1. One of the most powerful political weapons is labelling. In one word a label can literally destroy the character of a person. After that anything he says or does would be tainted by the label he carries. He becomes no longer effective, politically.

2. He would be barred even from speaking the truth. The Jews won a great social and political battle when they were able to label anti-Semitism as defamatory. Even when what is said is absolutely true and is meant to correct wrong statements, it would be regarded as defamatory and rejected.

3. In Malaysia today the label that has effectively prevented the truth from being heard is “racism” and “racist”.

4. Fear of these labels has prevented the truth from countering the lies that have been spun and spread.

5. There is no doubt that such a thing as racism exists. It is the extremism which reflects the mindless and belligerent championing of race regardless of the rights and wrongs involved.

6. But to argue in favour of one’s race based entirely on truth and proven facts; to argue in order to correct wrong assumptions and deliberate lies; to defend the truth and to expose lies – these are not manifestations of racism, nor is the speaker a racist.

7. In today’s debate on racial issues in Malaysia the stage has been reached where truth and facts have been suppressed through fear of the racist label.

8. Like the thief who cries thief, the real racists use this label to deny the rights of others to counter their allegations.

9. To warn that unsubstantiated condemnation as racist will stifle fair debate and may lead to the violence of frustration may sound like crying wolf. But the warning bells must be sounded for even in this country racial violence have been known to happen.

10. Openness and free speech are said to be among the virtues of democracy. When a Government denies this, it will be condemned for denying democratic rights. But labeling as racist to prevent truth from being heard, to prevent rationale debate, is no less undemocratic than the censorship exercised by Governments.

11. Racism in a multi-racial country should not be tolerated. But to cry “racist” so as to prevent the truth from being heard is as good as to apply censorship. In fact such labelling is much more racist than the alleged racism of the truth being spoken.

110 thoughts on “RACISM AND ANTI-SEMITISM”

  1. Eventhough the US always comes in when it is said that Afghanishtan,Kuwait,Iraq people is being oppressed, but never when Palestinian people is attacked.
    As such the theory that US is really controlled by the Jews.

  2. Salam Tun;
    Kerap kali apabila dunia mengutuk Israel kerana melakukan kekejaman terhadap orang Palestin; maka setiap kritikan dan teguran itu dilebel sebagai Anti-semitic yang berkaitan Holacus.
    Demikian keadaannya di Malaysia, apabila kerajaan mempraktikkan dasar-dasar untuk membantu kaum Bumiputera yang jauh ketinggalan maka kerajaan dituduh bersikap

  3. Tun;
    Kerap kali apabila dunia mengutuk Israel kerana melakukan kekejaman terhadap orang Palestin; maka bagi setiap kritikan dan teguran itu dilebel sebagai Anti-semitic yang berkaitan Holacus.
    Sebenarnya ini adalah agenda Barat yang telah ditanam dalam minda orang Yahudi bagi menutup kesalahan Barat itu sendiri.
    Holacaus berlaku di Eropah oleh pihak JERMAN dan SEKUTUNYA yang membunuh dengan kejamnya orang Yahudi(kanak-kanak dan orang dewasa) tanpa belas kasihan dengan tujuan untuk menghapuskan mereka di bumi Eropah.
    Sebagai bangsa yang telah dizalimi orang Eropah, orang Yahudi(sehingga beberapa generasi); mungkin tidak dapat melupakan dan berazam satu hari nanti ingin membalas dendam keatas orang Eropah yang bertindak kejam keatas mereka dan bukannya terhadap orang Palestin yang sebenarnya jiran dan bangsa serumpun dengan mereka.
    Barat munkin telah menghidu lebih awal tentang niat membalas dendam Yahudi itu dengan menubuhkan segera Negara Israel yang sengaja dirampas daripada orang Palestin dan sekali gus menimbulkan kemarahan orang Palestin dan masyarakat Islam sedunia.
    Kewujudan Negara Israel adalah merupakan pakatan dan agenda tersembunyi Barat yang disokong Amerika bagi memesongkan ingatan dan pemikiran Yahudi(bahawa Palestin itu adalah musuh mereka).
    Usaha juga dilakukan bagi memesongkan tanggapan masyarakat dunia(khusunya orang Yahudi seluruh dunia) supaya tidak menuding kesalahan lampau itu terhadap Eropah.
    Penubuhan Israel itu sengaja dirancangkan agar berlaku keadaan tidak setabil tetapi terkawal dengan bantuan Barat sendiri. Melalui

  4. i wonder if these so-called supremacists are really special? did God created us as equals in His eyes? no one can impose his/her wills on others. if so what makes u supremacists greater than others? perhaps you have blue-colored blood?
    anti-semitism is a creation of the Zionist. to silence those who oppose them. can u imagine they even have the chutzpah to exploit the sufferings of the Holocaust for their selfish interests when their actions are even worse then the Nazis!! i really sympathize with the Jewish Holocaust for being used like that by the Zionist when all the while it was the latter who sponsors the Nazi’s rise in the first place

  5. …and also, please do tell me what the ‘Truth’ really is. I think we could all use a little bit of truth in this country. It’ll be good for all of us, after all the political rethorics and humbugs.
    Take care.

  6. Dear Dr. Mahathir,
    With all due respect, can you please tell me the differences between Zionism (Ketuanan Yahudi) and ‘Malay-ism’ (Ketuanan Melayu)? Of course, apart from the fact that the former is for the supremacy of Zionist Jews and the latter is for the supremacy of ‘Extreme Malays’. Other than that, please?
    Thank you.

  7. Tun,
    Pandangan saya;
    1) Kerajaan perlu bertindak untuk membentuk bangsa Malaysia yang mempunyai sifat-sifat yang jelas, harus ada titik persamaan antara setiap warga Malaysia untuk dijustifikasikan sebagai bangsa Malaysia.
    2) Saya melihat banyak penyalahgunaan isu identiti etnik dan bangsa dilakukan di Malaysia oleh golongan politikus untuk meraih sokongan pengundi. Diskriminikasi antara etnik juga berlaku disebabkan isu etnik terlalu kuat di Malaysia.
    3) Kebanyakan etnik di Malaysia dilatih/ajar untuk berfikir tentang kepentingan etnik sendiri sahaja kerana kurangnya rasa kebersamaan sebagai bangsa Malaysia.
    4) Adalah mustahil untuk mengubah identiti kulit, budaya dan agama yang diwarisi oleh setiap warga Malaysia kerana ini melibatkan sensitiviti dan hak-hak asasi yang sangat asas.
    5) Satu titik persamaan yang boleh dimiliki untuk membentuk Bangsa Malaysia ialah persamaan bahasa diri yang digunakan secara bersama.
    6) Terdapat banyak bahasa di Malaysia, tetapi Bahasa Melayu dengan status bahasa kebangsaan adalah pilihan yang tepat. Disamping telah terbukti diterima baik di Indonesia (yg hanya berpendudukan 16% etnik Melayu), berstatus lingua franca sejak ratusan tahun silam di nusantara.
    7)Bahasa Melayu telah diterima dengan baik oleh perantau-perantau dan pendatang-pendatang dari tanah arab, parsi, india dan cina yg bermastautin sebelum ini sebelum berlakunya gerombolan kemasukan pendatang-pendatang dari benua cina & india yg enggan meninggal bahasa negara asal mereka sbg bahasa diri.
    8) Mungkin generasi pertama kumpulan pendatang tersebut masih tebal semangat kecintaan negara asal mereka walaupun telh memiliki kerakyatan Malaysia secara percuma & mudah-mudah, tetapi kini generasi ke-3, pastilah telah memiliki kecintaannya yg tinggi pada Malaysia sbg tanah tumpah darah mereka.
    9) Setiap warga Malaysia wajar diajar, dibentuk dan dididik untuk menjadikan bahasa melayu sbg bahasa diri dan ibunda masing2. Bahasa-bahasa lain sewajarnya diajar sebagai pelajaran akademik atau perniagaan sahaja dan bukannya dianggap satu hak disisi perlembagaan.
    10) Dasar-dsar diskirminasi yang tak relevan harus ditinggalkan tapi paksaan-paksaan integrasi harus dilakukan segera. Dalam tender-tender tertentu syarikat-syarikat berasaskan perkongsian etnik wajar mendapat status istimewa didalam tender-tender kerajaan dan bukannya mengutamakan syarikat-syarikat berstatus bumiputra sahaja.

  8. YABhg Tun,
    …same principle applies to Paper Money, sir.
    People need to ” buy ” them too….

  9. /// By speedbird on April 29, 2010 1:57 AM
    It would be interesting if we could see china favors the non chinese, India to appoint a non Indian to be a minister, Singapore?… I don’t even want to touch the issue there. ///
    speedbird – why you don’t want to touch the issue in Singapore? Is it because they have an Indian as President, an Indian as Finance Minister and an Indian as Law Minister, with many Indian and Malay MPs? And they had Indian Deputy Prime Ministers. Has Malaysia ever had a Chinese or Indian as Deputy PM?
    Smart of you not to touch the issue there…..

  10. Assalamualaikum YABhg Tun dan sekelian yg ada,
    Saya rasa trpanggil untuk mengulas komentator seperti JGraver yg menulis “….If what I say is wrong, then please explain to me why Hyundai rose so quickly, and Proton, up till today — dead beat. If allowed to compete fairly with imported cars, it will die within a day. Explain why with all the scholarships channeled into “Ketuanan Melayu”, we have yet to see a true visionary — instead what we still see are cry babies waiting to be breast fed..”
    Huhu obviously you wrote with maximum hatred… what so great, in terms of technological and market achievements, about Hyundai, i saw nothing much than just ordinary cars produced by Korea,,, hehehe, and you are so inferior to think that Proton will die within a dayif it allowed to compete ‘fairly’ with imported cars??? hahahaha…. is it? are u sure or not, taikor…???? Maybe u r blind for cannot see the competetive market in our local car markets now,, we have leberalized a lot man, no fear anymore…. u can see so many brands on the highways now taikorr.. from porsche to mercededes to toyota to kia picanto (i heard Kia also do alot copycat onto european cars) to Mahindra to Nissan to Fiat to Alfa Romeo, so many in stores now and the price are not so different against Proton now… and they still selling and competing now… no problem..and now we have about 2 teams in F1 race…..but I cannot see so many cars with brand Cherry, maybe you drive that car.
    Mmmm about scholarship, recently a lot more of “brilliant” chinese students were given JPA scholarship, and yet Yayasan Kuok or the like still just give scholarship to one or two malay students for formality, we malays never cried maaa,, that’s your money,, some more u want from us and more portion than us as if only chinese have clever people??? come on lahh,, jangan perasanlah, orang Melayu pun ramai pandai2 jugak,,.and people like you still crying demanding more….hahah not enough mehhh????? how much you want tell me exactly la….. so that the government will listen and give more to chinese students…. Just tell you want to be the king of this country easily…senang maaaaa… cakap saja lah you sekarang sudah syok, yang ada tak cukup, so kalau boleh mahu jadi sultan teruslah dalam ini negara…???

  11. Racism in our country is institutionalised. This together with the widespread rampant corruption, if continued to be left unchecked, will bring our country down.
    Our NEAC is right when they say that we are not producing enough talents and whatever little talents that we have are leaving.
    The biggest beneficiary for the past 30 years has been Singapore.
    Very sad.

  12. Speedbird says: “Let’s go to basic & integrate our children at school. Abolish segregated schools & allocate a period for 2nd languages or religion studies.”
    I beg to disagree. Chinese and Tamil schools are just a minority. What we ought to do is to be do away with is race-based politics and Perkasa. These are the main instigators of racism in Malaysia.

  13. PERKASA is not fighting for the Malays. It is just rethorics. There is no point is talking and expressing hatred and anger for the fault of the UMNO politicians who have failed in upholding the “special position” of the Malays. UMNO politicians are just playing politics. They are only interested in staying in power for their own self-interests. Until and unless these politicians reform themselves, the Malays will be doomed. Don’t blame the Chinese for that.
    PERKASA has no clear vision and does not represent the Malays and does not have any practical agenda for the improvement of the Malays. If the Malays are easily being lured or fooled by a few Ringgit and kain pelikats, they will easily be bribed to sell their own mother.
    The Chinese community on the other hand has been active in their pursue for more power but the do it quietly and unknowingly to the others. They have achieved what they want without much hue and cry.
    The Malays are just pathetic.

  14. why are we arguing over something that is already enshrined in the constitution and is not likely to change unless the lawmakers want to do a political suicide?Insulting each other will not change anything but only make our blood pressure rise & risk dying faster ,and ,nothing else.Come on ,let us grow up and appreciate the fact that life is not perfect.It is not perfect in China and India too you know.In fact it is even not perfect in Singapore.Do you know that in that rich country the average citizen can’t afford cars and can only afford HDB flats?So be happy, count your blessings and don’t let anyone or anything(including the Constitution)make your lives miserable.Malaysia BOLEH!

  15. Hi Tun and other readers,
    .well this is a very sensitive issue to discuss about.for me this ketuanan melayu issue is not relevent to be argue.because this country is MALAYsia.still the other race got their share.
    By DenZuk Vega on April 26, 2010 7:49 PM
    Sekarang ni, MELAYU aje yang suka menyalak DAN “menikam” bangsa sendiri. Dan Melayu masih lagi antara kaum termiskin yang ramai. Melayu masih lagi suka berangan. Kaum lain dah LAMA sedar. Melayu masih lagi bersikap “TAK PA…”. Melayu….mudah lupa.
    Bagi saya, yang berbangsa Melayu, sebelum saya marahkan bangsa lain, baik saya keji dan HINA bangsa sendiri dulu, agar bangsa saya boleh sedar, kalau asyik MENGAGUNGKAN perlembagaan aje, memang kita MATI!!!
    –i agree with this statement.
    –like donplaypuks said:we only i race, the human race.
    thank u.

