1. The world is in a bad shape because politicians instead of journalists run it. I came to this conclusion after reading a copy of The Economist, the British magazine. The writers in the Economist seem to know everything that ails the world and they also know how all these ailment can be cured.

2. The copy begins with the front page illustration of the statue of Christ tumbling through the air from its pedestal on Sugar Loaf mountain in Brazil; down, I suppose to crash on Rio de Janeiro. I suppose it is to illustrate the grave situation in the country.

3. The articles on Brazil began with “Grounded”, followed by “A rough ride for (President Dilma) Rousseff”. Then “The price is wrong”, and an advice on agriculture, “Leaves Well Alone”, followed by “The Road to Hell”. “Money no Object” (on the football stadium), “Land of the Setting Sun”, “Look Good” followed by “Reality Dawns”. The articles describe all the wrong things that are being done by Brazil and how they should and could be corrected.

4. Other articles are entitled “A new Face of Terror” (which Western Governments do not know), “Sending the Wrong Smoke-Signal” (on E-cigarettes), “Angela’s Dilemma” (telling Angela Merkel to look to the Greens).

5. “Curb Your Enthusiasm” is to warn everyone not to put too much faith in Iran’s nuclear deal “and keep the sanctions on”. Cameron, the Prime Minister of United Kingdom is told to “Remember what you once were (the Prime Minister should reclaim the radical centre of British politics)”. “The Unquenchable Fire” is about the Al-Qaeda still being around and deplore the fact that Mr Zawahiri, its current leader is not dead yet. This seems like hinting that the United States should assassinate the Al-Qaeda leader as they did Osama Ben Laden. I suppose Zawahiri’s corpse would be dumped in the sea.

6. And now Malaysia. “Bumi, Not Booming” is about Najib’s announcement of a policy known as “the Bumiputra Economic Empowerment”. This hideous policy discriminates against the Chinese who make up 25% of the population but run much of Malaysia’s business, and Indians 7% but having disproportionate presence in the professions.

7. Apparently any attempt to give the Malays and the indigenous people (68%) a share in the business (and the wealth) and to become professionals is unfair, wrong and unjust. Liberal people should not do this. If they get no share of the wealth and places in the professions, they should just be poor spectators.

8. Prior to the Elections Najib had tried to win over the Chinese by ignoring the plight of the Malays. He even ignored the National Education Policy by supporting Chinese education with money. He tried to endear himself to the Chinese with more money. However the Chinese voters rejected him. Only 3% voted for him. Sounds like gross ungratefulness. For this Najib should dole out some more money, which would be the right thing to do.

9. But the Malays supported him. Apparently according to the Economist it is wrong to support those who support you. You don’t do that in civilised countries. Let the supporters rot.

10. The proper thing to do is to help people who are already well off to be even more well off.

11. In fact one should help the richer community get even richer and the poor community poorer. If there are poor people among the rich community make sure they become rich first before taking any notice of the poor in the poor community.

12. Now on Pakistan. They are giving the “Cold shoulder to Sheriff”. India’s informal economy has “Hidden Value”. Sri Lanka’s Tamils have to face “Harder Lines” – reconciliation is further off.

13. On scientific research “Looks Good on Paper”. Xilai’s “End of the Road” is worth gloating over. On China’s relations with America it is “one model, two interpretations”. The American Budget is about “Nightmares and Bedtime Stories”.
14. And so on, and so on and so on. Really the silly politicians should make way for western journalists. From the words of wisdom in the Economist and generally in the Western press, it is obvious that with journalists and the expert writers at the helm, the world can sleep easy. Why didn’t we think of this before?


  1. Assallammualaikumwarahmatullahiwabarokatuh..
    Tun saya mohon ruangan di dalam blog Tun.Terima kasih.

    [To the one who equates himself with million upon million pepole who believe in Pancasila ]

    Tun..I believe this is my final contention with him that is surely better than HBT who renegades upon her word time after time..

    [Religious people are good people]
    You meant the Israeli right?..Because they claimed that they are the most religious people in this world..Note the world..Not hereafter..

    [Nevertheless, my sincerest apology if I have offended you guys in anyway or has deviated from my initial purpose to an academic discussion]

    I am most sorry to see another one bite the dust..Sorry..what I meant is since the time of immemorial many bright and talented time people like you have chosen not to be in the Islamic mainstream..well..so be it..

    May Allah open all our heart to the true path starting..

    “Awaltuddin makrifatullah”..

    Terima kasih Tun.

  2. Salam Yg Bhg Tun,

    Dear Amin Tan, Wajaperak, Tuan Hafiz, and Puteri Tujuh.

    Religious people are good people.

    Despite the differences we have in the understanding and practices of one of the greatest religion in the history of humankind, I respect you guys (Amin Tan, Wajaperak, Tuan Hafiz),…and gal (Puteri Tujuh) for the fact that you all have a very strong sense of righteousness.

    I hope my previous comments are not too edgy as all posting are subjected to the screening by the moderator of this honorable blog. Nevertheless, my sincerest apology if I have offended you guys in anyway or has deviated from my initial purpose to an academic discussion.

    Thanks for opportunity of knowledge sharing and mental-sparring.

    I am going to take a nap underneath my tempurung now.

    Salam Tun

  3. Salam Yg Bhg Tun,

    Rahman 2012,

    You are the real distorter. Only Prophet Ismail and Prophet Muhammad SAW were in the Peninsular Arab. Christian didn’t exist in the Peninsular Arab. Don’t distort peoples. Actually you don’t know the history of Islam.

  4. Salam Yg Bhg Tun,

    Dear Putri Tujuh,

    “There were not much Christians or Jews in Peninsular Arab during those times.” Really?
    If there were not many Christians in that area during that time, why the name Prophets Isa (Jesus / Isa al-Masih /عيسى ال ) was mentioned in the Quran 51 times in total with 25 times explicitly?
    In comparison, how many times are other Prophets mentioned in the Holy Quran?
    Go do your homework, the answer may surprise you.
    I don’t know who is distorting things here, after all.

    Dear Wajaperak,

    I agree with you, we are not in the same wavelength. Also millions of Indonesians, Pakistani, Bangladeshi Muslims, including those of the UAE, and Middle East countries are brazen enough to named themselves Rahman too. So be it.

    Salam Tun

  5. Assallammualaikumwarahmatulahiwabarokatuh..
    Saya mohon ruangan Tun..

    [ To the one I cannot equates him with Allah Asmaul Husna ]

    Millions of Indonesians, Pakistani, Bangladeshi, many people of the UAE, and Middle East countries including Iran named themselves Rahman without prefix. They are Muslims..

    Who says they are not?My contention with you is the Islamic education.Mine and your’s are very much different.In our mainstream Islamic education, we started with “The beginning of Deen is knowing Allah”.Your Islamic education is not.Contend with that.

    [I hope you meet enough people to acknowledge that there are diversities and don’t try to prejudge people by their name]

    I have met enough people ranging from military officer’s to 80 plus something physician and number of Hafiz too.Why this is important because these people is the forefront of service provider.I don’t think you are one so we are not in the same wavelength.

    I don’t use my head to judge people.I am cautioned by my beloved Rasullulah s.a.w.Only people like you who are brazen enough to anoint yourselves as same as Allah in naming convention..

    Hello mister..Check out Allah naming convention..Learn them..

    Terima kasih Tuan Haji Amin Tan.
    Tq Karl.

    Terima kasih Tun.

  6. Salam Yg Bhg Tun,

    Amin Tan,

    Before the time of Prophet SAW, the peoples of Peninsular Arabia were mainly Quraishes and many other Arab clans. The peoples there mainly distorted from worshipping Allah. They worshipped their famous gods named Azza and Latta. Big statues build by them. Those were during the Jahilliyah times. Among the peoples were Quraish which Prophet Muhammad SAW was and descendant from Prophet Ismail son to Prophet Ibrahim through Siti Hajar. There were not much Christians or Jews in Peninsular Arab during those time. Rahman 2012 distorted the things here.

    Earlier, Prophet Ibrahim was with Siti Sarah in hometown Palestin but beared no child. Prophet Ibrahim married Siti Hajar who was presented by the king Namrud. This was when Prophet Ismail came to this world. By order of Allah, Ibrahim sent Siti Sarah and Prophet Ismail to an empty barren place which are now called Makkah.

    With Allah wills, Siti Sarah was pregnant at the aged of 90 years. This was when Prophet Ishaq came to this world. And later Prophet Ayub, Prophet Yaakub, Prophet Yusuf, Prophet Daud etc etc and Prophet Isa. The descendants from Siti Sarah were the Bani Israils which later took Christians and Jews. They resided mainly in Egypt, Syria, Labenon, Palestin etc.

    These Bani Israils did not recognised Prophet Muhamad SAW as the last messenger of Allah as He was from Siti Hajar descendant in the Arab Peninsular.

  7. Salam Tun,

    Reza Aslan may be forgiven for his ignorance on the intricacies of religious culture and values in Malaysia. But a Malaysian Muslim would have no excuse for that, especially so if he is a well trained professional.

    However, for the likes of him to propagate the same trick that the Jesuit played on the muslims of Lebanon by introducing Allah into their Bible to replace the word god (Ilaha, Ilahu, Ilahi), is undeniably a sleight of mouth and with an evil ‘Heralded’ hidden agenda :

    The Dogs Are Barking in Malaysia
    When France effectively ruled Lebanon after World War One, the French Jesuits took on the task of eliminating Islam and indoctrinating the ‘natives’ to Catholicism.They instructed their missionary organisation of the Vatican to publish, nota bene, Catholic literature IN ARABIC to replace the noun ‘god’ with the Name of Allah.

    THIWAS the foundation of Lebanese missionary activity in Lebanon which called many ignorant and innocent Lebanese onto a path which today has led to quotidian bloodshed. In Arabic there is a word, a noun, for god. They deliberately did not use it. The price for their hypocrisy has been high and is still being paid in civil war and duplicitous treaties that fail and fail. The Catholics of Malaysia may call on Allah. If they have any education they will want to read His Book. The Supreme Name does not belong to them or us. It remains our duty as Muslims to warn Catholic mothers on no account to send their boys to any Catholic school unless they want them to be sodomised and tortured like …. – Shaykh Dr Abd Qadir as-Sufi

  8. Salam Yg Bhg Tun,

    Dear Amin Tan,

    I have been trying to clean up non-muslims’ preception about Islam’s association with terror and violent for years since Sadam Hussin deleared “Jihad” against the US. I have been educating the Westerners whenever I have a chance that Jihad is not “Holy War” as per their wrong perceptions potraied by Western medias. I have been avocating that Islam is the religion of peace. I never associate any wars, be it offensive or defensive during the era of the Prophet. I have a full understanding of the Uhud warfare and therefore, I diagreed with your bringing up the Uhud war in this discussion.

    I don’t laugh at Muslims, but Muslim Scholar does. The following article is for your reading pleasure:

    Award-winning American Muslim scholar on Allah ruling: “We are laughing at you”

    A well-known American Muslim theologian has joined a long list of critics over the recent Court of Appeal ruling on the use of the word Allah, saying it was a “political decision more than anything else”.

    “This notion that Malaysian Muslims need to be protected by the court because you can’t think for yourself, you can’t make decisions on your own. We are laughing at you,” said Reza Aslan, speaking on BFM Radio’s Evening Edition programme yesterday.

    “That you can control people’s ideas, their behaviour, their faith and their minds simply by trying to control the words that they use, is absurd. It is an embarassment to a modern, constitutional, democratic and deeply Muslim state like Malaysia,” he added.

    Aslan insisted that Christians using the word Allah – which means God in Arabic – were not a threat to Islam.

    “A Taliban put a bomb in the Quran and took it to a mosque in Pakistan, where Muslims were slaughtered on one of the holiest days in the Muslim calendar. You want to talk about threats to Islam? That’s a threat to Islam,” he said, in dismissing the argument that allowing Christians to use the word in their worship was a threat to Malaysian Muslims.

    He was referring to an incident during the Aidiladha holidays, in which Afghan governor Arsala Jamal was killed while scores were injured after a bomb placed in a copy of the Quran went off in a mosque during the Eid sermon.

    Aslan, who wrote the international bestseller No God But God: The Origins, Evolution, and Future of Islam, said he was mystified by the court ruling on October 14, stressing that the word Allah was merely an Arabic term for God, “any God”.

    “Allah is constuction of the the word al-Ilah. That’s what the word is,” he explained.

    “Al-Ilah means ‘The God’. Allah is not the name of God. Frankly, anyone who thinks that Allah is the name of God, is not just incorrect, but is going against the Quran itself. It is almost a blasphemous thought to think that Allah has a name.

    “And this is not an interpretation. It is a historical fact,” Reza added.

    In its judgment, the Court of Appeal’s three-man panel ruled that the word Allah “was not an integral part of the Christian faith and practice and that such usage if allowed, will inevitably cause confusion within the community”.

    The decision sparked a debate among local clerics and scholars, while several editorials in Muslim countries expressed their surprise over the issue.

    Pakistan’s Daily Times questioned the ruling, asking why Malaysia would deny people of other faiths to “own God in all His attributes”. The United Arab Emirates’s The National called the court ruling “wrong”, and said the word Allah was never exclusive to Islam but used by both Christians and Jews to refer to God even before the advent of Islam.

    Aslan poured scorn on the court verdict, asking, “How can you read that and not laugh?”

    Soon after the court ruling last week, he had taken to Twitter and remarked, “How stupid has Malaysia just become? In honor of Malaysia banning the word Allah by non-Muslims I suggest US ban the word ‘twerking’ by anyone over age of 17,” he said, referring to a type of sexually provocative dance.

    Much of Aslan’s interview yesterday was made available on Podcast.

    In it, he slammed those who argue that the faith of Malaysian Muslims can be undermined if Christians use the word Allah.

    “This idea that not only should Christians not be able to use this word, but that using the word is somehow a threat to Islam… that Malaysian (Muslims) are so stupid if they hear a Christian use the word Allah, they will accidentally become Christians. I mean, the idiocy of that statement speaks for itself,” he said.

    Echoing many other Muslim scholars and writers, Aslan said Christians and Jews in the Arabian peninsula since before the time of the Prophet Muhammad had been referring to God as Allah.

    “Why? Because they spoke Arabic… that’s why. Not because Allah meant a specific God but because that it is nothing more than the Arabic word for God. It is not an opinion. It is a fact,” he pointed out.

    “Any Imam that tells you God has a name, is blasphemous. It is as simple as that. Allah is not God’s name. Muslims do not own the word itself,” said the 41-year-old Iranian-American, who is Visiting Professor of Islamic Studies at the University of Iowa. – October 22, 2013.

    Salam Tun

  9. Salam Tun,
    Izinkan saya petik comment Saudara Rahman 2012 sepaerti di bawah,

    [Rahman 2012
    October 28, 2013 at 9:56 AM | Permalink
    Salam Yg Bhg Tun,

    With due respect, the pure and simple logical questions that I have posted here cannot be answered by the esteemed Amin Tan, Putri Tujuh, and Tuan Hafiz.

    Only the truth can stand the test of time, we must understand that this honorable blog is read by people all over the world, the Muslim scholars are laughing.

    Dear Amin Tan, Islam is the religion of peace. You should not bring up the Uhud war where archery, spears and swords are involved. What image are you trying to portray to the world? Are you contradicting yourself? By the way, please do not use the term “syurga” because “syurga” is a Sanskrit word, the heaven for the Hindus.

