovereign Malay country. Hang Tuah had said once “Takkan Melayu Hilang Di dunia”. The phrase cannot last if all Malays in this country do not stand together to fight what is our Malay constitutions, i.e. Islam, Melayu, and Raja Berdaulat. Leaders of Malays, please stand up and fight what is right for Malays and do not afraid of losing faith due to your unpopular action. Do not so greedy in making wealth population. The ‘dunia harta’ is only temporary, the good ‘harta’ is to be more responsible, accountable and honesty in doing the right for people. Please take note that the leaders will be answerable in the hereafter. ‘Api Neraka’ do not solute either you are TUN, DATUK, TAN SRI, YB or etc. Allah will prevail the strong one. Last but not least, I afraid one day, my son or my grandson will be diluted in our own land like what happen in Singapore (1st Phase), Palestine (2nd Phase) and Bosnia (3rd Phase). Salam Ramadan to all Muslim.

  882. Sir,
    Deep down in my heart I knew you weren’t racist to the core. After all, how could he be one, I thought, not after discovering you had non-Malay blood in you. So, when you wrote Pohon Maaf (1) I freaked out. Luckily you took the trouble to quickly allay my fears with Pohon Maaf (2). Way to go,sir. You know what? Come to think of it, this as exactly what an open and honest discussion of issues should be. You laid down the raw facts and got bashed. Now it is up to us to figure out how to come to terms with that reality. If only the clock could be turned back 51 years!
    Thank God you are not a racist. Whatever the case, let’s hope this issue can be put behind us for good. Forget Hindraf, forget Wee, forget Ahmad, forget Abdullah……..

  883. Dear Tun
    To act we need conviction. This can only come from thinking. Sometimes we also require intense discussions with friends and foes.
    We can think. BUT we need facts. Not opinions as we can form our own when we have the facts to think about.
    Certainly not propaganda as this merely insults our intelligence and our god given ability to think.
    We are grateful that from Che Det, Malaysia-today and other blogs, we can get precious little facts. The government-owned and or controlled media is overwhelmingly PROPAGANDA.
    If they were to be believed, the last GE would see the government returned to parliament with even larger the then two third majority. Not only were they dead wrong, even the government believed the so-called media masa perdana and became victims of their own SPIN.
    To create and grow a thinking Malaysian public, we need facts, more facts and even more facts. Is there nothing we could do the get Malaysia-Today unblocked??
    We need to realize this: today it is Malaysia-Today, tomorrow it could be kickdfella, kudakepang or even Che Det. Where would this leave the Malaysian public?
    Tun, Please organize some sort of action group among bloggers and readers, and let us get Malaysia-Today unblocked.
    Thank you and selamat menyambut ramadhan


  885. assalamuailaikum YAB TUN,
    terlebih dahulu saya ingin ucapkan selamat berpuasa kepada tun berdua. Saya ahli umno cawangan taman rinting bahgian pasir gudang johor.saya telah tidak menghadiri mesyuarat cawangan yang lepas kerana kecewa apablia saya mendengar muhiden yasin hanya akan mempertahankan jawatan naib sedangkan ada cawangan di johor yang telah mencalonkan beliau kejawatan yg lebih tinggi.tiada siapa calon yang dapat diharapkan lagi untuk membuat perubahan dalam umno.syed hamid albar juga mengalami masalah dibahagian beliau walaupun dia mungkin boleh diharapkan.hisamuddin pemimpin pemuda yang hanya berani mencabut keris tetapi kemudian memohon maaf.tidak mempunyai semangat pendekar melayu.hanya memalukan sahaja.masih ada keinginan untuk mencalonkan diri sebagai naib presiden.hisss.
    tun,saya hanya seorang pekerja parti semasa pbs keluar bn dan join s46 dulu dengan hanya 2 3 hari sebelum menjelang pilihan raya.semangat saya mengelegak untuk pertahankan umno pada masa itu.tapi sekarang semangat itu tiada lagi.
    memang benar kata tun, siapa lagi yang dapat diharap untuk mempertahankan nasib orang melayu.anuar dan pkr hanyalah satu mushibah untuk melayu.
    saya ada membaca cadangan dari pembaca blog tun agar dapat ditubuhkan satu parti yang dapat mengantikan umno. saya sokong tun.saya akan meotong kad ahli umno saya dihadapan semua semasa saya menghantar borang parti tersebut.dan saya berani untuk membuat perkara itu.dan saya beharap ia jadi satu realiti.biarlah ia menjadi wadah pejuangan untuk bangsa melayu dan jika mca dan mic ingin join ia hanya kerana ‘HANYA KEKUATAN MELAYU LAH YANG LAIN DAPAT MENOMPANG KEJAYAAN’ dan bukan kerana kita memerlukan mereka.ingat melayu tetap tuan di malaysia walau dengan mejoriti 1 undi.sepertimana tun pernah ucapkan akan tetap menjadi PM walaupun dengan 1 undi.itulah ketua yang saya harapkan.
    semuga dengan izin allah perkara ini menjadi realiti. selamat sejahtera kepada tun sekeluarga.

  886. o’ TDM, thou’st knows that by uplifting many people, those who get left behind will eventually be jealous and those uplifted turn on their benefactor…. ungrateful scoundrels…
    but you, sir, are one of the greats, and know that you are great, many people are jealous of you for that, as well as those that admire you. your confidence scares many, and yet this is the same confidence that has brought you your greatness.
    well” the world is but a stage, and we are but acting in it” and some of us get awards for playing good parts well 🙂

  887. Dear Tun,
    Spot on Tun. The ecological balance has been disturbed. When UMNO is weak a lot of people try to take advantage…and that is a fact. I’m an UMNO member through and through and all this while I’ve never thought of uttering nasty words that is disrecpecful to my chinese and indian friends…but lately even my good chinese friend started to say unpleasant things as if he did not know history. You know what I did..I told him off and delete his number from my handphone…

  888. Sir
    May you have the best of health.
    Perhaps, you may wish to examine the possibility that the non-Malays lived in mortal fear of a repeat of May 13 and of continued institutionalised discrimination, as a rejoinder to #14. Sadly, some of the present leaders are still harping on the same issues when it suits their purposes rather than assuaging the feelings of the general populace. We had a certain amount of security under you, no doubt, but Malaysians have moved on politically, economically and educationally. To apply the May 13 mindset will be suicidal for Malaysia. I pray better wisdom will prevail.

  889. Dear Tun,
    Your hatred toward UMNO and AAB now has getting it too much into your head…instead of gaining more supports… you have created more people to hate and condemning you!
    I am sure UMNO and AAB laughing at you now! Congrats…you have do them a favour…Don’t be surprise…AAB or Anwar will pick this mistake as a weapon to goes against you next time.
    How silly you are to make such an article??…which is obviously racist! If you keep on creating this type of blog, I can bet you will lost all the supports and respect… for millions of Malaysian people regardless of race or religion!

  890. Dear Tun,
    I always said to myself that if there are racial problem arised, is all create by politicians in this country. Is the politicians that disunite the people……just to make and show themself popular in the eyes of their supporters. Their will said without thinking in the first place. This country cannot grow if people still think about their rights, still wait for the government to feeds them, etc…..hey Ahmad, what do you aspect we to tell people if we are not a Malaysian? Are you trying to say that Malays are the Bumiputra & we chinese are the “TUMPANGPUTRA?” I eat Nasi Lemak almost everyday….And my good friend Pak Abu(nasi lemak seller) knows how to respect chinese more than you! What a shamed! Sorry Tun, your blogs is the only best place for me voice my view!

  891. Dear Tun,
    You are a true leader. I’ve learned a lot about our own country by reading your blog.Semoga Allah panjangkan umur Tun selagi Tun boleh memberi menafaat kepada Ugama, bangsa dan negara. Saya yakin yang Tun adalah seorang pemimpin yang jujur, amanah dan bijaksana. Teruskan perjuangan Tun. Tuhan tetap bersama orang yang benar.

  892. Assalamua’laikum YAB TUN dan keluarga dan sentiasa sabar dan sihat sihat hendaknya,Amin.
    In my own contemplation too,I discovered the root cause all these racialism was due to the incompetency of only one person “the head”.
    During the beginning of his tenure, I have suspected what he is interested is to divorce himself from any problems that may arise and leave it to his subordinates to resolve,eg.the APs issues.
    But as I have said many a times, the subordinates probably do not have their closet clean. I am of this opinion based on a few incidents one is the recent SAPP corruption allegation, may be the Perwaja case to pull you down, the tribunal,the lingam tape and now even the opposition with the present government the Ahmad Ismail case.
    During your tenure, though many categorised sa draconian,dictator and so on,I don’t feel the racial tense as great as now.This is the problem if you not capable and listen to immature and ambitious advisors the values of life will be lost.

  893. Selamat malam Tun & isteri semoga sihat dan dilindungi ALLAH selalu.Tun biarlah apa orang nak cakap,yang penting niat/tujuan kita betul untuk menerangkan pada mereka yang tak faham.Semua ini cuma nak mencari kesilapan TUN.Orang ini tak akan mahu memahami,kerana inilah manusia yang berlagak bagus tetapi bodoh.Bagaimana dengan para pemimpin,tak kira kerajaan /pembangkang?Segelintir cara jelas juga mempermainkan perkauman di negara kita.semoga perkara sebegini dapat ditangani dengan aman untuk semua .

  894. TUN,
    I am sad with statement by Tun. However, Malay, Chinese, Indian, Kadazan are part of Malaysia. I have many malays, indian friends, I love them all because they were no difference of them, we praise Malaysian been so wonderful when we talk about Malaysia in overseas..
    Because we always love our HOMELAND, always!!
    Anak Malaysian di China..

  895. TUN,
    I am sad with statement by Tun. However, Malay, Chinese, Indian, Kadazan are part of Malaysia. I have many malays, indian friends, I love them all because they were no difference of them, we praise Malaysian been so wonderful when we talk about Malaysia in overseas..
    Because we always love our HOMELAND, always!!
    Anak Malaysian di China..

  896. I totally agree with what Tun said (point no. 8): ….But I feel disgust at the inability of the present Malay leadership to manage racialism.”
    Apology won’t do any good if people do not understand the situation clearly.The responsibility lies on the leader (PM) to tactfully explain to the public on the issue and to lessen the tension of so called racialism.
    A mere apology is just escaping from the reality. .. but I bet it is still burning deep inside. We must learn to be brave enough to bite the bullet and drink petrol for breakfast, but not become a hypocrate.
    Not many leaders have a “braveheart” like you TUN.
    Teruskan perjuangan kita to save our country, Tun.
    God bless.
    Salam hormat.

  897. Si ahmad nak belit-belit lagi.
    What is the prognosis, Dr Mahathir? Anything we can do to salvage the body (Parti) from being destroyed too by this localized(penang Branch )maglinancy, before it metastasizes? Any advice for him? TQ.

  898. apa jua yang telah berlaku semenjak PR2008 hingga sekarang menampakkan kelemahan kepimpinan disemua pihak yang mempunyai kuasa dan keupayaan untuk mengekangnya dari menjadi bertambah buruk. Tanpa kepimpinan yang kuat dan berkesan mereka yang berada dibawahnya merasa dirinya mempunyai lebih kuasa untuk melakukan/menyatakan perkara yang sensitif tanpa merasa takut kepada undang-undang atau norma-norma hidup di dalam negara yang berbilang kaum, agama dan budaya. Apa yang dapat dirasai kini adalah keharmonian kehidupan masa depan yang tidak pasti yang bakal meledak bila-bila masa saja lagi akibat ego manusia-manusia yang menganggap dirinya mempunyai kuasa dan ingin memerintah tak kira dengan apa cara sekalipun hatta biar negara menjadi kucar kacir…Sampai bilakah ingauan ngeri ini akan berakhir???

  899. Salam Tun,
    It’s good for country if everybody start think postively and move forward.Tun ,I would like thank you for taking very positive step or
    damage control process.UMNO,MCA.MIC,GERAKAN,DAP,PAS,PKR,and sabah &Sarawak political party, please take a new step to develop a united
    Malaysian people.Every people born in this beautiful country must be protect and taken care.LONG LIVE MALAYSIA.

  900. Assalamualaikum Tun berdua,
    Saya amat terkesan kali ini, dgn kemarahan meluap2. Benar kata2 Tun apabila Melayu berkata tentang hak ketuanan, semua bangkit menyerang sebagai racist. Apabila bukan Melayu mengungkit hak keistimewaan Melayu (sememangnya telah termaktub dlm perlembagaan dan kontrak sosial), tiada siapa bertempik menyerang balas sekarang. Mengapa? Semua takut kerana yang memimpin Melayu sekarang sendiri tak terkata malah turut melutut menjilat ludah orang lain. Yang mengaku pejuang Islam selama ini, turut senyap macam tikus ( Pertanyaan: Melayu ini bukan Islamkah hingga tak perlu dipertahankan?). Selama ini, Pas yg kononnya melaung2 slogan membangun bersama Islam hanyalah sebagai topeng untuk meraih undi politik, hanya segelintir sahaja yg benar2 memaksudkannya. Fakta yg benar adalah tambah bini baru yang montok dan berkulit licin gebu. yg mewajarkan mereka ini ialah Nabi kahwin empat. Namun yg mereka selalu lupa ialah bini seharusnya adalah balu yg kematian suami dlm peperangan atau isteri yg ditinggalkan suami tanpa keupayaan , mencari nafkah utk anak2 supaya kebajikan mereka terjaga seterusnya menjaga agama. Sebaliknya, yg menjadi pilihan adalah yg dara, lulusan universiti luar, bertudung labuh, tiada sebarang cacat cela. Walaupun kebanyakannya mereka ini telah tua, namun nafsu seks sgt tinggi. Melihat semua ini, apalah yg boleh diharapkan sgt utk memperjuangkan Islam sebenar2nya. Kelemahan dan ketamakan Pemimpin kerajaan pula telah memudahkan golongan ini mengambil kesempatan seluas2nya utk menghancurkan terus bangsa Melayu ini. Apa yg patut dilakukan sekarang. Gunakan kekerasan utk menolak pemimpin ini demi survival melayu? Nampaknya, itulah yg sy dapat fikir. Maafkan sy Tun, sy amat tertekan memendam kemarahan ini. Tun pasti tak akan memilih cara kekerasan seperti yg sy fikir kerana Tun bukan begitu sifatnya.

  901. Jangan lagi main politik perkauman!!! Sejak Malaysia merdeka 51 tahun, ahli-ahli politik Malaysia hanya tahu main isu dan politik perkauman untuk mendapat sokongan dari kaum masing-masing. Sepertimana dalam BN, 3 parti utama mewakili 3 kaum…… orang pun dia, hantu pun dia. Hanya tahu memainkan isu perkauman untuk mencapai agenda masing-masing. Polisi tersirat kerajaan selama ini, PECAH DAN PERINTAH, seperti mana dilaksanakan oleh penjajah British hanya bertujuan mengukuhkan kedudukan politik mereka daripada diguling oleh rakyat dalam sistem demokrasi.Seluruh rakyat malaysia harus sedar dan buka mata, mensinkirkan ahli politik yang racist dan merosakkan keharmonian bangsa Malaysia, DEMI MASA DEPAN MALAYSIA YANG LEBIH BERHARAPAN. U BOLEH, MALAYSIA BOLEH!

  902. Tun………
    jangan bimbang tun..
    selama ini pun pemimpin parti lain pun mengamalkan perkauman.
    mca,mic,gerakan,pbs,pbds dan semua parti lain pun terlibat,masing2 memperjuangkan kehendak kaum mereka.
    mana ada parti membenarkan kaum selain kaum mereka menyertai parti atau menjadi ketua parti,contohnya mca & mic.
    akuilah negara ini negara berbilang kaum & setiap kaum mesti ada ketua yang menjaga mereka takkanlah orang melayu nak jadi ketua kaum cina @ india dan juga sabah serawak.
    cuma kita kena bersatu dalam satu pakatan & mojoriti mestilah menjadi ketua.
    mana ada negara yang aman bila minoriti manjadi ketua,cuba lihat Peru & Fiji.orang india jadi pm diFiji apa yang dibuat oleh orang Fiji ialah merampas kuasa yang sepatutnya jadi hak mereka begitu juga diperu walaupun isunya berbeza tetapi keturunan juga salah satu puncanya.
    oleh itu jagalah perpaduan orang cina & india janganlah lagi menuduh orng melayu menindas mereka kerana DI NEGARA INI TAK PERNAH BERLAKU PENINDASAN KAUM.
    dong ziong & hindraf adalah pergerakan yang boleh dianggap gerakan bawah tanah kerana menghasut kaum mereka menentang & mempertikai hak orang melayu.memang ramai orang cina & india yang miskin tetapi jangan lupa lebih ramai orang melayu & bumiputra yang lain lebih miskin & ketinggalan berbanding kaum mereka.
    oleh itu kalau nak negara aman janganlah nak mainkan isu perkauman jangan nak ingat cerita lama kerana orang melayu lagi banyak cerita lama yang mereka tak puas hati.

  903. Ayahanda Tun,
    I agree with you Tun. Racial issues was at a minimum (how can one ever escape from that being humans?) Now it has flared up under the weak non-leadership of Pak Lah. I am afraid. Please keep on writing sir. You are the voice of reason. My family and I, love you.
    To Umno leaders,
    Do something about your PM. Listen to Ayahanda.

  904. Dearest Tun.
    I just heard in the news that Ahmad Ismail claimed his speechs that caused the racist controversial had been taken out of context by a reporter. He is now blaming the reporter for this uproar.
    I personally felt that Ahmad Ismail should apologize for the misunderstanding. He should had come out earlier and clear the air instead of waiting until now. Even if he claims that he is in Bangkok leading a sepak takraw team, he should have return to clear the air instead of letting his leader stoop so low as to apologize on his behalf. Maybe this unresponsible action by him just show what he think of his leader.
    The fact that the UMNO leader are not taking immediate displinary action against Ahmad Ismail also show that the party leadership are very weak that it can’t even punish its members who misbehave. Weak leadership will eventualy destroy this party.
    As for Tun ex-colleagues who condenm Tun now, I and I believe many Malaysians are disgusted with their behavior. We know the reason they condenm Tun is to please the leadership. This just show what kind of useless and ungrateful people they are. There is one particular bum that like to condenm Tun in Parliament. Sometime I wish his parents had taken the time to teach him some manners. He is just annoyingly rude and arrogant. If not for Tun, he would be an useless bum.
    I do not think Tun is being racist when Tun speak on behalf of the Malays. Its normal for one to defend his own races. I think people who label Tun racist for this action is a racist themselves.
    Wishing Tun and Tun Siti Selamat Berpuasa. May both of Tun be blessed with good health always.

  905. Assalamualaikum Tun,
    Sememang article semacam ini akan mengundang pelbagai reaksi. Tetapi salute kepada Tun kerana seperti biasa berani untuk mengutarakan pendapat Tun sendiri. Saya membesar zaman pemerintahan Tun dan saya dapati Tun adalah yang terbaik. Ramai orang tersalah tafsir akan tindakan Tun. Walaubagaimanapun saya percaya apa yang Tun lakukan adalah untuk kebaikan Melayu khasnya dan untuk Negara amnya.
    Terus lakukan apa Tun fikir baik untuk negara dan saya sebagai rakyat biasa akan sokong Tun selagi Tun adalah betul dari sudut pandangan saya.

  906. Tun,
    1. You’re the best. You always have your own perspectives. You look at things at every angle.
    2. I can’t understand why our leaders can’t take you as an advisor or referral when on the other hand they acknowledge you through the study on the ‘Thought of Mahathir’
    3. I don’t believe in Lim Guan Eng.DAP have their own agenda’undi cina utk cina’ is a totally a racist issue. This was their slogan in the PRU12 in Penang. Every when he has gathering with Malays,he always take Sayidina Omar as his examplar,when in actual fact they (DAP) are not accepting Islam as country’s religion. They are humiliating malays & islam.
    4. Previously, Gerakan took very good care of Penang chinese, but there still swith their votes to DAP and now thereare anxiously waiting for the 16/9/08 to ‘change sky’ (This is direct translation from their dialect). Now who is racist? 5. Anyway Tun, take good care of yourself

  907. Salam Tun,
    Baru keluar dalam news kejap tadi, Datuk Ahmad Ismail buat press conference dengan berapinya telah menolak untuk meminta maaf atas statementnya tentang pendatang Cina….
    Bagus buat begitu.. Nampak sikit ketegasannya dan dengan bersungguh2 mempertahankan his rights.. Kerana katanya buat apa dia minta maaf.. Bukan beliau yang racist dan kata begitu, sebaliknya journalist satu akhbar Cina yang mungkin punya agenda tersendiri yang memutar belitkan ucapan nya.. Journalist Cina itulah yang racist!!
    Dan ramai pemimpin2 UMNO Penang telah berdiri di belakangnya.. Baru nampak unity pemimpin2 Melayu..
    Tapi DSNR telah terlanjur meminta maaf..
    Okay la juga tu.. Apa salahnya untuk kebaikan..
    Kita kan bangsa yang baik dan bersopan santun…

  908. Dear Tun;
    I already can expect that the reaction would be like these since you wrote the first Pohon Maaf article. Well I too, agree with you that we can’t satisfy everybody.
    Saya pernah merasa pemerintahan dibawah Tun Abdul Razak, Tun Hussien Onn, Tun Mahathir and now Dato Seri Abdullah Badwi.Only two of them close to my heart. 1st Tun Razak, I still remember hearing the news caster cried while reading news of his death in the radio. people love him so much that time. 2nd is YOU, you make me proud to be MALAYSIAN,as I was recognised everywhere I go abroad during your time.We never talk any racial issue so much before and I wonder why now? Well my personal answer is because nowadays we MALAYS are too weak to control the country so this is a good time for the other party to ‘attack’.