  16. JGraver,
    1. Having your ‘own vernacular’ school IS NOT a basic right bro. Having a school is.
    2. When you see more Malays being helped to narrow the gap, that doesn’t mean that affirmative action was based on race. Its normal when Malays make the majority, bro. Furthermore, their forefathers only inherit the agricultural sector unlike your race. Unless you’re saying that no chinese and no indians are in the list?
    3. You said we complaint like a 5 year old? I see you compared PROTON to Hyundai(Korea) and Japan(Honda i guess?) – where both countries are way more patriotic than we are. Do you think Hyundai can improve their R&D just like that, without koreans supporting them? Do you think Hyundai first car is better than us during their first attempt? Ironically, we Malaysian bashed PROTON the first day they existed. We complaint all the small flaw like it was big (Yo bro, modern Toyota still have safety issue and that was bigger?) Improvement is a continous effort la bro. The progress of having own engine, own model etc is satisfactorily but of course far from excellent. There’s always room for better. What we must do is to make constructive comments to Proton, not merely bashing because we can’t afford to buy Honda.
    4. Free scholarships? Bro, if the Malays have money like most of your race do, we wouldn’t need any scholarships. Some more now we have performance based 1Malaysia scholarship – therefore this argument is not valid anymore. (Anyway, 5A students who can’t afford to have tuition is no less compared to 7A students who attend tuition every week if you ask me?) Result is not the only way to evaluate the potential of a person comparing their scarce resources.
    5. Ketuanan Melayu is overexaggerated bro. It’s a desperate measures for desperate conditions. I bet you’ll shout ketuanan Cina too if you’re in China and we Malays are trying to conquer your country. That’s normal.

  17. What really resulted in the rising racism in Malaysia is the education system itself. The races are segregated by schools. This is where the root of racism, hatred starts. If all the students are forced to integrate under one national system, racism in Malaysia wouldn’t be too bad. Damage is done & will worsen if not corrected. Education lobby group like the suqiu, pejuang bahasa etc are to be blamed as well.
    I wonder if there are any country in the world which is truly colour blind where we could emulate?
    The US? China? India? Singapore? It would be interesting if we could see china favors the non chinese, India to appoint a non Indian to be a minister, Singapore?… I don’t even want to touch the issue there.
    It is my dream to live in a place where races tolerate each other, citizens live in harmony. Corporation are colour blind, and customers make purchases that do not base on racial factors. It does not happen yet in our nation. I’ve heard myself non malays business owners complaining about their Malay workers takes 5 minutes to pray during office hour, but do not complain about others who took 10 minutes cigarette break. We do not live in harmonious multiple-racial country any more where races are suspicious of each other.
    Let’s go to basic & integrate our children at school. Abolish segregated schools & allocate a period for 2nd languages or religion studies.

  18. Dear YAB Tun, salam mesra harap sihat sejahtera. Kiriman saya dgn izin…
    ……….PEDAS CILI
    Siapa makan cili dia rasa pedas. Useless to justify your noble policy with arguments explanations. Instead explain the negative outcomes and detrimental effects (after 40yrs) not constant harping of the nobleness of intention which everybody knows. The other races would not have accepted this 50yrs ago if it is not a noble intention.
    An ultra is a hero 40 yrs ago and relishes the label (useful then), but is horrified by a racist label now? The ultra don

  19. Nothing should be given to a man except equal opportunity.
    Dah berapa tahun dah korang dibekalkan scholarship percuma – smapai dihantar keluar negara dan macam macam lagi — tapi sampai hari ini, apa yang dicapai?
    Banyak bersuara mengatakan bangsa bangsa lain control macam macam
    Ok, kita lihatlah Proton (which obviously is controlled by Malays)
    Sebelum Proton di tubuh, whole of Asia hanya Jepun export kereta. Kita minta WTO bagi kita kebenaran for protection (cukai habis habis kereta import) — sekarang dah dekat nak 30 tahun, apa yang proton pernah capai? Korea pun dah masuk market, Cina dah pun masuk market kebangsaan.
    Kalau di lihat Korea, Hyundai lebih muda daripada proton, tapi sudah menang award, di amerika, semua org dah kenal. Siapa kenal proton?
    Jgn asyik lihat dekat negara atau bangsa lain and complaint all the way. Macam budak 5 tahun, tengok org lain kaya, buat bisang – macamlah money will fall form the sky. Instead, look to them and see what they have that you don’t (could it be will power? attitude? etc)
    If what I say is wrong, then please explain to me why Hyundai rose so quickly, and Proton, up till today — dead beat. If allowed to compete fairly with imported cars, it will die within a day. Explain why with all the scholarships channeled into “Ketuanan Melayu”, we have yet to see a true visionary — instead what we still see are cry babies waiting to be breast fed.
    Is the Malay race analogous to Proton?

  20. If it is in aim of narrowing the gap of inequality, then yes affirmative action is justifiable. But it must not be upon the basis of race – but rather, social class.
    When a country has such a things as “Ketuanan Melayu” — it demonstrates that it is an institution that is built upon labeling one another, and in the process, favouring one over another — it is blatant written double standard.
    In response to the guy below me, mr. Kuhan,
    you mentioned: “To name a few are rights to practise their religion, speak their native language, to have their own school, their own newspaper and so on.”
    Those are basic human rights that Malays have too. But Malays have more than those – so what is it that doesn’t make sense to you? The nons do not owe the Malays anything, in fact, they are contributors just as Malays are. When we question malay rights, we question the privileges you enjoy NOT your rights to religion, or newspaper(?) for crying out loud.
    And upon what is the “Ketuanan Melayu” build on anyways except to protect the inferior?
    Any history text book can tell you that the Malay kings sold us to the portugese, gave up the country to the British out of incompetency, and allowed the Japanese to cycle in and claim Malaysia. Really, if anything at all that we’ve learnt from history is that YOU REALLY SHOULDN’T DESERVE ANYTHING.
    And then comes independence day, in which a conglomeration of races hold hands and move forward together. BUT we have such a thing as Ketuanan Melayu – upon what basis can you even erect or justify that double standard?

    By ekompute on April 28, 2010 3:23 PM


  22. Dear Tun,
    1. Saya doakan agar Tun sihat dan dilindungi ALLAH swt sentiasa.
    2. Cerita pasal racist ni susah sikit. Kalau kita cakap yang benar kita dichop anti bangsa lain,tapi kadang kadang kita nak juga bercakap.
    3. Tak dinafikan, kerajaan banyak menolong orang melayu. Tak semua melayu yang jual projek atau apa apa pemberian dari kerajaan.
    4. Kalau kerajaan tak tolong melayu siapa lagi? Pokoknya walaupun melayu diberi pertolongan, bangsa lain dapat lebih lagi.
    5. Umpama dalam kontrak buat sekolah, melayu yang dapat kontrak tapi yang paling untung bangsa lain. Segala macam benda dikuasai oleh bangsa lain. Dari pengangkutan, bekalan dan kerja kerja. Pendek kata bangsa lain memang kontrol ekonomi kita. Bolih kira jari berapa kerat melayu yang ada lori beratus ratus. Semua nya bangsa lain. Bekalan semen, batu bata, besi dan segala macam dikuasai bangsa lain. Disini dapat kita lihat bertapa adilnya kerajaan. Sekurang kurang nya semua bangsa dapat.
    6. Permit taksi, memang ramai kenalan ahli politik yang dapat tapi dijual..bukan kerana apa tapi melayu tak layak untuk dapat pinjamam bank buat beli taksi. Tidak kah ini menunjukan yang walaupun melayu yang ditolong, bangsa lain dapat juga tempias..banyak pulak tu. Saya yakin kalau bangsa lain dapat permit taksi, melayu cuma jadi drebar taksi aja. Tak dapatlah sewa permit bulanan.
    7. Sama juga dengan kontrak kerajaan..bayangkan kalau bangsa lain dapat kontrak buat sekolah. Alamatnya melayu jadi jaga sekolah lah. Nak bekalkan semen tak ada kilang, besi pun sama, nak jadi transporter tak ada lorry..bagaimana?
    8. Saya cadangkan kalau bangsa lain tak berpuas hati mereka bolih hijrah ke-negara lain yang mungkin sesuai buat mereka. Saya bukan nya racist tapi cerita yang benar, dah muak dok cerita pasal perlembagaan negara yang mana melayu memang ada kedudukan khas dalam negara tapi bangsa lain tak paham paham!.

  23. Assallammualaikumwarahmatullahiwabarokatuh
    Semoga mendapat izin dan perkenan Tun..
    Saudara nazrimalik
    [[Tun, adakah terdapat masalah atau isu perkauman semasa zaman Rasulullah s.a.w.? Jika ada, bagaimanakah masalah-masalah tersebut diselesaikan? Mungkin semua bangsa dlm blog chedet ni bley buat kajian dan huraikan penemuan kajian tersebut. Huraian kena lah jujur. Terima kasih]]
    Saya tidak layak membuat sebarang kajian apatah lagi master atau thesis berkenan isu perkauman semasa zaman Rasulullah s.a.w tapi sebagai seorang Islam adalah saya bertanggungjawab untuk mengemukakan pendapat sendiri.
    Akhlak bangsa Arab adalah paling buruk di zaman Rasulullah s.a.w.Ini di burukkan lagi dengan sikap bangsa Arab yang kuat memegang kefahaman kabilah dan kesukuan.Dan di Yathrib ( Madinah ),Suku Aus dan Khazraj telah berperang sekian lama sehingga mereka telah hampir berada di pinggir jurang neraka sebagaimana yang di sebutkan Allah dalam ayat Al Quran ini sebagaimana yang di riwayatkan oleh sebahagian Asbabun Nuzul bahawa ayat ini di turunkan menerangkan keadaan mereka sebelum Islam
    ‘Dan berpegang teguhlah kamu sekalian kepada tali Allah (agama Islam), dan janganlah kamu bercerai berai, dan kenangkanlah nikmat Allah kepada kamu ketika kamu bermusuh-musuhan (semasa jahiliah dahulu), lalu Allah menyatukan antara hati kamu (sehingga kamu bersatu padu dengan nikmat Islam), maka menjadilah kamu dengan nikmat Allah itu orang-orang Islam yang bersaudara. Dan kamu dahulu berada di tepi jurang neraka (disebabkan kekufuran kamu semasa jahiliah) , lalu Allah menyelamatkan kamu dari neraka itu (disebabkan nikmat Islam juga). Demikianlah Allah menjelaskan kepada kamu ayat-ayat keterangan-Nya supaya kamu mendapat petunjuk hidayah-Nya’.(Surah ali-Imran: 103)
    Rasullulah s.a.w telah di bekalkan dengan kekuatan akhlak yang mulia,kebijaksanaan yang tiada tandingannya dan kesemua keperluan yang di perlukan untuk mengembalikan manusia kepada ketuntutan fitrahnya iaitu daripada menyembah selain Allah kepada selain manusia.
    Adalah perlu bangsa Arab itu berpuak-puak dan bersuku-suku.Tetapi kepuakan dan kesukuan ini iaitu assabiyah telah menenggelamkan fitrah manusia iaitu keadilan.Islam itu agama yang mementingkan keadilan dan sikap berpuak-puak dan bersuku ini perlu di ganti secara beransur-ansur dan berperingkat-peringkat.
    Pernah berlaku seorang perempuan Islam dari Bani Mahzum mencuri dan kesalahan itu di pikulkan kepada seorang yahudi.Mereka berpakat untuk “menghalalkan” perbuatan ini.Dan inilah jawapan Rasulullah s.a.w
    Ketika datang Usamah bin Zaid mengusulkan agar diberikan keringanan hukuman bagi seorang perempuan dari Bani Mahzum yang mencuri, padahal Rasulullah SAW bermaksud untuk memotong tangannya. Rasulullah bersabda kepada Usamah:

  24. Dear Tun, this topic interests me a lot. All this while, we’ve been fed with this malays special rights things and how the non malays are not happy and bla..bla..We must not forget that the non malays also have their special rights after being accorded aoutomatic citizenship. To name a few are rights to practise their religion, speak their native language, to have their own school, their own newspaper and so on. Can the malays questions these rights instead? Or can we at least talk about these rights? If the non malays can ask that malays no longer be helped, can the malays ask that vernacular schools be stopped? Can chinese and tamil newspaper be stopped? I’m very sure that immediately one malay questions these rights, another malay will ask him to apologize for being racist. I can only imagine the reactions of non malays! The funny part is that if non malays questions about malays rights, no one will apologize and the person will not be labelled as racist! What a joke!!
    Thanks a lot Tun for giving me the space.

  25. Peacee says: “To ekompute, for goodness sake, please stop arguing on this issue any further. you’ll never ever get across your point to people who doesn’t foresee the future like you do.”
    Hi Peacee, if I cannot get my message across to Tun, what more to the others. Islam abhors racism but they say Ketuanan Melayu is not racism. Can you imagine that? Well, I will take your advice and post no more. Let them enjoy their Ketuanan now and pay in the Hereafter.

  26. Samuraimelayu says: “Tell me honestly… better still, tell Allah in your next sembahyang,.. THE ABOVE REMARK OF ‘ekompute’ IS UNWARRANTED AND VERY SENSITIVE… FYI, A MUSLIM ONLY BEGS TO THE ALMIGHTY ALLAH AND NEVER WILL BE IN A POSITION TO TELL ALLAH…”
    So pathetic that you don’t even understand what “tell” means in this context! “Tell” here doesn’t mean tell Allah what to do. “Tell” here only means to communicate what you feel in your heart. I ‘love’ your message because it contains very emotional words that no religion will ever sanction:
    Is this what Nabi will be proud of, coming from a Muslim? And if you have ignored my comments, why this latest post of yours? Why? Isn’t that a contradiction?
    Anyway, enjoy your benefits in this life while you can because I do not believe that there will be Ketuanan Melayu in the Hereafter. There will only be Ketuanan Yang Bertakwa, and Ketuanan Yang Bertakwa will not be considered a special Malay right! Do you agree?

  27. Saya sokong komen encik moncotos. Saya nampak apa yang disarankan boleh membawa kejayaan kepada bangsa melayu. Melalui penguasaan bahasa inggeris dan cina atau tamil, melayu akan lebih terbuka matanya kerana sebelum ini mereka hanya duduk dalam dunia mereka sendiri. Bayangkanlah saudara semua sekiranya orang kita boleh bertutur dalam bahasa-bahasa itu. Takkah kita nampak hebat. Sains juga mengatakan mereka yang boleh bertutur pelbagai bahasa mempunyai IQ lebih tinggi dari mereka yang hanya bertutur satu bahasa.
    Kita sebenarnya cepat meloncat dan gemuruh dengan segala yang berlaku. Inilah masanya kita menubuhkan sebuah Kompeni Melayu yang akan ada RnD, dana, latihan untuk cuba membangunkan bangsa kita sendiri. Bukan menempik dan mencaci ditepi jalan seperti pelarian Palestin yang membaling batu selama 60 tahun. Jika mereka menumpukan seluruh tenaga mereka untuk pembangunan masyarakat, mungkin nasib mereka sudah berubah. Kita mesti produktif dan sentiasa melihat kelemahan sendiri dan cuba perbaiki.

