1. Kita sudah merdeka selama 55 tahun dan telah mengadakan 12 Pilihan Raya Umum. Walaupun parti-parti bukan dari Perikatan atau Barisan Nasional telah berjaya menawan dan mendiri Kerajaan dibeberapa negeri di Semenanjung dan di Sabah, tetapi Perikatan dan Barisan Nasional tidak pernah kalah di peringkat Pusat. Perikatan dan Barisan Nasional terus menjadi Kerajaan diperingkat Pusat, peringkat yang paling berkuasa di Malaysia.

2. Memang pada 1969 Perikatan hampir kalah tetapi kuasa kekal di tangan Perikatan dan akhirnya beberapa parti lawan telah menyertai Perikatan untuk menubuh Barisan Nasional yang terus memerintah.

3. Barisan Nasional menghadapi beberapa masalah dalaman tetapi berjaya mengatasinya dan mengekal kuasanya di Peringkat Pusat. Serpihan dari UMNO yang diusahakan oleh Tengku Razaleigh dan Anwar Ibrahim tidak berjaya mengalahkan Barisan Nasional.

4. Pada 2008 kebencian terhadap pemerintahan Abdullah menyebabkan ramai dari penyokong UMNO dan parti-parti komponen lain mengurangkan sokongan kepada Barisan Nasional sehingga lima buah negeri dapat ditawan oleh parti-parti bukan Barisan Nasional. Di peringkat Pusat majoriti Barisan Nasional menurun sehingga tidak dapat menguasai 2/3 dari kerusi Parlimen. Namun Barisan Nasional masih dapat mendiri Kerajaan di peringkat Pusat.

5. Kemenangan yang berturut-turut sejak merdeka melumpuhkan semangat parti-parti bukan Barisan Nasional. Percubaan oleh Anwar Ibrahim untuk menyeludup masuk ke dalam UMNO supaya dapat merebut kuasa dari dalam juga gagal.

6. Yang terpaksa diakui oleh semua pihak, semua rakyat Malaysia dan juga pemerhati asing ialah sehingga kini proses pilihanraya tidak dapat menjatuhkan Barisan Nasional. Majoriti rakyat Malaysia tetap memberi kemenangan kepada Barisan Nasional. Kenapa tidak. Semua terpaksa terima hakikat bahawa Kerajaan-Kerajaan Barisan Nasional telah membawa banyak kemajuan dan nikmat lain kepada rakyat. Barisan Nasional berjaya membawa keamanan dan kesejahteraan kepada Negara Malaysia. Tiap seorang dari rakyat Malaysia dapat mengecapi kehidupan yang lebih mewah dan lebih bahagia di bawah pemerintahan Barisan Nasional. Segala percubaan oleh parti-parti lawan untuk mengurangkan sokongan dan persepsi baik terhadap Barisan Nasional dan pemerintah yang didirikan olehnya tidak berjaya.

7. Memandang kepada sejarah Malaysia merdeka dan keputusan- keputusan pilihanraya, parti lawan tentu kurang yakin mereka akan menang PRU 13 dan mendirikan Kerajaan Pusat. Cara demokrasi tidak boleh menjayakan mereka. Melihat penggulingan Kerajaan di Negara-negara Arab, tentulah terlintas di hati pemimpin-pemimpin parti lawan bahawa cara-cara demonstrasi ganas dan berpanjangan lebih mungkin memberi kejayaan kepada cita-cita mereka.

8. Tetapi mereka perlu menunjuk kepada rakyat, dan lebih utama kepada dunia luar bahawa Kerajaan Barisan Nasional di Malaysia adalah zalim dan menindas rakyat seperti Kerajaan-Kerajaan kuku besi Negara Arab.

9. Maka diciptalah Bersih. Kononnya pilihanraya di Malaysia ditipu oleh Kerajaan Pusat, walau apapun bukti bahawa di Malaysia parti lawan boleh menang dan telah menang berkali-kali jika rakyat menyokong mereka dan sebaliknya di Negara Arab bukan sahaja Kerajaan yang digulingkan tidak pernah kalah tetapi pilihanraya memberi kemenangan 99% kepada pemerintah, masih juga didakwa Pilihan Raya Umum ditipu oleh Kerajaan Malaysia.

10. Kerajaan bertindak untuk meneluskan lagi proses pilihanraya mengikut kehendak parti lawan. Tetapi masih juga dituduh yang Kerajaan menipu.

11. Banyaklah lagi tuduhan kezaliman dan kemungkaran yang dilempar kepada Kerajaan semata-semata untuk memburukkan imej Kerajaan.

12. Tunjuk-tunjuk perasaan Bersih yang besar dan ganas adalah persediaan untuk menolak keputusan PRU 13 jika parti lawan gagal memenanginya. Kekalahan mereka akan dituruti dengan demonstrasi ganas yang tidak berhenti-henti supaya keputusan pilihanraya ditolak dan satu Kerajaan lain didirikan, yang ditunjuk oleh parti lawan. Kemudian mereka akan berusaha untuk mengadakan pilihanraya sekali lagi yang boleh dimanipulasi oleh mereka.

13. Sudah tentu sebelum Kerajaan pilihan rakyat digulingkan, negara akan diserang bertubi-tubi dengan demo ganas dan huru-hara. Perancangan dan perusahaan akan diganggu mungkin dengan mogok di sana sini anjuran parti lawan.

14. Kestabilan negara akan tergugat. Polis dituduh melakukan keganasan supaya mereka tidak dapat kawal huru-hara dan demo dengan cara berkesan.

15. Kuasa-kuasa asing akan mengecam Kerajaan pilihan rakyat kerana kononnya mengguna kekerasan menghalang kebebasan bersuara dan berdemo. Malaysia akan dicap sebagai Police State.

16. Malaysia yang telah memberi banyak nikmat dan kebahagiaan kepada rakyatnya, yang telah diiktiraf sebagai Negara yang termaju di antara negara membangun, Malaysia yang bangun dengan pesatnya akan bertukar menjadi negara yang tidak lagi stabil dan maju, dan tidak lagi memberi kebahagiaan dan rahmat kepada rakyatnya. Mereka tidak percaya dengan demokrasi maka akan hilanglah hak rakyat untuk memilih Kerajaan.

17. Negara ini akan menjadi miskin dan Wawasan 2020 tidak akan menjadi kenyataan. Inilah yang akan berlaku kerana parti bukan Barisan Nasional kecewa tidak dapat ke Putrajaya. Jika dengan cara ganas mereka, mereka berjaya merebut kuasa, percayalah demokrasi akan dihapuskan dan nasib yang buruk akan menimpa Negara tercinta ini.

92 thoughts on “POLITIK MALAYSIA”

  1. Dr mahathir, i was never learn of politik. i also is not a person who like and love politik, but in this case as a malaysian i think that i can share my point of view for the country development.

    i do not know that have u aware of the few major problem in this country, but these few problem are the major setback for our country to emerge as a competitive country throughout the world. if u still love malaysia, i hope that u will take a look once more for the problem.

    1) we are malaysia people, but the races are splitting apart from each other. let see the facts, in malaysia there will be no unification as all the ties and regulation are not equal. how do u propose chinese or indian to loves this country as they are malaysia but no the 1st class citizen, where they use all their strength to contibute to this countru but this country turn its back on them. i know malaysia is once the country of the bumiputera, the Malays, but to unificate this country, ties and law must be abolish not just for the chinese and indians but for the malays also, it is not about how much u can earn but it is this the country u wan t leave to the next generation. if u think the same equal power sharing is not possible in Malaysia, then lets take a look at united states, england, south africa. and many multi racial country. jackie robinson of the dodgers baseball them is one of the few that unite the untied state country people. the president mandela of south africa also united their country. but if and only if our own country leader dun wan to unite the races then who can motivate the change? u wan the country to become like indonesia, that opposition party demonstrate radically to appeal their anger.

    2) the corrution problem of our country is still the major factor of our country for become more advance. even u urself know of the corruption. hongkong has become from a corrution empires to now the most prominent police force in the worl when the british establish the ICAC
    but the problem still lies, what malaysia leader would do to overcome this problem. u wan ur son to born in a corrupted country that no matter how talented he is he is not competitive than others.

    3)the debt of the country, y is it that malaysia is on a 14 thrillion debt but stilll use the money to distribute to the people, 1st of all, the money to giv to the people i dun care, but i care is that no matter how much money u giv, if the country went bankrupt the money is no longer any use. should the government focus more on how toimprove malaysia. i wish for a better malaysia than a 500 monthly fee.

    4)policy and the body of the goverment itsel have a lot of weakness can iprove. the body must to reform once as the government need to change all the old people to younger generation which care for country and will work hard to improve the country.

    all of these are my point of views, hopefully it can help.

  2. Salam
    YAB Tun Dr Mahathir Yg DiRahmati Allah swt.

    1. 55 tahun merdeka satu tempoh yang menjadikan rakyat Malaysia perkasa dalam semua bidang.

    2. Kerajaan BN telah ada menjalankan tanggungjawabnya yang teramat-amat baik.

    3. Sayang PAS, DAP PKR adalah penghalang kepada kesejahteraan rakyat dan negara yang sepatutnya lebih gemilang, lebih patriotik, lebih siap siaga.

    4. Mereka cuba merosakkan segala perancangan kerajaan BN. Politik mereka amat kotor sebagaimana celuparnya mulut mereka

    Marilah semua rakyat Malaysia selamatkan negara dan bangsa dari mereka itu.

  3. Dear Tun,

    Please allow me to respond to Iskandar Shah 2

    “Salam Tun

    May I..

    //Amin tan May 28, 2012 at 11:09 pm | Permalink
    Dear Tun,
    May I refer to Brother Iskandar Shah 2 who disputed the number of wives the Prophet Muhammad had. The followings are the names of the wives of the Prophet Mohammad, known as the Mother of Faithfuls’ list down in chronological order. There cannot be any confusion or doubts as to the number of wives our Prophet had because there was a story and context in every marriage….//

    Dear Bro Amin Tan

    1-I have a few books on Muhammad apparently none of them had been as apecific as your version on the account of his wives and his marriages.

    2-But according to this book I bought in Medina many many years ago entitled Stories of the prophet by Ahmad Bahgat a book approved by the Al Azhar as Sharif Islamic Research General Department and translated by sheikh Mustafa Gemeah office of the Grand imam Sheikhul Azhar “The prophet (PBUH) had nine wives and his marriages were deliberate,political,religious and humanitarian for the sake of Islamic call”.

    3-While in this book I bought in England written by renowned Islamic scholar Naeem Siddique,” Muhammad the Benefactor of Humanity “published by Islamic Publications Ltd (Lahore) Pakistan mentioned on page 250 “Eleven marriages of the prophet had been established.Reports of larger no are exaggerated and unconfirmed.”

    Wallahualam bisawab.

    Thanks Tun”

    Dear Brother Iskandar Shah 2,

    The book I refer to on the wives of the noble prophet is entitled
    “The Wives of PROPHET MUHAMMAD” Revised second edition. authored by Faridah Mas’ood Debas. Published by International Islamic Publishing House. P.O. Box 55195 Riyadh 11534, Saudi Arabia
    I bought the book in December 2011 in a book shop in Madinah Al Munawarah while performing my second Haj.

    The mothers of the Faithful are

    1.Khadeejah bint Khuwaylid: The Purified

    2. Sawdah bint Zam’ah: The Widow of the Emigrant

    3. Aishah bint Abi Bakr: The Truth Testifier

    4. Hafsah bint Umar: The Memoriser of the Quran

    5. Zaynab bint Jahsh: The Noble and Beautiful

    6. Zaynab bint Khuzaymah: The Mother of the Poor

    7. Umm Salamah bint Zad ar-Rakid: The Astute

    8. Juwayriyah bint al-Harith: The Blessing to her People

    9. Safiyah bint Huyay: The Devout Convert

    10. Umm Habeebah bint Abi Sufyan: The Patient and Forgiving

    11. Maymoonah bint al-Harith: The Blessed

    12. Mariyah: The Copt

    13.Rayhanah bint Zayd: The Humble and Shy

    The book is written in simple English and the occasion of each of the marriage is mostly backed up by quotation from the Quran. I can lend you the book if you are keen to read it.

    amin tan

  4. Tun

    As an apolitical student of the good and the great and their fables and foibles on both sides of the Causeway since October 1951 – fortunately there is only one prominent personality on the other side, I have compiled the 3 Golden Rules for a Prime Minister and the 5 Attributes of a successful Prime Minister and his Government.

    Most people are still in the dark on the Byzantine nature of our brand of Malaysian democracy and its politics. In reality, it is as simple as ABC !

    Hopefully, this erudite guide will remove some cobwebs from the uninitiated ! With your permission, Tun :-



    1. Leadership 5 (4 above the age of 62) Many

    2. Ideology Capitalism Capitalism

    3. Beliefs Varied but similar to BN Varied but similar to PKR

    4. Compostion Similar to BN Similar to PKR

    5. Wealth of leaders Very rich A very few by inheritance
    before Putrajaya

    6. Power in Putrajaya Nil Incumbent

    7. Leverage Street Protests Media
    Niche foreign support
    Cyber SS Troopers

    8. War Chest Billions of ringgits Unknown

    9. Experience in Nil 55 years

    10. Statesman Nil Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad
    & 3 others

    11. Prime Ministers Nil 6 Prime Ministers

    12. Scandals Refer to Media Refer to Media

    13. Dynasty 4 successful families 1 1/2 successful family

    14. Career Those candidates who have their parents as
    politicians have a great advantage.

    15. Vision Democracy the Malaysian Way has a great future
    provided all the players play by the rules.

    16. Observation In Malaysia, either we were good friends or related
    sometime. Hence the intense personal nature of
    Malaysian politics.

    NB. There is no difference between the two Fronts.

  5. Tun

    It is a great surprise to me that there are doubts about the UMNO led BN.

    In my mind, I was of the opinion that UMNO has always been the bedrock of Malay history, religion and culture – the living example of a what forms the backbone of a unique country.

    And here we are, there are people who tried to put unfounded doubts in the living proof of a political party which has served its constituents and country rather well since its inception in the 1940s.

    I have always told my friends that the BN needs a strong UMNO with a strong leadership otherwise we will all be in trouble. Yes ! There was an unfortunate gap from 2003. From then on, the buck stopped nowhere. The other parties have a role to play also in this hodge-podge of political parties. But in a real crunch, these have been found wanting. There were no magicians behind the smoke and mirrors shows !

    If I am a Malay, there is no doubt who I will support – the UMNO.

    With the MCA there was not a single moment that they sat down to crack their heads to adopt a new approach to garner their constituents support. This has been going on since 1949.

    With the DAP and their ‘Malaysia for Malaysians’ slogan which did not work since 1964. Why should the Malaysian Chinese vote for something which is not going to work in 2064 ? This is a party of smoke and mirrors with the same magician behind the show always.

    There will be no cross roads for the Malaysian Chinese if they vote BN.

    Don’t be shy !

  6. Tun

    For Middle Ages and all the Malaysian Chinese.

    My clarion call is for you all to vote for the BN and not for Lee Kuan Yew – it is in your own interest, family interest and self-esteem to do so.

  7. Tun

    For Middle Ages

    How can a politician especially the Honourable Prime Minister operate without power and money ?

    And why are you writing on this venerable Blog if you do not want to be noticed by the Tun and all and sundry ?

    Let us have some solid good observations and original ideas, dear Middle Ages ! No comments on race and religion please ! On your favourite icon Lee Kuan Yew, no problem !

  8. Assalamu’alaikum wr wb
    Tuan Guru Dr Mahathir Yg DiRahmati Allah swt.

    1. Hanya BN sahaja yang berkemampuan, bekelayakan, berkebolehan, berketrampilan, bermaruah, ikhlas untuk memimpin Malaysia.

    2. Hidup BN

  9. terimakasih kerana artikel yang ringkas dan senang faham.
    artikel ini patut di terjemah kedalam semua bahasa ibunda rakyat malaysia.

  10. When i heard that a Uitm student kick a policemen & one of the leader of the bersih i am like…What the hell…malukan aku…senior Uitm dia..kurang ajar…

  11. Peace Tun,

    May i provide a few sentences to one called @Mubarak Chan.

    Mubarak Chan says

    6) unlike my friend ‘Middle Ages’, the aspirant Opposition candidate will not only have power but money too to raise the standard of living of the ordinary folk like us – sic Muddle Ages claimed to be able to do this without power and money ! Middle Ages please vote for BN the party which can fulfil your tender hopes.

    Well, Mubarak Chan Sir, you do so ridicule me. May i please explain myself ?

    1. I did not say we can help raise the standard of living of the poor and under privileged without power and money. I said that power and money should not be the aim ! It should not be the ambition. It will be a natural by-product or result of genuine desire to help them. The aim then is to serve !

    2. Politics in malaysia is full of politicians pretending to help but do they really help ? It probably cost TV3 some RM 30,000 to televise a RM 3,000 gift to a poor soul in Kelantan ( poor souls are always from Kelantan somehow, but that’s another story ). One wonders why the government don’t just send a TT to the poor soul for say RM 27,000, and then spend RM 3000 on a kenduri at Sri Pentas, inviting more poor people, like me for instance.