  909. askm tun,
    hakikatnya kita di malaysia memang terdiri dari pelbagai kaum, ugama dan kepercayaan. sudah tentu setiap kaum sudah tentu diwakili oleh parti politik masing-masing bagi menjaga kepentingan masing-masing tetapi pada masa yang sama tidak menyinggung kaum-kaum yang lain.
    tetapi sekarang ini dapat UMNO dilihat tidak lagi relevan untuk mewakili kaum melayu. walaupun ianya menwakili kaum majoriti tetapi nampaknya semakin lemah dan tidak diyakini lagi.
    saya berharap dan percaya tun dapat mengusahakan sesuatu agar parti yang mewakili bangsa melayu ini bangkit semula dari zaman kemalapannya.
    sayang sekali sekiranya kaum majoriti kita tidak mempunyai pemimpin yang dapat memimpin kaumnya di negara sendiri. sekiranya UMNO kuat kaum-kaum yang juga akan menghormati bangsa melayu sendiri.
    saya percaya dengan pengalaman tun, ramai akan menyokong usaha-usaha murni ini.

  910. salam tun..
    it seem to be misunderstand through ur statement..
    from my point of view, it all clear as what r u try to deliver..
    we should see it,
    we need a strong leadership to ur next generation !

  911. am i the first…
    i think i am..
    so what? why everbody what to be the first…neither do i….
    Anyway Tun….
    Full support from me.
    Zon Worie…vee hapie…dont over havie like si Dol tu…
    over konpiden owang sume suke kat dia…

  912. salam tun,
    kalau tiada bangsa melayu di tanah melayu ini yang berjuang untuk kemerdekaan dulu kita masih dijajah oleh penjajah. bangsa lain hanya berjuang untuk kepentingan mereka tetapi bangsa melayu berjuang untuk mempertahankan tanah air mereka sendiri. kesimpulannya bangsa yang ada di tanah melayu pada masa dahulu cukup menghormati bangsa melayu kerana perjuangan bangsa melayulah yang menyelamatkan bangsa mereka dari turut menjadi mangsa kezaliman penjajah seterusnya bebas mencari rezeki dan hidup aman di malaysia ini.

  913. We need a shift in thinking and terminology.
    Throughout our Sejarah classes in High School, we were taught that Barisan Nasional won our independence with the racial unity and resolve displayed to the British rulers and the world.
    It has been engrained in our history books and our minds that BN is the natural leaders of the country and the Opposition party exists to balance the power of the ruling coalition.
    If there is a government change on September 16, will they still be called the “Opposition” party?

  914. Petikan Utusan:
    Ahmad Ismail tidak perlu minta maaf
    05/09/2008 4:38pm
    ” PULAU PINANG 5 Sept. – Semua 13 UMNO Bahagian di Pulau Pinang bersetuju dengan pendirian Ketua UMNO Bukit Bendera, Datuk Ahmad Ismail bahawa beliau tidak perlu minta maaf atas kenyataan yang dibuatnya berhubung dakwaan kaum Cina adalah pendatang.
    Timbalan Pengerusi Badan Perhubungan UMNO Negeri, Datuk Rashid Abdullah berkata, ini kerana perkara yang disebut adalah fakta sejarah yang tidak patut diragui oleh mana-mana pihak. – Utusan.”

  915. Dear Tun
    I always support you.
    But for the ‘pohon maaf’ and ‘pohon maaf (2)’ i disagreed.
    We had to move forward and not backward and back to racist issue.

  916. It is good that under your leadership and management potential chaos is properly managed. Every now and then
    you prescribed adequate placebos and antibiotics to calm down racial hysterias.
    Now clueless politicians have opened up Pandora’s box and having done that resort to finger pointing and to divert blame from themselves.
    You need not be too defensive because what you have done
    very well.
    It is fortunate that all the infrastructure and institutions which benefits the populace are in place before you left. AAB only rebadges them and gives them new slogans.
    Now don’t start apologizing and bersumpah kat masjid..

  917. Tun
    I hope you + family are well.
    After all these years, Tun is still talking about Race. Being a medical man, Tun, is there any different biologically despite the different in ideology ????
    I wish you health despite our racial differences.

  918. Sallam Tun,
    people have no respect to paklah. if the BN still follow your style as a ruler, there is no wonder BN will rule the Malaysia another 100 years. by the way now BN will rule malaysia just another 4 years. trust me. paklah will destroy it all within tis years.

  919. Salam Tun,
    Mengapalah Abdullah Ahmad Badawi ni pekak dan buta terhadap tekanan politik yang melanda dirinya.
    Tak sayangkah dia pada negaranya ini. Sedangkan kami rakyat bawahan cukup faham apa yang peru dia lakukan. Sebaliknya dia pura-pura tak faham lagi.
    Mufti Perlis ada menulis sebuah pantun yang khas untuknya. Begitu lembut tapi amat jelas menunjukkan jalan keluar kepada Abdullah.
    Tolongah Pak Lah. Berundurlah. Percayalah negara akan hancur di tangan anda.
    Daripada melihat rakyat mengebar jalr gemilang secara terbalik, lebih baik Pak Lah mengebar bendera putih tanda kalah.
    Masih bermaruah anda?

  920. Tun,
    Bangsa Malaysia perlu satu sekolah sahaja. Tidak perlu sekolah-sekolah etnik yang hanya menyemarakkan sikap perkauman.

  921. True enough. Racial sentiments are on the rise.
    Truth hurts – but the fact is we are more racially polarised than ever. I was at an inter-school speech competition recently and many speakers talked about unity among Malaysians and one 16 year old speaker lamented the fact that 80% of Chinese primary school children go to the Chinese school, 90% of the Indian goes to the Indian school and the Malays go to the National school.
    If people is serious about united Malaysians, this is the first racial polarisation scheme that must go. All Malaysians go to same type of schools – period. No hypocrisy of wanting to be single Malaysian yet demanded racially polarising school children.

  922. Y Bhg. TUN
    Jangan bimbang, malaysian tidak akan jadi kacau. They are good citizen. terutama rakyat melayu. Bila Rakyat menjalankan pemerintahan Malaysia akan jadi satu bangsa. Semua adil, dan tidak ada cronism. Semuanya merit base. Siapa pandai, siapa rajin, siapa attractive dia akan dapat lebih faedah.
    Golongan miskin akan dibantukan sebetulnya tampa ada rasa kebangsaan dan suku-suku atau political affairs. Calun-calun kerajaan rakyat dipilih jadi MP semua betul-betul pandai profesional and some are PhD holder. Mereka sebenarnya dipujuk mahu jadi candidates bukan jual muka macam UMNO mahu jadi candidates. At last sana penuh with people so called “business man” melayu kasi wang sama kain mahu jadi candidates, mahu jadi leader. Berebutan without control. Now you ask your self..ini orang mahu rule Malaysia kita. Who have more money they can be a leader. That is UMNO. But different with Rakyat party, they push each other and people who had a real charisma, leadership, honesty and last but not least they must be clean or look clean to the rakyat than only can be elected as a cendidates.
    Cakap sama dato Mukhriz, supaya cakap sama Melayu UMNO…makan lagi lah Nasi lemak, roti canai, kelapa banyak…sampai jadi malas, lembut, takut. nanti duduk dalam hutan. tak ada kerja, mau jadi rempit pun motor tak ada duit mau beli. tax tak payah bayar. free…kalau kita kerajaan Rakyat semua orang rajin kerja tak ada kasi kerja. UMNO sudah tak ada kuasa. Semua Melayu UMNO duduk dalam hutan. tangkap makanan dalam hutan, tanam ubi jagung sama keladi.
    saya makan juga nasi lemak tapi tak ada banyak. tapi saya tidak mintak Maaf macam begger. Sekarang sudah takut sama Rakyat. Kita tak suka DPM mintak maaf macam itu. tidak ikhlas…Duduk atas lutut..mintak maaf.. kepala tunduk saja.. tak mau angkat. baru okay…ramai-ramai sama semua EC member mintak maaf sama rakyat. tak mau cerita lagi baru okay. Dato’ Guru Nik Aziz pun tidak cakap dia bangsa ada ketuanan..UMNO pandai-pandai cakap saja. kalau dia tuan lain apa ? servent ka? tak baik lah cakap.
    Tun boleh “handle” semua ini masa jadi PM dulu. tapi sekarang good bye…game over.. masa sudah sampai untuk perubahan malaysia for malaysian baru.

  923. Salam Tun,
    I dun think ppl can complaint about what u hv done for Malaysia. U r the man that changed our live from nothing to something. U hv spent 23 years to contribute to our country. In my humble opinion, I think those ppl who condemned u shud think trice and look at what we had since u become a PM till u end your service.
    Dun bother them Tun, this is our culture..when u r around they will talk bad about u..no gut to continue the word..coz i luv u:)
    No matter what TUn, u r my hero n my DATUK SERI DR.MAHATHIR MOHAMED..I luv u since I know u..insyaAllah…i will share about u to coming generation that U R OUR HERO!!!
    U r the man who dare to fight for muslim countries..bosnia,Palesine,IRAQ…
    p/s..i dun think anwar dare to talk against US.
    MY HERO!!

  924. Tun,
    To be fair, the racial issue should not came into questions at all when deciding who is more fitting to accept a government scholarship for further education. In particular, it should be based on their academic achievement and their economic background.
    Anyway, we were better off (and happy) when you were in power.
    Best Regards,

  925. Assalamualaikum Tun
    I read with great interest all of your comments in Chedet. In fact, I try very2 hard not to miss any of your latest entry. It is very disheartening to see the Malays ununified. It is true what you’ve said in the previous entry, but why can’t we do something about it? When UMNO was dissolved, I was in my primary years, yet I’ve heard about it on my way to school on the morning news. And I have great respect for you then and until now. I hope one day the Malays and Malaysia will be a stronger people and country. Moga Tun sentiasa di lindungi Allah dan diberikan kesihatan yang baik. Salam Ramadhan

  926. Salam Tun,
    Bersabarlah Tun dengan kerenah orang kita sekarang. Saya mendoakan agar kita semua bersatu dan hormat menghormati tanpa mengira bangsa supaya mencapai wawasan 2020 ilham Tun.
    Dalam tentera, kami tak pernah memikirkan pasal ugama dan bangsa kaum. Yang penting..negara kita

  927. Dear Tun,
    I’ve brought up during your leadership which was beyond compare to the current one. All I could conclude, the current leadership is ill-advised by so-called advisers and on top of everything, none of them is smart enough to become leader. Their stupidity buries not only Malays but malaysian as a whole.
    I am worried about our future generation, they are grossly misled.

  928. Although your NEP policies has done tremendous changes to
    the well being of bumiputras, but sadly not the wealth of
    civilization. You can defend yourself but please don’t
    swear easily like others do !

  929. Salam Tun
    Saya rasa sudah tiba masanya rakyat di negara ini dikenali sebagai Bangsa Malaysia dan bukan lagi India, Cina dan sebagainya. Setiap warganegara yang lahir selepas merdeka di negara bertuah ini adalah Bangsa Malaysia.

  930. salam,
    Sorry seemed to be the hardest word..well at least that is what elton john had written in his famous song..well for most people it is..for watever reasons.being apologetic..doesnt comes naturally to most of us..being always right and steadfast on one’s own views and decision..doesn’t seemed to augur well to the other party that had been offended by our actions or decision..
    nevertheless..the party hurt or offended by our action..in this case words..should also be rationale or reasonable..should not take everything in face value or out of context really..but that is human nature..we are bunch of emotional god’s creation..emotions may set us apart from other god’s creation..
    in our diverse race, culture and religion society..things do happen..where one’s word or sentence..can easily offend..the other race ..but again this is where one’s maturity should come into play..regardless of any race.taken into one’s emotionally state of mind..their opinion can be swayed into a negative feeling or point of view..here i am talking about..the source of information where the story, statements are being desiminated..here the press, the reporters..
    i saw dtk ahmad ali press conference tonite on the telly..it is a shamed..that his statement has being manipulated..taken out of context..by the press and reporter..but yet again.. do we blame the press or the reporter?..whether they have other agenda for their reporting..only god knows..but it is truly ashame that despite just celebrating 51 years of our independence, our press have yet to be matured and responsible organization..to be fair yet responsible entity that we can turn to for latest information..conterversy sells..is that what our press turning into..just a commercial, profit making entity..turning their back on the holistic view of the nation..the peace and harmony of the people, the race..
    My generation never saw hardship, unrest and disfragmented society like what happened in 1969..may 1969 to be exact..do i ever want to see it again in my lifetime..the answer is NO..neither me nor many of my contempraries in my generation..we have seen our previous leadership taken many steps to ensure that events like these not ever happened again..however as the saying goes..history seemed to repeat itself..why are descending, retreating backwards rather forward in our maturity and responsilty in terms of reporting and dessimiating view and opinion..why do we have to imitate others when its totally a different environment by itself..freedom of speech does not represent abuse of responsibility..
    I would like to end this by taking a line from Guns and Roses song “Civil War” – “What we have here is a failure to communicate..”

  931. Tun,
    50 thn sudah berlalu, adakah satu kemestian utk Tun membangkitkan bara perkauman setiap kali perkara seperti ini berlaku? kenapa Tun tak terangkan semua awal2 yang Tun sebenarnya tidak mendorong perlakuan org2 kurang sopan seperti Ahmad? kenapa Tun tidak menulis artikel kali ini dalam bahasa melayu, agar semua orang melayu faham maksud sebenar Tun?
    sebaliknya, ia membangkitkan perasaan perkauman. bukankah kita semua rakyat Msia? sampai bila kita perlu begini? Tun seakan-akan pemain boneka & semua rakyat menjadi boneka mainan Tun..
    sy sendiri pun tidak menyokong DPM mewakili Ahamad meminta-maaf. Kaum bukan melayu hanya mahu orang yang membangkitkan bau perkauman meminta maaf shj. Adakah itu permintaan yang keterlaluan?
    Tun, kita semua rakyat Msia. kita semua pun mahu hidup aman-damai. buat apa nak gaduh2 disebabkan hal2 yang kecil sedemikian? buat apa diperbesar-besarkan?
    sy rasa, Tun harus memberikan contoh yang baik kpd rakyat Msia. sy rasa artikel kali ini, Tun sepatutnya ditulis dalam bahasa Melayu. biar semua orang betul2 faham niat sebenar Tun.terima kasih
    Semoga Tun panjang umur.

  932. Salam Tun,
    9. The person who should apologise should be the culprit himself. If he refuses then he should face the UMNO disciplinary committee.
    Yes indeed. However what are the action taken by UMNO so far?
    When could our politicians wake up and stop saying about race race race!? It poisons the people’s mind and to be honest, even I am a Chinese and I had been to China, Malaysia is still truly my home. Can we possibly think of Malaysia without any of the races except one race? I don’t think so, but the current situation isn’t help.
    Sadly we don’t have a great leader who could truly unite everyone. And sadly our politicians often use racial cards as their weapon in their political war. The worst of all, is the people. When can the people wake up? This is our Malaysia, not British’s Malaya anymore. Our story started when we independent in 31st August 1957. And we started it by all races together. That is when we started to call this land Malaysia and this is Malaysia, so we should respect every Malaysian.
    I grown up in your era Tun and to be very honest to you. You are like the modern Bendahara Tun Perak of Malaysia. I have high respect for you and you are right, many Malaysian Chinese have high resepct for you.
    But, I think is time for our leaders and politicians to say more Malaysian Unity and less Certain Race Unity. After all, Malaysian unity means unity for all the races.
    Have a nice day 🙂 Selamat Berpuasa ^^

  933. Before this, I just dropped-by to Chedet to view alternative views on some important issues. Not so much in commenting anything. But last night, I couldn’t resist to sign-in, because I just couldn’t stand that my dearly loved ayahanda, Tun, had made such racist opinion!!
    I’ve travelled to many countries in the world on business matter, and was very proud when people said, “U r from M’sia? Welcome aboard! I love Mahathir!! He’s a great man!” Malaysia had earned so much of respect. But now, I don’t receive such warmth anymore. Even when I said,”Malaysia” they’d ask me back,”What? U mean, Singapore?” Singapore jugak yg diorang pandang, wahai ayahanda Tun.
    When you announced AAB as the next PM, I knew it already (I mean 96% confident) that he’s not gonna be a good leader. And time has proven me right. (Can’t you just see the way he talks? So lembik. Mcm baca script aja. Mcm mana nak hentam dasar busuk America kat pentas global?). But I think, you chose him before because you had no other so-called ‘cleaner’ candidate, once you threw Anwar in jail, right?
    After few years, AAB didn’t honor his promise to you on many important deals you both made earlier. AAB nak tunjuk pandai, tapi sebenarnya otak dia besar kepala mancis aja. So, beginilah nasib Malaysia akhirnya. Lunyai dikerjakan AAB.
    Namun, masih belum terlambat. Saya mencari pemimpin yg memperjuangkan nasib pribumi (Melayu, Kadazan, Iban dsbnya), di samping KEADILAN utk kaum2 lain yg merupakan ahli keluarga kita juga di Malaysia. Nenek moyang diorang adalah pendatang. Betul. Tetapi generasi yg lahir di sini adalah anak Malaysia yg sah. Lagipun ramai org dah kahwin campur, so, mcm mana tu? Bukankah mereka tu anak sedara saya? abang/kakak ipar saya?
    Kita tak boleh mengungkit sejarah2 silam lagi tetapi mesti terus ke depan dgn menerima hakikat bahawa anak2 Malaysia terdiri drpd Melayu, Cina, India, Kadazan, etc, yg ramai di antaranya dah berkahwin campur. Darah keturunan pun dah rojak. Jadi, eloklah kesemuanya dipanggil “Bangsa Malaysia”. Bukankah gitu, ayahanda Tun?
    Bantuan mesti diberi kepada golongan yg lemah/miskin utk melonjakkan mereka ke kelompok senang/berdikari, manakala yg dah kaya/berdikari tu bolehlah diberi galakan/motivasi lagi utk lebih cemerlang di peringkat global.
    Kita tak perlu takut dasar ini kerana yg akan mendapat faedah ialah masih Melayu itu sendiri, kerana kebanyakan yg miskin majoritinya masih lagi Melayu. Kaum Cina tak ramai sgt miskin pun. Kaum India juga perlu diberi perhatian.
    Idea ‘Sekolah Wawasan’ ayahanda Tun itu tersangatlah baik. Ajar semua matapelajaran sejak di sekolah rendah, supaya semua kaum takda alasan nak buat sekolah khusus utk kaum mereka sendiri. Bahasa Melayu & Inggeris mestilah wajib diambil, manakala mata pelajaran bahasa Cina & Tamil pula adalah optional. Mempelajari 2-3-4 bahasa adalah sgt menguntungkan bila dah keluar bekerja di Malaysia atau di luar negara. Ia juga dpt mengurangkan rasa skeptikal antara kaum kerana semuanya akan transparent.
    Mengenai Forum Memeluk Islam oleh Bar Council, ianya patut diadakan, TETAPI mestilah dgn kehadiran tokoh bijak pandai semua agama sekali, (Islam/Buddha/Hindu/Christian/dsb), supaya jalan penyelesaian yg dicapai tidak berat sebelah. Tiada apa yg perlu ditakut dgn perbincangan seumpama ini, kerana saya yakin, inilah merupakan peluang tokoh agama Islam menunjukkan betapa indahnya Islam di sesi perbincangan tersebut. Hanya mereka yg tak yakin dgn keindahan Islam saja yg takut utk membincangi topik ini secara terbuka. Kalau dasar Islam tu dah cantik, walau mcm mana org nak tutup pun, akan masih kelihatan cantik. Apa nak takut?
    Inilah peluang nak tunjukkan bahawa Islam itu mementingkan keadilan, kesejahteraan, keharmonian, keamanan, toleransi bertempat, perpaduan, yang akhirnya akan membuahkan bangsa Malaysia yg maju dan disegani, yg menjadi contoh teladan kepada negara2 lain.
    Adil. Aman. Maju.
    Marilah kita menyokong mana2 politician yg memperjuangkan dasar ini.
    Selamat berpuasa, semua! 🙂
    Logik Ka?
    [email protected]

  934. Dearest Tun,
    1. Every one know, is about time in changing political powewr from Old corruption BN-UMNO team for 50 years in power, to another new Malay team PKR(Keadialan & PAS).
    2. There is nothing to be specify on so call Chinese or India are non-bumi back in racist stages, as now everyone fine the way to be in power and this is the critical moment and the chances come once in the life time for politician.
    3. Finally Tun, putting the strong racist comments, what the reason & message behind that, to further enhance your supporting to take down the recent UMNO supperime leaders?
    4. The chances are wieldy open now, as Tun are able to back in political carreer and re-struct new UMNO amd leave to your right successor.
    5. The golden time only open when BN lost in power, those secret MP’s will back to you when you come back in power, to make the counter attack to PKR.
    6. No matter what is the democracy challege is, always non-bumi’s being the stepping stone. Historical proved that before. Those very influence leader have that abilties to doing that.
    7. Political is not like mathematic in high school which we proved that we got the score from teacher, but for political……
    Selamat berpuasa……

  935. How far do you think the current PM can retain his position? I wonder if he would learn from Japanese PM.

  936. Chedet,
    I was surprised by your earlier article, but now I understand your meaning. At least you have the guts to apologize, anyway you were never the one to run away from responsibility.
    Now it is getting worse, it seems the whole Penang UMNO agrees with what has happen. Blames and finger pointing abounds. Probably a good strategy, “If you can’t convince them, confuse them.”
    AAB is totally lost on this one for sure.

