The barbaric and wanton massacre of the Palestinians in Gaza which started some days ago and is now still continuing is yet another example of the blatant war crimes committed by Zionist Israel since its establishment in 1948.

Supported and encouraged by the United States and Britain, Israel has ignored international condemnation and insists that she has the unfettered right to murder innocent men, women and children on account of some rocket attacks by Palestinians who were retaliating against the blockade of Gaza. The blockade over the last 9 months has brought starvation and untold suffering to the Palestinians. The heroic Palestinian people have every right to take action in self-defence to break this inhuman siege.

The United Nations has condemned this attempt to starve and deny the medical needs of the Palestinians in order to force them into submission, but as usual, Israel backed by the United States has ignored international opinion and international law.

The peace loving peoples of the world must not just sympathise with the Palestinians but must take concrete action to bring the war criminals to justice.

For various reasons Governments will not do anything to put a stop to Israeli intransigence. It remains for the people to take positive action individually or through their Non-Governmental Organisations (NGO).

We propose that the peoples of the world boycott Israeli products and stop all trade with Israel.

Secondly we call upon the international community to abandon the use of the US Dollar in international trade, and to stop buying United States’ bonds. Such purchases have enabled the United States to grant substantial aid to Israel and to supply it with the weapons now being used against the people in Gaza and elsewhere. The concerned peace loving peoples of the world must not, even if it is in a small way, be the participants and financiers in the massacre of the Palestinians, the Iraqis and the Afghans.

Finally we call upon the United Nations General Assembly to condemn Israel the same way that the Security Council condemns Darfur, Rwanda and Burundi and to set up a Tribunal to try Israeli war criminals.

Dr Mahathir bin Mohamad


Kuala Lumpur Foundation to Criminalise War

and Perdana Global Peace Organisation


  1. Dear Dr. Mahathir Mohamad,
    Here is your very good idea (citing from the top page):
    “We propose that the peoples of the world boycott Israeli products and stop all trade with Israel”
    As an Israeli Jew and a Zionist, let me refresh your memory which Israeli products you want to boycott.
    2) Israel the 100th smallest country, with less than 1/1000th of the world’s population.
    3) Most of the Windows NT and XP operating systems were developed by Microsoft-Israel. Ironically, you are using it to create your blog.
    4) The Pentium MMX Chip technology was designed in Israel at Intel.
    5) Both the Pentium-4 microprocessor and the Centrino processor are produced in Israel.
    6) The Pentium microprocessor in your computer was most likely made in Israel.
    7) Voice mail technology was developed in Israel.
    8) Both Microsoft and Cisco built their only R&D facilities outside the US in Israel.
    9) The technology for the AOL Instant Messenger ICQ
    was developed in 1996 by four young Israelis.
    10) According to industry officials, Israel designed the airline industry’s most impenetrable flight security. US officials now look (finally) to Israel for advice on how to handle airborne security threats from the terror you call freedom fighters.
    11) In proportion to its population, Israel has the largest number of startup companies in the world. In absolute terms, Israel has the largest number of startup companies in the world, except the U.S (3,500 companies mostly in hi-tech). With more than 3,000 high-tech companies and startups, Israel has the highest concentration of hi-tech companies in the world — apart from the Silicon Valley, U. S. What about your country statistics?
    12) Israel is the only country in the world that
    entered the 21st century with more trees than in the 20th century, which is more remarkable because this was achieved in an area considered mainly desert.
    13) “Israel is one of the countries that is leading the way in medical research

  2. Good day Mr. Mahathir.
    I assume that you remember (or don’t) remeber me. I’m a Jewish Israeli Zionist and proud to be like this. I’m not a terrorist nor an ape or swine.
    Following your rhetoric along years, you didn’t change and even become more extreme, very similar to the Iranian president.
    In October 2003 I sent you a letter after your famous speech at the OIC comference in KL. It was just a while prior you ended your duty as PM. You never responded to that letter. I know very well why. You hate Jews, Israelis and Zionists. It is not politically but on a religious basis. What is Malaysia’s bussiness in the Middle East. Do we have a mutual border with you? Are you the saints of justice? Do you know what is the definition of “Zion” and “Zionist”?
    I’m adding my letter of October 2003 I sent you and hope you have the time and brave wisdom to reply. Your rhetoric may convince your audience but the whole world is not taking it seriously.
    Date: Fri, 17 Oct 2003 05:53:49 -0700 (PDT) From: “HANAN”
    Subject: A letter to you Mr. prime minister.
    To: [email protected]
    Dear Dr. Mahathir bin Mohamad, the prime minister of Malaysia.
    You probably don

  3. Tun Yang Fasih,
    Only big united group and behaved muslim with intelligent strategy and “power” Tools can make yahudi surrender.

  4. TOKDET…

  5. TOKDET,
    I BEG YOU,

  6. It’s a common strategy by Al-Qaeda and extremist groups like Hezbollah, Hamas, to use civilians as human shield. They do this because they’ve found our weakest point. Because our very own Rules of Engagement (ROE) does not apply to them, they’ve cunningly applied this strategy with undeniable success in Iraq, Afghanistan and Palestine.
    They’re smart, I can give you that. They know that our media reporters, like eager hawks, circle potential hotspots looking for a story that will sell. News anchors dodge bullets to get into the thick of it — all in the name of getting their 15 minutes of fame. Explosions, death and more explosions will definitely send their cable news rating over the moon. Like any self-serving news group, they do it for the big bucks that rolls in from advertising and the sale of exclusive rights to rare footage. To think that the media will shed a tear over the suffering of Palestinians is as real as world is actually flat and the moon is made out of cheese. While the Palestinians dodge incoming missiles, bullets because Hamas failed to protect them, the world watches on with despair as our political leaders bicker on who will get more camera time to promote their self-serving agendas.
    Meanwhile, in the CNN, BBC, Al-Jazerra, and RTM1 board room, program directors are given the option of:
    a. 100,000 civilians dead in Zimbabwe as civil war continues to rage on.
    b. 30,000 dead as genocide continues in Darfur.
    c. Russia to send micro-organism lifeforms to a moon in Mars for experiments.
    d. 20 Israelis killed in deadly rocket attacks by Hamas.
    e. 400 Palestinians dead, including 350 Hamas militants, and 50 women and children killed as Israeli air strikes continue to put pressure on Hamas.
    Not rocket surgery to tell which news will sell the most.
    So what better way to paint the enemy as the greatest spawn of satan?
    Hamas home made rockets, stick and stones against the might of US/Israel military technology. Surely under conventional warfare, we all know where this is going. And it doesn’t look so good for Hamas.
    Nevermind that! We’ve found a solution! Just duck behind civilians and use them as cover. Them Israelis and American tomfooleries will never open fire on civilians because it’s against their ROE. Better yet! We’ll use schools, hospitals, police stations, homes of innocent civilians as mortar launching pads. We’ll use ambulance, stolen UN aid vehicles to ferry mortars, grenades, and rifles. They’ll never shoot at emergency response unit carrying aid, food and supplies would they? Oh ffs, their tanks, AC-130 gunships, and Apache helicopters are such a bugger to deal with aren’t they? Nevermind that! We’ll lure IDF, ASF, British and US ground forces into homes and destroy them in close quarter combat. We’ll plant bombs or suicide bombers in homes unbeknown to them tomfooleries. They’ll never know what hit them.
    Oh noes! What if they catch on and start demolishing homes with bulldozers, shooting up schools and ambulances? Nevermind that! We’ll clean up evidence of militant activities in the area, strip our martyrs to civilian clothes and parade their dead bodies through eager CNN, Al-Jazerra, BBC and RTM1 news anchors, bloggers, or anyone with a camera-phone. We’ll show them who the real devil is.
    By the way, not saying that I support Israel here. To me, Israel use of force may be excessive. But they do have the right to defend themselves. The use of civilians as human shields by Hamas and al-qaeda on the other hand, is utterly disgusting.
    It is so easy to put all the blame on Israel. But what has HAMAS done for the Palestinians? Gaza was returned to the Palestinians Sept 12th 2005 under a promising peace agreement. The homes of many Israeli settlers, along with schools and markets in the Gaza strip were destroyed by their own government.
    Many Israelis who have made a home in the Gaza strip were disheartened by the unexpected decision, but nevertheless came to accept it as a stepping stone for a greater good. A wishful thought that one day, Arabs and Israelis alike can coexist in peace.
    Fast forward a year later, Hamas won the elections in 2006, but with a cost. The power struggle between Hamas and Fatah escalated into a violent confrontation before Hamas overthrew Fatah in 2007.
    For a year since the return of the Gaza strip to the Palestinians, their future sounded promising. Schools and playgrounds were erected. The many Palestinians who have settled in Gaza found work, both in their land, and in Israel. For months, Israel has provided supplies, electricity, water, healthcare and education to the many Palestinians who seek it. For awhile, both Israel and Palestinians looked as if that wounds were finally mending.
    But that lasted till Hamas took over and decided to launch Qassam rockets into Israel from Gaza in 2006. Israel responded with air strikes and tighter border controls. As attacks continued to escalate, Israel had no choice but to enforce tough economic sanctions to stamp out illegal arms smuggling into Palestine.
    And so begins the much talked about illegal sanctions Israeli imposed on the Palestinians.
    It was a tough decision. Call it what you want. But what other choice do they have? Obviously peace talks are not working. Even after the fact that Israel has returned Gaza to the Palestinians, opened their borders and provided health care to Palestinians.
    Instead of building a future for Palestinians, Hamas has turned on the very people who voted them in. Using the very limited money they have on arms smuggling, militia training — all for the ultimate goal of wiping out the Israelis. And where are their so called “concerned” brothers in their time of need? Instead of helping their Palestinian brothers build a home, Syria, Jordan, Lebanon, Iran, Egypt were arming Hamas with RPGs, rifles, grenades and bomb making materials. Where are the capital investments from the brothers in faith to build schools, libraries, a proper health care system, irrigation for farms, and proper drinking water?
    The neighboring countries pride themselves with their so called brotherly love and affection towards the Palestinian’s cause. Even from far away places like Malaysia, our leaders continue to pour money into Palestine. But for the wrong reasons. Instead of investing and promoting healthy and sustaining economical growth within the region, our leaders, continues to cry death to Israel from the comfort of their own air conditioned homes.
    I guess we need to take a step back and take think out of the box. Take a good look at the big picture before we put the mother load of blame on Israel.
    Innocent lives continue to be affected by the on-going war. I think we need to stand up for what is right and best for the Palestinians, and call for total disarmament of Hamas. The Palestinians need all the aid they can get. But proper channeling of funds needs to be supervised so that none of it will go into the hands of extremists who would have no qualms in using it for their own self-serving agendas. Leaders of the world needs to continue the pressure on Hamas, and support armistice treaty regardless of faith and background. Calling for the death of Israel and giving total support to Hamas will not end this war.
    Denouncing war, whether from Hamas, or Israel will.

  7. A More Rational Look At Gaza
    Headline Opinion Israeli Aggression On Gaza 2009-01-10 19:48
    I have to say I understand the fury of Muslims in this country.
    After the Friday prayers, some five thousand people took to the street, marching their way to the US Embassy while emotionally chanting anti-Israel and anti-American slogans.
    Such a mammoth gathering had not been called for by the government or the opposition, but local Muslim bodies that had inspired the spontaneous participation of the mass.
    The Gaza conflict takes place thousands of kilometres away, but the conflagration of war has quitely been ignited here in Kuala Lumpur.
    Over the past one week, some Malay and English newspapers have been carrying prominent daily reports on the Gaza conflict, while TV news programmes keep airing the spine-chilling footages of war atrocities.
    Children buried under the rubbles, and rows and rows of wrapped bodies are being infinitely enlarged in the eyes of the audiences, and etched deep into their minds.
    Gaza is obviously not that far away. Although the rumble of mortar fire is inaudible, it is like taking place right by our side.
    “Any action to lend support to Palestine should be founded on rationality, including non-passive, non-violent or non self-inflicting means.”
    Malaysians in general sympathise with the Palestinians. To non-Muslim, this has been an aggression, another humanitarian crisis. Israel must never harm innocent lives even with all its reasons.
    To Muslims in this country, their feelings are particularly entrenched. According to religious teachings, all Muslims are brothers and sisters irrespective of where they belong to. The feeling of agony and torment their brothers and sisters are going through is so real and deep.
    This is the global perspective of Muslims. Due to religious sentiments, the wrath of Muslims in this country should be understood, or at least we should try to understand it.
    The Parliament wants to call a special sitting to debate the Gaza issue; the government urges the international community to lend their support to Palestine; while NGOs have launched fund raising campaigns.
    Of course, any action to lend support to Palestine should be founded on rationality, including non-passive, non-violent or non self-inflicting means.
    Dr Mahathir has called for a boycott of US merchandise, which is passive and unproductive. The United States has its own strategic needs, as well as difficulty in intervening. Venting our anger at America will not help fix the problem.
    Moreover, to boycott the so-called “US products” is a blatant disregard of market operations under globalisation.
    There are no American products in their totality in the local market. If we refrain from drinking Coca-Cola, the livelihoods of Malaysian workers in the Coca-Cola plant will be adversely affected.
    If we boycott McDonald’s, the local shareholders’ interests will be implicated. If we take away Apple computers, the users will have fewer choices of PCs. If we stop using Intel or AMD, what other options do we have?
    While compassion and support are essential, rationality and reality must never be downplayed. (By TAY TIAN YAN/Translated by DOMINIC LOH/Sin Chew Daily)
    MySinchew 2009.01.10

  8. //To: By justtheaverageguy on January 13, 2009 2:07 AM
    I pity those idiots posting to boycott US products not knowing that they are using US products themselves to post. Intel and AMD are all from the US and I’d bet all posting here are using them. Even Mahathir himself is. Even Microsoft is from the US. I won’t believe that there is one here that isn’s using Windows, Mac or Linux.
    So, if you suggest to boycott US products whatsoever, please, by all means, start by stop using your computers and throw them away. They are all from the US, right from the chipset to the operating system.
    And HBT, please, this is for you, don’t post here anymore. Support your own stand on going with your pitiful idea of boycotting the USA.//
    Come on, this is democracy to show humanity and love, you do your way, we do our way. Truth cannot be twisted and spinned, this is the ‘real democracy’, not the skilled democracy practiced by these crooked politicians especially from Israel and America pretending that they are the GOD and saviour to the world!!!!
    So Mr Idiot, please behave and show respect to others, especially in our ex-PM blog!!!!
    Good day Tun.

  9. Dear Tun,
    When u said bout boycotting. Something appears in my mind; why dont we, Malaysia become more self-sustained country either politically or economically.
    Nowadays, boycotting is not the smart way, in order to send a message to a country, as now we become globally-linked.
    But being self-sustained country, our voices might be heard by ‘others’.
    IMHO, that’s what we should do.
    p/s send my regards to your other half, Tun. tq

    Allahuakbar!! Allahuakbar!! Allahuakbar!!
    Masuk hari yang ke-17, keganasan tentera Yahudi masih berterusan dan kini angka kematian telah mencecah melepasi 900 orang termasuk golongan tua dan kanak-kanak yang tidak berdosa.
    Masyarakat dunia saban hari melaungkankan agar keganasan Israel segera dihentikan. Kini seluruh masyarakat dunia bersatu hati tak kira bangsa dan agama masing-masing bersimpati keatas penduduk Islam di Gaza, Palestin. Walaupun keputusan PBB tidak diendahkan oleh rejim Zionis Yahudi dan sekutu kuat Israel, Amerika Syarikat hanya berdiam diri tanpa berkata apa-apa.
    Sebelum ini pentadbiran Bush, melaungkan ingin memerangi keganasan sehinggakan Iraq dan Afghanistan menjadi korban. Tanpa usul periksa Bush terus menyerang bumi Iraq dan Afghanistan dan mengenakan sekatan ekonomi keatas mereka.
    Kini sekutu kuatnya, Israel melakukan keganasan dan pembunuhan secara terang-terangan tetapi tiada tindakan diambil terhadap rejim Zionis ini. Malah AS hanya bersikap berdiam diri. Israel tetap berdegil dengan menyatakan bahawa mereka akan teruskan serangan tersebut sehingga hujung bulan ini.
    Kini kita tertanya-tanya, apakah tujuan mereka menyerang penduduk Islam Gaza dan menjadikan alas an memburu pejuang Hamas. Seperti mana kita sedia maklum, pemimpin Hamas telah pun dipilih oleh suara rakyat bagi memimpin mereka. Mungkinkah ini satu lagi permainan perang Bush dan sekutunya, Israel sebelum Bush berundur sebagai Presiden AS dan melihat peggantikannya daripada Parti Demokrat tidak dapat dipengaruhi untuk meneruskan cita-cita AS dalam permainan peperangan ke atas kaum yang lemah. Walaubagaimanapun, kini penduduk dunia menunggu tarikh 20 Januari 2009, menantikan Barrack Hussein Obama sebagai Presiden AS yang baru dalam menamatkan konflik di Asia Barat seterusnya menamatkan serangan Israel. Mari kita nantikan.
    Kekejaman rejim Zionis Israel haruslah dihentikan dengan segera. Melihatkan Israel adalah kaum yang pengecut kerana terus menyerang penduduk Palestin yang tidak bersalah denggan menggunakan kelengkapan ketenteraan yang canggih padahal pejuang Hamas hanya menggunakan roket dan senjatapi seperti AK-47 dan meriam. Tentera Israel menggunakan serangan udara dengan bom fosforus dan bom berangkai. Ini adalah tindakan pengecut!!
    Adalah diharap Majlis Keselamatan dapat menghantar tentera ke Gaza bagi menamatkan keganasan Israel keatas penduduk yang tidak bersalah. Kini, suara daripada pihak-pihak yang menyaksikan keganasan Israel sering berkedengaran dan terbukti Israel telah mencabuli Hak Asasi Manusia Dunia. Sekiranya PBB tidak dapat berbuat apa-apa, diharap ahli-ahli yang mempunyai kuasa veto didalam Majlis Keselamatan seperti Rusia, Jerman dan China dapat menghantar bantuan ketenteraan seperti senjatapi yang moden, kereta kebal atau jet pejuang kepada pejuang Hamas untuk terus bertahan daripada serangan tentera Israel. Ini adalah satu keputusan yang adil sekiranya dahulu kita tahu Amerika Syarikat telah menyalurkan bantuan senjatapi kepada Iraq semasa perang Iran-Iraq.
    PBB haruslah mewujudkan tribunal jenayah perang untuk menghukum Menteri Israel sebagai penjenayah dan penganas perang yang berlaku di Gaza pada masa kini.
    Sebagai penduduk dunia, kami sebulat suara mengutuk kekejaman Israel dan seluruh penduduk Islam di dunia ini akan bersama-sama berdoa;

  11. Tun,
    Nak add in sikit lagi komen ini….
    By justtheaverageguy on January 13, 2009 2:07 AM
    Helo Mr average guy,
    I would like you to know that I have had failed the examination for ‘Malaysia’ paper in 1998 because I used to have guessing game for the objective questions like “mi ni mi ni mai no mo’, to decide whether to circle a, b, c, d or e, I felt cool being an “average person”, now I realized I was stupid and I have decided to work hard lo so that I can pass this exam in 2009 to learn from USA lo, I don’t copy them, faham ke?
    Anyway, only 17% of USA population voted in year 2008, just in case lu tak tau, who do you think you are, a Cikgu kencing berdiri, to chedet blog???? Nak komen pakai lah otak, janganlah sensitif sangat, kalau lu marah, jadi lu ini suka kencing berdiri, ke?
    Good day Tun.