  28. Assalamualaikum Tun and readers,
    I would like to comment on you dhiyan. When you said ” all Chinese…bla..bla..bla ).Please think like a matured person, not like a budak sekolah rendah. When you mentioned “all” you included those who supported and appreciate the government. Kalau seorang menteri rasuah, kira semua menteri rasuah ka, dhiyan?
    I myself is a Chinese and I never proud as a chinese and I rather proud as a Malaysian. You also have to open your mind wider and broader. We all Malaysians stand togeteher in building this country.
    And I hate to say Malays are….., Chinese are…. Indians are…..etc etc. We are all humans unless you are from different species.
    If there are a mojorities that reject the govt. then you shld find out why? Why punishment.??
    Even the NEM, doesnt seems for the rakyat as it was tabled in a hotel, which showed a hotel is superior than Parliament. Think about that!!!So apa makna Dewan Rakyat??
    May I know what exactly is PERKASA? Is it NGO or GO? If it is on BN side than it shld join UMNO instead making noises and playing safe.
    Finally, Tun….sudahlah, bincanglah topik yg lebih membina dari tak habis2 dengan hal racism nih. Saya dah bosan…..Tun sendiri kata kalau sisitem pendidikan kita tak ubah W2020 Tun akan gagal. Byk lagi yg perlu dilakukan dari hal perkauman ini kalau Tun nak W2020 Tun berjaya.
    Adakah Tun nak melihat satu kegagalan sebelum Tun kembali ke Allah nanti??!!
    10 tahun lagi Tun. samada W2020 ini satu realiti atau fantasi……

  29. NEP bukan untuk crony yang berketerlaluan,
    tapi untuk ‘bumi’ yang dalam keperluan,
    malangnya ia diberi pula kepada kawan kawan,
    dan tinggalkan kami di era 70h – dengan apalagi kalau bukan kemiskinan,
    Kalau kamu nak mempertahan,
    mempertahankanlah NEP dari gengaman crony,
    dan bukan dengan mempermaikian issue perkauman,
    Ini bukan sebarang pandangan,
    tapi this is what we really want!

  30. Some people questioned some others’ ancestries. The Malays are lenient. If someone marries a Malay, there is high chance that his or her successors are regarded as Malays by constitution. Marrying Malays is an ideal way of ensuring the success 1Malaysia. But it is almost impossible to see it happens throughout the country because each person has his or her own preference. Denying one’s marriage preference will be regarded as undemocratic.


  32. salam tun
    masih tunggu komen tun pasai p94 hulu selangor….
    saya rasa bn memang menang…
    tapi umno dan melayu kalah…
    sama sama la kita pikir…
    jaga diri tun

  33. Hello!!! Everybody is racist… Maybe in politics, maybe in sports, maybe in religious matter, maybe in normal life, maybe in business and just about anywhere!!!
    You are all just to damned ego to admit it. I’m a racist too!!! I’d rather see a Malay succeed in whatever they do than seeing other races do. What? Now you’re telling me that if you’re Chinese or Indian you would love to see other races beat you to the ground…Come on… you are all racist yourselves.
    Wanna compare it to other country? Please do so and dont tell me that all you get is a CLEAN un-racist minded people!!! You’re a worst comedian ever if you think so…
    AMERICA will favour REAL AMERICANS!!! Not the black nor the red, INDIA will favor Indians, JAPAN will favor Japanese, CHINA will favor Chinese AND MALAYSIA WILL AND SHALL FAVOR THE MALAYS (That’s the reason the name is called MALAYsia and not MALAYCHINESEINDIASIA or anything else.
    Your ancestors have chosen to stay here and we, given all the facts had to agreed to it with CONDITIONS!!! Do you think we Malays were really happy to accept you??? We had to with CONDITIONS!!!
    It’s like giving a place to stay to a beggar. You give him a small room and food. Later the ungrateful beggar would ask to have your master bedroom as his if it is not to be shared. If you ask me, I will surely throw him out immediately. I just wish some things can be revoke due to non comply!
    So, please stop this nonsense. I dont see much of you especially the Chinese having so much trouble in life compared to us the Malays and Indians and I do not envy either. You worked hard for it and you deserved it. With all these racist, unfair, injustice around, you have proven that you all can succeed so why are you making such a lot of noise???

  34. Dear Tun,
    You have been my idol for many years. I really appreciate the peace when you are the PM in this country. It’s really a sad case to see our new PM wanting to promote a united 1 Malaysia concept but the leaders keep instilling hatred between the races by raising the racism, Ketuanan Melayu & May 13 issues.
    To ekompute, for goodnees sake, please stop arguing on this issue any further. you’ll never ever get accross your point to people who doesn’t foresee the future like you do. You are just basically creating more anger and hatred between the races. For the non-malay, if you are a professional of any profession, feel free to consider other countries like Singapore, Australia, etc. You’ll feel much more welcome there. So far only 200k had migrated to other countries (if i’m not mistaken). No worries, our country will not feel the lost if you decided to migrate. What is few thousand income tax to the govt…. only a peanut compared to billions of oil royalties from Petronas.
    To the Malay friends, yes… you are right. The Malay rights are yours forever. Please continue grasp hold of it. Go on dreaming and waiting for our govt to spoon feed you. If they don’t, cry out loud and complain. No worries if we cannot compete in the Globalisation world. Malaysia will never left out as we still got Africa to compare with for probably another 10 years.

  35. Y.BHG TUN,
    Most comments by non Malay do not want Tun keep on highlighting issues on races in your future postings. I fully support them. According to Mr Liew. on April 26, 2010 12:53 PM…… I think the subject of race and race rights should stop as you have to realise that the more you talk about this subject the more facts, percentage, figures and truth will be expose by the public to make you look unfair, ultra, racist, foolish and etc..
    But when I reflect back. The issues was never started and exposed by Malay. They all started after 2008 general election when BN look so week and Non Malay start questioning a lot of issues which touch the Malay interest. Opposition leaders start showing showing their true color or- ” mula menunjukkan belang “. This few pembangkang leaders acts and behavior has drag all lay man like me and other non Malay friend into this termoils. It was never happen during Tun times and before. Pak Lah has become scapegoat – pity him.
    Inthis respect I has to agree and support Tun. What Tun has done in good spirit is to give the true facts and actual stories and pictures for us to understand and appreciate the process of independence and process of creating peaceful multicultural nation.
    May Allah bless all of us Malaysiaan. Keep prepare strong foundation for our future generation to live in peace and harmony.

  36. Dearest Tun,
    1) It is ok for the Malay to be racist because this land is own by them. After all, Malays are the one who fought the country during the emergency days. Where were the Chinese? They have got no balls to join the force. Chinese will never cry and die for Malaysia. They will only cry and die for money.
    2) It is ok for the Malay to be racist because the Chinese are known for disloyalty. Look at Hulu Selangor. A sign of disloyalty and ungrateful. 1Malaysia can never change the Chinese kiasu mentality. So, what’s the point of giving-in to them. No more!
    3) Chinese will only be satisfied after getting control of all the land. So, why shouldn’t the Malay be racist?
    4) Chinese in Malaysia deserve no more attention from the government. No country in this world will allow dual education system. The Malays gave-in to the Chinese request out of respect and unity. The Malays are peace loving people. But, the Chinese were never grateful.
    5) Immigrants that are not grateful must be revoked of their citizenship.
    6) No citizen of Malaysia should question the rights of Malay. For those who fail to respect the Malay supremacy and superiority, please pack and leave the country. Malays does not need disloyal citizen. We have seen enough what the Chinese have done in Singapore and Penag.
    Melayu itu Hebat!

  37. Assalamu Alaikum Tun,
    Ya Tun, memang fenomena inilah yang sedang berlaku di negara kita..ramai yang senagaja tidak mahu bersifat berlapang dada dan berfikiran rasional apabila sesuatu isu itu kebetulan menyentuh sesuatu kaum..sebenarnya mereka ini sentiasa menunggu untuk menangguk di air keruh..apabila kesempatan itu tiba, mereka sanggup pijak2 orang lain sampai lumat tanpa sedikitpun rasa simpati. Tapi kita pula sejak dari dulu sentiasa bertolak ansur sahaja kerana kita ada rasa hormat dan belas kasihan yang didasarai ajaran Islam yang melarang kita menzalimi sesama manusia..garis panduan Orang Islam tentang konsep zalim itu jelas..
    Kita harap Tun orang yang ada niat mengambil sesuatu yang bukan hak mereka perlu sedarkan diri berfikiran terbuka kerana itu sahaja caranya untuk menjamin kemakmuran negara ini..cara lain mungkin boleh mengundang keganasan yang akan merugikan semua..

    my..my..my…what a pampered chinese nowadays? The fact because of PERKASA i turn my vote on to BN during the election though i prefered much a malay as a candicate.
    You CHINESE are truly ungrateful species with your KIASU attitude always find wrong at we Malay – the land provided for your ancestors only because you feel that you are rich and successfull now. Those days your forefathers are begging us for business and we Malay has no hurts feeling supporting you as our so call friends.
    To Chinese people in Malyasia : Please be reasonable and berpijak
    dibumi nyata – jangan melampau and mengada2.!!!!

  39. Yang Berbahagia Tun,
    MAZAI feels….. All Malays and Bumiputeras must stand firm in protecting their interest and right. The question of racist does not arise at all. If other people think protecting Malay and Bumiputeras right are considered racist and violating the laws or against Constitution than they also has no right to touch this issues.
    If they are not happy with what ever provisions in the Constitution which have been brilliantly drafted by my ‘Grand Pa’ and their non Malays friends they are not elligable to become Malaysia citizen. Better for the to reside in other countries where there are no Malays and Bumiputeras.
    Think about this.

  40. Salaam kasih dan hormat Tun Che Det
    It seems that my earlier comment was not posted on your blog. I do understand the extreme views that i penned regarding the Zionist Jews and anti-Semitism. And i understand that it is unsuitable to be posted here…your much respected blog space. I apologize.
    Dear Tun
    Quoting your point number 9:
    “…even in this country racial violence have been known to happen.”
    Sometimes i ponder on the thought…what if racial violence were to happen…again? Who are the losing parties? The Malays? The Chinese? The Indians? Or any other ethnic groups of beloved Malaysia?
    And which parties were to gain?
    Any way you look at it…the MALAYSIANS will be at the losing end. EVERYONE LOSES! The situation will be seen by ‘outside powers’ as an opportunity to conquer (remember..we have oil on our shores, natural resources, strategic geographical location etc etc). And at that particular time WE WILL ALL LOSE OUR FREEDOM.
    My dear friends…my fellow Malaysians
    Let us tell our leaders especially to those leaders who stoke racial sentiments…forget our differences. Let us share what we have. It is more than enough for everyone. No point in pointing fingers and quarrel like children.
    Last but NOT least…KEEP AWAY FROM THE JEWS! They are LIARS and (1)never (2)never (3)never to be trusted. You will be asking for SERIOUS TROUBLE if you do.
    Wishing u the best of health Tun. Congratulations on Hulu Selangor. Semoga Tun dipanjangkan umur.

    By ekompute on April 27, 2010 3:30 PM
    Tell me honestly… better still, tell Allah in your next sembahyang,..
    Ps. Perhaps Singapore does not practice Ketuanan Cina …BUT THE ‘TANAH BESAR CHINA’ DOES…JUST LIKE ‘SEMENANJUNG TANAH MELAYU’
    Kautim, ma?

  42. salam to you Tun,
    just like to share with all, about :
    Aliens may exist but contact would hurt: Hawking
    AFP – Monday, April 26
    LONDON (AFP) –

  43. Salam Tun,
    Isu rasisme ini sekarang semakin hangat diperkata dan diperdebatkan. Hal ini bertambah ketara selepas PRK Hulu Selangor yang menyaksikan kemenangan calon BN.
    Saya agak terkejut dengan pendirian PERKASA yg mahukan kerajaan supaya tidak membantu kaum cina hanya kerana mereka memberikan undi kepada pembangkang. Benar, cadangan ini mungkin akan memberikan kesan jangka pendek yg baik terhadap kerajaan BN tetapi tidak untuk jangkamasa panjang terumatanya menjelang PRU13 nanti.
    Mengikut analisis di Hulu Selangor, lebih 70% pengundi cina telah mengundi pembangkang, dan sekiranya cadangan PERKASA itu diterima, berkemungkinan lebih ramai pengundi cina akan beralih kepada PR, mungkin mencecah sehingga 90%. Jika trend ini berterusan pada PRU13 nanti, berkemungkinan besar BN akan kalah teruk.
    Kalau kita lihat, kebarangkalian kaum melayu dan india mengundi sama ada BN atau PR adalah lebih kurang 50-50. Kalau ada jurang perbezaan pun ianya adalah kecil (kecuali di sesetengah kawasan DUN/Parlimen). Tetapi hal ini tidak terjadi pada kaum cina yang kadarnya berada pada 30% kepada BN, 70& kepada PR. Jadi, kaum cina menjadi penentu kemenangan kepada calon pilihanraya. Kaum cina didapati lebih mementingkan isu nasional dalam memberikan undi mereka berbanding kaum melayu dan india yang lebih mementingkan isu-isu harian di sekeliling mereka.
    Sesuatu perlu dilakukan kepada kaum cina, dalam bentuk yang lebih baik, bukannya cadangan yang negatif tadi yang mana akan merugikan kerajaan pada masa depan.