  937. Salam Tun,
    First of all, I am surprise that Tun wrote this post which is totally so oppossite from the Pohon Maaf(1) Tun written previous. I didn’t accuse Tun as a racist but may be some other do. The problem Tun wrote in previous post is Tun wrote something but not the whole. It is almost the same like disallow Media to show out everything.
    Tun said
    9. Seorang penuntut universiti Wee Meng Chee telah perlekehkan Negaraku dengan mengguna lagu Negaraku tetapi dengan lirik yang mempermainkan sembahyang dan azan orang Melayu (Islam). Azan dijadikan duet lagu cinta.
    10. Apakah mereka dikehendaki memohon maaf? Apakah pemimpin mereka dikehendaki memohon maaf? Jauh sekali. Sebenarnya Wee dipertahan oleh pemimpin-pemimpin parti Cina dan anggota Hindraf dibebaskan daripada tahanan dan ada yang dengan bebasnya bertanding dalam pilihanraya dan menang menjadi wakil rakyat. (quoted from Pohon Maaf -Che Det Blog)
    Tun didn’t say that Wee Meng Chee has made apologize publicly. On every newspaper we can see his apologize. Why Tun never mention about this? This is why malay always get misunderstand. Why Tun, as a great successor towards Malaysia’s development, has leadership which not many people has, intelligent that only genius has, will speak out things that is only part of it but not the whole story?
    Now Tun saw a lot of non-bumi feels so disappointed to you, then you write out this one, stated that Ahmad Ismail should stand out and say sorry. If you agree that UMNO member are now totally corrupted and never really help citizen, then why still want to let malay to be PM? Just because you worry about non-bumi will take away all the privilege that bumiputera has? Or any other reason? To be honest, why should we take away the privilege that bumiputera has? Will we get richer if we take away the privilege? Non-bumi is still paying 100%. Just that bumiputera has to pay 100% as well only. Why non-bumi can pay 100% but bumiputera cannot? I know Tun has written at your book that Malay shouldn’t rely on the hak-hak istimewa bumiputera anymore, or else Malay won’t grow up. I believe some Malay already get it and started to work hard by their own effort. I can see that around me.
    If you said Malay has given non-bumi a lot of chance and treat us well, then I take an example to show you. Why DBKL will demolish all the chinese hawker stall and stating that they are all illegal doing business while the Malay mamak stall beside all those Chinese hawker stall do not demolish by DBKL? Are they doing business legally? Is this what we call fair?
    I even feel sad that some Malay written that Malay has given Chinese and Indian so many opportunities, and now they get rich, but they refuse to share with us. I really hope that before he write out this, please use his brain to think. What kind of opportunities has Malay gave us. And why should people share with you when he is success? If on the opposite, let all the non-bumi to has the privilege but ask Malay to work hard, i give them this opportunity, when they success, come share the result with me. Would they do? So I really hope this kind of people could be mature a bit and not stay in his own world. Try to accept what should be change.
    I didn’t hate Malay or else I won’t marry with my wife which is a Malay. I still remember when the time i converted to Muslim, the Imam tells me, Islam doesn’t force you to follow, but you follow by your heart. pray 5 times a day if you can. He treat me very well until i felt that how come an Imam could be so nice. Then i attended the Kursus Perkahwinan, I even went to Pejabat Agama Islam at Shah Alam, all the malay there are so polite and so helpful, I believe this is because they follow the Ajaran Islam very well but not too extreme. They adopt and understand well.
    I am really grateful that I could stay in Malaysia, a country without all those natural disaster, a country that could have mamak 24 hours, so many shopping center.

  938. Salam Tun,
    Firstly, I must thank you for all the opportunities you have provided me that has made me a relatively successful person. Your policies with regards to opportunities to the Bumiputera has given me the means to afford a relatively comfortable life and given me a good and well paying job. Though ultimately everything is from Allah, you were the means for those gifts, and for that, I am forever in your debt, and I will never, ever let anyone around me forget your kind deed to the nation.
    Secondly, I must say in this turbulent times, we need a strong guiding hand. I know you are trying your best to get the country back on track, within your limited capabilities at this juncture. It’s a sad thing for me to see that at your age, you have to strive hard for this country. You are a true nationalist.
    However much I admire your courage and determination to achieve your goals, I must also say that, from my limited understanding of the situation, I disagree with you on some points or some actions that you’ve taken during your time in the office. Although ultimately most of the things that you carried out were, also from my limited understanding, necessary to achieve your ultimate end of modernizing this nation, some of the damage were quite extensive. One of them is the politics of patronage, which, again from my limited understanding, was akin to what Julius Caesar did to enhance his power and personality in Rome. The few that received generously from your policies are the ones today vehemently against you now, and they are more dangerous today due to their vast wealth. Perhaps the better option was to create less economic Czars from within the political parties but to reward honesty and hard work from the working middle class.
    Fortunately or unfortunately, the reason why the Malays today are defensive is because there is just too much corruption. The people who could have defended the Malays are not where they are supposed to be because they cannot be where they are supposed to be. A lot of the people at the helm today are weak because they are to a certain extent, little or large, tainted. This I must say, again from my limited understanding, happened most visibly during the time you were in power. Your genius overwhelmed everyone and at the end of the day, most people were trying to please you. I’m not blaming you entirely for this episode, but to a certain degree (which I’m sure you will disagree, which is not incorrect), the current weakness that we see today started during your time. All this yes sir, yes man syndrome had already started during your time. You can disagree with me, but most of the time, those who disagreed with you were proven wrong in the end, and due to that, most people would rather go along with you and agree with whatever you said for fear of being proven wrong. Therefore, the Malays have come to expect that their leaders are right most of the time, and at this moment, when we can see very clearly something is wrong in this country, the Malays are not able to fight out and make the right prevail.
    You’ve also weakened quite a few institutions, either knowingly or unknowingly. The police force, the immigration, JPJ and most other government departments today were corrupted back during your days at the helm of power. Today we see them even more corrupted. You defended them, to an extent, back then by saying it’s difficult to prove corruption. You could have been more unforgiving. Today we see these institutions are just a remnant of their former proud self.
    I believe this country has a lot of potential. The resources and the people must not go to waste. The reason why we are at this stage where the Malays are defensive is because we don not have a very good track record in managing this country properly. Yes, we are a lot better than we were before. Yes we are a lot better than some other countries, but there are other countries that are a lot better than us today when in fact they were worse off than us 20 to 30 years ago. Korea, Taiwan. Hong Kong are today a lot more successful today economically. They are proud of their record, and in these countries, their politicians can survive an audit on their integrity . Any one of them will resign and shamed if they are in any way involved in corruption or abuse of power. Try that on our BN leaders today. Who can survive those kind of audits?
    So, where and how can we be proud of our leaders today? I can’t name one person in BN and UMNO that I’m willing to give my support to be my elected leader. In my limited knowledge these same people, they are all corrupted, in one way or another. So these weak leaders can never defend us. And these leaders we have today were groomed during your time as the leader of the government and UMNO. They may not be all your fault, but they are in my eyes, tainted and weak.
    When this is so, and the way UMNO is run today, most upstanding young Malay Malaysians of today have very limited interest to join politics and make right of the wrongs. They would have no reason to join UMNO, lest they have to do all the dirty stuff like looking for projects to payoff election campaigning and such other things they are not aware off. They would have been easy meat for the political animals today thriving in UMNO. They can’t forsake their families who are enjoying a good life for something as dirty asa politics and UMNO. That is so sad but true.
    These are the people who can defend the Malays for doing what is right. These are the Malays who can ensure the fortune of the country are shared by all These are the Malays who can build lasting legacies for the Malays and the country. Where are these people?
    If these country is properly run, if this country and it’s rakyat are prosperous, what need should we harp on our differences of skin colour? We could all share the joys of multi-culturalism. If everyone can comfortably provide for their families, if this country can provide health care assurances, if this government can provide an assurance of a better future for it’s citizens, won’t the Malays be able to proudly say, ‘Ours is the better way!’

  939. I’m sure Tun know how to solve the problem. What would you do even if you are lack of support?

  940. Sesuatu yang memalukan apabila pemimpin kita terpaksa memohon maaf…sampai bila kita harus bertolak ansur dan menjaga hati orang lain…ingatlah setiap kali ini berlaku akan bertambah pedih hati orang melayu..undi kami tak ada value ke…kenapa hati kami tak di jaga…Cadangan agar Tun tubuhkan parti baru….

  941. I agree that the premiership (i cant bring myself to call it leadership, as he lacks any) is weak. there isn’t any leadership. just management, even then, barely.
    I also agree that it is degrading the deputy has to apologise for someone elses error. ahmad ismail should be defending his own position, and apologise himself when it comes to that. but not someone else, especially the deputy doing it on behalf of umno. it is a sign of weakness.
    I am no big fan of DSAI but it is umno that is digging its own grave. umno grew cocky and pig-headed, thus committing one mistake after another. subsequently, they are the last choice.
    I am in the opinion that PR’s victory is the fruit of disgust over the premiership and bn in general. the trust and perception has gone so bad, that generally the thought is that, PR cannot do any worse than the current. so, let’s give them a shot, and at the same time, teach this pig-headed cocky sob a lesson they’ll never forget.
    dsai and pr has everything to gain, and nothing much to lose. they are, technically, on probation thus they have to work hard to prove themselves. they probably will. all they need to do is prove or develop the perception that they are better than the current, and the feel for the rakyat. as opposed to the sinking ship that bn/umno is.
    when the unsinkable titanic is sinking, a piece of floating drift wood is better than certain doom.
    it will take a lot of hard work to undo what aab/umno has done over the past 5 years. the one word came to my mind, JELEK OR “disgusting”.
    i’d like to think myself as a patriot. i am not aligned to any political party. but i am loyal to any person and party that i think is loyal to the country. any action otherwise i shall deep as betrayal, if not treason. i am in the opinion that aab family & friends are betraying the country.
    tun, we fight in our own way. selamat hari kebangsaan.

  942. Salam Tun….
    Don’t hesitate on your writing…We understand your frustation with the current Malay leadership…We knew the underlying messages you’re trying to deliver to the nation..you are not racist SIR diffinitely not event to be..your statement shall be looked up at the different view. For those bloggers which followwing your speach closely I believe they will understand it and wouldn’t accuse you as a Racist.
    Hence, stay cool Sir ..keep blogging.
    Send my regards to Bonda Hasmah…
    p/s: Sir, can you comment about rumous saying that PETRONAS President will be replacing by somebody from government. If it is true..I am so pity with PETRONAS and its future grow. Please help this country to safe retain the brilliant men called as Hassan Merican in this organization. He has proved his credibility.

  943. Like always… I couldn’t agree more with you. I am not surprise if Anwar can manoeuvre the parliamentary hot seat on 16 Sept if UMNO’s high ranks failed to tame PKR’s strategies and propagandas. BN components have raised their doubts and Gerakan in particular are reviewing their ally since they realised that UMNO is slowing down their progress. Anyway Tun, as die hard UMNO supporter, I would be more than glad to give full support to Datuk Mukhriz, to continue UMNO legacy and we shall act as a radicalist to ensure UMNO restore their strength and pride. We’ll meet you at Titi Gajah…salam perjuangan.

  944. I supposed during the tenure of the first three Prime Ministers, the rakyat are generally happy and comfortable with one another.
    During your long tenure, the numerous policies you implemented to assist the bumiputras have created alot of ill feelings amongst the non-bumis as you have mentioned in one of your previous article. And I generally agreed with most of the points you have brought up.
    It is unfortunate that the side effects of your policies have caused more racial polarisation than ever, perhaps it is a price we are now paying. And I believe not many dare to complain about anything under the sun during your administration as everyone can see what happened during OPs Lallang.

  945. Pimpinan Anwar dalam jangka masa panjang tidak akan mendatangkan maanfaat kepeda negara.
    Good Job, you have created preasure for Abdullah. Gerakan is leaving soon. maybe MCA ~~ duno hahaha. I think they won’t join pakatan rakyat.

  946. Tun,
    I felt sad when saw your previous post but after this post, I understand what you mean. Sometime I felt that Pak Lah is helping Anwar to be the next PM. People said that Saiful’s case is something planned by the government but I think it’s not. Simply because the government, especially the PM, is unable to plan such thing to Anwar. If the PM is that good to plan this, he already manage to lead our country better.

  947. Dear Tun,
    I’m so scared of what is going to happen to Malaysia with all the political rubbish that is happening in the country today. You are right. Racial matters are talked very openly. It is fine if it’s done in a civilized manner. Yet, the Malays talked about their rights while criticizing others. And this UMNO guy, leaving it to Najib to apologise on his behalf. What nerves!
    Saw him in the news earlier acting so arrogant – “I will not apologise!!!” blaming everything on the press.
    My sister met u at a recent function u attended. She commented how there u were sitting at the dinner table with Mrs. NO ONE! NO ONE approached u at all, to accompany you at the table. This is Tun! The man who brought Malaysia to where it is (or was; considering what’s happening today). It saddens me so much how u are being treated now Tun. It saddens her too when she kissed ur hands to pass to u the pin.
    How I wished that you could be around for ever Tun. How I wished that you were 50 again.. to bring Malaysia back to its former glory under your leadership.
    Jaga diri Tun. May Allah bless u always.

  948. Dearest Tun, Semuga Tun sekeluarga dirahmati ALLAH SWT di bulan yang mulia ini. Membaca artikel Tun ini, saya dapat merasa kesedihan Tun. Saya juga turut bersedih atas situasi sekarang. Tun, melihat UMNO yang tak mahu berubah and in a perpetual state of denial, maybe the UMNO of today is beyond redemption. Let it be destroyed. Perharps from its ashes akan timbul tunas baru that will reUnite the Nationalist Melayu semula and a new fresh and clean UMNO will emerge. We will pledge our support to this new & pure UMNO then. Tun, I miss my chance of a lifetime apabila saya tidak berkesempatan berbuka puasa bersama Tun dalam majlis Tun pada 4/9/08 kerana saya bertugas di luar. I heard that your household is having internet access problems. My team and I will be happy to assist you and Tun Siti in any way we can at any time. I can be contacted thru Datin Maimunah. Saya sentiasa berdoa untuk kesihatan, kesejahteraan dan kebahagiaan Tun sekeluarga.

  949. Salam Tun…
    Tumpang lalu sekajap ye Tun…
    I saw you this morning at Tan Sri Samad’s house.I’m glad that you’re still in a great health. Even though I couldn’t meet and salam you, seeing you there just make me feel very proud. You still brought a significant aura that make people feel your present. You’re just so humble. Read the yassin like everybody else and salam with everybody next to you…people still respect you even though some people up there didn’t.
    Salam to Tun Hasmah and Datin Paduka Marina. I stopped at your daughter and said to her I really need to salam her since we may not be able to meet in the future. She also is a humble person. Thanks to her for a very honest smile she gave me.
    Thanks Tun..you’re not a racist. Who can tell me anybody does not love his/her own race…being malay or chinese or indian or others…may be somebody so selfish who can think of themselves only….!

  950. Assalamualaikum wbt Tun,
    It’s all about provoking now. Cucuk sana, cucuk sini. Nak buat macamana.
    Kita mintak sangat-sangat pemimpin UMNO bacalah CHEDET.COM ni. Mana lah tau terbuka cara depa tangani permasalahan sekarang ni…

  951. salam TUN,
    1. usahlah risau dgn tanggapan orang.
    2. hanya jauhari yg dpt mengenal manikam.
    3. mereka yg bijak tidak menilai seseorang berdasarkan satu dua tulisan atau ucapan.
    4. saya kenal DSAI sejak beliau memegang jwtn menteri pendidikan. so apa yg dia ucap skrg tidaklah membuatkan saya lupa dgn apa yg saya kenal dia selama ini.
    5. begitu juga dgn DSAAB.
    6. begitu juga dgn TUN.
    7. seluruh hidup saya dibentuk oleh dasar dan kepimpinan TUN. saya dapat meihat apa yg TUN telah katakan sepanjang penulisan TUN dalam blog ni.
    8. usahlah risau. saya percaya ramai yg bijak di luar sana.
    papa khaalish

  952. Dear Dr. M,
    First of all, i don’t think you are anti-chinese…. but in here i wanna highlight something that you had done that make most Chineses think you are anti-chinese… please do not feel offended… i’m not blaming but openly highlight the situation…
    I’m a government servant… and as u had make a new policy before your retirement under Jabatan Perdana Menteri, that every government servant must attend Biro Tatanegara for confirmation of their post….
    And as i openly said here that the course in Biro Tatanegara has all the elements of racism in favour of Malay (Please don’t get too oversensitive, we can’t deny racism does happened everywhere, our country and also other countries as well)
    In the 3 days course of BTN, i had to endure daily lectures on perlembagaan and also issues on keistimewaan of malay clan… i was very hurt and torn when i had to answer question with the right answer which is Kaum Cina terasa hutang budi kerana diberi kewarganegaraan…. I dunno how to answer as i felt like a culprit if i agreed… but if i do not agree…. i may fail my BTN….
    Well, after 3 days course, i make up to my mind tat i must leave this country…. because staying in other people country, i’m still a foreign worker, but in my own country, i’m not any better…. i’m suppose to feel terhutang budi if i stay in this country….
    Of course, you can say please leave…. but Dr. M…. in reality, you, i and many many Malaysians know that every people who felt the racism will have the same thought like us especially the younger generation, who have the power of changing everything…. including the government…. right??? So, what if half of professionals are leaving Malaysia for this racism reason… which can be avoidable?????
    Racism is cause my human being… it take two hands to create a clap….

    1)Tun…biarlah apa orang nak kata pada tun…bagi saya tun dan orang melayu ada hak untuk menjadi racist di tanah air sendiri..asalkan kita faham yang racist itu tak semestinya berakhir dengan permusuhan dan pertumpahan darah….
    2)Dalam butiran hindraf itu ternyata bukan setakat racist…tapi adalah merupakan hasutan dan tuduhan liar kepada kerajaan..kononnya ada penghapusan etnik dan sebagainya….tapi malangnya paklah dan beberapa pemimpin melayu berdiam diri dan kecut untuk mempertahankan semua tuduhan dan hasutan itu..malah ada yang sanggup menjadi hero multiracial pula seperti anwar..mengambil kesempatan untuk kepentingan politik peribadi sahaja…
    3)Apakah menjadi kesalahan jika tun bersuara…bagi saya bukan tun sengaja menyemarakkan api perkauman tapi tun menyatakan kebenaran dengan hasrat supaya ada antara pemimpin melayu yang tidak mudah lupa…itu sahaja…
    4)tun…sila buat sebuah parti baru….kita sudah tiada banyak masa…itu saja.
    5)kepada yang bukan melayu…sila baca semula sejarah 13 mei 1969….siapa sebenarnya yang mula bermain api???
    dan kini….adakah kamu fikir sudah cukup kuat dan hebat untuk bermain api semula???

