1. Anwar’s Government has ruled that the people must not talk about race and religion.
2. Obviously this rule is directed at the Malays. This rule is in fact racist because it denies the rights of the Malays. Talking about multiracialism and multireligion is okay. It is okay because it is in favour of the other races. This is also racist.
3. No one can deny that in this country the Malays are faced with many problems. It is obvious that if these problems are not tackled now they will get worse. The Government knows this. Its ban on the Malays discussing their problems and finding ways to overcome them is at best undemocratic and is anti-Malay. That again is racist.
4. Actually the Government does not know what will be said at the gathering. Even the declaration does not blame other races. It blames Malay leaders who have been found guilty of stealing Government money, money laundering and corruption.
5. If the Government is really against corruption it should allow the public gathering to launch the declaration. But it banned the gathering. Therefore it is not sincere about fighting corruption.
6. So far the anti-corruption campaign singles out on the leaders of the opposition. Those in the Government who are known to be corrupt are not investigated.
7. This shows the campaign is about removing the leaders of the opposition so that there would be no opposition to the Government in the state election.