    3. So all the hoo-hah and show is simply to show power, to show they have money and are charitable with it. Really. Wow.

    4. So it’s up to you, if this kind of show is your cup of tea, by all means vote the current party. But if you want to see genuine changes, i think better you switch. I know there is a huge risk involved, but since when is it that Chinese people are afraid of risks ? The only Chinese i see who are afraid of risks are those who work for the government !

    5. The Americans say “no-pain, no gain”. Chinese people with your long history and immense philosophy has probably similar sayings. The way i see it, either way, the economy is still very much in the hands of the Malaysian Chinese, hence Malaysian Chinese actually has the privilege of choosing freely. The Malaysian Indian will follow suit i think. The Malaysian Malays, well, is in a state called “Confucious”, for a very good reason i think.

    6. That is why Tun says Malays can be the deciding vote. So i can understand why BN has activated the MCA branch to try and tip the balance somewhat. But BN ain’t foolin no one.

    Thank You Tun

  12. Peace Tun,

    May i try and calm Amin Tan down please.

    Mr Amin Tan,

    I understand your explanation with regards to communists vs religion a.k.a opium of the masses. I am not learned in the subject as you are but i have heard those popular phrases you plug out from the depths of Chairman Mao’s grave.

    I however do not understand your paranioa when it comes to anything communist, it perhaps a result of years of government indoctrination. Whatever it is, rest assured no one is welcomed to destroy the peace we enjoy.

    If communists is all that bad, they would perhaps be in the same economic disaster as the rest of the world, i.e. the western world is facing. Perhaps they have got some things right, i believe we should not write off any body or any human or divine ideology, nor even yours.

    We are entering a new phase, the world, a phase where kids know technology better than their parents or what food to eat, where they can choose mates from any corner of the world, where all religions will eventually converge. So i think we could use all the minds in the world, eventually we will decide according to our hearts desire.

    Thank You Tun

  13. Tun

    I am sure you agree with me that how wonderful Malaysia is today.

    And I am also certain that you agree with me that those in positions of power and privilege should pinch themselves every morning to remind themselves that this is a real and unique world of Malaysia, our beloved country and they would do justice to the 99% of the populace who are not so privileged – in other words, those with duties and responsibilities should not abuse their power and be more compassionate and considerate towards the have-nots.

    Your Blog has revealed the thoughts of the disparate population in words – some of which are expressive and some constipated. But all in all it is the racial aspect of these discussions which I find irrelevant to our society at large.

    We may note Tun, the easy relationship between different racial groups when they were young. The awareness of one’s racial difference becomes only apparent as we move along in life from puberty onwards compounded by comments by our parents, peers and so forth.

    The surprising thing is that nowadays whenever I meet a friend who makes disparaging remarks about others, I will remind him that each person and each race is different entirely from one another. I will always get a shocked look in his face because for his realization of this fact for the very first time. Previously, he had thought all human beings are the same.

    What some people called ‘ mind-set ‘.

    For example, I took a taxi ride sometime ago in Singapore. I asked ‘ Mr Lim why do you look so unhappy today ?’ He replied ‘ I really don’t know why because I am like this every day’. I carried on ‘ Mr Lim, I am sure you have a HDB flat ( a big thing in Singapore ), a wife, a son and daughter and then this job !’ He retorted ‘ Yes, I have all these things and yet I am unhappy every day !’ I could not contain myself and said ‘ Mr Lim, I am certain when you get up every morning, you look at your neighbours’ brand new cars and think of money too !’ ‘ You are right. I did that every morning.’ he answered. I continued again, ‘ Mr Lim, why don’t you think like this – Health, happiness and money in this order. In fact, many people wish they are like you. With a smile, he replied, ‘ I now feel a heavy burden lifted from my shoulders by thinking like this !’

    Tun, if all Malaysians think and not listen, we definitely have less problems concerning people who desire power and money today !

    Again I make my clarion call to all Malaysian Chinese that they should not be swayed by false promises ( Malaysia for Malaysians ) but vote steadfastly for the BN and be happy !

    Every person, every Nation makes mistakes.

    This is a fact of life.

  14. Dear Tun

    Please allow me to say a ‘message’ to all your readers and all Malaysians.

    Forget and discard DAP, PAS and PKR. As with their so-called ‘god’s gift to mankind’ of a leader [sic], they are deviant widowers looking for same-sex marriage !

    For the PRU 13 this September, please vote wisely, not emotionally.
    As a voter, take care of your future.
    Together, we shall take care of our future.

    Thank you and best wishes.

  15. Tun

    As the proponents and the opponents of the BN move towards the 13th General Elections and play out their roles and magic shows with smoke and mirrors to the general electorate, we note that more and more revelations of the Opposition are that they are very much like the BN.

    It is now openly admitted that

    1) family dynasties are more successful in the Opposition than in BN

    2) the leadership is very rich so much so that the familial interests will reach beyond the 3rd Generation.

    3) if the leadership is very rich, the 99% of the common folk like us, must assume that there are overseas bank accounts, properties, etc in world class cities like Singapore, Bombay etc. These are special folks.

    4) with this knowledge, the young and the ambitious will now seriously consider taking up politics instead of studying seriously to be a professional.

    I know of one political family which emphasised on Mathematics and not the Arts because 1 + 1 will always be 2 and you get 100 marks !

    5) besides, Malaysian politics is now a multi-billion ringgit industry with low hanging fruits in the secret garden – in 1954, the towkays financed the whole Alliance election for just $450,000 ! There is plenty of room to earn a living for those with a quick turn of mind and speech.

    6) unlike my friend ‘Middle Ages’, the aspirant Opposition candidate will not only have power but money too to raise the standard of living of the ordinary folk like us – sic Muddle Ages claimed to be able to do this without power and money ! Middle Ages please vote for BN the party which can fulfil your tender hopes.

    All in all, the Opposition leadership appears to be the same as the BN leadership. The only difference is that they want to replace the BN in their hot seats in Putrajaya.

    The very rich want power to rule over us, the 99% ordinary folk !

    My fellow Malaysian Chinese please think hard and think serious that since the BN is in Putrajaya and another political group of the same ilk wants power and with no record, I strongly advise that you vote for the BN because there will be no difference if not worse. Vide pronouncements by the PAS.

    Please do not read the same old story twice. We are Malaysian Chinese !

  16. Salam Tun

    May I..

    //Amin tan May 28, 2012 at 11:09 pm | Permalink
    Dear Tun,
    May I refer to Brother Iskandar Shah 2 who disputed the number of wives the Prophet Muhammad had. The followings are the names of the wives of the Prophet Mohammad, known as the Mother of Faithfuls’ list down in chronological order. There cannot be any confusion or doubts as to the number of wives our Prophet had because there was a story and context in every marriage….//

    Dear Bro Amin Tan

    1-I have a few books on Muhammad apparently none of them had been as apecific as your version on the account of his wives and his marriages.

    2-But according to this book I bought in Medina many many years ago entitled Stories of the prophet by Ahmad Bahgat a book approved by the Al Azhar as Sharif Islamic Research General Department and translated by sheikh Mustafa Gemeah office of the Grand imam Sheikhul Azhar “The prophet (PBUH) had nine wives and his marriages were deliberate,political,religious and humanitarian for the sake of Islamic call”.

    3-While in this book I bought in England written by renowned Islamic scholar Naeem Siddique,” Muhammad the Benefactor of Humanity “published by Islamic Publications Ltd (Lahore) Pakistan mentioned on page 250 “Eleven marriages of the prophet had been established.Reports of larger no are exaggerated and unconfirmed.”

    Wallahualam bisawab.

    Thanks Tun

  17. Dear Tun,

    Please allow me to quote mr MiddleAges

    I quote

    “3. The Prophet of Islam, prophet Muhammad himself had issued a warning, be careful of the Quran, it can be used against you, and if i were you , i would heed the Holy Prophets warnings. He ought to know, he is the Author.”

    Dear Mr MiddleAges

    Prophet means Messenger. Prophet Mohammad received the revelation from Allah through Malaikat Jibrael, to pass on to humanity. Mohammad was not the author of the Quran. Mohammad could not read or write when he received the divine revelation. He committed the revelation to memory. So did many of his companions. Today there are many muslims who memorise the whole 30 chapters of the Quran. A true muslim should appreciate and have deep respect for those who memorise the whole Quran with dedication.
    Communists do not believe in God or religion. They are atheists. To them religion is the opium of the people. To the communists, religion is only a tool, a falsehood fabricated to con, mislead and subjugate the gullible people. To them, they only believe in what they see. To the atheists, god, angels, satan, heaven, paradise, hell and the unseen or the unknown do not exist. They do not believe or do not bother to want to know things metaphysical and the hereafter. They are right in the sense that ignorance is bliss. But then death is a certainty. We live only once. We pass this world but once. We will never come this way again. You and I are not relevant. We will be forgotten, totally forgotten say in 2000 years time. We are only tiny dots in the scheme of things.
    You said as long as we have a clean heart, that is all that matters. A clean but empty heart is a clear loser. But A clean heart filled with divine revelation bring meaning and enlightenment to the existence.

    amin tan

  18. Salam Tun,

    1. A minor response to Amin Tan please.

    Amin Tan says

    In order for you to have true and unbiased knowledge of Islam, I suggest you read The Holy Quran. Do not be shy or arrogant, please tell me what do you understand about Al Fatihah and Surah Asri.

    1. Thank You Mr Amin Tan, for your kind invitation to your madrasah, but i think i will pass this time, because you see, it is a very long story, this book of life, the Quran, it is not something i would like to share in public, my secrets with God remain as a Hidden Secret, and i don’t feel in the mood to talk to you about religion.

    2. Should you however feel compelled to divulge all you know about Islam and your personal inclinations for the benefit of others here, be my guest, Tun has provided you ample space for it.

    3. The Prophet of Islam, prophet Muhammad himself had issued a warning, be careful of the Quran, it can be used against you, and if i were you , i would heed the Holy Prophets warnings. He ought to know, he is the Author.

    4. Have a nice day Mr Amin Tan.

    Thank You Tun

  19. Tun

    I am surprised that Middle Ages is still wallowing on minor issues or issues which are no longer relevant.

    Let us not be misled or distracted by entirely different issues which have no bearing on policies but hit and run issues, administrative issues, money issues, eye catching issues, sex scandal issues etc etc. now being doled out in big big dollops by the Opposition.

    The main issue is are we going to have a revolution or evolution?

    Are we going to discard our peoples, their history, religions, culture and things which have built the different communities through the ages and now these have become an integral part and parcel of our beloved Malaysai ?

    As I said many a time, the Malaysian Chinese of the present generation, 21 – 40 years old have lost their roots unlike their fathers and forefathers who could be relied upon as the stable bedrock of a nation. Some of them are yellow bananas (Chou En Lai 1956) whilst others are worse and have a complex !

    Of course, these two disparate groups can only come together on one thing and one thing only !

    Normalcy is the best watchword for them and for their continued survival and peace and stability.

    Even though the Malaysian Chinese have been badly led politically on the one hand by an all-exclusive crew or the other, a pie in the sky slogan ( Malaysia for Malaysians) dangled in their minds – both cannot work in the long run without the practice of realpolitik and have led the Malaysian Chinese up the tall greasy pole, without being effective.

    This is why I embarked on my many clarion calls to the Malaysian Chinese that their political leaderships are faulty and they can only be effective by voting strongly for the BN. As always, the Malaysian Chinese should look at the motives of their political leadership, whether it is about power and money, dynastic or whatever, for those who lead !

    At this juncture of the Malaysian Chinese history, I will blast the clarion call until they wake up.

  20. Dear Tun,

    In my mind you are the greatest Malay leader still alive and you will probably be the only one with the ‘greatness’ for many years to come until someone of your calibre surfaced.

    I give you my utmost respect and honor for your sharp mind and leadership and for what your vision have made this nation as it is now.

    Having said that, I still sincerely believe UMNO needs a drastic change and that change can ONLY be really felt if the corridors of power that UMNO now occupies and controlled are taken back from them…

    Please Tun, UMNO needs to change …. the Opposition are just opportunists capitalizing on a corrupt UMNO. It doesn’t matter what the Opposition promised or threatened. What really matters is this beloved country cannot have a corrupted UMNO.

  21. Salam Tun,

    May i please succumb to the voice from above, from none other than Amin Tan himself.

    You said ‘human made laws and rules passed down as divine’. You are a great man, MiddleAgers. There were so many great thinkers before you and their thinking were like you. They seemed very logical but they were in fact not practical. But all the same, great men think alike.

    Why, thank you. You are most kind. * bowing *

    I would put you in the same category as Carl Marx, Mao Tse Tong, Lenin, Ho Chi Min. They were the revolutionaries. They were the ones who advocated the dictatorship of the proletariat, workers of the world unite, down with capitalist roaders. Long live Marxism, Leninism and Mao Tze Tong’s thoughts.

    Why thank you again. So much flattery. Very Amin Tan. But if you don’t mind, my support is still with Pakatan Rakyat. Nothing personal. Flattery and Money cannot buy my votes unfortunately.

    These Great atheists were godless people. As much as you said religion is a failed science, communism or atheism is a proven failed ideology. Very few people still subscribe to communism. Communism as an ideology is too ideal, it is against the law of nature. it is definitely against islam. The communists or atheists are ‘JAHIL’ or ‘ignorant’ or ‘kafir’.

    Well, i agree. I did not say religion is a failed science, some Atheist said so on a website. It makes one think. I do not agree with this entirely, i think it is the misguided use or abuse of religion that led to it’s failure, not the religion itself. The pure and pristine religion ought to work as it had done in the past. But i know saying this will probably trigger another round of discussion on just what religion is, and just what Islam is. This time however i think i will pass, because i am convinced it will not be fruitful, i think we a have a more serious and important matter, i.e. a disintegrating Malaysian society.

    Also i feel your take on the communists is to harsh. I agree it is against the laws of nature, but then democracy does not obey the laws of nature too, if might is equated as right, democracy will soon be undermined.

    As humans, we need to obey the laws of our own clean heart. What is good for the heart, is good for the body. A clean heart is what religion seeks to achieve, is it not Amin Tan ? Does it mean that without religion a persons heart is rotten ? Are atheists and communists all bad people ? Is the religious or pious really good people ?

    By now, everyone knows what religious people really want. You just cannot fool all the people all the time.

    Thank You Tun

  22. Dear Tun,

    Please allow me to quote and address Mr MiddleAges

    I quote

    “1. For a Malay to progress, the Malay mind must lead their life. For the mind to lead, it needs to be free first. For it to be free, it must escape the clutches of human made laws and rules, passed down as divine.

    2. Non Malays are not going to wait for the Malays to progress, and i do not blame them. Neither would i as a Malaysian. There is a time and capacity limit to the help we can render.

    5. DS Najib once called for soul searching. It is the right call. But no one will even think about soul searching if the struggle is for material wealth. And the government persist in dishing out billions and mega projects, yet telling us to go soul searching. Plenty good that will do.

    6. If BN wins, it will be gold searching, not soul searching. The greed will grow beyond imagination. Past sins becomes celebrated succcess.

    7. If PR wins, there will be plenty of adjustments on both sides, hence instability. But there is already a precedence, a track record, especially for Selangor case. So the turbelance is manageable.

    8. As i said, i prefer PR, but i can live with any government. What i cannot live with is the continued hatred and greed being forced onto me, labelled as Islam or as “Kerana Bangsa”, because that is implied as Bangsa Melayu, and i am Bangsa Malaysia.

    9. Medical Science provides me a means of building a life, by quarantining myself. In engineering this is called isolation, same thing. I can protect myself against the Malay dilemma, does not matter old or new dilemma. I have religious knowledge, Islam, Christianity, with a bit of Bhuddism, Taoism and so can and will use it to benefit my own life, and help those around me, my “neighbours”.

    10. Religion is failed Science, says one Atheist. Perhaps so, but what can replace it ? And if there is nothing to replace it, that’s like removing the support structure of a sky rise. The result is disasterous. So i think religion should be used as temporary scaffolding, but should ultimately and soon, be replaced by real Science. That is the only hope for mankind. That is the only way Malays can succeed.”

    Dear MiddleAges,

    You said ‘human made laws and rules passed down as divine’. You are a great man, MiddleAgers. There were so many great thinkers before you and their thinking were like you. They seemed very logical but they were in fact not practical. But all the same, great men think alike. I would put you in the same category as Carl Marx, Mao Tse Tong, Lenin, Ho Chi Min. They were the revolutionaries. They were the ones who advocated the dictatorship of the proletariat, workers of the world unite, down with capitalist roaders. Long live Marxism, Leninism and Mao Tze Tong’s thoughts. These Great atheists were godless people. As much as you said religion is a failed science, communism or atheism is a proven failed ideology. Very few people still subscribe to communism. Communism as an ideology is too ideal, it is against the law of nature. it is definitely against islam. The communists or atheists are ‘JAHIL’ or ‘ignorant’ or ‘kafir’.

    Dear MiddleAges, please do not get offended. You said you have religious knowledges on islam, but I think only superficial. You may observe the life of a Malay and it does not impress you and you conclude that you have religious knowledge of islam. In order for you to have true and unbiased knowledge of Islam, I suggest you read The Holy Quran. Do not be shy or arrogant, please tell me what do you understand about Al Fatihah and Surah Asri.

    amin tan

  23. Salam Tun

    1) The group Ahmad Badri has mentioned as not really on the opposition side but only comprising of Malays who have lost some or total love for UMNO is really a growing lot and they will actually decide if BN will still win this GE13.I am one of them.Pak Lah was fully responsible for my sudden disgust of the ruling party.