  954. Dear Tun,
    I am very disappointed with your 2 articles on pohon maaf.
    Why you supported a person likes Ahmad who can’t even think properly and made such a stupid remarks on chinese.
    What is wrong with us chinese?
    I have so many good malay friends and they don’t think that way.They are gentlemen and think and talk like a human being.
    As i have made many comments in your blogg, why can Tun write more on unity of all races? Why must you add ‘petrol’ onto the fire as far as racial harmony is concerned.
    I use to respect Tun but no more because of these 2 articles.
    Now only i agreed with my father in law, who is 76 years old now,who did not like Tun all his life.
    You may just curious why my father behaves that way towards Tun?
    Ayioh Tun, don’t be so racist lah because you love UMNO.
    Best regards to Tun and i will respect Tun again if you do something that can unite all races in the country and all live in harmony.

  955. salam,
    i am truly agree with chedet.com in the `Pohon Maaf’ issue. Orang melayu memerlukan seorang pemimpin yang tegas dan berjiwa melayu. Yang menentukan jatuh bangun bangsa melayu di malaysia adalah orang melayu sendiri. jadi pemimpin melayu harus mengutamakan kepentingan orang melayu dan bumiputera, lebih dari lain-lain bangsa. jika keutamaan menjadi ukuran, maka bumiputera sabah dan sarawak lebih layak mendapat keutamaan daripada bangsa Cina dan India.

  956. I felt so disgusted by the derogatory, seditious, offensive, insensitive remark made by Datuk Ahmad Ismail..
    It sickens me even more knowing that all UMNO divisions in Penang supported his stand not to apologise..
    We, as Malaysians regardless of our races, have the right to demand for an apology from him..
    Otherwise, I’m not surprised if it happens again, especially under the weak leadership of the current PM..
    Many things have gone awry..
    Malaysia needs help..

  957. Assalamualaikum,
    Sempenan bulan ramadhan yang mulia ini, kami sekeluarga mengucapkan selamat berpuasa kepada Tun dan isteri.
    Saya amat takut dan sukar untuk memikirkan apa akan jadi pada nasib melayu dimasa yang akan datang.
    Sesungguhnya kata kata keramat Tun perlu dihayati oleh semua terutama bangsa melayu.
    *Melayu mudah lupa
    *Perjuangan belum selesai

  958. Dear Tun,
    You are the greatest Prime Minister in Malaysia history. Without your leadership during your tenure as prime minister, Malaysia might just end up like our neighboring countries. However, I find your latest article, a bit too much. Just my two words.

  959. To all Malays and Malaysian especially UMNO, PAS and PKR as well and to all muslims in Malaysia and Singapore
    Article 160 of the Constitution of Malaysia defines various terms used in the Constitution. It has an important impact on Islam in Malaysia and the Malay people due to its definition of a Malay person under clause 2. It took effect after August 31, 1957 (“Merdeka Day” or “Independence Day”) in West Malaysia, and took effect in Singapore and East Malaysia when they merged with Malaya in 1963. The article no longer applies to Singapore, as it declared independence from Malaysia in 1965; however, it does affect the legal status of Malay Singaporeans when they enter Malaysia.
    The article defines a Malay as a Malaysian citizen born to a Malaysian citizen who professes to be a Muslim, habitually speaks the Malay language, adheres to Malay customs, and is domiciled in Malaysia or Singapore. As a result, Malay citizens who convert out of Islam are no longer considered Malay under the law. Hence, the Bumiputra privileges afforded to Malays under Article 153 of the Constitution, the New Economic Policy (NEP), etc. are forfeit for such converts.
    Likewise, a non-Malay Malaysian who converts to Islam can lay claim to Bumiputra privileges, provided he meets the other conditions. A higher education textbook conforming to the government Malaysian studies syllabus states: “The non-Malay thought that is when a non-Malay embraces Islam, he is said to masuk Melayu (become a Malay in Malay language). That person is automatically assumed to be fluent in the Malay language and to be living like a Malay as a result of his close association with the Malays.”
    “Malay” means a person who professes the religion of Islam, habitually speaks the Malay language, conforms to Malay custom and –
    (a) was before Merdeka Day born in the Federation or in Singapore or born of parents one of whom was born in the Federation or in Singapore, or was on that day domiciled in the Federation or in Singapore; or
    (b) is the issue of such a person;

  960. Salam Kasih buat Tun dan Family,
    Tun sememangnya saya telah menjangkakan yang kali ini Tun akan menerima banyak kritikan dan cemuhan dari tulisan Tun yang terbaru semalam,tapi kalau dikaji dan direnung kembali nyata yang kritik dan mencemuh Tun tu sebenarnya tidak mengenali akan maksud sebenar yang Tun cuba nyatakan.Yang komen tu boleh dikatakan semua nya “racist” belaka,pedulikan mereka Tun !!!
    Yang cuba menunjukan kononnya mereka tu anti racist sendiri sebenarnya cukup racist.Kalau semua ingin menjadi bangsa Malaysia tapi kena masih berkeras dan terus menuntut diperbanyakan lagi sekolah sekolah jenis kebangsaan dan mengapa banyak yang tak mahu menghantar anak anak mereka kesekolah kebangsaan?? Apa apa pun alasan mereka mereka ini tapi kenyataannya kerana mereka masih ingin memisahkan anak anak kecil ini dari dapat bersama dalam satu bumbung belajar menjadi rakyat Malaysia yang sebenarnya.
    Teruskan teguran dan perjuangan Tun dan masih ada jutaan rakyat yang menyokong dan menyayangi Tun…

  961. .
    Salam Tun,
    You’re totally right.
    Again, NOWADAYS, the PENDATANGs/visitors (for the so-called Malaysians) are:
    – those Malaysians who don’t want to speak Malay
    (knowing is 1 thing but, wanting IE. PROUD to talk Bahasa Malaysia, is another)
    – those Malaysians who don’t know Malaysia’s constitution
    (Islam as the official religion. A simple example, for Centuries, the British are Civilized to know to respect others’ properties (lands) and not to simply build their churches all over the place)
    – those Malaysians who don’t appreciate Malaysia’s traditions
    (such as the calling for prayer, the azan)
    IF those citizens (majority chinese & some indian citizens) whose ancestors were PENDATANGs (ie. the coolies/labourers the British brought from China and India) are PROUD to be Citizens of this country, they will willingly learn ways to adapt to this country JUST LIKE ANY willing immigrant who voluntarily emigrated to another country.
    In Malaysia’s case, those coolies (labourers) brought by the British were agreed by the Malays to be given FREE citizenship to Malaya – since their “original” countries they came from were not willing to accept them back.
    If compared to the chinese immigrants to Indonesia , Thailand and the Philippines, the Chinese there have NO PROBLEMS WHATSOEVER including having to change their names & speak the national language of those countries.
    This is because, they are Willing/Volunteered Migrants.
    While those pendatangs/labourers/coolies here in Malaysia who were Given FREE Citizenchip… took the citizenship for granted and did Not Value their citizenship. Over years, they seem to be wanting more things “chinese” & all segregated just within their own “race” – while “hypocritically shouting” for Malaysian Malaysia…
    FYA, the Malays have never ever complained about the descendents of those PENDATANG labourers/coolies, as the Malays are soft-spoken, full of adats (traditions), and very respectful to “visitors”/pendatangs/guests to our land… – there’s even a Malay proverb saying, treating our guests BETTER than our own child! Generally, the Malays are humble, moderate & devout Muslims particularly in carrying out core 5 pillars of Islamic duties. And, helping others in need is just a way of life for the Malays.
    I am truly SAD as our fellow countrymen are VERY WEAK.
    All of us have been living peacefully & harmoniously until this past 1-2 years when the opposition parties (dap particularly) have been using the sensitive “race & religion” issues TO GAIN SYMPATHY votes.
    Now that they’ve won 5 states, their getting arrogant & start to challenge the constitution that was developed with peace, respect, and harmony in mind… – so that our country could unite, progress & flourish positively.
    Bottomline, dap is a pretty new party started after Malaysia kicked Singapore out of Malaysia in 1965 – pap’s splinter party.
    So, how can they understand what respect and peace are as they themselves have always been only thinking of wanting everything chinese since 1965!?
    – In fact, that was 1 of the reasons why Tunku did not agree to invite Leekuanyew to join our Merdeka in 1957… In one of the interviews before Merdeka, Tunku said he would invite Leekuanyew IF he is anything like Leong Yew Koh (who later became Melaka’s 1st Chief Minister).
    Show your Sincerity towards the country first, for the Malays to sense your Patriotism & regard everyone as equal – YES, just like those Chinese who even US OUTSIDERS can see their “Humbleness”, Loyalty, and SINCERITY to those countries……. Fikir-fikirkanlah!

  962. It’s crystal clear that all this is happening due to the absence of real leadership, in Umno, BN and the Government.
    Soon, we will become like Afghanistan, some parts of Pakistan or even Somalia where the central government has no control over the various regions and provinces.
    It would be a fallacy to assume that EVERYTHING IS OK when the actual situation on the ground is moving from ‘sickening’ to ‘scary’.
    The so-called unbridled freedom promoted by Abdullah Badawi and his 4th floor boys( and supported by Anwar Ibrahim) is taking its toll on ordinary citizens of this country.
    While some those preaching about freedom and democracy would want to run naked in Central Market without their Human Rights being questioned, the multiracial society is dead worried about the extend of racism in the Malaysian airspace at the moment.
    In his blog, the Group Chief Editor of The Star newspaper accused Dr.Mahathir of fanning racist sentiments for the previous posting in this blog.
    Mr.Wong Chun Wai is an experienced WRITER, as his blog name suggests, but he certainly lacks wisdom and a real understanding of the situation…or he has lost these traits after becoming the ‘official b*#l carrier’ for the Government.
    We could also accuse Mr.Wong Chun Wai as a 1st class Chinese-racists for openly protecting someone who tarnished the image of the country while in a foreign land and his (TheWriter’s) ‘paymaster’ the Malaysian CHINESE Association.
    Back to the situation on the ground.
    The grassroot multiracial society is not divided nor are the various races living in a ‘racially sensitive atmosphere’.
    In actual fact the multiracial society of Malaysia is now more united than ever for a SINGLE CAUSE … that is to kick Abdullah Ahmad Badawi out of office.
    They (the society) is only a little undecided on what to do after kicking the lame-duck PM out.
    Some favour Anwar Ibrahim, while a huge majority also fear him and his lusts.
    They are seraching for the right person and the right person coul be the one who takes the BOLD STEP to remove Abdullah Badawi.
    Pokok Assam – Taiping.

  963. aslm tun,
    saya baru balik terawih, buka chedet.com. tp tak brp faham, sbb kalu saya baca dlm b.i, pening kepala. tak kisahla. apapun…di bulan ramadhan yang mulia ini, marilah kita sama2 mendoakan kesejahteraan tun sekeluarga, amin. doa orang yang berpuasa dengan ikhlas akan dimakbulkan tuhan.

  964. Assalamualaikum, Tun
    I agree with point 5. The March 8th General Election did not mean that people are rejecting racial politics, and the politicians willing to give up the race card. What it necessarily means is that the BN government is with a weak leadership, and the people has no choice but to accept as an alternative a loose coalition of parties offering token intergrationism as its battle-cry.
    And it is quite funny that the Western press and the PKR consider Anwar the Infallible as the figure to end race politics. It must be reminded that when Anwar was Minister of Education, he undid what Tun Abdul Razak had done to intergrate the races by renaming Bahasa Malaysia as Bahasa Melayu.

  965. Given the current unfortunate situation (racial tension) in our country is this:
    All those who engage in making racist remarks/slurs or play the race card (regardless of the person’s position or race) should be severly dealt with by preferring criminal charges against them. The Sedition Act must be invoked against them. Such criminals must be regarded as scums of society and should be ostracized. That, in my view, is the best solution to maintain racial unity in our country.

  966. ermmm, Dr M,
    i believe the first “Pohon Maaf” was a bait for you to post this article. A brilliant tactician you are. Thats what make you the best PM so far.

  967. Salam Tun,
    Tun bukanlah racist, cuma sayang pada bangsa dan tidak mahu menjadi spt org hawaii di hawaii dan org mauri di NZ
    pada fikiran tun, adakah akan ada kemungkinan negara kita ini diambil alih oleh kuasa tentera (spt pakistan, thailand) sekiranya keadaan politik negara kita berterusan begini?
    dan siapakah pada fikiran tun layak mengambil alih pucuk pimpinan UMNO?

  968. Salam Tun.
    Saya tak pernah risau tentang sifat Tun. Bagi saya, Tun jauh lebih mengambil berat tentang Islam kesuluruhannya daripada pemimpin kita sekarang. Sikap Tun ini memastikan ketenangan rakyat berbilang kaum negara kita. Malang bagi menteri-menteri di bawah pemerintahan Pak Lah, asyik disuruh melakukan sesuatu yang mendedahkan diri mereka sendiri dan kelemahan kerajaan. Contohnya Datuk Shabery Chik yang berbahas dengan Anwar Ibrahim yang berakhir dengan imej Anwar meningkat dan DS Najib Tun Razak yang meminta maaf di atas ucapan yang kononnya berbaur perkauman baru-baru ini. Di mana kredibiliti Pak Lah? Sesungguhnya Pak Lah mencerminkan pemimpin yang tak layak langsung memerintah Malaysia tercinta ini, sudah la dasar tak mantap, kelemahan suruh pemimpin lain akui atau bagi penjelasan. Pak Lah memang seorang pemimpin yang menyedihkan…

  969. Tun
    You must understand we Malaysian and the future coming generation is a well read nation. We are not the silent lamb before and accept matter which is not right. Younger generations make their points more open nowadays too, irrespective of how many PM comes before us.
    I agreed that the present Goverment is weak in terms of handling opposition within the ruling party. This goes from your son,Tun to now recently calling name culture. The matter of fact is, Tun we do not have many caliber leaders, maybe during you time as PM, you did not breed enough good true leaders in every sense of word. I forsee that when you do the handover. You were busy building the hardware of the country and neglecting the software.
    Instead there were many leaders whom i called “guilty silently but innocent publicly” soon or later true will prevail and it is pay back time; so cannot really blame the current leaders, right?
    Where to find good leaders that acceptable by all? Maybe we need to head hunting for one just like for job hunting, I wonder…The current one is poor choice wheather it is opposition or ruling..such a predicament just like presidential candidate USA before not too long ago, is a poor choice selections…which history has proven to us a disaster war mongering period for the world…
    Thank you, Tun, and I hope we can be mature and self control our emotion. I hope you continue to use you God given ability in the right and responsible way.

  970. i admire you everytime when you put down in the blog…its difficult to understand the present leader. Again a flip flop..generally i can say most of the leader from umno able to make comment on anything behind the pm. They didnt find themselves a feel of respect to the leader. Proven in the newspaper quote ‘ even the pm unable to get ahmad’…


  972. Salam Tun,
    Inilah menjadi tema perjuangan Pak Lah dan UMNO kini. Semenjak pemerintahan Abdullah Badawi, orang melayu tidak dibenarkan bercakap kerana ianya dianggap apa yang keluar dari mulut orang melayu adalah bersifat perkauman..Bangsa lain boleh cakap apa sahaja. UMNO dahulu adalah parti yang memperjuangkan hak melayu sepertimana parti komponen lain memperjuangkan hak bangsa masing2. Pak Lah dan menteri melayu lain adalah diundi dan diberikan jawatan oleh orang melayu. Jadi kenapa PM sekarang takut untuk memperjuangkan hak melayu. Orang melayu kini dipersalahkan dan dianggap orang melayu boleh mencetuskan peristiwa 13 May lagi sekali. Tetapi yang tunjuk perasaan adalah bangsa lain bukan orang melayu.. Apakah UMNO sekarang ingin dianggap bukan parti melayu?
    Semalam, saya bercakap dengan seorang teman, beliau berkata UMNO sebagai parti meleyu sudah tidak relevan kerana PAS lebih menonjolkan diri.
    Sebentar tadi di dalam TV3, AhmadIsmail berkata beliau telah memberikan penjelasan di dalam majlis di mana PM turut hadir, tetapi di dalam akhbar the Star, PM memberi kenyataan yang beliau belum lagi dapat bercakap dengan orang tersebut untuk dapat penjelasan.
    Bagi lah hak masing-masing di dalam negeri ini jika mereka berhak..tapi jangan gadaikan atau berikan hak kita orang melayu di dalam negeri ini kepada orang lain… kalau Pak Lah atau menteri melayu masih nak juga kekal berkuasa, bagi hak mereka sendiri kepada orang lain TAPI JANGAN SERAHKAN HAK ORANG MELAYU… Kalau Pak Lah impoten di dalam menegakkan hak melayu di negeri ini, undur lah kerana orang melayu boleh dan sanggup untuk mempertahankan hak kami.
    Saya tidak mahu mana2 orang yang hidup, bekerja dan beranak pinak di dalam negeri ini ditindas dan dinafikan kan hak..tapi saya orang melayu…kalau saya dituduh sebagai “racist”..maaf kerana saya bangsa melayu..
    Pak Lah dan UMNO … jangan hina bangsa sendiri kerana berdirinya kamu adalah di atas bahu bangsa sendiri.
    Orang Melayu janganlah tamak sangat…orang melayu lah yang berikan negeri ini pada orang putih…dan orang putih bawak masuk bangsa lain..sudah menjadi tabiat orang putih… Negeri dia, no entry tapi negeri orang, habis manusia dimasukkan dan dipaksa rakyat tempatan menerima. Di Palestin, di tanah melayu..
    Selepas pilihanraya, menangnya pembangkang, tidak kurang orang melayu gembira, kerana apabila DAP menguasai majlis perbandaran, hak orang melayu diberikan kepada orang melayu..bukan diambil oleh UMNO untuk orang UMNO.
    Saya masih ingat di dalam penggulungan TUn di UMNO General Assembly (tahun tak ingat) Tun mengatakan bahawa semua projek kerajaan tidak boleh diberikan kepada orang UMNO, kerana yang mengundi kerajaan bukan semata-mata orang UMNO. Tapi UMNO lupa diri…dan lupa bangsa…dan lupa perjuangan…
    By the way, kalau tengok CNN’s poll untuk US President, masih lagi adalah poll untuk kenal pasti jumlah white and black voters.. Saya ingat negeri maju dah tak ada benda2 macam tu..
    Kerana mu, Malaysia…

  973. Salam Tun,
    Rightfully said, i was also disgusted when I saw the country’s #2 having to appologize.. it has never happened before. This is what happens when you don’t have your house under control.
    Rgds, MDB

  974. Saya sudah lama membaca dan memerhatikan blog Tun dengan keadaan sekeliling, dan membandingkan keadaan dulu hingga sekarang. Saya juga telah merasa nikmat pembangunan dan pilihan kehidupan yg telah diberikan oleh pemimpin-pemimpin terdahulu hingga sekarang. Tentang perkauman…. memang satu isu sensitif, TETAPI jangan lupa asal-usul kita, dan kejadian yg telah berlaku sehingga hari ini.
    Saya faham, jika MELAYU yang membincangkan isu ini, dikatakan berbaur PERKAUMAN. Tetapi jika BUKAN MELAYU yang bercakap perkara ini, dikatakan KEBEBASAN BERSUARA. Saya tidak mengatakan yg saya menyokong Tun, tetapi saya MENYOKONG MELAYU, bangsa saya. Jangan kaitkan nama gelaran saya dengan Melayu, itu cerita lain.
    Untuk pengetahuan semua, sesiapa yang masih hidup, dan masih lagi mengingati kisah 13 Mei (saya faham, isu sensitif, tetapi bacalah jika anda betul menyokong keadilan “yang sebenarnya”) pasti tahu apa sebenarnya yg berlaku. Ingatlah, bukan Melayu, kami semua bagaikan harimau (naga kalau bagi bangsa berkaitan) yg sedang tidur. Jangan kejutkan kami dengan cerita sebegini. Melayu juga punya perasaan, dan amatlah terasa jika hak kami digugat. Terpulanglah kepada pembaca tentang pentafsiran komen ini.

  975. your previous blog, seems to suggest dat Ahmad shouldn’t apologize…why? why? why?
    chinese only want Ahmad to apologize. we never expect DPM or anybody else to apologize on their behalf. Is it so difficult?
    why do you hav to play racial cards again & again?

  976. Dear Tun,
    For all the hardwork you have done ,the result showed now it doesnt work.If the policy work no hindraf demo or race mockery uttered in public speech.I admired your way of what you trying to did to malay but helping them becoming rich than helping themselves to be rich is a greatest virtue.Racial policy done us no good!Everyone have to work hard to achieve what they want!Nobody like the person they admired and adored to be racist.So you should expected some unhappy admirer who against you.Hope you well and happy.Love you always TUN!