  44. Assalamu’alaikum Tun,
    sebenar nya dalam hal perkauman,orang Melayu telah terlalu lama mengambil sikap bertahan,tidak menyerang.padahal kita berpijak di bumi sendiri.orang-orang asing yg kita beri kerakyatan pulak yg begitu berani,beriya-iya benar cuba memcetak-membentuk akal-pemikiran kita tentang apa yg betul atau salah.
    dan kita secara buta-tuli termakan dgn umpan mereka.konon nya mempertahankan hak orang Melayu di Tanah Melayu adalah bersikap perkauman.dan mereka menuntut hak setara dgn kita adalah keadilan.kalau beginilah cara kita berfikir,seluruh Malaysia akan jadi seperti S’pura.sesudah mereka menguasai segala-gala nya,adakah mereka akan berkongsi kuasa dgn kita? hujung kuku pun kita takkan dapat apa-apa.kita kemudian akan di ajar tiga perkataan yg lebih jijik dari racist iaitu 1)meritokrasi 2)toleransi dan 3)business-decision yg meletakkan orang Melayu pada tahap yg sangat parah.
    saya tidak mahu menjelaskan secara panjang lebar mengenai tiga perkataan yg menjijikkan ini,pandai-pandai lah buat kajian yg adil mengenai kehidupan orang Melayu S’pura.cukuplah sekadar saya menyatakan kekesalan yg tak sudah-sudah saudara-saudara kita disana diatas kesilapan Tunku memberi kerakyatan kpd orang-orang asing dan kemudian menghadiahkan S’pura kpd LKY.
    sebab itu kita sangat perlu berhati-hati dgn bangsa yg satu ini.segala gerak bunyi mereka harus kita curiga.tak boleh kita ambil ringan sebab mereka ini bangsa hebat.walaupun mereka bukan lah bangsa yg punya sejarah gemilang menang perang,tetap itu tidak mengurangkan kehebatan permainan politik mereka.dan kita tak boleh sekadar mengambil sikap bertahan saja,menunggu mereka menyerang hak-hak kita untuk kemudian nya kita memakai logika yg sama dgn mereka dalam mempertahankan hak kita,kononnya kita perlu akur pada kontrak sosial seolah-olah hak yg kita dapat ini adalah belas-ihsan nenek-moyang mereka yg mempersetujui kontrak sosial itu.
    perlu ada sebagian dari kalangan kita yg mula menuntut agar kontrak sosial itu dibatalkan bersama pembatalan kerakyatan yg kita beri kpd mereka.perlu ada pertubuhan-pertubuhan Melayu bertindak ala Hindraf menyaman kerajaan British yg membawa masuk dan meninggalkan orang-orang asing itu menjadi gangguan dibumi kita.bukan kah kita lebih berhak dan punya kes yg nyata untuk mengambil tindakkan begitu? saya rasa kerajaan British harus memberi jawapan kpd orang Melayu.
    agama Islam dan kedudukkan Raja-raja Melayu rasa nya lebih terpelihara dizaman British berbanding sekarang ini dimana kerajaan begitu lemah sekali,tunduk terbongkok-bongkok hendakkan undi orang-orang asing,yg tak sepatut nya diberi hak mengundi.tidak cukup kah orang-orang asing ini diberi kerakyatan saja? kenapa mesti beri mereka hak mengundi?
    Tun,kita tak cukup layak untuk disebut racist.kita tak ada blueprint yg jelas untuk kebangkitan bangsa kita secara perkasa.komen-komen kita disini,komen Tun dan komen saya dan komen saudara-saudara kita yg lain,ia hanya lah sekadar menyuarakan kebimbangan dan penakatan bangsa kita.orang kafir adalah musuh yg hebat,ada kemungkinan kita kalah.jadi kita perlu berhati-hati…
    terimakasih Tun.

  45. “Non Malays have been using these issues & statements to drown the Malays’ voices. ” Speedbird.
    Huh? The Govt of UMNO/BN owns and controls most TV stations and Newspapers like Utusan, NST, STAR, BH, etc, and those not owned by them are subject to strict compliance licensing conditions and can be suspended or withdrawn if they don’t toe the line strictly!
    85% of the Civil Service, Army, Navy, Airforce, GLC’s , Teaching and University/College professions, Police, Rela, Judiciary are staffed by Bumiputra who also make up some 60% of Malaysia’s population!
    So, would you care to explain how non-Malays drown out the Malay voices? How is it remotely possible? What have you been smoking?
    we are all of 1 race, the Human Race

  46. Wajaperak
    many thanks for your comments – however your comments do not align to the question I asked my guest…
    Its not so much if it’s about respecting (or not showing disrepect) to another’s place of worship, but more how many people of one faith have visited a place of worship of another?
    And if you chose to research or ask around, you will actually find the % is small and we while are ‘tolerant’ about other races, are insecure in our believes and faith when It comes to understanding another’s.
    I had the honor of being educated in a Christian missionary run school, and attended bible class and Sunday school while remaining a staunch Hindu.
    My best friend in Secondary school was a devout Muslim and his father was the Imam in one of the biggest Mosques in Johor, and I had both visited the Mosque many times, always respecting the requirements to enter this wonderful place of worship. And I have felt the same inspiration if I were to have visited a temple or a church as I would when I have been to a mosque, becuase at the end of day, my inspiration comes from my faith that God is benefactor to all, regardless of their color, creed or religion.
    Be it a Church, Mosque, Temple, I have found the same peace and belief that God shows us the path if we choose to be sincere and willing to open our hearts and minds.
    Yet, I see many Hindus, Muslims and Christians insecure if they made efforts to better understand another faith, they could lose their core values. That to me shows they have not the strength or confidence in their own belief system.
    Ask youself Wajaperak – have you been able to step inside a Hindu temple and walked out feeling inspired that you felt the inspiration of the allmighthy while remaining a Muslim?
    If you haven’t been in one or have not felt comfortable making such a visit – why is that?

  47. Speedbird says: “Some organization such as a famous Kopitiam franchise will out rightly reject any non chinese applicants. I guess, Najib better not waste time on 1 Malaysia, as whatever is being done to get the support of the non malays will not entice them back into BN. I hope whatever Najib is doing will not loosen the support of the Malays, his core voters!!! Tun, I wonder what did you do before. You had all Malaysians support regardless of race. You don’t have to mention 1Malaysia, it just happened.”
    Well Speedbird, sorry that I don’t know which Kopitiam franchise you are talking about. Do they serve halal food only or do they also serve pork?
    But I do agree with you about 1Malaysia. Najib is promoting 1Malaysia and expecting the non-Malays to believe in him, even as his ministers are sending a different message. It is better for Najib to convince his own ministers first before he tries to convince the non-Malays, don’t you think so? Why would anyone believe in Najib when he is the only one in UMNO who is in favor of 1Malaysia? If he can’t convince his own ministers, it is better for him to focus on his core voters and let Pakatan take over the federal government.
    Speedbird, you said that you wonder how Tun did it before. You really want to know? Well, no one except Tun knows best. But we can only guess. He controlled the mass media very tightly, make use of propaganda to the fullest, and also made use of the ISA to clamp down dissent. But he also turn Malaysia into a thriving economy and everyone was happy. I take my hats off to Tun for handling the 1997 Asia Financial Crisis because he knows that the monetary value of assets are governed by market sentiment (or mass psychology) and not real. I also admire him because despite overwhelming and possibly unanimous criticism, he did not falter and persevered and proved the whole world wrong until George Soros and IMF had to admit that Tun was right in his approach to solving the problem.
    Having said that, we must also note that the internet was not available yet until around 1995. We must also acknowledge the Anwar factor that split the Malay grounds into two, otherwise BN will not have a strong contender up to this day. As a multiracial party that doesn’t have Malay support, DAP will never succeed on its own and will never become a serious contender.
    I also salute Tun for knowing when to step down, otherwise he might have been dishonorably disposed of via the 2004 general elections. As you know, Ahmad Abdullah Badawi won 90.8% of the popular vote not because of what he has done but because everyone was tired of Tun after Anwar’s sodomy charge which many people still do not believe it is not politically-motivated.
    And look what Ahmad Abdullah Badawi obtained in the 2008 elections when he had to fight the election based solely on his 5-year performance as Prime Minister. The government was on autopilot between 2004-2008 and it may not be too far-fetched to say that Malaysia did not have a Prime Minister during those 4 years.
    Well, I still think that Tun should have chosen Najib but alas! The R-A-H-M-A-N Prophesy didn’t allow him to do so. And it does seem that Najib will be the last of UMNO.
    I think that always puzzle me is why Tun is so Malaycentric when his intelligence is world class and he could be a world class leader. The only thing I can think of is that Tun is a constitutional Malay and not an ethnic Malay and therefore he has to prove himself to be more Malay than Malay. Anyway, this is the only reason that I can think of.

  48. Dear Tun,
    I am one of your admirer and eager for your thinking and leadership.If we studying the history,British has separate us in their way and unfortunately ,we are not wealth as Chinese in Malaya as we are doing agriculture and Chinese doing business.The Chinese is more expose to the Business and well develop.
    I can say that since Tun Abdul Razak has implement Dasar Ekonomi Baru (DEB),Malays are trying to improve themselves through government projects,education and business minded thinking.but there is still a problem of ‘Ali Baba’.
    When you take over the country,i would like to say that you bring the investment wave to the Malaysia and you has recognize some of the Malay CEO into corporate world.The great challenge in the country is when you handle Anwar Ibrahim,the world know that Anwar Ibrahim is with America agenda’s to destroy your leadership,and malay is separate into two when Anwar Ibrahim is convincing people to not voting you,but the Chinese is helping you with the vote on that particular time.nwar Ibrahim is the men with a lot of mask because he is the one to bring in IMF principle into the country and Malaysia is saved by your action to stop any external environment which bring Malaysia going to bankruptcy.
    World saying that Malay is too much pampered and be given here and that especially in projects by government or etc and i believe also world also knowing Malay can be tolerated when they be a leader because we know what is happening in Singapore and MIC’s internal bleeding.
    But,why we cannot share the (DEB)pie?the DEB actually is to help Malay because we actually at poor stage on those days.
    Your concept of ‘leap frog’ on that time is actually to boost up the Malay economy,you have introduced Malay in corporate world ..in the same time you helping to gain relationship with Chinese and Indian which is much appreciated.
    I would like to say that,Kalamanathan is not the ‘is Indian but he is an UMNO puppet’ according to one of your commenter.Actually,in MIC,MCA and Parti Progresif Rakyat has their legitimate powers which conduct ‘collective bargaining’ with UMNO,which we actually do not realised,etc we can see how MCA acted to say that KFC and MCDonald in Malaysia are not healthy because the the CEO in this companies are Malay?and how the PPP said that the CITOS must be remove because the indian mostly bankruptcy by CITOS?
    How UMNO react on this?UMNO always play their role as father in this scenario by create ‘win-win’ situation.
    Tun Dr Mahathir know how to fullfill on how is actually Chinese and Indian wants?Tun Dr Mahathir has running the country by create good economy situation,which that is good formula for 1malaysia in trully speaking.
    If chinese dominant in politic..we can see how chinese rules the singapore?if indian ,we can see how MIC and parti progresif rakyat is stab to each other..the formula is Malay must dominant in this country with politic and strong order of economy.
    The problem with PKR is actually,they don’t have a clear objective about the economy but for vote specifically.we can see how Datuk Khalid Ibrahim plays an important role to keep coming the Chinese in UITM,…you know why?because PKR has Chinese voters that they bargain to be same with Malay privilege such as to be in UITM.Hulu Selangor election has proof us how Chinese is very keen to be supportive in this PKR’s notion?Malay is actually puppet in Chinese and Indian inside PKR,i know that there is lot of applicant from Chinese and Indian to PKR ,..to win the vote at Hulu Selangor Election.
    Some malay do not realize this because they intend to be emotional when against UMNO ..the Malay Party.
    UMNO leaders should follow the good example of leader such as Tuan Guru Nik Aziz (PAS Leader)because this man is low profile,spiritually and getting with people closely and the most excited part is he doesn’t use peoples money by staying in official state government house.
    All this matter has brought up because Tun Abdullah Badawi has clean up the country with his Khairy Jamaludin ..i hope that UMNO not give this young man too much because people know this man behind some business in the Malaysia such Halal Development Country (HDC) and so forth.I thanked to Najib because do not give Khairy as Minister ..Tun Abdullah Badawi makes malay really disappointing.
    Najib hopefully can give the fair treatment to Malay because Malay still not having the pie …and good economy formula to Chinese and Indian and other race in Malaysia..
    Malaysia will have great time when we have good economy formula..and share to all races in Malaysia as one Malaysia.

  49. Dear YBhg Tun, asmkm
    I saw your energetic face together with your team on the night Saturday 24th April at Tmn Bunga Raya Bkt Beruntung. Although, I was not a voter for Hulu Selangor, I came for majlis ilmu that night.
    During campaining week, I overheard someone in a coffeshop asking why we are (BN) electing an Indian to represent us instead of choosing malay opposition. I went over and asked them as to why they are asking this question when they know very well that for over twenty years no one asked this question during YBhg Tun Dr Mahathir’s administration.
    I can only speculate the opposition has gone to coffee shop playing field to spread this sentiment. They have succeeded, given the fact that Tmn Bunga Raya, Bukit Beruntung and Bukit Sentosa are full of eating oulets and coffeeshops. Is this racism?
    Datuk Sri Najib mentioned on the night, the malays have big heart, that they are open to get everyone to work together. Alas, we still see over 20 thounsands of our friends still voted for opposition.
    Racism is rampant nowadays, compare to Tun Dr Mahathir’s era. I can only summarise that there are too many pengkhianat or resident-evil in our malay community, chinese community, indian community and other smaller communities. It is an uphill task for Datuk Sri Najib and his cabinet. With continuous planning and specific action, we will manage, the spirit of historical leaders like Tun and the rest, who have kept Malaysia a happy place to live.
    I feel that every BN team member on campaign trail has to be better, fully train for the next general election. Get them to acquire the caring skill of a teacher, knowledgeable and deciphering of a reader and stamina to the last hour of a climber. Sent them to PLKN, pusat latihan kanak-kanak or similar, so that they can test how much they know and what they need to do to be successful.
    Lastly, all resident-evil, please pay your respect to one-Malaysia, this is the same spirit when our leaders agreed to get independence for Malaysia. He….he… the existence of many many comtemporary resident-evil remind me of communism again……

  50. Tun, adakah terdapat masalah atau isu perkauman semasa zaman Rasulullah s.a.w.? Jika ada, bagaimanakah masalah-masalah tersebut diselesaikan? Mungkin semua bangsa dlm blog chedet ni bley buat kajian dan huraikan penemuan kajian tersebut. Huraian kena lah jujur. Terima kasih.