    Dear Putri Tujuh. To get to the ultimate truth without bias and stereotyping, there is a scientific procedure by the name of double-blind test. I am not revealing myself so we could focus on logic rather than emotion. Dear Putri Tujuh, why don’t you use your real name instead of Gravatar Putri Tujuh? Otherwise, you possess the characteristics of No.1 and No.3 as well.

    Tuan Hafiz avoided the test entirely because he knows he failed. I am not even sure if he can recite the Quran without making mistakes.

    So no point continues if we can’t discuss the truth logically and academically.

    Let Muslim scholars all over the world laugh.]

    Saudara Rahman 2012,
    Cara saudara berbicara bukan cara seorang islam. Hujah2 saudara mirip kepada hujah seorang bukan islam yang memandang rendah dan benci serta cenderong menyindir agama islam. Contohnya Saudara Rahman telah menyindir agama islam apabila menyatakan islam ialah agama keamanan tetapi terlibat dalam peperangan di Uhud. Anda sengaja memutar belit dan berniat menyakiti hati orang2 islam. Niat jahat.
    Perang Uhud berlaku sebab tentera Quraish dari Mekah datang ke Mekah ingin menhapuskan orang2 islam di Medinah. Rasulullah terpaksa kerah pejuang2 islam dan para sahabat seramai 1000 orang untuk mempertahankan Medinah daripada 3000 orang Quraish Mushrikin. Apabila tentera islam sedang bergerak dari Medinah ke arah bukit Uhud, seorang Munafik, seperti Rahman2012, yang bernama Abdullah bin Ubay istihar tidak mengambil bahagian dalam peperangan ini dan membawa 300 pengikutnya sekali. Pejuang2 islam sekarang tinggal hanya 700 orang untuk menentang musuh 3000 orang Quraish mushrikin.
    Di peperangan Uhud inilah orang2 islam tewas kerana sebahagian tentera islam tidak ikut arahan jangan tinggalkan kedudukan memanah di atas bukit Uhud. Di sini jugalah bapa saudara Rasullullah, Saidina Hamzah dilembing dan terbunuh. Selepas peperangan Uhud inilah ayat Quran diturunkan menegur mereka yang tinggalkan kubu di atas bukit Uhud.
    Hanya orang2 islam sahaja menghargai apa sahaja yang berlaku pada zaman nabi.
    Anda menhina orang2 islam apabila mengatakan ‘Let Muslim scholars all over the world laugh’
    Orang2 islam tidak akan ketawa dan memandang rendah kepada orang2 islam yang lain, melainkan orang2 kafir seperti anda. Saya agak dulu anda guna nama samaran yang lain, Age-of Enlightenment? Anda satu angkatan dengan HBT456 dan dtan?

    amin tan

  10. Yg Bhg. Tun,

    Dear Wajaperak.

    Millions of Indonesians, Pakistani, Bangladeshi, many people of the UAE, and Middle East countries including Iran named themselves Rahman without prefix. They are Muslims, and some of them don’t even use “bin” in their official identiy documents such as their passports. I hope you are not insulting them.

    I hope you meet enough people to acknowledge that there are diversities and don’t try to prejudge people by their name.

    Salam Tun

  11. Salam Tun,

    my favorite teacher, when I was in form 5 once told me that for each our reality is based on #1 and #2 :

    1. you know what you know
    2. you know what you dont know
    3. you dont know what you dont know

    As for #3, some chose to believe that ignorance is bliss. As an example, we dont know how Khairy and Shahrizat still have massive support despite the negativity that surrounds them. One would need to be an oracle or have access to the so-called ilmu Laduni to decipher the signs on the sky, like why Khidr killed the fine young boy and left Moses bewildered like a lost lamb.

    What we have no knowledge of, we are lucky to find out from the various sources including the journalist, especially so when politicians are too shy to speak in plain language. The more we have access to #3, the more control we have over our own life and destiny.

    Nowadays, we have to be humbled by the fact that both politician and journalist are no better than the excited Indian in the presence of a snake. You will have to choose who you disable first according to your manners and how you have been brought up.

  12. Assallammualaikumwarahmatulahiwabarokatuh..
    Tun..saya mohon ruangan..Terima kasih.

    [ To the one who violated the Allah naming convention..]
    With due respect, the pure and simple logical questions that I have posted here cannot be answered by the esteemed Amin Tan, Putri Tujuh, and Tuan Hafiz.

    Tun..can we bactracked a bit and see the requirement to become a physician in United State..The reason? How tough it is to become a physician, in a foremost nation in the present world..

    The education of physicians in the United States is lengthy and involves undergraduate education, medical school and graduate medical education. (The term “graduate medical education” [GME.page includes residency and fellowship training; the American Medical Association does not use the term “postgraduate education.”)

    •Undergraduate education: Four years at a college or university to earn a BS or BA degree, usually with a strong emphasis on basic sciences, such as biology, chemistry, and physics (some students may enter medical school with other areas of emphasis).
    •Medical school (undergraduate medical education): Four years of education at one of the U.S. medical schools accredited by the Liaison Committee on Medical Education (LCME). Four years at one of the LCME-accredited U.S. medical schools, consisting of preclinical and clinical parts. After completing medical school, students earn their doctor of medicine degrees (MDs), although they must complete additional training before practicing on their own as a physician. (Note: Some physicians receive a doctor of osteopathic medicine [DO.page degree from a college of osteopathic medicine.)
    •Residency program (graduate medical education): Through a national matching program, newly graduated MDs enter into a residency program that is three to seven years or more of professional training under the supervision of senior physician educators. The length of residency training varies depending on the medical specialty chosen: family practice, internal medicine, and pediatrics, for example, require 3 years of training; general surgery requires 5 years. (Some refer to the first year of residency as an “internship”; the AMA no longer uses this term.)
    •Fellowship: One to three years of additional training in a subspecialty is an option for some doctors who want to become highly specialized in a particular field, such as gastroenterology, a subspecialty of internal medicine and of pediatrics, or child and adolescent psychiatry, a subspecialty of psychiatry.

    And what we have here in Tun blog?

    And individual or certain entity a fasciti with an ethos in the belief.The ethos worshipper.
    A new kind of paganism.
    He readily will admit the stringent requirement to become a physician in United State no less but here he brazenly named himself as an equal to Allah.

    Tun..All Allah Asamaul Husna must begin with the prefix Abdullah or Abdul Rahman.By not doing so one is most odiously arrogant.Surely our Islamic education differ’s..

    Thank you Tun.

  13. Salam Yg Bhg Tun,

    With due respect, the pure and simple logical questions that I have posted here cannot be answered by the esteemed Amin Tan, Putri Tujuh, and Tuan Hafiz.

    Only the truth can stand the test of time, we must understand that this honorable blog is read by people all over the world, the Muslim scholars are laughing.

    Dear Amin Tan, Islam is the religion of peace. You should not bring up the Uhud war where archery, spears and swords are involved. What image are you trying to portray to the world? Are you contradicting yourself? By the way, please do not use the term “syurga” because “syurga” is a Sanskrit word, the heaven for the Hindus.

    Dear Putri Tujuh. To get to the ultimate truth without bias and stereotyping, there is a scientific procedure by the name of double-blind test. I am not revealing myself so we could focus on logic rather than emotion. Dear Putri Tujuh, why don’t you use your real name instead of Gravatar Putri Tujuh? Otherwise, you possess the characteristics of No.1 and No.3 as well.

    Tuan Hafiz avoided the test entirely because he knows he failed. I am not even sure if he can recite the Quran without making mistakes.

    So no point continues if we can’t discuss the truth logically and academically.

    Let Muslim scholars all over the world laugh.

    Salam Tun

  14. Salam Tun,
    Saya ingin mengucapkan syabas dan tahniah kepada Saudara Wajaperak, Saudara Hafizkenedelete dan Puteri Tujuh kerana telah mempamerkan jiwa kepahlawanan dan semangat waja berjuang muslim.
    Dalam islam niat atau nawaitu seseorang itu penting sebab ia merupakan asas dalam solat atau apa2 perbuatan ibadah seseorang islam. Apabila saya menanyakan Saudara Rahman2012 samada beliau seorang islam atau bukan, saya sebenarnya menghulurkan persahabatan dan persaudaraan. Islam ialah agama keamanan berlandaskan niat yang ikhlas. Apabila seseorang itu tidak mahu mengaku dirinya islam maknanya beliau bukan dalam gulungan orang2 Muslim. Mereka ini tidak mahu menerima ajaran Quran dan/atau kerasulan Nabi Mohammad. Mereka tidak mahu sujud, rukuk dan menjadi hamba kepada Allah. Mereka riak dan takabur dan sombong. Sebab itulah Dua Kalimah Shahadah adalah segala2nya. Seseorang islam lafaz Dua Kalimah Shahadah apabila ia mula2 memeluk agama islam dan sebelum ia menininggal dunia.
    Akhir kata, saya ulangi ayat terakhir Puteri Tujuh kepada Saudara Rahman2012 , kalimah daripada Surah Al Kafirun ‘ lakun di nukun wa li ya deen.’ Wallahu alam

    amin tan

  15. Salam Yg bhg Tun,

    Rahman 2012

    What actually you want to show here. When AminTan asked you whether you are a Muslim, you didnt answer but distorted to something else. What Hafiz meant was IF you are a non muslim OR fasiq OR a munafiq, no need for you to talk further about Islam. He didnt accused you as being a munafiq.

    In this case it seem that you already had two of the characteristics that you have mentioned. Your No. 1 and your No. 3.

    If (remember this word “IF”) you are a non Muslim, you also have no right to argue about religion of Islam. What you to show here actually. You want to prove here that Malay Muslims are illogicals.

    Take care of your own believes. Your religion is yours, Mine is mine.

  16. Salam Tun.
    Salam warga Chedet..

    Tuan Rahman2012..

    Tak perlu Self-test untuk saya, apa kata anda jumpa saya untuk anda ‘test’ . Keputusannya mungkin lebih menarik. Itupun kalau anda berani sebab kebanyakan munafiq sebenar adalah pengecut.Bersifat pukul curi dan pandai memutar belit kata2 dan persoalan.

    Dan lagi satu saya tak tuduh anda munafiq, tuduhan saya ialah anda seorang fasik dan kufur.. Tahu maksud kufur? Tahu maksud fasik? Saya beri anda 24 jam untuk cari maksud kedua2 maksud perkataan ni dan anda buat la self-test bagi menguji samada anda menepati sifat2 tersebut.

    Senang kau nak test2 orang, kalau aku test kau nanti takut kau lari lintang-pukang macam 4 kaki yang dihambat dengan selipar jepun.Kerja kau kat blog ni asyik2 nak pertikai Islam dan menegakkan benang yang basah. Pe bodoh sangat otak kau sampai kau nak tafsir Islam pakai logik akal? Ajaran Islam tak boleh nak guna logik akal, nak pulak kalau akal yang sempit serta dicemari nafsu binatang macam kau.

    Aku tak perlu nak buktikan siapa atau apa sifat aku pada orang macam kau sebab kau dah membuktikan siapa diri kau yang sebenar. Kalau kau rasa diri kau betul dan yakin diri kau di jalan yang benar, baguslah, aku yang berdosa. Biar aku tanggung dosa tu.

    Tapi kau tak perlu nak fitnah Agama aku, Rasul aku dan Tuhan aku. Kami kaum Muslimin bukan maksum, kadang2 akan buat silap, itu la guna Allah bukak pintu TAUBAT. Kau dah taubat untuk dosa2 yang kau buat ??(kalau kau muslim la). Kalau belum baik kau pergi ambil wudhuk sebab wudhuk menghapuskan dosa2 kecil.

    Aku tak tahu fahaman apa yang kau follow, sebab dari penulisan kau, memang nyata kau bukan Ahli Sunnah Wal Jamaah.Dan aku rasa kalau bacakan kau 30 juzuk Al-Quran pun belum tentu kau faham dan insaf sebab tugas kau ialah mempertikai Al-Quran dan Hadith.

    Jangan la kau nak kelirukan pembaca2 dalam blog ni lagi sebab takkan goyah akidah dan iman kami dengan dakyah2 Syaitan yg kau cuba terangkan tu.Kalau kau Muslim sejati, kau pergi cari Guru dan perbetulkan la fahaman kau, Islam tidak boleh kau pelajari hanya dengan pembacaan dan logik akal. Sebab pembacaan dan logik akal belum tentu terhindar dari hasutan dan pemesongan dari Syaitan dan Iblis.

    Dan kalau kau tak percaya dengan Syaitan an Iblis, maka IMAN kau belum lengkap kerna syaitan dan iblis tergolong dalam benda2 ghaib, dan sebagai seorang Islam kau wajib percaya yang benda Ghaib itu wujud. Wabillahitaufiqwalhidayah. Assalamualaikum..

    Terima Kasih Tun
    Dari HambaAllahyangmemelihara

  17. Yg Bhg. Tun,

    Dear Tuan Hafiz

    A munafik have no right in accusing another person being a munafik.

    The following are some of the main characteristics of a munafik. Let’s do a self-test for yourself Tuan Hafiz. Ask yourself, have you ever in your life committed any of the following misconduct?

    1. Telling Lies – Rasulullah SAW said, “The signs of the munafiq are three, one of them is that when he speaks, he tells lie.”

    2. Treacherous – Rasulullah SAW said, “And when making a promise, he breaks it. Whoever promises to someone or his wife, children, friends or anyone easily, and then breaks that promise without valid illness, then one of the signs of hypocricy has perched on himself.”

    3. Excessive In Disagreements – Rasulullah SAW said, “And when quarreling (in disagreement), he is excessive.”

    4. Breaking Promises – Rasulullah SAW said, “There are three signs of “Munafiq”; When he speaks he Lies, when he promises he breaks those promises and when he is entrusted, he embezzles.” 5. Lazy In Performing Ibaadah

    5. Lazy In Performing Ibaadah – Allah SWT SAT said, “….When they stand up to prayer, they stand without earnestness,…”

    A munafik have no right in accusing another person being a munafik – I hope you understand that, and it’s not too late for you to return to the right path.

    Salam Tun

  18. Salam Tun..
    Salam warga Chedet.

    Firman Allah:-

    Dan orang orang yahudI berkata “Uzair ialah anak Allah” dan orang orang Nasrani berkata “Al-Masih ialah anak Allah”. Demikianlah perkataan mereka dengan mulut mereka sendiri, (iaitu) mereka menyamai orang kafir dahulu; semoga Allah membinasakan mereka. Bagaimanakah mereka boleh berpaling dari kebenaran?
    (Surah At-Taubah :-30)

    Katakanlah (wahai Muhammad): Sesungguhnya orang-orang yang mengadakan-adakan sesuatu yant dusta terhadap Allah, tidak akan berjaya”.
    (Surah Yunus:-69)

    (Ingatlah) ketika orang-orang munafik dan orang-orang yang ada penyakit (syak) dalam hatinya berkata”orang-orang (Islam) itu telah diperdayakan oleh agama mereka (sehingga mereka berani menentang kami yang lebih besar bilangannya):. Dan (yang sebenarnya) sesiapa yang bertawakal kepada Allah (dengan sepenuh-penuh yakin, maka Allah akan menolongnya untuk mengalahkan musuh yang lebih besar bilangannya), kerana Allah Maha Kuasa , lagi Bijaksana.
    (Surah Al-Anfaal:-49)

    Si Pendusta2012

    Rule 1 – Allah Maha Mengetahui
    Rule 2 -kembalilah kepada Al-Quran dan Hadith
    Rule 3 – Kalau anda seorang kafir, fasik, munafiq, jangan rujuk Rule1 &
    Rule2, kemungkinan pintu hati dah tertutup.