  12. Hi Sir,
    If we want Israel to stop the war, we should also condemn Hamas for attacking innocent Israeli people in all these years.
    To me, these islamic terrorists that are barbaric and violent. Israel is just trying to protect their own people, what’s wrong with this? Why does the Hamas always bombing the innocent people in Isreal?
    Why can’t the muslims leave the Israel alone? The muslims all around the world should accept the reality that Israel is a valid country.
    A word to the Malays in Malaysia: You are first and foremost a Malay, and only then a muslim. If Islam didn’t come to south east asia, you won’t be a muslim now. Why succumb yourself to some religion from another race and country? Don’t forget your root!!

  13. Tun,
    //By justtheaverageguy on January 13, 2009 2:07 AM//
    Mr Just The Average Guy means Guy neither here nor there = coward (pengecut)???
    Tun, this idiotic comment speaks itself, ha…ha…. another dah bodoh, haprak, h/P6 man, another lelaki ‘suka main depan dan belakang’???? I feel sorry for him lah for having no guts being a guy, hai…. he doesn’t know what is ‘hak asasi manusia antarabangsa’, poor poor guy, another APIT?
    Why angry Mr No Guts? It’s just a blog for private “sembang”, takkan ko tak tahu kot!!!
    Good day Tun.

  14. Dear Tun,
    Setiap Perjuangan Perlu Pengorbanan.
    1) The people of GAZA are doing it with their lives, their lost of security, the lost of the simple comforts of life and their sufferings.
    2) It is not perjuangan if there is no scrafice.
    3) Are we willing to give up the visit to McDo, Starbuck, to buy that Harley, etc…Does it compares to the suffering and death of the Palestinians?
    4) We cannot fight this war with weapons – beacause they have bigger and better weapons.
    5) We cannot fight them with diplomacy – because US (the sponsors of this killings) will veto it or water it down til it has not weight to pressure the aggressors.
    6) We cannot fight it with politics – because Hamas was freely elected but because US did not like Hamas they are still being persecuted.
    7) We are left with no choice but to fight via it economicially and financially. Yes don’t expect them to sit quietly when this happens. It is after all a war.
    8) But it is a war we all have a chance to win. A chance to bring sanity to this world to stop all unnecessary WARS and inhuman KILLINGS.
    9) Is this war worth fighting? Or can you go to sleep at night in peace knowing that you can do something about it but refuse to do it – to save the people from being slaughtered day and night.
    10) We need to make irrelevent the financial institutions and systems that feed the US and in turn give the KILLERS the support to kill and slaughter!
    11) Therefore we need to make the USDollar irrelevent as soon as possible. STOP trading using US dollars. It can be achieved by stopping as much trade with US as possible, especially those good which are NON essential and are more our “wants” rather than our “needs”.
    12) We need to make the US people realise that they are not GOD and all powerful. It is ALLAH who reins supreme.

  15. I pity those idiots posting to boycott US products not knowing that they are using US products themselves to post. Intel and AMD are all from the US and I’d bet all posting here are using them. Even Mahathir himself is. Even Microsoft is from the US. I won’t believe that there is one here that isn’s using Windows, Mac or Linux.
    So, if you suggest to boycott US products whatsoever, please, by all means, start by stop using your computers and throw them away. They are all from the US, right from the chipset to the operating system.
    And HBT, please, this is for you, don’t post here anymore. Support your own stand on going with your pitiful idea of boycotting the USA.

  16. Dear Tun, salam mesra moga sihat selalu. Minta izin..
    Cuba lagi. Cuma menunjukkan belah lain. Kalau kena sekat juga, kira tak nak pendapat tak sokong boikot 100%. I understand then, cos you have an agenda to pursue.
    Ibarat meracun akar pokok besar krn semut masuk rumah. Sendiri kena hempap nanti. Umno need Malays, they dont need Umno. M’sia need US (goods and technology), they dont need us (our products).
    Baca statistik pelaburan, perdagangan US-M’sia. Kalau US pulas segelintir sekutunya memulau M’sia mati kita. Lihat Cuba, S. Korea, Iraq, Zimbabwe papa kedana ekonomi mrk disepit.
    Ingat, sedap memulau barang orang membeban rakyat mrk bukan krjn US atau Yahudi. Tindakan ini menyemarakkan lagi sengketa tapi tak bantu Palestin (duit boikot bagi mrk terus kan lebih bagus) Kalau rakyat US desak tindak balas, baru kita akan faham makna boikot!
    Kakitangan krjn boleh berlagak soal boikot krn mangkuk nasi besi kamu. Yg teraniaya ialah pekerja sektor swasta. Orang bersara makan pencen krjn pun sama!
    Memulau hanya mengeruh, mudaratkan keadaan, keberkesanan belum pasti. Yg pasti rakyat sendiri merana dulu mcm wajah takut keselamatan pekerja KFC di Indonesia. Tapi ada orang dapat jadi jaguh Islam!
    Kalau rakyat US begitu senang ditipu menyokong serangan terhadap Iraq (sampai musnah) dgn bohong senjata dasyat, senang saja mrk nak membenam M’sia. Bukan takut menentang US tapi guna akal panjang bukan otot tegang.
    Tunjang ekspot perusahaan kita ialah electronic dan ia ke US(dan sekutunya), komoditi juga. Kalau dua punca hasil negara ini terancam, nanti coca cola, colgate rakyat tak mampu beli, jgn cakap boikot. Jgn sampai kena gali perigi untuk dapat air, pakai arang gosok gigi!
    Jgn cari pasal dgn rakyat dan perniagaan US yg mungkin ada yg menyokong kita. Boikot tindakan membuta krn ia tak dapat bezakan penyokong atau tidak.
    Boikot pasti membawa binasa, sama ada kita atau dia. Mrk ada hak bertindak balas. Sama ada tindak balas mrk sama padan dgn kita atau padan muka kita, tunggulah.
    Dlm sains ‘for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction’ Ini pasti. Dlm perbalahan ada istilah melampau. Kita kan pandai guna kuasa kejam ISA melawan pendapat membangkang.
    Samalah bandingan balasan melampaunya.

  17. Dear Tun, salam mesra moga sihat sejahtera selalu. Minta izin membalas pengulas…
    Pada ‘mana_betul’ on January 7, 2009 6:46 PM
    Jawapan ini lewat krn terkandung dlm tulisan tentang ‘boycott’ kena sekat dua kali.
    Saya setuju pendapat sdr tentang perang Palestin-Israel (Kurang setuju pendapat emotional? Salah orang.) Israel memegang kelebihan dan mustahil diusir. Terpulang pada Palestin nak terima atau berjuang sampai mati.
    Ingat krjn Melayu Melaka kembali pada Melayu selepas 500thn! Kalau dulu mrk mcm Hamas, Melayu skrg tinggal jumlah orang asli.
    Kita jgn keruhkan perebutan wilayah antara dua negara ini dgn mengheret puak lain bersengketa: Muslim-Barat(US), Arab-Yahudi, Islam-Kristian, Negara Pro Yahudi-Negara Pro Arab, Pro boycott- Anti boycott, peniaga, pekerja cari makan.
    Perkataan Yahudi, Muslim, Arab, Barat, Islam, Kristian tak patut digunakan. Hanya Palestin dan Israel.
    Bila menganjurkan ‘boycott’ jgn terlalu ghairah, khayal dgn kuasa ditangan sendiri. Ingat ‘for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction’
    Skrg 26juta M’sian marah US, kalau 270juta American naik angin dgn kita? Pandai mengajar orang jgn jolok sarang tebuan. Sendiri mcm mana?
    Lihat akibat pemulauan pada Cuba, S. Korea, Iraq, Zimbabwe.

  18. Dear Tun,
    Why are Banks bad for us?
    1) Banks (the commercial interest based type) are alike Loan Sharks. They will be ready to give our loans to speculators of all sorts. When eveyone is full of confidence, bullish and greedy. But at the end of the day whether the speculator wins or loses – the BANKS comes our winners. BANKS breeds greed. No Religion preaches greed is good. Yet we fall pray to greed aided by the Banks.
    2) Banks (of the type mentioned) will seem like the saviour who saves us from distruction. BUT they are like the Witch in Hansel & Gretel -they will feed you till you are fat and cook you alive. The credit cards, the business loans, the overdrafts, the bridging loans, the mortgage, etc… are all trap that will cook you if you so much as flatter due to misfortune not of your making.
    3) Banks (of the type mentioned) will encourge you to live fast unsustainable lifes. They will force you to Grow faster that you should or can. It encourage you to use the natural resources of this limited world ahead of its time. The resources to be used by our future genarations are being consumed by us right now. We are living on borrowed time which belongs to our children, grand children and theirs. We are killing ourselves from over exploitaion of the earth natural resources and too fast as well. Because we must develop and grow faster theh the interest rate we have to pay the banks for the loans we took to help up be competative and grow.
    4) Banks are ANTI Green and ANTI ECO friendly.
    5) Banks are un-ISLAMIC. CaN PAS give us in Kelantan and alternative – a real none riba based alternative? Kita CABAR Ulama2 and cerdik pandai PAS untok wujudkan system kewangan and ekonomi Islam yang boleh bertanding dengan system BANK conventional. Jangan cakap pasal HUDUD dulu. Adakan system kewangan ini dulu.
    6) Banks are like wolves in sheeps clothings.
    7) Banks breeds greedy mega corporations – thus killing the small free enterprises. This mega corporation will go on to gobble up everything in their path like ogli monsters.
    8) These monsters are more likely to be Westerns who will use the locals (partners) to “killer” the local free enterprise.
    9) Globalisation is good for the BANKS. But be sure it is good for us before embrace the religion of globalisation. Be absolutely sure.
    Beacuse it may be impossible to reverse the process once we go there.

  19. assalamulaikum tun
    ape yg belaku di bumi palestin menunjukan kepincangan kita negara islam,yg hanya mampu melihat sahaja kekejaman israel[bangsa biadap n haiwan]membunuh tanpa mengira bangsa mangsa..tidak kira kanak-kanak dan org tua tanpa belas kasihan sbagai seorang manusia.betul lh ape yg tetulis dalam AL -QURAN bahawa bangsa yahudi, bangsa yg zalim dan bongkak…..
    bagi saya ape yg belaku,semua nie bepunca dari umat dan negara -negara islam sendiri kerana kita sendiri bepecah-belah disebabkan berebutkan kuasa dan kekayaan..dan sanggup melihat negara islam lain ditindas oleh bangsa yahudi tanpa pembelaan dari negara islam sendiri dan sentiasa mengharapkan negara yahudi membantu kita umat islam ,sape mereka? ade kh mereka lebih mengenali dan tau tentang islam …saya beharap negara islam lain mengambil iktibar ape yang belaku di palestin dan ingat bahawa bangsa yahudi tidak akan membantu kita tanpa menharapkan balasan..tapi kita sendiri negara dan umat islam.oleh itu kita sendiri perlu menubuhkan sebuah pasukan tentera islam bagi membantu negara islam lain yg ditindas dan dipermainkan oleh bangsa yahudi dab PBB yg merupakan boneka Amerika, selain itu kita perlu mempekukuhkan sistem perbankan islam yg bagi saya mampu besaing dan lebih baik..semoga ALLAH memberkati dan merahmati pejuangan org2 islam di Palestin yg mempejuangkan agama islam dan negara Palestin

  20. Dear Tun
    I hope you can see that as has been observed time and time again :-
    What is needed is action.
    Action means
    I suggest as a start as so many clever people have already suggested : we start to find the strengths in ourselves to boycott US products. This will certainly send an effective message to the US. We should also allow oppressed Palestinians to come and stay in our country until something effective can be done about Israel.

  21. Dear sir,
    Malaysia calls to boycott US products. Is this practical? HP, IBM and Dell are the three largest US based IT companies globally, not forgetting Microsoft and Sun-Solaris, the biggest IT software companies, also US based. Now, if we were to boycott US products, how will Malaysian government operate? In today

  22. As Israel persists in its military efforts — by ground, air and sea — to protect its citizens from deadly Hamas rockets, and as protests against Israel increase around the world, the success of the abominable Hamas double war crime strategy becomes evident. The strategy is as simple as it is cynical: Provoke Israel by playing Russian roulette with its children, firing rockets at kindergartens, playgrounds and hospitals; hide behind its own civilians when firing at Israeli civilians; refuse to build bunkers for its own civilians; have TV cameras ready to transmit every image of dead Palestinians, especially children; exaggerate the number of civilians killed by including as “children” Hamas fighters who are 16 or 17 years old and as “women,” female terrorists.
    Hamas itself has a name for this. They call it “the CNN strategy” (this is not to criticize CNN or any other objective news source for doing its job; it is to criticize Hamas for exploiting the freedom of press which it forbids in Gaza). The CNN strategy is working because decent people all over the world are naturally sickened by images of dead and injured children. When they see such images repeatedly flashed across TV screens, they tend to react emotionally. Rather than asking why these children are dying and who is to blame for putting them in harm’s way, average viewers, regardless of their political or ideological perspective, want to see the killing stopped. They blame those whose weapons directly caused the deaths, rather than those who provoked the violence by deliberately targeting civilians.
    They forget the usual rules of morality and law. For example, when a murderer takes a hostage and fires from behind his human shield, and a policeman, in an effort to stop the shooting accidentally kills the hostage, the law of every country holds the hostage taker guilty of murder even though the policeman fired the fatal shot.
    The same is true of the law of war. The use of human shields, in the way Hamas uses the civilian population of Gaza, is a war crime — as is its firing of rockets at Israeli civilians. Every human shield that is killed by Israeli self-defence measures is the responsibility of Hamas, but you wouldn’t know that from watching the media coverage.
    The CNN strategy seems to work better, at least in some parts of the world, against Israel that it would against other nations. There is much more protest — and fury — directed against Israel when it inadvertently kills approximately 100 civilians in a just war of self-defence, than against Arab and Muslim nations and groups that deliberately kill far more civilians for no legitimate reason.
    It isn’t the nature of the victims, since more Arabs and Muslim civilians are killed every day in Africa and the Middle East by Arab and Muslim governments and groups with little or no protests. (For example, on the first day of Israel’s ground attack, approximately 30 Palestinians,
    almost all Hamas combatants, were killed. On the same day an Islamic suicide bomber blew herself up in a mosque in Iraq, killing 40 innocent Muslims. No protests. Little media coverage.) It isn’t the nature of the killings, since Israel goes to extraordinary lengths to avoid killing civilians — if for no other reason than that it hurts its cause — while Hamas does everything in its power to force Israel to kill Palestinian civilians by firing its missiles from densely populated civilian areas and refusing to build shelters for its civilians.
    It isn’t the nature of the conflict, either, because Israel is fighting a limited war of self-defence designed to protect its own civilians from rocket attacks, while most of those killed by Arabs and Muslims are killed in genocidal and tribal warfare with no legitimate aim.
    The world simply doesn’t seem to care when Arabs and Muslims kill large numbers of other Arabs and Muslims, but a qualitatively different standard applies when the Jewish state kills even a relatively small number of Muslims and Arabs in a war of self-defence.
    The international community doesn’t even seem to care when Palestinian children are killed by rocket fire — unless it is from Israeli rockets. The day before the recent outbreak, Hamas fired an anti-personnel rocket at Israeli civilians, but the rocket fell short of its target and killed two Palestinian girls. Yet there was virtually no coverage and absolutely no protests against these “collateral” civilian deaths. Hamas refused to allow TV cameras to show these dead Palestinian children.
    Nor have there been protests against the cold-blooded murders by Hamas and its supporters of dozens of Palestinian civilians who allegedly “collaborated” with Israel. Indeed, Hamas and Fatah have killed far more Palestinian civilians over the past several
    years than have the Israelis, but you wouldn’t know that from the media, the United Nations or protesters who focus selectively on only those deaths caused by Israeli military actions.
    The protesters who filled the streets of London, Paris and San Francisco were nowhere to be seen when hundreds of Jewish children were murdered by Palestinian terrorists over the years.
    Moreover, the number of civilians killed by Israel is almost always exaggerated. First, it is widely assumed that if a victim is a “child” or a “woman,” he or she is necessarily a civilian. Consider the following report in Thursday’s New York Times: “Hospital officials in Gaza said that of the more than 390 people killed by Israeli fighter planes since Saturday, 38 were children and 25 women.” Some of these children and women were certainly civilians, but others were equally certainly combatants:
    Hamas often uses 14-, 15-, 16-and 17-year-olds, as well as women, as terrorists. Israel is entitled under international law to treat these children and women as the combatants they have become. Hamas cannot, out of one side of its mouth, boast that it recruits children and women to become terrorists, and then, out of the other side of its mouth, complain when Israel takes it at its word. The media should look closely and critically at the number of claimed civilian victims before accepting self-serving and self-contradictory exaggerations.
    By any objective count, the number of genuinely innocent civilians killed by the Israeli Air Force in Gaza is lower than the collateral deaths caused by any nation in a comparable situation. Hamas does everything in its power to provoke Israel into killing as many Palestinian civilians as possible, in order to generate condemnation against the Jewish state. It has gone so far as firing rockets from Palestinian schoolyards and hiding its terrorists in Palestinian maternity wards.
    Lest there be any doubt about the willingness of Hamas officials to expose their families to martyrdom, remember that the Hamas terrorist leader recently killed in an Israeli air attack sent his own son to be a suicide bomber. He also refused to allow his family to leave the house, even after learning that he and his house has been placed on the a of Israeli military targets.
    The reality is that the elected and de facto government of Gaza has declared war against Israel. Under Article 51 of the United Nations Charter, it has committed an “armed attack” against the Jewish state. The Hamas charter calls for Israel’s total destruction. Under international law, Israel is entitled to take whatever military action is necessary to repel that attack and stop the rockets.
    It must seek to minimize civilian deaths consistent with the legitimate military goal, and it is doing precisely that, despite Hamas’s efforts to maximize civilian deaths on both sides.