  51. Salam Tun,
    Saya berpendapat orang Melayu di Malaysia sangat cintakan keamanan sehingga lupa bahawa Maruah agama, bangsa dan negara diinjak2 oleh kaum bangsat ini.
    Ya, sejarah juga telah menunjukkan Orang Melayu berkompromi segala2ya hanya untuk mengelakkan pertumpahan darah.
    Kini mereka mahu kita mengaku sebagai Malaysian first, Malay second? apa ertinya? Maknanya Malaysia bukan lagi Tanah Melayu.
    Ada pihak yang menyangkal Malaysia sebagai Tanah Melayu dan menamkannya “Multi Nations State”. Adakah ini wajar? Tidak sedarkah orang Melayu bahawa kaum ini telah memulakan langkah untuk menghilangkan status Tanah Melayu Ini… Ya, mungkin buat permulaan mereka mahu dianggap setaraf dengan kita dengan melabelkan “Multi nations state”. Kemudian mereka akan melabelkan “Satellite China state”. Bolehkah kita berdiam diri lagi.
    Mula2 mereka mohon menghapuskan DEB. Kemudian mereka mohon hapuskan status istimewa melayu. kemudian mereka minta keluarkan Islam dari Perlembagaan. Kemudian raja2 dan seterusnya… Kenapa pemikiran komunis seperti ini masih dibiarkan di Malaysia?
    Mereka hanya melihat sumbangan mereka kepada ekonomi negara. Itupun tidak benar kerana sumbangan utama ekonomi negara adalah Petronas. Mereka tidak lihat sumbangan orang Melayu dalam Pertahanan negara dsb.
    Mereka sibuk menghina Mat rempit… tetapi mereka tidak menzahirkan siapa dalang pengedaran dadah, sindiket kongsi gelap dsb.
    Banyak masalah sosial disebabkan oleh bangsa mereka. Orang yang suka melakukan rasuah kepada polis juga daripada bangsa mereka… adakah kita tidak sedar?
    Orang Melayu terlalu cintakan kedamaian hingga tidak mahu bergaduh atas sebab apapun…
    Kerajaan mewar2kan negara Malaysia bersatu padu. Walaupun pada hakikatnya kita hanya aman di permukaan. Sebenarnya tidak ada perpaduan. Semua orang melihat Malaysia pada sudut yg berbeza. Sejarah juga diintepretasi oleh kaum lain, lain dari kaum Melayu. Ada ke patut mereka melabelkan Melayu sebagai pendatang sebagaimana mereka?
    Mungkin kerajaan tidak boleh memaksa golongan pendatang asimilasi sebab orang Melayu sendiri yang mendiamkan diri. Hmm… mungkin ada baiknya orang Melayu Malaysia belajar serba sedikit daripada Jirannya Indonesia. Kadang2 sifat terlalu cintakan kedamaian membolehkan orang lain memijak kita…. ya, di bumi sendiri!
    Sekian. Sebahagian daripada pendapat saya.

  52. Salam Tun,
    Masaalah perkauman dinegara kita seharusnya sudah berlalu. Kita telah merdeka sekian lama tetapi pemikiran kita masih lagi berfikir didalam kotak. Saya seorang melayu dan telah melalui banyak dasar ekonomi baru yg semata2 untuk menjuak orang melayu supaya menjadi satu bangsa yg maju dan dihormati. Bench mark kita mengenai kemewahan ialah dgn orang berbangsa tionghwa. Kita sering menbandingkan kemiskinan orang melayu dengan kemewahan yg dinikmati oleh org tionghwa. Kita sering menyatakan bahawa UMNO adalah pembela orang melayu dan org melayu sesama melayu sering menyatakan kita harus bantu org kita. Tetapi hakikatnya semakin kita memperkatakan bab bantu menbantu ini semakin jauh org melayu ketinggalan. Sebenarnya pemimpin2 melayu telah terlepas pandang. Perkara asas didalam masyarakat yg majmuk ini ialah penguasaan bahasa. Untuk menjadi satu bangsa yg berjaya kita harus berupaya menguasai sekurang2nya 3 bahasa. Masyarakat tionghwa dan india pada asasnya telah menguasai 3 bahasa ini dan masyarakat melayu masih lagi dgn bahasa ketuanan melayunya.
    Tun Dr mahathir,
    Tidak lama lagi Tun dan saya akan meninggalkan dunia yg fana ini dan jika masyarakat melayu masih lagi dgn ketuanan melayu yg tidak kemana itu tidak mustahil melayu akan menjadi hamba kepada kaum lain di negara kita ini dan hancurlah anak2 cucu kita. Apa yg ada difikiran saya ini ialah jika ditakdirkan saya menjadi perdana menteri dinegara ini perkara pertama yg saya lakukan ialah saya mahu semua org melayu menguasai bahasa mandarin dan tamil. Saya percaya dgn menguasai dua bahasa + bahasa inggeris masyarakat melayu akan menjadi kompetitif dan saya percaya kerajaan tidak payah sibuk2 lagi dgn DEBnya.
    Tun Dr Mahathir,
    Dasar pandang ketimur yg tun laksanakan dahulu adalah satu kejayaan yg besar dalam era pemerintahan tun dan kini banyak anak2 melayu yg berkerja dgn syarikat Jepun sebagai peneraju dasar didalam industri yg diceburinya. Anak buah saya adalah salah seorang darinya dan kini ia menjadi rebutan diantara syarikat gergasi jepun dinegara ini. Dirinya sangat kompetitif dan berupaya memiliki kemewahan yg jauh lebih baik dari saya alami.
    Sebagai kesimpulanya untuk menjadi satu bangsa yg berjaya bangsa itu haruslah berupaya menguasai banyak bahasa dari bangsa2 yg ada didunia ini. Percaya atau tidak marilah kita renungkan bersama.
    Hentikan UMNO dgn ketuanan Melayunya dan hentikan Perkasa dgn kemelayuanya. UMNO dan Perkasa harus menguasai bahasa cina dan tamil supaya mereka bolih menjadi ahli MCA dan MIC dan dgn cara inilah kita berupaya menyelinap dan memahami rahsia2 kejayaan mereka.

  53. Dear Tun,
    We are from the organizer of National Conference – “CEO’s Mind : Today’s Talk for Tomorrow’s Walk”. We are feel sorry to hear that Tun can’t attend to our conference in 22nd of May. However, I am here to again begging Tun to support us in this program and honorably officiate the opening ceremony of our conference on 23rd May 2010.
    We are lack of time and we have been approached Tun’s office since October 2009. We are not going to give up. We understand Tun’s limited time, however, we also understand that Tun was a student before and a talk from a great leader will inspire our students to look up in the perspective of CEO’s Mind.
    We are hereby looking up for Tun’s surprise decision to officiate our program as Tun always fill with surprises. May God bless us in changing Tun’s mind to be with us. We can be contacted through [email protected] or [email protected].
    Sorry for interrupting Tun over and over again. We put our full efforts in this program and we believe we deserved to be in the eyes of a great leader like Tun to support us. Thank you for your time.
    I do understand that this comment will not be posted. Thank you.
    Abdul Qhafur Bin Abdul Mutalib
    CEO’s Mind :
    Today’s Talk for Tomorrow’s Walk
    [email protected]

  54. Speedbird, you say: “On the other hand, assistance, jobs and business opportunity will only be given to non malays. Some are even bolder to publish advertisements: CHINESE ONLY and some subtle ones publish vacancies or opportunities as: MANDARIN SPEAKERS ONLY.”
    First and foremost, Mandarin speakers will exclude me, even though I am Chinese. As for those advertisements that says Chinese only, how many percent says that? Don’t just see a few of them or 5%, say, and then say ALL. By right, we should pass a law like the United States that disallows any employer from asking for race. Even so, our name does tell. Yet, it at least shows where the government is leading us to.
    Our government, by and large, believes in Ketuanan Melayu, with the sole exception of Najib. Yes, I will vote for Najib anytime, but voting for Najib would mean also voting for his racist ministers. That’s why I can’t vote for Najib and if he wants to take away 1Malaysia, so be it. We had 22 years of Ketuanan Melayu under Tun and we still survive.
    As regards CHINESE ONLY, how about bumiputera only? Why don’t you complain about racism? If you think you are not racist, can you forget about Ketuanan Melayu and then ban anyone who advertise “CHINESE ONLY”? Can you? Don’t tell me, tell Allah in your next sembahyang.

  55. Dear Tun and my fellow readers,
    Yes, I agree with Tun that we need to discuss this racial issue by facts, not by merely calling names. So I started with some.
    Understanding the complexity of multiracial country
    Managing multiracial population is difficult

  56. Assallammualaikumwarahmatullahiwabarokatuh.
    Semoga mendapat izin dan perkenan Tun.
    [[tell Allah in your next sembahyang, “Did the government ever sincerely try to implement that objective?” If so, why then do the non-Malays hate the NEP and wants it terminated? And why only the Malays want it to be prolonged indefinitely, if this stated objective has been truly implemented?]]
    No wonder people believe that you are so kurang ajar!!
    Rude!Arrogant snob!
    Me?..I just echoing their sentiment..
    You did not know about Islam.So don’t touch any subject about Islam.Just follow the good lead of HBT and S..Tan
    I does not agrees with your religion.But I keep the opinion to myself.And regarding Islam..
    Keep your opinion to yourself.
    That what racism and anti-semitism started in the first place.
    Ribuan terima kasih Tun.

  57. You know there are two levels of dialogue here, one at the level you communicate with us. When reporters ask for reasons why the Chinese vote went down in P94, you answer we need to investigate. So, that’s the kind of high level dialogue you have with us. We know what you mean and feel with you the pains and implications of the decline.
    When the PR responds, their words are not dialogue. Even the level of dialogue my wive has in the pasar is of a higher order than what the PR has with anybody, whether its own body politic or others. It’s no dialogue. It’s just unthinking thoughts uttered by the flesh, solely driven by greed, for power.
    Even Sin Chew and the Star are party to this charade of words which suppresses the truth through its sheer level of noise.
    It is this noise that has penetrated certain sections of the population, particularly the urban and middles classes, without any conception or effort to understand what real freedom or rights mean, as opposed to absolute freedom and rights.
    We have to balance absolute freedom and its catastrophic consequences with the need for regulation and long term public interests, which responsibilty is BN’s as the party with the mandate in parliament. But obscurantist forces will subvert this, because long term interest is difficult to prove.
    1Malaysia, KPI, social contract people first/performance first has served to undermine PR’s suppression of truth, but that’s not enough. BN components also are in sympathy with this ‘absolute’ thinking.
    Ethnic identity and discussions have to stay until inter-ethnic inequities are addressed, and our genes have adapted to a non-ethnic world. The model that each ethnic community resolves it’s own problems does not prevent any member from being ethical, virtous or asserting we are Malaysian when going abroad.
    The PR has now initiated an assault on the royalty.
    PR’s rhetoric and moves have to be countered more effectively.

  58. Pakatan still on track to Putrajaya after Hulu Selangor
    By Kenny Gan
    It was an intense hard fought by-election in a traditional Umno stronghold which many said was too close to call. BN

  59. Dear Tun,
    Your article this time is spot on.
    Non Malays have been using these issues & statements to drown the Malays’ voices. Whenever the malays speak about rights, they will be labeled as racists. On the other hand, assistance, jobs and business opportunity will only be given to non malays. Some are even bolder to publish advertisements: CHINESE ONLY and some subtle ones publish vacancies or opportunities as: MANDARIN SPEAKERS ONLY.
    Some organization such as a famous Kopitiam franchise will out rightly reject any non chinese applicants. I guess, Najib better not waste time on 1 Malaysia, as whatever is being done to get the support of the non malays will not entice them back into BN.
    I hope whatever Najib is doing will not loosen the support of the Malays, his core voters!!!
    Tun, I wonder what did you do before. You had all Malaysians support regardless of race. You don’t have to mention 1 Malaysia, it just happened.

  60. Dear Dr Mahathir,
    Please consider the following:
    1.the unprecedented money splashed by Barisan Nasional in Hulu selangor election to kill off PKR and Zaid. Barisan Nasional

  61. Antikayjey, you said: “The DAP is more racist. They want to rule Malaysia using the Malaysian Malaysia concept that is the same as communism.”
    Antikayjey, do you know what is the meaning of “Malaysian”? If so, how can you call that racist? By the way, Malaysia is probably one of the very, very few countries, if not the only country, in the world that does not practise the equivalent of Malaysian Malaysia. Can I presume then that Indonesia, UK, America, and many other countries are communist? If so, it is better to be communist than racist.
    You mentioned: “The fact remains that we do not want to steal other people’s right.” Well, very good. The first objective of the NEP is “Menghapuskan kemiskinan dalam kalangan rakyat tanpa mengira kaum“. Tell me honestly… better still, tell Allah in your next sembahyang, “Did the government ever sincerely try to implement that objective?” If so, why then do the non-Malays hate the NEP and wants it terminated? And why only the Malays want it to be prolonged indefinitely, if this stated objective has been truly implemented?
    You mentioned: “Different from those Chinese who wants everything to themselves and do not want to share.” Look at Singapore. Do they practise Ketuanan Cina?
    You mentioned: “Moreover, the 30% economic cake that is supposed to be achieved by the Malays in the NEP is not achieved.” If you are given a project within a specified time frame and you cannot achieve it, who do you blame? And how can it be achieved if the economic cake is kept only by a few UMNOputras and they are not reported, nor can it be reported? Even assuming that this is not true, Malays have been given every help these 40 years since 1970 and the Chinese and Indian immigrants came, mostly during the first half of the 20th century… not as towkay with big capital, but as laborers.
    Are you saying that the Malay race is inferior? That what was originally envisaged to be achieved in 20 years (1970-1990) cannot be achieved even after doubling the time frame, i.e. 40 years? So how many years do you need then to catch up? Truth be said, as long as you don’t practise competing on a level field, you will never catch up. How can someone who has never fought before or fight only with opponents by tying one of their arms, ever win a boxing competition. Fat hopes, right? They will always remain as they are… unable to compete locally, what more internationally. So you will always need crutches, come a thousand years! No one will give you two hoots if you ask for special privileges outside of Malaysia.
    I am happy to see so many Malays rejecting tongkats, although their numbers are still small. Actually the Malays are not stupid, but some of them are just lazy and wants the easy way out. Of course, it is easier to be given fishes than to fish for oneself, isn’t it true?