    Terima Kasih Tun
    Dari HambaAllahyangmemelihara

  19. Yg Bhg. Tun,

    Rule 1. Hafiz is always right.
    Rule 2. If you think Hafiz is wrong refer to rule 1.

    Salam Tun

  20. Salam Tun,

    Terima kasih kepada Saudara Wajaperak dan Saudara Hafizkenedelete kerana masing2 telah mengambil tempat di bukit Uhud. Ada yang memanah, ada yang guna lembing dan ada yang guna pedang berjuang fisabilillah. Habuannya mati syahid dan berkekalan di syurga Allah, insha Allah. Wallahu alam.

    amin tan

  21. Salam Tun..
    Salam warga Chedet.

    Izinkan saya mencelah dan quote soalan Hj Amin Tan
    {Dear Rahman2012,
    1. Are you a Muslim?}

    Maafkan saya saudara waja perak atas lambatnya respon kerana artikel bahasa Inggeris ni saya kene baca banyak kali, maklumlah bahasa inggeris saya hanya ‘fair’ saja dalam CV saya..

    Berbalik kepada soalan Hj . Amin Tan, rasanya Haji, soalan haji kepada Rahman 2012 tu saya tolong jawabkan. Beliau mungkin seorang muslim, tapi hanya pada nama, mungkin beliau mengahwini wanita muslim atau mak bapak dia dulu langsung tak bagi didikan agama.Ataupun dia ni agen2 kafir dan Yahudi dengan misi menjahanamkan akidah Muslimin.

    Saya tak rasa hairan kerana dalam Al-Quran ada menerangkan perihal2 mengenai kafir dan munafiq serta golongan2 yg fasik. Golongan ini merencana macam2 rancangan dan agenda untuk meruntuhkan aqidah umat Islam dari luar dan dalam.

    Firman Allah :-

    Dan orang-orang kafir, sesetengahnya menjadi penyokong dan pembela bagi sesetengahnya yang lain. Jika kamu (wahai umat Islam) tidak , menjalankan dasar (dasar bantu membantu yang diperintahkan oleh Allah) itu, nescaya akan berlakulah fitnah (kekacauan) di muka bumi dan kerosakan yang besar.
    (Surah Al Anfaal:- 73)

    Dan apabila Kami beri manusia merasai sesuatu rahmat sesudah mereka diberi kesusahan, mereka dengan serta merta melakukan rancangan mereka menentang ayat-ayat keterangan Kami dengan mendustakannya dan mengingkarinya. Katakanlah (wahai Muhammad) ” Allah lebih cepat melakukan rancangan menentangnya” Sesungguhnya malaikat-malaikat utusan Kami sentiasa menulis akan rancangan tipu daya yang kamu jalankan itu.

    (Surah Yunus :- 21)

    Golongan Yahudi , kafir dan musuh dlam selimut (munafiq) semakin berani zaman moden ni, sedangkan masa wafat Rasulullah mereka dah mula bertindak inikan pulak tahun 2013.Jadi sebagai orang Islam kita perlu tahu siapa yang memusuhi kita secara diam atau terang-terangan. Macam saudara Rahman 2012 ni saya labelkan dia memang kafirun je.
    Sebab yg tidak percaya Rasul dan menentang ayat2 Al-Quran memang sah fasik dan kekafirannya.

    Dan kalau dia seorang Islam yang mengucap dua kalimah Syahadah dia takkan pertikai macam2. Seeloknya dia pergi cari guru untuk tambahkan kefahaman agama dan membetulkan akidah, tapi beliau memilih untuk menentang ayat2 Al-Quran, mempertikaikan Rasul dan mengelirukan pembaca yg lain dengan dakyah penuh dusta dan jahil dari beliau.

    Saya cadangkan kita kategorikan dia ni sekumpulan je dengan Ahso 123456 iaitu tak payah layan sangat, takut nanti kita buat dosa kering je nak marah dengan dia ni..Dan saya boleh agak nanti apa jawapan dan respon dia kpd saya, di kita tunggu je la..

    Sekian, saya pun malas nak komen lebih.
    Terima kasih Tun,
    Dari si Cincai..

  22. Yg Bhg. Tun,

    Dear Amin Tan

    I am not Abdul Aziz Omar and I do not agree with his “Satu Kalimah Shahadaht”. I am not criticizing any religions but I am asking you to use the logical side of your brain to think. That’s all.

    Salam Tun

  23. Dear Tun,
    Please allow me to quote Rahman2012,

    [Dear Amin Tan

    No one is discrediting the Messengers of God in the Holy Quran. However, we need to acknowledge an obvious fact that the Messenger of God is not God himself!

    No Messengers can be greater than God; an admiral is not the emperor, and your subordinate is not you. Anyone placing the Messenger the same rank as God is discrediting the God himself.]

    Dear Rahman2012,
    1. Are you a Muslim?
    2. Can you tell me any practising Muslim in Malaysia or any where in the world who declares Mohammad is God?
    3. Do you agree and what do you understand by Dua Kalimah Syahadah?
    4. Are you the same person as Abdul Aziz Omar who claims like you do that Dua Kalimah Shahadah is wrong like putting Mohammad as equal level as Allah. Abdul Aziz Omar and you claim that it should be only Satu Kalimah Shahadah. Tell me that I am wrong.
    5. I strongly suspect you are not a Muslim but a non Muslim out to criticise Islam. Atau anda seorang Munafik ingin menyesatkan orang2 Islam. Wallahu alam

    amin tan

  24. Yg Bhg. Tun,

    Dear Amin Tan

    No one is discrediting the Messengers of God in the Holy Quran. However, we need to acknowledge an obvious fact that the Messenger of God is not God himself!

    No Messengers can be greater than God; an admiral is not the emperor, and your subordinate is not you. Anyone placing the Messenger the same rank as God is discrediting the God himself.

    I am sure you will agree with me on this pure and simple logic.

    Salam Tun

  25. Assallammualaikum Tun.Semoga Tun sudi mengizinkan ruangan..

    [The question is: How certain are you that your direction is right?]

    Dear Tun.
    A blogger of your distinguish blog have this question for us to ponder.
    Unfortunately I cannot mentioned his name because he have trangressed Allah named convention.He brazenly put his name as same as Allah in stature.
    All muslimin must know because they learned them in basic that all Allah subject is a servant.Thus one must put an Abdullah prefix before Allah names like Abdul Rahim,Abdul Rashid so on and so forth.

    This brazen ‘intellectual’ then pointed to the other significantly insignificant of the naming and stature convention.

    Dear Tun.Who knows what in the heart and mind someone who writes here?
    But I put it to him that he lacks the basic muslimin principal starting

    “Awalludin makrifatullah”.

    I even brazenly accused him of Anti Hadith.
    Hafiz where are you?
    Don’t you have something to say?

    Terima kasih Tun.

  26. Dear Tun,
    Please allow me to quote Rahman2012 as below,

    [Yg Bhg. Tun,

    Dear Amin Tan

    Emphasis should be placed on Allah SWT rather than on Prophets.]

    Dear Rahman 2012,
    Muslims worships Allah through the example of Prophet Mohammad. Mohammad is an integral part of islam. Without Mohammad, there is no islam. When a person takes the solemn oath of islamic religion, he says ‘I bear witness that there is no God except Allah and Mohammad is the Messenger of Allah.’ This is the solemn declaration of faith which we call the dua kalimah Shahadah as the first pillar of islam.
    In the call for muslim prayer, azan, we mention Rasullullah. Christianity is different from islam. Christians do not recognise the Prophet of islam as the Messenger of God. They do not pray 5 times daily as the muslims do. Christians do not fast in the month of Ramathan. Christians do not perform the Haj in Mecca.
    Muslims worship Allah according to the teaching and example as set by Rasullullah Mohammad. Muslims do not worship Mohammad the Messenger. But Muslims hold their prophet in high respect and takzim. The Holy Quran was revealed through the Messenger of Allah, Mohammad Rasullullah. When a person tries to discredit or down grade the Messenger of God, he is trying to discredit the message of the Holy Quran. Please be careful. Do not be the enemy of islam. Islam is the religion of peace. Islam is the salvation of mankind, in this world(dunia) and the Hereafter(akhirat). Wallahu alam.

    amin tan

  27. Yg Bhg. Tun,

    Dear Amin Tan

    Emphasis should be placed on Allah SWT rather than on Prophets.

    All Prophets in the history of mankind from Adam to Isa (Jesus) to Muhammad (SAW) are merely Messengers of Allah as per Quran Sura 42 (Ash-Shura), Ayat 13.

    However, thru a common sociology phenomenon called deification or apotheosis, followers tend to glorify their leaders to a divine level. Conflicts start when believers place their Prophets in the same level as God.

    The Emperors of Japan have been regarded as descendants of the gods for thousands of years until the end of WWII.

    Christians deified Prophet Isa (Jesus), placing him at the same rank as God, as the son of God. Thus, the doctrine of Trinity was conceived.

    Back on earth, go visit any Government offices, you will noticed that the protocol of hanging of our leaders portraits is straightly observed.

    Photo of Seri Paduka Baginda Yang di-Pertuan Agong commands the center position. On the right with the same height is the photo of Seri Paduka Baginda Raja Permaisuri Agong. On the left, few inches lower, would be the position for the portrait of YAB Perdana Menteri.

    Same height implies same rank. Thus, portrait of PM is always one inche lower. In some offices, portrait of Menteri Besar or Ketua Menteri is even lower.

    But look at how some of us hang the Kalimah Allah SWT and Kalimah Prophet Muhammad SAW on the wall? At the same height! This practice has been taken for granted for generations. Raising questions of the placement of Kalimah Prophet will risk you for being labeled as a Munafiq.

    “Don’t ask questions if you are a strong believer!” We were told. But if the direction was not set right, the stronger you are as a believer, the faster you are reaching the wrong destination. The question is: How certain are you that your direction is right?

    The issue of Kalimah Allah is not a political issue, but an academic one; we have been sleeping underneath our tempurung for too long so we got angry when the status quo is challenged. We have been taken for granted that Kalimah Allah was exclusively for the Muslim. But Islam is not exclusively for us Malaysian.

    Once again, we managed to place Malaysia in the spotlight. And now Muslim scholars around the world are paying attention for the right reasons.

    Malaysia boleh!

    Salam Tun

  28. Dear Tun,
    Please allow me to quote Rahman 2012 as below,

    [Yg Bhg. Tun,

    Dear Tun Perak

    We can discuss about the Holy Scriptures until the cow comes home, but the dust had settled; Sabahan and Sarawakian Christians can still use Kalimah Allah in their Al-Kitab.

    The American Muslims has been working very hard in advocating and educating the Christians in America to adopt Kalimah Allah in the English Bibles so as to stop stereotyping the Muslims with terrorism.

    I view YAB’s recent announcement positively; this is an excellent opportunity to teach some Malaysian kataks that Kalimah Allah is not exclusive to Islam.

    In addition, this is also the first step toward Islamisation of the non-Muslims, it paved a way for PAS to infuse Hudud and Syariah elements into Malaysian legal system.

    I called this building bridges and fostering of mutual understandings among followers of Abrahamic religions.

    Either way, Allah SWT wins.

    Salam Tun]

    Dear Rahman 2012,
    I am sorry I have to disagree with you on the question of Christians, Allah and PAS. As i understand, Christians do not believe in the revelation of Al Quran and they do not believe Mohammad was the Prophet of Allah. Therefore, to the Muslims they are non believers, in arabic KAFIRUN. If anybody believes only Allah and does not believe in Mohammad as the prophet, he is one step worse off than the KAFIRUN. He is called MUNAFIK, OR HYPOCRITE.
    Please do not joke that the Muslim minority can influence the Christians right wing in America to change the word God to Allah. Even if they succeed in influencing the American Christians to use the word Allah instead of God in the Bible, they still do not believe Al Quran is the revelation and Mohammad was the prophet who brought about the revelation.
    The current controversy on the use of the word Allah is strictly political and manipulated by the unholy politicians. DAP POLITICIANs are championing the Allah issue . Karpal singh and Lim Kit Siang are not devout Chriantians. If the Christians are serious about using the word Allah, they should use the word in the English version of the Bible as well.

    Lastly, you said PAS will have the opportunity to infuse Hukum Hudud. PAS is a political party with political agenda. They flip-flop on the Allah issue. PAS is not interested in the propagation oF Islam. They are interested only in becoming federal Minister.

    amin tan

  29. Yg Bhg. Tun,

    Dear Tun Perak

    We can discuss about the Holy Scriptures until the cow comes home, but the dust had settled; Sabahan and Sarawakian Christians can still use Kalimah Allah in their Al-Kitab.

    The American Muslims has been working very hard in advocating and educating the Christians in America to adopt Kalimah Allah in the English Bibles so as to stop stereotyping the Muslims with terrorism.

    I view YAB’s recent announcement positively; this is an excellent opportunity to teach some Malaysian kataks that Kalimah Allah is not exclusive to Islam.

    In addition, this is also the first step toward Islamisation of the non-Muslims, it paved a way for PAS to infuse Hudud and Syariah elements into Malaysian legal system.

    I called this building bridges and fostering of mutual understandings among followers of Abrahamic religions.

    Either way, Allah SWT wins.

    Salam Tun

  30. Assallammualaikum Tun.Saya mohon ruangan.

    Tun Perak.
    [So, according to the Shafi’is, most of the Black Americans are not People of the Book, since they didn’t enter Christianity until later.]

    Dear Tun Perak..Oh Dear..
    What are you insinuating here?
    From my very limited ability of understanding,you are trying to says that Christian is the People of Book?
    If you do then you totally erred.
    All other’s than People Of Al Quran is plain kafirian.
    The one who practices what Nabi Isa a.s taught them is what we called Nasara.
    Hence the Nasarani is People of the book.This kind of Nasara is ‘halal’ the ‘sembelihan’ and their women can be married to muslim man..
    But that was long time ago.
    I am worried about the course of your ‘preach’..
    It is going to Turkistan like Imam Ghazali said..

    Thank you Tun.

  31. Salam Tun.
    Mohon izin Tun berterima kasih
    pada hero2 saya Tun Perak da DapShit

    Saudara Tun Perak dan Saudara DapSHIT…..
    Terima kasih saya ucapkan pada saudara berdua kerana penulisan saudara yang sungguh bertenaga telah mengembalikan keyakinan saya yang kebenaran tidak boleh diputar-belitkan oleh golongan kafir dan munafiq mengikut suka-suka bapak mereka.

    Saya golongan tak berpendidikan tinggi yang hanya berkelulusan SPM, selalu saya baca comment English dalam blog2 tertentu, maklumla, sambil baca blog, sambil improve English saya.

    Kadang2 geram , marah, benci dan jijik baca blog atau comment2 orang macam balance dan rahman2012 yg suka mentafsir dunia politik semasa atau isu agama mengikut kepahaman mereka sendiri, diorang ni memang katak bawah tempurung yang sebenar-benarnya.Tapi apa kan daya, English saya tak cukup fasih nak cerita dengan diorang , jadi saya betul2 menghargai comment2 balas saudara berdua.Kalau dibiarkan diorang ni bagi pendapat selalu, Aqidah kita pun nak dipermain2kan oleh mereka dengan alasan “satu dunia dah berubah, Malaysia bila lagi.”

    Apa2 pun saya doakan saudara berdua kesejahteraan dan kekuatan dalam berjuang memerangi unsur kafir dan munafik yang dah semakin berani tunjuk belang dalam blog ni.Allah sentiasa bersama mereka2 yang menyusuri jalan2 kebenaran.