    2) Some of the things that make it difficult for us to continue accepting UMNO is this nepotism in the leadership of UMNO.After Hishamuddin it will be most likely be Mukhriz to take over.After that it will be the turn of Hishammuddin to show appreciation to Najib and prepare the rise of any aspiring Razak descendant,then after turn of Mukhriz to reciprocate and empower the Hussein clan.Only these people it seems know how to lead the country.

    3) BN could very well be history come this GE13 if the opposition don’t make any stupid mistakes.People like me may simply choose to end the BN so that some drastic changes could happen within UMNO while they are out there soul searching.They will never change unless something drastic like this will happen.My original plan was once this changes has taken place I think I would give them a second chance in the GE14.

    4) The marriage of strange bedfellows like the PAKATAN can not expect to be a viable alternative to the Barisan ever.One term is all they would deserve.Their best role would be a challenger to BN,a second fiddle,like the role they are playing now.

    5) But the PAKATAN may have done an overkill in their present excitement and may now blow away their best chance ever.The non Malays should not have attacked the Malay UMNO overly.They should just let the Malay Keadilan members attack UMNO Malays while the Indian and Chinese DAP members just concentrate on the non Malay BN members.

    6) Just recently my Indian friends had approached me soliciting for my vote for the opposition.They have made a mistake in overly exagerating about my beloved Tun describing him as the most corrupted man in Malaysia with billions stacked abroad.Then they went way too far with all the allegations about the BN trying to cheat the electorates and there was more of these lies about Najib ,and all these without any proof whatsoever.And when they try to make an angel out of Anwar that is when my disgust have been turned now towards the opposition.Suddenly my feelings towards UMNO had been rekindled.

    7) I have no choice but will give UMNO my simpathetic vote.As a Malay I cannot take it when other races talk so badly about my own race.The opposition non Malays may not realize it but when they attack UMNO they are attacking the Malays and only a sick Malay may not feel offended by all these unproven nonsenses.As they accuse UMNO as being racists they have not realized thay have become just as racists.You can sense their hatred of the Malays even though they don’t say it.And I really don’t understand why on earth do they want to involve Tun…

    8) Should UMNO/BN were to win again I sincerely hope that they would take drastic step to change because if they don’t, people like me may just not give them any more chance in future.If they win again they must take it that God is really giving them one last chance.Don’t be too happy.

    May Allah take care of of my beloved Malaysia forever.Thanks Tun .

  24. Salam Tun,

    1. For a Malay to progress, the Malay mind must lead their life. For the mind to lead, it needs to be free first. For it to be free, it must escape the clutches of human made laws and rules, passed down as divine.

    2. Non Malays are not going to wait for the Malays to progress, and i do not blame them. Neither would i as a Malaysian. There is a time and capacity limit to the help we can render.

    5. DS Najib once called for soul searching. It is the right call. But no one will even think about soul searching if the struggle is for material wealth. And the government persist in dishing out billions and mega projects, yet telling us to go soul searching. Plenty good that will do.

    6. If BN wins, it will be gold searching, not soul searching. The greed will grow beyond imagination. Past sins becomes celebrated succcess.

    7. If PR wins, there will be plenty of adjustments on both sides, hence instability. But there is already a precedence, a track record, especially for Selangor case. So the turbelance is manageable.

    8. As i said, i prefer PR, but i can live with any government. What i cannot live with is the continued hatred and greed being forced onto me, labelled as Islam or as “Kerana Bangsa”, because that is implied as Bangsa Melayu, and i am Bangsa Malaysia.

    9. Medical Science provides me a means of building a life, by quarantining myself. In engineering this is called isolation, same thing. I can protect myself against the Malay dilemma, does not matter old or new dilemma. I have religious knowledge, Islam, Christianity, with a bit of Bhuddism, Taoism and so can and will use it to benefit my own life, and help those around me, my “neighbours”.

    10. Religion is failed Science, says one Atheist. Perhaps so, but what can replace it ? And if there is nothing to replace it, that’s like removing the support structure of a sky rise. The result is disasterous. So i think religion should be used as temporary scaffolding, but should ultimately and soon, be replaced by real Science. That is the only hope for mankind. That is the only way Malays can succeed.

    11. Economy does not solve our problems, it does not make
    us advance, although i agree it is very helpful. You are right Tun, to progress one needs to hold on to “nilai2 murni” or good values. Those who study Islam knows very few in “heaven” are rich people. It does not mean we should remain poor, it means we should be wise and charitable. In the words of late Steve jobs, “stay hungry”.

    12. My chinese friends ask when can they become bumiputras. I did not respond then, i will now. They are already bumiputras, as far as i am concerned, as they are born here, hence a Malaysian like me. My Malay friends lag behind their Chinese and even Indian Malaysians. I think Tun and everyone else knows and understands why. If they ask for help and advise, i will give it free. If they ask for money i will point them to UMNO, and not waste my time anymore.

    13. Whatever it is i thank D.S. Najibs adminstration for such a good job, my not supporting BN has nothing to do with performance, nothing personal too, it has to do with belief and understanding of what it takes to make a Malaysian. I feel the BN formula can deliver a good economy, but not a good society. And I stand by my opinion.

    14. It is both a pleasure and very rewarding experience to read Tun’s “Blogging to Unblock”.

    Thank You Tun

  25. Tun

    As we march step by step towards the arbiter of who should rule our beloved country, the 13th General Elections, we find that the Malaysian Chinese are at odds over what is good and best for them.

    Why ?

    Because of the years of good living as provided by the successful 22 years of your Administration and the lack of leadership, explanation and information as provided by the MCA through the years to the young Malaysian Chinese the wherewithal of their existence. And a sudden gap of 9 years from 2003 which left the country in a political limbo and an apparent failure of the MCA leadership during this time.

    Now, they are all in a hurry to put the cake togetheer.

    Will it work this time around under the glare of the unversal multi-media with all its expose’ – the latest phenomenom of the present Malaysian political scenario now compounded by moves which are deliberately highlighted on the TV for added effect ?

    Why are the Malaysian Chinese at odds with the peaceful and stable environment of the fathers and forefathers in a country which treats them the best of all, better than in Singapore, Hong Kong, Taiwan, China and the rest of the World ?

    It is because of the lack of political leadership which cannot now be ignored !

    There are 2 types of Malaysian Chinese in this country.

    1) The English speaking type who has now and then appeared on your Blog talking gibberish and characteristically argumentative

    2) The Mandarin speaking type who has an introverted complex just because they speak the Mandarin language and actually, they know only the rudimentary bits about things Chinese. (A person who can command 1000 Chinese characters can only read the Sin Chew Jit Poh. A universtiy graduate should do 3,000 – 4,000 characters. There are 10,000 Chinese characters to remember. Many had already lost their meaning.)

    Both types have no Chinese spiritual or cultural ballast to view things in their own best interests unlike their fathers and forfathers. They have lost their roots. Most of them do not even know their origins per se and in depth. At the slightest sound of the gong, they would run to Petaling Jaya or to OZ.

    Both have lowered levels of achievement in terms of propriety, ethics and standards.

    This is the result of the MCA doing their own exclusive thing and the majority of the Malaysian Chinese doing their own thing.

    How many of my fellow Malaysians realise that there are more different types of Chinese in Malaysia with the exception of only China ?

    You name them. Malaysia will have them. The Teochews, Foochows, Hokkiens, Hainanese, Hakka, Shanghainese, Cantonese, Kwangsi, nonyas and babas etc etc.
    A mix crew who are only interested in hard-work, frugality and peace and stability.

    But each clan is entirely different from the other in behavioural and cultural characteristics which are further divided into sub-clans and families. It was the British who understood them and trained their young cadres in Canton, Swatow and Amoy for 6 months. And later appointed them as Protectors of the Chinese, a sort of euphemism in the colonial vocabulary which were actually part of the Police Special Branch.

    But are the Malaysian Chinese being what they are realise the paramount importance of the role they can play with their votes in the next General Elections for the good or the bad ?

    When there is no guarantee what will happen ?

    Massive amounts of money moving massive numbers of people to protest what had been laid down in the agenda to attain power at all costs and to unsaddle the incumbent Government in Putrajaya – for the nightly TV show around the globe!

    Do the Malaysian Chinese realize that they are probably the first in the world to take part in street demonstrations to de-stabilize themselves and all they have worked for -their very own peace and stability and prosperity which have been with us for decades if not centuries due to the age-old practice of humanity and multi-culturalism by the Royal Sultans of yore and successive Governments?

    Rowdy scenes in the streets are now created like the hartal demonstrations of pre-Independence India in Malaysia which has had a long period of independence, and peace and stability and prosperity !

    With the realization that politics in Malaysia is a jolly good business or profession for the already very rich Opposition leaders, each Malaysian Chinese should look at himself or herself in the mirror and ask what is best for themselves.

    What is the Malaysian way which even the Opposition leadership has stated very clearly today ?

    Why worship false icons who have proven to have legs of clay at the end of the day ?
    Vide Channelasianews November 2008 Lee Kuan Yew, all Singaporean Blogs January 2009-2011, London Financial Times. Gillian Tett ‘Singapore’s Harvard Model’ April 2010. Channelasianews 2012. News excerpts on immigration and defense.

    What is a better alternative than the BN ? Even though we know who the Opposition’s Prime Minister will be, will it make any difference to the long administration of the BN ?

    I dare say after a close study of all these prominent personalities with their fables and foibles since October 1951, I could only vouch for the BN who has proven to safeguard the interests of the Malaysian Chinese even with the latter’s poor political leadership.

    All Malaysian Chinese should vote for the BN to continue our beloved country’s peace and stability and prosperity.

    There are no two ways about this.

  26. Assalamu Alaikum Tun,

    Lalok le, betullah Islam tak violent..patut hang dan kuncu2 hang tolong nasihat rakan hang supaya tak pi rosakan harta benda orang awam dekat dataran merdeka. atau hang sendiri joint sekali pukul polis? terajang orang tak bersalah sambil bertakbir, apa benda tu..sekarang siapa hina Islam? hanglah..

  27. Assalamualaikum w.b.t. dan salam hormat Yg Bhg Tun,

    Menjelang PRU 13, kelihatan jelas di mata umum bahawa Pakatan Rakyat (DAP, Pas & PKR) sudah kekeringan isu bagi mempengaruhi untuk mendapatkan sokongan berterusan dan tambahan demi mencapai cita-cita mereka menawan Putrajaya. Kerajaan di bawah urus tadbir Barisan Nasional yang diterajui oleh YAB Dato’ Seri Mohd Najib Tun Abdul Razak telah dan sedang giat membuat beberapa perubahan melalui beberapa transformasi demi kepentingan rakyat dan negara Malaysia. Semua program transformasi yang digembeling oleh kerajaan Barisan Nasional telah dengan jelas berjaya membuahkan hasil yang memberikan banyak manfaat kepada rakyat dan kebaikan kepada pertumbuhan ekonomi Malaysia.

    2. Apa lagi isu yang boleh dimainkan oleh Pakatan Rakyat yang berhubungkait rapat dengan kepentingan rakyat dan negara Malaysia? Jawapannya mudah saja, iaitu tiada isu relevan yang boleh dibangkitkan oleh Pakatan Rakyat untuk meraih simpati dan sokongan rakyat kerana hampir semua kepentingan rakyat dan negara Malaysia sudah dan sedang ditangani dengan baik dan berkesan oleh kerajaan Barisan Nasional. Hakikatnya kerajaan Barisan Nasional secara konsisten telah berjaya semenjak memegang tampuk pemerintahan negara Malaysia (semenjak Merdeka 55 tahun yang lalu) melakukan berbagai polisi dan program pembangunan yang menjurus kepada kepentingan rakyat dan negara Malaysia. Realitinya tiada sesiapapun rakyat Malaysia boleh menafikan kejayaan kerajaan Perikatan (terdahulu) dan Barisan Nasional (terkini) telah beroleh kejayaan yang amat gemilang, cemerlang dan terbilang dalam sektor pembangunan untuk rakyat dan negara Malaysia. Bukti nyata terbentang di depan mata setiap rakyat Malaysia. Malaysia berjaya dibangunkan dalam suasana yang kondusif, rakyatnya yang berbilang kaum dapat hidup dalam aman dan damai.

    3. Oleh kerana tiada isu yang relevan, maka Pakatan Rakyat terpaksa bertungkus lumus mewujudkan isu-isu sensitif yang boleh menyentuh hati rakyat menjelang Pilihanraya Umum ke 13. Suruhanjaya Pilihanraya (SPR), UMNO dan Barisan Nasional dijadikan sasaran utama Pakatan Rakyat. Kredibiliti SPR dipertikaikan dalam mengendalikan Pilihanraya (Kecil & UMUM) yang dikatakan tidak telus dan perlu dibersihkan. Maka ekoran dari itu dibangkitkan isu “Bersih” dan untuk merealisasikannya maka wujudlah demonstari “Bersih 1, 2 & 3, sehingga merebak ke tanah suci Makkah dan Madinah pada 26 April 2012. Parlimen menubuhkan satu jawatankuasa khas yang dianggotai Ahli Parlimen BN dan PKR bagi mencari suatu kaedah yang baik dan berkesan untuk membaik pulih sebarang kelemahan (jika ada) dalam urusan pilihanraya yang dikendalikan oleh SPR. Hampir seratus peratus cadangan dari pihak pembangkang (PKR) diambil kira demi usaha pembaikan urusan pilihanraya di Malaysia, namun pakatan pembangkang masih lagi tidak berpuas hati dan meneruskan usaha mereka melalui beberapa demonstrasi jalanan yang jelas memudaratkan urusan awam (peniaga dan sebagainya), mencetuskan huru-hara yang menjejaskan keselamatan awam, dan menjejaskan imej baik negara Malaysia. Melalui tindakan demonstrasi jalanan yang bercorak keganasan pihak pembangkang menharapkan suasana negara Malaysia akan menjadi tidak stabil, imej kerajaan Barisan Nasional akan menjadi buruk di mata rakyat dan dunia amnya, dan akan melemahkan kerajaan Barisan Nasional (kerana dibebani dengan berbagai masalah oleh keganasan jalan yang beruterusan), dan melunturkan sokongan majoriti rakyat terhadap kepimpinan kerajaan Barisan Nasional.

    4. Selain demonstrasi jalanan pakatan pembangkang dilihat menggunakan kaedah mencaci cela dan menfitnah kepimpinan UMNO & BN melalui ceramah-ceramah politik dan media baru secara semborono (tiada bukti asas yang kukuh) semata-mata ingin merendahkan kredibiliti kepimpinan UMNO & BN. Hampir semua program transformasi kerajaan Barisan Nasional untuk rakyat dan negara Malaysia tidak diterima oleh pakatan rakyat (dinafikan kebaikannya untuk rakyat dan negara Malaysia) dan semua dikaitkan dengan tidak ada ketelusan (kepimpinan UMNO & BN korup dan tidak ada integriti). Pakatan rakyat cuba mengaburi mata rakyat terhadap kebaikan program transformasi kerajaan Barisan nasional di bawah kepimpinan YAB Dato’ Seri Mohd Najib Tun Abdul Razak. Pakatan Rakyat tiada sebarang value/nilai dalam berpolitik, sifat politik mereka hanya untuk meruntuhkan, bukan menjadi check & balance yang berkesan.

    5. Menyedari kemungkinan besar pakatan rakyat tidak akan berjaya menguasai Putrajaya melalui ruang demokrasi (pilihanraya) yang diamalkan dengan jayanya selama ini dan seperti yang Tun nyatakan, maka mereka menggunakan kaedah “Demonstrasi Jalanan” untuk mencipta kemenangan dan menumbangkang UMNO & BN. Insyaallah, dengan langkah-langkah yang betul oleh UMNO yang menjadi tunjang kerajaan Barisan Nasional, Allah s.w.t. tidak akan mengizinkan kejayaan oleh pakatan pembangkang melalui cara-cara yang tidak demokratik dan keterlaluan cara. Sama-samalah kita renung dan fikirkan.

    Sekian, terima kasih dan wassalam.

  28. Parti Pas lebih relevan dan sesuai utk orang melayu amnya, penganut Islam khasnya. Jika Parti Pas menang lebih byk kerusi maka suara melayu dan islam akan lebih menyerlah seantero dunia.

  29. Asal’kum Tun,

    Deciding which party to elect is like investing in a company. As TH Tan (an entrpreneur) wrote in The Sunday Star says is deciding which company to invest in.
    Do you invest in a company with a little management short comings Or are you going to invest in an IPO with no track record with leaders who are unsure where they are going?
    The people must choose with a clear mind and not be clouded by aspiration of a ex-minister (who has only a half bake knowledge of running a country) who’s aim is to sit there (like a puppet) and lead the country to NOWHERE. We agree that the BN is not perfect. What is important is ” are there steps taken to rectify the problem?” If it is so then the leaders are doing the right thing. It is very crucial for the leader to display traits that are worthy, trusted, integrity, etc. that is able to lead the country in times of down trends.
    It is not enough for a leader to point out all the bad things that another person (leader) does (which is easy) but to be able put the country forward. This, I think, BN has.