  62. Hi Hajar, we are all human and fallible. We each have our own opinions. Whether our opinion is right or wrong, God, or in your case, Allah, will decide. All I can say is that racists may not reach their syurga, if I am to believe that all religions teach one to be good. Do you agree with me that Islam abhors racism?
    Jesus said, “Many are called, but few are chosen.” I wonder whether this also applies to Islam or is it that anyone who doesn’t eat pork but practise Ketuanan Melayu and fight for the Malay race (and only the Malay race, rather than the human race) will go to syurga? In fact, I would like to believe that Allah likes those who fight for the whole world, and dislikes those who fight only for themselves, their families, and their own race. I have quoted Surah 49 Al-Hujurat (Ayat 13) many times in this blog. Need me to repeat? I guess not, you should know better than me.
    You said: “Well ekompute. I support Ketuanan Melayu, Perkasa and also Tun. So, am I a racist???” I won’t answer that, let Allah do it on Hari Kiamat. Fair?
    You also said: “I also support Kamalanathan. Am I an Indian???” No, Kamalanathan is Indian but he is an UMNO puppet. You support him, not because he is Indian, but because he is an UMNO puppet. And you know very well that he cannot do anything, unless UMNO nods its head.
    You say I am a racist. Well, yes, I may appear to be racist, but only when I am facing racists. I like to go to a Malay shop to eat nasi lemak for breakfast because Malays generally prepare the best nasi lemak. I like to go to a Malay shop to buy my cigarettes because cigarettes are fixed price everywhere. I like to go there because these Malays enjoy chatting with me, but if one day they say they believe in Ketuanan Melayu, you can bet that I won’t be going there anymore, even if they give me the cigarette free of charge. Am I a racist? Well, you can say yes, but only to racists. Even then, it is not correct.
    I sympathize with the poor Indian community and I NEVER support nor will EVER support MCA. I also hate some of those wealthy and arrogant Chinese, and also the not-so-rich but think themselves hellavu great Chinese. Does that make me a racist? I never supported DAP but with Ketuanan Melayu, I now support them. Am I racist? Yes, you can say that because I become a racist when the Malaysian society has to face racists. Honestly, if I were voting in Hulu Selangor, I would have voted for Zaid Ibrahim and not Kamalalanathan. Am I racist? Well, you answer that for yourself.
    You say: This is Tun

  63. Assalamualaikum…
    Saya tertarik dengan keputusan pilihanraya Hulu Selangor dimana sokongan pengundi Cina lebih kepada pembangkang.
    Di sini saya ingin berkongsi pendapat tentang perkara ini mengenai sikap dan trend pengundi-pengundi kaum cina di hulu selangor.
    Saya ada berbicara dengan pengundi kaum cina di hulu selangor mengenai siapakah yg mereka mahu pilih.
    Jawapannya memang telah diduga iaitu pihak pembangkang.
    Dan saya bertanya kenapa pilih pembangkang kenapa tidak BN?
    Mereka berpendapat bahawa mereka memilih pihak pembangkang bagi kawasan parlimen kerana hendak pihak pembangkang dapat menyuarakan atau menghalang sekiranya sesuatu keputusan kerajaan sebagai contoh yang paling mudah adalah kenaikan harga barang-barang keperluan, minyak, gula dan sebagainya. Dengan adanya pihak pembangkang yang ramai akan menidakkan 2/3 undian di parlimen nanti.
    Bagi kawasan DUN mereka akan menyokong BN kerana mereka berpendapat kerajaan negeri dapat melaksanakan semua kerja-kerja berkaitan dan menyelesaikan masalah setempat seperti perparitan, kebersihan, infrastruktur dan sebagainya.
    Jadi di sini saya berpendapat mereka lebih tertumpu kepada peringkat nasional di mana sebarang keputusan kerajaan hendaklah mengutamakan kepentingan rakyat.
    Jika kerajaan terlalu kuat dan tiada pembangkang yang kuat maka kerajaan akan boleh membuat sebarang keputusan sesuka hati kerana mempunyai 2/3 wakil di parlimen.
    Saya kira ada kebenaran juga apa yang difikirkan oleh pengundi-pengundi Cina ini yang perlu kerajaan Najib pertimbangkan iaitu dengan memberi keyakinan bukan sahaja kepada kaum cina sahaja malahan kepada seluruh rakyat di Malaysia bahawa kerajaan tidak akan membuat keputusan sesuka hati tanpa mengambil kira suara rakyat.
    Jadi kaum cina ini memang menggunakan pihak pembangkang untuk menyekat sebarang keputusan kerajaan bukannya tidak menyokong pihak kerajaan pada amnya.
    Saya harap TUN dapat memahami apa yang saya paparkan ini mungkin berguna untuk BN memenangi hati semua kaum di Malaysia ini.
    Harap TUN dapat memberi pertimbangan kepada pendapat saya ini kepada pihak kerajaan.
    Sekian Wassalam.

  64. Assalammualaikum Tok Det,
    1. Communism
    2. Fascism
    3. Racism
    4. Cronyism
    5. Nepotism
    6. Socialism
    7. Capitalism
    8. Imperialism
    9. Democracy
    10. Colonialism
    11. Divide and Rule
    12. Apartheid
    13. White Supremacy
    14 Antisemitism
    15. Zionism
    ….and the list goes on….
    1. Islamic Feudalism
    2. Islamic Malay Supremacy
    3. Islamic State
    4. Social Contract
    5. Mahathirism!!!
    If this the best we have for our country…then why not?
    Why can’t we have our own idealism? Our own way?
    What happen to us? our wisdom? our courage? our spirit? our racial tolerance?
    Don’t we have a right to think what best for us? our nation? our future generation?
    Why some of us so damn stupid? Can even think of our own good?
    Why must we follow the violence WILD WILD WEST?

  65. Dear Tun,
    1. Our true oppositions, I reckon, are the capitalists. Be them the locals or the aliens. They are very cunning people. The Indians and Chinese who came to Tanah Melayu, the recognized historical name of Peninsula Malaysia, were supposed to be laborers for plantation and mining activities. But some capitalists, the traders and the like, managed to sneak in. Today, they have become prominent contractors, traders, lawyers, doctors and even dominated the Government’s international trade negotiations.
    2. Last time, the Malays, owners of Tanah Melayu, gave them good gesture of welcome by granting citizenship. They repay the gesture by trying to dominate Malaysia. The same case may happen when we open up our market for free trades. After owning much of our businesses and capital, the capitalists will try to take charge in running our country.
    3. I am afraid it will be like Singapore. The Malays have lost their power to govern and most of their land to the capitalists.

  66. Assalamualaikum Tun,
    Semoga sihat senantiasa hendaknya…
    1. Melabel/ menggelar telah menjadi sebahagian elemen politik dan norma kehidupan …
    Fundamental isu di sini bukan gelaran yang menjadi masalah, sekiranya memang benar ianya adalah seperti yang di labelkan.
    Contoh…Chin Peng…Bapak Segala Komunis…serta peninggalan suku sakat dia di Malaysia ini terdiri dari pelbagai bangsa Cina, India dan ada melayu juga!
    2. Saya tidak fikir weightage/pemberat perkataan RACIST di Malaysia punyai magnitud serupa dengan perkataan Anti Semitic di Israel…(Inilah sebenarnya nawaitu DAP and Co. sedang usahakan)Jika mahu pun di bawa perkataan

    6.0 THANK YOU

  68. Dear Tun,
    I believe that certain faction of communities in Malaysia give support -only- if it profits them. That is their most important axiom. Give and take is not a good philosophy to them. Its all just business, and a good business practise is to maximize profit by any means. That is the only “practical thing” to business oriented people.
    Take SG for example, the issue of water. Why are they gung-ho hard pressed for Malaysia to give them an antiqued price of water? ..they insisted that because it is “according to the agreement”. However, nowdays, the main agreement of this country, The Constitution, is openly challenged at times. Sooner or later they will claim it is an antique document. The history of this country is irrelevant.

  69. Salam Tun,
    Di negara kita, sekiranya seseorang ahli politik itu memperjuangkan bangsanya kan di cop sebagai racist oleh pemerhati luar. Malangnya ada juga orang di dalam negara yang sependapat dengan mereka.
    Pada hakikat yang sebenarnya negara kita sememangnya terbahagi kepada kaum-kaum. Pemimpin kita selepas merdeka menyedari hakikat ini dan mereka tau bahawa satu-satunya cara untuk menyatu padukan kaum adalah melalui pemimpin berasaskan kaum. Orang luar tidak faham senario ini kerana mereka bukan dibesar negara ini.
    Kita boleh ‘force’ pendekatan kesamarataan sesama kaum. Tetapi kita perlu fikirkan akibatnya. Tidak semua berpendapat kesamarataan kaum itu adalah adil. Belajar melalui sejarah, 13 Mei banyak mengajar kita. Dalam penulisan Tun dulu pun ada menyebut, bangsa yang gagal memahami sejarah akan terus mengulangi kesilapan sama berulang kali.
    Saya beranggapan model politik sekarang masih belum lapuk dan masih praktikal.
    Sekalung tahniah kepada Perdana Menteri hari ni dengan wawasan 1 Malaysianya. Pendekatan memberi penekanan penyelesaian kepada sesuatu kaum merupakan strategi urus tadbir negara, bukannya ‘racist’.
    Azahari Ismail

  70. “Like the thief who cries thief, the real racists use this label to deny the rights of others to counter their allegations.”
    I cannot agree more with Tun. Like what the Malaysian Constitution says, all citizens have equal rights, save for certain special privileges that will be reviewed 15 years after Merdeka.
    Special privileges have now become special rights. And these special rights have now become permanent and been interpreted as meaning Ketuanan Melayu, based on the so-called Social Contract made by the Alliance political party. It’s like saying, “Because grey contains black, therefore grey is black.” Repeat that a thousand times and it becomes true.
    Let the thief cries thief because Allah knows best and all Muslims will have to render an account of their actions to Him in the Hereafter. We may meet yet again in the Hereafter, LOL. I really hate racists. By the way, when I go out to the streets, I don’t see a Malay as a Malay… I see him as another human being and I like most of them. When I go to Kuala Lumpur and I lost my way, the first thing I do is to find a Malay or Indian to ask because I don’t know Cantonese.

  71. If Ketuanan Melayu is not racism, what is it?
    We can deny that racism is not racism but at the end of the day, truth is truth and everyone has to render an account of one’s actions to the Almighty in the Hereafter. I am not Muslim and if Islam is indeed the ONLY true religion and all other religions are false, we may yet meet again in the hereafter, LOL.

  72. Assallammualaikumwarahmatullahiwabarokatuh
    Semoga mendapat izin dan perkenan Tun
    Ravi aka Rarunasalam
    [I asked him wasn’t it considered inappropriate or ‘unlawful’ by Islam for visiting place of worship of another religion, and he said those who were backward in their thinking or didn’t understand what Islam stood for, are the cause for this incorrect assumption]
    Mr Ravi you are sorely mistaken and I am sorely dissapointed with you!!
    From Al Quran

  73. Salam Tun,
    Bila org cina kata mereka nak itu dan ini, kerajaan kata kita akan tunaikan…. bila org india minta itu dan ini, kerajaan kata akan ditunaikan…. tp bila org Melayu kata nak itu dan ini, kerajaan diam sebab takut dikata tidak adil… Kalau berkeras menuntut dilabel pula sebagai racist… Kalau cuba minta lg, dikata pula Melayu bangsa yg suka meminta-minta… Tp apa yg org Melayu ada sekarang ni?… Apa yg sepatutnya dapat pun tak dapat… Melayu pun jadi lah hamba kat negara sendiri…
    Melayu malas?… Bodoh?… Berapa ramai org Melayu yg kerja sbg jurutera, doktor, arkitek dan sebagainya…. Tp mereka ini hanya lah bekerja untuk bangsa lain… Org kata Melayu yg tak mahu berniaga, tp sebenarnya tak ada peluang… Malaysia mmg negara yg kaya dengan sumber ekonomi, tp malang, kebanyakannya di monopoli oleh pihak dan bangsa tertentu… Jd, sebelum kata Melayu itu dan ini… tgk2 lah dulu…

  74. Dear Tun,
    From the comments so far to the posting, most seemed to have missed the point you are try to argue. That we need to be open minded and stop labelling each other racist if we are to have a healthy democratic debate on issues about race and the policies the goverment had made to ensure Malaysia’s progress, prosperity, harmony and peace.
    Another word for it is the Affirmative Action. Its not about race but about Making Malaysia Better by creating an enviroment that progress can happen!!!
    If we common citizens are not open to this fair and well, BUT when people who aspire to be leaders to this Multi-racial Nation indulge in this thinking and labelling….you have to think 100 times whether you want them to be Malaysia’s leaders.
    We must be rid of them whether they are Malay, Chinese, Indian, Eurasian or others..no matter who they are in UMNO, DAP, PKR, MCA, MIC, PAS, etc…
    We need leaders who have clear vision of where they want to lead Malaysia to – into the future and the things they need to do to achieve the vision.
    So far its been smooth sailing. No doubt the policies need to be fine-tuned to current situation expectations and improved upon where it has failed.
    So, rock the boat at our own peril if you want; be fore warned, no one will save you if the boat starts sinking.
    Some of us can run to the small Island in the south (some already have one foot there as PRs) some can run to India, some to australia, etc…
    But MOST of us have nowhere to go. So, make sure that we make sure our one and only home is safe for us to be in at all times.
    Don’t label others as racist at the slightest opportunity BUT lets be clear about what we are discussing and debating about,i.e. what needs doing to ensure Malaysia continues to progress and prosper – in regards to ensuring racial sentiments are kept in check always.
    Its a balance to free open market against keeping the enviroment safe for the open market to thrive. Make it too open and racial stive (aka 13 May) can happen, too much affirmative action can curtail open market and our competitiveness
    Najib can be seen to be wrestling with this balance, which is made more difficult as it is a moving target. Worst some irresponsible leaders have been rocking the balance. Its not easy but it can be done.
    We need to work as a BIG NATIONAL Team. A good team can only happen when there are healthy open minded debates to clear up perceptions, intentions and goals and keep them in the open.
    Hidup 1Malaysia.

  75. /// 1. One of the most powerful political weapons is labelling. In one word a label can literally destroy the character of a person. After that anything he says or does would be tainted by the label he carries. He becomes no longer effective, politically. ///
    Tun, agree with you 101%.
    How about the label “sodomy” or “sodomist”?