    Terima Kasih Tun
    Dari penulis Cincai2

  32. Dear Tun,
    UMNO election is over and the curtain has come down. UMNO members have chosen their leaders to fight for their cause and their destiny in the most democratic, clean and transparent manner. May I congratulate the UMNO Supremo YAB Datuk Seri Haji Mohd Najib bin Tun Abdul Razak and his Deputy YB Tan Sri Mayudin Yassin for staying loyal to one another.
    It is time for the victors and the vanquished to quickly close rank and present a solid front, without any cracks , fissure or sabotage by anyone involved, so that UMNO would be strong not only for the Malays and Muslims, but also other Malaysians at large. There are already too many conflict and confrontation in the world. We definitely do not need animosity, hatred and distrust among our fellow Muslims and fellow Malaysians.
    The winners must be magnanimous and should never be arrogant. They should put the national agenda first and should never ever think of personal agenda. A true Muslim should take his struggle by the example as shown by Prophet Mohammad(PBUH). Rasulullah was the richest man in Mecca after he married the richest widow the Grand Lady Khadijah. He gave away all the wealth fisabilillah. When Rasulullah died at the age of 63 he left nothing behind in terms of material wealth. He had a piece of land when he passed away. That was also given to public charity (wakaf) as requested by him. When the Prophet died, his only surviving daughter, Fatimah was without any faraih. The first Khalifah Saidina Abu Bakar and the second Khalifah Saidina Omar too did not enrich themselves in office. In fact the Baitumal was empty when they passed way also at age 63.
    Follow the teaching of the Al Quran and Sunnah Rasulullah. Insha Allah selamat dunia dan akhirat.Wallahu alam.

    amin tan

  33. Salam Tun,

    I just read Bumi, Not Booming. Perhaps, in the Bumi, Not Booming; the journalist that your family would be wary about is A. Kadir Jasin. Influential and provocative, DAKJ gave a signal to DS Najib not to trust D Mukhriz; which may translate into zero votes from DS Najib camp. Whether DS Najib read it is a different matter. His message in his blog is clear (kadirjasin.blogspot.com) – He did not give 100% support to DS Najib in his blog, his support to DS Najib can be qualitatively quantified as only at 20%; and to give an unsolicited advice to DS Najib regarding the possibility that Mukhriz will challenge DS Najib is something like inserting a needle into the relationship between DS Najib and D Mukhriz. Especially his message in “The Economics” will not be read by the majority of party grassroot leader, becuase of the highly intellectual English articles nature. Most importantly, DAKJ timing is perfect – that is when the race for the VP is “game on”. Perhaps, it is time for D Mukhriz to make his stand clear to DS Najib – that his support to DS Najib is undivided.

    DAKJ has been banking his hope and trust on Khairy whom he regarded as a “bintang”.

    Well, for D Mukhriz – the lost is not the end for him. From now on, he has to differentiate himself from other UMNO leaders. Most importantly, many are waiting to see whether he can think and speak like Tun Mahathir Mohammad.

  34. Salam Yg Bhg Tun,

    Politician vs Journalist

    Today’s The Star newspaper headline with big letters read “Acid test for warlords” referring UMNO Vice-Presidency candidates. The question is why called them warlords. In the Malay dictitionary, warlord means “hulubalang, panglima”. Hulubalang and panglima are those who will go to war and fight like those who fought in Lahad Datu. But those UMNO Vice-President candidates are actually leaders for the party of UMNO. And they are not leading the party members to war. Their missions are to bring the party members to betterments at par with the others such as in the developed countries. Their missions are to provide the party members with better educations, bussiness expertises and oppotunities, high standard of livings and etc etc. But they are not bringing the party members to war. To fight with whom.

    In this bad shape world now, the word warlords are always referring to they so-called terrorists such as Fara Aidid of Somalia, Osama Bin Laden, Saddam Hussain, all those drugs kingpins in the Latin America etc etc.

    In this case, DS Najib shall be the current Chief of the warlords, Tan Sri Muhyiddin shall be the Deputy Chief of warlords and DS Mahathir shall be the ex-Chief of warlords.

    Politicians vs Journalists

    Salam Tun.

  35. Yg Bhg. Tun,

    Rahman 2012:

    Once upon a time, there are two people from a far distance , Jeus and Chris , who came to Muz and asked Muz who is Allah, and Allah reveals Muz a verse:

    Say ( O Muz (to them) : He is Allah, the One and Only; Allah, the Eternal, Absolute; He begetteth not (a son) , nor is He begotten; And there is none like unto Him.

    Jeus start to tell Muz , YHWH is one but he has a son called David.” thou art my Son; this day have I begotten thee” and YHWH then said “Ephraim is my first borned son”.

    Chris then tell Jeus and Muz, Father has many sons and you are all the son of the Father.

    Muz then tell them both – hey you can call him as Father or Dad or Yahweh or Ilah or Elohim or Elah or God or Tuhan or Deus or Jehovah or anything else except Allah because Allah has specifically asked me to tell you that – ALLAH has no son and he was not borned by others.

    Chris and Jeus went away and soon has big family around the world. 80% of Chris and Jeus family member lost interest in Yahweh and became “Fatherless”, off the remaining 20%, 99.999% called their Father as Lord and God and Deus and etc other than Allah.

    Then came 0.001% of Chris family member came to the land under the sun, whose people mother tongue uses Tuhan as equivalent to God and borrowed from other land under the hot son – the word Allah to depict the one God without son; but the Chris family member , against all odd and advises , decided to use Allah to depict his Father (not Tuhan not God not Elah not Ilah ) and they claimed that ahhh…. we want to call the Father as what some of our Chris family member in the land under the hot son called him “Allah” …

    But the truth is that the Chris family member in the land under the hot son called their God as “Al-Ilah” and not Allah and when they open their scriptures , they found this verse : Exodus 3: 14-15 He is I AM WHO I AM (Yahweh), “This is My name forever, and this is My memorial to all generations.”

    Wont the GOD of Cruz and Muz be mad at the Chris Family member in the land under the sun for calling their God as Allah and not Yahweh ? I believe the madness is there all over in this issue.


    Did Allah allowed the three people to call some other thing as Allah ? The answer is in that verse.

    Salam Tun

  36. Tun

    2tired. I again support your latest comments. I only take a nationalistic overview on public matters not the nitty-gritty. How many of us would admit that Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad is one of Asia’s 7 greatest statesmen and leader in modern times ? All the more so because he is a Malay and all Malays and Malaysians should be proud of him. On the one hand, the brilliant Lee Kuan Yew with his 10 failed Policies for Singapore failed miserably because his ambitions were based on Money, Money, Money and the other the Tun took a normal and natural course of being a leader with (i) Commonsense – he did not do stupid things but led a normal life which is extremely difficult to do and faced seductions at every turn. (ii) Ability to think out of A Box – (i) the highways (ii) Putrajaya (iii) KLIA (iv) Twin Towers (v) middle income group of Bumiputras which brought up the non-Bumiputras middle income group through their purchasing power etc. (iii) Compassion – the brilliant Lee Kuan Yew with his 10 failed Policies for Singapore, had none.
    The cosy Malaysian life-style would have long gone in 2008 if the Tun is not fit as a fiddle to the chagrin of his detractors. A life-style and democracy which is uniquely Malaysian and yet there are compatriots who want more and more.

  37. Salam, Tun,

    Tumpang lalu: Mubarakchan,

    1. Thank you, for agreeing with me on Mukhriz, and I too yours (TTSS’s view) except on “good family background” assertion: With exception to George Bush Junior, history has shown us repeatedly that children of ‘good family background’ failed to live up to expectation. In fact, these children, mostly, think that it is a curse being borne rich and famous and ‘good family.’

    2. They grow up either surrounded by maids (and grew up with maid’s traits like all those billionaire bosses’ children that I had and having privilege working for), or they are surrounded with ‘palace people’ (aka apologists, before, and consultants, now) ever willing to advise their chargers ‘appropriately’ (like what we have in high offices of the Government of Malaysia today).

    3. Let me continue where I left off. I owe it to Tun ‘to share my personal sojourn with him’ with all esteemed bloggers here in a hope that henceforth, Tun will be viewed more positively (though I know it would not change a bit those negative perceptions of his detractors).

    4. Second instances: When Mirzan and I lost our bid for a contract to another company linked to a politician, Mirzan did not call Tun to intervene (who was PM then) and neither did he ever tell his father we were bidding for that contract, in the first place, and as they say, “the rest is history.”

    5. Third instances: Tun’s nephew and I (coincidentally, due to common business interest) proposed to purchase a food franchise. After we made presentation and received the Minister’s approval, our proposal was referred to the Management for due diligence. After a while, we were informed that our proposal is not feasible, and hence, our application for loan, rejected. The Minister is still in ‘high office’, and again, as they say, ”the rest is history.” Oh, yes, again, Tun’s nephew did not use Tun in our endeavor of financial independence but purely, based on the strength of our proposal, which was not good enough in the opinion of the Management. Anyway, life goes on. And, by the way, to this day, I do not begrudge any quarters especially those whom have made it in life. I did my best in my search for financial independence but I fell short. However, I take exception to those who flaunt their ill-gotten gains!

    6. Tun’s flaw if ever was he offers equal opportunities to all and sundry especially the Malays in his pursuit for a better Malaysia; except that those Malays instead of making good those opportunities, sold them to the highest bidders in the shortest possible hours!

    7. I could claim now that all if not most successful business people in Malaysia today are results of Tun’s initiatives, and of course, they are ‘Tun’s cronies and proxies…’

    8. I wish I could write more but I am aware that to give tribute to Tun in so little words that I could articulate would seem injustice done towards him. Hence, I could only say this to him, “Tun, thank you, for being my Champion, and I pray that Mukhriz would become my children’s Champion!”

    Wassalam, Tun.

  38. Yg Bhg. Tun

    Dear Tun Perak

    Once upon a time in a galaxy far far away, an all mighty loving Father has 3 sons; the eldest son is Joez, the second son named Chriz and the youngest son named Muz.

    The Father talk to them all, but for some technical reasons, Muz accused Chriz and Joez for twisting their Father’s words, so Muz single-handedly declared that his brothers are not allowed to call their Father: “Dad”.

    Has Muz obtained consent from his Father? Only the Father knows.

    I myself is a father of 3 sons, as a human being, I am not a very merciful and forgiving at times, but as a father, I don’t care what arguments my sons might have among themselves, but I would be very happy to allow them all to call me “dad”.

    I believed the Most Merciful and Forgiving Father would have disagreed with Muz and one of the school of teaching.

    Salam Tun

  39. Yg Bhg. Tun

    Rahman 2012 :

    You said : “As for your view on Kalimah Allah, I suggest that the doctrine of Surah Al-Ankabut 29:46 prevail, because none of us, including your esteemed good self are qualified to say the current People of the Scripture should be excluded from the said Surah.”

    My comment : I agree I am not qualified. Perhaps, you think Nik Aziz is qualified . His view is in this url.


    Perhaps you do not belong to Shafie school of thought. By the way, the Malaysian Muslim follow Shafie school of thought. ” In the Shafi’i school, a person is not considered to be People of the Book unless they are descended from someone who was a Christian or Jew at the moment that Rasoolullah received His first revelation. So, according to the Shafi’is, most of the Black Americans are not People of the Book, since they didn’t enter Christianity until later. However, many Europeans, Christian Arabs, and East Africans (like Egyptians, Ethiopians, etc.) would count if you can determine with certainty (a) that their paternal lineage goes back to someone that was a Christian or Jew at the time of the first revelation, and (b) that no one in that lineage ever changed religions (even for a moment).”

    So, it is almost impossible for the “People of the Scriptures” in Malaysia to be proven as genuine “People of the Scriptures”. Thus, almost impossible for the verse Al-Ankabut 29:46 to be applied to Malaysian Christian or Jews. I would understand your argement if you are not a muslim or a muslim who adheres to non-Shafie school of thought like Syiah, Hanafi, or Wahabi; and if that is the case – surely you want to go against Mazhab Shafie school of teaching , right ?

  40. Assalamualaikum Tun,

    In PRU 13, the Chinese enblock voted for Pakatan. It is human nature to vote for someone that you think will put you in a better position. Now that the Chinese have voted for Pakatan, they need to assess themselves whether their vote have put them in a better position.

    For one thing, there are no elected Chinese representative in the cabinet. The Chinese community have lost their voice in the cabinet. For the next 5 years, major polices that will affect them, and they have no representation in the government. On the other hand, there are many many Malay representation in the cabinet. The Chinese have actually voted themselves out of the government. How is this putting them in a better position?

    They have voted DAP to champion their rights. How is that going so far? Have they got their Malaysian Malaysia they dreamed of by voting for the DAP? As I see it, the status quo still remains. There is no change.

    If they have any problems or issues they should bring up the issue to DAP since DAP is their champion. How do they expect the DAP to help them when DAP is an opposition party? The most DAP can do is talk and talk in parliament. And this is what is happening.

    By voting for Pakatan, did BN become more attentive to needs of the Chinese community? MCA and Gerakan had been badly bruised by the Chinese tsunami. Before PRU 13, they had given their all to help the Chinese community. It would be a miracle if MCA and Gerakan wants to help the Chinese community, knowing full well the Chinese community would still vote for DAP. As the saying goes,’One bitten, twice shy.’

    Have UMNO become more attentive to the Chinese? If we look at the UMNO elections, every UMNO candidate wants to show they champion the Malay rights. If ever, there is a strong belief in UMNO, let us go back to basics. Let us help the true supporters of UMNO, by helping the Malays. If ever, UMNO have become more Malay centric, due to very fact they can no longer rely on Chinese votes. Those UMNO members who are more liberal who wants to help the Chinese are silenced since they could not bring in the Chinese votes. How is this putting the Chinese in a better position?

    In conclusion, the Chinese are now in a more worst position after PRU 13. I hope the Chinese are happy with their vote. The Malays certainly are happy with their vote since they get to be in the government and the many programs the government have done to help them.

    Thank you Tun.

  41. Tun

    For 2tired. When I was young, Tun Tan Siew Sin told me that a person vying for a public office preferably come from a good family background, a proper education and of a good character otherwise a person might abuse his position. I believe Datuk Paduka Mukhiz fits the requirements aptly to hold one of the highest offices in the land.

  42. Yg Bhg. Tun

    Dear Tun Perak

    Thanks for the clarification; it’s good to know that you are not a fanatic like some other bloggers. My mission is accomplished. :)

    As for your view on Kalimah Allah, I suggest that the doctrine of Surah Al-Ankabut 29:46 prevail, because none of us, including your esteemed good self are qualified to say the current People of the Scripture should be excluded from the said Surah.

    If contradiction of the Holy Scriptures is corruption as per your suggestions, than maybe you should check out some contradictions in the following url as well:


    Enjoy your weekend.

    Salam Tun

  43. Dear Mr. Short-Sighted Always Assuming Balance,

    You said : “All businessman must not make profit but setup companies and employ many people to do charity work and give boats, washing machines and etc to all people that need help to become rich. Penang State Govt must make sure all chinese dont do business or if allow to do business must not be profitable and if there are profit give it back to other people that need money to become rich. Penang State Govt must not approve any property development so that some can stay for free on land that belongs to others and if property development projects are approve, the developer must build these properties with their own money and give it free or at cost to the people that need it. The state govt dont know how to administrate PG as their are collecting quit-rent, making Pg cleaner and greener, less floods, improve the sewage system. The state govt of Pg is waiting (need) for you to take over as all of the current civil servant and leaders are nutcase. Please go take over as soon as possible as many are dying of salvation and they need free things.”