  23. FOR decades, Israel’s history shows a general pattern: its neighbours attack, Israel responds, Israel wins the war, and the world rushes to ensure that its victory is limited or nullified. If, as sometimes happens, the diplomatic process really improves the situation and provides progress for peace that, of course, is beneficial.
    Yet Israel’s experience has shown that international promises made in return for its material concessions are often broken.
    In order to resolve this crisis, the international community must co-operate in the removal of the Hamas regime. It is an illegal government, brought to power by an unprovoked war against the Palestinian Authority (PA), which was the internationally recognised regime in the Gaza Strip. Hamas may have won the elections but it then seized total power, suspended representative government, and destroyed the opposition.
    Moreover, Hamas is a radical terrorist group that openly uses anti-Semitic rhetoric and actively seeks to wipe Israel off the map.
    From a strategic standpoint, Hamas is a member of the Iran-Syria alliance that seeks to overthrow every Arab regime in the Middle East and replace it with an anti-Western, war-oriented, radical Islamist dictatorship. Hamas’ survival is a threat to both Western interests and to those of Arab nationalist regimes. Keeping Hamas in power is equivalent to an energetic Western diplomatic effort to have kept the Taliban regime in power in Afghanistan, despite its role in the September 11 attacks.
    If, however, the world is not going to support Hamas’ fall from office, Israel cannot bring about this result by itself. At the same time, the world will be making a big mistake if it pushes for a ceasefire at any price, thus encouraging future violence and terrorism, not only in Gaza but in the region generally. What then are Israel’s options?
    Two possible outcomes are rejected: Israel will not take control of the Gaza Strip again, and Israel will not accept a return to the previous situation in which Hamas repeatedly attacked Israel under cover of a ceasefire.
    There are at least six major things Israel can obtain realistically:

  24. Selamat pagi dan salam Tun,
    //By mart garbera on January 9, 2009 8:24 PM
    Dear Dr Mahathir
    Your foundation is considered irrelevant, null and void when it comes to solving the Palestine-Israel issue. If Israel can flaunt hundreds of UN Resolutions, OIC condemnation and millions of demonstrations the last 40 years, what can your Foundation do?
    Palestine issue will never be solved by any resolution from your Foundation. Please do not waste time and money having any Press Conference or Forum issuing resolutions. It looks nice but lacks substance and force. The Palestinian issue can only and will only be solved by a few, resolute and brave mujahiddin. One mujahid is worth a million times more from all the 85 million rich and fat Arab Muslim leaders and it’s people around Israel combined! Shame on all Arabs Muslims. who have been subjugated and humiliated by Israel the last 40 years. //
    Thank you
    Mart Garbera//
    Hi Mr Garbera,
    Are you a terrorist against Malaysia? Do you like to be name as the terrorist in this country by telling us that it is a waste of time for Dr Mahathir Mohamad to launch KL Foundation To Criminalize War?
    Have you ever heard that our pepatah on “buat sikit2, lama2 akan jadi bukit / gunung”. If you don’t understand, please ask your local friends in our country and they will tell you the meaning.
    It’s not fruitless, at least some of our secondary pupils have surfed into Wikimedia to get the fact. Israel is allowed to stay in Palestine out of pity because the west do not want them to be around. Israel has become powerful because the American have twisted and spinned the fact that Israel is the right owner of Gaza.
    All Asians do not agreed to this reason. If anybody who against Israel and America, then they are labbeled as terrorists, come on man, is it human? The answer is obviously unhuman. Do you think that the world share market will go up if Israel keep on bombing Palestine because Hamas is terrorist, as claimed by the west? Then I should labelled you as the terrorist to against this foundation to allow wars and terrorism that will indeed kill the world. There should not be wars or terrorism if we love mother nature, peace and love, think before you comment, Mr Coward!!!!
    Good day Tun.

  25. I’m not for nor am I against Israel or Palestine but I believe that when a country starts attacking another without cause and reason, to me it’s wrong. Furthermore, this is a long withstanding issue which must be addressed precisely based on facts and figures. A mediator is clearly needed to solve it but as long as that mediator isn’t strong enough, nothing shall happen positively at the end of the day. On another matter, I also hate to see Malaysians start following other fractions in burning flags. What happens if people start burning the Malaysian flags? Do we like it? “Do unto others and others will do unto you”. Just be rational and don’t treat it out of context.

  26. Kita boikot apa yang termampu.. Yang penting sebelum membeli sesuatu barangan tengok 2-3 kali dulu sebelum kita beli.
    Beli barang-barangan buatan orang kita, Malaysia!!
    Boikot dan terus boikot! Puasa kita semua..

  27. Salam TUN.
    Saya ingin komen mengenai krisis perang dan peranan PBB atau UN.
    Mengapa PBB selalu kalah dalam menangani krisis perang.Tidak kira di GAZA,Somalia,Bosnia,Iraq dan lain-lain negara lagi.Bukan selalu,tetapi SERING-MENYERING sekali kalah.Kerana apa,tiada negara pun bersatu padu bahkan(BAH MENGEBAH) lepas tangan begitu sahaja.EACH COUNTRY HAVE THEIR OWN AGENDA AND THEIR PROBLEMS.APPALAR BODOH SANGAT.HOW STUPID.Nanti kalau diserang atau kesusahan, sapa nak tolong kalau tidak bersatu.Malaysia jugak nak tolong……
    Israel, atau dikenali mata dunia TOP ABUSIVE AND CRIME beserta USA dikenali TOP LEADER WAR CRIMES perlu disekat dunia.Ini supaya dunia tidak diancam keganasan.
    Langkah bagi saya adalah BOIKOT barangan(setuju cadangan Malaysia),mengurangkan EKSPORT/IMPORT MINYAK ke negara tersebut,buatan hardware usa/jews yang diimport ke malaysia dikurangkan,Resolusi oleh badan dunia(kerajaan/NGO) perlu dilaksana segera yang mungkin.
    Langkah ada sadikit sebanyak(KENA BANYAK) perlu juga di ambil ialah TALI BARUT mereka yang juga berpangkalan di negara jiran malaysia perlu diboikot juga.Sudahlah pada seketika cuba kucar kacir negara,TAK PADAN KECIK,Harap 2 EKOR taik dunia ni saja jadi tempat gantung.Produk 2 negara itu juga disalur melalui negara ini juga.Boikot all things.MEDIA juga jangan promosi apa2 mengenai negara TALI BARUT ini lagi.Macam DURI(paku now)-paku dalam daging-
    (ingin bernyawa)

  28. Salam TUN.
    Saya ingin komen mengenai krisis perang dan peranan PBB atau UN.
    Mengapa PBB selalu kalah dalam menangani krisis perang.Tidak kira di GAZA,Somalia,Bosnia,Iraq dan lain-lain negara lagi.Bukan selalu,tetapi SERING-MENYERING sekali kalah.Kerana apa,tiada negara pun bersatu padu bahkan(BAH MENGEBAH) lepas tangan begitu sahaja.EACH COUNTRY HAVE THEIR AGENDA AND THEIR PROBLEM.APPALAR BODOH SANGAT.HOW STUPID.Nanti kalau diserang atau kesusahan, sapa nak tolong kalau tidak bersatu.Malaysia jugak nak tolong……
    Israel, atau dikenali mata dunia TOP ABUSIVE AND CRIME beserta USA dikenali TOP LEADER WAR CRIMES perlu disekat dunia.Ini supaya dunia tidak diancam keganasan.
    Langkah bagi saya adalah BOIKOT barangan(setuju cadangan Malaysia),mengurangkan EKSPORT/IMPORT MINYAK ke negara tersebut,buatan hardware usa/jews yang diimport ke malaysia dikurangkan,Resolusi oleh badan dunia(kerajaan/NGO) perlu dilaksana segera yang mungkin.
    Langkah ada sadikit sebanyak(KENA BANYAK) perlu juga di ambil ialah TALI BARUT mereka yang juga berpangkalan di negara jiran malaysia perlu diboikot juga.Sudahlah pada seketika cuba kucar kacir negara,TAK PADAN KECIK,Harap 2 EKOR taik dunia ni saja jadi tempat gantung.Produk 2 negara itu juga disalur melalui negara ini juga.Boikot all things.MEDIA juga jangan promosi apa2 mengenai negara TALI BARUT ini lagi.Macam DURI(paku now)-paku dalam daging-
    (ingin bernyawa)

  29. Izinkan Tun….
    //By nqjoe on January 10, 2009 1:48 AM
    Dear Tun, I have received a few SMS on boycotting some Israel’s products.
    I’m not so sure about this since this could be some hoax made up. Can you please make a special post on this matter so that at least we know for certain which product and which company is contributing money to Israel’s army?
    Thank you for your time.
    Hi Joe,
    It’s difficult to ask Tun to name the list, If Tun (our ex-PM)list out, then Malaysia will be labelled to support “low moral foreign diplomacy”.
    As a rakyat, we need to know what we should boycott, I received this sms too, which I have boycotted 2 years back. I have supported our local products, eg. biscuit Oreo replaced by Creameo, Danone replaced by Julie and other local brands, skincare Estee Lauder replaced by Clarins, on fashion sides, I never like DKNY, Banana Republic, GAP which make look so stupid, low class and tastelees, coffee, I never support Starbuck, the list is long….. Now I have just started to boycott McDonald because I know the American is making money supporting Israel not because they sell burgers, they are using franchise system to control our land through Reits (real estate), very smart the American which our Pak Lah and Pak Anwar syok sangat, just look at Raja Petra, born in Malaysia, but have the orang putih mentality, our Malaysia version of terrorist!!
    In order to support this statement, buy local products to show that Malaysia do not support wars and terrorism, buy local products so that our SME industries can survived in this economic down turn, killed 2 birds in one stone, you get it Joe? Happy New Year.
    Tun, I hope Pak Sharil faham apa yang saya nak sampaikan…..
    Good Day Tun.

  30. Everyone in the world are sad n angry on recent Gaza incident. But as for your call on boycott US product n quit over working for US company does not seem like make a sense for many people . No doubt we can boycott US product but do u think is possible for us to be able to do that ? Those people who asking boycott US product must 1st think that our computer are make by them. I believe 80% of computer user are using Window operating system at this moment. My question is can u or me just because we wan boycott US product, should we all dump our computer immediately n replace with other operating system which does not belong to US company ? If yes, who is going to pay us replacement cost ? Tun ? Your Son ? Gvt ?
    As for your call on not to work for US company. This really a big question for every Rakyat regardless their race who is now working under these US firm. Under current economy crisis, do you think we are able to get new job that easy after quitting our current job ? Will Tun or government feed us once we quit our job n not able to get new job ?
    As long as these condition can be guarantee, then i think whole nation of people will support your idea.
    Have a good day.

  31. The recent events of palestine has been reported and received widespread condemnation but very little action has been taken. I applaud Dr Mahathir for taking the lead and calling for a boycott of certain products to try and do our part. We do need such a leader and role model to follow and help us in the right direction.
    Recently I came across a website which posted pictures that showed the suffering and agony of the palestinian people. Looking at the photos are really heartbreaking and fills me with sadness and at the same time revolt and disgust to the extent that humans can treat their own race in such a manner.
    I wish something even more concrete could be done and I certainly am confident that we can and should rally and help the palestinians during these trying times. This is a gross injustice to humanity…
    People in high positions should be shown these devastating pictures so that they can understand the plight of the palestinians….

  32. Assalamualaikum Warahmatullah Wabarakatuhu,
    Yang brebahgia Tun sekeluarga,
    Sesungguhnya, kejadian ini amat memilu dan menyayat hati, bak kata
    pepatah “dicubit peha kiri, peha kanan terasa sakit jua” itulah
    lumrah alam dan fitrah manusia.
    Namun, apakah ratapan dan rintihan dapat mengobat kepiluan?
    Ketika saya membaca buku The Malay Dillema, saya amat terkesan
    dengan cara Tun membuat analisa “What Went Wrong” dalam konteks
    bangsa melayu, jelasnya, what went wrong with the malay?
    Sekarang, dari perspektif yang sama saya tertanya-tanya, “what
    went wrong with the muslim world? what went wrong with the Arab
    world? dimana letak kesilapannya? apa yang tak kena?
    Sekian, semoga Allah memberi hidayah, Amin.

  33. Assalamualaikum Warahmatullah Wabarakatuhu,
    Yang brebahgia Tun sekeluarga,
    Sesungguhnya, kejadian ini amat memilu dan menyayat hati, bak kata
    pepatah “dicubit peha kiri, peha kanan terasa sakit jua” itulah
    lumrah alam dan fitrah manusia.
    Namun, apakah ratapan dan rintihan dapat mengobat kepiluan?
    Ketika saya membaca buku The Malay Dillema, saya amat terkesan
    dengan cara Tun membuat analisa “What Went Wrong” dalam konteks
    bangsa melayu, jelasnya, what went wrong with the malay?
    Sekarang, dari perspektif yang sama saya tertanya-tanya, “what
    went wrong with the muslim world? what went wrong with the Arab
    world? dimana letak kesilapannya? apa yang tak kena?
    Sekian, semoga Allah memberi hidayah, Amin.

  34. What a load of crap. Would PDRM react any differently if a group of protesters fired home-made guns and threw Molotov cocktails at them? PDRM already used chemical-laced water cannons on peaceful protests so stop seeking attention. The major Arab countries could not be bothered whether Palestinians lived or died. Hamas is a terrorist group and would sacrifice it’s civilians just to gain mileage. So they fire from hospitals and schools. Your time on earth is running out so get ready to meet God. The God of Israel, Yahweh!!!

  35. Dear Tun, I have received a few SMS on boycotting some Israel’s products.
    I’m not so sure about this since this could be some hoax made up. Can you please make a special post on this matter so that at least we know for certain which product and which company is contributing money to Israel’s army?
    Thank you for your time.

  36. Tun,
    Can i ask you some questions on your call to boycott American products and firms?
    a) The very technology that you are using for your blog (operating system, MS office applications etc) are american products. are you going to stop using these? revert to the days of dinosaurs?
    b) During your term as PM, the Israelis were bombing the Palestinians too with the support of the americans, but you still were wooing american investments and inviting american technology leaders to serve on the International Advisory Panel on Cyberjaya. Are you now going to boycott the products of these gentlemen?
    c) You are asking Malaysians to quit american firms and products. I am sure as the former PM, you are aware of the extent of american investment in malaysia and the thousands of jobs they provide, including your pet project of Cyberjaya. Can you provide alternate jobs to the people without any reduction in benefits? can this be done realistically?
    It may be politically expedient to say the things that you are saying now. Do not let emotions control your thoughts but lead the people along the right path like a statesman and not as a local level politician.

  37. Dear Dr Mahathir
    Your foundation is considered irrelevant, null and void when it comes to solving the Palestine-Israel issue. If Israel can flaunt hundreds of UN Resolutions, OIC condemnation and millions of demonstrations the last 40 years, what can your Foundation do?
    Palestine issue will never be solved by any resolution from your Foundation. Please do not waste time and money having any Press Conference or Forum issuing resolutions. It looks nice but lacks substance and force. The Palestinian issue can only and will only be solved by a few, resolute and brave mujahiddin. One mujahid is worth a million times more from all the 85 million rich and fat Arab Muslim leaders and it’s people around Israel combined! Shame on all Arabs Muslims. who have been subjugated and humiliated by Israel the last 40 years.
    Thank you
    Mart Garbera

  38. do u think that PLO or Fatah is the right representative of palestinian people in Malaysia? the representative in our country is a PLO rep, …since that they are keeping their mouth shut and allowing the destruction of Hamas and did not provide assistance in the massacre of the palestinian in gaza. I believe that Hamas as the democratically elected party should be put to replace the current PLO rep as they are the true representative of the people of Palestine.

  39. May I suggest the following for the boycott? Actually the boycott saves our own pocket. Let us all name the Palestinian conflict as Holocaust 2 as this one is 4 decades longer than the Jewish one.
    * Make our own coffee. Buy a coffee machine (about RM40) and forget going to Starbucks and stop drinking Pepsi and Coke
    * US makes a lot of money from music and cinema. May we start downloading music (and make sure it is illegally) and help support your friendly pirated DVD vendor. Make sure you share the pirated copies.
    * When you have any American music video from TV, copy and load into the internet so that people can pirate.
    * Make our own burger. No McDonalds
    * Avoid American designers. If possible buy pirated ones.
    * Photocopy textbooks and scan them and placed on the internet so that others can copy. This will hurt the US book industry.
    * Boycott people who buy Fords and Chevys. The cars anyway are so uncool. (Even Americans don’t want them). The boycott make force those people to learn to be cool.
    Remember a litle from you can tell the world Holocaust 2 is serious as compared to the WW2 one.