  30. lalok ler, jgn malukan orang Islam lain dengan bahasa awak itu. Other races and religion are reading this post and you are not representing Islam well. Everyone has their own opinion but not through rudeness. Islam is not a rude religion and violent. Allahuakbar…!

  31. Salam Tun,
    Izinkan saya,

    Pada Lalok Ler dan yang sama otak dengannya,

    Kamu kutuk orang, buat fitnah kemudian kamu takbir.
    Kamu yang patut bertaubat!! kerana telah mencemari nama Allah, Tuhan yang Maha Agung dan Maha Suci dengan mulut kotor kamu. Jangan sampai laknat Allah jatuh pada kamu.
    Ajal tidak mengira usia. Mungkin kamu yang mati dulu sebelum Tun. Apa persiapan kamu? Periksa diri sendiri sebelum periksa orang lain.

    Walaupun kami tidak setuju dengan semua pendapat Tun dan rasa hampa kerana Tun biarkan golongan yang sudah terlebih pandai mengunakan blog Tun untuk menyebar fahaman mereka tapi kita harus akui akan sumbangan Tun yang tidak terkira banyak nya terhadap pembangunan ummah bukan saja dinegara ini tapi juga dinegara negara miskin diseluruh dunia termasuk Bosnia. Sumbangan yang cukup besar yang tidak ada siapa yang boleh nafikan.

    Rasanya tidak keterlaluan kalau kami katakan perasaan cinta yang ada didalam hati Tun pada bangsa dan saudara saudara Islam kita, tidak ada pada mana mana pemimpin Islam lain termasuk tok guru tok guru dalam PAS. Apakah hanya dengan berserban dan bertakbir pada tiap ucapan mereka, mereka ini lebih Islam dari orang lain!!

  32. lalok ler….

    Hang ugama sesat kan? Hang maki Tun M lepas tu hang kata “Allahuakbar” pulak…..Mana boleh orang Islam kata macam tu…..hang mesti orang PAS ….Parti Agama Sesat….Hang kena taubat……Nik Aziz nak kawan dengan UMNO tapi ada syarat……tu la buang tabiat namanya….kalau nak sembang atau muzakarah maka tak payah la syarat cuma beri salam saja la…tapi dia yang mula nak muzakarah tapi tunjuk lagak pulak………ini bukan sifat orang Islam…sesat tak sedar diri.

  33. Tun

    I have elaborated on the unknown motives of the detractors of the BN in so many words and sought the understanding of the Malaysian Chinese to think and understand their past, present and future position in our beloved Malaysia.

    It is paramount that the Malaysian Chinese, hopefully, will understand that the whole fracas boils down to only power and money. These desires of humankind are as old as the hills.

    The Malaysian Chinese should ask

    1) Why the opposition multi-millionaires who are already rich beyond most people’s dreams, want to be elected into positions of power in Putrajaya through a hastily put-together coalition of disparate political parties. Why ?

    2) Is there any guarantee that these Opposition multi-millionaires with no record of duties and responsiblities in the corridors of power in Putrajaya might decide to do something which is out of this world and against the interests of the Malaysian Chinese ?

    3) The present attacks on the incumbents are entirely based on administrative scandals concerning money which arose out of a moment of weakness, we have not seen any wisp of action that the 3 disparate opposition parties can work together even though there is a lot of talking. Please explain ?

    4) The BN has floundered on money matters but not on policy matters,
    how are the Opposition parties which claim to win, going to announce the policy of their Government before the next General Elections ? And their Ministers ?

    5) And what the Opposition Government has in store for the Malaysian Chinese which is guaranteed ?

    6) And how did the Opposition politicians become multi-millionaires ?

    7) We have seen time and time again that people changed completely when in positions of power and money. How can we be sure that we pays what we get ?

    If no answers are forthcoming, then it is better for the Malaysian Chinese to vote for BN, someone you know for a long time, rather than for someone who has become very rich recently and wants power to rule us.

    Please note in most countries, very rich people are seldom elected into offices of power to rule.

    Malaysian Chinese vote for the BN which we know for a long time !

  34. Salam Tuan lalok ler,

    Terlebih dahulu adalah diucapkan terima kasih pada tuan kerana memberi komen yang Fitnah terhadap Tun M – Saya harap tuan bertaubat – kerna fitnah itu sendiri amat dasyat impaknya pada diri, generasi anak cucu cicit kita. Kerna fitnahlah orang-orang Melayu sekarang di Malaysia berpecah belah. Bertaubat ertinya jangan sekali-kali mengulangi perbuatan yang terkutuk ini bukan sekadar membaca mentera sepanjang waktu – Dan berhidmatlah pada Allah bukan “Sembah Allah”.

    Yang saya tahu dan faham sebagai hamba Allah, kita adalah Tuhan suruh berkhidmat padaNya bukan menyembahnya – dengan berbuat seberapa banyak kebaikan, komitmen, kewajipan, tanggongjawab kerna Allah untuk kebaikan manusia itu sendiri selagi kita diberi kehidupan oleh Maha Pencipta. Manusia yang diberi hidayahNya adalah mereka yang diilhamkan kebijaksanaan dan banyak ‘common sense’ untuk menjana kesejahteraan, keamanan, kedamaian dan kemajuan manusia sejagat.

    Tun M tak perlu berubah seperti permintaan tuan – Tun M sudahpun dan sedang menegakkan komitmennya, tanggongjawabnya dan kewajipannya kerna Allah untuk kebaikan, kesejahteraan dan kedamaian Negara Malaysia yang cinta ini. Tuan pula bagaimana? Saya bimbang sebenarnya tuan sedang menegakkan seruan thaghut – Tuan berhati-hatilah dengan perangkap thaghut ini. Tuan benci manusia itu hal tuan dengan Tuhan – tuanlah yang bertanggongjawab. Sekain terima kasih – Fikir-fikirkan…….

  35. hi,

    yes, i admit what tun said BN menang in pilihan raya for 50++ years. “BN membawa banyak kemajuan dan keamanan dan kesejahteraan kepada Negara Malaysia.” But raykat also give our support to BN almost 50++ years. thats fair and equal.

    Compare the “kemajuan”with other countries which developed at the same time, “kemajuan” Malaysia still consider moderate only. In different moment, goverment should use different ways to manage a country, am i right?

    My opinion- for TUN’s moment, Malaysia developed very fast so tun did the right decision to focus in diff industries.. these all effect cause Malaysia “muncul di dunia” and increase our income. But tun missed out something..

    After Tun, ekonomy consider stable in malaysia- The best time we should do the 2nd part-management. These can be internal management (party & parliment & rules and regularation & government department) and external management (area/people life development, industries motivation, improve education & job opp). At the same time, keep our connection with outsiders (Jepun, Korea, china etc). But within these 10 years ……

    The actual purpose of Bersih 3.0 is good and clear, just a group ppl always “likes” to misunderstand Bersih 3.0.

    ***4. Kestabilan negara akan tergugat. Polis dituduh melakukan keganasan supaya mereka tidak dapat kawal huru-hara dan demo dengan cara berkesan.

    15. Kuasa-kuasa asing akan mengecam Kerajaan pilihan rakyat kerana kononnya mengguna kekerasan menghalang kebebasan bersuara dan berdemo. Malaysia akan dicap sebagai Police State.***

    Rakyat malaysia, please understand *** the above and make your own judgement.


  36. JOASHE

    YOUR SAYING bersih was merely for the asking of the government of the day to stop manipulating the polls



  37. Tun,
    Izinkan saya menjawap lalok ler pada 29 Mei 2012.
    Saudara, malulah sikit kepada masyarakat bukan Melayu dan bukan Islam yang lain kalau beginilah cara saudara berfikir.
    Saudara beranggapan seperti saudaralah penganut agama Islam yang tulen tetapi cara saudara menulis tidak langsung mencerminkan keperibadian seperti orang Islam yang baik.
    Kalau saudara tidak boleh berbahas atau berfikir dengan cara yang baik jangan menuduh seorang pemimpin yang tersohor yang masih mempunyai daya pemikirannya yang tajam (diakui sendiri oleh Tok Guru jika anda seorang ahli Pas) di sebalik usia beliau yang sudah lanjut sebagai nyanyuk dan sebagainya.
    Adalah mudah menyuruh orang lain mengambil hidayah supaya bertaubat dan berubah sebelum sampai masanya (apabila saudara tidak tahu berbahas dengan baik) sedangkan saudara sendiri tidak tahu nasib saudara di akhirat nanti.Umur saudara mungkin muda tetapi mungkin saudara yang jalan dulu.Semuanya kuasa Allah dan Allah jua yang menentukannya.
    Sekurang-kurangnya Tun sudah banyak berjasa untuk bangsa, agama dan negara walau macam mana sekali pun saudara benci kepada Tun.
    Apalah kita ni saudara jika dibandingkan dengan Tun?
    Saya juga benci terhadap mereka yang taksub terhadap pemimpin pembangkang (termasuk pemimpin pembangkang yang bermain politik dan sanggup menggadai bangsa, agama dan negara demi kepentingan diri sendiri) dan tidak tahu membezakan antara betul dan batil.
    Tetapi ini tidak akan sekali-kali menjadikan saya seperti saudara yang terlalu taksub dengan politik, mahupun untuk memiliki sifat berdendam, hilang daya berfikir secara waras dan membelakangkan keluhuran undang-undang di negara ini. Takbirrrrrr… Allahhuakbar…

  38. Salam Tun,

    lalok ler, kau nak Tun buat Dosa Besar?

    Al Quran 67:2
    Dia lah yang telah mentakdirkan adanya mati dan hidup untuk menguji dan menzahirkan keadaan kamu: siapakah di antara kamu yang lebih baik amalnya; dan Ia Maha Kuasa, lagi Maha Pengampun;

    lalok ler, kamu ler yang kena banyak taubat, mangabaikan nyawa, melalaikan kewajiban menjaga nyawa, itu dosar besar.

    Suruh Tun sahut panggilan kubur, itu Dosa Besar.

    Selagi boleh Hidup, Hidup,
    Hidup Perintah Allah s.w.t.
    Tak kisah Tua bangka mana.
    Allah s.w.t suruh hidup.

    lalok ler suka sangat nak mati? Nak langgar Perintah Allah s.w.t?

  39. Saya pun risau juga Tun…. Harap-harap negara kita dilindungi daripada bencana dan kacau bilau.

  40. Tun… melihat apa yg Tun nyatakan tidak mengambarkan Tun adalah bekas PM Msia.. apa yg diperkatakan adalah seperti seorang tua yg dah nyayok, melalut entah tau atau tidak apa yg digomelkan… sudah sudah ler Tun.. bawak ler bertaubat.. udah lama dah.. udah tua dah.. rumah kata pergi, kubur kata mari.. saya mendoakan agar Tun mendapat hidayah untuk bertaubat dan berubah sebelum sampai masa nyer, walaupun saya menag benci akan sikap Tun selama ini.. Takbirrrrrr… Allahhuakbar…

  41. Salam Tun,

    1. I wish to report a very suspicious scheme being canvassed under the name of Barisan Nasional or BN.

    2. The scheme i was offered is a VVIP membership scheme. Fee is RM 3,800/-. Member privileges include car stickers and logos,card, papers etc bearing the title “VVIP”. I was told this will persuade the police give special treatment to these “VVIPs” as they carry the BN logo and colour.

    3. Though i am against BN formula for governance and hence anti-BN, i think such schemes must be the effort of some unscrupulous group wanting to make quick money from the gullible Malaysians, most of whom were victims of some sort of discrimination. Kalau ya pun nak cari duit, carilah dengan idea yang membangun, idea macam ini bukan sahaja membawa nama busuk kepada BN, saya yang tak setuju dengan BN pun menyampah dengar skim cepat kaya seperti ini.

    4. Nasib baik saya tidaklah bodoh sangat, mak bapak saya suruh saya pergi sekolah kecik2 dulu, jadi saya tidak lah termakan racun. Saya rasa bukan lah BN yang ajukan skim seperti tersebut, takkan lah BN sebodoh itu, tetapi bayangkan jika pembangkang atau pihak lain dapat berita seperti ini ? Habis BN di kerjakan. Kalau ikut hati saya buat bodoh sahaja, malas nak ceritakan, tapi saya ingin lihat BN kalah secara terhormat, bukan dengan taktik kotor seperti ini.

    5. Saya harap pihak2 yang berkeupayaan dapat mengambil langkah2 yang bijak melindungi orang2 awam yang mungkin terjerat dengan skim seperti ini. Ramai orang suka beli power. Dan mereka banyak duit pulak tu. Terpulanglah kepada pihak yang lebih bijak mencari ubat racun ini.

    Sekian, Terima Kasih Tun.

  42. if only one has the gift of the story tellers
    one would tell the tale of the wisest of men
    is but a fool in the eyes of his lord

    – lithum batteries and recycleability
    silver batteries on the other hand –

    apa rahsia kebahgiaan ditahun 2020, Tun?

  43. Tun

    The forthcoming 13th General Elections will not only be the battleground for the haves (those incumbents in power) and the have-nots but had been gathering momentum since March 2008.

    We have been through so many General Elections but the present run-up to the next General Elections take the cake. The present political exercises to take the high ground gather with greater urgency and momentum as desperate ideas and measures are meted out both by the defence and offense.

    For the incumbents, the historical and cultural conventions hold sway over their detractors who could only create mischief in this season of mischief. The mischief makers suggest the ‘pie in the sky’ type of ambition to the ignorant and unwary citizen, and to their own leaders.

    Hopefully that this group of citizens are not the young and never will die type of character.

    However, let us not forget that a very large group of Malaysian Chinese is silent and wish all these personal quarrels will just go away and leave them to do their daily work and earn for their families. There is no doubt that they are just as loyal to the Yang Di Pertuan Agong as anyone else.

    It is to this group of responsible citizens with families that the incumbents will do well to serve. Business opportunities and the usual requisites of a civil society are all that they desire in a peaceful and stable environment which your successful 22 year Administration had provided.

    This is a season for ultimate mischief from all sorts of very confident personalities – even the position of the Prime Minister has been offered around freely. In the other not so polite Blogs, I would have used the word ‘clowns.’

    I am of the opinion that a prospective Prime Minister should have the following 3 Noble Attributes :-

    1. Commonsense.
    This governs sovereignty, national interest and self-esteem. No street running, etc etc.

    2. The Ability to Think out of the Box.
    Smart fellows are now known to make a fool of themselves at the end of the day. In other words, top academics are not necessarily the best to be the Prime Minister. There are many real life examples around.

    3. Compassion.
    This can only be found out it practice. If the wrong fellow was chosen, sayonara folks !

    Therefore, it is imperative for the Malaysian Chinese who are nobody’s fools to think deep and think serious for their own personal interests that the motives of political leaders aspiring for power in Putrajaya could be divided into 2 halves –

    (i) those who are already very rich for 3 generations and now want power to rule over us and

    (ii) those who are well-ensconced and well-endowed enough to treat this very serious business of politics as a profession for 3 generations. (To be a doctor, a person has to study hard for 8 years.) Hopefully, they practise this as a noble profession.

    Therefore, because of the high risks carried by those who seek power to rule over all of us Malaysians, the Malaysian Chinese especially should play it safe in their own and national interest, and self-esteem to vote for the strongest party of incumbents now in Putrajaya. Please remember no one will guarantee us anything but the best guarantee is to cast your precious vote for the BN and for yourself.

    There is no free lunch for the Malaysian Chinese.

  44. Dear Tun,

    May I refer to Brother Iskandar Shah 2 who disputed the number of wives the Prophet Muhammad had. The followings are the names of the wives of the Prophet Mohammad, known as the Mother of Faithfuls’ list down in chronological order. There cannot be any confusion or doubts as to the number of wives our Prophet had because there was a story and context in every marriage.

    1. Khadija bint Khuwaylid

    2. Sawda bint Zamʿa

    3. Aisha bint Abi Bakr

    4. Hafsa bint Umar

    5. Zaynab bint Khuzayma

    6. Hind bint Abi Umayya

    7. Zaynab bint Jahsh

    8. Juwayriyya bint al-Harith

    9. Rayhana bint Zayd

    10. Safiyya bint Huyayy

    11. Ramla bint Abi Sufyan

    12. Maria al-Qibtiyya

    13. Maymuna bint al-Harith

    amin tan

  45. Tun,

    Komen mamat nih : muz889May 26, 2012 at 2:16 pm , ade juga benarnya, dan ada juga yg mengarut tahap gay.

    Tapi ape yg saya cuba nak sampaikan kat sini, yg akan menjatuhkan BN ialah org2 BN sendiri termasuklah akhbar2 seperti UTUSAN yg lansung tak membantu, memperbesarkan benda2 yg remeh, mengagung2kan manusia seperti najib dan rosmah, terlalu jijik dlm memburuk2kan musuh politik, dan org2 pembodek dlm UMNO , paling keji org2 perasuah yg masih lg berada dlm UMNO..

    Walau ape pon terjadi, anwar terlalu obses utk jadi PM, org mcm ni terlalu bahaya, mudah diperalatkan oleh yahudi. Org2 anwar ni mcm dah kene sampuk dgn setan, yg dorang tau nak jatuhkan kerajaan je, tp otak letak kat lutut.

    Kalau boleh, saya nak PAS bergabung dgn UMNO, bangunkan negara menuju kearah negara islam yg betul, baru la rasuah dapat dikawal.