    My comment : You have to prove it. 🙂 While I was talking about the STATE GOVERNMENT , you change the subject to Businessman. State government should not have a RM 150 million surplus in the account. The money come from tax. Ordinary people including the fishermen generate money cycles that contribute to tax revenue for Penang. It is the duty and responsibility of the government to use up all the RM 150 million surplus in the account. I was in an association before. Association collect membership fee. We think that, the association is meant for the benefit of it’s member. Any collected fee should be spent for the benefit of the member. If you collect tax and dont spend it , then what is it ? Government is not a business body. You can not keep the money to give FAT bonus and dividend to yourself and your employees. Government has a responsibility – that is the well being of the people. I am not impressed at all with Penang State Government financial practice. Having that amount of surplus is as bad as having big deficit. Shame on you. Shame on you.

    You said : “Remember!!! Everything must be free and people must not make profit in Malaysia. Federal Govt dont need taxes too as all Govt employee dont need salary. Sing “What a wonderful world” DREAMING ONLY LAH”

    My comment : That is what you said and not what I said

  44. Salam YBhg. Tun,

    Balance :

    You said : “When they sold their land the buyers pay them money Right? So now new rules, buyers must also build jetty and ikan bakar shop or must find new job form them, make sure or provide training for them to learn a new skill or livelihood including equipment and tools”.

    My comment : Mr. Short-Sighted Eyes – Did I said the buyer must also build jetty ?

    You said : ” Isn’t There are specific dept in the Fed. Govt that do all these job. Malacca Govt build jetty with Fed Govt funding not from businessman profit. Anyway if these people dont know how or where to go for help. Can they contact you?”

    My comment : If the Penang State Government dont know how or where to go for help, asked them to resign first and I will help the new government to balance their account and to get help.

  45. Salam, Tun,

    1. Please help Mukhriz wins one of those UMNO’s VP posts, if you love UMNO and Malaysia, and you have very short time left!

    2. I believe Mukhriz is an honest and sincere politician (if you had such words in politics!). I had experienced adversity with him, and he handles it magnificently, which won my admiration towards him: We were on our way to meet with Pak Lah. While waiting for a lift at the PMO, we were ‘hijacked’ by those fourth floor boys. Throughout our ‘ordeal’, Mukhriz was patience and calm. Pak Lah then cancelled our appointment; yet, he did not utter a word, negatively or otherwise contrary to what had just happened. When our contract was terminated not long thereafter (which was not surprising!), he accepted it graciously. (Mukhriz would not remember me, as this incident took place sometime ago. Hence, I have no stake in him, neither do him I.)

    3. I believe Mukhriz could make an impact in UMNO and Malaysia if given a chance. Please give him that chance. Please garner supports for him at all cost. Remember how you once said, “In politics there is no friends but merely associates.” You should therefore know whom you would be asking for help then. Now is best time to go to grassroots level for support, as they will be voting him or against.

    4. I could not care less in Chin Peng; media; who is black and who white, who eats and who does not, as life is too short for me to care with these nonsensical matters. What is important to me is how I am going to put food on the table for my family.

    5. You would think that if UMNO continues in power or even if Lim Guan Eng became PM, it would change my life. No way, José. It would not change my life a bit but it could become worst if LGE is the PM! However, it would surely change those lives of UMNOputeras or DAPuteras depending on who will hold that elusive power. As for me, I will still have to go to work to bring home food to my family and share it with my neighbours if we had spares. No more. No less.

    6. Notwithstanding, the Imam in his Khutbah today mentioned amongst other matters that, “Muslims of different teachings like Syiah, etc. are causing splits in the Ummah.” Really?

    Thank you, Tun. Wassalam.

  46. Tun

    For Saudara Amin Tan. I agree with your comments wholeheartedly. Within our limited abilities, BN and all must prevent a situation whereby through the tussle for power, a country’s political and socio-economic fabric is torn into shreds like some countries around the World which I will not name. These countries were once idyllic and peaceful too.

  47. Tun Perak,

    You said “On the other hand, for Penang, you asked them to go deep sea fishing but you dont provide them any equipment or anything. Once they believe what you say, and sold their land, you stab them on their back by not fulfilling your promise.”

    I say
    When they sold their land the buyers pay them money Right? So now new rules, buyers must also build jetty and ikan bakar shop or must find new job form them, make sure or provide training for them to learn a new skill or livelihood including equipment and tools, .
    Isn’t There are specific dept in the Fed. Govt that do all these job. Malacca Govt build jetty with Fed Govt funding not from businessman profit. Anyway if these people dont know how or where to go for help. Can they contact you?

  48. Tun Perak October 17, 2013 at 5:28 PM | Permalink

    If I am a bad apple then surely you are a bad orange. Ha ha Seem to me you know everything and have every subject well planed inside your head. That is very good and what Tun wrote that “The world is in a bad shape because politicians instead of journalists run it.” is so true in your case. You know better than anyone and you are so kind that if you become PM of Malaysia you will give everything that anyone need from boats to slippers. Hope not so many Malaysian think like you if not Malaysia will surely become the 1st “free country” in the world.
    New world ideology
    All businessman must not make profit but setup companies and employ many people to do charity work and give boats, washing machines and etc to all people that need help to become rich. Penang State Govt must make sure all chinese dont do business or if allow to do business must not be profitable and if there are profit give it back to other people that need money to become rich. Penang State Govt must not approve any property development so that some can stay for free on land that belongs to others and if property development projects are approve, the developer must build these properties with their own money and give it free or at cost to the people that need it. The state govt dont know how to administrate PG as their are collecting quit-rent, making Pg cleaner and greener, less floods, improve the sewage system. The state govt of Pg is waiting (need) for you to take over as all of the current civil servant and leaders are nutcase. Please go take over as soon as possible as many are dying of salvation and they need free things.
    Remember!!! Everything must be free and people must not make profit in Malaysia. Federal Govt dont need taxes too as all Govt employee dont need salary. Sing “What a wonderful world” DREAMING ONLY LAH

  49. It is never too late to bring to the attention of a gullible public in Asia, the damage, the hypocrisy and the duplicity of what we have come to know as the “media”. That too the mainstream media some of whose icons you name.

    Today what we call the “media” is a very general and loose raft of diverse commercial and political interests marketing and shoving down the throats of the weak, philosophies, political ideologies and consumerism in all its forms parading as truth and justice. And they make millions out of it empowering themselves in the process.

    It is widely known now that Rupert Murdoch had his men tap into the phones and emails of the security detail of even Buckingham Palace and Scotland Yard. It is also widely acknowledged that that is perhaps the reason he is protected and will not be acted against because of what he knows as a result. Thats the power of the media.

    Much of what you have alluded to in your article is true. But the question I ask like others is why have we allowed it to come to this at the expense of our culture, our political independence and our security?

    Having said that Tun, one must ask why it is that your government in its heyday did not make the effort to engage and construct a media of your own even if that meant engaging quality outsiders where locals did not fit the bill. Bernama did little other than to be a conduit for other people’s news.

    The media as we know it for want of a better word, is the most potent, most destructive and quickest tool available to those who possess a well funded and assembled group of journalists, producers and marketers to distribute “our message” being our view of the world and our voices to the world. And if the truth be known, the same tools are at our disposal.

    Apart from being able to counter western perceptions of us as minions and objects for their foreign and trade policies, a good domestic media (not the Malaysia Kini variety) is also a very worthwhile investment which produces real dividends and carefully managed is a powerful tool to counter all sorts of aggression against us.

    The blogsphere is a useful element and a small but effective (in some ways) tool for the purpose. In order that we find our own feet and are able to argue our cases to the world we need a structure (which is not a multi million dollar undertaking anymore) to be able to ride the tsunami of western media targeting and belittling of our economies and policies.

    For decades I worked in one of the most powerful multi media organizations in the west beginning with assisting in the physical build up and construction of their very simple but effective studios.

    From there I went to training multi lingual journalists and producers from 60 language groups in their craft to suit a western standard then to the production of some of the better interviews and most successful government campaigns domestically and internationally.

    Today I visit some of my former crews now resident in other parts of the world. One of who is a two time Grammy Award winner, the other the head of the ABC Victoria’s technical department whilst others still have gone on to the BBC, Al Jazeera and elsewhere and at least two have gone on to high office in government in their native countries.

    It is important that you have raised this issue and raised it before you cease writing. Future generations may not know the history of Malaysia, its leaders, its politics, its challenges and achievements because history is continually being re written by the “victors”. We still occupy the position of the vanquished.

    Our position can and must be changed where the opportunity still remains in our hands. I do not disagree with what you have written in a very timely piece save as to say it is not enough and you have only touched the tip of a very large ugly iceberg.

    This is not intended as a testimonial of my own achievements at the expense of your blog. But if it is necessary to get the point across and it must be said, then so be it.

    Respectfully Yours

    Gopal Raj Kumar

  50. Salam Yg Bhg Tun,

    Mubarakchan Sir,

    I agree with amin tan. The saying of “once beaten twice shy” always there. The BN Government lead by UMNO had been very acommadatives since the early years. But in this case it was not once that the BN had been “beaten” but so many times. Be it the Water Agreement 1962, the communists insurgency, the PRU 13 where only 3% voted for BN etc etc.

    With God wills and with the unity of the Malays together with BN’s components especially MIC and others, hopefully Selangor could come back to BN. Eventhough currently Selangor being ruled by coalation of Malay parties but they are in the Opposition side. The funds for developments are limited and BN’s Government shall always think so many times to provide funds to the state unless for all those things which are under its jurisdictions ie hospitals, schools, Federal Routes etc etc.

    Penang maybe exception. It can be considered a no hope for BN. If not mistaken only less than 13% of Malay populations left in that island. Indian’s populations are less than that. Some percentage of the Malays there now living illegally on Government’s and private lands which can be pushed out anytimes. I wonder why the Penang’s Government really pushed hard to materialise the tunnel project eventhough without consents from the Federal Government. The second crossing is almost completed. Both bridges can cater the traffic volumes for a certain long period of time. Maybe they are scared of the possibility that Seberang Prai to be given back to Kedah Sultanate where it was actually belonged. It maybe possible for handing back the area. Previously, Selangor Sultanate with openheart and tears in the eyes gave Kuala Lumpur and Putrajaya to the Federal Government.

    It is a doubt that the Penang state able to fund the tunnel project. But it still can be carried out through privatisation and outside loans. In this case, they approved the toll system. But whenever BN Government wanted to built highways with privatise toll systems, they were the frontliners and heroes to oppose. They said that it was for the rakyat’s sake. Some rakyats believed them. As a result, a lot of planned new highways yet to be took off since the stepped down of Yg Bhg Tun. No news of the planned KLORR highway, no news of the planned Banting- Taiping highway etc etc. Vehicles accidents being daily occurances along the trunk routes. Lands value remains low. No new supplementary developments. BN remains unpopular. Highways are among the backbones to nation’s developments. In order to gain back the 2/3 majority, BN Government must be aggresive enough and ignore all those Oppositions sneaky arguments. After all, through privatisation concepts, no funds from Government required. Let the Oppositions say whatever they want rasuah, cronies etc etc. As a Muslim, a good nawaitu shall always reveal the truths. The rakyat shall appreciate those later.

  51. Tun

    For the edificatiion of all Bloggers, the NEP began earnestly only after Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad became the Prime Minister in 1981. After the launch in 1971 and before the NEP really got going, we lost a great leader Tun Abdul Razak and Tun Hussein Onn a great administrator made sure our beloved Malaysia was on a even keel. The NEP was probably in operation for less than 10 years. All ye pundits have to go back to the drawing boards to work this one out and do not forget to count in the big yawning gaps of inactivity but only to pluck low hanging fruits by the Singaporean parachutists, 2003-2013.

  52. Tun

    For Saudara Amin Tan and all Bloggers. What is keeping up all these wonderful feelings and the feel good feelings of everybody including the financiers of the Opposition ? It is the very low interest rate. OK. Money talks. It is better for the Opposition to talk whilst the going is good for them even after they lost big at the 13th General Elections than to turn up in rags after some international financial disaster later. This is the trouble with them – a very weak leadership and a thick layer of hangers-on who say the things they want to hear which is mainly to fan the fires of hatred. No one does politics with hatred. It does not work. The BN as led by the UMNO with the 13 component parties is very strong otherwise there would be no rumours of an entente. The Singaporean Trojan Horse DAP has the weakest leadership amongst the trio being the glaring fact that after winning nearly all the Chinese votes, they are still not in Putrajaya. If this is not shooting themselves in the foot, what is ? This act of self-immolations is so comical that even the brilliang Lee Kuan Yew with the 10 failed Policies for Singapore could not contain his oracle skills and wrote obliquely that it is time these bumbling and stumbling guys join the BN. By the way, he had waited more than 47 long years for the DAP to deliver a conquered Malaysia to him to save his legacy. If the chaps in the Opposition do not read the writings of this great Oracle in English, maybe they should wait for the next edition in Bahasa or Chinese.

  53. Dear Tun,
    Please allow me to quote Mr Muarakchan again,

    [I NOW PROPOSE A NOVEL IDEA FOR THE SAKE OF OUR BELOVED COUNTRY’S PROGRESS, DEVELOPMENT AND RAKYAT AFTER ALL MALAYSIA IS UNIQUE IN EVERY WAY THAT THE STATE GOVERNMENTS OF PULAU PINANG AND SELANGOR BECOME COALITION GOVERNMENTS. IF KELANTAN LIKES TO PARTICIPATE, IT IS OK. And the trade-off is limited Federal funding for specific projects to be negotiated and the Deputy Mentri Besar or the Deputy Chief Minister be from the BN. And from the top downwards, all the musical chairs are re-arranged.

    Why not for the sake of our own brand of Malaysian Democracy ?]

    Dear Mr Mubarakchan,
    You and i have the same wave length on the issue of coalition government. But we are not realistic and we entertain ourselves to wishful thinking. The Opposition did not acknowledge the BN as winner of the PRU13. THEY CLAIM they won the election because they won the popular votes. The Opposition has been arrogant and speak down on the BN. They are living in the fantasy world of holier than thou. They want no less than the Prime Ministership. I would suggest they go and fly kite in the country of the condominiums and the sewage.

    amin tan

  54. Tun

    For Saudara Amin Tan and all Bloggers. We are all here because we all care for our beloved country Malaysia including HockBengTeohhalfpastsictrueorfalse. Yes ! Sometimes we have sharp differences in opinions which were expressed in rather crude terms. So be it. But one thing which not many of us have notice, we as Humankind living in a violent World and in a bountiful land, is that willy-nilly we have come a long way since Merdeka and despite some nasty incidents, we have kept only to arguments and insults shot at each other and not real bullets and bombs. This is good. This is Malaysian Democracy at work. If I remember correctly the Opposition even gave advance notice that if they ever come into power, there will be no revenge or witch-hunting. This is very good. However, this is the theory. As I have said before, our good Opposition has missed Putrajaya three times in One Easy Step, (i) 1997 – If the DPM took as holiday, he would have come back the Honourable Prime Minister of Malaysia. (ii) 2008 – Instead of sorting out the 32 seats BEFORE the 12th General Elections, they did it AFTER the BN was returned to Putrajaya. (iii) 2013 – Instead of boycotting the 13th General Elections and announce a 100 day fast in the lst Class Ward of the KLGH (not even Mahatma G has done this), the BN would have won 100% of the seats with 49% of the votes. World wide condemnation followed and the Opposition in Putrajaya by now. But the Opposition did everything the hard and tough way, putting a lot of stress on themselves and money. A political party is formed to rule not to oppose especially in a developing country like our beloved Malaysia. It is no use controlling a State like Penang with RM140 Millions in the kitty and wait for condos to be built to collect the quit rent and assessment. This is absurdly too long to go about waiting to collect revenues. OK !