  40. Tun,
    By chewchew on January 8, 2009 10:09 AM
    //AMERICAn really got a strong reason to suport the israelis.
    with no israel, america is nothing.
    we cannot simply persuade them not to suport israel.
    go find history about the jews in america.
    find about what they have contribute to the united states.//
    What did America contribute to Malaysia? It doesn’t matter what Israel has contributed America. What we have learned today that Israel and America use religion as a reason to initiate wars and terrorism to santion and brutally killed the innocent people in the Middle East Asia to stablize US$ and US Bond. Don’t forget Chew Chew, you are an Asian too!!!! If we don’t act today, we will be their next victim!!!!
    Good day Tun.

  41. Salam Tun,
    As much as I adore you, I have to politely disagree with boycotting products such as coca cola etc.
    Much of these products use local labor force and raw materials. The first thing that boycotting is going to affect is our local economy.
    In the current state of the world, desperation makes it easy to succumb to retaliation, aggression, and hate. When people say desperate times call for desperate measures, I think of that which we are in right now.
    Emotions run high as more and more people die, but both sides are using violence against violence, hate against hate. Only light can penetrate darkness, only love can conquer hate. Mengalah tak semestinya mengaku kalah.
    For every time you slap me, I slap you back and we go back and forth for 500 years until we forget who started it.
    For every time you slap me, I give you a cookie, the cycle will end and we will both heal faster.
    both parties should stop immediately, Israel is to lift the blockade and Hamas should change their charter, nobody should live with the goal of annihilating another group of humankind. nobody should be punished for the sins of their fathers.
    Thank you for your continuous love and support of Malaysia. You’ve done so much for this country, despite some of its ridiculous (I cannot find the word for pendek akal) inhabitants.
    I have travelled far to Europe and the Americas and let me tell you that I meet your admirers everywhere I go.
    May Allah bless you and Malaysia always.

  42. Salam to Tun and Fellow Malaysian,
    99% agreed with kganes whilst 1% goes to strategic thinking required to materialize it. What could possibly street demonstration held thousands miles away from Gaza could do to the Zionist? The most, it will end up as a few seconds slot in a foreign news channel along all other demos around the world that most probably not even watched by the zionist. Worst still when majority of these demonstrators went out to the street wearing Levi’s jean, Timberland boots, Ralph Lauren’s and end up the demos at Starbuck Cafe. Don’t let it end up as zionist caricature. Much more worst if the demos end up with riot in a land where there’s no zionist around at all. Just how many of us really dare to strip anything relate to these americans and israel products? How many of us dare to boicot on american employers or business partner? Ironically, not even the rich arabs willing to do that. Now while the economy of US is as just bad to the whole world, don’t this will be a good opportunity to re-engineer the whole perspective and perception through political and business power? Lots of question for leaders to answer. Just the way Israel like to stress it over and over in the media, we could also make it loud to them that “Enough is enough”. Or maybe its true just like one fellow Malaysian said, “Dajal is not a creature, its a sum of humanity that close their one eye”… think about it. Wallahualam.

  43. Need to know more about Israelis doing business in Malaysia,please check out or their local office New Star Agencies.
    Those talk so much should do something.If not,why are we making so much of noise???

  44. When I read the newspaper and watched TV 2 days ago about the killings that is going on in Gaza,I was choked.
    The emotinoally reaction in this country has been running high,but I do not think any concrete action has been taken.
    Does anybody know that we have Isreal companies doing a lot of business in Malaysia?Many of the products in Malaysia are imported and exported by Israel companies??????
    Check the website of or call up Westport and you would know how much business they are doing in Malaysia.
    So much is being said and reported,but any action???????
    As usual,Malaysians only NATO.(no action,talk only)

  45. Dear Tun,
    Why are Commercial Interest Based Banks bad for us?
    1) Banks are allowed to give loans to people and businesses using money they do not hold as reserve. They are actually allowed to loan many times more than what they have in reserves (from depositors).
    2) When they give the loans they are actually creating money out of nothing! On top of that they can profit from this money (from nowhere) by collecting the interest payment.
    3) Don’t you think its a superb business model. If we were to make color copies of the paper money we will be jailed. Yet these people are allowed to make / create money out of nothing!!!
    4) So in times of high confidence banks will be generously giving out loans (probably at high interest rates). By doing this they are now creating more money or have increased the money supply.
    5) Everyone starts on the BULL run and eventually it becomes unsustainable as the prices of products, services, shares or whatever it was that was causing the BULL run become unrealistic. Or the banks run out of laonable “money” as they have reached the limit of the amount they are allowed to create and loan out. Money becomes short and a Bear run will start.
    6) Both ways the BANKS make loads of money or are not able to collect back their loans as the creditors default on the loans and the collateral are very much undervalued.
    7) Then comes the goverment to save the BANKS? Why must we save the banks when all the while they are making loads of money from the hard work and risk taken by the businessman and people.
    8) Banks are aleady in a low risk business; now when they fail the goverment want to rescue them using our money!!
    WHY give the banks the right to make all the money. Is it not stupid! Why don’t the goverment take this right away from the banks. Instead the goverment create the money themselves. For one thing we are sure the govement created money will benefit the people and the country.
    The goverment can control the money supply plus work without interest payment – whether they having to pay to the banks or the users of the money i.e. the people having to pay the goverment the interest.
    We do not need Commercial Interest Based Banks!
    Why let them make all the money. Just think of it for all businesses that operate using bank loans – a portion of all their profits must be allocated to the banks? Why! What for!
    The goverment can also control the exchange rate of its money to other countries’ money. By doing this it can control its domestic consumption and export potential.
    Bottomline the goverment has the complete control of the destiny of its people’s economy and finance – NOT the banks who do not have the peoples well being in mind, except to reap the biggest profit from their business. And getting the biggest BONUSES without actually doing anything productive for the economy of the country.
    Its the businsess people and the workers who actually slog blood, sweat and tears who have done many productive activites for the economy who suffer and have become slaves to the BANKS. Even the goverment now are kowtowing to the banks!!!
    WHAT FOR! I ask you all. WE DO NOT NEED BANKS. WHAT WE NEED ARE real investment institutions working on shared risk (share profit / loss) basis.
    People; we need to raise up and remove Commercial Banks from our lifes.
    More so the MUSLIMS who are prohibited from interest payment or collection!!! RIBA is HARAM.
    Goverments must exercise their right to have control over the destiny of their citizens economically and financially.
    Do not be afriad that internatioanl business will not do business with you. AS proven by TUN by his currency control effort – the businesses still came. Infact they are happy to do it as they are more certain of their returns and are devoid of the unccertainty of currency exchange rate.
    WHY oh WHY let the BANKS make us into FOOLS.
    Just think about it.

  46. There is a lot of call for Malaysians to boycott American products and this includes Starbucks, Coca Cola etc. My questions is, if the people calling for this boycott really serious about this then why stop at these companise only. How about KFC? Macdonalds? Marlboro?Why not close down Intel, Motorola and Texas? All this is just talk, and as we know in Malaysia our politicians are only good for this. Can we ever just forget about using American products or anything related to America? If we want to to that, we should have a long time ago learnt all we can from them and then kick them out.
    And do not forget that the top guns in most of these Amreican related companies are Malaysians and most of the them are Malays/Muslims. And the majority of the employees in the American factories are also Malays/Muslims. So what happens when America says ok Malaysia we don’t need you and they close every single operations that they have here? Will they loose anything?
    Come on people, the fight is in the Middle East. Take an atlas and look it up! Who are the surrounding countries? What are they doing? Finding a solution to this war is not as simple as trying to create a small dent in the American economy.
    We have to see the bigger picture.
    I personally hope that there will be a stop to not only this bloody war but any war.
    May GOD Have Mercy on those who kill and May GOD Bless the souls of those who have died in this useless war.

    Dear Tun,
    I fully support your position over the issue of the massacre of the Palestinian people in Gaza by the Israeli regime. I admire your courage to speak the truth on behalf of the Malaysians. However, may I divert your attention to an important related issue, which is Anti-Jew sentiment among the Malaysians? Since very young, living in Malaysia, I have been made to believe that the

  48. Assalamualaikum Tun,
    Berkenaan dengan memboikot Palestin dan sekutunya. Adakah kerajaan kita ada kesungguhan ini? Apakah mereka (kuasa2 kerajaan Malaysia) berani mengambil langkah yang dicadangkan Tun ini?
    Kenapa tidak disiarkan senarai2 produk Yahudi ini di surat khabar dan televisyen? (Ada undang2 melarangnyakah?)
    Adakah kerajaan kita masih mengharapkan keuntungan syarikat2 ini?
    Bagaimana penggunaan matawang untuk urusan import/ekspot terutama yang tidak melibatkan negara Israel/US adakah undang2 masih mewajibkan dollar US? transaksi jual/beli petroleum umpamanya? Kenapa kita tidak mahu contohi Venezuela/Iran? Takut Malaysia diserang seperti di Iraq kah?
    Saya ada senarai2 produk ini, saya dapat dari email PPIM (Persatuan Pengguna Islam Malaysia). Saya telah photostat dan sebarkan ke kawasan kediaman saya, InsyaAllah masjid2 dan surau2 jika tidak menjadi masalah. Kesedaran dan waspada harus bermula dari kita.
    Kepada yang berminat emailkan alamat email anda kepada saya supaya saya boleh menghantar list produk2 ini (attachment). – [email protected]
    Usahasama dari kita semua perlu untuk menghentikan kekejaman Rejim ZIONIST ini.

  49. AMERICAn really got a strong reason to suport the israelis.
    with no israel, america is nothing.
    we cannot simply persuade them not to suport israel.
    go find history about the jews in america.
    find about what they have contribute to the united states.

  50. Tun,
    By Syed Mokhtar on January 6, 2009 9:52 PM
    Hi Mokthar,
    In Malaysia, we heard that Singapore is not allowed to do business in China too because you people are so arrogant, ignorant, have no respect for others and “kiasu”, especially the brainless guys like you, the so-called educated batch who knows nothing about nationalism. Hong Kong learned their lesson in the hard way and now doing okay with ties to her motherland China. When will Singapore learn this lesson, it’s God’s will that Singapore belongs to Tanah Melayu. No matter how Singapore twists and spins the truth, Singapore is Tanah Melayu land. This is the fact which Bush and Obama are so afraid to accept (God’s will) in America., ha…ha…
    By the way we are not naive, we know where we stand and we practice foreign diplomacy, raw and not your skilled type (the politik money through corruption type). We are not interested in the strategy of attempting to sink Singapore and it has been proven a yet as failure as Singpore is now richer and stronger ever since Tun’s resignation. We rakyat will ‘sapu’ this rubbish (Pak Lah & Co including KJ and T. Fernandez) which (who) are connected with Singapore, that’s our rakyat hak.
    Nevertheless, we welcome you to Malaysia’s cyberspace and it is no harm of you continuing to downgrade our rakyat voice. We don’t hate Singapore, but we can boycott Singapore’s services and products
    by using Israel as a tool. In this aspect, Najib should be able to help Tun, if not, rakyat will sack him lo…..
    Yours Sincerely,
    Rakyat Voice Of Malaysia

  51. tokdet,
    ‘top gun’ film during 1980’s was based on novel by a jewish.
    jewish is main player in american aerospace development.
    i think we cannot just simply tell america not to be israelis alliance. they know more than us.
    the israel is part of american history.
    america got its own reason and i think a very good reason
    why they support the israelis.
    novel by a jewish…the americans bring it to reality.

  52. Israel yaitu yahudi adalah bangsa ‘terpilih’, mereka boleh melakukan apa sahaja yang mereka rasa betul, apa saja mereka suka termasuk membunuh perempuan dan kanak-kanak yang tidak berdosa. Apa saja yang mereka lakukan adalah betul belaka puak yang lain adalah salah. Siapa saja yang menentang mereka adalah berdosa dan wajib diperangi. Bagi mereka, tuhan sentiasa menyebelahi puak mereka dan yang lain adalah puak kufur yang dihalalkan untuk ditentang habis-habisan, walau dengan apa cara sekalipun.
    Bagi kita yang duduk perhati jauh dari Malaysia ini, apalah kita yang kerdil ini mampu bantu untuk saudara kita yang lemah ini, lemah dari segi pertahankan diri apatah lagi senjata untuk menyerang balas.
    Lemah emosi, lemah akal fikiran walaupun tuhan telah pun anugerahkan, lemah semua segi lemah segala-gala. Lemah kepimpinan sejak dahulu lagi, tandus seorang pemimpin berkarisma yang boleh membawa seluruh umat mereka bersatu, pemimpin yang mempunyai akal fikiran yang bernas, stragik dalam mengatur apa yang dipanggil situasi peperangan, pemimpin yang disegani dihormati kawan mahupun lawan, digeruni?. sudah tentulah ianya pemimpin berani, pemimpin hebat yang mempunyai otak, seorang idealistik tetapi realistik, pragmatik pula lagi dinamik. Berwawasan, mampu merancang untuk jangka masa pendek dan lebih penting masa-masa yang mendatang. Seorang yg berjiwa patriotik, nasionalis. islamic??
    Sebagai rakan dan saudara yang jauh tak banyak yang boleh kita boleh tolong selain boikot, barangan Israel dan sekutunya. Apa yang kita mampu, sebolehnya gunakan barang buatan orang kita sendiri Malaysia. Selebihnya sedekahkan AlFatehah buat roh mereka yg terkorban.
    Saya tertanya-tanya bagaimana rakyat negeri sembilan dahulu-kala sanggup mengimport raja mereka dari pagar ruyong semata-mata untuk memimpin mereka dan mentadbir negeri itu.

  53. Focusing on this issue, forget about you like or dislike Mahathir, or whether your are treated right/wrong by Malaysia whether you are Malaysia Chinese or Singaporeans.
    Fact is Israel shouldnt have taken others land by force. – unsolved for 60 years since 1948. Although they had developed the land successfully doesnt mean they own it, same thing I cannot plant a tree in Mr S..Tan compound and later claim S..Tan home is mine because the tree is big.
    2nd fact is there should be an international trial fair and not backed by US to judge the issue of Israel and Palestine. Just like we deal with the maritime border issues. Any decision made needs to be adhered with and observed by neutral international force. The judge should view Israel as country A, Palestine as country B, not Israel backed by US, Palestine no backing kind of attitude.
    Asking Israel to move now is impossible, but they need to compensate Palestinians in a big way if they chose to stay because it is not their land nor their resources to use. If they are not satisfied, they have to find somewhere else to stay, maybe US because it has BIGGER land or somewhere else that willing to accept them.
    No one has the right to treat human lives like shit although you are more intelligent or powerful let it be Hamas, Palestine, or Israelis.
    But I think this will never happen, I am too optimistic.

    By émeraude85 on January 6, 2009 9:49 PM
    Usually I agree with your views but this time…
    This time you have prejudism in those words.
    And I’m crying…This is one of those times that I wish God didn’t create tears.
    Because my hero said such awful things…

  55. Selamat pagi dan salam Tun,
    By lydiarusli on January 5, 2009 7:09 PM
    It’s good that you have brought up the issue of Israel products being sold in Tesco. Instead of boycotting Tesco, what do you think if we boycott Pak Shahril Samad, our Menteri Hal Ehwa Pengguna Negeri. With him around, it’s difficult for us to do anything, we act united ike chinese saying, “catch the “king” of the thiefs is the best solution”. If we boycott Tesco, it’s not fair to the employees and staffs of Tesco, they are our innocent rakyat too to ‘cari makan untuk mengenyangkan perut keluarga’, right?
    Honestly speaking, I thought of giving this advice earlier, but I didn’t do it because I am not sure whether I am at the right direction. If Tun allowed my comment to be posted out, it means we can boycot Pak Shahril. When Tun asked for boycotting Israel products, the “king” to be brought down to end this Israel issue in my mind was Pak Shahril.
    Happy New Year to you Lydia and wish you all the best in 2009.
    Good day and enjoy your work and be happy Tun.

  56. It’s all well to condemn Israel for the invasion, but before we get too caught up in the whole anti-US and anti-Jewish spiel, it’s probably very worth asking: what the fcuk were Hamas doing bombarding Israel with rockets and using their own citizens as human shields from Israeli airstrikes?
    Imagine Singapore sending a flurry of rockets at Johor every day, and giving you the middle finger when you warn them to stop.

  57. Hi Mahathir,
    I read from newspaper that you advised all muslims to boycott coca-cola drink as a mean to fight with americans. It reminds me of a chinese friend who urged his fellow country men to stop eating japanese bread in retaliation to the crimes japanese soldiers committed such as raping chinese women during world war II. But I think perhaps he would think twice should your son been given the sole distributorship of coca-cola in Malaysia.
    The same strategy of attempting to sink Singapore has been proven a failure as Singpore is now richer and stronger ever since you were in power.
    Nevertheless, it is no harm continuing to instigate naive malaysians to hate Singapore by using Israel as a tool. In this aspect, Najib should be able to help you, if not, just sack him.
    Yours Sincerely,
    Syed Mokhtar

  58. Well, like S..Tan says…
    What with the boycott, the anger, the hatred and the prejudice agains’t Jews or Israelies?
    The Israel government are wrong about shooting rockets but what about the Hamas? Why, they are practically randomly hitting, hurting not just military but innocent civilians too. Heck, the Hamas always say about wiping out Israelis. And lets go back to history a bit, they had some truce before (not the new one that just ended) and what happened? Palestinians strike at Israelis without a warning. End of that truce.
    Point is, they are both wrong and we shouldn’t be choosing sides. We are just fueling the fires of hatred between both countries. Its not helping.
    We shouldn’t be choosing sides just because that one side is the same religion as ours.
    Both countries are both attackers and victims, both countries has lost many people. So many possibilities from those lives has been lost…and lets not forget about the cost to rebuild not just homes but businesses as well. The rest of the world are trying to minimise the recession and these 2 governments act like money grows on trees.
    Mr. Mahathir…
    To call any of them (whether Palestinians or Israelis) heroes, justifies killing or massacres. Then we might as well make the law that allows any of us to kill. Heck, why not make terrorism legal?
    Because that what it sounds like in your post.
    And if Israelies are try for war crimes, why not Palestinians as well? They did alot of ‘damage’ as well.
    Usually I agree with your views but this time…
    This time you have prejudism in those words.
    And I’m crying…This is one of those times that I wish God didn’t create tears.
    Because my hero said such awful things…
    And boycotting, sounds like alot of people are going to lose their jobs. How are they going to support their families? And I’m not just talking about Israel people here, I’m talking about Malaysians. If what poster Lydiarush says is true, workers at Tesco would be jobless. Lydiarush, you really sound like a princess living in a castle, cut off from the real world where the peasents have to work to earn money for their daily needs.
    And by boycotting, we are only only demostrating what lazy thinkers we Malaysians are as psychology states that people who think the actions/behaviour of a person or a group belonging to either any faith or race represents the entire group as…
    Hmm, what do you know…
    Its called LAZY THINKING. Or simply prejudice.
    Don’t tell me the Quran teaches prejudism because I’m pretty sure (100%), it doesn’t.
    Priss 01,
    Nice one there. Steven Spielberg is Jewish, hmm does that mean boycotting Dreamworks as well? That is quite alot movies…like Indiana Jones, Shrek, Madagascar, and this year’s Monster vs Aliens and Crood Awakening.