    Kepada penyokong anwar, sudah2 la tu, anwar tu sakit.

    -Wong Fey Hong-










  48. Assalamu’alaikum wr wb
    YAB Tun Dr Mahathir Yg DiRahmati Allah swt.


    1. UMNO/BN Parti yang amat bertanggungjawab, terlalu banyak pengalaman, yang amat cekap dan mempunyai pemimpin-pemimpin yang ikhlas untuk mensejahterakan rakyat dan memajukan negara.

    2. PAS menggunakan strategi memburuk-burukkan UMNO dengan apa saja sehingga menghalalkan cara yang menyalahi aqidah dan syariat Islam, bagi mewujudkan rasa marah dan benci rakyat terhadap UMNO.

    3. PAS setelah 30 tahun masih gagal mendapat sokongan orang Melayu seluruhnya, maka mencuba dapat sokongan orang Bukan Melayu dengan menyokong komunis, menyokong penyokong Yahudi, menyokong pergerakan Agama Hindu (Hindraf), menyokong kepimpinan kafir.

    Tahniah UMNO/BN

    PAS ………………. masya Allah……… bertaubatlah dan kembalilah kepada UMNO seperti awalnya dulu-dulu.

    Tahniah UMNOB

  49. Salaam Tun and fellow readers,

    It’s amazing how innocent Tun can appear to be and how gullible so many many malays can be. The fact that Bersih was intended to overthrow the government is utterly silly, in fact stupid. Bersih was merely for the asking of the government of the day to stop manipulating the polls. It is plain as daylight that the electoral roll is contaminated. Otherwise we would not see people like Nazri Aziz or Isa Samad winning at all. Lets face it Tun, Malaysians are no longer as stupid as when you were PM. The country was doomed to be poor after you, your family and cronies have milked the country for 30 long years. The legacy of corruption that you have left will drain and scar the country for a long time to come. Thank you, but it’s time to let go.

  50. Peace.

    Throughout history, we have seen great empires, great monarchies, strong governments declined, collapsed and ceased to exist.

    The BN Government is not as glorious or as strong as the USSR Communist party, the Roman Empire, the British Empire, the Chinese dynasties, the Ummayad or the Abbasid Caliphates.

    Even the great kingdom of GOD’s righteous servants, King David and King Solomon collapsed.

    As such, the BN Government will inevitably declined, weaken and collapsed.


  51. Yang Amat Berbahagia Tun,

    Semoga sentiasa berada dalam keadaan sihat sejahtera.

    1. Dahulu orang Melayu bersatu untuk mendapat kemerdekaan. Demi kemerdekaan, mereka sanggup berkongsi kerakyatan dengan bangsa asing. Apabila sudah merdeka, mereka disedarkan dengan keadaan mereka yang miskin. Kemiskinan telah menyebabkan mereka dihina walaupun mereka berada di tanah asal mereka. Pada tahun 1969, orang Melayu di Kuala Lumpur dihina dengan ejekan dan kayu penyapu. Mereka seperti dihalau keluar dari Kuala Lumpur.

    2. Ekoran ini, Barisan Nasional telah membuat perancangan untuk memperbaiki keadaan ekonomi orang Melayu. Sekarang ini, walaupun terdapat beberapa peningkatan, ekonomi orang Melayu masih belum begitu baik. Mereka masih memerlukan bantuan untuk melanjutkan pelajaran dan juga menceburi perniagaan.

    3. Pengalaman dan kemahiran mereka tidak seluas bangsa lain. Dalam pelajaran, mereka mudah beralih tumpuan. Tidak seperti pelajar bangsa lain yang mengutamakan pelajaran, mereka mudah terbawa-bawa: baik dalam bidang hiburan mahupun politik semasa. Dalam bidang perniagaan pula, mereka sering dipermainkan.

    4. Sesetengah pihak termasuklah beberapa pemimpin Barisan Nasional dan pegawai kerajaan menyalahkan beberapa individu Melayu yang tamak. Dengan ketamakan individu-individu ini, peningkatan ekonomi Melayu tidak dapat berjalan lancar. Dalam erti kata lain, perancangan peningkatan ekonomi Melayu oleh kerajaan Barisan Nasional telah dikhianati oleh individu-individu Melayu ini.

    5. Mereka yang mendakwa sedemikian tidak pula menyalahkan pihak lain.


    6. Sebenarnya, perancangan peningkatan ekonomi Melayu oleh kerajaan Barisan Nasional telah juga dikhianati oleh individu-individu bukan Melayu. Mungkin tidak ramai yang berani mendedahkan perkara ini kerana takut dianggap ‘racist’. Mungkin juga pemimpin-pemimpin Melayu dan pegawai-pegawai Melayu hendak menjaga hati bangsa lain. Melayu sememangnya terkenal dengan sikap beralah.

    Perniagaan Runcit Petroleum (Stesen Minyak)

    7. Dalam perniagaan runcit petroleum atau ‘petroleum retailing’ umpamanya, ramai peniaga-peniaga Melayu telah dipermainkan oleh syarikat-syarikat minyak yang diterajui oleh individu bukan Melayu. Sebilangan mereka akhirnya gulung tikar.

    8. Kita mungkin telah mendengar hujah sesetengah pihak, termasuk syarikat-syarikat minyak berkenaan, bahawa kegagalan peniaga-peniaga Melayu tersebut adalah berpunca daripada kelemahan pengurusan kewangan. Mereka turut membuktikan terdapat orang Melayu yang berjaya dalam perniagaan runcit petroleum sehingga dapat membeli kereta mewah.

    9. Hakikatnya, mereka yang berjaya ini mendapat sejumlah wang yang besar daripada pajakan tanah mereka kepada syarikat minyak. Tidak banyak wang diperoleh daripada aktiviti menjual minyak petroleum itu sendiri. Untung dari jualan minyak sebenarnya tidak cukup untuk membeli kereta mewah.

    10. Perniagaan runcit petroleum pada asalnya memang menguntungkan. Ini kerana hampir setiap kenderaan memerlukan minyak petrol. Tetapi, syarikat-syarikat minyak yang diterajui oleh individu bukan Melayu telah memeras keuntungan peniaga-peniaga Melayu dengan mengenakan berbagai-bagai caj tambahan. Ini dikenali sebagai ‘margin squeezing’.

    11. Jika dilihat, peniaga-peniaga Melayu mempunyai perjanjian perniagaan yang berbeza dengan peniaga-peniaga bukan Melayu. Berbagai-bagai caj tambahan dikenakan kepada peniaga-peniaga Melayu tetapi tidak kepada peniaga-peniaga bukan Melayu.

    12. Keuntungan daripada jualan minyak hanyalah sedikit. Ini kerana harga minyak dikawal oleh kerajaan. Oleh itu, peniaga-peniaga runcit petroleum bergantung kepada jualan kedai di stesen mereka untuk mendapat keuntungan. Tetapi ada sesetengah syarikat minyak bertindak mengawal harga jualan kedai. Ada juga yang bertindak menetapkan kadar keuntungan ataupun ‘margin’. Di samping itu, ada yang mengenakan caj tetap bagi setiap jualan barang di kedai stesen. Akhirnya, keuntungan peniaga tersebut menjadi sedikit.

    13. Banyak alasan yang diberikan oleh syarikat-syarikat minyak tersebut antaranya penambah-baikan sistem runcit dan aktiviti pengiklanan. Tetapi, mereka sebenarnya berniat untuk menggagalkan peningkatan ekonomi Melayu.

    14. Mungkin telah ada rungutan yang dibuat kepada Kementerian Perdagangan Dalam Negeri (KPDN) dahulu. Tetapi, kementerian tersebut tidak dapat melihat perkara ini secara serius kerana mereka telah termakan budi. Suatu ketika, mereka menerima ribuan (jika tidak puluhan ribu) ringgit daripada syarikat-syarikat minyak dengan mengiklan di majalah atau buletin mereka.

    15. Selain itu, banyak lagi perkara-perkara sampingan yang berlaku dalam sektor perniagaan runcit petroleum yang merugikan peniaga-peniaga Melayu. Antaranya adalah ‘salami’ iaitu pemotongan satu atau dua sen secara rawak pada transaksi kad kredit, pencurian minyak oleh pemandu lori tangki dan juga kadar pengewapan minyak yang melebihi kadar pengewapan piawai.


    16. Terdapat sebilangan orang Melayu yang tidak suka kepada agenda peningkatan ekonomi Melayu. Mereka ini kebanyakannya terdiri daripada golongan terpelajar dan berjaya. Ini termasuklah mereka yang dahulunya bersekolah di Kolej Melayu.

    Kolej Melayu

    17. Kemasukan pelajar ke Kolej Melayu merupakan satu penghargaan kepada ibu bapa mereka. Ini kerana hanya mereka yang terpilih sahaja ditawarkan ke sekolah tersebut.

    18. Mereka yang memasuki Kolej Melayu seawal umur 13 tahun diberi pendedahan yang lebih. Secara tradisinya, mereka diperingatkan oleh pelajar senior bahawa mereka bukan sahaja perlu berjaya dalam pelajaran. Bahkan apabila berjaya kelak, mereka perlu membantu orang Melayu yang lain. Dengan ini, ekonomi orang Melayu dapat dipertingkatkan. Merekalah harapan bangsa Melayu. Peringatan ini diberikan setiap masa. Kadang kala mereka dipanggil berhimpun pada tengah malam untuk diberi peringatan.

    19. Hari ini, ramai pelajar Kolej Melayu yang telah berjaya. Tetapi, kebanyakan mereka mengambil pendekatan berkecuali. Mereka khuatir apabila mereka cuba menolong orang Melayu, mereka akan digelar ‘racist’ oleh rakan mereka yang berbangsa lain.

    20. Ada juga yang berpegang kepada prinsip meritokrasi walaupun pada suatu ketika dahulu mereka dibantu atas dasar Melayu atau Bumiputera. Mereka yakin sekiranya tidak mendapat bantuan tersebut, mereka sememangnya akan berjaya.

    21. Dalam politik pula, ada pelajar Kolej Melayu yang beriya-iya memperjuangkan kesaksamaan kaum. Untuk meraih sokongan daripada kaum lain, mereka berjanji akan memberikan layanan yang tidak berbelah bagi. Umpamanya, mereka berjanji kemasukan ke universiti akan berdasarkan meritokrasi semata-mata.

    22. Saya berdoa agar orang Melayu dapat mengharungi dugaan ini. Anak-anak Melayu yang dahulunya bersekolah di Kolej Melayu sudah memilih untuk tidak membela nasib orang Melayu. Kolej Melayu hanyalah harapan yang hampa. Orang Melayu akan terpaksa bersaing walaupun mereka masih berjalan tempang.

  52. UN ,US ,France,Britain
    Expresses their regrets of what happen in Syria
    I,m touch
    But not touch enough
    They Do Not Regrets of what happens in Iraq, Syria
    Is from their own ill doings
    It,s what they like to be
    It,s their intentions
    They are just making movies like they made in Hollywood
    Full of Lies

    They sent Kofi Anan as a missionary of Peace to Syria
    I suggest UNited Nation sent
    Bush ,Blair , Rumsfeld, Checney
    As a peace missioner to Syria , Iraq ,Afganistan, Pakistan
    The world will be at peace of these 4 visits to Iraq, Syria

  53. Salam Tun.

    PM DSN mewarisi sebuah kerajaan yang lemah. Nampaknya dalam masa 3 tahun beliau hampir berjaya memulihkan kembali keyakinan rakyat terhadap UMNO/BN

    Jika selepas PRU13 BN kembali memperolehi 2/3 majoriti, saya kira DSN akan mempunyai ruang yang lebih untuk bertindak mengikut cara beliau. Buat masa ini beliau lebih banyak mengalah kepada semua tuntutan. Tun juga pernah kata.. “bagi banyak dah.. undi tak dapat juga”

    Semuga beliau berjaya.

  54. Salam Tun and All,

    I am a little bit offended by the gesture of saudara Zulkiflee by implying the word ‘pendatang balik negeri’. I am a Malay but I did not favour such word as this does not reflect my mentality. I have all sort of friends no matter they are Chinese, Indian, Singh or some sort, they have been Malaysian all the while and we are fellow citizen. Some of them are even a devouted Muslim which means; our brothers and sisters (based on Islamic concept).

    Although the hatred brought about by PR has making them hateful of people like us, it is still best for us to try and make them uderstand that Islam is a wonderful religion.

    A lot of them maybe offending us at this very moment with their profanities such as ‘Melayu Babi’, ‘Islam Terorrist’ and some sort but we don’t want this to be part of our culture. The hate culture brought about by PR through Malaysian Insider should not be emulated by us. In Islam, it is all about bringing love not hate.

    Surely I want to see one Bangsa Malaysia that is caring, loving and live a peaceful living. Surely we must cooperate with each other and the concept of BN has shown that we can eventually do it together.

    People with extreme view come from both side of the coin. Just let the other chant their racism for all to see but not us. If we fight fire with fire we will get another 13 May and I tell you, both Malay and Chinese or even Indian for that matter will count their collateral damages and suffered ugly realities.

    In the political landscape that we have today, we fight for a massive people interest while the other, they are fighting to install Anwar as their PM for liberal living and to do away with the Malay agenda. Hateful politics will never going to bring us anywhere. Furthermore, when Anwar is telling about elite people and corruption, they swallow it without thinking that Anwar Ibrahim is also a staunch UMNO person who lived a luxurious living.

    If it is true that some UMNO member has comitted a misconduct, Anwar is the last person that is going to preach about it simply because he was given huge opportunity last time to do it. Why wait until he was sacked for immoral behaviour and corruption charges before he realised that UMNO itself is corrupted.

    In my profession, it is often that when a person accused somebody else, he is trying to divert the investigator attention. Surely, the accuser can also be made a suspect.

  55. YAB TUN,

    Undian Pilihan Raya sekarang hanya di antara dua calun (A&B) yang bertanding untuk rakyat memilih bagi kawasan mereka sahaja.

    Rakyat tidak di benarkan menerima atau menolak calun calun yang bertanding di luar kawasan mereka.

    Adakah ini tidak baik untuk statistik Pilihan Raya.

    Atau demonstrasi suatu pilihan.

  56. As’malakum Tun,

    I see that you hear what I said. and I see what you saw.
    I think the Oppositions are trying to use that (demo) as an excuse as in other countries. They are also infiltrating into NGOs, like Tenaganita, to oppose the government. They are trying to paint a bad picture of the government so that the people will dislike the government.
    i read from today’s The Star columnist Jocelyn Tan column calling YOU the X-Factor. It is without doubt that Najib cannot do it alone at all 13 states and certainly areas where the oppositions states are. It’s been noted that, at your age and you joke about it being 78, you still keep on such a tight schedule.
    It is without question that you are keeping a healthy heart. I read in one of the blog about how to keep your heart healthy, hyyp://bit.ly/KM4Uqv
    To your Best of Health always and we need you, especially at this critical times.

  57. Assalam TUN

    No doubts that BN has done a lot for the nation especially the elite group. this elite group is the one ruling the country. this elite group consists of BN political and private capitalist figures. This elite group benefited the most and over a long period of time from a sincere struggle it has transformed itself into the “untouchable” arrogant selfish lot. It potrays a filty rich lifestyles enjoying the fruits of political nexus. As an analogy, when an animal is being killed by the LIONS, they are the ones who got the lion share, the rest can either can get a smaller piece by hard fighting or wait for LIONS to be full and then what left are just hard bones nobody interested in. This greed is so prevalent amongst the BN members from the top to bottom most of the machinery. While the top members are enjoying their fair share, the bottom most such that in JKKK is flexing their position to control everything. One JKKK told a person applying for rumah mesra rakyat even before filling out a form”NO you are not eligible for this because you are not an UMNO member”. What do you think the feeling of the applicant. This kind of attitude will deter all non-UMNO members and even UMNO members as the number of houses that can offered is extremely limited. UMNO is not mature enough to say that eligibility is based pure principle regardless of background. Only less than 1% can be satisfied with such a program but more than 99% real eligible applicants are left with dismay. The problem in BN in general and in UMNO particularly is very basics – GREED, ARROGANT, and INSINCERE at all level. Every single government machinery and public resources are used to ensure that they are in power at the expense of rakyat. If UMNO is to regain the trusts of the people those 3 misdeeds must be overcome. It will involve A BIG SACRIFICE.

  58. Assalamu’alaikum wr wb
    YAB Tun Dr Mahathir Yg DiRahmati Allah swt.

    1. Sesungguhnya amat benarlah dan apa yang dikatakan oleh YAB TDrM, kami hamba rakyat sungguh bersetuju dengan kebenaran tersebut.

    2. Kita sedih Pembangkang PAS, PKR, DAP adalah parti politik terdiri dari orang berpenyakit kronik yang tidak mahu baik langung.

    3. Segala tanggungjawab kerajaan UMNO/BM terbukti sejahterakan rakyat dari dulu, kini sehingga selamanya ……. DIBURUKKAN OLEH PAS, PKR & DAP.

    4. Ayuh rakyat Malaysia kita selamatkan Malaysia dari kerosakaan yang dilakukan PAS, PKR & DAP.

    Allahu Akbar! ……………….. takbir kita takbir Taqwa.

  59. YAB,

    54. Whatever I promised to you, I would fulfilled because I am not a maverick and have strict forward and simple principle in life.