    I NOW PROPOSE A NOVEL IDEA FOR THE SAKE OF OUR BELOVED COUNTRY’S PROGRESS, DEVELOPMENT AND RAKYAT AFTER ALL MALAYSIA IS UNIQUE IN EVERY WAY THAT THE STATE GOVERNMENTS OF PULAU PINANG AND SELANGOR BECOME COALITION GOVERNMENTS. IF KELANTAN LIKES TO PARTICIPATE, IT IS OK. And the trade-off is limited Federal funding for specific projects to be negotiated and the Deputy Mentri Besar or the Deputy Chief Minister be from the BN. And from the top downwards, all the musical chairs are re-arranged.

    Why not for the sake of our own brand of Malaysian Democracy ?

  55. Salam Tun,


    You said : “… Do you know how a organisation call Koperasi Tunas Muda help their members which consist mostly of poor farmers to become well-to-do people. Their investment, trust of businessman, hardwork and initial scarifies make the founder and every member of the koperasi rich and successful. “.

    My comment : I know there is a Koperasi Felda Holding Berhad which has become the largest crude palm oil producer in the world.

    You said : “When there is a will there is a way and the way not necessary have to stop or slowdown development and evolution just so to meet some not so progressive people. Like i said early there are not much fishes in PG inshore sea and if they dont change what can anyone do for them, stop all seaside development so that some fisherman can continue their inshore fishing trade. PG most valuable asset is the sea and seaside. Hope you own some land around these seaside and you provide it to these fisherman to solve their problem.”

    My comment : In Negeri Sembilan, in order to help the fishermen, the government provide them with new boat. In Melaka, the government provide them with new jetty , helped to construct Medan Ikan Bakar so that they can bypass the middle-man who want to profit from their hard earned effort. In Penang, you said to them, “Shooosshhh , go away” we want your land. That is what happened when we have a crooked chinese as a leader. Only a few Chinese are bad, and majority of them is good. Unfortunately, you and the current Penang state leader are examples of bad apples.

    You said : “There are many Malay ex-fisherman (my friends as i like fishing or angling) that turn or change their profession or become deepsea fisherman or move to better or pristine area to continue their trade and now enjoying life to the fullest. Those who cannot change is due to their own doing and no one can help them. Thats nature i cant stop it and you cant too but it is nice to talk about it!”.

    My comment : The Malacca State Government provide fishermen with new boats, new jetty, construct medan ikan bakar and made that place sell the cheapest ikan bakar down south which customer come all the way from SIngapore. These fishermen became millionaires in their own way. On the other hand, for Penang, you asked them to go deep sea fishing but you dont provide them any equipment or anything. Once they believe what you say, and sold their land, you stab them on their back by not fulfilling your promise. No prove and no example.

    YOu said : “Not knowing me you said I am selfish, how sure are you? Are you selfish too? Well i admit i am selfish in some ways as i am human. Anyway I guess you are the best kindhearted fortune teller in the world.”

    My comment : “The way you wrote your statement prove it so. We dont need a rocket scientiest to prove that”.

  56. Salam Yg Bhg Tun,

    Rahman 2012.

    ” I agreed to your earlier comments dated October 16, 2013 at 9:58 PM.”

    Tak baik tuduh-tuduh macam tu. Saya tak akan maafkan zahir dan batin. Can you prove your accusation that in my comment dated October 16, 2013 at 9.58 PM, I proposed to close independent Chinese School ?

    You said : ” I don’t think government has funded any Chinese private school, not a single cent, but the graduates need to pay tax, that’s a good deal.”

    My comment : Jangan jadi katak di bawah tempurung, baca url di bawah ini. Kamu bikin malu diri sendiri saja.






    You said : “To make Chinese blend and assimilate with the Bumiputra and original race in Malaysia, you must uproot the Chinese culture. To uproot the Chinese culture, the first step is to close their schools, so the Chinese can’t speak Chinese, so they can’t learn the Chinese culture anymore. To achieve a total assimilation, you must abolished all schools that teach in their mother-tongues, might as well include the Tamil schools, at the same time abolishing the learning of Jawi and English, only then they will blend assimilate with the Bumiputra and original race in Malaysia. ”

    My comment : That is what you said and not what I said. Go on with your idea 🙂

    You said : “I agreed with you, kenapa u attack me pulak?”

    My comment : There is nothing for you to agree with me except to agree with “Bumiputra Economic Empowerment” plan and to stop government fund to chinese independent school because it is well funded by rich businessman. Thank you very much.

    Salam Tun 🙂

  57. Dear Tun,

    Please allow me to quote from Mr Mubarakchan as below,
    [For Saudara dapshit. On your comments on Pulau Pinang and those of others, i present here the following true facts on the island.

    1. Pulau Pinang is not an independent country. It has relied on funding from the Federal Government since the riots of 1967 when the duty-free status was removed.
    2. Pulau Pinang has not got the sustainable water supply which Singapore inveigled out of Malaysia in 1962 with thick smoke and mirrors.
    3. Pulau Pinang sewage system is 19th century. The whole of Georgetown sewage flows north towards Batu Ferringhi. 30 years ago, a foreign friend swam at Batu Berringhi and told me he had an itch all over. I could only smile and said nothing.
    4. Pulau Pinang antiquated road system is tied up with the sewage system.
    5. Pulau Pinang benefitted from the brilliant Tun Dr Lim Chong Yew and his Free Trade Zones. Unfortunately, this has much diminished due to the rise of other nations.
    6. Pulau Pinang’s solution for the Rakyat is not the building of more and more condos which will only bring up the cost of living and inflation. The more condos, the more smelly choking sewage.
    7. Pulau Pinang’s greatest disadvantage at the present time is all the confrontational politics which boil down to nothing for the Rakyat. The solution is to join the BN as led by the UMNO with the 13 component parties. Can the DAP wait till the next General Elections ? All told, it would have taken the DAP from 2008, at least 12 years to deliver a whisker to the Rakyat. Nobody can wait that long.
    8. Pulau Pinang is a bleak scene at the present time. Eventually, it becomes one huge sewage for the condos.]

    For those in the Opposition, their ardent supporters or even fence sitters, please take note of above misfortune and retribution of a democratic politics. State revenue is limited. Opposition supporters are not wise. Nobody can survive on ideology and propaganda to defame and demonise the federal government, while living in material mediocrity and sub standard living conditions. Lim Chong Yew was a Queen scholar and he was smart. He was realistic and had the welfare of the people of Penang in his calculation. He joined and teamed up with Tun Razak. But our Lim Guan Eng is less smart and more ego. DAP THINKS THEY CAN DO the reverse take over of the federal government. Their day dreaming and make belief propaganda would exert a heavy price on their supporters and their welfare. Nobody should say he wins when he actually loses.

    amin tan

  58. Tun Perak October 17, 2013 at 10:25 AM | Permalink

    I know you are a kind man and would like to help. Do you know how a organisation call Koperasi Tunas Muda help their members which consist mostly of poor farmers to become well-to-do people. Their investment, trust of businessman, hardwork and initial scarifies make the founder and every member of the koperasi rich and successful. There are many projects that work very well and benefited many when malays and chinese work together or join venture. It is not good to just pick a few bad apples and claim that all are bad.

    When there is a will there is a way and the way not necessary have to stop or slowdown development and evolution just so to meet some not so progressive people. Like i said early there are not much fishes in PG inshore sea and if they dont change what can anyone do for them, stop all seaside development so that some fisherman can continue their inshore fishing trade. PG most valuable asset is the sea and seaside. Hope you own some land around these seaside and you provide it to these fisherman to solve their problem.
    There are many Malay ex-fisherman (my friends as i like fishing or angling) that turn or change their profession or become deepsea fisherman or move to better or pristine area to continue their trade and now enjoying life to the fullest. Those who cannot change is due to their own doing and no one can help them. Thats nature i cant stop it and you cant too but it is nice to talk about it!
    Not knowing me you said I am selfish, how sure are you? Are you selfish too? Well i admit i am selfish in some ways as i am human. Anyway I guess you are the best kindhearted fortune teller in the world.

  59. Salam Yg Bhg Tun,

    Dear Tun Perak,

    “Your threat and accusations are not traceable to my initial comment.” Really?
    I agreed to your earlier comments dated October 16, 2013 at 9:58 PM.

    Let’s dissect them one by one:

    “Government should learn from their past mistake. Helping a private school by giving millions of ringgit to them will never ever be appreciated”.

    I don’t think government has funded any Chinese private school, not a single cent, but the graduates need to pay tax, that’s a good deal.

    “…with the agenda to promote their cultural and language existance in this Malaysia.”
    What is wrong with speaking and practice their own cultures and languages? Let’s consult the Constitution of Malaysia. Article 152.

    “Their motivation is to create a China within Malaysia, and not to blend and assimilate with the bumiputra or original race in Malaysia.”

    Ha! This is where I agreed with you!

    To make Chinese blend and assimilate with the Bumiputra and original race in Malaysia, you must uproot the Chinese culture. To uproot the Chinese culture, the first step is to close their schools, so the Chinese can’t speak Chinese, so they can’t learn the Chinese culture anymore.

    To achieve a total assimilation, you must abolished all schools that teach in their mother-tongues, might as well include the Tamil schools, at the same time abolishing the learning of Jawi and English, only then they will blend assimilate with the Bumiputra and original race in Malaysia.

    I agreed with you, kenapa u attack me pulak?

    Salam Tun

  60. Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarokatuhi Yg Bhg. Tun

    Rahman 2012,

    Your statement – “We shouldn’t care about what other people said the answer is already in the Holy Al-Quran Surah Al-Ankabut 29:46.”

    My answer –

    Understand carefully what the Surah means. First, let read the verse :

    Surah Al-Ankabut 29:46 : ” And do not argue with the People of the Scripture except in a way that is best, except for those who commit injustice among them, and say, “We believe in that which has been revealed to us and revealed to you. And our God and your God is one; and we are Muslims [in submission] to Him.”

    In the Surah, Allah points to the “People of the Scripture”. Who are the “People of Scripture” ?. According to the Al-Quran, the People of Scripture are the followers of the original bible before it was corrupted by the Jew. Well, Al-Quran said – The Bible is corrupted.

    OK, now Rahman 2012, come out of your tempurung. Where did the Quran mentioned that the Bible is corrupted ?

    (Quran 2:75,79) : “Then woe to those who write the Scripture with their own hands, and then say:”This is from Allah,” to traffic with it for miserable price!- Woe to them for what their hands do write, and for the gain they make thereby.”

    (Quran 3:78) : “There is among them a section who distort the Scripture with their tongues: (As they read) you would think it is a part of the Scripture, but it is no part of the Scripture; and they say, “That is from Allah,” but it is not from Allah: It is they who tell a lie against Allah, and (well) they know it! “.

    (Quran 3:187): “And remember Allah took a covenant from the People of the Scripture, to make it known and clear to mankind, and not to hide it; but they threw it away behind their backs, and purchased with it some miserable gain! And vile was the bargain they made!

    (Quran 5:13-14) : “But because of their breach of their covenant, We cursed them, and made their hearts grow hard; they change the words from their (right) places and forget a good part of the message that was sent them, nor wilt thou cease to find them- barring a few – ever bent on (new) deceits: but forgive them, and overlook (their misdeeds): for Allah loveth those who are kind. From those, too, who call themselves Christians, We did take a covenant, but they forgot a good part of the message that was sent them: so we estranged them, with enmity and hatred between the one and the other, to the day of judgment. And soon will Allah show them what it is they have done. “.

    The corruption in the bible as claimed by the Quran; can be traced from the contradiction in the bible, is clearly summarised in this url :


    This means that the current “People of the Scripture” is not People of the “Genuine Scripture”, Al-Ankabut 29:45 is not applicable to them.

  61. Salam YBhg. Tun,

    Dear Rahman 2012

    Your threat and accusations are not traceable to my initial comment.

    ” I fully agree with you. Close all Chinese and Tamil school, our government should also abolish the teaching of Jawi and English as well, let’s just concentrate in Bahasa Malaysia.”

    – How can you agree with me if I didnt propose to close Chinese and Tamil School or abolish teaching Jawi and English ? No monetary supportdoes not mean to close. You start your school with your own money and why cant you continue operating with your own money ?

    “China and India are upcoming superpowers, we can ignore their market. We don’t need to do business with them; we don’t need diplomatic friendship with them. If they want to do business with us, they must use Bahasa Malaysia. Also, Indonesian should also learn Bahasa Malaysia, their Bahasa Indonesia is not pure and authentic. As for Jawi and English? None of the Arabic speaking countries recognize Jawi, and the Western Countries is getting weaker and weaker, even American Government is closing shop. We can ignore English as well.”

    – Did I ask everyone in business only to use Bahasa Malaysia ? Did I asked to stop diplomatic ties with them ? Is it a pre-requisite to speak only in Chinese and Indian language when you want to conduct business with them ? Cant any other language be a substitute ? What about English, French, Japanese, Korean, Arabic, Spanish, Deutch languages ?

    “Who care if Malaysia is the only country in the world that achieved her independence with the help of the Chinese and Indians so Malaysia is the only country in the world that has government funded Chinese and Tamil schools?”

    Previously. to get the independence, Chinese and Indian help only when they got something out of it. Today, even when they got something out of it, they are not helping back.

    ” Chinese and Tamil and Jawi and English languages are irrelevant in Malaysia, let’s go back to our confortable tempurung for a nice nap.

    Shall we?”

    – That is your proposition, do it by yourself.

  62. Balance,

    ” I only have good intention but if you see and think i do the opposite then i let it be. Everybody pay rent one way or the other, Chinese also pay rent to rich Chinese, Malay or Indian landlord or developer or company and it is just business and making profit. Firstly why sell the land or property to Chinese business man or company? Because of money, right? There are Malays that gain too in such deals but why only point finger at one type of people.”

    — You cant expect a colony of fishermen to change their career, can you. Have you not think that when you force them out of their employment mode, they will be jobless ? Have you not think that they are going to lose their money all the way, unless there is some agency that gives them “Bumiputra Economic Empowerment” like PUNB and so on to help them back ? Have you not think that your suggested SMALL amount of compensation is not enough to maintain life after they have to pay for high rental price in Penang and , they have to cover their living expenses while looking for new job, havent you ?

    “Today many such land deals are done via listed company and supported by big banks. These companies and banks have Malay or Federal Govt agency share-holders and some are 100% bumiputra owned too. So go tell these company to give away huge compensation.”

    – Can you prove your assertian to the cases of housing development in Penang. The initial issue is in Penang and not other state. Yeah, why limit to these company, why cant the same huge amount be asked from selfish developers in Penang ?

    “Anyway i wish you can become a developer or very very rich man and start to help all those that need help and all those who cannot help themselves. I know you have kind heart and good mindset and i believe you will start giving huge amount of money (compensation or donation) to all those unfortunate people. May God bless you with wisdom and good health. ”

    – I am not a developer, and I do donate some significant amount of cash or work to the well-being of other party which is not related to my family members. Helping others does not require a pre-requisite of a rich man or developer. It is in your heart. If you are selfish, you wll not donate , even if you are rich.