  59. Want to boycott Israel products? then cannot buy intel centrino laptop loe and desktop or server…have to buy AMD laptop. Then a lot of movies cannot watch. haha.
    But I think Israel is too much, people slap you once, you retaliate by killing that person and neighbors. Israelis good at solving technical problems, but when comes to human relationship, they dont fare so well due to their super ego and also “just want to solve problems once and for all” attitude.
    To solve the problem, Israelis have to move to other country. That place was not their to begin with, thats where the argument always circling around.
    same applies to mr emotional S..Tan, although you are right doesnt mean can talk like that also. Stoking emotional fire then causing inconvenience to others, maybe you should consider stay in place like Singapore or Israel.

    By John on January 4, 2009 10:15 AM
    Well said S..Tan!
    What’s the point of trying to solve other people’s problem when internally we are in a bloody mess.
    SDR. JOHN,

    By John on January 4, 2009 10:15 AM
    Well said S..Tan!
    What’s the point of trying to solve other people’s problem when internally we are in a bloody mess.
    SDR. JOHN,

  62. Assalamu aleikum, Tun Dr. Mahathir.
    Insya’Allah perhaps Malaysia can take some supportive countermeasures against the zionazi foe.
    Why should Israeli-flagged or Israeli-owned freighters be permitted to traverse the Straits of Malacca? Shut them down, seize them, examine their contents for contraband and sink them if necessary.
    If anyone complains about breaches of international waterways, refer them to the government of Gaza for comment.

  63. Want to boycott Jewish product, first stop using Intel chips.
    Stop giving you children polio vaccine.
    Here’s a good comment from Lim Kit Siang to get more list of what product to boycott if you can.
    Why are Jews so powerful? By: Dr Farrukh Saleem
    There are only 14 million Jews in the world; seven million in the Americas , five million in Asia, two million in Europe and 100,000 in Africa . For every single Jew in the world there are 100 Muslims.
    Yet, Jews are more than a hundred times more powerful than all the Muslims put together. Ever wondered why?
    Jesus of Nazareth was Jewish. Albert Einstein, the most influential scientist of all time and TIME magazine

  64. YABhg Tun,

  65. Dear Tun,
    Let us be absolutely clear who our enemies are. It is not the USA people nor the Isreali people. It is the Zionist agenda using their influence in the Isreal and US administration to inject propaganda and influence to poison the minds and belief of the USA and Isreal People.
    We must not, in fighting a just cause to inflict harm to these peace loving people who have been brainwashed.
    We need to use “SMART BOMBS” which will disable the real force behind this insanity.
    Their weakness is financial and economic. We MUST deal with them through this means. Their strongest weapon is the banking system (esp the USA’s & European’s) which they have a strangle hold on.
    That is why I call upon all peace loving people to consider very strongly a change of lifestyle to abandon the Interest based Banking system. We have a viable alternative – lets start implement it and to use it. This hurtful banking system include the present day “Islamic Banks” which are not actually non interest based – they are really interest base however they just don’t us the term interest.
    Abandoning the interest based banking and financial system will render those USA & European Banks having very little influence on the rest of the world including us.
    We must also abandon using the US$ as the currency of international trade and BAN currency trading.
    All national currency MUST be the perogative of the NATIONS govermant and leaders to create and price (against other national currencies).
    This is the WAR we need to start with those insane people.
    The USA people must realise that they are NOT dependent on their BANKS which are sucking the life out of them. Instead they MUST abolish all the bank’s right to create loans from unbacked money. And that the USA CONGRESS is the only authority allowed to create new money.
    Now is the time for CHANGE; now is the TIME to fight a just war to stop the insane killing of people through unnecessary WARS – Wars the we have witness in recent history of human kind.
    God bless the people of the world and give MUSLIM the vicegrance to lead this financial and economic war thru the practice of ZAKAT against the HARAM Riba’ of the greedy banks and their sponsors – who else but the z……t.

  66. Dear Tuan, salam mesra moga sihat sejahtera. Minta izin menjawab dua pengulas…
    Sdr ‘Dima January 4, 2009 2:43 PM’
    Terima kasih sudi baca dan mengulas kiriman saya. Jawapan saya..
    Saya sokong dan alu-alukan ‘tindak balas’ Palestin. Mrk tidak boleh mengalah, berdiam diri bila di asak. Saya hanya beri pandangan melawan, meronta kalau membawa mudarat kena kaji kebijaksanaannya. Cuma terima putus jalan bukan suruh mrk putus asa, henti perjuangan.
    Actually I never said Palestine should do nothing or don’t retaliate at all.
    Sdr ‘Hajar January 4, 2009 2:58 PM’
    Terima kasih juga sudi baca dan mengulas kiriman saya. Saya jawab..
    Thank you for your polite request. I appeal back to you not to confuse opposing comments as being negative, dislike for Tun or anti Malay.
    My command of BM did not come from reading but mixing, playing with Malays from young and respecting their traditions. How can my BM reach this level if my Malay brothers had not ‘taught’ me.
    But the NEP policies separated us starting secondary school until almost no Malays left in class. I dont wish for this polarisation to continue.
    For some Malays (Umno type only),
    Criticize NEP = Anti Malay Rights
    Anti Umno = Anti Malay (Umno = Malays, Malays not = Umno)
    For some bloggers,
    Criticize Tun ideas = Anti Tun (dislike, discredit)
    I think they are different. Refer my reply to commentor Ir. Syahrizan on 6/1 (If lulus!)
    I agree the ideas may not be feasible. Borrowing Tun’s never give up spirit, I will not give in. Tun’s ideas on Gold Dinar, USD, Pegging, War crimes tribunal are not feasible because they will not see the light of day, not because they are unworkable.
    On ‘syok sendiri’, its the same ‘kick’ Tun supporters, worshippers repeat without fail. Regurgitating Tun’s comments bring us nowhere also.

  67. Dear Tun, salam mesra moga sihat sejahtera. Minta izin menjawab seorang pengulas..
    Sdr Ir. Syahrizan 5 Jan,
    Terima kasih sudi baca dan mengulas kiriman saya. Saya balas..
    Saya hampir nak pinjam ‘intelligent comment’ sdr dulu tentang ‘not being dragged to the level of fools where they beat you cos they are experienced at it’. Nasib baik tak jadi.
    Kalau ikut maksud tuduhan sdr dlm perenggan 1, sdr ini cakap tak serupa bikin di atas. Atau sdr marah krn ikut bangsa nama saya dan yg lain penulis bangsa sdr? Dua pengukur?
    Dlm perenggan 1 sdr membakar hati, asap naik ke kepala fikiran penuh asap. Sdr marah saya tak bersetuju dgn Tun? Tak nampak hujah menyangkal, menghamun ada lah.
    Ikut para 1, sdr mcm menunjuk sendiri penulis ‘berilmiah’ (masuk bakul angkat sendiri?) Tapi berakal ilmiah tak kan tak dapat beza bantah lain dari benci, tegur bukan tak nampak, tegah bukan buta.
    Ibu bapa yg bantah, tegur, tegah kelakuan anaknya tak sayang, benci anak?? Tak faham payahnya jadi remaja?
    Tun sendiri tak mengharap 100% sokongan dlm segala usahanya. Sebaliknya pendapat bertentangan sekecil mana pembuka mata. Kalau puteri lilin Tun tidak jadi negarawan, lantang bersuara. Jgn puteri lain tak tahan panas keluar tengah hari!
    …………..BLOG – KEDAI KOPI ABAD 21
    Kalau kedai kopi ibarat tempat pengilap kasut dan menteri perasuah mampu kunjung membincang fikiran, maka blog ialah ‘kedai kopi alam cyber abad 21’. Blog saluran ORANG BIASA meluah rasa tanpa tapisan, gangguan golongan ‘ilmiah’ konon. Orang ini dah ada forum, bengkel, akhbar, seminar. Kalau ‘ilmiah’ mengunjung blog kamu ‘penumpang’ jgn lagak mcm kamu ‘tuan’ keilmuan.
    Bukan semua orang nak baca tulisan ‘akal ilmiah’ dlm blog. Ada nak dengar ‘akal biasa’. Sultan S’gor memuji ‘common sense’ lebih dari ‘intelligence’.
    Menghalau cara Umno tunjuk belang bila kering akal. Kiriman saya disiar atas budi bicara tuan punya blog (Tun) Orang lain boleh mengecam saya tapi jgn buang masa menghalau. Itu hak Tun.
    Saya cadang kalau sdr nak halau tulisan sesiapa, minta kerja moderator blog. Tun mengalukan khidmat sukarela krn dah bersara tinggal duit 1 atau 2 pencen ‘kecil’ (Jgn minta overtime! Tun tak larat bayar krn cuti banyak!)
    Tun I believe is made of tougher material.

  68. Dear Tun,
    The end is maybe nigh for Israel and the upholders of zionism. By their violent acts of merciless terrorism in the middle-east and elsewhere, they’re provoking the anger of the world which once passed critical mass will be one uncontrollably raging fire which will consume not only the tiny land of israel but also the mighty US. Go on israel, keep fueling this smoldering anger…keep on being boastful and keep up the arrogance of a ‘david’ sitting astride the shoulders of goliath pummelling non-stop the small hapless and helpless palestinians…..simply because you can and nobody dares stop you.
    The end is nigh indeed. Look at the blazing fire destroying wall street, the very wealth generating factory for untold number of israeli supporters, indeed for israel itself. You name any celebrated hugely successful billionaire financiers in this fabled paved-with-gold street. They are inevitably jewish (and presumably huge supporters of the zionist cause): soros; jim simon; rubin; poulson; ben bernanke; niederhoffer; kravis and roberts of KKR; druckenmiller; jimmy dimon; including the professors leading the hedge-fund LTCM which blewup spectacularly in late 1990s; the firm of lehman bros which was scapegoated for some reasons (bear stearn was not jewish enough and hence allowed to disappear also); and lately a couple more which were made out to be bad guys: samuel israel III of bayou group of hedge funds and madoff of course. Theres many more…every time a name pops up, its inevitably jewish.
    Trillions had been lost by wall street….and more is to come, despite the desperate bailouts by poulson, bernanke and co.
    Despite their brilliance in the quantitative field, they’d miscalculated the extend to which they can leverage to generate as much wealth as possible in the shortest time possible. Now, they are miscalculating their use of leverage on US support and military strength to destroy the palestinians. They are simply overextending themselves, reaching way above their head. Their end is indeed nigh.

  69. Dear Tun,
    Very impressive letter i guess…but sadly..the world can do NOTHING coz is all about United NOTHING (UN)….
    …and the Islamic Country still can say..O…I…C….very poor..
    “Lidah Setajam Pisau”…can we prove it..huh??

  70. Bismillahi rahmanirrohim…
    Assalamualaikum tok Det..
    Lama saya tak menjenguk ke sini.. Smoga Tok Det dan Nenda Hasmah berada dalam keadaan kesihatan yg terbaik dan dilindungi Allah s.w.t..
    Tok Det,
    Izinkan saya:
    To ‘Hazman Abu Bakar’ dan ‘twocents02’
    –> list barangan2 israel yea?? saya ada ternampak beberapa org bloggers yg dah pun senaraikan barangan tersebut.. tp apa yg ingin saya tekankan disini ialah yg PALINGGG SENANGGGG SKALI: JANGAN BELI BARANG KAT TESCO!!! TESCO adalah pasaraya yahudi! alahai..kita kan ada Giant,carrefour,Billion (kalau di luar KL),Jusco,Mydin,etc.. so tak payah la nak menghadap Tesco tu lagi..
    sewaktu bln puasa yg lepas,saya juga ada menerima email yg mengatakan di pasaraya tesco ada menjual kurma dari israel yg cuba bersaing dgn kurma dr negara2 Islam..kurma dari israel itu dinamakan atas nama ‘Tesco’. nama dan lambang ‘TESCO’ ada tertera disetiap bungkusan kurma tersebut.
    kalau boleh kita tutup jer tesco,dan gantikan dgn pasaraya yg lain/baru.. sewaktu mula2 saya m’dapat tahu bhw tesco ini adalah salah satu produk yahudi,saya hairan..macam mana ia boleh lepas masuk ke malaysia..???? adakah pihak tertentu tidak sensitif atau sengaja tidak mahu ambil tahu tentang latar belakang tesco??
    setahu saya,daya tarikan utama tesco adalah lanjutan waktu operasinya: hari2 biasa sehingga 12tgh malam,manakala pd hari minggu dilanjutkan sehingga jam 1 pagi. demi mengaut keuntungan yg lebih,tidak adakah satu syarikat/pasaraya pun (spt giant,jusco,mydin,etc) yg sanggup menggunakan marketing strategy yg sama supaya mereka sama2 boleh bersaing dgn tesco?? dan tugas kita para pengguna,jom kita sama2 boikot tesco!! X-)
    setuju dgn WUU – kenapa kempen memerangi barangan israel nie tak diadakan besar-besaran? kenapa semua pihak (kerajaan + pembangkang) asyik nak mengadakan bermacam mesyuarat tergempar mengenai peperangan di Gaza,tp tidak mahu mensasarkan pd objektif yg lebih kecil sedikit skopnya spt menyekat masuk,memboikot sebyk yg boleh barangan2 yahudi/israel..
    dan diperingkat globalnya pula seperti kata Tok Det (dlm wawancara khas Mingguan Malaysia 4 Jan 09),jgn gunakan matawang US dolar utk tujuan dagangan antarabangsa. tak boleh ke kalau negara2 OIC bersatu utk ini??
    bilangan mangsa org2 palestine akibat bedilan israel semakin hari semakin meningkat. Israel pula dgn perasaan angkuh dan bongkak terus-terusan membunuh,mengebom dan menghancurkan setiap pelusuk bumi di Gaza. Kesian pada kanak2 dan warga2 tua (terutamanya perempuan) yg tidak berdosa. Jika kita hanya pandai ‘menyalak’,tapi tak pandai ‘menggigit’,tiada apa fungsinya ‘taring’ digusi..hanya seperti anjing menyalak bukit,akan runtuhkah bukit??
    BTW Tok Det,
    U HAVE DONE UR BEST!! teruskan perjuangan,selar yahudi/AS dan puak2nya..!! kami semua berdiri teguh dibelakang Tok Det!! Allahu Akhbar!!
    no more pseudonym
    UiTM Alumni

  71. To Hajar,
    Trying to think properly what is wrong with my statement … ask yourself honestly … you protest on israel issue due to INNOCENT PEOPLE ARE KILLED …. or due to RELIGIOUS?
    If we protest with the fundamental of reason INNOCENT PEOPLE ARE KILLED, then other people will support as they are human being … If sorely because of RELIGIOUS … others who dont have same religious will just look and see, and tried to protect their own interest by staying with america …
    From the past, our country protest when ppl of same religious are killed … but when they kill, we keep quiet …
    With this kind of situation, how would you expect and convince others to support you?

  72. Asalamualaikum Tun Dr. Mahathir,
    May God bless you! Happy New Year!
    But first let me say something…
    Dear Mr. S..Tan,
    Just by reading your pathetic and ridiculous post proves that you’re a very ignorant person. I’m not even sure if “good deeds” is even in your dictionary. Your points are baseless, with no proves to support your imaginary allegation. Just another “kedai kopi” talks. I spit on your face, ptuih!
    Hey, uncle, I don’t know what your political gay-teacher told you at school but the world of politics is not a straight road. It is a very winding road. Those who seats on the throne to become the Prime Minister of Malaysia (or regardless any country or any government in the world) are actually wearing a crown “with thorns poking”. With problems ranging from issues as “how to feed the poor people” to issue as big as “how to save the country’s economy”, it is indeed a very tedious and difficult task. If what impossible for an ordinary man to do. But, Tun Dr. Mahathir has done his best and the best for the past 22 years under his ruling to stir Malaysia into what it is today. There’s no need for me to brief more on Tun’s success, his resume are very impressive. It’s funny, you’re too ignorant to realize these facts, and yet, you might have bring your family to dine at the finest restaurant at KLCC or went to overseas via KLIA (just to name a few). So start thinking old man.
    There’s no righteous person or wrong person in this world. Its only two sides of people with two sets of opinion. The best ideas or opinions should be given the waiver to go-ahead. Tun is the best statesmen Malaysia could ever had but who are you? My answer would be a “nobody” or even better; “a loser with an ignorant attitude”.
    For your knowledge, Palestine has always been a worldwide issue in the Muslim world. I have to admit, boycotting may have a very small impact to begin with but its not the end result we seek, instead it is a small step needs to be taken to show to the rest of the world that we are against violence and misdeeds.
    I suggest you go home and drink milk Mr. aSSTan (maybe it will help to grow back some of your dead brain cells) and don’t forget to repent! Stop harassing this forum with your foul remarks and come back here in 10 years after you figure out a better intellectual post to make. There’s an old sayings to describe your character, “Dahlah bodoh, sombong, tak cukup dengan tu menyusahkan orang!”.
    I rest my case. Mr. SeeTan, you’ve make my day! Heh!