    55. My vote shall go to DS Najib and BN.

    56. As I said before, when DAP, PKR and PAS contest under PR, my vote shall go to BN automatically.

    57. PR means Permanent Resident who do not have the right to vote.

    58. Vote PR means we have to start all over again from zero level to elevate PR to the top level via RM1.00 economic consultant fees of siapa pun layak.

    That’s all, YAB.

  60. Good morning YAB,

    40. When the minutes turned 58, it’s time for HBT456 to exist gracefully.

    41. It is my pleasure to have blog with YAB.

    42. I have learned many political racial conflicts with respect to this PM.

    43. YAB is loyal and has struggled all your life in modernizing Malays.

    44. Right or wrong, our current and future generations will decide and rectify via general elections together.

    45. My Chinese colleague and his father joined Bersih 3.0 at Dataran Merdeka.

    46. Some part of the barricades were opened.

    47. The police did nothing about the barricades.

    48. Was it a political trap to fool us?

    49. Does it matter since PM is elected by the people, not UMNO, PKR or PAS since we have gone through this ugly scenarios since 1997?

    50. We are not Americans, Arabs, Chinese, Indians, Sabahans or Sarawakians.

    51. We are Malaysians.

    52. Nothing is impossible if there is will in making Malaysia alive and happenings.

    53. Too much rhetoric politics shall end us neither here nor there.

    Goodbye, YAB.

  61. Kena di benteras golongan yang kononnya nakkan hak asasi dan samarata ni. samarata ni mengikut acuan yang mereka faham padahal negara ini perlukan kepimpinan yang baik untuk memimpin mereka. dan ini telah di lakukan olen BN selama ini sehingga mereka mendapat nikmat hidup di negara ini. bila mendapat nikmat mereka merasakan mereka lebih pandai daripada pemimpin dan ingin mandapatkan lebih lagi. datang pulak si kemaruk kuasa pakatan nuar ni yang dia sendiri pun nak masuk balek umno untuk jadi PM, puak2 ni masih berharap kepada kepimpinan manusia ini sebagai alternatif untuk mendapat kehidupan yang lebih baik lagi. mereka buta fikiran betapa manusia ini adalah anasir perosak sebenarnya. mereka sengaja membutakan akal atau terlalu mengikut nafsu atau ini lah peluang yang mereka tunggu selama ni untuk mendapatkan hak yang saksama. adakah malaun ni akan dapat memberikan idaman yang mereka harapkan atau hanya untuk mengaburkan mereka dek kerana impian nak menjadi pm yang akan memudaratkan negara ini. musuh2 negara dari luar memerhatikan dengan penuh minat untuk mengambil peluang mencampuri urusan negara seperti yang mereka impikan peluang selama ini. bagi puak2 yang kononnya nak samarata hak dan hak asasi ciptaan barat ini, mereka tetap tak akan puas hati sampai bila2 pun. UMNO mesti pertahan negara ini dengan apa cara sekali pun. UMNO berlembut mereka naik tocang. UMNO keras mereka mengatakan melanggar hak asasi mereka. bagi Malaysia, hak asasi di tentukan perlembagaan yang berasaskan agama Islam yang di pertahankan Raja2 Melayu sejak beribu tahun lagi sehingga ke hari ini. UMNO memertabatkan agama, bangsa dan negara dan siapa pun tak boleh ganggu gugat.

  62. Tun

    I am bemused or amused by the reaction of your detractors to your Blog on ‘ Politics in Malaysia ‘.

    As I am an independent student of personality politics on both sides of the Causeway since October 1951, I can only honestly say that Malaysian politics as practised by the non-incumbents is one big quarrel based on emotions eg. hatred, over who should be a better leader in the forefront of Putrajaya leadership.

    Like a badminton or tennis champion, unfortunately this is an unkind world of haves and have-nots – only one person can be called ‘ Boss ‘. In our country, the chances of being a ‘ Boss ‘ are even slimmer than other countries because even the non-incumbents have denied themselves of giving themselves more opportunity to be called ‘ Boss ‘. They have already agreed who should be called the ‘ Boss ‘ as we have been told or deduced.

    Malaysian politics are now practised more and more by people who are either very rich or well-endowed with a political legacy of hatred and emotions. As I said before, it seems it is easier to nurture or sustain a political inheritance to the 3rd generation unlike a business which normally goes kaput with the 3rd generation.

    In the great university of Oxford, there is a special course, Politics, Philosophy & Economics (PPE) designed for the 1% of those who are serious about the subjects. The other 99% are left to ruminate amongst the dreamy spires of that beautiful town.

    Is Malaysian Politics serious or not ? Can anyone tell us what their political philosophy is about without abuse, vulgarity, running down the old and senile, etc ?

    It seems that in the Malaysian Political world, the younger folks have all written off anyone above the age of 40.

    Are these youngsters really serious ? Do they come from the 3 ancient civilizations which I always spoke proudly of ? This is definitely a surprise to me who had never asked a person his/her age or sexual inclination since I was a kid. I thought it was all none of my business.

    But now, political phrases like ‘ you die now ‘, ‘ you are senile’, ‘ your father from Timbuktu is definitely not Malaysian ‘, etc. etc.- the daily fare meted out by the nay-storm troopers in their blogs.

    Can I interpret this as over-confidence or having an inferiority complex by these aspirants for power in Putrajaya ?

    Hatred of something seems to be the watchword and political theory at all nay-sayers forums. This is a very personal emotion. It is zero in political terms. As a politician should behave like a doctor, or others with a vocation, emotions should be suppressed or controlled in the interest of fair justice and fair play – a statesman. The exhibition of unbridled hatred before the assumption of absolute power in Putrajaya is a no-no factor for the Prime Minister-ship – coupled with demonstrations with physical violence and running around the streets of Kuala Lumpur.

    I suppose eventually the fear by the populace of those who may assume power if ever would be counter-productive to whatever good intentions as promised. A zero-sum game played out in the streets of Kuala Lumpur ? Force to meet with force.

    Or a better gambit ……….
    ‘I forgive all those who hate me. I love them all.’ as I always say to all and sundry.

    When the nay-sayers shot me down as an old stupid fool, I began to count the number of nay-sayers leaders in the land. I could not fill the numbers with the 10 fingers of my hands – only 6 to be precise. I began to think. If my friends the 5 naysayers above the age of 60 lose at the 13th General Elections ( all the pundits of any salt said they would win ), then, how many of these losers will appear at the 14th General Elections ?

    Therefore, I urge all Malaysian Chinese to vote for your own self-esteem and vote for the strongest incumbent party at Putrajaya. Do not be used by others twanging the heart chords of your emotions and do not read the same story twice – and in the process be loyal to the Yang-Di-Pertuan Agong.

    Think deep ! Think serious !

  63. Salam Tun. Saya dilahirkan dan dibesarkan di bawah pemerintahan Tun. Bukan sekadar berbangga tapi saya berasa benar-benar bersyukur kerana dapat menikmati kehidupan sekian rupa selama ini. Sekarang saya punya cahaya mata yang insyaAllah akan menjadi penghuni generasi baru di bumi bertuah Malaysia ini. Secara jujur, saya akui yang saya dan mungkin segelintir teman-teman yg lain berasa gundah gulana dengan situasi politik di tanah air kita skrg ini. Apakah nasib masa depan bangsa Malaysia kelak? PRU ke-13 bakal muncul dan saya percaya, ramai individu yg masih bertenggek di atas pagar kerna keliru dan was-was dgn fokus perjuangan kedua-dua belah pihak. Tun pasti punya ketahuan yg mendalam soal ini dan diharapkan Tun dapat memperjelaskannya agar kami dapat membuat keputusan yg tepat dalam PRU ke-13. Thanks

  64. Salam Tun;

    Yang menentukan hanya Allah. Tun dah banyak berusaha dan berjaya membawa Malaysia ke suatu arah yang tidak terfikir oleh mereka2 sebelumnya. Banyak pemimpin sekarang ni nakkan kuasa dan apa yang boleh isi poket mereka dulu bukannya rakyat.

    Samalah dengan Anwar.WIkipedia ( go to wikipedia and search Anwar Ibrahim) terang2 kata Anwar terlibat dengan politik wang masa singkirkan Ghafar Baba dan wang diberi depan2 wartawan asing. Lagi pun pembangkang/Anwar boleh sogok dan rasuah rakyat apa saja dengan minyak turun harga/pelajaran university percuma dan lain2. Lepas tu dia pinjam IMF dan jadilah Malaysia dan rakyat2 semua hamba IMF bayar hutang tak habis habis… Jadilah next Greek ke. Rakyat Malaysia nak semua free/murah dan yang akan jadi mangsa mereka balik le. Tak tahu fikir kut..

    Banyak yang otak depa dah berkarat sampai tak sedar UMNO dah dirosakkan oleh Anwar dan lepas ni pula Anwarinas dalam PAS. Sedih..!!!

  65. Assalamu’alaikum Tun

    hayati lah erti Kemerdekaan yg sebenar.Merdeka erti nya mengembalikan setiap bangsa asing ke negara mereka masing-masing.

    selagi kita masih dibebani dgn orang-orang asing yg berkeliaran bebas di Negara kita ini,lalu kita dituntut pula memberi mereka hak demokrasi,maka itu belum boleh di sebut Merdeka.

    terimakasih Tun

  66. Assalamu’alaikum Tun

    masaalah kita sekali imbas mungkin terlihat pada perpecahan di kalangan kita.kita mungkin sangka ia hanya antara Umno dgn Pas atau PKR.

    tapi sebenar nya perselisihan sesama kita tidak akan berpanjangan atau berlarut-larut kalau tidak kerana ada nya orang-orang asing yg bertaburan diNegara ini.

    kewujudan orang-orang asing ini lah yg menyemak dan menyemarakkan kan lagi perselisihan kecil menjadi pertelingkahan besar yg tak berkesudahan.

    seandai nya Tunku dulu tidak terburu-buru berbagi kerakyatan dgn orang-orang asing,pertelingkahan sesama kita tentu tidak akan berlarutan.

    Ambiga menuntut Pilihanraya yg adil dan untuk itu Pembangkang menyokong gerakkan Bersih.Pas dan PKR kemudian nya menggerakkan penyokong masing-masing ia itu Melayu juga,untuk menyokong Ambiga.

    padahal siapakah Ambiga ini? Bumiputra kah dia? Melayu tidak,Islam pun bukan.tapi anak bangsa kita yg diterajui pembangkang menyokong idea nya.

    padahal kalau Ambiga masih berada di negara asal nya,undi nya boleh di beli dgn cuma segelas air sejuk.

    tapi di Malaysia ini,dimana dia boleh menggerakkan puluhan ribu orang Melayu untuk tunjuk-perasaan,di Negara ini dia rasa sistem Pilihanraya kita tidak adil.ganjil sungguh.

    dan keganjilan-keganjilan ini boleh dan sudah berulangkali berlaku adalah kerana Kerajaan kita terlalu lemah dalam menangani orang-orang asing.

    British bukan saja membebankan kita dgn orang-orang asing ini malah kita turut dibebankan dgn tanggungjawab memberi hak demokrasi kpd mereka.padahal dinegara asal mereka baik di Komunis China mahupun di India yg berkasta-kasta,demokrasi adalah asing sekali

    malah Singapura pun,yg sepatut nya menjadi negara demokratik berbilang-bangsa terang-terang dijadikan negara china di tengah-tengah Kepulauan Melayu yg sistem demokrasi nya amat canggih dimana keputusan Pilihanraya nya di tentukan di meja makan keluarga Lee kuanyew.

    demokrasi dan pilihanraya kelihatan nya hanyalah dipaksakan ke atas Umat Islam saja.sekira nya benar begitu,kenapa kita tidak menentang nya?

    Terimakasih Tun
    kita menjadi ‘bangsa-pilihan’ untuk memikul biawak hidup.

  67. YABhg CHEDET
    Salam Hormat

    The Extreme Limits of White
    (is shrouded in the phenomena of the black hole)

    15. Kuasa-kuasa asing akan mengecam Kerajaan pilihan rakyat kerana kononnya mengguna kekerasan menghalang kebebasan bersuara dan berdemo. Malaysia akan dicap sebagai Police State.

    16. Malaysia yang telah memberi banyak nikmat dan kebahagiaan kepada rakyatnya, yang telah diiktiraf sebagai Negara yang termaju di antara negara membangun, Malaysia yang bangun dengan pesatnya akan bertukar menjadi negara yang tidak lagi stabil dan maju, dan tidak lagi memberi kebahagiaan dan rahmat kepada rakyatnya. Mereka tidak percaya dengan demokrasi maka akan hilanglah hak rakyat untuk memilih Kerajaan.

    17. Negara ini akan menjadi miskin dan Wawasan 2020 tidak akan menjadi kenyataan. Inilah yang akan berlaku kerana parti bukan Barisan Nasional kecewa tidak dapat ke Putrajaya. Jika dengan cara ganas mereka, mereka berjaya merebut kuasa, percayalah demokrasi akan dihapuskan dan nasib yang buruk akan menimpa Negara tercinta ini.

    kuasa-kuasa asing mana yang bedebah itu?
    apakah akan diadakan pilihanraya baru?
    apakah akan tercemar duli institusi Tuanku?

    Manakala, terbaca pula rentetan terkini Arab Spring di Mesir:

    …Though a notable victory for the Brotherhood, and one that reinforces the movement’s reputation for effective political campaigning, the prospect of a Morsi-Shafiq runoff represents a worst-case scenario for many pro-revolution Egyptians who must now choose between a conservative religious organisation and a man they view as an extension of the fallen Hosni Mubarak regime…

    ‘Tip of the iceberg’: hujah Dr. Mahathir umpannya segar dan baik.

    Namun, kebarangkalian negara akan menjadi miskin dan Wawasan2020 tak akan menjadi kenyataan adalah satu kenyataan yang agak emosional dan terlalu yakin dengan citarasa CHEDET bilamana masih banyak perkara yang belum reda di negara kuasa-kuasa asing saperti NATO dan PRC – itulah yang terjamah dari urutan hujah kecil mantan Perdana Menteri: pemikiran amat rasional bilamana berperdana-menterikan orang Pekan.

    Politik Malaysia dan Wawasan orang Mesir dan Peoples’ Republic of China dan Russia membawa kepada ‘tireless permutations’ masa depan. Di minda kata “mandarin in the courts and cantonese for the farmers” membawa pertanyaan gambaran minda sebuah negara kuasa asing yang besar saperti China Russia dan Negara-negara Arab ‘maju’ dalam sepuluh tahun yang akan datang.

    Apapun, terima kasihlah kerana kebahagian yang dikecapi, Tun Mahathir Mohamad.


  68. Dear Tun,
    I am a frequent reader of your blog and in the past have supported and agreed to a lot of your comments on the state of our nation. But of late I found that you have somewhat veered away from the thoughts of a ‘ principled ‘ statesman that I thought you were. In fact the problem with our nation now is that we are being ruled by a group of leaders who have no principles at all. If things happening in our dear country were to happen say in the UK or Australia the leadership would have been impeached by Parliamentarians of both the ruling party and the opposition.
    I am curious to find out your stand on the Najib-Scorpene-Altantuya scandal as I noticed you are very much silent on this. At least you did make a comment or two on the Sharizat-NFC fiasco. Why the silence Tun.
    We are all waiting for the trial in France for the REAL truth to be exposed.
    As a retiree and layman I sincerely hope that our beloved country will come out of this present mess unscathed but I totally disagree with you that the opposition will create ‘ huru hara ‘ as you have predicted simply because they dont need to. The opposition will win the next GE , InsyaALLAH. Mark my WORD. The man on the street, the pakcik , makcik , the belia and the rest of us who only want to see justice and peace can not be blinded anymore by the propogandablitz being carried out by Najib and his gang.

  69. 1)Dalam politik Malaysia hari ini para pemimpinnya cool tapi pengikut2 ni yang lain macam. Tak pernah dengar kenyataan melampau DS Najib secara terbuka begitu juga dengan Tok Guru Nik Aziz. Yang suka kata-mengata ni pengikut. Yang pemimpin betul berdemokrasi sebab nak perjuangkan agama dan ada yang nak memajukan negara. Tetapi pengikut2 mereka berdemokrasi sebab nak beremosi tunjukkan ego masing2. Wasatiyyah lah dalam buat apa2 pun. Tak salah jadi pro kerajaan atau pembangkang kerana ia adalah salah satu proses demokrasi tetapi jangan sampai hilang maruah agama, bangsa dan Tanah Air.

    2) Tak tahulah apa akan terjadi kepada negara ini. Banyak yang nak jadi hero menyuarakan ideologi masing2 dan kesannya rakyat akan berpecah kerana terpedaya dengan pelbagai ideologi atas nama demokratik. Amat merindui pemerintahan zaman Tun Mahathir biarpun dianggap sebagai pemimpin kuku besi oleh sesetengah pihak tetapi ia mampu mengawal keadaan. Ibarat dalam satu pelayaran menuju ke pelabuhan kita hanya boleh ada satu nahkoda tetapi klu ramai yang nak jadi nahkoda dengan idea yang berlainan tak mustahil kapal itu akan karam di lautan. Bersatulah.