  63. Salam Yg Bhg Tun,

    Dear Tun Perak,

    I fully agree with you. Close all Chinese and Tamil school, our government should also abolish the teaching of Jawi and English as well, let’s just concentrate in Bahasa Malaysia.

    China and India are upcoming superpowers, we can ignore their market. We don’t need to do business with them; we don’t need diplomatic friendship with them. If they want to do business with us, they must use Bahasa Malaysia. Also, Indonesian should also learn Bahasa Malaysia, their Bahasa Indonesia is not pure and authentic.

    As for Jawi and English? None of the Arabic speaking countries recognize Jawi, and the Western Countries is getting weaker and weaker, even American Government is closing shop. We can ignore English as well.

    Who care if Malaysia is the only country in the world that achieved her independence with the help of the Chinese and Indians so Malaysia is the only country in the world that has government funded Chinese and Tamil schools?

    Chinese and Tamil and Jawi and English languages are irrelevant in Malaysia, let’s go back to our confortable tempurung for a nice nap.

    Shall we?

    Salam Tun

  64. Salam Yg Bhg Tun,

    Dear Balance

    Don’t you know that the world revolves around Malaysia?

    I am happy that the Court of Appeal has decided to ban the use of Kalimah Allah in Herald. The big question is, why not uphold the supremacy of Islam by extending the ban of use in the Al-Kitab and other publications too?

    For some unknown political reasons, members of the pious PAS disagreed; they said Kalimah Allah can be used by the non-Muslim. How ridiculous!

    We know that in the world‘s biggest Islamic country Indonesia, Christians have been practicing the word Allah for God, In Malaysia, both Sabahan and Sarawakian bumiputera Christians have used the same word for God about 100 years ago, based on their Indonesian translations of the word.

    Muslim in the middle-east, particularly from United Arab Emirates (UAE) said when Christians across the Middle East, (Cairo, Baghdad, Beirut or other) pray to God, they pray to Allah. That also applies to the Jews of the Arab world, who for centuries have prayed to Allah.

    We shouldn’t care about what other people said the answer is already in the Holy Al-Quran Surah Al-Ankabut 29:46.

    Hence, we should respect the decision made by the court, those who are not happy are merely “katak dibawah tempurung’, they simply can’t accept the fact that that the world is now revolving around Malaysia.

    I am proud to be a Malaysian.

    Salam Tun

  65. Tun Perak,

    I only have good intention but if you see and think i do the opposite then i let it be. Everybody pay rent one way or the other, Chinese also pay rent to rich Chinese, Malay or Indian landlord or developer or company and it is just business and making profit. Firstly why sell the land or property to Chinese business man or company? Because of money, right? There are Malays that gain too in such deals but why only point finger at one type of people. Today many such land deals are done via listed company and supported by big banks. These companies and banks have Malay or Federal Govt agency share-holders and some are 100% bumiputra owned too. So go tell these company to give away huge compensation. Anyway i wish you can become a developer or very very rich man and start to help all those that need help and all those who cannot help themselves. I know you have kind heart and good mindset and i believe you will start giving huge amount of money (compensation or donation) to all those unfortunate people. May God bless you with wisdom and good health.

  66. Balance,

    Your word “if the SMALL compensation money given by the big developers can be use wisely those fishermen can become millionaires too or at least a successful businessman.” My palm to your face. If you are sincere, then why give SMALL, give HUGE compensation. If not , if you are being bullied back by the Malay resident, then dont blame them. Blame YOURSELF, because you are not motivated enough to give the best to the people who deserve to get a better treatment from a crazy selfish developer in Penang.

    Also BLAME yourself, because of your race ungratefullness, the more deserving race is being given some better deal by the government. Dont blame government policy or the prime minister or any government official , myself, or other Malay people because if you change your mindset, then you may even get more than what you have gotten before the general election. YOu are definitely right, you have to change your mindset.

  67. The “Bumiputra Economic Empowerment” effort is the right way forward.

    Balance, how to have balance in the wealth between races if the Chinese developer makes 1000% profit without losing an asset while the Malay inhibitant do not make profit at all because they lost their asset and they have to pay rent to their new Chinese landlord because their houses are taken away and they got paid peanuts ? Balance, your argument is a typical Chinaman who sees only money to be made for your race , and you tried to disguise it by giving a cheap argument so that the stupid Malay race cant see it and read your mind with great hope that your selfish agenda is fulfilled without much argument.

    Government should learn from their past mistake. Helping a private school by giving millions of ringgit to them will never ever be appreciated because the private chinese school are well funded by chinese business people with the agenda to promote their cultural and language existance in this Malaysia. Their motivation is to create a China within Malaysia, and not to blend and assimilate with the bumiputra or original race in Malaysia. Nothing will ever change their motivation and agenda, because that is their MINDSET and you will never change it. Not that the government has not tried.

    Similarly, there is nothing wrong to help those who really needs help. The Malay do not have much association to help them raise the fund and compete with the Chinese economically. Bumiputra Economic Empowerment effort should help them to compete. Congratulations , DS Najib – you have done the right move.

  68. Tun Perak October 16, 2013 at 5:26 PM | Permalink

    How to have balance wealth between the races when there are people encouraging Penang Malays to continue as inshore fisherman? We all know there are not much fishes in the polluted sea around Penang so do you think these fishermen can be rich or well-to-do. Maybe the Bumiputra Enpowerment Plan can help these fisherman but then there will be others that going to complain that Malay fisherman being chase out or force out of the livelihood. Whichever way seem to be wrong too.
    Like you say the mindset is very important, if the small compensation money given by the big developers can be use wisely those fishermen can become millionaires too or at least a successful businessman. Your comment about mindset is very true and bad or good happening is due to mindset. Whether a person (any race) make or break in life is because of themselves and their attitude towards life. Dont blame Govt, God, Prime Minister, other race or people, weather, unluckiness, bullied or etc. Even Nicholas James “Nick” Vujicic (without hands and legs) make it well in life. None of those unlucky or unsuccessful blame themselves but like usual there will be some hero that going to use those unsuccessful stories to further their political career or telling these stories just to show they know or care. Another point, Malaysians want to Police to use less force when dealing with criminals but when they are rob they complain that the Police are useless and soft. Whichever way also wrong. Life never ending stories.

    Have a nice day

  69. Tun,

    This is a nice article with lots of reference. “Bumi, Not Booming” is a reverse psychology kind of title. With the “Bumiputra Economic Empowerment” plan, of coruse, there is a bigger probability for bumiputra to boom and not the other way around. The motive of the writer may be to attract some attention to his article. Taking this positively, Malaysian politicians should be able to learn from this skill and impart their effect on them, the other way around.

    Some people view “Bumiputra Economic Empowerment” effort negatively. Just ignore what they think because even when they received support from the government, for example for their private school, they still think the monetary support as negative. So, nothing can be changed for them as long as they do not change their mindset.

    The negators, bullshitters and negative mindset only think about themselves . That is why no effort can be done to correct them. No effort, until they change first their mindset.

    Going forward, “Bumiputra Economic Empowerment” should be made as one single big effort by the government of the day to support the drive towards balancing the share of wealth between races in Malaysia. It is a must, and not a choice.

  70. Tun,

    Voting BN
    There are so many version and arguments about the Chinese not voting for BN and only 3% vote for BN. I am one of the 3% of Chinese that vote for BN so how? Many said that the Chinese must suffer due to no voting for BN but i vote for BN and must I suffer the same fate?

    Everyone is racist one way or the other. Here are some example
    Some or soft racism : Better way to unity without racist remark
    That Malay man is handsome : That man wearing a blue shit is handsome
    That bald Chinese man is tall : That bald man wearing a t-shirt is tall
    That Indian lady dress is beautiful : That lady wearing a pink sari is beautiful
    Malaysians are so used to give racist description of each other until we cannot separate racism from political view. We can argue until the end of time without any answer. There are all type of people and we should respect each instead of hammering and using strong words against each other. Right or wrong, we cannot decide, let nature and God decide.
    What is the point of telling and showing that a particular type of people should get more or less from the Govt. At the end it is the Govt ministers and agent that get all the benefit.
    In opinion the Bumiputra Empowerment Plan is dangerous for the BN Govt as now all Malay and Bumiputra are expecting magic, miracle, cepat kaya and etc from the govt and if the Govt fail to deliver it will be the end for them. This political or marketing gimmick is too dangerous to play as currently with or without the special plan BN is still enjoying their support so it is better to play safe by pledging to serve the people better to gain more support from the fence sitters. Fighting fire with fire will burn the house down but fight fire with water will bring peace, love and stability. Make the all type of people love Malaysia and BN by showing capabilities, compassion but strong & firm, working hard for the country and etc will be better then saying hurtful words and actions. Worst if ultra sensitive words are used.

    Using the word “ALLAH”
    It is not about right or wrong to use the word and it is also not about having the rights or no rights to use the word. Allah belongs to Islam and Muslim and just let it go. If other country can use the word and in Malaysian non-muslim cannot use the word it is alright and just let it go. Just look at the episode as a give and take then move on. If the Christians sincerely want to use the word in BM version of Bible then they should also use the word in their English, Chinese, Indian and all other language bible. Why fight over the word when we all should be praying and practicing for world and human peace. If other parts of the world people want to fight over religion let them do it, we Malaysian should show the world that we are better than them and we love each other and we dont fight over things that beyond our comprehension which is God’s will.

    ‘The Economist’
    Just look at them as “cari makan” and move on. I also say I can run a country and why i said that is to make me feel big, strong and clever. Ha ha ha But in reality I know nuts about running a country. In reality I make so many mistakes until I cannot remember them Ha ha. But i still like to point out other people mistakes and say people are stupid. Well i am just human and will continue to be human and to make mistakes. No harm just let it go.

  71. Assalamualaikum Tun.

    Bangsa Cina silap besar bila hanya 3 peratus yang mengundi kerajaan sekarang.Memang dengan peratusan demikian dapatlah kita simpulkan bahawa itu tanda tidak berterima kasih.Maka keputusan itu adalah sejarah yang boleh dibaca pada masa mendatang.

    Tidaklah salah pada mana-mana pemimpin yang memimpin selepas Tun untuk melakukan kerja pentadbiran mengikut cara masing masing selepas era Tun Mahathir, setelah bangsa cina memandang sinis akan keupayaan kempimpinan orang Melayu apabila Tun Abdullah mengambil alih pucuk pimpinan negara.

    Perkara yang berbangkit seperti BR1M dan memperkasakan Bumiputera adalah mengikut acuan pentadbiran semasa iaitu Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razakmengikut keputusan PRU 13.Kenapa menjadi sedikit kontroversi dan diambil perhatian lebih oleh rakyat Malaysia adalah kerana risaukan keupayaan pemerintah setelah di psikologikan oleh kelemahan pentadbiran Tun Abdullah.Terutamanya bangsa cina yang memandang sinis pada orang Melayu.

    Seperti yang kita sedia maklum bahawa darah daging Tun adalah berpolitik.Jika tidak berpolitik maka Tun kata akan seolah olah ‘mati’.Maka tentulah ada sedikit teguran dan cadangan yang diberikan oleh Tun secara terbuka.Kadangkala saya (pandangan yang sudah tentu diambil berat – tak boleh tulis begini selalu sebab boleh ke arah riak : sekadar untuk penjelasan) juga turut menegur dan beri pandangan apabila melihat situasi yang tak berapa kena pada pandangan akal.

    Oleh itu suasana politik negara sentiasa hidup dan bergerak tidak seperti era Tun Abdullah yang mana susasana politik dirasakan sejuk beku.

    Demikian juga dalam bab agama.Islam menggalakkan berbincang tetapi bukan bertegang urat leher bagi menegak benang basah walaupun betul, supaya perpaduan dapat dikekalkan manakala ketajaman fikiran dapat ditingkatkan.

    Apabila saya menulis (juga salah satu cara kita berjihad) mengenai tasawuf dan politik adalah dengan tujuan memberitahu seluruh rakyat Malaysia bahawa kehebatan kita berpolitik dan memimpin negara adalah bergantung sepenuhnya kepada Allah s.w.t

    Saya lebih rela rakyat Malaysia terutamanya kita yang beragama Islam tidak terlalu bergantung harap pada Tun Mahathir seorang seolah-olah tiada lagi kehebatan bangsa Melayu selepas era beliau.

    Apakah tiada lagi orang Melayu yang sehebat Tun Mahathir?

    Akhir akhir ini tulisan saya juga ada dikomen oleh seorang dua, maka perlu saya jelaskan bahawa saya tak berapa kisah tulisan saya diadili oleh orang yang membaca samada logik atau tidak kerana saya menulis perkara perkara yang berkaitan tersebut bagi memberitahu arah pemikiran saya yang belum tersebar dalam arus perdana sepertimana kebiasaan sebelum zaman merdeka.Inikan dahulunya Tanah Melayu.

    Tulisan saya perlu mendapatkan kelulusan JAKIM (Jabatan Kemajuan Islam Malaysia).Itu yang saya mintak dari Tun Mahathir sebelum tulisan saya dibenarkan lulus dalam blog chedet.cc

    Lagipun bukan senang mengaku sebagai berkait dengan Tok Pulau Manis dan Tokku Paloh sebab ia melibatkan raja-raja Melayu dan sejarah yang masih dibincang di peringkat kebangsaan setiap tahun seperti contoh Batu Bersurat.

    Saya bergembira bersama-sama Tun menikmati suasana masa kini.Seperti lagu Feel This Moment (feat Christina Aguilera).Kami tak berjumpa.Hanya bercerita melalui blog,yang mana semua orang boleh baca.

    Saya mohon maaf atas kelemahan diri saya.

    Saat-saat yang indah.

    Terima kasih Tun.

  72. Salam Yg Bhg Tun,

    Let’s see if a fair share will go to members of PAS and Keadilan and DAP.
    Thank you anti-jibaok.

    Salam Tun

  73. To.., Rahman 2012,

    Yes, there are Malays and indigenous people in the opposition parties too.

    Nonetheless, why do you say.., ‘Let’s see if a fair share will go to members of PAS and Keadilan’..? Are there no Bumiputras at all in DAP..? Are you suggesting that somewhat DAP is a racial based party exclusively for a certain race..?

    Be advised that the ‘Bumiputra Economic Empowerment’ policy is politically based formulated by a pragmatic dominant race to achieve economic equilibrium amongst the races shall ensure the political stability of the nation.

    The minuscule number of Bumiputras within DAP, the substantial number of Bumiputras within PKR while the overwhelming number of Bumiputras within PAS apparently prefer the meritocracy approach instead of the long and current affirmative action as embraced by the Barisan Nasional government.

    If PAS and PKR (via Pakatan Rakyat) have preferred meritocracy to overcome the pathetic economic situation of the Bumiputras (as compared to the non-Bumiputras).., then let us see how the Pakatan government in Penang & Selangor especially can alleviate the economic problem and plight of the Bumiputras in those states.

    Therefore, it does do any justice in what you say – “Let’s see if a fair share will go to members of PAS and Keadilan”. Your silly rant should be addressed especially towards the leaders of those two mentioned states.

  74. Salam yg Bhg Tun,

    It can be considered that journalism is among the powerful tool to gain i.e to rule, to gain supports, to give information etc. But it can also be used to spread lies, slander and other wrong things for certain objectives. The western uses their journalism aggressively to gain their objectives. During the 911 tragedy, their journalists immediately broadcasted around the world that it was AlQaedah’s doings. This was to justify their immediate invasion to Afghanistan which was not only said as the hiding place of Osama but maybe the advantage of the state bordering to Iran.