  73. Good morning Tun,
    I heard that Mr Obama has invited a list of Amercican Chinese to join him as his 1st line officers in his cabinet . It’s look like Mr Obama is not interested in stopping this war of muslim vs christianity. More and more Palestinian innocent people will die, I am curious, Tun, is Hamas 100% sponsored by the American and her cronies too to make Gaza conflict more chaos, just to satisfy the equation of ‘cisis = opportunity’ to bait the world to buy US$ and US bond and George Soros has started his investment strategy yesterday.
    Issue on boycotting US$ and US Bond, it may be friutless in persuading the world governments to take action, but this press statement indeed can send a ‘strong message’ to re-educate the world on equation of crisis=opprtunity. But to Christians, they strongly believe that muslim worlds should be punished because it’s GOD’s will, christianity = anti-islam. To me, it’s barbaric, anti-christian and very frightening to see this misfortune being allowed and the world cannot do anything about it.
    If Bibble can be allowed to translate in BM in Malaysia means our government is indeed ‘hypernating’ and follow George Soros’s belief that the market will correct itself. TAK NAK Bible to be translated in BM!!!!
    Take care Tun.

  74. Assalammualaikum Tun Dr Mahathir
    Di doakan Tun dan isteri selamat dunia dan akhirat dan diberikan kesihatan dan kekuatan untuk terus memberikan buah fikiran dan tindakan didalam apa cara sekali pun.
    Israel ialah punca terjadinya keganasan di seluruh dunia kerana Amerika telah menjadi syaitan besar yang melindungi mereka.
    Saya hairan kenapa Liga Arab masih mengharapkan Amerika menyelesaikan masalah Palestin itu.
    Liga Arab sepatutnya bersatu dan menghantar tentera Arab berkawal di sempadan Israel/Palestin.
    Bukan kah PBB menghantar tentera yang sama berkawal di sempadan Israel/Lubnan? Tentera Malaysia pun terlibat dan kini sudah tiada peang berlaku di sempadan itu.
    Kalau Israel tak bersetuju, maka perangilah israel itu dengan semua kelengkapan perang yang dikumpul dari Iran, Syria, Arab Saudi dan Mesir. Dengan bantuan radar dan satelit Russia, dan pertolongan Allah SWT, insyaallah kemenangan akan datang jua.
    Susah sangat ke cadangan ini untuk Liga Arab laksanakan?

  75. Greeting,
    We could start with boycotting Israel and US product at all hyper mart nation wide, setup a committee to promote this campaign at the outlet. Soon we spread the campaign to all shopping outlet, to all industry and the whole nation and make it as a corporate social responsibility to all Malaysian company. Soon we spread to neighbour country, to the region and to worldwide campaign.

  76. YAB Tun,
    As always Israel demonstrated that they do not care about rules or condemnation. It is a very dangerous times that we all live in where the so-called most civilized and powerful nation (United States of America) is in fact the nation that have allowed all these wars to happen. In many cases, the USA actually initiated a state of war as demonstrated by the Iraq invasion.
    It is obvious that terrorism will not stop unless the cause of these terrors are not stopped.
    One of the main cause of all these acts of terror is the blatant way in which Israel is allowed to kill and murder innocent people, woman and children based only on their need to kill a few that they themselves identify as terrorists.
    Now, again Israel is showing its arrogant way and the world should have no doubts that thousands of victims or descendants of the victims will justify that the only way to survive is to incur acts of terror.
    It is a vicious circle that will continue to kill more and more innocent people.
    Israel is afraid of its own shadow. It took the rightful land of the Palestinians and now it uses the most primitive method that it knows – and that is to terrorize helpless people, woman and children.
    In the movie ‘Munich’ ( based on a true story of the Munich Olympics in the 70s when Israel athletes were kidnapped and killed during the Olympics Games ) directed by Steven Spielberg,starring Eric Bana as the Mossad agent that went on a covert mission to track and kill all the ‘identified’ Arabs that were suspected to plan the killing.
    In one scene,where Eric Bana’s character were talking with a Palestinian guys in a safe house ( he thought that Eric Bana’s character was a French Liberation member thus they were on the same side ) – Eric Bana’s asked the Palestinian guy ,” Why do you fight a losing war?” The Palestinians answered,” That is where you are wrong. We are fighting for the our country that was taken away from us. You see, that is where you do not understand. Home is everything.”
    The movie give us the lesson that violence begets violence and it shows that when people are deprived of their rightful home, there is nothing more motivating than to fight at all costs for the sake of your home, your country.
    Violence is not the answer, and war are as primitive as it gets – more so modern wars where innocent people lives are defined as ‘collateral damages’.
    The world should act and act decisively to stop all acts of terrors from any one or any country. Only then we can hopefully reduce the terrors and have a more meaningful life on this planet.

  77. Assalamualaikum Tun
    Saya amat berminat tentang article temubual Tun bersama Mingguan Malaysia. Saya amat berharap agar article ini dapat di terjemah ke bahasa Inggeris.
    Bagi mereka yang ingin membela nasib rakyat-rakyat Palestin saya syorkan kita beramai-ramai menglibatkan diri dalam mana-mana forum diskusi internet milik rakyat Amerika atau Europe. Setiap posting yang kita hantar sertakan link ke artikel ini. Sekiranya ada kita boleh link kan ke article Mingguan Malaysia berkenaan. Ini adalah perjuangan melalui pena cyber kepada rakyat Amerika.
    Sekian, terima kasih.

  78. Israel yaitu yahudi adalah bangsa ‘terpilih’, mereka boleh melakukan apa sahaja yang mereka rasa betul, apa yang saja mereka suka termasuk membunuh perempuan dan kanak-kanak yang tidak berdosa. Apa saja yang mereka lakukan adalah betul belaka puak yang lain adalah salah. Siapa saja yang menentang mereka adalah berdosa dan di perangi. Bagi mereka tuhan sentiasa menyebelahi puak mereka dan yang lain adalah puak kufur yang diizinkan untuk tentang habis-habisan walau dengan apa cara sekalipun.

  79. UN just doing well for the ‘hatchery system’…well done UN…
    The operation just focus on ‘How to push people to use illegal way’ to express their feeling…some industrial and financial sector will get benefit when feeling being express in illegal way…it’s good for the current condition…
    Boycott their product is not the best way cause human always need each other in their life…
    Why concerned country not boycott UN?…Many country boycott some occasion did happened before…
    Peoples eyes also may become clearer…

  80. Akum TUN dan terima kasih diatas usaha yang dilakukan untuk menghentikan kekejaman israel dan “US”.
    Soal palestine ni susah hendak diselesaikan selagi pemimpin US ditentukan oleh jews. Tapi ini satu cabaran kepada obama untuk mengotakan janjinya untuk lebih berdialog daripada melakukan keganasan.
    Sekarang ini tidak ada pemimpin dari negara islam yang berkaliber spepeti TDM menyebabkan suara negara islam makin tenggelam dan israel mampu bebuat apa saja.
    Senario politik dunia akan menjadi lebih indah jika TDM masih lagi PM Malaysia dan bersama dgn Hugo Sanchez (Bolivia) dan Presiden iran yang begitu langtang mengkrtik dasar US.
    Negara islam dan dunia ketiga memerlukan lebih ramai pemimpin yang berkaliber supaya tidak di perkotak katik oleh US dan israel.
    Tapi sayang dinegara kita malaysia kita cenderung utk memilih pemimpin yang suka main layang layang dan suka tidur. Nasib la,,,

  81. Salam TUN…
    Sedih…pilu sangat berlinang air mata terkenangkan pabila rakyat palestin diperlakukan sebegitu…
    Mana pemimpin kita yang lantang…berani…
    Kat malaysia seme pemimpin duk sibuk pilihanraya kecil K.Terengganu…kat palestin?????!!!!! salah ke diadakan kempen perangi zionis israel…
    Rakyat seagama Islam mati ditindas kejam oleh zionis israel…
    jahaman israel…pemimpin kita buat tak tahu je…
    Boikot!!!!!!!!! Jahaman Israel & AS…

  82. Dear Tun,
    Based from the latest development, not surprising of Israel’s move to launch the ground attack. Nothing is really going for the better, loss of innocent human lives accumulating by the numbers.
    The United States, the so-called upholder of the ‘new order’ is just doing the ‘double standard’ in the name of justice and democracy especially to the Palestinians.
    The UN is totally useless and can’t do much except expressing verbal condemnation and nothing else, while the killing is continuing in Gaza by Israel soldiers and causing hardship and sorrow to not only the citizens of Gaza, but the children.
    It is also sad that the Islamic countries are not united against the US and Israel due to whatever close guarded interest that some is valueing. This is where you really hope that a “David” rise up and unite all countries against “Goliath” (US/Israel/UK).
    Our prayers and support to the Palestinians (be it Muslims and Christians) who are struggling to survive in this man-made catastrophe.

  83. Assala mualikum Tun,
    You open letter to Brack Hussein Obama is most informative. I can say with all sincerity that I wish you were the president of the United States of America today. I believe that an enlightened Muslim like you can do a much better job. Because among the Abrahamic descendents only Muslims are getting the guidance (Hidayah) from Allah. Allah says it in the Quraan that the children of Israel who abandoned their prophets would no longer get the benefit of His guidance
    I believe that in order to teach those Judeo Christians a lesson, we should attack them the way they cannot fight back with nuclear weapons. Stop using USD and boycott their products. Stop supplying them oil. Insya Allah.
    Best wishes.
    (I have met you on several occasions in Terengganu)

  84. Dear Tun and fellow Malaysian,
    Why is there no donation drive being carry out by anyone…???
    If we cant go down fighting with our fellow brothers at least assist them through financial mean???
    Dear Umno youth members…..Y show muscle in Palestinian embassy compound??? I dare all umno members to take to the street n show ur muscle (if u have any) peacefully as a united force in front of the super power embassy.
    Are all the political parties Umno and Pas alike are too involve and worried about the Kuala Terengganu by election untill they forget about the hardship and suffering of Gaza residence…if thats the case….SHAME ON ALL OF YOU
    Dear Tun…if Umno cant do anything….i urge a donation drive being carried out by the yayasan.
    Plzz Umno Youth ..Jangan Hanya Jadi Juara Kampung.

  85. Salam Tun,
    Tun, why do we, the Muslim world, have to refer to them (the US) first before we take any action? Why do we treat them like a king? Like our master? No wonder they treat us like slaves.
    We gave them that power. I think, it’s time for us to take it back. If we ignore them, they cease to exist.
    The Muslim world is strong enough and wealthy enough to make our own decision. Let’s get together. Let’s form a strong bond so that we can protect each other.
    For the little people like me,I can only pray to ALLAH to punish the US and Israel for their crimes. They are the real terrorists.

  86. The tragedy is not the brutality of evil but the silence of the good people.
    Martin Luther King Jr. Make what you will of the connection between the List above and this quotation.
    Years ago after another brutal attack on Gaza, I watched on the British TV screen a Palestinian mother mourning the death of her son at the hands of Israel’s cowardly military forces defiantly crying out ” I have 5 more sons”.
    That picture is permanently etched into my psyche -always reminding me of my shame and culpability, of our shame and culpability especially the Muslim Umma.
    Gaza bleeds and so should we.

  87. Salam Ayahanda Tun,
    With only Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad aside, the rest of the Middle East Arab political powers and Kings, are just business partners of the US and the international Jewish enterprise. If they are really serious about doing something, they might as well start somewhere, and the best place to start is always at forming solidarity, and why not takes up the solidarity based on Tun

  88. salam tun,
    to s..tan, so you’re saying let’s tell the palestinians “so what if you’re robbed, sieged and deprived. don’t retaliate, don’t do nothing, just lie down and take it. accept it as just your bad luck.”

  89. Tun,
    By S..Tan on January 4, 2009 12:59 AM
    Your famous opinionated view and biasness is reflected again. Obviously you dominated or bulldozed the statement in typical Mahathirism.
    Israel’s actions are inhuman, wrong but you downplay, even ‘justify’ Palestinian killing of Israeli civilians as ‘rightful’ retaliation. This is pure Mahathirism!
    Both parties are guilty of killing civilians, war crimes regardless its 10 lives or 1000 lives, using stones or bombs. Killing non combatants is barbaric and unjustifiable.//
    It’s better to have pure Mahathirism rather than pure APITrism (Aimless Puppy In Truama). We know where we stand under Tun Mahathir, are you lost under pure Abdullahrism or pure APITrism? Still aimless barking like a cute little puppy, no sound lah, pity you lah.
    If decades of sanctions (some supported by military blockade) cannot cow Cuba, S. Korea, Iraq, what good is a puny boycott. The leaks that will occur is exceeded by the leaks at M’sian govt buildings built by Umno cronies. Re packaging, third country import, backdoor entry, smuggling, cheating are options. The options are more than Israels’s exports.
    It will ‘extend’ suffering to innocent traders and those along the chain whose families depend on the income. They will be subject to abuse, discrimination and bullying of the type you accuse US. Your supporters may take the ‘you are with us or against us’ approach and widen the conflict to innocent livelihoods.//
    Aiyah…. accept lah the fact, barking at, no pointlah. All our leaders (BN & PR and their supporters) like these tactics, what to do. Not happy, no worry, cast your vote in PRU 13, mudah, cepat dan selesa…..
    //…………….US VENDETTA
    Your anti US vendetta peaked during Al Gore period and is expected you will relish the opportunity to swipe back. Your crusade against US dollar triggered by ‘reformasi’ headache and PRU 1999 Malay vote backlash?
    It is not wrong to call for the dollar and bond boycott but again hopefully overzealous supporters dont use ‘you are with us or against us’ approach.//
    Until today you still do not understand our perlembagaan negara and what our BN and PR are up to. Are you a Singaporean or a ‘syok diri’ democracy supporter? No point lah Tan, keep yourself happy if not you will ‘kena stres’, very bad for your health….
    Its fat hopes and mentioned for popularity stance rather than realistic chance. Can we press for tribunal against Umno leaders for economic crimes? The Malay saying says ‘wait for the cat to grow horns!’//
    Why not? It’s the rakyat choice. If you are not happy, vote PR, and UMNO will lost their power lo. We are commenting in because we want to see clearly before we cast the votes. What you have mentioned is history, we bloggers do not wish history repeat itself, so is Tun. But, you , hai…. very sad lah. So stubborn and let yourself trap in the denial stage….. Anyway, happy new year Mr Tan.
    Good day Tun.

  90. Selamat pagi Tun,
    Israel declared war more furiously and violently as I expected. This war shows USA/Israel and their cronies are desperate to make sure US$ and US$ Bond will not depreciate further. This attack is amied at making Arab countries fearful so that they will buy super power war arms to protect their countries. Since oil is not making money, these super power countries which manufacture war arms have changed their strategies, they create war arms business by injecting fear factor in forcing the Islam countries to buy their war arms by using the same old propaganda on conflict of Israel and Palestine. It’s not the Gaza land these super power worlds are aiming, they are aiming at injecting human fear factor to stabilize US$ and US bond.
    I hope our Pak Lah (Defense Minister) will not blindly sign-up, with the fear factor injected by your SIL, KJ, in purchasing advance and high-tech war arms to protect Malaysia (depan protect Malaysia, belakang protect AK business). Pak Lah, please don’t make anymore stupid decision like what you did on increasing petrol price, your days are numbered.
    Good day Tun.

  91. Well said S..Tan!
    What’s the point of trying to solve other people’s problem when internally we are in a bloody mess. To me all these are waste of time as all your boycott and etc etc.. are going to the deaf ears. What has happen to our so-called “Malaysian For Peace” march at Bukit Jalil when US attack Iraq. They couldn’t be bothered and still went ahead with their mission and fulfilled it.
    Please lah, don’t go into international issues when we are internally full of rods and rubbish. Try to clean this up first, show your boycott in this and get a proper leader/government.

  92. Dear Tun, salam mesra moga sihat sejahtera. Minta izin…
    Your famous opinionated view and biasness is reflected again. Obviously you dominated or bulldozed the statement in typical Mahathirism.
    Israel’s actions are inhuman, wrong but you downplay, even ‘justify’ Palestinian killing of Israeli civilians as ‘rightful’ retaliation. This is pure Mahathirism!
    Both parties are guilty of killing civilians, war crimes regardless its 10 lives or 1000 lives, using stones or bombs. Killing non combatants is barbaric and unjustifiable.
    If decades of sanctions (some supported by military blockade) cannot cow Cuba, S. Korea, Iraq, what good is a puny boycott. The leaks that will occur is exceeded by the leaks at M’sian govt buildings built by Umno cronies. Re packaging, third country import, backdoor entry, smuggling, cheating are options. The options are more than Israels’s exports.
    It will ‘extend’ suffering to innocent traders and those along the chain whose families depend on the income. They will be subject to abuse, discrimination and bullying of the type you accuse US. Your supporters may take the ‘you are with us or against us’ approach and widen the conflict to innocent livelihoods.
    …………….US VENDETTA
    Your anti US vendetta peaked during Al Gore period and is expected you will relish the opportunity to swipe back. Your crusade against US dollar triggered by ‘reformasi’ headache and PRU 1999 Malay vote backlash?
    It is not wrong to call for the dollar and bond boycott but again hopefully overzealous supporters dont use ‘you are with us or against us’ approach.
    Its fat hopes and mentioned for popularity stance rather than realistic chance. Can we press for tribunal against Umno leaders for economic crimes? The Malay saying says ‘wait for the cat to grow horns!’

  93. asalamualaikum Tun…saya sokong pendapat tun 100%.memang bangsa Yahudi ini tak boleh kasi peluang langsung.dlm Al Quran kita pun dah tau mereka ni macamana.dengar cerita dari sumber yg boleh dipercayai,’Starbuck’ coffee bean tu,’big boss’nya orang yahudi.Jom semua rakyat Malaysia,kosongkan seluruh restoran starbuck di seluruh Malaysia………………………boikot semua produk yahudi!!!!