  977. ASSALAMUALAIKUM….. AYAHANDA TUN, saya sedar kesukaran yang ayahanda TUN alami sewaktu ayahanda TUN menjadi PM..,hasil diatas kesukaran itulah ayahanda TUN memahami erti perjuangan membela nasib bangsa dan agama…niat ayahanda TUN sangat mulia,tapi malangnya di salah erti oleh pihak yang enggan memahami maksud ayahanda TUN,sehingga ayahanda TUN dipersalah dalam banyak perkara,Yang menyedihkan seagama,sebangsa enggan cuba memahami maksud ayahanda TUN,..CUBALAH FAHAM MAKSUD AYAHANDA TUN…,sebab itulah ayahanda TUN mendesak paklah turun pangkat, daripada sarjen menjadi prebet semula..,ini penting kerana ayahanda TUN,telah melihat tiadanya sikap tegas dan memajukan bangsa melayu didalam pentadbiran paklah…bertambah parah apabila menantu dibawa sama ke politik malaysia, salah tu memanglah tak salah,tapi nampak tak eloklah,sehingga disana,sini memperkatakan tentang politik kerajaan sekarang ini adalah politik KELUARGA,cuba kita lihat zaman ayahanda TUN menjadi PM,tak ada pun anak menantu terlibat dengan politik secara terangan..,Oleh kerana amalan politik keluargalah paklah sukar nak BERKATA-KATA..,OLEH KERANA SUSAH NAK BERKATA-KATALAH BANGSA KITA SEMAKIN TERTEKAN…,AL-KISAHNYA AKAN SAMA TERJADI KEPADA DSAI seandainya pokok kelapa berjaya dipanjat dan buah kelapa berjaya di petik,jika amalan politik keluarga diguna pakai juga maka perkara yang sama akan berlaku..,….,PESANAN HAMBA RAKYAT,BERHATI-HATILAH DENGAN KERETA CHERY DAN KERETA TATA WALAUPUN DIPANDU SECARA PERLAHAN,JIKA KITA TERKENA LANGGAR,KITA TETAP REBAH JUGA,,,,….,,,,MAKA PROTON JUGA PILIHAN KITA…,,,…

  978. salam tun.. u are the great leader in the world..
    malay still a malay person..
    we are the person who are responsible to our conutry..
    chinese and indian also are malaysian..
    but we must remember that the history never never changes..
    the leader nowday only use their position for personal interest.. it’s a fact today..
    tq tun…i will support u forever..

  979. Dearest Tun Dr Mahathir,
    This is more like you. An article like this is deemed more appropriate. It is easy to misunderstood given the current political situation with your posting yesterday. Almost didnt want to come back but as Malaysia’s greatest ever leader we all know you would not disappoint us again.
    Only if you have watch Lee Chong Wei’s kissing’ of the Malaysian flag(on his shirt) after his semifinal victory in the Olympics you would know how proud we are as a Malaysian regardless of race.
    These are testing times for Malaysians generally but hopefully we would weather the storm.
    Please take good care of your health(Tun Dr Siti as well) always and a little secret to share with you Tun, majority of Chinese still loves you and we thought of you as the greatest leader Malaysia ever had.

  980. Good Day Tun,
    What you done for the Malaysian people for the past 22 year as PM most of it is very greatfull…No human being in this world is perfect..You done your best duty..
    Take care Tun

  981. Yang berbahagia TUN,
    1.Is the apology really neccessary?
    I dont think so.
    2.Do we have to apologize for speaking pur mind?
    One do not have to apologize when being honest.
    3.When does the Hiduraf wants to apologize to the Malay?
    They are the ones who seems to manipulating the racist remark.
    4.When does Ambiga the Bar Council precident going to apologize to
    the malaysian muslim for envoking such malicious forum.
    5.The chinese is getting too much with a republic state issue.
    Havent they reap enuff from our motherland.
    Kesemua ini menunjukkan bangsa-bangsa yang tidak tahu bersyukur dan hanya maukan sebuah negara dan pemerintahan yang boleh mereka kota katikkan. Bila la pak lah nak sedar.
    Selamat Mentambut Ramadahn TUN sekeluarga. Allah panjangkan umur TUN.

  982. Tun,
    1.Now everybody is blaming each other..Ahmad blaming the media and Koh Tsu Koon…Kelantan MCA wanted UMNO to take action towards Ahmad..
    2.For me I blamed the UMNO leaders. They are the one who should take the blame.None of this would happen IF UMNO leaders could act earlier to prevent crisis, in other words, “A GREAT LEADER SHOULD KNOW HOW TO PREVENT CRISIS FROM ARISING IN THE FIRST PLACE”.
    3.To make matters worse, Malaysia don’t have a leader as great as you Tun..

  983. tun,
    opppppssssss, i am sooooo happy to understand u remain as who you are.
    we luv u!
    we luv malaysia!!
    we luv malaysian!!!
    tonight all non-racist malaysian will have sweat dream cause we still have the “chances” in future…..depends on how out leaders manage the country in future.

  984. Dear Tun,
    I was born here with many faces and races living together with no fear of what we believing in and that’s really make me so fine for being within everyone here.
    My only question is what really make the differences that would the races felt much better in everything? would it be the way we believing thing? or could it be numbers that counting on us? or what would it be with tag of being NO.1 or No.2 or No.3? or to being please by everyone for being the NO.1 race?
    I always remember Tun you have really inspire me reminding the people knowing and never forget what we make of and where do we from and also never say never in no matter how hard it gonna be. What i do appreciate and still hold it on in me is that admire you speak-up for the right even we are small….that’s really something i can wanna you to be as it can forever. But that’s remains the best of you, and probably the only leave that no others able to make that stand at present. What really matter at these day, is being proud of having everyone as yours regardless being NO.1, NO.2 or NO.3 or whatever NO doesn’t matter…..or i should say whether it gonna be The Malay, The Chinese or The Indian or Even The others….we need to grow up without anyone telling everybody who is the FIRST, the SECOND or the THIRD…..but stand as one ..WE ARE MALAYSIAN…and malaysia is make from Malay, chinese, indian & others. That’s all. All of us work with our hand and hold our head high to feed our body to live the day bright.
    Tun, i completely seeing how you wanna this nation response what we are having now and what we don’t have before, but let me say put this right, understanding each word from any single mouth would be useful if it for the good but if it only gonna hurt the ear of our neighbour since childhood that why still taking it as it was only one family in this village? That’s absolutely not right to be proud of being in that family.
    I wish us all like before loving watching P.Ramlee movie because it make the nation laugh…that’s call live in happy as one.

  985. apa khabar tun,
    saya pun hairan kenapa umno begitu terdesak sampai macam nie,
    semangat bangsa pun dah berkurang,bukan melayu yang tak suka A.Badawi…dari apa yang saya baca dalam blog tun semua pun cukup kecewa dengan pak lah.Sampai bila ekonomi malaysia akan pulih kembali.
    MAJULAH MALAYSIA UNTUK SEMUA(bukan keluarga sendiri)

  986. assalamualaikum Tun yang kami kasihi…
    saya menyokong penuh pendirian Tun..
    saya berjanji akan terus berdiri dibelakang Tun demi menjaga agama Islam, bangsa Melayu dan KETUANAN MELAYU!
    semoga Allah panjangkan umur Tun.. amin…

  987. TUN,
    Nope you’re definitely NOT A RACIST. Its them that are RACIST. All this occurred right after 13Mei 1969. The nonbumis specially the opposition has somehow or rather managed to influence the majority of the Nonbumis practically the chinese parents to tell their children to be “extra carefull with the malays”. They have been practising this ever since then.
    That is why in the private sector they make sure by all reason or by all means necessary not to allow the malays to prosper. This is clearly can be seen in today’s market of employement in the private sectors. In order to cover up their evil deeds they advertise their recruitment by adding “preferebaly chinese or mandarin dialect”. So in any case that requires them to hire bumiputra they make sure that bumiputra will be put in low level post.
    Eventhough you have a bumi managerials level, but their authorization is limited only towards the bumis. But it is different for the Malay’s private firm. The chinese are freely to practise their professional skills in order to make the company’s objective achieved. But then again, the chinese who works in the bumi’s firm will not contribute 100% of their skills to be shared with the entire organisation as this will bring benefit towards the company’s (malay) but not to the individuals.
    You see to encounter this racism problem is very easy. Is all about the economic power. All the malays should do is to allow the chinese to prosper as much as they could. After all Money is their GOAL in life. They are not here to share any wisdom with the malays, they are not here to share the prosperity together with other races be it Malays, Indians, Kdazan, dayaks or what so ever. They feel disgusted to see a malays holding a degree from good universities- they will “make use” of these professional malays for their own benefits. Once they get what they want, they just throw these people out in the dust bins.
    Come on lah all this is a fact. If they sees any malays driving big cars they will definitely jump into their conclusion saying that these Malays owners doesnt deserve as such. As a matter of fact, the indians just being opportunist. Since those colonials time we know that the Indians only follow to anyone who feed them.
    Here is one simple example; A company need to be set up and it requires to have 30% bumi as part of the share holders. Now what do they do is to have uneducated bumis to be part of their share holders so that they can operate the business. This is how they use of the Malays. The wont want to have share with educated malays as it will definitely be very competitive. So i just want to ask a very simple question- How do actually we all going to overcome this?? Lets share..and be honest

  988. Salam Tun.
    1.Ini semua berpunca dari kes manupulasi berita. lain yang cakap lain pula ditulis dalam berita. Malaysia dah biasa dah dengan cerita cerita sebegini. Memalukan sungguh dan sungguh mual sekali mendengarnya.
    fakta tetap fakta..hanya orang yang mempunyai agenda tersendiri sahaja membesar-besarkannya.
    2.Walau apa jua puncanya, jelas disini Pemimpin tertinggi UMNO tidak bijaksana dalam menghadapi setiap permasalahan yang rakyat Malaysia hadapi bahkan ini menunjukkan bahawa mereka-mereka itu ada telinga akan tetapi tidak mendengar, ada mata tidak boleh melihat dan mulut sering berdusta dan ada akal akan tetapi tidak boleh memikir.
    3.Bagi pembangkang isu ini memang merupakan makanan kegemaran mereka…suka sangatlah untuk menanam api kebencian dan kemarahan di hati orang ramai. Kalau DAP atau PKR yang buat saya tak heran memang perangai mereka sedemikian. Saya akan merasa sangat heran sekiranya PAS yang dikatakan parti berlandas Islam turut menggunakan taktik mennyemarakkan perasaan marah dan benci pada pengikutnya. Saya ingin bertanya kepada PAS adakah ini yang dituntut oleh Ugama Islam? Bukahkah sifat marah itu sifat Iblis laknatullah. Bolehkah kita mengikut kepada pemimpin yang bersifat demikian?
    4.Saya juga bertambah heran sekiranya Barisan Alternatif bermimpi untuk merampas kuasa pada 16 September ini. Saya tak pelik sekiranya DAP dan PKR bercita-cita sedemikan kerana telah terbukti bahawa pemimpin mereka spesis lidah bercabang juga. Cakap tak serupa bikin. Apa yang saya muskilkan sekiranya PAS juga turut bersetongkol untuk mereliasikan hasrat paling hina dan tak bermoral ini.
    5.Bagi saya sekiranya betulah ada 30 ahli palimen BN akan menjadi katak melompat parti kepada Barisan Alternatif. Ini adalah kerajaan paling tidak bermoral yang pernah wujud dalam sejarah Malaysia.
    6.Mereka-mereka ini telah secara terang-terangan menipu rakyat kerana setiap ahli parlimen yang dipilih adalah melalui undian kepercayaan rakyat. Mereka yang melompat, mengajak melompat, bersubahat untuk kepada pelompat jelas disini ini adalah golongan pendusta dan penipu dengan kata lain golongan munafik.
    7.Bolehkan orang munafik kita lantik sebagai pemimpin. Dan juga saya nak bertanya kepada PAS yang konon memperjuangkan Ugama Islam. Bolehkan dalam Islam kita menjadi seorang munafik (Apabila bercakap dia berbohong, apabila berjanji dia Mungkir dan apabila diberi amanah maka dia khianat).
    8.Bagi BN muhasabah lah diri sendiri…gunalah sebaik-baik saki baki kuasa yang ada janakannya dengan sebaik-baiknya …sekiranya masih leka dan terlena maka jangan marah sekiranya tampuk pemerintahan ini pada 16 september (Yer ker??? ) diserahkan kepada golongan tidak bermoral tersebut.Jawapnya elak mulut harimau masuk mulut buaya, lari dari mulut buaya masuk pula mulut naga.
    Anwar! Kau jangan mimpilah nak jadi PM…Jangan haraplah…
    Dolah! Kau turun cepatlah!Lagi lama lagi kucar-kacir negara ini.
    Khairi! Kau pun sama juga jangan sampai kena dek orang Melayu sumpah 7 keturunan kau gila!
    Nik Aziz! Cukuplah! duduk molek-molek jangan nak menipu Orang Islam dan Melayu.
    Najib! Pergi execise lebih sikit jangan lembik sangat! Warm up sekarang!
    Hadi! Mu nak jadi Taliban kaa? PR tu kasi adjust sikit !
    Tun! Sukahati Tun lah nak cakap apa….Kadang kala otak Tun 1000 kali baik dari diorang yang saya sebut dia atas…
    Sesungguhnya dalam Al-Quran ada menyatakan ” Tidak layak bagi orang beriman itu ada akal akan tetapi tidak boleh memikir”
    Oleh itu marilah kita sama memikir bagaimana nak bangunkan Malaysia ini, jangan asyik nak bergaduh ajer sampai bila pun takkan maju.
    Pakcik Heran

  989. Dear Tun,
    It is good to read your blog now; at least you explained what you need toa nd that bring comfort to us(me).
    I was one who expressed sadness at your “pohon-maaf-1” as the comments made by so many bloggers were extremely racist to say the least. They were instigated by your article. Having said that I agree it is due to the extremely weak leadership of Government that led to such. The PM is inadept at solving or providing directions thus all many parties, including the Bar Council are barking out all sorts of accusations. Individuals and oppositions are also do the same to get attention.
    How I wish there is a strong leader, like you, will emerge and able to lead the country again.
    Take care Tun God bless you with much good health!!

  990. salam Tun…
    this is what the Malay’s proverb said “seperti kacang lupakan kulit”.. people will only please us when we have the power and authority… everyone will experience that Tun so there is no such thing of regret and dissapointed..
    regarding being a racist, i agree with u although i’m not ur supporter but i admire ur courage to stand up and to speak out the truth to the “deaf” people/leaders out there…
    before this i always wonder why is always the Malays who are claimed to be racist. if the Malays do something bold for example, holding the keris, the non-malay will simply stand up and claimed us as racist. but like u have said what should we call the Hindraf people who simply accuse us for all the stupid things whicg are totally not relevant at all???? frankly speaking, i dont blame the non-Malays for their actions because i can simply understand the reasons of it but i cannot tolerate with our leaders who are so coward to stand up and fight for our rights. it seems that these people are only want to jaga hati org laen but they totally forgot about the malay’s feelings…
    Tun i want u to know that i’am extreamly sad of the current situation in our beloved country. i really hope that things will go back to normal and all of us will live happily together…
    salam Ramadhan…

  991. Tun, you wrote :
    >>>The person who should apologise should be the culprit himself. If he refuses then he should face the UMNO disciplinary committee>>>
    I 100% agree with you…
    however, how many Malays think d same way as you do? many of them are ultra..and how do you differentiate yourself from them?

  992. Tun,
    Pendedahan negatif bertali-arus ke atas pemimpin BN/UMNO menambah buruk lagi persepsi rakyat terhadap mereka. Golongan muda yang idealis lebih rela menyokong parti pembangkang dengan harapan mereka ini akan membawa perubahan. Pilihan yang terbaik daripada yang buruk. Setiap orang akan melakukan apa yang mereka rasakan perlu sehinggalah lahirnya seorang pemimpin yang akan membawa seorang kearah kejayaan/kecemerlangan.

  993. salam tun,
    saya bersetuju denngan pendapat tun, tidak sesiapa pun yang harus pohon maaf bagi pihak orang lain. hanya orang yang melakukannya tahu sama ada beliau bersalah atau tidak. umno harus sedar sokongan rakyat melayu terutama golongan muda sudah parah. umno bukan lagi parti yang membela nasib bangsa, tidak ada seorang pemimpin umno yang lantang bersuara menegakkan nasib bangsa. hancur bangsa.
    kini ketuanan melayu menjadi mainan bangsa cina dan india. mereka ada asas yang kukuh untuk menghentam parti umno. umno pun tahu tanpa sokongan parti mca,mic,gerakan dan parti disarawak dan sabah , umno akan menjadi mulukut ditepi gantang.
    Tun, kesejateraan dan ketuanan bangsa melayu kini dipijak oleh bangsa yang dianggap kawan . melayu memang mudah lupa, jangan sampai ada satu perhimpunan agung orang melayu seperti mana pada tahun 1980an distadium jalan raja muda. allah huakbar demi menegakkan islam dan ketuanan bangsa melayu di tanah melayu. fakta sejarah..pendatang tetap pendatang .

  994. Itulah bezanya pemikiran pemimpin terdahulu dan sekarang..fikirkanlah wahai orang2 melayu..
    Tun you’ll never walk alone

  995. Chedet;
    1. None of my friends (all races) criticized your ability to bring together all Malaysian. Be PROUD of yourself.
    2. Apologize from Ahmad doesn’t mean anything NOW after all the hurts, argument and chaos to all RACES.
    3. Anyhow, UMNO need a leader who can lead the Multi-racial country well. Perhaps should say, Malay need a leader to lead Malaysia WELL.
    4. To Give, To Take .. and To Be Satisfy always hard to achieve while easy To Say. Hope all Malaysian love PEACE.
    5. Do not please everyone while SABOTAGE the rights. Yet remember to be tolerance.
    6. I LOVE satay, roti canai, yong tau foo, laksam, cendol, otak-otak….. Makcik, tambah satu lagi…. hehe..
    7. Always PROUD to be MALAYSIAN.
    Always Sayang You my Tun, Mahathir.

  996. Dearest Dr M
    I like teachers who are strict because they maintain discipline and I could learn much in a “controlled” class.
    I pity lenient teachers who are tolerant and allow late-comers, talkative students and jokers to create distraction in class.
    Their lessons are usually peppered with “Stop talking, sit still, why are you late, why don’t you go back to your seat, etc”.
    Sometimes, we learn nothing at all when a disruptive student decided to challenge the teachers’ authority.
    So much precious time is wasted, nothing productive is gained and to top it all, we feel upset and stressed by all these nothingness.
    The rules as agreed upon by all when they decided to enrol into the class was understood by every student of a strict teacher.
    But when these same students were taught by a lenient teacher, they test the ground and start all these unproductive actions, simply to challenge the agreed upon rules (which to them are too strict).
    When a teacher fails to manage a class so that lessons can go on undisrupted, then the teacher should change jobs.
    Great teachers who teach well are never bothered by praises and presents. They do a good job and their rewards come in due time.

  997. Saya mengunakan nama daud@m dalam blog Tun.
    Saya ingin beri butir peribadi saya kalau boleh diguanakan untuk sokongan membuang Pak Lah : –
    Nama : Mohd Fazmee Bin Bazarul Ali
    I.C : 810925-07-5667
    Alamat : C-16-3 Menara Manjalara,
    Jalan 1/62 Bandar Manjalara,
    52200 Kuala Lumpur
    Tel : 016-2880426
    03-62736470 (rumah)

  998. Chedet;
    1. None of my friends (all races) criticized your ability to bring together all Malaysian. Be PROUD of yourself.
    2. Apologize from Ahmad doesn’t mean anything NOW after all the hurts, argument and chaos to all RACES.
    3. Anyhow, UMNO need a leader who can lead the Multi-racial country well. Perhaps should say, Malay need a leader to lead Malaysia WELL.
    4. To Give, To Take .. and To Be Satisfy always hard to achieve while easy To Say. Hope all Malaysian love PEACE.
    5. Do not please everyone while SABOTAGE the rights. Yet remember to be tolerance.
    6. I LOVE satay, roti canai, yong tau foo, laksam, cendol, otak-otak….. Makcik, tambah satu lagi…. hehe..
    7. Always PROUD to be MALAYSIAN.
    Always Sayang You my Tun, Mahathir.

  999. Dear Tun
    You are testing us, eh! By the looks of it, still a long way to Malaysia United. To hell with Ahmad, what he said wont reduce he petrol price, traffic jam remains bad, life got to go on … why suffer ourselves with his statement.
    My forefather was an immigrant too. But not me, I’m born and breed here. MyKad says so. I wish I know my roots – Arab? Africa? India? China? …..still searching.
    By the way I just love the posting by michael on September 5, 2008 2:31 AM under ‘pohon maaf. Way to go Mike.