    As Tun mentioned the world is in a bad shape, ettiquetes of journalism are no more the principles to be hold. They are secondary. They work depended to who are their paymaster. And above it who control the paymaster.

    Last time during Tun’s tenure as the Prime Minister, due to a lot of Malaysian policies which were not in line to their requirements, there were always of no good stories about Malaysia. Be it to the leaders or the the political situations or to the developments which were being carried out. Their favourite issue to play was the corruptions. The stories jeopardised the nation. But those were what they wanted until we obeyed to their requirements.

    But it was up to how well and bold the leaders to counter back those their allegations and slanders. Journalist Andrew Neil was fired after the threatens that we wont award anymore projects to British firms. In short, it was up to how well the politicians to play politics with the journalist.

    Recently a group of journalist under a certain paymaster maybe purposely put provocative questions to a Minister during a press conference which lead to the outbursts of the Minister. Those were what they wanted. A platform to create bad issues to the Minister and to the ruling party. The message was, who rules. You or us.

    Politics are not played only by politicians but also by everybody including journalists. But there are good journalists and bad journalists depends to who are their paymasters.

  75. Tun,

    Dalam dunia kewartawanan ada prinsip yang perlu dipatuhi oleh setiap pengamalnya iaitu menulis secara objectively tanpa sebarang rasa takut mahupun bias atau memihak kepada mana-mana pihak.

    Malangnya Tun, tidak semua pengamalnya yang mewakili The Fourth Estate ini menulis secara objectively atau tanpa bias seperti yang saya sebutkan tadi.

    Sekarang persoalannya Tun ialah, :- ‘Salah siapa?’. Adakah orang politik atau para wartawan?

    Kalau dilihat secara objectively, sudah tentulah para wartawan kerana tidak mematuhi prinsip yang telah digariskan tersebut.

    Kalau adapun yang menulis secara objectively, mungkin segelintir sahaja iaitupun terpulang kepada personality seseorang wartawan itu, iaitu jika mempunyai prinsip mereka akan menjadi wartawan yang cemerlang dalam menjalankan tugas mereka yang mewakili The Fourth Estate ini.

    Selalunya wartawan yang cemerlang adalah terdiri daripada mereka yang senior (walaupun mungkin ada wartawan muda yang akan menyanggah pendapat saya) kerana pengalaman mereka akan memainkan peranan penting dalam tugas dan penulisan mereka.

    Selain itu, seperti ahli-ahli politik dan rakyat biasa, setiap wartawan ada naluri mereka sendiri dan sejauh mana mereka menyayangi bangsa, agama dan negara mereka.

    Tun, berbalik semula kepada soalan saya, ‘Salah siapa?’. Adakah orang politik atau para wartawan? (Apabila berlaku penulisan seperti dalam majalah British, The Economist seperti yang Tun sebutkan).

    Ada pemimpin politik negara ini sendiri pun lebih sanggup mengambil konsultan dari luar negara (sama ada dari segi mencari populariti politik, ekonomi dan sebagainya) daripada konsultan tempatan sedangkan konsultan asing ini tidak tahu pun sejarah negara ini mahupun sistem politik dan sosio-ekonomi rakyat negara ini.

    Ada pemimpin kerajaan (kini pemimpin pembangkang) begitu akrab dengan pemimpin luar negara termasuk pemimpin-pemimpin daripada negara kuasa besar dunia atau meminjam istilah pemimpin Iran, shaitan besar dunia tetapi gagal untuk memberi maklumat yang benar mengenai negara ini.

    Apa yang penting bagi pemimpin pembangkang ini ialah mencari populariti diri sendiri (maklumlah orang politiklah dikatakan) yang mungkin berguna suatu hari nanti untuk diri sendiri sama ada dalam politik tempatan mahupun luar negara dan perkara ini telah terbukti dalam senario politik semasa negara sekarang.

    Bagi pemimpin-pemimpin kerajaan pula, saya tidak tahu apa yang mereka bincangkan semasa di luar negara?

    Saya percaya tiada langsung usaha dibuat oleh pemimpin-pemimpin politik negara ini (termasuk pembangkang yang lebih suka memburukkan negara sendiri) untuk mengadakan dialog secara tidak rasmi dengan pemimpin-pemimpin luar negara mahupun pihak akhbar menerangkan mengenai keadaan politik dan sosio-ekonomi negara ini.

    Tidak salah bagi ahli-ahli politik sama ada mewakili pihak kerajaan mahupun pembangkang berbahas atau bersaing sesama sendiri tetapi jangan sesekali memburukkan negara sendiri di luar negara tetapi perkara ini sudah berlaku sekarangi.

    Jika para wartawan gagal mematuhi prinsip dalam bidang kewartawanan begitu jugalah pemimpin-pemimpin politik gagal menjalankan tanggungjawab mereka dalam mempertahankan perlembagaan negara mahupun Rukun Negara yang mereka luluskan sendiri di Parlimen.

    Tun, begitu jugalah para wartawan di negara ini, disebabkan negara ini berbilang bangsa maka setiap wartawan akan cenderong menulis sehingga kadangkala gagal menulis secara objectively atau bias mengikut kaum sendiri.

    Para wartawan juga gagal terutama daripada bukan Melayu (walaupun ada wartawan bukan Melayu menulis secara objectively dan tanpa bias tetapi boleh dikira dengan jari) berhubung keadaan politik negara ini.

    Apabila wartawan kita sendiri pun gagal menulis dengan baik dan betul tanpa prejudis terhadap mana-mana kaum dan gagal menerangkan kepada rakan sejawatan mereka di luar negara mengenai keadaan politik negara ini, bagaimana wartawan asing boleh menulis dengan betul mengenai isu politik/ekonomi/rakyat negara ini?

    Usaha memperbetulkan persepsi negatif terhadap negara ini di kalangan pemimpin politik dan wartawan asing (usaha yang sukar kerana persepsi buruk negara ini yang digambarkan juga oleh portal-portal propembangkang dan rakyat sendiri di luar negara) memerlukan gandingkan yang kukuh oleh ahli-ahli politik dan wartawan sendiri.

    Mungkin kedutaan kita di luar negara boleh juga memainkan peranan penting dalam memberikan maklumat berguna dan positif mengenai negara ini kepada pemimpin politik/wartawan asing di luar negara?

    Salam Tun.

  76. Salam YAB & diKasihi Tun,

    I like items 8 and 9. Saya bimbang yang PM DSN akan dengar nasihat dari para penasihat beliau yang nampaknya amat percaya & memandang tinggi kepada laporan/cadangan ‘The Economist’.

    8. Prior to the Elections Najib had tried to win over the Chinese by ignoring the plight of the Malays. He even ignored the National Education Policy by supporting Chinese education with money. He tried to endear himself to the Chinese with more money. However the Chinese voters rejected him. Only 3% voted for him. Sounds like gross ungratefulness. For this Najib should dole out some more money, which would be the right thing to do.

    9. But the Malays supported him. Apparently according to the Economist it is wrong to support those who support you. You don’t do that in civilised countries. Let the supporters rot.

    ‘Selamat Hari Raya Aidil Adha’ kepada Tun sekeluarga.

    Kepada kawan-kawan yang aktif di blog Chedet, ’Selamat Hari Raya Aidil Adha’.

    Terima kasih Tun.

    *** Semoga Allah SWT melindungi Tun sekeluarga. ***

  77. Tun

    For Saudara dapshit and all. Further, it is claimed that the Government of Pulau Pinang has RM150 Million cash and no debts. Good. This account is just like a well run Third Tier plc on the Bursa. I have a friend who has RM120 Million cash and no debts in his listed company. What can Pulau Pinang do with RM150 Million cash and no debts except congratulations from us ? I strongly suggest that those who are responsible for the welfare and happiness of the Rakyat of Pulau Pinang to be more than realistic.

  78. Tun

    For Saudara dapshit. On your comments on Pulau Pinang and those of others, i present here the following true facts on the island.

    1. Pulau Pinang is not an independent country. It has relied on funding from the Federal Government since the riots of 1967 when the duty-free status was removed.
    2. Pulau Pinang has not got the sustainable water supply which Singapore inveigled out of Malaysia in 1962 with thick smoke and mirrors.
    3. Pulau Pinang sewage system is 19th century. The whole of Georgetown sewage flows north towards Batu Ferringhi. 30 years ago, a foreign friend swam at Batu Berringhi and told me he had an itch all over. I could only smile and said nothing.
    4. Pulau Pinang antiquated road system is tied up with the sewage system.
    5. Pulau Pinang benefitted from the brilliant Tun Dr Lim Chong Yew and his Free Trade Zones. Unfortunately, this has much diminished due to the rise of other nations.
    6. Pulau Pinang’s solution for the Rakyat is not the building of more and more condos which will only bring up the cost of living and inflation. The more condos, the more smelly choking sewage.
    7. Pulau Pinang’s greatest disadvantage at the present time is all the confrontational politics which boil down to nothing for the Rakyat. The solution is to join the BN as led by the UMNO with the 13 component parties. Can the DAP wait till the next General Elections ? All told, it would have taken the DAP from 2008, at least 12 years to deliver a whisker to the Rakyat. Nobody can wait that long.
    8. Pulau Pinang is a bleak scene at the present time. Eventually, it becomes one huge sewage for the condos.

  79. Tun

    The centre-right ‘The Economist’ is just a comic book with no cartoons for the edification of the Western middle class readers of a certain ilk. There is a lot of jingoism in its headlings to catch the eye of the unwary. Western journalists have always regarded themselves a notch above the rest including the politicians whom they treated with disdain until the journalists are caught by the politicians with their pants down like in the Englsih mobile phone hacking caper. This has all to do with money, money, money. Right up to 2006, money was a dirty word in the English vocabulary. And until, the ‘Lady is not for turning’ Margaret Thatcher, no Englishman worth his salt would be seen hankering for money or any job which is ostentatiously connected with money. Tun, as you are aware, we see and read in The Economist how money, money, money affects the journalists and its circulation. No doubt, these journalist over-reached themselves all the time by thinking up holier-than-thou essays which they wrote to pander to popular beliefs and hates. From the ‘hacking the mobile phone caper’, the corruptive effect of full freedom of journalism is widespread in the United Kingdom – wiith stories of senior police and Government officials being entertained at anytime of the day to the natural pleasures of Humankind. And all these happened in the land of the ‘Mother of all Parliements, the font of Democracy’ which dates back to centuries of the history of ye olde England.
    Politicians and journalists are linked together like the Gemini Twins. One cannot do without the other. In both, the United States and the United Kingdom, this relationship has been honed to a fine art, with a nod and a wink. It was only when Rupert Murdoch came along and put his commercial thoughts on the maximization of his profits from his investments in the newspapers that the journalists became more daring and over-reached their propriety.
    I have always wondered how a person becomes a journalist. And this brings to my mind how a PAP cadre who was one of the many in the backroom of the Straits Times, Singapore became a parachutist and was parachuted into the Chief Editor’s post of the wholly UMNO owned New Straits Times, the leading English newspaper of Malaysia in 2006.
    Not only that to keep him comfortable, a luscious Sime Darby contract was placed on his lap to make him feel comfortable in the hot and humid Ulus. There we see how journalism works in one instance.
    As in business in which no book has ever written to guarantee anyone who reads it becomes a millionaire, I believe in the profession of journalism, there is no book ever written to guarantee anyone to write the perfect article or essay. Hence, the wide lattitude in permitting a person to perform is entirely up to the writer and his/her editor somewhat like a Ph.D aspirant and his supervisor. But then as it was alleged that the brilliant Lee Kuan Yew with his 10 failed Policies for Singapore said many moons ago, ‘Whoever pays the Piper plays the Tune !’
    On the subject of the light-hearted essays by ‘The Economist’, I believe there was a run-in between this august journal and the super-sensitive Government down South not too many years ago on some trivial comment which ended up with an apology. Or was it the Financial Times London ? Whichever it was, there are certain people who take exception to the rule of the freedom of the Press. And as you rightly mentioned before, Tun, freedom of the press does not mean the Press can libel and slander all and sundry without a care in the World.

  80. Salam Tun,

    Salam Aidil Adha to Puteri Tujuh. I cannot help but add to your comments regarding the DAP government’s housing policies in Penang which reveals their colours.



  81. Salam Tun,

    Another cynical article from your good self on this lovely and happy Aidil Adha morning. Yeah why didnt we think of letting the journalists run the world before?

    I bet they will definitely make the world a better place to live in as they seem to know whats best for everyone. They could have done much better than you during the 97 Financial Crisis as they were united in condemning your policies then, remember?

    I still clearly recollect that these oh so wise men (and women) were gleefully reporting that your knowledge of World Economics “could fit the back of a postage stamp”. BTW many of these wise people were reporting from Singapore.

    Man I marvel at their infinite wise ways! Here in backwards third world Malaysia, the two clowns err I mean founders of Malaysiakini comes to mind. Apanama hmmm Steve and Prem whatever, I mean they had the audacity to take money from Soros to finance Malaysiakini and live comfortably and shamelessly. These are exemplary models of patriotic citizens and ones who will uphold the Rukunegara just like Rahman 2012.

    Anyway I just want to enjoy my beautiful Aidil Adha morning. The good news of the Kalimah Allah issue is still reverberating and I am happily going off to my local Masjid.



  82. Salam Tun,

    Rahman 2012

    Thus any line in the “Bumiputra economic Empowerment ” policy did it’s mentioned that ,only bumiputra who support BN will benefit ?, but if all bumiputra are not politically divided it would be much easier .

  83. Salam Yg Bhg Tun,

    Rahman 2012,

    The same question can also be applied to the Penang’s Government. Hundreds of Malay fisherman families were forced to vacate their homes for developments after living there for years. The were to be given compensations for RM15,000 and maybe without assurances to get new homes. Let see if that RM15,000 could sustained new homes, new jobs etc etc to sustain their and their families lives. Only then we can decide if that decision was racial based or political based.

    Salam Tun

  84. Mana punya suku Puaka pula yg nak gunakan nama Allah
    sampai ke Makamah Malaysia
    Negara Barat pun Haramkan Kegunaan nama Allah bagi agama lain terkecuali Islam

    Apa fasal nak pakai nama Allah . Nak dapat Undi ke ?
    Saya yakin bukan dari Catholic tapi Idea Pembangkang Politik DAP
    Dapat lah sikit sebanyak Tipu penggundi Islam dengan guankan nama Allah
    Lazim nya orang Christian , Catholic jika terperanjat akan melatah
    Oh, my God , Oh Jesus Christ , God Bless you atau Oh Lord atau sebagainya
    Nak Mengundi Pilihan Raya PRU tiba tiba nak melatah Ya Allah pula
    Memang Outa Keling !

    Si Hindu ada pelbagai Tuhan , macam macam nama A -Z
    Di India Tuhan mereka bertambah demi Zaman
    Ramai juga yg menyembah Haiwan seperti Tikus, Ular, Harimau & macam macam lagi
    Si Cina pula makan Tuhan Tuhan si Hindu di China
    Apa hal ni ,Tak ada Panduan ke ?
    Tuhan bolih tukar tukar ke ? Bolih buat makan pula ……….hai Labu labu

    Hai , takpa Saya nak makan ubat , pening sikit ni………tak faham

  85. Salam Tun

    Malays and the indigenous people of the opposition parties are Bumiputra too. Let’s see if a fair share will go to members of PAS and Keadilan. Only then, we can decide if this “Bumiputra Economic Empowerment”. policy is racial based or political based.

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