1. The war has devastated the country. The golden-domed and handsome buildings have been reduced to rubble. And Ukrainian young men have died by the thousands fighting the war. Millions of Ukrainians have migrated. And the country is bankrupt, depending on the support of other countries.

2. Ukraine wanted to join NATO over the objection of Russia. Ukraine has a long border with Russia. Its membership of NATO would bring that military alliance of Western Europe right up to the Russian border. It was provocative. Russia objected.

3. But NATO delayed the admission of Ukraine while continuing to encourage it to join. Russia then pre-empted by invading its former Warsaw Pact member.

4. This was what the Western Europe members of NATO wanted. The war would expose Russia’s military capacity and strength and adversely affect its finances and economy. Sanction would be applied so that Russia’s oil and gas would not be able to undermine the market for US oil and gas.

5. Not yet being a member of NATO, Ukraine cannot expect NATO countries to come to its defense. Ukraine had to fight the war alone. The Western alliance would support it with funds and weapons so that the war would continue. This benefits NATO. The soldiers of NATO countries are saved.

6. Now Trump is proposing for Ukraine to admit defeat on terms detrimental to the interest of the country. So all the sacrifice and the losses have gained nothing for Ukraine.

7. Poor Ukraine. It has been taken for a ride.

8. Its independence from Russian dominated eastern block has not benefited it at all. The European Union is the real beneficiary.

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