  76. Asslamualaikum Tun.
    Saya nak tanya sikit pada Tun.
    Sebagai bekas orang penting dalam OIC.
    Saya ada menonton sebuah dokumentari di TV mengenai salah sebuah negara miskin di Afrika. Negara ini amat miskin, dan kegiatan ekonominya amat kurang sekali. Apa yang menarik perhatian saya, negara mereka ini tidak mempunyai bekalan air yang cukup sedangkan mereka mempunyai sungai-sungai yang besar dan mampu dibekalkan ke seluruh afrika kalau ianya mempunyai sistem air yang betul. Cuma saya nak tahu peranan OIC ini terhadap negara-negara miskin seperti ini.
    Tidakkah OIC mempunyai dana (dalam bentuk pinjaman tanpa kepentingan) dalam membantu negara-negara anggota yang miskin ini dalam membangunkan sistem perairan mereka. Selain itu dalam aspek pendidikan, pembangunan ekonomi, dan dll.
    Boleh tak Tun jelaskan sikit peranan OIC terhadap negara-negara miskin seperti ini?…

  77. My Dearest Tun Always,
    True to the fact sir and no doubt about it. Malaysian has been “pushed” in the isue until almost anything or everything is towards it.
    Even here on the comments seems to “twist” the true facts. Majority is “oppressed” by the minority in the “blame game” since no matter what is said is being refered to as either “racist” or “human rights abuse”.
    I think everyone has the right to express his/her feelings in his/her context and be heard and to be given a chance before “judging”.
    Majority cant play up the minority and vise versa and both need to VIEW the FACTS rather then sentiments.
    I am glad that you brough it up. We can tolerate each other in a better way in understanding and we can forward our views fair and just and we can view the BIG picture more clearly if we all understand the basic meanings of it.
    DASAI and buddies has “hurt” alot of Malaysian using these isues.

  78. Salam Tun,
    Well, saya tertarik dengan isu ini dan isu sebelum ini iaitu Hijacking the Social Contract. Pada fahaman saya, Social Contract dibuat lebih kepada untuk melindungi (protect) hak sedia ada kaum majoriti Melayu/Bumiputera di Tanah Melayu. Kaum lain yang menetap dan lahir di Tanah Melayu juga akan mendapat hak mereka.
    ecompute sangat takut dengan istilah Ketuanan Melayu (mungkin mendatangkan maksud Malay Superiority). Sebenarnya, tiada siapa yang superior di Malaysia. Dalam sistem demokrasi dan kapitalis, sesiapa yang rajin berusaha dan pandai selok belok ekonomi akan menjadi kaya dan mungkin menjadi superior.
    Bangsa Melayu/Bumiputera mungkin belum sebijak kaum Cina dan India dalam sistem kapitalis ini. Oleh itu, hak ekonomi kaum majoriti ini masih perlu dilindungi daripada kerakusan sistem kapitalis. Jika tidak, jurang kekayaan dan kemiskinan akan semakin besar sehingga akan menyebabkan ketidakstabilan negara.
    Sesiapa sahaja akan menjadi sangat tamak dalam sistem kapitalis, termasuk orang Melayu, Cina dan India yang pandai dalam ekonomi. Tetapi bagaimana dengan majoriti orang Melayu (juga Cina dan India) yang kurang pandai atau kecundang dalam sistem tersebut?
    Di Malaysia, saya lihat orang Melayu, Cina dan India tiada masalah dalam pergaulan dan urusan seharian. Orang Cina biasanya peramah jika orang Melayu datang membeli barang atau perkhidmatan mereka. Orang Melayu juga ramai yang bekerja dikedai dan kilang milik orang Cina tanpa masalah. Orang Cina juga dapat berurusan dengan orang Melayu di pejabat-pejabat kerajaan tanpa masalah. Siapa yang superior disini? Tiada sesiapa..
    Kerakusan sistem kapitalis amat perlu dibendung di Malaysia.
    Orang Melayu sebenarnya ramai yang berusaha untuk berniaga dan menjadi kaya, tetapi ramai yang lingkup atau tertipu oleh sistem dan pakar kapitalis. Oleh itu, apa yang kerajaan UMNO/BN lakukan ialah memperlahankan kerakusan sistem kapitalis sehingga semua kaum di Malaysia dapat bersaing dengan sihat dan sama tara. Berbeza dengan kerajaan DAP/PKR yang mahukan sistem kapitalis ini berkembang maju tanpa had – untuk meningkatkan ekonomi Malaysia dengan pantas kononnya (tidak mengira siapa yang akan ketinggalan nanti – pandai-pandai engkau la nak hidup).
    ecompute, untuk pengetahuan anda, sebelum ini Australia membenarkan orang luar membeli dan memiliki rumah di Australia. Maka ramai orang Cina (dari China dan Hong Kong) membeli rumah di Australia sehingga harga rumah melambung naik dan menyebabkan ramai Australian citizen tak dapat beli rumah kerana mereka tak mampu. Baru-baru ini Kevin Rudd bercadang untuk menarik balik kebenaran membeli rumah tersebut. Adakah Kevin Rudd racist kerana ingin melindungi kepentingan rakyatnya yang menjadi semakin tidak mampu?
    Oklah, saya stop dulu disini.
    Semoga sihat selalu Tun.

  79. Ayahanda Tun,
    The most racist people in Malaysia are non other than UMNOputras themselves. In order to make sure they obtain the political power in leading Malaysia, they would do anything to surpress other races in Malaysia so that they are the champions for their bangsa and religion, and they still think that they are in Tanah Melayu.
    Today, ordinary Chinese prefer not to have anything to do with UMNOputras only, and we do not trust UMNOputras anymore. Looking at this so-called UMNOputras in labelling Anwar Ibrahim as the Pengkhianat Negara is really uncivilised. Even the Chief Editor of Utusan Malaysia could wrote a special article indirectly labelling Anwar as the Malay traitor. Majority of the Chinese have decided not to cast votes to BN because of UMNOputras eventhough we know that PR is not as good as BN.
    Good night, Ayahanda Tun. Why majority Chinese do not support UMNO nowadays eventhough many of us like PM Najib? Chinese are much less politically motivated than other races because Chinese were treated like ‘anak yatim’ in Malaysia for more than 52 years now due to power strugglings. I think many2 Malays have the same thinking like the Chinese, and anak2 kesayangan Malaysia Government is UMNOputras, not Malays or Malaysians.

  80. Dearest Tun,
    I totally agree with Tun.
    Please allow be to respond to ekompute to show what Tun meant in the article:
    By ekompute on April 26, 2010 5:18 PM
    You said to a blogger:

  81. Tun M.
    last Friday, I had 3 of my business acquaintances over for dinner. One a Muslim, One a Christian, and the last one, a foreign contact – another Christian.
    Mid-way thru dinner, I can’t remember who brought it up, but it was mentioned, how ‘cool’ it was that there was representation from different believes around the table. What made it cooler was, my Muslim colleague then went on to say how much he knows about Hinduism , and actually recited verses from the vedas. I was gobsmacked at his interest in understanding/finding information about a religion he doesn’t subscribe to.
    He said he took the interest in knowing this in his trips to India and his fascination for Indian history. He also mentioned that he had visited numerous temples in his visits and it further inspired him to understand the religion more.
    I asked him wasn’t it considered inappropriate or ‘unlawful’ by Islam for visiting place of worship of another religion, and he said those who were backward in their thinking or didn’t understand what Islam stood for, are the cause for this incorrect assumption.
    My Christian colleague at that time chipped in and mentioned that Religion is the vehicle between the individual and God and it works like language i.e. you can use different script and sentences to structure your message to God, but at the end of day, there are many routes to achieve this.
    The dinner that night was a success in so many ways because we discussed openly a number of issues causing the various ethnic communities to not take the effort in understanding and appreciating the rich identity that we have because of our multi-cultural society.
    We discussed how a great ruler in India, Akbar showed the progressiveness in thinking that is lacking in today’s leaders, by ensuring that Muslims and Hindus during his reign could go about living their respective belief without hindarance nor favouritism.
    We also discussed how Fmr. PM Tun Abdullah had tried instilling the concept of Islam Hadhari which few people in the country took the effort to understand it’s significance and the opportunity it had to bridge a lot of the fallouts caused by extremists and irresponsible leaders and ex-leaders.
    At the end of dinner, we agreed that whatever is happening around us, it is in each and every person’s interest to learn and acquire knowledge about believes other than our own. It does not mean we need to lose our believes or identity – it goes to provide the strength to our existing foundation and making us more grounded people, respecting others for their rights to their belief.
    Tun, let me ask you given you used to “preach” a lot of collegiality and harmony (muhibbah)during your tenure as PM:
    – do you believe one race or religion has more right than the other? If you do, then why do you think so. Kindly elaborate.
    – If you don’t, do you believe all was created equal and there is no one right or wrong?
    Don’t sit on the fence on this one Tun M…it’s either one or the other…unless of course the very reason you raise such topics is to…

  82. Racist….Perkauman…..
    Perkataan yang paling dikeji oleh ramai dan ditakuti oleh orang yang tiada pendirian. Semua yg berada di Malaysia ni bersifat perkauman, KECUALI yg mempunyai agenda untuk kepentingan diri SENDIRI aje. Dan mereka yg mempunyai agenda sendiri inilah yang masih lagi cuba memainkan sentimen perkauman.
    Salahkah seorang Melayu mempertahankan kepentingan bangsanya sendiri? Adakah bangsa Cina dan India BENAR-BENAR memahami kandungan perlembagaan yang telah dibuat semasa merdeka?
    Sekarang ni, MELAYU aje yang suka menyalak DAN “menikam” bangsa sendiri. Dan Melayu masih lagi antara kaum termiskin yang ramai. Melayu masih lagi suka berangan. Kaum lain dah LAMA sedar. Melayu masih lagi bersikap “TAK PA…”. Melayu….mudah lupa.
    Bagi saya, yang berbangsa Melayu, sebelum saya marahkan bangsa lain, baik saya keji dan HINA bangsa sendiri dulu, agar bangsa saya boleh sedar, kalau asyik MENGAGUNGKAN perlembagaan aje, memang kita MATI!!!

  83. Assalamualaikum Tun,
    Pada hemat saya, bila mereka menggunakan label rasis, mereka sebenarnya membina smoke screen. Bila kita ‘khayal’ dengan label ini, maka mereka pun memulakan agenda mereka… untuk merampas kerajaan BN-UMNO.
    Tapi, saya nampak ada satu lagi agenda. Menjadi seorang warga Malaysia. Dulu saya pernah tertanya : apakah sebenarnya mereka ini mahu, bila mereka sanggup beri harta, tenaga dan nyawa untuk berjuang bersama kita? Apakah sekadar dapat jaminan menjadi warganegara?; mengekalkan hak ekonomi?; dapat berlumba menjadi wakil rakyat?; memiliki tanah?; kekalkan budaya, bahasa dan agama/kepercayaan?; dan sebagainya?
    Kini setelah mendapat taraf warganegara Malaysia keturunan Cina, India dan sebagainya, apakah yang mereka telah lakukan? Peti undi kawasan Cina di Hulu Selangor, menunjukkan BN kalah. Kerjaan BN di tolak, sedangkan BN menghulurkan bermacam-macam bantuan kepada mereka. Maka segala fahaman bahawa hanya golongan tertentu saja yang kiasu, rupa-rupanya meleset. Mereka semua adalah kiasu!
    Apa yang mereka sedang lakukan sebenarnya ialah membina koloni mereka di Malaysia. Ini macam cerita ‘Legion’ Hollywood. Mereka sanggup ‘menyerupai’ penduduk setempat untuk berkuasa!
    Orang Melayu perlu berwaspada terhadap ‘Legion’ ini!

  84. Salam hormat Tun Mahathir Mohamad
    Pertama ucapan selamat kemenangan BN di Hulu Selangor.bangsa ini mulai menyedari parti pembakang hanya akan menghancurkan negara,agama dan bangsa.Saya sangat tidak percaya tokoh bekas menteri Zaid bisa kalah dengan calon bukan melayu pada hal sebahagian besar pendudoknya orang2 melayu.Pada Zaid dan teman2 kembalilah ke pangkal jalan kamu semua hanya di gunakan oleh DAP untuk agenda yang hanya menghancurkan bangsa dan negara.Mr Zaid jangan beri alasan untuk menyenangkan diri mu (sour grapes).Kamu dengan teman2 kamu susah sesat apa kamu tidak melihat sebahagian besar orang melayu masih miskin di kampong2 dan kenapa memperjuang bangsa yang sudah kaya.Apa kamu buta kaum kamu sendiri masih jauh kebelakang di bandingkan bangsa pendatang.Allah lebih mengetahwi kamu Zaid bimbingan agama kamu kurang sehinnga pernah jadi perminum arak dan pembabok.Insaf lah jangan beri harapan kepada parti DAP.Untuk penulis2 di Malaysiakini lagi banyak anda menhina pemimping melayu dan sekutunya lebih cepat dan banyak bangsa melayu bersatu dan undurkan diri dari PKR..Ini telah terbukti kemenangan BN di Hulu Selangor.Seyogia di ingat orang melayu di caci oleh penulis Malaysiakini ada juga di panggil (brainless)orang2 melayu bukan bodoh lagi.Tunggu aja pilahan raya yang akan datang.Bangun lah bangsa ini demi negara,agama dan bangsa

  85. Dear Tun,
    No hard feelings. I have a friend who is an ex-Zimbabwean living in Australia now. He said that your approach and mentality is more towards Robert Mugabe ( president of Zimbabwe ). He was certainly not racist, just revealing the truth.