  94. Dear Tun,
    Palestine war was never abaout religion. Its about the right of the Palestine people to have their own independence states. Its about the right of Palestine people to live the same class as the Jews. Its about the rights of the Palestine children to have the same rights as what the Jewish children is enjoying.Its the right to have what the Jews people are having now ‘FREEDOM’.
    It time for the world especially the muslim people to pray to Allah to:-
    -Lembutkan hati Ehud Olmert dan kaum Yahudi
    -Sifat mengasehani kepada Ehud Olmert dan kaum Yahudi untuk mengasihani insan Palestine
    -Sifat menghormati hak asasi manusia kepada Ehud Olmertdan kaum yahudi
    -Terang kan lah hati Ehud Olmert dan kaum Yahudi dan juga Obama
    -Tunjukkan lah jalan yang lurus kepada Ehud Olmert dan kaun Yahudi dan juga Obama
    Mungkin dengan mendoa yang baik baik akan di mahbulkan daripada mendoakan kemusnahan Israel and America. Wallhualam

  95. Semoga di akhirat esok, Tun akan mendapat balasan dari Yang Maha Esa atas usaha Tun ke atas masyarakat sejagat. InsyaAllah..

  96. Tun, I shed tears reading this report from New York Times. If only we Muslims have an organization like CARE that gives us opportunity to adopt (provide support) to children in these countries.
    I quote NYT report :
    “But there were several children in another intensive care unit on Tuesday. Among them was Ismael Hamdan, 8, who had severe brain damage as well as two broken legs, according to a doctor there. Earlier that day, two of his sisters, Lama, 5, and Hayya, 12, were killed.

  97. we are not doing enough! we are just showing our anger but no action! we are complaining now….only now…only now! i am so sad?

  98. Sir,
    If the UN sanctions Israel then the western nations will not fund it. So, Arab and Muslim nations should come together to make up the shortfall in funds for the UN. If they can prove that they are united in a consistent fund raising effort then only will the UN act. The rest of the Islamic world should show unity in the face of Israeli aggression. Otherwise no amount of chest thumping and empty rhetoric will help the hapless Palestinians.

  99. salam…
    maybe…world financial experts and intelligence should think the other way rather than ‘create a war peak point’ to increase the oil prices…

  100. Dear Tun,
    PETALING JAYA: Pakatan Rakyat should only embark on capturing the Federal and state governments during the next general election, and not seize power via the crossovers of Barisan Nasional MPs.
    DAP chairman Karpal Singh said the people

  101. dearest unreplaceable Tun,
    i have some info’s on slowing internet connection that i’ve pickup from a fellow friend while he was searching up for the problem. i strongly believed that this article placed a wide scope on the israelli’s attack recently. internet is a global threat to them as well. maybe this will make us more aware that we’re on the right track, but the below article does matters!
    Connecting The Many Undersea Cut Cable Dots
    by Richard Sauder
    Copyright 2008. All rights reserved.
    4 February 2008
    The last week has seen a spate of unexplained, cut, undersea communications cables that has severely disrupted communications in many countries in the Middle East, North Africa and South Asia. As I shall show, the total numbers of cut cables remain in question, but likely number as many as eight, and maybe nine or more.
    The trouble began on 30 January 2008 with CNN reports that two cables were cut off the Egyptian Mediterranean coast, initially severely disrupting Internet and telephone traffic from Egypt to India and many points in between. According to CNN the two cut cables “account for as much as three-quarters of the international communications between Europe and the Middle East.” CNN reported that the two cut cables off the Egyptian coast were “FLAG Telecom’s FLAG Europe-Asia cable and SeaMeWe-4, a cable owned by a consortium of more than a dozen telecommunications companies”.(10) Other reports placed one of the cut cables, SeaMeWe-4, off the coast of France, near Marseille.(9)(12) However, many news organizations reported two cables cut off the Egyptian coast, including the SeaMeWe-4 cable connecting Europe with the Middle East. The possibilities are thus three, based on the reporting in the news media: 1) the SeaMeWe-4 cable was cut off the coast of France, and mistakenly reported as being cut off the coast of Egypt, because it runs from France to Egypt; 2) the SeaMeWe-4 cable was cut off the Egyptian coast and mistakenly reported as being cut off the coast of France, because it runs from France to Egypt; or 3) the SeaMeWe-4 cable was cut both off the Egyptian and the French coasts, nearly simultaneously, leading to confusion in the reporting. I am not sure what to think, because most reports, such as this one from the International Herald Tribune, refer to two cut cables off the Egyptian coast, one of the two being the SeaMeWe4 cable,(11) while other reports also refer to a cut cable off the coast of France.(9)(12) It thus appears that the same cable may have suffered two cuts, both off the French and the Egyptian coasts. So there were likely actually three undersea cables cut in the Mediterranean on 30 January 2008.
    In the case of the cables cut off the Egyptian coast, the news media initially advanced the explanation that the cables had been cut by ships’ anchors.(10)(13) But on 3 February the Egyptian Ministry of Communications and Information Technology said that a review of video footage of the coastal waters where the two cables passed revealed that the area had been devoid of ship traffic for the 12 hours preceding and the 12 hours following the time of the cable cuts.(5)(11) So the cable cuts cannot have been caused by ship anchors, in view of the fact that there were no ships there.
    The cable cutting was just getting started. Two days later an undersea cable was reported cut in the Persian Gulf, 55 kilometers off of Dubai.(11) The cable off of Dubai was reported by CNN to be a FLAG Falcon cable.(10) And then on 3 February came reports of yet another damaged undersea cable, this time between Qatar and the UAE (United Arab Emirates).(6)(7)(11)
    The confusion was compounded by another report on 1 February 2008 of a cut undersea cable running through the Suez to Sri Lanka.(19) If the report is accurate this would represent a sixth cut cable. The same article mentions the cut cable off of Dubai in the Persian Gulf, but seeing as the Suez is on the other side of the Arabian peninsula from the Persian Gulf, the article logically appears to be describing two separate cable cutting incidents.
    These reports were followed on 4 February 2008 with a report of even more cut undersea cables. The Khaleej Times reported a total of five damaged undersea cables: two off of Egypt and the cable near Dubai, all of which have already been mentioned in this report. But then the Khaleej Times mentions two that have not been mentioned elsewhere, to my knowledge: 1) a cable in the Persian Gulf near Bandar Abbas, Iran, and 2) the SeaMeWe4 undersea cable near Penang, Malaysia.(3) The one near Penang, Malaysia appears to represent a new incident. The one near Bandar Abbas is reported separately from the one off Dubai and is evidently not the same incident, since the report says , “FLAG near the Dubai coast” and “FALCON near Bandar Abbas in Iran” were both cut. Bandar Abbas is on the other side of the Persian Gulf from Qatar and the UAE, and so presumably the cut cable near Bandar Abbas is not the one in that incident either. Interestingly, the report also states that, “The first cut in the undersea Internet cable occurred on January 23, in the Flag Telcoms FALCON submarine cable which was not reported.(3) This news article deals primarily with the outage in the UAE, so it raises the question as to whether this is a reference to yet a ninth cut cable that has not hit the mainstream news cycle in the United States.
    By my count, we are probably dealing with as many as eight, maybe even nine, unexplained cut or damaged undersea cables within the last week, and not the mere three or four that most mainstream news media outlets in the United States are presently reporting. Given all this cable-cutting mayhem in the last several days, who knows but what there may possibly be other cut and/or damaged cables that have not made it into the news cycle, because they are lost in the general cable-cutting noise by this point. Nevertheless, let me enumerate what I can, and keep in mind, I am not pulling these out of a hat; all of the sources are referenced at the conclusion of the article; you can click through and look at all the evidence that I have. It’s there if you care to read through it all.
    1) one off of Marseille, France
    2) two off of Alexandria, Egypt
    3) one off of Dubai, in the Persian Gulf
    4) one off of Bandar Abbas, Iran in the Persian Gulf
    5) one between Qatar and the UAE, in the Persian Gulf
    6) one in the Suez, Egypt
    7) one near Penang, Malaysia
    Cool initially unreported cable cut on 23 January 2008 (Persian Gulf?)
    Three things stand out about these incidents:
    1) all of them, save one, have occurred in waters near predominantly Muslim nations, causing disruption in those countries;
    2) all but two of the cut/damaged cables are in Middle Eastern waters;
    3) so many like incidents in such a short period of time suggests that they are not accidents, but are in fact deliberate acts, i.e., sabotage.
    The evidence therefore suggests that we are looking at a coordinated program of undersea cable sabotage by an actor, or actors, on the international stage with an anti-Muslim bias, as well as a proclivity for destructive violence in the Middle Eastern region.
    The question then becomes: are there any actors on the international stage who exhibit a strong, anti-Muslim bias in their foreign relations, who have the technical capability to carry out clandestine sabotage operations on the sea floor, and who have exhibited a pattern of violently destructive policies towards Muslim peoples and nations, especially in the Middle East region?
    The answer is yes, there are two: Israel and the United States of America.
    In recent years, Israel has bombed and invaded Lebanon, bombed Syria, and placed the Palestinian Territories under a pitiless and ruthless blockade/occupation/quarantine/assault. During the same time frame the United States of America has militarily invaded and occupied Iraq and Afghanistan, and American forces remain in both countries at present, continuing to carry out aggressive military operations. Simultaneous with these Israeli and American war crimes against countries in the region, both Israel and the United States have made many thinly veiled threats of war against Iran, and the United States openly seeks to increase its military presence in Pakistan’s so-called “tribal areas”.(15) Israel and the United States both have a technically sophisticated military operations capability. Moreover, the United States Navy has a documented history of carrying out espionage activities on the sea floor. The U.S. Navy has long had special operations teams that can go out on submarines and deploy undersea, on the seabed itself, specifically for this sort of operation. This has all been thoroughly documented in the excellent book, Blind Man’s Bluff: The Untold Story of American Submarine Espionage, by Sherry Sontag and Christopher Drew (New York: Public Affairs, 1998). The classic example is Operation Ivy Bells, which took place during the Cold War, in the waters off the Soviet Union. In a joint, U.S. Navy-NSA operation, U.S. Navy divers repeatedly tapped an underwater cable in the Kuril Islands, by swimming out undersea, to and from U.S. Navy submarines.(14)
    This sort of activity is like something straight out of a spy novel thriller, but the U.S. Navy really does have special submarines and deep diving, special operations personnel who specialize in precisely this sort of operation. So cutting undersea cables is well within the operational capabilities of the United States Navy.
    Couple this little known, but very important fact, with the reality that for years now we have seen more and more ham-handed interference with the global communications grid by the American alphabet soup agencies (NSA, CIA, FBI, HoSec) and major telecommunication companies. Would the telecommunication companies and the American military and alphabet soup agencies collude on an operation that had as its aim to sabotage the communications network across a wide region of the planet? Would they perhaps collude with Israeli military and intelligence agencies to do this? The honest answer has to be: sure, maybe so. The hard reality is that we are now living in a world of irrational and violent policies enacted against the civilian population by multinational corporations, and military and espionage agencies the world over. We see the evidence for this on every hand. Only the most myopic among us remain oblivious to that reality.
    In light of the American Navy’s demonstrated sea-floor capabilities and espionage activities, the heavy American Navy presence in the region, the many, thinly veiled threats against Iran by both the Americans and the Israelis, and their repeated, illegal, military aggression against other nations in the region, suspicion quite naturally falls on both Israel and the United States of America. It may be that this is what the beginning of a war against Iran looks like, or perhaps it is part of a more general, larger assault against Muslim and/or Arab interests across a very wide region. Whatever the case, this is no small operation, seeing as the cables that have been cut are among the largest communication pipes in the region, and clearly represent major strategic targets.
    Very clearly, we are not looking at business as usual. On the contrary, it is obvious that we are looking at distinctly unusual business.
    The explanations being put forth in the mainstream news media for these many cut, undersea communications cables absolutely do not pass the smell test. And by the way, the same operators who cut undersea cables in the Persian Gulf, Mediterranean Sea, Malaysia and possibly the Suez as well, presumably can also cut underwater cables in the Gulf of Mexico, the Great Lakes, the Chesapeake Bay and Puget Sound. This could be a multipurpose operation, in part a test run for isolating a country or region from the international communications grid. The Middle East today, the USA tomorrow?
    What’s that you say? I don’t understand how the world works? That kind of thing can’t happen here?
    In any event, if the cables have been intentionally cut, then that is an aggressive act of war. I’m sure everyone in the region has gotten that message. I’m looking at the same telegram as they are, and I know that it’s clear as a “bell” to me.(14)
    It is little known by the American people, but nevertheless true, that Iran intends to open its own Oil Bourse this month (February 2008) that will trade in “non-dollar currencies”.(16) This has massive geo-political-economic implications for the United States and the American economy, since the American dollar is at present still (if not for much longer) the dominant reserve currency internationally, particularly for petroleum transactions. However, due to the mind-boggling scale of the structural weaknesses in the American economy, which have been well discussed in the financial press in recent weeks and months, the American dollar is increasingly shunned by corporate, banking and governmental actors the world over. No one wants to be stuck with vaults full of rapidly depreciating dollars as the American economy hurtles towards the basement. And so an operational Iranian Oil Bourse, actively trading supertankers full of petroleum in non-dollar currencies, poses a great threat to the American dollar’s continued dominance as the international reserve currency.
    The American fear and unease of this development can only be increased by the knowledge that, “Oil-rich Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) member states Bahrain, Kuwait, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and the UAE have set 2010 as the target date for adopting a monetary union and single currency.”(2) The American government’s fear must have ratcheted up another notch when Kuwait “dropped its dollar peg” in May “and adopted a basket of currencies”, arousing “speculation that the UAE and Qatar would follow suit or revalue their currencies.”(2) Although all the GCC members, with the exception of Kuwait, agreed at their annual meeting in December 2007 to continue to peg their currencies to the American dollar,(2) the hand writing is surely on the wall. As the dollar plummets, their American currency holdings will be worth less and less. At some point, they will likely decide to cut their losses and decouple the value of their currencies from that of the dollar. That point may be in 2010, when they establish the new GCC currency, maybe even sooner than that. If Iran succeeds in opening its own Oil Bourse it is hard to imagine that the GCC would not trade on the Iranian Oil Bourse, given the extremely close geographic proximity. And it is hard to believe that they would not trade their own oil in their own currency. Otherwise, why have a currency of their own? Clearly they intend to use it. And just as clearly, the three cut or damaged undersea communications cables in the Persian Gulf over the last week deliver a clear message. The United States may be a senescent dinosaur, and it is, but it is also a violent, heavily armed, very angry senescent dinosaur. In the end, it will do what all aged dinosaurs do: perish. But not before it first does a great deal of wild roaring and violent lashing and thrashing about.
    There can be no doubt that Iran, and the other Gulf States, were intended recipients of this rather pointed cable cutting telegram, for all of the reasons mentioned here; and additionally, in the case of Iran, probably also as a waning for its perceived insults of Israel and dogged pursuit of its nuclear program in contravention of NeoCon-Zionist dogma that Iran may not have a nuclear program, though other nations in the region, Pakistan and Israel, do.
    I must mention that one of my e-mail correspondents has pointed out that another possibility is that once the cables are cut, special operations divers could hypothetically come in and attach surveillance devices to the cables without being detected, because the cables are inoperable until they are repaired and start functioning again. In this way, other interests who wanted to spy on Middle Eastern communications, let’s say on banking and trading data going to and from the Iranian Oil Bourse, or other nations in the Middle East, could tap into the communications network under cover of an unexplained cable “break”. Who knows? — this idea may have merit.
    It is noteworthy that two of the cables that were cut lie off the Egyptian Mediterranean coast, and another passes through the Suez. During the height of the disruption, some 70 percent of the Egyptian Internet was down. (13) This is a heavy blow in a day when everything from airlines, to banks, to universities, to newspapers, to hospitals, to telephone and shipping companies, and much more, uses the Internet. So Egypt was hit very hard. An astute observer who carefully reads the international press could not fail to notice that in recent days there has been a report in the Egyptian press that “Egypt rejected an Israeli-American proposal to resettle 800,000 Palestinians in Sinai.” This has evidently greatly upset the Zionist-NeoCon power block holding sway in Tel Aviv and Washington, DC with the result that Israel has reportedly threatened to have American aid to Egypt reduced if Egypt does not consent to the resettlement of the Palestinians in Egyptian territory.(17) This NeoCon-Zionist tantrum comes hard on the heels of the Israeli desire to cut ties with Gaza, as a consequence of the massive breach of the Gaza-Egypt border by hundreds of thousands of Palestinians in January 2008. (1Cool
    What are NeoCon-Zionist tyrants to do when their diplomatic hissy fits and anti-Arab tirades no longer carry the day in Cairo? Or in Qatar and the UAE? Maybe they get out the underwater cable cutters and deploy some special operations submarines and divers in the waters off of Alexandria and in the Suez and in the Persian Gulf.
    This would be completely in line with articulated American military doctrine, which frankly views the Internet as something to be fought. American Freedom Of Information researchers at George Washington University obtained a Department of Defense (Pentagon) document in 2006, entitled “Information Operation Roadmap”, which says forthrightly and explicitly that “the Department must be prepared to ‘fight the net'”.(20) This is a direct quote. It goes on to say that, “We Must Improve Network and Electro-Magnetic Attack Capability. To prevail in an information-centric fight, it is increasingly important that our forces dominate the electromagnetic spectrum with attack capabilities.” (20) It also makes reference to the importance of employing a “robust offensive suite of capabilities to include full-range electronic and computer network attack.”(Cool(20)
    So now we can add to our list of data points the professed intent of the American military to “fight the net”, using a “robust offensive suite of capabilities” in a ” full-range electronic and computer network attack.”
    Maybe this sudden spate of cut communications cables is what it looks like when the American military uses a “robust offensive suite of capabilities” and mounts an “electronic and computer network attack” in order to “fight the net” in one region of the world. They have the means, and the opportunity, I’ve amply demonstrated that in this article. And now we also have the motive, in their own words, from their own policy statement. The plain translation is that the American military now regards the Internet, that means the hardware such as computers, cables, modems, servers and routers, and presumably also the content it contains, and the people who communicate that content, as an adversary, as something to be fought.
    Oh yes, just a couple of more dots to connect before you fall asleep tonight:
    1) The USS San Jacinto, an anti-missile AEGIS cruiser, was scheduled to dock in Haifa, Israel on 1 February 2008. The Jerusalem Post reported that this ship’s anti-missile system “could be deployed in the region in the event of an Iranian missile attack against Israel.”(1) Are we to expect another “false flag” attack, like the inside job on 9-11 perhaps? — an attack that will be made to appear that it comes from Iran, and that is then used as a pretext to strike Iran, maybe with nuclear weapons? And when Iran retaliates with its own missiles, then the Americans and Israelis will unleash further hell on Iran? Is that the Zionist-NeoCon plan, or something generally along those lines?
    2) I have to wonder because just this past Saturday, there was a report in the news that, “Retired senior officers told Israelis … to prepare ‘rocket rooms’ as protection against a rain of missiles expected to be fired at the Jewish State in any future conflict.” Retired General Udi Shani reportedly said, “The next war will see a massive use of ballistic weapons against the whole of Israeli territory.”(4)
    Now that we know the Israeli military establishment’s thinking, and now that we have a view into the American military mindset, we ought to be looking at international events across the board with a very critical, analytical eye, especially as they relate to possible events that either are playing out right now, or may potentially play out in the relatively near future, say in the time frame of the next one month to five years. These people are violent and devious; they have forewarned us, and we should take them at their word, given their murderous record on the international stage.