    3)Kesilapan besar kerajaan hari ini terlalu kerap menggunakan media arus perdana sebagai senjata politik mereka. Rakyat akan cepat bosan dengan berita yang di paparkan. Bukan menyebelah parti politik mana-mana tetapi media arus perdana harus bebas dari unsur politik. Rakyat hari ini bukan bodoh untuk diperbodohkan. Harap mereka buka mata kerana tak mahu jawapan PRU 12 berulang lagi.

  70. nampaknya banyak betul elemen2 yg diputar-belit Tun dlm artikel ini..biar saya highlight satu persatu

    1) “Yang terpaksa diakui oleh semua pihak, semua rakyat Malaysia dan juga pemerhati asing ialah sehingga kini proses pilihanraya tidak dapat menjatuhkan Barisan Nasional”..memanglah proses pilihanraya 2 x dpt jatukan bn sebab pilihanraya itu dilakukan secara kotor dan tidak adil..laporan akhir psc berkenaan dengan penambah-baikan pilihanraya sendiri menunjukan bhw terdapat 42 ribu nama dlm daftar pemilih spr yg rekod mrk tidak ade dlm JPN..78 ribu nama yg berkongsikan 350 alamat yg sama di mana setiap satu alamat ini mempunyai lebih drp 100 org…salah satu dpr mrk ialah kamarudin drp permatang pauh yg mana terdapat lebih drp 100 nama dlm alamat beliau sedangkan ahli keluarga beliau x sampai 10 pon..

    2) worst part is..pengerusi spr, tan sri abdul aziz mohd yusof sendiri adalah ahli umno, perkara ini diakui sendiri oleh datuk nazri aziz, ment di jab PM..macam mana pilihanraya nak adil kalo dah “refree” itu sendiri org umno..pelantikan tan sri abdul aziz mohd yusof sbg pengerusi spr sendiri melanggar perkara 114 fasal 4A perlembagaan persekutuan yg melarang anggota spr drp menyertai mana2 parti politik…

    3) “Cara demokrasi tidak boleh menjayakan mereka. Melihat penggulingan Kerajaan di Negara-negara Arab, tentulah terlintas di hati pemimpin-pemimpin parti lawan bahawa cara-cara demonstrasi ganas dan berpanjangan lebih mungkin memberi kejayaan kepada cita-cita mereka.”…macam mane nak menang cara demokrasi apabila demokrasi itu diselang-selikan dengan tipu daya…apabila kerajaan terus melakukan penipuan untuk menang pru maka rakyat sudah xde cara lain melainkan untuk resort to demonstration spt di mesir dan negara2 arab yg lain…Tun kate yg negara ini memenagi pru dgn majoriti 99% ttp Tun lupa yg bn menang pru 2004 dgn majoriti 90%…

    4) “Tetapi mereka perlu menunjuk kepada rakyat, dan lebih utama kepada dunia luar bahawa Kerajaan Barisan Nasional di Malaysia adalah zalim dan menindas rakyat seperti Kerajaan-Kerajaan kuku besi Negara Arab.”…yeah that is true..mmg mereka perlu buat macam itu sebab media2 perdana di malaysia dikawal ketat oleh kerajaan dan hanya dibenarkan untuk menyiarkan yg manis2 ttg kerajaan dan yg pahit ttg pembangkang manakala yg pahit ttg kerajaan dan yg manis ttg pembangkang disembunyikan…itu tidak adil namenye Tun…”referee” di dalam pru pon adelah ahli umno..itu tidak adil namanye Tun…ment2 hidup mewah, dpt subsidi minyak, bil air elektrik rumah mereka ditanggung ngan wang negara manakala rakyat di bawah ditekan dengan kenaikan harga barang…itu tidak adil namenye Tun….shahrizat amik “pinjaman” 250 juta kne interest 2% tp rakyat biasa buat loan kereta x sampai 50 ribu kne interest 4%..itu x adil namenye Tun…shahrizat seleweng duit lembu 250 juta tp x bayar balik hutang 2 cmpai sekarang ttp pelajar yg hutang ptptn x sampai 20 ribu dikejar sampai lubang cacing…itu tak adil namanye Tun…x adil = zalim, zalim = x adil…so mmg betullah tindakan dioang tu biar satu dunia tahu kezaliman yg dibuat bn…ADA PAHAM ??????

  71. 1) “Percubaan oleh Anwar Ibrahim untuk menyeludup masuk ke dalam UMNO supaya dapat merebut kuasa dari dalam juga gagal.”…bagaimana Tun boleh berkata yang anwar ibrahim menyeludup ke dalam umno sedangkan Tun sendiri yg mempelawa die masuk ke dalam UMNO…anwar mmg byk menentang kerajaan sejak sebelum die menyertai umno lagi..iaitu ketika beliau menubuhkan abim..masa utusan x abis2 kutuk anwar ibrahim, namun bile die dh masuk umno maka utusan pon keluarkanlah kenyataan bahawa “anwar berjiwa besar”..”anwarlah menteri kewangan terbaik dunia” etc2..skang bile die dah dibuang dr umno utusan ubah lg pendirian mrk terhadap anwar dgn menyatakan anwar agen yahudi, agen cina etc2..drp 3 recycle ini jelas menunjukkan bhw utusan tidak lain tidak bukan hanyalah anjing kpd umno..and one more..

    2) Tun membawa masuk anwar dgn harapan supaya beliau menyokong kerajaan instead of menentang spt yg beliau buat sebelum pd 1973 ketika Yom Kippur War…iaitu, beliau telah memimpin demonstrasi yg melibatkan mahasiswa2 UM di hadapan bagunan kedutaan Amerika di Malaysia iaitu bangunan AIA untuk memprotes tindakan amerika yg menyokong keganasan israel ke atas palestin di dalm perang tersebut..kerajaan turut dikritik kerana tidak melakukan apa2..Tun berasa terancam dengan pengaruh anwar ke atas gol mahasiswa dan anak2 muda..maka Tun pon mempelawa beliau ke dlm umno dgn harapan untuk menggunakan pengaruh anwar ke atas gol muda untuk menarik mereka supaya pro bn…setelah masuk umno anwar ditawarkan pula dengan pelbagai kemewahan yg diperoleh oleh menteri2, tp lama-kelamaan, Tun menyedari bhw populariti anwar telah naik mendadak bukan hanya di dalam umno malah di peringkat antarabangsa juga…pemimpin2 negara luar lebih selesa dengan anwar berbanding Tun…

    3) Tun berasa terancam dengan populariti anwar maka membuat plot untuk menjatuhkan beliau…bukan hanya itu, idea2 anwar juga bercanggah dgn idea2 Tun..Tun lebih menekankan kpd pembangunan infrastruktur dan industri manakala anwar lebih kepada pendidikan..tambahan pula, anwar juga buka jenis “pak turut” spt samy vellu, naji and ling liong SICK yg sangat disukai Tun..beliau menentang permintaan Tun untuk mengambul 2 billion wang petronas supaya diserahkan kpd syarikat anak Tun sendiri…atas faktor2 ini Tun telah mengambil keputusan untuk memaksa anwar tok meletakkan jawatan namun beliau melawan…atas sbb itu Tun telah membuat plot dengan melibatkan musa hassan dan gani PAK TAHI untuk memenjarakan anwar..

    4) mungkin akan ade penyokong2 tegar Tun kt dalam ni yg akan nafikan perkara ni dgn hujah2 mrk…tp mrk x dpt lari drp kenyataan yg Tun sendiri telah mengaku yg anwar x bersalah pada 1998…video itu dah tersebar luas kt youtube…rakyat dah tahu dan there is no excuse untuk menafikanya….and 1 lg saya pelik mengapa Tun yg begitu benci ngan anwar hingga sekarang boleh mengaku yg kes 1998 itu sememangnya rancangan Tun sendiri..setelah saya teliti untuk beberapa lama baru saya sedar bahawa video pengakuan tersebut dibuat sebelum PRU12…dan kebetulan bn kalah di 5 negeri pada PRU12….saya amat yakin despite faktor yg rakyat tidak yakin dgn pentadbiran Tun AB faktor video pengakuan Tun itu turut memainkan peranan…melalui pengakuan tersebut maka rakyat dapat tahu bhw anwar sememangnya innocent di dalam kes 1998 dan menjadi mangsa fitnah Tun dan umno, oleh sebab itu simpati mrk kepada anwar telah menyebabkan sokongan ke atas anwar melonjak pada PRU12 lantas menyebabkan PR menang di 5 negeri (ini adalah analisa saya)…

    5) and then saya berfikir lg..takkan Tun tak tahu bhw pengakuan ini hanya akan meningkatlan lagi sokongan rakyat terhadap anwar….sehinggalah saya menyedari suatu perkara…Tun mmg tak suka dgn AB, maka untuk menjatuhkan AB Tun mesti meyakinkan ahli2 umno bhw AB tidak mampu untuk memastikan kelangsungan parti tersebut…maka oleh sebab itu Tun telah dgn sengaja mengakui pelan jahat yg dilakukan Tun ke atas anwar pada 1998 supaya rakyat malaysia akan bersimpati ngan anwar lantas memindahkan sokongan mereka drp umno kpd PR..

    6) dengan itu terjadinya tsunami politik pada 2008 yang menyaksikan kekalahan bn di 5 negeri..bukan hanya disebabkan kepimpinan AB yg lemah ttp Tun sendiri telah merancang supaya perkara itu berlaku…you want that to happen supaya ahli2 umno akan hilang keyakinan ke atas AB dan memaksa beliau meletakkan jawatan supaya dapat digantikan ngan najib yg juga merupakan “pak turut” tun dari dahulu sehinggalah sekarang …MISSION ACCOMPLISH ( you are clever Tun, really2 clever but you should know that you can’t fool everybody)

    7) Tun pernah menyatakan ketika ditemu ramah oleh mingguan malaysia bhw”di kalangan pemimpin UMNO tidak banyak yang berkaliber, tambah lagi mereka dikaitkan dengan rasuah seperti bertanding untuk Ahli Majlis Tertinggi misalnya”..tidakkah Tun sedar bahawa Tun sendiri yang menyebabkan perkara ini berlaku…anwar ibrahim, tengku razaleigh, musa hitam, osman haji arof…semua ini adalah pemimpin2 berkaliber dlm umno tetapi telah disingkirakan oleh Tun atas sebab yg sangat x munasabah iaitu mereka x sependapat ngan Tun maka yg tinggal di dalam umno hanyalah pak2 turut spt najib, hishamudin, AB ( dulu pak turut, lepas jd PM die lawan Tun)…

    8) sebahagian drp mereka ini bukan hanya dipecat sebab x sependapat ngan Tun ttp sebab populariti mrk di kalangan ahli umno yg membuatkan Tun berasa terancam..ismail arof contohnya merupakan bekas menteri besar kedah yg sgt disukai oleh exco2 kedah dan umno2 kedah ketika itu…Tun berasa kurang senang dengan populariti beliau..ntah tibe2 ismail arof yg dahulu disukai oleh org2 di bawahnya tibe2 plak ditentang..rupa-rupanya sebelum mereka ini menentang ismail arof secara tibe2 Tun telah dilaporkan untuk membuat perjumpaan dengan mereka secara sulit dengan fail2 peribadi mereka di tangan Tun…yeah…mrk menentang ismail secara tibe2 bukan disebabkan mrk tidak suka..ttp telah diugut oleh Tun.

    9) mmg menjadi favorite Tun untuk menggunakan fail2 peribadi org di bawah Tun sbg senjata supaya mrk tunduk kpd Tun..kalo di selangor sekarang, ment besar dan exco2 mereka wajib mengisytiharkan harta mereka kepada org awam namun ahli2 bn di bwah tun pula wajib mengisytiharkan harta mereka bukan kpd org awam ttp kpd Tun..maka mereka2 yg banyak skandal rasuah dan seks mcm rafida aziz, najib, samy vellu, ling liong sik, chan kong choi, hishammudin dan shahrizat lembu mmg sesuai dijanakan oleh Tun…

    10) anwar berbeza sbb beliau mmg tidak pernah ade rekod rasuah, ambil tanah, kontrak, projek, balak dan sebagainya..kalo tengok laporan utusan ngan tv3 xda satu pon yg mengaitakan anwar ngan rasuah kalo ade pon tuduhan tanpa bukti, tak pernah pon ditunjukan dokumen atau rekod rasuah atau pengambilan tanah, kontark, balak dan sebagainya yg dikaitkan dengan anwar sbb die mmg x pernah buat bnde2 itu..yg ade hanyalah modal seks,seks,seks..tp wait..ade lg satu lagi senjata untuk menjatuhkan anwar iaitu imf..anwar pernah dilantik oleh paul wolfowitz (yahudi amerika yg rapat ngan bush) supaya menjadi pengarah future funds di bawah imf ketika badan tersebut diterajui oleh paul…tun menggunakan kesempatan ini dengan menuduh anwar ingin membankrapkan negara dengan mengambil wang imf…good point..tp last2 kantoi jugak bhw tun sendiri yg meminjam wang imf pada 1999 iaitu selepas anwar dipenjarakan.

    11) kesimpulanya…Tun memang merupakan seorang yg bijak..saya x nafikan ttp Tun juga merupakan seorang yg rasuah dan keji..Tun ingin menjadikan diri Tun sebagai satu-satunya pemimpin umno yg hebat,perkasa dan bijak pandai..dan apabila bersara Tun mahu meninggalkan legasi ini supaya Tun akan terus dikenang sbg pemimpin umno yg terbaik dlm sejarah umno sendiri..untuk mencapai objektif ini mreka2 spt anwar, musa hitam, ismail arof dan tengku razaleigh yg bijak pandai dan boleh menyaingi kebijaksanaan tun disingkirakan awal2 supaya yg tinggal hanyalah mrk yg small minded dan pak turut mcm najib, hisamudin, sharizat dan lain2 dan kini atas slogan “lawan tetap lawan”, cita2 Tun itu telah diancam oleh kemaraan anwar dengan rakan2nya di dlm pr, Tun sgt takut sekiranya anwar menjadi pm dan melakukan perubahan yg tidak pernah dilakukan oleh mana2 pemimpin umno termasuk Tun sendiri..Tun risau sekiranya legasi Tun sbg pemimpin malaysia paling berkaliber akan dipatahkan oleh anwar yg berkarisma dan bijak pandai…tun takut …

    12) apa2 pon tahniah Tun…anda sendiri yg telah merosakan umno…umno mula sinonim dgn rasuah pon sejak zaman Tun..Tun sendiri yg telah sebatikan umno dengan rasuah and now, there is nothing you can do to fix it…so kalo umno dijatuhkan dlm pru 13 ni jgn salahkan umno tp salahkan diri Tun sendiri yg menjadi punca umno itu rosak..saya rasa Tunku mmg sudah dapat melihat perkara ini sebab itu die buang Tun drp umno dulu….kalo diberi pilihan sama ada untuk memilih pemimpin yg bijak pandai tp rasuah ( mcm Tun) dengan pemimpin yg kurang bijak sedikit tp bersih (mcm Tuan Guru Nik Aziz) saya lebih rela pilih Nik Aziz..kalo pemimpin itu tak pandai ekonomi dan sbgnya, boleh dilantik penasihat supaya menasihatkan beliau tentang ekonomi namun kalo pemimpin itu bijak macam mana sekalipun..even kalo ade phd dlm ekonomi sekalipon tp kalo dah diri itu rasuah maka negara akan tetap mundur macam mana sekalipun…lantik penasihat pon x gune sbb dh mmg attitude die suka rasuah…

  72. Assallammualaikum Tun,

    1. Wahai Melayu, banguuunn…pemimpin zalim sedang menghasut anda untuk memilih PAS, memilih PKR, tetapi undi anda akan diberikan bulat-bulat kepada DAP.
    2. Lihatlah di peringkat negeri dan pusat, DAP yang memimpin. Mereka sebenarnya kawal anwar, hadi awang, nik ajis.
    3. Cina DAP bukan seperti cina MCA atau Gerakan. UMNO kawal MCA dan GERAKAN dan MIC, tetapi DAP kawal PAS dan PKR. Tidak nampak lagi?
    4. Cina DAP, kepalanya yang disembah oleh anwar, hadi awAng, nik ajis adalah lim kit siang, orang yang sama menghalau orang melayu semasa sebelum tercetus 13 mei 69. Setan ini masih hidup dan masih perjuangkan bangsa cina sebagai tuan. Kapal singh pun tersasul sebut anak kit siang jadi PM. Woi Melayu, buka mata, buka hati, buka otak!
    5. Baru 3 tahun perintah selangor (penang tak payah ceritalah, sudah hancur orang Melayu dibuatnya), tanah2 orang melayu sudah dirampas…melayu PAS dan PKR syok dapat elaun, pegang jawatan (macam pembelit khalid tu), tetapi DAP sedang menrealisasikan idaman mereka. Idea mereka sudah lama, tetapi dulu tidak ada kuasa. Tapi hari ini undi2 orang Melayu kepada PAS dan PKR meletakkan mereka di singgahsana untuk membenam orang Melayu. Cuba lihat portfolio cina2 cauvinis ni, semuanya yang penting2…pemimpin PAS dan PKR layak portfolio kodi2 je…(memang padan dgn muka mereka).
    6. Islam selalu mengingatkan kita supaya mengambil iktibar: lihat penang, lihat selangor, lihat kelantan (cakap islam, tetapi maksiat macam negeri lain juga) dan lihat nasib orang melayu di singapura! – tempat DAP meniru. Belum terlambat untuk hentikan monster DAP ini
    7. Caranya, pilih BN. Walaupun bukan sempurna, tetapi masih boleh dipercayai untuk kekalkan melayu dan agama Islam.