  1000. Dear Sir,
    I read most of your blogs, and I am impressed by you at your age, you had so much to go on against those who had ‘betrayed’ you, and those who had belittled you, and most importantly, you struggled to find some ‘echoes’ amongst those who had been ‘groomed’ by you, but as sadness and loneliness were evident, you are left cold and dry to be a solo effectively from this current political scenes.
    I am hopeful that since you had retired, you would be left along with those wonderful achievements, and when you had been snubbed off and you were not able to retire in ‘peace’, then you fought on with those who assumed that you are senile, and most probably a ‘useless old man’.
    However, you had instead shown you are more alert or alive than many of those who wish to condemn you.
    I pray that you will stop mentioning about RACE as you will be badly implicated of your greatest failures after your 22 years of ‘reigning Malaysia as the ways you deem fit.
    Our Rnggit was 1 to 1 Singorean $, until you rules Malaysia for more than 22 years, you had not improved successfully about the living standards of the hard core poor.
    I pray that you will be giving us better ideas of overcoming the poverty in Malaysia, the hard core poor are those families which need a lot of time and efforts.
    Best regards,
    Peter Leow

  1001. Salam Tun,
    Cut & paste from Jebat Must Die untuk renungan bersama, jadi kontrak social bukan mainan UMNO tetapi ianya adalah fakta.
    Speech by MIC President, Tun V.T. Sambanthan in the Parliament on 1 June 1965:
    “Now, in 1955 we won the elections with a great majority. Then we obtained freedom in two years time. During this period, we had to discuss citizenship and various other things. Now what did the Malays do – since we are speaking on racial lines – what did the Malay leadership do? They had 88 percent of the electorate still with them. What did they do with citizenship.
    If we look around in Asia and East Asia, particularly, you will find that my race the Indian race, is not welcomed in Ceylon, is not welcomed in Burma. Look at my brother Chinese race, it is not welcomed in Thailand, in Vietnam, in Cambodia, in all the other areas. What help do they get for citizenship in all these territories? In Burma, as we know, Indian have been send packing, in Ceylon they refused them citizenship and in Burma it is likewise. I know it, you know it. And yet in Malaya what happened? Here we found that the Malay leadership said, “We shall take them unto ourselves as brothers, we shall give them full opportunity to live in this country, we shall give them every opportunity to become citizens.” And so, in 1957, for the whole year, we waived language qualifications, and tens of thousand of Indians, Chinese, Ceylonese and others became citizens.
    As I said, it has been my great good fortune to have born in this country. Where else can you find a more charitable, a more polite, a more decent race than Malay race? Where else can you get such politically decent treatment for any immigrant race? Where else in the history of the world? I ask you. These are the facts. Who are you to safeguards us? I am 10 percent minority race here. But I am happy here.”
    (Note that his speech was delivered to chastise the PAP leaders who were harping on the Malaysian Malaysia concept)
    MCA President, Tun Tan Siew Sin, in an article in a local paper entitled – “Tun Tan Answers Critics on Special Privileges” on 30 April 1969, said:
    “The Malays, through UMNO, were generous enough to relax the citizenship laws of this country to such extent that within 12 months of independence, 90 percent who were still non-citizens after nearly 100 years of colonial rule in the Malay States, obtained their citizenship. In return for this major concession, the MCA and the MIC agreed to continue the policy of preserving the special position of the Malays while at the same time upholding the legitimate interest of other communities.”
    (note that his speech was delivered prior to the 1969 general elections which was tainted with racial extremism that questioned the Article 153 of the Constitution perpetuated by the DAP and Gerakan)
    As the voice of moderation among the disgruntled Malays in 1970, the late Tun Dr Ismail had this to say on the ‘Special Position’ just after the NEP was established:
    “This proved a less intractable problem because the leaders of the Alliance realised the practical necessity of giving the Malays a handicap if they were to compete on equal terms with the other races. The only point of controversy was the duration of the ’special position’ — should there be a time limit or should it be permanent? I made a suggestion which was accepted, that the question be left to the Malays themselves, because I felt that as more and more Malays became educated and gained self-confidence, they themselves would do away with this ’special position’ because in itself this ’special position’ is a slur on the ability of the Malays and only to be tolerated because it is necessary as a temporary measure to ensure their survival in the modern competitive world: a world to which only those in the urban areas had been exposed.”
    As the result, the NEP was given 20 years and the objective of achieving 30% of wealth is set for the Malays, inclusive the other Bumiputras.

  1002. Dearest Yg DiKasihi Tun,
    Tun said:
    “12. It took a long time for me to live down the label as a Malay ultra. I had gained such strong support from the Chinese community in the 1999 Election when the Malays deserted me that I felt I was no longer regarded as a Malay ultra by the Chinese generally (the Opposition Chinese excepted).”
    My comment:
    1. Even though many (majority) of Malay friends (colleagues) deserted you in 1999 Election (as a result of Anwar’s case), I continued SUPPORTING YOU & was busy defending you..
    2. Those who misunderstood your “Pohon Maaf (1)” article either have problems understanding Bahasa Melayu or simply have problems digesting a simple, yet very meaningful article. Don’t worry Tun. Some people just cannot understand YOUR WAY OF THINKING. You always think at least 10 years (several STEPS) ahead of most people & I salute you for that.
    May Allah SWT bless Tun and family.

  1003. Hi TUN
    Kita orang melayu perlu bansa lain untuk membangunkan negara kita, masing2 ada kelebihan sebatang lidi mudah patah tapi serumpun lidi payah dipatahkan.
    Pemimpin bijak perlu tau bila masa nak tarik rambut dlm tepung jgn asyik bagi betis.
    Semua org dlm malaysia ada hak kita semua nak hidup aman makmur jadi jgn sbb nili setitik yg jadi ketua semua susu takleh rasa.
    Semoga kita jgn terantuk baru nak tengadah.

  1004. Dr Mahathir appears devastated. Based on his prognosis, BN and Umno are doomed. For BN to survive, Umno needs to become strong again. This is not going to happen with Badawi, Najib, Razaleigh, Muhyddin, Hishamudin, Khairy or anyone in the current Umno leadership. No one in the current leadership has the capability, political acumen and imagination to even lead a healthy Umno, leave alone a dying one.
    Umno needs a truly strong leader for it to recover and continue to rule Malaysia. There is only one person in the world who fits this call – Mahathir. He will not be able to achieve much through blogging and complaining on the side lines because he is outside Umno and has no direct control or power.
    He has to get into the thick of things and sort out the problems affecting Umno. He can’t make change by being outside Umno and blogging on the Internet. He needs to be back in Umno. He needs to become the strong leader, he once was.
    He has to do this now as Anwar is on the threshold of becoming the next PM and sending Umno, Mahathir, Badawi and others into oblivion. How can he do this? Through a by-election like how Anwar did recently.
    Just like how Wan Azizah vacated the Permatang Pauh seat for Anwar, Mukhriz should vacate his Jerlun parliamentary seat for his father to contest and be back in Parliament to resume the leadership of Umno and BN.
    There is absolutely no doubt that Mahathir will win any by-election in his old constituency, just like Anwar did in Permatang Pauh. In fact, given his stature, experience, influence and the strong support he is receiving from Umno members who are unhappy with Badawi, Mahathir should not only be able repeat Anwar’s recent huge victory but also ace it in Jerlun.
    Such a strong win by Mahathir will help to neutralise, if not overshadow, Anwar’s big win to bring back support for Umno and revive the dying party. With such a strong madate from Jerlun, Mahathir can rightfully resume the premiership once again, restore BN/Umno’s rule and hand over the premiership in a few years’ time to someone in whom he has full trust.
    Tun, are you bold enough to take up this challenge or are you just going to sit around and blog like me and thousands of other ordinary Malaysians with little influence and no power?

  1005. Dear Tun,
    Maybe you should walk a mile in our shoes.
    You are a great leader, I was and am a great admirer of your intellect.
    But I would still disagree with your race discriminating policies. Malaysia would have been richer and more developed if UMNO had not played the race card at every opportunity. If all Malaysians were educated then all Malays would have been educated but UMNO choose to use education as political tool instead of the country’s development tool.
    Not many Chinese are rich, nor do we demand to be all rich, only the equal opportunity to try. No, actually only equal educational opportunities, because most of us cannot afford to pay for own children tertiary education.
    To say that the Chinese community is rich because of the Francis Yeohs and Vincent Tans of this country is insulting, these rich Chinese are not giving special Amanah Saham shares to the Chinese community nor do they share their fortune with anybody I know.
    The Chinese was quite happy doing business among themselves and overseas. As a result the Chinese has become quite a reclusive community, treating the government almost like a foreign power that you need to beg and bribe to make a living. But now, many even see this livelihood threaten.
    We recognize the Malay’s special position in the constitution but do not spit on us after you have taken our rice bowl.
    UMNO’s Ketuanan or Ketuahan Melayu policies are supported by very racist politicians and a very racist BTM programs. Just look at the UiTM reaction. Its an addiction.
    Such hatred from the Malay community as a result of these politics and program, is frightening and frustrating the non-Malays.
    On top of that we are seeing the government restructure the banking industry, auto industry, oil & Gas, transportation …. to completely favor the Malays. The Malays are also now represented and sometime dominate in many professional fields as bankers, stock brokers, lawyers, accountants, doctors, engineers, professors, teachers. The behavior of the GLCs and the civil service are almost like UiTM. The only industry that Chinese still dominate is the retail trade (only in non-Malay areas) and the SMIs.
    There are as many rich Malays today as there are Chinese, if not more. Shouldn’t the emphasis now be helping the poor instead of one single community. Even then I am sure the Malay communities will still receive the biggest portion but then it will be fair.
    I have lived the bulk of my life, I have no ambitions for myself, only the wish for a nation that does not threaten my children or their children just because they are a minority in this country.
    I hope that after reading all this comments, you will truly understand the what is happening in this country.
    If the government gives everyone the chance of an tertiary education and the freedom to pursue his dreams. The freedom to worship our gods and built our temples and churches. The Chinese in general do not care if all the government contracts goes to Malay contractors as long as we all benefit from the results.

  1006. Dear Tun,
    You were asking that why there were no such utterances by UMNO members nor by the non-Malays during the time of 4 other Prime Ministers before Dato Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi had become the Prime Minister. By ‘such utterances’, I assumed you were referring to the demand with racist tone, which was made by Ahmad Ismail to ask the Chinese Malaysians, whom Ahmad Ismail called ‘Pendatang’ (literally ‘immigrants’) despite of the fact that their ancestors and they themselves had become the citizens of Malaysia for about four generations, to leave Malaysia if the Chinese were not happy with their current position in Malaysia.
    Let me tell Tun the true reason if Tun really wants to know why. The simple reason is that in the past there was no such thing as internet blogsite even during Tun’s era as the Prime Minister of Malaysia and therefore there was not much information, including the racial sensitive information, which was readily available without having to go through the screen by the government censorship and could be heard very easily by most people. The present advance technology of internet has enabled the news to spread fast without any possible effective censorship control that can be imposed by the government. The present widespread use of internet for all aspects of business matters and government official matters has built up a strong economic dependency on internet and has hindered the government from the discretion to impose censorship on internet freely. The advance of technology has enabled much more people to access to certain information within a short period of time without much hindrance and therefore has enabled better freedom of speech and freer freedom of press at the present era. However, the advance in technology provides no assurance that the mentality of humans will automatically be improved and uplifted to a higher level above the narrow-minded racism.
    When there were a few UMNO members seeing that racism would be the best hands-on and cost-free weapon readily available for use to incite the Malays’ emotion for purpose of mobilising political support around themselves, especially in the midst of the carry-out of party election within UMNO, then there would be no surprise for us to hear more and more about such racist utterances that were being rhetorically voiced out by the ill-willed but ambitious politicians such as Ahmad Ismail. The non-Malays would always have a bottom line to defend for the common interest of survival as the minority group in Malaysia if and only if this bottom line had been encroached by any person or persons of malicious intent.
    As for the case of Admad Ismail, he was probably going too far and was overdoing it by asking the Malaysian citizens of Chinese origin to leave Malaysia as according to Ahmad Ismail, if they were not happy with the current status they had been treated in Malaysia. This offensive demand was viewed by many Chinese Malaysians as if a stranger trespasser came into their house out of a sudden and harshly shouted that they and their family must leave their house immediately because the house which they purchased with their hard-earned money is now being robbed and no longer belongs to them anymore. If this kind of situation has to happen to Tun, I think most probably Tun will have to ask your bodyguard to pull out a handgun and shoot at this crazy fella promptly on the spot! Will Tun still want to waste much time trying to ask him for an apology?
    Tun’s comment is listed here for reference:
    “14. Perhaps people should wonder why during the time of the previous four Prime Ministers, who were also Presidents of UMNO, there were no such utterances by UMNO members. And there were practically none from the non-Malays either.”

  1007. Assalamualaikum Ayahanda Tun,
    Saya ingin memohon maaf kepada Ayahanda Tun kerana saya tidak dapat menolong dari segi apapun. Saya hanya boleh bersuara melalui blog2 yang ada sahaja sepertimana Ayahanda Tun sekarang.
    Saya pun tidak faham mengapa pemimpin yang ada sekarang masih tidak faham mesej2 yang diberikan oleh rakyat. Kalau mereka anggap rakyat ini bodoh dan tak perlu didengar segala kritikan yang diberikan, mengapa nasihat daripada seorang pemimpin yang telah terbukti kewibawaannya seperti Ayahanda Tun juga mereka tidak dengar. Malah dipandang serong oleh mereka ini. Patutlah ramai yang mengatakan pemimpin yang ada sekarang ini bukan sahaja bodoh tetapi sombong. Hanya mementingkan dan memikirkan periuk nasi masing-masing. Saya faham perasaan Ayahanda Tun sekarang.
    Mungkin mereka2 ini lebih suka melihat orang Melayu berpecah belah dan tidak dihormati lagi oleh bangsa lain. Mungkin dengan peralihan kuasa secara kekerasan seperti yang digembar-gemburkan oleh Anwar Ibrahim boleh menjadi pengajaran kepada mereka walaupun telah terlewat.
    Apa pun saya pohon Ayahanda Tun terus menulis kerana tulisan2 Tun masih diterimapakai oleh majoriti rakyat Malaysia termasuk bangsa lain. Semoga dengan tulisan2 Tun akan memberi kesedaran kepada Melayu yang bukan sahaja berpura2 pekak tetapi juga Tuli dan buta itu.
    Selamat Berpuasa kepada Ayahanda Tun sekeluarga semoga sentiasa dilindungi oleh Allah s.w.t.

  1008. Tun, I am chinese, I feel I am hurt by Ahmad.
    The world belongs to Tuhan, all of us are temporary traveller in this world, very soon we will die and judged by Tuhan.
    The principle is simple, love your neighbors and do not hurt them.

  1009. Oops, kononnya ada PART-2.
    “8. I am not defending nor do I like what Ahmad Ismail of Bukit Bendera said. It does not contribute to lessening the tension between the races. But I feel disgust at the inability of the present Malay leadership to manage racialism. It is degrading for the second highest leader in the Government to be apologising for every instance of improper behaviour by UMNO members.”
    “9. The person who should apologise should be the culprit himself. If he refuses then he should face the UMNO disciplinary committee.”
    Kononnya, Tun bukannya nak lindungi Ahmad tetapi cuma nak bagi tau Ahli UMNO supaya janganlah membuat sesuatu yang tidak bertanggungjawab sehinggalah menyusah-nyusahkan pucuk pimpinan parti/ negara untuk memadam api.
    Tetapi kenyataan Tun dalam pohon maaf series-1 mungkin telah memberi semangat bagi Si Ahmad (disebabkan salah-paham dan perasan bahawa veteran tokoh Negara telah memberi sokongan) untuk terus membuat kecoh. (Ahmad janji nak keluarkan press statement besok tentang pendirian tegas beliau- risau betul. sigh.)
    Sebenarnya Tun, saya dan rakan-rakan saya (kawan melayu) ingin menyeru kerajaan untuk memansuhkan pengajaran negatif seperti konsep “bermusuhan antara kaum”, “pendatang” dsb dalam kursus rasmi kerajaan (seperti kursus induksi dan birotatanegara). Saya tidak nampak pengajaran psycho ini akan menyemai sebarang semangat patriotik untuk anak malaysia, bahkan membantu perpaduan rakyat.
    Tun, for Part-2 Pohon Maaf, you’ve earned due respect. Keep it up.
    P/S: harap-harap “part-2 pohon maaf” dah menjelaskan keraguan rakyat malaysia tentang pendirian Tun dan kebimbangan beliau terhadap pucuk kepimpinan sekarang.

  1010. Dear Tun and all readers,
    I always try to refrain from making remarks which can be deemed as racist. But I always wonder, you have been playing the racial card all along during your premiership and deny that. how can you portray as not racist while you are the implemented all the programmes which sidelined all other races except the so called Bumiputra’s
    You have said that Malays have kept quiet while non-Malays are making racist remarks. Do you realise that actually it is the other way ? I as a Malaysian Indian was subjected to racial abuse all the while by the Malays but I have not abused them in whatever way. Non-Malays has been patient all the while for the sake of unity but it seems Malays has gone further by making public these abuses. Do not say that the Malays are at the receiving end. All along, it has been non-Malays at the receiving end all the while.

  1011. I do agree that you, it is not that we (err..) should at large putting the apology through every channel we have. What the person did, was not reflecting the whole, hence why must he did it (to ask for apology)?
    It is perhaps, the tension for him to dream that he will one day assume the post of Number 1 Man in Malaysia. He wants to look good. Merely good enough for him, perhaps.
    Do we love Malaysia, of course we do! I’m proud to say im Malaysian (i am?)
    But, let us stop pretending and be who we really are.
    I dont know, perhaps it is best for me (for us?) to wait and see the destruction of BN, and a new revolution to start over, naturally. We dont have right or left wing. We just have Gov and Opp, and the cycle says, someone later will get on top of the other, and only time will tell us, who will put order to everyone.
    Mine? Perhaps time to reap on the uncertainties market and prepare the British Overseas Passport.

  1012. Salam Tun..
    “14. Perhaps people should wonder why during the time of the previous four Prime Ministers, who were also Presidents of UMNO, there were no such utterances by UMNO members. And there were practically none from the non-Malays either.”
    From the statement above we all should wonder why?.Sometimes people don’t admit their own mistakes.

  1013. 1. saya bukan lah peminat che det sebenarnya. namun cetusan idea che det selepas meletakkan jawatan sebagai Perdana Menteri menarik minat saya untuk terus mengikuti perkembangan che det.
    2. saya berasa sedih dengan pendapat sesetengah orang bahawa che det bersifat rasis. sejarah telah membuktikan selama 20 tahun lebih che det memimpin Malaysia, semua kaum mendapat layanan yang sama rata. malah kaum cina mampu memegang ekonomi negara dan lebih maju ke depan berbanding melayu sendiri. sebagai generasi baru saya mengikuti perkembangan politik tanah air sejak kecil lagi.. menerusi pembacaan dan menonton berita.
    3. mengenai permohonan maaf ni, saya amat bersetuju dengan che det. terasa malu dengan permohonan maaf dari TPM. ape takut sangatkah dia dengan kaum lain? kita juga ada hak untuk bersuara. malah lebih sedih PM sendiri menyuruh Ahmad meminta maaf. sememangnya kepimpinan PM sekarang lemah. namun TPM juga tak bole diharap!
    4. saya sekarang belajar di luar negara. dan apabila melihat keadaan politik di malaysia sekarang memang berasa sangat sedih. stabilkah politik kita sekarang ini?? saya amat bersetuju dengan Muhyidin Yasin. pandangan beliau tentang UMNO sangat berbeza dan masih releven dengan perjuangan UMNO.
    5. saya mempunyai satu soalan yang saya harap che det mampu memberi jawapan. sekiranya PM sekarang mengundur.. setujukah che det Najib sebagai PM baru? atau Muhyidin lebih layak?
    ‘anti PM dan TPM sekarang…’
    ::Selamat Berpuasa kepada Che Det dan keluarga dan semua bloggers::

  1014. Salam Yg Bhg Tun,
    Just let them say whatever they want to say.
    No point trying to explain and educating some people about the situation. They are paranoid lot and are racist(deep within them) themselves.
    The wrong is done by one idiot with such a big mouth. The apologies are done hastily by person(s) known to sometimes uttered silly and ridiculous statement on the country’s affairs.
    Let it be Tun.

  1015. Dear Tun,
    You have responded with great humility (some might disagree with me) and your immediate reply to comments made by bloggers on your previous posting of the same is really appreciated. I do not think that people will stop supporting you just because of one particular posting seems to be very offensive (for lack of other word).