  102. Salam Tun,
    Saya berbesar hati kerana mempunyai pemimpin yang berani menyuarakan pandangan terhadap kekejaman Israel seperti Tun walaupun Tun tidak lagi menerajui Malaysia sebagai Perdana Menteri bukan seperti pemimpin2 Malaysia kita yang ada sekarang yang kecut perut hendak suarakan pandangan walaupun kepada negara jiran terdekat seperti Singapura , inikan pula kepada negara2 angkuh seperti Amerika Syarikat , Britain dan negara2 barat yang lain yang menyokong Israel yang biadap tu secara terang2.
    Kenapalah pula negara2 arab yang kaya raya pula membisu dan tidak bersungguh2 berusaha bangun bersatu dan menentang secara aggresive terhadap Israel. Israel cuma kecil diantara bumi arab keseluruhannya tetapi negara2 arab ini kecut perut untuk bertindak.
    Pedulikan sokongan Amerika Syarikat terhadap Israel. Saya fikir andai semua negara2 arab bersatu menentang Israel secara ketenteraan, Amerika Syarikat dan negara2 barat yang lain mungkin kecut perut untuk lawan semua negara2 arab.
    Negara arab2 ini nampaknya hanya mementingkan kekayaan dunia tanpa mengambil kira penderitaan rakyat Palestine saban hari.
    Jika Israel menyerang Palestine, apa yang mereka buat ialah perjumpaan tergempar dan keluarkan resolusi2.
    Saya betul2 menyampah membaca resolusi demi resolusi di keluarkan oleh negara2 arab ini dan juga PBB sebab itu memang betul PBB tu ialah PERSATUAN BERCAKAP BANYAK dan NATO pula 2 x 5 , NO ACTION TALK ONLY.
    Kelmarin saya sedekah sekadar mampu kepada tabung pembelaan rakyat Palestine dan sebagai seorang Islam, saya hanya mampu berdoa kepada Allah agar Allah membalas setimpalnya kepada sesiapa jua atau kepada negara2 mana yang kecut perut yang tidak bertindak membantu penderitaan rakyat palestine .

  103. Some of what is said of the Israelis in the Qur-an (17:4-8). Translation by Yusuf Ali.
    4) And We gave (clear) warning to the Children of Israel in the Book, that twice would they do mischief on the earth and be elated with mighty arrogance (and twice would they be punished)!
    (5) When the first of the warnings came to pass, We sent against you Our servants given to terrible warfare: they entered the very inmost parts of your homes; and it was a warning (completely) fulfilled.
    (6) Then did We grant you the Return as against them: We gave you increase in resources and sons, and made you the more numerous in manpower.
    (7) If ye did well ye did well for yourselves; if ye did evil, (ye did it) against yourselves; so when the second of the warnings came to pass (We permitted your enemies) to disfigure your faces, and to enter your Temple as they had entered if before and to visit with destruction all that fell into their power.
    (8) It may be that your Lord may (yet) show Mercy unto you; but if ye revert (to your sins), We shall revert (to Our punishments): and We have made Hell a prison for those who reject (all Faith).
    >>>>> of which some have come to pass, some have not >>>>>>

  104. Ask not what the World can do about it, but what you can do ?. In your case by voicing it out and in my case, will educate everyone that would listen to me. ,,,,,That war all criminals should be brought to court and face justice.
    ,,,,,,,and Mr Bush should be charged accordingly too together with the Israelis.
    In fact, the Israelis were the one that dragged the US into all the troubles in the Middle East. They conned Mr Bush into it.

  105. Assalamualaukum Tun,
    It was really heart-breaking upon reading news on the cruelties of the Israelis towards the people of Palestine. Their human rights to LIVE peacefully, and to smile and be happy with their families have been taken away so cruely. Children and babies are being killed alongside their mothers and fathers, old men and women are being killed alongside their sons and daughters, young boys and girls are being killed alongside their brothers and sisters. Therefore, what is there being left of the Palestinian people, FEAR, ANGER, SADNESS, HARDSHIPS, REVENGE, but one thing for sure their believe in ALLAH will not diminish.
    Tun I am a peace loving person but sometimes I can’t help feeling the utmost hatred towards these war-mongers and cold-blooded people (can they be called people?). Sometimes I wish that the rockets and missiles are aimed towards them and feel the pain and sorrow as how the Palestinians feel. When anger has over-powered your heart and mind that is how you feel and revenge comes to mind.
    Tun why are they so power-hunger? Why do they want to see the extinct of Palestine or the Muslim people? What made them feel that Palestine and Islam have done such great wrong to them, that made them take this barbaric actions? Have the Palestinians dropped atomic bombs, nuclear bombs, clutter bombs, aim rockets and missiles at America and G.Britain or their allies? No?..then why such great destructions to the Palestinian people? Where can they stay and live and hide? In the dense tropical forests? Silly Israel! Of course the Palestine people have to live near their homes and families to protect their land and their people. You! Israel! bombed the buildings they go to work like you, you bombed the schools the children go to learn like your children go to, you bombed the mosques they go to pray like you go to your worship place, you bombed the universities the young boys and girls and the learned go to like your young boys and girls and the learned go to. What else do you want to destroy?
    Tun many people around the world have sent their message of anger, dissatisfactions, disappointments towards the oppressions done by Israel and her allies but do they listen, Tun? Do they hear the thunder and roar of the Muslims around the world, Tun?
    I hope and pray and wish that they will hear and listen to your roar Tun and the thunder of KLFC.
    I wish you the very best of luck in your cause for justice and peace. May Allah Look Upon You Always.

  106. Assalamualaukum Tun,
    It was really heart-breaking upon reading news on the cruelties of the Israelis towards the people of Palestine. Their human rights to LIVE peacefully, and to smile and be happy with their families have been taken away so cruely. Children and babies are being killed alongside their mothers and fathers, old men and women are being killed alongside their sons and daughters, young boys and girls are being killed alongside their brothers and sisters. Therefore, what is there being left of the Palestinian people, FEAR, ANGER, SADNESS, HARDSHIPS, REVENGE, but one thing for sure their believe in ALLAH will not diminish.
    Tun I am a peace loving person but sometimes I can’t help feeling the utmost hatred towards these war-mongers and cold-blooded people (can they be called people?). Sometimes I wish that the rockets and missiles are aimed towards them and feel the pain and sorrow as how the Palestinians feel. When anger has over-powered your heart and mind that is how you feel and revenge comes to mind.
    Tun why are they so power-hunger? Why do they want to see the extinct of Palestine or the Muslim people? What made them feel that Palestine and Islam have done such great wrong to them, that made them take this barbaric actions? Have the Palestinians dropped atomic bombs, nuclear bombs, clutter bombs, aim rockets and missiles at America and G.Britain or their allies? No?..then why such great destructions to the Palestinian people? Where can they stay and live and hide? In the dense tropical forests? Silly Israel! Of course the Palestine people have to live near their homes and families to protect their land and their people. You! Israel! bombed the buildings they go to work like you, you bombed the schools the children go to learn like your children go to, you bombed the mosques they go to pray like you go to your worship place, you bombed the universities the young boys and girls and the learned go to like your young boys and girls and the learned go to. What else do you want to destroy?
    Tun many people around the world have sent their message of anger, dissatisfactions, disappointments towards the oppressions done by Israel and her allies but do they listen, Tun? Do they hear the thunder and roar of the Muslims around the world, Tun?
    I hope and pray and wish that they will hear and listen to your roar Tun and the thunder of KLFC.
    I wish you the very best of luck in your cause for justice and peace. May Allah Look Upon You Always.

  107. Good morning Tun,
    I have took these initiatives to stop financing war created by the self-claimed super power world in a small and humble way which all normal Malaysians are capable of doing so:-
    1. Stopped buying luxury items which have base in Singapore eg: handbags, clothing, cosmetics, skincare, western & Singapore and their local base magazines, processed food from USA, UK and Europe, I support local brand and Asia products with acceptable international quality standard and of course our website at this period of time until the world agree to solve the conflict of Israel and Palestine.
    2. Stopped supporting Hollywood movies in cinemas, you can do it in a more economical way, you know what I mean.
    3. Advised people not to make any investments be it local or international because the world markets are “VOLATILE” (how sweet the local investment banks to use this word). The world share market is volatile because of greed, jealousy, hatred, revenge, have no respect for humanity and love, initiating hatred to create wars so that the war weapons created by these countries can make big money. They have done it in cold war, 1998, here they go again in 2008. Yes, Tun, Malaysia was drew to this temptation after Tun’s resignation, on “high risk high return’ due to BN – Pak Lah, Pak Najib, MCA (Ong Ka Ting), Gerakan (Koh Tsu Koon) & MIC (Samy Vellu).
    Remarks: Pak Najib, you look like a ‘circus clown’ by wearing that gold silk red stripes tie in a press conference, Mak Rosmah’s taste? You are no different from those high profile women who have plastic surgery which made them look like Barbie Doll. Our local most high profile woman who trapped into this plastic surgery heat is none other than the current wife of Pak Musa Hitam.
    4. Praying to GOD (Tuhan) that China will take the initiative step to de-peg Reminbi against US Dollar in year 2009. This initiative will teach these greedy bast..rds from the West, Asia, Malaysia and of course our neighbour, Singapore a lesson. Losing money in foreign exchange is like paying fees for peace and love for Malaysia, Asia and the world. Isn’t that wonderful and worthy?
    5. Educating my children to be patriotic and have love for the country because this is Asia and Malaysia is part of Asia. I told them that we do not need to copy the leaders of America and Britain because they are lazy and favoured “History repeat Itself – means COPY History – these copycats are those people who do not want to function their brain effectively because they are arrogant, ignorant, lazy and are small brained, most importantly they think that COPY HISTORY is to PLAY SAFE and our BN leaders were trapped by them.
    6. I will support The Loaf because it is set up by Tun Dr Mahathir bin Mohamad and Mr Suzuki, why??? Because I support Tun’s iniative to use The Loaf as an initial base to criminalize war so that Malaysia and the world will be a better and peaceful place to live. I do not mind spending my money in this bistro because the money I spent can save more innocent lives. Stop relying our 2009 “Automatic Government” to drive us out from their mess, forget about them. Let our Yang Dipertua Agong and Raja2 to do the check and balance functions so that they (including PR) will not be able to fool the rakyat again by blaming Tun Dr. Mahathir Bin Mohamad, no more dirty jobs and finger pointing at Tun, dear BN and PR, enough is enough!
    To bloggers, don’t be fooled by the current stage of KLCI. Always remember, the speculators have a very succesful strategy (a better term to use is COPY HISTORICAL DATA using the 150 years economic cycle by London Time)in baiting you by increasing the index share market on “paper only” to satisfy your greed. The world share market is like casino today, eventhough you have made money out of it, will you be able to sleep well at night without lights on and pretend that you will not be punished by God?
    I believe that all our top guns are trapped, don’t forget Pak Najib, our current Finace Minister had told the press that he couldn’t answered his children (if I am not mistaken)a question on “what is cold war?’. I hope Pak Najib will start doing his home work now by reading the website of Kuala Lumpur Foundation To Criminalize War initiated by Tun Dr Mahathir. We do not need to set up a new rule to make it compulsory for pupils to learn about Cold War and terrorism, just tell Pak Hishamuddin to direct all schools to surf, read and study Tun’s foundation to ciminalize war without spending the rakyat’s taxpayers money. Isn’t that brilliant and safe money, Mr Pak Najib? “Kepercayaan Kepada Tuhan” is your stepping stone from our ancestors to make Malaysia a better place to live! Do it now if you want you and your family not to be cursed.
    I do not know how to help, Tun, but these iniative steps of mine will definitely make me more human and caring and my intention is to criminalize war. I believe if the people and NGO of the world unite, we will be the most powerful Check and Balance groups that can create noises to stop and ciminalize wars in order to prevent the world from global warming threats!
    Good day Tun, keeps writing to educate Malaysians and The world to make the world a better place to live.
    P/S: Bitter advice is usually hard to swallow, once you swallowed it, you will love it!

  108. Salam Tun, I’v been reading this line of calls for so many many times… and Israel is still Israel. They are still on with their visions of having their land as stipulated in the Bible.
    As far as war is concerned, it is a mean for human survival, which means war is unstoppable… no matter how human tried… including decreeing war as a crime. Unless we have a new understanding, a new perspective, on wars… some thing like coming into aggreement on the right to war! Well as a part of human rights too!
    Sound crazy? After all we do have laws on war, so much so that we tried people for war criminals!


  110. and also, does that answer ur question why America is so pro-israel?
    Because generally america is still a Christian nation
    God bless you Dr. Mahathir..but please stop blindly condemning Israel. It wouldnt give God more reason to open the door of heaven for u. Only those who believe in Jesus Christ as God and Saviour can enter heaven.

  111. there is nothing wrong with israel’s attack on gaza.
    it is just self defence against the hamas which has been attacking the jews.
    it’s time israel attacks the hamas in full force.
    it’s good that the leader of hamas is killed in the attack.
    pro israel malaysian

  112. .
    1. At first done nothing to stop the killings of Jews by the Nazi. But later join forces in WW II (WW: World War) as a long term investment to create more business a.k.a. wars .
    2. Killings of Japanese civilian in WW II.
    3. Killings of German and allied civilian in WW II.
    4. Killings of Iraqis civilian in WWMD I (WWMD: War Against Weapon Of Mass Destruction)
    5. “Killings Indirectly” the North Korean civilian in WWMD II
    6. “Killings In Proposal” the Iranian in WWMD III.
    7. Killings of Palestinian, Somalian, Libyan, Ugandan, Afghans, Pakistani, etc…etc (the list goes on) in WAT I. (WAT: War Against Terrorist).
    TOTAL KILLINGS(incl:- direct/indirect/coming soon): Approx 10 million
    May God bless us and protect us from the AMERICA a.k.a. AMERICAVE a.k.a. WORLD SERIAL KILLER
    Anti War

  113. Salam alaik Tun…
    According to Jewish tradition, the history of Judaism begins with the Covenant between God
    and Abraham (in Quran, pronounced as Ibrahim), who is considered a Hebrew… Ancient
    Hebrew and Arab people are generally classified as Semitic peoples…Those closest to them
    in culture and language were generally deemed to be descended from their forefather Shem,
    one of the sons of Noah (in Quran, pronounced as Nuh)… Everybody live in PEACE…
    But suddenly there was emerging the movement of Zionism – international political movement
    that originally supported the reestablishment of a homeland for the Jewish People in
    Palestine, they call this home as Eretz Yisra’el (means the Land of Israel)… And they use the
    RELIGION as a reason to kill muslims Palestinian. Is it funny same species killing each
    other? EERRRGGHH!!!
    p/s: Tun, salam from the supporters of Tun from University of Malaya…
    2nd p/s: Abraham is a muslim!!!! What is Judaism suddenly??!!! Macam-macam sifat manusia
    ini. Keseronokannya cuma membunuh menyerupai kejahatan yang ditanam oleh syaitan.

  114. Tun,
    We are indeed sad but not surprise with the non-reaction in the part of United States and Britain on the barbaric acts by the Israelis against the Palestinians.
    The international media, controlled by the Jews, has been potraying as if the Palestinians were the ones who wanted to restart the war.
    The Security Council is paralysed. UNGA has no power to do anything.

  115. Dear Tun,
    Your initiative is very good indeed. But does your initiative carry weight especially when we know the Arab leaders are too divided among themselves. Behind the curtain these Arabs are really hypocrite people. I am very sure you have made so many contacts with the Arab leaders and the Arab monarchs and I am sure you are able to assess their attitude and their seriousness in trying to resolve the conflict. Personally, I don’t think the Arab leaders care a damn about this conflict hapenning in front of their doors for years. They dare not venture to point fingers at the American and western leaders to stop the conflict and reprimand the Israelis because their positions are at stake . They are in a weak position, They have no “balls”.

  116. to gain supports from all kinds of human in the world, we need to be neutral and fair …
    when we issue statements to protest about israel for killing the innocent, we should also issue statements to protest bombing of hotel in mumbai sometimes ago … but did we?
    this is the main reason why other countries only verbally protest, but not willing to take drastic actions … becoz from the past, we only show our concern from POLITIC and RELIGIOUS point of view, but not becoz the reason INNOCENT HUMAN are killed …

  117. Boikot Israel!!
    Sapa yang ada list barangan Israel sila bantu bagi list supaya kita dapat boikot barangan Israel.
    Hidup Tun!Boikot Israel!
    Hazman Abu Bakar

  118. Assalamualaikum!
    Alhamdulillah,I m happy to see Malaysian brother strongly against Israel invaders, I ask all of the Muslim nations united for against Isreal and toher invadors to Muslims and unfree people,plz visit the link ,and concern the situations of yours forgotten Muslim country East Turkestan and Muslims brothers in East Turkestan ,….
    for example, on last november 2007 .In East Turkestan a Muslim woman named Arzugul faced ,she was pregnant sisnce 7 month!. at last she relwased by calling from international community..
    its only one of the lucky woman in East Turkestan,since 1990 the begining Birht control in East Turkestan by chinese communist government ,countless our Muslim (babies)generations killed before they come to this world,and countless Muslim sisters got kinds of bad diseases by Vrith control operations and other treatment agains birth ,..insha ALLAH ,since today I will release last and current situaions in East Turkstan…

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