  86. “….racist organizations in Malaysia are DAP….In Pulau Pinang, the Malays are being victimized to the extent that they are unable to participate in many economic activities. You can hardly hear any complaints from the Chinese. DAP is an evil racist state government.”helmykl
    What a load of racist crap!
    DAP, like PKR, is one of the few political parties where membership is open to all M’sians. However, UMNO, MCA and MIC only go by race!!! Helmy, why don’t you try signing up for MCA or MIC membership?
    In PP, 67% of recent open tenders were won by Bumi contractors. So, which Malay is being victimized? If you don’t like transparency and accountability, but prefer the Ali Baba and the ‘ulor and belakang kira” system, then you can continue voting for UMNO/BN. Don’t puke here with your Utusan shaped silly opinions!
    And after 40 years of NEP, 22 of which were under Tun, pleas ask him why many Bumis are still unable to compete on an equal footing, but Tun has two multimillionaire sons and it’s the Umnoputeras and croneys who have grown rich? So, when that PKR MP could not force LGE to “give” his $2 company a $40 million cntrcat, he labelled him “dictator and communist”!!
    And Hafiz, don’t insult Dr.M. His ancestors, Indian Muslims, came from Kerala in India. Are you suggesting his father and grandfather came here to work in the plantations, tin mines or as labourers? Don’t make sweeping statements. All our PM’s have foreign ancestry – Thailand, Turkey, India, China, Celebes – and so too many prominent UMNO/BN politicians.
    So, if you play the race game, you will open up a real can of worms you won’t like!!
    we are all of 1 rcae, the Human Race

  87. Hi zaini, I refer to your link at http://tinyurl.com/28cl5b5
    I do not know what the guy is talking about when he said: “i’m not saying those people have the right to judge you i’m just saying you’re an idiot.” Isn’t that judging too?
    I think it is natural for all of us to judge, but let our judgment be based on reasoning and not by emotions. I think that article you cited is crap. Yes, I am judging. Is that article just the cover or the whole book?

  88. Noorfaiza says: “I will not stop to talk about my race simply because that’s who I am. Is that racist?”
    No, no, Noorfaiza, talking about one’s race doesn’t make one a racist. Neither does it have anything to do with who you are.
    The dictionary defines “racist” as:

  89. Salam Tun,
    There was a time when labelling was used very effectively by UMNO/BN to “destroy” the opposition. Does that mean that UMNO/BN makes use of what the Jews have been practising all along as you indicated Sir.
    However lately, UMNO/BN has effectively created, on its own labels for specific individuals such as that of the current PM, the MCA leader etc.. In order to overcome these labels, UMNO/BN can only afford to deny or just ignore the facts (which apparently only UMNO/BN people can assimilate). In the end, UMNO/BN cannot help but cheat just to hold on to power and keep the lie going. This in turn will eventually rot the whole country from within. By the time the rakyat who up till now haven’t realised, realises what has been going on for the last 3 decades, it would be too late.

  90. “The Jews won a great social and political battle when they were able to label anti-Semitism as defamatory.”
    Regardless of what the Jews may think, there is no such thing as automatic defamation in the USA or Europe or anywhere else that I know of. Anyone claoming defamation will still have to prove it in a court of law!!
    Have you forgotten who amended the Sedition Law and introduced the Printing Presses and Publication Act in 1984 with the clear intention of muzzling our MSM?
    So, I wonder what you really mean and what is the thrust of this post by you?
    “In Malaysia today the label that has effectively prevented the truth from being heard is “racism” and “racist”….Fear of these labels has prevented the truth from countering the lies that have been spun and spread.”
    Where and how so? Ibrahim Ali and Perkosong speak their mind as did Nasir Safir, Najib’s aide and Ahmad Ismail of Penang UMNO. Utusan and BH taunt the non-Malays with seeming impunity and their reporters are rewarded with Press trophies.
    As to anyone speaking the “absolute truth” isn’t that really yet again most often than not, a matter of perspective and personal bias? Hitler claimed it was the absolute truth the Jews had to be exterminated!!
    I think you should just state your views and the public and the Govt will, in the interest of peaceful race relations, decide if you have defamed anyone or what you say has a modicum of truth or is just plain unvarnished racism!!
    we are all of 1 race, the Human Race

  91. Dear Tun,
    Malays from the Malay Archipelago;
    Chinese from China; (brought in to mine tin)
    Indian from India; (brough in to work in rubber estate by the British)
    So?? Why they making fuss whether they were born in Malaysia or not..the facts remains… doesn’t matter la Malaysian Chinese ka…Chinese Malaysian ka..Indian Malaysian ka..Malaysian Indian ka…

  92. Salam Buat Tun dan rakan forum,
    Banyak masa kita telah dihabiskan untuk melayan orang-orang yang tak mengenal erti diuntung.. yang melayu senggup downgrade kedudukan azalinya sendiri keranan dendam amarah.. yang cina pula terbawa-bawa dengan angan-angan lee kuan yew dan obama.. india pula sana sini tipu dia… semua ni menyusahkan kerajaan dan membuang masa ramai orang.. yang untung ialah parasit… ketika BN kuat pun parasit ni bermaharaja lela.. jumlahnya ramai dan semua nak kaya macam sultan brunei.. mana kerajaan mampu nak menanggung mereka.. Parasit ini tetap hidup dalam apa jua keadaan… harap DS Najib cari jalan macam mana nak tamatkan riwayat parasit parasit dalam parlimen tu..

  93. Salam Tun,
    I want to second the comment posted by “noorfaiza” that BN’s victory in Hulu Selangor was due to your sincere and vital contribution specially sharing the stage with DSN on the eve of the by-election. May Allah bless you and gives you more strength to serve this country, Amin.
    Yahya Khan
    By noorfaiza on April 26, 2010 1:38 PM
    Salam Tun,
    I just want to say thank you for your share of contribution for Hulu Selangor by election. BN won and you are one of the reasons for that.
    I will not stop to talk about my race simply because that’s who I am. Is that racist?

  94. Another tool that is often deployed by politicians is by labelling others “pengkhianat bangsa”/ “penghasut”/”anti government” and “orang PKR”.
    Just as i was highlighting to the students that there are other areas which are far more important to be looked at rather than leaving behind their classes and jump on the bandwagon in blindly protesting over an issue that they have insufficient knowldge of, i was branded as a “pengkhianat bangsa”.
    Just as i was continually grilling the students that they should be more prepared to face the challenges in the real world, to never expect anything to be given to them for free just because they are bumiputras, and to increase their competence in all areas, i was labelled as a “pensyarah penghasut”.
    Just as i was questioning the rationale in pandering to the politicians such as granting their children unheard of privileges in comparison to other normal, ordinary students ( especially so when your adopted daughter was a student in UiTM , she did not receive any special treatment), i was labelled as an “orang PKR”.
    Just as i was embarking on a Phd study regarding the constitutional identity of Malaysia such as the features of Islam, Malay Rulers and Malay, i was labelled as “anti-government”.
    I tried repeatedly to meet the higher ups who took such a perverse delight in labelling me with all these names, but they just refused to meet me. They seemed to think that it was enough for them to label me, and that there was no necessity for them to give any justifications. As a result of all these continuous branding and labelling, i was banished off to Sabah by the ex VC who again repeatedly denounced me as a “pensyarah penghasut” and “Pengkhianat bangsa”. Strangely, when you Sir, gave a speech in UiTM Dungun in Oct 2009 in that Seminar Ketuanan Melayu, during which you had exhorted the bumiputra students of UiTM to compete directly with the non-bumiputras in institutions of higher learning which do not bar the admission of these non-bumiputras, unlike UiTM, there was no strident/anguish denunciations of “pengkhianat bangsa” thrown at you. The so called “pejuang bangsa” from UiTM who had been sitting next to you during the entire Seminar did not even blink. Neither did he try to grab the microphone to launch a self-serving speech on how UiTM is only for bumiputras, and that the chinese in Malaysia have been making unresonable demands, and that we should all go to india to see the Indians urinating on the streets, stuff which he had taken a real delight in sharing with us during the Seminar UiTM Benteng Pertahanan Akhir Bumiputra in 2008. After his contract was not reextended, one did hope for calm and intellectual thinking in UiTM, but attacks have been made against the new VC, branding him as “orang Anwar” and “pnegkhianat bangsa” as in these websites: http://theunspinners.blogspot.com/2010/01/mystery-kenapa-penyokong-anwar-dilantik.html , http://theunspinners.blogspot.com/2010/04/apa-agenda-orang-anwar-di-uitm.html , http://kitaanakmelayu.blogspot.com/2010/04/penganiayaan-berleluasa-di-uitm.html.
    There are 2 fundamental purposes for these people who take such a delight in labelling others: to hide their own deficiencies and to further their own selfish political ambitions. I do not wish to remind you Sir, regarding the time when Ghazali Shafiee was going around the country labeling people as comunists. It has been written that he was trying to protect his way to become the next prime minister, and it has also been written that you were also one of his targets.
    In such a climate, it would be lovely to have people who could think rationally, who are not afraid to stand up for the truth, who have no use for politicians masquearding as academicians. It would also be great to have people who do not subscribe to the culture of “mindless sycophancy” and “shameless toadying”.

  95. Salam Tun,
    I just want to say thank you for your share of contribution for Hulu Selangor by election. BN won and you are one of the reasons for that.
    I will not stop to talk about my race simply because that’s who I am. Is that racist?

  96. Salam Tun & to all respectable CheDet’s fellow bloggers,
    Pada saya semua ini tidak menghairankan. Isunya mudah saja bagi siapa yang hendak mencari atau mengetahui kebenaran. Apa yang telah terjadi, sedang menjadi dan akan menjadi telah pun diterangkan olih Allah dalam Quran. Isunya sama ada sesaorang itu mahu tahu atau tidak. Quran itu Allah turunkan kepada manusia melalui Rasulnya, Nabi Muhamad SAW semata2 untuk menjadi panduan untuk kita semua hidup selamat di dunia dan akhirat.
    Syurga Allah itu adalah matlamat bagi semua manusia ( bagi yang mengetahui/beriman), maka Quran itu adalah buku teksnya untuk menimba ilmunya dan dapat menjalani ujian ( pepereksaan ) di dunia untuk lulus masuk syurga. Tapi Allah itu Maha penyayang, tak zalim atau menyusahkan kita sebab semua soalan ujian itu ada dalam Quran, bak kata semua soalan dah bocor. Pasti bolih lulus.
    Yang menjadi susah ialah angkara syaitan/iblis yang telah menggunakan salah satu cara – yakni melalui kaum Yahudi – untuk menyesatkan cucu cicit Adam bagi menemani mereka ke neraka sebagaimana yang telah ditetapkan olih Allah.
    Untuk maklumat umum, banyak lagi cara2 hingga manusia tidak mudah untuk mengatasi/melawannya melainkan orang2 yang beriman yang akan mendapat pertolongan Allah yang Maha Berkuasa. Ini janji Allah.
    Saya suka merujuk kepada komen2 RimbaEmas dalam blog Tun ini. Komen RimbaEmas di atas memang tepat sekali, bak kata, kalau sudah terang diterangkan lagi.
    ( harap RimbaEmas dapat hubungi saya di [email protected] untuk membolihkan kita bertukar2 fikiran yang bolih dimenafa’atkan, insya’allah)
    Semuga Allah memberi perlindungan, keselamatan, kesihatan kepada kita semua, Ameeeen.

  97. YA Bhg Tun,
    Hope the present government will be strong and firm on this issue. Do not be like the previous government, weak and flip flopping in governing this country.
    Hope they are wary of the jews, racist and also the opportunist within the government set-up earlier and left by the previous government. A thorough housekeeping and house cleaning need to be done.

  98. A label is just a word to describe something. Can we do without words? Well, Chin Peng was labeled a communist. Are you saying that UMNO was wrong too in calling him a communist? To me, I think UMNO was right to label him thus.
    Personally, I think the question is not whether we are using labels, but whether the label is correctly used.

  99. Tun,
    Wish you are healthy and happy. I think the subject of race and race rights should stop as you have to realise that the more you talk about this subject the more facts, percentage, figures and truth will be expose by the public to make you look unfair, ultra, racist, foolish and etc..
    You have help to create a beautiful and wonderful Malaysia and please try to keep your legend and legacy. I am one of your support for national growth policies even after all you

  100. .The Zionists have used the racist ploy to gag all comment upon their doings in Palestine .The Zionists have behaved much like the Europeans who actively discriminated against Jews and in fact went much further than that, it is sad that a people who were subject to this uncivilized behavior resort to similar actions .In Europe to challenge Holocaust is a crime as the recent punishment in Austria testify , similar laws are present in other European countries .In the US any anti Jewish remark results in a de facto bar on the speaker or writer . The Jews depend upon their control of American legislature to gag all distending or differing voices .God fearing, Christian Middle America is never able to hear the true facts of Zionist behavior in Palestine

  101. Salam Tun,
    The two racist organizations in Malaysia are DAP and Hindraf. The government is correct to ban Hindraf in order to prevent May 13 from recurring. In Pulau Pinang, the Malays are being victimized to the extent that they are unable to participate in many economic activities. You can hardly hear any complaints from the Chinese. DAP is an evil racist state government.

  102. Terima kasih Tun atas segala sumbangan….terutama sumbangan berkempen di Hulu Selangor.

  103. Salam Tun,
    In malaysia, like it or not, one should belongs to Chinese, Indian, Malay, Kadazan, Iban etc.
    I never think being proud of its own race is a crime. Loving his own race is not a crime. One who hates other race or labeling other race as racist is the real criminal.

  104. Merujuk kpd artikel YABhg Tun di atas, dunia telah pun ditipu oleh pihak yahudi yang mengatakan mereka adalah Semitik. Saya faham Tun sendiri dilabel anti-semitik. Tetapi puak yahudi tidak berjaya memadamkan sejarah. Sejarah membuktikan yang keturunan Semitik adalah dari Sam atau Sem bin Noh melalui 2 orang anaknya, iaitu Ismail yang sulung dan Ishak. Keturunan Ishak menggelar diri mereka Bani Israil, manakala keturunan Ismail (Ishmaelites) dikenali sebagai Arab pada hari ini. Kedua-dua keturunan adalah semitik.
    Pemindahan kaum yahudi ke tanah Palestin pada 1948 melurus kepada pembentukan Israel, tetapi mereka cuba menutup mata dunia kepada bukti yang menyatakan hanya 21% dari mereka ialah keturunan Israil manakala yahudi yg selebihnya (majoriti) adalah berasal dari keturunan Scythians (Caucasians) yang berasal dari Rusia dan negara sekelilingnya, mereka bukan Semitik, mereka berasal dari keturunan Scythia dan memeluk agama yahudi. Kalau kita lihat sejarah Israel, kita akan dapati kesemua perdana menteri mereka mempunyai salasilah dari Rusian atau negara seklilingnya.
    Kalau dunia tidak dikaburi fitnah yahudi, kaum yahudi bukan semitik itulah yang sebenarnya anti-semitik.
    Memohon maaf sekiranya tulisan saya lari dari topik asal YAbhg Tun. Wassalam

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