  1016. Dear Tun,
    1. Thank you for clearing the air. I believe if you had put point 8 and 9 in Pohon Maaf 1 then the response would be very different.
    2. It is important to know that our former prime minister view the racial intergration as an integral part of the future of Malaysia.
    3. I too believe that during your reign, UMNO was better behave, more well spoken and not racist.
    4. I believe the only way to stop racial slur in Malaysia is to put to jail one racist Malay leader from UMNO. That should teach everyone a good lesson. A second offender, if any, should be stripped of citizenship.

  1017. hmm.. i may not know the secret to success, but i do know the secret to failure.. that is to please everyone. tun, be right, or be happy. choice had been urs, n u’ve chosen well.

  1018. Dearest TUN,
    tambah sikit lagi…
    Malays should not appologize.. We have done nothing wrong..
    The non- malays should appologize to us..
    For being kurang ajar when we give them and share with them our country..
    If they do not know how to respect us malays than I seriously ask them to either pick up a history book or pack and leave this country..
    we have been so open and giving.. too giving and now they want to step on our heads…
    Last thing I want to see.. Is people down grading us Malays..
    Please respect us.. and we will do the same..
    spit at us and we will split you…
    With that said.. Hidup Agama, Bangsa and Tanahair..
    Alif Ba Ta

  1019. Memang saya sgt marah dgn apa yg tun tulis semalam!!!! Tak faham kenapa seorang pemimpin boleh kata kata begitu?! Tolong jgn main persefahaman antara kaum dgn api

  1020. Salam Tun,
    Bagi saya tidak ada kenyataan ‘racist’ yang Tun tulis tetapi mereka yang menuduh Tun ‘racist’ adalah mereka yang sebenarnya ‘racist’.
    Kerana tidak tercapai akal mereka untuk berdebat dengan Tun secara terhormat maka mereka menggunakan isu ‘racist’ untuk menenggelamkan fakta dan kebenaran yang diutarakan.
    Kami memerlukan pemikiran Tun untuk terus menganalisa corak pucuk pimpinan negara sekarang. Oleh itu kami memerlukan bimbingan dari Tun untuk mengharungi satu lagi ‘bencana’ kepimpinan yang sedang melanda negara tercinta, Malaysia.
    Teruskan perjuangan Tun kerana Allah SWT, insya’allah kami akan terus teguh menyokong Tun..

  1021. Salam Tun,
    My beloved country not safe anymore?
    I miss the way Malaysia was… peaceful… smiles…
    I hardly feel it today…

  1022. Dearest TUN…
    Spot On Again.!
    All these is because we have IDIOTS as leaders..!
    PM, TPM, cabinet ministers.. and leaders in UMNO are Idiots..!
    Did you hear what and how our 2nd finance minister talked about the budget on TV3..?
    Idiots.. in their own world of dreams and comfort zone… All full of Bull…
    This is why the People voted the ooposition..
    We want new blood.. New faces.. New ways of governing…
    We are fedup of the current leadership…
    I hope they burn in Hell..
    Now.. I agree that we Malays have no one to turn to now.. except for chedet.com
    We make the biggest population but we are the ones that are not heard..
    For this they will pay dearly.. They will loose the government and power given..
    I strongly believe that the Malays will make these idiots listen..
    we will be heard.. They are affraid already on the 16th sept issue.. scared..
    and they should be.. Terkejut they will be.. Minority they are these idiots.. and they will find out soon.
    Malays will prevail.. we are the pribumis… I respect Datuk Ahmad Ismail.!
    This is one of the Malay wariors.. I hope more of these kind of people.. Malay people..
    Malays Unite.!
    Malaysians Unite.!
    Salam perjuangan.
    Alif Ba Ta..

  1023. keadaan ketegangan kaum makin memuncak kerana BN hilang kuasanya dan seterusnya tiada lagi asas atau base untuk bergerak. Dan ini menjadikan parti itu tak dapat mengawal negara dan terpaksa mencari sokongan dengan apa cara sekalipun. Contohnya timbalan perdana menteri minta maaf.
    Pekara semacam ini tak akan terjadi kalau kita ada kepimpinan yang kuat dan bijak serta amanah.
    Allah S.W.T sajalah dapat membuka hati PM dan Sekutunya letak jawatan.
    Terima Kasih.

  1024. Assalamualaikum Tun
    Bukan salah Tun pun..Tun manusia biasa…mesti ada marah,suka,sayang..etc…apa yang cuba Tun sampaikan adalah apa yang terbuku di hati Tun..Yang bestnya Tun bersifat terbuka..kan itu lebiih baik. Org yg baca pulak, jaga salah faham..cuba betul2 hayati apa yang cuba disampaikan oleh Tun..kepada semua rakyat Malaysia dan pemimpin2nya..dulu atau sekarang…apa yang saya nak adalah keharmonian, kecermelangan dan kemajuan yang dicapai oleh semua pihak didalam negara kita yang berbilang bangsa. Saya bangga jadi rakyat Malaysia…tapi saya benci org yng menjual maruahnya bangsanya semata2 demi diri sendiri. Saya sayang Tun dan kami rakyat Malaysia sangat terdesak mencari pemimpin yang mampu menyelamatkan Malaysia. Ya Allah, bantu lah kami. Amin

  1025. 1. Orang cina di negara china mempunyai policy untuk melindungi negara mereka.Begitu juga negara2 Asia lain, Europe, US.
    2. Di UK, kebanyakkan policy diluluskan untuk menjaga hak penduduk mereka, walaupun, mereka mengiktiraf penduduk luar (e.g. pakistan and India sebagai penduduk tetap).
    3. Yang sungguh melawakkan, apabila ada pemimpin melayu dan islam, beriya-iya, mahu menyamaratakan hak ini bagi memancing undi. Dan, ada ramai pula penyokong mereka.Melayu dan Islam.
    4. Mereka sebenarnya sudah tahu tetang hak2 melayu, dan kita memberikan taraf kerakyatan kepada mereka. Kita memberikan kebebasan beragama dan mengunakan bahasa dan lain-lain.
    5. Mereka bukan tak faham, malah sengaja tidak mahu faham.
    6. Semua orang boleh bercakap, tapi beberapa orang yang mahu melaksanakannya.
    Hafiz Rohafiz Sabar
    Cranfield UK.

  1026. Dear Tun,
    1. I have commented on your 1st pohon-maaf.
    2. I think if you read back your witting after 2 week, you will agree with me. You sounded racist, you compared what Datuk Ahamd said with what Wee and Hindraf did.
    3. Maybe you were upset when you compose the pohon-maaf(1).
    4. As you, I also agree, I voted for PR not that I though PR can do better, it’s a way I as a ‘typical’ citizen can punish the arrogant BN. trust me, I have 4-kids, I know my vote will determined their future, but I had no choice.
    5. But I can agree for a leader to be racist. The should demonstrate high standard.
    6. Why Najib apologize is something I can’t understand and agree with.
    7. Maybe this show’s both Pak-lah and Najib is not strong and can not control their team-mates.
    8. More reason to vote PR, unless others in BN does something. (well everyone know what it is)
    Take care your health.

  1027. Salam Tun,
    Walau bagaimanapun, post sebelum ini telahpun menimbulkan perasaan perkauman dan menyemarakkan api…
    Negara kita tak perlukan api sebegini…
    Tanggungjawab parti politik adalah membangunkan negara, bukan menimbulkan masalah.
    Selamat berpuasa.

  1028. Salam Tun. Sebenarnya kalau nak dikirakan ramai orang Melayu Malaysia pun adalah kaum pendatang : Bugis, Boyan, Jawa, Madura, Minang dll. Jadi istilah ‘pendatang’ jgnlah diperpanjangkan. Jgn telalu sensitif dan mencari kesilapan orang. Kalau yg punya diri tak mahu minta maaf, yang jadi pemimpin spt TPM tak perlulah minta maaf bagi pihak UMNO/BN. Cukup cuma kata itu bukan pendiriaan kerajaan dan pendapat itu adalah pendapat peribadi. Saya merayu org Melayu jgn terus berbalah. Ini semua bukan saja kerana pemerintahan Pak Lah yg lembek, flip flop, tapi juga kerana hasutan Anwar. Pak Lah lepaskan anjing yg tersepit. Jadi macam2 masalah timbul sekarang. Tiada cara lain utk menyelamatkan UMNO kecuali Pak Lah berundur secara hormat. Penggantinya perlulah dipilih dlm pemilihan parti, bukan org yg dilantik Pak Lah. Itu baru adil dan rakyat akan terima siapa juga yg menang dlm pemilihan Presiden Disember nanti. Org2 Melayu Singapura tumpang gembira kalau UMNO dah dapat dipulihk semula.

  1029. can YOU please see us as malaysian !
    not as chiness ! indian ! or malay !
    maybe we have different defination of racist .
    but you are definetly one !

  1030. things not happen does not mean it is not exist!
    cuma ada orang yang lebih pandai bermain dalam permainan.

  1031. Good Evening Sir
    Perhaps you have forgotten that during your tenure as well as other PM’s time, there were people that had said something in similar lines. Our current DPM i believe was also running around wielding the keris 🙂 during your tenure.
    Its just that the situation now is a little different and people tend to make it an issue. Or perhaps the media is opening up their eyes to this or have more guts to flame this in the papers.
    I do agree that the chinese and indians are “pendatang”. But aren’t we all pendatang in one way or the other?
    I sure do hope that we look forward and address issues such as this in a proper manner.
    Hypocrisy is in action here since we are born. We are taught in sekolah kebangsaan that we are malaysians but in reality the rules are different when we step out of our schools.
    The root causes has to be examined… from young we are taught to be separated here ….. i am from a malay school, i am from a chinese school, i am from a tamil school… and i am a ministers son from an international school.
    Where can this end if the starting itself is wrong.
    My 2 cents.
    Selamat Berbuka 🙂

  1032. Salam Tun.
    Apologies from Najib indeed is degrading. The possibility of him being directed to do so by non other than his boss could not be ruled out as he is now a yes man. Najib supporters now feel that he should not take over from AAB instead somebody else is much welcome. Najib has lost credibility and should be retired together with his boss this coming December.
    As a Malay I wonder why everybody else keep quiet and dare not stand and speak for the rights of the Malays. What do they fight for in MT UMNO at the first place. Of course we all already knew that material gain is their first priority that’s what made us mad as hell. Or is it that when the boss is dumb, the followers too becoming dumber.
    Be honest to the Chinese & Indians. Tell them once for all that it is not wrong to say that they were sons and grandsons of immigrants. Do they want to deny that remarks ?
    Then they will resort to saying that the Malays too are immigrants. Yes, we do not deny that but loooong before the colonialist were here, this formation of islands are called Malay Archipelagos. Malays hopped freely from here and there without restrictions until the whiteman came and invade. Conned the Sultans to cease the land. Go and check the DNA and you will discover that the specimen came from the same roots of Malay blood.
    We should remind them that this land has its Sultans from among the Malays. That they should respect the Malays and not stir the racial sentiments by questioning the Malay rights. Tell them that as host of this nation we fear to lose out in share of the economy as we were left behind so far away. So don’t argue our rights for economics attainment.
    Is that very hard to say Pak Lah.

  1033. Salam Tun & Keluarga,
    This makes me think much about the Palestinian’s debacles. The Palestinian were robbed of their homeland and lives. But sadly they ended up being labelled ‘terrorists’.
    Too much similarities.

  1034. Rindukan waktu Tun jadi Perdana Menteri..negara disegani begitu juga rakyat dari bukan bumiputera..

  1035. TUN
    Kita hanya nak menegakkan hak saja bukan bersikap “racist”.mereka tak kacau hak kita.sepuluh kali kita tak kacau hak mereka..persoalannya jangan kacau hak saja.. itu sahaja. benda dah termaktub kena perlua meraka ganggu .. tu sahaja sekian

    Izinkan anakanda rakamkan semula komentar yang dipostkan
    dihalaman sebelum ini.
    Alfatihah, Amin

  1037. 1. What Ahmad said is unbecoming of a leader, albeit a small timer in penang, as his irresponsible utterence maybe deemed as the truth by the ill informed.
    2. I agree with you that it is unbecoming for the deputy pm to apologise on behalf of ahmad when ahamd was the person who has blundered.
    3. It just shows that there is a serious revolt within UMNO and that the present leaders are not respected by the branch leaders.

  1038. Salam TUN,
    I agree with you,
    5. Far from the opposition’s “win” being brought about by rejection of racial politics, it has actually enhanced racial politics.
    Which political Party can guarantee us they never touch on their own race for their survival?.
    Even DAP , still promoting Chinese School .
    They are more racist than us…
    Only the good leader able to be Malaysia PM. It is you .. TUN.

  1039. Let them think what they want to think. Our fight must go on. You have proven to us all long time ago that you are not “ultra-Malay”.

  1040. Tun:
    I understand and got the points which you try to send out from your posts , i guess.
    Tun, I dont think you are a racist person though. Well just yesterday I have written an article about PERANAN ISLAM DI PENTABIRAN MALAYSIA in my blog.
    I would like Tun to have a look on my summarize writing there. Tun can go to
    for the article
    else Tun may refer to below which is the “copy&paste” (version) of my article writing.
    Before Tun read on that article, I would like to ask for forgiveness if I did write something wrong there or mis-interpret the ideas which I tried to show.
    Islam’s role on Malaysia administration.
    T.D Mahathir practised “Islamisasi/Islam” during his ruling time.
    He seemed to be very success on practising such legacy on his politic ruling time.
    He has been known as “Islam Mahathir”
    He said:
    “Legitimacy is also promted trough attention to emotional and material appetites and in the case of the former, these are usually fed by symbols, relevant to their time, in order to substain the political system.”
    At the very first beginning, Islam had been practised by Malay to show their loyalty toward their ruler/Raja whom has been regarded as the authority full with the religional power rationalized through the teaching of Islam.
    Religion was once the supporting vote’s attractor by the authorities in Malay’s political stream. But during 1946, all of these have changed.
    UMNO has been set up where it has replaced the “system “BERAJA”” in Malay’s community.
    UMNO make those Raja(s) lose their ruling power to P.M; they remain their honourable title “raja” and sit as powerless one than PM.
    Islam remains as the main religion for Malaysia. The position of Ismam in the country allow the gov’t to do things with respect of their religion and other religions beside than Islam also been allowed to practise in a peaceful and harmony mode..
    Compare with other people whom live in muslim country, I think we (non-muslim)can considered as one of the fortunate one where majority of them are not allow to practise their religion freely (*even the country leader say/state they could,but actually they got no right/freedom ). They have alot of limitation and restrictions on their respective religional welfares/practises.
    The best example:
    We can find temples, church and mosques any where in Malaysia but it is very hard for us to find temples and churches in other islamic countries like where I’m in now.
    I feel a bit proud with Malaysia’s syariah laws and i think our religional administration is far more better than other muslim countries,at least some FAIR treats they give to us. There isnt any public restriction on what type of fashion you wear, non-muslims are allow to practise their respective religions freely in this country, you can buy pork/alcoholic drinks in the market, you will not been sue or under any syariah laws if you arent involve with religion case and others.
    For other muslim country, most of the people (non-muslim) are treat with unfair +unreasonable religional laws act by the authority. There isnt any other option for non-muslim students whom study in some muslim’s country govt insitution where they are asked to study Islamic religional studies as their compulsory session.
    D.Mahathir did say,
    ” …It is known fact that muslim countries control most of the world natural resources then and even today. Yet, muslims countries are generally caught in their own quaqmires of abject poverty and internal violences. There are more intra-muslim conflicts within muslim countries and between muslim countries, than these are between muslims and their detractors”
    “…In a world domninated by the big powers where none is Islamic, where such injustic exists that muslims without weapons are left slaughtered by their enemies, where an Islamic country can be isolated and its people made to die of starvation, and where muslims are fighting each other, and who are confused by their own teaching; are backward, poor and weak; can they enjoy any benefit from 21st century.”
    I’m really agree with this, It always happen in our country even the neighbouring country where I’m in now. Really sad reafard to that matters.
    **For your information, I don’t against any religion, but if you want me to respect your religions…Please , show your full respect on your own religion first before asking others to respect!
    Most people think that T.D Mahathir’s vision towards Wawasan 2020 as his own aim to make Malaysia become a developed Islamic state. He wants his people able/manage to campete with the modern and latest technology and economy.
    During 1984, T.D Mahathir has announced that he wanted to establish Malaysia’s gov’t with “the concept of development in Islam”.
    He also did stregthen on most of the Islamic regions/countries are undeveloped as well as left behind by the modern tech era just because most of them eager to accept the extra/other knowledges which other than religional study.
    Like what been admitted by Sheikh Muhammad Hisham Kabbani, the chairman of OIC (U.S):
    “…we (muslim) used to be the creators of scientific ideology and medicine. We lost it because we lost our ethics. We have become egoistic…
    we must cooperate among ourselves to regain the former glory of Islam. We brought many technological changes to the world before losing our creative talents to our egos. We were jealous of seeing others do better than us. We must keep up our competitive spirit to work towards enchancing our lives in line with the advancement of the world.:
    I think what he said is right. I think it shouldnt only apply to muslim but also to non-muslims.
    Seem like everyone of us live in jealousy and selfishness.
    Instead of thinking of the most slick way/jealous to other’s success..
    Why dont we build up competitive spirit to work towards our aim/success???
    Thats right, I have asked some of my Muslim friends. Most of them dont admit to that fact.
    T.D Mahathir always hold his stragety on his logic on which he think invoking Islam for national endervours to achieve economic progress and development to raise race and nation.
    From my view,
    Instead of trying to spread the teaching of Islam (priest/Iman) to the community, he is trying to use his own religion to stregthen his own belief;)
    **to be continue
    Referrence: Book, Legasi Mahathir by Sivamurangan Pandian.
    Thank You
    Hui Ling.

  1041. Why you so worried about Tun? I’m with you and i believe more people out there always give you support..! If they said(non-malay)you are “rasist”, so am i..! Is it they wanna arrest me? It’s not wrong to defend your bangsa and Tun, you had a great gift from Allah and you have to use it with honour..i’m always with you..may Allah bless us..

  1042. Salam Ayahanda Tun,
    First and formost, kindly allow me to apologize for being hasty to have doubted you.
    Initially, I misunderstood that you were impling that Ahmad need not apologize and that, there were some what, some truth in his statement. Now I fully understands.
    Sorry Tun.

  1043. tun,im a Malaysian(Tamil) and i know u are not a racist but your previous post did make me feel sad but this post did clarify your position.Tun, why dont you start a non political organisation for the youth around Malaysia.Many Malaysians will join it.Lets discuss everthing there.By creating a avenue like that it will be your another great contribution to Malaysia.The organisation can create new leaders as you will be the mentor.Everyone that has been commenting your post here in CHE DET can be there and share their ideas openly too.
    Tun,pls do consider this suggestion.

  1044. Assalamualaikum Tun,
    what ever mintak maaf of what ever matter it is, I hope there will be no more 16th of May in this land of bless of God.
    What ever race you are, we should know from where we belong.
    “Wahai manusia sesungguhnya kami jadikan kamu lelaki dan perempuan dan kami jadikan kamu berbangsa-bangsa dan berpuak-puak supaya kamu kenal-mengenal. Sesungguhnya sebaik-baik kamu di sisi Allah ialah yang paling bertakwa di antara kamu.” (Al-Hujurat: 13)
    I don’t care who you are and what is your believe just think and gaze the ayat above.
    We all pendatang. Malay from Yunan, Chinese from China and Indian from India and we should know that we all pendatang but the Malay has been here for several centuries ago before Chinese and Indian.
    So, God has create us as multiple human race and religion and what we are fighting for. Just unite for our Malaysia and kick off the cancer leader which will be darah and nanah in our community.
    Allah Save us!
    Allah Save Malaysia!
    Allah Selamatkan UMNO!

  1045. Tun,
    Yes you are so damn right! That Ahmad fella should apologise and no one else. For him, on his behalf or under him! If he doesn’t, than it is up to that 2 eunuchs we call PM and DPM to crack the damn whip and make his ass a pretty flower motive for batik printing!
    As for you, I dont think you are a racist or ultra Malay. I suppose amongst all the movers and shakers we have in Malaysia, may it be politicians, enterpreneurs, tycoons, leaders – pass and present, you have been rather fair to all. Ok la.. sometimes you do say and do things that are in favour of your race and piss others (me included) off but I suppose that is only human. You are afterall, human and like all human, got preference and “buah hati” mah! As long as you dont go overboard, it is fine by me. Those times when you are crappy and bias, I suppose I have no qualms bashing you up in here. Heh! Heh! Heh!
    Seriously, inspite of what people have to say about you.. the best so far I have read/heard is ‘FATHER OF ALL RACIST’, you have not deprieve the other races from wealth and prosperity during your tenure. To me, that is good enough.. racist or not!

  1046. Salam Tun dan selamat berbuka puasa.
    It is extremely very difficult to manage a multiracial and multi religion country as Malaysia. Our past leaders had managed to control their racial emotions? but why current leaders cannot do the same? I wonder ?