  73. If this is the scenario and threat then how does to map to our strengths and weaknesses? This is a political problem and should be solved politically.

    We have not been very good at this, falling prey to the Opposition’s evry ploy to politicise everything we have failed to respect the civilian roles of the armed forces and make them answer political charges and accusations instead of restricting themselves to facts.

    We seem to busy strutting ourselves and our wives in front of TV cameras, reacting to every Opposition’s every move instead of thinking, strategizing and coming up with viable political strategies and plans of action. When will the abundant talent among us be given due room?

  74. Salam Tun , Moga dalam Rahmat Allah Selalu.

    Saya sokong bersih.Apa salah jika nak bersih. Tapi niat hati pun kena bersih. Jangan cakap saja nak bersih tapi ada hati kotor didalam. Bercakap bukan main lagi … akulah yang terbaik .. parti akulah yang bersih..tapi pemilihan parti dia terserlah tak bersih. Bukan orang luar kata . Ahli dia sendiri !!! Kepada Allah lah berlindung kita daripada diperintah golongan ini.

    Dalam soal bersih SPR ini, saya nampak SPR dah beri banyak penjelasan. Saya percaya hati pentadbir SPR ikhlas. Hampir kesemua cadangan BERSIH dah diambil tindakan .
    Saya pernah terpikir , nak mintak SPR jelaskan prosedur pengendalian satu-satu pusat mengundi yang amat ketat dan tak mungkin berlaku penipuan .

    Tapi bagi golongan ini kau buatlah macam mana pun… Nawaitu mereka satu saja …. PUTRA JAYA yang nak dilelong dulu ni..



    Jadilah orang yang bijaksana seperti Nabi Muhammad SAW iaitu orang yang dapat membezakan yang hak dan batil . Disini kita kena ingat yang hak tak semestinya pakai serban dan mengaku diri ulama . Dan yang batil pula tak semestinya yang tak mahu berdebat. Tak mahu berdebat itu boleh jadi satu kebijaksanaan !!

    Tapi dalam hal D.S Najib VS DS Anwar ni saya sokong terus debat . Syaratnya kedua-duanya kena sumpah mubahalah dulu supaya kedua-duanya dibuktikan BERSIH dulu sebelum berbahas.

  75. Orang Arab agaknya dia punya Bodoh
    Sikit Lebih kurang macam orang Melayu juga
    Cuma Arab kurang
    Melayu lebih

    Dia sama dia bergaduh , membunuh
    Orang Putih tengokan tersenyum
    Begitu juga Melayu
    Bangsa lain suka melihatnya

    Selamat saya ada 5 sudu darah mamak

  76. and top of that,he said that iraqis who at first begging them to throw the saddam.and yeah.he state that they have right to kill because iraq kill iran first with gases.so,does that mean that they can did the same thing to us?let say,the malaysian ask US to topple the current government.and kill us like they did to iraq?million lost their home and million become fugitive in iraq.no ones win.

    and i taught iran and US suppose to be enemy?

  77. Salam Tun,

    Saya amat setuju dengan kata2 Tun di atas. Pihak Pembangkang memang melampau ingin berkuasa dengan apa cara sahaja. Meeka kempen tiap2 hari sepanjang tahun. Mereka menuduh orang2 UMNO semua rasuah, penjahat dan mereka terus menabur fitnah.

    Kalau mereka kalah pilihan raya mereka akan tuduh kerajaan tipu dalam pilihan hari raya. Pemimpin kerajaan yang lemah akan diambil kesempatan untuk dihina dan difitnah.

    Sebaliknya pemimpin2 pembangkang memang berkelakuan tidak bermoral dan jahat. Di samping menuduh kerajaan zalim dan jahat serta rasuah, mereka berkelakuan iblis melakukan jenayah liwat, melacur dan melakukan rusuhan jalanan, memukul dan membelasah anggota polis yang menjaga keamanan.

    Kerajaan Barisan Nasional terlalu bertolak ansur. Untuk menangangi samseng2 pembangkang2 dan NGO BERSEH 3 yang diketuai oleh Datuk Ambiga, pihak berkuasa harus tidak terlalu berlembut. Cara yang paling berkesan untuk mengatasi perusuh2 samseng ini ialah dengan kekerasan yang setimpal. Singapura dan Negeri Cina mnggunakan cara kekerasan untuk menjaga keamanan negara. Mereka langsong tidak memberi peluang dan ruang kepada pihak pembangkang untuk menabur fitnah atau meresuh. Mereka tidak teragak2 menggunanakan peluru hidup dan kereta kebal untuk melanggar dan merempuh perusuh jalanan ang ganas serta jahat, tetapi dikatakan oleh pembangkang mencintakan keamanan dan keadilan.

    amin tan

  78. Tun, i had pm someone in my facebook that he claim he is US army.actually,the reason he PM me because he mad at me cause i write stating “america troops not hero..they are terrorist..america being brainwash so bad..so sad for u guys” than ade org tak puas hati.so i reply thats “US is the biggest terrorist”..lepas tu atas hak bersuara US..comment kedua kena delete..

    i dont know whether he really an army or he claim to do so,but he said they have right to invade iraq because iraq kills kurds and develop WMD.how on earth its okey to kills million because of this two reasons?even if he not army,he surely an american.this is disturbing way of thinking.human is not some tools that you can just kills.and i dont understand how most of american support for this kind of crimes?

  79. Rasa pilu mengenangkan nasib tanah air. Berharap semoga Allah lindungi negara kita.

  80. Hai Tun, terima kasih atas ulasan-ulasan Tun yang tidak bernas.Kami di Kuala Lumpur pada 28 april lalu hanya bersenjatakan botol mineral dan garam sepertimana yang disebut oleh Tun yang boleh menyebabkan kerajaan digulingkan.Syabas atas pendirian Tun yang menyebut pembangkang akan mengulingkan kerajaan jika tidak berjaya pada PRU 13.Tidakkah Tun terbaca ceramah ceramah pembangkang dicemari dengan telur dan balingan batu.Adakah ini Demokrasi yang dicanag-canag oleh Tun.Mengapa Tun tidak terfikir untuk mengutuk tindakan tidak bertamadun ini?Ataupun Tun memang merestui tindakan tindakan tidak bertamadun ini??Cuba renungkan…..

  81. YAB,

    18. When the day has arrived for the next 13th general election, all political parties will showcase us their “politik malaysia” portfolios, we should wait them out.

    19. After 55 years of Merdeka, the rhetoric of ketuanan Melayu, ketuanan Islam UMNO and ketuanan PAS via their alliance parties in Peninsular indeed have made other races including kaum Melayu rejecting them day by day.

    20. What is Wawasan 2020 in the eyes of these ahli2 pm kita?

    21. If they do not start soul searching, the reality of them not being the PM of the country shall be shattered.

    22. They are not indispensable or unbreakable.

    23. They can fool us some time but they can’t fool us all the time.

    24. If the some parties lost in this GE starts to mengamuk, what should KDN do?

    25. KDN is for national and international security?

    26. KDN is for their personal security?

    27. Voters no longer blind and pak turut.

    Goodnight, YAB.


  82. Betul sangat hujah Tun. Ini memang pelan asal pakatan. Namun masalahnya juga berpunca dari korupsi dari semua pihak juga termasuk BN. Namun apa pun yang akan berlaku saya cuma harap yang Kedah tak akan di gadaikan lagi. Sudah banyak PAS jual hasil bumi dan tanah pada DAP…..

    Saya juga harap tak ada lagi Bersih selepas ni. Sedih melihat negara ni dalam kekecohan disebabkan segelintir pihak yang terlalu gila kuasa.

    Cadangan saya buat masa sekarang, kita buang negara Ambiga tu dan mansuhkan Bar Council. Banyak sangat negatif dari positif…

  83. Salam Tun,

    1. It is without doubt BN has done well politically. It has also developed the nation well thus far. I do not think anyone can dispute that, if we do not compare with life elsewhere that is.

    2. If we are to measure the GNH Gross National Happiness, we may find it relatively high, but pocketed. By that i mean each race is happy only with its own race, and wish the other race eliminated if at all possible. Thus, such GNH is false. Artificial, Plastic, Call it by whatever name, but they are not truly happy and certainly this does not make for a harmonious society.

    3. The racism that pevails is dominant. You know that. Everyone practices that. Even the cream of the professionals subscribe to racism. I would not dream of questioning their professional ethics, but i question how is it they cannot come to terms with the human race and that we are all equal human beings ?

    4. I believe the government utilises this weakness to benefit themselves. Thus, we are rakyat are actually to blame for all that we see happening around us, the racial insults, the hatred, the uncaring attitude, the arrogance. And some people think this is the Islamic way to live, this is the right way. I honestly do not know where it came from. I can only suspect the political component parties of BN and their parents.

    5. Personally i am tired of it all, my friends many have landed themselves in hospital, many more show symtoms of cracking up, many believe their purpose in life is “untuk bangsa”, totally unware of the consequences of their own actions. I can choose to ignore them, but am losing friends on a daily basis.

    6. Surprisingly, i make new friends, who are with a more Malaysian outlook than racial and politically motivated people. They are more pleasant to talk with, more caring, more relaxed and are typically contented people.

    7. This i think is not good for the government of the day. They would rather see me fight with my school mates, and up hold the “bangsa” flag. But i simply do not have that belief. You could say it is simply not my religion.

    8. There are very few Malaysians or bangsa Malaysia. I guess if i carry a badge or name tag that says “Bangsa Malaysia” or simply “Malaysian”, i would be arrested, so i will not do such things. My doctor warned me not to eat during fasting months. I think i will take his advice.

    9. Since there isn’t enough oxygen to go around for us Malaysians, we need to think for ourselves how to survive. The Malaysian government is busy. We should not bother busy people. We will not be loved for it.

    10. We should vote for someone who has the time for us. Plenty of time at his disposal if i may add. Someone who we do not have to pay a booking fee just to talk to. Doctors charge consultation fee just to take a peek at our swollen leg and then say “oh, this is a job for the specialist”. We need a doctor who actually treat the wounds.

    Thank You Tun

  84. Yg. Bhg Tun,

    Pada pendapat saya ada dua kumpulan yang membantu pembangkang: satu kumpulan 100% taksub dan 100% tulin ahli pembangkang, dan satu lagi kumpulan terdiri dari mereka yang bukan suka sangat pada pembangkang, tetapi meluat dengan perangai beberapa pemimpin UMNO – kebas duit, wanita, berhidung tinggi, sombong, rasa mereka lebih tinggi dari orang lain.

    Kumpulan pertama itu kita kata “gone case”, usah dikata apa. Tetapi kumpulan kedua ini kian membesar. Siapa tak sakit perut dengan Dolah Badawi? Banyak lagi kes lain yang kita tahu – istana mahligai di Bandar Baru Kedah, cincin berlian 25 juta, wang lesap, berbagai lagi yang sudah diketahui umum.

    Pembangkang akan terus dengan Bersihnya selagi Anwar tidak menjadi PM. Demonstrasi akan terus berlaku lagi, kerana itulah caranya bagi mereka. Polis akan dimaki hamun terus menerus. Foreign Press pun seronok sebab Malaysia sebagai negara Islam yang maju pun adik beradik negeri Arab juga, bergaduh sama snediri dan kerajaan dilabel zalim. Itu bagus untuk business CNN, BBC, New York Times etc. Kita tak mampu menghalang orang mengatakan kita, walau bagaimana baiknya hati kita.

    Sudahnya? Secara serius BN dan UMNO perlu menakluki hati mereka yang bukan dari kumpulan pertama tadi:

    1. Pemimpin-pemimpin UMNO yang senior, termasuk PM perlu “brandkan” semula UMNO dan BN. ”Rebranding”. Buka buku Sun Tze.
    2. Buanglah mereka yang tak laku lagi, buat apa recycle “the old mangkok” untuk jadi Chairman syarikat-syarikat kerajaan, ambillah yang betul-betul profesional.
    3. Belajar dari kesilapan Dolah Badawi. Dia recycle menteri-menteri yang “old mangkok” – orang tak mau dan tak ambil kisah lagi, sebab apa? Sebab tak ada apa jasa mereka.
    4. The economy, the economy, the economy – tak faham-faham lagi kerajaan. “The hungry man is an angry man”. Kasi wang seribu boleh hidup sehari, ajar dia cari wang seribu, dia boleh hidup lebih lama. Create jobs. Bantu mereka yang mahu berniaga dan perkembangkan business.
    5. Cukup sudah dengan kronisma – mengapa syarikat itu juga yang dapat macam-macam kontrak berbilion bilion?
    6. Ini juga bukan sekadar “winnable candidate”, tetapi candidate yang boleh dan MAHU bekerja untuk rakyat, untuk negara, dan betul-betul tulin mempunyai kebolehan, kelayakan, kemampuan dan keupayaan untuk melakukan tugas, boleh berdamping dengan masyarakat, boleh dan mahu mendengar kata rakyat, yang orang semua akan tahu yang dia itu ialah “the Right Candidate”.

  85. Bersih didukung olih isu perkuaman
    Untuk menjatuhkan UMNO
    Pak Lah memang lembab
    Cakapan beliau pun tak jelas untuk menjadi PM

    UMNO lemah bagi isu menrangkupi isu kewangan
    Punca UMNO lemah
    Dengan pendapatan kerajaan lemah kama kerjaan tidak berupaya membangun,tegas bagi menjalankan tugas
    Kerajaan UMNO mesti bijak bikin duit untuk berkuasa

    Pengnudi yg mengundi cara isu perkauman seperti mengundi DAP
    Mereka silap
    UMNO tidak memeras kewangan rakyat
    DAP saya percaya apabila mereka lebih kukuh mereka akan memeras
    Bangsa asing perlu sedar dengan UMNO
    Mereka lebih menikmati usaha dan titik peluh mereka
    Bahkan mereka lebih kaya dari anak bumi
    Kerena UMNO tidak memeras tenaga rakyat
    Lihat jiran kita yg mempunyai pemerintah Cina
    Sememangnya rakyat di peras
    Dengan berbagai cukai,dan mengunakan undang undang untuk memeras anda
    Fikir sendiri kenyataan ini

  86. 4. Pada 2008 kebencian terhadap pemerintahan Abdullah menyebabkan ramai dari penyokong UMNO dan parti-parti komponen lain mengurangkan sokongan kepada Barisan Nasional sehingga lima buah negeri dapat ditawan oleh parti-parti bukan Barisan Nasional.
    ** Oh My God ! berapa umur kita sekrg, sampai sekrg masih tidak terhenti-henti cakap mengenai AB. We,as a man, must have a big heart !

    12. Tunjuk-tunjuk perasaan Bersih yang besar dan ganas adalah persediaan untuk menolak keputusan PRU 13 jika parti lawan gagal memenanginya
    ** Those who were there in bersih 428, will laugh when they read this,pada hal , mereka tahu hakikat yang sebenarnya !

    I truth can not be twisted.
    It would be most appreciate if the rest of our time can be contributed for MALAYSIAN regardless of his skin color, and religion !

  87. Salam Tun,

    saya setuju dengan kenyataan Tun diatas. Selama ini kita hidup didalam kemajuan yang dipimpin oleh Barisan Nasional. Banyak sebenarnya pembangunan serta jasa yang diberikan oleh pihak kerajaan kepada rakyat. Namun ada yang masih buta untuk melihat serta bersyukur dengan nikmat yang kita kecapi. Malah ada yang pelajar ditaja oleh kerajaan sendiri tetapi bila dah pandai semua berpaling tadah serta memburuk2kan kerajaan yang telah membantu mereka.

    Kita sepatutnya tidak perlu mendengar hasutan dari pekhianat negara yang hanya ingin meraih undi sebagai tiket untuk menaikkan dirinya sendiri dalam mengejar cita2 untuk menjadi perdana menteri. Saya lihat banyak melayu yang sudah lupa jasa yang diberikan oleh kerajaan dan terpedaya dengan hasutan2 berlandaskan tiket Islam serta menggunakan agama sebagai laluan untuk menang. Apapun, saya ucapkan Barisan Nasional terus memimpin bagi memajukan Malaysia.


  88. Dear Tun,

    At the end of the day, this is part and parcel of Democracy. The people will decide who shall rule and i’m aware that UMNO has Plan A, B, C & D. For good or bad, if people want change, they will vote for change and this does not mean that UMNO cannot return. UMNO will first make a very good opposition and can always return to the government in the next GE if they behave professionally and maturely about the people’s wishes should a new government take over. The Malays are no longer like before, They are educated, exposed and mature. Only UMNO youth seems to be a bunch of lunatics who are further tainting UMNO with their rowdiness in attacking every opposition event. They had the cheek and audacity to throw stones and eggs at Bangsar residents attending Anwar’s & Nurul’s Ceramah when in actual fact that is a PKR Constituency. What sort of Behaviour is this? And you choose to do it at an high end residential area. Seriously, UMNO is so Desperate & Turning Asthmatic I Suppose…

  89. ketakutan mula tertimbul, terutamanya di kalangan sesetengah pemimpin ….

    entah apa sebabnya ketakutan itu … mungkin kerana cintakan negara?

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