  1047. Salam Tun,
    May ALLAH bless you TUN.
    Really hope TUN can make it, this thing possible! Always & Forever support you TUN.
    An Inspirational Legacy

  1048. komen saya sebelum ini gagal?
    Salam kepada semua,
    ‘Maaf’ adalah satu perbuatan terpuji
    Tetapi agak sukar untuk melakukanya
    Maaf yang datang dari rasa insaf akan majurus kepada kedamaian
    Maaf yang terhasil dari paksaan tidak akan membawa manfaat
    Orang yang berjaya memaksa supay sesaorang itu memohon maaf ia akan meresa dirinya amat berkuasa, angkuh dan bertambah sombong
    Bukan menyokong supaya YB Ahmad Ismail tidak memohon maaf
    tetapi sekiranya ia berpunca dari putarbelit si pelapor, saya berpendapat tidak perlu mohon maaf.
    Sekedar pandangan…

  1049. Kepada Rakyat Malaysia… Ini bukan racists, Bukalah kembali buku sejarah Malaysia.. memang pahit untuk terima, tapi ini kenyataan ~
    Selamat Berpuasa Tun ~

  1050. Deep inside everybody, there is racism. Its just preference towards your own race compared to the others. Just to what extent your racism is will shape your actions. Everyone prefer what belongs to them and where they are belonged. Is`t it just natural?

  1051. am i the 1st….
    well…being opposition is difficult in malaysia..
    mungkin dulu tun tak merasa, la ni pula merasanye..
    nak buat mcm mana…
    nasi da jd bubur…


  1053. wahai org melayu, jgn lah sampai kita di perkotak katikkn. bangun, pertahankn melayu! jgn menjadi melayu dayus! saya sokong kenyataan datuk ahmad Ismail! Kamu tidak keseorangan! jgn kamu berumah di tepi pantai jika takut di lambung ombak.

  1054. Assalamualaikum
    1. Tun adalah pejuang bangsa yang sejati, jujur tegas dan ikhlas.
    2. Ciri-ciri di ataslah yang menyebabkan ketika zaman pemerintahan Tun bangsa zAmelayu dihormati.
    3. Sekarang??
    Pak Long, Alor Star

  1055. Assalamualaikum Tun.
    Pada hemat saya isu racist ni timbul bila pihak itu sendiri yang berkehendakkan racist tersebut. Tetapi hakikatnya kadangkala sesuatu kenyataan yang di luahkan itu langsung tidak kena-mengena dengan racist ini. Mereka hanya melabel yang sesuatu isu itu sebagai racist kerana mereka sendiri yang hendak walhal ia tidak wujud. Kesan dari itu bila semua pihak nampak sesuatu itu sebagai racist lahirlah golongan-golongan yang mengambil kesempatan dari isu begini. Saya amat menyokong UMNO sebelum ini. Tetapi kadangkala bangsa melayu sendiri lupa akan apa yang di perjuangkan oleh rakan-rakan seperjuangan mereka sendiri. Saya teringat akan kata-kata arwah atuk saya, “aku kesian dengan arwah nenek kau, meeting cawangan sana-sini, kempen sana sini dah tak ada pun bukan dio orang (umno cawangan) tau.” Maksud saya disini kadangkala mereka yang memperjuangkan hak-hak melayu ini langsung tak terselit dijiwa mereka ini pasal racist. Sebab sepanjang pengetahuan saya arwah nenek saya ini tiada masalah dengan bangsa lain sedangkan hakikatnya beliau penyokong kuat UMNO. Adakah kerana seseorang itu menyokong perjuangan UMNO mereka terus digelar racist. Apa yang saya nampak sekarang itu yang cuba di mainkan oleh pihak pembangkang. UMNO hanya akan kekal selama-lamanya jika AAB di turunkan dari takhta beliau.

  1056. salam tun,
    it is an interesting fact when you pointed out that the chinese actually did support you more than the general malays in 1999. i was in a local university in those years where the 1997 sacking of anwar and the economic downturn occured. the chinese seemed to be very grateful at your ability to strengthen the economy despite the general landslide occuring in neighbouring countries, while the malays generally were pissed at what you did to anwar.
    the malays seemed to not be able to look beyond the morality of the issue, while the chinese only concerned about what affects them (and that’s the economy). majority of malays worked for either the government or somebody else, hardly in charge of economy, so the economic downturn didn’t really affect them as much as the chinese.
    nowadays it seemed that there is a growing number of chinese whom clearly labelling you as an ultra-malay, a racist. the internet have played a big role in this, from personal blogs to community forums. the problem is, nobody cares to fix or correct the issue, or at least to shed some light into the thoughts or motivations behind certain actions deemed racist by them. heck, even naive nationalism have been deemed racist. look at what happened to datuk hishamuddin hussein onn. the whole keris wielding/kissing is now a fiasco all over youtube. i just feel that racism is such an overrated word that anything that even touches about race is racism! it’s absurd!
    notable people need to put up their thoughts online so that others could refer. nowadays thoughts from the opposition are more widely available than others. it easily feeds them with ideas. malaysians are still naive with lack of real sense of criticism. they are more willing to absorb ideas that conform to conspiracy theories (conjectures, opinions etc) than on real facts. i blame the x-files phenomena.
    hence i commend your almost daily submission of thoughts online. it is one of the most effective ways to connect to your fellow malaysians in this age.

  1057. Dear Tun Mahathir,
    I’m a Malaysian Chinese. Tun has always been the No.1 leader whom I respect the most and I pledge my 100% support and loyalty to Tun forever, more than what I would do to any other Chinese leaders.
    Even though we are from different races, we share the same dream, the dream which Tun once called Bangsa Malaysia. Are we still moving towards achieving that identity, Tun?
    Your “POHON MAAF” article yesterday has made many people like me feel disappointed and confused. Many people could be made more confused, and the racial tension would become worse. Dahlah Pak Lah tak dapat “settle” cepat-cepat, Tun pula nampak gaya nak besarkan api.
    Tun should have said something to bring the people together and let the issue be forgotten and a lesson learned. Even if deep in your heart Tun still “sayangkan Melayu yang mudah lupa”, maybe Tun should show that Tun “lebih sayangkan Bangsa Malaysia”…
    Nevertheless, we’ll forgive Tun, we still believe in Tun’s dream for a true “Bangsa Malaysia”. It may take another 50, 100 or 200 years to become a reality, but the hope should never die…
    Tun, selamatkanlah harapan Bangsa Malaysia!
    Semoga sihat selalu & selamat berpuasa!

  1058. Salam Ramadhan buat Tun sekeluarga. saya sentiasa memberi sokongan kepada Tun.
    Kepada sesiapa yg salah faham ttg artikel tun sblm ini (terutamanya kepada yang bukan melayu),tolong baca skali lagi dan fahamkan.
    Tq. selamat berbuka puasa kepada seluruh umat Islam.
    Ya Allah selamatkanlah negaraku ini. Amin.

  1059. Assalamualaikum dan selamat berpuasa kepada Tun dan semua ahli keluarga.
    Malang sekali bagi kita orang melayu melihat Menteri kita terpaksa Memohon Maaf kepada orang2 pendatang tu.
    Kita lihat lah sampai bila orang2 Melayu khasnya orang UMNO akan sedar akan kesilapan mereka ini.
    Walau apa2 pun Tun, diharap akan terus menulis kerana orang tak pernah jemu membaca tulisan TUN.

  1060. apa-apa pun tun kami tetap berdiri di belakang tun,biarpun tun masih jugak dilabel oleh sesetengah pihak sebagai orang yang mengamalkan perkauman dan seorang malay ultra tiada kami kisah.Kami sentiasa menyokong Tun dulu,kini dan selama-lamanya.Hidup Tun hidup melayu

  1061. salam Tun…
    saya masih sedih di mana pemimpin2 melayu kini masih tidak bersuara…
    mana perginya pemimpin yang kononnya parti Islam?
    apa pendirian kononya ”The Prime Minister in Future”?
    long life Tun’s..
    selamat berpuasa..

  1062. Assalamualaikum dan selamat berpuasa kepada Tun dan semua ahli keluarga.
    Malang sekali bagi kita orang melayu melihat Menteri kita terpaksa Memohon Maaf kepada orang2 pendatang tu.
    Kita lihat lah sampai bila orang2 Melayu khasnya orang UMNO akan sedar akan kesilapan mereka ini.
    Walau apa2 pun Tun, diharap akan terus menulis sekaran orang tak jemu membaca tulisan TUN.

  1063. Salam Ybhg Tun,
    Its a sad state that we are in right now and the future of ours and our children are totally at the mercy of certain number of individuals that may eventually lead us further into or if we are lucky out of this predicament.
    As it is we only have hope for YBhg Tun to make some sort of a comeback.

  1064. Assalamualaikum wbt.
    Ayahanda Tun & bonda yang dikasihi,

  1065. Syabas Tun,it’s high time for all malaysian to relise what “HARMONI”have benifit us all these while even we lost some of our own pride and dignity just to make other people happy, as long dont ask too much htan what they can swallow.

  1066. Assalamualaikum Tun,
    Para 13 is very true in every essence of the words.I can’t help thinking this is the real message that Tun try to convey to all those ungrateful so-called leaders.Shame on them.

  1067. I totally agree with you, I am a PR supporter but i am a true fan of your visions. I cant believe what this country has become in a short space of six years. Never have I heard so much talk about racism or religion in such offensive manner be it from Malays or non Malays. I am pissed off at PR and also BN for allowing this to come to this level.
    Our unity is our strength, divided we fall, I am sure our neighboring countries must be laughing at us for what we are going trough as a nation. Its time to stop all this rubbish and get back to the task of building our country.
    Tun , i totally feel you anger at the current media because whatever you say seems to be twisted by the media goons!!
    Anyways god bless you and your family,stay in good health and all the best to mukriz, I hope he kicks that jerk KJ out!!!!!

  1068. Assalamualaikum wbr…
    Selamat berpuasa dan berterawikh…
    1. Soal ketuanan Melayu, itu bukan satu isu di Malaysia. Sepatutnya tidak disenaraikan untuk diperbincangkan.
    2. Perjanjian antara kaum telah menetapkan begitu. Nilainya hak kewarganegaraan diberi kepada orang cina dan india. Itu adalah sejarah.
    3. Jika hak sama rata diberi, maka pandangan peribadi saya menyatakan hak kewarganegaraan terpaksa ditarik balik.Betul? Soalnya, untuk membebaskan soal bangsa dan sama rata adalah melalui asimilasi kaum.
    4. Dalam hal ini, sekolah satu sistem perlu diwujudkan,SJKC dan SJKT perlu dimansuhkan. Bahasa Melayu boleh dipertuturkan dengan fasih bukan pelat atau telo kaum lain. Cuba nilaikan sekarang..adakah semua kaum cina dan india bertutur BM dengan fasih?
    5. Fakta, sesebuah negara yang kuat perlu mempunyai satu nilai kebangsaan yang bersatu bukan berbeza.
    6. Maka dalam hal ini kaum cina dan india perlu menunjukkan bahawa mereka betul-betul anak jati Malaysia. BUkan sekadar cakap tetapi pelaksanaan secara total. Tunjukkan satu jiwa/wajah Malaysia yang tidak membayangkan Negara China atau INdia.
    7. Maaf kalau saya nyatakan di sini, ada ahli parlimen yang tidak fasih bertutur BM. Kelihatan begitu susah benar menyebut sesuatu perkataan. Kadang-kala rasa kasihan pula melihatnya.
    *Apa pun ini hanya pendapat berdasarkan pandangan peribadi semata-mata.

  1069. assalamualaikim Tun,
    sejak akhir-akhir ini saya juga berasa sedih dan terkesan dihati saya tentang isu meminta maaf yang dilakukan oleh TPM.Seperti yang Tun tulis di artikel pohon maaf 1 amatlah tidak adil kepada melayu sendiri apabila kaum lain yang sewenang-wenangnya mempermainkan kedaulatan bangsa melayu di Malaysia.Dan lagi menyedihkan apabila perdana menteri dan timbalannya terhegeh-hegeh meminta maaf kepada kum cina dan india.Nampak sangat mereka ini terlalu takut dan boleh dikatan sebagai pengecut sehingga membiarkan perkara ini berlaku.Menang sorak kampung tergadai.

  1070. Salam Tun,
    Pada pendapat saya, orang Cina menggunakan politik untuk memastikan suasana hidup yang lebih produktif tetapi Melayu menggunakan politik untuk hidup, atau hidup dalam politik. Setiap perkara perlu di politikkan ! 🙁
    Dari dulu saya mengagumi Tun…bukannya membabi buta. kalau yang salah, saya katakan salah. Tapi yang pasti, saya dapat menerima segala pendapat Tun dan saya sanjungi wawasan Tun. Dan jika ada tindakan Tun yang agak ‘pelik’, saya akan katakan pada diri sendiri…. pasti ada sesuatu yang saya tidak tahu. Tun tidak akan memperbodohkan diri begitu saja.. Jadi saya sabar, reserved my comments dan akhirnya, ternyata Tun benar juga.
    Racist dan perkauman TIDAK SAMA ! sifat Perkauman ada pada semua manusia, kerana Tuhan jadikan kita berkaum2 maka normal la kita memperjuangkan kaum kita. Tapi bila sudah terlalu extreme ke tahap merendah2kan kaum lain… makanya itu baru racist. Tun bukan racist… tapi pejuang kaum Melayu and to a larger extend…pejuang bangsa Malaysia !

  1071. tun,
    skang mmg ramai yg tak paham bahasa.. bila kepala tak paham bahasa.. berjangkit la pada org2 kat bwh.. tu la umno skang..
    yg pembangkang plak.. mmg dari dulu suka pusing2 crita.. tak reti nak berubah.. nak2 pasal kenyataan tun lawak minta maap pasal anwar dulu.. hehe… pelik la diaong ni..
    apa pun harap tun teruskan menulis..

  1072. Tun, Thank you for pohon maaf 2. Reading your pohon maaf 1 was deeply troubling to those who have been your faithful subjects for all these years.

  1073. Hi Tun,
    I would like to share something with you… I really think whats happening in malaysia currently was something that no one dreamt about…But i just wondering why you against the appology of an UMNO member about their comments pertaining ” PENDATANG “.Is it a must to say such things at the first place at the open ceramah?
    Say for example, if this had seen uttered by non malays to malays will the UMNO be silent ? According to my personal view, appology is indicated in this aspect.
    Top leadership Of UMNO had appologised, and you said they scared of chinese and indians, but why they must be scared about them?
    Kindly explain Tun

  1074. Jika mengikut definisi kata-kata Ahmad dari UMNO Bkt Bendera:
    Moyang rakyat malaysia keturunan Cina ialah Pendatang.
    rakyat malaysia keturunan Cina ialah Pendatang.
    jika ini disetujui , maka ..
    Ayahanda Tun Dr. Mahathir berasal dari Kerala, India,
    Ayahanda Tun Dr. Mahathir ialah pendatang.
    Maka, Tun Dr. Mahathir ialah pendatang.
    keturunan Tun juga ialah pendatang.
    Salah !! ini semua salah… mengikut definisi Melayu dlm perlembagaan Malaysia ialah mereka yg mengamalkan budaya dan istiadat melayu dan beragama Islam, maka Tun ialah Melayu. Begitu juga dgn Cina Malaysia, mereka ada rakyat Malaysia mengikut perlembagaan , bukannya pendatang !!!

  1075. Assalamualaikum,
    Pendapat saya: Apabila TPM yang meminta maaf atas tindakan individu yang mengeluarkan kenyataan bersifat perkauman, ia sedikit sebanyak seolah-olah menggambarkan bahawa itu adalah pendirian UMNO..
    Semoga dirahmati Allah, dipanjangkan usia dan sihat selalu, Tun.

  1076. Tun,
    I never regarded you as Anti-Chinese / racism until you wrote the “Pohon Maaf” article because my family is one of your loyalty supporter/voter during your era. However, thanks for remembering that indian and chinese has been helping Tun in 1999 GE.
    Nevertheless Tun, I agree with :
    8. I am not defending nor do I like what Ahmad Ismail of Bukit Bendera said. It does not contribute to lessening the tension between the races. But I feel disgust at the inability of the present Malay leadership to manage racialism. It is degrading for the second highest leader in the Government to be apologising for every instance of improper behaviour by UMNO members.
    9. The person who should apologise should be the culprit himself. If he refuses then he should face the UMNO disciplinary committee.

  1077. Dear Tun,
    I think this was not managed properly!
    I could imagine if this happens during your time, it would have been settled easily.

  1078. isn’t there any other way to show displeasure at the current government instead of voting for the opposition? what about not voting at all? do low voter turnouts worry the government?

  1079. Tun,
    Apa khabar Tun & Isteri?Moga-moga sihat dan sejahtera.ini adalah pertama kali saya memberi comment.Untuk pengetahuan Tun,saya adalah peminat Tun lagi sejak kecil lagi.Saya amat kagum kebijaksanaan ,kepandaian,dan prinsip perjuangan Tun yang mengagumkan.Tetapi TUN,saya nak comment sikit lah berkaitan isu yang hangat sedang diperkatakan.Dunia sekarang telah berubah.Tak seperti dulu,saling hormat menghormati.pada saya,manusia perlu ada moral,sifat sifat yang saling menghormati,tolong menolong,janganlah saling menyinggungkan perasaan kaum antau bangsa lain.Ini tak baik ,betul tak Tun.Saya ingat lagi,semasa di bangku sekolah menengah lagi,guru ada mengajar mata pelajaran MORAL,tentang saling hormat menghormati,kita kena faham……ini penting….untuk menjaga keharmonian,keamanan….negara.Jika tak ada pengetahuan ini,bayangkan…..wahai rakyat malaysia….sekiranya peristiwa 13 mei berulang,saling bunuh membunuh…..berlakunya hura hara,seperti yang berlaku di thailand,mahu kah kita….perkara ini berlaku?apa akan jadi malaysia sekiranya berlaku?bayangkan.pada saya,yang salah tetap salah……buat salah…mesti minta maaf.berani buat salah berani tanggung….ini lah dipanggil “jantan”.berkaitan budak cina “wee” yang menghina lagu malaysia…setahu saya…dia dan bapanya sendiri sudah memohon maaf.Ini baru betul….buat salah berani tanggung..barulah kaum lain akan “berasa lega” sikit.saya ada kawan kawan yang pelbagai kaum,cina,india,melayu,dan orang putih,tidak pernah berlaku saling hina menghina ,atau menyingung perasaan orang,kenapa tak berlaku?sebab mereka semua ini pandai fikir.matang.mereka tahu..pentingnya hormat menghormati.baru lah negara kita akan maju.makmur.dan aman.wahai orang malaysia,hidup ini pendek saja,buat lah perkara2 yang akan memaju kan negara,dan menjaga keamanan seelok-eloknya..saya tak mahu negara kita hura hara,seperti thailand,iraq dan banyak lagi.kenapa?sebab saya sayangkan malaysia.Saya sendiri pun ada anak.saya mengajarnya….buat salah mesti berani tampil ke hadapan…memohon maaf……bagi saya ini baru betul.Tun,jika comment saya tak betul bermakna, apa yang guru ajar masa dulu….adalah salah.prinsip saya ialah……buat salah mesti berani tanggung……salah tetap salah…..saya harap wakil rakyat yang sedang hangat diperkatakan itu……akan “insaf”.Dan saya ingin mohon maaf kepada Tun sekiranya apa yang saya katakan ini..telah menyinggungkan perasaan Tun atau rakyat malaysia…saya disini..minta maaf.akhir kata,Tun saya akan sokong Tun dan doa kepada Tun sekelurga sihat dan terus kan kerja kerja murni untuk menyelamatkan malaysia.Dan…kepada rakyat malaysia….saling hormat-menghormati mesti ditanam sanubari anda.Saya harap Tun jangan berhenti tulis..terus kan Tun…….

  1080. dalam sejarah pemerintan negara Tun adalah yang terbaik serta mempunyai wawasan yang tinggi.
    amat dukacita jika peyambung pemerintahan sekarang ini “lemah”
    kerana Tun pernah berkata ” nasib sesebuah bangsa akan berubah jika mereka mahukan kejayaan dan berusaha untuk kejayaan- 2003″

  1081. Humans are strange.
    Sometimes when we have gone to something for an advanced level, they tend to come back to square one. Like they don’t learn anything along their journey through.
    However, it’s good for peoples whom still focus and could develop their mind accordingly despite of those peoples that are so narrow minded with their own way of thinking and cannot accept others.
    I really do agree with you.
    Salam Hormat,

  1082. Salam Tun,
    Kalau yang no 1 pun blurr tanpa focus yang tepat yang bawah-bawah tu lagilah teruknya…
    Selamat Berbuka Puasa.
    – Jinggo Rock –

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